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Shi gee Tae 
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Library of the 

Museum of 

Comparative Zoology 

The Systematics of Neotropical 
Orb-weaving Spiders in the 
Genus Metepeira (Araneae: Araneidae 

8 JUNE 2001 

(US ISSN 0027-4100) 


Breviora 1952— 


Memoirs 1865-1938 

Jounsonia, Department of Mollusks, 1941-1974 

1. Whittington, H. B., and W. D. I. Rolfe (eds.), 1963 Phylogeny and 
Evolution of Crustacea. 192 pp. 

2. Turner, R. D., 1966. A Survey and illustrated Catalogue of the Tere- 
dinidea (Mollusca: Bivalvia). 265 pp. 

3. Sprinkle, J., 1973. Morphology and Evolution of Blastozoan Echino- 
derms. 284 pp. 

4. Eaton, R. J., 1974. A Flora of Concord from Thoreau’s Time to the 
Present Day. 236 pp. 

5. Rhodin, A. G. J., and K. Miyata (eds.), 1983. Advances in Herpetology 
and Evolutionary Biology: Essays in Honor of Ernest E. Williams. 
725 pp. 

6. Angelo, R., 1990. Concord Area Trees and Shrubs. 118 pp. 

Other Publications. 
Bigelow, H. B., and W. C. Schroeder, 1953. Fishes of the Gulf of Maine. 
Reprinted 1964. 

Brues, C.T., A. L. Melander, and F. M. Carpenter, 1954. Classification of 
Insects. (Bulletin of the M. C. Z., Vol. 108.) Reprinted 1971. 

Creighton, W. S., 1950. The Ants of North America. Reprinted 1966. 

Lyman, C. P., and A. R. Dawe (eds.), 1960. Proceedings of the First In- 
ternational Symposium on Natural Mammalian Hibernation. (Bulletin 
of the M. C. Z., Vol. 124.) 

Orinthological Gazetteers of the Neotropics (1975-). 
Peter’s Check-list of Birds of the World, vols. 1-16. 

Proceedings of the New England Zoological Club 1899-1947. (Complete 
sets only.) 

Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History. 
Price list and catalog of MCZ publications may be obtained from Publica- 

tions Office, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge, 
Massachusetts 02138, U.S.A. 

This publication has been printed on acid-free permanent paper stock. 

© The President and Fellows of Harvard College 2001. 



FANS trac tees See LEER reed PA ae LY, 1 
Imtrocductionie 2... 2e5 ao ae ek ee 2, 
Acknowledgments) #2 esses en ei ee neat ae 2} 
Materials and Methods __..- 3 
Collections Examined __ 3 
Locality Data Storage and Manipulation ___ 4 
Examination and Illustration 4 
Metepeira F. O. P.-Cambridge ~............--.-.-.-- 5 
Key stoplemale Metepeind, yo sss. se seen ee 12 
Key ston MialesMetenet ia te saws. se ee 2 lef 
IMICLenetnauoxts Group les saree mele. ewes Is) 
1. Metepeira datona Chamberlin and Ivie 20 
2. Metepeira desenderi Baert ___........ ail 
3. Metepeira grandiosa grandiosa 
Chamberlin and Ivie 23 
4. Metepeira grandiosa alpina 
Chamberlin and Ivie _ 24 
Metenevrawicilasc: Group ese elo cian 26 
5. Metepeira cajabamba New Species _.. 26 
6. Metepeira glomerabilis (Keyserling) .. 28 
7. Metepeira vigilax (Keyserling) —_... 30 
8. Metepeira rectangula (Nicolet) 32 
Metepeira labyrinthea Group ........-.-------------------- 33 
9. Metepeira spinipes F. O. P.-Cambridge . 34 
10. Metepeira lacandon New Species Oil 
Metepeira nigriventris Group —.........--.--------------- 38 
11. Metepeira nigriventris (Taczanowski) 38 
12. Metepeira tarapaca New Species _..... 40 
13. Metepeira calamuchita New Species. 42 
14. Metepeira galatheae (Thorell) 43 
15. Metepeira karkii (Tullgren) 46 
iMeteneinascompsa Croup =: at en eee 47 
16. Metepeira compsa (Chamberlin) —__ 48 
17. Metepeira roraima New Species —-...... D3 
18. Metepeira gressa (Keyserling) — 54 
Metepeira incrassata Group —.2--- 56 
19. Metepeira maya New Species __.......... 56 
20. Metepeira inca New Species -............... 58 

‘Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard Uni- 
versity, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138. Current 
address: Institute of Evolutionary and Ecological Sci- 
ences, Leiden University, 2311 GP Leiden, The 

21. Metepeira gosoga Chamberlin and Ivie 

Atcha Cadre Some iligteeetye tale SON ceed Siete teeta Te 59 
22. Metepeira olmec New SESS 60. 
23. Metepeira comanche Levi ____------- 62 
24. Metepeira pimungan New Species ..... 62 
25. Metepeira triangularis (Franganillo) _ 63 
26. Metepeira arizonica Chamberlin and 
[vie tir ee aie Peasy sehen as 6 Ahead Bry) 66 
27. Metepeira atascadero New Species ~.. 67 
28. Metepeira incrassata F. O. P.- 
Cambridge yrs ene. pales ee ee 68 
Metepeira ventura Group 20.0222 71 
29. Metepeira ventura Chamberlin and 
vi See Renee el ET ae eee re: ee Bk 71 
30. Metepeira revillagigedo New Species 73 
31. Metepeira celestun New Species __... 74 
32. Metepeira uncata F. O. P.-Cambridge _. 76 
33. Metepeira crassipes Chamberlin and 
[hvalevnael Scie oe RM Den OLB ayiee elem ccd RELY a 
34. Metepeira chilapae Chamberlin and 
vac jos epee ae Wee ae ee eee ee 78 
Metepeira minima Group ~....--..--.------------------------- 80 
35. Metepeira petatlan New Species —...... 80 
36. Metepeira minima Gertsch _............-.- 82, 
37. Metepeira pacifica New Species 84 
38. Metepeira jamaicensis Archer 86 
[Eaten abinen (Cue) 88 
Ds Gl x es ee sae RE ree | Eu 91 
ABSTRACT. Of the 39 species and three subspecies 

of the orb-weaver genus Metepeira in the Americas, 
36 species and two subspecies are known to occur 
outside of the U.S. and Canada. Yet, despite their 
conspicuous webs, diurnal foraging, and _ relatively 
common presence, the taxonomy of Metepeira is 
poorly understood, probably because the genitalia are 
small and difficult to distinguish. In fact, many names 
for species south of the U.S. were, at some time, in- 
correctly synonymized with the name Metepeira la- 
byrinthea. In this paper, 14 new species are named 
(Metepeira atascadero, M. cajabamba, M. calamuchi- 
ta, M. celestun, M. inca, M. lacandon, M. maya, M. 
olmec, M. pacifica, M. petatlan, M. pimungan, M. re- 
villagigedo, M. roraima, M. tarapaca); 11 new junior 

Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 157(1): 1-92, June, 2001 il 

2 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 1 

synonyms are reported (M. acostai, M. bani, M. dom- 
inicana, M. grinnelli, M. latigyna, M. perezi, M. san- 
ta, M. salei, M. seditiosa, M. vaurieorum, M. virgi- 
nensis); five cases of erroneously synonymized names 
are reversed; 22 species and two subspecies are re- 
described (M. arizonica, M. triangularis, M. chilapae, 
M. comanche, M. compsa, M. crassipes, M. datona, 
M. desenderi, M. galatheae, M. glomerabilis, M. go- 
soga, M. grandiosa alpina, M. grandiosa grandiosa, 
M. gressa, M. incrassata, M. jamaicensis, M. karkii, 
M. minima, M. nigriventris, M. rectangula, M. spi- 
nipes, M. uncata, M. ventura, M. vigilax); and a key 
to all Metepeira species is presented. In addition, sev- 
eral ecological and life history observations are re- 
ported for various species. 


The absence of a comprehensive revi- 
sion of Neotropical Metepeira has left the 
taxonomy of this group in shambles. Over 
the years, a fair number of species have 
been named, particularly by A. F. Archer, 
R. V. Chamberlin, and W. Ivie. However, 
these efforts have been sporadic and, for 
the most part, scant. For example, the de- 
scription of Metepeira dominicana (Ar- 
cher, 1965) provides little information oth- 
er than “form typical of Metepeira in all 
respects,” a few measurements, and two 
unrecognizable figures. Even when species 
are properly described they have far less 
taxonomic value when published alone, in 
the absence of a full comparative revision. 

The poor understanding of Metepeira 
taxonomy has persisted despite great eco- 
logical and behavioral interest in this ge- 
nus. Indeed, many species are obligate or 
facultative social species and offer excel- 
lent models for investigating genetic and 
environmental factors that influence colo- 
ny formation (e.g., Uetz and Cangialosi, 
1986; Uetz et al., 1987). The monumental 
work carried out over many years by G. W. 
Uetz has made great strides in our under- 
standing of gregarious social behavior in 
spiders and in risk-sensitive foraging the- 
ory in general (e.g., Uetz, 1996). Still, in 
the absence of solid taxonomic literature, 
behavioral ecologists have been forced to 
apply informal names to their study ani- 
mals (e.g., Metepeira “atascadero” in Uetz 
[1989] or Metepeira “Species A” in Viera 

[1989]), but this practice can lead to trou- 
ble. In one case, the behavior of several 
different species was initially studied un- 
der the false assumption that they all be- 
longed to the same species (e.g., Uetz et 
al., 1982). Clearly, a strong taxonomic 
foundation is important for further biolog- 
ical work. 

Ultimately, the relatively small, indis- 
tinct genitalia and the relatively homoge- 
neous abdominal patterns are to blame for 
the weakness in our knowledge of Mete- 
peira taxonomy. Many of these species are 
undoubtedly hard to distinguish, and this 
fact has surely intimidated arachnologists 
from taking on the painful task of revising 
the group. In the absence of good distin- 
guishing characteristics, the catalogs of 
Bonnet (1957) and Roewer (1942) synon- 
ymized the names of many Neotropical 
species with the name Metepeira labyrin- 
thea. Levis (1977) revision of Nearctic 
species observes that M. labyrinthea is ac- 
tually limited to the eastern United States. 
One task in this revision consists of reas- 
serting the names of species that were im- 
properly synonymized and clarifying the 
diagnostic characters that are needed to 
identify them. 


This paper is part of my Ph.D. thesis for 
the Department of Organismic and Evo- 
lutionary Biology, Harvard University. Iam 
indebted to many people for their help, 
assistance, and encouragement in this pro- 
ject. I am especially thankful for the ded- 
ication and support of my advisors, Her- 
bert W. Levi and Edward O. Wilson. I am 
grateful that my colleagues in the Depart- 
ment of Invertebrate Zoology provided 
such a pleasant place to work: Edward 
Cutler, Ardis Johnston, Laura Leibensper- 
ger, Damhnait McHugh, Diana Sherry, 
Van Wallach, and Dee Woessner, among 

Field collecting and new specimen ac- 
quisitions were made possible with the 
help of Gita Bodner, Fundacion Capacitar, 
Tim Coonan (CINP), Fred Coyle, Dawn 

Fitzpatrick, Germania Jacome, Ant6nia 
Monteiro, Tila Perez, George Putnam, 
Linda Rayor, Grace Smith (NAWF), and 
George Uetz. I am particularly indebted to 
George Uetz for his assistance and corre- 

I am thankful for the comments by 
those who read this paper—especially to 
the members on my thesis committee: H. 
W. Levi, N. E. Pierce, and E. O. Wilson. 
I am also indebted to Kathy Horton for 
her help in formatting and preparing the 
manuscript and to the Colles Fund for de- 
fraying the costs of publication. Curators 
at various institutions who lent me speci- 
mens are listed in the Materials and Meth- 
ods section. I cannot overstress the value 
of museum collections and expert curators, 
without which research in taxonomy would 
not be possible. Museum collections are 
the most important tools available for un- 

derstanding biodiversity. 

Collections Examined. The taxonomic 
revision was carried out on specimens bor- 
rowed from the following collections. The 
abbreviations correspond to those listed 
with each record after every species de- 
scription. I am grateful to the museums, 
curators, and staff that graciously loaned 
the material. 

ADC A. Dean, Texas A&M University, 
College Station, Texas, United 

American Museum of Natural 
History, New York, United 
States; N. Platnick, L. Sorkin 
Natural History Museum, Lon- 
don, England; P. Hillyard 
California Academy of Sciences, 
San Francisco, California, Unit- 
ed States; C. Griswold 

Carlos Valderrama A.; Bogota, 

Florida State Collection of Ar- 
thropods, Gainesville, Florida, 
United States; G. B. Edwards 
Institut Royal des Sciences Na- 






















turelles de Belgique, Brussels, 
Belgium; L. Baert 

J. A. Kochalka, Ciudad Univer- 
sitaria, Paraguay 

J. Carico, Lynchburg, Virginia, 
United States 

J. Maes, Le6n, Nicaragua 
Museo Argentino de Ciencias 
Naturales, Buenos Aires, Argen- 
tina; E. A. Maury, C. L. Scioscia 
Museu de Ciéncias Naturais, 
Fundagao Zoobotanica do Rio 
Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, 
Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil; E. H. 
Buckup, M. A. L. Marques 
Museum of Comparative Zool- 
ogy, Harvard University, Cam- 
bridge, Massachusetts, United 
States: H. W. Levi 

Museo Ecuatoriano de Ciencias 
Naturales, Quito, Ecuador; Ger- 
mania Eistévez Jacome 

M. E. Galiano, Buenos Aires, 

Maria Luisa Jiménez, Centro de 
Investigaciones Bioldgicas del 
Noroeste, La Paz, Mexico 
Museo de Universidad Nacional, 
La Plata, Argentina; R. F. Arro- 
zpide, C. Sutton 

Museu Nacional, Rio de Janeiro, 
Brazil; A. Timotheo da Costa 
Museo Nacional de Historia 
Natural, Santo Domingo, Re- 
publica Dominicana; Félix Del 

Museo de Historia Natural, 
Universidad Nacional Mayor de 
San Marcos, Lima, Peru; D. Silva 
Museu de Zoologia, Universida- 
de de Sio Paulo, Sao Paulo, SP, 
Brazil; P. Vanzolini, J. L. Leme 
Museo Zoologico de “La Spe- 
cola” Universita di Firenze, 
Florence, Italy; S. Whitman 
Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet, 
Stockholm, Sweden; T. Krones- 

Polska Akademia Nauk, Warsza- 

4 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 1 

wa, Poland; J. Prészynski, A. Slo- 
jewska, W. B. Jedryczkowski 

R. E. Leech, Edmonton, Alber- 
ta, Canada 

Forschungsinstitut Sencken- 
berg, Frankfurt am Main, Ger- 
many; M. Grasshoff 

Susan Riechert, Knoxville, Ten- 
nessee, United States 

National Museum of Natural 
History, Smithsonian Institution, 
Washington, D.C., United 
States; J. Coddington, S. F. 

Zoologisches Museum der 
Humboldt Universitat, Berlin, 
Germany; M. Moritz 

Zoologisk Museum, Copenha- 
gen, Denmark; H. Enghoff, N. 

Zoologische Staatssammlung, 
Munich, Germany 








Locality Data Storage and Manipula- 
tion. Locality data from each collection vial 
were entered into a database designed us- 
ing Claris FileMaker Pro™. Geographic 
coordinates were added to locality data 
that lacked them using maps, USBGN gaz- 
etteers, and on-line databases (http://164. 
214.2.59/ens/html/ and __ http://mapping. Occasionally locality 
information was illegible or unknown or 
one of several homonymous sites. In such 
cases a reasonable, educated guess was 
made and a “[?]” designation was append- 
ed to the locality. In some cases the itin- 
erary of a collector was reconstructed from 
other known records, and the ambiguous 
locality was assigned a coordinate halfway 
between the previous and following known 
collection sites. The locality database 
worked in concert with the mapping pro- 
gram Atlas Pro™ to generate thematic 
maps on the fly. These maps helped in the 
process of delimiting species and discov- 
ering cryptic species. 

Elevation (in meters) was estimated for 
each locality that lacked this information. 
In some cases, elevation was estimated us- 

ing contour maps, such as DMAAC ONC 
aeronautical maps; in most cases, elevation 
was estimated using NOAA data with an 
on-line database server (http://phylogeny. html). 

The enhanced locality database was 
used to reveal ecological and life history 
traits. Seasonality of species was expressed 
by plotting a circular histogram showing 
the relative amount of collecting activi 
per 5-day interval (Figs. 300-337). While 
locality dates alone cannot control for the 
seasonal activity of human collectors, these 
data at least provide an estimate of spider 
seasonal abundance, if only approximate. 
Some sympatric species show incongruous 
seasonal abundance, which is at least some 
evidence that seasonality of spider collec- 
tors does not unduly overshadow the sea- 
sonality of the spiders themselves. 

Examination and Illustration. Speci- 
mens were examined under 80% ethanol 
in a dish with light and dark sand grains 
for specimen support. Digital photographs 
of preserved specimens were taken 
through a Nikon SMZ-10 photomicro- 
scope using a Panasonic WV-CL320 CCD 
video camera, chosen for its high sensitiv- 
ity to light. Video images were captured 
using a QuickImage™24 digitizer and ed- 
ited on a Quadra 700 Macintosh® com- 
puter. The computer allows relatively in- 
expensive pictures to be printed rapidly on 
a 1,200 dpi Xanté™ Accel-a-Writer 8200 
laser printer. Digital pictures were used to 
help sort out individuals to species, to cre- 
ate publishable pictures of gross dorsal 
and ventral markings, and to aid in the il- 
lustration of genitalia. As an aid in illustra- 
tion, the digital pictures functioned as a 
camera lucida because they assured accu- 
racy when drawing the proportions of gen- 
ital parts and sclerites. Usually a digital 
picture was laid over carbon paper and an 
outline of the genitalia was transferred to 
coquille board underneath. The illustra- 
tion continued on the coquille board using 
a Staedtler OmniChrom™ pencil and a 
drafting pen with India ink and then was 
scanned at 600 dpi on a LaCie Silverscan- 

ner II™. The resulting digital image was 
edited in Adobe Photoshop™ and reduced 
in size to 1,200 dpi. The edited figures 
were finally arranged on plates using Can- 

External genital structures were manip- 
ulated with pins to reveal hidden parts. 
The terminal division on the male palp is 
hinged, so it had to be pried open to see 
the embolus and embolic apophyses prop- 
erly. In females, mating plugs had to be 
removed from epigynal openings using 
pins. Sometimes the entire epigynum was 
partly cut from the body so as to see it 
from a posterior view. 

Internal genital structures were studied 
by clearing them in clove oil and examin- 
ing them using an Olympus BH-2 com- 
pound microscope. Sketches were made 
directly on the computer in Canvas™ by 
aiming the camera lucida at the computer 
monitor. While internal genital structures 
helped in the process of delimiting spe- 
cies, they did not prove to be as useful as 
external genital structures in describing 
species; thus, these working sketches are 
not figured herein. 

Measurements of the spiders were tak- 
en using a Leitz stereo dissecting micro- 
scope with a calibrated reticule. Sizes of 
leg articles, eyes, and carapace, were per- 
formed on one specimen of each sex, for 
each species. The respective localities of 
the candidate specimens were indicated in 
the descriptions. This study placed little 
reliance on spider leg measurements be- 
cause they are not usually very useful in 
spider taxonomy, and because Metepeira 
species are notorious for their variability in 
size (Levi, 1977; Piel, 1996). 

All eye sizes were reported as a ratio of 
the posterior median eye diameters to the 
diameter of every other eye type. For ex- 
ample, in the case of “ratio of eye diame- 
ters: posterior medians and anterior me- 
dians 2.0, anterior laterals 0.5, posterior 
laterals 1.0,” the reader should interpret 
the anterior medians to be half the size of 
the posterior medians, and the anterior lat- 
erals to be twice the size of the posterior 


medians. Eye separations were expressed 
in terms of their own diameters, or in 
terms of the anterior lateral eyes when be- 
tween eyes of different types. Oval eyes 
were measured as an average of the lon- 
gest and shortest lengths. 

In parallel with the last revision of Me- 
tepeira (Levi, 1977), leg measurements 
were made on each article distal to the tro- 
chanter for the first leg and on the com- 
bined lengths of the patellae and tibiae for 
all remaining legs. Variation in total body 
size was provided as an average, minimum, 
and maximum of the total lengths from a 
number of mature specimens, usually cho- 
sen from a wide geographic spread. 

Metepeira F. O. P.-Cambridge 

Metepeira F. O. P.-Cambridge, 1903: 457. Type spe- 
cies by original designation M. spinipes F. O. P.- 
Cambridge 1903. The name is feminine. 

Diagnostic Abstract. Web combines bar- 
rier or scaffolding structure surrounding a 
classic araneid orb with a retreat suspend- 
ed in air (Fig. 1). Like a raccoon with its 
facial colors reversed, the eye region is 
lighter than any other part of the carapace 
(Fig. 2). The venter has a wide median 
white line set on a black background that, 
with only some exception, extends anteri- 
orly on the sternum (Fig. 3). With one ex- 
ception, the total lengths of distal leg ar- 
ticles (metatarsus and tarsus) exceed that 
of the middle articles (patella and tibia). 
The median apophysis has two distinctive 
flagella (F in Fig. 5) and, in some species, 
an easily recognizable keel (K in Fig. 5). 
The dorsal abdominal markings (the foli- 
um) look like an inverted fleur-de-lis, al- 
lowing easy recognition of the genus in the 
field (Fig. 2). 

Description and Diagnosis. For field 
ecologists, the most obvious and distinctive 
feature of Metepeira is the combination of 
orb and barrier web (Fig. 1). The barrier 
web forms scaffolding around an almost 
vertical orb and supports the spider's re- 
treat, which is thus suspended away from 
any substrate. 

In contrast to most araneids, the cara- 

6 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 1 

pace of Metepeira is lightest in the eye re- 
gion. However, this distinctive feature 
varies within the genus: in the case of M. 
rectangula (Nicolet, 1849), the lighter re- 
gion takes up almost half the carapace 
(Fig. 65); in the case of Metepeira F. O. 
P.-Cambridge, 1903, the lighter region is 
usually limited to the anterior edges of the 
carapace (Fig. 2). White, downy hairs of- 
ten cover the carapace but are especially 
white and conspicuous on the lighter parts 
of the carapace outside the eye region. In 
some species, such as M. spinipes, these 
hairs make the carapace look gray or sil- 
very when the spider is alive, but dark 
brown when the spider is in ethanol. 

The eyes of Metepeira are not particu- 
larly unusual. Eye separations relative to 
eye diameters increase with spider size: 
larger spiders tend to have relatively great- 
er eye separations. In either sex, the pos- 
terior median eyes are between 1.1 and 
1.7 times the size of the anterior medians, 
and the separation between posterior me- 
dian eyes is between 0.4 and 0.7 of that 
between anterior median eyes. The sepa- 
ration between the anterior median eyes 
and the anterior lateral eyes is between 1 
and 3.7 times the size of anterior median 
eyes in males and between one and five 
times the size in females. The diameter of 
the anterior median eyes exceeds the 
height of the clypeus. 

The shape of the female abdomen rang- 
es from wider than long and rhomboid (M. 
datona, Fig. 12) to roundish (e.g., M. de- 
senderi, Fig. 20; M. rectangula, Fig. 65), 
to longer than wide and oval (e.g., M. inca, 
Fig. 169). The dorsal folium has a recog- 
nizable white fleur-de-lis pattern, usually 
on a dark background, its edges shaped by 
a wavy, zig-zag white outline (Fig. 2). The 
dorsum of live spiders is often more red- 
dish—a pigment that rapidly dissolves in 

Somewhat less common among other 
araneids is the median white line on the 
venter of the abdomen (Fig. 3), which is 
present (though shortened) even in the 
most darkly pigmented species. However, 

unique among araneid genera is the com- 
bination of median white line on the ven- 
ter and median white line on a black or 
brown sternum. Some Metepeira species 
lack a complete white line on the sternum, 
but even those, such as M. datona, that 
usually have an entirely black sternum 
nonetheless show hints of white markings 
in some specimens. Characteristics found 
in the carapace, abdomen, and sternum of 
Metepeira are also found in Araneus 
koepckeorum Levi, but this last species 
lacks the white line on the venter. 

With the exception of M. datona, and in 
some cases, M. desenderi, all Metepeira 
species have a combined metatarsus and 
tarsus that is longer than the combined pa- 
tella and tibia. This feature is unusual 
among araneids and is not found in Kaira 
O. P.-Cambridge or other likely relatives 
to Metepeira (Levi, 1977; Piel and Nutt, 

In most species the leg articles are 
ringed, usually with brownish black on the 
distal and dorsal surfaces of each article, 
except for the patellae and tarsi which are 
usually entirely dark. In mainly tropical 
and high-altitude species, the coxae are 
mostly black (e.g., Fig. 75), but in desert/ 
mesquite species they appear yellowish 
white (e.g., Fig. 28). 

Unlike many other araneids—and _ per- 
haps because of the small male size—the 
coxa on leg I of male Metepeira lacks the 
hook and corresponding groove typically 
found on femur II. In addition, males lack 
a tooth on the lateral side of the endite, 
and they lack a basal tooth on the palpal 
femur. The phylogenetic analysis of 
Scharff and Coddington (1997) incorrectly 
codes Metepeira as having a tooth on the 
endite. However, had the authors coded 
this character as absent, they would have 
decreased the length of their preferred 
tree because the nearest relatives hypoth- 
esized for Metepeira (Kaira, Zygiella, and 
Singa) also lack this tooth. 

Macrosetae usually concentrate on arti- 
cles that contact other spiders during mat- 
ing or grappling. In contrast to most gen- 

METEPEIRA ° Piel ri 

Barrier Web White Dorsal Light Eye Region 
/ Fleur-de-Lis 

Median White 
Line on Sternum 

See \\\ , * if _ < 
We HUAI ROT SES Sa \ Median White 
it BS SVANS TS 7 D 3 Line on Black 
Orb Web 
nigriventris incrassata minima 
labyrinthea compsa ventura 

" —— — Flagellae 

Dy Lae \Y7 ‘on Stalk (+) 
: DEA (-) 

K on MA (-) 

F, Teeth on Face of K (+) 
DEA (+) | North America 

SC fEnlarged TA (+) : 
; [) South America 



Figure 1. Web of immature Metepeira grandiosa alpina from Chihuahua, Mexico. 

Figure 2. Dorsum of adult female Metepeira crassipes. 

Figure 3. Venter of adult female Metepeira tarapaca new species. 

Figure 4. Hypothetical phylogenetic relationships among Metepeira species groups. Shaded branches indicate species groups 
that live in South America; open branches indicate species groups that live in North America, Central America, and the Caribbean. 
Abbreviations: DEA, distal embolic apophysis; K, keel of median apophysis; TA, terminal apophysis; (+), character state gain; 
(—), character state loss. 

Figures 5, 6. Male palpus. 5, mesal view, Metepeira compsa. 6, ventral view of distal embolic division, Metepeira labyrinthea 

Abbreviations: BEA, basal embolic apophysis; C, conductor; DEA, distal embolic apophysis; E, embolus; F, flagellum on median 
apophysis; K, keel of median apophysis; MA, median apophysis; TA, terminal apophysis; TD, terminal division. 

Figures 7-13. Metepeira datona Chamberlin and Ivie (sp. 1; 17°53’N, 76°19’W). 7, male palpus, mesal. 8, epigynum, posterior. 
9, epigynum, ventral. 10, male, dorsal. 11, male, ventral. 12, female, dorsal. 13, female, ventral. 

Scale bar: dorsum and venter figures 1.0 mm. 

8 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 1 

era related to Araneus, Metepeira has con- 
centrated macrosetae on femur I instead 
of tibia II (Scharff and Coddington, 1997). 
Female Metepeira have between two and 
five macrosetae on the anterior side of the 
femur, and between zero and seven on the 
anteroventral side. Males typically have 
more setae than their conspecific females: 
four to nine on the anterior side and two 
to nine on the anteroventral side. Variation 
in the number of macrosetae appears to 
correlate with body size. In most species, 
the male palpal tibia and patella each have 
two strong macrosetae (Levi, 1977, fig. 8). 

Compared with other araneid genera, 
Metepeira have rather small and similar 
genitalia, which on the one hand makes 
the genus easy to recognize, but on the 
other hand makes species tough to iden- 
tify. The small epigynum is fleshy, variable 
in shape, and weakly sclerotized. Unlike 
Araneus, Metepeira’s scape never has a 
pocket but always ends with a pointed tip 
(e.g., Fig. 31). The cleared epigynum— 
and in many cases the uncleared epigyn- 
um—reveals a pair of sclerotized spherical 
structures where the embolus is inserted, 
as well as ducts to pass semen to the larger, 
spherical seminal receptacles. In some 
species, these spherical structures are wide 
apart (e.g., Figs. 16, 17), in others they are 
tubular (e.g., Figs. 39, 40), but in many, 
they are closer together (e.g., Figs. 93, 94). 
Frequently the deeper, large seminal re- 
ceptacles can be seen through uncleared 
tissue (e.g., Figs. 201, 295). 

The male palp is more distinctive. In 
particular, the median apophysis (MA in 
Fig. 5), while not always a good character 
for separating closely related species, is ex- 
cellent when it comes to identifying the 
genus. Two flagellae (F in Fig. 5) grace- 
fully curve off the base of the median 
apophysis, and in some species, a toothed 
or smooth keel (K in Fig. 5) extends in the 
opposite direction. This design is also seen 
in Kaira, Aculepeira, and Amazonepeira, 
but none of these have flagellae that ap- 
pear so integral to the base structure. 

The terminal division on the Metepeira 

palp is very similar in almost all species. | 
When this structure is pulled up, a basal 
embolic apophysis (also known as an em- 
bolar lamella) can be seen in the shape of 
a club or spatula (E in Figs. 5, 6). Some- 
times a distal embolic apophysis can be 
seen if it is not hidden from view by an 
overhanging terminal apophysis. When the 
terminal apophysis is large and_sclero- 
tized—which is the case in all but the Me- 
tepeira foxi species group—it has a rec- 
ognizable toothed notch, like the mouth 
on a wrench (Fig. 6). Virgin males have a 
cap on the embolus that remains in the 
epigynum after mating and presumably 
serves as a barrier to subsequent mating 
(Levi, 1977). The shape of the embolus 
cap varies from tiny (e.g., Fig. 178) to 
short but wide (e.g., Fig. 199) to large and 
winged (Fig. 46). Finally, the terminal di- 
vision lacks a stipes—a sclerite between 
the radix and the embolus that is frequent- 
ly found in other genera related to Ara- 
neus (Scharff and Coddington, 1997). 

Natural History. All Metepeira species 
build a unique web that combines an orb 
with a barrier web (Levi, 1977; Lopez, 
1993). As with Cyrtophora Simon or Me- 
cynogea Simon (Levi, 1997), the retreat of 
Metepeira hangs in the air, away from sub- 
strate, and is suspended by a scaffolding 
structure created by the barrier web (Fig. 
1). The spider detects vibrations in the 
web and gains quick access to the hub us- 
ing a signal line that runs from the retreat 
to the center of the orb (Fig. 1). Tan col- 
ored egg sacs are strung together, usually 
above the retreat, and the most recently 
laid eggs are nearest to the spider. In some 
species the egg sacs and retreat are deco- 
rated with insect parts (e.g., M. spinipes); 
in other species they are carefully wrapped 
by leaves and woven together (e.g., M. da- 
tona). Unlike the webs of Cyrtophora and 
Mecynogea, the orb web of Metepeira is 
oriented vertically, and the number of radii 
and sticky spirals are more typical of other 

In some species, such as M. pimungan 
(personal observation) and, to a lesser de- 

gree, M. incrassata (G. Uetz, personal 
communication), juveniles and adults 
without eggs will live on webs lacking a 
suspended retreat. Instead, the spider sits 
on a white disk-shaped stabilimentum in 
the center of the hub. Of 110 M. pimun- 
gan specimens observed on San Miguel Is- 
land, about 40% occupied webs of this 
type. In two cases the disk stabilimenta 
were partly separated from the hub by 
barrier web lines and were further bent 
over to form a partly covered protective 
retreat for the spider. This observation 
makes it possible to imagine that the disk 
stabilimentum seen in M. pimungan re- 
sults from the fusion of the suspended re- 
treat with the hub. 

When food supplies are plentiful, spi- 
ders of all kinds show an increased toler- 
ance for one another and an increased ten- 
dency to aggregate (e.g., Gillespie, 1987; 
Rypstra, 1986). The suspended retreats 
and barrier webs of Metepeira, Cyrtopho- 
ra, and Mecynogea may actually further fa- 
cilitate in the formation of aggregations by 
easing dependency on substrate availabili- 
ty and by providing a common support sys- 
tem (Burgess and Witt, 1976; Uetz, 1986). 
In any case, colony formation is known to 
occur in: all three genera (e.g., Rypstra, 
1979), but especially in Metepeira. Small 
colonial aggregations of two to 10 individ- 
uals occur in M. datona (Spiller and 
Schoener, 1989), M. minima (personal ob- 
servation), M. glomerabilis (R. Baptista, 
personal communication), and M. atascad- 
ero new species (e.g., Uetz and Hodge, 
1990). Medium-size colonies of 10 to 30 
individuals occur in M. pimungan (person- 
al observation), M. gressa (Viera and Cos- 
ta, 1988), M. nigriventris (L. Rayor, per- 
sonal communication), M. tarapaca (VN. 
Roth, locality label), and M. spinipes (e.g., 
Uetz, 1988a). Large colonies, sometimes 
in the thousands of individuals, commonly 
occur in M. incrassata (e.g., Uetz and 
Hodge, 1990). Near rivers and in other 
lush habitats, M. tarapaca colonies can 
reach 200 individuals (M. Roy, personal 
communication). These cases of social be- 


havior, broadly spread across seven differ- 
ent species groups, may mean that aggre- 
gation is a frequently lost and relatively old 
trait, or it may mean that species are prone 
to converge and evolve the same behavior 

Either way, much research has focused 
on elucidating the selective forces behind 
colonial behavior in Metepeira. In partic- 
ular, Uetz (1988a,b, 1996) has provided 
strong support for the hypothesis that Me- 
tepeira forage using a risk-sensitive strat- 
egy. He suggests that spiders in abundant 
habitats seek to minimize individual vari- 
ance in prey capture by aggregating in col- 
onies, whereas spiders in poor habitats 
seek to maximize variance by living soli- 
tarily—perhaps in a risky attempt to find 
areas of local prey maxima. The diversity 
of social tendencies among species is 
therefore commensurate of the diversity of 
ecological habitats that they inhabit. 

Indeed, Metepeira species thrive in a 
wide array of habitats, though often they 
are quite harsh. These include wet, mon- 
tane cloud forests in Mexico and Panama 
(M. incrassata, M. olmec); tropical and wet 
agricultural areas (M. uncata, M. vigilax, 
M. glomerabilis, M. roraima); high-eleva- 
tion pine forests (M. lacandon, M. nigri- 
ventris, M. grandiosa alpina); Canadian 
bogs (M. grandiosa palustris); deciduous 
forests in the eastern U.S. (M. labyrin- 
thea); Caribbean coastal shrubbery (M. da- 
tona, M. minima, M. triangularis, M. ja- 
maicensis, M. maya, M. celestun); Mexican 
mesquite grasslands (M. atascadero, M. 
chilapae); Patagonian dunes and scrub (M 
galatheae) and pampas grass (M. karkii); 
dry Californian buckwheat and sage (M. 
crassipes, M. ventura, M. foxi, M. grandio- 
sa grandiosa); and arid and semiarid de- 
serts (M. arizonica, M. inca, M. ventura, 
M. crassipes). Although some species (e.g., 
M. galatheae, M. spinipes, M. compsa) cov- 
er vast geographic areas and live in many 
different habitats, many species are more 
biogeographically restricted. In fact, sev- 
eral species follow narrow ecological zones 
that decrease in elevation with distance 

10 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 1 

from the equator (e.g., M. rectangula, M. 
vigilax, M. cajabamba, Fig. 36; M. arizon- 
CG, See 2i3)): 

Close cohabitation with different inter- 
and intrageneric species is not uncommon. 
Colonies of M. incrassata are known to 
contact webs of Nephila clavipes Linnaeus 
(Hodge and Uetz, 1996) and Mecynogea 
ocosingo and Gasteracantha cancriformis 
(personal observation). Often M. crassipes, 
M. ventura, M. foxi, and M. grandiosa 
grandiosa are collected together (Levi, 
1977), as are M. minima and M. celestun 
(personal observation). Species that have 
been collected from identical localities, 
though not necessarily at the same time, 
include: M. chilapae and M. spinipes; M. 
chilapae and M. atascadero; M. karkii and 
M. galatheae; M. calamuchita new species, 
M. gressa, and M. galatheae; M. rectan- 
gula, M. calamuchita, and M. galatheae; 
M. compsa and M. gressa; M. vigilax and 
M. compsa; M. glomerabilis and M. vigilax; 
M. compsa and M. glomerabilis; M. comp- 
sa and M. nigriventris; M. conypsa and M. 
inca; M. datona and M. jamaicensis; and 
M. datona and M. triangularis. 

Despite the wide biogeographic ranges 
of M. compsa (Puerto Rico and south to 
Argentina, Map 8) and M. datona (His- 
paniola and north to Florida, Map 1), they 
nonetheless come geographically close to 
one another but do not overlap. It is hard 
to imagine that the hurricanes that fre- 
quently pass through the Caribbean, as 
well as the homogeneous island environ- 
ments, would not gradually cause these 
two species distributions to overlap. Per- 
haps these abrupt, disjunct distributions 
are a rare example of competitive exclu- 
sion in Metepeira, which in other species 
is not thought to be an important factor 
(Wise, 1983). 

Sphecid wasps are predators on Mete- 
peira. Locality labels indicated that M. pa- 
cifica has been found in the nests of Try- 
pargilum nitidum, T. tenoctitlan, and _T. 
bensoni. Jiménez and Tejas (1994) report 
that M. crassipes is the most frequent prey 
item in the nests of Trypargilum triden- 

tatum. Colonial spiders, such as M. incras- 
sata, are especially vulnerable to wasps, 
other spiders, sarcophagid flies (e.g., Ar 
achnidomyia lindae, A. rayorae), and 
hummingbirds (Hieber and Uetz, 1990; 
Lopez, 1989; Rayor and Uetz, 1990). 

Species Groups. Nearctic Metepeira 
were divided into two species groups: the 
M. labyrinthea group and the M. foxi 
group, based on the pattern on the ster- 
num and the shape of the median apoph- 
ysis (Levi, 1977). Baert (1987) questioned 
the taxonomic usefulness of the M. foxi 
species group (M. foxi, M. grandiosa, M. 
datona) because he found that M. desen- 
deri has both a keel on the median apoph- 
ysis and a white sternal line (Figs. 15, 
21)—a combination that is incompatible 
by Levi's scheme. Nonetheless, the geni- 
talia of M. desenderi closely ally this spe- 
cies with the M. foxi group, so I am re- 
defining the M. foxi group based on purely 
genitalic characters. This is likely to be a 
basal, paraphyletic group (Fig. 4) (Piel and 
Nutt, 1997). 

Seven additional species groups are dis- 
tal to the M. foxi. These remaining species 
are united by sharing a large terminal 
apophysis that is sclerotized and _ usually 
studded with teeth or denticles. The M. 
vigilax group (M. vigilax, M. cajabamba, 
M. glomerabilis, M. rectangula) are united 
by large emboli with long scooplike basal 
embolic apophyses (Fig. 60). Unlike the 
remaining species, the terminal apophysis 
in this group—albeit large—does not ac- 
tually overhang or hide the embolus. In 
addition to an overhanging terminal 
apophysis, the remaining taxa are also 
united by a distal embolic apophysis that 
either protrudes (Fig. 76), curves off (Fig. 
185), or is secondarily lost (Fig. 264). The 
M. labyrinthea group (M. labyrinthea, M. 
lacandon, M. spinipes) share a toothless, 
smooth keel on the median apophysis 
(Figs. 67, 69). 

The M. nigriventris group and the M. 
compsa group together share a median 
apophysis with teeth on the face of the 
keel (Figs. 92, 149). The M. incrassata 

e datona S 
= desenderi 


Map 3 


= grandiosa alpina ¢ 

e grandiosa grandiosa ~~ 

@ vigilax 

| + rectangula 


\e ns j My 
f Se 
Map 4 i 2 

Maps 1, 2. Metepeira foxi species group. 1, M. datona, M. desenderi. 2, M. grandiosa grandiosa, M. grandiosa alpina. 
Maps 3, 4. Metepeira vigilax species group. 3, M. glomerabilis, M. cajabamba. 4, M. vigilax, M. rectangula. 

group, the M. ventura group, and the M. 
minima group all lack a keel on the me- 
dian apophysis (Figs. 164, 222, 293). How- 
ever, both the M. compsa group and the 
M. incrassata group have epigyna with 
similar oval or round sclerotized rims 
(Figs. 151, 166), so it is likely that these 
are paraphyletic and consist of species 
leading up to a major North American 
(without a keel) and South American (with 
a keel) phylogenetic split (Fig. 4). 

The South American branch includes 
the M. compsa group (M. compsa, M. ro- 
raima, M. gressa) and, more distally, the 
M. nigriventris group (M. nigriventris, M. 
tarapaca, M. calamuchita, M. galatheae, 
M. karkii). This latter group is united by a 

distinctive and derived scape, which pro- 
jects out and down, creating a noticeable 
arch and overhang (Fig. 86). 

The remaining species all lack a keel on 
the median apophysis, and with one ex- 
ception (M. inca), they live exclusively in 
North America (from the Caribbean and 
Panama to Nevada). The M. incrassata 
group (M. gosoga, M. maya, M. inca, M. 
comanche, M. olmec, M. atascadero, M. ar- 
izonica, M. incrassata, M. triangularis, M. 
pimungan) are very likely paraphyletic. 
The epigynum on each species seems au- 
tapomorphic and difficult to unite with any 
others. Some species (M. gosoga, M. maya, 
M. inca) have a pointed or projecting distal 
embolic apophysis (Fig. 171). Others have 

1 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 1 

a distal embolic apophysis that curves off 
sharply but does not project forward (Fig. 
185). Finally, others have a distal embolic 
apophysis that curves off gently, almost to 
the point of hiding the existence of an 
apophysis (Fig. 206). 

The M. minima group (M. jamaicensis, 
M. minima, M. pacifica, M. petatlan) and 
the M. ventura group (M. uncata, M. ven- 
tura, M. celestun, M. chilapae, M. revilla- 
gigedo new species, M. crassipes) are unit- 
ed by derived characters: both have thin 
flagellae arising from a thin base on the 
median apophysis (Fig. 264), and both 
share the secondary loss of the distal em- 
bolic apophysis. The M. minima group is 
clearly monophyletic; its species all have 
their flagellae further set off from the me- 
dian apophysis on a separate, narrow stalk 
(Fig. 286). 


1 Epigynal openings strongly sclerotized, 
round but tilted so that they appear 
oval from a ventral view (Figs. 40, 48, 

55) pe ee IE EY eR eck. \od OL ONE earn 9} 
= Epigynal openings weakly sclerotized 
(e.g., Fig. 208), and if round, they are 
not tilted and do not appear oval from 

a ventral view (Fig. 131) 
Epigynal openings shaped like the en- 
trance to a snail shell (Fig. 55); His- 
paniola, Brazil, Argentina (Map 4) 

Be ER ee eee ee (7) vigilax 
= Epigynal openings tubular (Figs. 40, 48) 

Epigynal openings strongly tilted (Fig. 
40) Pexul(Mapro)s = a (5) cajabamba 
= Epigynal openings weakly tilted (Fig. 48); 
Colombia to Brazil (Map 3) ———--- 
Sia EL We SSN Smee nee dat REO (6) glomerabilis 
Epigynal openings large and gaping, cre- 
ating large atria inside (Figs. 61, 62); 
Chile and Argentina (Map 4) ———— 
Seer Se eS ee (8) rectangula 
= Epigynal openings not gaping and not 
creating large atria (e.g., Fig. 69) ______.. 5 
Weak posterior lobes on the epigynum 
create a single, wide epigynal depres- 
sion (Figs. 9, 17, 24, 31) or epigynum 
with crescent-shaped sclerotized open- 
ings on either side of a thin scape 
(Levi, 1977, fig. 87). Dark, sclerotized 
spheres below epigynal openings are 
greatly separated (Figs. 8, 16) 6 
= Stronger posterior lobes on the epigynum 

create separate, smaller epigynal de- 

pressions that are not crescent-shaped, 

or if crescent-shaped, the scape is thick 

and puffy (e.g., Figs. 86, 102, 143, 166, 

187, 208). Dark, sclerotized spheres 

below epigynal openings are closer to- 

gether (eseeehigs ss lOlen 42) sa eeeenes 11 
Sternum with longitudinal white line 

(Fig. 21); Galapagos Islands (Map 1) 

yall ak ISN ae Aen al (2) desenderi 
~ Sternum entirely black or brown (Figs. 

Igy OAS wis) 
Abdomen wider than long (Fig. 12); Flor- 

ida to Hispaniola (Map 1) _- (1) datona 
= Abdomen longer than wide (Figs. 27, 34) 

Coxae as black as sternum (Levi, 1977, 
fig. 98); Canada—U.S. border (Levi, 
ESO Ch suey o\\))) akin ee 
Delia (Levi, 1977: 212) grandiosa palustris 
= Coxae yellow or orange and lighter than 
Stemmum(Higsy28.5.3.0) a) as eee 9 
Epigynum with crescent-shaped sclero- 
tized openings on either side of the 
scape (Levi, 1977, fig. 87); western 
U.S. and Canada (Levi, 1977, map 2) 
Pesce ses Ayr Os (Levi, 1977: 210) foxi 
= Epigynum with wide, transverse depres- 
sion (Figs. 23, 24, 30, 31) 
Scape wide and stubby (Fig. 24); Baja 
California north to Canada (Map 2) — 
BSI 5 Shad 2 (3) grandiosa grandiosa 
— Scape triangular (Fig. 31); in mountains 
from north-central Mexico to Canada 
(Mapa?) eee aes (4) grandiosa alpina 
Scape thickness equal to greater than 
width of epigynal depressions (e.g., 
Figs. 86, 119, 131, 143, 180, 201, 266) 




= Scape narrower than epigynal depres- 
sions, or epigynal depressions in the 
shape of longitudinal slits (e.g., Figs. 
D3 8¥ 2520230) iain cies ks Se eae ana 35 

12(11) Base of scape originates anteriorly and 
projects ventrally before curving pos- 
teriorly. This projection creates an 
overhang and a noticeable gap between 
the scape and the genital openings 
(e.g., Figs. 85, 86, 101, 102, 119, 143) 

= Scape does not create a noticeable gap or 
overhang (e.g., Figs. 77, 78, 130, 131, 
NGS GGMO6 SIN Veit te eine ee eens 18 
13(12) Rim of epigynal depressions slightly 
sclerotized and oval-shaped (Fig. 143); 
northern Brazil, French Guiana, and 
Colombia (Map 8) (17) roraima 
- Epigynal depressions without distinct rim 
(Fig. 123) or not sclerotized (e.g., Fig. 
OD )\eees 3 = aR A a ee 14 
14(13) Sternum black, coxae mostly black (Fig. 

A calamuchita 

g@ karkii 

@ nigriventris 

# compsa 
® roraima 

@ gressa 

mi Skangse 
A PN as, Rg 

METEPEIBA ° Piel 13 

Maps 5, 7. Metepeira nigriventris species group. M. calamuchita, M. karkii, M. nigriventris, M. galatheae, M. tarapaca. 

Map 6. Metepeira labyrinthea species group. M. spinipes, M. lacandon. 

Map 8. Metepeira compsa species group. M. compsa, M. roraima, M. gressa. 

91), and carapace without lighter me- 15(14) Stermum brown to black with parallel 

dian mark (Fig. 90); high altitudes in 
Bolivia and Peru near Lake Titicaca 
(IMfayp 35) hy Wetec ee AE aol ae (11) nigriventris 
= Sternum with median white line (Fig. 
99), or if sternum is black, then either 
the carapace has a median lighter ar- 
row-shaped mark (Fig. 113) or the cox- = 
ae are mostly yellow (Figs. 114, 128) 

lines on either side of median white 
line on venter: the parallel lines are 
thicker anteriorly than posteriorly (Fig. 
128). Lower lip on epigynum thick and 
bulbous (Fig. 123); southern Argentina 
and southern Chile (Map 5) —_ (15) karkii 

Sternum with median white line, or if 

sternum is entirely brown to black, 
then parallel lines on either side of 

14 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 1 

white line on venter are either absent 
(Fig. 114) or equally thick anteriorly as 
posteriorly (Fig. 99). Epigynum with- 
out thickened lower lip (Figs. 94, 102, 
AUMIES Seite? (0) PRs. CA eee oS, ee 16 
16(15) Dark, sclerotized spheres in epigynal 
openings small (Figs. 119, 120). Ante- 
rior lip of epigynum rounded off, 
sometimes with openings shifted pos- 
teriorly and wrinkled portion of the 
scape’s hood shifted more to the epi- 
gynum proper (Fig. 118); Chile and 
Argentina (Map 7) -............-- (14) galatheae 
= Dark, sclerotized spheres in epigynal 
openings large, and anterior lip of epi- 
gynum not rounded off. Openings al- 
ways located midway down the epigyn- 
tural (ESI 9.539 yp) 2) eee ae eee ee ee 17 
17(16) General shape of epigynum is triangular 
with posterior width greater than an- 
terior width. Scooped-out depressions 
project more posteriorly than laterally 
(Fig. 102); north-central Argentina 
(MIEN oe) ieee a (13) calamuchita 
— General shape of epigynum square. 
Scooped-out depressions project more 
laterally than posteriorly (Fig. 94); 
northern Chile and southern Peru 
(Miapiii)) ea Sot ke Se ee (12) tarapaca 
18(12) Epigynal openings almond-shaped, not 
noticeably sclerotized, and at a 40° to 
60° angle from axis of spider (Figs. 69, 
cS) ise ene LES Saat. CE Awaba aut aie 19 
= Epigynal openings not almond-shaped 
(eg, Figs. 180, 187, 201), or if al- 
mond-shaped, slightly sclerotized and 
at an angle from spider's axis of 80° to 
100° (larress, IMSL ISIS IGi6) 2) 
19(18) Almond-shaped openings created by de- 
pression where scape arises from epi- 
gynum (Fig. 173); California, Arizona, 
northwestern Mexico (Map 9) 
Se a = Se ee eee a (21) gosoga 
— Almond-shaped openings created by 
membranes inside depressions and not 
associated with scape (Figs. 69, 78) __ 20 
20(19) Distinct C-shaped depression created 
where the scape arises from the epi- 
gynum (Fig. 78). Black marks inside al- 
mond-shaped openings not cross-eyed 
in appearance (Fig. 78). Black ster- 
num, usually with white spot in center 
(Fig. 83); mountainous regions of Chia- 
pas, Mexico (Map 6) _....... (10) lacandon 
— Indistinct depression created where the 
scape arises from the epigynum (Fig. 
69). Black marks inside almond-shaped 
openings cross-eyed in appearance 
(Fig. 69). Sternum black, with or with- 
out a median white line. If with only a 
portion of a median white line present, 

usually only at the posterior end of the 
sternum (Fig. 75). Never with only one 
21(20) Because of interspecific variability and 
polymorphism, females of the follow- 
ing two species are almost impossible 
to separate reliably without molecular 
sequence data. Small ribosomal sub- 
unit (12S) mtDNA sequence data has 
the following diagnostic markers. Base 
14261: ACGGT: base 14285: ATTTT;: 
base 14361: ACTAC; base 14394: 
CTTAT: base 14412: ATTA. (Base 
numbers refer to homologous sites in 
the mitochondrion of Drosophila yak- 
uba, as reported by Clary and Wolsten- 
holme [1985].) One quarter of scape 
extends below lower lips of epigynum 
(Levi, 1977, fig. 14); New England to 
Florida and west to eastern Texas 
(Levi, 1977, map 1, but not including 
points appearing in Mexico) ———--—— 
Spe cee tah Se lsP PEs (Levi, 1977: 196) labyrinthea 
= For 125 mtDNA sequence data, the fol- 
lowing sequences are diagnostic. Base 
14261: ACGAT;: base 14285: ATCTT: 
base 14361: ACCAC: base 14394: 
CTAAT: base 14412: TTTA. One third 
of scape extends below lower lips of 
epigynum (Levi, 1977, fig. 21; Fig. 69); 
Mexico City north to California (Map 
CH Rpereereeeeee CAE wi ROM mM INC n ls ns ou" (9) spinipes 
22(18) Epigynal openings small, round, and 
sclerotized (Fig. 131). Openings some- 
times hidden by wide scape (Fig. 134); 
Puerto Rico to Argentina and Chile 

(Miayp.S)) 2 ia eee) Sees (16) compsa 
= Epigynal openings not small, round, and 
SCIETOLZE Ci, ee Wan ees nee ie eee 23 

23(22) Rim of epigynal openings sclerotized and 
in an oval or teardrop shape (Figs. 151, 
5 OSA GGE AUST srsstaet 6 es Rien ee ee 9A 
- Rim of epigynal openings not sclerotized 
in an oval or teardrop shape (Figs. 180, 
NOAL 9 Oilise2, 08) Ls Ai eee OAT 
24(23) Epigynal openings oval, small, and partly 
hidden by scape (Fig. 151); northern 
Argentina, Uruguay, and southern Bra- 
Zilt (Miaps8)\ see ener t re ied (18) gressa 
— Epigynal openings teardrop-shaped (Fig. 
187) or large and oval but not hidden 
loyy Sroatoxsy (laress, ISS), TGS) 
25(24) Epigynal openings teardrop-shaped (Fig. 
187); northeastern Mexico to Texas 
(Kevin oiieemapeleMap >) == 
ee (23) comanche 
= Epigynal openings oval-shaped (Figs. 
IL) OS SG. G)) sieesas. hs Cen eae ee eee SUE 26 
26(25) Lower lip of epigynum pointed (Fig. 
166), abdomen white (Fig. 169); north- 
emmytipyorkerul (Mapa lil) james (20) inca 

METEPEIRA ® Piel 15 

+ arizonica ~~ 

@ gosoga ce 
Bal ais @ pacifica 
% inca 


 incrassata mg petatlan 

@ pimungan 

Map 9 Map 10 Map 11 

@ uncata w ventura 

@ crassipes a 4 celestun 

g revillagigedo ® chilapae 

@ jamaicensis 

B minima 

# atascadero 
® triangularis 

Map 14 

Maps 9, 11, 14. Metepeira incrassata species group. 9, M. arizonica, M. gosoga, M. incrassata, M. pimungan. 11, M. comanche, 
M. inca, M. olmec. 14, M. maya, M. atascadero, M. triangularis. 

Maps 10, 15. Metepeira minima species group. 10, M. pacifica, M. petatlan. 15, M. minima, M. jamaicensis. 

Maps 12, 13. Metepeira ventura species group. 12, M. uncata, M. crassipes, M. revillagigedo. 13, M. ventura, M. celestun, M. 

— Lower lip of epigynum thickened but not or, if sclerotized, not in shape of sun- 
pointed (Fig. 159), abdomen dark (Fig. glasses) (ce: Higs1208.( 224) ieee ee 28 
162); southern Mexico and Belize to 28(27) postenion epigynal lobes converge behind 
Costa Rica (Map 14) ___.... (19) maya the scape so that epigynal depressions 

27(23) Rim of epigynal openings sclerotized and appear closed off from ventral view 
shaped like a pair of sunglasses (Fig. (HigswilS08 208521160224) aia a 29 
201); eastern Cuba and Hispaniola = Posterior epigynal lobes end before they 
(Mapp rll) ees re hh. (25) triangularis disappear behind the scape so that epi- 

= Rim of epigynal openings not sclerotized gynal depressions appear open poste- 

16 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 1 

riorly from ventral view (Figs. 194, 
DAD. Oko 6 6) ea eran ie eed ne A a 32 
29(28) Scape relatively long and thin, epigynal 
depressions large and round, large 
black spheres take up almost all the 
space in the depressions (Fig. 180); 
southern Veracruz to Panama (Map 11) 
BAS Mt 60 Aine on Bere em (22) olmec 
= Scape relatively short, fat, and fleshy. 
Epigynal depressions not perfectly 
round; black spheres do not take up 
most of the space in the depression 
(Figs. 2082268224) ee eens 30 
30(29) Epigynum puffy, scape so thick that de- 
pressions on either side of scape ap- 
pear crescent-shaped (Fig. 208); south- 
western U.S. to central Mexico (Map 
Oe tie ee SOR. EME eel eels (26) arizonica 
= Epigynum not puffy, scape not so fat that 
depressions become crescent-shaped 
(Bigs DIGHOOA) ea tah tine ven 31 
31(30) Very social. Epigynal depressions large, 
disk-shaped, with shiny-smooth scler- 
otized inner surfaces and thin posterior 
lips (Fig. 224). Sternum mostly black, 
sometimes with anterior white marks. 
Venter without U-shaped mark circum- 
scribing median white line posteriorly. 
Coxae mostly dark brown (Fig. 228); 
mainly in southern Veracruz (Map 9) 
fete Biri tithe Serene eRe ey it's CoP (28) incrassata 
= Mostly solitary. Epigynal depressions 
small, oval, with reduced shiny-smooth 
sclerotized surfaces and thick posterior 
lips (Fig. 216). Sternum with median 
white line or only white mark at pos- 
terior end. Venter with U-shaped mark 
circumscribing median white line pos- 
teriorly. Coxae mostly yellow (Fig. 
221); central Mexican plateau (Map 
IAS) mrs rae eee een Re ee (27) atascadero 
32(28) Small square-shaped epigynal depres- 
sions on either side of scape (Figs. 259, 
DGG) pte vttts eased ook kale Reisen oar Sire end? cate i) 
= Large, more rounded epigynal depres- 
sions (Fig. 194) or with straight to S- 
shaped edges mostly covered by scape 
(Bigs 245) iernot darstinvie Ni oi8 cella 34 
33(32) Dark spheres inside epigynal depressions 
appear slightly walleyed. Scape rela- 
tively narrower at base: about the 
width of the depressions (Fig. 266); 
southeast and south-central Mexico 
(Mia ppl) isiat as eee ae ee (34) chilapae 
— Dark spheres inside epigynal depressions 
appear slightly cross-eyed. Scape rela- 
tively wider at base: about twice the 
width of the depressions (Fig. 259); 
northwestern Mexico and California 
(Map. 1:2) fs teas a At se ties (33) crassipes 
34(32) Large, rounded epigynal depressions 

with large black spheres inside (Fig. 
194). Sternum black with posterior 
dewdrop-shaped mark. Pair of short 
parallel lines on either side of ventral 
median white line (Fig. 198). Carapace 
with large anterior white region (Fig. 
197); San Nicolas Island off southern 
California (Map 9) (24) pimungan 
Epigynal depressions with straight to 
slightly S-shaped edges, mostly hidden 
by a wide triangular scape (Fig. 245). 
Sternum with wide median white line. 
No parallel white lines on either side 
of ventral median white line (Fig. 249). 
Carapace with small anterior white re- 
gion (Fig. 248); Yucatan Peninsula 
(Mato 1:3) ate en career (31) celestun 
Epigynal depressions wider than long 
(Figs, 23015059) 1b oN Wiel cobae 36 
Epigynal depressions longer than wide 
(e.g., Figs. 238, 273, 280, 288) 37 
Black comma shapes inside epigynal de- 
pressions (Fig. 231). Sternum with me- 
dian white line (Fig. 235). Dorsum 
lightly pigmented (Fig. 234); north- 
western Mexico and coastal California 
(Miao: S))ant= es ONE eee (29) ventura 
Black S-shaped marks inside epigynal de- 
pressions (Fig. 252). Sternum black 
with dewdrop mark at posterior end 
(Fig. 256). Dorsum darkly pigmented 
(Fig. 255); Guatemala and Costa Rica 
(Mayon 12) 2a else besornei ty byee (32) uncata 
Epigynal depressions indistinct anterior- 
ly. Black comma-shaped marks inside 
depressions and covered by translucent 
membranes (Fig. 238); Isla Socorro of 
the Archipiélago de Revillagigedo 
(Mapel2)ie 2s ee (30) revillagigedo 
Epigynal depressions distinct anteriorly. 
Black spheres shifted laterally and lo- 
cated outside the depressions (e.g., 
Figs. 273, 280, DOS) gree See eae bat ees: 38 
Epigynal depressions slit-shaped and 
usually narrower than scape (Figs. 280, 
281): northwestern Mexico and Yuca- 

tan Peninsula (Map 15) ___.... (36) minima 
Epigynal depressions oval and wider than 
Scapen(Hicsh:27/3 92.05) yaeeeeann aaeeeaennens 39 

Dark spheres larger than epigynal open- 
ings (Fig. 273); west coastal Mexico 

(Mapytl 0) ees ree a (35) petatlan 
Dark spheres smaller than epigynal open- 
Ingsa(MICSHZO S29 5) pees een ernene 40 

V-shaped ridge under the scape. Dark 

spheres located behind the junction 

where the ridge meets the lateral edge 

of the epigynal depressions (Fig. 288); 

Honduras to Costa Rica (Map 10) —— 

se te et See Pe (37) pacifica 
Straight ridge under the scape. Dark 

spheres located laterally and outside of 
the junction where the ridge meets the 
lateral edge of the epigynal depressions 
(Fig. 295); Cayman Islands, Jamaica, 
and Haiti (Map 15) -.......... (38) jamaicensis 


Terminal apophysis thin, small, fleshy, 
without teeth or sclerotized parts (Figs. 
OES ES SOR OAS)) | kara Rai tae Lae Meee. 5 RE 2, 
Terminal apophysis enlarged, meaty, with 
teeth or sclerotized parts (e.g., Figs. 
3 SMO ORSAT a9 9) eee ee ee 7 
Terminal apophysis narrow; embolus 
curled clockwise like the tip on a cork- 
screw (Figs. 7, 15) 
Terminal apophysis wide; embolus tilted 
up and L-shaped (Figs. 22, 29) 4 
Curled embolus with a ridge on the up- 
per surface and raised on a pedicel; 
basal embolic apophysis enormous 
(Fig. 15). Sternum with wide median 
white line (Fig. 21); Galapagos Islands 
(AWE T opal) Sree eee een es (2) desenderi 
Curled embolus smooth on its upper sur- 
face and not raised on a pedicel; basal 
embolic apophysis hardly noticeable 
(Fig. 7). Sternum entirely black (Fig. 
11); Florida to Hispaniola (Map 1) 
SS ha ae iene NT (1) datona 
L-shaped embolus at an acute (< 90°) an- 
gle (Levi, 1977, figs. 91-93); western 
U.S. and Canada (Levi, 1977, map 2) 
Be ies robes i (Levi, 1977: 210) foxi 
L-shaped embolus at angle of 90° or 
preate;rs (igs# 22-229) Wate Se ees 5 
Median apophysis with rounded projec- 
tion on dorsal side; jagged posterior 
edeejoiikeel (Bigsk 220029), sas 6 
Median apophysis without projection— 
flat on dorsal side; rounded posterior 
edge of keel (Levi, 1977, fig. 105); 
along the Canadian and U.S. border, 
north to Nova Scotia and British Co- 
lumbia, south to Maine and North Da- 
kota (Levi, 1977, map 2) 
eid es (Levi, 1977: 212) grandiosa palustris 
Lower, transverse part of L-shaped em- 
bolus longer than vertical part (Fig. 
29): mountains from north-central 
Mexico to Canada (Map 2) —-—---— 
pee De Sets Sees See ene (4) grandiosa alpina 
Lower, transverse part of L-shape em- 
bolus shorter than or equal to vertical 
part (Fig. 22); Baja California north to 
Canada (Map 2) ~ (3) grandiosa grandiosa 
Terminal apophysis does not entirely 
overhang the embolus. Embolus long 
and robust, with a long and thin gap 
created between the embolus and the 




METEPEIRA ° Piel 17 

basal embolic apophysis (Figs. 38, 46, 
53, 60) 
Terminal apophysis often overhangs the 
embolus, covering it from view. Em- 
bolus not long and robust, without 
long, thin gap between embolus and 
basal embolic apophysis (e.g., Figs. 67, 
79, 92, 121, 141, 185) 
Longer flagellum as thick as shorter fla- 
gellum. Keel short, slim, and feather- 
shaped. Embolus as wide as base of 
median apophysis (Fig. 53); Hispanio- 
la, Brazil, Argentina (Map 4) —. (7) vigilax 
Longer flagellum thicker than shorter fla- 
gellum. Keel absent (Fig. 38) or wide 
and arrowhead-shaped. Embolus thin- 
ner than base of median apophysis 
(HiGS38. 465.60) eee dt clio 9 
Keel absent or greatly reduced (Fig. 38); 
Peru. (Map 3) ae (5) cajabamba 
Keel present (Figs. 46, 60) 
Large embolus as long as basal embolic 
apophysis (Fig. 60). Normal embolic 
cap; Chile and Argentina (Map 4) —— 
es ee ieee RENE aSAL) (8) rectangula 
Small embolus shorter than basal embol- 
ic apophysis, often seen with winged 
embolic cap (Fig. 46); Colombia to 
Brazile(Map! 3) 2. ses (6) glomerabilis 
Median apophysis with keel (e.g., Figs. 

QONIAT py SEs cele Rok aan ee Seer ee 12 
Median apophysis without keel (e.g., 

Figs. 157, 178, 286); all North Ameri- 

can or Caribbean species except for M. 

UVC CAEN SRS et eS 29; 
Keel without teeth; smooth (e.g., Figs. 

67, 76); North America _........---------- 13 
Keel with teeth on face; rough (e.g., Figs. 

84, 92, 100); South America 15 

Distal embolic apophysis sleek, pointed, 
and feather-shaped when viewed from 
underside of terminal division (Fig. 
70); Mexico City north to California 
(OMEN op 6) ak te eee ees (9) spinipes 

Distal embolic apophysis spoon-shaped 
(Fig. 6) or widened with bump (Fig. 


Distal embolic apophysis spoon-shaped 
(Fig. 6). Sternum reddish brown with 
median white line. New England to 
Florida and west to eastern Texas 
(Levi, 1977, map 1, excluding points in 
Mexico) -....... (Levi, 1977: 196) labyrinthea 

Distal embolic apophysis widened with 
bump (Fig. 79). Sternum black with or 
without faint white mark in center 
(Fig. 81); mountainous regions of Chia- 
pas, Mexico (Map 6) _...... (10) lacandon 

Distal embolic apophysis a simple exten- 
sion that projects forward, parallel to 
the embolus. Keel usually rounded 








Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 1 

(Fig. 129); Puerto Rico to Argentina 
and Chile (Map 8) (16) compsa 
Distal embolic apophysis raised up or 
projected away from the embolus. Keel 
usually pointed or jagged (Figs. 84, 92, 

Distal embolic apophysis points up and 

away from the embolus. Keel usually 

jagceda(Euigsael 4k 4Q) ieee eee 21 
Distal embolic apophysis wide and raised 

up on boss. Keel usually pointed (Figs. 

SARAO DSi OO) eater oad eh a eee 17 

Dewlap extension under embolus (Fig. 
100) curves under, narrowing the gap 
between the embolus and the basal 
embolic apophysis by one-half (Fig. 
103); north-central Argentina (Map 5) 
ESSE RRO Soe i Tes (13) calamuchita 

No such dewlap (Figs. 84, 92, 110, 121). 
Gap between embolus and basal em- 
bolic apophysis narrow by less than 
one-half the widest distance (Figs. 87, 
Ot Meili QA) Meant telat en dete cle 

Outside edge of distal embolic apophysis 
gently rounded when viewed from un- 
derside of terminal division (Fig. 124); 
southern Argentina and southern Chile 
(Map 5) (15) karkii 

Outside edge of distal embolic apophysis 
with distinct bump when viewed from 
underside of terminal division (Figs. 
Sie) Spell ee loa ta aE te 

Outside edge of distal embolic apophysis 
with rounded bump that is sclerotized 
and has a distinct line rising up from 
embolus (Fig. 117); Chile and Argen- 
tina (Map 7) (14) galatheae 

Outside edge of distal embolic apophysis 
with pointed bump, less sclerotized 
than embolus proper and without a dis- 
tinct line rising up from the embolus 
(ESS pS i159.) ee aie eee Berchet rah hele 

Thick neck joining embolus and _ basal 
embolic apophysis. Bump on distal em- 
bolic apophysis peeks out from under 
the terminal apophysis (Figs. 92, 95). 
Sternum usually with white spot or me- 
dian white line (Fig. 97); northern 
Chile and southern Peru (Map 7) 
osc enone ena (12) tarapaca 

Thin neck joining embolus and basal em- 
bolic apophysis. Bump on distal em- 
bolic apophysis does not peek out from 
under the terminal apophysis (Figs. 84, 

87). Sternum always black, general col- 
oration dark (Figs. 88, 89); high alti- 
tudes in Bolivia and Peru near Lake 
Titicaca (Map 5) (11) nigriventris 

Distal embolic apophysis thinner than 
embolus near the junction of the two. 
Embolus tip is curved gently (Fig. 



149): northern Argentina, Uruguay, 
and southern Brazil (Map 8) _. (18) gressa 
Distal embolic apophysis the same size as 
embolus near the junction of the two. 
Embolus tip is curved abruptly (Fig. 
141): northern Brazil, French Guiana, 
and Colombia (Map 8) (17) roraima 
Distal embolic apophysis a projecting 
bumpy (hig ste oi 64 5oli/fll) eeneeern na 23 
Distal embolic apophysis curved off 
(Figs. 178, 185, 199, 214), rounded 
(Figs. 192, 206), or absent (Figs. 264, 
DASE 29 Bhs. NEA Rates. Sel eae teat AE 
Distal embolic apophysis raised up from 
the embolus and pointed (Fig. 171); 
California, Arizona, northwestern Mex- 
Tato) (NYY oy 0) a ee (21) gosoga 
Distal embolic apophysis not raised up, 
but projecting forward and rounded off 
(Bigs.057 164). 0 a Wa 
Main flagellum on median apophysis thin 
and initially as thick as base. Embolus 
and embolic cap shortened (Fig. 164); 
northern tip of Peru (Map 11) —. (20) inca 
Main flagellum on median apophysis 
thick, but initially thinner than base. 
Embolus and embolic cap elongated 
(Fig. 157); southern Mexico and Belize 
to Costa Rica (Map 14) (19) maya 
Embolus shaped like the nib on a foun- 
tain pen, with bump near tip on op- 
posite side of distal embolic apophysis 
(Figs. 214, 217); central Mexican pla- 



teaua(Mapel4) aa (27) atascadero 
Embolus without such bump near tip 
(Ces AhIE R222) AGS eee ee 26 

Distal embolic apophysis abruptly ends 
in sharp curve and flagellae not set off 
on a narrow stalk (Figs. 178, 185, 199, 
DOO Ni tht S rule Sean tibet ee SOURS eaters een see ik 
Distal embolic apophysis gently curved 
off (Figs. 229, 236, 243), rounded 
(Figs. 192, 206), or absent (e.g., Fig. 
DO BN) (52! wae ake betel erred aa ee 
Flagellae very thin and equal in length. 
Embolus long and arching, with wide 
but short embolus cap. Overhanging 
terminal apophysis covers only a distal 
portion of the sclerotized part of the 
embolus (Fig. 199); eastern Cuba and 
Hispaniola (Map 14) _. (25) triangularis 
Flagellae normal in thickness and usually 
of different lengths. Terminal apophy- 
sis centered above the entire sclero- 
tized portion of the embolus (Figs. 
178, 185, 222) 
Not known to be very social. Height of 
embolus plus distal embolic apophysis 
just before the latter curves off sharply 
is equal to or greater than length of 
embolus tip distal to this point (Figs. 

178, 185). Sternum with median white 
Markie sa (IGS gl S25 GQ) asec e ns 29 
= Highly social species. Height of embolus 
plus distal embolic apophysis just be- 
fore the latter curves off sharply is less 
than the length of the embolus tip dis- 
tal to this point (Fig. 222). Sternum 
mostly black; sometimes with anterior 
white marks. Coxae mostly dark brown 
(Fig. 226); mainly in southern Vera- 
cruz, Mexico (Map 9) -........ (28) incrassata 
29(28) Darker, sclerotized portion of the embo- 
lus does not extend over the hump of 
the distal embolic apophysis. Base of 
embolus narrower than widest part of 
the first flagellum (Fig. 178); southern 
Veracruz, Mexico to Panama (Map 11) 
oP NOS eee (22) olmec 
= Darker, sclerotized portion of the embo- 
lus extends over the hump of the distal 
embolic apophysis. Width of embolus 
base the same or greater than widest 
part of the first flagellum (Fig. 185); 
northeastern Mexico to Texas (Levi, 

lOv@eemape "Mapa ie es (23) comanche 
30(26) Distal embolic apophysis rounded off to 
form convex curve (Figs. 192, 206) _..... 31 

= Distal embolic apophysis gently falls off 
to form concave shape (Figs. 929, 236, 
243)! or absent (e:¢., Fig.) 293) i222 32 
31(30) Embolus S-shaped (Fig. 192). Sternum 
black with posterior white mark. Ven- 
ter without white anchor shape mark 
(Fig. 196); San Nicolas Island off 
southern California (Map 9) —-—-——— 
See eee ee a ES (24) pimungan 
= Embolus convex on upper surface, 
straight on lower surface (Fig. 206). 
Sternum black with median white line. 
Venter with faint white anchor-shaped 
mark posterior to median white line 
(Fig. 210); southwestern U.S. to cen- 
tral Mexico (Map 9) _........ (26) arizonica 
32(30) Flagellae on median apophysis set off on 
separate, narrow, stalk (e.g., Figs. 278, 
ORNG Nee eae ee Sa ae eee 38 
~ Flagellae on median apophysis not set off 
on a separate, narrow, stalk (e.g., Figs. 
99959 GA) et 2 eRe OU) aa eer 33 
33(32) Larger flagellum twice as wide as smaller 
flagellum (Fig. 236); Isla Socorro of the 
Archipiélago de Revillagigedo (Map 
UT: ip ater esate Bene fe ttt sede a (30) revillagigedo 
= Larger flagellum less than twice as thick 
as smaller flagellum (e.g., Figs. 229, 

GALEN Re Tienes Beter Mie Laut, aan eee 34 
34(33) Flagellae on median apophysis relatively 

(dawn) (URakas PABKO), PAGV)) Le ee 35 
- Flagellae on median apophysis thicker 

(Figs. 2.2 QUOTAS UES 517) es seemed Me ake EERE 36 

35(34) Embolus with sharp bend near the tip 


(Fig. 264). Sternum with median white 

line (Fig. 268); southeast and south- 

central Mexico (Map 13) -_.... (34) chilapae 
= Embolus with gentle bend further from 

the tip (Fig. 250). Sternum mostly 

black with small white mark at poste- 

rior end of sternum (Fig. 254); Gua- 

temala and Costa Rica (Map 12) ——— 

DDS 5 RE (32) uncata 
36(34) Embolus with sharp bend near the tip 

(Fig. 229); northwestern Mexico and 

coastal California (Map 13) _. (29) ventura 
= Embolus with gentle bend further from 
thestipa(Hics 32430 2517) mass ears wees 37 

37(36) Sclerotized portion of embolus about as 
long as the longer flagellum (Fig. 243); 
Yucatan Peninsula (Map 13) ———— 
tee ata Rot Die 2 oa Salen Kom SB (31) celestun 
= Sclerotized portion of embolus shorter 
than the longer flagellum (Fig. 257); 
northwestern Mexico and California 

(Miers i) ea eee ae Rea (33) crassipes 
38(32) Embolus thick and tapering to a point 

(Figs. SATA OAT S)) |peecmeretias Wit S MeN ESE hy pee ROE 39 
= Embolus thin and needlelike (Figs. 286, 

DAC HN a heee tee eee en Moen nee Se ea Oe, 40 

39(38) Longer flagellum greater than half the 
length of the cymbium (Fig. 271); west 
coastal Mexico (Map 10) _.... (35) petatlan 

= Longer flagellum less than half the length 
of the cymbium (Fig. 278); northwest- 
ern Mexico and Yucatan Peninsula 
(Map ells) ies: sere pe Stee (36) minima 

40(38) Flagellae set off on long, thin stalk (Fig. 
293); Cayman Islands, Jamaica, and 
laity (Miappilis)) a seee aes (38) jamaicensis 

= Flagellae set off on short, thicker stalk 
(Fig. 286); Honduras to Costa Rica 
(Miay sli) gcse Be. A ewes ote 8 (37) pacifica 

Metepeira foxi Group 

The M. foxi species group (sensu Levi, 
1977) and M. desenderi share very similar 
genitalia, especially among males. Conse- 
quently, I am expanding the M. foxi group 
to include M. desenderi, but with the ex- 
clusion of the black sternum as a diagnos- 
tic character. The M. foxi group (sensu 
lato) includes males with an embolus that 
lacks a distal apophysis. The embolus curls 
almost 180° clockwise around a reduced or 
fleshy terminal apophysis (Figs. 7, 15, 22, 
29). In other species groups the embolus 
is straighter and does not curl (e.g., Fig. 
60), and the terminal apophysis is large, 
overhanging the embolus, and often scler- 
otized with teeth (e.g., Fig. 121). Epigynal 

20 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 1 

features uniting females in the M. foxi spe- 
cies group are harder to discern. Generally 
speaking, the epigynum has a_ stubby, 
shorter, often triangular scape and weaker 
posterior lobes that permit a wider view 
into the epigynal openings (compare Figs. 
OF 7. 2473 witha Figs. 143, 252), 

1. Metepeira datona 
Chamberlin and Ivie 
Figures 7-13, 312; Map 1 

Metepeira datona Chamberlin and Ivie, 1942: 68, fig. 
196, 2. Female holotype from Daytona Beach, 
Florida, USA, in the AMNH, examined. Levi, 
1977: 208-210, figs. [S=8 OO Rn Brignoli, 1983: 
Dp Ds 

Metepeira inerma Bryant, 1945: 378. Female holo- 
type from Cap Haitien, Haiti in the MCZ, exam- 
ined. First synonymized by Levi, 1977: 208-210. 

Description. Female from Morant 
Point, Mammee Bay, Jamaica. Carapace 
light aroma eyes with short lateral poste- 
rior extensions, sometimes with thin lon- 
gitudinal white line (Fig. 12). Legs ringed. 
Femur I with row of two macrosetae on 
anterior side; three light setae on anter- 
oventral side. Anterior half of dorsal foli- 
um white, posterior half black, margined 
by white; two halves separated by trans- 
verse white line. Abdomen widest in cen- 
ter (Fig. 12). Venter with a longitudinal 
white line. Pair of white spots on either 
side of spiracle (Fig. 13). Sternum usually 
entirely black, though sometimes with thin 
anterior and posterior marks, suggestive of 
median white line (Fig. 13). Ratio of eye 
diameters: posterior medians and anterior 
medians 1.0, anterior laterals 1.3, posterior 
laterals 1.1. Anterior median eyes separat- 
ed by 1.4 diameters, posterior median eyes 
by 0.9, anterior median eyes separated 
from anterior laterals by 1.6 diameters of 
anterior lateral eyes, lateral eyes separated 
by 0.3 their diameters. Total length 4.2 
mm. Carapace 1.7 mm long, 1.4 wide. 
First femur 2 mm, patella an tibia 2.4, 
metatarsus 1.5, tarsus 0.8. Second patella 
and tibia 1.9 mm, third 1.1, fourth 1.6. 

Male from Morant Point, Mammee Bay, 
Jamaica. Carapace yellowish brown, light 

around eyes. Median white mark anterior 
to thoracic furrow (Fig. 10). Legs same 
color as carapace, lightly ringed. Femur I 
with row of three macrosetae on anterior 
side, two on anteroventral side. Center of 
dorsum with transverse white line; poste- 
rior half darker than anterior half; thin me- 
dian black line; margin of folium white 
(Fig. 10). Venter, sternum as in female 
(Fig. 11). Ratio of eye diameters: posterior 
medians and anterior medians 1.0, anterior 
laterals 1.3, posterior laterals 1.2. Anterior 
median eyes separated by 1.8 diameters, 
posterior median eyes by 1.1, anterior me- 
dian eyes separated from anterior laterals 
by 1.5 diameters of anterior lateral eyes, 
lateral eyes separated by 0.5 their diame- 
ters. Total length 3 mm. Carapace 1.4 mm 
long, 1.1 wide. First femur 2.7 mm, patella 
and tibia 2.7, metatarsus 1.9, tarsus 0.8. 
Second patella and tibia 2.1 mm, third 1.0, 
fourth 1.3. 

Diagnosis. The dorsal folium and ab- 
dominal shape is distinctive in M. datona. 
Typically, the female’s abdomen is widest 
in the middle, forming a rhomboid in 
shape (Fig. 12), and both sexes have a 
transverse white line dividing the dorsal 
folium, with wide black markings on the 
posterior half (Figs. 10, 12). A ventral view 
of the epigynum in M. datona reveals a 
ridge under the scape that almost forms a 
straight line and which curves up at the 
ends (Fig. 9) instead of a V-shape (Figs. 
17, 24, 31). The openings to the epigynum 
consist of small slits that flank a wide de- 
pression (Fig. 9), compared to larger 
openings that are relatively closer together 
(Figs. 17, 24, 31). The smooth embolus on 
M. datona is somewhat more compressed 
as it curls clockwise like the tip on a cork- 
screw, in contrast to the slightly ridged 
embolus supported on a stalk (Fig. 15) or 
the strongly ridged and tilted embolus 
(Figs. 22, 29). Like M. desenderi (Fig. 15) 
buat unlike M. grandiosa grandiosa (Fig. 
22) and M. grandiosa alpina (Fig. 29), the 
posteroventral edge of the keel on the me- 
dian apophysis is rounded, as opposed to 
pointed (Fig. 7). Finally, M. datona has the 

thinnest and fleshiest terminal apophysis 
in the genus (Fig. 7). 

Variation. Average body length of 15 fe- 
males examined 3.8 mm, range 2.9 to 4.8 
mm. Average body length of seven males 
examined 2.6 mm, range 1.8 to 3 mm. 

Natural History. Mature adults have 
been collected throughout the year (Fig. 
312). According to locality labels, M. da- 
tona are found near the beach on cactus, 
palm, low scrub, mangrove, and bamboo. 
Females are known to wrap their egg sacs 
in dead leaves. 

Distribution. At sea level in Florida, Ba- 
hamas, British West Indies, and the Do- 
minican Republic (Levi, 1977, map 2; Map 

Records Examined. BAHAMAS Abaco Cays: Aba- 
co, 26°29'N, 77°5'W, 2.xii.1964 (W. B. Peck, MCZ); 
Allons Cay, 26°59'N, 77°40'W, 9.v.1953 (E. B. Hay- 
den, AMNH); Hopetown, Elbow Cay, 26°33'N, 
76°57'W, 5.v.1953 (E. Hayden, AMNH); New Plym- 
outh, Green Turtle Cay, 26°50'N, 77°23'W, 7.v.1953 
(G. Rabb, AMNH): Whale Cay, 926°43'N, 77°14'W, 
121.1964 (W. B. Peck, CAS). Acklin’s Id.: Atwood’s 
Harbor, 22°13’N, 74°18'W, 15.ix.1958 (A. W. Scott Jr., 
MCZ): Salina Point, 22°13’N, 74°18’W, 15.viii.1958 
(R. Robertson & A. W. Scott Jr, MCZ). Andros: Fresh 
Creek, 24°26'N, 77°57’W, 23.iv.1953 (L. Giovannoli, 
AMNH); Mangrove Cay, 24°15'N, 77°39'W, 
26.iv.1953 (E. Hayden, AMNH); Nicolls Town, 
25°8'N, 78°0'W, 14.iii.1967 (A. M. Nadler, AMNH). 
Berry Islands: Frazier’s Hog Cay, 25°24'N, 77°50'W, 
29.iv.1953 (E. Hayden, AMNH); Little Harbor Cay, 
25°34'N, 77°43’W, 1.v.1953 (Hayden & Giovannoli, 
AMNH). Crooked Island: North shore of Cripple 
Hill, 22°49'N, 74°16’W, 15.ix.1958 (A. W. Scott Jr, 
MCZ): NW end, Gordon (= Gun) Bluff, 22°50'N, 
74°20'W, 15.viii.1958 (R. Robinson & A. W. Scott Jr, 
MCZ). Crooked Island Group: Long Cay, 22°37'N, 
74°20'W, 7.iii.1953 (Hayden & Giovannoli, AMNH). 
East Plana Cay: 22°37'N, 73°33'W, 4.iii.1953 (E. 
Hayden, AMNH). Exumas: Musha Cay, 23°50'N, 
76°15'W, 29.xii.1985 (A. Boutard, MCZ): Warderick 
Wells Cay, 24°22'N, 76°36'W, 9.i1.1953 (L. Giovannoli, 
AMNH), 11.i.1953 (Hayden & Giovannoli, AMNH). 
Grand Bahamas Island: Dundee Bay, 26°30'N, 
79°15'W [?], 25.xii.1965 (L. Pinter, MCZ); near Fre 
port, pine-palmetto, 26°34'N, 78°27'W  [P], 
25.vii.1965 (L. Pinter, MCZ). Long Island: Clarence 
Town, 23°6'N, 74°59'W, 10.iii.1953 (L. Giovannoli, 
AMNH); Deadman’s Cay, 23°14’N, 75°14'W, 
11.iii1.1953 (E. Hayden, AMNH). New Providence Is- 
land: 7 mi W. of Nassau, 25°5’N, 77°28’W, 4.1.1953 
(Hayden & Giovannoli, AMNH). North Bimini: 
25°44'N, 79°15'W, 25.i.1950 (C. M. Bogert, AMNB#), 

METEPEIRA ° Piel 21 1950 (M. Cazier & F. Rindge, AMNH), 15.v.1951 
(W. J. Gertsch & M. Cazier, AMNH), (M. 
Cazier, P. & C. Vaurie, AMNH), 15.vii.1951 (C. & P. 
Vaurie, AMNH), 13.xii.1952 (A. M. Nadler, AMNH), 
28.xi.1959 (A. M. Nadler, AMNH). Rum Cay: near 
Port Nelson, 23°38'N, 74°50'W, 16.iii.1953 (Hayden 
& Giovannoli, AMNH). South Bimini: 25°42'N, 
7T9°17'W, (M. Cazier & F. Rindge, 
AMNH), (M. Cazier & F. Rindge, 
AMNH), 15.v.1951 (W. J. Gertsch & M. Cazier, 
AMNHB), 15.vii.1951 (C. & P. Vaurie, AMNH), 
A viii.1951 (C. & P. Vaurie, AMNH), 4.xii.1952 (A. M. 
Nadler, AMNH), 25.iii.1953 (A. M. Nadler, AMNH); 
Gun Cay, 95°35'N, 79°20'W, (AMNH). 
BRITISH WEST INDIES Caicos Islands: Long Cay, 
21°28'N, 71°33'W, 10.ii.1953 (E. Hayden, AMNH);: 
South Caicos, from webs in upper beach zone, 
21°31'N, 71°30'W, 3.iv.1973 (D. W. Buden, MCZ); 
West Caicos, 21°39'N, 72°28’W, 4.ii.1953 (Hayden & 
Giovannoli, AMNH), 5.ii.1953 (Hayden, Rabb, & 
Giovannoli, AMNH). Grand Cayman Island: 
19°20'’N, 81°10’W, 15.ii.1960 (R. A. Lewin, MCZ). 
CUBA Oriente: Banes, 20°58'N, 75°43’W, 2.viii.1955 
(A. F. Archer, AMNH); Ensenada Nispero, Ciudamar, 
19°58’N, 75°52’W, 9.xi.1945 (P. Alayo, AMNH); Jur- 
agua, 19°56’N, 75°40'W, 1.x.1955 (P. Alayo, AMNH); 
Santa Fé [P?], 20°22'N, 75°53’W (A. F. Archer, 
ya Los Patos, 17°58'N, 7I°1LL'W, 31L.viii.1976 (J. A. 
Ottenwalder, MNSD). La Altagracia: Punta Cana, 
Isla Saona, 18°8’N, 68°34'W (Felix E. Del Monte & 
K. Guerrero, MNSD). HAITI Dept. du Nord: Cap- 
Haitien, 19°46’N, 72°13’W, 15.iii.1934 (E. Bryant, 
Utawana Exp., MCZ). JAMAICA Portland: between 
Boston and Blue Hole, 18°6’N, 76°37'W, 29.vii.1955 
(A. F. Archer, AMNH). Saint Andrews: Hope Gar- 
dens, Gordontown, 18°2'N, 76°45’W, 27.vii.1955 (A. 
F. Archer, AMNH). Surrey: Morant Point, Mammee 
Bay, 17°53'N, 76°19'W, 14.x.1957 (A. M. Chickering, 
MCZ): Palisadoes, 17°56’N, 76°46’W, 11.xi.1967 (A. 
M. Chickering, MCZ); Palisadoes Area, 17°56'N, 
76°46’W, 1.xi.1957 (A. M. Chickering, MCZ). U.S. 
VIRGIN ISLANDS Saint Thomas: Morant Point, 
17°55'N, 76°10'W, 25.vii.1985 (G. B. Edwards, 

2. Metepeira desenderi Baert 
Figures 14-21, 307; Map 1 

Epeira labyrinthea:—Banks, 1902: 60. Banks, 1924: 
97. Misidentification. 

Metepeira sp.:—Roth and Craig, 1970: 116. 

Metepeira desenderi Baert, 1987: 145, figs. 16-21, 6, 
2. Male holotype from Isla Pinzon, Galapagos, Ec- 
uador, in the IRSNB. Platnick, 1989: 341. 

Note. Holotype not examined because the figures 

in Baert (1987) are clear and because this is the 
only Metepeira species found on the Galapagos. 

Description. Female from east slope of 
Isla Santa Cruz, Galapagos Islands, Ecua- 


dor. Carapace yellowish brown, white 
around eyes, lighter median line (Fig. 20). 
Legs yellowish white, slightly darker an- 
nulations on distal ends of articles. Femur 
I with row of four macrosetae on anterior 
side: two to four on anteroventral side. 
Dorsal fleur-de-lis pattern broken into four 
white patches with anterior pair often larg- 
er than in most species. Posterior pair 
straighter than usual, forming a cross in 
center of folium (Fig. 20). Venter olive- 
brown with median white line surrounded 
by white U-shaped marking (Fig. 21). Pair 
of white spots on either side of spiracle. 
Sternum brownish black with wide, white 
line widening anteriorly (Fig. 21). Ratio of 
eye diameters: posterior medians and an- 
terior medians 1.0, anterior laterals 1.3, 
posterior laterals 1.3. Anterior median 
eyes separated by 1.5 diameters, posterior 
median eyes by 0.9, anterior median eyes 
separated from anterior laterals by 2.3 di- 
ameters of anterior lateral eyes, lateral eyes 
separated by 0.2 their diameters. Total 
length 5.5 mm. Carapace 2.3 mm long, 1.7 
wide. First femur 2.7 mm, patella and tibia 
3, metatarsus 2.2, tarsus 0.8. Second patella 
and tibia 2.4 mm, third 1.4, fourth 2. 

Male from same locality as female. Car- 
apace yellowish brown with wide white 
median mark (Fig. 18). Legs ringed like 
female. Femur I with row of four macro- 
setae on anterior side; four to seven on an- 
teroventral side. Dorsum and venter as in 
female, though median white line on ster- 
num sometimes broken (Figs. 18, 19). Ra- 
tio of eye diameters: posterior medians 
and anterior medians 0.9, anterior laterals 
1.2, posterior laterals 1.1. Anterior median 
eyes separated by 2.2 diameters, posterior 
median eyes by 1.4, anterior median eyes 
separated from anterior laterals by 2.3 di- 
ameters of anterior lateral eyes, lateral 
eyes separated by 0.5 their diameters. To- 
tal length 3.2 mm. Carapace 1.6 mm long, 
1.3 wide. First femur 2.6 mm, patella and 
tibia 2.6, metatarsus 2.3, tarsus 0.8. Sec- 
ond patella and tibia 2.2 mm, third 1.0, 
fourth 1.6. 

Diagnosis. Within the M. foxi species 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 1 

8 © Females eX) 
@ Males ° 

Length of spider (mm) 

-80 = -40 0 40 80 120 160 200 
Collection day (since Jan 1) 

Figure 14. The length of mature M. desenderi collected on 
specific days of the year over a period of 84 years. There is a 
trend from smaller spiders early in the season to large spiders 
later in the season. 
Scale of abscissa: —80 = October 12 of the previous year; 40 
= February 9; 160 = June 9. 
Symbols: Females (©), stippled regression line (fF = 40%); 
males (@), solid regression line (f° = 42%). 

group, the female abdomen shape of M. 
desenderi is closest to M. datona, though 
not quite as rhomboid (compare Fig. 20 
with Figs. 12, 27, 34). The scape on M. 
desenderi is narrower and less triangular 
than other M. foxi species, and the de- 
pression under the scape forms a distinct 
U-shaped smile that is not seen in the oth- 
ers (compare Fig. 17 with Figs. 9, 24, 31). 
Like M. datona (Fig. 7) but unlike M. 
grandiosa grandiosa (Fig. 22) or M. gran- 
diosa alpina (Fig. 29), the posteroventral 
edge of the keel on the median apophysis 
is rounded as opposed to pointed (Fig. 15). 
Similar to M. datona (Fig. 7), the embolus 
of M. desenderi is curved like a slightly 
flattened corkscrew. Unlike M. datona, the 
embolus seems to be supported by a ped- 
icel off a large basal embolic apophysis 
(Fig. 15). In contrast, a pedicel is not ev- 
ident in M. datona, and the basal embolic 
apophysis is barely visible (Fig. 7). 
Variation. Average body length of 45 fe- 
males examined 5.8 mm, range 3.8 to 8.5 
mm. Average body length of 13 males ex- 
amined 4.9 mm, range 2.9 to 6.5 mm. 
Natural History. Notes on the collection 
labels of Y. Lubin and R. Silberglied in- 
dicate that M. desenderi is active at night 

and that the retreat is composed of Opun- 
tia bark and croton leaves. According to 
Baert (1987), M. desenderi is found in 
large numbers in arid ecological zones on 
all islands. Although some mature speci- 
mens have been collected in November 
and August, most specimens are found be- 
tween January and June (Fig. 307), cor- 
responding to the “warm and wet” season 
in the Galapagos (van der Werff, 1978). 
The size of mature M. desenderi speci- 
mens appears to correlate with the collec- 
tion date: female spiders taken in August 
are, on average, 80% larger than those tak- 
en in November (Fig. 14). This trend may 
indicate that M. desenderi can vary the 
number of instars before maturity. Alter- 
natively, the intermolt growth may be 
greater for spiders with their antepenulti- 
mate or penultimate instars occurring dur- 
ing the warmer and wetter season. 

Distribution. Endemic to the Galapagos 
Islands (Map 1). 

Records Examined. ECUADOR Galapagos: Albe- 
marle, Tagus Cove, 0°16’S 91°22’W, 23.1.1899 
(AMNH), 8.ii1.1899 (AMNH), 21.iii.1899 (AMNH), 
23.iii.1899 (AMNH); Archipiélago de Galapagos, 
0°0'N, 90°30'W (Williams Exped., 1923, MCZ); Ba- 
hia Conway, Indefatigable Island, 0°33'S, 90°32'W, 
17.iii.1935 (Exline-Peck, CAS); Barrington Island, 
0°49'S, 90°4’W,  1.viii.1929 (H. H. Cleaves, CAS); 
Campion, nr. Floreana (Santa Maria), 1°15'S, 
90°27'W, (Y. Lubin, MCZ): Charles Island, 
1°17'S, 90°26'W, 10.v.1899 (AMNH): Indefatigable 
Island, 0°38'S, 90°23'W, 27.iv.1899 (AMNH), (Pinchot South Sea Exp, USNM); Isla 
Abingdon, 0°35'N, 90°44'W, (AMNH); Isla 
Albemarle, 0°30'S, 91°4’W, 13.i1.1899 (AMNH), 
20.11.1899 (AMNH), 20.iii.1899 (AMNH): Isla Bin- 
dloe, O0°19'N, 90°29’W, (AMNH): Isla 
Hood, 1°23’S, 89°39’'W, 18.v.1899 (AMNH), 
26.v.1899 (AMNH); Isla Pinta, S Coast, 0°35’N, 
90°44'W, 25.v.1964 (D. Q. Cavagnaro, CAS); Isla Pla- 
za, 0°35'S, 90°9’W, 7.iii.1970 (R. Silberglied, MCZ), 
26.xi1.1973 (Y. Lubin, MCZ); Isla Santa Cruz, Acade- 
my Bay, 0°44'30"S, 90°17'30"W, 13.iii.1970 (R. Sil- 
berglied, MCZ); Isla Santa Cruz, E slope, 0°38’S, 
90°23'W, 16.iv.1964 (D. Q. Cavagnaro, CAS); Isla 
Santa Cruz, Estacion Cientifica Charles Darwin, 
0°44'S, 90°18’W, 24.1.1964 (D. Q. Cavagnaro & R. O. 
Schuster, CAS), 12.ii.1964 (Cavagnero & Schuster, 
CAS), 3.xi.1973 (Y. Lubin, MCZ), 24.xi.1973 (Y. Lu- 
bin, MCZ), 25.xi.1973 (Y. Lubin, MCZ); Isla Santa 
Fé, S coast, 0°50'S, 90°4’W, 30.i1.1983 (Y. Lubin, 
MCZ); James, 0°16'S, 90°42’W, 22.iv.1899 (AMNH); 

METEPEIRA ° Piel 23 

Narborough Island, 0°25'S, 91°30'W, 28. iii. 1899 
(AMNH); Sombrero Chino, Rocas Bainbridge, SE of 
Santiago, 0°21'S, 90°34’W, 31.iii.1970 (R. Silberglied, 
MCZ); Tower Island, Darwin’s Bay [?], 0°17’N, 
89°59’W (AMNH): Tower Islands, 0°20’N, 89°58’W, 
7.iv.1925 (N.Y. Zoological Society, AMNH); W coast 
of Albemarle Island, 0°11'’N, 91°21'’W, 9.iii.1935 

3. Metepeira grandiosa grandiosa 
Chamberlin & lvie 
Figures 22-28, 321; Map 2 

Metepeira grandiosa Chamberlin and Ivie, 1941: 17, 
figs. 24-26, 2. Female holotype from Ben Lo- 
mond, California, USA in the AMNH, examined. 

Metepeira palomara Chamberlin and Ivie, 1942: 72, 
figs. 200-204, 2, ¢. Female holotype and para- 
types from Mt. Palomar, California, in the AMNH, 
examined. First synonymized by Levi, 1977: 214. 

Metepeira grandiosa grandiosa:—Levi, 1977: 214, 
figs. 112-116, 2, 6. 

Note. Levi (1977) opted to collapse M. palustris, 
M. grandiosa, M. alpina, M. dakota, and M. palo- 
mara into three subspecies of M. grandiosa, with 
the caveat that more data may show the three sub- 
species to be distinct species. D. Buckle (personal 
communication) claims that his own recent obser- 
vations suggest that M. grandiosa alpina and M. 
grandiosa palustris are separate species. However, 
since the bulk of M. grandiosa specimens are out- 
side of the geographic range of this revision, and 
in the absence of molecular data, I will follow 
Levi's (1977) recommendation and leave these as 
separate subspecies. 

Description. Female from Los Angeles, 
California, USA. Carapace light around 
eyes with median white line extending to 
thoracic furrow (Fig. 27). Legs ringed. Fe- 
mur I with row of three to four macrosetae 
on anterior; one on anteroventral. Dorsum 
with usual folium, though lighter and more 
speckled than in most species (Fig. 27). 
Venter with a wide longitudinal white line. 
Pair of white spots on either side of spi- 
racle (Fig. 28). Sternum entirely black 
(Fig. 28). Ratio of eye diameters: posterior 
medians and anterior medians 1.0, anterior 
laterals 1.2, posterior laterals 1. Anterior 
median eyes separated by 1.9 diameters, 
posterior median eyes by 1.3, anterior me- 
dian eyes separated from anterior laterals 
by 3 diameters of anterior lateral eyes, lat- 
eral eyes separated by 0.4 their diameters. 
Total length 6.5 mm. Carapace 3.2 mm 

24 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 1 

long, 2.3 wide. First femur 3.5 mm, patella 
and. tibia o.7.) metatarsuseo 2.) tarsus lle 
Second patella and tibia 3.2 mm, third 1.9, 
fourth 2.8. 

Male from Parque Nacional Sierra San 
Pedro Martir, Baja California Norte, Mex- 
ico. Carapace as in female. Legs lightly 
ringed. Macrosetae on femur I variable— 
usually row of four macrosetae on anterior 
side, five on anteroventral side. Dorsum as 
in female (Fig. 25). Venter and sternum as 
in female (Fig. 26). Ratio of eye diameters: 
posterior medians and anterior medians 
1.1, anterior laterals 1.5, posterior laterals 
1.5. Anterior median eyes separated by 1.7 
diameters, posterior median eyes by 0.8, 
anterior median eyes separated from an- 
terior laterals by 2.1 diameters of anterior 
lateral eyes, lateral eyes separated by 0.3 
their diameters. Total length 3.6 mm. Car- 
apace 1.9 mm long, 1.5 wide. First femur 
2.9 mm, patella and tibia 2.8, metatarsus 
2.5, tarsus 0.9. Second patella and tibia 2.3 
mm, third 1.3, fourth 1.9. 

Diagnosis. The epigynal scape of M. 
grandiosa grandiosa is shorter and stub- 
bier than in other members of the M. foxi 
species group (compare Fig. 24 with Figs. 
9, 17, 31). Unlike M. datona and M. de- 
senderi (Figs. 7, 15), the corkscrew em- 
bolus is tilted up with a heavy ridge (Fig. 
22), but unlike M. grandiosa alpina (Fig. 
29), it is more graceful and not as sharply 
bent. The posteroventral edge of the keel 
on the median apophysis in M. grandiosa 
grandiosa is not as pointed (Fig. 22) as in 
M. grandiosa alpina (Fig. 29) but not 
curved as in M. datona and M. desenderi 
(Bigss, (ela): 

Variation. Body length of females varies 
from 5.4 to 8.5 mm; males from 3.5 to 5.1 
mm (Levi, 1977). 

Natural History. Mature specimens 
have been collected from March to Sep- 
tember (Fig. 321; Levi, 1977) in yellow 
pine forests and on Eriogonum fascicula- 
tum bushes. Elevations range from sea lev- 
el to 2,000 m. 

Distribution. Coastal mountainous re- 

gions from British Columbia to Baja Cal- 
ifornia Norte (Levi, 1977, map 2; Map 2). 

Records Examined. MEXICO Baja California Nor- 
te: Parque Nacional Sierra San Pedro Martir, 
30°45'N, 115°13’W, 1.vii.1977 (C. E. Griswold, CAS). 
USA Arizona: Sycamore Canyon [?] Santa Cruz Co, 
31°28'N, 110°42'W, 9.ix.1978 (G. F. Knowlton, 
MCZ). California: Los Angeles, 34°3’N, 118°15'W 
(Davidson, MCZ): Winchester, Double Butte, 
33°42'N, 117°5'W, 20.iv.1974 (W. Icenogle, MCZ). 

4. Metepeira grandiosa alpina 
Chamberlin and lvie 
Figures 29-35, 325; Map 2 

Metepeira dakota Chamberlin and Ivie, 1942: 73, figs. 
205-207, 2, 5. Male holotype and female paratype 
from Noonan, North Dakota, USA, in the AMNH, 
examined. Name synonymized by Levi, 1977: 212— 

Metepeira alpina Chamberlin and Ivie, 1942: 74. Fe- 
male holotype and female paratypes from Fish 
Lake, Utah, USA, in the AMNH, examined. 

Metepeira grandiosa alpina:—Levi, 1977: 212-214, 
figs. 99, 100, 106-111, 2, 3. Brignoli, 1983: 276. 

Note. As first revisor, Levi (1977) chose to use 
the name M. alpina because its type specimen was 
collected closer to the center of the subspecies dis- 

Description. Female from Charcas, San 
Luis Potosi, Mexico. Carapace light 
around eyes with lateral posterior exten- 
sions and median white line extending to 
thoracic furrow (Fig. 34). Legs lightly 
ringed. Femur I with row of four macro- 
setae on anterior side; one on anteroven- 
tral side. Dorsum with usual folium, 
though lighter than in most species (Fig. 
34). Venter with a wide longitudinal white 
line. Pair of white spots on either side of 
spiracle (Fig. 35). Sternum entirely black 
(Fig. 35). Ratio of eye diameters: posterior 
medians and anterior medians 1.0, anterior 
laterals 1.1, posterior laterals 1.1. Anterior 
median eyes separated by 1.7 diameters, 
posterior median eyes by 0.7, anterior me- 
dian eyes separated from anterior laterals 
by 2.8 diameters of anterior lateral eyes, 
lateral eyes separated by 1.1 their diame- 
ters. Total length 6.7 mm. Carapace 3 mm 
long, 2.4 wide. First femur 3.5 mm, patella 
and tibia 3.8, metatarsus 3.4, tarsus 1.2. 

METEPEIBA ° Piel 25 

grandiosa alpina 


Figures 15-21. Metepeira desenderi Baert (sp. 2; 0°38’S, 90°23’W). 15, male palpus, mesal. 16, epigynum, posterior. 17, 
epigynum, ventral. 18, male, dorsal. 19, male, ventral. 20, female, dorsal. 21, female, ventral. 

Figures 22-28. Metepeira grandiosa grandiosa Chamberlin and Ivie (sp. 3 [22, 25, 26] 30°45’N, 115°13’W; [23, 24, 27, 28] 
34°3’N, 118°15’W). 22, male palpus, mesal. 23, epigynum, posterior. 24, epigynum, ventral. 25, male, dorsal. 26, male, ventral. 
27, female, dorsal. 28, female, ventral. ; 

Figures 29-35. Metepeira grandiosa alpina Chamberlin and lvie (sp. 4 [29,32,33] 25°56’N, 105°22’W; [30,31 ,34,35] 23°8’N, 
101°7’W). 29, male palpus, mesal. 30, epigynum, posterior. 31, epigynum, ventral. 32, male, dorsal. 33, male, ventral. 34, female, 
dorsal. 35, female, ventral. 

Scale bars: dorsum and venter figures 1.0 mm. 

26 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 1 

LYON ° vigilax 
= x rectangula 
& ° cajabamaba 
— 100 

-45 -35 -25 -15 -5 5 15 25 
Latitude (Degrees North) 

Figure 36. The elevation of collection localities for M. vigilax, 
M. rectangula, and M. cajabamba at their corresponding lati- 
tudes. Species-specific altitudes appear to decrease with dis- 
tance from the equator. Elevations estimated from NOAA da- 
tabase of 5- by 5-minute geographic tiles. Regression line of 
M. vigilax does not include data points north of the equator. 
Symbols: M. vigilax (©), M. rectangula [%], M. cajabamba [@]}. 

Second patella and tibia 3.3 mm, third 1.9, 
fourth 2.9. 

Male from Santa Maria del Oro, Duran- 
go, Mexico. Carapace yellowish brown, 
light around eyes. Median white triangular 
mark anterior to thoracic furrow (Fig. 32). 
Legs same color as carapace. Macrosetae 
on femur I variable—usually row of four 
macrosetae on anterior side, five to six on 
anteroventral side. Dorsum, venter, and 
sternum as in female (Figs. 32, 33). Ratio 
of eye diameters: posterior medians and 
anterior medians 1.0, anterior laterals 1.4, 
posterior laterals 1.2. Anterior median 
eyes separated by 1.5 diameters, posterior 
median eyes by 0.8, anterior median eyes 
separated from anterior laterals by 2.3 di- 
ameters of anterior lateral eyes, lateral 
eyes separated by 0.3 their diameters. To- 
tal length 5.2 mm. Carapace 2.5 mm long, 
2 wide. First femur 4.5 mm, patella and 
tibia 4.6, metatarsus 4.5, tarsus 1.3. Sec- 
ond patella and tibia 3.6 mm, third 1.8, 
fourth 2.8. 

Diagnosis. The epigynal scape of M. 
grandiosa alpina has the widest base of all 
members of the M. foxi species group, and 
the lobes surrounding the central depres- 
sion are somewhat fatter (compare Fig. 31 
with Figs. 9, 17, 24,). Unlike M. datona 
and M. desenderi (Figs. 7, 15), the cork- 

screw embolus is tilted up with a heavy 
ridge (Fig. 29), but unlike M. grandiosa 
grandiosa (Fig. 22), it is thicker and with 
a sharper L-shape bend instead of a more 
curved L-shape. The posteroventral edge 
of the keel on the median apophysis in M. 
grandiosa alpina is pointier (Fig. 29) than 
in M. grandiosa grandiosa (Fig. 22) and 
not curved as in M. datona and M. desen- 
deri (Figs. 7, 15). 

Variation. Body length of females varies 
from 4.0 to 6.8 mm; males from 3.1 to 5.3 
mm (Levi, 1977). 

Natural History. According to Levi 
(1977), mature specimens have been col- 
lected from June to August in meadows of 
bunchgrass, browsed aspen, oak, juniper, 
and sagebrush (Fig. 325). Elevations are at 
around 2,000 m. 

Distribution. North American Rockies 
from southern Alberta and Saskatchewan 
to Central Mexico (Levi, 1977, map 2; 
Map 2). 

Records Examined. MEXICO Durango: Santa Ma- 
ria del Oro, 25°56'’N, 105°22'’W, 28.vii.1947 (W. je 
Gertsch, AMNH). San Luis Potost: Charcas, moun- 
tain side, 23°8’N, 101°7’W, 7.vii.1934 (MCZ). USA. 
Colorado: Cimarron, 38°27'N, 107°33’W, 21.vii.1959 
(H. W. & L. Levi, MCZ); Hayden Creek, Sangre de 
Cristo Mtns., 38°25'N, 105°35’W [P], 11.vii.1961 (H. 
W. & L. Levi, MCZ). Utah: SE shore of Bear Lake, 
41°59'N, 111°20'W, 3.vii.1978 (G. F. Knowlton, 

Metepeira vigilax Group 

Spiders in the M. vigilax group (Mete- 
peira cajabamba, Metepeira glomerabilis, 
Metepeira vigilax, Metepeira rectangula) 
are characterized by large, sclerotized epi- 
gynal openings, not unlike a snail’s shell 
(Figs. 40, 48, 55, 62), and long, robust, 
emboli with large scooplike basal embolic 
apophyses (Figs. 38, 46, 53, 60). 

5. Metepeira cajabamba new species 
Figures 36, 38-45, 315; Map 3 
Holotype. Male from Cajabamba, Cajamarca, Peru, 

25.ix.1955, W Weyrauch, in CAS. The specific 
name is a noun in apposition after the locality. 

Description. Female paratype from Ca- 
jabamba, Cajamarca, Peru. Carapace dark 

brown, light around eyes with lateral pos- 
terior extensions (Fig. 43). Proximal two- 
thirds of femora white, remainder dark 
brown. Remaining articles lightly annulat- 
ed. Femur I with row of three macrosetae 
on anterior side; none on anteroventral 
side. Dorsal folium dark; white fleur-de-lis 
pattern reduced with thin branches (Fig. 
43). Venter of abdomen black with wide 
white median line. Pair of small white 
spots on either side of colulus (Fig. 44). 
Sometimes the posterior end of median 
line ends in anchor shape (Fig. 45). Ster- 
num black, sometimes with (Fig. 44) or 
without (Fig. 45) median white line. Ratio 
of eye diameters: posterior medians and 
anterior medians 1.1, anterior laterals 1.4, 
posterior laterals 1.2. Anterior median 
eyes separated by 1.6 diameters posterior 
median eyes by 0.9, anterior median eyes 
separated from anterior laterals by 3 di- 
ameters of anterior lateral eyes, lateral 
eyes separated by 0.2 their diameters. To- 
tal length 6.4 mm. Carapace 3 mm long, 
2.3 wide. First femur 3.3 mm, patella and 

tibia 3.5, metatarsus 2.9, tarsus 0.9. Sec- 
ond patella and tibia 2.9 mm, third 1.7, 
fourth 2.7. 

Male holotype. Carapace dark brown, 
white around eyes with lateral posterior 
extensions and median white mark (Fig. 
41). Proximal third of femora white, re- 
mainder dark brown. Remaining articles 
lightly annulated. Femur I with row of 
three macrosetae on anterior side; one on 
anteroventral side. Dorsal folium dark; 
white fleur-de-lis pattern indistinct with 
thin and broken branches (Fig. 41). Venter 
of abdomen black with median white 
mark. Pair of small white spots on either 
side of spiracle and colulus (Fig. 42). Ster- 
num black, often with median white line 
(Fig. 42). Ratio of eye diameters: posterior 
medians and anterior medians 1.0, anterior 
laterals 1.3, posterior laterals 1. Anterior 
median eyes separated by 1.5 diameters, 
posterior median eyes by 0.9, anterior me- 
dian eyes separated from anterior laterals 
by 2.3 diameters of anterior lateral eyes, 
lateral eyes separated by 0.3 their diame- 



ters. Total length 4 mm. Carapace 1.9 mm 
long, 1.5 wide. First femur 3 mm, patella 
and tibia 3, metatarsus 2.7, tarsus 0.9. Sec- 
ond patella and tibia 2.4 mm, third 1.2, 
fourth 1.8. 

Diagnosis. Female M. cajabamba and 
M. glomerabilis differ from the other spe- 
cies in the M. vigilax group (M. vigilax and 
M. rectangula) by the smaller and more 
tubelike openings to the epigynum (com- 
pare Figs. 40, 48 with Figs. 55, 62). Fe- 
male M. cajabamba differs Som M. glom- 
erabilis by having epigynal openings that 
are more oval (Fig. 40) than round (Fig. 
48) when viewed ventrally, having the epi- 
gynal openings farther apart (compare Fig. 
40 with Fig. 48), and by having the scler- 
otized tubelike openings more anteriorly 
directed (Fig. 40) than parallel to the epi- 
gynal groove (Fig. 48). Male M. cajabamba 
and M. glomerabilis differ from other spe- 
cies in the M. vigilax group by the smaller, 
thinner, and more graceful emboli (com- 
pare Figs. 38, 46 with Figs. 53, 60). Me- 
tepeira cajabamba differs from M. glom- 
erabilis by lacking a keel on the median 
apophysis, an only slightly fatter embolus, 
and having a normal embolus cap, in con- 
trast to a winged embolus cap (Fig. 46). A 
larger portion of the prosoma is dark in M. 
cajabamba (Fig. 43) as compared to M. 
glomerabilis (Fig. 51). 

Variation. Average body length of nine 
females examined 6.2 mm, range 5.4 to 7.5 
mm. Average body length of four males 
examined 4 mm, range 3.7 to 4.9 mm. 

Natural History. With the exception of 
two specimens, mature M. cajabamba 
specimens have been collected in May 
through October (Fig. 315). Altitudes of 
collection localities appear to correlate 
steeply with latitude (Fig. 36). Median el- 
evation, about 500 m, with a range from 
near sea level to 3,500 m. 

Distribution. Ecuador and Peru (Map 

Records Examined. PERU Ancash: Callejon de 
Huaylas, 9°10’S, 77°45'W, 15.viii.1988 (V. and B. 
Roth, CAS). Cajamarca: Cajabamba, 12.427, 7°37’S, 
78°3’W, 25.ix.1955 (W. Weyrauch, CAS). La Libertad: 

28 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 1 

Cerro Campana, La Cumbre, 8°1’S, 79°5’W, 
10.x.1966 (A. F. Archer, AMNH). Lima: 20 km E An- 
cén, 11°47'S, 76°59'W, 1.xi.1953 (W. Weyrauch, 
CAS); 23 mi N Pativilea, 10°42’S, 77°47'W, 15.i.1955 
(E. I. Schlinger and E. S. Ross, CAS); 5 km NW 
Chilca, 12°29'S, 76°48'W, 12.ix.1954 (E. I. Schlinger 
and E. S. Ross, CAS): between mouths of Rio Chillon 
and Ancon [?], 11°54'S, 77°7'W, 5.viii.1953 (M. 
Koepcke and Koepcke, MUSM); Cajacay [?], Rio 
Fortaleza, 10°40’'S, 77°52’'W, 6.iii.1956 (W. Weyrauch, 
CAS); Canta, Rio Chill6n, 11°28'12”S, 76°37'23’"W, 
12.v.1951 (W. Weyrauch, CAS); Cerro Caracoles, 
12°23'S, 76°45'W, 15.ix.1951 (W. Weyrauch, CAS): 
Lima, 12°3'S, 77°3’W (K. Jelski and Stolzman, PAN); 
Lomas de Iguanil [?] (Huaral), 11°29'51"S, 
77°12'12’W, (D. Silva, MUSM). 

6. Metepeira glomerabilis (Keyserling) 
Figures 37, 46-52, 314; Map 3 

Epeira glomerabilis Keyserling, 1892: 154, fig. 113, 
?, 6. Male and female syntypes from Taquara, Rio 
Grande do Sul and Serra Vermelha, Rio de Janeiro, 
Brazil, in BMNH, examined. Male here designated 


Araneus glomerabilis:—Petrunkevitch, 1911: 294. 
Roewer, 1942: 843. 

Aranea santa Chamberlin, 1916: 254, pl. 19, fig. 10, 
?. Female holotype from Santa Ana, 3,000 m, Cuz- 
co, Peru, in MCZ, examined. NEW SYNONYMY. 

Metepeira santa:—Chamberlin and Ivie, 1942: 67. 
Platnick, 1993: 449. 

Metepeira glomerabilis:—Chamberlin and Ivie, 1942: 
68, fig. 181. 

Metazygia glomerabilis:—Levi, 1991: 179. Platnick, 
1993: 448. Erroneous transfer. 

Description. Female from Punapi, Tun- 
gurahua, Ecuador. Carapace brown; white 
arrowhead mark between eye region and 
thoracic furrow (Fig. 51). Legs dusky 
brown, lighter on ventral surfaces of fem- 
ora I and II; lighter on dorsal surfaces of 
patellae, tibiae, and metatarsi I and II. Fe- 
mur I with row of two to three macrosetae 
on anterior side; none on anteroventral 
side. Dorsal folium dark, speckled white, 
and white fleur-de-lis pattern with thin 
branches (Fig. 51). Venter black with 
short, wide, white median line ending in a 
T-shape; pair of small white spots on either 
side of spiracle (Fig. 52). Sternum black 
with median white line widening anteriorly 
(Fig. 52). Ratio of eye diameters: posterior 
medians and anterior medians 1.0, anterior 
laterals 1.3, posterior laterals 1.2. Anterior 
median eyes separated by 1.3 diameters, 

posterior median eyes by 0.9, anterior me- 
dian eyes separated from anterior laterals 
by 1.7 diameters of anterior lateral eyes, 
lateral eyes separated by 0.2 their diame- 
ters. Total length 5 mm. Carapace 2.4 mm 
long, 1.7 wide. First femur 2.2 mm, patella 
and tibia 2.3, metatarsus 1.9, tarsus 0.9. 
Second patella and tibia 1.9 mm, third 1.2, 
fourth 1.8. 

Male from Pufapi, Tungurahua, Ecua- 
dor. Carapace as in female, except for a 
greater separation between white colora- 
tion around eyes and arrowhead mark 
(Fig. 49). Legs light tan, dark distally on 
femora. Femur I with row of three macro- 
setae on anterior side; four on anteroven- 
tral side. Dorsal folium and venter as in 
female (Figs. 49, 50). Sternum black with 
partly broken median white line widening 
anteriorly (Fig. 50). Ratio of eye diame- 
ters: posterior medians and anterior me- 
dians 1.1, anterior laterals 1.3, posterior 
laterals 1.2. Anterior median eyes separat- 
ed by 1.8 diameters, posterior median eyes 
by 1.2, anterior median eyes separated 
from anterior laterals by 2 diameters of an- 
terior lateral eyes, lateral eyes separated by 
0.3 their diameters. Total length 3.5 mm. 
Carapace 1.7 mm long, 1.4 wide. First fe- 
mur 2.5 mm, patella and tibia 2.4, meta- 
tarsus 2.3, tarsus 0.9. Second patella and 
tibia 1.9 mm, third 1.0, fourth 1.7. 

Diagnosis. Female M. glomerabilis and 
M. cajabamba differ from the other spe- 
cies in the M. vigilax group (M. vigilax and 
M. rectangula) by the smaller and more 
tubelike openings to the epigynum (com- 
pare Figs. 40, 48 with Figs. 55, 62). Me- 
tepeira glomerabilis differs from M. caja- 
bamba by having epigynal openings that 
are more round (Fig. 48) than oval (Fig. 
40) when viewed ventrally, having the epi- 
gynal openings closer together (compare 
Fig. 48 with Fig. 40), and by having the 
sclerotized tubelike openings more parallel 
to the epigynal groove (Fig. 48) than an- 
teriorly directed (Fig. 40). Male M. glom- 
erabilis and M. cajabamba differ from oth- 
er species in the M. vigilax group by the 
smaller, thinner, and more graceful emboli 

(compare Figs. 38, 46 with Figs. 53, 60). 
Metepeira glomerabilis differs from M. ca- 
jabamba by having a keel on the median 
apophysis, an only slightly slimmer embo- 
lus, and a larger, winged embolus cap 
(compare Fig. 46 with Fig. 38). A larger 
portion of the prosoma is white in M. 
glomerabilis (Fig. 51), compared to M. ca- 
jabamba (Fig. 43). In addition, the mar- 
gins of the folium, particularly in the male, 
are whiter than in other species in the 
group (compare Fig. 49 and Keyserling 
[ 1892, fig. 113b] with Figs. 41, 56, 63). 

Variation. Average body length of 28 fe- 
males examined 5.1 mm, range 3.8 to 7.3 
mm. Average body length of 10 males ex- 
amined 3.1 mm, range 2.4 to 4.3 mm. The 
base of the embolus varies from relatively 
thin (Fig. 46) to somewhat thicker, as in 
M. cajabamba (Fig. 38). 

Natural History. At first it would appear 
that this species is not seasonal—mature 
specimens have been collected throughout 
the year (Fig. 315). However on closer in- 
spection, there seems to be a seasonal shift 
with elevation: mature spiders are found 
at low altitudes (0-500 m) between March 
and October, at medium altitudes (500— 
1,500 m) between August and March, and 
at high altitudes (1,500-4,000 m) between 
December and June (Fig. 37). In coastal 
regions, R. Baptista (personal communi- 
cation) reports that this species forms 
small aggregations of two to 10 spiders. 

Distribution. Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, 
Bolivia, Paraguay, and southern Brazil 
(Map 3). Elevations range from sea level 
to 4,000 m. 

Records Examined. BOLIVIA Chuquisaca: Mon- 
teagudo, 19°49'S, 63°59'W, 24.xii.1984 (L. E. Pefia, 
AMNH). BRAZIL Espirito Santo: Fazenda Santa 
Maria [?], Apiaca, 21°4'S, 41°25’W, 22.ix.1985 (R. L. 
C. Baptista, MZSP). Mato Grosso: Chavantina, 
14°40'S, 52°21'W, (J. C. Carvalho, MNBR)J): 
Fazenda Cervo, Trés Lagoas, 20°48’S, 51°43'W, 
18.ix.1964 (Exp. Depto. Zool., MZSP); Utiariti, 
13°2'S, 58°1L7'W, 15.viii.1961 (Lenks, MZSP). Minas 
Gerais: Lavras, 21°14'S, 45°0'’W, 20.x.1978 (W. Don 
Fronk, MCZ); Pedra Azul, 16°1'S, 41°16’W, 
15.xii.1970 (F. M. Oliveira, AMNH); Peti Forest Res. 
[P] Santa Barbara, on bushes in cerrado, 19°56'S, 
43°24'W, 28.vili.1986 (R. L. C. Baptista, MZSP). Pa- 

METEPEIRA ° Piel 29 

@ Peru, Ecuador, Colombia 

¢ Brazil, Paraguay, Bolivia 

Estimated Elevation (m) 

50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 

Collection Day (since Jan 1) 

Figure 37. The elevation of collection localities for mature spi- 
ders of M. glomerabilis on specific days of the year between 
1939 and 1990. There appears to be a shift in seasonal mat- 
uration times that corresponds better with elevation than with 
latitude. Elevations estimated from NOAA database of 5- by 
5-minute geographic tiles. 

Scale of abscissa: 100 = April 9; 300 = October 27; 500 = 
May 15 of the following year. 

Symbols: Peru, Ecuador, Colombia [Ml]; Brazil, Paraguay, Bo- 
liva [@]. 

rand: Praia do Leste, Paranagua, 25°46'S, 48°31'W, 
4.v.1967 (P. Biasi, MZSP). Rio de Janeiro: Guaratiba, 
22°58'S, 42°48'W, 28. viii. 1976 (J. A. P. Dutra, MZSP); 
Ilha de Santana, Macae, 22°25'S, 41°44’W, 18.x.1986 
(R. L. C. Baptista, MZSP); Itaipu, Niteroi, 22°56’S, 
43°5'W, 20.iv.1985 (R. L. C. Baptista, MZSP). Rio 
Grande do Norte: Fazenda Canaan [?], Macaiba, 
5°51'S, 35°21'W, 15.ix.1951 (M. Alvorenga, MZSP). 
Rondo6nia: Vila Rondonia, 10°52'S, 61°57'W, 9.ii.1961 
(Pereira & Machado, MZSP). Santa Catarina: Nova 
Teutonia, 27°3'S, 52°24’W, 12.v.1949 (SMF). Sdo 
Paulo: Barueri, 23°31'S, 46°53'W, 13.iii.1966 (K. Len- 
ko, MZSP); Campos do Jordao, 22°44'S, 45°35’W, 
15.iii.1945 (Wygod, MZSP); Instituto Oceanografico, 
Ubatuba, 23°26'S, 45°4'W, 15.v.1967 (P. Montouchat, 
MZSP); km 1 Rod, Rio Santos [?], Ubatuba, 23°26'S, 
45°4'W, 12.x.1985 (R. L. C. Baptista, MZSP), 
13.x.1985 (R. L. C. Baptista, MZSP); km 3 Rod, Rio 
Santos [?], Ubatuba, 23°26’S, 45°4’W, 6.1.1985 (R. L. 
C. Baptista, MZSP). COLOMBIA Cundinamarca: 
Sabana de Bogota, 4°43’N, 74°10'W, 10.xii.1990 (C. 
Valderrama, CV). ECUADOR Guayas: Guayaquil, 
2°10'S, 79°54'W, 18.ii1.1942 (H. E. F & DL. E. FE 
CAS), 22.iii.1942 (Landis, CAS). Pichincha: 15 mi N 
Quito, 0°0'N, 78°30’W, 23.ii.1955 (E. I. Schlinger & 
E. S. Ross, CAS). Tungurahua: Bafios, 1°24'S, 
78°25'W, 15.iv.1939 (W. C. Macintyre, MCZ); Pujiapi, 
1°22'S, 78°28'W, (D. L. F. & H. E. F 
CAS). PARAGUAY Alto Parand: Taguararaya [?], 
25°30'S, 54°50’W (AMNH). Caazapa: Villa Pastoreo, 
25°53’S, 55°45’W (D. Wees, MCZ). PERU Cajamar- 
ca: Cajamarca, 7°10’S, 78°31'W, 15.ii.1942 (W. Wey- 
rauch, AMNH). Lambayeque: 10 km S_ Chiclayo, 
7°59'S, 77°17'W, 19.iii.1951 (EF. S. Ross & Michel- 
bacher, CAS). Piwra: Cerro Prieto, La Brea, 4°41'S, 
81°6'W (CAS); Higueron (Las Lomas) [?], 4°19’S, 
80°26’W, 29.vii.1941 (D. L. F & H. E. F CAS). 
VENEZUELA Sucre: 1 km S Villa Frontado, Rd. to 

30 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 1 

Caripe, 10°27'N, 63°37'W, 12.ii.1984 (J. Coddington, 

7. Metepeira vigilax (Keyserling) 
Figures 36, 53-59, 327; Map 4 

Epeira vigilax Keyserling, 1893: 211, fig. 156, ¢. 
Male holotype from Taquara, Rio Grande do Sul, 
Brazil, in BMNH, examined. 

Araneus vigilax:—Petrunkevitch, 1911: 324. Roewer, 
1942: 856. 

Metepeira dominicana Archer, 1965: 132, figs. 12, 18, 
?. Female holotype from west of Bani, Dominican 
Republic, in AMNH. Holotype lost. Brignoli, 1983: 

Metepeira vigilax:—Levi, 1991: 180. Platnick, 1993: 

Note. Although the type for M. dominicana is 
lost, the name has been identified by using Archer's 
(1965) description and illustration. 

Description. Female from Trujillo, west 
of Bani, Dominican Republic. Carapace 
light around eyes with lateral posterior ex- 
tensions (Fig. 58). Legs dark, light rings on 
proximal ends of leg articles. Femur I with 
row of four macrosetae on anterior side; 
three on anteroventral side. Dorsal folium 
darker than in most species; fleur-de-lis 
usually reduced to two white spots (Fig. 
58). Venter brownish gray with lighter 
margins. Wide, short, median white line 

with pair of white spots on either side of 

spiracle (Fig. 59). Sternum brownish black 
with wide, white line widening anteriorly 
(Fig. 59). Ratio of eye diameters: posterior 
medians and anterior medians 1.2, anterior 
laterals 1.2, posterior laterals 1.1. Anterior 
median eyes separated by 1.8 diameters, 
posterior median eyes by 1.1, anterior me- 
dian eyes separated from anterior laterals 
by 3.5 diameters of anterior lateral eyes, 
lateral eyes separated by 0.1 their diame- 
ters. Total length 9.2 mm. Carapace 3.9 
mm long, 3.2 wide. First femur 4.1 mm, 
patella and tibia 4, metatarsus 3.3, tarsus 
1.2. Second patella and tibia 3.4 mm, third 
223. tOUGt oe 

Male from same locality as female. 
Black carapace with white around eyes and 
extending posteriorly; white wedge mark 
in center (Fig. 56). Legs ringed like fe- 
male. Femur I with row of three macro- 
setae on anterior side; three on anterov- 

entral side. Dorsum and venter as in fe- 
male (Figs. 56, 57). Median white line may 
be limited to posterior end of sternum 
(Fig. 57). Ratio of eye diameters: posterior 
medians and anterior medians 0.9, anterior 
laterals 1.1, posterior laterals 1. Anterior 
median eyes separated by 1.6 diameters, 
posterior median eyes by 1.3, anterior me- 
dian eyes separated from anterior laterals 
by 2 diameters of anterior lateral eyes, lat- 
eral eyes separated by 0.2 their diameters. 
Total length 3.9 mm. Carapace 2 mm long, 
1.5 wide. First femur 2.6 mm, patella and 
tibia 2.5, metatarsus 2.4, tarsus 0.9. Sec- 
ond patella and tibia 2.1 mm, third 1.2, 
fourth 1.7. 

Diagnosis. Female M. vigilax differ 
from those of other species in the M. vi- 
gilax species group by the shape of the 
epigynal openings: from a ventral view the 
openings are oval and angled inward pos- 
teriorly (Fig. 55); from a posterior view, 
the edges of the openings are more par- 
allel to the body (Fig. 61) as opposed to 
more perpendicular to the body (Figs. 39, 
61). Male M. vigilax differ from other spe- 
cies because the embolus is larger and 
more robust (compare Fig. 53 with Figs. 
38, 46, 60); the two flagella on the median 
apophysis are of more similar width (com- 
pare Fig. 53 with Fig. 38), and the keel on 
the median apophysis is slim and feather- 
shaped (Fig. 38), in contrast to arrow- 
shaped (Figs. 46, 60) or absent (Fig. 38). 
The dorsal folium differs from other Me- 
tepeira species by having a wide black me- 
dian stripe at the posterior end of the ab- 
domen (Fig. 58). In Brazilian and Bolivian 
specimens this stripe often extends all the 
way to the black anterior shoulders of the 
dorsum, forming a wide T-shape mark. 

Variation. Specimens from Argentina 
tend to be more lightly pigmented than 
those from more northern localities. White 
markings on the eye region of Brazilian 
and Bolivian specimens surround only the 
lateral eyes, in contrast to those on His- 
paniolan specimens, which cover the en- 
tire eye region. 

Natural History. Mature adults have 


lye vigilax 
ju PS (7) 

Figures 38-45. Metepeira cajabamba new species (sp. 5 [38-44] 7°37'S, 78°3’W; [45] 9°10’S, 77°45’W). 38, male palpus, 
mesal. 39, epigynum, posterior. 40, epigynum, ventral. 41, male, dorsal. 42, male, ventral. 43, female, dorsal. 44, female, ventral. 
45, female, ventral. 

Figures 46-52. Metepeira glomerabilis (Keyserling) (sp. 6; 1°22'S, 78°28’W). 46, male palpus, mesal. 47, epigynum, posterior. 
48, epigynum, ventral. 49, male, dorsal. 50, male, ventral. 51, female, dorsal. 52, female, ventral. 

Figures 53-59. Metepeira vigilax (Keyserling) (sp. 7 [53-57] 18°27'N, 72°17’W; [58,59] 18°17’'N, 70°22’W). 53, male palpus, 
mesal. 54, epigynum, posterior. 55, epigynum, ventral. 56, male, dorsal. 57, male, ventral. 58, female, dorsal. 59, female, ventral. 
Scale bars: dorsum and venter figures 1.0 mm. 

32 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 1 

been collected throughout the year except 
January, February, and March (Fig. 327). 
Spiders have been found among electric 
wires four meters above ground. Locality 
elevations range from near sea level to 
1,400 m and follow an ecological zone that 
decreases in elevation with distance from 
the equator (Fig. 36). Over equivalent lat- 
itudes, M. vigilax lives at less than one- 
tenth of the elevation of M. rectangula 
(Fig. 36). 

Distribution. Hispaniola, Bolivia, Brazil, 
and coastal Argentina (Map 4). The dis- 
junct distribution between Hispaniolan 
and South American populations may be 
due to human-assisted migration. 

Records Examined. ARGENTINA Buenos Aires: 
Celsya—Pereyra [?], 34°50’S, 58°6’W (MACN); Ze- 
laya, 34°21'S, 58°52'W (MACN). BOLIVIA La Paz: 
Apolo, 14°43'S, 68°31'W, 10.viii. 1989 (L. E. Pefia, 
AMNH). Santa Cruz: Estaci6n Robore, above creek, 
18°20'S, 59°45’'W, 27.ix.1955 (Azambuya, CAS). 
BRAZIL Espirito Santo: Fazenda Santa Maria [?], 
Apiaca, 21°4'S, 41°25'W, 14.v.1988 (R. L. C. Baptista, 
MZSP). Rio Grande do Sul: Sao Leopoldo, 29°46'S, 
51°9'’W, (Celia Valle, MZSP). DOMINI- 
CAN REPUBLIC Azua: El] Puerto, Majagual and 
Peralta, 18°34'N, 70°47'W, 10.xi.1979 (E. Marcano, 
MNSD). Prov. Trujillo Valdez: W Bani, 18°17'N, 
70°22'W, 8.viii.1958 (A. F. Archer & E. de Boyrie 
Moya, AMNH). HAITI Departement de L’Ouest: 
Kenscoff, 18°27'N, 72°17'W, 15.xii.1929 (J. C. Myers, 
AMNH), 17.iv.1935 (AMNH). 

8. Metepeira rectangula (Nicolet) 
Figures 36, 60-66, 306; Map 4 

Epeira rectangula Nicolet, 1849: 500, female holo- 
type from Valdivia, Chile, in MNHN. 

Metepeira labyrinthea:—Petrunkevitch, 1911: 298. 
Roewer, 1942: 868. Bonnet, 1957: 2821. Erroneous 

Metepeira rectangulata:—Chamberlin and Ivie, 1942: 
71. Unjustified emendation. 

Note. The name was identified using drawings of 
the holotype (H. W. Levi, personal illustrations). 

Description. Female from Angol, Mal- 
leco, Chile. Carapace reddish brown with 
long white setae behind lateral eyes. An- 
terior third of carapace white, median 
white line reaching thoracic furrow (Fig. 
65). Proximal halves of femora white, re- 
mainder black with distal white marks on 
dorsal surfaces. Patellae mostly black, re- 

maining articles white with black marks at 
base of setae. Femur I with row of three 
to five macrosetae on anterior side; three 
to four on anteroventral side. Anterior 
margin of dorsal abdomen black; dorsal fo- 
lium yellowish with brown speckles, white 
fleur-de-lis pattern with wide branches 
(Fig. 65). Venter black with wide white 
median line, flanked by pair of thin white 
lines; pair of white spots on either side of 
spiracle connected by white line (Fig. 66). 
Sternum black with posterior white mark 
(Fig. 66). Ratio of eye diameters: posterior 
medians and anterior medians 1.0, anterior 
laterals 1.1, posterior laterals 1.1. Anterior 
median eyes separated by 1.7 diameters, 
posterior median eyes by 1.0, anterior me- 
dian eyes separated from anterior laterals 
by 3.3 diameters of anterior lateral eyes, 
lateral eyes separated by 0.1 their diame- 
ters. Total length 8.4 mm. Carapace 3.7 
mm long, 2.9 wide. First femur 4.2 mm, 
patella and tibia 4.1, metatarsus 3.7, tarsus 
1.2. Second patella and tibia 3.4 mm, third 
Plesfountiags ule 

Male from Angol, Malleco, Chile. Car- 
apace reddish brown, anterior third white, 
median white line extending to thoracic 
furrow (Fig. 63). Proximal halves of fem- 
ora, white, distal halves black. Patellae 
black, remaining articles white with black 
spots at base of setae. Femur I with row 
of six to eight macrosetae on anterior side; 
seven to 11 on anteroventral side. Dorsal 
abdomen white, marbled, and speckled 
brown (Fig. 63). Venter dark brown with 
wide white median mark, flanked by pair 
of thin white lines; pair of white spots on 
either side of spiracle connected by white 
line (Fig. 64). Sternum dark brown with 
partly broken median white line (Fig. 64). 
Ratio of eye diameters: posterior medians 
and anterior medians 1.0, anterior laterals 
1.2, posterior laterals 1.1. Anterior median 
eyes separated by 1.7 diameters, posterior 
median eyes by 1.1, anterior median eyes 
separated from anterior laterals by 2.9 di- 
ameters of anterior lateral eyes, lateral 
eyes separated by 0.2 their diameters. To- 
tal length 6.1 mm. Carapace 3.2 mm long, 

2.5 wide. First femur 5.2 mm, patella and 
tibia 5, metatarsus 4.9, tarsus 1.2. Second 
patella and tibia 4.1 mm, third 2, fourth 

Diagnosis. Female M. rectangula differ 
from the other species in the M. vigilax 
group (M. vigilax, M. glomerabilis, M. ca- 
jabamba) by. the shape of the epigynal 
openings: from a ventral view they are 
larger, wider, and more gaping than in the 
other species (compare Fig. 62 with F igs. 
40, 48, 55). Males differ from other spe- 
cies in the group by having an embolus 
that is relatively larger than that of M. 
glomerabilis and M. cajabamba, yet small- 
er than that of M. vigilax (compare Fig. 60 
with Figs. 38, 46, 53). Among all members 
of the M. vigilax group, the keel on the 
median apophysis of M. rectangula is the 
largest and most robust, and tiel dorsal fo- 
lium has the lightest coloration (Fig. 65). 

Variation. Average body length of 11 fe- 
males examined 8.6 mm, range 5.8 to 10 
mm. Average body length of six males ex- 
amined 6 mm, range 4.1 to 7 mm. Speci- 
mens from two localities in western Ar- 
gentina resemble M. vigilax, and may be 

Natural History. This species appears to 
follow a narrow ecological zone that de- 
creases in elevation with increasing south- 
ern latitude (Fig. 36). Median elevation, 
about 500 m. Mature specimens have 
been collected January through April (Fig. 
306). Specimens from localities south of 
the 36th parallel tend to be found in Jan- 
uary and February, whereas those north of 
the 36th parallel tend to be found in 
March and April. 

Distribution. Chilean Andes between 
31° and 38° south (Map 4). 

Records Examined. ARGENTINA Cordoba: Cala- 
muchita, 32°4'S, 64°33’W, 15.iii.1954 Gi M. Viana, 
MACN). Mendoza: Mendoza, 32°53'S, 68°49'W, 
30.iii. 1965 (H. W. Levi, MCZ). CHILE Bro-Bio: 4 km 
E road to Pinto, 36°42'S, 71°53’W, 4.i1.1976 (B. Mo- 
reno, AMNH): Road to Pemuco, Cruce del Carmen, 
36°56'S, 72°4’W, 10.1.1976 (G. Moreno, AMNH). Co- 
quimbo: Illapel: Salamanca: Fundo Tahuinco, 
31°44'S, 71°5’W, 30.iv.1946 (R. Doneso, AMNH). 
Malleco: Angol, 37°48’S, 72°43'W (D. S. Bullock, 



CAS), 10.iii.1945 (E. A. Chapin, USNM). Maule: 10 
km S Curico, 35°4'S, 71°14’W, 15.iii.1968 (L. E. 
Pena, MCZ); Cordillera de Parral [?], 36°9’S, 
71°50'W, 25.11.1956 (L. E. Pena, IRSNB): Linares, 
35°51'S, 71°36'W (L. E. Petia, IRSNB): Miraflores, 
Pedag. [?], 35°55’S, 71°39’W (Toro, AMNH). 
O’Higgins: Fundo Millahue, Cunaco, 34°36'S, 
71°16'W, 30.iv.1961 (AMNH). Regién Metropolitana: 
Melipilla, 33°42’S, 71°13'W (L. E. Pefia, IRSNB). 
Valparatso: Casablanca, 33°19'S, 71°25'W, 15.ii1.1955 
(Edwin Reed, AMNH). 

Metepeira labyrinthea Group 

Levi (1977) described the M. labyrin- 
thea group very broadly—it included spe- 
cies with a longitudinal white line down 
the sternum and a short keel on the me- 
dian apophysis. Here, this species group is 
much narrowed to include only three 
North American species: Metepeira laby- 
rinthea, Metepeira lacandon, and Metepei- 
ra spinipes. Males of these three species 
are unique among Metepeira by having a 
toothless, smooth keel on the median 
apophysis. In addition, their distal embolic 
apophysis rises away (anteriorly) from the 
embolus proper and projects forward (ven- 
trally) until it is almost even with the em- 
bolus tip (Figs. 67, 76). In contrast, other 
Metepeira species with distal embolic 
apophyses have the embolus tip extend far 
beyond the projection of the apophysis 
(e.g., Fig. 171). The female epigynum has 
a characteristic shape. The scape is thick 
and fleshy and the epigynal openings have 
membranes that make them look distinctly 
(Fig. 69) or indistinctly (Fig. 78) almond- 
shaped. The epigyna of the M. labyrinthea 
species group are easily confused with that 
of the closely related species, M. gosoga 
(Fig. 173). Although most differences be- 
tween M. lab yinthea group and M. gosoga 
are only obvious in the epigynum, it 
should be noted that the dark marks inside 
the epigynal openings of the former ap- 
pear to look cross-eyed, but this cannot be 
said for the latter. In this work, only the 
species collected at localities south of the 
U.S./Mexico boarder are treated. 

34 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 1 

9. Metepeira spinipes 

F. O. P.-Cambridge 
Figures 67-75, 335; Map 6 

Metepeira spinipes F. O. P.-Cambridge, 1903: 459, 
figs. 9, 10, 6, 2. Male holotype from Mexico City, 
Mexico, in BMNH, examined. Roewer, 1942: 868. 

Epeira labyrinthea grinnelli Coolidge, 1910: 281, °. 
Holotype from Palo Alto, California, lost. 

Araneus spinipes:—Petrunkevitch, 1911: 317. 

Aranea labyrinthea grinnelli:—Moles, 1921: 42. 

Metepeira douglasi Chamberlin and Ivie, 1941: 18, 
figs. 21-23, @. Female holotype from Santa Ana, 
California, in AMNH, examined. Chamberlin and 
Ivie, 1942: 66, figs. 169-170. First synonymized 
with M. labyrinthea grinnelli by Levi, 1977: 198. 

Metepeira labyrinthea grinnelli:—Roewer, 1942: 868. 

Metepeira labyrinthea:—Bonnet, 1957: 2822. Erro- 
neous synonymy. 

Metepeira grinnelli:—Levi, 1977: 198, figs. 21-27, 6, 

Description. Female from Huitzilac, 
Morelos, Mexico. Brown carapace with an- 
terior portion darker reddish brown, white 
behind lateral eyes (Fig. 74). Legs yellow- 
ish, femora reddish brown distally, other 
articles dark brown distally. Femur I with 
row of four to five macrosetae on anterior 
side: two to seven on anteroventral side. 
Anterior shoulders of abdomen black. 
Dorsal folium with usual Metepeira pat- 
tern, though largest branches of white 
fleur-de-lis shape usually widened into 
large spots (Fig. 74). Venter of abdomen 
black with wide white median line (Fig. 
75). Pair of small white spots on either side 
of spiracle. Sternum black with posterior 
white mark that in some cases extends an- 
teriorly to the labium (Figs. 73, 75). Ratio 
of eye diameters: posterior medians and 
anterior medians 1.1, anterior laterals 1.0, 
posterior laterals 0.9. Anterior median 
eyes separated by 1.9 diameters, posterior 
median eyes by 1.3, anterior median eyes 
separated from anterior laterals by 2.9 di- 
ameters of anterior lateral eyes, lateral 
eyes separated by 0.2 their diameters. To- 
tal length 9.2 mm. Carapace 3.7 mm long, 
2.9 wide. First femur 4.4 mm, patella and 
tibia 4.7, metatarsus 4:6, tarsus 1.3. Sec- 
ond patella and tibia 4.1 mm, third 2.4, 
fourth 3.6. 

Male from Huitzilac, Morelos, Mexico. 

Carapace, dorsum, venter, sternum as in 
female (Figs. 71, 72). Distal portions of leg 
articles reddish black, elsewhere yellowish. 
Femur I with row of four to six macrosetae 
on anterior side; five to nine on anterov- 
entral side. Ratio of eye diameters: poste- 
rior medians and anterior medians 1.1, an- 
terior laterals 1.2, posterior laterals 1.1. 
Anterior median eyes separated by 1.8 di- 
ameters, posterior median eyes by 1.1, an- 
terior median eyes separated from anterior 
laterals by 3.2 diameters of anterior lateral 
eyes, lateral eyes separated by 0.3 their di- 
ameters. Total length 7.5 mm. Carapace 
3.8 mm long, 2.8 wide. First femur 6.2 
mm, patella and tibia 6.3, metatarsus 7.1, 
tarsus 1.8. Second patella and tibia 5.3 
mm, third 2.5, fourth 4. 

Diagnosis. Inside each epigynal depres- 
sion of M. spinipes and M. lacandon is a 
membrane that forms a slanted, oval- 
shaped opening (Figs. 69, 78). Within each 
oval-shaped opening is a dark mark, which 
in M. spinipes takes up a small part of that 
opening, resulting in a cross-eyed appear- 
ance (Fig. 69). Also, in M. spinipes (Fig. 
69), the edges of the epigynal depressions 
are less distinct than in M. lacandon (Fig. 
78). The distal embolic apophysis of M. 
spinipes is arrow-shaped (Fig. 79), in con- 
trast to a wider shovel-shape in M. lacan- 
don (Fig. 79). 

Variation. Average body length of 54 fe- 
males examined 9.1 mm, range 5.5 to 12.4 
mm. Average body length of 55 males ex- 
amined 6.6 mm, range 3 to 10.8 mm. 

Natural History. Mature specimens 
have been collected between August and 
early November (Fig. 335). Elevations 
range from near sea level in California to 
2.600 m in central Mexico. Variation in 
sexual dimorphism appears to correlate 
with habitat and social structure (Piel, 
1996). Webs are found in dry regions 
among mesquite, Opuntia, Agave (ma- 
guey), cultivated Yucca, and Cactus. Spi- 
ders live in medium to small social colo- 
nies, which vary in size in accordance with 
local habitat quality (Uetz, 1988a,b). This 
behavioral and ecological relationship is 

METEPEIRA ® Piel 35 


Figures 60-66. Metepeira rectangula (Nicolet) (sp. 8; 37°48’S, 72°43’W). 60, male palpus, mesal. 61, epigynum, posterior. 62, 
epigynum, ventral. 63, male, dorsal. 64, male, ventral. 65, female, dorsal. 66, female, ventral. 

Figures 67-75. Metepeira spinipes F. O. P.-Cambridge (sp. 9 [67—72,74,75] 19°0’29’N, 99°15'50"W; [73] 39°18’N, 123°48’W). 
67, male palpus, mesal. 68, epigynum, posterior. 69, epigynum, ventral. 70, male embolic division, Mental: 71, male, dorsal. 72, 
male, ventral. 73, female, ventral. 74, female, dorsal. 75, female, ventral. 

Figures 76-83. Metepeira lacandon new species (sp. 10; 16°45'N, 92°38’W). 76, male palpus, ribeak 77, epigynum, posterior. 
78, epigynum, ventral. 79, male embolic division, ventral. 80, male, dorsal. 81, male, ventral. 82, female, dorsal. 83, female, 

Scale bars: dorsum and venter figures 1.0 mm. 

36 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 1 

thought to occur as a result of the spiders 
pursuing a risk-sensitive foraging strategy 
(Uetz, 1996). 

Distribution. Oregon to central Mexico 
(Levi, 1977, map 1; Map 6). 

Records Examined. MEXICO Aguascalientes: Hwy 
45, 5.3 mi N Aguascalientes, 21°57'N, 102°17’W, 
7.ix.1967 (R. E. Leech, REL). Baja California Sur: 
Sierra Laguna, 17 air mi ENE Todos Santos, 
93°34'N, 110°0'W, 15.xii.1979 (C. E. Griswold, CAS). 
Chihuahua: 22.4 mi S Mifiaca, 28°24'N, 107°26'W, 
23.viii.1950 (R. Smith, AMNH). Durango: 10 mi E 
El Salto, 23°12'’N, 105°52'’W, 8.viii.1947 (W. le 
Gertsch, AMNH):; 11 km W Suchil, 23°35'N, 
104°5'W, 5.ix.1984 (W. Ile Pulawski, CAS): 6 mi NE 
El Salto, 23°19’N, 105°50’W, 11.viii.1947 (W. iE 
Gertsch, AMNH); Las Puentes [?], 26°49'N, 
106°2'W, 23.vii.1947 (W. J. Gertsch, AMNH): Oti- 
napa, Q4°11'N, 105°2'W, 12.viii.1947 (W. Je Gertsch, 

AMNH): Palos Colorados, 24°2'N, 104°54’W, 
5.viii.1947 (W. J. Gertsch, AMNH); Providencia, 
26°44'N, 105°56’W, 24.viii.1947 (A. M. Davis, 

AMNH); SW Durango, 923°59'17"N, 104°45'47°W, 
22.x.1994 (W. H. Piel, MCZ). Guanajuato: 30 mi SE 
Leon, 6 mi SE Silao, 20°52’N, 101°21'W, 6.ix.1964 
(Jean & Wilton Ivie, AMNH); 6.3 mi NW Leén, 
91°13'N, 101°43’W, 6.ix.1967 (R. E. Leech, REL): 
between Moroleon & Cuitzeo, 20°5’36’N, 
101°9’28"W, 20.x.1994 (W. H. Piel, MCZ): near San 
Miguel de Allende, 20°55'N, 100°45’W, 16.ix.1976 
(C. E. Griswold, CAS); S San Miguel de Allende, 
20°46'36"N, 100°47'28"W, 20.x.1994 (W. H. Piel, 
MCZ); San Miguel de Allende. Road SW _ town, 
20°52'N, 100°56’'W, 25.x.1982 (George Uetz, MCZ). 
Hidalgo: 18 mi E Huichapan, off Hwy 45, 20°23’N, 
99°22'W, 25.viii.1984 (W. D. Sissom, C. Myers & L. 
Born, MCZ); 4 mi N Tizayuca, 19°54'N, 98°59'W, 
20.xi.1946 (E. S. Ross, CAS); 41 km N Zimapan, 
20°54'N, 99°13’W, 10.viii.1991 (W. H. Piel & G. S. 
Bodner, MCZ); Apulco, 20°19’N, 98°20'W, 6.x.1947 
(H. Wagner, AMNH); Ozumbilla, 20°9’N, 101°16’W, 
2.x.1957 (R. Dreisbach, MCZ); Pachuca, 20°7’N, 
98°44'W, 30.viii.1957 (R. Dreisbach, MCZ); Tenango 
de Doria, 20°19'N, 98°13’W, 5.x.1947 (H. Wagner, 
AMNH). Jalisco: 12 mi S Mazamitla, 19°47'N, 
103°8’W, 5.xii.1948 (H. B. Leech, CAS); Charco 
Ondo, 30 km W Ojuelos, 21°47’N, 101°53’W, 
25.ix.1945 (H. Wagner, AMNH). México: Ixtapan de 
la Sal, 18°50’N, 99°41'W, 24.viii.1946 (H. Wagner, 
AMNH): Nevado de Toluca, 19°18’N, 99°44’W, 
8.iv.1979 (George Uetz, MCZ); San Juan Teotihu- 
acan, 19°41'N, 98°52'W, 4.xi.1939 (C. M. Bogert & 
H. E. Vokes, AMNH); Tenancingo, 18°58'N, 
99°36'W, 6.ix.1946 (H. Wagner, AMNH), 1.x.1946 
(H. Wagner, AMNH), 15.x.1946 (H. Wagner, 
AMNH); Tenango del Valle, 19°7'N, 99°33’W, 
25.vili.1946 (H. Wagner, AMNH), 27.viii.1946 (H. 
Wagner, AMNH); Teotihuacdn, 19°41'N, 98°52'W, 
31.viiil1959 (A. F. Archer, AMNH); Tepotzotlan, 

19°43'N, 99°13’W, 26.x.1982 (George Uetz, MCZ), 
21.11.1983 (George Uetz, MCZ), 5.x.1983 (George 
Uetz, MCZ): Toluca, 19°18'N, 99°44’W, 10.viii.1978 
(George Uetz, MCZ), 1.viii.1986 (George Uetz, 
MCZ); Toluca, at bottom of mountain near Parque 
Cierra Morelos, 19°18’N, 99°44'W, 10.viii.1978 
(George Uetz, MCZ); Toluca, E of town on Paseo 
Tollocan [P], 19°18’N, 99°42’W, 23.x.1982 (George 
Uetz, MCZ). México D. F.: 19°25'N, 99°10'W, 
12.x.1940 (H. Wagner, AMNBH), 28.xii.1940 (R. H. 
Crandall, AMNH), 15.ix.1943 (H. & D. Frizzell, 
AMNH): Contreras, 19°18’N, 99°17'W, 4.xii.1944 (H. 
Wagner, AMNH), 15.ix.1965 (N. L. H. Krauss, 
AMNH); Delegacion Tlalpan, Colonia Santa Ursula 
Xitla, 19°16’0"N, 99°10'25’"W, 12.x.1994 (W. H. Piel, 
MCZ): Desierto de los Leones, 19°22'’N, 99°16’W, 
15.ix.1941 (H. Wagner, AMNH): EI Xitle, 18°61'N, 
99°17’W [P], 12.viii.1942 (C. Tellez, AMNH): Haci- 
enda Cérdoba, 19°26'N, 99°10’/W [?], 29.x.1944 (H. 
Wagner, AMNH); Ouieros, 18°62’N, 99°17’W [?], 
5.vii.1943 (M. Cardenas, AMNH): Mexico City, 
19°25'’N, 99°10’W, 1.xi.1941 (C. Velo, AMNH), 
25.ix.1957 (R. Dreisbach, MCZ);: Mixcoac, 19°23’N, 
99°11'W (AMNH), 13.x.1940 (A. F. Archer, AMNH); 
Mixenac, 19°25'N, 99°10'W, 13.x.1940 (H. Wagner, 

AMNH); Pedregales, 18°60'N, 99°17'W [?], 
15.viii. 1909 (AMNH); Petregal [?], 18°60'N, 
99°17'W,  1.xii.1943 (AMNH); Rancho Cérdoba, 

19°27'N, 99°10'W, 29.x.1944 (H. Wagner, AMNH): 
Tlaplan, 19°17'N, 99°10'W, 7.viii.1991 (W. H. Piel & 
G. S. Bodner, MCZ). Michoacan: 25 mi W. La Barca 
nr. Lago de Chapala, 20°17’N, 102°34’W, 11.ix.1976 
(C. E. Griswold & Jackson, CAS); between Patzcuaro 
& Uruapan, 19°29'19"N, 101°48'20’"W, 19.x.1994 (W. 
H. Piel, MCZ); Hills N of Patzcuaro, 19°45’N, 
101°36'W, 24.viii.1959 (A. F. Archer, AMNH); Hwy 
110, 4 mi W. Jiquilpan, 19°59’N, 102°47'W 
2.viii.1967 (R. E. Leech, REL); Hwy 15, 9.5 mi W. 
Morelia, 19°42’N, 101°16’W, 18.viii.1967 (R. E. 
Leech, REL); Lake Chapala, NW of Cojumatlan, 
20°10'N, 102°53’'W, 7.ix.1966 (Jean & Wilton Ivie, 
AMNH); Monte de Zacapu, 19°47’N, 101°50’W, 
24 viii.1959 (A. F. Archer, AMNH). Morelos: Cuer- 
navaca, 18°55’N, 99°15’W (AMNH), 15.ix.1941 (H. 
Wagner, AMNH), 18.xi.1946 (M. G. Bradt, AMNH): 
Cuernavaca/Tepotzotlan, interchange between I-95 & 
115, 18°55'N, 99°13/W, 7.viii.1978 (MCZ): Huitzilac, 
19°2'2'"N, 99°16'13’"W, 13.x.1994 (W. H. Piel, MCZ): 
North of Cuernavaca, 18°58’11"N, 99°14'37’W, 
1ll.x.1994 (W. H. Piel, MCZ): S of Huitzilac, 
19°0'29"N, 99°15’'50’W, 16.x.1994 (W. H. Piel, MCZ). 
Puebla: 6 mi E Rio Frio, 19°20'N, 98°35’W, 
22.viii.1964 (Jean & Wilton Ivie, AMNH); Puebla, 
19°3’N, 98°12'’W, 21.x.1982 (George Uetz, MCZ). 
San Luis Potost: 3 km W. Pilares, 21°55'34’N, 
100°48’6"W, 21.x.1994 (W. H. Piel, MCZ): Cuidad del 
Maiz, 22°24'N, 99°36’W, 25.viii.1954 (R. Dreisbach, 
MCZ). Sonora: 46 mi S Agua Prieta on Highway 10, 
31°0'N, 109°16’W, 15.viii.1959 (B. A. Branson, 
AMNH): Hermosillo, 29°4'N, 110°55’W, 20.ix.1952 
(B. Malkin & V. E. Thatcher, AMNH): Sierra Man- 

zanal, 30°50'N, 110°10’W, 14.ix.1976 (Roth & 
Schroepfer, MCZ). Tlaxcala: Huamantla, 19°19'N, 
97°56'W [P], 15.vii.1981 (C. Gold, CAS). Veracruz: 
15 mi W. Banderilla, 19°39'N, 97°8’W, 31.x.1973 (S. 
GC. Williams & C. L. Mullinex, CAS); 15 mi West of 
Jalapa, 19°32'’N, 97°9’W, (A. M. & L. I. 
Davis, AMNH). Zacatecas: 13 mi N. Sombrerete, 
23°44'32"N, 103°47'10"W, 22.x.1994 (W. H. Piel, 
MCZ): Canutillo, 24°47'N, 101°31'W, 14.viii.1947 (W. 
J. Gertsch, AMNH); S. Zacatecas, 22°45'7'"N, 
102°29'37"W, 22.x.1994 (W. H. Piel, MCZ). USA. Ar- 
izona: Southwestern Research Station, Chiricahua 
Mtns., 31°35’N, 109°14'W, 20.viii.1976 (V. Roth, 
MCZ). California: 26 mi W. Santa Rosa on Hwy 116, 
38°31'N, 123°4'W, 19.ix.1976 (M. E. Thompson, 
MCZ): Mendocino, 39°18’N, 123°48'W, 18.viii.1959 
(W. J. Gertsch, MCZ); Monterey, 36°36'N, 121°54'W, 
l.ix.1949 (A. F. Archer, MCZ): Pacific Grove, 
36°37'N, 121°56’W (R. V. Chamberlin, MCZ):; Palo 
Alto, 37°27'N, 122°9'W (Doane, MCZ); Salt marsh 
on N shore of San Pablo Bay, Vallejo, 38°8'N, 
122°27'W (D. Spiller, MCZ). 

10. Metepeira lacandon new species 
Figures 76-83, 332; Map 6 

Holotype. Male from San Cristobal, Chiapas, Mexico. 
The specific name is a noun in apposition after the 
Indian people who live in Chiapas. Holotype de- 
posited in the AMNH. 

Description. Female paratype from San 
Cristobal, Chiapas, Mexico. Reddish cara- 
pace, slightly darker in anterior half, ligh- 
ter behind lateral eyes (Fig. 82). Leg ar- 
ticles yellowish, gradually turning reddish 
brown distally. Femur I with row of four 
or five macrosetae on anterior side; two to 
four setae on anteroventral side. Anterior 
shoulders of abdomen black. Branches of 
white fleur-de-lis shape in dorsal folium 
thinner than in most species (Fig. 82). 
Venter of abdomen black with wide white 
median line that extends about half the 
distance between epigynal groove and 
spinnerets (Fig. 83). Pair of very small 
white spots on either side of spiracle. Ster- 
num black, often with central white spot 
(Fig. 83). Ratio of eye diameters: posterior 
medians and anterior medians 1.0, anterior 
laterals 1.3, posterior laterals 1.2. Anterior 
median eyes separated by 1.7 diameters, 
posterior median eyes by 1.0, anterior me- 
dian eyes separated from anterior laterals 
by 4.5 diameters of anterior lateral eyes, 
lateral eyes separated by 0.1 their diame- 


ters. Total length 11.5 mm. Carapace 4.6 
mm long, 3.6 wide. First femur 5.3 mm, 
patella and tibia 5.3, metatarsus 4.9, tarsus 
1.6. Second patella and tibia 4.4 mm, third 
Oui tountin 4 

Male holotype. Carapace, dorsum, ven- 
ter, sternum as in female (Figs. 80, 81). 
Distal halves of femora, tibia reddish 
brown, elsewhere yellowish. Patellae, 
metatarsi reddish. Femur I with row of 
four or five macrosetae on anterior side; 
six or seven on anteroventral side. Ratio of 
eye diameters: posterior medians and an- 
terior medians 1.1, anterior laterals 1.5, 
posterior laterals 1.3. Anterior median 
eyes separated by 1.7 diameters, posterior 
median eyes by 0.9, anterior median eyes 
separated from anterior laterals by 3.3 di- 
ameters of anterior lateral eyes, lateral 
eyes separated by 0.3 their diameters. To- 
tal length 6.8 mm. Carapace 3.5 mm long, 
2.7 wide. First femur 5.3 mm, patella and 
tibia 3.9, metatarsus 5.6, tarsus 1.7. Sec- 
ond patella and tibia 4.4 mm, third 2.3, 
fourth 3.4. 

Diagnosis. Inside each epigynal depres- 
sion of M. lacandon and M. spinipes is a 
membrane that forms a slanted, oval- 
shaped opening (Figs. 69, 78). Within each 
oval-shaped opening is a dark mark, which 
in M. lacandon takes up only a large part 
of that opening, resulting in a less cross- 
eyed appearance (Fig. 78). Also, in M. la- 
candon (Fig. 78), the edges of the epigynal 
depressions are more distinct than in M. 
spinipes (Fig. 69). The distal embolic 
apophysis of M. lacandon is more shovel- 
shaped (Fig. 79) than the thinner, arrow- 
shaped one in M. spinipes (Fig. 70). 

Variation. Average body length of three 
females examined 8.5 mm, range 7.5 to 10 
mm. Average body length of four males 
examined 5.8 mm, range 4.2 to 6.8 mm. 

Natural History. Mature specimens 
were collected between July and Septem- 
ber (Fig. 332) from oak—pine woodland. 
Elevations range from 1,700 to 2,300 m. 

Distribution. Mountainous regions of 
Chiapas, Mexico (Map 6). 

38 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 1 

Records Examined. MEXICO Chiapas: 12 km NW 
Comitan, 16°23'N, 92°15’W, 30.viii.1976 (E. S. Ross, 
CAS): 4 mi SE San Cristobal, 16°42'N, 92°36’W, 
23.viii. 1966 (Jean & Wilton Ivie, AMNH); 5 km W 
San Cristobal de Las Casas on HWY 190, 16°44'’N 
92°41'W, 27.vii.1983 (W. Maddison & R. S. Anderson, 
MCZ): 5 mi W San Cristobal, 16°45'N, 92°41’'W, 
24 viii.1966 (Jean & Wilton Ivie, AMNH); San Cris- 
tobal, 16°45’N, 92°38’'W, 13.ix.1947 (H. Wagner, 
AMNH); San Cristobal de las Casas, 16°45’'N, 
92°38'W, 22.vii.1947 (C. 6 ME Goodnight, 
AMNH); Tenejapa, 16°49'N, 92°31'W, 22.vii.1950 (C 
J. & M. Goodnight, AMNH). 

Metepeira nigriventris Group 

There are five species in the Metepeira 
nigriventris group: Metepeira nigriventris, 
Metepeira tarapaca, Metepeira calamuchi- 
ta, Metepeira galatheae, and Metepeira 
karkii. These closely related species are of- 
ten hard to distinguish because their gen- 
italia are similar, yet highly variable within 
a species. This species group is easily rec- 
ognized by the distinctive shape of the 
scape and similarities in palp morphology. 
Typically the base of the scape originates 
anteriorly and projects ventrally before 
curving posteriorly. This projection creates 
an overhang and a noticeable gap between 
the scape and the genital openings (e.g., 
le i, eld, IMI, 702). The embolus is 
fick and Thee a large, prominent, distal 
apophysis that Pees under the terminal 
apophysis (Figs. 84, 92, 100, 110, 121). 

11. Metepeira nigriventris (Taczanowski) 
Figures, 84-91, 310; Map 5 

Epeira nigriventris Taczanowski, 1878: 151, fig. 6, °. 
Bovalen lectotype from Lake Junin, Peru, in PAN, 
type lost. Keyserling, 1893: 217, fig. 161, 2, d. 

Araneus nigriventris:—Chamberlin, ‘1916: 248. Bon- 
net, 1955: 550. 

Metepeira nigriventris:—Chamberlin and Ivie, 1942: 
TA, figs. 211-214, 2, 6. Platnick, 1993: 449. 

Note. Although the type is lost, the type locality 
and Taczanowski’s descriptions are sufficient to rec- 
ognize the species. 

Description. Female from 12 km west of 
Tarma, Junin, Peru. Carapace dark brown, 
light around eyes with lateral posterior ex- 
tensions (Fig. 90). Proximal halves of leg 
articles yellow, distal halves black. Femur 
I with row of four macrosetae on anterior 

side; five on anteroventral side. Dorsum 
darker and white fleur-de-lis pattern small- 
er than in most species (Fig. 90). Venter 
mostly black with reduced, short, thin, 
white median line (Fig. 91). Sternum en- 
tirely black. Ratio of eye diameters: pos- 
terior medians and anterior medians 1.0, 
anterior laterals 1.4, posterior laterals 1.4. 
Anterior median eyes separated De : 8 di- 
ameters, posterior median eyes by 1.2, an- 
terior iravetienn eyes separated from anterior 
laterals by 5 diameters of anterior lateral 
eyes, lateral eyes separated by 0.4 their di- 
ameters. Total length 11 mm. Carapace 5.1 
mm long, 4.2 wide. First femur 5.5 mm, 
patella and tibia 5.8, metatarsus 5.5, tarsus 
1.9. Second patella and tibia 5.3 mm, third 
3.3, fourth 4.5. 

Male from same locality as female. An- 
terior margin of chelicerae with large, 
swollen tooth and several denticles. Cara- 
pace reddish brown with lighter eye re- 
gion, lateral posterior extensions, and long, 
thin median white line (Fig. 88). Femur I 
with row of about five macrosetae on an- 
terior side; nine on anteroventral side. 
Coloration of legs, dorsum, venter, and 
sternum as in female (Figs. 88, 89). Ratio 
of eye diameters: posterior medians and 
anterior medians 1.1, anterior laterals 1.3, 
posterior laterals 1.3. Anterior median 
eyes separated by 1.8 diameters, posterior 
median eyes by 1.2, anterior median eyes 
separated from anterior laterals by 3.7 di- 
ameters of anterior lateral eyes, lateral 
eyes separated by 0.4 their diameters. To- 
tal length 9 mm. Carapace 4 mm long, 3.2 
wide. First femur 5.8 mm, patella and tibia 
6.2, metatarsus 6.5, tarsus 1.7. Second pa- 
tella and tibia 4.5 mm, third 2.8, fourth 4. 

Diagnosis. Metepeira nigriventris is eas- 
ily distinguished from other species in the 
M. nigriventris group by its dark pigmen- 
tation. As its name implies, the sternum is 
black and the white ventral mark on the 
abdomen is reduced to a much shorter and 
thinner line (Figs. 88-91). While the ster- 
num of M. karkii is similarly dark, the dor- 
sal and ventral markings on the abdomen 
are much lighter (compare Figs. 88—91 

METEPEIRA ° Piel 39 

au °° 


Figures 84-91. Metepeira nigriventris (Taczanowski) (sp. 11; 11°25'S, 75°48’W). 84, male palpus, mesal. 85, epigynum, pos- 
terior. 86, epigynum, ventral. 87, male embolic division, ventral. 88, male, dorsal. 89, male, ventral. 90, female, dorsal. 91, 
female, ventral. 

Figures 92-99. Metepeira tarapaca new species (sp. 12; 21°39’S, 69°33’W). 92, male palpus, mesal. 93, epigynum, posterior. 
94, epigynum, ventral. 95, male embolic division, ventral. 96, male, dorsal. 97, male, ventral. 98, female, dorsal. 99, female, 

Figures 100-107. Metepeira calamuchita new species (sp. 13; 32°4'S, 64°33’W). 100, male palpus, mesal. 101, epigynum, 
posterior. 102, epigynum, ventral. 103, male embolic division, ventral. 104, male, dorsal. 105, male, ventral. 106, female, dorsal. 
107, female, ventral. 

Scale bars: dorsum and venter figures 1.0 mm. 

40 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 1 

with Figs. 125-128). The epigynum of M. 
nigriventris has a wider membrane over 
the openings that is visible on either side 
of a very wide scape (Fig. 86). In contrast, 
this feature is hidden behind a thinner 
scape in its likely sister species, M. tara- 
paca (Fig. 94). The overall shape of the 
epigynum (Fig. 86) and the pair of small 
notches in the posterior lobes (Fig. 85) 
also make this species distinctive. The 
male palp of M. nigriventris has an em- 
bolus that is relatively slimmer and more 
graceful than those of other species in the 
M. nigriventris species group (compare 
Fig. 84 with Bigs O27 MOOI UO! IDI). 
The shape of the embolus and its distal 
apophysis differs from other species (com- 
pare Fig. 87 with Figs. 95, 103, 112, 124). 

Variation. Average body length of 25 fe- 
males examined 9.5 mm, range 7.2 to 11.5 
mm. Average body length of 16 males ex- 
amined 7.4 mm, range 5.3 to 9.5 mm. 

Natural History. Spiders are commonly 
found around Lake Titicaca living in me- 
dium and large colonies among power 
lines, Bolivian pines, Cactus, Bacharis, 
rock outcroppings, and tall grasses (L. 
Rayor, personal communication, and vari- 
ous locality labels). Mature specimens 
have been collected throughout the year 
except September and October (Fig. 310). 
Median elevation, 3,900 m. 

Distribution. High altitude regions of 
southern Peru and western Bolivia (Map 


Records Examined. ARGENTINA Jujuy: Puma- 
huasi, 22°17'S, 65°41'W, 8.xi.1970 (L. E. Pefia, 
MCZ). BOLIVIA La Paz: 45 mi S La Paz, 17°9'S, 
67°36'W, 25.11.1951 (E. S. Ross & Michelbacher, 
CAS); 70 mi S La Paz, 17°30'S, 67°36’W, 25.ii1.1951 
(E. S. Ross & Michelbacher, CAS): La Paz, Avenida 
Sport Club, 16°30’S, 68°9’W, 4.i1.1959 (A. M. Nadler, 
AMNH); La Paz, in garden of house, 16°30'S, 
68°9'W, 15.iv.1959 (R. Walsh, AMNH); Lake Titicaca, 
Copacabana, Yampupata, & Isla del Sol, 16°10'S, 
69°S’W, 17.v.1995 (L. Rayor, MCZ); near La Paz, 
16°30'S, 68°9'W, 24.v.1958 (R. Walsh, AMNH): S end 
of Lake Titicaca, 100 km NW La Paz, 16°10'S, 
69°5'W, 5.vii.1958 (R. Walsh, AMNH);: Tiahuanaco, 
Puma Puerto Ruins, 16°33'S, 68°42'W, 1.ii.1973 (Ann 
Moreton, MCZ). Oruro: 6 km N Challapata, 18°51’S, 
66°47'W, 23.11.1951 (E. S. Ross & Michelbacher, 

CAS); Gorge Uhuschlucht, near Oruro, 17°59’S, 
67°9'W, 7.ii.1954 (Forster & Schindler, ZSM). Potos?: 
Villazon, 22°6'S, 65°36'W, 30.xii.1984 (L. E. Pefia, 
AMNH). PERU Apurimac: Chincheros, 13°30'48’S, 
73°42'47’"W, 12.xii.1980 (C. Gold, CAS); Puna near 
Abancay, 13°38'2"S, 72°52'52”/W, 15.xii.1947 (W. Wey- 
rauch, CAS). Ayacucho: Puquio, 14°42'S, 74°8'W, 
15.iv.1950 (F. Blancas, MUSM): San Antonio (Pu- 
quio), 14°47'S, 74°7’W, 1.xi.1985 (D. Silva, MUSM). 
Cusco: Cheqquerec, 13°23'S, 72°8'W, 2.ix.1993 (J. 
Ochoa Camara, MCZ): Cusco,  13°31'6"S, 
71°58’41"W, 8.viii.1965 (P. & B. Wygodzinsky, 
AMNH). Junin: 8 mi W Tarma, 11°25'S, 75°48’W, 
6.11955 (E. I. Schlinger & E. S. Ross, CAS); Cochas 
Bajo, 11 km W Tarma, 11°25'21"S, 75°46'1L1”"W, 
27.iii.1988 (J. Palmer & D. Smith, MCZ); Cochas 
Bajo, 11 km W Tarma, rock ledge in agricultural val- 
ley, 11°25'21"S, 75°46’11"W, 29.iii1.1988 (J. Palmer, 
MCZ); Huancayo, 12°4'S, 75°14'W, (W. 
Weyrauch, AMNH); Oroya, 11°32'S, 75°54'W, 
12.iv.1914 (M. P. Anderson, AMNH). Lima: Bosque 
de Zarate, 11°53'S, 76°27'W, 18.i.1981 (J. Francke, 
MUSM). Puno: 10 mi N Ayaviri, 14°45'S, 70°35’W, 
1.iii1.1951 (E. S. Ross & Michelbacher, CAS); Cama- 
cane, 15°55'S, 69°50’W, 20.xi1.1955 (L. E. Pefia, 
IRSNB); Isla Taquili, Lago Titicaca, 15°46’S, 
69°41'W, 23.xii.1980 (C. Gold, CAS); Juli (col. Chu- 
cuito), 16°13'S, 69°27'W, 7.xi.1952 (F. Blancas, 
MUSM); near Chucuito, Lago Titicaca, 15°50'S, 
69°48'W, 10.iii.1953 (M. Koepcke, MUSM); Puna, 
Lake Titicaca, 15°50'S, 70°2'W, (W. Wey- 
rauch, AMNH); Puno, 15°50’S, 70°2’'W (Soukup, 
AMNH); Yunguyo, downtown plaza, 16°15'S, 69°5’W, 
31.41.1973 (Ann Moreton, MCZ). 

12. Metepeira tarapaca new species 
Figures 92-99, 305; Map 7 

Holotype. Male from Quillagua, Antofagasta, Chile, 
4.ii.1965, L. E. Pefia, in MCZ. The specific name 
is a noun in apposition after a Chilean province 
where it is abundant. 

Description. Female paratype from 
Quillagua, Antofagasta, Chile. Light red- 
dish brown carapace, white in center and 
around eyes with lateral posterior exten- 
sions (Fig. 98). Legs yellowish white, 
ringed brown at distal ends of articles. Fe- 
mur I with row of four macrosetae on an- 
terior side; three on anteroventral side. 
Dorsal folium white with black speckles 
(Fig. 98). Venter of abdomen black with 
wide, white median line, sometimes 
flanked by thinner white lines that togeth- 
er form a U-shape posteriorly (Fig. 98). 
Sternum black with median white line, 
sometimes broken (Fig. 99). Ratio of eye 

Estimated elevation (m 

0 20 40 60 80 100 
Percent of median white line on sternum 

Figure 108. Elevation of collection localities of mature female 
M. tarapaca with differing amounts of white on the sternum. 
Spiders with a median white line covering 100% of the sternum 
length are found at a wide altitude range. Spiders with a me- 
dian white mark covering only a short length of the sternum 
are only found at high elevations. Elevations estimated from 
NOAA database of 5- by 5-minute geographic tiles. 

diameters: posterior medians and anterior 
medians 1.0, anterior laterals 1.3, posterior 
laterals 1.2. Anterior median eyes separat- 
ed by 1.4 diameters. posterior median eyes 
by 1.0, anterior median eyes separated 
from anterior laterals by 3.4 diameters of 
anterior lateral eyes, lateral eyes separated 
by 0.1 their diameters. Total length 7.8 
mm. Carapace 3.2 mm long, 2.8 wide. 
First femur 4.3 mm, patella and tibia 4.4, 
metatarsus 4, tarsus 1.2. Second patella 
and tibia 3.8 mm, third 2.1, fourth 3.2. 

Male holotype. Light reddish brown 
carapace, lighter around eyes and white 
mark in center (Fig. 96). Legs yellowish 
white, gradually growing darker toward 
distal ends of articles. Femur I with row 
of four macrosetae on anterior side; five on 
anteroventral side. Dorsal folium, venter, 
and sternum as in female (Figs. 96, 97). 
Ratio of eye diameters: posterior medians 
and anterior medians 1.0, anterior laterals 
1.2, posterior laterals 1.1. Anterior median 
eyes separated by 1.5 diameters, posterior 
median eyes by 1.0, anterior median eyes 
separated from anterior laterals by 2.5 di- 
ameters of anterior lateral eyes, lateral 
eyes separated by 0.1 their diameters. To- 
tal length 4.4 mm. Carapace 2 mm long, 
1.6 wide. First femur 3.3 mm, patella and 
tibia 3.5, metatarsus 3.3, tarsus 1. Second 
patella and tibia 2.8 mm, third 1.4, fourth 

Diagnosis. Unlike M. nigriventris or M. 


karkii, M. tarapaca has a white mark on 
the sternum (Figs. 97, 99). The epigynum 
is close to that of M. nigriventris, except 
that it is less robust (compare Fig. 93 with 
Fig. 85), and the membrane just over the 
openings cannot be seen behind the thin- 
ner scape (compare Fig. 86 with Fig. 94). 
Unlike M. calamuchita, the epigynum of 
M. tarapaca does not widen posteriorly 
(compare Fig. 94 with Fig. 102); unlike M. 
karkii, the posterior epigynal lobes are not 
swollen (compare Fig. 94 with Fig. 123); 
unlike M. galatheae, the black sclerotized 
circles behind the epigynal openings are 
larger and not shifted posteriorly (compare 
Fig. 94 with Figs. 118-120). The segment 
of the embolus between the basal and dis- 
tal embolic apophysis is relatively thicker 
than in other members of the M. nigriven- 
tris species group (compare Fig. 92 with 
Figs. 84, 100, 109, 121). The terminal di- 
vision of the male palp in M. tarapaca 
shows a distal embolic apophysis that dif- 
fers in shape from that of other species 
(compare Fig. 95 with Figs. 87, 103, 117, 

Variation. Average body length of 22 fe- 
males examined 7.4 mm, range 5 to 11.5 
mm. Average body length of six males ex- 
amined 5.9 mm, range 4.4 to 7.3 mm. The 
dorsum and venter are often darker than 
the holotype. Many lack the flanking lines 
and the U-shape on the venter; some at 
higher elevation have a much reduced 
white line on the sternum. 

Natural History. Mature specimens 
have been collected throughout the year, 
especially between January and April (Fig. 
305). V. Roth (vial label) notes that these 
spiders live in a social colony. M. Roy (per- 
sonal communication) reports that colo- 
nies can reach 200 individuals. Median el- 
evation, 2,800 m. 

Dicom Moderately high altitudes 
in northern Chile and southern Peru (Map 


Records Examined. CHILE Antofagasta: 7 km S 
Toconao, 23°11'S, 68°1'W, 25.xii.1988 (V. & B. Roth, 
CAS); Aguas Blancas [?] (= 24°11’S 69°51’W), To- 
conao, 23°11'S, 68°L’W, 11.x.1955 (L. E. Pefia, 

42, Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 1 

IRSN); Antofagasta, 93°39'S, 70°24'W, 15.xi.1975 (L. 
E. Pena, AMNH): Quillagua, 21°39'S, 69°33'W, 
431.1965 (L. E. Pefia, MCZ), 211.1973 (W. C. Sedg- 
wick, MCZ); Rio Loa, 25 km S Quillagua, 21°54’S, 
69°33'’W, 20.viii.1966 (E. Schlinger & M. Irwin, 
CAS). Elloa: Thermo Puritania, 35 km N San Pedro 
de Atacama, 22°37'S, 68°13’W, 25.xii.1988 (V. & B. 
Roth, CAS). Tarapaca: Arica Timar, Alociado [?], 
18°45'S, 69°42’W, 22.ii1.1973 (N. Hichins, AMNH); 
Ariquilda, 19°38'S, 69°32’W, 29.iv.1969 (L. E. Pena, 
MCZ): Canchones, 20°27'S, 69°37'W, 29.i1.1973 (W. 
C. Sedgwick, MCZ); Chapiquilta, 19°18’S, 69°25'W, (L. E. Petia, MCZ): Chiapa, 19°32’S, 
69°13’W, 24.iv.1969 (L. E. Pena, MCZ); Pica, 
20°30'S, 69°21'W, 26.i1.1973 (W. C. Sedgwick, MCZ); 
Poroma, Quebrada de Tarapaca, 19°52’S, 69°11'W, 
20.iv.1969 (L. E. Pefia, MCZ); Quisama, 19°19’S, 
69°28'W, (L. E. Pefia, MCZ). PERU Are- 
quipa: Arequipa, 16°23'56"S, 71°32’6"W, 15.vii.1955 
(A. Meza, MZSP); Chiguata, near Arequipa, 16°24’S, 
71°24'W, 15.ii.1948 (W. Weyrauch, MUSM). 

13. Metepeira calamuchita new species 
Figures 100-107, 308; Map 5 

Holotype. Male from Calamuchita, Cordoba, Argen- 
tina, 15.i1.1955, J. M. Viana, in MACN. The specific 
name is a noun in apposition after the locality. 

Description. Female paratype from Cal- 
amuchita, Cordoba, Argentina. Carapace 
reddish brown, light around eyes with lat- 
eral posterior extensions (Fig. 106). Leg 
articles annulated distally. Femur I with 
row of six or seven macrosetae on anterior 
side; five on anteroventral side. Anterior 
portion of dorsal folium lighter than in 
most species (Fig. 106). Venter black with 
wide white median line and pair of large 
white spots on either side of spiracle (Fig. 
107). Sternum brownish black with wide, 
white median line (Fig. 107). Ratio of eye 
diameters: posterior medians and anterior 
medians 1.1, anterior laterals 1.4, posterior 
laterals 1.3. Anterior median eyes separat- 
ed by 1.6 diameters, posterior median eyes 
by 0.9, anterior median eyes separated 
from anterior laterals by 3.2 diameters of 
anterior lateral eyes, lateral eyes separated 
by 0.2 their diameters. Total length 8.9 
mm. Carapace 3.4 mm long, 2.8 wide. 
First femur 4.5 mm, patella and tibia 4.7, 
metatarsus 4.7, tarsus 1.3. Second patella 
and tibia 4.1 mm, third 2.3, fourth 3.5. 

Male holotype. Carapace brown with 

light, triangular, median mark pointing 
posteriorly (Fig. 104). Leg articles white, 
darkening brown distally. Femur I with 
row of four macrosetae on anterior side; 
five or six on anteroventral side. Anterior 
dorsal folium mostly white, posterior most- 
ly black (Fig. 104). Venter as in female 
(Fig. 105). Broad white median mark on 
sternum (Fig. 105). Ratio of eye diame- 
ters: posterior medians and anterior me- 
dians 1.1, anterior laterals 1.4, posterior 
laterals 1.4. Anterior median eyes separat- 
ed by 1.4 diameters, posterior median eyes 
by 0.9, anterior median eyes separated 
from anterior laterals by 2.2 diameters of 
anterior lateral eyes, lateral eyes separated 
by 0.2 their diameters. Total length 4.4 
mm. Carapace 2.3 mm long, 1.8 wide. 
First femur 3.8 mm, patella and tibia 3.7, 
metatarsus 4, tarsus 1.2. Second patella 
and tibia 2.9 mm, third 1.5, fourth 2.5. 

Diagnosis. Metepeira calamuchita dif- 
fers from others in the M. nigriventris spe- 
cies group by the large, scooped openings, 
and posteriorly widening epigynum (Fig. 
102). The epigyna of M. tarapaca and M. 
calamuchita both have deep scooped-out 
openings, but these are angled posteriorly 
in the latter (Fig. 102) and laterally in the 
former (Fig. 94). The male palp of M. cal- 
amuchita is easily distinguished from that 
of other species by the widened (Fig. 100) 
and inwardly curved (Fig. 103) “dewlap” 
under the embolus. 

Variation. Average body length of 13 fe- 
males examined 7.7 mm, range 5 to 9.8 
mm. Average body length of five males ex- 
amined 5.2 mm, range 4 to 6.4 mm. Two 
specimens collected near 2,700 m in Itur- 
be, Jujuy, Argentina, have entirely dark 
sterna. In contrast, most specimens are 
found at lower elevations with white me- 
dian lines on their sterna. 

Natural History. Mature specimens 
have been collected between October and 
July, although they are probably available 
throughout the year (Fig. 308). Most ele- 
vations range from 150 to 1,700 m, with 
one population at 2,700 m. 

Distribution. Northern Argentina, at 

mostly lower altitudes east of the Andes 
(Map. 5). 

Records Examined. ARGENTINA Buenos Aires: 
Las Espadufias [?], Sierra de la Ventana, 38°9’S, 
61°48'W, 15.x.1973 (Maury & Cesari, MACN); Sierra 
de la Ventana, 38°9'S, 61°48'W, 15.vii.1972 (Amarril- 
la, MACN). Coérdoba: C. Paz, 31°24'S, 64°31'W, 
15.v.1940 (C. Marti, MACN); Calamuchita, 32°4'S, 
64°33’W, 15.xii.1941 (J. M. Viana, MACN), 15.i.1955 
(J. M. Viana, MACN); Mina Clareo, 31°43’S, 65°0'W, 
15.iv.1973 (Stiebel, MACN). Jujuy: Iturbe, 22°59’S, 
65°21'W, 22.ii.1983 (L. E. Pefia, AMNH). La Rioja: 
Ilias [?], 29°5’S, 66°19’W (P. M. Gomez, MACN). 
San Luis: Chosmes and Desaguadero (Mendoza), 
33°24'30"S, 67°0'0"W, 14.iv.1967 (L. E. Pefia, MCZ). 
Santiago del Estero: Santiago del Estero, 27°47’S, 
64°16'W (AMNH), 3.iv.1965 (H. W. Levi, MCZ): 70 
km W Santiago, 27°47'S, 65°25'W, 3.iv.1965 (H. W. 
Levi, MCZ); Quebrachos: Sumampa, Parayacu [?], 
29°22'S, 63°28'W, 15.xi.1944 (Maldonado Bruzzone, 

14. Metepeira galatheae (Thorell) 
Figures 108-120, 304; Map 7 

Epeira galatheae Thorell, 1891: 53. Female holotype 
from “Cobija, Bolivia,” now, Cobija, Antofagasta, 
Chile, in the UZMK, examined. 

Araneus galatheae:—Bonnet, 1955: 506. 

Metepeira galatheae:—Levi, 1991: 179. Platnick, 

Metepeira cereicola nomen nudum, female in AMNH 
but no description has been found. Female man- 
uscript type from Salamanca, Coquimbo, Chile, 
collected by Archer on 30.iv.1961. 

Note. Thorell (1891) listed the holotype’s locality 
as “Cobija, Bolivia.” While Cobija, Bolivia exists 
(11°02'S 68°44'W), it is an unlikely locality for the 
corvette Galathea to visit on its voyage to southern 
Asia because it would have meant climbing over 
the Andes. Instead, the port town of Cobija, Chile 
(22°33'S 70°16'W) is much more likely, especially 
since this region of Chile was under Bolivian ad- 
ministration throughout the period of Galathea’s 
voyage, 1845-1847 (Paynter et al., 1975). 

Description. Female from Chile Chico, 
Aisén province, Chile. Reddish brown car- 
apace with white setae, light around eyes, 
lateral posterior extensions, central arrow- 
shaped mark (Fig. 113). Legs light yellow, 
articles annulated distally. Femur I with 
row of four or five macrosetae on anterior 
side; two to four on anteroventral side. 
Dorsum with black and white setae. Foli- 
um speckled brown with a white fleur-de- 
lis that reduces posteriorly (Fig. 113). Ven- 
ter brownish gray with wide median white 

METEPEIRA ° Piel 43 

line and pair of large white spots on either 
side of spiracle. A pair of very faint white 
stitching parallel to and on either side of 
median line (Fig. 114). Sternum reddish 
brown, sometimes with small posterior and 
anterior white marks (Fig. 114). Ratio of 
eye diameters: posterior medians and an- 
terior medians 1.0, anterior laterals 1.2, 
posterior laterals 1.2. Anterior median 
eyes separated by 1.7 diameters, posterior 
median eyes by 1.2, anterior median eyes 
separated from anterior laterals by 3.6 di- 
ameters of anterior lateral eyes, lateral 
eyes separated by 0.1 their diameters. To- 
tal length 7.8 mm. Carapace 3.5 mm long, 
2.7 wide. First femur 3.7 mm, patella and 
tibia 3.9, metatarsus 3.5, tarsus 1.2. Sec- 
ond patella and tibia 3.4 mm, third 2.1, 
fourth 3. 

Male from Chile Chico, Aisén province, 
Chile. Leg coloration as in female, except 
femur I mostly reddish brown with row of 
four macrosetae on anterior side; five on 
anteroventral side. Carapace, dorsum, ven- 
ter and sternum as in female (Figs. 111, 
112). Ratio of eye diameters: posterior me- 
dians and anterior medians 1.0, anterior 
laterals 1.3, posterior laterals 1.3. Anterior 
median eyes separated by 1.6 diameters, 
posterior median eyes by 1.2, anterior me- 
dian eyes separated from anterior laterals 
by 3.3 diameters of anterior lateral eyes, 
lateral eyes separated by 0.4 their diame- 
ters. Total length 5.3 mm. Carapace 2.7 
mm long, 2.1 wide. First femur 3.9 mm, 
patella and tibia 3.8, metatarsus 3.6, tarsus 
1.1. Second patella and tibia 3.2 mm, third 
1.8, fourth 2.6. 

Diagnosis. Although the sternum of M. 
galatheae varies from solid brown (Fig. 
114) to brown with median white marks, 
the venter of the abdomen is surprisingly 
consistent. The venter has a wide brownish 
gray area and a short median white line 
flanked by very faint indications of parallel 
lines (Fig. 114). In contrast, the flanking 
lines in M. karkii thicken anteriorly (Fig. 
128) and the venter of M. nigriventris is 
almost completely black (Fig. 91). Despite 

enormous variation in the hood of the 

44 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 1 

Collection Day (since Jan 1) 

Latitude (Degrees North) 

Figure 109. Days on which mature M. galatheae were col- 
lected between 1937 and 1989 with latitude of the collection 
locality. Seasonality appears to be more restricted in southern 
regions than in northern regions. 

Scale of abscissa: —150 = August 3; 1 = January 1; 150 = 
May 30. 

scape with a corresponding variation in the 
position of the epigynal openings, it is 
nonetheless possible to distinguish the fe- 
males of M. galatheae from those of other 
Species in the M. nigriventris group. 
Whether ventrally or posteriorly posi- 
tioned, the epigynal openings and the 
darkened shadows of the sclerotized re- 
ceptacles beneath them are relatively 
smaller than those of M. calamuchita, M. 
tarapaca, and M. nigriventris (compare 
Figs. 118-120 with Figs. 86, 94, 102). Also, 
M. galatheae lacks the swollen posterior 
lobes present in M. karkii (compare Figs. 
118-120 with Fig. 123). The shape of the 
embolus of M. galatheae varies significant- 
ly (compare Fig. 109 with Fig. 110). How- 
ever, unlike other species, the embolus of 
M. galatheae has a distinct, round and 
swollen protrusion (Fig. 117). 

Variation. Average body length of 80 fe- 
males examined 7.9 mm, range 4.8 to 12.5 
mm. Average body length of 16 males ex- 
amined 5.9 mm, range 3.5 to 8.1 mm. Epi- 
gyna vary considerably. Many, similar to 
the holotype, open ventrally and resemble 
a posteriorly widened version of M. tara- 
paca (Figs. 119, 120); cleared epigyna 
show relatively straight ducts connecting 
the epigynal openings with the seminal re- 
ceptacles. These have a short distance be- 
tween the openings and the hood of the 
scape. Others, usually in southern Chile, 
have posterior openings and look surpris- 

ingly different (Fig. 118); cleared epigyna 
show S-shaped ducts connecting the open- 
ings with the seminal receptacles. These 
have an extended wrinkled area between 
the openings and the hood of the scape. 
However, several females [e.g., CHILE 
Bto-Bio: Chillan, 8.xi.1976 (G. Moreno, 
AMNH); Las Lajuelas, 11.i.1976 (G. Mo- 
reno, AMNH)] have epigyna that appear 
to be intermediate between the two forms. 
Furthermore, no somatic features were 
found to be sufficiently different, and little 
corresponding variation was found among 
sympatric males. It is possible that further 
collecting efforts will discover correspond- 
ing males, and future molecular studies 
may show that speciation has, in fact, oc- 
curred. But in the meantime, I am opting 
to treat both varieties as belonging to the 
same species. 

Natural History. Although mature spec- 
imens have been collected throughout the 
year (Fig. 304), the seasonality of this spe- 
cies appears to depend on its latitude. At 
the 45th southern parallel, spiders are usu- 
ally found in late November and Decem- 
ber; at the 40th parallel, spiders occur be- 
tween October and February; and at the 
30th parallel, they are collected year round 
(Fig. 108). Median elevation, 550 m. Spi- 
ders are found on Patagonian scrub, 
dunes, and wire fences. 

Distribution. Chile and Argentina (Map 

Records Examined. ARGENTINA Buenos Aires: 
Felipe Sola, 38°1'S, 62°50’W, 15.i.1944 (Prosen, 
MLP); Patagones, 40°48'S, 62°59’W, 15.ii.1937 (J. M. 
Viana, MACN): Sierra de la Ventana, 38°9’S, 
61°48'W, 15.iii.1939 (J. C. Gario, MACN). Catamar- 
ca: Mutquin, 28°19'S, 66°10’W, 15.i1.1963 (O. de Fer- 
rariis, AMNH). Chubut: 15 km S Epuyen, 42°22'S, 
71°21'W, 15.i.1986 (P. A. Goloboff, N. I. Platnick, & 
R. T. Schuh, AMNH): 19.5 km E Shaman, 44°27'S, 
70°30'W, 19.xi.1966 (E. I. Schlinger & M. E. Irwin, 
CAS); 3 km N Puerto Lobos, 41°59'S, 65°6'W, 
14.xii.1966 (E. I. Schlinger & M. E. Irwin, CAS); 35 
km E Esquel, 42°54'S, 70°53’W, 18.xi.1966 (E. I. 
Schlinger & M. E. Irwin, CAS); El Hoyo [?], 42°4’S, 
71°30'W (A. Kovacs, AMNH), 10.i.1962 (Andor Ko- 
vacs, AMNH); Epuyen, 42°15'S, 71°23'W, 18.xi.1962 
(Andor Kovacs, AMNH); Leleque, 42°28’S, 71°6’W, 
12.11.1965 (Andor Kovacs, AMNH); Los Manantiales, 

METEPEIRA ° Piel 45 

A 4 

ee 2 



Figures 110-120. Metepeira galatheae (Thorell) (sp. 14 [110-114,116,117,120] 46°33’S, 71°57’W; [115,119] 29°50’S, 70°2’W; 
[118] 33°30’'S, 71°25’W). 110, male palpus, mesal. 111, male, dorsal. 112, male, ventral. 113, female, dorsal. 114, female, 
ventral. 115, epigynum, posterior. 116, epigynum, posterior. 117, male embolic division, ventral. 118-120, epigynum, ventral. 

Figures 121-128. Metepeira karkii (Tullgren) (sp. 15; 51°38’S, 69°13’W). 121, male palpus, mesal. 122, epigynum, posterior. 

123, epigynum, ventral. 124, male, dorsal. 125, male, ventral. 126, female, dorsal. 127, female, ventral. 

Scale bars: dorsum and venter figures 1.0 mm. 

N of Comodoro-Rivadavia, 45°28'S, 69°29’'W, 
19.xi.1985 (L. E. Pefia, AMNH): N of Camarones, 
Cantera, Namuncura, 44°46'S, 65°42/W, 17.xi.1985 
(L. E. Pefia, AMNH): Rio Turbio, 42°13'S, 71°41’W 
(Andor Kovacs, AMNH), 12.i.1962 (Andor Kovacs, 
AMNH). Cordoba: 12 mi W Sampacho, 33°23’S, 
64°43'W, 7.ii.1951 (E. S. Ross & Michelbacher, CAS): 
Arguello, 31°21'S, 64°15'W, 15.xii.1943 (J. A. De Car- 


lo, MACN); Calamuchita, 32°4'S, 64°33’'W, 
15.xii.1940 (J. M. Viana, MACN); Sampacho, 33°23’S, 
64°43'W, 7.i1.1951 (E. S. Ross & Michelbacher, CAS). 
Mendoza: Between Beazley and San Rafael, 34°10'S, 
67°29'W, 4.iii.1983 (L. E. Petia, AMNH); Mendoza, 
32°53'S, 68°49'W, 30.iii.1965 (H. W. Levi, MCZ); Us- 
pallata, 32°35'S, 69°20'W, 7.iii1.1983 (L. E. Pefia, 
AMNH). Neuquén: Catan Lil, Charahuilla, 39°45’S, 

46 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 1 

70°37'W, 15.ii.1971 (O. de Ferrariis, AMNH):; Cuba 
del Leon [?], 39°9’S, 70°53’W, 15.1.1975 (Maury, 
MACN); Lago Alumine, 38°55’S, 71°9’W, 15.i.1976 
(O. de Ferrariis, AMNH); Zapala, 38°54’S, 70°4’W, 
15.i.1958 (J. R. Navas, MACN). Rio Negro: Cerro 
Alto [?], 41°8’S, 70°40’W (MACN): Co. Leones, 
source of Rio Limay, 40°33’S, 70°26’W, 28.ii.1959 (J. 
R. Navas, MACN); El Bolson, 41°58’S, 71°31'W, 
1.ii.1961 (A. Kovacs, AMNH), 17.x.1961 (Andor Ko- 
vacs, AMNH); El Bolson, 41°58’S, 71°35’'W, 2.ii1.1965 
(Andor Kovacs, AMNH): General Roca, 39°3'S, 
67°32'W, 15.ix.1964 (Bachmann, MEG). Salta: Maury 
[P], 24°40'S, 65°45'W, 15.1.1975 (MACN). San Juan: 
10 km N Matagusanos, 31°10’S, 68°38’W, 13.i.1983 
(L. E. Petia, AMNH). San Luis: INTA Experimental 
Station, E of Villa Mercedes, 33°40'S, 65°27'W, 
8.xii. 1967 (C. R. Ward, CAS). Santa Cruz: 2.4 km S$ 
Fitz Roy, 47°2'S, 67°15'W, 12.xii.1966 (E. I. Schlinger 
& M. E. Irwin, CAS). Tucumdn: San Miguel de Tu- 
cuman, IML gardens, 26°49'S, 65°13'W, 19.xii.1979 
(L. A. Stange, FSCA). BRAZIL Mato Grosso: Campo 
Grande, 20°27'S, 54°37'W, 7.ii.1952 (M. Alvarenga, 
MZSP). CHILE Aconcagua: W end tunnel, 85 km S 
Hlapel, 32°49'S, 71°7'W, 29.xi.1950 (E. S. Ross & 
Michelbacher, CAS). Aisén: 8 km W Chile Chico, 
46°33'S, 71°57'W, 22.xi.1966 (E. I. Schlinger & M. 
E. Irwin, CAS); Chile Chico, near lake, 46°33’S, 
71°43'W, 21.xi.1966 (E. I. Schlinger & M. E. Irwin, 
CAS). Antofagasta: 6 km N Muelle de Piedra, N Tal- 
tal, 25°21'S, 70°30’W, 4.ii.1942 (Junius Bird, AMNH); 

Caleta Hueso Parado, Taltal, 25°22’S, 70°2S’W, 
1.ii.1941 (Junius Bird, AMNH); Cobija, 22°33’S, 
70°16'W (ZMUC); Quebrada Paposo, 25°2'S, 

70°27'W, 3.ii.1989 (L. Stange, FSCA). Araucania: Pe- 
mehue [?], 38°3'S, 71°43’W (L. E. Pefia, IRSNB): 
Villarrica, 36°16'S, 72°13'W, 25.xi.1963 (G. F. Ed- 
munds, AMNH). Atacama: 50-60 km S Copiapo, 
2751'S, 70°20'W, 24.viii.1966 (E. I. Schlinger & M. 
E. Irwin, CAS); Copiapo, 27°22'S, 70°20’W (Cartis, 
MNRJ); Rio Copiapo, by the sea, 27°19’S, 70°56’W, (L. E. Pefia, MCZ). Bio-Bio: 4 km E road 
to Pinto, 36°42’S, 71°53’W, 4.1.1976 (B. Moreno, 
AMNH); Chillén, 36°36’S, 72°7’W, 2.i.1976 (G. Mo- 
reno, AMNH), 21.ii.1978 (G. Moren, MCZ); Chillan, 
in cemetery, 36°36’S, 72°7'W, 8.xi.1976 (G. Moreno, 
AMNH); Cuesta de Quilmo, Chillin, 36°38'S, 
72°12'W, 13.xi.1976 (G. Moreno, AMNH); El Aban- 
ico, 37°20'S, 71°31’W, 30.xii.1950 (E. S. Ross & 
Michelbacher, CAS); Las Lajuelas, 36°39'S, 72°8’W, 
111.1976 (G. Moreno, AMNH). Concepcion, 
36°50'S, 73°3'W (L. E. Pefia, IRSNB); Concepcion: 
Salta de Rio Laja, 37°13’S, 72°23’W, 30.i.1951 (E. S. 
Ross & Michelbacher, CAS); Nuble: 50 km E San 
Carlos, 36°25'S, 71°6’W, 26.xii.1950 (E. S. Ross & 
Michelbacher, CAS); Nuble: Cordillera de Chillén 
[?], 36°51'S, 71°24’W, 1.ii.1947 (L. E. Pefia, IRSNB): 
Rio Andalien, 36°44'S, 73°1’W, 25.iii.1979 (S. Gu- 

tierrez, MCZ). Coquimbo: 20 mi E La Serena, 
29°54'S, 70°56’W, 3.vii.1950 (E. S. Ross & Michel- 

bacher, CAS); 5 mi N Ovalle, 30°31’S, 71°12’'W, 
1.xii.1950 (E. S. Ross & Michelbacher, CAS); Banos 

del Toro, 29°50'S, 70°2’W, 15.ii.1947 (L. E. Pefia, 
IRSNB); Cerro Talinay, 30°50'29"S, 71°37'14”"W, 
29.xi.1961 (A. F. Archer, AMNH); Cuesta las Cardas, 
Ovalle Rd., 30°17'S, 71°16'W, 13.xi.1961 (R. Wagen- 
knecht, AMNH); Hacienda Illapel, 31°36’S, 71°7’W, 
3.x1.1954 (L. E. Pefia, IRSNB), 19.x.1966 (E. I. 
Schlinger, M. E. Irwin, & L. E. Pefia, CAS); Illapel: 
Salamanca: Fundo Quelén, 31°52’S,— 70°52’W, 
30.iv.1961 (A. F. Archer, AMNH): La Serena, 
29°54'28"S, 71°15'15"W, 15.ii.1947 (L. E. Pefia, 
IRSNB); Loma de Pefiuelas, 6 km S La Serena, 
29°57'S, 71°18'W, 28.xi.1961 (A. F. Archer, AMNH): 
Quilacén, 16 km E La Serena, 29°54’S, 71°5’W, 
2.x.1961 (R. Wagenknecht, AMNH). Los Lagos: Purr- 
anque, 40°55'S, 73°10'W, 15.ii.1955 (Edwin Reed, 
AMNH): Rio Bueno, 40°19’S, 72°58’W (L. E. Pejia, 
IRSNB): Valdivia: Neltume, 39°48'S, 71°57’'W, 
23.x1.1988 (V. & B. Roth, CAS). Malleco: Angol, 
37°48'S, 72°43'W, 29.i1.1951 (E. S. Ross & Michel- 
bacher, CAS). Maule: Linares, 35°51'S, 71°36’W (L. 
E. Pena, IRSNB), 15.1.1947 (L. E. Pena, IRSNB): 
Miraflores, Pedag. [?], 35°55’S, 71°39'W (Toro, 
AMNH). O’Higgins: Chépica, 34°44'S, 71°17'W, 
15.xii.1947 (L. E. Pefia, IRSNB). Regidn Metropoli- 
tana: 34 km W Santiago, 33°30'S, 71°25'W, 
19.xii.1950 (E. S. Ross & Michelbacher, CAS); Ba- 
tuco, nr. Santiago, 33°13'S, 70°47’W (Guil. Mann, 
AMNH); Lampa, 33°17'S, 70°54’W, 1.v.1979 (L. E. 
Pefia, AMNH). Santiago: El Golf [?], 33°30'S, 
71°25'W, 9.iv.1961 (A. F. Archer & J. Aros, AMNH); 
Santiago, 33°30'S, 71°25'W (L. E. Pefia, IRSNB), 
1.ii.1973 (W. C. Sedgwick, MCZ). Talca: 22 mi N Tal- 
ca, 35°7'S, 71°40'W, 22.xii.1950 (CAS). Valparaiso: 
Concon, in cow farm, 32°55'S, 71°31'/W, 4. iii. 1962 (H. 
Morales, AMNH); La Cruz, 32°53’'S, 71°16'W, 
18.i.1973 (W. C. Sedgwick, MCZ); Llay-Llay, 32°51’S, 
70°58’W, 20.i1.1973 (W. C. Sedgwick, MCZ): Los Mai- 
tenes [P], 32°59’S, 71°15’W, 14.x.1954 (L. E. Pefial, 
IRSNB); Quintay, 33°11'S, 71°42'W, 19.ii.1967 (E. I. 
Schlinger, CAS); Valparaiso, 33°2'S, 71°38’W (Edwin 
Reed, AMNH). 

15. Metepeira karkii (Tullgren) 
Figures 121-128, 303; Map 5 

Araneus karkii Tullgren, 1901: 219, 259. Female ho- 
lotype from Kark, Chile in the SMNH, examined. 

Metepeira labyrinthea:—Roewer, 1942: 868. Bonnet, 
1957: 2821. Erroneous synonymy. 

Description. Female from Rio Gallegos, 
Santa Cruz Province, Argentina. Carapace 
reddish brown with white setae, light 
around eyes with lateral posterior exten- 
sions (Fig. 127). Legs light yellow, articles 
annulated distally. Femur I with row of 
three to four macrosetae on anterior side: 
one to four on anteroventral side. Dorsum 
covered with denser, longer, black and 

white setae than in most species. Folium 
mostly white with brown speckles (Fig. 
127). Venter brownish gray with wide 
white median line; pair of large white spots 
on either side of spiracle. A pair of thin 
white lines, parallel to and on either side 
of median line, sometimes connect to a 
pair of thinner transverse white lines: one 
just posterior to the epigynal groove, one 
just anterior to the spinnerets (Fig. 128). 
Sternum dark reddish brown (Fig. 128). 
Ratio of eye diameters: posterior medians 
and anterior medians 1.2, anterior laterals 
1.4, posterior laterals 1.5. Anterior median 
eyes separated by 1.8 diameters, posterior 
median eyes by 1.0, anterior median eyes 
separated from anterior laterals by 4.2 di- 
ameters of anterior lateral eyes, lateral 
eyes separated by 0.3 their diameters. To- 
tal length 9.5 mm. Carapace 4 mm long, 
3.4 wide. First femur 4 mm, patella and 
tibia 4.4, metatarsus 3.7, tarsus 1.2. Sec- 
ond patella and tibia 3.9 mm, third 2.5, 
fourth 3.8. 

Male from Rio Gallegos, Santa Cruz 
Province, Argentina. Carapace reddish 
brown with lighter eye region, lateral pos- 
terior extensions, and median arrowhead 
mark (Fig. 125). Legs light yellow, articles 
distally annulated reddish brown. Femur I 
with row of three to four macrosetae on 
anterior side; five to six on anteroventral 
side. Dorsal folium mostly white with 
brown speckles (Fig. 125). Venter and 
sternum as in female (Fig. 126). Ratio of 
eye diameters: posterior medians and an- 
terior medians 1.0, anterior laterals 1.3, 
posterior laterals 1.2. Anterior median 
eyes separated by 1.7 diameters, posterior 
median eyes by 1.2, anterior median eyes 
separated from anterior laterals by 2.8 di- 
ameters of anterior lateral eyes, lateral 
eyes separated by 0.4 their diameters. To- 
tal length 5.7 mm. Carapace 2.8 mm long, 
2 wide. First femur 4.3 mm, patella and 
tibia 4.3, metatarsus 4.1, tarsus 1.2. Sec- 
ond patella and tibia 3.5 mm, third 1.9, 
fourth 2.9. 

Diagnosis. Females are easily separated 
from other species in the M. nigriventris 


group by the thick posterior epigynal lobes 
(compare Fig. 123 with Fig. 119). The dis- 
tal embolic apophysis does not protrude 
out from under the terminal apophysis 
(Fig. 124) as it does in M. galatheae, M. 
tarapaca, and M. nigriventris (Figs. 87, 95, 
119). The embolus of M. karkii differs 
from M. calamuchita by lacking the in- 
wardly curved “dewlap” under the embo- 
lus (compare Fig. 121 with Fig. 103). 

Variation. Average body length of 13 fe- 
males examined 6.8 mm, range 5 to 8.2 
mm. Average body length of five males ex- 
amined 4.4 mm, range 2 to 5.3 mm. Dor- 
sal folia vary from white with little contrast 
and indistinct fleur-de-lis to darker with 
more contrast and distinct fleur-de-lis. 

Natural History. This species appears to 
be strongly seasonal: mature specimens 
have been collected between November 
and March (Fig. 303). Median elevation, 
300 m. Spiders are found in pampas (tree- 
less grassland). 

Distribution. Lower altitudes in south- 
ern Argentina and Chile (Map 5). 

Records Examined. ARGENTINA Chubut: Puerto 
Piramides, Peninsula Valdes, 42°34'S, 64°17’W, 
12.xi.1988 (V. & B. Roth, CAS). Neuquén: Laguna 
Blanca, 39°3’S, 70°23'W, 15.iii.1959 (J. Nara, 
MACN); Zapala, 38°54'S, 70°4'W, 15.i1.1958 (fe R. Na- 
vas, MACN); Zapala, Laguna Blanca, 38°54'S, 
70°4'W, 15.1.1959 (J. R. Navas, MACN). Rio Negro: 
Cerro Alto [?], 41°8’S, 70°40’W (MACN): Coronel 
Juan José Gomez, 39°2'S, 67°39'W, 15.xi.1945 (Ibarra 
Grasso, MLP); Ne-Luan, 41°25'S, 68°45’W (MACN). 
Santa Cruz: Laguna Calafate, Precordilfera [?], 
50°55’'S, 70°9'W, 22.1.1967 (P. San Martin, MCZ): Rio 
Gallegos, 51°38’S, 69°13’W, 20.i.1967 (P. San Martin, 
MCZ). BOLIVIA Santa Cruz: Patagonia: Estancia 
Monte, cerca Rio Coyby [?], 50°14’S, 68°55'W (B. 
Brown, AMNH). CHILE Magallanes: 4 km W La- 
guna Amarga, 50°59’S, 72°49'W, 8.xii.1966 (E. I. 
Schlinger & M. E. Irwin, CAS); Kark, 51°17'30"S, 
72°32'30"W, 13.iii.1899 (FE. Nordenskidld, NRMS). 

Metepeira compsa Group: 

The three species in the M. compsa 
group include Metepeira compsa, Metepei- 
ra roraima, and Metepeira gressa. Along 
with the Metepeira nigriventris group, this 
group has a median apophysis with teeth 
on the face of the keel. Unlike the Mete- 

48 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 1 

peira nigriventris group, this group has 
smaller, slimmer distal embolic apophyses 
that do not arch up over the embolus tip 
(compare Fig. 149 with Fig. 84). The 
openings to the epigynum have distinct, 
sclerotized edges and are clearly visible ei- 
ther as circles (Figs. 131, 134) or eye- 
shaped ovals (Figs. 143, 151). 

16. Metepeira compsa (Chamberlin) 
Figures 129-140, 311; Map 8 

Aranea compsa Chamberlin, 1916: 252, fig. 6, 2. Fe- 
male holotype from Ollantaitambo, Cusco, Peru, in 
the MCZ, examined. Bonnet, 1955: 462. 

Araneus labyrintheus:—Petrunkevitch, 1926: 27. Er- 
roneous synonymy. 

Metepeira virginensis Chamberlin and Ivie, 1942: 70, 
figs. 188-190, 2, d. Female holotype from St. 
Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands, in AMNH, examined. 

Metepeira latigyna Chamberlin and Ivie, 1942: 70, 
figs. 191, 192, 2. Female holotype from Porto Ale- 
gre [Bahia], Brazil, in AMNH, examined. NEW 

Metepeira compsa:—Chamberlin and Ivie, 1942: 71, 
figs. 193-195, @, 3. 

Metepeira labyrinthea:—Bryant, 1942: 346. 

Metepeira perezxi Archer, 1965: 132, figs. 14, 16, 3, 
2. Male holotype from subexperiment station, Is- 
abela, Puerto Rico, in AMNH, examined. Brignoli, 
1983: 276. NEW SYNONYMY. 

Metepeira vaurieorum Archer, 1965: 133, figs. 15, 19, 
3, 2. Male holotype from Usine de Robert, Mar- 
tinique, in AMNH, lost. Brignoli, 1983: 276. Lo- 
pez, 1993: 10, 11, figs. 1-4, 11, 6. NEW SYN- 

Note. Although the type for M. vaurieorum is 
lost, all examined records from Martinique (includ- 
ing ones from “Usine de Robert”) belong to M. 

Description. Female from Savonet, Cu- 
ragao, Netherlands Antilles. Carapace light 
around eyes with lateral posterior exten- 
sions (Figs. 135, 137). Only tibia IV 
ringed. Femur I with row of four macro- 
setae on anterior side; two or three fine 
setae on anteroventral side. Dorsum of ab- 
domen with usual Metepeira folium, 
though whiter than usual in some speci- 
mens (Figs. 135, 137). Venter with wide 
white median line flanked by two thin 
(Fig. 136) or wide (Fig. 138) white lines; 
pair of white spots on either side of spi- 
racle. Sternum has wide median white line 

widening anteriorly, sometimes broken 
(Figs. 136, 138). Ratio of eye diameters: 
posterior medians and anterior medians 
1.0, anterior laterals 1.3, posterior laterals 
1.2. Anterior median eyes separated by 1.3 
diameters, posterior median eyes by 0.7, 
anterior median eyes separated from an- 
terior laterals by 1.8 diameters of anterior 
lateral eyes, lateral eyes separated by 0.2 
their diameters. Total length 3.9 mm. Car- 
apace 1.8 mm long, 1.4 wide. First femur 
1.9 mm, patella and tibia 1.9, metatarsus 
1.5, tarsus 0.7. Second patella and tibia 1.7 
mm, third 0.9, fourth 1.5. 

Male from Savonet, Curagao, Nether- 
lands Antilles. Carapace light around eyes 
with lateral posterior extensions. Slightly 
lighter median triangular mark anterior to 
thoracic furrow (Fig. 139). Legs lightly 
ringed. Femur I with row of four macro- 
setae on anterior side, four on anteroven- 
tral side. Dorsum, venter, and sternum as 
in female (Figs. 139, 140). Ratio of eye 
diameters: posterior medians and anterior 
medians 1.0, anterior laterals 1.3, posterior 
laterals 1.2. Anterior median eyes separat- 
ed by 1.3 diameters, posterior median eyes 
by 0.6, anterior median eyes separated 
from anterior laterals by 1.4 diameters of 
anterior lateral eyes, lateral eyes separated 
by 0.3 their diameters. Total length 3.6 
mm. Carapace 1.8 mm long, 1.4 wide. 
First femur 2.7 mm, patella and tibia 2.8, 
metatarsus 2.4, tarsus 0.9. Second patella 
and tibia 2.3 mm, third 1.2, fourth 1.8. 

Diagnosis. Unlike other species, the 
openings to the epigynum of M. compsa 
are small and almost perfectly round and 
sclerotized around the rim (Fig. 131). In 
Peruvian and Argentinean populations the 
scape can be extremely wide, often entire- 
ly covering a ventral view of the openings 
(Fig. 134). The distal embolic apophysis 
on the male palp extends straight from its 
base and parallel to the embolus tip (Figs. 
129, 132), in contrast to those of other spe- 
cies in the M. compsa species group that 
lift away from the embolus tip (Figs. 141, 

Variation. Average body length of 22 fe- 

METEPEIRA ° Piel 49 


Figures 129-140. Metepeira compsa (Chamberlin) (sp. 16 [129-131,135, 136,139,140] 12°20’N, 69°7’W; [132] 4°30’S, 81°8’W; 
[133,134] 4°51’S, 80°46’W; [137,138] 17°5'N, 61°42’W). 129, male palpus, mesal. 130, epigynum, posterior. 131, epigynum, 
ventral. 132, male palpus, mesal. 133, epigynum, posterior. 134, epigynum, ventral. 135, female, dorsal. 136, female, ventral. 
137, female, dorsal. 138, female, ventral. 139, male, dorsal. 140, male, ventral. 

Figures 141-148. Metepeira roraima new species (sp. 17 [141-147] 3°22’N, 60°19’W; [148] 3°21’'N, 76°33’W). 141, male palpus, 
mesal. 142, epigynum, posterior. 143, epigynum, ventral. 144, male, dorsal. 145, male, ventral. 146, female, dorsal. 147, female, 

ventral. 148, female, dorsal. 
Scale bars: dorsum and venter figures 1.0 mm. 

males examined 5 mm, range 3.5 to 7.3 
mm. Average body length of 18 males ex- 
amined 3.6 mm, range 2.4 to 4.7 mm. 
Enormous variation in the shape of the 
scape can be seen in this species: popula- 
tions in the Caribbean and northeastern 
South America have a narrow scape (Fig. 
131), whereas populations in Argentina 

and Peru have a thick scape (Fig. 134). 
Somewhat less consistently parallel differ- 
ences can be seen in the shape of the me- 
dian apophysis: flagella are centered in Ca- 
ribbean and northeastern South America 
(Fig. 129) but shifted to the left in Argen- 
tina and Peru (Fig. 132). Further subtle 
differences appear in the shape of the em- 

50 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 1 

bolus tip and embolus arm (compare Fig. 
129 with Fig. 132). These male and female 
genital differences are not sufficiently con- 
sistent to provide solid evidence for spe- 
ciation; thus, these populations will be 
treated as one species. 

