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Paleontological Research Institution 
Ithaca, New York 14850 
U::S: A: 


Mrs. Kitti Westfall 

Waldo Schmitt 

John R. Sandidge 

Axel A. Olsson 


Bulletin No. Pages 

296. The Disparid Inadunate Superfamilies Homo- 
crinacea and Cincinnaticrinacea (Echinoder- 
mata:Crinoidea), Ordovician-Silurian, North 

Byam arn ands He slas Strimip eyes sssceceeees 1-138 

297. Some Paleocene and Eocene Barnacles (Cir- 
ripedia) of Alabama 

By Normans WeISDOLG \.c25.4..c0:.4.ceceecssaccesosese 139-166 

298. The Archaediscidae of the Fraileys Facies (Mis- 
sissippian) of Central Kentucky 

By R. G. Browne, J. W. Baxter, and T. G. 
ROW ONES ype ote reco coocse endian ceasten feces ees: 167-228 

299. Scalpellid Barnacles (Cirripedia) of Florida and 
of Surrounding Waters 

By Norman’ Fe WEISDOTO) c.c...sccecc.<ssveecese-veceeses 229-312 

300. Primary Types in the Stanford Paleontological 
Type Collection 

Bye sudithy Merry SMith) 2 .32.02054-ccksooantsesteacess te 313-552 





No separate index is included in the volume. Each number is 
indexed separately. Contents of the volume are listed in the begin- 
ning of the volume. 




(Founded 1895) 

Vol. 72 

No. 296 


J. Warn anv H. L. Strimpte 


Paleontological Research Institution 
Ithaca, New York 14850, U.S.A. 


PRESIDEN Tocca eae seat ee pee oo eee oe eee ee ae 2h De, HArROLp E. VOKES 
WIGE-E RESIDEN pies stores ee ee Ee ee i ee DUANE O. LERoy 
SS RCR TARY te se erect ee ee I eee ee ee PHILIP C. WAKELEY 
SURE ASURER 62 ae ee ne Wek eee ae oe ERNESTINE Q. WRIGHT 
PURE CTOR eee ce eS See ee ee eee KATHERINE V. W. PALMER 
SOU SED pce are ee ee ea ee ee ee ed Oe ee ee ae ARMAND L, ADAMS 
REPRESENTATIVE AAAS CoUNCIL .......... Sie ry Sh ee ee Ste RicHarpD G. Oscoop, Jr. 


RutH G. Browne (1976-1979) KATHERINE V. W. PALMER (Life) 
KENNETH E. CASTER (1975-1978) JoHN PojeTA, Jr. (1975-1978) 
Joun L. CIsNE (1976-1977) K. NORMAN SACHS, JR. (1974-1977) 
REBECCA S. Harris (Life) DANIEL B. Sass (1974-1977) 
MarcareT B. HeEroy (1975-1978) Harotp E. Vokes (1975-1978) 
DUANE O. LERoy (1974-1977) Puitie C. WAKELEY (1976-1979) 
WiiiaAM A. OLIVER, JR. (1976-1979) ERNESTINE Q. WRIGHT (1976-1979) 

AxeEL A. OLsson (Life) 



Doris C. BRANN, Assistant 

Advisory Board 

A. Myra KEEN Jay GLENN Marks 

Complete titles and price list of separate available numbers may be had on 

For reprint, Vols. 1-23, Bulletins of American Paleontology see 
Kraus Reprint Corp., 16 East 46th St., New York, N.Y. 10017 U.S.A. 

For reprint, vol. I, Palaeontographica Americana see Johnson Reprint Cor- 
poration, 111 Fifth Ave., New York, N.Y. 10003 U.S.A. 

Subscription may be entered at any time by volume or year, with average 
price of $20.00 per volume for Bulletins. Numbers of Palaeontographica Ameri- 
cana invoiced per issue. Purchases in U.S.A. for professional purposes are de- 
ductible from income tax. 

For sale by 

Paleontological Research Institution 
1259 Trumansburg Road 
Ithaca, New York 14850 





(Founded 1895) 

Vol. 72 

No. 296 


J. Warn anv H. L. Stripe 

May 31, 1977 

Paleontological Research Institution 
Ithaca, New York 14850, U.S.A. 

Library of Congress Card Number: 77-78618 

Printed in the United States of America 
Arnold Printing Corporation 



PNDSITAG | ses jeeter ence eer eer ae el lates Ne ey le a pe ea ye pe ee ir Mire 5 
STECSET © GLUT GEL i eer nee ar rece ee ce a rere noe aire ere eres 5 
PNG KETT CWV)] © CLT © Tt S eee asec ne ee a ee es Se ee a ee ee ee 7 
TEGTD@RTIOP OED 1 erence ade OB ee ele el a arn aR A 7 
SUTRAS TY Na a ee re ee ett ee ae eee 8 
Rock-stratizraphic units in’ the Cincinnati areal 22-2 eee 17 
sime-straticraphic units) im! the, Cimeimmnati areal oes acecere cee eee cree 20 
@reanisms as indices of Cincinnatian ‘stages: 22 cc ec eececce cece 23 
CONGO NTs eee eS ee ee te tae ee 23 
(CROSS eke cere meee te ae ge A aE Pe ee Zep a a ea ei ea ae 24 
BA CHI O POG Speen eee eee ce ne OTe Re RN OE ere ree ae eee 24 
RROD. etter tee tee tap tee Se tt Nas A pk ee eee ai pec a A 24+ 
Mbnilobite ss eee. eae Sete pel fot hl ich te ia ee ete PRO el ona 24+ 
CORTE ae te ae eR eA et Ge 25 

SAV SLEMatl Cm all COMCOLO Lice te se ee eee ee eee eee ee ee 25 
Crinorde age linia GUA ae een ek leet eee ee ee ee 25 

DD) 2S ya Ty 1 ca ere eee ere a KA. Sah Pe eee LUN ee eee ee eee 26 
CinGiNM A tier iT St a eee Roe Os ere heen cr 35 


1. Classification of Cincinnaticrinacea and Homocrinacea ....between pp. 22, 23 


i mCities and ‘states referred to) iN text 2.5. 22-t-cesesccseceacnececcecncnset cos ee 
2. Correlation of Ordovician and Silurian time-stratigraphic standards .... 
3. Orton’s rock-stratigraphic classification, Cincinnati Group ...................... 
4 Cincinnatian: stratigraphy: 2. cesses io ae 
Seronape Jof (Greek: Vases" 2iicccccccdz2cecescstcccses covscdvecceete sansa. stt eee 
Geaely pessotearm branching... 2.cctcccecet cco toseoccsecseetsteeee ee ee eee 
jeeelypesvof heterotomous) arm) branching, cee cee 
9. General basal plate shapes, cincinnaticrinaceans and homocrinaceans .. 
10s Localities Of Cx Varturachialis, ere re eee 
iipeOntogeny) ofG. varibrackialus Column eee ee 
12. Ranges of cincinnaticrinacean and homocrinacean species .................-..---- 
13. Ontogenetic change in life habit of C. varibrachialus 0.000000 .0c0ceceee--e 
14. Phylogeny of Cincinnaticrinacea and Homocrinacea ...................-.--...-------- 
Wier Usovomiocrintts. Lert ooo o2 5 oo cocosccostasacenseasesteentnnnt eee 
16. Ulrich’s (1882) abnormal specimens of Heterocrinus oehanus ............... 
Ae MORO Crimes DraUns 22.02 coc nccdec. cates csesmcsten nce eee 
DOO MLO CHINUS  PATUUS. (oc. oo ccassceaccsectoctecacsentia thinset ee eee 
20. Exploded diagram of Ectenocrinus simplex. ..............--------000----0--00eeeeneeneenees 
ZipmExplodedsdiagramiot Apodasmocrinus = 
OMAP OAASHUO CUATEUS. | oo 2a 2 omen c codececnce led uaece tea se ee 
23h bexocrinusleplon Rew snes Be Wis Sh aie ee a ee 
DAE SPP CAULOCTITUG, Ly DUS. eh ease cscs ecccnscetceew te eee a 
Ose dedalocrinussbellewtllensis: < cu eae ae eee 


J. Warn! and H. L. Strimple? 

The discovery that Heterocrinus heterodactylus Hall, type species of 
Heterocrinus Hall, 1847, is unrecognizable necessitates new names for crinoid 
taxa formerly placed in Heterocrinus and in the superfamily Heterocrinacea. 
The new genus Cincinnaticrinus is erected to accommodate the new species C. 
varibrachialus. The new superfamily Cincinnaticrinacea essentially replaces the 
Heterocrinacea (nom. trans. Ubaghs, 1953, ex Heterocrinidae Zittel, 1879). 
Revision of this superfamily and the related Homocrinacea has enabled elimina- 
tion of many superfluous taxa, the establishment of numerous lectotypes and 
lectoparatypes, more accurate geographic and stratigraphic ranges for the re- 
maining species, and consistent diagnoses and descriptions of well-established 
taxa. The new family Cincinnaticrinidae (= Heterocrinidae Zittel, 1879) is 
divided into two new subfamilies, the Cincinnaticrininae (including C. vari- 
brachialus, n. sp., C. pentagonus (Ulrich), Dystactocrinus constrictus (Hall), 
Isotomocrinus tenuis (Billings), J. minutus Kolata, Ohiocrinus laxus (Hall), and 
O. brauni Ulrich, and Atopocrininae (A. priscus Lane). The family Homocrini- 
dae Kirk, 1914, is also divided into two new subfamilies, the Homocrininae (for 
Homocrinus parvus (Hall), Ectenocrinus simplex (Hall), E. geniculatus (UI- 
rich), Apodasmocrinus punctatus (Brower and Veinus), A. daubei, n.g., n. sp., 
Ibexocrinus lepton Lane, and Sygcaulocrinus typus Ulrich) and Daedalocrininae 
[containing only Daedalocrinus bellevillensis (Billings) ]. Possible phylogenies 
and the paleoecology of the included species are discussed; it is concluded that 
crinoids with lichenocrinid-type bases were probably effectively eleutherozoic. 


Current concepts of the disparid inadunate crinoid families 
Heterocrinidae and Homocrinidae (elevated to superfamilies by 
Ubaghs, 1953) date essentially from Ulrich (1925). The forthcoming 
crinoid section of the Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology will 
include few changes: the Treatise will incorporate two new genera, 
Atopocrinus (a heterocrinid) and Ibexocrinus (a homocrinid), 
described by Lane (1970) and placed by him in those families; and 
the Treatise will characterize the genus Heterocrinus as having iso- 
tomous rather than heterotomous branching, as it was defined by UI- 
rich (1925, p. 84) and others (Wachsmuth and Springer, 1886, p. 
207; Wachsmuth, 1900, p. 152; Grabau and Shimer, 1910, p. 502; 
Springer, 1911, p. 27; Springer, 1913, p. 212; Moore and Laudon, 
1944, p. 149; and Warn, 1973, p. 12). Ulrich (1925) apparently 
based his study on small numbers of specimens (for some species, on 
from one to a few). Modern treatment, with examination of large 
numbers of specimens and attention to intraspecific variation, ap- 
pears necessary. 

1. Western Exploration Division, Shell Oil Company, Houston, Texas. 2. Geology 
Department, The University of Iowa, lowa City, Iowa. 

6 BuLLeETIN 296 

Additionally major nomenclatural changes are needed because 
Heterocrinus heterodactylus (type species of Heterocrinus) is un- 
recognizable and the name must be restricted to Hall’s (1847) type 
specimens (from New York strata). Thus, new names must be given 
to taxa from strata in and around Cincinnati, Ohio, formerly at- 
tributed to Heterocrinus and H. heterodactylus (the authors choose 
the new names Cincinnaticrinus and C. varibrachialus for these 
taxa); and, because Heterocrinus is the type genus of the familial 
taxa Heterocrinidae and Heterocrinacea, new names must also be ap- 
plied to these taxa (designated respectively, Cincinnaticrinidae and 
Cincinnaticrinacea herein). 

Study of Cincinnaticrinacea and Homocrinacea has been par- 
ticularly facilitated by taking advantage of the large collections of 
these crinoids at the University of Cincinnati. Type species of six 
(Heterocrinus, Atyphocrinus, Dystactocrinus, Ohiocrinus, Ecteno- 
crinus, and Drymocrinus) of the 11 genera placed by Ulrich (1925) 
in the Heterocrinidae and Homocrinidae have been reported to occur 
in Cincinnatian strata in and around Cincinnati, Ohio, and they are. 
well represented in existing collections. Of the remaining five genera, 
two were first described from the Hull Limestone, Kirkfield, On- 
tario, (Isotomocrinus and Daedalocrinus), one (Sygcaulocrinus) 
from the Fort Atkinson Member of the Maquoketa Formation of 
Iowa, one (Columbicrinus) from the Lebanon Limestone of Ten- 
nessee, and one (Homocrinus) from the Rochester Shale of New 
York. The Kopf Collection at Cincinnati is one of the finest North 
American echinoderm collections and contains hundreds of Kirkfield 
crinoids. Thus, large numbers of cincinnaticrinids and homocrinids 
are housed in the University of Cincinnati Geology Museum and in 
other Cincinnati area museums. Finally, large pockets of Cinctn- 
naticrinus varibrachialus (type species of Cincinnaticrinus) and 
Ectenocrinus simplex (type species of Ectenocrinus) have recently 
been discovered in the area. 

Most of this work has been drawn from Warn’s Ph.D. disserta- 
tion (University of Cincinnati, 1974) entitled “The disparid crinoid 
superfamilies Homocrinacea (Ord.-Sil.) and Cincinnaticrinacea 
(Ord.)”. Incorporation of subsequently published data and interpre- 
tations have been made by Strimple. The authors, however, concur 
and share responsibility for the entire study. 



The authors thank Kenneth E. Caster, University of Cincin- 
nati, who allowed the senior author free use of his personal library 
and gave advice on preparation of the manuscript. Thanks are also 
due R. A. Davis, who offered suggestions on taxonomy and nomen- 
clature; E. A. Dalvé, who draughted Text-figures 2 and 13; K. L. 
Derstler, J. F. Gastright, and W. H. White for donation, or loan, 
of specimens for study; and the following individuals and their re- 
spective institutions for loan of specimens: R. L. Batten and N. D. 
Newell, American Museum of Natural History; R. P. S. Jefferies and 
H. G. Owen, British Museum (Natural History); E. S. Richardson, 
Field Museum of Natural History; T. E. Bolton, Geological Survey 
of Canada; J. H. Marak and J. K. Pope, Department of Geology, 
Miami University; B. H. Kummel, Museum of Comparative Zoology, 
Harvard University; B. M. Bell, New York State Museum; S. M. 
Bergstrom, Orton Museum, Ohio State University; J. S. Lawless and 
K. A. Waage, Peabody Museum of Natural History, Yale University; 
John Monteith, Royal Ontario Museum; F. J. Collier, P. M. Kier, 
and Thomas Phelan, United States National Museum; and R. A. 
Davis, University of Cincinnati Geology Museum. We also thank 
Mrs. Olive Daube, Sam Daube, and Jim Manton, manager of the 
Daube Ranch Company, for allowing access to the exposure from 
which Apodasmocrinus daubei, n.g., n. sp. is described. We are in- 
debted to Mr. T. J. Frest, The University of Iowa, for assistance in 
incorporating current data from published and unpublished studies 
as well as for editing assistance. The final typescript was prepared 
by Mrs. Jan Thein, The University of Iowa. Finally, a NDEA 
summer research grant (1972) to the senior author made possible, 
in part, necessary travel and purchase of supplies. 


Specimens referred to in this work are listed by catalogue num- 
bers with the respository names abbreviated as follows: 

AMNH American Museum of Natural History, New York, New York 
BM(NH) British Museum (Natural History), London, England 
CFM Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, Illinois, (numbers pre- 

ceded by UC denote specimens in the University of Chicago 
Walker Museum Collection) 

GSC Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario 

HM Hunterian Museum (Geology), The University, Glasgow, Scotland 


MCZ Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge, 

MU Geology Museum, Department of Geology, Miami University, Ox- 
ford, Ohio 

NYSM New York State Museum, Albany, New York 

OM Orton Museum, Department of Geology, Ohio State University, 
Columbus, Ohio 

ROM Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, Ontario 

SUI Geology Department, The University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa 

UCGM University of Cincinnati Geology Museum, Department of Geology, 

Cincinnati, Ohio, (numbers preceded by K denote specimens in 
the Kopf Collection) 

UI Geology Department, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois 

UM Geology Department, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minne- 

USNM National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, 

Washington, D.C., (numbers preceded by S. denote specimens in 

the Springer Collection) 
UMMP University of Michigan, Museum of Paleontology, Ann Arbor, 

YMP Peabody Museum of Natural History, Yale University, New Haven, 


Cincinnaticrinacea and Homocrinacea range from Whiterockian 

to Niagaran strata from western North America (Utah and 
Wyoming) to eastern North America (New York and Quebec). 
Various members of the two superfamilies occur in the Kanosh 
Shale of Utah (Whiterockian); the Decorah Shale, St. Paul, Minne- 
sota (Kirkfieldian); the Hull beds, Kirkfield, Ontario (Kirkfield- 
ian); the Hull (Kirkfieldian?), Sherman Fall (Shermanian? ), and 
Coburg (Edenian?) beds of Ottawa and Montreal; the Whetstone 
Gulf Formation of northwestern New York (Edenian? ); the Shegui- 
andah Formation of the Manitoulin Island area of Canada (Eden- 
ian); the Edenian and Maysvillian (upper) portion of the Martins- 
burg Formation of Maryland and southern Pennsylvania; the 
Maquoketa Formation of Iowa (Richmondian?); and the Roches- 
ter Shale near Lockport, New York (Niagaran),— Text-figure 1 is 
a map that shows the location of cities and towns referred to in the 
text. No attempt, beyond Text-figure 2 and references under the 
respective occurrences of taxa, will be made to discuss these strata. 
However, seven of the thirteen cincinnaticrinacean ard homocrina- 
cean species recognized here occur in Cincinnatian strata in the 
southwestern Ohio-southeastern Indiana-northern Kentucky area, 
and Cincinnatian stratigraphy and stratigraphic nomenclature de- 
serves attention. 




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10 BULLETIN 296 

a 2 re and AREA NEW YORK and OTHERS 
2” no | | } | PENN. 
| } 
| | 
SSS a —————— 
= “al NT SSS 
8 Island 
ray | |S) Cayugon [Guelph Salina | 
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is 10) Crab | oS | CH Pr eS al pt) es ee 
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6 | @® | Cataract | Albion 
a z Medinan | Brasstield | 
= | | 
a aah TT fo, PSS ERE 
z | | Cs Guaeactan | Moquoketa 
= | = Richmondion | | Bull Fork _ Queenston 5 of 
| | x y, 
Ne 2 nee Meatord ] Sak. A a 2 ai 
; | =— — St eS == == aSSswese ee 
| = | | a 2 
| oa < at LOke _ Oundas Pulask 
Ia| o/z| cee a : == ween 
| | a} z Moaysvillian “Billings” | sWhetstone= Gulf | ———————_j 
| | | F — 
| =} =) | | airview 4 cm Utica 
la (See === ==5 a 
2 | Te eeu 
Oo | | | = | | | | Sheguiandoh 
6 | | | O| Edenion || Kope Coburg | Coburg ss of 
|— | | | } | 3 Manitoulin Island 
| — $reg —t—__— == 
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1] | ; 
<e | | = = — au lis a ! oo — 
o | 7 | | x | | Orando Decoreh 
| | | = Kirktieldian |}. 4 Hull | ii ai Minnesota & 
> | Tyrone | 3 Mercersburg Wisconsin 
| | | a oo = —— Baie ° ee See 
| | | \2} o = | 5 
| Cyt a | jes Oregon le || 
| | |—| Rocklandian | |\& ; | | 2} 
(Oi is ies | |z Ca p Nelson | Sacklond | Rockland | é | 
=—~-t| | wo] ems | | 
fo) | |} < ee — ui i = 1 Leo = 
= | silat | 
WwW - | }a | | 
(a) | oS Blackriveran | | | 
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= | Cd a +} : + = = a —————— 
= | | =x| } ] 
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(fee | | 
> | = +4 — — ~ —-— -— -_-— _— + 
ai | u | | Konosh 
= || | | whiterockian | of 
ay | | | | Utah 
_——_+—__1 __ 4 —— —_-—--+ — — . — 
ey | | | 
+ — | 3 | Canadian | 
T i | | 
[Seber | Bese Ut tt il 

Text-fig. 2. Correlation of Ordovician and Silurian time-stratigraphic 
standards of North America and Europe and pertinent rock units of geographic 
areas where crinoids studied herein occur. Areas with diagonal lines = strata 
representing that time missing, blank areas = strata unexposed or considered 
not pertinent by the authors. T = Tremadoc, and A = Arenig. Although all 
rock units are time-transgressive, only those that have been demonstrated to be 
so are so illustrated; others are bounded by straight lines. (From Twenhofel, 
et al., 1954, with modification from Weiss and Sweet, 1964; Peck, 1966; Sweet 
and Bergstrém, 1971.) 



In 1829, Vanuxem (p. 256) correlated Cincinnatian rocks of 
Ohio and Kentucky (and perhaps Champlainian strata of Ken- 
tucky) with strata at Trenton Falls, New York. Hall (1842, p. 61) 
proposed age equivalence of shales at Newport, Kentucky, (directly 
across the Ohio River from Cincinnati) with the New York Utica 
and the underlying limestone exposed in the Ohio River only at low- 
water with the Trenton of New York. In 1843, Hall referred strata 
at Cincinnati to the Hudson River Group. The term “Hudson River” 
was used by Mather, Emmons, Vanuxem, and other early New York 
geologists mainly for rocks of Late Ordovician age exposed in the 
Hudson River Valley, New York. Hall also correlated a body of 
underlying strata (containing Triarthrus eatoni — T. becki of older 
literature) with the New York Utica and the lowermost strata ex- 
posed at Cincinnati with the New York Trenton (with reservation). 
Thus, from 1843 to 1865 the name Hudson River Group was widely 
used for strata at Cincinnati. 

In 1859, Mather (p. 6) used the name “Cincinnati limestone” in 
passing for strata at Cincinnati. First usage of Cincinnati as a strati- 
graphic term, however, is usually attributed to Meek and Worthen 
(1865, p. 155, and in reports on the geology of [linois — Worthen, 
1866; Meek and Worthen, 1868), who suggested that the name 
Cincinnati Group be substituted for Hudson River Group, because 
the strata at Cincinnati and the New York Hudson River Group 
are of different age. Orton (1873, p. 369) proposed that it is “proba- 
ble that the lowermost beds of Cincinnati are the proper equivalent 
of the Utica Slate [of New York].” Orton (1873) divided the Cin- 
cinnati Group into five lithic units (in ascending order): Point 
Pleasant beds; River Quarry beds; Middle or Eden shales; Hill 
Quarry beds; and Lebanon beds. 

The River Quarry beds, Eden shales, and Hill Quarry beds, all 
named for strata exposed in the immediate vicinity of Cincinnati, 
were lumped together by Orton as the Cincinnati beds. The name 
Point Pleasant was used for strata exposed some distance upriver 
from Cincinnati (the town Point Pleasant is situated about 25 miles, 
about 40 km, upriver from downtown Cincinnati), while the name 
Lebanon was applied to strata outcropping on top of the Ohio River 
hills nowhere closer than 20 miles (about 32 km) from Cincinnati. 
Orton defined the units as follows (refer to Text-fig. 3): 

12 BuLLETIN 296 


predominatly limestones (shales: limestone 
somewhat higher than 1:1 in the lower portion 
and somewhat lower than 1:1 in the higher 
portion) lying between the highest stratum of 
the Cincinnati hills and the lowest Silurian 
(Brassfield) beds and outcropping no closer 
than 20 miles (32 km) from Cincinnati 

shale and limestone about equal (ratios of 
less than 5 or 6:1 and approaching 1:1); out- 
cropping just below the tops of the hills 

at Cincinnati; extensively quarried 

shales |(76m) 

predominatly shale (shale to limestone ratios 
of about 4:1 and up to 10:1); named for ex- 
posures in Eden Park in Cincinnati 

Cincinnati group 
Cincinnati beds 

4-8" (10-20 cm) thick limestones, commonly 
with rippled surfaces, made up of crinoid 
parts; sh:ls = 4:1; quarried in Cincinnati 


thick (16-18''--41-46 cm), barren limestones 
and shales outcropping in the north bank 
of the Ohio River at Point Pleasant, Ohio 

Text-fig. 3. Orton’s (1873) rock-stratigraphic classification of the Cincin- 
nati Group. All ratios are shale to limestone. 










Cincinnati Group — 750 to 800 feet (about 230 to 245 m) of 
alternating beds of blue “clay” (shale or mudstone) and blue- 
gray limestone outcropping in and around Cincinnati, Ohio, and 
including the Point Pleasant beds, Cincinnati beds, and Lebanon 

Point Pleasant beds — lowest 50 feet (about 15 m) of the Cin- 
cinnati Group with lighter-colored, essentially barren limestones 
and shales and thicker (16 to 18 inches — about 41 to 46 cm) 
limestones than overlying beds and outcropping in the north 
bank of the Ohio River about 25 miles (about 40 km) east of 

Cincinnati beds — 425 to 450 feet (about 130 to 137 m) of the 
Cincinnati Group beginning at low-water of the Ohio River in 
Cincinnati and extending to the tops of the hills, having a shale 
to limestone ratio of at least 5:3, and including the River 
Quarry beds, Eden shales, and Hill Quarry beds; 

River Quarry beds — 50 feet (about 15 m) of firm and compact 
limestones (commonly with rippled surfaces) of about 4 to 8 
inches (about 10 to 20 cm) thickness (but sometimes up to 2 
feet — about 60 cm), made up almost entirely of crinoid col- 
umns alternating with thicker shales, with a shale to limestone 
ratio of 4:1 and quarried in the Cincinnati area; 

Eden shales — 250 feet (about 76 m) of predominantly shale 
(with a shale to limestone ratio of at least 4:1 and as high as 
10:1) named for exposures in Eden Park; 

Hill Quarry beds — 125 to 150 feet (about 38 to 46 m) of more 
limy rock (with shale to limestone ratios of less than 5 or 6:1 
and approaching 1:1) outcropping just below the tops of the 
hills at Cincinnati and extensively quarried; 

Lebanon beds — about 300 feet (about 92 m) of predominantly 
limy rock (shale to limestone somewhat higher than 1:1 in the 
lower portion and somewhat lower than 1:1 in the higher por- 
tion) lying between the highest stratum of the Cincinnati hills 
and the lowermost Silurian beds and outcropping no closer than 
20 miles (about 32 km) from Cincinnati (with good exposures 
at Madison and Richmond, Indiana, and Oxford and Lebanon, 
Ohio. ) 

14 BULLETIN 296 

Orton (1873) represents the first good lithostratigraphic study of 
Cincinnatian strata at Cincinnati (for much of the classical period 
of American geology, lithologies at Cincinnati were overshadowed 
by the abundance of fossils in the strata). 

U. P. James (1879) reconsidered correlation of Cincinnati and 
New York strata. He reported that of 500 species in strata at Cin- 
cinnati only about 100 occur in the Trenton, Utica, and Hudson 
River of New York; of that 100, 65 are confined to the Trenton, 
18 to Utica and Hudson River, and 17 are shared by all three. James 
concluded that Trenton would be a better designation than pre- 
viously used Hudson River but opted for Cincinnati Group because 
of the obvious faunal dissimilarity of local strata to that of New 

In 1881, S. A. Miller (pp. 268-269; 283-287) presented a new 
correlation of Cincinnati and New York strata: the River Quarry 
beds with the upper part of the Trenton Group, the Eden shales 
with the Utica Group; and the Hill Quarry and Lebanon beds with 
the Hudson River Group. The names Trenton, Utica, and Hudson 
River unfortunately came to be used in place of Orton’s lithic names. 

In 1891, J. F. James recognized a problem that has only recently 
(Weiss et al., 1965, pp. 18-19) been resolved. James compared the 
beds exposed at Point Pleasant, Ohio (= Orton’s Point Pleasant 
beds), with those exposed during low-water in the Ohio River at 
Ludlow, Kentucky (== Orton’s River Quarry beds), and found no 
difference. This is the earliest implication that Orton (1873) had 
given different names to two bodies of rock (which Orton thought 
were distinct) that are now known to be portions of one unit, the 
Point Pleasant Formation. 

Winchell and Ulrich (1897, pp. ci-cv) used the term “Cincin- 
nati Period” for rocks occupying a position between Trenton (in- 
cluding Point Pleasant beds) and the Silurian Brassfield Formation 
and rejected associations of the Hill Quarry and Lebanon beds with 
the New York Hudson River Group. Rather, they correlated the 
Hill Quarry beds with the Lorraine Group of New York and Ontario. 
They then replaced Hudson River with Lorraine, and, because 
Lebanon was preoccupied (Safford, 1851, pp. 353-355, had used 
Lebanon for part of the Stones River Group in Tennessee), re- 
placed Lebanon with Richmond. Thus, the names Trenton, Utica, 


Lorraine, and Richmond came to be used for units at Cincinnati 
that were essentially equal to Orton’s Point Pleasant beds (and 
River Quarry beds), Eden shales, Hill Quarry beds, and Lebanon 
beds. Clarke and Schuchert (1899, pp. 876-877) dropped usage of 
Hudson River even for New York strata in favor of Cincinnatian, 
with the divisions Utica (= Orton’s Eden shales), Lorraine (= 
Orton’s Hill Quarry beds), and Richmond (= Orton’s Lebanon 
beds) for the North American Upper Ordovician, and the name 
Hudson River finally ceased to be applied to strata at Cincinnati. 

Nickles (1902, pp. 56-98) equated Orton’s Point Pleasant beds 
and River Quarry beds and subdivided the Utica, Lorraine, and 
Richmond at Cincinnati into a number of faunal zones (mainly on 
the basis of maximum abundance of various species of brachiopods 
and Bryozoa). Foerste (1905) discarded New York nomenclature 
altogether for use in the Cincinnati area and divided strata at Cin- 
cinnati into Point Pleasant beds (= Orton’s Point Pleasant and 
River Quarry beds), Eden (== Orton’s Eden shales), Maysville (a 
new name for Orton’s Hill Quarry beds and lowermost Lebanon 
beds), and Richmond (= the remainder of the Lebanon beds). 
Foerste described the Fulton beds as the lowermost 4 or 5 feet 
(about 1.2 or 1.5 m) of shales of the Eden containing the trilobite 
Triarthrus eatoni (Foerste called it T. beckt). Bassler (1906, pp. 8- 
10) moved the Maysville-Richmond boundary to equal that of 
Orton’s Hill Quarry-Lebanon boundary, correlated the Fulton beds 
with the New York Utica, and gave geographical names of local 
derivation to Nickles’ bryozoan zones, which he treated as members. 

Foerste (1914a, p. 251) concluded that beds of the “Lorraine of 
New York show much greater affinities with the .. . Lorraine. . . 
of Quebec than with any part of the Cincinnatian . . . of Ohio... .” 
Fenneman (1916), in anticipation of the Ulrich and Bassler USGS 
Cincinnati Folio, used Cynthiana in place of Point Pleasant, divided 
the Eden into Utica below and Latonia above, and used Nickles’ 
(1902) divisions (with Bassler’s 1906 names) of the Maysvillian 
and Richmond. The Ulrich and Bassler Cincinnati Folio, intended as 
the much needed standard for future work in the Cincinnati area, 
was unfortunately never published (the USGS refused to accept 
Ulrich and Bassler’s location of the Ordovician-Silurian boundary at 
the base of the Richmond, and Ulrich and Bassler were unrelenting in 

16 BULLETIN 296 

their position, K. E. Caster, personal communication, October 1973). 
In fact, the incomplete manuscript became lost for some time and 
was discovered among Bassler’s effects after his death (in 1961). 
The manuscript is available in the open file of the USGS library, 
Washington, D.C. 

In 1925, Wilmarth (p. 86) pointed out that the USGS was at 
that time employing the term Cincinnatian Series with the same 
limits as those given by Winchell and Ulrich (1897) and Clark and 
Schuchert (1899). Caster, Dalvé, and Pope (1955, text-fig. 3) re- 
stricted the name Eden to use as a stadial term (this had come to be 
its common usage) and replaced Eden with Latonia as the lithic 
name (Text-fig. 4). In 1959, Sweet, et al. (pp. 1030-1032) revived 
Eden as a formational name; but Weiss and Sweet (1964) objected 
to use of Eden as both a rock-stratigraphic unit and a time-strati- 
graphic unit and replaced Eden Formation with Kope Formation 
(they restricted the name Eden to use as a stadial division). 

Weiss, et al. (1965) discussed Orton’s (1873) Point Pleasant, 
River Quarry, and Eden beds. They concluded that Orton’s River 
Quarry beds are not a different unit from Orton’s Point Pleasant 
beds and that the entire mass of sub-Eden supra-Lexington lime- 
stones and shales in the Ohio River Valley should be called Point 
Pleasant (p. 19). Whether to use Cynthiana (with Point Pleasant 
as a member) or the older term Point Pleasant as the name of this 
formation was raised as a problem needing solution (p. 21). They, 
however, used Eden as a lithic name, rejected Fulton as a rock unit 
(they said that what earlier workers referred to as Fulton is really 
the Triarthrus eatom zone), and rejected the rock names Bassler 
(1906) had given to Nickles’ (1902) faunal zones for their biostrati- 
graphic rather than lithostratigraphic nature (pp. 25-28). 

Peck (1966) confronted with a Cincinnati stratigraphic nomen- 
clature rife with lithic names for faunal units, practically began 
anew in the Maysville, Kentucky, area. Peck, using Weiss and 
Sweet’s (1964) Kope Formation and accepting the Fairview Forma- 
tion as a valid lithic unit, defined two new units, the Grant Lake 
Limestone (overlying the Fairview) and the overlying Bull Fork 
Formation. In addition, at Maysville, Peck found the Preachers- 
ville Member of the Drakes Formation (described by Weir, et al., 
1965), which apparently does not occur in the immediate vicinity 
of Cincinnati or on the west side of the Cincinnati Arch. 


Anstey and Fowler (1969) opined that Eden should be retained 
as a rock-stratigraphic name and that Kope should be disregarded. 
Their reasoning was that Eden could no longer be used as a stadial 
name because of overlap with the New York Trentonian and thus 
was available for use as a rock name. Sweet and Bergstrém (1971), 
after illustrating this overlap (they showed that the upper part of 
the Trenton Group is the same age as Edenian and Maysvillian 
strata in the Cincinnati area), rejected Trentonian and Coburgian 
in favor of the older stadial names Edenian (Orton, 1873), Mays- 
villian (Foerste, 1905), and Richmondian (Winchell and Ulrich, 
1897). Because Eden is a valid stadial name, Sweet and Bergstrom 
reinstated Kope as a rock name to avoid confusion of dual usage 
of Eden (as both a stadial and formational name). 

The present state of stratigraphic nomenclature in the Cincin- 
nati, Ohio, area, as synthesized from the proceeding works, will be 
summarized in the following section. It is essentially the nomencla- 
ture used by the United States and Kentucky Geological Surveys 
jointly mapping Middle and Upper Ordovician strata in Kentucky 
and by the majority of Ohio and Kentucky students of Cincinnatian 


The name Cincinnati Group was first used by Meek and 
Worthen (1865, p. 155) for blue-gray and gray limestones and 
shales outcropping in and around Cincinnati, Ohio. Although the 
fossils of the Cincinnati area had been the subject of considerable 
study during the early and middle 1800's, the strata’s lithologies 
and relationships were without detailed description until Orton 
(1873). Orton divided the Cincinnati Group into five lithic units 
(in ascending order): Point Pleasant beds (exposed at Point 
Pleasant, Ohio), River Quarry beds (in and along the Ohio River 
at Cincinnati), Eden shales (outcropping in Eden Park, Cincin- 
nati), Hill Quarry beds (at the tops of the Cincinnati hills), and 
Lebanon beds (exposed at Lebanon, Ohio). The Point Pleasant 
beds and River Quarry beds have been shown (James, 1891; Nickles, 
1902, pp. 56-58; Foerste, 1905, p. 151; Weiss, et al., 1965, p. 19) to 
be parts of the same lithic unit, the Point Pleasant Formation. The 
lithic unit named Eden shales by Orton [replaced by Kope Forma- 

18 BULLETIN 296 

tion (Weiss and Sweet, 1964)]; Fairview Formation (Bassler, 1906) 
and Grant Lake Limestone (Peck, 1966) have essentially been sub- 
stituted for Orton’s Hill Quarry beds; and most of Orton’s Lebanon 
beds are now called the Bull Fork Formation (Peck, 1966). Beds 
comprising the Point Pleasant Formation were removed from the 
Cincinnati Group by Hall (1842, p. 61), Miller, et al. (1879, pp. 
193-194), and Orton (1888, p. 5). Thus, the Cincinnati Group 
presently contains the Kope Formation, Fairview Formation, Grant 
Lake Limestone, and Bull Fork Formation. Stratigraphers tend not 
to use the name Cincinnati as a rock-stratigraphic unit. Rather, 
they reserve the name Cincinnati for time-stratigraphic nomencla- 
ture and avoid dual usage. 

The Point Pleasant Formation, named for strata at Point 
Pleasant, Ohio, by Orton (1873), is the lowest unit exposed in the 
Cincinnati region. According to Weiss, et al. (1965), it consists of 
thin and medium-bedded, light to dark gray, fossiliferous, biogenic 
limestones parted by gray shales and mudstones. Limestone and 
shale each make up about 50% of the unit; the mean clastic ratio 
(limestone: shale and mudstone) calculated for successive 0.9 m 
units is 1.0. Thickness ranges from a few feet (about a meter) to 
nearly 70 feet (about 21 m). The unit is believed to be Shermanian 
(and partly Edenian upriver from Cincinnati) in the Ohio River 

The Kope Formation, named for exposures in Kope Hollow near 
Levanna, Ohio, by Weiss and Sweet (1964), conformably overlies 
the Point Pleasant Formation and consists of lenses and discon- 
tinuous thin-bedded, gray and bluish gray, highly fossiliferous, bio- 
genic limestones (up to about a foot thick — about 30 cm thick) 
and thicker sequences of gray, bluish gray, and greenish gray, less 
fossiliferous shales and mudstones. The Kope is made up of 75% (or 
more) shale and mudstone and 25% (or less) limestone; the mean 
clastic ratio for 0.9 m units is 3.25. Thickness ranges from 150 to 
270 feet (about 46 to 82 m). The Kope is Edenian in the immediate 
area of Cincinnati, but the upper part becomes Maysvillian to the 
east and southwest away from Cincinnati. The Point Pleasant-Kope 
boundary is gradational and can be observed with certainty only 
where a number of feet (a few meters) of strata on either side of 
the boundary are exposed. The contact is placed at the base of the 


lowest series (at least 15 feet — about 5.0 m thick) of Kope 
mudrocks that lie on the uppermost limestone of the Point Pleasant 

The Fairview Formation, named for exposures in and around 
Fairview Park, Cincinnati, by Bassler (1906), conformably overlies 
the Kope and, as described by Peck (1966), consists of alternating 
sequences of thin to medium-bedded, gray, biogenic limestones and 
partings and thin beds of gray mudstones and shales. The Fairview 
is composed of 50 to 60% limestone and 40 to 50% mudstone and 
shale; the mean clastic ratio calculated for 0.9 m intervals is 0.5. 
Thickness ranges from about 80 to 115 feet (about 24 to 35 m). 
The Fairview is essentially Maysvillian, but in some areas the lower- 
most part is Edenian. The Kope-Fairview contact is somewhat 
tenuous except in a few outcrops; it is marked at the base of the 
first thick (over 8 inches or about 20 cm) limestone that is suc- 
ceeded by limestone in significantly more abundance than mudrock 
and that overlies the highest series (at least 1.5 feet, about 0.5 m) 
of Kope mudrock. In some areas the Fairview becomes more limy 
near the top, so that a fairly thick sequence must be observed to pick 
the contact with certainty. 

The Grant Lake Limestone, first described by Peck (1966) from 
exposures along Kentucky Route 1449 northeast of Grant Lake near 
Maysville, Kentucky, conformably overlies the Fairview and con- 
sists of irregularly thin-bedded, rubbly, fossiliferous, gray lime- 
stones alternating with irregular partings and thin beds of fossili- 
ferous, gray shales and mudstones. The Grant Lake is made up of 
70 to 90% limestone and has a thickness of 100 to 120 feet (about 
30 to 37 m). The age of the Grant Lake in and around its type area 
is Maysvillian but has not been established elsewhere with cer- 
tainty. The Fairview-Grant Lake contact is placed at the base of 
the lowest sequence of irregularly bedded argillaceous Grant Lake 
Limestones; the boundary is often transitional, but even when not 
transitional, it is inconspicuous. 

The Bull Fork Formation, named by Peck (1966) for Bull Fork 
Creek near Plumville (which is near Maysville), Kentucky, and 
described from exposures along Kentucky Route 1443 near Spring- 
dale (also near Maysville), Kentucky, conformably overlies the 
Grant Lake Limestone. It is composed of alternating thin to medium- 

20 BULLETIN 296 

bedded, gray, bluish gray, and greenish gray, fossiliferous, sometimes 
argillaceous limestones and gray and greenish gray, fossiliferous 
shales and mudstones. Clastic ratios (shale and mudstone: lime- 
stone) increase from about 1:4 near the base to 4:1 near the top. 
The Richmondian Bull Fork is about 200 feet (about 61 m) thick in 
its type area and thins southward. The Grant Lake-Bull Fork con- 
tact is usually transitional and is placed at the base of the lowest 
sequence of rubbly, argillaceous Grant Lake Limestones. 

The Preachersville Member of the Drakes Formation was named 
by Weir, et al. (1965) for outcrops along Kentucky Route 39 about 
2 miles (about 3.3 km) southeast of Preachersville, Kentucky. In the 
Ohio Valley the Preachersville occurs only along the east side of 
the Cincinnati Arch (actually the Preachersville occurs around the 
east side of the Arch from near Dayton, Ohio, in the north to south 
of Lexington, Kentucky,) where it conformably overlies the Bull 
Fork and consists of green and reddish purple, calcareous to dolo- 
mitic, essentially barren mudstones and thin, gray to brown, essen- 
tially barren, dolomitic limestones and dolomites. Mudstone com- 
prises about 90% of the unit. Thickness in the Maysville area 
ranges from 25 to 30 feet (about 8 to 9 m) and increases southward. 
In the Ohio Valley, the Preachersville is apparently Richmondian. 
The Preachersville and Bull Fork lithologies are transitional and the 
Bull Fork-Preachersville contact is placed at the top of the highest 
fossiliferous Bull Fork Limestone. The boundary between the 
Preachersville and the overlying Silurian Brassfield Formation may 
be conformable and transitional locally. It is placed at the base of 
the lowest sequence of thicker bedded, brown Brassfield dolomites 
and dolomitic limestones. In most areas, however, the Brassfield rests 
unconformably on the Preachersville, the Whitewater (as used by 

Gray, 1972), or the Bull Fork. 


Since Winchell and Ulrich (1897) and Clarke and Schuchert 
(1899), the Cincinnatian Series has been used as the North Ameri- 
can Late Ordovician time-stratigraphic unit; and, since Foerste 
(1905) and Cumings (1908), the names Edenian, Maysvillian, and 
Richmondian have been used as Cincinnatian stadial divisions. Al- 
though two Cincinnatian stages have names derived from localities 


outside Ohio (Maysvillian was named for Maysville, Kentucky, 
while Richmondian was named for Richmond, Indiana), according 
to Sweet and Bergstrom (1971, pp. 614-616) all have their reference 
sections in southwestern Ohio as established in Orton’s (1873) re- 
port. The Edenian reference section is without doubt in southwestern 
Ohio. Orton’s unit Eden shales (Edenian Stage) was named for 
exposures in Eden Park, Cincinnati, Ohio. However, location of 
Maysvillian and Richmondian reference sections in southwestern 
Ohio is less demonstrable. 