Natural History. Mature specimens 
have been collected throughout the year 
(Fig. 311). Altitudes range from just above 
sea level (for Caribbean and eastern South 
American localities) to 4,000 m (for Pe- 
ruvian localities). Spiders have been found 
in everything from second growth mixed 
exotics (e.g., mango, citrus, banana) and 
mangroves to grasses and semidesert chap- 

Distribution. Puerto Rico to northern 
Argentina, but absent from the Amazon 
(Map 8). 

Records Examined. ARGENTINA Buenos Aires: 
Punta Lara, 34°49'S, 57°59’W, 15.11.1941 (F. Moneos, 
MACN). Chaco: Basail, 27°52'S, 59°18’'W, 18.iv.1942 
(MACN). Corrientes: Paso de la Patria, 27°19’S, 
58°35'W, 151.1966 (M. E. Galiano, MEG). Entre 
Rios: Parana, 31°44’'S, 60°32'W (Rosenzwaig, MLP); 
Salto Grande, 31°13’S, 57°56'W, 15.iii.1964 (M. E. 
Galiano, MEG). Misiones: Posadas, 27°23'S, 55°53’ W, 
15.ix.1963 (M. E. Galiano, MEG). Neuwquén: Piedra 
del Aguila, 40°3’S, 70°5’'W, 18.vii.1978 (Mision Cien- 
tifica Danesa, ZMUC). Santa Fé: Tostado, 29°14'S, 
61°46'W (A. Giai, MACN). BOLIVIA La Paz: Apolo, 
14°43'S, 68°31'W, 10.viii. 1989 (L. E. Pefia, AMNH). 
BRAZIL Bahia: Arquipélago dos Abrolhos, 17°40'S, 
38°50'W, 28.xii.1887 (U.S.F.C., Voy. of Albatross, 
USNM); Parque Ondina, Salvador, 12°59’S, 38°31'W, 
25.vii.1962 (A. F. Archer, AMNH); Porto Alegre, 
18°5'S, 39°34’'W (AMNH). Minas Gerais: Pedra Azul, 
16°1'S, 41°16’W, 15.xii.1970 (F. M. Oliveira, AMNH). 
Pernambuco: Pernambuco [?], 8°3'S, 34°54’W, 
12.ii1.1927 (SMF), 8.iii.1955 (SMF). Rio de Janeiro: 
Lagomar [?], Macae, near sea, 22°23'S, 41°47'W, 
17.vii.1986 (R. L. C. Baptista, MZSP). Rio Grande do 
Sul: Montenegro, 29°42'S, 51°28'W, 3.xi.1977 (E. H. 
Buckup, MCN); Rambo [?], 30°4'0"S, 51°11’W 
(MNRJ); Sao Leopoldo, 29°46'S, 51°9'W, 14.x.1965 
(Celia Valle, MZSP). Sdo Paulo: Rubiao, Jr. [?], Bo- 
tucatu, 22°52’S, 48°26’W, 25.iv.1988 (R. L. C. Bap- 
tista, MZSP); Sao Paulo, Guaruja, 24°0’S, 46°16’W, 
24 vii.1983 (R. Sievers, AMNH). BRITISH WEST 
INDIES Anegada: 18°45'N, 64°20'W, 12.xi.1966 
(Harry Beatty, AMNH); center, nr. salt pond, 
18°45'N, 64°20'W, (Island Project Staff, 
Univ. of Puerto Rico, AMNH): West end, 18°45’N, 
64°22'W, (Island Project Staff, Univ. of 
Puerto Rico, AMNH); Anegada Settlement: 18°45’N, 
64°20'W, (Island Project Staff, Univ. of 

Puerto Rico, AMNH). Antigua: Coolidge Airport, 
17°6'N, 61°51’W, 15.xi.1967 (N. L. H. Krauss, 
AMNH): Devil’s Bridge, 17°5'N, 61°42'W, 
(Rick & E. N. Kjellesvig-Waering, AMNH); Jolly 
Beach, 17°4’N, 61°53’W, 20.ix.1963 (E. N. Kjellesvig- 
Waering, AMNH); Lignum Vitae Bay: Jolly Beach [?], 
17°4'N, 61°53'W, (E. N. Kjellesvig-Waer- 
ing, AMNH); Redonda Island, from webs spun be- 
tween boulders on beach, 16°55'’N, 62°19'W, 
10.iv.1956 (J. F. G. Clarke, USNM); Reeds Point, nr. 
Jolly Beach, 17°4'N, 61°53’W, 2.vii.1963 (E. N. Kjel- 
lesvig-Waering, AMNH); Saint John’s, 17°6'N, 
6L°51'W, 15.viii. 1967 (N. L. H. Krauss, AMNH), 
15.xii. 1967 (N. L. H. Krauss, AMNH). Dead Man’s 
Chest [?]: 18°22'N, 64°34'W, 26.v.1966 (Island Pro- 
ject Staff, Univ. of Puerto Rico, AMNH). East Seal 
Dog: 18°30'N, 64°25'W, (Island Project 
Staff, Univ. of Puerto Rico, AMNH). George Dog Is- 
land: 18°30'N, 64°27'W, (Island Project 
Staff, Univ. of Puerto Rico, AMNH); 4 mi W Virgin 
Gorda Isl, high on dry cliffs, 18°30'N, 64°27'W, 
25.ii1.1979 (K. Johnson, AMNH). Ginger Island: 
18°24'N, 64°28’W, 25.v.1966 (Island Project Staff, 
Univ. of Puerto Rico, AMNH). Great Dog: 18°29'N, 
64°27'W, (Island Project Staff, Univ. of 
Puerto Rico, AMNH). Green Cay, near Tortola: 
18°27'N, 64°42'30"W, 14.viii.1965 (Island Project 
Staff, Univ. of Puerto Rico, AMNH). Island O. near 
Anegada Settlement: 18°45'N, 64°20’W, (Is- 
land Project Staff, Univ. of Puerto Rico, AMNH). Is- 
land R. near Anegada Settlement: 18°45’'N, 64°20'W, (Island Project Staff, Univ. of Puerto Rico, 
AMNH). Jost Van Dyke: 18°28'N, 64°45'W, 
30.viii.1965 (H. Heatwole, R. Levins & F. Mac- 
Kenzie, AMNH). Large mangrove patch nr. Settle- 
ment Anegado: 18°45'N, 64°20'W [?], (Is- 
land Project Staff, Univ. of Puerto Rico, AMNH). Lit- 
tle Camanoe: 18°28'N, 64°33’W, 25.v.1966 (Island 
Project Staff, Univ. of Puerto Rico, AMNH). Little 
Jost Van Dyke: 18°27'N, 64°43'W, 27.vii.1965 (Island 
Project Staff, Univ. of Puerto Rico, AMNH). Little 
Tobago: 18°26'N, 64°51'W, 4.iv.1966 (Island Project 
Staff, Univ. of Puerto Rico, AMNH). Montserrat: 
Gage’s Soufriére [?], 16°43’N, 62°10’W, 28.vii.1972 
(N. L. H. Krauss, AMNH); Plymouth, 16°42’N, 
62°13'W, 15.xi.1967 (N. L. H. Krauss, AMNH). Neck- 
er Island: 18°33'N, 64°21'W, (Island Project 
Staff, Univ. of Puerto Rico, AMNH). nr. Anegada Set- 
tlement: Byers Bache [P?], 18°45'N, 64°20’'W, (Island Project Staff, Univ. of Puerto Rico, 
AMNH). Peter Island: 18°22'N, 64°35'W, 6.vii.1965 
(Island Project Staff, Univ. of Puerto Rico, AMNH), 
12.v.1966 (Percy Chubb, AMNH). Prickly Pear Is- 
land: 17°10'N, 61°48'W, (Island Project 
Staff, Univ. of Puerto Rico, AMNH). Saint Christo- 
pher Island: Basseterre, 17°18'N, 62°43'W, 6.ii.1968 
(B. Malkin, AMNH). Salt Island: 18°23'N, 64°31'W, 
24.v.1966 (Island Project Staff, Univ. of Puerto Rico, 
AMNH). Sandy Key: near Tortola, 18°13'N, 63°7'W, 
31.viii.1965 (H. & A. Heatwole, AMNH). Tobago Is- 
land: 18°27'N, 64°48'W, 2.iv.1966 (Island Project 

Staff, Univ. of Puerto Rico, AMNH). Tortola: 
18°27'N, 64°36'W, 8.vii.1958 (A. F. Archer, C. Hel- 
sley, & M. Sanderson, AMNH); Beef Island, 18°27'N, 
64°31'W, 21.vii.1965 (H. Heatwole, R. Levins & F. 
MacKenzie, AMNH); Greater Camanoe Isl, 18°29'N, 
64°32’W, 1.vii.1965 (Island Project Staff, Univ. of 
Puerto Rico, AMNH); Little Thatch Island, 18°23'N, 
64°42'W, 16.viii.1965 (Island Project Staff, Univ. of 
Puerto Rico, AMNH); Long Bay Estate, 18°24'N, 
64°41'W, 24.vii.1965 (Island Project Staff, Univ. of 
Puerto Rico, AMNH); Marina Key [?], 18°27'N, 
64°36'W, 4.vii.1965 (H. Heatwole & R. Levins, 
AMNH); Prospect Reef, S Roadtown, 18°25'N, 
64°36'W, 23.iii. 1979 (K. Johnson, AMNH), 31.iii.1979 
(K. Johnson, AMNH); Road to town, 18°27’N, 
64°36'W, 15.vii.1972 (N. L. H. Krauss, AMNH): 
Sandy Spit [?], 18°27’N, 64°36’W, 14.viii.1965 (Island 
Project Staff, Univ. of Puerto Rico, AMNH). Tortola 
Island: 18°27'N, 64°36'W, 15.vii.1965 (Island Project 
Staff, Univ. of Puerto Rico, AMNH). Virgin Gorda: 
18°30'N, 64°24’W, 15.xi. 1966 (Harry Beatty, AMNH): 
Baths & Devil’s Bay, 18°26'N, 64°27'W, 
(Island Project Staff, Univ. of Puerto Rico, AMNH); 
Cooper Mine Trail, 18°26'N, 64°26’W, (Is- 
land Project Staff, Univ. of Puerto Rico, AMNH); Sa- 
vana Bay & Pond Bay, 18°28’N, 64°25’W, 
(Island Project Staff, Univ. of Puerto Rico, AMNH); 
Trellis Bay (W end of island), nr. harbor, 18°27'N, 
64°26'W, 27.iii.1979 (K. Johnson, AMNH); Virgin 
Gorda Mountain, 18°30'N, 64°24'W, (Is- 
land Project Staff, Univ. of Puerto Rico, AMNH). 
Virgin Islands Area: Island Q [?], 18°45'N, 64°20'W, (Island Project Staff, Univ. of Puerto Rico, 
AMNH). West Seal Dog Island: 18°29'N, 64°28'W, (Island Project Staff, Univ. of Puerto Rico, 
AMNH). CHILE Tarapaca: Arica, 18°29’S, 70°20'W, 
28.i.1973 (W. C. Sedgwick, MCZ); Azapa Arica, 
18°31'S, 7O°1L1’W, 9.xi.1955 (L. E. Petia, IRSNB):; 
Lluta, 18°24'S, 70°19’W, 12.xi.1955 (L. E. Pefia, 
IRSNB); Rio Lluta, 18°24'S, 70°19’W, 12.xi.1955 (L. 
E. Pena, IRSNB); Sobraya, 18°32'S, 70°9'W, 
10.xi.1955 (L. E. Petia, IRSNB); Taltape, Camarones 
Valley, 18°59'S, 69°47'W, 29.i1.1973 (MCZ). COLOM- 
BIA Magdalena: Cabaiia “Villa Culebra,” 10 km E 
Station Marta, 11°12’N, 74°7’W, 15.x.1985 (H.-G. 
Miiller, SMF); Casajera [P], 11°O0’N, 74°15’W, 
1.ii.1974 (J. A. Kochalka, JAK); Cienaga, 11°1’N, 
74°15'’W, 30.i1.1974 GE A. Kochalka, JAK); Gaira, 
11°11'N, 74°13'W, 15.xii.1975 (W. Eberhard, MCZ). 
10°38'N, 61°52'’W, 24.ix.1944 (R. H. Montgomery, 
Deshaies, 16°18’N, 61°48’W, (C. & P. Vau- 
rie, AMNH): Domaine Duclos [?], 16°16’N, 61°31'W, (C. & P. Vaurie, AMNH), 15.vii.1960 (C. 
& P. Vaurie, AMNH); Marie-Galante, in citrus, 
15°56'N, 61°16’W, 15.iii.1977 (W. H. Whitcomb, 
FSCA): Pointe-a-Pitre, [let A Boissard, 16°14'N, 
61°34'W, (C. & P. Vaurie, AMNH): Terre- 
de-Haut, Les Saintes, 15°58’N, 61°35/W, 2.vii.1960 
(C. & P. Vaurie, AMNH). Martinique: Ansemitian [?], 

METEPEIRA ® Piel Sail 

Trois-Ilets, 14°33'N, 61°2'W, (C. & P. Vau- 
rie, AMNH):; Diamant, 14°29'N, 61°2’W, 
(C. & P. Vaurie, AMNH), (C. & P. Vaurie, 
AMNH); Fort de France, 14°36’N, 61°5’W, 
15.xii.1950 (N. L. H. Krauss, MCZ); Pointe Ferret, 
La Caravelle, 14°45'N, 60°54’W, (C. & P. 
Vaurie, AMNH); Sainte-Anne, 14°26’N, 60°53’W, 1966 (C. & P. Vaurie, AMNH): Usine de Robert 
[P], 14°41'’N, 60°57'W, (C. & PB. Vaurie, 
AMNH). GRENADA nr. Saint Georges: 12°3'N, 
61°45'W, (Leo Isaacs, AMNH). NETH- 
ERLAND ANTILLES Bonaire: Red Pond [?], 
12°12'N, 68°15'W, 3.i1.1968 (B. Malkin, AMNH). Cu- 
racgao: 12°11'N, 68°58'W, 13.i1.1968 (B. Malkin, 
AMNH); Fuik (Oostpunt), muddauber nests, 12°4'N, 
68°49'W, 20.xii.1962 (H. W. Levi & B. de Jong, 
MCZ); Groot Sint Joris, plantation, 12°14’N, 69°3'W, 
22,.xii.1962 (H. W. Levi & B. de Jong, MCZ); Groote 
Berg, 12°11'N, 69°0'W, 19.xii. 1962 (H. W. & L. Levi, 
MCZ): Hato, 12°11'N, 68°58’W, 28.xii.1967 (B. Mal- 
kin, AMNH), 7.i.1968 (B. Malkin, AMNH): Piscadera 
Baai, 12°8'N, 68°59’W, 18.xii.1962 (H. W. Levi, 
MCZ), 20.xii.1962 (H. W. Levi, MCZ): Savonet; 
shady ravine, 12°20'N, 69°7’W, 28.xii.1962 (H. W. 
Levi, MCZ):; SE of airport, 12°10’N, 68°54’W, 
20.xii.1962 (H. W. Levi & B. de Jong, MCZ): Siberié, 
12°14'/N, 69°3’W, 25.xii. 1962 (H. W. Levi, MCZ): Sint 
Jan, 12°15'N, 69°6’W, 25.xii. 1962 (H. W. Levi & B. 
de Jong, MCZ); Willemstad, Jewish Cemetary, 
12°7'N, 68°57'W, 24.xii. 1962 (H. W. Levi, MCZ). Sint 
Eustatius: Oranjestad, 17°29'N, 62°59'W, 18.i.1968 
(B. Malkin, AMNH). Sint Maarten: nr. Juliana Air- 
port [P], 18°4’N, 63°4'W, 24.ii.1965 (H. Heatwole & 
F. MacKenzie, AMNH). PARAGUAY Alto Paranda: 
Taguarazaya [?], 25°30'S, 54°50’W (AMNH). PERU 
Ancash: Huaraz, 9°32'S, 77°32'W, 6.xii. 1980 (C. Gold, 
CAS). Apurimac: 35 mi E Abancay, 13°38'S, 72°22'W, 
5.i1.1951 (E. S. Ross & Michelbacher, CAS); 40 mi 
E Abancay, 13°38’S, 72°20'W, 4.iii.1951 (E. S. Ross 
& Michelbacher, CAS); Abancay, 13°38'2"S, 
72°52'53"W, 6.iii.1951 (E. S. Ross & Michelbacher, 
CAS). Cajamarca: Jaen, 5°42'34"S, 78°48'32"W, 
17.v.1967 (A. F. Archer, AMNH). Cusco: 40 mi W 
Cusco, 13°32'S, 72°33'W, 5.iii.1951 (E. S. Ross & 
Michelbacher, CAS); Hacienda Urco, near Calea, 
13°22’S, 71°54'W, 19.ix.1939 (Karl P. Schmidt, 
AMNH); Huacerpay [?], 13°37'S, 72°13'W, 10.ix.1993 
(J. Ochoa Camara, MCZ); Ollantaitambo, 13°15'17'S, 
72°15'48"W, 15.vii.1911 (Yale Peruvian Expedition, 
AMNH), 15.xii.1980 (C. Gold, CAS):  Pisac, 
13°25'21"S, 71°50'48’W, 13.xii.1980 (C. Gold, CAS); 
Urubamba, 13°18’28"S, 72°6'55’"W, 15.i.1965 (Carras- 
co, MCZ), 18.11.1965 (H. W. Levi, MCZ), 6.viii. 1987 
(D. Silva, MUSM). Huanuco: Huanuco, 9°55’S, 
76°14'W, 6.x.1946 (J. C. Pallister, AMNH). Ica: km 
367 between Ica and Nazca, sandy semidesert, 
14°24'S, 75°23'W, 22.41.1952 (W. Weyrauch, CAS): 
Nazca, 14°50'S, 74°57'W, 15.iv.1951 (P. Aguilar, 
CAS). Piura: Cerro Prieto, La Brea, 4°41'S, 81°6’W 
(CAS); Mallares, 4°51'S, 80°46’'W, (H. E. F. 
& D. E. F, CAS), 13.vii.1941 (WH. E.F & DL ELF 

52 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 1 

CAS); N of Negritos, Parifias Valley, 4°41’S, 81°18’W, 
9.x.1938 (D. L. & H. E. Frizzell, CAS); nr. Negritos, 
4°42'S, 81°18'W, 5.iii.1939 (H. E. F, CAS): nr. Se- 
chura, 5°33'S, 80°51'W, 4.xi.1941 (D. L. F, CAS); Ne- 
gritos, 4°49'S, 81°18’W, 15.xi.1934 (H. E. F, CAS), 
15.iii.1941 (H. E. F, CAS): Parifias, 4°30’S, 81°8’W, 
7.v.1939 (D. L. & H. E. Frizzell, CAS), 31.v.1939 (D. 
L. & H. E. Frizzell, CAS), 15.x.1939 (D. L. & H. E. 
Frizzell, CAS); Parifias Valley, 4°30'S, 81°8'’W, 
6.iii.1939 (D. L. & H. E. Frizzell, CAS), 8.iv.1939 (D. 
L. & H. E. Frizzell, CAS); Portachuelo, 4°59’S, 
79°54'W, 29.iv.1939 (M. H. & H. E. Frizzell, CAS): 
Quebrada Mogollon, 4°32’S, 81°4’W, 30.iv.1939 (D. 
L. & H. E. Frizzell, CAS), (D. L. & H. E. 
Frizzell, CAS); Rio Chira Valley, N of Amotape, 
4°53'S, 81°1L'W, 13.xi.1938 (D. L. & H. E. Frizzell, 
CAS): S of Sechura, 5°33'S, 80°51'W, 25.x.1941 (D. 
L. F, CAS): San Lorenzo [?], Zona Alta Este Herrera, 
5°4'S, 79°47'W, 12.iv.1969 (P. Aguilar, MCZ); Sullaiia, 
4°53'S, 80°41'W, 8.x.1939 (D. L. & H. E. Frizzell, 
CAS), 5.x.1941 (D. L. & H. E. Frizzell, CAS). Tum- 
bes: 34 km E, 25 km N Punta Parifias, 4°18’S, 
80°51’W, 1.1.1939 (D. L. & H. E. Frizzell, CAS). 
SAINT LUCIA Castries: 14°1'N, 61°0'W, 28.vii.1963 
(E. N. Kjellesvig-Waering, AMNH). TRINIDAD & 
TOBAGO Tobago Island: Buccoo Bay, 11°10'N, 
60°48'W, 15.viii.1965 (E. N. Kjellesvig-Waering, 
AMNH); Guayaguayare. Point, 10°8'’N, 61°2'W, 
14.ix.1963 (E. N. Kjellesvig-Waering, AMNH); Pi- 
geon Point, 11°10'N, 60°50’W, 18.viii.1937 (E. D., 
MCZ); Salybia Bay, by shore, 10°42'N, 61°2’W, 
15.ii.1972 (J. A. L. Cooke, MCZ); Toco, 10°50'N, 
60°57'W, 19.iv.1964 (Erik N. Kjellesvig-Waering, 
AMNH). Trinidad: Gasparee, 10°46'N, 61°19'W, 
3.xi.1944 (R. Montgomery, AMNH). URUGUAY Co- 
lonia: Punta Gorda [?], 34°28'S, 57°51'W, 25.ii.1968 
(R. Capocasale & L. Bruno, CAS). USA Puerto Rico: 
Algodones Key, 18°12’N, 65°41'W, 15.x.1964 (H. 
Heatwole, R. Levins & F. MacKenzie, AMNH); Bal- 
neario [?] Guajataca, 18°21'N, 66°55'W, 4.vii.1958 (A. 
F. Archer, AMNH): Bafios de Coamo, 17°59’'N, 
67°3'W, 2.iv.1990 (H. W. & L. Levi, MCZ), 3.iv.1990 
(H. W. & L. Levi, MCZ); Barranquitas, 18°11'N, 
66°18'W, 28.xii.1977 (J. Coddington, USNM); below 
Quebradillas along old RR track, 18°28'N, 66°56'W, 
30.iii1.1989 (H. W. & L. Levi, MCZ): Cabeza de Perro 
Island, 18°15’N, 65°35’W, 16.i1.1965 (H. Heatwole & 
F. MacKenzie, AMNH); Cayo Don Luis, 17°57’'N, 
66°58'W, 12.i.1966 (Island Project Staff, Univ. of 
Puerto Rico, AMNH); Cayo Norte, off Culebra, 
18°20'N, 65°15’W, 14.iv.1965 (H. Heatwole & F. 
MacKenzie, AMNH); Cayo Pifierito, 18°15'N, 
65°36'W, 24.ix.1964 (H. Heatwole & F. MacKenzie, 
AMNH):; Channel at Culebra, Isla del Diablo, 
18°23'N, 65°40'W, 12.viii.1965 (Island Project Staff, 
Univ. of Puerto Rico, AMNH); Cuevas de los Alfaros, 
Barrio Mora, 18°29'N, 67°1'W, 20.vii.1958 (A. F. Ar- 
cher & Rolle, AMNH):; Culebra Island, 18°19’N, 
65°17'W, 19.vii.1965 (F. MacKenzie, AMNH); Cule- 
bra, near Dewey, 18°18'N, 65°18’W, 10.viii.1965 (Is- 
land Project Staff, Univ. of Puerto Rico, AMNH); Cu- 

lebrita Island, 18°19'N, 65°14'W, 15.iv.1965 (H. Hea- 
twole & F. MacKenzie, AMNH), 11.viii.1965 (Island 
Project Staff, Univ. of Puerto Rico, AMNH); Dese- 
cheo Is, 18°23’N, 67°29'W, 19.11.1914 (AMNH); De- 
secheo Island, 18°23'N, 67°29'W, 28.v.1965 (H. Hea- 
twole, R. Levins & F. MacKenzie, AMNH); Faro de 
Cabo Rojo, 18°5'N, 67°9’W, 13.iii.1961 (F. Rolle, 
AMNH); Frank Key, Isl. #13 nr. La Parguera area, 
17°58'N, 67°3'W, 14.i.1966 (Island Project Staff, 
Univ. of Puerto Rico, MCZ); Heatwole Island, off 
Culebrita, 18°19’N, 65°13’W, 14.iv.1965 (H. Heatwo- 
le & F. MacKenzie, AMNH); Hormiqueros, 18°9'N, 
67°S8'’W, 16.11.1962 (Aida Velez, AMNH), 11.iii.1962 
(Aida Velez, AMNH), 19.iii.1962 (Aida Velez, 
AMNH); Isabela, subexperiment station, 18°30'N, 
67°1'W, 17.viii.1957 (A. F. Archer, AMNH); Jayuya, 
coffee plantation, 18°13'N, 66°37'W, 23.iii.1986 (H. 
W. & L. Levi, MCZ); Juana Diaz, 18°3'N, 66°31’W, 
(xi LOW (jay Eai€axico,, JEC)LeviniseRockaaial: 
18°12’N, 65°41'W, 15.x.1964 (H. Heatwole, R. Levins 
& F. MacKenzie, AMNH); Loma Tinaja [?], S of La- 
guna Cartagena, 17°59'N, 67°6'W, 5.vii.1958 (A. F. 
Archer & M. Sanderson, AMNH); Luquillo, near 
beach, 18°23'N, 65°44'W, 24.i1.1932 (A. S. Mills, 
AMNH), 24.xii.1985 (V. & B. Roth, CAS), 27.iii.1988 
(H. W. & L. Levi, MCZ); Mayagiiez, 18°12'N, 
67°9'W, 15.vii.1958 (A. F. Archer, MCZ); Mayagiiez, 
5 km N university campus, 18°12'N, 67°9'W, 5.i.1964 
(MCZ); Mayagiiez: Las Mesas, 18°11'N, 67°6'W, 
20.xi.1960 (F. Rolle, AMNH); Mayagiiez, university 
farm N university campus, 18°12’N, 67°9'W, 7.ii.1964 
(MCZ); McKenzie Key, Key #3 [P?], 18°12'N, 
65°41'W, 29.x.1964 (H. Heatwole, R. Levins & F. 
MacKenzie, AMNH); Mona Island, Serrallés, 18°5'N, 
67°54'W [P], 7.iv.1944 (Beatty, MCZ); Muertos Is- 
land, beating bushes, 17°54'N, 66°32'W, 28.v.1959 
(Jordan & Martorell, AMNH); Muertos Island, mud 
nests of Sceliphron caementarium, 17°54'N, 66°32'W, 
27.v.1959 (Medina & Martorell, AMNH); N slope Ti- 
naja, nr. Cartagena Lagoon, beating and sweeping, 
18°23'N, 67°10’W, 5.vii.1958 (M. W. Sanderson, 
AMNH);: Palominitos, 18°20'N, 65°34'W, 
(Island Project Staff, Univ. of Puerto Rico, AMNH): 
Palomino Island, 18°21'N, 65°34'W, 7.xi.1964 (H. 
Heatwole & F. MacKenzie, AMNH); Parguera, 
17°59'N, 67°3'W, 25.iii.1990 (H. W. & L. Levi, MCZ); 
Patillas, 18°0’N, 66°1’W, 3.iv.1931 (Mills & Leonard, 
AMNH); Pico Atalaya, Rte. 2, nr. Afiasco, 18°18'N, 
67°11'W, 3.vii.1958 (M. W. Sanderson, AMNH); Pi- 
fieros Island, 18°15’N, 65°35’'W, 24.ix.1964 (H. Hea- 
twole & F. MacKenzie, AMNH); Playa de Humacao, 
18°10'N, 65°45'W, 23.v.1964 (MCZ); Quebradillas, 
around hotel, 18°29'N, 66°56’W, 30.iii.1989 (H. W. & 
L. Levi, MCZ); Ratones Island, 17°56’N, 66°17'W, 
19.xi.1964 (H. Heatwole & R. Levins, AMNH); Rom- 
ero III [?], 17°57'N, 67°0’W, 13.i.1966 (Island Project 
Staff, Univ. of Puerto Rico, AMNH); Rubianes, 
Caimito Bajo [?], Cord. Jaicoa, 18°26'N, 67°8'W, 
19.vii.1958 (A. F. Archer & Rolle, AMNH); Santurce, 
18°27'N, 66°4'W, 28.iii.1931 (A. S. Mills, AMNH); 
South of Corozo, Cabo Rojo salt flats, edge of salt 

ponds, 17°56'N, 67°11'W, 23.11.1990 (H. W. & L. 
Levi, MCZ); Valle de Lajas, 18°1'N, 67°8'W, 
(A. F. Archer, AMNH): xeric hills N of Gudnica, 
18°0'N, 66°55’/W, 28.viii.1957 (A. F. Archer, AMNH); 
Zancudo Island (Isleta Marina), 18°20’N, 65°37'W, 
2.xi.1964 (H. Heatwole & F. MacKenzie, AMNH). 
U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS Big Cockroach: 18°24'N, 
65°4'W, (Island Project Staff, Univ. of 
Puerto Rico, AMNH). Congo Cay: 18°22'N, 64°48’W, 
12.xi.1966 (Island Project Staff, Univ. of Puerto Rico, 
AMNH). Grass Cay: 18°22'N, 64°50'W, 12.xi.1966 
(Univ. of Puerto Rico, AMNH). Great Saint James 
Island: 18°19'N, 64°50'W, 13.xi.1966 (Island Project 
Staff, Univ. of Puerto Rico, AMNH). Hans Lollik Is- 
land: 18°24'N, 64°55'W, 6.iv.1966 (Island Project 
Staff, Univ. of Puerto Rico, AMNH). Little Cock- 
roaches: 18°25'N, 65°3’W, (Island Project 
Staff, Univ. of Puerto Rico, AMNH). Little Hans Lol- 
lick: 18°25'N, 64°54'W, 5.iv.1966 (Island Project Staff, 
Univ. of Puerto Rico, AMNH). Little Saint James Is- 
land: 18°18'N, 64°50'W, 13.xi.1966 (Island Project 
Staff, Univ. of Puerto Rico, AMNH). Mingo Cay: 
18°22'’N, 64°49'W, 12.xi.1966 (Island Project Staff, 
Univ. of Puerto Rico, AMNH). Saint John: 18°20'N, 
64°45'W, 9.iii. 1925 (F. E. Lutz, AMNH), 11.vii.1958 
(A. F. Archer & M. Sanderson, AMNH), 15.xii.1967 
(N. L. H. Krauss, AMNH); Cruz Bay, 18°20'N, 
64°48'W, 27.11.1964 (A. M. Chickering, MCZ); nr. 
Cinnamon & Hart Bays on W half of island, 18°20’N, 
64°46'W, 2.viii.1976 (D. E. & D. N. Rosen, AMNH). 
Saint Thomas: 18°24'N, 64°55'W, 24.11.1925 
(AMNH), 24.vii.1925 (A. Petrunkevitch, CAS), 
24.xi1.1925 (AMNH); Crown Mountain, 18°21'N, 
64°58'W, 30.viii.1957 (A. F. Archer, AMNH), 
7.vii.1958 (A. F. Archer, AMNH); Denmark Hill [?], 
18°24'N, 66°55'W, 1.ix.1957 (A. F. Archer, AMNH): 
Flagstok Hill, Stumpy Bay, 18°22’N, 65°0'W, 
9.vii.1958 (A. F. Archer, AMNH); Harman’s, Char- 
lotte Amalia, 18°21'N, 64°56’W, 2.ix.1957 (A. F. Ar 
cher & family, AMNH); Hassell Island, 18°20'N, 
64°56'W, 1.ix.1957 (A. F. Archer, AMNH), 15.ii.1964 
(A. M. Chickering, MCZ), 10.viii.1966 (M. L. Pres- 
sick, AMNH). St. Croix: Christiansted, 17°45'N, 
64°42'W,]1 (AMNBH), 15.i1.1955 (A. M. Nad- 
ler, AMNH); East End, 17°45'N, 64°40’W, 15.xii.1965 
(Island Project Staff, Univ. of Puerto Rico, AMNH); 
Green Key, 17°46'N, 64°40’W, 17.iv.1964 (H. Hea- 
twole, MCZ); Mount Eagle, dryish forest, 17°46'N, 
64°49'W, 15.xii.1965 (Island Project Staff, Univ. of 
Puerto Rico, AMNH); Protestant Cay, 17°45’N, 
64°42’W, 18.iv.1964 (H. Heatwole, MCZ): St. Croix, 
17°45'N, 64°54'W, 1.ix.1966 (Chickering, MCZ), 
6.ix.1966 (Chickering, MCZ). VENEZUELA Depen- 
dencias Federales: Patos, 10°38'N, 61°52'W, 
23.ix.1944 (R. H. Montgomery, AMNH). Districto 
Federal: Punta Tanaguarena, in coastal bldg. & gar- 
den, 10°37'N, 66°48'W, 26.xii.1970 (W. B. Peck, 

METEPEIRA ® Piel 53 

17. Metepeira roraima new species 
Figures 141-148, 316; Map 8 

Holotype. Female from Rio Surumu, Roraima, Brazil, 
x.1966, M. Abrorenga, in MZSP. The specific name 
is a noun in apposition after the locality. 

Description. Female holotype. Brown 
carapace; lighter around eyes (Fig. 146). 
Coxae, femora, tibiae, and patellae tan, 
lighter ventrally. Metatarsi, tarsi white. Fe- 
mur I with row of three or four macrose- 
tae on anterior side; none on anteroventral 
side. Dorsal folium with typical Metepeira 
fleur-de-lis pattern (Fig. 146). Venter of 
abdomen brown with wide white median 
line, flanked by thinner white lines that to- 
gether form a T-shape posteriorly (Fig. 
147). Pair of small white spots on either 
side of T-shape mark. Sternum brown with 
median white line (Fig. 147). Ratio of eye 
diameters: posterior medians and anterior 
medians 1.1, anterior laterals 1.5, posterior 
laterals 1.3. Anterior median eyes separat- 
ed by 1.2 diameters, posterior median eyes 
by 0.6, anterior median eyes separated 
from anterior laterals by 1.9 diameters of 
anterior lateral eyes, lateral eyes separated 
by 0.1 their diameters. Total length 4 mm. 
Carapace 1.8 mm long, 1.4 wide. First fe- 
mur 1.9 mm, patella and tibia 2.1, meta- 
tarsus 1.8, tarsus 0.7. Second patella and 
tibia 1.7 mm, third 1.0, fourth 1.6. 

Male paratype from Rio Surumu, Ro- 
raima, Brazil. Carapace brown; lighter 
around eyes with median white mark (Fig. 
144). Legs brown, white at base of femora. 
Femur I with row of four to five macro- 
setae on anterior side; four to five on an- 
teroventral side. Dorsal folium, venter, and 
sternum as in female (Figs. 144, 145). Ra- 
tio of eye diameters: posterior medians 
and anterior medians 1.1, anterior laterals 
1.6, posterior laterals 1.4. Anterior median 
eyes separated by 1.4 diameters, posterior 
median eyes by 0.6, anterior median eyes 
separated from anterior laterals by 1.6 di- 
ameters of anterior lateral eyes, lateral 
eyes separated by 0.2 their diameters. To- 
tal length 2.9 mm. Carapace 1.3 mm long, 
1.1 wide. First femur 1.9 mm, patella and 

54 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 1 

tibia 2, metatarsus 1.6, tarsus 0.6. Second 
patella and tibia 1.5 mm, third 0.8, fourth 

Diagnosis. The epigynum of M. roraima 
differs from that of M. compsa by having 
oval openings (Fig. 143) instead of round 
openings (Figs. 131, 134); it differs from 
M. gressa by being more translucent and 
by having a narrower scape (compare Fig. 
143 with Fig. 151). Unlike M. gressa, the 
embolus tip of M. roraima is more bent 
and the distal apophysis is as wide as the 
embolus tip (compare Fig. 141 with Fig. 
149). Unlike M. compsa, the distal embolic 
apophysis projects away from the embolus 
tip (Fig. 141) instead of extending straight 
from the base and parallel to the embolus 
tip (Figs. 129, 132). 

Variation. Average body length of eight 
females examined 5 mm, range 4 to 7 mm. 
Average body length of five males exam- 
ined 3.1 mm, range 2.8 to 4 mm. Colom- 
bian specimens are much darker than 
those from northern Brazil and southern 
Guyana, suggesting the possibility that 
these populations represent separate cryp- 
tic species. In fact, the carapace on Col- 
ombian specimens is often jet black with 
the white marks on the dorsal folium 
much reduced (Fig. 148). However, there 
is little corresponding genitalic difference, 
especially among males; consequently, 
these populations are deemed to be con- 

Natural History. Mature M. roraima 
specimens from eastern South America 
have been collected in November and De- 
cember; specimens from western South 
America have been collected between 
March and July (Fig. 316). Median eleva- 
tion, 1,000 m. 

Distribution. Western Colombia, north- 
er Brazil, and southern Guyana (Map 8). 

Records Examined. BRAZIL Roraima: Rio Suru- 
mu, Jerrit Rio Branco [?], 3°22'’N, 60°19’W, x.1966 
(M. Abrorenga, MZSP). COLOMBIA. Valle del Cau- 
ca: Atuncela, 3°46’N, 76°42'W, 19.vii.1970 (W. Eber- 
hard, MCZ): Cali, around house, 3°27'N, 76°31’W 
(W. Eberhard, MCZ); Palmira, 3°32’N, 76°17'W, 
1.iii. 1964 (Ballo, CAS); Rio Pance, below Buenos Ai- 

res, 3°55'N, 76°8’W, 5.iv.1970 (W. Eberhard, MCZ); 
Rio Pance, near Cali., 3°21’N, 76°33’'W, 8.v.1970 (W. 
Eberhard, MCZ), (W. Eberhard, MCZ), (W. Eberhard, MCZ), (W. 
Eberhard, MCZ), (W. Eberhard, MCZ). 
GUYANA Upper Takutu: Isherton, on lat. 2, 10 mi E 
Rupununi River, 2°19'N, 59°22’W, 15.xi.1937 (W. G. 
Hassler, AMNH). 

18. Metepeira gressa (Keyserling) 
Figures 149-156, 300; Map 8 

Epeira gressa Keyserling, 1892: 166, fig. 123, 2. Five 
female syntypes from Taquara, Rio Grande do Sul, 
Brazil, in BMNH, examined. One specimen des- 
ignated lectotype. 

Epeira seditiosa Keyserling, 1893: 212, fig. 157, d. 
Male holotype from Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, in 
BMNH, examined. NEW SYNONYMY. 

Araneus gressus:—Petrunkevitch, 1911: 314. Roewer, 
1942: 844. Bonnet, 1955: 511. 

Araneus  seditiosus:—Petrunkevitch, 1911: 314. 
Roewer, 1942: 852. Bonnet (1955: 592) erroneously 
suggests that Petrunkevitch (1911: 314) synony- 
mized Araneus scitulus (Blackwall, 1863) with Ar- 
aneus seditiosus. 

Eustala_ seditiosa:—Mello-Leitaio, 1943: 179. Erro- 
neous transfer. 

Metazygia gressa:—Mello-Leitao, 1943: 187. Erro- 
neous transfer. 

Metepeira gressa:—Levi, 1991: 179. Platnick, 1993: 

Metepeira seditiosa:—Levi, 1991: 180. Platnick, 1993: 

Note. Examination of voucher specimens of Vi- 
era suggest that in the behavioral studies of Viera 
(1986, 1989) and Viera and Costa (1988), the name 
“Metepeira sp. A” is, in fact, M. gressa. 

Description. Female from Punta del Es- 
pinillo, Montevideo, Uruguay. Chelicerae 
brown, lighter on distal inside margins. 
Carapace brown; yellowish white across 
and just behind posterior eye row; median 
white line reaching thoracic furrow, some- 
times thickened into arrow shape (Fig. 
155). Proximal halves of femora, white; re- 
mainder black. Patellae black ventrally, 
white dorsally. Distal halves of tibiae, 
black; remainder white with black annu- 
lation. Femur I with row of four macro- 
setae on anterior side; none on antero- 
ventral side. Dorsal folium white fleur-de- 
lis pattern on black, margined with wavy 
white lines (Fig. 155). Venter black with 
short, wide, white median line; pair of 
small white spots on either side of spiracle 

(Fig. 156). Sternum black with median 
white line, often broken (Fig. 156). Ratio 
of eye diameters: posterior medians and 
anterior medians 1.2, anterior laterals 1.3, 
posterior laterals 1.3. Anterior median 
eyes separated by 1.8 diameters, posterior 
median eyes by 1.0, anterior median eyes 
separated from anterior laterals by 2 di- 
ameters of anterior lateral eyes, lateral 
eyes separated by 0.2 their diameters. To- 
tal length 3.3 mm. Carapace 1.8 mm long, 
1.4 wide. First femur 1.9 mm, patella and 
tibia 2, metatarsus 1.6, tarsus 0.7. Second 
patella and tibia 1.8 mm, third 1.1, fourth 

Male from Punta del Espinillo, Monte- 
video, Uruguay. Coloration of chelicerae 
and carapace as in female except median 
line brighter, thickened into arrow shape 
(Fig. 153). Leg coloration as in female. Fe- 
mur I with row of four macrosetae on an- 
terior side; five to six on anteroventral side. 
Dorsal folium, venter, and sternum as in 
female (Figs. 153, 154). Ratio of eye di- 
ameters: posterior medians and anterior 
medians 1.0, anterior laterals 1.5, posterior 
laterals 1.4. Anterior median eyes separat- 
ed by 1.3 diameters, posterior median eyes 
by 0.8, anterior median eyes separated 
from anterior laterals by 1.9 diameters of 
anterior lateral eyes, lateral eyes separated 
by 0.3 their diameters. Total length 3 mm. 
Carapace 1.8 mm long, 1.3 wide. First fe- 
mur 2.5 mm, patella and tibia 2.3, meta- 
tarsus 1.9, tarsus 0.9. Second patella and 
tibia 1.8 mm, third 1.1, fourth 1.6. 

Diagnosis. The epigynum of M. gressa 
differs from that of M. compsa by having 
oval openings (Fig. 151) instead of round 
openings (Figs. 131, 134); it differs from 
M. roraima by being less translucent and 
by having a wider scape (compare Fig. 151 
with Fig. 143). Unlike M. roraima, the em- 
bolus tip in M. gressa is not as bent, and 
the distal apophysis is thinner than the 
point on the embolus where it is attached 
(compare Fig. 149 with Fig. 141). Unlike 
M. compsa, the distal embolic apophysis 
projects away from the embolus tip (Fig. 
149) instead of extending straight from the 


base and parallel to the embolus tip (Figs. 

Variation. Average body length of 14 fe- 
males examined 4.8 mm, range 3.3 to 6.8 
mm. Average body length of five males ex- 
amined 3.4 mm, range 2.8 to 4.3 mm. 

Natural History. In Uruguay, M. gressa 
live in small colonies of up to five individ- 
uals surrounding the inflorescences of 
Eryngium sp. (Viera and Costa, 1988). The 
number of sticky spirals (14 below the 
hub, 22 above the hub) and radii (c. 40) 
are the same irrespective of age; however 
the length and width of the web differ be- 
tween juveniles (c. 6 and 5 cm, respective- 
ly) and adults (c. 9 and 7 cm, respectively) 
(Viera, 1992). Mature specimens are most 
often collected between September and 
March at low elevation (Fig. 300). 

Distribution. Northern Argentina, Par- 
aguay, and Uruguay (Map 8). 

Records Examined. ARGENTINA Buenos Aires: 
Arrecifes, 34°3'S, 60°7’W, 17.i.1939 (Biraben, MLP): 
Boulogne, 34°30'S, 58°34’W, 15.x.1938 (Prosen, 
MLP); Colon [?], 33°53’29"S, 61°6'35’W, 20.ix.1944 
(Torres, MLP): Moreno, 34°39'S, 58°48’W, 15.ii. 1966 
(Rossi and Maury, MACN); San Isidro, 34°27'S, 
58°30'W, 15.xii.1937 (Peregra, MACN); San Mi- 
guel—San Fernando, 34°29'S, 58°39'W, 15.vii.1940 
(F. Morrios, MACN); Sierra de la Ventana, 38°9'S, 
61°48'W, 15.iii.1939 (S. H. Bavio, MACN), 15.xi.1954 
(Fritz, MACN), 31.x.1969 (Carlos Grisolia, MCZ), 
15.vii.1972 (Amarrilla, MACN); Tigre, 34°25'S, 
58°34'W (J. M. Viana, MACN). Entre Rios: Concep- 
cién del Uruguay, 32°29'0"S, 58°13'42"W, 4.11941 
(Prosen, MLP); Salto Grande, 31°13'S, 57°56’W, 
15.iii.1964 (M. E. Galiano, MEG). Santa Fé: Floren- 
cia Varelo [?], 28°2’S, 59°15’W, 15.xii.1939 (F. Morris, 
MACN). Tucumdén: 30 km S Concepcion, 27°36'S, 
65°35'W, 16.1.1983 (L. E. Pehla, AMNH). PARA- 
GUAY Itapua: San Luis, 27°6'S, 56°36’W, 15.x.1908 
(AMNH). URUGUAY Canelones: Montevideo: De- 
tras del Cerro, Camino de las tropas [?], 34°45’S, 
56°10'W, 6.ii.1963 (R. Capocasale and L. Bruno, 
CAS). Colonia: Punta Gorda. [?], 34°28'S, 57°51'W, 
25.ii.1968 (R. Capocasale and L. Bruno, CAS), 
26.ii.1965 (R. Capocasale and L. Bruno, CAS). Mal- 
donado: Colonia, Cerro de las Animas. Small stones 
in native forest, 34°46’S, 55°19'W, 30.x.1967 (P. San 
Martin, MCZ). Montevideo: Punta del Espinillo, 
34°50'S, 56°26'W, 12.x.1983 (Carmen Viera, MCZ), 
15.xii. 1983 (Carmen Viera, CV). Treinta y Tres: Que- 
brada de los Cuervos, 33°10'S, 54°27'W, 27.x.1990 
(Lopez, Perez, Viera, MCZ). 

56 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 1 

Metepeira incrassata Group 

Species in the M. incrassata group all 
lack a keel on the median apophysis. Males 
have a distal embolic apophysis that either 
projects toward the embolus tip (e.g., Fig. 
157), forms a sharp corner but does not 
actually project forward (e.g., Fig. 185), or 
forms a smoother, rounded, and gradual 
comer (e.g., Figs. 192, 206). The M. in- 
crassata species group includes Metepeira 
maya, Metepeira inca, Metepeira gosoga, 
Metepeira olmec, Metepeira comanche, 
Metepeira pimungan, Metepeira triangu- 
laris, Metepeira arizonica, Metepeira atas- 
cadero, and Metepeira incrassata. 

19. Metepeira maya new species 
Figures 157-163, 317; Map 14 

Holotype. Male from North Bay, Twin Cays, Stann 
Creek District, Belize, 14.iii.1986, P. Sierwald, in 
USNM. The specific name is a noun in apposition 
after the Indian people of southern Mexico and 
Central America. 

Description. Female paratype from 
Twin Cays, Stann Creek District, Belize. 
Carapace brown with large white eye re- 
gion, white lateral posterior extensions, 
and short median posterior extension (Fig. 
162). Legs white, ringed black on distal 
ends of articles. Femur I with row of four 
macrosetae on anterior side; none on an- 
teroventral side. Dorsum of abdomen with 
usual Metepeira folium, though frequently 
with deep red pigmentation on anterior 
half (Fig. 162). Venter wide, white median 
line with pair of large white spots on either 
side of spiracle (Fig. 163). Sternum with 
wide median white line widening anteri- 
orly with constriction in center (Fig. 163). 
Ratio of eye diameters: posterior medians 
and anterior medians 1.0, anterior laterals 
1.3, posterior laterals 1.3. Anterior median 
eyes separated by 1.2 diameters, posterior 
median eyes by 0.8, anterior median eyes 
separated from anterior laterals by 2 di- 
ameters of anterior lateral eyes, lateral 
eyes separated by 0.2 their diameters. To- 
tal length 3.9 mm. Carapace 1.8 mm long, 
1.4 wide. First femur 2.2 mm, patella and 
tibia 2.1, metatarsus 1.6, tarsus 0.8. Sec- 

ond patella and tibia 1.8 mm, third 1.0, 
fourth 1.6. 

Male holotype. Carapace dark with light 
region around eyes and light triangular 
mark anterior to thoracic furrow (Fig. 
160). Legs darker than in female. Femur 
I with row of four macrosetae on anterior 
side; four on anteroventral side. Dorsum, 
venter, sternum as in female except me- 
dian white line on sternum usually broken 
(Figs. 160, 161). Ratio of eye diameters: 
posterior medians and anterior medians 
1.0, anterior laterals 1.4, posterior laterals 
1.2. Anterior median eyes separated by 1.2 
diameters, posterior median eyes by 0.9, 
anterior median eyes separated from an- 
terior laterals by 1.7 diameters of anterior 
lateral eyes, lateral eyes separated by 0.3 
their diameters. Total length 3 mm. Car- 
apace 1.5 mm long, 1.2 wide. First femur 
2.2 mm, patella and tibia 2.3, metatarsus 
1.8, tarsus 0.9. Second patella and tibia 1.8 
mm, third 1.0, fourth 1.4. 

Diagnosis. Unlike others in the M. in- 
crassata species group, M. maya and M. 
inca both have distal embolic apophyses 
that project forward, forming rounded 
bumps (Figs. 157, 164). The male palps of 
these two species differ by the thickness 
of the flagellae and base on the median 
apophysis: thicker in M. maya than in M. 
inca (compare Fig. 157 with Fig. 164). The 
epigynum of M. maya resembles those of 
M. inca and M. comanche because the oval 
epigynal openings are formed out of mem- 
branous surfaces that are distinctly sepa- 
rate from the base of the scape (Figs. 159, 
166, 187). The epigynal openings of M. 
maya (Fig. 159) are much wider than 
those of M. comanche (Fig. 187); and the 
posterior lobes on M. maya are thickened 
(Fig. 159) but not pointed as in M. inca 
(Fig. 166). 

Variation. Average body length of five 
females examined 5.2 mm, range 3.9 to 6.3 
mm. Average body length of four males 
examined 2.8 mm, range 2.3 to 3.1 mm. 

Natural History. Mature specimens have 
been collected in March through August 

METEPEIRA ® Piel 597 

Figures 149-156. Metepeira gressa (Keyserling) (sp. 18; 34°50’S, 56°26’W). 149, male palpus, mesal. 150, epigynum, posterior. 
151, epigynum, ventral. 152, male embolic division, ventral. 153, male, dorsal. 154, male, ventral. 155, female, dorsal. 156, 
female, ventral. 

Figures 157-163. Metepeira maya new species (sp. 19; 16°50'N, 88°5’W). 157, male palpus, mesal. 158, epigynum, posterior. 
159, epigynum, ventral. 160, male, dorsal. 161, male, ventral. 162, female, dorsal. 163, female, ventral. 

Figures 164-170. Metepeira inca new species (sp. 20; 4°30’S, 81°8’W). 164, male palpus, mesal. 165, epigynum, posterior. 
166, epigynum, ventral. 167, male, dorsal. 168, male, ventral. 169, female, dorsal. 170, female, ventral. 

Scale bars: dorsum and venter figures 1.0 mm. 

58 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 1 

(Fig. 317). Habitats range from mangroves 
at sea level to pine forests at 1,600 m. 

Distribution. Southern Mexico to Costa 
Rica (Map 14). 

Records Examined. BELIZE Stann Creek: Twin 
Cays, Andera Flats, 16°50'N, 88°5'W, 20.iii.1986 (P. 
Sierwald, USNM); Twin Cays, North part of West 
Pond, West of Swamp Doc, 16°50'N, 88°5'W, 
28.iii. 1986 (P. Sierwald, USNM); Twin Cays, North- 
west Point, North Bay, 16°50'N, 88°5’W, 14.iii.1986 
(P. Sierwald, USNM); Twin Cays, Northwest Point, 
North Bay, ground not flooded, 16°50'N, 88°5'W, 
14.iii.1986 (P. Sierwald, USNM); Twin Cays, red 
mangrove, 16°50'N, 88°5'W, 17.v.1985 (Feller, 
USNM); Twin Cays, white mangrove, 16°50'N, 
88°5'W, (Feller, USNM), (Erwin, 
Mathis, Sims, USNM). COSTA RICA San José: San 
José, 9°56’N, 84°5’W (Tristan & Banks, MCZ). GUA- 
TEMALA Chiquimula: Chiquimula, 14°48’N, 
89°33'W, 22.vii.1947 (C. & P. Vaurie, AMNH). Sa- 
catepequez: Antigua, 14°34'N, 90°44’W, 16.vili. 1947 
(C. & P. Vaurie, AMNH). MEXICO Chiapas: Com- 
itan de Dominguez, 16°15'N, 92°8’W, 19.vii.1950 (C. 
J. & M. Goodnight, AMNH); near Rio San Gregorio, 
between Comitan and Ocotal, 15°45’N, 92°0'W, 
18.vii.1950 (C. J. & M. Goodnight, AMNH); pine for- 
est, 15 mi NW Arriaga, 16°25'N, 94°1'W, 27.viii.1966 
(Jean & Wilton Ivie, AMNH); Tuxtla Gutierrez, 
16°45'N, 93°7'W, (Pallister, AMNH). NIC- 
ARAGUA Matagalpa: Matagaslpa, 12°53'N, 85°57'W, 
15.vii. 1989 (R. Reinbold, JMM). 

20. Metepeira inca new species 
Figures 164-170, 318; Map 11 

Holotype. Male from Parifias Valley, Piura, Peru, 
21.v.1939, D. L. & H. E. Frizzell, in CAS. The 
specific name is a noun in apposition after the Que- 
chuan people who once ruled Peru. 

Description. F emale paratype from Par- 
ifias Valley, Piura, Peru. Light reddish 
brown carapace, white around eyes, very 
faint light mark in center (Fig. 169). Legs 
white; slightly darker on dorsal surfaces. 
Femur I with row of four to five macro- 
setae on anterior side; none on anterov- 
entral side. Dorsal folium white; darker on 
shoulders and posteriorly (Fig. 169). Ven- 
ter grayish brown with wide white median 
mark inside U-shaped pattern; pair of 
white spots on either side of spiracle (Fig. 
170). Sternum white (Fig. 170). Ratio of 
eye diameters: posterior medians and an- 
terior medians 0.9, anterior laterals 1.0, 
posterior laterals 1.1. Anterior median 

eyes separated by 1.6 diameters, posterior 
median eyes by 1.3, anterior median eyes 
separated from anterior laterals by 2.5 di- 
ameters of anterior lateral eyes, lateral 
eyes separated by 0.3 their diameters. To- 
tal length 6.8 mm. Carapace 2.9 mm long, 
2.3 wide. First femur 3 mm, patella and 
tibia 3.3, metatarsus 2.6, tarsus 1. Second 
patella and tibia 2.8 mm, third 1.7, fourth 

Male holotype. Light reddish brown 
carapace, white around eyes, faint light tri- 
angular mark in center (Fig. 167). Legs 
white, save for light reddish brown on dor- 
sal surfaces of femora and patellae. Femur 
I with row of three macrosetae on anterior 
side; two to three on anteroventral side. 
Dorsal folium white with wavy black lines 
thickening posteriorly (Fig. 167). Venter 
and sternum as in female (Fig. 168). Ratio 
of eye diameters: posterior medians and 
anterior medians 1.0, anterior laterals 1.3, 
posterior laterals 1.1. Anterior median 
eyes separated by 1.3 diameters, posterior 
median eyes by 0.8, anterior median eyes 
separated from anterior laterals by 1.9 di- 
ameters of anterior lateral eyes, lateral 
eyes almost touching. Total length 3.7 mm. 
Carapace 1.9 mm long, 1.4 wide. First fe- 
mur 2.9 mm, patella and tibia 2.9, meta- 
tarsus 2.7, tarsus 1. Second patella and tib- 
ia 2.4 mm, third 1.3, fourth 1.9. 

Diagnosis. Unlike others in the M. in- 
crassata species group, M. inca and M. 
maya both have distal embolic apophyses 
that project forward, forming rounded 
bumps (Figs. 157, 164). The male palps of 
these two species are separated by the 
thinner flagellae and base on the median 
apophysis of M. inca (compare Fig. 164 
with Fig. 157). The epigynum of M. inca 
resembles those of M. maya and M. com- 
anche because the oval epigynal openings 
are formed out of membranous surfaces 
that are distinctly separate from the base 
of the scape (Figs. 159, 166, 187). The epi- 
gynal openings of M. inca (Fig. 166) are 
much wider than those of M. comanche 
(Fig. 187); the posterior lobes on M. inca 

are pointed (Fig. 166), not just thickened, 
as in M. maya (Fig. 159). 

Variation. Average body length of six fe- 
males examined 5.7 mm, range 5.2 to 6.8 
mm. Average body length of four males 
examined 3.7 mm, range 2.8 to 4.4 mm. 
Coloration varies significantly among lo- 
calities, especially in the males, where 
some are frequently much darker than 

Natural History. Mature specimens 
have been collected in April through Oc- 
tober (Fig. 318) at elevations between 300 
and 600 m. 

Distribution. Most northern tip of Peru 
(Map 11). 

Records Examined. PERU Piura: 12 mi N Man- 
cora, 4°0'S, 80°54'W, 11.xii.1938; Parifias Valley, 
4°30'S, 81°8'’W, 3.iv.1939, 8.iv.1939, 16.iv.1939, 
7.V.1939, 21.v.1939,, 3.vii.1939, 6.viii. 1939, 
15.viii. 1939, 15.x.1939; Quebrada de Parifias, 4°32'S, 
81°17'W, 14.iv.1939, 7.v.1939, 21.v.1939; Quebrada 
Mogollon, 4°32'S, 81°4’W, 30.iv.1939,,,, 11.vii.1939, 16.vii.1939, 
24.ix.1939 (all records: D. L. & H. E. Frizzell, CAS). 

21. Metepeira gosoga 
Chamberlin and Ivie 
Figures 171-177, 322; Map 9 

Metepeira gosoga Chamberlin and Ivie, 1935: 21 figs 
82-83, 2. Female holotype from Pilot Knob Valley, 
Mohave Desert, California, in the AMNH, exam- 
ined. Roewer, 1942: 868. Bonnet, 1957: 2820. Levi, 
1977: 200, figs. 28-36. 

Description. Female from Baja Califor- 
nia Norte, Mexico. Carapace dirty yellow- 
ish brown, lighter anterior half, darker di- 
amond-shaped mark behind eyes (Fig. 
176). Legs same color as carapace; dark 
rings on distal ends of articles. Femur I 
with row of three to five macrosetae on 
anterior side; two or three macrosetae on 
anteroventral side. Folium lighter than in 
other species, darkening posteriorly (Fig. 
176). Venter black surrounded by yellow. 
Wide white median line with pair of large 
white spots on either side of spiracle. 
Sometimes with parallel pair of lateral 
white lines that join transverse white line 
posteriorly (Fig. 177). Sternum black with 
wide, white line widening anteriorly, often 

METEPEIRA ° Piel 59 

broken in center (Fig. 177). Ratio of eye 
diameters: posterior medians and anterior 
medians 0.9, anterior laterals 1.3, posterior 
laterals 1.2. Anterior median eyes separat- 
ed by 1.2 diameters, posterior median eyes 
by 0.6, anterior median eyes separated 
from anterior laterals by 3.4 diameters of 
anterior lateral eyes, lateral eyes separated 
by 0.4 their diameters. Total length 8.3 
mm. Carapace 4 mm long, 3.3 wide. First 
femur 4.5 mm, patella and tibia 4.8, meta- 
tarsus 4.5, tarsus 1.3. Second patella and 
tibia 4.3 mm, third 2.5, fourth 3.8. 

Male from Baja California Norte, Mex- 
ico. Male carapace, dorsum, venter, ster- 
num as in female (Figs. 174, 175). Femur 
I with row of five macrosetae on anterior 
side: row of nine macrosetae on anterov- 
entral side. Ratio of eye diameters: poste- 
rior medians and anterior medians 0.8, an- 
terior laterals 1.1, posterior laterals 1.3. 
Anterior median eyes separated by 1 di- 
ameter, posterior median eyes by 0.8, an- 
terior median eyes separated from anterior 
laterals by 2.1 diameters of anterior lateral 
eyes, lateral eyes separated by 0.2 their di- 
ameters. Total length 5.5 mm. Carapace 
2.8 mm long, 2.3 wide. First femur 4.5 
mm, patella and tibia 4.5, metatarsus 4.5, 
tarsus 1.4. Second patella and tibia 3.8 
mm, third 1.9, fourth 3. 

Diagnosis. Within the M. incrassata spe- 
cies group, only M. gosoga, M. inca, and 
M. maya have projecting distal embolic 
apophyses (Figs. 157, 164, 171). Of these, 
only M. gosoga has a distinctly pointed one 
(Fig. 171). The epigynum of M. gosoga dif- 
fers from those of other species in the M. 
incrassata group by the small, oval shape 
of the openings (Fig. 173). 

Variation. Average body length of two 
females examined 6.8 mm, range 5 to 8.5 
mm. Average body length of two males ex- 
amined 4.9 mm, range 4.1 to 5.7 mm. 

Natural History. Mature specimens 
have been collected in June through Au- 
gust (Fig. 322) between 500 and 2,000 m. 
Levi (1977) notes that these have been 
collected on Opuntia and desert vegeta- 

60 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 1 

Distribution. Southwestern U.S. and 
Baja California Norte, Mexico (Levi, 1977, 
map 1; Map 9). 

Records Examined. MEXICO Baja Calif. Norte: 23 
mi S Catavina, 29°32'N, 114°57'W, (L. 
Strange & R. Miller, FSCA). USA Arizona: Show 
Low Lake, 34°12'’N, 110°O’W, 15.viii.1966 (MCZ). 

22. Metepeira olmec new species 
Figures 178-184, 324; Map 11 

Holotype. Female from Fortin de las Flores, Vera- 
cruz, Mexico,, L. I. Davis, in AMNH. 
The specific name is a noun in apposition after the 
ancient Indian people of southern Veracruz and Ta- 

Description. Female holotype. Carapace 
reddish brown with white region around 
eyes that extends posteriorly along lateral 
margins (Fig. 183). Legs ringed on distal 
ends of articles. Femur I with row of four 
macrosetae on anterior side; none on an- 
teroventral side. Dorsum of abdomen with 
usual Metepeira folium (Fig. 183). Venter 
of abdomen with wide, long white median 
line set within surrounding U-shaped 
markings. Pair of white spots on either 
side of spiracle (Fig. 184). Sternum has 
wide median white line widening anteri- 
orly with broken constriction in center 
(Fig. 184). Ratio of eye diameters: poste- 
rior medians and anterior medians 1.0, an- 
terior laterals 1.1, posterior laterals 1.5. 
Anterior median eyes separated by 1.5 di- 
ameters, posterior median eyes by 0.8, an- 
terior median eyes separated from anterior 
laterals by 2.1 diameters of anterior lateral 
eyes, lateral eyes separated by 0.2 their di- 
ameters. Total length 5.9 mm. Carapace 
2.8 mm long, 2 wide. First femur 2.8 mm, 
patella and tibia 2.8, metatarsus 2.5, tarsus 
1. Second patella and tibia 2.5 mm, third 
eS tourtiar 23. 

Male paratype from Fortin de las Flo- 
res, Veracruz, Mexico. Carapace dark with 
light region around eyes and a light mark 
anterior to thoracic furrow (Fig. 181). 
Legs darker than in female. Macrosetae on 
legs variable with spider’s size—femur I 
with row of three or four macrosetae on 
anterior side; one to three on anteroven- 

tral side. Dorsum, venter, sternum as in 
female, except median white line on ven- 
ter shortened to spot and median white 
line on sternum often broken (Figs. 181, 
182). Ratio of eye diameters: posterior me- 
dians and anterior medians 1.0, anterior 
laterals 1.3, posterior laterals 1.3. Anterior 
median eyes separated by 1.3 diameters, 
posterior median eyes by 0.8, anterior me- 
dian eyes separated from anterior laterals 
by 1.3 diameters of anterior lateral eyes, 
lateral eyes separated by 0.1 their diame- 
ters. Total length 2.8 mm. Carapace 1.4 
mm long, 1.2 wide. First femur 1.7 mm, 
patella and tibia 1.6, metatarsus 1.1, tarsus 
0.7. Second patella and tibia 1.3 mm, third 
0.8, fourth 1.1. 

Diagnosis. Female M. olmec are diag- 
nosed by their almost perfectly round epi- 
gynal depressions with uniform thickness 
around the posterior edges (Fig. 180). The 
male embolus is relatively short and has a 
vestigial distal embolic apophysis that does 
not project forward, but instead drops off, 
forming a sharp curve (Fig. 178). Among 
other species in the M. incrassata species 
group, this embolus shape is also seen in 
M. comanche and M. triangularis: unlike 
M. comanche (Fig. 185), the darker, scler- 
otized portion of the embolus does not ex- 
tend over the hump of the distal embolic 
apophysis; unlike M. triangularis (Fig. 
199), the flagellae are thicker than the 
base of the median apophysis. 

Variation. Average body length of four 
females examined 6.2 mm, range 5.6 to 6.7 
mm. Average body length of three males 
examined 2.3 mm, range 2.2 to 2.6 mm. 

Natural History. Mature specimens 
have been collected perennially (Fig. 324) 
at elevations between 500 and 1,400 m. 

Distribution. Montane rain forests from 
Veracruz to Panama (Map 11). 

Records Examined. COSTA RICA San José: San 
Antonio de Escanza, 9°59'N, 84°11'W [?], 4.iii.1984 
(W. Eberhard, MCZ). MEXICO Veracruz: Fortin de 
las Flores, 18°54'N, 97°0’W, (L. I. Davis, 
AMNH)); Papantla, 20°27'N, 97°19’W, 12.x.1947 (H. 
Wagner, AMNH). PANAMA Chiriqut: Boquete, 
8°47'N, 82°26’W, 15.viii.1950 (A. M. Chickering, 

METEPEIRA ® Piel 61 




Figures 171-177. Metepeira gosoga Chamberlin and Ivie (sp. 21; 29°32'N, 114°57’W). 171, male palpus, mesal. 172, epigynum, 
posterior. 173, epigynum, ventral. 174, male, dorsal. 175, male, ventral. 176, female, dorsal. 177, female, ventral. 

Figures 178-184. Metepeira olmec new species (sp. 22; 18°54'N, 97°0’W). 178, male palpus, mesal. 179, epigynum, posterior. 
180, epigynum, ventral. 181, male, dorsal. 182, male, ventral. 183, female, dorsal. 184, female, ventral. 

Figures 185-191. Metepeira comanche Levi (sp. 23 [185,188,189] 33°22’N, 99°56’W; [186,187] 25°45’/N, 101°55’W; [190, 191] 
26°41'N, 101°23’W). 185, male palpus, mesal. 186, epigynum, posterior. 187, epigynum, ventral. 188, male, dorsal. 189, male, 
ventral. 190, female, dorsal. 191, female, ventral. 

Scale bars: dorsum and venter figures 1.0 mm. 

62 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 1 

MCZ), 7.viii.1954 (A. M. Chickering, MCZ). Panama: 
Cerro Galera, 8°55'N, 79°38'W, 7.i.1977 (H. W. Levi 
& Y. Lubin, MCZ). 

23. Metepeira comanche Levi 
Figures 185-191, 331; Map 11 

Metepeira comanche Levi, 1977: 204, figs. 61-69, ¢, 
2. Male holotype from 9.7 km west of O’Brien, 
Haskell Co., Texas, in the MCZ, examined. Brig- 
noli, 1983: 275. 

Description. Female from Gloria, Coa- 
huila, Mexico. Carapace dark with light re- 
gion around eyes, extending posteriorly 
behind posterior lateral eyes (Fig. 190). 
Legs ringed. Femur I with row of four ma- 
crosetae on anterior side; one or two on 
anteroventral side. Dorsal folium high in 
contrast; black comma-shaped markings 
shadow white fleur-de-lis pattern (Fig. 
190). Venter of abdomen with wide white 
median line posteriorly set within sur- 
rounding U-shaped marking. Pair of white 
spots on either side of spiracle (Fig. 191). 
Sternum has wide median white line wid- 
ening anteriorly (Fig. 191). Ratio of eye 
diameters: posterior medians and anterior 
medians 0.9, anterior laterals 1.2, posterior 
laterals 1.1. Anterior median eyes separat- 
ed by 1.2 diameters, posterior median eyes 
by 1.0, anterior median eyes separated 
from anterior laterals by 2.7 diameters of 
anterior lateral eyes, lateral eyes separated 
by 0.2 their diameters. Total length 7.8 
mm. Carapace 3.3 mm long, 2.5 wide. 
First femur 3.6 mm, patella and tibia 3.9, 
metatarsus 3.4, tarsus 1.2. Second patella 
and tibia 3.3 mm, third 2, fourth 2.9. 

Male from 9.7 km west of O’Brien, Has- 
kell Co., Texas. Carapace light around 
eyes, darker posteriorly (Fig. 188). Legs 
ringed. Macrosetae on femur I variable; 
usually row of four macrosetae on anterior 
side, six on anteroventral side. Dorsum 
with usual Metepeira folium (Fig. 188). 
Venter with median oval white mark; pair 
of white spots on either side of spiracle 
(Fig. 189). Median white line on sternum 
usually broken (Fig. 189). Ratio of eye di- 
ameters: posterior medians and anterior 
medians 1.0, anterior laterals 1.3, posterior 

laterals 1.3. Anterior median eyes separat- 
ed by 1.4 diameters, posterior median eyes 
by 0.9, anterior median eyes separated 
from anterior laterals by 1.6 diameters of 
anterior lateral eyes, lateral eyes separated 
by 0.2 their diameters. Total length 3.1 
mm. Carapace 1.7 mm long, 1.3 wide. 
First femur 2.4 mm, patella and tibia 2.2, 
metatarsus 2, tarsus 0.9. Second patella 
and tibia 1.9 mm, third 1.0, fourth 1.5. 

Diagnosis. The epigynum of M. com- 
anche resembles those of M. maya and M. 
inca because the oval epigynal openings 
are formed out of membranous surfaces 
that are distinctly separate from the base 
of the scape (Figs. 159, 166, 187). The epi- 
gynum of M. comanche differs from M. 
maya and M. inca by having much narrow- 
er epigynal openings (compare Fig. 187 
with Figs. 159, 166). The male embolus is 
relatively short and has a vestigial distal 
embolic apophysis that does not project 
forward, but instead drops off, forming a 
sharp curve (Fig. 185). Among other spe- 
cies in the M. incrassata species group, 
this embolus shape is also seen in M. olmec 
and M. triangularis: unlike M. olmec (Fig. 
178), the darker, sclerotized portion of the 
embolus extends over the hump of the dis- 
tal embolic apophysis; unlike M. triangu- 
laris (Fig. 199), the flagellae and base of 
the median apophysis are wide (Fig. 185). 

Natural History. Mature specimens 
have been collected from May to Novem- 
ber (Levi, 1977, Fig. 331). 

Distribution. New Mexico, Texas, and 
northern Mexico (Levi, 1977, map 1; Map 

Records Examined. MEXICO Coahuila: Gloria, 
26°41'N, 101°23'W, 24.viii.1947 (W. J. Gertsch, 
AMNH); Paila, 25°45’N, 101°55’W, 21.viii.1947 (W. 
J. Gertsch, AMNH). 

24. Metepeira pimungan new species 
Figures 192-198, 330; Map 9 

Holotype. Male from San Miguel Island, Santa Bar- 
bara Co., Califoria, USA, 20.vii.1968, M. E. 
Thompson, in the MCZ. The specific name is a 
noun in apposition after the Indian people who 
once lived on the Channel Islands. 

Description. Female paratype from San 
Miguel Island, California USA. Carapace 
with large white eye region and lateral 
posterior extensions. White median arrow- 
shaped mark extends to thoracic furrow 
(Fig. 197). Legs mostly white with rings on 
legs III and IV. Femur I with row of four 
macrosetae on anterior side; one on anter- 
oventral side. Dorsum of abdomen with 
usual Metepeira folium (Fig. 197); venter 
wide, with long white median line, flanked 
by shorter parallel thin white lines on ei- 
ther side. Pair of white spots on either side 
of spiracle. Sternum black with posterior 
drop-shaped white mark (Fig. 198). Ratio 
of eye diameters: posterior medians and 
anterior medians 1.0, anterior laterals 1.4, 
posterior laterals 1.3. Anterior median 
eyes separated by 1.6 diameters, posterior 
median eyes by 1.0, anterior median eyes 
separated from anterior laterals by 3.4 di- 
ameters of anterior lateral eyes, lateral 
eyes separated by 0.3 their diameters. To- 
tal length 6.9 mm. Carapace 3.3 mm long, 
2.6 wide. First femur 3.5 mm, patella and 
tibia 3.5, metatarsus 2.8, tarsus 1.3. Sec- 
ond patella and tibia 3 mm, third 1.9, 
fourth 2.8. 

Male holotype. Carapace, legs, abdo- 
men, venter, sternum as in female, though 
legs darker and not ringed (Figs. 195, 
196). Femur I with row of four to five ma- 
crosetae on anterior side; four to five on 
anteroventral side: both rows concentrated 
distally on femur. Ratio of eye diameters: 
posterior medians and anterior medians 
1.0, anterior laterals 1.3, posterior laterals 
1.3. Anterior median eyes separated by 1.6 
diameters, posterior median eyes by 0.8, 
anterior median eyes separated from an- 
terior laterals by 1.9 diameters of anterior 
lateral eyes, lateral eyes separated by 0.3 
their diameters. Total length 4.5 mm. Car- 
apace 2.3 mm long, 1.8 wide. First femur 
3.1 mm, patella and tibia 3, metatarsus 2.8, 
tarsus 1. Second patella and tibia 2.5 mm, 
third 1.3, fourth 1.9. 

Diagnosis. Like M. atascadero, but un- 
like other species in the M. incrassata 
group, the posterior end of the sternum of 


M. pimungan has a white water drop mark 
(Figs. 196, 198). Unlike M. atascadero, M. 
pimungan lacks U-shaped white markings 
on the venter, just anterior to the spiracle 
(compare Fig. 198 with Fig. 221). In con- 
trast to other species in the M. incrassata 
group, the embolus on male M. pimungan 
specimens is curved to form a gentle S- 
shape (Fig. 192). The female has a squar- 
ish-shaped black mark inside each epigyn- 
al depression (Fig. 198) which is not seen 
in other M. incrassata group species. 

Variation. Average body length of four 
females examined 7.7 mm, range 6.9 to 8.5 
mm. Average body length of five males ex- 
amined 5.3 mm, range 4.6 to 6.4 mm. 

Natural History. Mature specimens 
have been collected in August (Fig. 330). 
Webs are found near the ground, shel- 
tered from the perennial strong winds by 
Coryopsis and lupines. 

Distribution. Endemic to San Miguel 
Island (Map 9). 

Records Examined. USA California: San Miguel Is- 
land, 34°2’28.6"N, 120°21'13.6"W, 11.viii.1995 (W. H. 
Piel, MCZ); 34°2'6.1"N, 120°21'9.1"W, 12.viii.1995 
(W. H. Piel, MCZ); 34°2’N, 120°22’W, 20.viii.1968 
(M. E. Thompson, MCZ); 34°3'3.1"N, 120°21'53.3"W, 
13.viii.1995 (W. H. Piel, MCZ): behind dunes on 
beach, 34°2'43.8"N, 120°21'0.8"W, 11.viii.1995 (W. H. 
Piel, MCZ). 

25. Metepeira triangularis (Franganillo) 
Figures 199-205, 337; Map 14 

Mangora triangularis Franganillo, 1930: 21-22. Fe- 
male holotype from Sierra Maestra, lost. Platnick, 
1993: 449. 

Metepeira labyrinthea:—Franganillo, 1936: 75. Bry- 
ant, 1940: 341. Platnick, 1993: 449. 

Metepeira triangularis:—Archer, 1958: 15, fig. 37, @. 

Metepeira acostai Archer, 1958: 15, fig. 36, 2. Female 
holotype from the savannas, Agramont, Camagiiey 
Province, Cuba, in the AMNH, examined. NEW 

Metepeira bani Archer, 1965: 132, figs. 11, 17 2, 13 
3. Male and female syntypes from Bani, Domini- 
can Republic, in the AMNH, examined. NEW 
SYNONYMY. Brignoli, 1983: 275. 

Note. Franganillo’s collection vials are not la- 
beled, making it impossible to find the holotype. 
Based on the descriptions by Franganillo (1930), 
Archer (1958), the illustrations of Archer (1958, 
1965), and material determined by Archer, I con- 
clude that there is no evidence to support three 

64 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 1 

separate species. For the name M. triangularis, I 
designate a female neotype from Camagiiey Prov- 
ince, Cuba. 21°30'N, 78°10'W, x.1954 (J. T. Acosta, 

Description. Female from La Descu- 
bierta, Lago Enriquillo, Isla Cabritos, Do- 
minican Republic. Light reddish brown 
carapace, white around eyes (Fig. 204). 
Legs yellowish white, sometimes ringed 
brown at distal ends of articles. Femur I 
with row of three, or sometimes four, ma- 
crosetae on anterior side; none on anter- 
oventral side. Dorsal folium white with 
slightly darker markings posteriorly (Fig. 
204). In some cases, dark anterior marks 
on shoulders of dorsum. Venter of abdo- 
men black with wide white median line, 
sometimes flanked by thinner white lines 
that together form an anchor shape (Fig. 
205). Pair of small white spots on either 
side of spiracle. Sternum black with me- 
dian white line, wider anteriorly (Fig. 205). 
Ratio of eye diameters: posterior medians 
and anterior medians 1.0, anterior laterals 
1.4, posterior laterals 1.4. Anterior median 
eyes separated by 1.5 diameters, posterior 
median eyes by 1.1, anterior median eyes 
separated from anterior laterals by 3.3 di- 
ameters of anterior lateral eyes, lateral 
eyes separated by 0.2 their diameters. To- 
tal length 5.9 mm. Carapace 2.7 mm long, 
2 wide. First femur 2.6 mm, patella and 
tibia 2.9, metatarsus 2.5, tarsus 1. Second 
patella and tibia 2.4 mm, third 1.4, fourth 

Male from La Descubierta, Lago Enri- 
quillo, Isla Cabritos, Dominican Republic. 
Carapace as in female, though lighter eye 
region often extends to cover entire ante- 
rior half (Fig. 202). Legs yellowish white. 
Distal half of femora often dark. Femur I 
with row of four macrosetae on anterior 
side; three to five on anteroventral side. 
Dorsal folium white with slightly darker 
markings posteriorly (Fig. 202). Venter of 
abdomen as in female; sternum black with 
median white line (Fig. 203). Ratio of eye 
diameters: posterior medians and anterior 
medians 1.1, anterior laterals 0.7, posterior 
laterals 1.1. Anterior median eyes separat- 

ed by 1.6 diameters, posterior median eyes 
by 0.8, anterior median eyes separated 
from anterior laterals by 1.0 diameters of 
anterior lateral eyes, lateral eyes separated 
by 0.1 their diameters. Total length 4.2 
mm. Carapace 2 mm long, 1.5 wide. First 
femur 2.9 mm, patella and tibia 3, meta- 
tarsus 2.8, tarsus 1.1. Second patella and 
tibia 2.4 mm, third 0.8, fourth 1.3. 

Diagnosis. The epigynum of M. trian- 
gularis differs from other species by the 
thin, sclerotized openings in the shape of 
Ray-Ban sunglasses (Fig. 201). The male 
embolus has a vestigial distal embolic 
apophysis that does not project forward, 
but instead drops off, forming a sharp 
curve (Fig. 199). Among other species in 
the M. incrassata species group, shorter 
versions of this embolus shape is also seen 
in M. comanche and M. olmec: unlike M. 
comanche (Fig. 185), the darker, sclero- 
tized portion of the embolus does not ex- 
tend over the hump of the distal embolic 
apophysis; unlike M. olmec (Fig. 178), the 
flagellae and base of the median apophysis 
are much thinner (Fig. 199). 

Variation. Average body length of seven 
females examined 5.5 mm, range 4.6 to 6.3 
mm. Average body length of five males ex- 
amined 3.8 mm, range 3.2 to 4.3 mm. 

Natural History. Mature specimens 
have been collected from June to Febru- 
ary, although I suspect that like other Ca- 
ribbean species, M. triangularis is actually 
entirely perennial (Fig. 337). 

Distribution. Dominican Republic and 
Cuba (Map 14). 

Records Examined. CUBA Camagtiey Prov.: 
21°30'N, 78°L0’W, x.1954 (J. T. Acosta, AMNH). Ma- 
tanzas: Matanzas, Parque Watkins, 23°3'N, 81°35’W, 
9.viii.1955 (A. F. Archer, AMNH); Pan de Palenque 
[?], 23°1'N, 81°43’W, 11.viii.1955 (A. F. Archer, 
AMNH). Oriente: Banes, 20°58'’N, 75°43'W, 
2.viii.1955 (A. F. Archer, AMNH); Cuabitas, Santiago, 
20°4'N, 75°48'W, 15.xii.1955 (P. Alayo, AMNH): 
Puerto Boniato, 20°7'N, 75°47'W, 4.xi.1945 (P. Alayo, 
AMNH). Sierra las Casas: Isla de Pinos, 21°53'N, 
82°48’W, 17.viii. 1955 (A. F. Archer, AMNH). DO- 
MINICAN REPUBLIC Azua: Hatillo, 18°24’'N, 
70°32'W, 30.i1.1991 (Felix E. Del Monte, CAS). Ban- 
ahona: Sierra Martin Garcia [?], 18°25’N, 70°30'W, 
8.viii.1958 (A. F. Archer & E. de Boyrie Moya, 

METEPEIRA ° Piel 65 


(= 5%) 
a 30 
4 203 



209 mj arizonica 

Figures 192-198. Metepeira pimungan new species (sp. 24; 34°2’N, 120°22’W). 192, male palpus, mesal. 193, epigynum, 
posterior. 194, epigynum, ventral. 195, male, dorsal. 196, male, ventral. 197, female, dorsal. 198, female, ventral. 

Figures 199-205. Metepeira triangularis (Franganillo) (sp. 25; 18°34'N, 71°44’W). 199, male palpus, mesal. 200, epigynum, 
posterior. 201, epigynum, ventral. 202, male, dorsal. 203, male, ventral. 204, female, dorsal. 205, female, ventral. 

Figures 206-212. Metepeira arizonica Chamberlin and Ivie (sp. 26; 28°53'N, 113°4’W). 206, male palpus, mesal. 207, epigynum, 
posterior. 208, epigynum, ventral. 209, male, dorsal. 210, male, ventral. 211, female, dorsal. 212, female, ventral. 

Scale bars: dorsum and venter figures 1.0 mm. 


66 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 1 

AMNRH). La Independencia: 2 km SE EI Limon, Ji- 
mani. S side of road, 18°25'’N, 71°45'’W, 30.i1.1991 
(Felix E. Del Monte, MNSD); Isla Cabritos: La Des- 
cubierta, Lago Enriquillo, 18°34’N, 71°44’W, (E. Marcano, MNSD). Montecristi: Car- 
retera Montecristi, El Morro [?], 19°54'N, 71°39'W, 
2.xii.1991 (Felix E. Del Monte, MNSD), 21.xii.1991 
(Felix E. Del Monte, MNSD). Peravia: Las Dunas, 
Prov. Bani [?], 18°25'N, 71°25'W, 23.i.1992 (Felix E. 
Del Monte, MNSD). Prov. Trujillo Valdez: W_ of 
Bani, 18°17'N, 70°22’W, 8.viii.1958 (A. F. Archer, 
AMNH). San Juan: 1 km S Las Matas de Farfan, 
18°51'N, 71°31'W, 25.viii.1970 (B. Patterson, MCZ). 

26. Metepeira arizonica 
Chamberlin and Ivie 
Figures 206-213, 319; Map 9 

Metepeira arizonica Chamberlin and Ivie, 1942: 69, 
figs. 182-187, 2, 3d. Female holotype from Canyon 
Lake, Arizona, in the AMNH, examined. Levi, 
1977: 200, figs. 12, 13, 39-46, 2, 3. Brignoli, 1983: 

Description. Female from Isla Partida, 
Baja Calif. Norte, Mexico. General color- 
ation high in contrast. Carapace dark 
brown; large white eye region, white lat- 
eral posterior extensions, and short median 
posterior extension (Fig. 211). Distinct 
black rings on all legs. Femur I with row 
of four macrosetae on anterior side; four 
on anteroventral side. Dorsum of abdo- 
men with usual Metepeira folium, though 
generally slightly lighter (Fig. 211); venter 
wide, with long white median line set 
within surrounding U-shaped markings. 
Pair of white spots on either side of spi- 
racle (Fig. 212). Wide median white line 
widening anteriorly with constriction in 
center, set on black sternum (Fig. 212). 
Ratio of eye diameters: posterior medians 
and anterior medians 1.0, anterior laterals 
1.4, posterior laterals 1.2. Anterior median 
eyes separated by 1.4 diameters, posterior 
median eyes by 0.9, anterior median eyes 
separated from anterior laterals by 2.7 di- 
ameters of anterior lateral eyes, lateral 
eyes separated by 0.1 their diameters. To- 
tal length 6.2 mm. Carapace 2.8 mm long, 
2.2 wide. First femur 3.4 mm, patella and 
tibia 3.5, metatarsus 3, tarsus 1.2. Second 
patella and tibia 3 mm, third 1.9, fourth 

Male from Isla Partida, Baja Calif. Nor- 
te, Mexico. Carapace, legs, abdomen, ven- 
ter, sternum as in female, though legs 
darker with less distinct rings, and white 
line on sternum often broken (Figs. 209, 
210). Femur I with row of four macrosetae 
on anterior side; five to eight on anterov- 
entral side. Ratio of eye diameters: poste- 
rior medians and anterior medians 1.1, an- 
terior laterals 1.4, posterior laterals 1.2. 
Anterior median eyes separated by 1.5 di- 
ameters, posterior median eyes by 0.7, an- 
terior median eyes separated from anterior 
laterals by 1.6 diameters of anterior lateral 
eyes, lateral eyes separated by 0.2 their di- 
ameters. Total length 4.4 mm. Carapace 
2.3 mm long, 1.8 wide. First femur 3.3 
mm, patella and tibia 3.3, metatarsus 3.2, 
tarsus 1.2. Second patella and tibia 2.8 
mm, third 1.5, fourth 2.2. 

Diagnosis. Unlike all other species in 
the M. incrassata group, the epigynum of 
M. arizonica is puffy and swollen, causing 
the openings to reduce (from a ventral 
view) to crescent-shaped slits (Fig. 187). 
The embolus differs from others in the M. 
incrassata group because the distal em- 
bolic apophysis is reduced to a gentle arch- 
ing curve (Fig. 206). 

Variation. Average body length of nine 
females examined 5.5 mm, range 4.7 to 6.3 
mm. Average body length of 13 males ex- 
amined 3.9 mm, range 3.1 to 5.1 mm. In 
some males a small ventral keel is visible 
extending beyond the flagella of the me- 
dian apophysis (Levi, 1977, fig. 46). 

Natural History. Mature specimens are 
most commonly collected between April 
and August (Fig. 319), from dry oak—pine— 
juniper woodland, alfalfa, cactus, and de- 
sert shrub (Levi, 1977). Localities have a 
large range in altitude, from sea level to 
2,300 m; however, spiders from southern 
regions live at higher elevations than spi- 
ders from northern regions (Fig. 213). 

Distribution. American southwest to 
San Luis Potosi (Levi, 1977, map 1; Map 

Records Examined. MEXICO Baja Calif. Norte: 15 

Estimated Elevation (meters) 

22 24 26 28 30 32 34 

Latitude (degrees north) 

Figure 213. The elevation of collection localities for M. arizon- 
ica at their corresponding latitudes. Species-specific altitudes 
appear to decrease with distance from the equator. Elevations 
estimated from NOAA database of 5- by 5-minute geographic 

mi S Punta Prieta, 28°58'N, 114°17'W, 7.vii.1973 (S. 
C. Williams & K. B. Blair, CAS); 24 mi S Santa Inés, 
29°20'N, 114°20'W, 7.vii.1973 (S. C. Williams & K. 
B. Blair, CAS); 26 mi S San Felipe, 30°38'N, 
114°50’W, 15.iv.1965 (D. Q. Cavagnaro, C. E. & E. 
S. Ross, V. L. Vesterby, CAS); 6 km NW Racho Santa 
Inés, 29°43'N, 114°43’W, 28.iii.1981 (Paul E. Blom, 
WHC); 6 mi S San Felipe, 30°55'N, 114°52’W, 
14.iv.1965 (D. Q. Cavagnaro, C. E. & E. S. Ross, V. 
L. Vesterby, CAS); 9 km NW Racho Santa Inés, 
29°46'N, 114°46’W, 3.vii.1981 (David Crowe, WHC): 
Arroyo de Calamajué at carbonated spring, 29°38’N, 
114°25'W, (S. C. Williams & K. B. Blair, 
CAS); Cafion de Guadalupe, off Laguna Salada, 
32°10'N, 115°48’'W, 11.1.1958 (V. Roth, AMNH); El 
Mayor, 32°5'N, 115°13’W, (M. Cazier, W. 
Gertsch, & R. Schrammel, AMNH); Isla Mejia, 
29°34'N, 113°35’W, 30.iv.1921 (J. C. Chamberlin, 
MCZ); Isla Partida, 28°53’N, 113°4’W, 2.vii.1921 GE 
C. Chamberlin, MCZ); Isla San Lorenzo, N end, 
28°40'N, 112°52'W, (J. C. Chamberlin, 
CAS); Isla San Lorenzo, south Tobart, 28°36'N, 
112°46’W [P], 9.iv.1921 (J. C. Chamberlin, CAS); 
Puerto Refugio, N end Angel de la Guarda Isl. Webs 
in cracks in cliff overhanging beach, 29°34'N, 
113°32'W, 18.iv.1962 (Howard W. Campbell, CAS); 
San Pedro Martir, 30°45’N, 115°13'W, 18.iv.1921 (J. 
C. Chamberlin, CAS). Coahuila: 25 mi SE San Pedro, 
25°35'N, 102°50'W, 21.viii.1947 (W. J. Gertsch, 
AMNH): Cabos, 25°35'N, 101°43’W, 21.viii.1947 (W. 
J. Gertsch, AMNH); Gloria, 26°41’N, 101°23’W, 
24.viii.1947 (W. J. Gertsch, AMNH); Saltillo, 
25°25'N, 101°0'W, 23.v.1952 (M. Cazier, W. Gertsch, 
& R. Schrammel, AMNH). Durango: La Loma, 
25°27'N, 103°40'W, 20.viii.1947 (W. J. Gertsch, 
AMNH); Providencia, 26°44'N, 105°56'W, 
24 viii.1947 (A. M. Davis, AMNH); San Isidro, 60 mi 
NW Durango, 25°1'’N, 105°6'W, 19.viii.1947 (W. J. 
Gertsch, AMNH). San Luis Potost: 3 km W. Pilares, 
21°55'34"N, 100°48’6"W, 21.x.1994 (W. H. Piel, 
MCZ). Sinaloa: Las Saleras Is. (= Isla Saliaca [?]), 
25°11'N, 108°20’W [?], (J. C. Chamberlin, 

METEPEIRA ® Piel 67 

CAS). Sonora: 20 mi N Hermosillo, 29°8’N, 
110°58'W, 13.ix.1966 (Jean & Wilton Ivie, AMNH): 
20 mi SW Sonoyta, 31°38'N, 113°4'W, (W. 
J. Gertsch, AMNH); 22 mi E Hermosillo on the 
banks of Rio Sonora, 29°4'’N, 110°55’W, 17.viii.1959 
(B. A. Branson, AMNH); Los Angeles, 29°27'N, 
110°46'W, 4.x.1966 (V. Roth, AMNH): Puerto Pef- 
asco at seashore, 31°20'N, 113°33’W, 3.iv.1968 (D. E. 
Bixler, MCZ). Zacatecas: 14 mi S Fresnillo, 23°5’'N, 
102°45'W, 4.vili.1954 (W. J. Gertsch, AMNH);: 4 mi 
NE Concepcién del Oro, 24°41’N, 101°23'W, 
4.vii.1984 (J. B. Woolley, AD). USA Arizona: Santa 
Catalina Mtns., mile 7.9 of Catalina Highway from 
Tuscon to Mt. Lemmon., 32°17’N, 110°48’W, (W. Maddison, MCZ): Tucson, 32°15’'N, 
110°57'W, 5.vii.1991 (W. H. Piel & G. S. Bodner, 
MCZ). California: Corn Springs, Chuckawalla Mtns., 
10 mi SE Desert Center, 33°33’N, 115°24’W, 
29.xi.1963 (D. C. Lorn, MCZ); Manzanita chaparral, 
San Gabriel Canyon, Coldbrook Ranger Station, 
B34°11'N, 117°53'W, 19.viii.1964 (L. Pinter, MCZ). 
Texas: Big Bend Nat'l Park, Old Ranch House on St. 
Elena Rd., 29°10’N, 103°30’W, 25.v.1967 (E. Sabath, 

27. Metepeira atascadero new species 
Figures 214-221, 336; Map 14 

Holotype. Male from San Miguel de Allende, Guana- 
juato, Mexico, 25.x.1982, George Uetz, in MCZ. 
The specific name is a noun in apposition after the 
Rancho Hotel Atascadero in San Miguel de Allen- 
de. This name was coined by George Uetz when 
he and his colleagues stayed in Rancho Hotel Atas- 
cadero while studying the behavioral ecology of this 
species. This name has been in informal use in the 
literature (e.g., Uetz and Hodge, 1990). 

Description. Female paratype from San 
Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico. 
Reddish brown carapace, white around 
eyes, faint light marks extend posteriorly 
behind lateral eyes (Fig. 220). Legs yel- 
lowish, ringed brown at distal ends of ar- 
ticles. Femur I with row of four macro- 
setae on anterior side; three on anterov- 
entral side. Largest branches of fleur-de- 
lis pattern on dorsal folium form large 
paired white spots (Fig. 220). Venter of ab- 
domen black with wide white median line, 
flanked by white U-shape mark (Fig. 221). 
Pair of small white spots on either side of 
spiracle. Sternum black with white poste- 
rior mark (Fig. 221). Ratio of eye diame- 
ters: posterior medians and anterior me- 
dians 1.0, anterior laterals 1.6, posterior 
laterals 1.3. Anterior median eyes separat- 

68 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 1 

ed by 1.4 diameters, posterior median eyes 
by 0.9, anterior median eyes separated 
from anterior laterals by 3.7 diameters of 
anterior lateral eyes, lateral eyes separated 
by 0.4 their diameters. Total length 7.5 
mm. Carapace 3.1 mm long, 2.5 wide. 
First femur 4 mm, patella and tibia 4, 
metatarsus 3.9, tarsus 1.3. Second patella 
and tibia 3.3 mm, third 1.8, fourth 2.8. 

Male holotype. Reddish brown cara- 
pace, lighter around eyes, faint light marks 
extend posteriorly behind lateral eyes and 
median eyes (Fig. 218). Legs yellowish 
white, each article gradually turning red- 
dish brown distally. Femur I with row of 
four or five macrosetae on anterior side; 
eight or nine on anteroventral side. Larg- 
est branches of fleur-de-lis pattern on dor- 
sal folium form large paired white spots 
(Fig. 218). Venter of abdomen black with 
wide white median line, flanked by faint 
white U-shape mark (Fig. 219). Pair of 
small white spots on either side of spiracle. 
Sternum black with white posterior mark 
(Fig. 219). Ratio of eye diameters: poste- 
rior medians and anterior medians 1.0, an- 
terior laterals 1.7, posterior laterals 1.4. 
Anterior median eyes separated by 1.8 di- 
ameters, posterior median eyes by 1.0, an- 
terior median eyes separated from anterior 
laterals by 3.6 diameters of anterior lateral 
eyes, lateral eyes separated by 0.5 their di- 
ameters. Total length 5 mm. Carapace 2.5 
mm long, 1.8 wide. First femur 4 mm, pa- 
tella and tibia 4.2, metatarsus 4.5, tarsus 
1.4. Second patella and tibia 3.3 mm, third 
les founth: 25: 

Diagnosis. The male embolus of M. 
atascadero has a protruding bump _ be- 
tween the embolus tip and the basal em- 
bolic apophysis (Figs. 214, 217) which sep- 
arates it from all other Metepeira species. 
As with M. incrasssata (Fig. 224) and, to 
a lesser degree, M. triangularis (Fig. 201), 
the epigynal depressions on either side of 
the scape of M. atascadero (Fig. 216) are 
sclerotized to create a scooped and slick 
quality. The darker epigynal openings in- 
side the depressions are hidden anteriorly 
under the scape’s hood. Metepeira atas- 

cadero’s epigynum differs from that of M. 
incrassata by its much smaller depressions 
(compare Fig. 216 with 224). 

Variation. Average body length of 12 fe- 
males examined 7.9 mm, range 6 to 9.5 
mm. Average body length of 12 males ex- 
amined 5.7 mm, range 3.5 to 6.9 mm. 

Natural History. Mature specimens 
have been collected from the end of Au- 
gust to the end of October (Fig. 336). This 
species lives solitarily: only 20% of spiders 
live in aggregations of two or more indi- 
viduals (Uetz and Hodge, 1990). It is 
thought that the low level of social behav- 
ior in M. atascadero occurs because the 
species pursues a risk-prone foraging strat- 
egy (Uetz, 1988a,b). Spiders are found be- 
tween 1,500 and 2,500 m elevation. 

Distribution. Mexican highlands from 
Durango to Guerrero (Map 14). 

Records Examined. MEXICO Coahuila: Saltillo, 14 
mi E in Larrea Desert, 25°25’N, 100°55’W, 
28.vii.1944 (AMNH). Durango: El Tascate, 26°12'N, 
105°7'W, 27.vii.1947 (W. J. Gertsch, AMNH); Yer- 
banfs, 80 mi NW Durango, 24°45'N, 103°50'W, 
19.viii. 1947 (W. J. Gertsch, AMNH). Guanajuato: 20 
mi E. Guanajuato, 21°1’N, 100°57'W, 15.ix.1976 (C. 
E. Griswold & Jackson, CAS); Guanajuato, 21°1’N, 
101°15'W (N. Banks, MCZ); San Miguel de Allende, 
20°55'N, 100°45’W, 25.x.1982 (George Uetz, MCZ), 
14.x.1983 (MCZ), 14.x.1985 (MCZ), 17.x.1985 
(MCZ), 26.x.1985 (MCZ). Guerrero: Tecalpulco, 25 
km N Iguala, 18°29'N, 99°38’W, 1.1.1948 (AMNH). 
Hidalgo: Ozumbilla, 20°9’N, 101°16’W, 2.x.1957 (R. 
Dreisbach, MCZ). Jalisco: Cyarco Onda, 30 km W 
Ojuelos, 21°47'N, 101°53’W (H. Wagner, AMNBH). 
Michoacan: Hills N of Patzcuaro, 19°45'N, 101°36’W, 
24 viii.1959 (A. F. Archer, AMNH); Hwy 110, 4 mi 
W Jiquilpan, 19°59'N, 102°47'W, 2.viii.1967 (R. E. 
Leech, REL). Zacatecas: East of Guadalupe, 
22°46'N, 102°31'W, 21.viii.1959 (A. F. Archer, 
AMNH): Guadalupe, 92°45'N, 102°31'W, 16.viii. 1947 
(W. J. Gertsch, AMNH). 

28. Metepeira incrassata 
F. O. P.-Cambridge 
Figures 222-228, 323; Map 9 

Epeira Saléi Keyserling, 1864: 93, fig., ¢, 2. Female 
holotype from Oaxaca, Mexico, in BMNH, exam- 
ined. Keyserling, 1892: 196, fig. 145, 2. Roewer, 
1942: 851. NEW SYNONYM Y. 

Metepeira incrassata F. O. P.-Cambridge, 1904: 460, 
fig. 11, 2. Female holotype from Jalapa, Mexico, 
in BMNH. Roewer, 1942: 868. Bonnet, 1957: 2821. 

METEPEIRA ® Piel 69 



Figures 214-221. Metepeira atascadero new species (sp. 27; 20°55'N, 100°45’W). 214, male palpus, mesal. 215, epigynum, 
posterior. 216, epigynum, ventral. 217, male embolic division, ventral. 218, male, dorsal. 219, male, ventral. 220, female, dorsal. 
221, female, ventral. 

Figures 222-228. Metepeira incrassata F. O. P.-Cambridge (sp. 28 [222,225—228] 19°4’N, 97°2’W; [223,224] 18°54’N, 97°0’W). 
222, male palpus, mesal. 223, epigynum, posterior. 224, epigynum, ventral. 225, male, dorsal. 226, male, ventral. 227, female, 
dorsal. 228, female, ventral. 

Figures 229-235. Metepeira ventura Chamberlin and lIvie (sp. 29; 28°5’N, 114°8’W). 229, male palpus, mesal. 230, epigynum, 
posterior. 231, epigynum, ventral. 232, male, dorsal. 233, male, ventral. 234, female, dorsal. 235, female, ventral. 

Scale bars: dorsum and venter figures 1.0 mm. 

70 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 1 

Aranea sallei:—F.O.P.-Cambridge, 1904: 519. Roew- 
er, 1942: 851. 

Araneus incrassata:—FPetrunkevitch, 1911: 289. 

Araneus sallei:—Petrunkevitch, 1911: 314. 

Metepeira salei:—Levi, 1991: 180. Platnick, 1993: 

Note. Although M. incrassata is not the oldest 
name, it has been cited more than 20 times in the 
general literature (e.g., Caraco et al. 1995; Hieber 
and Uetz, 1990; Hodge and Uetz, 1992, 1995, 
1996; Jakob et al., 1996; Rayor, 1996; Rayor and 
Uetz, 1990, 1993; Uetz, 1988a,b, 1989, 1991, 1992, 
1996: Uetz and Hieber, 1994, 1997; Uetz and Hod- 
ge, 1990; Uetz et al., 1994). In contrast, the senior 
synonym has not been cited outside of taxonomic 
catalogues. In compliance with Article 79 of the 
ICZN (1985), I choose to assert the priority of the 
more popular junior name. 

Description. Female from Rancho Chu- 
la-Vista, Veracruz, Mexico. Brown cara- 
pace, darker around margins, lighter 
around eyes and behind lateral eyes (Fig. 
227). Legs brown, yellow at base of articles 
and on articles distal to the femur for legs 
I and II. Femur I with row of three to four 
macrosetae on anterior side; one on anter- 
oventral side. Dorsal folium darker than 
most Metepeira species. White fleur-de-lis 
pattern with thin branches (Fig. 227). Ven- 
ter dark brown to black with white median 
mark that is shorter than it is in most other 
species (Fig. 228). Sternum dark brown to 
black with one or two small white spots, 
usually in the center or anteriorly (Fig. 
228). Ratio of eye diameters: posterior me- 
dians and anterior medians 0.9, anterior 
laterals 1.3, posterior laterals 1.1. Anterior 
median eyes separated by 1.5 diameters, 
posterior median eyes by 1.1, anterior me- 
dian eyes separated from anterior laterals 
by 4.1 diameters of anterior lateral eyes, 
lateral eyes separated by 0.5 their diame- 
ters. Total length 7.6 mm. Carapace 3.6 
mm long, 2.9 wide. First femur 3.9 mm, 
patella and tibia 4.1, metatarsus 3.5, tarsus 
1.4. Second patella and tibia 3.7 mm, third 
2:3. fount ois. 

Male from Rancho Chula-Vista, Vera- 
cruz, Mexico. Carapace, dorsum, venter, 
sternum a darker version of female (Figs. 
225, 226). Base of femora yellow, remain- 
der dark brown; other articles gradually 

turning lighter distally. Femur I with row 
of four to six macrosetae on anterior side; 
six to nine on anteroventral side. Ratio of 
eye diameters: posterior medians and an- 
terior medians 1.0, anterior laterals 1.4, 
posterior laterals 1.2. Anterior median 
eyes separated by 1.4 diameters, posterior 
median eyes by 1.0, anterior median eyes 
separated from anterior laterals by 3.7 di- 
ameters of anterior lateral eyes, lateral 
eyes separated by 0.4 their diameters. To- 
tal length 7 mm. Carapace 3.3 mm long, 
2.7 wide. First femur 4.9 mm, patella and 
tibia 5.3, metatarsus 4.8, tarsus 1.7. Sec- 
ond patella and tibia 4.3 mm, third 2.2, 
fourth 3.4. 

Diagnosis. Overall pigmentation of M. 
incrassata is darker than all others in its 
species group. The thin branches on the 
dorsal folium (Figs. 225, 227), the almost 
entirely dark sternum, and the shortened 
median line on the venter (Figs. 226, 228) 
are distinctive. As with M. olmec (Fig. 
178), M. comanche (Fig. 185), and M. tri- 
angularis (Fig. 199), the embolus of M. in- 
crassata (Fig. 222) curves off sharply from 
a distal embolic apophysis that does not 
project forward. Compared to M. olmec 
(Fig. 178) and M. comanche (Fig. 185), M. 
incrassata’s embolus tip beyond the distal 
apophysis is relatively longer and not as 
curved (Fig. 222). Male M. incrassata are 
easily separated from M. triangularis by 
the shape of the median apophysis (com- 
pare Fig. 222 with Fig. 199). As with M. 
atascadero (Fig. 216) and, to a lesser de- 
gree, M. triangularis (Fig. 201), the epi- 
gynal depressions on either side of the 
scape of M. incrassata (Fig. 224) are scler- 
otized to create a scooped and slick qual- 
ity. The darker epigynal openings inside 
the depressions are hidden anteriorly un- 
der the scape’s hood. Metepeira incrassa- 
ta’s epigynum differs from those of M. 
atascadero and M. triangularis by its much 
larger and disk-shaped depressions (com- 
pare Fig. 224 with Figs. 201, 216). 

Variation. Average body length of 31 fe- 
males examined 7.6 mm, range 6.4 to 9.1 

mm. Average body length of 22 males ex- 
amined 6.2 mm, range 4.3 to 8 mm. 

Natural History. Mature specimens 
have been collected in February through 
October but are most frequently found in 
July (Fig. 323). This species lives socially: 
half of all spiders live in aggregations of 
1,000 or more individuals (Uetz and Hod- 
ge, 1990). Colonies are frequently found 
spanning telephone lines, houses, fences, 
and other man-made structures. It is 
thought that this high level of social be- 
havior occurs because the species pursues 
a risk-averse foraging strategy in which the 
variance in survival attenuates with in- 
creasing colony size (Uetz, 1988a,b). Ele- 
vations center around 800 m and range 
from about 500 to 1,500 m. 

Distribution. Tropical Mexico from San 
Luis Potosi to southern Veracruz and Oa- 
xaca (Map 9). 

Records Examined. MEXICO Hidalgo: 20 mi S of 
Jacala, 20°50'N, 99°16’W, 18.iv.1946 (L. I. Davis & 
M. Johnston, AMNH); Chapulhuacan, 21°10’N, 
98°54'’W, 20.v.1952 (M. Cazier, W. Gertsch, & R. 
Schrammel, AMNH), 27.vii.1966 (Jean & Wilton 
Ivie, AMNH), 16.vii.1969 (S. & J. Peck, MCZ). Méx- 
ico: 1 mi S Palomas, 19°50’N, 99°5’W, 28.vii.1950 
(AMNH). Oaxaca: Oaxaca, 17°3'N, 96°43’W (Nathan 
Banks, MCZ). Puebla: Huauchinango, 20°11'N, 
98°3'W, 7.x.1947 (H. Wagner, AMNH); north of Xic- 
otepec de Judrez, 20°18’N, 97°57'W, 19.iv.1967 (W. 
B. Peck, MCZ). San Luis Potost: 10km W Xilitla on 
r120, 21°22'N, 99°4'W, 10.viii.1991 (W. H. Piel & G. 
S. Bodner, MCZ). Veracruz: 1 mi SW Tlapacoyan, 
19°57'N, 97°14’W, 16.vii.1973 (A. Newton, MCZ): 2 
mi N Fortin de las Flores, 18°56'N, 97°1'W, 
5.viii. 1966 (Jean & Wilton Ivie, AMNH): 5 mi E Ori- 
zaba, 18°51'N, 97°4’W, 25.vii.1956 (W. Gertsch & V. 
Roth, AMNH); Coatepec, 19°27’N, 96°58’W, 
28.vii.1955 (C. & P. Vaurie, AMNH), 19.vii.1991 (W. 
H. Piel & G. S. Bodner, MCZ): Fortin de las Flores, 
18°54’N, 97°O'W, 7.vii.1947 (G. & M. Goodnight, 
AMNH), 25.iv.1963 (W. J. Gertsch & W. Ivie, 
AMNH), 10.vii.1976 (A. Newton, MCZ), 21.x.1982 
(George Uetz, MCZ), 17.vii.1991 (W. H. Piel & G. S. 
Bodner, MCZ); Jalapa, 19°32'N, 96°55'W, 14.ii.1948 
(H. Wagner, AMNH), 15.iii.1948 (H. Wagner, 
AMNH), 15.x.1962 (N. L. H. Krauss, AMNH): Los 
Naranjos, 18°21'N, 96°10'W, 4.iii.1948 (H. Wagner, 
AMNH): near Monte Blanco, 18°58'’N, 97°1'W, 
3.vili.1973 (A. Newton, MCZ): Orizaba, 18°51'N, 
97°4'W, 6.vii.1963 (D. Bixler, MCZ); Rancho Chula- 
Vista, N of Cérdoba, 19°4'’N, 97°2'W, 18.vii.1991 (W. 
H. Piel & G. S. Bodner, MCZ). 

METEPEIRA ® Piel ital 

Metepeira ventura Group 

Spiders in the M. ventura group (Me- 
tepeira ventura, Metepeira revillagigedo, 
Metepeira celestun, Metepeira uncata, Me- 
tepeira crassipes, Metepeira chilapae) are 
closely related to those in the M. minima 
group (M. petatlan, M. minima, M. paci- 
fica, M. jamaicensis). Females in the M. 
ventura group have epigynal openings that 
are wider than long and shaped as trian- 
gles (Fig. 231), ovals (Fig. 252), or squares 
(Figs. 259, 266), with their posterior edges 
open. The posterior edges are observed to 
be open because the posterior lobes at 
their distal edge are wider than the distal 
end of the scape. In many other species, 
the gap between the lobes is narrower 
than the scape and therefore hidden from 
a ventral view, giving the impression that 
the openings form closed shapes (e.g., Fig. 
123). In addition, with the exception of M. 
celestun (Fig. 245), the scape is relatively 
thin throughout its entire length (Figs. 
231, 238, 252, 259, 266). In males, the em- 
bolus can be slim and elongated with a 
gentle curve (e.g., Figs. 236, 243), or as 
with some species in the M. minima group, 
it can be tapering to a sharp bend right at 
the tip (e.g., Figs. 229, 264). In general, 
the larger flagellum is a simple tapering 
extension off the base (Figs. 229, 243, 250, 
257, 264, and to a lesser extent, Fig. 236), 
as opposed to being a distinctly separate 
structure that abruptly curves off the base 
(e.g., Fig. 129). Although the flagellae can 
be thin, as in the M. minima species 
group, they are not set off on a distinctly 
narrower stalk (e.g., compare Fig. 264 with 
Fig. 278). 

29. Metepeira ventura 
Chamberlin and Ivie k 
Figures 229-235, 320; Map 13 

Metepeira ensenada Chamberlin and Ivie, 1942: 65, 
figs. 166-168, 3. Male holotype from beach near 
Ensenada, Mexico, in the AMNH, examined. Syn- 
onymized by Levi (1977). 

Metepeira ventura Chamberlin and Ivie, 1942: 67, 
figs. 175-179, 2. Female holotype, 1 male and 3 
female paratypes from between Oxnard and Santa 
Monica, California, USA, in the AMNH, examined. 

2. Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 1 

Levi, 1977: 204, figs. 53-60. Brignoli, 1983: 275. 
Note. As first reviser, Levi (1977) preferred to 

use the name M. ventura because a larger number 

of specimens were available from the type locality. 

Description. Female from 10 mi north 
of Colonia Guerrero, Baja California Nor- 
te, Mexico. Carapace brown with white 
eye region, lateral posterior extensions, 
and white median line (Fig. 234). Legs yel- 
lowish tan with darker rings on fourth pair 
of legs. Femur I with row of four macro- 
setae on anterior side; two on anteroven- 
tral side. Dorsum of abdomen with usual 
Metepeira folium, lighter in anterior third 
(Fig. 234). Venter of abdomen with wide 
white median line posteriorly set within 
hint of surrounding U-shaped marking. 
Pair of white spots on either side of spi- 
racle (Fig. 235). Sternum has wide median 
white line widening anteriorly, sometimes 
fragmented (Fig. 235). Ratio of eye di- 
ameters: posterior medians and anterior 
medians 1.0, anterior laterals 1.6, posterior 
laterals 1.4. Anterior median eyes separat- 
ed by 1.4 diameters, posterior median eyes 
by 0.7, anterior median eyes separated 
from anterior laterals by 2.9 diameters of 
anterior lateral eyes, lateral eyes separated 
by 0.3 their diameters. Total length 5.5 
mm. Carapace 2.8 mm long, 2.2 wide. 
First femur 3.3 mm, patella and tibia 3.3, 
metatarsus 3, tarsus 1.2. Second patella 
and tibia 2.9 mm, third 1.7, fourth 2.5. 

Male from 10 mi north of Colonia 
Guerrero, Baja California Norte, Mexico. 
Carapace, abdomen, venter as in female 
(Figs. 232, 233). Ringed legs darker than 
in female. Femur I with row of four ma- 
crosetae on anterior side; six to seven on 
anteroventral side. Median white line on 
sternum often broken (Fig. 233). Ratio of 
eye diameters: posterior medians and an- 
terior medians 0.9, anterior laterals 1.2, 
posterior laterals 1.1. Anterior median 
eyes separated by 1.6 diameters, posterior 
median eyes by 0.8, anterior median eyes 
separated from anterior laterals by 1.9 di- 
ameters of anterior lateral eyes, lateral 
eyes separated by 0.3 their diameters. To- 
tal length 4.3 mm. Carapace 2.2 mm long, 

1.7 wide. First femur 3.6 mm, patella and 
tibia 3.6, metatarsus 3.7, tarsus 1.3. Sec- 
ond patella and tibia 2.8 mm, third 1.5, 
fourth 2.3. 

Diagnosis. Unlike other members of the 
M. minima species group, the larger fla- 
gellum on the median apophysis of M. 
ventura is a tapering extension off the base 
(Fig. 229), as opposed to arising from a 
distinctly separate stalk (Fig. 286). Like M. 
uncata, the epigynal openings of M. ven- 
tura (Fig. 231) are somewhat triangular in 
shape, in contrast to oval (Fig. 288) or slit- 
shaped (Fig. 280) as in other members of 
the M. minima species group. The rela- 
tively shorter scape and the dark circles 
inside the epigynal openings of M. ventura 
(Fig. 231) contrast with M. uncata’s rela- 
tively longer scape and the dark sinuous 
shapes inside the epigynal openings (Fig. 

Variation. Average body length of eight 
females examined 6.7 mm, range 5.6 to 9.7 
mm. Average body length of seven males 
examined 5.1 mm, range 3.9 to 7 mm. 

Natural History. Mature specimens are 
mostly collected April through September 
(Fig. 320). Altitudes range from near sea 
level to 1,000 m. 

Distribution. California to northwestern 
Mexico (Levi, 1977, map 1; Map 13). 

Records Examined. MEXICO Baja Calif. Norte: 10 
m E El Rosario, 30°1L1'N, 115°46’W, 8.vii.1973 (S. C. 
Williams & K. B. Blair, CAS); 10 mi N Col. Guerrero, 
28°5'N, 114°8’W, 1.ix.1957 (V. Roth, AMNH); 2 mi 
SE Eréndira, 31°19’N, 116°19’W, 12.v.1973 (S. C. 
Williams & K. B. Blair, CAS); Isla Cedros, Gran Cafi- 
on, 28°12'N, 115°15’W, 10.iii.1945 (B. F. Osorio Taf- 
all, AMNH): Isla de Cedros, Cerro de Cedros, 
28°12'N, 115°15’W, 1.vii.1983 (V. F. Lee, CAS); Isla 
de Cedros, Punta Norte [?], 28°22'N, 115°14’W, 
3.vii.1983 (V. F. Lee, CAS); Isla de Cedros, trail to 
Cerro de Cedros, at spring, 28°12’N, 115°15’W, 
27.ix.1984 (D. B. Weissman, V. F. Lee, CAS); Islas 
San Benito, Benitos del Oeste, 28°18’N, 115°35’W, 
4.vii.1983 (D. C. Lightfoot & V. F. Lee, CAS); Islas 
San Benito, Middle Island, 28°19’N, 115°34'W, 
9.iv.1981 (Stanley C. Williams, CAS); Islas San Be- 
nito, South Island, 28°18’N, 115°35'W, 9.iv.1981 
(Stanley C. Williams, CAS); near Consuelo, 6 mi NW 
El Rosario, 30°11’N, 115°46’W, 18.iv.1965 (D. Q. 
Cavagnaro, C. E. & E. S. Ross, V. L. Vesterby, CAS); 
Rancho Las Parritas, 10 mi S San Quintin, 30°20'N, 

115°57'W, (C. E. Griswold, CAS); Santo 
Tomas, 31°33’N, 116°24’W, 8.vii.1953 (W. J. & J. W. 
Gertsch, AMNH). Baja Calif. Sur: Bahia de los 
Muertos, 23°58'’N, 109°50'W, 20.xii.1958 (H. B. 
Leech, CAS); Desierto del Vizcaino, Laguna Ojo de 
Liebre, sobre frutilla, 27°43’N, 114°15’W, 11.xi.1981 
(A. Cota & M. Jiménez, MLJ); E edge of Sierra Pla- 
ceres, 27°35'N, 114°30'W, 25.iii.1984 (W. J. Pulawski, 
CAS). Sonora: 6 mi E Navojoa, 27°6'N, 109°23’W, 
23.viii. 1965 (W. J. Gertsch & R. Hastings, AMNH). 
USA California: 1 mi NW Winchester (Double 
Butte), 33°43’N, 117°6’W, 7.xii.1976 (W. Icenogle, 
MCZ); Lompoc, by US 63, 34°38'N, 120°27'W, 
17.viii.1966 (L. & P. Pinter, MCZ); Lucia, Monterey 
Co., 36°1'N, 121°33'W, 15.ix.1964 (L. Pinter, MCZ); 
Manzanita chaparral, San Gabriel Canyon, Coldbrook 
Ranger Station, 34°11'N, 117°53’W, 29.v.1965 (L. 
Pinter, MCZ); Santa Catalina Island Area near Hay- 
press Res, 33°23'’N, 118°25’'W, 6.ii.1993 (Martin G. 
Ramirez & Laura B. Fandino, MCZ):; Santa Catalina 
Island, Mt. Torquemada, 33°26’N, 118°33'W, 
15.viii. 1965 (L. Pinter, MCZ): Winchester, 33°42'N, 
117°5'W, 11.v.1970 (W. Icenogle, MCZ); Winchester, 
Double Butte, 33°42’N, 117°5’W, 19.v.1974 (W. Icen- 
ogle, MCZ). Nevada: Quin River Crossing, 41°35’N, 
118°27'W, (G. F. Knowlton, MCZ). 

30. Metepeira revillagigedo new species 
Figures 236-242, 301; Map 12 

Holotype. Female from south of Isla Socorro, Archi- 
piélago de Revillagigedo, State of Colima, Mexico, 
15.xii.1988, M. Jiménez, in MCZ. The specific 
name is a noun in apposition after the locality. 

Description. Female holotype. Carapace 
dark brown with light region in median 
eye quadrangle and surrounding lateral 
eyes. Pair of darker, elliptic, walnut leaf 
shapes on lighter patch near center of car- 
apace (see Fig. 241). Darker rings on distal 
ends of femora, patellae, tibiae, and prox- 
imal dorsal portion of tibia I, Il. Femur I 
with three to four macrosetae on anterior 
side; none on the anteroventral side. Dor- 
sum of abdomen with white oak leaf foli- 
um, margined with dark markings, partic- 
ularly on trailing edges of lobes (Fig. 241). 
Coloration has a slightly golden hue. Dark 
lateral band wraps around sides of abdo- 
men and stretches up over anterior dorsal 
portion. Venter with two white spots on 
either side of spiracle. Anterior to spiracle, 
slight indication of a V-shaped mark with 
longitudinal extensions reaching halfway 
up abdomen. Wide, white medial longitu- 

METEPEIRA ® Piel 73 

dinal line to epigynal groove (Fig. 242). 
Sternum with wide, white longitudinal 
mark widening anteriorly (Fig. 242). Ratio 
of eye diameters: posterior medians and 
anterior medians 0.8, anterior laterals 1.1, 
posterior laterals 1. Anterior median eyes 
separated by 1.3 diameters, posterior me- 
dian eyes by 1.0, anterior median eyes sep- 
arated from anterior laterals by 2.5 diam- 
eters of anterior lateral eyes, lateral eyes 
separated by 0.3 their diameters. Total 
length 7.5 mm. Carapace 3.2 mm long, 2.5 
wide. First femur 3.5 mm, patella and tibia 
3.8, metatarsus 3.2, tarsus 1.2. Second pa- 
tella and tibia 3.2 mm, third 1.8, fourth 

Male paratype from Isla Socorro, Colli- 
ma. Carapace dirty yellowish brown with 
lighter posteriorly pointing acute triangle 
in center (Fig. 239). Legs same color as 
carapace, except lighter on proximal half 
of femora. Femur I with row of four ma- 
crosetae on anterior side, row of two ma- 
crosetae on anteroventral side. Male ab- 
domen lighter and with less contrast than 
female (Fig. 239). Venter with a much re- 
duced and shorter longitudinal line than 
female. Sternum as in female, except lon- 
gitudinal line more often broken (Fig. 
240). Ratio of eye diameters: posterior me- 
dians and anterior medians 1.0, anterior 
laterals 1.1, posterior laterals 1.1. Anterior 
median eyes separated by 1.5 diameters, 
posterior median eyes by 0.8, anterior me- 
dian eyes separated from anterior laterals 
by 1.4 diameters of anterior lateral eyes, 
lateral eyes separated by 0.3 their diame- 
ters. Total length 3.2 mm. Carapace 1.7 
mm long, 1.1 wide. First femur 2.5 mm, 
patella and tibia 2.5, metatarsus 2.3, tarsus 
0.9. Second patella and tibia 2 mm, third 
1.0, fourth 1.5. 

Diagnosis. The epigynum of M. revilla- 
gigedo looks very different from those of 
other species in the M. ventura group. In- 
stead of having small, sharply delineated 
depressions on either side of the scape 
(e.g., Fig. 259), M. revillagigedo has larger 
but more gradual depressions (Fig. 238). 
Despite the unique appearance of the epi- 

74 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 1 

gynum, the affinity between M. revillagi- 
gedo and the M. ventura species group can 
be seen in the black comma-shaped marks 
inside the epigynal depressions (Fig. 238) 
similar to those in, for example, M. ven- 
tura (Fig. 231). The male emboli of M. 
revillagigedo (Fig. 236) and M. celestun 
(Fig. 243) are very similar in shape and 
relatively longer than in other species in 
the M. ventura group. Males of M. revil- 
lagigedo differ from males of M. celestun 
by the thickness and shape of the median 
apophysis (compare Fig. 236 with Fig. 

Natural History. Specimens have only 
twice been collected: once in December 
and once in April (Fig. 301). This species 
is known to live in fig trees. 

Distribution. This species is found on 
Isla Socorro in the Pacific Ocean (Map 
12), the island being one of several that 
form the Archipiélago de Revillagigedo. It 
is well isolated, situated about 465 km 
south of Baja California Sur and 588 km 
west of the Jalisco coastline. 

Records Examined. MEXICO Colima: Archipiéla- 
go de Revillagigedo: Isla Socorro, 18°45'N, 110°57’W, 
26.iv.1932 (Templeton, Crocker Exped., CAS); Ar- 
chipiélago de Revillagigedo: Sur de la Isla Socorro, 
18°44'N, 110°57'W, 15.xii.1988 (M. Jiménez, MCZ). 

31. Metepeira celestun new species 
Figures 243-249, 326; Map 13 

Holotype. Male from Celestun, Yucatan, Mexico, 
24 .vii.1991, W. H. Piel & G. S. Bodner, in MCZ. 
The specific name is a noun in apposition after the 

Note. Since males of this species were never 
found with females, one cannot be sure absolutely 
that they are conspecific. Several facts argue for 
conspecificity: all specimens were collected in sim- 
ilar habitats and during the same season; dorsal fo- 
lium of males and females share similar patterns 
and both have hint of gold coloration; based on 
parallel correspondence with other species, the 
male palp is arguably compatible with the female's 

Description. Female paratype from 
Edzna, Campeche, Mexico. Carapace yel- 
lowish tan with lighter area around eyes 
(Fig. 248). Legs yellowish tan with darker 
rings on fourth pair of legs. Femur I with 

row of four macrosetae on anterior side: 
sometimes four on anteroventral side. 
Dorsal folium as in other Metepeira, ex- 
cept speckled an unusual reddish gold col- 
or (Fig. 248). Venter wide white median 
line with pair of large white spots on either 
side of spiracle (Fig. 249). Sternum has 
wide median white line widening anteri- 
orly with constriction in center (Fig. 249). 
Ratio of eye diameters: posterior medians 
and anterior medians 1.0, anterior laterals 
1.3, posterior laterals 1.2. Anterior median 
eyes separated by 1.5 diameters, posterior 
median eyes by 0.9, anterior median eyes 
separated from anterior laterals by 2.4 di- 
ameters of anterior lateral eyes, lateral 
eyes separated by 0.2 their diameters. To- 
tal length 5.2 mm. Carapace 2.5 mm long, 
1.9 wide. First femur 2.6 mm, patella and 
tibia 2.8, metatarsus 2.2, tarsus 0.9. Sec- 
ond patella and tibia 2.4 mm, third 1.4, 
fourth 2. 

Male holotype. Carapace dark with light 
region around eyes and a light triangular 
mark anterior to thoracic furrow (Fig. 
246). Coxae and proximal third of femora 
white, remaining two-thirds black; other 
articles similarly ringed. Femur I with row 
of four macrosetae on anterior side; three 
on anteroventral side. Dorsal folium with 
slight gold iridescence. Fleur-de-lis pat- 
tern leafy and pinnate (Fig. 246). Venter, 
sternum as in female, except median white 
line on sternum often broken (Fig. 247). 
Ratio of eye diameters: posterior medians 
and anterior medians 1.1, anterior laterals 
1.4, posterior laterals 1.3. Anterior median 
eyes separated by 1.6 diameters, posterior 
median eyes by 0.9, anterior median eyes 
separated from anterior laterals by 1.4 di- 
ameters of anterior lateral eyes, lateral 
eyes separated by 0.2 their diameters. To- 
tal length 2.8 mm. Carapace 1.4 mm long, 
1.1 wide. First femur 1.8 mm, patella and 
tibia 1.8, metatarsus 1.4, tarsus 0.8. Sec- 
ond patella and tibia 1.5 mm, third 0.8, 
fourth 1.2. 

Diagnosis. The overall coloration of M. 
celestun in alcohol has an unusually golden 
quality that is rare among preserved Me- 


Para ry 3 je 
ij Pa revillagigedo 
239 ¥ 240 (30) 


Figures 236-242. Metepeira revillagigedo new species (sp. 30; 18°44’N, 110°57’W). 236, male palpus, mesal. 237, epigynum, 
posterior. 238, epigynum, ventral. 239, male, dorsal. 240, male, ventral. 241, female, dorsal. 242, female, ventral. 

Figures 243-249. Metepeira celestun new species (sp. 31 [243,246,247] 20°56’N, 90°21’W; [244,245,248,249] 19°35’N, 
90°15'W). 243, male palpus, mesal. 244, epigynum, posterior. 245, epigynum, ventral. 246, male, dorsal. 247, male, ventral. 
248, female, dorsal. 249, female, ventral. 

Figures 250-256. Metepeira uncata F. O. P.-Cambridge (sp. 32 [250,251,253-256] 14°40’N, 92°9’W; [252] 14°49’N, 91°31’W), 
250, male palpus, mesal. 251, epigynum, posterior. 252, epigynum, ventral. 253, male, dorsal. 254, male, ventral. 255, female, 
dorsal. 256, female, ventral. 

Scale bars: dorsum and venter figures 1.0 mm. 

76 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 1 

tepeira. Unlike all other members of the 
M. ventura species group, the scape of M. 
celestun is very wide at its base, thereby 
partly concealing the epigynal openings 
(Fig. 245). However, if the scape is dis- 
carded, the exposed openings have black 
comma-shaped marks similar to those of 
M. ventura (Fig. 231), thereby confirming 
the species’ affinities with other members 
in the M. ventura species group. Unlike 
other members, the posterior lobes nearly 
touch each other near their base (Fig. 
244). The emboli of M. celestun and M. 
revillagigedo are very similar in shape and 
relatively longer than in other species in 
the M. ventura group (Fig. 243). Metepei- 
ra celestun differs from M. revillagigedo by 
the thickness and shape of the median 
apophysis (compare Fig. 243 with Fig. 

Variation. Average body length of four 
females examined 5.6 mm, range 5.2 to 6.4 
mm. Average body length of three males 
examined 2.7 mm, range 2.2 to 2.9 mm. 
Female scape sometimes wider than it ap- 
pears in Fig. 245, resembling Metepeira 
arizonica. Legs and carapace color vary 
from yellowish tan to orange-red. 

Natural History. Mature specimens 
have been collected in July (Fig. 326) in 
forested clearings, roadside bushes, palms, 
and swampy areas near the beach. 

Distribution. Yucatan peninsula (Map 

Records Examined. MEXICO Campeche: Edzna, 
19°35'N, 90°15’W, 22.vii.1991 (W. H. Piel & G. S. 
Bodner, MCZ). Quintana Roo: Kohunlich ruins, 9 km 
S Franciso Villa, 18°26’N, 88°48’W, 15.vii.1983 (R. S. 
Anderson, MCZ). Yucatan: 3km S San Felipe, 
21°32'N, 88°14'’W, 25.vii.1991 (W. H. Piel & G. S. 
Bodner, MCZ); 4 km N Xocenpich, 12 km N Piste, 
on road to Dzitas, 20°47'N, 88°34'W, 20.vii.1983 (W. 
Maddison, MCZ); Balankanche Cave, 2 km E Chi- 
chen Itza, 20°40’N, 88°33’W, 19.vii.1983 (W. Mad- 
dison, MCZ): beach north of Celesttin, 20°56'N, 
90°21'W, 24.vii.1991 (W. H. Piel & G. S. Bodner, 
MCZ): Chichen Itza ruins on HWY 180, seasonal for- 
est, 20°40'’N, 88°34'W, 19.vii.1983 (W. Maddison & 
R. S. Anderson, MCZ); Uxmal, 20°22’N, 89°46’W, 
23.vii.1991 (W. H. Piel & G. S. Bodner, MCZ). 

32. Metepeira uncata 
F. O. P.-Cambridge 
Figures 250-256, 329; Map 12 

Metepeira uncata F. O. P.-Cambridge, 1903: 459, fig. 
8, 6. Male holotype from Santa Ana, Guatemala, 
in BMNH. Roewer, 1942: 868. Bonnet, 1957: 2823. 

Araneus uncatus:—Petrunkevitch, 1911: 321. 

Description. Female from Ayutla, San 
Marcos, Guatemala. Carapace dark brown 
with light region surrounding the eyes and 
extending posteriorly behind the lateral 
eyes. Pair of darker feather-shaped patches 
anterior of thoracic furrow, touching pos- 
teriorly to create a U-shape (see Fig. 255). 
Dark rings on distal half of leg articles, an- 
terior side of patellae, and dark markings 
on dorsal, proximal end of tibia I and II. 
Femur I with four macrosetae on anterior 
side; one on anteroventral side. Dorsum of 
abdomen with white fleur-de-lis folium; 
this pattern thinner than in most other 
species. Fleur-de-lis pattern on a dark 
background, outlined on either side by 
thin white stripe (Fig. 255). Dark lateral 
band follows sides of abdomen and 
stretches up over anterior dorsal portion. 
Venter with two white spots on each side 
of spiracle; wide, white, medial longitudi- 
nal line starts anterior to the colulus and 
ends posterior to the epigynal groove. 
Thin, faint lines run parallel to wide me- 
dian one anterior to white spots. White 
patch separates epigynum and dark de- 
pression posterior to pedicel (Fig. 256). 
Sternum black with white dewdrop- 
shaped mark at posterior end (Fig. 256). 
Ratio of eye diameters: posterior medians 
and anterior medians 1.0, anterior laterals 
1.3, posterior laterals 1.2. Anterior median 
eyes separated by 1.6 diameters, posterior 
median eyes by 1.1, anterior median eyes 
separated from anterior laterals by 4 di- 
ameters of anterior lateral eyes, lateral 
eyes separated by 0.4 their diameters. To- 
tal length 7.8 mm. Carapace 3.7 mm long, 
2.9 wide. First femur 4 mm, patella and 
tibia 4.3, metatarsus 3.8, tarsus 1.4. Sec- 
ond patella and tibia 3.6 mm, third 2.3, 

Male from Ayutla, San Marcos, Guate- 
mala. Carapace dirty yellowish brown with 
lighter mark in center (Fig. 253). Same 
color as carapace except lighter on proxi- 
mal half of femora. Femur I with row of 
nine macrosetae on anterior side; five on 
anteroventral side. Male abdomen similar 
to female, but leaves of fleur-de-lis pattern 
thinner (Fig. 253). Venter with a shorter 
longitudinal line, as compared with female 
(Fig. 254). Sternum with posterior white 
dewdrop as in female, and additional an- 
terior white mark near labium (Fig. 254). 
Ratio of eye diameters: posterior medians 
and anterior medians 0.9, anterior laterals 
1.3, posterior laterals 1.3. Anterior median 
eyes separated by 1.5 diameters, posterior 
median eyes by 1.0, anterior median eyes 
separated from anterior laterals by 2 di- 
ameters of anterior lateral eyes, lateral 
eyes separated by 0.3 their diameters. To- 
tal length 4.5 mm. Carapace 2.3 mm long, 
1.8 wide. First femur 3.4 mm, patella and 
tibia 3.4, metatarsus 3.2, tarsus 1.1. Sec- 
ond patella and tibia 2.7 mm, third 1.4, 
fourth 2. 

Diagnosis. The generally darker pig- 
mentation (Fig. 255) and the small white 
mark on the sternum (Fig. 256) separate 
M. uncata from all other members of the 
M. ventura species group. Like M. ventura 
(Fig. 231) but unlike other members of 
the M. ventura species group, the open- 
ings to the epigynum are more triangular 
to oval (Fig. 252), rather than square (Figs. 
259, 266). Also distinctive are the sinuous 
black lines that form upside-down U- 
shapes inside each epigynal opening (Fig. 
252), in contrast to the comma-shaped 
marks in M. ventura or M. chilapae (Figs. 
231, 266). Like M. chilapae but unlike oth- 
er members of the M. ventura group, the 
median apophysis and flagellae of M. un- 
cata are slimmer and of uniform thickness 
(Figs. 250, 264). The palp of M. uncata 
differs from that of M. chilapae by the 
more basal position of the bend in the em- 
bolus tip (compare Fig. 250 with Fig. 264). 

Variation. Average body length of five 
females examined 8.2 mm, range 7.5 to 8.8 


mm. Average body length of four males 
examined 5.6 mm, range 4.5 to 6.4 mm. 
Natural History. Mature specimens 
have been collected in August (Fig. 329). 
Distribution. Southwestern Guatemala 
to northern Costa Rica (Map 12) at alti- 
tudes ranging from 100 to 3,000 m. 

Records Examined. COSTA RICA Cordillera: 20 
km N Siquires, 10°9'N, 84°17'W, 15.viii.1980 (W. 
Eberhard, MCZ). GUATEMALA El Quiche: Chichi- 
castenango, 14°56'N, 91°7’W, 6.viii.1947 (C. & P. 
Vaurie, AMNH). Huehuetenango: Todos Santos Cu- 
chumatan, 15°31’N, 91°37'W, 16.viii.1979 (C. E. 
Griswold, CAS). Quetzaltenango: E] Baul, 1 km S 
Quetzaltenango, 14°49'N, 91°31'W, 14.viii.1979 (T. C. 
Meikle & C. E. Griswold, CAS); Quetzaltenango, 
14°50'N, 91°31'W, 16.viii.1950 (C. J. & M. Good- 
night, AMNH). San Marcos: Ayutla, 14°40'N, 92°9'W, 
19.viii.1947 (AMNH). 

33. Metepeira crassipes 
Chamberlin and lIvie 
Figures 257-263, 309; Map 12 

Metepeira josepha Chamberlin and Ivie, 1942: 64, fig. 
165, 2. Female holotype from Kings Mtn. near 
Palo Alto, California in the AMNH. Synonymized 
by Levi (1977). 

Metepeira crassipes Chamberlin and Ivie, 1942: 66, 
figs. 171-173, 2, 3. Male holotype, female, male 
paratypes from Laguna Beach, California in the 
AMNH. Levi, 1977: 202, figs. A= 52 ORO 

Note. As first reviser, Levi (1977) preferred to 
use name M. crassipes. 

Description. Female from Isla San Pe- 
dro Nolasco, Sonora, Mexico. Carapace 
with large white eye region and lateral 
posterior extensions (Fig. 262). Legs 
ringed at distal ends of articles—though 
sometimes only lightly. Femur I with four 
macrosetae on anterior side aligned in 
straight row; one to four light setae on an- 
teroventral side. Dorsum of abdomen with 
usual Metepeira folium (Fig. 262); venter 
wide, with long white median line set 
within U-shaped thinner white lines. Pair 
of white spots on either side of spiracle 
(Fig. 263). Sternum black with wide me- 
dian white line widening anteriorly (Fig. 
263). Ratio of eye diameters: posterior me- 
dians and anterior medians 1.1, anterior 
laterals 1.4, posterior laterals 1.3. Anterior 
median eyes separated by 1.4 diameters, 

78 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 1 

posterior median eyes by 0.8, anterior me- 
dian eyes separated from anterior laterals 
by 3 diameters of anterior lateral eyes, lat- 
eral eyes separated by 0.1 their diameters. 
Total length 5.7 mm. Carapace 2.8 mm 
long, 2.1 wide. First femur 3.2 mm, patella 
and tibia 3.1, metatarsus 2.8, tarsus 1. Sec- 
ond patella and tibia 2.7 mm, third 1.6, 
fourth 2.5. 

Male from Winchester, California. Car- 
apace as in female except often with me- 
dian white mark. Femur I with row of four 
macrosetae on anterior side; about four to 
eight on anteroventral side. Dorsum, ven- 
ter as in female (Fig. 260); median white 
line on sternum more often broken (Fig. 
261). Ratio of eye diameters: posterior me- 
dians and anterior medians 1.0, anterior 
laterals 1.6, posterior laterals 1.4. Anterior 
median eyes separated by 1.2 diameters, 
posterior median eyes by 0.6, anterior me- 
dian eyes separated from anterior laterals 
by 2 diameters of anterior lateral eyes, lat- 
eral eyes separated by 0.3 their diameters. 
Total length 4 mm. Carapace 2.1 mm long, 
1.5 wide. First femur 3.2 mm, patella and 
tibia 3.2, metatarsus 3.2, tarsus 1.1. Sec- 
ond patella and tibia 2.5 mm, third 1.3, 
fOumtle 2) 

Diagnosis. Unlike other species in the 
M. ventura species group, the openings to 
the epigynum of M. crassipes resemble 
those of M. chilapae because they are 
shaped like squares with rounded edges 
(compare Fig. 259 with Fig. 266). How- 
ever, compared to M. chilapae, the epigyn- 
al openings of M. crassipes are relatively 
smaller and the scape is relatively longer. 
The embolus of M. crassipes is distin- 
guished by its gentle curvature (Fig. 257), 
in contrast to much more abrupt curvature 
seen in other species in the M. ventura 
group (e.g., Fig. 264), with the exception 
of M. revillagigedo. The median apophysis 
of M. crassipes (Fig. 257) is slimmer than 
that of M. revillagigedo (Fig. 236). 

Variation. Average body length of four 
females examined 6 mm, range 5 to 6.5 
mm. Average body length of two males ex- 
amined 4.4 mm, range 4.1 to 4.7 mm. 

Sometimes the scape is greatly swollen, 
adding to its relative width. In such cases 
the scape can cover the epigynal openings, 
which may mislead the investigator to con- 
fuse it for Metepeira arizonica. 

Natural History. Levi (1977) reports 
that males in the U.S. have been collected 
from April to October, primarily in Cali- 
fornia buckwheat and sage. Mexican re- 
cords expand this seasonality to include 
the entire year (Fig. 309). 

Distribution. From northern California 
in the U.S. to Baja California Sur, Mexico 
(Levi, 1977, map 1; Map 12). 

Records Examined. MEXICO Baja Calif. Norte: 
Santo Tomas, 31°33'N, 116°24’W, 8.vii.1953 (W. J.& 
J. W. Gertsch, AMNH), 12.xi.1976 (S. C. Williams & 
K. B. Blair, CAS). Baja Calif. Sur: 26 mi S Loreto, 
95°37'N, 111°17'W, 1.i1.1977 (C. E. Griswold & L. 
Vincent, CAS); Isla Magdalena, Puerto Magdalena, 
24°38'N, 112°9'W, 16.iii.1957 (R. Zweifel, AMNH); 
Isla San Francisco, South Side, 24°50'N, 110°35’W, 
19.v.1970 (S. C. Williams & V. F. Lee, CAS); Sierra 
San Nicolas, 26°32'N, 111°36’W [?] (Eisen & Vaslit, 
MCZ). Sonora: Isla San Pedro Nolasco, 27°58’N, 
111°25'W, 17.iv.1921 (G. C. Chamberlin, MCZ); Si- 
erra de Alamos, 30°51'N, 112°2'W [?], 19.i.1968 (V. 
Roth, AMNH). USA California: 1 mi NW Winches- 
ter (Double Butte), in web between Artemisia cali- 
fornica bushes, 33°43'N, 117°6'W, 4.xii.1976 (W. 
Icenogle, MCZ). 

34. Metepeira chilapae 
Chamberlin and lvie 
Figures 264-270, 333; Map 13 

Metepeira chilapae Chamberlin and Ivie, 1936: 45, 
figs. 119-121, d. Male holotype from Chilapa, 
Guerrero, Mexico, in the ZMB. Roewer, 1942: 868. 

Metepeira chilapica:—Bonnet, 1957: 2820. Unjusti- 
fied emendation. 

Note. Examination of Chamberlin and_Ivie’s 
(1936) and Levi's (personal illustrations) figures of 
the holotype was sufficient to identify M. chilapae 

Description. Female from Cocoyoc, 
Morelos, Mexico. Brownish black cara- 
pace, paler around and just posterior to 
lateral eyes (Fig. 269). Distal halves of 
ventral leg articles black, elsewhere yel- 
lowish. Femur I with row of four macro- 
setae on anterior side; zero to three setae 
on anteroventral side. Dorsal folium a 
white fleur-de-lis marking set on golden- 

METEPEIRA ® Piel 79 


Figures 257-263. Metepeira crassipes Chamberlin and lvie (sp. 33 [257-261] 33°43’N, 117°6’W; [262,263] 27°58’N, 111°25’W). 
257, male palpus, mesal. 258, epigynum, posterior. 259, epigynum, ventral. 260, male, dorsal. 261, male, ventral. 262, female, 
dorsal. 263, female, ventral. 

Figures 264-270. Metepeira chilapae Chamberlin and Ivie (sp. 34 [264] 17°39'N, 99°22’W; [265-270] 17°39’N, 99°22’W). 264, 
male palpus, mesal. 265, epigynum, posterior. 266, epigynum, ventral. 267, male, dorsal. 268, male, ventral. 269, female, dorsal. 
270, female, ventral. 

Figures 271-277. Metepeira petatlan new species (sp. 35 [271,274,275] 17°14’N, 100°53’W; [272,273,276,277] 17°17'32'N, 
101°2'40”"W). 271, male palpus, mesal. 272, epigynum, posterior. 273, epigynum, ventral. 274, male, dorsal. 275, male, ventral. 
276, female, dorsal. 277, female, ventral. 

Scale bars: dorsum and venter figures 1.0 mm. 

80 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 1 

brown speckled pattern over white. Foli- 
um darkens posteriorly (Fig. 269). Ante- 
rior shoulders black. Venter black with 
wide median white line and pair of white 
spots on either side of spiracle (Fig. 270). 
Sternum brownish black with wide, white 
line widening anteriorly (Fig. 270). Ratio 
of eye diameters: posterior medians and 
anterior medians 1.0, anterior laterals 1.1, 
posterior laterals 1.1. Anterior median 
eyes separated by 1.3 diameters, posterior 
median eyes by 0.8, anterior median eyes 
separated from anterior laterals by 2.2 di- 
ameters of anterior lateral eyes, lateral 
eyes separated by 0.2 their diameters. To- 
tal length 5.8 mm. Carapace 2.7 mm long, 
2.3 wide. First femur 2.9 mm, patella and 
tibia 3, metatarsus 2.6, tarsus 1. Second 
patella and tibia 2.4 mm, third 1.6, fourth 

Male from 6 mi northeast of Tixtla de 
Guerrero, Guerrero, Mexico. Carapace, 
dorsum, venter, sternum darker and more 
contrasty version of female (Figs. 267, 
268). Distal halves of ventral leg articles 
black, elsewhere yellowish. Femur I with 
row of four macrosetae on anterior side: 
three on anteroventral side. Ratio of eye 
diameters: posterior medians and anterior 
medians 1.0, anterior laterals 1.3, posterior 
laterals 1.3. Anterior median eyes separat- 
ed by 1.7 diameters, posterior median eyes 
by 0.9, anterior median eyes separated 
from anterior laterals by 1.9 diameters of 
anterior lateral eyes, lateral eyes separated 
by 0.3 their diameters. Total length 3.5 
mm. Carapace 1.8 mm long, 1.4 wide. 
First femur 2.3 mm, patella and tibia 2.1, 
metatarsus 1.8, tarsus 0.8. Second patella 
and tibia 1.8 mm, third 0.9, fourth 1.4. 

Diagnosis. The openings to the epigyn- 
um resemble those of M. crassipes be- 
cause they are shaped like squares with 
rounded edges (compare Fig. 266 with 
Fig. 259). However, the dark, comma- 
shaped mark inside each opening resem- 
bles that of M. ventura (compare Fig. 266 
with Fig. 231). As in M. ventura (Fig. 229) 
but unlike all other species in the M. ven- 
tura species group, the embolus tapers 

strongly then curves sharply up and inward 
right at the tip (Fig. 264). The bend in the 
embolus in other M. ventura group species 
is less pronounced (Figs. 236, 257) or not 
so near the tip (Figs. 243, 250). Unlike M. 
ventura, the median apophysis in M. chi- 
lapae is slimmer (Fig. 264) and the sepa- 
ration between the embolus and the basal 
embolic apophysis is relatively greater. 

Variation. Average body length of eight 
females examined 6.5 mm, range 5.7 to 8.3 
mm. Average body length of three males 
examined 2.9 mm, range 2.3 to 3.5 mm. 

Natural History. Mature specimens 
have been collected in July through Oc- 
tober (Fig. 333). 

Distribution. Southern Mexican states 
between Nayarit and Oaxaca; elevations 
from 1,000 to 2,000 m (Map 13). 

Records Examined. MEXICO Guerrero: 6 mi NE 
Tixtla de Guerrero, 17°39'N, 99°22’W, 16.vii.1984 (J. 
B. Woolley, ADC). Morelos: Cocoyoc, 18°52'N, 
98°59'W, 28.vii.1956 (W. Gertsch & V. Roth, AMNH); 
Cuernavaca, 18°55'N, 99°15’W, 15.x.1944 (N. L. H. 
Krauss, AMNH). Nayarit: 30 mi SE Tepic, 21°12'N, 
104°33'W, 23.xi.1948 (E. S. Ross, CAS): 5 mi NW 
Tepic, 21°32'N, 104°57'W, 13.v.1963 (W. J. Gertsch 
& W. Ivie, AMNH). Oaxaca: 6 mi NE Mitla, 16°59'N, 
96°21'W, 20.viii.1985 (J. Woolley & G. Zolnerowich, 
ADC); Huajuapan, 17°48'N, 97°46’W, 1.x.1946 (Ee 
Wagner, AMNH); Oaxaca, 17°3'N, 96°43'W, 
17.vii.1955 (C. & P. Vaurie, AMNH), 12.viii.1991 (W. 
H. Piel & G. S. Bodner, MCZ); San Balt. Chichica- 
pan, 16°45'N, 96°29'W, 4.viii.1991 (W. H. Piel & G. 
S. Bodner, MCZ). 

Metepeira minima Group 

Female spiders in the M. minima group 
(Metepeira petatlan, Metepeira minima, 
Metepeira pacifica, Metepeira jamaicensis) 
have a thin scape with epigynal openings 
that are shaped from longitudinal slits 
(Figs. 273, 280, 281) to ovals that are lon- 
ger than wide (Figs. 288, 295). In males, 
the flagellae on the median apophysis are 
set off on a distinctly narrower stalk (Figs. 

35. Metepeira petatlan new species 
Figures 271-277, 334; Map 10 

Holotype. Male from 50 km southeast of Petatlan, 
Guerrero, Mexico, 14.viii.1984, J. B. Woolley, in 

MCZ. The specific name is a noun in apposition 
after the locality. 

Description. Female paratype from Pa- 
panoa, Guerrero. Light region around pos- 
terior eye row; carapace darkens posteri- 
orly, then lightens under overhang of ab- 
domen (Fig. 276). Slight rings on patella 
and tibia. Femur I with three macrosetae 
on anterior side, none on anteroventral 
side. Dorsum of abdomen with typical fo- 
lium, except that white oak leaf pattern 
narrower than most species and set on a 
narrow, remarkably darker brownish dove- 
tail (Fig. 276). Dark lateral band wraps 
around abdomen and stretches up over an- 
terior dorsal portion. Venter with two spots 
on either side of spiracle and slight indi- 
cation of a transverse bar. Wide, white lon- 
gitudinal mark ends at the epigynal groove 
(Fig. 277). Sternum with wide, white lon- 
gitudinal mark widening anteriorly (Fig. 
277). Ratio of eye diameters: posterior me- 
dians and anterior medians 1.0, anterior 
laterals 1.3, posterior laterals 1.2. Anterior 
median eyes separated by 1.1 diameters, 
posterior median eyes by 0.7, anterior me- 
dian eyes separated from anterior laterals 
by 1 diameter of anterior lateral eyes, lat- 
eral eyes almost touching. Total length 5 
mm. Carapace 2.2 mm long, 1.7 wide. 
First femur 2.3 mm, patella and tibia 2.5, 
metatarsus 2, tarsus 0.9. Second patella 
and tibia 2 mm, third 1.3, fourth 1.9. 

Male holotype. Carapace uniform 
brown with a lighter median streak just an- 
terior to thoracic depression (Fig. 274). 
Weakly ringed on tibia; distal half of fem- 
ora dark. Femur I with two macrosetae on 
anterior side. Abdomen is a lighter version 
of the female (Fig. 274). Venter with a 
much reduced and shorter longitudinal 
line, compared to the female (Fig. 275). 
Sternum as in female. Ratio of eye diam- 
eters: posterior medians and anterior me- 
dians 1.0, anterior laterals 1.4, posterior 
laterals 1.4. Anterior median eyes separat- 
ed by 1.1 diameters, posterior median eyes 
by 0.7, anterior median eyes separated 
from anterior laterals by 1.1 diameters of 


anterior lateral eyes, lateral eyes separated 
by 0.2 their diameters. Total length 2 mm. 
Carapace 1 mm long, 0.7 wide. First fe- 
mur 1.2 mm, patella and tibia 1.0, meta- 
tarsus 0.8, tarsus 0.5. Second patella and 
tibia 0.9 mm, third 0.5, fourth 0.8. 

Diagnosis. The female’s dorsum can be 
distinguished from other species by the 
unusually dark brown color of the dovetail- 
shaped mark (Fig. 276). Both this mark 
and the white oak leaf pattern have nar- 
rower margins that are more parallel and 
not as wedge-shaped as they are in other 
species (Fig. 276). The epigynum resem- 
bles that of M. minima by the narrow 
scape and the parallel slitlike openings on 
either side. These openings differ from 
those of M. minima because they have 
conspicuous sclerotized spheres just ante- 
rior to the lateral edge of the slits (Fig. 
273) but which are much farther away in 
M. minima (Fig. 280). The male is unusu- 
ally small and its palp is unique and easily 
distinguished from other species. The lon- 
ger flagellum on the median apophysis is 
needlelike over its entire length, not grad- 
ually tapering (compare Fig. 271 with Fig. 
278). In addition, the long needlelike fla- 
gellum has a sharper elbow. At the elbow 
it projects away from the palp for a short 
distance and then strongly curves around 
the palp (Fig. 271). 

Natural History. The female paratype 
was found at eye level on a hot, dry, wood- 
ed hillside overlooking the Pacific Ocean 
at an altitude of about 200 m. Her web 
differed considerably from the usual Me- 
tepeira web: instead of an elaborate barrier 
web, it consisted of a much reduced Y- 
shaped structure with a curled leaf in the 
center. The leaf served as a retreat for the 
spider and protected and hid three egg 
sacs. The retreat was suspended very near 
the hub, as opposed to farther away and 
above it, as found in most other species. 
Mature specimens have been collected in 
August through October (Fig. 334). 

Distribution. Western Mexico: Guerrero 
and Sinaloa (Map 10). 

82 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 1 

Records Examined. MEXICO Guerrero: 32 mi SE 
Petatlan, 17°14’N, 100°53’W, 14.viii.1984 (J. B. Wool- 
ley, MCZ); Microondas Tamarindos, S. Papanoa, 
17°17'32"/N, 101°2’40’W, 18.x.1994 (W. H. Piel, 
MCZ). Sinaloa: 2 mi S Elota, 23°55'N, 106°48’W, 
11.ix.1966 (Jean & Wilton Ivie, AMNH). 

36. Metepeira minima Gertsch 
Figures 278-285, 328; Map 15 

Metepeira minima Gertsch, 1936: 10, fig. 31, ¢. Male 
holotype from Edinburg, Texas, in the AMNH, ex- 
amined. Roewer, 1942: 869. Chamberlin and Ivie, 
1942: 67, fig. 174, 2. Levi, 1977: 206, fig. 70-73, 
76-77, 2; 74-75, 6. Bonnet, 1957: 2822. Brignoli, 
1983: 275. 

Description. Female from Celestun, Yu- 
catan, Mexico. Carapace dark brown with 
light region surrounding the eyes, some- 
times extending posteriorly behind the lat- 
eral eyes. Faint pair of darker feather- 
shaped patches in center of carapace (Fig. 
284). Legs same color as carapace; darker 
on distal ends of articles. Femur I with 
row of four macrosetae on anterior side; 
rarely any on anteroventral side. Dorsum 
of abdomen with usual Metepeira folium 
(Fig. 284); venter wide, with long white 
median line surrounded by faint, thin, 
white U-shaped line (Fig. 285). Pair of 
large white spots on either side of spiracle. 
Sternum black with wide, white, uneven 
median line (Fig. 285). Ratio of eye di- 
ameters: posterior medians and anterior 
medians 1.0, anterior laterals 1.2, posterior 
laterals 1.1. Anterior median eyes separat- 
ed by 1.2 diameters, posterior median eyes 
by 0.9, anterior median eyes separated 
from anterior laterals by 1.9 diameters of 
anterior lateral eyes, lateral eyes separated 
by 0.2 their diameters. Total length 6.5 
mm. Carapace 2.7 mm long, 2 wide. First 
femur 2.8 mm, patella and tibia 2.8, meta- 
tarsus 2.5, tarsus 0.9. Second patella and 
tibia 2.4 mm, third 1.5, fourth 2. 

Male from Celestun, Yucatan, Mexico. 
Carapace dark with light mark anterior to 
thoracic furrow (Fig. 282). Femur I with 
row of four macrosetae on anterior side; 
row of two to five macrosetae on anter- 
oventral side. Distal two-thirds same color 
as carapace, proximal third white. Folium 

of abdomen as in female, except posterior 
half darker than anterior half (Fig. 282). 
Venter of abdomen and sternum as in fe- 
male, except median white line of sternum 
often broken (Fig. 283). Ratio of eye di- 
ameters: posterior medians and anterior 
medians 1.1, anterior laterals 1.4, posterior 
laterals 1.1. Anterior median eyes separat- 
ed by 1.2 diameters, posterior median eyes 
by 0.8, anterior median eyes separated 
from anterior laterals by 1.5 diameters of 
anterior lateral eyes, lateral eyes separated 
by 0.1 their diameters. Total length 3 mm. 
Carapace 1.5 mm long, 1.2 wide. First fe- 
mur 2 mm, patella and tibia 1.9, metatar- 
sus 1.8, tarsus 0.8. Second patella and tibia 
1.6 mm, third 0.8, fourth 1.3. 

Diagnosis. Unlike other members of the 
M. minima species group, the openings to 
the epigynum of M. minima are narrow 
slits around a scape of variable size (Figs. 
280, 281). The openings of M. petatlan are 
only slightly wider than M. minima, but 
the internal darker sclerotized spheres in 
M. minima sit much farther apart (com- 
pare Fig. 280 with 273). Unlike M. pacifica 
(Fig. 286) and M. jamaicensis (Fig. 293), 
the bent embolus on M. minima tapers 
strongly and is therefore not like a needle 
(Fig. 278). Unlike M. petatlan, the longer 
flagellum on M. minima tapers (Fig. 278) 
and is not thin over its entire length (Fig. 
DHT Sly) 

Variation. Average body length of 13 fe- 
males examined 5.4 mm, range 3.7 to 6.5 
mm. Average body length of 17 males ex- 
amined 3.4 mm, range 2.5 to 4.5 mm. The 
epigyna of females from the Yucatan pen- 
insula differ noticeably from all others, but 
the males hardly show any distinguishing 
features. These differences can be seen in 
the much wider scape and the greater sep- 
aration between openings in a specimen 
from the Yucatan (Fig. 281), compared to 
a specimen from Tamaulipas (Fig. 280) or 
one from Texas (Levi, 1977: 209, fig. 71). 
In addition, the posterior view of the epi- 
gynum from a Yucatan specimen shows 
the lobes converging to form a V-shape 
(Fig. 279), whereas females outside of the 

METEPEIRA ® Piel 83 



294 296 \ 207] 

Figures 278-285. Metepeira minima Gertsch (sp. 36 [278,279,281—285] 20°56’N, 90°21'W; [280] 22°30’N, 99°4’W). 278, male 
palpus, mesal. 279, epigynum, posterior. 280,281, epigynum, ventral. 282, male, dorsal. 283, male, ventral. 284, female, dorsal. 
285, female, ventral. 

Figures 286-292. Metepeira pacifica new species (sp. 37; 10°27’N, 85°9’W). 286, male palpus, mesal. 287, epigynum, posterior. 
288, epigynum, ventral. 289, male, dorsal. 290, male, ventral. 291, female, dorsal. 292, female, ventral. 

Figures 293-299. Metepeira jamaicensis Archer (sp. 38; 18°17'N, 76°48’W). 293, male palpus, mesal. 294, epigynum, posterior. 
295, epigynum, ventral. 296, male, dorsal. 297, male, ventral. 298, female, dorsal. 299, female, ventral. 

Scale bars: dorsum and venter figures 1.0 mm. 

84 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 1 

Yucatan show largely parallel lobes (Levi, 
1977: 209, fig. 71). 

Natural History. Adults have been ob- 
served on tree trunks and on bushes at and 
above 150 cm. They can be found in shad- 
ed areas, which is unusual for Mexican 
Metepeira. Most mature specimens have 
been collected in May through September 
(Fig. 328). Elevations range from sea level 
to just under 2,000 m. 

Distribution. Southern Texas to Hon- 
duras (Map 15). 

Records Examined. HONDURAS Copan: 14°50'N, 
89°9'W, 7.ii1.1939 (AMNH): Ruinas, 14°50’N 
89°9'W, 7.iii.1939 (AMNH). MEXICO Campeche: 
Becan, 18°33'N, 89°30’/W, 31.vii.1991 (W. H. Piel & 
G. S. Bodner, MCZ); Campeche, 19°51'N, 90°32’W, 
14.vii.1948 (C. J. Goodnight, AMNH); Champotén 
beach, 19°21'N, 90°43’W, 22.vii.1991 (W. H. Piel & 
G. S. Bodner, MCZ); Seybaplaya, 19°39’N, 90°40’'W, 
2.viii.1949 (C. J. Goodnight, AMNH). Chiapas: 16 mi 
W Cintalpa on rt 190, 16°36’N, 93°51’W, 
(F. Coyle, MCZ). Nuevo Léon: 20 km E Montemo- 
relos, Camino Q. Rayones, 25°16’N, 99°41'W, (L. Stange, FSCA): Los Cristales, 25°33’N 
100°12'W, 15.viii.1972 (A. F. Archer, AMNH); Villa 
de Santiago, Hacienda Vista Hermosa, 25°25'N, 
100°9'W, (H. Hoogstraal, MCZ); Villa San- 
tiago, Horsetail Falls, 25°25’N, 100°9'W, 
(H. Hoogstraal, MCZ). San Luis Potost: 20 km W Cd. 
Valles, 21°58'N, 99°11’W, 18.iii.1972 (J. A. L. Cooke, 
AMNH): Cd. Valles, 21°59’N, 99°1’'W, 6.vii.1940 (P. 
Rau, MCZ), 19.vii.1956 (W. J. Gertsch & V. Roth, 
AMNH), 15.vii.1959 (L. Steude, AMNH): Cd. Valles, 
Hotel Covadonga, 21°59'N, 99°1'W (L. Steude, 
AMNH); Huichichuyan, 21°25'N, 98°55’W, 19.v.1952 
(M. Cazier, W. Gertsch, & R. Schrammel, AMNH): 
Medina, 24°1’N, 100°24'W, 9.ix.1956 (A. F. Archer, 
AMNH): N section of San Luis Potosi, 22°13’N, 
100°58'W, 8.ix.1956 (A. F. Archer, AMNH); Venado 
Arroyo, 22°56'N, 101°5’W [?], 27.vii.1934 (MCZ). So- 
nora: 8 mi W Alamos, 29°13'’N, 110°1L0’W, 
23.viii. 1965 (W. J. Gertsch & R. Hastings, AMNH). 
Tamaulipas: 60 km N Cd Valles, 22°30'N, 99°4'W, 
10.viii.1991 (W. H. Piel & G. S. Bodner, MCZ): Cd. 
Victoria, 23°44'N, 99°8’W, 17.v.1952 (M. Cazier, W. 
Gertsch, & R. Schrammel, AMNH): Laredo road 
near Cd. Victoria, 23°44'N, 99°8’W, 20.viii.1947 (C. 
J. & M. Goodnight, AMNH); rl01 26km S Tula, 
22°49'N, 99°55’W, 8.ix.1991 (W. H. Piel & G. S. Bod- 
ner, MCZ): Sisal, 15 mi S Cd. Victoria, 23°38'N, 
99°12'W, 22.vii.1966 (Jean & Wilton Ivie, AMNH). 
Veracruz: 15 mi E Panuco, 22°10'N, 98°3'’W, 
29.xi.1941 (A. M. & L. I. Davis, AMNH):; Plan del 
Rio, 19°6'N, 96°6’W [?], 26.vii. 1956 (W. ile Gertsch & 
V. Roth, AMNH). Yucatan: 20 km E Valladolid, 
20°41'N, 88°2’W, 26.vii.1991 (W. H. Piel & G. S. 

Bodner, MCZ); 3 km S San Helipers 2iles2uNe 
88°14'W, 25.vii.1991 (W. H. Piel & G. S. Bodner, 
MCZ); 5 mi E Sisal salt flat, 21°9’N, 90°5’W, 9.1.1984 
(V. & B. Roth, CAS): Balankanche Cave, 2 km E Chi- 
chen Itza, 20°40'N, 88°33’W, 19.vii.1983 (W. Mad- 
dison, MCZ); beach north of Celesttin, 20°56’N 
90°21'W, 24.vii.1991 (W. H. Piel & G. S. Bodner, 
MCZ); Chichén Itza, 20°40'N, 88°34'W (C. J. Good- 
night, AMNH), 15.vii.1981 (C. Gold, CAS): Cordil- 
leria Mayapan, 20°28'N, 89°11’W, 6.ix.1952 (J. & D. 
Pallister, AMNH); Uxmal, 20°22'N, 89°46’W, 
7.ix.1970 (A. F. Archer, AMNH), 23.vii.1991 (W. H. 
Piel & G. S. Bodner, MCZ). USA Texas: 29 mi S 
Sarita, 26°47’N, 97°47'W, 14.xi.1958 (A. Brady, 
MCZ); 1 mi S Pharr, 26°10’N, 98°11’W, 14.xi.1958 
(A. Brady, MCZ); 1 mi S Pharr on U.S. HW 281, 
26°10'N, 98°L1’W, 14.xi.1958 (A. Brady, MCZ). 

37. Metepeira pacifica new species 
Figures 286-292, 302; Map 10 

Holotype. Male from La Pacifica, Guanacaste, Costa 
Rica, 1.ii.1975-2.iii.1975, R. E. Coville, in MCZ. 
The specific name is a noun in apposition after the 


Description. Female paratype from La 
Pacifica, Guanacaste, Costa Rica. Carapace 
tan, lighter around eyes. Legs white. Fe- 
mur I with row of three macrosetae on an- 
terior side; none on anteroventral side. 
Dorsum of abdomen white with faint, in- 
distinct folium, darker distally (Fig. 291). 
Gravid alee often slightly marbled. 
Venter wide, with long white median line 
surrounded by faint, thin, white U-shaped 
line on black. Pair of large white spots on 
each side of spiracle (Fig. 292). Sternum 
black with wide, white, uneven median 
line (Fig. 292). Ratio of eye diameters: 
posterior medians and anterior medians 
1.0, anterior laterals 1.2, posterior laterals 
1.2. Anterior median eyes separated by 1.2 
diameters, posterior median eyes by 0.9, 
anterior median eyes separated from an- 
terior laterals by 1.8 diameters of anterior 
lateral eyes, lateral eyes separated by 0.2 
their diameters. Total length 4.5 mm. Car- 
apace 2.2 mm long, 1.7 wide. First femur 
2.3 mm, patella and tibia 2.4, metatarsus 
1.9, tarsus 0.8. Second patella and tibia 2 
mm, third 1.2, fourth 1.8. 

Male holotype. Carapace, legs, abdo- 
men as in female, though often darker 
(Figs. 289, 290). Femur I with row of four 



July I 


gressa, n = 26 



galatheae, n = 304 


i Feb 







calamuchita, n = 15 



datona, n = 66 



roraima, n= 11 

July June 
revillagigedo, n = 2 

July June 

tarapaca, n = 23 

July June 

crassipes, n= 8 

July June 

jamaicensis, n = 24 

July June 

maya, n= 13 


\ Mar 


pacifica, n= 15 






XC May 


rectangula, n= 11 



nigriventris, n = 44 

glomerabilis, n = 33 

Nov al 
=~ Jes 
Oct IS 




inca, n = 29 






karkii, n = 9 



compsa, n = 279 



arizonica, n = 45 

Figures 300-319. Circular histograms depicting relative seasonal abundance of collecting events for mature spiders. 300-308. 
Primarily collected during the northern hemisphere winter and spring seasons. 300, Metepeira gressa; 301, Metepeira revillagi- 
gedo; 302, Metepeira pacifica; 303, Metepeira karkii, 304, Metepeira galatheae, 305, Metepeira tarapaca; 306, Metepeira rec- 
tangula, 307, Metepeira desenderi, 308, Metepeira calamuchita. 309-314. Generally collected throughout. 309, Metepeira cras- 
sipes; 310, Metepeira nigriventris; 311, Metepeira compsa; 312, Metepeira datona; 313, Metepeira jamaicensis; 314, Metepeira 
glomerabilis. 315-319. Primarily collected during the Northern Hemisphere summer season. 315, Metepeira cajabamba; 316, 
Metepeira roraima; 317, Metepeira maya; 318, Metepeira inca; 319, Metepeira arizonica. 

86 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 1 

macrosetae on anterior side; two to three 
on anteroventral side. Median white line 
on sternum often broken (Fig. 290). Ratio 
of eye diameters: posterior medians and 
anterior medians 1.0, anterior laterals 1.6, 
posterior laterals 1.6. Anterior median 
eyes separated by 1.1 diameters, posterior 
median eyes by 0.6, anterior median eyes 
separated from anterior laterals by 1.4 di- 
ameters of anterior lateral eyes, lateral 
eyes separated by 0.3 their diameters. To- 
tal length 3.4 mm. Carapace 1.7 mm long, 
1.2 wide. First femur 2.2 mm, patella and 
tibia 2, metatarsus 1.7, tarsus 0.8. Second 
patella and tibia 1.6 mm, third 0.9, fourth 

Diagnosis. Unlike other members of the 
M. minima species group, M. pacifica and 
M. jamaicensis share very light pigmenta- 
tion, and the embolus in both species is 
needle-shaped (Figs. 286, 289, 291, 293, 
296, 298). Unlike M. jamaicensis, the fla- 
gellae on the median apophysis of M. pa- 
cifica are set off on a short, wide stalk (Fig. 
286) rather than a long, thin one (Fig. 
293). A ventral view of the epigynum in 
M. pacifica shows a ridge under the scape 
that is more V-shaped (Fig. 288), com- 
pared to a straighter line (Fig. 295). 

Variation. Average body length of three 
females examined 5.3 mm, range 4.5 to 5.8 
mm. Average body length of five males ex- 
amined 3 mm, range 2.8 to 3.4 mm. Most 
specimens appear whitish, but the loss of 
pigment is variable, especially among 

Natural History. Specimens have been 
collected from the wasp nests of Trypar- 
gilum nitidum, T. tenoctitlan, and T. ben- 
soni. In Costa Rica, mature specimens 
have been collected in November through 
February; Honduras and Nicaragua in July 
(Fig. 302). Altitudes range from 100 to 
2,600 m. 

Distribution. Costa Rica, Honduras, and 
Nicaragua (Map 10). 

Records Examined. COSTA RICA Guanacaste: 4 
km NW Cajfias, La Pacifica, prey of Trypargilum ben- 
soni, 10°27'N, 85°9'W, 291.1975 (R. E. Coville, 
MCZ); 4 km NW Caijias, La Pacifica, prey of Trypar- 

gilum nitidum, 10°27'N, 85°9’W, 1.ii.1975—2.iii.1975 

(R. E. Coville, MCZ): 4 km NW Canas, La Pacifica, 
prey of Trypargilum tenoctitlan, 10°27'N, 85°9'W, 
1.ii.1975 (R. E. Coville, MCZ); 4 km NW Canas, La 
Pacifica, wasp collected, 10°27'N, 85°9'W, 16.ii.1975 
(R. E. Coville, MCZ); Bagaces, Palo Verde, 10°21’N, 
85°21'W, 19.1.1978 (W. Eberhard, MCZ); ca. Cafias, 
10°25'N, 85°7'W, 15.xi.1982 (W. Eberhard, MCZ): 
Canias, 10°25'N, 85°7'W, 15.xi.1982 (W. Eberhard, 
MCZ). Puntarenas: Finca San Miento-Sialas, 10°9’N, 
84°54'W, 5.ii.1976 (Roth & Schroepfer, AMNH). San 
José [?]: Santa Maria, 9°39'N, 83°58’W, 15.i.1930 
(Dodge, MCZ). HONDURAS Tegucigalpa: Teguci- 
galpa, 14°6’N, 87°13/W, L.vii.1948 (Clarke, AMNH). 
NICARAGUA Managua: Laguna de Jiloa, SW Ma- 
nagua, campsite, 12°13'N, 86°19’W, 8.vii.1970 (S. 
Riechert, SR). 

38. Metepeira jamaicensis Archer 
Figures 293-299, 313; Map 15 

Metepeira jamaicensis Archer, 1958: 16, fig. 33, °. 
Female holotype from Port Henderson, St. Cath- 
erine Parish, Jamaica, in the AMNH, examined. 

Metepeira minima:—Levi, 1977: 206, 208. Brignoli, 
1983: 275. Erroneous synonymy. 

Description. F emale from Saint Mary's 
Parish, Strawberry Fields near Robin’s Bay 
and Green Castle, Jamaica. Carapace dirty 
brown, white around eyes, central white 
wedge (Fig. 298). Legs whitish yellow; 
slight rings on legs II and III. Femur I 
with row of three to four macrosetae on 
anterior side; none or only a few very fine 
setae on anteroventral side. Dorsal folium 
lighter than in most species; fleur-de-lis 
white on speckled light gray (Fig. 298). 
Venter brownish gray with white margins. 
Wide median white line with pair of large 
white spots on either side of spiracle (Fig. 
299). Sternum brownish black with wide, 
white line widening anteriorly, sometimes 
broken in center (Fig. 299). Ratio of eye 
diameters: posterior medians and anterior 
medians 1.0, anterior laterals 1.2, posterior 
laterals 1.1. Anterior median eyes separat- 
ed by 1.4 diameters, posterior median eyes 
by 0.7, anterior median eyes separated 
from anterior laterals by 2 diameters of an- 
terior lateral eyes, lateral eyes separated by 
0.2 their diameters. Total length 5.1 mm. 
Carapace 2.1 mm long, 1.5 wide. First fe- 
mur 2.1 mm, patella and tibia 2.2, meta- 

320 Dec Jan 
Nov Feb 
Oct Mar 
Sep Apr 
Aug May 
July June 

ventura, n = 35 

324 Dec 

olmec, n= 6 

328 Dec 






minima, n = 39 





lacandon, n = 10 

atascadero, n = 17 


321 Dec Jan 
Nov Feb 
Oct Mar 
Sep Apr 
Aug May 
July June 

grandiosa grandiosa, n = 4 



grandiosa alpina, n= 5 

uncata, n=6 


333 Dec Jan 
Nov Feb 
Oct Mar 
Sep Apr 
Aug May 
July June 

chilapae, n = 15 

337 Dec Jan 
Nov Feb 
Oct Mar 
Sep Apr 
Aug May 
July June 

triangularis, n = 19 


gosoga, n= 2 



celestun, n= 8 

330 Dec 




pimungan, n= 6 


334 Dec Jan 
Nov Feb 
Oct Mar 
Sep Apr 
Aug May 
July June 

petatlan, n = 3 


323 Dec Jan 
Nov Feb 
Oct Mar 
Sep Apr 
Aug May 
July June 

incrassata, n = 33 

327 Dec 

vigilax, n= 10 


331 Dec Jan 
Nov Feb 
Oct Mar 
Sep Apr 
Aug May 
July June 

comanche, n = 2 

335 Dec Jan 
Nov Feb 
Oct Mar 
Sep Apr 
Aug May 
July June 

spinipes, n= 116 

Figures 320-337. Circular histograms depicting relative seasonal abundance of collecting events for mature spiders. 320-331, 
Primarily collected during the northern hemisphere summer season. 320, Metepeira ventura; 321, Metepeira grandiosa gradiosa; 
322, Metepeira gosoga; 323, Metepeira ventura; 324, Metepeira olmec; 325, Metepeira grandiosa alpina; 326, Metepeira celes- 
tun, 327, Metepeira vigilax, 328, Metepeira minima; 329, Metepeira uncata; 330, Metepeira pimungan, 331, Metepeira comanche. 
332-337. Primarily collected during the northern hemisphere fall season. 332, Metepeira lacandon; 333, Metepeira chilapae; 
334, Metepeira petatlan; 335, Metepeira spinipes; 336, Metepeira atascadero; 337, Metepeira triangularis. 

88 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 1 

tarsus 1.8, tarsus 0.8. Second patella and 
tibia 1.9 mm, third 1.2, fourth 1.7. 

Male from same locality as female. Male 
carapace, dorsum, venter, sternum darker 
and more contrasty version of female 
(Figs. 296, 297). All legs ringed. Femur I 
with row of three macrosetae on anterior 
side; none on anteroventral side. Ratio of 
eye diameters: posterior medians and an- 
terior medians 0.9, anterior laterals 1.2, 
posterior laterals 1.2. Anterior median 
eyes separated by 1.3 diameters, posterior 
median eyes by 0.9, anterior median eyes 
separated from anterior laterals by 1.2 di- 
ameters of anterior lateral eyes, lateral 
eyes separated by 2.3 their diameters. To- 
tal length 2.3 mm. Carapace 1.2 mm long, 
0.9 wide. First femur 1.4 mm, patella and 
tibia 1.3, metatarsus 1.0, tarsus 0.5. Sec- 
ond patella and tibia 1.2 mm, third 0.6, 
fourth 0.9. 

Diagnosis. Unlike other members of the 
M. minima species group, M. jamaicensis 
and M. pacifica share very light pigmen- 
tation and the embolus in both species is 
needle-shaped (Figs. 286, 289, 291, 293, 
296, 298). Unlike M. pacifica, the flagellae 
on the median apophysis of M. jamaicensis 
are set off on a long, thin stalk (Fig. 293) 
rather than a short, wide one (Fig. 286). A 
ventral view of the epigynum in M. jamai- 
censis shows a ridge under the scape that 
almost forms a straight line (Fig. 295), 
compared to a V-shape (Fig. 288). 

Variation. Average body length of elev- 
en females examined 5 mm, range 4.2 to 
6.1 mm. Average body length of four 
males examined 2.4 mm, range 2.3 to 2.6 

Natural History. Mature specimens 
have been collected in July through March 
(Fig. 313). 

Distribution. Primarily in Jamaica and 
Haiti (Map 15), near sea level. 

Records Examined. BRITISH WEST INDIES 
Grand Cayman Island: 19°20'N, 81°10’W, 15.ii.1960 
(R. A. Lewin, MCZ). HAITI Departement de 
L’Ouest: Port-au-Prince, 18°32’N,  72°20'W, 
19.vii.1955 (A. F. Archer, AMNBH), 20.vii.1955 (A. F. 
Archer, AMNH). Dept. de L’Artibonite: Saint-Marc, 

19°7'N, 72°42'W, 15.i.1913 (W. M. Mann, MCZ). JA- 
MAICA Cornwall: Montego Bay, 18°28'N, 77°55’'W, 
1.iii.1984 (L. E. Schulten Jr, MCZ). Middlesex: 3 mi 
E Old Harbor, 17°56'N, 77°10’W, 21.x.1957 (A. M. 
Chickering, MCZ); Christiana, 18°10'N, 77°29'W, 
13.xi.1957 (A. M. Chickering, MCZ), 15.vii.1960 (C. 
& P. Vaurie, AMNH), 17.vii.1960 (C. & P. Vaurie, 
AMNH); Strawberry Fields near Robin’s Bay and 
Green Castle, 18°17'N, 76°48'W, 23.iii.1972 (H. W., 
L. & F. Levi, MCZ), 25.iii.1972 (H. W., L. & F. Levi, 
MCZ), 26.iii.1972 (H. W., L. & F. Levi, MCZ). Saint 
Ann: Roaring River, 18°24'N, 77°9’W [?], 8.ii.1946 
(B. Heineman, AMNH); Saint Ann’s Bay, 18°26'N, 
77°8'W, 20.xi.1959 (A. M. Nadler, AMNH). Saint 
Catherine: E Green Harbour, S slope of Healthshire, 
17°53'N, 76°51'W, 12.viii.l1958 (A. F. Archer, 
AMNH). St. Andrews: Ferry, 9/10 mi on Spanishtown 
Road, 18°2’N, 76°53'W, 26.vii.1955 (A. F. Archer, 
AMNBH). Surrey: Kingston, Mona Road, pasture, 
17°59'N, 76°24'W, 10.x.1957 (A. M. Chickering, 
MCZ); Roselle Falls, 24 mi E Kingston, 17°59'N, 
76°24’W, 29.x.1957 (A. M. Chickering, MCZ); Saint 
Andrew, 18°4'N, 76°45'W, 7.x.1957 (A. M. Chicker- 
ing, MCZ). Trelawny: Falmouth, 18°30'N, 77°39'W, 
20.vii.1960 (C. & P. Vaurie, AMNH). Westmorland: 
Negril, 18°16'N, 78°21'W, 24.ii1.1955 (A. M. Nadler, 
AMNH): Whitehouse, 18°4'N, 77°58'W, 26.iii.1955 
(A. M. Nadler, AMNH). 


ARCHER, A. F. 1958. Studies in the orbweaving spi- 
ders (Argiopidae). American Museum Novitates, 
1922: 1—21. 

. 1965. Nuevos Argiopidos de Las Antillas. Ca- 
ribbean Journal of Science, 5: 129-133. 

BAERT, L. 1987. Spiders of the Galapagos Islands, 
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Valid taxon names are printed in italics. Page numbers in bold refer to illustrations; those in italics refer to 

species descriptions. 

acostai, Metepeira 63 

Aculepeira 8 

alpina, Metepeira 23, 24 

Amazonepeira 8 

Arachnidomyia 10 

Araneus 8 

arizonica, Metepeira 9, 19, 65, 66 
atascadero, Metepeira 9, 16, 18, 67, 69 
bani, Metepeira 63 

biogeography 9, 10 

cajabamba, Metepeira 9, 12, 17, 26, 31 
calamuchita, Metepeira 14, 18, 39, 42 
cancriformis, Gasteracantha 10 

celestun, Metepeira 9, 10, 16, 19, 74, 75 
cereicola, Metepeira 43 

chilapae, Metepeira 9, 16, 19, 78, 79 
chilapica, Metepeira 78 

comanche, Metepeira 14, 19, 60, 61 
compsa group, Metepeira 47 

compsa, Aranea 48 

compsa, Metepeira 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, 17, 48, 49 
crassipes, Metepeira 7, 9, 10, 16, 19, 77, 79 
Cyrtophora 8, 9 

dakota, Metepeira 23, 24 

daytona, Metepeira 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 17, 20 
desenderi, Metepeira 6, 10, 12, 17, 19, 21, 25 
digital photography 4 

dominicana, Metepeira 30 

dorsal folium 6 

douglasi, Metepeira 34 

ensenada, Metepeira 71 

epigynum 8 

foxi group, Metepeira 19 

foxi, Metepeira 8, 9, 10, 12, 17 
galatheae, Araneus 43 

galatheae, Epeira 43 

galatheae, Metepeira 9, 14, 18, 43, 45 
glomerabilis, Araneus 28 

glomerabilis, Epeira 28 

glomerabilis, Metazygia 28 

glomerabilis, Metepeira 9, 12, 17, 28, 31 
gosoga, Metepeira 14, 18, 59, 61 
grandiosa alpina, Metepeira 9, 12, 17, 24, 25 
grandiosa grandiosa, Metepeira 9, 10, 12, 17, 23, 25 
grandiosa palustris, Metepeira 9, 12, 17 
grandiosa, Metepeira 23 

gressa, Epeira 54 

gressa, Metazygia 54 

gressa, Metepeira 9, 18, 54, 57 

gressus, Araneus 54 

grinnelli, Metepeira 34 

habitats 9 

inca, Metepeira 6, 14, 17, 18, 57, 58 
incrassata group, Metepeira 55 
incrassata, Metepeira §, 9, 10, 11, 16, 19, 68, 69 
inerma, Metepeira 20 

jamaicensis, Metepeira 9, 17, 19, 83, 86 
josepha, Metepeira 77 

Kaira 6, 8 

karkii, Araneus 46 

karkii, Metepeira 9, 13, 18, 45, 46 
koepckeorum, Araneus 6 

92 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 1 

labyrinthea grinnelli, Aranea 34 rectangula, Metepeira 5, 6, 9, 12, 17, 32, 35 
labyrinthea grinnelli, Epeira 34 rectangulata, Metepeira 32 
labyrinthea grinnelli, Metepeira 34 revillagigedo, Metepeira 16, 19, 73, 75 
labyrinthea group, Metepeira 33 roraima, Metepeira 9, 12, 18, 49, 53 
labyrinthea, Epeira 21 Saléi, Epeira 68 

labyrinthea, Metepeira 7, 9, 10, 14, 17, 32, 34, 46, 48 salei, Metepeira 70 

labyrintheus, Araneus 48 sallei, Aranea 70 

lacandon, Metepeira 9, 14, 17, 35, 37 sallei, Araneus 70 

latigyna, Metepeira 48 santa, Aranea 28 

lindae, Arachnidoyia 10 scitulus, Araneus 54 

maya, Metepeira 9, 14, 18, 56, 57 seditiosa, Epeira 54 

measurements 5 seditiosa, Eustala 54 

seditiosa, Metepeira 54 

Mecynogea 8, 9 
3 seditiosus, Araneus 54 

median apophysis § 
Metepeira 5 Singa 6 

minima group, Metepeira 80 Seer ne et 10 As 

minima, Metepeira 9, 10, 12, 16, 19, 81, 83, 86 spinipes, Araneus 34 ) 
nigriventris group, Metepeira 38 spinipes, Metepeira 5, 6, 8, 9, 14, 17, 34, 35 
nigriventris, Araneus 38 suspended remeat © : 

nigriventris, Epeira 38 tarapaca, Metepeira 7, 9, 14, 18, 39, 40 
nigriventris, Metepeira 9, 10, 11, 12, 18, 38, 39 ae a A wae Shy Ue LS G8), CD 
ocosingo, Mecynogea 10 GU ores ; 

olmec “Metepeira 9, 16, 19, 59, 61 uncata, Metepeira 9, 16, 19, 75, 76 

; : ; uncatus, Araneus 76 
i ae ee a ed S304 vaurieorum, Metepeira 48 
paomata, Metepenes ventura group, Metepeira 71 

palp oy = ventura, Metepeira 10, 16, 19, 69, 71 
palustris, Metepeira ao vigilax group, Metepeira 26 

perezi, Metepeira 48 vigilax, Araneus 30 

petatlan, Metepeira 16, 19, 79, SO vigilax, Epeira 29 

pimungan, Metepeira 8, 9, 16, 19, 62, 65 vigilax, Metepeira 9, 10, 12, 17, 26, 30, 31 
predation 10 virginensis, Metepeira 48 

rayorae, Arachnidomyia 10 web 8 

rectangula, Epeira 32 Zygiella 6 

Pe Pe at 



‘Type Specimens of Recent Mammals 
in the Museum of Comparative Zoology 


na 9 mf) 
~y th U 
qg cvwy 

ND fe Al GD LA 
A TUNG : paw 4 
Gt 3 Bs fy oe 

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Memoirs 1865-1938 

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1. Whittington, H. B., and W. D. I. Rolfe (eds.), 1963 Phylogeny and 
Evolution of Crustacea. 192 pp. 

2. Turner, R. D., 1966. A Survey and ‘llinsietisd Catalogue of the Tere- . 
dinidea (Mollusca: Bivalvia). 265 pp. 

3. Sprinkle, J., 1973. Morphology and Evolution of Blastozoan Echino- 
derms. 284 pp. 

4. Eaton, R. J., 1974. A Flora of Concord from Thoreau’s Time to the 
Present Day. 236 pp. 

5. Rhodin, A. G. J., and K. Miyata (eds.), 1983. Advances in Herpetology 
and Evolutionary Biology: Essays in Honor of Ernest E. Williams. 
725 pp. 

6. Angelo, R., 1990. Concord Area Trees and Shrubs. 118 pp. 

Other Publications. 
Bigelow, H. B., and W. C. Schroeder, 1953. Fishes of the Gulf of Maine. 
Reprinted 1964. 

Brues, C.T., A. L. Melander, and F. M. Carpenter, 1954. Classification of 
Insects. (Bulletin of the M. C. Z., Vol. 108.) Reprinted 1971. 

Creighton, W. S., 1950. The Ants of North America. Reprinted 1966. 

Lyman, C. P., and A. R. Dawe (eds.), 1960. Proceedings of the First In- 
ternational Symposium on Natural Mammalian Hibernation. (Bulletin 
of the M. C. Z., Vol. 124.) 

Orinthological Gazetteers of the Neotropics (1975-). 
Peter's Check-list of Birds of the World, vols. 1-16. 

es of the New England Zoological Club 1899-1947. (Complete 
sets only.) 

Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History. 

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INO Stacia oes Ue CE EES ba Ps SAR ee 94 
MintnOGuctiOny eats hich ys se Lunes Sibi VU 94 
Authors of (ivpesD escripuonss ae 94 
Definitions and Organization 96 
Taxa Included in This Catalogue __............. 97 
ANG SRREN ANC Woy aR Oe he ee 98 
Pareallecosy oe SEES Ga 98 
mecounts Of Type Specimens 2 99 
Order Didelphimeonpiiay se aes 99 
HamilysCalucouyidae ees 99 
amotly,Maxmiosidact 222.2). eee 99 
HannilyaDicdel plidac hase tse = ses eee 100 
Order Dasyuromorphia —_......-.-.---------------- 100 
[Seilh\y IDE tials: A 100 
OxdemPerame lia ee ee 100 
Hamnilyaeeronyctidac sss ka sleelee olla 100 
Ordem@ingulatae ee sais wearer 101 
HamulyDasypodidacs a ee 101 
OrdemAtnosoncida == = ame ee 101 
Hamnily Chrysochlonidae == a. - 101 
Hannilyem@emkecidae 2:0 ee 101 
Orders Rodentiay= ==. ee ee 103 
HamiulyeAplodontidacy== 2s" 2 ssnurs ls 103 
HamulysSciumGac, a. sai e te Be 103 
Hamulya@astondac ge 2. Bees 109 
anulvaGcommidac. =. sere) eee 110 
annilvalteteromiyidae sess eee ee 111 
lSeneotllhy ID Mhovorettoleyss Was 112 

I Semanullhy, Ilona es: eee Ea) 
Sulotfannilysarvicolimae sus eenen nee ILD 
Sulbtaunilyz@nicetinac =e ees LIE 
Subfamily Cricetomyinae ____..-_- LAL 
Subfamily Dendromurinae —__-- LAL 
Subfamulya@erbillinae = ILE 7e 
SWlonehoanllhys IY Munabieves Se 117 
Subtamuily Nesomyimae 9 == 120 
Subtamulya@ tomy aes eee ee 120 
Subfamily Sigmodontinae _....._....-.-...- 121 
Hamnilyakedetidac)s ==) eee 128 
‘Mammal Department, Museum of Comparative 
Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachu- 

setts 02138. 

HamnilySNiyOxiG. ae ee eeeeete sae En mL anenun me 
HamulysBathyercidac =u ln stm aes 
amnilyeHraithiZomtiGdacr re ear eee 
HamilysDasyproctidac: 2 = a ane 
HamnilyeAcoutiGaey= sane fae es ae rneE ee 
Harnily; Octodomtidacise= set ee 
arailyais chimayi dace. eels eee n a 
HamnilysCapnomnyi dae jes ee 
Orders Bagomompnay se ee ee 
Mamnilys@chotomidae = == snsss men 
Benrmllyy JUsteroa CHS) oe ee 
Order Scandentiay ee 
arnilyaslupaidacy ues asses eaeeeneen 
Ovrcler IPatmbiveg a 
Hammill dae gas oe, oe eee en ee careers 
HamuilysDaubentoniidac) 9. sss os 
HannilysG alagonidac sass: eee eee 
Hamnilya@ebidac geass eo ee eee: 
Hamulyaetylobatidac ttm. semen ie ee 
EamnilyarlomuniGd acy 22s salsa ine eee 
@rderplaipotyplila ss8 os eae eee 
Hamily)Nesophontidac (22. ts ee 
Family Solenodontidae 02.2228 
[stangaullyy: SYO;atGNG Vs) Ue ee al 
tenooulby IRalhonGhys)) es eee 
Order Chiropterass -iiey i ees 
amilyaPteropodidae) = aasaes .. slr aasnmens 
anuly SH mlbjallonuridac) parents. ero 
Jenene hyowerate evenee eS a 
Hamilynninolophidac === == 
HannilyaNormnoopidac === s=aesananenenas 
Hamulysehyllostomidac === === 
HamailygMolossiclac yams see sean 
HamulyaVespenrtilionidae) =a: sass aa 
mewaavilye TU oyjanoyoueratolevey Se et 
Order Antiodac ty ats. ss eee nee 
Family Tayassuidae ESR ORY Ae EAE ES 
Hamuilya Monod ontidac yas es seen 
Hannilyathocoemicd ac eee maen aaleene 
Iaeioalhy CRIA: a 
IRlemodtly” JEN ANCEYS ie es 
Orrgler Carnivora) se 
Banari (CRNA YS) op 
HanailyaWinsidac heen senate: seen eece sees 

Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 157(2): 93-181, June, 2001 

94 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 2 

Family Procyonidae PSS late Aare Nc nate TO 151 
HamulvaMiustelicacmems a: sa ennasenenes 152 
|@eronvilhy: IN iejo) owt ORS 154 

| Bertani hyn WaKeranKC ENS) Qo 155 
Mamaily Eero eS ti ac aes eee 155 
Benoa iy JSC RS =a 155 
OxdemEinolestaya eee 156 
HanailyaNiani ac aes ass see ee eee ane 156 

RE TENE TNC Sp eisie a tas tees a cect ce an ORE COLE IN 157 
IIFas Vey: co poh Bee SN Wf eer ets ties etal Tae Toes cha 171 

ABSTRACT. The Mammal Department at the Mu- 
seum of Comparative Zoology houses name-bearing 
types of 342 species-group taxa of Recent mammals. 
The type collection consists of 327 holotypes, 2 lec- 
totypes, 4 complete syntype series, and 9 partial syn- 
type series. This catalogue notes infor mation on the 
type locality, collector, dae of collection, present con- 
dition, original publication, and synonyms for all 
name-bearing types in the Mammal Department. 
Comments on the taxonomic and historical impor- 
tance of many type specimens are included. Lecto- 
types for a number of taxa are designated for pur- 
poses of taxonomic consistency. 


“Some of them are more or less historic 
specimens, ” wrote the gteat mammalogist 
Glover M. Allen in 1931, “whose location 
has undoubtedly in many cases been lost 
sight of, so that it may be of value to make 
the present record” (1931: 230). Allen, 
then Curator of Mammals at the Museum 
of Comparative Zoology at Harvard Uni- 
versity, was referring to the type speci- 
mens of mammals in the museum, the 
subject of a listing he published that year. 
Allen’s words resound with even greater 
truth today than when they were written 
70 years ago. Since that time, the muse- 
um’s holdings of mammal type specimens 
have grown considerably. Furthermore, 
type specimens of mammals housed in the 
MCZ have sometimes been credited to the 
collections of other institutions or consid- 
ered to no longer exist, making the need 
for a new catalogue obvious. 

Type specimens are biological reference 
points that lend objectivity to taxonomy 
and are thus of critical importance in sys- 
tematic investigations; accordingly, “every 
institution in which name-bearing types 
are deposited should publish lists Be name- 
bearing types in its possession or custody” 

(International Commission on Zoological 
Nomenclature, 1999: 79). Our duty in this 
regard is thus long overdue, and this cat- 
alogue should serve to fulfill that obliga- 
tion. Without doubt, it will alleviate con- 
fusion in the scientific community as to the 
whereabouts of certain specimens, thought 
to be lost, especially those type specimens 
that were acquired from Guillaume Gran- 
didier. In addition, it should bring to light 
information, formerly unavailable, on this 
museum's very notable holdings of name- 
bearing types. 

All taxonomic judgments in this work, 
including new name combinations and lec- 
totype designations, reflect the decision of 
the first author (KMH) alone and should 
be cited accordingly. 


Four mammalogists authored the over- 
whelming majority of names based on type 
specimens in the MCZ: Glover Allen, Out- 
ram Bangs, Guillaume Grandidier, and 
Barbara Lawrence. Following are brief bi- 
ographies of these four outstanding mam- 

Glover M. Allen (1879-1942) 

Curator of Mammals at the MCZ from 
1924 until his death in 1942, Glover Allen 
began his work in the Mammal Depart- 
ment in 1907. He was known as a careful, 
dependable researcher and an outstand- 
ing, patient teacher. His goal in all en- 
deavors was to increase the sum total of 
knowledge about the mammals of the 
world. Although much of his career was 
spent in the museum studying, as he put 
it, “the dried remains of animals” (Barbour 
et al., 1943: 300), he also traveled widely 
throughout the world collecting specimens 
as well as observing and learning about liv- 
ing animals. He once commented that the 
actual knowledge of living creatures could 
all too often be summed up by saying 
“when we found it, it ran like hell, where- 
upon we shot it!” (Barbour et al., 1943: 
300). He wrote prolifically; his bibliogra- 
phy of publications is 81 pages long, the 


first of which he published when he was 
only 11 years old (Lawrence 1947a: 1). 
Holotypes for 96 taxa, which Allen de- 
scribed alone or with colleagues, are de- 
posited in the MCZ. 

Outram Bangs (1863-1932) 

Outram Bangs, Curator of Mammals 
from 1899 to 1924, “was one of those for- 
tunate mortals, born with a love of nature 
and the outdoors which rule their entire 
lives” (Peters 1933: 265). Bangs authored 
135 MCZ mammal names (only one co- 
authored!). He and brother Edward began 
collecting as boys using slingshots and 
horsehair nooses. He was an early ecolo- 
gist, saving Microtus breweri by killing the 
feral cat population on Massachusetts’ 
Muskeget Island and restocking the mouse 
from a tiny islet across the channel. Al- 
though his greatest passion was the natural 
history of birds, he was also fascinated with 
mammals and served as curator of both 
departments in the MCZ. He decided to 
systematically collect the mammals of east- 
ern North America in about 1890. He be- 
gan by trapping in New England and later 
made trips to the southeastern United 
States and Canada. Other collectors assist- 
ed Bangs, expanding the collection area to 
western North America and south to Cen- 
tral America. His precision and organiza- 
tion were legendary, and today his mam- 
mal collection of more than 10,000 speci- 
mens, donated to the Museum in 1899, re- 
mains one of the best curated and most 
informative in the department. A complete 
list of Bangs’ scientific publications was 
compiled by Porter (1943). 

Guillaume Grandidier (1873-1957) 

French explorer and scientist Guillaume 
Grandidier, son of naturalist Alfred Gran- 
didier, authored and coauthored descrip- 
tions of 13 taxa whose types were donated 
to the MCZ in 1947, along with his exten- 
sive personal collection of. Malagasy mam- 
mals. The collection was purchased by 
Robert Barbour and donated to the MCZ 
in honor of his brother, MCZ director 

Thomas Barbour. Between 1898 and 1902, 
Grandidier explored the center and south- 
ern portions of Madagascar, collecting 
specimens and describing the geography 
of the area. Through his writings he 
brought the unique fauna of this remote 
region to the attention of the scientific 
world. He was known for his devotion to 
the careful acquisition of knowledge, 
whether it was geographical, historical, or 
scientific. His work was honored by Bonn 
the scientific community and the French 
government (Chapus, 1953). 

Barbara Lawrence (1909-97) 

After graduating from Vassar College in 
1931, Barbara Lawrence became a volun- 
teer at the MCZ. She was encouraged by 
Dr. Glover Allen to do her own research, 
and in the late 1930s she made field trips 
to the Philippines and Sumatra to collect 
mammals. In 1952 she was appointed Cu- 
rator of Mammals, a position she held un- 
til her retirement in 1976. Her areas of 
scientific interest were many, ranging from 
echolocation in whales to zooarchaeology, 
as well as the more traditional mammalog- 
ical pursuit of taxonomy. “She once wrote 

. to know and love a bit of the world 
so well that you can give it to someone else 

. is a rare talent’ ” (Rutzmoser, 1999: 
1049), certainly a talent Barbara Lawrence 
had in abundance. She authored or coau- 
thored 20 MCZ names. 

The specimens described by these au- 
thors and others are the result of world- 
wide collecting by numerous expeditions 
and individuals, listed in the accounts that 
follow. A handful of type specimens in the 
MCZ were formerly in the collection of 
the National Museum of Natural History 
in Washington, D.C. According to Glover 
Allen, these were obtained via exchanges 
“at a time when ‘duplicates’ were more 
freely disposed of, |and would] prove to be 
cotypes or even actual types” (1931: 229). 
The collections of the Boston Society of 
Natural History, once contained in the 
Boston Museum of Science, were trans- 

96 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 2 

ferred to the Museum of Comparative Zo- 
ology over the course of the 20th century. 
Several types are among these specimens, 
which consist primarily of mammals from 
the New England region. 

Type Categories 

Type specimens are categorized as one 
of the following: 

Holotype. The single specimen desig- 
nated as name-bearer in the original pub- 
lished description of the species-group tax- 
on (Article 73.1, International Commission 
on Zoological Nomenclature, 1999: 79). 

Syntype. One of multiple specimens on 
which a species-group name is equally 
based, when no holotype is specified in the 
original description and no subsequent 
designation of a lectotype has been pub- 
lished (Article 73.2, International Com- 
mission on Zoological Nomenclature, 
1999: 81). 

Lectotype. One of multiple specimens 
upon which a species-group name is orig- 
inally based, designated in a publication 
subsequent to the original description to 
become the unique name-bearer (Article 
74, International Commission on Zoologi- 
cal Nomenclature, 1999: 82). 

Neotype. A specimen chosen as_ the 

name-bearer of a species-group taxon, “if 

no holotype, lectotype, syntype, or prior 
neotype is believed to exist” (Article 75, 
International Commission on Zoological 
Nomenclature, 1999: 84). There are no 
neotypes in the MCZ mammal collection. 

Paratype. A specimen other than the 
holotype (if designated originally) that is 
mentioned in the original description of a 
species-group taxon. Paratypes of species- 
group taxa whose holotypes are housed in 
other institutions are not mentioned in this 
catalogue, although many such specimens 
exist in this museum. 

Paralectotype. If no holotype is desig- 
nated, a specimen other than the lectotype 
(if designated subsequently) that is men- 
tioned in the original description of a spe- 

cies-group taxon. Paralectotypes of spe- 
cies-group taxa whose lectotypes are 
housed in other institutions are discussed 
below, before the accounts for name-bear- 
ng types. 


This category includes country, second- 
level geopolitical division (state, depart- 
ment, territory, province, or district), col- 
lection site, and altitude where available. 
The geographic name given for a type lo- 
cality is that found in the original publi- 
cation. When the description of the col- 
lection locality does not include current 
geopolitical divisions, that information is 
provided in parentheses. If an original 
name is no longer used, an equals sign (=) 
is included within the parentheses to des- 
ignate an equivalent modern name. Where 
altitude was originally given in feet, it has 
been converted to meters and included in 

Sources used for the current names are 
from the most current available Gazetteers 
of the United States Board on Geographic 
Names, the 10th comprehensive edition of 
the Times Atlas of the World, the Colum- 
bia Gazetteer of the World, and the Or- 
nithological Gazetteers of South America. 

Account Organization 

The type locality, collector, date of col- 
lection, and present condition of each 
specimen are noted. The publication of 
the original description is cited for each 
specimen. Many names have changed in 
rank or synonymy since their origin; in 
these cases, the name by which a taxon is 
known today is noted, with a citation of the 
publication in which that name combina- 
tion was first employed for that taxon. 
Comments are offered for most entries to 
provide additional information or to dispel 
potential sources of confusion. 

The format of this catalogue is largely 
borrowed from the most recent type cat- 
alogue of mammals in the American Mu- 
seum of Natural History (Lawrence, 
1993). For systematic consistency, the tax- 


onomic judgments at the species-level by 
the authors of the chapters in Mammal 
Species of the World (Wilson and Reeder, 
1993) are largely adhered to. However, in 
many cases alternate views are explored, 
and subsequent work by other authors is 
noted. The sequence of mammalian orders 
presented here is as follows: Didelphimor- 
phia, Dasyuromorphia, Peramelia, Cingu- 
lata, Afrosoricida, Rodentia, Lagomorpha, 
Scandentia, Primates, Lipotyphla, Chirop- 
tera, Artiodactyla, Carnivora, and Cimoles- 
ta. This sequence represents the ongoing 
understanding of higher mammalian rela- 
tionships being produced by research in 
molecular phylogenetics (Waddell et al., 
1999) as well as paleontological studies 
(McKenna and Bell, 1997). A number of 
these names are rather nontraditional; use 
of the names Cingulata (for armadillos) 
and Cimolesta (for pangolins) at ordinal 
rank follows McKenna and Bell (1997). Af- 
rosoricida is used for an order including 
tenrecs and golden-moles (following Stan- 
hope et al., 1998: 9971-9972). We use the 
ordinal name Lipotyphla in a restricted 
sense to refer to the Recent families Ne- 
sophontidae, Solenodontidae, Soricidae, 
and Talpidae (others have used the term 
“Eulipotyphla,” e.g., Waddell et al., 1999). 
Cetaceans are included here within the or- 
der Artiodactyla (an assemblage often re- 
ferred to as “Cetartiodactyla” in recent lit- 
erature; see Graur et al., 1997). 

To avoid unnecessary complexity, or- 
ders, families, and genera are the only 
ranks above the level of species that are 
listed, except for the large family Muridae, 
for which subfamilial distinctions are pro- 
vided, in alphabetical order. Within each 
order, the sequence of families generally 
follows Simpson (1945), but Wilson and 
Reeder’s (1993) order of rodent families 
and Simmons’ (1998: 12) arrangement of 
the bats are observed. Within each genus, 
taxa are presented in alphabetical order by 
original name. 

The format of this catalogue is as fol- 
lows, with all the following information 
provided when possible: 

Original binomen. Name of describer, date 
of description. 

Citation of original publication. 
=Presently used name, if different from 
original. Citation of publication in which 
this name combination was initially used 
for this taxon. 

Type Category. Number of specimen.’ 
Preparation of specimen (skin, skull, alco- 
hol, etc.), age and sex. 

Locality. Type locality. Date of collec- 

Collector. Name of collector. Original 
number of specimen. 

Condition. Current condition of the 
type material. 

Type Series. Any paratypes, paralecto- 
types, or additional syntypes in existence 
are mentioned, with their preparation, sex, 
and age. 

Comments. Additional comments re- 
garding the systematic status or the history 
of the specimen. 

Unlike Allen’s original type catalogue, fos- 

sil mammals are not considered here, but 
type specimens of Recent mammals known 
only from subfossil remains are discussed. 
Several type specimens of Recent mam- 
mals that were included in Allen’s cata- 
logue are not considered here as name- 
bearing types. A number of syntype series 
in the MCZ have since Allen’s time been 
rendered paralectotypes by the designa- 
tion of a lectotype preserved in another 
institution; these are discussed in the sec- 
tion below on paralectotypes. Additionally, 
MCZ 14929, listed as a “cotype” of Nyc- 
teris revoili Robin, 1881 by G. M. Allen 
(1931: 235), is a paratype rather than a 
syntype and is not considered here. 

* Mammal specimens in the MCZ bear any of three 
kinds of numbers. A number preceded by “MCZ” can 
be found in the general collection in the Mammal 
Department. A number preceded by a “B” is part of 
the collection of E. A. and O. Bangs, also housed in 
the Mammal Department. A number preceded by 
“VP” designates that the specimen is stored in the 
Vertebrate Paleontology Department. 

98 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 2 

One other enigmatic specimen in the col- 
lection deserves some mention. When it was 
received by the Mammal Department, Guil- 
laume Grandidier’s personal collection con- 
tained specimens marked as types for 16 
taxa, described by either Grandidier or M. 
L. Lavauden. Fifteen of these holotypes are 
discussed within this catalogue in separate 
accounts. The remaining specimen, a fruit 
bat, MCZ 45073, is marked exactly like the 
other type specimens, and both its skin and 
its skull tags bear the name “Eidolon saka- 
lava nov. spec., G. Grandidier” in the script- 
ed handwriting typical of Grandidier’s spec- 
imens. The locality given for the specimen 
is Ankavandra, in west-central Madagascar. 
Though this specimen has been curated as 
a type specimen, I (KMH) can find no pub- 
lished description of this taxon or any ref- 
erence to this name in the literature. This 
name is therefore invalid, barring a discov- 
ery in the future that it was indeed pub- 
lished and has since been overlooked. What- 
ever the published status of the name, it ap- 
pears to me that this specimen should be 
considered as a young specimen of Eidolon 
dupreanum rather than a distinct species, 
and discussion of this mysterious binomial 
here should in no way be construed as a 
formal description of a new taxon. 


Abbreviations are used in the text to 
designate the following institutions. 

AMNH American Museum of Natural 
History, New York 

BMNH_ Natural History Museum, Lon- 

BSNH — Boston Society of Natural His- 
tory, Boston 

FMNH_ Field Museum of Natural His- 
tory, Chicago 

MNHN Muséum National d Histoire 
Naturelle, Paris 

MVZ Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, 
Berkeley, California 

RMNH_ Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke 

Historie, Leiden 

USNM_ National Museum of Natural 
History, Washington, D.C. 

YPM Yale Peabody Museum of Nat- 
ural History, New Haven, Con- 


We would like to thank the faculty and 
staff of the Mammal Department at the 
MCZ—A. W. Crompton, Andrew Biewe- 
ner, Judith Chupasko, Jane Harrison, and 
especially Maria Rutzmoser for access to 
the type specimens. Mary Sears, Timothy 
McNeece, and Ronnie Broadfoot at the 
Ernst Mayr Library, Harvard University, 
were extremely helpful in pinning down 
difficult references. We also thank Alison 
Pirie for allowing us to make use of the 
MCZ Ornithology Department locality 
references; Carolyn Kirdahy of the Boston 
Museum of Science, who granted us ac- 
cess to the archives of the Boston Society 
of Natural History; and the many individ- 
uals associated with other museums who 
assisted by answering any questions that 
arose. Finally, we are thankful for the sug- 
gestions we received from two anonymous 
reviewers, which helped us improve this 


Hesperomys eremicus Baird, 1858 =Peromyscus er- 
emicus eremicus (Baird, 1858). Lectotype, USNM 
2575, designated by Osgood (1909: 241). MCZ 
4310 and 5273 are paralectotypes. 

Neotoma fuscipes Baird, 1858 =Neotoma fuscipes fus- 
cipes Baird, 1858. Lectotype, USNM 22026, des- 
ignated by Lyon and Osgood (1909: 99). MCZ 4336 
and 5264 are paralectotypes. 

Mus bairdii Hoy and Kennicott, 1857 =Peromyscus 
maniculatus bairdii (Hoy and Kennicott, 1857). 
Lectotype, number 750 in the Collection of the 
Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, des- 
ignated by Osgood (1909: 80). MCZ 8073 is a par- 

Pteropus lanigera [sic] H. Allen, 1890 =Pteropus in- 
sularis Hombron and Jacquinot, 1842. The cor- 
rected spelling of the original name is Pteropus lan- 
iger (see Andersen 1912: 297). H. Allen based the 
description of Pteropus laniger on two syntypes, 
USNM 19066 (skin)/37815 (skull) and MCZ 7023, 
a skin. Andersen (1912: 297-298) was unaware of 


the whereabouts of this latter specimen and based 
his evaluation of the systematic status of P. laniger 
solely on the USNM specimen in his taxonomic 
review of the Megachiroptera. Because it is rep- 
resented by both a skin and a skull in good con- 
dition and because it has been used in past taxo- 
nomic treatments, USNM 19066/37815 is hereby 
designated as the lectotype of Pteropus laniger to 
ensure consistency between past and future taxo- 
nomic treatments of this name. MCZ 7023 is thus 
a paralectotype. The type locality of laniger is the 
Caroline Islands, as emended by Andersen (1912: 
298), not Samoa, as originally described. 

Sciurus castanotus Baird, 1855 and Sciurus castan- 
onotus Baird, 1858 =Sciurus aberti aberti Wood- 
house, 1853. Baird (1858: 266) noted that the name 
castanotus, used in his original description of this 
taxon, was a misprint for castanonotus. Lectotype, 
USNM 121/1107, designated by Lyon and Osgood 
(1909: 183). Though not explicitly stated by Lyon 
and Osgood, this specimen should serve as a lec- 
totype for both names (Sciwrus castanotus Baird, 
1855 and Sciuwrus castanonotus Baird, 1858), for 
taxonomic consistency. MCZ 4692 is a paralecto- 

Spermophilus obsoletus Kennicott, 1863 =Spermo- 
philus spilosoma obsoletus Kennicott, 1863. Lec- 
totype, USNM 3222/27998, designated by A. H. 
Howell (1938: 130). See G. M. Allen (1931: 252) 
for a list of paralectotypes (then considered synty- 
pes) in the MCZ. 

Spermophilus parryi var. kodiacensis J. A. Allen, 1874 
=Spermophilus parryi kodiacensis J]. A. Allen, 
1874. Lectotype, USNM 9242/38543, designated 
by A. H. Howell (1938: 103). See G. M. Allen 
(1931: 252) for a list of paralectotypes (then con- 
sidered syntypes) in the MCZ. 

Spermophilus tridecemlineatus var. pallidus J. A. Al- 
len, 1874 =Spermophilus tridecemlineatus pallidus 
J. A. Allen, 1874. Lectotype, USNM 16237, des- 
ignated by A. H. Howell (1938: 112). See G. M. 
Allen (1931: 253) for a list of paralectotypes (then 
considered syntypes) in the MCZ. 

Tamias quadrivittatus var. pallidus J. A. Allen, 1874 
=Tamias minimus pallidus J. A. Allen, 1874. Lec- 
totype, USNM _ 11656/38311, designated by Cary 
(1906: 88). G. M. Allen (1931: 255) provided a list 
of paralectotypes. 



Family CALUROMYIDAE Kirsch and Reig, 

Genus CALUROMYS J. A. Allen, 1900 
Philander cicur Bangs, 1898k 

Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 12: 161, 10 

=Caluromys lanatus cicur (Bangs, 1898). 
See Cabrera (1958: 2). 

Holotype. BS8114. Skin and skull. Adult female. 
Locality. Colombia: (Magdalena), Santa Marta 
Mountains, Pueblo Viejo, 8,000 ft (2,440 m). 27 
March 1898. 

Collector. W. W. Brown, Jr. Original number 123. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. Mandible dis- 

Type Series. 3 paratypes; B8036, skin and skull, 
adult male; B8115, skin and skull, adult male; 
B8116, skin and skull, adult male. 

Family MARMOSIDAE Hershkovitz, 1992 
Genus MARMOSA Gray, 1821 

Marmosa robinsoni Bangs, 1898i 

Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 12: 95, 30 

=Marmosa robinsoni robinsoni Bangs, 
1898. See Cabrera (1958: 24). 

Holotype. B7749. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. Venezuela: (Nueva Esparta), Margarita 
Island. 12 July 1895. 

Collector. W. Robinson. Original number 506. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. Mandible dis- 

Type Series. 2 paratypes, both in the USNM; 
USNM 63209, skin and skull, adult male; USNM 
63210, skin and skull, adult female. 

Comments. M. robinsoni was considered a valid 
species by Gardner (1993: 18) and Nowak (1999: 

Marmosa mitis Bangs, 1898k 

Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 12: 162, 10 

=Marmosa robinsoni robinsoni Bangs, 
1898. See Cabrera (1958: 24). 

Holotype. B8123. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. Colombia: (Magdalena), Santa Marta 
Mountains, Pueblo Viejo, 8,000 ft (2,440 m). 25 
March 1898. 

Collector. W. W. Brown, Jr. Original number 91. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. Mandible dis- 

Type Series. 26 paratypes; B8117—B8122, B8124— 
B8143; all represented by skin and skull, 15 fe- 
males and 11 males. 5 paratypes are no longer in 
the MCZ (BS8118 is at Wellesley College, B8124 
and B8141 are at FMNH, and B8136 and B8138 
are at USNM). 


Marmosa fulviventer Bangs, 1901b 
Amer. Nat., 35: 632, 22 August. 
=Marmosa robinsoni fulviventer Bangs, 
1901. See Handley (1966: 775). 

Holotype. B8435. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. Panama: (Panama), Gulf of Panama, San 
Miguel Island. 28 April 1900. 

Collector. W. W. Brown, Jr. Original number 123. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. Mandible dis- 

Type Series. 3 paratypes; B8436, skin and skull, fe- 
male (exchanged to FMNH in 1931); B8437, skin 
and skull, female; B8438, skin and skull, male. 
Comments. M. r. fulviventer was retained as a valid 
subspecies by Hall (1981: 14) and O'Connell (1983: 

Family DIDELPHIDAE Gray, 1821 
Genus D/IDELPHIS Linnaeus, 1758 

Didelphis marsupialis particeps Goldman, 
Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 30: 107, 23 

Holotype. B8439. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. Panama: (Panama), Gulf of Panama, San 
Miguel Island. 8 May 1900. 

Collector. W. W. Brown, Jr. Original number 165. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. 

Type Series. 1 paratype; B8440, skin and _ skull, 
adult female. 

Comments. Retained as a valid subspecies by Hall 
(1981: 4). 

Didelphis virginiana pigra Bangs, 1898b 
Proc: Boston’ Soc. Nat. Hist., 28: 172, 15 

Holotype. B3500. Skin and skull. Adult female. 
Locality. (United States): Florida, Brevard County, 
Oak Lodge, East Peninsula opposite Micco. 31 Jan- 
uary 1895. 

Collector. O. Bangs. 

Condition. Skin and skull complete. 

Type Series. 11 paratypes; all represented by skin 
and skull, most still in the MCZ. 

Comments. Retained as a valid subspecies by Hall 
(1981: 5) and McManus (1974: 1). The type de- 
scription lists 31 January 1896 as the date of col- 
lection, but the date is written as “January 31, 
1895” on the original specimen label and in Bangs’ 
accession catalogue. 

Order DASYUROMORPHIA Gill, 1872 

Family DASYURIDAE Goldfuss, 1820 
Genus ANTECHINUS Macleay, 1841 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 2 

Antechinus mayeri misim Tate, 1947 
Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 88: 130, 20 

=Antechinus naso misim Tate, 1947. See 
Laurie and Hill (1954: 7). 

Holotype. MCZ 29924. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Province, 
Mount Misim (=Missim), 5,850 ft (1,784 m). 14 
April 1933. 

Collector. H. Stevens. 

Condition. Skin and skull complete. Mandible dis- 

Type Series. 1 paratype; MCZ 29923, skin and 
skull, adult female. 

Comments. Tate, in the original description, erro- 
neously listed 24 April 1933 as the date of collec- 
tion. A. n. misim was retained as a valid subspecies 
by Flannery (1995a: 80), who also noted that the 
New Guinean species assigned to the genus Ante- 
chinus are not closely related to the Australian spe- 
cies of that genus and will be reassigned at the 
generic level pending a full taxonomic revision of 
the group. 

Genus MYOICTIS Gray, 1858 

Myoictis melas wavicus Tate, 1947 

Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 88: 140, 20 

=Myoictis melas wallacei Gray, 1858. See 
Flannery (1990: 56). 

Holotype. MCZ 28082. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. Papua New Guinea (S. Morobe), Wau, 
3,800 ft (1,159 m). 27 March 1932. 

Collector. H. Stevens. Original number 1. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. 

Type Series. Holotype only. 

Comments. Stevens’ original field label bears the 
following lament—*To my intense anguish I failed 
to retrieve the female, shot on recumbent, decayed 
log in undergrowth.” 

Order PERAMELIA Ameghino, 1889 

Family PERORYCTIDAE Groves and 
Flannery, 1990 

Genus ECHYMIPERA Lesson, 1842 

Suillomeles hispida G. M. Allen and 
Barbour, 1909 

Proc. New England Zool. Club, 4: 44, 12 

=Echymipera kalubu kalubu (Fischer, 
1829). See Laurie and Hill (1954: 11). 

Holotype. MCZ 7006. Skin and skull. Adult. 


Locality. (Indonesia): Dutch New Guinea (=Irian 
Jaya), Doreh Bay, Manokwari, “not far from the 
foot of Mt. Arfak.” 23 February 1907. 

Collector. T. Barbour. 

Condition. Skin complete. Skull partial (occipital 
region and two posterior upper molars on each side 

Type Series. Holotype only. 

Comments. S. hispida is the type species of Swil- 
lomeles G. M. Allen and Barbour, 1909. 

Echymipera rufescens australis Tate, 1948 
Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 92: 334, 25 

Holotype. MCZ 29214. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. Australia: Queensland, Cape York, near 
Coen, east slope of McIlwraith Ranges, Rocky Riv- 
er, “Rocky Scrub.” 20 June 1932. 

Collector. P. J. Darlington, Jr., Harvard Australian 
Expedition. Original number 209. 

Condition. Skin complete, but tip of tail worn. 
Skull complete. 

Type Series. Holotype only. 

Comments. Tate (1952: 582) reported that the ex- 
act type locality is “in the dense rain forests of the 
upper Nesbit River on the east slopes of the 
Mcllwraith Range.” Retained as a valid subspecies 
by Flannery (1995a: 111). Darlington noted in his 
field notebook, regarding this specimen, “Animal 
about the fattest I have skinned—I shall dream of 

Order CINGULATA Illiger, 1911 
Family DASYPODIDAE Gray, 1821 
Genus DASYPUS Linnaeus, 1758 

Dasypus novemcinctus hoplites G. M. 
Allen, 1911a 
Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 54: 195, July. 

Holotype. MCZ 8116. Skin, skull, and_posteranial 
skeleton. Adult female. 
Locality. Grenada: hills back of Gouyave. 7 Sep- 
tember 1910. 
Collector. G. M. Allen. Original number 26. 
Condition. Skin, skull, and postcranial skeleton 
Type Series. 2 paratypes; MCZ 8117, skin and skull, 
adult male; MCZ 8118, skin and skull, adult male. 
Comments. Retained as a valid subspecies by Hall 
(1981: 283) and McBee and Baker (1982: 1). 


Order AFROSORICIDA Stanhope et al., 

Family CHRYSOCHLORIDAE Gray, 1825 

Genus CHRYSOCHLORIS Lacépéde, 

Chlorotalpa tropicalis G. M. Allen and 
Loveridge, 1927 

Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 38: 418, 23 

=Chrysochloris stuhlmanni tropicalis (G. 
M. Allen and Loveridge, 1927). See 
Meester (1974: 3). 

Holotype. MCZ 22435. Skin and skull. Adult female. 
Locality. Tanganyika Territory (=Tanzania): Ulu- 
guru Mountains, Bagilo. 5 October 1926. 
Collector. A. Loveridge. 

Condition. Skin complete. Skull slightly damaged 
(coronoid processes missing from both mandibular 
rami). Mandible disarticulated. 

Type Series. Holotype only. 

Comments. Included in Chrysochloris stwhlmanni 
by Meester (1974: 3) but recognized as distinct by 
Simonetta (1968: 42). Hutterer (1993: 75) noted 
that the systematic status of tropicalis merits fur- 
ther study. 

Family TENRECIDAE Gray, 1821 

Genus GEOGALE Milne-Edwards and A. 
Grandidier, 1872 

Cryptogale australis G. Grandidier, 1928 
Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 34: 64, 26 

= Geogale aurita Milne-Edwards and A. 
Grandidier, 1872. See Genest and Petter 

Holotype. MCZ 45057. Skull fragments. 
Locality. Madagascar: (Toliary), south of Fort Dau- 
phin (=Tolanaro), Andrahomana grotto. 1927. 
Collector. R. Decary. 
Condition. MCZ 45047 includes 18 partial crania 
and § mandibular rami. Fragmentary. 
Type Series. All the type material of C. australis 
bears a single accession number. 
Comments. C. australis is the type species of the 
genus Cryptogale G. Grandidier, 1928. 

Geogale aurita orientalis G. Grandidier 
and Petit, 1930 
Faune des Colonies Frangaises, 4: 446. 

Holotype. MCZ 45660. Body in alcohol, cranium sep- 

102 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 2 

Locality. Madagascar: (Toamasina), east coast, Fe- 
nerive (=Fenoarivo Atsinanana). April 1928. 
Collector. R. Decary. Original number 12. 
Condition. Alcoholic, cranium complete. 

Type Series. Holotype only. 

Comments. Retained as a valid subspecies by Ge- 
nest and Petter (1975: 3). The holotype of G. a. 
orientalis seems to be the only record of Geogale 
aurita from the east coast of Madagascar. 

Genus MICROGALE Thomas, 1882 

Microgale decaryi G. Grandidier, 1928 
Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 34: 69, 26 

=Microgale principula Thomas, 1926. See 
MacPhee (1987a: 9). 

Holotype. MCZ 45049. Cranium. Adult. 
Locality. Madagascar: (Toliary), south of Fort Dau- 
phin (=Tolanaro), Andrahomana caves. 1926. 
Collector. R. Decary. 
Condition. Cranium partial (back of cranium miss- 
ing posterior to parietals). 
Type Series. Paratype material consists of MCZ 
45408, which includes 3 partial crania and 5 man- 
dibular rami, and MAD-1649, a partial skull in the 
collections of the Institut de Paléontologie, 

Microgale drouhardi G. Grandidier, 1934 
Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 6: 474, 29 

Holotype. MCZ 45034. Body in alcohol, skull extract- 
ed. Juvenile female. 
Locality. Madagascar; (Antsiranana), east coast, Di- 
ego-Suarez (=Antsiranana). May 1934. 
Collector. M. E. Drouhard. Original number A. 
Condition. Alcoholic, skull complete. 
Type Series. 6 paratypes; MCZ 46007-MCZ 46012, 
all in alcohol. MCZ 46017, represented by a skull 
and postcranial skeleton, was collected at the same 
time and place as the type series but is not men- 
tioned in the original description. 
Comments. MCZ 45034 represents an immature 
animal (MacPhee 1987a: 7), not an adult as claimed 
in the original description. MacPhee (1987a: 9) 
synonymized drouhardi with Microgale cowani, an 
approach followed by Hutterer (1993: 71), but Jen- 
kins et al. (1997: 6) argued that M. drouhardi is a 
distinct species. 

Microgale parvula G. Grandidier, 1934 
Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 6: 476, 29 

Holotype. MCZ 45465. Body in alcohol, skull extract- 
ed. Juvenile male. 

Locality. Madagascar: (Antsiranana), east coast, Di- 
ego-Suarez (=Antsiranana). May 1934. 

Collector. M. Drouhard. 

Condition. Alcoholic, skull complete. 

Type Series. Holotype only. 

Comments. MCZ 45465 represents an immature 
animal (MacPhee 1987a: 7), not an adult as claimed 
in the original description. The holotype of Micro- 
gale pulla Jenkins, 1988 actually represents an 
adult specimen of M. parvula (Jenkins et al., 1996: 
204). Considered a valid species by Hutterer (1993: 
71) and Nowak (1999: 190). 

Microgale prolixacaudata G. Grandidier, 

Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 9: 348, 25 

=Microgale longicaudata Thomas, 1882. 

See MacPhee (1987a: 9). 

Holotype. MCZ 45035. Body in alcohol, skull extract- 

ed. Juvenile. 

Locality. Madagascar: (Antsiranana), east coast, Di- 
ego-Suarez (=Antsiranana). May 1934. 

Collector. M. Drouhard. 

Condition. Alcoholic; skull partial (left tympanic 
bulla missing). Mandible disarticulated. 

Type Series. 1 paratype; MCZ 46020, in alcohol. 
Comments. This specimen represents an immature 
animal (MacPhee 1987a: 8), not an adult as claimed 
in the original description. 

Paramicrogale occidentalis G. Grandidier 

and Petit, 1931 

Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 56: 129, 15 June. 
=Microgale brevicaudata G. Grandidier, 
1899. See MacPhee (1987a: 9). 

Holotype. MCZ 45047. Body in alcohol, skull extract- 

ed. Juvenile male. 

Locality. Madagascar: (Antananarivo), northwest of 
Maintirano, Andriafeuelo. 1930. 

Collector. M. A. de la Rue. 

Condition. Alcoholic, skull complete. 

Type Series. Holotype only, but see comments. 
Comments. P. occidentalis is the type species of the 
genus Paramicrogale G. Grandidier and Petit, 
1931. This specimen represents an immature ani- 
mal (MacPhee 1987a: 7), not an adult as claimed 
in the original description. The original description 
mentions only a single specimen but describes ex- 
tensively the skeleton of P. occidentalis. This is puz- 
zling, as the skeleton has not been extracted from 
MCZ 45047 (MacPhee 1987a: 7). 


Genus SETIFER Froriep, 1806 

Dasogale fontoynonti G. Grandidier, 

Bull. Acad. Malgache, n. ser., 11: 85 (for 

= Setifer setosus (Schreber, 1777). See 
Poduschka and Poduschka (1982: 261). 

Holotype. MCZ 45016. Skin, skull, and posteranial 
skeleton. Juvenile. 
Locality. Madagascar: east coast. 1917. 
Collector. Received by G. Grandidier from the 
Académie Malgache in 1917. 
Condition. Skin represented by a small patch of 
fur. Skull partial (occipital region missing). Postcra- 
nial skeleton complete, partially articulated. 
Type Series. 1 paratype; MCZ 45532, in alcohol. 
Comments. Walker (1975: 110) commented that 
“the only specimen known of D. fontoynonti .. . is 
in the Paris Museum”; actually, the only material 
attributed to Dasogale is in the MCZ, a fact first 
noted in publication by Poduschka and Poduschka 
(1982: 253). Dasogale was often considered to be 
an extremely rare or recently extinct species until 
Poduschka and Poduschka (p. 261) and MacPhee 
(1987b: 135) demonstrated that the holotype is 
probably a juvenile Setifer setosus. D. fontoynonti 
is the type species of the genus Dasogale G. Gran- 
didier, 1930. 

Order RODENTIA Bowdich, 1821 
Family APLODONTIDAE Brandt, 1855 
Genus APLODONTIA Richardson, 1829 

Aplodontia californica columbiana Taylor, 

Univ. California Publ. Zool., 12: 499, 6 


=Aplodontia rufa rainieri Merriam, 1899. 
See Dalquest (1948: 369). 

Holotype. B1899. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. (Canada): British Columbia, Hope, 
Roab’s Ranch. 14 June 1894. 

Collector. W. C. Colt. Original number 479. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. 

Type Series. 8 paratypes; B1892—B1898, B1900; all 
represented by skin and skull, 3 females and 5 

Family SCIURIDAE Fischer de Waldheim, 

Genus CALLOSCIURUS Gray, 1867 

Callosciurus baluensis medialis G. M. 
Allen and Coolidge, 1940 

Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 87: 156, 31 

Holotype. MCZ 22265. Skin and skull. Adult female. 
Locality. (Indonesia): Dutch Borneo, (Kalimantan), 
Mount Tibang (possibly =Bukit Tungun). 1925. 
Collector. E. Mjoberg. Original number 6. 
Condition. Skin complete. Skull partial (right pa- 
rietal, right tympanic bulla, and lachrymal_ bro- 
ken—bulla present). Mandible disarticulated. 
Type Series. Holotype only. 

Comments. Retained as a valid subspecies by Med- 
way (1977: 90). 

Callosciurus ferrugineus primus G. M. 
Allen and Coolidge, 1940 

Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 87: 157, 31 

= Callosciurus erythraeus (Pallas, 1778). 
See Corbet and Hill (1992: 283). 

Holotype. MCZ 35352. Skin and skull. Adult female. 
Locality. Siam (=Thailand): Mae Wan River near 
Doi, Mount Souket (=Saket), 1,500 ft (45S m). 20 
February 1937. 

Collector. J. A. Griswold, Jr., Asiatic Primate Ex- 
pedition. Original number 5. 

Condition. Skin and skull complete. Mandible dis- 

Type Series. 1 paratype; MCZ 35353, 
skull, adult male. 

skin and 

Sciurus castaneoventris haemobaphes G. 
M. Allen, 1912c 

Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 25: 177, 24 

=Callosciurus erythraeus haemobaphes 
(G. M. Allen, 1912). See Hayman and 
Holt (1940: 359). 

Holotype. MCZ 13693. Skin and skull. Male. 
Locality. China: southeastern Yunnan, Chih-ping 
(=Shiping). 26 February 1911. 

Collector. Kobayashi Collection. Original number 

Condition. Skin and skull complete. Mandible dis- 

Type Series. Only the holotype is mentioned in the 
original publication, but Allen had four other spec- 
imens of these squirrels at the time of description 
(MCZ 13692, 13694-13696; all represented by skin 
and skull, 3 males, 1 female). 

104 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 2 

Genus DREMOMYS Heude, 1898 

Dremomys pernyi flavior G. M. Allen, 

Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 25: 178, 24 

Collector. Harbison and Bargamin. 

Condition. Skin and skull complete. 

Type Series. 1 paratype; B6960, skin and _ skull, 
adult male. 

Comments. G. s. bangsi was retained as a valid sub- 
species by Hall (1981: 450). 

Holotype. MCZ 13691. Skin and skull. Male. 
Locality. China: southeastern Yunnan, Mongtz 
(=Mengzi). 1911. 

Collector. Kobayashi Collection. Original number 

Condition. Skin complete. Skull partial (squamo- 
sals missing, supraoccipital damaged, right jugal 
missing, palatine missing, tympanic bulla dam- 

Type Series. Holotype only. 

Sciuropterus alpinus lascivus Bangs, 
Proc. New England Zool. Club, 1: 69, 31 
=Glaucomys sabrinus lascivus (Bangs, 
1899). See A. H. Howell (1918: 55). 
Holotype. B9186. Skin and skull. Adult female. 
Locality. (United States): California, El Dorado 
County, Tallac. 28 August 1898. 
Collector. W. W. Price and P. O. Simons. Original 

Dremomys senex G. M. Allen, 1912b 
Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., 40: 229, 

=Dremomys pernyi senex G. M. Allen, 
1912. See Hayman and Holt (1940: 382). 

Holotype. MCZ 7582. Skin and skull. Adult female. 

number 1722. 

Condition. Skin and skull complete. 

Type Series. 2 paratypes, B9187, skin and skull, fe- 
male; B9188, skin and skull, female. 

Comments. G. s. lascivus was retained as a valid 
subspecies by Hall (1981: 451). 

Locality. China: Hupeh (=Hubei), Ichanghsien, 
Nantou. 5 February 1909. 

Collector. W. R. Zappey. Original number 373. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. Mandible dis- 

Type Series. 1 paratype; MCZ 7583, skin and skull, 
adult male. 

Sciuropterus sabrinus makkovikensis 
Sornborger, 1900 

Ottawa Nat., 14: 48, 6 June. 

=Glaucomys sabrinus makkovikensis 
(Sornborger, 1900). See A. H. Howell 
(1918: 34). 

Syntypes. MCZ 10476: Skin and skull. Adult. MCZ 

Genus FUN/ISCIURUS Trouessart, 1880 

Funisciurus pyrrhopus victoriae G. M. 

Allen and Loveridge, 1942 

Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 8: 180, 


=Funisciurus pyrrhopus akka De Winton, 

1899. See Amtmann (1975: 8). 

Holotype. MCZ 39199. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. Uganda: Toro, Kibale Forest, 4,200 ft 
(1,281 m). 16 December 1938. 

Collector. A. Loveridge. 

Condition. Skin and skull complete. Mandible dis- 

Type Series. Holotype only. 

Genus GLAUCOMYS Thomas, 1908 

Sciuropterus alpinus bangsi Rhoads, 1897 
Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 1897, 
p. 321 (footnote), July. 

=Glaucomys sabrinus bangsi (Rhoads, 
1897). See A. H. Howell (1918: 38). 
Holotype. B6959. Skin and skull. Adult male. 

Locality. (United States): Idaho, Idaho County. 
March 8, 1897. 

10477: Skin and skull. Adult. MCZ 10478: Skin and 
skull. Adult. 

Locality. (Canada): Labrador Peninsula, Makkovik. 

Collector. W. W. Perrett. Original number 1540. 
Condition. MCZ 10476: Skin complete. Skull par- 
tial (base of skull missing). Mandible disarticulated. 
MCZ 10477: Skin partial (tail broken but present). 
Skull partial (base of skull missing). Mandible dis- 
articulated. MCZ 10478: Skin partial (missing left 
hind foot and tail). Skull partial (occipital chipped). 
Mandible disarticulated. 

Type Series. 3 syntypes only. 

Comments. Sornborger’s original description was 
based on three specimens, original numbers 1540, 
1541, and 1542, now MCZ 10476, 10477, 10478, 
respectively. G. s. makkovikensis was retained as a 
valid subspecies by Hall (1981: 453). 

Sciuropterus silus Bangs, 1896j 

Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 10: 163, 28 

=Glaucomys volans volans (Linnaeus, 
1758). See A. H. Howell (1918: 20). 

Holotype. B4931. Skin and skull. Adult male. 

Locality. (United States): West Virginia, Greenbri- 


er County, White Sulphur Springs, top of Katis 
Mtn. 3,200 ft (976 m). 2 September 1895. 
Collector. T. Surber. Original number 19. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. Mandible dis- 

Type Series. Holotype only. 

Sciuropterus volans querceti Bangs, 1896} 
Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 10: 166, 28 

=Glaucomys volans querceti (Bangs, 
1896). See A. H. Howell (1918: 26). 

Holotype. B2451. Skin and skull. Adult female. 
Locality. (United States): Florida, Citrus County, 
Citronelle. 17 September 1894. 

Collector. F. L. Small. Original number 1363. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. Mandible dis- 

Type Series. 2 paratypes; B2452, skin and skull, 
adult male; B2453, skin and skull, adult female. 
Comments. G. v. querceti was retained as a valid 
subspecies by Hall (1981: 449). 

Genus HYLOPETES Thomas, 1908 

Pteromys (Hylopetes) alboniger orinus G. 
M. Allen, 1940 

The Mammals of China and Mongolia, 
Natural History of Central Asia, 11: 723, 
3 September. 

=Hylopetes alboniger alboniger (Hodgson, 
1836). See Ellerman and Morrison-Scott 
(1951: 469). 

Holotype. MCZ 28086. Skin and skull. Adult female. 
Locality. China: Yunnan, Likiang Range (=Li- 
jiang), 7,800 ft (2,379 m). December 1931. 
Collector. J. F. Rock. 

Condition. Skin complete. Skull partial (most of 
right tympantic bulla missing, supraoccipital dam- 
aged). Mandible disarticulated. 

Type Series. Allen examined 10 specimens in ad- 
dition to the type, including 4 specimens from the 
BMNH, 3 from AMNH, and MCZ 28087, skin and 
skull, an unsexed adult. 

Pteromys phayrei anchises G. M. Allen 
and Coolidge, 1940 

Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 87: 153, 31 

=Hylopetes phayrei anchises (G. M. Allen 
and Coolidge, 1940). See Ellerman and 
Morrison-Scott (1951: 469). 

Holotype. MCZ 35776. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. Siam (=Thailand): (Chiang Mai) Mount 


Angka (=Doi Inthanon), 4,300 ft (1,312 m). 27 
February 1937. 

Collector. J. A. Griswold, Jr., Asiatic Primate Ex- 
pedition. Original number 24. 

Condition. Skin and skull complete. Mandible dis- 

Type Series. 3 paratypes; MCZ 35775, skin and 
skull, adult female; MCZ 35777, skin and _ skull, 
adult male; MCZ 35778, skin and skull, subadult 

Genus MARMOTA Blumenbach, 1779 

Arctomys flaviventer avarus Bangs, 1899} 
Proc. New England Zool. Club, 1: 68, 31 

=Marmota flaviventris avara (Bangs, 
1899). See A. H. Howell (1915: 41). 

Holotype. B7299. Skin and skull. Juvenile female. 
Locality. (Canada): British Columbia, Okanagan. 
17 July 1897. 

Collector. A. C. Brooks. Original number 969. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. 

Type Series. 2 paratypes; B7298, skin and skull, ju- 
venile male; B7300, skin and skull, juvenile female. 
Comments. M. f. avara was retained as a valid sub- 
species by Hall (1981: 371). 

Arctomys ignavus Bangs, 1899d 

Proc. New England Zool. Club, 1: 13, 28 

=Marmota monax ignava (Bangs, 1899). 
See A. H. Howell (1915: 29). 

Holotype. B7971. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. (Canada): Labrador Peninsula, Black Bay. 
13 July 1898. 

Collector. E. Doane. 

Condition. Skin and skull complete. Mandible dis- 

Type Series. 5 paratypes; B7968—B7970, B7972, 
B7973 (juvenile); all represented by skin and skull, 
4 females and 1 male. 

Comments. M. m. ignava was retained as a valid 
subspecies by Hall (1981: 370) and Kwiecinski 
(1998: 1). 

Genus MICROSCIURUS J. A. Allen, 1895 

Sciurus (Microsciurus) browni Bangs, 

Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 39:24, April. 

= Microsciurus alfari browni (Bangs, 1902). 
See J. A. Allen (1914:151). 

Holotype. MCZ 10404. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. Panama: Chiriqui, Bogaba, 600 ft (183 
m). 15 July 1901. 


Collector. W. W. Brown, Jr. Original number 631. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. 

Type Series. 4 paratypes; MCZ 10405, adult fe- 
male, 10406, adult female, 10407, adult female, 
10408, juvenile male; all represented by skin and 

Comments. M. a. browni was retained as a valid 
subspecies by Hall (1981: 439). 

Genus PARAXERUS Forsyth Major, 1893 

Aethosciurus byatti laetus G. M. Allen and 
Loveridge, 1933 

Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 75: 96, 

= Paraxerus vexillarius byatti (Kershaw, 
1923). See Amtmann (1975: 11). 

Holotype. MCZ 26198. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. Tanganyika Territory (=Tanzania): north 
end of Lake Nyasa, Ukinga Mountains, Madehani, 
7,000 ft (2,135 m). 22 February 1930. 

Collector. A. Loveridge. 

Condition. Skin and skull complete. 

Type Series. 9 paratypes; MCZ 26196, 26197, 
26199-26202, 26204-26206; all represented by 
skin and skull, 4 females and 5 males. 

Genus SCIUROTAMIAS Miller, 1901 

Sciurotamias davidanus thayeri G. M. 

Allen, 1912b 

Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., 40: 231, 


= Sciurotamias davidianus consobrinus 

(Milne-Edwards, 1868). See Moore and 

Tate (1965: 308). 

Holotype. MCZ 8008. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. China: western Szechwan (=Sichuan), 
Washan (=Wushan), 6,000 ft (1,830 m). 17 May 

Collector. W. R. Zappey. Original number 163. 
Condition. Skin complete. Skull partial (basioccip- 
ital and left maxilla damaged). Mandible disartic- 

Type Series. Holotype only. 

Comments. G. M. Allen (1912b: 231) noted in the 
original description of thayeri that “unfortunately, 
the skull of the type was lost.” The skin and skull 
have been reunited subsequently. 

Genus SC/URUS Linnaeus, 1758 

Sciurus (Guerlinguetus) aestuans 
chiriquensis Bangs, 1902b 

Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 39: 22, April. 

= Sciurus granatensis chiriquensis Bangs, 
1902. See Hershkovitz (1947: 7). 
Holotype. MCZ 10044. Skin and skull. Adult male. 

Locality. Panama: Chiriqui, Divala. 18 November 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 2 

Collector. W. W. Brown, Jr. Original number 10. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. 

Type Series. There is a large series of paratypes in 
the MCZ. 

Comments. S. g. chiriquensis was retained as a val- 
id subspecies by Hall (1981: 437) and Nitikman 
(1985: 1). 

Sciurus carolinensis extimus Bangs, 1896j 
Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 10: 158, 28 

Holotype. B4519. Skin and skull. Adult female. 
Locality. (United States): Florida, Dade County, 
Miami. 12 March 1895. 

Collector. L. Brownell. Original number 59. 
Condition. Skin complete (with bald spots on ven- 
trum). Skull complete. 

Type Series. 7 paratypes; B3406, B4517, B4518, 
(all represented by skin and skull), B4520—B4523 
(skins only); 4 females and 3 males. 

Comments. Retained as a valid subspecies by Hall 
(1981: 417) and Koprowski (1994: 1). 

Sciurus carolinensis var. yucatanensis J. 
A. Allen, 1877 

In Coues and J. A. Allen, Monogr. N. 
Amer. Rodentia, U.S. Geol. Geograph. 
Survey Terr., Rep. 11: 705, August. 

= Sciurus yucatanensis J. A. Allen, 1877. 
See Elliot (1896: 80). 

Syntype. MCZ 5398. Skin. Adult male. 
Locality. (Mexico): Yucatan, Merida. March 1865. 
Collector. A. Schott. Original number 228. For- 
merly USNM 8502. 
Condition. Skin complete. 
Type Series. J. A. Allen referred to “four specimens 
of this variety before me” in the original descrip- 
tion (1877: 705). Three specimens are mentioned 
by number: USNM 8502 (now MCZ 5398), 8503, 
and 8505. A juvenile referred to in the description 
(but not by number) corresponds to USNM 8504. 
Comments. S. yucatanensis was considered a valid 
species by Hoffman et al. (1993: 443) and Nowak 
(1999: 1265). The syntype of yucatanensis in the 
MCZ was received from the USNM in March 
1877. Poole and Schantz (1942: 554) state that 
USNM 8505 is no longer in the USNM. 

Sciurus ludovicianus vicinus Bangs, 1896) 
Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 10: 150, 28 

= Sciurus niger vulpinus Gmelin, 1896. 
See Barkalow (1954: 25). 

Holotype. B5215. Skin and skull. Adult female. 
Locality. (United States): West Virginia, Greenbri- 


er County, White Sulphur Springs. 29 January 

Collector. T. Surber. Original number 55. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. 

Type Series. There is a series of paratypes in the 

Sciurus nesaeus G. M. Allen, 1902b 
Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 15: 93, 25 

= Sciurus granatensis nesaeus G. M. 
Allen, 1902. See Hershkovitz (1947: 37). 

Holotype. MCZ 10744. Skin. Adult female. 
Locality. Venezuela: (Nueva Esparta), Margarita 
Island, El Valle. 8 July 1901. 
Collector. A. H. Clark. Original number 619. 
Condition. Skin complete. The lower incisors are 
present in the skin. 
Type Series. Holotype only. 
Comments. S. g. nesaeus was retained as a valid 
subspecies by Cabrera (1961: 367) and Nitikman 
(1985: 1). 

Sciurus variabilis morulus Bangs, 1900d 
Proc. New England Zool. Club, 2: 43, 20 

= Sciurus granatensis morulus Bangs, 
1900. See Miller and Kellogg (1955: 

Holotype. B8420. Skin and skull. Adult female. 
Locality. Panama: Canal Zone, Loma del Leon. 13 
March 1900. 

Collector. W. W. Brown, Jr. Original number 5. 
Condition. Skin complete. Skull slightly damaged 
(left bulla broken). 

Type Series. 5 paratypes; B8418, B8419, B8421— 
B8423 (juvenile); all represented by skin and skull, 
3 females and 2 males. 

Comments. S. g. morulus was retained as a valid 
subspecies by Hall (1981: 437) and Nitikman 
(1985: 1). 

Sciurus variabilis saltuensis Bangs, 18980 
Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 12: 185, 16 

= Sciurus granatensis saltuensis Bangs, 
1898. See Hershkovitz (1947: 15). 

Holotype. B8144. Skin and skull. Adult female. 
Locality. Colombia: Magdalena, Santa Marta 
Mountains, Pueblo Viejo, 8,000 ft (2,440 m). 26 
March 1898. 

Collector. W. W. Brown, Jr. Original number 112. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. 

Type Series. 2 paratypes; B8145, skin and skull, 
adult male; B8244, skin and skull, adult female. 
Comments. S. g. saltwensis was retained as a valid 


subspecies by Cabrera (1961: 368) and Nitikman 
(1985: 1). 

Genus SPERMOPHILUS F. Cuvier, 1825 

Citellus obscurus siccus G. M. Allen, 1925 
Amer. Mus. Novitates, 163: 3, 2 April. 

= Spermophilus alashanicus Buchner, 
1888. See Hoffmann et al. (1993: 444). 

Holotype. MCZ 19924. Skin and skull. Adult female. 
Locality. China: Shansi (=Shenxi), 10 miles (16.1 
km) west of Taiyuanfu. August 1921. 

Collector. F. R. Wulsin. Original number 146. 
Condition. Skin complete. Skull partial (parietals 
and basiooccipital missing, right tympanic bulla 
broken but present). Mandible disarticulated. 
Type Series. Holotype only. 

Spermophilus armatus Kennicott, 1863 
Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 15: 
158, June. 

Syntypes. MCZ 297: Skull. Male. Collected 11 April 
1858. Original number 167, formerly USNM 4799. 
MCZ 4793: Skin and skull. Male. Collected 2 April 
1858. Original number 140, formerly USNM 3478 
(3373). MCZ 4790: Skin. Female. Collected 26 
May 1858. Original number 455, formerly USNM 
3470 (3470). MCZ 4794: Skull only (skin spoiled in 
repreparation, discarded). Male. Collected April 
14, 1858. Original number 215, formerly USNM 
3474 (3373). 

Locality. (United States): Utah (now Wyoming), 
(Uinta County), near Fort Bridger, foothills of the 
Uinta Mountains, Camp Scott. 

Collector. C. Drexler. 

Type Series. See comments below. 

Comments. Considered a valid species by Hoff- 
mann et al. (1993: 444) and Nowak (1999: 1254). 
Kennicott does not designate a type in the original 
description; thus, “all the specimens from Fort 
Bridger collected by C. Drexler and in the collec- 
tions [of the USNM] prior to 1863 are evidently 
cotypes [=syntypes] of this species” (Lyon and Os- 
good 1909: 163). The syntypes of armatus in the 
MCZ were received from the USNM in January 
1874. These specimens possess USNM labels that 
bear numbers in discrepancy with the USNM cat- 
alogue; the numbers listed above are taken from 
the catalogue of the USNM, followed in parenthe- 
ses by the number on the specimen label. A com- 
plete list of syntypes, most of the remainder of 
which are in the USNM, can be found in Poole 
and Schantz (1942: 504-505). The skin of MCZ 
297, which formerly bore the number USNM 
3472, is not to be found in the collections of either 


Spermophilus elegans Kennicott, 1863 
Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 15: 
158, June. 

Syntypes. MCZ 4791: Skin. Female. Collected 11 
April 1858. Original number 168. Formerly USNM 
3468. MCZ 4792: Skin. Male. Collected 11 April 
1858. Original number 166. Formerly USNM 

Locality. (United States): Utah (now Wyoming), 
(Uinta County), Fort Bridger. 

Collector. C. Drexler. 

Condition. Following their receipt, these speci- 
mens were spoiled in repreparation and discarded. 
Type Series. See comments below. 

Comments. These specimens are no longer in ex- 
istence. Kennicott does not designate a type in the 
original description; thus, “all the specimens from 
Fort Bridger collected by C. Drexler and in the 
collections [of the USNM] prior to 1863 are evi- 
dently cotypes [=syntypes] of this species” (Lyon 
and Osgood 1909: 163). These syntypes of elegans 
were received from the USNM in January 1874. A 
complete list of syntypes can be found in Lyon and 
Osgood (1909: 166). G. M. Allen (1931: 251) er- 
roneously included MCZ 4791 in a list of the type 
series of Spermophilus armatus. S. elegans is con- 
sidered a valid species by Hoffmann et al. (1993: 
446) and Nowak (1999: 1254). 

Spermophilus (Ictidomys) tridecemlineatus 
badius Bangs, 1899c 

Proc. New England Zool. Club, 1: 1, 8 

= Spermophilus tridecemlineatus texensis 
Merriam, 1898. See Hall and Kelson 
(1959: 347). 

Holotype. B1682. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. (United States): Missouri (Vernon Coun- 
ty), Stotesbury. 17 April 1894. 

Collector. T. Surber. Original number 81. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. Mandible dis- 

Type Series. 2 paratypes; B1683, skin and skull, 
adult male; B5609, skin and skull, adult male. 
Comments. A. H. Howell (1938: 110) first synon- 
ymized badius with texensis under the genus Ci- 

Genus SYNTHEOSCIURUS Bangs, 1902 

Syntheosciurus brochus Bangs, 1902b 
Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 39: 25, April. 

Holotype. MCZ 10402. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. Panama: Chiriqui, Boquete (=Bajo Bo- 
quete), 7,000 ft (2,135 m). 30 April 1901. 
Collector. W. W. Brown, Jr. Original number 415. 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 2 

Condition. Skin complete. Skull partial (left supra- 
occipital damaged) 

Type Series. 1 paratype; MCZ 10403, skin and 
skull, adult female. 

Comments. Type species of the genus Syntheosciu- 
rus Bangs, 1902. Considered a valid species by 
Hoffman et al. (1993: 452) and Nowak (1999: 
1268). Following a discussion with a collector em- 
ployed by W. W. Brown, Jr., and a biological survey 
of Boquete, Enders (1953b: 509) recommended 
that the type locality be considered “the Cordillera 
about 8 miles [12.9 km] north of Boquete and not 
at Boquete which is on the lower slopes of El Vol- 
can de Chiriqui.” 

Genus TAMIAS llliger, 1811 

Tamias cooper! Baird, 1855 

Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 7: 
334, 24 April 24. 

= Tamias townsendii cooperi Baird, 1855. 
See Baird (1858: 737). 

Syntype. MCZ 4754. Skin only. Adult, unsexed. 
Locality. (United States): Washington (Skagit 
County), Clickitat (=Klickitat) Pass, Cascade 
Mountains, 4,500 ft (1,373 m). July 1853. See com- 

Collector. J. G. Cooper. Formerly USNM 211/ 

Condition. Skin complete. 

Type Series. The other syntype is USNM 212/1183, 
skin and skull, unsexed adult. 

Comments. No type is designated in the original 
description, but Baird subsequently explained that 
the two specimens listed above were those on 
which cooperi was based (1858: 301). Cooper 
(1869: 531) emended the type locality. The syntype 
of cooperi in the MCZ was received from the 
USNM in January 1874. 

Tamias dorsalis Baird, 1855 

Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 7: 
332, 24 April. 

=Tamias dorsalis dorsalis Baird, 1855. 
See Hayman and Holt (1940: 435). 

Syntype. MCZ 4759. Skin and mandible. 
Locality. (United States): New Mexico (Grant 
County), “Fort Webster, Coppermines of the Mim- 
bres” (near present Georgetown). 32°47’'N, 
108°41'W. 1851. See A. H. Howell (1929: 131). 
Collector. J. H. Clark. Formerly USNM 119/3151. 
Condition. Skin complete. Mandible partial (pos- 
terior of right mandibular ramus broken off and 
Type Series. The other syntype is USNM 120, skull 
within skin. 
Comments. No type is designated in the original 
description, but Baird subsequently listed the two 


specimens above as those on which dorsalis was 
based (1858: 300). The syntype of dorsalis in the 
MCZ was received from the USNM in January 

Tamias quadrivittatus neglectus J. A. 
Allen, 1890 

Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 3: 106, 

= Tamias minimus neglectus (J. A. Allen, 
1890). See Hayman and Holt (1940: 

Holotype. MCZ 1575. Skin and cranium. 
Locality. (Canada): (Ontario), eastern end of Lake 
Superior (near mouth of Montreal River). 5 July 
Collector. L. Agassiz. 
Condition. Skin complete. Cranium partial (zygo- 
matic arches, parietals, left tympanic bulla, and 
mandible missing). 
Type Series. The description mentions 6 paratypes, 
including MCZ 1567, skin and skull; and 4 others 
at USNM. 
Comments. Following A. H. Howell (1929: 54), 
Hayman and Holt (1940: 430) considered T. m. 
neglectus a synonym of T. m. borealis. However, 
neglectus was retained as a valid subspecies of min- 
imus by Hall (1981: 346) under the genus Euta- 

Tamias striatus venustus Bangs, 1896h 
Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 10: 137, 28 

Holotype. B5478. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. (United States): Indian Territory 
(=Oklahoma) (Adair County), Stilwell. 13 August 
Collector. T. Surber. Original number 63. 
Condition. Skin complete. Skull partial (condyle of 
left mandibular ramus missing). 

Type Series. 2 paratypes; B5479, skin and _ skull, 
adult female; B5605, skin and skull, adult male. 
Comments. Retained as a valid subspecies by Hall 
(1981: 340). 

Genus TAMIASCIURUS Trouessart, 1880 

Sciurus hudsonicus gymnicus Bangs, 

Proc. New England Zool. Club, 1: 28, 31 

= Tamiasciurus hudsonicus gymnicus 
(Bangs, 1899). See Osgood (1938: 438). 

Holotype. B4914. Skin and skull. Adult female. 
Locality. (United States): Maine, Piscataquis 


County, Greenville, near Moosehead Lake. 1 De- 
cember 1895. 

Collector. C. H. Goldthwaithe. Original number 2. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. 

Type Series. There is a series of paratypes in the 

Comments. T. h. gymnicus was retained as a valid 
subspecies by Hall (1981: 442) and Steele (1998: 

Sciurus hudsonicus loquax Bangs, 1896} 
Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 10: 161, 28 

= Tamiasciurus hudsonicus loquax 
(Bangs, 1896). See A. H. Howell (1936: 

Holotype. B4270. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. (United States): Connecticut, New Lon- 
don County, Liberty Hill. 24 December 1895. 
Collector. O. Bangs. Original number 3. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. 

Type Series. There is a large series of paratypes in 
the MCZ. 

Comments. T. h. loquax was retained as a valid sub- 
species by Hall (1981: 443) and Steele (1998: 1). 

Sciurus hudsonicus orarius Bangs, 1897i 
Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 11: 281, 30 

= Tamiasciurus douglasii mollipilosus 
(Audubon and Bachman, 1841). See 
Hayman and Holt (1940: 347). 

Holotype. B4978. Skin and skull. Adult female. 
Locality. (United States): California, Mendocino 
County, Philo. 9 December 1895. 

Collector. C. A. Allen. Original number 887. 
Condition. Skin complete. Skull partial (right tym- 
panic bulla broken). 

Type Series. 13 paratypes; B4832, B4979-B4989, 
B5462; all represented by skin and skull, 9 females 
and 4 males. 

Family CASTORIDAE Hemprich, 1820 
Genus CASTOR Linnaeus, 1758 

Castor caecator Bangs, 1913 

Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 54: 513, July. 
= Castor canadensis caecator Bangs, 
1913. See G. M. Allen (1942: 62). 

Holotype. B6979. Skull. Adult male. 
Locality. (Canada): Newfoundland, near Bay St. 
George. 1896. 
Collector. E. Doane. 
Condition. Skull complete. Mandible disarticulat- 



Type Series. Holotype only. 
Comments. C. c. caecator was retained as a valid 
subspecies by Hall (1981: 602). 

Family GEOMYIDAE Bonaparte, 1845 
Genus GEOMYS Rafinesque, 1817 

Geomys colonus Bangs, 1898b 

Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 28: 178, 15 

=Geomys pinetis pinetis Rafinesque, 
1817. See Williams and Genoways (1980: 

Holotype. B5001. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. (United States): Georgia, Camden Coun- 
ty, Arnot Plantation, about 4 miles (6.4 km) west 
of St. Mary’s. 21 March 1896. 

Collector. O. Bangs. Original number 8. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. 

Type Series. There is a series of paratypes in the 

Comments. Hall (1981: 505) recognized Geomys 
colonus as a valid species. 

Geomys cumberlandius Bangs, 1898b 
Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 28: 180, 15 

=Geomys pinetis pinetis Rafinesque, 
1817. See Williams and Genoways (1980: 

Holotype. B5016. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. (United States): Georgia, Camden Coun- 
ty, Cumberland Island, Stafford Place. 17 April 

Collector. O. Bangs. Original number 1. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. 

Type Series. There is a series of paratypes in the 

Comments. In the original description, Bangs lists 
B5015 as the type and gives its data. The data given 
fit B5016, not B5015. B5016 has “Type” written 
after the entry in Bangs’ catalogue and should be 
considered the holotype, rather than B5015. Hall 
(1981: 505) and Laerm (1981: 150) supported the 
specific status of Geomys cumberlandius. 

Geomys floridanus austrinus Bangs, 

Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 28: 177, 15 

=Geomys pinetis pinetis Rafinesque, 
1817. See Williams and Genoways (1980: 

Holotype. B6983. Skin and skull. Adult male. 

Locality. (United States): Florida, Pinellas County, 
Belleair. 3 August 1897. 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 2 

Collector. W. S. Dickinson. 

Condition. Skin and skull complete. Mandible dis- 

Type Series. 1 paratype, in the USNM. 

Geomys tuza goffi Sherman, 1944 
Proc. New England Zool. Club, 23: 38, 
30 August. 

=Geomys pinetis goffi Sherman, 1944. 
See Harper (1952: 37). 

Holotype. B7222. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. (United States): Florida, Brevard County, 
Eau Gallie. 1S March 1897. 

Collector. O. Bangs. Original number 1. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. 

Type Series. 12 paratypes; B7212—B7217, B7219— 
B7221; all represented by skin and skull, 5 females 
and 7 males. 

Comments. Williams and Genoways (1980: 444) 
synonymized gofft with G. pinetis pinetis; however, 
Hall (1981: 504) maintained G. p. goffi as a valid 
subspecies. The IUCN designates goffi as extinct. 

Genus ORTHOGEOMYS Merriam, 1895 

Macrogeomys cavator Bangs, 1902b 
Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 39: 42, April. 
= Orthogeomys cavator cavator (Bangs, 
1902). See Russell (1968a: 532). 

Holotype. MCZ 10381. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. Panama: Chiriqui, Boquete (=Bajo Bo- 
quete), 4,800 ft (1,464 m). 9 March 1901. 
Collector. W. W. Brown, Jr. Original number 212. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. Mandible dis- 

Type Series. There is a large series of paratypes in 
the MCZ. 

Comments. O. cavator was considered a valid spe- 
cies by Patton (1993: 470) and Nowak (1999: 1314). 

Macrogeomys pansa Bangs, 1902b 
Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 39: 44, April. 
= Orthogeomys cavator pansa (Bangs, 
1902). See Russell (1968a: 532). 

Holotype. MCZ 10364. Skin and skull. Adult female. 
Locality. Panama: Chiriqui, Bogaba, 600 ft (183 
m). 6 July 1901. 

Collector. W. W. Brown, Jr. Original number 567. 
Condition. Skin complete. Skull partial (right tym- 
panic bulla missing). 

Type Series. There are 7 paratypes; MCZ 10362— 
10363, 10365-10369, 4 females and 3 males, all 
represented by skin and skull. MCZ 10362 and 
10366 are now in the FMNH, and MCZ 10365 is 
in the USNM. 

Comments. O. c. pansa was retained as a valid sub- 
species by Hall (1981: 513). 


Orthogeomys grandis pluto Lawrence, 

Proc. New England Zool. Club, 13: 66, 8 

Holotype. MCZ 29040. Skin and skull. Adult female. 
Locality. Honduras: Francisco Morazan, north of 
Tegucigalpa, Cerro Cantoral. 20 July 1932. 
Collector. C. F. Underwood. Original number 

Condition. Skin and skull complete. 

Type Series. 2 paratypes; MCZ 29035, skin and 
skull, juvenile female; MCZ 29039, skin and skull, 
unsexed juvenile. 

Comments. Retained as a valid subspecies by Hall 
(1981: 509). 

Genus PAPPOGEOMYS Merriam, 1895 

Cratogeomys castanops rubellus Nelson 
and Goldman, 1934a 

Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 47: 147, 13 

=Pappogeomys castanops rubellus 
(Nelson and Goldman, 1934). See Russell 
(1968b: 682). 

Holotype. MCZ 20507. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. Mexico: San Luis Potosi, near San Luis 
Potosf, Soledad, 6,400 ft (1,952 m). 1 August 1923. 
Collector. W. W. Brown, Jr. Original number 231. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. Mandible dis- 

Type Series. There is a large paratype series in the 

Comments. P. c. rubellus was retained as a valid 
subspecies by Hall (1981: 520). 

Genus THOMOMYS Wied-Neuwied, 1839 

Thomomys umbrinus atrodorsalis Nelson 
and Goldman, 1934b 
J. Mammal., 15: 111, 15 May. 

Holotype. MCZ 20487. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. Mexico: San Luis Potosi, Alvarez, 8,000 
ft (2,440 m). 7 November 1923. 

Collector. W. W. Brown, Jr. Original number 338. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. Mandible dis- 

Type Series. There is a large series of paratypes in 
the MCZ. 

Comments. Retained as a valid subspecies by Hall 
(1981: 476). 


Family HETEROMYIDAE Gray, 1868 
Genus DIPODOMYS Gray, 1841 

Dipodomys californicus pallidulus Bangs, 

Proc. New England Zool. Club, 1: 65, 31 

=Dipodomys californicus californicus 
Merriam, 1890. See Kelt (1988: 1). 

Holotype. B9147. Skin and skull. Adult female. 
Locality. (United States): California, Colusa Coun- 
ty, Sites. 27 June 1896. 

Collector. P. O. Simons. Original number 222. 
Condition. Skin complete. Skull partial (left jugal 

Type Series. 1 paratype; B9148, skin and skull, 
adult female. 

Dipodops ordii palmeri J. A. Allen, 1891 
Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 3: 276, 30 

=Dipodomys ordii palmeri (J. A. Allen, 
1891). See Grinnell (1921: 96). 

Syntypes. MCZ 5886: Skin and skull. Juvenile male. 
MCZ 5887: Skin and skull. Unsexed juvenile. 
Locality. Mexico: San Luis Potosi, San Luis Potosi. 
1 May 1878. 

Collector. EF. Palmer. 

Condition. MCZ 5886: Skin complete. Skull partial 
(part of parietal, right occipital condyle, and tym- 
panic bulla missing). MCZ 5887: Skin complete. 
Skull partial (left squamosal process missing). Man- 
dible disarticulated. 

Type Series. 2 syntypes only. 

Comments. Allen did not specify a holotype in the 
original description, which he based on the two 
specimens above. D. 0. palmeri was retained as a 
valid subspecies by Hall (1981: 569). 

Genus HETEROMYS Desmarest, 1817 

Heteromys repens Bangs, 1902b 

Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 39: 45, April. 
=Heteromys desmarestianus repens 
Bangs, 1902. See Goldman (1920: 115). 

Holotype. MCZ 10356. Skin and skull. Adult female. 
Locality. Panama: Chiriqui, Boquete (=Bajo Bo- 
quete), 4,000 ft (1,220 m). 8 April 1901. 

Collector. W. W. Brown, Jr. Original number 264. 
Condition. Skin complete. Skull partial (left jugal 
and process of squamosal missing). 

Type Series. 5 paratypes, MCZ 10359, adult male, 
10355, adult male, 10358, adult male, 10361, ju- 
venile female, 10360, juvenile female. 

Comments. H. d. repens was retained as a valid 
subspecies by Hall (1981: 597). 


Genus LIOMYS Merriam, 1902 

Heteromys alleni Coues, 1881 

In J. A. Allen, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 8: 
187, March. 

=Liomys irroratus alleni (Coues, 1881). 
See Goldman (1911: 56). 

Holotype. MCZ 5889. Skin and skull. Male. 
Locality. (Mexico): San Luis Potosi, Rio Verde, Ha- 
cienda Angostura. 26 February 1878. 

Collector. E. Palmer. 

Condition. Skin complete, skull within skin. 

Type Series. Holotype only. 

Comments. L. i. alleni was retained as a valid sub- 
species by Hall (1981: 590). 

Genus PEROGNATHUS Wied-Neuwied, 

Perognathus longimembris bangsi Mearns, 

Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 10: 300, 31 

Holotype. B5304. Skin and skull. Adult female. 
Locality. (United States): California, (Riverside 
County), Colorado Desert, Palm Springs, 450 ft 
(137 m). 13 April 1896. 

Collector. E. C. Thurber. Original number 644. 
Condition. Skin complete. Skull partial (teeth sep- 
arate from skull). Mandible disarticulated. 

Type Series. 2 paratypes; B5302, adult male, skin 
and skull; B5303, adult female, skin and skull. 
Comments. Retained as a valid subspecies by Hall 
(1981: 537). 

Family DIPODIDAE Fischer de Waldheim, 

Genus ZAPUS Coues, 1875 

Zapus hudsonius hardyi Batchelder, 1899 
Proc. New England Zool. Club, 1: 5, 8 
February. : 

=Zapus hudsonicus acadicus (Dawson, 
1856). See Krutzsch (1954: 432). 

Holotype. MCZ 41681. Skin and skull. Adult female. 
Locality. (United States): Maine, Hancock County, 
Mount Desert Island. 24 August 1898. 

Collector. C. F. Batchelder. Original number 1597. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. 

Type Series. There is a series of paratypes in the 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 2 

Zapus hudsonius ladas Bangs, 1899d 
Proc. New England Zool. Club, 1: 10, 28 

Holotype. B4169. Skin and skull. Adult female. 
Locality. (Canada): Labrador, Hamilton Inlet, Ri- 
goulette. 15 July 1895. 

Collector. C. H. Goldthwaite. Original number 2. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. Mandible dis- 

Type Series. There is a large series of paratypes, 
most of which are in the MCZ. 

Comments. Retained as a valid subspecies by Hall 
(1981: 843). 

Zapus orarius Preble, 1899 

N. Amer. Fauna, 15: 29, 8 August. 
=Zapus trinotatus orarius Preble, 1899. 
See Hooper (1944: 67). 

Holotype. B250. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. (United States): California, Marin Coun- 
ty, Point Reyes. 14 May 1893. 

Collector. C. A. Allen. Original number 618. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. 

Type Series. 3 paratypes, not in MCZ; mentioned 
by locality in original description. 

Comments. Z. t. orarius was retained as a valid sub- 
species by Hall (1981: $46) and Gannon (1988: 1). 

Family MURIDAE Illiger, 1811 
Subfamily ARVICOLINAE Gray, 1821 
Genus CHIONOMYS Miller, 1908 

Hypudaeus nivicola Schinz, 1845 

Syst. Verzeichniss Saiugethiere Synopsis 
Mammalium, 2: 236. 

=Chionomys nivalis (Martins, 1842). See 
Musser and Carleton (1993: 507). 

Syntype. MCZ 1291. Skin. Juvenile female. 
Locality. Switzerland: St. Gotthard. 
Collector. Received from L. Agassiz, 
Condition. Skin complete. 
Type Series. Schinz wrote that he had examined 16 
specimens, “junge und alte.” 
Comments. G. M. Allen discussed the somewhat 
uncertain type status of this specimen (1931: 263). 
The original label bears the following: “Hypodaeus 
[sic] nivicola juv. 2 sp. nov. du St. Gotthard et du 
Faulhorn.” Louis Agassiz, a student of Schinz’s, de- 
posited the specimen in the MCZ. 


Genus CLETHRIONOMYS Tilesius, 1850 

Evotomys proteus Bangs, 1897g 

In Bailey, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 
11: 137, 13 May. 

=Clethrionomys gapperi proteus (Bangs, 
1897). See Jackson (1938: 433). 

Holotype. B4081. Skin and skull. Adult female. 
Locality. (Canada): Labrador, Hamilton Inlet. 27 
August 1895. 

Collector. C. H. Goldthwaite. Original number 10. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. Mandible dis- 

Type Series. There is a large series of paratypes in 
the MCZ. 

Comments. C. g. proteus was retained as a valid 
subspecies by Hall (1981: 783). 

Genus DICROSTONYX Gloger, 1841 

Dicrostonyx chionopaes G. M. Allen, 

Proc. New England Zool. Club, 5: 62, 9 

= Dicrostonyx torquatus chionopaes G. M. 
Allen, 1914. See Ognev (1948: 507). 

Holotype. MCZ 15263. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. U.S.S.R. (=Russian Federation): eastern 
Siberia, Nijni Kolymsk (Nizhnekolymsk), near 
mouth of Kolyma River. 15 October 1911. 
Collector. J. Koren. Original number 257. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. Mandible dis- 

Type Series. Holotype only. 

Dicrostonyx exsul G. M. Allen, 1919a 
Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 62: 532, 

Holotype. MCZ 11885. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. (United States): (Alaska), St. Lawrence Is- 
land. 24 June 1913. 

Collector. J. Dixon. Original number 3267. 
Condition. Skin complete. Skull partial (basioccip- 
ital and right tympanic bulla missing). Mandible 

Type Series. 3 paratypes; MCZ 11883, skin and 
skull, female; MCZ 11884, skin and skull, female: 
USNM 232007, skin and skull, female. 

Comments. Considered a valid species by Musser 
and Carleton (1993: 510) but included in D. groen- 
landicus by Nowak (1999: 1479). 

Genus EOTHENOMYS Miller, 1896 

Craseomys aquilus G. M. Allen, 1912b 
Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., 40: 216, 

=Eothenomys eva eva (Thomas, 1911). 
See G. M. Allen (1940: 837). 

Holotype. MCZ 7190. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. China: Hupeh (=Hubei), Showlungtan. 
17 May 1907. 

Collector. W. R. Zappey. Original number 10. 
Condition. Skin complete. Skull partial (hole in left 
parietal, occiput missing). 

Type Series. 5 paratypes; MCZ 7189, 7191-7194, 
7196; all represented by skin and skull, all female. 

Microtus (Eothenomys) aurora G. M. 
Allen, 1912b 

Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., 40: 211, 

=Eothenomys melanogaster aurora (G. M. 
Allen, 1912). See Hinton (1923: 149). 

Holotype. MCZ 7788. Skin and skull. Male. 
Locality. China: Hupeh (=Hubei), Changyangh- 
sieh. 2 February 1909. 

Collector. W. R. Zappey. Original number 372. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. 

Type Series. 3 paratypes; MCZ 7185, skin and skull, 
female; MCZ 7186, skin and skull, male; MCZ 
7188, skin and skull, male. 

Comments. E. m. aurora was retained as a valid 
subspecies by Zhang et al. (1997: 229). 

Microtus (Eothenomys) mucronatus G. M. 
Allen, 1912b 

Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., 40: 214, 

=Eothenomys melanogaster melanogaster 
(Milne-Edwards, 1871). See G. M. Allen 
(1940: 806). 

Holotype. MCZ 7789. Skin and skull. Adult female. 

Locality. China: western Szechwan (=Sichuan), 
Tachiao, 12,000 ft (3,660 m). 11 August 1908. 
Collector. W. R. Zappey. Original number 269. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. Mandible dis- 
Type Series. 3 paratypes; MCZ 7790, skin and skull, 
adult female (exchanged to the BMNH); MCZ 
7791, skin and skull, adult female; MCZ 7803, skin 
and skull, juvenile female. 


Genus LEMMUS Link, 1795 

Lemmus paulus G. M. Allen, 1914b 

Proc. New England Zool. Club, 5: 60, 9 

=Lemmus sibiricus chrysogaster J. A. 
Allen, 1903. See Ellerman and Morrison- 
Scott (1951: 656). 

Holotype. MCZ 15268. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. (Russian Federation): northeastern Sibe- 
ria, Kalaschowo, near mouth of Kolyma River. 22 
June 1912. 

Collector. J. Koren. Original number 152. 
Condition. Skin complete. Skull partial (left man- 
dibular ramus missing). 

Type Series. 1 paratype; MCZ 15267, skin, female. 

Genus MICROTUS Schrank, 1798 

Arvicola breweri Baird, 1858 
Mammals, in Repts. Explor. Surveys 
Railr. to Pacific, 8(1): 525, 14 July. 
=WMicrotus breweri (Baird, 1858). See 
Miller (1896: 83). 

Syntype. MCZ 4365. Body in alcohol. Formerly 
USNM 2833. 
Locality. (United States): Massachusetts, Nantuck- 
et County, off Nantucket Island, Muskeeget (=Mu- 
skeget) Island. July 1856. 
Collector. T. M. Brewer. 
Condition. Alcoholic. 
Type Series. There are 5 other syntypes (see Poole 
and Schantz, 1942: 271-272), all of which were at 
one time in the USNM. 
Comments. Poole and Schantz (1942: 271) noted 
that USNM 2829, a syntype of breweri, could not 
be found. 

Arvicola riparia var. longipilis Baird, 1858 
Mammals, in Repts. Explor. Surveys 
Railr. to Pacific, 8(1): 524, 14 July. 
=Microtus pennsylvanicus pennsylvanicus 
(Ord, 1815). See Bailey (1900: 16). 

Syntype. MCZ 5292. Skin and skull. 
Locality. (United States): Illinois, (Cook County), 
West Northfield. Spring 1855. 
Collector. R. Kennicott. Formerly USNM 745. 
Condition. Skin complete. Skull partial (part of pa- 
rietal, both tympanic bullae and palatine missing). 
Mandible disarticulated. 
Type Series. See comments. 
Comments. G. M. Allen (1931: 260), mentioned 
that “although no individuals are mentioned [in 
Baird’s description], ... [this] specimen was un- 
doubtedly among those examined by Baird in pre- 
paring his diagnosis and, therefore, is a cotype 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 2 

[=syntype].” Baird’s specimens were collected by 
Kennicott at West Northfield, [linois, and by Hoy 
at Racine, Wisconsin, and were apparently depos- 
ited in the USNM. Lyon and Osgood (1909) and 
Poole and Schantz (1942) make no mention of oth- 
er syntypes. 

Arvicola rufidorsum Baird, 1858 

Repts. Explor. Surveys Railr. to Pacific, 
8(1): 526, 14 July. 

= Microtus pennsylvanicus pennsylvanicus 
(Ord, 1815). See Bailey (1900: 16). 

Holotype. MCZ 54372. Skin and skull. 
Locality. (United States): Massachusetts, (Duke’s 
County), Martha’s Vineyard, Holmes Hole. 
Collector. D. J. Wyman. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. Mandible dis- 
Type Series. Holotype only. 
Comments. This specimen has formerly been 
BSNH 1949 and USNM 901. 

Arvicola terraenovae Bangs, 1894a 
Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 9: 129, 27 

=Microtus pennsylvanicus terraenovae 
(Bangs, 1894). See Davis (1936: 290). 

Holotype. B1104. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. (Canada): Newfoundland, Codroy. 27 No- 
vember 1893. 

Collector. E. Doane. Original number 4. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. 

Type Series. There is a series of paratypes in the 

Comments. M. p. terraenovae was retained as a val- 
id subspecies by Hall (1981: 796). 

Microtus chrotorrhinus ravus Bangs, 

Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 12: 188, 16 

Holotype. B7951. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. (Canada): Labrador, Strait of Belle Isle, 
Black Bay. 15 July 1898. 

Collector. E. Doane. Original number 4. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. Mandible dis- 

Type Series. Paratype material consists of Bangs’ 
series from the type locality; B7952—7967, all rep- 
resented by skin and skull, 10 females, 3 males, and 
3 unsexed individuals. B7953 and B7955 were ex- 
changed to MVZ in 1937; B7964 was exchanged to 
USNM in 1922. 

Comments. Retained as a valid subspecies by Hall 
(1981: 811) and Kirkland and Jannett (1982: 1). 


Microtus enixus Bangs, 1896g 

Amer. Nat., 30: 1051, 1 December. 
=Microtus pennsylvanicus enixus Bangs, 
1896. See Davis (1936: 290). 

Holotype. B3973. Skin and skull. Adult female. 
Locality. (Canada): Labrador, Hamilton Inlet. 15 
July 1895. 

Collector. C. H. Goldthwaite. Original number 4. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. 

Type Series. There is a large series of paratypes in 
the MCZ. 

Comments. M. p. enixus was retained as a valid 
subspecies by Hall (1981: 793). 

Microtus fontigenus Bangs, 1896d 
Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 10: 48, 9 

=Microtus pennsylvanicus fontigenus 
Bangs, 1896. See Miller (1897: 14). 

Holotype. B3837. Skin and skull. Adult female. 
Locality. (Canada): Quebec, Lake Edward. 28 Sep- 
tember 1895. 

Collector. E. A. and O. Bangs. Original number 9. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. Mandible dis- 

Type Series. 7 paratypes; B3838—B3544; all repre- 
sented by skin and skull, 2 females and 5 males. 
Comments. M. p. fontigenus was retained as a valid 
subspecies by Hall (1981: 793). 

Microtus koreni G. M. Allen, 1914b 

Proc. New England Zool. Club, 5: 64, 9 


=Microtus oeconomus koreni G. M. Allen, 
1914. See Ellerman and Morrison-Scott 

(1951: 706). 

Holotype. MCZ 15213. Skin and skull. Adult female. 
Locality. (Russian Federation): northeastern Sibe- 
ria, Nijni Kolymsk (=Nizhnekolymsk), near mouth 
of Kolyma River. 1 November 1911. 

Collector. J. Koren. Original number 132. 
Condition. Skin complete. Skull partial (left tym- 
panic bulla broken, right mandibular ramus miss- 

Type Series. There is a large series of paratypes in 
the MCZ. 

Microtus pennsilvanicus [sic] shattucki 
Howe, 1901 

iRnoe Portland Soc) Nat. Iaist.. 2 2012 31 

=Microtus pennsylvanicus shattucki 
Howe, 1901. See Wyman (1922: 162). 

Holotype. MCZ 10011. Skin and skull. Adult female. 
Locality. (United States): Maine, Penobscot Bay, 


near Long Island, Tumble Down Dick Island. 10 
July 1900. 

Collector. R. H. Howe and G. C. Shattuck. Original 
number 31. 

Condition. Skin and skull complete. 

Type Series. There is a small series of paratypes in 
the MCZ. 

Comments. Wyman (1922: 166) considered M. p. 
shattucki a synonym of M. p. pennsylvanicus, but 
Hall (1981: 796) retained it as a separate subspe- 

Microtus pennsylvanicus acadicus Bangs, 
Amer. Nat., 31: 239, 1 March. 

Holotype. B2155. Skin and skull. Adult female. 
Locality. Canada: Nova Scotia, Digby. 22 July 

Collector. O. Bangs. 

Condition. Skin and skull complete. 

Type Series. There is a series of paratypes in the 

Comments. Retained as a valid subspecies by Hall 
(1981: 792). 

Microtus provectus Bangs, 1908 

Proc. New England Zool. Club, 4: 20, 6 

=Microtus pennsylvanicus provectus 
Bangs, 1908. See Chamberlain (1954: 

Holotype. B9794. Skin and skull. Adult female. 
Locality. (United States): Rhode Island, Block Is- 
land. 5 August 1899. 

Collector. O. Bangs. Original number 11. 
Condition. Skin complete. Skull partial (tympanic 
bullae broken). Mandible disarticulated and angu- 
lar process chipped. 

Type Series. There is a series of paratypes in the 

Comments. M. p. provectus was retained as a valid 
subspecies by Hall (1981: 796). 

Genus MYOPUS Miller, 1910 

Myopus thayeri G. M. Allen, 1914b 

Proc. New England Zool. Club, 5: 58, 9 

=Myopus schisticolor thayeri G. M. Allen, 
1914. See Ognev (1948: 526). 

Holotype. MCZ 15264. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. (Russian Federation): northeastern Sibe- 
ria, Yakutsk, Nijni Kolymsk (=Nizhnekolymsk), 
near mouth of Kolyma River. 28 March 1912. 
Collector. J. Koren. Original number 264. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. Mandible dis- 


Comments. 1 paratype; MCZ 15265, skin and skull, 

Genus ONDATRA Link, 1795 

Fiber obscurus Bangs, 1894b 

Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 9: 133, 15 

= Ondatra zibethicus obscurus (Bangs, 
1894). See Cameron (1959: 85). 

Holotype. B1155. Skin and skull. Adult female. 
Locality. (Canada): Newfoundland, Codroy. 14 
May 1894. 

Collector. E. Doane. Original number 3. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. Mandible dis- 

Type Series. There is a small series of paratypes in 
the MCZ. 

Comments. O. z. obscurus was retained as a valid 
subspecies by Hall (1981: 827). 

Fiber zibethicus aquilonius Bangs, 1899d 
Proc. New England Zool. Club, 1: 11, 28 

= Ondatra zibethicus aquilonius (Bangs, 
1899). See Miller (1912:231). 

Holotype. B3957. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. (Canada): Labrador, Hamilton Inlet, Ri- 
goulette. 15 August 1895. 

Collector. C. H. Goldthwaite. Original number 11. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. Mandible dis- 

Type Series. 3 paratypes; B7974, skin and skull, 
adult female; B7975, skin and_ skull, juvenile; 
B8704, skull, juvenile. 

Comments. O. z. aquilonius was retained as a valid 
subspecies by Hall (1981: 825). 

Fiber zibethicus rivalicius Bangs, 1895b 
Proce, Bostom Soc. Nat Hist) 26:54" 31 

= Ondatra zibethicus rivalicius (Bangs, 

1895). See Davis and Lowery (1940: 

Holotype. B2719. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. (Canada): Louisiana, Plaquemines Parish, 
Burbridge. 31 January 1895. 

Collector. F. L. Small. Original number 1556/165. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. 

Type Series. 4 paratypes; B2720, skin and skull, 
adult female; B2721, skin and skull, adult male: 
B2883, skin and skull, male; B2884, skin and skull, 

Comments. O. z. rivalicius was retained as a valid 
subspecies by Hall (1981: 827). 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 2 

Genus PHENACOMYS Merriam, 1889 

Phenacomys celatus crassus Bangs, 

Proc. New England Zool. Club, 2: 39, 20 

=Phenacomys ungava crassus Bangs, 
1900. See A. B. Howell (1926: 27). 

Holotype. B3959. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. (Canada): Labrador, Hamilton Inlet, Ri- 
goulette. 15 August 1895. 

Collector. C. H. Goldthwaite. Original number 1. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. 

Type Series. There is a small series of paratypes, 
most of which are no longer in the MCZ. 
Comments. In the original description, “3946” is a 
misprint for 3964. 

Genus SYNAPTOMYS Baird, 1858 

Synaptomys fatuus Bangs, 1896d 
Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 10: 47, 9 

= Synaptomys cooperi cooperi Baird, 
1858. See Wetzel (1955:8). 

Holotype. B3857. Skin and skull. Adult female. 
Locality. (Canada): Quebec, Lake Edward. 28 Sep- 
tember 1895. 

Collector. E. A. and O. Bangs. Original number 3. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. 

Type Series. 8 paratypes; B3854—B3856, B3858— 
B3862; all represented by skin and skull, 3 females 
and 5 males. 

Synaptomys (Mictomys) innuitus 
medioximus Bangs, 1900c 

Proc. New England Zool. Club, 2: 40, 20 

= Synaptomys borealis medioximus 
Bangs, 1900. See A. B. Howell (1927: 9). 

Holotype. B8852. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. (Canada): Labrador, Strait of Belle Isle, 
Lance (=Lanse) au Loup. 15 April 1899. 
Collector. E. Doane. Original number 7. 
Condition. Skin complete. Skull slightly damaged 
(hole in left parietal). 

Type Series. 1 paratype; B3972, skin and skull, 
adult male. 

Comments. S. b. medioximus was retained as a val- 
id subspecies by Hall (1981: 834). 


Subfamily CRICETINAE Fischer de 
Waldheim, 1817 

Genus CANSUMYS G. M. Allen, 1928 

Cansumys canus G. M. Allen, 1928 
J. Mammal., 9: 245, 9 August. 

Holotype. MCZ 23779. Skin and skull. Adult female. 
Locality. China: southern Kansu (=Xinjiang), 
Choni. 9 December 1925. 

Collector. R. B. Ekvall. Original number 79. 
Condition. Skin complete. Skull partial (left jugal 
and occiput missing). 

Type Series. 1 paratype; MCZ 23780, skin and 
skull, juvenile male. 

Comments. Type species of Cansumys G. M. Allen, 
1928. Considered a valid species by Musser and 
Carleton (1993: 537) and Nowak (1999: 1423). 
Known only by the type series and one additional 
specimen, FMNH 36067. 

Subfamily CRICETOMYINAE Roberts, 

Genus SACCOSTOMUS Peters, 1846 

Saccostomus cricetulus G. M. Allen and 
Lawrence, 1936 

Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 79: 100, January. 
=Saccostomus mearnsi Heller, 1910. See 
Hubert (1978: 51). 

Holotype. MCZ 31475. Skin and skull. Subadult male. 

Locality. Uganda: Sabei District, due north of 

Mount Elgon, south bank of Greek River (=Kelim 
River), 3,000 ft (915 m). 5 December 1933. 
Collector. A. Loveridge. 

Condition. Skin complete. Skull partial (right tym- 
panic bulla missing). Mandible disarticulated. 
Type Series. 1 paratype; MCZ 31474, skin and 
skull, adult female. 

Allen, 1939 

Genus STEATOMYS Peters, 1846 

Steatomys pratensis nyasae Lawrence 
and Loveridge, 1953 
Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 110: 39, June. 

Holotype. MCZ 44213. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. Nyasaland (=Malawi): foot of Mulanje 
Mountain, Likabula River, 2,100 ft (641 m). 29 July 

Collector. A. Loveridge. 

Condition. Skin and skull complete. 

Type Series. 14 paratypes; MCZ 44214-44216, 
4421844228; all represented by skin and skull, 9 
males and 5 females. 

LI 7 

Comments. Retained as a valid subspecies by An- 
sell (1978: 77). 

Subfamily GERBILLINAE Gray, 1825 
Genus TATERA Lataste, 1882 

Tatera flavipes G. M. Allen, 1914d 

Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 58: 331, July. 

=Tatera valida kempi Wroughton, 1906. 

See Bates (1988: 277). 

Holotype. MCZ 14491. Skin and skull. Adult female. 
Locality. Sudan: Blue Nile, north of (Er) Roseires, 
Aradeiba. 22 January 1913. 

Collector. G. M. Allen and J. C. Phillips. Original 
number 69. . 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. Mandible dis- 

Type Series. Holotype only. 

Tatera soror G. M. Allen, 1914d 

Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 58: 333, July. 

= Tatera valida kempi Wroughton, 1906. 

See Bates (1988: 277). 

Holotype. MCZ 14492. Skin and skull. Adult female. 
Locality. Sudan: Blue Nile, Fazogli. 16 January 

Collector. G. M. Allen and J. C. Phillips. Original 
number 53. 

Condition. Skin and skull complete. Mandible dis- 

Type Series. 1 paratype; MCZ 14493, skin and 
skull, juvenile male. 

Genus TATERILLUS Thomas, 1910 

Taterillus melanops G. M. Allen, 1912a 
Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 54: 446, April. 
= Taterillus harringtoni (Thomas, 1906). 
See Musser and Carleton (1993: 563). 
Holotype. MCZ 8132. Skin and skull. Male. 
Locality. British East Africa (=Kenya): arid plains 
by the Meru River. 11 August 1909. 
Collector. G. M. Allen. Original number 108. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. 
Type Series. Holotype only. 

Subfamily MURINAE Illiger, 1811 
Genus APODEMUS Kaup, 1829 

Apodemus mystacinus euxinus G. M. 

Allen, 1915b 

Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 59: 11, 


=Apodemus mystacinus mystacinus 

(Danford and Alston, 1877). See Corbet 

(1978: 133). 

Holotype. MCZ 14887. Skin and skull. Male. 
Locality. Asia Minor (=Turkey): (Trabzon), near 


Trebizond (=Trabzon), Scalita, 1,000 m. 25 No- 
vember 1905. 

Collector. A. Robert. Original number 2189. 
Condition. Skin complete. Skull partial (right and 
left jugal missing, right tympanic bulla separated 
but present, right and left squamosal missing). 
Mandible disarticulated. 

Type Series. Holotype only. 

Genus DASYMYS Peters, 1875 

Dasymys incomtus alleni Lawrence and 
Loveridge, 1953 
Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 110: 53, June. 

Holotype. MCZ 26322. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. Tanganyika Territory (=Tanzania): 
(Mbeya), Iolo, near Rungwe Mountains, 4,600 ft 
(1,403 m). 31 March 1930. 

Collector. A. Loveridge. 

Condition. Skin and skull complete. Mandible dis- 
articulated and right coronoid process chipped. 
Type Series. 11 paratypes, all represented by skin 
and skull, in the MCZ. 

Comments. Retained as a valid subspecies by An- 
sell (1978: 83). 

Genus GRAMMOMYS Thomas, 1915 

Thamnomys ochraceus G. M. Allen, 

Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 54: 442, April 

=Grammomys macmillani (Wroughton, 
1907). See Musser and Carleton (1993: 

Holotype. MCZ 8126. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. British East Africa (=Kenya): Meru Riv- 
er, near junction with northern Guaso Nyiro 
(=Ewaso Ngiro). 8 August 1909. 

Collector. G. M. Allen. Original number 103. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. 
Type Series. Holotype only. 

Genus HYLOMYSCUS Thomas, 1926 

Hylomyscus alleni simus G. M. Allen and 
Coolidge, 1930 

In Strong, The African Republic of 
Liberia and the Belgian Congo, 2: 599, 

=Hylomyscus alleni (Waterhouse, 1838). 

See Heim de Balsac and Aellen (1965: 

Holotype. MCZ 24028. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. Liberia: Merikay. 13 September 1926. 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 2 

Collector. G. M. Allen and H. J. Coolidge, Jr. Orig- 
inal number 97. 

Condition. Skin and skull complete. Mandible dis- 

Type Series. There is a series of paratypes in the 

Genus MELOMYS Thomas, 1922 

Melomys levipes stevensi Rummler, 1935 
Z. Saugetierkunde, 10: 109, 31 

=Melomys mollis Thomas, 1913. See 
Flannery (1990: 226). 

Holotype. MCZ 29890. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. Papua New Guinea: Morobe, Mount Mis- 
im (=Missim), 6,700 ft (2,044 m). 17 April 1933. 
Collector, H. Stevens. 

Condition. Skin and skull complete. Mandible dis- 

Type Series. 11 paratypes; MCZ 29889, 29892— 
29899, 29901; all represented by skin and skull, 4 
females and 7 males. 

Melomys moncktoni alleni Rummler, 1935 
Z. Séugetierkunde, 10: 112, 31 

=Melomys rubex alleni Rummler, 1935. 
See Tate (1951: 299). 

Holotype. MCZ 29902. Skin and skull. Adult female. 
Locality. Papua New Guinea: Morobe, Mount Mis- 
im (=Missim), 6,700 ft (2,044 m). 17 April 1933. 
Collector, H. Stevens. 

Condition. Skin and skull complete. Mandible dis- 

Type Series. 1 paratype; MCZ 29900, skin and 
skull, adult male. 

Comments. Flannery (1995a: 308-309) did not list 
subspecies of M. rubex, noting, “It is a very variable 
species, and a taxonomic revision is needed in or- 
der to clarify the taxonomic status of many popu- 

Genus MUS Linnaeus, 1758 

Leggada bufo ablutus G. M. Allen and 
Loveridge, 1942 

Bull’yMuss Comp. ZooleiSO 199! 

=Mus bufo (Thomas, 1906). See Musser 
and Carleton (1993: 622). 

Holotype. MCZ 40745. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. Belgian Congo (=Democratic Republic | 
of Congo): Kivu, Lake Kivu, Idjwi Island, Upper — 
Mulinga, 6,500 ft (1,983 m). 24 February 1939. 
Collector. A. Loveridge. 


Condition. Skin and skull complete. Mandible dis- 

Type Series. 2 paratypes; MCZ 40746, 
skull (no longer in MCZ); MCZ 40747, 

skull, female. 

skin and 
skin and 

Leggada gerbillus G. M. Allen and 
Loveridge, 1933 

Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 

=Mus tenellus (Thomas, 1903). See 
Musser and Carleton (1993: 629). 

Holotype. MCZ 26586. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. pei Territory (=Tanzania): Do- 
doma, Ugogo, 3,700 ft (1, 129 m). 23 December 

Collector. A. Loveridge. 

Condition. Skin complete. Skull partial (right jugal 
missing). Mandible disarticulated and angular pro- 
cess of right ramus chipped. 

Type Series. Holotype only. 

Tee Aes. 

Mus bactrianus tantillus G. M. Allen, 1927 
Amer. Mus. Novitates 270: 9, 31 May. 
=Mus musculus tantillus G. M. Allen, 
1927. See Marshall (1977: 214). 

Holotype. MCZ 23476. Skin and skull. Adult female. 
Locality. China: Sze-chuan (=Sichuan), Wanhsien 
(=Wanxian). 14 November 1921. 

Collector. W. W. Granger. 

Condition. Skin complete. Skull partial (6 frag- 
mone Mandible disarticulated. 

Type Series. There is a series of paratypes in the 
AMNH, anal 1 paratype in the MCZ; MCZ 23475 
(formerly AMNH 56403), skin and skull, male. 
Comments. This specimen was formerly AMNH 
56416. The original description lists AMNH 56413 
as the holotype, but this specimen is a juvenile, not 
an adult female, as Allen stated. The collection date 
and measurements of the holotype in the original 
description fit MCZ 23476 rather than any other 
specimens in the type series at the AMNH, which 
are all immatures (Lawrence 1993: 136). 

Genus MYOMYS Thomas, 1915 

Praomys fumatus oweni Setzer, 1956 
Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 106: 525, 28 

=Myomys fumatus (Peters, 1878). See 
Musser and Carleton (1993: 631). 

Holotype. MCZ 45883. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. Anglo-Egyptian Sudan (=Sudan): Equa- 
toria Province, Torit District, Murukurun, 50 miles 
(80.5 km) east of Torit, 2,000 ft (610 m). 9 May 


Collector. J. S. Owen. Original number 1030. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. 

Type Series. There is a series of paratypes in the 

Genus NIVIVENTER Marshall, 1976 

Epimys zappeyi G. M. Allen, 1912b 

Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., 40: 225, 


=WNiviventer confucianus (Milne-Edwards, 

1871). See Musser and Carleton (1993: 


Holotype. MCZ 7607. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. China: western Szechwan (=Sichuan), 
Washan Mountains (=Wu Shan), 9,000 ft (2,745 
m). 26 October 1908S. 

Collector. W. R. Zappey. Original number 305. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. Mandible dis- 

Type Series. Holotype only. 

Genus OENOMYS Thomas, 1904 

Oenomys hypoxanthus talangae Setzer, 

Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 

106: 505, 28 

Holotype. MCZ 45315. Skin and skull. Adult female. 
Locality. Anglo- Egyptian Sudan (=Sudan): Equa- 
toria Province, Imatong Mountains, Talanga For- 
est, 3,000 ft (915 m). 10 July 1950. 

Collector. J. S. Owen. Original number 1338. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. 
Type Series. | paratype; MCZ 45284, 
skull, male. 

Genus PRAOMYS Thomas, 1915 

Praomys tullbergi melanotus G. M. Allen 
and Loveridge, 1933 
Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 

=Praomys delectorum (Thomas, 1910). 
See Musser and Carleton (1993: 642). 

Holotype. MCZ 26287. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. Tanganyika Territory (=Tanzania): north- 
west end of Lake Nyasa, Poroto Mountains, Nyam- 
wanga, 6,400 ft (1 952 m). 21 March 1930. 
Collector. A. Loveridge. 

Condition. Skin complete. Skull partial (left tym- 
panic bulla missing). Mandible disarticulated. 
Type Series. 23 paratypes; MCZ 26259, 26285, 
26256, 26288—26293, 26295-26297, 26387-26394, 
26411, 26497, 26498: all represented by skin and 

skin and 

Tex Alley 


Comments. Van der Straeten and Dieterlen (1987: 
9) and Van der Straeten and Dudu (1990: 81) treat- 
ed melanotus as a species within the Praomys de- 
lectorum species complex. 


Pseudohydromys murinus Rummler, 1934 
Z. Siiugetierkunde, 9: 48, 30 December. 

Holotype. MCZ 29904. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. Papua New Guinea, Morobe, Mount Mis- 
im (=Missim), 7,000 ft (2,135 m). 8 March 1933. 
Collector. H. Stevens. 

Condition. Skin complete, with small bald spots. 
Skull complete. Mandible disarticulated. 

Type Series. Holotype only. 

Comments. Type species of Pseudohydromys Rii- 
mmier, 1934, Considered a valid species by Flan- 
nery (1995a: 255), Musser and Carleton (1993: 
644), and Nowak (1999: 1612). 

Genus STENOMYS Thomas, 1910 

Stenomys niobe stevensi Rummler, 1935 
Z. Séugetierkunde, 10: 117, 31 

=Stenomys niobe niobe (Thomas, 1906). 
See Flannery (1995a: 339). 

Holotype. MCZ 29915. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. Papua New Guinea: Morobe, Mount Mis- 
im (=Missim), 7,000 ft (2,135 m). 16 January 1933. 
Collector. H. Stevens. Original number 8. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. Mandible dis- 

Type Series. Holotype only. 
Comments. Taylor et al. (1982: 193) first synony- 
mized stevensi with niobe, under the genus Rattus. 

Stenomys verecundus mollis Rummler, 

Z. Siugetierkunde, 10: 116, 31 

Holotype. MCZ 29905. Skin and skull. Adult female. 
Locality. Papua New Guinea: Morobe, Mount Mis- 
im (=Missim), 5,850 ft (1,784 m). 14 April 1933. 
Collector. H. Stevens. 

Condition. Skin and skull complete. Mandible dis- 

Type Series. Holotype only. 

Comments. Retained as a valid subspecies by Flan- 
nery (1995a: 346). 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 2 

Genus THAMNOMYS Thomas, 1907 

Thamnomys venustus kivuensis G. M. 
Allen and Loveridge, 1942 

Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 89: 192, 

Holotype. MCZ 39151. Skin and skull. Adult female. 
Locality. Belgian Congo (=Democratic Republic 
of Congo): (Sud-Kivu), Lake Kivu, Idjwi Island, 
Upper Mulinga, 6,500 ft (1,983 m). 2 March 1939. 
Collector. A. Loveridge. 

Condition. Skin complete. Skull partial (separated 
between nasal and frontal). Right and left angular 
processes of mandible chipped. 

Type Series. Holotype only. 

Subfamily NESOMYINAE Forsyth Major, 

Genus NESOMYS Peters, 1870 

Nesomys lambertoni G. Grandidier, 1930c 
Bull. Acad. Malgache, n. ser., 11: 95 (for 

Holotype. MCZ 45941. Skull and postcranial skele- 
ton. Adult male. 
Locality. Malagasy Republic (=Madagascar): west 
coast, vicinity of Maintirano. 
Collector, No collection data available. Received by 
G. Grandidier from Académie Malgache, 1928. 
Condition. Skull partial (left zygomatic arch miss- 
ing, right jugal missing, several small holes). Post- 
cranial skeleton complete (small foot bones pre- 
sumably preserved in skin). 
Type Series. 2 paratypes, MCZ 45933 and 45934, 
poorly prepared skins (with partial skulls within), 
both male. 
Comments. The skin belonging to the holotype is 
in the MNHN, Paris (M. Carleton, personal com- 
munication). Considered a valid species by Nowak — 
(1999: 1434). 

Subfamily OTOMYINAE Thomas, 1897 

Genus OTOMYS F. Cuvier, 1824 

Otomys anchietae lacustris G. M. Allen 
and Loveridge, 1933 

Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 75: 120, 

=Otomys lacustris G. M. Allen and 
Loveridge, 1933. See Dieterlen and Van 
der Straeten (1992: 385). 

Holotype. MCZ 26358. Skin and skull. Adult female. | 
Locality. Tanganyika Territory (=Tanzania): north — 
end of Lake Nyasa, Ukinga Mountains, Madehani, — 
7,000 ft (2,135 m). 21 February 1930. 


Collector. A. Loveridge. 

Condition. Skin complete. Skull partial (left tym- 
panic bulla damaged). Mandible disarticulated and 
left coronoid process chipped. 

Type Series. 17 paratypes; MCZ 26326, 26344— 
26351, 26353-26357, 26359, 26654, 26658; all rep- 

resented by skin and skull. 

Comments. Included in O. anchietae by Musser 
and Carleton (1993: 680) but treated as a full spe- 
cies by Nowak (1999: 1439). 

Otomys barbouri Lawrence and Loveridge, 
Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 110: 63, June. 

Holotype. MCZ 31369. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. Uganda: Mount Elgon, Kaburomi, 
1°14’N, 34°31’'E, 10,500 ft (3,203 m). 28 December 

Collector. A. Loveridge. 

Condition. Skin and skull complete. 

Type Series. 9 paratypes; MCZ 31371-31372, 
31376, 31421-31425, 31438 (4 males, 4 females, 
and 1 unsexed individual). 

Comments. Considered a valid species by Dieter- 
len and Van der Straeten (1992: 385) and Nowak 
(1999: 1439) but included in O. anchietae by Mus- 
ser and Carleton (1993: 680). 

Otomys uzungwensis Lawrence and 

Loveridge, 1953 

Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 110: 61, June. 

=Otomys typus uzungwensis Lawrence 

and Loveridge, 1953. See Hanney (1965: 


Holotype. MCZ 26645. Skin and skull. Adult female. 
Locality. Tanganyika Territory (=Tanzania): Iringa 
District, Uzungwa Mountains, Dadaga, 6,000 ft 
(1,830 m). 31 December 1929. 

Collector. A. Loveridge. 

Condition. Skin and skull complete. 

Type Series. There is a series of paratypes in the 

Comments. O. t. uzungwensis was retained as a val- 
id subspecies by Ansell (1978: 78). 

Subfamily SIGMODONTINAE Wagner, 

Genus ISTHMOMYS Hooper and Musser, 

Megadontomys flavidus Bangs, 1902b 
Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 39: 27, April. 
=Isthmomys flavidus (Bangs, 1902). See 
Hooper and Musser (1964: 12). 

Holotype. MCZ 10331. Skin and skull. Adult male. 

Locality. Panama: Chiriqui, Boquete (=Bajo Bo- 
quete), 4,000 ft (1,220 m). 12 April 1901. 


Collector. W. W. Brown, Jr. Original number 28. 
Condition. Skin complete, with small bald spots. 
Skull complete. Mandible disarticulated. 

Type Series. There is a large series of paratypes in 
the MCZ. 

Comments. Type species of Isthmomys Hooper and 
Musser, 1964. I. flavidus was considered a valid 
species by Musser and Carleton (1993: 706) and 
Nowak (1999: 1357). 

Genus NECTOMYS Peters, 1861 

Nectomys squamipes amazonicus 
Hershkovitz, 1944 

Misc. Pub., Mus. Zool., Univ. Mich., 58: 
47, 4 January. 

Holotype. MCZ 30820. Skin and skull. Male. 
Locality. Brazil: (Para), Rio Tapajos, Tauary (=Tau- 
ari). 23 January 1934. 

Collector. A. M. Olalla. Original number 7312. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. Mandible dis- 

Type Series. Hershkovitz examined 28 specimens, 
in the MCZ, AMNH, and FMNH. 

Comments. Retained as a valid subspecies by Er- 
nest (1986: 1). 

Genus NEOTOMA Say and Ord, 1825 

Neotoma abbreviata Goldman, 1909 
Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 22: 140, 25 

=Neotoma lepida abbreviata Goldman, 
1909. See Burt (1932: 182). 

Holotype. MCZ 12260. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. (Mexico): Lower (=Baja) California, San 
Francisco Island. 22 February 1909. 

Collector. W. W. Brown, Jr. Original number 22. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. 

Type Series. 9 paratypes; MCZ 12256-12259, 
12261-12265; all represented by skin and skull, 5 
females and 4 males. MCZ 12265 is now in the 

Comments. N. |. abbreviata was retained as a valid 
subspecies by Hall (1981: 755). 

Neotoma bella Bangs, 1899j 

Proc. New England Zool. Club, 1: 66, 31 

=Neotoma lepida lepida Thomas, 1893. 
See Goldman (1932: 62). 

Holotype. B5308. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. (United States): California, Riverside 
County, Palm Springs. 12 April 1896. 

Collector. E. C. Thurber. Original number 623. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. Mandible dis- 
articulated and left angular process chipped. 

IY Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 2 

Type Series. Holotype only. 

Neotoma distincta Bangs, 1903a 

Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 16: 89, 25 

=Neotoma mexicana distincta Bangs, 
1903. See Hall (1955: 329). 

Holotype. B9819. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. Mexico: Vera Cruz, near Jalapa, Texolo. § 
March 1899. 

Collector. S. N. Rhoads. Original number 295. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. 

Type Series. 4 paratypes; B9818, skin and skull, 
male, B9820, skin and skull, female; B9821, skin 
and skull, male (exchanged to USNM); B9822, skin 
and skull, male. 

Comments. N. m. distincta was retained as a valid 
subspecies by Hall (1981: 761) and Cornely and 
Baker (1986: 1). 

Neotoma floridana rubida Bangs, 1898b 
Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 28: 185, 15 

Holotype. B2872. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. (United States): Louisiana, Terrebonne 
Parish, Gibson. 4 April 1895. 

Collector. F. L. Small. Original number 1751. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. Mandible dis- 

Type Series. 2 specimens are mentioned by num- 
ber in the original description: B2871, skin and 
skull, adult male, and B2873, skin and skull, adult 

Comments. Retained as a valid subspecies by Hall 
(1981: 749). 

Genus NYCTOMYS de Saussure, 1860 

Nyctomys nitellinus Bangs, 1902b 

Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 39: 30, April. 
=Nyctomys sumichrasti nitellinus Bangs, 
1902. See Goldman (1916: 155). 

Holotype. MCZ 10249. Skin and skull. Adult female. 
Locality. Panama: Chiriqui, Boquete (=Bajo Bo- 
quete), 4,000 ft (1,220 m). 8 February 1901. 
Collector. W. W. Brown, Jr. Original number 119. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. 

Type Series. 5 paratypes; MCZ 10245, skin and 
skull, adult male; MCZ 10246, skin and skull, adult 
male; MCZ 10247, adult female, skin and skull: 
MCZ 10248, skin and skull, adult female; MCZ 
10250, skin and skull, juvenile female. 

Comments. N. s. nitellinus was retained as a valid 
subspecies by Hall (1981: 630). 

Genus OECOMYS Thomas, 1906 

Oecomys trabeatus G. M. Allen and 
Barbour, 1923 

Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 65: 262, 

=Oecomys bicolor trabeatus G. M. Allen 
and Barbour, 1923. See comments. 

Holotype. MCZ 19837. Skin and skull. Male. 
Locality. Panama: Rio Jesusito. 10 April 1922. 
Collector. T. Barbour and W. S. Brooks. Original 
number 2027. 

Condition. Skin complete. Skull partial (right zy- 
gomatic arch broken). Mandible disarticulated. 
Type Series. Holotype only. 

Comments. Following Hershkovitz (1960: 533), O. 
b. trabeatus was retained as a valid subspecies by 
Hall (1981: 619) under the genus Oryzomys. The 
use of Oecomys as a generic name follows Musser 
and Carleton (1993: 715). 

Oryzomys flavicans illectus Bangs, 1898k 
Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 12: 164, 10 

=Oecomys flavicans illectus (Bangs, 
1898k). See comments. 

Holotype. BS101. Skin and skull. Adult female. 
Locality. Colombia: Magdalena, Santa Marta 
Mountains, Pueblo Viejo, 8,000 ft (2,440 m). 24 
March 1898. 

Collector. W. W. Brown, Jr. Original number 89. 
Condition. Skin complete. Skull partial (right jugal 

Type Series. There is a small series of paratypes in 
the MCZ. 

Comments. The use of Oecomys as a generic name 
follows Musser and Carleton (1993: 715). 

Genus OLIGORYZOMYS Bangs, 1900 

Oryzomys navus Bangs, 1899a 

Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 13: 9, 31 

=Oligoryzomys fulvescens (Saussure, 
1860). See Carleton and Musser (1989: 

Holotype. BS107. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. Colombia: Magdalena, Santa Marta 
Mountains, Pueblo Viejo, 8,000 ft (2,440 m). 26 
March 1898. 

Collector. W. W. Brown, Jr. Original number 154. 

Condition. Skin and skull complete. Mandible dis- _ 


Type Series. 9 paratypes; BS223-B8231; all repre- 

sented by skin and skull, except B8228 (skin only); 
2 females and 7 males. B8224 is now in the USNM, ° 


and B8223, B8226, B8230, and B8231 are now in 
the AMNH. 

Comments. Oryzomys navus is the type species of 

Oligoryzomys Bangs, 1899. 

Oryzomys (Oligoryzomys) vegetus Bangs, 

Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 39: 35, April. 

= Oligoryzomys vegetus (Bangs, 1902). 
See Musser and Carleton (1993: 718). 

Holotype. MCZ 10298. Skin and skull. Adult female. 
Locality. Panama: Chiriqui, Volcan de Chiriqui, 
Boquete, 4,000 ft (1,220 m). 16 April 1901. 
Collector. W. W. Brown, Jr. Original number 304. 
Condition. Skin complete. Skull partial (left jugal 
missing). Mandible disarticulated. 

Type Series. 12 paratypes; MCZ 10295 (now in 
USNM), 10297, 10300—10306, 10308—10310, 2 fe- 
males and 10 males, all represented by skin and 
skull except for 10308 (skin only). 

Comments. Considered a valid species by Musser 
and Carleton (1993: 718) and Nowak (1999: 1368). 
Carleton and Musser (1995) provided distribution- 
al information and support of specific status for O. 

Genus ORYZOMYS Baird, 1858 

Oryzomys devius Bangs, 1902b 
Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 39: 34, April. 

Holotype. MCZ 10324. Skin and skull. Adult female. 
Locality. Panama: Chiriqui, Volcan de Chiriqui, 
Boquete (=Bajo Boquete), 5,000 ft (1,525 m). 29 
January 1901. 

Collector. W. W. Brown, Jr. Original number 73. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. Mandible dis- 

Type Series. 3 paratypes; MCZ 10325, skin and 
skull, adult female; MCZ 10326, skin and skull, 
adult female; MCZ 10340, skin and skull, adult 

Comments. Considered a valid species by Musser 
and Carleton (1993: 722) and Nowak (1999: 1366). 

Oryzomys palustris coloratus Bangs, 

Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 28: 189, 15 

= Oryzomys palustris natator Chapman, 
1893. See Wolfe (1982: 1). 

Holotype. B4470. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. (United States): Florida, Monroe County, 
Cape Sable. 17 April 1895. 

Collector. C. L. Brownell. Original number 148. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. 

Type Series. There is a series of paratypes in the 


Oryzomys rostratus carrorum Lawrence, 

Proc. New England Zool. Club, 24: 101, 
29 May. 

Holotype. MCZ 41280. Skin, skull, and postcranial 
skeleton. Adult male. 
Locality. Mexico: Tamaulipas, Rio Soto la Marina, 
Rancho Santa Ana, 8 miles (12.9 km) southwest of 
Padilla. 21 December 1941. 
Collector. G. H. Pournelle, Third University of 
Florida Mexican Expedition. Original number 196. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. Mandible dis- 
articulated. Postcranial skeleton partial (right fore- 
limb, hindlimbs, pelvis, ribs, vertebral column). 
Type Series. 2 paratypes; MCZ 41281, skin, skull, 
and postcranial skeleton, female; MCZ 41282, skin, 
skull, and postcranial skeleton, male. 
Comments. Retained as Oryzomys melanotis car- 
rorum by Hall (1981: 614). Musser and Carleton 
(1993: 724) regarded O. rostratus as distinct from 
O. melanotis. — 

Genus PEROMYSCUS Gloger, 1841 

Hesperomys gossypinus LeConte, 1853 
Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 6: 
411, 25 October. 

= Peromyscus gossypinus gossypinus 
(LeConte, 1853). See Rhoads (1896b: 

Lectotype. MCZ 5275. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. (United States): Georgia, Liberty County, 
Riceboro, probably on the LeConte Plantation near 
Riceboro. 13 September 1847. 

Collector. J. E. LeConte. Formerly USNM 546. 
Condition. Skin complete. Skull partial (basioccip- 
ital and tympanic bullae broken). Mandible disar- 

Type Series. Poole and Schantz (1942: 320) listed 
potential “cotypes,” meaning syntypes. Osgood 
(1909: 136) mentioned that a specimen, number 
752 in the collection of the Academy of Natural 
Sciences in Philadelphia, possibly possessed type 
status, but this specimen was not mentioned by 
Koopman (1976). 

Comments. In the original description of gossypi- 
nus, measurements were given for a single speci- 
men only; however, in addition to this specimen, 
LeConte made reference to the coloration of 
“younger individuals.” The measurements given 
correspond to MCZ 5275 rather than to any other 
of LeConte’s specimens still in the USNM (see G. 
M. Allen, 1931: 262: Poole and Schantz, 1942: 
320). In addition, MCZ 5275 was the only speci- 
men of Peromyscus gossypinus from Georgia men- 
tioned in Baird’s Mammals of North America 
(1858: 469). Because LeConte did not specify a ho- 
lotype, MCZ 5275, which seems to be the speci- 


men discussed and described by measurement in 
the original publication and the only adult speci- 
men mentioned, is here designated as lectotype. P. 
gossypinus was considered a valid species by Mus- 
ser and Carleton (1993: 730) and Nowak (1999: 

Hesperomys leucopus arcticus Mearns, 

Bull. Amer. 
Name preoccupied by Hesperomys 
arcticus Coues, 1877 

Mus. Nat. Hist., 2: 285, 21 

Peromyscus maniculatus borealis Mearns, 

Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 24: 102, 15 
May. (Replacement name for 
Hesperomys leucopus arcticus Mearns, 

Holotype. MCZ 5555. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. Canada: Northwest Territories, Mac- 
Kenzie, Fort Simpson. 7 September 1859. 
Collector. R. Kennicott. Original number 157. For- 
merly USNM 4531. 

Condition. Skin complete. Skull partial (left jugal 

and process of squamosal missing, right process of 

squamosal missing, basioccipital and palatine miss- 
ing). Mandible disarueulated and both angular pro- 
cess missing. 

Type Series. Holotype only. 

Comments. P. m. borealis was retained as a valid 
subspecies by Hall (1981: 672). 

Hesperomys sonoriensis nebrascensis 
Coues, 1877 

In Coues and J. A. Allen, Monographs N. 
Amer. Rodentia, U.S. Geol. Geogr. 
Survey Terr. Rep. Washington, 11: 79, 

= Peromyscus maniculatus nebrascensis 
(Coues, 1877). See Osgood (1909: 75). 

Syntype. MCZ 5528. Skin and skull. 
Locality. Nebraska (now Wyoming): 
County), Deer Creek. 19 January 1860. 
Collector. F. V. Hayden. Original no. 80. Formerly 
USNM 4310. 

Condition. Skin complete. Skull partial (posterior 
missing from parietal to palatine; both jugal and 
process of squamosal broken). Left angular process 
of mandible chipped, right side broken at cheek 

Type Series. | other syntype, present location un- 
known, formerly in the USNM. 

Comments. Hesperomys sonoriensis nebrascensis 


Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 2 

Baird, 1858 is a nomen nudum. Osgood (1909: 78) 
and Mearns (1911: 102) designated Deer Creek, 
Nebraska, as the type locality. Jones (1958: 107— 
111) reviewed the systematic history of nebrascen- 
sis, and Jones and Mursaloglu (1961: 101-103) re- 
ported the discovery of one oe the two original syn- 
types in the MCZ. The location of the other syn- 
type, if it still exists, is unknown. 

Peromyscus anastasae Bangs, 1898b 
Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 28: 195, 15 

= Peromyscus gossypinus anastasae 
Bangs, 1898. See Osgood (1909: 141). 

Holotype. B7179. Skin and skull. Adult female. 
Locality. (United States): Florida, St. Johns Coun- 
ty, Anastasia Island, Point Romo. 15 February 

Collector. O. Bangs. Original number 2. 
Condition. Skin complete, skull partial (premaxilla 
to frontal in fragments). Right mandible missing, 
left present. 

Type Series. There is a small series of paratypes in 
the MCZ. 

Comments. P. g. anastasae was retained as a valid 
subspecies by Hall (1981: 689). 

Peromyscus bellus Bangs, 1896h 

Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 10: 137, 28 

= Peromyscus attwateri J. A. Allen, 1895. 
See Schmidly (1973: 125). 

Holotype. B5483. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. (United States): Indian Territory 
(=Oklahoma), (Adair County), Stilwell. 15 August 

Collector. T. Surber. Original number 67. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. Mandible dis- 
Type Series. 
adult female. 

1 paratype; B5484, skin and skull, 

Peromyscus cacabatus Bangs, 1902b 
Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 39: 29, April. 
= Peromyscus mexicanus (Saussure, 
1860). See Huckaby (1980: 15). 

Holotype. MCZ 10225. Skin and skull. Adult female. 
Locality. Panama: Chiriqui, Boquete (=Bajo Bo- 
quete), 5,000 ft (1,525 m). 22 April 1901. 
Collector. W. W. Brown, Jr. Original number 331. 
Condition. Skin complete. Skull partial (left jugal 
missing). Mandible disarticulated. 

Type Series. There is a very large series of paraty- 
pes in the MCZ. 


Peromyscus canadensis abietorum Bangs, 

Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 10: 49, 9 

=Peromyscus maniculatus abietorum 
Bangs, 1896. See Osgood (1909: 45). 

Holotype. B2205. Skin and skull. Adult female. 
Locality. (Canada): Nova Scotia, James River. 8 
August 1894. 

Collector. C. H. Goldthwaite. 

Condition. Skin complete. Skull partial (right jugal 

Type Series. There is a series of paratypes in the 

Comments. P. m. abietorum was retained as a valid 
subspecies by Hall (1981: 670). 

Peromyscus canadensis argentatus 
Copeland and Church, 1906 

Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 19: 122, 6 

= Peromyscus maniculatus argentatus 
Copeland and Church, 1906. See Osgood 
(1909: 46). 

Holotype. MCZ 54627. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. (Canada): New Brunswick, Grand Manan 
Island, Grand Harbor. 19 September 1905. 
Collector. M. L. Church and M. Copeland. Original 
number 168. 

Condition. Skin and skull complete. 

Type Series. There is a large series of paratypes in 
the MCZ. 

Comments. P. m. argentatus was retained as a valid 
subspecies by Hall (1981: 671). 

Peromyscus crinitus scitulus Bangs, 1899j 
Proc. New England Zool. Club, 1: 67, 31 

=Peromyscus crinitus crinitus (Merriam, 
1891). See Osgood (1909: 229). 

Holotype. B9175. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. (United States): Nevada, Douglas County, 
Gardnerville. 13 July 1898. 

Collector. W. W. Price and P. O. Simons. Original 
number 1571. 

Condition. Skin complete. Skull partial (right and 
left jugal missing). 

Type Series. 7 paratypes; B9177—B9180, B9183— 
B9185; all represented by skin and skull, 4 females 
and 3 males. 


Peromyscus gossypinus nigriculus Bangs, 

Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 10: 124, 5 

=Peromyscus gossypinus gossypinus 
(LeConte, 1853). See Osgood (1909: 136). 

Holotype. B2731. Skin and skull. Adult female. 
Locality. (United States): Louisiana, Plaquemines 
Parish, Burbridge. 30 January 1895. 

Collector. F. L. Small. Original number 1547/156. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. Mandible dis- 

Type Series. There is a very large series of paraty- 
pes in the MCZ. 

Peromyscus gossypinus palmarius Bangs, 

Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 10: 124, 5 

Holotype. B3224. Skin and skull. Adult female. 
Locality. (United States): Florida, Brevard County, 
Oak Lodge on East Peninsula opposite Micco. 23 
February 1895. 

Collector. O. Bangs. 

Condition. Skin and skull complete. 

Type Series. There is a very large series of paraty- 
pes in the MCZ. 

Comments. Retained as a valid subspecies by Hall 
(1981: 690). 

Peromyscus insulanus Bangs, 1898b 
Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 28: 196, 15 

= Peromyscus gossypinus anastasae 
Bangs, 1898. See Osgood (1909: 141). 

Holotype. B6438. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. (United States): Georgia, Camden Coun- 
ty, Cumberland Island, north end. 10 April 1897. 
Collector. W. W. Brown, Jr. Original number 804. 
Condition. Skin complete. Skull partial (right jugal 

Type Series. There is a large series of paratypes in 
the MCZ. 

Peromyscus leucopus ammodytes Bangs, 


Proc. New England Zool. Club, 4: 14, 28 


Holotype. B828. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. (United States): Massachusetts, Barnsta- 
ble County, Monomoy Island. 28 December 1893. 
Collector. G. S. Miller, Jr. and O. Bangs. Original 
number 8. 

Condition. Skin and skull complete. 

126 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 2 

Type Series. There is a series of paratypes in the 

Comments. Retained as a valid subspecies by Hall 
(1981: 685). 

Peromyscus leucopus fusus Bangs, 1905a 
Proc. New England Zool. Club, 4: 13, 28 

Holotype. B9737. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. (United States): Massachusetts, Dukes 
County, Martha’s Vineyard, W. Tisbury. 17 June 

Collector. O. Bangs. Original number 1. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. 

Type Series. There is a small series of paratypes in 
the MCZ. 

Comments. Retained as a valid subspecies by Hall 
(1981: 686). 

Peromyscus oreas Bangs, 1898f 
Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 12: 84, 24 

Holotype. B3696. Skin and skull. Adult female. 
Locality. Canada: British Columbia, near boundary 
of Whatcom County, Washington, 49th parallel, 
Mount Baker Range, 6,500 ft (1,983 m). 29 August 

Collector. A. C. Brooks. Original number 745. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. 

Type Series. There is a large series of paratypes in 
the MCZ. 

Comments. Considered a valid species by Musser 
and Carleton (1993: 734) and Nowak (1999: 1361). 

Peromyscus phasma Bangs, 1898b 

Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 28: 199, 15 

=Peromyscus poloniotus phasma Bangs, 
1898. See Osgood (1909: 107). 

Holotype. B7175. Skin and skull. Adult female. 
Locality. (United States): Florida, St. Johns Coun- 
ty, Anastasia Island, Point Romo. 14 February 

Collector. O. Bangs. Original number 3. 
Condition. Skin complete. Skull partial (parietal, 
tympantic bulla, left jugal, and process of squa- 
mosal broken). Mandible disarticulated. 

Type Series. There is a series of paratypes in the 

Comments. P. p. phasma was retained as a valid 
subspecies by Hall (1981: 668). 

Peromyscus subgriseus arenarius Bangs, 

Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 28: 202, 

Name preoccupied by Peromyscus 
eremicus arenarius Mearns, 1896. 

Peromyscus subgriseus baliolus Bangs, 

Science, my ser.,.6: Zila. lOyAueust 
(Replacement name for Peromyscus 
subgriseus arenarius Bangs, 1898) 
=Peromyscus polionotus polionotus 
(Wagner, 1843). See Osgood (1909: 104). 

Holotype. B5925. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. (United States): Georgia, Scriven County, 
Hursman’s Lake (Savannah River), near Bascom. 
15 December 1896. 

Collector. W. W. Brown, Jr. Original number 60. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. 

Type Series. There is a large series of paratypes in 
the MCZ. 

Peromyscus subgriseus rhoadsi Bangs, 

Proc. Boston Soc, Nat, Hist; 28: 2015 V5 

=Peromyscus polionotus rhoadsi Bangs, 
1898. See Osgood (1909: 107). 

Holotype. B6980. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. (United States): Florida, Hillsborough 
County, head of Anclote River. 23 May 1895. 
Collector. W. S. Dickinson. 

Condition. Skin and skull complete. 

Type Series. There is a series of paratypes in the 

Comments. P. p. rhoadsi was retained as a valid 
subspecies by Hall (1981: 669). 

Peromyscus texanus saturatus Bangs, 

Amer. Nat. 31: 75, 1 January. 
=Peromyscus maniculatus saturatus 
Bangs, 1897. See Osgood (1909: 61). 

Holotype. B2581. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. Canada: British Columbia, Saturna Is- 
land. 31 January 1894. 

Collector. W. C. Colt. Original number 128. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. 

Type Series. There is a series of paratypes in the 

Comments. P. m. saturatus was retained as a valid 
subspecies by Hall (1981: 682). 



Reithrodontomys australis vulcanius 
Bangs, 1902b 

Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 39: 38, April. 
= Reithrodontomys sumichrasti vulcanius 
Bangs, 1902. See Hooper (1952: 83). 

Holotype. MCZ 10281. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. Panama: Chiriqui, Volcan de Chiriqui, 
10,300 ft (3,142 m). 26 May 1901. 

Collector. W. W. Brown, Jr. Original number 500. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. Mandible dis- 

Type Series. Holotype only. 

Comments. R. s. vulcanius was retained as a valid 
subspecies by Hall (1981: 644). 

Reithrodontomys creper Bangs, 1902b 
Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 39: 39, April. 

Holotype. MCZ 10284. Skin and skull. Adult female. 
Locality. Panama: Chiriqui, Volcan de Chiriqui, 
11,000 ft (3,355 m). 2 June 1901. 

Collector. W. W. Brown. Original number 504. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. Mandible dis- 
articulated. Left lower incisor missing. 

Type Series. Holotype only. 

Comments. Considered a valid species by Musser 
and Carleton (1993: 740) and Nowak (1999: 1364). 

Reithrodontomys lecontii impiger Bangs, 


Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 12: 167, 10 


= Reithrodontomys humulis humulis 

(Audubon and Bachman, 1841). See Hall 

and Kelson (1959: 584). 

Holotype. B7784. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. (United States): West Virginia, Green- 
briar County, White Sulphur Springs, 2,000 ft (610 
m). 27 February 1898. 

Collector. T. Surber. Original number 466. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. Mandible dis- 

Type Series. 2 paratypes; B6931 (not B6932, as 
stated in the original description), skin and skull, 
adult male; B7785, skin and skull, adult female. 

Genus SCOTINOMYS Thomas, 1913 

Akodon teguina apricus Bangs, 1902b 

Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 39: 40, April. 

= Scotinomys teguina apricus (Bangs, 

1902). See Thomas (1913: 409). 

Holotype. MCZ 10236. Skin and skull. Adult female. 
Locality. Panama: Chiriqui, Boquete (=Bajo Bo- 
quete), 4,000 ft (1,220 m). 24 February 1901. 


Collector. W. W. Brown, Jr. Original number 192. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. Mandible dis- 

Type Series. 4 paratypes; MCZ 10234, skin and 
skull, adult male; MCZ 10235, skin, adult female; 
MCZ 10237, skin and skull, adult female; MCZ 
10238, skin and skull, adult female. 

Comments. S. t. apricus was retained as a valid sub- 
species by Hooper (1972: 21) and Hall (1981: 734). 

Akodon xerampelinus Bangs, 1902b 
Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 39: 41, April. 
= Scotionomys xerampelinus (Bangs, 
1902). See Thomas (1913: 409). 

Holotype. MCZ 10240. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. Panama: Chiriqui, Volcan de Chiriqui, 
10,300 ft (3,142 m). 26 May 1901. 

Collector. W. W. Brown, Jr. Original number 501. 
Condition. Skin complete. Skull partial (right jugal 
missing). Mandible disarticulated. 

Type Series. 2 paratypes; MCZ 10239, skin and 
skull, adult male; MCZ 10241, skin and skull, adult 

Comments. S. xerampelinus was considered a valid 
species by Musser and Carleton (1993: 746) and 
Nowak (1999: 1355). 

Genus SIGMODON Say and Ord, 1825 

Sigmodon austerulus Bangs, 1902b 

Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 39: 32, April. 
= Sigmodon hispidus borucae J. A. Allen, 
1897. See Hall and Kelson (1959: 672). 

Holotype. MCZ 10288. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. Panama: Chiriqui, Volcan de Chiriqui, 
10,000 ft (3,050 m). 1 June 1901. 

Collector. W. W. Brown, Jr. Original number 503. 

Condition. Skin complete. Skull partial—according 
to original description, “unfortunately it [the skull] 
was broken by the trap directly across the orbits.” 

Type Series. Holotype only. 

Comments. For comments regarding the type lo- 

cality, see Enders (1953a: 508-509), who suggested 

that a native helper of W. W. Brown, Jr., transplant- 

ed a specimen of S. [h.] borucae, trapped during a 

trip to his home in the lowlands near Boruca, to 

the top of the Volcan, “after Brown had promised 

a bottle of wine to any man who captured a Sig- 

modon at that altitude.” 

Sigmodon hispidus exsputus G. M. Allen, 
J. Mammal., 1: 236, 4 December. 

Holotype. MCZ 18100. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. (United States): Florida, Monroe County, 
Big Pine Key. 16 April 1920. 

Collector. W. S. Brooks. Original number 1936. 


Condition. Skin and skull complete. Mandible dis- 

Type Series. 1 paratype; MCZ 18101, skin and 
skull, adult male. 

Comments. Retained as a valid subspecies by Hall 
(1981: 737). 

Sigmodon hispidus furvus Bangs, 1903b 
Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 39: 158, July. 

Holotype. MCZ 10665. Skin and skull. Male. 
Locality. Honduras: Atlantida, La Ceiba. 16 Janu- 
ary 1902. 

Collector. W. W. Brown, Jr. Original number 4. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. 

Type Series. Holotype only. 

Comments. Retained as a valid subspecies by Hall 
(1981: 738). Sigmodon hispidus fervidus Lydekker, 
1904 (p. 34) was a misspelling and thus accidental 
renaming of Sigmodon hispidus furvus Bangs, 

Sigmodon hispidus spadicipygus Bangs, 

Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 28: 192, 15 

Holotype. B4477. Skin and skull. Adult female. 
Locality. (United States): Florida, Monroe County, 
Cape Sable. 18 April 1895. 

Collector. C. L. Brownell. Original number 153. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. Mandible dis- 

Type Series. There is a series of paratypes in the 

Comments. Retained as a valid subspecies by Hall 
(1981: 739). 

Sigmodon sanctae-martae Bangs, 1898q 

Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 12: 189, 30 

= Sigmodon hispidus hirsutus (Burmeister, 
1854). See Cabrera (1961: 508). 

Holotype. B8105. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. Colombia: (Magdalena), (Santa Marta 
Mountains), Pueblo Viejo (not far from the source 
of Rio Ancho), 8,000 ft (2,440 m). 23 March 1898. 
Collector. W. W. Brown, Jr. Original number 73. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. Mandible dis- 

Type Series. 1 paratype; B8250, skin and _ skull, 
adult male. 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 2 

Genus THOMASOMYS Coues, 1884 

Oryzomys (Erioryzomys) monochromos 
Bangs, 1900b 

Proc. New England Zool. Club, 1: 97, 23 

= Thomasomys monochromos (Bangs, 
1900). See Gardner and Patton (1976: 

Holotype. B8348. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. Colombia: Magdalena, Santa Marta 
Mountains, Paramo de Macotama, 11,000 ft (3,355 
m). 7 March 1899. 

Collector. W. W. Brown, Jr. Original number 93. 
Condition. Skin complete. Skull partial (right jugal 
missing). Mandible disarticulated. 

Type Series. 4 paratypes; B8248, juvenile male, 
B8345, adult female, B8346, adult female, B8347, 
adult male; all represented by skin and skull. 
Comments. Considered a valid species by Musser 
and Carleton (1993: 750) and Nowak (1999: 1362). 
Paramo de Macotama is in La Guajira (Paynter 
1997: 261). 

Genus ZYGODONTOMYS J. A. Allen, 

Zygodontomys seorsus Bangs, 1901b 
Amer. Nat., 35: 642, 22 August. 
=Zygodontomys brevicauda cherriei (J. A. 
Allen, 1895). See Voss (1991: 59). 

Holotype. B8490. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. Panama: Gulf of Panama, San Miguel Is- 
land, Isla del Rey. 5 May 1900. 
Collector. W. W. Brown, Jr. Original number 147. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. Mandible dis- 

Type Series. Bangs based the description on a se- 
ries of 68 specimens, most of which are still in the 

Family PEDETIDAE Gray, 1825 
Genus PEDETES llliger, 1811 

Pedetes cafer taborae G. M. Allen and 
Loveridge, 1927 

Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 38: 438, 23 

=Pedetes capensis (Forster, 1778). See 
Misonne (1974: 8). 

Holotype. MCZ 23080. Skin and skull. Adult female. 
Locality. Tanganyika Territory (=Tanzania): Ta- 
bora, Unyamwezi, 4,000 ft (1,220 m). 18 November 

Collector. A. Loveridge. Original number R6915. 


Condition. Skin complete, with small bald spots on 
dorsum. Skull complete. 
Type Series. Holotype only. 

Family MYOXIDAE Gray, 1821 
Genus GRAPHIURUS Smuts, 1832 

Aethoglis hueti argenteus G. M. Allen, 

J. Mammal., 17: 293, 14 August. 

Se eg Cet argenteus (G. M. Allen, 
1936). See Hayman and Holt (1940: 

Holotype. MCZ 17920. Skin and skull. Adult female. 
Locality. Cameroons (=Cameroon): (Kribi), Lolo- 
dorf. 17 March 1911. 

Collector. G. Schwab. Original number 1. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. 

Type Series. 2 paratypes; MCZ 17607, skin and 
skull, adult female; and a specimen in the USNM, 
number 125434. 

Comments. Rosevear considered G. h. 
“possibly valid as a race” (1969: 501). 

argen teus 

Claviglis soleatus collaris G. M. Allen and 
Loveridge, 1933 

Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 75: 

= Graphiurus lorraineus Dollman, 1910. 
See Holden (1993: 764). 


Mas MCZ 26373. Skin and skull. Adult female. 
Locality. Tanganyika Territory (=Tanzania): (Irin- 

ga), north end Lake Nyasa, Ukinga Mountains, Ma- 
dehani, 7,000 ft (2,135 m). 24 February 1930. 
Collector. A. Loveridge. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. Mandible dis- 
Type Series. 2 paratypes; MCZ 26374, skin and 
skull, male; MCZ 26375, skin and skull, female. 

Graphiurus microtis griseus G. M. Allen, 

Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 54: 440, April. 
=Graphiurus murinus griseus G. M. Allen, 
1912. See Hayman and Holt (1940: 610). 

Holotype. MCZ 8244. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. British East Africa (=Kenya): northern 
a aso Nyiro River (=Ewaso Ngiro), 4,000 ft (1,220 
m). 25 July 1909. 

Gollector. G. M. Allen. Original number 51. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. 

Type Series. 2 paratypes; MCZ 8248, skin and skull, 
male; MCZ 8249, skin and skull, adult female. 


Graphiurus schwabi G. M. Allen, 1912a 
Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 54: 441, April. 
= Graphiurus surdus Dollman, 1912. See 
Holden (1993: 765). 

Holotype. MCZ 8607. Skin and skull. Juvenile. 
Locality. Cameroun (=Cameroon), Kribi. 1911. 
Collector. G. Schwab. 

Condition. Skin and skull complete. 
Type Series. Holotype only. 

Family BATHYERGIDAE Waterhouse, 

Genus CRYPTOMYS Gray, 1864 

Cryptomys hottentotus occlusus G. M. 
Allen and Loveridge, 1933 

Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 75: 125, 

=Cryptomys hottentotus whytei (Thomas, 
1897). See Honeycutt et al. (1991: 51). 

Holotype. MCZ 26557. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. Tanganyika Territory (=Tanzania): (Irin- 
a Ugungwe Mountains, Kigogo, 6,000 ft (1,830 
m) 13) Janu: ary 1930. 

@pllcciar A. Lov eridge. 

Condition. Skin and skull complete. Mandible dis- 

Type Series. 15 paratypes; MCZ 26558-26572, all 
represented by skin and skull. 


Heterocephalus stygius G. M. Allen, 

Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 54: 444, April. 
= Heterocephalus glaber Ruppell, 1842. 
See Hollister (1919: 160). 

Holotype. MCZ 12470. Body in alcohol, skull extract- 
ed. Adult female. 
Locality. British East Africa ( 
Guaso Nyiro ( 
August 1909. 
Collector. G. M. Allen. 
Condition. Alcoholic. 
Type Series. Holotype only. 

=Kenya): northern 
=Ewaso Ngiro), Neumann’s Boma. 6 

Skull complete. Mandible 


Family ERITHIZONTIDAE Bonaparte, 

Genus ERITHIZON F. Cuvier, 1822 

Erethizon dorsatus picinus Bangs, 1900c 
Proc. New England Zool. Club, 2: 37, 20 

=Erithizon dorsatum dorsatum (Linnaeus, 
1758). See Harper (1961: 90). 

Holotype. B8839. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. (Canada): Labrador, Strait of Belle Isle, 
Lance (=Lanse) au Loup. 16 F ebruary 1899. 
Collector. E. Doane. 

Condition. Skin and skull complete. 

Type Series. 15 paratypes; B8832—B8838, B8840— 
B8847; all represented by skin and skull, 8 females 
and 7 males. Bangs had also a skull of picinus 

(B8831) from Black Bay, Labrador, at the time of 

description, not mentioned in the original publi- 


Family DASYPROCTIDAE Gray, 1825 
Genus DASYPROCTA llliger, 1811 

Dasyprocta callida Bangs, 1901b 
Amer. Nat., 35: 635, 22 August. 
=Dasyprocta punctata callida Bangs, 
1901. See Kellogg (1946: 59). 

Holotype. B8443. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. Panama: (Panama), San Miguel Island. 8 
May 1900. 

Collector. W. W. Brown, Jr. Original number 171. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. 

Type Series. 5 paratypes; B8442, B8444—B8447;, all 
represented by skin and skull, 3 females and 2 

Comments. D. p. callida was retained as a valid 
subspecies by Hall (1981: 860). 

Dasyprocta colombiana Bangs, 1898k 
Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 12: 163, 10 

=Dasyprocta punctata colombiana (Gray, 
1898). See Cabrera (1961: 589). 

BS8008. Skin and skull. Adult female. 
Magdalena, Santa Marta. 6 

Locality. Colombia: 
January 1898. 
Collector. W. W. Brown, Jr. Original number 37. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. 

Type Series. | paratype; B8113, skin and skull, ju- 
venile male. 

Comments. D. p. colombiana was retained as a val- 
id subspecies by Cabrera (1961: 589). 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 2 

Dasyprocta noblei G. M. Allen, 1914e 
Proc. New England Zool. Club, 5: 69, 7 

=Dasyprocta leporina noblei G. M. Allen, 
1914. See Woods (1993: 781). 

Holotype. MCZ 15936. Skin and skull (and atlas). 
Adult female. 
Locality. Guadeloupe Island: Goyave. 22 August 
Collector. G. K. Noble. 
Condition. Skin complete. Skull partial (bone miss- 
ing from nasal and frontal). 
Type Series. 1 paratype; MCZ 15937, 
skull, subadult female. 

skin and 

Dasyprocta punctata nuchalis Goldman, 

A Oi7, 

Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 30: 113, 23 


Holotype. MCZ 10081. Skin and skull. Adult female. 
Locality. Panama: Chiriqui, Divala. 30 November 

Collector. W. W. Brown, Jr. Original number 17. 

Condition. Skin and skull comple te. 

Type Series. 4 paratypes; MCZ 10080, skin and 

skull, adult male: 10084, skull: 10175, skin and 
skull, adult female; 10176, skin and skull, adult 

Comments. Retained as a valid subspecies by Hall 
(1981: S60). 

Family AGOUTIDAE Gray, 1821 
Genus AGOUTI Lacépede, 1799 

Agouti paca virgatus Bangs, 1902b 
Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 39: 47, April. 

Holotype. MCZ 10079. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. Panama: Chiriqui, Divala. 16 December 

Collector. W. W. Brown, Jr. Original number 21. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. 

Type Series. Holotype only. 

Comments. Retained as a valid subspecies by Hall 
(1981: 858) and Pérez (1992: 1). 

Family OCTODONTIDAE Waterhouse, 

Genus TYMPANOCTOMYS Yepes, 1941 

Octomys barrerae Lawrence, 1941 

Proc. New England Zool. Club, 18: 43, 
28 January. 

= Tympanoctomys barrerae (Lawrence, 
1941). See Yepes (1942: 75). 

Holotype. MCZ 39716. Skin and skull. Adult male. 

Locality. Argentina: Mendoza Province, La Paz. 
April 1939. 


Collector. J. M. de la Barrera. Original number 

Condition. Skin and skull complete. 

Type Series. Holotype only. 

Comments. Type species of Tympanoctomys Yepes, 
1941. T. barrerae was considerd a valid species by 
Woods (1993: 789) and Nowak (1999: 1683). 

Family ECHIMYIDAE Gray, 1825 
Genus BOROMYS Miller, 1916 

Boromys torrei G. M. Allen, 1917a 
Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 61: 6, January. 

Holotype. VP 9601. Palate. 
Locality. Cuba: Matanzas Province, cave in Sierra 
de Hato Nuevo. 
Collector. C. de la Torre. 
Condition. Condition as described in original 
“palate with root of right zygomatic arch, pm‘ and 
alveolar row of right side, m! and posterior part of 
alveolar row of left side.” 
Type Series. Paratype material consists of 8 lower 
jaws and 2 separate lower molars; in the MCZ. 
Comments. Considered a valid species by Woods 
(1993: 799) and Nowak (1999: 1703) but almost 
certainly extinct. This specimen is stored in the 
Vertebrate Paleontology Department of the MCZ. 

Genus DIPLOMYS Thomas, 1916 

Loncheres labilis Bangs, 1901b 
Amer. Nat., 35: 638, 22 August. 
=Diplomys labilis (Bangs, 1901). See 
Thomas (1916: 296). 

Holotype. B8480. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. Panama: (Panama), Gulf of Panama, San 
Miguel Island. 26 April 1900. 

Collector. W. W. Brown, Jr. Original number 103. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. 

Type Series. There is a small series of paratypes in 
the MCZ and FMNH. 

Comments. D. labilis was considered a valid spe- 
cies by Woods (1993: 791) and Nowak (1999: 

Genus PROECHIMYS J. A. Allen, 1899 

Proechimys burrus Bangs, 1901b 
Amer. Nat., 35: 640, 22 August. 
=Proechimys semispinosus burrus Bangs, 
1901. See Goldman (1920: 120). 

Holotype. B8458. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. Panama: (Panama), Gulf of Panama, San 
Miguel Island. 30 April 1900. 

Collector. WW. Brown, Jr. Original number 130. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. Right dentary 
broken at pm. 


Type Series. There is a large series of paratypes in 
the MCZ. 

Comments. P. s. burrus was retained as a valid sub- 
species by Hall (1981: 873). 

Proechimys gorgonae Bangs, 1905b 
Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 46: 89, June. 

Holotype. MCZ 10828. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. Colombia: (Cauca), Gorgona Island. 2 
July 1904. 

Collector. W. W. Brown, Jr. Original number 25. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. 

Type Series. 6 paratypes; MCZ 10829-10834, all 
represented by skin and skull, 1 female and 5 
males. MCZ 10830 and 10834 are now in the 

Comments. Treated as a separate species by Woods 
(1993: 796) but included in P. cayennensis by No- 
wak (1999: 1689). 

Proechimys guyannensis hyleae Moojen, 

Univa Kansas Bulbl) Mus! Nataelelist ml: 
361, 10 December. 

=Proechimys cayennensis hyleae Moojen, 
1948. See comments. 

Holotype. MCZ 30887. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. Brazil: Para, Porto de Moz, Rio Tapajoz 
(=Tapajos), Tauari (=Tauary), 87 km south of San- 
tarem. 19 January 1934. 

Collector. A. M. Olalla. Original number 7288. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. Mandible dis- 

Type Series. 20 paratypes (19 at MCZ and 1 at 
FMNH), represented by skin and skull. 
Comments. Retained as a valid subspecies by Ca- 
brera (1961: 521). The use of the specific name 
cayennensis over guyannensis follows Woods 

(i993 7795): 

Family CAPROMYIDAE Smith, 1842 
Genus CAPROMYS Desmarest, 1822 

Capromys pilorides relictus G. M. Allen, 
Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 54: 207, July. 

Holotype. MCZ 10996. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. Cuba: Isle of Pines (=Isla de Pinos), Nue- 
va Gerona, Casas Mountains. 10 March 1902 
Collector. W. R. Zappey. 

Condition. Skin complete. Skull partial (bone miss- 
ing from palatine to occipital). 

Type Series. 1 paratype; MCZ 10997, skin and 

Comments. Retained as a valid subspecies by Hall 
(1981: 863). 


Genus GEOCAPROMYS Chapman, 1901 

Geocapromys cubanus G. M. Allen, 1917a 
Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. 61: 9, January. 

= Geocapromys columbianus (Chapman, 
1892). See G. M. Allen (1918b: 145). 

Holotype. VP 9602. Part of right lower ramus. Juve- 
Locality. Cuba: Matanzas Province, cave in Sierra 
de Hato Neuvo. 
Collector. C. de la Torre. 
Condition. Portion of ramus includes incisor and 
three anterior cheekteeth. 
Type Series. Allen mentions in the original descrip- 
tion, “Five palates with teeth, about 15 jaw frag- 
ments mostly with teeth, and numerous other frag- 
ments.” This material is in the MCZ. 
Comments. The type material of cubanus is stored 
in the Vertebrate Paleontology Department of the 

Geocapromys ingrahami abaconis 
Lawrence, 1934 

Occas. Pap. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 8: 
190, 7 November. 

Holotype. VP 2108. Left lower ramus. Adult. 
Locality. Bahamas: Great Abaco Island, Hole in 
the Wall, Imperial Lighthouse Caves. 1934. 
Collector. F. Rainey. 

Condition. Ramus intact. 

Type Series. The paratype series is a collection of 
cranial and mandibular fragments, described in the 
original description and housed in the MCZ. 
Comments. G. i. abaconis was retained as a valid 
subspecies by Hall (1981: 866) under the genus 
Capromys. Woods (1993: 800) employed the genus 
Geocapromys. G. i. abaconis is extinct. The type 
material of abaconis is stored in the Vertebrate Pa- 
leontology Department of the MCZ. 

Geocapromys ingrahami irrectus 
Lawrence, 1934 

Occas. Pap. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 8: 
190, 7 November. 

Holotype. VP 2107. Right lower ramus. Adult. 
Locality. Bahamas: Crooked Island, Gordon Hill 
Caves, “Burial Cave No. 1.” 1934. 

Collector. F. Rainey. 

Condition. Ramus intact. 

Type Series. The paratype series is a collection of 
cranial and mandibular fragments, described in the 
original description and housed in the MCZ. 
Comments. G. i. irrectus was retained as a valid 
subspecies by Hall (1981: 866) under the genus 
Capromys. Woods (1993: 800) employed the genus 
Geocapromys. G. i. irrectus is extinct. The type ma- 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 2 

terial of irrectus is stored in the Vertebrate Pale- 
ontology Department of the MCZ. 

Genus MESOCAPROMYS Varona, 1970 

Capromys nana G. M. Allen, 1917b 

Proc. New England Zool. Club, 6: 54, 28 

=Mesocapromys nanus (G. M. Allen, 
1917). See Kratochvil et al. (1978: 15). 

Holotype. VP 9864. Right mandible. 
Locality. Cuba: Matanzas, cave in Sierra de Hato 
Nuevo. March 1917. 
Collector. T. Barbour. 
Condition. Mandible partial—coronoid and angu- 
lar processes broken off. 
Type Series. A series of paratype material is stored 
at the MCZ. 
Comments. G. M. Allen supplemented his descrip- 
tion of Capromys nanus after Thomas Barbour 
provided him with a freshly killed specimen in 
1918 (1918b: 140-145). Type species of the sub- 
genus Paracapromys Kratochvil, Rodriguez, and 
Barus, 1978. M. nanus was considered a valid spe- 
cies by Woods (1993: 801) and Nowak (1999: 
1703). The type series is stored in the Vertebrate 
Paleontology Department of the MCZ. 

Genus PLAGIODONTA F. Cuvier, 1836 

Plagiodonta araeum Ray, 1964 
Breviora, Mus. Comp. Zool., 203: 2, 10 

Holotype. VP 7675. Left upper cheektooth, originally 
described as “almost certainly the fourth (decidu- 
ous) premolar.” 

Locality. Dominican Republic: San Rafael Prov- 
ince, Hondo Valle Municipality, unnamed cave 2 
km southeast of Rancho de La Guardia. April 1963. 
Collector. R. Allen and C. E. Ray. 

Condition. Condition of tooth as originally de- 
scribed—damaged slightly along the posterolabial 

Type Series. Holotype only. 

Comments. Considered a valid species by Woods 
(1993: 804) and Nowak (1999: 1708). Complete 
cranial and dentary material of araewm has been 
collected in Haiti and deposited in the Florida Mu- 
seum of Natural History (Woods 1993: 804). This 
species is extinct. This specimen is stored in the 
Vertebrate Paleontology Department of the MCZ. 



Order LAGOMORPHA Brandt, 1855 
Family OCHOTONIDAE Thomas, 1897 
Genus OCHOTONA Link, 1795 

Ochotona cuppes Bangs, 1899g 

Proc. New England Zool. Club, 1: 40, 5 

=Ochotona princeps cuppes Bangs, 1899. 
See A. H. Howell (1924: 27). 

Holotype. B7389. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. (Canada): British Columbia, Gold Range, 
Monishee Divide, 4,000 ft (1,220 m). 2 August 

Collector. A. C. Brooks. Original number 1030. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. Mandible dis- 

Type Series. 3 paratypes; MCZ 7390-7392; all rep- 
resented by skin and skull, all female. MCZ 7390 
is now at FMNH. 

Comments. O. p. cuppes was retained as a valid 
subspecies by Hall (1981: 289) and Smith and Wes- 

ton (1990: 1). 

Ochotona saxatilis Bangs, 1899g 

Proc. New England Zool. Club, 1: 41, 5 

=Ochotona princeps saxatilis Bangs, 
1899. See A. H. Howell (1924: 27). 

Holotype. MCZ 2703. Skin. Adult male. 
Locality. (United States): Colorado, Park County, 
Snowy Range, near Mount Lincoln, Montgomery. 
27 July 1871. 
Collector. J. A. Allen, Rocky Mountain Expedition. 
Original number 945. 
Condition. Skin complete. 
Type Series. Large paratype series; MCZ 209, 243— 
263, skulls; B41 and B42, each represented by skin 
and skull; MCZ 2673-2703, skins. 
Comments. O. p. saxatilis was retained as a valid 
subspecies by Hall (1981: 291) and Smith and Wes- 
ton (1990: 1). 

Family LEPORIDAE Fischer de Waldheim, 

Genus LEPUS Linnaeus, 1758 

Lepus (Macrotolagus) alleni palitans 

Bangs, 1900a 

Proc. New England Zool. Club, 1: 85, 23 


Holotype. B9096. Skin and skull. Adult female. 
Locality. Mexico: Sinaloa, Aguacaliente (about 40 

miles [64.4 km] southeast of Mazatlan). 7 August 


Collector. P. O. Simons. Original number 157. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. Mandible dis- 
articulated; left ramus chipped; two holes in right 
Type Series. 1 paratype; B9097, skin, adult male. 
Comments. Retained as a valid subspecies by Hall 
(1981: 332) and Best and Henry (1993: 1). 

Lepus americanus struthopus Bangs, 

Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 12: 81, 24 

Holotype. B2025. Skin and skull. Adult female. 
Locality. (Canada): Nova Scotia, Digby. 4 August 

Collector. O. Bangs. Original number 9. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. 

Type Series. There is a series of paratypes in the 

Comments. Retained as a valid subspecies by Hall 
(1981: 318). 

Lepus arcticus bangsii Rhoads, 1896a 
Amer. Nat., 30: 236, 6 March. 

Holotype. B3752. Skin and skull. Adult female. 
Locality. (Canada): Newfoundland, Codroy. 3 Au- 
gust 1895. 

Collector. E. Doane. Original number 1. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. 

Type Series. There is a series of paratypes in the 

Comments. Retained as a valid subspecies by Hall 
(1981: 320). 

Lepus bairdii Hayden, 1869 

Amer. Nat., 3: 115, May. 

=Lepus americanus bairdii Hayden, 1869. 
See J. A. Allen (1875: 431). 

Syntype. MCZ 5501. Skin and skull. Adult. 
Locality. (United States): Wyoming, (Fremont 
County), summit of Wind River Mountains, near 
Fremont Peak. 4 June 1860. 

Collector. F. V. Hayden. Original number 90. For- 
merly USNM 4264. 

Condition. Skin and skull complete. 

Type Series. 2 other adult syntypes; USNM 4262/ 
38001, skin and skull, male: USNM 4263/4273, 
skin and skull; see Poole and Schantz (1942: 210). 
Comments. No type is designated in the original 
description, which is based on 6 individuals col- 
lected by Hayden—3 adults and 3 juveniles, origi- 
nally deposited in the USNM (Poole and Schantz 
1942: 210). 


Lepus bairdi cascadensis Nelson, 1907 
Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 20: 87, 11 

=Lepus americanus cascadensis Nelson, 
1907. See Racey and Cowan (1936: 

Holotype. B1886. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. Canada: British Columbia, near Hope, 
Roab’s Ranch. 12 June 1874. 

Collector. W. C. Colt. Original number 476. 
Condition. Skin complete. Skull slightly damaged 
(supraoccipital and occipital chipped). 

Type Series. Holotype only. 

Comments. L. a. cascadensis was retained as a valid 
subspecies by Hall (1981: 315). 

Genus SYLVILAGUS Gray, 1867 

Lepus (Tapeti) incitatus Bangs, 1901b 
Amer. Nat., 35: 633, 22 August. 

= Sylvilagus brasiliensis incitatus (Bangs, 
1901). See Hershkovitz (1950: 352). 

Holotype. B8441. Skin and skull. Adult female. 
Locality. Panama: (Panama), Bay of Panama, San 
Miguel Island. 30 April 1900. 

Collector. W. W. Brown, Jr. Original number 127 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. 

Type Series. Holotype only. 

Comments. S. b. incitatus was retained as a valid 
subspecies by Hall (1981: 296). 

Lepus paludicola Miller and Bangs, 1894 
Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 9: 105, 9 

= Sylvilagus palustris paludicola (Miller 

and Bangs, 1894). See Nelson (1909: 


Holotype. B1451. Skin and skull. Adult female. 
Locality. (United States): Florida, (Citrus County), 
Fort Island, near Crystal River. 25 January 1894. 
Collector. F. L. Small. Original number 1150. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. 

Type Series. 3 paratypes; B1452, skin and skull, 
adult male; B1453, skin and skull, adult male; 
B1454, skin and skull, adult female. 

Comments. S. p. paludicola was retained as a valid 
subspecies by Hall (1981: 299) and Chapman and 
Willner (1981: 1). 

Lepus sylvaticus alacer Bangs, 1896h 

Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 10: 136, 28 


= Sylvilagus floridanus alacer (Bangs, 

1896). See Lyon (1904: 336). 

Holotype. B5480. Skin and skull. Adult female. 
Locality. (United States): Indian Territory 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 2 

(=Oklahoma), (Adair County), Stilwell. 14 August 

Collector. T. Surber. Original number 65. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. Mandible dis- 

Type Series. 3 paratypes; B1677, skin and skull, 
B1678, skin and skull, adult male; B5481, skin and 
skull, adult female. 

Comments. S. f. alacer was retained as a valid sub- 
species by Hall (1981: 301) and Chapman et al. 
(1980: 1). 

Lepus sylvaticus transitionalis Bangs, 

Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 26: 405, 31 

= Sylvilagus transitionalis (Bangs, 1895). 
See Nelson (1909: 195). 

Holotype. B2407. Skin and skull. Adult female. 
Locality. (United States): Connecticut, New Lon- 
don County, Liberty Hill. 6 November 1894. 
Collector. O. Bangs. 

Condition. Skin and skull complete. Mandible dis- 

Type Series. There is a series of paratypes in the 

Comments. S. transitionalis was considered a valid 
species by Hoffman (1993: 827) and Nowak (1999: 

Order SCANDENTIA Wagner, 1855 
Family TUPAIIDAE Gray, 1825 
Genus TUPAIA Raffles, 1822 

Tana tana griswoldi Coolidge, 1938 

Proc. New England Zool. Club, 17: 45, 6 

=Tupaia tana paitana (Lyon, 1913). See 
Medway (1965: 76). 

Holotype. MCZ 36416. Skin, skull, and baculum. 
Subadult male. 
Locality. (Malaysia): British North Borneo (=Sa- 
bah), Mount Kinabalu, Kenokok River, Kiau 
(=Kampong Kiau), 3,300 ft (1,007 m). 9 August 
Collector. J. A. Griswold, Jr., Asiatic Primate Ex- 
pedition. Original number 684. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. Mandible dis- 
Type Series. Holotype only. 


Order PRIMATES Linnaeus, 1758 
Family INDRIDAE Burnett, 1828 
Genus PROPITHECUS Bennett, 1832 

Propithecus perrieri Lavauden, 1931 
Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 193: 77, 6 

=Propithecus diadema perrieri Lavauden, 

1931. See W. C. O. Hill (1953: 568). 

Holotype. MCZ 44857. Skin, skull, and postcranial 
skeleton. Adult male. 
Locality. Malagasy Republic (Madagascar): (Toli- 
ary), [fotaka, vicinity of Ambovombe. Probably 
Collector. M. Perrier. Original number 1. Grandi- 
dier Collection. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. Postcranial 
skeleton partial (right humerus broken, foot bones 
left in skin). 
Type Series. 3 paratypes; MCZ 44858, skin, skull, 
and postcranial skeleton, adult female; MCZ 
44859, skin and skull, juvenile; MCZ 46001, skin 
and leg bones, adult. 
Comments. P. d. perrieri was retained as a valid 
subspecies by Tattersall (1982: 103). 

Family DAUBENTONIIDAE Gray, 1863 
Genus DAUBENTONIA E. Geoffroy, 1795 

Cheiromys madagascariensis laniger G. 
Grandidier, 1930d 

Bull. Acad. Malgache, n. ser., 11: 106 
(for 1928). 

= Daubentonia madagascariensis (Gmelin, 
1788). See G. M. Allen (1939: 134). 

Holotype. MCZ 45947. Skull and postcranial skele- 
ton. Adult male. 
Locality. Madagascar: Forest of the East. 
Collector. Received by G. Grandidier from the 
Académie Malgache, 1927-28. 
Condition. Skull complete. Postcranial skeleton in- 
complete (hands and feet missing, presumably in- 
tact within mounted skin). 
Type Series. Holotype only. 
Comments. The mounted skin of the holotype is in 
the collection of the Académie Malgache (Anta- 
nanarivo Museum). Grandidier named laniger as a 
new subspecies on account of its woolly pelage, but 
it is probably just a molting individual (Schwarz 
1931: 428). 


Family GALAGONIDAE Gray, 1825 
Genus GALAGOIDES A. Smith, 1833 

Galago demidovii orinus Lawrence and 
Washburn, 1936 

Occ. Pap. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 8: 259, 
8 January. 

= Galagoides orinus (Lawrence and 
Washburn, 1936). See Honess (1996: 58). 

Holotype. MCZ 22453. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. Tanganyika Territory (=Tanzania): Mor- 
ogoro, Uluguru Mountains, Bagilo, 5,000 ft (1,525 
m). 17 September 1926. 

Collector. A. Loveridge. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. 
Type Series. Holotype only. 

Family CEBIDAE Bonaparte, 1831 
Genus ALOUATTA Lacépéde, 1799 

Alouatta palliata luctuosa Lawrence, 

Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 75: 337, 

=Alouatta pigra Lawrence, 1933. See 
Smith (1970: 363). 

Holotype. MCZ 24059. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. British Honduras (=Belize): Cayo Dis- 
trict, Mount Cow. 12 April 1928. 

Collector. O. L. Austin, Jr. Original number 723. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. 
Type Series. Holotype only. 

Alouatta palliata trabeata Lawrence, 

Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 75: 328, 

Holotype. MCZ 29545. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. Panama: Herrera Province, Capina. 
March 1933. 

Collector. T. Barbour. Original number 4. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. 

Type Series. Lawrence mentions examining 19 
specimens of trabeata and lists them by locality 
(1933: 330). 9 of these are in the MCZ; other than 
the holotype, they are MCZ 27784, 27785, 28735, 
28736, 29543, 29544, 29546, and 29548. 1 paraty- 
pe, MCZ 29547, has been exchanged to the Museu 
Palista, Sao Paolo, Brazil. 

Comments. Retained as a valid subspecies by Hall 
(1981: 263). 


Genus CEBUS Erxleben, 1777 

Cebus curtus Bangs, 1905b 

Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 46: 91, June. 
= Cebus capucinus curtus Bangs, 1905. 
See Cabrera (1917: 240). 

Holotype. MCZ 10824. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. Colombia: (Cauca), Gorgona Island. 2 
July 1904. 

Collector. W. W. Brown, Jr. Original number 27. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. 

Type Series. 1 paratype; MCZ 10825, skin and 
skull, adult female. 

Comments. C. c. curtus was retained as a valid sub- 
species by Cabrera (1958: 169) and Napier (1976: 

Family HYLOBATIDAE Gray, 1870 
Genus HYLOBATES lIlliger, 1811 

Hylobates lar carpenteri Groves, 1968 
Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 81: 625, 30 

Holotype. MCZ 41430. Skin and_ skeleton. Adult 
Locality. Thailand: Chiengmai District, Mount 

Angka (=Doi Inthanon), 3,400 ft (1,037 m). 14 
March 1937. 

Collector. H. J. Coolidge, Jr., Asiatic Primate Ex- 
pedition. Original numbers 21 and 155. 
Condition. Skin, skull, and skeleton complete. 
Type Series. Groves examined a series of 144 skins, 
skulls, and skeletons of this subspecies that were 
collected by the Harvard Asiatic Primate Expedi- 
tion in 1937 from Chiengmai District, Thailand, 
“mostly in the Museum of Comparative Zoology, 
Harvard, but a few of the osteological specimens 

in the Anthropology Department, University of 

California at Berkeley.” He examined also 18 spec- 
imens in the USNM and 1 in the AMNH, all rep- 
resented by skin and skull. 

Comments. Retained as a valid subspecies by Jen- 
kins (1990: 15) and Geissman (1995: 474). 

Family HOMINIDAE Gray, 1825 
Genus GORILLA |. Geoffroy, 1853 

Troglodytes gorilla Savage and Wyman, 


Boston J. Nat. Hist., 5: 417, December. 

=Gorilla gorilla gorilla (Savage and 

Wyman, 1847). See Rothschild (1923: 


Lectotype. MCZ 9587. Skull and postcranial skeleton. 
Adult male. 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 2 

Locality. Gabon: Gabon Estuary, Mpongwe coun- 
try. 1847. 

Collector. T. S. Savage. Original number 28 (of J. 

Condition. Postcranial skeleton partial (includes 
pelvis, sacrum, scapulae, humeri, radii, left ulna, 
femora, left tibia, and 7 vertebrae: 2 cervical, 3 dor- 
sal, 2 lumbar). Head of right humerus and left fe- 
mur bisected. 

Type Series. The original description mentions 
“four skulls, two males and two females, one of 
each in a perfect condition, and all of them adult; 
a male and female pelvis, the long bones of the 
upper and lower extremities, and a few vertebrae 
and ribs.” However, measurements and illustrations 
of only two of these specimens, an adult male and 
female, each represented by a skull and partial 
postcranial skeleton, are provided. These two, pre- 
sumably the specimens originally described as be- 
ing “in a perfect condition,” are the only specimens 
Br the original four to be noted in Wyman’s per- 
sonal notebook of osteology (unpublished, now in 
the library of the Boston Museum of Science) and 
the only original specimens of which there is any 
record at Fil These two specimens were trans- 
ferred from the Boston Society of Natural History 
to the MCZ in 1915-16. They bear MCZ numbers 
9587 (male) and 9311 (female). The skull of the 
female was sawed in half (hemisected), probably by 
Wyman. The adult male specimen, MCZ 9587, 
possesses an intact skull. MCZ 9587 is the only in- 
tact specimen of the syntype series known to exist, 
and its measurements and an illustration of its skull 
are included in the original publication. Addition- 
ally, it is the only syntype whose measurements are 
included in Coolidge’ s revision of the genus Gorilla 
(1929: 325), although it is erroneously listed in that 
work as MCZ 9586. For these reasons, MCZ 9587 
is hereby designated as lectotype of Troglodytes go- 
rilla Savage and Wyman, 1847; this should ensure 
taxonomic consistency between past and future 
treatments of this name. 

Comments. Type species of the genus Gorilla I. 
Geoffroy, 1853. The original description is occa- 
sionally attributed in error to Wyman (1847). G. 
gorilla was considered a valid species by Groves 
(1993: 276) and Nowak (1999: 618). 

Order LIPOTYPHLA Haeckel, 1866 
Family NESOPHONTIDAE Anthony, 1916 
Genus NESOPHONTES Anthony, 1916 

Nesophontes micrus G. M. Allen, 1917a 
Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 61: 5, January. 

Holotype. VP 9600. Right ramus. 
Locality. Cuba: Matanzas Province, cave in Sierra 
de Hato Neuvo. 
Collector. C. de la Torre. 


Condition. Condition as originally described— 
“posterior half of the right ramus, containing a part 
of pm, m,, ms, and the roots of m;.” 

Type Series. Holotype only. 

Comments. Considered a valid species by Hutterer 
(1993: 70) and Nowak (1999: 201); almost certainly 
extinct. This specimen is stored in the Vertebrate 
Paleontology Department of the MCZ. 

Family SOLENODONTIDAE Gill, 1872 
Genus SOLENODON Brandt, 1833 

Antillogale marcanoi Patterson, 1962 
Breviora, Mus. Comp. Zool., 165: 3, 22 

= Solenodon marcanoi (Patterson, 1962). 
See Varona (1974: 8). 

Holotype. VP 7261. Right lower ramus. 
Locality. Dominican Republic: San Rafael Prov- 
ince (=Elias Pina), Hondo Valle Municipality, un- 
named cave 2 km southeast of Rancho La Guardia. 
Summer 1958. 
Collector. C. E. Ray and A. S. Rand. 
Condition. Condition as originally described—“in- 
complete right ramus of mandible with P;-M, and 
alveoli of other teeth.” 
Type Series. 5 paratypes; 7262, left ramus, 7263, 
right humerus, 7264, left humerus, 7265, right 
ulna, 7266, left ramus, juvenile; all partial. 
Comments. A. marcanoi is the type species of the 
genus Antillogale Patterson, 1962. Antillogale was 
first synonymized with Solenodon by Van Valen 
(1967: 255). Considered a valid species by Hutterer 
(1993: 69) and Nowak (1999: 199). S. marcanoi is 
probably extinct. This specimen is stored in the 
Vertebrate Paleontology Department of the MCZ. 

Solenodon poeyanus Barbour, 1944 
Proc. New England Zool. Club, 23: 6, 
March 7. 

= Solenodon cubanus poeyanus Barbour, 
1944. See Aguayo (1950: 131). 

Holotype. MCZ 6597. Mounted skin and skull. 
Locality. Cuba: Oriente (=Holguin), near Nipi Bay 
(=Nipe Bay). 

Collector. Bought by A. Agassiz from H. A. Ward, 

Condition. Skin complete. Skull partial (basioccip- 
ital plate and tympanic bullae missing, parietals 
damaged). Mandible disarticulated. 

Type Series. In the original description, Barbour 
includes a photograph of a “living example of So- 
lenodon poeyanus now in Zoological Garden, Ha- 
vana, Cuba, from vicinity of Baracoa.” 

Comments. The number of this specimen is 6597, 
not 6957 as stated in the original description. Sh @ 


poeyanus was retained as a valid subspecies by Hall 
(1981: 22). 

Family SORICIDAE Fischer von 
Waldheim, 1817 

Genus BLARINA Gray, 1838 

Blarina brevicauda aloga Bangs, 1902a 
Proc. New England Zool. Club, 3: 76, 31 

Holotype. B9727. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. (United States): Massachusetts, Dukes 
County, Martha’s Vineyard, West Tisbury. 25 June 

Collector. O. Bangs. Original number 2. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. Mandible dis- 

Type Series. 9 paratypes, B9725, B9726, B9728— 
B9734, all represented by skin and skull, 3 females 
and 6 females. 

Comments. Retained as a valid subspecies by Hall 
(1981: 54) and George et al. (1986: 1). 

Blarina brevicauda compacta Bangs, 

Proc. New England Zool. Club, 3: 77, 31 

Holotype. B97O5. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. (United States): Massachusetts, (Nan- 
tucket County), Nantucket (Island). 10 July 1899. 
Collector. O. Bangs. Original number 3. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. Mandible dis- 

Type Series. 6 paratypes; B9701—B9704, B97O06, 
B9708; all represented by skin and skull, 4 females 
and 2 males. 

Comments. Retained as a valid subspecies by Hall 
(1981: 56) and George et al. (1986: 1). 

Genus CROCIDURA Wagner, 1832 

Crocidura bicolor tephragaster Setzer, 

Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 106: 458, 28 

=Crocidura fuscomurina (Heuglin, 1865). 
See Hutterer (1983: 223). 

Holotype. MCZ 44773. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. Anglo-Egyptian Sudan (=Sudan): (East- 
ern) Equatoria, Torit. 25 April 1950. 

Collector. J. S. Owen. Original number 1158. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. 

Type Series. Setzer mentions that he examined 18 
specimens of tephragaster, 8 of which are in the 


Crocidura hildegardeae phaios Setzer, 

ErOcw Wr SeaNat, 

Mus., 106: 460, 28 

Holotype. MCZ 45855. Skin and skull. Adult female. 
Locality. Anglo-Egyptian Sudan (=Sudan): Equa- 
toria, Imatong Mts, Gilo, 6,500 ft (1,983 m). 12 
June 1950. 

Collector. J. S. Owen. Original number 1266. 
Condition. Skin and skull ‘complete. Mandible dis- 

Type Series. 3 paratypes; 1 from the MCZ; MCZ 
45856, skin and skull, male. 

Comments. Retained as a valid subspecies, C. gra- 
cilipes phaios, by Heim de Balsac and Meester 
(1977: 16): included in Crocidura hilde gardeae by 
Hutterer (1993: 87). 

Genus CRYPTOTIS Pomel, 1848 

Cryptotis avia G. M. Allen, 1923a 

Proc. New England Zool. Club, 8: 37, 12 

=Cryptotis thomasi (Merriam, 1897). See 
Woodman (1996: 414). 

Holotype. MCZ 20091. Skin and skull. Adult. 
Locality. Colombia: (probably Cundinamarca), E] 
Verjon (see coments). October 1922. 

Collector. N. Maria. 

Condition. Skin complete. Skull partial (most of 
skull from frontals to occiput missing). Left ramus 
of mandible missing. 

Type Series. Holotype only. 

Comments. Considered a valid species by Hutterer 
(1993: 108) and Nowak (1999: 209) but synony- 
mized as noted above. The locality “El Verjon” is 
not shown on any maps av ailable to us but is pos- 
sibly equivalent to “Paramo Cruz Verde” (Paynter 
1997: 463). 

Genus MYOSOREX Gray, 1838 

Crocidura maurisca geata G. M. Allen and 
Loveridge, 1927 

Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 3 

=Myosorex geata (G. M. Allen and 
Loveridge, 1927). See Heim de Balsac 
(1967: 610). 

Holotype. MCZ 22447. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. Tanganyika Territory (=Tanzania): Mor- 
ogoro, Uluguru Mountains, Nyingwa, 7,500 ft 
(2,288 m). 19 October 1926. 

Collector. A. Loveridge. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. Mandible dis- 

8: 417, 23 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 2 

Type Series. 1 paratype; MCZ 22448, skin and 
skull, adult female. 

Comments. M. geata was considered a valid species 
by Hutterer (1993: 99) and Nowak (1999: 217). 

Genus SOREX Linnaeus, 1758 

Neosorex palustris acadicus G. M. Allen, 
Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 28: 15, 12 

Name preoccupied by Sorex acadicus 
Gilpin, 1867. 

Sorex sere gloveralleni Jackson, 1926 
J. Mammal., 7: 57, 15 February. 
(once ee name for Neosorex 
palustris acadicus G. M. Allen, 1915) 

Holotype. B2046. Skin and skull. Adult female. 
Locality. (Canada): Nova Scotia, Digby. 26 July 

Collector. O. Bangs. Original number 3. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. Mandible dis- 

Type Series. 1 paratype; 
USNM in 1922. 
Comments. Retained as a valid subspecies by Hall 
(1981: 41) and Beneski and Stinson (1987: 1). 

B2053, exchanged to the 

Sorex araneus ultimus G. M. Allen, 1914b 
Proc. New England Zool. Club, 5: 51, 9 

= Sorex tundrensis Merriam, 1900. See 
Hutterer (1993: 121). 

Holotype. MCZ 15000. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. (Russian Federation): northeastern Sibe- 
ria, Nijni Kolymsk (=Nizhnekolymsk), near mouth 
of Kolyma River. 6 November 1911. 

Collector. J. Koren. Original number 136. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. Mandible dis- 


Type Series. There is a series of paratypes, most of 

which are housed in the MCZ. 

Sorex macropygmaeus koreni G. M. Allen, 

Proc. New England Zool. Club, 

= Sorex caecutiens koreni G. M. Allen, 
1914. See Yudin (1989: 281). 

Holotype. MCZ 15085. Skin and skull. Adult female. 
Locality. (Russian Federation): northeastern Sibe- 
ria, Nijni Kolymsk (=Nizhnekolymsk), near mouth 
of Kolyma River. 19 October 1911. 

Collector. J. Koren! Original number 50. 

De OOo 


Type Series. 5 paratypes; MCZ 15003-15007, all 
represented by skin and skull; 4 males, 1 female. 
MCZ 15004, a male, was exchanged to the FMNH 
in 1931. 

Condition. Skin and skull complete. Mandible dis- 

Sorex macrurus Batchelder, 1896 

Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 10: 133, § 

Name preoccupied by Sorex macrourus 
Lehmann, 1822. 

Sorex dispar Batchelder, 1911 

Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 24: 97, 15 
May. (Replacement name for Sorex 
macrurus Batchelder, 1896) 

Holotype. MCZ 41744. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. (United States): New York, Essex County, 
Keene Heights, Beede’s (see comments). 9 Sep- 
tember 1895. 

Collector. C. F. Batchelder. Original number 1384. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. Mandible dis- 

Type Series. 1 paratype; MCZ 41745, skin and 
skull, adult male. 

Comments. S. dispar was considered a valid species 
by Hutterer (1993: 114) and Nowak (1999: 205). 
The type locality was redescribed by Martin (1966: 
131) as “0.6 mile south and 0.5 mile east of Saint 
Huberts, Essex County, New York, lat. 44°09’, long. 

Sorex personatus miscix Bangs, 1899d 
Proc. New England Zool. Club, 1: 15, 28 

= Sorex cinereus miscix Bangs, 1899. See 

Jackson (1925: 56). 

Holotype. B8651. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. (Canada): Labrador, Black Bay. 10 Octo- 
ber 1898. 

Collector. E. Doane. Original number 1. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. Mandible dis- 

Type Series. Bangs based his description on 39 
specimens; corresponding to B7931—B7950 and 
B8651—B8669; all represented by skin and skull. 
Comments. S. c. miscix was retained as a valid sub- 
species by Hall (1981: 29). 

Sorex sanguinidens G. M. Allen, 1914b 
Proc. New England Zool. Club, 5: 54, 9 

= Sorex daphaenodon sanguinidens G. M. 
Allen, 1914. See Yudin (1989: 198). 

Holotype. MCZ 15012. Skin and skull. Adult female. 
Locality. (Russian Federation): northeastern Sibe- 


ria, Nijni Kolymsk (=Nizhnekolymsk), near mouth 
Kolyma River. 11 December 1911. 

Collector. J. Koren. Original number 221. 
Condition. Tail separate from skin. Skull complete. 
Mandible disarticulated. 

Type Series. There is a large series of paratypes, 
most of which are still in the MCZ. 

Sorex virG. M. Allen, 1914b 

Proc. New England Zool. Club, 5: 52, 9 

= Sorex roboratus Hollister, 1913. See 
Hoffman (1985: 17). 

Holotype. MCZ 15068. Skin and skull. Adult female. 
Locality. (Russian Federation): northeastern Sibe- 
ria, Nijni Kolymsk (=Nizhnekolymsk), near mouth 
of Kolyma River. 19 December 1911. 

Collector. J. Koren. Original number 230. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. Mandible dis- 

Type Series. There is a large series of paratypes, 
most of which are still in the MCZ. 

Genus SUNCUS Ehrenberg, 1832 

Suncus ater Medway, 1965 
Mammals of Borneo, J. Malay. Branch R. 
Asiat. Soc., 36: 38, December. 

Holotype. MCZ 36574. Skin, skull, and postcranial 
skeleton. Adult female. 
Locality. Malaysia: northern Borneo, Sabah, 
Mount Kinabalu, Lumu Lumu, 5,500 ft (1,678 m). 
7 July 1937. 
Collector. J. A. Griswold, Jr. Original number 462. 
Condition. Skin complete. Skull partial (tympanic 
bullae missing), and mandible disarticulated. Post- 
cranial skeleton complete. 
Type Series. Holotype only. 
Comments. Considered a valid species by Hutterer 
(1993: 101) and Nowak (1999: 223). 

Suncus varilla minor G. M. Allen and 
Loveridge, 1933 

Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 75: 57, 

Holotype. MCZ 26754. Skin and skull. Adult female. 
Locality. Tanganyika Territory (=Tanzania): Urun- 
gu, Kitungulu, 4,500 ft (1,373 m). 14 May 1930. 
Collector. A. Loveridge. 

Condition. Skin and skull complete. Mandible dis- 

Type Series. Holotype only. 

Comments. Retained as a valid subspecies by Heim 
de Balsac and Meester (1977: 6). 


Family TALPIDAE Fischer de Waldheim, 
Ws y 

Genus NEUROTRICHUS Gunther, 1880 

Neurotrichus gibbsi hyacinthinus Bangs, 
Amer. Nat., 31: 240, 1 March. 

Holotype. B1240. Skin and skull. Adult female. 
Locality. U.S.A. (United States): California, Marin 
County, Nicasio. 10 March 1894. 

Collector. C. A. Allen. Original number 694. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. Mandible dis- 

Type Series. 1 paratype; B1241, skin and _ skull, 
adult male. 

Comments. Retained as a valid subspecies by Hall 

(1981: 67) and Carraway and Verts (1991: 1). 
Genus SCALOPUS Desmarest, 1804 

Scalops anastasae Bangs, 1898b 

Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 28: 212, 15 

= Scalopus aquaticus anastasae (Bangs, 
1898). See Jackson (1915: 39). 

Holotype. B7192. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. U.S.A. (United States): Florida, St. Johns 
County, Anastasia Island, Point Romo. 16 February 

Collector. O. Bangs. Original number 10. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. Mandible dis- 

Type Series. 4 paratypes; B7193—B7196; all repre- 
sented by skin and skull, 2 females and 2 males. 
Comments. S. a. anastasae was retained as a valid 
subspecies by Hall (1981: 72). 

Scalops texanus aereus Bangs, 1896h 
Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 10: 138, 28 

= Scalopus aquaticus aereus (Bangs, 
1896). See Miller (1912: 8). 

Holotype. B5475. Skin and skull. Adult female. 
Locality. (United States): Indian Territory 
(=OkKahoma) (Adair County), Stilwell. 13 August 

Collector. T. Surber. Original number 64. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. Mandible dis- 

Type Series. Holotype only. 

Comments. S. a. aereus was retained as a valid sub- 
species by Hall (1981: 72). 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 2 

Genus SCAPANUS Pomel, 1848 

Scapanus Californicus minusculus Bangs, 
Proc. New England Zool. Club, 1: 70, 31 

= Scapanus latimanus minusculus Bangs, 
1899. See Grinnell and Swarth (1912: 


Holotype. B9189. Skin and skull. Adult female. 
Locality. (United States): California, El Dorado 
County, Fyffe. 10 June 1897. 

Collector. W. W. Price and E. M. Nutting. Original 
number 15. 

Condition. Skin and skull complete. Mandible dis- 

Type Series. Holotype only. 

Comments. S. l. minusculus was retained as a valid 
subspecies by Hall (1981: 70). 

Order CHIROPTERA Blumenbach, 1779 
Family PTEROPODIDAE Gray, 1821 
Genus AETHALOPS Thomas, 1923 

Aethalops aequalis G. M. Allen, 1938b 
J. Mammal., 19: 497, 14 November. 
=Aethalops alecto aequalis G. M. Allen, 
1938. See Hill (1961: 639). 

Holotype. MCZ 36582. Skin, skull, and postcranial 
skeleton. Adult female. 
Locality. (Malaysia): British North Borneo (=Sa- 
bah), Mount Kinabalu, Luma Luma, 5,500 ft (1,678 
m). 12 July 1937. 
Collector. J. A. Griswold, Jr., Asiatic Primate Ex- 
pedition. Original number 510. 
Condition. Skin, skull, and posteranial skeleton 
Type Series. 3 paratypes; MCZ 36583, skin, skull 
and skeleton, female; MCZ 36584, skin and skull, 
female; MCZ 36586, skin and skull, female. 
Comments. A. a. aequalis was retained as a valid 
subspecies by Koopman (1994: 35). 

Genus EONYCTERIS Dobson, 1873 

Eonycteris spelaea glandifera Lawrence, 

In Barbour, Lawrence, and Peters, Bull. 
Mus. Comp. Zool., 86: 38, November. 

Holotype. MCZ 35159. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. Philippines: Luzon, (Nueva Ecija), Rizal, 
Montalban caves near Manila. 27 February 1937. 
Collector. B. Lawrence. Original number 253. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. 

Type Series. In the original description, Lawrence 


implies the existence of several specimens in ad- 
dition to the holotype; she collected 18 specimens 
of glandifera during her 1936-37 expedition to the 
Philippines, all of which are in the MCZ. 
Comments. Retained as a valid subspecies by Ma- 
haradatunkamsi and Kitchener (1997: 59). 

Genus HAPLONYCTERIS Lawrence, 

Haplonycteris fischeri Lawrence, 1939 
In Barbour, Lawrence, and Peters, Bull. 
Mus. Comp. Zool., 86: 33, November. 

Holotype. MCZ 35258. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. Philippines: Mindoro (Oriental), Mount 
Halcon, Bignay. 26 April 1937. 

Collector. F. S. Rivera. Original number BL 502. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. 

Type Series. Holotype only. 

Comments. Type species of the genus Haplonyc- 
teris Lawrence, 1939. Considered a valid species 
by Koopman (1993: 142) and Nowak (1999: 292). 

Genus PTEROPUS Erxleben, 1777 

Pteropus anetianus aorensis Lawrence, 

Proc. New England Zool. Club, 23: 66, 
26 March. 

Holotype. MCZ 42183. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. (Vanuatu): New Hebrides, off southwest 
corner of Espiritu Santo Island, Aore Island. 8 
April 1944. 

Collector. O. L. Austin, Jr. Original number 5. 
Condition. Skin complete. Skull partial (basioccip- 
ital missing), right ramus of mandible broken. 
Type Series. 1 paratype; MCZ 42182, skin and 
skull, adult male. 

Comments. Retained as a valid subspecies by 
Koopman (1994: 25) and Flannery (1995b). 

Pteropus ariel G. M. Allen, 1908 

Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 52: 28, July. 
=Pteropus giganteus ariel G. M. Allen, 
1908. See Hill (1958: 5). 

Holotype. MCZ 10565. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. Maldive Islands: Male Atoll. 24 Decem- 
ber 1901. 

Collector. H. B. Bigelow, A. Agassiz Expedition. 
Condition. Right wing of skin damaged. Skull in- 
tact, with 2 small holes in braincase. 

Type Series. 1 paratype; MCZ 10566, skin and 
skull, juvenile female. 

Comments. P. g. ariel was retained as a valid sub- 
species by Koopman (1994: 26). 


Pteropus austini Lawrence, 1945 

Proc. New England Zool. Club, 23: 59, 
26 March. 

=Pteropus woodfordi Thomas, 1888. See 
Sanborn and Beecher (1947: 389). 

Holotype. MCZ 42166. Skin and skull. Subadult fe- 
Locality. Solomon Islands: Florida Island (Nggela 
Group). 20 February 1944. 
Collector. O. L. Austin, Jr. Original number 2. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. 
Type Series. 1 paratype; MCZ 42167, skin and 
skull, subadult male. 
Comments. Lawrence referred to the holotype as 
an adult in the original description, but Sanborn 
and Beecher (1947: 389) recognized it as a sub- 

Pteropus rayneri monoensis Lawrence, 

Proc. New England Zool. Club., 23: 63, 
26 March. 

Holotype. MCZ 42191. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. Solomon Islands: Treasury (Mono) Island. 
11 October 1944. 

Collector. O. L. Austin, Jr. Original number 27. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. 

Type Series. 2 paratypes; MCZ 42192, skin and 
skull, adult male; MCZ 42193, skin and skull, adult 

Comments. Retained as a valid subspecies by 
Koopman (1994: 24) and Flannery (1995b: 285). 

Genus ROUSETTUS Gray, 1821 

Rousettus madagascariensis G. 
Grandidier, 1930b 

Bull. Acad. Malgache, n. ser., 11: 91 (for 

Holotype. MCZ 45432. Alcoholic and skull. Adult 
Locality. Malagasy Republic (Madagascar): (Anta- 
nanarivo), between Tananarive (=Antananarivo) 
and Andevoranto, Grand forest de Est, near Be- 
Collector. Received by G. Grandidier from the 
Académie Malgache, 1917. 
Condition. Alcoholic, skull complete. 
Type Series. Holotype only. 
Comments. Considered a valid species by Koop- 
man (1993: 153) and Nowak (1999: 261). In his 
review of known material of R. madagascariensis, 
Bergmans (1977: 67) commented in error that the 
holotype was in the Académie Malgache, Antana- 
narivo, Madagascar. 


Family EMBALLONURIDAE Gervais, 1855 
Genus PEROPTERYX Peters, 1867 

Peropteryx canina phaea G. M. Allen, 

Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 54: 222, July. 
=Peropteryx macrotis phaea G. M. Allen, 
1911. See Sanborn (1937: 342). 

Holotype. MCZ 8101. Skin and skull. Adult female. 
Locality. Grenada: Point Saline(s). 29 August 1910. 
Collector. G. M. Allen. Original number 15. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. Mandible dis- 

Type Series. There is a series of paratypes in the 

Comments. P. m. phaea was retained as a valid sub- 
species by Hall (1981: 82) and Koopman (1994: 


Rhynchiscus naso priscus G. M. Allen, 

Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 27: 109, 10 

=Rhynchonycteris naso (Wied-Neuwied, 
1820). See Sanborn (1937: 326). 

Holotype. MCZ 13208. Skin and skull. Adult. 
Locality. Mexico: Quintana Roo, Xcopen. 18 Feb- 
ruary 1912. 

Collector. J. L. Peters. Original number 13. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. Mandible dis- 

Type Series. 3 paratypes; MCZ 13209, skin and 
skull, adult male; MCZ 14637, alcoholic, adult 
male: MCZ 14638, alcoholic, adult female. 

Family NYCTERIDAE Van der Hoeven, 

Genus NYCTERIS G. Cuvier and E. 
Geoffroy, 1795 

Nycteris madagascariensis G. Grandidier, 

Bull. Mus. Nat. Hist. Paris, 9: 353, 25 

Holotype. MCZ 45433. Body in alcohol, skull extract- 
Locality. Madagascar: (Antsiranana), Diego-Suarez 
(=Antsiranana), Valley of the Rodo, north of Pir 
kana near the Ankarana, 12°5’—13°0'S, 49°5’E. June 
Collector. Grandidier collection. 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 2 

Condition. Alcoholic, skull complete. 

Type Series. 1 paratype, MCZ 45434, in alcohol, 
skull extracted, female. 

Comments. N. madagascariensis was included in N. 
macrotis by Koopman (1993: 162) but retained as 
a valid species by Peterson et al. (1995: 63). 

Nycteris nana tristis G. M. Allen and 
Lawrence, 1936 
Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 79: 47, January. 

=WNycteris nana (Andersen, 1912). See 
Hayman and Hill (1971: 19). 

Holotype. MCZ 31156. Skin and skull. Adult female. 
Locality. Kenya: (W. Nyanza), Kakamega District, 
Kaimosi. 13 February 1934. 

Collector. A. Loveridge. 

Condition. Skin and skull complete. Mandible dis- 

Type Series. Holotype only. 

Family RHINOLOPHIDAE Gray, 1825 
Genus HIPPOSIDEROS Gray, 1831 

Hipposideros curtus G. M. Allen, 1921 
Rev. Zool. Africaine, 9: 194, December. 

Holotype. MCZ 19305. Body in alcohol. Female. 
Locality. Cameroons (=Cameroon): (Littoral), Sak- 
bayeme. 1920. 

Collector. G. Schwab. 
Condition. Alcoholic. 
cleaned (still in alcohol). 
Type Series. Holotype only. 

Comments. H. curtus was considered a valid spe- 
cies by Koopman (1993: 172) and Nowak (1999: 

extracted but not 


Hipposideros erigens Lawrence, 1939 

In Barbour, Lawrence, and Peters, Bull. 
Mus. Comp. Zool., 86: 56, November. 

= Hipposideros bicolor erigens Lawrence, 
1939. See Hill (1963: 28). 

Holotype. MCZ 35197. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. Philippines: Mindoro, (Oriental) Tabucala 
cave near Calapan, northern base of Mount Hal- 
con. 7 March 1937. 

Collector. B. Lawrence. Original number 307. 
Condition. Skin complete. Skull partial (occiput 
missing), and mandible disarticulated. 

Type Series. 3 paratypes; MCZ 35195, skin and 
skull, adult female; MCZ 35196, skin and skull, 
adult male; MCZ 35198, skin and skull, adult fe- 

Comments. H. b. erigens was retained as a valid 
subspecies by Koopman (1994: 61). 


Hipposideros turpis Bangs, 1901a 
Amer. Nat., 35: 561, 31 July. 

= Hipposideros turpis turpis Bangs, 1901. 
See Hill (1963: 94). 

Holotype. MCZ 10003. Skin and skull. Adult female. 
Locality. (Japan): Ryukyu Islands, southern group 
of Liu Kiu Islands, Ishigaki Island. 10 May 1899. 
Collector. 1. Zensaku. 

Condition. Skin complete. Skull partial (occipital 
region missing). 
Type Series. 2 
skull, adult female; 
adult male. 
Comments. H. turpis was considered a valid species 
by Koopman (1993: 175) and Nowak (1999: 334). 

Genus RHINOLOPHUS Lacépéde, 1799 

Rhinolophus megaphyllus ignifer G. M. 
Allen, 1933 

J. Mammal., 14: 149, 15 May. 

= Rhinolophus megaphyllus megaphyllus 
Gray, 1834. See Koopman (1984: 9). 

Holotype. MCZ 29078. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. Australia: Queensland, Cape York, Coen. 
12 June 1932. 

Collector. P. J. Darlington, Jr., 
Expedition. Original number 185. 
Condition. Slani: and skull complete. Mandible dis- 

Type Series. 1 paratype; MCZ 29079, 
skull, adult male. 

paratypes; MCZ 10002, skin and 
MCZ 10004, skin and _ skull, 

Harvard Australian 

skin and 

Rhinolophus philippinensis alleni 
Lawrence, 1939 

In Barbour, Lawrence, and Peters, Bull. 
Mus. Comp. Zool., 86: 46, November. 

Holotype. MCZ 35097. Skin and skull. Adult female. 
Locality. Philippines: Mindoro, (Oriental) Tabucala 
cave near Calapan, northern base of Mount Hal- 
con. 7 March 1937. 

Collector. B. Lawrence. Original number 302. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. Mandible dis- 

Type Series. 2 paratypes; 
skull, adult female; MCZ 
adult female. 

Comments. Retained as a valid subspecies by 
Koopman (1994: 57). 

Genus TRIAENOPS Dobson, 1871 

Triaenops aurita G. Grandidier, 1912 
Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 18: 8, 25 
Holotype. MCZ 45080. Muminy. 
Locality. Malagasy Republic (=Madagascar): (An- 
tsiranana), Diego-Suarez (=Antsiranana). 1910. 


35098, skin and 

skin and _ skull, 


Collector, Dr. Mazieres. 

Condition. Mummy (dried carcass), complete. 
Type Series. Holotype only. 

Comments. Traditionally included in Triaenops fur- 
culus, as in G. M. Allen (1939: 82) and Koopman 
(1993: 175), but retained as distinct by Peterson et 
al. (1995: 81) pending further material from the 
area of the type locality. Known only from the ho- 

Family MORMOOPIDAE de Saussure, 

Genus PTERONOTUS Gray, 1838 

Chilonycteris parnellii pusillus G. M. Allen, 


Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 30: 168, 23 


=Pteronotus parnellii pusillus (G. M. Allen, 

1917). See Smith (1972: 67). 

Holotype. MCZ 16468. Skin and skull. Female. 
Locality. Dominican Republic: Santo Domingo, 
Arroyo Salado. 7 March 1916. 

Collector, J. L. Peters. Original number 227. 
Condition. Skin complete. Skull partial (left wall of 
braincase broken, left tympanic bulla missing). 
Type Series. 2 paratypes; MCZ 16599, female; 
MCZ 16600, female; both in alcohol. 

Comments. P. p. pusillus was retained as a valid 
subspecies by Hall (1981: 92) and Koopman (1994: 

Chilonycteris torrei G. M. Allen, 1916a 
Proc. New England Zool. Club, 6: 4, 8 
=Pteronotus quadridens quadridens 
(Gundlach, 1840). See Silva-Taboada 
(1976: 7). 
Holotype. MCZ 11672. Body in alcohol, skull extract- 
ed. Adult female. 
Locality. Cuba: (Guantanama), Baracoa, La Cueva 
de la Majana. 15 June 1915. 
Collector. V. J. R. Verrier. Presented to the MCZ 
by Carlos de la Torre. 
Condition. Alcoholic, skull complete. 
Type Series. 2 paratypes; MCZ 11670, male; MCZ 
11671, female; both in alcohol. 

Family PHYLLOSTOMIDAE Gray, 1825 
Genus AMETRIDA Gray, 1847 
Ametrida minor H. Allen, 1894 
Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 

=Ametrida centurio Gray, 1847. See 
Peterson (1965: 5). 

Holotype. MCZ 11274. Body in alcohol, skull extract- 
ed. Adult male. 

26: 240, 16 


Locality. Suriname: Paramaribo. Collected some- 
time between 1832 and 1839. 

Collector. F. W. Cragin. 

Condition. Alcoholic, skull complete. 

Type Series. Holotype only. 

Comments. For comments on the type locality and 
date of acquisition, see G. M. Allen (1902a: 88). A. 
minor actually represents the male specimens of A. 

Genus ARTIBEUS Leach, 1821 

Artibeus femurvillosum Bangs, 1899k 
Proc. New England Zool. Club, 1: 73, 24 

=Artibeus lituratus palmarum J. A. Allen 
and Chapman, 1897. See Hershkovitz 
(1949: 445). 

Holotype. B8314. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. Colombia: (La Guajira), La Concepcion, 
3,000 ft (915 m). 21 March 1899. 

Collector. W. W. Brown, Jr. Original number 31. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. 
Type Series. Holotype only. 

Genus EROPHYLLA Miller, 1906 

Erophylla sezekorni syops G. M. Allen, 

Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 30: 167, 23 

Holotype. MCZ 13713. Body in alcohol, skull extract- 
ed. Adult male. 
Locality. Jamaica: (St. James), Montego Bay. 14 
March 1912. 
Collector. J. A. Cushman. 
Condition. Alcoholic, skull complete. 
Type Series. 7 paratypes; MCZ 13709-13712, 
13714—13716, all alcoholic. MCZ 13709 and 13712 
were sent in exchange to the USNM. 
Comments. Retained as a valid subspecies by Hall 
(1981: 171) and Koopman (1994: 79). 

Genus GLOSSOPHAGA E. Geoffroy, 

Glossophaga longirostris Miller, 1898 
Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 1898, 
p- 330, 2 August. 

= Glossophaga longirostris longirostris 
Miller, 1898. See Miller (1913: 422). 

Holotype. B8046. Skin and skull. Adult female. 
Locality. Colombia: (Magdalena), Santa Marta 
Mountains, near Santa Marta. 10 February 1898. 
Collector. W. W. Brown, Jr. Original number 60. 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 2 

Condition. Skin complete. Skull partial (left zygo- 
matic arch missing). 

Type Series. Holotype only. 

Comments. G. longirostris was considered a valid 
species by Koopman (1993: 184) and Nowak (1999: 

Genus LONCHOPHYLLA Thomas, 1903 

Lonchophylla hesperia G. M. Allen, 1908 
Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 52: 35, July. 

Holotype. MCZ 7011. Body in alcohol, skull extract- 
ed. Adult male. 
Locality. Peru: (Contralmirante Villar), Tumbes, 
Collector. F. H. Bradley. 
Condition. Alcoholic, skull complete. 
Type Series. 2 paratypes; in the YPM; 1034 and 
1035; both in alcohol. 
Comments. Considered a valid species by Koop- 
man (1993: 181) and Nowak (1999: 372). This rare- 
ly collected bat is known by only two museum 
specimens in addition to the type series: USNM 
283177 and LSUMZ 14121 (Gardner 1976: 5). 

Genus PLATYRRHINUS de Saussure, 

Vampyrops umbratus Lyon, 1902 

Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 15: 151, 20 

=Platyrrhinus umbratus (Lyon, 1902). See 
Koopman (1993: 191). 

Holotype. B8180. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. Colombia: (LaGuajira), San Miguel. 8 
June 1898. 

Collector. W. W. Brown, Jr. Original number 234. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. 

Type Series. 2 paratypes; B8300, skin, male; B8301, 
skin, male. 

Comments. P. umbratus was considered a valid spe- 
cies by Koopman (1993: 191) and Nowak (1999: 
389). Platyrrhinus has priority over the genus name 
Vampyrops (Gardner and Ferrell 1990: 501-503). 

Vampyrops zarhinus H. Allen, 1891 

Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 1891, 
p. 400, 22 September. 

=Platyrrhinus helleri (Peters, 1866). See 
Hall and Kelson (1959: 131). 

Holotype. MCZ 3211. Body in alcohol, skull extract- 
ed. Adult female, pregnant. 
Locality. Panama: Canal Zone, Obispo. 1872. See 
Collector. Hassler Expedition. 
Condition. Alcoholic, skull complete. 
Type Series. Holotype only. 


Comments. In the original description, H. Allen re- 
ported that this specimen had been collected in 
Brazil by the Thayer expedition. G. M. Allen 
emended this apparently erroneous locality to 
Obispo, Panama, in accordance with the accession 
catalogue of the MCZ (1931: 236-237). In support 
of Allen’s decision, Rouk and Carter (1972: 4) stat- 
ed, after examining the holotype of zarhinus, that 
it is “quite like specimens of [Platyrrhinus] helleri 
from Mexico and Central America, and unlikely to 
have come from Brazil.” For the use of the genus 
Platyrrhinus over Vampyrops, see Gardner and 
Ferrell (1990: 501-503). 

Genus VAMPYRODES Thomas, 1900 

Vampyrodes major G. M. Allen, 1908 
Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 52: 38, July. 
=Vampyrodes caraccioli major G. M. 
Allen, 1908. See Handley (1966: 766). 

Holotype. MCZ 6756. Body in alcohol. Adult female. 
Locality. Panama: San Pablo (now covered by Ga- 
tun Lake). Date unrecorded. 

Collector. A. Lesley. 

Condition. Alcoholic. 

Type Series. Holotype only. 

Comments. V. c. major was retained as a valid sub- 
species by Koopman (1994: 88). 

Family MOLOSSIDAE Gervais, 1855 
Genus MOPS Lesson, 1842 

Chaerephon leucostigma G. M. Allen, 

Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 61: 513, 

=Mops condylurus leucostigma (G. M. 
Allen, 1918). See Koopman (1994: 141). 

Holotype. MCZ 16344. Skin and skull. Adult female. 
Locality. Malagasy Republic (Madagascar): (Anta- 
nanarivo), Tananarive (=Antananarivo). December 

Collector. F. R. Wulsin. 

Condition. Skin partial (bare spot on ventrum). 
Skull damaged (right and left zygomatic arch miss- 
ing; supraoccipital chipped). 

Type Series. 1 paratype; MCZ 16345, skin and 
skull, male. 

Comments. Peterson et al. (1995: 168) used the 
name Tadarida leucostigma. 


Mops angolensis orientis G. M. Allen and 
Loveridge, 1942 

Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 89: 166, 

=Mops condylurus orientis G. M. Allen 
and Loveridge, 1942. See Koopman 
(1994: 141). 

Holotype. MCZ 38829. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. Tanganyika Territory (=Tanzania): Mtwa- 
ra, Ruvuma River, Kitaya, 300 ft (92 m). 3 April 

Collector. A. Loveridge. 

Condition. Skin and skull complete. 

Type Series. 9 paratypes; MCZ 38826-38828, 
38830-38835, all represented by skin and skull, 4 
females and 5 males. 

Genus OTOMOPS Thomas, 1913 

Otomops papuensis Lawrence, 1948 
J. Mammal., 29: 413, 31 December. 

Holotype. MCZ 45769. Body in alcohol, skull extract- 
ed. Adult female. 
Locality. Papua New Guinea: Vailala River. 
Collector. Bought from Ward’s Natural Science Es- 
tablishment, April 1948. 
Condition. Alcoholic, skull partial (right zygomatic 
arch missing). 
Type Series. Holotype only. 
Comments. Considered a valid species by Koop- 
man (1993: 239) and Nowak (1999: 482). Accord- 
ing to Flannery (1995a: 481), O. papuensis has 
been collected on only two occasions and, other 
than the holotype, is known by only 10 specimens; 
2 in the BMNH, the remainder in the biological 
collections of the University of Papua New Guinea. 

Genus EPTESICUS Rafinesque, 1820 

Eptesicus darlingtoni G. M. Allen, 1933 
J. Mammal., 14: 150, 15 May. 

Holotype. MCZ 29113. Skin and skull. Adult female. 
Locality. Australia: Queensland, Queensland Na- 
tional Park, MacPherson Ranges, 3,000 ft (915 m). 
10 March 1932. 

Collector. P. J. Darlington, Jr., Harvard Australian 
Expedition. Original number 30. 

Condition. Skin and skull complete. 

Type Series. 1 paratype; MCZ 29120 (now Queens- 
land Museum J 5476), skin and skull, adult female. 
Comments. McKean et al. (1978: 533) and Koop- 
man (1993: 203) included darlingtoni in Eptesicus 
pumilus. However, Koopman also used the name 
Pipistrellus darlingtoni (1994: 116). Hoye (1995: 


537) considered darlingtoni to be a valid species of 
Vespadelus, to which he gave full generic rank. 

Genus HARPIOCEPHALUS Gray, 1842 

Harpiocephalus rufulus G. M. Allen, 1913 
Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 26: 214, 20 

=Harpiocephalus harpia rufulus G. M. 
Allen, 1913. See Ellerman and Morrison- 
Scott (1951: 187). 

Holotype. MCZ 14206. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. Vietnam: Tonkin, Lao-Kai (=Lao Cai). 3 
January 1912. 

Collector. Kobayashi Collection. Original number 

Condition. Skin complete. Skull partial (parietals 

Type Series. Holotype only. 

Comments. H. h. rufulus was retained as a valid 
subspecies by Koopman (1994: 133). 

Genus IDIONYCTERIS Anthony, 1923 

Corynorhinus phyllotis G. M. Allen, 1916b 
Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 60: 352, April. 
=Idionycteris phyllotis phyllotis (G. M. 
Allen, 1916). See Tumlison (1993: 418). 

Holotype. MCZ 5943. Skin and skull. Adult. 
Locality. Mexico: San Luis Potosf. 24 March 1878. 
Collector. E. Palmer. 

Condition. Skin and skull complete. 

Type Series. Holotype only. 

Comments. I. phyllotis was considered a valid spe- 
cies by Koopman (1993: 205) and Nowak (1999: 

Genus LAS/URUS Gray, 1838 

Atalapha brachyotis J. A. Allen, 1892 
Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 4: 47, 25 

= Lasiurus borealis brachyotis (J. A. Allen, 
1892). See Niethammer (1964: 595). 

Holotype. MCZ 11143. Body in alcohol. Male. 
Locality. (Ecuador), Galapagos Islands: Chatham 
Island. 23 June 1891. 

Collector. G. Baur. 

Condition. Alcoholic. The specimen was received 
without a skull. 

Type Series. Holotype only. 

Comments. Lasiurus brachyotis has often been ac- 
corded specific status, as in Nowak (1999: 451). In- 
cluded in L. borealis as a valid subspecies by Koop- 
man (1994: 129). 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 2 

Genus MYOTIS Kaup, 1829 

Myotis abbotti nugax G. M. Allen and 
Coolidge, 1940 

Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 87: 137, 31 

= Myotis muricola nugax G. M. Allen and 
Coolidge, 1940. See Koopman (1994: 

Holotype. MCZ 36076. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. Malaysia: north Borneo, Sabah, Mount 
Kinabalu, Bundutuan, 3,500 ft (1,068 m). 25 July 

Collector. J. A. Griswold, Jr., Asiatic Primate Ex- 
pedition. Original number 626. 

Condition. Skin and skull complete. Mandible dis- 

Type Series. 16 paratypes, MCZ 36072-36075, 
36077—36080, 36082-83, 36085—89, 36091: all rep- 
resented by skin and skull, 12 females and 4 males. 

Myotis albicinctus G. M. Allen, 1919b 

J. Mammal., 1: 2, 28 November. 

= Myotis lucifugus carissima Thomas, 
1904. See Miller and G. M. Allen (1928: 

Holotype. MCZ 11747. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. (United States): California, (Tulare Coun- 
ty), Mount Whitney, 11,000 ft (3,355 m). 14 July 


Collector. G. M. Allen. Original number 1. 

Condition. Skin and skull complete. Mandible dis- 


Type Series. 1 paratype, probably at USNM. 

Comments. The skull of the holotype, which had 

been mislaid at the time that albicinctus was de- 

scribed, has subsequently been found and reunited 
with its skin. 

Myotis sodalis Miller and G. M. Allen, 
Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus., 144: 130, 25 May. 

Holotype. MCZ 10988. Skin and skull. Adult female. 
Locality. (United States): Indiana, (Crawford 
County), Wyandotte cave. 7 March 1904. 
Collector. J. O. Sibert. 

Condition. Skin and skull complete. Mandible dis- 

Comments. Considered a valid species by Koop- 
man (1993: 215) and Nowak (1999: 419). 

Type Series. Miller and Allen based their descrip- 
tion on an examination of 443 specimens, described 
by locality in the original description (1928: 133). 
30 paratypes are in the MCZ, the others are in the 


Genus NYCTICEIUS Rafinesque, 1819 

Nycticeius africanus G. M. Allen, 1911b 
Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 54: 328, 
=Nycticeius schlieffeni albiventer Thomas 
and Wroughton, 1908. See Hayman and 
Hill (1971: 36). 
Holotype. MCZ 8272. Skin and skull. Male. 
Locality. British oe Africa (=Kenya): Meru Riv- 
er, effluent of northern Guaso Nyiro (=Ewaso Ngi- 
ro). 11 August 1909. 
Collector. G. M. Allen. Original number 113. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. 
Type Series. Holotype only. 

Genus PIPISTRELLUS Kaup, 1829 

Eptesicus phasma G. M. Allen, 1911b 
Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 54: 327, 

= Pipistrellus rendalli phasma (G. M. Allen, 
191); See, Koopman (1994: 117): 

Holotype. MCZ 8279. Skin and skull. Male. 
Locality. British East Africa (=Kenya): Meru Riv- 
er, effluent of northern Guaso Nyiro (=Ewaso Ngi- 
ro). 6 August 1909. 
Collector. G. M. Allen. Original number 94. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. 

Type Series. There is a small series of paratypes in 
the MCZ. 

Scabrifer notius G. M. Allen, 1908 

Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 52: 46, July. 
=Pipistrellus capensis notius (G. M. Allen, 
1908). See Koopman (1994: 117). 

Holotype. MCZ 4555. Alcoholic, skull extracted. 
Adult male. 
Locality. South Africa: (Western Cape), Cape 
Collector. Received from E. L. Layard, August 

Condition. Alcoholic, skull partial (right and left 
zygomatic arches missing; supraoccipital chipped). 
Type Series. Holotype only, 

Genus PLECOTUS E. Geoffroy, 1813 

Plecotus sacrimontis G. M. Allen, 1908 
Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 52: 50, July. 
=Plecotus auritus sacrimontis G. M. Allen, 
1908. See Ognev (1928: 607). 

Holotype. MCZ 6932. Body in alcohol. Adult male. 
Locality. Japan: (Honshu), Mount Fuji. 4 Decem- 
ber 1906. 


Collector. A. Owston. 

Condition. Alcoholic. 

Type Series. Holotype only. 

Comments. P. a. sacrimontis was retained as a valid 
subspecies by Koopman (1994: 110). 

Genus SCOTOPHILUS Leach, 1821 

Scotophilus altilis G. M. Allen, 1914d 
Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 58: 350, July. 
= Scotophilus leucogaster (Cretzschmar, 
1826). See Koopman (1993: 227). 

Holotype. MCZ 14463. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. Sudan: Blue Nile, north of (Er) Roseires, 
Aradeiba. 22 a ary 1913. 

Collector. G. Allen, Phillips Sudan Expedition. 
Original Mehta 73. 

Condition. Skin and skull complete. 

Type Series. 3 paratypes; MCZ 14462, skin and 
skull, male, exchanged to FMNH; and 14610 and 
14611, both males in alcohol. 

Family THYROPTERIDAE Miller, 1907 
Genus THYROPTERA Spix, 1823 

Thyroptera tricolor albigula G. M. Allen, 

Proc. New England Zool. Club, 9: 1, 10 

= Thyroptera tricolor albiventer (Tomes, 
1856). See Dunn (1931: 430). 

Holotype. MCZ 20143. Body in alcohol, skull extract- 
ed. Adult female. 
Locality. Panama: Gutierrez, 25 miles (40.2 km) 
inland from Chiriquiscito on trail from Chiriqui La- 
goon, Bocas del Toro to Boquete, Chiriqui. August 
Collector. E. R. Dunn and C. B. Duryea. 
Condition. Alcoholic, skull complete. 
Type Series. 3 paratypes; MCZ 20144, adult male; 
MCZ 20145, juvenile; MCZ 20146, juvenile; all in 

Order ARTIODACTYLA Owen, 1848 
Family TAYASSUIDAE Palmer, 1897 
Genus PECARI Reichenbach, 1835 

Tayassu crusnigrum Bangs, 1902b 

Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 39: 20, April. 
=Pecari tajacu crusnigrum (Bangs, 1902). 
See Hershkovitz (1951: 567). 

Holotype. MCZ 10163. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. Panama: Chiriqui, Boquete (=Bajo Bo- 
quete), 4,000 ft (1,220 m). 13 April 1901. 


Collector. W. W. Brown, Jr. Original number 290. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. 
Type Series. 2 paratypes; MCZ 10162, adult fe- 
male; MCZ 10164, juvenile female. 
Comments. P. t. crusnigrum was retained as a valid 
subspecies by Hall (1981: 1080) under the genus 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 2 

Locality. China: Kiangsu (=Jiangsu), Kiangyin, 80 
miles (129 km) northwest of Shanghai. 7 April 

Collector. F. R. Wulsin. 

Condition. Skin and postcranial skeleton complete. 
Type Series. Holotype only. 

Comments. For a discussion of the nomenclature 
and synonymy of this form, consult van Bree 
(1973). Because Neomeris asiaorientalis Pilleri and 
Gihr, 1972 is in fact a replacement name for the 
preoccupied name Delphinus melas Schlegel, 1841, 


Tayassu torvus Bangs, 1898k 
Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 12: 164, 10 

August. cs 

5 I) eh the holotype of this new name is the same as that 
=Pecari tajacu torvus (Bangs, 1898). See of Schlegel’s name, RMNH 23079. 

Family CERVIDAE Goldfuss, 1820 
Genus ODOCOILEUS Rafinesque, 1832 

Cariacus osceola Bangs, 1896b 

Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 10: 26, 25 

=Odocoileus virginianus osceola (Bangs, 
1896). See Lydekker (1915: 148). 

Holotype. B2394. Skin and skull. Adult female. 
Locality. (United States): Florida, Citrus County, 
Citronelle. 29 December 1893. 

Collector. F. L. Small. Original number 1107. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. Mandible dis- 

a articulated. 

Beluga declivis Cope, 1865 Type Series. 4 paratypes; B2391, adult male, 

Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 17: B2392, adult male, B2393, adult female, B2395, 

27S. juvenile male, all represented by skin and skull. 

=Delphinapterus leucas (Pallas, 1776). Comments. O. v. osceola was retained as a valid 

Gan ee een (1966: aa ) i baka by Hall (1981: 1096) and Smith (1991: 

Holotype. MCZ 1195. Skull and postcranial skeleton. 
Locality. “Arctic Seas” (probably Greenland). 
Collector. E. K. Kane. 

Condition. Skull partial (right mandibular ramus 
missing). Postcranial skeleton complete except for 
missing left flipper. Right flipper and tail are un- 
cleaned, with tissue largely intact. 

Type Series. Holotype only. 

Holotype. BS038. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. Colombia: Magdalena, Santa Marta. 26 
January 1898. 

Collector. W. W. Brown, Jr. Original number 50. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. 

Type Series. Holotype only. 

Comments. Retained as a valid subspecies by Ca- 
brera (1961: 319) under the genus Tayassu. Use of 
the genus Pecari follows Grubb (1993: 380). 

Family MONODONTIDAE Gray, 1821 


Odocoeleus [sic] virginianus louisianae G. 

M. Allen, 1901 

Amer. Nat., 35: 449, 28 June. 

= Odocoileus virginianus macroura 

(Rafinesque, 1817). See Miller and 

Kellogg (1955: 804). 

Holotype. B9111. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. (United States): Louisiana, Morehouse 
Parish, Mer Rouge. 8 November 1898. 

Collector. B. V. Lilly. 

Condition. Skin and skull complete. Mandible dis- 

Type Series. 3 paratypes; B9112, B8622, B8623, all 
males represented by skin and skull. 

Comments. Hershkovitz (1966: 111) erroneously 
stated that the holotype of declivis was deposited 
in the Academy of Natural Sciences in Philadel- 
phia, and the holotype of Beluga concreta Cope, 
1865 was in the MCZ. The opposite is in fact true; 
Philadelphia holds the type of B. concreta. 

Family PHOCOENIDAE Gray, 1825 

ens WS CnOCAIEN A Pals Ue Odocoileus americanus borealis Miller, 

Neomeris asiaeorientalis Pilleri and Gihr, 1900 
1972 Bull. New York State Mus. 8: 83, 21 
Invest. Cetacea, 4: 126. November. 

=Neophocaena phocaenoides 

asiaorientalis (Pilleri and Gihr, 1972). See 

van Bree (1973: 17). 

Holotype. MCZ 19998 (but see comments). Skull and 
postcranial skeleton. Adult male. 

=Odocoilus virginianus borealis Miller, 

1900. See Trouessart (1905: 704). 

Holotype. B4999. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. (United States): Maine, (Hancock Coun- 
ty), Bucksport. 12 December 1895. 


Collector. A. G. Dorr. 

Condition. Skin and skull complete. Mandible dis- 

Type Series. Holotype only. 

Comments. O. v. borealis was retained as a valid 
subspecies by Hall (1981: 1092) and Smith (1991: 

Odocoileus virginianus clavium Barbour 
and G. M. Allen, 1922 
J. Mammal., 3: 73, 9 May. 

Holotype. MCZ 19120. Skull and head skin. Adult 
Locality. (United States): Florida, (Monroe Coun- 
ty), Big Pine Key. Winter 1920. 
Collector. T. Barbour. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. Mandible dis- 
Type Series. 2 paratypes, MCZ 18497, skin and 
skull, juvenile male; MCZ 18060, skin and skull, 
juvenile male. 
Comments. Retained as a valid subspecies by Hall 
(1981: 1093) and Smith (1991: 1). 

Genus RANGIFER Hamilton Smith, 1827 

Rangifer arcticus caboti G. M. Allen, 

Proc. New England Zool. Club, 4: 104, 
24 March. 

= Rangifer tarandus caribou (Gmelin, 
1788). See Banfield (1962: 70). 

Holotype. MCZ 15372. One shed antler. Adult male. 
Locality. Canada: northeast coast of Labrador, 
about 30 miles (48.3 km) north of Nachvak. 1909. 
Collector. O. Bryant. 

Condition. Single antler; complete. 
Type Series. Holotype only. 

Rangifer terraenovae Bangs, 1896f 
Preliminary Description of the 
Newfoundland Caribou, Boston, p. 1, 11 

= Rangifer tarandus caribou (Gmelin, 
1788). See Banfield (1962: 70). 

Holotype. B3778. Skull and head skin. Adult male. 
Locality. Canada: Newfoundland, Codroy. 8 Sep- 
tember 1895 
Collector. F. Doane. 

Condition. Skull and head skin complete. 

Type Series. Bangs remarks that he has “secured a 
series of this fine caribou,” corresponding to 
B3779-—B3781 and B5757—B5760. 

Comments. J. A. Allen published a description of 

Rangifer terraenovae on 21 November 1896, spec- 
ifying AMNH 11775, a mounted specimen of a 


male adult, as the holotype (1896: 233). Bangs’ de- 
scription of this taxon pre-dates J. A. Allen’s by 10 
days and thus has priority. 

Family BOVIDAE Gray, 1821 

Genus DAMALISCUS Sclater and 
Thomas, 1894 

Damaliscus phillipsi Harper, 1939 

Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 50: 90, 5 

=Damaliscus pygargus phillipsi Harper, 
1939. See comments. 

Holotype. MCZ 35443. Skull and skin. Adult male. 
Locality. South Africa: Orange Free State. 23 July 

Collector. P. Andreka. Original number 1958d. 
Condition. Skin complete. Skull partial (most of 
palate, left maxilla, and left mandibular ramus 

Type Series. Paratype material consists of MCZ 
35444, skin and skull of an adult female as well as 
the following, which Harper examined in the col- 
lection of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Phil- 
adelphia: “a mounted head, a skull, and a set of 
horns purchased in Kimberley, Cape Province; a 
mounted head and a set of horns from ‘South Af- 
rica’; and two skins and skulls from the Zoological 
Society of Philadelphia.” 

Comments. Ansell (1972: 55) used the name Dam- 
aliscus dorcas phillipsi. For the use of pygargus 
over dorcas, see Rookmaaker (1991: 190). 

Order CARNIVORA Bowdich, 1821 

Family CANIDAE Fischer de Waldheim, 

Genus CANIS Linnaeus, 1758 

Canis lupus beothucus G. M. Allen and 
Barbour, 1937 
J. Mammal., 18: 230, 14 May. 

Holotype. MCZ 351. Skull and postcranial skeleton. 
Adult, probably male. 
Locality. Canada: Newfoundland. About 1865. 
Collector. J. M. Nelson. 
Condition. Skull and postecranial skeleton com- 
Type Series. 4 paratypes; 348, skull, adult male; 
349, skull, adult, probably male; 350, skull, adult 
female; MCZ 28726, skin. 
Comments. C. |. beothucus became extinct around 
1911. Retained as a valid subspecies by Hall (1981: 


Pachycyon robustus J. A. Allen, 1885 
Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., 10: 4, 

= Canis familiaris Linnaeus, 1758. See G. 
M. Allen (1920a: 498). 

Holotype. MCZ 7091. Postcranial skeleton. 
Locality. (United States): Virginia, Lee County, Ely 
Cave. Probably 1875. 
Collector. N. S. Shaler. 
Condition. Skeleton partial (right scapula, right hu- 
merus, right femur, right tibia, pelvis). 
Type Series. Holotype only. 

Comments. This specimen is a domesticated dog of 

Native Americans. C. lupus familiaris is the name 
now widely used for the domestic dog (Wozencraft 
1993: 281). PB. robustus is the type species of Pa- 
chycyon J. A. Allen, 1885. Pachycyon is a synonym 
of Canis Linnaeus, 1758, which is commonly over- 
looked, for example, in Wozencraft (1993) and Mc- 
Kenna and Bell (1997). 

Genus CERDOCYON Hamilton Smith, 

Cerdocyon thous germanus G. M. Allen, 
Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 36: 55, 28 

Holotype. MCZ 19850. Skin and skull. Adult. 
Locality. Colombia: high savannah of Bogota, 9,000 
ft (2,745 m). 

Colleeror N. Maria. Original number 25. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. 

Type Series. 5 paratypes; MCZ 19849, skin and 
skull, juvenile; MCZ 20097, skin and skull, juvenile 
male; 3 specimens from the AMNH are also men- 
tioned in the description. 

Comments. Retained as a valid subspecies by Berta 
(1982: 1). 

Urocyon aquilus Bangs, 1898h 

Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 12: 93, 30 

=Cerdocyon thous aquilus (Bangs, 1898). 
See Langguth (1969: 178). 

Holotype. BSO001. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. Colombia: (Magdalena), Santa Marta 
Mountains, between 2 (000° and 3,000 ft (610-915 
m). 10 February 1898. 

Collector. W. W. Brown, Jr. Original number 58. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. Mandible dis- 
Type Series. 
adult female. 
Comments. Retained as a valid subspecies by Berta 
@LOS2 auld)» 

1 paratype; BS002, skin and skull, 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 2 

Genus UROCYON Baird, 1858 

Urocyon cinereoargenteus furvus G. M. 
Allen and Barbour, 1923 

Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 65: 266, 

Holotype. MCZ 19774. Skin and skull. Probably fe- 
Locality. Panama: Canal Zone, 3 miles (4.8 km) 
west of Balboa. April 1922. 
Collector. T. Barbour and W. S. Brooks. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. Mandible dis- 
Type Series. Holotype only. 
Comments. Retained as a valid subspecies by Hall 
(1981: 943) and Fritzell and Haroldson (1982: 1). 

Urocyon cinereoargenteus ocythous 
Bangs, 1899h 

Proc. New England Zool. Club, 

1: 43, 5 

Holotype. B4290. Skin and skull. Adult female. 
Locality. (United States): Wisconsin, Grant Coun- 
ty, Platteville. 25 January 1896. 

Collector. N. E. France. 

Condition. Skin and skull complete. Mandible dis- 

Type Series. Holotype only. 

Comments. Retained as a valid subspecies by Hall 
(1981: 943) and Fritzell and Haroldson (1982: 1). 

Genus VULPES Frisch, 1775 

Vulpes deletrix Bangs, 1898d 

Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 12: 36, 24 

= Vulpes vulpes rubricosa Bangs, 1898. 
See Churcher (1960: 359). 

Holotype. B6967. Skin and skull. Adult female. 
Locality. (Canada): Newfoundland, Bay St. 
George. 24 April 1897. 

Chllezor E. Doane. 

Condition. Skin and skull complete. 

Type Series. There is a series of paratypes in the 

Vulpes pennsylvanica vafra Bangs, 1897f 
Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 11: 53, 16 

Name preoccupied by Vulpes vafer 
Leidy, 1869. 


Vulpes pennsylvanica rubricosa Bangs, 

Science, n. ser., 7: 271, 25 February. 
(Replacement name for Vulpes 
pennsylvanica vafra Bangs, 1897) 

= Vulpes vulpes rubricosa Bangs, 1898. 
See Churcher (1960: 359). 

Holotype. B116. Skin and skull. Adult female. 
Locality. (Canada): Nova Scotia, Digby. 3 Novem- 
ber 1893. 

Collector. O. Bangs. 

Condition. Skin and skull complete. 

Type Series. 4 paratypes; B1991, skin and skull, and 
B2001, skull, both adult males; B1992, skin and 
skull, and B2002, skull. 

Comments. V. v. rubricosa was retained as a valid 
subspecies by Hall (1981: 939). Vulpes fulvus rub- 
ricatus Miller, 1900 (p. 128) was a misspelling and 
thus accidental renaming of Vulpes pennsylvanica 
rubricosa Bangs, 1898. 

Vulpes rubricosa bangsi Merriam, 1900 

Proc. Washington Acad. Sci., 2: 667, 28 
December 28. 

= Vulpes vulpes rubricosa Bangs, 1898. 
See Churcher (1960: 359). 

Holotype. B8880. Skin and skull. Juvenile female. 
Locality. (Canada): Labrador, Lance (=Lanse) au 
Loup. 2 October 1899. 

Collector. E. Doane. 

Condition. Skin and skull complete. Mandible dis- 

Type Series. 1 paratype; B8879, skin and_ skull, 
adult male. 

Family URSIDAE Fischer de Waldheim, 

Genus URSUS Linnaeus, 1758 

Ursus (Euarctos) americanus sornborgeri 
Bangs, 1898) 

Amer. Nat., 32: 500, July. 

= Ursus americanus americanus Pallas, 
1780. See Bangs (1909: 467). 

Holotype. B7411. Skull. Adult, probably female. 
Locality. Canada: Labrador, Okkak (=Okak). Sum- 
mer 1897. 

Collector. J. D. Sornborger, obtained “from the Es- 

Condition. Skull complete. 

Type Series. 2 paratypes; B7412, skull, female; 
B7413, skull, female. 

Comments. A skull from Hopedale, Labrador 

(MCZ 7365), has in the past been erroneously la- 
beled as the holotype of sornborgeri; B7411, the 


true holotype of sornborgeri, is now correctly la- 
beled as such. 

Family PROCYONIDAE Gray, 1825 
Genus PROCYON Storr, 1780 

Procyon gloveralleni Nelson and Goldman, 

J. Mammal., 11: 453, 11 November. 
=Procyon lotor (Linnaeus, 1758). See 
Corbet and Hill (1991: 104). 

Holotype. MCZ 18591. Skin and skull. Juvenile male. 
Locality. Barbados. 1920. 
Collector. F. Watts. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete 
Type Series. Holotype only. 
Comments. Considered a valid species by Wozen- 
craft (1993: 335) and Nowak (1999: 698) but almost 
certainly introduced to Barbados in the 17th cen- 
tury (Helgen and Wilson, in prep.). The last rac- 
coon on Barbados was seen in 1964, and the pop- 
ulation is probably extinct. 

Procyon lotor elucus Bangs, 1898b 
Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 28: 219, 15 

Holotype. B3502. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. (United States): Florida, Brevard County, 
Oak Lodge, east peninsula opposite Micco. 15 Feb- 
ruary 1895. 

Collector. O. Bangs. 

Condition. Skin complete. Skull partial (condyle, 
coronoid, and angular processes of left mandibular 
ramus broken). Mandible disarticulated. 

Type Series. There is a series of paratypes in the 

Comments. Retained as a valid subspecies by Hall 
(1981: 968). 

Procyon maynardi Bangs, 1898g 

Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 12: 92, 30 

=Procyon lotor (Linneaus, 1758). See 
Koopman et al. (1957: 164). 

Holotype. B7750. Skin and skull. Juvenile male. 
Locality. Bahamas: New Providence Island, Nas- 
sau. August 1897. 

Collector. H. L. Claridge. 

Condition. Skin complete. Skull partial (broken 
from frontals to occiput). Mandible disarticulated. 
Type Series. Holotype only. 

Comments. Considered a valid species by Wozen- 
craft (1993: 336) and Nowak (1999: 698) but un- 
doubtedly a recent introduction to New Providence 
Island (see Olson and Pregill, 1982: 5). 


Family MUSTELIDAE Fischer de 
Waldheim, 1817 

Genus LONTRA Gray, 1843 

Lutra degener Bangs, 1898d 

Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 12: 35, 24 

=Lontra canadensis canadensis 
(Schreber, 1776). See van Zyll de Long 

Holotype. B6965. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. Canada: Newfoundland, Bay St. George. 
23 April 1897. 

Collector. E. Doane. 

Condition. Skin and skull complete. 

Type Series. Paratype material consists of B6966, 
skin and skull of an adult female, mentioned by 
number in the original description, as well as “two 
extra skulls,” corresponding to B3755 and B3799, 
and “a large series of unsexed otter skulls from 
Newfoundland,” corresponding to MCZ 494—508. 

Lutra hudsonica vaga Bangs, 1898b 
Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 28: 224, 15 

=Lontra canadensis laxatina F. Cuvier, 
1823. See van Zyll de Long (1972: 81). 

Holotype. B5749. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. (United States), Florida, Brevard County, 
Micco. 17 March 1897. 

Collector. F. R. Hunter. 

Condition. Skin and skull complete. 

Type Series. 4 paratypes; B4995, skin and skull, 
adult female; B4998, skin and skull, adult male; 
BG6092, skin and skull, adult male; B6093, skin and 
skull, adult female. 

Genus MARTES Pinel, 1792 

Mustela atrata Bangs, 1897b 

Amer. Nat., 31: 162, 1 February. 
=Martes americana atrata (Bangs, 1897). 
See G. M. Allen (1942: 166) 

Holotype. B5752. Skin and skull. Adult female. 
Locality. Canada: Newfoundland, Bay St. George. 
29 September 1896. ; 
Collector. E. Doane. Original number 2. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. 

Type Series. 12 paratypes; B5751, skin and skull, 
adult female; MCZ 492-93, 509-517, unsexed 

Comments. M. a. atrata was retained as a valid sub- 
species by Hall (1981: 983). 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 2 

Mustela brumalis Bangs, 1898) 

Amer. Nat., 32: 502, July. 

=Martes americana atrata (Bangs, 1897). 
See Clark et al. (1987: 1). 

Holotype. B7417. Skull. Adult, probably male. 
Locality. Canada: Labrador, Okkak (=Okak). Sum- 
mer 1897. 

Collector. J. D. Sornborger, obtained “from the Es- 

Condition. Skull complete. 

Type Series. 2 paratypes; B7418, skull; B7419, 
skull; both probably male. 

Genus MUSTELA Linnaeus, 1758 

Mustela cicognanii mortigena Bangs, 1913 
Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 54: 511, July. 

= Mustela erminea richardsonii Bonaparte, 
1838. See Hall (1951: 110). 

Holotype. B3745. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. Canada: Newfoundland, Bay St. George. 
27 September 1895. 

Collector. E. Doane. Original number 1. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. 

Type Series. There is a series of paratypes in the 

Putorius frenatus neomexicanus Barber 
and Cockerell, 1898 

Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 1898, 
p- 188, May. 

= Mustela frenata neomexicana (Barber 
and Cockerell, 1898). See Miller (1912: 

Holotype. MCZ 10475. Skin with extra tail, and skull. 
Adult male. 
Locality. (United States): New Mexico, (Dona Ana 
County), Mesilla, shore of Armstrongs’ Lake, 3,800 
ft (1,159 m). 1 February 1898. 
Collector. A. C. Tyson. Original number 58. 
Condition. Skin complete, but tail poorly prepared. 
The tail belonging to a discarded topotype is tied 
to the holotype as an example. Skull complete. 
Type Series. A topotype taken at the same time as 
the holotype was partially decomposed and dis- 
carded; the tail of this specimen is included with 
MCZ 10475. The original description also refers to 

“a specimen, without any history, in alcohol ... in 
the collection of the New Mexico Agricultural Col- 

Comments. M. f. neomexicana was retained as a 
valid subspecies by Hall (1981: 995). 


Putorius (Arctogale) longicauda oribasus 
Bangs, 1899m 

Proc. New England Zool. Club, 1: 81, 27 

= Mustela frenata oribasus (Bangs, 1899). 
See Hall (1936: 105). 

Holotype. B9058. Skin and skull. Adult female. 
Locality. Canada: British Columbia, source of Ket- 
tle River, 7,500 ft (2,288 m). 10 September 1898. 
Collector. A. C. Brooks. Original number 1368. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. 

Type Series. Holotype only. 
Comments. M. f. oribasus was retained as a valid 
subspecies by Hall (1981: 998). 

Putorius (Lutreola) lutensis Bangs, 1898b 
Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 28: 229, 15 

= Mustela vison lutensis (Bangs, 1898). 
See Hollister (1913: 474). 

Holotype. B7225. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. (United States), Florida, St. Johns Coun- 
ty, salt marsh opposite Matanzas Inlet. 16 February 


Collector. O. Bangs. Original number 7. 

Condition. Skin and skull complete. 

Type Series. There is a series of paratypes in the 


Comments. M. v. lutensis was retained as a valid 

subspecies by Hall (1981: 1003) and Lariviére 

(1999: 1). 

Putorius (Arctogale) muricus Bangs, 1899} 
Proc. New England Zool. Club, 1: 71, 31 

= Mustela erminea muricus (Bangs, 1899). 

See Hall (1945: 77). 

Holotype. B9146. Skin and skull. Juvenile male. 
Locality. (United States): California, El Dorado 
County, Echo, 7,500 ft (2,288 m). 15 July 1897. 
Collector. W. W. Price and E. M. Nutting. Original 
number 266. 

Condition. Skin and skull complete. Mandible dis- 

Type Series. Holotype only. 

Comments. M. e. muricus was retained as a valid 
subspecies by Hall (1981: 990) and King (1983: 1). 

Putorius noveboracensis notius Bangs, 


Proc. New England Zool. Club, 1: 53, 9 


= Mustela frenata noveboracensis 

(Emmons, 1840). See Hall (1936: 104). 

Holotype. B2678. Skin and skull. Juvenile male. 
Locality. (United States): North Carolina, Bun- 
combe County, Weaverville. 10 July 1892. 


Collector. J. S. Cairns. Original number 2214. 
Condition. Skin complete. Skull partial (two frag- 
ments only, premaxilla—lachrymal). Mandible dis- 

Type Series. 2 paratypes; AMNH 1247, adult male; 
USNM 32239, adult male. 

Putorius occisor Bangs, 1899i 

Proc. New England Zool. Club, 1: 54, 9 

= Mustela frenata occisor (Bangs, 1899). 
See Hall (1936: 104). 

Holotype. B9102. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. (United States): Maine, Hancock County, 
Bucksport, near mouth of Penobscot River. 15 Jan- 
uary 1899. 

Collector. A. G. Dorr. 

Condition. Skin complete. Skull slightly damaged 
(left zygomatic arch broken). 

Type Series. There is a series of paratypes in the 

Comments. M. f. occisor was retained as a valid 
subspecies by Hall (1981: 997). 

Putorius rixosus Bangs, 1896a 

Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 10: 21, 25 

= Mustela nivalis rixosa (Bangs, 1896). 
See Reichstein (1958: 169). 

Holotype. B642. Skin and skull. Adult female. 
Locality. Canada: Saskatchewan, Osler. 15 July 

Collector. W. C. Colt. Original number 79/181. 
Condition. Skin complete. Skull slightly damaged 
(left zygomatic arch broken). 

Type Series. Three specimens other than the ho- 
lotype are mentioned by number in the original 
description; MCZ 5532, USNM 4231, probably fe- 
male, and USNM 13904, probably male. All are 
unsexed skins. 

Comments. M. n. rixosa was retained as a valid sub- 
species by Hall (1981: 993) and Sheffield and King 
(1994: 1). 

Putorius vison energumenos Bangs, 

Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 27: 5, 

= Mustela vison energumenos (Bangs, 
1896). See Miller (1912: 101). 

Holotype. B3555. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. Canada, British Columbia, Sumas. 23 
September 1895. 

Collector. A. C. Brooks. Original number 514. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. 


Type Series. | paratype; B3556, skin and skull, ju- 
venile male. 

Comments. M. v. energumenos was retained as a 
valid subspecies by Hall (1981: 1001) and Lariviére 
(1999: 1). 

Putorius (Lutreola) vulgivagus Bangs, 
Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 26: 539, 31 

= Mustela vison vulgivaga (Bangs, 1895). 
See Miller (1912: 102). 

Holotype. B2751. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. (United States): Louisiana, Plaquemines 
Parish, Burbridge. 10 January 1895. 

Collector. F. L. Small. Original number 1439/54. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. 

Type Series. 10 paratypes; B2752-B2761, all rep- 
resented by skin and skull, 9 males and 1 female. 
Comments. M. v. vulgivaga was retained as a valid 
subspecies by Hall (1981: 1004) and Lariviére 
(1999: 1). 

Putorius xanthogenys mundus Bangs, 

Proc. New England Zool. Club, 1: 56, 9 

= Mustela frenata munda (Bangs, 1899). 
See Hall (1936: 107). 

Holotype. B5459. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. (United States): California, Marin Coun- 
ty, Point Reyes. 19 June 1896. 

Collector. C. A. Allen. Original number 931. 
Condition. Skin complete. Skull slightly damaged 
(left zygomatic arch broken). 

Type Series. | paratype, BS8632 (not B8631, men- 
tioned erroneously in the original description), skin 
and skull, male. 

Comments. M. f. munda was retained as a valid 
subspecies by Hall (1981: 995). 

Family MEPHITIDAE Bonaparte, 1845 

Genus MEPHITIS E. Geoffroy and G. 
Cuvier, 1795 

Mephistis avia Bangs, 1898c 

Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 12: 32, 24 

=Mephitis mephitis avia Bangs, 1898. See 
Hall (1936: 65). 

Holotype. B5747. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. (United States): Illinois, Mason County, 
San Jose. 10 March 1897. 

Collector. H. H. and C. S. Brimley. Original num- 
ber 2500. ; 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 2 

Condition. Skin and skull complete. 

Type Series. 1 paratype; B5783, skin and skull, 
adult male. 