When Foerste (1905, p. 150) used the name Maysville, he did 
so for strata at Cincinnati; but Foerste’s Maysville section may 
have been at Maysville, Kentucky: “. . . the name Maysville is here 
suggested for the strata at Cincinnati hitherto identified as Lorraine. 
Along the railroad south of Maysville, Kentucky, from the first cut 
a little over a mile from town to the overhead bridge a mile north 
of Summit a magnificent series of exposures gives a complete sec- 
tion of all the subdivisions of the Maysville division. . . .” The Rich- 
mond reference section is a similar case. Winchell and Ulrich (1897, 
p. cil) first used the name: “Resting on the Lorraine [around Cin- 
cinnati, Ohio] there is a series of alternating thin bedded shales 
and limestones and in some localities finally a sandstone, in all quite 
350 feet thick in southwestern Ohio and southeastern Indiana. Al- 
most the entire series is excellently exposed at Richmond, Indiana, 
so that the name Richmond group which we propose to apply to the 
series 1s eminently appropriate.* [with the following footnote from 
the bottom of page ciii] Prof. Orton’s [1873] name “Lebanon” 
would have been adopted had his name not been used before for a 
division of the Trenton by Prof. Safford [1851]. The Richmond ex- 
posures besides are larger and more characteristic of the group than 
those near Lebanon, Ohio. As well, although Winchell and Ulrich’s 
Richmond group is nearly equivalent to Orton’s Lebanon beds, 
Foerste’s Maysville is markedly different from Orton’s Hill Quarry 
beds. The difference, simplified, is that Orton included strata that 
was later called Arnheim (a name used by Foerste, 1905, in place of 
Nickles’ preoccupied Warren, Text-fig. 4) in the Richmond, while 
Foerste agreed with Nickles in including the Arnheim in the Mays- 
ville. Whatever the valid reference sections for the Maysvillian and 
Richmondian Stages, reference sections have come to be exposures 

22 BuLLETIN 296 


after Peck (1966) and |after Gray 
Weiss & Sweet (i964) (1972) 

after Caster, Dalve’ & Pope (1955) 



Se | 













=—_e j=] 


os Td 
=== = 

Text-fig. 4. Cincinnatian stratigraphy of the Cincinnati area (from a Uni- 
versity of Cincinnati Geology Museum display). 

after Peck (1966) 







if 8 



(=Atyphocrinus ) 







Ohiocrinus He He 


fe[ =e] 
pe} 2 ]ek 
H =o a 


oO oO 
o) oO oO 

















pee : 
fe) fo) 


Table 1. Historical summary of the classification of members of the Cin- 
cinnaticrinacea and Homocrinacea. Column headings are: 1) Wachsmuth and 
Springer (1886), 2) Bather (1900), 3) Springer (1913), +) Jaekel (1918), 
5) Ulrich (1925), 6) Bassler (1938), 7) Moore and Laudon (1943), 8) Moore 
(1962), 9) Moore, Lane and Strimple in Moore and Strimple, 1973 and 10) 
herein. Abbreviations for families are: He—Heterocrinidae, Ho—Homocrinidae, 
Cy—Cyathocrinidae, De—Dendrocrinidae, and Ci—Cincinnaticrinidae. 


|e lees 
Pfeteleie fale el 
fo) be pe 


in southwestern Ohio, the bluffs along Clifton Avenue and in Belle- 
vue and Fairview Parks, Cincinnati (in the case of Maysvillian), 
and exposures in railroad and highway cuts around and some dis- 
tance south of Lebanon, Ohio, (in the case of Richmondian). 

The Cincinnatian stadial reference sections need study. Ranges 
of species should be firmly established in the reference sections with 
extrapolation away from Cincinnati; thus far, only conodonts have 
received adequate modern biostratigraphic attention. The following 
organisms have been used as indices for Cincinnatian stages. Al- 
though the authors have chosen organisms that are considered most 
trustworthy by modern workers, the list is at best a poor one 
(perhaps except for conodonts). 



According to Kohut and Sweet (1968, p. 1460), an association 
typical of Edenian and older strata is Cyrtontodus flexuosus (Bran- 
son and Mehl), Drepanodus suberectus (Branson and Mehl), Ozar- 
kodina tenuis (Branson and Mehl), Phragmodus undatus (Branson 
and Mehl), and Plectodina furcata furcata (Hinde). The combina- 
tion of Ambalodus, Keislognathus, Sagittodontus, probably Priomo- 
dus, and Scolopodus, and perhaps Eoligonodina (genera more char- 
acteristic of the Anglo-Scandinavian-Appalachian province) marks 
early Edenian time; the combination of Phragmodus undatus, 
Dichognathus, and Belodina is late Edenian and early Maysvillian, 
while that combination without Belodina is late Maysvillian or early 
Richmondian (Sweet, et al., 1959, p. 1038). This significance of 
Belodina was affirmed by Pulse and Sweet (1960, p. 245), who re- 
ported that all strata with Belodina are Maysvillian or older. In 
addition, Pulse and Sweet (1960, pp. 243-246) submitted that 
Trichonodella angulata Sweet, Turco, Warner and Wilkie and T. 
subundulata Sweet, Turco, Warner and Wilkie are not known from 
rocks older than Edenian and that Prioniodina delecta (Stauffer) 
and 7. tenuis (Branson and Mehl) are Edenian and Maysvillian. 
According to Branson, et al. (1951, p. 4), Zygognathus, Rhipidog- 
nathus, and abundance and variety of Paltodus species marks Rich- 

Graptolites fall short of the abundance and variety of most 

24 BULLETIN 296 

other groups in strata around Cincinnati. Climacograptus typicalis 
Hall, long thought to be a good Edenian indicator, is now known 
from both younger and older strata (Pulse and Sweet, 1960, p. 239; 
Berry, 1960), although Orthograptus truncatus richmondensis 
Ruedemann is apparently limited to Richmondian rock (Berry, 

No corals are known from Edenian or Maysvillian strata around 
Cincinnati but a few corals have been found in the Kope Formation 
at Newport, Kentucky, and are presently under study (Richard S. 
Laub, personal communication, October 1973). Corals are abundant 
in Richmondian strata; Browne (1964; 1965) reported that Favtstel- 
la alveolata Goldfuss, Foerstephyllum vacuum (Foerste), Tetradium 
approximatum Ulrich, Calapoecia huronensis Billings, Avwlacera, 
Grewingkia rustica (Billings), G. divaricans (Nicholson), and Saf- 
fordophyllum flower Browne are common in Richmondian strata. 
In addition, Paleofavosites is Richmondian and younger. 


Resserella emacerata (Hall) (? = Onniella) was reported (Cas- 
ter, Dalvé, and Pope, 1955, text-fig. 3) to be Edenian; Platystro- 
phia hopensis is Maysvillian (Weiss, et al., 1965, pp. 36-37); Rhyn- 
chotrema dentatum (Hall), Leptaena richmondensis Foerste (? = 
Kiaeromena), Resserella meeki (Miller) (? = Onniella), Stropho- 
mena planumbona (Hall) (? = S. rugosa), and Lepidocyclus capax 
(Conrad) are apparently Richmondian (Caster, Dalvé, and Pope, 
1955, text-fig. 3). 


Constellaria florida Ulrich and Escharopora falciformis (Nichol- 
son) are reported to be Maysvillian (Caster, Dalvé, and Pope, 1955, 
text-fig. 3; Weiss, et al., 1965, pp. 36-37). 


Cryptolithus tesselatus Green appears to be early Maysvillian or 
older (Sweet, et al., 1959; Pulse and Sweet, 1960), while Triarthrus 
eatont (Hall) has been used as an index of earliest Edenian as well 
as the nominate species of the faunal zone named Fulton by Foerste 
(1905, p. 150; Weiss, et al., 1965, pp. 26-28), although Caster, Dalvé, 
and Pope (1955, text-fig. 3; pl. 2, fig. 17) reported that T. eatoni 

also occurs at a higher (younger) horizon. 



The common occurrence of crinoids in pockets makes them only 
occasionally useful in correlation. However, the abundance of pockets 
in strata around Cincinnati increases their value in local correlation, 
where Ectenocrinus geniculatus (Ulrich) is earliest Edenian, Cin- 
cinnaticrinus varibrachialus, n.sp. is Edenian and Maysvillian, Ohto- 
crinus (although rare) is known only from Maysvillian strata, and 
C. pentgonus (Ulrich) is Maysvillian and Richmondian. On a broad- 
er scale, Cincinnaticrinus is relatively widespread (southwestern 
Ohio, northern Kentucky, southeastern Indiana, northwestern New 
York, southern Pennsylvania, and Maryland) and limited to Cin- 
cinnatian strata, while Jsotomocrinus and Daedalocrinus, although 
less widespread (Ontario, Quebec, New York, Illinois, Minnesota, 
and possibly Tennessee for the former and Ontario for the latter), 
are confined to late Champlainian strata (Kuirkfieldian to Sher- 

Class CRINOIDEA Miller, 1821 
Subclass INADUNATA Wachsmuth and Springer, 1885 

Diagnosis. — Crinoids with plates of the dorsal cup joined firm- 
ly together by close suture, with a subtegminal mouth, and with arms 
free above the radials (hereafter abbreviated RR) or, in some mem- 
bers, above the first primibrachials (IBrr,) or second primi- 
brachials (IBrre). 

Discussion. — The documented range of the Inadunata is from 
the Ordovician to the Triassic although Sprinkle (1973, pp. 177-183, 
pls. 42-43) described an apparent crinoid (Echmatocrinus; subclass 
and order undetermined) from the Burgess Shale (Middle Cam- 
brian) of British Columbia which may well be an inadunate. They 
are abundant in Paleozoic strata, but only one family (Erisocrinidae) 
occurs in strata later than Permian. Moore and Laudon (1943) 
divided inadunates into two orders, the monocyclic Disparata 
[equivalent to Bather’s (1899a) Monocyclica Inadunata] with 14 
families, and the dicyclic Cladoidea [equivalent to Bather’s (18992) 
Dicyclica Inadunata| with 39 families. Moore (1952) changed the 
ordinal names Disparata and Cladoidea to Disparida and Cladida 

26 BULLETIN 296 

and elevated part of the Disparida, the Hybocrinidae, to ordinal 
level. Knapp (1969) segregated cladids with downflaring IBB (infra- 
basals )into his new inadunate order, Declinida; however, the order 
has not been accepted by subsequent authors. Comprehensive and 
relatively contemporary discussions of inadunates appear in Moore 

and Laudon (1943, pp. 21-64) and Moore (1962). 
Order DISPARIDA Moore and Laudon, 1943 
(nom. correg. Moore, 1952, p. 613 
ex Disparata Moore & Laudon, 1943, p. 24) 

Diagnosis. —Monocyclic inadunates with conical cup and an 
armlike anal series on or branching off the C ray. 

Discussion. — Disparids are characterized by structural dis- 
similarity among the five rays of individuals and among correspond- 
ing rays of different families. Moore and Laudon (1943, pp. 24-29) 
envisioned two general groupings: a homosynbathocrinid stock and 
a hybocrinid stock. The hybocrinid stock, consisting of one family, 
the Hybocrinidae, with a “bowl-shaped” (krateriform, 1.¢., shaped 
like a Greek krater, Text-fig 5) dorsal cup with unbranched arms 
distinctly narrower than the underlying RR, was made by Moore 
(1952) into the new order Hybocrinida. The homo-synbathocrinid 
stock, or Disparida as Moore (1952) viewed it, included the remain- 
ing 13 monocyclic families and was characterized by a steeply coni- 
cal lekythosiform to skyphosiform (Text-fig. 5) dorsal cup, an arm- 
like anal sac on or branching off the C ray, and wide branched arms 
that articulate along the entire distal edge of the RR. Disparids 
range from Ordovician to Permian. 

Members of four disparid families (the Cincinnaticrinidae, 
Homocrinidae, Anomalocrinidae, and Jocrinidae) occur in Cincin- 
natian strata in the Cincinnati, Ohio, area; but only the closely re- 
lated Cincinnaticrinidae and Homocrinidae are discussed here. The 
Iocrinidae, while in need of modern treatment, are only distantly re- 
lated to other Cincinnatian disparid families. Nothing new can be 
added to knowledge of the Anomalocrinidae at this time, and ano- 
malocrinids are discussed only in passing. The Homocrinidae and 
Anomalocrinidae do not closely resemble one another but the 
Cincinnaticrinidae show similarities to both the Homocrinidae and 




"(ZZ61) Sayseg 
WoIy aie Sadeys aseA ‘“WIO}IXITAY Y IO B 9¥I] TO “urostsoydAys ¥ Jo a ayy 
‘WIOFISOYIAYI| P JO 9 ayT] ‘WIOFIIA}eIy St q Jo & axl] padeys dno [esiop y ‘sprouts 
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—p-9 ‘1a}eIy XATEY-q ‘1aye1y [Jaq-\y ‘sosea Y29IDHH Jo adeys ‘¢ ‘B1y-3xa 7 

oan Gn 2 

28 BULLETIN 296 

the Anomalocrinidae in addition to the ordinal characters. Table 1 
is a historical summary of classification of these crinoids. 

Superfamily CINCINNATICRINACEA, new superfamily 

Diagnosis. — Disparid inadunate crinoids with a conical dorsal 
cup having undivided RR in three rays (A, B, and D rays) and 
compound RR in two rays (C and E rays). 

Description. — The cincinnaticrinacean dorsal cup has five sym- 
metrically pentagonal, sub-hexagonal, or hexagonal BB (basals) of 
nearly equal size and shape. Both the compound and the fused RR 
are inverted pentagons (with slight modification in the C and D 
rays of members of the Cincinnaticrininae); compound RR are 
typically divided about equally into a pentagonal iR below and a 
quadrilateral sR above. The five rays bifurcate isotomously to form 
ten arms, after which branching is isotomous or alternately heteroto- 
mous. No arm cover plates are known, and they may have been ab- 
sent. The arms are commonly folded tightly together making ob- 
servation of the food grooves difficult except in fortuitously broken 
or disarticulated specimens, but scrutiny of exposed food grooves and 
end-on examination of broken arms in numerous specimens has not 
disclosed the existence of cover plates. In adults, at least, the column 
is quinquepartite, with each columnal composed of five radially dis- 
posed fused plates or pentameres. 

Discussion.— The superfamily Cincinnaticrinacea is erected 
essentially to replace Heterocrinacea [Zittel’s (1879) family elevated 
to superfamilial status by Ubaghs, 1953], because the type genus of 
the latter (Heterocrinus) is unrecognizable. Four previously 
described genera, Dystactocrinus, Isotomocrinus, Ohiocrinus, and 
Atopocrinus, are available for selection as type genus. Dystactocrinus 
and Ohiocrinus are rejected because they are rare and their mor- 
phology is not well known. Atopocrinus and Isotomocrinus are less 
typical of the superfamily than Cincinnaticrinus (Atopocrinus has 
a brachianal and multipinnulate Brr, while Zsotomocrinus is the 
only completely isotomously branching member of a dominantly 
heterotomously branching group). Colwmbicrinus is not adequately 
preserved for consideration or identification in our judgement. Cin- 
cinnaticrinus is selected because it is most typical of the superfamily 
and most common and widespread of the five included genera. 



Text-fig. 6. Types of arm branching. Each drawing (all stylized) repre- 

sents one ray with an isotomous branch to form two arms, only one of which 
is fully illustrated. a-isotomous, b-alternating heterotomous, c-exotomous; b and 

c are forms of heterotomous arm branching. 

30 BULLETIN 296 

Zittel (1879, pp. 343, 358-359) included in his family Hetero- 
crinidae Heterocrinus Hall, Graphiocrinus de Koninck, Erisocrinus 
Meek and Worthen, Philocrinus de Koéninck, and Stemmatocrinus 
Trautschold. These are forms with fairly simple, monocyclic or 
dicyclic, dorsal cups with five BB (or five BB and five IBB) and 
five RR supporting long, branched or simple, arms. Wachsmuth and 
Springer (1886, pp. 127-128) removed dicyclic forms, leaving only 
Heterocrinus, which they split into Stenocrinus Wachsmuth and 
Springer (= Heterocrinus Hall), and Heterocrinus Hall, Wachsmuth 
and Springer. They also placed Jocrinus Hall in the family. Bather 
(1893, p. 35) added Anomalocrinus Meek and Worthen (Wachs- 
muth and Springer, 1886, p. 135 had used Anomalocrinus as nomi- 
nate genus of their new family Anomalocrinidae) and Herptocrinus 
Salter (= Myelodactylus Hall). 

Ulrich (1925) established the modern concept of the Hetero- 
crinidae as monocyclic inadunates, generally with conical cup, having 
two compound and three fused RR. He transferred Ectenocrinus to 
the Homocrinidae (to which he added his new genera Daedalocrinus, 
Drymocrinus, and Sygcaulocrinus), reinstated the Anomalocrinidae 
with Anomalocrinus and his new genus Geraocrinus (the latter was 
included with reservation), and removed Jocrinus. To the previously 
established heterocrinid genera, Heterocrinus and Oliocrinus, Ulrich 
added his new genera Atyphocrinus, Columbicrinus, Dystactocrinus, 
and Isotomocrinus. 

Bassler (1938, pp. 16-17) placed a number of other genera in 
the family, but of these additions only the European genera Caleido- 
crinus Waagen and Jahn and Ristnacrinus Opik were accepted as 
heterocrinids by Moore and Laudon (1943, p. 31). Moore and Laudon 
(1944, p. 149) included Lichenocrinus, an omnium gatherum for 
multi-plated discoidal Ordovician crinoid bases containing, among 
other things, the juvenile holdfast of Heterocrinus. Ramsbottom 
(1961, p. 39) removed Caleidocrinus to the Iocrinidae, a move with 
which Moore (1962, p. 39) agreed. Moore (1962, p. 35) transferred 
Ristnacrinus to the Eustenocrinidae. Lane (1970, p. 14) expanded 
the concept of the family somewhat with addition of his new genus 
Atopocrinus: Atopocrinus became the only member of the Hetero- 
crinidae with the anal series branching off the C ray IBr,, termed 

brachianal by Moore, 1962. 


Although Ulrich’s (1925) concept of the Heterocrinidae is ac- 
cepted by us, nomenclatural and taxonomic changes are needed. 
This is evident from comments of other authors: Ramsbottom 
(1961), for example, was unable to assign some supposed British 
heterocrinids to a definite genus: “Following the brief revision of the 
Ordovician Heterocrinidae given by Ulrich (1925) it is now diffi- 
cult to determine generically many species which would formerly 
have been assigned to Heterocrinus....” (op. cit., p. 10). It is evi- 
dent that many cincinnaticrinacean genera and species need clearer 
delineation. In this paper Heterocrinus is shown to be unrecogniza- 
ble, and a new genus, Cincinnaticrinus, is erected to include the Cin- 
cinnati area species formerly referred to Heterocrinus. Atyphocrinus 
is considered a junior synonym of Dystactocrinus. Columbicrinus, 
while exhibiting cincinnaticrinacean cup features, is unrecognizable 
because the holotype of the type species, C. crassus, is an incomplete 
specimen lacking most of the arms and all of the stem (PI. 2, figs. 
6-7). The only known specimen is from the Lebanon Limestone of 
central Tennessee. Thus, the new superfamily Cincinnaticrinacea 
contains Cincinnaticrinus, n. gen., Atopocrinus Lane, 1970; Dystacto- 
crinus Ulrich, 1925; Isotomocrinus Ulrich, 1925; and Ohtocrinus 
Wachsmuth and Springer, 1886. 

The Cincinnaticrinacea show some similarities to the Homo- 
crinacea and Anomalocrinacea. Cincinnaticrinacea and Anomalo- 
crinacea both have two compound RR (in the C and E rays) and 
three fused RR (in the A, B, and D rays) and, except for Atopo- 
crinus, similar placement of anal X. However, they have divergent 
cup shapes (Cincinnaticrinacea have conical cups, while Anomalo- 
crinacea have krateriform cups), dissimilar arms (Cincinnaticrinacea 
have subcircular arms as wide as the underlying RR, while Anomalo- 
crinids have nearly round arms significantly narrower than the un- 
derlying RR), and different modes of arm branching. Cincinnati- 
crinacea have isotomous and alternating heterotomous arms, while 
Anomalocrinacea have endotomous and alternating endotomous- 
exotomous arms (Text-fig. 5). 

The arms of cincinnaticrinaceans are usually found folded tight- 
ly together. This may have been due to a detrimental influx of sedi- 
ment and consequent contraction of muscles during catastrophic 
death or to relaxation of muscles with ligamental folding of the arms 

42 BuLLETIN 296 

after death. The former alternative is most probable: existing crin- 
oids have muscles to close the arms and ligaments to open them 
(Hyman, 1955, p. 60). Lane and Macurda (1975) confirmed the 
existence of muscular articulations in one upper Paleozoic inadunate 
(Aesiocrinus). However, some Paleozoic crinoids may have had 
only ligaments in the arms (Van Sant, 1964, p. 40), probably for 
closing them. Extension was initiated by the water-vascular system. 

Cincinnaticrinacea and Homocrinacea are similar in cup shape, 
arm size and shape, and placement of anal X (except for Atopo- 
crinus), but Homocrinacea have three compound RR (in the B, C, 
and E rays) and only two fused RR (in the A and D rays). The 
homocrinids Ectenocrinus and Sygcaulocrinus have similar branching 
(alternating heterotomous), but Ectenocrinus has a tripartite rather 
than quinquepartite column. Daedalocrinus has a similar column but 
dissimilar branching (endotomous as opposed to isotomous and al- 
ternating heterotomous). Moore and Laudon (1943, p. 25) en- 
visioned a closer affinity for heterocrinids (Cincinnaticrinacea) and 
homocrinids (Homocrinacea) than for heterocrinids and anomalo- 
crinids (Anomalocrinacea) and suggested that the Heterocrinidae 
developed from the Homocrinidae or their immediate forerunners. 
Whether one judges the cincinnaticrinacean-anomalocrinacean or 
cincinnaticrinacean-homocrinacean relationship to be closer depends 
largely on which characters (¢.g. cup and arm shape, branching, 
number of fused versus compound RR, or column features) are as- 
sumed to be of greatest evolutionary significance. The cladid Ot- 
tawacrinacea are also similar to the Cincinnaticrinacea, but because 
ottawacrinaceans are dicyclic, the two superfamilies are best regarded 
as homeomorphs. 

Cincinnaticrinaceans occur in Whiterockian to Richmondian 
rocks of western, mideastern, and eastern North America. They have 
been found throughout Cincinnatian strata in the tristate Ohio- 
Kentucky-Indiana area (around Cincinnati); in Edenian rocks of 
northwestern New York, southern Pennsylvania, and Maryland; in 
Kirkfieldian rocks of Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Illinois; in Kirk- 
fieldian to Shermanian strata of mideastern Canada; and in White- 
rockian strata of Utah. Kolata (1975, 1976) reported cincinnati- 
crinaceans in middle Upper Ordovician strata (? Maysvillian) of 

Illinois and Wyoming. In addition, Ulrich (1925) reported hetero- 


crinids (cincinnaticrinaceans) from Black Riverian rocks of Ten- 
nessee (Lebanon Limestone), Wisconsin (probably from the 
Decorah Shale, apparently Kirkfieldian in large part), and Pennsyl- 
vania (Text-fig. 1). 

Ramsbottom (1961, p. 10, pl. 3, fig. 8; pl. 6, fig. 5) reported 
heterocrinids from Ashgillian strata of Scotland and Ireland; how- 
ever, the crinoids do not appear to us to be cincinnaticrinaceans, 
and are not considered herein. 

Family CINCINNATICRINIDAE, new family 

Because this is the only family of the Cincinnaticrinacea, familial 
characters are the same as for the superfamily. Two new subfamilies 
are erected herein. The subfamily Cincinnaticrininae comprises those 
forms which Ulrich (1925) included in his family Heterocrinidae: 
the Cincinnati forms of Heterocrinus (1.e., Cincinnaticrinus), Dystac- 
tocrinus, Isotomocrinus, and Olhiocrinus. The subfamily Atopo- 
crininae is erected to accommodate Atopocrinus, which is morpho- 
logically, and presumably phylogenetically, distinct from other 

Subfamily CINCINNATICRININAE, new subfamily 

Diagnosis. — Cincinnaticrinidae with a lekythosiform (steeply 
conical) dorsal cup; equal-sized compound RR (in the C and E 
rays) somewhat taller than the equal-sized fused RR (in the A, B, 
and D rays); and an armlike anal series resting on the truncated 
left corner of the C ray sR. 

Description. — Cincinnaticrininae with RR, both fused and 
compound, that are taller than broad. The distal left corner of the 
C ray sR and the distal right corner of the D ray R are truncated 
to accommodate anal X (the first anal plate), which is an inverted 
pentagon equal in size to or larger than adjacent Brr. In some species 
anal X enters more deeply into the cup; the proximal point of the 
pentagon reaches the line of junction of the sR and iR of the C ray. 
The two or three (minimally) successive anal tube plates are quad- 
rilateral and appear armlike. Thecal plates as preserved are usually 
smooth, but different areas in various specimens are finely nodose, 
so that all ossicles may have had nodose surfaces. 

34 BULLETIN 296 

Each of the five RR supports a series of quadrilateral [Brr. 
IBr, is the largest; it articulates with the underlying R along its 
entire proximal surface. The [Brr; are fixed, 1.e., united with the 
RR by immobile (synarthal? ) suture, and functioned as part of the 
calyx. The uppermost IBr in each ray is a pentagonal axillary, 
bearing upon its upper sloping sides two equal-sized arms (to form 
a total of ten arms) made up of IIBrr, all but the last quadrilateral. 
The last is a pentagonal axillary. The number of Brr in each arm 
division is variable in members of the Cincinnaticrininae, both 
among different rays in single individuals and among the equiva- 
lent rays in different individuals. Branching on and beyond the IIBr 
axillaries varies among the genera of the Cincinnaticrininae but can 
be a useful taxonomic discriminant. 

The column is long (probably up to about a meter), but no 
complete specimens have been found. Therefore, column length, 
nature of the column away from the calyx, and nature of attach- 
ment (if any in adults) are matters for conjecture. However, rela- 
tively good evidence exists for the column and its ontogeny for 
Cincinnaticrinus varibrachialus (new herein), and the column fea- 
tures of other heterocrinids are probably similar. The column is 
pentapartite and pentagonal, with the points of the pentagon dis- 
posed radially, although pentagonality can be shrouded by secon- 
dary overgrowth to produce a round appearance. The articular 
surfaces of each columnal are petaloid, with five petal-shaped arti- 
cular facets, one facet per pentamere. The axial canal is small but 
conspicuous, star-shaped or pentagonal, with interradial points or 

Discussion. — Distribution of the subfamily Cincinnaticrininae 
is the same as for the superfamily Cincinnaticrinacea except for 
deletion of Whiterockian strata in Utah. 

In the following generic and specific synonymies, references 
that duplicate earlier illustrations or descriptions are listed with the 
earlier work from which the information was borrowed. For example, 
Cumings (1908) and Bassler (1919) borrowed Meek’s (1873) 
illustrations of Heterocrinus heterodactylus Hall for use in their 
works. The illustrations in such references are listed under the orig- 
inal source in the synonymy. 


Genus CINCINNATICRINUS, new genus 

1866. Hetcrocrinus Hall, Hall, p. 41; Hall, 1872, p. 210 (partim) ; Meek, 1873, 
p. 1 (partim); Wachsmuth & Springer, 1880, p. 68 (partim); Springer, 
1S pe 275 Ulrich, 91925: ps 83eEritz,, 1925. jp; 10) (pariim)': Moore & 
Laudon, 1944, p. 149; Moore, 1962, p. 13, text-fig. 5-3; Warn, 1973, p. 12 

1886. Stenocrinus Wachsmuth & Springer, p. 207 (partim). 

Type species. — Cincinnaticrinus varibrachialus Warn and 
Strimple, n. sp., from Edenian and Maysvillian strata of the Cin- 
cinnati area, northwestern New York, northern Maryland, and 
southern Pennsylvania. 

Diagnosis. — Cincinnaticrininae with a short, straight anal tube 
made up of three to five facing plates; ten arms exhibiting alter- 
nating heterotomous branching; equidimensional (height = width) 
pentagonal BB; and height of IBrr, less than three-fourths the 
height of the fused RR. 

Description. — Cincinnaticrinus has the features of the sub- 
family Cincinnaticrininae with some generic additions. The IBrr; 
are shaped like upright, truncated cones, while the [Brr2 are in- 
verted, truncated cones. Thus, the junction of the [Brr; and IBrrz 
forms a constriction in the crown that marks the position of the teg- 
men, above which the arms become free. This constriction appears 
to have been a plane of weakness that resulted in loss and occasional 
regeneration of arms. The tegmen of Cincinnaticrinus (probably of 
C. pentagonus) was described by Ulrich (1925, p. 84) as “.. . gently 
convex, its middle on a plane with, or slightly beneath the top of, 
the fixed primibrachs. It is composed of a large polygonal central 
plate around which are many much smaller, loosely fitting plates. 
The smaller plates arch over the arm furrows, at least three rows 
being required to cover them. On the posterior side the small plates 
of the tegmen pass, evidently without break or change, into the 
anterior wall of the ventral sac.” Although Ulrich was correct in say- 
ing that the tegmen is located just proximal to the distal edges of 
the IBrr,; (the fixed Brr), tegmen morphology appears to be quite 
different from what Ulrich described; it is more similar to the 
description of Wachsmuth and Springer (1886, p. 207) as “. . . five 
comparatively large interradial pieces enclosing a small oral 
plate... .” The tegmen (Text-fig. 8; Pl. 3, figs. 4-5) is actually made 
up of five relatively large, finely nodose (Ulrich evidently inter- 

BuLLeETIN 296 


pue ‘snowojopua-snowojox9 BZuljeuisajje-q ‘snowojopua-e “pajesysni[! A[[nf Avs 
J[2y-a70 AjuO ‘yoURIq snowojOsSi UB YA ABI JUO Juasaidat ‘pazi[Ajs sSurmerp 
ainsiIy Suypsaosaid url sy “suryouesq Wie snowojosajay Jo sadAy *Z “S1Z-3x9 7 


preted each node as a plate), interradial plates, or orals (00), that 
have their outer edges curved down into the spaces between adyja- 
cent [Brr, and their inner, adjoining edges upturned to form gabled 
passageways over the subtegmenal portions of the ambulacra. Three 
gabled passageways (one anterior, two lateral) radiate from a central 
point (presumably over the mouth) to the food grooves of the A, C, 
and D ray IBrr; the two lateral (C and D ray) passageways bi- 
furcate near their distal ends and send off two posterior passageways 
to the B and E ray IBrr;. The CD interray O is apparently porous 
and served the function of a sieve plate; it gives off numerous small 
plates from its outer edge that continue up the back of the XX. 
Although the tegmen morphology is known only from Cincinnati- 
crinus it is probably similar in other cincinnaticrinids. 

The anal structure is armlike, apparently tubular throughout 
its length, although Ulrich (1925, p. 91) reported that it had been 
observed in only one of hundreds of specimens; this author has seen 
a maximum of only five anal plates in any of over a thousand speci- 
mens. It appears that the anal tube is made up of armlike series of 
three to five facing plates (XX) backed by numerous small poly- 
gonal plates given off from the tegmen. Whether or not the numerous 
small plates that back the XX continue beyond, or distal to, the XX 
(as in Ohtocrinus) is uncertain, although it is likely they do not. 

The pattern of arm branching in Cincinnaticrinus, after initial 
division of the five rays (isotomous as in all Cincinnaticrinacea) to 
form ten arms, is alternating heterotomous. The first of the hetero- 
tomous divisions (on the IIBr axillaries) produces a large arm as 
the inner branch and a smaller arm, or armlet, away from the ray; 
the second division (on the IIIBr axillaries) has the arm on the 
outside and the armlet on the inside; the third has the arm on the 
inside and the armlet on the outside. The armlets commonly remain 
simple, but bifurcating armlets have been observed in a few speci- 

The XX and Brr, after initial formation as tall, narrow rec- 
tangles, grow faster laterally (marginally) than vertically (perra- 
dially). Thus, young (small, calyx height of about 2.5 mm or less) 
Cincinnaticrinus have tall XX and Brr, while older (larger, calyx 
height of about 2.8 mm or more) Cincinnaticrinus have broad IBrr 
but tall TVBrr and nearly square XX, with gradation in the Brr 

38 BULLETIN 296 

from broad to tall away from the dorsal cup. In young Cincinnati- 
crinus, the arms are so narrow that they appear to be isotomously 
branched (PI. 3, fig. 11). Arms, when initially formed, may really 
be isotomously branched, but with ageing heterotomy becomes in- 
creasingly distinct. 

Sharply V-shaped grooves (food grooves) with narrow flattened 
bottoms (PI. 3, fig. 7) extend down the inner surfaces of the Brr — 
two converging to one at each axillary (PI. 3, fig. 7). These grooves 
deepen gradually proximally, until they reach the RR, where they 
shallow rapidly, after passing beneath the tegmen, and disappear 
about one-fourth the way down the RR. 

Occurrence. —Edenian to Richmondian. Cincinnaticrinus is 
known from the Kope, Fairview, Grant Lake, and Bull Fork Forma- 
tions of the Cincinnati, Ohio, area, from the Whetstone Gulf Forma- 
tion of northwestern New York; and from the upper part of the 
Martinsburg Formation of southern Pennsylvania and Maryland. 

Discussion. — In 1847 James Hall erected the new genus Hetero- 
crinus to include the three new species H. heterodactylus (p. 279), 
H. simplex (p. 280), and H. ? gracilis (p. 280). Hall did not desig- 
nate a type species, nor did he refer to any of the three species as 
typical (he did, however, emphasize that H. gracilis deserved only 
provisional placement under the genus). Hall had a concept of the 
genus Heterocrinus that allowed considerable variation; this likely 
was his reason in choosing heteros (Greek for different or changed ) 
for the name of the genus. In including the heterocrinid H. hetero- 
dactylus with the homocrinid H. simplex (now type species of 
Ectenocrinus), Hall created a problem that was to be a source of 
confusion until Ulrich’s (1925) revision of the Heterocrinidae. Some 
paleontologists embraced Hall’s concept and included forms with 
three compound and two fused RR (e.g., Heterocrinus simplex) and 
forms with two compound and three fused RR (e.g., H. heterodac- 
tylus), while others limited the genus to forms like H. simplex. Con- 
fusion over the type species compounded the problem. 

In 1866 (pp. 4-6) Hall described three more species of Hetero- 
crinus and compared one of them to H. simplex. Wachsmuth and 
Springer (1880, p. 69) enumerated known species of Heterocrinus 
and listed H. heterodactylus as the type species. Later (1886, pp. 
205-208) these authors recognized that the differences between H. 


heterodactylus and H. simplex are greater than specific differences, 
and they redefined Heterocrinus. Of the 11 species which they placed 
in Heterocrinus in 1880, in 1885 they transferred H. heterodactylus, 
along with four other species, to the new genus Stenocrinus with 
H. heterodactylus as type species; they left H. simplex and one other 
species in Heterocrinus (with H. simplex as type species); two species 
were transferred to Calceocrinus and the remaining two species were 
assigned to the new genus Ofiocrinus. Wachsmuth and Springer’s 
ideas concerning Stenocrinus and Heterocrinus were not accepted by 
S. A. Miller (1889), who erected the genus Ectenocrinus with H. sim- 
plex as type species (p. 242) and listed H. heterodactylus as type 
species of Heterocrinus (p. 252). Springer (1911) recognized that 
Wachsmuth and he had mistakenly substituted Heterocrinus simplex 
as the type species of Heterocrinus in place of H. heterodactylus, the 
valid type species: “But through some misunderstanding of types the 
name Heterocrinus was assigned by us [Wachsmuth and Springer, 
1885] to the wrong set of species, H. heterodactylus being Hall’s 
type of that genus; therefore, Stenocrinus must go into synonymy. 
Heterocrinus must be retained for the H. heterodactylus group. . . .” 
(Springer, 1911, p. 27). 

Hall, although he did not designate a type species, may have felt 
that H. simplex was typical of Heterocrinus (in succeeding descrip- 
tions of new Heterocrinus species, he referred to H. simplex but not 
to H. heterodactylus); but if, in naming H. heterodactylus, Hall had 
in mind the concept of what we now call virtual tautonymy, he 
probably considered H. heterodactylus as typical. Whatever may 
have been Hall’s original views, they were not documented and are, 
therefore, not pertinent. When Wachsmuth and Springer (1880), 
possibly applying the convention of page priority or the tautonymic 
concept (or perhaps having communicated with Hall), listed H. 
heterodactylus as the type species of Heterocrinus, they established 
H. heterodactylus as the type species by subsequent designation 
(Warn, 1973, pp. 10-11). Problems, however, do not end here. 

Although the genus Heterocrinus Hall, 1847 and two of its 
species, H. heterodactylus Hall, 1847 (the valid type species of 
Heterocrinus) and H. juvenis Hall, 1866, have come to be relatively 
common names, Hall’s original descriptions, figures, and type ma- 
terial do not make these taxa recognizable. Modern understanding 

40 BULLETIN 296 

of these taxa in large part dates from Meek (1873) and Ulrich 
(1925), who figured new material and described it in detail. H. 
juvemis is unrecognizable for reasons discussed under Cincinnati- 
crinus pentagonus (conceptually similar to Meek’s, 1973, H. 
juvems). H. heterodactylus, the valid type species of Heterocrinus, 
is unrecognizable because neither Hall’s (1847) figures (and descrip- 
tion) nor any type material (PI. 1, figs. 1-6) shows branching be- 
yond the isotomous branches on the [Br axillaries. Meek (1873) 
recognized this problem when he (p. 13) considered specimens from 
around Cincinnati referred to H. heterodactylus by Hall (1847): 
“This is the western form that has always been referred to H. 
heterodactylus, of Hall; but as the original typical specimen of that 
species did not show whether or not its arms bifurcate above the 
division on the last primary radial, . . . its identity with that species 
can scarcely be established beyond doubt.” The names Heterocrinus 
and H. heterodactylus must at present be restricted to Hall’s (1847) 
type material. The new name Cincinnaticrinus is used here for the 
concept of Heterocrinus put forth by Meek (1873), Ulrich (1925), 
and subsequent workers, 1.e., a monocyclic inadunate with three 
fused and two compound RR, a short, straight, armlike anal tube, 
and alternating heterotomous branching beyond the isotomous 
branch on the [Br axillaries. Cincinnaticrinus varibrachialus, the 
new name for Meek’s (1873) and subsequent workers’ concept of H. 
heterodactylus, is discussed later. 

Cincinnaticrinus appears to differ from Ohiocrinus mainly with 
respect to the anal sac. Both Ohiocrinus and Cincinnaticrinus have 
an anal tube that is an armlike branch of about four plates off the 
C ray sR. In Cincinnaticrinus the XX are backed by small polygonal 
plates given off from the tegmen to form a short narrow tube; the 
four (or five) XX of Ohiocrinus have a backing of small polygonal 
plates which extends away from the XX (rather than closing around 
the back to form a tube) and beyond (distal to) the XX as a high, 
inflated, polyplated coil with wide whorls. For a time the authors 
thought the differences to be preservational (1.e., that Ohiocrinus 
were well-preserved Cincinnaticrinus); but so many well-preserved 
Cincinnaticrinus, all lacking coiled anal sacs, have been examined 
that it now appears the two are distinct. 

Cincinnaticrinus probably evolved from an earlier cincinnati- 


crinid. The step from Jsotomocrinus to Cincinnaticrinus is simply 
one of making isotomous arms heterotomous (isotomous to heteroto- 
mous is a common evolutionary trend in crinoids, Moore and 
Laudon, 1943, p. 10) and shortening the anal tube somewhat. 
Cincinnaticrinus and Ohiocrinus are certainly similar; it is easier 
to derive Ohiocrinus from Cincinnaticrinus with coiling and elonga- 
tion of the polyplated anal sac and elongation of the arms than 
to do the reverse, although Ofiocrius could be an independent 
offshoot from Jsotomocrinus (the arms of O. brawni are nearly iso- 
tomous). Dystactocrinus is also like Cincinnaticrinus, from which 
it probably evolved. Evolution of Cincinnaticrinus to Dystacto- 
crinus requires only regularization of branching (constancy in 
number of Brr in each division series in single specimens and among 
different individuals is apparently an evolutionary endpoint in cin- 
cinnaticrinids), broadening of BB, and enlargement of [Brry. 

Cincinnaticrinus is known from thousands of specimens (all but 
a handful from in and around Cincinnati, Ohio,) and is easily the 
best known of cincinnaticrinids. Two species, C. varibrachialus (new 
herein) and C. pentagonus (Ulrich), 1882, are recognized. Hetero- 
crinus isodactylus Miller, 1875, may belong to Cincinnaticrinus but 
must, at present, be restricted to its holotype. Heterocrinus 1sodac- 
tylus Miller may be conspecific with Cincinnaticrinus pentagonus, 
but Miller’s drawing and description are poor and hardly allow this 
to be suggested with much authority. 

There appears to be a trend in Cincinnaticrinus toward thicker 
columns through time. C. varibrachialus has a column with a rela- 
tively consistent width (proximal column diameter is about half 
distal cup diameter) through Edenian and into Maysvillian time. 
Maysvillian C. pentagonus (with columns having proximal column 
diameter somewhat smaller than distal cup diameter), however, give 
way to even broader columned forms in Richmondian time (Rich- 
mondian C. pentagonus have columns with proximal diameter about 
equal to distal cup diameter). 

Cincinnaticrinus varibrachialus, new species Pls. 3-5; Text-fig. 8 

1873. Heterocrinus heterodactylus Hall, Meek, p. 12, pl. 1, figs. 1a-b; Cumings, 
1908, pl. 3, figs. 5, 5a; Bassler, 1919, pl. 53, figs. 5-6; Ulrich, 1925, p. 83, 
text-fig. 3a; Moore & Laudon, 1944, pl. 52, fig. 11. 

42 BULLETIN 296 

Text-fig. 8. Cincinnaticrinus varibrachialus. a & b—tegmen; c—plate dia- 
gram. a—oral view, a drawing of UCGM 40575L (X15); rays are lettered A, 
B, C, D, and E, scoring is vertical on the RR, horizontal on the IBrn, and 
diagonal on X; OO are unmarked (except, on the CD interray O, dots which 
represent pores): b, crosssection of the OO (30) in the plane marked by the 
two lateral lines in figure a; OO are upturned where they join, presumably 
over the five ambulacra, and have their outer edges turned down between the 
IBrri; the two arrows point to funnel-shaped (in cross-section) pores in the 
CD interray O; c — exploded diagram of Cincinnaticrinus varibrachialus. 


1925. Heterocrinus difficilis Ulrich in Ruedeman, p. 76. 
1973. Heterocrinus tenuis Billings, Warn, p. 10, pl. 1, figs. 2-19 (nox fig. 1). 

Primary type material.—The holotype is here designated 
UCGM 3871 (the specimen illustrated by Meek, 1873, pl. 1, figs. 
la-b as Heterocrinus heterodactylus?). Paratypes are here desig- 
nated UCGM 40497, 40500, 40502, 40531, 40555, 40556, and 405751. 
All primary types are from Edenian strata in the Cincinnati, Ohio, 

Diagnosis. — Cincinnaticrinus with steeply conical (lekythosi- 
form) cup and narrow column, so that in uncrushed specimens dis- 
tal cup diameter is at least 1.4 times as great as proximal cup (or 
proximal column) diameter. 

Description—C. varibrachialus, in addition to generic and high- 
er characters, has BB (Text-fig. 9) and RR that expand distally and 
make the dorsal cup conical. This is more obvious in juveniles, which 
have globular calyces. With growth, the angle formed by the edges 
of the cup (in lateral view) decreases as the sides of the BB and 
RR approach a parallel condition (compare Pl. 5, figs. 1-2 and 
12-13). No new cup plates are added during ontogeny (that is, 
during that part of the ontogeny that is known), and shapes and 
relative size ratios of cup ossicles change little, other than widening 
of the bottoms of the BB and RR. Thus, the smallest (youngest ) 
and largest (oldest) crinoids have dorsal cups that are nearly identi- 
cal except for size. 