Comments. M. m. avia was retained as a valid sub- 
species by Hall (1981: 1019) and Wade-Smith and 
Verts (1982: 1). 

Mephitis mephitica elongata Bangs, 1895b 
Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 26: 531, 31 

= Mephitis mephitis elongata Bangs, 1895. 
See A. H. Howell (1921: 39). 

Holotype. B3051. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. (United States): Florida, Brevard County, 
Micco. 5 March 1895. 

Collector. O. Bangs. 

Condition. Skin and skull complete. 

Type Series. There is a series of paratypes in the 

Comments. Retained as a valid subspecies by Hall 
(1981: 1019) and Wade-Smith and Verts (1982: 1). 

Mephitis mephitica scrutator Bangs, 1896i 
Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 10: 141, 28 

= Mephitis mephitis mesomelas 
Lichtenstein, 1832. See Hall (1936: 66). 

Holotype. B2889. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. (United States): Louisiana, Acadia Parish, 
Cartville. 25 May 1895. 

Collector. F. L. Small. Original number 1842. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. Mandible dis- 

Type Series. 1 paratype, B2886, skin and skull, 
adult female. 

Mephitis spissigrada Bangs, 1898c 
Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 12: 31, 24 

= Mephitis mephitis spissigrada Bangs, 
1898. See Hall (1936: 67). 

Holotype. B3699. Skin and skull. Adult female. 
Locality. Canada: British Columbia, Sumas. 30 
September 1895. 

Collector. A. C. Brooks. Original number 518. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. Mandible dis- 

Type Series. 3 paratypes; B3700, skin and skull, 
adult female, and B5548, skin and skull, adult male; 
B7435, skull, adult male. 

Comments. M. m. spissigrada was retained as a val- 
id subspecies by Hall (1981: 1022 and Wade- 
Smith and Verts (1982: 1). 


Genus SPILOGALE Gray, 1865 

Spilogale ambarvalis Bangs, 1898b 

Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 28: 222, 15 

= Spilogale putorius ambarvalis Bangs, 
1898. See Van Gelder (1953: 255). 

Holotype. B3481. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. (United States): Florida, Brevard County, 
Oak Lodge, east peninsula opposite Micco. 30 Jan- 
uary 1895. 

Collector. O. Bangs. Original number 11. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. 

Type Series. There is a large series of paratypes in 
the MCZ. 

Comments. S. p. ambarvalis was retained as a valid 
subspecies by Hall (1981: 1014) and Kinlaw (1995: 

Family VIVERRIDAE Gray, 1821 
Genus EUPLERES Doyere, 1835 

Eupleres major Lavauden, 1929 
Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 189: 198, 
QS) July DOR 

=Eupleres goudotii major Lavauden, 
1929. See Albignac (1973: 23). 

Syntypes. MCZ 45691: Skin, skull, and poster: anial 
skeleton. Subadult female. MCZ 45962: Skin, skull, 
and postcranial skeleton. Subadult male. 

Locality. Madagascar: (Antsiranana), foot of the 
Massif Tsaratanna (=Tsaratanana), Upper Sombi- 
rano Valley, above village of Beangona, 1,500 m. 
April 1929. 
Collector. Lavauden. 
Condition. MCZ 45691: Skin complete, with bald 
spot on dorsum and tail slightly damaged. Skull and 
skeleton complete. Mandible eneeculated Teeth 
removed from skull but present. MCZ 45962: Skin 
complete. Skull and skeleton complete. Mandible 
disarticulated. Teeth removed from skull but pres- 
Type Series. 2 syntypes, described above. 
Comments. These are the two specimens from G. 
Grandidier’s personal collection on which Lavau- 
den based his original description of Ewpleres ma- 
jor. Albignac (1973: 23) wrote that these type spec- 
imens were “introuvable [nowhere to be found].” 

Family HERPESTIDAE Bonaparte, 1845 
Genus GALIDICTIS |. Geoffroy, 1839 
Galidictis grandidiensis [sic] Wozencraft, 

J. Mammal. 67: 561, 8 August. 

= Galidictis grandidieri Wozencraft, 1986. 
See Wozencraft (1987: 198). 

Holotype. MCZ 45983. Skin, skull, and postcranial 
skeleton. Adult. 


Locality. Madagascar (no further data available). 
The locality of the paratype, stored in the AMNH, 
s “Madagascar, Lac Tsimanampetsotsa, 24°08’ S, 
43°46’ E.” 

Collector. No collection data available. The holo- 
type is part of the collection of G. Grandidier. 
Condition. Skin prepared flat; incomplete (ven- 
trum missing). Skull complete. 

Type Series. 1 paratype; AMNH 100478, skin and 
skull, adult male. 

Comments. G. grandidieri was considered a valid 
species by Wozencraft (1993: 300) and Nowak 
(1999: 769). 

Family FELIDAE Fischer de Waldheim, 

Genus LEPTAILURUS Severtzov, 1858 

Felis capensis phillipsi G. M. Allen, 1914d 
Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 58: 337, July. 
=Leptailurus serval phillipsi (G. M. Allen, 
1914). See comments. 

Holotype. MCZ 14908. Skin and _ skeleton. Adult 

Locality. Sudan: Blue Nile, El Garef. 10 January 

Collector. J. C. Phillips. 

Condition. Skin and skull complete. 

Type Series. Holotype only. 

Comments. G. M. Allen (1939: 241) used the name 
Felis serval phillipsi. The use of the genus Lep- 
tailurus follows Wozencraft (1993: 292). L. s. phil- 
lipsi was retained as a valid subspecies by Smithers 
(1975: 7). 

Genus LYNX Kerr, 1792 

Lynx (Cervaria) fasciatus oculeus Bangs, 
Proc. New England Zool. Club, 1: 23, 31 
= Lynx rufus californicus Mearns, 1897. 
See Grinnell and Dixon (1924: 346). 
Holotype. B8633. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. (United States): California, Marin Coun- 
ty, Nicasio. 11 December 1898. 
Collector. C. A. Allen. Original number 981. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. 
Type Series. 1 paratype; B4789, skin and _ skull, 
adult male. 

Lynx gigas Bangs, 1897e 

Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 11: 50, 16 

=Lynx rufus gigas Bangs, 1897. See 
Peterson and Downing (1952: 11). 

Holotype. B4951. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. Canada: Nova Scotia, 15 miles (24.1 km) 
back of Bear River. 11 December 1895. 


Collector. D. R. Ritchie. 

Condition. Skin and skull complete. 

Type Series. Holotype only. 

Comments. L. r. gigas was retained as a valid sub- 
species by Hall (1981: 1054). 

Lynx subsolanus Bangs, 1897e 

Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 11: 49, 16 

=Lynx canadensis subsolanus Bangs, 
1897. See Elliot (1901: 296). 

Holotype. B1190. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. Canada: Newfoundland, Codroy. 13 June 

Collector. E. Doane. 

Condition. Skin and skull complete. 

Type Series. 2 paratypes; B5754, skin and skull, ju- 
venile female: B3798, skull, adult male. 
Comments. L. c. subsolanus was retained as a valid 
subspecies by Hall (1981: 1051). 

Genus PUMA Jardine, 1834 

Felis bangsi Merriam, 1901 

Proc. Washington Acad. Sci., 3: 595, 11 

=Puma concolor bangsi (Merriam, 1901). 
See comments. 

Holotype. B8413. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. Colombia: (La Guajira), Dibulla. 8 Oc- 
tober 1899. 

Collector. W. W. Brown, Jr. 

Condition. Skin and skull complete. 

Type Series. 3 paratypes; B8147, skin and skull, 
adult female, and “two skulls from Peru, in the 
American Museum of Natural History.” 
Comments. Nelson and Goldman (1929: 347) used 
the name Felis concolor bangsi. The use of the ge- 
nus Puma follows Wozencraft (1993: 296). Re- 
tained as a valid subspecies by Currier (1983: 1). 

Felis bangsi costaricensis Merriam, 1901 
Proc. Washington Acad. Sci., 3: 596, 11 

=Puma concolor costaricensis (Merriam, 
1901). See comments. 

Holotype. MCZ 10118. Skin and skull. Adult female. 
Locality. Panama: Chiriqui, Boquete (=Bajo Bo- 
quete), 4,000 ft (1,220 m). 22 April 1901. 
Collector. W. W. Brown, Jr. Original number 337. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. 

Type Series. There is a series of paratypes in the 

Comments. Nelson and Goldman (1929: 347) used 
the name Felis concolor costaricensis. The use of 
the genus Puma follows Wozencraft (1993: 296). 
Retained as a valid subspecies by Currier (1983: 1). 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 2 

Felis coryi Bangs, 1899b 

Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 13: 15, 31 

=Puma concolor coryi (Bangs, 1899). See 

Holotype. B7742. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. (United States): Florida, Brevard County, 
“wilderness back of Sebastian”. 1 January 1898 
Collector. F. R. Hunter. 

Condition. Skin and skull complete. 

Type Series. 5 paratypes; B5489, adult female, 
B5650, adult female, B6992, adult male, B7743, 
adult female, B7744, juvenile female; all repre- 
sented by skin and skull. 

Comments. Nelson and Goldman (1929: 347) used 
the name Felis concolor coryi; the use of the genus 
Puma follows Wozencraft (1993: 296). Felis coryi 
Bangs, 1899 is a replacement name for Felis con- 
color floridana Cory, 1896 (1896: 109). Retained as 
a valid subspecies by Currier (1983: 1). 

Felis improcera Phillips, 1912 

Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 25: 85, 4 

=Puma concolor improcera (Phillips, 
1912). See comments. 

Holotype. MCZ 12704. Skin and skull. Adult male. 
Locality. (Mexico): Lower (= Baja) California, Cal- 
malli. 3 September 1911. 

Collector. E. W. Funcke. Original number 10. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. 

Type Series. Holotype only. 

Comments. Nelson and Goldman (1929: 347) used 
the name Felis concolor improcera. The use of the 
genus Puma follows Wozencraft (1993: 296). Re- 
tained as a valid subspecies by Currier (1983: 1). 

Order CIMOLESTA McKenna, 1975 
Family MANIDAE Gray, 1873 
Genus PHATAGINUS Rafinesque, 1821 

Phataginus tricuspis mabirae G. M. Allen 
and Loveridge, 1942 

Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 89: 178, 

Holotype. MCZ 39417. Skin, skull, and postcranial 
skeleton. Adult male. 
Locality. Uganda: (Buganda), Chagwe, Mabira 
Forest, Mubango. 12 November 1938. 
Collector. A. Loveridge. 
Condition. Skin and skull complete. Postcranial 
skeleton partial (includes atlas, right tibia, and right 
Type Series. Holotype only. 


Comments. Retained as a valid subspecies by 
Meester (1972: 2). 


AGuayo, C. G. 1950. Observaciones sobre algunos 
mamiferas Cubanos Extinguidos. Boletin de His- 
toria Natural de la Sociedad “Felipe Poey,” 1: 

ALBIGNAC, R. 1973. Faune de Madagascar. 36. Mam- 
miféres carnivores. Paris: O.R.S.T.O.M, 206 pp. 

ALLEN, G. M. 1901. The Louisiana deer. American 
Naturalist, 35: 449-454. 

. 1902a. The type locality of Ametrida minor 

H. Allen. Proceedings of the Biological Society 

of Washington, 15: 88-89. 

. 1902b. The mammals of Margarita Island, 

Venezuela. Proceedings of the Biological Society 

of Washington, 15: 91-97. 

. 1908. Notes on Chiroptera. Bulletin of the 

Museum of Comparative Zoology, 52: 25-63. 

.191la. Mammals of the West Indies. Bulletin 

of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, 54: 


._1911b. Bats from British East Africa. Bulle- 

tin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, 54: 


. 1912a. New African rodents. Bulletin of the 

Museum of Comparative Zoology, 54: 439-447. 

. 1912b. Mammalia, pp. 201-247. In S. Hen- 

shaw, S. Garman, T. Barbour, J. E. Thayer, O. 

Bangs, and G. M. Allen, Some Chinese verte- 

brates, Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative 

Zoology, 40: 106-247. 

. 1912c. Mammals from Yunnan and Tonkin. 

Proceedings of the Biological Society of Wash- 

ington, 25: 177-180. 

. 1913. A new bat from Tonkin. Proceedings 

of the Biological Society of Washington, 26: 213- 


. 1914a. The barren-ground caribou of Lab- 

rador. Proceedings of the New England Zoolog- 

ical Club, 4: 103—107. 

.1914b. Mammals, pp. 49-66. In J. E. Thayer, 

O. Bangs, and G. M. Allen, Notes on the birds 

and mammals of the Arctic Coast of East Siberia, 

Proceedings of the New England Zoological 

Club, 5: 1-66. 

. 1914c. A new bat from Mexico. Proceedings 

of the Biological Society of Washington, 27: 109— 


. 1914d. Mammals from the Blue Nile Valley. 

Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, 

58: 305-357. 

. 1914e. A new agouti from Guadeloupe Is- 

land, West Indies. Proceedings of the New Eng- 

land Zoological Club, 5: 69-71. 

.1915a. The water shrew of Nova Scotia. Pro- 

ceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, 

28: 15-18. 

. 1915b. Mammals obtained by the Phillips 

Palestine Expedition. Bulletin of the Museum of 
Comparative Zoology, 59: 3-14. 

. 1916a. A third species of Chilonycteris from 
Cuba. Proceedings of the New England Zoolog- 
ical Club, 6: 1-7. 

. 1916b. Bats of the genus Corynorhinus. Bul- 
letin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, 
60: 333-346. 

.1917a. New fossil mammals from Cuba. Bul- 
letin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, 
61: 3-12. 

. 1917b. An extinct Cuban Capromys. Pro- 
ceedings of the New England Zoological Club, 
6: 53-56. 

. 1917c. Two undescribed West Indian bats. 
Proceedings of the Biological Society of Wash- 
ington, 30: 165-170. 

1918a. Vertebrata from Madagascar. IV. 
Mammalia. Bulletin of the Museum of Compar- 
ative Zoology, 61: 511-516. 

. 1918b. Fossil mammals from Cuba. Bulletin 
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. 1919a. The American collared lemmings (Di- 
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Geocapromys, 132 
Myotis, 146 
Neotoma, 121 
Sciurus, 99 
Peromyscus, 125 
Leggada, 118 
Microtus, 115 
Neosorex, 138 
Zapus, 112 
Aethalops, 140 
Scalops, 140 
Scalopus, 140 
Guerlinguetus, 106 
Sciurus, 106 
aequalis, 140 
alecto, 140 
argenteus, 129 
hueti, 129 
byatti, 106 
laetus, 106 
Nycticeius, 147 
Afrosoricida, 101 
paca, 130 
virgatus, 130 
Agoutidae, 130 
Funisciurus, 104 
apricus, 127 
teguina, 127 
xerampelinus, 127 
Lepus, 134 
Sylvilagus, 134 
Spermophilus, 107 
Myotis, 146 
Thyroptera, 147 
Nycticeius, 147 

Thyroptera, 147 
Hylopetes, 105 
Pteromys, 105 
Aethalops, 140 
Microsciurus, 105 
Dasymys, 118 
Heteromys, 112 
Hylomyscus, 118 
Lepus, 133 
Liomys, 112 
Macrotolagus, 133 
Melomys, 118 
Rhinolophus, 143 
Blarina, 137 
luctuosa, 135 
palliata, 135 
pigra, 135 
trabeata, 135 
Sciuropterus, 104 
Scotophilus, 147 
Nectomys, 121 
Spilogale, 155 
Martes, 152 
Euarctos, 151 
Lepus, 133, 134 
Odocoileus, 148 
Ursus, 151 
centurio, 143 
minor, 143 

Peromyscus, 125 

Peromyscus, 124, 125 
Scalops, 140 
Scalopus, 140 
Otomys, 120 
Hylopetes, 105 
Pteromys, 105 
Pteropus, 141 
Mops, 145 

mayeri, 100 
misim, LOO 
naso, 100 

marcanoi, 137 

Pteropus, 141 

Aplodontia, 103 
californica, 103 
columbiana, 103 
rainieri, 103 
rufa, 103 

Aplodontidae, 103 

euxinus, 117 
mystacinus, 17, 

Akodon, 127 
Scotinomys, 127 

Scalopus, 140 
Cerdocyon, 150 
Craseomys, 113 
Urocyon, 150 
Fiber, 116 
Ondatra, 116 
Plagiodonta, 132 
Sorex, 138 
Hesperomys, 124 
Lepus, 133 
Rangifer, 149 

longicauda, 153 
muricus, 153 
oribasus, 153 

avarus, 105 
flaviventer, 105 
ignavus, 105 

Peromyscus, 126 

Peromyscus, 125 
Aethoglis, 129 
Graphiurus, 129 
Pteropus, 141 
Spermophilus, 107 


femurvillosum, 144 
lituratus, 144 
palmarum, 144 
Artiodactyla, 145 
breweri, 114 
longipilis, 114 
riparia, 114 
rufidorsum, 114 
terraenovae, 114 
Arvicolinae, 112 
Neomeris, 148 
Neophocaena, 148 
brachyotis, 146 
Suncus, 139 
Martes, 152 
Mustela, 152 
Thomomys, 111 
Peromyscus, 124 
Geogale, 101 
Triaenops, 143 
Plecotus, 147 
Eothenomys, 113 
Microtus, 113 
Sigmodon, 127 
Pteropus, 141 
Cryptogale, 101 
Echymipera, 101 
Reithrodontomys, 127 
Geomys, 110 

Marmota, 105 
Arctomys, 105 

Cryptotis, 138 

Mephitis, 154 

Mus, 121 

Ictidomys, 108 

Spermophilus, 108 

Lepus, 133, 134 

172 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 2 

Mus, 98 

Peromyscus, 98 

Peromyscus, 126 

Callosciurus, 103 

Felis, 156 

Glaucomys, 104 

Perognathus, 112 

Puma, 156 

Sciuropterus, 104 

Vulpes, 151 

Lepus, 133 

Otomys, 121 

Octomys, 130 

Tympanoctomys, 130 

Bathyergidae, 129 

Neotoma, 121 

Peromyscus, 124 

concreta, 145 

declivis, 148 

Canis, 149 

Crocidura, 137 

Hipposideros, 142 

Oecomys, 122 

aloga, 137 

brevicauda, 137 

compacta, 137 

Lasiurus, 146 

Odocoileus, 148 

Peromyscus, 124 

Synaptomys, 116 

Tamias, 109 

torrei, 131 

Sigmodon, 127 
Bovidae, 149 

Atalapha, 146 

Lasiurus, 146 

Sylvilagus, 134 

Blarina, 137 

Zygodontomys, 128 

Microgale, 102 

Arvicola, 114 

Microtus, 114 

Syntheosciurus, 108 

Microsciurus, 105 
Sciurus, 105 
Martes, 152 
Mustela, 152 
Leggada, 118 
Mus, 118 
Proechimys, 131 
Aethosciurus, 106 
Paraxerus, 106 
Rangifer, 149 
Peromyscus, 124 
Castor, 109 
Sorex, 138 
Pedetes, 128 
Aplodontia, 103 
Dipodomys, 111 
Lynx, 165 
Scapanus, 140 
Dasyprocta, 130 
baluensis, 103 
erythraeus, 103 
ferrugineus, 103 
haemobaphes, 103 
medialis, 103 
primus, 103 
Caluromyidae, 99 
cicur, 99 
lanatus, 99 
Castor, 109 
Lontra, 152 
Lynx, 156 
Peromyscus, 125 
Canidae, 149 
Peropteryx, 142 
beothucus, 149 
familiaris, 150 
lupus, 149, 150 
canus, 117 

Cansumys, 117 

Felis, 165 

Pedetes, 128 

Pipistrellus, 146 
Capromyidae, 131 

nana, 132 

pilorides, 131 

relictus, 131 

Cebus, 136 

Vampyrodes, 145 

osceola, 148 

Rangifer, 149 

Myotis, 146 
Carnivora, 149 

Sciurus, 106 

Hylobates, 136 

Oryzomys, 123 

Lepus, 134 

Sciurus, 103 

Sciurus, 99 

Sciurus, 99 

Cratogeomys, 111 

Pappogeomys, 111 

caecator, 109 

canadensis, 109 
Castoridae, 109 

Macrogeomys, 110 

Orthogeomys, 110 

Proechimys, 131 
Cebidae, 135 

capucinus, 136 

curtus, 136 

Phenacomys, 116 

Ametrida, 143 

aquilus, 150 

germanus, 150 

thous, 150 

fasciatus, 155 

oculeus, 155 
Cervidae, 148 
Cetartiodactyla, 97 

leucostigma, 145 

laniger, 135 

madagascariensis, 135 

Zygodontomys, 128 

parnellii, 143 | 

pusillus, 143 | 

torrei, 143 ) 
Chionomys | 

nivalis, 112 

Dicrostonyx, 113 

Guerlinguetus, 106 

Sciurus, 106 
Chiroptera, 140 

tropicalis, 101 

Microtus, 114 
Chrysochloridae, 101 

stuhlmanni, 101 

tropicalis, 101 

Lemmus, 114 

Mustela, 152 

Caluromys, 99 
Philander, 99 
Cimolesta, 156 
Urocyon, 150 
Sorex, 139 
Cingulata, 101 
obscurus, 107 
siccus, 1O7 
collaris, 129 
soleatus, 129 
Odocoileus, 149 
gapperi, 113 
proteus, 113 
Claviglis, 129 
Dasyprocta, 130 
Geomys, 110 

Oryzomys, 123 

Aplodontia, 103 

Geocapromys, 132 

Blarina, 137 

Felis, 156 

Puma, 156 

Beluga, 148 

Mops, 145 

Niviventer, 119 

Sciurotamias, 106 

Synaptomys, 116 

Tamias, 109 

Felis, 156 

Puma, 156 

phyllotis, 146 

Felis, 156 

Puma, 156 

Microgale, 102 

aquilus, 113 

Phenacomys, 116 

castanops, 111 

rubellus, 111 

Reithrodontomys, 127 

Cricetinae, 117 
Cricetomyinae, 117 
Saccostomus, 117 
Peromyscus, 125 
bicolor, 137 
fuscomurina, 137 
geata, 138 
hildegardeae, 138 
maurisca, 138 
phaios, 138 
tephragaster, 137 
Pecari, 147 
Tayassu, 147 
australis, 101 
hottentotus, 129 


occlusus, 129 

whytei, 129 

avia, 138 

thomasi, 138 

Geocapromys, 132 

Solenodon, 137 

Geomys, 110 

Ochotona, 133 

Cebus, 136 

Hipposideros, 142 

phillipsi, 149 

pygargus, 149 

Sorex, 139 

Eptesicus, 145 

Pipistrellus, 145 

fontoynonti, 103 

alleni, 118 

incomtus, 118 
Dasypodidae, 101 

callida, 130 

colombiana, 130 

leporina, 130 

noblei, 130 

nuchalis, 130 

punctata, 130 
Dasyproctidae, 130 

hoplites, 101 

novemcinctus, 1O1 
Dasyuridae, 100 
Dasyuromorphia, 100 

madagascariensis, 135 
Daubentoniidae, 135 

Sciurotamias, 106 

Microgale, 102 

Beluga, 148 

Lutra, 152 

Praomys, 119 

Vulpes, 150 

leucas, 148 

melas, 148 

Galago, 135 
Dendromurinae, 117 
Heteromys, 111 
Oryzomys, 123 
Propithecus, 135 
chionopaes, 113 
exsul, 113 
groenlandicus, 113 
torquatus, 113 
Didelphidae, 100 
marsupialis, 100 
particeps, 100 
pigra, 100 
virginiana, 100 
Didelphimorphia, 99 
labilis, 131 
Dipodidae, 112 
californicus, 111 
ordii, 111 
pallidulus, 111 
palmeri, 111 
ordii, 111 
palmeri, 111 

Sorex, 139 
Neotoma, 122 

Damaliscus, 149 

Tamias, 109 

Erethizon, 130 

flavior, 104 

pernyi, 104 

senex, 104 

Microgale, 102 

Tamiasciurus, 109 


Eidolon, 98 
Echimyidae, 131 

australis, 101 

kalabu, 100 

rufescens, 101 

dupreanum, 98 

sakalava, 98 

Spermophilus, 108 

Mephitis, 164 

Procyon, 151 
Emballonuridae, 142 

Mustela, 153 

Putorius, 153 

Microtus, 115 

glandifera, 140 

spelaea, 140 

aurora, 113 

eva, 113 

melanogaster, 113 

mucronatus, 113 

zappeyi, 119 

darlingtoni, 145 

phasma, 146 

pumilus, 145 

Hesperomys, 98 

Peromyscus, 98, 126 

dorsatum, 130 

picinus, 130 
Erethizontidae, 130 

Hipposideros, 142 

monochromos, 128 

Mustela, 152, 153 

sezekorni, 144 

syops, 144 

Callosciurus, 103 

americanus, 151 

sornborgeri, 151 
Eulipotyphla, 97 

goudotii, 155 

major, 155 

minimus, 109 

neglectus, 109 

Apodemus, 117 

Eothenomys, 113 

proteus, 113 

Sigmodon, 127 


174 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 2 

Dicrostonyx, 113 
Sciurus, 106 
Canis, 150 
Cervaria, 155 
Lynx, 155 
Synaptomys, 116 
Felidae, 155 
bangsi, 156 
capensis, 155 
concolor, 156 
coryi, 156 
costaricensis, 156 
floridana, 156 
improcera, 156 
phillipsi, 155 
serval, 155 
Artibeus, 144 
Callosciurus, 103 

Sigmodon, 128 

aquilonius, 116 
obscurus, 116 
rivalicius, 116 
zibethicus, 116 
Haplonycteris, 141 
Oecomys, 122 
Oryzomys, 122 
Isthmomys, 121 
Megadontomys, 121 
Dremomys, 104 
Tatera, 117 
Arctomys, 105 
Marmota, 105 
Felis, 156 
Neotoma, 122 
Geomys, 110 
Sylvilagus, 134 
Microtus, 115 
Dasogale, 103 
Mustela, 152, 153, 154 

Putorius, 152 
Oligoryzomys, 122 
Marmosa, 99 
Myomys, 119 
Praomys, 119 
akka, 104 
pyrrhopus, 104 
victoriae, 104 
Triaenops, 143 
Sigmodon, 128 
Urocyon, 150 
Neotoma, 98 
Crocidura, 137 
Peromyscus, 126 
demidovii, 135 
orinus, 135 
orinus, 135 
Galagonidae, 135 
grandidiensis, 155 
grandidieri, 155 
Clethrionomys, 113 
Crocidura, 138 
Myosorex, 138 
abaconis, 132 
columbianus, 132 
cubanus, 132 
ingrahami, 132 
irrectus, 132 
aurita, 101 
orientalis, 101 
Geomyidae, 110 
austrinus, 110 
colonus, 110 
cumberlandius, 110 
floridanus, 110 
coffi, 110 
pinetis, 110 
tuza, 110 
Gerbillinae, 117 
Leggada, 119 
Cerdocyon, 150 

Neurotrichus, 140 
Pteropus, 141 
Lynx, 155 

Heterocephalus, 129 
Eonycteris, 140 
bangsi, 104 
lascivus, 104 
makkovikensis, 104 
querceti, 105 
sabrinus, 104 
volans, 104, 105 
longirostris, 144 
Procyon, 151 
Sorex, 138 
Geomys, 110 
Proechimys, 131 
Gorilla, 136 
Troglodytes, 136 


gorilla, 136 

Hesperomys, 123 

Peromyscus, 123, 124, 

: Eupleres, 155 
macmillani, 118 
Sciurus, 106, 107 
Galidictis, 155 
Galidictis, 155 
Orthogeomys, 111 
argenteus, 129 
griseus, 129 
hueti, 129 
lorraineus, 129 
microtis, 129 
murinus, 129 
schwabi, 129 
surdus, 129 
Graphiurus, 129 
Tana, 134 

aestuans, 106 
chiriquensis, 106 
Proechimys, 131 
Sciurus, 109 
Tamiasciurus, 109 
Callosciurus, 103 
Sciurus, 103 
fischeri, 141 
Zapus, 112 
Harpiocephalus, 146 
harpia, 146 
rufulus, 146 
Taterillus, 117 
Platyrrhinus, 144 
Herpestidae, 155 
Lonchophylla, 144 
arcticus, 124 
eremicus, 98 
gossypinus, 123 
leucopus, 124 
nebrascensis, 124 
sonoriensis, 124 
glaber, 129 
stygius, 129 
Heteromyidae, 111 
alleni, 112 
desmarestianus, 111 
repens, 111 
Crocidura, 138 
bicolor, 142 
curtus, 142 
erigens, 142 
turpis, 143 
Sigmodon, 128 
Suillomeles, 100 
Sigmodon, 127, 128 
Hominidae, 138 
Dasypus, 101 
Cryptomys, 129 
Lutra, 152 



Sciurus, 109 

Tamiasciurus, 109 

Zapus, 112 

Aethoglis, 129 

Graphiurus, 129 

Reithrodontomys, 127 

Neurotrichus, 140 

Proechimys, 131 

carpenteri, 136 

lar, 136 
Hylobatidae, 136 

alleni, 118 

simus, 118 

alboniger, 105 

anchises, 105 

orinus, 105 

phayrei, 105 

Oenomys, 119 

nivicola, 112 

badius, 108 

tridecemlineatus, 108 

phyllotis, 146 

Marmota, 105 
Arctomys, 105 

Rhinolophus, 143 

Oecomys, 122 

Oryzomys, 122 

Reithrodontomys, 127 

Felis, 156 

Puma, 156 

Lepus, 134 

Sylvilagus, 134 

Tapeti, 134 

Dasymys, 118 
Indridae, 135 

Geocapromys, 132 

Mictomys, 116 

Synaptomys, 116 

Peromyscus, 125 

Pteropus, 98 

Geocapromys, 132 

Liomys, 112 

flavidus, 121 

Echymipera, 100 

Tatera, 117 

Thamnomys, 120 

Spermophilus, 99 

Microtus, 115 

Sorex, 138 

Diplomys, 131 

Loncheres, 131 

Otomys, 120 

Zapus, 112 

Aethosciurus, 106 
Lagomorpha, 133 

Nesomys, 120 

Caluromys, 99 

Cheiromys, 135 

Pteropus, 96 

Pteropus, 98 

Hylobates, 136 

Glaucomys, 104 

Sciuropterus, 104 

borealis, 146 

brachyotis, 146 

Scapanus, 140 
Lontra, 142 
Reithrodontomys, 127 
ablutus, 118 
bufo, 118 
gerbillus, 119 

chrysogaster, 114 
paulus, 114 
sibiricus, 114 

Neotoma, 121 
Leporidae, 143 
Dasyprocta, 130 
phillipsi, 155 
serval, 155 
alacer, 134 
alleni, 133 
americanus, 133, 134 
arcticus, 133 
bairdi, 133, 134 
bangsii, 133 
cascadensis, 134 
incitatus, 134 
palitans, 133 
paludicola, 134 
struthopus, 133 
sylvaticus, 134 
transitionalis, 134 
Delphinapterus, 148 
Scotophilus, 147 
Hesperomys, 124 
Peromyscus, 126 
Chaerophon, 145 
Mops, 145 
Melomys, 118 
alleni, 112 
irroratus, 112 
Lipotyphla, 136 
Artibeus, 144 
labilis, 131 
hesperia, 144 
Arctogale, 153 
Putorius, 153 
Microgale, 102 
Perognathus, 112 
Arvicola, 114 
Glossophaga, 144 
canadensis, 152 
laxatina, 152 
Sciurus, 109 
Tamiasciurus, 109 

Graphiurus, 129 


Procyon, 151 

Odocoileus, 148 

Myotis, 146 

Alouatta, 135 

Sciurus, 106 

Canis, 149, 150 

Lutreola, 153 
Mustela, 153 
Putorius, 153 
degener, 151 
hudsonica, 151 
vaga, 151 
lutensis, 153 
vulgivagus, 154 
californicus, 155 
canadensis, 155, 156 
fasciatus, 155 
gigas, 155 
oculeus, 155 
rufus, 155 
subsolanus, 156 
Phataginus, 156 
Grammomys, 118 
cavator, 110 
pansa, 110 
Sorex, 138 
Nycteris, 142 
Peropteryx, 142 
alleni, 133 
palitans, 133 
Odocoileus, 148 
Sorex, 139 
Cheiromys, 135 
Daubentonia, 135 
Nycteris, 142 
Rousettus, 141 
Eupleres, 155 
Vampyrodes, 145 


Glaucomys, 104 
Sciuropterus, 104 
Peromyscus, 98, 124, 
Manidae, 156 
Antillogale, 137 
Solenodon, 137 
fulviventer, 99 
mitis, 99 
robinsoni, 99, 100 
Marmosidae, 99 
avara, 105 
flaviventris, 105 
ignava, 105 
monax, 105 
Didelphis, 100 
americana, 152 
atrata, 152 
brumalis, 152 
Crocidura, 138 
Antechinus, 100 
Procyon, 151 
Saccostomus, 117 
Callosciurus, 103 
Mictomys, 116 
Synaptomys, 116 
flavidus, 121 
Rhinolophus, 143 
Eothenomys, TELS} 
Taterillus, 117 
Oryzomys, 123 
Praomys, 119 
Delphinus, 148 
Myoictis, 100 
alleni, 118 
levipes, 118 
mollis, 118 
moncktoni, 118 
rubex, 118 
stevensi, 118 

Mephitis, 154 
Mephitidae, 154 

Mephitis, 154 

avia, 154 

elongata, 154 

mephitica, 154 

mephitis, 154 

mesomelas, 154 

scrutator, 154. 

spissigrada, 154 

nanus, 132 

Mephitis, 154 

Neotoma, 122 

Peromyscus, 124 

brevicaudata, 102 

cowani, 102 

decaryi, 102 

drouhardi, 102 

longicaudata, 102 

parvula, 102 

principula, 102 

prolixicaudata, 102 

pulla, 102 

alfari, 105 

browni, 105 

Graphiurus, 129 

acadicus, 115 

aurora, 113 

breweri, 114 

chrotorrhinus, 114 

enixus, 115 

fontigenus, 115 

koreni, 115 

mucronatus, 113 

oeconomus, 115 

pennsylvanicus, 114, 


provectus, 115 

ravus, 114 

shattucki, 115 

terraenovae, 114 

Nesophontes, 136 

innuitus, 116 

medioximus, 116 

Tamias, 99, 109 

Ametrida, 143 

Suncus, 139 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 2 


Scapanus, 140 

Sorex, 139 

Antechinus, 100 

Marmosa, 99 

Tamiasciurus, 109 

Melomys, 118 

Stenomys, 120 
Molossidae, 145 

Marmota, 105 

Melomys, 118 

Erioryzomys, 128 

Oryzomys, 125 

Thomasomys, 128 
Monodontidae, 148 

Pteropus, 141 

angolensis, 145 

condylurus, 145 

leucostigma, 145 

orientis, 145 
Mormoopidae, 143 

Mustela, 152 

Sciurus, 107 

Microtus, 113 

Mustela, 154 

Putorius, 154 

Myotis, 146 

Arctogale, 153 

Mustela, 153 

Putorius, 153 
Muridae, 112 
Murinae, 117 

Graphiurus, 129 

Pseudohydromys, 120 

bactrianus, 119 

bairdii, 98 

bufo, 118 

musculus, 119 

tantillus, 119 

tenellus, 119 

Mus, 119 

atrata, 152 
brumalis, 152 
cicognanii, 152 
energumenos, 153 
erminea, 152, 153 
frenata, 152, 153, 154 
lutensis, 153 
mortigena, 152 
munda, 154 
muricus, 153 
neomexicana, 152 
nivalis, 153 
noveboracensis, 153 
occisor, 153 
oribasus, 153 
richardsonii, 152 
rixosa, 153 
vison, 153, 154 
vulgivaga, 154 
Mustelidae, 152 
melas, 100 
wallacei, 100 
wavicus, 100 
fumatus, 119 
schisticolor, 115 
thayeri, 115 
geata, 138 
abbotti, 146 
albicinctus, 146 
carissima, 146 
lucifugus, 146 
muricola, 146 
nugax, 146 
sodalis, 146 
Myoxidae, 129 
Apodemus, 117 
Capromys, 132 
Nycteris, 142 
Mesocapromys, 132 
Antechinus, 100 
Rhynchiscus, 142 
Oryzomys, 123 

Oryzomys, 122 

Hesperomys, 124 
Peromyscus, 124 
amazonicus, 121 
squamipes, 121 

Tamias, 109 
asiaeorientalis, 148 
Mustela, 152 
Putorius, 152 
asiaorientalis, 148 
phocaenoides, 148 
acadicus, 138 
palustris, 138 
abbreviata, 121 
bella, 121 
distincta, 122 
floridana, 122 
fuscipes, 98 
lepida, 121 
mexicana, 122 
rubida, 122 
Sciurus, 107 
Nesomyinae, 120 
lambertoni, 120 
micrus, 136 
Nesophontidae, 136 
gibbsi, 140 
hyacinthinus, 140 
Sciurus, 106 
Peromyscus, 125 
Stenomys, 120 
Nyctomys, 122 
Chionomys, 112 
Mustela, 153 

Hypudaeus, 112 

confucianus, 119 
Dasyprocta, 130 
Pipistrellus, 147 
Putorius, 153 
Scabrifer, 147 
Mustela, 153 
Putorius, 153 
Dasypus, 101 

Dasyprocta, 130 

Myotis, 146 

Steatomys, 117 
Nycteridae, 142 

macrotis, 142 

madagascariensis, 142 

nana, 142 

revoili, 97 

tristis, 142 

africanus, 147 

albiventer, 147 

schlieffeni, 147 

nitellinus, 122 

sumichrasti, 122 

Citellus, 107 

Fiber, 115 

Ondatra, 115 

Spermophilus, 99 

Paramicrogale, 102 

Mustela, 153 

Putorius, 153 

Cryptomys, 129 

cupppes, 133 
princeps, 133 
saxatilis, 133 
Ochotonidae, 133 
Thamnomys, 118 
Octodontidae, 130 
barrerae, 130 
Cervaria, 155 
Lynx, 155 
Urocyon, 150 
americanus, 148 
borealis, 148 
clavium, 149 
louisianae, 146 
macroura, 146 
osceola, 146 
virginianus, 146, 147 
bicolor, 122 
flavicans, 122 
illectus, 122 
trabeatus, 122 


Microtus, 115 
hypoxanthus, 119 
talangae, 119 
fulvescens, 122 
vegetus, 125 
aquilonius, 116 
obscurus, 116 
rivalicius, 116 
zibethicus, 116 
Sciurus, 109 
Zapus, 112 
Dipodomys, 111 
Dipodops, 111 
Peromyscus, 126 
Arctogale, 153 
Mustela, 153 
Putorius, 153 
Geogale, 101 
Mops, 145 
Galago, 135 
Galagoides, 135 
Hylopetes, 105 
Pteromys, 105 
cavator, 110 
grandis, 111 
pansa, 110 
pluto, 111 
carrorum, 123 
coloratus, 123 
devius, 123 
flavicans, 122 
fulvescens, 122 
illectus, 122 
melanotis, 123 
monochromos, 128 
natator, 123 
navus, 122 
palustris, 123 
rostratus, 123 
vegetus, 123 
Cariacus, 148 
Odocoileus, 146 
papuensis, 145 
Otomyinae, 120 
anchietae, 120 
barbouri, 121 


lacustris, 120 
typus, 121 
uzungwensis, 121 
Praomys, 119 
Agouti, 130 
robustus, 150 
Tupaia, 134 
Lepus, 133 
Macrotolagus, 133 
Alouatta, 135 
Dipodomys, 111 
Spermophilus, 99 
Tamias, 99 
Peromyscus, 125 
Artibeus, 144 
Dipodomys, 111 
Dipodops, 111 
Lepus, 134 
Sylvilagus, 134 
Neosorex, 138 
Oryzomys, 123 
Sorex, 138 
Sylvilagus, 134 
Macrogeomys, 110 
Orthogeomys, 110 
castanops, 111 
rubellus, 111 
Otomops, 145 
Paracapromys, 132 
occidentalis, 102 
byatti, 106 
vexillarius, 106 
Chilonycteris, 143 
Pteronotus, 143 
Spermophilus, 99 
Didelphis, 100 
Microgale, 102 
Lemmus, 114 

178 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 2 

crusnigrum, 147 
tajacu, 147, 148 
torvus, 148 
cafer, 125 
capensis, 128 
taborae, 128 
Pedetidae, 128 
Vulpes, 150, 151 
Microtus, 114, 115 
Peramelia, 100 
Dremomys, 104 
bangsi, 112 
longimembris, 112 
abietorum, 125 
ammodytes, 125 
anastasae, 124, 125 
arenarius, 126 
argentatus, 125 
attwateri, 124 
bairdii, 98 
baliolus, 126 
bellus, 124 
borealis, 124 
cacabatus, 124 
canadensis, 125 
crinitus, 125 
eremicus, 98, 126 
fusus, 126 
gossypinus, 2S 2Ae 
insulanus, 125 
leucopus, 126 
maniculatus, 98, 124, 
mexicanus, 124 
nebrascensis, 124 
nigriculus, 125 
oreas, 126 
palmarius, 125 
phasma, 126 
polionotus, 126 
rhoadsi, 126 
saturatus, 126 
scitulus, 125 
subgriseus, 126 
texanus, 126 
canina, 142 
macrotis, 142 
phaea, 142 
Peroryctidae, 100 
Propithecus, 135 

Sorex, 139 
Peropteryx, 142 
Crocidura, 138 
Eptesicus, 147 
Peromyscus, 126 
Pipistrellus, 147 
mabirae, 156 
tricuspis, 156 
Hylopetes, 105 
Pteromys, 105 
celatus, 116 
crassus, 116 
ungava, 116 
cicur, 99 
Rhinolophus, 143 
Damaliscus, 149 
Felis, 155 
Leptailurus, 155 
Neophocaena, 148 
Phocoenidae, 148 
Phyllostomidae, 143 
Corynorhinus, 146 
Idionycteris, 146 
Erethizon, 130 
Alouatta, 135 
Didelphis, 100 
Capromys, 131 
Geomys, 110 
capensis, 147 
notius, 147 
phasma, 147 
rendalli, 147 
araeum, 132 
helleri, 144 
umbratus, 144 
auritus, 147 
sacrimontis, 147 
Orthogeomys, 111 
Solenodon, 137 

Peromyscus, 126 
delectorum, 119 
fumatus, 119 
melanotus, 119 
oweni, 119 
tullbergi, 119 
Steatomys, 117 
Primates, 135 
Callosciurus, 103 
Ochotona, 133 
Microgale, 102 
Rhynchiscus, 142 
elucus, 151 
gloveralleni, 151 
lotor, 151 
maynardi, 151 
Procyonidae, 151 
burrus, 131 
cayennensis, 131 
gorgonae, 131 
guyannensis, 131 
hyleae, 131 
semispinosus, 131 
Microgale, 102 
diadema, 135 
perrieri, 135 
Clethrionomys, 113 
Evotomys, 113 
Microtus, 115 
murinus, 120 
alboniger, 105 
anchises, 105 
orinus, 105 
phayrei, 105 
parnellii, 143 
pusillus, 143 
quadridens, 143 
Pteropodidae, 140 
anetianus, 141 
aorensis, 141 
ariel, 141 
austini, 141 
giganteus, 141 
insularis, 98 
laniger, 98 

lanigera, 98 
monoensis, 141 
rayneri, 141 
woodfordi, 141 
Microgale, 102 
bangsi, 156 
concolor, 156 
coryi, 156 
costaricensis, 156 
improcera, 156 
Dasyprocta, 130 
Chilonycteris, 143 
Pteronotus, 143 
Spilogale, 155 
energumenos, 153 
frenatus, 152 
longicauda, 153 
lutensis, 153 
mundus, 154 
muricus, 153 
neomexicanus, 153 
notius, 153 
noveboracensis, 153 
occisor, 153 
oribasus, 153 
rixosus, 153 
vison, 153 
vulgivagus, 154 
xanthogenys, 154 
Damaliscus, 149 
Funisciurus, 104 
Pteronotus, 143 
Tamias, 99, 109 
Glaucomys, 105 
Sciuropterus, 105 
Aplodontia, 103 
arcticus, 149 
caboti, 149 
caribou, 149 
tarandus, 149 
terraenovae, 149 
Microtus, 114 
Pteropus, 141 
australis, 127 
creper, 127 


humulis, 127 
impiger, 127 
lecontii, 127 
sumichrasti, 127 
vulcanius, 127 
Capromys, 131 
Pipistrellus, 147 
Heteromys, 111 
Nycteris, 97 
Rhinolophidae, 142 
alleni, 143 
ignifer, 143 
megaphyllus, 143 
philippinensis, 143 
Peromyscus, 126 
naso, 142 
priscus, 142 
naso, 142 
Mustela, 152 
Arvicola, 114 
Fiber, 116 
Ondatra, 116 

Mustela, 153 
Putorius, 153 

Marmosa, 99, 100 

Sorex, 139 

Pachycyon, 150 
Rodentia, 103 

Oryzomys, 123 

madagascariensis, 141 

Cratogeomys, 111 

Pappogeomys, 111 

Melomys, 118 

Neotoma, 122 

Vulpes, 151 

Vulpes, 150, 151 

Aplodontia, 103 

Echymipera, 101 
Arvicola, 114 
Harpiocephalus, 145 
Lynx, 155 
Glaucomys, 104 
Sciuropterus, 104 
cricetulus, 117 
mearnsi, 117 
Plecotus, 147 

Eidolon, 98 

Sciurus, 107 
Sigmodon, 128 
Sorex, 139 
Peromyscus, 126 
Ochotona, 133 
notius, 147 
aereus, 140 
anastasae, 140 
texanus, 140 
aereus, 140 
anastasae, 140 
aquaticus, 140 
Scandentia, 134 
californicus, 140 
latimanus, 140 
minusculus, 140 
Myopus, 115 
Nycticeius, 147 
Graphiurus, 129 
Peromyscus, 125 
Sciuridae, 103 
alpinus, 104 
bangsi, 104 
lascivus, 104 
makkovikensis, 104 
querceti, 105 
sabrinus, 104 
silus, 104 
volans, 104, 105 

consobrinus, 106 
davidianus, 106 
thayeri, 106 

aberti, 99 
aestuans, 106 
browni, 105 
carolinensis, 106 
castaneoventris, 103 
castanonotus, 99 
castanotus, 99 
chiriquensis, 106 
extimus, 106 
granatensis, 106, 107 
gymnicus, 109 
haemobaphes, 103 
hudsonicus, 109 
loquax, 109 
ludovicianus, 106 
morulus, 107 
nesaeus, LOT 
niger, 106 
orarius, 109 
saltuensis, 107 
variabilis, 107 
vicinus, 106 
vulpinus, 106 
yucatanensis, 106 

apricus, 127 
teguina, 127 
xerampelinus, IAG 

altilis, 147 
leucogaster, 147 

Mephitis, 154 

Proechimys, 131 
Dremomys, 104 
Zygodontomys, 128 
Felis, 155 
Leptailurus, 155 

setosus, 103 

Setifer, 103 

Erophylla, 144 

Microtus, 115 

Lemmus, 114 

Citellus, 107 

austerulus, 127 

borucae, 127 
exsputus, 127 
fervidus, 128 
furvus, 128 
hirsutus, 128 
hispidus, 127, 128 
sanctaemartae, 128 
spadicipygus, 128 
Sigmodontinae, 121 
Sciuropterus, 104 
Hylomyscus, 118 
Myotis, 146 
Claviglis, 129 
cubanus, 137 
marcanoi, 137 
poeyanus, 137 
Solenodontidae, 137 
Hesperomys, 124 
araneus, 138 
caecutiens, 138 
cinereus, 139 
daphaenodon, 139 
dispar, 139 
gloveralleni, 138 
koreni, 138 
macropygmaeus, 138 
macrurus, 139 
miscix, 139 
palustris, 138 
personatus, 139 
roboratus, 139 
sanguinidens, 139 
tundrensis, 138 
ultimus, 138 
vir, 139 
Soricidae, 137 


Euarctos, 151 
Ursus, 151 


Tatera, 117 


Sigmodon, 128 


Eonycteris, 140 
alashanicus, 107 
armatus, 107 
badius, 108 
elegans, 108 
kodiacensis, 99 
obsoletus, 99 
pallidus, 99 
parryi, 99 

180 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 2 

spilosoma, 99 
texensis, 108 
tridecemlineatus, 99, 
ambarvalis, 155 
putorius, 155 

Mephitis, 154 

Nectomys, 121 


nyasae, 117 

pratensis, 117 

mollis, 120 

niobe, 120 

stevensi, 120 

verecundus, 120 

Melomys, 118 

Stenomys, 120 

Tamias, 107 

Lepus, 133 

Chrysochloris, 101 

Heterocephalus, 129 

Peromyscus, 126 

Lynx, 156 

hispida, 100 

Nyctomys, 122 

Reithrodontomys, 127 

ater, 139 
minor, 139 
varilla, 139 
Graphiurus, 129 
Lepus, 134 
alacer, 134 
brasiliensis, 134 
floridanus, 134 
incitatus, 134 
paludicola, 134 
palustris, 134 
transitionalis, 134 
~ borealis, 116 
cooperi, 116 
fatuus, 116 
innuitus, 116 
medioximus, 116 

brochus, 108 
Erophylla, 144 
Pedetes, 128 
Pecari, 147, 148 
Oenomys, 119 
Talpidae, 140 
borealis, 109 
cooperi, 108 
dorsalis, 108 
minimus, 99, 109 
neglectus, 109 
pallidus, 99 
quadrivittatus, 99 
striatus, 109 
townsendii, 108 
venustus, LOY 
douglasii, 109 
gymnicus, 109 
hudsonicus, 109 
loquax, 109 
mollipilosus, 109 
griswoldi, 134 
tana, 134 
Tana, 134 
Tupaia, 134 
Mus, 119 
incitatus, 134 
Rangifer, 149 
flavipes, 117 
kempi, 117 
soror, 117 
valida, 117 
harringtoni, 117 
melanops, 117 
crusnigrum, 147 
torvus, 148 
Tayassuidae, 147 
Akodon, 127 
Scotinomys, 127 
Mus, 119 
Tenrecidae, 101 
Crocidura, 137 

Arvicola, 114 
Microtus, 114 
Rangifer, 149 
Peromyscus, 126 
Scalops, 140 
Spermophilus, 108 
kivuensis, 120 
ochraceus, 118 
venustus, 120 
Myopus, 115 
Sciurotamias, 106 
Cryptotis, 138 
monochromos, 128 
atrodorsalis, 111 
umbrinus, 111 
Cerdocyon, 150 
albigula, 147 
albiventer, 147 
tricolor, 147 
Thyropteridae, 147 
Dicrostonyx, 113 
Boromys, 131 
Chilonycteris, 143 
Pecari, 148 
Tayassu, 148 
Tamias, 109 
Alouatta, 135 
Oecomys, 122 
Lepus, 134 
Sylvilagus, 134 
aurita, 143 
furculus, 143 
Thyroptera, 147 
Phataginus, 156 

Spermophilus, 99, 108 

Zapus, 112 
Nycteris, 142 
gorilla, 136 

Chlorotalpa, 101 

Chrysochloris, 101 

Praomys, 119 

Sorex, 138 

paitana, 134 

tana, 134 
Tupaiidae, 134 

Hipposideros, 143 

Geomys, 110 

barrerae, 130 

Otomys, 121 

Sorex, 138 

Platyrrhinus, 144 

Vampyrops, 144 

Thomomys, 111 

Phenacomys, 116 

aquilus, 150 

cinereoargenteus, 150 

furvus, 150 

ocythous, 150 
Ursidae, 151 

americanus, 151 

sornborgeri, 151 

Otomys, 121 


Vulpes, 150, 151 

Lutra, 152 

Tatera, 117 

caraccioli, 145 

major, 145 

umbratus, 144 

zarhinus, 144 

Sciurus, 107 

Suncus, 139 

Oligoryzomys, 123 

Oryzomys, 123 

Tamias, 109 

Thamnomys, 120 

Stenomys, 120 
Vespertilionidae, 145 

Paraxerus, 106 

Sciurus, 106 

Funisciurus, 104 

Sorex, 139 

Agouti, 130 

Didelphis, 100 

Odocoileus, 148, 149 

Mustela, 153, 154 

Putorius, 153 

Viverridae, 155 
Glaucomys, 104, 105 
Sciuropterus, 104, 105 
Reithrodontomys, 127 
Mustela, 154 
Lutreola, 154 
Putorius, 154 
Vulpes, 150, 151 
bangsi, 151 
deletrix, 150 
pennsylvanica, 150, 151 
rubricatus, 151 
rubricosa, 150, 151 

vafra, 150, 151 
vulpes, 150, 151 

Sciurus, 106 
Myoictis, 100 
Myoictis, 100 
Cryptomys, 129 
Pteropus, 141 
Putorius, 154 

Akodon, 127 

Scotinomys, 127 

Sciurus, 106 


Epimys, 119 
acadicus, 112 
hardyi, 112 
hudsonicus, 112 
ladas, 112 
orarius, 112 
trinotatus, 112 
Vampyrops, 144 
Fiber, 116 
Ondatra, 116 
brevicauda, 128 
cherriei, 128 
seorsus, 128 


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US ISSN 0027-4100) _ 

A New Species of Lizard Related to 
_ Stenocercus caducus (Cope) (Squamata: 
Iguanidae) From Peru and Bolivia, With a 
Key to the “Ophryoessoides Group” 



(US ISSN 0027-4100) 


Breviora 1952— 


Memorrs 1865-1938 

JouNsoni4, Department of Mollusks, 1941-1974 
OccASIONAL PAPERS ON Mo tusks, 1945— 

1. Whittington, H. B., and W. D. I. Rolfe (eds.), 1963 Phylogeny and 
Evolution of Crustacea. 192 pp. 

2. Turner, R. D., 1966. A Survey and illustrated Catalogue of the Tere- 
dinidea (Mollusca: Bivalvia). 265 pp. 

3. Sprinkle, J., 1973. Morphology and Evolution of Blastozoan Echino- 
derms. 284 pp. 

4, Eaton, R. J., 1974. A Flora of Concord from Thoreau’s Time to the 
Present Day. 236 pp. 

5. Rhodin, A. G. J., and K. Miyata (eds.), 1983. Advances in Herpetology 
and Evolutionary Biology: Essays in Honor of Emest E. Williams. 
725 pp. 

6. Angelo, R., 1990. Concord Area Trees and Shrubs. 118 pp. 

Other Publications. 
Bigelow, H. B., and W. C. Schroeder, 1953. Fishes of the Gulf of Maine. 
Reprinted 1964. 

Brues, C.T., A. L. Melander, and F. M. Carpenter, 1954. Classification of 
Insects. (Bulletin of the M. C. Z., Vol. 108.) Reprinted 1971. 

Creighton, W. S., 1950. The Ants of North America. Reprinted 1966. 

Lyman, C. P., and A. R. Dawe (eds.), 1960. Proceedings of the First In- 
ternational Symposium on Natural Mammalian Hibernation. (Bulletin 
of the M. C. Z., Vol. 124.) 

Orinthological Gazetteers of the Neotropics (1975-). 
Peter’s Check-list of Birds of the World, vols. 1-16. 

Proceedings of the New England Zoological Club 1899-1947. (Complete 
sets only.) 

Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History. 

Price list and catalog of MCZ publications may be obtained from Publica- 
tions Office, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge, 
Massachusetts 02138, U.S.A. 

This publication has been printed on acid-free permanent paper stock, 

© The President and Fellows of Harvard College 2001. 




ENTERS Sa OPT ee tay ee 183 
[Reganrrayeran’ 2 oki eicteie el ae ee es 183 
Mien @ GLU CHOI yen tek PLUM Pes REE TUE a Re 184 
Materials and Methods 000 184 
Description of a New Species of Stenocersus 187 
Stenocercus prionotus new species —.... 187 
Diagnosis and Comparisons 2 191 
BBY SS CIs tol Opes ee eee ee as sees oe 193 
Distribution Patterns in Stenocercus prionotus 
ces OE EE aed ae ad oe Lie ee 197 
Patterns of Sympatry and Geographic Variation 
in Stenocercus prionotus, and the Need for 
Additional Fieldwork 200 
Natural History of Stenocercus prionotus 205 
Comparison of Stenocercus prionotus with S. 
COCULCUS Se eke MERE A Ni ee 2 ee Nea RE 206 
Distributions of Stenocercus prionotus and S. 
caducus in Eastern Bolivia ___.................. 210 

Is the Distribution of Stenocercus aculeatus 
GHGHTONIVGI Ci a5 Reet pee 270s Meee cee ee ee 212 
Key to Species of the “Ophryoessoides group” 

Ac noyylecearncints: 3 ae ee 215 
Mppendix: Specimens Examined 0). 216 
ihiterature Cited 228. 2 218 

ABSTRACT. A new species of iguanid lizard, Steno- 
cercus prionotus, is described Gorn eastern Peru and 
Bolivia (known range from San Martin Department, 
Peru, to northern La Paz and El Beni departments, 
Bolivia). Most localities are in the Andean foothills 
and immediately adjacent lowlands. Stenocercus 
prionotus is similar to several other species of Sten- 
ocercus with large posterior head scales, an enlarged 
row of supraoculars, and keeled ventral scales. These 
similar species are referred to as the “Ophryoessoides 
group” without implying that it is a monophyletic as- 
semblage. Based on their common possession of a 

' Department of Herpetology, Chicago Zoological 
Society, 3300 Golf Road, Brookfield, iiliots 60513. 
Research Associate, Department of Herpetology, 
Museum of Comparative Zoology. 

Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 

unique scaly flap concealing a portion of the posthu- 
meral mite pocket, the new species is apparently 
closely related to S. caducus (Cope), which is known 
from central Bolivia south to northern Argentina and 

Paraguay. Stenocercus prionotus is distinguished from 
S. caducus by having a more prominent vertebral 
crest and a pattern of alternating light and dark bars 
on the throat (rarely observed in ct caducus, which 
usually has light throat spots). These two species also 
occupy different physiographic regions (western Am- 
azonian rainforest for S. prionotus; chaco for S. cad- 

Populations of S. prionotus from northern Peru 
have a higher vertebral crest than those in southern 
Peru and Bolivia. Northern populations are also 
broadly sympatric with two other species of the 

“Ophryoessoides group,” S. aculeatus and S. fimbria- 
tus. However, in southern Peru S. prionotus is not 
known to be sympatric with other species of that 
group. I postulate that the higher vertebral crest in 
northern populations of S. prionotus functions as a 
species recognition signal in the multispecies assem- 
blages. A key to species of the Ophryoessoides 
group” is provided and distributions of the species in 
Peru and Bolivia are summarized. 

RESUMEN. Se describe una nueva especie de lagar- 
tija iguanida, Stenocercus prionotus, del Pert Orien- 
tal y ob Bolivia. Se conoce la nueva especie desde el 
departamento de San Martin, Pert, hasta el norte de 
los departamentos La Paz y El Beni en Bolivia. La 
mayoria de las localidades se encuentran en las estri- 
baciones andinas y adyacentes tierras bajas. Stenocer- 
cus prionotus es similar a varias otras especies de 
Stenocercus con grandes escamas sobre el posterior 
de la cabeza, una fila amplia de supraoculares, y es- 
camas ventrales quilladas. Se refiere estas especies 
como el “grupo Ophryoessoides,” sin implicar su 
monophyletismo. Basada en su posesion de un l6bulo 
escamoso tinico que oculta una porcidén del bolsillo 
antehumeral, se considera la nueva especie cercana- 
mente relacionada a Stenocercus caducus (Cope), que 
se conoce desde Bolivia central hasta el norte de la 

157(3): 183-222, November, 2001 183 


Argentina y del Paraguay. Stenocercus prionotus se 
distingue de S. caducus al tener una cresta vertebral 
mas prominente y un patron de alternativas barras 
claras y oscuras sobre la garganta (un patron rara- 
mente observado en S. caducus, que usualmente ti- 
ene manchas claras sobre la garganta). 

Las poblaciones de Stenocercus prionotus del norte 
del Pert tienen una cresta vertebral mas alta que la 
cresta en poblaciones del sur de Perti y Bolivia. Las 
poblaciones del norte de Pert también son amplia- 
mente simpatricas con dos otras especies del “grupo 
Ophryoessoides,” S. aculeatus y S. fimbriatus. Sin em- 
bargo, en el sur del Peru y Bolivia no se conocen lo- 
calidades donde se encuentra S. prionotus simpatrica 
con otras especies del grupo. Postulo que la cresta ver- 
tebral mas alto en las poblaciones nortefias de S. prion- 
otus functiona como un sefial para reconocimiento de 
especies en comunidades donde hay varias especies 
simpatricas. Se provee una clave para las especies del 

“grupo Ophryoessoides” y se resumen las distribu- 
ciones de las especies Peruanas y Bolivianas. 


Stenocercus sensu Frost (1992), includ- 
ing the nominal genera Ophryoessoides and 
Proctotretus, isa “moderately diverse assem- 
blage of South American iguanid lizards 
(eos Macey et al., 1997; Soule et al., 
1998) with about 50 species currently rec- 
ognized. Most of the species are in the An- 
des and adjacent lowlands of Colombia, Ec- 
uador, and Peru, but a few are primarily 
Amazonian or have distributions in the 
physiographically diverse terrain south of 
the Amazon basin. Although new species of 
Stenocercus continue to be discovered in 
the field, others have been known from old 
collections and are only now being de- 
scribed (e.g., Cadle, 1991, 1998; Avila-Pi- 
res, 1995). In this category is a new species 
from the lowlands of eastern Peru and Bo- 
livia that has been referred erroneously to 
the names aculeatus O'Shaughnessy (1879) 
or caducus Cope (1862) in previous litera- 
ture, and associated with the genera Lei- 
ocephalus or Ophryoessoides ‘before the 
current understanding of these names 
came into use (see Etheridge, 1966; Frost, 
1992). Rodriguez and Gadlet (1990) left the 
new species cnameless in a checklist pend- 
ing resolution of its status. The new species 
is ‘apparently closely related to Stenocercus 
caducus (Cope) and is described herein. 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 3 


Frost (1992; see especially footnote 5) 
and Cadle (1991) discussed reasons for re- 
ferring new species such as the one de- 
scribed here to Stenocercus Duméril and 
Bibron sensu lato (including Ophryoesso- 
ides Duméril and Proctotretus Duméril 
and Bibron). Externally, the new species is 
similar to those species that Fritts (1974) 
placed in Ophryoessoides, that is, those 
species with keeled ventral scales, large 
posterior head scales (usually including 
well-differentiated interparietal, parietals, 
postparietals, and occipitals), and one 
moderately to greatly enlarged supraocular 
row. In addition to the new species de- 
scribed here. species included in the 

“Ophryoessoides group” are aculeatus 
O'Shaughnessy, 1879; caducus Cope, 
1862; dumerilii Steindachner, 1867; ery- 
throgaster Hallowell, 1856; fimbriatus Avi- 
la-Pires, 1995: huancabambae Cadle, 
1991: iridescens Giinther, 1859; limitaris 
Cadle, 1998; scapularis Boulenger, 1901; 
tricristatus Duméril, 1851; ee two un- 
described species noted later in this paper 
under Key to Species of the “Ophryoesso- 
ides group” of Stenocercus. I use the term 
“Ophryoessoides group” as a convenience 
to refer to this group of phenotypically 
similar species without implication as to its 
status as a monophyletic or nonmonophy- 
letic assemblage within Stenocercus. 

General descriptive protocols follow Ca- 
dle (1991), who defined terminology of the 
scales, neck folds, and mite pockets used 
herein, based in part on Frost (1992). Bi- 
lateral scale counts (e.g., subdigitals) were 
made only on one side (the left, unless it 
was damaged), except for the holotype, for 
which both left and right counts were re- 
corded (1, r). A summary of selected scu- 
tellational and qualitative characters for 
the new species and similar species from 
eastern Peru and Bolivia is presented in 
Mable ws 

All measurements are in millimeters. 
The abbreviation SVL refers to the head— 
body length, from snout to vent. The con- 



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Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 3 

S. prionotus 
S. aculeatus 
S. fimbriatus 
S. scapularis 
S. caducus 

200 400 600 800 1000km 

Figure 1. 

Distribution of species of Stenocercus emphasized in this paper (western South America, Ecuador to Paraguay and 

northern Argentina). Open symbols for S. fimbriatus are literature records from Avila-Pires (1995); locality for S. caducus in 
northern Argentina is the southernmost locality in Argentina reported by Cei (1993). Otherwise, all records are based on spec- 
imens examined. Numbered localities are documented or suspected cases of sympatry referred to in the text and noted in the 
Appendix: 1, Pampa Hermosa; 2, Pampa Seca, Rio Mixiollo; 3, Tingo Maria; 4, Manu National Park. Upper left quadrant outlined 

with dotted line is the area shown in greater detail in Figure 2. 

figurations of neck folds and mite pockets 
vary considerably among species of Sten- 
ocercus and are useful in distinguishing 
species. The most important qualitative 
characteristics of these features used here- 
in are the following, which are discussed 
more fully by Grails (1991): 

Neck and Body Folds and Crests. In 
contrast to many species of Stenocercus, 
neck folds are usually absent or weakly de- 

soides group’ 

veloped in the “Ophryoessoides group.” 
When present, they are better character- 
ized as crests rather than folds because 
they are usually indicated by strongly 
keeled rows of scales instead of actual 
folds of skin. The position of such crests 
corresponds to the position of folds seen 
in other species of Stenocercus, but only 
two are commonly seen in the “Ophryoes- 
- an antehumeral crest, which 


is a more or less vertical row of strongly 
keeled scales immediately anterior to the 
forelimb insertion, and usually highlighted 
with white scales; and a supra-auricular 
crest, a strongly keeled horizontal row of 
scales extending from the posterior tem- 
poral region to the shoulder region. All 
species of the “Ophryoessoides group” 
have a distinct vertebral crest formed by 
the strongly keeled, and often projecting, 
scales of the vertebral row. In addition, 
some of these species have a more or less 
prominent dorsolateral crest formed by a 
row of strongly keeled scales separating 
the flanks from the dorsum proper. The 
dorsolateral crest varies in length. In some 
species it is exceptionally long, extending 
from the proximal portion of the tail to fie 
neck region, where it is confluent with the 
supra-auricular crest. In other species it is 
present only anteriorly or posteriorly. 

Posthumeral (Axillary) and Postfemoral 
Mite Pockets. Type 1—pocket absent; no 
skin modification. Type 2—rudimentary 
pocket manifested by skin modification, 
such as bare skin, a series of wrinkles, or 
a shallow depression lined with scales dif- 
ferent from surrounding body scales. Type 
3—similar to Type 2, but with an over- 
hanging fold of skin or a thickened border. 
Type 4—a deep pocket, usually with a 
broad circular opening, whose depth is 
greater than half the diameter of its open- 
ing. Type 5—a deep pocket with a narrow, 
slit-like opening and a depth greater than 
half the diameter of its opening. In two 
species discussed herein the posthumeral 
pocket is partially concealed by a scaly flap 
of skin, which I term a posthumeral or ax- 
illary flap. This structure is described more 
fully later. 

Angulate temporal scales are distinctly 
enlarged, keeled scales posterior to, and in 
line with, the superciliary scales. When 
present, they form a distinct border be- 
tween the posterior head scales and the 
lateral temporal scales, and they are mor- 
phologically distinguishable from these se- 
ries (Cadle, 1991: 6-7; see Fig. 4). Angu- 
late temporal scales are equivalent to su- 


pesto as used in some literature 
(e.g., Avila-Pires, 1995). In several species 
of eae the angulate temporals are 
not only keeled but they bear a projecting 
bladelike vane from the keels; in such cas- 
es I refer to the scales as “projecting.” 

Coordinates for localities were obtained 
from the ornithological gazetteers of the 
Neotropics (Stephens and Traylor, 1983; 
Paynter LIS loo 2s M9931 997,), and 
from Lamas (1976), Morales and Mc- 
Diarmid (1996), Schulenberg and Awbrey 
(1997b), and Peruvian department maps 
produced by the Instituto Geografico Na- 
cional, Lima. I also consulted fhe on-line 
versions of the Peru and Bolivia gazetteers 
of the U.S. Board on Geographic Names 
at the GEOnet® Names Server: http:// Brack- 
eted data in localities are inferences from 
these or other cited sources. Distributions 
of the new species and others emphasized 
in this paper are given in Figures 1 and 2. 
Institutional abbreviations are given at the 
beginning of the Appendix. 


Stenocercus prionotus? 
new species 
Figures 3-7, Figure 12; Table 1 

Liocephalus caducus (Cope, 1862): Boulenger (1898), 
specimen from “Barraca, Rio Madidi” [Bolivia] 
(BMNH and probably two other northern 
Bolivian localities discussed in the text. 

Ophryoessoides caducus (Cope, 1862): Fugler (1989: 
63), specimens from San Marcos Ranch, El Beni 
Department, Bolivia, including ROM 12815. 

Ophryoessoides aculeatus (O'Shaughnessy, 1879): 
Fugler (1983, 1986, 1989), specimens from Tumi 
Chucua, El] Beni Department, Bolivia (USNM par- 

Ophryoessoides sp.: Rodriguez and Cadle (1990), 
specimen from Cocha Cashu, Manu National Park, 
Madre de Dios Department, Peru (MCZ 150243). 

* Stenocercus prionotus was recognized as new by 
R. Etheridge, P. E. Vanzolini, and E. E. Williams 
many years ago. Vanzolini and Williams applied the 
unpublished name Stenocercus dorsatus to labels of 
many specimens in various collections. 

188 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Woll, ISS INO. 3 

. prionotus 

. aculeatus 

. fimbriatus 

. scapularis 

. huancabambae 
. limitaris 

. Iridescens 

me SN 







Figure 3. Dorsal and ventral views of the holotype of Stenocercus prionotus (USNM 193683). Approximately <0.87. 


Figure 2. Northern Peru and Ecuador (see Fig. 1) showing distributions of species in the “Ophryoessoides group.” Numbered 
localities are documented or suspected cases of sympatry referred to in the text and the Appendix (see Fig. 1 for names). Open 
circle at 06°S, 77°W is the type locality for Stenocercus aculeatus (Moyabamba, San Martin Department). All other localities are 
based on specimens examined; see Cadle (1991, 1998) for S. iridescens, S. limitaris, and S. huancabambae. The known 
distributions of all species are indicated by the localities plotted; however, the distribution of S. iridescens continues farther north 
in western Ecuador than the area covered by the map. 


Holotype (Figs. 3-5). United States 
National Museum of Natural History 
(USNM) 193683 (field number WCS 
2421). PERU: Drepro. HuANUCo: Jardin 
Botdnico de la Universidad Agraria de la 
Selva, Tingo Maria, vicinity of Rio Hual- 
laga, 670 m elevation [09°18'S, 75°59'W]. 
Adult male collected 29 June 1966 by 
Wade C. Sherbrooke. 

Paratypes from the Vicinity of the Type 
Locality. PERU: DEpTO. HUANUCO: Ca. 2 
mi. by trail W. Tingo Maria, west bank of 
Rio Huallaga in vicinity of confluence with 
Rio Monz6n, 670 m elevation (9 October 
1966, W. C. Sherbrooke), USNM 193685. 
Universidad Agraria de la Selva, Tingo 
Maria, Rio Huallaga, 670 m elevation (18 
August 1967, unknown collector for W. C. 
Sherbrooke), USNM 193686. Vicinity of 
Cueva de las Lechuzas, ca. 3 mi. SW Tingo 
Maria, Rio Monz6n, ca. 700 m elevation 
(17 April 1968, Vito Yaringano for W. C. 
Sherbrooke), USNM_ 193687. Picuriacu, 
ca. 2 mi. NW Tingo Maria, Rio Huallaga 
(20 April 1968, W. C. Sherbrooke), USNM 

Other Paratypes. PERU: DEpPpTo. 
HuANuco: Buena Vista, Valley of the 
Chimchao [= Rio Chinchao] [approximate- 
ly (9°35, 7a 52 W)| (l=15> September 
1923, E[dmund] Heller), FMNH 5582- 
83. Hacienda Pampayacu [09°33’S, 
75°54'W] (17 July-16 August 1936, Dr. 
Snonge), MCZ 43758-59, 43761-62. 
Rio Llullapichis, 4-5 km upstream from 
Rio Pachitea, 200 m elevation [09°37’S, 
74°55'W] (January 1969, Hans W. Koep- 
cke), KU 179058. [DEPToO. LORETO]: 
Elastern| Peru, Pampa Hermosa, near 
mouth of Rio Cushabatay, Rio Ucayali Val- 
ley, 500 ft. [152 m] [07°12'S, 75°17'W] 
(date unknown, H|arvey] Bassler), AMNH 
56760-64. DEPTO. MADRE DE DIos: Co- 
cha Cashu Biological Station, Manu Na- 
tional Park [11°51’S, 71°19’W] (July 1975, 
John W. Fitzpatrick), MCZ 150243. Ex- 
plorer’s Inn, Tambopata Reserve, ca. 30 
km (straight line) SSW Puerto Maldonado, 
280 m [12°50'S, 69°17’W] (2 September— 
7 October 1983, native collectors), USNM 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 3 

247468-69, 247680; (23 May 1986, Vic- 
tor R. Morales), USNM 269022. DEPpTo. 
Puno: Prov. Sandia: Tambopata, San Juan 
(dell Oro], 1520-m or S000: fe 4co7s: 
69°08'W |? (22 November—20 December 
1950, Hilda H. Heller), FMNH 64788-— 
92, 64794-811. [DEPTO. SAN MARTIN]: 
Juanjui [07°11'S, 76°45’W] (collector and 
date unknown), MCZ 121233. Tarapoto, 
B.Orm: lO6280%Ss (6125.1 (25 July 1984, 
Rainer Schulte), KU 212629. 

BOLIVIA: DEpTo. BENI: Provincia Va- 
cadiez, Tumi Chucua [176 m; 11°08’S, 

66°10'’W] (23 October—18 November 
1981, Charles M. Fugler), USNM 

280246-51. Puerto Cruzeiro, San Marcos 
Ranch at confluence of Rios Isiboro and 
Ichoa [15°17'S, 65°45'W] (10 February 
1977, is Lovisek), ROM 12815. [DEPTo. 
La Paz]: Barraca, Rio Madidi [12°35’S, 
67°02'W] (1893, Luigi Balzan), BMNH 

Distribution (Fig. 1). Stenocercus prion- 
otus is known from the lowlands and An- 
dean foothills of eastern Peru and adjacent 
Bolivia (San Martin department, Peru, 
south to the Rio Beni in northern Bolivia). 
The known elevational range is 176—1,520 
m, but the highest recorded elevation is 
more than twice the elevation of the next 
lower one. Most localities in Peru are ad- 
jacent to or near the Andean foothills, and 
several localities in La Paz and El Beni 
departments, Bolivia, are unconfirmed. No 
specimens are known from a broad geo- 
graphic hiatus between central and south- 
em Peru (Fig. 1). See Distribution Pat- 
terns in Stenocercus prionotus for further 

Etymology. The epithet prionotus is de- 

3 Hilda Heller’s notes on this collection in the Karl 
P. Schmidt archives of the FMNH describe San Juan 
as the site of an agricultural station on “the left side 
of the Rio Tambopata at 5000 feet.” With some hes- 
itancy I identify Heller’s locality as the town known 
as San Juan del Oro, which is on the left bank of the 
Rio Tambopata at approximately the elevation given 
by Heller. I have located only two other places named 
San Juan in Puno Department, but neither is on the 
Rio Tambopata. 


rived from the Greek adjective prionotos 
meaning jagged or serrate. The name re- 
fers to the strongly serrate vertebral crest 
of Stenocercus prionotus, which is the 
most obvious character distinguishing this 
species from its apparent closest relative, 
S. caducus. 

Data on the Holotype. Adult male, hem- 
ipenes partially everted. SVL, 83 mm. Tail 
length, 201 mm. Total length, 284 mm. 
Tail/total length, 0.71. Vertebral scales be- 
tween the occipital and the posterior mar- 
gin of the hind limb, 31. Midbody scales, 
42. Gular scales between the ears, 16. In- 
ternasals, 6. Subdigital scales on fourth fin- 
gers and toes, respectively, 18-18, 25-25. 
Color pattern well preserved: top of head 
brown with narrow dark brown interorbital 
bar extending laterally onto supraoculars; 
dorsum brown with narrow blackish chev- 
rons middorsally (1 on neck, 1 above fore- 
limbs, 2 others anterior to midbody; pos- 
terior chevrons poorly defined); dark 
brown scapular blotch bordered anteriorly 
by white antehumeral stripe; ill-defined 
grayish dorsolateral streaks between ear 
and anterior body; throat grayish with 
poorly defined oblique light grayish 
stripes; venter brown without distinct pat- 

Definition. A species of Stenocercus 
characterized by the following features: (1) 
Dorsal head scales subimbricate and 
strongly keeled to multicarinate; temporals 
keeled, imbricate or subimbricate. (2) Pos- 
terior head scales larger than anterior 
ones, with distinct interparietal, a pair of 
parietals, a pair of postparietals, and a 
large median occipital (often surrounded 
by several small irregular scales). (3) In- 
ternasals usually 7, but pattern irregular 
and may be 5 or 6. (4) One row of supra- 
oculars distinctly enlarged. (5) One canthal 
on each side between the superciliaries 
and the lateralmost internasal. (6) A pair 
of strongly keeled angulate temporals in 
line on each side (rarely, 3 angulate tem- 
porals are present), each with a low pro- 
jecting blade; partially or completely sep- 
arated from enlarged posterior head scales 


by a single row of small scales. (7) Anterior 
and posterior gular scales strongly keeled. 
(8) Parietal eye distinct. (9) Neck folds ab- 
sent; a vertical, strongly keeled row of 
scales in the antehumeral region and oc- 
casionally a much less distinct raised series 
in the supra-auricular region. (10) Dorsal 
and ventral body scales imbricate, mucro- 
nate, strongly keeled; dorsal scales at mid- 
body 36-48. (11) Vertebral row continu- 
ous, bearing a strongly projecting serrate 
crest in adults; a dorsolateral crest present 
on posterior body and the base of the tail. 
(12) Deep posthumeral pocket (Type 4) 
partially concealed by a scaly posthumeral 
flap originating on its anteroventral bor- 
der; postfemoral pocket absent (Type 1). 
(13) Scales of posterior thigh imbricate, 
keeled. (14) Tail strongly compressed in 
adults, anteriorly with low vertebral and 
dorsolateral crests continuous with those 
of the body. (15) Dorsal coloration of 
males in preservative (Figs. 3, 6) brown 
with or without distinct chevrons; a dis- 
tinct white vertical antehumeral stripe ex- 
tending ventrally to the proximal ventral 
surface of forelimb; a large dark scapular 
blotch; in well-preserved specimens the 
throat bears oblique alternating dark and 
light stripes (see Description); females 
similar but pattern elements often more 


In having enlarged posterior head 
scales, an enlarged row of supraoculars, 
and strongly keeled ventral scales, Steno- 
cercus prionotus is like other species in the 
“Ophryoessoides group” of Stenocercus. 
These are the species most likely to be 
confused with S. prionotus. Five other de- 
scribed species of the “Ophryoessoides 
group occur in eastern Peru or Bolivia: S. 
aculeatus (O’Shaughnessey, 1879); S. cad- 
ucus (Cope, 1862); S. fumbriatus Avila-Pi- 
res, 1995: S. huwancabambae Cadle, 1991: 
and S. scapularis (Boulenger, 1901). An 
undescribed species occurs in the Rio 
Maranon valley of eastern Peru (see Key 
to Species of the “Ophryoessoides Group” 


of Stenocercus). Stenocercus prionotus 
and S. caducus are unique among known 
species of Stenocercus (perhaps unique 
within iguanids) in having deep posthu- 
meral mite pockets (Type 4) that are par- 
tially concealed anteroventrally by a scaly 
flap, which may be termed a posthumeral 
or axillary flap (Fig. 5). Stenocercus prion- 
otus and S. caducus are compared in 
greater detail below, but S. prionotus is 
distinguished from S$. caducus (character- 
istics in parentheses) by: (1) a strongly pro- 
jecting, serrate vertebral crest (low and 
scarcely projecting); (2) 2 (usually) or 3 en- 
larged, strongly keeled, projecting angu- 
late temporal scales on each side (scales 
not greatly enlarged, less projecting); and 
(3) a gular pattern consisting, when evi- 
dent, of oblique alternating dark and light 
lines or bars, or oblique light lines on a 
dark ground color (usually light spots on a 
darker ground color, unicolor, or [rarely] a 
pattern similar to that of S. prionotus). 
Readily determined characters distin- 
guishing Stenocercus prionotus from the 
other four species of the “Ophryoessoides 
group” known from eastern Peru and Bo- 
livia include the extent of keeling on dorsal 
head and body scales, relative develop- 
ment of the postfemoral pockets, and the 
number of midbody scale rows (Table 1 
and key presented later herein). Stenocer- 
cus fimbriatus and S. aculeatus are known 
to be sympatric with S. prionotus at several 
localities in eastern Peru. In addition to 
having a posthumeral flap (absent in S. 
fimbriatus and S. aculeatus), S. prionotus 
is distinguished from S. fumbriatus (char- 
acteristics in parentheses; see Avila-Pires, 
1995) in having strongly keeled dorsal 
scales in adults (smooth or weakly keeled), 
a dorsolateral crest prominent only on the 
posterior body (prominent anteriorly and 
continuous with antehumeral and supra- 
auricular folds or crests), and in lacking 
“fimbriate” scales on the posterior distal 
portion of the thigh (present). Stenocercus 
prionotus is distinguished from S. aculea- 
tus (characteristics in parentheses) in lack- 
ing a postfemoral pocket (moderate to 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 3 

deep); in having strongly keeled, often 
multicarinate, head scales (smooth or 
weakly striated in adults, wrinkled in ju- 
veniles); 5-7 internasals (4-5); and only 
moderately enlarged supraoculars, usually 
5—6 supraoculars across the widest part of 
the orbit (greatly enlarged, usually 4 across 
the orbit). 

Stenocercus prionotus differs from S. 
scapularis (characteristics in parentheses) 
in lacking squarish or rectangular project- 
ing superciliary scales (present) and in 
having fewer than 50 midbody dorsal scale 
rows (59-70 rows). Stenocercus prionotus 
differs from S. huancabambae (characters 
in parentheses) in lacking a postfemoral 
pocket (deep, Type 5) and in having prom- 
inent dorsolateral crests on the posterior 
body (weak, restricted to anterior body 
when present). 

‘Two species of Stenocercus from west- 
ern Ecuador and Peru, S. iridescens and 
S. limitaris, have enlarged posterior head 
scales and supraoculars. In contrast to 
Stenocercus prionotus, S. iridescens has 
smooth head plates, 2 canthals, a poorly 
developed posthumeral pocket (Type 1 or 
2), and lacks keeled angulate temporals 
and dorsolateral crests on the body (see 
Cadle, 1991, fig. 10). Stenocercus limitaris 
has a deep postfemoral pocket (Type 5), 2 
canthals, a single strongly keeled (but non- 
projecting) angulate temporal, and lacks 
dorsolateral crests. 

Other non-Peruvian species of the 
“Ophryoessoides group” can be distin- 
guished from Stenocercus prionotus by 
features in the key presented later and 
other superficial characters, such as the 
presence of 2 canthals and 4 internasals 
(usually) in S. erythrogaster (1 and 5—7 in 
S. prionotus), and enlarged, projecting py- 
ramidal or conical postsuperciliary scales 
in S. dumerilii and S. tricristatus (Avila- 
Pires, 1995). 

Other species of Stenocercus are distin- 
guished from S. prionotus by a combina- 
tion of features such as smaller head 
plates, smooth ventrals, and absence of 
dorsolateral crests. Most species of Steno- 


cercus except the “Ophryoessoides group” 
have smooth or weakly keeled head plates. 
Other characters, such as the number of 
dorsal scale rows, morphology of the pos- 
thumeral and postfemoral mite pockets, 
extent of sexual dimorphism, and degree 
of differentiation of the vertebral scale row 
and crest also aid in distinguishing the spe- 
cies (see descriptions and discussion in 
Fritts, 1974; Cadle, 1991, 1998). 

Apart from Stenocercus fimbriatus, S. 
scapularis, and S. aculeatus, two other spe- 
cies of Stenocercus are known from local- 
ities close to or sympatric with known pop- 
ulations of S. prionotus: S. crassicaudatus 
and S. roseiventris. These species are dis- 
tinguished from S. prionotus by lacking 
prominent serrate vertebral crests (low 
crests may be present), having smooth 
ventral scales, and having pr ominently spi- 
nose tails with the spines arranged in dis- 
tinct whorls. 


Head (Fig. 4). Dorsal head scales sub- 
imbricate (a tendency to be more juxta- 
posed posteriorly); str ‘ongly keeled to mul- 
ticarinate or wrinkled. Rostral in contact 
with first supralabial, first lorilabials, and a 
series of postrostrals. Usually 7 elongate, 
strongly keeled internasals between the 
nasals dorsally; however, the anterior dor- 
sal head scales are very irregular and oc- 
casionally only 5 or 6 internasals are pre- 
sent. One canthal scale between the an- 
terior superciliary and the lateralmost in- 
ternasal, separated from the nasals by tiny 
postnasals. Canthus very strongly angled. 
Nostril in posterior portion of an elongate 
nasal scale, which may contact the rostral 
scale anteriorly or be separated from it by 
small postrostrals. Four or 5 strongly over- 
lapping, elongate anterior superciliaries 
followed by 2 or 3 shorter posterior su- 
perciliaries slightly overlapping in the re- 
verse direction (but more or less in a 
straight line). One supraocular row mod- 
erately enlarged, 2 mediocentral scales 
much larger than the others. Five or 6 
scales across the supraocular area at its 


widest part. Interparietal distinct and elon- 
gate, diamond-shaped or pentagonal (apex 

posteriorly). P Parietal eye Tobie. A pair of 
parietals in contact behind the interpari- 
etal, flanked posterolaterally by a postpar- 
ietal on each side. Postparietals separated 
medially by a single median transversely 
elongate occipital: ‘occasionally 1 or 2 small 
coales are intercalated at the juncture of 
the parietal, postparietal, and/or occipital 
(ee) buen 4) 

Lateral temporal scales strongly keeled, 
imbricate to subimbricate; separated from 
posterior dorsal head scales on each side 
by 2 (occasionally 3) elongate, strongly 
keeled angulate temporal scales bearing a 
low pr ojecting vane. Keels of adjacent an- 
gulate temporals aligned. Posterior angu- 
late temporals separated from postparie- 
tals by 2 or 3 small scales in a longitudinal 
row. Anterior angulate temporals may con- 
tact postparietal and one other larger pos- 
terior head scale or be separated from 
them by small scales. Anterior border of 
ear weakly denticulated; posterior border 
rounded, bordered with keeled imbricate 

Anterior and posterior gulars strongly 
keeled. Mental smooth, in contact with 
first pair of postmentals and first pair of 
infralabials. Enlarged postmentals 3 or 4 
on each side, only the first pair in contact 

Neck and Body. Dorsal and lateral 
scales of neck and body imbricate, mucro- 
nate, strongly keeled. Vertebral row pro- 
duced into a prominent projecting serrate 
crest in adults of both sexes that is contin- 
uous from the nuchal region to the base 
of the tail, gradually disappearing on the 
anterior “4 to % of tail. Dorsolateral crest 
(a raised, strongly keeled row of scales) on 
posterior % of body, continuing onto base 
of tail. The dorsolateral crest occasionally 
appears very indistinctly farther anteriorly 
on the body, but only on the posterior 
body does it sharply delimit the dorsolat- 
eral (paradorsal) scales from the flank 
scales. Three rows of scales between dor- 
solateral and vertebral crests at anterior 

194 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 3 

a E( =v Ne ce 

SEES hen ES 
Las es 

Figure 4. Head scales of the holotype of Stenocercus prionotus (USNM 193683) in dorsal and lateral views. Scale bars = 3 
mm. To facilitate coordination with the text, the following scales are indicated on one side (interparietal and occipital are median 
scales): A, angulate temporal; |, interparietal; O, occipital; P, parietal; PP, postparietal. 


edge of dorsolateral crest (i.e., just anterior 
to the pelvic region), 2 rows posteriorly 
(dorsal to hindlimbs); scales between the 
crests strongly imbricate and keeled only 
on posterior part of scale. Flank scales 
mostly fully keeled (sometimes only the 
posterior part of each scale), imbricate, 
mucronate, slightly smaller than dorsolat- 
eral scales. Ventral body scales mucronate, 
strongly keeled (keels running the length 
of the scales). Ventrals approximately the 
same size as the dorsolateral scales, larger 
than flank scales. 

Neck Folds. Distinct neck folds absent. 
Poorly developed antehumeral crest pre- 

Tail. Tail strongly compressed, anteriorly 
bearing low projecting vertebral and dor- 
solateral crests continuous with those of 
the body. Dorsal scales moderately keeled, 
ventral scales strongly keeled. 

Limbs. Dorsal and ventral scales of fore- 
limbs, hindlimbs, and posterior thigh 
strongly keeled, unicarinate, mucronate; 
some scales of the shank larger than any 
thigh scales. Supradigitals and subdigitals 
unicarinate. Palmar scales strongly multi- 
carinate. Plantar scales strongly unicari- 

Posthumeral and Postfemoral Mite 
Pockets. Posthumeral mite pocket a deep 
cavity (Type 4) with a prominent axillary 
flap concealing the anteroventral aspect 
(Fig. 5). Postfemoral pocket absent (Type 

The flap associated with the posthumer- 
al pocket projects from the anteroventral 
and ventral edges of the pocket. Antero- 
dorsally, a similar but much smaller flap is 
present in some specimens (e.g., Fig. 5). 
The posthumeral flap consists of a fleshy 
ridge covered anteriorly and _ posteriorly 
(or externally and internally when the flap 
is lying flat against the body) by keeled im- 
bricate scales. Externally, usually 3 or 4 
larger scales cover the flap ventrally and a 
series of much smaller scales is present 
dorsally. One or 2 of the larger scales are 
sometimes highlighted with white. When 
appressed against the body (i.e., against 


Figure 5. Posthumeral (axillary) flap of Stenocercus priono- 
tus (USNM 193683, holotype). Anterior to the right. The broad 
oval on the right is the deflected forelimb and the posthumeral 
mite pocket is the heavily stippled cavity deep to the flap. The 
posterior border of the axillary flap is marked by the scales 
with heavily outlined posterior borders and it extends anteriorly 
to the ventral part of the forelimb. A smaller dorsal flap is also 
present in this specimen (small patch of heavily outlined scales 
on anterodorsal edge of the pocket; see text). Scale bar = 1 

the opening of the posthumeral pocket) 
the flap conceals approximately the ventral 
% to % of the vertical dimension of the 
pocket. The flap is equally prominent in 
adults of both sexes and is proportionally 
as well developed in subadults (including 
hatchlings) as in adults. 

Size and Proportions. Largest male 
(USNM 193683) 89 mm SVL, 323 mm to- 
tal length (sample size of males with SVL 
=70 mm = 13). Largest female (KU 
212629) 93 mm SVL, 329 mm total length 
(sample size of females with SVL =70 mm 
= 16). Tail relatively long, 69-74% of total 
length in adults (67-71% in juveniles). 

Coloration and Pattern of Adult Males 
in Life. The following color descriptions 
are paraphrased from the field notes of 
Wade C. Sherbrooke. USNM 193683 (ho- 


Lower half of side between limbs is lavender- 
brown. This color extends from both sides across 
the belly approximately % of the way on each side, 
leaving a tan-brown central strip down the belly. 
General base color of the body is brown, darkest 


Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 3 

Figure 6. Lateral view of Stenocercus prionotus from northern Peru (USNM 193685; male, snout-vent length 76 mm). Note 
the high vertebral crest and the following pattern elements: dark subocular bar, dark blotches on the dorsal and lateral surfaces 
of the neck, pale antehumeral bar, indistinct pale dorsolateral stripe, and indistinct oblique bars on the trunk. 

near the hind legs and tan just in from of the fore- 
legs. A distinct white line runs dorsally from the 
top of each foreleg to three quarters of the way to 
the dorsal crest; it runs through a large black patch 
just above the forelimb. Head markings consist of 
a dark brown line running between the eyes on the 
top of the head; this continues through the eye to 
broaden slightly at the rear portion of the jaw. The 
gular area is streaked by several light cream lines. 
Very slight lavender tinge to all a body behind 
forelimbs. [Sketch in notes shows black middorsal 
patches that don’t extend to flanks]. 

USNM 193685 (WCS 2543): 

This specimen closely resembles [USNM 193683] 
in color, with one exception. There are several 
green spots on... the right dorsal surface between 
the limbs and on the dorsal portions of the tail 
behind the hind limbs and the dorsal tibio-fibula 
portion of the right hind leg. 

Coloration of Adult Females in Life. Un- 

Coloration in Preservative (Figs. 3, 6, 7). 
Specimens of Stenocercus prionotus vary 
greatly in coloration due mainly to varia- 
tion in initial preservation and the length 
of time in preservative. Poorly preserved 
specimens may be more or less uniform 
brown all over, although obscure pattern 
elements are usually present. Well pre- 
served specimens are brown dorsally with 
darker brown to blackish chevrons mid- 
dorsally. One chevron dorsal to each pair 
of limbs and one on the neck are usually 
evident, and these are darker than others 
that may be present. Three to five mid- 
dorsal chevrons are between the limbs. 

Dark spots or an additional chevron are 
often present on the dorsal neck and usu- 
ally on the base of the tail. The light an- 
tehumeral/humeral line is universally pre- 
sent and evidence of the dark shoulder 
patch is usually present (often very prom- 
inent). Flanks usually unicolor and some- 
what darker than the dorsum between the 
dorsolateral crests; however, some speci- 
mens (e.g., KU 179058, USNM 280246) 
have distinct dirty white vertical bars or 
chevrons on the flanks (five between the 
limbs), and such bars appear occasionally, 
but more obscurely in other specimens 
(see Fig. 6). The dorsolateral crest is often 
highlighted for a variable length with a dis- 
tinct or indistinct light line, giving the im- 
pression of a light dorsolateral stripe. 
Forelimbs more or less unicolor brown or 
with obscure pattern; hindlimbs brown 
with darker brown bands. Dark subocular 
bar distinct. Top of head often with an ob- 
scure or distinct dark brown interocular 
bar. Oblique bars on throat (Fig. 7) often 
visible but throat may be unicolor or have 
an obscure pattern. Venter of most speci- 
mens unicolor, dirty white, gray, or beige; 
however, some specimens (e.g., USNM 
280246) have a series of irregular longi- 
tudinal dark brown streaks. 

Scale Counts and Qualitative Features 
(Table 1). Stenocercus prionotus has rela- 
tively low midbody, vertebral, and gular 
scale counts. The scales are relatively large 
and strongly keeled over most of the body. 


Figure 7. Gular patterns in Stenocercus prionotus. Top, typ- 
ical throat pattern (oblique view) consisting of light and dark 
stripes that extend medially to the midline (USNM 193687). 
Bottom, specimen in which the ground color is lighter and 
therefore the contrasting pale stripes are less distinct (USNM 

Sexual Dimorphism. Stenocercus prion- 
otus does not exhibit strong sexual dimor- 
phism. Males and females attain approxi- 
mately the same size and have the same 
general pattern, but whether the colora- 
tion in life reported above for adult males 
pertains to females as well is unknown. 
The vertebral crest is only slightly more 
developed in males than in females of the 
same population but this character shows 
strong clinal variation (northern popula- 
tions with higher crests; further discussed 
below). Other characters that sometimes 
vary between the sexes in Stenocercus 
show little variation in S. priontotus. Nei- 


ther standard meristic counts (Table 1) nor 
the relative development of the posthu- 
meral and postfemoral pockets (Types 4 
and 1, respectively, in adults of both sexes 
and in subadults) show obvious sexual di- 


Absence of Stenocercus prionotus from 
Lowland Localities in Eastern Peru. Sten- 
ocercus prionotus is widespread in the 
lowlands along the Andean front from 
northern Peru to northern Bolivia (Fig. 1). 
However, all Peruvian localities are close 
to the Andean foothills and south of the 
broad extension of the Cordillera Oriental 
separating the great bend of the Rio Mar- 
afion from upper reaches of the Rio Hual- 
laga (Fig. 2). The absence of specimens in 
comprehensive collections from the Iqui- 
tos region (Dixon and Soini, 1986), Balta 
(Ucayali Department; specimens at 
LSUMNS and University of Arizona), and 
Cuzco Amazonico (Madre de Dios De- 
partment; Duellman and Salas, 1991) sug- 
gest that S. prionotus may be absent from 
the lowlands distant from the Andean foot- 
hills, at least in Peru. Similarly, collections 
from northern Loreto Department (Duell- 
man and Mendelson, 1995) and northern 
Amazonas Department (J. E. Cadle and R. 
W. McDiarmid, unpublished data from the 
Rio Cenepa and Rio Santiago) suggest that 
S. prionotus does not occur north of the 
Rio Maranon. 

However, these sites have been sampled 
unevenly. For example, species accumula- 
tion curves for lizards at Cuzco Amazonico 
(Duellman and Koechlin, 1991) reached 
an asymptote after about 15 person-weeks 
of effort, whereas only 5 person-weeks 
were expended in northern Loreto and the 
species accumulation curve for the total 
herpetofauna showed no asymptote 
(Duellman and Mendelson, 1995; data not 
presented for lizards only). Quantitative 
data are not available for the other sites, 
but large collections are available for the 
Iquitos region, including more than 1,000 



Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 3 



Iquitos San Martin/ Pampa i Tingo Cuzco Explorer's 
Region W. Loreto? Hermosa Mishollo Maria Manu? Balta Amazonico Inn 

S. prionotus x x x x x 

S. aculeatus x 

S. fimbriatus x x x x x 

S. roseiventris x x x x 

'' The only other species of Stenocercus known from primarily the lowlands and lower Andean foothills in 
this region is S. crassicaudatus, which lacks a projecting vertebral crest and has a very spiny tail. 

> The distributions of S. prionotus and S. aculeatus overlap both altitudinally and latitudinally in northern 
Peru but they have not been taken together at the same locality. See Figure 2 for localities. 

>In Manu National Park, S. fimbriatus and S. roseiventris are sympatric at Pakitza, whereas S. prionotus is 

known only from Cocha Cashu. 

lizards obtained by Dixon and Soini (1986) 
and additional collections from the region 
made by Harvey Bassler and deposited in 
the AMNH. Similarly large collections re- 
sulted from the efforts of Cadle and 
McDiarmid in Amazonas (specimens in 
the MVZ and USNM). Thus, barring ar- 
tifacts introduced by the difficulties of col- 
lecting cryptic rainforest lizards, S. prion- 
otus seems to be absent from these sites. 

Documenting and explaining patterns of 
absence is always difficult, but the appar- 
ent absence of Stenocercus prionotus from 
the lowlands distant from the Andes in 
Peru is not due to failure to collect Sten- 
ocercus at these localities because at least 
one other species of Stenocercus is known 
from each (Table 2). However, no lowland 
locality is known in which more than two 
species of the “Ophryoessoides group” of 
Stenocercus are sympatric. Of interest in 
this connection is that S. prionotus has not 
been taken in the upper reaches of the Rio 
Perene and its tributaries (Junin Depart- 
ment), although it is known from north 
and south of tat region. Numerous spec- 
imens of Stonocerels of at least five spe- 
cies (S. boettgeri, S. crassicaudatus, S. for- 
mosus, S. scapularis, and S. variabilis*) 

* Based on examination of two of the three synty- 
pes of Stenocercus variabilis Boulenger (BMNH 
1946.8.11.89, 1946.8.11.91) I concur with Fritts 
(1974: 66) that Boulenger (1901: 553) erred in as- 

have been collected along an elevational 

cribing these specimens to “Palca, Bolivia” rather 
than Palca (Junin Department), Peru. One specimen 
I collected near Palca, Peru (MCZ 178166) is nearly 
identical with BMNH 1946.8.11.91 in scale counts, 
pattern, and qualitative characters (both of these 
specimens differ considerably from BMNH 
1946.8.11.89 in color pattern). However, the attri- 
bution of the specimens to Peru is not without some 
equivocation. The types were collected by P. O. Si- 
mons (see Cadle, 1998: footnote 6), who collected in 
the vicinity of Palca, Peru, in March and April, 1900, 
although that specific locality is not listed in his pub- 
lished itinerary (Chubb, 1919). However, Simons’s 
itinerary places him at “Palca, 18 miles E of La Paz” 
[Bolivia] on 9 November 1900 (Chubb, 1919: 5). Si- 
mons'’s field tags attached to the syntypes record sim- 
ply “Palca 3000 m,” which is close to the elevation of 
Palea, Peru (2,740 m), but not that in Bolivia (4,600 
m). Adding to the confusion are entries in the 
BMNH registries for the syntypes, concerning which 
Colin J. McCarthy provided the following comments 
via e-mail: 

Boulenger originally wrote “Palca Peru 3000m” but 
later struck through Peru and wrote “Bolivia.” 
There are two sheets of notes (presumably from 
Simons) stuck in at this page of the register about 
the localities in the batch. With regard to Palca he 
has written “Palca, just S. of La Paz, Bolivia.” I 
assume it was that information that caused Boulen- 
ger to alter his original entry! 

Thus, the confusion may have originated with the 
note that Simons provided subsequent to cataloguing 
of the collection at the BMNH. In any case, no spec- 
imens resembling S. variabilis are definitely known 
from Bolivia and the only species of the genus defi- 
nitely known to occur above 4,000 m is Stenocercus 
chrysopygus from northern Peru. 


transect along this well-traveled route 
(Fritts, 1974; Cadle, 1991 and unpublished 
data). Thus, analysis of circumstantial dis- 
tributional data suggests that the distribu- 
tion of S. prionotus in the lowlands of east- 
ern Peru may be influenced by the num- 
ber of sympatric species of Stenocercus. At 
all localities from which S. prionotus has 
been taken, only one other species of Sten- 
ocercus is known (Table 2). These patterns 
of sympatry are discussed in the next sec- 
tion with reference to patterns of geo- 
graphic variation in S. prionotus. 

In contrast, the apparent restriction of 
Stenocercus prionotus to the Andean foot- 
hills and immediately adjacent lowlands in 
Peru does not seem related to the distri- 
bution of any major habitat type or phys- 
iographic region. Most of the extensively 
sampled localities (e.g., Iquitos and Cuzco 
Amazonico) include a variety of lowland 
habitats characteristic of western Amazon- 
ia. Stenocercus prionotus is known from 
both floodplain forests (Cocha Cashu) and 
more upland forests on river terraces in 
southeastern Peru (Explorer's Inn); Foster 
(1990) and Dallmeier et al. (1996) de- 
scribed these floristic communities in 
southeastern Peru. Thus, the apparent ab- 
sence of S. prionotus at the localities dis- 
cussed above is not due to some simple 
relation to local habitat availability. For ex- 
ample, it is unclear why S. prionotus was 
not obtained at Pakitza (Morales and 
McDiarmid, 1996), even though it occurs 
at nearby Cocha Cashu. On a broader geo- 
graphic scale, the restriction of S. priono- 
tus to lowlands and foothills adjacent to 
the Andes may be related to the present 
or historical influence of the Andes on the 
climate and vegetation (rainfall, tempera- 
ture, and major soil types) of neighboring 

A curious and unexplained hiatus in the 
distribution of Stenocercus prionotus oc- 
curs between the vicinity of Tingo Maria— 
Rio Llullapichis (Hudénuco Department) 
and Cocha Cashu in Manu National Park 
(Madre de Dios Department), a gap of 
some 600 km that includes the entire up- 


per reaches of the Rio Ucayali-Urubam- 
ba—Ene system. Additionally, populations 
north and south of this gap differ in some 
qualitative and quantitative characters (see 
Patterns of Sympatry and Geographic Var- 
iation in Stenocercus prionotus, and the 
Need for Additional Fieldwork). Scattered 
collections (e.g., maps in Fritts, 1974; Avi- 
la-Pires, 1995), but no comprehensive her- 
petofaunal surveys or collections, are avail- 
able from this vast region. Thus, whether 
the geographic hiatus is real or a sampling 
artifact cannot be discerned. Efforts to re- 
solve this issue need to be made. 
Unconfirmed Bolivian Localities for 
Stenocercus prionotus. Because of the 
previous confusion of Stenocercus priono- 
tus with S. caducus, specimens perhaps re- 
ferable to S. prionotus from several local- 
ities in Bolivia are unconfirmed. Boulen- 
ger (1898) reported specimens of “Lioce- 
phalus caducus, Cope” in the Museo 
Civico Storia Naturale Giacomo Doria in 
Genoa collected by Luigi Balzan from four 
localities (Balzan, 1931). I have not at- 
tempted to verify the existence of these 
specimens. However, one of Balzan’s spec- 
imens from “Barraca, Rio Madidi” was ex- 
changed to the BMNH (now BMNH 
98.6.94), and is confirmed as S. prionotus. 
The “Leiocephalus caducus” specimens 
from the other three Balzan localities are 
outside the known distribution of S. cad- 
ucus but are close to other known localities 
for S. prionotus in northern Bolivia (Fig. 
1). I suspect these are S. prionotus based 
on geographic location. The localities are, 
as listed by Boulenger (1898) (see Fig. 1), 
(1) “Coroico and Ghuilsmnann Prov. Yun- 
gas, 1,600 metres alt.” [La Paz Depart- 
ment: Coroico, 1,725 m, 16°10’S, 67°44'W: 
Chulumani, 1,905 m, 16°24'S, 67°31'W]. 
(2) “Reyes, right bank of Rio Beni” [El 
Beni Department, 232 m; 14°19'S, 
67°23'W]. (3) “Missiones [sic] Mosetenes” 
[approximately 15°31’'S, 67°25’W].° These 

° The Moseten Indians inhabited upper reaches of 
the Rio Beni and its tributaries in the Andean foot- 
hills of the present department of La Paz (Métraux, 


localities would not be unusual for S. 
prionotus, although the first two localities 
are the highest elevations recorded for the 
species (the species occurs at 1500 m in 
nearby Puno Department, Peru). All are 
in the upper reaches of the Rio Beni, 
whereas the two confirmed Bolivian local- 
ities for S. prionotus are farther north in 
the same drainage. 

Burt and Burt (1931: 273) listed two 
specimens of “Leiocephalus |=Stenocer- 
cus| scapularis” (AMNH 22450, 22532) 
from Rurrenabaque, Bolivia [E] Beni De- 
partment; 14°28’S, 67°34'W]. These were 
reidentified in 1971 by Thomas H. Fritts 
as Stenocercus caducus but they are pres- 
ently missing from the AMNH collection 
(Linda Ford, in litt., February 1999). Rur- 
renabaque is very close to Balzan’s locality 
(2) above. Based solely on presumed hab- 
itats and presently known distributions of 
S. prionotus and S. caducus in eastern Bo- 
livia (see text; Fig. 1), I suspect that 
AMNH 22450 and 22532 are most likely 
S. prionotus. They should be reexamined 
if they are ever located. As an outside pos- 
sibility, any of the unverified specimens 
from these Bolivian localities could rep- 
resent S. fimbriatus, which is now known 
from southern Peru (Appendix). 


Stenocercus prionotus varies geographi- 

(S OO 
cally in several characters, most notably in 
the height of the vertebral crest. Because 

1942). According to Métraux (1942: 15), by the end 
of the 19th century when Balzan collected his spec- 
imens the decimated population of the Mosetenes 
was concentrated in the three “Misiones Mosetenes” 
of San Miguel de Muchanes (15°14’S, 67°39'W), San- 
ta Ana (15°31'S, 67°30’W), and Covendo (15°49’S, 
67°06'W). The approximate coordinates given in the 
text are the average for these three sites. According 
to several maps with elevational contours indicated, 
Muchanes and Covendo are between 500 and 1,000 
m and Santa Ana is less than 500 m in elevation. 
Mathews (1879) also discusses these missions. 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 3 

of the potential role of the crest in either 
intra- or interspecific communication it 
seems appropriate to discuss patterns of 
geographic variation in S. prionotus in the 
context of the distribution of other species 
of the “Ophryoessoides group.” In this re- 
gard, patterns of sympatry among species 
of this group in Peru and Bolivia are es- 
pecially relevant. 

Patterns of Sympatry of Species in the 
“Ophryoessoides Group.” The most com- 
plex distributional patterns for the 
“Ophryoessoides group” are in northern 
and central Peru, where six species occur 
(Stenocercus aculeatus, S. fimbriatus, S. 
prionotus, S. huancabambae, S. scapularis, 
and an undescribed species; Fig. 2). In 
contrast to the other species, S. huanca- 
bambae and the undescribed species occur 
in comparatively dry deciduous forests 
west of the known distributions for the 
other species. Their distributions probably 
do not overlap the other species and they 
will not be considered further here. Based 
on known latitudinal and elevational dis- 
tributions, three species (S. aculeatus, S. 

fimbriatus, and S. prionotus) are probably 

broadly sympatric in northern Peru, al- 
though sympatry is documented only for 
pairs of these at three localities (Fig. 2; 
Table 2). The habitat preferences of the 
species in the region of sympatry are un- 

Whether Stenocercus scapularis is sym- 
patric with S. prionotus is less clear. Sten- 
ocercus scapularis is known from two 
widely separated areas in Hudnuco and 
Puno departments (Peru) (Fig. 1; Appen- 
dix), and it seems to be elevationally par- 
apatric to S. prionotus in northern Peru 
(Hudnuco Department). In this area, S. 
scapularis occurs above 1,000 m and S. 
prionotus is not known above 700 m. In 
Puno Department, S. prionotus is known 
from a series obtained by Hilda Heller at 
San Juan del Oro (1,520 m elevation), 
which elevationally overlaps the distribu- 
tion of S. scapularis in the same region 
(1,000-1,830 m). However, these two spe- 
cies have not been taken at the same lo- 


cality in southern Peru. Interestingly, al- 
though the largest series of S. prionotus 
available from a single locality (San Juan 
del Oro) is in the elevational range of S. 
scapularis, no specimens of that species 
were obtained by Heller during a month- 
long stay at the site. 

In southern Peru and Bolivia, Stenocer- 
cus prionotus is not known to be sympatric 
with other members of the “Ophryoesso- 
ides group.” However, based on the oc- 
currence of S. prionotus and S. fumbriatus 
at two nearby localities within Manu Na- 
tional Park (Cocha Cashu and Pakitza,° re- 
spectively), sympatry for these two species 
is expected along the Andean front in this 
region. In southern Peru and Bolivia, S. 
prionotus is also broadly sympatric with S. 
roseiventris, a large terrestrial species that 
is superficially similar to species of the 
“Ophryoessoides group.” However, these 
species have been taken together at only 
one locality, Explorer’s Inn. 

To summarize these patterns of sympat- 
ry, the distributions of three species of the 
“Ophryoessoides group” overlap broadly in 
northern Peru. Stenocercus prionotus is 
known to be sympatric with at least one 
other species of the group in Hudnuco and 
Loreto departments. No species of the 
“Ophryoessoides group” are known to be 
sympatric in southern Peru and Bolivia. 

Geographic Variation. Geographic vari- 
ation pertains to both quantitative and 
qualitative characters in Stenocercus 
prionotus. Specimens from the northern 
part of the range have higher average 
counts of midbody scales than southern 
specimens, which is shown graphically in 
Figure 8. However, there is broad overlap 
in the counts from opposite ends of the 
range. A reverse trend (lower counts in the 
north), occurs in the number of vertebral 
(dorsal crest) scales (Fig. 9); this reflects 
the reduced prominence, and hence small- 

° The record of Stenocercus fimbriatus from Pak- 
itza (Appendix) extends the known range for this spe- 
cies south by approximately 200 km ‘from Balta in 
Ucayali Department, Peru (Avila-Pires, 1995). 


er scales, of the crest in southern popula- 
tions. None of these differences in scale 
counts is statistically significant. 

The height of the vetebrl crest shows 
strong Glinal variation in Stenocercus 
prionotus. Populations from northern and 
central Peru have higher crests than those 
from southern Peru Sand Bolivia (Fig. 10). 
However, the absence of specimens be- 
tween Hudnuco Department in central 
Peru and Manu National Park (Madre de 
Dios Department) in southern Peru (Fig. 
1) makes it impossible to analyze this trend 
in detail. Specimens from the former re- 
gion have a high crest typical of all speci- 
mens from that area and farther north, 
whereas specimens from Madre de Dios 
Department and farther south have dis- 
tinctly lower crests. The crest is not 
strongly sexually dimorphic in either re- 

Whether the transition in crest height is 
abrupt or gradual between central and 
southern Peru is unclear. Indeed, it is un- 
clear whether intervening populations of 
Stenocercus prionotus exist. Both patterns 
of clinal variation have been extensively 
documented empirically and theoretically 
for many organisms (Endler, 1977). The 
pattern of geographic variation in S. prion- 
otus could conform to any of several in 
Endlers (1977: 4) classification scheme. 
However, present knowledge of distribu- 
tions and character variation is most simi- 
lar to Endler’s “differentiated disjunction” 
pattern, wherein disjunct populations of a 
species diverge in one or more characters. 
Further speculation is not fruitful in the 
absence of more extensive collections from 
the region of disjunction in eastern Peru. 

A Hypothesis of Causation for Geo- 
graphic Differentiation in the Vertebral 
Crest of Stenocercus prionotus. Variation 
in the height of the vertebral crest is a 
prominent distinction between northern 
and southern populations of Stenocercus 
prionotus. This variation calls for an expla- 
nation while at the same time recognizing 
that, in the absence of experimental or 
field studies, ascribing causation to pat- 

48 e@ @ 
47  ) 
45 @ @ 
44 ee 
43 ee ee 
42 eee ee 
gS 41 e 
3 40 @ @®e © 
S 39  )  ) @ 
38 ee 
37 ® @ 
36 ee 

2 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 3 

6.5- 9.3- 
7.2 9.6 








Figure 8. Geographic variation in the number of midbody scales in Stenocercus prionotus (@) and S. caducus (Ml). Each 
symbol represents one specimen; counts for all specimens examined are plotted. The horizontal axis represents degrees south 

latitude for each locality converted to a decimal value (e.g., 

17°30’ converted to 17.5); geographically contiguous localities were 

arbitrarily combined to yield the latitudinal ranges given. The S. caducus specimens examined were biased toward Bolivian 


terns of geographic variation is difficult. 
Vertebral crests in iguanids are visual sig- 
nals. The crests in sexually dimorphic spe- 
cies are involved in intr aspecific behavioral 
encounters, especially intrasexual aggres- 
sion (e.g., Watkins, 1998). Nonetheless, 
despite strong geographic differentiation, 
the vertebral crest in Stenocercus priono- 
tus is not strongly sexually dimorphic in 
any part of its range. Thus, a role in in- 
trasexual behavioral signaling seems un- 
likely to be the primary function of the 
crest in this species. Intersexual signalling 
is a possibility, but this would not explain 

why northern and southern populations 
differ so strongly in this character. 
Populations of Stenocercus prionotus 
with the highest vertebral crests occur in 
the area of highest species density and 
documented Supe for the “Ophryoes- 
soides group” (Table 2 and above discus- 
sion). Not only do northern populations of 
S. prionotus have the highest vertebral 
crests within this species, but in northern 
and central Peru S. prionotus has a much 
more prominent vertebral crest than other 
species of the “Ophryoessoides group” (S. 
aculeatus approaches it most closely). In 






39 e e 
38 e e e 
37 ee 

36 ee e ee 
35 e e 
34 e e 

Vertebral Crest Scales 

6.5- 9.3- 11.1- 12.6- 
7.2 9.6 11.8 12.9 

15.3 18.3 21.3 25.6 

14.2 14.6- 20.8- 25.4- 


Figure 9. Geographic variation in the number of vertebral crest scales in Stenocercus prionotus and S. caducus. Symbols and 

axes are the same as Figure 8. 

contrast, in southern Peru and northern 
Bolivia the distribution of S. prionotus 
overlaps only S. scapularis and (perhaps) 
S. fimbriatus of the “Ophryoessoides 
group, but S. prionotus is not known to 
be sympatric with either of these species.‘ 

7 The only case of sympatry of any of these with 
other species of Stenocercus of which I am aware 
involves S. prionotus and S. roseiventris at Explorer's 
Inn (cf. Table 2), but S. roseiventris is phenotypically 
dissimilar to species of the “Ophryoessoides group” 
in having shorter limbs, different color pattern, spiny 
tail, and different body form. 

The vertebral crest of S. prionotus in 
southern Peru and northern Bolivia is sim- 
ilar in development to that in allopatric 
populations of S. aculeatus. 

I conjecture that the strongly developed 
vertebral crests of Stenocercus prionotus 
in northern Peru may be related to the 
presence of multiple sympatric congeners 
in that part of the range, and that the crest 
functions as a species recognition charac- 
ter. If true, this explanation for variation in 
crest height would have no precedent 
among lizards. The only analogous situa- 

204 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 3 

(a) prionotus AS 

Huanuco, Peru 
67 mm (es) 

(b) prionotus FE 
Puno, Peru 
73 mm @ 

(Cc) prionotus 

Beni, Bolivia 
81 mm ©) 

ae or 

(d) caducus 
Sta. Cruz, Bolivia 
72 mm 


tion seems to be dewlaps in Anolis, in 
which species recognition has been pos- 
tulated as a biological role for dewlap color 
and size in complex assemblages of these 
lizards (Williams and Rand, 1977; Losos 
and Chu, 1998). 

The Need for Additional Fieldwork. 
Only field observations and experimental 
studies of the function of the vertebral 
crest in Stenocercus prionotus can deter- 
mine whether the functional hypothesis 
advanced here is correct. Ideally, parallel 
studies should be conducted in the area of 
sympatry with other species of the 
“Ophryoessoides group,” as well as in the 
area with no known sympatric species of 
that group. That design would permit an 
evaluation of any context-dependent use of 
the crest in these populations. Two sym- 
patric species are known from the vicinity 
of Tingo Maria (Hudnuco Department; 
Table 2), a very accessible area for study. 

Two other reasons for additional com- 
prehensive fieldwork on these species are 
indicated. First, we need documentation 
of the extent to which species of the 
“Ophryoessoides group” are sympatric or 
syntopic. Particular targets should be the 
northern part of the range of Stenocercus 
prionotus, where S. aculeatus and S. fim- 
briatus are known to have overlapping 
ranges; and Manu National Park in south- 
ern Peru, a reasonably accessible area 
where S. fumbriatus and S. prionotus are 
known to be closely allopatric (but not 
sympatric) on a microgeographic scale (Ta- 
ble 2). Second, the character differences 
between the northern populations of S. 
prionotus and those of southern Peru and 
Bolivia could indicate that two or more 
species reside within my concept of this 
species. Fieldwork concentrated in the 



geographic gap between Tingo Maria and 
vicinity (Hudnuco Department) and Cocha 
Cashu (Madre de Dios department), the 
two most proximate localities of the north- 
ern and southern population groups, is 
needed to verify whether intermediate 
populations occur. The possibility that 
these might be two allopatric species sep- 
arated by a broad geographic gap should 
not be dismissed wathout further evalua- 


Few natural history observations exist 
for Stenocercus prionotus. Wade C. Sher- 
brooke (field notes) found the holotype 
running in the relatively open floor of a 
bamboo garden at about 1200 h. USNM 
193685 was taken along a trail within rain- 
forest. Brief notes ascociated with the se- 
ries from Explorer’s Inn (Madre de Dios 
Department, Peru; USNM 247468-69, 
247680, 269022) indicate that specimens 
were obtained during the day on the 
ground from clearings around the lodge, 
although USNM 269022, an adult female 
(91 mm SVL), was on a leaf 40 cm above 
the ground. MCZ 150243 was retrieved 
from a mist net near the edge of tall flood- 
plain forest at Cocha Gaskin: In the dry 
season (September—December) of a low- 
land rainforest in the vicinity of Tumi Chu- 
cua (Beni Department, Bolivia), Fugler 
(1986: table 5) found Stenocercus priono- 
tus (reported as Ophryoessoides aculeatus ) 
in varzea (seasonally inundated rainforest) 
but not in terra firme rainforests of the 
area; females with enlarged eggs were 
found in early November (Fugler, 1986: 
table 4). 

Hilda H. Heller provided the following 

Figure 10. Diagrammatic representation of geographic and size-related variation in the height of the vertebral crest in Steno- 
cercus prionotus and S. caducus. Drawings were made with a camera lucida to emphasize the form and height of the vertebral 
crest. Sketches are drawn to an approximately uniform interval between the external ear opening (EE) and the white antehumeral 
stripe (AS). For each specimen the geographic location and the SVL are given (all specimens are adult males): (a) MCZ 43759, 
(b) FMNH 64799, (c) USNM 280250, (d) CM 970. Note especially the differences between the northern specimen of S. prionotus 
(a) compared to southern ones (b and c), especially given the size differences among these; and the differences between size- 

matched specimens of S. prionotus and S. caducus (b and d). 


notes on the San Juan [del Oro] locality 
from which she obtained a series of Sten- 
ocercus prionotus in the early 1950s (K. P. 
Schmidt archives, FMNH): 

Steep forest with deep undergrowth. Steep fields. 

Rainfall probably somewhat greater than at Pampa 

Grande,® due to its colder climate and steep ex- 
posure; I have no figures. Brushy second growth 
may be burned in fairly wide patches in August, 
and [the] resort is frequently made to burning, in- 
dicating a moderately dry winter period. 

As of the mid-1980s very little undisturbed 
forest was left in the vicinity of San Juan 
del Oro (personal observations). Although 
Heller provided detailed notes on some of 
the snakes and frogs from her collection, 
she makes no specific comments about the 

Most observations suggest that Steno- 
cercus prionotus prefers open habitats, 
such as areas of human disturbance and 
light gaps within forests (e.g., created by 
trails), rather than deep rainforests. Alter- 
natively, the observations may simply in- 
dicate the ease of observation and capture 
in more open habitats. A combination of 

tic coloration and escape behavior 
(rapid flight followed by immobility) pos- 
sibly makes S. prionotus very difficult to 
observe in closed-canopy rainforest, as re- 
ported for the similar species, S. fumbria- 
tus (Dixon and Soini, 1986; Avila-Pires, 
1995) and S. caducus (Scrocchi et al., 
1985).° However, we currently lack obser- 
vations to support these statements for S. 


A scaly flap associated with the posthu- 
meral pockets is a unique and unquestion- 
ably derived character shared by Stenocer- 
cus prionotus and S. caducus, which sug- 
gests that these are sister species (Figs. 5, 

*T have been unable to localize Pampa Grande. 

° Cei (1993) claimed that Stenocercus caducus was 
arboreal, but Scrocchi et al. (1985) reported the be- 
havior of this species in more detail and stated that 
it was terrestrial. 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 3 

11).° I am unaware of a similar structure 
in any other lizards. Some individual vari- 
ation in the precise form and size of the 
flap occurs in both species but it seems 
extremely improbable that these structures 
are not homologous in the two species. 
Moreoever, Stenocercus prionotus and 
S. caducus are similar in standard meristic 
characters (Table 1; Figs. 8, 9), and the 
similarity among Bolivian populations of 
both species has caused confusion about 
the identity of particular populations (see 
citations in the synonymy of S. prionotus). 
Geographic, ontogenetic, or individual var- 
iation of some characters within both spe- 
cies, especially the height of the vertebral 
crest and the number of midbody scale 
rows (Fig. 8), further clouds the distinc- 
tions between them. Differentiating the 
northern populations of S. prionotus from 
S. caducus is unequivocal and facile based 
solely on the size of the vertebral crest and 
on associated meristic counts. However, 
specimens of S. prionotus from southern 
Peru and northern Bolivia are more diffi- 
cult to distinguish from S. caducus. For 
example, animals from populations of S. 
prionotus in southern Peru and_ Bolivia 
have less prominent vertebral crests 
(hence, higher vertebral scale counts), and 
generally lower numbers of midbody scale 
rows, than do specimens from northern 
populations (Figs. 8, 9); in these respects 
they are more similar to S. caducus. Nev- 
ertheless, even accounting for these diffi- 
culties, a combination of three qualitative 
characters is sufficient to distinguish 
prionotus from S. caducus, and the species 

'° Im my comparisons I have emphasized Bolivian 
specimens referred to Stenocercus caducus, whereas 
the type locality is “Paraguay.” I have not fully con- 
vinced myself that specimens referred to this species 
from Bolivia, Par aguay, and Argentina are, in fact, all 
the same taxon. Considerable variation exists in some 
aspects of coloration and scale characters in these 
specimens. However, my concept of S. caducus cor- 
responds to that used in current literature (e.g., Gal- 
lardo, 1959; Scrocchi et al., 1985; Cei, 1993). Only a 
thorough study of S. caducus across its range will re- 
solve this issue. 


may differ in patterns of sexual size di- 

The Form of the Vertebral Crest. De- 
spite geographic variation in the promi- 
nence of the vertebral crest, males and fe- 
males of Stenocercus prionotus have a dis- 
tinctly projecting serrate vertebral crest ex- 
tending from the nuchal region to the 
anterior portion of the tail (Figs. 6, 10, 12). 
The scales of the crest are strongly trian- 
gular in lateral view, are flaplike (i.e., they 
bend easily), project vertically from the 
dorsum, and are strongly differentiated 
from the adjacent dorsal scales. Although 
the crest is somewhat less developed in fe- 
males, it is prominent in both sexes. Spec- 
imens from northern Bolivia and southern 
Peru have a substantially lower crest than 
specimens from central and northern Peru 
(Fig. 10). Nonetheless, the form and pro- 
jection angle of the crest scales is the same 
as in the northern populations. 

In contrast, the scales of the vertebral 
crest in Stenocercus caducus are only mod- 
erately differentiated from adjacent dorsal 
scales in being more strongly keeled and 
mucronate. The crest in S. caducus is only 
slightly projecting in males (Fig. 10) and 
even less so in females (Fig. 12); the crest 
is mainly apparent on the neck and ante- 
rior body. In S. caducus, the scales of the 
crest are stiff and prismatic, and the main 
axis of projection is posterior rather than 
vertical, as in S. prionotus. 

Crest height in Stenocercus varies posi- 
tively with size and thus it is critical to 
compare similar-sized specimens when 
documenting differences among popula- 
tion samples or species. This realization 
has been critical to differentiating Steno- 
cercus prionotus from S. caducus in south- 

"Tam uncertain how Fugler (1983, 1986, 1989) 
distinguished Bolivian specimens he referred to Sten- 
ocercus aculeatus and S. caducus. In 1983 and 1986 
he referred specimens from Tumi Chucua (Beni, Bo- 
livia) to S. aculeatus. In 1989 he listed these again, 
along with ROM specimens from San Marcos Ranch 
(Beni, Bolivia) identified as S. caducus. Fugler spec- 
imens from these localities that I have examined are 
all S. prionotus (see list of paratypes). 




Figure 11. Axillary region of Stenocercus caducus showing 
the posthumeral flap (MCZ 34215). Anterior to the left. The 
posthumeral flap comprises the heavily outlined scales pos- 
teroventral to the forelimb. The opening of the posthumeral 
pocket is the heavily stippled area deep to the flap. Top, Pos- 
thumeral flap in its normal orientation covering the anterov- 
entral portion of the pocket. Bottom, the flap deflected ven- 
trally, with its posterior scales viewed from their tips. Approx- 
imately <8.5. 

ern Peru and Bolivia. Large adult males of 
S. prionotus from southern populations 
are scarce in collections. For example, al- 
though only 18 specimens of S. prionotus 
are available from northern Peru, one half 
of these are males with SVL =60 mm. In 


contrast, twice as many specimens each of 
S. prionotus and S. caducus are available 
from southern Peru and Bolivia. Yet, only 
one third of the available specimens of ei- 
ther species from these areas are males 
=60 mm SVL, and no males of S. caducus 
were >72 mm SVL. 

Figure 10 shows differences in the 
height of the vertebral crest in a series of 
males of Stenocercus prionotus from 
southern Peru and Bolivia compared with 
similar-sized specimens of S. prionotus 
from northern Peru and with S. caducus 
(the largest males of S. caducus studied 
were 72 mm SVL; see also Fig. 6). The 
trend toward lower crests in S. prionotus 
from the southern part of its range is evi- 
dent, as is the difference between S. cad- 
ucus and S. prionotus. A comparison of all 
specimens suggests that the difference in 
the height of the vertebral crest between 
S. prionotus and S. caducus males begins 
to be apparent by approximately 65 mm 
SVL and becomes pronounced at around 
70-75 mm SVL. No males of S. caducus 
>72 mm SVL were among the specimens 
examined, despite the availability of a large 
number of specimens from southern Bo- 
livia, including a series of 31 specimens 
(10 males =60 mm SVL) from the vicinity 
of Santa Cruz. A similar contrast in crest 
height appears in females of the two spe- 
cies (Fig. 12). 

Angulate Temporal Scales. Stenocercus 
prionotus has two (occasionally three) very 
strongly keeled, projecting angulate tem- 
poral scales on each side (Fig. 4). These 
are much larger than adjacent scales on 
the head and they are partially or com- 
pletely separated from the large posterior 
head scales (parietals, postparietals, and 
occipital) by one row of small keeled scales 
(occasionally partially doubled). Stenocer- 
cus caducus usually has two (occasionally 
three) angulate temporals that are smaller 
and less projecting than those in S. prion- 
otus. In S. caducus the angulate temporals 
may or may not be larger than adjacent 
posterior head scales and they are not 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 3 

Figure 12. Size-matched females of Stenocercus prionotus 
and S. caducus from Bolivia. Top, S. prionotus (USNM 
269022, snout-vent length [SVL] 91 mm). Bottom, S. caducus 
(UTA 38046, SVL 93 mm). Note the subtle difference in crest 
height between the two specimens and their otherwise similar 

strongly differentiated from other posteri- 
or head scales. 

Color Pattern of the Gular Region. 
Many specimens of Stenocercus prionotus 
have a regular pattern of alternating diag- 
onal light and dark stripes on the throat. 
These usually converge closely toward the 
midline (Fig. 7) and are most easily visu- 
alized in preserved specimens submerged 
in alcohol. This pattern consists of a dark 
stripe beginning at a point on the lower 
labials in line with, but broader than, the 
subocular dark bar. The stripe projects 
posteromedially, gradually fading and 
blending with the ventral ground color on 
the neck anterior to the pectoral region. 
The dark stripe is bordered on either side 
by a distinct pale stripe. Anteriorly, this se- 
ries is preceded by another dark and an- 
other pale stripe. The dark stripes are usu- 
ally approximately twice as wide as the 
pale ones, although not always (e.g., the 
dark stripes are only slightly wider than 
the pale ones in MCZ 150243). In life the 
pattern may manifest itself as a series of 
pale stripes on a darker background (e.g., 
the “gular area streaked by several light 


cream colored lines” in the life colors of 
the holotype). 

The gular region appears uniform in 
many preserved specimens of Stenocercus 
prionotus, but I suspect this is a preser- 
vation artifact. Occasional specimens have 
pale spots in the pectoral region, and oth- 
ers are essentially unicolor and without ap- 
parent pattern (again, probably a preser- 
vation artifact). 

On the other hand, the throat pattern of 
Stenocercus caducus is highly variable and 
irregular. When a distinctive pattern is 
,present, it most often consists of light 
‘spots rather than alternating stripes (Fig. 
13). Cope (1862) described the holotype 
of S. caducus from Paraguay as having a 
dark throat that was “light varied” (i.e., 
variegated, or spotted), and some speci- 
mens I examined have this pattern (Fig. 
13). None of several color descriptions for 
Argentinian specimens of S. caducus men- 
tion stripes or spots on the throat. Scrocchi 
et al. (1985) described living examples as 
having pale spots in parallel transverse 
rows in the pectoral region or with pale 
spots on the abdomen, but did not com- 
ment on the throat pattern; Gallardo 
(1959) described the ventral coloration as 
“pale olive with some scattered pale spots; 
throat darker”; and Cei (1993) described 
the venter as “dark brownish with series of 
rounded pale spots, sometimes anastomos- 
ing along the length of a median line.” Al- 
though no authors mention alternating 
light and dark stripes on the throat in S. 
caducus, UTA 38046 does have this pat- 
tern (Fig. 13). But in this specimen the 
stripes are confined to the lateral edges of 
the throat (i.e., do not closely approach the 
midline as in S. prionotus). Apart from the 
throat pattern, the coloration of S. prion- 
otus and S. caducus seems to be very sim- 
ilar judging from descriptions of S. cadu- 
cus in the literature (Gallardo, 1959: 
Scrocchi et al., 1985; Cei, 1993). 

A Possible Difference in Sexual Size Di- 
morphism. Data presented in Table 1 sug- 
gests another contrast between Stenocer- 
Cus prionotus and S. caducus: S. prionotus 

Figure 13. Gular patterns in Stenocercus caducus. Top, typ- 
ical throat pattern consisting of light spots on a dark back- 
ground (BMNH 1927.8.1.163). Bottom, variant pattern consist- 
ing of stripes confined to the lateral portion of the throat (UTA 
38046). Compare to Figure 7. 


is not dimorphic in the maximum sizes at- 
tained by males and females, whereas fe- 
males of S. caducus apparently attain 
about 20 mm greater SVL than males. 
However, estimating maximum size is Subb= 
ject to considerable sampling error so this 
distinction should be considered to be only 
provisional. Nonetheless, males of S. 
prionotus with SVL >80 mm are known 
from the northern (USNM 193685) and 
southern (USNM 280250, BMNH portions of its range, even though 
the three largest males from the largest 
population sample 3 specimens in 
FMNH from Puno Department, Peru) 
had an SVL of 73 mm (this sample includ- 
ed six adult females with an SVL of 78—89 

In contrast, a sample of 39 Stenocercus 
caducus from Bolivia included 12 adult 
males, none of which had an SVL >72 
mm; in the total sample of S. caducus (N 

43) 17 females had an SVL =80 mm 
(range 80-93 mm). Thus, unless a sys- 
tematic collecting bias against males exists, 
the different pattern of ewaal size dimor- 
phism provides another character distin- 
guishing S. prionotus and S. caducus. Data 
presented in Table 1 suggests that other 
species of the “Ophryoessoides group” 
may be size dimorphic (S. fimbriatus, S. 
huancabambae, and ?S. scapularis) or not 
(S. aculeatus), and either males (S. huan- 
cabambae) or females (S. caducus and S. 
fimbriatus) may attain a larger body size. 


The ranges of Stenocercus prionotus 
and S. caducus approach one another in 

These sizes are somewhat larger than those pre- 
viously reported (81 mm; Gallardo, 1959; Scrocchi et 
al., 1985: Marcus, 1986). Cei (1993) stated that S. 
caducus reaches only 75 mm SVL in Argentina. Sexes 
were not given for any individual or aoa specimens 
in these reports. 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 3 

eastern Bolivia, but do not overlap.!® Cur- 
rently, the two closest documented locali- 
ties are, for S. prionotus, near the junction 
of the Rio Madidi and the Rio Beni 
(BMNH, and for S. caducus, 
many specimens from the vicinity of Santa 
Cruz de la Sierra (see above discussion for 
S. prionotus and Appendix; Fig. 1). Sten- 
ocercus caducus is also known from the 
Bolivia—Brazil border in the region of the 
Serrania de Huanchaca in northern Santa 
Cruz Department, Bolivia." 

I am aware of no specimens of Steno- 
cercus referable to either S. caducus or S. 
prionotus between the Rio Beni valley and 
roughly a line connecting Santa Cruz and 
the vicinity of Serrania de Huanchaca. 
Southeast of the Rio Beni, the central part 
of the Beni basin (the Llanos de Mojos) is 
characterized by flooded savanna grass- 
lands, palm savannas, swamps, and other 
habitats that are inundated for significant 
portions of the year; terra firme forests are 
restricted to somewhat elevated levees 
along rivers (Clapperton, 1993: 196; Han- 
agarth, 1993). Stenocercus prionotus or S. 
Gadus seem unlikely to occur in this area 
except possibly in these gallery forests, al- 
though Fugler (1986) reported S. priono- 
tus (Be Ophryoessoides aculeatus) in sea- 
sonally flooded forest during the dry sea- 

Stenocercus prionotus and S. caducus 
probably are segregated by habitat in Bo- 
livia and their distabutone may not over- 
lap. Stenocercus prionotus is associated 

'S All references to “Ophryoessoides aculeatus” in 
Bolivia (e.g., Fugler, 1983, 1986) that I verified have 
referred to Stenocercus prionotus. However, given 
the general confusion of species in this complex, 
some records not traced will have to be checked to 
rule out the possibility that they do not refer to S. 
caducus or perhaps some other species of the 
“Ophryoessoides group,” such as S. fimbriatus or S. 
scapularis (see Distribution Patterns in Stenocercus 

'4 See the Appendix, UTA 38048. Michael Harvey 
(personal communication) recently obtained speci- 
mens of Stenocercus caducus at El] Refugio, a lowland 
locality at the southern end of the Serranfa de Huan- 
chaca (14°44'S, 61°O1’W). 


with upper Amazonian and lower montane 
rainforests with annual rainfall greater 
than 2,000 mm in both Peru and Bolivia. 
On the other hand, confirmed localities of 
S. caducus are within the physiographic 
domain broadly referred to as chaco, in- 
cluding a mixture of dry forests, palm sa- 
vannas, gallery forests, deciduous forests, 
and ecotonal areas (Scrocchi et al., 1985; 
Marcus, 1986; Cei, 1993). Short (1975) 
and Parker et al. (1993) described the di- 
versity of chaco habitats. Gallardo (1979: 
table 12.1) listed S. caducus as a species 
“basically restricted to the chaco.” Average 
annual rainfall in this area is less than 
1,000 mm. Stenocercus caducus is known 
from Parque Nacional Noel Kempff Mer- 
cado and vicinity in Bolivia (see footnote 
14; Harvey, 1998). This area is character- 
ized by a complex mixture of habitat types, 
including deciduous forests and cerrado 
enclaves, and with an annual rainfall of 
1,400-1,500 mm (Killeen, 1998). Harvey 
(1998) encountered S. caducus at granitic 
outcrops covered by semideciduous forests 
and more open habitats. The herpetofauna 
of this site is a mixture of species that are 
typical of Amazonian and of chaco envi- 
ronments (Harvey, 1998; personal obser- 

The range of Stenocercus caducus ex- 
tends outside the strictly defined chaco re- 
gion (see Short, 1975, and Clapperton 
1993, for discussion) on the southeastern 
edge of its range east of the Rio Paraguay 
and in the Andean foothills of southern 
Bolivia and northern Argentina (Fig. 1). 
Harvey (1997) reported S. caducus from 
“subtropical wet forests” (1,150—2,050 m 
elevation) in southern Bolivia. He charac- 
terized S. caducus as a “Chacoan species 
that invade|s|] the Andean foothills . . . [in- 
cluding] those distributed within the Gran 
Chaco or that occur in dry forests sur- 
rounding the Gran Chaco” (Harvey, 1997: 
35). The montane wet forests (yungas) of 
this area are restricted to ridges high 
enough for cloud formation during much 
of ie year (generally >1,500 m elevation), 
and they are surrounded by deciduous dry 


forest (Schulenberg et al., 1997). The cli- 
mate of this area is generally dry and it 
receives only about 1,200 mm of rainfall 
per year (Holst, 1997). 

The transition between the wet rainfo- 
rests of Peru and northern Bolivia (range 
of Stenocercus prionotus) and the chaco 
habitats (range of S. caducus) occurs in a 
very broad ecotone consisting of savannas, 
evergreen shrublands, and gallery forests 
of the Beni basin and Rio Mamore drain- 
age, from which no specimens of either S. 
prionotus or S. caducus have been report- 
ed. The piedmont forests of the Andes be- 
tween the known ranges of S. prionotus 
and S. caducus, which are wetter than ad- 
jacent lowland forests because of the mod- 
erating effect of the Andes, provide one 
potential route for contact or overlap of 
their ranges. 

The eastern distributional limits of Sten- 
ocercus caducus along the Bolivia—Brazil 
frontier are not well ‘aaclen stood. I am un- 
aware of verified records from Brazil, al- 
though the species does occur close to the 
Brazilian border in the vicinity of the Ser- 
rania de Huanchaca in Parque Nacional 
Noel Kempft Mercado. Some references 
to “Stenocercus caducus” from western 
Brazil (e.g., Mato Grosso State; Cope, 
1887; Boulenger, 1903) likely refer instead 
to an undescribed species very similar to 
S. caducus (P. FE. Vanzolini and E. E. Wil- 
liams, personal communication; personal 
observations). However, the ranges of S. 
caducus and the undescribed species in 
eastern Bolivia—Paraguay and western Bra- 
zil are not well defined; the two species 
may be separated by the seasonally inun- 
dated savannas of the pantanal. Addition- 
ally, few specimens of S. caducus appar- 
ently exist from the chaco of northwestern 
Paraguay, although Aquino et al. (1996) re- 
ported specimens from Parque Nacional 
Defensores del Chaco (approximately 
20°30'S, 60°20'W), as well as other Para- 
guayan localities in more mesic regions 
east of the Rio Paraguay. 




In the process of diagnosing Stenocercus 
prionotus I reviewed the characters and 
distribution of S. aculeatus. In addition to 
variation in some characters of uncertain 
significance, some aspects of the distribu- 
tion of S. aculeatus seem peculiar (Fig. 2). 
First, the distribution of S. aculeatus ap- 
pears to be disjunct between northern 
Peru and eastern Ecuador. Although the 
type locality is in northern Peru (Moya- 
bamba, San Martin Department), most 
specimens are from eastern Ecuador (Fig. 
2). The two areas from which specimens 
are known (Fig. 2) are separated by a 
broad geographic gap through which 
courses the main tributary of he upper 
Amazon, the Rio Marafion. Neither S. acu- 
leatus nor any other species of Stenocercus 
was obtained during herpetofaunal surveys 
in northern Loreto Department, Peru 
(Duellman and Mendelson, 1995), north- 
ern Amazonas Department, Peru (Rio Ce- 
nepa and Rio Santiago; J. E. Cadle and R. 
W. McDiarmid, unpublished data), or dur- 
ing a rapid biological assessment of the 
Cordillera del Condor region of southeast- 
ern Ecuador and northern Peru (Schulen- 
berg and Awbrey, 1997a). Stenocercus acu- 
leatus is known from many localities in ad- 
jacent regions of Ecuador. 

Second, all Ecuadorian localities for 
Stenocercus aculeatus are in the drainages 
of the Rio Pastaza and the Rio Curaray. 
No specimens are known from the Rio 
Napo drainage just to the north, even 
though no recognized physiographic or 
faunal break seems to separate the Rio 
Napo drainage from the Rio Curaray 
drainage. However, all localities that have 
been sampled comprehensively from the 
Rio Napo are on the left (northern) bank 
of the river (e.g., Duellman, 1978; Vitt and 
De la Torre, 1996; unpublished list from a 
large collection from the Jatun Sacha Bi- 
ological Station assembled and under 
study by Gregory Vigle). The absence of 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 3 

fimbriatus and S. prionotus has concomi- 

S. aculeatus from Santa Cecilia (Duell-_ 
man, 1978) is probably real rather than 
sampling error, given the intensity of col- 
lecting over several years at the site. Thus, 
S. aculeatus possibly does occur on the 
right (south) bank of the Rio Napo and 
will be recorded once large collections are 
made there. 

The apparent geographic disjunction of | 
Stenocercus aculeatus between northern | 
Peru and eastern Ecuador may correspond | 
to some character differences among sam- | 
ples that should be studied more thor- | 
oughly (Cadle, unpublished data). For ex-_ 
ample, Peruvian specimens of S. aculeatus 
have very deep postfemoral pockets (Type 
5) in both sexes, whereas the postfemoral 
pockets are more weakly developed in 
specimens from Ecuador (Type 2) Oo) lM 
both sexes). Ecuadorian specimens also 
appear to have more scales in the vertebral 
row and fewer subdigital scales on the 
fourth toe than do Peruvian specimens. All 
of these impressions are based on small 
sample sizes (Appendix). 

The significance of these differences is 
unclear without a more detailed study of 
variation among populations of Stenocer- 
cus aculeatus. However, one possibility is 
that two or more species are represented 
in specimens currently referred to S. acu- 
leatus, in which case the distributions of 
individual taxa may be not be contiguous. 
This is analogous to the previous confusion 
of S. fimbriatus and S. prionotus with S. 
aculeatus. Taxonomic recognition of S. 

tantly reduced the geographic distribution 
understood for S. aculeatus. Consequently, 
a more comprehensive systematic analysis 
of S. aculeatus with special reference to a 
comparison of Ecuadorian and Peruvian 
populations is warranted. If two species 
are recognized, the name Liocephalus an- 
gulifer Werner (1901) is available for the’ 
Ecuadorian populations. 



Because of the general confusion about 
the species Coneideres! herein (e.g., see the: 


synonymy of Stenocercus prionotus ), | pro- 
vide the following key as a guide for iden- 
tifications. The key will work for those spe- 
cies of Stenocercus in Peru or Bolivia with 
keeled ventral scales, enlarged posterior 
head scales, and one row of moderately to 
greatly enlarged supraoculars (“Ophryoes- 
soides group” as used herein). I have also 
included the three other currently recog- 
nized species having these characteristics, 
S. erythrogaster (Hallowell), S. dumerilii 
(Steindachner), and S. tricristatus (Du- 
méril), although these are not known from 
Peru or Bolivia and are unlikely to occur 
there. Character and distributional data in 
the key for S. dumerilii and S. tricristatus 
follow Avila-Pires (1995). 

I also include in the key an undescribed 
species with keeled ventrals and enlarged 
head plates and supraoculars from Ama- 
zonas Department, Peru, butel am un= 
aware of other undescribed species of the 
“Ophryoessoides group” from Peru or Bo- 
livia. However, an undescribed species 
similar to Stenocercus caducus (but lacking 
a posthumeral flap) is known from western 
Brazil (Mato Grosso) and is not included 
in the key. Additional study of S. iridescens 
from the Pacfic lowlands of Peru and Ec- 
uador is needed (Cadle, 1998: footnote 4) 
and, as indicated above, a thorough mod- 
ern study of variation in S. aculeatus (Am- 
azonian Ecuador and Peru) is also war- 
ranted. Other undescribed species may re- 
side within either of these named taxa. 
The key will permit identification of all Pe- 
ruvian and Bolivian taxa previously con- 
fused with S. aculeatus (e.g., Dixon and 
Soini, 1975, 1986 [S. fimbriatus]; Fugler, 
1983, 1986, 1989 [S. prionotus]) and S. ir- 
idescens (e.g., S. huancabambae and S. 
limitaris; see Cadle, 1991, 1998). The key 
also should work for Ecuadorian species, 
with the caveat that I have paid less atten- 
tion to Ecuadorian Stenocercus except as 
necessary in conjunction with work on Pe- 
ruvian species. Of the species covered, 
only S. aculeatus, S. iridescens, and S. lim- 
itaris are definitely known from Ecuador. 


The key should be viewed as a means of 
identifying a set of phenotypically similar, 
but not necessarily closely related, species 
within Stenocercus in the broad sense. All 
other species of Stenocercus in Peru and 
Bolivia have smooth (or at most only very 
weakly keeled) ventrals and more frag- 
mented supraoculars and head plates; see 
Fritts (1974), Frost (1992), and Cadle 
(1991, 1998) for discussion and _illustra- 
tions. Many of these species also have 
granular scales on the body or posterior 
surface of the thigh, neither of which is 
present in species covered by the key. The 
keys and discussions in Fritts (1974) and 
Cadle (1991, 1998) are useful for identi- 
fying these other species. 

The key assumes familiarity with char- 
acters of the mite pockets, head scales, and 
neck folds and crests outlined in Cadle 
(1991) (see also Materials and Methods). 
In most cases I have used characters that 
show minimal sexual dimorphism so that 
specimens of either sex can be identified; 
exceptions are noted. It is useful to keep 
in mind that, in most species of Stenocer- 
cus, scales of juveniles are more promi- 
nently keeled than in adults, even when 
the corresponding scales of adults, such as 
head scales and dorsal body scales, are 
smooth. Instances of possible confusion in 
the key are indicated. The extent of de- 
velopment of posthumeral and postfemor- 
al mite pockets varies according to sex and 
size in many species of Stenocercus, al- 
though such variation seems less extensive 
in this set of species than in many others; 
I have indicated the range of variation in- 
cluding juveniles and adults of both sexes 
in the key. Summary geographic distribu- 
tions are given for each species as a rough 
guide to known occurrences. However, 
these should be used cautiously as ancil- 
lary information in identifying specimens 
because distributions of species are some- 
times poorly circumscribed. For greatest 
utility the key should be used in conjunc- 
tion with illustrations herein and in Cadle 

(1991, 1998) and Avila-Pires (1995). 






Canthal and supraciliaries forming a pro- 
nounced crest that ends in an enlarged, 
erect, postsupraciliary that may be dis- 
tinctly pointed or blunt. Posthumeral and 
postfemoral mite pockets absent (Type 1 
rial loxovclay Tua uANNKOS)) 2 

Canthals and supraciliaries not forming a 
pronounced crest; no enlarged, erect post- 
supraciliary. Posthumeral pocket absent 
(Type 1) to deep (Type 4). Postfemoral 
pocket absent (Type 1) to deep (Type 5) 

Enlarged postsupraciliary distinctly pointed. 
Two enlarged scales above ear opening. 
Tibia approximately equal to thigh length 
pan Stee oes Ne Stenocercus dumerilii (Steindachner) 

(northeastern Para, Brazil) 

Enlarged postsupraciliary blunt. No enlarged 
scales above ear opening; tibia distinctly 
SIorausre tdaenel (Hove oe 
EA ENS | Stenocercus tricristatus (Duméril) 

(known only from the holotype, probably 
from the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil) 

Superciliary scales projecting laterally shelf- 
like above the orbit in adults, rectangular 
in dorsal view.'!° Midbody dorsal scale rows 
more than 55 (59-70). Postfemoral pocket 
well developed (Type 3 or 5) __...--.-------- 

Bet ee RLS tel s Stenocercus scapularis (Boulenger) 
(intermediate elevations on the Andean 

slopes of central and southern Peru; known 
elevations greater than 1,000 m) 

Superciliary scales not projecting laterally, 
the anterior ones elongate, strongly over- 
lapping. Midbody dorsal scale rows fewer 
than 55 (30-53). Postfemoral pocket vari- 
ANS (kyae Il; 2, O; Cir &) 2 4 

Posthumeral mite pocket deep (Type 4) and 
with an associated scaly flap extending 
from its anteroventral border and partally 
COMCE AMIN GPity sete ate see ee 5 

Posthumeral mite pocket absent to deep 
(Type 1, 2, 3, or 4) but without an asso- 
Clatealet apy piesa lean eien mas MET eee A hol 5S 6 

Vertebral crest strongly projecting in both 
sexes, serrate, extending from the nuchal 
region to the proximal portion of the tail; 
its individual scales triangular, flaplike. 
Throat often with alternating oblique dark 
and light stripes. Two enlarged, strongly 
keeled and projecting angulate temporal 

'S The superciliaries in juveniles of Stenocercus sca- 

pularis have a more typical shape. The extent of 
shelf-like projection and change to a more rectan- 
gular shape seem positively cor ated with body size 
Aaa thus develop with age. The number of dorsal 
scale rows and the development of the postfemoral 
pocket are useful clues for subadults. 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 3 

scales om each side 
ee ee Stenocercus prionotus Cadle 
(rainforested lowlands and Andean foothills 
of eastern Peru and northern Bolivia) 
Vertebral crest low, nonprojecting in both 
sexes (slightly higher in males), evident 
mainly on neck and anterior body; its in- 
dividual scales prismatic and lying more or 
less flat. Throat pattern variable, but usu- 
ally consisting of light spots on a darker 
background when evident. Angulate tem- 
poral scales keeled, but not greatly en- 
largedsand monprojecting seen 
myftiea See FS Ree ON Stenocercus caducus (Cope) 
(deciduous woodlands and ecotonal areas of 
southern Bolivia, northern Argentina, and 
the chaco of Paraguay) 
6. A fringe of enlarged fimbriate scales on the 
distal posterodorsal surface of thigh. Sev- 
eral longitudinally oblique rows of large, 
strongly keeled scales on shank.'® Seales 
between vertebral and dorsolateral crests 
smooth or occasionally very weakly keeled. 
Let Dee Dds BS Stenocercus fimbriatus Avila-Pires 
(lowlands of eastern Peru and central western 
Amazonian Brazil) 
No fringe of fimbriate scales on thigh or 
strongly keeled oblique scales on shank. 
Scales between vertebral and dorsolateral 
crests moderately to strongly keeled at 
least posteriorly; dorsolateral crest may be 
weakly developed, but dorsal scales. still 
strongly keeled. 420. 1.0 0 Mie seit et tad vere i 
7. Posthumeral mite pocket variable (Type 1, 2 
3, or 4). Postfemoral mite pocket variable 
(Type 1, 2, 3, or 5). Head scales smooth 
or keeled. Angulate temporal scales 
keeled, may be projecting and bladelike. 
Internasals usually 4 or more (occasionally 
3, never 2), often irregular in pattern and 
Shape wit! ano As, Wee ehtded deel ereecermet 8 
Posthumeral mite pocket absent or weakly 
developed (Type 1 or 2). Postfemoral mite 
pocket absent (Type 1). Head _ scales 
smooth. Angulate temporal scales smooth; 
none bladelike and projecting. Two polyg- 
onal internasals in contact on the midline, 
each broader laterally than medially. 
Bb neta eatin. ee Stenocercus iridescens (Giinther) 
(Pacific lowlands and intermediate elevations 
of western Ecuador and northwestern 
8. One to 3 strongly keeled, but nonprojecting, 
angulate temporal scales in line with the 
superciliary row between the lateral tem- 

‘© The fimbriate scales form a projecting fringe on 
the distal portion of the thigh. Both the fimbriate 
scales and the oblique Realeer on the shank are rela- 
tively more prominent in juveniles than adults. 


porals and the posterior dorsal head scales. 
Two subequal canthal scales on each side. 
Head scales keeled, at least posteriorly 9 
Two projecting bladelike angulate temporals 
in line with superciliary row. A single can- 
thal on each side (rarely, 2 are present but 
in that case 1 is much larger than the oth- 
er). Head scales smooth or keeled. _..... 11 
9. Posthumeral pocket moderately developed 
in males (Type 2 or 3), absent in females 
(Type 1). Postfemoral pocket absent in fe- 
males (Type 1), moderate to deep in males 
(Type 3 or 5). Anterior gular scales weakly 
(co) Gaveredhy Ievslkevl ee ee 
peste) conte Stenocercus erythrogaster (Hallowell) 
(northern Colombia) 
Posthumeral and postfemoral pockets deep 
in both sexes (Types 4 and 5, respective- 
ly).!7 Anterior gular scales smooth to weak- 
IWakeele diye iw te wees Sol eh Pat ee ee 10 
10. Interparietal indistinct, parietal eye not visi- 
ble. Three occipitals. Dark subocular bar 
absent. Three angulate temporals separat- 
ed from large posterior head scales by a 
row of tiny scales __. Stenocercus new species 
(known from a single specimen [Appendix] 
from the inter-Andean valley of the Rio 
Maranon near Balsas, Amazonas Depart- 
ment, Peru) 
Interparietal distinct, parietal eye visible. 
Two occipitals. Dark subocular bar pre- 
sent. One angulate temporal much larger 
than others and in contact with at least 1 
other enlarged posterior head scale. ___. 
PEER athe Stenocercus limitaris Cadle 
(intermediate elevations [600—2,200 m] of the 
Andes on the Pacific versant of southwest- 
ern Ecuador and northwestern Peru) 
11. Head scales smooth to slightly wrinkled in 
adults; weakly keeled, wrinkled, or rugose 
in juveniles. Prominent dorsolateral crest 
on body from neck to base of tail and con- 
tinuous with both supra-auricular crest 
and antehumeral crest. Postfemoral pock- 
et moderate to deep (Type 2, 3, or 5). 
ae Tu Stenocercus aculeatus (O’Shaughnessy) 
(rainforested lowlands and intermediate ele- 
vations of northern Peru adjacent to the 
Andes and in eastern Ecuador) 
Head scales strongly keeled or multicarinate 
in juveniles and adults. Dorsolateral crest, 
when present, weak and restricted to neck 
and anterior body. Postfemoral pocket 

densa NRTA Stenocercus huancabambae Cadle 

'7 An undescribed species in the next couplet of the 
key is known only from a single adult male. The dis- 
tributions of species in couplets 9 and 10 should be 
used as ancillary data for identification. 


(dry inter-Andean valleys of the upper Rio 
Marafion in Cajamarca and west central 
Amazonas departments, northern Peru) 


Loans and other assistance were facili- 
tated by Linda Ford, Darrel Frost, and 
Charles W. Myers (AMNH); E. Nicholas 
Arnold and Colin J. McCarthy (BMNH); 
John Wiens (CM); Cassy Redhed, Alan 
Resetar, and Harold Voris (FMNH); Wil- 
liam E. Duellman, Christopher J. Raxwor- 
thy, and John E. Simmons (KU); Frank 
Burbrink and Douglas Rossman 
(LSUMNS): Ross MacCulloch and Robert 
W. Murphy (ROM); Roy W. McDiarmid, 
Steven W. Gotte, W. Ronald Heyer, and 
Robert P. Reynolds (USNM); and Jona- 
than Campbell and Michael B. Harvey 
(UTA). Victor Morales permitted me to ex- 
amine a specimen of Stenocercus fimbria- 
tus in his care. I am grateful to Wade C. 
Sherbrooke for providing copies of his 
field notes and other information on spec- 
imens he collected. I owe a great debt to 
the late Ernest E. Williams, who was ex- 
tremely generous with discussion, notes, il- 
lustrations, and encouragement. Williams, 
Paulo E. Vanzolini, and Richard Etheridge 
long ago distinguished Stenocercus prion- 
otus and two other species I described (S. 
huancabambae and S. limitaris) but kindly 
let my work on the group unfold with their 
gracious consent. Vanzolini supplied a 
copy of a portion of Balzan (1931), helped 
interpret Balzan’s localities, and pointed 
out Métraux’s work to me. I am indebted 
to several people for the special efforts 
they made in tracking down information 
about particular collections: Bruce Patter- 
son (FMNH) supplied information on the 
collections of Colin Sanborn and Hilda 
Heller from Puno Department, Peru; Alan 
Resetar and Cassy Redhed (FMNH) dug 
into the Schmidt archives and found ad- 
ditional information about Heller’s collec- 
tion; Charles W. Myers (AMNH) did the 
same for Harvey Bassler’s journeys in 
northern Peru and provided the base map 
used to prepare Figure 1; Robert S. Voss 


checked AMNH sources for information 
on Keays’s Peruvian localities; and Colin J. 
McCarthy (BMNH) clarified the confusion 
about P. O. Simons’s “Palca” locality, if not 
the locality itself. Robin Andrews, Tom 
Jenssen, and A. Stanley Rand discussed as- 
pects of geographic variation and the uses 
of vertebral crests in S. prionotus with me. 
Laszlo Meszoly drew Figures 4, 5, and 11. 
For comments on the manuscript I thank 
Richard Etheridge and Charles W. Myers. 
The research was supported in part by a 
faculty grant from the School of Arts and 
Sciences of Harvard University; publica- 
tion costs were supported by the Colles 
Fund of the MCZ. 


Institutional abbreviations are as fol- 

AMNH American Museum of Natural 
History, New York 

ANSP Academy of Natural Sciences 
of Philadelphia 

BMNH The Natural History Muse- 
um, London 

CM Carnegie Museum of Natural 
History, Pittsburgh, Pennsyl- 

FMNH The Field Museum, Chicago 

KU Natural History Museum, 
University of Kansas, Law- 

LSUMNS Louisiana State University 
Museum of Natural Science, 
Baton Rouge 

MCZ Museum of Comparative Zo- 
ology, Harvard University, 

ROM Royal Ontario Museum, To- 

USNM National Museum of Natural 
History, Washington, D.C. 

UTA University of Texas at Arling- 


Bracketed information was inferred 
from sources listed in the Materials and 
Methods. For specimens of other species 
of the “Ophryoessoides group” examined 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 3 

(S. huancabambae, S. iridescens, and S. 
limitaris), see Cadle (1991, 1998). Bold- 
face numbered localities 1—4 are known or 
suspected areas of sympatry between the 
species listed and Stenocercus prionotus. 
They correspond to numbered localities in 
Figures 1 and 2 and in the text discussion. 

Stenocercus aculeatus 

[ea. 1,000 m; 01°59’S, 77°58’W] (USNM 200882-84). 
[PProv. Napo/TuncurAnuA]: Llanganates area!’ 
(FMNH 23527). Prov. Pastaza: Rio Pastaza, Abita- 
gua [01°23'S, 78°05'W] (FMNH 25803-05, 26892, 
28011, 28057 [=17 specimens]). Rio Pastaza, Alpay- 
acu [01°28'S, 78°07'W] (FMNH 3926-27: MCZ 
8081). Canelos [01°35'S, 77°45’W; 530 m] (MCZ 
38530). Montalvo, Rio Bobonaza [314 m; 02°04’S, 
76°58'W] (USNM 200892). [PPRov. PASTAZA]: Banos, 
Mera Trail [? = between Banos and Mera"; approx- 
imately 01°30'S, 78°10'W] (FMNH 28012). 

PERU: [Depto. LA LipertaD]: E Peru, Pampa 
Seca, Rio Mixiolla [=Rio Mishollo] Valley, Upper 
Huallaga region, 4300 ft [2, 1,311 m; approximately 
08°16'S, 76°58'W]?) (AMNH 57085). [DEPpro. Lor- 

18 T have been unable to localize this. The Cordil- 
lera de los Llanganates is a high range (to >4,500 m) 
in the Cordillera Oriental north of the Rio Pastaza 
(Paynter, 1993). The locality may refer to lower ele- 
vations in this range. 

'° Bafios is a famous collecting locality at the foot 
of Volcan Tungurahua at 1,820 m. That would be an 
altitudinal record for Stenocercus aculeatus. I inter- 

pret the locality as stated in the FMNH catalogues — 

as being on the trail between Bajos and Mera, which 
is at 1,160 m. See Brown (1941) and Chapman (1926) 
for discussion. 

°° Harvey Bassler collected Stenocercus for the 
AMNH at two localities on the Rio Mixiolla (=Rio 
Mishollo): Pampa Seca and La Pinita (see Stenocer- 
cus fumbriatus), as listed in AMNH catalogues. The 
Rio Mishollo originates in southeastern La Libertad 
Department, flows eastward, and joins the Rio Hual- 
laga in southwestern San Martin Department. The 
elevations given for these localities, 1,067 m and 
1,311 m, indicate that they lie in the narrow stretch 
of the valley that straddles the boundary between La 

Libertad and San Martin departments (departmental | 
maps produced by the Instituto Geografico Nacional, _ 
Lima). I identify these localities as Pampaseca and | 

Piflita, respectively, in extreme southeastern La Lib- 

ertad Department, as indexed by Stiglich (1922). — 
Both localities are in Ongén District and the coor- 

dinates given are those for the town of Ongon. Stig- 

lich (1922) states that Pifiita is a small village on the © 
Quebrada Pedernal, a left tributary of the Rio Mish- 
ollo. Apart from indicating that Pampaseca is a farm, | 


ETO]: NE Peru, Front Range between Moyabamba 
and Cahuapanas, 3000 ft [915 m; approximately 
05°37'S, 77°00'W] (AMNH_ 57083). Northeastern 
Peru: Icuta on Balsapuerto-Moyabamba trail, 3500 ft 
[1,067 m; 05°58’S, 76°40'W; given as “Icuto” or “Icu- 
to Cuesta” by Lamas, 1976] (AMNH 56413). 

Stenocercus caducus 

1946.8.29.76 (holotype of Leiocephalus bolivianus 
Boulenger); CM 4583-84. DEpTo. CHUQUISACA: Sud 
Cinti, trail from Rinconada Bufete to El] Palmar 
[1,170-2,000 m; approximately 20°50'S, 64°21'W] 
(UTA 39102). DErro. SANTA Cruz: Buena Vista, ca. 
500 m [17°27'S, 63°40’W] (MCZ 20625-26, 29023; 
FMNH 16165, 21486, 21511; BMNH 1927.8.1.163— 
164: CM 4527, 4550-51, 4558, 4587-88, 4605, 4607, 
4616, 4626, 4634-36, 4641). Las Yuntas [=Las Jun- 
tas:2! 18°38'S, 63°08’W] (CM 970). Provincia Chiqui- 
tos, Santiago (Serrania and nearby), 700-750 m 
[18°19’S, 59°34"'W] (FMNH_ 195983). [| Provincia | 
Chiquitos, Canton El] Cerro, Finca Dos Milanos, 
17°27'30"S, 62°20'00"W (UTA 38046). Provincia Sara, 
eastern Bolivia, 600 m [17°27'S, 63°40'W] (BMNH 
1907.10.31.7-8). Provincia Sara, Santa Cruz de la Si- 
erra [17°48'S, 63°10’W] (CM 966, 969, 13018). Prov- 
incia Sara, Rfo Surutu W of Buena Vista [17°24’S, 
63°51'W] (CM 4590). Provincia Sara, Rio Colorado 
[17°38'S, 63°54’W] (CM 4598). [Provincia] Velasco, 
Inselbergs near Florida [14°38’S, 61°15’W] (UTA 
38048). [DEepro. Tara]: Villa Montes [21°15'S, 
63°30'W] (MCZ 28634). Misi6n San Francisco 
[21°15’S, 63°30'W] (BMNH; specimen col- 
lected by Alfredo Borelli, whose San Francisco = Vil- 
la Montes fide Paynter, 1992). 

PARAGUAY: [DEpTO. CAAaGuAzv]: Pastoreo [ap- 
proximately 25°23'S, 55°52’W] (MCZ 34214—-15). 
[DEPro. CENTRAL]: Asuncién [25°16’S, 57°40'W] 
(FMNH 9496). Colonia Nueva Italia [25°37’S, 
57°30’W] (FMNH 42281). 

Stenocercus erythrogaster 

[30-450 m; 10°55'N, 74°10’W] (MCZ 29707). Santa 
Marta Mountains [approximately 10°50'N, 73°40'W] 
(MCZ 11303). Rio Toribio, Hacienda “Papare,” sec- 
ond river on road from Cienaga to Santa Marta 
[11°03’N, 74°14’W] (FMNH 165153). [DEPTo. SAN- 
TANDER]: San Gil [1,095 m; 06°33’N, 73°08’W] 
(ANSP 24136, MCZ 36877). 

Stiglich (1922) gives no further information about its 

*1 The specimen was collected in November or De- 
cember 1913 by José Steinbach, who collected at a 
locality known as “Las Juntas” during that same pe- 
riod (Paynter, 1992). The two localities are assumed 
to be the same. The variant spelling “Yuntas” does 
not appear in any sources consulted. 



Stenocercus fimbriatus 

DeEpro. HUANUCO: ca. 35 km NE Tingo Maria, Heda. 
Santa Elena, ca. 1000 m [approximately 08°57’S, 
76°02'W] (LSUMNS 26966-67). Approximately % 
mile E Universidad Agraria de La Selva, Tingo Maria, 
vicinity of Rio Huallaga [3, 09°18’S, 75°59'W], 
USNM 193684. [DEpro. LA LIBERTAD]: E Peru, La 
Pinita, Rio Mixiolla, tributary of upper [Rio] Hualla- 
ga, 3500 ft [1,067 m; approximately 08°16'S, 76°58’W; 
see footnote 20] (AMNH 56797-98). [DEPTo. Lor- 
ETO]: E. Peru, Contamana, Ucayali River valley [134 
m: 07°15’S, 74°54'W] (AMNH 56803). E Peru, E of 
Contamana on trail to Contaya, 700 ft [213 m; ap- 
proximately 07°15’S, 74°54’W]| (AMNH 56781-82). E 
Peru, Pampa Hermosa, mouth of Rio Cushabatay, 
500 ft [152 m] [1, 07°12’S, 75°17'W] (AMNH 56788, 
56790-92, 56794—96, 56801—02). Mishana, Rio Na- 
nay, Estacion Biolégica Cauicebus, 150 m [03°53’S, 
73°27'W] (USNM 222377). Mishuana [=Mishana; 
150 m, 03°53’S, 73°27'W]| (KU 212628). DEPTO. Ma- 
DRE DE Dios: Pakitza Station [Rio Manu], Manu Na- 
tional Park [4, 11°56’S, 71°17’W] (Victor R. Morales 
18235). Drpro. UcayYALi: Rio Curanja, Balta, ap- 
proximately 300 m [approximately 10°08'S, 71°13'W] 
(LSUMNS 17519, 25402-04, 26720-23). Alto [Rio] 
Purtis, Alto [Rfo] Curanja, Igarape Champuiaco 
[9°34'S, 70°36’W] (MCZ 61226). Peru/Brazil frontier, 
Utoquinia Region, 1000 ft. [305 m; approximately 
08°00'S, 74°00’W]|22 (AMNH 56789, 56799-800). 

Stenocercus scapularis** 

[DEpPTo. JUNiN]: Chanchamayo, 1200 m_ [approxi- 
mately 11°03'S, 75°47’'W] (FMNH 40608—11). Pere- 
ne, 1200 m [10°58’S, 75°13’W] (MCZ 49580-81). 
Tarma, Chanchamayo, 1300 m [11°25'S, 75°42’W] 
(FMNH 45522). [DEpTo. PUNO]: Sagrario, Rio Qui- 
tin [approximately 1,020 m; 13°55’S, 69°41'W] 

~ The region referred to is north to northeast of 
Pucallpa. The variant spellings Utoquinia, Utoquinea, 
and Uroquinea are in the literature and are applied 
to a right-bank tributary of the Rio Ucayali, a village 
on the Rio Ucayali, and an airstrip on the Rio Uto- 
quinia near the Brazilian border. The entire region is 
less than 500 m in elevation except for a small raised 
area near the Brazilian border that attains nearly 800 
m and that is apparently the source of the Rio Uto- 

23 The occurrence of Stenocercus scapula ris at Rur- 
renabaque, El Beni Department, Bolivia, as reported 
for two specimens in the AMNH (Burt and Burt, 
1931: 273) is apparently based on a misidentification. 
These specimens are probably either S. prionotus 
(most likely) or S. caducus (see Distribution Patterns 
in Stenocercus prionotus). 


(FMNH 40408). “Camp 4” [between Santo Domingo 
and La Pampa; approximately 13°44’S, 69°37'W]*! 
(FMNH 40409). Juliaca, Lake Aracona, 16,600 ft. 
[shipping point only; correct locality is on the right 
bank of the Rio Inambari, 1,830 m, 13°30'S. 
70°00'W |? (AMNH 1701). 

4 According to the field catalogue in the FMNH 
Mammal Division the collector, Colin Sanborn, was 
in Santo Domingo on 20 October 1941 and in La 
Pampa on 23 October (see also notes in Stephens and 
Traylor, 1983). The specimen FMNH 40409 was col- 
lected 21 October, and thus “Camp 4” is assumed to 
be between these points. 

> The specimen was collected in 1900 by H. H. 
Keays, who collected many mammals and other ver- 
tebrates in southern Peru, primarily for the American 
Museum of Natural History. It is clear that most of 
the specimens labeled with the locality “Juliaca” (a 
town on the Peruvian altiplano near Lake Titicaca) 
actually came from farther north in the Rio Inambari 
valley. Allen (1900: 219; 1901: 41) provides the fol- 
lowing information: 

The Museum has recently received two small col- 
lections of mammals made by Mr. H. H. Keays, at 
Juliaca, in southeatern Peru, a little to the west- 
ward of Lake Titicaca. Mr. Keays writes: “Our 
camp is situated in the loop of the ‘Inambary River. 
The country is very broken, with deep narrow can- 
ons, and is cover ed with a dense undergrowth of 
shrubs and vines, with here or there a palmetto or 
a cedar rising above the surrounding vegetation.” 
He gives the altitude as 6000 feet [1,830 m], and 
the position as latitude 13°30’ S., longitude 70° W. 

. it is necessary to correct a misleading statement 
in my former paper in respect to the locality where 
the ... collections were made. Mr. Keays’s post- 
office address was Juliaca, and through lack of ex- 
plicit information, it was inferred that the Inca 
Mines, where he collected, were in the immediate 
vicinity of Juliaca ... the Inca Mines are situated 
about 200 miles northeast of Juliaca, on the east 
side of the Andes, on the Inambary River, a trib- 
utary of the Amazon, and at a much lower altitude 
than Juliaca. The altitude and geographical position 
were correctly given in the fannie paper, but in 
place of Juliaca,, ... read Inca Mines. 

Keays’s information quoted by Allen places the local- 
ity on the right bank of the Rio Inambari in the foot- 
hills of an outlying Andean spur separating the Rio 
Inambari from upper tributaries of the Rio Tambo- 
pata. I have not located a Lake Aracona and suspect 
that this is an error for Lake Aricoma, a high Andean 
lake on the route between Juliaca and the location of 
Keays’s camp. However, it is not at all clear why this 
name is associated with the locality. No notes or cor- 
respondence of Keays are in the AMNH mammal 
department archives for further clarification (R. S. 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 3 

Stenocercus sp. 

PERU: Deprro. AMAZONAS: 17 km ENE Balsas 
[06°49'S, 78°00'W] (ROM 16458). 


ALLEN, J. A. 1900. On mammals collected in south- 
eastern Peru, by Mr. H. H. Keays, with descrip- 
tions of new species. Bulletin of the American 
Museum of Natural History, 13: 219-227. 

. 1901. On a further collection of mammals 
from southeastern Peru, collected by Mr. H. H. 
Keays, with descriptions of new species. Bulletin 
of the American Museum of Natural History, 14: 

AQUINO, A. L., N. J. SCOTT, AND M. MOTTE. 1996. 
Lista de anfibios y reptiles del Museo Nacional 
de Historia Natural del Paraguay (Marzo, 1980— 
Setiembre, 1995), pp. 331-400. In O. R. Marti- 
nez (ed.), Colecciones de Flora y Fauna del Mu- 
seo Nacional de Historia Natural del Paraguay. 
San Lorenzo, Paraguay: Museo Nacional de His- 
toria Natural del Paraguay. 

AVILA-PIRES, T. C. S. 1995. Lizards of Brazilian Ama- 
zonia (Reptilia: Squamata). Zoologische Verhan- 
delingen, Leiden, 299: 1—706. 

BALZAN, L. 1931. Viaggio di Esplorazione nelle Re- 
gioni Centrali del Sud America. Milan, Italy: Fra- 
telli Treves. xix + 368 pp. 

BOULENGER, G. A. 1898. A list of the reptiles and 
batrachians collected by the late Prof. L. Balzan 
in Bolivia. Annali Museo Civil Storia Naturali di 
Genova, series 2, 19: 128-133. 

. 1901. Further descriptions of new reptiles 
collected by Mr. P. O. Simons in Peru and Bo- 
livia. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 
series 7, 7(42): 546— 549. 

. 1903. List of the batrachians and reptiles col- 
lected by M. A. Robert at Chapada, Matto Gros- 
so, and presented by Mrs. Percy Sladen to the 
British Museum (Percy Sladen Expedition to 
Central Brazil). Proceedings of the Zoological 
Society of London, 1903, II(1): 69-70. 

BROWN, F. M. 1941. A gazetteer of entomological sta- 
tions in Ecuador. Annals of the Entomological 
Society of America, 34(4): 809-851. 

Burt, GC. E., AND M. D. BuRT. 1931. South American 
lizards in the collection of the American Muse- 
um of Natural History. Bulletin of the American 
Museum of Natural History, 61: 227—395. 

CADLE, J. E. 1991. Systematics of lizards of the genus 
Stenocercus (Iguania: Tropiduridae) from orth 
ern Peru: new species and comments on rela- 
tionships and distribution patterns. Proceedings 

Voss, personal communication). Stephens and Traylor 
(1983) discuss “Inca Mines” under their entry for 
Santo Domingo, a settlement on the Limbani—Aster- 
illo road, which was apparently close to the Inca 
Mines. See also Vaurie (1972). 


of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadel- 
ae 143: 1-96. 

1998. New species of lizards, genus Steno- 
cercus (Iguania: Tropiduridae), fron western Ec- 
uador and Peru. Bulletin of the Museum of 
ea Zoology, 155(6): 257-297. 

ee Meelo93: Reptiles del Noroeste, Nordeste y 
Taste de la Argentina. Herpetofauna de las Selvas 
Subtropicales, Puna y Pampas. Torino, Italy: Mu- 
seo Regional di Scienze Naturali. 949 pp. 

CHAPMAN, F. M. 1926. The distribution of bird-life 
in Ecuador. A contribution to a study of the or- 
igin of Andean bird-life. Bulletin of the American 
Museum of Natural History, 55: 1-754. 

CHUuBB, C. 1919. Notes on collections of birds in the 
British Museum, from Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, 
and Argentina. eae of the British Ornithol- 
ogists’ Club, 1(1): 1 

CLAPPERTON, C. 1993. seene Geology and Geo- 
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MATHEWS, E. D. 1879. Up the Amazon and Madeira 
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METRAUX, A. 1942. The native tribes of eastern Bo- 
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182 pp. 

notated checklist of the amphibians and reptiles 
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with comments on the herpetofauna of Madre 
de Dios, Pert, pp. 503-521. In D. E. Wilson and 
A. Sandoval (eds.), Manu, The Biodiversity of 
Southeastern Peru. Washington, D.C.: Smithson- 
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O'’SHAUGHNEssyY, A. W. E. 1879. Descriptions of new 
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0 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 3 

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H. EMMONS, AND J. V. REMSEN (EDS.). 1993. 
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Papers 4). Washington, D.C.: Conservational In- 
ternational. 104 pp. 

PAYNTER, R. A., JR. 1989. Ornithological Gazetteer 
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. 1992. Ornithological Gazetteer of Bolivia, 

second edition. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Mu- 

seum of Comparative Zoology. vi + 185 pp. 

1993. Ornithological Gazetteer of Ecuador, 

second edition. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Mu- 

seum of Comparative Zoology. xi + 247 pp. 

. 1997. Ornithological Gazetteer of Colombia. 
Cambridge, Massachusetts: Museum of Compar- 
ative Zoology. ix + 537 pp. 

RODRIGUEZ, L. Be AND J. E. CADLE. 1990. A prelim- 
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A. H. Gentry (ed.), Four Neotropical Rainfo- 
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The Cordillera del Condor Region of Ecuador 
and Peru: A Biological Assessment (RAP Work- 
ing Papers 7). Washington, D.C.: Conservation 
International. 231 pp. 

A Rapid Assessment of the Humid Forests of 
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International. 84 pp. 

AND L. H. EMMONS. 1997. Introduction, pp. 6— 
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See Gans ] 

(1955) and Vanzolini (1977) for clarification and com- | 



pl. In K. von Scherzer (ed.), Reise der 6sterrei- 
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(US ISSN 0027-4100) . | 



BreEvVIORA 1952— 

BULLETIN 1863— : 
Memoirs 1865-1938 ' 
Jounsonia, Department of Mollusks, 1941-1974 ) 

1. Whittington, H. B., and W. D. I. Rolfe (eds.), 1963 Phylogeny and 
Evolution of Crustacea. 192 pp. 

2. Turner, R. D., 1966. A Survey and illustrated Catalogue of the Tere- 
dinidea (Mollusca: Bivalvia). 265 pp. 

3. Sprinkle, J., 1973. Morphology and Evolution of Blastozoan Echino- 
derms. 284 pp. 

4. Eaton, R. J., 1974. A Flora of Concord from Thoreau’s Time to the 
Present Day. 236 pp. 

5. Rhodin, A. G. J., and K. Miyata (eds.), 1983. Advances in Herpetology 
and Evolutionary Biology: Essays in Honor of Emest E. Williams. 
725 pp. 

6. Angelo, R., 1990. Concord Area Trees and Shrubs. 118 pp. 

Other Publications. 
Bigelow, H. B., and W. C. Schroeder, 1953. Fishes of the Gulf of Maine. 
Reprinted 1964. 

Brues, C.T., A. L. Melander, and F. M. Carpenter, 1954. Classification of 
Insects. (Bulletin of the M. C. Z., Vol. 108.) Reprinted 1971. ; 

Creighton, W. S., 1950. The Ants of North America. Reprinted 1966. 

Lyman, C. P., and A. R. Dawe (eds.), 1960. Proceedings of the First In- 
ternational Symposium on Natural Mammalian Hibernation. (Bulletin 
of the M. C. Z., Vol. 124.) 

Orinthological Gazetteers of the Neotropics (1975-). 
Peter’s Check-list of Birds of the World, vols. 1-16. 

es of the New England Zoological Club 1899-1947. (Complete 
sets only.) 

Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History. 

Price list and catalog of MCZ publications may be obtained from Publica- 
tions Office, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge, 
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BicitonallNotes int © ean eee 223 
NUNS trac ty. ea RAAT Ra Sea ars Betleel pee Rh er 223 
TO LUG LOI ie een eaves Weare ee ae ete 224 
Species Groups in the Genus Xylophaga ___. 225 
\V GREET OS ypc is ei, a a ae 227 
Preliminary Report on the Results of 
Experiments on the Ecology of Deep- 
Sea Wood Borers and the Role of Wood 
Hhay ove} IDYStS50) (SSE Lene eee ee 234 
SOUT ey, ecb ee ee 236 
Genus Xylophaga Turton 1822 _. 236 
Xylophaga concava Knudsen _... 236 
Xylophaga gerda Turner new species ____ 237 
Xylophaga grevei Knudsen .......---- 238 
Xylophaga clenchi Turner and Culliney 239 
Xylophaga supplicata Taki and Habe _. 241 
Xylophaga whoi Turner new species 242 
Xylophaga profunda Turner new species — 243 
Xylophaga abyssorum Dall 245 
Xylophaga duplicata Knudsen __- 247 
Xylophaga muraokai Turner new species — 247 
Xylophaga atlantica Richards 249 
Xylophaga washingtona Bartsch 250 
Xylophaga rikuzenica Taki and Habe _... 252 
Xylophaga depalmai Turner new species 253 
Xylophaga guineensis Knudsen 256 
Xylophaga mexicana Dall __..........----.---------- 257 
Xylophaga tipperi Turner new species __. 259 
Xylophaga bayeri Turner new species __.. 260 
Xylophaga japonica Taki and Habe 261 
Genus Xylopholas Turner 1972 _............-...-.- 262 
Xylopholas altenai Turner 263 
Genus Xyloredo Turner 1972 264 
Xyloredo ingolfia Turmer —_.....------------------ 266 
Kyloredownaceli Tamer 2-22) 267 
Achenexalercles tea ee ee ee 268 
Witeratuner© ite cern een res arene ner mee 268 

‘Department of Mollusks, Museum of Compara- 
tive Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mas- 
sachusetts 02138. 

EDITORIAL NOTE. Professor Emerita Ruth Dixon 
Turner died on 30 April 2000 and was for the last 
several months of her life severely disabled; in fact, 
her active work as a researcher was considerably fore- 
shortened by medical problems beginning in about 
1995. Among her Nachgelassene Werke was an im- 
portant manuscript on the systematics of the deep- 
sea pholadid bivalve genera Xylophaga, Xyloredo, and 
Xylopholas, a manuscript that she had been preparing 
for a number of years and one that had the active 
support of the U.S. Department of Defense’, then, 
Office of Naval Research (ONR). Professor Turner 
was unquestionably a leading world authority on 
these taxa and had posted this document, in its pre- 
liminary draft form, on a Web site; after her retire- 
ment and the beginning of the illnesses that plagued 
her, the manuscript was removed from the Web site 
with the intent of readying it for formal publication. Two 
outside authorities, Dr. Jorgen Knudsen of the Zool- 
ogisk Museum, Kgbenhavns Universitet, Kobenhavn, 
Denmark, and Dr. K. Elaine Hoagland, then at the 
Association for Systematic Collections, Washington, 
D.C., were solicited to make criticisms, and these, 
along with my own, were incorporated into a more 
advanced revision of the text prepared by Ms. Helene 
Ferranti, a long time coworker and associate of Pro- 
fessor Turner. Ms. Ferranti agreed to revise this 
Nachlass in accordance with the comments of the re- 
viewers and to update its content and organization. 
Having collaborated with Professor Turner on the 
subject of deep-sea bivalves, Ms. Ferranti is credited 
herein as the person responsible for the final com- 
pletion and revision of this valuable text. The new 
species described, for which specimens are available 
for study in the Museum of Comparative Zoology 
(MCZ), and the taxonomic suggestions incorporated 
into the text are to be credited to Professor Turner. 

Kenneth J. Boss 

ABSTRACT. The provisional grouping of the species 
of the bivalve genus Xylophaga suggested by Turner 
and Culliney is further elaborated, with 37 species 
assigned to six groups depending on characteristics of 

Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 157(4): 223-307, October, 2002 Dore) 


the mesoplax, siphons, muscle scars, and method of 
reproduction. Three cases of variation in species of 
Xylophaga are discussed: variation in response to dif- 
ferent substrates, variation that possibly is genetic, 
and variation in a normal growth series. Some obser- 
vations are made regarding the ecology of deep-sea 
wood borers based on experiments carried out with 
wood panels; these support the hypothesis that wood 
contributes to the growth and diversity of deep-sea 
organisms and that the Xylophagainae contribute sig- 
nificantly to the food chain by converting wood to a 
usable form. A section on systematics considers 19 
species of Xylophaga, of which 7 are new, as well as 
the monospecific genus Xylopholas and three species 
of Xyloredo. Detailed descriptions are given of new 


The Xylophagainae, a subfamily of the 
Pholadidae, is composed of the genera Xy- 
lophaga Turton, 1822, Xyloredo Turner, 
1972, and Xylopholas Turner, 1972. Species 
in the genus Xylophaga range in depth 
from just below low tide (X. dorsalis Tur- 
ton) to depths of 7,000 m (X. grevei Knud- 
son), whereas species in Xyloredo and Xy- 
lopholas are restricted to the deep sea 
(depths of 239 to more than 2,000 m). 
Species in Xyloredo range in depth from 
1,737 to more than 2,000 m (X. nooi Turn- 
er, 1972) and species in Xylopholas range 
from 239 to 366 m (X. altenai Turner, 
1972), with one lot dredged in 2,550 m off 
Port Victoria, S40 Tomé, Gulf of Guinea. 
However, the Sio Tomé specimens were 
boring in coconut shells and may not have 
been living at that depth. 

The Xylophagainae are marine, cosmo- 
politan, and range from moderate to abys- 
sal depths. All of the Xylophagainae, so far 
as known, are wood borers, and all are 
sublittoral. Only in high latitudes do they 
compete with shipworms (Teredinidae) in 
cold boreal waters. So far as known, the 
Xylophagainae do not occur intertidally, or 
in floating wood. Wood containing speci- 
mens of the Xylophagainae usually has 
been obtained by dredging. Occasionally, 
specimens may be obtained from water- 
logged wood that has been brought up and 
thrown ashore during a storm after being 
on the bottom for some time. 

4 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 4 

Until recently, the Xylophagainae were 
considered to be deep-sea organisms of lit- 
tle or no economic importance. They were 
rare curiosities, of interest mostly in their 
role of recycling wood on the continental 
shelf and slope and in the abyss, largely 
beyond the depth range of the teredinids. 
The Xylophagainae often were referred to 
as shipworms and because of the ephem- 
eral, patchy distribution of wood in the 
deep sea were thought to have little im- 
pact on ecological processes. With the ex- 
tension of human activities into the deep 
sea for fishing (especially trap fishing for 
lobsters and crabs), as well as for archae- 
ology, mining, monitoring currents, and 
other activities, these borers are now gen- 
erally considered to be pests. 

Species in the genus Xylophaga (Xylo = 
wood, phaga = eating) are restricted to 
wood, woody plants, and structures made 
of wood found in the deep sea. In com- 
mon with the teredinids (shipworms), they 
have symbiotic bacteria in their gills (Wa- 
terbury et al., 1983). These bacteria are be- 
lieved to have the ability to digest cellulose 
and probably to fix nitrogen. Collaborative 
work with Dr. Waterbury, microbiologist at 
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, was 
unable to culture cellulose-digesting bac-— 
teria from the gills of X. atlantica, but ev- 
idence was found of cellulose enzymes in 
the gill tissue. : 

The three genera of Xylophagainae may 
be briefly characterized as follows: 

Genus Xylophaga Turton. Siphons rela- | 
tively short, of equal length or with the 
excurrent siphon truncated, and often | 
capable of retraction between the 
valves. Burrow seldom more than five 
times the length of the valves and often 
with a chimney of fecal pellets lining the 
posterior end of the burrow. 

Genus Xylopholas Turner. Shell typical 
but with the animal extended and with 
lateral plates on the siphons. 

Genus Xyloredo Turner. Shell typical but 
animal elongated and producing a tere- | 
dinidlike burrow that is lined with a cal-_ 

careous tube marked with distinct 
growth rings and margined anteriorly 
with a periostracal band. 

The Xylophagainae are often confused 
with teredinids, but the gills and digestive 
and reproductive organs in the Xylopha- 
gainae do not extend posteriorly beyond 
the valves. In addition, the Xylophagainae 
do not have pallets to close the entrance 
to their burrows or apophyses for the at- 
tachment of the foot muscles. In common 
with the teredinids, but unlike species in 
the pholadid genera Martesia and Ligno- 
pholas, the only other genera of wood-bor- 
ing pholadids, the Xylophagainae have a 
large wood-storing cecum and probably 
utilize the wood in which they bore as 
food. For details of anatomy, see Purchon 
(1941) for Xylophaga dorsalis Turton, and 
Turner (1955) for X. atlantica. 


Genus Xylophaga Turton. Xylophaga Turton, 1822, 
Conchylia Insularum Britanicarum, p. 253 (type 
species, Teredo dorsalis Turton, 1819). 

Species in this genus are characterized 
by teredolike shells that lack apophyses 
and have a divided mesoplax that is vari- 
able in shape and size. A chrondrophore 
and internal ligament are present. The si- 
phons are variable, united for part or all of 
their length, with the excurrent siphon of- 
ten truncated. The visceral mass and gills 
do not extend beyond the valves posteri- 
orly. The wood-storing cecum is large. 

In his discussion of the taxonomy of Xy- 
lophaga, Knudsen (1961) believed that the 
use of subgenera was not feasible and 
would only lead to the creation of a large 
number of monotypic subgenera that 
would be of limited value. This is still par- 
tially true but new species described in 
this report and the additional material now 
available concerning other species have 
made possible a provisional grouping of 
the species, as suggested by Turner and 
Culliney (1971). See also Hoagland and 


Turner (1981) and Hoagland (1983). This 
grouping is helpful when discussing rela- 
tionships and geographic distribution. The 
characters used for grouping the species 
are those mainly of the mesoplax and si- 
phons in conjunction with the muscle scars 
and methods of reproduction (see Text- 
Fig. 1). The mesoplax is a transverse plate, 
usually wider than long, that straddles the 
valves at the umbos and partially or com- 
pletely covers the posterior end of the an- 
terior adductor muscle. The mesoplax may 
be composed of one or two parts. The im- 
portant character of the mesoplax is the 
presence or absence of a ventral portion 
and tubes: the more detailed characters, 
such as the presence of lobes, seem to be 
of specific value only. Siphonal characters 
include the relative length of the two si- 
phons, the presence or absence of cirri at 
the apertures, and the type of siphonal 
folds, which may or may not have lappets 
or fringes. 

Not all characters are known for all spe- 
cies and a few species seem to be transi- 
tional between groups. There is no ques- 
tion that more material is needed before 
definite statements can be made concern- 
ing the formal use of subgenera. However, 
the grouping of species as presented here 
does offer an opportunity to speculate on 
the possible origin and evolution of the ge- 
nus and to focus attention on the types of 
information that should be considered in 
future studies. Comparative anatomical 
and molecular studies are greatly needed 
but it probably will be some time before 
these can be completed because well-pre- 
served specimens of deep-sea Xylophaga 
are rare and difficult to obtain. 

If we consider species with simple si- 
phons of equal length and a mesoplax of 
two simple flat to slightly curved plates to 
be the basic type, it is possible to group 
the species in what appears to be a devel- 
opmental series of six groups. This list 
does not include all nominal Xylophaga. 
The groups may be characterized as fol- 


Text-Figure 1. 

siphonal retractor 

pedal retractor 

posterior adductor 

ventral adductor 

umbonal-ventral ridge 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, 

umbonal reflection 


Group 1. 

Group 2. 

Mesoplax composed of two 
simple flat or slightly curved plates lo- 
cated posterior to the anterior adductor 
muscle and standing erect. Siphons of 
equal length or with the excurrent si- 
phon slightly shorter, cirri on one or 
both siphons present or absent. Group 
1 includes X. erecta Knudsen, X. con- 
cava Knudsen, and X. gerda Turner n. 

Mesoplax composed of two 
plates that may be curved, flat, sculp- 
tured, or smooth, set at an acute angle 
to each other, lack dorsal tubes and a 
ventral portion, but cover the anterior 
adductor muscle dorsally. Siphons of the 
same length or with the excurrent si- 
phon slightly shorter and with large cirri 
on the sides of the excurrent siphon and 
small cirri at the incurrent siphon. 
Group 2 includes X. grevei Knudsen, X. 
wolfft Knudsen, X. hadalis Knudsen, X. 
galatheae Knudsen, X. murrayi Knud- 
sen, X. africana Knudsen, X. panamen- 
sis Knudsen, and X. clenchi Turner and 

Group 3. 

Group 4. 

No. 4 

anterior adductor 


umbonal- ventral sulcus 

Nomenclature of parts of Xylophaga. (1) Internal view of left valve showing relative position of muscle scars. (2) 
External view of left valve. (3) Dorsal view of animal with siphons retracted. (4) Lateral view of entire animal with siphons 

nearly flat plates set at an acute angle to 

each other forming an inverted V, with 

tubes extending from the posterior dor- 

sal surface or longitudinally folded with 
anterior lobes or pores. Mesoplax lack- 
ing a ventral portion and set in a tentlike | 
fashion over the anterior adductor mus-_ 
cle. Siphons nearly the same length and 
usually with small cirri on both open-— 
ings. Group 3 includes X. supplicata | 
Taki and Habe, X. lobata Knudsen, X. 
tubulata Knudsen, X. bruuni Knudsen, | 
X. obtusata Knudsen, X. whoi Turner n. | 
sp., and X. profunda Turner n. sp. | 
Mesoplax composed of two 
plates that have a small to large ventral | 
portion, the dorsal portion being 
smooth, folded, or lobed. Siphons of the - 
same length or with the excurrent si- 
phon slightly shorter and with cirri or 
papillae at one or both openings. Group_ 
4 includes X. abyssorum Dall, X. dupli- 
cata Knudsen, X. muraokai Turner n. 

sp., X. foliata Knudsen, and X. atlantica’ 

Mesoplax composed of two. 


Group 5. Mesoplax composed of two 
plates that are more or less triangular in 
outline, with a ventral portion ranging 
from very narrow to more than one half 
the width of the dorsal portion. The ex- 
current siphon may vary in length from 
one half to three quarters that of the 
incurrent siphon and have cirri, or it 
may be truncated just posterior to the 
valves and have dorsal lobes or folds ex- 
tending from the truncation along the 
dorsal surface of the incurrent siphon 
for part or all of its length. Group 5 in- 
cludes X. washingtona Bartsch, X. ri- 
kuzenica Taki and Habe, X. aurita 
Knudsen, X. turnerae Knudsen, and X. 
praestans E. A. Smith. 

Group 6. Mesoplax composed of two 
more or less ear-shaped plates some- 
what coiled posteriorly. Excurrent  si- 
phon truncated near the posterior end 
of the valves, continuing as lateral lobes 
extending from the truncation along the 
dorsal surface of the incurrent siphon. 
These lobes may vary in width but are 
always fringed. Group 6 includes X. dor- 
salis Turton, X. depalmai Turner n. sp., 
X. guineensis Knudsen, X. mexicana 
Dall, X. tipperi Turner n. sp., X. bayeri 
Turner n. sp., X. globosa Sowerby, X. ja- 
ponica Taki and Habe, and X. indica 

Most species are known only from the type 

series and these have all been studied by 

the author except X. indica, and the spe- 
cies described by Taki and Habe. Howev- 

er, paratype specimens received through 

the kindness of Dr. Habe are in the col- 
lection of the MCZ. They include X. ja- 
ponica, X. rikuzenica, X. teramachi, and X. 
supplicata, although unfortunately all lack 
the mesoplax except the last. Two species, 

X. teramachi Taki and Habe (Taki and 

Habe, 1950) and X. tomlini Prashad (Pras- 
had, 1932); are known only from the valves 
and remain unassigned. A map showing 
the distribution of species of Xylophaga is 
provided in Text-Figure 2. 

Nineteen of the 37 species of Xylophaga 


listed in the groups above as well as the 
monospecific genus Xylopholas and the 
three species of Xyloredo are considered 
in the section on systematics. Some spe- 
cies are discussed more fully than others 
but the distinctive characters have been 
given for all. For example, Xylophaga mex- 
icana Dall and Xylophaga abyssorum Dall 
are fully described because these names 
were based on valves only and were vir- 
tually nomina dubia. By matching the 
valves of the holotypes with complete 
specimens, it has been possible to fix the 
names of these species. If additional char- 
acters or records are given for a well-de- 
scribed species, a reference is made to the 
original description. Detailed descriptions 
are given for new species. 


Knudsen (1961) aptly stated that very 
little was known about variation in species 
of Xylophaga. Unfortunately, large series 
of any one species seldom have been avail- 
able for study because material usually is 
obtained from small pieces of wood or oth- 
er plant material that has been dredged or 
occasionally thrown ashore as driftwood. 
Of the 30 species listed by Knudsen and 
the 7 species described as new in this pa- 
per, 24 are known from fewer than 10 
specimens; only 7 species are known from 
series of more than 100 specimens. Most 
are known from only one or two localities 
and often all specimens are from a single 
piece of wood, and may all be of the same 
set, that is, have settled at the same time. 
Consequently, it is not surprising that all 
specimens in any one lot are quite similar. 
Only since the beginning of deep-sea test- 
ing and the use of the submersible DSV 
Alvin to place experimental wood islands 
at great depths has it been possible to ob- 
tain sufficient material to study intraspe- 
cific variation in this subfamily. 

The earliest work of this sort was done 
by the U.S. Naval Civil Engineering Lab- 
oratory (USNCEL) and the Navy Ocean- 
ographic Office (NOO). Three cases of 
variation based on this material are re- 


8 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 4 


a praestans 
0 A 

0 grevei 

indica Q 
tomlini or 








° abyssorum 

washingtona S 

pir aoka proto 

. Sue 

duplicata . 



ct ~obata —___ 
murrayi ae o' wliata 


uy 27 


Text-Figure 2. Distribution map of species of Xylophaga. 

ported here. The first case involves varia- 
tion in response to different substrata, the 
second case exhibits variation that possibly 
is genetic because the substrate and all 
other parameters were as nearly uniform 
as possible, and the third case illustrates 
variation in a normal growth series. 
Variation Due to Different Substrates. 
Variation in Xylophaga washingtona in re- 
sponse to the substrate can be denounce at= 
ed with material from the USNCEL tests. 
A series of 10 panels of different types of 
wood were attached to a submersible test 
unit (STU) that was submerged from April 
1965 to May 1966 off San Miguel Island, 
California (34°06'N, 120°42’W) at 2,370 ft 
(730 m) (see Table 1 and Text-Figs. 3-9). 
mhes2)xe6r< 0) d-inl (0S P52 alo a7— 
mm) wood panels were all attached to the 
same rack on the STU so that they would 
be resting just above the mudline. Con- 
sequently, all factors affecting the borers 

were as nearly identical as possible except’ 
the substrate (i.e., the species of wood) on 
which the borer larvae settled and into” 
which they would bore. Text-Figures 3-8 | 
illustrate typical specimens from each of. 
the wood panels; Text-Figure 9 shows 
specimens from a phenolic laminated rod. 
Ihe 1g interesting to note that the dorsal 
plates in all specimens are remarkably uni- | 
form, varying only slightly in length/width | 
proportions. Even the specimens taken 
from the phenolic laminated rod could be | 
identified by the dorsal plates. 

The general shape of the valves with the 
high posterior slope also remained rather 
constant except in the extremely steno- | 
morphic (stunted) specimens from Afam- 
beau and the phenolic laminated rod. It is 
difficult to explain the proportionate size 
of the larval valves on specimens boring 
into harder materials except that these 
specimens had not greatly increased in di-_ 

No. Burrow Burrow 
Specimens Length Diameter 
Wood eanined (m m) (mm) Remarks 

Cedar 50 25.0 4.5 many dead, often three or four specimens in one 
enlarged cavity where burrows ran together. 
Heavily attacked, particularly at one end. 

Ash 125 21.0 5.0 many dead, burrows running together, panel 
heavily attacked, particularly at one end. 

Maple 75 11.0 5.5 well distributed, with a little more concentration 
around the hole at one end. 

Pine 35 15.0 5.0 clustered at one end, newly settled to adult. 

Oak +50 15.0 6.0 evenly distributed, shells yellowish-green from 

Fir 46 12.0 4.5 many newly settled, often cut into burrows of oth- 
er specimens. 

Redwood 46 14.0 4.5 specimens stained dark red brown by wood. 

Greenheart 75 2.75 1.75 concentrated around edges. 

Afambeau 19 0.75 0.05 concentrated at one end, all very small, many in 
umbo stage veliger, 15 small depressions with- 
out animals. 

Antidesma pulvinatum 150 0.10 0.05 many newly settled, just beginning metamorpho- 


= [+__—____| 


Text-Figure 3. Typical specimens of Xylophaga washingtona collected from submerged cedar (top) and pine (bottom). 

230 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 4 






Text-Figure 5. Typical specimens of Xylophaga washingtona collected from submerged oak (top) and fir (bottom). 

XYLOPHAGAINAE *° Turner 231 




ba Saar 

0.1 mm 

Text-Figure 7. Typical specimens of Xylophaga washingtona collected from a submerged panel of Afambeau. 


Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 4 

eae Sa Sy 


Text-Figure 8. Typical specimens of Xylophaga washingtona collected from a submerged panel of Antidesma pulvinatum. 

ameter as they bored so that the larval 
valves were not inturned with the growth 
of the umbos. Evidently little or no attri- 
tion had occurred at the umbonal area or 
the embryonic valves would have been 
worn away. 

The most variable characters in this se- 
ries are the size of the valves and the num- 
ber of denticulated ridges on the anterior 
slope in relation to the length of the valves. 
Specimens from cedar, pine, ash, maple, 
oak, and fir (Text-Figs. 3-5) all were drawn 
to the same scale, as shown by the 5-mm 
scale bar, and are arranged in order of de- 
creasing size. The number of denticulated 
ridges on the anterior slope of these spec- 
imens varies from 12 to 20. Specimens 
from redwood, greenheart, Afambeau, and 
Antidesma pulvinatum (Text-Figs. 6-8) 
were drawn to their own scales and, al- 
though these specimens are much smaller, 
they have as many or more ridges on the 
anterior slope. The specimen removed 

from the phenolic laminated rod (Text-Fig. 
9) has 44 denticulated ridges. Correlated 
with the increased hardness of the sub- 
strate and the additional denticulated ridg- 
es is a proportional increase in the size of 
the posterior adductor muscle and its scar. 
This suggests the enlargement of the pos- 
terior adductor muscle in response to in- 
creased activity of boring. The general 
shape and sculpturing of the muscle scar 
was similar in all specimens. No noticeable 
variation was found in the siphons, except 
size, regardless of the substrate. However, 
specimens that were able to bore deeply 
into the wood usually formed a chimney 
composed of compacted fecal material lin- 
ing the posterior end of the burrow. 

Two periods of settlement apparently 
occurred on some of the panels, because 
specimens of two age groups could be 
found. However, it is impossible to say 
whether the specimens removed from the 
Antidesma were of the second set or if 


Phenolic Laminated Rod 


Text-Figure 9. Typical specimens of Xylophaga washingtona collected from a submerged phenolic rod. 

they had simply been unable to increase 
in size because of the hardness, chemical 
composition, or both of the wood. Because 
the specimens apparently were alive at the 
time the wood was removed from the wa- 
ter and because only a few rows of dentic- 
ulated ridges were present, the inference 
was made that these specimens probably 
belonged to a second set. Certainly the lar- 
val shells shown in Text-Figure 8 must be 
from a second set. The number of speci- 
mens examined and the maximum length 
and diameter of the burrows for each type 
of wood are given in Table 1. 

Variation in the Mesoplax of Xylophaga 
depalmai Turner n. sp. Approximately 300 
specimens of X. depalmai n. sp. were ob- 
tained from tests conducted by the NOO 
about 2—3 miles east of Fort Lauderdale, 
Florida (26°04'N, 80°04'W) in depths 
from 100 to 500 ft (30.5 to 152.5 m) (see 
Table 14 under the description of X. de- 
palmai n. sp. for information giving panel 
numbers, depth, and dates of exposure). 
In this species, the general shape of the 
valves, the siphons, and the muscle scars 
show little variation but the mesoplax is 
extremely variable. The mesoplax is typi- 
cally bilaterally symmetrical, ear-shaped, 
longer than wide, with the two halves 
coiled inward at the posterior end, and 

with a long medial line where the two 
halves meet (Plate 24, Figs. 16, 17). In nu- 
merous specimens, the mesoplax was not 
bilaterally symmetrical, but one half was 
considerably shorter than the other and of- 
ten appeared malformed (Plate 24, Figs. 
11-15). In several specimens, the ventral 
surface of the two halves of the mesoplax 
was fused by the periostracal covering, al- 
though the dorsal surface still appeared di- 
vided. In other specimens, the mesoplax 
was elongated, the coiled posterior ends, 
instead of curling inward toward each oth- 
er, remained nearly straight or curled 
slightly outward, with the ventral surface 
being completely fused (Plate 24, Figs. 1— 
5). In two specimens, the two halves of the 
mesoplax had completely fused dorsally 
and ventrally, although the lines of fusion 
remained clearly visible. The tapered pos- 
terior end of this cornucopialike mesoplax 
coiled slightly ventral and to the left. 
Such variation is in marked contrast to 
the uniformity seen in the mesoplax of X. 
washingtona Bartsch. It is impossible to 
say whether this variation is genetic or eco- 
logic but we are able to say that all types 
of the mesoplax of X. depalmai were found 
in a single panel retrieved from a depth of 
approximately 300 ft (91.44 m). Variation 
in the mesoplax is a factor that must be 


taken into consideration when evaluating 
species in this genus. 

Variation Exhibited in Growth Series. 
In most species of Xylophaga, the dorsal 
plate is quite simple and the mesoplax of 
the young is similar to that of the adult, as 
seen for X. washingtona. Dons (1929a,b) 
described briefly and illustrated a similar 
situation in X. praestans Smith and X. dor- 
salis Turton. 

Some species have more elaborate dor- 
sal plates and for some of these (i.e., X. 
muraokai Turner n. sp., X. bayeri Turner 
n. sp., and X. abyssorum Dall), it is pos- 
sible to build up what appears to be 
growth series. All begin with a simple pos- 
terior covering to the anterior adductor 
muscle that is difficult to differentiate 
among the species in the young stage. As 
calcification of the periostrascal covering 
progresses, the adult form gradually ap- 
pears. In the three species mentioned, the 
characters of the valves and the siphons of 
the young agree with those of the adult 
specimens. Therefore, although living ma- 
terial has not been available and develop- 
mental studies have not been possible, it 
seems reasonable to consider these as 
growth series. Xylophaga muraokai (Plate 
19, Fig. 3) is relatively simple, with the 
dorsal “portion becoming thickened and 
joining laterally with the basal portion 
while the ventral flanges enlarge. In X. 
bayeri (Plate 31, Fig. 3), the broad trans- 
verse dorsal portion becomes very con- 
spicuous and in X. abyssorum (Plate 15, 
Figs. 4, 5), the dorsal incurving of the ee 
eral arms produce an elaborately lobed 
mesoplax. Nothing is known of the allo- 
metric changes ihe take place during 
growth of ine peculiar dorsal plates of xX 
tubulata Knudsen, X. bruuni Knudsen, X. 
obtusata Knudsen, and X. whoi Turner n. 

Detailed studies of these growth series 
will have to await improved techniques for 
handling living material under deep-sea 
conditions, and the ability to rear deep-sea 
species in the laboratory. In the meantime, 
it seems best to consider these forms as 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 4 

members of growth series rather than dif-_ 
ferent species, particularly because the se-_ 
ries in each case was built up from mate- i 
rial taken from a single piece of wood. | 


The results of the first exposures of 
wood panels at the Woods Hole Oceano- 
graphic Institution (WHOI)—Alvin per- | 
manent bottom station south of Woods | 
Hole (39°46'N, 70°41'W, in 1,830 m) were | 
reported in 1973 (Turner, 1973). At that 
time, the Xylophagainae were postulated — 
to be the most important deep-sea organ-_ 
isms involved in converting woody plant 
material to an available food source for | 
other organisms. 

Pursuing this theory and to continue the 
studies of the ecology and life history of 
the Xylophagainae, wood panels were ex- 
posed at the Alvin permanent station in 
the Tongue of the Ocean, Bahama Islands, 
on 19-22 January 1974 (Alvin dives 492, 
493, 494, and 495) at a depth of 2,032 m. 
The first of these panels was picked up on 
7 March 1974, frozen immediately, and re- 
turned to Woods Hole where it was ex- 
amined. Newly settled larvae and meta- 
morphosing X ylophaga with one to two 
rows of denticulated ridges were removed 
from the panel. The specimens were ap- 
proximately 300 ym in length and the 
greatest penetration was about twice the 
depth of the shell. The debris rings sur- 
rounding the burrows were much coarser 
than tose made by teredinids. The distri- 
bution of the entrance holes was some- 
what patchy and varied from 5 to 20 cm’. 
The specimens were too young to identify 
because none of the dorsal plates had been 
formed but examination with scanning 
electron microscopy showed a well-devel- 
oped distinctive sculpture on the larval 

This first panel from the Tongue of the 
Ocean established that Xylophaga were 


just beginning to settle on the wood a max- 
imum of 48 days after it was implanted in 
‘the bottom and that settlement of larvae 
could occur in early March, at least at this 

Three more panels were removed from 
the Tongue of the Ocean station (Tower 
1—west arm) on 19 April 1975 during Al- 
vin dive 552. I was an observer on this dive 
and as we approached the panels I noticed 
an increase in the number of shrimp and 
galatheid crabs. The panels had numerous 
crabs crawling all over them. Some of the 
crabs had crawled under the plastic mesh 
bags covering the panels and had grown so 
lar: ge they could not escape. (Note: After 
the. near loss of the panels at the northern 
station because of the heavy attack of bor- 
ers, the decision was made to put the pan- 
els in plastic mesh bags so that the pieces 
could be retrieved if they began to disin- 
tegrate.) The specimens inside the bag 
were carried to the surface with the pan- 
els. When the panel was disturbed, the 
specimens on the outside of the mesh fell 
off. The largest of the 12 crabs was 43 mm 
in length. The diamond-shaped opening of 
the mesh was 5 X 10 mm. The smallest 
crab measured § ae in length; others 
measured 40, 33, 32, 30, and 24 mm. It is 
obvious that the se were finding suffi- 
cient food either in or on the wood B grow 
at a fairly rapid rate. 

The first young crabs to find the wood 
may have fed on the newly settled Xylo- 
phaga larvae and this might explain the 
patchy distribution of tne borers in the 
panels. However, the larger crabs would 
not have stayed on the wood unless there 
was something for them to eat. The crabs 
had to be under 10 mm in length to get 
under the mesh and if the larvae were not 
settling until early March it would be at 
least early May before the borers had 
grown sufficiently to be a good food source 
for the crabs. Therefore, I think we can 
postulate that the largest crab measured 
grew at least 33 mm in a period of 10 

Examination of the panels showed 


rather heavy attack of three species of Xy- 
lophagainae. These included Xyloredo 
nooi Turner and two Xylophaga species, 
Xylophaga clenchi Turner and Culliney 
and X. profunda Turner n. sp. The X. nooi 
were typical with valves that reached 5 
mm in length and burrows that were 18— 
22 mm in length. The calcareous lining of 
the burrow of the largest specimen was 13 
mm long and 2.5 mm in diameter at its 
anterior end. The smaller species of Xy- 
lophaga, X. clenchi Turner and Culliney, 
also had been obtained previously from 
wood exposed in the Tongue of the Ocean 
by John DePalma of the: NOO. This is a 
fairly small species. The valves were 8—10 
mm in length and several of the specimens 
were carrying larvae on the umbonal area 
of the valves. The larvae measured 0.2 mm 
in length. The large species of Xylophaga, 
X. profunda Turner n. sp., had not been 
seen before. The valves were 14 mm in 
length, and one specimen measured 40 
mim to the tip of the siphons. The burrows 
were 45-50 mm in length. Both X. clenchi 
and X. profunda lined the posterior end of 
their burrows with consolidated fecal pel- 
lets and the burrows of all dead specimens 
contained one or more specimens of cap- 
itellid worms that were feeding on the pel- 
lets as well as the remains of the Xylopha- 
ga. Often the spaces between the valves of 
che borers were filled with the smaller fe- 
cal pellets of the worms. Breaking these 
balls of pellets apart, I always found one 
or two capitellid worms. In the X ylophaga 
burrows and on the surface of the wood, 
I also found two other polychaete worms. 
One belonged to the family Chrysopetali- 
dae and the other to a family of polynoid 

A preliminary examination of the stom- 
ach contents of a broken specimen of a 
galatheid showed that the crab had ingest- 
ed some fine chips of wood because iden- 
tifiable cells remained in the material. 
Consequently, we can postulate that the 
crabs were feeding on the Xylophaga, 
probably dead ones. “The tissues of the Xy- 
lophaga are so soft that they are unrec- 


ognizable in such a preliminary examina- 
tion. The crab’s stomach also contained se- 
tae of the chrysopetalid worms, a small 
nematode, and some sponge spicules. The 
chrysopetalids probably were feeding on 
the capitellid worms. 

I think five points are worthy of notice: 
1) Xylophaga in the Tongue of the Ocean 
as well as at the northern Alvin station are 
growing much faster than one would ex- 
pect. 2) The larvae of X. profunda n. sp. 
were settling in early March. 3) Xylophaga 
clenchi broods its young and was carrying 
young in mid-April. 4) Probably the crabs 
and worms were also growing faster than 
normal for the deep sea. 5) A food chain 
based on wood and Xylophaga was being 

This lends support to my hypothesis that 
wood is an important source of enrich- 
ment in the deep sea, that it contributes 
to both the diversity of organisms in a giv- 
en area and to their rate of growth, and 
that the Xylophagainae are the most im- 
portant organisms involved in converting 
the wood to a usable form. To my lenovell 
edge, this isthe first documented food 
chain for invertebrates in the deep sea. On 
the basis of these simple experiments, it 
now seems conceivable that the slow 
growth rates usually attributed to deep-sea 
animals may be due to lack of food, at least 
for epifaunal forms, rather than being an 
inherent characteristic of the species in- 


Xylophaga concava Knudsen 
Plate 1 

Xylophaga concava Knudsen, 1961, Galathea Report, 
5: 167-169, figs. 4, 5 (Galathea, station 726, Gulf 
of Panama [5°49'N, 78°52’W] in 3,270-3,672 m). 
Holotype, Zoological Museum, University of Co- 
penhagen; paratype, MCZ 235796. 

Distinctive Characters. Posterior slope 
of valves concave when viewed dorsally. 
Mesoplax composed of two rather wide, 
erect, curved plates that extend above the 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 4 

umbos. Siphons nearly the same length, 
excurrent slightly shorter with a few large | 
cirri, incurrent siphon with many small cir 
ri (Plate 1, Figs. 2, 3). Chimney apparently | 
lacking, not mentioned by Knudsen and. 
not found with the single specimen re- 
ported here. | 

Remarks. At the time Knudsen de-- 
scribed this species he had 4 Specimen: 
from Galathea station 726 and 25 speci-_ 
mens from Galathea station 739. Both of | | 
these stations were given as in Gulf of Pan- 
ama. However, station 726 is about 95. 
miles west of the Gulf of Tibuga, Colom- 
bia, whereas station 739 is about 90 miles. 
west of Ensenada Guayabo, Panama. A 
single specimen of X. concava was taken’ 
by the R/V Pillsbury at station 526. This 
locality is about midway between the two 
Galathea stations. | 

The Pillsbury specimen agrees closely 
with the description and figures given by 
Knudsen (1961) except that the incurrent. 
siphon has a double row of about 25 small 
cirri around the aperture and the excur- 
rent siphon has 6 large cirri (Plate 1, figs. 
2, 3). Concerning the siphons, Knudsen’ 
stated that “both openings are at the distal 
end, close together, and around them 15— 
16 small cirri are present.” In Knudsen’s- 
illustration, the distal ends of the siphons _ 
appear to be contracted; neither the two 
openings nor the cirri are apparent. The 
contracted condition of Knudsen’s speci-| 
mens probably accounts for the differenc-| 
es noted here. 

Xylophaga concava is closely related to| 
Xylophaga g gerda Turner n. sp. but differs 
in the size Ok the mesoplax, the type of | 
siphonal openings, and the chimney. (See 
Remarks under x. gerda.) Xylophaga con-. 
vava also is related to X. erecta Knudsen: 
(1961) from the Sulu Sea. Knudsen (1961) | 
reported that no cirri were visible on the. 
siphons of X. erecta, that the posterior ad- 
ductor scar was much broader in X. con-_ 
cava, and that the posterior slope of the 
valve viewed dorsally was convex in X. er 
ecta rather than concave. Knudsen’s de-’ 
scription of X. erecta was based on 20) 

specimens and unfortunately no further 
records have been obtained. 

Range. From off Ensenada Guayabo, 
Pannen south to off the Gulf of Tibuga, 
Colombia, in depths from about 915 “he 
3,670 m. 

Specimens Examined. COLOMBIA: Galathea, sta- 
tion 739, Gulf of Panama, about 90 miles W of En- 
senada Guayabo (7°22'N, 79°32’W) in 915-975 m 
(dried specimens); Pillsbury, station 526, about 110 
miles W of Cabo Marzo (6°53’'N, 79°27'W) in 3,193— 
3,211 m: Galathea, station 726, Gulf of ee 
(5°49'N, 78°52’W) in 3,270-3,670 m. 

Xylophaga gerda? Turner new species 
Plates 2, 3 

Holotype. MCZ 328378. Paratypes, 
MCZ 316741, 316742. 

Type Locality. Gerda, station 499, about 
3 miles off Southwest Point, Great Baha- 
ma Island, Bahama Islands (26°37'N, 
78°56’W) in 155 fathoms (283.96 m). 

Distinctive Characters. Posterior slope 
of valves concave when viewed dorsally. 
Mesoplax composed of two narrow, erect 
curved plates at the posterior end of the 

anterior adductor muscle. Siphons of 

equal length, with a periostracal sheath 
and four or five cirri surrounding the ap- 
ertures. Chimney composed of fecal ma- 
terial agglutinized to a periostracal base 
Welate 2, Fig. 7). 

Description. Shell globose, fragile, 
reaching 3.0 mm in length and 2.8 mm in 
height, alae inflated. Pedal angle 110— 
115°. Anterior slope with up to 45 rather 
evenly spaced denticulated ridges. Umbo- 
nal_ventral sulcus narrow and only slightly 
depressed. Disc and posterior slope sculp- 
tured with fine, incised growth lines. Pos- 
terior slope high, flaring, and somewhat 

Inner surface of valves smooth and glis- 
tening. Umbonal—ventral ridge low and in- 
distinct except near the wide, low ventral 
condyle. Chondrophore and internal liga- 

2 Named for R/V Gerda, Rosenstiel School of Ma- 
rine and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Miami, 
Miami, Florida, whose station 499 is the type locality. 

Length Height 
(mm) (mm) Location 
Tail 1.0 Gerda, station 266 
15 1.4 Gerda, station 266 
1.8 2.0 Gerda, station 266 
2.5 2.3 paratype 
3.0 2.5 holotype 
3.0 2.8 Pillsbury, station 328 
3.3 3.0 Pillsbury, station 944 
3.8 3 Pillsbury, station 944 
ment small. Posterior adductor muscle 

scar large with faint transverse impres- 
sions, which are best seen externally on an 
entire specimen. Disc separated from pos- 
terior slope by a shelflike ridge (Plate 3, 
figs. 2-5). Pedal and siphonal retractor 
scars not visible. 