Cincinnaticrinus varibrachialus, with two to seven [Brr (com- 
monly three, four, or five), three to seven I]Brr (four or five is most 
common), and four to six IIIBrr (commonly four or five), has arms 
that are more variable than in any other cincinnaticrinid aside from 
Tsotomocrinus tenuis. Ramules given off at heterotomous branches 
usually remain simple and have more plates, but bifurcating ramules 
have been observed in a few specimens. Warn (1973) described 
small (smaller than adjacent Brr) doubly convex (marquise) plates 
occurring in some specimens at various places in the arms (in the 
IBr series most commonly between IBr; and IBro, PI. 3, fig. 3). 

No complete Cincinnaticrinus varibrachialus specimens (hold- 
fast, column, and crown or calyx) are known. However, that juve- 
niles (and possibly adults) have an obscurely polyplated, inverted 

+4 BULLETIN 296 
b c 

d & 

Text-fig. 9. Five general basal plate shapes in cincinnaticrinaceans and 
a—distally expanding, symmetrically pentagonal (Cincinnaticrinus varibrachia- 
lus, Isotomocrinus tenuis, Atopocrinus priscus, and Homocrinus parvus). b— 
parallel-sided, symmetrically pentagonal (C. pentagonus, Ohiocrinus laxus— 
also e in some members, O. brauni, Daedalocrinus bellevillensis, Ectenocrinus 
simplex, E. geniculatus, and Sygcaulocrinus typus — in the case of the last 
three, only the AB interray B). c—asymmetrically pentagonal with one steeply 
sloping and one gently sloping upper side (S. typus — all but the AB interray 
B). d—asymmetrically pentagonal with one steeply sloping and one horizontal 
upper side (E. simplex and E. geniculatus — in both, all but the AB interray 
B). e—symmetrically hexagonal (Dystactocrinus constrictus and occasionally 
O. laxus. 


saucer-like (lichenocrinid) basal attachment is fairly certain (and 
has been known for some time, see discussion). In collecting locali- 
ties 1,2, and 4 (Text-figure 10) C. varibrachalus calyces and crowns 
and lichenocrinid bases and columns have been found in abundant 
association. As well, an ontogenetic sequence from lichenocrinid to 
cincinnaticrinid column is evident among separate columns and in 
single columns collected from these, and other, pockets. 

Juvenile C. varibrachialus holdfasts (Pl. 5, figs. 15-16) are 
roughly circular discs, usually attached to such foreign objects as 
adult C. varibrachialus columns, other adult crinoid columns, 
brachiopods, bryozoans, trilobites, pelecypods, or phosphate nodules. 
They range in diameter from less than one mm to about five mm, 
with most having a diameter of about two or two and one-half mm. 
They have a convex, obscurely polyplated, upper wall (roof) and 
a large flat plate as the lower wall (floor). When the inhabited sub- 
strate is not flat, concomitant changes in shape occur, é.g., when en- 
crusting crinoid columns they curl around the column (PI. 5, fig. 
16). The lichenocrinid column protrudes from a central depression 
or crater in the roof. Internally, five primary lamellae extend from 
the periphery of the holdfast and meet at the center. These lamellae 
rest upright on the floor. Second, third, and fourth order lamellae 
are inserted serially between the primary lamellae and may or may 
not reach the center. The lamellae (PI. 5, fig. 15) appear to support 
the roof. (For detailed information on lichenocrinid bases in general, 
affinities unknown, see Faber, 1929). 

Juvenile Cincinnaticrinus varibrachialus columns (lichenocrinid 
columns — PI. 3, figs. 3, 10) show an interesting morphologic (and 
apparently ontogenetic) sequence. They are composed distally (z.e., 
adjacent to the base) of five vertical series of hexagonal plates with 
the plates of each series alternating with laterally adjacent plates 
(1.e., plates of adjacent series) to form zigzag sutures between series 
(Text-fig. 11). These grade proximally into a section with alter- 
nating plates that abut, so that a straight suture is formed between 
series (Text-fig. 11). Farther proximally, abutting plates come to 
lie in parallel planes to form circlets of five plates (Text-fig. 11). 
Each circlet has one plate from each of the five series. Transition 
to the cincinnaticrinid column occurs with gradation into columnals 
by fusion of the five plates (pentameres). Thus, the most proximal 

46 BULLETIN 296 




Text-fig. 10. Localities of Cincinnaticrinus varibrachialus collected in con- 
nection with this study. Numbers refer to localities described in text. 


(youngest) part of the juvenile column (= distal and oldest of 
adult ?) is round with equal-sized columnals (Text-fig. 11), each 
made up of five pentameres. 

The adult Cincinnaticrinus varibrachialus column is either 
pentagonal proximally grading distally into terete, or round through- 
out. The proximal pentagonal part can be made up of two sets of 
columnals: larger, more rounded columnals and smaller, markedly 
pentagonal columnals inserted between the larger columnals. Each 
columnal is composed of five fused plates with each plate forming a 
point in the pentagonal columnals. With secondary secretion of 
stereom (seemingly a normal feature of column aging), the column 
becomes round, but the former pentagonal column can be seen inside 
the round sheath in cross-section. 

Occurrence. —Edenian and Maysvillian from the Kope and 
Fairview Formations around Cincinnati, Ohio; the Whetstone Gulf 
Formation of northwestern New York; and the Martinsburg Forma- 
tion in Maryland and southern Pennsylvania. Ruedemann (1925, p. 
70) briefly described a Cincinnaticrinus from zone I of the Whet- 
stone Gulf as Heterocrinus dtfficilis. This species was to be further 
described later, but never was, by E. O. Ulrich: it is considered here 
to be a junior synonym of C. varibrachialus. The authors have found 
C. varibrachialus only in the Kope Formation, in which crinoids 
are fairly common, weathering more easily out of the predominantly 
shaley unit than from the more limy Fairview above. The dominant- 
ly calcareous Fairview (“Hill Quarry beds”) is less propitious for 
well-preserved cincinnaticrinids. However, during the 1800’s and 
early 1900’s dozens of quarries were operating in the Cincinnati area 
and more good Fairview exposures were available. Fortunately, area 
museums have specimens from the “Hill Quarry beds” (Fairview 
Formation) collected around the turn of the century. 

Discussion. — Cincinnaticrinus varibrachtalus is erected to 
house the taxon that Meek (1873) and Ulrich (1925) made known 
as Heterocrinus heterodactylus. H. heterodactylus must be con- 
sidered as unrecognizable, because Hall’s (1847) type material 
(AMNH 1116/1, PI. 1, figs. 46; AMNH 1116/2, Pl. 1, fig. 3; 
AMNH 1116/3, Pl. 1, figs. 1-2), illustrations (Hall, 1847, pl. 76, 
figs. la-o), and description (Hall, 1847, p. 279) do not demonstrate 
the nature of the arm branching. 

48 BULLETIN 296 


Text-fig. 11. Ontogeny of the Cincinnaticrinus varibrachialus column. 

a, b, c and d are portions of the juvenile column viewed progressively more 
proximally; a is the most distal portion (i.e., nearest the holdfast) and is com- 
posed of five vertical series of hexagonal plates with the plates of each series 
alternating with laterally adjacent plates to form zigzag sutures between series; 
these grade proximally into a section (b) with alternating plates that abut, 
so that a straight suture is formed between series; farther proximally, abutting 
plates come to lie in parallel planes to form circlets of five plates (c) still 
farther proximally the circlets of five plates fuse to form pentapartite columnals 
(d) e and f are portions of the adult column; the oldest portion of the adult 
(f) is round with equal-sized columnals, which are apparently first secreted as 
pentagonal columnals and become round with secondary secretion of stereom; 
this grades proximally into a portion (e) with larger, more rounded columnals 
(in some specimens an additional proximal portion is made up of equal-sized 
pentagonal columnals). 



The trivial name varibrachialus is chosen to describe the vari- 
ability in number of Brr per division series that is characteristic of 
the species. Originally the word “brachial” was used as an adjective 
to denote arm ossicles (e.g., brachial plates or ossicles; primibrach- 
ial plates or ossicles). More recently, the word “brachial” has come 
to be widely used in an abbreviated sense as a noun to denote arm 
ossicles (¢.g., brachials, primibrachials); and abbreviation is often 
carried even further (e.g., brachs, primibrachs). The trivial name 
varibrachialus, chosen for its descriptiveness, is somewhat awkward, 
in that it represents latinization of an anglicized Latin word. How- 
ever, it is chosen over the original Latin brachialis because the latter 
would give the name too much breadth of meaning (varibrachtalis 
would mean simply arm variation). The trivial name varibrachialus 
is more appropriate to denote variation in number of Brr per divi- 
sion series, as typifies the arms of this species. 

Great variability in number of [Brr (and higher Br series), both 
in single individuals and among different individuals, appears to be 
a feature unique to cincinnaticrinids. Warn (1973) interpreted the 
smaller marquise-shaped Brr as intercalates and judged intercalation 
of Brr to sufficiently explain the brachial variability in Cincinnati- 
crinus varibrachialus. In that paper, 61 different IBr arrangements 
were reported from a single pocket of 72 crowns (specimens with all 
five IBr series still intact), 116 partial crowns (one to four [Br 
series), and 219 calyces (no complete IBr series). Similiar variation 
and variation in additional populations has since been found. Kesling 
and Strimple (1971) reported, in Eutaxocrinus wideneri (a flexible 
crinoid), IBr and IIBr variation (considered mutation by Kesling 
and Strimple) from a basic plan of two [Brr per ray and three or 
four I[Brr per arm; in cincinnaticrinids, however, variation within 
limits (eé.g., two to seven [Brr for Cincinnaticrinus varibrachialus ) 
seems to be the rule, rather than an exception. 

Lichenocrinus was described by Hall (1866, p. 9) for what the 
authors herein have referred to as lichenocrinid bases. Hall thought 
these to be the “bodies” of parasitic crinoids because of their con- 
sistent attachment to other organisms. Meek (1871, 1872b, 1872c) 
and Sardeson (1899, p. 275) theorized that Lichenocrinus might 
actually represent basal attachments of crinoids. Schuchert (1904, 
p. 268) stated more definitely that Lichenocrinus are bases of 

50 BULLETIN 296 

fata pase len 
Ashgill Richmondian 


Caradoc Shermanian 








Ie tp 





EA <8 


Arenig : 

Text-fig. 12. Ranges of cincinnaticrinacean and homocrinacean species. 
European stages are on the left of the column; North American series and 
stages are on the right. A—Ibexocrinus lepton, B—Altopocrinus priscus, C— 
Apodasmocrinus daubei, A. punctatus; D—Isotomocrinus minutus, E—I, tenuis; 
F—Daedalocrinus  bellevillensis; G—Cincinnaticrinus wvartbrachialus; H— 
Ecterocrinus simplex; I—E. geniculatus; J—Cincinnaticrinus pentagonus ; K— 
Sygcaulocrinus typus; L—Dystactocrinus constrictus; M—Ohiocrinus laxus; O. 
brauni; N—Ectenocrinus sp. indet.; O—Homocrinus parwus. 


crinoids. Springer (1917, p. 11) reported the affinity of Heterocrinus 
and lichenocrinid bases but cited no evidence, “This curious disc- 
like body [lichenocrinid base] . . . is now known to be the encrusting 
root of a very small crinoid of the Heterocrinus type.” Perhaps 
Springer was referring to material sent to him for description by an 
amateur collector, George M. Austin, in 1903 (see below). Foerste 
(1925, pp. 102-103) alluded to complete juvenile heterocrinids with 
lichenocrinid bases and column in the USNM collection. Unfortu- 
nately, Foerste could not discern the plate arrangement of the calyx, 
and the authors have not been able to locate the specimens (perhaps 
Foerste, too, was referring to the Austin material, see below). 
Bassler (1928) indicated that George M. Austin, from Wilmington, 
Ohio, had discovered evidence for the lichenocrinid-heterocrinid af- 
finity in 1898 and had (in 1903) communicated his discovery to 
Frank Springer for description, which Springer never did. Faber 
(1929, pp. 455-456) reported that in 1898 he, G. Ashman, and A. 
Albers found three tiny crinoids complete with lichenocrinid bases. 
According to Faber, these specimens were never illustrated or 
described and disappeared, along with part of Albers’ collection, 
just before Albers’ death. Fenton (1929) discussed Austin’s 1898 
material (USNM 89862a-f, the material that Springer was to have 
described) in detail. Reexamination of this material confirms Fen- 
ton’s observation that some heterocrinids (cincinnaticrinids) and 
some lichenocrinids represent different parts of the same organism. 
USNM 89862a-f consists of 20 lichenocrinid bases attached to 
Rafinesquina, an Isotelus fragment, and trepostome bryozoan frag- 
ments associated with lichenocrinid columns and three juvenile 
Cincinnaticrinus sp. cf. C. pentagonus crowns from Richmondian 
strata near Clarksville, Ohio. One of these crowns appears to have 
been attached to one of the lichenocrinid columns; only a 0.8 mm 
long furrow, presumably the result of loss of a portion of the column 
from the slab, separates the crown from the column. 

While earlier workers’ evidence, as well as recent observations 
[herein and by Weaver (1976)] indicates a lichenocrinid base- 
juvenile Cincinnaticrinus varibrachalus (and probably C. penta- 
gonus) affinity, resolution of the matter of priority of Lichenocrinus 
as a generic name is delayed until more information, hopefully from 



discovery of complete specimens, is available. Considerable morpho- 
logic variation in lichenocrinid bases suggest that juveniles of a 
variety of Cincinnatian crinoids have lichenocrinid holdfasts. One 
such association involving Jsotomocrinus has been discussed by 
Kolata (1975, p. 27). 

Miller (1874) described the axial changes in the Heterocrinus 
heterodactylus (C. varibrachialus) column through much of its 
length but said nothing of the lichenocrinid nature of the distal 
(juvenile) column and base. Bather (1891, pp. 400-401, text-fig. 5; 
1900, p. 89, text-fig. 3) described a similar distal-proximal columnar 
gradation for the cladid Botryocrinus decadactylus from the Wen- 
lock Limestone. 

It appears that in adults new columnals are added both at the 
base of the calyx and intercalated serially for a short distance dis- 
tally between older columnals. Columnals are, in both cases, first 
added as five discrete radial plates which fuse to form pentagonal . 
columnals. Older columnals become round with secondary secretion 
of stereom. Addition of new columnals could cease at some stage in 
ontogeny; if this occurs all columnals eventually would become 
round. Thus, most adult columnals have a proximal section made up 
of pentagonal columnals, grading distally into a series of pentagonal 
columnals alternating with larger rounded columnals, and finally 
into a distal region of round columnals only. Some columns (of 
younger crinoids?) are pentagonal for proportionally greater dis- 
tances, while others (of older crinoids?) are round throughout their 
observed length. This is in apparent agreement with “Jackson’s 
law” (Jackson, 1896; 1899), which is essentially: In organisms pos- 
sessing organs which grow by the serial addition of parts, the onto- 
geny of the organ tends to rehearse its phylogeny. ‘ 

Warn (1974) described swellings, which he interpreted as myzo- 
stome galls, in columns of Heterocrinus juvents (= Cincinnaticrinus 
pentagonus, herein). The authors have seen similar galls in columns 
of C. varibrachialus and Ectenocrinus simplex. These have recently 
been reinterpreted as annelids (Phosphannulus) by Welch (1976). 

The rarity of complete juvenile C. vartbrachialus is probably a 
result of breakage of the fragile column during or after death, either 
before burial or during exposure and subsequent collecting. However, 
the association of lichenocrinid bases with juvenile C. varibrachialus 


crowns is pervasive. No complete adult specimens (7.¢., none with 
holdfasts) and no associations of large crowns and holdfasts are 
known. This may be due to post-mortem transport and differential 
deposition of crowns and proximal parts of the columns apart from 
the holdfasts and distal parts of the columns as hypothesized by 
Brett (1976) for supposed Caryocrinites roots. Conversely, con- 
siderable evidence suggests that adults were eleutherozoic. The deli- 
cate, attenuated “lichenocrinid” distal column would seem to have 
been inadequate to support the adults upright during life and would 
have easily broken in currents, if not autotomized as a matter of 
course in normal development (Text-fig. 13). As well, occasionally 
sections of Cincinnaticrinus columns are found with a single rounded, 
apparently abraded, end. It is unlikely that delicate Cincinnaticrinus 
crowns could be differentially transported for any great distance, 
and it is likely significant that despite the genus’ abundance no as- 
sociation of adult crowns and holdfasts has yet been observed. Thus 
we believe that the genus was effectively eleutherozoic as an adult. 
A similar conclusion was reached by Weaver (op. cit.). 

Warn (1973, p. 13, table 1) noted that various species of 
Heterocrinus described during the classical period of paleontology 
were characterized as having different [Br arrangements. The brach- 
ial arrangements of any of these species would fit into the normal 
intraspecific variation of any large population of C. varibrachialus. 
It is probable that H. exilis Hall, 1866, H. extgwus Meek, 1872a, 
H. propinquus Meek, 1873, and C. varibrachialus (new herein) are 
conspecific. However, type material for H. exiguus and H. propin- 
quus has not been located; H. exilis is apparently based on a juvenile 
of questionable affinity. Because of the unavailability or inadequacy 
of type material we prefer to restrict these names to the types rather 
than to synonymize them. Similar reasoning, plus the inadequate 
nature of the existing figures and descriptions, precludes referring 
this taxon (C. varibrachialus) to one of the earlier described species. 

It is not surprising that such workers as Hall, Meek, and Ulrich 
assumed intraspecific constancy in number of [Brr per ray. Vari- 
ability in number of IBrr has seldom been documented for fossil 
crinoids with the exception of cincinnaticrinids and one anomalous 
population of Eutaxocrinus widenert (Kesling & Strimple, 1971). 
Indeed, all Recent comatulids (non-stalked crinoids) have either two 

54 BULLETIN 296 


Text-fig. 13. Ontogenetic change in the life habit of Cincinnaticrinus vari- 
a—attached juvenile with polyplated (lichenocrinid) column and holdfast. b— 
attached adult with expanded, “adult” column proximal to the thin, juvenile 
(lichenocrinid) column. c—adult breaks free (whether because of increased 
current activity or autotomization is unknown) at the attenuated juvenile 
column and thereafter lives unattached. 


or four IBrr per ray, although in Hyman’s (1955, p. 92) opinion, 
the generic allocation of existing pentacrinites (stalked crinoids) is 
in a state of confusion largely because of the use of number of Brr 
in each division series as a taxobasis. 

Cincinnaticrinus varibrachialus probably evolved from I[soto- 
mocrinus tenuis (Billings) by reduction of the anal tube and by 
transformation of isotomous to alternating heterotomous branching. 
In other respects the two genera and species are similar. C. vart- 
brachialus seems to have given rise to C. pentagonus. Such evolution 
would have encompassed widening of the column and proximal calyx 
and initiation of the trend toward regularization of branching, which 
in cincinnaticrinids culminates in Dystactocrinus constrictus. 

Cincinnaticrinus pentagonus (Ulrich), 1882 Pl. 6 

1873. Heterocrinus juvenis Hall, Meek, p. 10, pl. 1, figs. 3a-c; Cumings, 1908, 
pl. 3, figs. 3, 3a-b; Ulrich, 1925, text-fig. 4c; Warn, 1974, pl. 1, figs. 1, 9. 
1882. Heterocrinus pentagonus Ulrich, p. 176, pl. 5, figs. 10, 10a. 

Primary type material. — YPM 24801 and 24802 are syntypes 
of H. pentagonus Ulrich, 1882. YPM 24801 is herein designated lec- 
totype and YPM 24802 lectoparatype of H. pentagonus. Both are 
Maysvillian and are from Cincinnati, Ohio. 

Diagnosis. — Cincinnaticrinus with cylindrical dorsal cup and 
wide column, so that in uncrushed specimens distal cup diameter 
is less than 1.4 times as great as proximal cup (or proximal column) 

Description. —C. pentagonus has parallel-sided pentagonal. 
BB (Text-fig. 8) and large, distally tapering IBrr, (although the 
IBrr, are less than three-fourths as tall as the fused RR). The 
dorsal cup is hardly wider than the proximal column, and the arms, 
when folded (as is nearly always the case), continue nearly straight 
from the calyx, so that crowns attached to sections of column are 
not conspicuous features as in other cincinnaticrinids (and as in 
most crinoids), where the crowns are obvious expansions at the ends 
of the columns. As in Cincinnaticrinus varibrachialus, no new cup 
plates are added during the known part of ontogeny, and the 
smallest and largest C. pentagonus dorsal cups are nearly identical 
but for size. 

Brachial variability in C. pentagonus seems to be somewhat 

56 BULLETIN 296 

smaller than in C. varibrachialus, although it is less well known; a 
peculiarity of C. pentagonus is that specimens are seldom found with 
arms above the IBrr, the fixed IBrr. C. pentagonus seems to vary 
little (three to five IBrr) around a basic plan of four [Brr per ray. 
Variability beyond the IBr series is poorly known. The column of 
C. pentagonus is like that of C. varibrachialus but broader and with 
a greater propensity for roundness. 

Occurrence. — Maysvillian and Richmondian. C. pentagonus is 
known from the Fairview, Grant Lake, and Bull Fork Formations 
of the Cincinnati, Ohio, area. Heterocrinus juvems Hall, Meek 
(= C. pentagonus) was reported by Meek (1873, p. 12) from the 
“... upper part of the Cincinnati group near Lebanon, Ohio” ( Rich- 
mondian). Ulrich (1882, p. 176) described H. pentagonus “. . . from 
the Cincinnati group at Cincinnati about 375 feet [about 115 m] 
above low-water mark in the Ohio river”: the Fairview outcrops at 
that elevation in Cincinnati. 

Discussion. — The name Cincinnaticrinus pentagonus (n. 
comb.) is applied to crinoids Meek (1873) called Heterocrinus 
juvenms Hall, 1866. Just what Hall’s concept of H. zuvents was is 
unfortunately unclear, in large part because of questionable type 
material. Hall described H. juvenis in 1866 but did not illustrate 
it until 1871. Whitfield and Hovey (1898, pp. 24-25) listed AMNH 
1173/1 as the holotype of H. juvenis and the specimen figured by 
Hall (1871, pl. 1, figs. 9-10; 1872, pl. 5, figs. 9-10). However, the 
specimen which presently carries this American Museum number and 
label is neither that figured by Hall nor that described by Whitfield 
and Hovey as the type. The holotype was reported by Whitfield 
and Hovey (1898, pp. 24-25) to have been a free calyx, and Hall’s 
(1871; 1872) figures are two views of a free calyx, but AMNH 
1173/1 is a specimen imbedded in a slab (pl. 2, fig. 5). Further, 
Hall’s (1871, 1872) figures and (1866; 1872) description are of a 
juvenile with diameters of distal calyx and proximal column nearly 
equal (this feature is a specific character of C. pentagonus), while 
AMNH 1173/1 is probably (the specimen is far from complete) a 
juvenile C. varibrachialus with distal cup diameter nearly twice that 
of the column (or proximal cup). Hall’s original specimen has 
evidently been lost or misplaced. 


Division of Cincinnaticrinus into two species may be somewhat 
artificial, because there is convergence of distal cup diameter to 
proximal cup (and proximal column) diameter ratios in the two. 
Examination of targe numbers of both taxa has established the fol- 
lowing: 1) young (small — cup height of about 2.5 mm or less) 
Cincinnaticrinus pentagonus have ratios equal to about 1.2, while 
young (similarly sized) C. varibrachialus have ratios of about 2.0; 
2) with age, the column and proximal cup of both broaden relative 
to the distal cup, but the column of C. varibrachialus widens propor- 
tionally more than that of C. pentagonus so that with increasing 
size (age) C. varibrachialus ratios become smaller faster; 3) Cincin- 
naticrinus populations with ratios of about 0.9 to 1.3 appear to be 
segregated from populations with ratios of about 1.5 to 2.2 (the 
former group appears to be Maysvillian and Richmondian, while the 
latter is Edenian and Maysvillian). Choice of 1.4 as the major dif- 
ferentiating feature of the two species is somewhat arbitrary; this 
figure was chosen because it is the number (expressed to the nearest 
tenth) that falls closest to the midpoint between the highest ob- 
served ratio (to the nearest tenth) in populations clustering around 
1 and the lowest cbserved ratio (to the nearest tenth) in popula- 
tions clustering around 2. Specific identification of individual speci- 
mens of Cincinnaticrinus on this basis is frequently problematic, be- 
cause it requires measurement of uncrushed (nearly round in oral 
or aboral view) dorsal cups. Such preservation is uncommon, but 
the problem is not without solution. In general, the distal cup 1s 
flattened more than the proximal cup and column, with increase 
(apparent) in ratios. One can, by averaging the shortest and longest 
diameters in each of the two planes of measurement, convert an ap- 
parent ratio (from a distorted specimen) to an approximation of the 
“real” ratio that is probably close enough to be useful. 

Cincinnaticrinus pentagonus likely evolved from C. varibrachia- 
lus with broadening of the column (presumably a response to in- 
creased current activity) and proximal cup and reduction in num- 
ber of IBrr. A similar evolutionary trend may occur in Ectenocrinus 
(see below). C. pentagonus probably gave rise to Dystactocrinus 
constrictus with increased regularization in number of IBrr, broaden- 
ing of BB, and enlargement of [Brry. 

58 BULLETIN 296 

Genus DYSTACTOCRINUS Ulrich, 1925 

1925. Dystactocrinus Ulrich, p. 87; Moore & Laudon, 1943, p. 14, text-fig. 1; 
Moore & Laudon, 1944, p. 149; Moore, 1962, p. 13, text-fig. 5—1a-b (1b 
is a copy of Hall, 1871, pl. 1, fig. 13 as Heterocrinus constrictus). 

1925. Atyphocrinus Ulrich, p. 85; Moore, 1962, p. 13, text-fig. 5—6a-c (6b-c 
are from Ulrich, 1925, text-fig. 4a-b as Atyphocrinus corryvillensis). 

Type species. — Heterocrinus constrictus Hall, 1871 from Mays- 
villian strata at Cincinnati, by original designation of Ulrich (1925, 
p- 87). 

Diagnosis. — Cincinnaticrininae with an anal tube evidently like 
that of Cincinnaticrinus; with ten arms exhibiting alternating hetero- 
tomous branching; with I[Brr; large, nearly the same size as the 
fused RR (width of IBrr; is nearly equal to that of the fused RR; 
height is three-fourths or more the height of the fused RR); and 
with distinctly hexagonal BB, noticeably broader than tall (Text- 
fig. Ye). 

Description. —In addition to familial and higher characters, 
Dystactocrinus has markedly hexagonal BB, three-fourths or less as 
tall as wide. In general, plates of the dorsal cup tend to be shorter 
and broader than in other cincinnaticrinids. The IBrr; are large, 
rectangular in plan view (actually, the IBrr; are tumescent and, 
thus, are shaped like a barrel cut longitudinally in half), and about 
the same size as the fused RR. A constriction occurs in the crown 
in the plane of the distal ends of the IBrr,. 

The arms are broader than in other cincinnaticrinids, while the 
armlets are narrow (about the same as in other cincinnaticrinids), 
so that the arm to armlet width ratio is high and is a striking feature 
evident even from cursory examination. Dystactocrinus has only two 
or three IBrr per ray and three or four I]Brr per arm, with armlets 
beyond the IIBr axillaries branching off every third or fourth Br. 
The proportionally small size of the armlets and the extent of regu- 
larization of branching (not attained by other cincinnaticrinids ) 
gives the arms the near appearance of pinnulation. In reality, there 
is gradation in crinoids from heterotomous branching to “pinnula- 
tion,” with armlets in the former becoming pinnules in the latter. 
Use of the term pinnulation, while descriptive in some cases, empha- 


sizes differences between some related forms which are actually 
slight and clouds phylogentic relationships, ¢.g., armlets of Cincin- 
naticrinus, with heterotomous branching, are certainly homologues of 
“pinnules” in closely related Ectenocrinus, said to be pinnulated, and 
the use of different terms for such similar branching is unfortunate. 

The broadness of the arms of Dystactocrinus prohibits them 
from being folded into a tight bundle (as in other cincinnaticrinids ) 
and causes the crown to be expanded distally. This distal crown 
expansion emphasizes the constriction at the bottom of the free arms 
(at the articulation of the IBrr,; and IBrr2) — thus, Hall’s specific 
name. The column of Dystactocrinus is like that of Cincinnati- 
crinus varibrachialus but with a greater tendency toward completely 
round columnals. 

Occurrence. — Maysvillian (?Kirkfieldian, Shermanian, or 
Edenian, and Maysvillian). Dystactocrinus (monospecific) is known 
from only a few specimens from the Fairview and Grant Lake Forma- 
tions of Cincinnati and environs. Hall (1872, p. 211) described 
D. constrictus (as Heterocrinus constrictus) from a single specimen 
from limestone of the “Hudson-river group” at Cincinnati; Meek 
(1873, p. 4) reported that Hall’s specimen had been found about 
100 feet below the tops of the hills at Cincinnati and that another 
species, H. compactus (a junior synonym of D. constrictus) occurs 
at the same level (Fairview Formation). Ulrich (1925, p. 85) 
described Atyphocrinus corryvillensis (a junior synonym of D. con- 
strictus) from the Corryville member of the McMillan Formation at 
Cincinnati (= Grant Lake Limestone). 

Ulrich (1925, p. 88) alluded to two undescribed species of 
Dystactocrinus, each represented by a single specimen, from older 
strata, one from the “Trenton limestone” at Ottawa, Ontario, 
(= Hull-Kirkfieldian, Sherman Fall-Shermanian, or Coburg beds- 
Edenian?), and another from the “Cynthiana limestone” at West 
Covington, Kentucky, (= Point Pleasant Formation). The Point 
Pleasant at Cincinnati is Shermanian and the “Trenton limestone” 
of New York and Canada has been shown to be Fdenian and Mays- 
villian (Sweet and Bergstrém, 1971). 

Discussion. — Dystactocrinus probably evolved from Cincin- 

60 BULLETIN 296 

naticrinus by enlargement of [Brr,, broadening and/or shortening 
of BB, reduction in number of [Brr, and regularization of branching. 
The genus gave rise to no known successors. The arm characters 
suggest that Dystactocrinus is a cincinnaticrinacean homeomorph 
of the homocrinacean genus Apodasmocrinus. 

Dystactocrinus constrictus (Hall), 1871 1G of 

1871. Heterocrinus constrictus Hall, pl. 1, figs. 13-14; Hall, 1872, p. 210, pl. 5, 
figs. 13-14; Meek, 1973, p. 3, pl. 1, figs. 10a-b; Ulrich, 1925, p. 87, text- 
fig. 6a; Moore, 1962, pl. 1, figs. la-b. 

1873. Heterocrinus constrictus var. compactus Meek, p. 4, pl. 1, fig. 11. 

1925. Atyphocrinus corryvillensis Ulrich, p. 85, text-figs. 4a-b. 

1925. Dystactocrinus constrictus (Hall), Ulrich, p. 87, text-figs. 6b-e, p. 88. 

1944. Dystactocrinus constrictus (Hall), Moore & Laudon, pl. 52, fig. 11. 

Primary type material.— MCZ 2165 (Hall, 1871, pl. 1, figs. 
13-14 and herein, PI. 7, figs. 5-7) from Maysvillian strata at Cincin- 
nati is the holotype of H. constrictus Hall, 1871. 

Because D. constrictus is at present the only known species of 
Dystactocrinus, the specific diagnosis, description, and occurrence 
are the same as for the genus. 

Discussion. — D. constrictus, while having numerous features in 
common with Cincinnaticrinus varibrachialus, differs from it in hav- 
ing wider cup plates, a tendency to reduce [Brr from four or five 
to two or three, arms which branch on every third or fourth IIIBr 
and higher, and a marked contrast in width of the arms and armlets. 
In the last three of these four respects, Dystactocrinus constrictus is 
more like the Cincinnatian homocrinid Ectenocrinus simplex. It is, 
however, certainly a cincinnaticrinid and shows closer relation to 
Cincinnaticrinus pentagonus, which also tends, as compared to C. 
varibrachialus, to broaden cup plates and to reduce [Brr from four 
or five to three or four. In addition, both C. pentagonus and D. con- 
strictus have broad columns. It appears that C. pentagonus gave 
rise to D. constrictus. 

Ohiocrinus exilis Foerste, 1914b (p. 125, pl. 1, fig. 7) has armlets 
that are markedly smaller than the arms and may be conspecific 
with D. constrictus, but the holotype (USNM 78718, pl. 2, fig. 2), 
and only known specimen, consists only of arms, and assignment to 
D. constrictus is uncertain. 


Genus ISOTOMOCRINUS Ulrich, 1925 

1925. Isotomocrinus Ulrich, p. 86; Moore & Laudon, 1944, p. 149; Moore, 1962, 
p. 13, text-fig. 5-2; Kolata, 1975, p. 26. 

Type species. —Isotomocrinus typus Ulrich, 1925 by original 
designation (1925, p. 87): this species is a junior synonym of Hetero- 
crinus tenuis Billings, 1857. 

Diagnosis. — Cincinnaticrininae with isotomous arm branching. 

Description. —Isotomocrinus has the general features of the 
subfamily and, aside from its isotomous arm branching and anal 
sac, is like Cincinnaticrinus. The anal sac is tubular, as in Cincin- 
naticrinus, but is somewhat broader and much longer and composed 
of more facing plates (at least seven or eight). The sides of the dorsal 
cup (in lateral view) form the largest angle of all Cincinnaticrininae; 
this is a product of distally expanding BB (as in C. varibrachialus ) 
and RR. Jsotomocrinus has C and D ray RR that are wider than in 
other cincinnaticrinids and wider than other RR (in the A, B, and E 
rays) in single specimens. 

The IBrr, taper more and the IBrrz expand less, if at all, than 
in other cincinnaticrinids, which makes for proportionally narrower 
arms. The arms are long with few branches. There are two to six [Brr 
per ray and four to nine []Brr (and higher series) per arm. Brachial 
variability seems to be similar to that in Cincinnaticrinus vari- 
brachialus, both for individuals and for the genus (and species) in 

The column is pentaparitite with interradial pentameres and 
with a pentagonal lumen having radially disposed points. The column 
is pentagonal near the cup and becomes gradually more rounded 
distally. There appear to be two sets of columnals of different size 
alternating in position proximally, but only one size distally. Distal 
columnals evidently become similar in size and shape with secondary 

Occurrence. — Kirkfieldian (? Blackriverian to Kirkfieldian, 
Shermanian, or Edenian; Rocklandian to Kirkfieldian, Shermanian, 
or Edenian; Kirkfieldian to Shermanian or FEdenian). [sotomo- 
crinus is known from the Hull beds of Kirkfield, Ontario; Hull, Sher- 
man Fall, and/or Coburg beds of Ottawa and Montreal; the “Tren- 
ton limestone” at Trenton Falls, New York; the Decorah shale, 

St. Paul, Minnesota, (UM 9274); and the Dunleith and Grand 



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Detour Formations, Illinois. Billings (1857, p. 274; 1859, p. 50) 
described Heterocrinus tenuis from the “Trenton limestone” of Ot- 
tawa and Montreal (= Hull, Sherman Fall, and/or Coburg beds). 
Springer (1911, p. 25) alluded to the same species in the Hull 
crinoid beds at Kirkfield, Ontario. Wilson (1946, p. 32) listed it 
from Hull (GSC localities 34 and 37), Sherman Fall (GSC locality 
44), and Coburg (GSC localities 4, 9, 13, 38, 39, 52, and 53) beds of 
Ontario and Quebec. Ulrich (1925, p. 87) alluded to two undescribed 
species: one from “limestone of Black River age” of central Pennsyl- 
vania (? = pre-Rocklandian Hatter or Hunter Limestones), another 
from “Upper Black River” of Wisconsin (? = unnamed pre-Rock- 
landian Limestones or the Kirkfieldian Decorah Shale). Jsotomo- 
crinus is common in the Hull crinoid beds at Kirkfield Quarry, Kirk- 
field, Ontario. A possible [sotomocrinus, briefly discussed by Brower 
and Veinus (1974, pp. 20-21) under the heading “Jsotomocrinus, 
n. sp.” was reported from Blackriverian rocks of Tennessee by those 
authors. Because of the limited nature of available material this 
occurrence will not be further considered in this paper, and the 
reference is cited only for completeness. 

Discussion. — The nature of the arm branching suggests that 
Isotomocrinus may have been the progenitor of all Cincinnati- 
crininae, and possibly of anomalocrinids as well. Evolution of [soto- 
mocrinus to Cincinnaticrinus could occur with alteration of isoto- 
mous to alternating heterotomous branching and shortening of the 
anal tube. Jsotomucrinus may have arisen from Atopocrinus or 
Ectenocrinus; alternatively [sotomocrinus and Atopocrinus or Isoto- 
mocrinus and Ectenocrinus may share an as yet unknown common 

Isotomocrinus tenuis (Billings), 1857 Pl. 8; Text-fig. 15 

1857. Heterocrinus tenuis Billings, p. 273; Billings, 1859, p. 50, pl. 4, figs. 6a-b, 
pl. 10, figs. 1a-c; Springer, 1911, p. 25; Jaekel, 1918, p. 85, text-fig. 79; 
Wilson, 1946, p. 32; Warn, 1973, p. 10, pl. 1, fig. 1 (nom figs. 2-19). 

1925. Isotomocrinus typus Ulrich, p. 87, text-figs. 5a-b; Moore & Laudon, 1944, 
oll, Sah, saver, ail 

1925. Heterocrinus juvenis Hall, Fritz, p. 10, text-fig. 7. 

21971. Ectenocrinus, n. sp. Steele & Sinclair, pl. 16, figs. 10-11. 

1975. Isotomocrinus tenuis (Billings), Kolata, p. 27. 

Primary type material. — GSC 1438 (the only remaining of 
Billing’s syntypes) was designated lectotype of H. tenuis by Wilson 

64+ BULLETIN 296 

a b 

Text-fig. 15. Isotomocrinus tenuis. 
USNM S.2077a-b are the primary types of J. tyfus Ulrich, 1925, which is a 
junior synonym of Heterocrinus tenuis Billings, 1857. a—camera lucida drawing 
of a CD interray view of USNM S.2077a; areas with question marks contain 
what appear to be disarticulated anal backing plates; b—camera lucida draw- 
ing of a CD interray view of USNM S.2077b. 


(1946, p. 32; Warn, 1973, pp. 11-12). GSC 1438 was adequately 
illustrated by Warn (1973, pl. 1, fig. 1) but is illustrated again here 
(Pl. 8, fig. 5). USNM S.2077a (Pl. 8, figs. 1, 4) is the holotype of 
I. typus, a junior synonym of [sotomocrinus tenuis. USNM S.2077b 
(PI. 8, figs. 2, 4) and USNM S.2077c (PI. 8, figs. 3, 4) are paratypes 
of I. typus. GSC 1438 is from the Kirkfieldian Hull beds at Ottawa, 
Ontario, while USNM S.2077a, b, and c are from the Kirkfieldian 
crinoid beds at Kirkfield, Ontario. 

The specific diagnosis and description of J. tenuis are essentially 
identical to that of the genus, given above. Comparisons with I. 
minutus Kolata, the only other known species, are made in the dis- 
cussion of the latter. Occurrences of J. tenuis are coextensive with 
those of the genus, excepting the Grand Detour Formation record. 

Discussion. —I. tenuis is known from the Trenton Limestone 
of Kirkfield and Ottawa, Ontario, and Montreal, Quebec, and from 
the Buckhorn Member, Dunleith Formation, Illinois. Numerous 
good specimens, mainly from Kirkfield, are housed in the collections 
of: Royal Ontario Museum, Geological Survey of Canada, United 
States National Museum, and University of Cincinnati Geological 
Museum (in the Kopf Collection). 

The specimen figured by Steele and Sinclair (1971, pl. 16, figs. 
10-11) as a new species of Ectenocrinus appears to be a cincinnati- 
crinid. It resembles both J. tenuts and Cincinnaticrinus vartbrachia- 
lus but shows no arm branching, critical for differentiation between 
these two species. Because its occurrence is more reconcilable with 
TI. tenwis than with C. varibrachialus, the authors have tentatively 
referred it to J. tenuis. The specimen has a more steeply conical cup 
than in other /sotomocrinus tenuis specimens and a smaller anal X 
than any other cincinnaticrinid. 

Heterocrinus tenuis (Billings) was referred to Isotomocrinus by 
Kolata (1975, p. 26), who regarded it and I. typus as separate 
species. For the reasons stated above we prefer to subsume J. typus 
into I. tenuts. 

A good case can be made for evolution of Cincinnaticrinus vari- 
brachialus from Isctomocrinus tenuis with reduction of the anal tube 
and transformation of isotomous to alternating heterotomous branch- 
ing. In fact, 7. tenuis probably gave rise, directly or indirectly, to all 
other Cincinnaticrininae. Choosing a progenitor for [. tenuis is a 

66 BULLETIN 296 

greater problem. No known crinoid (other than a member of the 
Cincinnaticrininae) exhibits a sufficiently obvious close morpho- 
logical relationship with J. tenwis (including Atopocrinus, the only 
older cincinnaticrinid) to merit consideration as a progenitor of J. 

Isotomocrinus minutus Kolata, 1975 
1975. Isotomocrinus minutus Kolata, pl. 4, fig. 4, text-figs. 4, p. 27. 

Primary type material. — UI X-4886 is the holotype; two para- 
types are UI X-4940 and UI X-491. All types are deposited in the 
collections of the University of Illinois (UI). 

Diagnosis. —Isotomocrinus with small steep-sided dorsal cup 
and anal X deeply set within dorsal cup (Kolata, of. cit., p. 27). 

Remarks. — This species has been well described by Kolata (op. 
cit.) and will not be redescribed here. Pending further study the 
species is accepted as valid, but the possibility remains that the 
three specimens placed in J. minutus by Kolata are juvenile I. tenuis. 
The steep-sided dorsal cup and more strongly pentagonal stem as 
compared to adult /. tenuis could be immature features; juvenile 
Cincinnaticrinus as noted above, exhibit similar morphology. The 
ontogeny of Jsotomocrinus, however, is not so well known as that of 
the related Cincinnaticrinus, so the possibility remains that J. 
minutus is a valid species. The noted deeper penetration of the anal 
X into the cup in J. minutus could also be a feature that changes 
during ontogeny. All of the J. tenuis from the Dunleith, while oc- 
curring in a different formation, are much larger. The finding of un- 
doubted J. tenuis of similar size to J. minutus would be necessary, 
in our opinion, to solidly establish the species. 

Genus OHIOCRINUS Wachsmuth & Springer, 1886 

1886. Ohiocrinus Wachsmuth & Springer, p. 208; Miller, 1889, p. 263; Wachs- 
muth, 1900, p. 152; Springer, 1911, p. 27; Springer, 1913, p. 212; Ulrich, 
1925, p. 90; Moore, 1962, p. 13, text-fig. 5-4a-d ((4a, b, d are from Ul- 
rich, 1925, p. 90, text-figs. 7a-c). 
Type species. — Heterocrinus laxus Hall, 1866 by original desig- 
nation of Wachsmuth and Springer (1886, p. 208). 
Diagnosis. — Cincinnaticrininae with spirally coiled anal sac and 
ten arms exhibiting alternating heterotomous branching. 
Description. — Like Cincinnaticrinus, Ohtocrinus has an anal 


sac that is an armlike branch of four (or possibly five) facing plates 
(XX) off the C ray sR, filled out by numerous small backing plates 
proliferated from the tegmen. In Cincinnaticrinus the backing plates 
close around the back of the XX to form a short, straight tube; but 
in Ohtocrinus the backing plates extend away from, and beyond, 
the XX as an inflated, polygonally polyplated, high-spired coil with 
wide whorls (Text-fig. 17). In contrast to Wachsmuth and Springer’s 
(1886, p. 208) description of the anal sac as composed of “. . . num- 
erous hexagonal pieces, arranged alternately, and in longitudinal 
rows,” the backing plates are polygonal (quadragonal, pentagonal, 
hexagonal, or septagonal) and are apparently not arranged in 
definite rows or circlets. In other respects (column morphology, B 
and [Br shape, etc.) Ohiocrinus is like Cincinnaticrinus. 

Occurrence. — Maysvillian. Ohiocrinus is known from the Fair- 
view Formation from Cincinnati, Ohio, and Madison, Indiana. 

Discussion. — For a time, the authors thought Cincinnaticrinus 
and Ohiocrinus to be congeneric, for it seemed that Ohtocrinus 
(specimens with spiral anal sacs) were simply Cincinnaticrinus with 
preservation of the polyplated sac. This view was bolstered by 
Wachsmuth and Springer’s (1886, p. 208) footnote to the descrip- 
tion of their new genus Ohtocrinus: 

“Ohiocrinus resembles Stenocrinus [a junior synonym of Hetero- 

crinus but used for Meek’s, 1873 concept of Heterocrinus that 

is herein called Cincinnaticrinus] very closely, and can only be 
upheld by the form of the ventral tube. We [Wachsmuth and 

Springer] never saw the appendage of Stenocrinus [Cincinnati- 

crinus|, but Mr. S. A. Miller claims it to be distinct, and this 

induced us to make the separation.” 
However, so many beautifully preserved Cincinnaticrinus with the 
anal sac ending as a short tube are now known that the two seem to 
be distinct, as Miller postulated. 

Ulrich (1925, p. 90) described Ohiocrinus as having a dorsal cup 
structurally similar to those of Cincinnaticrinus and Dystactocrinus 
but with great variation due to “breakage and irregular regeneration 
of parts.” Ulrich did not know the repository of Hall’s holotype 
(MCZ 2167) of Heterocrinus laxus, type species of Ohiocrinus, but 
had at least six specmens (USNM 42304a-e and an unlocated speci- 
men represented by Ulrich, 1925, text-figs. 9, 9a) which he had in 

68 BULLETIN 296 

1882 used as the basis for his new species H. oehanus and which 
he thought were perhaps conspecific with H. laxus. For H. laxus, 
Ulrich substituted (at least conceptually) H. oehanus as the type 
species of Ohiocrinus. Three of the four best (of the six) syntypes 
of H. oehanus are abnormal specimens (Text-figs. 16a-b-c), which 
caused Ulrich to characterize Ohiocrinus as having great cup vari- 
ability. The authors, after comparing the types of H. laxus and H. 
oehanus, believe the two to be conspecific. H. oehanus is, then, a 
junior synonym of HZ. laxus. 

Ohiocrinus evolved from Cincinnaticrinus with elongation, in- 
flation, and coiling of the tubelike anal sac and gave rise to no known 

Ohiocrinus laxus (Hall), 1871 Pl. 9: Text-figs. 16a-c 

1871. Heterocrinus laxus Hall, pl. 1, fig. 15; Hall, 1872, p. 211, pl. 5, fig. 15; 
Meek, 1873, p. 5, pl. 1, fig. 12. 

1882. Heterocrinus (Iocrinus) oehanus Ulrich, p. 175, pl. 5, figs. 9, 9a-c. 

1925. Ohiocrinus laxus (Hall), Ulrich, p. 90, text-fig. 7a; Moore, 1962, pl. 1, fig. 

1925. Ohiocrinus oehanus (Ulrich), Ulrich, p. 90. 

Primary type material.— MCZ 2167 (pl. 7, figs. 5-7) is the 
holotype of H. laxus Hall, 1871. 

Diagnosis. — Ohiocrinus with markedly heterotomous branch- 
ing, 7.e., with arms strikingly broader than the armlets. 

Description. —O. laxus has a distally expanding crown that 
widens uniformly and long arms with numerous branches (six to ten 
per arm). Each division series has three to seven Brr (four or five 
is most common). Number of Brr per division series appears to be 
variable, both among individuals and in different rays of the same 
individual, but not to the extent as in Cincinnaticrinus varibrachia- 
lus. Whereas a single specimen of C. varibrachialus might have as 
many as four different numbers of IBrr in the five rays (e.g., UCGM 
40500 with the following IBr arrangement: A-2, B-4, C-4, D-3, E-5), 
a single specimen of Ohiocrinus laxus typically has fewer different 
numbers of IBrr in five rays (e.g., MCZ 2167 with: A-5, B-4, C-4, 
D-4, E-4). This diminished variability is apparently true also for 
higher division series. Thus, while total intraspecific variation in 
number of Brr per division series in O. laxus is as great as in Cin- 
cinnaticrinus varibrachialus (species range of variation > individual 





nym of Ohiocrinus : 
a—exploded diagram of USNM 42304a. b—exploded diagram of USNM 

42304b. c—exploded diagram of USNM 42304c. 

Text-fig. 16. Ulrich’s (1882) abnormal specimens 
syno ‘TINt 


70 BULLETIN 296 

range of variation), variation in single individuals is greater in C. 
varibrachialus. Armlets given off at the axillaries bifurcate two or 
three times and appear to reach the tips of the arms. 

Occurrence. — Maysvillian. O. laxus is known from at least 
seven specimens from the Fairview Formation at Cincinnati. Hall 
(1872, p. 211) described Heterocrinus laxus from the “Hudson-river 
group” at Cincinnati. Ulrich (1882, p. 176) described H. oehanus, a 
junior synonym of O. laxus from “on the hills back of Cincinnati, 
Ohio, at an elevation of about 325 feet above low-water mark in the 
Ohio river” (= Fairview Formation). 

Discussion. —USNM 42304a (Pl. 9, fig. 9; Text-fig. 16a) is 
herein designated lectotype and the specimen figured by Ulrich 
(1882, pl. 5, figs. 9, 9a) and USNM 42304b-e (Text-figs. 16b-c) 
lectoparatypes of H. ochanus Ulrich, 1882, a junior synonym of H. 
laxus Hall, 1871, the type species of Ohiocrinus. The specimen repre- 
sented by figures 9 and 9a has not been located, although a note, - 
apparently in Ulrich’s handwriting, accompanying the USNM type 
specimens reads: “Remainder of Oeh’s spms [specimens] are at 
Yale.” However, search at Peabody Museum of Natural History, 
Yale University (1973), failed to reveal other specimens. 

O. laxus probably arose from Cincinnaticrinus varibrachialus by 
elongation, inflation, and coiling of the anal sac and elongation of the 
arms, either directly or with O. brawnt as intermediary. 

O. laxus and Dystactocrinus constrictus (Hall) Ulrich, 1925 
may be conspecific. Wachsmuth and Springer (1886, p. 208) placed 
Heterocrinus constrictus Hall, 1872 (type of Dystactocrinus Ulrich, 
1925) in their new genus Ohiocrinus (with H. laxus Hall, 1871 as 
type species). O. laxus has broad arms and narrow armlets, as does 
D. constrictus, and the BB are markedly hexagonal (as in D. con- 
strictus). One specimen (UCGM 23048; Pl. 9, fig. 1) of O. laxus 
particularly resembles D. constrictus. At present, however, the two 
are considered distinct, for examination of specimens referred here 
to D. constrictus has brought to light no spiral anal sac, although 
the anal tube-bearing ray is visible on some specimens. 

Ohiocrinus brauni Ulrich, 1925 Pl. 10; Text-fig. 17 
1925. Ohiocrinus brauni Ulrich, p. 90, text-figs. 7b-c. 
Primary type material. —USNM S.2082a (Ulrich’s text-fig. 7b) 


a 2 2p 
Sacey an 


a Neots 

Text-fig. 17. Ohtocrinus brauni. 
a—camera lucida drawing of a CD interray view of USNM S. 2082b. b—the 
same from a slightly different angle. c—camera lucida drawing of an E ray 
view of USNM 6S. 2082a. 

72 BULLETIN 296 

and S.2082b (Ulrich’s text-fig. 7c) are syntypes of O. brawm. USNM 
S.2082b (PI. 10, figs. 1-3; Text-fig. 17) is herein designated lectotype 
and USNM S.2082a (Pl. 10, figs. 4-6; Text-fig. 17) lectoparatype 
of O. brauni. Both are Maysvillian, from Madison, Indiana. 

Diagnosis. — Ohtocrinus with nearly isotomous branching, 1.e., 
with the arms and armlets of about the same width. 

Description. — O. brauni has arms with three or four branches 
per arm and three to four (commonly four?) Brr per division series. 
Br variability is apparently smaller than in O. laxus. Arms and arm- 
lets are about the same size, but armlets (given off on alternate sides 
beginning with the first abradially or away from the ray) continue 
unbranched to the tips of the arms. 

Occurrence. — Maysvillian. O. brawnt is known from only two 
specimens from the Fairview Formation at Madison, Indiana. 

Discussion. — O. braum, while differing from O. laxus, may not 
really be distinct; it is conceivable that specimens referred to O. 
brauni might be juveniles of O. laxus. This will remain uncertain, 
however, until our knowledge of the ontogeny of O. laxus approxi- 
mates that known for Cincinnaticrinus varibrachialus, Cincinnatt- 
crinus pentagonus, and Ectenocrinus simplex. O. braum could have 
arisen from C. varibrachialus by elongation, inflation, and coiling 
of the anal sac, either directly or with O. laxus as intermediary. 

Subfamily ATOPOCRININAE, new subfamily 
Diagnosis. — Cincinnaticrinidae with a conical (less steeply 
than in the Cincinnaticrininae) dorsal cup; with unequal-sized com- 
pound RR in the C and E rays; the C ray R is somewhat shorter 
and the E ray R somewhat taller than the nearly equal-sized fused 
RR in the A, B, and D rays; the anal series is an armlike branch 
off the C ray IBr; (termed brachianal by Moore, 1962). 

Genus ATOPOCRINUS Lane, 1970 
*1970. Atopocrinus Lane, p. 14. 

Type species.— Atopocrinus priscus Lane, 1970 by original 
designation (p. 14), Whiterockian of Utah. 

*The generic name Atopocrinus was first used by Clark (1912) for an extant 
comatulid crinoid. It was later used by Lane (1970) for an Ordovician in- 
adunate from Utah. Lane (pers. comm., Mar. 22, 1977) proposed the substitute 
name Othneiocrinus for the Ordovician form. 


Description. — Atopocrinus has equidimensional, pentagonal BB 
that expand distally. The E ray sR extends nearly to the distal 
margins of the A and B ray [Brrz. The C ray IBr; (brachianal) has 
a truncated left shoulder to support anal X; succeeding [Brr are 
narrower and rest on the remaining distal edge of the IBr;. There are 
two arms in the A and B rays, but branching in the C, D, and E rays 
is unknown. The A and B ray [Brr are as wide as the underlying RR 
(the A and B ray IBrr are quite low rectangles), but the C and E 
(and apparently D) ray IBrr are much narrower than the under- 
lying RR: the C and E ray IBrr are low, nearly square rectangles. 
The [Brr and one or two proximalmost II Brr lack armlets; the next 
ten or so Brr have armlets given off from every Br on alternate 
sides, with the first given off as an inner branch; succeeding Brr 
have armlets given off one or both sides of each Br. Where there are 
two armlets per Br, they are offset, indicating derivation from an 
alternating heterotomous condition by fusion of two adjacent Brr. 
Armlet facets on the oral surfaces of the arms are connected to the 
ambulacral groove by oblique grooves that join the ambulacral 
groove alternately (Text-fig. 18c). The stem is circular, pentapar- 
tite with radial pentameres, and has a proximal portion that tapers 
rapidly distally (as in members of the Homocrininae). 

Occurrence. — Whiterockian. Atopocrinus is known from a sin- 
gle specimen from the M zone (of Hintze, 1951) of the Kanosh Shale 
near Ibex, Utah. 

Discussion. — Among inadunates, branching of the anal series 
off the third radial plate of the C ray, rather than off the first or 
second, is a rarity. The only other known inadunate with this C ray 
plate arrangement is Peniculocrinus Moore, 1962. However, Atopo- 
crinus differs from Pentculocrinus in having compound RR in two 
rays rather than in all five. Possession of an anal series as a branch 
off the C ray IBr,; (branchianal) is a primitive feature and supports 
the view that the anal series originated as a C ray arm branch that 
came to be modified and incorporated into the calyx. 

Atopocrinus’s branching in the distal portions of the arms is 
unique among disparids and appears to have been derived from an 
alternating heterotomous condition by fusion of adjacent Brr in sets 
of two. Derivation from an ancestor with alternating heterotomous 
arms is not only supported by food groove configuration of bipin- 

74 BULLETIN 296 

nulate Brr but also by individual arm ontogeny (unbranched — 
alternating heterotomous — bipinnulate Brr). 

Atopocrinus priscus Lane, 1970 Pl. 2; Text-fig. 18 
1970. Atopocrinus priscus Lane, p. 15; p. 8, text-fig. 2f-j; p. 11, pl. 1, figs. 4-6. 

Primary type material. — The holotype and only known speci- 
men of A. priscus is USNM 165240. 

Because A. priscus is presently the only known species of Atopo- 
crinus, the specific diagnosis, description, and occurrence are the 
same as for the genus. 

Superfamily Homocrinacea Kirk, 1914 

(nom. transl. Ubaghs, 1953 ex. Homocrinidae Kirk, 1914) 

Diagnosis. — Disparid inadunate crinoids with a steeply conical 
dorsal cup having undivided RR in two rays (in the A and D rays) 
and compound RR in three rays (in the B, C, and E rays). 

Description.— The homocrinacean dorsal cup has five sym- . 
metrically or four asymmetrically and one symmetrically pentagonal 
BB, about equal in size. The distal left corner of the C ray sR and 
the distal right corner of the D ray R are truncated to accommodate 
anal X, which is a branch off the C ray. Succeeding XX are quad- 
rangular and backed by numerous small polygonal plates to form a 
tubular (and armlike) anal sac (this is unknown in Jbexocrinus but 
known to varying degree in other homocrinaceans). Each of the five 
RR supports a series of quadrilateral [Brr. IBr; articulates with the 
underlying R by immoble suture (and is thus fixed) along its entire 
proximal surface. 

Discussion. — Kirk (1914) erected the family Homocrinidae for 
Homocrinus. Kirk was of the opinion that, while Homocrinus is re- 
lated to the Heterocrinidae, especially to Ectenocrinus (this was, 
of course, prior to Ulrich’s, 1925, transferral of Ectenocrinus to the 
Homocrinidae), the Heterocrinidae could not house Homocrinus. 
Jaekel (1918, p. 54), believing that Homocrinus was dicyclic, added 
his new genera Nassoviocrinus, Jahnocrinus, and Ascocrinus (all 
dicyclic and none closely related to Homocrinus). Ulrich (1925) 
added Ectenocrinus Miller, 1889, and his new genera Drymocrinus, 
Daedalocrinus, and Sygcaulocrinus. Drymocrinus is considered as a 
junior synonym of Ectenocrinus. Lane (1970, p. 12) added his new 
genus Ibexocrinus. Ubaghs (1953) elevated Kirk’s family Homo- 

crinidae to superfamily Homocrinacea. The superfamily Homo- 


crinacea as now envisioned, then, contains Homocrinus, Daedalo- 
crinus, Ectenocrinus, Apodasmocrinus, n.g., [bexocrinus, and Sygcau- 

Text-fig. 18. Atopocrinus priscus. 
All are of USNM 165420, after Lane (1970). 
a—E ray view. b—C ray view. c—ventral view of arm. d—exploded diagram. 

76 BuLLeETIN 296 

Homocrinaceans are morphologically similar to cincinnati- 
crinaceans; both typically have steeply conical cups, similar arm 
size and shape, and similar placement of X (except for Atopo- 
crinus); homocrinaceans have three compound RR (in the B, C, and 
E rays) and only two fused RR (in the A and D rays); Ecteno- 
crinus, Apodasmocrinus, Ibexocrinus, and Sygcaulocrinus have alter- 
nating heterotomous branching as do the Cincinnaticrinacea (except 
Isotomocrinus, which has isotomous branching). 

Homocrinaceans occur in Whiterockian to Niagaran rocks of 
western, central, mideastern, and eastern United States and mid- 
eastern Canada. They have been found in Edenian and Maysvillian 
strata in the tristate Ohio-Kentucky-Indiana area (around Cincin- 
nati); in Shermanian and Edenian rocks of northwestern New York; 
in the Edenian of southern Pennsylvania; in Kirkfieldian to Edenian 
rocks of the Ottawa-St. Lawrence lowland of Canada; in Rich- 
mondian strata of Iowa; in Whiterockian strata of Utah; in Maysvil- 
lian strata of Wyoming; in Blackriverian rocks of Oklahoma, Ten- 
nessee and Virginia; and in Niagaran rocks of New York. 

Family HOMOCRINIDAE Kirk, 1914 

Because this is the only family of the Homocrinacea, familial 
characters are the same as for the superfamily. Two subfamilies are 
envisioned here. The subfamily Homocrininae contains Homocrinus, 
Ectenocrinus, Apodasmocrinus, Ibexocrinus, and Sygcaulocrinus. The 
subfamily Daedalocrininae is erected to accommodate Daedalocrinus, 
which is somewhat removed, morphologically and presumably phylo- 
genetically, from other homocrinids. 

Subfamily HOMOCRININAE Kirk, 1914 
(nom. transl. ex Homocrinidae Kirk, 1914) 

Diagnosis. — Homocrinidae with equal-sized compound RR (in 
the B, C, and E rays) somewhat taller than the equal-sized fused 
RR (in the A and D rays) and with a round column that tapers 
rapidly distally just below the dorsal cup. 

Description. — Members of the subfamily Homocrininae have 
IBrr; that taper distally and IBrr2 that expand slightly distally. The 
column is round with a pentagonal lumen and tapers rapidly distally 
just below the calyx. [bexocrinus, however, is an exception to both 


statements; it has rectangular [Brr,; and IBrre, and the column of 
Ibexocrinus, while round, tapers more gradually than in other Homo- 

Discussion. — Apparently, members of the Homocrininae have 
a point of columnal generation at the base of the rapidly tapering 
proximal portion of the column rather than at the base of the dorsal 
cup, the common location of columnal addition (aside from distal 
insertion ). It appears that a trend in Homocrininae is to incorporate 
proximal columnals into the calyx. This feature is undeveloped in 
Tbexocrinus, the oldest of the Homocrininae; well developed in 
Ectenocrinus; and best developed in Sygcaulocrinus and Homocrinus, 
the youngest of the Homocrininae. 

Members of the Homocrininae occur in Whiterockian to 
Niagaran rocks of western, central, mideastern, and eastern United 
States and mideastern Canada. They have been found in FEdenian 
and Maysvillian strata around Cincinnati; in Shermanian and 
Edenian rocks of northwestern New York; in the Edenian of south- 
ern Pennsylvania; in Edenian rocks of the Ottawa-St. Lawrence 
lowland of Canada; in Richmondian strata of Iowa; in Maysvillian 

rocks of Wyoming; in Whiterockian strata of Utah; and in Niagaran 
rocks of New York. 

Genus HOMOCRINUS Hall, 1852 

1852. Homocrinus Hall, p. 185 (partim); Hall, 1859, p. 102 (partim); Miller, 
1889, p. 255 (partim); Kirk, 1914, p. 476; Ulrich, 1925, p. 94; Moore & 
Laudon, p. 145; Moore, 1962, p. 7, text-figs. 1-8; pp. 10, 11, text-figs. 3-4. 

1880. Non Homocrinus Hall, Wachsmuth & Springer, p. 77, text-fig. 6; Wachs- 
muth & Springer, 1886, p. 144; Bather, 1893, p. 101; Bather, 1900, p. 178; 
Wachsmuth, 1900, p. 155; Slocom, 1907, p. 289; Springer, 1913, p. 217. 

1900. Non Homocrinus Hall, Wachsmuth, p. 155. 

Type species. — Homocrinus parvus Hall, 1852 by subsequent 

designation of Meek and Worthen (1866, p. 182). 

Diagnosis. — Homocrininae with tall (about twice as tall as 
broad and about as tall as the RR), symmetrical, and similarly 
shaped BB; with the five rays unbranched; and with proximal 
columnals short, of about equal height. 

Description. — Specimens belonging to the genus Homocrinus 
are minute (height of the dorsal cup is less than two and one-half 

millimeters — commonly about one and three-fourths millimeters). 

The BB are tall, about one-half the height of the dorsal cup. The 

78 BULLETIN 296 

A and D ray RR are fused; the B, C, and E ray RR are slightly taller 
and compound, divided into iRR and sRR of about equal size. The 
anal structure beyond anal X is unknown but is presumably similar 
to other homocrinids, cincinnaticrinids, and related forms (1.e., the 
anal series is probably an armlike branch off the C ray). 

According to Kirk (1914, p. 477), each of the five arms has a 
food groove roofed over by an alternating biseries of tiny cover plates. 
The [Brr; articulate along their entire proximal surfaces with the 
underlying RR and are apparently fixed; they are shaped like in- 
verted truncated cones and are shorter than succeeding Brr; the 
IBrr; are about as broad as tall. Succeeding IBrr are about twice 
or more as tall as broad and shorten somewhat distally; they are 
wider at the articulations than at the middles of the plates. 

The column tapers rapidly in a distal direction just below the 
cup. Kirk (1914, pp. 477-478) related that just distal to the tapering 
portion is an area in which two sizes of columnals alternate and 
that this alternating portion grades distally into an area with colum- 
nals of uniform size. Specimens examined in connection with this 
study show a round column that gradually enlarges distally below 
the rapidly tapering portion with all columnals observable approxi- 
mately equal in size to their neighbors. 

Occurrence. —Niagaran. Homocrinus is known from the 
Rochester Shale around Lockport, New York, (according to Ringue- 
berg, 1888, p. 269 from the top of the lower third of the Rochester 

Discussion. —Homocrinus was mistakenly thought to be di- 
cyclic until Kirk’s (1914) restudy of Homocrinus. Thus, in the 
synonymy, all pre-1914 references were to Homocrinus as being 
dicyclic; those with partim were with H. parvus (monocyclic) as 
type species, while those with non were with a dicyclic type species 
(and with H. parvus at most only listed as an included species). 
From 1914 to the present, references have been to Homocrinus as 
monocyclic with H. parvus as type (and only) species. 

Hall (1852, Paleontology of New York, vol. 2) included in his 
new genus Homocrinus two new species, 7. parvus (p. 185, pl. 41, 
figs. la-c) and H. cylindricus (p. 186, pl. 41, figs. 2a-c, 3a-c), and 
two species described by Hall in the first volume of the Paleontology 
of New York (1847), Poteriocrinus alternatus (p. 83) and P. gra- 


cilis (p. 84). In 1859a Hall added two new species (both dicyclic), 
Homocrinus scoparius (p. 102, pl. 1, figs. 1-9) and H. probosctdialis 
(p. 138, pl. 84, figs. 24-25). 

Hall’s original description of Homocrinus is pertinent and will 

be quoted in part (Hall, 1852, p. 185): 

Crinoidea having the calyces composed of three series of simple plates, 
each series consisting of five plates; sometimes one or more irregular 
plates intercalated between the scapular or third series of plates on one 
side; arms proceeding from the summit of the third series of plates, 
simple or bifurcating, composed of a single series of plates, without 

Hall evidently believed that all species he referred to his new 
genus had similar plate configurations. The generic description is 
clearly intended to apply to dicyclic crinoids (1.¢., with three princi- 
pal series of plates; IBB, BB & RR of current usage) with one or 
more anal plates (“irregular plates” of Hall, op. cit.) intruded into 
the cup. This definition, while loose by modern standards, does 
clearly apply to two species which were placed by Hall in Homo- 
crinus (H. cylindricus, H. scoparius) but could not accommodate H. 
parvus, which, as established by Kirk (of. cit.), is a monocyclic 
crinoid with three compound radials. Hall’s description of H. parvus 
was based on incomplete material which Hall assumed represented 
a dicyclic species. He was only able to deciper a small part of the 
calyx plate arrangement (Hall, pl. 41A, fig. 1d); nonetheless his 
description assumes three complete circlets of plates (op. cit., p. 

In neither of his two papers on Homocrinus did Hall designate 
a type species. This practice is characteristic of his earlier work. In 
the second volume of the Paleontology of New York (1852), for 
example, although numerous new genera (besides Homocrinus) are 
described, none is explicitly given a type species. It seems likely that 
Hall intended the first species in each to be the type, but this cannot 
be demonstrated consistently from his own works. The so-called “first 
species rule” (Stoll, et al., 1961, p. 71) is incorporated in the Code, 
but only as a recommendation. The first subsequent designation of 
a type for Homocrinus has been overlooked in the later literature 
but is apparently valid. However, as later workers based their revi- 
sions on the incorrect designation the history of the genus will be 
reviewed briefly below. 

80 BULLETIN 296 

A discussion of the Devonian-Mississippian crinoid genus 
“Poteriocrinus” (= Poteriocrinites, partim) by Meek & Worthen 
(1866, p. 182) contains the following sentence: 

Again, if this arrangement of the lowest anal plate excludes it from 
Poteriocrinus, how can it, upon such a basis of classification, be referred 
to Homocrinus?, the type of which (H. parvus) presents the marked dif- 
ference of having the lowest anal piece resting directly down upon the 
basal pieces, to say nothing of the wide differences, in the structure of 
the arms. 

This sentence would seem to qualify as a valid subsequent designa- 
tion of a type species under Article 69a, paragraph i of the Code 
(Stoll, et al., 1961, p. 69): 

In the absence of a prior valid type-designation for a nominal genus, 
an author is considered to have designated one of the originally in- 
cluded nominal species as type species, if he states that it is the type (or 
type-species). for whatever reason, right or wrong, and if it is clear 
that he himself accepts it as the type-species. 

In this paper, this is accepted as legitimate designation of the type 
of Homocrinus. 
Wachsmuth and Springer (1880, pp. 77-78) attempted to make 

H. scoparius type species of Homocrinus: 

The typical specimens which Hall used for description were most un- 
satisfactory, that of H. parvus being evidently a very young individual, 
while those of H. cylindricus are very imperfectly preserved. In Hall’s 
corrected list of New York fossils he seems to have given up both 
Dendrocrinus and Homocrinus, as he groups the species of both under 
Poteriocrinus [no such reference has been located; indeed, Hall, 1859a, 
p. 82, listed H. parvus and H. cylindricus in unaltered fashion]. In 
1861 [1859b], however, he described two new species under Homocrinus, 
from good specimens. They are not Poteriocrinus, for they have no pin- 
nulae, nor Cyathocrinus, for they have an extra intercalated plate above 
the basals: nor Dendrocrinus for that plate is not radial; but their af- 
finities are the closest with the latter, with which they agree in all 
principal characters. We [Wachsmuth and Springer] therefore regard 
Homocrinus as a subgenus under Dendrocrinus [dicyclic] . . . with 
Homocrinus scoparius Hall [dicyclic] as type... . 

Designation of H. scoparius Hall, 1859 as type species of Homo- 
crinus Hall, 1852 is not allowable under article 69a of the Code 
(Stoll, et al., 1961, p. 69), for H. scoparius is not one of the (four) 
originally included nominal species. 

In 1889 Miller (p. 255) listed H. parvus as type species of 
Homocrinus, possibly based on Meek and Worthen’s statement. 

Later, Bather (1893, p. 101),) rejected H. parvus as type species: 

There is certainly nothing in the description or figures of H. parvus to 
show that it is congeneric with H. cylindricus, and it seems very doubt- 
ful to what genus it belongs; it is therefore better to ignore this species, 
at all events until it has been properly described, and not take it, as 
Mr. S. A. Miller has done, for the type-species of the genus. 


Bather then suggested that H. cylindricus be considered type species 
of Homocrinus, and referred other dicyclic species to the genus. 

It is apparent that, until Kirk’s (1914) revision of Homocrinus, 
the genus was considered to be dicyclic, largely because three dif- 
ferent species (H. parvus, monocyclic; H. cylindricus, dicyclic; and 
H. scoparius, dicyclic) were considered the type by various authors, 
and because the monocyclic nature of H. parvus was not known (in 
fact, 20 dicyclic species have been referred to Homocrinus, and only 
one monocyclic species, H. parvus, has ever been included). Kirk, 
applying the convention of page priority, chose H. parvus as type 
species (apparently Kirk was not aware of Meek and Worthen’s 
work and did not consider Miller’s 1889, listing of H. parvus as the 
type species adequate, perhaps because no one after Miller, 1889, 
and before Kirk, 1914, e.g., Bather, 1893, had either). He also cor- 
rectly demonstrated for the first time the monocyclic nature of H. 
parvus. He erected the new dicyclic genus Lastocrinus with H. 
scoparius as type species for some of the dicyclic forms formerly re- 
ferred to Homocrinus. Kirk berated some authors’ choice (¢.g., 
Wachsmuth and Springer’s, 1880) of a species not included among 
those in the original description of the genus for the type and far- 
sightedly argued for the need for rules in paleontology to restrict 
“... the powers of subsequent writers in revising the original author’s 
conception of the genus. . . .” (Kirk, 1914, p. 474). As will be seen 
from the above it is doubtful that H. parvus really represents Hall’s 
conception of the genus. Nonetheless Kirk’s emendation of the genus 
is apparently technically justified. Kirk’s (1914) work caused H. 
parvus to be accepted universally as the type species and put an end 
to over fifty years of confusion on the nature of Homocrinus parvus. 

The diminutiveness of H. parvus has led some crinoid specialists 
(e.g., Wachsmuth and Springer, 1880) to view specimens attributed 
to H. parvus as juveniles of some other species with a radically dif- 
ferent adult form. However, many specimens, all tiny, have been 
found; no gradation in morphology away from the common Homo- 
crinus parvus form has been observed, and no morphologically rea- 
sonable potential adult is known from the same strata. It appears 
that adults of H. parvus are minute. 

Homocrinus differs from other Homocrininae mainly in having 

five unbranched arms and taller BB. As (Kirk, 1914, p. 479) sug- 

82 BULLETIN 296 

gested, Homocrinus would make a good ancestor for cincinnati- 
crinids; it would also be a good ancestor for homocrinids. However, 
its age (Niagaran) precludes its being anything but a successor to 
known homocrinids and cincinnaticrinids. Possibly Homocrinus was 
a precursor of haplocrinitids (Devonian), which have similar struc- 
ture in the radial circlet and unbranched arms, and pisocrinids 
(Silurian-Devonian), which have modified homocrinid cup struc- 
ture and unbranched arms. 

Homocrinus parvus Hall, 1852 Pl. 11; Text-fig. 19 

1852. Homocrinus parvus Hall, p. 185, pl. 41, figs. 1a-f; Kirk, 1914, pl. 42, figs. 
6-7; Meek & Worthen, 1866, p. 182; Kirk, 1914, p. 476, pl. 42, figs. 1-5, 
8; Ulrich, 1925, p. 93, text-figs. 10a-b (mislabelled 10a-a); Moore & 
Laudon, 1943, pl. 1, figs. 4a-b; Moore & Laudon, 1944, pl. 53, figs. 4a-e; 
Springer, 1920, pl. 4, fig. 22 (an illustration of Lecanocrinus nitidus 
with H. parvus entangled among its arms); Moore & Laudon, 1944, pl. 
SYR vite TP 

Primary type material. — AMNH 1705a, b, and c (all from the 
Rochester Shale, Lockport, New York) are syntypes of H. parvus. 
AMNH 1705a (PI. 11, figs. 1-2) is herein designated lectotype and 
1705b and c (PI. 11, figs. 3-4) lectoparatypes of H. parvus Hall, 

Because H. parvus is at present the only known species of 
Homocrinus, the specific diagnosis, description, occurrence, and dis- 
cussion are the same as for the genus. 

Genus ECTENOCRINUS Miller, 1889 

1847. Heterocrinus Hall, p. 278 (partim); d’Orbigny, 1850, p. 24 (partim) ; 
Pictet, 1857, p. 329 (partim); Billings, 1857, p. 271; Billings, 1859, p. 
48; Hall, 1866, p. 4; Hall, 1872, Op. 210 (partim); Meek, 1873, p. 1 
(partim) ; Zittel, 1879, p. 358 (partim) ; Wachsmuth & Springer, 1880, p. 
68 (partim); Wachsmuth & Springer, 1886, p. 205; Cumings, 1908, p. 
713; Miller, 1889, p. 252 (partim); Bather, 1893, p. 25; Wachsmuth, 
1900, p. 152; Jaekel, 1902, p. 1100; Grabau & Shimer, 1910, p. 50 
(partim) ; Springer, 1913, p. 212; Jaekel, 1918, p. 86; Fritz, 1925, p. 10 

1886. Stenocrinus Wachsmuth & Springer, p. 207 (partim). 

1889. Ectenocrinus Miller, p. 242; Bather, 1900, p. 146, fig. 58-3; Wachsmuth, 
1900, p. 152; Cumings, 1908, p. 712; Springer, 1911, p. 26; Springer, 
1913, p. 212 (partim) ; Slocum, 1924, p. 337; Ulrich, 1925, p. 94; Moore 
& Laudon, 1943, p. 27, text-fig. 3; Moore & Laudon, 1944, p. 145; Moore, 
1962, p. 7, text-figs. 1-6, p. 10. 

1925. Drymocrinus Ulrich, 1925, p. 96; Moore & Laudon, 1944, p. 145; Moore, 
1962, p. 10. 

Type species. — Heterocrinus simplex Hall, 1847 by original 
designation (Miller, 1889, p. 242). 


Text-fig. 19. Homocrinus parvus. 
a—A ray view (after Kirk, 1914); b—exploded diagram (atter Kirk, 1914). 

Diagnosis. — Homocrininae with short (about half as tall as 
broad) BB; one symmetrically pentagonal B (in the BC interray) 
and four asymmetrically pentagonal BB; with five rays bifurcating 
isotomously to form ten arms; and with proximal columnals short, 
of about equal height. 

Descnption. — Ectenocrinus has short, irregularly pentagonal 
BB; BB that underlie a compound R and a simple R have one 
sloping upper side (under the compound R) and one horizontal 
upper side (under the fused R); a single B (in the BC interray) 
underlies two compound RR (in the B and C rays) and has two 
sloping upper sides. The compound RR (in the B, C, and E rays) 
are inverted pentagons, divided into a taller sR and shorter 1R; 
compound RR are slightly taller than fused RR, which are tall 
rectangles. The distal left corner of the C ray sR and distal right 
corner of the D ray R are truncated to accommodate the armlike 
anal series. Anal X is an inverted, nearly parallel-sided, pentagon 
that supports a series of rapidly tapering distally XX backed by 

numerous small polygonal plates to form a tube. 

84 BULLETIN 296 

Ectenocrinus has two IBrr in each ray. IBr; is a low rectangle 
nearly twice as broad as high; it articulates along its entire proximal 
surface with the underlying R and is fixed. IBrz is a pentagonal 
axillary supporting two arms (to form a total of ten arms) with 
alternating heterotomous branching with the first armlets given off 
away from the ray. 

Occurrence. — Kirkfieldian or Shermanian to Richmondian. 
Ectenocrinus is known from the Kope and Fairview Formations 
(Edenian and Maysvillian at Cincinnati) in the Ohio-Kentucky-In- 
diana tristate area; from the “Trenton limestone,’ Trenton Falls, 
New York, Ottawa, Ontario, and Montreal, Quebec; the Maysvillian 
of Wyoming; and from the Maquoketa Formation (Richmondian? ) 
of Iowa. In addition, Ulrich (1925, p. 95) reported a few specimens 
from the Curdsville formation (Kirkfieldian?) of central Kentucky, 
but this report requires verification. 

Discussion. — Ectenocrinus is the genus that for over half a 
century was confused with Heterocrinus (see discussion of Cincin- 
naticrinus vartbrachialus). Two species, FE. simplex and E. genicula- 
ius, are recognized. H. geniculatus is the type species of Drymocrinus 
Ulrich, 1925, but the differences between H. geniculatus and E. 
simplex appear to be specific rather than generic. Drymocrinus, then, 
is a junior synonym of Ectenocrinus. Ectenocrinus may have been 
the progenitor, directly or indirectly, of all homocrinids, although 
Ibexocrinus or Daedalocrinus could have served this function. 

Ectenocrinus simplex (Hall), 1847 Pls. 12-14; Text-fig. 20 

1847. Heterocrinus simplex Hall, p. 280, pl. 76, figs. 2a-d; Cumings, 1908, p. 

1857. Heterocrinus simplex Hall, Billings, 1857, p. 271; Hall, 1871, pl. 1, figs. 
11-12; Hall, 1872, p. 5, figs. 11-12: Meek, 1873, p. 7, pl. 1, figs. 4a-b, 
5a-b; Cumings, 1908, p. 720, pl. 4, figs. 10, 10a; Grabau & Shimer, 1910, 
p. 502, text-fig. 1814: Moore & Laudon, 1943, pl. 1, figs. 5a-b; Moore 
& Laudon, 1944, pl. 53, fies. 8a-b; Moore, 1962, pl. 1, fig. 2a. 

1859. Heterocrinus canadensis Billings, p. 48, pl. 4, figs. 5a-d. 

1873. Heterocrinus simplex var. grandis Meek, p. 9, pl. 1, figs. 6a-b, 7a-c; 
Grabau & Shimer, 1910, p. 502, text-fig. 1814; Moore, 1962, pl. 1, figs. 

1909. Ectenocrinus canadensis (Billings), Wood, p. 22. 

1914. Ectenocrinus grandis (Meek), Foerste, pv. 124, pl. 1, figs. 8a-d. 

1924. Ectenocrinus raymondi, Slocom, p. 337, pl. 29, figs. 5-9; Thomas and 
Ladd, 1926, p. 14, pl. 2, fig. 2. 

1925. Ectenocrinus simplex (Hall), Ulrich, p. 95, text-fig. 11; Moore & Laudon, 
1944, pl. 52, fig. 7. 





Text-fig. 20. Exploded diagram of Ectenocrinus simplex (after Ulrich, 


86 BuLueTIN 296 

Primary type material. — AMNH 656/2a, b, c, d, e, f, g, and h 
are syntypes. AMNH 656/2a (Hall, 1847, pl. 76, figs. 2a and d; 
herein Pl. 12, figs. 1-2) is herein designated lectotype and 656/2 b, 
c, d, e, f, g and h lectoparatypes of Heterocrinus simplex Hall, 1847. 

Diagnosis. — Ectenocrinus having straight arms made up of 
numerous syzygial pairs, each pair composed of an armlet-bearing 
epizygal above articulating syzygally below with a hypozygal. Cup 
subconical, stem facet covering base. 

Description. — E. simplex, as well as having the generic (Ecte- 
nocrinus) features of two Brr in the [Br series, has two Brr in each 
succeeding series. Diagonal sutures, alternating in direction of slope, 
separate each division series, with an armlet (pinnule) given off at 
the highest part of every second Br (hypozygal). The armlets are not 
visible when the arms are folded tightly together, which is commonly 
the case (presumably for the same reason that cincinnaticrinacean 
arms are usually folded, see cincinnaticrinacean discussion). Young 
(small) E. stmplex have tall Brr, while older (larger) individuals 
have shorter Brr. Apparently Brr are first secreted as tall quad- 
rilateral ossicles which then grow faster laterally than vertically 
and so get proportionally shorter. 

Distal to the rapidly tapering proximal part (a homocrininan 
character), the column of Ectenocrinus simplex shows a columnar 
gradation similar in some respects to that of Cincinnaticrinus vari- 
brachialus. Just below the rapidly tapering portion of the column, 
columnals are short and nearly equal in size to the few adjacent 
columnals on either side. The column enlarges gradually distally, and 
the section of equal-sized short columnals grades into a zone with 
columnals of two different sizes: smaller (shorter and narrower) 
columnals alternating with larger (taller and broader) columnals 
CGPIE3 ais. 3)). 

The column is tripartite with the trimeres of each columnal 
disposed in the following manner: one occupies the EA and AB in- 
terrays, another lies in the BC interray and the C ray, and the third 
occupies the D ray and the DE interray (Text-fig. 20). Each trimere 
is in optical continuity; therefore, the trimeres are apparently not 
derived from a pentameric condition by fusion of two sets of two 
plates (such derivation is obvious in the basal circlets of many 
crinoids having only three BB as well as in nearly all blastoids). De- 


rivation from a pentameric condition by fusion of two sets of two 
pentameres is also precluded by the unique disposition of the inter- 
trimeric sutures. One is interradial (in the CD interray) and two are 
radial (in the B and E rays). In monocyclic crinoids with penta- 
partite columns, interpetameric sutures are all interradial, whereas 
in dicyclic and pseudomonocyclic crinoids with pentapartite columns, 
all interpentameric sutures are radial (Warn, 1975). The axial canal 
in Ectenocrinus simplex, however, is pentalobate with the lobes 
directed interradially (Warn, 1975, text-fig. 3). 

Occurrence. — Kirkfieldian or Shermanian to Richmondian. £. 
simplex is known from the Kope and Fairview Formations around 
Cincinnati; the Trenton Limestone around Ottawa and Montreal 
and at Trenton Falls, New York; the Martinsburg Formation of 
southern Pennsylvania; and the Maquoketa Formation at Clermont, 
Towa. Hall (1847, p. 280) described Heterocrinus simplex from 
“... the soft shaly portions of the Blue limestone of Ohio at Cin- 
cinnati, equivalent in position to the Hudson-river group of New 
York.” Billings (1857, pp. 271-273) described specimens he found 
in the “Trenton limestone, Ottawa and Montreal” as H. canadensis, 
which is now a junior synonym of E. simplex. Wood (1909, p. 23) 
reported E. canadensis (Billings) from the “. . . lower part of Tren- 
ton formation [at] Frankfort, Kentucky.” Slocom and Foerste (1924, 
pp. 337-339) described E. raymondi, a junior synonym of E. simplex, 
from the lower part of the Maquoketa Formation at Clermont, Iowa. 
Additionally, numerous good specimens are known from the Kope 
Formation around Cincinnati and the Martinsburg Formation of 
southern Pennsylvania (especially from Swatara Gap). 

Discussion. — Small Ectenocrinus simplex and_lichenocrinid 
bases are a common association, and juvenile E. stmplex probably 
have a lichenocrinid holdfast. Because Cincinnaticrinus varibracha- 
lus and E. simplex usually occur together (in the Kope), nothing 
definite can be said of the EF. simplex holdfast. In these occurrences, 
however, there are holdfasts that differ from those that can probably 
be referred to C. varibrachialus in two respects: they are somewhat 
larger (with diameters of about four to five mm as opposed to two 
to two and one-half mm) and the plates of the polyplated upper wall 
are well demarcated (unlike the C. varibrachialus holdfast which 
is obscurely plated). 

88 BULLETIN 296 

It appears that in adult E. simplex new columnals are added 
at the base of the rapidly tapering proximal column and inter- 
calated distally, for the smallest (cup height of 1.4 mm) individual 
has a rapidly tapering portion, as do all others (the largest has a 
cup height of 7.0 mm). A growth zone, similar to that at the base 
of the cup in most disparids, some distance below the cup (at the 
base of the rapidly tapering portion of the column) is a feature 
common to homocrinids and apparently unique among disparids. 
Evidently, a trend in homocrinids is to incorporate a few proximal 
columnals into the calyx. The interradial lumen extensions suggest 
that Ectenocrinus simplex is a true monocyclic crinoid, but the 
strange trimeric distribution suggests both monocyclicism and pseu- 

The taxonomic splitting of EZ. simplex (as shown in the syn- 
onymy) was largely due to lack of awareness of population variation 
during the classical period of paleontology. Billings (1857, pees 
reported that his specimens were conspecific with Heterocrinus 

I had drawn up the description of our Canadian specimens as above, 
under the impression that they were of a species different from that of 
the Hudson River Group [H. simplex]. But having since seen Professor 
Hall’s collection, I now believe that ours are identical. . . Should, 
however, it hereafter be found that ours is different from the Hudson 
River species, I beg that it may be called H. Canadensis. . 