Mesoplax composed of two erect, nar- 
row, curved, slightly calcified plates, locat- 
ed just posterior to the anterior adductor 
muscle and not extending above the um- 

Siphons long, probably not capable of 
retraction between the valves, of equal 
length, united nearly to the tip, with a thin 
periostracal sheath. Siphonal apertures of 
about equal size, each with four or five 
comparatively large cirri, which appear as 
a common ring of cirri when the siphons 
are retracted. A brown periostracal cylin- 
der containing fecal material may extend 
nearly one hale the length of the excurrent 
siphon (Plate 2, Figs. 124) Chimney built 
in sections, composed of fine fecal material 
agelutinized on a periostracal lining with 
“leaves” of periostracum extending to the 
outer surface (Plate 2, Figs. 6, 7). Arrange- 
ment of the gills and labial palps typical 
for the genus, foot large but not muscular, 
cecum very large and showing through the 
foot (Plate 2, Fig. 5). Pedal and siphonal 
retractor muscles weak, their arrangement 
typical for the genus. 

Measurements. See Table 2. 

Remarks. On the basis of the shell and 
the mesoplax, this species is closely related 
to X. concava Knudsen from the Gulf of 
Panama. It differs in being much smaller 


(none of the 19 specimens reached 4 mm 
in length, whereas Knudsen gives 8.6 mm 
for X. concava) and in having a narrow me- 
soplax that does not extend above the um- 
bos. In addition, the excurrent and incur- 
rent siphons of X. gerda are the same 
length, are separate at the tip, and the ap- 
ertures of both siphons have four or five 
relatively large cirri. In X. concava, the si- 
phons are joined for their entire length 
and the excurrent siphon is slightly shorter. 
The type of chimney produced by X. gerda 
is unlike any other known to date in this 

Unfortunately, all the specimens of X. 
gerda are small, extremely fragile, and 
rather poorly preserved. Consequently, it 
has been impossible to do anatomical work 
beyond that mentioned in the description. 
One specimen from which the valves were 
removed appeared to have an accessory 
genital organ similar to that described by 
Purchon (1941). 

Range. Probably throughout the Carib- 
bean in depths from about 283 to 2,072 m. 

Specimens Examined. BAHAMA ISLANDS: Ger- 
da, station 499, about 3 miles off Southwest Point, 
Great Bahama Island (26°37'N, 78°56’W) in 155 fath- 
oms (283 m). UNITED STATES, FLORIDA: Gerda, 
station 266, off Fowey Rocks, Florida Keys (25°39'N, 
79°58’W) in 185-187 fathoms (338-342 m). LESSER 
ANTILLES: Pillsbury, station 944, 45 miles N of 
Port Louis, Guadeloupe Island (16°32.2'N, 
61°36.8'W) in 364-421 m. PANAMA: Pillsbury, sta- 
tion 328, about 25 miles N of Punta San Blas, Gulf 
of San Blas (9°55.8’N, 78°59.8’W) in 2,069-—2,072 m. 

Xylophaga grevei Knudsen 
Plate 4 

Xylophaga grevei Knudsen, 1961, Galathea Report, 
5: 176, figs. 16-18 (Galathea, station 495, Banda 
Trench, south of Ceram [5°26'S, 130°58’E] in 
7,250-7,290 m). Holotype, Zoological Museum, 
University of Copenhagen. 

Distinctive Characters. Mesoplax com- 
posed of two triangular plates that are flat 
dorsally, in contact the length of their me- 
dian edge, bent downward on their outer 
edge to meet the umbonal reflection, and 
lack a ventral portion. Posterior adductor 
muscle scar with oblique radiating impres- 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 4 


Length Height 
(mm) (mm) Location 

1.9 1.6 Galathea, station 444 
12.5 11.0 holotype 

sions. Siphons nearly the same length, the | 
aperture of the excurrent siphon much_— 
smaller in diameter than the incurrent si- 
phon and with about 6 cirri; incurrent si- | 
phon with about 35 small cirri. Young car- | 
ried on the umbonal area of the adult. | 
Measurements. See Table 3. | 
Remarks. Through the kindness of Jor-_ 
gen Knudsen, it was possible to borrow the 
preserved dredged wood from the Zoolog- | 
ical Museum, University of Copenhagen. 
In a small piece taken by the Galathea at 
station 444, I found several additional 
specimens of X. grevei. They are much) 
smaller than that figured by Knudsen, the 
anterior slope is much narrower, and the > 
denticulated ridges are more widely 
spaced. However, they appear to be young 
but sexually mature specimens of that spe-- 
cies. From one to five rather large young: 
were attached posterior to the umbos on | 
the dorsal surface of the parent shells. 
Xylophaga wolffi Knudsen, based on) 
only two specimens, also was from Gala- 
thea, station 444. It has valves, muscle | 
sears, and siphons similar to those of X. | 
grevei. The outstanding difference be-_ 
tween these species is the flat plates of the 
mesoplax of X. wolffi, which are set in| 
tentlike fashion at an acute angle to each_ 
other. It has not been possible to compare 
the type of X. wolffi with this new material | 

from Galathea, station 444, but it appears _ 
that these two forms (i.e., X. grevei and X._ 
wolffi) may be equivalent to the condition 
found in X. clenchi Turner and Culliney, 
where occasional specimens have a bent, 
flat-topped mesoplax (Plate 4, Figs. 5, 6). 
Further collecting may show X. grevei and _ 
X. wolffi to be forms of a single species. 
The denticles on the ventral edge of the | 

mesoplax of X. wolffi described by Knud- 

sen may be an age factor but more mate- 
rial is needed to prove this. 

Range. Mindanao Sea south to the Ban- 
da Trench, Banda Sea in depths from 
about 545 to 7,290 m. 

Specimens Examined. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS: 
Galathea, station 444, Sulu Sea, W of Basilan Island 
(7°54'N, 121°30’E) in 5,050 m. 

Xylophaga clenchi? Turner and Culliney 
Plates 5-8 

Xylophaga clenchi Turner and Culliney, 1971, Amer- 
ican Malacological Union Annual Report for 1970, 
p. 66 (U.S. NOO test site, Tongue of the Ocean, 
about 4 miles off northeastern tip of Andros Island, 
Bahama Islands [24°54’N, 77°49'W] in 1,737 m). 
Holotype, MCZ 316743; paratypes, MCZ 316744, 

Distinctive Characters. Mesoplax small, 
composed of triangular, nearly flat plates 
lacking a basal portion; the two plates usu- 
ally meeting at an acute angle in frontal 
view. Burrow lined with a chimney of 
coarse, loosely consolidated fecal pellets. 
Young held on posterior dorsal surface of 
the adult. Excurrent siphon shorter than 
incurrent siphon and with two large papil- 
lae on either side. 

Description. Shell globose, reaching 14 
mm in length and 13.5 mm in height, thin, 
fragile, with a thin, light brown periostrac- 
um that is thickened along the dorsal and 
posterior margin of the valves. Umbos 
prominent and strongly incurved. Pedal 
gape angle about 108°. Beaked portion of 
the anterior slope sculptured with numer- 
ous denticulated ridges that are widely 
spaced in the young, becoming increasing- 
ly compacted toward the ventral margin in 
older specimens. Specimens 5 mm _ in 
length have up to 25 ridges. Posterior por- 
tion of the anterior slope rather narrow. 
Umbonal-ventral sulcus moderately to 
deeply impressed becoming shallower 
with age and bounded posteriorly by a 
broad, low, rounded ridge. Disc and pos- 

*>Named for Dr. William J. Clench, Curator of 
Mollusks, 1926-1966, Museum of Comparative Zo- 
ology, Harvard University. 


terior slope sculptured with uniform, rath- 
er pronounced growth ridges that are par- 
ticularly prominent in young specimens. 

Inner surface of valves smooth and glis- 
tening. Umbonal-ventral ridge prominent, 
distinctly segmented, and with a large ven- 
tral condyle. Chondrophore and internal 
ligament well developed. Posterior adduc- 
tor muscle scar kidney-shaped in outline 
and with irregular transverse, often anas- 
tomosing impressions that become more 
numerous with age. Pedal retractor scar 
more or less oval in outline and located 
just anterior to the embayment in the pos- 
terior adductor scar. Siphonal retractor 
scars small, not impressed, located just 
posterior to the umbonal—ventral ridge 
about midway between the umbo and the 
ventral condyle. 

Mesoplax small, composed of two flat to 
slightly arched triangular plates lacking a 
ventral portion, set in a tentlike fashion 
and held in place by the periostracum and 
the anterior adductor muscle. Plates usu- 
ally meet dorsally at 90° (Plate 5, Fig. 3), 
occasionally at an obtuse angle. They are 
rarely bent longitudinally (Plate 8, Fig. 3). 
Outer surface of plates sculptured with 
ridges paralleling the anterior margin and 
lining up with the denticulated ridges of 
the valves where they come in contact. 

Siphons short, extending only about one 
third the length of the valves. Excurrent 
siphon about one half the diameter of and 
slightly shorter than the incurrent siphon, 
with a well-developed sphincter muscle 
surrounding the aperture and two large 
papillae on each side (Plate 7, Fig. 3). In- 
current siphon has minute cirri surround- 
ing the aperture and a second set of larger 
cirri anterior to them within the siphon 
(Plate 6, Fig. 4). 

Posterior end of burrow lined with 
coarse, loosely compacted fecal pellets. 
Young held by byssus threads on the pos- 
terior dorsal surface of the adult shell 
(Plate 7, Figs. 1, 2). 

Measurements. See Table 4. 

Remarks. This species is most closely re- 
lated to X. africana Knudsen from the 



Length Height 
(mm) (mm) Location 
Des 2a Ingolf, station 67 
B.D 2.0 Atlantis II, station 124 
3 3.5 holotype 
4.0 3.5 Tongue of the Ocean 
5.0 4.8 Tongue of the Ocean 
10.0 9.5 Tongue of the Ocean 
10.0 10.0 Pillsbury, station 104 
14.0 13.5 Pillsbury, station 394 

Gulf of Guinea, West Africa (1°42'N, 
7°51'E in 2,550 m), but the mesoplax dif- 
fers in having a longer median line where 
the two plates meet, a weaker sculpture, 
and in lacking the rounded nodule on the 
ventral surface. Unfortunately, the valves 
of the two known specimens of X. africana 
were too fragmentary to allow comparisons 
on this basis. The siphons of these two 
species are similar but X. clenchi differs in 
having only two rather than three large cir- 
ri on either side of the excurrent siphon 
and in having two rings of small cirri bor- 
dering the aperture of the incurrent si- 
phon. The incurrent siphon of X. africana 
lacks cirri, according to Knudsen (1961). 
Two other species, X. wolfft Knudsen from 
the Sulu Sea and X. murrayi Knudsen 
from off Zanzibar, also have similar dorsal 
plates. The former differs from X. clenchi 
in having denticles on the basal margin of 
the mesoplax with corresponding denticles 
on the umbonal reflection. In addition, on 
each side of the excurrent siphon of X. 
wolffi there are “7 finger-like tentacles on 
a common base and somewhat larger ten- 
tacle dorsally.” The siphons of X. murrayi 
differ in having a circle of about 35 “short 
tentacles” surrounding both openings. 
Knudsen (1961) compared X. wolffi with 
X. supplicata Taki and Habe but exami- 
nation of paratypes of X. supplicata re- 
ceived from Habe showed that species to 
have tubules on the mesoplax. (See also 
under X. swpplicata Taki and Habe.) 
Xylophaga clenchi Turner and Culliney 
also appears to be closely related to X. 
panamensis Knudsen but the latter differs 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 4 | 

in having the plates of the mesoplax | 
smooth. The posterior adductor muscle | 
scar of X. panamensis is oval and irregu- | 
larly lobed anteriorly, the weak umbonal— 
ventral ridge is bounded posteriorly by a | 
groove, and the condyles are lacking. The | 
siphons of X. panamensis are unknown. | 
The variation in the mesoplax of X. clen- | 
chi is interesting and presents some prob- | 
lems. In most specimens, the plates are flat | 
or nearly so and none has a ventral portion | 
or cavity of any kind. The angle at which | 
the plates meet dorsally is typically acute; 
however, specimens from shallower waters | 
(i.e., less than 900 m) occasionally have 
plates that meet at an obtuse angle. Two | 
of the five specimens from Atlantis II, sta- 
tion 124, have the dorsal plate bent lon-— 
gitudinally at a right angle (Plate 8, Fig. 
3), whereas others are typical. Because the 
shell characteristics of these specimens fit 
within the range of variation of the typical | 
forms, they are considered to be ecologic: 
variants. Unfortunately, none of the spec-— 
imens from shallower water has extended 
siphons, so comparisons cannot be made 
on that basis. | 
Although the holotype of X. clenchi is 
small, it was selected because it was the 
most nearly perfect and the only specimen’ 
for which dorsal plates, young, siphons, | 
and chimney all were present. The large’ 
specimen from R/V Pillsbury, station 394, | 
and the two from Pillsbury, station 104, | 
were dead when collected. At least one | 
specimen from all other localities was alive | 
at the time of collection. The specimens | 
from the Tongue of the Ocean were from 
test panels submerged by the NOO from 
4 April 1962 to 17 February 1965. For a 
description of the test site see DePalma 
(1969). One specimen taken by the R/V | 
Atlantis IT at station 119 and three speci- 
mens taken at station 131 were from epi- 
benthic sled hauls in which no wood or 
plant material was found. The specimens | 
were alive and apparently normal although 
they were badly crushed, for they were mi- | 
nute and very delicate. This raises the_ 
question as to whether or not at least some 

species of Xylophaga can survive in a firm 
muddy bottom if wood is not available. So 
far as known, these are the only living 
specimens of Xylophaga not taken from 
wood or other plant material, except those 
that were boring in plastic at the navy test 
site off California and possibly those spec- 
imens of Xylophaga foliata Knudsen that 
came from a station in Macassar Strait 
from which it was reported that no wood 
was taken. The specimens from off Iceland 
were removed from wood dredged by the 
Ingolf Expedition in 1896. All specimens 
were small, the largest being 2.5 mm in 
length. Many had from 1 to 10 large young 
attached to the valves in the umbonal area 
(Plate 7, Fig. 2). This record extends the 
range of the species far to the north but it 
has been impossible to find any characters 
to distinguish these specimens from those 
occurring to the south. 

The difference in the size of the young 
attached to the dorsal surface of the spec- 
imens figured in Plate 5, Figures 1 and 2, 
and Plate 7, Figures 1 and 2, reflects the 
age of the larvae, with those in the latter 
plate having well-developed umbos and 
appearing fully mature. It is interesting to 
note the position of the larvae on the two 
adults and to speculate that perhaps the 
larvae move gradually toward the umbos 
as they mature. 

Range. From off Iceland south to Ve- 
nezuela in depths ranging from 35 to 
4,862 m. 

Specimens Examined. ICELAND: Ingolf, station 
67, S of Eyrabakki (61°30'N, 22°30’W) in 1,836 m. 
UNITED STATES, NEW JERSEY: Albatross, station 
2550, about 160 miles E of Barnegat Bay (39°44'N, 
70°30’W) in 1,977 m. VIRGINIA: Albatross, station 
2731, off Cape Henry (36°45’N, 74°28'W) in 1,428 
m. NORTH CAROLINA: Atlantis II, station 131, 
about 420 miles E of Currituck Sound (36°28.9’N, 
67°58.2’W) in 2,178 m; off Cape Hatteras (35°44'N, 
75°15'W) in 35 m. GEORGIA: Pillsbury, station 104, 
about 80 miles SE of Brunswick (31°00'N, 79°50’W) 
in 247 m. BAHAMA ISLANDS: Tongue of the 
Ocean, about 4 miles off NE tip of Andros Island 
(24°54'N, 77°49’W) in 1,737 m; Tongue of the Ocean 
(24°53.2'N, 77°40.2’W) in 2,066 m. BERMUDA: At- 
lantis II, station 124, about 750 miles E of Cape 
Charles (due N of Bermuda) (37°26’N, 63°59'W) in 




8.5 8.8 


(mm) Location 

paratype MCZ 194820 

4,862 m:; Atlantis II, station 119, just S of Bermuda 

Pillsbury, station 328, about 25 miles off Punta San 
Blas, Gulfo San Blas (9°55.8'N, 78°59.8’W) in 420— 
640 m. VENEZUELA: Pillsbury, station 719, about 
100 miles N of Pertigalete Bay (11°35'N, 64°35.4’W) 
in 770-890 m. 

Xylophaga supplicata Taki and Habe 
Plate 9 

Metaxylophaga supplicata Taki and Habe, 1950, II- 
lustrated Catalogue of Japanese Shells No. 7, p. 47, 
text-figs. 1, 2 (Tosa Bay, Shikoku, Japan, in 100 
fathoms). Holotype, T. Habe Collection; paratype, 
MCZ 194820; Knudsen 1961, Galathea Report, 5: 

Distinctive Characters. Mesoplax com- 
posed of two flat triangular plates set at a 
sharp angle to each other, dorsal margin 
more than one half the total length, and 
with minute tubules at the posterior end. 
The tubules sit deep within the cavity 
formed by the umbos and cannot be seen 
when the shell is viewed anteriorly. Chon- 
drophore of left valve with a large tooth 
(Plate 9, Figs. 5, 6). 

Measurements. See Table 5. 

Remarks. Taki and Habe (1950) de- 
scribed the dorsal plate of X. supplicata 
simply as a “small triangular protoplax 
[=mesoplax]” that is attached vertically. A 
paratype received from Dr. Habe has small 
tubes on the dorsal posterior end of the 

Xylophaga bruuni Knudsen, 1961, from 
the Mindanao Sea is very close to if not 
synonymous with X. supplicata. Unfortu- 
nately, Taki and Habe did not mention the 
tubes in their original description and 
Knudsen did not see the types. Also, un- 
fortunately, Knudsen had only a single 
specimen; hence, it will be necessary to 
obtain more material before a definite 
statement can be made concerning the sta- 


tus of X. bruuni. (See also Remarks under 
Xylophaga whoi Turner n. sp.) 

Specimens Examined. JAPAN: Tosa Bay, Shikoku, 
in 100 fathoms (183 m). 

Xylophaga who/* Turner new species 
Plates 10, 11 

Holotype. MCZ 275015. 

Type Locality. R/V Atlantis, station 
3471, off Cardenas, Matanzas Province, 
Cuba (23°21'N, 80°56’W) in 500 fathoms 
(914 m). 

Distinctive Characters. Mesoplax com- 
posed of two flat triangular plates with a 
short median line, set at a sharp angle to 
each other and with a large hollow tube 
extending outward from the posterior dor- 
sal surface of each plate. 

Description. Shell globose, reaching 7 
mm in length and 6.2 mm in height, Shan 
fragile, and with a very thin, light tan per- 
iostracum. Pedal gape angle walvoue 95°. 
Beaked portion of the anterior slope sculp- 
tured with numerous low denticulated 
ridges; the posterior portion with fine in- 
distinct ridges. Umbonal-ventral sulcus 
only slightly impressed and irregularly 
sculptured. Sculpture on the disc and pos- 
terior slope consisting of pronounced 
growth ridges. Umbonal reflection narrow, 
closely impressed near the umbos, free 
and vertical anteriorly. 

Inner surface of valves smooth and shin- 
ing. Umbonal-ventral ridge becoming ev- 
ident only near the ventral margin but rap- 
idly increasing in size to a large ventral 
condyle. Chondrophore and internal liga- 
ment well developed; chondrophore of fhe 
left valve with a small tooth on the poste- 
rior upper margin. Posterior adductor 
muscle scar large, elongate, oval in outline, 
irregularly sculptured, set high on the pos- 
terior slope and well in from the posterior 
margin. Pedal retractor scar rather large, 
elongate, somewhat irregular, and located 

‘An acronym for Woods Hole Oceanographic In- 
stitution, whose research vessel Atlantis collected the 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 4 


Length Height 
(mm) (mm) Location 
2.5 ORS) Gerda, station 266 
3.1 3.0 Gerda, station 266 
6.9 6.2 holotype 
7.0 6.8 Pillsbury, station 394 
Me 7.0 Pillsbury, station 944 
9.5 9.0 Pillsbury, station 944 
12.5 11.5 Pillsbury, station 944 
13.8 13.1 Pillsbury, station 944 
14.9 14.0 Pillsbury, station 944 

just anterior to the posterior adductor scar. 

Siphonal retractor scar not impressed. 

Mesoplax composed of two triangular 
plates that are set at an acute angle to each | 
other dorsally and have two large, hollow, 
tubular projections extending ‘from the 
posterior dorsal margin (Plate 10, Figs. 3— 
10). Length of dorsal margin less heen one | 
half the length of the plate, outer surface — 
sculptured with distinct ridges paralleling — 
the anterior margin; inner surface smooth, 
with a small internal opening into the tube 
(Plate 10, Figs. 11, 12). 

Siphons short, of about equal length, 
and probably not capable of extending 
more than one half the length of the shell 
Aperture of incurrent siphon large and ap- 
parently lacking cirri, that of thes excurrent 
siphon small ana with a few fine cirri on 
each side ventrally. 

Measurements. See Table 6. 

Remarks. Knudsen (1961) described 
three species of Xylophaga with tubulate 
mesoplaxes, and studies for this report 
have shown that X. supplicata Taki and 

Habe also is tubulate. Three of these spe- 
cies are from the western Pacific (X. tub- 
ulata Knudsen from Macassar Strait, X. 
bruuni Knudsen from the Mindanao Sea, 
and X. supplicata Taki and Habe from Ja- 
pan), and one from the eastern Pacific (X. 
obtusata Knudsen from the Gulf of Pana- 
ma). Xylophaga whoi Turner n. sp. is the 
first tubulate species reported from the At- 
lantic. It is most closely related to X. bru- 
uni Knudsen from the Mindanao Sea but 
differs in that the mesoplax has a propor- 

tionately shorter dorsal margin and larger 
tubes. In addition, the posterior adductor 
muscle scar is set well in from the poste- 
rior margin and the umbonal-ventral ridge 
is evident only near the ventral margin of 
the shell but increases rapidly to a large 
condyle. Xylophaga whoi Turner n. sp. dif- 
fers from X. obtusata Knudsen in the po- 
sition of the posterior adductor scar, the 
shape of the mesoplax, the larger tubes on 
the mesoplax, the narrower anterior slope, 
and smaller umbonal reflection. The third 
tubulate species described by Knudsen, X. 
-tubulata from Macassar Strait, differs from 
X. whoi in having very large tubules that 
extend to the anterior margin of the me- 
soplax and in having the plates bent lon- 
gitudinally at a right angle so they are flat 
dorsally rather than meeting at an acute 
angle. Examination of a paratype specimen 
of X. supplicata Taki and Habe, 1950, from 
Japan shows that this species has minute 
tubes on the mesoplax similiar to those in 
X. bruuni and it may be synonymous with 
that species. (See also under X. supplicata 
Taki and Habe.) 

The specimen of X. whoi Turner n. sp. 
taken by the R/V Pillsbury from off Punta 
Piedras, Colombia, had 13 young attached 
to the umbonal area (Plate 11, Fig. 2). 
Among the other species in this group 
(Group 3), Knudsen (1961) reported that 
the type of X. obtusata had two young and 
the type of X. bruuni had four young on 
the dorsal surface of the adult shell, 
whereas X. tubulata had five young at the 
ventral base of the siphons in a depression 
of the mantle tissue. The young at the base 
of the siphons of X. tubulata were very 
small, about one half the size of those on 
X. bruuni. They possibly had only recently 
been extruded from the excurrent siphon 
of the adult and had not yet crawled to the 
dorsal surface of the adult. It has not been 
proven that the juveniles clinging to the 
mantle and shells of adult Xylophaga are 
definitely the young of the specimen to 
which they are attached, and this has been 
questioned by some workers. However, 
until the species concerned are cultured in 


the laboratory, it is the only assumption 
that can be made safely. The only way the 
young of another specimen or species 
could get into the burrow would be via the 
incurrent siphon. For the veliger larvae of 
another specimen to get to the umbonal 
area, they either would have to pass 
through the gills into the epibranchial 
chamber and then out the excurrent si- 
phon, or go through the digestive tract to 
the excurrent siphon. Neither of these al- 
ternatives seems likely. It is, of course, pos- 
sible that the young of X. twbulata com- 
plete their development at the base of the 
siphons of the parent. 

Range. From off southern Florida to 
Colombia in depths from about 336 to 
910 m. 

Specimens Examined. UNITED STATES, FLOR- 
IDA: Gerda, station 266, off Fowey Rocks (25°39'N, 
79°58'W) in 185-187 fathoms (338-345 m). CUBA: 
Atlantis, station 3471, off Cardenas, Matanzas Prov- 
ince (23°21'N, 80°56’W) in 500 fathoms (914 m). 
LESSER ANTILLES: Pillsbury, station 944, 45 miles 
N of Port Louis, Guadeloupe Island (16°32.2'N, 
61°36.8S'W) in 364-421 m. COLOMBIA: Pillsbury, 
station 394, off Punta Piedras (9°28’N, 76°26’W) in 
230-350 fathoms (419-640 m). 

Xylophaga profunda Turner new species 
Plates 12, 13 

Holotype. MCZ 316751. 

Type Locality. Tongue of the Ocean, off 
NE tip of Andros Island, Bahama Islands 
(25°54'N, 77°49’W) in 1,722 m. From test 
panel submerged from 26 July 1962 to 17 
February 1965. 

Distinctive Characters. Valves with a 
well-impressed umbonal—ventral sulcus, 
bounded posteriorly by a low broadly 
rounded ridge. Posterior slope sculptured 
with narrow, concentric grooves. Mesoplax 
of two triangular plates, lacking a basal 
portion, set at an acute angle to each other, 
folded longitudinally with the anterior 
margin bent inward and with a small pore 
in each anteriorly. Umbonal—-ventral ridge 
on inner surface of valves narrow, high, 
and strongly segmented. 

Description. Shell globose, reaching 
about 11 mm in length, thin, fragile, and 

Length Height 
(mm) (mm) Location 
5.9 5.6 holotype 
Tongue of the Ocean, off NE tip of 
8.0 7.9 Andros Island, Bahama Islands 
Tongue of the Ocean, off NE tip of 
95 88 Andros Island, Bahama Islands 
Tongue of the Ocean, off NE tip of 
10.0 9.8 Andros Island, Bahama Islands 
Tongue of the Ocean, off NE tip of 
10.9 10.8 Andros Island, Bahama Islands 

with a relatively heavy, light brown perios- 
tracum. Pedal gape angle about 95°. 
Beaked portion of anterior slope sculp- 
tured with numerous strong, denticulated 
ridges that are more closely spaced toward 
the ventral margin in adults. Umbonal— 
ventral sulcus narrow, deep, bounded pos- 
teriorly by a low, broad, rounded ridge. 
Posterior slope sculptured with widely 
spaced, incised grooves. Umbonal reflec- 
tion narrow, high, and strongly segmented. 
Incised grooves of posterior slope ex- 
pressed internally as faint ridges just pos- 
terior to the umbonal-ventral ridge giving 
a “back bone and ribs effect.” Posterior ad- 
ductor muscle scar broadly oval, set high 
on the posterior slope, and lightly marked 
with irregularly anastomosing depressions. 
Pedal retractor scar lightly impressed, 
dumbell-shaped, and located just anterior 
to the midportion of the posterior adduc- 
tor. Siphonal retractor scar large, elongate, 
lightly impressed, and located about mid- 
way between the posterior adductor and 
the umbonal-ventral ridge. Chondrophore 
large, that of the left valve with two small 
teeth on the posterior edge. 

Mesoplax composed of two triangular 
plates lacking a basal portion, set at an 
acute angle to each other, folded longitu- 
dinally with the anterior margin bent in- 
ward and with a small pore in each ante- 
riorly at the outer edge of the fold. 

Measurements. See Table 7 

Remarks. This species is superficially 
similar to X. abyssorum Dall but differs in 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 4 

having a low, broad, rounded ridge poste- _ 
rior to the umbonal—ventral sulcus, in lack- | 
ing the deep groove posterior to the um- 

bonal—-ventral ridge on the inner surface, 
in having a pronounced sculpture on the 
posterior slope, and in being larger. In ad- 
dition, the mesoplax of X. profunda lacks 
a ventral portion, has only a single pore in 
each plate, does not produce tubes, and 
appears narrow when viewed anteriorly. 
Xylophaga profunda Turner n. sp. is 
probably most closely related to X. lobata 
Knudsen from the Sulu Sea. Xylophaga 
profunda differs in having a mesoplax that 
is much longer than wide, whereas in X. 
lobata the structure is wider than long. 
Both species have a strongly segmented 

umbonal-ventral ridge and a similarly © 

marked posterior adductor scar, although 
in X. profunda the markings are more ex- 
tensive and elaborate. Knudsen (1961) 
compared his X. galatheae from the Tas- 
man Sea with X. lobata, noting differences 
in the mesoplax and muscle scars. Unfor- 
tunately, he had only a single complete 
specimen of X. galatheae, so he could not 
determine range of variation. Xylophaga 
galatheae possibly is a young X. lobata but 
more material from intervening areas is 
needed to ascertain this. 

On the basis of the general shape and 
attachment of the dorsal plates, X. profun- 
da, along with X. lobata and X. galatheae, 
appear re belong in species Group 3, al- 
though X. profunda is not closely related 
to any species in the group and is placed 
here tentatively. The major differences in- 
clude the sculpturing of the posterior ad- 
ductor muscle scar, the presence of ante- 
rior pores, and the lack of posterior tubes 
on the mesoplax. The chondrophore of the 
left valve of X. profunda has two small 
teeth, a character that relates it to X. whoi 
and X. supplicata, both of which have a 
single large tooth. Unfortunately, Knudsen 
digh not mention the presence of teeth in 
the three tubulate species he described. 
Consequently, it cannot be stated definite- 
ly that this is characteristic of the group. 

The siphons of X. profunda are short, 

probably of the same length and capable 
of complete retraction ation the valves. 
Unfortunately, none of the specimens was 
sufficiently well preserved for anatomical 
work. Four specimens carried young on 
the umbonal area, the smallest had 5 and 
the largest had 75. The young have pro- 
nounced umbos, distinct concentric sculp- 
ture, and measure about 0.30 mm in 

Xylophaga profunda Turner n. sp. is 
known from five specimens taken from 
one panel suum cee in the Tongue of the 
Ocean at 25°54'N, 77°49’'W, Aa from 14 
specimens taken from an asbestos-backed 
panel submerged at 24°53.2'N, 77°40.2'W. 

Specimens Examined. BAHAMA ISLANDS: 
Tongue of the Ocean, off NE tip of Andros Island 
(25°54 N, 77°49'W) in 1,722 m; Tongue of the Ocean, 
Tower 3 (24°53. 2'N, 77°40. 2'W) in 2 5066 m. 

Xylophaga abyssorum Dall 
Plates 14-16 

Xylophaga abyssorum Dall, 1886, Bulletin Museum 
of Comparative Zoology, 12: 317, pl. 9, fig. 7, 7a 
(Blake, station 215, off St. Lucia, Lesser Antilles 
[13°51'N, 61°03'W] in 226 fathoms). Holotype, 
MCZ 8135; Turner, 1955, Johnsonia, 3(34): 156, pl. 

Distinctive Characters. Valves with a 
prominent ridge just posterior to the um- 
bonal-ventral sulcus and with a slightly to 
strongly concave profile posterior to the 
ridge when viewed dorsally. Umbonal— 
ventral ridge on the inner surface devel- 
oped only near the ventral condyle and 
bounded posteriorly by a deep groove. 
Mesoplax composed of two more or less 
triangular plates having a ventral portion 
and a variously lobed dorsal portion; lobes 
varying with age and coalescing to form 
pores or tubes (Plate 15, Figs. 4, 5). 

Description. Shell globose but appear- 
ing constricted posteriorly when viewed 
dorsally, reaching 5.5 mm in length, thin, 
fragile, and with a thin, light brown per- 
iostracum. Pedal gape angle about 95°. 
Beaked portion of the anterior slope sculp- 
tured with fine, denticulated ridges, widely 
spaced in young specimens but compacted 


toward the ventral margin in older speci- 
mens. Umbonalventral sulcus narrow, 
rather shallow, and with a narrow promi- 
nent ridge just posterior to it. Profile of 
valves concave posterior to the ridge when 
viewed dorsally. Posterior slope sculptured 
with faint concentric growth lines, umbo- 
nal reflection erect, the ventral margin of 
the mesoplax meeting it and ateached by a 
periostracal fold. lWnibes inflated, particu- 
larly in young specimens. 

Inner surface of valves white and glazed. 
Muscle scars well marked. Posterion ad- 
ductor scars somewhat pear-shaped, set 
well in from the posterior margin, and 
marked with irregular, elongate depres- 
sions extending inward from the posterior 
margin. Anterior adductor scar covering 
most of the umbonal reflection. Pedal re- 
tractor scar nearly circular and located just 
anterior to the widest position of the pos- 
terior adductor scar. Siphonal retractor 
scar small, elongate, lightly impressed, and 
located anterior and ventral to the pedal 
retractor. Umbonal—ventral ridge not well 
developed except near the ventral condyle 
but bounded posteriorly by a deep groove 
that is a reflection of the external ridge. 
Chondrophore well developed, internal 
ligament strong. 

Mesoplax variables with a well-devel- 
oped, more or less triangular basal portion, 
occasionally with lateral notches in young 
specimens. Dorsal portion developing and 
varying with age; in young specimens, con- 
sisting of lobes extending anteriorly from 
the posterior ends of they plates (Plate 14, 
Fig. 2) followed by lobed lateral folds 
(Plate 14, Figs. 3-5, 7), which grow and 
eventually eodlesce to form pores or short 
tubes (Plate 15, Figs. 4, 5, and Plate 16, 
Figs. 4, 5). Aperture of the tubes in living 
specimens covered by a periostracal mem- 

Siphons short, about equal in length, 
and capable of complete retraction within 
the valves. Diameter of the incurrent si- 
phonal aperture about twice that of the ex- 
current siphon. The margins of both ap- 
pear to have cirri. 



Length Height 

(mm) (mm) Location 
3.0 2.6 Pillsbury, station 944 
3.0 2.9 Tongue of the Ocean, off NE tip of 

Andros Island, Bahama Islands 
Pillsbury, station 944 
Pillsbury, station 944 
Gerda, station 266 
Pillsbury, station 944 

3.3 3.0 
Se) ei 
4.0 3.5 
4.0 3.6 
5.4 4.5 

Measurements. See Table 8. 

Remarks. Dall based his description of 
X. abyssorum on two isolated valves of a 
dead specimen, with the main distinguish- 
ing character being the pronounced ridge 
posterior to the umbonal—ventral sulcus. 
All specimens that have been assigned to 
this species since that time have been so 
named on the basis of this ridge. Among 
the specimens taken from boards sub- 
merged in the Tongue of the Ocean off 
Andros Island, Bahama Islands, by the 
U.S. NOO (DePalma, 1969), was a single 
specimen the valves of which coincided 
with those of the holotype. Two specimens 
were taken from wood dredged off Gua- 
deloupe Island, Lesser Antilles. All of 
these specimens have a pronounced ridge, 
concave posterior slope, and lobed meso- 
plax. With this new material, it has been 
possible to redescribe X. abyssorum giving 
the characters of the mesoplax and a range 
of variation. Plate 14, Figure 6, illustrates 
the dorsal view of the right valve of the 
holotype of X. abyssorum; Figure 3 illus- 
trates the dorsal view of the right valve of 
the specimen from the Tongue of the 
Ocean. These two valves so closely resem- 
ble each other that, except for a slight dif- 
ference in size, they could be from the 
same specimen. Variations in the valves 
and dorsal plates of specimens from Flor- 
ida and Guadeloupe Island are illustrated 
on Plates 14-16. Plate 15, Figure 5, illus- 
trates the position in which the young are 
carried on the adult. The largest number 
of young on any one specimen was five; 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 4 

the average measurement of the young | 
was 0.3 mm in length. 

Xylophaga abyssorum has a small shell. 
but is a distinctive species, particularly in 
the adult stage. It is probably most closely | 
related to X. lobata Knudsen from the | 
Sulu Sea but differs in having a sharp ridge | 
posterior to the umbonal—-ventral sulcus | 
and a far more elaborately lobed mesoplax | 
in the adult. From X. profunda Turner n. | 
sp., the only other species with lobes on | 
the dorsal portion of the mesoplax, X._ 
abyssorum differs in having broad dorsal 
plates with two or more pores or tubes in- 
each. In addition, X. profunda is a much— 
larger species, the umbonal—ventral ridge 
on the outer surface of the valves is broad | 
and rounded, and the deep groove on the 
inner surface is lacking. The posterior ad- 
ductor muscle scars of X. profunda are 
lightly and irregularly marked, whereas the 
muscle scars of X. abyssorum are well 
marked. In the young stage, the mesoplax 
of X. abyssorum is similar to that of X. bay- 
eri Turner n. sp. and X. profunda, but the 
valves of these species do not have a pro- 
nounced ridge. The shape of the valves of 
X. abyssorum somewhat resembles those 
of X. japonica Taki and Habe but the me- 
soplax of that species is ear-shaped and not 
lobed. (See under X. japonica.) 

Range. Based on the valves of dead 
specimens lacking a mesoplax, the range of 
this species extends from off Atlantic City, 
New Jersey, south to St. Lucia, Lesser An- 
tilles (Turner, 1955: 157). Living speci- 
mens are known only from Florida, the 
Bahamas, and Guadeloupe Island, Lesser 
Antilles, in depths ranging from 342 to 
GO soi, 


Specimens Examined. UNITED STATES, FLOR- 
IDA: Gerda, station 266, off Fowey Rocks (25°38'N, 
79°58'W) in 185-187 fathoms (338.3-342 m). BA- 
HAMA ISLANDS: Tongue of the Ocean, about 4 
miles off NE tip of Andros Island (24°54'N, 77°47'W) 
in 1,722 m. LESSER ANTILLES: Pillsbury, station 
944, 4.5 miles N of Port Louis, Guadeloupe Island 
(16°32.2'N, 61°36.8'’W) in 360-420 m. 




(mm) Location 

Bia 3.5 holotype 
2) 5.0 Gulf of Tehuantepec, Mexico 
5.5 5.0 Gulf of Tehuantepec, Mexico 

Xylophaga duplicata Knudsen 
Plate 17 

Xylophaga duplicata Knudsen, 1961, Galathea Re- 
port, 5: 175, figs. 14, 15 (Galathea, station 745, 
Gulf of Panama [7°15'N, 79°25’W] in 915 m). Ho- 
lotype, Zoological Museum, University of Copen- 

Distinctive Characters. Plates of the 
mesoplax elongate oval, with a large ven- 
tral portion, somewhat inflated, diverging 
anteriorly, and standing off from the sur- 
face of the valves. Anterior adductor mus- 
cle extending into the cavity of the meso- 
plax. Anterior slope sculptured with nu- 
merous exceedingly fine, closely set den- 
ticulated ridges. Umbonal reflection 
narrow and erect. Umbonal—ventral sulcus 
narrow, slightly impressed, and bounded 
posteriorly by a faint, rounded ridge. Pos- 
terior adductor muscle scar oval and 
smooth. Umbonal-ventral ridge narrow, 
high, and segmented; ventral condyle 
small. Siphons of equal length, united ex- 
cept at the tip, the posterior three-fourths 
covered with a brown periostracal sheath; 
siphonal openings (apertures set on two 
short tubes) each with six to eight cirri. 

Measurements. See Table 9. 

Remarks. At the time Knudsen de- 
scribed this species he had only two spec- 
imens from the Gulf of Panama. Two ad- 
ditional specimens received from D. Shas- 
ky were taken by the San Juan Expedition 
at station N-12 from a sunken log dredged 
in 60 fathoms (109 m) in the Gulf of Te- 
huantepec, Mexico (15°08'N, 93°28’W). 
Although the specimens were in rather 
poor condition, the valves and siphons 
agree with those described by Knudsen. 
The mesoplax stands off from the surface 
of the shell and, as stated by Knudsen, is 


double, that is, has a basal portion, and the 
anterior muscle extends into the cavity of 
the mesoplax. The siphons are the same 
length, combined in a common sheath ex- 
cept at the tip, and are covered with a thin, 
brown periostracum. The white spots 
mentioned by Knudsen are not evident, 
but the few cirri surrounding the siphonal 
openings are similar. 

Range. This record extends the geo- 
graphic range of the species about 500 
miles to the north. The depth range is 
from 1O9 to 915 m. 

Xylophaga muraokai> Turner new species 
Plates 18, 19 

Holotype. MCZ 316746; paratypes, 
MCZ 316747, 316748, 316749, 316750. 

Type Locality. U.S. Naval Civil Engi- 
neering Laboratory Test Site I, about 81 
miles SW of Port Hueneme, California, 
or about 25 miles S of San Miguel Is- 
land, Santa Barbara Islands (33°44'N, 
120°45’W) in 5,640 ft (1,720 m). The ho- 
lotype was taken from a panel exposed on 
STU I-2 from October 1963 to October 

Distinctive Characters. Plates of the 
mesoplax wedge-shaped, the basal portion 
large and the small dorsal portion covering 
only the posterior part of the muscle. Si- 
phons smooth, of unequal length, the ex- 
current slightly shorter and with 8-10 
prominent cirri. 

Description. Shell globose, valves reach- 
ing 14 mm in length and 13 mm in height; 
the width of apposed valves about 12 mm. 
Valves thin but strong, white, with a thin 
clear, transparent to bright yellow perios- 
tracum. Angle of the pedal gape about 
115°. Anterior slope sculptured with nar- 
row, finely denticulated ridges that are 
widely spaced during early growth, becom- 
ing more closely spaced toward the ventral 
margin in older specimens. Holotype with 
17 ridges on the anterior slope. Umbonal— 
ventral sulcus rather narrow, only slightly 

> Named for James Muraoka, Biologist, U.S. Naval 
Engineering Laboratory, Port Hueneme, California. 


depressed and sculptured with fine growth 
lines. Disc and posterior slope sculptured 
with growth lines only. 

Inner surface of valves smooth and shin- 
ing. Umbonal-ventral ridge narrow and 
marked with distinct transverse ridges that 
appear knobby in some specimens. Chon- 
drophore and internal ligament well de- 
veloped. Posterior adductor muscle scar 
large, elliptical, covering most of the pos- 
terior slope, and marked with irregular, 
faint depressions that generally cross the 
short axis of the scar. Pedal retractor mus- 
cle scar broadly oval in outline and located 
just anterior to and about midway on the 
posterior adductor scar. In some speci- 
mens, the two scars appear to be adjacent. 
Siphonal retractor muscle scars not clearly 
defined but located just posterior to the 
umbonal-ventral ridge about midway dor- 
soventrally. Ventral ductor muscle scar 
long, narrow, and traversing the ventral 
endl of the bonalevenerall ridge. Ante- 
rior adductor muscle scar covering the 
umbonal reflection and the ventral flange 
of the mesoplax. 

Mesoplax small and divided. The ventral 
portion is a large, curved, wedge-shaped 
shield, fitting closely against the surface of 
the valves. Posteriorly, the mesoplax curves 
upward and forward covering the posterior 
portion of the anterior adductor muscle 
(Plate 18, Figs. 3-6). 

Siphons smooth, united, and capable of 
extending over three times the length of 
the valves. Excurrent siphon only slightly 
shorter than the incurrent siphon. Aper- 
ture of the incurrent siphon bordered by 
18—22 long, slender cirri that, in preserved 
specimens, curl inward and are not easily 
seen. At the base of these are numerous 
small cirri and, anterior to them on the 
inner wall of the siphon, 8-10 broad, 
branched cirri. Distal margin of excurrent 
siphon with two broad, short cirri on each 
side adjacent to the incurrent siphon, and 
8-10 long, slender cirri, the longest locat- 
ed middorsally, with those on either side 
becoming progressively shorter. 

The anterior adductor muscle inserts 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 4 


Length Height 

(mm) (mm) Location 
6.5 6.2 paratype 
8.5 8.0 paratype 

11.8 12.0 paratype 

12.0 11.5 paratype 

12.0 11.9 paratype 

12.8 12.8 holotype 

14.0 13.0 paratype 

both on the anterior reflection and on the 
basal portion of the mesoplax. Siphonal re- 

tractor muscles straplike, extending ante-— 

riorly from the base of the siphons along 
the midportion and over the outer surface 
of the visceral mass to insert on the valves 
just posterior to the umbonal—ventral 
ridge. Ventral adductor muscle, formed as 
a thokened area of the fused mantle mar- 
gin, inserts over and to each side of the 
ventral condyles. Pedal retractor muscles 
pass through the visceral mass and insert 
just anterior to the posterior adductor 

Measurements. See Table 10. 

Remarks. The young of X. muraokai 
Turner n. sp. superficially resemble those 
of X. concava Knudsen, found in the Gulf 
of Panama, but differ in having a mesoplax 
with a large ventral portion, in having the 
excurrent siphon slightly shorter than the 
incurrent siphon, and in having a few large 
cirri on the excurrent siphon. From X. du- 
plicata Knudsen, also from the Gulf of 
Panama, X. muraokai differs in lacking the 
brown periostracal sheath covering the si- 
phons, in having an elongate rather than 
nearly circular posterior AR ennettor scar, and 
in having the dorsal portion of the meso- 
plax reduced, covering only the posterior 
portion of the anterior adductor muscle. 

As with all Xylophaga known to date, 
specimens of X. muraokai show consider- 
able variation in size and sculpture de- 
pending on the type of wood in which they 
are boring. A specimen boring in green- 
heart with valves only 6 mm in length had 
45 closely spaced denticulated ridges on 

the anterior slope, whereas a specimen of 
the same size in white pine had only 7 
ridges. Although it is impossible to tell the 
exact age of these specimens, we know 
that the greenheart panel was exposed for 
35 months and the white pine panels were 
exposed for 24 months. Other specimens 
in a white pine panel (exposed on the 
same rack for the same length of time as 
the greenheart panel) reached 12 mm in 
length and had only 24 ridges. 

Large numbers of X. muraokai were 
taken from panels submerged for 2 years 
at 5,640 ft (1,720 m). The openings of the 
burrows averaged about 1 mm in diameter 
and increased rapidly. When specimens 
were uncrowded, the anterior end of bur- 
rows that had reached 15 mm in length 
averaged 12 mm in diameter; burrows 55 
mm long averaged about 15 mm in diam- 
eter anteriorly. The tunnels often ran to- 
gether and frequently two to six specimens 
occupied a large irregular cavity. Appar- 
ently, several specimens occasionally used 
a single opening to the surface. 

Xylophaga muraokai Turner n. sp. is 
known only from the USNCEL Test Site 
I. It has never been taken from panels sub- 
merged at Test Site II, which is just north 
of San Miguel Island in about 2,370 ft (722 
m). Differences in temperature, dissolved 
oxygen content of the water, and hydro- 
static pressure between the two sites are 
probably the responsible factors. It is im- 
possible to say whether or not they are all 
of equal importance. 

Xylophaga washingtona Bartsch, a spe- 
cies of wide geographic and depth range, 
has been taken from wood exposed at Test 
Site I. It is the only species found at Test 
Site II, where it is abundant. For a com- 
parison of the test sites, see Table 11. For 
a description of the test sites, see Muraoka 
(1964, 1965, 1966a, 1966b, 1966c, 1967). 

Range. Known only from USNCEL Test 
Site I. 

Specimens Examined. UNITED STATES, CALI- 
FORNIA: USNCEL Test Site I (33°44'N, 120°45’W) 
about 81 nautical miles SW of Port Hueneme (about 
25 miles S of San Miguel Island, Santa Barbara Is- 



Tempera- Dissolved Hydrostatic 

Depth ture Oxygen Pressure 

Locality (ft) (EG) (ml/L) (psi) 
Test Site I 5,640 2.5 1.26 2,482 
Test Site IT 2,370 5.0 30 1,043 

lands); STU I-1 at 5,300 ft (1615.4 m) exposed March 
1962—February 1965; STU I-2 at 5,640 ft (1,720 m) 
exposed October 1963-—October 1965; STU I-4 at 
6,800 ft (2,072.6 m) exposed June 1964—7 July 1965; 
STU I-5 at 6,000 ft (1,828.8 m) exposed 25 August 
1965-12 February 1966. 

Xylophaga atlantica Richards 
Plate 20 

Xylophaga atlantica Richards, 1942, Nautilus, 56: 68, 
pl. 6, fig. 4 (east coast of the United States). Ho- 
lotype, Academy of Natural Sciences Philadelphia 
178741; Turner 1955, Johnsonia, 3(34): 152-154, 
pl. 91, figs. 1-6 (type locality, Mount Desert Island, 
Maine). (See Turner, 1955: 153.) [Not Turner, 
1954, Johnsonia, 3(33): 5-6, pl. 4 = X. clenchi 
Turner and Culliney; see below. | 

Distinctive Characters. Mesoplax small, 
anterior to and between the umbos, com- 
posed of two triangular plates that are in 
contact the length of the dorsal margin 
and meet at a broadly obtuse angle. Ven- 
tral portion of the mesoplax narrow, form- 
ing a small posterior cavity into which the 
posterior end of the anterior adductor 
muscle extends. Umbonal—ventral sulcus 
shallow with a median threadlike groove. 
Posterior adductor muscle scar elongate 
and irregularly marked. Excurrent siphon 
slightly shorter than the incurrent, the ex- 
current aperture with 15—20 large papillae, 
incurrent aperture with a double row of 
numerous minute papillae (Plate 20, Fig. 
Remarks. Between 16 June 1964 and 16 
July 16 1965, the U.S. NOO submerged 
test panels off Mark Island, Penobscot 
Bay, Maine, in water 200 ft in depth. The 
panels were set in a vertical array at depths 
of 50, 100, 150, and 195 ft. Dissection of 
these panels showed that the bottom one 
had 85 specimens of X. atlantica, the one 


at 150 ft had six specimens, and the one 
at 100 ft had only one specimen. This sug- 
gests that, like X. washingtona Bartsch, X 
Feet Turner n. sp., x depalmai Tain: 
er n. sp., and probably all Xylophaga, the 
larvae of this species do not rise very high 
in the water column and that the greatest 
decrease in attack occurs within a few feet 
of the bottom. Probably a panel touching 
or partially submerged in the substrate at 
this locality would Thewe been heavily at- 
tacked. These tests also showed that the 
valves of X. atlantica may reach a length 
of at least 10.5 mm in a year. Several spec- 
imens removed from wood dredged off 
Ipswich, Massachusetts, in about 80 m av- 
eraged 14 mm in length. The maximum 
length for X. atlantica appears to be 
15 mm. 

The Ipswich specimens were well pre- 
served and allow a more detailed descrip- 
tion of the siphons than that given in the 
paper by Turner (1955) cited above. The 
siphons can be extended 1.5—2 times the 
length of the valves. The excurrent siphon 
is slightly shorter than the incurrent si- 
phon and is combined with it for most of 
its length. The excurrent aperture is sur- 
rounded by 15—20 relatively large papillae 
that on the dorsal surface appear to be 
grouped in two lobes. The incurrent si- 
phon is surrounded by an outer rim of 
small papillae and an inner one of slightly 
spac stouter papillae (Plate 20, Figs. 1, 

Xylophaga atlantica is oviparous and 
does not brood its young. The reproduc- 
tion and larval development of X. atlantica 
are fully discussed by Culliney and Turner 
(1976); they detail methods of laboratory 
culture and illustrate the various larval and 
growth stages. A reexamination of the 
specimen reported by Turner (1954: 5-6, 
pl. 4) has shown it to be X. clenchi Turner 
and Culliney, a species that usually is 
found with young attached to the parent. 
The adult of X. clenchi differs from that of 
X. atlantica in having a mesoplax that lacks 
a ventral portion, in the shape and type of 
marking on the posterior adductor muscle 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 4 

scar, in having a broad, rounded ridge pos- | 
terior to the umbonal—ventral sulcus, and | 
in the arrangement of the papillae on the 

On the basis of the material then avail- — 
able, I formerly considered this species | 
most closely related to X. washingtona | 
Bartsch (Turner, 1956). It is now evident | 
that these species belong to two different | 
species groups. In X. atlantica, the excur- | 
rent siphon is only slightly shorter than the | 
incurrent siphon and cirri surround the | 
aperture of both siphons (Plate 20, Figs. 
1-3). In addition, the posterior ndameton | 
scar is irregularly marked, whereas that of | 
X. washingtona has regular herringbone 

Range. From Newfoundland south to 
Cape Henry, Virginia, in depths ranging 
from about 15 to 1,242 m. 

Specimens Examined (New Records Since Turner, 
1955). CANADA, NEWFOUNDLAND: % miles off 
Argentia in 18.3 m (test panel). NOVA SCOTIA: 
North Bay, Cape Breton Island (46°20'N, 61°50’W) 
in 128 m. UNITED STATES, MAINE: off Mark Is- 
land, Penobscot Bay, in 15.2 m, 30.5 m, 45.7 m, and 
59.5 m (test pa anels). MASSACHUSETTS: 15 miles 
off Ipswich in 73 m; NE of Cape Cod Light off Truro 
in 40 m: E of Nantucket Island (41°23'N, 68°46’W). 

Xylophaga washingtona Bartsch 
Plate 21 

Xylophaga washingtona Bartsch, 1921, Proceedings 
of the Biological Society of Washington, 34: 32 (San 
Juan Island, Washington). Holotype, U.S. National 
Museum (USNM) 334478; Turner, 1955, Johnson- 
ia, 3(34): 154, pl. 92; Turner, 1956, Nautilus, 70: 
10; Tipper, 1968, Ecological Aspects of Two Wood- 
Boring Molluscs from the Continental Terrace Off 
Oregon, Thesis, Department of Oceanography, 
Oregon State University, pp. 8-13, 64-115. 

Distinctive Characters. Mesoplax small, 
anterior to and between the umbos, com- 
posed of two triangular plates that are in 
contact for the length of the dorsal margin 
and are set at a moderately obtuse angle 
to each other. Ventral portion of the me- 
soplax usually greater than one half the 
width of the dorsal portion and keeled. 
Umbonal-ventral sulcus broad and _shal- 
low. Posterior adductor muscle scar elon- 
gate oval in outline with regular herring- 


Locality Depth (m) Exposure Reference 
3 miles off Oceanside, California 109 4 months Turner, 1956 

STU* II (1 and 2), California 722 
STU* I (1-4), California 1,615—2,066 
19 miles off Depoe Bay, Oregon 200 
25 miles off Depoe Bay, Oregon 500 
40 miles off Depoe Bay, Oregon 1,000 

* STU, submersible test unit. 

bone markings. Proximal end of the com- 
bined siphons usually having a thin perios- 
tracal sheath. Excurrent siphon one third 
to one half the length of the incurrent si- 
phon, truncated, and having a narrow 
ridge extending from each side for a short 
distance along the dorsal surface of the in- 
current siphon. Excurrent siphonal open- 
ing small, located at the end of a short 
fibe extending between the lateral ridges, 
and apparently lacking papillae (Plate. OL. 
igs.) 125)'3); Ineur tent siphonal opening 
margined by 15 inwardly extending papil- 
lae (Plate 21, Fig. 4). 

Remarks. In recent years a great deal 
has been added to our knowledge of the 
distribution of X. washingtona, ane inter- 
esting observations have been made con- 
cerning its ecology and variation. The 
many specimens taken from the STU pan- 
els exposed by the USNCEL off San Mi- 
guel Island, California, have shown that a 
great deal of variation exists in the shape 
and sculpture of the valves as well as the 
size of the posterior adductor muscle in 
response to the hardness of the substrate 
in which they are boring. This is discussed 
in the section on Variation. From these 
tests we have also learned that larval and 
adult X. washingtona can tolerate a wide 
range in dissolved oxygen concentration. 
They were the only borers taken from the 
STU II test site where the concentration 
was 0.30 ml/L. The temperature at this site 
was 5.0° C (Muraoka, 1965). Based on 
adults dissected from new wood exposed 
at various sites with known dates and 

6.5, 13.4 months 

4, 13, 25, and 35 

38 and 72 days 

2 months 

2 months 

Muraoka, 1965, 1967 

Muraoka, 1964, 1966a, 
1966b, 1966c 

Tipper, 1968 

Tipper, 1968 

Tipper, 1968 

depth of submergence, it has been possi- 
ble to determine the depth at which the 
larvae can successfully penetrate. These 
data are summarized in Table 12. 

A single large specimen was taken in 
18.3 m from ‘wood that had been removed 
from old street cars and used to make 
Hermosa Reef, % mile west of Hermosa 
Beach, Santa Monica Bay, California. This 
is the shallowest record known for the set- 
tlement of larvae. The apparent scarcity of 
specimens suggests that this is the upper 
limit of the depth range. Living specimens 
have been taken from a fir log dredged 
from 73 m off Vancouver Island: Breen 
Colombia. Although no testing has been 
done in this area, it is likely that, in these 
colder waters, X. washingtona could occur 
at shallower depths. 

Muraoka (1966c) found that “wood 
specimens which were exposed near the 
sediment were damaged considerably 
more severely than Moca specimens which 
were exposed about 3 feet above the sed- 
iment.” This, he said, “indicates that the 
deep sea borers are very active in large 
numbers immediately above the aethinrent 
layer and that their numbers tend to de- 
crease in seawater as the distance from the 
sediment layer increases.” Tipper (1968) 
showed that the settlement of larvae of X. 
washingtona off Depoe Bay, Oregon, was 
dence in proximity to the sea sediment 
interface and that the drop in borer pen- 
etration usually occurred within the first 6 
cm upward from the interface. He also 
showed that, from the initial penetration 



very close to the sea—sediment interface, 
the attack progressed upward with increas- 
ing time of exposure. Analyses of these 
data suggest that 1) the free-swimming lar- 
vae of X. washingtona probably do not rise 
more than 1O—25 ft above the sea floor; 2) 
as the attack increases, competition occurs 
for space; and 3) the second crop of larvae, 
prevented from settling on the lower levels 
because of the activity of the siphons of 
specimens already in the wood, are kept 
swimming and eventually settle on surfac- 
es higher up in the water column. 

Tipper (1968) also pointed out that the 
depth of penetration decreased with in- 
creased density of the wood. Cedar, pine, 
fir, and oak panels exposed for 50 days at 
a depth of 200 m showed an average pen- 
etration of 3.8 mm in cedar, 3 mm in pine, 
IS mm) in fir, and 0:5 mim in oak. De- 
crease in depth of penetration also is re- 
lated to increase in depth of exposure. 
This, he postulated, may be correlated 
with lower temperatures resulting in slow- 
er growth rates or with the increased den- 
sity of the wood from compression at great 

These observations agree with those ob- 
tained from the tests off southern Califor- 
nia (see section on Variation in the Intro- 
duction). From the STU samples we found 
that the softer the wood (except balsa), the 
deeper the Xylophaga penetrated and the 
greater was the development of the chim- 
ney of fecal pellets. In a cedar panel ex- 
posed on STU I-5 for 6 months, two sets 
of X. washingtona were found; the earlier 
set had tunnels averaging 10-12 mm in 
length, and the second set had tunnels av- 
eraging 5 mm in length. Another panel on 
STU ie 1 exposed fork 35 months had spec- 
imens with tunnels reaching 35 mm in 
length. These tunnels averaged 10 mm in 
ghoumeter at the anterior end; a chimney of 
rather coarse fecal pellets lined the pos- 
terior 15 mm of the burrow. Considering 
the greater depth of the STU panels and 
realizing that the rate of growth decreases 
with age, these growth rates agree with 
those reported by Tipper (1968). 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 4 

Based on data gathered to date from 
test panels, it would appear that X. wash- 
ingtona probably breeds throughout the 
year and that the entire larval life is spent 
in the sea. Young specimens have never 
been found attached to the shells of the 
hundreds of adults examined. 

Range. From Vancouver Island, British 
Columbia, south to the Santa Barbara Is- 
lands, California, in depths ranging from 
20 to 2,000 m. 

Specimens Examined (New Records Since Turner, 
Channel, between Saltspring and Vancouver Islands 
in 93 m (C. Carl). UNITED STATES, OREGON: 
about 30 miles W of Seaside (46°00’N, 124°48’W) in 
464.5 m; about 50 miles W of Tillamookhead 
(45°54'N, 125°09’W) in 1,554.4 m; about 40 miles W 
of Silver Point (45°52'N, 124°54'W) in 822.9 m (all 
Oregon State University); 19 miles W of Depoe Bay 
(44°59’ N, 124°54’W) in 200 m; 25 miles W of Depoe 
Bay (44°52'N, 124°36'W) in 500 m; 40 miles W of 
Depoe Bay (44°52/’N, 125°01'W) in 1,000 m (all R. | 
Tipper). CALIFORNIA: Hermosa Reef, % mile off 
Hermosa Beach in 18.3 m (J. Fitch); 3 miles off 
Camp Pendleton pier, Oceanside, in 100 m (F. Snod- | 
grass); USNCEL STU II (1 and 2), 75 miles W of} 
Port Hueneme or about 5 mi NW of San Miguel L., 
Santa Barbara Islands (34°06’N, 120°42’W) in 722 m;_ 
USNCEL STU I (1, 4, and 5), 81 miles SW of Port. 
Hueneme or 25 miles SW of San Miguel Island, San- 
ta Barbara Islands (33°44'N, 120°45’W) in 1,524— 
2,066 m (both J. Muraoka); Allan Hancock station 
1372-41, foe % mile E of Empire Landing, Santa 
Catalina Island, Santa Barbara Islands (33°25' 50"N, | 
118°24'50"W) in 84 m (Allan Hancock Foundacon 
2 miles off Eel Point, San Clemente Island, Santa 
Barbara Islands in 72.2 m (F. Snodgrass). 

Xylophaga rikuzenica Taki and Habe | 
Plate 22 | 

Xylophaga rikuzenica Taki and Habe, 1945, Japanese | 
Journal of Malacology (Venus), 14: 112 (off Riku- | 
zen, Honshu, Japan). Holotype, T. Habe Collec-_ 
tion; paratype, MCZ 194821. Neoxylophaga riku- 
zenica (Taki and Habe) 1950, Illustrated Catalogue | 
of Japanese Shells, no. 7, p. 46, text-figs. 4, 5. | 

Distinctive Characters. Mesoplax com-. 
posed of two inflated triangular plates with | 
a large basal portion and ventral keel; 
plates in contact both dorsally and ven-| 
trally for the length of the medial margin 
(Plate 22, Figs. 5-7). Posterior Adductel 
muscle scar elongate oval, tapering dorsal-| 

ly, and with regular herringbone markings. 
Valves and dorsal plates covered with a 
heavy, brown periostracum. Umbonal— 
ventral sulcus wide and deep (Plate 22, 
Figs. 2, 4). 

Remarks. Taki and Habe (1945) briefly 
described this species in Japanese but in- 
cluded no figures. In 1950, they created 
the genus Neoxylophaga with rikuzenica as 
the type species, mentioning the small, tri- 
angular mesoplax and thick, brown perios- 
tracum as generic characters. Turner 
(1956) Plated X. rikuzenica to X. wash- 
ingtona Bartsch on the basis of the dorsal 
plates. A paratype specimen, received 
through the kindness of Dr. Habe, shows 
that the posterior adductor muscle scar is 
similar to that of X. washingtona Bartsch, 
X. praestans Smith, and X. aurita Knud- 
sen, the other species in this group with 
simple, unfringed lappets extending from 
the truncation of the excurrent siphon. Xy- 
lophaga rikuzenica is closely related to but 
differs from X. washingtona mainly in hay- 
ing a heavy, brown periostracum covering 
the valves and mesoplax as well as in hav- 
ing a much wider, deeper umbonal—ventral 
sulcus. Unfortunately, the siphons of X. ri- 
kuzenica are unknown so comparisons 
cannot be made on that basis. However, 
all species with regular herringbone mark- 
ings on the posterior adductor scar known 
to date have similar siphons so X. rikuzen- 
ica can be assumed to belong to the same 
group. No Xylophaga have been taken 
north of Vancouver, British Columbia, but 
continuous collecting across the north Pa- 
cific may show that X. rikuzenica merges 
with X. washingtona. Until this is done, 
the two species are being maintained be- 
cause they are recognizable and may not 

Range. Known only from off Rikuzen 
and Toyama Bay, Honshu, Japan, in depths 
ranging from 100 to 700 fathoms (183 to 
1,270 m) (Taki and Habe, 1950). 

Specimens Examined. JAPAN: off Rikuzen, Hon- 
shu in 183 m. 


Xylophaga depalmai® Turner new species 
Plates 23, 24 

Holotype. MCZ 316735. 

Type Locality. 3.2 miles off Fort Lau- 
derdale, Florida (26°04'N, 80°04'’W) in 
152.4 m (500 ft) in a test panel. 

Distinctive Characters. Shell globose, 
anterior slope with fine, closely set, den- 
ticulated ridges; umbonal—ventral sulcus 
shallow and bounded posteriorly by an in- 
distinct ridge; posterior slope smooth. 
Umbonal-ventral ridge narrow and high. 
Muscle scars barely impressed and 
smooth. Mesoplax composed of two inflat- 
ed, elongate plates that are coiled poste- 
riorly, vary in shape, and are occasionally 
fused. Excurrent siphon truncate; lappets 
on dorsal surface of incurrent siphon with 
exceedingly fine serrations. 

Description. Shell globose, valves reach- 
ing 9.8 mm in length and 9 mm in height, 
thin, fragile, and with a thin transparent 
periostracum. Pedal gape angle about 95— 
105°. Anterior slope sculptured with ex- 
ceedingly fine, closely set, denticulated 
ridges; specimens &§ mm long had 40-66 
ridges. Posterior portion of the anterior 
slope rather wide and the ridges extending 
to the umbonal—ventral sulcus more 
coarsely denticulate. Umbonal—ventral sul- 
cus barely impressed, nearly smooth, and 
bounded posteriorly by a fine, indistinct 
ridge. Disc and posterior slope faintly 
marked with growth lines. Posterior slope 
with a low, smoothly curved dorsal margin 
that is not reflected. 

Inner surface of valves smooth and glis- 
tening. Umbonal—ventral ridge narrow, 
high, and not enlarging at the vente: al mar- 
gin to form a able condyle. Posterior 
adductor muscle scar barely impressed, 
rather small, oval, smooth, and set high on 
the posterior slope. Pedal retractor scar 
dumbbell-shaped or as two adjacent cir- 

° Named for John DePalma, U.S. Naval Oceano- 
graphic Office, who was responsible for the tests off 
Fort Lauderdale, Florida; in the Tongue of the 
Ocean, Bahama Islands; and in Penobscot Bay, 


Length Height 

(Gaaaa (mm) Location 

6.0 5.5 off Fort Lauderdale, Florida 
7.6 7.0 off Fort Lauderdale, Florida 
8.0 WED holotype 

8.2 8.2 off Fort Lauderdale, Florida 
8.5 7.0 off Fort Lauderdale, Florida 
9.8 9.0 off Fort Lauderdale, Florida 

cles just anterior to the posterior adductor 
scar. Ventral adductor scar large, elongate, 
irregularly oval, located posterior to the 
umbonal—ventr: all ridge and paralleling the 
ventral margin of the valve. Siphonal re- 
tractor scar small, broadly oval, and locat- 
ed just posterior to the umbonal—ventral 
ridge at the level of the pedal retractor 
scar. Anterior adductor scar covering the 
umbonal reflection and the lower suintace 
of the mesoplax. Chondrophore and inter- 
nal ligament well developed. 

Mesoplax composed of two _ inflated, 
posteriorly coiled plates that may be asym- 
metrical, have a well- developed ventral 
portion, are longer than wide, with the 
medial margin Re the plates parallel and 
occasionally with the two parts fused 
(Plate 24, Figs. 3-17). 

Burrow length of specimens with valves 
4—8 mm in length varying from 1.5 to 4 
times the length of the valves. Posterior 
end of the burrows usually with a smooth, 
firmly packed chimney composed of fine 
wood fragments. 

Siphons capable of complete retraction 
within the valves. Excurrent siphon trun- 
cated just posterior to the valves and lack- 
ing cirri. Finely serrated lappets extend 
from the truncation along either side of 
the dorsal surface of the incurrent siphon. 
Incurrent siphon with fine cirri surround- 
ing the aperture. Base of the siphons cov- 
ered by a fine periostracal sheath that ex- 
tends along the sides of the siphons and 
contains Bre: irregular, glasslike granules 
(Plate 23, Figs. 1, Ay 5), 

IMeaerements See Table 13. 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 4 | 

Remarks. This species is most closely re- | 
lated to X. guineensis Knudsen from the 
Gulf of Guinea, West Africa. Xylophaga 
depalmai differs in being larger, having an | 
elongate mesoplax, the posterior end of 
which fits between the umbos, and in hay- 
ing more coarsely serrated lappets on the 
siphons. (See also Remarks under X. gui- 
neensis.) From X. tipperi Turner n. sp., to. 
which it is also related, X. depalmai differs | 
in having an elongate inflated mesoplax | 
that fits between the umbos rather than a) 
broad flattened one that covers them, in) 
having finely serrated lappets on the si- 
phons, in having the granules on the si-. 
phons only in the periostracum rather than. 
being embedded in the tissue, and in pro-. 
ducing a chimney. From X. mexicana Dall, 
ich it also somewhat resembles, X. dem 
palmai differs in the shape of the meso- 
plax, in having narrower, more finely 
fringed lappets on the siphons, an incon- 
spicuous ridge posterior to the umbonal— 
ventral sulcus, and an exceedingly thin: 
periostracum. In addition, the granular in- 
clusions on the siphons of X. mexicana are: 
coarse, chalky, white, and arranged in a 
single line extending nearly the length of 
ines siphons. | 

Variation exhibited in the mesoplax of X. 
depalmai is unusual and unexpected, for. 
in most species of Xylophaga the mesoplax, 
is remarkably uniform unless the specimen: 
is injured or stenomorphic. The extreme: 
forms (Plate 24, Figs. 11-15) are suffi-| 
ciently different to be considered of spe- 
cific value in this genus. However, in the. 
more than 300 specimens obtained from) 
the test site off Fort Lauderdale, connect-, 
ing forms exist between them. The char-, 
acters of the shell, the siphon, and soft: 
parts are similar in all specimens. Conse-| 
quently, because the large majority are’ 
typical (Plate 24, Figs. 16, 17), the ex| 
tremes are considered to be variants. 

Xylophaga depalmai Turner n. sp. was) 
the most common species occuring in the. 
Fort Lauderdale test. It ranged from 1 to} 
3.2 miles off shore and occurred in boards 
placed near the bottom in depths from 100 



From Bottom Depth of 
Shore Depth Panel 
Panel no. (miles) in Feet (m) in Feet (m) 
2 panels without 2.5 300 on bottom 
numbers (91.44) 
Ww44 1.8 100 on bottom 
H50 2.3 200 100 
(60.96) (30.48) 
H56 23, 200 on bottom 
G62 2.6 300 2.00 
(91.44) (60.96) 
G68 2.6 300 on bottom 
59 2.3 200 on bottom 
492, 3.2 500 2.00 
(152.4) 60.96) 
493 By 500 200 
152.4) 60.96) 
497 3.2 500 300 
152.4) 91.44) 
498 Bi) 500 300 
152.4) 91.44) 
500 3.2 500 400 
152.4) (121.92) 
D301 3.2 500 400 
152.4) (121.92) 
502 BP 500 400 
(152.4) (121.92) 
504 3.2 500 on bottom 
505 BP) 500 495 

to 500 ft (30.5 to 152.4 m). In addition, a 
few specimens were found in boards 100, 
200, and even 300 ft off the bottom, which 
means that, in this species at least, the lar- 
vae range well up in the water column. As 
can be seen from Table 14, panels on the 
bottom in 300 ft (91.4 m) were the most 
heavily attacked. This may reflect cyclic 
variation in population density because the 
panels were exposed at different times, or 
that, because of the configuration of the 
bottom and the currents, more wood was 
available on the bottom in this vicinity, 
supporting a native population and a ready 
source of larvae. However, this also may 

nae fa eee 
Sept. 1961 June 1962 +250 
Jan. 1964 Oct. 1964 1 
Jan. 1964 Oct. 1964 2 
Jan. 1964 Sept. 1964 5 
Jan. 1964 Sept. 1964 6 
Jan. 1964 Sept. 1964 31 
24 Jan. 1964 4 Jan. 1965 3 
20 Oct. 1965 13 Oct. 1965 3 
20 Oct. 1965 13 Oct. 1966 10 
20 Oct. 1965 13 Oct. 1966 5 
20 Oct. 1965 13 Oct. 1966 il 
20 Oct. 1965 13 Oct. 1966 3 
20 Oct. 1965 13 Oct. 1966 2 
20 Oct. 1965 13 Oct. 1966 3 
20 Oct. 1965 13 Oct. 1966 8 
20 Oct. 1965 13 Oct. 1966 6 

indicate that this is the optimum depth for 
this species. 

According to DePalma (1969), the salin- 
ity at the test site was uniformly high and 
the temperature of the water ranged from 
24 to 30° C at the surface, from 20 to 25° 
Ghat 100i mand) frome(itos95~ Cratel ds 
m. The northward-flowing Florida Current 
averaged 1.5 knots. 

Range. From Florida north to Massa- 
chusetts in depths ranging from about 30 
to 174 m. 

Specimens Examined. UNITED STATES, FLOR- 
IDA: off Fort Lauderdale (26°04'N, 80°04’W). See 
Table 14. Additional records include: FLORIDA: 160 


miles W of Tampa, OTEC station 3089 in 126 m; and 
OTEC station 3086 in 96 m. RHODE ISLAND: 
From rosewood panels tied to lobster pot set at 
39°57'N, 69°19'W in 45.7 m (Knutton, from Al Ea- 
gle’s ship Reliance). MASSACHUSETTS: Delaware 
II, station 369 (42°37'N, 66°27'W) from wood 
dredged from 174 m. 

Xylophaga guineensis Knudsen 
Plates 25, 26 

Xylophaga guineensis Knudsen, 1961, Galathea Re- 
port, 5: 195— 196, fig. 38 (Galathea, Station 52, off 
West Africa, 01°42’N, 07°51’E in 2,550 m). Holo- 
type, Zoological Museum, University of Copenha- 

Distinctive Characters. Valves globose, 
with exceedingly fine, closely spaced, den- 
ticulated ridges; umbonal—ventral sulcus 
barely impressed, bounded by a weak an- 
terior ridge and a well-marked, narrow 
posterior ridge. Mesoplax composed of 
two inflated cornucopialike plates. 

Description. Valves globose, reaching 
2.2 mm in length, thin, and fragile. Pedal 
gape angle about 90°. Anterior slope sculp- 
tured with exceedingly fine, evenly spaced, 
denticulated ridges, there being about 45 
in a specimen 2 2. mm long. Uinbonalvene 
tral sulcus only slightly impressed, bound- 
ed anteriorly by a low, inconspicuous, 
rounded ridge and posteriorly by a narrow, 
well- deaned ridge, occasionally almost 
bladelike. Disc and _ posterior slope 

Inner surface of valves smooth and glis- 
tening. Muscle scars barely visible. Poetes 
rior Ralductor scar smooth, lobed anteriorly 
with the small pedal retractor just anterior 
to it in the upper embayment. Umbonal— 
ventral ridge and condyle prominent, with 
a parallel groove posterior to the ridge. 
This groove is the internal expression of 
the ridge bounding the sulcus on the outer 

Mesoplax composed of two smooth, in- 
flated, cornucopialike plates, the horns of 
which curl toward each other (Plate 25, 
Figs. 3, 6, 8, 9); the two halves usually 
equal and mirror images but occasionally 
unequal and varying in size and shape. 

Siphons about equal to the length of the 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 4 


Length Height 
(mm) (mm) Location 
0.9 Pillsbury, station 260 
1.3 NED, Pillsbury, station 260 
1.3 1.5 paratype (estimated from Knudsen, 
1961, fig. 38b) 
1.5 1.3 Atlantique Sud, station 33 | 
Q® G9) Atlantique Sud, station 33 | 

shell, capable of complete retraction with- | 
in the valves. Excurrent siphon truncated, 
about one third the length of the incurrent. 
siphon, with narrow and minutely serrated 
lappets extending from the truncation 
along the dorsal surface of the incurrent. 
siphon. Base of siphons covered by a filmy 
periostracal sheath with fine, irregular, 
whitish granules imbedded in it along the) 
sides of the siphons (Plate 25, Figs. 1, 2). 

Measurements. See Table 15. 

Remarks. When Knudsen described X.. 
guineensis he had only “very fragmented 
shells of 5-6 individuals removed! from a 
piece of wood; not a single complete shell 
present.” One specimen had a complete 
mesoplax although only the umbonal area 
of the valves was present. The species was 
diagnosed on the basis of the mesoplax. 
and the large sculptured, bright yellow 

In the course of examining wood | 
dredged from off the western boast of Af) 
rica, T obtained four dead specimens, one 
with a complete mesoplax (Atlantique Sud, 
station 33), and seven small living speci-| 
mens, two complete (Pillsbury, station 
260), all of which appear to be this species. 
The two plates of the mesoplax of these 
specimens are mirror images of each other 
(Plate 26, Figs. 2-4). As shown under X.| 
depalmai (Plate 24, Figs. 11, 12), the me-| 
soplax is not always bilaterally symmetrical. 
Therefore, these new specimens from off, 
the western coast of Africa are being con- 
sidered X. guineensis and a description of : 
the species based on entire specimens is’ 

Although stenomorphs are commonly 
found in Xylophaga (see section on Vari- 
ation), the specimens dissected from the 
wood dredged by the Atlantique Sud Ex- 
pedition and the Pillsbury did not appear 
to be stunted or malformed in any way. 
They were not crowded and the wood was 
not particularly hard. Consequently, on the 
basis of the large number of evenly spaced 
ridges on the anterior slope, the well-de- 
veloped mesoplax, the strength of the 
ridge bounding the ara bomal-rentiel sul- 
cus posteriorly, and the small size of the 
specimens, I consider this to be a small 

All the major characters of the siphons 
mentioned in the description could be 
seen with a dissection scope at 250%. 
However, the fringe on the lappets could 
only be detected under a compound mi- 
croscope at 430. It was impossible to de- 
termine whether or not the fringe extend- 
ed the entire length of the lappet on the 
two specimens that had extended siphons. 
The siphons appear similar to those of X. 

Xylophaga guineensis is most closely re- 
lated to X. depalmai taken from waters off 
Florida and the Bahamas. Xylophaga gui- 
neensis differs in being smaller; in having 
a smooth mesoplax composed of inflated, 
tubular, cornucopialike plates; in having 
more numerous and closely spaced, den- 
ticulated ridges on the anterior slope when 
comparing specimens of equal size; and in 
having a larger, more prominent, strongly 
sculptured prodissoconch. (See also Re- 
marks under X. depalmai.) 

The specimens that Knudsen described 
were taken from wood dredged in 2,550 m 
but the three lots of new material were 
from 147, 145, and 46 m. Although X. gui- 
neensis may extra into deep water, it is 
probably a fairly shallow water species, 
and this would agree with the known 
depth range of X. depalmai, the species to 
which it is most closely related. The fact 
that Knudsen’s specimens were all dead 
and fragmented further substantiates the 
possibility that the wood was carried into 


deeper water after it was invaded by X 
guineensis. The continental shelf in this 
area is narrow and such a movement of 
wood on the bottom could easily take 

Range. Gulf of Guinea, West Africa, in 
depths ranging from 46 to 147 m (living 
material) and in 2,550 m (dead). 

Specimens Examined. CAMEROONS: Pillsbury, 
station 260, off Santa Isabel Island (3°45'N, 9°05’E) 
in 46 m. GABON: Atlantique Sud, station 146, about 
46 miles NNE of Port Gentil (0°03'S, 9°07’E) in 147 
m; Atlantique Sud, station 33, 35 miles W of Ambri- 
zette (7°16'S, 12°17'E) in 145 m. 

Xylophaga mexicana Dall 
Plates 27, 28 

Xylophaga mexicana Dall, 1908, Bulletin Museum of 
Comparative Zoology, 43(6): 425 (Albatross, station 
3422, off Acapulco, Mexico [16°47'N, 99°59'W] in 
141 fathoms [257.9 m]). Holotype USNM 122947; 
Turner, 1955, Johnsonia, 3(34): 150, pl. 90. 

Distinctive Characters. Umbonal—ven- 
tral sulcus bounded posteriorly by a nar- 
row, sharp ridge. Mesoplax ear-shaped, in- 
flated, the two halves not meeting medially 
except at the posterior end. Excurrent si- 
phon truncated; lappets extending along 
the dorsal surface of the incurrent siphon 
finely fringed. Siphons with a single row of 
opaque white granules imbedded along 
the sides. Posterior quarter of the incur- 
rent siphon papillose. 

Description. Shell globose, valves reach- 
ing 10.5 mm in length and 9.5 mm in 
height, thin, fragile, ane with a thin, light 
straw-colored periostracum on the poste- 
rior slope. Pedal gape angle about 110°. 
Anterior slope with exceedingly fine, close- 
ly set, denticulated ridges. Umbonal—ven- 
tral sulcus rather narrow, moderately deep, 
and bounded posteriorly by a narrow, 
sharp ridge. Disc and posterior slope 
sculptured with fine growth lines. Poste- 
rior margin broadly rounded. Posterior 
slope becoming proportionately more 
elongate with increased size and age, as 
indicated in the measurements. Umbonal 
reflection free and recurved anteriorly, ap- 


pressed posteriorly, and covering the an- 
terior portion of the umbonal area. 

Inner surface of the valves white, 
smooth, and glazed. Umbonal—ventral 
ridge narrow, slightly segmented, and 
broadening only slightly toward the ventral 
margin to form the condyle. Posterior ad- 
ductor muscle scar well impressed, 
smooth, broadly oval in outline, set high 
on the posterior slope and at the posterior 
margin of the valve. Pedal retractor scars 
near ly circular, double, and adjacent to the 
embayment on the anterior margin of the 
posterior adductor scar. Ventral adductor 
scar large, irregularly oval in outline, and 
well posterior to the umbonal—ventral 
ridge. Siphonal retractor scar small, bi- 
lobed and located posterior to the um- 
bonal-ventral ridge at a level correspond- 
ing to the pedal retractor scars. Anterior 
adductor scar 
flection. Chondrophore and internal liga- 
ment well developed. 

Mesoplax somewhat variable but usually 
slightly longer than wide, with the medial 
margin of its two halves diverging. Plates 
ear-shaped, inflated, coiled posteriorly, and 
covering the umbos. 

Siphons capable of complete retraction 
within the valves and of extension to at 
least 1.5 times the length of the valves. Ex- 
current siphon truncated, about one third 
the length of the incurrent siphon, and 
lacking cirri. Lappets extending from the 
truncation of the excurrent siphon finely 
fringed. Posterior portion of the incurrent 
siphon papillose; inner edge of siphonal 
opening margined with numerous minute 
cirri. Siphons. with thin periostracal sheath 
posteriorly and with a single row of white, 
opaque, irregular granules embedded 
along the sides. 

Measurements. See Table 16. 

Remarks. Xylophaga mexicana Dall was 
described on the basis of two right valves 
that were in rather poor eomeition and 
lacked a mesoplax. Consequently, it has 
been impossible up to now to relate it to 
other species. Valves of living specimens 
taken off California agree with those of the 

covering the umbonal re- - 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 4 


Length Height 
(mm) (mm) Location 
4.8 4.5 Malibu Reef, California 
5.0 4.2 holotype 
UD ES Malibu Reef, California 
8.0 TS Santa Monica Reef, California 
9.0 9.5 Hermosa Reef, California 
10.5 9.0 Santa Monica Reef, California 

holotype of X. mexicana. Dall’s specimen 

was from much deeper water (141 fath- 

oms) than the Californian series (about 19 | 

fathoms) but it could have been advecti- 

tious at that depth. Xylophaga mexicana | 
Dall could, of course, be considered a no- 

men dubium but this would necessitate de- 
scribing the Californian specimens. Be- 

cause ihe valves of these specimens resem- _ 

ble the holotype of X. mexicana sufficiently 

well to carry the name, it seems best to — 
establish that taxon firmly on the basis of | 

this new material. 

The size of the beaks, the smooth mus- 
cle scars, and the narrow, rather deep um- 
bonal-ventral sulcus with a pronounced 

ridge at its posterior margin relate X. mex-_ 

icana to Xylophaga g alahoce Sowerby from 

Chile (Turner, 1955). Xylophaga mexicana | 
differs from X. globosa in having a much 

finer fringe on the lappets, 

in having a se- 

ries of irregular, opaque granules along the | 
sides of the siphons, and in having the; pos-- 
terior portion of the incurrent siphon pa- | 
pillose. In addition, the mesoplax of X. | 
mexicana is proportionately much smaller | 

than that of X. globosa, and the two plates 
diverge medially. 

In his original descrip-_ 

tion, Dall (1908) did not relate X. mexi- — 

cana to any other species in the genus. 
One year later (Dall, 1909), he gave the 

range of X. globosa Sowerby as Go Pan- | 

ama to Chile but cited no specific locali- 

ties. The Panamanian specimens on which | 

he based this range may well have been X. 

mexicana. | have not seen a specimen of | 

globosa from north of Chiloe Island, 

Chile. The valves of X. duplicata some- | 

what resemble those of X. mexicana; how- 
ever, the siphons of these two species 
place them in different groups. (See also 
Remarks under X. tipperi Turner n. sp. 
and X. japonica, the species to which X. 
mexicana is most closely related.) 

Through the kindness of John Fitch and 
Charles Turner of the California State 
Fisheries Laboratory, Terminal Island, 
California, I received 55 specimens of X. 
mexicana taken from test panels exposed 
on the “replication reef experiments” con- 
ducted by that laboratory. Old streetcars, 
automobile bodies, concrete shelters, and 
rocks were dumped offshore in several lo- 
calities to serve as settling areas for marine 
organisms and to make the area more at- 
tractive to fish. Within a short time, the 
test panels and wooden portions of the 
streetcars were attacked by teredinids and 
Xylophaga. Because all the specimens had 
been dissected from the wood, it is im- 
possible to say whether or not they pro- 
duced a chimney. 

Range. Living specimens known only 
from Santa Monica Bay, California, in 
about 35 m. 

Specimens Examined. MEXICO: Bocochibampo, 
All from “replication reefs” off Hermosa, Malibu, Re- 
dondo, and Santa Monica (about 33°50'N, 118°30’W) 
in about 35 m. 

Xylophaga tipperi Turner new species 
Plate 29 

Holotype. MCZ 316736; paratype, MCZ 

Type Locality. 3.2 miles off Fort Lau- 
derdale, Florida (26°04’N, 80°04’W) in 
152.4 m (500 ft) ina U.S. NOO test panel, 
submerged from October 1965 to October 

Distinctive Characters. Umbonal—ven- 
tral sulcus bounded by low rounded ridg- 
es. Mesoplax ear-shaped, slightly longer 
than wide, compressed, and with a sharp 
peripheral keel. Excurrent siphon truncat- 
ed; lappets on dorsal surface of incurrent 
siphon with a coarse fringe. Siphons with 
a single row of minute glasslike plaques 


embedded along the side and with knobby 
pustules at the posterior end. 

Description. Shell globose, reaching 9 
mm in length and §.5 mm in height, thin, 
fragile, with prominent umbos and a dull, 
light brown periostracum. Pedal gape an- 
gle about 110°. Anterior slope sculptured 
with numerous close-set, denticulated 
ridges, there being 25 on the holotype. 
Umbonal-ventral sulcus slightly de- 
pressed, bounded by a threadlike rounded 
ridge anteriorly and a somewhat heavier 
one posteriorly. Posterior slope low and 
sculptured with distinct growth lines. Um- 
bonal reflection free for most of its length, 
the ventral edge of the mesoplax fitting be- 
neath it anteriorly. 

Inner surface of the valves smooth and 
glistening. Umbonal—ventral ridge very 
prominent, nearly smooth, and not greatly 
enlarged ventrally at the condyle. Chon- 
drophore and internal ligament well de- 
veloped. Posterior adductor muscle scar 
oval, tapering dorsally, only slightly im- 
pressed, and smooth. Pedal retractor scar 
kidney-shaped and located adjacent to the 
anterior margin of the posterior adductor 
scar, about midway dorsoventrally. Siphon- 
al retractor scar lightly impressed, located 
just posterior to the umbonal—ventral ridge 
at the level of the ventral margin of the 
beak. Ventral adductor scar usually not vis- 
ible but located near the ventral margin 
posterior to the umbonal—ventral ridge. 

Mesoplax large, ear-shaped, covering 
the umbos, longer than wide, compressed 
dorsoventrally, with a sharp peripheral 
keel, and a coiled early portion. 

Siphons united, excurrent siphon trun- 
cated, about one third the length of the 
incurrent siphon. Lappets extending from 
the truncation along the dorsal surface of 
the incurrent siphon with a coarse fringe. 
Incurrent siphon papillose posteriorly, 
with a single row of glasslike plaques im- 
bedded along the side at the juncture of 
the lappets and the excurrent siphon and 
with numerous small, broad papillae sur- 
rounding the inner rim of the aperture. 



Length Height 

(mm) (mm) Location 

2.0 2.0 off Fort Lauderdale, Florida 
4.6 4.] off Fort Lauderdale, Florida 
UD 7.0 off Fort Lauderdale, Florida 
8.2 Ts) off Fort Lauderdale, Florida 
9.0 holotype 

Burrows reaching 20 mm in length. Fe- 
cal pellets not formed into a chimney. 

Measurements. See Table 17. 

Remarks. This species is closely related 
to X. mexicana Dall from California but 
differs in having a compressed, sharply 
keeled mesoplax; in having glasslike rather 
than white, chalky plaques imbedded in 
the siphons; and in having much more 
coarsely fringed lappets on the siphons. 
Xylophaga tipperi differs from Xylophaga 
dorsalis Turton in having a definitely 
sculptured mesoplax, an excurrent siphon 
one third to one half the length of the in- 
current (in X. dorsalis it is truncated at the 
posterior end of the valves), and in having 
glasslike plaques imbedded in the walls of 
the siphons. In addition, on the basis of 
the limited material now available, X. tip- 
peri apparently does not build a chimney. 
Xylophaga tipperi differs from X. depalmai 
Turner n. sp., also from off Fort Lauder- 
dale, in having a compressed, sharply 
keeled mesoplax, a much coarser fringe on 
the lappets, and in having glasslike plaques 
imbedded in a single line along the sides 
of the siphons. In addition, the posterior 
end of the incurrent siphon of X. tipperi 
is papillose. Xylophaga bayeri Turner n. 
sp., which also is found in Florida and the 
West Indies, differs from X. tipperi and all 
other species in Group 6 in having a 
broad, horizontal mesoplax (Plate 31, Fig. 
Only eight specimens of X. tipperi Turn- 
er n. sp. were obtained. They were all 
from panel 505 and were collected along 
with X. depalmai Turner n. sp. The spec- 
imens, even the smallest, were consistent 
in having a broad, compressed mesoplax as 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 4 

well as in the characteristics of the si- | 

phons. For data on the testing site, see in- 
formation under X. depalmai. 

Range. Known only from off Fort Lau-_ 

derdale, Florida, in 152.4 m. 

Specimens Examined. UNITED STATES, FLOR- 
IDA: 3.2 miles off Fort Lauderdale (26°04'N, 
80°04'W) in 152.4 m (500 ft) in a test panel. 

Xylophaga bayeri’ Turner new species 
Plates 30, 31 

Holotype. MCZ 316738; paratype, MCZ 



Type Locality. U.S. NOO test site, about | 
3.2 miles off Fort Lauderdale, Florida | 

(26°04’N, 80°04'W) in 152.4 m (500 ft). 

From test panels submerged from October 

1965 to October 1966. 

Distinctive Characters. Posterior margin — 
of the umbonal—ventral sulcus bounded by | 
a pronounced, sharp ridge. Mesoplax of © 

adult much broader than long, extending | 

laterally as wings and with a sharp periph- | 

eral margin. Excurrent siphon truncated, 
about one third the length of the incurrent 
siphon. Lappets extending along the dorsal 

surface of incurrent siphon finely fringed. | 

Description. Shell globose, reaching 8 
mm in length, thin, fragile, with prominent 
umbos and a heavy, golden-brown perios- 

tracum covering the shell and the meso-_ 

plax. Pedal gape angle about 120°. Beaked | 

portion of anterior slope sculptured with | 

numerous, closely set, denticulated ridges, 


there being 32 on the holotype. Posterior — 

portion of the anterior slope narrow, the | 

ridges very closely packed. Umbonal re-_ 
flection broad, closely appressed over the 

umbos, free anteriorly, and with a funnel- 
like pit beneath. Umbonal-—ventral sulcus 

moderately impressed, sculptured with — 
growth lines, and bounded posteriorly by _ 

a pronounced, sharp ridge. Posterior slope 
rather low and sculptured with well- 
marked growth lines. 

7 Named for Frederick M. Bayer, Rosenstiel School | 
of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, University of | 
Miami, Miami, Florida, who kindly loaned material — 

collected by the research vessels Pillsbury and Gerda. 

Length Height 

(mm) (mm) Location 

8.0 EO holotype 

4.2 4.0 off Mona Island, Puerto Rico 
5.4 4.9 Gerda, station 266 

6.0 5.2 Gerda, station 266 

6.0 5.8 Gerda, station 266 

6.2 6.0 Gerda, station 266 

6.8 6.0 Gerda, station 266 

8.0 8.2 Gerda, station 266 

Inner surface of valves smooth and glis- 
tening. Umbonal-ventral ridge very prom- 
inent and distinctly segmented but not 
greatly enlarged ventrally at the condyle. 
Chondrophore and internal ligament well 
developed. Posterior adductor muscle scar 

elongate oval in outline, tapering dorsally, 

and smooth. Pedal retractor scar broadly 
oval and contiguous with the anterior mar- 
gin of the posterior adductor. Ventral ad- 
ductor scar large, located adjacent to the 
groove margining the umbonal—ventral 
ridge posteriorly. Siphonal retractor scar 
lightly impressed and located just posterior 
to the umbonal-ventral ridge on a level 
with the ventral margin of the beak. An- 
terior adductor scar well marked and cov- 
ering most of the umbonal reflection. 

Mesoplax in young specimens com- 
posed of a large ventral plate with a small, 
triangular dorsal portion (Plate 31, Fig. 5). 
Dorsal plate of the adult is much wider 
than long, with a sharp perphery (Plate 31, 
Figs. 2, 3) and pronounced concentric 

Siphons capable of complete retraction 
within the valves and of extension proba- 
bly not more than the length of the valves. 
Excurrent siphon truncated, about one 
third length of the incurrent siphon. Lap- 
pets extending from the truncation along 
the dorsal surface of the incurrent siphon, 
finely fringed. Periostracal sheath, if pres- 
ent, extremely thin and lacking calcareous 
or glasslike inclusions. 

Measurements. See Table 18. 

Remarks. Xylophaga bayeri Turner n. 
sp. is a distinctive species apparently not 


closely related to any other species in this 
genus. Its smooth muscle scars, ear-shaped 
mesoplax, truncated excurrent siphon, and 
fringed lappets place it in Group 6 and the 
lack of granular inclusions in the perios- 
tracal sheath of the siphons places it more 
closely to X. globosa and X. dorsalis than 
the others in the group. The mesoplax of 
X. bayeri is basically like that of X. dorsalis 
but is greatly extended laterally. 

Only two specimens were obtained from 
the panels placed off Fort Lauderdale, 
Florida, and unfortunately these were not 
sufficiently well preserved for detailed an- 
atomical work. The 14 specimens taken 
from wood dredged off Fowey Rocks were 
in situ, but all were dead and the soft parts 
had disintegrated, although the mesoplax 
was in place. All had typical valves but 
some had unusually wide dorsal plates 
(Plate 31, Figs. 2, 3). Four complete spec- 
imens and about 25 dead and disarticulat- 
ed specimens were extracted from the 
wood dredged off Mona Island. These 
were remarkably uniform in the characters 
of the shell and dorsal plates. 

Range. From off the coast of Florida 
probably throughout the Caribbean, in 
depths ranging from 150 to 365 m. 

Specimens Examined. UNITED STATES, FLOR- 
IDA: 3.2 miles off Fort Lauderdale (26°04'N, 
80°04’W) in 152.4 m (500 ft) in test panel; Gerda, 
station 266, off Fowey Rocks (25°39'N, 79°58’W) in 
about 340 m. PUERTO RICO: Johnson—Smithsonian 
Expedition, station 37, midway between Mona and 
Desecho islands (18°11'55"N, 67°42'50’W) in about 
365 m. 

Xylophaga japonica Taki and Habe 
Plate 32 

Xylophaga japonica Taki and Habe, 1950, Illustrated 

Catalogue of Japanese Shells, No. 7, p. 45, text- 
figs. 6, 7 (Tosa Bay, Shikoku, Japan, in about 100 
fathoms). Holotype, T. Habe Collection; paratype, 
MCZ 194822. 

Distinctive Characters. Posterior slope 
elongate in adult specimens. Umbonal— 
ventral sulcus well impressed, bounded by 
an inconspicuous ridge anteriorly and a 
high narrow ridge posteriorly. Posterior 
adductor muscle scar smooth. Mesoplax 

Length Height 
(mm) (mm) Location 
13.2 10.8 holotype (from Taki and 
Habe, 1950) 
5.8 5.0 paratype Tosa Bay, Shikoku, 
3.8 3.0 off Clara Island, South Burma 
2.0 1.8 off Java 

large, covering the upper one half of the 
ron area, extending over the umbos, 
ear-shaped, moder ately inflated, with a 
narrowly rounded periphery and distinct 
concentric sculpture (Plate 32, Figs. 2-5). 
Siphons capable of extending two to three 
times the length of the Hol, Excurrent si- 
phon about one third the length of the in- 
current, lappets extending along the dorsal 
surface of the fourm siphon finely 
fringed, opaque white granules imbedded 
along the sides of the siphons. Chimney of 
coarse fecal pellets lining the burrow. 

Measurements. See Table 19. 

Remarks. At the time Taki and Habe 
(1950) described this species, they did not 
have the soft parts and therefore could not 
describe the siphons. However, it is clear 
from their description and figures that the 
species belongs to the Hoe salis group 
(Group 6). Taki and Habe related their 
species to X. indica Smith, but noted its 
more elongate posterior area. It further 
differs from X. indica in its broad meso- 
plax for, according to Knudsen (1961), the 
mesoplax of X. indica is “oblong pear- 
shaped” and his figure [of it] shows it to 
be nearly three times as long as wide. Xy- 
lophaga indica is probably more closely re- 
lated to X. guineensis and X. depalmai n. 
sp., but because the siphons are unknown, 
this cannot be stated definitely. 

Xylophaga japonica appears to be most 
closely related to X. mexicana Dall but dif- 
fers in having a larger, more highly sculp- 
tured mesoplax that extends over the um- 
bos; in having the posterior slope more 
elongate; and in having the ridge bounding 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 4 

the umbonal-ventral sulcus more pro- | 

Unfortunately, the material from off | 
Java and South Burma noted in the re- 
cords below was poorly preserved, but it | 
was possible to ascertain the basic char-_ 
acters of the siphons. The specimens from | 
Java had been kept in alcohol since they 
were collected by Mortensen in 1929. The | 
specimens from South Burma, dredged by 
the Anton Bruun and taken from a small | 
piece of wood and the husk of a nut, had | 
been allowed to dry. 

Range. From Tosa Bay, Japan, south and 
west to Burma and Java, in depths ranging _ 
from 183 to 384 m. 

Specimens Examined. JAPAN: Tosa Bay, Shikoku, 
in 183 m. JAVA: Danish Java—South African Expedi- 
tion, station 10, off SE tip of Java (08°36’S, 114°34’E) 
in 300 m. BURMA: Anton Bruun, station 23, about 
77 miles W of Clara Island, South Burma (10°30’N, 
96°35'E) in 384 m. : 

Xylopholas Turner, 1972, Basteria, 36(2): 97-99. 

Type Species. Xylopholas altenai Turner, 
original designation. 

i eneiied Characters. Valves and me- 
soplax typical for the genus Xylophaga. 
Animal long, not capable of retraction 
within the FAlhios. with a periostracal si- | 
phonal sheath posterior to the valves and 
a pair of lateral, chitonlike, siphonal plates | 
at the posterior end. Siphons short, ex-_ 
tending between the plates, the siphonal 
retractor muscles inserted on their inner 
surface. Gills and visceral mass contained | 
between the valves as in typical Xylophaga. | 
Wood-storing cecum large. 

Remarks. This genus Gutters from Xylo- 
phaga in having extended excurrent and 
incurrent annals: contained in a common 
sheath with siphonal plates at the posterior 
extremity. These plates probably arose in- | 
dependently but may be homologous with - 
the siphonoplax of other pholads G. e., Pho- | 
ladidea), which was carried posteriorly as 
the animal elongated. However, the si- | 
phonal retractor muscles of these species 
insert on the valves rather than on the si- 

phonoplax. The siphonal plates of Xylo- 
pholas probably function as do the pallets 
of the Teredinidae and the siphonoplax of 
other pholadids to close the end of the 
burrow. Embryological studies are needed 
to prove the affinities of the plates. 

From Xyloredo, Xylopholas differs in 
having siphonal plates, a periostracal 
sheath on the animal posterior to the 

valves, and in not lining the burrow with 
a chitonlike or calcareous tube. 

Range. To date the genus is known only 
from the type species found off the Lower 
Florida Keys in the western Atlantic and 
in the Gulf of Guinea in the eastern At- 
lantic in depths from 239 to 366 m. (Two 
specimens were dredged in 2,550 m but 
these may have been decntOns. ) 

Xylopholas altenai Turner 1972 
Plates 33, 34 

Xylopholas altenai Turner, 1972, Basteria, 36(2): 99— 
103, figs. 1-12 (Gerda, station 66, about 13 miles 
SE of Fowey Rocks, Florida [25°25'N, 79°59’] in 
366 m). Holotype, MCZ 279315. 

Distinctive Characters. Animal elon- 
gate, not capable of retraction within the 
valves, and with lateral, paddlelike siphon- 
al plates at the posterior end. Shell similar 
to that of Xylophaga. Mesoplax composed 
of two flat, elongate plates that are held in 
place by the periostracum extending be- 
tween the beaks dorsally. Posterior adduc- 
tor muscle scar large and with transverse 
forking impressions. Young carried on the 
ventral surface just posterior to the valves. 

Description. Shell globose, reaching 2.5 
mm in length, thin, fragile, and with a rel- 
atively heavy, golden-brown periostracum 
covering the valves and mesoplax. Pedal 
gape angle about 90°. Beaked portion of 
the anterior slope recurved dorsally and 
sculptured with numerous strong, dentic- 
ulated ridges. Umbonal reflection narrow. 
Umbonal-ventral sulcus narrow and only 
slightly impressed. Disc and posterior 
slope sculptured with fine growth lines 

Inner surface of valves smooth and glis- 
tening. Umbonal-ventral ridge low, indis- 


tinct except near the ventral margin, 
slightly segmented, and with a small ven- 
tral Ronee. Chondrophore and internal 
ligament well developed. Posterior adduc- 
tor muscle scar lar ge, covering most of the 
posterior slope, elongate oval in outline 
and marked with transverse, forking im- 
pressions. Pedal retractor scar irregularly 
and broadly oval and located about mid- 
way on the anterior margin of the poste- 
rior adductor scar. Siphonal retractor mus- 
cles inserted on the siphonal plates and 

Mesoplax small, not filling the gape be- 
tween the beaks, composed of two flat, 
elongate, subrectangular plates, somewhat 
pointed posteriorly, sculptured with fine 
transverse ridges, covering the dorsal sur- 
face of the anterior adductor muscle and 
held in place by the periostracum. 

Animal long, with a periostracal sheath 
covering the portion posterior to the valves 
and ee a pair of lateral, paddle-shaped, 

chitonlike plates at the posterior end 
(Plate 33, Fig. 4). The siphons extend be- 
tween the plates, and the siphonal retrac- 
tor muscles insert on the inner surface of 
them. Siphons separate, excurrent siphon 
longer than the incurrent siphon, the ap- 
ertures of both with fine cirri. 

Gills and visceral mass contained entire- 
ly between the valves, the portion of the 
animal extending beyond the valves com- 
posed of a dor eal excurrent and a ventral 
incurrent canal combined in a common 
muscular and periostracal sheath, with a 
chitinous collar and two lateral, paddle- 
shaped plates posteriorly. 

Measurements. See Table 20. 

Remarks. Isolated valves of this species 
would be difficult if not impossible to dis- 
tinguish from several species of Xylopha- 
ga; however, its reduced, flat mesoplax, 
elongate soft parts, and siphonal plates 
readily distinguish it from all other species 
in the Xylophagainae. Nothing is known of 
the biology of the species except that it has 
a large wood-storing cecum and, therefore, 
probably utilizes wood as food. The young 
are held within the burrow to the late ve- 


Length Height 

(mm) (mm) Location 

1.8 1.8 holotype 

1.0 1.0 Atlantique Sud, station 147 
1.5 At Galathea, station 52 
1.2 1.1 Gerda, station 66 

1.9 1.5 Gerda, station 266 
2.0 Rel Gerda, station 266 
2.0 D5 Gerda, station 266 
Obs O55 Gerda, station 266 

liger stage when the foot has developed. 
They are attached to the ventral surface of 
the animal just posterior to the valves. The 
number of attached young ranged from 
two to eight and they averaged 0.28 mm 
in length. The hinge plate of the young is 
well developed, with two teeth and a sock- 
et in the right valve and a corresponding 
single tooth and two sockets in the left 
valve (Plate 33, Figs. 1, 2). 

About 60 specimens were taken at the 
three stations off Florida and 10. speci- 
mens were taken from the three stations 
in the Gulf of Guinea. The shells of many 
of the specimens were in poor condition 
and the valves had largely dissolved, pos- 
sibly a result of the wood being very acid. 
However, the characteristic siphonal plates 
readily identified the species. The two 
specimens taken from a coconut husk 
dredged off Sao Tomé in 2,550 m may 
have been advectitious; this species may 
not typically occur at that depth. Neither 
specimen carried young. The shelf in this 
area is very narrow and steep so that plant 
material could easily be carried into deep 
water. All other records are from depths of 
239-366 m. 

Range. Known only from off the Florida 
Keys in the western Atlantic and the Gulf 
of Guinea in the eastern Atlantic in depths 
ranging from 239 to 2,550 m. 

Specimens Examined. Western Atlantic: UNITED 
STATES, FLORIDA: Gerda, station 266, off Fowey 
Rocks, about 16 miles SE of Miami (25°39’N 
79°58'’W) in 340 m; Gerda, station 66, off Turtle 
Reef, about 13 miles SE of Fowey Rocks (25°25'N, 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 4 

79°59'W) in 366 m; Gerda, station 220, about 30) 
miles S of Alligator Reef (24°25'N, 80°33.5'W) in 311 — 
m. Eastern Atlantic: GABON: Galathea, station 52, 
off Port Victoria, SAo Tomé Island (1°42’N, 7°51'E)! 
in 2,550 m (in coconut shell); Atlantique Sud, station. 
147, about 45 miles N Port Gentil, Cape Lopez (0°S, | 
8°58’'E) in 250 m; Atlantique Sud, station 154, about’ 
35 miles NE of Port Gentil (0°15'S, 8°47’E) in 239 m. 


Xyloredo Turner, 1972, Breviora, 397: 3 (type species, | 
Xyloredo nooi Turner, original designation); Turner, 
1973, Science, 180: 1377-1379. | 

Distinctive Characters. Species in this. 
genus are characterized by having typical 
Xylophaga shells, which lack apophyses. 
and have a mesoplax composed of two flat 
plates, and by making a long teredolike 
burrow. The posterior two ane of the: 
burrow has a thin calcareous lining, 
marked with distinct growth lines and cov- 
ered with periostracum that extends to the | 
calcareous portion anterior as a band. The | 
part of the animal extending beyond the | 
valves into the calcareous tube is covered 
by a golden-brown periostracal sheath that | 
is continuous anteriorly with the covering 
of the valves and posteriorly with the per- 
iostracum of the tube. A fold of the mantle 
is attached to the growing end of the tube’ 
where both periostracum and calcium are 
added. In young specimens the tube may 
be composed entirely of periostracum. | 

Posterior to the valves, the combined in- 
current and excurrent pannel extend the. 
length of the tube and are attached lightly | 
to it at the base of the short separate si- | 
phons. Two dorsolateral ridges within the | 
incurrent canal appear to be ciliated and | 
possibly aid in water transport. 

Remarks. Members of this genus differs 
from Xylophaga and Xylopholas in making | 
a burrow that may reach more than 30. 
times the length of the shell and is lined 
with a calcareous tube. Several species of | 
Xylophaga make a burrow more than five 
times the length of the shells and form a | 
chimney composed of mucous- -cemented | 
fecal pellets at the posterior end of the 
burrows. These are not homologous with 
the caleareous tubes of Xyloredo but rath-_ 

er with the chimney of rock-boring pho- 
lads, as in Parapholas Conrad Carmen 
1955: 123). 

The discovery of this teredolike genus 
in the Pholadidae requires a reexamination 
of the fossil teredinids, especially those re- 
corded as having ringed tubes. On the ba- 
sis of our present knowledge, it may be 
impossible to distinguish Xyloredo from 
teredinids in fossilized wood. However, if 
tubes are present, a microscopic analysis 
of their structure may aid in distinguishing 
between them because teredinid Hibee are 
amorphous, whereas tubes of Xyloredo 
have a definite structure with growth rings 
and periostracum. Certainly Xyloredo 
should be considered when examining 
drilled wood thought to have come from a 
deep water fossilized deposit. 

Although Xyloredo superficially resem- 
ble the Teredinidae, this is entirely con- 
vergent and does not in any way indicate 
relationship, nor does it suggest the evo- 
lution of the Teredinidae from the Xylo- 
phagainae. The latter lack apophyses and 
pallets, and have a mesoplax. In addition, 
none of the visceral mass or gills of the 
Xylophagainae extend beyond the valves 
posteriorly as they do in the Teredinidae. 

Range. To date three species of Xylo- 
redo are known, two in the western Atlan- 
tic and the other in the eastern Pacific. All 
occur at depths greater than 1,500 m. 

Xyloredo nooi Turner 
Plate 35 

Xyloredo nooi Turner, 1972, Breviora, 397: 5-7, pls. 
1, 2 (Tongue of the Ocean, about 4 miles off north- 
east tip of Andros Island, Bahama Islands [25°54'N, 
77°49'W] in 1,737 m). Holotype, MCZ 279631; 
paratypes from the same and other panels exposed 
at the same locality, MCZ 279632, 279633, 279634, 
and 279635, and the Zoological Museum, Univer- 
sity of Copenhagen; Turner, 1973, Science, 180: 

Distinctive Characters. Burrow long, 
teredinidlike, lined with a thin calcareous 
tube marked with growth rings and cov- 
ered with periostracum. Shell similar to 
Xylophaga, anterior slope narrow, umbo- 
nal—-ventral sulcus lightly impressed, pos- 


terior slope high and reflected dorsally. 
Posterior adductor muscle scar subellipti- 
cal, set high on the posterior slope, and 
divided into two distinct areas. Disc sep- 
arated from the posterior slope by a 
groove on the inner surface of the valves. 
Mesoplax small, the two flat triangular 
plates composed almost entirely of perios- 
tracum. Periostracal sheath between the 
valves and the tube smooth. 

Description. Shell globose, valves reach- 
ing 10 mm in length and 10.5 mm in 
height, thin, fragile; umbos prominent. 
Periostracum relatively thick, golden- 
brown, glistening, and covering entire 
valve. Pedal gape angle about 110°. Ante- 
rior slope sculptured with numerous den- 
ticulated ridges, there being 24 on the ho- 
lotype. Umbonal-ventral sulcus narrow, 
slightly impressed, and sculptured with 
fine, irregular growth lines. Posterior slope 
high, reflected near the dorsal margin, and 
sculptured with fine growth lines. Umbo- 
nal reflection rather wide, thin, adhering 
to the valves in the umbonal area, free an- 

Inner surface of valves smooth and glis- 
tening. Umbonal—ventral ridge narrow, 
high, and segmented. Chondrophore and 
internal ligament prominent. Disc separat- 
ed from the posterior slope by a_pro- 
nounced narrow groove extending from 
the umbo to the posterior ventral margin. 
Posterior adductor muscle scar large, ellip- 
tical, and divided into two areas, the upper 
part marked with irregular impressions, 
the lower with regular chevron-shaped im- 
pressions. Anterior adductor scar covering 
most of the umbonal reflection. Pedal re- 
tractor scars elongate, the muscles insert- 
ing in the groove separating the disc from 
the posterior slope. 

Mesoplax small, flat, the two broadly tri- 
angular plates composed almost entirely of 
periostracum and located anterior to the 

Burrow long, teredinidlike, and lined 
with a thin calcareous tube that is sculp- 
tured with distinct growth rings and cov- 
ered with periostracum that extends as a 

Length Height 
(mm) (mm) Location 
5.0 Sy, IL paratype 
6.7 6.9 paratype 
7.2 7.8 paratype 
9.5 9.8 paratype 
9.5 10.0 holotype 

border at the anterior end. Tube in very 
young specimens composed entirely of 
periostracum. Between the valves and the 
anterior end of the tube the animal is cov- 
ered with a smooth periostracal sheath, 
which is continuous anteriorly with the 
covering of the valves and posteriorly with 
the tube. Siphons short, separate, and ap- 
parently with a few small cirri. 

Measurements. See Table 21. 

Remarks. Xyloredo nooi is related to 
both Xyloredo naceli Turner from the east- 
ern Pacific and X. ingolfia Turner from the 
North Atlantic. Xyloredo nooi differs from 
them in having a much thinner burrow lin- 
ing, a high, reflected posterior slope on the 
valves, and a proportionately smaller, more 
highly placed and divided posterior adduc- 
tor muscle scar. In addition, the periostra- 
cal sheath extending between the valves 
and the calearious tube is smooth. 

The larvae of X. nooi apparently do not 
rise very high in the water column, inas- 
much as a panel 25 ft off the bottom 
showed no trace of them, whereas the 
panel directly beneath it on the bottom 
was riddled. On the basis of the prodis- 
soconch still visible on some of the speci- 
mens, it would appear that the larvae are 
similar to those of Xylophaga. No evidence 
was found in the three riddled panels ex- 
amined that the young were brooded or 
held in the tubes. 

The burrows resemble those of teredi- 
nids and intertwine with each other but 
basically follow the grain of the wood. 
They may reach 200 mm in length and 15 
mm in diameter at the anterior end. The 
largest tube with intact shells and animal 
remaining was 145 mm long; the valves 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 4 


were 9.5 mm in length and 10 mm in. 
height. The panels in the Tongue of the | 
Ocean were submerged for 34 months and | 
inasmuch as the larger burrows were emp- | 
ty or contained only fragments of shells, | 
the length of life may be about 2-2.5/ 
years. The calcareous lining of a burrow — 
122 mm long extends to about 30 mm. 
from the anterior end, thus leaving room — 
for boring activities and changing the di- | 
rection of the burrow. 
Range. Known only from the type lo- | 


Specimens Examined. BAHAMA ISLANDS: } 
Tongue of the Ocean, about 4 miles off NE tip of 
Andros Island (24°54'N, 77°49'W) in 1,737 m. 

Xyloredo ingolfia Turner 
Plates 36, 37 

Xyloredo ingolfia Turner, 1972, Breviora, 397: 7-9, | 
pls. 3-5 (from wood dredged by the Ingolf Expe- 
dition at station 67, south of Eyrabakki, Iceland | 
[61°30'N, 22°30'W] in 975 fathoms [1,783 m]). Ho- — 
lotype, MCZ 279636; paratypes, MCZ 279637, and - 
the Zoological Museum, University of Copenha- | 
gen; Tumer, 1973 Science 180: 1377-1379. 

Description. Shell globose, valves reach- 
ing 2.5 mm in length and 2.0 mm in 
height, thin, fragile, with prominent um-_ 
bos; thin, glistening, almost colorless per- 
iostracum covering disc and posterior | 
slope. Beaked portion of anterior slope — 
wide, extending more than one half dis= | 
tance to ventral margin; sculptured with 
close-set and very finely denticulated ridg- | 
es. Posterior portion of anterior slope | 
about two thirds width of beak, sculptured 
with close-set ridges that extend to very | 
slightly impressed umbonal-ventral sulcus. 
Disc sculptured with well-marked growth | 
lines. Posterior slope small, low, and not | 
clearly demarcated on outer surface of 
valve. Umbonal reflection thick, narrow, 
short, and free except at posterior end. | 

Inner surface of valves smooth, slightly 
shiny to chalky (perhaps owing to long | 
preservation). Umbonal—ventral ridge wide, | 
flattened, often varying in width, irregularly | 
segmented, and not enlarged at ventral - 
condyle. Chondrophore and internal liga- 


Length Height 

(mm) (mm) Location 
PAS) 2.3 holotype 
2.5 2.0 paratype 
all 2.0 paratype 
2.0 1.9 paratype 
1.5 1.4 paratype 
1.5 1.2 paratype 

ment large. Disc not clearly separated from 
posterior slope. Posterior adductor muscle 
scar large, slightly raised, elliptical, extend- 
ing nearly to ventral margin, with irregular, 
transverse impressions. Autener adductor 
muscle scar covering umbonal reflection. 
Siphonal retractor muscle scars not im- 
pressed. Pedal retractor muscle scar small, 
elongate to oval, and located just anterior 
to posterior adductor muscle scar. Meso- 
plax of two very small, narrow, subrectan- 
gular, flat, calcified plates lying on dorsal 
surface of anterior adductor muscle. 

Burrow 10-15 times length of valves; cal- 
careous tubular lining fives fourths length 
of burrow. Tube relatively heavy, fatinked 
with uniform, close-set, raised rings, and 
covered with light tan periostracum that ex- 
tends anteriorly as border. Portion of ani- 
mal between valves and tube covered by 
thin, irregularly ridged periostracal sheath. 
Siphons short; incurrent siphon slightly lon- 
ger than excurrent siphon. Protoconch 
large, medium golden-brown, and_ sculp- 
tured with fine, concentric ridges. 

Measurements. See Table 22 

Remarks. This species differes from Xy- 
loredo naceli in having a less well-devel- 
oped posterior slope, a shallow, indistinct 
umbonal-ventral groove, a flattened um- 
bonal-ventral ridge, aml in having the 
valves longer than high. It differs from X. 
nooi in having valves longer than high, in 
having a isu rounded posterior slope, in 
lacking the distinct groove on the inner sur- 
face separating the valine from the posterior 
slope, and in having the plates of the me- 
soplax subrectangular and well calcified. 


Range. Known only from the type local- 
Specimens Examined. ICELAND: Ingolf Expedi- 

tion, station 67, S of Eyrabakki (61°30'N, 22°30'W) 
in 1,783 m. 

Xyloredo naceli Turner 
Plate 38 

Xyloredo naceli Turner, 1972, Breviora, 397: 9-11, pl. 
6, figs. 1-5 (USNCEL STU I-4 about 30 miles S 
of San Miguel Island, off Port Hueneme, Santa 
Barbara Islands, California [33°46’N, 120°45’W] in 
6,800 ft [2,072.6 m] from panels submerged from 
June odes to July 1965). Holotype, MCZ 279638; 
paratype, 279639. 

Distinctive Characters. Burrow teredi- 
nidlike, lined with a thin calcereous tube 
marked with growth rings and covered 
with periostracum. Shell Sailer to Xylo- 
phaga, with a narrow, slightly impressed 
umbonal—ventral sulcus. Posterior adduc- 
tor muscle scar elliptical, almost complete- 
ly covering the posterior slope and uni- 
formly marked with transverse impres- 
sions. Mesoplax small, the two flat, trian- 
gular plates composed largely of 
periostracum. Periostracal sheath covering 
the animal between the valves and the 
tube papillose. 

Description. Shell globose, reaching 1.5 
mm in length, thin, fragile, white, aah al 
thin, pale yellow periostracum. Pedal gape 
angle about 100°. Anterior slope sculp- 
tured with 8-12 widely spaced, pro- 
nounced, denticulated ridges. Umbonal— 
ventral sulcus narrow and only slightly im- 
pressed. Discs and posterior slope sculp- 
tured with fine growth lines only. 

Inner surface of valves smooth and glis- 
tening. Umbonal—ventral ridge narrow, 
high, and indistinctly segmented. Chon- 
drophore and internal ligament well de- 
veloped. Posterior adductor muscle scar 
elliptical, extending from the dorsal nearly 
to the ventral margin of the posterior slope 
and regularly marked with transverse im- 
pressions. Pedal retractor scar not im- 
pressed. Ventral adductor only lightly im- 
pressed and located just posterior to the 



Length Height 

(mm) (mm) Location 
1.1 2 holotype 
1.0 1.0 paratype 
1.2 1.3 paratype 
1.5 1.5 paratype 

umbonal-ventral ridge. Siphonal retractor 
muscles inserting on the tube. 

Mesoplax small, thin, set between and 
anterior to the umbos, the two triangular 
plates composed almost entirely of perios- 
tracum. Burrow of largest specimen about 
six times the length of the shell. Calcare- 
ous tube lining the burrow thin, distinctly 
marked with growth rings, and covered 
with periostracum that extends as a border 
anteriorly. Aperture of the burrow small, 
round, the white lining visible within. The 
portion of the animal between the valves 
and the calcareous tube covered with a pa- 
pillose periostracal sheath that is continous 
with the periostracum covering the valves 
anteriorly and the periostracal border of 
the tube posteriorly. Siphons short, of 
equal length, and apparently lacking cirri. 

Measurements. See Table 23. 

Remarks. This species is most closely re- 
lated to X. nooi Turner from the western 
Atlantic. Only eight specimens of X. naceli 
were found and they were all very small, 
but these appear to be sufficiently distinct 
to consider them members of a separate 
species. Xyloredo naceli differs from X. 
nooi in having a heavier tube that is cal- 
Ccareous, even in very young specimens; 
and a posterior adductor muscle scar that 
is proportionately larger and not divided 
into two areas. In addition, it lacks the pro- 
nounced internal groove separating the 
disc from the posterior slope, and the per- 
iostracal sheath covering the animal ante- 
rior to the tube is papillose. 

Nothing is known of the biology of the 
species except that at the sites where they 
were collected the temperature of the wa- 
ter was 2.1° C, the salinity was 34.52%o, 
the dissolved oxygen content was 1.26 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 4 

ml/L, the pH was 7.84, and the hydrostatic 
pressure 3000 psi (Muraoka, 1966b). 

The embryonic valves still visible on 
some of the specimens suggest that the 
mature larvae are similar to those in Xy- 
lophaga. Xylophaga muraokai was the 
most common borer in the panels from 
which the X. naceli were taken. 

Range. Known only from the type lo- 


Specimens Examined. UNITED STATES, CALI- 
FORNIA: USNCEL STU I-4 S of San Miguel Island, 
Santa Barbara Islands (33°46’N, 120°45’W) in 
2,072 m. 


This paper was prepared with the aid of 
funds received from the Department of 
the Navy, Biology Branch, Office of Naval 
Research, ONR grant NO0014-91-J-1402, 
Biological Studies on Marine Boring and 
Fouling Mollusks. 


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parative Zoology, 12(6): 171-318, 9 pls. 

. 1908. Reports on the dredging operations off | 

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siz, carried on by the U.S. Fish Commission 

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XXXVII. Reports on the scientific results of the 

expedition to the eastern tropical Pacific, in 

charge of Alexander Agassiz, by the U.S. Fish | 

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Straits of Florida and Tongue of the Ocean, 1961 
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D.C.: U.S. Naval Oceanographic Office. 26 pp., 
6 text-figs. 

Dons, C. 1929a. Zoologiske notiser. IV. Xylophaga 
praestans, ny for Norges fauna. Norske Viden- 
skabers Selskab Fordhandlinger, 1(57): 169-172, 
text-figs. 1-7. 

. 1929b. Zoologiske notiser. V. Xylophaga dor- 
salis i Norge. Norske Videnskabers Selskab For- 
handlinger, 1(65): 196-199, text-figs. 1-6. 

HOAGLAND, Kk. E. 1983. Morphological characters 
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HOAGLAND, K. E., AND R. D. TURNER. 1981. Evo- 
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bivalves (Pholadacea). Malacologia, 21(1-2): 

KNUDSEN, J. 1961. The bathyal and abyssal Xylopha- 
ga (Pholadidae, Bibalvia). Galathea Report, 5: 
163-209, text-figs. ]-41. 

MURAOKA, J. S. 1964. Deep-ocean biodeterioration 
of materials—part I. Four months at 5,640 feet. 
Technical Report R 329. Port Hueneme, Cali- 
fornia: U.S. Naval Civil Engineering Laboratory. 
35 pp., 24 text-figs. 

. 1965. Deep-ocean biodeterioration of mate- 

rials—part II. Six months at 2,340 feet. Technical 

Report R 393. Port Hueneme, California: U.S. 

Naval Civil Engineering Laboratory. 42 pp., 5 


. 1966a. Deep-ocean biodeterioration of ma- 

terials—part III. Three years at 5,300 feet. Tech- 

nical Report R 428. Port Hueneme, California: 

U.S. Naval Civil Engineering Laboratory. 47 pp., 

36 text-figs. 

. 1966b. Deep-ocean biodeterioration of ma- 

terials—part IV. One year at 6,800 feet. Techni- 

cal Report R 456. Port Hueneme, California: 

U.S. Naval Civil Engineering Laboratory. 45 pp., 

31 text-figs. 

. 1966c. Deep-ocean biodeterioration of ma- 

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Naval Civil Engineering Laboratory. 46 pp., 36 


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Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 4 


Plate 1. Xylophaga concava Knudsen from Pillsbury, station 526. 

Figure 1. Dorsal view of apposed valves showing the concave posterior slope and erect mesoplax. Figure 2. Posterior end of | 
valve and siphons. Figure 3. Enlargement of the siphonal openings to show the six large cirri on the excurrent siphon and the | 
double row of small cirri on the incurrent siphon. 


Plate 2. Xylophaga gerda Turner n. sp. from Gerda, station 499. 

Figure 1. Lateral view of holotype showing the attachment of the posterior adductor muscle through the thin valve, the mesoplax 
that does not extend above the umbos, and the fecal cylinder in the excurrent canal. Figure 2. Dorsal view of the holotype 
showing the mesoplax. Figure 3. Enlargement of the posterior end of the siphons. Figure 4. Diagrammatic cross-section 
through the siphons and the fecal cylinder. Figure 5. Three-quarter view of holotype showing the inflated umbos and the simple 
curved plates of the mesoplax. Figure 6. A relatively smooth chimney composed largely of periostracum, with a thin coating of 
fecal material. Figure 7. A thick chimney, built in sections with “leaves” of periostracum extending at the anterior end of each 

i, Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 4 


Plate 3. Xylophaga gerda Turner n. sp. from Pillsbury, station 944. 
Figure 2. Inner view of left valve, showing posterior adductor muscle scar and low umbonal-— ! 

Figure 1. Outer view of right valve. 
ventral ridge. Figure 3. Enlargement of the hinge area of left valve to show the chondrophore and anterior adductor muscle — 

scar. Figure 4. Outer view of right valve of a young specimen. Figure 5. Inner view of left valve of young specimen showing | 
the prodissoconch, chondrophore, and muscle scars. i 


Plate 4. Xylophaga grevei Knudsen (Figs. 1-6 from Knudsen, 1961: 176-177). 

Figures 1-4. Holotype. Figure 1. Right side of entire specimen showing siphons and mesoplax. Figure 2. Dorsalview. Figure 
3. Enlargement of the siphons showing the cirri around the incurrent aperture (35) and the excurrent aperture (6). Figure 4. 
Internal view of left valve of the holotype showing the broadly oval posterior adductor muscle scar set high on the posterior 
slope. Figures 5, 6. Ventral and dorsal view of the mesoplax. Figure 7. Small specimen carrying two young from Galathea, 
station 444. 

274 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 4 

Plate 5. Xylophaga clenchi Turner and Culliney. 

Figures 1—3. Side, dorsal, and anterior views of the holotype, showing the widely space ridges on the anterior slope of specimens | 
boring in soft wood and the position of young and the dorsal surface. Figures 4, 5. Inner and outer views of left valve of a. 
specimen from Atlantis I/, station 124, showing the muscle scar and large number of ridges on the anterior slope of a specimen — 

from hard wood. 



Plate 6. Xylophaga clenchi Turner and Culliney. 

Figures 1, 2. Outer and inner views of the right valve of a large specimen with mesoplax in place, dredged by the Pillsbury, 
station 394. Figure 3. Lateral view of an entire specimen from the Tongue of the Ocean showing relative size of si- 
phons. Figure 4. Enlargement of the siphons, posterodorsal view, to show the incurrent and excurrent apertures and the cirri 
around them. 

276 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 4 

Plate 7. Xylophaga clenchi Turner and Culliney from /Ingo/f Expedition, station 67. 

Figure 1. Lateral view of right valve with mesoplax in place and young attached to dorsal surface. Figure 2. Dorsal view of| 
same specimen showing the prodissoconch. Figure 3. Lateral view of specimen with extended siphon. | 



Plate 8. Xylophaga clenchi Turner and Culliney. 

Figures 1, 2. From Pillsbury, station 238. Figure 1. Lateral view of right valve. Figure 2. Dorsal view of opposed valves showing 
prodissoconch, four young attached posterior to the umbos, and an atypical elongate, longitudinally folded mesoplax. Figures 
3, 4. Specimen from Atlantis II, station 124. Figure 3. Anterior view of specimen with mesoplax bent at a right angle. Figure 
4. Dorsal view of same specimen showing prodissoconch and mesoplax. 

278 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 4 

Plate 9. Xylophaga supplicata Taki and Habe from Tosa Bay, Shikoku, Japan. 

Figure 1. Anterior view of opposed valves with mesoplax in place. Figure 2. Lateral view of entire specimen from the right with 
mesoplax in place. Figure 3. Dorsal view of opposed valves tipped slightly forward to show the minute tubes at the posterior 
end of the mesoplax. Figure 4. Enlargement of mesoplax and umbonal area, looking down into the cavity formed by the 
incurving of the umbos. Figure 5. Inner view of left valve showing chondrophore with large tooth. Figure 6. Enlargement 
showing chondrophore with large tooth. 


Plate 10. Xylophaga whoi Turner n. sp. 

Figures 1-4. Specimen from Pillsbury, station 944. Figures 1, 2. Outer and inner views of the left valve. Figure 3. Frontal 
view of mesoplax with smallest tubes seen. Figure 4. Side view of left plate of mesoplax. Figures 5-12. Holotype. Figure 
5. Outer view of right valve. Figure 6. Inner view of left valve. Figure 7. Dorsal view of left plate of mesoplax. Figure 8. 
Frontal view of mesoplax. Figures 9, 10. Outer surface of left and right plates of mesoplax with average-size tubes. Figures 
11, 12. Inner surface of left and right plates of the mesoplax showing the curvature at the dorsal margin and the pore to the 
inner surface just below it. Figure 13. Enlargement of the hinge area of the left valve to show the chondrophore with a large 
tooth on it posterior dorsal margin, the umbonal reflection, and the inner surface of the mesoplax. 

280 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 4 


Plate 11. Xylophaga whoi Turner n. sp. from Pillsbury, station 394. 

Figure 1. Anterior view of entire animal showing mesoplax in place, the anterior adductor muscle, the pedal opening of the 
mantle, the retracted foot, and young on the dorsal surface of the valves. Figure 2. Enlargement of the umbonal area, mesoplax, 
and attached young. 


Plate 12. Xylophaga profunda Turner n. sp. from U.S. Naval Oceanographic Office test site, Tongue of the Ocean, 
Andros Island, Bahama Islands. 

Figures 1-3. Holotype. Figure 1. Dorsal view showing round ridge posterior to the umbonal—ventral sulcus, the mesoplax, and 
attached young. Figure 2. Side view of left valve. Figure 3. Enlarged anterior view of dorsal area to show mesoplax. Figures 
4, 5. Dorsal view of paratypes to show range of length—width relationships, concavity of posterior slope, as well as arrangement 

and number of young. Figure 6. Enlarged young. 

282 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 4 



Plate 13. Xylophaga profunda Turner n. sp. from U.S. Naval Oceanographic Office test site Tongue of the Ocean, 
Andros Island, Bahama Islands. 

Figures 1, 2. Inner view of left valve of two specimens to show differences in intensity of muscle scar impressions, the riblike 
ridges extending from the umbonal-ventral ridge, the placement of the mesoplax, and the chondrophore. Figure 3. Enlargement 
of the hinge area of the left valve to show the chondrophore. Figures 4—6. Anterior, dorsal, and ventral view of mesoplax. 


Plate 14. Xylophaga abyssorum Dall. 

Figures 1-5. Specimens from U.S. Naval Oceanographic Office test site, Tongue of the Ocean, Andros Island, Bahama Is- 
lands. Figure 1. Outer view of right valve of immature specimen with mesoplax in place and showing ridge posterior to umbonal— 
ventral sulcus. Figure 2. Inner view of same valve, showing groove posterior to umbonal-ventral ridge, ligament, and charac- 
teristic muscle scar of young specimen. Figure 3. Dorsal view of same valve with mesoplax in place. Figures 4, 5. Mesoplax 
of young specimen with large ventral portion. Figure 6. Dorsal view of right valve of holotype of Xylophaga abyssorum for 
comparison with Figure 3. Figure 7. Dorsal view of young specimen from Gerda, station 266, with mesoplax developing lobes 
on dorsal portion. 

284 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 4 


Plate 15. Xylophaga abyssorum Dall. 

Figures 1-4. Specimens from Pillsbury, station 944. Figure 1. Inner view of right valve showing muscle scars, deep groove 
posterior to the umbonal-—ventral ridge, and the small chondrophore. Figure 2. Enlargement of hinge area of same speci- 
men. Figure 3. Hinge area of left valve. Figure 4. Dorsal view of umbonal area with mesoplax in place. This is the most 

elaborate mesoplax observed, having two tubes and a third developing. Figure 5. Dorsal view of specimen from Gerda, station 

266, with two tubes formed on each plate of the mesoplax and with two young just posterior to the umbos. 


Plate 16. Xylophaga abyssorum Dall. 

Figures 1-5. Specimen from Pillsbury, station 944. Figure 1. Lateral view of right valve. Figure 2. Anterior view of opposed 
valves with mesoplax in place. Figure 3. Posterior view of opposed valves with mesoplax in place and showing the inflated 
umbos and ridge. Figure 4. Dorsal view of opposed valves. Figure 5. Enlarged view of mesoplax and umbonal area. 

286 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 4 

Plate 17. Xylophaga duplicata Knudsen from Galathea, station 745, Gulf of Panama (all from Knudsen, 1961: 175). 

Figure 1. Lateral view of left side of holotype, showing the mesoplax in place, standing off from the surface of the valves. Figure 
2. Inner view of left valve of a paratype showing the small smooth posterior adductor muscle scar. Figure 3. Left side of | 
extended siphon of a paratype. Figure 4. Enlarged view of posterior end of the siphon. Figure 5. Dorsal view of the meso- 
plax. Figure 6. Ventral view of mesoplax. 


Plate 18. Xylophaga muraokai Turner n. sp. from U.S. Naval Civil Engineering Laboratory Test Site |. 

Figure 1. Lateral view of holotype showing siphons. Figure 2. Inner view of left valve showing muscle scar and simple chon- 
drophore. Figure 3. Dorsal view of the two plates of the mesoplax of a mature specimen showing large basal portion. Figure 
4. Dorsal view of right plate of mesoplax. Figure 5. Ventral view of left plate of mesoplax. Figure 6. Lateral view of left plate 

of mesoplax. 

288 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 4 


Plate 19. Xylophaga muraokai Turner n. sp. from U.S. Naval Civil Engineering Laboratory Test Site I. 

Figure 1. Anterior view of hinge area showing chondrophore and internal ligament. 

Figure 2. Posterior view of mesoplax fitting 

between the umbos. Figure 3. Dorsal view of young specimen with partially developed mesoplax. Figure 4. Mesoplax of 
young specimen. Figure 5. Enlargement of posterior end of siphons showing cirri around the siphonal apertures. 



Plate 20. Xylophaga atlantica Richards from about 15 miles off Ipswich, Massachusetts, in 73 m. 

Figure 1. Entire specimen with siphons extended, showing relative lengths. Figure 2. Enlargement of the posterior end of the 
siphons, lateral view. Figure 3. Enlargement of the posterior end of siphons dorsal view showing the numerous small cirri 
surrounding the incurrent siphonal aperture and the larger, less numerous cirri of the excurrent siphon. 

290 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 4 

Plate 21. Xylophaga washingtona Bartsch. | 

Figures 1-3. Specimen from U.S. Naval Civil Engineering Laboratory Test Site |. Figure 1. Dorsal view of entire specimen: 
showing the relative length of the siphons. Figure 2. Dorsal view of siphons from just anterior to the truncation of the excurrent! 
siphon. Figure 3. Dorsal view of siphons in area of truncation to show contracted aperture of the excurrent siphon of a short! 
tube, and the short lateral lobes extending from the truncation. Figure 4. Specimen from about 40 miles W of Silver Point,| 
Oregon. Aperture of incurrent siphon showing cirri. 


Plate 22. Xylophaga rikuzenica Taki and Habe from off Rikuzen, Honshu, Japan. 
Paratype, Museum of Comparative Zoology 194821. 

Figure 1. Inner view left valve showing posterior adductor muscle with herringbone markings. Figure 2. Outer view of left valve 
showing broad ventral sulcus. Figure 3. Anterior view of opposed valves showing mesoplax in place, the condyles, and chon- 
drophore. Figure 4. Dorsal view of opposed valves showing mesoplax in place, umbonal reflection, and broad, deep umbonal— 
ventral sulcus. Figures 5-7. Dorsal, lateral, and ventral views of the mesoplax showing the large ventral portion. 


9 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 4 

5mm 5mm 

Plate 23. Xylophaga depalmai Turner n. sp. from U.S. Naval Oceanographic Office test site off Fort Lauderdale, Florida. 

Figure 1. Lateral view of holotype showing siphons with lateral periostracal sheath containing clusters of irregular glasslike 
granules. Figure 2. Dorsal view of holotype showing mesoplax that is only slightly coiled posteriorly. Figure 3. Dorsal view of 
specimen with slightly more coiled mesoplax. Figure 4. Siphons showing fringed lappets. Figure 5. Enlargement of 

fringe. Figure 6. Inner view of left valve showing muscle scars. Figure 7. Inner view of left valve showing prodisso- | 
conch. Figure 8. Enlargement of hinge area of left valve showing umbonal reflection and chondrophore. Figure 9. Enlargement - 

of chondrophore. 


15 hear: 16 6 17 
Plate 24. Xylophaga depalmai Turner n. sp. from U.S. Naval Oceanographic Office test site off Fort Lauderdale, Florida. 

Figures 1-5. Specimen with the two plates of mesoplax fused. Figure 1. Outer view of right valve. Figure 2. Inner view of 
right valve showing lightly impressed muscle scars. Figure 3. Dorsal view of fused plates of mesoplax. Figure 4. Ventral view 
of mesoplax. Figure 5. Lateral view. Figures 6-8. Dorsal, ventral, and lateral view of mesoplax with plates partially fused 
ventrally. Figures 9, 10. Dorsal and ventral views of a mesoplax, which is broadened anteriorly and has a reduced ventral 
portion. Figures 11-13. Dorsal, ventral, and lateral views of an unusually broad mesoplax with unequal plates and reduced 
ventral portion. Figures 14, 15. Dorsal and ventral views of a broad mesoplax strongly coiled posteriorly, with a widened median 
area that separates the coils. Figures 16, 17. Dorsal and ventral views of a typical mesoplax with only the periostracal portion 
of the ventral portion fused. 

294 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 4 

Plate 25. Xylophaga guineensis Knudsen. 

Figures 1-3. Specimen from Pillsbury, station 260. Figure 1. Lateral view of entire animal showing foot, siphons, and perios- 
tracal sheath with fine whitish granules. Figure 2. Dorsal view showing siphons, prodissoconch, mesoplax, and loose perios- 
tracal sheath with granules. Figure 3. Anterior view showing foot, anterior adductor muscle, and mesoplax in place. Figures 
4, 5. Specimen from Atlantique Sud, station 33. Figure 4. Inner view of right valve showing specimen with high flaring posterior 
slope, prodissoconch, posterior adductor muscle scar, and deep groove bounding the umbonal-ventral ridge. Figure 5. Outer 
view of right valve showing wide anterior slope and narrow, bladelike ridge posterior to the shallow umbonal-ventral sul- 
cus. Figures 6-9. Specimens from Atlantique Sud, station 146. Figure 6. Inner view of right valve of specimen with low, 
rounded posterior, small posterior adductor muscle scar set very high. Figure 7. Outer view of left valve with very closely set 
ridges on anterior slope. Figures 8, 9. Dorsal views to show variation in the mesoplax in place. 



Plate 26. Xylophaga guineensis Knudsen. 

Figure 1. Specimen from Atlantique Sud station 146. Umbonal area showing chondrophore, prodissoconch, and umbonal re- 
flection. Figures 2-4. Specimens from Atlantique Sud, station 33. Figure 2. Dorsal view of opposed plates of meso- 
plax. Figure 3. Ventral view of right plate of the mesoplax to show long cornucopialike shape. Figure 4. Dorsal view of right 

plate of mesoplax. 

296 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 4 

Plate 27. Xylophaga mexicana Dall. 
Figures 1, 2. Outer and inner views of left valve 

Figure 3. Lateral view of entire specimen showing inflated mesoplax and siphons. Figure 
Figures 5, 6. Outer and inner view of right valve of 

Figures 1-4. Specimens from “replication reef,” Santa Monica Bay, California. 

of specimen close to the holotype. 
4. Dorsal view of entire specimen showing mesoplax and expanded foot. 

the holotype (from Turner, 1955, pl. 90). 




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Plate 28. Xylophaga mexicana Dall from “replication reef,” Santa Monica Bay, California. 

Figure 1. Enlargement of the siphons to show the truncation of the excurrent siphon, the finely fringed lappets, granules em- 
bedded along the side of the siphon, and the papillose end of the incurrent siphon. Figures 2, 3. Ventral and dorsal view of 
mesoplax. Figures 4, 5. Inner and outer lateral views of mesoplax showing flange that fits down between the umbos. 

98 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 4 




: % ia 

Plate 29. Xylophaga tipperi Turner n. sp. from U.S. Naval Oceanographic Office test site off Fort Lauderdale, Florida. 

Figure 1. Lateral view of holotype showing foot and extended siphons. Figure 2. Inner view of left valve to show smooth posterior 

adductor muscle scar. Figure 3. Dorsal view showing mesoplax in place. Figure 4. Enlargement of posterior end of incurrent 
siphon to show the fringed lappets and the single row of glasslike plaques along the side. Figure 5. Lateral and three-quarters 
view of glasslike plaques. Figures 6-9. Mesoplax. Figure 6. Dorsal view of right plate showing flat surface and faint sculp- 
ture. Figures 7, 8. Ventral view of right and left plates. Figure 9. Lateral view of right plate to show the compressed main 

portion and the posterior ventral flange that extends down between the umbos. 


Gi i 
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( ) A ae 

Plate 30. Xylophaga bayeri Turner n. sp. from U.S. Naval Oceanographic Office test site off Fort Lauderdale, Florida. 

Figure 1. Lateral view of holotype showing siphons and mesoplax in place. Figure 2. Dorsal view of holotype, showing the 
lateral extension of the mesoplax. Figure 3. Enlargement of the siphons showing the truncated excurrent siphon and the fringed 
lappets. Figure 4. Ventral view of the mesoplax. Figure 5. Dorsal view of the mesoplax. 

300 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 4 

Plate 31. Xylophaga bayeri Turner n. sp. 
Figures 1-3. Specimen from Gerda, station 266. Figure 1. Inner view of valves showing smooth muscle scar; narrow, high 

umbonal-ventral ridge, and broad, recurved umbonal reflection that adheres to the valve. Figure 2. Dorsal view of specimen 
showing broad umbonal reflection and the mesoplax. Figure 3. Enlargement of the mesoplax, dorsal view. Figures 4, 5. 
Specimen from U.S. Naval Oceanographic Office test site off Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Figure 4. Lateral view of a young 
specimen with partially developed mesoplax. Figure 5. Dorsal view of a young specimen with partially developed mesoplax. 


Plate 32. Xylophaga japonica Taki and Habe. 

Figures 1-5. Paratype from Tosa Bay, Shikoku, Japan. Figure 1. Outer view of left valve showing thin ridge posterior to 
umbonal-ventral sulcus and elongate posterior slope. Figure 2. Dorsal view of mesoplax with distinct concentric sculp- 
ture. Figure 3. Ventral view of mesoplax showing flange that fits between umbos. Figure 4. Inner lateral view. Figure 5. 
Outer lateral view showing flange. Figures 6-11. Specimens from Anton Bruun, station 23. Figure 6. Outer view of left 
valve. Figure 7. Inner view of right valve showing chondrophore and smooth posterior adductor muscle scar. Figure 8. Outer 
view of mesoplax of a small specimen. Figure 9. Inner view of mesoplax of a small specimen. Figure 10. Outer lateral view 
of mesoplax of a small specimen. Figure 11. Inner lateral view of mesoplax of a small specimen. 

302 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 4 


pape ys 

Gs jist 

Plate 33. Xylopholas altenai Turner from Gerda, station 66. 

Figure 1. Lateral view of entire animal with the anterior adductor muscle relaxed so that the mesoplax 
is flattened and not visible, showing siphonal plates and young carried on ventral surface. Figure 2. Ventral view showing the 
mesoplax held in place by periostracum, the ventrally carried young, and the recurving of the siphonal plates. Figure 3. Dorsal 
view showing the mesoplax in place and the umbonal reflection. Figure 4. Enlargement of posterior end with the incurrent 
siphon projecting beyond the siphonal plate. Figure 5. Posterior end with left plate removed to show the muscle that extends 
into the cavity of the plate to which the siphonal retractor muscles attach. Figure 6. Lateral view of a very small specimen, 
contracted anteriorly so that the plates of the mesoplax are folded upward. Figure 7. Outer view of siphonal plate. Figure 8. 

Inner view of siphonal plate. 

Figures 1-3. Holotype. 


1mm . 

Plate 34. Xylopholas altenai Turner from Gerda, station 66. 

Figure 1. Outer view of right valve showing beaked portion of the anterior slope. Figure 2. Inner view of right valve showing 
the large posterior adductor muscle scar, pedal retractor scar, prodissoconch, and ligament. Figure 3. Inner view of upper part 
of left valve to showing the chondrophore and the mesoplax in its periostracal membrane. Figure 4. Dorsal view of the two 
plates of the mesoplax. 

304. Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 4 


Plate 35. Xyloredo nooi Turner from U.S. Naval Oceanographic Office test site, Tongue of the Ocean, Bahama Islands. 

Figure 1. Inner view of left valve showing divided muscle scar. Figure 2. Outer view of left valve. Figure 3. Outer view of left! 
valve of holotype showing the flaring posterior dorsal margin. Figure 4. Inner view of right valve of holotype showing the divided 

posterior adductor muscle scar, the deep groove separating the disc from the posterior slope, and the umbonal reflection. Figure 
5. Anterior view of opposed valves, showing the chondrophore and internal ligament. Figure 6. Dorsal view showing the thin | 




Plate 36. Xyloredo ingolfia Turner from Ingolf Expedition, station 67. 

Figure 1. Lateral view of an entire animal, showing the periostracal sheath, the extended anal and siphonal canals, and the short 
siphons. Figure 2. Dorsal view of an entire animal, showing the periostracal sheath, the extended anal and siphonal canals, 
and the short siphons. Figure 3. Lateral view of a very young specimen showing the large prodissoconch and the produced 
beaked portion of the anterior slope. Figure 4. Lateral view of left valve with periostracal sheath attached. Figure 5. Dorsal 
view showing the produced, recurved beaks, the umbonal reflection, and the mesoplax with only the central portion of each plate 
calcified. Figure 6. Inner view of right valve with well-marked posterior adductor muscle scar. Figure 7. Inner view of left valve 
with lightly marked scar and large prodissoconch. 

306 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 4 

Plate 37. Xyloredo ingolfia Turner from Ingolf Expedition, station 67. | 
Figure 1. Inner view of left valve showing large prodissoconch, strong umbonal-—ventral ridge, reduced posterior slope, and lightly! 

impressed posterior adductor muscle scar. Figure 2. Outer view of left valve showing the produced beak and rounded low, 
posterior slope. 


Plate 38. Xyloredo naceli Turner from U.S. Naval Civil Engineering Laboratory Test Site | (submersible test unit I-4). 

Figure 1. Lateral view of holotype. Figure 2. Lateral view of specimen partially dissected from the wood showing the calcereous 
tube with the anterior periostracal margin and the papillose periostracal sheath covering the animal between the tube and the 
Figure 3. Anterior-lateral view of entire specimen showing foot and mesoplax. Figure 4. Inner view of left valve showing 

Figure 5. Outer view of left valve. 

muscle scars and chondrophore. 



Taxon names are printed in italics. Page numbers in bold refer to illustrations; those in italics refer t 

species descriptions; t indicates table. 

abyssorum, Xylophaga, 4, 12, 22, 23-24, 61-63 

africana, Xylophaga, 4, 17-18 

altenai, Xylopholas, 41-42, 80-81 

atlantica, Xylophaga, 4, 27-28, 67 

aurita, Xylophaga, 5, 31 

bayeri n. sp., Xylophaga, 5, 12, 24, 38, 38-39, 77-78 

bruuni, Xylophaga, 4, 19, 20, 21 

clenchi, Xylophaga, 4, 13, 14, 16, 17-19, 28, 52-55 

concava, Xylophaga, 4, 14-15, 15, 16, 26, 48 

depalmai n. sp., Xylophaga, 5, 31-34, 35, 38, 40, 70- 

variation of mesoplax in, 11-12, 32 
of Xylophagainae, 2 
of Xylophaga species, 2, 6 (map) 
dorsalis, Xylophaga, 5, 12, 38, 39 
dorsal plates. See mesoplax 
duplicata, Xylophaga, 4, 25, 26, 36, 64 
erecta, Xylophaga, 4, 14 
foliata, Xylophaga, 4, 19 
food chain, 14 
galatheae, Xylophaga, 4, 22 
gerda n. sp., Xylophaga, 4, 14, 15-16, 49-50 
globosa, Xylophaga, 5, 9, 36, 39 
grevei, Xylophaga, 4, 16-17, 51 
growth series, 12 
guineensis, Xylophaga, 5, 32, 34-35, 40, 72-73 
hadalis, Xylophaga, 4 
indica, Xylophaga, 5, 40 
ingolfia, Xyloredo, 44, 44-45, 84 
japonica, Xylophaga, 5, 24, 37, 39-40, 79 
Lignopholas, 3 
lobata, Xylophaga, 4, 22, 24 
Martesia, 3 
as character used in grouping, 3—5 
variation in, 11-12 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 4 

mexicana, Xylophaga, 5, 32, 35-37, 38, 40, 74-75 
muraokai n. sp., Xylophaga, 4, 12, 25-27, 46, 65-66 
murrayi, Xylophaga, 4, 18 
naceli, Xyloredo, 44, 45, 45-46, 85 | 
nooi, Xyloredo, 13, 43-44, 46, 82 | 
obtusata, Xylophaga, 4, 20, 21 
panamensis, Xylophaga, 4,18 
Pholadidea, 40 | 
pholadids, 3, 41 | 
praestans, Xylophaga, By, Ie, Bul 
profunda, Xylophaga, 13, 14, 24 | 
profunda n. sp., Xylophaga, 13, 14, 21-23, 24, 59-60 | 
reproduction, 3 
rikuzenica, Xylophaga, 5, 30-31, 69 
siphons, 3-5 | 
supplicata, Xylophaga, 4, 18, 19-20, 20, 21, 22,56 
Teredinidae, 41, 43 | 
teredinids, 2, 3, 43 
teremachi, Xylophaga, 5 
tipperi n. sp., Xylophaga, 5, 32, 37, 37-38, 76 
tomlini, Xylophaga, 5 
tubulata, Xylophaga, 4, 20, 21 
turnerae, Xylophaga, 5 

due to substrate, 6, 7t, 7-10, 10-11 

in growth series, 12 

in mesoplax, 11-12 
washingtona, Xylophaga, 5, 27, 28, 28-30, 31, 68 
variation due to substrate in, 6, 7t, 7-10, 10-11 
whoi n. sp., Xylophaga, 4, 20-21, 22, 57-58 
wolffi, Xylophaga, 4, 16, 18 

distribution of, 2, 6 

groups in, 3-5 

nomenclature of parts of, 4 

Xylopholas, 2, 40-41, 42 
Xyloredo Turner, 2, 41, 42-43 

. = 

. y 

R ull etin oF ae 





(US ISSN 0027-4100) 


Breviora 1952— 


Memotrrs 1865-1938 

Jounsonia, Department of Mollusks, 1941-1974 
OcCASIONAL PAPERS ON Mo.Luusks, 1945— 

1. Whittington, H. B., and W. D. I. Rolfe (eds.), 1963 Phylogeny and 
Evolution of Crustacea. 192 pp. 
2. Turner, R. D., 1966. A Survey and illustrated Catalogue of the Tere- 
dinidea (Mollusca: Bivalvia). 265 pp. 
3. Sprinkle, J., 1973. Morphology and Evolution of Blastozoan Echino- 
derms. 284 pp. 

4. Eaton, R. J., 1974. A Flora of Concord from Thoreau’s Time to the 
Present Day. 236 pp. 

5. Rhodin, A. G. J., and K. Miyata (eds.), 1983. Advances in Herpetology 
and Evolutionary Biology: Essays in Honor of Ernest E. Williams. 
725 pp. 

6. Angelo, R., 1990. Concord Area Trees and Shrubs. 118 pp. 

Other Publications. 
Bigelow, H. B., and W. C. Schroeder, 1953. Fishes of the Gulf of Maine. 
Reprinted 1964. 

Brues, C.T., A. L. Melander, and F. M. Carpenter, 1954. Classification of 
Insects. (Bulletin of the M. C. Z., Vol. 108.) Reprinted 1971. 

Creighton, W. S., 1950. The Ants of North America. Reprinted 1966. 

Lyman, C. P., and A. R. Dawe (eds.), 1960. Proceedings of the First In- 
ternational Symposium on Natural Mammalian Hibernation. (Bulletin 
of the M. C. Z., Vol. 124.) 

Orinthological Gazetteers of the Neotropics (1975-). 
Peter’s Check-list of Birds of the World, vols. 1-16. 

Proceedings of the New England Zoological Club 1899-1947. (Complete 
sets only.) 

Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History. 

Price list and catalog of MCZ publications may be obtained from Publica- 
tions Office, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge, 
Massachusetts 02138, U.S.A. 

This publication has been printed on acid-free permanent paper stock. 

© The President and Fellows of Harvard College 2003. 

Plate 1. Upper left, Mastophora diablo new species (Argentina, photo J. Abalos). Upper right, M. stowei new species (Kentucky, 
photo K. F. Haynes and K. V. Yeargan). Middle left, MM. yeargani new species (Kentucky, photo K. F. Haynes and K. V. Yeargan). 

Lower left, M. alvareztoroi |barra and Jiménez new species (Texas, photo M. Stowe). Lower right, M. fasciata Reimoser (Costa 
Rica, photo W. Eberhard). 




ABSTRACT. Of 48 species of bolas spiders (Masto- 
phora) found in the Americas, 22 are new. Of that 
number, nine new species and six previously known 
species are North American. The North American 
Mastophora bisaccata is a group of species of similar 
appearance. We can expect additional finds of new 
species of these rare and specialized spiders. The spe- 
cies range from New Hampshire in the United States 
to central Argentina. No species are known from 
tropical Amazon or the northwestern states of the 
United States. The greatest abundance of species is 
in warm temperate areas of southeastern North 
America and southern Brazil and northern Argentina. 
Agatostichus is synonymized with Mastophora. With- 
in this paper, Ibarra and Jiménez describe a new spe- 
‘cies from Chiapas and Texas. Evidence from palpal 
morphology indicates a relationship of Kaira with 
Taczanowskia and Mastophora, suggesting that insect 
attractants may have evolved only once. 

Epeiroides fasciolata, erroneously placed in Mas- 
tophora, is a Kaira, the male of Kaira altiventer. The 
related Asian genus Euglyptila is synonymized with 


Female bolas spiders spend the day 
resting on leaves and branches, usually 
mimicking bird droppings and sometimes 
berries, snails, or leaf buds. At night, the 
bolas spider feeds on male moths attracted 
by the spider’s scent; the scent mimics the 
sex attractant of the female moth. This 
pheromone was first suggested by Hutch- 
inson (1903). Evidence of this pheromone 
was found by Eberhard (1977), and chem- 
ical analyses were conducted by Stowe et 
al. (1987) and Gemeno et al. (2000). An 
approaching male moth is caught with a 
silken thread bearing a viscid drop, the bo- 

‘Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard Uni- 
versity, 26 Oxford Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts 

Bull. Mus. Comp. 

las, hurled at the moth. Moths stick to the 
bolas, whereas detachable wing scales per- 
mit moths to escape from most orb webs. 
The unusual behavior of Mastophora, first 
observed by Hutchinson (1903), has at- 
tracted the attention of researchers, in- 
cluding taxonomists (Eberhard, 1981; 
Stowe, 1986; Stowe et al., 1987; Yeargan, 
1988, 1994, 1997). Unlike most American 
orb weavers, the genus Mastophora has 
been revised in the past. That is, the de- 
scribed species were compared and illus- 
trated and keys were made. Mello-Leitao 
(1931) first reviewed all known species, 
and in the same year Canals (1931) revised 
all Argentinean species. Both authors re- 
lied on differences in the shape of the 
horns on the cephalothorax. The presence 
of horns is a character of the genus and is 
difficult to use for differentiating species. 
Genitalia were not illustrated until Gertsch 
(1955) revised the North American spe- 
cies. Unfortunately, Gertsch’s illustrations 
were poorly labeled. Those with legends 
indicating an internal view of the epigyn- 
um actually were the cleared posterior of 
the epigynum. Gertsch correctly reported 
that the diversity of egg sacs from Florida 
suggested overlooked species. 

Most of our knowledge of the biology of 
these spiders comes from a few species, 
mostly from North America. All late-instar 
and adult female bolas spiders spin a hor- 
izontal line composed of multiple threads, 
and then attach a bolas to it. The bolas 
consists of one, rarely several, balls of 
sticky glue drops on a line. A moth attract- 
ed by the spider's scent is caught by a 
swing of the leg holding the bolas; the ad- 

Zool., 157(5): 309-382, February, 2003 309 


hesive is strong enough to hold moths. The 
moth is wrapped and usually the spider 
builds a new bolas and continues hunting 
before eating. After approximately 20 min- 
utes or more of hunting, when the bolas 
has not been used, the spider pulls it back 
and ingests the silk and glue and spins a 
new bolas. 

The bolas of spiders in the genus Mas- 
tophora is held with the first leg and 
swung at prey. Members of the Australa- 
sian genus Ordgarius and the African ge- 
nus Cladomelea use the second leg and 
whirl the bolas (Stowe, 1986; Yeargan, 
1994; Leroy et-al., 1998). 

Only male moths are attracted. Stowe et 
al. (1987) showed that M. cornigera pro- 
duces several of the pheromone compo- 
nents produced by females of the moth 
prey species. Gemeno et al. (2000) showed 
that M. phrynosoma produces prey pher- 
omone components in proportions that 
represent an attractive blend. Attractants 
are released only while hunting (Gemeno 
et al., 2000). In one study, M. dizzydeani 
captured 2.2 moths per night, although a 
moth approached the spider as it hunted 
about once every 6 minutes (Eberhard, 
1981). Different species of moths that 
mate at different times and that produce 
entirely different pheromones are caught 
at different times during the night. Lists 
of moth species captured: were reported by 
Stowe (1988), Yeargan (1994), and Stowe 
et al. (1995). 

Early instars of Mastophora of both sex- 
es and the minute adult males rest on the 
edges of leaves and feed mostly on male 
meriateccrn flies, primarily Psychodidae 
(moth midges), oven also are attracted by 
scent (Yeargan and Quate, 1996, 1997). 
The flies are captured with the first two 
pairs of legs, without the use of silk. The 
legs are armed with rows of strong setae 
(Figs. 5, 6). The spiderlings do not feed on 
each other (Stowe, 1986; Yeargan, 1994). 
In later instars, females lose these bristles 
and start to use a bolas. 

North American species have only 150— 
250 eggs in each of one to five brown egg 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 5 

sacs (Figs. 445-465). Each egg sac is the 
size of the female. Mastophora cornigera 
makes more egg sacs. Female Mastophora 
in the northeastern states die in autumn. 
More eggs have been reported from other 
species. Mastophora extraordinaria was 
found to produce 530 eggs (Bréthes, 1909) 
and M. dizzydeani produced 826 eggs 
(Eberhard, 1981). Oviposition of M. 
hutchinsoni (a North American species) 
takes place in fall and spiderlings emerge 
in May (Yeargan, 1988). This differs for M. 
cornigera. Glitch sizes for M. hutchinsoni 
ranged from 178 to 275. The sex ratio ap- 
proached one to one (an unusual excep- 
tion was observed in one egg case of M. 

phrynosoma, see below). Males and fe- 
males are similar in size at hatching but 
females grow to be much larger than 
males. Males mature in June, at about 1.7 
mm total length, two months before fe- 
males become mature. 

The scent may come from the integu- 
ment (Lopez, 1998). The horns of the car- 
apace of Mastophora contain midgut di- 
verticula (Lopez et al., 1985). The silk 
glands were described by Lopez and 
Stowe (1985). 

The females rest in exposed places dur- 
ing the day with legs drawn in, often on a 
small pad of silk. All species are cryptic 
and uncommon, and difficult to find when 
present. The clustered egg sacs are sus- 
pended by strong threads on branches, 
and are noticed more often than the spi- 
ders, particularly in deciduous forests after 
leaves have fallen. When a spider is picked | 
up, it rolls in the hand rather than holding 
on, and when first disturbed may regur- 
gitate fluid that has a pungent odor (Ebem 
haved 1981). A summary of research was_ 
reported by Yeargan (1994). 


The collections of the following institu- 
tions and individuals were used. 

American Museum of Natural] 
History, New York (N. Platnick, | 
L. Sorkin) 











Natural History Museum, Lon- 
don, United Kingdom (P. Hill- 
yard, J. Margerison) 

California Academy of Scienc- 
es, San Francisco, California 
(C. Griswold, D. Ubick) 
Canadian National Collections, 
Ottawa, Canada (C. Dondale) 
Clemson University Arthropod 
Collection, Clemson, South 
Carolina (J. Moore, D. Carna- 

Cornell University collection, 
kept in AMNH (N. Platnick, L. 

Denver Museum of Nature 
and Science, Denver, Colorado 
(P. Cushing) 

D. Ubick, San Francisco, Cali- 

El Colegio de la Frontera Sur, 
Tapachula, Chiapas, Mexico 
(G. Ibarra) 

Facultad de Ciencias, Seccion 
Entomologia, | Montevideo, 
Uruguay (M. Simo) 

Fundacion Miguel Lillo, Tu- 
cuman, Argentina (S. Z. Turk, 
le v5 JE Jee rexchti)) 

Florida State Collection of Ar- 
thropods, Gainesville, Florida 
(G. B. Edwards) 

Instituto Butantan, Sao Paulo, 
Brazil (A. Brescovit) 

Illinois Natural History Survey, 
Urbana, Illinois (C. Favret) 
Institut Royal des Sciences Na- 
turelles de Belgique, Brussels, 
Belgium (L. Baert) 

J. Beatty, Carbondale, Illinois 
J. Kaspar, Oshkosh, Wisconsin 
J. Murphy, London, United 

K. V. Yeargan, Lexington, Ken- 

Museo Argentino de Ciencias 
Naturales, Buenos Aires, Ar- 
gentina (M. E. Galiano, C. L. 

Museu de Ciéncias Naturais, 











MASTOPHORA ® Levi 311 

Fundagao Zoobotanica do Rio 
Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, 
Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil (E. 
H. Buckup, M. A. L. Marques) 
Museu de Ciéncias, Pontificia 
Universidade Catélica do Rio 
Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, 
Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil (A. 
A. Lise) 

Museum of Comparative Zo- 
ology, Cambridge, Massachu- 

M. K. Stowe, Gainesville, Flor- 

M. L. Jiménez, La Paz, Mexico 
Museo de Universidad Nacion- 
al, La Plata, Argentina (C. 
Ituarte, L. A. Pereira) 
Muséum National d’ Histoire 
Naturelle, Paris, France (C. 

Museu Nacional, Rio de Janei- 
ro, Brazil (A. B. Kury) 

Museo de Historia Natural, 
Universidad Nacional Mayor 

de San Marcos, Lima, Peru 
(Diana Silva D.) 
Museu, Departamento de 

Zoologia da Escola Superior de 
Agricultura “Luis de Queiroz,” 
Piraciba, SA0 Paulo State, Bra- 
zil (G. J. de Moraes) 

Museu de Zoologia, Universi- 
dade de Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, 
Sao Paulo, Brazil (E. M. Can- 
cello, R. Pinto da Rocha) 
Naturhistorisches Museum, Vi- 
enna, Austria (J. Gruber) 
Naturhistorisches Musuem, 
Basel, Switzerland (A. Hinggi) 
Natal Museum, Pietermaritz- 
burg, South Africa (D. A. Bar- 
raclough, C. Conway) 

Ohio State University, Marion, 
Ohio (R. A. Bradley) 
Queensland Museum, Bris- 
bane, Queensland, Australia 
(R. J. Raven) 

Texas A&M University, College 


Station, Texas (A. Dean, E. Ril- 

National Museum of Natural 
History, Smithsonian Institu- 
tion, Washington, D.C. (J. 
Coddington, L. Lopardo) 
Zoological Museum of the Uni- 
versity of Copenhagen, Copen- 
hagen, Denmark (N. Scharff) 



Brazilian colleagues Erica H. Buckup 
and Arno Lise encouraged me to revise 
Mastophora. The revision was made pos- 
sible with the help of numerous South 
American colleagues with loan of collec- 
tions, including many old specimens, and 
advice. Especially helpful were C. Scioscia 
and the late M. Galiano of Buenos Aires, 
and the Brazilians E. H. Buckup, A. Bres- 
covit, R. Pinto da Rocha, G. J. de Moraes, 
and A. B. Kury. I also thank G. S. Oxford, 
K. V. Yeargan, M. K. Stowe, W. Eberhard, 
J. Leroy, and A. Leroy for help and advice 
and Eric J. Olson for translating difficult 
Spanish. L. Leibensperger was helpful in 
the laboratory. L. R. Levi and the editor, 
B. L. Clauson, polished the writing. W. 
Eberhard read the introduction and im- 
proved the wording. K. Yeargan and M. K. 
Stowe read the manuscript and suggested 
many improvements and corrections. 
Much appreciated are the comments of 
two anonymous readers of the manuscript. 

Gifts of Mastophora to the MCZ collec- 
tions were received from C. Hieber, G. 
Ibarra (from Chiapas, Mexico), J. M. Maes 
(from Nicaragua), M. K. Stowe, and K. V. 
Yeargan. G. Thue N. and M. L. Jiménez 
sent specimens of a new species with com- 
plete descriptions and finished illustra- 
tions. Mastophora alvareztoroi is de- 
scribed here with the names of Ibarra and 
Jimenez as authors. 

The project was started with the help of 
National Science Fooundation grant BMS 
75-05719. The Wetmor ev Golles! Fund cov- 
ered publication costs in part. 

For examination of spiders, I followed 
the procedures described by Levi (1993a). 
For examination and illustration of the 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 5 

small and difficult genitalia of Mastophora, 
additional methods were employed. 

After illustrating ventral and posterior 
views of the female, the epigynum was cut 
off from the body and the soft tissues were 
carefully removed (Fig. 2). The epigynum 
was placed on the dry end of a dish with 
white paraffin, and extra alcohol was re- 
moved with a bit of tissue. The epigynum 
was then placed in a conical pit in the par- 
affin (Fig. 3) containing two drops of Hoy- 
ers medium.? Placement was so that the 
anterior end faced the bottom; the flat 
posterior was parallel with the surface 
(Fig. 3). The viscous nature of Hoyer’s me- 
dium makes it an ideal clearing medium 
and keeps the epigynum in position, al- 
though presumably other clearing agents, 
such as oil of cloves or glycerol, could be 
used. The genitalia were carefully exam- 
ined and “ilies ated from at least one spec- 
imen of each species; several epigyna were 
cleared for abundant and variable species. 

Male spiders for which determination: 
was known were placed in a drop of tinc- 
ture of iodine and left overnight before ex- 
amining them the next morning in 80% 
alcohol. Tincture of iodine gives a good! 
stain, which may not be permanent, and it 
is easy to obtain in pharmacies. Tincture 
of iodine is isotonic with alcohol and does 
not expand the palpus or warp sclerites. — 

Gertsch (1955) in his revision did not’ 
interpret the two original descriptions by. 
Banks (1898) of Ordgarius obesus and O. 
corpulenta. The holotypes were placed in 
the California Academy of Science and 
were destroyed in the 1906 earthquake. 
The specimens, with others, were given to 
Banks from the Marx Collections after 
George Marx died. Banks (1898) pointeds 
out Le the time: 

> Hoyer’s medium is made by dissolving 15 g of 
gum arabic (clear flakes) in 25 ml of distilled water | 
at room temperature. Seventy-five grams of chloral 
hydrate is added, and the mixture is allowed to stand | 
for 1-2 days, until all solids have dissolved. Five mil-| 
liliters of glycerol is then added and the mixture is! 
filtered through glass wool and stored in a glass-stop-| 
pered bottle. 

Anyone familiar with Dr. Marx’s methods of work 
will not be surprised to learn that many of the spec- 
imens, when sent to me, bore no locality label 
whatever. Doubtless he knew where they came 
from, but left no clew [sic] that others might use. 
Some of the species were numbered, and by ex- 
amining several of his series of numbers it was pos- 
sible to find localities and his name for the species. 

However, Banks published illustrations of 
the two species that can be identified if 
one disregards the localities stated. 


Determination of members of the genus 
Mastophora is the most difficult of araneid 
spiders. By using morphological charac- 
ters, 48 presumed species were separated, 
of which 22 species are new. Eleven of 
these new species are known from a single 
female. However, additional specimens 
were found of species earlier described 
from only a single specimen. 

All females are between 7 and 17 mm 
and most are approximately 12 mm total 
length. Most of the species that lack 
humps on the abdomen seem to be found 
in North America. A few species of Mas- 
tophora are slightly smaller and have dif- 
ferent Hibercles or horns on the carapace; 
these were placed in Agatostichus in the 
past, but males and females do not differ 
in other characters from Mastophora. 

Adult males of all species are approxi- 
mately 1.7 mm total length. Males of re- 
lated genera in Asia, Australia, and Africa 
are the same length. Males of the same 
species as females with abdominal humps 
coming from different egg sacs may have 
humps or not; females without humps may 
have males with or without humps. The 
males can be matched to females only by 
raising them from an egg sac from a de- 
termined female. Some males apparently 
emerge from the egg sac as mature adults 
(M. cornigera and perhaps M. gasteracan- 
thoides), But most take at leastn two instars 
to mature. The males of only a few species 
are known, because only ‘W. Eberhard, 
Mark Kk. Stowe, and Ken V. Yeargan have 
raised individuals. The males of most 
southern South American species remain 

MASTOPHORA ° Levi 3138 

unknown. The palpi of different species 
are surprisingly similar and the determi- 
nation of males presents a challenge. 

Immatures coming out of the egg sac 
have visible median’ Raiborcles and horns 
on the carapace and are approxinately 1.2— 
1.6 mm total length. They may have ab- 
dominal humps. 

Some egg sacs can be determined. 
Those of M. hutchinsoni are unique and 
are attached by their base (Figs. 453, 454), 
whereas all others are hanging. Some have 
a thick stalk (M. bisaccata; Fig. 446), extra 
long flaps (M. phrynosoma; Figs. 449, 
450), or may lack flaps altogether (M. cor- 
nigera; Fig. 455). However, not enough 
detenumed egg sacs were available to 
make a key. 

The epigyna of females are much re- 
duced. Females are separated by their col- 
oration and shape of the abdomen, as well 
as by their genitalia. However, with so few 
specimens available of most species, gen- 
eralizations on appearance are a guess. 
The most common North American spe- 
cies, M. bisaccata, was found to be a group 
of species with similar abdominal mark- 
ings. Gertsch (1955) missed this because 
he relied on coloration and did not care- 
fully examine the genitalia of all speci- 
mens. Members of the M. bisaccata spe- 
cies group also differ slightly in average 
size, with M. bisaccata being the largest. 
Gonsch (1955) and Yeargan (1994) sus- 
pected M. bisaccata to be a group of spe- 

The epigynum lacks a scape and has no 
ventral features permitting the palpus to 
be held in place (Figs. 12, 19, 26). A pos- 
terior edge (Figs. 12, 19, 26) may be pre- 
sent. Whatever diagnostic features exist 
are on the posterior face, which has two 
slits, a plate between, and a plate to the 
side (Figs. 13, 20, 27). The plates are usu- 
ally weakly sclerotized. The slits lead into 
a ventral, or sometimes dorsal, atrium 
(Fig. 4), which empties into the seminal 
receptacles (Fig. 4). The slits vary in di- 
rection in different species (Figs. 13, 27). 
The slits may be in depressions or may 


have unique sculpturing along the edges, 
or a lip (Fig. 20). I considered these to be 
useful characters for determination of spe- 

The palpi of males are lightly sclero- 
tized. A median apophysis, a radix, the em- 
bolus, and a terminal apophysis holding 
the embolus are present (Fig. 7). The con- 
ductor, a structure that arises from the te- 
gulum facing the embolus, is absent, al- 
though it seems to be present in Clado- 
melea species (Fig. 443). The different 
species of Ordgarius and Cladomelea show 
greater morphological differences from 
each other than do those of Mastophora. 

Different American species show some 
variation in genitalia and morphology in 
different specimens. Perhaps this is asso- 
ciated with the rarity of individuals and 
wide distribution of species. 

All books on venoms list M. gasteracan- 
thoides among the venomous American 
spiders ( Sedna 2000). These citations all 
come from Escomel (1918), who de- 
scribed the venom from specimens found 
in grapes in southern Peru. Farmers work- 
ing in grapes were bitten on the hands and 
legs. He considered the bites to be “cu- 
tanéo-hémolytique gangrénieux” and gave 
detailed description of the signs, which 
were necrotic skin lesions at the site of the 
bite. B. A. Houssay and J. J. Carbonnel 
checked the specimens at the time. In bor- 
rowed material, Escomel’s specimens were 
found in both the Buenos Aires and in the 
Paris museums. Examination showed them 
to be a new species of Mastophora (M. es- 
comeli), close to M. gasteracanthoides. No 
other evidence of human envenomation 
appeared with any labels on specimens of 
other species examined. Gertsch (1955) 
believed that the responsibility for the 
bites should be awarded to some other spi- 
der or arthropod. I suspect that M. esco- 
meli, unlike others, is more aggressive and 
more readily bites human skin than other 
species. No recent reports exist of ven- 
omous bites from M. escomeli. Mastophora 
escomeli may have been abundant in 1917 
and then become rare again. Escomel 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 5 

(1918) also found that extracts from eggs, 
injected into guinea pigs, were toxic. 

Relationship. Mastophora Holmberg, 
1876, shares carapace outgrowths with 
Australasian Ordgarius Keyserling, 1886 
(Figs. 422-433), and African Cladomelea 
Simon, 1895 (Figs. 434-444). Both Ord- 
garius and Cladomelea species handle the 
Boles with the second leg and, unlike Mas- 
tophora, which swings the bole in a pen- 
dulumlike motion, they whirl the bolas, 
Ordgarius when a moth approaches, ane 
Gindomeion for 15 minutes at a time when 
hunting, at approximately 150 rotations 
per minute (Leroy et al., 1998). 

The carapace outgrowths also are 
shared with the African Acantharachne 
Tullgren, 1910,> Madagascan Coelossia Si- 
mon, 1895, Madagascan Exechocentrus Si- 
mon, 1889, and immatures of Euglyptila 
Simon, 1908, from northern Vietnam 
(Tonkin). Euel yptila is synonymized below 
with O Ordgarius. The males of these and 
their habits are not known, but females 
were illustrated and described by Emerit 
(1980, 2000). The genus Agatostichus Si- 
mon, 1895, is synonymized below with — 
Mastophora, and Dicrostichus Simon, 
1895, has been synonymized with Ordgar- 
ius by Davies (1988). The Mastophora, — 
Ordgarius, Dicrostichus, Cladomelea 
group is absent from European, Mediter- _ 
ranean, and central Asian faunas. 

When males are found, African Acan- 
tharachne and Coelossia should probably 
be synonymized with Cladomelea or Ord- 
garius. However, Exechocentrus differs in | 
having a long eye projection, a long me- 
dian tubercle, and a pair of long, posterior 
tubercles on the carapace (Emerit, 1978, 
1980, 2000). 

Eberhard (1981), Stowe (1986), and | 
Yeargan (1994) studied the relationships 
with other genera. Scharff and Coddington 

° Roewer (1942) and Platnick (2001) cited the ge- 
nus under the name Acantharanea Strand, 1929. The — 
name Acantharachne Tullgren, 1910, is not preoc- | 
cupied, as thought by Stand (Neave, 1939a: 9: Bon- | 
net, 1955: 124). 

constructed a cladogram (1998). The re- 
sults of Eberhard (1981), Stowe (1986), 
and Yeargan (1994) are summarized in Ta- 
ble 1; examination of these results showed 
a close relationship of Mastophora to Tac- 
zanowskia Keyserling, 1880. Members of 
the genus Mastophora seem related to 
genera lacking carapace tubercles (Tacza- 
nowskia, Celaenia, Kaira, Cyrtarachne, 
Poecilopachys, and Pasilobus; Table 1). 
Robinson and Robinson (1975) first sug- 
gested that the web of Pasilobus was in- 
termediate between orb webs and bolas. 
My own studies of genitalia of Taczanows- 
kia (Levi, 1997) showed that Taczanowskia 
is related to Celaenia and Kaira. The distal 
pocket of the epigynal scape of Tacza- 
nowskia correlates with the large hook on 
the median apophysis of the palpus of the 
male (Levi, 1997, fig. 19). Unequal claw 
lengths and armed femora, which are syn- 
apomorphies, relate Taczanowskia and Ce- 
laenia. The denticles next to a tooth on the 
side of the median apophysis of Tacza- 
nowskia also are found in Kaira species 
and Metepeira. Such median apophysis 
denticles are unique to several genera and 
I consider such a row of denticles as a syn- 
apomorphy of Kaira, Metepeira, and Tac- 
zanowskia. One of the synapomorphies of 
most genera allied to Araneus is a spine or 
tooth on the median apophysis. In con- 
trast, males that have a paramedian apoph- 
ysis in the palpus rarely have a tooth or 
spine on the median apophysis (e.g., Al- 
paida, Eriophora, Ocrepeira, Acacesia, 
Cyrtophora, and many others). The shape 
of the median apophysis of the palpus of 
Pasilobus also probably is derived from a 
median apophysis similar to that of Kaira. 
The presence of a spine on the median 
apophysis of all these genera with carapace 
outgrowths indicates a distant relationship 
with Araneus. All these genera have a ter- 
minal apophysis (Fig. 7) in the palpus, 
which was erroneously labeled as a con- 
ductor by some authors. The evidence 
from the study of genitalia thus shows that 
attraction of insects in Kaira and Masto- 
phora most likely evolved only once, not 

MASTOPHORA ® Levi 315 

twice as thought previously (Stowe, 1986; 
Table 2). The homology of secreting 
glands of the insect attractant in Masto- 

phora and Kaira remains uncertain. 

Mastophora Holmberg 

Mastophora Holmberg, 1876: 112. Type species M. 
extraordinaria Holmberg by monotypy. The gender 
of the name is feminine. Neave, 1940: 55. It is not 
preoccupied as claimed by Bonnet, 1957: 1995. 
Mello-Leitao, 1931: 65. Canals 1931: 17. Roewer, 
1942: 900. Gertsch, 1955: 223. Platnick, 2001. 

Heterocephala Holmberg, 1876: 143. Type species H. 
conifera Holmberg by monotypy. The gender of the 
name is feminine. Neave, 1939b: 634. It is not pre- 

Glyptocranium Simon, 1895: 885. Type species G. 
cornigerum Hentz designated by Simon. Neave, 
1939b: 484. The gender of the name is neuter. 
Bonnet, 1957: 1995. First synonymized by Bréthes, 

Agatostichus Simon, 1895: 885. Type species A. leu- 
cacantha Simon by original designation and mon- 
otypy. Neave, 1939a: 86. Gertsch, 1955: 250. NEW 

Agathostichus:—Simon, 1895: 473. Roewer, 1942: 
900. Bonnet, 1955: 181. Platnick, 1998, 2001. 

Note. Simon spelled the generic name 
Agatostichus with and without “h,” but the 
first revisor of the genus, Gertsch (1955), 
spelled the genus without “h.” Subsequent 
users must follow the first revisor (Inter- 
national Code of Zoological Nomenclature, 
art. 24.2 |International Commission on 
Zoological Nomenclature, 1999]). The ge- 
nus is synonymized here because the type 
species M. leucacantha has long median 
tubercles on the carapace (Fig. 316). The 
second species described, M. leucabulba 
Gertsch, lacks these but has a tubercle be- 
tween the posterior median eyes and is 
relatively small (Fig. 288). Gertsch thought 
small size was diagnostic for the genus, but 
this is not the case for the third species, 
M. alvarextoroi, and also not for the type 
species. Tubercles also are found between 
eyes in M. corpulenta (Figs. 336, 337). 

A revision of all species of the genus was 
made by Mello-Leitaéo (1931) and a revi- 
sion of Argentinian species was made by 
Canals (1931). Both authors had shared in- 
formation. I could not find dates of pub- 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 5 


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peatesqo you -urds 10 doxrp — soavoy ur JeotqQe1 a G Ba] popAryr sejoq syQoUuL SMADBPAC 
aL pedeys-dorp — pasodxo Aqjensn al ite [ Se] Sunys sejoq syjout 9 — sary prpoyodsd 9 paoydojsvjy 
UO eUSINBOY eceus ard qe YES Pus synpy jo poo SoANVUy snuosy 
org 38q Suysoy MITES Jo poo 




‘Juasqe rayoRreyo ‘— Suasard rozORIBYS ‘+ x 

a JUOUIeTY outds aqo] T LF SUIS o1eq SW auyovivjihny 
Syont| podeys-1ossep pourds omy oqo] 0 BG UPIPOUL [RAO SPS F advos yyos SW DID DAWY 
yQ00} smvypo yenboun DIDS 
a poedeys-1ossep  — ‘aurds oqo] I SE URIPOUL [RAO SPS G advos Yos “Mutsy peyeNMonuep —s PLYSMOUDZODI, 
smevyjo penboun pypavoxa 
At. podeys-1assep outds = 0 0G azejd sor1ajsod prey aqoy prey ‘areq “mmutey poyeynonuep pwuavjag 
ai podeys-1ossep outds = il 9g UBIPOUI [BAO ‘SPS Z arRq eSIW— shyovdopoa0g 
ai podeys-1ossep autds 2qo] 0 Fe SUIS Z arRq SW snqopisvd 
ae qUOWUe ourds 2qo] 0 FI SUIS Z areq SI ou pajautopvj yg 
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a podeys-1ossep autds ae T/O CT SUIS S a1eq SIN ou pioydoysvy 
stsAydody snjoquiay stsAydody aE) TPA unudsidy unuAsidy WORVOY IPO, sowedg 
[PUuluLtoy, sndieg u da snd [ed JovdeIRT) jo IOLIQSOg jo ToJUuoA, Boy pur snus) 
sndeg 6% <2 




lication of the two 1931 articles, but Mel- 
lo-Leitao’s must have been published first, 
because Canals cites the page numbers of 
Mello-Leitao. Gertsch (1955) revised the 
North American species, and first illustrat- 
ed the genitalia of the species of his re- 

Diagnosis. Mastophora differs from oth- 
er araneid genera by having the carapace 
with tubercles and having horns (Fig. 8), 
and lacking macrosetae on legs (Figs. 5, 6, 
421). Early instars and males have rows of 
setae on distal articles of first and second 
legs (Figs. 5, 6). Mastophora differs from 
Cladomelea and Ordgarius, which may 
have horns (Fig. 423), by using the first 
pair of legs to Thence the bole: Clado- 
melea and Ordgarius use the second pairs. 

Description. Female. Carapace color 
variable, often uniform orange to strongly 
marked. Legs usually not Ramded! Apdo 
men often donee anteriorly, lighter pos- 
teriorly, venter often with a edian white 
square or rectangle (black in M. hutchin- 
soni and some M. phrynosoma). Carapace 
about as wide as long. Eyes small, sub- 
equal. Anterior eta eyes slightly larger, 
lateral eyes smallest. Median ocular tr ap- 
ezoid always longer than wide, widest at 
posterior median eyes, rarely almost 
square. Lateral eyes and medians usually 
on a bulge. Clypeus higher than two an- 
terior mcd eye Giammcters: Carapace 
very high, with median tubercles, a pair of 
horns, usually biforked, and laterally with 
medium to less large tubercles (Figs. 8, 9), 
sometimes with short white setae. Chelic- 
erae with two or three teeth on the ante- 
rior margin, one on the posterior margin 
(M. bisaccata has two or three teeth; Fig. 
1). Legs without macrosetae, early instars 
with row of setae on legs as in mature 
males (Fig. 5). Length of first patella and 
tibia about 1.1 to 1.8 times width of cara- 
pace. Second leg longer than first, third 
shortest. Abdomen wider than long usually 
with a pair of humps, and a pair of scler- 
otized discs between humps and anterior 
margin (Fig. 10), sometimes with addition- 
al tubercles or scattered clumps of setae 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 5 

or setose. Some species (M. alvareztoroi, 
M. felis, and M. haywardi) have carapace 
and abdomen hirsute (Figs. 107-109). The 
tubercles on the carapace and on horns are 
not perfectly symmetrical and show indi- 
vidual differences. The abdominal humps 
of some species (M. gasteracanthoides) are 
of variable length. 

Male. Mature after only two instars or 
emerging as adult from egg sac (M. cor- 
nigera), all about 1.7 mm total length. 
Dirty orange color, sometimes with white 
spots on carapace or abdomen. Carapace 
as wide as long with eyes on bulges as in 
female. Carapace with two median tuber- 
cles and minute horns. Legs without ma- 
crosetae but with row of soft setae on first 
two pairs of legs, slightly shorter than in 
females (Figs. 5 6). Total length of first 
patella and Ge about 1.1 fines width of 

carapace. Abdomen with or without 
humps, often in the same species, regard- 
less of the presence of humps on the fe- 
male abdomen. 

Female genitalia. The epigynum has 
plates on the ventral side, and differs only 
slightly from other species in posterior 
view (Figs. 2, 13, 20, 27) but has lost all 
copulatory structures. The posterior has 
two slits with shadows of atria. 

Male genitalia. Palpus of male has a 
pointed median apophysis, an embolus 
with a simple terminal apophysis (Fig. 7), 
but no distinct conductor. 

One group of Mastophora is distinct: 
the species close to M. gasteracanthoides 
(corpulenta, rabida, escomeli, obtusa, felis, 
holmbergi, reimoseri, satan, and diablo). 
Their carapace is high with vertical sides 
(Fig. 408); the sides OE the thorax have tu- 
bercles (Fig. 409), with short, white setae 
between; ane the abdomen may have high, 
tube-shaped horns (Fig. 413). The Albee 
men of all is dark and species can be sep- 
arated only by studying the genitalia. They 
have been referred to in Spanish as the 
cat’s head spiders (arafia cabeza de gato) 
because of their resemblance to the head 
of a cat, as can be seen in Figure 421. 

‘S4 VA Roe ONO 




GUATEMALA-S 4 = / 5 



- Wz 
PANAMA +3 ap 



MASTOPHORA ® Levi 319 


f n= ~ 

aN’ A 


oy €oLomeia 
= / NS 



Map 1. 

Relationship. Relationships with other 
genera are discussed above. 

Natural History. Mastophora all are un- 
common and difficult to find. Females rest 
on branches or leaves of trees, usually 1.5— 
3 m high. M. K. Stowe (personal com- 
munication) has seen egg cases 10 m up 
and thinks that M. bisaccata seeks out 
branches high up in trees. They often are 
found on trees and bushes in orchards, 
gardens, or along fences. M. K. Stowe 
(personal communication) reported that 
most species in Florida are found in for- 

Sk : 

Approximate number of species in various American regions. 

Distribution. Mastophora are only 
found in America (Map 1). 

Misplaced Species. Mastophora fasciol- 
ata erroneously placed in Mastophora 
(Levi, 1991: 180) is a Kaira. See below. 


IL Abdomen without humps (Figs. 10, 24, 
88, 130); swellings may be visible in 
pronler (igs ys) eee ee eee 2 

= Abdomen with distinct humps or tuber- 
cles (Figs. 137, 145, 298, 331, 401) _. 15 

(1). INoxrthyAmericas(Mapi2) e= serene eee 3 
= South America (Mapsi3 44) oa 11 
3(2) Abdomen  subtriangular, with anterior 



Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 5 

lateral swellings (Fig. 88); posterior of 

epigynum with lateral and ventral lips 

(Fig. 91); eastern United States (Map 

SH] B) )) eae ee elt fee sui isa) SUE Ny phrynosoma 
Abdomen without anterior lateral swell- 

ings (Figs. 10, 17, 24); epigynum with- 

out posterior lips (except apalachicola) 

BE aoe te ete ne eer Pe Ne Ne ay Se ee 4 
Posterior of epigynum with slits framed 

by lateral lips (Fig. 20); southeastern 

United States (Map 2C) ___ apalachicola 
Slits without lips (Figs. 13, 27) 5 

Slits short, their length distant from ven- 
tral margin (Fig. 80); eastern United 
States (Map 2A) yeargani 
Slits approaching close to ventral margin 
Geass 7), Ge 6 
Dorsum of abdomen with bisaccata pat- 
tern, anterior orange to gray with 
spaces and lines (Figs. 42, 53, 65) 
Abdomen marked otherwise (Figs. 10, 
Slits approaching each other ventrally, 
atria their diameter or less apart (Figs. 
56, 57); eastern United States (Map 
2B) bisaccata 
Slits parallel or separating ventrally 
(Eig SrA ai S)) ee a eer 8 
Slits parallel (Fig. 45), atria visible in 
ventral view (Figs. 44); Florida (Map 
2G) alachua 
Atria slightly separating ventrally (Figs. 
68-70), atria not visible ventrally 
(Figs. 67); eastern United States (Map 
2G) stowei 
Atria separating from each other ven- 
trally (Figs. 34, 35); legs ringed; Vir- 
ginia to Florida (Map 2A) timuqua 
Atria approaching each other (Figs. 13, 
Oye lNeratoey Se ee ee 10 
Abdomen black on anterior and _ sides 
(Figs. 24, 25); atria anterior of seminal 
receptacles, seminal receptacles their 
diameter distant from ventral border 
(Fig. 28); southern Florida (Map 2A) 
ey nicenee ie, tek Na SE wee eee felda 
Abdomen with only anterior median 
area black (Fig. 10); atria at level with 
large seminal receptacles, seminal re- 
ceptacles less than their diameter dis- 
tant from ventral border (Fig. 14); 
lmlloyato eV (IM eho) XC) satsuma 
Abdomen hirsute (Figs. 109, 110), slits 
and atria separating ventrally (Figs. 
112, 113); Tucuman, Argentina (Map 
3C) haywardi 
Abdomen with few setae (Figs. 102, 
116): atria otherwise (105, 119) 

12(11). Abdomen with many black spots and 

dark lines (Figs. 130, 131): southern 
Brazil (Map 3B) carpogastra 




Abdomen marked otherwise (Figs. 102, 
116, 123) 

. Abdomen with light longitudinal lines 

(Figs. 102, 103); atria approaching 
each other ventrally (Fig. 105); Santa 
Catarina, southern Brazil (Map 3C) — 
a catarina 
Abdomen marked otherwise (Figs. 116, 

]ED 23) ea A ee NU Leelee ccaeelt ae ae eee es 14 
. Abdomen marked with pair of black 
rings, open anteriorly (Fig. 116); Sao 
Paulo, Brazil (Map 3C) _.._ corumbatai 
Abdomen with two black discs (Fig. 
123); Lara, Venezuela (Map 3A) __.... lara 
Abdomen with many dorsal or lateral 
humps (Figs. 267, 298, 300, 310, 331, 
RSIS) WR Mer ete Tania tee Tae ee ee URE Sa 16 
Abdomen with one pair of humps (Figs. 
155, 171), rarely median area of ab- 
domen swollen (Fig. 325) 19 
Humps anterior on each side of abdo- 
men (Fig. 267); Santiago del Estero, 
Acgentunas (Mayor Si) ee eae abalosi 
Humps or tubercles dorsally (Figs. 298, 
MOL SSM Brae Nike cle aes aaa 17 
Carapace with short tubercles (Figs. 329, 
330); abdomen with numerous small 
dorsal tubercles (Figs. 331, 332): 
northern Argentina to Buenos Aires 
Province (Mapi3G@)ss sans conifera 
Carapace with large tubercles (Figs. 297, 
3()9))gesie 2 ane Can eT UBS aera pseu eaeee 18 

Carapace with median tubercles spine- 
shaped (Fig. 309); Panama (Map 2F) 
LS Sn SEED eh in TS soberiana 
Carapace with median tubercles cone- 
shaped (Fig. 297); Texas to Chiapas 
(Map 2F) alvareztoroi 

; Carapace median tubercles same size or 

longer than horns (Figs. 288, 316, 323) 

AS Sata et lichen AA te et hed i la ln 5 EN 20 
Carapace with median tubercles smaller 
thanshoms)(Higs: 1365.38)l)) )iemseene 22, 
. Median tubercles spine-shaped, very 
long (Fig. 316); Bahia to Rio de Ja- 
neiro, Brazil (Map 3G) _....... leucacantha 
Median tubercles otherwise (Figs. 288, 
SOS) es OE NR EE AE Sea ee 21 

. Median tubercles cone-shaped (Fig. 

323); Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil (Map 

3G) brescoviti 
Carapace tubercles large, rounded on 

dark carapace (Fig. 288); Texas, Mex- 

Itcfo) (UN eto) PAN) Se leucabulba 

. Carapace with sides vertical (Figs. 366, 

380), sides with tubercles (Figs. 367, 

381); Mexico to South America (Map 

721) nie ee eel ae TEs me ETE Sune ta 39 
Carapace with sides slanting (Figs. 135, 

169): sides with few or no tubercles 

(HigstllS65ell7(0;"Miapse2 3) ea=eeaenes 23 


satsuma YW 
stowei @ 

A felda 
g@ timuqua 
@ yeargani 

archeri o 
hutchinsoni @ 

alachuaa YW 
cornigera @ 
seminole A 
Se ; 
@ alvareztoroi 
wv corpulenta ; 
A fasciata au 
@ Jeucabulba ° §) /\ 
@ soberiana ‘y iG 

Map 2. Distribution of Mastophora species of North and Central America. 


322) Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 5 

catarina @ 
corumbatai V 
hayward; 4& 

@ dizzydeani 
@ fasciata 

LZ - Tbe =e) 
NN MS «\ Woe cw 

abalosi Vv 
comma Vv 
melloleitaoi @ 
yacare A 


cranion A 
longiceps w } 
pesqueiro @ 
pickeli A. 



brescoviti V 
conifera @ 
leucacantha @ 

Map 3. Distribution of Mastophora species of South America. 


. North America and Cuba (Map 2) _....... 94 

Central and South America (Map 3) 

. Cuba (Map 2G); abdomen with anterior, 

lateral swellings (Figs. 145, 146) 
ee ee eee ee vaquera 
Continental North America; abdomen 

without lateral swellings (Figs. 137, 

Ay Sy) Re nem Aik ey otic se Ree eee 25 
. Posterior of epigynum with slits and atria 
approaching each other ventrally 
(Figs. 159, 160); northeastern United 
Steltes (Mizyo 2B) ee hutchinsoni 
Slits and atria otherwise (Figs. 140, 174, 
ARS SS) prgetrrere mee eccrine a Maas oases EA 26 
. Posterior of epigynum with slits framed 
by a lip on each side (Fig. 188); south- 
eastern United States (Map 2E) — archeri 
Slits without lips (Figs. 140, 174) if 

. Slits parallel and approach ventral bor- 

der (Fig. 174); eastern United States 

to California and Honduras (Map 2G) 

po ie Eee SESE Ebon wed Tecate ok Aaah ae cornigera 
Slits short, their length apart from ven- 

tral border (Fig. 140); southern Flori- 

(6 (Fie TT cy cee ARE Se aR ae seminole 
. Central America and northern South 
Niraveraver) (we) leteinby =e 29 
Southern South America, from Pernam- 
buco State, Brazil, in the north 30 

. Humps of abdomen broad swellings 

(Fig. 196); slits on posterior of epigyn- 

um approaching each other (Fig. 199); 

Costa Rica to Venezuela (Map 3A) — 

oe a ee fasciata 
Humps of abdomen narrow (Fig. 207); 

slits separating ventrally (Fig. 210); 

Colombia to Peru (Map 3A) — dizzydeani 

. Humps of abdomen extended to a point 

(Figs. 271, 272); Santiago del Estero, 
Argentina (Map 3E) comma 

BOERS Sa pe Vary a aL oe pg ee ee Hee Ve et 31 
. Each side of abdomen with a pair of nar- 
row dark-framed longitudinal, white 
marks (Figs. 239, 240); humps small 
(Fig. 240); Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil 
(Nia c3ID)) i lee eee pesqueiro 
Abdomen without such marks _ 32 
. Posterior of epigynum with a lip on each 
side between slits and ventral margin 
(Fig. 263); Uruguay (Map 3E) _.. yacare 
Posterior of epigynum without such lips 
(ale OG) ae ee 33 
. Epigynal slits appear forked (Figs. 235, 
236); carapace horns unusually thick 
and laid back (Figs. 230, 231); Sao 
Paulo, Brazil (Map 3D) _......... longiceps 

Epigynal slits simple (Figs. 249, 256); 
horns small (Figs. 245, 252) __...-... 34 

Epigynal slits separating ventrally (Figs. 
228, 249) 




MASTOPHORA ® Levi 323 

Epigynal slits and atria approaching each 
other ventrally (Figs. 256, 286) 
Abdomen with a pair of dorsal stippled 
dark spots (Fig. 225); Pernambuco 
State, Brazil (Map 3D) cranion 
Anterior of abdomen black (Fig. 246); 
Minas Gerais, Sao Paulo states, Brazil 
GAY C0) S6)) D)) te eee lee eee Zales piras 
Anterior of abdomen light, light area 
bordered posteriorly by dark (Fig. 
283); epigynum as in Fig. 286; south- 
erm Brazil, northern Argentina (Map 
3 Fg ete LA trac de el extraordinaria 
Anterior of abdomen black (Figs. 218, 
253, 276) 

. Atria their diameter or less apart (Figs. 

256, 257); Rio de Janeiro to Santa Ca- 

tarina, Brazil (Map 3E) _...... ypiranga 
Atria more than their diameter apart ; 

(Figs. 221, 222; 279; 280) 38 

. Atria with median knobs facing each oth- 

er (Fig. 280); Parana to Buenos Aires, 

Argentina (Map 3E) melloleitaoi 
Atria without knobs (Fig. 222); Pernam- 

buco; Brazil (Map 3D) = pickeli 

. Central America (Map 4A); posterior of 

epigynum with dark patch dorsally in 
each of pair of depressions (Fig. 341) 
OUnNerraelo ns 40 

. Galapagos (Map 4A); abdomen with only 

tiny humps (Fig. 346); epigynum slits 
each with a loop ventrally (Figs. 348, 
349) rabida 
Other regions; abdomen with larger 

. Peru (Map 4A); posterior of epigynum, 

between slits, with median area having 
a bulge on each side (Fig. 355) escomeli 
Otherre gions yeast arsme een wen Lt 42 

. Chile (Map 4B); posterior of epigynum 

with a dark spot dorsally in each ad- 
jacent depression (Fig. 415) 
Eh a ee Na gasteracanthoides 
Brazil to Argentina 

2). Abdomen with humps placed on swollen 

area (Figs. 364, 365); Pernambuco 

State, Brazil (Map 4C) obtusa 
Humps not placed on swollen area (Figs. 

368, 369) 

. Dark patch (atria) placed dorsal or mid- 

dle of seminal receptacles (Figs. 392, 
Atria absent or placed ventrally of sem- 
inal receptacles (Figs. 372, 379, 386) 
tee fy dhe Dalal Uae ead dicen seat k eS 46 
Posterior of epigynum with dark patch 
(atria) dorsal within a depression 
(Figs. 392, 394, 395); Pernambuco, 
Brazil, to central Argentina (Map 4B) 

324 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 5 


: CB) canaGua 

B corpulenta 
@ escomeli 
w ‘abida 

wv felis 

& holmbergi 
QO obtusa 
@ ‘eimoseri 



Map 4. Distribution of Mastophora species of the M. gasteracanthoides group. 

= Atria lateral, placed outside of depres- = Slits without such bend (Figs. 371, 378) 
sionu(Higs 404) mortherneicentralAve? Tay) | eee to ae ee ee eee AT 
gentinan(Mapw4 1D) ese) ser diablo 47(46). Posterior of epigynum with slits separat- 

46(44). Posterior of epigynum with slits with a ing ventrally and with lateral lip (Figs. 
ventral bend (Fig. 385); Paraguay 371, 372); Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, 

(Map AG) 18s e ete eer oe ee reimoseri sievalll (UMleie) 4G) ee felis 

Slits parallel (Fig. 378); Paraguay, San- 
tiago del Estero (Map 4C) __. 


Space surrounded by median apophysis, 
in ectal view of palpus, longer than 
wide (Figs. 50, 62, 74, 164, 168) 

Space surrounded by median apophysis 
wider than long (Figs. 39, 85, 96, 99, 
179, 182); terminal apophysis usually 
shorter than embolus (Figs. 37, 83, 94) 

Terminal apophysis shorter than embo- 
lus (Fig. 48); median apophysis of pal- 
pus very short (Figs. 48-50); Florida 
(Mian? CG) aes eee ee 

Terminal apophysis as long or longer 
than embolus (Figs. 7, 60) 

Base of embolus large (Figs. 60, 61); 
eastern United States (Map 2B) ——— 



ae ee Se ea SI a bisaccata 

Base of embolus small (Figs. 72, 73) 
Base of median apophysis rounded 
(Figs. 162, 166); in ectal view, narrow 
part of median apophysis shorter than 
base (Figs. 164, 168); northeastern 
United States (Map 2E) _.... 
Base of median apophysis angular (Fig. 
72, 73); in ectal view, narrow part of 
median apophysis as long or longer 
than width of base (Fig. 74); eastern 
Wnited States! (Map. 2©) = es 
Terminal apophysis almost as long as 
embolus (Figs. 94, 177, 180) 
Terminal apophysis about half length or 
less of embolus (Figs. 83, 191) ........... 
Base of median apophysis longer than 
wide (Figs. 177, 180); southern United 
States to California and Central Amer- 
jean (Mawr 2 Chon. sn: SA eee 
Base of median apophysis short (Figs. 
94, 98); eastern United States (Map 
Base of median apophysis large, touch- 
ing embolus (Figs. 83, 84); eastern 
United States (Map 2A) 
Base of median apophysis small (Figs. 
37, 191) 
Length of narrow part of median apoph- 
ysis as wide as base in ectal view (Fig. 
193); Gulf Coast, Kansas (Map 2E) — 







Ba nee ae wR AEN ce pe Ae RP archeri 

Length of narrow part of median apoph- 
ysis longer than width of base (Fig. 
39); Virginia to North Carolina (Map 
CIN) eviee Sree e ine Mier ikea Ae! 


MASTOPHORA ° Levi 325 

Kaira altiventer (O. P.-Cambridge), new 

Epeiroides fasciolata O. P.-Cambridge, 1889: 15, pl. 
8, fig. 5, 3d. Male from Bugaba, Panama, in 
BMNH, examined; now lost. Keyserling, 1893: 309, 
pl. 16, fig. 228, d. Male from Guatemala. 

Kaira altiventer O. P.-Cambridge, 1889: 56, pl. 3, fig. 
13, 2. Female from Veragua |Veraguas Prov.], Pan- 
ama, in BMNH, examined. Levi, 1993b, 213, figs. 
3-22, 2, 6. NEW SYNONYM Y. 

Aranea fasciolata: —F. P.-Cambridge, 1904: 519, pl. 
51, fig. 5, d. Claims that Keyserling’s specimen is 
lost and probably was misidentified according to F. 
P.-Cambridge, 1904. 

Note. Epeiroides fasciolata is a Kaira. 
My unpublished illustration of the holo- 
type of E. fasciolata shows the distinct 
large median apophysis tooth at the base 
of the flagella, the characteristic curved, 
long, soft conductor, and the drop-shaped, 
sclerotized terminal apophysis of Kaira al- 
tiventer (Levi, 1993b, figs. 20, 21). 

I examined the type in 1967, when vis- 
iting the BMNH, and made a drawing of 
the palpus of the male, thinking errone- 
ously that the species is a Mastophora, But 
the palpus is not that of Mastophora. Nei- 
ther O. P.-Cambridge, F. P.-Cambridge, or 
Keyserling showed carapace tubercles. I 
overlooked the species when revising 
Kaira. Since 1967, the holotype has been 
misplaced and cannot be found. 

Mastophora satsuma new species 
Figures 8-14; Map 2C 

Holotype. Female holotype from Riverview, 11 mi. 
[17.6 km] SE of Tampa, on Highway 301, Hills- 
borough Co., Florida, on satsuma, Citrus nobilis 
(tangerine tree), 23 Aug. 1966 (E. R. Simmons), in 
FSCA. The specific name is a noun in apposition 
after the tree on which the holotype was collected. 

Description. Female holotype. Carapace 
orange-brown. Chelicerae, labium, endites 
light brown. Sternum grayish orange. Cox- 
ae and distal leg articles brown. Abdomen 
dorsum whitish with dark gray frame hav- 
ing a lobe extending posteriorly to midline 
(Fig. 10); venter gray with white square. 
Carapace, with few tubercles (Figs. 8, 9) 
and short white setae. Abdomen without 
humps (Fig. 10). Total length 9.6 mm. 


Carapace teat mm long, 4.0 wide in tho- 
racic region, 2.4 wide a lateral eyes. First 
femur 4 1 mm, patella and tibia 5.2, meta- 
tarsus 3.5, tarsus 1.0. Second patella and 
tibia 4.0 mm, third 2.3, fourth 3.6. Length 
of first patella and tibia 1.1 times width of 

Males are not known. 

Variation. The epigynum is asymmetri- 
cal: the left slit is more curved than the 
right one and the left seminal receptacles 
are larger than the right ones (Fig. 14). 
Both ccminal receptacles are oval. 

Diagnosis. Mastophora satsuma is dis- 
tinguished from M. felda (Figs. 22-28) by 
being smaller, by differences in dorsal pat- 
tern (Fig. 10), by having larger seminal re- 
ceptacles (Fig. 14), ariel Alee. by the larger 
depression in ras midline of the epigynum 
(Fig. 14). 

Distribution. Central Florida (Map 2C). 

Specimens Examined. No other specimens have 
been found. 

Mastophora apalachicola new species 
Figures 15-21; Map 2C 
Holotype. Female holotype from ravine, Bristol, Cal- 
houn Co., Florida, 29 Dec. 1939 (A. F. Archer), in 

AMNH. The specific name is a noun in apposition 
after the name of the river at the locality. 

Description. Female holotype. Carapace 
contrastingly marked, sides dark brown, 
dorsum light brown anteriorly, pair of 
forks lightest brown (Figs. 15, 16). Chelic- 
erae yellow- white with a ae patch on 
sides. Labium, endites dark brown. Ster- 
num anterior light, posterior dark brown. 
Coxae dusky brown, fourth darkest. Distal 
leg articles yellow-white, femora and pa- 
tellae with brown bands. Abdomen white 
(Fig. 17), dorsum with a pair of black 
spots, venter with white square containing 
three pairs of black dots. Carapace with 
few tubercles, with very large forked horns 
and with short white setae on sides (Figs. 
15, 16). Median eyes on bulge, lateral eyes 
on bulges. Abdomen without humps and 
with large distinct dorsal pair of discs (Fig. 
17). Total length 8.8 mm. Carapace 3.5 
mm long, 3.4 wide in thoracic region, 2.2 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 5 

wide at lateral eyes. First femur 3.3 mm, 
patella and tibia 4.4, metatarsus 3.2, tarsus 
1.0. Second patella and tibia 3.3 mm, third 
1.8, fourth 3.0. Length of first patella and 
tibia 1.3 times width of carapace. 

Males are not known. 

Variation. Total length of females 8.8 to 
9.0 mm. The specimen from Levy County 
has the atria larger and more spherical 
than those of the holotype (Fig. 21); the 
one from Hamilton Co. has the atria larger 
and the seminal receptacles much larger. 
The illustrations were made from the ho- 

Diagnosis. Mastophora apalachicola is 
distinguished from others by the contrast- 
ing carapace coloration (Figs. 15, 16), the 
abdomen lacking humps, ‘lacking dorsal 
color pattern, and having large Boreal discs 
(Fig. 17). The horns (Fig. 15) are larger 
than those of M. timuqua (Fig. 29) and M. 
satsuma (Fig. 8). The epigynum, unlike 
that of similar species, has a lip on each 
side; the slits are in a slight depression 
(Fig. 20). The epigynal slits and atria are 
almost parallel (Figs. 20, 21). 

Distribution. South Carolina to north- 
em Florida (Map 2C). 

Paratypes. SOUTH CAROLINA Anderson Co.: 
Simpson Agric. Exp. Station, 16 Aug. 1974, 1 imm. 
(R. Paigler, CUAC). FLORIDA Hamilton Co.: nr. 
White Springs, Big Shoals State Forest, 25 Nov. 1991, 
12 (M. K. Stowe 2116, FSCA). Levy Co.: Manatee 
Springs State Park, 10 Nov. 1992, 12 (M. K. Stowe 
2114, MCZ). 

Mastophora felda new species 
Figures 22—28; Map 2A 

Holotype. Female holotype from near Felda, Hendry 
Co., Florida, in orange grove, 8 March 1993 (D. 
Smith), in FSCA. The specific name is a noun in 
apposition after the type locality. 

Description. Female holotype. Carapace 
dark orange-brown. Chelicerae dusky 
brown. Labium, endites dusky brown. 
Sternum brownish orange. Coxae orange- 
brown, lighter than Stemi and legs. Dis- 
tal leg spetales dark orange- esate Abdo- 
men anterior, sides, and enter gray (Fig. 
24), center and posterior whitish; venter 

MASTOPHORA ® Levi 327 

seminal receptacle 

now atrium satsuma 

terminal apophysis 
radix embolus 
tegulum conductor area 

median apophysis 

Figures 1-7. Mastophora. 1-4, female. 1, M. bisaccata, left tip of chelicera and fang from posterior. 2, epigynum, diagram- 
matical. 3, dish with paraffin to examine epigyna. 4, M. diablo, epigynum cleared, in posterior view, showing ducts. 5-7, male. 
5, M. gasteracanthoides. 6, M. bisaccata. 7, M. gasteracanthoides left palpus without cymbium, mesal view. 

Figures 8-14. M. satsuma new species, female. 8, 9, carapace and chelicerae. 8, frontal. 9, lateral. 10, 11, carapace and 
abdomen. 10, dorsal. 11, lateral. 12-14, epigynum. 12, ventral. 13, posterior. 14, posterior, cleared. 

Figures 15-21. MM. apalachicola new species, female. 15, 16, carapace and chelicerae. 15, frontal. 16, lateral. 17, 18, carapace 
and abdomen. 17, dorsal. 18, lateral. 19-21, epigynum. 19, ventral. 20, posterior. 21, posterior, cleared. 

Figures 22-28. WM. felda new species, female. 22, 23, carapace and chelicerae. 22, frontal. 23, lateral. 24, 25, carapace and 
abdomen. 24, dorsal. 25, lateral. 26-28, epigynum. 26, ventral. 27, posterior. 28, posterior, cleared. 

Scale lines. 1.0 mm; genitalia, 0.1 mm. 


with median white square. Carapace with 
few tubercles and with short, white setae 
(Figs. 22, 23). Median eyes on bulge, lat- 
eral eyes on bulges. Abdomen without 
humps (Fig. 24). Total length 12.3 mm. 
Carapace 5.3 mm long, 5.4 wide in tho- 
racic region, 3.0 wide at lateral eyes. First 
femur 5.2 mm, patella and tibia 6.7, meta- 
tarsus 4.6, tarsus 1.2. Second patella and 
tibia 5.1 mm, third 2.7, fourth 4.8. Length 
of first patella and tibia 1.2 times width of 

Males are not known. 

Variation. The holotype has only seven 
eyes; it lacks the left posterior median eye. 

Diagnosis. Mastophora is distinguished 
from M. bisaccata by the different color- 
ation of the abdomen (Fig. 24), by the epi- 
gynum having only a thin rim in ventral 
view (Fig. 26), and by the small dorsal 
knobs in the depression on the posterior 
of the epigynum (Fig. 27). The atria bend 
toward each other (Fig. 28), but are far- 
ther apart than those of M. bisaccata (Fig. 

(Map 2A). 

South-central Florida 

Specimens Examined. No other specimens have 
been found. 

Mastophora timuqua new species 

Figures 29-39, 445; Map 2A 
Holotype. Female holotype from Devil’s Millhopper 

State Park, Gainesville, Alachua Co., Florida, 19 

Nov. 1983 (M. K. Stowe 107A), in MCZ. The spe- 

cific name is a noun in apposition after an extinct, 

northern Florida Indian tribe. 

Description. Female holotype. Carapace 
light brown, with sides and eye areas dark- 
er brown and white mark in center (Figs. 
29, 30). Chelicerae, labium, endites 
brown. Sternum light brown. Coxae lighter 
than sternum, digs leg articles with dark 
brown rings. omens gray with anterior 
darker (Fig. 31), venter with indistinct 
white square. Thorax with short white se- 
tae, a distinct narrow line around margin; 
lacking large tubercles on sides of thoracic 
region (Figs. 29, 30). Median eyes on a 
bulge, lateral eyes on bulges. Abdomen 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 5 

without humps. Total length 8.5 mm. Car- 
apace 3.5 mm long, 3.4 wide in thoracic 
region, 1.8 wide at lates al eyes. First femur 
2.9 mm, patella and tibia 4.1, metatarsus 
2.7, tarsus 0.8. Second patella and tibia 3.3 
mim, third 1.8, fourth 2.7. Length of first 
patella and tibia 1.2 times width of cara- 

Male allotype. Carapace orange with 
white median patch. Sternum orange. 
Coxae, legs lighter orange. Abdomen 
dusky orange. Abdomen with two adjacent 
humps. Total length 1.6 mm. Carapace 
0.88 mm long, 0.79 wide in thoracic re- 
gion, 0.53 wide at lateral eyes. First femur 
0.78 mm, patella and tibia 0.78, metatarsus 
0.45, tarsus 0.28. Second patella and tibia 
0.69 mm, third 0.40, fourth 0.55. Length 
of first patella and tibia same as width of 

Note. Males were raised from egg sac of 
M. timuqua. 

Variation. The illustrations were made 
from the female holotype and male allo- 

Diagnosis. Mastophora timuqua is dis- 
tinguished from both M. bisaccata and M. 
pisgah by lacking dorsal abdominal pattern 
(Fig. 31), by having ringed legs, by having 
ies posterior of the epigynum with atria 
separated, and by having a ridge in the 
midline (Fig. 34). 

The male has a wide space enclosed by 
the median apophysis (Fig. 39) and differs 
from the male of M. cornigera by the prox- 
imal position of the radix (Fig. Sas 

The egg sac is shown in Figure 445. 

Distribution. North C@xolina to north- 
ern Florida (Map 2A). 

Paratypes. NORTH CAROLINA Moore Co.: 
reared from egg sac in spring 1941, 3d (J. Perry, M. 
K. Stowe 2113, “MCZ). FLORIDA Alachua Co.: Deve 
ils Millhopper State Park, reared spring 1992, ¢ al- 
lotype, 11 paratypes (M. K. Stowe 2101, MCZ, 
AMNH); spring 1992, raised 3d (M. K. Stowe 2106, 
FSCA). Levy Co.: Manatee Springs State Park, 5 Nov. 
1987, 12 (M. K. Stowe 2111, AMNH). Hillsborough 
Co.: Pinecrest Alderman Ford County Park, 9 May 
1988, egg sac (M. K. Stowe 21050, FSCA). 

MASTOPHORA ° Levi 329 


Figures 29-39. Mastophora timuqua new species. 29-35, female. 29, 30, carapace and chelicerae. 29, frontal. 30, lateral. 31, 
32, carapace and abdomen. 31, dorsal. 32, lateral. 33-35, epigynum. 33, ventral. 34, posterior. 35, posterior, cleared. 36-39, 
male left palpus, stained. 36, apical. 37, mesal. 38, ventral. 39, ectal. 

Figures 40-50. WM. alachua new species. 40-46, female. 40, 41, carapace and chelicerae. 40, frontal. 41, lateral. 42, 43, 
carapace and abdomen. 42, dorsal. 43, lateral. 44-46, epigynum. 44, ventral. 45, posterior. 46, posterior, cleared. 47-51, male 
left palpus, stained. 47, apical. 48, mesal. 49, ventral. 50, ectal. 

Scale lines. 1.0 mm; genitalia, 0.1 mm. 


Mastophora alachua new species 
Figures 40-50; Map 2G 

Holotype. Female holotype from Devil’s Millhopper 
State Park, Gainesville, Alachua Co., Florida, 19 
Nov. 1983 (Mark K. Stowe 107B), in MCZ. The 
species is named after the type locality. 

Description. Female holotype. Carapace 
orange. Chelicerae, labium, endites or- 
ange. Sternum orange. Coxae and distal 
leg articles orange. Abdomen orange with 
a dorsal, anterior dusky area containing 
some bare patches, and a transverse gray 
line posteriorly (Fig. 42); venter with white 
square. Carapace granular rather than tu- 
bercular, sides of carapace with short 
white setae; no tubercles on lateral thorac- 
ic region (Fig. 41). Abdomen subtriangu- 
lar, without humps (Fig. 43). Total length 
8.0 mm. Carapace 3.4 mm long, Sv ide 
in thoracic region, 2.2 wide at ieteral eyes. 
First femur 3.5 mm, patella and tibia 4.5, 
metatarsus 3.2, tarsus 1.0. Second patella 
and tibia 3.5 mm, third 1.8, fourth 2.9. 
Length of first patella and tibia 1.3 times 
width of carapace. 

Male allotype. Carapace dusky orange 
with median white patch. Sternum, legs, 
abdomen dusky orange. Abdomen oh 
pair of adjacent humps. Total length 1.6 
mm. Carapace 0.78 mm long, 0.67 wide in 
thoracic region, 0.52 wide Ae lateral eyes. 
First fom 0.67 mm, patella and tibia 
0.78, metatarsus 0.42, tarsus 0.11. Second 
patella and tibia 0.65 mm, third 0.38, 
fourth 0.54. Length of first patella and tib- 
ia 1.1 times width of carapace. 

Note. The male was raised from an egg 

Variation. Total length of females 8.0— 
9.2 mm, males 1.6—1.7. The illustrations 
were made from female holotype, correct- 
ed with the paratypes. The male illustrated 
was the only one available, the allotype, 
whose palpus was expanded, and thus the 
median apophysis (Figs. 47-50) may not 
be at the same angle as in the contracted 

Diagnosis. Mastophora alachua is distin- 
guished by the abdomen, slightly triangu- 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 5 

lar in shape and having markings like those 
of M. bisaccata (Fig. 42), and by the epi- 
gynum, in ventral view showing two dark 
areas, the atria, on the posterior margin, 
and a narrow double margin (Fig. 45), and 
on the posterior, parallel slits, slightly clos- 
er ventrally, and between, next to each 
other, two shallow U-shaped shadows (Fig. 