Hall (1847, p. 280) had incorrectly described the proximal part 
of the column of H. simplex as pentagonal (it is round), and Billings 
(1859, pp. 48-49) used the Canada specimens’ having round columns 
as the differentium between Heterocrinus canadensis and H. simplex. 
Meek (1873, pp. 9-10) described H. grandis as a subspecies of H. 
simplex; the subspecies was reported to be larger than H. simplex 
with shorter Brr than in H. canadensis. Slocom (1924, pp. 337-339) 
described Ectenocrinus raymondi as like E. grandis but with shorter 
Brr, more slender pinnules, and transverse grooves on the dorsal 
sides of the arms. Size of the crown and height of Brr are poor 
taxobases, for individuals grow larger and Brr grow faster laterally 
than vertically, so that older individuals have proportionally shorter 
Brr than younger individuals. The transverse grooves in the single 
specimen (CFM UC24701) of E. raymondi may be a unique fea- 

ture, but E. raymondi is considered to be conspecific with E. simplex. 


E. simplex probably gave rise to £. geniculatus with addition of 
a third Br in each division series and geniculation of the arms: E£. 
simplex may have given rise to Sygcaulocrinus typus with heighten- 
ing of the BB, heightening and fusion of the three most proximal 
columnals, and addition of Brr in each division series; and perhaps 
E. simplex produced Homocrinus parvus with heightening of the 
BB and elimination of branching. 

Ectenocrinus geniculatus (Ulrich), 1879 Pl. 14-16 

1879. Heterocrinus geniculatus Ulrich, p. 16, pl. 7, figs. 13, 13a-c. 

1925. Drymocrinus geniculatus (Ulrich), Ulrich, p. 96, text-figs. 12a-b; Moore 
& Laudon, 1944, pl. 52, fig. 7. 

1925. Drymocrinus manitoulinensis Foerste, p. 101, pl. 7, figs. 7. 

1925. Drymocrinus sp. Foerste, pl. 7, fig. 2 

Primary type material.— The holotype (figured by Ulrich, 
1879, pl. 7, fig. 13) is UCGM 36313. A natural mold of the holotype 
is USNM 42219a. USNM 42219b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, and 1 and 
CFM UC8829 are paratypes. All are lowest Edenian at Cincinnati. 

Diagnosis. — Ectenocrinus with geniculate (zigzag) arms and 
two to four IIBr and higher (more commonly two or three than 

Description. — E. geniculatus has IBrr, that taper distally and 
IBrr2 that expand slightly distally. The [Brr,; are shaped like up- 
right, truncated cones. Thus, the junction of the [Brr; and [Brrs 
forms a constriction in the crown that marks the position of the 
tegmen, above which the arms become free. The IBr and higher 
axillaries expand noticably distally. Whereas the armlets in E£. 
stmplex are usually concealed when the arms are folded together 
(which is usually the case), the armlets in Ectenocrinus geniculatus 
are obvious in folded specimens for the zigzag nature of the arms 
reveals them. 

The column is round and expands gradually distally. Near the 
cup, the columnals are short, but they become gradually taller 
distally until they are nearly as tall as wide (PI. 15, fig. 6). Ulrich 
(1925, p. 96) reported that the column is quinquepartite, but this 
has not been verified. The nature of the column is difficult to deter- 
mine from specimens in the type suite; the column is probably 
pentapartite, as Ulrich said, but may be tripartite, as in E. simplex. 
The axial canal is pentalobate with the five lobes directed inter- 


90 BuLLETIN 296 

Occurrence. — Edenian. At the base of the Kope Formation in 
the immediate vicinity of Cincinnati; Sheguiandah Formation 
northeast of Tamarack Point and at St. Hyacinthe in the Mani- 
toulin Island (in Lake Huron) area of Canada. 

Discussion. — Ulrich (1925, p. 96) described the column of 
E. gemculatus as being cirrose and illustrated it (p. 96, text-fig. 12b) 
as being profusely so. One of the paratypes (USNM 422191) has 
numerous appendages that resemble cirri but are apparently broken 
armlets lying along its column (none appear to be attached to the 
column). No specimen examined for this report possesses either 
cirri or attachment sites for cirri, and the column of Ectenocrinus 
gemculatus is evidently not cirrose. 

Ulrich (1925, p. 96) also described the anal sac as like that of 
E. simplex but wider and with “. . . a series of thin quadrate plates 
on either side of the median series.” Available evidence, however, 
indicates that EF. geniculatus has an anal sac like that of E. stmplex 
(a series of facing XX backed by numerous small polygonal plates). 

E. gemculatus was probably a short-lived offshoot from E. stm- 
plex that gave rise to no successors. Such evolution would have re- 
quired only geniculation of the arms and slight increase in number 
of Brr in the IIBr, and higher, division series. 

Ectenocrinus sp. indet. Kolata, 1976 
1976. Ectenocrinus sp. indet. Kolata, p. 447, pl. 1, figs. 6-7, text-fig. 2. 

Primary type material. — A single speciemen, UI X-5184. 

Diagnosis. — A species of Ectenocrinus with rotund, pyriform 
dorsal cup that is wider than high; anal X arcuate, elongate; com- 
pound radials (in B, C, & E rays) with inferradial and superradial 
components about equal in height; arms unknown; axial canal of 
column and preserved proximal columnals round; column tapering 
rapidly distally. 

Discussion. — Though the arms are lacking this crinoid was 
probably correctly placed in Ectenocrinus by Kolata (1976). The cup 
shape is unlike that of E. simplex or E. geniculatus and reminiscent 
of that of Apodasmocrinus punctatus. Like the latter E. sp. indet. 
has a round column that is apparently not tri- or pentapartite. How- 
ever the distal taper of the column and relatively wide column facet 
are more comparable to those of the better-known Ectenocrinus 


species. The near-equal size of the inferradial-superradial pairs is a 
feature characteristic of Ectenocrinus and far removed from the 
strongly unequal compound RR of Apodasmocrinus. 

Kolata (1976, p. 448) compared his species with an unnamed 
species discussed by Ulrich (1925, p. 95) and cited by him as from 
the Curdsville Limestone of Kentucky and the lower Trenton 
crinoid beds near Kirkfield, Ontario. The authors have not located 
Curdsville Ectenocrinus but the Trentonian specimens from Canada 
appear to be E. simplex. Ulrich’s description does not seem to us 
applicable to this species, because the dorsal cup of Ulrich’s crinoid 
is “more slender, and tapers more gently and more regularly into 
the expanding proximal part of the column [in comparison to £. 
simplex|” (Ulrich, op. cit., p. 95). The cup of this species is stouter 
than F. simplex and the rounded sides cause the change from cup to 
column to appear more abrupt than in E. simplex or E. geniculatus, 
but less so than in Apodasmocrinus punctatus. 

Until better preserved and more complete material is en- 
countered the species is best left unnamed, but the generic assign- 
ment seems plausible. #. sp. indet. was probably a derivative of 
E. simplex that retained primitive cup characters (i.e., size of infer- 
and superradials) but had a more evolved column. 

Genus Apodasmocrinus Warn and Strimple, new genus 
Text-fig. 21 

Type spectes.— Apodasmocrinus daubei Warn and Strimple, 
1977 by original designation herein. 

Diagnosis. — Homocrininae with barrel-shaped dorsal cup hav- 
ing a moderate basal concavity; with superradials (in compound 
rays )only slightly shorter than simple radials; column round except 
in most proximal segment, heteromorphic, with large barrel-shaped 
nodals and internodals; proximal columnals much narrower than cup 
base; arms 10, apparently uniserial, arms constricted at distal end 
of IBr,, expanding above; “pinnules” present, exact arrangement 

Description. — Crown long, slender, constricted at the summit 
of primibrachs 1. Cup barrel-shaped, widest at mid-section of super- 
radials or above mid-height of simple radials; base of cup broad, 
planate with narrow columnar attachment area impressed into base, 
forming a narrow but moderately deep basal concavity; compound 

92 BuLLETIN 296 

Text-fig. 21. Exploded diagram of Apodasmocrinus daubet. 

radials in C, B and E rays (familial characteristic) with short infer- 
radials (Text-figure 21); anal X small, resting mainly on diagonal | 
left shoulder of C superradial but notching slightly into right 
shoulder of D radial. Arms 10, uniserial, long and slender; proximal 
end of primibrachs J fills distal faces of radials (or superradials) 
but they taper sharply to become narrow at distal ends; axillary 
primibrachs 2 expand rapidly distalward; arms do not taper ap- 
preciably until well above mid-height. Column round except in 
proximal segments which are reported to be composed of five penta- 
meres in Apodasmocrinus punctatus; columnals barrel-shaped with 
non-cirriferous nodals alternating with much smaller nodals. 

Name. — Gr. apodasmos-divided, with reference to the divided 
or compound radials. 

Occurrence.—Middle Ordovician, Blackriverian; North America 
(Va., Tenn., Okla.). The type species is from the Bromide Forma- 
tion of Oklahoma. Brower & Veinus (1974) reported A. punctatus 
from Benbolt Formation localities in southwestern Virginia and 
northeastern Tennessee. 

Discussion. — Apodasmocrinus has extremely narrow infer- 
radials, perhaps indicating a trend toward eventual elimination, 
rather than fusion, of compound RR in one ectenocrinid line. The 
anal tube is not preserved on available material but may be much 
like that of Ectenocrinus. The arms divide once on the axillary [Brre 


and are pinnulate (bear armlets). Like those of Ectenocrinus the 
armlets of Apodasmocrinus are not visible when the arms are tightly 
folded. As the arms (main rami) appear completely uniserial and only 
a few pinnules are preserved on the paratype of A. dawbez it is not 
known with certainty whether the pinnules are alternate on each 
brachial or arranged as in E. simplex. The narrowness of each arm 
brachial suggests either that syzygial pairs are not developed in this 
genus or, less likely, that formerly paired brachials have fused. The 
strict uniseriality of the brachials indicates that the former is more 

The barrel-shaped dorsal cup is unusual among Homocrinacea, 
being most nearly paralleled in Sygcaulocrinus. The rounded base 
and well-developed, though narrow, basal concavity are present 
in both species of Apodasmocrinus. No other cincinnaticrinacean 
posses both features. Nevertheless, the other features of the 
genus individually are found in other Cincinnaticrinacea, and 
separation even on a subfamilial level does not appear warranted 
at this time. Constriction of the arms above the [Brr, in A. dauben 
is reminiscent of a similar trend in Cincinnaticrinus and is also well 
exemplified in Dystactocrinus constrictus. Development of penta- 
meres involving only the proximal-most columnals in A. punctatus 
(Brower and Veinus, 1974, pp. 18-19) indicates that the column is 
morphologically advanced. The genus appears to be specialized in 
most features (compound RR, column, [Br arm constriction, cup 
shape) but retains some archaic features, e.g. uniserial main arms. 

Occurrence. — Blackriverian, Benbolt Formation and Hogskin 
Member of Lincolnshire Formation or Benbolt Formation, Tennes- 
see, and Virginia, Mountain Lake Member, Bromide Formation, 


Apodasmocrinus daubei Warn & Strimple, new species Text-fig. 22 a-c 

Primary type material.— Holotype SUI 39593 (Repository, 
University of Iowa); paratype USNM 164106. 

Diagnosis. — Base of cup broad with large basals flexed upward 
to form an appreciable portion of lateral sides of cup. Cup plates 
tumid and smooth. Occasional pinnule-like ramules in distal por- 
tions of arms. 

Description. — Same as that of genus, except where noted (see 

BuLLeETIN 296 


w asl 

22. Apodasmocrinus. a — CD interray view of A. daubei, para- 

type USNM 164106. b — A ray view of A. daubei, 

paratype USNM 164106. 

c — Holotype of A. daubei (SUI 39593); drawing centered on CD interray. 

d — Drawing of holotype of A. punctatus (USNM 164097), CD interray view. 

1974), pl. 2, cig, 2. 


Adopted from Brower & Veinus 


above and discussion sections under both Apodasmocrinus species). 

Discussion. — A. daubei and A. punctatus are similar in overall 
appearance but the punctate plate ornament of the latter and the 
proportionately taller basals of A. dawbez readily distinguish the two 
species. Additionally A. dawbei has a broader stem facet (compared 
to maximum cup width) than does the Benbolt species, and its 
column appears to lack a differentiated quinquepartite proximal 
portion even in young specimens (¢.g., the holotype). A. punctatus 
has basal plates with only the distal tips flexing out of the basal 
plane which contributes to formation of a proportionately shorter 
dorsal cup than that of A. daubei. In most other respects the two 
species are remarkably similar. 

Measurements in millimeters: 
Holotype Paratype 
SUI 39595 USNM 164106 

Length of crown (excluding basals) — 31.4 
Width of crown (at secundibrachs 2) — 6.7 
Height of cup 4.0 — 
Width of cup (maximum) 4.2 523 
Width of cup (antero-posterior ) — 5x2. 
Height of anal X L3 1.5 
Width of anal X 12 1.4 
Height of D radial 22 25 
Width of D radial 2.3 2.6 
Height of C’ superradial zl Wd}? 
Width of C superradial jp) 2.8 
Height of C inferradial 0.7 — 
Length of C inferradial lateral sides 0.4 — 

Name. — Particular mention is made here of the kindness of 
Leon Daube who first allowed the junior author permission to col- 
lect on his ranch and to the later cooperation of his heirs, Mrs. Olive 
Daube and son Sam Daube, and to Jim Manton, manager of the 
Daube Ranch Company. It is with this in mind that the presently 
described species is named daubez in slight token of gratitude to 
Leon Daube. 

Occurrence. — “Platycystites zone,’ Mountain Lake Member, 
Bromide Formation, Blackriveran, Middle Ordovician; West Branch 

96 BULLETIN 296 

of Sycamore Creek, Daube Ranch, Johnson County, Oklahoma (SW 
1/4 SE 1/4 NW 1/4 sec. 27, T.3 S., R. 4 E.). 

Apodasmocrinus punctatus (Brower & Veinus), 1974 Text-fig. 22 d 
1974. Ectenocrinus punctatus Brower & Veinus, pp. 17-20, pl. 1, figs. 2-4; pl. 2, 
figs. 1-6. 

Primary type material. — Holotype, USNM 164097; paratypes, 
USNM 164098-164105; UMMP 57521, 57522; MCZ 621. 

Diagnosis.— A species of Apodasmocrinus with BB barely 
visible in side view; cup short, broad, barrel-shaped in young indi- 
viduals but somewhat quadrate appearing in mature specimens. 
Column round, possibly proximally quinquepartite; distally strongly 
heteromorphic; column facet narrow. 

Discussion. — The original description by Brower and Venus 
(op. cit., pp. 17-20) is complete and needs no supplementation. 
Though no specimen with arms has been found, the cup shape, 
narrow inferradials, and column features suggests referral to Apo- 
dasmocrinus. The proportionately narrower stem facet of this species 
is likely an advanced feature, as is the reduction in size and promi- 
nence of the BB; however, the proximal portion of the column of A. 
punctatus still is quinquepartite, indicating a closer relationship 
for this species to its probable ectenocrinid ancestors. Possibly both 
species are descended from a common ancestor which itself had 
earlier diverged from Ectenocrinus. The most likely antecedent for 
both Apodasmocrinus species is a form like Ectenocrinus sp. indet. 

Genus IBEXOCRINUS Lane, 1970 
1970. Ibexocrinus Lane, p. 12. 

Type species. — Ibexocrinus lepton Lane, 1970 by original desig- 
nation (p. 12). 

Diagnosis. — Homocrininae with symmetrically pentagonal BB 
about as tall as wide and equal in size; with five rays bifurcating 
isotomously to form ten arms; and with proximal columnals narrow, 
of about equal height. 

Description. — Ibexocrinus has compound RR divided about 
equally into i1RR and sRR. The anal tube, aside from the first two 
XX, is unknown but is probably like that of Ectenocrinus. Each ray 
apparently has two [Brr, with isotomous branching on the [Brro. 


IBr, is a low rectangle nearly twice as broad as high, articulating 
with the underlying R along its entire distal surface. IBr2 is a 
pentagonal axillary supporting two equal-sized arms. Succeeding 
branching is alternating heterotomous with the first armlets on the 
outside (or abradially). In subsequent arm divisions there are six 
to nine I] Brr branchials in each division series. The stem is round 
and expands only slightly proximally just below the dorsal cup; it is 
pentapartite with radial pentameres. 

Occurrence. — Whiterockian. [bexocrinus is known from a single 
specimen from the M zone (of Hintze, 1951), Kanosh Shale, near 
Ibex, Utah. 

Ibexccrinus lepton Lane, 1970 Pl. 16, figs. 46; Text-fig. 23 
1970. Ibexocrinus lepton Lane, p. 13; p. 8, text-figs. 2b-c; p. 11, pl. 1, fig. 1. 

Primary type material. — The holotype and only known speci- 
men of [bexocrinus lepton Lane, 1970 is USNM 165239. 

Because J. lepton is presently the only known species of [bexo- 
crinus, the specific diagnosis, description, occurrence, and discussion 
are the same as for the genus. 

Genus SYGCAULOCRINUS Ulrich, 1925 

1925. Sygcaulocrinus Ulrich, p. 98; Moore & Laudon, 1944, p. 145; Moore, 
1962, p. 11, text-figs. 3-7a-b (b is Ulrich, 1925, p. 93, text-fig. 10b). 

Type species. —Sygcaulocrinus typus Ulrich, 1925, by original 
designation (Ulrich, 1925, p. 99). 

Diagnosis. — Homocrininae with tall BB, about one and one- 
half times as tall as broad; with one symmetrically pentagonal B 
(in the BC interray) and four asymmetrically pentagonal BB; with 
five rays bifurcating isotomously to form ten arms; and with proxi- 
mal columnals inflated, greatly taller than adjacent (more distal) 

Description. — Sygcaulocrinus has irregularly pentagonal BB; 
those BB that underlie a compound R and a simple R have one 
steeply sloping upper side (under the compound R) and one nearly 
horizontal upper side (under the fused R). A single B (in the BC 
interray) underlies two compound RR and has two sloping upper 
sides. The compound RR (in the B, C, and E rays) are inverted 
pentagons, divided into a taller sR and a shorter iR; compound RR 




al tmaun nastie 



-fig. 23. Ibexocrinus lepton. 

USNM 165249 (both after Lane, 1970). 

A ray view. 


a—CD interray view. 



are taller than fused RR. They are unlike Homocrinus and Ibexo- 
crinus, which have the proximal points of the RR even (at the same 
level of the cup) and the distal edges of the compound RR higher. 
They are also unlike the compound RR of Ectenocrinus, which have 
the distal edges higher and the proximal points lower than those of 
the fused RR. The distal edges of all RR in Sygcaulocrinus are even, 
and the proximal points of the compound RR are lower than the 
proximal points of the simple RR. Only anal X of the anal series 
is known; it is an inverted, distally tapering pentagon inserted into 
the notch formed by the truncated shoulders of the C and D ray 

Sygcaulocrinus has two [Brr in each ray. IBr; articulates along 
its entire proximal surface with the underlying R and tapers some- 
what distally. IBr2 is a pentagonal axillary supporting two arms. 
Branching and number of Brr per division series beyond this isoto- 
mous division is unknown except for USNM 89876 (the holotype 
of S. typus). 

The most distinctive feature of Sygcaulocrinus is the “ex- 
ploded” nature of the proximal columnals. The most proximal 
columnals (usually three) are wider and higher than distally adja- 
cent columnals. As in other Homocrininae, this proximal portion 
of the column tapers distally. The column is evidently round, al- 
though it is unknown beyond (distal to) the first five or six most 
proximal columnals. 

Occurrence. — Richmondian. Maquoketa Formation from Fort 
Atkinson, Iowa. 

Discussion. — Ulrich (1925, pp. 98-99) described and illustrated 
a number of features for Sygcaulocrinus that cannot be verified from 
known specimens: 1) a tripartite column, 2) alternating hetero- 
tomous branching, 3) three to six I[Brr and higher, and 4) a tiny 
anal X lying in a similar-sized notch at the junction of the C and D 
ray RR. The authors have been unable to establish the tripartite 
nature of the column. Only the holotype exhibits branching or num- 
ber of Brr beyond the [Br axillaries, but number of [[Brr and 
branching pattern is difficult to determine from this specimen. How- 
ever, anal X and the proximal column have been observed in a num- 
ber of specimens. Anal X, and the notch formed by the truncated 
corners of the C and D ray RR, seem to be larger than Ulrich re- 

100 BULLETIN 296 

ported (Strimple, 1974, p. 116). Ulrich probably described anal X as 
minute because anal X of the holotype has been rotated and only 
the northeast corner of the plate juts through sediment enclosing it. 
Strimple (of. cit.) regarded this crinoid as a bottom-dweller which 
autotomizes a portion of the column at some point during growth. 

Syscaulocrinus typus Ulrich, 1925 Pl. 17; Text-fig. 24 

1925. Sygcaulocrinus typus Ulrich, p. 90, text-figs. 10a-b (? mislabelled 10b-b) ; 
Moore & Laudon, 1944, pl. 52, fig. 7. 
1926. Ectenocrinus eclongatus Thomas & Ladd, p. 12, pl. 2, figs. 3-8, pl. 5, figs. 
Primary type material. — The holotype of S. typus Ulrich, 1925 
is USNM 89876. 
Because S. typus is presently the only known species of Sygcau- 
locrinus, the specific diagnosis, description, occurrence, and discus- 
sion are the same as for the genus. 

Subfamily DAEDALOCRININAE, new subfamily 

Diagnosis. — Homocrinidae with the dorsal cup made up of 
strongly interlocking RR; with the compound RR somewhat taller 
than the fused RR, except for the B ray R, which, although com- 
pound, is the same height as the fused RR; with five rays bifurcating 
isotomously to form ten arms, after which branching is endotomous; 
and with a pentagonal column without a proximal tapering portion. 

Because this is a monogeneric subfamily, other features are dis- 
cussed under Daedalocrinus. 

Genus DAEDALOCRINUS Ulrich, 1925 
Text-fig. 25 

1925. Daedalocrinus Ulrich, p. 97; Moore & Laudon, 1944, p. 145; Moore, 

1962, p. 10. 

Type species. — Daedalocrinus kirki Ulrich, 1925 by original 
designation (p. 97); this species is considered a junior subjective 
synonym of Heterocrinus bellevillensis Billings, 1883 herein. 

Description. — Daedalocrinus has equi-dimensional, symmetri- 
cally pentagonal BB of about equal size. The arms are long and have 
numerous branches; each arm has as many as ten armlets. Armlets 
are unbranched and extend to the arm tips. The genus has three to 
five [Brr per ray (apparently four is most common). Like members 



Text-fig. 24. Sygcaulocrinus typus. 
a—exploded diagram (after Ulrich, 1925); b—camera lucida drawing of 
USNM 89876, D ray view; c—D ray view (after Ulrich, 1925). 

of the Cincinnaticrininae, number of Brr in each division series ap- 
pears to be variable, both among different rays in single individuals 
and among the same rays in different individuals. Branching beyond 
the axillary [Brr is variable, with armlets given off anywhere from 
every third to seventh Br; a single specimen might have an arm 
with five I]Brr, three I]]Brr, and seven IVBrr. 

The column, like that of members of the Cincinnaticrininae, is 
pentapartite with radially disposed pentameres, has a pentagonal 

102 BuLLeTIN 296 

Text-fig. 25. Daedalocrinus bellevillensis. 
a—exploded diagram of UCGM K.3669a; b—exploded diagram of UCGM 
K.3669b; c—exploded diagram of the posterior side of the proximal] part of the 
crown of USNM S.2141 (lectotype of Daedalocrinus kirki, a junior synonym 
of Heterocrinus bellevillensis, 


lumen with interradial angles, and is pentagonal proximally, with 
gradation distally from pentagonal to round. 

Occurrence. — Kirkfieldian. Daedalocrinus is known from the 
Hull crinoid beds of Belleville and Kirkfield, Ontario. Billings (1883, 
p- 50) described Heterocrinus bellevillensis from the “Trenton lime- 
stone” at Belleville, Ontario, (= Hull beds); Ulrich (1925, p. 97) 
reported its, and another species’ (D. kirkt, considered a junior 
synonym of D. bellevillensis), occurrence in the “Lower Trenton 
crinoid beds,” Kirkfield, Ontario (= Hull crinoid beds at Kirkfield, 
Ontario, where it is evidently fairly common). 

Discussion. — Daedalocrinus was erected by Ulrich (1925, p. 
97) for inadunates with a conical cup with three compound and two 
fused RR and with ten arms branching endotomously. The latter 
feature had previously been noted by Billings (1883, p. 50) for H. 
bellevillensis. Ulrich (1925) placed Daedalocrinus in the Homo- 

In some respects, Daedalocrinus resembles certain crinoids not 
referable to the Homocrinidae. It has endotomous branching like 
Geraocrinus, an anomalocrinid, and a column and variable number 
of Brr per division series like members of the Cincinnaticrininae. 

Springer (1911, p. 27) reported that Kirkfield material in the 
United States National Museum collection makes it evident that 
Heterocrinus bellevillensis has a convoluted anal sac, which would 
confirm its referral (by Springer) to Ohiocrinus. Ulrich (1925, pp. 
97-98), using the same material as Springer had, described the anal 
sac as large and balloon-shaped. The authors have examined a num- 
ber of well-preserved specimens in the Kopf collection (at the Uni- 
versity of Cincinnati) and have perused the USNM cincinnaticrinids 
and homocrinids but have not found evidence to corroborate 
Springer’s or Ulrich’s observations. However, only one of the at least 
12 syntypes of Daedalocrinus kirki has been located. A note (pos- 
sibly in Springer’s or Ulrich’s handwriting) accompanying USNM 
S.2141 lists 12 specimens collected from Kirkfield, Ontario, in 1905 
by Edwin Kirk. However, M. W. Moodey added the comment (dated 
March 16, 1934) that she “located only what is in this tray [USNM 
S.2141].” Unless the missing syntypes or better topotype material 
are discovered it seems best to maintain Daedalocrinus Ulrich with 
the cited type species. Certainly the morphology of the existing 

104 BuLLETIN 296 

material confirms Ulrich’s descriptions of the cup, arms, and column, 
and renders Springer’s referral unacceptable. 


Localities of Cincinnaticrinus varibrachialus collected in connec- 
tion with this study. Numbers refer to Text-figure 10. All were in 
the Kope Formation. Crinoid remains in all but locality 2 were de- 
posited as large ripples. 

1—N39 06’, W84 24’ at the base of an old road cut on the east side of Elstun 
Avenue, 75 yards (nearly 70 meters) south of Beechmont Avenue. Neither 
the Kope-Fairview nor the Kope-Point Pleasant contact is visible. Fossil 
content and elevation of the outcrop suggest occurrence in the Southgate 
member (Text-fig. 4). Crinoids were found in a north-south trending de- 
posit about 12 feet by 3 feet (nearly 4 meters by 1 meter) in areal extent 
and about 1/2 inch to 4 inches (about 1 1/4 to 10 centimeters) thick. The 
deposit was in mudstone and consisted mostly of column fragments, at least 
88 tiny Cincinnaticrinus varibrachialus crowns and calyces, 7 tiny Ecteno- 
crinus simplex crowns, 72 juvenile holdfasts, trilobites, brachiopods, gastro- 
pods, trepostome Bryozoa, and small Mesopaleaster. The trilobites and star- 
fish were apparently scavenging the dead crinoids before burial. Many 
(all but the 95 cited above) of the crinoids are presently in the hands of 
amateur collectors. 

2—N39 10’, W84 34’ in the west bank of West Fork Creek 50 yards (about 46 
meters) northwest of the intersection of Diehl Road and West Fork Road, 
198 feet (about 60 meters) below the Kope-Fairview contact which is 
visible along Shepherd Road just west of West Fork Road. Crinoids were 
found in mudstone and occupied about one square yard (nearly one square 
meter). Long (up to two feet, about 0.6 meters), unbroken columns lay with- 
out consistent orientation. Eighteen Cimncinnaticrinus varibrachialus, 17 
Ectenocrinus simplex, and 38 juvenile holdfasts were found. 

3—N38 39’, W85 07’ near the top of a large outcrop at the southeast corner of 
the Carrollton, Kentucky I-71 interchange, 30 to 50 feet (about 9 to 15 
meters) below the Kope-Fairview contact. The contact is covered here, but 
it is visible in outcrops along I-71 on the other side of the Kentucky River. 
The west-northwest—east-southeast trending deposit was about 3 feet by 6 
inches in area and 2 inches thick (about 92 * 15 5 centimeters) and con- 
sisted of 17 C. varibrachialus, 2 E. simplex, and numerous columns. 

4—N38 56’30’, W84 50’ in the creek bed of an unnamed tributary (of the Ohio 
River) which flows through Rabbit Hash, Kentucky, 70 feet (about 21 
meters) below the Kope-Fairview contact which occurs in the westernmost 
fork of the tributary about 250 yards (about 80 meters) upstream from the 
pocket. The pocket consisted of “knotted columns” striking approximately 
east-west, 82 Cincinnaticrinus varibrachialus crowns and calyces, 54 Ecteno- 
crinus simplex, and 21 juvenile holdfasts in mudstone, becoming more limy 
northward, and finally grading into a biogenic limestone made up in large 
part of discrete columnals. 



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108 BULLETIN 296 

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110 BULLETIN 296 

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112 BuLLeETIN 296 

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350. Miinchen. 


114 BULLETIN 296 


Unrecognizable species. 

Figure Page 
1-2. Heterocrinus heterodactylus Hall 2000... 40, 47 
Lectotype (designated herein) and latex cast of same, AMNH 
1116/3, from Snake Hill, Saratoga County, N.Y., X1.7. 
3-6. Heterocrinus heterodactylus Hall ...o.........000cccccccccceeeeeeeeees 40, 47 
Lectoparatype, AMNH 1116/2, from Boonville, N.Y., three lecto- 
types, AMNH 1116/1, from Pulaski, N.Y., X0.6. 
7-S. Heterocrinus exilis Hall .....:.05<..c.00cc.c0c..00eqeossouenticere ee 53 

Holotype, AMNH 1176/1, from Cincinnati, Ohio, view from CD 
interray, X0.8 and 2.5. 





SE eae 

reser eS t. 



Unrecognizable species (figs. 4-8). 

Figure Page 
iS PATOpOCrINUS priscus Liane Bios ee. Ae En 74 

Holotype, USNM 165240, from Ibex, Utah, E ray view; C ray 
view photographed under ethanol, C ray view, X2.1. 
APMHIGIGFOCHINUS .GHACIIES Flall uo... .coce..ctscceeesntesccenes cesdteene ocsenorocesonas 38 
Latex cast of holotype, AMNH 1117, from Snake Hill, Saratoga 
County, NeYen Xx 157: 
FeeHeTerocrinUs jUVeNis Elall) 8 oo. scrcscccsccscsesoccacesccececenorezoessnsess 39, 56 

Supposed holotype, AMNH 1173/1, purportedly — Lebanon, 
Ohio, D ray view, 3.8. 

Gee COlUMDBICKINUS) CrasSUS UIICI aren cee eee eneecete esas oeeeeseee sare 31 
Holotype, USNM 89826, A ray view and CD interray view, from 
Columbia, Tenn., X2.1. 
SMEONIOCFINUS @XiliS: FOCTSUC. -....cciccccecconc codecs cetn sesteer ssisadoue sosgscegees 60 

Holotype, USNM 78718, from Rogers Gap, Ky., 2.1. 

116 BULLETIN 296 


Cincinnaticrinus varibrachialus, n. sp. 

Figure Page 
1-2. Cincinnaticrinus varibrachialus, n. sp. oo... 41 
Holotype, UCGM 3871, specimen figured by Meek (1873, pl. 1 
figs. la-b) as Heterocrinus heterodactylus, from Kope Forma- 
tion, Cincinnati, Ohio, C ray view, X0.8 and 2.5. 
3) Gx waribrachialus: 2....4.03:0808s 5 orto eee 41 
Figured specimen, MU 959a, from Kope Formation, Cincinnati, 
Ohios <255: 
4:5. GC. waribrachialus.¢....0-.-.205 See fons. aiscde teed. aoe 41 

Paratype, UCGM 405751, from locality 4, AB interray view with 
tegmen visible just over IBrr; as well as anal back plates on 
anal X (see Text-fig. 8), X3.0 and oral view, 6.0. 
6: 5C. varibrachialus |. <...5<::....sc2. etek dita egos... aoe 41 
Illustrated specimen, UCGM 40580, from localicy - is cp interray 
view, X3.8. 
Hee Goavarl DFACHIAIUS Fe 5 eee oc eiceveaten’: 
Illustrated specimen, UCGM 42674, from Kope oration New- 
port, Ky., 3.4 
Gee GC.owaribrachialyg) 2... 2.02. 2ciscy ss. ses.scsedoenseosscessese er 41 
Illustrated specimen, UCGM 36287, from Krenton Falls, N.Y., 
9. C. varibrachialus 
Illustrated specimen, UCGM 40580, CD interray view, 11.5. 

OD PCAC VANIDTACKIALUS. «...5:iisiccch< csc Bono tate sere ee 41 
Illustrated specimen. UCGM 6562, Kope Formation, Rapid Run 
Creek, Cincinnati, Ohio, X1.7. 
Deco WAriDrMchialUs: «0: :.:.0sc:ceepeen ee eee, Bion. ne 41 

Illustrated specimen, UCGM 2021a, Kope Formation, Cincinnati, 
Ohio, A ray view, X2.5. 






Paratypes of Cincinnaticrinus varibrachialus, n. sp. 

from locality 5, all 2.5 

Figure Page 

1-10. Cincinnaticrinus varibrachialus, n. sp. ....................... ieee CL 
Paratypes (1) UCGM 40555, C ray view; UCGM 40497, (2) C 
ray view and (3) E ray view; (4) UCGM 40555, E ray view; 
UCGM 40500, (5) H ray view and (6) CD interray view; 
(7) UCGM 50502, E ray view; UCGM 40531, (8) A ray 
view, (9) CD interray view photographed under ethanol, (10) 
and E ray view. 

118 BULLETIN 296 


Cincinnaticrinus varibrachialus, n. sp. photographed under ethanol. 

Figure Page 

1-9. Cincinnaticrinus varibrachialus, n. sp. oo... 41 
Illustrated specimens, (1-2), UCGM 40579, from locality 1 (see 
Text-fig. 8), A ray view and D ray view; (3-4) UCGM 40580, 
from locality 1, B ray view and DE interray view; (5-6), 
UCGM, from locality 1, A ray view and D ray view; (7-8), 
UCGM, from locality 1, A ray view and CD interray view; 
(9), UCGM 40583 BU, from locality 1, B ray view, all 7.6. 

10-13. C. varibrachialus, n. sp. ........ eT 41 

Illustrated specimens, (10-11), UCGM 40568, from locality 4, 
C ray view and E ray view; (12-13), UCGM 40569, from 
locality 4, B ray view and DE interray view, all 4.7. 



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Cincinnaticrinus pentagonus (Ulrich) 

Cincinnaticrinus pentagonus (Ulrich) 2.00. 55 

Lectotype of Heterocrinus pentagonus Ulrich, YPM 24801, from 
Fairview Formation, Cincinnati, Ohio, EA interray view, X1.7. 

CoO TAGOMUS: ccc eee ee rises ina-sdehogincng: sneer cane 55 
Illustrated specimens, (1), UCGM 17626, from Grant Lake 
Formation?, Lebanon, Ohio, BC interray view; (3), UCGM 
6559a, from Bull Fork Formation, Westwood, Cincinnati, 
Ohio, A ray view; (4) UCGM 11609, from Fairview Forma- 
tion, Fairview Heights, Cincinnati, Ohio, CD interray view, all 

GCEP DEMTAGONUS sss cccc see ee eee ot aoe cans ca os aos on eae enone 55 

Lectoparatype, YPM 24892, from Fairview Formation, Cincin- 
nati, Ohio, CD interray view, X1.7. 

ME PUES RUE COTM S ods 0.05, Dae eee ease eee vi vote Sea donee cvs cov cena nee 55 
Illustrated specimens, (6) UCGM 41501, from Bull Park Forma- 
tion, Hueston Woods State Park, Ohio, X0.8; (7) UCGM 
6450c, from Bull Park Formation, Clarksville, Ohio, 1.7. 







Dystactocrinus constrictus (Hall) ........20...-......ceeeecceeseser eet 

Illustrated specimens, (1-2), UCGM 42675, from Cincimat 
Ohio, B ray view and A ray view; (3) UCGM 6542, from 
Cincinnati, Ohio, A ray view; (4), UCGM 6424, Cincinnati, 
Ohio, all 1.3. 

DivCOnstTrichus) eo oikoas nc sorted. See 

Holotype, HMCZ 2165, Con ‘ake Formation, Cincinnati, Ohio, 
B ray view, C ray view and DE interray view, X1.7. 

Daiconstrictusy) 20 oe ee. eee eee 

Illustrated specimen, UCGM 42676, Grant Lake Formation, Ft. 
Mitchell, Ky., A ray view, X0.8. 

BD; -COnsinrictus:: (See. 6.2 le ee 

Holotype of Atyphocrinus corryvillensis (a junior synonym of 
D. constrictus), Grant Lake Formation, Cincinnati, Ohio, X1.3; 
USNM 89827. 





abe sais , 
2 dn yg ER AL 



Figure Page 

leelsotomocrinus teMmuis: (Billings) eae cscee seco ec esc de cee cdeeencs eves 63 

Holotype, USNM S.2077a, Isotomocrinus typus Ulrich, a junior 
synonym of J. tenuis, from Kirkfield, Ontario, D ray view, 

TAMER TER) LTISIa tera) Mie. A ee Wl net nem: SURE BPSD oa ok 63 

Paratypes, (2) USNM S.2077b, cD interray view, (3) §S.2077c, 
AB interray view, 4.7, (4) USNM S.2077a-c, X1.3, all J. 
typus from Kirkfield, Ontario. 

BIE GREMOIS I. 2. iS ces). 00.1. SED oR OD oe fees REA cos seen! 63 
Lectotype, GSC 1438, from Ottawa, Ontario, EA interray view, 
Goiire tOMUNS | 1286). ie Se ree AS. epee aes seat. 0 See . 63 

Illustrated specimens, UCGM K.42677, AB interray view, UCGM 
K.42678, CD interray view, from Kirkfield, Ontario, NL. 3. 

122 BULLETIN 296 


Figure Page 
1. Ohiocrinus laxus (Hall) ............... «do Seiiwisgac bbws sosek seca oss ee 68 
Illustrated specimen, UCGM 23048, B ray view, 1.3. 
DP OMIGCHINUS SD. . <<:..../-2-c.ceoe ee ecne ds eeeee scree eds onan <ce 67 
Illustrated specimen, UCGM 6600, Pauviow Formation, Madison, 
nde <1-3. 
SAP Ol Laxusy (Ea reese eae soso ree eee aoe cena ones er 68 

Illustrated specimen, USGM 6545a, Grant Lake Formation, 
Orland Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio, CD interray view, 1.3, and 
same X3.8. 

5. 0. laxus (Hall) 
Holotype, HMCZ 2167, CD interray view, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1.7. 

6:82) OF laxus; (Halle ee Been ccssch src coors cas ase 68 

Illustrated specimen, UCGM 6524a, Cincinnati, Ohio, (6) CD 
interray view, X1.7, (7) same 3.8, showing spiral anal sac 
between arms of C and D rays, (8) same, X3.8, showing spiral 
anal sac between arms of 5 and A rays. 

O10: “Oslaxus. (lall) 22506. ok ein inte a 68 
Lectotype of Heterocrinus oehanus a junior synonym of O. laxus, 
USNM 42304a, Fairview Formation, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1.3 
and X2.5. 



PNP. bei EY 



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Figure Page 
Nese ONIOCHIMUS DraUriiy, WLPICH eegeee ce ose eas. Son cen oteeeerotecceeertateeseccs 70 

Lectotype, USNM S.2082b, Fairview Romaation Madison, Ind., 

CD interray view, 3.8, photographed under ethanol, X6.8 
and X13.6. 

AS Os, LESTE TI ONS Os Vee en se cee Cee ace eee esa eee 70 

Lectoparatype, USNM S.2082a, Fairview Formation, Neder: 
Ind., E ray view, X3.8, photographed under ethanol, XK 6.8 and 

124 BuLLETIN 296 


1-2: Homocrinus parvus Hall ..................204..200-2.2 
Holotype, AMNH 1705a, Lockport, N.Y., X1.7 and 3.0. 
SA AD parves Hall 5. occcccccccccccsencen sez --vosessvessnaaoceceta-aee se eee 
Paratypes, AMNH 1705b-c, Lockport, N.Y., X1.7 and X30. 
B,D woes BEAU so. ccs bec ec cse apn etic ca haces Sete ees a 

Illustrated specimen, UCGM K.36292, Lockport, N.Y., 1.7. 


Oh yo tm, > 
: Tre rrges re 0 




iy eos 

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a> oe 

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All figures magnified 1.3 

Figure Page 

ERE CTENOCHINUS. SIMMPIEX (eral) err es eee cece eic occ crack ceseenen anes 84 

Holotype, AMNH 656/2a, Cincinnati, Ohio, A ray view and CD 
interray view. 

3-10. E. simplex (Hall) .......... oR Me Rene Meh) eno ae EN 84 
Paratypes from Cincinnati, Ohio, (3), AMNH 656/2b, CO inter- 
ray view; (4) AMNH 656/2c, C ray view; (5) AMNH 
656/2d, DE interray view; (6) AMNH 656/2e, B ray view; 
(7-8) AMNH 656/2f, CD interray view and DE interray 
view; (9-10), AMNH 656/2g, BC interray view, CD interray 

t-i3-) Es simplex: (Hall): ..3.....cgjess0...cp ce corse ceecensecseo doo eS RRREE eb <A 84 

Figured specimen, SUI 3770, Maquoketa Formation, Clermont, 
Iowa, E ray view, A ray view, BC interray view. 

ae Siri lexy (EVAL) sci... eae reese eee ae ce foc. be Bae tate te Soe oct esas Ree 84 
Paratype, AMNH 656/21, Cincinnati, ‘Onion AB interray view. 
TREN. LSM T=) 32( GE E11) a eae ne Pree poate ee eee cee 84 

Holotype of Ectenocrinus raymondi Slocum, junior synonym of E£. 
simplex, Maquoketa Formation, Clermont, Iowa, BC interray 
view, E ray view and CD interray view. 

126 BuLueTin 296 


Figure Page 

1-3. Ectenocrinus simplex (Hall) ...............0....:-:¢cc0esss aceon 84 
Illustrated specimens, (1) UCGM 36281a, Trenton Falls, Nays. 
CD interray view, X1.3; (2) UCGM 36281b, Trenton Falls, 
N.Y., C ray view, X1.3; (3) UCGM 42679, x<0.4. 

4-5. E. simplex (Hall) .. A OE isons 86 

Illustrated specimen, ulstes cast, “UCGM. 42680, Martinsburg 
Formation, Swatara Gap, Pennsylv ania, A ray view and CD 
interray view, X1.3. 

6. E:simplex:(iall) i: ee a ee. eee 84 
Illustrated specimen, UCGM 42681a, locality 2, BC interray view, 
7..-E.-simplex (lal): .ccis00.c.2 ee sees. eee eee 87 

Illustrated specimen, latex cast, Derstler no. 1a, Martinsburg 
Formation, Swatara Gap, Pennsylvania, BC interray view, 

$-9./-E. simplex(Hall) 2.2) 2taneian.t..5 266. eee 87 
Illustrated specimen, latex cast, Derstler no. 1b, Martinsburg ; 
Formation, Swatara Gap, Pennsylvania, E ray view showing 

interior surfaces of B and C radials and E ray view, X1.3. 





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All latex casts of Ectenocrinus simplex (Hall) from the Martinsburg Formation 
Swatara Gap, Pennsylvania, except figure 8. 

Figure Page 
9-10. Ectenocrinus simplex (Hali) ................... REARA oo ee PEM aR foe 89 

(1) Derstler No. 5, B ray view, 1.7; (2) Derstler No. 11, D 
ray view, 1.3; (3) Derstler No. 12, D ray view, X1.3; (4) 
Derstler No. 16, interray view, 1.3; (5) Derstler No. 3b, 
cray view, X1.3; (6) Derstler No. 3a, E ray view, X1.3; (7) 
Derstler No. 5b, C ray view, X1.7; (9) Derstler No. 7a, D ray 
view, 1.7; (10) Derstler No. 17, X1.3. 

8. Ectenocrinus geniculatus (Ulrich) 2.000000. eee 89 

Holotype, UCGM 36313, lowermost Kope Formation, Cincin- 
nati, Ohio, AB interray, 1.3. 

128 BULLETIN 296 


All from lowermost Kope Formation, Cincinnati, Ohio. 

Figure Page 

1-2. Ectenocrinus geniculatus (Ulrich) <....................... 22222 89 
Paratype, USNM 42219b, BC interray view 1.7 and X3.0. 

3., E. geniculatus (Ulrich) ........5..0.2...2 a i ee 89 
Latex cast of USNM 42219a which is a natural mold of the holo- 
type (UCGM 36313), A ray view, X1.3. 
4-6. E.-geniculatus (UITICN) 2..42.:..-cc.c.00000. deste ek oo eee 89 

Paratypes, USNM 42219d, A ray view, *3, USNM 42219k, B ray 
view, X1.7, and USNM 42219d, A ray view, 1.7. 





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1-3, 7. Ectenocrinus geniculatus (Ulrich) ................... Pee sess 2 le 

Paratypes from the lowermost Kope Formation, Cincinnati, Ohio, 
USNM 42219c, ?A ray view, X1.7, USNM 42219f, C ray view, 
1.7, USNM 42219e, X3.0, and CFM UC8829, X<1.7. 

#6. “ibexocrinus lepton Lane: ..2..2...2....2.06..0000..c0cscececcsececeseeess 

Holotype, USNM 165239, from Ibex, Utah, CD interray view, 
A ray view and CD interray view photographed under 
ethanol, 2.1. 



130 BULLETIN 296 


All specimens from the Maquoketa Formation, Ft. Atkinson, Iowa. 

Figure Page 

i-2) “Sygeaulocrinus fypus: Ulrich: 02020... ..<-2:.0...-0-- 100 
Holotype, USNM 89876, D ray view, X2.1 and 3.0. 

3-4: /S. typus Ulrich: ...k.... es in tid. Avan. re 100 

Lectotype, SUI 3771, of Ectenocrinus elongatus Thomas & Ladd, 
a junior synonym of S. tyfus, A ray view and CD interray 
view, X2.1. 

pe TU eC) belo eR nr 100 

Lectoparatypes of Ectenocrinus elongatus (see above), SUI 3772, 
A ray view and E ray view, SUI 3774, A ray view and CD in- 
terray view, X2.1. 

O11 SS. Stypes ere ere hc kes 100 

Illustrated specimens, SUI 37921, B ray view, SUI 37923, CD 
interray view, and SUI 37922, DE interray view, X2.1. 







All specimens from Kirkfield, Ontario. 


1-4,6. Daedalocrinus bellevillensis (Billings) 

Illustrated specimens, UCGM K.42682, CD interray view, UCGM 
K.42683, A ray view, ROM 619T, E ray view, UCGM 
K.42684, CD interray view, and UCGM K.36696b, CD interray 
view, X1.7. 

Hee pelLevillensis: (Billings) 2. eect oats cece ee retest tee pitt _ 100 

Lectotype of Daedalocrinus kirki Ulrich, a junior synonym of 
D. bellevillensis, USNM S.2141, CD interray view 1.3 and 


Note: Light face type refers to page numbers. Bold face type refers 

to plate figures. 

Albion Formation. ...... 10 

Poteriocrinus .......... 78 
alveolata, Favistella .. 24 
Ambaloduswes 23 


PTOVINCE” 220.) tsccbse: 23 
Anomalocrinus ........... 30 
Apodasmocrinus ........ 5, 50, 60, 62, 

75, '76, 91, 92 

etradium se 24 

Trichonodella ........ 23 
Arenig Stage .............. 10, 50 
Arnheim Formation 

(beds) tee. oes eee: A [a7 
ASCOCTINUSs _.................- 7 
Ashgillian Stage ........ 10, 33, 50 
ATODOGEINUS) ....<..00-3225:: , 28, 30-33, 

63, 66, '72-74, 


AtyDOCEINUS! =.2..-: 6, 30, 31, af 

AU AC Cate es ee 24 


Bass Island beds ........ 10 

becki, Triarthrus ........ eS 

Belleville, Ont. ............ 9, 103 

Daedalocrinus ....18 5, 50, 62, 100, 

102, 131 

Heterocrinus .......... 102, 103 
Bellevue Member ...... 22 
Bellevue Park 

(Cinemnati)) =... 23 
Belodinalee 23 
Benbolt Formation .... 92, 93, 95 
=pillings” sbeds ......... 10 
iBisherspedss 4... 10 
Black Riveran (Black- 

riverian) Stage ........ 10, 33, 50, 61, 

63, 76, 92, 93, 


Blanchester Member .. 22 
“Blue limestone” ........ 87 
Boonville NiYe ce 114 
Botryocrinus .............. 52 

Brassfield Formation. 10, 14, 20 

brauni, Ohiocrinus 10 _ 5, 44, 50,62, 

70, 71,72 

Bromide Formation .. 92, 93, 95 

Buckhorn Member .... 65 

Bull Fork Creek, Ky... 19 

Bull Fork Formation.. 10, 16, 17, 18, 

19, 20, 22, 38, 

56, 119 

Burgess Shale ............ 25 


Calapoeciae ee 24 

Caleeoerimus: 7.44)..." 39 

Caleidocrinus .............. 30 

Camp Nelson beds ..... 10 


Ectenocrinus .......... 84, 87 

Heterocrinus .......... 84, 87 

Canadian Stage .......... 10, 50 
capax, Lepidocyclus .. 24 

Caradoc Stage ............ 10, 50 

Carrollton Kyar 104 

Caryocrinites .............. 53 

Cataract beds. .....:..: 10 

Cayugan Stage ............ 10, 50 

Chambersburg beds .. 10 

Champlainian Series. 10, 11, 25, 50 

Chazyan Stage ............ 10, 50 

Cincinnaticrinus ........ 5G) 25a: 

31, 33, 34, 35, 

37, 38, 40, 41, 

43, 44, 45, 47, 

48, 50, 51, 52, 

53, 54, 55, 56, 

57, 58, 59, 60, 

61, 62, 63, 65, 

66, 67, 68, 70, 

72, 84, 85, 87 

CimemnativArch 20 

Cincinnati beds .......... 1s 
Ber. 11, 1254: 
17, 18 

ah heen 11 
Shee 6,8, So 1s 13, 
14015 ay, 2 

23, 24, 26, 38, 

41, 43, 47, 55, 

56, 59, 60, 67, 

70, 84, 86, 89, 

90, 114, 116, 

119, 120, 122, 

iPr t a Paz) 
“Cincinnati Period” .. 14 


Cincinnatian Series .. 

Clarksville Member .. 
Clarksville, Ohio 
Clermont, Iowa 
Clifton Avenue 
Clinton beds 
Cobleskill beds 
Coburg beds 

Columbia, Tenn. ........ 


6, 8, 10, 11, 
14, 15, 16, 20, 
23, 26, 32, 50 

9, 87, 125 

8, 10, 17, 59, 
61, 63 

Columbicrinus ............ 6,28, 30; 31; 

Heterocrinus .......... 59 
Constellaria  —.............. 24 

Dystatocrinus ........ 7 =+5, 44, 50, 55, 

57, 58, 59, 60, 
61, 70, 93, 120 

Heterocrinus .......... 58, 59, 60, 70 

Heterocrinus var. 

COMpactus, sie... 60 

Atypocrinus ............ 58, 59, 60 
Corryville Member .... 22, 59 
Covington, Ky ............ 9 
Crab Orchard beds .... 10 

Columbicrinus ...... 2 31, 415 
Cryptolithus) 922. 24 
Curdsville (Limestone) 

HOTMAtON os......-...-1- 84, 91 
Gyathocrinus) 80 

HOMOCEINUS) 2. 78, 79, 80, 81 
Cynthiana (beds or 

limestone) ................ 15, 16, 59 
Cyrionioduss 23 

Daedalocrinus ............ 5565255305 
32, 44, 50, 61, 
74-76, 84, 100- 
103, 131 
Daube Ranch .............. 95, 96 
daubei, Apodasmo- 

CHINUS eee 5, 50, 91-95 
Dayton Ohio —..2.- 20 

Botryocrinus ............ 52 
Decorah Shale ............ 8, 10, 32, 61, 


Decow beds 
delecta, Prioniodina .. 
Dillsboro Formation. 
Drakes Formation ..... 

Dundee Member 
Dunleith Formation... 

eatoni, Triarthus 
Economy Member 

Eden Formation 
Eden Park 
Eden shales (beds) .... 
Edenian Stage 

Elkhorn Formation .... 
emacerata, Resserella 
Engodine beds 
exiguus, Heterocrinus 
exilis, Heterocrinus 1 



10, 16, 20, 22 

84, 89 

5, 6, 28, 30, 
31, 33, 41, 44, 
50, 55, 57, 58, 
59, 60, 61, 67, 

70, 93, 120 

11, 15, 16, 24 

59, 60, 62, 63, 
72, 74, 75, 76, 
77, 82-93, 96, 
98, 100, 127- 

16, 17 

13, 17,21 
11-17, 21 

8, 10, 16-25, 
32, 35, 38, 41, 
43, 47, 50, 57, 
59, 61, 76, 77, 
84, 89, 90 


100, 130 

53, 114 
60, 115 



Fairmount Member .. 22 
Fairview Formation .. 10, 16-19, 22, 
38, 47, 56, 59, 
67, 70, 72, 84, 
86, 119, 122, 

Fairview Heights 

(Cinemnati) 119 
Fairview Park 

(Cmemnat) ye. 19, 23 

Escharopora ............ 24 
Mavistellaw ees: 24 

Cyrtoniodus) |... 23 
florida, Constellaria .. 24 

Saffordophyllum .... 24 
Foerstephyllum ......... 24 
Fort Ancient beds .... 22 
Fort Atkinson, Iowa .. 9, 99, 130 
Fort Atkinson 

Member 3.022... 6 
Fort Loudon, Pa. ........ 9 
Fort Mitchell, Ky. ...... 120 
Frankfurt, Kentucky .. 9, 87 
Hulton beds’... 15, 24 
furcata furcata, 

Pectodina 2.0.2... 23 


Drymocrinus .......... 89 


erinus __...14, 15,16 5, 25,44, 50; 

62, 84, 89-91, 
127, 128, 129 

Heterocrinus .......... 84, 89 
Geraocrinuss 2 30, 103 
Graphiocrinus ............ 30 

Heterocrinus ? ...... 2 38, 114 

Poteriocrinus .......... 78, 79 
Grand Detour 

Formation =.........24: 61, 65 
grandis, Ectenocrinus 84 
Grant Lake, Ky. .......... 19 
Grant Lake Limestone 

(Formation) ............ 10, 16-20, 22, 

38, 56, 59, 119, 

120, 122 

Grewingkia 3... 24 
Guelph beds ................ 10 

Hatter Limestone ...... 63 

Herptocrinus .............. 30 
Heterocrinus _.............. 5:6) 2600; 
BUSBY Bul sit 
38, 39, 40, 51, 
53, 56, 63, 67, 
82, 84, 103, 
114-116, 122 

Heterocrinus ........ 1 5,6, 34, 38- 

40, 57, 51, 114, 

Stenocrinus ............ 39 
High Bridge beds ...... 10 
Hill Quarry beds ........ inapasy yi. 

21, 47 
Hogskin Member ........ 93 
HLOMOCEINUS eee 5, 6, 44, 74- 
79, 82, 99, 124 


Platystrophia .......... 24 
Hudson River Group .. 11, 14, 15, 59, 

70, 87, 88 
Hueston Woods State 

Park Ohi0) ee 119 

Hull Limestone (beds) 6, 8, 10, 59, 

61, 63, 65 
Hunter Limestone ...... 63 

Calapoecia _...2228 24 

Ibexocrimus! 5, 50, 62, 74- 
77, 84, 96, 98, 
Ibex: cUtahie-.c. eee 9, 73, 96, 115, 
LOCKINUS ee eee 30 
ISOtelUS) oe ee 51 
Isotomocrinus ............ 5, 6, 25, 28, 
30, 33, 41, 52, 
61, 63, 76, 121 


Johnson City, 

Okiahomavee ss ee 96 
Juniete beds ................ 10 

Heterocrinus ........ 2 39, 40, 52, 55, 





Keislognathus ............ 23 
Kiaeromena | «...c-..6...... 24 
Kirkfieldian Stage ... 8, 10, 25, 32, 
33, 50, 59, 61, 

63, 65, 76, 84, 

86, 103 

Mackiields Onts =. 6, 8, 9, 61, 63, 
65, 91, 103, 


Kirkfield Quarry ........ 63 
kirki, Daedalocrinus.. 100, 102, 103, 

Kope Formation ........ 10, 16-19, 22, 

24, 38, 47, 84, 

86, 87, 90, 104, 

116, 127 

Kope Hollow (Ohio) .. 18 

krateriform) 222. DAS PALS 

KeyXIOTM eee. 7A 

Lake Huron, Canada .. 90 


SCODALIUS a eee 81 

Latonia Formation 

(beds) Is}, 7) 
laxus, Heterocrinus .. 66, 67, 68, 69, 

....9_ 5, 44, 50, 62, 
68, 69, 72, 122 
See 11, 12, 13, 14, 

laxus, Ohiocrinus 

Lebanon beds 

sai far ak 
Lebanon Limestone .. 65333 
Eebanon, Ohio ...........- ORS lial 
23, 115, 119 


FOUL EKOUDIS! oc csesaccneeseenaaeene 82 
lekythosiform ............ 26, 33, 43 
Lepidocyclus capax .... 24 

richmondensis ........ 24 

Ibexocrinus ........... 16 5, 50, 62, 129 
Levanna, Ohio ............ 18 
Lexington Formation.. 10 
Rexine oa KY. ....:.:-.: 9, 20 
Liberty Member ........ 22 

(lichenocrinid) ........ 5, 30, 45, 49, 

51, 52, 53, 54, 

HOrmatlOn i ...66s.:0:.:. 93 
Llandeilo Stage .......... 10, 50 
Llandovery Stage ...... 10, 50 
Llanvirn Stage .......... 10, 50 


MoOrmation eee ene 

mockportiw Neyer... 8, 9, 78, 82, 

Lorraine Group .......... 145 15) 21 
Lower Whitewater 

Member es niece: 22, 
Tou dlOwWs ye este 9,14 
Ludlow Stage .............. 10, 50 

M zone ve AO Rar eee aeeeens CBee 
Madisons indies... 9, 13, 67, 72, 
122, 123 
Manistique beds ........ 10 
Manitoulin Island, 

Canadas 8,9 

Drymocrinus  .......... 89 
Maquoketa Formation _ 6, 8, 10, 84, 

87, 99, 125 

Maquoketa Group ...... 22 

MOGMVAGION 2o.5scsce-c ee 8, 10, 38, 47, 

Si 126127 

Maysvillian Stage. ...... 8, 10, 17, 18, 

19). 20; 215722, 

23) 24, 25) 32; 

35, 41, 47, 50, 

55, 56, 57, 59, 

60, 67, 70, 72, 

76, 77, 84 

Maysville Formation. 1522 

Maysville, Ky. ............ 9, 16, 19, a 


Meaford beds .............. 10 

Medinon Stage. .............. 10, 50 

meeki, Resserella ...... 24 

Mercersburg beds ...... 10 

Mesopaleaster ............ 104 

Middle (Eden) shales.. Val 


Isotomocrinus ........ 5, 50, 62, 65, 
MeMicken Member .... 22 
McMillan Formation .. 22, 59 
Montreal, Quebec ...... 8, 9, 61, 63, 

84, 87 
Mount Auburn 

Member ....sccesccene 22 
Mt. Hope Member ...... 22 
Mountain Lake 

Member (oe 93, 95 
Myelodactylus ............ 3 
Myzostome (galls) ...... 52 



Nassoviocrinus .......... 74 
Newport, Ky.9.2--.... 9, 11, 24, 116 
Niagaran Stage .......... 8, 10, 50, 76, 
77, 82 



Heterocrinus .......... 68, 69, 70, 122 
OHIOCEINUS” "eee: 5, 6, 25, 28, 

30, 33, 39, 40, 
41, 44, 50, 62, 

66, 67, 68, 69, 

TkUS Cree Ee 


Ohio River (Valley) .. 9, 11, 13, 14, 

, 18, 20 

QOnnrellay 24 

Oregon beds ................. 10 

Oregonia Member ...... 22 

Orthograptus! 2... 24 

Oswego) beds! ...2............ 10 

Othneiocrinus ............ 72 

Ottaway Ont 8, 9, 59, 61, 

63, 65, 76; 77, 

gcoy ee lPA 

Oxtord, sOM0: 20.2; 9,13 

Ozarkodinay ==...) 23 


Paleofavosites ............ 24 

Paltoduse +a 23 

Homocrinus ........ 11 5, 44, 50, 62, 

77, 79, 80, 83, 

89, 124 

Peniculocrinus ............ 73 
pentagonus, Cincin- 

MaAGeEINUS eae 6 5, 25, 35, 40, 

44, 50, 51, 52, 
55, 56, 57, 60, 
62, 72, 119 

Heterocrinus .......... 55, 119 
Phialocrinus ................ 30 
Phosphannulus ............ 52 
Phragmodus).. 23 

Strophomena ........... 24 
Platycystites zone ...... 95 
Platystrophia’ ....:..62 24 
Plectodmiae. ee 23 

Rlumville) Ky. ......-. 19 
Point Pleasant beds.... 13, 14, 15, 16, 

Point Pleasant 

Hormation, 32. 1G 2s: 
19, 59 
Point Pleasant, 

OHIG 28. 28. oo. ae 9, 14, 17,18 
Poteriocrinus — .......... 78, 80 
Preachersville, Ky. .... 9, 20 

Member 28%)...428 16, 20 
Prioniodina 22... 23 
Prioniodusy. 3. 23 

Atopocrinus .......... 2 5, 44, 50, 62, 

72, 74, 75 
proboscidialis .............. 79 

Heterocrinus .......... 53 
Pulaskisbeds 10 

Apodasmocrinus .... 5,50, 90, 91, 

92, 93, 94, 95, 

Ectenocrinus .......... 96 

Queenston beds .......... 10 
Rabbit Hatch, Ky. ...... 104 
Rafinesquina .............. 51 
Rapid Run Creek 

(Cincinnati) .....= 116 

Ectenocrinus .......... 84, 87, 88 
Resserella. 24 
Rhipidognathus ........... 23 
Rhynchotrema ............ 24 

eptaena: ....cs eee 24 
Richmondian Stage .... 8, 10, 14, 15, 

20521 2a oo: 

24, 25, 32, 38, 

41, 50, 56, 57, 

76, 77, 84, 86, 


Richmond, Ind. .......... 9, 13, 21 
Ristnacrinus ................ 30 
River Quarry beds ...... bapa ls} Web 
15, 16, 17 

Rochester Shale .......... 6, 8, 10, ie 
Rocklandian Stage .... 10, 50, 61 
Rockland Formation .. 10 
Rogers Gap, Ky. .......... 115 



rugosa, Strophomena.. 24 
rustica, Grewingkia .. 24 
Saffordophyllum ........ 24 
Sarittodontus’ 2.0. 23 
St. Edward beds ........ 10 

St. Hyacinthe, Mani- 

toulin Island ............ 90 
St. Lawrence River 

@owlands))-- ee a CA 
st. Paul; Minn. ........... 8, 9, 61 
Ine: DOS Aik. shee: 10 
Saluda Member .......... 22 
Saratoga County, 

INES See ee Cage ene 114, 115 
Secolopodus) =)... 23 

Homocrinus ............ 79, 80, 81 

TASIOCHINUS ....24....5 81 

mormarion. 8, 10, 90 
Sherman Fall beds .... 8, 10, 59, 61, 

Shermanian Stage ...... 8, 10, 18, 25, 
32, 50, 59, 61, 

76, 77, 84, 86 
simplex, Ecteno- 

crinus ...... 12,13,14 5,6, 39, 44, 
50, 52, 60, 62, 
72, 84, 85, 86, 
87, 88, 89, 90, 
91, 93, 104, 
125, 126 
Heterocrinus .......... 38, 39, 82, 84, 
86, 88 
var. grandis, 

Heterocrinus .......... 84, 88 
Snake Hill, (N.Y.) ...... 114, 115 
Southgate Member ..... 22, 104 
sp., Drymocrinus ........ 89 
sp. indet., 

Ectenocrinus .......... 50, 62, 63, 90, 

sp., Ohiocrinus .......... 9 122 
Springdale, Ky. .......... 19 
Stemmatocrinus .......... 30 
Stenocrinus ................ 30, 35, 39, 67, 

Stones River Group .. 14 
Strophomena ............... 24 

Drepanodus ............. 248) 

Trichonodella ........ 23 

Summiteky ge 21 
Sunset Member .......... 22 
Swatara Gap, Pa. ........ 9, 87, 126, 
Sygeaulocrinus .......... 5, 6, 30, 32, 
74, 75, 76, 77, 
93, 97, 99, 100, 

Tamarack Point, 

Manitoulin Island .. 90 

Heterocrinus .......... 43, 61, 63, 65 

Isotomocrinus ........ 8 5, 43, 44, 50, 

55, 62, 63, 64, 
65, 66, 121 

Ozarkodina (2.3... 23 

Trichonodella .......... 23 

Cryptolithus ............ 24 
Metradiimers 24 
TorontowOnts see. 

Tremadoc Stage .......... 10, 50 
Trentonian. 17 

Trenton Falls, N.Y. .. 9, 11, 61, 84, 
87, 116, 126 
Trenton Group ............ Iba Save Pal 
Trenton Limestone .... 59, 61, 63, 65, 

84, 87, 91, 103 

IAT TUSe eee eee 11, 15, 16, 24 
Trichonodella .............. 7483} 
truncatus richmonden- 

sis, Orthograptus .... 24 

Climacograptus ...... 24 

Isotomocrinus ....... 63, 65, 121 

Sygcaulocrinus ....17 5, 44, 50, 62, 
89, 97, 98, 100, 


ivrones beds 10 

undatus, Phragmodus 23 

Upper Whitewater .... 
Utica Group 

10, 11, 14, 15 


Foerstephyllum ...... 24 



varibrachialus, Cincin- 

naticrinus ...... ce at es a ae ls ae Se 
41, 42, 43, 44, 

45, 47, 48, 49, 

50, 51, 52, 53, 

54555) 565 50, 

59, 60, 61, 65, 

68, 70, 72, 76, 

84, 86, 87, 104, 

116, 117, 118 

Warren (beds) 
Wenlock Stage ............ 10, 50 
West Branch of Syca- 

more Creek, Okla. .. 

West Covington, Ky..... 59 
(Cmeinnati) 119 
Whetstone Gulf 
ERormation - = 8, 10, 38, 47 
Whiterockian Stage .. 8, 10, 32, 34, 
50, 72, 73, 76, 
77, 97 
Hormation 22 20, 22 

Eutaxocrinus .......... 49, 53 
Wilmington, Ohio ...... 9 
Zygognathus ................. 23 









Volume 1. 




(UNS PASE UPSTS IRIN SISA 6) oi 22 1 0) CR he eeasieaer eee aE ene ee 
New Zealand forams, Stromatoporoidea, Indo-Pacific, Mio- 
cene-Pliocene California forams. 
(Nos. 237-238). URS of oe bY WY Tao) 15 Re sess a eee Me SP 
Venezuela Bryozoa, Kinderhookian Brachiopods. 
(Nos. 239-245). SLOP Ole Sipe eae se tes we beeen rete 
Dominican ostracodes, Lepidocyclina, mollusks. 
(Nos. 246-247). GSi/ MD Da OOPS poseamen ketene clea Sere A eee 
Cenozoic corals, Trinidad Neogene mollusks. 
(Nos. 248-254). SYNE ENeA SEED [SA tees eerie rll SE Le ae 
Forams, North Carolina fossils, coral types, Cenozoic 
Echinoids, Cretaceous Radiolaria, Cymatiid gastropods 
(Nos. 255-256). YOR Lig oF OA 927 0) (CR ees et a i Ean eS Re 
Jurassic ammonites. 
(Nos. 257-262). EXO 0} oa Sieh 9) i cee eet a eee ee ree 
Cretaceous Radiolaria and Forams, Pacific Silicoflagellates, 
North American Cystoidea, Cyclonema, Vasum. 
(No. 263). BUA: spy gece eae ee ee es a 
Bibliography of Cenozoic Echinoidea. 
(Nos. 264-267). S35 DD AOS DS ikeerete seek es cerns Seer ends 
Radiolaria, cirripeds, Bryozoa, palynology. 
(Nos. 268-270). ZA SCW THY nbs Ht Pied 0) Kae mene eee te ad eee any 
Mollusks, Murex catalogue, Cretaceous Radiolaria. 
(Nos. 271-274). HPSS A) SN CS ee See Ee 
Trace fossils, ammonoids, Silicoflagellates, microfauna. 

(Nos. 275-277). 320 -ppew56. plss creer ee ee 
Chitinozoa, Spumellariina, Mexican Ammonites 

(Nos. 278-281). ZIOGP Tay ohy CON NaN Ee eee certo Pee 

Palynology, corals, echinoderms, Foraminifera, and crinoids. 

(No. 282). 6S pps 149) pl Sigeeetes tee tet eee te een ie neces 
Ostracode Symposium. 

(Nos. 283-286). G39 Ds 62 ol Siete reese cas seecssearesterevercasencwerucs 
Crinoids, gastropods, corals, ostracodes. 

(No. 287). 456 (pps, 160) plSs) erste ceesceccecesee esas re tcccacweosacssanse 
Misc. Paleozoic 

(Nos. 288-290). POV ON 2) SPRY Yee OD (obo ek tee eee ee ee ee 

Paracrinoidea, ostracodes, cirripeds. 

(No. 291). PMA O40 epee) FT 2) (Piped eaec hea oak ASE NOR, Se ne 


(Nos. 292-294). AOE Si yea Dip Gem eee ee ee ee es eee nae eens 

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2, ff 3 MUS. COMP. zook, 

NOV 7 1977 



(Founded 1895) 

Vol. 72 

No. 297 



Norman E. WEISBoRD 


Paleontological Research Institution 
Ithaca, New York 14850 U.S.A. 


PRESIDEN ce Pes cee een. eee eet ees es ee HAroLp E. VoKEs 
WAICESPRESINEINM, scces se sees, ke Re ee ec ae en oe a ae Reine ent eS DUANE O. LERoy 
SECRETARY pice sean fe ace aca ra) Coney Ae ea Reece | Ee ee a PHitip C. WAKELEY 
ARICA SURE Weert crete et erence ee en No ee ee ERNESTINE Q. WRIGHT 
DOP aah 9 V0) 2 eer eh A ae eee wn ee ee era KATHERINE V. W. PALMER 
SASS IS TAIN Dat TRECIOR vosees5, decd asiacces teres ce ae snecsenee see ne ne PETER R. HOOVER 
MEQUIIN SEVa ree css elec Pol dott cetacean ge a ee ARMAND L, ADAMS 
REPRESENTATIVE | VANS. | COUN CK ies oy see set ee RICHARD G. Oscoop, Jr. 


RutH G. BRowNnE (1976-1979) KATHERINE V. W. PALMER (Life) 
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REBECCA S. Harris (Life) DANIEL B. Sass (1974-1977) 
MarGareET B, HEROy (1975-1978) HaAro_p E. VoKEs (1975-1978) 
DUANE O. LERoy (1974-1977) Puitie C. WAKELEY (1976-1979) 
WuuiaM A. OLIVER, JR. (1976-1979) ERNESTINE Q. WRIGHT (1976-1979) 

AxeEL A. OLsson (Life) 



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(Founded 1895) 

Vol. 72 

No. 297 




June 24, 1977 

Paleontological Research Institution 
Ithaca, New York 14850 U.S.A. 

Library of Congress Card Number: 77-89951 

Printed in the United States of America 
Arnold Printing Corporation 
Ithaca, N.Y. 


JAA SOUNRGY TS GR ere eee ee eo re a ae 143 
TICES NEYO OVO a me eG ee eS ee rere ee ee eo ee ee 143 
Mocallatie swear dees tra tis ort al li ypu terse aca rs rasa eee eee eee 143 
ENS NCTE ig EER ea aR Se ee er ee 144 
IMESCEIp tlON POLS PCCIES mest ere seers eee oes ne ee ee ete 145 
FREE O TC TICES Merete oe ate ee a a PO es 2 a RN pS EU eg ash 157 

TEE GOS Gasset ed iad ee gm oe tap nies UN ee eh on Sas 5 ee en REPRE Re PAA en eA 161 


Norman E. WEISBOoRD 
Department of Geology 
The Florida State University 


Four species are described and illustrated. Three of the taxa — Arcoscal- 
pellum choctawensis, n. sp., Euscalpellum isneyensis, n. sp., and Balanus an- 
tiquus (Meyer) are late Eocene in age, and one — Arcoscalpellum toulmini, 
n. sp., is from middle Paleocene. 


The fossils described in this work, and the locality data per- 
taining to them, were generously provided by Dr. Lyman D. Toul- 
min of Florida State University, a colleague of mine in the Depart- 
ment of Geology for nearly 20 years. Among many hundreds of 
other taxa in the Toulmin collections (which were obtained during 
many years of field mapping in the Southeastern Coastal Plain), 
are four species of little-known barnacles from two localities in 
Alabama: ACH-19, in the upper Eocene Yazoo Group, and ABu-5 
in the Porters Creek Formation of Paleocene age. The three Yazoo 
species are Arcoscalpellum choctawensis Weisbord, n. sp., Euscal- 
pellum isneyensis Weisbord, n. sp., and Balanus antiquus (Meyer), 
probably. The one Porters Creek species is Arcoscalpellum toulmint 
Weisbord, n. sp., a form reminiscent of, but seemingly distinct from 
Arcoscalpellum conradi (Gabb) found in the Paleocene Vincentown 
Sand of New Jersey. The four species enumerated above from Ala- 
bama have been deposited with the Paleontological Research Insti- 
tution in Ithaca, N.Y. 

ACH-19. The three Eocene species with the prefix ACH-19 were 

collected between Silas and Isney, in Choctaw County, Alabama, on 
U.S. Highway 84, about 4.0 and 4.2 miles west of Silas. The locality 
lies in the NW 1/4 of Sec. 4, T 9 N, R 4 W, at approximately 
31°46.5’N, 88°24’W, in a small outlier of the Yazoo “Clay”. Col- 
lected 15 August 1966. 

In Alabama (and parts of Mississippi) the Yazoo Group con- 
sists of the following stratigraphic units, from bottom to top: the 
North Creek Member, the Cocoa Sand, the Pachuta Marl, and at the 
top, the Shubuta Member. The Yazoo sequence occupies the upper 
three-fourths of the Jackson Group. The lower fourth of the Jackson 
Group consists of the Moodys Branch Formation resting on the 

144 BULLETIN 297 

Scutella bed, which in Alabama represents the base of the Jack- 
sonian. The Jackson Group correlates with the Bartonian and 
Ludian Stages of England, the Bartonian the earlier of the two. 

Thus the North Creek Member of the Yazoo, represented by the 
ACH-19 barnacles is positioned in about the middle of the Jackson 
Group which is upper Eocene in age. 

ABu-5. The single Paleocene barnacle species, ABu-5, was 
collected in Butler County, Alabama, Sec. 9, T 11 N, R 12 E, at ap- 
proximately 31°56.5’N, 86°51’W. According to Toulmin’s notes the 
specimens were obtained from a road cut on a paved road 1.4 miles 
north of Wolf Creek and 3.0 miles north of Monterey, Butler County, 
in the Porters Creek Formation. “The fossils are from the thin- 
bedded zone of gray to brown calcareous sand and sandstones above 
the lower clay.” Collected 11 February 1968. 

The Porters Creek Formation is part of the Midway Group 
which is Paleocene in age. In Alabama the Midway Group is made 
up at the base of the Pine Barren Limestone followed above by the 
McBryde Limestone, both limestones within the Clayton Formation. 
The Clayton Formation is succeeded upward by the Porters Creek 
Formation, the Matthews Landing Marl, the Oak Hill and Coal 
Bluff Members of the Naheola Formation, and at the top of the 
Midway, the Salt Mountain Limestone. The Midway group 1s cor- 
related with three European stages, the Danian below, the Thanetian 
in the middle, and the Sparnacian above. 

Thus the Porters Creek Formation which is believed to extend 
from the upper Danian to upper Thanetian in Alabama may be 
considered as spanning the middle Paleocene in time. 

I wish to thank Frank H. Wind of Florida State University for 

having taken and processed the photographs contained in this work. 
I am also indebted to Charles W. Copeland of the Geological Sur- 
vey of Alabama and Druid Wilson of the U.S. Geological Survey for 
their help in trying to locate the type of Crucibulum antiquum 
Meyer. The generic name of that species was later changed to 
Balanus after the true classification was revealed by careful clean- 
ing of the type specimen. It seems the Aldrich collection, which in- 
cluded many of Meyer’s specimens, was originally deposited with 


Johns Hopkins University from which it was transferred a number 
of years ago to the present stewardship of the U.S. Geological Sur- 
vey at the National Museum of Natural History (U.S. National 
Museum), Washington, D.C. Three or four of Meyer’s types are in 
the Alabama Survey but Balanus antiquus (Meyer) is not among 
them; neither is it in the Aldrich collection in Washington, D.C., 
and is thus presumed to be lost. 

Katherine V. W. Palmer and her staff have been most helpful 
in the editorial review of the work, and in the cataloguing of the 
four species in the Paleontological Research Institution, Nos. 8205- 

Class CIRRIPEDIA Burmeister, 1834 
Order THORACICA Darwin, 1854 
Suborder Lepadomorpha Pilsbry, 1916 

Family SCALPELLIDAE Pilsbry, 1916 

Arcoscalpellum (?) choctawensis Weisbord, n. sp. Pl. 19, figs. 9-12 

The holotype is a right scutum (ACH-19c) broken off at the 
apex and the basi-tergal angle, measuring 13.8 mm along the occlu- 
dent margin and 7 mm in width across the basal margin. The valve 
is thin and divided into unequl halves, the exterior of the tergal side 
the narrower, flattish, and sloping, the larger and medial half sub- 
regularly convex. Below the apical area there is a transverse depres- 
sion across both halves of the exterior. The umbonal area is skewed, 
and extending down from it to near the basi-tergal angle there is a 
vague fold or bend demarcating the two sides of the exterior; at the 
fold the numerous growth lineations form nearly a right angle, those 
of the tergal side vertical, the ones of the middle part of the valve 
horizontal, and those near the occludent margin turned down rather 
sharply. In certain light and on the medial area of the exterior there 
are seen very faint and thin longitudinal ridges extending from the 
umbone toward the base. The upper and lower tergal margins are 
straight and form an angle of approximately 143 degrees; the oc- 
cludent margin is slightly wavy but nearly straight, and projects a 
little below the base. In the interior of the scutum the apical area is 
thickened and 6 mm in length, and nearer the occludent side of it 

146 BULLETIN 297 

there is a prominent furrow 4.5 mm in length and increasing in 
width from .5 mm to 1.5 mm from top to bottom; adjacent to the 
furrow on the lower occludent side is a slightly sunken, elongate 
triangular area marked with fine longitudinal ridges which extend 
upward into the elongated excavation under the apical area of the 
exterior. The apical furrow leads below into a faint, rounded muscle 
scar which is depressed below and nestled into the lower corner of 
the apical area; bounding the occludent side of the apical furrow and 
raised slightly above it is a thickened lamina curving around the 
muscle scar and continuing down the thickened occludent margin 
to near the base where it merges with the shell material. The in- 
terior of the valve below the apical area is shallowly concave except 
at the margins which are upturned, thus producing the appearance of 
tumidity of the exterior. 

The paratype is a right tergum (ACH-19cl) measuring 18 mm 
in length and 11.75 mm in greatest width. The valve is thin, flat, and 
rhomboidal-lanceolate in outline. The exterior of the carinal margin is 
straight above, slightly concave below where it forms an angle of 
about 122 degrees with the lower carinal margin; the upper and lower 
occludent margins are nearly straight and form a rounded angle of 
about 126 degrees with each other. The growth lineations of the 
exterior are fine and numerous, and form an acute V at the apico- 
basal demarcation line. In the interior of the valve the sides of the 
apical area are widened to about 0.75 mm and diverge down from 
the apex for about 5 mm, each side shallowly furrowed along the 
middle. Just below the apex is a laminar ridge following the contour 
of the apical area, one branch forming the outer rim of the apico- 
carinal margin, the other running down the middle of the apico-oc- 
cludent furrow; splaying off from the apex of this laminar ridge 
are three short welded ridges, each of the outer ones forming the in- 
ner margin of the apical furrows, and a medial one some 2.5 mm in 
length terminating in a pointed spur at its lower end. The paratype 
tergum is chalky and stained within. 

Type locality. — ACH-19, about 4.0 and 4.2 miles west of Silas, 
Alabama, on U.S. Highway 84, in NE 1/4 NW 1/4 Sec. 4, T 9N, R 
4 W, at approximately 31°46.5’N, 88°24’ W, Choctaw County. 

Formation. — Yazoo Group (North Creek Member). The north 


Creek Member lies above the Moodys Branch Formation and below 
the Cocoa Sand in the Jackson Group of the upper Eocene. 

Diagnosis. — The diagnostic features of the scutum are the 
prominent elongated furrow of the apical area in the interior and the 
slightly skewed umbone of the exterior. The tergum is characterized 
by its rhomboid-lanceolate and flattened form and the unequal 
areas of the exterior defined by the apico-basal ridge. 

Comments. — This species is based on two complete valves, one 
of them a scutum, the other a tergum. Both valves are thin-shelled, 
occur within the same formation at the same locality, and are the 
only two valves that are distinct from scores of others which repre- 
sent another scalpellid species. Nevertheless I am not certain that the 
two valves belong to the proposed new species, Arcoscalpellum 
choctawensis. Therefore, the scutum is designated as the holotype 
and the tergum as the questionable paratype of the new species. 

Arcoscalpellum toulmini Weisbord, n. sp. Pl. 20, figs. 1-8 

This species is based on four specimens — two scuta and two 
terga — all presumed to belong to the same taxon. 

The holotype is the left scutum (ABu-5al) which is 12 mm in 
height from the apex to the basal margin, and 7.1 mm in width 
across the base. The valve is trapezoidal, with a moderately pro- 
nounced apico-basal fold which divides the exterior into unequal 
halves — a smaller, flatly depressed tergal flank, and a broader, 
convex occludent side. The occludent margin is evenly and slightly 
convex, and projects a little at the basal angle; the basal margin is 
nearly straight except at the basi-occludent angle where it swerves 
downward; the carinal margin is straight, the tergal somewhat con- 
cave. The apex is acute and turned a little toward the tergum. The 
outer surface is scored faintly with concentric growth furrows be- 
tween which are minute growth ridges, all of these contoured to 
form a V at the apico-basal fold. Also there are faint longitudinal 
radii on the larger half of the valve. In the interior of the left scutum 
is a large roundish muscle-pit leading to a shallow medial depression 
which broadens to the basal margin. The apical area, 5 mm in length, 
is much thickened, its base rising vertically from the muscle-pit. 
The occludent margin of the interior is also thickened, and there is 
a fine incision or furrow running along the middle of it from near 

148 BULLETIN 297 

the base to near the apex. Extending downward from the apex there 
are four crowded longitudinal ridges, the innermost one the highest 
and extending along the occludent side, then swerving at the muscle- 
pit, and continuing therefrom farther down to merge with the shell 
substance of the margin; the other apical ridges are shorter and 
bound an elongated triangular pit on the occludent side just below 
the apex, and marked with six or seven oblique rugae. The tergal 
side of the apical area is callused and smooth. 

The paratype right scutum (ABu-5a2) is 11 mm in height and 
about 5 mm in width across the base, and is thus proportionally 
slightly narrower than the left scutum. It is similarly sculptured 
on the outer surface except that in certain light longitudinal radii 
on the more chalky surface are somewhat more distinct. The inner 
surface is chalky and weathered and the triangular pit with the 
oblique rugae of the left valve are not visible. 

The paratype right tergum (ABu-5a3) is blue-gray in color 
streaked with light gray, in contrast with the cream-colored or 
whitish scuta; however, a fragment of another tergum (ABu-5a4), 
similar to the paratype tergum, is also cream-colored, so that al- 
though I do not know that the terga belong to A. toulmint, the 
color difference of ABu-5a3 is no hindrance for considering it the 

The paratype tergum is thin, flat, elongate-subrhomboidal, and 
broken or worn off at the apex and base. On the exterior there is 
a faint apico-basal ridge or line of demarcation dividing the valve 
into unequal halves, the carinal side the narrower, the valve shal- 
lowly depressed on either side of the ridge. The numerous growth 
lineations are fine and closely spaced, and form an acute V at the 
apico-basal ridge. As seen in the interior, the carinal border is slightly 
upturned, but the rest of the inner surface is shallowly concave. The 
shorter apico-carinal margin slants at an angle of about 20° and the 
longer apico-occludent margin at about 30° with reference to a ver- 
tical axis; whether these margins meet to form a pointed apex, or 
whether the apical area is truncate or blunt as on the two terga at 
hand is not known. The likelihood is that the apex on a complete 
tergum is moderately acute. Below the apex are two short longi- 
tudinal ridges with a narrow depression between them. Both apical 
margins are beveled, a little widened, inclined inward, and built up 


of exceedingly fine elongated ridges, the innermost of which appears 
to be undercut by the depression of the inner surface of the valve. 
The paratype tergum (ABu-5a3) is 10.75 mm in length and 6 mm 
in greatest width but is broken off at the base and apex. Tergum 
ABu-5a4 is a fragment about 7.5 mm in height, 4 mm in greatest 

Type locality. — ABu-5, Butler County, Alabama, Sec. 9, T 11 
N, R 12 E, the approximate coordinates 31°56.5’N, 86°51’W. Ac- 
cording to Toulmin’s notes the specimens were collected from a road 
cut on a paved road 1.4 miles north of Wolf Creek and 3.0 miles 
north of Monterey, Butler County. “The fossils are from the thin- 
bedded zone of gray to brown calcareous sand and sandstone above 
the lower clay.” 

Formation. — Porters Creek (lower Member); Paleocene. 

Comparisons. — The left scutum of A. toulmini resembles the 
left scutum of A. conradi (Gabb) from the Vincentown Limesand 
(Paleocene) of New Jersey, but among other differences the apico- 
basal ridge of the exterior is less definite, and the apical area of the 
interior far less elaborately sculptured and ridged on the occludent 
side of A. conradi. These differences might be explained by the 
greater weathering of the A. conradi scutum, but because the tergum 
of A. conradi is not known, and the carina of A. toulmini is not 
known, the two species are considered distinct on the observable dif- 
ferences between the type left scuta of each. 