Paratypes. FLORIDA Alachua Co.: Devil's Mill- 
hopper State Park, 21 Nov. 1983, 12 (M. K. Stowe 
106, MCZ); no date, prob. 1984, allotype d (M. K. 
Su 2102, MCZ); Gainesville, 1 Nov. 1990, 12 (M 

. Stowe 2115, FSCA). 

Northern Florida (Map 

Mastophora bisaccata (Emerton) 
Figures 51-62, 446; Map 2B 

Cyrtarachne bisaccata Emerton, 1884: 325, pl. 34, 
fig. 11, °, pl. 38, fig. 12, egg sac. Female holotypes 
from beech tree, New Haven, Connecticut, in 
MCZ, examined. 

C. multilineata Atkinson, 1888: 546. Two syntypes 
presumably from near Chapel Hill, North Carolina, 
lost. First synonymized by Banks (1910). 

Ordgarius bisaccata: -—Keyserling, 1892: 42, pl. 2, fig. 
35, 2. McCook, 1894: 198, pl. 12) figs. 2: 3, oe 

Glyptocranium bisaccatum:—Bonnet, 1957: 1996. 

Ordgarius obesus Banks, 1898: 250, pl. 15, fig. 9, °. 
Two female syntypes from La Chuparosa [Chupar- 
rosa, San Luis Potosi], Mexico, in CAS, destroyed. 

Mastophora_ bisaccata:—Mello-Leitaéo, 1931: 71. 
Roewer, 1942: 900. Kaston, 1948: 232, figs. 737— 
740. Gertsch, 1955: 242, pls. 3-5, pl. 6, figs. 1, 4; 
text figs. 19-23, 35, 43, 44, 2, ¢d. Platnick, 1997: 
513. Platnick, 2001. 

Note. Atkinson did not tell how Cyrtar- 
achne multilineata differs from bisaccata, 
although he mentioned the latter species. 
The large size, total length 11 and 13 mm, 
abdomen 13 and 15 mm wide, suggest ne 
had M. bisaccata. The name was first syn- 
onymized by Banks (1910). 

Ordgarius obesus differs from bisaccata, 
according to Banks, by being larger in size 
and having the cephalothorax truncate. 
The illustration shows the dorsal abdomi- 
nal pattern of M. bisaccata. The size is 
within the range of M. bisaccata and the 
carapace, unlike most Mastophora, is trun- 
cate. There is no doubt that this was M. 

MASTOPHORA ° Levi 331 


Wo stowei 


Figures 51-62. Mastophora bisaccata (Emerton). 51-58, female. 51, 52, carapace and chelicerae. 51, frontal. 52, lateral. 53, 
54, carapace and abdomen. 53, dorsal with male. 54, lateral. 55-58, epigynum. 55, ventral. 56, posterior. 57, 58. posterior, 
cleared. 57, (Virginia). 58, (Florida). 59-62, male left palpus, stained. 59, apical. 60, mesal. 61, ventral. 62, ectal. 

Figures 63-74. M. stowei new species. 63-70, female. 63, 64, carapace and chelicerae. 63, frontal. 64, lateral. 65, 66, carapace 
and abdomen. 65, dorsal, with male. 66, lateral. 67-70, epigynum. 67, ventral. 68, posterior. 69, 70, posterior, cleared. 69, 
(Florida). 70, (North Carolina). 71-74, male left palpus, stained. 71, apical. 72, mesal. 73, ventral. 74, ectal. 

Scale lines. 1.0 mm; genitalia, 0.1 mm. 


bisaccata. The locality of this specimen is 
doubtful, because it came from the Marx 
collection (see Banks, 1898). 

Description. Female from Rhode _Is- 
land. Carapace orange-brown. Sternum 
dark orange-yellow. Legs orange yellow, 
first femur darker ventrally. Abdomen 
white, anterior dorsally gray with charac- 
teristic pattern (Fig. 53), venter with white 
square. Carapace with very small tuber- 
cles, and small eye projections (Figs. 51— 
53). Abdomen without humps (Fig. 53). 
Total length 14.2 mm. Carapace 5.2 mm 
long, 5.4 wide in thoracic region, 2.8 wide 
at lateral eyes. First femur 4.4 mm, patella 
and tibia 6.3, metatarsus 4.3, tarsus 1.2. 
Second patella and tibia 4.7 mm, third 2.7, 
fourth 4.6. Length of first patella and tibia 
1.2 times width of carapace. 

Male from Arkansas. Carapace orange- 
brown with white line in middle, branch- 
ing posteriorly into tubercles (Fig. 6). Ster- 
num white. Lateral eyes smaller than me- 
dian. Legs colorless yellowish. Abdomen 
white. Abdomen with slight, indistinct tu- 
bercles (Fig. 6). Total length 1.8 mm. Car- 
apace 0.88 mm long, 0.81 wide in thoracic 
region, 0.55 wide at lateral eyes. First fe- 
mur 0.92 mm, patella and tibia 0.93, meta- 
tarsus 0.48, tarsus 0.27. Second patella and 
tibia 0.79 mm, third 0.47, fourth 0.59. 
Length of first patella and tibia 1.1 times 
width of carapace. 

Note. Examined males include males 
raised from egg sacs by K. Yeargan and 
males collected in the same locality as fe- 

Variation. The holotype has the epigynal 
slits farther apart than in the specimen il- 
lustrated. Total length of females 9.0-15.3 
mm. Males may have humps on the ab- 
domen. The illustrations were made from 
the female holotype and males from Ar- 
kansas and Ohio. An egg sac collected with 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 5 

female at Bushnell, Florida, lacked flaps 
and was smooth. 

Diagnosis. The female of M. bisaccata is 
distinguished from the similar M. alachua, 
M. stowei, and M. yeargani by being larg- 
er, and having the atria approaching each 
other in posterior view of the epigynum 
(Figs. 56-58). 

The male has a narrow space encircled 
by the median apophysis in ectal view (Fig. 
62), and the median apophysis has a longer 
base (Fig. 60) than in M. hutchinsoni. 

The egg sac has a heavier stalk than in 
other Mastophora species (Fig. 446). 

Natural History. Mastophora bisaccata 
has been collected from bittersweet in 
Connecticut, field of cemetery in Illinois, 
and on dogwood in Florida. Females rest 
under leaves, and sometimes neighboring 
leaves are stitched together; the females 
may look like leaf galls in Florida (M. 
Stowe, personal correspondence); in 
North Carolina they may resemble tree 
snails (Atkinson, 1888). 

Distribution. Eastern United States 
(Map 2B). 

Specimens Examined. CONNECTICUT Litchfield 
Co.: Kent, on bittersweet, Sept. 1937, 12 (AMNH). 
NEW YORK Nassau Co.: Long Island: Sea Cliff, 1d 
(MCZ). NEW JERSEY Elizabeth Co.: Roselle Park, 
25 Sep. 1910, 12 (AMNH). Middlesex Co.: New 
Brunswick, July 1930, 12 (AMNH). PENNSYLVA- 
NIA Westmoreland Co.: 4.8 km S Rector, 13 Sep. 
1966, 12 (B. Vogel, DMNS). OHIO Jackson Co.: 
Oak Hill, 12 (R. A. Reller, OSU). Logan Co.: Can- 
twell Cliffs, 8 Sep. 1935, 12 (OSU). Butler Co.: 
Bachelor Woods, Oxford, 11 July 1998, 1d (D. M. 
ington, Sept., 1d (Fox, CUC, AMNH); summer 
1935, 12 (H. E. Ewing, USNM). VIRGINIA Falls 
Church, 12, 1¢ (MCZ). Powhatan Co.: Powhatan, 
Sep. 1984, 12 (A. Moreton, MCZ); 1985, 12 (A. 
Moreton, MKS). KENTUCKY Jessamine Co.: imm., 
73 raised spring 1995 (K. V. Yeargan, KVY). SOUTH 
CAROLINA Oconee Co.: Clemson College, 1° 
(MCZ). Lexington Co.: Batesburg, 12 (MCZ). 
GEORGIA Fulton Co.: Atlanta, 2 Aug. 1937, 12 (F. 


Figures 75-85. Mastophora yeargani new species. 75-81, female. 75, 76, carapace and chelicerae. 75, frontal. 76, lateral. 77, 
78, carapace and abdomen. 77, dorsal. 78, lateral. 79-81, epigynum. 79, ventral. 80, posterior. 81, posterior, cleared. 82-85, 
male left palpus, stained. 82, apical. 83, mesal. 84, ventral. 85, ectal. 

MASTOPHORA °® Levi 333 

Figures 86-99. MM. phrynosoma Gertsch. 86-92, female. 86, 87, carapace and chelicerae. 86, frontal. 87, lateral. 88, 89, 
carapace and abdomen. 88, dorsal, with male. 89, lateral. 90-92, epigynum. 90, ventral. 91, posterior. 92, posterior, cleared. 
93-99, male left palpus, stained. 93-96, (Kentucky). 97-99, (Florida). 93, apical. 94, 97, mesal. 95, 98, ventral. 96, 99, ectal. 

Scale lines. 1.0 mm; genitalia, 0.1 mm. 


W. Fattig, AMNH). FLORIDA Alachua Co.: Devil's 
Millhopper State Park, July, Aug. 1978-1981, 52 (M 
K. Stowe, MKS); June, July 1981, OMEN Ke Stowe, 
MKS): 19 Nov. 1983, 12; Gainesville, 26 July 1980, 
penult. (C. Hieber, MCZ); High Springs, Oct. 1935, 
12 (H. H. Simpson, USNM). Indian River Co.: Se- 
bastian, Apr. 1944, 12 (G. Nelson, MCZ). Lake Co.: 
Umatilla, Sep. 1954, 12 (M. W. Tyler, AMNH). Sum- 
ter Co.: Bushnell, 24 Oct. 1979, 12 (W. Edwards, 
FSCA). ILLINOIS Franklin Co.: Zeigler, 10 May 
1928, 12 (J. K. Carlovic, MCZ). Jackson Co.: Little 
Grand Canyon, S. Murphysboro, 5 Sep. 1971, 1d (N. 
Magnuson, JAB). Williamson Co.: Canterville, field of 
cemetery, 14 Oct. 1978, 12 (R. Reith, JAB). MIS- 
SOURI St. Louis Co.: 17 Feb. 1940, 1d paratypes of 
M. archeri (W. M. Gordon, AMNH). ARKANSAS 
Carroll Co.: Berryville, July 1942, 1d (C. Wilton). 
MISSISSIPPI Harrison Co.: Gulfport, 12 (AMNH). 

Mastophora stowei new species 
Plate 1; Figures 63-74, 447; Map 2C 

Holotype. Female holotype from American Entomo- 
logical Institute, Gainesville, Alachua Co., Florida, 
29°3 6.0'N, 82°22.0'W, 7 Dec. 1987 (M. Stowe 
07001), in MCZ. The species is named after the 
collector, Mark Stowe, who has contributed much 
to our knowledge of Mastophora. 

Description. Female holotype. Carapace 
orange-brown, dusky in eye region (Fig. 
65). Chelicerae light orange, labium, en- 
dites dusky orange. Sternum orange. Legs 
light orange, dusky dorsally. Abdomen dor- 
sum whitish with gray pattern anteriorly, 
having distinct white spots and_ streaks 
(Fig. 65); venter with white square. Cara- 
pace with indistinct tubercles; horns al- 
most rectangular in anterior view (Figs. 63, 
64). Abdomen without humps and slightly 
pointed posteriorly (Fig. 65). Total length 
8.0 mm. Carapace 3.5 mm long, 3.4 wide 
in thoracic region, 2.1 wide at lateral eyes. 
First femur 3.4 mm, patella and tibia 4.5, 
metatarsus 2.8, tarsus 1.0. Second patella 
eiael milo) S45 saonen, anixel BOs amon B2. 
Length of first patella and tibia 1.3 times 
width of carapace. 

Male allotype. Carapace gray-orange 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 5 

with a white median patch. Sternum or- 
ange. Legs orange, dusky dorsally. Abdo- 
men dusky orange, with humps. Total 
length 1.7 mm. Carapace 0.80 mm long, 
0.68 wide in thoracic region, 0.48 wide at 
lateral eyes. First femur 0.67 mm, patella 
and tibia 0.78, metatarsus 0.41, tarsus 0.29. 
Second patella and tibia 0.65 mm, third 
0.39, fourth 0.53. Length of first patella 
and tibia 1.1 times width of carapace. 

Note. Males were raised from the egg 
sac of the holotype. 

Variation. Total length of females 6.3— 
10.5 mm. Males may lack humps. The il- 
lustrations were made from the female ho- 
lotype, except Figure 70 from a North 
Carolina specimen, and the male from the 

Diagnosis. Mastophora stowei is distin- 
guished from M. bisaccata by being small- 
er in size and having the atria of the epi- 
gynum ventrally departing from each other 
Fi igs. 68—70). The egg sac is shown in Fig- 
ure 447. 

Natural History. Females have been 
collected from trees along farm fences in 
Kentucky, and on a carpet of silk on a ma- 
ple leaf in Virginia. 

Dicom Widespread in the eastern 
United States (Map 2C). 

Paratypes. CONNECTICUT Hartford Co.: Rain- 
bow nr. Windsor, 9 Aug. 1939, 12 (A. de Caprio, 
USNM). OHIO Logan Co.: Old Man’s Cave, 12 Sep. 
1924, 15 (OSU). VIRGINIA Arlington Co.: Arling- 
ton) 7 Septyl953) 121k Vv; Ker Omiein AMNH). IL- 
LINOIS Pope Co.: Dixon Spring State Park, 7 Sept. 
1974, 12 (J. A. Beatty, JAB). KENTUCKY Fayette 
Co.: Lexington, Oct. 1997, 1°, egg sac (K. V. Yeargan, 
KVY); 6 Aug. 1998, 14d (K. Yeargan, KVY):; Cold 
Stream farm fence, 16 Oct. 1998, 32 (K. Yeargan, 
KVY). Jessamine Co.: 3 Aug. 1995, 75 (K. Yeargan, 
KVY). NORTH CAROLINA Haywood Co.: Canton, 
12 (Holden, MCZ). GEORGIA 12 (MNHWN 210). 
FLORIDA Alachua Co.: Gainesville, male allotype 
and 1 penultimate paratype from egg sac of holotype, 


Figures 100-106. Mastophora catarina new species, female. 100, 101, carapace and chelicerae. 100, frontal. 101, lateral. 102, 
103, carapace and abdomen. 102, dorsal. 103, lateral. 104-106, epigynum. 104, ventral. 105, posterior. 106, posterior, cleared. 

Figures 107-113. MM. haywardi Birabén, female. 107, 108, carapace and chelicerae. 107, frontal. 108, lateral. 109, 110, carapace 
and abdomen. 109, dorsal. 110, lateral. 111-113, epigynum. 111, ventral. 112, posterior. 113, posterior, cleared. 

MASTOPHORA ° Levi 335 

Figures 114-120. MM. corumbatai new species, female. 114, 115, carapace and chelicerae. 114, frontal. 115, lateral. 116, 117, 
carapace and abdomen. 116, dorsal. 117, lateral. 118-120, epigynum. 118, ventral. 119, posterior. 120, posterior, cleared. 

Figures 121-127. M. laranew species, female. 121, 122, carapace and chelicerae. 121, frontal. 122, lateral. 123, 124, carapace 
and abdomen. 123, dorsal. 124, lateral. 125-127, epigynum. 125, ventral. 126, posterior. 127, posterior, cleared. 

Scale lines. 1.0 mm; genitalia, 0.1 mm. 


hatched 27 Apr. to 15 May 1988, preserved 18 July 
1988 (M. Stowe 20181, 20183, MCZ, AMNH, 
FSCA). TEXAS Harrison Co.: Marshall, 5 July 1991, 
ES X(Se1G-aWellsos ke): 

Mastophora yeargani new species 
Plate 1; Figures 75-85; 448; Map 2A 

Holotype. Female holotype from Coldstream Farm 
fence, Lexington, Kentucky, 26 Oct. 1998, male al- 
lotype and 11 male and 4 female paratypes 
emerged 24 May 1999, preserved in fall (K. V. 
Yeargan), in MCZ. The species has been named 
after the collector, who has contributed much to 
our knowledge of Mastophora ecology. 

Description. Female holotype. Carapace 
light brown. Chelicerae, labium, endites 
yellow. Sternum yellow underlain by white 
pigment granules. Coxae and distal leg ar- 
ticles yellow. Abdomen anterior of dorsum 
gray with white marks anteriorly (Fig. 77), 
posterior white, venter whitish with white 
square. Carapace shiny. Abdomen with 
pair of very slight dorsal swellings. Total 
length 10.0 mm. Carapace 4.2 mm long, 
ALS) ride in thoracic region, 2.3 wide at lat- 
eral eyes. First femur 3.9 mm, patella and 
tibia 5.4, metatarsus 3.8, tarsus 1.2. Sec- 
ond patella and tibia 4.0 mm, third 2.4, 
fourth 3.7. Length of first patella and tibia 
1.3 times width of carapace. 

Male allotype. Carapace brown with 
white triangle in center. Chelicerae, labi- 
um, endites orange. Sternum orange. Cox- 
ae and distal leg articles orange. Abdomen 
whitish with pair of humps. Total length 
1.7 mm. Carapace 0.78 mm long, 0.78 
wide in thoracic region, 0.52 wide at lat- 
eral eyes. First femur 0.87 mm, patella and 
tibia 0.88, metatarsus 0.52, tarsus 0.34. 
Second patella and tibia 0.75 mm, third 
0.39, fourth 0.60. Length of first patella 
and tibia 1.1 times width of carapace. 

Note. Males have been raised from egg 

sac of female M. yeargani (by K. Yeargan). 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 5 

Variation. Total length of females 10.0— 
11.5 mm. The illustrations were made 
from the holotype and allotype. 

Diagnosis. Mastophora yeargani is dis- 
tinguished from M. bisaccata and M. stow- 
ei, which have similar abdominal markings, 
by the short slits of the epigynum, which 
are almost parallel and their length distant 
from the ventral margin (Figs. 80, 81). The 
female also lacks duskiness on the dorsum 
of the femora and gray pigment on the 
clypeus, both of which are present in M. 

The male differs from M. bisaccata (Fig. 
62) by having a longer median apophysis 
(Fig. 85) and om M. cornigera (Figs. 177 
1 79) by having only a short terminal 
apophysis in the palpus (Figs. 82, 83), and 
by having the median apophysis Ol anait= 
ferent shape, and the embolus wider (Figs. 

Distribution. From New York to Ken- 
tucky (Fig. 448). 

Paratypes. NEW YORK nr. New York City, on 
Amalanchier sp., 12 (AMNH). KENTUCKY Mercer 
Co.: Feb. 1995 egg sacs, 29 Sept. 1995, 7 imm., 4d 
(K. V. Yeargan, KVY). Garrard Co.: Feb. 1995, egg 
sacs, Sept. 1995, 6 imm., 16d (K. V. Yeargan, KVY). 

Mastophora phrynosoma Gertsch 
Figures 86-99, 449, 450; Map 2D 

Mastophora phrynosoma Gertsch, 1955: 245; pl. 6, 
fig. 5, text figs. 24-27, 31, 2. Female holotype from 
Burlington, North Carolina, in AMNH, examined. 
Brignoli, 1983: 273. Platnick, 2001. 
Description. Female holotype. Carapace 

orange-brown. Sternum orange-brown. 

Legs. orange-brown, indistinctly ringed. 

AGdewen anter iorly gray, posteriorly white 

(Fig. 88), venter with white square. Cara- 

pace with tubercles very small (Figs. 86, 

87). Median eyes on bulge, lateral eyes on 

bulges. Abdomen subtriangular with a 


Figures 128-134 Mastophora carpogastra Mello-Leitao, female. 128, 129, carapace and chelicerae. 128, frontal. 129, lateral. 
130, 131, carapace and abdomen. 130, dorsal. 131, lateral. 132-134, epigynum. 132, ventral. 133, posterior. 134, posterior, 

Figures 135-141. 

M. seminole new species, female. 135, 136, carapace and chelicerae. 135, frontal. 136, lateral. 137, 138, 

carapace and abdomen. 137, dorsal. 138, lateral. 139-141, epigynum. 139, ventral. 140, posterior. 141, posterior, cleared. 

MASTOPHORA ® Levi 337 

nor 5 
ee ~ 



Figures 142-152. M. vaquera Gertsch, female. 142, 143, carapace and chelicerae. 142, frontal. 143, lateral. 144, left first femur 
and patella, mesal. 145, 146, carapace and abdomen. 145, dorsal. 146, lateral. 147-152, epigynum. 147, 150 ventral. 148, 151, 
posterior. 149, 152, posterior, cleared. 147-149, (holotype from Matanzas). 150-152, (Santiago). 

Scale lines. 1.0 mm; genitalia, 0.1 mm. 


swelling on each anterior lateral side and 
indistinct sclerotized discs (Fig. 88). Total 
length 12.3 mm. Carapace 4.6 mm long, 
4.4 wide in thoracic region, 2.7 wide at lat- 
eral eyes. First femur 4.6 mm, patella and 
tibia 6.5, metatarsus 4.7, tarsus 1.3. Sec- 
ond patella and tibia 4.5 mm, third 2.4, 
fourth 4.1. Length of first patella and tibia 
1.5 times width of carapace. 

Male from Kentucky. Carapace orange- 
brown, median triangle enclosing horns 
and two tubercles lighter. Sternum orange. 
Legs orange-brown. Abdomen both sides 
orange-white. Carapace slightly rugose, 
with two median tubercles and four pos- 
terior horns. Abdomen with small dorsal 
humps. Total length 1.8 mm. Carapace 
0.81 mm long, 0. 80 wide in thoracic re- 
gion, 0.55 wide at lateral eyes. First femur 
0. 91 mm, patella and tibia 0.93, metatarsus 
0.46, tarsus 0.31. Second patella and tibia 
0.78 mm, third 0.45, fourth 0.60. Length 
of first patella and tibia 1.2 times width of 

Note. Males have been raised by M. K. 
Stowe and K. V. Yeargan from egg sacs that 
were determined to ies from M. phryno- 

Variation. Total length of females 8.3— 
12.3 mm, males 1.5—1.7. The lateral swell- 
ings of a specimen from Falls Church are 
less distinct. The carapace of a female 
from Missouri is blackish brown, sternum 
and coxae black, legs ringed, aval abdom- 
inal venter black. The venter of several in- 
dividuals is black. The illustrations were 
made from the female holotype and from 
the reared male. 

Diagnosis. Mastophora phrynosoma is 
distinguished by the subtriangular shape of 
the Aidomien. the small, dorsal sclerotized 
discs (Fig. 88), and by the posterior of the 
epigynum having a lip surrounding the 
slits on three sides (Figs. 90-92). 

The palpus of the male has the space 
enclosed by the median apophysis wider 
than long and the prong straight (Figs. 96, 
99), and has the base of the median 
apophysis almost as wide as long (Figs. 94, 
98). It differs from that of M. archeri by 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 5 

having a longer terminal apophysis (Figs. 
93, 94), and wider radix (Figs. 95, 98). 
The egg sac is distinct, having longer 
flaps than in other species (Figs. 449, 450). 
Natural History. A female was collected 
on elm bush, 1.5 m high, in Texas; in Mis- 
souri, a female was collected hanging on a 
silk strand on canebrake (Arundinaria gi- 
gantea) at night at 0200 h. Males were col- 
lected crawling on a table in the labora- 
tory, and in low branches of hawthorn in 
Ohio. Immature spiderlings attract psy- 
chodid flies (Psychoda phalaenoides) 
(Yeargan and Quate, 1996). The female al- 
ways rests on the upper leaf surfaces, 
which often accumulate a silk pad that 
may be visible under the spider. The spi- 
ders look like bird droppings in Florida 
(M. Stowe, personal communication). The 
moths captured in Kentucky and Florida, 
observed by M. K. Stowe and K. V. Year- 
gan, were reported by Yeargan (1994). 
An egg sac raised by K. V. Yeargan pro- 
duced only male spiderlings. A suggestion 
has been made that the sex chromosome 
system might be different from that of oth- 
er spiders (G. Oxford, in letter). Perhaps 
this skewed sex ratio was due to the mor- 
tality of females. 
(Map 2D). 

Eastern United States 

Specimens Examined. CONNECTICUT New Ha- 
ven Co.: Mount Carmel, 4 Sept. 1946, 12 (K. M. 
Somerman, INHS 4748). Meriden Co.: South Meri- 
den, Oct. 1945, 12 (H. L. Johnson, USNM). NEW 

YORK New York City, on Prunus, 12 (AMNH). 
OHIO Cuyahoga Co.: Sagmore Picnic, Sagmore 

Hills, Buckeye Trail area, 16 Sept. 1999, 12 (K. Brad- 
ley, OSU). MARYLAND Anne Arundel Co.: Annap- 
olis, 21 Sep. 1941, 12 (M. H. Muma, AMNH). How- 
ard Co.; Colombia, Snowden River Parkway, 26 Sep. 
1994, 12 (M. Harden, USNM). Montgomery Co.: 
Cabin John, 10 Nov. 1943, egg sacs (I. N. Hoffman, 
USNM). VIRGINIA Falls Church, 22 (N. Banks, 
MCZ). KENTUCKY Fayette Co.: Lexington, Raven 
Run, 1989, 19? (K. V. Yeargan, KVY); 17 May 1999, 
egg sacs with only dd (K. V. Yeargan, KVY, MCZ). 
GEORGIA Fulton Co.: Atlanta, 21 Aug. 1944, 12 (F. 

W. Fattig, AMNH). FLORIDA Alachua Co.: Gaines- 
ville, Apr. 1988, 1¢ (M. K. Stowe, MKS); Devil's 
Millhopper State Park, 15 July 1980, 12 (M. K. 
Stowe, MKS); spring 1992, 2d (M. K. Stowe, MKS): 
spring 1994, 8d (M. K. Stowe, MKS). ALABAMA 

Monroe Co.: Randon’s Creek, 19 Oct. 1941, 12 (A. 
F. Archer, AMNH). INDIANA 12 (A. Petrunkevitch, 
NHMW). ILLINOIS Jackson Co.: Carbondale, in 
woods at night, 4 Aug. 1967, 12 (J. M. Nelson, 
AMNH). MISSOURI Wayne Co.: Markham Spring, 
Mark Twain National Forest, 14 Oct. 2000, 12 (E 
L. Quinter, AMNH). St. Louis Co.: 17 July 1940, 13 
paratype of M. archeri (W. M. Gordon, AMNH). 
TEXAS Walker Co.: Huntsville State Park, on elm 
bush, 27 Sep. 1987, 12 (W. R. Martin, TAMU). 

Mastophora catarina new species 

Figures 100-106; Map 3C 
Holotype. Female from Pinhal, Est. Santa Catarina, 

Brazil, Dec. 1948 to Jan. 1949 (A. Maller), in 

AMNH. The specific name is a noun in apposition 

after the locality. 

Description. Female holotype. Carapace 
dark orange-brown (Fig. 102). Sternum 
dark orange. Chelicerae dark in front, or- 
ange on sides. Endites, labium, sternum, 
coxae orange; coxae lighter than sternum. 
Legs dark brown. Abdomen gray-brown, 
dorsally with three pairs of white longitu- 
dinal lines (Fig. 102); venter with a white 
square. Eyes distinct. Lateral eyes 0.8 di- 
ameter of median eyes. Abdomen without 
humps (Fig. 102). Carapace, legs, and ab- 
domen with some long white hair, Total 
length 7.2 mm. Carapace 3.3 mm long, 3.2 
wie in thoracic region, 1.8 wide at tae al 
eyes. First femur 3.5 mm, patella and tibia 
4.4, metatarsus 3.0, tarsus 1.0. Second pa- 
tella and tibia 3.3 mm, third 1.7, fourth 
2.7. Length of first patella and tibia 1.4 
times width of carapace. 

Males are not known. 

Diagnosis. Mastophora catarina is sep- 
arated from others by the abdomen lack- 
ing humps and having six white lines (Fig. 
102), by the epigynum having the atria ap- 
proaching each other (Figs. 105, 106), and 
by the paired notches at the edge of the 
epigynum (Fig. 106). 

Distribution. Santa Catarina State, Bra- 
zil (Map 3C). 

Specimens Examined. No other specimens have 
been found. 

Mastophora haywardi Birabén 
Figures 107-113; Map 3C 

Mastophora haywardi Birabén, 1946: 327, figs. 1-3, 
2. Female holotype, from Tucuman, Argentina, in 

MASTOPHORA ® Levi 339 

MLP. examined. 

Brignoli, 1983: 274. Platnick, 

Description. Female holotype in poor 
condition. Carapace brown, with a lighter 
square area in thoracic region (Fig. 109), 
and with long white setae. Stemi lighter, 
Legs frown Abdomen brown (the Thole. 
type has an injury, a large transverse gash 
anteriorly), posterior and: sides darker gray 
than anterior (Fig. 109), with some long 
white setae and indistinct humps ate 
only from side; venter light. Total length 
11.0 mm. Carapace 5.5 mm long, 4.7 wide 
in thoracic region, 3.1 wide in cephalic re- 
gion. First formate 4.7 mm, patella and tibia 
7.6, metatarsus 5.8, tarsus 1.5. Second pa- 
tella and tibia 5.2 mm, third 3.0 (from Bir- 
abén, 1946), fourth 4.5. Length of first pa- 
tella and tibia 1.3 times width of carapace. 

Males are not known. 

Diagnosis. This species is separated 
from others by being the only setose spe- 
cies without distinct humps (Fig. 109), and 
by having the slits and the atria in the pos- 
terior view of the epigynum ventrally sep- 
arated (Figs. 112, 113). 

Distribution. Known only from Tucu- 
man, Argentina (Map 3C). 

Specimens Examined. No other specimens have 
been collected. 

Mastophora corumbatai new species 
Figures 114-120; Map 3C 

Holotype. Female holotype from Corumbataf, Est. 
Sao Paulo [40 km N Rio Claro], Brazil, 15 July 
1935 (Syilvio Bariau), in IBSP no. 1203A. The spe- 
cific name is a noun in apposition after the locality. 

Description. Female holotype. Carapace 
red-brown with white rim (Fig. 116). Che- 
licerae, labium, endites, sternum, coxae, 
proximal ends of femora orange. Distal leg 
articles brown. Abdomen light brown, with 
colorless butterfly-shaped light area dor- 
sally and pair of large dark, open rings 
(Fig. 116); venter light brown with white 
square. Carapace with various sized, drop- 
let-shaped tubercles, sides with long white 
setae, some curled (Figs. 114, 115). Ab- 
domen without humps, with scattered 


long, white setae (Fig. 116). Total length 
14.0 mm. Carapace 5.6 mm long, 5.5 wide 
in thoracic region, 3.0 wide at lateral eyes. 
First femur 5.5 mm, patella and tibia 7.5, 
metatarsus 4.9, tarsus 1.6. Second patella 
and tibia 5.3 mm, third 3.2, fourth 4.8. 
Length of first patella and tibia 1.4 times 
width of carapace. 

Males are not known. 

Diagnosis. Mastophora corumbatai_ is 
distinguished by carapace tubercles that 
look like oil droplets (Figs. 114, 115), by 
lack of humps and distinctive color pattern 
on abdomen (Fig. 116), and by the epi- 
gynum with its posterior median plate pro- 
jecting, almost scapelike in ventral view 
(Figs. 118-120). 

zil (Map 3C). 

Specimens Examined. No other specimens have 
been collected. 

Santa Catarina State, Bra- 

Mastophora lara new species 
Figures 121-127; Map 3A 

Holotype. Female holotype from Hato Arriba, 1,400 
m, Lara, Venezuela, May 1970 (J. M. Osorio), in 
FSCA. The specific name is a noun in apposition 
after the locality. 

Note. The type locality Hato Arriba is 
probably at or near Quebrada Arriba, 
1,600 m, 10°14'N, 70°32’W, close to the 
border with Falc6n, Zulia, and Lara, 52 
km W Carora. 

Description. Female holotype. Carapace 
dark brown, lighter behind, in center and 
in area on sides. Chelicerae, labium, en- 
dites orange-brown. Sternum orange- 
brown. Coxae and distal leg articles or- 
ange-brown, distally darker. Abdomen gray 
with anterior dorsal pattern of spots and 
two large brown discs, each dissected by a 
lateral light line (Fig. 123); venter light 
brown aah white longitudinal rectangle. 
Carapace with tubercles and _ scattered 
long white setae (Figs. 121, 122). Legs 
aan some long white setae. Abdomen 
without humps, blunt behind, each side 
slightly swollen, long white setae on each 
side anteriorly (Fig. 123). Total length 11.5 
mm. Carapace 5. 0 mm long, 5.0 wide in 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 5 

thoracic region, 2.7 wide at lateral eyes. 
First femur 5.2 mm, patella and tibia 6.7, 
metatarsus 4.5, tarsus 1.3. Second patella 
aul wwlore, SJ waren, dette! G0), toorda 2h), 
Length of first patella and tibia 1.3 times 
width of carapace. 

Males are not known. 

Diagnosis. Mastophora lara differs by 
the high almost conical carapace (Figs. 
121, 122), by the pattern on the abdomen 
(Fig. 123), and by the posterior of the epi- 
gynum having a pair of depressions (Figs. 

Distribution. This species is known only 
from the type locality in west-central Ve- 
nezuela (Map 3A). 

Specimens Examined. No other specimens have 
been collected. 

Mastophora carpogastra Mello-Leitao 
Figures 128-134, 451; Map 3B 

Mastophora carpogastra Mello-Leitao, 1925: 460. 
Two female syntypes from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 
in MNE 672, examined. Mello-Leitaio, 1931: 72, 
na Gh, IS, De 

Ghee an fagoides Vellard, 1926: 327, figs., 2, 
egg sac. Female holotype from Butantan, Sao Pau- 
lo, Brazil, in IBSP, lost. First synonymized with car- 
pogastra by Mello-Leitaéo (1931). 

Mastophora carpogastera:—Roewer, 1942: 900. 

Glyptocranium carpogastrum:—Bonnet, 1957: 1996. 

Mastophora carpogaster:—Platnick, 1993: 447. Plat- 
nick, 2001. 

Note. Roewer (1942) changed the name 
carpogastera and listed fagoides as a syn- 
onym of M. corpulenta Banks. The name 
change carpogaster of Platnick (1993, 
2001) is not needed because previous re- 
visors (Mello-Leitao, 1931; Gertsch, 1955) 
kept the original spelling. 

Description. Female from Sao Paulo. 
Carapace reddish brown. Chelicerae, la- 
bium, endites brown. Sternum light 
brown. Legs brown. Abdomen white with 
symmetrical brownish black patches and 
less distinct lines dorsally (Fig. 130); ven- 
ter with a median white square containing 
eight black spots, sides white with black 
spots. Carapace glossy above, sides with 
long white setae, some setae on clypeus 
(Fig. 129). Legs with long white setae. Ab- 

domen oval with scattered setae and barely 
visible pair of dorsal tubercles (Fig. 131). 
Total length 16.5 mm. Carapace 6.4 mm 
long, 6.0 wide in thoracic region, 3.3 wide 
behind posterior lateral eyes. First femur 
5.3 mm, patella and tibia 7.6, metatarsus 
5.7, tarsus 1.6. Second patella and tibia 5.5 
mim, third 3.3, fourth 5.2. Length of first 
patella and tibia 1.3 times width of cara- 

Males are not known. 

Variation. Mello-Leitao (1925) de- 
scribed the species as orange to raspberry- 
red when alive. Total length of females 
11.2-18.0 mm. The female holotype of M. 
carpogastra is 20 mm total length. The il- 
lustrations were made of specimens from 
Sao Paulo. 

Diagnosis. The spots and black lines and 
lack of humps of the abdomen (Fig. 130) 
distinguish the species from all oilers: In 
the cleared epigynum, the atria separate 
ventrally (Figs. 133, 134). 

The egg sac elke flaps and has a short 
stalk (Fig. 451). 

Natural History. The spider mimics a 
berry. According to Vellard (1926) the spe- 
cies has a preference for orange trees. It 
makes three to five egg sacs, ach a little 
sphere with four white spots below the 
midline, 10 mm in diameter, hanging on a 
stalk about 3 mm long. The venom is not 
active (for mammals?). From the collec- 
tions available, M. carpogastra seems lo- 
cally more common than other Mastopho- 
ra species. 

Distribution. Southeastern Brazil, from 
Rio de Janeiro State to Rio Grande do Sul 
(Map 3B). 

Specimens Examined. BRAZIL Bahra [?Bahia], 1° 
(MNHN 18669). Rio de Janeiro: Rio de Janeiro, 2° 
(NHMW); Aug. 1937, 1 imm. (Mello-Leitao, MACN 
515). Sdo Paulo: Agua da Figueira Maracai, 9 Feb. 
1967, 12 (G. Brisolla, IBSP 2064); Barueri, Apr. 
1963, 1°, 5 egg sacs (K. Lenko, MZSP 3069); 16 Mar. 
1966, 1 imm. (K. Lenko, MZSP 5265); Diadema, 
June 1986, 12 (R. Snignani, IBSP 4992); Embu, 
Sept. 1982, 12, egg sac (A. L. Prestes, IBSP 3501); 
Jandira, May 1980, 1? (C. Luiz, IBSP 963); Osasco, 
25 Mar. 1974, 12 (F. Ramirez, IBSP 2721); Pacaem- 
bu, Nov. 1942, 12 (Braudas, MZSP 357): Perdizes, 

MASTOPHORA ° Levi 341 

26 Aug. 1951, 12 (H. Camargo, MZSP 7496); Ribei- 
rao Pires, May 1975, 12 (F. B. Lopes, IBSP 3591); 
Rio Claro, July 1941, 1° (P. Pereira, MZSP 4552); 4 
May 1942, 1 imm. (Clareteano, MZSP 4402); Saco- 
ma, 7 Sep. 1943, 1 (J. Lima, MZSP 4403); Sao Pau- 
lo, July 1921, 12 (MZSP 8068); Feb. 1928, 1° GE 
Lima, MZSP 8070); 31 Jan. 1934, 12 (M. Oliveira, 
IBSP 1920); 26 Bebe 1936, 12 (S. Remetente, IBSP 
3598): 3 Oct. 1951, 12 (R. Vieira, IBSP 586); 17 Mar. 
1955, 12, 2 egg sacs (J. Navas, IBSP 1176); June 
1960, 22 (J. London, IBSP 1552); June 1960, 1° (L 
Zodiygansky, IBSP 1516); 21 IDS 1960, 12 (W. Ge 
drade, IBSP 1618), 10 July 1962, 12 (R. R. Guidug- 
lin, IBSP 1775); 21 Dec. 1961, 12 (F. V. Boas, IBSP 
1620); 18 July 1962, 12 (E. Botelhiat IBSP 1776): 
Apr. 1963, 12 (Merck Co., IBSP 1834); 2 Aug. foeee 
1¢@ (S. Remetente, IBSP 1949): 16 Dec. 1971, 19 a 
Rafael de Simone, IBSP 309); June 1975, 12 (J. S 
Gomes, IBSP 3594): Feb. 1976, 12 (M. Uchiyama, 
IBSP 3597): July 1975, 12 (G. P. Treu, IBSP 3595); 
Feb. 1976, 12 (E. I. Yamane, IBSP 17789): Feb. 
1982, 12, egg sac (D. Zammataro, IBSP 3025); 26 
eb. 1982, 1, egg sac (M. C. Franco, IBSP 14279); 

2 Jan. 1986, 1° Gn Steiner, IBSP 8471); 21 Mar. 
Aa 12 (D. R. Bizzachi, IBSP 14424): 1 Feb. 1991, 

(J. Batista, IBSP 14398): Oct. 1992, 12 (C. M 
Nerici, IBSP 5827); 7 Oct. 1996, 12 (A. Fallatti, 
IBSP 14192); 11 Aug. 1997, 12 (S. M. Carnelho, 
IBSP 14012); 18 Mar. 1998, 12 (A. Pastore, IBSP 
16208): Brooklin, Feb. 1962, 12 (L. Travassos, MZSP 
4347); Hato Museu Paulista, Feb. 1951, 12 (C. Ra- 
bello, MZSP 6609); Ipiranga, Nov. 1906, Oct. 1912, 
2@ (Ihering, L. M. Torre, MZSP 3047); Mar. 1924 (J. 
Lima, MZSP 3048); 15 Mar. 1961, 12, 5 egg sacs 
(Almeida and Cautero, MZSP 4359); 4 May 1961, 
19, 2 egg sacs (N. C. Oliveira, MZSP 4340); 23 Jan. 
1984, 1 imm. (C. R. F. Brandéo, MZSP 435); Magi 
das Cruzes, Ranch das Carmelitas, June 1976, 12 (C. 
Torrus, S. Filho, MZSP 11433). Santa Catarina: Ca- 
ceador, 1982, 12 (D. Lorenzato, IBSP 3539). Rio 
Grande do Sul: Ee Alegre, 12, 1 egg sac (P. Buck, 
MNRJ 1831); 7 July 1986. 12 (S. Oresco, MCN 
15236): S. Leopoldo, 24 May 1964, 12 (C. Valle, 
MZSP 4233): 14 Oct. 1965, 12 (C. Valle, MZSP 

Mastophora seminole new species 
Figures 135-141; Map 2G 

Holotype. Female holotype from Hollendale, Bro- 
ward Co., Florida, 11 June 1987 (W. Birch), in 
FSCA. The specific name is a noun in apposition 
after the name of the local Indian tribe. 

Description. Female holotype. Carapace 
olive-brown. Chelicerae, labium, endites 
olive-brown. Sternum orange-olive. Coxae 
and distal leg articles olive, distally darkest. 
Abdomen anteriorly gray, posteriorly light 
gray with dark pattern on each side (Fig. 


137); in anterior view, dark area forming a 
triangle as wide as humps above, pointed 
to carapace below, each side white. Venter 
olive gray with white longitudinal rectan- 
gle. Carapace glossy and with tubercles 
(Figs. 135, 136). Abdomen with a pair of 
dorsal humps and triangular (Figs. 137, 
138). Total length 11.6 mm. Carapace 4.4 
mm long, 4.3 wide in thoracic region, 2.7 
wide at posterior lateral eyes. First femur 
3.8 mm, patella and tibia 5.2, metatarsus 
3.7, tarsus 1.2. Second patella and tibia 3.8 
mim, third 2.2, fourth 3.3. Length of first 
patella and tibia 1.2 times width of cara- 

Males are not known. 

Diagnosis. Mastophora seminole has a 
humped, somewhat triangular abdomen 
(Figs. 137); the epigynum is as in the 
humpless M. yeargani, with the slits dor- 
sally at some distance from the ventral 
borders of large shallow depressions (Figs. 
140, 141). 

Distribution. Southern Florida (Map 

Specimens Examined. No other specimens have 
been collected. 

Mastophora vaquera Gertsch 
Figures 142-152, 452: Map 2G 

Mastophora vaquera Gertsch, 1955: 240: figs. 15-18, 
2. Female holotype from Torriente, Matanzas, 
Cuba, in AMNH, examined. Brignoli, 1983: 274. 
Platnick, 2001. 

Description. Female holotype. Carapace 
orange-brown, bald dorsally with some 
white setae on sides. Sternum, legs or- 
ange-brown. Median eyes on bulge, ister al 
eyes on bulges. Abdomen light orange- 
brown with darker area anteriorly beeecen 
swellings (Fig. 145); venter with white 
square. Abdomen with humps and an an- 
terior, lateral swelling on each side (Figs. 
145, 146). First femur with distal, anteri- 
orly small tubercles (Fig. 144). Total 
length 10.5 mm. Carapace. 3.6 mm long, 
B35) paide in thoracic region, 2.3 wide at lat- 
eral eyes. First femur 3 3 .2 mm, patella and 
tibia 4.7, metatarsus 3.2, tarsus 1.1. Sec- 
ond patella and tibia 3.4 mm, third 2.0, 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 5 

fourth 3.1. Length of first patella and tibia 
1.3 times width of carapace. 

Males are not known. 

Variation. Total length of females 8.5— 
10.5 mm. The tubercles on the femur of 
the Cuabitas specimens are smaller, less 
distinct. Although the shape of the abdo- 
men and their coloration are similar, the 
epigyna of the two specimens differ (Figs. 
147-152). The illustrations (Figs. 142— 
149) were made from the female holotype. 

Diagnosis. Mastophora vaquera is dis- 
tinguished from others by the shape of the 
abdomen, humps, and two pairs of swell- 
ings, and by the dorsal oval depressions of 
ae opening slits on the posterior of the 
epigynum (Figs. 148, 151). 

The egg sac has only minute flaps (Fig. 

Distribution. Cuba (Map 2G). 

Specimens Examined. CUBA Santiago: Cuabitas, 
Oriente [20°04’N, 75°48’W], 20 Aug. 1949, 12 
(AMNH). Holquin: Bafies, 1-3 Aug. 1955, egg sac (A. 
F. Archer, AMNH). 

Mastophora hutchinsoni Gertsch 
Figures 153-168, 453, 454; Map 2E 

Cyrtarachne cornigera:—McCook, 1890: 98, 99, fig. 
81, egg sacs. Kaston, 1948: 231, figs. 741, 742, 2039 

Mastophora hutchinsoni Gertsch, 1955: 236, pl. 6, fig. 
3, text figs. 10-14, 39, 47, 48, 2, 5. Female holo- 
type, from Somers [Westchester Co.], New York 
State, in AMNH, not examined. Brignoli, 1983: 
273. Yeargan, 1988: 524. Gemeno et al., 2000: 
1235. Haynes et al., 1996: 76. Platnick, 2001. 

Description. Female from Virginia. Car- 
apace brown, sides and posterior much 
darker than median and cephalic region, 
short setae on sides and no rim. Abdomen 
with transverse black band with character- 
istic light lines (Fig. 155); venter black in- 
cluding behind spinnerets and anterior of 
pedicel, with four white spots on each side 
between epigynum and spinnerets (Figs. 
157). Abdomen with two humps (Figs. 
155, 156). Total length 7.3 mm. Carapace 
3.3 mm long, 2.7 wide in thoracic region, 
2.3 wide at lateral eyes. First femur 2.5 
mm, patella and tibia 3.6, metatarsus 2.8, 
tarsus 0.8. Second patella and tibia 2.7 

MASTOPHORA ® Levi 343 




Figures 153-168. Mastophora hutchinsoni Gertsch. 153-160, female. 153, 154, carapace and chelicerae. 153, frontal. 154, 
lateral. 155, 156, carapace and abdomen. 155, dorsal, with male. 156, lateral. 157, abdomen, ventral. 158-160, epigynum. 158, 
ventral. 159, posterior. 160, posterior, cleared. 161-168, male left palpus, stained. 161-164, (New Hampshire). 165-168, (Ken- 
tucky). 161, 165, apical. 162, 166, mesal. 163, 167, ventral. 164, 168, ectal. 

Figures 169-182. M. cornigera (Hentz). 169-175, female. 169, 170, carapace and chelicerae. 169, frontal. 170, lateral. 171, 
172, carapace and abdomen. 171, dorsal, with male. 172, lateral. 173-175, epigynum. 173, ventral. 174, posterior. 175, posterior, 
cleared. 176-182, male left palpus, stained. 176-179, (California). 180-182, (Texas). 176, apical. 177, 180, mesal. 178, 181, 
ventral. 179, 182, ectal. 

Scale lines. 1.0 mm; genitalia, 0.1 mm. 


mm, third 1.6, fourth 2.4. Length of first 
patella and tibia 1.3 times width of cara- 

Male from New Hampshire. Prosoma 
beige with two median tubercles and forks. 
Abdomen whitish with paired humps. To- 
tal length 1.7 mm. Carapace 0.86 mm 
long, 0.71 wide in thoracic region, 0.53 
wide at lateral eyes. First femur 0.80 mm, 
patella and tibia 0.91, metatarsus 0.41, tar- 
sus 0.27. Second patella and tibia 0.80 
min, third 0.42, fourth 0.63. Length of first 
patella and tibia 1.3 times the width of car- 

Note. The male was matched with fe- 
males because of its northerly collecting 
site. They have also been collected at sites 
for females in Kentucky and South Caro- 

Variation. Total length of females 6.2— 
10.4 mm. The males may lack humps. The 
illustrations were made from a female 
from Rhode Island, the male from south- 
ern New Hampshire, and a male from 

Diagnosis. The humps of the abdomen 
(Fig. 155) and the black median coloration 
of the venter, sometimes containing two 
longitudinal white patches (Fig. 157), sep- 
arate the species from M. bisaccata. Un- 
like M. cornigera, which has humps, the 
slits on the posterior of the epigynum ap- 
proach each other ventrally (Figs. 158, 
160), as they do in M. bisaccata. 

The palpus (Figs. 161-168) is similar to 
that of M. bisaccata (Figs. 59-62), with a 
narrow space surrounded by the median 
apophysis in ectal view (Figs. 164, 168) but 

differs in the shape of the round base of 

the median apophysis (Figs. 162, 166). 
The egg sacs are unique compar ed with 
those of aliver species. They are attached 
by the broad base with the funnel facing 
away from the attachment (Figs. 153, 154). 
Natural History. In Ohio, females were 
found in a house yard on a variety of low 
branches of a variety of trees, including 
crab apple, redbud, hawthorn, burr oak 
(R. Bradley, in letter). Spiders were col- 
lected primarily from hackberry (Celtis oc- 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 5 

cidentalis L.) and wild cherry (Prunus ser- 
otina Ehrgard) in Kentucky (Yeargan, 
1988), on an abandoned apple tree in Vir- 
ginia, in a peach orchard in South Caroli- 
na, and in an apple orchard in Illinois. 
Prey caught in Kentucky were reported by 
Yeargan and Quate (1996). 

Although the egg sacs look like hazel- 
nuts or a Small broken branch, the species 
may be found by searching for the egg sacs 
in autumn and winter Ate the leaves have 

Distribution. Northeastern United 
States from New Hampshire and South 
Carolina to Minnesota (Map 2E). 

Specimens Examined. NEW HAMPSHIRE Hills- 
borough Co.: Ponemah [in Amherst], Aug. 1912, 1d 
(E. B. Bryant, MCZ). MASSACHUSETTS 1 (San- 
born, MCZ). Middlesex Co.: Pepperell, 15 July 1978, 
limm. ¢, 1.5 mm (F. J. Murphy, JM). RHODE IS- 
LAND Providence, 12 (N. Banks, MCZ). CON- 
NECTICUT Hartford Co.: Rocky Hill, 23 Oct. 1940, 
12 (A. Morgan, USNM). NEW JERSEY Burlington 
Co.: Riverton, Sept. 1926, 2 imm., 1d (R. J. Sim, 
OSU). Hunterdon Co.: White House Station, Sept. 
1917, 12 (J. J. Brochon, USNM). Morris Co.: Dover, 
8 Dec. 1950, egg sacs (USNM). OHIO Delaware Co.: 
5 km W of Deen Dam, 40.37°N, 83.10°W, Oct. 
2001, 22, egg sacs (R. Bradley, OSU). DISTRICT 
OF COLOMBIA Washington, yard, 18 Oct. 1920, 12 
(USNM). VIRGINIA Falls Church, 52, 2 imm. (N. 
Banks, MCZ). Augusta Co.: Augusta, 14 June 1976, 
13; 6 Oct. 1976, 12 ( (J. P. McCaffrey, CNC). SOUTH 
CAROLINA Anderson Co.: Simpson Agric. Exp. Sta- 
tion; LOT July 197385 di 13 eAug 19708 ho SON Seps 
1978, 12 (G. Lee, CUAC). KENTUCKY Fayette Co.: 
Lexington, 7 Sep. 1990, 12 (K. V. Yeargan, MCZ); 20 
Sep. 1990, 19 (K. V. Yeargan, KVY); 2 Oct. 1999, 1° 
(K. V. Yeargan, MCZ). Clark Co.: Feb. 1996, egg sac, 
43 (K. V. Yeargan, KVY). TENNESSEE Ashburn, 30 
mi. N. Nashville, 17 July 1933, 1d (W. Ivie, AMNH). 
MICHIGAN Livingston Co.: E. S. George Reserve, 
22 July 1951, 1 imm. (H. K. Wallace, FSCA). IN- 
DIANA Putnam Co.: Greencastle, 12 (N. Banks, 
MCZ). ILLINOIS Champaign Co.: Univ. Illinois ap- 
ple orchard, Sept. 1993, 12 (S. D. Gaimari, INHS). 
Jackson Co.: 8 km S Carbondale on avocado plant, 
Oct. 1976, 12 (JAB). MINNESOTA Hennepin Co.: 
Minneapolis, 1 Nov. 1931, 12 (W. J. Gertsch, 

Mastophora cornigera (Hentz) 
Figures 169-182, 455; Map 2G 

Epeira cornigera Hentz, 1850: 20, pl. 3, fig. 8, &. 
Immature female holotype from Alabama, de- 
stroyed. Hentz, 1875: 123, pl. 14, fig. 8, @. 

Cyrtarachne bicurvata Becker, 1879: 77, pl. 2, figs. 
16-19, 2. Female holotype from peach tree, Don- 
aldsonville, Louisiana, in IRSNB, examined. First 
synonymized by Marx (1890). 

Cyrtarachne cornigera:—Keyserling, 1880: 300, pl. 4, 
fig 4502 MeCocle 1890: 98. fig. “80 (in part). 

Ontlauntns cornigerus:—Marx, 1890: 541. McCook, 
1894: 197, pl. 12, fig. I, @. 

Glyptocranium cornigerum:—Simon, 1895: 882, 885. 
Bonnet, 1957: 1996. 

Mastophora cornigera:—Mello-Leitao, 1931: 70, figs. 
9, 20. Gertsch, 1955: 233, pl. 6, fig. 2, text figs. 1-5, 
37, 41, 42, 2, 3. Platnick, 1997: 513. Platnick, 

Description. Female from Alabama. 
Carapace evenly colored orange. Chelic- 
erae, endites, labium orange. Sternum or- 
ange. Legs orange, darker above. Abdo- 
men with black caps on humps, anterior 
gray with light lines, posterior light (Fig. 
171); venter with a white square. Carapace 
granular with many small tubercles and 
dark spots on sides (Figs. 169, 170). Ab- 
domen with pair of humps (Fig. 171). To- 
tal length 12.0 mm. Carapace 5.6 mm 
long, 4.6 wide in thoracic region, 3.0 wide 
at lateral eyes. First femur 4.2 mm, patella 
and tibia 6.0, metatarsus 4.0, tarsus 1.2. 
Second patella and tibia 4.7 mm, third 2.6, 
fourth 4.3. Length of first patella and tibia 
1.3 times width of carapace. 

Male from California. Carapace beige 
with median dorsal white band including 
median horns, no tubercles. Sternum, legs 
golden yellow. Abdomen white, anteriorly 
dusky; venter dark yellow. Carapace gran- 
ulate. Total length 1.7 mm. Carapace 0.88 
mm long, 0.79 wide in thoracic region, 
0.52 wide behind posterior lateral eyes. 
First femur 0.66 mm, patella and tibia 
0.79, metatarsus 0.40, tarsus 0.28. Second 
patella and tibia 0.68 mm, third 0.41, 
fourth 0.54. Length of first patella and tib- 
ia 1.1 times width of carapace. 

Note. Males came from California, an 
area from which only one species of Mas- 
tophora, M. cornigera, is known. 

Variation. Total length of females §.8— 
14.0 mm, males 1.6—1.7. The illustrations 
were made from the female from Alabama 
(Figs. 169-175) and males from California 

MASTOPHORA ° Levi 345 

(Figs. 176-179) and Texas (Figs. 180-182). 
Adult males may lack humps. 

Diagnosis. Unlike most other North 
American species, M. cornigera has dis- 
tinct humps on the abdomen, often with a 
black cap or slightly sclerotized (Fig. 173), 
and the epigynum differs from that of M. 
hutchinsoni (Figs. 159, 160) by having al- 
most parallel slits, only slightly converging 
ventrally, on the posterior face of the epi- 
gynum (Figs. 174, 175), and by lacking the 
lip surrounding the slits as in M. archeri 
(Fig. 188). 

The male differs from other North 
American species by having the space 
within the curl of the median apophysis in 
ectal view wider than long (Figs. 179, 182), 
and from M. yeargani by the base of the 
embolus, which, in mesal view, is longer 
than wide (Figs. 177, 180). 

The egg sac has small flaps or none and 
a relatively wide stalk (Fig. 455). 

Natural History. Unlike other North 
American species, M. cornigera is active in 
California all year. Also, unlike other 
North American species, the males 
emerge from the egg sac as mature indi- 
viduals. This species was found on cycad 
leaf in full sun in San Diego, and on Jat- 
ropha curcas euphorbia in Nicaragua. 

Distribution. From Kentucky and Ten- 
nesse west to California and south to Cen- 
tral America (Map 2G). 

Specimens Examined. KENTUCKY Fayette Co.: 
Univ. Kentucky Maine Chance farm, Sept. 1996, 1° 
(K. V. Yeargan, KVY). TENNESSEE Ashburn, 30 mi. 
N Nashville, 17 July 1933, 12 (W. Ivie, AMNH). AL- 
ABAMA Mobile Co.: Mobile, 12 (N. Banks, MCZ):; 
1932, 12 (H. PB. Loding, MCZ). LOUISIANA East 
Baton Rouge Par.: Baton Rouge, Apr. 1916, 12 (New- 
ell, MCZ). Orleans Par: New Orleans, 1918, 12 (H 
E. Hubert, USNM); 1 Oct. 1935, 12 (T. E. Snyder, 
MCZ); 26 Sep. 1936, 12 (J. N. Cowanloch, USNM). 
TEXAS Travis Co.: Shellberg Tract, 30°25'N, 
97°52’W, 18-19 Apr. 1994, 3d (Dunlap et al., 
TAMU). Galveston Co.: Texas City, 1921?, 2° (S. W. 
Bilsing, MCZ). San Patricio Co.: Welder Wildlife 
Refuge, 11.8 km NE Sinton, 17 Oct. 1967, 1d (C 
Parrish, CAS). Hidalgo Co.: Edinburg, Oct. 1934, 39, 
1d; 1935, 12 (S. Minleie AMNH): 7 Dec. 1935, 14 
(M. Welch, AMNH), 2 imm., 16 (S. Mulaik, 
AMNH): 18 km SE Pharr, Santa Ana Wildlife Ref- 
uge, 1 Oct. 1977, 12 (O. Ahrenholtz, AMNH); 20 


Deer 983n ll 2a(M Stowe, MKS); 27 June 1984, 
12 (M. K. Stowe, Anes ee 10 Apr. 1986, 
egg sac, 70 imm., 596 (D. A. Dean, TAMU). Cam- 
eron Co.: Brownsville, 9 Apr. 1986, hatched 2 June 
1986, 1 egg sac, 64 imm., 62d (D. A. Dean, TAMU); 
Harlingen, Feb. 1980, 12, 64 imm., 63d (C. W. Ag- 
new et al., TAMU); E of Harlingen, 3 Jan. 1936, 12 
(L. I. Davis, M. Stegmeier, AMNH). ARIZONA Mar- 
icopa Co.: Phoenix, Apr. 1941, 12 (AMNH). CALI- 
FORNIA Contra Costa Co.: Walnut Creek, Sydney 
Drive, July 1992, 12, 1d (T. Trosin, J. Fraser, CAS). 
Santa Clara Co.: Palo Alto, 1914, 12 (H. Heath, 
MCZ). Santa Barbara Co.: Santa Barbara, 5 Oct. 
1948, 12 (H. Shantz, AMNH). Los Angeles Co.: 
Claremont, 12 (N. Banks, MCZ); Glendale, 1°, 
many 6 (C. E. Hutchinson, AMNH, MCZ); Los An- 
geles, 12 (MNHN, 3059): 10 Oct. 1942, 5d Qe EL: 
Branch, AMNH); East Los Angeles, 1943, 12 (C. 
Cowles, AMNH); Malibu, Nov. 1968, 12, 3 egg sacs 
(USNM); Westwood Village, Aug.—Oct. 1942, 12 (P. 
Verrity et al., FSCA). Orange Co.: Santa Ana, 4d (R 
K. Bishop, USNM); San Juan Capistrano, 25 Sept. 
1952, 1?, 7 egg sacs (R. E. Ryckman, AMNH). San 
Bernardino Co.: San Bernardino, 1880, 12 (J. B. Par- 
ish, MCZ). San Diego Co.: San Diego, 22 (USNM), 
4 Oct. 1974, 1° (D. Bishop, USNM); San Diego, 
Vista, 8 June 1989, | imm. (J. W. Schott, MCZ); Chu- 
la Vista, 5 Dec. 1981, 12 (H. V. Weems, FSDA): 10 
mi. NE Ramona, 22 July 1982, 19 (J. Halstead, DU); 
Lakeside, 12 (C. Kingery, USNM); Feb. May 1968, 
egg sacs, dd (C. Kingery, USNM). MEXICO Baja 
California Sur: 44 km W La Paz, 0.2 km S km 44, 
on Highway 1, 31 Dec. 1978, 12 (D. Weissman, R. 
Love et al., CAS). NICARAGUA Managua: Mateare, 
12 Sep. 1995, 12 (C. Grimm, M. Maes, MCZ). 

Mastophora archeri Gertsch 
Figures 183-193, 456; Map 2E 

Mastophora archeri Gertsch, 1955: 239: figs. 6-9, 36, 
45, 46, 2, d. Female holotype from Fruitland 
Park, Florida, in AMNH, examined. Brignoli, 1983: 
273. Platnick, 2001. 

Description. Female holotype. Carapace 
orange-brown. Sternum dark orange. Legs 
orange-brown, indistinctly ringed. Abdo- 
men ‘anteriorly gray, posteriorly \ white; ven- 
ter with white square. Carapace with short 
tubercles (Figs. 183, 184). Median eyes on 
bulge, later al eyes on bulges. Abdomen 
mn small humps (Fig. 185). Total length 
11.5 mm. Carapace 4.2 mm long, 4.3 wide 
in thoracic region, 2.7 wide at lateral eyes. 
First femur 3.8 mm, patella and tibia 5.6, 
[metatarsus 3.5, tarsus 1.5, after Gertsch, 
1955]. Second patella and tibia 4.1 mm, 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 5 

third 2.3, fourth 3.7. Length of first patella 
and tibia 1.3 times width of carapace. 

Male allotype. Carapace orange, darkest 
on sides, a median white line and median 
of forked tubercles white. Sternum or- 
ange. Legs orange. Abdomen orange- 
white without marks. Carapace with two 
small asymmetrical tubercles in addition to 
forked tubercles. Abdomen with indistinct 
humps. Total length 1.7 mm. Carapace 
0.86 mm long, 0.78 wide in thoracic re- 
gion, 0.53 wide at lateral eyes. First femur 
0.79 mm, patella and tibia 0.87, metatarsus 
0.44, tarsus 0.33. Second patella and tibia 
0.74 mm, third 0.54, fourth 0.71. Length 
of first patella and tibia 1.1 times width of 

Note. A male from Gainesville, Florida, 
was raised from the egg sac. The match of 
the male allotype is uncertain. 

Variation. Total length of females 9.4— 
14.8 mm. The illustrations were made 
from the female holotype (Figs. 183-189) 
and the raised male from Gainesville (Figs. 

Diagnosis. Mastophora archeri is distin- 
guished from M. cornigera by the smaller 
tubercles on the carapace (Figs. 183, 184) 
and left and right lip on the posterior of 
the epigynum (Figs. 188, 189), and from 
M. hutchinsoni by having a white square 
on the venter and by the sculpturing of the 

The palpus of the male has the space 
surrounded by the median apophysis wid- 
er than long (Fig. 193) and differs from 
M. phrynosoma and M. hutchinsoni by 
having only a minute terminal apophysis 
(Figs. 190, 191). It differs from M. phry- 
nosoma by the narrow radix (Fig. 191). 

The egg sac has small flaps and a rela- 
tively long stalk of median thickness (Fig. 

Natural History. Collected from Myrica 
in hammock woods in Alabama. 

Distribution. Southern United States 
from South Carolina, Florida, and Ala- 
bama to Kansas (Map 2E). 

Paratypes. ALABAMA Baldwin Co.: Lagoon, 29 

MASTOPHORA ® Levi 347 

Figures 183-193. Mastophora archeri Gertsch. 183-189, female. 183, 184, carapace and chelicerae. 183, frontal. 184, lateral. 
185, 186, carapace and abdomen. 185, dorsal, with male. 186, lateral. 187-189, epigynum. 187, ventral. 188, posterior. 189, 
posterior, cleared. 190-193, male left palpus, stained. 190, apical. 191, mesal. 192, ventral. 193, ectal. 

Figures 194-204. WM. fasciata Reimoser. 194-200, female. 194, 195, carapace and chelicerae. 194, frontal. 195, lateral. 196, 
197, carapace and abdomen. 196, dorsal, with male. 197, lateral. 198-200, epigynum. 198, ventral. 199, posterior. 200, posterior, 
cleared. 201—204, male left palpus, stained. 201, apical. 202, mesal. 203, ventral. 204, ectal. 

Scale lines. 1.0 mm; genitalia, 0.1 mm. 


Sep. 1949, 1d allotype (A. F. Archer). KANSAS 

Douglas Co.: 22 Sept. 1948, 12 (R. H. Beaner, 
Specimens Examined. SOUTH CAROLINA 

Charleston, Oct. 1941, 12 (E. B. Chamberlain, 
USNM). FLORIDA Alachua Co.: Devil’s Millhopper 
State Park, reared spring 1992, 4d (M. K. Stowe, 
MKS). Hillsborough Co.: Thonotosassa, 11 Dec. 
1969, 1? (D. A. Vaughn, FSCA). ALABAMA Mobile 
Co.: Mobile, 12 Nov. 1939, 12 (A. C. Cole, AMNH); 
Mt. Vernon, Oct. 1941, 1? (H. P. Léding, AMNH). 

Mastophora fasciata Reimoser 
Plate 1; Figures 194-204, 457; Maps 
2F, 3A 

Mastophora fasciata Reimoser, 1940: 356, fig. 8, &. 
Female holotype, from Orosi, Proy. Cartago, cen- 
tral plain [12 km SE Cartago], Costa Rica, in 
NMW, examined. Roewer, 1942: 900. Platnick, 

Mastophora pickeli occidentalis Schenkel, 1953: 29. 
Female holotype from Poz6n [Falcén], Venezuela, 
in NMB, examined. Brignoli, 1983: 274. Platnick, 

Note. Mastophora p. occidentalis has the 
same small lobe on the posterior margin 
of the epigynum, and the same shadows 
on the posterior face as in M. fasciata. 
They also share the very broad humps of 
the abdomen and the posterior light band. 

Description. Female from Costa Rica. 
Carapace light orange-brown. Sternum 
brown. Legs lighter brown. Abdomen 
white with Tblaek and gray marks (Fig. 
196); venter light brown, center barely 
lighter than sides. (Reimoser described a 
posterior, transverse, yellow-red band, 
which has disappeared from the holotype, 
but is light in other specimens.) Humps 
broad (Fig. 196). Holotype total length 
ILL x5) Lacon, Carapace 4.7 mm long, 5.0 wile 
in thoracic region, 3.0 wide at lateral eyes. 
First femur 4.3 mm, patella and tibia 6.3, 
metatarsus 4.4, tarsus 1.2. Second patella 
andistibial 4:6. mms) thing) 247. stountia 4.0) 
Length of first patella and tibia 1.3 times 
width of carapace. 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology 

; Vol. 157, No.5 

Male from Costa Rica. Carapace yellow- 
brown with white, central mark covering 
median tubercles. Legs light yellow- 
brown. Abdomen dorsally white, ventrally 
yellow-brown. Eyes without pigment. Car- 
apace rugose with posterior median forked 
tubercles. Abdomen subtriangular without 
humps. Palpal patella with one macroseta. 
Total length 1.6 mm. Carapace 0.74 mm 
long, 0.65 wide in thoracic region, 0.46 
wide behind posterior lateral eyes. First 
femur 0.55 mm, patella and tibia 0.65, 
metatarsus 0.35, tarsus 0.26. Second pa- 
tella and tibia 0.59 mm, third 0.28, fourth 
0.48. First patella and tibia as long as 
width of carapace. 

Note. Males were collected with females 
at San Antonio de Escazi. 

Variation. Total length of females 11.5— 
14.5 mm. Both males and shriveled fe- 
males have a triangular abdomen, whereas 
that of a well-fed female is more rounded. 
The illustrations were made from the fe- 
male holotype (Figs. 194-200) with a spec- 
imen from Puntarenas Province, Costa 

Diagnosis. The female is distinguished 
from other species by the many small car- 
apace tubercles (Figs. 194, 195), by the 
broad humps of the abdomen (Fig. 196), 
and by the ventrally converging slits of the 
epigynum (Figs. 199, 200). 

The male has a median apophysis that 
is longer than that of other species (Figs. 
202: 04) and more rounded than that of 
M. leucabulba (Figs. 293, 295) and M. al- 
vareztoroi (Fig. 306, 307). The median 
apophysis is almost as long as the diameter 
of the bulb (Fig. 204). 

The egg sac lacks flaps (Fig. 457). 

Natural History. Males are mature 
when they leave the egg sac. 

Distribution. The species is known from 
Costa Rica and Venezuela (Maps 2F, 3A). 


Figures 205-215. Mastophora dizzydeani Eberhard. 205-211, female. 205, 206, carapace and chelicerae. 205, frontal. 206, 
lateral. 207, 208, carapace and abdomen. 207, dorsal, with male. 208, lateral. 209-211, epigynum. 209, ventral. 210, posterior. 
211, posterior, cleared. 212-215, male left palpus, stained. 212, apical. 213, mesal. 214, ventral. 215, ectal. 

MASTOPHORA ® Levi 349 


Wye jy? 
Maa ig 
i) CAIpr Ay 
yr, ) Uf) WE? 
We PG, 

d i yy 04 

Figures 216-222. M. pickeli Mello-Leitao, female. 216, 217, carapace and chelicerae. 216, frontal, 217, lateral. 218, 219, 
carapace and abdomen. 218, dorsal. 219, lateral. 220-222, epigynum. 220, ventral. 221, posterior. 222, posterior, cleared. 

Figures 223-229. M. cranion Mello-Leitao, female. 223, 224, carapace and chelicerae. 223, frontal. 224, lateral. 225, 226, 
carapace and abdomen. 225, dorsal. 226, lateral. 227-229, epigynum. 227, ventral. 228, posterior. 229, posterior, cleared. 

Scale lines. 1.0 mm; genitalia, 0.1 mm. 


Specimens Examined. COSTA RICA San José: San 
José, 12 (Tristan, MCZ); San Antonio de Escazt, 
1,350 m, May 1980, 12 (W. Eberhard $31, MCZ): 7 
Sept. 1980, imm., 2, many 6 (W. Eberhard SJ1—26, 
MCZ): 11 Oct. 1980, 12 (W. Eberhard $31, MCZ). 
Puntarenas: Parrita, 30 m, 12 Jan. 1987, 32, 2d (W. 
Eberhard FN9—40ff, MCZ). 

Mastophora dizzydeani Eberhard 
Figures 205-215; Map 3A 

Mastophora dizzydeani Eberhard, 1981: 144, figs. 
1-9, 2, d. Female holotype from field of Melendez 
campus of the Universidad del Valle on the south- 
ern edge of Cali, Colombia, in MCZ, examined. 
Platnick, 1989: 340. Platnick, 2001. 

Description. Female holotype. Carapace 
dark brown. Sternum orange-brown. Legs 
brown. Abdomen white anteriorly, dorsally 
with transverse gray band, posteriorly 
dusky white (Figs. 207, 208); venter with 
a median white square. Carapace heavily 
sclerotized, grooves on sides, many tuber- 
cles flat and wide (Figs. 205, 206). Abdo- 
men subtriangular with pair of dorsal 
humps (Fig. 207). Total length 13.3 mm. 
Carapace 5.7 mm long, 5.3 wide in tho- 
racic region, 3.3 wide at lateral eyes. First 
femur 4.8 mm, patella and tibia 6.7, meta- 
tarsus 4.7, tarsus 1.5. Second patella and 
tibia 5.0 mm, third 2.8, fourth 4.4. Length 
of first patella and tibia 1.2 times width of 

Male allotype from eastern edge of Lago 
Calima. Yellowish white with longitudinal 
white thoracic mark, and dorsum of ab- 
domen white with a couple of indistinct 
gray patches anteriorly. Height of clypeus 
about 1.3 diameters of anterior median 
eye. Abdomen with a pair of humps. Pal- 
pal patella with one weak macroseta. Total 
length 1.6 mm. Carapace 0.75 mm long, 
0.74 wide in thoracic region, 0.55 wide at 
lateral eyes. First femur 0.71 mm, patella 
and tibia 0.72, metatarsus 0.41, tarsus 0.26. 
Second patella and tibia 0.65 mm, third 
0.36, fourth 0.51. Length of first patella 
and tibia about same length as width of 

Note. Males and females have been col- 
lected together at Cali, Colombia. 

Variation. Total length of females 10.8— 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 5 

13.3. mm. The illustrations were made 
from specimens from Cali. 

Diagnosis. Females are distinguished by 
the wide heart-shaped abdomen with two 
humps (Fig. 207) and the distinctly shaped 
dark marks around the slits on the poste- 
rior of the epigynum (Fig. 210). The atria 
separate from each other ventrally (Fig. 

Males have a smaller median apophysis 
(Fig. 213) than that of M. fasciata, in ectal 
view surrounding a rounded space (Fig. 

Natural History. The spiders rest on ex- 
posed sites: on the barb of a barbed wire, 
fence posts, and upper surface of leaves. 
Specimens also were collected on a guay- 
oba tree in a yard and in sugar cane areas. 
Moths caught include Spodoptera frugi- 
perda (a sugar cane pest) and Leucania sp. 
(Eberhard, 1977, 1981). 

Distribution. Colombia to northern 
Peru (Map 3A). 

Specimens Examined. COLOMBIA Valle: Sof 
Cali, on plants, 6 June 1948, 12 (E. M. Poulsen, 
ZMUC); nr. Cali, Jan. 1977, imm. 2 (W. Eberhard, 
MCZ); Aug. 1977, 12, 4d (W. Eberhard, MCZ); 
Lago Calima, 1,400 m, 19 Nov. 1977, 12 (W. Eber- 
hard EG 3-20, MCZ); Rio Tulua, 1,100 m, Aug. 
1977, 26 (W. Eberhard, MCZ). PERU Piura: Mal- 
lagra, Rio Chira, 8 June 1941, 22, imm. (D. L. Friz- 
zell and H. E. Frizzell, AMNH, CAS). 

Mastophora pickeli Mello-Leitao 
Figures 216-222; Map 3D 

Mastophora pickeli Mello-Leitao, 1931: 73, figs. 6, 18, 
24, 25, 2. Female holotype from Tapera, Pernam- 
buco, Brazil, in MNRJ, 395, examined. The specific 
name is a noun in apposition after the locality. 
Roewer, 1942: 901. Platnick, 2001. 

Glyptocranium pickeli:—Bonnet, 1957: 1998. 

Note. Vanzolini and Papavero (1968) 
listed three localities with the name Tap- 
ero in Pernambuco. I assume this locality 
is the only one also listed in the Index to 
Map of Hispanic America (American Geo- 
graphical Society of New York, 1944), a 
railroad station, west of Recife. 

Description. Female holotype. Cara- 
pace, chelicerae, labium, endites, brown. 
Sternum patchy orange-brown. Coxae and 

distal leg articles brown. Abdomen black 
anteriorly enclosing white streaks, white 
posteriorly (Fig. 218); ventrally with indis- 
tinct white square on gray. Carapace with 
shallow tubercles, glossy, with short setae 
on sides (Figs. 216, 217). Abdomen with- 
out setae, with a pair of wide humps bear- 
ing distinct smaller humps dorsally (Figs. 
218, 219) and slight swellings on side (Fig. 
219). Total length 9.5 mm. Carapace 4.4 
mm long, 3.7 wide in thoracic region, 2.4 
wide at lateral eyes. First femur 3.4 mm, 
patella and tibia 4.8, metatarsus 3.3, tarsus 
0.9. Second patella and tibia 3.4 mm, third 
2.0, fourth 3.2. Length of first patella and 
tibia 1.1 times width of carapace. 

Males are not known. 

Diagnosis. This species is distinguished 
by distinct small humps on a larger swell- 
ing of the abdomen (Figs. 218, 219) and 
the epigynum with atria approaching each 
other (Figs. 221, 222). It differs from M. 
ypiranga, which has a similar epigynum, 
by having the carapace, viewed from an- 
terior, wider and more swollen, the ante- 
rior median eyes facing slightly laterally 
and ventrally, and the forked tubercles laid 
back, with their tips facing posteriorly 
(Fig. 217). 

Distribution. Known only from the type 
locality (Map 3D). 

Specimens Examined. No other specimens have 
been found. 

Mastophora cranion Mello-Leitao 
Figures 223-229; Map 3D 

Mastophora cranion Mello-Leitao, 1928: 49, pl. 1, @. 
Female holotype from Tapera, Est. Pernambuco, 
Brazil, in MNRJ no. 00394, examined. Mello-Lei- 
tao, 1931: 72, figs. 2, 14, 9. Roewer, 1942: 955. 
Platnick, 2001. 

Glyprocranium cranion:—Bonnet, 1957: 1997. 

Note. For locality information, see note 
under M. pickeli. 

Description. Female holotype. Carapace 
orange-brown, black pigment between an- 
terior median eyes. Chelicerae, labium, 
endites brown. Sternum uneven white and 
brown. Coxae and distal leg articles light 
brown. Abdomen white with a pair of dor- 

MASTOPHORA ° Levi 351 

sal dark spots, each consisting of stippled 
black dots (Fig. 218); venter whitish with 
white square, spinnerets brown. Carapace 
with long white setae on sides and on clyp- 
eus and many small tubercles (Figs. 223, 
224). Abdomen with wide humps, anterior 
edge with long setae (Figs. 225, 226). Total 
length 10.8 mm. Carapace 4.7 mm long, 
4.3 wide in thoracic region, 2.8 wide at lat- 
eral eyes. First femur 4.0 mm, patella and 
tibia 6.3, metatarsus 4.7, tarsus 1.1. Sec- 
ond patella and tibia 4.3 mm, third 2.4, 
fourth 3.7. Length of first patella and tibia 
1.5 times width of carapace. 

Males are not known. 

Diagnosis. Mastophora cranion is distin- 
guished from others by black spots on the 
wide humps of the abdomen (Figs. 225, 
226), its long white setae, and its epigyn- 
um with the atria in line with the outer 
margin of the seminal receptacles (Fig. 

Distribution. Known only from the type 
locality (Map 3D). 

Specimens Examined. No other specimens have 
been found. 

Mastophora longiceps Mello-Leitao 
Figures 230-236; Map 3D 

Mastophora longiceps Mello-Leitéo, 1940: 57, fig. 5, 
?. Female holotype from Ilha Sao Sebastiao, Est. 
Sao Paulo, Brazil, in MNRJ, examined. Brignoli, 
1983: 273. Platnick, 2001. 

Glyptocranium longiceps:—Bonnet, 1957: 1998. 

Description. Female holotype. Carapace 
beige in center, dark brown on sides. Che- 
licerae, labium, endites, sternum orange- 
brown. Coxae and distal leg articles or- 
ange-brown. Abdomen _ contrastingly 
marked black and white (Figs. 232, 233); 
venter gray with a pair of light patches. 
Carapace shiny with short setae on sides, 
both black and white; forked horns thick, 
fingerlike (Figs. 230, 231). Legs with short 
black and white setae. Eyes indistinct 
without dark pigment. Abdomen bald with 
wide humps (Figs. 232, 233). Total length 
13.0 mm. Carapace 7.5 mm long, 6.0 wide 
in thoracic region, 3.8 wide at lateral eyes. 
First femur 6.3 mm, patella and tibia 9.2, 


metatarsus 6.4, tarsus 1.6. Second patella 
and tibia 6.5 mm, third 3.5, fourth 5.6. 
Length of first patella and tibia 1.5 times 
width of carapace. 

Diagnosis. The thick horns (Figs. 230, 
231) and wide median plate on the pos- 
terior of the epigynum (Fig. 235) separate 
this species from M. melloleitaoi (Figs. 

Distribution. Known only from the type 
locality (Map 3D). 

Specimens Examined. No other specimens have 
been found. 

Mastophora pesqueiro new species 
Figures 237-243; Map 3D 

Holotype. Female holotype from Pesqueiro, Monte- 
negro, Rio Grande de Sul, Brazil, 14 June 1977 (M. 
F. “Beurmann), in MCN no. 5730. The specific 
name is a noun in apposition after the locality in 

Description. Female holotype. Carapace 
light brown to dark red-brown, glossy, with 
two lines of white setae posteriorly on each 
side and a white edge. Chelicerae, labium, 
endites, sternum, coxae light brown. Distal 
leg stawles light brown, darker ventrally, 
ith white Stace Abdomen marked with 
two darker framed white patches on each 
side and a transverse dusky line anteriorly 
in a median white area (Figs. 239, 240); 
venter light brown with white square. Car- 
apace glossy with posterior horns pointed 
and two small median tubercles (Figs. 237, 
238). Abdomen with small, pointed humps 
(Figs. 239, 240). Total length 10.5 mm. 
Carapace 4.7 mm long, 4. 6 wide in tho- 
racic region, 2.3 wide at lateral eyes. First 
femur Te 3mm, patella and tibia 6.9, meta- 
tarsus 4.6, tarsus 1.4. Second patella and 
tibia 5.0 mm, third 2.7, fourth 4.7. Length 
of first patella and tibia 1.5 times carapace 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 5 

Males are not known. 

Diagnosis. Mastophora pesqueiro is dis- 
tinguished by the conical horns on the 
smooth carapace (Figs. 237, 238), the four 
white marks on the abdomen, and the dis- 
tinctly shaped humps (Figs. 239, 240). The 
epigynum has a median bulge on its pos- 
terior face (Figs. 241-243). 

Distribution. Known only from the type 
locality (Map 3D). 

Specimens Examined. No other specimens have 
been found. 

Mastophora piras new species 
Figures 244-250; Map 3D 

Holotype. Female yolotype from Emas, Pirassunga, 
Est. Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2 Nov. 1952 (Pietracatelli, 

Werner, and Dionisio), in MZSP, 4339. The specific 
name is an arbitrary combination of letters. 

Description. Female holotype. Carapace 
dark brown. Chelicerae light brown. La- 
bium, endites, sternum light brown. Coxae 
and distal leg articles began with indistinct 
darker Bigtches! Abdomen anterior black 
enclosing some white anterior loops, pos- 
terior white (Figs. 246, 247); venter with 
indistinct white square on gray-brown. 
Carapace heavily sclerotized, shiny, with 
sides thinner with a punctuate pattern of 
tiny tubercles. Abdomen triangular heart- 
shaped with lateral bulges and distinct 
small humps (Figs. 246, 247). Total length 
13.8 mm. Carapace 6.5 mm long, 5.9 wide 
in thoracic region, 3.3 wide at lateral eyes. 
First femur 5.3 mm, patella and tibia 7.7, 
metatarsus 4.8, tarsus 1.6. Second patella 
and tibia 5:5 mm: third 3/3) fourth 4.8: 
Length of first patella and tibia 1.2 times 
width of carapace. 

Males are not known. 

Variation. Total length of females 13.0— 
13.8 mm. The paratype has some long, 
white setae on sides of carapace, clypeus, 


Figures 230-236. Mastophora longiceps Mello-Leitao, female. 230, 231, carapace and chelicerae. 230, frontal. 231, lateral. 
232, 233, carapace and abdomen. 232, dorsal. 233, lateral. 234-236, epigynum. 234, ventral. 235, posterior. 236, posterior, 


Figures 237-243. MM. pesqueiro new species, female. 237, 238, carapace and chelicerae. 237, frontal. 238, lateral. 239, 240, 
carapace and abdomen. 239, dorsal. 240, lateral. 241-243, epigynum. 241, ventral. 242, posterior. 243, posterior, cleared. 

MASTOPHORA ° Levi 353 





Figures 244-250. OM. piras new species, female. 244, 245, carapace and chelicerae. 244, frontal. 245, lateral. 246, 247, car- 
apace and abdomen. 246, dorsal. 247, lateral. 248-250, epigynum. 248, ventral. 249, posterior. 250, posterior, cleared. 

Figures 251-257. M. ypiranga new species, female. 251, 252, carapace and chelicerae. 251, frontal. 252, lateral. 253, 254, 
carapace and abdomen. 253, dorsal. 254, lateral. 255-257, epigynum. 255, ventral. 256, posterior. 257, posterior, cleared. 

Scale lines. 1.0 mm; genitalia, 0.1 mm. 


legs, and anterior of abdomen; the abdo- 
men is all dark, perhaps because of poor 
preservation. The illustrations were from 
the holotype. 

Diagnosis. Mastophora piras is distin- 
guished from M. melloleitaoi by the heart- 
shaped abdomen with small humps (Figs. 
246, 247) and by the wider median area of 
the epigynum in posterior view (Fig. 249). 

Distribution. Minas Gerais and Sao Pau- 
lo states of southern Brazil (Map 3D). 

Paratypes. BRAZIL Minas Gerais: Gavernador Va- 
ladares, 14/15 Oct. 1981, 1 imm. (N. Sorkin, T. Spitz- 

man, AMNH). Sdo Paulo: Sio Bernardo, Nov. 1926, 
12 (H. Bakkenist, MZSP 8069). 

Mastophora ypiranga new species 
Figures 251-257; Map 3E 

Holotype. Female holotype from Ypiranga, Cap. [city 
of Sido Paulo], Est. Sao Paulo, Brazil, 1898, in 
MZSP, 5791. The specific name is a noun in ap- 
position after the locality. 

Description. Female holotype. Carapace 
orange-brown. Chelicerae yellow-brown. 
Labium, endites, sternum light brown. 
Coxae and distal leg articles light brown. 
Abdomen anterior black, posterior white 
(Figs. 253, 254); venter grayish white with 
white square. Carapace with low tubercles, 
with some short white setae on sides (F igs. 
251, 252). First femur with S-shaped cur- 
vature. Abdomen with two humps (Figs. 
253, 254). Total length 12.7 mm. Carapace 
4.7 mm long, 4.2 wide in thoracic region, 
2.7 wide at lateral eyes. First femur 3.7 
mim, patella and tibia 5.4, metatarsus 3.3, 
tarsus 1.1. Second patella and tibia 3.8 
mm, third 2.2, fourth 3.6. Length of first 
patella and tibia 1.2 times width of cara- 

Males are not known 

Variation. Total length of females 9.7— 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 5 

12.7 mm. The illustrations were made 
from the holotype. 

Diagnosis. Mastophora ypiranga differs 
from M. pickeli and M. melloleitaoi by the 
shape of the abdomen (Figs. 253, 254) and 
by the narrower, almost triangular median 
plate of the epigynum and the atria ap- 
proaching each other (Figs. 256, 257). 
Other differences are that the carapace ap- 
pears less swollen when viewed from an- 
terior, the anterior median eyes are di- 
rected forward, and the horns are erect 
with the tips pointing dorsally (Fig. 252). 
The anterior of the abdomen, which over- 
hangs the carapace, is white. 

Distribution. Minas Gerais to Santa Ca- 
tarina states of southern Brazil (Map 3E). 

Paratypes. BRAZIL Minas Gerais: Vicosa, 1931, 
12 (E. J. Hambleton, AMNH). Sdo Paulo: Sao Paulo, 

July 1928, 12 (R. Cassalo, IBSP 4530). Santa Catar- 
ina: June 1919, 12 (Luederwaldt, MZSP 8067). 

Mastophora yacare new species 
Figures 258-264; Map 3E 
Holotype. Female holotype from Rincori del Yacaré, 

Artigas, Uruguay, 20 Jan. 1957, in FCMU. The spe- 
cific name is a noun in apposition after the locality. 

Description. Female holotype. Carapace 
light brown. Chelicerae, labium, endites 
brown. Sternum orange, underlain by 
white pigment. Legs brown, femora light- 
est. Abdomen black over humps, whitish 
posteriorly (Figs. 260, 261); venter light 
brown with white square containing two 
rows of three black spots; spinnerets dark 
brown. Abdomen with a pair of wide, dor- 
sal humps (Figs. 260, 261). Total length 
11.5 mm. Carapace 4.1 mm long, 4.0 wide 
in thoracic region, 2.6 wide behind pos- 
terior lateral eyes. First femur 3.5 mm, pa- 
tella and tibia 5.1, metatarsus 3.5, tarsus 
1.1. Second patella and tibia 3.8 mm, third 


Figures 258-264. Mastophora yacare new species, female. 258, 259, carapace and chelicerae. 258, frontal. 259, lateral. 260, 
261, carapace and abdomen. 260, dorsal. 261, lateral. 262-264, epigynum. 262, ventral. 263, posterior. 264, posterior, cleared. 

Figures 265-268. M. abalosi Urtubey and Baez, female, after authors. 265, horns of carapace, frontal. 266, carapace and 
chelicerae, lateral. 267, carapace and abdomen, dorsal. 268, epigynum, posterior. 

Figures 269-273. M. comma Baez and Urtubey, female, after authors. 269, horns of carapace. 270, carapace and chelicerae, 
lateral. 271, 272, carapace and abdomen. 271, dorsal. 272, lateral. 273, epigynum, posterior. 

MASTOPHORA ° Levi 355 

eet fis yi? 
fae % 258 ae % 259 Ps 


ae yacare 



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Figures 274-280. M. melloleitaoi Canals, female. 274, 275, carapace and chelicerae. 274, frontal. 275, lateral. 276, 277, 
carapace and abdomen. 276, dorsal. 277, lateral. 278-280, epigynum. 278, ventral. 279, posterior. 280, posterior, cleared. 

Figures 281-287. M. extraordinaria Holmberg, female. 281, 282, carapace and chelicerae. 281, frontal. 282, lateral. 283, 284, 
carapace and abdomen. 283, dorsal. 284, lateral. 285-287, epigynum. 285, ventral. 256, posterior. 287, posterior, cleared. 

Scale lines. 1.0 mm; genitalia, 0.1 mm. 


2.0, fourth 3.3. Length of first patella and 
tibia 1.3 times width of carapace. 

Males are not known. 

Diagnosis. Mastophora yacare is distin- 
guished from M. melloleitaoi by its epigyn- 
um and the atria, which separate and face 
sideways (Fig. 264). 

Distribution. Known only from the type 
locality (Map 3E). 

Specimens Examined. No other specimens have 
been found. 

Mastophora abalosi Urtubey and Baez 
Figures 265-268, 458; Map 3E 

Mastophora abalosi Urtubey and Baez, 1983: 3, figs. 
1-11, 2. Female holotype and seven paratypes 
from the city of Santiago del Estero, Argentina, in 
the Inst. Animales Venenosos, Santiago del Estero, 
unavailable. Platnick, 1989: 340. Platnick, 2001. 

Description. Female (after Urtubey and 
Badez, 1983). Carapace brown. Chelicerae 
yellowish. Labium, endites yellow-white. 
Sternum spotted orange-yellow. Sternum 
dark orange. Legs yellowish. Abdomen an- 
terior clear yellow followed by dark band 
that covers humps (Fig. 267), posteriorly 
pale yellow; venter with light yellow. Car- 
apace with numerous tubercles, setae only 
on sides; tubercles with light tips. Abdo- 
men with humps (Fig. 267). Total length 
12.5 mm. Carapace 5.6 mm long, 5.4 wide 
in thoracic region. First femur 4.8 mm, pa- 
tella and tibia 6.8, metatarsus 5.1, tarsus 
1.3. Second patella and tibia 5.2 mm, third 
2.6, fourth 4.8. Length of first patella and 
tibia 1.3 times width of carapace. 

Males are not known. 

Diagnosis. Mastophora abalosi is distin- 
guished from M. extraordinaria by some 
morphological characters (Urtubey and 
Baez, 1983). The posterior of the epigyn- 
um was illustrated (Fig. 268) and shows 
the atria slightly to the lateral of the slits. 

The egg sac has flaps (Fig. 458). 

Distribution. Santiago del Estero in 
northern Argentina (Map 3E). 

Specimens Examined. No specimens were avail- 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 5 

Mastophora comma Baez and Urtubey 
Figures 269-273, 459; Map 3E 

Mastophora comma Baez and Urtubey, 1985: 3, figs. 
1-9, 2. Female holotype from the city of Santiago 
del Estero, Argentina, and seven paratypes in the 
Instituto de Animales Venenosos, Santiago del Es- 
tero, unavailable. Platnick, 1989: 340. Platnick, 

Description. Female (after Baez and Ur- 
tubey, 1985). Carapace brown. Chelicerae 
yellow. Sternum orange. Legs orange-yel- 
low. Abdomen dusky yellow covered with 
many tiny maroon spots with white setae, 
spotted with brown spots and a few darker 
maroon spots, and posteriorly with a few 
transverse bands (Fig. 271); venter yellow, 
spinnerets maroon. Intense yellow area 
between epigastric groove and spinnerets, 
with a few small maroon spots. Carapace 
with tubercles (Figs. 269, 270). Abdomen 
with a pair of dorsal humps tipped by nip- 
ples (Figs. 271, 272). Total length 12.0 
mm. Carapace 3.7 mm long, 4.8 wide in 
thoracic region. First femur 3.9 mm, pa- 
tella and tibia 6.4, metatarsus 5.0, tarsus 
1.2. Second patella and tibia 4.6 mm, third 
2.4, fourth 3.9. Length of first patella and 
tibia 1.3 times width of carapace. 

Males are not known. 

Diagnosis. This species differs from oth- 
ers by the unusual structure of the abdo- 
menal humps (Fig. 272) and by the two 
parallel slits on the posterior face of the 
epigynum (Fig. 273). 

The egg sac lacks flaps and has a short 
stalk (Fig. 459). 

Distribution. Santiago del Estero in 
northern Argentina (Map 3E). 

Specimens Examined. No specimens of this species 
were available. 

Mastophora melloleitaoi Canals 
Figures 274-280; Map 3E 

Mastophora Mello-Leitdoi Canals, 1931: 20, figs. 1-4, 
pl. 2, fig. 4, 2. Female holotype, from Rosas, Prov. 
Buenos Aires, Argentina, in MACN, examined. 

Mastophora_ mello-leitéo:—Mello-Leitao, 1931, 73: 
Ine Oy ILIA Se 

Mastophora mello-leitaoiae:—Roewer, 1942: 900. 

Glyptocranium melloleitaoi:—Bonnet, 1957: 1998. 

Mastophora melloleitaoi:—Platnick, 2001. 

Note. Roewer’s (1942) spelling appears 
to be an error. 

Description. Female from Balcarce. 
Carapace light brown, not shiny. Chelic- 
erae, endites, labium light brown. Sternum 
light brown. Legs brown. Abdomen light 
brown, anterior gray. Near midline ante- 
riorly a light V-shaped mark, followed by 
a light upside-down V. Carapace bald, ex- 
cept for some setae posteriorly. Abdomen 
humps wide (Figs. 276, 277). Total length 
13.0 mm. Carapace 5.5 mm long, 4.8 wide 
in thoracic region, 3.2 wide at lateral eyes. 
First femur 4.2 mm, patella and tibia 6.3, 
metatarsus 4.2, tarsus 1.3. Second patella 
andatibial4:oyamm) thirds 2. fourth: 4:2) 
Length of first patella and tibia 1.3 times 
width of carapace. 

Males are not known. 

Variation. Total length of females 9.0— 
12.8 mm. The total length of the holotype 
is 12.8 mm, carapace 4.6 mm wide, patella 
and tibia 5.8. Humps may have black caps. 
The illustrations (Figs. 274-278) were 
made from a female from Balcarce; Fig- 
ures 279 and 280 are from the holotype. 

Diagnosis. The female differs from M. 
extraordinaria in that the carapace is not 
shiny (Fig. 274), in having the anterior of 
the abdomen dark (Figs. 276, 277), and in 
having the slits on the posterior of the epi- 
gynum almost parallel (Fig. 279). Masto- 
phora melloleitaoi also lacks the dark me- 
dian dorsal area on the posterior of the 
epigynum present in M. extraordinaria 
(Fig. 286). If cleared, each atrium shows a 
small median lobe (Fig. 280) not present 
in other species. 

Distribution. From Parana State, south- 
ern Brazil, to Buenos Aires Province, Ar- 
gentina (Map 3E). 

Specimens Examined. BRAZIL Rio de Janeiro: Vas- 
souras, Fazenda de Sao Sebastiao, March 1871, 12 
(B. P. Mann, MCZ). Paranda: Curitiba, 21 Jan. 1965, 
1 imm. (C. Valle, MZSP 4326). Rio Grande do Sul: 
Rodeio Bonito, Bagé, 10 Feb. 1967, 12 (C. de Oliv- 
eira, MCN 473); Santa Maria, 9 May 1973, 12 (D. 
Link, MCN 01659). ARGENTINA Cordoba: Cruz 
Alta, 15 Aug. 1948, 12 (J. P. Duret, MACN). Buenos 
Aires: Ascension, 12 (B. Gerschman, MACN): Bal- 
carce, 16 Feb. 1950, 12 (Cuccioli, MACN):; Burzaco, 

MASTOPHORA ® Levi 357 

12 (F.C. S., MACN); San Isidro, 19 Apr. 1949, 19 
(N. Konmilev, MACN): Zelaya, 2 imm. (J. Pereyra, 
MACN 523). 

Mastophora extraordinaria Holmberg 
Figures 281-287, 460; Map 3F 

Mastophora extraordinaria Holmberg, 1876: 113. Fe- 
male from Buenos Aires, Argentina, lost. Bréthres, 
1909: 163, figs. 1, 2, 2, egg sacs. Canals, 1931: 17, 
figs. 1-5, pl. 1, fig. 1. Mello-Leitao, 1931: 70, figs. 
7, 19. Roewer, 1942: 900. Platnick, 2001. 

Glyptocranium extraordinaria:—Bonnet, 1957: 1997. 

?Mastophora cinerea Mello-Leitaéo, 1943: 105, fig. 4, 
imm. Immature holotype from Cordoba, Argenti- 
na, in MLP, examined. DOUBTFUL NEW SYN- 

Mastophora intermedia Mello-Leitao, 1945: 240, figs. 
14-17, 2. One female holotype from Pindapoy, Mi- 
siones Prov., Argentina, in MLP, examined. Brig- 
noli, 1983: 274. NEW SYNONYMY. 

Note. Holmberg described the size of 
the prominences of the abdomen and the 
two brown spots. 

Mastophora cinerea is a light-colored 
immature with slightly elongate humps. Its 
placement is doubtful. (Do immature M. 
extraordinaria have longer humps?) 

Mastophora intermedia has humps 
rounded, as wide as long, and has the same 
internal genitalia as does M. extraordinar- 
ia. The differences are a slight median 
notch of the posterior rim of the epigynum 
in ventral view, and absence of the median 
dark area posterior in the epigynum (Fig. 

Description. Female from Chascomis. 
Carapace dark brown with narrow white 
rim. Legs brown, slightly ringed. Abdomen 
white with a pair of dorsal black patches 
(Fig. 283). Carapace shiny on tips with low 
tubercles and three grooves on each side. 
Abdomen with few setae on sides with one 
pair of humps; venter with white square. 
Total length 12 mm. Carapace 4.8 mm 
long, 4.6 wide in thoracic region, 2.8 wide 
at posterior lateral eyes. First femur 3.9 
mm, patella and tibia 5.5, metatarsus 3.5, 
tarsus 1.2. Second patella and tibia 4.5 
mim, third 2.7, fourth 4.1. Length of first 
patella and tibia 1.1 times width of cara- 

Males are not known. 


Variation. The epigynum is variable in 
width and the abdominal humps may be 
wider or higher. Total length of females 
95-14 mm. The illustrations were made 
from the female from Chascomis. 

Diagnosis. Compared with M. mellolei- 
taoi, the carapace has low, flat tubercles; 
the horns of the carapace are relatively 
smooth and shiny (Figs. 281, 282); and the 
bulge bearing the median eyes is indis- 
tinct. The anterior of the abdomen is usu- 
ally white (Fig. 284). The median plate of 
the epigynum is flat dorsally, sclerotized, 
and darker than ventrally (above on Fig. 
286); it is raised in the middle in M. mel- 
loleitaoi. The atria approach each other 
(Fig. 287), unlike those of M. melloleitaoi 
(Fig. 280). 

Natural History. The egg sac is drop- 
shaped, 11 mm wide, almost the size of 
the female abdomen (Fig. 460). A female 
from Gonzales Catan was found on a citrus 
tree. An immature in Uruguay was col- 
lected at night “from regular web.” 

Distribution. From Rio Grande do Sul 
State, southern Brazil, to Buenos Aires 
Province, west to Chaco and Cérdoba 
provinces, Argentina (Map 3F). 

Specimens Examined. BRAZIL Rio Grande de Sul: 
Canela, 12 Feb. 1966, 12 (A. Lise, MCN 0119): Gar- 
ibaldi, 30 Oct. 1974, 12 (O. ame MCN 
2381). URUGUAY Montevideo, 1? (J. Canosa, 
MACN 4182); 12 (E. Cordero, MNRJ 14011); Pun- 
tas Arroyo Laureles, Tacuaremb6, 1 imm. (FCMU 
293): Treinta y Tres, 20 Aug. 1971, 1 2 (FCMU 295). 
ARGENTINA Chaco: Saenz Peja, Sept. 1933, 19 
(B. Ohneiser, MACN 31331). Cordoba: Cérdoba, 22 
M. J. Viana, AMNH, MACN 1106); Calamuchita, 
Dec. 1940, 49 (J. M. Viana, MACN 1005): Dec. 
1941, 22 (J. M. Viana, MACN 1106); Agus do Oro, 
Mar. 1940, 1 imm. (J. A. De Carlo). Buenos Aires: 
Buenos Aires, 12 (Scly., MNHN 23388); Chascomits, 
Oct. 1934, 12 (I. Dor, MACN 35983); Cap. Federal, 
limm. (E. Pizarro, MACN 12782): Florencio Varela, 
1 May 1949, 1° (O. de Ferrarini, MLP 13549); Gon- 
zales Catan, 6 June 1949, 12 (Touson); Hurlingham, 
Jan. 1954, 12 (Giai, MACN 4359); La Plata, 12 (M. 
Birabén, MLP 16178); 12 (M. Birabén, BMNH): 
Moreno, Feb. 1939, 12 (Schiapelli, Gerschman, 
MACN); 14 Nov. 1943, 12 (S. M. Doello Jurado; 
MACN 1361); Rosas, 1930, 1° (J. B. Daguerre, 
MACN 4185). 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 5 

Mastophora leucabulba (Gertsch), 
new combination 
Figures 288-295; Map 2F 

Agatostichus leucabulba Gertsch, 1955: 250: figs. 34, 
38, 40, 2. Female holotype from Harlingen, Texas, 
in AMNH, destroyed. 

Agathostichus leucabulba:—Brignoli, 1983: 255. 

Agathostichus leucabulbus: pisincle 2001. 

Note. Platnick’s change of spelling is not 

Description. Female (after Gertsch, 
1955). Carapace reddish brown except for 
yellow rim and orange median patch en- 
closing tubercles; tubercles tipped white. 
Chelicerae Ibvaeseornfislh at base. Labium, en- 
dites yellowish. Sternum yellowish. Coxae 
yellowish and distal leg articles yellowish 
to light brown with fait brown markings 
on fins leg. Abdomen yellowish to whitish 
above with dusky flecks, black around the 
base (Fig. 289). Carapace with woolly se- 
tae, one large bulb behind median eyes, a 
large iedian bulb flanked by a pair of 
sniel bulbs on the side, behind bifid 
horns, sides with dark warts and cephalic 
area coarsely roughened, hidden by mat of 
wooly hairs. betel eyes on connate tu- 
bercles, median eyes on large elevated tu- 
bercle at the posterior edge of which is a 
small tubercle. Abdomen with long 
humps. Total length 6.7 mm. Carapace 2.8 
mim long, 2.9 dee in thoracic region. First 
femur 3.6 mm, patella and tibia 4.9, meta- 
tarsus 3.6, tarsus 1.0. Second patella and 
tibia 3.4 mm, third 1.9, fourth 2.6. Length 
of first patella and tibia 1.7 times width of 

Diagnosis. Mastophora leucabulba is 
distinguished by the enlarged tubercle be- 
tween the median eyes (Figs. 288, 290) 
and the large blunt tubercles and dark col- 
oration of the carapace (Figs. 289, 290). 

Doubtful males, considered and labeled 
M. cornigera by W. Ivie, and listed under 
that species by Gertsch, may be this spe- 
cies (Figs. 292-295). 

Distribution. Southern Texas to Hon- 
duras (Map 2F). 

Specimens Examined. TEXAS Duval Co.: San Di- 

MASTOPHORA ® Levi 359 


Figures 288-295. Mastophora leucabulba Gertsch. 288-291, female, after Gertsch. 288, carapace and chelicerae, lateral. 289, 

290, carapace and abdomen. 289, dorsal. 290, lateral. 291, epigynum, posterior. 292-295, left palpus of presumed male. 292, 
apical. 293, mesal. 294, ventral. 295, ectal. 

Figures 296-307. WM. alvareztoroi lbarra and Jiménez new species. 296-303, female. 296, 297, carapace and chelicerae. 296, 
frontal. 297, lateral. 298-300, carapace and abdomen. 298, dorsal. 299, ventral. 300, lateral. 301-303, epigynum. 301, ventral. 

302, posterior. 303, posterior, cleared. 304-307, male. 304, carapace, chelicera and right palpus. 305, dorsal. 306-307, left 
palpus. 306, mesal. 307, ventral. 

Scale lines. 1.0 mm; genitalia, 0.1 mm. 


ego, 29 Apr. 1895, 2d, imm. doubtful determination 
(USNM). Wilson Co.: Floresville, 29 Apr. 1895, 1 
imm., 4d, doubtful determination (AMNH). MEXI- 
CO Tamaulipas: 64 km S Linares, imm., 1.9 mm long 
(Gertsch, 1955, AMNH, destroyed, not examined). 
HONDURAS E of Tela Beach, 6 July 1929, imm. (A. 
M. Chickering, MCZ). 

Mastophora alvareztoroi 
Ibarra and Jiménez new species 
Plate 1; Figures 296-307; Map 2F 

Holotype. Female holotype from Rancho Alejandria, 
Municipio Estaci6n Juarez, Chiapas, Mexico, 25 
Sept. 1975 (M. Alvarez del Toro), in MCZ. The 
species has been named after the collector, the late 
Miguel Alvarez del Toro, who dedicated his life to 
the study and protection of the Chiapas fauna and 
is the author of a book on Chiapas spiders (Alvarez 
del Toro, 1992). 

Agathostichus sp. Alvarez del Toro, 1992: 173, fig. 
ES SR photos 

Description. Female from Rosaria Iza- 
pa. Carapace horns white, sides dark 
brown with eyes, clypeus, and rim yellow- 
ish (Figs. 296-298). Chelicerae yellowish 
with a pair of dark patches. Labium, en- 
dites dark brown, distally light. Sternum 
dark brown. Coxae and aise leg articles 
yellowish; first femur with fine black ring 
and distally with ventral dark patch. Nie 
domen yellow, dark brown on anterior bor- 
der, and brown on some hump tips (Fig. 
298); venter light brown with white 
square; a dark brown patch on epigynal 
area, and no pigment in spinneret area. 
Carapace hirsute with cone-shaped white 
tubercles (Figs. 296, 297). Posterior me- 
dian eyes 0.8 diameter of anterior medi- 
ans, laterals 0.7. Anterior median eyes 1.7 
diameters apart. Ocular trapezoid rectan- 
gular, slightly wider than long. Chelicerae 
with one anterior tooth and three posterior 
teeth. Abdomen heart-shaped, three pairs 
of dark spots dorsally and sparse black se- 
tae, hirsute with tufts on white setae on 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 5 

dorsum. A pair of dorsal humps, followed 
by a series of four median, conical humps 
and several smaller lateral humps on each 
side. Setae, also tufts of white setae on 
small circular and convex white areas, scat- 
tered on dorsum of abdomen, with scat- 
tered dark brown setae, especially on an- 
terior half, also with a few feather-shaped 
symmetrically arranged dark brown setae 
(Fig. 298). Total length 8.9 mm. Carapace 
3.4 mm long, 3.3 wide in thoracic region, 
1.7 wide at lateral eyes. First femur 4.3 
mim, patella and tibia 5.5, metatarsus 4.2, 
tarsus 1.1. Second patella and tibia 3.8 
mm, third 2.3, fourth 3.5. Length of first 
patella and tibia 1.6 times width of cara- 

Male weakly sclerotized, perhaps just 
molted. Carapace reddish brown except 
for white median light patch enclosing 
white horns. Chelicerae dark yellow. Ster- 
num dark brown. Coxae, distal leg articles 
yellowish. Abdomen whitish. Carapace el- 
evated behind, second midline tubercle 
slightly longer than first, lateral horns 
shout half length of median horns, sepa- 
ration beueen median and lateral horns 
greater than width of laterals at base; each 
transverse horn with translucent seta on 
tip; carapace with woolly white setae. Che- 
licerae with three posterior median teeth 
and one posterior tooth. Abdomen with 
two dorsal paired humps; four anterior, 
four median, and two posterior feather- 
shaped setae (Fig. 305). Total length 1.7 
mm. Carapace 0. 8 mm long, 0.8 wide in 
thoracic region. First ne 1.1 mm, pa- 
tella and aie 1.1, metatarsus 1.1, tarsus 
1.03. Second patella and tibia 0.8 mm, 
third 0.4, fourth 0.6. Length of first patella 
and tibia 1.4 times width of carapace. 

Note. Males and females were matched 


Figures 308-314. Mastophora soberiana new species, female. 308, 309, carapace and chelicerae. 308, frontal. 309, lateral. 
310, 311, carapace and abdomen. 310, dorsal. 311, lateral. 312-314, epigynum. 312, ventral. 313, posterior. 314, posterior, 

Figures 315-321. 

Mastophora leucacantha (Simon), female. 315, 316, carapace and chelicerae. 315, frontal. 316, lateral. 317, 

318, carapace and abdomen. 317, dorsal. 318, lateral. 319-321, epigynum. 319, ventral. 320, posterior. 321, posterior, cleared. 

MASTOPHORA ° Levi 361 

Figures 322-328. M. brescoviti new species, female. 322, 323, carapace and chelicerae. 322, frontal. 323, lateral. 324, 325, 
carapace and abdomen. 324, dorsal. 325, lateral. 326-328, epigynum. 326, ventral. 327, posterior. 328, posterior, cleared. 

Figures 329-335. WM. conifera (Holmberg), female. 329, 330, carapace and chelicerae. 329, frontal. 330, lateral. 331, 332, 
carapace and abdomen. 331, dorsal. 332 lateral. 333-335, epigynum. 333, ventral. 334, posterior. 335, posterior, cleared. 

Scale lines. 1.0 mm; genitalia, 0.1 mm. 


because they were collected in the same 
area in Chiapas, have similar cone-shaped 
carapace tubercles and horns, and both 
sexes have feather-shaped setae. 

Variation. Living females look all woolly. 
Total length of females 8.6—8.9 mm, cara- 
pace 3.3—4.0 mm wide. An immature, 4.3 
mm total length, is similar to the adult fe- 
male in relative proportions, horns, and 
pointed abdomen, but has fewer abdomi- 
nal humps (only the pair and the four in 
midline). As in males of the genus, a row 
of long setae is present on the anterior of 
the first and second metatarsi and tarsi. 
The illustrations (Figs. 298-300) were 
made from the paratype collected with the 

Diagnosis. Mastophora alvareztoroi is 
distinguished from M. leucabulba by the 
shape and humps of abdomen (Figs. 298— 
300), by the cone-shaped tubercles on the 
carapace (Figs. 296, 297), by having feath- 
er-shaped setae (Figs. 298, 305), Rind by 
the epigynum having atria bent toward 
each other (Figs. 302, 303). 

Natural History. Some specimens came 
from coffee groves in Finca Irlanda and 
Rosario Izapa. The specimens were be- 
tween | and 2 m above the ground. Mark 
Stowe (in correspondence) wrote that this 
fuzzy spider bears a strong resemblance to 
congregations of fuzzy scale insects in the 
same habitat in Texas. 

Distribution. Southern Texas and Chia- 
pas, Mexico (Map 2F). 

Paratypes. MEXICO Chiapas: Rancho Alejandria, 
Municipio Estacién Juarez, 25 Sept. 1975, 12 (M. 
Alvarez del Toro, MLJ); Finca Inlanda, 870 m, 
15°10'N, 92°21'W, 65 km NNW of Tapachula, 12 
Aug. 1987, 1d (G. Ibarra, A. Garcia, M. Moreno, 
ECOTAR): Rosario Izapa, Municipio Tuxtla Chico, 
430 m, 14°59'N, 92°09'W, 18 km ENE of Tapachula, 
25 Aug. 1995, 12 (A. Ventura, ECOTAR). 

Specimens Examined. TEXAS Hidalgo Co.: Santa 
Ana Natl. Wildlife Refuge, 18 Dec. 1983, 12 (M. K. 
Stowe 112, MKS). MEXICO Chiapas: Finca Ham- 
burgo, ca. 15°10’N, 92°19’W, 950 m, Municipio de 
Tapachula, 16 Nov. 1994, 1 imm. (G. Ibarra, ECO- 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 5 

Mastophora soberiana new species 
Figures 308-314; Map 2F 

Holotype. Female holotype from Pipeline Road, Ca- 
nal Zone [in Soberiana National Park, Panama], 26 
July 1976 (Y. Lubin, G. G. Montgomery), in MCZ. 
The specific name is a noun in apposition after the 


Description. Female holotype (in poor 
physical condition). Carapace yellowish, 
sides of thorax dark brown, a wide, light 
rim and tubercles with white pigment 
(Figs. 308, 309). Chelicerae, labium, en- 
dites yellowish. Sternum brown. Coxae, 
distal leg articles yellowish. Abdomen 
white dorsally (Fig. 310), white ventrally, 
except for yellowish genital area and spin- 
nerets. Carapace with spine-shaped tuber- 
cles and white setae (Figs. 308, 309). Ab- 
domen with three median humps and nu- 
merous small lateral humps, with tufts of 
white setae (Figs. 310, 311). Total length 
8.3 mm. Carapace 3.7 mm long, 3.4 wide 
in thoracic region, 1.8 wide behind pos- 
terior lateral eyes. First femur 4.7 mm, pa- 
tella and tibia 5.8, tarsi lost. Second patella 
and tibia) 422 imi) third)! 3a tomntamors 
Length of first patella and ie 1.7 times 
width of carapace. 

Males are not known. 

Diagnosis. This species is distinguished 
from M. alvareztoroi by the longer cara- 
pace tubercles and by having Ths atria of 
the epigynum located dorsally (Fig. 314). 

Distribution. Panama (Map 2F). 

Specimens Examined. No other specimens have 
been found. 

Mastophora leucacantha (Simon), 
new combination 
Figures 315-321; Map 3G 

Agatostichus leucacantha Simon, 1895: 885, fig. 947, 
carapace. Immature holotype from Rio Salobro, 

Bahia, Brazil, in MNHN, 8486, examined. Mello- 
Leitao, 1931: 67. Gertsch, 1955: 250. 
Agathostichus leuwcacantha:—Simon, 1897: 473. 

sRoewer 1942: 900. 
Agathostichus leucacanthus:—Bonnet, 1955: 182. 
Platnick, 2001. 

Note. In his publications, Simon (1895, 
1897) did not include the female symbol 

as he did for other species, indicating that 
the specimen was immature. Roewer 
(1942) and Gertsch (1955) cited it as fe- 

Platnick (2001) considered the name of 
Simon (1895) to be a nomen nudum be- 
cause the description was shared by the 
genus and species. But this is valid for 
19th century descriptions (International 
Code of Zoological Nomenclature, art. 
12.2.6 [International Commission on Zoo- 
logical Nomenclature, 1999]). 

Description. Female from the Organ 
Mountains. Carapace yellowish white with 
white marks and median white tubercles, 
brown triangle on posterior slope; anterior 
point of triangle dark between forked tu- 
bercles (Fig. "315). Chelicerae yellowish. 
Labium dark brown, endites yellowish. 
Sternum dark brown. Coxae and distal leg 
articles yellowish white. Abdomen yellow- 
ish white with a small black mark on each 
side (Fig. 317); venter yellowish white with 
white square surrounded by a gray line; 
dorsum and sides with indistinct gray 
marks. Carapace with woolly setae and 
long tubercles (Figs. 315-317). Median 
eyes on a swelling, wench lateral pair on a 
swelling. Median Benue trapezoid almost 
square. Chelicerae with three anterior 
teeth, one posterior tooth. Legs with white 
setae. Abdomen with a pair of dorsal 
humps and tufts of white setae (Figs. 317, 
318). Total length 8.3 mm. Carapace 3.7 
mm long, 3.6 wide in thoracic region, 2.2 
wide at lateral eyes. First femur 3.6 mm, 
patella and tibia 4.6, metatarsus 3.3, tarsus 
1.0. Second patella and tibia 3.6 mm, third 
2.1, fourth 3.2. Length of first patella and 
tibia 1.3 times width of carapace. 

Males are not known. 

Variation. The immature holotype, total 
length 4.0 m, has carapace tubercles short- 
er and lacks some lateral ones; venter of 
abdomen with black square. The illustra- 
tions were made from the adult female 
from Organ Mountains. The tufts of setae 
on the abdomen were prominent on the 
female from Organ Mountains when first 

MASTOPHORA ® Levi 363 

examined (by the author in 1969), but 
have mostly been lost as result of handling. 

Diagnosis. Mastophora leucacantha is 
distinguished by the long median horn that 
is almost as long as the carapace, and dif- 
fers from M. Dinner ror roi by having the ab- 
domen rounded behind, sphereas M. al- 
vareztoroi has the abdomen lobed behind, 
and differs from M. leucabulba by having 
all tubercles behind the eyes and from M. 
soberiana by the shape of the epigynum 
(Fig. 320). 

Distribution. Bahia to Rio de Janeiro 
states, Brazil (Map 3G). 

Specimens Examined. Rio de Janeiro: Cachoeirin- 
ha, Montaigne Orgues [Serra Orgaios, Organ Moun- 
tains |, 1902. 19 (iss R. Wagner, MNHN 26035). 

Mastophora brescoviti new species 
Figures 322-328; Map 3G 

Holotype. Female holotype from Jardim Botanico, 
Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil (A 
Brescovit), in MCN no. 26135. The species has 
been named after the collector and arachnologist 
A. D. Brescovit. 

Description. Female holotype. Carapace 
with symmetrical white lines on head re- 
gion, sides of cephalic area dark brown, 
sides of thorax light brown with dark 
streaks and speckles, and many downy 
white setae (Figs. 322, 323). Chelicerae 
patchy brown. Abyann: endites, sternum 
dark brown. Coxae light brown and distal 
leg articles yellowish iin temo brown 
rings. Abdomen light brown, darker ante- 
riorly between humps and pedicel, darker 
patches on each side, humps darkest, with 
bunches and individual white setae (Fig. 
324); venter light brown. Lateral eyes on 
bulges. Carapace with median tubercle 
longest. Abdomen dorsally with a pair of 
humps and a median swelling bearing 
white setae (Figs. 324, 325). Total length 
9.2 mm. Carapace 3.7 mm long, 3.4 ede 
in thoracic region, 1.8 wide Benne pos- 
terior lateral eyes. First femur 4.0 mm, pa- 
tella and tibia 5.1, metatarsus 3.7, tarsus 
1.2. Second patella and tibia 3.8 mm, third 
Dy rowiada Sex 

Males are not known. 


Diagnosis. Mastophora brescoviti is dis- 
tinguished by the long posterior, median 
tubercle, and unusual shape of the abdo- 
men with a median swelling behind the 
humps (Figs. 324, 325). The posterior of 
the epigynum has a pair of diagonal swell- 
ings (Fig. 327) not present in other spe- 

Distribution. Only known from Porto 
Alegre, Brazil (Map 3G). 

Specimens Examined. No other specimens have 
been found. 

Mastophora conifera (Holmberg) 
Figures 329-335; Map 3G 

Heterocephala conifera Holmberg, 1876: 143. Female 
from Boradero [Prov. Buenos Aires], Argentina, 

Mastophora conifera:—Canals, 1931: 18, figs. 1—5, pl. 
1, fig. 2. Mello-Leitao, 1931: 71, figs. 4, 16. Roewer, 
1942: 900. Platnick, 2001. 

Glyptocranium coniferum:—Bonnet, 1957: 1996. 

Description. Female from Tigre [in poor 
condition]. Carapace, sternum, legs or- 
ange-brown. Abdomen anteriorly black, 
posteriorly lighter gray, with some black 
streaks (Figs. 331, 332); venter black with 
a pair of white spots. Carapace with tips 
of horns thin, setae on sides of thoracic 
area (Figs. 329, 330). Anterior median 
eyes largest, laterals smallest. Abdomen 
with numerous dorsal tubercles (Figs. 331, 
332). Total length 12.0 mm. Carapace 5.3 
mm long, 4.6 wide in thoracic region, 2.8 
wide at lateral eyes. First femur 4.3 mm, 
patella and tibia 5.3, metatarsus 3.8, tarsus 
broken. Second patella and tibia 4.3 mm, 
third 2.4, fourth 3.7. Length of first patella 
and tibia equals 1.2 times width of cara- 

Males are not known. 

Diagnosis. Mastophora conifera is dis- 
tinguished by the tubercular abdomen 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 5 

(Figs. 331, 332) and by the epigynum, 
which in posterior view has a pair of de- 
pressions containing short, ventrally con- 
verging slits (Fig. 334). 

Distribution. Santa Fé and Buenos Ai- 
res provinces, Argentina (Map 3G). 

Specimens Examined. ARGENTINA Santa Fé: Co- 
lonia Macias, Nov. 1942, imm. shriveled (J. M. Viana, 
MACN). Buenos Aires: Tigre, 1902, 12, once dried 
up (J. Brethes, MACN 5896). 

Mastophora corpulenta (Banks) 
Figures 336-342, 461; Maps 2F, 4A 

Ordgarius corpulentus Banks, 1898: 251, pl. 15, fig. 
8. Female holotype from San José del Cabom Baja 
California, Mexico, in CAS, destroyed. Neotype 
here designated the holotype of M. lenca. 

Mastophora corpulenta:—Roewer, 1942: 900. Plat- 
nick, 2001. 

Mastophora lenca Gertsch, 1955: 247, figs. 28-30, 32, 
33, 2. Female holotype from Zamorano [?Zambra- 
no], Honduras, in AMNH, examined. Brignoli, 
1983: 274. Platnick, 2001. NEW SYNONYMY. 

Glyprocranium corpulentum:—Bonnet, 1957: 1997. 

Note. Banks (1898) described and pic- 
tured (fig. 8) elongated tubercles on the 
abdomen and lateral tubercles on the side 
of the carapace. The only North American 
or Central American species known to 
have both these characters is M. lenca. The 
type locality of Ordgarius corpulentus is 
uncertain, because, as Banks himself 
pointed out, the collection was handled by 
G. Marx before being turned over to 
Banks after Marx’s death, and Marx locality 
labels are confused. 

Description. Female holotype. Carapace 
dark brown, with short white setae not 
covering tubercles; tubercles with light 
tips (Figs. 336, 337). Sternum dark orange. 
Legs dark brown. Median eyes on bulge, 
lateral eyes on bulges. Abdomen gray, with 
long humps (Fig. 339); venter with white 
square. First tarsus with S-shaped curva- 


Figures 336-342. Mastophora corpulenta (Banks), female. 336, 337, carapace and chelicerae. 336, frontal. 337, lateral. 338, 
339, carapace and abdomen. 338, dorsal. 339, lateral. 340-342, epigynum. 340, ventral. 341, posterior. 342, posterior, cleared. 

Figures 343-350. MM. rabida new species, female. 343, 344, carapace and chelicerae. 343, frontal. 344, lateral. 345, 346, 
carapace and abdomen. 345, dorsal. 346, lateral. 347-350, epigynum. 347, ventral. 348, posterior. 349, posterior, cleared. 350, 

seminal receptacle, median. 

MASTOPHORA ° Levi 365 

Figures 351-361. M. escomeli new species. 351-357, female. 351, 352, carapace and chelicerae. 351, frontal. 352, lateral. 
353, 354, carapace and abdomen. 353, dorsal. 354, lateral. 355-357, epigynum. 355, ventral. 356, posterior. 357, posterior, 
cleared. 358-360, male left palpus, stained. 358, apical. 359, mesal. 360, ventral. 361, ectal. 

Scale lines. 1.0 mm; genitalia, 0.1 mm. 


ture. Total length 11.0 mm. Carapace 5.4 
mm long, 5.2 wide in thoracic region, 2.8 
wide behind posterior lateral eyes. First 
femur 4.7 mm, patella and tibia 7.6, meta- 
tarsus 5.4, tarsus 1.4. Second patella and 
tibia 4.8 mm, third 2.4, fourth 4.1. 

Males are not known. 

Diagnosis. Mastophora corpulenta is 
distinguished from M. diablo by the small 
dorsal knobs in the depression of the pos- 
terior of the epigynum (Fig. 341). 

The egg sac is fig-shaped, lacks lateral 
flaps, and has a thick stalk (Fig. 461). 

Distribution. Central America (Map 

Specimens Examined. NICARAGUA Leé6n, Aban- 
gasca, 13 Dec. 1994, 1 subadult 2 (J. M. Maes, 

Mastophora rabida new species 
Figures 343-350; Map 4A 

Holotype. Female holotype and immature female 
paratype from Rabida Island, Galapagos Islands, 
Ecuador, 12 May 1981 (Y. D. Lubin, 319), in MCZ. 
The specific name is a noun in apposition after the 
Note. The female holotype is a penulti- 

mate instar, ready to molt. The exuvium is 

loose above the epigynum. The epigynum 
is mature but not sclerotized. 

Description. Female holotype. Carapace 
dark orange. Chelicerae, labium, endites 
orange. Secu orange with white pig- 
ment. Coxae and distal leg articles dark 
dusky orange. Abdomen white with some 
faint gray marks (Fig. 345); venter with 
white square. Carapace appearing downy, 
covered with tubercles; tubercles with 
light tips (Figs. 343, 344). Median eyes on 
bulge, lateral eyes on bulges. Abdomen 
slightly wider than long wath small humps 
(Figs. 345, 346). Total length 7.7 mm. Car- 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 5 

apace 3.1 mm long, 2.9 wide in thoracic 
region, 1.8 wide at lateral eyes. First femur 
2.8 mm, patella and tibia 4.2, metatarsus 
3.2, tarsus 1.0. Second patella and tibia 3.0 
mm, third 1.7, fourth 2.8. Length of first 
patella and tibia 1.4 times width of cara- 

Males are not known. 

Diagnosis. Mastophora rabida is distin- 
guished by the ventral loops of the slits on 
the posterior of the epigynum (Figs. 348, 

Natural History. From Y. Lubin (per- 
sonal correspondence): “#319. nocturnal 
araneid on orb web. During day sits on 
twigs. 1 female, 1 juvenile. [NB: maybe it 
was the juvenile on an orb web? I didn't 
specify in the notes. YL]. #510. Tagus 
Cove, Isabella [This is a mangrove area].” 
Notes from field book 19: 30: “on Croton 
bush, hanging from thread with legs 3,4. 
Legs 1,2 Rell outwards, flexed. No Taelew: 
Spider Smerchcs legs forward when I hum, 
then moves to edge of leaf and adopts 
same posture.” 


Galapagos Islands (Map 

Paratypes. Galapagos Islands: Isabella Island, Ta- 
gus Cove, on Croton scouleri at night, 13 May 1983, 
1 imm. (Y. Lubin 510, MCZ). 

Mastophora escomeli new species 
Figures 351-361; Map 4A 

Escomel, 1918, 

Glyptocranium gasteracanthoides: 
136 (misidentification). 

Holotype. Female holotype from Valle de Majes, nr. 
Arequipa, Depto. Arequipa, Peru, 1920 (E. Esco- 
mel), in MNHN. The species has been named after 
the collector and author of a paper on the venoms 
of Mastophora. 

Note. A similar specimen examined by 


Figures 362-365. Mastophora obtusa Mello-Leitao, immature female. 362, 363, carapace and chelicerae. 362, frontal. 363, 
lateral. 364, 365, carapace and abdomen. 364, dorsal. 365, lateral. 

Figures 366-372. WM. felis Piza, female. 366, 367, carapace and chelicerae. 366, frontal. 367, lateral. 368, 369, carapace and 
abdomen. 368, dorsal. 369, lateral. 370-372, epigynum. 370, ventral. 371, posterior. 372, posterior, cleared. 

Figures 373-379. MM. holmbergi Canals, female. 373, 374, carapace and chelicerae. 373, frontal. 374, lateral. 375, 376, cara- 
pace and abdomen. 375, dorsal. 376, lateral. 377-379, epigynum. 377, ventral. 378, posterior. 379, posterior, cleared. 

MASTOPHORA ° Levi 367 

Figures 380-386. MM. reimoseri new species, female. 380, 381, carapace and chelicerae. 380, frontal. 381, lateral. 382, 383, 
carapace and abdomen. 382, dorsal. 383, lateral. 384-386, epigynum. 384, ventral. 385, posterior. 386, posterior, cleared. 

Scale lines. 1.0 mm; genitalia, 0.1 mm. 


Canals (MACN) was labeled M. satan, 
presumably because of its long first legs. 

Description. Female holotype. Carapace 
orange-brown. Chelicerae brown. Labium, 
endites, sternum orange. Coxae orange, 
distal leg articles brown. Abdomen brown- 
ish, underlain by some white patches 
(Figs. 353, 354); venter with white square. 
Carapace with many large tubercles, tu- 
bercles on sides; tubercles with light tips, 
with short white setae between, but not 
covering tubercles, and longer white setae 
on sides (Figs. 351, 352). Median eyes on 
a bulge; lateral eyes on bulges. First tarsus 
with S-shaped curvature. Abdomen with 
long humps (Figs. 353, 354). Total length 
13.5 mm. Carapace 5.0 mm long, 5.0 wide 
in thoracic region, 3.0 wide at lateral eyes. 
First femur 4. a mm, patella and tibia Wat 
metatarsus 6.3, tarsus 1.6. Second patella 
ands tibia 4.8 mm: third: 227. fourth 4.3. 
Length of first patella and tibia 1.5 times 
width of carapace. 

Male of uncertain affiliation. Color and 
shape as in other males. Total length 1.7 
mm. Carapace 0.83 mm long, 0.81 wide in 
thoracic region, 0.54 wide a lateral eyes. 
First femur 0.72 mm, patella and tibia 
0.81, metatarsus 0.49, tarsus 0.13. Second 
patella and tibia 0.71 mm, third 0.39, 
fourth 0.54. Length of first patella and tib- 
ia 1.0 times width of carapace. 

Note. Affiliation of males with females is 

Variation. Total length of females 12.0— 
13.5 mm. Length of free patella and tibia 
15> e/atimmes Sadeh of carapace. The fe- 
male from Ica is more setose, with long 
setae on the legs and many shorter setae 
on the Aileen: The depressions of the 
female epigynum are larger and the bulge 
between the slits is less distinct. The illus- 
trations were made from the female ho- 

Diagnosis. Mastophora escomeli is dis- 
tinguished from M. gasteracanthoides by 
having a swelling betwecn the slits on the 
posterior of the “epigynum (Fig. 356) and 
having the atrium ventral to the seminal 
receptacles (Fig. 357). In M. gasteracan- 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology 

, Vols ISG, INO. 5 

thoides, the slits are in a shared depression 
and the atria are dorsal to the seminal re- 
ceptacles (Figs. 415, 416). 

Natural History. Specimens were found 
on grapevines near Arequipa, and were 
known to readily bite grape workers as 
they pruned the plants, causing necrotic 

Distribution. Dry coastal region of Peru 
(Map 4A). 

Paratypes. PERU Lima: Lomas de Lachay, 26 May 
1996, 12 (N. Llerana Martinez, MUSM). Arequipa: 
Arequipa, 1912, 22 (E. Escobal, MNHN); 12 (E. 
Escobal, MACN 4198). 

Specimens Examined. PERU Ica: Ica, 1992, 1° 
(Cascavilea-Rubio, MACN). La Libertad: Cerro 
Campana, N Trujillo, 23 May 1989, many 6, imm. 
(A. Salas, MUSM),. 

Mastophora obtusa Mello-Leitao 
Figures 362-365; Map 4C 

Mastophora obtusa Mello-Leitao, 1936: 134, fig. 2 
imm. Immature holotype from Pesqueira, Pernam- 
buco, Brazil, in MNRJ, 41845, examined. Roewer, 
1942: 955. Platnick, 2001. 

Glyptocranium obtusum:—Bonnet, 1957: 1998. 

Note. Pesqueira is located in the note 
with the description of M. pickeli. 

Description. Female holotype. Carapace 
reddish brown with white rim. Chelicerae, 
labium, endites brown. Sternum light 
brown. Coxae and distal leg articles brown. 
Abdomen very light brown; venter with 
white square. Carapace with short white 
setae on sides (Figs. 363, 364). Abdomen 
high with a pair of humps. Total length 4.8 
mm. Carapace 1.8 mm long, 1.7 wide in 
thoracic region, 1.2 wide at lateral eyes. 
First femur 1.6 mm, patella and tibia 2.3, 
metatarsus 1.3, tarsus 0.5. Second patella 
and tibia 1.7 mm, third 0.8, fourth 1.8. 
Length of first patella and tibia 1.4 times 
width of carapace. 

Diagnosis. Although the type is imma- 
ture, M. obtusa is distinguished from many 
other species by the high abdomen and 
the humps on a joined swelling (Fig. 364). 
The high sides of the carapace, the shape 
of the tubercles, and the lack of pigment 
pattern on the abdomen suggest that the 
species belongs to the M. gasteracanthoi- 

des group of species. Perhaps this is an im- 
mature of M. satan. 

Specimens Examined. No other specimens have 
been found. 

Mastophora felis Piza 
Figures 366-372; Map 4C 

Mastophora felis Piza, 1976: 83, fig. 1. Female holo- 
type from Piracicaba, Sao Paulo, Broa, in MZAQ 
no. AO105, examined. Brignoli, 1983: 273. Platnick, 

Note. The holotype was embedded in 
difficult-to-remove fungal mycelium. 

Description. Female holotype. Carapace 
dark brown with tips of tubercles light and 
a thin white rim, each posterior median 
eye in a light patch. Chelicerae brown. La- 
bium, whites brown. Sternum brown. 
Coxae and distal leg articles orange-brown. 
Abdomen brownish gray (Figs. 368. 369): 
venter with a median white square. Cara- 

pace with long tubercles, the median of 

the horn’s base with multiple tubercles 
(Figs. 366, 367), covered with short white 
setae between tubercles. Median and lat- 
eral eyes on bulges. Legs with white setae. 
Abdomen with a pair of long dorsal humps 
(Fig. 369). Total length 13.0 mm. Cara- 
pace 6.3 mm long, 6.4 wide in thoracic re- 
gion, 3.8 wide at lateral eyes. First femur 
5.8 mm, patella and tibia 10.6, metatarsus 
8.8, tarsus 2.3. Second patella and tibia 6.7 
mm, third 3.6. fourth 5.5. Length of first 
patella and tibia 1.6 times width of cara- 

Males are not known. 

Variation. Total length of females 11.3— 
13.0 mm. Length of first patella and tibia 
1.4—1.6 times width of carapace. The illus- 
trations were made from the female ho- 

Diagnosis. Mastophora felis is distin- 
guished from all others having long wide 
humps and carapace with fabercles on 
sides and by having the atria of the epi- 
gynum ventral to fie seminal receptacles 
(at 11 and 1 h in Fig. 372) and the slits 
with a lateral lip (Fig. 371). The carapace 
tubercles are longer than those of M. satan 
and the posterior eyes are on light patches. 

MASTOPHORA °® Levi 369 

Distribution. Rio de Janeiro and Sao 
Paulo states, Brazil (Map 4C). 

Paratypes. BRAZIL Rio de Janeiro: Santo Anténio, 
Rio Bonito [22°42'S, 42°37'W], 1933, 12 (S. Reme- 
tente, IBSP 418). Sdo Paulo: ?Campinas, July 1982, 
12 (C. Froelich, IBSP 4968). 

Mastophora holmbergi Canals 
Figures 373-379; Map 4C 

Mastophora Holmbergi Canals, 1931: 22, figs. 1-5, pl. 
3, fig. 5; pl. 4, figs. 7, 8, 2. Female from km 701, 
Santiago del Estero, in MACN, 24133 [7140], ex- 

Mastophora holmbergi:—Mello-Leitao, 1931, 73, figs. 
10, 21, 2. Roewer, 1942, 900. Platnick, 2001. 

Glyptocranium holmbergi:—Bonnet, 1957, 1997. 

Description. Female holotype. Carapace 
dark red-brown to black, light transverse 
band in front of posterior median eyes. 
Sternum orange. Legs orange-brown. Ab- 
domen with Pant pattern (Figs. 375); ven- 
ter with white square. Carapace with many 
tubercles with light tips especially on sides, 
and a few downy setae; lateral eyes on 
bulges (Figs. 373, 374). First tarsus slightly 
S-shaped. Abdomen with narrow humps. 
Total length 11.0 mm. Carapace 5.2 mm 
long, 5.3 made in thoracic region, 3.0 wide 
at later al eyes. First femur 5.7 mm, patella 
and tibia 10.0, metatarsus 9.2, tarsus 2.0. 
Second patella and tibia 6.2 mm, third 3.2, 
fourth 5.0. Length of first patella and tibia 
1.9 times width of carapace. 

Males are not known. 

Variation. Total length of females 11.0— 

Se) mana, ene ‘ilmecaciens were made 
from the female holotype. 
Diagnosis. Unlike Mastophora reimo- 

seri, ih holmbergi has long first legs. In 
the epigynum fhe atria are sable in ven- 
tral view (Fig. 377) and the slits are par- 
allel, but at their ventral ends the slits 
bend toward each other (Fig. 378). 

Distribution. Paraguay, to Santiago del 
Estero, Argentina (Map 4C). 

Specimens Examined. PARAGUAY Rca. del .. . [il- 
legible], Nov. 1940, 12 (Cranwell-Giai, MACN 


Mastophora reimoseri new species 
Figures 380-386; Map 4C 

Holotype. Female holotype from Asuncion, Paraguay, 
1908 (E. Reimoser), in NHMW. The species has 

been named after the collector and Austrian arach- 
nologist, E. Reimoser. 

Description. Female holotype. Speci- 
men faded. Carapace yellow-brown. Che- 
licerae, labium, endites yellow-brown. 
Sternum, legs golden brown. Carapace 
with many tubercles and short setae, clyp- 
eus with longer setae (Figs. 380, 381). Me- 
dian eyes and lateral eyes on bulges. First 
femora bent at their distal ends with long 
setae at point of greatest curvature. Ab- 
domen with erennict humps and short se- 
tae, base of humps with longer setae (Figs. 
382, 383). Total length 8.5 mm. Carapace 
4.0 mm long, 4.0 wide in thoracic region, 
2.3 wide at lateral eyes. First femur 3.7 
mm, patella and tibia 6.2, metatarsus 4.5, 
tarsus 1.2. Second patella and tibia 4.0 
mim, third 2.1, fourth 3.5. First patella and 
tibia 1.6 times width of carapace. 

Males are not known. 

Diagnosis. The species is distinguished 
by ies musical note—shaped Pree of the 
slits in the epigynum (Fig. 385), and by 
having shorter legs than M. holmbergi. 

Distr ibution. Known only from Roun: 
cion, Paraguay (Map 4C). 

Specimens Examined. No other specimens have 
been found. 

Mastophora satan Canals 
Figures 387-398, 462, 463; Map 4B 

Mastophora satan Canals, 1931: 25, figs. 1-5, pl. 3, 
fig. 6, 2. Female holotype from La Rioja, Argen- 
tina, in MACN, 5260, examined. Mello-Leitio, 
1931: 73, figs. 11, 22, 2. Roewer, 1942: 901. Plat- 
nick, 2001. 

Glyptocranium satan:—Bonnet, 1957: 1998. 

Description. Female from Cérdoba. 
Carapace dark brown with many short 
light setae and narrow white rim. Sternum 
red-brown. Legs red-brown with long 
white setae. Abdomen whitish with dusk- 
iness on humps and sides (Fig. 389); ven- 
ter with white square. Carapace with many 
tubercles, lateral eyes on bulges, median 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 5 

eyes on bulge (Figs. 387, 388). Abdomen 
humps very long (Figs. 389, 390). Total 
length 14.0 mm. Carapace 6.4 mm long, 
6.6 wide in thoracic region, 3.5 wide at lat- 
eral eyes. First femur 7.0 mm, patella and 
tibia 11.5, metatarsus 10.0, tarsus 2.2. Sec- 
ond patella and tibia 7.0 mm, third 3.3, 
fourth 5.7. Length of first patella and tibia 
1.7 times width of carapace. 

Male from Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. 
Carapace beige with a triangular white 
patch. Seas legs beige. Abdomen 
whitish. Carapace with four tubercles: ab- 
domen with two humps. Total length ed 
mm. Carapace 0.92 mm long, 0.81 wide in 
thoracic region, 0.58 wide a lateral eyes. 
First fonatin 0.87 mm, patella and tibia 
0.92, metatarsus 0.49, tarsus 0.31. Second 
patella and tibia 0.74 mm, third 0.44, 
fourth 0.55. 

Note. The association of male and fe- 
male is uncertain. The male is placed with 
the most common species in the area; also, 
a female of the species has been collected 
at the collecting site. 

Variation. Total length of females 9.7— 
17.5 mm. The holotype is 11.2 mm total 
length, carapace 5.7 mm wide and long, 
the first patella and tibia 9.7. Length of 
first patella and tibia 1.4—-1.6 times cara- 
pace width in females from Brazil, 1.7 in 
specimens from Uruguay, 1.5 from Men- 
doza, 1.6 from La Pampa, 1.5 from Entre 
Rios. The illustrations were made of a fe- 
male from Cérdoba Province, Argentina, a 
female from La Rioja Province (Fig. 394), 
a female from Tucumaén Province (Fig. 
395), and of the male from Rio Grande do 
Sul, Brazil. 

Diagnosis. Mastophora satan is separat- 
ed fon M. gasteracanthoides and M. dia- 
blo by the long first tibia and metatarsus, 
each 9.7 mm or longer. The epigynum dif- 
fers from that of M. diablo by showing the 
atria as a dark patch in the dorsal slope of 
a depression (Figs. 392, 394, 395), whereas 
in M. satan, atria are outside and lateral to 
the depression (Figs. 404, 406). The epi- 
gynum is similar to that of M. gasteracan- 
fhoiles but differs in ventral view, where 

MASTOPHORA ° Levi 371 

ae M10) ds 

Figures 387-398. Mastophora satan Canals. 387-395, female. 387, 388, carapace and chelicerae. 387, frontal. 388, lateral. 
389, 390, carapace and abdomen. 389, dorsal, with male. 390, lateral. 391-395, epigynum. 391, ventral. 392, 394, 395, posterior. 
393, posterior, cleared. 392, 393, (Cordoba). 394, (holotype from La Rioja). 395, (Tucuman). 396-398, male left palpus. 396, 
mesal. 397, ventral. 398, ectal. 

Figures 399-407. M. diablo new species, female. 399, 400, carapace and chelicerae. 399, frontal. 400, lateral. 401, 402, 
carapace and abdomen. 401, dorsal. 402, lateral. 403-407, epigynum. 403, ventral. 404, 406, posterior. 405, 407, posterior, 
cleared. 404, (Chaco). 406, 407, (Santiago del Estero). 

Scale lines. 1.0 mm; genitalia, 0.1 mm. 


M. gasteracanthoides has a distinct sclerite 
a short distance anterior to the posterior 
edge (Fig. 414), whereas M. satan has the 
whole median area slightly sclerotized 
(Fig. 391). 

The median apophysis of the palpus of 
the male (Fig. 398) is more curved than 
that of M. gasteracathoides (Fig. 420). 

The egg sac lacks flaps and has only a 
short stalk (Figs. 462, 463). 

Distribution. From Pernambuco State, 
eastern Brazil, to La Pampa Province, Ar- 
gentina (Map 4B). 

Specimens Examined. BRAZIL Pernambuco: Tap- 
era, 12 (B. Pickel, MNRJ 391). Bahia: Feiora de San- 
tana, July 1994, 12 (S. D. Cunha, IBSP 16246). Sao 
Paulo: Santo André, 16 June 1965, 12 (L. Daga, 
IBSP 1931); Seminario Santa Terezinha, Tieté, 5 May 
1953, 12 (IBSP 887); Sao José do Rio Preto, 9 Feb. 
1964, 12 (Vizotto, MZSP 3471): 1 June 1964, 1 egg 
sac, 12 (Vizotto, MZSP 3470). Santa Catarina: Bla 
menau, 12 (NHMW). Rio Grande do Sul: 12 (P. 
Buck, MNRJ 41644); Rodeio Bonito, Bogé, 5 June 
1980, 12 (E. W. Aguiar, MCN 9103); Canela, 10 Feb. 
1966, 29 (A. A. Lise, MCN 0752); Sao Leopoldo, 5 

Mar. 1965, 12 (C. Valle, MZSP 4797); Porto Alegre, 
12 Apr. 1926, 12 (R. Gliesch, MNRJ 392); Parque 
Zoologico, Sapucaia do Sul, 9 Dec. 1985, 22 (A. E. 
Tovares, MZSP 14079); Porto Alegre, 17 Mar. 1955, 
1 imm. (T. de Lema, MCN 01628); 16 June 1963, 1° 
(A. Lise, MCN 01820): 6 Oct. 1988, 12 (R. Villanova, 
MCP 105); Belem Velho, Porto Alegre, 17 July 1979, 
12 (V. Mott, MCN 2608): Morro Santana, Porto Ale- 
gre, 5 May 1984, 1d (S. M. Silva, MCN 12204); 13 
Sept. 1984, 12 (A. A. Lise, MCN 29426); Santa Ma- 
ria, Aug. 1986, 12 (MCP 10340); Santo Anténio da 
Patulha, 30 Oct. 1980, 12 (T. K. Moreira, MCN 
9456). URUGUAY Villasboas, 1953, 12 (L. Lecour, 
FCMU); Paso del Cerro (Artigas), May 1956, 192 (C. 
Fuques, FCMU)); Artigas, Sept. 1959, 12 (C. Fuques, 
FCMU): Mar. 1965, 12 (C. Fuques, FCMU 1965); 
Ruta 3, Salto, 3 Aug. 2001, 1 (V. Vazquez, Williams, 
FCMU 562); Cuareim, Espinillares, Artigas, 12 Mar. 
1956, 12 (C. Fuques, FCMU 296). ARGENTINA 
Misiones: 1940, 12 (Exp. Zotla. Armanini, MACN 
2050). Catamarca: Sijan, Nov. 1964, 12 (Ahumada, 
MACN). La Rioja: 22 (Sr. Giacomelli, MACN 4186). 
Tucumdn: Tucuman, 12 Dec. 1984, 12 (FMLT 2159). 

Santiago del Estero: Santiago del Estero, 20 Apr. 
1958, 19 ( (J. W. Abalos, MACN); La Banda, 1958, 12 
(J. Abalos, MACN); July 1958, 12 (D. Bravo, 

MACN): Tabla Redonda Depto. Banda, 23 Dec. 
1959, 12, egg sacs, imm. (J. W. Abalos, MACN). 
Mendoza: Mendoza, 1907, 12 (E. Reimoser, 
NHMW); San Rafael, Feb. 1940, 12 (D. Pereyra, 
MACN 1799). Cordoba: Mina Clavero, April 1973, 
12 (Stirbel, MACN). Entre Rios: Concordia, 1931, 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 5 

12 (MNBJ 57953). Santa Fé: Santa Fé, 1931, 12 (M 
Birabén, MNRJ 522). Buenos Aires: Ireneo Portela, 
30 April 1922, 12 (Scheimer, MACN). La Pampa: 
General Pico, Feb. 1952, 12 (Williamson, MACN); 
30 Mar. 1958, 22, doubtful determination (William- 
son, MACN). 

Mastophora diablo new species 
Plate 1; Figures 399-407, 464; Map 4D 

Chaco, Argentina, 
MACN, no. 5432. 

Mastophora gasteracanthoides:—Mello-Leitao, 1931: 
69, in part. Canals, 1931: 19 (misidentified gaster- 
acanthoides Nicolet). : 

Female holotype from Colonia Benitez, 
Sept. 1959 (Bachmann) in 

Note. Most specimens of this species 
had been misidentified as M. gasteracan- 
thoides in collections. 

Description. Female holotype. Carapace 
brown, with many downy short setae and 
narrow white rim. Sternum brown. Legs 
brown with long white setae. Abdomen 
brownish white; venter with white square. 
Abdomen humps long (Figs. 401, 402). 
Total length 13.0 mm. Carapace 5.3 mm 
long, 5.8 Sade in thoracic region, 3.2 wide 
at Teter al eyes. Abdomen 15 mm _ high. 
First femur 5.5 mm, patella and tibia 8.6, 
metatarsus 6.3, tarsus 1.3. Second patella 
and tibia 5.7 mm, third 3.0, fourth 4.8. 
Length of first patella and Abie 1.5 times 
wath of carapace. 

Males are not known. 

Variation. Total length of females 10.3— 
16.7 mm. Length of feet patella and tibia 
LSS etimes sate of carapace. Figures 
399-405 were made from the fannie ho- 
lotype; Figures 406 and 407 were from 
specimens from Santiago del Estero. 

Diagnosis. Differs from M. satan in hav- 
ing first tibia less than 9 mm total length 
and from both M. satan and M. gastera- 
canthoides by having the atria outside and 
lateral to the depressions in posterior view 
of the epigynum (Figs. 404407). 

The egg sac lacks flaps and has a heavier 
stalk (Fig. 464) than that of M. satan. 

Natural History. A large syrphid fly (14 
mm total length) was collected in Moreno, 
Buenos Aires, with one adult. 

MASTOPHORA ° Levi 373 

Figures 408-421. Mastophora gasteracanthoides (Nicolet). 408-416, 421, female. 408, 409, carapace and chelicerae. 408, 
frontal. 409, lateral. 410-413, carapace and abdomen. 410, 412, dorsal, with male. 411, 413, lateral. 410, 411, (Santiago). 412, 
413, (Chillan). 414-416, epigynum. 414, ventral. 415, posterior. 416, posterior, cleared. 417-420, male left palpus. 417, apical. 
418, mesal. 419, ventral. 420, ectal. 421, female, frontal view with right legs. 

Scale lines. 1.0 mm; genitalia, 0.1 mm. 


Distribution. Northern and central Ar- 
gentina to La Pampa Province (Map 4D). 

Paratypes. ARGENTINA Formosa: Las Lomitas, 
Oct. 1966, 12 (A. Vogt, MACN). La Rioja: 29 (Prof. 
Gémez, MACN 4187). Tucumdn: El Timbé, 27 May 
1952, 22 (J. Campos, FMLT 994); Los Bosques, 12 
BMNH); Dept. Burruyaco, E] Haranjo, 13 June 
1964, 12 (M. Inés Cortez, FML 1693). Santiago del 
Estero: El Zanj6n, 5 June 1960, 12 (J. W. Abalos, 

MACN); Fernandez, 4 Apr. 1960, 12 (J. W. Abalos, 
MACN); Frias, 2 Oct. 1970, 12 (J. W. Abalos, 
MACN); La Banda, 24 May 1958, 1¢ (J. Areas, 
MACN); Los Juries, March 1959, 12 (L. Remedi, 

MACN); Santiago del Estero, 18 Sept. 1958, 1 (D. 
Luna, MACN); 1959, 1° (J. W. Abalos, MACN). Cor- 
rientes: Bella Vista, Nov. 1944, 12 (Silberman, 
MACN). Entre Rios: Basavilbaso, 12 (U. Podesta, 
MACN 4189). Santa Fé: Roldan, June 1943, 12 (Es- 
cuela 230, MACN). Cordoba: Argiiello, Feb. 1946, 
12 (J. A. De Carlo, MACN 1657); Bajo Grande, 12 
MLP 15563). Buenos Aires: Castela, 27 July 1958, 
12 (Ing. Favret); Moreno, Jan. 1946, 192 (R. D. 
Schiapelli, MACN 1658). La Pampa: Mira Pampa, 
April 1949, 12 (C. Vigliorcho, MLP 16638); General 
Pico, March 1951, 12 (C. Ballani, MLP 13642). 

Mastophora gasteracanthoides (Nicolet) 
Figures 7, 408-421, 464; Map 4B 

Epeira gasteracanthoides Nicolet, 1849: 485, pl. 5, 
fig. 7a, b, 2. Specimens from gardens and fields of 
ental provinces, Santiago, Chile, in MNHN, lost. 

Glyptocranium gasteracanthoides:—Simon, 1895: 
882, fig. 946, 2. Bonnet, 1957: 1997. 
Mastophora_ gasteracanthoides:—Porter, 1918: 139. 

Roewer, 1942: 901. Archer, 1963: 19. Platnick, 

Mastophora gasteracanthoides oxalidis Archer, 1963: 
16. Female holotype, males, and imm. from Loma 
de Pefiuelas, 6 km al sur de La Serena, Coquimbo, 
in AMNH, examined. Platnick, 2001. NEW SYN- 


Note. The short humps of recently col- 
lected specimens from Santiago (Figs. 410, 
411) differ from those of ie specimens 
illustrated by Nicolet (1849) and Simon 
(1895), which have higher humps. Older 
specimens kept in MNHN from Chillan 
(Figs. 412, 413) had longer humps but 

4 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 5 

genitalia and carapace similar to those of 
recently collected specimens. 

The subspecies named by Archer (1963) 
had no diagnosis. 

Description. Female from Santiago. 
Carapace brown, tubercles lighter. Chelic- 
erae lighter. Sternum brown. Legs lighter 
brown. Abdomen brownish white with 
some asymmetrical darker patches and 
humps (Figs. 410, 411); venter with white 
square. Total length 12 mm. Carapace 4.8 
mm long, 4.8 wide in thoracic region, 2.5 
wide at lateral eyes. First femur 4.0 mm, 
patella and tibia 6.3, metatarsus 4.8, tarsus 
1.3. Second patella and tibia 4.3 mm, third 
2.6, fourth 4.0. Length of first patella and 
tibia 1.3 times eden of carapace. 

Male. Carapace brown, with white me- 
dian band covering the two median tuber- 
cles and the pair of horns. Sternum, legs 
brown. Abdomen dusky white anterior, 
venter with indistinct white spots. Abdo- 
men without humps (Fig. 7). The palpus 
has one weak patellar seta. Total length 2.3 
mm. Carapace 0.9 mm long, 0.9 wide in 
thoracic region, 0.7 wide at lateral eyes. 
First femur 0.9 mm, patella and tibia 1.0, 
metatarsus 0.6, tarsus 0.3. Second patella 
and tibia 0.9 mm, third 0.5, fourth 0.7. 
Length of first patella and tibia 1.1 times 
width of carapace. 

Note. Males came out of an egg sac col- 
lected with females. 

Variation. Total length of females 9.6— 
13.5 mm. The illustrations of the female 
are made from a female from Santiago, ex- 
cept Figures 412 and 413, which are of a 
female from Chillan. 

Diagnosis. Mastophora gasteracanthoi- 
des differs from M. diablo by having the 
atria show as dark spots in the posterior 
slope of the depression in posterior view 
of the epigynum (Fig. 415), and from M. 


Figures 422-433. Ordgarius magnificus (Rainbow). 422-428, female. 422, 423, carapace and chelicerae. 422, frontal. 423, 
lateral. 424, 425, carapace and abdomen. 424, dorsal, with male. 425, immature, lateral. 426-428, epigynum. 426, ventral. 427, 
posterior. 428, posterior, cleared. 429-433, male. 429, carapace and chelicerae, lateral. 430, dorsal. 431-433, left palpus. 431, 

mesal. 432, ventral. 433, ectal. 

MASTOPHORA ® Levi 375 

422 ie « 
S Wrnagaltiels Cladomelea 


Figures 434-444. Cladomelea akermani Hewitt. 434-440, female. 434, 435, carapace and chelicerae. 434, frontal. 435, lateral. 
436, 437, carapace and abdomen. 436, dorsal, with male. 437, lateral. 438-440, epigynum. 438, ventral. 439, posterior. 440, 
posterior, cleared. 441-444, male. 441, dorsal. 442-444, left palpus. 442, mesal. 443, ventral. 444, ectal. 

Scale lines. 1.0 mm; genitalia, 0.1 mm. 


satan by having shorter first legs and a dis- 
tinct sclerotized plate on the epigynum, 
anterior of the posterior margin, in ventral 
view (Fig. 414). 

The palp of the male has a median 
apophysis straighter (Fig. 420) than that of 
M. satan (Fig. 398). 

The egg sac (Fig. 465) lacks flaps and 

has a thin stalk. 

Distribution. Central Chile (Map 4B). 

Specimens Examined. CHILE 12 (MNHN, 114). 
Coquimbo: 6 km S of La Serena, 23-30 Nov. 1961, 
12, egg sac with d and imm. 2 (A. F. Archer, 
AMNH#). Valparaiso: Quilput [Quilpué], 1904, 12 (C 
Porter, MNHN 23457). Metropolitana: Santiago, 4 
June 1947, 1 imm. (R. Donoso, AMNH); Feb. 1955, 
1? (I. Pedag., AMNH); Quilicura, Oct. 1979, 12 (L. 
Pena, AMNH), Aug.—Sept., 2 imm. (L. E. Pefia, 
AMNH); Renca, W of Santiago, 2 Oct. 1984, 1? (L. 
E. Pea, AMNH); Los Espejo, 6 Nov. 1973, 12 (C. 
L. Cartagena, MCZ). Nuble: Chillan, 12 (Delfin, 
MNHN, 23520). 

Ordgarius Keyserling 

Ordgarius Keyserling, 1886: 114. Type species by 
monotypy, M. monstrosus Keyserling, 1886, from 
Queensland, Australia. Neave, 1940: 453. Roewer, 
1942: 902. Bonnet, 1958: 3200. Davies, 1988: 318, 
mea, BO, OU 2, Cre 

Euglyptila Simon, 1908: 151. Type species designated 
by Bonnet, 1956, E. acanthonotata from Tonkin 
[northern Vietnam]. Neave, 1939b: 325. Roewer, 
1942: 903. Bonnet, 1956: 1810. NEW SYNONY- 

Note. Two species of Euglyptila were 
described by Simon, both from immatures. 
Euglyptila acanthonotata is in MNHN, 
lost; the other, E. nigrithorax, 2.5 mm total 
length was found, described, and illustrat- 
ed by Emerit (1980). It is an immature of 
Ordgarius sexspinosus Thorell, 1894, total 
length 14 mm, and is illustrated by Yin, 
1997: 384. NEW SYNONYMY. 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 5 

Ordgarius magnificus (Rainbow) 
Figures 422-433, 466 

Dicrostichus magnificus Rainbow, 1897: 523, pl. 17, 
fig. 8, 2. Holotype from Mount Kembla, New 
South Wales, Australia, not examined. Roewer, 
1942: 900. 

Ordgarius magnificus:—Davies, 1988: 316. 

Description. Female. Carapace yellow- 
ish, dark brown in groove between ce- 
phalic and thoracic areas, a dark band 
above eyes, tubercles white. Sternum light 
orange. Coxae and distal leg articles light 
orange. Abdomen yellowish white with 
ventral white square. Carapace with me- 
dian eyes on stalk, with horns quite small 
(Figs. 422, 423). Eyes subequal, median 
eye area almost square. Chelicerae fang 
groove with three anterior teeth, one small 
posterior tooth. Abdomen narrowing to 
posterior end, with tubercles (Figs. 424, 
425). Total length 13.5 mm. Carapace 6.3 
mm long, 6.7 wide in thoracic region, 3.3 
wide at lateral eyes. First femur 6.0 mm, 
patella and tibia 7.3, metatarsus 4.7, tarsus 
1.4. Second patella and tibia 7.0 mm, third 
3.9, fourth 5.8. Length of first patella and 
tibia 1.1 times width of carapace. 

Male. Carapace beige, white pigment 
spots at base of spines. Sternum dark 
brown. Legs light beige. Dorsum of ab- 
domen white, enter black. Carapace (Fig. 
429), abdomen as in Figure 430. Row of 
setae on tarsi as in male “Mastophora. Pal- 
pal patella with no setae. No endite tooth, 
no coxal hook. Total length 1.7 mm. Car- 
apace 0.88 mm long, 0. 81 wide in thoracic 
region, 0.52 wide at lateral eyes. First fe- 
mur 0.78 mm, patella and tibia 0.89, meta- 
tarsus 0.57, tarsus 0.30. Second patella and 
tibia 0.78 mm, third 0.39, fourth 0.59. 
Length of first patella and tibia 1.1 times 
sae of carapace. 


Figures 445-468. Egg sacs of Mastophora species, including species of Ordgarius and Cladomelea. 445, M. timuqua. 446, M. 
bisaccata. 447, M. stowei. 448, M. yeargani. 449, 450, M. phrynosoma. 449, (Kentucky). 450, (Florida). 451, M. carpogastra. 
452, M. vaquera. 453, 454, M. hutchinsoni. 453, (after Kaston, 1981). 454, (New Jersey). 455, M. cornigera. 456, M. archeri. 
457, M. fasciata. 458, M. abalosi (after Urtubey and Baez, 1983). 459, M. comma (after Baez and Urtubey, 1985). 460, M. 
extraordinaria. 461, M. corpulenta. 462, 463, M. satan. 462, (Santiago del Estero). 463, (Rio Grande do Sul). 464, M. diablo. 









\ 466 
magnificus | ' 


Cladomelea akermani 


465, M. gasteracanthoides. 466, Ordgarius magnificus (after Davies, 1988). 467, O. monstrosus (after Davies, 1988). 468, 
Cladomelea akermani. 

Scale lines. 1.0 mm; all except 466 and 467 are approximately the same magnification. 


Genitalia. The epigynum like Mastopho- 
ra in having only a posterior lobe ventrally 
(Fig. 426) and having two slits and diag- 
nostic sculpturing on the posterior face 
(Fig. 427) and having indistinct atria (Fig. 
428). The palpus of the male has no con- 
ductor but has the tip of the tegulum 
sclerotized (at 11 h in Fig. 433) and the 
median apophysis more sclerotized than 
that of Mastophora (Figs. 431-433). 

Variation. The female examined came 
from Olderley, Brisbane, Queensland, the 
male from Mulgowie, SE Queensland 

Natural History. Unlike most Masto- 
phora, this species ties leaves together and 
may have a diurnal retreat. The female 
uses the second leg to swing a bolas. The 
egg sac of O. magnificus is spindle-shaped 
(Fig. 466), that of O. monstrosus resem- 
bles those of Mastophora and has minute 
flaps (Fig. 467). 

Distribution. Australia. 

Cladomelea Simon 

Cladomelea Simon, 1895: 886, figs. 949, 950. Type 
species by original designation Cyrtarachne longi- 
pes O. P.-Cambridge, 1877: 559, from West Africa. 
Neave, 1939a: 750. Roewer, 1942: 900. Bonnet, 
1956: 1097. 

Note. Cladomelea longipes is very simi- 
lar to C. akermani. 

Cladomelea akermani Hewitt 
Figures 434-444, 468 

Cladomelea akermani Hewitt, 1923: 63, figs. 4,5, 2. 
Female holotype from Pietermaritzburg, Natal, not 
examined. Roewer, 1942: 500. Leroy, Jocqué, and 
Leroy, ICES I, S. S 

Description. Female. Carapace light or- 
ange-brown, distal ends of projections 
black. Chelicerae, labium, endites orange. 
Sternum light orange-brown. Coxae or- 
ange-brown; legs brown. Dorsum of ab- 
domen whitish with a pair of brown tu- 
bercles (Fig. 436); venter whitish with a 
median, transverse, white rectangle. Car- 
apace with median eyes on a bulge, three 
projections and long white setae, no horns 
(Figs. 434, 435). Height of clypeus equals 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 5 

about five diameters of anterior median 
eye. Abdomen widest in middle, dorsum 
with numerous rounded tubercles, not 
completely symmetrical (Figs. 436, 437). 
Total length 15.5 mm. Carapace 5.4 mm 
long, 5.2 wide, 2.3 wide at lateral eyes. 
First femur 6.7 mm, patella and tibia 10.8, 
metatarsus 8.4, tarsus 1.4. Second patella 
and tibia’ 7.3 mm: third 3.3) fourth) 4976 
Length of first patella and tibia 1.9 times 
width of carapace. 

Male. Carapace, labium, endites, ster- 
num dark brown. Coxae, distal leg articles 
light. Dorsum of abdomen maculated 
black, gray, and white (Fig. 441); venter 
dark brown. Carapace rugose, without tu- 
bercles, posterior area swollen. Height of 
clypeus equals 1.8 diameters of anterior 
median eye. Endite without tooth. Palpal 
patella without macroseta. First coxa with- 
out hook. Row of setae on tarsi, as in male 
Mastophora. Abdomen widest in middle, 
dorsum sclerotized with three humps and 
two pairs of sclerotized discs (Fig. 441). 
Total length 1.6 mm. Carapace 0.94 mm 
long, 0.72 wide, 0.51 wide at lateral eyes. 
First femur 0.80 mm, patella and tibia 
0.91, metatarsus 0.48, tarsus 0.34. Second 
patella and tibia 0.70 mm, third 0.41, 
fourth 0.57. Length of first patella and tib- 
ia 1.3 times width of carapace. 

Genitalia. The epigynum is as in Mas- 
tophora, having only a posterior lip ven-_ 
trally (Fig. 438) and having two slits and 
diagnostic sculpturing on the posterior 
face (Fig. 439) and tiny atria (Fig. 440). | 
The palpus of the male has a distinct con-— 
ductor supporting the embolus (at 1 h in 
Fig. 443) and the median apophysis more 
sclerotized than that of Mastophora (Figs. 
449-444), | 

Variation. A second female from Pieter- | 
maritzburg, Natal (AMNH), examined had | 
the height of the clypeus only four diam- | 
eters of the anterior median eye. Female | 
examined and illustrated from Umgeni | 
Valley Reservation, Kwa—Zulu—Natal, | 
South Africa, the male came from Umgeni 
Valley project near Howick, South Africa | 
(NMP). | 


Natural History. The spider is found in 
grasslands on grass of the Kwa—Zulu—Natal 
area around Pietermaritzburg, South Af- 
rica (Leroy et al., 1998). The egg sac is 
drop-shaped and attached to a grass blade 
(Fig. 468). The female Handles the bolas 
with a second leg and swings it in a hori- 
zontal plane. 

Distribution. South Africa. 


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382 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 5 


Valid names are printed in italics. Page numbers refer to main references, starred page numbers to illus- 


abalosi, 355*, 356, 377* 
Acacesia, 315 
Acantharachne, 314 
Acantharanea, 314 
Agathostichus, 315 
Agatostichus, 315 
akermani, 375*, 377*, 378 
alachua, 329*, 330 
Alpaida, 315 

altiventer, 325 

alvareztoroi, 359*, 360 
apalachicola, 326, 327* 
Araneus, 315 

archeri, 346, 347*, 377* 
bicurvata, 345 

bisaccata, 327*, 330, 331*, 377° 
bisaccatum, 330 

brescoviti, 361*, 363 
carpogaster, 340 
carpogastera, 340 
carpogastra, 327*, 340, 377* 
carpogastrum, 340 
catarina, 335*, 339 
Celaenia, 315-317 
Cladomelea, 314, 316-18, 378 
Coelossia, 314 

comma, 355*, 356, 377* 
conifera, 361*, 364 
coniferus, 364 

cornigera, 343*, 344, 377* 
cornigera, 342 

cornigerum, 345 
cornigerus, 345 

corpulenta, 364, 365*, 377* 
corpulentum, 364 
corpulentus, 364 
corumbatai, 335*, 339 
cranion, 349*, 351 
Cyrtarachne, 315-317 
Cyrtophora, 315 

diablo, 32:7) Siles, SOS ont 
Dicrostichus, 314 
dizzydeani, 349*, 350 
Eriophora, 315 

escomeli, 365*, 366 
Euglyptila, 376 
Exechocentrus, 314 
extraordinaria, 355*, 357, 377* 
fagoides, 340 

fasciata, 347*, 348, 377* 
fasciolata, 318, 325 

felda, 326, 327* 

felis, 367*, 369 

gasteracanthoides, 327*, 373*, 374, 377* 
gasteracanthoides, 366, 372 
gasteracanthoides oxalidis, 374 
Glyptocranium, 315 

haywardi, 335*, 339 

Heterocephala, 315 

holmbergi, 367*, 369 

hutchinsoni, 342, 343*, 377* 
intermedia, 72 

Kaira, 315-317, 325 

lara, 335*, 340 

lenca, 364 

leucabulba, 358, 359%* 

leucabulbus, 358 

leucacantha, 361*, 362 

leucacanthus, 363 

longiceps, 351, 353* 

magnificus, 375*, 376, 

Mastophora, 315-317 

melloleitaoi, 355*, 356 

Metepeira, 315 

monstrosus, 377* 

multilineata, 330 
obesus, 330 

obtusa, 367*, 368 | 
obtusum, 368 | 
occidentalis, 348 | 
Ocrepeira, 315 
Ordgarius, 314, 316, 317, 376 | 
Pasilobus, 315-318 

pesqueiro, 352, 353* 

phrynosoma, 333*, 336, 377* 

pickeli, 349*, 350 

pickeli occidentalis, 348 

piras, 352, 353* 

Poecilopachys, 315-317 
rabida, 365*, 366 
reimoseri, 367*, 370 

satan, 370, 371*, 377* 

satsuma, 325, 327* 

seminole, 337*, 341 

soberiana, 361*, 362 

stowei, 331*, 334, 377* 
Taczanowskia, 315-317 

timuqua, 328, 329*, 377* 
vaquera, 337*, 342, 377* 

yacare, 354, 355* 

yeargani, 333*, 336, 377* 
ypiranga, 353*, 354 





97 2003 

10 April 2003 

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BreviorA 1952— 


Memoirs 1865-1938 

JouNsonia, Department of Mollusks, 1941-1974 
OCCASIONAL PAPERS ON Mo.uusks, 1945-— 


1. Whittington, H. B., and W. D. I. Rolfe (eds.), 1963 Phylogeny and 
Evolution of Crustacea. 192 pp. 

2. Turner, R. D., 1966. A Survey and illustrated Catalogue of the Tere- 
dinidea (Mollusca: Bivalvia). 265 pp. 

3. Sprinkle, J., 1973. Morphology and Evolution of Blastozoan Echino- 
derms. 284 pp. 

4, Eaton, R. J., 1974. A Flora of Concord from Thoreau’s Time to the 
Present Day. 236 pp. 

5. Rhodin, A. G. J., and K. Miyata (eds.), 1983. Advances in Herpetology 4 
and Evolutionary Biology: Essays in Honor of Emest E. Williams. 
729 pp. 

6. Angelo, R., 1990. Concord Area Trees and Shrubs. 118 pp. 

ee ey 



Other Publications. 
Bigelow, H. B., and W. C. Schroeder, 1953. Fishes of the Gulf of Maine. 
Reprinted 1964. 

Brues, C.T., A. L. Melander, and F. M. Carpenter, 1954. Classification of 
Insects. (Bulletin of the M. C. Z., Vol. 108.) Reprinted 1971. 

Creighton, W. S., 1950. The Ants of North America. Reprinted 1966. 

Lyman, C. P., and A. R. Dawe (eds.), 1960. Proceedings of the First In- 
ternational Symposium on Natural Mammalian Hibernation. (Bulletin 
of the M. C. Z., Vol. 124.) 

Orinthological Gazetteers of the Neotropics (1975-). 

Peter's Check-list of Birds of the World, vols. 1-16. 

Proceedings of the New England Zoological Club 1899-1947. (Complete 
sets only.) 

Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History. 

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tions Office, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge, 
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No Strac tate ek eee au eee as oe Lae RE RS 383 
Tiniirahinetivor 383 
(GOW ESCH OTS) meee ie ene ee A 385 
Measurements and Indices _...- 385 
A Brief History of the Genus Pristomyrmex _. 386 
Genus eristomunmnes, Navi een ere 387 

List of Pristomyrmex Names with Synonymies 392 
Key to the World Species of Pristomyrmex 
(Workers) eae eet et ee ee 393 

Mherpunctatuss Groupee 404 
Pristomyrmex OIIBU SUIS Sho hg ere 404 
Pristomyrmex fossulatus (Forel)... 406 
ristOmummer PUlCheTe Spos M.)) sees teres 408 
Pristomyrmex punctatus (F. Smith) 410 
BRiSCOMUTMEX MUA USS. (IN esate tee teseen 415 

Whererbranius Group oe ee 417 
Pristomyrmex cribrarius Arnold 418 

itherquadridens Group) == ee 420 
Pristomyrmex africanus Karavaiev 423 
Pristomyrmex bicolor Emery stat. n. 425 
Pristomyrmex brevispinosus Emery 428 
Pristomyrmex collinus sp. n. 432 
Pristomyrmex costatus sp. 0 434 
Pristomyrmex curvulus SPDEAli ghosts seelel en aa 437 
nristomunmex edad Morel) mars: sen 440 
Pristomyrmex erythropygus Taylor 44] 
Pristomyrmex foveolatus Taylor 446 
Pristomyrmex UT SUTUS ES |) 1) ae eae 449 
Pristomyrmex lometsmimitsssp sails eens 450 
Hei StOMY TEL IMO CES CUS) S|) IN. yeeen eae eee 452 
Pristomyrmex nitidissimus Donisthorpe —. 453 
Pristomyrmex OCCULEUSTC Sera as sere eneaae 455 
Pristomyrmex orbiceps (Santschi) 456 
Pristomyrmex quadridens Emery — 459 
Pristomyrmex quadridentatus (André) 463 
Pristomyrmex quindentatus sp. n. 467 
Pristomyrmex sulcatus Emery stat. n. _......... 469 
Pristomyrmex thoracicus Taylor. 473 
Pristomyrmex trachylissus (F. Smith) 474 
istomu mime, (hOZOTm BOOM = 2a ieee ee 476 

‘Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard Uni- 
versity, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138. 

Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 

Pristomyrmex wheeleri Taylor 478 
Pristomyrmex wilsoni Taylor 481 

Mhextnispinosuss Group pe ere ee 483 
Pristomyrmex bispinosus (Donisthorpe) este 
Pristomyrmex browni sp. n 
Pristomyrmex trispinosus (Donisthorpe) RACE 488 

Mhevepisatusn Group) semis enema ene 489 
Rristomueynnnen (ACCT OSUS)S)) 410.) eee ee 491 

Rristomuy nme: DOLLOTL ES) \sgesee seems 492 

Pristomyrmex coggii Emery —--------- 493 
Pristomyrmex inermis sp. Mi. 2. 496 
RristomumimexciaT SUS espe ah) ae eee 497 
Pristomyrmex levigatus Emery 499 
RiistomunmexiOMGtssy Sail. eeeet sesame cee 502 

Pristomurenne xn ts Cid us Ist © iy aeseee amen oee eee 503 

Pristomyrmex mandibularis Mann — 505 
Pristomyrmex minusculus sp. M. —------ 507 
Pristomyrmex obesus, Mann 2 = 509 

Pristomyrmex simplex CO theae eee eer 512 

DVS) 7D iRROy NAGHVIS! (Gako\ONS) 2 ee 514 
Pristomyrmex profundus sp. n. -.......------- 515 
ihenvmbripenniss Group yess = seen 516 
Pristomyrmex fuscipennis (F. Smith) 517 
PristOmmuymimen fViClett iI Iiy eee eens ee 518 

Pristomyrmex pollux Domisthorjem=s =e 521 

Pristomyrmex reticulatus Donisthorpe 524 
Pristomyrmex umbripennis (F. Smith) 525 
INiomnem INfuvdlummn 528 
Pristomyrmex parvispina Emery 528 
Ackaitowvled came mts eee seen eee 539 
IRE LETETN CE Sie ee ts inna clean ESE ON eh ONS Rese 539 

ABSTRACT. The ant genus Pristomyrmex is revised 
as a whole for the first time. The genus is redefined, 
and seven species groups are erected and discussed. 
Illustrations are present for all 52 species. A key to 
the worker caste is provided. Twenty-one new species 
are described: 20 from the Oriental region and one 
from Mauritius. Thirteen names are newly synony- 
mized, and two former infraspecific taxa are elevated 
to species rank. 


Pristom yrmex, an ant genus of moderate 

size, contains 52 living species, but fossils 

157(6): 383-542, April, 2003 383 


have not been discovered. Pristomyrmex 
occurs primarily in the Oriental region, 
but six endemic species are present in the 
eastern rainforest of Australia and five en- 
demic species in Africa. In addition, in 
Mauritius there are three native species, 
one of which also occurs on Reunion I[s- 
land. Lastly, one species, Pristomyrmex 
punctatus, has invaded temperate China, 
Korea, and Japan. This species has also 
been detected at two entry ports in the 
United States and thus shows potential for 
spread via human commercial actions. 

Pristomyrmex belongs to the subfamily 
Myrmicinae. It possesses a raised trans- 
verse ridge or a few toothlike prominences 
on the dorsal labrum in all female castes, 
including workers, ergatoid queens, and 
queens. This character is also shared by 
the myrmicine genera Acanthomyrmex, 
Myrmecina, and Perissomyrmex. As a re- 
sult, these four living genera are grouped 
together in the tribe Myrmecinini (Bolton, 
1994, 1995, personal communication; 
Brown, 1971). Pristomyrmex is unique in 
the tribe because it is the only genus pos- 
sessing 11 antennal segments in all three 
female castes and 12 segments in the male. 

Most Pristomyrmex species dwell in the 
rainforest, foraging as predators or scav- 
engers. An Asian species, P. punctatus, 
however, occurs in open and disturbed 
habitats (e.g., bare hills, agricultural areas, 
and beaches). These ants prefer to nest in 
soil, litter, or rotten wood; in rotten parts 
of living trees; in dead standing trees; or 
around plant roots. 

Pristomyrmex is of great interest be- 
cause it exhibits several unusual biological 
and evolutionary phenomena. The absence 
of morphologically normal queens and re- 
production primarily by unmated workers 
in P. punctatus (=P. pungens) is a highly 
unusual life history in the Formicidae. It 
has attracted much attention from those 
who hope to obtain insight into the nature 
of reproductive conflict within colonies 
since, in this species, reproductive division 
of labor occurs among morphologically 
identical workers (Itow et al., 1984; Mu- 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 6 

zutani, 1980, 1982; Peeters, 1993; Tsuji, 
1988a,b,c, 1990a,b, 1994, 1995; Tsuji and 
It6, 1986). Ergatoid queens, a_ special 
wingless female caste morphologically in- 
termediate between the queen and the 
worker, are present in at least four species: 
P. punctatus, P. africanus, P. wheeleri, and 
P. mandibularis; two of them (P. africanus 
and P. wheeleri) possess both queen and 
ergatoid queen castes. Character displace- 
ment, showing that two species possess a 
greater difference in sympatric than allo- 
patric populations, has also been reported 
in this genus by Taylor (1965). In addition, 
simulating death, slowness of movement, 
and nocturnal foragers are also recorded 
in Pristomyrmex (Donisthorpe, 1946; Tay- 
lor, 1965; Weber, 1941). Colony size varies 
greatly among species, ranging from about 
a dozen to several thousand workers (Don- 
isthorpe, 1946; Itow et al., 1984; Mann, 
1919; Taylor, 1965, 1968). 

Although Pristomyrmex is biologically 

promising, the taxonomic foundation of — 

the genus is poor. Much of the literature 
on Pristomyrmex is more than 50 years old 
and consists of isolated descriptions of spe- 
cies or infraspecific forms. Only a handful 
of papers present more comprehensive 
studies of the Australian and African su- 
bfaunas, respectively (Bolton, 1981; Taylor, 
1965, 1968). The tropical Asian region, 
however, containing the bulk of the de- 
scribed taxa, has been in taxonomic chaos, 

for many years obscuring a better under- | 
standing of the evolution and radiation of | 

this interesting group. 

This survey takes the whole Pristomyr- 
mex into consideration. I believe that only 
after that the entire genus covering all zoo- 

geographical regions is comprehensively | 

investigated can a full set of characters to | 

define the genus be summarized, the spe- _ 

cies groups correctly erected, and the re- | 

lationships between species properly ana- 

lyzed and then the possible origin and the | 

evolution of the genus hypothesized. 

I present a detailed description of the | 

taxonomic characters for the worker caste © 

of each species. These characters not only 


are useful for the species identity but also 
provide important information for a fur- 
ther study on the phylogeny within the ge- 
nus. I also include illustrations and de- 
scriptions of males for many species as 
possible. This was done for three reasons. 
First, two species (P. pollux and P. reticu- 
latus) were described, each from a single 
male specimen, many years ago. Without 
examining other available males, I would 
not be able to assign these two species to 
their appropriate species group, and the 
discovery of other new species would then 
be impeded. Second, the males of most 
ant genera are very poorly characterized 
and thus cannot be curated properly in 
museum collections. Finally, I feel that 
these males contain some clues for the 
study of the phylogenetic relationships of 
the genus. 


AMNH American Museum of Natural 
History, New York, N.Y., U.S.A. 
Australian National Insect Col- 
lection, Canberra City, Australia 
Bishop Museum, The State Mu- 
seum of Natural and Cultural 
History, Honolulu, Hawaii, 

Natural History Museum, Lon- 
don, U.K. 

California Academy of Sciences, 
San Francisco, California, U.S.A. 
Institute of Zoology, Academy of 
Sinica, Beijing, China 

Institute of Zoology, Ukrainian 
National Academy of Sciences, 
Kiev, Ukraine 

Natural History Museum of Los 
Angeles County, Los Angeles, 
California, U.S.A. 

Museo Civico di Storia Naturale 
“Giacomo Doria”, Genoa, Italy 

Museum of Comparative Zool- 
ogy, Harvard University, Cam- 
bridge, Mass., U.S.A. 

Muséum d Histoire Naturelle, 
Geneva, Switzerland 










Museum of Nature and Human 
Activities, Sanda, Hyogo, Japan 
Muséum National d’ Histoire 
Naturelle, Paris, France 
Museum fiir Naturkunde der 
Humboldt- Universitit zu Berlin, 
Berlin, Germany 

National Arthropod Collection, 
Mount Albert Research Center, 
Auckland, New Zealand 
Naturhistorisches Museum, Ba- 
sel, Switzerland 
Naturhistorisches Museum, Vi- 
enna, Austria 
Stockholm, Sweden 
Oxford University Museum, Ox- 
ford, U.K. 

South African Museum, Cape 
Town, South Africa 

National Museum of Natural 
History, Washington, D.C., 


Head Width (HW). Maximum width of 
head, in full-face view, excluding the eyes 
(Fig. 1). 

Head Width Including the Eyes (HWE). 
Maximum width of head across the eyes, 
in full-face view. This measurement is 
used only in the male. 

Head Length (HL). Length of the head 
in full-face view, excluding the mandibles 
(Fig. 1), measured from the midpoint of a 
straight line across the occipital margin to 
either the apex of the median tooth (if it 
is present) of the anterior clypeal margin 
or the midpoint of a line connecting the 
apexes of the two lateral teeth (if the me- 
dian tooth is absent) of the anterior clypeal 
margin or the midpoint of the anterior 
clypeal margin (if the anterior margin lacks 
any teeth). 

Cephalic Index (CI). HW/HL xX 100. 

Scape Length (SL). Length of the an- 
tennal scape, including the lamella encir- 
cling the base of the scape but excluding 
the basal condyle (Fig. 1). 

Scape Index (SI). SL/HW X 100. 







NHPS Piksmuseet, 



Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 6 


Figures 1-3. Measurements illustrated for this study (worker of Pristomyrmex longispinus sp. n.). 1: Head, full-face view; 2: 
Entire body, lateral view; 3: Dorsal view of alitrunk, petiole, and postpetiole. 

Pronotal Width (PW). Maximum width 
of the pronotum in dorsal view (Fig. 3). 

Alitrunk Length (AL). Diagonal length 
of the alitrunk in lateral view, from the an- 
teriormost point of the pronotum to the 
apex of the metapleural lobe (Fig. 2). 

Eye Length (EL). Maximum length of 
the eye. 

Total Length (TL). Til + TL2 + TL3 
(see Fig. 2). (Note: The measurements of 
TL do not deal with those individuals 
whose gasters are abnormally contracted 
or prolonged or whose petioles are raised 
too high or too low.) TL1: A line mea- 
sured from the apex of the closed man- 
dibles to the midpoint of a straight line 
across the occipital margin, in full-face 
view. TL2: A straight line from the anter- 
iormost point of the pronotum to the 
point at which the posterior margin of 
postpetiole meets the uppermost point of 
an articulation. TL3: A line from the an- 
terior-uppermost point of the articulation 
to the apex of gaster. 

Pronotal Spine Length (PSL1). A 
straight distance from the base to the apex 
of pronotal spine (see Fig. 2). 

Propodeal Spine Length (PSL2). A 

straight distance from the base to the apex — 

of propodeal spine (see Fig. 2). 

Postpetiole Index (PPI). PPW/PPL xX } 

100 (PPW: maximum width of the post- — 
petiole in dorsal vies; PPL: length of the | 

postpetiole in dorsal view). 

All measurements are taken in milli-— 


Note: For the Australian species, my 
measurements differ slightly from Taylor's 
(1965, 1968). For the maximum measur- 
able width of head, I have excluded the 
eyes, which were included by Taylor. 


The genus Pristomyrmex, when erected | 
by Mayr (1866), contained one species, P. | 
pungens Mayr (=a junior synonym oe Je 


punctatus (F. Smith)), a member of the 
present punctatus group. At that time, 
Mayr did not realize that five species de- 
scribed by F. Smith (1858, 1860, 1861, 
1863, 1865), that is, Myrmica fuscipennis, 
Myrmica punctata, Myrmica_ trachylissa, 
Myrmica umbripennis, and Solenopsis lae- 

vis, also belonged in the new genus. Mayr 

(1866) provided a description of the genus, 
which actually was simply derived from 
some characters of the species P. puncta- 
tus (F. Smith). A second member of the 
punctatus group was introduced by Sants- 
chi (1916) when he transferred Tetramo- 
rium (Xiphomyrmex) fossulatum Forel to 

The content of the genus Pristomyrmex 
expanded for the fist time when Mayr 
(1886) transferred Myrmica trachylissa F. 
Smith to Pristomyrmex. Pristomyrmex tra- 
chylissus is now a member of the quadri- 
dens group. After that, many species of the 
quadridens group were discovered (Bol- 
ton, 1981; Donisthorpe, 1949c; Emery, 
1887, 1895, 1897, 1900; Forel, 1914; Ka- 
ravaiev, 1931, 1933; Taylor, 1965, 1968), 
and several more names were added to the 
group when Odontomyrmex André and 
Hylidris Weber were designated by Forel 
(1915) and Brown (1953) as a subgenus 
and a synonym of Pristomyrmex, respec- 
tively. But, Mann (1919) found no evi- 
dence supporting the subgenus Odonto- 

The members of the third species group 
(i.e., umbripennis group) of Pristomyrmex 
were recognized first by Emery. He de- 
scribed a new species (Pristomyrmex pic- 
teti) in 1893 and transferred a species 
(Myrmica fuscipennis F. Smith) to Pristo- 
myrmex in 1901. Donisthorpe expanded 
the umbripennis group: He _ transferred 
Myrmica umbripennis F. Smith and Sole- 
nopsis laevis F. Smith to Pristomyrmex and 
described Pristomyrmex pollux and Pris- 
tomyrmex reticulatus (1932, 1946, 1949a). 

When Emery (1897) described Pristo- 
myrmex coggii, Pristomyrmex levigatus, 
and Bristom yrmex lucidus, representatives 
of the present levigatus group were added 


to the genus for the first time. Pristomyr- 
mex cribrarius, the sole member of the 
cribrarius group, was described by Arnold 
(1926). Lastly, Brown (1971) synonymized 
the genus Dodous Donisthorpe, adding 
species belonging to the present trispino- 
sus group to the genus. Thus, the genus 
Pristomyrmex became clearly delimited 
and assumed its modern form. 


Pristomyrmex Mayr, 1866: 903. Type species: Pristo- 
myrmex pungens Mayr, op. cit.: 904 [=Myrmica 
punctata F. Smith, 1860: 108; = Pristomyrmex 
punctatus (F. Smith) ]; by monotypy. 

Odontomyrmex André, 1905: 207. Type species: 
Odontomyrmex quadridentatus André, op. cit.: 
208; by monotypy. [As a subgenus, thus synonym, 
of Pristomyrmex by Forel, 1915: 53.] 

Hylidris Weber, 1941: 190. Type species: Hylidris 
myersi Weber, loc. cit. (=Pristomyrmex africanus 
Karavaiev); by original designation. [Synonymy by 
Brown, 1953: 9.] 

Dodous Donisthorpe, 1946: 145. Type species: Do- 
dous trispinosus Donisthorpe, loc. cit.; by original 
designation. [Synonymy by Brown, 1971: 3.] 

Diagnosis of worker, queen, and erga- 
toid queen. Combination of the following 
asterisked four characters (i.e., characters 
2, 7, 11, and 29 in the worker caste) sep- 
arating Pristomyrmex from other myrmi- 
cine genera. 

Definition: Worker. Possessing the fol- 
lowing combination of characters: 

1. Small (TL 1.74, HL 0.46, HW 0.46) 
to large-sized (TL 7.06, HL 1.68, HW 
1.74) monomorphic myrmicine ants. 

*2. Mandible somewhat subtriangular; 
masticatory margin of mandible with he ee 
to five teeth, Shieh have one or the other 
of the following six basic arrangements: 

(1) the strongest apical + the second 

strongest preapical + the smallest 
third + the acute basal tooth, dia- 
stema lacking, as in levigatus group 
and in profundus group, or 

(2) the strongest apical + the second 

strongest preapical + two smaller 
teeth of similar size, diastema indis- 
tinct or lacking, as in umbripennis 
group, or 

(3) the strongest apical + the second 


strongest preapical + a shorter 
(first) diastema (sometimes the first 
diastema is not distinct) + a small 
denticle + a longer (second) diaste- 
ma + a small basal denticle, as in 
both P. bispinosus and P. trispino- 
Sus, OF 

the apical + the preapical + a lon- 
ger diastema + a small denticle + a 
shorter diastema (sometimes the 
second diastema is indistinct) + a 
small basal denticle, as in PR. browni, 

the strongest apical + the second 
strongest preapical + a distinct di- 
astema + a basal tooth (which is 
sometimes formed by the fusion of 
the two small teeth) or two (or 
three) small teeth of similar size, as 
in punctatus group, cribrarius 
group, and most members of the 
quardridens group, or 

the strongest apical + the second 
strongest preapical + an intercalary 
tooth + a very short diastema (or 
this diastema indistinct) + two small 
teeth of similar size, as shown in P. 

3. Basal margin of mandible with a 
broad-based triangular or an acute and 
prominent tooth, or only curved, not form- 
ing tooth, or almost straight. 

4. Median part of clypeus  shieldlike, 
projecting posteriorly between the bases of 
the antennae; lateral parts of clypeus in 
front of antennal insertions usually re- 
duced to ridges but rarely (in the two Ori- 
ental species P. divisus and P. pulcher) de- 
veloped so that the antennal fossae do not 
reach the lateral anterior margins of clyp- 

5. Anterior clypeal margin usually with 
a median tooth and one to three pairs of 
lateral denticles (or crenulate shapes) but 
sometimes the median tooth rudimentary 
(as in some species of the levigatus group) 
and sometimes anterior clypeal margin 
lacking any distinct denticles (as in P. pro- 
fundus, P. divisus, and P. pulcher). 

6. Ventral surface of clypeus with a me- 



Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 6 

dian tooth or two lateral teeth, or with a 
transverse ridge, or without any ridge or 

*7. Dorsal labrum with a raised trans- 
verse ridge or a few toothlike prominenc- 
es, present on the anterior portion of la- 
brum in most species. 

8. Palp formula l,2, 1372/20 253)4)3 0% 

9. Frontal lobes absent in punctatus 
and trispinosus groups or weak, as in lev- 
igatus, profundus, and quadridens groups, 
or somewhat expanded, as in umbripennis 
group; as a result, the articulations of the 
antennae are mostly or entirely exposed in 
full-face view. 

10. Frontal carinae usually developed, 
extending to the level of the posterior mar- 
gins of eyes, but sometimes frontal carinae 
absent or very short, as in the trispinosus 
group, in P. trogor, and in P. longispinus. 

*11. Antennae with 11 segments; apical 
three segments forming a distinct club. 

12. Base of each antennal scape encir- 
cled by a narrow lamella, except in P. pro- 
fundus; this lamella usually with a broad 
and deep notch on the center of dorsal 
surface in the umbripennis group but en- 
tire in the other species groups. 

13. Antennal scrobes usually absent or 
weakly developed, but in P. profundus, the 
scrobes are deep and well developed. 

14. Eyes present in all known species, 
situated approximately at the midlength of 
the sides of the head; usually moderate- 
sized, but small in the several species (P. 
boltoni, P. coggii, P. longus, P. eduardi, P. 
picteti, and P. pollux). 

15. Alitrunk usually lacking dorsal su- 
tures, but in the three species of the trispi- 
nosus group, a promesonotal suture or im- 
pression present. 

16. Pronotum unarmed, or armed with 
a pair of tubercles, teeth, or spines of vary- 
ing sizes. 

17. Mesonotum usually unarmed, but 
with a pair of thick, blunt, and digitlike 
short prominences in P. trispinosus, and 
sometimes weakly tuberculated in P. bispi- 
nosus and P. browni. 


18. Propodeum armed with a pair of 
teeth or spines, except in P. inermis. 

19. Metapleural lobes usually subtrian- 
gular, or each with a blunt-rounded to 
semicircular apex, but indistinct in P. pro- 

20. Fore tibial spurs pectinate. Middle 
and hind tibiae sometimes without any 
spur, sometimes with either simple or hair- 
like spurs. 

21. Propodeal spiracles circular and 
high-positioned on the lateral surfaces of 
the propodeum. 

22. Metapleural gland bullae large, sep- 
arated from the propodeal spiracles, and 
positioned above the posterior lower cor- 
ners of propodeum. 

23. Petiole in profile nodiform or 
wedge-shaped, pedunculate, usually with a 
long anterior peduncle. 

24. Subpetiole sometimes without a 
ventral process, sometimes bearing a nar- 
row semitranslucent lamella. In P. acero- 
sus, a pinlike process is present. 

25. Postpetiole in profile nodiform, 
usually rounded dorsally. 

26. Petiole spiracle, postpetiole spira- 
cle, and first gastral spiracle visible. 

27. Dorsal surfaces of head and alitrunk 
smooth, or possessing either scattered fo- 
veolate punctures, or foveolate-reticulate 
sculpture, or developed rugoreticulum, or 
regular striate sculpture. Gaster unsculp- 

28. Dorsal surfaces of head and alitrunk 
usually with numerous hairs, but only a 
few hairs present on the dorsal alitrunk in 
P. fossulatus, P. orbiceps, and P. trogor. 
Petiole and postpetiole each usually with 
one to three pairs of hairs, but sometimes 
more pairs of hairs present; sometimes 
petiole and postpetiole lacking hairs. First 
gastral tergite usually without hairs or with 
a few sparse hairs, but sometimes first gas- 
tral tergite covered with numerous, evenly 
distributed, erect or suberect hairs. 

*29. Anterior clypeal margin lacking a 
median seta at the midpoint of the margin, 
instead usually having two to three pairs of 


long, forward-projecting hairs flanking the 
midpoint of margin. 

30. Sting slender and long. 

Female. Usually alate, but in some spe- 
cies (P. punctatus, P. mandibularis), only 
ergatoid queens have been found. In some 
species (P. wheeleri, P. africanus), both 
alate and ergatoid queens exist. 

Alate Queen. Characters similar to those 
of worker in the structure and shape of 
mandible, palp formula, clypeus, frontal 
lobes, frontal carinae, antennae, meta- 
pleural lobes, tibial spurs, petiole node, 
postpetiole, and sting as well as in the 
sculpture of body. But larger, with slightly 
or much larger eyes, than in the conspe- 
cific worker; three ocelli present. The ali- 
trunk with wings and flight sclerites; well- 
marked dorsal sutures present. Pronotal 
spines usually absent, but in some species, 
the pronotum is armed with a pair of teeth 
that are much shorter than in conspecific 
worker; propodeal teeth or spines usually 
shorter than those of conspecific worker. 
Wing venation as shown in Figures 4—5. 
On the forewings, the marginal cell (see 
Holldobler and Wilson, 1990: 9) is always 
open; R + Sc thick (for the explanation of 
symbols used, see Brown and Nutting, 
1950); A short, far from the anal angle; A, 
Cu-A, Mf2+3 usually reduced to vestigial 
lines distally; cross-vein m-cu and r-m ab- 
sent; cross-vein cu-a usually present but 
sometimes broken in larger species (such 
as P. picteti, P. umbripennis ) and some- 
times rudimentary or very weak in some 
samples of a few smaller species (e.g., P. 
orbiceps, P. lucidus); 1r absent; anal lobe 
usually indistinct in smaller species but 
present in larger species. Hind wings with- 
out anal lobe. (Note: The venation of the 
both fore and hind wings of alates, in Pris- 
tomyrmex, is rather stable, with only slight 
variations within the different species. For 
example, on the forewings, Mf2+3, some- 
times becomes an almost entirely vestigial 
line, but sometimes it is distinct and rather 
long; Rsf4 + Rsf5 is rather thick and long 
in some larger species but thin and short 
in some smaller species). 



Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 6 


Figures 4-7. General forewing and hindwing venation of alate queens and males of Pristomyrmex. 4: Forewing of alate queens; 
5: Hindwing of alate queens; 6: Forewing of males; 7: Hindwing of males. 

[The forewing and hindwing venation of the alate queens of the following 13 Pristomyrmex species was examined: P. brevispi- 
nosus, P. collinus, P. orbiceps, P. quadridens, P. quindentatus, P. sulcatus, P. levigatus, P. lucidus, P. obesus, P. fuscipennis, 
P. picteti, P. pollux, and P. umbripennis. The males of 16 Pristomyrmex species were examined: P. brevispinosus, P. flatus, P. 
trogor, P. longispinus, P. orbiceps, P. quadridens, P. quadridentatus, P. sulcatus, P. browni, P. trispinosus, P. obesus, P. 

levigatus, P. picteti, P. pollux, P. umbripennis, and P. punctatus.] 

Ergatoid Queen. General characters, in- 
cluding the pronotal prominences and size 
of body, similar to those of the conspecific 
worker. Ocellus present (one ocellus in P. 
mandibularis but three ocelli in P. punc- 
tatus, P. wheeleri, and P. africanus); apter- 
ous, but mesonotum more convex than in 
conspecific worker; pro-mesonotal suture 
present in P. mandibularis but represented 
by an impression in P. punctatus, P. whee- 
leri, and P. africanus. 

Male. Possessing the following combi- 
nation of characters (summarized accord- 
ing to 54 specimens falling into at least 17 

1. Small to moderate size (TL 2.40— 
6.04, HL 0.48—0.94, HW 0.51—0.98, HWE 
0.62-1.10), usually smaller than the con- 
specific queen. 

2. Head, in full-face view, across and in- 
cluding the eyes, usually broader than long 
(Figs. 261-269). 

3. Mandibles vestigial, very small, 
rounded or toothlike, far from meeting, as 
indicated by an arrow in Figure 262. 

4. Anterior margin of labia broadly 
concave at center; Mors of labrum with- 
out any transverse ridge or toothlike prom- 
inences (see Figs. 262, 264, 269). 

5. Eyes very large, well developed, and 
convex, situated at the sides of head. 

6. Antennae filiform, 12 segments, lack- 
ing a lamella encircling the base. Scapes 
short, usually distinct shorter than the 
maximum length of eye; of the other 11 
funicular segments, the first segment 
shortest, the apical segment longest, the 
remaining nine segments much longer 
than their broad. 

Three ocelli conspicuous and well 
developed, situated on the vertex of the 

8. Antennal sockets set back from the 
posterior margin of the clypeus. 

9. Antennal scrobes absent. 

10. Frontal carinae absent or very short 
and weak. 

11. Frontal lobes absent so that the ar- 
ticulations of the antennae are completely 
exposed in full-face view. 

12. Palp formula as in the conspecific 
worker in seven species examined (i.e., P. 
punctatus, P. quadridens, P. curvulus, P. 
brevispinosus, P. sulcatus, P. picteti, and P. 

13. Clypeus convex in the middle, not 
projecting posteriorly upward between the 
bases of antennae; its shape transverse, Or 


somewhat semicircular; its anterior margin 
entire, without any denticles, usually rath- 
er straight but sometimes arched. 

14. Cheeks very short. 

15. Alitrunk robust, with wings, well- 
developed flight sclerites, and well-marked 

16. Pronotum narrow in middle, over- 
hung by mesoscutum in lateral view, lack- 
ing any armaments. 

17. Mesonotum well developed, con- 
sisting of a large mesoscutum, a rather 
large mesoscutellum, and two small axillae. 
Notauli usually distinct, forming a Y shape, 
but sometimes they show a V shape, and 
sometimes they are absent or very weak. 
Parapsidal furrows usually absent, but 
sometimes they are superficially im- 

18. Metanotum transverse, 
overhung by mesoscutellum. 

19. Propodeum showing a sloping dor- 
sal surface; propodeal armaments absent 
or present; if present, they are usually 
shorter than in the conspecific worker. 

20. Metapleural lobes present, sub- 
triangular, or toothlike, or blunt-rounded 
to semicircular. 

21. Venation (Figs. 6-7) as in alate 

22.. Legs slender; fore tibial spurs pec- 
tinate; middle and hind tibiae usually lack- 
ing any spurs but sometimes simple spurs 
are present. 

23. Petiole with a long or a rather long 
anterior peduncle. In dorsal view, sides of 
petiole subparallel. Petiole node low, lower 
than in the conspecific worker and queen; 
subpetiole lacking any lamella or toothlike 

24. Postpetiole node rather low, lower 
than in the conspecific worker and queen. 
In profile, subpostpetiole usually lacking 
any projections, but sometimes bearing a 
small tooth. 

25. Positions of spiracles on propo- 
deum, petiole, postpetiole, and first gastral 
segment similar to those in the conspecific 
worker and queen. 



26. Usually much less sculptured than 
conspecific worker and queen. 

27. Numerous hairs present on the en- 
tire dorsal surfaces of body. 

(Note: The genitalia of males is not dis- 
sected. ) 

The male of Pristomyrmex can be dis- 
tinguished within the tribe Myrmecinini 
by the following characters: 

Antennae: 12 segments 

Mandibles: Very small, toothlike, not 


Petiole: With a long anterior peduncle 

Forewing: Without m-cu cross-vein; 

marginal cell open 
Antennae: 13 segments 
Mandibles: Subtriangular, with six to 
eight teeth, meeting when they are 

Petiole: Similar to that of Pristomyrmex 

Forewing: PWith m-cu cross-vein; mar- 

ginal cell closed 

Antennae: 13 segments 
Mandibles: Similar to those of Pristo- 
Petiole: Without an anterior peduncle 
Forewing: Without m-cu cross-vein: 
marginal cell closed 

Antennae: ?10 segments 
Mandibles: Unknown 
Petiole: Unknown 
Forewing: Unknown 

Larva. According to Wheeler and 
Wheeler’s (1954, 1960, 1973, 1976) stud- 
ies, the larva of Pristomyrmex has the fol- 
lowing combination of characters: 

1. Stout and rather short. 

2. Head extremely long and narrow. 

3. Thorax more slender than abdomen 
and forming a neck, which is curved ven- 
trally. Diameter greatest near middle of 
abdomen, decreasing gradually toward 
head; posterior end rounded. 

4. Body without tubercles. 

392 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 6 

5. Mandibles subtriangular, without 
medial blade; apical tooth curved medially 
and usually acute; subapical medial tooth 

6. Body hairs numerous, with five or six 
types, including anchor-tipped hairs. Head 
hair few, short to moderately long. 

7. Gula spinulose. 

8. Anterior surface of labium densely 

9. Palps lateral. 

Pupa. Not enclosed in cocoons (Wheel- 
er and Wheeler, 1976). 

(Currently valid names are in boldface) 

acerosus: sp. n. 
africanus: Pristomyrmex africanus 
aruensis: Pristomyrmex quadridens var. 
aruensis Karavaiev 
beni: Hylidris myersi subsp. beni Weber 
bicolor: stat. n.: Pristomyrmex trachy- 
lissa var. bicolor Emery 
=taurus syn. n. 
bispinosus: Dodous bispinosus Donis- 
boltoni: sp. n. 
brevispinosus: Pristomyrmex brevi- 
spinosus Emery 
=yaeyamensis syn. n. 
browni: sp. n. 
castaneicolor: Pristomyrmex castaneico- 
lor Donisthorpe 
castor: Pristomyrmex castor Donis- 
coggit: Pristomyrmex coggti Emery 
collinus: sp. n. 
costatus: sp. n. 
cribrarius: Pristomyrmex cribrarius 

curvulus: sp. n. 
divisus: sp. n. 
eduardi: Pristomyrmex eduardi Forel 
erythropygus: Pristomyrmex ery- 
thropygus Taylor 
flatus: sp. n. 
formosae: Pristomyrmex brevispinosus r. 
sulcatus var. formosae Forel, 
1912: 54. 
unavailable name 
fossulatus: Tetramorium (Xiphomyr- 
mex) fossulatum Forel 
foveolatus: Pristomyrmex foveolatus 
fuscipennis: Myrmica fuscipennis F. 
hirsutus: sp. n. 
inermis: sp. n. 
japonicus: Pristomyrmex japonicus Forel 
laevigatus: Hylidris laevigatus Weber 
laevis: Solenopsis laevis F. Smith 
largus: sp. n. 
levigatus: Pristomyrmex levigatus 
=mendanai syn. n. 
longispinus: sp. n. 
longus: sp. n. 
lucidus: Pristomyrmex lucidus Emery 
mandibularis: Pristomyrmex mandi- 
bularis Mann 
mbomu: Hylidris myersi subsp. mbomu 
melanoticus: Pristomyrmex 
subsp. melanoticus Mann 
mendanai: Pristomyrmex mendanai 
minusculus: sp. n. 
modestus: sp. n. 
myersi: Hylidris myersi Weber 
nitidissimus: Pristomyrmex nitidissi- 
mus Donisthorpe 
obesus: Pristomyrmex obesus Mann 
=melanoticus syn. n. 



=pegasus syn. n. 
occultus: sp. n. 
orbiceps: Xiphomyrmex orbiceps Sants- 
orbiculatus: Pristomyrmex orbiculatus 
parumpunctatus: Pristomyrmex parum- 
punctatus Emery 
parvispina: Pristomyrmex parvispina 
Emery, 1900: 678. Nomen nu- 
pegasus: Pristomyrmex pegasus Mann 
picteti: Pristomyrmex picteti Emery 
=tingiana syn. n. 
pollux: Pristomyrmex pollux Donis- 
primus: Hylidris myersi subsp. primus 
profundus: sp. n. 
pulcher: sp. n. 
punctatus: Myrmica punctata F. Smith 
=pungens syn. n. 
pungens: Pristomyrmex pungens Mayr 
quadridens: Pristomyrmex quadri- 
dens Emery 
=aruensis syn. n. 
=orbiculatus syn. n. 
quadridentatus: Odontomyrmex quad- 
ridentatus André 
queenslandensis: Pristomyrmex (Odon- 
tomyrmex) quadridentatus var. 
queenslandensis Forel 
quindentatus: sp. n. 
reticulatus: Pristomyrmex reticula- 
tus Donisthorpe 
rigidus: sp. n. 
simplex: sp. n. 
sulcatus: stat. n.: Pristomyrmex brevi- 
spinosus subsp. sulcatus Emery 
taurus: Pristomyrmex taurus Stitz 

thoracicus: Pristomyrmex thoracicus 

tingiana: Pristomyrmex picteti var. tin- 
giana Stitz 

trachylissus: Myrmica trachylissa_ F. 
trispinosus: Dodous trispinosus Donis- 

trogor: Pristomyrmex trogor Bolton 
umbripennis: Myrmica umbripennis F. 
=castaneicolor syn. n. 
=castor syn. n. 
=laevis syn. n. 
=parumpunctatus syn. n. 
wheeleri: Pristomyrmex wheeleri 
wilsoni: Pristomyrmex wilsoni Taylor 
yaeyamensis: Pristomyrmex yaeyamen- 
sis Yamane and Terayama 


Note: P. fuscipennis and P. reticulatus, whose 

worker castes are presently unknown, are not includ- 
ed in the key. 

Tle Dorsum of alitrunk in profile not arched, 
with mesonotum much higher than 
propodeal dorsum, that is, a vertical 
cliff present between mesonotum 
and propodeal dorsum (Fig. 8). An- 
tennal scrobes well developed and 
deep. Basal margin of mandible 
with a strong tooth adjacent to the 
basal tooth of masticatory margin so 
that five teeth are set close together 
(Fig. 27). Base of antennal scape 
without a circling lamella (Fig. 80) 
(profundus group; Asia: Sabah) —----- 
Siena ees profundus (p. 515) 

Dorsum of alitrunk in profile, excluding 
armaments, more or less arched- 
shaped, never showing a _ vertical 
cliff between mesonotum and pro- 
podeal dorsum (Figs. 9-25). Anten- 
nal scrobes absent or shallow. Tooth 
on basal margin of mandible either 
absent or present; if present, it is on 
about midway, not adjacent to the 
basal tooth of masticatory margin 
(Figs. 28, 29, 35). Base of antennal 
scape with a circling lamella (Figs. 
SHS 2)) ie aE ae ae ce es 2; 

394 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 6 


Species Group Species Name ORI PAL AUS AFR IOI 
punctatus group P. divisus sp. n. oF 
P. fossulatus (Forel) + 
P. pulcher sp. n. + 
*P. punctatus (F. Smith) + + 
rigidus sp. n. * 
cribrarius group cribrarius Arnold + 
quadridens group africanus Karavaiev + 

bicolor Emery +f 
brevispinosus Emery ate 
collinus sp. n. + 
costatus sp. 0. aie 
curvulus sp. n. is 
eduardi Forel +f 
erythropygus Taylor 4p 
flatus sp. n. +f 
foveolatus Taylor 2s 
hirsutus sp. n. a 
longispinus sp. n. ati 
modestus sp. n. a5 



nitidissimus Donisthorpe 
occultus sp. n. 
orbiceps (Santschi) oo 
quadridens Emery + 
quadridentatus (André) + 
quindentatus sp. n. 
sulcatus Emery 
thoracicus Taylor + 
trachylissus (F. Smith) + 
trogor Bolton + 
wheeleri Taylor a 
wilsoni Taylor 4s 
bispinosus (Donisthorpe) 
browni sp. n. 
trispinosus (Donisthorpe) 
acerosus sp. n. 
boltoni sp. n. 
coggit Emery 
inermis sp. Nn. 
largus sp. n. 
levigatus Emery 
longus sp. n. 
lucidus Emery 
> mandibularis Mann 
*P. minusculus sp. n. 
P. obesus Mann 
P. simplex sp. n. 
profundus group P. profundus sp. n. 
umbripennis group P. fuscipennis (F. Smith) 
P. picteti Emery 
P. pollux Donisthorpe 
P. reticulatus Donisthorpe 
P. umbripennis (F. Smith) 

neh as) ash awlas) mshi as) as) eh melas) ae) ae) is) as)! Se) fas) das) As) taehlac) tas) as) las) be) 


AS ae) AS} aS) gs) as) Bs) as) else) As) As) ashe 

trispinosus group 


levigatus group 


Total number of species 1 vl 5 3 
Total number of the 

endemic species 36 6 5 3 

Notes: ORI, PAL, AUS, AFR, and IOI are abbreviated, respectively, from the Oriental region, the Palaearctic 
region, Australia, Africa, and Indian Ocean Islands. AFR refers to the African continent only. Pristomyrmex 
has not been recorded from Madagascar. “*” symbol indicates that P. punctatus and P. minusculus occur in 
the two regions, respectively. 



Figures 8-25. Alitrunks of Pristomyrmex workers, lateral view. 8: P. profundus sp. n.; 9: P. levigatus Emery; 10: P. inermis sp. 
n.; 11: P. minusculus sp. n.; 12: P. picteti Emery; 13: P. pollux Donisthorpe; 14: P. brevispinosus Emery (non-type); 15: P. 
brevispinosus Emery (syntype); 16: P. foveolatus Taylor; 17: P. sulcatus Emery (syntype); 18: P. sulcatus Emery (non-type); 19: 
P. quadridentatus (André); 20: P. wheeleri Taylor; 21: P. longispinus sp. n.; 22: P. trispinosus (Donisthorpe); 23: P. browni sp. 

n.; 24: P. bicolor Emery; 25: P. wilsoni Taylor. Figure 26. Propodeal spines of the worker of Pristomyrmex browni sp. n., dorsal 

396 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 6 
— eee es 
——_—>> See 
eee Ae aes 
35 36 
—— a 
| ——_ 
37 : ; 2 : 
38 39 

Figures 27-39. Mandibles of Pristomyrmex workers. 27: P. profundus sp. n.; 28: P. levigatus Emery; 29: P. mandibularis Mann; 
30: P. picteti Emery; 31: P. quadridens Emery; 32: P. quindentatus sp. n.; 33: P. quadridentatus (André); 34: P. trachylissus (F. 
Smith); 35: P. rigidus sp. n.; 36: P. punctatus (F. Smith); 37: P. browni sp. n.; 38: P. trispinosus (Donisthorpe); 39: P. bispinosus 

QD. Masticatory margin of mandible with New Guinea; Indonesia; Pohnpei 
four teeth; the third tooth, counting Is.; Palau Is.; Yap I.; Tonga Is.; Wal- 
from the apex, smallest, distinctly lis Is.; found rarely in N. Queens- 
smaller than the basal one; diastema land, Australia) _. minusculus (p. 507) 
absent between the preapical and Pronotummunanned (Hig). 5 
the third tooth (Figs. 28-29) (levi- 5, Postpetiole in profile with an arched an- 
gatus group; Asia, Australia) 3 terior face and a steeply sloping pos- 

Masticatory margin of mandible with terior face and the apex of postpe- 

three to five teeth; if four teeth pre- 
sent, then the third tooth, counting 
from the apex, similar in size to the 
basal one; diastema either present 
or indistinct between the preapical 
and the third tooth (Figs. 30-39) _ 14 
oy Propodeum unarmed (Fig. 10). Petiole 
node in profile wedge-shaped (Fig. 
45) (Asia: Papua New Guinea) -------- 
a ee re Lr et oe inermis (p. 496) 
Propodeum armed with a pair of teeth 
or spines (Figs. 9, 11). Petiole node 
in profile nodiform, not wedge- 
shaped (Figs. 40-44) 4 
4. Pronotum armed with a pair of teeth 
(Fig. 11) (Asia and Pacific Is.: Papua 

tiole pointing posterior-upwardly 
(Fig. 43); in dorsal view, postpetiole 
usually longer than broad, very rare- 
ly about as long as broad. Petiole 
node with a single evenly blunt- 
rounded apex (Fig. 43). Head 
broader; HW mostly >1.00 (Asia: 

Papua New Guinea) -.... lucidus (p. 503) 
Postpetiole in profile with a somewhat 

evenly convex dorsum, lacking an 
abruptly steep posterior face (Figs. 
40—42, 44) and in dorsal view broad- 
er than long. Petiole node in profile 
with a distinct anterodorsal angle 
(Figs. 40-42, 44). Head narrower; 
Dea IN Varco lel 010 Veena ae nk SO ee 


Figures 40-58. Petiole nodes and postpetioles of Pristomyrmex workers. 40A: Dorsal surface of the petiole node of P. obesus 
Mann, dorsal view; 41A: Dorsal surface of the petiole node of P. /Jongus sp. n., dorsal view; 40B, 41B, 42-58: Petiole nodes 
and postpetioles, lateral view: 40B: P. obesus Mann; 41B: P. longus sp. n.; 42: P. acerosus sp. n.; 43: P. lucidus Emery; 44: 
P. mandibularis Mann; 45: P. inermis sp. n.; 46: P. punctatus (F. Smith); 47: P. rigidus sp. n.; 48: P. cribrarius Arnold; 49: P. 
quadridens Emery; 50: P. africanus Karavaiev; 51: P. nitidissimus Donisthorpe; 52: P. collinus sp. n.; 53: P. flatus sp. n.; 54: 
P. curvulus sp. n.; 55: P. longispinus sp. n.; 56: P. hirsutus sp. n.; 57: P. sulcatus Emery; 58: P. modestus sp. n. 

398 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 6 

8. Eyes smaller, with two to three omma- 
tidia in the longest row (Asia: New 
(@uin'ea)) eee boltoni (p. 492) 
Eyes larger, usually with five to seven 
ommatidia in the longest row ___. 9 

9. Larger species, with HW 0.90-0.96 and 
cy ZEN HL 0.90-0.90 (Pacific Is.: Pohnpei 
59 Zany Pa LT he iia eRe eee largus (p. 497) 

Smaller species; HW < 0.80, HL < 0.80 

Figures 59-60. Gasters of Pristomyrmex workers, lateral 10 Cea ene Sone hol ae )e “th al Sr rt 
view. 59: Gaster of P. simplex sp. n.; 60: Gaster of P. obesus ; PEVOle witht ay Ong 
Mann. pinlike process (Fig. 42) (Pacific Is.: 
New Hebrides) acerosus (p. 491) 
Ventral surface of petiole without a long 
6. Dorsum of petiole node laterally com- pinlike process (Figs. 40, 41, 44) — 11 
pressed and in dorsal view distinctly Le Each side of petiole with a longitudinal 
longer than broad (Fig. 41A) (Asia: carina that separates the tergite 
* New Fat oe ranges ‘ 502) from the sternite (Fig. 40). Basal 
orsum of petiole node not laterally Ries maya eee 
compe eee and in dorsal view Lara cecny on He ube 

about as broad as or broader than 
long, not longer than broad (Fig. 
A TAN) fap sateen aie eas 220 tS, aE 
Dorsum of alitrunk unsculptured, 
smooth and shining. Dorsum of 
head between frontal carinae usu- 
ally smooth and shining (Fig. 61), 
except for a few punctures border- 

cific Is.: Papua New Guinea, Solo- 
mon Is., Nama Is., New Britain Is.) 
5 LOE fo, Se) Neel levigatus (p. 499) 
Sides of petiole unsculptured and 
smooth, lacking a longitudinal carina 
(Fig. 44). Basal margin of mandible 
with a prominent tooth (Fig. 29) 
(Raxerinv® 105.9 VEMD) een tet nate s 



imperromtale camin ae) ees 8 : : 

Dorsum’ of alitrumk with,some scattered’ et ee mandibularis (p. 505) 
foveolate punctures. Dorsum of 12(7). Entire first gastral tergite evenly clothed 
head between frontal carinae with with numerous erect or suberect 
scattered foveolate punctures or fo- hairs (Fig. 60) (Pacific Is.: Solomon 
veolate-reticulate sculpture (Figs. LSS) Pea ee ooh eee obesus (p. 509) 
(OGY i a ae ge en SAN ee 12 Only a few hairs present usually near the 




S V2 


65 66 67 

Figures 61-67. Characters on the sculpture of the dorsal heads of Pristomyrmex workers, full-face view, excluding a portion 
of the mandibles. 61: Smooth head; 62-63: Scattered foveolate punctures; 64: Foveolate-reticulate sculpture; 65: Rugoreticulum; 
66: Regular striations around the antennal fossae and on the genae; 67: Regular striations on the entire dorsum of the head. 






base of the first gastral tergite (Fig. 
BIO) Pe eS ROE PS ae ae Eee 
Dorsum of head, except for the scrobes, 
with foveolate-reticulate sculpture; 
punctures often aligned so that it 
seems that several longitudinal ru- 
gae appear between frontal carinae. 
Eyes smaller, EL = 0.06—0.08, with 
three to four ommatidia in the lon- 
gest row (Asia: Papua New Guinea) 


a ea ees owe Ne coggii (p. 493) 

Dorsum of head between frontal carinae 
with some scattered foveolate punc- 
tures; space between  foveolae 
smooth. Eyes larger, EL = 0.09- 
0.12, usually containing five (rarely 
four) ommatidia in the longest row 
(Asia: Papua New Guinea) ------------ 

suerte aceite ikabie ioe Ane Ae simplex (p. 512) 

Masticatory margin of mandible with 
four teeth, lacking a distinct diaste- 
ma (Fig. 30). Lamella, circling the 
base of antennal scape, with a broad 
and deep notch on the center of the 
dorsal surface (Fig. 82). Petiole 
node in profile longer than high 
(umbripennis group; ein) Poa Poranl a 

Masticatory margin of mandible with 
three to five teeth; usually with a 
distinct diastema (Figs. 31-33, 35- 
39); if (very rarely) diastema indis- 
tinct, masticatory margin with five 
teeth (Fig. 34). Lamella, circling the 
base of antennal scape, entire, with- 
out a notch on the center of the dor- 
sal surface (Fig. 81). Petiole node in 
profile usually higher than long __. 