Externally the tergum of Arcoscalpellum toulmini is remark- 
ably similar to that of Arcoscalpellum bakeri Collins (1973) from 
the Maestrichtian, Ripley Formation of Oktibbeha County, Missis- 
sippi. Not observed on A. toulmini and present on the tergum of 
A. bakeri is a faint groove “extending from the apex to near the base 
of the scutal margin and between this and the apico-basal ridge ex- 
tend several fine ridges.” Because the carina of A. toulmint is not 
known and the scutum of A. bakeri not known the slight apparent 
differences in the two terga plus the discrepant stratigraphic posi- 
tions of the two taxa lead me to consider each a valid species. Car- 
rying this a step farther, the carina of the Upper Cretaceous A. bakeri 
is dissimilar from the carina of the Paleocene A. conradi. I suspect 
that when the carina of A. toulmini is found that it too will be 
unique to the species. 

150 BULLETIN 297 

Euscalpellum isneyensis Weisbord, n. sp. Pl. 19, figs. 1-8 

This species is based on 106 valves, 59 of them scuta, 47 terga. 
The holotype is a left scutum (ACH-19al1), measuring 15.5 mm in 
length and 6.25 mm in greatest width; a paratype right scutum 
(ACH-19a2) is 19.5 mm in length and 7.75 mm in greatest width. 

The scutum is elongated, crescentic, and moderately tumid, the 
length about 2-1/2 times the greatest width. The apex is acute and 
beaklike, and is turned slightly toward the tergal margin. The apico- 
basal ridge is narrow, curved, and well defined; diverging from it 
on the paratype a short distance below the apex is a faint minor 
fold continuing to the base where it is close to the apico-basal ridge; 
between the two, the surface of the valve is flattish. The tergal 
margin is gently concave at the upper fourth, convex below, with a 
rounded angulation at about the lower third. Near the occludent 
margin, which is convex, there is a fine ridge extending from the 
apex toward the base where it plays out into a vague narrow rise; 
the occludent side of the valve adjacent to this rise is narrow and 
somewhat depressed as is the narrow tergal side from the apex to the 
lower third of that side. The base is slightly concave on the occludent 
side of the apico-basal ridge which itself terminates acutely. The ex- 
terior of the scutum is strongly sculptured by growth markings which 
form V’s at the apico-basal ridge and are sharply upturned along 
the margins. The markings consist of elevated ridges with flattish 
spaces between them, the interspaces themselves bearing micro- 
scopic striae. The inner surface of the scutum, except for the up- 
turned margins, is shallowly concave. The adductor muscle-pit is 
large, subrounded, and nestled more or less centrally into the base 
of the apical area. The apical area is thickened, about 6.5 mm in 
length, and is marked by closely spaced fine ridges or striae diverging 
from the apex down the widened margins, the ridges of the o¢cludent 
margin playing out at the basi-occludent angle, those of the tergal 
margin terminating opposite the top of the muscle pit; the rest of 
the interior, including a central triangular area well below the apex 
proper, is smooth. The interior of the right scutum (ACH-19a2) is 
similar to that of the left scutum except that the apical ridges on 
the occludent side are stronger than those on the tergal side. 

The tergal valves vary considerably in outline, some being 

elongate subtriangular (ACH-19a3), others subrhomboidal (ACH- 


19a4), and some obtusely subpentagonal (ACH-19a5). A left tergal 
valve (paratype ACH-19a3) measures 17.2 mm in length and 7.5 
mm in greatest width; a right tergal valve (paratype ACH-19a5) is 
19 mm in length and 10.75 mm in greatest width; paratype ACH- 
19a4 is 16 mm in length and 8 mm in greatest width. 

Both terga are flat, the left one, as exemplified by ACH-19a4, 
subrhomboidal in outline, with an arcuate apico-basal ridge and a 
subacute apex turned toward the carina. Externally the middle area 
of the valves is slightly depressed. The occludent margin is convex, 
moderately so above, less so below; the carinal margin is vertical 
above, nearly straight to slightly concave from the lateral angle to 
the base; the basal margin is nearly straight but becomes convex at 
the basi-occludent angle. The exterior of the terga is sculptured by 
prominent growth ridges and furrows, the principal ones thickening 
at the intercepts of the apico-basal ridge, the furrows lined with 
fine striae. There is a slight narrow depression along the upper half 
of the occludent margin, bounded by a faint line of sculpture- 
demarcation from the apex to the basi-occludent angle. The growth 
markings form a V at the apico-basal ridge and swerve upward at 
the sides. The inner surface of the terga is smooth and flat, and 
showing through the calcification in lesser or greater degree are the 
reflections of the principal growth ridges of the exterior. The apical 
area is marked by fine striae diverging from the apex halfway down 
the carinal margin and nearly the full length of the occludent 
margin. In the interior of the right tergum (ACH-19a5) there is an 
oval depression or hollow in the upper middle of the widened occlu- 
dent margin. Unfigured paratype 8209 PRI. 

Type locality. — ACH-19, Choctaw County, Alabama, about 
4.0 and 4.2 miles west of Silas, on U.S. Highway 84, in NW 1/4 of 
Sec. 4, T 9 N, R 4 W, at approximately 31°46.5’N, 88°24’W, in an 
outlier of the Yazoo Group. 

Formation. — Yazoo Group (North Creek Member); lower up- 
per Eocene. 

Diagnosis. — The scutum of this species is characterized by its 
elongated crescentic form, the relatively long apical area, the sharp 
apico-basal ridge, and the strong external markings. The tergum is 
characterized by its subrhomboidal outline, the strong apico-basal 

152 BuLLeTIN 297 

ridge, the slight medial depression adjoining the ridge, and the 
prominent external markings. 

The tergum of this species somewhat resembles that of Luscal- 
pellum eocenense (Meyer) (1895) from the middle Eocene Clai- 
borne Group of Alabama, Mississippi, and Texas, but is differentiated 
from FE. eocenense by its rhomboidal shape and strong apico-basal 
ridge. The scuta of both these species, however, are distinct. 

Suborder BALANOMORPHA Pilsbry, 1916 

Family BALANIDAE Leach, 1817 
Balanus antiquus (Meyer) Pl. 20, figs. 9-11; Pl. 21, figs. 1-9, 11 

Crucibulum antiquum Meyer, 1886b, p. 68, pl. 1, fig. 11; 1887a, p. 55; Pilsbry, 
1930, p. 433; Palmer, 1937, p. 149; Zullo. 1963, p. 133; Palmer and Brann, 
1966, p. 616. 

Balanus antiquus (Meyer), Meyer, 1887a, p. 55; Pilsbry, 1930, p. 433; Palmer, 
1937, p. 149; Zullo, 1963, p. 133; Ross, 1965, p. 60; Palmer and Brann, 
1966, p. 616. 

Balanus aff. B. unguiformis J. de C. Sowerby, 1846, pl. 648, fig. 1; Withers, 
1953, pp. 72, 91-92; Zullo, 1960, p. 21; Ross and Newman, 1967, pp. 4-7. 

?Hesperibalanus antiquus (Meyer), Zullo, 1963, pp. 133, 207-208, text-fig. 10A. 

Meyer’s original description of this species in 1886, under the 
name of Crucibulum antiquum was the following: 

CRUCIBULUM ANTIQUUM, n. sp. Pl. 1, fig. 11. 

Subconical; margin oval, striate within; diaphragm entire; rhom- 
boidal, close to the shell. 

Locality. — Claiborne, Ala. 

The surface of the single specimen is badly preserved. If I am 
not mistaken it is the first Crucibulum found in the Old Tertiary 

In 1887, under Notes, p. 55, Meyer emended the generic desig- 
nation of Crucibulum to Balanus with these statements. 

The following mistake is to be corrected. I described a specimen 
from Claiborne as ‘Crucibulum antiguum’ (Bull. 1, Geol. Surv. Ala., 
1886, p. 68, pl. 1, fig. 11). Having recently carefully cleaned the out- 
side of this specimen it proved to be a Balanus with preserved oper- 

Measurements of the type were not given, but if I judge the 
scale next to Meyer’s figure 11 correctly, the carino-rostral length 
at the base is about 12.5 mm, and the width across the base at its 
widest about 10.5 mm, and this is somewhat smaller than the shell 
of our ACH-19b. 

The four individual specimens referred to B. antiquus (Meyer) 


consist of a nearly whole shell (ACH-19b) with an entire but half- 
covered basis; a carinolateral compartment (ACH-19b1) with the 
rim of the basis also preserved; another carinolateral (?) compart- 
ment (ACH-19b2); and a nearly entire rostrum (ACH-19b3). No 
opercula have been found, and there is little likelihood they are 
present within the sandstone-filled orifice of ACH-19b which has 
been dug into as far as possible. 

ACH-19b has six compartments, is low conic, and is elon- 
gate-oval around the basal margin. The specimen is slightly mashed, 
and the rhomboid orifice is filled with sandstone, obscuring the 
peritreme. The compartments are intact, and the exposed half of 
the basis is well enough preserved to show that it is thick and cal- 
careous, and seems to consist of small, closely spaced tubules radi- 
ating from an off-centered nucleus; the bottom surface of the basis 
is crossed by growth lineations following somewhat eccentrically the 
contour of the basal margin of the shell. In plan view the rim of 
the base is seen to consist of small quadrangular openings, each 
one bounded by a short lamina or septum, the openings representing 
the termini of the tubules of the basis. The aspect around the basal 
rim is so similar to that of Meyer’s drawing of Balanus antiquus that 
the specimens in the Toulmin collection described herein are believed 
to represent the same species. 

As viewed externally, the carina of ACH-19b is somewhat 
concave in profile, the rostrum somewhat convex, the lateral com- 
partments much the widest, and the carinolaterals much the nar- 
rowest. The radii are comparatively wide at their widest, varying 
from about 1 mm on the carinolaterals to 2 mm on the laterals. The 
summits of the radii are very oblique and obscurely crenate, and 
within, their sutural edges are strongly crenulate. The alae are rela- 
tively broad and undulatory, varying in height from 2 mm to 
about 3 mm. 

ACH-19b has a carino-rostal length at the base of 14.3 mm, 
a maximum width of 9 mm across the base, a height of about 9 mm 
at the carinal end (broken at the apex), and a height of about 10.5 
mm at the rostral end (broken at the apex). The sandstone-filled 
orifice is approximately 9.5 mm in length and 7.8 mm in width. In- 
dividual measurements of the compartments are tabulated below 
in millimeters. 

154 BULLETIN 297 

Measurements of ACH-19b 
Compartment Width at base Height 

Carina 4.3 8.7 
Carinolaterals De) 9.7 
2.6 7.0 
Laterals 8.5 11.6 
9.0 8.5 
Rostrum 6.5 10.5 

The individual compartments from shells other than the ACH- 
19b but believed to be representatives of Balanus antiquus (Meyer) 
are described below. 

ACH-19b1: Carinolateral compartment, height 10.6 mm, width 
at base 6.6 mm. Radius broken away above. Sheath height about 
3 mm. Number of longitudinal ribs in the interior about 26. Thick- 
ness of basis at rim of compartment 0.6 mm. 

The internal ribs are narrow and pronounced in about the lower 
3 mm of the compartment; above that they are abruptly weaker and 
continue so upward to near the base of the sheath. Below, each rib 
merges into the basis where it becomes a septum in the narrow space 
between the basis and inner surface of the paries. Thus looking down 
on the base of the paries its periphery is seen to consist of small 
quadrangular openings, each one bounded by a septum. The com- 
partment is moderately convex and marked on the surface by 
numerous fine growth lineations through which appear some faint 
longitudinal radii which are reflections of the inner ribs. 

The sheath occupies a little less than the upper third of the 
compartment. On the radius side there is a pronounced transverse 
furrow below which the sheath is hollowed out a little more than 
on the opposite half which is undercut but slightly. 

The ala is divided into unequal halves, the outer the smaller, 
by a line of demarcation, at which the lines of growth form a 
pronounced V. 

ACH-19b2: This is externally smooth and is inferred to be ano- 
ther carinolateral compartment, 8 mm in height and 5.2 in width 
across the base (PI. 21, figs. 8, 9). There are about 28 internal ribs, 


a number of them alternating in size, but all of them pronounced and 
confined to the lower 1.5 mm of the interior. The remainder of the 
interior is smooth because of the thickened shell which covers the 
weaker ribs underneath. The sheath is 4 mm in height and is under- 
cut slightly the full width. The furrow on the radius side is even more 
deeply excavated than in ACH-b1 but the ala of ACH-b2 does not 
show the line of demarcation of ACH-b1. 

ACH-19b3: This is a convex rostrum 10 mm in length and 8.2 
mm in breadth across the base. The two radii are intact, each with 
oblique and erose summits which are obscurely crenate, and each 
with regularly, strong, and simply crenulate margins. The outer sur- 
face is smooth with faint concentric and in places crinkly growth 
lines on the paries, and nearly vertical growth lines on the radii. In 
the interior there are about 47 narrow ribs, these most pronounced 
near the base but continuing weakly to about the middle of the paries 
where some play out and others persist to near the base of the sheath. 
The sheath is about 3.4 mm in height and is slightly undercut the 
full width. Diverging from the apex are two sharp laminar ridges 
projecting slightly below the base of the sheath to form an inverted 
V bounding the apical area, with the strong concentric striae of the 
apical area and of the radii abutting each of the ridges. The interior 
of the rostrum is white except for the tan apical area and radii, 
whereas the exterior is tan and the radii alternating tan and white. 

Diagnosis. — The distinguishing characters of the shell are its 
thomboid aperture, the externally smooth parietes, the numerous 
longitudinal ribs in the interior, the broad lateral compartments, 
and the row of small quadrangular openings (of which there may be 
as many as 180 on an adult specimen) around the basal rim of the 

Type locality. — Claiborne (approximately 31°33’N, 87°31’W), 
Monroe County, Alabama. The precise locality and stratigraphic 
position of the fossils collected by Meyer at Claiborne are not known, 
but the locality may well have been Claiborne Bluff or Claiborne 
Landing on the Alabama River. The Bluff, from water level to top 
is made up below of the Lisbon Formation overlain by the Gosport 
Sand, both of the Claiborne Group of middle Eocene age; the Gos- 
port is succeeded by the Moodys Branch and Yazoo Clay of the 
Jackson Group (upper Eocene). The Yazoo Clay of the Bluff is 

156 BULLETIN 297 

equivalent to the North Creek Member of the Yazoo between Silas 
and Isney in Choctaw County, the latter the collecting locality of the 
Balanus antiquus (Meyer) of this paper. 

Other localities. — “Middle Eocene, Gosport Sand, Claiborne 
Landing, Alabama River”, as Hesperibalanus gosportensis Zullo (PI. 
21, fig. 10). Zullo (1963, p. 133) stated that his H. gosportensis “is 
probably the same as Balanus antiquus but the latter species is not 
recognizably described.” Zullo (1963, pp. 207-208, text-fig. 10A) 
figured a tergum of H. gosportensis, but not having seen Meyer’s 
operculum or the shell to which it was attached, I cannot affirm 
that H. gosportensis is the same as Balanus antiquus (Meyer), 
though it may be. 

Collections in the American Museum of Natural History from 
the Claiborne area of Alabama are reported by Ross and Newman 
(1967) as “Eocene Claiborne Beds, Claiborne, Alabama, Hall col- 
lection” and “Gosport Sand, Middle Eocene, Claiborne Group, Clai- 
borne Landing. Collectors Donald F. Squires and William Heaslip, 
August 1955”. In these collections it is likely that the Balanus sp. 
aff. B. unguiformis of Ross and Newman is equivalent to B. antiquus 
(Meyer) from the type locality. As indicated by Ross and Newman, 
the type of Balanus unguiformis J. de C. Sowerby (1846, pl. 648, 
fig. 1), a taxon occurring in the upper middle Eocene and upper 
Eocene of England, is not clearly established either by Sowerby’s 
illustration or later description by Darwin (1854, pp. 296-298, pl. 
8, figs. 8a, 8b). According to Darwin (1854, p. 297), there is indeed 
a smooth-plated variety of B. wnguiformis, and its stratigraphic 
position is equivalent to that of B. antiquus (Meyer). Nevertheless, 
despite the unlikely but possible precedence of the name wnguiformts, 
I prefer to relate the Choctaw County taxon to B. antiquus (Meyer), 
because even as to size, the base of the shell looks like Meyer’s draw- 
ing of B. antiquus and is close geographically and stratigraphically to 
the Claiborne B. antiquus. 

Mississippi: As “Balanus (B.) aff. ungutformis” reported from 
the Jackson Group of Mississippi by Withers (1953, p. 72). A 
locality in Mississippi was not cited by Withers, but I suspect it 
might be west of Isney, Alabama, in the Yazoo terrain which ex- 
tends into easternmost Mississippi from western Alabama. 


Florida: As Balanus sp. aff. B. unguiformis Sowerby in Ross and 
Newman (1967). Limerock quarry about 200 yards south of the 
Withlacoochee River, NE 1/4 Sec. 12, T 12 S, R 16 E, Citrus Coun- 
ty. Inglis Limestone, Ocala Group, upper Eocene. Collectors Jackson 
E. Lewis and Arnold Ross, May, 1965. The Inglis Limestone is con- 
sidered to be in the lower part of the upper Eocene, or by some 
geologists, in the middle Eocene. Thus the stratigraphic position is 
about the same as for Balanus antiquus. Although the Florida speci- 
mens are not well enough preserved, better material may indicate 
that the taxon is conspecific with B. antiquus. 

Geologic range. —- Upper middle Eocene to lower upper Eocene 
in Mississippi, Alabama, and probably Florida. 

Classtfication. — As stated by Ross and Newman, definite con- 
clusions pertaining to the generic or subgeneric classification of the 
taxon in question cannot yet be reached. And, as stated by Zullo, his 
Hesperibalanus gosportensis cannot be assigned to Balanus antiquus 
(Meyer) until the opercular valves of both are known. Unfor- 
tunately I have been unable to track down the whereabouts of the 
cleaned type specimen of Meyer to which the operculum is adherent 
and which also might reveal the character of the shell itself. 


Bassindale, R. 
1964. British barnacles. With keys and notes for the identification of 
the species. Linnean Soc. London, Synopsis of the British Fauna, 
pp. 1-68, figs. 1-16. 
Burmeister, Carl Hermann Conrad 
1834. Beitrége zur Naturgeschichte der Rankenfiisser (Cirripedia), Pp. 
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Cheetham, Alan H. 
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1973. Cirripedes from the Upper Cretaceous of Alabama and Mississippi, 
eastern Gulf region, U. §. A. I. Palaeontology, J. S. H. Collins. 1. 
Geology, F. F. Mellen. British Mus. (Nat. Hist.), Bull. Geol., vol. 
23, No. 6, pp. 351-388, pls. 1-5, text-figs. 1-5. 
Darwin, Charles Robert 
1851. A monograph on the sub-class Cirripedia, with figures of all the 
species. The Lepadidae; or, pedunculated cirripedes. Ray Society, 
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1854. A monograph on the sub-class Cirripedia, with figures of all the 
species. The Balanidae, (or sessile cirripedes); The Verrucidae, 
etc., etc., etc. Ray Society, London, pp. i-viii, 1-684, pls. 1-30, text- 
figs. 1-11. 

158 BULLETIN 297 

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Hoek, Paulus Peronius Cato 

1907. The Cirripedia of the Siboga-Expedition. A. Cirripedia Peduncu- 
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1-127, pls. 1-10. 

1913. The ‘Cirripedia of the Siboga-Expedition. B. Cirripedia Sessilia. 
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1817. Distribution systématique de la class Cirripédes. Jour. Phys., Chim. 

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Tertiary. Amer. Jour. Sci., ser. 3, vol. 130, No. 175, art. X, pp. 60- 
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1886a. Observations on the Tertiary and Grand Gulf of Mississippi. 
Amer. Jour. Sci., ser. 3, vol. 132, No. 187, art. III, pp. 20-25. 

1886b. Contributions to "the Eocene paleontology ‘of Alabama and Missis- 
sippi. Geol. Sur. Alabama, Bull. 1, pt. 2, pp. 63-85, pls. 1-3. 

1887a. On invertebrates from the Eocene of. Mississippi and Alabama. 
Acad. Nat. Sci., Philadelphia, Proc., vol. 39, pp. 51-56, pl. 3. 

1887b. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Fauna der Alttertiars von Mississippi 
und Alabama. Senckenberg. Naturforsch. Gesell. Frankfort am 
Main, Bericht, vol. 2, pp. 3-22, 2 pls. 

Newman, William A., Zullo, Victor A., and Withers, T. H. 

1969. Cirripedia. Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology, Part R, Arthro- 
poda 4, vol. 1, pp. R206-R295, figs. 80-119. Geol. Soc. America and 
Univ. Kansas. 

Newman, W. A., and Zullo, V. A. 

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ere R, Arthropoda 4, vol. 2, p. 628. Geol. Soc. America and Univ. 
Palmer, Katherine V. W. 

1937. The Claibornian Scaphopoda, Gastropoda and dibranchiate Cepha- 
lopoda of the southern United States. Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. 7, 
No. 32, Pt. 1, Text, pp. 1-548; Pt. 2, Plates, pp. 550-730, pls. 1-90. 

Palmer, Katherine Vv. W., and Brann, Doris Cc. 

1965. Catalogue of the Paleocene and Eocene Mollusca of the southern 
and eastern United States. Part I. Pelecypoda, Amphineura, 
Pteropoda, Scaphopoda, and Cephalopoda. Bull. Amer. Paleont., 
vol. 48, No. 218, pp. 1-466, pls. 1-3. 

1966. Catalogue of the Paleocene and Eocene Mollusca of the southern 
and eastern United States. Part II. Gastropoda (excluding Ptero- 
poda, Pt. I, 1965). Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. 48, No. 218, pp. 467- 
1057, pls. 4-5. 

Pilsbry, Henry Augustus 

1897. Scalpellum and Balanus from Texas. Acad. Nat. Sci., Philadelphia, 
Proc., vol. 49, pp. 332-333, fig. 1. 

1907. The barnacles (Girripedia) contained in the collections of the U.S. 
National Museum. U.S. Nat. Mus., Bull. 60, pp. i-x, 1-122, pls. 1-11, 
text-figs. 1-36. 

1916. The sessile barnacles (Cirripedia) contained in the collections of 
the U.S. National Museum; including a monograph of the American 
species. U.S. Nat. Mus., Bull. 93, pp. i-xi, 1-366, pls. 1-76, text- 
figs 1-99. 


1930. Cirripedia (Balanus) from the Miocene of New Jersey. Acad. Nat. 
Sci., Philadelphia, Proc., vol. 82, pp. 429-433, pls. 36-37. 
Ross, Arnold 
1965. A new cirriped from the Eocene of Georgia. Florida Acad. Sci., 
Quart. Jour., vol. 28, No. 1, pp. 59-67, figs. 1-2. 
Ross, Arnold, and Newman, William A. 
1967. Eocene Balanidae of Florida, including a new genus and species 
with a unique plan of “turtle-barnacle” organization, Amer. Mus. 
Novitates, No. 2288, pp. 1-21, figs. 1-7. 
Sowerby, James de Carle 
1846. The Mineral Conchology of Great Britain; or coloured figures and 
descriptions of those remains of testaceous animals or shells which 
have been preserved at various times and depths in the earth, Lon- 
don, Pt. 113, pp. 57-80, pls. 644-648. 
Toulmin, L. D., Lamoreaux, P. E., and Lanphere, C. R. 
1951. Geology and ground-water resources of Choctaw County, Alabama. 
Geol. Sur. Alabama, Spec. Rept. 21 and County Rept. 2, pp. i-ix, 
1-197, pls. 1-11, text-figs. 1-23, tables 1-4. 
Withers, Thomas Henry 
1924. The fossil cirripedes of New Zealand, New Zealand Dept. Mines, 
Geol. Sur. Branch, Palaeont. Bull. 10, pp. 1-47, figs. 1-8, pls. 1-8, 
1935. Catalogue of fossil Cirripedia in the Department of Geology. Vol. 
2. Cretaceous. British Mus. (Nat. Hist.), pp. i-xili, 1-534, pls. 1-50, 
text-figs. 1-64. 
1953. Catalogue of fossil Cirripedia in the Department of Geology, Vol. 
3. Tertiary. British Mus. (Nat. Hist.), pp. i-xv, 1-396, pls. 1-64, 
text-figs. 1-105. 
Zullo, Victor August 
1960a. Eocene species of the genus Balanus (Cirripedia). Geol. Soc. Amer., 
Bull., vol. 71, No. 12, pt. 2, p. 2084. (Abstract). 
1960b. Cenozoic Balanomorpha of the Pacific Coast of North America. 
Master’s Thesis, University of California, Berkeley, pp. 1-147, pls. 
1963. Classification and phylogeny of the Balanomorpha (Cirripedia). 
Doctoral Dissertation, University of California, Berkeley, pp. i-iv, 
1-372, pls. 1-2, text-figs. 1-14. [This has been published in book 
form by Xerox University Microfilms, P.O. Box 1346, Ann Arbor, 
Michigan 48106. ] 

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162 BULLETIN 297 

Figure Page 

1-8. Evuscalpellum (?) isneyensis Weisbord, N. Sp. .........00...cccceeeeeeeeee 150 

Figs. 1, 2. Interior and exterior of holotype scutum, No. 8205 PRI, 
ACH-19al1. Natural size 15.5 mm X 6.25 mm.; figs. 3, 4. Ex- 
terior and interior of paratype scutum, No. 8206 PRI, ACH- 
19a2. Natural size 19.5 mm X 7.75 mm.; figs. 5, 6. Interior and 
exterior of paratype tergum, No. 8207 PRI, ACH-19a4. Natural 
size 16 mm X 8 mm; figs. 7, 8. Exterior and interior of para- 
type tergum, No. 8208 PRI, ACH-19a5. Natural size 19 mm 
< 10.75 mm. 

9-12. Arcoscalpellum (?) choctawensis Weisbord, n. Sp. ..................0.. 145 

Figs. 9, 10. Exterior and interior of holotype scutum, No. 8210 
PRI, ACH-19c; Natural size 13.8 mm X 7 mm; figs. 11, 12. 
Exterior and interior of paratype tergum, No. 8211 PRI, ACH- 
19cl. Natural size 18 mm X 11.75 mm. 




Figure Page 

1-8. Arcoscalpellum toulmini Weisbord, n. sp. ............0000ccccceeeeee 147 

Figs. 1, 2. Exterior and interior of holotype scutum, No. 8212 PRI, 
ABu-5al. Natural size 12 mm X 7.1 mm; figs. 3, 4. Exterior 
and interior of paratype scutum, No. 8213 PRI, ABu-5a2. 
Natural size 11 mm X 5 mn; figs. 5, 6. Exterior and interior 
of paratype tergum, No. 8214 PRI, ABu-5a3. Natural size 10.75 
mm X 6 mm; figs. 7, 8. Exterior and interior of partial ter- 
gum, No. 8215 PRI, ABu-5a4. Natural size 7.5 mm xX 4 mm. 

Sie, eBalanus wamtiiquus, (Meyer) o...0.c:06.lne ee Ag cece veces ccesens 152 

Hypotype, No. 8216 PRI, ACH-19b. 9, 10. Lateral views of ex- 
terior. Natural measurements; 14.3 mm in length at base; 9 mm 
in width across base; 9 mm in height at carinal end; 10.5 mm 
in height at rostral end. Fig. 11, view looking down on sand- 
stone-filled orifice showing rhomboidal outline of peritreme. 
Length about 9.5 mm; greatest width 7.8 mm. 

164 BULLETIN 297 

Figure Page 

1-7. Balanus antiquus: (Meer) 2.22. .c.c...-ccc5.ece-ccepcessseees eee 152 

Figs. 1-3, hypotype, No. 8216 PRI, ACH-19b. Fig. 1. Frontal view 
of carinal end. Height about 9 mm; fig. 2. View of rostral end. 
Height about 10.5 mm; fig. 3. View of base showing part of 
basis and the termini of the inner tubules around the rim. 
Length 14.3 mm; width 9 mm; figs. 4, 5. No. 8217 PRI, ACH- 
19b3. Interior and exterior of rostrum. Height 10.5 mm; width 
across base 6.5 mm; figs. 6, 7. No. 8218 PRI, ACH-19b1. In- 
terior and exterior of carino lateral compartment. Height 8 
mm; width across base 5.2 mm. 

8,9. ? Balanus’ antiquus. (Meyer), ......0.:...:05...540..4. 48. 152 

ACH-19b2, No. 8219 PRI. Interior and exterior of another carino- 
lateral compartment. Height 8 mm; width across base 5.2 mm. 

10. ? Hesperibalanus gosportensis Zullo 0oo0ooo.oooococccceccceeeeeeee 156 

Holotype (?) tergum, 5. Natural size length about 4.3 mm; 
maximum width about 2.5 mm. After Zullo, 1965, p. 133, who 
stated that the tergum “is possibly the same as Balanus anti- 

guus.” ; 
11. Crucibulum antiquum Meyer ........0:5....0....0.0...c01.0.2 0... 152 
Holotype = Balanus antiquus (Meyer). View of underside 

(basis absent) showing “numerous striae” within, the termini 
of the tubules around the basal rim, the opercular ? apparatus, 
and the rhomboidal shape of the orifice from below. Natural 
size about 12.5 mm length; 3.6 mm width. After Meyer. Com- 
pare with figure 3 adjacent. 



Note: Light face figures refer to the page numbers. Bold face figures 

refer to the plate numbers. 

Aldrich collection ...... 144 

Crucibulum  <...... 21 152 

iBalanusee ee 20,21 143, 152-157 
Arcoscalpellum .......... 143, 147-149 


Arcoscalpellum ...... 148, 147-149 
PLAINES es castssscescsREne 143, 152-157 
Bartonian Stage .......... 144 
Butler County, 

Alabama’ <...c:ccecnse~<ts 144, 149 

Choctaw County, 

PRVADAINIA® 4. cssceceessceess 143, 146, 151 

Arcoscalpellum 19 1438, 145-147 
Citrus County, Florida 157 
Claiborne, Alabama .. 152, 155, 156 
Claiborne beds ............ 156 

STUB Diese oeacoscce tet secasns 155 

GHOUDT cencccsssosscocsseccss 152, 155 

PAPACLET US bee. 5ccoccens 155, 156 
Clayton Formation .... 144 
Coal Bluff Member .. 144 
COCOABSANG! merceeeceseoess 143, 147 

Arcoscalpellum ...... 149 

Dantany Stage) cecccccc---s- 144 
Darwin, Charles 
ODOM? eset eorecnne 145, 156, 157 
Eocene Epoch ............ 143, 144 

Euscalpellum .......... 152 
Euscalpellum .............. 148, 150-152 

Geological Survey 

PATA AMA av creccssseasseees 144, 145 
Gosport Sand, 

Alabama 22.60 <cssenseie 155, 156 

gosportensis, Hesperi- 

balanus? (i:csce 21 156, 157 
Hall collection ............ 156 
?Hesperibalanus ........ 156, 157 
Inglis Limestone, 

I Fig Ca 3 (0 (ee 157 
Isney, Alabama .......... 143, 156 

Euscalpellum ...... 19 143, 150-152 

Jackson Group ............. 143, 144, 155, 
Lisbon Formation ...... 155 
Ludiany Stage -2..2...... 144 
McBryde Limestone .. 144 
Maestrichtian Stage... 149 
Matthews Landing 

WE Well at sosasaene eee eee 144 
Meyers Otto) cccccscccccssse 144, 158 
Midway Group ............ 144 
Monroe County, 

Al aDAaMiay eeccsscccssecceces 155 
Monterey, Alabama .... 144, 149 
Moodys Branch 

HIOEMALION: <...ccccsseezers 143, 147, 155 

Naheola Formation .... 144 

Newman, William A... 152, 156, 157, 
158, 159 
North Creek 

Member | ..-..c.258-0c 143, 144, 146, 
151, 156 
Oak Hill Member ....... 144 
OcalanGroupierccece 157 
Oktibbeha County, 
Mississippi .............. 149 



P U 
RachutasMvarl sues 143 U.S. Geological 
Paleocene Epoch ........ 143, 144, 149 SULVCY. 4cissvesseseetecvtee 144, 145 
Pilsbry, Henry U.S. National Museum 

AUISUIS UU Sieeeetceneseceees 145, 152, 158 (National Museum 
Pine Barren of Natural History) 145 

WoIMESCOME ees sereeseceec 144 unguiformis, 

Porters Creek IBalanush cscce eee 156 

HMOLMAtON ets ee 143, 144, 149 

; Vincentown Sand ...... 143, 149 
Ripley Formation ...... 149 
TROSS9PATNOIG ee sccrssseeeeeee 152, 156, 157, W 
Withers, Thomas 
S 1a (2100 ai giererpey eric rroccc 152, 156, 158, 
Salt Mountain Withlacoochee River, 

PAMESIONE | 220.20ct8ecess0s 144 Rloridas ee 157 
Scutella bed ................ 144 Wolf Creek, Alabama 144 
Shubuta Member ........ 143 i 
Silas, Alabama ............ 143, 146, 11, Y 

Sparnacian Stage ........ 154 Vaz0e Clay. 143, 155 
GrOUD Pisce. cece cosets 143, 146, 151, 
7 156 
Thanetian Stage ......... 144 7é 
toulmini, Arcoscal- 

pellumye ee 20 143,147-149 Zullo, Victor 

Toulmin, Lyman D. .... 143, 144, 149, VAMOUSE ....shterseteee 152, 156, 157, 
153, 159 158, 159 


| ict, PER ee. | ! 
. Tnlears ea ous a. 













(USES PER BALD IR We Noens) oe) fol (ee ae ee ee ee 
New Zealand forams, Stromatoporoidea, Indo-Pacific, Mio- 
cene-Pliocene California forams. 
(Nos. 237-238). PMCS, Moy ge 1 U5) /4) ol Kis an a UC ae eee an eee 
Venezuela Bryozoa, Kinderhookian Brachiopods. 
(Nos. 239-245). CalObapovniyy EXO) M0) IG) tea ie teeretee te eedeeretee see tet eet 
Dominican ostracodes, Lepidocyclina, mollusks. 
(Nos. 246-247). CASI yo ov ege C0) 9) 0) fg ae salle te eee ae 
Cenozoic corals, Trinidad Neogene mollusks. 
(Nos. 248-254). CME Pepa 2A CRI al A telnet een Se 
Forams, North Carolina fossils, coral types, Cenozoic 
Echinoids, Cretaceous Radiolaria, Cymatiid gastropods 
(Nos. 255-256). SO DDO Zi pisses oe ee easton ccsce 
Jurassic ammonites. 
(Nos. 257-262). SO) Tyoky SY SOEs eae ee 
Cretaceous Radiolaria and Forams, Pacific Silicoflagellates, 
North American Cystoidea, Cyclonema, Vasum. 
(No. 263). SLE 90 0 epee a Te ee eae ee 
Bibliography of Cenozoic Echinoidea. 
(Nos. 264-267). TENG ho se IE fy 9] bs eae are eee eee eee 
Radiolaria, cirripeds, Bryozoa, palynology. 
(Nos. 268-270). EH lh 0) Sis) beg 0 EY eee ee ee See ee 
Mollusks, Murex catalogue, Cretaceous Radiolaria. 
(Nos. 271-274). ZY fSywes 0) Oe SO 0) (eee oe toe eae ee Seer 
Trace fossils, ammonoids, Silicoflagellates, microfauna. 

(Nos. 275-277). 320 pp., 56 pls. -..-.....--.--- ————— 
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(Nos. 278-281). HIT 0) ote ST Mat) 0) SS ete eee ooh eee a ee 

Palynology, corals, echinoderms, Foraminifera, and crinoids. 

(No. 282). (ESTES Dy GEE) Si ec te arch eran eee ere 
Ostracode Symposium. 

(Nos. 283-286). GSO G2 pS: eee cea eee eres b 
Crinoids, gastropods, corals, ostracodes. 

(No. 287). CES 0) Oey CAD 1) Sy seer epee 
Misc. Paleozoic 

(Nos. 288-299). PHVeH 18) WP PAN 0) EB ise rere ee ae 

Paracrinoidea, ostracodes, cirripeds. 

(No. 291). 229% Dips, 05k «ip ] Siem ete ses Bee ose 

(Nos. 292-294). A GAY DD 42) Sse a eeeeeee eer mee ence Ueeccsreooued 

(No. 295). CUO Voy eee Wee a) ho test A oe ee ee 
Paleocene Nigeria 

(No. 296). TT 3 0) opie elo) Kop fate aa eee ae ae ener 


Volume 1. See Johnson Reprint Corporation, 111 Fifth Ave., New York, 


N. Y. 10003 
Monographs of Arcas, Lutetia, rudistids and venerids. 
(Nos. 6-12). SSL pp; 37h pls gerere eee teers ea eee 

Heliophyllum halli, Tertiary turrids, Neocene Spondyli, 
Paleozoic cephalopods. Fasciolarias, sponges. 

III. (Nos. 13-25). SAS pps) 6 Lup latte seems at ae ee one 
Paleozoic cephalopod structure and phylogeny, Paleozoic 
siphonophores, Busycon, Devonian fish studies, gastropod 
studies, Carboniferous crinoids, Cretaceous jellyfish, 
Platystrophia and Venericardia. 
IV. (Nos. 26-33). EUSP Ae oN oF FAA 0 Ky. cotta SOR eee ROE EOL ae 
Rudist studies Busycon, Dalmanellidae Byssonychia, De- 
vonian lycopods, Ordovican eurypterids, mollusks. 
V. (Nos. 34-47). ZU Sabo) ofS (0) LT 0 Cot ae MUR RES BO aN 
Pelecypods, Cretaceous Gulf Coastal forams. 
VI. (Nos. 38-41). AAA per Samp ligne ne te ve RO aed 
Lycopsids and sphenopsids of Freeport Coal, Venericardia, 
Carboniferous crinoids, Trace fossils. 
VII. (Nos. 42-46). “WOKS HO Gop aye. SPAS) 4 Ep Ma ee aos ee Ee een 
Torreites Sanchezi, Cancellariid Radula, Ontogeny, sexual 
trilobites, Jamaician Rudists, crinoids. 
VIII. (Nos. 47-50). SHEA TRAE BEM 10) Gey ele a eR ee ed 

Gastropoda, Devonian plants, brachiopods, Bivalvia. | 













Vol. I-XXIII. See Kraus Reprint Corp., 16 East 46th St. New York, 
N. Y. 10017. U.S.A. 

XXIV... (Nos. 80-87). | 334 pp., 27 pls: —_... eee 12.00 
Mainly Paleozoic faunas and Tertiary Mollusca. 

XXV. (Nos: 88-94B)., 306 pp., 30 pls. 2.2... See 14.00 
Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Miocene fossils. 

XXXVI. GNos. 95-100). 420 pp., 58 pls.._........._.2 ee 16.00 

Florida Recent, Texas and South America Cretaceous, 
Cenozoic fossils. 

XXVII.. (Nos. 101-108). 376 pp., 36: pls. ............._-_ eee 16.00 
Tertiary mollusks, Paleozoic Venezuela, Devonian fish. 
XXVIII. | (Nos. 109-114). 412 pp., 34 pls. .........2.-. eee 18.00 
Paleozoic cephalopods, Cretaceous Eocene, forams. 
MXEX. (Nos. 115-116).. 738: pp., 52 0pls.. eee 18.00 
Bowden forams and Ordovician cephalopods. 
XXX. (No. 117). 563: pp. 65: piss... 20.00 
Jackson Eocene Mollusks. 
XXXII. (Nos. 118-128). 458. pp., 27 pls: 2... eee 18.00 
Mollusks, crinoids, corals, forams, Cuban localities. 
XOCXIE, (Nos. 129-133). 294 pp.,. 39) pls. .....2... 2 18.00 
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XXXII. (Nos. 134-139). 448 pp., 51 pls. _.............. - ae 18.00 

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graphy paleontology. 

XXXIV. (Nos. 140-145). 400 pp., 19 pls... 18.00 
Forams, cephalopods, ostracods, conularid bibliography. . 
XXXV. (Nos. 146-154). 386 pp. 31 pls. 0.1.2... 18.00 
Forams, cephalopods, mollusks, ostracods. 
XXXVI. (Nos. 155-160). 412 pp., 53 pls. ..2--0.2.. eee 18.00 
Forams, Eocene fish, rudists. 
XXXVI. (Nos. 161-164). 486 pp., 37 pls. -.....-......... 18.00 
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XXXVITI. (Nos. 165-176). 447 pp. 53 pls. —.....__—_ eee . 18.00 
Forams, ostracods, mollusks, Carriacou, fossil plants. 
XXXEX. «(Nos: 177-183). 448 pp., 36 pls. Eee 16.00 
South American forams, Panama Caribbean mollusks. 
XL. (No. 184). 996 pp., 1 pl. 22w2cc acces oeeee ee 18.00 
Type and Figured Specimens P.R.I. 
XE. (Nos: 185-192)... 381 pp. 35 pls. 2... —— eee 16.00 
Forams, mollusks, carpoids, Corry Sandstone. 
MIT.) (No.s193). | 673 pp. 48 pls: 2... eee 18.00 
Venezuelan Cenozoic gastropods. 
XLII. (Nos. 194-198). 427. pp.,-29 pls. 16.00 

Ordovician stromatoporoids, Indo-Pacific camerinids, Mis- 
sissippian forams, Cuban rudists. 
XEIV. (Nos. 199-203). 365\pp., 68) ‘pls... —........ eee 16.00 
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clina, Eumalacostraca. 

EV. (No.204). . 564: pp.;. 63 :pls: 2... eee 18.00 
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XLVI. (Nos. 205-211). 419 pp., 70 pls... eee 16.00 
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XLVII.. (Nos. 212-217): 584. pp.,. 83: pls: <2. eee 18.00 
Forams, mollusks, polychaetes, ammonites. 
AILVILE. (No.:218); 1058 pp., 5 pls: ..2 Eee 18.00 

Catalogue of the Paleocene and Eocene Mollusca of the 
Southern and Eastern United States. 
ALIX. (Nos: 219-224). 671 pp., 83 pls: 2. eee 18.00 
Peneroplid and Australian forams, North American car- 
poids, South Dakota palynoiogy, Venezuelan Miocene mol- 
luska, Voluta. 
L. (No. 225-230). 518i pp. 42. pls... eee 18.00 
Venezuela, Florida cirripeds, forams, Linnaean Olives, 
Camerina, Ordovician conodonts. 
LI. (Nos. 231-232). 420: pp. 10 pis. 22 eee 18.00 
Antarctic bivalves, Bivalvia catalogue. 

OF tot a RIT Y, 


(Founded 1895) 

Vol. 72 

No. 298 



R. G. BrowneE, J. W. BAxTER, AND T. G. RoBERTs 


Paleontological Research Institution 
Ithaca, New York 14850, U.S.A. 


DP RE SUISEB Ty ose ce cea ee se Se) ee HAROLD E. VoOKESs 
WICE=P RESIN Nye nee roe LIOR SN es PE ee ee DUANE O. LeRoy 
SECRETARY (5 oor te en a a Bate See ee eee Puitie C. WAKELEY 
PL RRASUBER esse tte weet ens 2 Nn ee oe Ta oe ee hon ee ERNESTINE Q. WRIGHT 
TRE CT ORS cece ras ee eee eee ee KATHERINE V. W. PALMER 
UASSIST ANT OD) TR RC LOR cnet ste eee ee el AE BY Ed ee -PETER R. HOOvER 
(COUN SEY ere wee eo ee oe eS a ARMAND L, ADAMS 
IREPRESENTATIVE, AAAS ICOUNGIG crccs.tecsctcer cet cesecece eeee tee RIcHARD G. Oscoop, JR. 


RutH G. Browne (1976-1979) KATHERINE V. W. PALMER (Life) 
KENNETH E. CASTER (1975-1978) JOHN PojeTA, Jr. (1975-1978) 
Joun L. CIsNE (1976-1977) K. NorMAN SACHS, JR. (1974-1977) 
ReBecca S. Harris (Life) DANIEL B. Sass (1974-1977) 
MarcareT B. HERoy (1975-1978) Harotp E. Vokes (1975-1978) 
DUANE O. LERoy (1974-1977) Puitie C. WAKELEY (1976-1979) 

Wi.iaM A. OLIVER, Jr. (1976-1979) ERNESTINE Q. WRIGHT (1976-1979) 
AxeEL A. OLsson (Life) 3 



Doris C. BRANN, Assistant 

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(Founded 1895) 

Vol. 72 

No. 298 



R. G. Browne, J. W. BAXTER, AND T. G. RoBERTs 

October 24, 1977 

Paleontological Research Institution 
Ithaca, New York 14850, U.S.A. 