Eyes larger, usually consisting of 20 or 
more ommatidia, containing six to 
seven ommatidia in the longest row. 
Propodeum with a pair of Roothilike 
armaments that are shorter than the 
distance between their bases. About 
one-third of antennal scape usually 
laterally compressed near the base 
(Asia: Papua New Guinea, Indone- 



S12) pea aa emus umbripennis (p. 525) 

Eyes smaller, generally consisting of less 
than 10 ommatidia, with three to 
four ommatidia in the longest row. 
Propodeum with a pair of spines 
that are longer than the distance be- 
tween their bases. Antennal scape 
not laterally compressed near the 
[SING ceo sine eda te en oo ee 

Propodeal spines longer and strongly up- 
curved at their apices (Fig. 13). 
Larger species with HL 1.42—1.54, 
HW 1.42-1.58 (Asia: W. Malaysia, 
N. Borneo) 

Propodeal spines shorter and not strong- 


pollux (p. 521) 



ly upcurved at their apices (Fig. 12). 
Smaller species with HL 1.04-1.36, 
HW 1.02-1.40 (Asia: Papua New 
Guinea, Indonesia, Singapore, Ma- 
laya, Sabah, Brunei, Philippines) -—- 


wb: 2ca Jui dane Ne ee te picteti (p. 518) 

17(14). Pronotum unarmed. Eyes larger, usually 

containing seven or more (very rare- 
ly six) ommatidia in the longest row. 
Dorsal surfaces of head and alitrunk 
with well developed rugoreticulum 
or many foveolate punctures (punc- 
tatus group; Asia, Africa) 
Pronotum usually with a pair of teeth or 
spines; if (very rarely) pronotal teeth 
or spines absent, then either eyes 
smaller, with two to five ommatidia 
in the longest row, or dorsal surfaces 
of ARE and head between frontal 
carinae unsculptured and smooth __ 
Dorsum of alitrunk with well developed 
coarse reticulum. |Propodeum 
armed with a pair of long spines. 
Antennal scapes longer, usuall 
>0.78; one-sixth to one-fifth of the 
length of the scapes projecting be- 
yond the occipital margin. Palp for- 
TOGNDU Kee Dy Gis aubeee see ae ak a ned nl oe 
Dorsum of alitrunk with scattered fove- 
olate punctures. Propodeum armed 
with a pair of short spines. Antennal 
scapes shorter, with the length 0.54— 
0.60, only close to the occipital mar- 
gin. Palp formula 4,3 (South Africa) 




Sa arse to Oe See fossulatus (p. 406) 

Lateral portions of clypeus, in front of 
antennal fossae, developed and not 
reduced to narrow margins (Figs. 
73, 74). Anterior clypeal margin 
lacking distinct denticles (Figs. 65, 
68). Median portion of clypeus not 
fey eee re OTe AD RE Ns Nr se once 

Lateral portions of clypeus reduced to a 
narrow margin in front of the anten- 
nal fossae (Fig. 75). Anterior clypeal 
margin with five to seven denticles. 
Median portion of clypeus more or 
TSS euhheit totes sae ees Ree ee RP Rien 

Dorsum of head with scattered foveolate 
punctures; spaces between foveolae 
smooth (Fig. 63). Frontal carinae 
short, not extending to the level of 
the posterior margins of eyes in full- 
face view. Alitrunk in dorsal view 
with a deep longitudinal furrow at 
middle (Asia: Philippines) —------- 



RRs LIN te Pals ea ACE. divisus (p. 404) 

Dorsum of head entirely sculptured with 
coarse reticulum (Fig. 65). Frontal 
carinae long, extending to the level 
of the posterior margins of eyes in 

400 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 6 


Figures 68-72. Characters on the anterior clypeal margins of Pristomyrmex workers. 68: Anterior clypeal margin entire; 69: 
Anterior clypeal margin with two teeth; 70: Anterior clypeal margin with three teeth; 71: Anterior clypeal margin with seven teeth; 
72: Anterior clypeal margin with three prominences. 

full-face view. Alitrunk in dorsal with two minute toothlike promi- 
view lacking a deep longitudinal fur- nences. Dorsal alitrunk convex, not 
row at the midline (Asia: Malaya) - depressed. Sculpture of the sides of 
Pe SOPRE PRE ites. ON uno 2 pulcher (p. 408) pedicel segments more coarse (Asia: 
21(19). Two or more pairs of erect hairs present Thailand, Malaya, Sarawak, Sabah, 
on the dorsum of petiole node (Fig. Brunei, Sumatra) rigidus (p. 415) 
46). Basal margin of mandible al- 22(17). Promesonotal suture present. Propodeal 
most straight, without a distinct spines developed and long, in dorsal 
tooth (Fig. 31). Ventral surface of view joining together at base and 
clypeus lacking toothlike promi- forming a “fork” (Fig. 26). Alitrunk 
nences. Dorsal alitrunk more or less in profile with a convex promeson- 
depressed, with marginate sides. otum and a deeply concave propo- 
Sculpture of the sides of pedicel deal dorsum (Figs. 22, 23). Dorsum 
segments lighter and finer (wide- of head, at least on the genae and 
spread in the east and south of Asia; around the antennal sockets, with 
occasionally intercepted at entry regular striate sculpture, lacking fo- 
ports in North America) ———----- veolate punctures or rugoreticulum 
eae punctatus (p. 410) (Figs. 66, 67) (trispinosus group; In- 
A pair of hairs present on the dorsum of dian Ocean Islands) _.... 23 
petiole node (Fig. 47). Basal margin Promesonotal suture absent. Propodeal 
of mandible with an acute or broad- armaments in dorsal view usually 
based triangular tooth (Fig. 35). well separated at the base and not 
Ventral surface of clypeus usually resembling a fork. In rare case, 

where the propodeal spines are set 
close together at the base, the dor- 
sum of alitrunk, in profile, lacks a 
deeply concave propodeum (Fig. 
25). Dorsum of head smooth or 
sculptured with foveolate punctures 
or with rugoreticulum, but never 

showing regular striate sculpture . 25 

23. Propodeal spines in dorsal view diver- 

gent, in profile almost straight. 

Figures 73-75. Lateral portions of the clypei of Pristomyrmex Larger species with HW > 1.00, HL 
workers in front of antennal fossae. 73: P. divisus sp. n.; 74: eNO ESI, 2 SO ans Ane 24 

P. pulcher sp. n.; 75: P. punctatus (F. Smith). Propodeal spines in dorsal view subpar- 



allel (Fig. 26), in profile view bent 
at about a right angle near the base 
(Fig. 23). Smaller species with HW 
0.82—0.90, HL 0.88—1.01, SL 0.80— 
0.97 (Indian Ocean Is.: Mauritius, 
Reunion [.) 
Dorsum of head and alitrunk entirely 
covered with regular long coarse 
striations (Fig. 67). Mesonotum with 
a pair of strong, blunt digitlike 
prominences (Fig. 22) (Indian 
Ocean Is.: Mauritius) 

Dorsum of head smooth and _ shining, 
with rugae only present around the 
antennal fossae, on the genae and 
sometimes around the centrical disc 
of dorsal head (Fig. 66). Dorsum of 
alitrunk smooth and shining. Me- 
sonotum lacking well-developed 
digitlike | prominences (Indian 
Ocean Is.: Mauritius) --------------------- 

25(22). Sides of postpetiole with several coarse 


longitudinal rugae (Fig. 48). In pro- 
file view, the posterodorsal and pos- 
teroventral corners of the petiole 
node right-angled. Palp formula 4,3 
(cribrarius group; Africa: Mozam- 
bique, South Africa) 

browni (p. 485) 

trispinosus (p. 488) 

bispinosus (p. 484) 

ae cele eat Maree ate cribrarius (p. 418) 

Sides of postpetiole unsculptured or at 
most with a single longitudinal ruga 
(Figs. 49-58). In profile view, the 
posterodorsal and _posteroventral 
corners of the petiole node not 
right-angled. Palp formula 1,3 or 2,2 
or 2,3 (quadridens group; Asia, Aus- 
tralia, Africa) 

Mandibular dentition arranged as an api- 
cal tooth + a preapical + a diastema 
+ three small denticles of similar 
size (Fig. 32). Sometimes, the three 
small denticles are fused together so 
that they are not clearly visible, but 
the length of the masticatory margin 
covered by the three small denticles 
is slightly longer than that of diaste- 
ma. Pronotum either unarmed or 
armed with a pair of short triangular 
spines that are shorter than the pro- 
jexolenll sormnes eo 

Mandibular dentition arranged as an api- 
cal + a preapical + a diastema + 
one or two denticles, and the length 
of the masticatory margin covered 
by the one or two denticles is dis- 
tinctly shorter than that of diastema 
(Figs. 31, 33, 35). If (very rarely) 
mandibular dentition not as de- 
scribed previously but arranged as 








an apical + a preapical + a small 
denticle + a very short diastema (or 
diastema indistinct) + two small 
denticles (Fig. 34), then the prono- 
tum is armed with a pair of long ro- 
bust spines that are much longer 
than propodeal spines (Fig. 24) 
Pronotum unarmed. Eyes smaller, with 
three ommatidia in the longest row 
(Asia: Sumatra) 
Pronotum armed with a pair of short tri- 
angular spines. Eyes larger, usually 
with five to six (rarely with four) om- 
matidia in the longest row 
Dorsal surfaces of head and alitrunk only 
with scattered shallow foveolate 
punctures; dorsum of alitrunk with 
a smooth and unsculptured median 
longitudinal strip (Asia: Indonesia) 

Dorsal surfaces of head, except for scro- 
bal areas, and alitrunk entirely cov- 
ered with well developed coarse ru- 
goreticum (Asia: Sarawak, Sabah) -- 

head between frontal carinae either 
smooth or with some scattered fo- 
veolate punctures but lacking fove- 
olate-reticulate sculpture or rugore- 
tL GUL (ha aes eee ee eae etree 
Dorsal surfaces of both alitrunk and 
head with foveolate-reticulate sculp- 
tunejor mugoreticulum a ee 
Area of dorsal head between frontal ca- 
rinae unsculptured and smooth. 
Dorsum of alitrunk without foveo- 
late spun ctuie Sue ee ee 
Dorsal surfaces of both alitrunk and 
head between frontal carinae with 
some scattered foveolate punctures 
Alitrunk, in dorsal view, with a transverse 
ridge at the approximate position of 
metanotal groove (Fig. 19). Anterior 
clypeal margin with three strong 
teeth (Fig. 70) 
Alitrunk, in dorsal view, unsculptured, 
lacking a transverse ridge at the ap- 
proximate position of metanotal 
groove. Anterior clypeal margin usu- 
ally with five to seven small denti- 
cles (Fig. 71) 
First gastral tergite with numerous, 
evenly distributed, suberect hairs. 
Alitrunk in dorsal view with several 
short rugae present at the juncture 
between the pronotum and the me- 
sonotum (Australia: New South 
First gastral tergite lacking any suberect 


eduardi (p. 440) 


quindentatus (p. 467) 

occultus (p. 455) 
. Dorsal surfaces of both alitrunk and 





erythropygus (p. 441) 



76 77 


pe) Oe ys wes 



Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 6 


Figures 76-79. Characters on the ventral surfaces of the clypei of Pristomyrmex workers. 76: A tooth; 77: Two toothlike 

prominences; 78: A short ruga; 79: A long transverse ridge. 

hairs. Alitrunk in dorsal view without 
rugae at the juncture between the 
pronotum and the mesonotum _._.. 33 
33. Propodeal spines longer, subequal to or 
longer than pronotal spines (Fig. 
20). Ventral center of clypeus with a 
weak and short ruga (Fig. 78). Head 
broader, with HW 0.97-1.34 and CI 
103-116 (Australia: New South 
Wales, SE Queensland) 
BY esi NIVEA OE wheeleri (p. 478) 
Propodeum with a pair of teeth or short 
spines, much shorter than pronotal 
spines (Fig. 19). Ventral surface of 
clypeus with a long, well-developed 
transverse ridge (Fig. 79). Head nar- 
rower, with HW 0.80-1.08 and CI 
93-101 (Australia: New South 
Wales, Queensland) 
pect eine ih el quadridentatus (p. 463) 
34(31). Pronotum tuberculate, lacking teeth or 
spines (Africa: Ivory Coast, Ghana, 
Nigeria, Cameroon, Gabon, Congo 
and Angola) orbiceps (p. 456) 
Pronotum armed with a pair of teeth or 
ES] ON DONS a tS ee 35 
35. Petiole and postpetiole without erect 
hairs (Fig. 50). Frontal carinae ab- 
sent. Pronotum with a pair of tri- 
angular short spines. Ventral surface 
of clypeus with two toothlike prom- 
inences (Fig. 77) (Africa: Zaire) ------ 
trogor (p. 476) 
Petiole and postpetiole with at least one 
to two pairs of hairs (Figs. 49, 52). 
Frontal carinae present and usually 
extending to the level of the poste- 
rior margins of eyes. In rare cases 

80 81 82 

Figures 80-82. Lamella, circling the base of the antennal 
scape of the Pristomyrmex worker, absent (80), entire (81), or 
with a broad and deep notch (82). 





where the frontal carinae are very 

short or absent, the pronotum is 

armed with a pair of well-devel- 
oped, long spines that are longer 
than the distance between their ba- 

ses (Fig. 21). Ventral surface of clyp- 

eus either with a transverse ruga, or 

with a tooth at center, or without 

any ruga or tooth, but never show- 

ing two toothlike prominences —_- 36 
Pronotum with a pair of triangular short 

spines, much shorter than the dis- 

tance between their bases 37 
Pronotum with a pair of long spines, lon- 

ger than distance between their ba- 

ses (Figs. 21, 25) 
Petiole node in profile lacking distinct 

anterior face distinguishable from 

the upper surface of peduncle (Fig. 

53). Larger species, with HW 0.98— 

1.04, HL 0.94-1.02, EL 0.22-0.24 

(Asia: Philippines) flatus (p. 443) 
In profile, anterior face of petiole node 

distinct from the dorsal surface of 

peduncle (Fig. 52). Smaller species, 
with HW 0.77—0.94, HL 0.82-0.94, 

EL 0.14-0.18 (Asia: Philippines) -— 
collinus (p. 432) 
Propodeal spines short or moderately 

long, much shorter and slender than 

pronotal spines (Fig. 21) 
Propodeal spines exceptionally long, 

subequal in length to or slightly lon- 

ger than pronotal spines (Fig. 25) 

(Australia: Queensland) ------------------ 

eS he abe seh ea A Ee wilsoni (p. 481) 
Petiole node in profile lacking distinct 

anterior face distinguishable from 

the upper surface of peduncle (Fig. 

55). Clypeus unsculptured, lacking a 

median longitudinal carina. Frontal 

carinae short, not extending to the 
level of the posterior margins of 
eyes (Asia: Philippines) 
longispinus (p. 450) 
In profile, anterior face of petiole node 
distinct from the dorsal surface of 

peduncle (Fig. 54). Clypeus with a 

median longitudinal carina. Frontal 

carinae long, extending to the level 

of the posterior margins of eyes 

(Asia: Philippines) _ curvulus (p. 437) 



40(30). Petiole and postpetiole lacking erect 
Ventral surface of 

hairs (Fig. 50). 
clypeus with two toothlike promi- 
nences (Figs. 77) (Africa: Ghana, 
Cameroon, Capen! Angola, Kenya, 
Zaire, Sudan) 
Petiole and postpetiole, respectively, 
with one to five pairs of erect hairs. 
Ventral surface of clypeus either 
with a transverse ruga (Figs. 78, 79) 
or with a toothlike prominence (Fig. 

TASH ry oy Seen en UR noe ate a 
Smaller species (HW 0.82-1.02, HL 
0.82-1.02, EL 0.14—0.20). Ventral 

center of clypeus with a toothlike 
prominence. Usually one to two 
pairs of hairs present, respectively, 
on the dorsal surfaces of petiole 
node and postpetiole (Asia and Pa- 
cific Is.: Papua New Guinea; Indo- 
nesia; Pohnpei Is.) 

africanus (p. 423) 


fabs 02a pee quadridens (p. 459) 

Larger species (HW 1.22-1.24, HL 
1.10-1.16, EL 0.24—0.25). Ventral 
surface of clypeus with a transverse 
ruga, lacking a toothlike prominence 
at center. Four to five pairs of short 
hairs present, respectively, on the 
dorsal surfaces of petiole node and 
postpetiole (Fig. 51) (Asia: New 

evenly distributed, erect or suberect 
hairs. Petiole node with a single 
evenly blunt-rounded apex (Fig. 56) 
(Asia: Philippines) _ 
First gastral tergite lacking erect hairs. 
Peuole node not showing a single 
evenly blunt-rounded apex but with 
a higher anterodorsal angle than the 
posterodorsall(Hige oi) pee 
Masticatory margin of mandibles with 
five teeth; diastema very short or in- 
distinct between the preapical and 
the third tooth (Fig. 34). Basal mar- 
gin of mandible with a central, 
broadly curved lobe. Anterior clyp- 
eal margin with three prominences, 
that is, a median tooth and a broad, 
low convex lobe on each side (Fig. 
72) (Asia: Sarawak, Sabah, Borneo) 
Masticatory margin of mandibles with 
three to four teeth; diastema distinct 
and long, present between the 
preapical and the third tooth (Figs. 
31, 33). Basal margin of mandible 
almost straight, without a distinctly 
curved lobe. Anterior clypeal mar- 
gin usually with five to seven denti- 
cles (Fig. 71) 

nitidissimus (p. 453) 
42(29). First gastral tergite with numerous, 

hirsutus (p. 449) 


trachylissus (p. 474) 






Wang 403 

Pronotal spines exceptionally long, usu- 
ally exceeding 0.40 (very rarely 
0.37), usually ‘longer than the dis- 
tance between the bases of two pro- 
notal spines (Fig. 24) (Asia: Suma- 
tra, Java, Malaya, Sarawak, Sabah, 
Borneo, Philippines) bicolor (p. 425) 

Pronotum armed with a pair of teeth or 
spines ($0.32; Figs. 14, 15, 17, 18) 
that are always shorter than the dis- 
tances that separate their bases ___ 45 

Propodeal spines long (0.19-0.30), much 
longer than the pronotal armaments 
(Bigs 16) Spalpstormulal 213 sae 46 

Propodeal spines short (0.04—-0.13), usu- 
ally shorter than but sometimes 
slightly longer than the pronotal ar- 
maments (Figs. 14, 15), palp for- 
mula 1,3 

Postpetiole in dorsal view much broader 
than long, with PPI 133-150. An- 
tennal scapes shorter (SL 0.70-0.82, 

SI 81-93) (Australia: Queensland) 
Jn. Wee ew ae eae foveolatus (p. 446) 

Postpetiole in dorsal view slightly broad- 
er than long, with PPI 109-121. An- 
tennal scapes longer (SL 0.86—-0.98, 

SI 97-103) (aera: Queensland) 
ey oe en EN thoracicus (p. 473) 

Petiole node in profile slightly longer 
than high, with the anterodorsal an- 
gle on approximately the same level 
as or weakly higher than the poster- 
odorsal; dorsum and sides of petiole 
node with seven to eight foveolate 
punctures (Fig. 58) Nees Sarawak) 
Dimi Fra es ah as modestus (p. 452) 

Petiole node in profile higher than long, 
with the anterodorsall angle disanee 
ly elevated above the posterodorsal; 
dorsum and sides of petiole node 
without foveolate punctures (Fig. 

DID) ence ek Ree eS Rael eee 48 

Ventral surface of clypeus lacking a cen- 
tral prominent tooth but usually 
bearing a transverse ruga (Asia: Ma- 
laya, Singapore, Sar Ale Borneo, 

Sabah, Philippines) _. costatus (p. 434) 

Ventral surface of clypeus with a central 
prominent tooth (Fig. 76) __- 49 

Pronotum with a pair of moderately long 
spines (0.14—0.20), usually much 
longer (sometimes slightly longer) 
than the propodeal armaments 
(0.07—0.13) (Figs. 18) (Asia: Malaya, 
Thailand, Nepal, Burma, China) -—--- 

Soe ese Re 27 sulcatus (p. 469) 

Pronotum with a pair of teeth or short 
spines (0.06—0.10), usually similar in 
length to or slightly shorter than the 
propodeal armaments (0.04—0.12) 


(Figs. 14, 15) (Asia: Sumatra, Sula- 
wesi, Malaya, Sarawak, Sabah, Thai- 
land, Philippines, Taiwan, Japan) —- 
brevispinosus (p. 428) 


Worker. Small to medium sized (HL 
0.62—0.98, HW 0.64—0.94, TL 2.62-3.44), 
with the following combination of charac- 

(1) Masticatory margin of mandibles 
with three to four teeth arranged as the 
strongest apical + the second strongest 
preapical + a long diastema + two small 
basal denticles of similar size (or a broad 
basal tooth). z 

(2) Palp formula 5,3 in four Oriental 
species and 4,3 in the single South African 

(3) Frontal carinae present. 

(4) Lateral portions of clypeus reduced 
to a narrow margin in front of the antennal 
fossae in three species (P. punctatus, P. rig- 
idus, and P. fossulatus) but developed in 
the other two species (P. divisus and P. 

(5) Frontal lobes indistinct or absent. 

(6) Lamella that encircles the base of 
antennal scape, entire. 

(7) Alitrunk in profile showing a contin- 
uous convex dorsum and in dorsal view 
lacking sutures. 

(8) Pronotum unarmed. 

(9) Propodeum with a pair of spines. 

(10) Petiole node in profile more or less 
wedge-shaped, lacking distinct anterior 
face distinguishable from the upper sur- 
face of peduncle. 

This group has five species. Four occur 
in the Oriental region, one of which (P. 
punctatus ) has spread to warm-temperate 
areas in the eastern Palaearctic. The re- 
maining species (P. fossulatus) is confined 
to South Africa. Pristomyrmex punctatus is 
a unique species within the genus. It is the 
only Pristomyrmex extending its range to 
the temperate zone, and it is further char- 
acterized by the possession of a unique life 
history that may preadapt it for dispersal 
by natural and human transport. 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 6 

The punctatus group is closely related 
to the cribrarius and quadridens groups 
because all female castes of these species 
groups possess a distinct diastema after the 
preapical tooth on the masticatory margin 
of mandibles (except in P. trachylissus, 
which has five teeth on the masticatory 
margin). Though sharing the previously 
described mandibular character, the trispi- 
nosus group is relatively distant from the 
punctatus group because it possesses so 
many autapomorphic characters, for ex- 
ample, frontal carinae absent, dorsal ali- 
trunk with a promesonotal suture or im- 
pression, propodeal spines in dorsal view 
showing a “fork”, some regular striation 
present on the dorsal surfaces of head and 

The punctatus group differs from the 
cribrarius group by lacking a pair of pro- 
notal spines in the workers and by showing 
the anterior face of the petiole node not 
distinct from the upper surface of pedun- 
cle in the female castes. The punctatus 
group differs from the quadridens group 
by possessing palp formulae of 5,3 and 4,3 
(the quadridens group possesses palp for- 
mulae of 2,2, 1,3 and 2;3). 

Pristomyrmex divisus sp. n. 
Figures 83-84 

Diagnosis (Worker). Lateral portions of 

clypeus in front of antennal fossae, devel- 
oped, not reduced to margins, so that the 
antennal fossae are placed well behind the 

anterior clypeal margin; dorsal head only — 

with scattered foveolate punctures. 
Holotype Worker (MCZC). TL 3.06, HL 
0.76, HW 0.80, CI 105, SL 0.82, SI 103, 
EL 0.22, PW 0.56, AL 0.74. Paratypes, 
35 workers 


Worker. TL 3.06-3.40, HL 0.72-0.82, | 
HW 0.74-0.86, CI 98-111, SL 0.78—0.90, | 

SI 98-110, EL 0.21-0.24, PW 0.53-0.64, | 
AL 0.72-0.80, PPW 0.26-0.30, PPL 0.18— | 

0.22, PPI 123-156 (n = 20). 

Mandibles with a few longitudinal rugae — 
but smooth near the masticatory margin. | 
Dentition of the masticatory margin of 



Figures 83-84. Pristomyrmex divisus sp. n. 83: Worker head, full-face view; 84: Worker, lateral view. 

mandible: the strongest apical tooth + the 
second strongest preapical + a long dia- 
stema + a broad, truncated basal tooth (or 
two minute denticles). A weak minute 
prominence present about midway on the 
basal margin of mandible. Clypeus with a 
strong median longitudinal carina extend- 
ing through the frontal area; on each side 
of the median clypeal carina, a few addi- 
tional rugae are usually present. Anterior 
clypeal margin lacking denticles. Median 
portion of clypeus higher than frontal area; 
lateral portions of clypeus developed, not 
reduced to margins. Ventral surface of 
clypeus lacking any toothlike prominences 
but usually with a few rugae. Palp formula 
5,3. Frontal carinae short, not extending to 
the level of the posterior margins of eyes. 
Antennal scrobes absent. Frontal lobes ab- 
sent; thus, the antennal articulations are 
completely exposed. Antennal scapes, 
when lying on the dorsal head, surpassing 
the occipital margin of head by one-sixth 
to one-fifth of their length. Eyes large and 
prominent, containing § to 10 ommatidia 
in the longest row. Dorsum of alitrunk in 
dorsal view marginated, more or less de- 
pressed, and usually with a deep longitu- 
dinal furrow at middle. Pronotum un- 
armed. Propodeal spines well developed, 
acute and long, much longer than the dis- 
tance between their bases. Metapleural 
lobes small, dentiform, and acute. Petiole 
in profile with a long peduncle; dorsum of 
peduncle, together with the anterior face 

of petiole node, forming a long declivity 
that reaches the top of petiole node. Ven- 
tral surface of petiole lacking any process. 
Postpetiole in profile with a convex dor- 
sum, in dorsal view somewhat transverse- 
rectangular and much broader than long. 
Dorsum of head with numerous large and 
shallow foveolate punctures; space be- 
tween foveolae smooth; ventral head with 
denser foveolate punctures. Dorsal surface 
of alitrunk with reticulate rugae. Petiole al- 
ways, and postpetiole usually, with a coarse 
longitudinal ridge on each side. In dorsal 
view, petiole node and postpetiole each 
usually bounded by a rim; dorsums of both 
petiole and postpetiole, except for rims, 
very smooth and polished. Gaster unsculp- 
tured. Dorsal surfaces of head and alitrunk 
with numerous erect to suberect short 
hairs. A pair of hairs present, respectively, 
near the top of both petiole node and post- 
petiole. First gastral tergite without hairs. 
Two or three pairs of long, forward-pro- 
jecting hairs present near the anterior 
clypeal margin. Scapes and tibiae with 
some erect to suberect short hairs. Color 
uniform reddish-brown; appendages 
sometimes slightly lighter. 

Queen and Male. Unknown. 

Comments. This species is so far known 
only from the Philippines, and its closest 
relative without doubt is P. pulcher, from 
Malaysia. The workers of two species share 
the following three characters that are not 
seen in the other three members of the 


Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 6 

Figures 85-86. Pristomyrmex fossulatus (Forel). 85A: Worker head, full-face view; 85B: Showing a short transverse ruga on 
the ventral clypeus; 86: Worker, lateral view, hairs omitted from the petiole node and postpetiole. 

punctatus group (P. punctatus, P. rigidus, 
and P. fossulatus): (1) lateral portions of 
clypeus, in front of the antennal fossae, de- 
veloped, making the antennal fossae well 
behind the anterior clypear margins; (2) 
anterior clypeal margin lacking distinct 
denticles; and (3) the median portion of 
clypeus not flat but somewhat concave. In 
the workers of P. punctatus, P. rigidus, and 
P. fossulatus, the anterior clypeal margin is 
equipped with five to seven denticles, and 
the lateral portions of clypeus in front of 
the antennal fossae are reduced to margins 
(in other words, the antennal fossae reach 
the lateral anterior margins of clypeus), 
and the median portion of clypeus is more 
or less flat. 

The workers of P. divisus are easily sep- 
arated from those of P. pulcher. The ce- 
phalic dorsum shows rugoreticulum in P. 
pulcher but scattered foveolate punctures 
in P. divisus; the frontal carinae do extend 
to the level of the posterior margins of 
eyes in P. pulcher but not so in P. divisus; 
a pronounced median longitudinal furrow 
is present on the dorsal surface of alitrunk 
in P. divisus but absent in P. pulcher. 

Holotype Worker. Philippines: Duma- 
guete, 1949, J. W. Chapman. 

Paratypes. 18 workers with same data as 
holotype; 14 workers, Philippines: Duma- 
guete (J. W. Chapman); three workers, 

Philippines: Dumaguete, Silliman Univer- 
sity, 9.v.1949 (Domingo Empeso). 
Ecological Information. Unknown. 

Pristomyrmex fossulatus (Forel) 
Figures 85—86 

Tetramorium (Xiphomyrmex) fossulatum Forel, 1910: 
428. Syntype workers, South Africa: Natal, Will 
Broak (Wroughton) (MHNG) lexamined]. 

Pristomyrmex fossulatus (Forel) Santschi, 1916: 51. 

Diagnosis (Worker). Masticatory margin 
of mandible with a long diastema after the 
preapical tooth; palp formula 4,3; eyes 
with § to 10 ommatidia in the longest row; 
pronotum lacking teeth or spines; dorsal 

surfaces of head and alitrunk with scat-— 

tered foveolate punctures. 

Worker. TL 2.63-2.92, HL 0.62-0.71, 
HW 0.64—0.75, CI 98—106, SL 0.56—0.61, 
SI 81-88, EL 0.17—0.18, PW 0.44—0.50, 
AL 0.64—0.74, PPW 0.26—0.28, PPL 0.16— 
ONSRE RISA Noss (na—s >) 

Mandibles smooth and shining. Denti- 
tion of the masticatory margin of mandi- 
ble: an apical tooth + a preapical tooth + 
a long diastema + a truncated basal tooth. 
Basal margin of mandible lacking a tooth- 
like prominence or curved lobe. Clypeus 
with a strong median longitudinal carina. 
Anterior clypeal margin with a median 
denticle and two to three others on each 

side, but sometimes two lateral denticles | 


are fused together. Lateral portions of 
clypeus reduced to margins, and antennal 
fossae reaching the lateral anterior mar- 
gins of clypeus. Ventral center of clypeus 
with a short transverse ruga. Palp formula 
4,3. Frontal carinae extending to the level 
of the posterior margins of eyes. Antennal 
scrobe short, shallow, but distinct, mar- 
gined by the frontal carina and a longitu- 
Final ruga. Frontal lobes absent; thus, the 
anal articulations are completely ex- 
posed. Antennal scapes, when lying on the 
dorsal head, close to the occipital margin 
of head. Eyes large, containing 8 to 10 om- 
matidia in the longest row. Pronotum with 
a pair of blunt tubercles, lacking teeth or 
spines. Propodeum armed with a pair of 
spines, about as long as the distance be- 
tween their bases. Metapleural lobes sub- 
triangular. Petiole node in profile wedge- 
shaped, with a triangular apex. Subpetiole 
with a narrow flange. Postpetiole in profile 
higher than long, aa a rounded dorsum, 
in Moral view transverse-rectangular and 
much broader than long. Dorsum of head, 
except for the scrobal areas, with numer- 
ous scattered foveolate punctures. Similar 
but sparser punctures present on the dor- 
sal surface of alitrunk. Petiole and post- 
petiole each usually with a longitudinal 
ruga on each side. Gaster unsculptured. 
Several pairs of hairs present on the dor- 
sum of head beyond the level of the an- 
tennal insertions. A row of forward-pro- 
jecting hairs present on the anterior clyp- 
eal margin. Hairs on the rest of the body 
as follows—mesonotum (one pair), petiole 
(zero to one pair), and postpetiole (one to 
two pairs dorsally)—frequently lost by 
abrasion (Bolton, 1981: p. 286). First gas- 
tral tergite lacking erect or suberect hairs. 
Scapes and tibiae with short hairs. Color 
reddish-brown; appendages yellow-brown. 

Queen. I have not seen the queen of this 
species, but Menozzi (1942: 172) gave a 
description of this caste. 

Male. Unknown. 

Comments and Discussion. The position 
of P. fossulatus within Pristomyrmex is 
somewhat complicated. Pristomyrmex fos- 


sulatus occurs only in South Africa and 
shares certain character states with P. or- 
biceps, an African member of the quadri- 
dens group. The workers of P. fossulatus 
are similar to those of P. orbiceps in (1) 
the masticatory margin of mandible with a 
diastema, (2) the pronotum with a pair of 
broad and blunt tubercles, (3) the size of 
eyes, (4) the length of propodeal spines, 
and (5) hairs on the head and body (e.g., 
two to three pairs of erect hairs along fie 
frontal carinae behind the level of anten- 
nal insertions, a pair on the occipital cor- 
ners, a pair on the mesonotum). But it is 
very hard for me to place P. fossulatus into 
the quadridens group because this species 
has four segments of the maxillary palpi in 
the workers. In the 25 members of the 
quadridens group, the maxillary palp of 18 
species examined, including P. orbiceps, is 
one or two segments. 

Pristomyrmex fossulatus, however, 
shares important similarities with four 
Asian species of the punctatus group @P. 
divisus, P. pulcher, P. punctatus, and P. rig- 
idus). These critical characters, as shown 
in the workers, include (1) a high palp for- 
mula, (2) the masticatory margin of man- 
dible with a diastema after the preapical 
tooth, (3) pronotum without teeth or 
spines, (4) anterior face of the petiole node 
indistinguishable from the upper surface 
of its anterior peduncle, and (5) postpeti- 
ole in dorsal view much broader than long. 
Thus, P. fossulatus is assigned to the punc- 
tatus group. P. fossulatus « can be separated 
from the four species as follows: In the 
workers of P. fossulatus, the propodeal 
spines are moderately long; the antennal 
scapes, falling into the range 0.56 to 0.61 
(SI 81-88), are only close © the occipital 
margin of head, when laid on the dorsal 
head; the dorsum of the alitrunk has only 
scattered foveolate punctures. In P. divi- 
sus, P. pulcher, P. punctatus, and P. rigidus, 
the propodeal spines are well developed 
and long, much longer than the distance 
henwecnt their asoe. the antennal scapes, 
with the length 0.70 to 0.94 (usually above 
0.78) and SI 91-118 (usually above 98), 


obviously surpass the occipital margin of 
head; the dorsum of the alitrunk is covered 
fully with a developed rugoreticulum. It is 
possible that P. fossulatus evolved from the 
P. divisus-P. pulcher-P. punctatus-P. rigidus 
ancestor but later was divergent from the 
clade consisting of the four Asian species. 

It must be pointed out that if P. fossu- 
latus is designated as a member of the 
quadridens group, the cribrarius group, 
also possessing 4,3 palp formula, would 
become insignificant. As a result, P. cri- 
brarius (another African species) would 
fall into the quadridens group. 

Pristomyrmex fossulatus differs from 
two African species of the quadridens 
group (P. orbiceps and P. africanus) in the 
workers as follows: 

P. fossulatus 
Palp formula 4,3 
Dorsum of head between frontal cari- 
nae with numerous foveolate punc- 
Dorsum of alitrunk with some foveolate 
Petiole node in profile wedge-shaped, 
with a triangular apex 
P. orbiceps 
Palp formula 1,3 
Dorsum of head between frontal cari- 
nae smooth and shining, except for 
few punctures bordering frontal cari- 
Dorsum of alitrunk smooth and shining 
Petiole node in profile relatively mas- 
sive, and broad-rounded dorsally 

P. fossulatus 

Palp formula 4,3 

Ventral surface of clypeus with a weak 
transverse ruga 

Eyes larger, with 8 to 10 ommatidia in 
the longest row 

Petiole node in profile wedge-shaped, 
with a triangular apex, lacking a dis- 
tinct concave between the anterior 
face of the node and the dorsal sur- 
face of the peduncle 

Pronotum with a pair of tubercles 

Dorsal head behind the level of anten- 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 6 

nal insertions with three to four pairs 
of hairs; dorsal alitrunk at most with 
a pair of hairs 
P. africanus 

Palp formula 1,3 

Ventral surface of clypeus with two 
strong toothlike prominences 

Eyes smaller, with four to five ommatid- 
ia in the longest row 

Petiole node in profile not wedge- 
shaped; a distinct concave present be- 
tween the anterior face of the node 
and the dorsal surface of the pedun- 

Pronotum usually with a pair of teeth or 
spines but sometimes with a pair of 

Dorsal head behind the level of anten- 
nal insertions with numerous (at least 
10 pairs of) hairs; dorsal alitrunk with 
several pairs of hairs 

Distribution. This species was previous- 
ly known only from the type series col- 
lected from South Africa (Bolton, 1981). 
Two more specimens (ANIC, MCZC) ex- 
amined here add the following records: 
South Africa: Cape Province, Grahams- 
town, Old P. E. Road (L. H. Weatherill). 

Ecological Information. Unknown. 

Pristomyrmex pulcher sp. n. 
Figures 87-88 

Diagnosis (Worker). Lateral portions of — 
clypeus in front of antennal fossae, devel- | 

oped, not reduced to margins, so that the 

antennal fossae are placed well behind the — 

anterior clypeal margin; dorsal surfaces of — 

head and alitrunk, as well as the sides of 
pronotum, with well-developed coarse ru- 

Holotype Worker (BMNH). TL 2.96, | 
HL 0.76, HW 0.72, CI 95, SL 0.82, ST 114, | 
EL 0.20, PW 0.53, AL 0.76. Paratypes, 11 | 

workers (BMNH, MCZC, ANIC). 

Worker. TL 2.70-3.04, HL 0.70-0.77, | 
HW 0.69-0.77, CI 95-100, SL 0.76-0.84, | 
ST 103-114, EL 0.19-0.21, PW 0.50-0.54, | 
AL 0.70-0.78, PPW 0.25—-0.29, PPL 0.17- | 

0.20, PPI 135-156 (n = 11). 


Figures 87-88. Pristomyrmex pulcher sp. n. 87A: Worker head, full-face view; 87B: Showing a curved ruga on the ventral 

clypeus; 88: Worker, lateral view. 

Mandibles usually with a few longitudi- 
nal rugae but smooth near the masticatory 
margin. Dentition of the masticatory mar- 
gin of mandible: the strongest apical tooth 
+ the second strongest preapical + a long 
diastema + a broad basal tooth usually 
fused by two small denticles. A broad- 
based triangular short tooth present about 
midway on the basal margin of the man- 
dible. Clypeus with sculpture consisting of 
a strong median longitudinal carina, a 
transverse carina (sometimes curved or 
weak or broken), and a few additional 
short carinae. Anterior clypeal margin 
lacking distinct denticles. Lateral portions 
of clypeus, in front of antennal fossae, de- 
veloped, not reduced to narrow margins. 
Ventral surface of clypeus usually with a 
somewhat “M” ruga that is sometimes in- 
terrupted at the middle. Palp formula 5,3. 
Frontal carinae strong, extending to the 
level of the posterior margins of eyes. 
Slightly impressed scrobal areas present 
lateral to the frontal carinae. Frontal lobes 
nearly absent; thus, the antennal articula- 
tions are completely exposed. Antennal 
scapes, when lying on the dorsal head, sur- 
passing the occipital margin of head by 
one-sixth to one-fifth of their length. Eyes 
large and prominent, containing seven to 
nine ommatidia in the longest row. Occip- 
ital margin straight or feebly concave. In 
dorsal view, dorsum of the alitrunk mar- 

ginated and rather depressed. Pronotum 
unarmed. Propodeal spines well devel- 
oped, acute, and long, much longer than 
the distance between their bases. Meta- 
pleural lobes triangular. Pedicel segments 
as in Figure 88. Dorsum of petiole pedun- 
cle, together with the anterior face of the 
node, forming a long declivity that reaches 
the apex of the node. Ventral surface of 
petiole without any appendages or with 
only a very narrow rim. Postpetiole in pro- 
file convex dorsally, in dorsal view trans- 
verse-rectangular and much broader than 
long. Dorsal surfaces of head and alitrunk, 
as well as the sides of pronotum, with de- 
veloped coarse rugoreticulum. Sides of the 
rest of the alitrunk irregularly rugulose. 
Antennal scapes with a few longitudinal 
rugae. Sides of both petiole and postpeti- 
ole usually with a few coarse longitudinal 
rugae. In dorsal view, petiole and postpe- 
tiole each bounded by a rim; dorsal sur- 
faces of petiole and postpetiole, except for 
rims, very smooth and polished. Gaster 
unsculptured. Dorsal surfaces of head and 
alitrunk with numerous erect or suberect 
hairs. A pair of similar hairs present bilat- 
erally near the top of petiole and two pairs 
usually on the dorsal postpetiole as in Fig- 
ure 88. Two or three pairs of long, for- 
ward-projecting hairs present near the an- 
terior clypeal margin. Scapes and tibiae 
with some scattered erect or suberect 


hairs. Gaster lacking erect or suberect 
hairs. Femurs, tibiae light-yellow, in con- 
trast with head antennae, alitrunk, tarsi, 
pedicel segments, and gaster, which are 
Queen and Male. Unknown. 
Comments. Although P. pulcher, an Ori- 
ental species, is very similar, in appearance 
of the workers, to P. punctatus, the two 
species are in fact not closely related with- 
in the punctatus group. Pristomyrmex 
pulcher, together with P. divisus, consti- 
tutes a clade that is the sister group of the 
clade formed by the species P. rigidus and 
P. punctatus. The separation of the two 
clades is summarized under P. divisus. Ad- 
ditional characters separating the workers 
of P. pulcher from those of P. punctatus 
are as follows: 
P. pulcher 
A broad, short tooth present on the bas- 
al margin of mandible 
Dorsum a petiole node with only a pair 
of erect hairs 
Leg bicolored, with femur and _ tibia 
light-yellow and tarsus reddish-brown 
Sculpture on the dorsal surfaces of head 
and alitrunk, and the sides of petiole 
and postpetiole relatively coarse 
Propodeal spines shorter, more robust, 
and slightly bent basally 

P. punctatus 
Tooth of the basal margin absent or in- 
Dorsum of petiole node with two or 
more pairs of hairs 
Leg uniformly colored, light-red or red- 
teie brown 
Sculpture on the dorsal surfaces of head 
and alitrunk, and the sides of petiole 
and postpetiole relatively fine 
Propodeal spines relatively slender, and 
The separation of P. pulcher from P. div- 
isus is discussed under P. divisus. 
Holotype Worker. Malaysia: Negri Sem- 
bilan, Pasoh For. Res., primary forest, lit- 
ter sample, 3.iv.1994 (L. Ficken). 
Paratypes. Five workers with same data 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 6 

as holotype; three workers, Malaysia: Ne- 
gri Sembilan, Pasoh For. Res., litter sam- 
ple, 3.iv.1994 (M. Brendell, K. Jackson and 
L. Ficken); three workers, Malaysia: Neg. 
Sembilan, Pasoh For. Res., litter sample, 
xi.1994 (M. Brendell, K. Jackson, and S. 

Ecological Information. This species has 
been collected from a little sample taken 
in primary forest. 

Pristomyrmex punctatus (F. Smith) 
Figures 89-93 

Myrmica punctata F. Smith, 
workers, Indonesia: Bachian I. 
(OXUM) [examined]. 

Pristomyrmex punctatus (F. Smith) Mayr, 1886: 361. 

Pristomyrmex pungens Mayr, 1866: 904. Holotype 
worker, Malaysia: Malacca (?) (NHPS) [examined]. 
Syn. n. 

Pristomyrmex japonicus Forel, 1900: 268. Syntype 
workers, Japan: Osaka (K. Yamada) (MHNG) [ex- 
amined]. [Synonymy by Viehmeyer, 1922: 207]. 

1860: 108. Syntype 
(A. R. Wallace) 

Diagnosis (Worker). Eyes with eight or 
more ommatidia in the longest row; pron- 
otum unarmed; propodeal spines straight, 
and long, much longer than the distance 
between _ their bees: dorsal surfaces of 
both head and alitrunk covered fully with 
rugoreticulum; dorsum of petiole node 
with two or more pairs of hairs. 

Worker wily 2462-32225 Miley 0270201845 
HIW 0168-0584 C942 1055S L1057/8=0:S61 
SI 102-118, EL 0.15—-0.18, PW 0.48-0.56, 

AL 0.70—-0.84, PPW 0.24—0.27, PPL 0.17— 

OVA, JAP MAO) Gi —= 70), 

Mandibles usually with a few fine lon- 
gitudinal rugae but smooth near the mas- 
ticatory margin. Dentition of the mastica- 
tory margin of mandible: the strongest api- 
cal tooth + the second strongest preapical 
+ a long diastema + a broad basal tooth 


(or two small basal denticles). Basal mar- — 

gin of mandible rather straight, lacking a 
Gustine tooth. Clypeus eine leliiee’ more or 
less depressed, with a median longitudinal — 
carina extending posteriorly through the | 


frontal area. In some specimens, a few | 

short weak rugae present on each side of | 
the median carina of the clypeus. Anterior — 
clypeal margin equipped with a row of 




Figures 89-92. Pristomyrmex punctatus (F. Smith). 89A: Worker head, full-face view; 89B: Showing a curved ruga on the 
ventral clypeus; 90: Worker, lateral view; 91: Ergatoid queen head, full-face view; 92: Ergatoid queen, lateral view. 

denticles, but sometimes median denticle 
indistinct or absent or becoming a broad- 
truncated lobe. Lateral portions of clypeus 
reduced to margins, so that the antennal 
fossae reach the anterior clypeal margin. 
Ventral surface of clypeus usually with a 
curved ruga as in Figure 89B. Palp for- 
mula 5,3. Frontal carinae distinct, extend- 
ing to the level of the posterior margins of 
eyes. Antennal scrobes weak. Frontal lobes 
almost completely absent; thus, the anten- 
nal articulations are entirely exposed. An- 
tennal scapes, when lying on the dorsal 
head, surpassing the occipital margin of 
head by one-sixth to one-fifth of their 
length. Eyes large, with eight or more om- 
matidia in the longest row. Occipital mar- 
gin feebly concave. Dorsum of the alitrunk 
in dorsal view marginated and more or less 

depressed (Fig. 93). Pronotum unarmed. 
Propodeal spines long, acute, but slender. 
Metapleural lobes dentiform and acute. 
Petiole node in profile wedge-shaped, with 
a triangular apex. Postpetiole in profile 
convex dorsally; in dorsal view transverse- 
rectangular, much broader than long, and 
also broader than the petiole. Dorsal sur- 
faces of head and alitrunk as well as sides 
of pronotum covered fully with rugoreti- 
culum, but scrobal areas with only several 
transverse rugae. Sides of the rest of the 
alitrunk with numerous irregular rugae. 
Sides of petiole and postpetiole usually 
with a few fine longitudinal rugae; some- 
times rugae very weak and broken. Gaster 
unsculptured. Dorsal surfaces of head and 
alitrunk with numerous erect to suberect 
long hairs. Two (or more) pairs of hairs 


Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 6 

Figure 93. Showing that the worker of Pristomyrmex punctatus (F. Smith) has a more or less depressed dorsum of alitrunk. 

present, respectively, bilaterally on the 
dorsums of petiole node and postpetiole, 
of which usually a pair shorter and the oth- 
er pair longer. First gastral tergite lacking 
erect or suberect hairs. A few pairs of long, 
forward-projecting hairs present near the 
anterior clypeal margin that are symmet- 
rical on the two sides of the midpoint. 
Scapes and tibiae with numerous erect to 
suberect short hairs. Color reddish-brown, 
but sometimes the gaster much darker or 

the appendages slightly lighter. 

Ergatoid Queen. ae, 3.60. 3972: FUE 
0.86, 0.88: HW 0.94, 0.94; CI ude 109: SL 
0.89, 0.91; SI 97, 97; EL 0.23, 0.23: PW 

0.66, 0.68; AL 0.94, 0.96; PPW. 0.31, 0.32 

PPE 0.23) 0324- PRT T3335) G7 = 2): 
Closely resembling the worker in the 

structure of mandibles, clypeus, petiole, 
postpetiole and gaster and also in sculp- 
ture, color, and pilosity. But the head with 
three ocelli; eyes larger; pronotum and 
propodeum narrower than those of work- 
er; Mesonotum more convex; an impres- 
sion present at the approximate positions 
of promesonotal suture and of metanotal 
groove, respectively; propodeal spines 
stronger than in worker. Wing absent, but 
the rudimentary vestige of a wing is pres- 

ent on the each lateral margin of the me- 

Queen. Unions 

Male. TL 3.22, HL 0.60, HW 0.57, CI 
95) SEAOSs Sie 325 EIWilis OO eerie, 0.32. 
PW 0.74, AL 1.04, PPW 0.26, PPL 0.17, 
PPI 153 (n = 1; one specimen [MCZC] 
collected from Nara, Japan, by Silvestri on 
July 21, 1925, was examined). 

Head, including the eyes, broader than 
long. Clypeus transverse, with a median 
short carina. Frontal area with a median 
longitudinal carina. Frontal carinae short, 

slightly beyond the posterior margins of — 

antennal sockets. Palp formula 5,3. On the 
mesoscutum, notauli pronounced, forming 
a Y shape; parapsidal furrows superficially _ 
impressed. Propodeum with a pair of 
teeth. Metapleural lobes subtriangular. 
Middle and hind tibiae each with a simple 
spur. Petiole node wedge-shaped, with a 
triangular apex; dorsum ae petiole pedun- 
cle a ming a declivity that reaches the top 
of the monies Postpetiole i in profile rounded 
dorsally, in dorsal view transverse-rectan- 
gular and distinctly broader than long. 
Dorsum of head smooth and shining, ex- 

cept for few short rugae present behind — 
the posterior margin of clypeus. Pronotum — 


and mesoscutum smooth, except for those 
marked sutures, but mesoscutellum and 
propodeum sculptured with several longi- 
tudinal rugae. Sides of petiole with a few 
rugae. All dorsal surfaces with abundant 
erect or suberect hairs, but hairs on the 
legs and on the scapes somewhat ap- 
pressed. Colour reddish-brown; wing 

Comments and Discussion. The separa- 
tion of P. punctatus from both P. divisus 
and P. pulcher is summarized in the dis- 
cussions of both P. divisus and P. pulcher. 
The following characters can be used to 
separate the workers of P. punctatus from 
those of its closest relative, P. rigidus: 

P. punctatus 

Dorsum of petiole node with two or 
more pairs of hairs 

Tooth absent or inconspicuous from 
basal margin of mandible 

Dorsal surfaces of head and _alitrunk, 
and the sides of petiole and postpe- 
tiole more finely sculptured 

Propodeal spines relatively slender 

Clypeus with a median longitudinal ca- 
rina that meets the anterior clypeal 

Dorsum of alitrunk in dorsal view, mar- 
ginated, and more or less depressed 

Ventral surface of clypeus with a curved 
ruga but lacking distinct toothlike 

P. rigidus 

Dorsum of petiole node only with a sin- 
gle pair of hairs 

In type specimens, a strongly prominent 
tooth present on basal margin of 

Dorsal surfaces of head and alitrunk, 
and the sides of petiole and postpe- 
tiole more coarsely sculptured 

Propodeal spines relatively robust 

Median clypeal carina often not reach- 
ing the anterior clypeal margin 

Dorsum of alitrunk in dorsal view, con- 

Ventral surface of clypeus usually with 
two minute toothlike prominences 


In addition, an ergatoid queen caste is 
present in P. punctatus but not seen in P. 
rigidus, while a normal queen caste exists 
in P. rigidus but has not been found in P. 

Without a doubt, P. punctatus originat- 
ed in the subtropics or tropics of Asia, as 
its three close relatives, P. rigidus, P. 
pulcher, and P. divisus, are restricted to 
Sumatra, Malaysia, Brunei, Thailand, and 
the Philippines, respectively. But P. punc- 
tatus has a very large range, from New 
Guinea, Indonesia to Malaysia, Thailand, 
and then north to China and Japan, indi- 
cating its exceptional dispersal ability and 
tolerance of temperate climates. Pristo- 
myrmex punctatus has shown some ten- 
dency for dispersal by humens. Intercep- 
tion records from ports in North America 
suggest that humen commerce may have 
played a role in this species’ spread in tem- 
perate Asia. 

The chromosome numbers of this spe- 
cies, reported by Imai (1966) and Itow et 
al. (1984), are 2n (diploid) = 24 in the ce- 
rebral ganglion cells of the workers and n 
(haploid) = 12 in the spermatocytes of the 
males. The larva of this species was de- 
scribed by Wheeler and Wheeler (1954). 

Biology. It appears that P. punctatus oc- 
curs in open habitats. My impression 
stems from field experience in China as 
well as from data associated with speci- 
mens. This species lacks a normal queen 
caste; mature colonies usually contain sev- 
eral thousand workers and a few males, 
but ergatoid queens are rarely found. Eggs 
are normally laid by workers and can de- 
velop into workers or males. Ergatoid 
queens, when present, can also lay eggs. 
Brood production begins in April and lasts 
until the end of September. Young workers 
remain inside the nest and lay eggs. Older 
workers forage but lose the ability to lay 
eggs. Nests are often constructed in leaf 
litter from June to August but in the soil 
around trees from September to October. 
Sometimes arboreal nests are constructed 
on dead standing trees or in partially dead 
parts of living trees. The nest entrances of 


the arboreal nests and those under rotten 
wood are often covered with soil particles. 
See the following references for informa- 
tion on these and other aspects of the bi- 
ology of P. punctatus (Itow et al., 1984; 
Mizutani, 1980, 1982; Tsuji, 1988a, 1988b, 
1988c, 1990a, 1990b, 1994, 1995; Tsuji 
and Itd, 1986). 

Material Examined (ANIC, AMNH, 
NHMV, USNM). New Guinea: Trian Jaya 
Ransik (Shah); NETH. Vogelkop, Dano- 
waria (J. L. Gressitt); Vogelkop, Manok- 
wari, 75 m (D. Elmo Hardy); Vogelkop, 
Fak Fak, S. coast of Bomberai, 10 to 100 
m (J. L. Gressitt). Borneo: Sarawak, Nanga 
Pelagus near Kapit, 180 to 585 m (T. C. 
Maa); Sarawak, Merirai Valley (T. C. Maa); 
Sarawak, Bau, Lake Area (T. C. Maa); 
North Borneo, Tawau, Quoin Hill, Cocoa 
Res. Sta. (K. J. Kuncheria); North Borneo, 
Forest Camp, 19 km N of Kalabakan (K. 
J. Kuncheria); North Borneo (SE), Forest 
Camp, 9.8 km SW of Tenom (Y. Hirashi- 
ma). Java: S. Coast, Sukawayani, 2 m, jun- 
gle remnant (J. L. Gressitt). Philippines: 
Samar (McGregor); Mindoro, San Jose (E. 
S. Ross); P.R. Mindanao, Talacogon, 
8.32°N, 125.39°E, relict rainforest, on 
Agusan River (B. B. Lowery). Singapore 
(H. Overbeck). Thailand: Chiang Mai 
Prov., Chiang Rai, Fang Hort. Res. Sta.(D. 
G. Furth); Chiang Mai Prov., 18.70°N 
98.82°E, Mae Wang Dist., Ban Huai 
Thong, 360 m, agricultural area (orchard), 
#96-116 (foragers on bamboo shoot) (R. R. 
Snelling and Saowapa Sonthichai). Viet- 
nam: Perfume Pagoda (P. Jolivet); Cuc 
Phuong Forest (P. Jolivet). China: Hainan 
Is. (J. L. Gressitt); Guangxi, Xingping (D. 
G. Furth); Guangxi, Guilin, Qixing Park 
(D. G. Furth); Hong Kong, N.T., Campus 
CGaUPAE Ke Shatines 2223 SeNe eA aS atseecar 
20 m, #96-6 (R. R. Snelling); Hong Kong, 
in bank of mixed orchard (R. Winney); Tai- 
po (G. P. Tung); Shatin (Silvestri); Guang- 
dong Prov., 60 km W of Guangzhou, Ding- 
Hu Mts. (Boucek); Back Liang (S. F. 
Light); Fujian Prov., Jiangle (Minsheng 
Wang); Yenping (S. Ling); Zhejiang Prov., 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 6 

Mokanshan (N. Gist Gee); Shanghai (Sil- 
vestri); Soochow (N. Gist Gee); Nanking 
(G. P. Tung); Hubei Prov., Xiangfan (Min- 
sheng Wang); Guizhou, Leishan (Min- 
sheng Wang); Guizhou, Jiangkou (Min- 
sheng Wang); Szechwan Prov., Hsinching 
A F (W. L. Brown); Szechuen, near Mt. 
Ormel (D. C. Graham); Szechuen, Suifu 
(D. C. Graham); Szechuen, Jang Chen Pu 
near Mt. Omei (D. C. Graham); Taiwan, 
Suisha (R. Takahashi); Taiwan, Kosempo 
(H. Sauter); Taiwan, Bukai (L. Gressitt); 
Taiwan, Taihoku (J. Sonan, T. Shiraki); Tai- 
wan, Hassenzan (?); Taiwan, Nantou, Lan 
Wa Chu (D. G. Furth); Taiwan, Nantou, 
Sung Kang (D. G. Furth); Taiwan, Nantou, 
Hueisun (D. G. Furth); Taiwan, Nantou, 
Wushe (D. G. Furth); Taiwan, Taipei, Au- 
kung (D. G. Furth). Japan: Okinawa, Ku- 
nigami (Yonaha-dake), under chips (F. G. 
Werner); Ryukyu, Okinawa (S. M. Fuller- 
ton); Amami-Oshima, Loochoo Is. (R. Tak- 
ahashi); Kagoshima (Silvestri); Kumamotu 
(Silvestri); Kyushu, Amakusa, Tomioka (S. 
Murakami); Kyushu Is., Klyamacho, Kak- 
inohara (D. G. Furth); Kyushu Is., Mt. Hi- 
kosan, Soeda Notoge Pass (D. G. Furth); 
Kyushu Is., Mt. Hikosan, Biol. Sta. (D. G. 
Furth); Fukuoka Pref.,[zuka-machi, Joro- 
gahara (D. G. Furth); Shikoku Is., Toku- 
shima, Kawamata (M. Azuma); Hyogo, Mt. 
Rokko (M. Azuma); Hyogo, Takarazuka, 
Namaze (M. Tanaka); 8 mi N. of Kyoto (P. 
Hammond); Idzu (S. Akiyama); Kyoto (Sil- 

vestri); Mt. Maya (Silvestri); Michino-o | 

(Silvestri); Nara (Silvestri); Kuwana (?); 
Honshu, Toyama Pref., Toyama city (D. G. | 
Furth and K. Suzuki); Nagano Pref., Mat-_ 
(D. Gs 
Furth); Kamakura (H. Nagase); Kanagawa | 
Pref., Kamakura (H. Nagase); Kanagawa | 
Pref., Odawara (M. Kubota); Tokyo (L. | 
Gressitt); Tokyo Pref., Hachioji, Minami- | 
Asakawa (D. G. Furth); Yokohama (?); 
Chiba Pref., Ichikawa, Konodai (D. G. | 
Furth); Bonin Is., Chichi-jima (H. Ikeda); | 
Bonin Is., Chichi-jima, Omura, Camp | 

sumoto, Shimauchi-Shimoda 

beach (F. M. Snyder); Bonin Is., Chichi- 

jima, Yatsuse R., Gen.’s beach (F. M. Sny- | 

der); Bonin Is., Chichijima, Miyanchama, 



yar RS 

Figures 94-97. Pristomyrmex rigidus sp. n. 94A: Worker head, full-face view; 94B: Showing two small denticles on the ventral 
clypeus; 95: Worker, lateral view; 96: Queen head, full-face view; 97: Queen, lateral view. 

Jack Wm’s beach (F. M. Snyder); Bonin 
Is., Chichijima, Sakai-ura, Bull beach (F. 
M. Snyder). 

I have also examined 11 workers col- 
lected at the two entry ports of the United 
States (USNM): nine of them, by Harley 
and Albrecht, on November 20, 1928, 
from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in lily 
bulbs imported from Japan; the other two 
specimens, by J. F. Byrnes, on September 
25, 1967, from Anchorage, Alaska, on Ger- 
beria sp. imported from Japan. It appears, 
however, that P. punctatus has not yet be- 

come established in the United States 
(Cover, personal communication). 

In addition, this species has also been 
reported from North Korea and South Ko- 
rea (Collingwood, 1976, 1981; Kim and 
Kim, 1982: Kim and Kim, 1983). 

Pristomyrmex rigidus sp. n. 
Figures 94-97 

Diagnosis (Worker). Antennal fossae 
reaching the anterior clypeal margin; eyes 
with six to eight ommatidia in the longest 
row; pronotum unarmed; dorsal surfaces 


of head and alitrunk covered fully with 
well-developed coarse rugoreticulum; dor- 
sum of petiole node with a pair of hairs. 

Holotype Worker (BMNH). TL. 3.40, 
HL 0.98, HW 0.94, CI 96, SL 0.91, SI 97, 
EL 0.17, PW 0.64, AL 0.86. Paratypes: 11 
workers (MHNG, BMNH, MCZC). 

Worker. TL 2.73-3.44, HL 0.75—0.98, 
HW 0.74—0.94, CI 93-102, SL 0.70—0.94, 
SI 91-103, EL 0.14—0.17, PW 0.50_-0.64, 
AL 0.70—0.86, PPW 0.24—0.30, PPL 0.16— 
O20VPEIMIA4=67 (r= 32): 

Mandibles with a few coarse longitudi- 
nal rugae that usually do not reach to the 
vicinity of the masticatory margin. Denti- 
tion of the masticatory margin of mandi- 
ble: the strongest apical tooth + the sec- 
ond strongest preapical + a long diastema 
+ a truncated basal tooth (or two small 
denticles). A strongly developed tooth or a 
broad, subtriangular short prominence 
present about midway on the basal margin 
of mandible. Clypeus shield shaped, more 
or less depressed, with a median longitu- 
dinal carina that usually does not reach to 
the anterior clypeal margin; sometimes a 
few additional weak rugae are present on 
the clypeus. Anterior clypeal margin usu- 
ally with a median denticle and three oth- 
ers on each side, but sometimes with a lat- 
eral denticle indistinct or two lateral small 
denticles fused into a larger one. Lateral 
portions of clypeus reduced to margins, 
and antennal fossae reaching the anterior 
clypeal margin. Ventral surface of clypeus 
usually with two minute toothlike promi- 
nences (Fig. 94B), but sometimes the 
prominences are very weak. Palp formula 
5,3. Frontal carinae extending to the level 
of the posterior margins of eyes. Antennal 
scrobes indistinct. Frontal lobes absent, so 
that the antennal articulations are entirely 
exposed. Antennal scapes, when lying on 
the dorsal head, surpassing the occipital 
margin of head by one-sixth to one-fifth of 
es length. Eyes containing six to eight 
Onninatidia in the longest row. Occipital 
margin rather straight or slightly concave. 
Dorsal surface of alerank serncan lia con- 
vex. Pronotum unarmed. Propodeal spines 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 6 

robust, acute, and long, much longer than 
the distance between their bases. Meta- 
pleural lobes triangular and acute. Pedicel 
segments in profile as in Figure 95. In pro- 
file, anterior face of the petiole node, to- 
gether with the dorsal surface of petiole 
peduncle, forming a long declivity that 
reaches the top of the node. Petiole node 
in profile with an approximately right-an- 
gled apex. Dorsum of postpetiole in profile 
sometimes angulate but sometimes round- 
ed. In dorsal view, postpetiole transverse- 
rectangular, much broader than long and 
also broader than the petiole node. Dorsal 
surfaces of head and alitrunk as well as the 
sides of pronotum fully covered with 
coarse rugoreticulum. Sides of the rest of 
alitrunk with numerous irregular coarse 
rugae. Sides of petiole node and postpe- 
tiole usually with a few rims as illustrated 
in Figure 95, but sometimes some of the 
rims rather weak. Petiole and postpetiole 
in dorsal view, except for rims, very 
smooth and polished. Gaster unsculp- 
tured. Dorsal surfaces of head and alitrunk 
with numerous erect or suberect long 
hairs. A pair of similar hairs present on the 
dorsal petiole, and usually two pairs on the 
postpetiole as shown in Figure 95. Two or 
three pairs of long, forward-projecting 
hairs present near the anterior clypeal 
margin. Scapes and tibiae with numerous 
erect or suberect hairs. First gastral tergite 
lacking erect or suberect hairs. Color uni- 
formly reddish-brown. 

Queen. TL 3.30-4.02, HL O;S5=15 OR 
HW 0.86—1.10, CI 100-102, SL 0.76—0.88, 
SI 80-91, EL 0.18—0.24, PW 0.66—0.86, 
AL 0.84—1.08, 
0.22, PPI 140-164 (n = 6). 

Generally similar to worker, except for 
in addition, the sculp- | 
ture of mesoscutum is weaker and sparse. | 

caste differences: 

Male. Unknown. 

Comments. Pristomyrmex rigidus occurs 
in the Oriental region. It is closely related 
to P. punctatus. These two species consti- — 
tute a clade. The separation of the two | 
species is summarized under P. punctatus. — 
Characters separating P. rigidus from the — 

PPW 0.28-0.36, PPL 0.20- | 


P. divisus-P. pulcher clade are given under 
P. divisus. 

Discussion. The material that I have ex- 
amined may contain two species. Speci- 
mens from Thailand possess an anterodor- 
sally angulate postpetiole in profile, a 
strongly prominent tooth on the basal mar- 
gin of the mandible, and a truncated basal 
tooth on the masticatory margin of the 
mandible. Specimens from Indonesia, Ma- 
laysia, and Brunei have a rounded dorsal 
surface of the postpetiole, a weak tooth on 
the basal margin of the mandible, and two 
small basal denticles on the masticatory 
margin. But a single, variable species is 
maintained for the present because avail- 
able material is still limited. Further col- 
lecting and studying are needed. 

Holotype Worker. Thailand: 26. Kaeng 
Krachan NP., 19.xi.1985 (L6bl and Burcke 

Paratypes. 11 workers with same data as 

Additional Material Examined (ANIC, 
land: Khao Sabap NP. (L6bl and Burck- 
hardt). Brunei: Ulu Belalong, W. ridge, 
500 ft (R. Levy). Malaysia: Sabah, Tawan 
Quoin Hill, 750 ft, rainforest, leaf mold, 
berlesate (R. W. Taylor); Sabah, Poring 
Hot Springs, 500 to 900 m (Burckhardt 
and Lébl); Sabah, Poring Hot Springs, 
Langanan Falls, 950 m (L6bl and Burck- 
hardt); Sabah, Batu Punggul Resort, pri- 
mary forest, sifting (P); Sarawak, 4th Di- 
vision, Gn. Mulu NP., limestone forest, 
200 m, pitfall trap (H. Vallack); Sarawak, 
Gn Matang, 20 km W Kuching, 800 m, 
Prbimentane forest (L6bl and Bivekhar dt); 
Negri Sembilan, Pasoh For. Res., litter, 
primary forest (L. Ficken; M. Brendell, K. 
Jackson, and L. Ficken); Kuala, Lumpur 
(B. Bolton); Upper Gombak Val., near K. 
Lumpur, rainforest, berlesate, ca. 1,500 ft 
(R. W. Taylor); Kedah State, Gunong Jeral, 
5.48N, 100.62E, 550 m, rainforest, berle- 
sate (R. W. Taylor and R. A. Barrett); Pa- 
hang, Batu Caves N Kuala, Lumpur (L6bl 
and Calame); Pahang Gombak, forest litter 
(L6bl and Calame). Indonesia: Sumatra, 


Liwa, 5.04S, 104.03E, rainforest, litter (M. 
S. Harvey). 

Ecological Information. This species oc- 
curs in rainforest and has been taken in 
litter berlesates and pitfall traps. 


Worker. Medium sized, with the follow- 
ing combination of characters. 

(1) Masticatory margin of mandibles 
with a long diastema between the preapi- 
cal and the basal tooth. 

(2) Palp formula 4,3 (Bolton, 1981). 

(3) Frontal carinae present. 

(4) Lateral portions of clypeus reduced 
to a margin, and the antennal fossae reach- 
ing the anterior clypeal margin. 

(5) Frontal lobes absent. 

(6) Lamella that encircles the base of 
antennal scape, entire. 

(7) Dorsum of alitrunk convex, not de- 
pressed; pro-mesonotal suture absent. 

(8) Pronotum armed with a pair of 
strong, acute, short spines. 

(9) Propodeal spines well developed 
and long; in dorsal view not forming a 

(10) Petiole node thick in profile; its an- 
terodorsal, posterodorsal, and posteroven- 
tral corners showing right angles approxi- 

This group contains one species, P. cri- 
brarius, from South Africa and Mozam- 

Pristomyrmex  cribrarius probably 
evolved from an Oriental ancestor of the 
punctatus group because P. cribrarius is 
similar, in the workers, to some Oriental 
species of the punctatus group in the fol- 
lowing characters: (1) a high palp formula; 
(2) well-developed, long propodeal spines; 
and (3) a few coarse longitudinal rugae 
present on the petiole and on the post- 
petiole, respectively. However, I erect the 
cribrarius group to accommodate this spe- 
cies instead of placing it in the punctatus 
group because it possesses a distinct pet- 
ole node in the workers and queens (i.e., 
in profile, the anterodorsal, posterodorsal, 
and posteroventral corners of the node 


right-angled), which is not seen in the oth- 
er species groups. In addition, the workers 
of P. cribrarius possess a pair of robust 
pronotal spines that are absent in the 
punctatus group. 

Without a higher palp formula (4,3), P. 
cribrarius would fall into the quadridens 
group. The quadridens group now con- 
tains 25 species, but the palp formulae of 
18 species examined are 2,3, 2,2, and 1,3. 
If P. cribrarius were placed in the quad- 
ridens group, the punctatus group (differ- 
ing from the quadridens group primarily 
by its high palp formula) would have no 
grounds to exist, as two species of the 
quadridens group, P. eduardi and P. orbi- 
ceps, also lack pronotal armaments. 

Pristomyrmex cribrarius is also some- 
what similar to the three members of the 
trispinosus group, from Mauritius. They 
all possess robust, acute, but short prono- 
tal spines; long, well-developed propodeal 
spines; and a very convex dorsum of the 
alitrunk in the workers. The similarity, 
however, is superficial. Pristomyrmex cri- 
brarius differs from the trispinosus group 
in the workers in several important char- 
acters: The frontal carinae are absent in 
the trispinosus group but extend to the 
level of the posterior margins of eyes in P. 
cribrarius; the promesonotal suture is 
present in the trispinosus group but absent 
in P. cribrarius; the propodeal spines in 
dorsal view are fused together at the base 
in the trispinosus group, as opposed to be 
separated at the base in P. cribrarius; palp 
formula is lower (1,2) in the trispinosus 
group but higher (4,3) in P. cribrarius; fo- 
veolate punctures on the dorsal surfaces of 
the head and the alitrunk are absent in the 
trispinosus group but dense in P. cribrar- 
ius; and numerous hairs are present on the 
first gastral tergite in the trispinosus group 
but not seen in P. cribrarius. 

Finally, P. cribrarius possesses (1) a long 
diastema on the masticatory margin ae 
mandible separating the preapical _ tooth 
from the basal tooth, (2) a higher palp for- 
mula (4,3), and (3) a pair of Tobuet spines 
on the pronotum in the workers, showing 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 6 

it is not closely related to the levigatus, 
profundus, and umbripennis groups. 

Pristomyrmex cribrarius Arnold 
Figures 98-101 

Pristomyrmex cribrarius Arnold, 1926: 281. Holotype 
queen, Mozambique: Amatongas Forest (G. Ar 
nold) (SAMC) [examined]. 

Diagnosis (Worker). See characters 8 
and 10 under the group; additional char- 
acters including dorsal surfaces of head 
and alitrunk with foveolate-reticulate 
sculpture and postpetiole with a few 
coarse longitudinal rugae on each side. 

Worker. TL 3.10-3.54, HL 0.82-0.96, 
HW 0.89-1.02, CI 106—110, SL 0.72—0.80, 
SI7S—o2" eI, 0.19-0.22, PW 0.55-—0.64, 
AlE0FS0=0;905 BPVWV40:30=0S 65 RR 0:20= 
OV IAF ISO Go = 2). 

Mandibles with a few longitudinal basal 
rugae. Masticatory margin of mandible 
with an apical tooth + a preapical tooth + 
a long diastema + a broad and truncated 
basal tooth. Basal margin of mandible lack- 
ing a toothlike prominence or curved lobe. 
Clypeus with a strong median longitudinal 
carina. Anterior clypeal margin wath a me- 
dian truncated lobe and usually three to 
four denticles on each side. Ventral surface 
of clypeus with two weak toothlike prom- 
inences, or unarmed. Palp formula 4,3 
(Bolton, 1981). Frontal carinae extending 

to the level of the posterior margins of — 

eyes. Antennal scrobes slightly concave. 
Antennal articulations entirely exposed. 

Antennal scapes, when lying on the dorsal : 

head, not reaching the occipital margin ofl 
head. Eyes with 9 to 10 ommatidia in the | 

longest row. Profile shape of alitrunk and | 
pedicel segments as in Figure 99. Dorsum 

of hla in profile, strongly convex. 

Pronotum with a pair of robust short | 

spines, ca. 0.06 to 0.08. Propodeal spines | 

well developed and long, ca. 0.25 to 0.30, 
much longer than the distance between 

their bases. Metapleural lobes small and | 

triangular. Petiole node high and thick in 
profile: its anterodorsal, posterodorsal, and | 
posteroventral corners showing right an- 

gles approximately. Postpetiole high ings 



Figures 98-101. 

profile, curved dorsally; in dorsal view, 
transverse-rectangular and much broader 
than long. Dorsum of head, except for the 
scrobal areas, with foveolate-reticulate 
sculpture. Dorsum of alitrunk entirely 
sculptured with coarse longitudinal rugae 
and blunt foveolate punctures between ru- 
gae. Sides of alitrunk irregularly rugulose. 
Each side of petiole node and postpetiole 
with a few coarse longitudinal rugae. Gas- 
ter unsculptured. Dorsal surfaces of head 
and alitrunk with numerous erect or sub- 
erect hairs. Petiole and postpetiole each 
with a few pairs of hairs dorsally. First gas- 
tral tergite lacking hairs. Anterior clypeal 
margin with a row of forward-projecting 
hairs. Scapes and tibiae with erect or sub- 

Pristomyrmex cribrarius Arnold. 98A: Worker head, full-face view; 98B: Showing two minute denticles on the 
ventral clypeus; 99: Worker, lateral view; 100A: Queen head, full-face view; 100B: Showing two minute denticles on the ventral 
clypeus; 101: Queen, lateral view. 

erect short hairs. Color reddish-brown, but 
gaster darker. 

Queen. TL 3.84, HL 0.98, HW 1.04, Cl 
1065 SE0:805 SI 7 EE O265 BW 0.325 
ING WO sy IRA, O86, IPI OLR) IRE lay ~@ 
= |), 

Generally similar to worker, except for 
caste differences; in addition, pronotal ar- 
maments absent, eyes larger than in con- 
specific worker. 

Male. Unknown. 

Comments and Discussion. At first sight, 
P. cribrarius somewhat resembles two 
Australian species of the quadridens 
group, P. thoracicus and P. foveolatus: 
Their workers all possess a pair of short 
pronotal spines, a pair of long propodeal 


spines, foveolate-reticulate sculpture on 
the dorsal head, and a transversely broad 
postpetiole in dorsal view. However, P. cri- 
brarius is rather different from P. thora- 
cicus and P. foveolatus. In the workers of 
P. cribrarius, palp formula is 4,3; the ven- 
tral surface of clypeus shows two minute 
teeth; the dorsum of alitrunk is very con- 
vex; the petiole and the postpetiole are 
sculptured with a few coarse longitudinal 
rugae; the eyes are larger, with 8 to 10 om- 
matidia in the longest row; and the petiole 
node, in profile, shows three right angles. 
But in the workers of P. thoracicus and P. 
foveolatus, palp formula is 2,3; the ventral 
surface of clypeus only has a single distinct 
tooth at the center; the dorsum of alitrunk 
is somewhat depressed; the petiole and the 
postpetiole are unsculptured; the eyes are 
smaller, with four to six ommatidia in the 
longest row; and the petiole node in pro- 
file lacks an acute posterodorsal angle. 

In the African Pristomyrmex fauna, P. 
cribrarius is easily recognized by the 
coarse longitudinal rugae on the dorsal al- 
itrunk anak on the des of the petiole and 
the postpetiole; its very convex dorsal ali- 
trunk; its well-developed, long propodeal 
spines; its distinct petiole node; and the 
numerous erect hairs on the alitrunk, pet- 
iole, and postpetiole. 

Distribution. South Africa, Mozambique 
(Bolton, 1981). 

Ecological Information. Specimens have 
been collected by W. L. and D. E. Brown 
in South Africa on sand, in coast vine for- 
est; by J. C. Faure, in South Africa (Zu- 
luland, St Lucia Lake), “by sifting the de- 
tritus and damp decaying leaves fond un- 
der bushes (Arnold, 1948)” ; and the ho- 
lotype by G. Amold on a tree trunk 
(Arnold, 1926). 


Worker. Usually medium- to large-sized 
ants (ble OM/3=1-46. SEW. O16S8=I"623 Ee 
2.90-6.48) with the following combination 
of characters. 

(1) Masticatory margin of mandibles 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 6 

with three to five teeth, which have one of 
the following three arrangements: 

a. the strongest apical + the second 
strongest preapical + a long diaste- 
ma + two small teeth of similar size 
(or one basal tooth, which is some- 
times formed by the fusion of the 
two small teeth) or 

b. the strongest apical + the second 
strongest preapical + a diastema + 
three small teeth of similar size or 

c. the strongest apical + the second 
strongest preapical + an intercalary 
small tooth + a very short diastema 
(or this diastema indistinct) + two 
small teeth of similar size (i.e., as 
shown in P. trachylissus). 

(2) Anterior clypeal margin with five or 
more denticles in most species, but several 
species having only three teeth or promi- 

(3) Lateral portions of clypeus in front 
of antennal fossae reduced to a margin, 
and the antennal fossae reaching the an- 
terior clypeal margin. 

ae Palp formula 1 - a 11 species), o 

2 (three species), or 2,3 (four specail 

a Frontal carinae nonre extending to 
the level of the posterior margins of eyes, 
with the exception in P. ert ythropt ygus, P. 
longispinus, P. trogor, and P. wilsoni. | 

(6) Frontal lobes indistinct or very 
weak. | 

(7) Antennal scrobes shallow or absent. | 

(8) Lamella, encircling the base of an- — 
tennal scape, entire. | 

(9) Dorsum of alitrunk lacking pro-me-_ 
sonotal suture. | 

(10) Pronotum armed with small teeth 
to well-developed spines, except in P. ed- | 
uardi and P. orbiceps. 

(11) Petiole node in profile usually. 
high, with the anterodorsal angle elevated 
above the posterodorsal, but sometimes | 
showing other forms. ; 

(12) Dorsum of head without sculpture, | 
with scattered foveolate punctures, or with — 
foveolate-reticulate sculpture or rugoreti- | 

This group currently contains 25 spe-— 


cies, accounting for almost half the genus. 
Of them, three occur in Africa, six in Aus- 
tralia and 16 in the Oriental region. In 
fact, like many Pristomyrmex, many spe- 
cies in this group have a restricted geo- 
graphic range. 

The quadridens group species are close- 
ly related to the cribrarius and punctatus 
groups but differ from them, most impor- 
tantly by their reduced palp formulae: 1,3, 
or 2,2, or 2,3 (4,3 in the cribrarius group 
and 4,3 or 5,3 in the punctatus group). 

The quadridens group differs from the 
trispinosus group because in the workers 
of the quadridens group, a promesonotal 
suture (or impression) is absent, the dor- 
sum of the propodeum in profile is not 
deeply concave, the propodeal spines in 
dorsal view do not form a fork, and regular 
striation is absent from the dorsal surfaces 
of the head and the alitrunk. 

The quadridens group differs from the 
levigatus, profundus, and umbripennis 
groups by possessing a distinct diastema 
on the masticatory margin of mandible in 
the workers and queens, with the excep- 
tion of P. trachylissus; but in the workers 
of P. trachylissus, five teeth are present on 
the masticatory margin, and the pronotum 
is armed with a pair of well-developed, 
long spines, which are not seen in the 
levigatus, profundus, and umbripennis 

The evolution of mandibular dentition 
in the workers and queens is one of the 
reasons of the diversity of the quadridens 
group. The dental formula “apical tooth + 
a preapical + a long diastema + two small 
basal teeth of similar size”, possessed by 
many species of the group, is probably an 
“ancestral character”. It has given rise to 
three apomorphic dental formulae in the 
group: (1) an apical + a preapical + an 
intercalary small tooth + two small teeth 
of similar size, as in P. trachylissus; (2) an 
apical + a preapical + a diastema + three 
small teeth of similar size, as in P. eduardi, 
P. occultus, and P. quindentatus; and (3) an 
apical + a preapical + a long diastema + 
a basal tooth (which evolved through the 


fusion of the two small teeth), as in P. er- 
ythropygus, P. quadridentatus, and P. 

The pronotal armaments in the workers 
of this group seem to show an evolutionary 
tendency to increase in size. For example, 
in P. brevispinosus, the pronotum is armed 
with teeth shorter than or about as long as 
propodeal armaments. In P. costatus, the 
pronotum is armed with a pair of short 
spines longer than the propodeal arma- 
ments, but much shorter than the distance 
between the bases of two pronotal spines. 
In P. bicolor, the pronotal spines are very 
long, much longer than the propodeal ar- 
maments and usually much longer than 
the distance between the bases of two pro- 
notal spines. 

In the workers and queens of the quad- 
ridens group, foveolate punctures on the 
dorsal head between the frontal carinae 
show continuous variation, from a com- 
plete absence to several punctures present 
to foveolate-reticulate sculpture (or dense 
assemblages similar to alveolate sculpture) 
or rugoreticulum. For example, P. collinus 
and P. flatus workers almost completely 
lack foveolate punctures on the dorsum of 
head between the frontal carinae. Pristo- 
myrmex quadridens workers have scat- 
tered foveolate punctures on the dorsum 
of head between the frontal carinae, but 
the spaces between foveolae are smooth. 
Pristomyrmex brevispinosus workers have 
rugoreticulum or foveolate-reticulate 
sculpture. Some populations, only with fo- 
veolate-reticulate sculpture behind the 
eyes, are considered intermediate forms 
and are grouped into P. brevispinosus. 

The males of eight species of this group 
are known (Figs. 261-266, 270-276). 
These males are more similar to those of 
the both trispinosus and levigatus groups 
than to the male of P. punctatus (punctatus 
group) in palp formula, propodeal arma- 
ments, and the shape of petiole or to those 
of the wmbripennis group in the size, pro- 
podeal armaments, and the shape and 
sculpture of petiole. 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 6 


Pristomyrmex africanus Karavaiev 
Figures 102-108 

Pristomyrmex africanus Karavaiev, 1931: 47. Holo- 
type worker, Kenya: Mabira (Dogiel) (UENC) [ex- 

Hylidris myersi Weber, 1941: 190. Syntype workers, 
Sudan: Equatoria, Aloma Plateau, Khor Aba, 3,700 
ft, Lat. 3°47'N/Long. 30°37'E (N. A. Weber) [one 
syntype (MCZC) examined]. [Synonymy by Bolton, 

Pieris myersi subsp. mbomu Weber, 1952: 19. Ho- 
lotype worker, Central African Republic: Ubangi- 
shari, Bas Mbomu, 5 mi W of Bangassau (N. A. 
Weber) (AMNH). [Synonymy by Bolton, 1981]. 

Hylidris myersi subsp. primus Weber, 1952: 19. Ho- 
lotype worker, Zaire: Stanleyville (N. A. Weber) 
(AMNH). [Synonymy by Bolton, 1981]. 

Hylidris myersi subsp. beni Weber, 1952: 20. Syntype 
workers, Zaire: 15 mi N of Beni (N. A. Weber) [one 
syntype (MCZC) examined]. [Synonymy by Bolton, 

Diagnosis (Worker). Masticatory margin 
of Pemdible with a long diastema after the 
preapical tooth; ventral surface of clypeus 
with two toothlike prominences; eyes con- 
taining four to five ommatidia in the lon- 
gest row; dorsal surfaces of head between 
the frontal carinae and alitrunk with scat- 
tered foveolate punctures; petiole and 
postpetiole without hairs. 

Worker. TL 2.76—3.40, HL 0.74—0.90, 
HW 0.74—0.93, CI 98—104, SL 0.68—0.83, 
SI 86-95, EL 0.08—0.12, PW 0.48-0.58, 
AL 0.68—0.85, PPW 0.22-—0.27, PPL 0.18— 
Oe Rel BO=135) 7) = 27): 

Mandibles with a few longitudinal basal 
rugae. Masticatory margin of mandible 
with an apical tooth + a preapical tooth + 
a long diastema + a broad and truncated 
(or somewhat midconcave) basal tooth. 
Basal margin of mandible almost straight, 
lacking a foothlike prominence or curved 
lobe. Clypeus possessing or lacking a me- 
dian longitudinal carina. Anterior clypeal 
margin with a median denticle and two 
others on each side, but two lateral den- 



ticles are usually fused into one promi- 
nence. Ventral surface of clypeus with two 
toothlike prominences. Palp formula 1,3. 
Frontal carinae extending to the level of 
the posterior margins of eyes. Antennal 
scrobes indistinct or very weak. Frontal 
lobes absent; thus, the antennal articula- 
tions are entirely exposed. Antennal 
scapes, when lying on the dorsal head, 
close to, or slightly surpassing, the occipi- 
tal margin of head. Eyes containing four 
to five Gruman in the longest row. Pro- 
mesonotum, in dorsal view, sometimes 
slightly concave. Profile shape of alitrunk 
and pedicel segments as in Figures 103— 
104. Pronotum Fusually with a pair of teeth 
or short spines but rarely with a pair of 
tubercles. Propodeum with a pair of teeth 
or short spines. Metapleural lobes round- 
ed. Petiole node high in profile, higher 
than long, with a long anterior peduncle; 
its anterodorsal angle distinctly higher 
than the posterodorsal one that is usually 
rounded. Subpetiole with a narrow flange. 
Postpetiole in profile higher than long, 
rounded dorsally, in dorsal view broaden- 
ing from front to back and broader than 
long. Dorsum of head between the frontal 
carinae and the sides of head, with nu- 
merous scattered foveolate punctures; 
sometimes the punctures are shallow and 
sparse. Dorsum of alitrunk smooth, except 
for a few foveolate punctures shallow or 
conspicuous, present on each side of the 
mesonotum. Petiole, postpetiole, and gas- 
ter smooth and shining. Dorsum of ead 
between the frontal carinae, with some 
erect or suberect hairs. Promesonotum 
with a few pairs of hairs. Propodeum, dor- 
sal surfaces of petiole and postpetiole, and 
first gaster tergite lacking erect or suberect 
Thatins, A few pairs of forward. -projecting 
hairs present on the anterior clypeal mar- 

Figures 102-108. Pristomyrmex africanus Karavaiev. 102: Worker head, full-face view; 103: Worker, lateral view; 104: Showing 
that pronotal prominences are very weak in some specimens; 105A: Ergatoid queen, full-face view; 105B: Showing two small 
denticles on the ventral clypeus; 106: Ergatoid queen, lateral view; 107A: Queen head, full-face view; 107B: Showing two small 

denticles on the ventral clypeus; 108: Queen, lateral view. 


gin. Scapes and tibiae with decumbent 
hairs. Color reddish-brown, but gaster 

Ergatoid Queen. TL 3.70, HL 0.94, HW 
1.00, CI 106, SL 0.85, SI 85, EL 0.16, PW 
0.60, AL 0.92, PPW 0.30, PPL 0.20, PPI 
LEO Go = IL) 

General shape as in Figures 105—106. 
Similar to worker; color and pilosity as in 
worker. Sculpture, except for mesonotum 
where a few rugae present, as in worker. 
The head with three ocelli; eyes larger, 
with six to seven ommatidia in the longest 
row; pronotum armed with a pair of acute 
minute spines; propodeum with a pair of 
short spines; mesonotum more convex, 
and metanotal groove present. Flight 
sclerites and wings lacking, but a black 
speck is present on the each lateral margin 
of mesonotum. 

Queen. TL 3.40-3.82, HL 0.84—0.96, 
HW 0.86—1.02, CI 102—107, SL 0.74—0.88, 
SI (82-89) EL, 0202021, PW 07/0=0.74; 
AL 0.90—1.04, PPW 0.28-—0.30, PPL 0.20— 
O22 RPIMal3s2=14 35 — <>) 

General shape as in Figures 107—108, 
with normal caste differences from the 
conspecific worker. Eyes larger. Pronotum 
lacking teeth or spines but sometimes with 
a pair of blunt tubercles. Mesonotum with 
more hairs than in worker. Other charac- 
ters similar to worker. 

Male. Unknown. 

Comments. This African species is close- 
ly related to the Asian P. quadridens. Both 
worker and queen of P. africanus differ 
from those of P. quadridens in having two 
teeth on the ventral surface of clypeus and 
lacking erect or suberect hairs on both 
petiole and postpetiole. The separation of 
P. africanus, together with P. trogor, from 
the other two Oriental species, P. flatus 
and P. collinus, is provided under P. flatus. 
The workers of P. africanus and P. trogor 
differ from the workers of three Australian 
species, P. wheeleri, P. erythropygus, and 
P. quadridentatus as follows: 

P. africanus and P. trogor 
Dorsum and sides of both petiole and 
postpetiole lacking erect or suberect 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 6 

Metapleural lobes rounded 

Dorsal alitrunk lacking a transverse 
ridge at the position of metanotal 

P. wheeleri, P. erythropygus, and 
P. quadridentatus 
Dorsum and sides of both petiole and 
postpetiole with erect or suberect 
Metapleural lobes elongate-triangular, 
with an apex 
Dorsal alitrunk with a transverse ridge 
at the approximate position of matan- 
otal groove 

In addition, in P. africanus and P. trogor 
the denticles of the anterior clypeal margin 
are smaller but larger and stronger in P. 
wheeleri, P. erythropygus, and P. quadri- 
dentatus. Pristomyrmex africanus and P. 
trogor possess two toothlike prominences 
on the ventral clypeus that are not seen in 
P. wheeleri and P. erythropygus. Pristo- 
myrmex erythropygus has several short ru- 
gae on the juncture between the prono- 
tum and the mesonotum and has erect or 
suberect hairs on the first gastral tergite 
that are absent in P. africanus and P. tro- 
gor. Pristomyrmex trogor lacks a longitu- 
dinal median carina on the clypeus, pos- 
sessed by P. wheeleri, P. erythropy 
P. quadridentatus. 

The workers of P. africanus can be sep- 
arated from those of the other four African 
Pristomyrmex species as follows: (1) P. af- 
ricanus possesses numerous foveolate 


punctures on the dorsal head between the | 
frontal carinae that are not seen in P. tro- | 
gor and P. orbiceps; (2) P. africanus has | 
eyes containing four to five ommatidia in | 

the longest row, as compared with eight or 

more usually present in P. orbiceps, P. fos- 

sulatus, and P. cribrarius; (3) P. africanus 
has two teeth on the ventral clypeus that 

are absent in P. orbiceps and P. fossulatus; © 
(4) P. africanus lacks coarse longitudinal © 

rugae and erect or suberect hairs on the 

petiole and the postpetiole that are pres- 

ent in P. cribrarius. 

us, and — 


Distribution. Ghana, Cameroon, Gabon, 
Kenya, Zaire, and Angola (Bolton, 1981). 
Some more records, including some eco- 
logical information, added here (MCZC, 
ANIC): Zaire: Ituri F. Beni-Irumu (N. A. 
Weber). Sudan: Equatoria, Imatong Mts. 
(N. A. Weber). Angola: Falls R. Chicapa, 
Saurimo, 9.39°S, 20.24°E, gallery forest, 
berlesate (Luna de Carvalho); R. Kahingo, 
7.39°S, 20.51°E, gallery forest, berlesate 
(Mwaoka); Dundo, R. Mussungue, gallery 
for., berlesate (Luna de Carvalho); Dundo, 
dry forest (Luna de Carvalho); Dundo, 
Carrisso Park, R. Luachimo, 7.22°S, 
20.50°E, gallery forest, berlesate (Luna de 
Carvalho); R. Camudembele, gallery for- 
est, berlesate (Luna de Carvalho); Ghana: 
E.R., Mt. Atewa, rainforest, Berlesate (R. 
W. Taylor); E.R., Nkwanda For., near En- 
yiresi, rainforest, Berlesate (R. W. Taylor); 
Tafo, Eastern Reg., rainforest, Berlesate 
(R. W. Taylor). 

Ecological Information. Weber (1941: 
192; 1952: 18-20) noted that “workers 
were in rainforest of a luxuriant type re- 
ferred to as gallery forest”; they were 
among the leaf and humus cover on the 
forest floor and were slow moving in habit; 
“when disturbed they became motionless, 
‘feigning death’ momentarily”. 

Pristomyrmex bicolor Emery stat. n. 
Figures 109-112 

Pristomyrmex trachylissa var. bicolor Emery, 1900: 
678. Syntype workers, Sumatra: Si-Rambé, 
xii. 1890-iii. 1891 (E. Modigliani) (MCSN, NHMV, 
USNM) [examined]. 

Pristomyrmex taurus Stitz, 1925: 120. Holotype 
worker, Philippines: N. Palawan, Binaluan, xi.— 
xii.1913 (G. Boettcher) (MNHU) [examined]. 
Syn. n. 

Note: The unique holotype of P. taurus 
differs from the syntypes of P. bicolor. In 
the former, the pronotal spine length is 
0.58, and the anterior half of the dorsum 
of the alitrunk is smooth and shining. In 
the latter, the pronotal spine length is 0.36 
to 0.40, and sometimes only a rather nar- 
row smooth area is present between the 
bases of two pronotal spines. Pristomyr- 


mex taurus, however, is here regarded as 
a junior synonym of P. bicolor because, af- 
ter examining all the specimens available, 
I find that the pronotal spine length is con- 
tinuously variable in the range of 0.36 to 
0.66, and sculpture on the anterior half of 
the dorsal alitrunk also shows continuous 
variation. I cannot use any lines to separate 
this composite at the present. The size of 
the holotype of P. taurus is HL 1.10, HW 
OS. Cl 9S. SE 114) ST 06) E0220" PV. 
O74 AIS) PSE 02 4s Mihensizessor 
three syntype workers of P. bicolor are HL 
1 20=1228) IW 12421325 Cil03—lO7s sie 
1.38—1.46, SI 108-111, EL 0.24—0.26, PW 
0.84—0.90, AL 1.40—1.44, PSL2 0.10-0.12. 

Diagnosis (Worker). Masticatory margin 
of mandible with four teeth and a long di- 
astema after the preapical tooth; pronotal 
spines exceptionally long (usually 0.40— 
0.66), much longer than propodeal arma- 
ments (teeth or short spines); dorsum of 
head sculptured with coarse rugoreticu- 

Worker. TL 4.58-6.14, HL 1.04—1.42, 
HW 1.08-—1.46, CI 98—109, SL 1.14—1.58, 
SI 106-120, EL 0.20—0.26, PW 0.65—0.96, 
AL 1.18—1.64, PPW 0.33—0.40, PPL 0.38— 
0.48, PPI 77-93 (n = 83). 

Mandibles usually with several longitu- 
dinal rugae, varying from superficial to 
rather coarse. Masticatory margin of man- 
dible with four teeth arranged as: two ad- 
jacent strong apical teeth + a long diaste- 
ma + two small basal teeth that are rough- 
ly the same size. Basal margin of mandible 
lacking a distinctly curved lobe or tooth. 
Clypeus with a strong median longitudinal 
carina. Anterior clypeal margin sometimes 
with seven denticles: a median denticle 
and three others on each side, but some- 
times one or a few are weak or indistinct, 
or two to three of the lateral denticles are 
fused into a larger one. Ventral center of 
clypeus usually with a transverse ruga of 
varying length, sometimes with a very 
weak prominence at middle and some- 
times without either of these characters. 
Palp formula 1,3. Frontal carinae strong, 








Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 6 


Figures 109-112. Pristomyrmex bicolor Emery. 109A: Worker head, full-face view; 109B: Showing a weak transverse ruga on 
the ventral clypeus; 110: Worker, lateral view; 111A: Queen head, full-face view; 111B: Showing a transverse ruga on the ventral 

clypeus; 112: Queen, lateral view. 

extending to the level of the posterior mar- 
gins of eyes. Slightly concave scrobal areas 
present. Frontal lobes absent; thus, the an- 
tennal articulations are entirely exposed. 
Antennal scapes, when lying on the dorsal 
head, usually surpassing the occipital mar- 
gin by one-third to one-fourth of their 
length. Eyes usually containing 10 to 12 
ommatidia in the longest row. Profile 
shape of alitrunk and pedicel segments as 
in Figure 110. Pronotal spines well devel- 
oped and exceptionally long, varying in 
length, usually 0.40 to 0.66, but in a few 
specimens they are 0.37 to 0.39. Propo- 
deum usually with a pair of acute short 
spines, which are 0.12 to 0.20, much more 

slender and much shorter than the pro- 
notal ones. Propodeal armaments occa- 
sionally reduced to a pair of teeth. Both 

pronotal and propodeal spines upward — 

pointed. Metapleural lobes subtriangular. 

In profile, petiole node high, with a long | 
anterior peduncle; its anterodorsal angle | 
elevated above the posterodorsal. In dorsal | 
view, crest of petiole node rounded. Post- ! 
petiole in profile convex dorsally, in dorsal | 
view longer than broad and broadening | 
from front to back. Dorsum of head with | 
well-developed coarse rugoreticulum. | 
Dorsal surface of alitrunk variably sculp- — 
tured: At one extreme, in a series from | 
North Borneo (SE, Forest Camp, 9.8 km | 


SW of Tenom), the dorsum of alitrunk is 
entirely rugoreticulate. In a few other se- 
ries, the rugoreticulum is absent between 
the bases On two pronotal spines, and some 
weak rugae or a smooth (broad or narrow) 
area are present there. At the other ex- 
treme, the sculpture is completely absent, 
and the area is smooth and shining on the 
anterior half of the dorsum, but the rest of 
the dorsal alitrunk is coarsely rugulose. 
Sides of pronotum with a rugoreticulum or 
many large coarse foveolate punctures. 
Sides of the rest of alitrunk irregularly 
coarsely rugulose. Dorsal surfaces of peti- 
ole node Pal postpetiole smooth and shin- 
ing, but a longitudinal ruga present on 
Gack side of petiole. Gaster unsculptured, 
smooth, and shining. Dorsal surfaces of 
head and alitrunk Sei numerous erect or 
suberect hairs. Petiole node with a few 
(usually two to three) pairs of hairs dor- 
sally. Dorsum of postpetiole with at least a 
pair of hairs. First gastral tergite lacking 
erect or suberect Hears: A row ae forward: 
projecting hairs present near the anterior 
clypeal margin. Scapes and tibiae with 
some erect or suberect hairs. Color usually 
reddish-brown but sometimes black- 

Queen. TL 6.54, 6.56; HL 1.34, 1.44; 
HW 1.38, 1.50; CI 103, 104; SL 1.48, 1.51; 
SI 99, 109; EL 0.32, 0.34; PW 1.20, 1.24: 
MG ei 2S 2 RP (OrA1e 0:43. PEEO0:438) 
0.48; PPI 85, 90 (n = 2). 

General shape as in Figures 111-112, 
with normal caste differences from the 
conspecific worker; pronotum unarmed. 
Other characters similar to worker. 

Male. Unknown. 

Comments and Discussion. Pristomyr- 
mex bicolor occurs in the Oriental region. 
It possesses a pair of exceptionally long 
pronotal spines, which implies that this 
species may have evolved from the ances- 
tor of P. costatus. Only slight differences 
separate the workers of P. bicolor and of 
P. costatus, as follows: 

P. bicolor 
Pronotal spines well developed and ex- 
ceptionally long, usually 0.40 to 0.66 


(rarely 0.37—0.39), and usually longer 
than the distance between their bases 

Dorsal surfaces of petiole node and 
postpetiole usually with one to three 
pairs of hairs 

Area between the bases of the pronotal 
spines smooth or sculptured; if sculp- 
tured, pronotal spine length is over 

Larger species (HW usually 1.20—1.46, 
rarely 1.04—1.19; HL usually 1F20= 
EAA rarely 1.08—1.19) 

P. costatus 

Pronotal spines moderately long, usually 
0.18 to 0.27 (rarely 0.32), and shorter 
than the distance between their bases 

Dorsal surfaces of petiole node and 
postpetiole with five or more pairs of 

Entire dorsum of alitrunk with devel- 
oped rugoreticulum 

Smaller species (HW 0.90-1.16, HL 

Another alternative is that P. bicolor 
may be derived from a P. curvulus—like an- 
cestor. Characters separating P. bicolor 
from P. curvulus are provided under P. 

Pristomyrmex bicolor is also very similar 
in appearance to P. trachylissus. The two 
species are all from the Oriental region. 
The separation of the two species is sum- 
marized under P. trachylissus. 

It must be pointed out that P. bicolor is 
a highly variable species. I cannot separate 
any more sibling species from this mass at 
the present time. Further collecting and 
study will help clarify the situation. 

Material Examined (ANIC, BMHH, 
nesia: W. Java, 9 km W Djasinga, Dungus 
Iwul, lowland rainforest (W. L. Brown): 
Java, Bali I, Tjanoi Kuning (J. Winkler); 
Borneo: Kaknntan Timur, ITCI Timber 
Camp, via Balikpapan, on fallen trees (N. 
Johnson); SE Borneo, 17 to 46 km W Ba- 
tulitjin, rainforest (W. L. Brown). Malaysia: 
North Borneo (SE), Forest Camp, 9.8 km 
SW of Tenom (Y. Hirashima); Sabah, Batu 


Punggul Resort, primary forest, sifting (?); 
Sarawak, Genting Highlands (B. Bolton); 
Sarawak, 4th Div., G. Mulu Nat. Pk., RGS 
Expd., Long pala, lowland rainforest, on 
fallen tree and on rotten log (B. Bolton; P. 
M. Hammond and J. E. Marshall); Sara- 
wak, Mt. Penrissen, 4,500 ft (E. Mjdberg); 
Sarawak, Mt. Poi (E. Mjéberg); Malaya, 
Sq. Patani (G. H. Lowe); Selangor, Ulu 
Gombak For. Reserve, hill forest, Tree 
lookout area, ca. 450 m (R. Crozier); Se- 
langor, Genting Highlands, below Sri Lay- 
an, 900 m, hill forest (W. L. Brown); Neg. 
Sembilan, Pasoh For. Res. (M. Brendell, 
K. Jackson, and S. Lewis). Philippines: Lu- 
zon, Lagunas, Mt. Banahaw above Kina- 
buhayan, 600 to 700 m (J. Kodada and B. 
Rigova).? : Tjibodas, 1,500 m (?). 

Ecological Information. This species oc- 
curs in rainforest and has been collected 
on fallen trees and rotten logs. 

Pristomyrmex brevispinosus Emery 
Figures 113-118, 261, 270 

Pristomyrmex brevispinosus Emery, 1887: 451. Syn- 
type workers and male, Sumatra: Mt. Singalang, 
Luglio, 1878 (O. Beccari) [syntype workers 
(MCSN, NMMV, USNM) examined]. 

*Pristomyrmex yaeyamensis Yamane and Terayama, 
1999: 17. Holotype worker, Japan: Okinawa Pref., 
Yaeyama Is., Iriomote-jima, 7.viii.1985 (K. Kino- 
mura) (MNHA). Syn. n. 

Diagnosis (Worker). Masticatory margin 
of mandible with at most four teeth; pro- 
notal armaments toothlike, about long as 
propodeal armaments that are a pair of tri- 

* Note: I have seen photographs of Pristomyrmex 
yaeyamensis from Japanese Ants Image Database 
(which were placed under the name Pristomyrmex 
brevispinosus sulcatus). | propose Prystomyrmex yae- 
yamensis as a junior synonym of P. brevispinosus for 
the following reason: Although P yaeyamensis pos- 
sesses an ergatoid queen caste (Yamane and Teraya- 
ma, 1999), this condition, at this moment, is not 
enough to separate P. yaeyamensis from P. brevispi- 
nosus because the type specimens of P. brevispinosus 
contain only workers and male. In other words, it is 
not known, at the present, whether P. brevispinosus 
possesses a normal queen caste, an ergatoid queen 
caste, or both. (In Pristomyrmex, some species, e.g., 
P. wheeleri and P. africanus, contain both castes.) 
Thus, further ecological investigation is needed. 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 6 

angular teeth or short spines; dorsum of 
head, at least behind the level of eyes, with 
foveolate-reticulate sculpture or rugoreti- 

Workers DIE 3100-426 5s Hn On 3— 18045 
HW 0.68—1.04, CI 93-102, SL 0.64—1.06, 
SI 94-108, EL 0.14—0.19, PW 0.48-0.68, 
AL 0.76—1.10, PPW 0.21—0.27, PPL 0.18— 
0.30, PPI 86-113 (n = 100). 

Mandibles generally rather smooth but 
sometimes with a few longitudinal rugae. 
Dentition of the masticatory margin of 
mandible arranged as: the strongest apical 
+ the second strongest preapical + a long 
diastema + two small teeth of similar size 
(or a broad tooth with two points). Basal 
margin of mandible almost straight, lack- 
ing a distinctly curved lobe or tooth. Clyp- 
eus with a median longitudinal carina that 
is sometimes interrupted. Anterior clypeal 
margin with a median denticle and two to 
three others on each side. Ventral center 
of clypeus usually with an acute tooth, but 
sometimes this tooth somewhat low and 
broad. Palp formula 1,3. Frontal carinae 
strong, extending to the level of the pos- 
terior margins of eyes. Antennal scrobes 
indistinct, but in some specimens shallow 
scrobal areas present lateral to the frontal 
carinae. Frontal lobes very weak; thus, the 
antennal articulations are almost entirely 
exposed. Antennal scapes, when lying on 
the dorsal head, slightly surpassing the oc- 
cipital margin of head. Eye usually con- 
taining seven to eight ommatidia in the 
longest row. Profile of alitrunk and pedicel 
segments as in Figures 114 and 116. Pron- 
otum armed with a pair of toothlike ar- 
maments that vary in length, approximate- 
ly from 0.06 to 0.10. Propodeum with a 
pair of triangular teeth or short spines 
varying from 0.04 to 0.12. Metapleural 
lobe subtriangular or with a somewhat 
rounded apex. Shape of petiole varying: In 
some populations, the anterior face of the 
petiole node in profile is almost insepara- 
ble from the upper surface of the pedun- 
cle (Fig. 114), but in other populations, 
the anterior face of the petiole node is dis- 
tinct from the upper surface of the pedun- 



Figures 113-118. Pristomyrmex brevispinosus Emery. 113A: Syntype worker head, full-face view; 114: Syntype worker, lateral 
view; 115A: Non-type worker head, full-face view; 116: Non-type worker, lateral view, showing some variation in the shape of 
petiole node and in the length of pronotal armaments; 117A: Queen head, full-face view; 118: Queen, lateral view; 113B, 115B 
and 117B: A tooth present on the ventral center of clypeus of syntype worker, non-type worker, and queen, respectively. 


cle, as shown in Figure 116. Anterodorsal 
angle of petiole node higher than the pos- 
terodorsal. Postpetiole in profile convex 
dorsally, in dorsal view broadening from 
front to back. Density and intensity of ce- 
phalic sculpture variable: The dorsum of 
head is covered fully with coarse forveo- 
late-reticulate sculpture in type series, but 
with rugoreticulum in the some other se- 
ries and sometimes with foveolate-reticu- 
late sculpture only behind the eyes. Dor- 
sum of the alitrunk showing similar sculp- 
tural variation but usually possessing a few 
longitudinal coarse carinae. Petiole, post- 
petiole, and gaster smooth and shining. 
Dorsal surfaces of head and alitrunk with 
numerous erect or suberect hairs. Two 
pairs of hairs usually present bilaterally on 
the dorsum of petiole node. Usually, a pair, 
but sometimes two to three pairs, of hairs 
on the dorsum of postpetiole. First gastral 
tergite lacking erect or suberect hairs. A 
few pairs of forward-projecting hairs pre- 
sent near the anterior clypeal margin. 
Scapes and tibiae with some erect to sub- 
erect short hairs. Color reddish-brown to 

Queen. TL 3.42-4.81, HL 0.82-1.09, 
HW 0.79-1.10, CI 93-106, SL 0.76—1.06, 
S93 S018 02020272 PWs0:66—0:39! 
AL 0.94—1.30, PPW 0.24—0.32, PPL 0.24— 
OBS), IPP GOI (py, = IS). 

General shape as in Figures 117-118, 
with normal caste differences from the 
conspecific worker, pronotum unarmed; 
other characters similar to worker. 

Ergatoid queen. This caste was reported 
(Onoyama, 1976; see also Yamane and Ter- 
ayama, 1999). 

Male (Figs. 261, 270). Two male speci- 
mens, together ath 31 workers and six 
queens, Sonnet. a series, collected in In- 
donesia (SE Celebes, 1-2 km E of Wolasi, 
42 km S. Kendari, ca. 350 m), by W. L. 
Brown, and each of the two males was 
originally mounted, respectively, with a 
worker on the same pin: TL 3.10, 3.36; HL 
0.60, 0.62; HW 0.61, 0.62; CI 102, 105; SL 
0.21, 0.22; SI 35, 39; HWE 0.77, 0.80; EL 
OFS 1 OL32- RW OMS OFS 4 AE ae O Ge alaiG: 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 6 

IRIE Ope, OpAalle IRL, O22), Owe IP }l Gls) 
95 (n = 2). 

Head, including the eyes, distinctly 
broader than long. Clypeus convex, with- 
out a median longitudinal carina. Palp for- 
mula 1,3. Frontal carinae weak and short, 
just reaching the level of the posterior 
margins of antennal insertions. Maximum 
diameter of the median ocellus 0.10 to 
0.11. On the mesonotum, notauli pro- 
nounced, forming a Y shape; parapsidal 
furrows indistinct. Scuto-scutellar sulcus 
with 12 to 13 narrow longitudinal ridges. 
Middle and hind tibiae without any spurs. 
Propodeum slightly tuberculate, lacking 
teeth or spines. Metapleural lobe with a 
somewhat rounded apex. Petiole node in 
profile low and rounded dorsally, with a 
fairly long anterior peduncle. Postpetiole 
in pr ofile slow and rounded dorsally and in 
dorsal view slightly longer than broad. 
Dorsum of head smooth and shining. Ali- 
trunk smooth and shining, except for those 
marked sutures. Petiole, postpetiole, and 
gaster smooth and shining. All dorsal sur- 
faces with abundant cieet or suberect 
hairs. Scapes and tibiae with numerous 
erect or suberect hairs. Body reddish- 
brown; funicular segments of antennae 
light-yellow and wings slightly infuscated. 
In general, the male of P. brevispinosus is 
extremely similar to the males of both P. 
quadridens and P. sulcatus. 

Comments and Discussion. Pristomyr- 
mex brevispinosus is the most widely dis- 
tributed species in the quadridens group. 
So far, it has been found in Sumatra, Cel- 
ebes, Malaya, Sarawak, Sabah, Thailand, 
the Philippines, Taiwan, and Japan. 

It is obvious that P. brevispinosus has 
evolved from a P. quadridens—like ances- 
tor. Pristomyrmex brevispinosus possesses 
densely assembled forveolate punctures 
(i.e., foveolate-reticulate sculpture) or ru- 
goreticulum on the cephalic dorsum in the 
workers and queens, on the dorsal alitrunk 
in the workers, and on the sides of the 
pronotum in the workers and queens. But 
P. quadridens has only scattered foveolate 
punctures in these areas. 


Some intermediate forms are present 
between P. brevispinosus and P. quadri- 
dens, but they may be easily assigned to 
either of the two species as follow Those 
populations possessing a few coarse lon- 
gitudinal carinae or some coarse rugae on 
the dorsum of the alitrunk or possessing 
foveolate-reticulate sculpture only behind 
the eyes should be assigned to P. brevispi- 
nosus, but those possessing only foveolate 
punctures and lacking coarse longitudinal 
carinae or rugae on the dorsal Falitrenk 
should be assigned to P. quadridens. 

The male of P. brevispinosus is indistin- 
guishable at present from that of P. quad- 
ridens; this strengthens the conclusion that 
these two species are closely related. An- 
other close relative of P. brevispinosus is 
P. sulcatus; their differentiation is dis- 
cussed under P. sulcatus. Characters sep- 
arating P. brevispinosus from the two Aus- 
tralian species, P. foveolatus and P. thora- 
cicus, are provided under P. foveolatus. 

Pristomyrmex brevispinosus may be 
split into two species in the future. One 
species would show that the anterior face 
of the petiole node, in profile, is insepa- 
rable from the upper surface of its anterior 
peduncle, and the other species would 
show that the anterior face of the petiole 
node, in profile, is distinct from the upper 
surface of the peduncle and that a concave 
shape is present between the two faces. 
However, at this moment, I cannot use this 
single line to separate the composite. 

Note: Lin and Wu (1998) elevated P. 
brevispinosus sulcatus var. formosae Forel 
to species rank. As an infrasubspecific tax- 
on, “formosae” is not an available name in 
the genus, according to the International 
Code of Zoological Nomenclature (also 
see Bolton, 1995: 365). If the specimens 
assigned to “formosae” represent a good 
species differing from P. brevispinosus, the 
correct pr ocean would be to describe it 
as new to science. I have, however, ex- 
amined three syntypes of “formosae”, and 
they fit comfortably with P. brevispinosus 
as defined in this revision. 

Material Examined (ANIC, BMHH, 


USNM). Indonesia: Sumatra, Pematang, 
Siantar (Mann); Si-Rambé (E. Modigliani); 
Sulawesi Tengah, near Morowali, Ranu 
River Area (M. J. D. Brendell); Sulawesi 
Utara, Dumoga-Bone N.P., lowland forest, 
200 to 400 m, litter (?); Sulawesi, Dumo- 
ga-Bone N.P. (D. F. and A. K. Roche); S 

Celebes, Balampesoang Forest, 5 to 8 km 
NE Tanete, 400 m, degraded rainforest 
(W. L. Brown); SE @llebes. tor 2k 
of Wolasi, 42 km S Kendari, ca. 350 m, 
rainforest, rotten wood (W. L. Brown); N. 
Celebes, Mt. Tangkoko-Batuangus Res. 10 
to 200 m, tropical evergreen forest, under 
bark log (W. L. Brown); N. Celebes, SW 
slope Mt. Klabat, 400 to 600 m, rainforest, 
rotten wood (W. L. Brown). Malaysia: Ma- 
laya, Genting, Highlands (B. Bolton): Se- 
langor, Ulu leona For. Reserve, Univ. 
Malaya Field Studies Center, ca. 260 m, 
rainforest (R. Crozier); Negri Sembilan, 
Sungei Menyala For. Res., near Port Dick- 
son, lowland rainforest (W. L. Brown and 
Tho Yow Pong); Perak, Sungei, Simei 
Falls, Cameron Hlds (T. Jaccoud and P. 
Marcuard); Trengganu, Kuala Buka near 
Trengganu, berlesate (T. Jaccoud and P. 
Marcuard); Sarawak, Semengoh For. Re- 
serve, 11 mi SW Kuching, rainforest, nest 
ex rotten log (R. W. Taylor); Sarawak, Gn 
Matang, 20 km E Kuching, 850 m, sub- 
montane forest (L6bl and Burckhardt); N 
Borneo (E. Mjoberg); N. Borneo, W. coast 
Residency, Ranau, 500 m (T. C. Maa); Sa- 
bah, Poring Hot Springs, 500 m (Burck- 
har dt and Lobl): Sabah, 7 km N Tambun- 
an, 700 m (L6bl and Burckhardt); Sabah, 
Batu Punggul Resort, Be forest, itt 
ing (?); S Sabah Crocker Range NP., Gg. 
eins Highland Res., 1,500 to "1.700 m (>): 
Neg. Sembilan Pasoh For. Res. (M. Bren- 
dell K. Jackson, and S. Levvis); Pahang, 
Genting, Highlands Awana, 1,150 m (Lobl 
and Calame); Pahang, Ringlet, ravine, 
1,250 m (L6bl and Gulamey Pahang, Batu 
Gacs N Kuala, Lumpur (L6bl anid Cala- 
me). Philippines: P.R. Mindanao, 2 km N 
Malaybalay, 670 m, 8.09°N/125.05°E, re- 
forestation area (B. B. Lowery). Thailand: 


Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 6 

Figures 119-122. Pristomyrmex collinus sp. n. 119: Worker head, full-face view; 120: Worker, lateral view; 121A: Queen head, 
full-face view; 121B: Showing a tooth on the ventral clypeus; 122: Queen, lateral view. 

Trang Prov.: Khao Chong Nature Educa- 
tion Center, lowland tropical rainforest, 
(07.35°N/99.46°E, misc stray foragers, sift- 
ed leaf in mixed forest; 07.55°N/99.58°E, 
misc stray foragers) (R. R. Snelling and 
Saowapa Sonthichari). Taiwan: Pilam (H. 

Ecological Information. This species oc- 
curs in rainforest and has been collected 
on rotten logs. 

Pristomyrmex collinus sp. n. 
Figures 119-122 

Diagnosis (Worker). Pronotum and pro- 
podeum each with a pair of short spines; 
dorsal surfaces of head and alitrunk un- 
sculptured, smooth, and highly polished; 
petiole node with one to two pairs of hairs, 

and with the anterior face of the node dis- 
tinct from the upper surface of peduncle; 
HW 0.77-0.94 and HL 0.82-0.94. 

Holotype Worker (MCZC). TL. 3.51, HL 
0.88, HW 0.84, CI 95, SL 0.86, SI 102, 
PW 0.59, AL 0.91. Paratypes, 40 workers 
and nine queens (MCZC, BMNH, 

Worker. TL 3.36—3.84, HL 0.82—0.94, 
HW 0.77-0.94, CI 93-103, SL 0.80—0.94, 
SI 98-110, EL 0.14—0.18, PW 0.54—0.62, 
AL 0.86-—1.00, PPW 0.25-0.26, PPL 0.25-— 
0.28, PPI 89=100 (m= 40). 

Mandibles usually smooth and shining 
but sometimes with a few longitudinal ru- 
gae. Dentition of the masticatory margin 
of mandible: the strongest apical + the 
second strongest preapical + a long dia- 


stema + two small teeth that are subequal 
in size. Basal margin of mandible some- 
what straight, lacking a distinct tooth. 
Clypeus depressed and smooth, usually 
unsculptured but very rarely with a longi- 
tudinal median carina. Anterior clypeal 
margin usually with a median denticle and 
two others on each side but sometimes 
with a lateral denticle indistinct or two lat- 
eral denticles fused into a larger one. Ven- 
tral surface of clypeus with a low, broad- 
based, central tooth. Palp formula 1,3. 
Frontal carinae extending to the level of 
the posterior margins of eyes. Antennal 
scrobes absent. Frontal lobes weak; thus, 
the antennal articulations are almost en- 
tirely exposed. Antennal scapes, when ly- 
ing on the dorsal head, slightly surpassing 
the occipital margin of head. Eyes mod- 
erate, usually containing six to seven om- 
matidia in the longest row. Pronotum with 
a pair of short but acute spines that are 
slightly variable in length. Propodeum 
armed with a pair of short spines that are 
about equal to or slightly longer than the 
pronotal ones. Metapleural lobes subtrian- 
gular. In both profile and dorsal view, the 
dorsum of alitrunk convex, that is, prono- 
tum plus mesonotum forming a convex 
dorsum. Petiole node in profile with a fair- 
ly long anterior peduncle, its anterodorsal 
angle higher than the posterodorsal. Post- 
petiole in profile rounded dorsally, in dor- 
sal view slightly longer than broad, or 
about as long as broad, but always slightly 
broadening from front to back. Dorsum of 
head, except for a few punctures border- 
ing the frontal carinae, smooth and highly 
polished. Dorsum of alitrunk unsculptured 
and highly polished. Very rarely, the dorsal 
surfaces of head and alitrunk with a few 
feeble punctures. Petiole, postpetiole, and 
gaster smooth and shining. A weak longi- 
tudinal ruga usually present on each side 
of the petiole but absent in few specimens. 
Dorsal surfaces of head and alitrunk with 
some sparse erect or suberect hairs. One 
or two pairs of hairs present on the dorsal 
surfaces of petiole node and postpetiole, 
respectively. First gastral tergite lacking 


hairs. Three pairs of forward-projecting 
hairs present near the anterior clypeal 
margin. Scapes and tibiae with erect to 
suberect short hairs. Color uniformly red- 

Queen. TL 4.04-4.38, HL 0.87-0.94, 
HW 0.85-0.96, CI 94—105, SL 0.84—0.94, 
SI 98-102, EL 0.22—0.26, PW 0.76-0.84, 
Ale, 0:92=1-268P PW. 0.270 S05 BEE O26= 
0.29; PPI 100=111 (m = 8). 

Generally similar to worker, except for 
normal caste differences. In addition, 
pronotum unarmed; propodeal armaments 
toothlike, shorter than those of the con- 
specific worker. 

Male. Unknown. 

Comments. This species is known only 
from the Philippines so far. It has a num- 
ber of relatives. Two of them occur in 
Southeast Asia: P. flatus, also from the 
Philippines, and P. quadridens, from New 
Guinea, Indonesia, and Pohnpei. Of its 
more distant five relatives, two, P. african- 
us and P. trogor, occur in Africa; and the 
other three, P. quadridentatus, P. wheeleri, 
and P. erythropygus, are endemic to Aus- 

The following characters can be used to 
separate the workers of P. collinus from 
those of P. flatus: 

P. collinus 

Promesonotum in dorsal view showing a 
convex dorsum 

Anterior face of petiole node, in profile, 
distinct from the upper surface of its 
anterior peduncle 

Smaller species, with HW 0.77—0.94, 
HL 0.82-0.94, EL 0.14—0.18 

P. flatus 

Promesonotum in dorsal view depressed 
or shallow-concave 

Anterior face of petiole node not dis- 
tinct from the upper surface of the 

Larger species, with HW 0.98—1.04, HL 
0.94—-1.02, EL 0.22-0.24 

A list of characters separating P. collinus 
and P. flatus from P. quadridens and from 



fis 125 
ai B 

Figures 123-126. Pristomyrmex costatus sp. n. 123A: Worker head, full-face view; 123B: Showing a transverse ruga on the | 
ventral clypeus; 124: Worker, lateral view; 125A: Queen head, full-face view; 125B: Ventral clypeus without a toothlike promi- | 
nence; 126: Queen, lateral view. 

two African and from three Australian spe- 
cies is provided under P. flatus. 

Holotype Worker. Philippines: Duma- 
guete (J. W. Chapman). 

Paratypes. 40 workers and nine queens 
with same data as holotype. 

Additional Material Examined (BMHH, 
USNM, NHMV, MCZC). Philippines: Du- 
maguete, Horns of Negros, 3,600 ft (J. W. 
Chapman); Dumaguete, Camp (J. W. 
Chapman); Los Banos (F. X. Williams): 
Luzon, Mt. Makiling (F. X. Williams; L. 
Quate and C. Yoshimoto); Luzon, Laguna, 
Mt. Makiling, 500 to 1,144 m (H. Zettel); 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 6 

Luzon, Laguna, Mt. Banahaw above Kina- | 
buhayan, 600 to 700 m (J. Kodada and B. | 
Rigova); Romblon Prov., Tablas, S. Agus- | 
tin, Dubduban, Busai Falls (H. Zettel); Pa- | 
nay Is., forest, 300 m (R. C. Mcqregor). | 

Ecological Information. This species oc- | 
cur in forest, according to the present re- — 

Pristomyrmex costatus sp. n. 
Figures 123-126 
Diagnosis (Worker). Ventral surface of — 
clypeus lacking a developed tooth, but | 
usually with a transverse ruga; pronotal 


spines fairly long, ca. 1.5 to 2 times the 
length of propodeal armaments, but dis- 
tinctly shorter than the distance between 
the bases of two pronotal spines; dorsal 
surfaces of head and alitrunk sculptured 
with coarse rugoreticulum; petiole node 
lacking foveolate punctures; first gastral 
tergite lacking erect or suberect hairs. 

Holotype Worker (BMNH). TL 4.14, 
HL 0.99, HW 0.96, CI 97, SL 0.96, SI 100, 
BE O21 PW. O.6S:7 Al Tl2)) PPW-0:30: 
REM Os0O, Per 100: Paratypes, 3 workers 
(MCZC): TL 4.48-4.54, HL 1.04—1.08, 
ED O:98=1-02) (El 94-945 SI lOve. 
SI 108-110, EL 0.20—0.20, PW 0.68-0.72, 
Niels Awe ENO S0=Orsle ee EO 33— 
0.34, PPI 91-94. 

Mandibles usually with several longitu- 
dinal rugae. Masticatory margin of man- 
dible een four teeth arranged as two ad- 
jacent strong apical teeth ie a long diaste- 
ma + two emia basal teeth of ernie size. 
Basal margin of mandible lacking a dis- 
tinctly caved lobe or tooth. Clypeus with 
a strong median longitudinal carina. An- 
terior clypeal margin ath a median den- 
ticle and two to three others on each side. 
Ventral surface of clypeus possessing or 
lacking a transverse ruga, never armed 
with a developed, acute tooth. Palp for- 
mula 1,3. Frontal carinae strong, extend- 
ing to the level of the posterior margins of 
eyes. Slightly concave scrobal areas pres- 
ent lateral to the frontal carinae. Frontal 
lobes weak so that the antennal articula- 
tions are almost entirely exposed. Antennal 
scapes, when lying on the dorsal head, 
slightly surpassing the occipital margin of 
head. Eyes containing 9 to 10 ommatidia 
in the longest row. Profile shape of alitrunk 
and pedicel segments as in Figure 124. 
Pronotum ar med with a pair of str ong and 
fairly long spines that are ca. 0.19 to 0. Die 
1.5 to 2 enee the length of propodeal ar- 
maments, but distinctly shorter than the 
distance between the bases of two prono- 
tal spines. Propodeum with a pair of acute 
short spines that are ca. 0.10 to 0.16 and 
more slender than the pronotal ones. Me- 
tapleural lobes subtriangular. Petiole node 


in profile, slightly higher than long, with a 
fairly long anterior ‘peduncle: is. antero- 
dorsal angle is on a higher level than the 
posterdorsal. Postpetiole in profile round- 
ed dorsally, in dorsal view broadening from 
front to back. Dorsum of head, except for 
the scrobal areas where there are only 
some transverse rugae, with well-devel- 
oped coarse rugoreticulum. Similar sculp- 
ture present on the sides of pronotum and 
the dorsum of alitrunk. Petiole with a 
coarse longitudinal ruga on each side, but 
dorsum es petiole mode unsculptured and 
smooth. Dorsum of postpetiole unsculp- 
tured and smooth. Gaster smooth and 
shining. Dorsal surfaces of head and ali- 
trunk with numerous erect or suberect 
long hairs. Sides and dorsum of petiole 
node and postpetiole with five or more 
pairs of hairs in the type specimens. First 
gastral tergite lacking erect or suberect 
hairs. Several pairs of forward-projecting 
hairs present near the anterior clypeal 
margin. Scapes and tibiae with some erect 
to suberect hairs. Color reddish-brown. 

Queen. Two queens, respectively, from 
N. Borneo and Sarawak, with the following 
measurements: TL 5.24, 5.26: HL 1. 12, 
202 FW, Wil6: 122 Cl l02) L042 SIE es: 
1.20: SI 98, 102: EL 0.28, 0.31: PW 1.00; 
NO AeA O2 SP PNWViOrsS 30:44 s Pils 
0.40, 0.44, PPI 95, 100. 

General shape as in Figures 125-126, 
with normal caste differences from the 
worker, pronotum unarmed; other char- 
acters similar to worker. 

Male. Unknown. 

Comments and Discussion. Pristomyr- 
mex costatus is extremely similar in ap- 
pearance to the another Oriental species, 
P. sulcatus. The workers and queens of the 
two species can be separated as follows: In 
P. costatus, the ventral surface of the clyp- 
eus lacks a toothlike prominence, usually 
with a transverse ruga; in P. sulcatus, the 
ventral center of the clypeus has an acutely 
prominent tooth and no transverse ruga. 

The separation of P. costatus from P. 
modestus and from P. bicolor is summa- 
rized under the latter names. 

436 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 6 

@ oP. costatus 
* Ps SulleeEeus 

Figure 127. Distributions of Pristomyrmex costatus and Pristomyrmex sulcatus. 

Whether or not P. costatus and P. sul- Borneo, and the Philippines but P. sulcatus 
catus have a relationship of allopatric dis- in Pahang of Malaya, Thailand, Nepal, 
tribution needs further studies. According Burma, and China. Further, whether P. 
to the present records, as shown in Figure sulcatus, P. costatus, and P. brevispinosus 
127, P. costatus occurs in Negri Sembilan evolved from the results of character dis- 
of Malaya, Singapore, Sabah, Sarawak, placement also needs further studies (P. 


costatus is more distant to sympatric IP, 
brevispinosus than to P. sulcatus). 

The following additional material shows 
some interesting variation: In nine work- 
ers, the dorsums of petiole node and post- 
petiole have five or more pairs of hairs, but 
the ventral surface of clypeus has only a 
short ruga. Four workers from Singapore 
have two pairs of hairs on the dorsum of 
petiole node and a pair on the dorsum of 
postpetiole. In a worker from Sabah, the 
anterodorsal angle of the petiole node in 
profile is not distinctly higher than the 
posterodorsal. In three workers, one from 
Sarawak and the other two from Sabah, 
the ventral center of clypeus lacks any 
transverse ruga but possesses a minute 
prominence instead of an acute tooth, and 
the dorsal surfaces of petiole and postpe- 
tiole have more than seven pairs of hairs. 
A single specimen, from the Philippines, 
shows reduced sculpture of the dorsal sur- 
faces of head and alitrunk. The measure- 
ments of the previously described speci- 
mens are TL 3.94-4.54, HL 0.91-1.18, 
HW 0.90-1.13, CI S9—103, SL 0.96—1.21, 
SI 100-112, EL 0.18—0.24, PW 0.60-0.76, 
AL 0.98—1.30 (n = 18). 

In addition, a series from Borneo ap- 
pears to be intermediate in size between 
P. costatus and P. bicolor by possessing the 
following worker measurements: TL 4.64— 
931045 7S a4 22 SI 1038=113. EE 
0:20-0:22, PW 0.70=0.78, AL 1.16—1.37, 
PSbLil 0:28-0:32, PSL2 0.10=0.116 (7 = 25). 

It is possible that the previously de- 
scribed material may comprise one or 
more sibling species. Further collecting 
and biological investigation are needed to 
resolve this possibility. 

Holotype Worker. Malaysia: Neg. Sem- 
bilan, Pasoh For. Res., xi.1994, (M. Bren- 
dell, K. Jackson, and S. Lewis). 

Paratypes. Three workers, N. Borneo 
(E. Mjéberg). 

Records of the Previously Examined 
Non-Type Material (ANIC, BMHH, 
pore: Nee Soon, Swamp forest, rainforest, 


nest ex rotten log (R. W. Taylor); Bukit Ti- 
mah Nat. Res., degraded coastal hill forest, 
on granite (D. H. Murphy). SE Borneo: 
17 to 46 km W Batulitjin, lowland rainfo- 
rest (W. L. Brown); Borneo: Pajan (E. 
Mjéberg). Sarawak: Gunong Matang 120 
m (T. C. Maa); 4th Div., G. Mulu Nat. Pk., 
RGS Expd., Long pala, lowland rainforest, 
on rotten log and in leaf litter (B. Bolton); 
Semengoh NSG, 30 km S Kuching (H. 
Zettel). Sabah: Batu Punggul Resort pri- 
mary forest, sifting (P); 43 mi, labuk Rd. 
ex Sandakan (Lungmanis) (R. W. Taylor); 
7 km N Tambunan, 700 m (L6bl and 
Burchhardt); N. Borneo, Tutu River (E. 
Mjéberg); N. Borneo, (SE) Forest Camp, 
9.8 km SW of Tenom (K. J. Kuncheria). 
Philippines: Mindanao, Davao Province, 
Mt. McKinley, E. slope, 3,300 ft, under 
bark (F. G. Werner). 

Note: An unusual worker (BMNH), col- 
lected from Sabah (K. K.-Tambunan, 
Crocker Range, 1,600 m), having a smooth 
patch present between the bases of two 
shorter pronotal spines, is tentatively 
placed under P. costatus; the size of the 
specimen is TL 3.84, HL 0.96, HW 0.92, 
CI 96, SL 0.96, SI 104, EL 0.18, PW 0.64, 
AL 0.96, PSLI1 ca. 0.16, PSL2 ca. 0.08. 

Ecological Information. See the section 
“Records of the Previously Examined 
Non-Type Material”. 

Pristomyrmex curvulus sp. n. 

Figures 128-131 

Diagnosis (Worker). Pronotal spines ex- 
ceptionally long, about 0.38 to 0.44; pro- 
podeal spine length ca. 0.12 to 0.16; an- 
terior face of petiole node distinctly sepa- 
rable from the upper surface of peduncle; 
dorsal surfaces of head and _ alitrunk 
smooth and shining. 

Holotype Worker (MCZC). TL5.24, HL 
eis; AW 1.20; Cl 102, Sk. 1.36, SP Hs: 
EL 0.22, PW 0.79, AL 1.26. Paratypes, 34 
workers and one queen (MCZC, BMNH, 

Worker. TL 4.62-5.30, HL 1.08—1.26, 
HW, 1_08=1-25,, Cl 97-105; SL, 122-4 
SI 106-117, EL 0.20—0.26, PW 0.74—0.82, 


Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 6 

Figures 128-131. 

Pristomyrmex curvulus sp. n. 128A: Worker head, full-face view; 128B: Showing a transverse ruga on the 

ventral clypeus; 129: Worker, lateral view; 130A: Queen head, full-face view; 130B: Showing a transverse ruga on the ventral 

clypeus; 131: Queen, lateral view. 

Mlle tO Me PNVOS0=0.34 Pel, Oloa— 
0.40, PPI 78-94 (n = 20). 

Mandibles generally smooth and _ shin- 
ing, with a few basal longitudinal rugae. 
Masticatory margin of mandible with four 
teeth: an apical + a preapical + a long 
diastema + two small denticles that are 
roughly the same size. Basal margin of 
mandible lacking a toothlike prominence. 
Clypeus shining, with a median longitudi- 
nal carina; sometimes a few additional su- 
perficial rugae present. Ventral surface of 
clypeus usually with a long transverse ruga. 
Anterior clypeal margin usually with seven 
denticles (a median one and three others 
on each side), but in some specimens, one 

to two denticles weak or rudimentary. Palp 
formula 1,3. Frontal carinae just extending 
to the level of the posterior margins of 
eyes. Slightly concave scrobal areas pres- 
ent lateral to the frontal carinae. Frontal 
lobes weak so that the antennal articula- 
tions are almost entirely exposed. Antennal 
scapes long, surpassing the occipital mar- 
gin by one-fourth to one-third of their 
length. Eyes usually containing over 10 
ommatidia in the longest row. Profile 
shape of alitrunk and pedicel segments as 
in Figure 129. Pronotum armed with a 
pair of exceptionally long spines that are 
about 0.38 to 0.44 and longer than the dis- 
tance between their bases. Propodeum 


with a pair of acute short spines that are 
ca. 0.12 to 0.16, about as long as the dis- 
tance between their bases, and shorter 
than 0.5 times pronotal spine length. Both 
pronotal and propodeal spines directed 
upward. Metapleural lobes subtriangular. 
Petiole in profile nodiform, with a long an- 
terior peduncle; the anterior face of the 
node distinctly separable from the upper 
surface of its anterior peduncle, and its 
dorsum sloping somewhat downward pos- 
teriorly. Postpetiole in profile rounded 
dorsally, in dorsal view distinctly longer 
than broad and broadening from front to 
back. Dorsum of head generally smooth 
and shining, but gena with a few foveolate 
punctures, and frontal area usually with a 
few weak short rugae. Dorsal alitrunk, 
petiole, and postpetiole unsculptured, 
smooth, and shining. Gaster unsculptured. 
Dorsal surfaces of head and alitrunk with 
numerous erect or suberect hairs. Petiole 
node and postpetiole each with some hairs 
as shown in Figure 129. Antennal scapes 
and tibiae with numerous erect or sub- 
erect hairs. First gastral tergite without 
erect or suberect ais. A re pairs of for- 
ward-projecting hairs present near the an- 
terior clypeal margin. Color reddish brown 
but light yellow in a few specimens. 

Queen. TL 6.16, HL 1.18, HW 1.28, CI 
Mle O2) PW 0:40> PPE O44. PPT SING 
= Il). 

General shape as in Figures 130-131, 
with normal caste differences from con- 
specific worker; pronotum unarmed; peti- 
ole with a lateral longitudinal ruga on each 
side. Other characters similar to worker. 

Male. Unknown. 

Comments and Discussion. This species 
is closely related to P. longispinus, also 
from Dumaguete, Philippines, but the 
workers of Hhieee two species can be sep- 
arated by the following characters: 

P. curvulus 
Anterior face of petiole node, in profile, 
distinct from the upper surface of pe- 



Clypeus with a median longitudinal ca- 

Frontal carinae extending to the poste- 
rior margins of eyes 

Propodeal spines shorter, about as long 
as the distance between their bases. 

Anterior clypeal margin usually with 
seven small denteles 

P. longispinus 

Anterior face of petiole node, in profile, 
not distinct from the upper surface of 

Clypeus lacking a median longitudinal 

Frontal carinae not extending to the 
posterior margins of eyes 

Propodeal spines longer, about two to 
three times the distance between 
their bases in length 

Anterior clypeal margin usually with 
three to five denticles 

Pristomyrmex curvulus may also have a 
close relationship with P. bicolor. The 
workers and queens of the two species can 
be separated as follows: In P. curvulus, the 
dorsal surfaces of the head and the ali- 
trunk are smooth and shining, with only a 
few shallow foveolate punctures present 
on the genae and a few short rugae on the 
frontal area, whereas in P. bicolor, the dor- 
sum of the head is entirely covered with 
coarse rugoreticulum, and the dorsum of 
the alitrunk is also strongly sculptured with 
coarse rugae. 

It is possible that P. curvulus is derived 
from a P. collinus—like ancestor. The work- 
er of P. curvulus, apart from the excep- 
tionally long pronotal spines, a transverse 
ruga on the ventral surface of the clypeus, 
and its larger size, is similar to that of P. 
collinus. The queen of P. curvulus is also 
similar to that of P. collinus, but in the for- 
mer it is larger, and the ventral surface of 
the clypeus ahas a transverse ruga, not a 
toothlike prominence as in P. cole 

Holotype Worker. Philippines: Duma- 
guete (J. W. Chapman). 

Paratypes. Philippines: two workers, 
Dumaguete, (J. W. Chapman); 


Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 6 


Figures 132-133. Pristomyrmex eduardi Forel. 132A: Worker head, full-face view; 132B: Showing a toothlike prominence on 

the ventral clypeus; 133: Worker, lateral view. 

two workers, Dumaguete, (J. W. 
Chapman); 12 workers, Dumaguete, 
10.v.1947 (J. W. Chapman); two workers, 
Dumaguete, 4.v.1948 (J. W. Chapman); 
one worker, Dumaguete, 1949 (J. W. 
Chapman); two workers and one queen, 
Dumaguete, 1950 (J. W. Chapman); 11 
workers, Dumaguete, Horns of Negros, 
3,600 ft (J. W. Chapman); two workers, 
Dumaguete, Horns of Negros, 3,600 ft 
(Domingo Empeso). 

Additional Material Examined (MCZC). 
Some specimens, also collected in Duma- 
guete, Philippines, by J. W. Chapman, are 
not included in the type series because 
they are badly mounted or damaged. 

Ecological Information. Unknown. 

Pristomyrmex eduardi Forel 
Figures 132-133 

Pristomyrmex eduardi Forel, 1914: 232. Holotype 
worker, Sumatra Oriental, Bah Boelian (M. v. But- 
tel) (MHNG) [examined]. 

Diagnosis (Worker). Masticatory margin 
of mandible with five teeth; pronotum un- 
armed; eyes with three to four ommatidia 
in the largest row. 

Worker. TL 2.9, HL 0.77, HW 0.74, CI 
96, SL 0.68, SI 92, EL 0.07, PW 0.50, AL 
0.78) (= 1): 

Mandibles smooth and shining, except 
for a few longitudinal rugae. Masticatory 

margin of mandible with five teeth ar- 
ranged as the strongest apical + the sec- 
ond strongest preapical + a diastema + 
three small denticles of similar size; the 
length of diastema is about equal to the 
distance covered by three small denticles. 
Basal margin of mandible lacking a tooth- 
like prominence. Clypeus depressed, with 
a short median carina that does not reach 
the anterior clypeal margin but runs 
through the frontal area. Anterior clypeal 
margin with five toothlike prominences; 
the median three somewhat truncated. 
Ventral center of clypeus with a prominent 
tooth. Frontal carinae strong, extending to 
the level of the posterior margins of eyes 
and forming the dorsal margins of the 
shallow scrobes. Frontal lobes weak. Eye 
small, with three to four ommatidia in the 
longest row. Occipital margin in full-face 
view feebly concave. Profile of alitrunk and 
pedicel segments as in Figure 133. Pron- 
otum unarmed, lacking a pair of teeth or 
spines. Propodeum armed with a pair of 
acute short spines. Metapleural lobes 
prominent and rounded. Petiole in profile 
view with a fairly long anterior peduncle; 
the anterodorsal angle of the node high, 
and its dorsum sloping downward poste- 
riorly. Postpetiole in profile with a round- 
ed dorsum. Dorsum of head with coarse 
rugoreticulum, except for a smooth, me- 

152°25'E, in rotten logs, xi.1957 (Darlingtons) 

dian longitudinal strip. Dorsum of ali- 
trunk, as well as two sides of pronotum, 
with developed rugoreticulum. Petiole and 
postpetiole smooth and shining. Gaster 
unsculptured. Dorsal surfaces of head and 
alitrunk with numerous erect or suberect 
short hairs. Two pairs of the similar hairs 
present on the dorsum of petiolar node 
and three pairs on the dorsum of postpe- 
tiole as shown in Figure 133. First gastral 
tergite lacking erect or suberect hairs. A 
few pairs of forward. -projecting hairs pres- 
ent near the anterior clypeal margin. 
Scapes and tibiae with some erect to sub- 
erect short hairs. Color reddish-brown. 

Queen and Male. Unknown. 

Comments. This species is known only 
from the holotype. Its two close relatives 
are P. quindentatus, from Indonesia, and 
P. occultus, from Indonesia and Malaysia. 
Pristomyrmex eduardi can be separated 
from P. quindentatus and P. occultus be- 
cause it lacks pronotal armaments and pos- 
sesses smaller eyes (EL = 0.07, with three 
to four ommatidia in the longest row) in 
the workers. 

Though it was considered by Forel 
(1914) to be similar to P. punctatus (=P. 
pungens = P. japonicus), P. eduardi cannot 
be placed in the punctatus group because 
(1) it has five teeth present on the masti- 
catory margins of the mandibles, (2) its 
eyes are very small, (3) the ventral center 
of the clypeus is equipped with a promi- 
nent tooth, and (4) the petiole node has a 
distinct anterior face. In addition, its pro- 
podeal spines are much shorter than those 
in the four Oriental species of the punc- 
tatus group. Incidentally, the palp formula 
of P. eduardi cannot be determined from 
the unique holotype and thus remains un- 
known at this time. 

Ecological Information. Unknown. 

Pristomyrmex erythropygus Taylor 
Figures 134-137 

Pristomyrmex erythropygus Taylor, 1968: 65. Holo- 
type worker, Australia: NE. New South Wales, Aca- 
cia Biareauh near Old Koreelah, ca. 28°24'S, 

(ANIC) [examined]. 

Diagnosis (Worker). Masticatory margin 
of fe aadible with three teeth: anterior 
clypeal margin with three strong teeth; 
propodeal armaments, ca. 0.13 to 0.20, 
usually slightly longer than pronotal 
spines; dorsum of head smooth, but dorsal 
alitrunk with several longitudinal rugae 
present at the juncture between the pron- 
otum and the mesonotum; first gastral ter- 
gite usually with erect or suberect hairs. 

Worker. TL 3.48-3.90, HL 0.90-1.08, 
HW 0.94—1.18, CI 104-110, SL 0.92—1.00, 
SI 85-97, EL) 0:16-0:20; PW 0:56—0.66; 
AL 0.84—0.98, PPW 0.24—0.30, PPL 0.19— 
023) BRAS lO — 8): 

Mandibles generally smooth and _ shin- 
ing, but sometimes with a few basal lon- 
gitudinal rugae. Dentition of the mastica- 
tory margin rer mandible: an apical tooth 
+ a preapical + a long diastema + a some- 
what truncated basal tooth. Basal margin 
of mandible lacking a distinctly curved 
lobe or tooth. Clypeus with a median lon- 
gitudinal carina. Anterior clypeal margin 
with three teeth: a median denticle and 
one on each side. Ventral surface of clyp- 
eus with a short transverse carina or with 
a low, broad prominence. Palp formula 
2,2. Frontal carinae short, not extending to 
the level of the posterior margins of eyes. 
Antennal scrobes absent. Frontal lobes ab- 
sent; thus, the antennal articulations are 
entirely exposed. Antennal scapes, laid on 
the dorsal head, slightly surpassing the oc- 
cipital margin of head. Eyes containing 
eight to nine ommatidia in the longest row. 
Profile shape of alitrunk and pedicel seg- 
ments as in Figure 135A. Pronotum armed 
with a pair of moderately long spines, vary- 
ing in length from 0.08 to 0.13. Propodeal 
spines usually slightly longer than pronotal 
ones, varying in length from 0.13 to 0.20. 
Metapleural lobes triangular and much 
shorter than propodeal spines. Petiole 
node in profile with the anterodorsal angle 
higher than the posterodorsal. Anterior 
and dorsal faces of the postpetiole in pro- 


Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 6 






Figures 134-137. Pristomyrmex erythropygus Taylor. 134A: Worker head, full-face view; 134B: Showing a short transverse 
carina or a low, broad prominence on the ventral clypeus; 135A: Worker, lateral view; 135B: Dorsum of the worker alitrunk, 
dorsal view; 136A: Queen head, full-face view; 136B: Showing a short transverse ruga, or a low, broad prominence on the 

ventral clypeus; 137: Queen, lateral view. 

file forming a single curved surface; in dor- 
sal view, postpetiole distinctly broader 
than long. Dorsum of head smooth and 
shining, except for a few short rugae pres- 
ent below the frontal carinae around the 
antennal fossae and on the genae. Dorsum 
of alitrunk possessing (1) several short ru- 
gae present approximately at the juncture 
between the pronotum and the mesono- 
tum (but weak in a smaller specimen), (2) 
a few transverse rugae present near the 
anterior pronotal margin, and (3) a trans- 
verse ridge present at the approximate po- 
sition of metanotal groove. Petiole, post- 

petiole, and gaster smooth and _ shining. 
Dorsal surfaces of head and alitrunk with 
numerous erect or suberect hairs. Dorsal 
surfaces of petiole node and postpetiole, 
respectively, with a pair of bilaterally dis- 
tributed long hairs; sometimes the crests 
of petiole node and postpetiole with ad- 
ditional one to two pairs of short hairs. 
First gastral tergite with numerous, evenly 
distributed, erect or suberect hairs. (Note: 
In three specimens placed under P. ery- 
thropygus, several longitudinal rugae are 
present at the juncture between the pron- 
otum and the mesonotum, but erect or 



Figures 138-139. Pristomyrmex flatus sp. n. 138A: Worker head, full-face view; 138B: Showing a very short ruga on the ventral 

clypeus; 139: Worker, lateral view. 

suberect hairs are absent from the first 
gastral tergite. Are these hairs artificially 
erased? Further collecting is needed to 
clarify this question.) A few pairs of for- 
ward-projecting hairs present near the an- 
terior clypeal margin. Scapes and _ tibiae 
with some erect to suberect short hairs. 
Color reddish-brown to blackish-brown. 

Queen. TL 4.40, HL 1.14, HW 1.27, CI 
SO oly SON Ei nOl225 PW 40:s6: 
AL 1.20, PPW 0.34, PPL 0.24, PPI 142 (n 
= jl), 

General shape as in Figures 136-137, 
with normal caste differences from the 
conspecific worker; pronotum unarmed; 
pro-mesonotum lacking longitudinal ru- 
gae; propodeal spines distinctly shorter 
than those in conspecific worker; other 
characters similar to those in the conspe- 
cific worker. 

Male. Unknown. 

Comments. Pristomyrmex erythropygus 
is a sibling species of P. wheeleri and also 
related to P. quadridentatus. The three 
species are all from Australia. Pristomyr- 
mex erythropygus differs from P. wheeleri 
and P. quadridentatus because the former 
possesses numerous erect or suberect 
hairs on the first gastral tergite and several 
short longitudinal rugae at the juncture 
between the pronotum and the mesono- 
tum in the workers that are absent in the 
latter two species. In addition, the propo- 

deal spines are usually slightly longer than 
the pronotal ones in the workers of P. er- 
ythropygus but much shorter than the 
pronotal spines in P. quadridentatus. 

The differences between P. erythropy- 
gus and the two Oriental species (P. flatus 
Al P. collinus) and between P. erythro- 
pygus and the two African species (P. af- 
ricanus and P. trogor) are mentioned un- 
der P. flatus and P. africanus, respectively. 

Material Examined (ANIC, MCZC). 
Australia: New South Wales, Acacia Pla- 
teau, in rotten logs (Darlingtons); NE New 
South Wales, Nothofagus Mt., via Wood- 
enbong, Nothofagus forest, 1,100 m, 
sieved Titter, Q. M. Berlesale No. 414 (G. 
Monteith and G. Thompson); NE New 
South Wales, Gibraltar Range N.P., rain- 
forest, granite, sieved litter, QM. Berlesate 
No. 270) (Gab: Nionterth): New South 
Wales, Gibraltar Range Nat. Pk., 920 m, 
QO SileS M5222 2h) Beviecat ANIC 836, 
closed forest leer (L. Hill); New South 
Wales, 10.5 km W of Gibraltar Ra N.P. 
(HQ), rainforest, sieved litter, QM. Ber- 
lesate No. 213 (G. B. Monteith). 

Ecological Information. This species oc- 
curs in rainforest and has been collected 
in rotten logs and in litter berlesates. 

Pristomyrmex flatus sp. n. 

Figures 138-139 

Diagnosis ( Worker). Pronotum and pro- 
podeum each with a pair of short spines; 


dorsal surfaces of head and alitrunk 
smooth and unsculptured; petiole node 
with at least two pairs of hairs; anterior 
face of petiole node indistinguishable from 
the upper surface of its anterior peduncle; 
HW 0.98-1.04 and HL 0.94—1.02. 

Holotype Worker (MCZC). TL 3.94, HL 
1.02, HW 1.04, CI 102, SL 1.10, SI 106, 
EL 0.24, PW 0.66, AL 1.03. Paratypes, 
three workers (MCZC, BMNB#H). 

Worker. TL 3.79-4.14, HL 0.94—1.02, 
HW 0.98—1.04, CI 102—106, SL 1.02—1.12, 
SI 104-108, EL 0.22—0.24, PW 0.64—0.67, 
AL 1.02-1.08, PPW 0.28-—0.30, PPL 0.28— 
0.30, PPI 93-100 (n = 4). 

Mandibles generally smooth and shin- 
ing, with a few basal short rugae. Denti- 
tion of the masticatory margin of mandi- 
ble: the strongest apical tooth + the sec- 
ond strongest preapical + a long diastema 
+ two small denticles that are about equal 
in size. Basal margin of mandible lacking 
a toothlike prominence. Clypeus de- 
pressed and smooth, but the frontal area 
with a median carina that extends a little 
to the clypeus. Anterior clypeal margin 
usually with a median denticle and three 
other small denticles on each side, but 
sometimes one of the lateral denticles very 
weak and indistinct. Ventral center of clyp- 
eus with a weak, toothlike prominence. 
Palp formula 1,3. Frontal carinae approx- 
imately reaching to the level of the pos- 
terior margins of eyes. Antennal scrobes 
absent. Frontal lobes very weak so that the 
antennal articulations are almost com- 
pletely exposed. Antennal scapes rather 
long, when lying on the dorsal head, sur- 
passing the occipital margin by one-fifth to 
one-fourth of their length. Eyes containing 
eight to nine ommatidia in the longest row. 
Pronotum armed with a pair of short ro- 
bust spines as in Figure 139. Propodeum 
with a pair of slender acute spines that are 
directed upward and slightly longer than 
the pronotal ones. Metapleural lobes sub- 
triangular. Pronotum and mesonotum in 
dorsal view slightly concave between the 
pronotal spines and between the two lat- 
eral margins of mesonotum, respectively. 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 6 

Petiole node massive; its anterior face in 
profile indistinguishable from the upper 
surface of petiole peduncle (Fig. 139). 
Dorsum of petiole node in dorsal view 
about rounded. Postpetiole in profile con- 
vex dorsally, in dorsal view slightly longer 
than broad or about as long as broad, 
broadening from front to back. Dorsum of 
head usually smooth and shining, but some 
small and shallow hair pits present. Dor- 
sum of alitrunk unsculptured, smooth and 
shining. Sides and dorsum of petiole and 
postpetiole smooth and shining. Gaster 
unsculptured. Dorsal surfaces of head with 
numerous erect or suberect hairs. Dorsum 
of alitrunk with sparse erect to suberect 
hairs. Two pairs of hairs present on the 
dorsum of petiole node, and two to three 
pairs on the dorsum of postpetiole. First 
gastral tergite lacking erect or suberect 
hairs. A few pairs of forward-projecting 
hairs present near the anterior clypeal 
margin. Scapes and tibiae with numerous 
erect to suberect short hairs. Color red- 
dish-brown but sometimes yellow-brown. 

Queen. Unknown. 

Male. See the following note. 

Comments. Like P. collinus, P. flatus is 
also known only from the Philippines. 
Pristomyrmex flatus is similar to P. colli- 
nus, P. quadridens, P. africanus, P. trogor, 
P. quadridentatus, P. wheeleri, and P. ery- 
thropygus. The workers of P. flatus can be 
immediately recognized; because in P. fla- 
tus, the anterior face of the petiole node 
is not distinct from the upper surface of 
its anterior peduncle, which is different in 
the previously mentioned species. 

A more detailed discussion of the sep- 
aration of P. flatus from P. collinus is pro- 
vided under P. collinus. 

Pristomyrmex flatus and P. collinus dif- 
fer from P. quadridens in the workers as 

P. flatus and P. collinus 
Dorsum of alitrunk unsculptured, 
smooth, and shining | 

Dorsum of head smooth and shining, | 


except for a few punctures bordering 
the frontal carinae 

P. quadridens 
Dorsum of alitrunk with scattered fo- 
veolate punctures; sometimes some 
short rugae present 
Dorsum of head with a few to many fo- 
veolate punctures, except for those 
bordering the frontal carinae 

Pristomyrmex flatus and P. collinus dif- 
fer from two African species, P. africanus 
and P. trogor, in the workers as follows: 

P. flatus and P. collinus 
Ventral center of clypeus with a short 
ruga or small toothlike prominence 
At least one to two pairs of hairs present 
on the petiole node and postpetiole 
Metapleural lobes triangular 

P. africanus and P. trogor 
Ventral surface of clypeus with two 
Petiole and postpetiole lacking erect or 
suberect hairs 
Metapleural lobes rounded 

The other differences include that the 
anterior face of the petiole node is distinct 
from the upper surface of the peduncle in 
the workers of P. africanus and P. trogor 
but almost indistinct in P flatus; the dor- 
sum of the alitrunk in dorsal view is convex 
in the workers of P. collinus but distinctly 
shallowly concave in P. africanus and P. 
trogor; the dorsum of the head is sculp- 
tured with scattered foveolate punctures in 
the workers of P. africanus but is generally 
smooth and shining in P. flatus and P. col- 
linus; the frontal carinae extend to the lev- 
el of the posterior margins of eyes in the 
workers of P. flatus and P. collinus but not 
so in P. trogor. 

Pristomyrmex flatus and P. collinus dif- 
fer from three Australian species P. quad- 
ridentatus, P. wheeleri, and P. erythropy- 
gus in the workers as follows: 

P. flatus and P. collinus 
Anterior clypeal margin with five to sev- 
en smaller denticles 


Clypeus unsculptured 

Masticatory margin of mandible with 
four teeth, consisting of an apical, a 
preapical, and two small basal denti- 

Palp formula 1,3. 

Alitrunk in dorsal view unsculptured 

P. quadridentatus, P. wheeleri, and 
P. erythropygus 
Anterior clypeal margin with three 
strong and larger teeth 
Clypeus sculptured with a strong me- 
dian carina 
Masticatory margin of mandible with 
three teeth, consisting of an apical, a 
preapical, and a basal tooth 
Palp formula 2,2 
Alitrunk in dorsal view with a transverse 
ridge present at the approximate po- 
sition of metanotal groove 

In addition, the anterior face of the pet- 
iole node, in profile, is distinct from the 
upper surface of the peduncle in the work- 
ers of P. quadridentatus, P. wheeleri, and 
P. erythropygus but almost indistinct in P. 
flatus; the dorsum of the alitrunk is convex 
in the workers of P. collinus but almost flat 
or shallowly concave in P. quadridentatus, 
P. wheeleri, and P. erythropygus. 

Holotype Worker. Philippines: Luzon I., 
Bauqui; xi.1923. (R.C.Mcq.). 

Paratypes. Three workers with same 
data as holotype. 

Ecological Information. Unknown. 

Note: The following five male speci- 
mens, with same data as holotype and 
paratypes, may represent the male of this 
species. I tentatively place these males un- 
der P. flatus, which needs further confir- 

Male (Figs. 262, 271). TL. 3.62—3.94, HL 
0.64—0.68, HW 0.56-0.59, CI 85-91, SL 
0.22-0.25, SI 39-43, HWE 0.98-1.04, EL 
04820) 512 RWG074=OlS0n AealelG=1e 24s 
PPW 0.24-0:24" PPL 0.24—0.24 PPI 100= 
100 (n = 5). 

Head, including the eyes, much broader 
than long; while excluding the eyes, dis- 
tinctly longer than broad. Eyes very large 


and prominent; their length is about three- 
fourths of the head length. Clypeus con- 
vex, somewhat semicircular, its anterior 
margin straight and posterior one semicir- 
ular Palp for mula 1,3. Frontal carinae ab- 
sent or short, slightly beyond the anterior 
margins of antennal insertions. F rontal 
area usually with a median longitudinal ca- 
rina. Ocelli developed; maximum diameter 
of median ocellus 0.16 to 0.18. On the me- 
soscutum, notauli distinct, forming a Y 
shape, but usually without distinct ridges 
in them; parapsidal furrows absent. Scuto- 
scutellar sulcus usually with 9 to 10 narrow 
ridges. Propodeum lacking armaments. 
Metapleur: al lobes subtriangular. Middle 
and hind tibiae without any spurs. Petiole 
node in profile low, with a subtriangular 
apex and a rather long anterior peduncle; 
anterior face of the node, together with 
the dorsal surface of its anterior peduncle, 
forming a long declivity, which reaches the 
top of fhe nen Postpetiole in profile low, 
rounded dorsally, in dorsal view about as 
broad as long. Dorsum of head smooth 
and shining, except for a few short rugae 
present on ‘the posterior margin of clypeus. 
Alitrunk generally smooth antl shining, ex- 
cept for those marked sutures. Petiole, 

postpetiole, and gaster unsculptured, 
smooth, and shining. All dorsal surfaces 

with abundant long hairs. Scapes and tib- 
iae with numerous erect or suberect short 
hairs. Color reddish-brown; hairs reddish- 
brown; antennae sometimes yellow-brown; 
wings somewhat infuscated. 

Pristomyrmex foveolatus Taylor 
Figures 140-143 

Pristomyrmex foveolatus Taylor, 1965: 38. Holotype 
worker, Australia: N. Queensland, west of Tully, 
Clump Point, rainforest, a few feet above sea level, (R. W. Taylor) (MCZC) [examined]. 

Diagnosis (Worker). Pronotum with a 
pair of triangular short spines (ca. 0.06— 
0.13); propodeal spines long (ca. 0.20— 
0.30); dorsum of head, except for the an- 
tennal scrobes, with foveolate-reticulate 
sculpture; postpetiole unsculptured; PPI 
133-150; SL 0.70-0.82 and SI 81-93. 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 6 

Worker. Tl 2.74—3.26, HL 0.78=0.92: 
HW 0.80—0.96, CI 100-108, SL 0.70—0.82, 
SI Si=93)) Ei O01 PW 0l50=0162% 
AL 0.68—0. 20, BRW.0:23=02273RREOAG= 
0.20, PPI 133-150 (@ = 74). 

Mandibles usually with a few longitudi- 
nal rugae. Masticatory margin of aancable 
with three teeth: an apical + a preapical 
+ a long diastema + a truncated basal 
tooth. Basal margin of mandible lacking a 
distinctly curved lobe or tooth. Clypeus 
with a strong median carina. Anterior clyp- 
eal margin with a median denticle and 
usually two to three others on each side; 
two or three lateral denticles are often 
fused into one prominence. Ventral center 
of clypeus with a low, broad, toothlike 
prominence. Palp formula 2,3. Frontal ca- 
rinae well developed, beyond the level of 
the posterior margins of eyes. Scrobal ar- 
eas shallow, present below the frontal ca- 
rinae. Frontal lobes almost completely ab- 
sent so that the antennal articulations are 
entirely exposed. Antennal scapes, when 
lying in the antennal scrobes, close to or 
just reaching the occipital margin of head. 
Eyes containing five to six Grae in 
the longest row. Profile shape of alitrunk 
and pedicel segments as in Figure 141. 
Pronotum armed with a pair of short 
spines (ca. 0.06—0.13). Propodeal spines 
long, ca. 0.20 to 0.30, usually straight but 
ROGUES slightly upcurved along their 
length. Metapleural lobe small- triangular, 
usually with an acute apex. Petiole hede in 
profile higher than long, with a long an- 
terior peduncle, its Lat ere dor sl angle 
forming an apex and its dorsum sloping 
downward posteriorly. Postpetiole in pro- 
file much higher than long, with a rounded 
dorsum; in der sal view, postpetiole trans- 
verse-rectangled, much broader than long, 
with the two sides subparallel. Dorsum of 
head, except for the antennal scrobes 
where there are only a few transverse ru- 
gae, with well-developed foveolate-reticu- 
late sculpture. Dorsum of alitrunk usually 
with foveolate-reticulate sculpture and a 
few coarse longitudinal rugae. Sides of 





Figures 140-143. Pristomyrmex foveolatus Taylor. 140A: Worker head, full-face view; 140B: Showing a toothlike prominence 
on the center of ventral clypeus; 141: Worker, lateral view; 142A: Queen head, full-face view; 142B: Showing a toothlike prom- 
inence on the center of ventral clypeus; 143: Queen, lateral view. 

pronotum with a few foveolate punctures; 
sides of the rest of alitrunk with some ir- 
regularly superficial rugae. Petiole node 
and postpetiole smooth and shining. Gas- 
ter unsculptured. Dorsal surfaces of head 
and alitrunk with numerous erect or sub- 
erect long hairs. Dorsal surfaces of petiole 
node and postpetiole with a pair of long 
hairs, respectively, as shown in Figure 141. 
First gastral tergite lacking erect or sub- 
erect hairs. A few pairs of forward-pro- 

jecting hairs present near the anterior 
clypeal margin. Scapes and tibiae with 
some erect to suberect short hairs. Color 

Queen. TL 3.20, HL 0.83, HW 0.86, CI 
104, SL 0.74, SI 86, EL 0.16, PW 0.66, 
AL 0.87, PPW 0.25, PPL 0.16, PPI 139 (n 
= Il), 

General shape as in Figures 142-143, 
with normal caste differences from the 
conspecific worker; pronotum unarmed; 


other characters similar to worker; propo- 
deal spine length 0.25. 

Male. Unknown. 

Comments. Pristomyrmex foveolatus is 
extremely similar to P. thoracicus, also 
from Australia, in many characters in the 
workers and queens, such as (1) the den- 
tition of the masticatory margin of man- 
dible, (2) palp formula, (3) structure and 
shape of the clypeus, (4) length and shape 
of the pronotal and propodeal spines, and 
(5) sculpture of the dorsal surfaces of the 
head and the alitrunk. The differences be- 
tween the workers of these two species are 
slight, as follows: 

P. foveolatus 

Antennal scapes shorter (SL 0.70—-0.82, 
SI 81-93) 

Postpetiole in dorsal view much broader 
than long, PPI 133-150, with the two 
sides subparallel, showing a_trans- 
verse rectangle 

P. thoracicus 
Antennal scapes longer (SL 0.86—0.98, 
SI 97-103) 
Postpetiole in dorsal view slightly broad- 
er than long, PPI 109-121, with the 
two sides not subparallel, showing a 

Without doubt, P. foveolatus and P. thor- 
acicus are closely related to P. brevispino- 
sus, from the Oriental region. The workers 
of these three species all show the follow- 
ing characters: (1) a pair of short pronotal 
spines, (2) a toothlike prominence on the 
ventral center of the clypeus, (3) a similar 
structure and shape of petiole node in 
both profile and dorsal views, (4) a similar 
structure and shape of postpetiole in pro- 
file, (5) well-developed foveolate-reticulate 
sculpture on the dorsal head, and (6) dor- 
sal alitrunk with a few coarse longitudinal 
rugae. But P. foveolatus and P. thoracicus 
can be separated from P. brevispinosus as 
follows: The former two species have a 
pair of long propodeal spines (ca. 0.19— 
0.30), two segments of maxillary palpi, and 
a truncated basal tooth on the masticatory 
margin of mandible in the workers and 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 6 

queens, while P. brevispinosus has a pair 
of short propodeal spines or teeth (ca. 
0.04—0.12), one segment of maxillary palp, 
and usually two small basal teeth on the 
masticatory margin of mandible. 

The separation of both P. foveolatus and 
P. thoracicus from the African P. cribrarius 
(a member of the cribrarius group) is pro- 
vided under P. cribrarius. 

Material Examined (ANIC, MCZC). 
Australia: N. Queensland, Clump Point, 
rainforest floor, ex small wood fragment 
(R. W. Taylor); Q., Clump Point, <20 m, 
berlesate (Taylor and Feehan); N. Q., NW 
of Daintree, Mt. Alexander, rainforest (P. 
F. Darlington); Q., Alexandra Bay, 16.12°S, 
145.26°E, rainforest, <50 m, berlesate 
(Taylor and Feehan); Q. NE, Road, sum- 
mit on Alexandra, Ra. Daintree, 16.15°S, 
145.26°E, rainforest, 250 m,_ berlesate, 
sieved litter (G. Monteith); Q., Kuranda, 
Black Mt. Rd. 360 m, 17.47°S, 145.39°E, 
rainforest, berlesate, sieved litter (G. Mon- 
teith); Q., Kuranda, Black Mt. Rd. 430 m, 
16.45 X 145.35, rainforest, berlesate (Tay- 
lor and Feehan); Q., 4 km W of Kuranda, 
450 m, 16.49 * 145.36, rainforest, berle- 
sate (Taylor and Feehan); Q., 1 km W of 
Kuranda, closed forest litter, berlesate (J. 
Doyen); N Q., Kuranda, RF, in log (B. B. 
Lowery); Q., NE, C. Tribulation, 16.08°S, 
145.28°E, 20 m, rainforest, berlesate, 
sieved litter (G. Monteith); Q., NE, Cape 
Tribulation, Noah Ck, 5 m (G. B. Mon- 
teith); NE Q., 1.5 km W of Cape Tribu- 
lation (Site 3), 16.05°S, 145.28°E, 150 m, 
rainforest, berlesate, sieved litter (Mon- 
teith, Yeates, and Thomson); NE Q., 2.0 
km WNW of Cape Tribulation (Site 2), 
16.05°S, 145.28°E, 50 m, rainforest, ber- 
lesate, sieved litter (Monteith, Yeates, and 
Thomson); Q., near Cape Tribulation, 
16.06°S, 145.28°E, 50 m, rainforest, ber- 
lesate (Taylor and Feehan); Q., Thorton 
Range, 16.14°S, 145.26°E, 100 to 150 m, 
rainforest, berlesate (Taylor and Feehan); 
Q., 20 km N of Cairns, rainforest (B. B. 
Lowery); NE Q., Lyons Lookout, Rex 
Hwy, Mossman, 400 m, rainforest, berle- 
sate, sieved litter (G. Monteith and D. 





Figures 144-145. Pristomyrmex hirsutus sp. n. 144A: Worker head, full-face view; 144B: Showing a toothlike prominence on 

the ventral clypeus; 145: Worker, lateral view. 

Cook); NE Q., Hinchinbrook Is., Gayun- 
dah Creek, 18.22°S, 146.13°E, 10 to 80 m, 
rainforest, berlesate, sieved litter (Mon- 
teith, Davies, Thompson, and Gallon); Q., 
NE, Mossman Gorge, 16.25°S, 145.20°E, 
rainforest, berlesate, sieved litter (G. Mon- 
teith); NE Q., Bakers Blue Mt., 17 km W 
Mt. Molloy, 1,000 m, rainforest, berlesate, 
sieved litter (G. Monteith and D. Cook): 
Q., Mt. Cook, Nat. Pk., 15.29°S, 145.16°E, 
rainforest, berlesate (A. Calder and J. Fee- 
han); Q., Gap Creek, 15.50°S, 145.20°E, 5 
km ESE of Mt. Finnigan, rainforest, ber- 
lesate (A. Calder and J. Feehan); Q., N 
Pingin Hill (J. Holt); Q., Mt. Windsor Ta- 
bleland, ca. 850 m, 16.18°S, 145.05°E, 
rainforest, berlesate (R. W. Taylor); N Q., 
28 km NNW Mt. Carbine, Windsor Table- 
land, 900 m, rainforest, berlesate, sieved 
litter (Monteith, Yeates, and Cook); Q., 
ME, Cannon Vale, 20.16°S, 148.43°E, 10 
m, dry rainforest, berlesate, stick brushing 
(G. Monteith); Q., ME, Mt. Dryander, 
20.15°S, 148.33°E, 500 to 650 m, rainfo- 
rest, berlesate, stick brushing (G. Mon- 
teith); Q., ME, Brandy Ck Rd, Conway SF, 
20.20°S, 148.42°E, 60 m, rainforest, ber- 
lesate, sieved litter and stick brushing (G. 
Monteith); Q., Finch Hatton Gorge, 
21.04°S, 148.38°E, 470 m, mesophyll no- 
tophyll vine forest, berlesate (A. Gillison); 
OF Hinch Hatton) Gorges 21305 ¢ss 
148.38°E, 200 m, rainforest, berlesate (R. 
W. Taylor and T. A. Weir); N Q., 15.50°S, 

145.20°E, 12-mi scrub Gap Creek, com- 
plex mesophyll vine for. (Davies and Ra- 
ven); N Q., 20 km N of Cairns, lowland 
RF, creek between rocks (B. B. Lowery). 

Ecological Information. This species oc- 
curs only in rainforest in North Queens- 
land, Australia, and has been collected in 
litter berlesates; its nests are constructed 
in rotting logs (Taylor, 1965). 

Pristomyrmex hirsutus sp. n. 

Figures 144-145 

Diagnosis (Worker). Masticatory margin 
of mandible with a long diastema; dorsal 
head with a well-developed rugoreticulum; 
petiole node in profile high, with a single 
evenly blunt-rounded apex; first gastral 
tergite with numerous erect or suberect 
short hairs. 

Holotype Worker (BMHH). TL 5.78, 
Ee SS EW eles OleOle Seale COm Sil 
A SEE OL2 SPW 090s Alea too RENV 
0.38, PPL 0.42, PPI 90. 

Mandibles smooth and shining. Masti- 
catory margin of mandible with four teeth 
arranged as two adjacent strong apical 
teeth + a long diastema + two basal den- 
ticles of similar size. Basal margin of man- 
dible lacking a toothlike prominence. 
Clypeus somewhat uneven, with a few 
weak short rugae. Anterior clypeal margin 
with a median denticle and two others on 
each side (but one of them appears to be 
fused by two small denticles). Frontal ca- 


Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 6 

Figures 146-147. Pristomyrmex longispinus sp. n. 146: 

rinae extending to the level of the poste- 
rior margins of the eyes. Antennal scrobes 
shallow, approximately ending at the level 
of the posterior margins of eyes. Frontal 
lobes weak so that the antennal articula- 
tions are almost entirely exposed. Antennal 
scapes long, when laid on the dorsal head, 
surpassing Ache occipital margin by about 
one-third of their length. eraaile shape of 
alitrunk and pedicel segments as in Figure 
145. Pronotum armed with a pair of spines 
(ca. 0.19). Propodeum with a pair of some- 
what elongate-triangular teeth (ca. 0. 09). 
Metapleural lobes uben iangular. Petiole 
node in profile high (ca. 0. 76), with a sin- 
gle evenly blunt- rounded apex. Postpetiole 
in profile rounded dorsally, in dorsal view 
longer than broad and broadening from 
front to back. Dorsum of head, except for 
the scrobal areas, with well-developed 
coarse rugoreticulum. Similar sculpture 
present on the dorsum of the alitrunk and 
the two sides of the pronotum. Sides of the 
rest of the alitrunk with irregular coarse 
rugae. Petiole, postpetiole, and gaster 
SOoEl and shining. All dorsal surfaces of 
body, including hea alitrunk, petiole 
node, postpetiole, and gaster, with numer- 
ous erect or suberect hairs, as shown in 
Figure 145. A few pairs of forward-pro- 
jecting hairs present near the anterior 
clypeal margin. Scapes and tibiae with 
erect or suberect hairs. Color reddish- 

Worker head, full-face view; 147: Worker, lateral view. 

Queen and Male. Unknown. 

Comments. Though only a single speci- 
men is available so fir it undoubtedly rep- 
resents a good species because it has nu- 
merous erect or suberect hairs on the first 
gastral tergite, which is possessed only by 
fis new species in the Oriental fauna of 
the quadridens group. In addition, this 
species has an uneven clypeus and a dis- 
tinct petiole node (bearing a single evenly 
blunt-rounded apex) that is not seen in the 
other Oriental species of the group. 

Holotype Worker. Philippines: Misamis 
or Mt. Balatukan, 15 km SW of Gingoog, 
1,000 to 2,000 m, 1—5.v.1960 (H. Torrev- 

Note: The holotype of this species is an 
old specimen, and many hairs have obvi- 
ously been removed from its first gastral 
tergite. Therefore, the figure can aot ac- 
curately show this character. 

Ecological Information. Unknown. 

Pristomyrmex longispinus sp. n. 

Figures 146-147, 263, 272 

Diagnosis (Worker). Frontal carinae 
short, usually not extending to the level of 
the posterior margins oe eyes; pronotal 
spines exceptionally long (0. 42-0, 50); pro- 
podeal spines moderately long (0. 18—0.26); 
anterior face of petiole node, in profile, in- 
distinguishable from the upper surface of 
its anterior peduncle. 

Holotype Worker (MCZC). TL5.30, HL 


IRA SIV 23 Cll06, Siw 345 Si 1205s 
EL 0.24, PW 0.80, AL 1.26. Paratypes, 73 
workers and three males (BMNH, LACM, 

Worker. TL 4.52-5.62, HL 1.09—1.26, 
EVV 15135) Cl 103=109) SE 126=1-40; 
SI 103-113, EL 0.21—0.26, PW 0.76—0.86, 
AL 1.14—1.32, PPW 0.31—0.35, PPL 0.36— 
0.40, PPI 84—89 (n = 20). 

Mandibles generally unsculptured, 
smooth, and shining. Masticatory margin 
of mandible with four teeth: the strongest 
apical + the second strongest preapical + 
a long diastema + two Saal teeth that are 

roughly the same size. Basal margin of 

mandible lacking a toothlike prominence. 
Clypeus depressed, unsculptured, and 
shining; its anterior margin with a median 
denticle and usually two others on each 
side, but sometimes two lateral denticles 
are fused into one prominence. Ventral 
center of clypeus with a short transverse 
ruga or a broad-based weak prominence. 
Palp formula 1,3. Frontal carinae short, 
usually not extending to the level of the 
posterior margins of the eyes. Antennal 
scrobes absent. Frontal lobes very weak so 
that the antennal articulations are almost 
entirely exposed. Antennal scapes long, 
when lying on the dorsal head, surpassing 
the occipital margin by about one-fifth to 
one-fourth of their length. Head in full- 
face view subglobal. Profile shape of ali- 
trunk and pedicel segments as in Figure 
147. Pronotum armed with a pair of ex- 
ceptionally long spines that are about 0.42 
to 0.50 and longer than the distance be- 
tween their bases. Propodeum with a pair 
of moderately long spines that are 0.18 to 
0.26 and over two times the distance be- 
tween their bases. Both pronotal and pro- 
podeal spines acute and directed upward. 
Metapleural lobes subtriangular. Dorsum 
of alitrunk sometimes slightly concave. An- 
terior face of petiole node, in profile, in- 

distinguishable from the dorsal surface of 

its anterior peduncle (i.e., the anterior face 

of petiole node and the dorsal surface of 

peduncle forming a long declivity from the 
base of peduncle to the top of petiole 


node). Postpetiole in profile rounded dor- 
sally, in dorsal view longer than broad. 
Dorsum of head generally smooth and 
shining, but a few weak short rugae pres- 
ent on the frontal area and sometimes a 
few foveolate punctures on the genae. Al- 
itrunk smooth and polished. Petiole, post- 
petiole, and gaster unsculptured, smooth, 
and shining. Dorsal surfaces of head and 
alitrunk with some erect or suberect long 
hairs. Usually two to three pairs of snag 
hairs present on the dorsal surfaces of pet- 
iole node and_ postpetiole, respectively. 
First gastral tergite usually lacking erect or 
suberect hairs, rarely with few hairs. A few 
pairs of forward-projecting hairs present 
near the anterior clypeal margin. Scapes 
and tibiae with some erect or suberect 
hairs. Color reddish-brown. 

Queen. Unknown. 

Male (Figs. 263, 272). Three male spec- 
imens, together with 48 workers, collected 
in Dumaguete, Philippines, by J. W. Chap- 
man, Gonstiuite a series; and two of the 
three males were originally mounted, re- 
spectively, with a worker on the same pin: 
TL 4.42-4.54, HL 0.67-0.73, HW 0.64— 
0.66, CI 88-96, SL 0.20-0.22, SI 31-34, 
HWE 0.94—0.98, EL 0.43—-0.46, PW 0.8S— 
0.93, AL 1.32-1.44, PPW 0.28-—0.30, PPL 
0.242026. PP 5=1l7 Gi — 3): 

Head, including the eyes, distinctly 
broader than long. “Clypeus convex, with- 
out a median longitudinal carina. Palp for- 
mula 1,3. F rental carinae sometimes ab- 
sent but sometimes present, just reaching 
the level of the posterior margins of an- 
tennal insertions. Maximum length of the 
median ocellus 0.12 to 0.12. On the me- 
sonotum, notauli pronounced, forming a Y 
shape; parapsidal furrows absent. Scuto- 
scutellar sulcus with 12 to 13 narrow ridg- 
es. Middle and hind tibiae without any 
spurs. Propodeum slightly tuberculate, 
lacking spines and teeth. Metapleural 
lobes prominent and subtriangular. Petiole 
node in profile low, with a subtriangular 
apex and a rather long anterior peduncle; 
anterior face of the Rode together with 
the dorsal surface of the peduncle, form- 


ing a long declivity that reaches the top of 
the node. Postpetiole in profile low, round- 
ed dorsally, and in dorsal view broader 
than long. Dorsum of head smooth and 
shining, but frontal area usually with a me- 
dian longitudinal carina. Alitrunk smooth 
and shining, except for those marked su- 
tures. Petiole, postpetiole, and gaster un- 
sculptured, smooth, and shining. All dorsal 
surfaces with abundant erect or suberect 
hairs. Scapes and tibiae with numerous 
erect or suberect short hairs. Color red- 
dish-brown; hairs reddish-brown; wings 
somewhat infuscated. 

Comments and Discussion. Pristomyr- 
mex longispinus is closely related to P. cur- 
vulus. The former is very similar in the 
workers to the latter in the shape of pro- 
notal and propodeal spines as well as in 
the size, sculpture, hair, and color of body. 
The differences between the two species 
are provided under P. curvulus. 

Pristomyrmex longispinus may have 
evolved from a P. flatus—like ancestor. Ex- 
cept for the well-developed pronotal 
spines, its larger size, and shorter frontal 
carinae, the workers of P. longispinus are 
similar to those of P. flatus. 

It is possible that a P. collinus—like an- 
cestor may have split into the four species 
P. collinus, P. flatus, P. curvulus, and P. lon- 
gispinus because morphological characters 
show that (1) P. collinus and P. flatus are 
a pair of sibling species, (2) P. curvulus and 
P. longispinus are another pair of sibling 
species, and (3) PB. curvulus seems to be 
derived from a P. collinus—like ancestor 
(see the discussion under P. curvulus). 
This hypothesis also obtains support from 
biogeographic data. The four species are 
all endemic to the Philippines. Pristomyr- 
mex curvulus and P. longispinus are found 
only in Dumaguete and P. flatus only in 
Luzon. But P. collinus has a larger range; 
it occurs sympatrically with P. curvulus and 
P. longispinus in Dumaguete and with P. 
flatus in Luzon. 

Holotype Worker. Philippines: Duma- 
guete (J. W. Chapman). 

Paratypes. Philippines: 48 workers and 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 6 

three males with same data as holotype; 
four workers, Dumaguete, Horns of Ne- 
gros (J. W. Chapman); two workers, Du- 
maguete, 1942 (J. W. Chapman); one 
worker, Dumaguete, 7.xi.43 (J. W. Chap- 
man); two workers, Dumaguete, v.1947 (J. 
W. Chapman); one worker, Dumaguete, 
13.v.1947 (J. W. Chapman); one worker, 
Dumaguete, Silliman University, 1948 
(Domingo Empeso); 13 workers, Duma- 
guete, 1949 (J. W. Chapman); one worker, 
Dumaguete, (J. W. Chapman). 

Additional Material Examined. More 
than two dozen specimens from Camp, 
Dumaguete, Philippines, are treated as 
non-type material because of in a poor sit- 

Ecological Information. Unknown. 

Pristomyrmex modestus sp. n. 
Figures 148-149 

Diagnosis (Worker). Pronotum with a 
pair of moderately long, robust spines; 
dorsal surfaces of head and _ alitrunk, as 
well as the two sides of pronotum, with a 
coarse rugoreticulum; petiole node in pro- 
file somewhat transrectangular, slightly 
longer than high, with seven to eight fo- 
veolate punctures. 

Holotype Worker (BMNH). TL 4.00, 
HL 0.99, HW 0.92, CI 93, SL 0.95, SI 103, 
EL O19) PW 0.64-AL 104) RPRW.0)35% 

Mandibles with a few longitudinal ru- 
gae. Masticatory margin of mandible with 
two adjacent strong apical teeth + a long 
diastema + one broad, somewhat concave 
basal tooth. Basal margin of mandible lack- 
ing a distinctly curved lobe or tooth. Clyp- 
eus with a strong median carina. Anterior 
clypeal margin with a median denticle and 
three others on each side. Ventral surface 
of clypeus with a short transverse ruga. 

Frontal carinae strong, extending to the 
level of the posterior margins of the eyes. | 

Antennal scrobes indistinct. Frontal lobes | 

weak so that the antennal articulations are 
almost entirely exposed. Antennal scapes, 

laid on the dorsal head, slightly surpassing _ 
the occipital margin of head. Eyes rather — 



Figures 148-149. Pristomyrmex modestus sp. n. 148A: Worker head, full-face view; 148B: Showing a short transverse ruga 

on the ventral clypeus; 149: Worker, lateral view. 

large. Profile shape of alitrunk and pedicel 
segments as in Figure 149. Pronotal spines 
robust, ca. 0.14, shorter than the distance 
between their bases. Propodeal spines 
acute, slender, ca. 0.11. Metapleural lobes 
developed, prominent, ca. 0.14, each with 
a rounded apex. In profile view, petiole 
node slightly longer than high, somewhat 
transrectangular, with the anterodorsal an- 
gle on approximately the same level as or 
weakly higher than the posterodorsal; in 
dorsal view, petiole node longer than 
broad. Postpetiole in profile rounded dor- 
sally; in dorsal view, approximately quad- 
rate and about as long as broad. Dorsal 
surfaces of head and alitrunk, as well as 
the two sides of pronotum, entirely sculp- 
tured with coarse rugoreticulum. Dorsum 
and the sides of petiole node with seven 
to eight large foveolate punctures. Post- 
petiole with a few shallow foveolate punc- 
tures. Gaster unsculptured, smooth, and 
shining. Dorsal surfaces of head and ali- 
trunk with numerous erect or suberect 
hairs. Petiole node and postpetiole each 
with a few pairs of hairs, as shown in Fig- 
ure 149. First gastral tergite lacking erect 
or suberect hairs. A few pairs of forward- 
projecting hairs present near the anterior 
clypeal margin. Scapes and tibiae with 

sparse erect or suberect hairs. Color red- 
Queen and Male. Unknown. 
Comments. This species must have 
evolved from the ancestor of P. costatus. It 
differs from P. costatus in the workers as 

P. modestus 
Petiole node in profile longer than high, 
somewhat rectangular, with the anter- 
odorsal angle on approximately the 
same level as the posterodorsal 
Dorsum and sides of petiole node with 
seven to eight foveolate punctures 

P. costatus 
Petiole node in profile higher than long; 
its anterodorsal angle is distinctly 
higher than the posterdorsal 
Dorsum and sides of petiole node with- 
out foveolate punctures 
Holotype Worker. Malaysia: Sarawak, 
4th Division, Gn. Mulu N.P., Kerangas 
for., leaf litter, 19.iii.1978 (H. Vallack). 
Ecological Information. The holotype is 
collected from a forest. 

Pristomyrmex nitidissimus Donisthorpe 
Figures 150-151 

Pristomyrmex nitidissimus Donisthorpe, 1949: 411. 
Holotype worker, New Guinea: Maffin Bay, ix.1944 
(E. S. Ross) (CASC) [examined]. 


Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 6 

Figures 150-151. 
ruga on the ventral clypeus; 151: Worker, lateral view. 

Diagnosis (Worker). Pronotum armed 
with a pair of teeth; dorsal surfaces of head 
and alitrunk with numerous scattered fo- 
veolate punctures; ventral surface of clyp- 
eus with a coarse transverse carina; larger 
size (HL 1.10=1.16, HW 1.22-1.24 and 
EE tOh24=022'5)) 

Worker. TL 4.58, 4.69: HL 1.10, 1.16: 
FIV 2 2124 CialO al Sipe A eG: 
SI 93, 94: EL. 0.24, 0.25: PW 0.75, 0.78; 

Mandibles with a few longitudinal ru- 
gae. Dentition of the masticatory margin 
of mandible: the strongest apical + the 
second strongest preapical + a short dia- 
stema + a broad basal tooth showing two 
minute points (which is formed by the fu- 
sion of two basal denticles). Basal margin 
of mandible with a central, broadly curved 
lobe. Clypeus with a median longitudinal 
carina. Anterior clypeal margin with a me- 
dian denticle and two others on each side. 
Ventral surface of clypeus with a trans- 
verse ridge. Frontal carinae extending to 
the level of the posterior margins of eyes. 
Antennal scrobe indistinct, but a smooth 
area present below the frontal carina. 
Frontal lobes very weak so that the anten- 
nal articulations are almost entirely ex- 
posed. Antennal scapes, laid on the dorsal 
head, slightly surpassing the occipital mar- 
gin of head. Eyes large. Pronotum armed 
with a pair of teeth. Propodeum with a 

Pristomyrmex nitidissimus Donisthorpe. 150A: Worker head, full-face view; 150B: Showing a short transverse 

pair of subtriangular short spines that are 
slightly longer than the pronotal teeth. 
Metapleural lobes each with a subtrian- 
gular apex. Petiole node in profile as in 
Figure 151, with a fairly long anterior pe- 
duncle, in dorsal view longer than broad. 
Postpetiole in profile rounded dorsally, in 
dorsal view slightly longer than broad. 
Dorsum of head with numerous rather 
large, scattered foveolate punctures; space 
between foveolae usually smooth. Similar 
foveolate punctures present on the dorsal 
surface of alitrunk, but promesonotum 
with a smooth, unsculptured median strip. 
Petiole, postpetiole, and gaster smooth 
and shining. Dorsal surfaces of head, ali- 
trunk, petiole node, and postpetiole with 
numerous erect or suberect hairs. First 
gastral tergite lacking erect or suberect 
hairs. A few pairs of forward-projecting 
hairs present near the anterior clypeal 
margin. Scapes and tibiae with some erect 
to suberect short hairs. Color blackish- 

Queen and Male. Unknown. 

Comments. At first glance, P. nitidissi- 
mus appears to resemble P. quadridens 
very much, but after being compared in 
detail, the workers of the two species are 
separable as follows: 
P. nitidissimus 

Ventral surface of clypeus with a coarse 

transverse ruga, lacking a toothlike | 







Figures 152-153. Pristomyrmex occultus sp. n. 152A: Worker head, full-face view; 152B: Showing a tooth on the center of 

ventral clypeus; 153: Worker, lateral view. 

Larger species, with HW 1.22—1.24, HL 
OS Ga Ele Oh 420825 

Basal margin of mandible with a central, 
broadly curved lobe 

Four to five pairs of short hairs present 
on the dorsums of both petiole node 
and postpetiole 

P. quadridens 

Ventral center of clypeus with a tooth- 
like prominence 

Smaller species, with HW _ 0.82-1.02, 
UE OlS2 =I" 023 Ee Oni4z=020 

Basal margin of mandible almost 
straight, without a distinctly convex 

Usually one to two pairs of hairs present 
on the dorsums of both petiole node 
and postpetiole 

The workers of P. nitidissimus are ob- 
viously different from those of the African 
P. africanus because the latter are smaller 
(HW < 1.00, HW < 1.00, EL < 0.14) and 
lack hairs on the dorsal surfaces of the pet- 
iole node and the postpetiole. The workers 
of P. africanus also possess two toothlike 
prominences on the ventral surface of the 
clypeus and have a concave dorsum of the 
alitrunk and an almost straight basal mar- 
gin of the mandible. 

Material Examined (CASC). One work- 

er, with same data as holotype: New Guin- 
ea: Maffin Bay, ix.44 (E. S. Ross). 
Ecological Information. Unknown. 

Pristomyrmex occultus sp. n. 

Figures 152-153 

Diagnosis (Worker). Masticatory margin 
of mandible with five teeth; pronotum 
with a pair of triangular short spines; dor- 
sal surfaces of head and alitrunk, as well 
as the two sides of pronotum, with coarse 

Holotype worker (BMNH). TL 3.10, HL 
0.84, HW 0.81, CI 96, SL 0.72, SI 89, EL 
0.10, PW 0.56, AL 0.80. Paratypes, three 
workers (MHNG, MCZC). 

Worker. TL 3.04—3.23, HL 0.84—0.88, 
HW 0.80-0.84, CI 93-98, SL 0.72-0.75, 
S693) EE O0=0nl35 RW 0:52=0'56: 
AL 0.76—0.80, PPW 0.22-0.24, PPL 0.20— 
0.22, PPI 109-120 (n = 5). 

Mandibles generally smooth and _ shin- 
ing, with a few basal longitudinal rugae. 
Masticatory margin of mandible with five 
teeth arranged as the strongest apical + 
the second strongest preapical + a diaste- 
ma + three small denticles of similar size 
of which the middle one is sometimes 
weak (i.e., smaller than the two others) or 
worn down, but the length of the masti- 
catory margin covered by the three den- 


ticles is longer than the diastema. Basal 
margin of mandible lacking a toothlike 
prominence. Clypeus depressed, smooth, 
and shining. Anterior clypeal margin with 
a median denticle and two to three others 
on each side. Ventral center of clypeus 
with a strongly prominent tooth. Frontal 
carinae strong, extending to the level of 
the posterior margins of eyes. Antennal 
scrobes shallow. F rental lobes weak; thus, 
the antennal articulations are almost en- 
tirely exposed. Antennal scapes, laid on the 
dorsal head, just reaching to the occipital 
margin of head. Eyes moderately sized, 
containing five to six ommatidia in the lon- 
gest row. Occipital margin in full-face view 
feebly concave. Pronotum armed with a 
pair of triangular short spines. Propodeal 
spines acute, about two times the length 
of the pronotal teeth. Metapleural lobes 
prominent and rounded. Dorsum of ali- 
trunk in dorsal view somewhat depressed. 
Petiole node high in profile, with a fairly 
long anterior peduncle; its anterodorsal 
angle higher than the posterodorsal. Sub- 
petiole with a narrow, long, semitranslu- 
cent lamella. Postpetiole in “profile round- 
ed dorsally, in dorsal view slightly broader 
than long. Dorsal surfaces of head and al- 
itrunk, as well as the two sides of prono- 
tum, with coarse, strongly sculptured ru- 
goreticulum, but the scrobal areas lacking 
this sculpture. Petiole and postpetiole 
smooth and shining, except for a lateral 
longitudinal carina on each side that sep- 
arates the tergite from the sternite. Gaster 
unsculptured. Dorsal surfaces of head and 
alitrunk with numerous erect or suberect 
hairs. Two pairs of hairs present on the 
dorsum of petiole node and usually two to 
three pairs on the dorsum of postpetiole. 
First gastral tergite lacking erect or sub- 
erect hairs. A few of forward-projecting 
hairs present near the anterior clypeal 
margin. Scapes and tibiae with some erect 
to suberect short hairs. Color reddish- 

Queen and Male. Unknown. 

Comments. Pristomyrmex occultus is a 
sibling species of P. quindentatus. The two 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 6 

species are all from the Oriental region. 
The separation of the two species is dis- 
cussed under P. quindentatus. 

Pristomyrmex occultus is also very sim- 
ilar in appearance to P. brevispinosus. But 
in the workers of P. occultus, the mastica- 
tory margin of the mandible possesses five 
teeth, the length of the masticatory margin 
covered by three small denticles is slightly 
longer than that of diastema, and the pro- 
podeum is armed with a pair of fairly long 
spines. In PB. brevispinosus, the masticatory 
margin of the mandible has four teeth, the 
length of the masticatory margin covered 
by two basal denticles is not longer than 
that of diastema, and the propodeum is 
armed with a pair of triangular teeth. 

Holotype Worker. E. Malaysia: Sarawak, 
confl. Sun Oyan and Mujong riv., E Kapit 
50 m, 18.v.1994 (L6bl and Burchhardt). 

Paratypes. Three workers, Malaysia: Sa- 
bah, Poring Hot Springs, 600 m, 9.v.1987 
(Burckhardt and Lo6bl). 

Additional Material Examined. Two 
workers (BMNH, MCZC), collected in 
Malaysia (Sabah, Poring Hot Springs, 500 
m), by Burckhardt and L6bl on 7.v.1987, 
show only four distinct teeth on the mas- 
ticatory margin of the mandible. But the 
length of the masticatory margin covered 
by two small basal denticles is slightly lon- 
ger than that of diastema. 

Ecological Information. Unknown. 

Pristomyrmex orbiceps (Santschi) 
Figures 154-157, 264, 273 

Xiphomyrmex orbiceps Santschi, 1914: 367. Syntype 
workers, Cameroon: Victoria (F. Silvestri); and 
Ghana: Aburi (F. Silvestri) (NHMB) (Bolton, 

Pristomyrmex orbiceps (Santschi) Santschi, 1916: 51. 

Hylidris laevigatus Weber, 1952: 20. Holotype work- 
er, Zaire: 13 mi S of Asa, lat. 4°40’N, long. 25°40'E 
(N. A. Weber) (AMNBH). [Synonymy by Bolton, 

Note: I have not seen the type material, 
but I did view some specimens of this spe- 
cies, which has been compared with the 
type by B. Bolton. 

Diagnosis (Worker). Masticatory margin — 
of manchble with a diastema, after the — 



Figures 154-157. Pristomyrmex orbiceps (Santschi). 154A: Worker head, full-face view; 154B: Showing a transverse ruga on 
the ventral clypeus; 155: Worker, lateral view; 156A: Queen head, full-face view; 156B: Showing a transverse ruga on the ventral 

clypeus; 157: Queen, lateral view. 

preapical tooth; pronotum lacking teeth or 
spines; dorsal surfaces of head between 
the frontal carinae and alitrunk unsculp- 
tured, smooth, and shining; petiole and 
postpetiole lacking erect or suberect hairs. 

Worker. TL 2.66-3.40, HL 0.78-0.92, 
HW 0.80-0.98, CI 100—110, SL 0.68—0.80, 
SI 79-85, EL 0.14—0.21, PW 0.51-0.60, 
AL 0.68—0.80, PPW 0.24—0.30, PPL 0.1S5— 
0.22, PPI 125-144 (n = 35). 

Mandibles smooth, at most with two 
longitudinal basal rugae. Masticatory mar- 
gin of mandible with an apical tooth + a 
preapical tooth + a diastema + a broad, 
truncated (or sometimes somewhat mid- 
concave) basal tooth. Basal margin of man- 

dible lacking a toothlike prominence or 
curved lobe. Clypeus possessing or lacking 
a longitudinal median carina. Ventral sur- 
face of clypeus with a long transverse 
ridge. Anterior clypeal margin with a me- 
dian denticle and two to three others on 
each side, but some of the denticles are 
usually vestigial or very weak; sometimes, 
the margin without any distinct denticles. 
Palp formula 1,3. Frontal carinae extend- 
ing to the level of the posterior margins of 
eyes. Antennal scrobes absent. Frontal 
lobes absent. Antennal scapes, when lying 
on the dorsal head, close to the occipital 
margin of head. Eyes containing six to nine 
ommatidia in the longest row. Pronotum 


tuberculate, lacking teeth or spines. Pro- 
podeum armed with a pair of triangular 
teeth or short spines. Metapleural lobes 
rounded. In profile view, petiole node 
massive, higher than long, with a robust 
anterior peduncle; its anterodorsal and 
posterodorsal angles rounded, but the for- 
mer is higher than the latter (Fig. 155). In 
dorsal view, petiole node slightly broader 
than long. Postpetiole in profile higher 
than long, rounded dorsally, in dorsal view 
broadening from front to back and dis- 
tinctly broader than long. Dorsum of head 
between the frontal carinae smooth and 
shining. A few foveolate punctures present 
on thee sides of the dorsal head and some- 
times bordering the frontal carinae. Ali- 
trunk, petiole, postpetiole, and gaster un- 
sculptured, smooth, and shining. Dorsum 
of head beyond the level of antennal in- 
sertions with about four pairs of hairs: 
three pairs on the frontal carinae and one 
pair on the occipital corners. Dorsal sur- 
face of alitrunk with only a pair of hairs 
present on the mesonotum. Petiole, post- 
petiole, and first gastral tergite lacking 
erect or suberect hairs. Several pairs of 
forward-projecting hairs present near the 
anterior clypeal margin. Scapes and tibiae 
with appressed hairs. Color blackish- 

Queen. IL, SOL B58) IeUk, Osea =O.80), 
HW 0.91—0.99, CI 106-110, SL 0.74—0.79, 
SI80=85) JE 1 0!23=0265 PW. 017 020577. 
AL 0.90—1.00, PPW 0.29-—0.32, PPL 0.2]— 
0.24, PPI 129-145 (n = 8). 

General shape as in Figures 156-157, 
with normal caste differences from con- 
specific worker; eyes larger; mesonotum 
with more eure than in the conspecific 
worker. Other characters similar to worker. 

Male. (Figs. 264, 273). Two male speci- 
mens, one collected in Ghana (Tafo, twig 
in leaf litter), by B. Bolton, and the second 
male in Ivory Coast (Orston Expt. Sta., 17 
km. W. of Abidjan), by W. L. Brown, were 
originally mounted, respectively, together 
ih one and two workers on hes same 
pins: TL 2.58, 2.76; HL 0.48, 0.50; HW 
0.47, 0.48; CI 96, 100, SL 0.18, 0.18; SI 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 6 

38, 38; HWE 0.63, 0.66; EL 0.24, 0.26: 
PW 0.57, 0.58; AL 0.87, 0.92; PPW 0.20, 
Oils IIB Oe, O.lles IPP WL, WIS Ge = 

Head, including the eyes, distinctly 
broader than long. Clypeus narrow, convex 
in middle; antenion clypeal margin trans- 
verse. Maximum diameter of the median 
ocellus 0.08 to 0.09. On the mesoscutum, 
notauli distinct, forming a Y shape; par- 
apsidal furrows absent. Scuto-scutellar sul- 
cus with 8 to 11 short ridges. Propodeum 
slightly tuberculate, lacking teeth or 
spines. Metapleural lobes subtriangular. 
Petiole node low in profile, with a fairly 
long anterior peduncle; its anterior face, 
together with the dorsal surface of the pe- 
duncle, forming a declivity. Postpetiole in 
profile low, rounded dorsally, and in dorsal 
view slightly broader than long. Dorsum of 
head generally smooth and shining, but 
with about 8 to 10 short rugae on the pos- 
terior clypeal margin. A few short rugae 
present on the frontal area. A weak, 
curved ruga present above the antennal in- 
sertion. Nira generally smooth and 
shining, except for those marked sutures. 
Petiole, postpetiole, and gaster smooth 
and shining. All dorsal siuhiges with abun- 
dant erect or suberect hairs. Scapes and 
tibiae with numerous suberect short hairs. 
Body reddish-brown; wings white or light- 

Comments and Discussion. Pristomyr- 
mex orbiceps occurs in Africa. It is some- 
what similar, in appearance of the workers, 
to P. fossulatus, a member of the punctatus 
group, also from Africa. The workers of 
the two species all lack pronotal teeth or 
spines. But they can be separated as fol- 
lows: (1) P. orbiceps possesses a single seg- 
ment of maxillary palp, in contrast with 
four segments in P. fossulatus; (2) P. fos- 
sulatus has a wedge-shaped petiole node 
that is not seen in P. orbiceps; and (3) the 
dorsal surfaces of the head and the ali- 
trunk are smooth in P. orbiceps but sculp- 
tured with scattered foveolate punctures in 
P. fossulatus. 

Pristomyrmex orbiceps belongs to the | 

rainforest, Berlesate (R. W. Taylor); Tafo, 

quadridens group. The absence of the pro- 
notal teeth or spines in the workers should 
not impede this species from being as- 
signed to the group. P. africanus, a distinct 
member of the quadridens group, some- 
times also possesses only a pair of tuber- 
cles on the pronotum, like P. orbiceps. 

Pristomyrmex orbiceps is easily recog- 
nized in the quadridens group. It differs 
from the other species of the group, except 
for P. eduardi and sometimes P. africanus, 
in the workers in lacking a pair of pronotal 
teeth or spines. Pristomyrmex orbiceps dif- 
fers from P. eduardi and P. africanus in the 
workers as follows: The masticatory mar- 
gin of the mandible possesses five teeth in 
P. eduardi but three teeth in P. orbiceps; 
the eyes contain three to four ommatidia 
in the longest row in P. eduardi and four 
to five ommatidia in P. africanus but six to 
nine ommatidia in P. orbiceps; the dorsal 
surfaces of the head and the alitrunk are 
smooth in P. orbiceps but sculptured with 
scattered foveolate punctures in P. african- 
us and with rugoreticulum in P. eduardi; 
the ventral surface of the clypeus bears a 
central tooth in P. eduardi, two prominent 
teeth in P. africanus, but a long transverse 
ridge in P. orbiceps; the dorsum of the al- 
itrunk has only one pair of hairs in P. or- 
biceps but numerous in both P. eduardi 
and P. africanus. 

Distribution. Ivory Coast, Ghana, Ni- 
geria, Cameroon, Gabon, and Angola (Bol- 
ton, 1981). The following records (MCZC, 
ANIC) are added here: Angola: Dundo, 
Carnisso, barks eRe sLwachime. 17.2228. 
20.50°E, gallery forest, berlesate (native 
collector); Dundo, R. Luachimo (Rte. Tur- 
ismo), 7.025°S, 20.51°E, gallery forest, ber- 
lesate ates collector). Ivory Coast: Divo, 
rainforest, litter (L. Brader); Gagnoa, rain- 
forest, litter (L. Brader). People’s Rep. 
Congo: 25 k NW Boha, 30 k SE Lac Telle 
(Gary Alpert). French Equatorial Africa: 
Ubangi-Shari, Bas Mbomu (N. A. Weber). 
Ghana: E.R. Mt. Atewa, rainforest, Ber- 
lesate (R. W. Taylor); E.R. Scarp Forest, 
near Bosuso, rainforest, Berlesate (R. W. 
Taylor); E.R. Nkwanda For., near Enyiresi, 

Eastern Reg., rainforest, Berlesate (R. W. 

Ecological Information. This species oc- 
curs in rainforest and has been collected 
in litter berlesates (also see Weber, 1952: 

Pristomyrmex quadridens Emery 
Figures 158-161, 274 

Pristomyrmex quadridens Emery, 1897: 584. Lecto- 
type worker, New Guinea: Friedrich-Wilhelmshaf- 
en et Berlinhafen (L. Biré) (MCSN), here desig- 
nated, [examined]. 

Pristomyrmex quadridens var. aruensis Karavaiev, 
1933: 270. Holotype worker, Indonesia: Aru Is., 
Wammar (W. Karawajew) (UENC) [examined]. 

Syn. n. 

Pristomyrmex orbiculatus Donisthorpe, 1948: 306. 
Syntype workers, queens and males, New Guinea: 
Maffin Bay, (E. S. Ross) [syntype work- 
ers (BMNH, LACM, USNM) examined]. Syn. n. 

Diagnosis (Worker). Pronotum and pro- 
podeum each with a pair of short spines; 
dorsal surfaces of alitrunk and head be- 
tween the frontal carinae with scattered 
foveolate punctures; petiole node and 
postpetiole each with at least a pair of 
hairs; HW 0.82—1.02, HL 0.82-1.02. 

Worker Tl 334-410) Ale 078221202) 
HW 0.82-1.02, CI 96-102, SL 0.86—1.00, 
SI 96-105, EL 0.14—0.20, PW 0.54—0.70, 
AL 0.82-1.04, PPW 0.24—0.28, PPL 0.26— 
0.30, PPI 86—L00 (n = 30). 

Mandibles usually smooth and shining 
but sometimes with a few fine longitudinal 
rugae. Dentition of the masticatory margin 
of mandible: the strongest apical tooth + 
the second strongest preapical + a long 
diastema + two Srna teeth that are rough 
ly the same size; sometimes two small bas 
al teeth are fused, forming a broad tooth 
with two points. Basal margin of mandible 
lacking a distinct toothlike prominence. 
Clypeus depressed and smooth, with a me- 
dian longitudinal carina, but sometimes 
this raeclon carina weak or absent. Ante- 
rior clypeal margin usually with a median 
denticle and two to three others on each 
side. Ventral surface of clypeus with a 
toothlike prominence at the center. Palp 


Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 6 

Figures 158-161. 

Pristomyrmex quadridens Emery. 158A: Worker head, full-face view; 158B: Showing a tooth on the center 

of ventral clypeus; 159: Worker, lateral view; 160A: Queen head, full-face view; 160B: Showing a tooth on the center of ventral 

clypeus; 161: Queen, lateral view. 

formula 1,3. Frontal carinae distinct, ex- 
tending to the level of the posterior mar- 
gins of eyes. Antennal scrobes shallow and 
short. Frontal lobes weak; thus, the anten- 
nal articulations are almost entirely ex- 
posed. Antennal scapes, when lying on the 
dorsal head, slightly surpassing the occip- 
ital margin of head. Eyes usually contain- 
ing seven to eight ommatidia in the longest 
row. Occipital margin feebly concave. Pro- 
file of alitrunk and pedicel segments as in 
Figure 159. Pronotum armed with a pair 
of acute short spines. Propodeum with a 
pair of triangular teeth or short spines that 
are about equal in length to the pronotal 
armaments. Metapleural lobes rounded or 
with a subtriangular apex. Petiole node in 
profile nodiform; its anterodorsal angle 

high, and the dorsum sloping downward 
posteriorly. Postpetiole in profile rounded 
dorsally, in dorsal view broadening from 
front to back and usually longer than 
broad but sometimes about as long as 
broad. Dorsum of head between the fron- 
tal carinae with scattered foveolate punc- 
tures; intensity and number of punctures 
very variable: The punctures are some- 
times dense and large but sometimes few, 

small, and shallow. Dorsum of alitrunk 

with scattered foveolate punctures, varying | 

from a few to many. Petiole, postpetiole, 
and gaster unsculptured, smooth, and 
shining. Dorsal surfaces of head and ali- 

trunk with numerous erect or suberect | 

hairs. Two pairs of hairs usually present on 
the dorsum of petiole node and a pair usu- 


ally on the dorsum of postpetiole. First 
gastral tergite without erect or suberect 
hairs. A few pairs of forward-projecting 
hairs present near the anterior clypeal 
margin. Scapes and tibiae with abundant 
erect to suberect short hairs. Color varying 
from light yellow-brown to dark-brown; in 
some specimens, a darker circular patch 
present on the dorsum of head just above 
the frontal area; sometimes gaster darker 
than head and alitrunk. 

Queen. TL 3.82-4.72, HL 0.90-1.10, 
HW 0.94—1.11, CI 98-105, SL 0.88—1.02, 
SI 90-99, EL 0.23—0.28, PW 0.74—-0.88, 
AL 1.06—1.26, PPW 0.26—0.32, PPL 0.29— 
O34. PPI 88=97 (= 7): 

General shape as in Figures 160-161, 
with normal caste differences from the 
conspecific worker; pronotum unarmed. 
Other characters similar to worker. 

Male (Fig. 274). Two male specimens, 
together with 12 workers and two queens, 
constitute a series collected in Indonesia 
(Seram, above Haruru, near Masohi, 50— 
150 m) by W. L. Brown; each of the two 
males was originally mounted with a work- 
er on the same pin: TL 3.30, 3.52; HL 
0.60, 0.62; HW 0.60, 0.62; CI 100, 100; SL 
0.23, 0.24: SI 38, 39; HWE 0.80, 0.82; EL 
0.32, 0.33; PW 0.79, 0.82; AL 1.20, 1.20: 
BREW e022 5 0922] PPIi 025.) O27 Rel sie 
83 G@ = 

Head, including the eyes, distinctly 
broader than long. Clypeus somewhat 
transverse, convex, and unsculptured. Palp 
formula 1,3. Frontal carinae absent. Max- 
imum diameter of the median ocellus 0.11 
to 0.12. On the mesoscutum, notauli pro- 
nounced, forming a Y shape; parapsidal 
furrows very weak. Scuto-scutellar sulcus 
with 10 narrow longitudinal ridges. Pro- 
podeum tuberculate, lacking teeth or 
spines. Metapleural lobes somewhat 
rounded. Petiole node in profile low and 
rounded dorsally, with a fairly long ante- 
rior peduncle. Postpetiole low, in dorsal 
view distinctly longer than broad. Dorsum 
of head smooth and shining. Alitrunk 
smooth and shining, except for those 
marked sutures. Petiole, postpetiole, and 


gaster smooth and shining. All dorsal sur- 
faces with abundant long hairs. Scapes and 
tibiae with numerous erect or suberect 
short hairs. Color blackish-brown; hairs 
reddish-brown; wings somewhat infuscat- 

Comments and Discussion. This species 
occurs in New Guinea, some islands near 
New Guinea, and Pohnpei Island. One of 
its closely related species, P. brevispinosus, 
is distributed in Indonesia, Malaysia, Thai- 
land, the Philippines, Taiwan, and Japan; 
in other words, P. brevispinosus occurs to 
the northwest of P. quadridens (see Fig. 
162). The differences between the workers 
of the two species are as follows: The dor- 
sal surfaces of the head and the alitrunk 
possess scattered foveolate punctures in P. 
quadridens but foveolate-reticulate sculp- 
ture or rugoreticulum in P. brevispinosus. 

Characters separating P. quadridens 
from P. nitidissimus of New Guinea are 
presented under P. nitidissimus. A discus- 
sion of separating P. quadridens from the 
Asian P. collinus and P. flatus is provided 
under P. flatus. The separation of P. quad- 
ridens from the African P. africanus is giv- 
en under the latter name. The three Aus- 
tralian species, P. wheeleri, P. erythropy- 
gus, and P. quadridentatus, differ from P. 
quadridens in the workers in having three 
strong teeth on the anterior clypeal mar- 
gin, three teeth on the masticatory margin 
of the mandible, longer pronotal arma- 
ments, palp formula of 2,2, and lacking fo- 
veolate punctures on the dorsal surfaces of 
the head and the alitrunk. 

Material Examined (MCZC, BMNH, 
Papua New Guinea: Gulf Prov., Ivimka 
Camp, Lakekamu Basin, 7.7°S, 146.8°E, 
120 m el, lowland wet forest, #96-205, 
#96-232 (nest in rotting tree limb), #96- 
234 (misc. strays), #96-300 (in rotten 
branch on ground), #96-330 (foragers on 
log) (R. R. Snelling); N. Dist., Sangara (P. 
M. Room); N. Dist., 12 m N Popondetta 
(B. B. Lowery); Brown R., rainforest, low- 
land (B. B. Lowery); Bewani Rd. near Van- 
imo ca. 7 to 10 km, 240 to 380 m, rain- 


@ &. brevispinosus 
A P. quadridens 

Figure 162. 

forest (W. L. Brown); ca. 12 km SE Vani- 
mo, virgin hill, rainforest, 150 m (W. L. 
Brown); Nadzab, dry evergreen forest (E. 
O. Wilson); Huon Peninsula, Lower Busu 
R., lowland rainforest (E. O. Wilson); near 
Dobodura, Samboga R. 400 ft, rainforest 
(B. B. Lowery); Bulolo 2600 ft, rainforest 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 6 


Distributions of Pristomyrmex brevispinosus and Pristomyrmex quadridens. 

(B. B. Lowery); 12 mi N of Popondetta, 
Bisicocoa Plan., 400 ft, rainforest (B. B. 
Lowery); Lae, Busu R. area, rainforest (B. 
B. Lowery); Lae, Markham R. Bridge, — 
rainforest (B. B. Lowery); near Lae, <50 
m (R. W. Yaylor); ca. 16 km: NW Laew 
“Timber Track’, ca. 220 m, rainforest, ex | 


rotting log (R. W. Taylor); Hayfield near 
Maprik ca. 150 m (R. W. Taylor); 13 km 
NW Lae, Bubia, lowland rainforest (E. O. 
Wilson); Finsch Harbor (L. Wagner); Maf- 
fin Bay (E. S. Ross); Hollandia (H. A. 
Levy); NW Japan I., SSE Sumberbaba, 
Dawai R., jungle (H. Holtmann). Indone- 
sia: Auraborine. Ambon (Mann); N. C. Ser- 
am, Manusela N.P., Wae Mual Plain (M 
J. D. Brendell); Seram, above Haruru, 
near Masohi, 50 to 150 m, rainforest (W. 
L. Brown); Irian Jaya, km 12 S of Sorong, 
forest fragment (W. L. Brown); Irian Jaya, 
Pi ereeport Concession, Siewa Camp., 
03.04°S, 136.38°E, 200 ft, lowland second 
rainforest, #98-33 and #98-48 (on rotten 
log), #98-63 (strays in leaf litter), #98-83 
(under loose bark of log, Venom Voucher) 
(R. R. Snelling). Micronesia: Ponape Is., 
Mt. Kubersoh, 1,900 ft (P. A. Adams); 
Ponape Iss. 55 Tolotom, 1,700ut (P7A 
Adams); Ponape Is., Mt. Dolennankap, 
1,700 to 2,000 ft (H. K. Townes); Ponape 
Is., near Colonia (Townes); Pohnpei, Mal- 
en, above Kepirohi Falls, 350 m (Ron 
Close); Pohnpei, Mall Island, in coconut 
husk litter (Ron Clouse); Pohnpei, Quarter 
Mile, upriver from Mahnd, nest in rotten 
tree fern stump (Ron Clouse); Pohnpei, 
above Kepirohi Falls, 350 m, both in rot- 
ten log and on bracket fungus (Ron 

Ecological Information. This species oc- 
curs in rainforest and has been collected 
in litter, in rotten branch, and under the 

bark of a log. 

Pristomyrmex quadridentatus (André) 
Figures 163-166, 265, 275 

Odontomyrmex quadridentatus André, 1905: 208. 
Lectotype worker, designated by Taylor (1965: 43), 
Australia: Sydney (Duchaussoy) (MNHN) (Taylor, 
1965). [Note: Odontomyrmex quadridentatus An- 
dré was automatically transferred to Pristomyrmex 
quadridentatus (André), when Forel (1915: 53) 
designated Odontomyrmex as a subgenus of Pris- 
tomyrmex |. 

Pristomyrmex (Odontomyrmex) quadridentatus var. 
queenslandensis Forel, 1915: 53. Syntype workers, 
Australia: Queensland, Mt. Tambourine, 1913 
(Mjébergs) (MHNG) [examined]. [Synonymy by 
Taylor, 1965]. 


Notes: (1) Although I did not examine 
the lectotype of P. quadridentatus, 1 had 
access to some specimens that have been 
compared with it by R. W. Taylor. (2) A 
lectotype and a paralectotype of P. quad- 
ridentatus, designated by Taylor, belong to 
self-colored golden-brown form (Taylor, 
1965). But the three syntypes of P. quad- 
ridentatus var. queenslandensis, seen by 
myself, belong to the bicolored form, with 
head, gaster, and appendages golden- 
brown to reddish-brown but ARearale pet- 
iole, and postpetiole dark-brown. (3) Tay- 
lor (1965) mentioned that “judging from 
subsequent records the Sydney type-local- 
ity may be outside the true range of this 
species and should be regarded with res- 
ervation as a distributional record until 

Diagnosis ( Worker). Pronotal spines ca. 
0.15 to 0.24, much longer and more robust 
than propodeal armaments (ca. 0.06—0.09): 
dorsal surfaces of head and alitrunk 
smooth and shining, but a transverse ridge 
present at the approximate position of me- 
tanotal groove; petiole node and postpeti- 
ole each with at least one pair of erect or 
suberect hairs; ventral surface of clypeus 
usually with a long transverse ridge. 

Worker. TL < 3.344. AD, eb 0.86— lee 
HW 0.80-1.08, Cl 93 =O SIE 0.86-1.16. 
SI 97-113, EL 0.16—0.20, PW 0.52-0.67, 
INE) OFS SSIs IW O22 0) 2X6). TRIP Ly Oe 
0.28; PRI 93=109' Gr = 52). 

Mandibles usually smooth and shining 
but sometimes with a few longitudinal ru- 
gae, varying from superficial to distinct. 
Masticatory margin of mandible with three 
teeth arranged as the strongest apical + 
the second strongest preapical + a long 
diastema + a truncated basal tooth. Basal 
margin of mandible almost straight, lack- 
ing a toothlike prominence. Clypeus with 
a strong median longitudinal carina. An- 
terior clypeal margin with three teeth: a 
median tooth and one on each side. Ven- 
tral surface of clypeus usually with a long 
transverse ridge but sometimes showing 
only two foothiike prominences. Palp for 
mula 2,2. Frontal carinae usually extend- 


Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 6 


Figures 163-166. Pristomyrmex quadridentatus (André). 163A: Worker head, full-face view; 163B: Showing a transverse ridge 
on the ventral clypeus; 164: Worker, lateral view; 165A: Queen head, full-face view; 165B: Showing a transverse ridge on the 

ventral clypeus; 166: Queen, lateral view. 

ing to the level of the posterior margins of 
eyes, but sometimes they are not so. Weak 
scrobal impressions present lateral to the 
frontal carinae. Frontal lobes weak: thus, 
the antennal articulations are almost en- 
tirely exposed. Antennal scapes, lying on 
the dorsal head, slightly surpassing the oc- 
cipital margin of head. Between the sec- 
ond and seventh funicular segments of an- 
tennae, the second is longest. Eyes usually 
containing seven to eight ommatidia in the 
longest row. Occipital carina distinct. Pro- 
file shape of alitrunk and pedicel segments 
as in Figure 164. Pronotal spines, ca. 0.15 
to 0.24, much longer and more robust than 

propodeal armaments, which are a pair of 
teeth or short spines (ca. 0.06—0.09). Me- | 
tapleural lobes usually elongate-triangular, 
usually longer than propodeal armaments. — 

Petiole node in profile, with the antero- 

dorsal angle higher than the posterodorsal; | 

in dorsal view, crest of the node convex. 

Anterior and dorsal faces of the postpeti- 

ole in profile forming a single curved sur- 
face. Postpetiole in dorsal view broadening 
from front to back. Dorsum of head 
smooth and shining, except for a short ca- 
rina present below the antennal scrobe, 

subparallel to frontal carina. Dorsum of al- | 


itrunk smooth and shining, with a distinct 


transverse carina on the anterior margin of 
the pronotum and a transverse ridge pre- 
sent at the approximate position of metan- 
otal groove. Petiole and _ postpetiole 
smooth and shining. Gaster unsculptured. 
Dorsal surfaces of head and alitrunk with 
numerous erect or suberect hairs. Petiole 
node and postpetiole each with bilaterally 
distributed hairs, as shown in Figure 164. 
First gastral tergite lacking erect or sub- 
erect hairs. A few pairs of forward-pro- 
jecting hairs present near the anterior 
clypeal margin. Scapes and tibiae with 
some erect to suberect short hairs. Body 
self-colored (golden-brown) or bicolored 
(i.e., head, gaster, and appendages golden- 
brown to reddish-brown but alitrunk and 
pedicel segments blackish-brown). 

Queen. TL 3.56-5.02, HL 0.93-1.16, 
HW 0.90-1.12, CI 93—L00, SL 0.93—1.12, 
SI 96-103, PW 0.68—0.82, AL 1.02—1.30, 
PPW 0.29-0.32, PPL 0.28—0.36, PPI S9-— 
Hil (1 = 7). 

General shape as in Figures 165-166, 
with normal caste differences from the 
conspecific worker; pronotum with a pair 
of tubercles or minute teeth or sometimes 
unarmed; propodeum with a pair of tu- 
bercles or minute teeth; other characters 
similar to worker. 

Male (Figs. 265, 275). Four male spec- 
imens are examined; two of them, collect- 
ed in New South Wales (New England 
Nat. Park, Platypus Creek, STRF) by 
Nicholls, were originally mounted with 
two and three self-colored workers, re- 
spectively; one male, collected in SE 
Queensland (Rathdowney, Lever’s Plateau, 
Philp’s Farm) by J. B. Williams, and one 
in Queensland (National Pk.), by F. A. 
Perkins, were originally mounted with a 
bicolored worker, respectively. 

TL 3.63—4.14, HL 0.60—0.68, HW 0.62-— 
0.72, CI 103-106, SL 0.22—0.26, SI 34—37, 
HWE 0.84—0.93, EL 0.32—0.34, PW 0.82— 
0.86, AL 1.22—-1.36, PPW 0.24—0.28, PPL 
0.26—0.30, PPI 92-100 (n = 4). 

Head, including the eyes, distinctly 
broader than long. Clypeus convex, lacking 
a median longitudinal carina, but with sev- 


eral short rugae present on the posterior 
clypeal margin. Anterior clypeal margin 
straight. Palp formula 2,2; the second seg- 
ments of maxillary and labial palps rather 
long. Frontal carinae absent. Maximum di- 
ameter of the median ocellus 0.08 to 0.10. 
On the mesoscutum, notauli absent or 
weakly impressed or fairly distinct; parap- 
sidal furrows absent or superficially im- 
pressed. Scuto-scutellar sulcus with 15 to 
16 low, short ridges. Propodeum lacking 
armaments. Metapleural lobes subtrian- 
gular. Middle and hind tibiae without any 
spurs. Petiole node in profile low and 
rounded dorsally, with a long anterior pe- 
duncle. Postpetiole low, in dorsal view usu- 
ally longer than rarely as long as broad. 
Posterior face of postpetiole almost entire- 
ly attached to the first gastral segment. 
Dorsum of head smooth and shining, but 
frontal area usually with a median longi- 
tudinal carina. Alitrunk smooth and shin- 
ing, except for those marked sutures. Pet- 
iole, postpetiole, and gaster smooth and 
shining. All dorsal surfaces with abundant 
long hairs. Scapes and tibiae with numer- 
ous erect or suberect short hairs. Color 
reddish-brown to blackish-brown; wings 

Comments and Discussion. Pristomyr- 
mex quadridentatus occurs in Australia. It 
is closely related to P. wheeleri, also from 
Australia. The workers of the two species 
share the following critical characters: (1) 
the masticatory margin of mandible with 
three teeth arranged as an apical + a 
preapical + a long diastema + a truncated 
basal tooth; (2) palp formula 2,2; (3) the 
anterior clypeal margin with three strong 
teeth; (4) the clypeus with a median lon- 
gitudinal carina; (5) the pronotum with a 
pair of fairly long spines; (6) the dorsum 
of alitrunk smooth and shining but with a 
transverse carina present at the approxi- 
mate position of metanotal groove; and (7) 
first gastral tergite lacking erect or sub- 
erect hairs. Pristomyrmex quadridentatus 
differs from P. wheeleri in the workers and 
queens, as follows: 


P. quadridentatus 

Propodeum with a pair of teeth or short 
spines, ca. 0.06 to 0.09, much shorter 
than pronotal spines (worker). Pro- 
podeum tuberculate (queen) 

Ventral face of clypeus with a long trans- 
verse ridge or two toothlike promi- 
nences (worker and queen) 

Head relatively narrow (worker: CI 93— 
101, HW 0.80-1.08; queen: CI 93- 
100, HW 0.90-1.12) 

Pronotum unarmed or with a pair of mi- 
nute teeth (queen) 

P. wheeleri 

Propodeum with a pair of fairly long 
spines, ca. 0.18 to 0.28, about equal 
in length to or longer than pronotal 
spines (worker); propodeum with a 
pair of spines (queen) 

Ventral center of clypeus usually with a 
short transverse carina; sometimes, 
this carina weak or indistinct (worker 
and queen) 

Head relatively broad (worker: CI 103— 
116, HW 0.97-1.34; queen: CI 107— 
AS IVVidl S242) 

Pronotum armed with a pair of acute 
short spines (queen) 

Characters separating P. quadridentatus 
from P. erythropygus, from the two Afri- 
can species P. africanus and P. trogor, and 
from the two Oriental species P. flavus and 
P. collinus are provided under P. erythro- 
pygus, under P. africanus, and under P. fla- 
tus, respectively. 

Taylor observes that there are two color 
forms of P. quadridentatus. One is a uni- 
form reddish-brown and occupies the 
southern portion of its geographic range. 
The other is bicolored (head, gaster, and 
appendages reddish-brown but alitrunk, 
petiole, and postpetiole dark-brown) and 
occurs in more northern localities. Taylor 
found no evidence of sympatry of the two 
forms; thus, he postulated that the bicol- 
ored form might be result of character dis- 
placement where P. quadridentatus co-oc- 
curs with P. wheeleri (Taylor, 1965, 1968). 
However, six specimens, collected by P. 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 6 

Ward in 1976, have the same records of 
locality (New South Wales: Whian Whian, 
SF, 28.39S/153.20E, rainforest, 200 m). 
The six specimens consists of two workers 
of each color form of P. quadridentatus 
and two workers of P. wheeleri. This col- 
lection implies that two forms of P. quad- 
ridentatus partly overlap in their distribu- 
tion (in other words, character displace- 
ment is not the cause of the bicolored 
form in areas of sympatry with P. whee- 
leri). Of course, these data need to be fur- 
ther confirmed because they come from 
the labels on only a few specimens. 

Taylor (1965) also proposed that the two 
color forms “might prove ultimately to be 
good biological _ species”, although there 
are no Gites detectable morphological dif- 
ferences between them. This question will 
be clarified by further collecting: If the 
two forms are never found to eoeust in the 
same colony, they represent two good spe- 
cies: otherwise, they belong to the same 
species. (Note: To date, these two forms 
have not been collected in the same col- 
ony. ) 

The larva of P. quadridentatus was de- 
scribed by Wheeler and Wheeler (1973). 

Material Examined (ANIC, MCZC). 
Self-colored form: Australia: New South 
Wales: Grafton, Pt. lookout, rainforest (P. 
F. Darlington); New England National 
Park, Platypus Crk., STRF, in log (Nich- 
olls); Dorrigo, 3,000 ft (W. Heron); Dor- 
rigo NP, W rend Blackbutt Tr., subtropical 
rainforest, 790 m (A. Nevton and M. 
Thayer); East foot hills, Barrington Tops 
near Cobark, rainforest, 400 ft (B. B. Low- 
ery); Brunswick Heads, faunal reserve, RF, 
sea level, under bark sheath of Bangalow 
Palm (B. B. Lowery); Macksville, Warrell 
Crk. area, RF valley, 150 ft, red rotten log 
(B. B. Lowery); ca. 5 mi NW of Bruxner 
Pk. (D. H. Colless); Upr. Allyn Val. near 
Eccleston, rainforest, ca. 2,000 ft, ex rotten 
log and nocturnal strays (Taylor and 
Brooks): Whian Whian, SF, 28.39°S, 
153.20°E, rainforest, 200 m, ca. 8 m above 
ground, in epiphytic fern on tree, acc. no. 
1721, (PB. Ward); Coffs Harb 


Bruxner Pk., ca. 70 m (R. W. Taylor); Roy- 
al Nat. Park, rainforest, 50 m, 34.09°S/ 
151.01°E, ex rotten log (P. Ward). Bicol- 
ored form: Australia: Queensland: Mt. 
D Aguilar Range, 2,000 ft, ex rotten log (R 
W. Taylor); Stradbroke Is. (H. Hacker); 
Tamborine Mt. (A. M. Lea); Tamborine 
Mt., 1,800 ft (W. L. Brown); Tamborine 
Mt., Cedar Creek, rotting logs (W. L. 
Brown); Tamborine Mt., near Witches 
Halls 27.07 5, 53. J0°E (R. J. Kohout); 
Tamborine Mt., RF, 2,000 ft, rotten log (B 
B. Lowery); 6 km SSW North Tamborine, 
Pi O96 9/153°11’E, 500 m, #9828 (P S. 
Ward); Binna Burra: 2,600 ft, rotten logs 
(R. W. Taylor); Lamington N.P., Cocunenn 
Gorge, ex rotten log (R. W. Taylor); Below 
Eprinebrook Upper Tallebudgera Ck, RF, 
550 m (Monteith, Thompson. and Cook); 
Numinbah Arch, rainforest, 1,500 ft, ex 
rotten log (B. B. Lowery); Joalah Nat. 
Rank 27. 55°S, Sse cE CanooOnme (Rs VV 
Taylor and R. Kohout); Rathdowney, Le- 
vers Plateau, Philp’s Farm (J. B. Williams); 
National Park (F. A. Perkins); Cooloola, 
rainforest (P. J. M. Greenslade). New 
South Wales: Wiangaree SF, Brindle Ck., 
740 m, subtropical rainforest (A. Newton 
and M. Thayer); Mt. Warning, rainforest, 
ex rotten log (B. B. Lowery); Mt. Warning, 
rainforest, ca. 1,000 ft, under bark ice 
of Bangalow Palm (B. B. Lowery); Nobby’s 
Crk., 10 mi NW Murwillumbah, rainfo- 
rest, ca. 1,500 ft, under bark sheath of 
Bangalow Palm (B. B. Lowery); Whian 
Whian SF, 28.39°S, 153.20°E, 200 m, acc. 
no. 1709, (P. Ward): Tomewin, 
rainforest, 1,200 ft, on Trunk of fig, 8 ft off 
ground, (B. B. Lowery); Acacia Plateau (J. 

Armstrong); 14 km W = Urbenville, Too- 
loom Plateau, 28.29°S/152.24°E (I. D. 

Ecological Information. This species oc- 
curs in rainforest. It forages nocturnally in 
the open on logs, tree trunks, and low fo- 
liage. Nests are located in rotting logs and 
under the bark sheaths of Bangalow palms 
(Taylor, 1965, 1968). 



Pristomyrmex quindentatus sp. n. 
Figures 167-170 

Diagnosis (Worker). Masticatory margin 
of Honcible with five teeth; pronotum 
with a pair of triangular teeth; dorsal sur- 
faces of head and alitrunk with scattered 
foveolate punctures. 

Holotype Worker (MCZC). TL 3.54, HL 
0.86, HW 0.84, CI 98, SL 0.79, SI 94, EL 
0.12, PW 0.56, AL 0.83. Paratypes, five 
workers and two queens (MCZC). 

Worker ml, 311023545 Ee O81 0!86; 
HW 0.79-0.84, CI 96—98, SL 0.76—0.80, 
Si94S100. Hic On 1=0825 PW 10%53=0:56) 
AL 0.78-0.86, PPW 0.22—0.23, PPL 0.21— 
022PPI00>l0a"Ges— 16)! 

Mandibles smooth and shining, except 
for a few longitudinal rugae. Masticatory 
margin of mandible with five teeth ar- 
ranged as the strongest eee + the sec- 
eine strongest preapical + a diastema + 
three sell denticles of similar size (some- 
times three small denticles are fused to- 
gether so that they are not clearly visible; 
or, one of them is weak or worn down, but 
the length of diastema is slightly shorter 
than the distance covered by these three 
teeth). Basal margin of mandible lacking 
toothlike prominences. Clypeus depressed 
and smooth, but the median carina of the 
frontal area extending a little to the clyp- 
eus. Anterior clypeal margin usually with 
a broad, truncated median denticle and 
two to three others on each side. Ventral 
center of clypeus with a prominent tooth. 
Palp formula 1,3. Frontal carinae strong, 
extending to the level of the posterior mar- 
gins of eyes. Slightly impressed scrobal ar- 
eas present lateral to the frontal carinae. 
Frontal lobes weak; thus, the antennal ar- 
ticulations are almost entirely exposed. An- 
tennal scapes, laid on the dorsal head, just 
surpassing the occipital margin of head. 
Eyes moderately sized. Occipital margin 
feebly concave. Pronotum with a pair of 
triangular teeth. Propodeum with a pair of 
short spines that are about two to three 
times the length of pronotal armaments. 
Metapleural lobes somewhat rounded. 


Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 6 

Figures 167-170. Pristomyrmex quindentatus sp. n. 167A: Worker head, full-face view; 167B: Showing a tooth on the center 
of ventral clypeus; 168: Worker, lateral view; 169A: Queen head, full-face view; 169B: Showing a tooth on the center of ventral 

clypeus; 170: Queen, lateral view. 

Petiole node in profile with a fairly long 
anterior peduncle; its anterodorsal angle is 
on a higher level than the posterodorsal 
(Fig. 168). Postpetiole in profile rounded 
dorsally, in dorsal view about quadrate. 
Dorsum of head, except for the shallow 
scrobes, with numerous scattered foveo- 
late punctures. Dorsum of alitrunk pos- 
sessing scattered foveolate punctures, usu- 
ally with a smooth and unsculptured me- 
dian strip. Petiole smooth and _ shining, 
with a weak longitudinal ruga on each side. 
Postpetiole and gaster unsculptured. Dor- 
sal surfaces of head and alitrunk with nu- 
merous erect or suberect short hairs. Two 
pairs of hairs usually present on the dor- 
sum of petiole node, and a few pairs on 

the dorsum of postpetiole, as illustrated in 
Figure 168. First gastral tergite lacking or 
bearing few suberect hairs. A few pairs of 
forward-projecting hairs present near the 
anterior clypeal margin. Scapes and tibiae 
with numerous erect to suberect short 
hairs. Color reddish-brown. | 
Queen. TL 3.64, 3.70; HL 0.83, 0.83; | 
HW 0.82, 0.83; CI 99, 100; SL 0.72, 0.78; | 
SI 88, 94; EL 0.18, 0.19; PW 0.64, 0.64; | 
AL 0.97, 1.00: PPW 0.23, 0.23: PPI 0.228 | 
O23 ERE LOOMO05a¢7— 2): | 
Generally similar to worker, except for — 
normal caste differences. In addition, | 
pronotum unarmed; propodeal armaments 
toothlike, shorter than those in the con-— 
specific worker, and the dorsum of alitrunk | 


lacking an unsculptured median longitu- 
dinal strip. 

Male. Unknown. 

Comments. Pristomyrmex quindentatus 
is closely related to P. occultus. The two 
species occur in the Oriental region. Their 
workers share a critical character, that is, 
the masticatory margin of mandible with 
an apical tooth + a preapical tooth + a 
diastema + three small denticles of similar 
size; this dentition is not seen in all other 
Pristomyrmex species, except in P. eduar- 
di. But P. quindentatus and P. occultus can 
be separated from P. eduardi in the work- 
ers in having a pair of pronotal teeth. 

The worker of P. quindentatus differs 
from that of P. occultus as follows: 

P. quindentatus 

Dorsal surfaces of head and _alitrunk 
only with scattered, shallow foveolate 
punctures; dorsum of alitrunk with an 
unsculptured median longitudinal 

Anterior clypeal margin with a truncat- 
ed median tooth 

A lateral carina lacking or vestigial on 
each side of the petiole node 

SL 0.76—0.80, SI 94—100 

P. occultus 

Dorsal surfaces of head and alitrunk en- 
tirely covered with coarse rugoreti- 

Median tooth on the anterior clypeal 
margin not truncated 

Petiole node with a lateral longitudinal 
carina on each side 

SieO 72-0 os Sl o7—93 

Pristomyrmex quindentatus may have 
evolved from the ancestor of P. quadri- 
dens. Pristomyrmex quindentatus can be 
separated from P. quadridens as follows: 
the masticatory margin of the mandible 
possesses five teeth in the workers and 
queens of P. quindentatus but at most four 
teeth in P. quadridens; in addition, the 
propodeum is armed with a pair of short 
spines in the workers of P. quindentatus 
but a pair of teeth in P. quadridens. 

Holotype Worker. Indonesia: Seram, 


above Haruru, near Masohi, rainforest, 50 
to 150 m, 18.iii. 1981 (W. L. Brown). 

Paratypes. Five workers and two queens 
with same data as holotype. 

Additional Material Examined (MCZC). 
A worker collected in Indonesia (Blawan, 
Idjen, Dammerman, 950 m) has the fol- 
lowing measurements: TL 3.50, HL 0.97, 
HW 0.95, CI 99, SL 0.84, SI 88, EL 0.14, 
PW 0.62, AL 0.94. It shows some varia- 
tion: (1) The propodeum is armed with a 
pair of triangular teeth, (2) the dorsum of 
the head possesses dense foveolate punc- 
tures, (3) a longitudinal carina is present 
on each side of the petiole, and (4) three 
small denticles on the masticatory margin 
of the mandible are worn down and are 
not clearly visible. 

Ecological Information. This species has 
been collected in rainforest. 

Pristomyrmex sulcatus Emery stat. n. 
Figures 171-176, 266, 276 

Pristomyrmex brevispinosus sulcatus Emery, 1895: 
464. Syntype workers, queen, Burma: Carin Cheba, 
500 to 1,000 m, xii.1887 (L. Fea) [syntype workers 
(MCSN, NHMYV) examined]. 

Diagnosis (Worker). Ventral surface of 
clypeus with a strongly prominent tooth at 
the center; pronotum with a pair of mod- 
erately long spines (0.14—0.20), usually 
longer than propodeal armaments (0.07— 
0.13); dorsum of head with foveolate-retic- 
ulate sculpture or rugoreticulum; petiole 
node lacking foveolate punctures; first gas- 
tral tergite lacking erect or suberect hairs. 

Worker. TL 3.98—4.74, HL 0.98-1.16, 
HW 0.96—-1.10, CI 93-105, SL 1.02—1.15, 
SI 101—11t, El 0,140.19, Pw 0:64-0:75, 
AL 0.98—1.18, PPW 0.26—0.30, PPL 0.26— 
0.32, PPI 90-100 (n = 30). 

Mandibles usually with some longitudi- 
nal rugae, varying from superficial to dis- 
tinct. Masticatory margin of mandible with 
four teeth arranged as the strongest apical 
+ the second strongest preapical + a long 
diastema + two small basal teeth of similar 
size that are fused together. Basal margin 
of mandible almost straight, lacking a dis- 
tinctly convex lobe or tooth. Clypeus with 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 6 






—176. Pristomyrmex sulcatus Emery. 171A: Syntype worker head, full-face view; 172: Syntype worker, lateral view; | 

173A: Non-type worker head, full-face view; 174: Non-type worker, lateral view; 175A: Queen head, full-face view; 176: Queen, | 

lateral view; 171B, 173B and 175B: Showing that a prominent tooth is present on the ventral center of the clypeus in the syntype | 

worker, non-type worker and queen, respectively. 

Figures 171 



a median longitudinal carina. Anterior 
clypeal margin with a median denticle and 
two to three others on each side; but 
sometimes two lateral denticles are fused 
into a larger tooth. Ventral center of clyp- 
eus with a strongly prominent tooth. Palp 
formula 1,3. Frontal carinae strong, ex- 
tending to the level of the posterior mar- 

gins of eyes, forming the dorsal margins of 

the shallow antennal scrobes. Frontal 
lobes very weak; thus, the antennal artic- 
ulations are almost entirely exposed. An- 
tennal scapes, when lying on the dorsal 
head, slightly surpassing the occipital mar- 
gin. Eyes usually containing six to seven 
Bemacdia in the longest row. Profile 
shape of alitrunk and pedicel segments as 
in Figures 172 and 174. Pronotmn with a 
pair of spines, varying in length from 0.14 
(in the type series) to 0.20. Propodeum 
with a pair of teeth or short spines varying 
from 0.07 to 0.13. Metapleural lobes sub- 
triangular or somewhat rounded. Petiole 
Ride. in profile high, with a fairly long an- 
terior peduncle; its anterodorsal angle is 
on a higher level than the posterodor sal. 
Postpetiole in profile rounded dorsally, in 
dorsal view broadening from front to back, 
about as long as or slightly longer than 
broad. Dorsum of head, except for the 
scrobal areas where rugae are somewhat 
weak, with course rugoreticulum or dense 
alveolate punctures. samulae but slightly 
sparse sculpture present on the dorsum of 

alittunk and often on the two sides of 

pronotum. Petiole, postpetiole, and gaster 
smooth and _ shining. 
head and alitrunk <a numerous erect or 
suberect hairs. Usually, two pairs of hairs 
present on the dorsum of petiole node and 
one to two pairs on the dorsum of post- 
petiole. First gastral tergite lacking erect 
or suberect hairs. A few pairs of forward- 
projecting hairs present near the anterior 
clypeal margin. Scapes and _ tibiae with 
some erect to suberect hairs. Color red- 

Queen. TL 4.26-5.00, HL 0.98-1.10, 
PIV, 1 OO=114- Cl 102106) SEARO 1. 12: 
Hes 101 LE 012220264 PW.0!77_-0.90: 

Dorsal surfaces of 


AL 1.16—1.30, PPW 0.28—0.32, PPL 0.29-— 
0.32, PPI 97-100 (@ = 4) 

General shape as in Figures 175-176, 
with normal caste differences from the 
conspecific worker; pronotum usually un- 
armed but rarely with a pair of minute 
spines. Other characters similar to worker. 
The queens of P. sulcatus are almost in- 
distinguishable from those of P. brevispi- 
nosus at present. 

Male (Figs. 266, 276). One male speci- 
men (MCZC), collected in Thailand (Nak- 
hon Ratchasima Prov., Khao Yai Nat. Park, 
750 m, hill forest) by I. Burikam and W. 
L. Brown, was originally mounted with a 
worker on the same pin; it has the follow- 
ing measurements: TL 3.90, HL 0.58, HW 
OOL GET OSs SiO 22S Son ELV OsS35 
EE 0733) 5 PW 01S2,Ale 1elsePRW 10:24" 
PRPs 0:24> PRP l00;Ga—s)) 

Head, including the eyes, distinctly 
broader than long. Clypeus convex, with- 
out a median longitudinal carina. Palp for- 
mula 1,3. Frontal carinae weak and short, 

just reaching the level of the posterior 

margins of antennal insertions. Maximum 
diameter of the median ocellus 0.10. On 
the mesonotum, notauli strongly marked, 
forming a Y shape; parapsidal AunGuis ab- 
sent. Salo: scutellar sulcus rather broad, 
with 10 ridges that expand at the upper 
end. Propodeum slightly tuberculate, lack- 
ing teeth or spines. Metapleural lobes sub- 
tr iangular. Middle and hind tibiae without 
any spurs. Petiole node in profile low, with 
a fairly long anterior peduncle. Postpetiole 
low, in dorsal view about as long as broad. 
Dorsum of head generally oot and 
shining but with a median longitudinal ca- 
rina present on the frontal area fand several 
short rugae on the posterior clypeal mar- 
gin. Alieeani smooth and shining, except 
for those marked sutures. Petiole, post- 
petiole, and gaster smooth and shining. All 
dorsal surfaces with abundant erect or 
suberect hairs. Scapes and legs with erect 
or suberect short hairs. Body reddish- 
brown; funicular segments of antennae 
white and wings slightly light-yellow. At 
the present, dhe male of P. Ruleatis is al- 

most indistinguished from the males of P. 
brevispinosus and P. quadridens. 

Discussion and Comments. Taxonomic 
status of “sulcatus” is somewhat compli- 
cated. The syntype workers of P. brevispi- 
nosus sulcatus differ from those of P. bre- 
vispinosus by possessing a pair of fairly 
long pronotal spines (0.15—0.16), as com- 
pared with a pair of teeth (0.06) in the 
latter. However, after examining all avail- 
able material, I find that the length of the 
pronotal armaments is continuously vari- 
able (from 0.06, as in the syntypes of P. 
brevispinosus, to 0.20, as in the specimens 
from Khao Yai Nat. Park, Thailand). The 
syntype workers of “sulcatus”, in fact, are 
intermediates between the two extreme 
ends (i.e., in one extreme, the pronotal 
teeth are slightly shorter than or about as 
long as the propodeal teeth; in the other 
extreme, the pronotal spines are two to 
three times as long as the propodeal ar- 
maments; see Figs. 114, 172, 14D), Te keep 
“sulcatus” as a valid name (i.e., raise it to 
the rank of species instead of assigning it 
as a junior synonym of P. brevispinosus) 
because more ecological work must be 
done before the status of “sulcatus” be- 
comes clarified. With this tentative pro- 
posal, P. sulcatus comprises those popula- 
tions with pronotal spines (ca. 0.14—0.20), 
distributed in Pahang (1,300-1,720 m), 
Malaya, and in northwest and central Thai- 
land, Burma, Nepal, and southwest China. 
Pristomyrmex brevispinosus comprises 
populations with toothlike pronotal arma- 
ments (ca. 0.06—0.10), occurring in Pahang 
(1,250 m), Malaya, and Trang Province of 
South Thailand (07.55°N) and in the Phil- 
ippines, Taiwan, and Japan. In other 
words, P. sillectans may be a northerly re- 
placement OEE. brevispinosus along the 
Malay peninsula. 

The separation of P. sulcatus from P. 
costatus is provided under P. costatus. The 
worker of P. sulcatus differs from that of 
P. hirsutus by its petiole node with the an- 
terodorsal angle higher than the postero- 
dorsal and its first gastral tergite lacking 
erect or suberect hairs. The worker of P 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 6 


sulcatus differs from that of P. modestus 
by its petiole node higher than long and | 
lacking distinct foveolate punctures. The | 
worker of P. sulcatus differs from that of | 
P. occultus by its masticatory margin of the | 
mandible possessing at most four teeth | 
and its propodeal armaments not longer 
than the pronotal spines. The queen of P. 
sulcatus differs from that of P. bicolor by. 
possessing a strongly prominent tooth on | 
the ventral center of the clypeus. The | 
worker and queen of P. sulcatus differ | 
from those of the Australian P. foveolatus 
and P. thoracicus as follows: | 

P. sulcatus 

Pronotal spines longer than or about as_ 
long as the propodeal armaments | 
(worker) | 

Propodeum with a pair of teeth (Fig. 
176) (queen) 

Maxillary palp with one segment (work-_ 
er and queen) | 

P. foveolatus and P. thoracicus 
Pronotal spines much shorter than the 
propodeal spines (worker) 
Propodeum with a pair of fairly long 
spines (Figs. 143, 180) (queen) 
Maxillary palp with two segments (work-_ 
er and queen) 

Material Examined (ANIC, BMNH, | 
USNM). Thailand: Nakhon Ratchasima 
Prov., Khao Yai Nat. Park, 700 to 750 m,| 
hill forest, rotten wood (I. Burikam and W. | 
L. Brown); Khao Yai Nat. Park (L6bl and! 
Burckhardt); Chiang Mai (54 km NE 
Chiang Mai), Mae Nang Kaeo, 900 m) 
(Burckhardt and L6bl); Chiang Mai Pr. st 
Doi Suthep NP (7), near Ruesse Care, 900 | 
to 1,000 m (Zettel); Chiang Mai Prov., | 
Chiang Dao Wildlife Sanctuary, 19. 29°N | 
98. 97°, 470 to 500 m elevation (Saowana_ 
Sontintclnet). Nepal: Khandbari District, 
Arun River at Num 1,500 to 1,600 m (A. / 
and Z. Smetana). Burma: Carin Cheba (L. 7 
Fea). China, Yunnan Prov. (?). W. Malay- | 
sia: Pahang, Cameron Highls, Gunung Ja-_ 
sar, 1,720 m (L6blI and Calame); Malaysia: 
Pahang, Cameron Highlands, Tanah Rata | 



Figures 177-180. Pristomyrmex thoracicus Taylor. 177A: Worker head, full-face view; 177B: Showing a tooth on the center of 
ventral clypeus; 178: Worker, lateral view; 179A: Queen head, full-face view; 179B: Showing a toothlike prominence on the 

center of ventral clypeus; 180: Queen, lateral view. 

Umg., Gn. Jasar, 1300 m (Schuh and 
Lang)?: Kabu, 400 ft (Abor Exped.). 

Ecological Information. This species has 
been collected in forests. 

Pristomyrmex thoracicus Taylor 
Figures 177-180 

Pristomyrmex thoracicus Taylor, 1965: 41. Holotype 
worker, Australia: N. Queensland, Lake Eacham 
National Park, rainforest, 2,500 ft, (R. W. 
Taylor) (MCZC) [examined]. 

Diagnosis (Worker). Pronotum with a 
pair of triangular short spines (ca. 0.06— 
0.08); propodeal spines long (ca. 0.19- 
0.24); dorsum of head, except for the an- 
tennal scrobes, with foveolate-reticulate 

sculpture; postpetiole unsculptured; PPI 
109-121; SL 0.86—0.98 and SI 97-103. 

Worker. TL 3.22-3.72, HL 0.86—0.96, 
HW 0.86-—0.96, CI 97-101, SL 0.86—0.98, 
SI 97-103, EL 0.10—0.13, PW 0.54—0.60, 
AL 0.84—0.96, PPW 0.23—0.26, PPL 0.20— 
O22 SE RIGhOS= 24) 

Mandibles with a few longitudinal ru- 
gae. Masticatory margin of mandible with 
three teeth arranged as an apical + a 
preapical + a long diastema + a truncated 
basal tooth. Basal margin of mandible lack- 
ing a distinct curved lobe or tooth. Clyp- 
eus with a strong median longitudinal ca- 
rina. Anterior clypeal margin with a me- 
dian denticle and usually two others on 


each side, but sometimes two lateral den- 
ticles are fused into a larger tooth. Ventral 
center of clypeus with a low, broad, tooth- 
like prominence. Palp formula 2,3 . Frontal 
carinae well developed, beyond i level 
of the posterior margins of the eyes. Scro- 
bal areas shallow, present lateral to the 
frontal carinae in full-face view. Frontal 
lobes almost completely absent so that the 
antennal articulations are entirely exposed. 
Antennal scapes usually slightly surpassing 
the occipital margin of head when lying in 
the antennal scrobes. Eyes with five to six 
ommatidia in the longest row. Profile 
shape of alitrunk and pedicel segments as 
in Figure 178. Pronotum with a pair of tri- 
angular short spines, ca. 0.06 to 0.08. Pro- 
podeal spines long, ca. 0.19 to 0.24, usually 
slightly upeurved at their apices. Meta- 
pleural lobe small-triangular with a rather 
acute apex. Petiole node in profile higher 
than long, with a long anterior peduncle, 
its adicrodoteal angle forming an apex and 
its dorsum sloping dower posteriorly. 
In dorsal view, crest of petiole node 
strongly convex. Postpetiole in profile 
rounded dorsally, in dorsal view broader 
than long and broadening from front to 
back. Dorsum of head between the frontal 
carinae, as well as the two sides of the dor- 
sal head, with foveolate-reticulate sculp- 
ture. Antennal scrobes rather smooth, with 
only a few weak rugae. Dorsum of anten- 
nal scape with a longitudinal carina. Dor- 
sum of alitrunk with a rugoreticulum. Pet- 
iole and postpetiole smooth and _ shining. 

Gaster unsculptured. Dorsal surfaces of 

head and alitrunk with numerous erect or 
suberect hairs. Dorsal surfaces of petiole 

node and postpetiole each with a pair of 

hairs. First gastral tergite lacking erect or 
suberect fires A few pairs of fee pro- 

jecting hairs present near the anterior 

clypeal margin. Scapes and tibiae with 

some erect to suberect short hairs. Color 


Queen. TL 3.844.10, HL 0.94—0.96, 
HW 0.94—0.96, CI LOO—100, SL 0.94—0.96, 
SI 98-100, EL 0.16—0.18, PW 0.70_-0.72, 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 6 

Al e061 4S PPWa0.25=0)27 SE Rin 022= 

O225P RIAA 23h os 
General shape as in Figures 179-180, 
with normal caste differences from the 
conspecific worker; pronotum unarmed; 
crest of petiole node in dorsal view feebly | 
convex; other characters similar to worker. | 
Male. Unknown. | 
Comments. Pristomyrmex thoracicus is | 
so far known only from North Queensland, | 
Australia. It is a sibling species of P. fov- | 
eolatus, also from North Queensland. | 
Their differences are given under P. fov- 
eolatus. Characters separating P. thoraci- | 
cus from the Asian P. brevispinosus, and 
from the African P. cribrarius (a member - 
of the cribrarius group) are provided un- 
der P. foveolatus and under P. cribrarius, | 
respectively. | 
Material Examined (MCZC, ANIC). | 
Australia: Queensland, Lake Eacham, - 
rainforest, 2,500 ft, nest ex rotten log (R. | 
W. Taylor); N.Q., Kuranda, Tainiorest | 
1,100 ft, stray floor (R. W. Taylor); N.Q., | 
Cravtonds Lookout, Beatrice River (Dar-. 
lingtons); N.Q., Malanda, rainforest, rotten | 
log (W. L. Brown); N.Q., 3.2 km E of Lake 
Barrine, ca. 700 m, rainforest, ex rotten. 
log (R. W. Taylor and J. Feehan); N.Q.,} 
Iralce Barrine Nat. Pk., 760 m, 17.l5°Sm 
148.38°E, rainforest, ex rotting log (R. W. 
Taylor and T. A. Weir); N.Q., Palmerston | 
N.P.. ca. 1,000 ft, rainforest, nest in soil | 
under log (R. W. Taylor). | 
Ecological Information. This species oc- | 
curs in rainforest nesting in rotting logs. 
and in soil under logs (Taylor, 1965, 1968). | 

Pristomyrmex trachylissus (F. Smith) 
Figures 181-184 

Myrmica trachylissa F. Smith, 1858: 126. Holotype | 
queen, Borneo (A. R. Wallace) (BMNH) [exam- | 

Pristomyrmex trachylissus (F. Smith) Mayr, 1886: | 

Diagnosis (Worker). Large size (HL = | 
1.36, HW Ses): masticatory margin of 
mandible with five teeth; pronotum Heh a | 
pair of exceptionally long spines that are | 


L 3 



Figures 181-184. Pristomyrmex trachylissus (F. Smith). 181A: Worker head, full-face view; 181B: Showing a short ruga on the 
ventral clypeus; 182: Worker, lateral view; 183A: Queen head, full-face view, antennae missing; 183B: Showing a short ruga on 

the ventral clypeus; 184: Queen, lateral view. 

about as long as the distance between their 

Worker. TL 5.58-6.48, HL 1.36-1.46, 
IVY 1-45—1.62, Cl 107-114, SL 1.40=1.50, 
ol 90-98, EL 0.22-0.24 PW 0.92-1.02, 
AL 1.50-1.64, PPW 0.35—0.39, PPL 0.44— 
0.48, PPI 76-83 (n = 6). 

Mandibles generally smooth and shin- 
ing, except for a few superficial rugae. 
Masticatory margin of mandible with five 
teeth arranged as the strongest apical + 
the second strongest preapical + a small 
third tooth + a short diastema (or this di- 
astema indistinct) + two small basal teeth. 
Basal margin of mandible with a central, 
broadly curved lobe. Clypeus with a strong 
median longitudinal carina. Anterior clyp- 
eal margin with a median denticle and a 
broad prominence on each side. Ventral 

surface of clypeus generally smooth and 
shining but sometimes with a weak, short, 
transverse ruga at the center. Frontal ca- 
rinae strong, extending to the level of the 
posterior margins of the eyes. Antennal 
scrobes shallow, present lateral to the fron- 
tal carinae. Frontal lobes weak; thus, the 
antennal articulations are almost entirely 
exposed. Antennal scapes, laid on the dor- 
sal head, slightly surpassing the occipital 
margin of head. Eyes with 10 to 11 om- 
matidia in the longest row. Profile shape of 
alitrunk and pedicel segments as in Figure 
182. Pronotum armed with a pair of ro- 
bust, exceptionally long spines, ca. 0.40 to 
0.50, about as long as the distance be- 
tween their bases. Propodeum with a pair 
of short spines, ca. 0.12 to 0.18, shorter 
than or at most about as long as the dis- 


tance between the bases of two propodeal 
spines. Metapleural lobes each with a 
somewhat blunt-rounded apex. Petiole 
node in profile high, with a long anterior 
peduncle; its anterodorsal angle is on a 
higher level than the posterodorsal. Post- 
petiole in profile rounded dorsally, in dor- 
sal view longer than broad and broadening 
from front to back. Dorsum of head en- 
tirely sculptured with well-developed 
coarse rugoreticulum. Similar sculpture 
present on the dorsum of alitrunk and on 
the two sides of pronotum, except for the 
space between the bases of two pronotal 
spines, which is rather smooth. Petiole 
smooth and shining but with a lateral lon- 
gitudinal carina on each side. Postpetiole 
and gaster unsculptured, smooth, and 
shining. Dorsal surfaces of head arial ali- 
trunk moth numerous erect or suberect 
hairs. A few pairs of hairs present on the 
dorsum of petiole node and at least a pair 
on the postpetiole, as shown in Figure 182. 
First gastral tergite lacking ATE or sub- 
erect “Thetin, A ian pairs ae forward-pro- 
jecting hairs present near the anterior 
clypeal margin. Scapes and tibiae with 
some erect or suberect hairs. Color red- 
dish-brown, but the masticatory margins 
and the basal margins of mandibles and 
the funiculi of antennae black-brown. 

Queen. TL 7.55, HL 1.84, HW 2.14, CI 
116, SL- (antennal scapes missing), SI-, 
PW 52) Ale 2:10) (2 = 1): 

General shape as in Figures 183-184, 
with normal caste differences from the 
conspecific worker; pronotum unarmed; 
other characters similar to worker. 

Male. Unknown. 

Comments. Pristomyrmex trachylissus 
must have evolved from the ancestor of P. 
bicolor. It is extremely similar in appear- 
ance of the workers and queens to P. bi- 
color. The two species may occur sympat- 
rically in Sarawak and in Sabah. Their 
workers and queens can be separated by 
the following characters: 

P. trachylissus 
Masticatory margin of mandible with 
five teeth; diastema indistinct or very 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 6 

Basal margin of mandible with a central, 
broadly curved lobe 

Anterior clypeal margin with a median 
tooth and a broad, short pone 
on each side 

SI < 100 (only in worker). 

P. bicolor 

Masticatory margin of mandible with. 
four teeth; a long diastema present 
between the preapical and the third 

Basal margin of mandible lacking a dis- 
tinctly curved lobe 

Anterior clypeal margin usually with 
seven denticles, but in some speci- 
mens, two or three lateral denticles 
fused into a broadly convex lobe 

SI > 105 (only in worker). 

Material Examined (BMNH, MCZC, 
ANIC). East Malaysia: Sarawak, 4th Div., 
G. Mulu Nat. Pk., RGS Expd., Long pala, 
lowland Pintorese on log and on rotten 
log (B. Bolton); North Borneo (SE), For- 
est Camp, 19 km N of Kalabakan 180 m 
(Y. Hirashima). 

Ecological Information. This species oc- 
curs in rainforest and has been collected 
on a rotten log. 

Pristomyrmex trogor Bolton 
Figures 185-186 

Pristomyrmex trogor Bolton, 1981: 287. Holotyped 
worker, Zaire (B. Congo on the label): S slope of. 
Mt. Kahuzi, 1,900 m, 5.ix.1957 (E. S. Ross and R. 
E. Leech) [CASC (Bolton, 1981)]; [five paratype | 
workers (MCZC) examined]. 

Diagnosis (Worker). Frontal carinae ab-- 
sent; ventral surface of clypeus with two. 
toothlike prominences; pronotum with a 
pair of short spines; dorsal surfaces of head | 
and alitrunk smooth and shining; petiole 
and postpetiole lacking hairs. 

Worker. TL 3.42-— 3.98, HL 0.88-1. 00, 
HW 0.92-1.02, CI 102-105, SL 0.96—1.06, | 
SI 100-104, EL 0.14—0.16, PW 0.56—0.62, | 
AL 0.84—0.94, PPW 0.23-0.26, PPL 0.22—| 

Mandibles smooth, with only a few weak. 
longitudinal basal rugae. Masticatory mar-_ 



Figures 185-186. Pristomyrmex trogor Bolton. 185A: Worker head, full-face view; 185B: Showing two toothlike prominences 

on the ventral clypeus; 186: Worker, lateral view. 

gin of mandible possessing the strongest 
apical tooth + the second strongest preap- 
ical tooth + a diastema + two small basal 
denticles that are often fused into a broad, 
short tooth. Basal margin of mandible 
lacking a toothlike prominence or curved 
lobe. Clypeus lacking a median longitudi- 
nal carina. Ventral surface of clypeus with 
two strongly prominent teeth. Anterior 
clypeal margin with a median tooth and 
two lateral denticles on each side; some- 
times two small lateral denticles are fused 
into one prominence. Palp formula 2,3 
(Bolton, 1981). Frontal carinae absent. 
Antennal scrobes absent. Frontal lobes in- 
distinct. Antennal scapes, when lying on 
the dorsal head, just reaching or slightly 
surpassing the occipital margin of head. 
Eyes containing five to six ommatidia in 
the longest row. Promesonotum in dorsal 
view weakly concave. Pronotum and pro- 
podeum each with a pair of short spines 
(Fig. 186). Metapleural lobes rounded. In 
profile view, petiole node high, higher than 
long, with a long anterior peduncle, its an- 
terodorsal angle higher than the postero- 
dorsal. In dorsal view, petiole node about 
as broad as long. Postpetiole in profile 
higher than long, rounded dorsally, in dor- 
sal view broadening from front to back. All 
dorsal surfaces unsculptured, smooth, and 
shining. Dorsum of head with some fine 

long hairs. Dorsal surface of alitrunk with 
only one to two pairs of hairs that arise 
from the lateral margins of the mesono- 
tum. Petiole node, postpetiole, and first 
gastral tergite lacking erect or suberect 
hairs. A row of fine, forward-projecting 
hairs present near the anterior clypeal 
margin. Scapes and tibiae with some fine, 
appressed or decumbent, or suberect 
hairs. Color reddish-brown. 

Queen. Unknown. 

Male. One paratype male has the same 
data as holotype and was originally mount- 
ed together with two paratype workers on 
the same pin: TL 2.92) HL 0155, HW 0.57, 
CHAl04 SEO S05 a3. FIVE O94 Re 
0:28, PW. 0:82; Aly 16 @ = 1): 

Head, including the eyes, distinctly 
broader than long. Clypeus narrow and 
convex, its anterior margin rather straight. 
Frontal carinae absent. Maximum diame- 
ter of the median ocellus 0.10. Scapes lon- 
ger than the other antennal segments, ex- 
cept for the apical ones. On the meso- 
scutum, notauli distinct, forming a Y 
shape; parapsidal furrows absent. Scuto- 
scutellar sulcus with about 10 narrow short 
ridges. Propodeum weakly tuberculate, 
lacking teeth or spines. Metapleural lobes 
subtriangular. Middle and hind tibiae with- 
out any spurs. Waist abnormally shaped, 
with a huge segment formed by the fusion 


of petiole and postpetiole; entire posterior 
face of the waist attached to first gastral 
segment. Dorsum of head smooth and 
shining, but frontal area with a median 
longitudinal carina; a short ruga present 
below each antennal socket. Alitrunk gen- 
erally smooth and shining, except for those 
marked sutures. Petiole, postpetiole, and 
gaster smooth and shining. All dorsal sur- 
faces with abundant long haus. Scapes and 
tibiae with numerous erect or suberect 
short hairs. Color somewhat blackish- 
brown; wings white. 

Con menis Pristomyrmex trogor is sim- 
ilar to another African species, P african- 
us, in many characters of the workers, such 
as dentition of the masticatory margin of 
mandible; two teeth present on the ventral 
clypeus; promesonotum in dorsal view 
shallowly concave or flat; pronotum and 
propodeum each with a pair of short 
spines; the structure and shape of petiole, 
postpetiole, and metapleural lobes; as well 
as the distribution of hairs. But P. trogor 
is easily distinguished from P. africanus 
and from the other African species of the 
genus because P. trogor is the only species 
lacking frontal carinae in the workers. In 
Added. the dorsum of the head is smooth 
and shining in the workers of P. trogor but 
has foveolate punctures in P. africanus, P. 
fossulatus, and P. cribrarius; the pronotum 
possesses a pair of short spines in the 
workers of P. trogor that is not seen in P. 
fossulatus and P. orbiceps. 

The separation of P. trogor from the two 
Asian species (P. flatus and P. collinus) and 
from the three Australian species (P. whee- 
leri, P. erythropygus, and P. quadridenta- 
tus) is given under P. flatus and under P. 
africanus, respectively. 

Distribution. Zaire (known only from 
the type series). 

Ecological Information. Unknown. 

Pristomyrmex wheeleri Taylor 
Figures 187-192 

Pristomyrmex wheeleri Taylor, 1965: 48. Holotype 
worker, Australia: SE Queensland, ca. Binna Burra, 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 6 | 

rainforest, 2,800 to 3,000 ft, nest under stone, 21—| 
25.v.1962 (R. W. Taylor) (MCZC) [examined]. 

Diagnosis (Worker). Masticatory margin | 
of mandible with three teeth; antenet™ : 
clypeal margin at most with three teeth; 
propodeal spine length ca. 0.18 to 0.28,) 
about equal to or slightly longer than pro-| 
notal spines; dorsum of alitrunk smooth, 
but with a transverse ridge present at the 
approximate position of Perot groove; 
petiole node and postpetiole dor sally witht 
some hairs; first gastral tergite lee 

Worker, Wii 326-454. Hi 0.92-1" 17, 
HW 0.97—1.34, Cl 103-116, SL 0:94=1 iss | 
SI 88-100, EL 0.17—0.24; PW 0.56-0.74, | 
AL 0.88—1.08, PPW 0.24—0.31, PPL 0.22— 
0.28, PPI 104-122 (7 = 40). 

Mandibles usually smooth and shining, 
except for some small hair pits. Mastica- 
tory margin of mandible with three teeth 
arranged as an apical + a preapical + a| 
long ate + a somewhat truncated 
Racal tooth. Basal margin of mandible lack- 
ing a curved lobe or roan. Clypeus with a 
Lace longitudinal carina. Anterior clyp-. 
eal margin usually with three strong teeth: 
a Sateen tooth and one on each side, but 
sometimes the median tooth weak or ves-. 
tigial. Ventral surface of clypeus usually 
with a short transverse carina. Palp for- 
mula 2,2. Frontal carinae not or just ex-| 
tending to the level of the posterior mar- 
gins of the eyes. Antennal scrobes absent. 
Frontal lobes nearly completely absent; 
thus, the antennal articulations are almost) 
entirely exposed. Antennal scapes, laid on 
the dorsal head, slightly surpassing the oc-| 
cipital margin. Hye. usually containing: 
eight to nine ommatidia in the longest row. | 
Profile shape of alitrunk and pedicel seg- 
ments as in Figure 188. Pronotal spines: 
varying in length, from 0.12 to 0.28. Pro-| 
podeal spines Ree 0.18—0.28) equal to or} 
slightly longer than the pronotal spines. | 
Metapleural lobes small, usually triangular. 
Petiole node in profile cath a long anterior. 
peduncle; its anterodorsal angle is on a 
higher level than the posterodor sal: some-| 




; \ 


Figures 187-192. Pristomyrmex wheeleri Taylor. 187A: Worker head, full-face view; 187B: Showing a short ruga on the ventral 
clypeus; 188: Worker, lateral view; 189A: Ergatoid queen, full-face view; 189B: Showing a short ruga on the ventral clypeus;: 
190: Ergatoid queen, lateral view; 191A: Queen head, full-face view; 191B: Showing a short ruga on the ventral clypeus; 192: 
Queen, lateral view. 


times posterodorsal angle indistinct, show- 
ing a single curved surface. Postpetiole in 
profile as in Figure 188, in dorsal view 
slightly broader than long and broadening 
from front to back. Dorsum of head 
smooth and shining. Dorsum of alitrunk 
smooth, but with a transverse ridge pre- 
sent at the approximate position of metan- 
otal groove. Petiole, postpetiole, and gaster 
smooth and shining. Dorsal surfaces of 
head and alitrunk with numerous erect or 
suberect long hairs. A pair of long hairs 
bilaterally distributed on the dorsum of 
petiole node and on the postpetiole, re- 
spectively; sometimes the crests of both 
petiole node and postpetiole with addi- 
tional one to two pairs of short hairs. First 
gastral tergite lacking erect or suberect 
ours. Usually, three pairs of forward-pro- 
jecting hairs present near the anterior 
clypeal margin. Scapes and tibiae with 
some erect to suberect short hairs. Color: 
head deep reddish-brown; alitrunk, pedi- 
cel segments, and gaster yellow-brown to 

Ergatoid Queen. TL 4.06, HL 1.08, HW 
OOSEPAL, 106, PST (0584 BSE2 0:25: 
RPWi80:28)) PPPs 0265 PEN 108 @ =o). 
Note: This is a paratype). 

General shape as in Figures 189-190. 
Similar to worker; color and pilosity as in 
worker, but head with three ocelli and pro- 
mesonotum convex. Flight sclerites and 
wings lacking, but a black speck is present 
on each lateral margin of the mesonotum. 

Queen. TL 4.62—5.06, HL 1.09-1.28, 
EValelS Ae ClO ald Silzel-O06=122.0) 
SI 82-90, EL 0.22-0.28, PW 0.80-0.90, 
AL 1.14-1.34, PPW 0.30-0.36, PPL 0.26— 
OSOSBPl lO s3G — to)! 

General shape as in Figures 191-192, 
with normal caste differences from the 
conspecific worker; a pair of acute minute 
spines present on the humeral angles of 
the pronotum; propodeal spines rather 
long, ca. 0.20 to 0.24; other characters sim- 
ilar to worker. 

Male. Unknown. 

Comments. Pristomyrmex wheeleri oc- 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 6 

curs in East Australia. Its two close rela- 
tives are P. erythropygus and P. quadri- 
dentatus, also from East Australia. Char- 
acters separating P. wheeleri from P. ery- 
thropygus and from P. quadridentatus are 
provided under P. erythropygus and under 
P. quadridentatus, respectively. The differ- 
ences between P. wheeleri and the two 
Asian species (P. flatus and P. collinus) and 
between P. wheeleri and the two African 
species (P. africanus and P. trogor) are giv- 
en under P. flatus and P. africanus, re- 
spectively. | 
Material Examined (ANIC, MCZC). 
Australia: SE Queensland: Mt. D’Aguilar. 
Range, 2,000 ft, rainforest, ex rotten log 
(R. W. Taylor); Cunningham's Gap, 3,000 
ft, rainforest floor, ex small wood fragment 
(R. W. Taylor); Cunningham’s Gap, rain- 
forest, 2,500 ft, nest under stone (B. B.. 
Lowery); National Pk. (H. Hacker); Tam- 
borine Mt., rotting leaves (A. M. Lea);; 
Tamborine Mt., S side, Curris Falls, rain-. 
forest, berlesate leaf mold (T. E. Wood- 
ward); Tamborine Mt., rainforest, 2,000 ft, 
nest between stones (B. B. Lowery); ca. 
Binna Burra, rainforest, 2,600 to 3,000: 
ft, nest under stone (R. W. Taylor); 
M’Pheraon Rge, v. Binna Burra, rainforest, 
2,600 to 3,600 ft (P. F. Darlington); Binna’ 
Burra, Lamington Nat. Pk., leaf and log 
litter (J. and N. Lawrence); Lamington| 
Nat. Park (O’Reillys), 28.14°S, 153.08°E,; 
rainforest, ca. 920 m, ex snl fragment 
rotten wood (R. W. Taylor and R. Kohout ll 
Mt. Chinghee, 12 km SE Rathdowney, 
28.19°S, 152. 58°E, 720 m, rainforest, stick 
brushing (Monteith, Yeates, and Thomp-| 
son). New South Wales: Unumgar Forest 
(Darlingtons); Woodenbong, rainforest 
(Darlingtons); Tooloom Range, ca. 2,000 ft 
(Darlingtons): Mt. Warning, Painforeem 
800 to 3,500 ft, under and heaven rocks/ 
nest in wat rotten log but 2 inches below 
ground (B. B. Lowery); Mt. Warning, 10 
fa from Murwillumbah, RF, ca. 3,000 ft, 
between rocks (B. B. Lowery); Whianj 
Whian S. F., 28.39°S, 153.20°E, rainforest, 
200 m, under stone, ace. no. 16993 (P. Ward); Tomewin, rainforest. 


1500 ft, under stone (B. B. Lowery); Blue 
Knob Mt., Nightcap Ranges, rainforest, 
2,800 to 3,000 ft (B. B. Lowery); Bilambil, 
N of Tumbulgum, rainforest (B. B. Low- 
ery); Hills above Tumbulgum, 800 ft, near 
Murwillumbah, rainforest (B. B. Lowery); 
Bonalbo, Sandy Crk., RF, 3000 ft, under 
rock (E. G. Kearney). 

Ecological Information. This species oc- 
curs in rainforest, nesting in the soil, usu- 
ally under or between rocks, often in a tan- 
gle of small plant roots; it probably re- 
stricts its foraging activity to the soil and 
leaf litter (Taylor, 1965, 1968). 

An additional 11 specimens, including 
nine workers, a queen, and an ergatoid 
queen, are examined here. They show the 
following some differences from the above 
“examined material”: (1) The ventral cen- 
ter of the clypeus possesses a_toothlike 
prominence in these 11 specimens, but a 
short transverse carina in the previous 
“Material Examined” section; (2) in the 
nine workers, the juncture between the 
pronotum and the mesonotum bears sev- 
eral short longitudinal rugae, varying from 
superficial to rather distinct (but is smooth 
and shining in P wheeleri); (3) in the 
queen, the petiole node in profile is 
wedge-shaped, and the propodeal spines 
(ca. 0.13) are shorter than those (ca. 0.20— 
0.24) in P. wheeleri; and (4) in the ergatoid 
queen, only one ocellus is present; PSL1 
and PSL2 are not shorter than 0.08 and 
0.13, respectively (in P. wheeleri, three 
ocelli are distinct; PSL1 and PSL2 are ca. 
0.18 and ca. 0.25, respectively). Further 
collecting and studying will help deter- 
mine whether these differences are signif- 
icant or not. 

These 11 specimens have the following 
measurements: Worker: TL 3.50—4.76, HL 
0.90-1.05, HW 0.94—1.12, CI 104—108, SL 
Woo—l.01, SI 89=-93. EL 0.16—0.20, PW 
0.60-0.68, AL 0.8S—0.96, PSL1 0.10—-0.14, 
ES2 0.16-0.20, PPW 0.24-029 PPL 
0.21—0.23, PPI 104-126 (n = 9). Queen: 
Wi 3:84, Mi 1.22, HW 1.32) CI 108, SL 
Ov, SL 8, Bi 0:25; PW 0:74, AL. 1.18, 
PSL2 0.13, PPW 0.36, PPL 0.28, PPI 129 


(a = IL), laigseicorel Giueeing INL, Sic4) Is0b, 
Oo, Jay IOs) (Gib Ike}, Sib; Oyetss, SIL UL 
EL 0.20, PW 0.64, AL 0.94, PSL1 0.08, 
(n = 1). 

Collecting Data for the 11 Specimens 
(ANIC). Australia: New South Wales, 
Tuckers Knob, 21 km SW Coffs. Hbr., 
rainforest, 760 m, ANIC Berlesate No. 201 
(N. I. Mitchell); New South Wales, Bellan- 
gry, F'st, rainforest, ca. 3000 ft, iv.1958 
(Darlingtons); New South Wales, Up. Al- 
lyn R., near Eccleston, 32.08°S, 151.29°E, 
rainforest, 400 m, acc. no. 316 (P. Ward): 
New South Wales, Upr. Allyn Val., near 
Eccleston, rainforest, ca. 2,000 ft, fallen 
epiphyte masses, ANIC Berlesate 45, 11— 
14.xii.1967 (Taylor and Brooks); New 
South Wales, Comboyne plat., 2 to 2,800 
ft, under rocks, x.1957 (Darlingtons). 

Pristomyrmex wilsoni Taylor 
Figures 193-194 

Pristomyrmex wilsoni Taylor, 1968: 63. Holotype 
worker, Australia: N. Queensland, Mt. Lewis, ca. 
3,000 ft, near Julatten, rainforest, ground strays, 
30—31.x.1966 (R. W. Taylor) [ANIC (Taylor, 1968)]; 
[one paratype worker (MCZC) examined]. 

Diagnosis (Worker). Pronotal spines and 
propodeal spines exceptionally long (ca. 

Worker. TL 4.14-4.92, HL 0.96-1.11, 
HW 0.96-1.12, Cl 96—104, SL 1.21—1.46, 
SM 2a sos OM9=02 2 PVWE0:65—0N76: 
AL Ada 3s05 PRPWr02S=0:32] PRE 030= 
ORIEL 9 300K — 3) 

Mandibles usually smooth and shining 
but sometimes with one to two longitudi- 
nal rugae. Masticatory margin of mandible 
with three teeth arranged as an apical + a 
preapical + a long diastema + a broad, 
truncated basal tooth. Basal margin of 
mandible lacking a distinctly curved lobe 
or tooth. Clypeus usually with a median 
longitudinal carina, but sometimes this 
median carina is interrupted or indistinct. 
Anterior clypeal margin with a median 
denticle and two others on each side, but 
sometimes two lateral denticles are fused 
into one prominence. Ventral surface of 


Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 6 

Figures 193-194. Pristomyrmex wilsoni Taylor. 193A: Worker head, full-face view; 193B: Showing a ruga on the ventral clypeus; - 

194: Worker, lateral view. 

clypeus with a short transverse carina. Palp 
formula 2,3. Frontal carinae short, not be- 
yond, or just reaching to the level of the 
posterior margins of eyes; sometimes fron- 
tal carinae absent Antennal scrobes ab- 
sent. Frontal lobes absent; thus, the anten- 
nal articulations are entirely exposed. An- 
tennal scapes long, when laid on the dorsal 
head, surpassing the occipital margin by 
about one-third of their length. Eyes con- 
taining 10 to 11 Ommnatichnk: in the longest 
row. Eronile shape of alitrunk and pedicel 
segments as in Figure 194. Pronotal spines 
exceptionally long (ca. 0.66—0.88), curved 
at their apices, diver ging toward the out- 
sides in dorsal view. Propodeal spines ex- 
ceptionally long (ca. 0.66—0.82), as illus- 
trated in Figure 194; in dorsal view, they 
are somewhat joined together at the base 
but are divergent posteriorly, Metapleural 
lobes small-triangular, each with an apex. 
Petiole with a fairly long anterior pedun- 
cle. Petiole node and postpetiole in profile 
higher than long, in dorsal view each with 
a somewhat aontenl apex. Postpetiole in 
dorsal view usually longer than broad, 
broadening from front to Thal Dorsum of 
head usually smooth and shining, except 
for a few foveolate punctures present on 
the genae and sometimes bordering the 

frontal carinae. Dorsum of alitrunk un-! 
sculptured and highly polished. Petiole, 
postpetiole, and gaster smooth and shine 
ing. Dorsal surfaces of head and alitrunk 
with numerous erect or suberect long. 
hairs. A pair of similar long hairs bilaterally 
distributed on the dorsum of petiole node 
and on the postpetiole, respectively. First 
gastral tergite lacking erect or suberect: 
hairs. A few pairs of forward-projecting 
hairs present near the anterior clypeal 
margin. Scapes and tibiae with some erect 
to suberect short hairs. Color reddish- 
brown to blackish-brown. 
Queen and Male. Unknown. 
Comments and Discussion. Pristomyr- | 
mex wilsoni occurs only in North Queens-’ 
land, Australia. It is a unique species in the: 
genus that possesses both exceptionally: 
long pronotal and propodeal spines and. 
Thee can be immediately recognized. | 
Pristomyrmex wilsoni may abe derived 
from the common ancestor of the clade 
consisting of P. curvulus and P. longispinus 
of the Philippines. The workers of P. wil-) 
soni are similar to those of P. curvulus and. 
P. longispinus in possession of long pro-| 
notal spines and long antennal scapes and 
in the size and sculpture of body. Pristo-| 
myrmex wilsoni differs from P. curvulus: 


and P. longispinus in the workers as fol- 

P. wilsoni 

Propodeal spines exceptionally long, ca. 
0.66 to 0.82; in dorsal view, they are 
close to each other at the base 

Maxillary palp with two segments 

Masticatory margin of mandible with a 
broad, truncated basal tooth 

Petiole node and postpetiole, in dorsal 
view each with a somewhat conical 

A pair of hairs present near the apex of 
petiole node 

P. curvulus and P. longispinus 

Propodeal spines short to moderately 
long, ca. 0.12 to 0.26; in dorsal view, 
they are separated at the base 

Maxillary palp with one segment 

Masticatory margin of mandible with 
two small basal teeth 

Petiole node and postpetiole in dorsal 
view each lacking a conical apex 

Two or more pairs of hairs present on 
the dorsal surface of petiole node 

An alternative is that P. wilsoni might 
evolved from the ancestor of the Austra- 
lian P. wheeleri because of the following 
characters being similar: (1) masticatory 
margin of mandible with three teeth, (2) 
maxillary palp with two segments, (3) body 
smooth, and (4) ventral surface of clypeus 
with a short transverse carina. However, 
the workers of P. wilsoni obviously differ 
from those of P. wheeleri as follows: 

P. wilsoni 

Pronotal and propodeal spines excep- 
tionally long (ca. 0.66—0.88) 

Antennal scapes relatively long (SL 
1.21—1.46; SI 125-133) 

Petiole node and postpetiole in dorsal 
view each with a conical apex 

Dorsum of alitrunk unsculptured 

Labial palp with three segments 

P. wheeleri 
Pronotal and propodeal spines moder- 
ately long (ca. 0.12—0.28) 


Antennal scapes relatively short (SL 
0.94—1.18; SI 8S—100) 

Petiole node and postpetiole in dorsal 
view lacking a conical apex 

A transverse ridge present at the ap- 
proximate position of metanotal 

Labial palp with two segments 

Material Examined (ANIC, MCZC). 
Australia: N. Queensland, Mt. Lewis, 
1,000 m, RF (R. W. Taylor); Queensland, 
Mt. Lewis, 960 m, 16.35°S, 145.17°E, rain- 
forest, acc. no. 76.349 (R. W. Taylor and 
T. A. Weir); NE Queensland, 2.5 km N 
Mt. Lewis via Julatten, 1,040 m, RF, Py- 
rethrum knockdown (D. K. Yeates and G. 
I. Thompson); N. Queensland, 2 km SE 
Mt. Spurgeon via Mt. Carbine, 1,100 m, 
Pyrethrum tree logs (Montelth and 
Thompson); NE Queensland, McDowall 
Ra, 17 km N Daintree, 16.06°S, 145.20°E, 
rainforest, 520 m, sieved litter, QM Ber- 
lesate No. 684 (G. Montelth); NE Queens- 
land, Table Mt., 10 km S of Cape Tribu- 
lation, 16.09°S, 145.26°E, rainforest, 320 
m, sieved litter, QM Berlesate No. 542 (G. 
B. Montelth and D. Cook). 

Ecological Information. Taylor (1968) 
reports that this species occurs in rainfo- 
rest; it has been collected at an elevation 
of about 915 m in little berlesates and on 
the surfaces of rocks and logs. “Collections 
were made on two overcast days but not 
on a third, which was brightly sunny. 
Strays were not seen during several hours 
night collecting (to about four hours after 
sunset) at the same locality” (Taylor, 1968). 


Worker. Medium-sized ants (HL 0.8S— 
JED OFSP ILS, Wi, B24) satin 
the following combination of characters: 

(1) Masticatory margin of mandibles 
with four teeth that have one of the fol- 
lowing two arrangements: 

a. the strongest apical + the second 
strongest preapical + a relatively 
short (first) diastema + a small den- 
ticle + a relatively long (second) di- 


Figures 195-196. Pristomyrmex bispinosus (Donisthorpe). 195: 

Propodeal spines, dorsal view. 

astema + a small basal denticle, as 
in P. bispinosus and P. trispinosus (in 
P. trispinosus, sometimes the first di- 
astema is somewhat indistinct) or 

b. the apical + the preapical + a rela- 
tively long (first) diastema + a small 
denticle + a relatively short (second) 
diastema + a small basal denticle, as 
in P. browni; sometimes the second 
diastema is indistinct. 

(2) Anterior margin of the median por- 
tion of clypeus with at least five denticles. 
Two ends of the anterior clypeal margin 
each with a developed subtriangular tooth. 
Lateral portions of clypeus reduced to a 
margin; thus, the antennal fossae reach the 
anterior clypeal margin. 

(3) Palp formula 1,2. 

(4) Frontal carinae absent. 

(5) Frontal lobes almost completely ab- 

(6) Antennal scrobes absent. 

(7) Lamella that encircles the base of 
antennal scape entire. 

(8) Dorsum of alitrunk with a prome- 
sonotal suture or impression. 

(9) Alitrunk in profile with a convex 
promesonotum and a deeply concave pro- 
podeal dorsum. 

(10) Pronotum with a pair of robust, 
short to moderately long spines. 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 6 | 

Worker head, full-face view; 196A: Worker, lateral view; 196B: | 

(11) Propodeal spines long, in dorsal ! 
view joined together at the base so that 
they form a fork. | 

(12) Petiole with a long anterior pedun- 
cle that is longer than the length of the 
node. | 

(13) Foveolate punctures completely 
absent, but regular striations are present 
on the dorsal surfaces of the head and the 
alitrunk in P. trispinosus and P. browni and 
present on the genae and around the an-_ 
tennal sockets in P. bispinosus. 

(14) First gastral tergite with numerous | 

This is a monophyletic group because it | 
possesses many autapomorphic characters, 
such as characters 3, 4, 8, 9, 11, and 13. 
This group contains three native Mauritian — 

Pristomyrmex bispinosus (Donisthorpe) 
Figures 195-196 

Dodous bispinosus Donisthorpe, 1949: 272. Lecto- 
type worker, Mauritius: Le Pouce Mt., 2.xi.1948 (R. 
Mamet) (BMNH), here designated, [examined]. 

Pristomyrmex bispinosus (Donisthorpe) Brown, - 
1971: 3. 

Diagnosis (Worker). Dorsal surfaces of | 
head and alitrunk mostly unsculptured; 
mesonotum unarmed, at most weakly tu- — 
berculate; alitrunk in profile with a convex | 


promesonotum and a deeply concave pro- 
podeal dorsum; propodeal spines in dorsal 
view forming a divergent fork. 

Worker. TL 4.36—4.82, HL 1.14—1.20, 
IW 1.08—1.16, Cl 90=100, SL 1.32=—1.40, 
Sl 18=130), EL 0:22=0'245 PW 0:70=0.75; 
AL, 1.14—1.20; PPW 0:28-0:32, PPI 0.26— 
ODS TARO syC a Lib)e 

Mandibles smooth and shining. Masti- 
catory margin of mandible with four teeth 
arranged as the strongest apical + the sec- 
ond strongest preapical + a relatively short 
diastema + a small denticle + a relatively 
long diastema + a small basal denticle. 
Basal margin of mandible lacking a tooth- 
like prominence. Anterior margin of the 
median portion of clypeus with at least five 
denticles, but sometimes two lateral den- 
ticles are fused into a broad, truncated 
lobe. Two ends of anterior clypeal margin 
each with a strong, subtriangular tooth. 
Ventral surface of clypeus usually with a 
transverse ruga. Clypeus usually unsculp- 
tured, but frontal area usually with three 
to four short carinae that often extend to 
the posterior clypeal margin. Palp formula 
1,2. Frontal carinae absent. Antennal scro- 
bes absent. Frontal lobes nearly complete- 
ly absent so that the antennal articulations 
are almost entirely exposed. Antennal 
scapes long, when lying on the dorsal head 
surpassing the occipital margin by about 
one-fourth of their length. ‘Eyes usually 
containing 11 to 12 ommatidia in the lon- 
gest row. Occipital margin slightly concave. 
Alitrunk in profile with a convex pro-me- 
sonotum and a deeply concave propodeal 
dorsum. Pronotum armed with a pair of 
fairly long, acute spines. Propodeum with 
a pair of long spines that, in dorsal view, 
are joined together at the base but are di- 
vergent along their length so that they 
form a fork (Fig. 196B). Mesonotum un- 
armed but sometimes with tubercles. Pro- 
mesonotal suture or impression present. 
Metapleural lobes dentiform. Petiole in 
profile with a long anterior peduncle; an- 
terodorsal angle of the node is higher than 
the posterodorsal. Postpetiole in profile 
usually with a curved anterior and dorsal 


surface, in dorsal view slightly broader 
than long. Dorsum of head mostly smooth 
and shining but with some regular short 
rugae present around the antennal fossae, 
on genae and sometimes around the cen- 
trical disc. Dorsum of alitrunk as well as 
the sides of pronotum usually smooth and 
shining, but the sides of the rest of alitrunk 
usually with some regular short rugae. Pet- 
iole unsculptured. Dorsum of postpetiole 
smooth and shining. Gaster unsculptured. 
All dorsal surfaces with numerous erect or 
suberect hairs. A row of forward-project- 
ing hairs present near the anterior clypeal 
margin. Scapes and tibiae with some short 
hairs. Color yellow-brown, but sometimes 

Queen and Male. Unknown. 

Comments. This species occurs in Maur- 
itius. It can be easily separated from its 
two relatives, P. trispinosus and P. browni, 
in the workers, as follows: In P. bispinosus, 
the dorsal surfaces of the head and the al- 
itrunk are smooth and shining, except for 
some short rugae around the atennal fos- 
sae, on the genae, and sometimes around 
the cenineal disc of the head: but in P 
trispinosus and P. browni, the dorsal sur- 
faces of the head and the alitrunk are en- 
tirely sculptured with regular striations. 

Material Examined (MCZC, ANIC, 
MNHN). Mauritius: Le Pouce Mt., 700 to 
SOO m, native forest (W. L. Brown); Le 
Pouce, 700 m, 20°12’S, 57°31'E, ex closed 
forest, on low vegetation (P. S. Ward); Le 
Pouce Mt. (Ray Mamet). 

Ecological Information. This species oc- 
curs in a forest and has been collected on 
the trees and on the main path (Brown, 

Pristomyrmex browni sp. n. 
Figures 197-198 

Diagnosis (Worker). Dorsal surfaces of 
head and alitrunk with dense regular stri- 
ations; propodeal spines in dorsal view 
joined together at base and subparallel 
along their length; HW 0.82—0.90 and HL 


Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 6 

Figures 197-198. Pristomyrmex browni sp. n. 197: Worker head, full-face view; 198A: Worker, lateral view; 198B: Propodeal 

spines, dorsal view. 

Holotype Worker (MCZC). TL. 3.50, HL 
0.92, HW 0.84, CI 91, SL 0.88, SI 105, 
PW 0.46, AL 0.90. Paratypes, 11 workers 
and one male (MCZC, ANIC, BMNH). 

Worker. TL 3.42-3.78, HL 0.92-1.00, 
HW 0.82-0.90, CI 87-94, SL 0.86—0.97, 
SIR9S= Ee Os14= O19 RW 04420550; 
AL 0.84—0.96, PPW 0.26—0.28, PPL 0.22— 
Oy IRIE IZ ae ip = ILL). 

Mandibles smooth and shining. Masti- 
catory margin of mandible with four teeth 
arranged as the strongest apical + the sec- 
ond strongest preapical + a relatively long 
(first) diastema + a small denticle + a rel- 
atively short (second) diastema + a small 
basal denticle: sometimes the second dia- 
stema indistinct. Basal margin of mandible 
almost straight, lacking a toothlike promi- 
nence. Anterior margin of the median por- 
tion of clypeus with at least five toothlike 
prominences, but sometimes two lateral 
denticles are fused into a broad lobe. Two 
ends of the anterior clypeal margin each 
with a strong subtriangular tooth. Ventral 
surface of clypeus lacking toothlike prom- 
inences. Clypeus usually with a few weak 
longitudinal rugae. Palp formula 1,2. 
Frontal carinae absent. Antennal scrobes 
absent. Frontal lobes nearly completely 
absent so that the antennal articulations 
are almost entirely exposed. Antennal 

scapes, when lying on the dorsal head, 

slightly surpassing the occipital margin by 

about one-eighth to one-seventh of their 
length. Eyes moderately sized. Occipital 
margin medially deeply emarginate. Ali- 

trunk in profile with a convex pro-meson- 

otum and a deeply concave propodeal dor- 

sum. Pronotum with a pair of acute short 

spines. Mesonotum lacking spines or teeth 
but usually with three blunt small tuber- | 
cles that are present on the posterior end | 
and on the two sides, respectively. Propo-- 
deal spines in profile well developed, long, 
bent at about a right angle near the base. 
In dorsal view, propodeal spines somewhat | 
laterally compressed; they are joined to- 
gether at the base but subparallel along_ 
their length (Fig. 198B). Metapleural | 
lobes small, triangular. Petiole node in | 
profile nodiform with a long anterior pe- | 
duncle; its anterodorsal angle is higher 
than the posterodorsal. Postpetiole in pro- | 
file with a single curved anterior and dor- | 
sal surface, in dorsal view slightly broader | 
than long and also broader than the petiole / 
node. Dorsum of head entirely covered | 
with regular coarse striations that consist 
of longitudinal rugae and a few rugae | 
around the antennal fossae. Sides and dor- | 
sum of alitrunk sculptured with coarse cir- 
cular striations evenly, but the center of 


mesonotum with a few coarse longitudinal 
rugae. Sides of petiole and postpetiole 
usually with a few superficial rugae. Gaster 

smooth and shining. Dorsal surfaces of 

head, alitrunk, petiole, and postpetiole 
with some erect or suberect hairs. First 
gastral tergite with numerous recumbent 
hairs. A row of forward-projecting hairs 
present near the anterior clypeal margin. 
Scapes and tibiae with numerous suberect 
short hairs. Color reddish-brown. 

Queen. Unknown. 

Male. One paratype male, collected in 
Mauritius by W. L. Brown, was originally 
mounted together with a worker on the 
same pin: TL 3.04, HL 0.58, HW 0.48, CI 
So. OL) 0.20) SI 42, HWE 0:76, EL 0:38, 
PW 0.73, AL 1.08, PPW 0.24, PPL 0.20, 
RPT 120m = 1). 

Head, including the eyes, broader than 
long. Clypeus convex without a median 
longitudinal carina. Anterior clypeal mar- 
gin transverse. Frontal carinae absent. 
Scapes only slightly longer than the first 
funicular segments but distinctly shorter 
than the rest of the funicular segments. On 
the mesoscutum, notauli distinct, showing 
a V shape; parapsidal furrows very super- 
ficial. Scuto-scutellar sulcus with six nar- 
row ridges. Propodeum weakly tubercu- 
late, lacking teeth or spines. Metapleural 
lobes triangular. Middle and hind tibiae 
without any spurs. Petiole node in profile 
with a fairly long anterior peduncle; ante- 
rior face of the node, together with the 
dorsal surface of the peduncle, forming a 
declivity. Postpetiole in profile low and 
rounded dorsally and in dorsal view broad- 
er than long. Dorsum of head smooth and 
shining, but frontal area with a median 
longitudinal carina. Pronotum and mesos- 
cutum rather smooth and shining, except 
for those marked sutures, but mesoscutel- 
lum with some longitudinal and reticulate 
rugae. Petiole smooth and shining but with 
a longitudinal carina present on each side 
of the dorsal surface. Postpetiole and gas- 
ter smooth and shining. All dorsal surfaces 
with abundant erect or suberect hairs. 
Scapes and tibiae with numerous erect or 


suberect short hairs. Color reddish-brown: 
wings slightly smoky. 

Comments. This new species occurs in 
Mauritius and Reunion Island. It is closely 
related to the Mauritian P. bispinosus and 
P. trispinosus. Characters separating P. 
browni from P. bispinosus and P. trispino- 
sus are provided under P. bispinosus and 
P. trispinosus, respectively. The following 
additional characters should also be men- 
tioned: In the workers of P. browni, the 
sculpture of the dorsal head consists most- 
ly of longitudinal rugae, except for a few 
rugae around the antennal fossae; the two 
sides of the mesonotum each has a small 
tubercle. In P. trispinosus, many striations 
present on the dorsal head spread out 
from the center to the two sides; the me- 
sonotum possesses a pair of strong digitlike 
prominences. In the type worker speci- 
mens of P. browni, the first gastral tergite 
possesses only recumbent hairs, and the 
occipital margin of the head in full-face 
view is deeply concave, which are different 
may sz bispinosus and P. trispinosus. 

One non-type specimen shows the fol- 
lowing variations: (1) The first gastral ter- 
gite possesses some erect or suberect 
hairs, (2) the occipital margin of the head 
in full-face view is feebly concave, (3) the 
sides of the mesonotum lack any tubercles, 
(4) the two small basal denticles on the 
masticatory margin of the mandible are in- 
distinct, (5) the dorsum of the petiole pe- 
duncle in profile is obviously curved, and 
(6) the rugae are very superficial on the 
clypeus and on the sides of the petiole. 
This specimen has the following measure- 
ments: TL 3.24, HL 0.88, HW 0.84, CI 95, 
SIO SOs SIN 9os HIE OMA ENV Ox4 05s AE: 
OM ave 

Holotype Worker. Mauritius: Le Pouce 
Mt., 700 to SOO m, native forest, 1.iv.1969 
(W. L. Brown). 

Paratypes. Mauritius: Le Pouce Mt., 
700 to 800 m, native forest, 4.iii. 1977 (W. 
L. Brown). 

Additional Non-Type Worker Examined. 
Indian Ocean, Reunion I., Mare Longue, 


Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 6 

Figures 199-200. Pristomyrmex trispinosus (Donisthorpe). 199: 

Propodeal spines, dorsal view. 

near St. Philippe, primitive forest, 580 m, 
15.i.1975 (D. Schauenberg) (MCZC). 

Ecological Information. This species oc- 
curs in native forest. 

Pristomyrmex trispinosus (Donisthorpe) 
Figures 199-200 

Dodous trispinosus Donisthorpe, 1946: 145. Syntype 
workers and males, Mauritius: Cocotte Mt., 
27.xii.1941 and 6.ii.1943 (R. Mamet) (BMNH, 
LACM, MCZC) [examined]. 

Pristomyrmex trispinosus (Donisthorpe) Brown, 
1971: 3. 

Diagnosis ( Worker). Pronotum, meson- 
otum, and propodeum each with a pair of 
strong prominences; dorsal surfaces of 
head and alitrunk with dense regular stri- 
ations; propodeal spines in dorsal view di- 
vergent; HW and HL > 1.10. 

Worker. TL 4.50-4.68, HL 1.16—1.22, 
EIW. eS ess Cl Sl=97 Sie 133 18445 
SI17/=122 EL 020201245, PW 0:66=0570: 
AL 1.16—1.26, PPW 0.27-0.30, PPL 0.24— 
0:26) RPI 108=115 Ga — 6). 

Mandibles smooth and shining. Masti- 
catory margin of mandible with four teeth 
arranged as the strongest apical + the sec- 
ond strongest preapical + a short diastema 
(sometimes, this diastema is not distinct) 
+ a small denticle + a long diastema + a 
small basal denticle. Basal margin of man- 
dible lacking a toothlike prominence. An- 
terior margin of the median portion of 

Worker head, full-face view; 200A: Worker, lateral view; 200B: | 

clypeus with at least five denticles, but 
sometimes two lateral denticles are fused 
into a broad lobe. Two ends of the anterior - 
clypeal margin each with a developed 
prominence. Ventral surface of clypeus 
lacking toothlike prominences. Clypeus— 
usually with a few longitudinal rugae. Palp— 
formula 1,2. Frontal carinae absent. An- 
tennal scrobes absent. Frontal lobes ab- | 

sent so that the antennal articulations are 

completely exposed. Antennal scapes long, - 
when lying on the dorsal head surpassing | 
the occipital margin by one-fourth to one-_ 

third of their length. Eyes usually contain-— 


ing 11 to 12 ommatidia in the longest row. | 

Occipital margin in full-face view slightly | 

concave. Alitrunk in profile with a convex 
pro-mesonotum and a deeply concave pro- 
podeal dorsum. Pronotum armed with a 
pair of moderately long acute spines. Me- 
sonotum with a pair of thick, blunt, digit- 

like short prominences. Propodeum with a_ 

pair of developed long spines that, in dor- 

sal view, are joined together at the base 

but divergent along their length so that 

they form a fork (Fig. 200B). Metapleural | 

lobes dentiform. Petiole node in profile | 
nodiform with a long anterior peduncle. i 

Postpetiole in profile rounded anterodor- 
sally but usually with a distinct postero- 

dorsal angle; in dorsal view, postpetiole - 
slightly broader than long. Entire dorsum — 


of head with regular coarse striations: 
many striations spread out from the center 
to the two sides and to the occipital mar- 
gin; some are around the antennal fossae, 
the rest are some longitudinal rugae pre- 
sent on the sides of the head. Sides and 
the dorsum of alitrunk with numerous 
evenly distributed, circular coarse stria- 
tions. Center of mesonotum with a few 
coarse short rugae. Petiole and postpetiole 
rather smooth and shining, but sometimes 
their sides with a few superficial short ru- 
gae. Gaster unsculptured. All dorsal sur- 
faces with numerous erect or suberect 
hairs. Scapes and tibiae with numerous 
erect or suberect short hairs. A row of for- 
ward-projecting hairs present near the an- 
terior clypeal margin. Color yellow-brown, 
but sometimes reddish-brown. 

Queen. Unknown. 

Male. One syntype male (BMNH), to- 
gether with a number of syntype workers, 
constitutes a series (see Donisthorpe, 
1946): TL 4.46, HL 0.72, HW 0.70, CI 97, 
SL 0.20, SI 29, EL 0.22, PW 0.90, AL 1.42 
im = 1]. 

Head, including the eyes, broader than 
long. Clypeus somewhat transverse, con- 
vex in middle. On the mesoscutum, notauli 
indistinct. Scuto-scutellar sulcus wide, sep- 
arated into small cells by narrow ridges. 
Propodeum weakly tuberculate, lacking 
teeth or spines. Metapleural lobes sub- 
triangular. Petiole node in profile low with 
a fairly long anterior peduncle. Postpetiole 
in profile rounded dorsally. Dorsum of 
head smooth and shining. Mesoscutum 
smooth and shining, but mesoscutellum 
with some rugae and a few foveolate punc- 
tures. Petiole node rather smooth. Post- 
petiole and gaster unsculptured, smooth, 
and shining. All dorsal surfaces with abun- 
dant erect or suberect long hairs. Scapes 
and tibiae with numerous erect or sub- 
erect short hairs. Color reddish-brown: 
wings somewhat dusky. 

Comments. Pristomyrmex trispinosus is 
known only from Mauritius. It differs from 
P. bispinosus in the workers in having reg- 
ular coarse striations on the entire dorsal 


surfaces of the head and the alitrunk and 
a pair of strong, digitlike prominences on 
the mesonotum. The workers of P. trispi- 
nosus and P. bispinosus are separable from 
those of P. browni by the following char- 

P. trispinosus and P. bispinosus 

Propodeal spines in dorsal view diver- 
gent, not laterally compressed; in pro- 
file rather straight 

A relatively short diastema present be- 
tween the preapical and the third 
tooth on the masticatory margin of 
the mandible 

Larger species with HW > 1.08, HL > 
ae Sie oe NN OO Sale = 

P. browni 

Propodeal spines in dorsal view subpar- 
allel, somewhat laterally compressed; 
in profile, bent at about a right-angle 
near the base 

A relatively long diastema present be- 
tween the preapical and the third 
tooth on the masticatory margin of 
the mandible 

Smaller species with HW 0.82-0.90, HL 
0.88—1.01, SL 0.80—0.97, PW 0.40— 
ODO 324= 3.05 

Material Examined (MCZC). Mauritius: 
Cocotte Mt. (R. Mamet). 

Ecological Information. A nest of P. tri- 
spinosus was found under a flat stone, and 
about 30 to 40 workers, two males, larvae, 
and pupae were collected; this species, 
when disturbed, simulates death (Donis- 
thorpe, 1946). 


Worker. This group shows the following 
combination of characters: 

(1) Usually small-sized species: HW: 
0.60—0.96 in 11 species, 0.98—1.26 in one 
species (P. lucidus). HL: 0.60-0.90 in 11 
species, 0.92—1.16 in P. lucidus. TL: 2.20- 
3.49 in 11 species, 3.71—4.84 in P. lucidus. 

(2) Masticatory margin of mandible 
with four teeth arranged as the strongest 
apical + the second strongest preapical + 


the smallest third + an acute basal tooth 
that is larger than the third tooth but 
smaller than the apical and preapical teeth; 
masticatory margin lacking a distinct dia- 

(3) A tooth that is short and broad or 
prominent, present about midway on the 
basal margin of mandible. 

(4) Lateral portions of clypeus in front 
of antennal insertions reduced to a narrow 

(5) Lamella that encircles the base of 
antennal scape entire. 

(6) Anterior clypeal margin with at 
most three denticles (i.e., a median den- 
ticle and one on each side), but sometimes 
the median tooth is indistinct so that only 
two denticles are seen on the margin. 

(7) Ventral surface of clypeus smooth or 
bearing a weak transverse ruga but lacking 
toothlike prominences. 

(8) Palp formula 1,3 in 10 species ex- 

(9) Frontal carinae extending to the lev- 
el of the posterior margins of eyes. 

(10) Well-developed scrobes absent. 

(11) Dorsum of alitrunk in profile more 
or less arched, in dorsal view without any 

(12) Pronotum usually unarmed but 
with a pair of small teeth in one species 
(P. minusculus). 

(13) Petiole node in profile high, higher 
than the length of the node, usually with 
a distinct anterior face, but in P. inermis, 
the anterior face of the petiole node is in- 
separable from the dorsal surface of the 

(14) Dorsal surfaces of head and ali- 
trunk smooth or with scattered foveolate 
punctures or with foveolate-reticulate 

This is a monophyletic group, contain- 
ing 12 species. They are endemic in the 
Oriental region, except for one species (P. 
minusculus) entering in North Queens- 
land, Australia. Further, most of the spe- 
cies of this group occur in Papua New 
Guinea and some nearby islands. 

Obviously, this group, together with the 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 6 

profundus group, constitutes a monophy- 
letic lineage because the workers and 

queens of the two groups possess a syna- | 

pomorphy, that is, the masticatory margin 

of the mandible with four teeth (the stron-— 

gest apical + the second strongest preap- 

ical + the smallest third + an acute basal | 

tooth) but lacking a diastema. The workers 
of the group are easily distinguished from 
those of the profundus group by lacking 
well-developed antennal scrobes and pos- 
sessing (1) two to three teeth on the an- 

terior clypeal margin, (2) a more or less | 

arched dorsum of the alitrunk, and (3) a 
tooth present about midway on the basal 
margin of the mandible but not adjacent 
to the basal tooth of the masticatory mar- 

The dentition of the masticatory margin 
of the mandible in the workers and queens 
of the levigatus group is a critical character 
separating the levigatus group from other 

five (i.e., cribrarius, punctatus, quadri-— 

dens, and umbripennis) 
In the workers and queens of the levi- 

gatus group, foveolate punctures show 


continuous variation on the dorsum of the | 

head between the frontal carinae. I treat 

this case as follows: (1) P. levigatus almost | 
completely lacks distinct foveolate punc- 

tures on the dorsum of the head between 
the frontal carinae; (2) P. simplex assem- 
bles those populations with some scattered 
foveolate punctures, but spaces between 
foveolae are usually smooth; and (3) P. cog- 
vii shows foveolate-reticulate sculpture; 
some populations, only with foveolate-re- 
ticulate sculpture behind the eyes, are 
considered intermediate forms and also 
grouped into P. coggii. In fact, this similar 
continuous variation also occurs in the oth- 
er two (i.e., guadridens and umbripennis) 

An ergatoid queen caste has been found 

in P. mandibularis of the group. This caste — 

is also present in the punctatus and quad- 
ridens groups. Pronotal armaments, widely 

occurring in the cribrarius, quadridens, 
and trispinosus groups, appear in the - 



Figures 201-202. Pristomyrmex acerosus sp. n. 201: Worker head, full-face view; 202: Worker, lateral view. 

workers of one species (P. minusculus) of 
the levigatus group. These facts indicate 
that ergatoid queens and pronotal arma- 
ments have arisen several times in Pristo- 
myrmex, respectively. 

Pristomyrmex acerosus sp. n. 
Figures 201-202 

Diagnosis (Worker). Masticatory margin 
of mandible lacking a diastema and pos- 
sessing four teeth, of which the third 
tooth, counting from the apex, smallest; 
subpetiole with a pinlike long process. 

Holotype Worker (BMHH). TL. 2.80, 
HL 0.76, HW 0.75, CI 99, SL 0.66, SI 88, 
EL 0.12, PW 0.48, AL 0.76, PPW 0.22, 

Mandibles smooth and shining. A 
broad-based short tooth present about 
midway on the basal margin of the man- 
dible. Clypeus depressed, unsculptured, 
its anterior margin with three denticles: a 
median tooth and one on each side. Fron- 
tal carinae just extending to the level of 
the posterior margins of eyes. Antennal 
scrobes absent. Frontal lobes weakly ex- 
panded basally. Eyes moderately sized. 
Occipital margin feebly concave in full- 
face view. Dorsum of alitrunk in profile 
convex. Pronotum unarmed. Propodeum 
with a pair of subtriangular short spines. 
Metapleural lobes rounded. Petiole node 

in profile high, with the anterodorsal angle 
higher than the posterodorsal, its anterior 
face subparallel to the posterior one, an- 
terior peduncle of the node about as long 
as the node. Subpetiole with a semitrans- 
lucent pinlike long process. Postpetiole 
with a rounded dorsum. In dorsal view, 
petiole node subrounded; postpetiole 
broader than long, somewhat transrectan- 
gular. Dorsal surfaces of head and alitrunk 
smooth and shining, except for some small, 
shallow hair pits. Petiole, postpetiole, and 
gaster unsculptured, smooth, and shining. 
Dorsal surface of head with numerous 
erect to suberect hairs. Dorsum of alitrunk 
with sparse hairs. Two pairs of hairs pre- 
sent on the dorsum of petiole node. A few 
on the dorsum of postpetiole and on the 
first gastral tergite, respectively. Three 
pairs of forward-projecting hairs present 
near the anterior clypeal margin. Scapes 
and tibiae with some suberect short hairs. 
Color lightly yellow-brown. 

Queen and Male. Unknown. 

Comments and Discussion. This is the 
only species in the genus that has so far 
been found to have a semitranslucent, pin- 
like, long process on the ventral surface of 
the petiole. However, further collecting is 
required. If this long process is present in 
other specimens, this holotype represents 
a good species; otherwise, this holotype 


Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 6 

Figures 203-204. Pristomyrmex boltoni sp. n. 203: Worker head, full-face view; 204: Worker, lateral view. 

would be an aberrant specimen, and P. ac- 
erosus would become a junior synonym of 
P. levigatus. 

Holotype Worker. New Hebrides: Ma- 
lekoula I. (N), Vao Isl, 0 to 20 m, 7.ix.1979 
(W.C. Gagne, G. M. Nishida, and G. A. 

Ecological Information. Unknown. 

Pristomyrmex boltoni sp. n. 
Figures 203-204 

Diagnosis ( Worker). Masticatory margin 
of mandible lacking a diastema and pos- 
sessing four teeth, of which the third 
tooth, counting from the apex, smallest; 
eyes very small, with two to three omma- 
tidia in the longest row; dorsal surfaces of 
head between frontal carinae and alitrunk 
smooth and shining. 

Holotype Worker (LAMN). TL 2.48, HL 
0.66, HW 0.66, CI 100, SL 0.52, SI 79, 
EL 0.08, PW 0.42, AL 0.62, PPW 0.18, 
PPL 0.16, PPI 113. Paratypes, two workers 

Worker. TL 2.40, 2.40; HL 0.65, 0.66; 
HW 0.66, 0.66; CI 100, 102; SL 0.55, 0.55: 
SI 83, 83; EL 0.08, 0.08; PW 0.44, 0.44; 
AL 0.60, 0.61; PPW 0.18, 0.18; PPL 0.16, 

Mandibles smooth and shining but with 

few longitudinal rugae in the paratypes. A | 
broad-based short tooth present about — 
midway on the basal margin of the man- | 
dible. Frontal area concave with a median 

carina. Clypeus flat, unsculptured, smooth, — 
and shining, its anterior margin with two — 
lateral teeth, but in the two paratypes, an 

additional weak median tooth present. | 
Frontal carinae distinct, extending to the 

level of the posterior margins of eyes. 

Scrobal impressions shallow, present lat- | 
eral to the frontal carinae in full-face view. — 
Frontal lobes weak so that the antennal ar- — 
ticulations are almost entirely exposed. An- | 
tennal scapes, when lying on the head, | 
close to the occipital margin. Eyes very 
small, with two to three ommatidia in the 
longest row. Pronotum unarmed. Propo- | 
deum with a pair of triangular teeth. Me-_ 
tapleural lobes rounded. Petiole node in — 
profile high with the anterodorsal angle 

higher than the posterodorsal, its anterior — 
peduncle about as long as the node. Post- | 
petiole in profile higher than long with a 
rounded dorsum. In dorsal view, petiole — 
node subrounded, about as broad as long; 

postpetiole broader than long. Dorsum of — 
head between the frontal carinae smooth | 
and shining but with some foveolate punc- — 
tures present around the eyes. Dorsum of | 


alitrunk smooth and shining. Petiole and 
postpetiole smooth and shining. Gaster 
unsculptured. Dorsal surfaces of head and 
alitrunk with numerous erect or suberect 
hairs. Two pairs of hairs present on the 
dorsum of petiole node, three pairs on the 
dorsum of postpetiole, and a few on the 
base of the first gastral tergite. A few pairs 
of forward-projecting hairs present near 
the anterior clypeal margin. Scapes and 
tibiae with some erect or suberect short 
hairs. Color reddish-brown. 

Queen and Male. Unknown. 

Comments. Pristomyrmex boltoni is a 
sibling species of P. longus and P. coggii. 
The three species are all from New Guin- 
ea. Their workers possess very small eyes. 
Pristomyrmex boltoni differs from P. lon- 
gus and P. coggii as follows: The dorsum 
of the petiole node in dorsal view is slight- 
ly broader than long or about as broad as 
long in the workers of P. boltoni, but long- 
oval and distinctly longer than broad in P. 
longus. The dorsal surfaces of the head be- 
tween the frontal carinae and the alitrunk 
are smooth in the workers of P. boltoni but 
are covered with numerous foveolate 
punctures in P. coggii. 

The workers of P. boltoni are also similar 
in appearance to those of P. levigatus, but 
they can be separated by the following 

P. boltoni 
Eyes smaller, with the maximum diam- 
eter 0.08, containing two to three om- 
matidia in the longest row 

P. levigatus 
Eyes larger, with the maximum diame- 
ter 0.12 to 0.16 (rarely 0.10), contain- 
ing five to seven ommatidia in the 
longest row 

Holotype Worker. New Guinea: Gulf 
Prov., Ivimka Camp, Lakekamu Basin, 
7.73°S, 146.76°E, 120 m, #96-235, lowland 
wet forest, ex sifted leaf litter, 28.x.1996 
(R. R. Snelling). 

Paratypes. Two workers, New Guinea: 
Gulf Prov., Ivimka Camp, Lakekamu Ba- 
sin, 7.7°S, 146.8°E, 140 m elevation, #96- 


280, lowland wet forest, ex sifted leaf litter, 
6.xi.1996 (R. R. Snelling). 

A non-type specimen (ANIC), collected 
in New Guinea (Brown R., lowland RF, 
under log) by B. B. Lowery, has the fol- 
lowing measurements: HW 0.66, HL 0.66, 
SL 0.56, EL 0.08, PW 0.44, AL 0.60. 

Ecological Information. This species oc- 
curs in lowland forest and has been col- 
lected in litter samples. 

Pristomyrmex coggii Emery 
Figures 205-208 

Pristomyrmex coggii Emery, 1897: 584. Lectotype 
worker, New Guinea: Montes Hansemanni et Ber- 
linhafen (Bird) (MCSN), here designated, [exam- 

Diagnosis (Worker). Masticatory margin 
of mandible lacking a diastema and pos- 
sessing four teeth, of which the third 
tooth, counting from the apex, smallest; 
eyes with two to four ommatidia in the 
longest row; dorsal surface of head, except 
for the scrobal areas, with foveolate-retic- 
ulate sculpture; dorsum of petiole node in 
dorsal view about as long as broad or 
slightly broader than long; first gastral ter- 
gite with only a few hairs. 

Worker. TL 2.20-2.86, HL 0.60-0.74, 
HW 0.60-0.76, CI 98-104, SL 0.48—0.64, 
SI 74-86, EL 0.05—0.09, PW 0.40-0.48, 
AL 0.60-0.77, PPW 0.16—0.20, PPL 0.12— 
Of SRP aS Sr33e(n— 2.0). 

Mandibles usually smooth and shining 
but sometimes with a few superficial lon- 
gitudinal rugae. A broad and short or 
strongly prominent tooth present about 
midway on the basal margin of mandible. 
Clypeus flat, its anterior margin sometimes 
with three denticles: a median denticle 
and one on each side, but sometimes the 
median denticle absent or weak so that 
only two teeth are present there. Frontal 
area concave, with a median carina that 
usually extends to the clypeus. Ventral 
center of clypeus lacking any rugae or 
prominences. Palp formula 1,3. Frontal ca- 
rinae distinct, extending to the level of the 
posterior margins of eyes. Scrobal impres- 
sions smooth and shallow, present lateral 


Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 6 

Figures 205-208. Pristomyrmex coggii Emery. 205: Worker head, full-face view; 206: Worker, lateral view; 207: Queen head, 

full-face view; 208: Queen, lateral view. 

to the frontal carinae. Frontal lobes weakly 
expanded so that the antennal articulations 
are almost completely exposed. Eyes 
small, usually with two to three, rarely 
four, ommatidia in the longest row. Occip- 
ital margin straight or feebly concave in 
full-face view. Pronotum unarmed. Pro- 
podeum with a pair of triangular short 
spines. Metapleural lobes rounded. Petiole 
node in profile high, with the anterodorsal 
angle higher than the posterodorsal, its an- 
terior peduncle about as long as the node. 
In dorsal view, dorsum of petiole node 
subrounded, about as long as broad, or 
transoval, slightly broader than long. Sub- 
petiole with a narrow, long, semitranslu- 

cent lamella. Postpetiole in profile round- 

ed dorsally, in dorsal view somewhat trans- | 
verse-rectangular and broader than long. — 
Dorsum of head, except for the scrobal ar- _ 
eas, with dense foveolate punctures that | 
form foveolate-reticulate sculpture; some- _ 
times the punctures are almost aligned so — 
that it seems that the several longitudinal — 
rugae appear between the frontal carinae. 

Dorsum of alitrunk with sparse foveolate _ 
punctures. Petiole, postpetiole, and gaster — 
unsculptured, smooth, and shining. Dorsal _ 
surfaces of head and alitrunk with numer- 
ous erect to suberect hairs. Dorsal surfaces 
of petiole node and _ postpetiole usually — 
with two pairs of hairs, respectively. A few | 


hairs present on the base of the first gastral 
tergite. A few pairs of forward-projecting 
hairs present near the anterior clypeal 
margin. Scapes and tibiae with numerous 
erect to suberect short hairs. Color red- 

Queen. TL 2.94-3.16, HL 0.72-0.78, 
HW 0.72-0.82, CI 100—105, SL 0.56—0.66, 
Si Sone en Ola —OslivmueNViOlaa—OKO4- 
ANlEnOM 80.96, BPW 021-024" PPL.OllW— 
OalSs PPL 1222133 (n= 3). 

Generally similar to worker, except for 
normal caste differences. In addition, fo- 
veolate punctures shallow on the meson- 
otum, propodeal armaments slightly short- 
er than those in conspecific worker. 

Male. Unknown. 

Comments and Discussion. Pristomyr- 
mex coggii is closely related to P. boltoni 
and P. longs. The three species occur in 
New Guinea. Characters separating P. cog- 
gii from P. boltoni are provided unde: fie 
latter name. Pristomyrmex coggii differs 
from P. longus because the deisuin of the 
petiole Roden in dorsal view is about as long 
as broad or broader than long in the wor ia 
ers of P. coggii but longer than broad in P. 

Pristomyrmex coggii differs from P. obe- 
sus of Solomon Islands as follows: The 
workers of P. coggii possess only a few 
hairs on the first gastral tergite and have 
smaller eyes containing two to three, rarely 
four, ommatidia in the longest row. But in 
the workers of PB. obesus, the entire first 
gastral tergite is evenly covered with erect 
or suberect hairs, and the eyes contain five 
to seven (rarely four) ommatidia in the 
longest row. Pristomyrmex coggii differ 
from P. simplex of New Guinea and the 
Philippines because the dorsum of the 
head between the frontal carinae bears fo- 
veolate-reticulate sculpture in the workers 
of P. coggii but only scattered foveolate 
punctures in P. simplex; in addition, the 
eyes usually contain five ommatidia in the 
longest row in the workers of P. simplex 
Pit - usually two to three in P. coggii. 

It must be pointed out that then material 
I have examined may resolve into two spe- 

cies with further study. Additional collect- 
ing will help clarify the situation. 

Material Examined (MCZC, ANIC, 
LAMN, BMNH, NHMYV). Papua New 
Guinea: Gulf Prov., Ivimka Camp, Lake- 
kamu Basin, lowland wet forest, #96-291 
@273"S. TA6./67E) 120) msex sifted leafilit= 
ter), #96-350 (7.7°S, 146.8°E, 400 m ele- 
vation, sifted leaf litter and debris from 
rotten log) (R. R. Snelling); W. Highlands, 
Baiyer R., 4,000 ft (S. Peck); Rinona (R. 
Vane-Wright); New Guinea (Bird); Nad- 
zab, dry evergreen forest (E. O. Wilson); 
Huon Pen., lower Busu R., lowland rain- 
forest (E. O. Wilson); Wau, Kilolo Creek 
(J. Balogh); Lae, rainforest, leaf mold (T. 
E. Woodward); Lae, Busu R., lowland 
rainforest, in rotten wood on ground (B 
B. Lowery); NW Lae, “Timber Track” ca. 
16 km, rainforest, ca. 220 m, berlesate (R. 
W. Taylor); near Popondetta, <50 m (R. 
W. Taylor); 8 km S of Kokoda, 800 m, rain- 
forest (R. W. Taylor). 

Ecological Information. This species oc- 
curs in rainforest and has been collected 
in litter samples and in rotten wood on the 

Note: I have examined additional 25 
specimens, including 19 workers and 6 
queens. In these workers, the eyes are 
slightly larger than those in P. coggii; they 
contain four to five ommatidia in the lon- 
gest row. Further collecting and studying 
are needed. 

These 25 specimens have the following 
measurements: Worker: TL 2.76—3.00, HL 
0.73—0.80, HW 0.73-0.82, CI 100-106, SL 
0.58-0.64, SI 74-82, EL 0.09-0.10, PW 
0.48—0.52, AL 0.68—0.82 (n = 19). Queen: 
2) 92235345) Elle OM2—O0FS 0S EIN OM/2= 
0.82, CI 100-103, SL 0.56—0.62, SI 73-82, 
0.92 (n = 6). 

Collecting Data for the 25 Specimens 
(WI GAG: ANIC. BMNH). New Guinea: 
Morobe Dist., Bulolo (B. B. Lowery); Bul- 
olo, rainforest, 3,500 ft (B. B. Lowery); 
NE New Guinea, 6 km NE of Wau, Bulolo 
R. valley, rainforest, 1,100 m, berlesate, 
leaf mold (R. W. Taylor); Wau, Bishop Mu- 


Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 6 



Figures 209-212. Pristomyrmex inermis sp. n. 209: Worker head, full-face view; 210: Worker, lateral view; 211: Queen head, 

full-face view; 212: Queen, lateral view. 

seum Station, 1,200 m, rainforest, rotten 
log (R. W. Taylor); Wau, 4,000 ft, forest 
litter (S. Peck); N. Wau, on Bulolo Rd., 
650 m (S. Peck); Wau, Kunai Creek, rain- 
forest, ca. 1,400 m, berlesate (R. W. Tay- 
lor); Tapini, 1,000 to 1,200 m, rainforest, 
rotten log (R. W. Taylor). 

Pristomyrmex inermis sp. n. 
Figures 209-212 

Diagnosis (Worker). Propodeum lacking 
a pair of teeth or spines. 

Holotype Worker (LAMN). TL 2.86, HL 
0.72, HW 0.70, CI 97, SL 0.64, SI 91, EL 
0.14, PW 0.50, AL 0.72. Paratypes, 17 
workers and three queens (ANIC, LACM, 

Worker. TL 2.65-—3.36, HL 0.70-0.84, 
HW 0.69-0.84, CI 96-103, SL 0.62—0.76, 
SI 83-92, EL 0.12-0.16, PW 0.46-0.58, 
Al? 0.63-0:80; PPW 0:23-027 Reb Ove 
O21 PRI 12821425(n— ls) 

Mandibles smooth and shining but 
sometimes with a few superficial small 
punctures. Masticatory margin of mandi- 
ble with four teeth arranged as the stron- 
gest apical + the second strongest preap- 
ical + the smallest third + a basal tooth; 
a distinct diastema lacking. A broad-based 
triangular short tooth present about mid- 
way on the basal margin of mandible. 
Frontal area concave. Clypeus flat, 
smooth, and shining, its anterior margin 
with three denticles: a weak median tooth 


and one on each side, but sometimes the 
median tooth indistinct or lacking so that 
only two teeth are present there. Ventral 
surface of clypeus lacking any distinct ru- 
gae or teeth. Palp for vile 1,3. Frontal ca- 
rinae just extending to the ewe of the pos- 
terior margins of fhe eyes. Antennal scro- 
bes absent. Frontal lobes very weak. Eyes 
moderately sized. Occipital margin feebly 
convex in full face view. Dorsum of ali- 
trunk in profile arched. Pronotum un- 
armed. Propodeum lacking a pair of teeth 
or spines but usually with a pair of blunt 
small tubercles. Metapleural lobes small, 
usually bluntly rounded, but sometimes 
toothlike. Petiole node in profile wedge- 
shaped, usually with a blunt triangular 
apex; sometimes the apex somewhat blunt- 
ly rounded. Subpetiole with a narrow rim. 
Postpetiole in profile slightly higher than 
the petiole node, with a convex dorsum. 
In dorsal view, petiole node and postpeti- 
ole broader than long. Cephalic dorsum 
between the frontal carinae highly pol- 
ished but usually with a few foveolate 
punctures bordering frontal carinae. A few 
foveolate punctures present on the genae 
and many on the ventral surface of the 
head. Dorsum of alitrunk, petiole, and 
postpetiole smooth and shining. Gaster 
unsculptured. Dorsal surfaces of head, al- 
itrunk, petiole, and postpetiole with sparse 
erect to suberect hairs. A few hairs present 
on the first gastral tergite. A few pairs of 
forward-projecting hairs present near the 
anterior clypeal margin. Scapes and tibiae 
with some suberect hairs. Color varying 
from light yellow-brown to blackish- 
brown, gaster usually darker than alitrunk; 
sometimes alitrunk lighter than head and 
gaster so that the specimens show a bicol- 
ored form. 

Queen. TL 3.23-3.52, HL 0.80-0.81, 
HW 0.76—0.85, CI 95-106, SL 0.66-—0.74, 
SI 87-92, EL 0.18—0.20, PW 0.64—0.72, 
AL 0.86—0.94, PPW 0.26—0.30, PPL 0.18— 
O24 PPI 125-144 (m= 3): 

General shape as in Figures 211-212; 
except for normal caste differences, other 
characters similar to worker. 


Male. Unknown. 

Comments. This species can be easily 
recognized because it lacks a pair of pro- 
podeal teeth or spines in the workers, 
which is unique within Pristomyrmex. In 
addition, in the levigatus group, P. inermis 
has a characteristic shape of the petiole 
node in the workers and queens: wedge- 
like in profile view with an apex. This char- 
acter has originated independently at least 
twice in the genus because it is also seen 
in P. fossulatus and P. punctatus of the 
punctatus group. 

Holotype Worker. Indonesia: Irian Jaya, 
PT. Freeport Concession, Siewa Camp., 
03.04°S 136.38°E, 200 ft, lowland second- 
ary rainforest, #98-71 (stray foragers in leaf 
litter), 12.iv.1998 (R. R. Snelling). 

Paratypes. One queen with same data as 
holotype; one queen with same data as ho- 
lotype but date 7.iv.1998, and number 
#98-48 (stray on log); two workers with 
same data as holotype but date 7.iv.1998 
and number #98-44 (ex sifted leaf litter); 
three workers, Papua New Guinea: Bulolo, 
2.300 ft, rainforest, 19.xii. 1967 (B. B. Low- 
ery); three workers, Papua New Guinea: 
Bulolo, 2,300 ft, rainforest, 27.xii.1967 (B. 
By Lowery); three workers, Papua New 
Guinea: Bulolo, 2,600 ft, rainforest, 
25.xii.1970 (B. B. Lowery); one worker, 
Papua New Guinea: Bulolo, 2,800 ft, rain- 
forest, Ji197l, (Be By Lowery); :thnee 
workers, Papua New Guinea: Bulolo, 
3,000 ft, rainforest, 5.i1.1971 (B. B. Low- 
ery); one queen, New Guinea: Bulolo 
(Morobe Dist), 8.i.1971 (B. B. Lowery); 
two workers, New Guinea: near Vanimo, 
rainforest, ca. 50 m, ex rotting log, 10— 
11.vii.1972 (R.W.T.). 

Ecological Information. This species oc- 
curs in rainforest and has been collected 
in litter samples and on logs. 

Pristomyrmex largus sp. n. 
Figures 213-214 

Diagnosis (Worker). Masticatory margin 
of mandible lacking a diastema and pos- 
sessing four ea, of which the third 
foot counting from the apex, smallest: 


Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 6 : 

Figures 213-214. Pristomyrmex largus sp. n. 213: Worker head, full-face view; 214: Worker, lateral view. 

HW and HL = 0.90; petiole node in pro- 
file with the anterodorsal angle higher 
than the posterodorsal. 

Holotype Worker (ANIC). TL 3.38, HL 
0.90, HW 0.96, CI 107, SL 0.78, SI 81, 
EL 0.14, PW 0.61, AL 0.92, PPW 0.24, 
PPL 0.20, PPI 120. Paratypes, 34 workers 
and one queen (MCZC, R. Clouse’s per- 
sonal collection). 

Worker. TL. 3.40, HL 0.90, HW 0.90, CI 
100, SL 0.81, SI 90, EL 0.14, PW 0.60, 
AL 0.90, PPW 0.25, PPL 0.20, PPI 125 (n 
= jl). 

Mandibles smooth and shining. A 
broad-based triangular short tooth present 
about midway on the basal margin of the 
mandible. Clypeus flat, unsculptured, 
smooth, and shining; its anterior margin 
with three denticles: a weak median tooth 
and one prominent lateral tooth on each 
side, sometimes the median tooth indis- 
tinct. Ventral surface of clypeus unsculp- 
tured and smooth. Palp formula 1,3. Fron- 
tal carinae just extending to the level of 
the posterior margins of eyes. Antennal 
scrobes absent. Frontal lobes weakly ex- 
panded. Eyes moderately sized. Occipital 
margin straight or feebly concave in full- 
face view. Pronotum unarmed. Propo- 
deum with a pair of long spines that are 
about 1.5 times the distance between their 
bases. Metapleural lobes subtriangular. 

Dorsum of alitrunk in dorsal view rather 
flat. Petiole node in profile high, with the 
anterodorsal angle higher than the poster- 
odorsal, its anterior face sometimes sub- 
parallel to the posterior one; anterior pe- 
duncle of the node about as long as the 
node, and subpetiole with a narrow semi- 
translucent rim. In dorsal view, petiole 
node transoval. Postpetiole in profile high- 
er than long, rounded dorsally, in dorsal 
view broader than long and somewhat 
transrectangular. Both dorsal and ventral 
surfaces of head smooth and shining but 
with few small, shallow punctures present 
on the genae. Dorsum of alitrunk smooth 
and shining. Petiole and _ postpetiole 
smooth and shining, except for a lateral 
longitudinal carina on each side that sep- 
arates the tergite from the sternite. Gaster 
unsculptured. Dorsal surfaces of head and 
alitrunk with some erect to suberect short 
hairs. Petiole node and postpetiole each 
with two pairs of hairs as illustrated in Fig- 
ure 214. A few hairs present near the base 
of the first gastral tergite. A few pairs of 
forward-projecting hairs present near the 
anterior clypeal margin. Scapes and tibiae 
with abundant erect to suberect short 
hairs. Color yellow-brown to reddish- 

Queen. TL 3.94, HL 0.94, HW 0.95, CI 
101, SL 0.80, SI 84, EL 0.22, PW 0.74, 


= iDy 

Generally similar to worker, except for 
normal caste differences; in addition, pro- 
podeum with a pair of short spines, shorter 
than those in the conspecific worker, first 
gaster tergite with numerous hairs. 

Male. Gulonowns 

Comments. Pristomyrmex largus is the 
second largest species in the levigatus 
group after P. lucidus. Pristomyrmex lar- 
gus must have evolved from the ancestor 
of P. levigatus. Pristomyrmex largus can be 
separated from P. levigatus by ie follow- 
ing characters in the vores: 

P. largus 
Larger species with HW = 0.90, and 
HL = 0.90 

Propodeal spines relatively long, longer 
than the distance between en bases 

Ventral surface of head smooth, with 
only a few small hair pits 

P. levigatus 

Smaller species with HW < 0.80, and 
HL < 0.80 

Propodeal armaments relatively short, 
shorter than or about as long as the 
distance between their bases 

Ventral surface of head with numerous 
foveolate punctures 

Holotype Worker. Ponape I., Mt. Tolen- 
kiup; vi-ix.50 (P. A. Adams). 

Paratypes. One worker, Micronesia: 
Pohnpei I., Hilltop campsite near Mt. 
Nanalaud, 400 m, on an old ivory nut, 
3.v.1995 (Ron Clouse); 33 workers and one 

queen, Pohnpei I., Nahnal aud cave, 
around camp (#155—-158, under dead 
leaves, on ground; #161, under rotting 

leaves; #167, under dead leaves. gl iie= 180. 
[eaves, ander rotten), 24.i1ii.2000 (Ron 

Ecological Information. All par atypes of 
this species have been collected in high- 
elevation rainforest, under the rain- eoalked 
leaf litter, and inside a rotten ivory nut on 
the forest floor (R. Clouse, personal com- 

Note: I do not illustrate the queen of 


this species because this caste, together 
with 33 workers, collected by Mr. Ronald 
Clouse, reached me after my manuscript 
was completed. 

Pristomyrmex levigatus Emery 
Figures 215-218, 277, 281 

Pristomyrmex levigatus Emery, 1897: 583. Lectotype 
worker, New Guinea: near Friedrich-Wilhelmshaf- 
en et Berlinhafen (Biré) (MCSN), here designated, 

Pristomyrmex mendanai Mann, 1919: 341. Two syn- 
type workers, Solomon Is.: Santa Cruz Is., Graciosa 
Bay, 19.v.-24.xi.1916 (W. M. Mann) (MCZC, 
USNM) [examined]. Syn. n. 

Note: The lectotype of P. levigatus 
shows some fine differences from the two 
syntypes of P. mendanai. In the former, the 
metapleural lobes are subtriangular; the 
dorsum of the alitrunk is rather flat, with 
two sides somewhat margined; the pro- 
podeum is armed with a pair of short 
spines that are not subtriangular but some- 
what incurved at their apices. In the latter, 
the metapleural lobes are rounded; the 
dorsum of the alitrunk is convex, and its 
sides are not distinctly margined; the pro- 
podeal armaments are subtriangular, not 
distinctly incurved at their apices. How- 
ever, the presence of some intermediate 
forms suggests that they belong to the 
same species for the present. 

Diagnosis (Worker). Masticatory margin 
of mandible lacking a diastema and pos- 
sessing four teeth, of which the third 
tooth, counting from the apex, smallest; 
HW 0.62-0. 78, HL 0.64—0.78; eyes with 
five to eight ommatidia in the longest row; 
pronotum unarmed; propodeum with a 
pair of teeth or short spines; petiole with 
a lateral longitudinal carina on each side; 
subpetiole lacking a pinlike long process; 
dorsal surfaces of head and _ alitrunk 
smooth and shining. 

Worker. TL 2 36-2 .96, HL 0.64—0.78, 
HW 0.62-0.78, CI 96-106, SL 0.50—0.65, 
SI 78—89, EL 0.12—0.16 (very rarely 0.10), 
PW 0.41-—0.52, AL 0.54—0.75, PPW 0.20— 
O22 RR ON4=OMSaeRe i223 1435 ae 



Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 6 


Figures 215-218. Pristomyrmex levigatus Emery. 215: Worker head, full-face view; 216: Worker, lateral view; 217: Queen 

head, full-face view; 218: Queen, lateral view. 

Mandibles usually smooth and shining 
but with a few fine longitudinal rugae in 
some specimens. A broad-based triangular 
short tooth present about midway on the 
basal margin of the mandible. Frontal area 
concave, usually unsculptured, but some- 
times with a weak median carina. Clypeus 
flat, unsculptured, smooth, and shining; its 
anterior margin with a median denticle 
and two lateral teeth, but sometimes the 
median tooth is weak or absent. Ventral 
surface of clypeus lacking any rugae or 
toothlike prominences. Palp formula 1,3. 
Frontal carinae distinct, extending to the 
level of the posterior margins of eyes. 
Scrobal impressions shallow, present lat- 
eral to the frontal carinae. Frontal lobes 
weak so that the antennal articulations are 
almost entirely exposed. Antennal scapes, 

when lying on the head, close to the oc- 
cipital margin. Eyes moderately sized, with 
five to eight ommatidia in the longest row. 
Dorsum of alitrunk in dorsal view flat in 
the lectotype but convex in some speci- 
mens. Pronotum unarmed or at most with 
blunt tubercles, lacking teeth or spines. 
Propodeum with a pair of triangular teeth 
or short spines that are slender, slightly in- 
curved at their apices in the lectotype. Me- 
tapleural lobes subtriangular or rounded. 
Petiole node in profile nodiform with the 
anterodorsal angle higher than the poster- 
odorsal; its anterior peduncle about as long 
as the node. Subpetiole with a narrow long 
flange. In dorsal view, the dorsum of pet- 
iole node transoval and broader than long, 
Postpetiole in profile higher than long, 
with a rounded dorsum, in dorsal view 


somewhat transverse-rectangular and 
broader than long. Dorsum of head 
smooth and shining but sometimes with a 
few foveolate punctures bordering the 
frontal carinae; sometimes a few foveolate 
punctures present on the genae and 
around the eyes. Dorsum of alitrunk un- 
sculptured, smooth, and shining. Petiole 
and postpetiole smooth and shining, each 
with a longitudinal carina on each side that 
separates the tergite from the sternite. 
Gaster unsculptured. Dorsum of head 
with numerous erect to suberect hairs. 
Dorsum of alitrunk with some erect or 
suberect hairs. Dorsal surfaces of petiole 
node and postpetiole usually with one to 
two pairs and one to three pairs of hairs, 
respectively. A few hairs present at the 
base of the first gastral tergite. A few pairs 
of forward-projecting hairs present near 
the anterior clypeal margin. Scapes and 
tibiae with erect to suberect short hairs. 
Color golden-brown or reddish-brown. 

Queen. TL 2.92-3.34, HL 0.74—0.75, 
HW 0.76—0.81, CI 101—108, SL 0.60—0.65, 
SI 79-83, EL 0.18—0.19, PW 0.54—0.66, 
AL 0.80—0.92, PPW 0.23-0.26, PPL 0.18— 
0.20) PPI'128=133 @ = 5). 

Generally similar to worker, except for 
normal caste differences. Propodeal ar- 
maments tuberculate or denticulate, 
slightly shorter than those in the conspe- 
cific worker. 

Male (Figs. 277, 281). Two male speci- 
mens, together with 13 workers and two 
queens, collected in New Guinea (Nadzab, 
#1083) by E. O. Wilson, constitute a se- 
ries; each of the two males was originally 
mounted together with a worker or with a 
worker and a queen on the same pin: TL 
2.48, 2.54; HL 0.50, 0.51; HW 0.53, 0.53; 
1 105;,° 106: SL 0:16, 0.18: SI 30, 34: 
HWE 0.63, 0.64; EL 0.23, 0.25; PW 0.60, 
0.63; AL 0.82, 0.84: PPW 0.18, 0.19; PPL 
0.15, 0.16; PPI 119, 120 (n = 2). 

Head, including the eyes, broader than 
long. Clypeus lacking a median longitudi- 
nal carina; anterior clypeal margin rather 
straight. Frontal carinae reaching the level 
of the posterior margins of antennal inser- 


tions. Mesoscutum lacking distinct notauli 
and parapsidal furrows. Scuto-scutellar 
sulcus with nine narrow longitudinal ridg- 
es. Propodeum weakly tuberculate, lacking 
teeth or spines. Metapleural lobes with a 
blunt or somewhat rounded apex. Middle 
and hind tibiae without any spurs. Petiole 
node in profile low, nodiform, having an 
anterior face and a long anterior peduncle. 
Postpetiole in profile low and rounded 
dorsally, in dorsal view subrectangular and 
broader than long. Dorsum of head 
smooth and shining, but frontal area with 
a median longitudinal carina. Dorsal ali- 
trunk generally smooth and shining, except 
for those marked sutures. Dorsal surfaces 
of petiole and postpetiole smooth and 
shining. Gaster unsculptured. All dorsal 
surfaces with abundant rather long hairs. 
Legs and scapes with numerous erect or 
suberect short hairs. Color blackish- 
brown. Wings infuscated. 

Comments and Discussion. Pristomyr- 
mex levigatus occurs in New Guinea, 
Nama Is., Solomon Is., New Georgia, and 
New Britain Is. It appears to be a basal 
species within the levigatus group. Many 
species, such as P. acerosus, P. boltoni, P. 
inermis, P. largus, P. lucidus, P. mandibu- 
laris, P. minusculus, P. obesus, and P. sim- 
plex, may have evolved from a P. levigatus— 
like ancestor. The workers of these species 
are separable from those of P. levigatus as 
follows: P. levigatus differs from both P. 
simplex and P. obesus by lacking foveolate 
punctures on the dorsal surfaces of the al- 
itrunk and the head between the frontal 
carinae. In P. levigatus, the eyes are larger, 
usually containing five to eight ommatidia 
in the longest row but two to three in P. 
boltoni. Pristomyrmex levigatus is smaller 
(HW < 0.80, HL < 0.80) than P. largus 
and P. lucidus (HW > 0.90, HL > 0. 90). 
Pristomyrmex minusculus bears a pair of 
pronotal teeth that are not seen in P. lev- 
igatus. A pair of propodeal teeth or short 
spines are present in P. levigatus, but ab- 
sent in P. inermis. Pristomyrmex levigatus 
possesses a longitudinal ruga on each side 
of the petiole node that is not seen in P. 


Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 6 

Figures 219-220. Pristomyrmex longus sp. n. 219: Worker head, full-face view; 220A: Showing the dorsum of the petiole node 
of the worker, in dorsal view, is long-oval and longer than broad; 220B: Worker, lateral view. 

mandibularis. Finally, the subpetiole of P. 
levigatus does not have a pinlike long pro- 
cess that is distinct in P. acerosus. 

Material Examined (ANIC, BMNH, 
LAMN, MCZC). New Guinea: Nadzab, 
#1083, dry evergreen forest (E. O. Wil- 
son); Gogol Val. ca. 24 km W. Madang, ca. 
50 m, rainforest, rotten wood, ex small 
fragment (R. W. Taylor); Bulolo, rainforest, 
2,300 ft (B. B. Lowery); Yawasora near 
Wewak, ca. 50 m, rainforest, berlesate (R. 
W. Taylor); Gulf Prov., Ivimka Camp, Lak- 
ekamu Basin, 7.73°S, 146.76°E, 110 m, 
#96-345 (R. R. Snelling); Port Moresby, 
Brown River (J. Baloph); N.D. Papua, 
Sangara (G. Baker); (P. M. Room). Nama 
Is. near Truk (R. W. L. Potts). Solomon Is.: 
New Georgia (E. S. Brown). New Britain 
Is. (L. Weatherill). 

Ecological Information. This species oc- 
curs in rainforest and has been collected 
in a litter sample. 

Pristomyrmex longus sp. n. 
Figures 219-220 

Diagnosis (Worker). Masticatory margin 
of mandible lacking a diastema and pos- 
sessing four teeth, of which the third 
tooth, counting from the apex, smallest; 
eyes small, with only two to three omma- 
tidia in the longest row; dorsum of petiole 
node in dorsal view long-oval and longer 

than broad; first gastral tergite with nu- 
merous hairs. 

Holotype Worker (MCZC). TL 2.51, HL 
0.67, HW 0.66, CI 99, SL 0.55, SI 83, EL 
0.07, PW 0.44, AL 0.66. Paratypes, 14 
workers (MCZC, ANIC, BMNH). 

Worker. TL 2.22-2.68, HL 0.63—0.70; 
HW 0.62-0.70, CI 95—100, SL 0.52—0.56, 
SI 80-87, EL 0.05—0.10, PW 0.40-0.46 
AL 0.60—0.70, PPW 0.17—0.18, PPL 0.16— 
O16, PP 041 35G sla)» 

Mandibles usually smooth and shining. 
A broad-based short tooth present about 
midway on the basal margin of the man- 
dible. Clypeus flat, its anterior margin with 
a median tooth and two lateral teeth; 
sometimes the median tooth is weak. 
Frontal area concave, with a median carina 
that usually extends to the clypeus. Ventral 
surface of clypeus smooth, lacking any ru- 
gae or prominences. Palp formula 1,3. 
Frontal carinae distinct, extending to the 
level of the posterior margins of eyes. 
Scrobal impressions shallow, smooth, pre- 
sent lateral to the frontal carinae. Frontal 
lobes weakly expanded. Antennal scapes, 
when lying on the head, close to the oc- 
cipital margin. Eyes very small, consisting 
of 4 to 10 ommatidia, with only two to 
three ommatidia in the longest row. Oc- 
cipital margin straight or feebly concave in 
full-face view. Profile of alitrunk and ped- 


icel segments as in Figure 
tum unarmed. Propodeum with a pair of 
triangular teeth. Metapleural lobes round- 
ed. Betiole node in profile high with the 
anterodorsal angle higher than the poster- 
odorsal, its anterior fice subparallel to the 
posterior one; anterior peduncle of the 
node about as long as or slightly shorter 
than the node; subpetiole with a narrow 
semitranslucent lamella. In dorsal view, 
dorsum of petiole node long-oval and dis- 
tinctly longer than broad. ‘Postpetiole in 

rofile rounded dorsally, in dorsal view 
slightly broader than long or about as long 
as broad. Dorsum of oad between the 
frontal carinae mostly smooth but usually 
with some sparse, small, and shallow punc- 
tures. Some foveolate punctures present 
on the genae and around the occipital cor- 
ners of Mcadk Dorsum of alitrunk, petiole, 
postpetiole, and gaster usually unsculp- 
tured, smooth, anal shining. Dorsal surfac- 
es of head, alitrunk, and gaster with nu- 
merous erect to suberect haus. ‘Two pairs 
of hairs usually present on the dorsal sur- 
faces of petiole node and postpetiole, re- 
spectively, as illustrated in Figure 220B. A 
few pairs of forward-projecting hairs pres- 
ent near the anterior clypeal margin. 
Scapes and tibiae with numerous erect to 
suberect short hairs. Color yellow-brown 
to reddish-brown. 

Queen and Male. Unknown. 

Comments. The workers of P. longus are 
quickly recognizable by the following: In 
the levigatus group, only three species, P. 
Polioni.: P. coggii, and P. longus, possess 
small eyes. Only two species, P. longus and 
P. obesus, have numerous hairs evenly dis- 
tributed on the entire first gastral tergite. 
But in only one species (P. onan) is ahve 
dorsum of the petiole node in dorsal view 
long-oval and longer than broad; in the 
other members of the levigatus group, the 
dorsum of petiole node is subrounded or 
transverse-oval (i.e., about as long as broad 
or broader than long). 

Holotype Worker. New Guinea: Huon 
Pen., Lower Busu R., lowl. rainfor., 

0.V.1955, #957 (E. O. Wilson). 

220B. Prono- 


Paratypes. Eight workers with same 
data as holotype; one worker, New Guinea: 
Huon Pen., Lower Busu R., lowland rain- 
forest, 6.v.1955, #978 (E. O. Wilson); five 
workers, New Guinea: 13 km NW Lae, 
Bubia, lowland rainforest, 26.iii.1955, #688 
(E. O. Wilson). 

Ecological Information. This species has 
been collected in lowland rainforest. 

Pristomyrmex lucidus Emery 

Figures 221-224 
Pristomyrmex lucidus Emery, 1897: 584. Holotype 

worker, New Guinea: Berlinhafen (Bird) (MCSN) 


Diagnosis (Worker). Masticatory margin 
of mandible lacking a diastema and pos- 
sessing four teeth, of which the third 
tooth, counting from the apex, smallest; 
HW 0.98-1. 26. HL 0.92-1.16; postpetiole 
in dorsal view longer than broad or as long 
as broad, in profile with an arched anterior 
face and a steeply sloping posterior face; 
petiole node in profile with a single evenly 
rounded blunt apex. 

Worker. TL 3:71-4.84, HE 0:92=1.16,; 
HW 0.98-1.26, CI 104—111, SL 0.90—1.16, 
SI 89-98, EL 0.16—0.20, PW 0.62-0.79, 
AL 0.90—1.28, PPW 0.24—0.28, PPL 0.26-— 
OSS RPLS4=100NGr — o>): 

Mandible smooth and shining but 
sometimes with a few longitudinal rugae 
superficial or distinct. A broade based short 
tooth present about midway on the basal 
margin of the mandible. Clypeus with a 
short median longitudinal carina that usu- 
ally does not reach to the anterior clypeal 
margin; sometimes this carina indistinct; 
soniceimnes a few additional short rugae 
present. Anterior clypeal margin wach a 
median tooth and two lateral oe some- 
times the median tooth is smaller than the 
others. Ventral surface of clypeus lacking 
any rugae or teeth. Palp formula 1,3. Fron- 
tal carinae extending to the level of the 
posterior margins of eyes. Antennal scro- 
bes absent. F Frontal lobes : slightly expanded 
basally. Eyes containing 7 to 10 ommatidia 
in the longest row. reais of alitrunk and 
pedicel segments as in Figure 222. Pron- 


Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 6 

Figures 221-224. Pristomyrmex lucidus Emery. 221: Worker head, full-face view; 222: Worker, lateral view; 223: Queen head, 

full-face view; 224: Queen, lateral view. 

otum at most with a pair of blunt tuber- 
cles, lacking teeth or spines. Propodeum 
with a pair of armaments, varying from 
broadly based minute teeth to moderately 
long acute spines. Metapleural lobes tri- 
angular or each with a_blunt-rounded 
apex. Petiole node in profile high, with a 
single evenly blunt-rounded apex and a 
long anterior peduncle. Postpetiole in pro- 
file high (slightly higher than petiole), with 
an arched anterior face and a steeply slop- 
ing posterior face, its apex pointing pos- 
terior-upwardly. In dorsal view, postpetiole 
broadening from front to back, mostly lon- 
ger than broad, rarely about as long as 
broad. Cephalic dorsum between the fron- 

tal carinae highly polished but usually with 
a few foveolate punctures bordering the 
frontal carinae. Sometimes a few foveolate 
punctures present on the genae and many 
on the ventral surface of the head. Dor- 
sum of alitrunk, petiole, and postpetiole 
unsculptured and highly polished. Gaster 
smooth and shining. Dorsal surfaces of 
head and alitrunk with sparse erect to sub- 
erect moderately long hairs. A pair of hairs 
present on the dorsum of petiole node and 
one to two pairs on the dorsum of post- 
petiole. First gastral tergite with a few 
hairs. A few pairs of forward-projecting 
hairs present near the anterior clypeal 
margin. Scapes and tibiae with numerous 


suberect to erect short hairs. Body uni- 
form yellow-brown or blackish-brown or 
bicolored (i.e., alitrunk and pedicel seg- 
ments lighter than head and gaster). 

Oueen WWE oma a2. Sle A: 
RIV 22 1 27 EL lOss Ile SE 106.413: 
SI 87, 89; EL 0.26, 0.28; PW 0.96, 1.00; 
Ee) 1240.42: -PPW 0:31) 0:36 PPE 0:32, 
0.38; PPI 95, 97 (n = 2). 

Generally similar to worker, except for 
normal caste differences. In addition, pro- 
podeal armaments usually shorter than 
those in the conspecific worker; first gas- 
tral tergite sometimes with numerous 
erect or suberect hairs. 

Male. Unknown. 

Comments. The workers of P. lucidus 
can be easily recognized by the following 
characters: (1) The postpetiole, in profile 
view, shows an arched anterior face and a 
steeply sloping posterior face, with the 
apex pointing posterior-upwardly. This 
shape is unique in the levigatus group. 
Furthermore, the postpetiole in dorsal 
view is longer than or as long as broad. In 
the other 11 species of the group, the post- 
petiole, in dorsal view, is distinctly broader 
than long. (2) The petiole node in profile 
view bears a single evenly blunt-rounded 
apex that is not seen in the other 11 spe- 
cies of the levigatus group. (3) P. lucidus 
has the largest head width (HW) in the 
levigatus group: In the 55 specimens mea- 
sured, HW is 1.00 to 1.26 but 0.98 in only 
one individual. In the other species of the 
levigatus group, HW is less than 0.90, ex- 
cept in one species, P. largus, in which, 
HW falls into the range 0.90 to 0.96. 

Material Examined (ANIC, MCZC, 
New Guinea: Tapini, 1,000 to 1,200 m, 
rainforest, acc. 2249 (rtw. wood fragment), 
acc. 2252 and 2262 (nest in soil under log) 
(R. W. Taylor); near Vanimo, rainforest, ca. 
50 m (ex rotting log) (R. W. Taylor); Ya- 
wasora near Wewak, <50 m, rainforest, ex 
rotting wood piece (R. W. Taylor); 6 km 
NE of Wau, Bulolo R. Valley, rainforest 
1,100 m, under bark of rotten log (R. W. 
Taylor); 8 km S of Kokoda, rainforest, 800 


m, vial 4-36 (ground strays) and vial 37- 
191 (ex rotting wood piece) (R. W. Taylor); 
Wau, Bishop Museum Station, 1,200 m, ex 
soil under rotten branch (R. W. Taylor); 9 
mi on Lae, side of Mumeng, 3,500 ft, rain- 
forest (B. B. Lowery); Bulolo, 4,000 ft, 
rainforest (B. B. Lowery); Bulolo Gorge, 
2,800 ft, rainforest (B. B. Lowery); along 
Kokoda Rd., 400 to 1,000 ft, rainforest (B. 
B. Lowery); 2 mi N Kokoda, ca. 1,000 ft, 
rainforest (B. B. Lowery); Wau Gorge, 
3,000 ft, rainforest (B. B. Lowery); Wau, 
4,000 ft, rainforest (B. B. Lowery); ca. 12 
km SE Vanimo, 150 m Virgin hill rainfo- 
rest (W. L. Brown); Wau N on Bulolo Rd. 
B-278, 650 m (S. Peck); Bewani Rd., near 
Vanimo km 2 quarry, 40 m, lowland rain- 
forest (W. L. Brown); Maffin Bay (E. S. 
Ross). Indonesia: Irian Jaya, PT. Freeport 
Concession, Wapoga Camp., 03.14°S, 
136.57°E, 3,450 ft, #98-230 (Montane pri- 
mary rainforest, ex rotten stick in litter) (R. 
R. Snelling). 

Ecological Information. This species oc- 
curs in rainforest and has been collected 
in soil under a log, under the bark of a 
rotten log, in litter samples, and on the 

Pristomyrmex mandibularis Mann 
Figures 225-228 

Pristomyrmex mandibularis Mann, 1921: 444. Syn- 
type workers, Fiji Is.: Viti Levu, Nadarivatu, 1915— 
1916 (W. M. Mann) (AMNH, LACM, MCZC, 
USNH) [examined]. 

Diagnosis (Worker). Masticatory margin 
of mandible lacking a diastema and pos- 
sessing four teeth, of which the third 
tooth, counting from the apex, smallest; a 
strongly prominent tooth present about 
midway on the basal margin of mandible; 
petiole lacking a lateral longitudinal carina 
on each side; dorsum of head between 
frontal carinae usually smooth and shining. 

Worker. TL 2.68—-3.49, HL 0.74—0.84, 
HW 0.76-0.88, CI 95-107, SL 0.61—0.74, 
SI 80-93, EL 0.11—0.14, PW 0.48—0.60, 
AL 0.68—0.90, PPW 0.20-0.25, PPL 0.16— 
O19] RPMs — se)! 

Mandibles usually smooth and shining. 

506 Bulletin Museum 

of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 6 

Figures 225-228. Pristomyrmex mandibularis Mann. 225: Worker head, full-face view; 226: Worker, lateral view; 227: Ergatoid 
queen head, full-face view; 228A: Ergatoid queen, lateral view; 228B: Dorsum of the ergatoid queen alitrunk, dorsal view. 

A prominent tooth present about midway 
on the basal margin of mandible. Clypeus 
flat and unsculptured. Anterior clypeal 
margin with a median tooth and two lat- 
eral teeth; the median tooth, in size, sim- 
ilar to or smaller than the others. Ventral 
surface of clypeus usually with a weak 
transverse ruga. Palp formula 1,3. Frontal 
carinae extending to the level of the pos- 
terior margins of the eyes. Antennal scro- 
bes absent. Frontal lobes slightly expand- 
ed. Eyes moderately sized. Occipital mar- 
gin straight or feebly concave in full-face 

view. Pronotum unarmed. Propodeum 
with a pair of short to moderately long 
spines. Metapleural lobes triangular. Peti- 
ole node in profile high, higher than long, 
with the anterodorsal angle being an apex 
and the dorsum posteriorly rounding into 
the posterior surface, its anterior peduncle 
slightly longer than or about as long as the 
node. Postpetiole in profile high, about 
two times as high as long, rounded dor- 
sally. In dorsal view, postpetiole transrec- 
tangular. Dorsum of head between the 
frontal carinae usually smooth and shining 


but sometimes with a few small and shal- 
low punctures. Sometimes a few foveolate 
punctures bordering the frontal carinae, 
present on the genae and around the eyes. 
Dorsum of alitrunk smooth and shining. 
Petiole and postpetiole smooth and shin- 
ing, each lacking a lateral longitudinal ca- 
rina on each side. Gaster unsculptured. 
Dorsal surface of head with numerous 
erect to suberect long hairs. Some of sim- 
ilar hairs present on the dorsum of ali- 
trunk, a pair on the petiole, one to two 
pairs on the postpetiole, and a few on the 
first gastral tergite. A few pairs of forward- 
projecting hairs present near the anterior 
clypeal margin. Scapes and tibiae with nu- 
merous erect to suberect hairs. Color red- 
dish-brown to blackish-brown. 

Ergatoid Queen. TL 3.32, 3.40; HL 
0.84, 0.84; HW 0.82, 0.82; CI 98, 98; SL 
0.66, 0.73; SI 80, 89; EL 0.14, 0.15; PW 
0.54, 0.56; AL 0.78, 0.82; PPW 0.23, 0.24; 
PIPIE, OS). OfVile IPP TS a Ge, =) 

Generally similar to worker, color and 
pilosity as in the worker, but the head with 
one ocellus, alitrunk in dorsal view with a 
pro-mesonotal suture, mesonotum more 
convex, and propodeal armaments shorter 
than in the conspecific worker. 

Queen and Male. Unknown. 

Comments. Pristomyrmex mandibularis 
is endemic in Fiji and is the only Pristo- 
myrmex species so far occurring there. It 
possesses an ergatoid queen caste, which 
is not seen in the other species of the lev- 
igatus group; furthermore, its ergatoid 
queen has only one ocellus. 

Pristomyrmex mandibularis is closely 
related to P. levigatus and P. largus, also 
from the Oriental region. The differences 
between the workers of P. mandibularis 
and those of P. levigatus and P. largus are 
as follows: 

P. mandibularis 
Petiole and postpetiole each lacking a 
lateral longitudinal carina on each 
Basal margin of mandible with a strong- 
ly prominent tooth 


Anterior clypeal margin usually with a 
distinct median tooth 

P. levigatus and P. largus 

Petiole and postpetiole each with a lon- 
gitudinal carina on each side that sep- 
arates the tergite from the sternite 

Basal margin of mandible with a broad- 
based short tooth 

A median tooth, on the anterior clypeal 
margin, usually lacking or very weak 

Material Examined (ANIC, MCZC, 
USNM, BMNH, MHNG). Fiji: Nausori 
Highlands, #424 (rotting stick in litter) (W. 
L. and D. E. Brown); Viti, Nadarivatu, 
rainforest, acc. 83 (berlesate, leaf mold) 
and acc. 66.51 (forest floor, colony in small 
crevice, rotting branch fragment) (R. W. 
Taylor); Nadarivatu (W. M. Mann); Lase- 
ma (W. M. Mann); Viti, Levu, Nadarivatu 
Reserve, 17.34'S, 177.57'E, Rainforest 800 
m, Q. M. Berlesate No. 775, sieved litter 
(G. Monteith); Kadavu, 2 km SE Vunisea, 
19.04’'S, 178.10'E, rainforest 20 m, Q. M. 
Berlesate No. 770, sieved litter (G. Mon- 

Ecological Information. This species oc- 
curs in rainforest and has been collected 
in litter berlesates; it nests beneath stones 
in small colonies (Mann, 1921). 

Pristomyrmex minusculus sp. n. 
Figures 229-232 

Diagnosis (Worker). Masticatory margin 
of mandible lacking a diastema and pos- 
sessing four teeth, of which the third 
tooth, counting from the apex, smallest; 
pronotum with a pair of teeth. 

Holotype Worker (MCZC). TL 3.02, HL 
0.76, HW 0.80, CI 105, SL 0.66, SI 83, 
EL 0.14, PW 0.52, AL 0.78. Paratypes, 16 
workers and one queen (MCZC, ANIC, 

Worker. TL 2.52-3.02, HL 0.66—0.78, 
HW 0.66-0.80, CI 99-106, SL 0.54—0.66, 
SI 77-84, EL 0.10-0.14, PW 0.45-0.52, 
AL 0.59-0.74, PPW 0.20-0.24, PPL 0.14— 
0.19, PPI 126-143 (n = 16). 

Mandibles usually smooth and shining 
but sometimes with a few small shallow 


Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 6 

Figures 229-232. Pristomyrmex minusculus sp. n. 229: Worker head, full-face view; 230: Worker, lateral view; 231: Queen 

head, full-face view; 232: Queen, lateral view. 

punctures. A broad-based short tooth pre- 
sent about midway on the basal margin of 
the mandible. Clypeus unsculptured. An- 
terior clypeal margin with a median tooth 
and two lateral teeth, but the median tooth 
often smaller than the others, sometimes 
the median tooth indistinct. Ventral sur- 
face of clypeus with a weak transverse 
ruga. Palp formula 1,3. Frontal carinae ex- 
tending to the level of the posterior mar- 
gins of the eyes. Scrobal areas shallow, 
short, present lateral to the frontal carinae 
in full-face view. Frontal lobes weakly ex- 
panded. Eyes moderately sized. Occipital 
margin feebly concave. Alitrunk in dorsal 
view more or less flat. Pronotum with a 
pair of acute small teeth; in some small 

specimens, this pair of teeth are very weak 
but visible, and in dorsal view they become 
a pair of sharp points on the two sides of 
the pronotum. Propodeum armed with a 
pair of spines, varying in length and shape, 
straight to slightly upcurved along their 
length. Metapleural lobes subtriangular, 
but rarely with a rounded apex. Petiole 
node in profile high with the anterodorsal 
angle higher than the posterodorsal, its an- 
terior surface usually subparallel to the 
posterior one, its anterior peduncle about 
as long as the node. Subpetiole with a nar- 
row rim. Postpetiole in profile high, 
rounded dorsally. Petiole node and post- 
petiole in dorsal view broader than long. 
Dorsum of head between the frontal ca- 


rinae smooth and shining but sometimes 
with a few foveolate punctures bordering 
the frontal carinae, present on the genae 
and around the eyes. Dorsum of alitrunk 
smooth and shining. Petiole and postpeti- 
ole each with a lateral longitudinal ruga on 
each side that separates the tergite from 
the sternite. Gaster unsculptured. Dorsal 
surfaces of head and alitrunk with sparse 
erect to suberect hairs. Dorsal surfaces of 
petiole node and postpetiole each usually 
with two pairs of hairs and first gastral ter- 
gite with a few hairs, as in Figure 230. A 
few pairs of forward-projecting hairs pre- 
sent near the anterior clypeal margin. 
Scapes and tibiae with some erect to sub- 
erect short hairs. Color yellow-brown to 
reddish-brown; appendages lighter. 

Queen. TL 3.08, HL 0.72, HW 0.74, CI 
103, SL 0.60, SI 81, EL 0.17, PW 0.60, 
AL 0.82, PPW 0.24, PPL 0.18, PPI 133 (n 
= 1) 

Generally similar to worker, except for 
normal caste differences. In addition, pro- 
notal armaments absent; propodeum with 
a pair of teeth or short spines that are 
shorter than those in the conspecific work- 

Male. Unknown. 

Comments. This species has a wide dis- 
tribution in the Oriental region. It is also 
dispersed to North Queensland, Australia. 
Pristomyrmex minusculus must be derived 
from a P. levigatus—like ancestor. It is in- 
distinguishable, in the queen, from P. lev- 
igatus at present. The workers of P. min- 
usculus have almost same appearance as 
those of P. levigatus, except for a derived 
character—the pronotum with a pair of 
small teeth. In the levigatus group, this 
critical character is possessed only by the 
workers of P. minusculus, thus making 
them easily recognizable. 

Holotype Worker. Palau Is: Peleliu L., 
east coast, 26.1.1948 (H. S. Dybas). 

Paratypes. Nine workers and one queen 
with same data as holotype; one worker, 
Wallis Is.: NukuTapu I., 28.iii.1965 to 
l.iv.1965 (G. Hunt). Two workers, Indo- 
nesia: Seram, above Haruru, near Masohi, 


50 to 150 m, 
one worker, Indonesia: Irian Jaya, 12 km 
S of Sorong, forest fragment, 1.v.1981 (W. 
L. Brown); two workers, Tonga Is.: Fale- 
hau, Niuatoputapu, moss + lichen, from 
coconut tree trunks, 1.ix.1971 (W. and G. 
Rogers); two workers, YapGroup, vii— 
viii.50. (R. J. Goss). 

The following additional (non-type) 
specimens have a pair of very weak pro- 
notal prominences. They have the follow- 
ing measurements: Worker: HW _ 0.60— 
0.72, HL 0.62—0.72, CI 97-103, SL 0.52— 
0.60, SI 77-87, EL 0.10-0.12, PW 0.42-— 
0.48, AL 0.57—0.73, PPW 0.19—-0.21, PPL 
0.14—0:116, PPI 125-150 (n = 12). Oueen: 
IED Ow Ol Moe Ini; One, OLwes (Cll IC) 
LOOSE GO!625 0622 SIeS2aro2 ken OokS: 
0.18; PW 0.62, 0.62; AL 0.82, 0.88; PPW 
ORAS 0:24 SRP OM ORI eA Ss Aa 
(a= 2). 

Collecting Data for These Non-Type 
Specimens (ANIC. USNM, BMNH). Papua 
New Guinea: Kiunga (J. Balogh); Bisian- 
umu near Sogeri, rainforest, 500 m (E. O. 
Wilson); Maffin Bay (E. S. Ross). Micro- 
nesia: Pohnpei, Agric. and Trade School, 
in leaf litter (in Ylang- Ylang grove) and in 
rotting coconut tree (Ron Clouse). Austra- 
lia: N. Queensland, Cape York, Lockerbie 
(G. B. Monteith); N.Q., Iron Ra. rainfo- 
rest, berlesate (R. W. Taylor and J. Fee- 

Ecological Information. This species oc- 
curs in rainforest and has been collected 
in litter samples, and in a rotting tree. 

18.iii.1981 (W. L. Brown); 

Pristomyrmex obesus Mann 
Figures 233-236, 267, 278 

Pristomyrmex obesus Mann, 1919; 339. Syntype 
workers, queen and male, Solomon Is.: Ysabel, Fu- 
lakora; Malaita, Auki; Three Sisters, Malapaina; 
19.v.-24.xi.1916 (W. M. Mann) (MCZC, USNM, 
AMNH) [examined]. 

Pristomyrmex pegasus Mann, 1919: 338. Holotype 
worker, Solomon Is.: Santa Cruze: Graciosa Bay, 
19.v.-24.xi1.1916 (W. M. Mann) (USNM) [exam- 
ined]. Syn. n. 

Pristomyrmex obesus subsp. melanoticus Mann, 1919: 
340. Syntype workers, Solomon Is.: San Cristoval, 
Pamua: Wai-ai; 19.v.—4.x1.1916 (W. M. Mann) 
(MCZC, USNM) [examined]. Syn. n. 


Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 6 

Figures 233-236. Pristomyrmex obesus Mann. 233: Worker head, full-face view; 234: Worker, lateral view; 235: Queen head, 

full-face view; 236: Queen, lateral view. 

Note: Pristomyrmex pegasus and P. obe- 
sus were described as two new species in 
Mann’s (1919) paper, on pages 338 and 
339, respectively (i.e., P. pegasus appeared 
before P. obesus; see also the previous ci- 
tation). However, when proposing that 
these two names are synonymic, I choose 
P. obesus instead of P. pegasus as a valid 
specific name for the following two rea- 
sons: (1) Mann (1919) mentioned the pres- 
ence of the elevated sides of the mesotho- 
rax, and the absence of a median tooth on 
the anterior clypeal margin are character- 
istic of P. pegasus. However, “the elevated 

sides of the mesothorax” are not shown in 
the unique holotype of P. pegasus, and 
“the absence of the median tooth on an- 
terior border of clypeus” is actually an in- 
dividual variation. (2) P. obesus possesses 
about a dozen syntypes, including a female 
and a male, but P. pegasus has only a single 
type specimen (i.e., holotype). If the ho- 
lotype of P. pegasus is lost or destroyed in 
the future, it would be very inconvenient 
to those people who want to see it. Thus, 
P. obesus is selected as a valid name here. 

Diagnosis (Worker). Masticatory margin 
of mandible lacking a diastema and _ pos- 


sessing four teeth, of which the third 
tooth, counting from the apex, smallest; 
eyes containing = fou to seven ommatidia in 
the longest row; dorsum of head, except 
for the scrobes, usually with dense foveo- 
late punctures; entire first gastral tergite 
evenly covered with numerous erect or 
suberect hairs. 

Worker. TL 2.24-3.22, HL 0.63-0.86, 
HW 0.61-0.86, CI 94-104, SL 0.52—0.75, 
Sl 79-88, EL 0.09-0.14, PW 0.41—0.55, 
AL 0.58—0.88, PPW 0.18—0.24, PPL 0.16— 
020) PRL 105-125 Ga = 90). 

Mandibles usually smooth and shining 
but sometimes with a few superficial short 
rugae or a few hair pits. A broad-based tri- 
angular short tooth present about midway 
on ahe basal margin of the mandible. Clyp- 
eus flat, smooth, | aa the median carina of 
frontal area usually extending to the clyp- 
eus. Anterior clypeal margin ith a median 
denticle and two lateral teeth but the me- 
dian denticle often smaller than the oth- 
ers; sometimes the median denticle lack- 
ing; thus, only two teeth are present there. 
Wentr al surface of clypeus lacking toothlike 
prominences or rugae. Palp formal RSE 

Frontal carinae extending to the level of 

the posterior margins of eyes. Scrobal im- 
pressions broad, Sellen: present lateral to 
the frontal carinae. Frontal lobes slightly 
expanded. Eyes moderately sized, usually 
containing five to seven (rarely four) om- 
matidia in the longest row. Profile of ali- 
trunk and pedicel segments as in Figure 
234. Pronotum unarmed. Propodeum with 
a pair of triangular short spines. Meta- 
pleur: al lobes rounded. Dorsum of alitrunk 
in dorsal view usually with a longitudinal 
impression or furrow at middle, bat some- 
times this longitudinal impression indis- 
tinct. Petiole mode in profile high with the 
anterodorsal angle higher than nile poster- 
odorsal, its Ankonor “peduncle nearly as 
long as the node. Subpetiole with a narrow 
semitranslucent lamella. Postpetiole in 
profile rounded dorsally. In dorsal view, 
dorsum of petiole node subrounded, about 
as long as broad; postpetiole somewhat 
transversally rectangular and _ slightly 


broader than long. Dorsum of head, ex- 
cept for the scrobes, usually with dense fo- 
veolate punctures. Dorsum of alitrunk 
with scattered foveolate punctures. Peti- 
ole, postpetiole, and gaster smooth and 
shining. Dorsal surfaces of head and ali- 
trunk with numerous erect to suberect 
long hairs. Two pairs of hairs usually pre- 
sent on the dorsum of petiole node and 
two to three pairs usually on the dorsum 
of postpetiole. Entire first gastral tergite 
covered with numerous, evenly distr cece 
erect or suberect hairs. A few pairs of for- 
ward-projecting hairs present near the an- 
terior clypeal margin. Scapes and _ tibiae 
with numerous erect to suberect short 
hairs. Color reddish-brown. 

Queen. TL 2.69-3.40, HL 0.69-0.82, 
HW 0.67-0.85, CI 97-104, SL 0.54—0.68, 
SIP 7S—Sose IE Onlds=0 199 RWaO54=0164 
AL 0.76—0.94, PPW 0.20-0.26, PPL 0.18— 
022) Peis 25 =s1'5) 

Generally similar to worker, except for 
caste differences. In addition, foveolate 
punctures shallow on the mesonotum; pro- 
podeal armaments slightly shorter than 
those in the conspecific workers: dorsum 
of alitrunk lacking a longitudinal furrow. 

Male (Figs. 267, 278). A syntype male, 
together with Alyontt a dozen workers and 
a queen, collected in Fulakora, Solomen 
Th. by W. M. Mann on 19.v.—24.xi.1916, 
constitutes a series. A second male speci- 
men, together with five workers, collected 
in Guadalcanal, Solomen I., by P. Green- 
slade, constitutes another series. Each of 
the two males was originally mounted with 
two or three workers, respectively, on the 
same pin. TL 2.92; HL 0.52, 0.53; HW 
03533) 0'54- CI 0250102 3S O22 0802235 
38, 41: HWE 0.66, 0.68; EL 0.25, 0.26: 
PW 0.58, 0.60; AL 0.90, 0.92; PPW 0.18; 

Head, including the eyes, broader than 
long. Clypeus convex, without a median 
longitudinal carina. Anterior clypeal mar- 
gin transverse. Frontal carinae weak or in- 
distinct. On the mesoscutum, notauli dis- 
tinct, forming a Y shape; parapsidal fur- 
rows absent. Scuto-scutellar sulcus rather 


broad, with five narrow longitudinal ridg- 
es. Propodeum weakly faberculate: lacking 
teeth and spines. Metapleural lobes some- 
what rounded. Petiole node in profile low, 
rounded dorsally. Postpetiole in profile 
low, rounded dorsally, in dorsal view sub- 
quadrate. Dorsum of head unsculptured 
and shining, except for a median longitu- 
dinal carina present on the frontal area. 
Dorsal surface of alitrunk smooth and 
shining but with well-marked sutures. Pet- 
iole, postpetiole, and gaster smooth and 
shining. Dorsal surfaces of head, alitrunk 
and gaster with abundant long hairs. Legs 
ane numerous hairs. Body lacigehe 
brown; wings infuscated. 

Gonmmients: Pristomyrmex obesus occurs 
on Solomon Is. It is similar in the workers 
to P. simplex of New Guinea but can be 
separated from the latter by possessing nu- 
merous erect or suberect hairs evenly dis- 
tributed on the entire first gaster tergite. 
In the levigatus group, this character is 
present only in two species, P. obesus and 
P. longus; in the other species, the first gas- 
tral tergite has a few or no hairs. In addi- 
tion, foveolate punctures on the dorsal 
head are denser in the workers of P. obesus 
than in P. simplex. 

Material Examined (ANIC, MCZC, 
BMHH, USNM, BMNH#). Solomon Is.: 
Ysabel, Fulakora (W. M. Mann); Guadal- 
canal, Mt. Austen (P. Greenslade); Guad- 

aleanal, Kukum (P. Greenslade); Guadal- 
canal, Gold Ridge, 2,000 ft (P. Green- 
slade); Guadaleanal, Mt. Jonapau, 2,600 to 

3,500 ft (P. Greenslade); Guadalcanal, Na- 
limbiu R. (P. Greenslade); Guadalcanal, 
Balesuna R. (P. Greenslade); Guadalcanal, 
Visale (P. Greenslade); Guadalcanal, Uma- 
sani R., 1,000-ft ridge, leaf litter (P. N. 
Lawtence); San Cristoval, Warahito R., 
275 ft (P. Greenslade); San Cristoval, for- 
est, 250 ft (P. Greenslade); Malaita, Small 
Malaita (P. Greenslade); Malaita, Dala (P. 
Greenslade); New Georgia, Kolomban- 
gara, Hunda (P. Greenslade): New Geor- 
gia, Kolombangara, S. Kusi (P. Green- 
slade); New Georgia, Kolombangara, N of 
Kuzi, 500 ft, forest litter (P.N.L.); New 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 6 

Georgia, Vella Lavella, Bara koma (P| 
Greenslade): New Georgia, Vangunu I. (P. | 
Greenslade); Choiseul, Wagina I. (P 
Greenslade); Russell Is., Luavic (P. Green- 
slade); Nggela (P. Green lade). Isabel, Bu- 
ala (P. Greenslade); Vanikord (P. Green- | 
slade); Bougainville I., Panguna, 600 to. 
800 m (J. i Gressitt). | 

Ecological Information. This species has _ 
been eollemnadl | in forest litter. Mann (1919) | 
found a colony composed of less than a 
dozen workers, a dealated queen, and one | 
male under a stone. 

Pristomyrmex simplex sp. n. 
Figures 237-240 

Diagnosis (Worker). Masticatory margin | 
of mandible lacking a diastema and pos- 
sessing four ere of which the third 
tooth, counting from the apex, smallest; 
dorsal sinthioest of alitrunk and head bes 
tween the frontal carinae with scattered 
foveolate punctures; eyes usually contain- 
ing five (rarely four) ommatidia in the lon- 
gest row; a few hairs present on the first 

gastral tergite. 

Holotype Worker (ANIC). TL 2.48, HE 
0.66, HW 0.69, CI 105, SL 0.52, SI 7& 
EL 0.12, PW 0.46, AL 0.58. Paratypes, six 
workers and three queens (MCZC, ANIC, 

Worker. TL 2.42-2.64, HL 0.65—0.683 
HW 0.66-—0.70, CI 100—105, SL 0.52—0.54, 
SI 74-79, EL 0.09-0.12, PW 0.44—0.46; 
AL 0.58—0.66, PPW 0.18—0.20, PPL 0.14— 
0.16, PPI 119-129 (n = 6). 

Mandibles usually smooth and shining 
but sometimes with a few small shallow 
hair pits and a few superficial short rugae. 
A broad-based triangular short tooth pre- 
sent about midway on the basal margin of 
the mandible. Clypeus flat, emoothe and 
shining, usually unsculptured but some- 
times fie median carina of the frontal area 
extending to the clypeus. Anterior clypeal 
margin wath a median denticle and two lat- 
eral teeth; the median denticle is often 
smaller than the others; sometimes the 
median denticle is absent so that the only 
two teeth are present there. Ventral sur- 



Figures 237-240. Pristomyrmex simplex sp. n. 237: Worker head, full-face view; 238: Worker, lateral view; 239: Queen head, 
full-face view; 240: Queen, lateral view. 

face of clypeus lacking rugae or toothlike 
prominences. Palp formula 1,3. Frontal ca- 
rinae distinct, extending to the level of the 
posterior margins of eyes. Scrobal areas 
slightly concave, present lateral to the 
frontal carinae. Frontal lobes weakly ex- 
panded. Eyes moderately sized, about 0.14 
to 0.17 X HW, usually containing five 
(sometimes four) ommatidia in the longest 
row. Occipital margin feebly concave in 
full-face view. Profile of alitrunk and ped- 
icel segments as in Figure 238. Pronotum 
unarmed. Propodeum with a pair of tri- 

angular teeth. Metapleural lobes rounded. 
Petiole node in profile high with the an- 
terodorsal angle higher than the postero- 
dorsal, its anterior peduncle about as long 
as the node. Subpetiole with a narrow rim. 
Postpetiole in profile rounded dorsally. In 
dorsal view, dorsum of petiole node tran- 
soval and dorsum of postpetiole somewhat 
transversely rectangular. Dorsum of head 
between the frontal carinae with scattered 
foveolate punctures, varying from a few 
feeble punctures to numerous distinct 
ones; spaces between foveolae often 


smooth. Dorsum of alitrunk with a few to 
some scattered foveolate punctures. Peti- 
ole, postpetiole, and gaster smooth and 
shining. Dorsal surfaces of head and ali- 
trunk with numerous erect to suberect 
hairs. Two pairs of hairs usually present on 
the dorsal surfaces of petiole node and 
postpetiole, respectively, and a few near 
the base of the first gastral tergite. A few 
pairs of forward-projecting hairs present 
near the anterior clypeal margin. Scapes 
and tibiae with some erect to suberect 
short hairs. Color reddish-brown. 

Queen. TL 2.51—2.84, HL 0.66—0.70, 
HW 0.66—0.71, CI 1OO—101, SL 0.51—0.58, 
SI 76-82, EL 0.14—0.16, PW 0.50-0.55, 
AlevO166-0:S81, BRW.0N9=0015 PRM ON5= 
ONS) PPI 114=1335@7. = 3): 

Generally similar to worker, except for 
caste differences. In addition, mesoscutum 
rather smooth and shining, but mesoscu- 
tellum with a few foveolate punctures; 
propodeal armaments slightly shorter than 
those in the conspecific worker. 

Male. Unknown. 

Comments. This species occurs in New 
Guinea. It is closely related to P. levigatus 
and P. obesus. It is separable from P. levi- 
gatus by possessing some foveolate punc- 
tures on the dorsum of the alitrunk in the 
workers and on the dorsal head between 
the frontal carinae in the workers and 
queens. It differs from P. obesus because 
the workers of P. simplex have only a few 
hairs on the first gastral tergite. Pristomyr- 
mex sinylex differs from P. coggii by the 
following characters: The eyes usually con- 
tain five (sometimes four) ommatidia in 
the longest row in the workers of P. sim- 
plex but two to three ommatidia in P. cog- 
gii; the dorsum of the head has foveolate- 
reticulate sculpture in the workers and 
queens of P. coggii but scattered foveolate 
punctures in P. simplex. 

Holotype. Papua: 8 km S of Kokoda, S00 
m, rainforest, ANIC Berleasate, No. 382, (R. W. Taylor). 

Paratypes. One worker with same data 
as holotype; two workers, Papua: Karema, 
Brown R., lowl. rainfor., 8—11.iii.1955 (E. 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 6 

O. Wilson); three workers and one queen, 

Papua New Guinea: Port Moresby, Brown | 

River, 2.x.1969 (J. Balogh); one queen; 
Papua: N. Dist., 27.xii.1971 (P. M. Room); 
one queen, Papua: N. Dist., Debelou, (P. M. Room). 

Non-Type Material Examined. A worker 

(NHMV), collected in the Philippines (Lu-_ 

zon, Lagunas, Mt. Banahaw above Kina- 

buhayan, 600-700 m) by J. Kodada and B. 

Rigova, has the following measurements: 

TL 2.98, HL 0.84, HW 0.84, CI 100, SE 
0.70, SI 83, EL 0.10, PW 0.54, AL 0.748 
A second worker (LAMN), collected in 
New Guinea (Gulf Prov., Ivimka Camp, 
Lakekamu Basin, 7.73°S, 146.76°E, 120 m, 
#96-291, lowland wet forest, ex sifted leaf 
litter) by R. R. Snelling, bears a few small, 
feeble, shallow punctures on the dorsal al- 
itrunk; this specimen possesses TL 2.48, 
HL 0.68, HW 0.69, CI 101, SL 0.58, Sil 
84, EL 0.09, PW 0.45, AL 0.62. 

Ecological Information. This species oc- 
curs in rainforest and has been collected 
in litter samples. 


Worker. Small sized, with the following 
combination of characters. 

(1) Masticatory margin of mandible 
lacking a diastema and possessing four 
teeth (i.e., the strongest apical + the sec- 
ond strongest preapical + the smallest 
third + an acute basal tooth); basal margin 
of mandible with a strongly prominent 
tooth that is adjacent to the basal tooth of 
the masticatory margin; as a result, five 
teeth are set close together. 

(2) Lateral portions of clypeus in front 
of antennal fossae reduced to margins. 

(3) Antennal scrobes broad, deep, and 
extending close to the occipital corners. 

(4) Base of antennal scape lacking a cir- 
cling lamella. 

(5) Mesonotum much higher than pro- 
podeal dorsum so that the dorsum of ali- 
trunk in profile is not continuously arched. 

(6) Metapleural lobes vestigial and in- 

The profundus group is closely related 

to the levigatus group. The form of den- 
tition of the masticatory margin of the 
mandible is a critical character shared by 
the workers and queens of the two groups. 
Possessing so many autapomorphie char- 
acters, including that a tooth on the basal 
margin of the mandible is adjacent to the 
basal tooth of the masticatory margin, as 
well as the previously mentioned charac- 
ters 3 to 6, the profundus group is easily 
separable from the levigatus group and all 
other Pristomyrmex species groups. 

This group contains only a single spe- 
cies, P. profundus of Malaysia. 

Pristomyrmex profundus sp. n. 
Figures 241-244 

Diagnosis (Worker). See characters 1 
and 5 melee the profundus group. 

Holotype Worker (BMNH). TL 2.86, 
HL 0.64, HW 0.74, CI 119, SL 0.44, SI 
59, EL 0.13, PW 0.52, AL 0.68, PPW 0.24, 
PPL 0.16, PPI 150. Paratypes, 19 workers 
and three queens (BMNH, MCZC, 

Worker. TL 1.74—2.86, HL 0.46-0.66, 
HW 0.46-0.74, CI 96-119, SL 0.36-0.44, 
Slo 97, 9 Ee OL09=0545 RW. 0!34=0:522 
mls O.44=0.68: PEW O115-0.24 PPL 0.11— 
lo. PRL 123-645 m= 20): 

Mandibles usually smooth and shining 
but sometimes with a few weak, short, bas- 
al rugae. Clypeus not depressed, usually 
with a median longitudinal carina and two 
transverse carinae. Anterior clypeal margin 
lacking any distinct denticles. Ventral sur- 
face of clypeus lacking any toothlike prom- 
inences but usually with a weak transverse 
ruga. Palp formula undissected. Frontal 
carinae divergent, extending beyond the 
level of the posterior margins of eyes and 
close to the occipital margin. Frontal lobes 
completely absent. Antennal scrobes deep, 
wide, present between the frontal carinae 
and the eyes for the reception of the 
scapes and funiculi of antennae. Antennal 
scapes, when lying in the scrobes, close to 
the occipital margin of head. Eyes contain- 
ing five to eight ommatidia in the longest 
row. In full-face view, head widest near the 



occipital corners; occipital margin rather 
straight. Dorsum of alitrunk in profile not 
continuously arched, with the mesonotum 
much higher than the propodeal dorsum 
(i.e., a vertical cliff present between the 
mesonotum and the propodeal dorsum). 
Pro-mesonotum forming a single convex. 
Sometimes the mesonotum higher than 
the pronotum; thus, in dorsal view, a pro- 
mesonotal impression is seen. Pronotum 
unarmed. Propodeum with a pair of mod- 
erately long spines. Metapleural lobes ves- 
tigial and indistinct. In profile view, petiole 
node high, ca. 0.21 to 0.29, much higher 
than long and also higher than postpetiole, 
with a single evenly blunt-rounded apex 
and a long anterior peduncle. Subpetiole 
with a narrow lamella. Postpetiole in pro- 
file high, ca. 0.15 to 0.23, distinctly higher 
than long, with a rounded dorsum. In dor- 
sal view, postpetiole transoval and much 
broader than long. Dorsum of head, ex- 
Cope tOmathe atennl scrobes, fully cov- 
ered with rugoreticulum. Galen sculpture 
present on tie pro-mesonotum. Propodeal 
dorsum with a few longitudinal rugae. Pet- 
iole smooth and shining, usually with a 
longitudinal carina on Sch side. Postpe- 
Bole and gaster smooth and shining. Dor- 
sal sirtaces of head, alitrunk, aide gaster 
with numerous erect, thick, long eae 
sometimes some hairs somewhat clavate A 
pair of hairs present on the dorsum of pet- 
iole node and usually two pairs on the dor- 
sum of postpetiole. A few pairs of forward- 
projecting hairs present near the anterior 
clypeal margin. Scapes and tibiae with 
some erect or suberect moderately long 
hairs. Color light yellow to yellow brown. 

Queen. PIL, 3 46—5592 ee Euley OL62=0:635 
HW 0.76—-0.77, CI 123-124, SL 0.44—-0.46, 
Si o7— Ole EL Onl5=0s638 RW 710'66=0570) 
AL 0.92-0.98, PPW 0.28—0.29; PPL 0.18— 
(0) A0), IAP TAO (= S&S). 

General shape as in Figures 243-244, 
with normal caste differences from the 
conspecific worker; mesonotum unsculp- 
tured, smooth, and shining; anterior end 
of mesoscutum medially slightly concave. 
Other characters similar to worker. 



Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 6 

Figures 241-244. Pristomyrmex profundus sp. n. 241: Worker head, full-face view; 242: Worker, lateral view; 243: Queen head, | 

full-face view; 244: Queen, lateral view. 

Male. Unknown. 

Comments. This is a distinct species be- 
cause many characters possessed by its 
workers and queens are unique in the ge- 
nus. In the entire Pristomyrmex fauna, 
three species (P. profundus, P. divisus, and 
P. pulcher) do not possess any denticles on 
the anterior clypeal margin, but the latter 
two species belong to the punctatus group. 

Holotype Worker. Malaysia: Sabah, Por- 
ing Hot Springs, 500 m, 7.v.1987 (Burck- 
hardt and Lobl). 

Paratypes. Seventeen workers and three 
queens with same data as holotype; two 
workers with same data as holotype but 
date 6.v.1987. 

Ecological Information. Unknown. 


Worker. Medium to large sized (HL | 

1.04-1.68, HW 1.02-1.74, TL 4.10-7.06) 
with the following combination of charac- 

(1) Masticatory margin of mandibles _ 
with four teeth arranged as the strongest. 

apical + the second strongest preapical + 
two broad-based short teeth of similar size; 
diastema lacking or indistinct. 

(2) Basal margin of mandible with a) 

central, broad-based, prominent lobe. 

(3) Lateral portions of clypeus in front | 

of antennal fossae reduced to a margin. 
(4) Anterior margin of the median por- 

tion of clypeus usually with five to seven 




Figures 245-246. Pristomyrmex fuscipennis (F. Smith). 245A: Queen head, full-face view; 245B: Showing a transverse carina 

on the ventral clypeus; 246: Queen, lateral view. 

denticles; lateral portions of anterior clyp- 
eal margin in front of antennal fossae with 
a few weak blunt denticles. 

(5) Ventral surface of clypeus with a 
transverse ridge. 

(6) Frontal lobes present, partly cover- 
ing the condylar bulbs of holding antennal 

(7) Frontal carinae extending to the lev- 
el of the posterior margins of eyes. 

(S) Lamella that encircles the base of 

antennal scape usually with a broad and 
deep notch on the center of the dorsal sur- 

(9) Palp formula 1,3. 

(10) Eyes small; EL is about 0.040 to 
0.064 X HW in P. picteti and P. pollux and 
0.069 to 0.108 k HW in P. umbripennis. 

(11) Alitrunk in profile, not including 
propodeal spines, with a regularly arched 
dorsum, in dorsal view without any su- 

(12) Pronotum unarmed. 

(13) Metapleural lobes bluntly round- 

(14) Petiole node in profile longer than 
high, with a long anterior peduncle; its an- 
cenadlonsall angle is on approximately the 
same level as the posterodorsal. 

(15) Foveolate punctures or foveolate- 
reticulate sculpture present on the dorsal 
surfaces of the head and the alitrunk. 

This is a monophyletic group, contain- 

ing five valid species. It is easily recogniz- 
able by possessing characters 1, 2,5, 8, and 
14. This group is endemic in the Oriental 
region and restricted to the Philippines, 
Malaya, Singapore, Brunei, Sabah, Bor- 
neo, Indonesia, and Papua New Guinea, 

The males of the wumbripennis group are 
easily distinguished from the oer known 
Pristomyrmex males by possessing the fol- 
lowing characters: (1) medium to large 
size; (2) palp formula 1,3; (3) propodeum 
with a pair of broad-based, robust spines 
(Figs. 256, 279, 280); and (4) the sides of 
petiole with some longitudinal or reticu- 
late rugae (Figs. 256, 279, 280). 

Pristomyrmex fuscipennis (F. Smith) 
Figures 245-246 

Myrmica fuscipennis F. Smith, 1861: 46. Holotype 
a Indonesia: Celebes, Tondano (A. R. Wal- 
lace) (OXUM) [examined]. 

? Pristomyrmex fuscipennis (F. Smith) Emery, 1901: 

Pristomyrmex fuscipennis (F. Smith) 
1932: 468. 


Queen. TL 6.92, HL 1.62, HW 1.64, Cl 
OM SE MEAG Sl -SOn Hl 032 ee ENVIR S 2D: 
AL 1.98 (n = 1). 

Comments and Discussion. This species, 
described from a single queen, obviously 
belongs to the wmbripennis group by pos- 
sessing the following characters: (1) mas- 
ticatory margin of Sanandible with four 


teeth (an apical + a preapical + two 
broad-based short teeth of similar size), 
lacking a distinct diastema; (2) basal mar- 
gin of mandible with a central, broad- 
based, prominent lobe; (3) frontal lobes 
partially covering the condylar bulbs of 
holding antennal scapes; (4) lamella that 
encircles the base of antennal scape with 
a broad and deep notch on the center of 
the dorsal surface; (5) a coarse transverse 
carina present on the ventral surface of 
clypeus; and (6) anterodorsal angle of pet- 
iole node in profile on approximately the 
same level as the posterodorsal. 

This queen differs from the queens of 
P. picteti, P. pollux, and P. umbripennis as 
follows: In P. fuscipennis, the dorsum of 
the head possesses foveolate-reticulate 
sculpture; many foveolate punctures be- 
tween the frontal carinae are almost 
aligned so that it seems that several lon- 
gitudinal rugae are present there. These 
longitudinal rugae are indistinct or absent 
in P picteti, P. pollux, and P. umbripennis. 
In P. picteti and P. umbripennis, the dor- 
sum of the head possesses scattered fove- 
olate punctures. In addition, in P. fusci- 
pennis, the antennal scapes lack longitu- 
dinal carinae along their dorsal margins, a 
median longitudinal carina runs through 
the entire clypeus and frontal area, dad 
only five teeth are present on the anterior 
margin of the median portion of the clyp- 
eus, Sich are different from those in P. 

Pristomyrmex fuscipennis may be a sib- 
ling species of P. picteti because the queen 
of P. fuscipennis is very similar to that of 
P. picteti, except for possessing foveolate- 
reticulate sculpture and longitudinal rugae 
on the dorsal head. In Battin: I have ex- 
amined several workers that may belong to 
P. fuscipennis. The cephalic sculpture of 
these workers is similar to that of the 
queen of P. fuscipennis, but the other 
characters of the workers are identical 
with those of the workers of P. picteti. 

Finally, I feel that P. fuscipennis may 
represent an incipient species. Further 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 6 

collecting and ecological investigations are 
Ecological Information. Unknown. 

Pristomyrmex picteti Emery 
Figures 247-250, 268, 279 

Pristomyrmex picteti Emery, 1893: 190. Lectotype 
worker, Sumatra: Deli (Bedot) (MCSN), here des- 
ignated, [examined]. 

Pristomyrmex picteti var. tingiana Stitz, 1925: 120. 
Syntype workers, Philippines: N. Palawan, Binal- 
uan, xi-xii 1913 (G. Boettcher) (MNHU, MCZC) 
[examined]. Syn. n. 

Diagnosis (Worker). Masticatory margin 

of mandible with four teeth (an apical + a 
preapical + two broad-based short teeth 
of similar size), lacking a distinct diastema; 
eyes small, with three to four ommatidia 
in the longest row; propodeal spines fairly 
long, about 1.3 to 1.5 x the distance be- 
tween their bases, not strongly upcurved 
at their apices. 

Worker ls 4110=5:84-) lge L04= 1836" 
HW 1.02—1.40, CI 96—108, SL 0.92-1.26; 
SI 85-97, EL 0.05—0.09, PW 0.68—0.88, 
AL 1.12—1.58, PPW 0.30-0.41, PPL 0.274 
0:36, PRE 100=120°@-=40)) 

Mandibles rather smooth or sometimes 
with a few longitudinal rugae. Basal mar- 
gin of Tanchible with a br eagle based, sub- 
triangular, short prominence or a some- 
eohate curved lobe. Clypeus smooth and 
shining, except for a median longitudinal 
carina hat usually crosses the entire clyp- 
eus but sometimes does not reach the pos- 
terior clypeal margin. Anterior margin of 
the median portion of clypeus (not ind 
ing the margins in front of the antennal 
fossae) with a median denticle and two 
(sometimes three) lateral denticles on each 
side. Ventral surface of clypeus with a 
coarse, transverse, long carina. Palp for- 
mula 1,3. Frontal carinae usually beyond 
the eyes. Antennal scrobes indistinct. 
Frontal lobes present, partially covering 
the condylar bulbs of holding antennal 
scapes. Antennal scapes, when lying on the 
dorsal head, just reaching or slightly be- 
yond the occipital margin. Lamella, encir 
cling the base of antennal scape, usually 



Figures 247-250. Pristomyrmex picteti Emery. 247A: Worker head, full-face view; 247B: Showing a transverse carina on the 
ventral clypeus; 248: Worker, lateral view; 249A: Queen head, full-face view; 249B: Showing a long transverse carina on the 

ventral clypeus; 250: Queen, lateral view. 

with a broad and deep notch on the center 
of the dorsal surface, but in several spec- 
imens (from Palawan I., Philippines), this 
lamella is entire, without a notch. Eyes 
very small, usually with three, at most four, 
ommatidia in the longest row. Occipital 
margin straight or very feebly concave in 
full-face view. Alitrunk in profile with a 
convex dorsum. Pronotum unarmed. Pro- 
podeum with a pair of fairly long spines, 
ca. 1.3 to 1.5 X the distance between their 
bases; sometimes the spines are weakly 
upcurved at their apices. Metapleural 
lobes rounded or somewhat truncated. 
Petiole node in profile slightly longer than 
high, with a fairly long anterior peduncle; 

its anterodorsal angle is usually on approx- 
imately the same level as the posterodor- 
sal, but sometimes the former is slightly 
higher than the latter. Subpetiole with a 
narrow, semitranslucent lamella. Postpeti- 
ole in profile higher than long, rounded 
dorsally, in dorsal view broadening from 
front to back. Dorsal and ventral surfaces 
of head, dorsum of alitrunk, as well as the 
sides of pronotum with numerous foveo- 
late punctures; space between foveolae of- 
ten smooth. Antennal scapes smooth, or 
with one to two longitudinal rugae along 
their margins. Petiole smooth and shining, 
except for a longitudinal ruga on each side. 
Postpetiole and gaster smooth and shining. 


Dorsal surfaces of head and alitrunk with 
numerous erect or suberect short hairs. 
Two or more pairs of hairs present on the 
dorsal surfaces of petiole node and post- 
petiole, respectively. A few of forward-pro- 
jecting long hairs present near the anterior 
clypeal margin. Scapes and tibiae with nu- 
merous erect or suberect short hairs. First 
gastral tergite lacking erect or suberect 
Raine Color reddish- Broun 

Queen. TL 6220=72025) Ei e264" 
HW 1.42=1.69) CI 103-1138, SL 1.21—1.56, 
SI 85-92, EL 0.29-0.34, PW 1.14-1.42, 
Alene (4=2 1A PRWa041= 0525 PRI 036= 
0.42, PPI 110-125 (n = 13). 

General shape as in Figures 249-250, 
with normal caste differences from the 
conspecific worker; eyes much larger, usu- 
ally containing more than 17 onuneuchan in 
the longest row; other characters similar to 

Male (Figs. 268, 279) la AG=> 2 Se Ee 
0.68—0.78, HW 0.69—0.80, CI 95-108, SL 
0.30—0.42, SI 40-56, HWE 0.85—0.94, EL 
0.35-0.39, PW 0.92-1.14; AL 1.44—-1.78, 
PPW 0.30-0.38, PPL 0.28—0.34, PPI 103— 
114 (n = 5). 

Head in full-face view, including the 
eyes, broader than long. Clypeus convex, 
lacking a median longitudinal carina. Palp 
formula 1,3. ronal carinae distinct, ex- 
tending to the level of the posterior mar- 
gins of antennal insertions. Maximum di- 
ameter of the median ocellus 0.10 to 0.12. 
Scapes longer than the other antennal seg- 
ments, except for the apical ones. On the 
mesoscutum, notauli rather wide, forming 
a V shape, separated into several cells by 
narrow transverse ridges; parapsidal fur- 
rows absent. Scuto-scutellar sulcus wide, 
usually with five to six narrow longitudinal 
ridges. Propodeum armed with a pair of 
robust, triangular short spines. Metapleur- 
al lobes subtriangular. Middle and hind 
tibiae without any spurs. Petiole node in 
profile low, slightly longer than high, with 
a fairly long anterior peduncle. Postpetiole 
in profile rounded dorsally, in dorsal view 
somewhat transversely rectangular and 
slightly broader than long. Dorsum of 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 6 

head with some small punctures, varying 
from scattered and shallow to dense and 
somewhat coarsely incised. Pronotum with — 
dense foveolate punctures. Mesonotum | 
with punctures, varying from a few scat- 
tered to numerous and from feeble, small 
to rather large. Propodeum rugulose. Sides 
of petiole with a few longitudinal rugae as 
well as some foveolate punctures between 
them. Sides of postpetiole with some shal- 
low foveolate punctures. Gaster unsculp- 
tured. All dorsal surfaces with numerous 
blackish-brown long hairs; sometimes hairs _ 
somewhat stiff. Color blackish-brown; 
wings dusky. 

Note: The previously described male is 
assigned to the species P. picteti for the 
following three reasons: (1) It belongs to 
the umbripennis group because it is very 
similar to the males of P. pollux, P. reti- 
culatus, and P. umbripennis but rather dif- 
ferent from the other known males of Pris- 
tomyrmex in the structure and shape of 
propodeal spines, petiole, notauli, and scu- 
to-scutellar sulcus and in body size, sculp- 
ture, and hairs. (2) It differs from the 
males of the other species of the wmbri- 
pennis group as follows: In the male of P. 
picteti, CI is 95-108, EL is 0.35—0.39, the 
propodeal spines are shorter, the postpe- 
tiole in dorsal view is slightly broader than 
long (PPI 103-114), and the notauli form 
a V shape; but in P. pollux, CI is 80, EL 
is 0.44, the propodeal spines are longer, 
the postpetiole is distinctly longer than 
broad (PPI 80-90), and the notauli form a 
Y shape. The male of P. picteti (HW 0.69— 
0.80, HL 0.68—0.78, and EL 0.35-—0.39) is 
smaller than that of P. umbripennis (HW 
0.98, HL 0.94, and EL 0.47). A distinct 
rugoreticulum is seen on the dorsal head 
and also on the mesonotum in P. reticu- 
latus but not so in the male of P. picteti. 
(3) Two male specimens were collected in 
Dumaguete, Philippines, by J. W. Chap- 
man on May 30, 1950, and each of them 
was originally mounted together with one 
worker or one queen of P. picteti, respec- 
tively, on the same pin. 

Comments. Pristomyrmex picteti occurs 


in Papua New Guinea, Borneo, Sabah, 
Brunei, Malaya, Singapore, and the Phil- 
ippines. It is closely related to the other 
several species of the wmbripennis group. 
A discussion regarding the relationship be- 
tween P. picteti and P. fuscipennis is pro- 
vided under P. fuscipennis. Characters 
separating P. picteti from P. umbripennis 
are listed under P. umbripennis. The work- 
ers of P. picteti differ from those of P. pol- 
lux as follows: 

P. picteti 

Propodeal spines relatively short, not 
strongly upcurved at their apices 

Smaller species with HL 1.04—1.36, HW 
1O2= "40" andi Sie 0:92=1-26 

Dorsum of head with scattered foveo- 
late punctures; space between foveo- 
lae often smooth 

Anterior margin of the median portion 
of clypeus usually with fewer than 
seven denticles 

P. pollux 

Propodeal spines relatively long, strong- 
ly upcurved at their apices 

Larger species with HL 1.42-1.54, HW 
Zea sey emo! Si, 40S ia 

Dorsum of head with foveolate-reticu- 
late sculpture 

Anterior margin of the median portion 
of clypeus usually with seven denti- 

Material Examined (ANIC, BMHH, 
New Guinea: Gulf Prov., Ivimka Camp, 
Lakekamu Basin, 7.7°S, 146.8°E, 120 m el- 
-evation, lowland wet forest, #96-395 (nest 
in wet rotten log), #96-404 (in rotted log 
debris) (R. R. Snelling); NETH. Genjam, 
40 km W of Hollandia, 100 to 200 m (T. 
C. Maa); 24 km N Madang, 80 m, 5°01'S, 
145°46'E, rainforest, ex rotten log (P. S. 
Ward); Yawasora near Wewak, <50 m, 
rainforest, ex rotting log (R. W. Taylor); 
along Kokoda Rd., rainforest, 400 to 1,000 
ft (B. B. Lowery); Lae, Didiman CK., low- 
land rainforest (E. O. Wilson); Lae, Busu 
R., lowland rainforest, in rotten wood on 
ground (B. B. Lowery); Lae, Markham R. 


Bridge, lowland rainforest, in log (B. B. 
Lowery); Lae 300 ft, above Bumbu Crk., 
edge of rainforest, wet gully, in rotten 
wood (B. B. Lowery); Tage L. Kutubu 
2700 tte forest maxreiny ext leavesn (pl: 
Barrett); Papua, Brown Riv., lowland rain- 
forest, ex rotten wood fragment (R. W. 
Taylor). Indonesia: Irian Jaya, PT. Free- 
port Concession, Siewa camp., 03.04°S, 
136.38°E, 200 ft, #98-86, lowland second- 
ary rainforest, under loose bark of dead log 
(R. R. Snelling); Borneo, West Kaliman- 
tan, Gunung Palung Nat. Pk. Cabang Panti 
Ress Sta 00 sto 400 mmnee el S4SaellOa ke 
primary forest (Datling, Rosichon, Sutris- 
no): Borneo, Sandakan (Baker). N. Bor- 
neo: Tawau, Quoin Hill, Forest Camp 1, 3 
to 5 km WSW of Cocoa Res. Sta. (Y. Hir- 
ashima). Brunei: Belait District, Manilas, 
Ulu Belait (D. E. Hardy). Malaysia: Ma- 
laya, Gombak (B. Bolton); Pahang, Kuala 
Tahan 200 m (J. L. Gressitt); Sg. Patani (G. 
H. Lowe). Singapore (Baker). Philippines: 
Mt. Montalban, Rizal Wa-wa Dam, 150 to 
200 m (H. M. Torrevillas); Mt. Apo 5 to 
6,000 m (C. F. Clagg); N. Palawan, Bin- 
aluan (G. Boettcher); Palawan, 14 km S 
Puerto Princesa (9.44°N, 118.44°E), rain- 
forest 0 to 250 m (B. B. Lowery); Palawan, 
Iwahig Penal Col., ca. Puerto Pricesa 
(9.44°N, 118.44°E), coffee plantation, 60 
m, edge of rainforest, foraging on ground 
(B. B. Lowery); Luzon, Los Banos, Mt. 
Makiling 600 m (14.1°N, 121.11°E), rain- 
forest, in very wet log (B. B. Lowery); Los 
Banos (F. X. Williams); Mt. Makiling (Bak- 
er; A. T. Cencho); Laguna, Mt. Makiling, 
150 to 500 m (H. Zettel); Luzon I., Bauqui 
(R.C.Mcg.); Luzon, Mt. Banahao (?); Du- 
maguete, 4,500 ft (J. W. Chapman); Horns 
of Negros, 3,600 ft (J. W. Chapman); 
Camp (J. W. Chapman). 

Ecological Information. This species oc- 
curs in rainforest, nesting in rotten logs. It 
has been collected on the ground, on rot- 
ten wood, and under loose bark of a log. 

Pristomyrmex pollux Donisthorpe 
Figures 251-254, 269, 280, 282 

Pristomyrmex pollux Donisthorpe, 1944: 83. Holo- 
type male, Malaysia: Penang, 6.xi.1913 (G. E. Bry- 
ant) (BMNH) [examined]. 

Figures 251-254. Pristomyrmex pollux Donisthorpe. 251A: Worker head, full-face view; 251B: Showing a transverse carina on 
the ventral clypeus; 252: Worker, lateral view; 253A: Queen head, full-face view; 253B: Showing a transverse ruga on the ventral 

clypeus; 254: Queen, lateral view. 

Note: This species was described only 
from a single male, which created the dif- 
ficulty of associating female castes with the 
male. I place the following workers under 
P. pollux for three reasons: (1) In MCZC, 
two males of P. pollux appear to belong to 
the same series as the following examined 
28 workers bearing labels with the same 
locality and collector and with the absence 
of collecting date. (2) This male (i.e., the 
holotype of P. pollux) belongs to the um- 
bripennis group because it is very similar 
to the males of P. picteti, P. reticulatus, and 
P. umbripennis but rather different from 
the other known males of Pristomyrmex in 
the structure and shape of propodeal 
spines, petiole, notauli, and scuto-scutellar 
sulcus and in body size, sculpture, and 
hairs. (3) After all available males of Pris- 

tomyrmex are examined, it seems that, in 
Pristomyrmex, the propodeal armaments 
of the male are usually shorter than those 
of the conspecific worker. The male of P. 
pollux has a pair of well-developed pro- 
podeal spines (which are actually the 
strongest and longest among all known 
Pristomyrmex males). The following work- 
ers also possess a pair of long propodeal 
spines, which matches with those in the 
male of P. pollux closely. 

Diagnosis (Worker). Masticatory margin 
of mandible with four teeth (an apical + a 
preapical + two broad-based short teeth 
of similar size), lacking a distinct diastema; 
eyes small, with three to four ommatidia 
in the longest row; propodeal spines long, 
strongly upcurved at their apices. 

Worker. TL 6.26—-6.80, HL 1.42—1.54, 


HW 1.42-1.58, CI 95-104, SL 1.40-1.52, 
SI 96-101, EL 0.06—0.08, PW 0.90—0.96, 
AL 1.58—1.90, PPW 0.39-0.43, PPL 0.39— 
0:43, PPI 100105 (7 = 28). 

Mandibles with a few longitudinal ru- 
gae. Basal margin of ToEtRCHS with a 
roel short, soe wuhiat truncated, promi- 
nent lobe. Clypeus with a median longi- 
tudinal carina that does not reach the pos- 
terior clypeal margin. Frontal area un- 
sculptured. Anterior margin of the median 
portion of clypeus with a median denticle 
and three (sometimes two) others on each 
side. Ventral surface of clypeus with a 
coarse transverse carina. Palp formula 1,3. 
Frontal carinae strong, extending to the 
level of the posterior margins of eyes. 
Scrobal areas smooth, present lateral to 
the frontal carinae. Frontal lobes present, 
partially covering the condylar bulbs of 
holding Antennal scapes. Antennal scapes, 
when lying on the dorsal head, just beyond 
the occipital margin. Lamella, encircling 
the base of antennal scape, with a broad 
and deep notch on the center of the dorsal 
surface. Eyes small, usually with three, at 
most four, ommatidia in the longest row. 
Occipital margin straight or elke: concave 
in full-face view. Bronouiin unarmed. Pro- 
podeum with a pair of long spines that are 
strongly upcurved at their apices (i.e., 
hook Eee) and laterally compressed. Meta- 
pleural lobes prominent and somewhat 
rounded. Petiole node in profile distinctly 
longer than high, with a long anterior pe- 
Aamele: its Al terosloreal angle is on ap- 
proximately the same level as the poster- 
odorsal. In dorsal view, petiole node longer 
than broad. Subpetiole with a narrow, 
semitranslucent lamella. Postpetiole in 
pr ofile higher than long, rounded dorsally, 
in dorsal view broadening from front to 
back. Dorsum of head, except for scrobal 
areas and frontal area, with foveolate-re- 
ticulate sculpture. Antennal scapes with 
longitudinal rugae along their dorsal mar- 
gins. Dorsum ae alntiannk as well as the 
sides of pronotum with numerous foveo- 
late punctures that are often close to each 
other. Sides of the rest of alitrunk with 


some scattered punctures. Petiole smooth 
and shining, but with a longitudinal ruga 
on each side. Postpetiole and gaster 
smooth and shining. Dorsal surfaces of 
head, alitrunk, petiole, and postpetiole 
with numerous erect or suberect hairs. A 
row of forward-projecting long hairs pre- 
sent near the anterior clypeal margin. 
Scapes and tibiae with some erect or sub- 
erect short hairs. First gastral tergite lack- 
ing erect or suberect hairs. Color yellow- 
brown to reddish-brown. 

Queen. A single queen (BMNH) was ex- 
amined. It was collected in Penang, Ma- 
laysia, by G. E. Bryant in October 1913 
(ie., the collecting locality and the collec- 
tor name for this specimen are the same 
as the holotype male of P. pollux): TL ca. 
(oO Ely 164 AW arco s Close Siw a6: 
SI 92, EL 0.29, PW 1.42, AL 2.14. 

This queen possesses the following 
characters: (1) dentition of the masticatory 
margin and basal margin of mandible as in 
the previously Hcntoncd worker; (2) den- 
tition of the anterior clypeal margin as in 
the previously mentioned worker; (3 ) clyp- 
eus with a median carina that does not 
reach the posterior clypeal margin; (4) 
ventral surface of clypeus with a transverse 
ruga; (5) frontal lobes and frontal carinae 
as in the previously mentioned worker; (6) 
lamella encircling the base of antennal 
scape as in the previously mentioned 
worker; (7) antennal scapes with longitu- 
dinal rugae along their dorsal margins; (8) 
propodeum with a pair of robust, rather 
long spines that are longer than the dis- 
tance between their bases. (9) metapleural 
cee as in the previously mentioned work- 

; (10) petiole and postpetiole as in the 
Saree mentioned worker; and (11) 
dorsum of head, except for the scrobal ar- 
eas, with foveolate-reticulate sculpture. In 
other words, except for normal caste dif- 
ferences and the propodeal spines that are 
neither laterally compressed nor upcurved 
at their apices, other characters are gen- 
erally similar to those in the previously 
mentioned worker. 

Male (Figs. 269, 280, 282), Th 5.60= 


5.92, HL 0.85-0.88, HW 0.68—-0.70, CI 
80-80, SL 0.38-0.41, SI 54-60, HWE 
0.86—-0.88, EL 0.44—0.44, PW 1.26—1.36, 
AL 2.00—2.20, PPW 0.35—0.38, PPL 0.42— 
0.44, PPI 80-90 (@ = 3). 

Head in profile high and thick, in full- 
face view, excluding eyes, much longer 
than broad, and including the eyes about 
as long as_ broad. Clypeus convex and 
ar chee in middle without a median longi- 
tudinal carina. Palp formula 1,3; maxillary 
palp long. Maximum diameter of the me- 
dian ocellus 0.12. Scapes longer than the 
other antennal segments, except for the 
apical ones. On the mesonotum, notauli 
rather wide and deep, showing a Y shape, 
separated into small cells by narrow trans- 
verse ridges; parapsidal furrows absent. 
Scuto- soutellar sulcus wide, separated into 
small cells by seven to eight narrow ridges. 
Propodeum ‘with a pair of robust, broad- 
based, rather long spines. Metapleural 
lobes prominent and somewhat rounded. 
Petiole node in profile distinctly longer 
than high with a long anterior peduncle. 
Postpetiole in profile “slightly longer than 
high with a convex dorsum, in don sal view 
rectangular and distinctly longer than 
broad. ‘Subpostpetiole with a blunt, tooth- 
like prominence. Dorsum of head cath nu- 
merous small foveolate punctures that 
sometimes are coarse and dense. Prono- 
tum with small, coarse, and dense foveo- 
late punctures. Mesoscutum with some 
scattered, small, shallow foveolate punc- 
tures. Mesoscutellum with dense, coarse 
foveolate punctures. Propodeum with 
some irregular coarse rugae. Middle and 
hind tibiae without any spurs. Each side of 
petiole with a coarse longitudinal ruga, a 
few irregular short rugae, and some foc 
olate punctures. Side ae postpetiole with 
some small, weak foveolate punctures. All 
dorsal surfaces with abundant erect or 
suberect stiff long hairs. Color blackish- 
brown; hairs blackish-brown; wings rather 
smoky. (Note: In the holotype, the right 
antenna is abnormal, with 11 segments, 
while the left one has 12.) 

Comments. Pristomyrmex  pollux is 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 6 

known from Malaya and Sabah. It must 
have evolved from a P. picteti—like ances- 
tor. The workers of this species can be im- 
mediately recognized by possessing a pair 
of distinct propodeal spines that are long, 
strongly upcurved at their apices (i.e., 
hooklike), and laterally compressed. This 
character is unique in the genus Pristo- 

Material Examined (MCZC, USNM, 
ANIC, BMNH, NHMV). N. Borneo: Mt. 
Dubit, 3,000 ft (E. Mjoberg). 

Biological Information. Unknown. 

Pristomyrmex reticulatus Donisthorpe 
Figures 255-256 

Pristomyrmex reticulatus Donisthorpe, 1949: 750. 
Holotype male, New Guinea: Finschhafen, 
27.iv.1944 (E. S. Ross) (CASC) [examined]. 

Male. TL 4.86, HL 0.82, HW 0.83, CI 
HORS SIMOlS 47S Ale BOS Shee Wao 4s 
AL 1.64 (n = 1). 

Head, including the eyes, distinctly 
broader than long. Clypeus convex in mid- 
dle; its anterior margin transverse. On the 
mesoscutum, notauli forming a Y shape, 
with several transverse rugae. Scuto-scu- 
tellar sulcus wide, separated into small 
cells by several longitudinal ridges. Pro- 
podeum armed ante a pair of fairly long 
spines. Metapleural lobes somewhat 
rounded. Petiole node in profile longer 
than high with a long anterior peduncle. 
Postpetiole in profile Fouled dorsally, in 
dorsal view subquadrate. Dorsum of head 
with a developed rugoreticulum, except 
for a narrow, long median strip that is 
smooth and unsculptured. Clypeus with 
some longitudinal rugae. Promesonotum 
with strongly developed rugoreticulum. 
Sides of petiole with rugoreticulum. Sides 
of postpetiole with a few longitudinal ru- 
gae as well as a few superficial foveolate 
punctures between them. Gaster unsculp- 
tured, smooth, and shining. All dorsal sur- 
faces weft numerous long hairs; hairs stiff 
on the head and alitrunk. Body and. hairs 
blackish-brown; wings dusky. 

Comments and Discussion. This species, 
described from a single male, belongs to 




ASTI <a 
ae 256 we 

Figures 255-256. Pristomyrmex reticulatus Donisthorpe. 255A: Male head, full-face view; 255B: Male antenna; 256: Male, 

lateral view. 

the umbripennis group because it is very 
similar to the males of P. picteti, P. pollux, 
and P. umbripennis in the structure and 
shape of propodeal spines and petiole and 
in body size, sculpture and hairs. 

This male differs from the males of the 
other three species (P. pollux, P. umbri- 
pennis, and P. picteti) of the umbripennis 
group as follows: In P. pollux, the head, in 
full-face view, is rather narrow and long 
(CI = SO) with numerous small foveolate 
punctures; the mesoscutum possesses 
some scattered, small and shallow foveo- 
late punctures; the postpetiole in dorsal 
view is distinctly longer than broad. But in 
P. reticulatus, C1 is 101, the dorsal head 
and the mesonotum have a developed ru- 
goreticulum, and the postpetiole in dorsal 
view is subquadrate. 

The male of P. umbripennis is larger 
(HL 0.94, HW 0.98, EL 0.47, PW 1.28, 
AL 1.98, and TL 6.04) than that of P. re- 
ticulatus. In addition, the dorsum of the 
head between the eyes is sculptured with 
a rugoreticulum in P. reticulatus but is 
rather smooth in P. umbripennis. 

The male of P. picteti possesses a few to 
some small foveolate punctures on the 
dorsal surfaces of the head and the me- 
sonotum, in contrast with a rugoreticulum 
in P. reticulatus. 

Whether P. reticulatus represents the 

male of P. fuscipennis is so far unknown. 
Thus, P. reticulatus is tentatively main- 
tained as a valid species until enough evi- 
dence is obtained. 

Ecological Information. Unknown. 

Pristomyrmex umbripennis (F. Smith) 
Figures 257-260 

Myrmica umbripennis F. Smith, 1863: 21. Holotype 
queen, Indonesia: Mysol (A. R. Wallace) (OXUM) 

Pristomyrmex umbripennis (F. Smith) Donisthorpe, 
1932: 471. 

Solenopsis laevis F. Smith, 1865: 75. Holotype work- 
er, Indonesia: Morty Island (A. R. Wallace) 
(OXUM) [examined]. Syn. n. 

Pheidologeton laevis (F. Smith) Emery, 1922: 213. 

Pristomyrmex laevis (F. Smith) Donisthorpe, 1932: 

Pristomyrmex parumpunctatus Emery, 1887: 452. 
Lectotype worker, New Guinea: Andai (L. M. 
D’Albertis) (MCSN), here designated, [examined]. 
Syn. n. 

Pristomyrmex castor Donisthorpe, 1944: 81. Lecto- 
type queen, New Guinea: Papua, Kokoda, 1,200 ft, 
x.1933 (L. E. Cheesman) (BMNH), here designat- 
ed, [examined]. Syn. n. 

Pristomyrmex castaneicolor Donisthorpe, 1949: 412. 
Syntype workers, New Guinea: Maffin Bay, ix-1944 
(E. S. Ross) (BMNH, CASC, LACM, MCZC, 
USNM) [examined]. Syn. n. 

Diagnosis (Worker). Masticatory margin 
of mandible with four teeth (an apical + a 
preapical + two broad-based short teeth 
of similar size), lacking a distinct diastema; 


Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 6 


orn 4 


Figures 257-260. Pristomyrmex umbripennis (F. Smith). 257A: Worker head, full-face view; 257B: Showing a transverse ridge 
on the ventral clypeus; 258: Worker, lateral view; 259A: Queen head, full-face view; 259B: Showing a transverse ridge on the 

ventral clypeus; 260: Queen, lateral view. 

eyes generally with six to seven (rarely five) 
ommatidia in the longest row; propodeum 
with a pair of elongate triangular teeth. 

Worker “bl > 48=.06) HE 1k32=1k63: 
Ele s0S1h 74 G19 8109S 1202152: 
SIRS 92. En OM =OMSS PW OrS6—1e 6s 
AL 1.46=1.88, PPW 0.33-0.47, PPL 0.32-— 
O44 ERE 10321139 G@r = 52): 

Mandibles with a few longitudinal rugae 
that often reach to the masticatory margin. 
Basal margin of mandible with a central, 
broadly curved prominence. Clypeus 
smooth and shining with a strong median 
longitudinal carina. Anterior clypeal mar- 
gin usually with seven denticles: a median 
denticle and three others on each side; 
sometimes one to two lateral denticles are 
indistinct; sometimes, two lateral denticles 
are fused into a broad lobe. Ventral surface 

of clypeus with a coarse transverse ridge. 
Palp formula 1,3. Frontal carinae extend- 
ing to the level of the posterior margins of 
eyes. Antennal scrobes absent. F rontal 
lobes present, partially covering the con- 
dylar bulbs of holding antennal scapes. 
One third to one half of the antennal 
scapes usually laterally compressed near 
the bases. Antennal scapes, when lying on 
the dorsal head, just beyond the occipital 
margin. Lamella encircling the base of the 
antennal scape with a broad and deep 
notch on the center of the dorsal surface. 
Eyes generally containing more than 20 
(rarely 15) ommatidia, with six to seven 
(rarely five) in the longest row. Occipital 
margin straight or feebly concave in full- 
face view. Alitrunk, in profile, with a con- 
vex dorsum, in dorsal view without any su- 


tures. Pronotum unarmed. Propodeum 
with a pair of slightly elongate triangular 
teeth. Metapleural lobes prominent and 
rounded. Petiole node in profile longer 
than high with a long anterior peduncle; 
its anterodorsal angle is on approximately 
the same level as the posterodorsal. Sub- 
petiole with a narrow, semitranslucent la- 
mella. Postpetiole in profile higher than 
long, rounded dorsally, in dorsal view 
slightly broadening from front to back. 
Dorsal surfaces of head and alitrunk and 
the sides of pronotum with scattered fo- 
veolate punctures, varying from shallow, 
small, and few to distinct, rather large and 
many; space between foveolae usually 
smooth. Petiole, postpetiole, and gaster 
smooth and shining. Dorsal surfaces of 
head and alitrunk with some erect or sub- 
erect short hairs. Usually two to three pairs 
of hairs present on the dorsal surfaces of 
petiole node and postpetiole, respectively. 
A row of forward-projecting hairs present 
near the anterior clypeal margin. Scapes 
and tibiae with numerous suberect short 
hairs. First gastral tergite lacking erect or 
suberect hairs. Color reddish-brown, but 
the masticatory margin of mandible black- 

Queen. TL §.00=8.25, AL 1.80—2.02, 
BIW 21002=222 55 C99 SS Sw o2 16a) 
Si 7S Ws), 1BIL, O4O O42, JEW. IL XO EGO), 
AL 2.26—2.40, PPW 0.52—0.52, PPL 0.48— 
0.50, PPI 104-108 (n = 4). 

General shape as in Figures 259-260, 
with normal caste differences from the 
conspecific worker; propodeal armaments 
toothlike: other characters similar to work- 

Male. A single male specimen (BMNH), 
collected in Papua (Kokoda, 1,200 ft) by 
L. E. Cheeman in August 1933, has the 
following measurements: TL ca. 6.04, HL 
0.94, HW 0.98, CI 104, SL 0.35, SI 36, 
EL 0.47, PW 1.28, AL 1.98. 

Head, including the eyes, distinctly 
broader than long. Clypeus narrow, trans- 
verse, convex in the middle, its anterior 
margin almost straight. Frontal carinae 
short. Eyes large and prominent. On the 

mesoscutum, notauli rather wide, forming 
a Y shape with several coarse rugae. Scuto- 
scutellar sulcus wide, separated into small 
cells by longitudinal ridges. Propodeum 
armed with a pair of strong triangular 
teeth. Metapleural lobes rounded. Petiole 
node in profile low, distinctly longer than 
high, with a long anterior peduncle. Post- 
petiole in profile slightly longer than high 
and rounded dorsally. Dorsum of head be- 
hind the level of the posterior margins of 
eyes with some foveolate-reticulate sculp- 
ture, but the centrical disc of the dorsal 
head, under the median ocellus, smooth 
and shining. Each side of the dorsal head, 
between the eye and the frontal carina, 
with several transverse rugae; spaces be- 
tween the rugae smooth and shining. Pro- 
mesonotum with somewhat coarse foveo- 
late-reticulate sculpture. Sides of petiole 
node with foveolate-reticulate sculpture. 
Postpetiole rather smooth, only with few 
superficial short rugae on each side. Gas- 
ter unsculptured, smooth, and_ shining. 
Body blackish-brown, but gaster and 
scapes reddish-brown. 

Note: This male is assigned to the spe- 
cies P. umbripennis for the following rea- 
sons: (1) It belongs to the wmbripennis 
group because it is similar to the males of 
P. picteti, P. pollux, and P. reticulatus but 
different from the other known males of 
Pristomyrmex in the structure and shape 
of propodeal spines, petiole, notauli, and 
scuto-scutellar sulcus and in body size, 
sculpture, and hairs. (2) It cannot be 
placed in the other species of the umbri- 
pennis group. It differs from the male of 
P. pollux because the former has a wider 
head (HW 0.98, CI 104) than the latter 
(HW 0.68—0.70, CI 80). This male is larger 
(HW 0.98, HL 0.94, EL 0.47) than the 
males of P. picteti and P. reticulatus (HW 
< 0.85, HL < 0.85, EL < 0.40). In fact, 
it is the largest male specimen so far found 
in Pristomyrmex. This matches with the 
workers and queens of P. umbripennis, 
which are the largest in the genus. (3) The 
collecting locality and the collector name 


for this male are the same as the other two 
queens of P. umbripennis. 

Comments. Pristomyrmex umbripennis 
occurs in New Guinea and some islands of 
Indonesia. It is closely related to P. pollux 
and P. picteti, but their workers and 
queens can be separated by the following 

P. umbripennis 

Eyes larger, generally consisting of 20 or 
more ommatidia and containing six to 
seven (rarely five) ommatidia in the 
longest row (worker) 

Propodeum with a pair of triangular 
toothlike armaments that are shorter 
than the distance between their bases 
(worker and queen) 

One-third to one-half of the antennal 
scape usually laterally compressed 
near the base (worker and queen) 

P. pollux and P. picteti 

Eyes smaller, generally consisting of 10 
or less ommatidia, and containing two 
to three (rarely four) ommatidia in 
the longest row (worker) 

Propodeum with a pair of fairly long or 
long spines that are longer (or much 
longer) than the distance between 
their bases (worker) or with a pair of 
short spines (queen) 

Antennal scape not laterally compressed 
near the base (worker and queen) 

Material Examined (ANIC, MCZC, 
LAMN, BMNH, BMHB). Papua New 
Guinea: Gulf Prov., Ivimka Camp, Lake- 
kamu Basin, 7.7°S, 146.8°E, 120 m, #96- 
266 (R. R. Snelling); NETH. Santani, 90+ 
m (T. C. Maa): NE Eloa River 488 to 518 
m (S. Cutleck); N. Dist. of Papua, Kokoda 
(P. M. Room); N. Dist. of Papua, Saiho (P. 
M. Room); N. Dist. of Papua, Lejo Rd (P. 

Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 6 

M. Room); Papua, Brown Riv., lowland 
rainfor., ground, rotten tree stump (R. W. 
Taylor); Maffin Bay (E. S. Sepik Province, 
ca. 2 to 3 km S of Wirui, S of Wewak 50 
tO ICO) tm, ORBES, WaS.S7le CR. J. Ko- 
hout); Lae, Bupu River, wet rotten log (B. 
B. Lowery); Bulolo, 3,000 ft, rainforest, in 
rotten log (B. B. Lowery); near Popondet- 
ta, <50 m, rainforest, ex trunks and low 
foliage (R. W. Taylor); 4 mi S of Popon- 
detta, rainforest (B. B. Lowery); Sangara 
N.D. (G. Baker). Indonesia: Amboina 
(Bird); Irian Jaya, 50 km S Manokwari, Ar- 
fak Mtns. Nature Reserve 25 m, second 
rainforest, ex log (G. D. Alpert); Irian Jaya, 
PT. Freeport Concession, Siewa camp., 
03.04°S 136.38°E, 200 ft, lowland second- 
ary rainforest, #98-62 and #98-86, under 
loose bark of log (R. R. Snelling); Seram 
I., Solea (M. Brendell). 

Ecological Information. This species oc- 
curs in rainforest and has been collected 
in and on rotten logs and under loose bark 
of a log. 

Pristomyrmex parvispina Emery 

Emery (1900) mentioned the name 
Pristomyrmex parvispina but provided 
neither an indication such as “n.sp.” (or its 
equivalent, ele, Spe nov. 9)snor a descrip- 
tion and designated no types. Pristomyr- 
mex parvispind 1s thus a nomen nudum. 
Emery (1922: 233) cited P parvispina 
Emery as a synonym of P. brevispinosus 
Emery, but this was incorrect because P. 
parvispina was not a valid name. In addi- 
tion, Emery (1922: 233) cited the original 
publication date incorrectly as 1901 [see 
Bolton’s (1995) catalog for the dating of 
the original paper]. 


Figure 261. Head of the male of Pristomyrmex brevispinosus Emery, full-face view. 

Figure 262. Head of the male of Pristomyrmex ?flatus (see the text), full-face view; mandible indicated by an arrow. 

530 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 6 

a al 

we : 

Figure 263. Head of the male of Pristomyrmex longispinus sp. n., full-face view. 

Figure 264. Head of the male of Pristomyrmex orbiceps (Santschi), full-face view. 


0.1 mm 

Figure 265. Head of the male of Pristomyrmex quadridentatus (André), full-face view. 

Figure 266. Head of the male of Pristomyrmex sulcatus Emery, full-face view. 




532 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 6 

Figure 267. Head of the male of Pristomyrmex obesus Mann, full-face view. 


Figure 268. Head of the male of Pristomyrmex picteti Emery, full-face view. 

Figure 269. Head of the male of Pristomyrmex pollux Donisthorpe, full-face view (antennae missing). 

53: Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 6 

Figure 270. Male of Pristomyrmex brevispinosus Emery, lateral view. 

Figure 271. Male of Pristomyrmex ?flatus (see the text), lateral view. 


1 mm 

Figure 272. Male of Pristomyrmex longispinus sp. n., lateral view. 

Figure 273. Male of Pristomyrmex orbiceps (Santschi), lateral view. 

536 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 6 

Figure 274. Male of Pristomyrmex quadridens Emery, lateral view. 

Figure 275. Male of Pristomyrmex quadridentatus (André), lateral view. 

Figure 276. Male of Pristomyrmex sulcatus Emery, lateral view. 


RN. » en 

Figure 277. Alitrunk and petiole node of the male of Pristomyrmex levigatus Emery, lateral view. 

Figure 278. Head, alitrunk and petiole node of the male of Pristomyrmex obesus Mann, lateral view. 

538 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 157, No. 6 

Figure 279. Male of Pristomyrmex picteti Emery, lateral view; propodeal spine and petiole node indicated by an arrow, re- 

Figure 280. Male of Pristomyrmex pollux Donisthorpe, lateral view; propodeal spine and petiole node indicated by an arrow, 



Figure 281. 


Mesonotum of the male of Pristomyrmex levigatus Emery, dorsal view. 

Figure 282. Mesonotum of the male of Pristomyrmex pollux Donisthorpe, dorsal view. 


I am most grateful to Dr. E. O. Wilson. 
Throughout this research, I have received 
constant advice, support, encouragement, 
and help from him. He has taken respon- 
sibility for loans of the specimens for this 
research. He also reviewed two drafts of 
my manuscript and provided valuable 

I express my sincere thanks to Dr. James 
Traniello for his valuable advice and sup- 
port and for the helpful comments and 
corrections he provided on an early draft 
of my manuscript; to Mr. Stefan Cover for 
valuable advice and discussions, for im- 
proving the English expression in the text 
and for other help; and to Dr. Ernst Mayr, 
who has kindly answered my many ques- 
tions on evolutionary biology and _syste- 
matical theory. The support of Boston 
University is also gratefully acknowledged. 

Special thanks go to Mr. Barry Bolton. 
He has provided me with valuable advice 
and useful information, helped me borrow 
specimens from several museums, and 
sent me a printout of his catalog of Pris- 
tomyrmex before his book was published. 

Thanks are also due to the following 
people for loans of material or other help: 
Dr. Gary Alpert, Dr. James Carpenter, Dr. 
Brain Farrell, Dr. Brain F isher, Ms. Kathy 
Horton, Dr. Lars-Ake Janzon, Dr. F rank 
Koch, Dr. Ivan L6bl, Mr. Christopher 
O'Toole, Dr. Phil Perkins, Dr. Naomi 
Pierce, Dr. Wojciech J. Pulawski, Dr. Al- 
exander Radchenko, Dr. Valter Raineri, 
Dr. Hamish G. Robertson, Dr. Louis Roth, 
Dr. Ted R. Schultz, Dr. Steven O. Shat- 
tuck, Dr. Stefan Schédl, Dr. David R. 
Smith, and Mr. Roy R. Snelling. Finally, I 
wish to thank my wife Xiufen Wang for 
support and assistance. 

This work was supported by E. O. Wil- 
son Foundation and E. O. Wilson Evolu- 
tionary Biology Fund. 


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