Library of Congress Card Number: 77-85464 

Printed in the United States of America 
Arnold Printing Corporation 
Ithaca, N.Y. 



JAVON CLE ene er ee ee eee eee 171 



(SHEEN HES SE a) OP ae a a ON ne ee 0 ee 173 

Searen ai eareey ad OV CUENGEYG FC GTOS NY cece cece a a ee 73 

Criteria for classification of the Archaediscidae: 2.222.022 osoocc conc ececsesee 175 

Genenicgs Crite rake ae ee ne eee eee ee ee ee 175 

Subgenerigu@ritentay ces-ccc ee eee ee ee 176 

SpEeciationmande Collen gg Group sis cee eee eee ee ree eee 177 

BVO ET OM ay Cale Speech. ee eee eee eee 177 

OG ae CLO ri gee ere eek ee | Bn eed ee ee 178 

Systema ti cus aleontolOcy anes eee... SMa ene eee ee eee ee 178 

Family Archaediscidae 

Genusi Arch aedss cuge ites. .... 05s oo eee eee et RT cen ae 178 

Subgenus Aichaedts cus) cc 31 Meena Sie ey ee 179 

Subpenuis, Hiemtanceacdtscus: (exp tee eee eee eee ee eae 188 

Subpemuss criewmiarcnaed: sci g aee 189 

INE WwarsUD een Use iee.2. 08. ob Ri Bearer eaee eee Tee I ee 194 

Genus, NOdOsanchaedts cus rc... .s eee ee 2 asco r h  ek 195 

Subgenus Vodasperddiscus | seas ee ee ee 195 

Sabgenus=V courchacdiscus (ee wee ee Be ee 198 

Subgenus Aster oarchacdts cis: se mere ee re 206 

GGenUsieA Ti TVATCHOCAUS CIS). sa ccssit sete eer te eta Re sae acs et a erase aoe 212 

Subgenus: AU je seis So eee eee a eee esceneettenccact 213 

Subgeenusy 2 wh7s pio dts cts, ee ee ee ee 214 

IRGL eT CN COS hee Beane rar eS es LA a ee a = els 

LEED cee ee a ee ee a eee pk A eer a Sen Be 221 
LINO OS cheer eee ee EE ep ee ye 

textaniouneslanCorrel atio my Ghia rts seer seetee erence, Sere ee eee nee es ancce easton tree 174 

‘ables — "Classification of the Arehaediscidae si scccscceecrerseeeseeeeece eee ee 178 



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R. G. BrowneE,* J. W. BAxTER,} AND T. G. RoBertst 

Samples of washed shale collected from the Fraileys facies of the Big 
Clifty Formation (Chesterian) in Central Kentucky revealed the presence of a 
unique free-form foraminiferal fauna. A study made from thin sections of the 
calcareous forms of this fauna was reported at the generic level by Browne and 
Pohl (1973). The present report covers a study, from the same fauna, of forms 
belonging to the family Archaediscidae. They are discussed at the specific 

Representatives of two subfamilies are recognized as Archaediscinae and 
Ammarchaediscinae. The Archaediscinae are assigned to two genera — Archae- 
discus and Nodosarchaediscus and the Ammarchaediscinae to one, Ammarchae- 

The authors have availed themselves of the term subgenus to describe those 
forms which they consider to be monogeneric because they represent morpho- 
logical changes showing an evolutionary development in chronological sequence 
and transitional forms exist. 

Three subgenera are placed in the genus Archaediscus — Archaediscus, 
?Hemiarchaediscus, and a new subgenus, described but unnamed. Three sub- 
genera are placed in the genus Nodosarchaediscus — Nodasperodiscus, Neo- 
archaediscus, and Asteroarchaediscus. Three subgenera are placed in the genus 
Ammarchaediscus — Ammarchaediscus Tubispirodiscus, and A. 

A total of 27 species are described, four of which are new. The original 
descriptions are given. The geographic distribution and the stratigraphic range 
are also recorded. 


The discovery of a prolific, free-form microfauna from the 
Fraileys Shale facies of the Big Clifty Formation in central Kentucky 
was revealed in a preliminary note in 1968 (Pohl, Browne, and 
Chaplin). This excellently preserved faunule contains representatives 
of 16 families and approximately 37 genera which include an un- 
usual assortment of calcareous foraminifers. The stratigraphy of the 
Fraileys Shale and the generic affiliations of the calcareous forms 
were subsequently discussed in some detail (Browne and Pohl, 
1973). The present authors are proceeding to systemize taxonomical- 
ly related calcareous forms beginning, in this report, with the Archae- 

This paper is the outgrowth of a larger effort directed toward 
the recognition of time-related taxa within the type Mississippian 
area and adjacent portions of the Illinois Basin and the establish- 
ment of criteria for their use in the biostratigraphic zonation of the 
type Mississippian. This ongoing research is based on study of col- 

*4007 Elfin Avenue, Louisville, Kentucky, 40207; +Illinois State Geological 
Survey, Urbana, Illinois, 61801; {University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky, 

172 BULLETIN 298 

lections that now comprise approximately 7,000 thin sections of type 
and reference rock material and 9 free-form collections of varying 

The Fraileys fauna was discovered by Dr. E. R. Pohl of Horse 
Cave, Kentucky, who recognized the biostratigraphic importance 
of the calcareous Foraminifera and especially that of the Archae- 
discidae. The senior author joined Dr. Pohl in the early phases of 
the project. Baxter became involved later, first through consultation 
on calcispheres (which are a conspicuous component of the Fraileys 
fauna), and later when he joined the study of the wider aspects of 
Mississippian biostratigraphy. Since Dr. Pohl’s death in 1973, and 
the addition of Roberts, Pohl’s work has been continued in appre- 
ciation of his early efforts and has been sustained by the enthusiasm 
he engendered. 

This report is based upon the examination of approximately 
700 oriented thin sections cut from free-form archaediscids, washed 
from shale samples. In most cases the orientation is axial and speci- 
mens are sectioned to reveal the proloculus. External views of the 
specimens, photographed prior to sectioning, were used for compara- 
tive purposes. No external views are reproduced for this report. 

Any study of calcareous Foraminifera and the Archaediscidae in 
particular naturally reflects the enormous efforts of specialists work- 
ing in Western Europe and the USSR. In the section on Systematic 
Paleontology the reader is referred to existing translations of orig- 
inal descriptions where such are available (as in Ellis and Messina, 
1940-1964). Other translations, obtained during the course of our 
studies, are given. 

Credit for translation of Russian literature used in this report 
is gratefully accorded to Dr. Leonard Latkovski, Professor Emeritus, 
Department of Foreign Languages, Bellarmine College, Louisville, 


We wish to especially acknowledge Professor Raphael Conil of 
the Institute of Geology and Geography, University of Louvain, 
Louvain- la Neuve, Belgium. His continued interest in our efforts 
and his invaluable advice concerning some taxonomic assignments re- 
ported here are appreciated. We are also indebted to Dr. M. V. 
Vdovenko of the Institute of Geological Sciences, Academy of Sci- 


ences, Ukrainian SSR, for her enlightening correspondence concern- 
ing the comparison of our material with faunas of similar age in the 
USSR. Finally, we acknowledge Dr. Paul Brenckle of Amoco Pro- 
duction Company, Tulsa, Oklahoma. His review of our material and 
critical review of this paper were most helpful. 


The archaediscids described herein were recovered from 11 feet 
(3m) of grey-blue shale exposed for 200 feet in the road ditch and 
bank on the west side of the Broadford Church Road, 200 feet south 
of the junction with KY 1214 at Broadford, Grayson County, Ken- 
tucky. The location is in the northwest quarter of section #11, K 42, 
NJ 16-8, Evansville sheet of the Carter Coordinate System, Millers- 
town Quadrangle, GQ-417, Kentucky (Browne and Pohl, 1973, p. 
176). The stratigraphic details of the Broadford exposure are dis- 
cussed by Pohl (im Browne and Pohl, 1973, pp. 175-190). We can 
add little to this previous discussion beyond placing the present 
stratigraphic classification in its historical perspective and showing 
relationship with adjacent regions. 


The microfauna occurs in shale at the base of the Big Clifty 
Sandstone of Hombergian (Middle Mississippian) age (Text-fig. 1). 
The Big Clifty of central Kentucky is considered a formation by 
many authors (Browne & Pohl, 1973; Schwalb, 1975) but as 
a member of the Golconda Formation on the recent geologic map of 
the Millerstown Quadrangle (Moore, 1965). The Big Clifty occupies 
a position below the Haney Limestone and above the Beech Creek 
Limestone and has a facies relationship with the Fraileys Shale to the 
west (McFarlan, et al., 1955; Swann, 1963). The productive strata 
at Broadford contains sparse stringers of crinoidal debris and occa- 
sional limestone lenticles and thus resembles typical Fraileys Shale. 
Pohl (in Browne and Pohl, 1973) referred this fauna to the Fraileys 
“facies” of the Big Clifty Sandstone Formation. This sandstone at 
one time was correlated with the Cypress Sandstone to the west and 
was once called “Cypress” (Butts, 1917; McFarlan, 1943) but this 
miscorrelation was corrected (Dana and Scobey, 1941; Swann and 
Atherton, 1948) and the name “Big Clifty” (Norwood, 1876) re- 

vived for the sandstone equivalent of the Fraileys. 



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In his classification of Chesterian rocks, Swann (1963) assigned 
the Fraileys, Haney, Hardinsburg, and Glen Dean to the Hom- 
bergian Stage, derived from and roughly equivalent to the Homberg 
Group of Weller and Sutton (1940). The stage differs from the group 
in the exclusion of the Cypress Sandstone and Beech Creek Lime- 
stone. As pointed out by Vincent (1975), the assignment to a time 
stratigraphic unit is not entirely justified because the time equivalen- 
cies of the boundaries involved have not been established. The simi- 
larity of the microfauna of the Fraileys with that of the underlying 
Beech Creek caused Browne and Pohl (1973) to question the ex- 
clusion of the latter from the Hombergian Stage. 


The classification of the Archaediscidae followed here is essen- 
tially that of Pirlet and Conil (1974) but in the application of the 
system to our material we find that certain departures are either 
required by laws of priority or seem advantageous. The family 
Archaediscidae evolved from ancestral forms by the addition of a 
clear, more or less radial wall on an ancestral, dark, microcrystalline 
wall. The recognition of the subfamilies Archaediscinae, Ammarchae- 
discinae, and Tournarchaediscinae (Table 1) is based upon charac- 
teristics that appear to have been inherited from ancestral stock. 
Thus Ammarchaediscinae probably inherit planispiral coiling from 
Pseudoammodiscus and Archaediscinae and Tournarchaediscinae, 
a variable plane of coiling from Brunsia and Brunsuna respectively. 
The Tournarchaediscinae, not represented in our material, are further 
characterized by the presence of pseudochambers. 

The simple acquisition of a radial layer may in some Foramini- 
fera (e.g. Tetrataxis) be of no more than specific importance. How- 
ever, in the Archaediscidae it marks the beginning of profound 
chronologically related evolutionary changes that logically lead to 
the revised generic divisions of Pirlet and Conil (1974) and at vari- 
ous stages of development to the establishment of subgenera. More 
subtle evolutionary changes permit the recognition of stages within 
individual species. 

Archaediscidae of the Fraileys belong to the subfamilies Archae- 

176 BuLLeETIN 298 

discinae and Ammarchaediscinae. For each subfamily the recognition 
of genera is based upon the presence or absence of occulusions in the 
form of nodes and stellate central flarings or stellate central flaring. 
Thus in axial thin sections Archaediscus and Ammarchaediscus are 
characterized by free lumina throughout the test and Nodosarchae- 
discus by occluded lumina. Similar occlusions are known among the 
Ammarchaediscinae, (?Permodiscus Conil and Pirlet, in Pirlet and 
Conil, 1974) but such forms are not present in the Fraileys material. 


Classification at the subgeneric level is based on the recognition 
of stages in the evolution of the wall structure and, for subgeneric 
Nodosarchaediscus, of nature of the occlusions of the lumina. 
Throughout the range of the Archaediscidae there is in each sub- 
family a progressive diminution in the development of the ancestral 
dark inner wall layer. Archaediscidae characterized by thick, dark, 
microgranular inner layers are primitive forms (V1b in Belgium) not 
present in the Fraileys. Representatives of Archaediscus and Am- 
marchaediscus have reached a stage of evolution at which the inner 
layer either ranges from both poorly developed to almost impercepti- 
ble, as in advanced stages of both A. (Archaediscus) and Amm. 
(subgenus A), or is totally absent as in Amm. (Tubispirodiscus). 
We differ from Pirlet and Conil (1974) in our recognition of A. 
(? Hemiarchaediscus) as a valid subgenus occupying a position paral- 
lel to Amm. (Tubispirodiscus). A. (?Hemiarchaediscus) differs 
from the original description of Hemiarchaediscus Miklukho-Maklay 
(1957) in that the wall is a single radial layer lacking a dark in- 
terior layer. 

Nodosarchaediscus first appears in the Visean (V2b8) of Bel- 
gium (Pirlet and Conil, 1974) and is known in the Harrodsburg 
Limestone of Valmeyeran (Middle Mississippian) age in Kentucky, 
(Baxter, Browne and Roberts, in press). Earliest forms, (Nodo- 
sarchaediscus), with simple elevated nodes on the lumen floor, have 
a dark inner layer that is no more than moderate in development, 
and the importance of the inner layer is progressively diminished 
in younger forms. Fraileys representatives include (Neoarchae- 
discus) with central stellate flarings, (Nodasperodiscus) with nodes 
and central flaring, and (Asteroarchaediscus) with closed lumina 
throughout most of the test. We differ from Pirlet and Conil (1974) 

in recognizing a priority for (Neoarchaediscus) over (Asperodiscus). 


Some uncertainty persists in the literature concerning the dif- 
ferentiation between the subgenera Neoarchaediscus (Asperodiscus 
of Conil), Nodasperodiscus and in some instances Asteroarchae- 
discus. Our concept of (Neoarchaediscus) requires central, confused, 
stellate coiling followed by at least 1% coils open and free of nodes. 
In (Nodasperodiscus) stellate coiling is followed by final coils 
in which the lumina are partially open (reduced by nodes) al- 
though the ultimate coil may be completely free as in Nodaspero- 
discus (Nod.) minimus. In (Asteroarchaediscus) the lumina 
throughout the test are generally completely closed along irregular 
crenulations but the final coil may be free or partially free as in 
Nod. (Asteroarchaediscus) postrugosus. 


Where the recognition of the various coiling groups defined by 
Pirlet and Conil (1974) is applicable our speciation is based upon 
a combination of that feature and traditional biometric measure- 
ments. Thus for Archaediscus we recognize groups of species with 
aligned, stilus; oscillating, chernoussovensis; sigmoidal, karrert; im- 
perfect sigmoidal, gigas; and initial sigmoidal, krestountkovi coiling. 

In the description of the various species of this report where the 
coiling pattern is applicable it is listed under the term — “Coiling”. 
In the subgenus Asteroarchaediscus which represents the final stage 
of evolution of the family the coiling pattern is somewhat zigzag and 
normally little apparent. Therefore, the form of the test produced 
by the coiling is substituted in this subgenus and is listed under the 
term “test form” (e.g. — flat, lenticular, round). 


Beginning with the ancient Glomodiscus the coiling habit of the 
Archaediscinae shows a marked evolutionary tendency to become 
more evolute in character. This tendency is operative at the species 
level and in Archaediscus is in company with and accomplished by 
morphological changes that permit the recognition of evolutionary 
stages that have chronologic value (Pirlet and Conil, 1974). We dif- 
fer from Conil in that we prefer to consider these characteristics as 
simply evolutionary stages (involutus, concavus, angulatus, evolutus, 
and tenuis) rather than critera for subspecies. 

178 BULLETIN 298 

Table I — General Criteria for Classification of the Archaediscidae (from 
Pirlet and Conii, 1974) 

lumina nodes and 
subfamilies free stellate flaring 
Tubular Chamber coiling 
smooth, not streptospiral 
divided. Wall 
porous Archaediscinae Archaediscus Nodosarchaediscus 
Ammarchaediscinae Ammarchaediscus to be named 
Tubular chamber coiling 
with pseudo- streptospiral 
chambers. ; 
Wall porous. Tournarchaediscinae Tournarchaediscus unknown 

The fauna is characterized by Archaediscus (Archaediscus) at 
the angulatus stage, Archaediscus (?Hemiarchaediscus) approach- 
ing the tenuis stage, and fairly abundant small, species of 
the subgenus Nodosarchaediscus (Asteroarchaediscus): parvus, 
rugosus, postrugosus, and syzranicus. The population also includes 
Nodosarchaediscus (Nodasperodiscus), numerous Nodosarchaediscus 
(Neoarchaediscus) and Ammarchaediscus (Tubispirodiscus) and 
(subgenus A.). This assemblage, while close to the Namurian in age, 
is in its overall aspect indicative of late V3c reported by Browne 
and Pohl (1973). 

Family Archaediscidae Cushman, 1928, emend. Conil and Pirlet, 1974 

Fusulinina with a proloculus and coiled tubular chamber, usually not 
divided, but may possess pseudo-chambers or polar septa. The first coils are 
involute, except among very rare forms. A calcareous wall comprises a dark 
internal microgranuiar layer, tending to disappear in the more evolved forms, 
and a clear, more or less porous radial layer. (Pirlet and Conil, 1974, p. 252). 

Subfamily Archaediscinae Cushman, 1928, emend. Conil and Pirlet, 1974 

Archaediscidae without internal divisions into chambers or pseudocham- 
bers; coiling streptospiral. Wall formed of a dark, microgranular internal and 
external radial layer. The internal layer, pronounced in the primitive forms, 
tends to disappear among those more evolved. (Pirlet and Conil, 1974, p. 254). 

Genus Archaediscus Brady, 1873, emend. Conil and Pirlet, 1974 
Type species: Archaediscus karrert Brady, 1873. 


Diagnosis. — Archaediscinae possessing free lumina, without nodosities, or 
stellate flaring. Internal dark layer pronounced to imperceptible. The external 
radial layer developed in the first coils only or throughout the test. Coiling 
involute to evolute (Pirlet and Conil, 1974, p. 254). 

Subgenus Archaediscus Conil and Pirlet, 1974 
Type species: Archaediscus karreri Brady, 1873. 

Diagnosis. — Archaediscus with the dark internal layer moderately to 
feebly developed, without lateral corner fillings and with the radial layer 
completely enveloping all the coils except in the immediate vicinity of the aper- 
ture. The more ancient forms are involute and the floors of the lumina are 
convex; the evolved forms tend to become evolute and beginning with the 
first coils their floors are concave. The walls of certain very evolved forms 
tend to become very thin without any epaulets or covering. The floors of the 
lumina then become convex again (Pirlet and Conil, 1974, p. 258). 

Archaediscus (Archaediscus) cf. absimilis (Sosipatrova), 1962 
Pl. 22, figs. 1-3 

Planoarchaediscus absimilis Sosipatrova, 1962, pp. 58, 59, pl. 5, figs. 3, 4; Sosi- 
patrova, 1966, pp. 24, 25, pl. 1, figs. 5, 6. 

Holotype. — Institute of Geology of Arctic Regions, No. 716/14. 

Original description.—The shell is of small dimensions, involute except 
for the final evolute coil, with parallel lateral sides. The ratio of width to 
diameter is 0.31-0.33. The diameter of the shell is 0.17-0.32 mm, the width 
0.056-0.096 mm. The number of coils is three to four. The proloculus is spherical 
and relatively large with a diameter of 32u. The whorls of the second tubular- 
shaped chamber are freely and glomospirally wound with a displacement of 
10-15° from the axial plane. The final coil is planispiral and flat. The height 
of the opening in the last coil is 0.020 mm. The wall consists of an exterior, 
bright, glassy radial type layer and an interior dark, granular layer. The thick- 
ness of the wall is 6-8x. 

The identifying characteristics of this species are: 

1. asymmetric and involute coiling 
2. small number of coils 
3. rather large proloculus 

Remarks and comparisons.— On the basis of coiling, this species, as here 
described, is close to Planoarchaediscus abseus (?), n. sp. from which it is 
distinguished by its smaller dimensions, smaller number of coils and large 

Diagnosis. — Test small, discoidal with approximately plano- 
parallel sides, broadly rounded periphery and slightly uneven sur- 
face; coiling involute except for the final whorl with interior coils 
tightly wound and final two to three approaching the planispiral 
plane; layering of the wall which appears as parallel bands, extends 
the length of the test except for the final evolute whorl; flat floored 
lumina increase in size and breadth and at a rapid rate; wall is 
bilayered with an exterior bright radial layer and a poorly developed 
interior dark microgranular layer. 

Measurements. — (Based on three specimens). Number of volu- 

tions (based on two specimens): 5-6. Diameter: 185.00-262.50y. 

180 BULLETIN 298 

Width (based on two specimens): 72.50. Ratio W/D: 0.276-0.32. 
Proloculus: 20u. Height of lumen last volution: 18.30-22.50y. Peri- 
pheral wall thickness: 6.25-11.25p. 

Coiling. — Aligned. 

Cowling stage. — Angulatus. 

Stratigraphic range. — USSR-Baschkirian (lower part of Maka- 
rov horizon). 

Remarks. — The distinguishing features of this species are the 
almost flat plano-parallel sides, the broadly rounded wide outline of 
the final whorl and the pronounced lateral thickening edging the 
sides of the test. Sosipatrova’s 1962 and 1966 descriptions and il- 
lustrations differ. The original description notes three to four coils, 
a proloculus of 324, and wall thickness of 6-8u. The 1966 description 
gives three and a half to five coils, a proloculus size of 24-25» and 
wall thickness of 9-15. Our specimens approach one of Sosipatrova’s 
original illustrations (1962, pl. 5, fig. 4) in which the parallel band- 
ing characteristic of our forms is faintly discernible. However, the 
proloculus is smaller and the coils are numerous in our specimens. 
The wall thickness of our specimen encompasses the range of both 
of Sosipatrova’s descriptions. 

Archaediscus (Archaediscus) chernoussovensis Mamet, 1966 PI. 22, fig. 4 

Archaediscus chernoussovensis Mamet subsp. angulatus Conil and Pirlet (in 

Austin, Conil, Groessens, and Pirlet), 1974, pl. 3, figs. 14-15. 

Diagnosis. — Test small, disc-shaped, becoming moderately con- 
vex at center of test, periphery broadly rounded, surface uneven; 
coiling is streptospiral throughout and oscillating, characterized by 
two definite breaks in the pattern of deflection; concave to flat- 
floored lumina increase gradually in size and the floors extend to 
the wall of the succeeding coil forming prominent angular contacts 
along the entire length of test and pseudo-stellate structure in the 
center; wall has a well-developed porous layer and a poorly defined 
inner dark layer. 

Measurements. — (Based on one specimen). Number of volu- 
tions: 5?. Diameter: 232.50. Width: 88. Ratio W/D: .382. Prolo- 
culus: 17.50u. Height of lumen last volution: 26.25. Peripheral wall 
thickness: 8.75y. 

Coiling. — Oscillating. 

Coiling stage. — Angulatus. 


Stratigraphic range.— North America — Visean (V2)-early 
Namurian, USSR-Visean, Belgium-Visean (V2-V3), France-Visean 

Remarks. — Mamet in Mamet, Choubert, and Hottinger (1966) 
changed the name of Archaediscus karreri Brady of Rauzer-Cher- 
noussova (1948a, p. 230, pl. 5, figs. 10, 11) to A. chernoussovensis. 
The distinguishing feature of A. chernoussovensis, according to 
Mamet, et al., 1966, is its oscillating mode of coiling. Pirlet and 
Conil (1974, p. 259) excluded figure 10 as not conforming to Mamet’s 
definitive diagnosis, thus leaving figure 11 as the type specimen. 
Our form compares well with the type specimen except for a smaller 
ratio of width to diameter and the pronounced angularity made by 
the flat floors and their junction with the succeeding whorls. This 
angularity represents an evolutionary trend in the archaediscids. Be- 
cause Pirlet and Conil have not yet described the subspecies “angu- 
latus,” the authors can not make positive identification. 

Archaediscus (Archaediscus) conili Browne, n. sp. Pl. 22, figs. 5-7 
Archaediscus aff. infantus Shlykova, Conil and Lys, 1964, pp. 116, 117, pl. 17, 

fig. 319. 

Holotype. — Raphael Conil. 

Test lenticular and flattened on the sides. Coiling feebly oscil- 

Whorls: Four. 
Diameter: 130u. Width: 70u. 
Ratio W/D: 0.53. 

Description. — Small species with few whorls. Fibrous layer, 
moderately developed, measuring about 25, in the axial part of test. 
The internal dark layer is well developed. The proloculus measures 
20. The profile is lightly deformed by the oscillations of the coiling. 

Comments and differences. — Our form differs from the species 
described in the USSR by proportionally larger lumina, proloculus 
of greater size and smaller dimensions. We lack sufficient material, 
however, to make a careful comparison with Shlykova’s species. 

Diagnosis. — Test small, lenticular, surface smooth; first two 
whorls involute with final whorl entirely free; coiling streptospiral in 
the initial whorls; later coils oscillate about a plane as in Archae- 
discus (Archaediscus) chernoussovensis; lumina with slightly convex 
floors increase in size at a continuous rate and become progressively 

182 BuLLETIN 298 

broader in relation to height; wall is composed of two layers, a 
fiberous outer layer and a poorly developed inner microgranular 
dark layer. 

Measurements. — (Based on four specimens). Number of volu- 
tions (based on two specimens): 4-5. Diameter: 132.50-200u. Width: 
66.25-75u. Ratio W/D: 0.375-0.50. Proloculus: 18.32-23.75y. Height 
of lumen last volution: 12.50-17.50u. Peripheral wall thickness: 6.25- 

Coiling. — Oscillating. 

Coiling stage. — Angulatus. 

Stratigraphic range. — Belgium — Visean (V3). North America 
— Visean (late V3C), this report. 

Remarks. — Our specimens compare favorably with the form 
described by Conil and Lys with its smaller size, manner of coiling, 
larger proloculus, and thinner wall than those of Shlykova (1951). 
Conil and Lys gave a ratio of width to diameter of 0.53 for their one 
specimen, but the ratio of the specimen illustrated on plate 17, figure 
319 is 0.42 which is within the size range of our forms. 

The authors believe that neither Shlykova’s description of A. 
infantus nor her illustrations bear resemblance to our forms. 

We consider this form to be a new species which we are naming 
Archaediscus conili in honor of Dr. Raphael Conil who first described 
the form. 

Archaediscus (Archaediscus) infantus Shlykova, 1951 Pl. 22, figs. 8, 9 

Archaediscus infantus Shlykova, 1951, p. 172, pl. 6, figs. 4, 5, Grozdilova (in 
Dain and Grozdilova), 1953, pp. 98, 99, pl. 3, figs. 6, 7. 

Not Archaediscus aff. infantus Shlykova, Conil and Lys, 1964, pp. 116, 117, pl. 
17, fig. 319. 

Holotype. — All Union Petrol. Sci. Res. Geol. Prospect. Inst., 
No. 2220. 

Original description. —'The shell is involute, lentil shaped with nearly flat 
parallel sides and narrowly rounded periphery. The ratio of width to the 
diameter is 0.50-0.58. Coils number four to six, most frequently four to four 
and a half. The dimensions are small; the width is equal to 0.10-0.16 mm, the 
diameter 0.19-0.30 mm. The coiling: In the first three coils of the second chamber 
the central plane of each consecutive coil is turned in respect to the previous 
or preceding coil by an angle of 90 degrees so that, in section, the second coil 
in circular form is seen to surround the first coil. In the final two to three 
coils the central plane of each coil is slightly displaced in relation to the pre- 
ceding one to the same side by 10 degrees - 15 degrees. Sometimes the central 
plane of the final coil may be displaced in opposite direction to the common 
direction of coiling of the exterior coils. 


The height of the lumina varies from 13 to 30 in the last coils. They are 
relatively wide with commonly slightly convex or flattened bases. 

The wall is smooth with a thickness from 10-154. 

Remarks. — The form of the test with its almost flat sides and the slightly 
displaced coiling planes of the final whorls indicates this species is close to 
Archaediscus krestounikovi Rauzer-Chernoussova, but it differs from the latter 
in the manner of coiling of the interior coils, by smaller diameter of the test, 
by the larger ratio of width to diameter, by the average lower clearances of 
the chamber and by the thick wall. 

Diagnosis. — Test small, lenticular with slightly convex sides, 
surface smooth; initial whorls involute, becoming partially evolute 
with the final whorl entirely free. Coiling streptospiral with first 
three whorls tending to encircle the proloculus in axial section; ex- 
terior whorls are arranged in sigmoidal fashion except for the final 
whorl which departs in an opposite direction from the preceding 
whorls at an angle of approximately 45 degrees; lumina with slightly 
convex to flat floors increase progressively in size becoming broader 
in relation to height; wall is composed of two layers; a fibrous outer 
layer and an inner microgranular dark layer. 

Measurements. — (Based on two specimens). Number of volu- 
tions: 4?-5. Diameter: 150-172. Width: 78-82. Ratio W/D: 0.476- 
0.52. Proloculus (based on one specimen): 11.50u. Height of lumen 
last volution: 14y. Peripheral wall thickness: 7.00-8.50y. 

Coiling. — Imperfect sigmoidal. 

Coiling stage. — Angulatus. 

Stratigraphic range. — USSR — Visean (late V3). Belgium — 
Visean (late V3a). 

Remarks.— Our specimens compare favorably with Shly- 
kova’s type. They are slightly smaller in size but are similarly pro- 
portioned and have a small proloculus. 

Shlykova’s description referred to the central plane of the final 
coil being “sometimes” displaced in opposite direction to the common 
direction of coiling of the exterior coils. She also noted the difference 
in the coiling manner of the interior coils from that of A. krestount- 
kovt Rauzer-Chernoussova. Her illustrations show the displacement 
of the final coil which we consider to be representative of imperfect 
sigmoidal type of coiling (Pirlet and Conil, 1974). 

The differences between this species and Archaediscus (Archae- 
discus) comli, n. sp. are referred to under the description of the latter 

184 BULLETIN 298 

Archaediscus (Archaediscus) krestovnikovi Rauzer-Chernoussova, 1948 
Pl. 22.) 7185-7105 18: 

Archaediscus krestounikovi Rauzer-Chernoussova, 1948b, pp. 10, 11, pl. 2, figs. 
18-20; Bogush and Yuferev, 1962, pp. 202, 203, pl. 9, fig. 7; Mamet, 1973, 
pl. 4, figs. 8, 11. 

Not Archaediscus krestovnikovi Rauzer-Chernoussova, Shlykova, 1951, pl. 5, 
figs. 8, 9; Brazhnikova and Vdovenko, 1973, pp. 232-234, pl. 37, figs. 15, 
16: 19520: 

Archaediscus krestovnikovi subsp. krestovnikovi Rauzer-Chernoussova, Conil 

and Lys, 1968, pp. 510-512, text-fig. 2 

Archaediscus krestovnikovi var. krestounikovi Rauzer-Chernoussova, Grozdilova 
and Lebedeva (in Dain and Grozdilova), 1953, p. 95, pl. 2, figs. 17-19; 
Bozorgnia, 1973, pp. 115, pl. 22, figs. 3, 4. 

Not Archaediscus krestounikovi var. krestovnikovi Rauzer-Chernoussova, Conil 
and Lys, 1964, pp. 120, 121, pl. 18, figs. 345-351. 

Archaediscus krestounikovi Rauzer- Chernoussova forma typfica, Bogush and 
Yuferev, 1966, pl. 11, fig. 13. 

Archaediscus krestounikovi var. koktjubensis Rauzer-Chernoussova, 1948b, pp. 
10, 11, pl. 3, figs. 1-3; Shlykova, 1951, pl. 5, fig. 11. 

Archaediscus koktjubensis Rauzer- Chernoussova, Conil and Lys, 1964, pp. 119, 
120, pl. 17, figs. 338-340; Mamet, 1973, pl. 4, figs. 1-7. 

Holotype. — Museum Inst. Geol. Sci. Acad. Sci., USSR, Mos- 
cow, fig. 19, No. 2834/42. 

Original description. — (Translated from the Russian in Ellis 
and Messina, supplement No. 2, 1958). 

Diagnosis. — Test small, lenticular with uneven surface, flat to 
moderately convex sides and moderately rounded to slightly angled 
periphery; mode of coiling changes markedly from aligned or with 
slight oscillation of the outer whorls to sigmoidal in the inner whorls 
which are involute and form thickened coalescing walls; the outer 
whorls become evolute and approximately or completely planispiral; 
lumina open and free, expanding at a rather rapid rate and changing 
in shape from spherical to semi-lunular; wall composed of an outer, 
clear, coarsely fibrous wall and an inner poorly developed thin, dark 
microgranular layer. 

Measurements. — (Based on two specimens). Number of volu- 
tions: Six. Diameter: 172.50-192.50n. Width: 61.25-75.00u. Ratio 
W/D: 0.375-0.40. Proloculus: not determinable. Height of lumen 
last volution: 16.25-20.00u. Peripheral wall thickness: 6.25-7.50p. 

Coiling. — Initial sigmoidal only. 

Coiling stage. — Angulatus. 

Stratigraphic range.— North America — Visean (V3) — 
Namurian (Morrowan R?). USSR — late Visean (Tula-Serpukhov). 
Belgium — Visean (V2b-V3b). Iran — Visean (V2-V3). 


Remarks. — A number of authors have, in the past, incorrectly 
assigned the species Archaediscus stilus Grozdilova and Lebedeva 
(in Dain and Grozdilova, 1953) to this species. Conil and Lys 
(1968), upon examination of the holotype, separated these two 
species by their mode of coiling. They recognized the mode of coiling 
of A. krestovnikovi to be that of the “variety” A. krestoumkouvt 
koktjubensis, intermediate between oscillating and aligned and sig- 
moidal only in the inner whorls. 

Our specimens average approximately 3/4 the size of the mini- 
mal dimensions given by Rauzer-Chernoussova for the type species. 
The proportions, however, are the same as ours. Bozorgnia’s (1973) 
forms, on the contrary, have a range with minimal dimensions about 
equal to the maximum of the type and a proportionally greater ratio 
of width to diameter. 

Archaediscus (Archaediscus) miklukhomaklayi Browne, n. sp. 
Pi. 22. figs. 12. 13 

Hemigordius schlumbergeri (Howchin), Miklukho-Maklay, 1953, p. 129, pl. 6, 
Teas Big 
Not Cornuspira schlumbergi Howchin, 1895, pp. 195-196, pl. 10, figs. 1-3. 

Holotype. — Repository not located. 

Original description. — Shell lenticular, the first chamber is spheric, the 
second tube type. Coiling initially archaediscid type, then flat spiral. The wall 
is calcareous, brownish, sometimes dark. Diameter: 0.15-0.25 mm. Width: 0.05- 
0.10 mm. 

Diagnosis. — Test free, with the greatest thickness through the 
axis of revolution; composed of a proloculus (not clearly defined in 
our form) followed by a second tubular chamber which is initially 
streptospirally coiled, then spiral with the final one to two whorls 
evolute; lumina, in axial view, are open, semicircular in shape, in- 
crease gradually in height and have flat-floored bases which extend 
to the edges of the wall; wall is yellowish brown in color, composed 
of a fibrous outer layer and a thin, little discernable, dark, micro- 
granular layer. The fibrous layer tends to thicken toward the center 
of the test. 

Measurements. — (Based on two specimens). Number of volu- 
tions: at least three. Diameter 140.00-187.50x. Width: 58.75-75.00x. 
Ratio W/D: 0.40-0.42. Proloculus: Not determinable. Height of 
lumen last volution: 11.25-13.75,. Peripheral wall thickness: 8.75- 
i 25 pe 

186 BULLETIN 298 

Cotling. — Aligned. 

Coting stage. — Angulatus. 

Stratigraphic range. —USSR — Carboniferous. Australia — 

Remarks. — Our two specimens appear to be identical to Mik- 
lukho-Maklay’s 1953 species. Miklukho-Maklay considered her form 
to be the same as that described by Howchin (1895) as Cornuspira 
schlumbergt. Schubert (1908) erected the genus Hemigordius using 
Howchin’s species C. schlumbergi as the type species. Cornuspira and 
Hemigordius both belong to the family Fischerinidae and do not 
possess radial walls. Miklukho-Maklay’s original description does 
not mention radial walls and her illustration, though somewhat sug- 
gestive of such walls, is not drawn with sufficient clarity. However, 
she placed the genus Hemigordius in the family Archaediscidae which 
she considered to have “indistinctly porous to coarsely porous walls.” 
In this connection it is interesting to note that Hemigordius ulmert 
Mikhailov, 1939 was selected by Miklukho-Maklay as the type 
species for Propermodiscus, another archaediscid genus. She has, 
however, described the latter genus as possessing radial walls. 

The question arises as to whether Howchin’s C. schlumbergt is 
an archaediscid. Without access to the type specimen this cannot 
be definitely determined. From the original free-hand drawing of the 
type specimen it is not possible to tell. In any event, Miklukho- 
Maklay’s H. schlumbergeri cannot be the same as that described by 
Howchin because that form is approximately three times the size 
of Miklukho-Maklay’s specimens, has a smaller ratio of width to 
diameter and has five volutions. 

Both the size of our forms and the ratio of width to diameter 
compare well with Miklukho-Maklay’s species. 

While the authors believe a new species should not normally 
be erected without a minimum of three specimens, in this case of 
misidentification we are making an exception, naming the species 
after the original author and using Miklukho-Maklay’s figured speci- 
men as the holotype. 

Archaediscus (Archaediscus) ex gr. moelleri Rauzer-Chernoussova, 1948 
Pl. 22, fig. 14 

Diagnosis. — Test small, disc-shaped with compressed nearly 

parallel lateral sides, well-rounded periphery and relatively smooth 


surface; coiling sigmoidal with only the final coil evolute; axial sec- 
tion shows perfect sigmoidal coiling with the first one and a half 
coils wound in a plane at 45 degrees to the axial plane and the final 
two to three coils turned sharply to a 45 degree angle with the axial 
plane in the opposite direction, making a 90 degree angle with the 
plane of the initial coils; lumina dominantly flat-floored and semi- 
lunular in shape, increasing progressively and markedly in size and 
breadth in relation to height; wall has a well-developed clear radial 
layer and poorly developed inner dark layer. 

Measurements. — (Based on two specimens). Number of volu- 
tions: four. Diameter: 146.87-160.00. Width: 18.75-23.00n. Ratio: 
W/D .45-.478. Proloculus: 18.75-23.00. Height of lumen last volu- 
tion: 15.62-16.00u. Peripheral wall thickness: 6.25-6.30p. 

Coiling. — Sigmoidal. 

Coiling stage. — Angulatus. 

Stratigraphic range. — North America — Visean (V3-late V3c) 
— Namurian. USSR — Visean (V3). Belgium — Visean (V3). 
Germany — late Visean. Iran — Visean (V3b). 

Remarks.— This species bears resemblance to Archaedsscus 
pauxillus Shlykova, 1951 in sigmoidal coiling. However, in that 
species the initial volution appears to be at 90 degrees to the suc- 
ceeding one. The angle of deviation between these two volutions in 
our two specimens varies from about 10° to 40°. The present form 
is closer in size range to Archaediscus “var.” nana Rauzer-Chernous- 
sova but differs in having sigmoidal coiling while A. nana is sigmoi- 
dal only in the initial stage. 

Our form has advanced to the typical angulatus stage in evo- 
lutionary development. It is unfortunate that one of our two forms 
was thinned so much it was partially destroyed and we have no 
more criteria on which to base a specific diagnosis. 

Archaediscus (Archaediscus) pusillus Rauzer-Chernoussova, Mamet, 1973 
Pl. 22, figs. 15-20 

Archaediscus krestovnikovi var. pusillus Rauzer-Chernoussova, 1948a, p. 232, 
pl. 16, figs. 4, 5; Grozdilova and Lebedeva (iz Dain and Grozdilova), 
1953hep. 96, plo 3, figs: 35 4: 

Archaediscus pusillus Rauzer-Chernoussova, Mamet, 1973, pl. 4, fig. 24. 
Holotype. — Museum Inst. Geol. Sci. Acad. Sci., USSR, Mos- 

cow, No. 19. 

Original description. — (Translated from the Russian in Ellis 

and Messina, supplement No. 1, 1958.) 

188 BuLLETIN 298 

Diagnosis. — Test small with pronounced sutural depression outlining the 
final whorl, parallel to moderately convex in outline in axial section with a 
final evolute whorl appearing somewhat detached from the plane of symmetry; 
initial three coils are involute and streptospirally wound and the final coils 
evolute and slightly oscillating; completely open lumina increasing in size 
have slightly convex to flat floors with epaulets extending on to the walls; 
wall composed of two layers — a fibrous outer layer and a thin, dark micro- 
granular layer. 

Measurements. — (Based on 21 specimens). Number of volu- 
tions: 3-1/2-5. Diameter: (based on 20 specimens): 158-225y. Ratio 
W/D: 0.289-0.411. Width (based on 19 specimens): 58.00-81.25y. 
Proloculus (based on 12 specimens): 16.25-25.50. Height of lumen 
last volution: 16.66-27.60. Peripheral wall thickness (based on 19 
specimens): 6.25-12.70n. 

Coiling. — Oscillating. 

Coiling stage. — Angulatus. 

Stratigraphic range. — USSR — Visean (V3-Tula). France — 
Visean (V3). 

Remarks. — This species is one of the most abundant forms re- 
covered from the fauna. The overall dimensions correspond remark- 
ably well with those of the original description except for the fact 
the proloculus attains larger dimensions. All of the specimens have 
reached the angulatus stage but there seems to be some variation 
in this feature. 

We have adopted Mamet’s assignment of this form since we con- 
sider it to be a definite species with chernoussovensis coiling. The 
specimens do not have the characteristic type of coiling of the 
species Archaediscus krestovmkovt Rauzer-Chernoussova. 

Subgenus HEMIARCHAEDISCUS Miklukho-Maklay, 1957 

Type species: Hemiarchaediscus planus Muiklukho-Maklay, 

Original description, — Shell flat, lens shaped with slightly circular edges. 
Test consists of a proloculus and a second pseudotubular chamber, glomerately 
coiled at the beginning. The final coils are relatively freely coiled in a flat 
spiral plane. The wall is bright, calcareous, distinctly porous with a clear dark 
interior layer. 

Among the representatives of this genus it is possible to see several new 

The stratigraphic range is from the beginning of the Visean to the end 
of the Namurian. The geographic distribution covers Central Asia, Urals, 
Kazakhstan and the European part of the USSR. 

Remarks.— Specimens of this genus have been assigned by 
other authors to several different genera — Planoarchaediscus 


Miklukho-Maklay, Planospirodiscus Sosipatrova, Propermodiscus 
Miklukho-Maklay, and Archaediscus Brady. 

Hemiarchaediscus differs from Planoarchaediscus in being more 
symmetrical and in possessing a clear, bright, radial wall. From 
Planospirodiscus, it is differentiated by streptospiral coiling of the 
initial coils and the high open, evolute final coils. 

Miklukho-Maklay’s illustration of Hemigordius ulmert Mikhai- 
lov, 1939, the type species of Propermodtscus, appears to belong to 
the genus Archaediscus Brady, 1873 as emended by Conil and Pirlet 
(1974, p. 254). 

Most authors have equated Hemtarchaediscus with Archaedtscus 
Brady, believing the tendency to lateral side thickenings is not a 
criteria for generic designation. We believe this assignment is in- 

We suspect that the wall of Hemiarchaediscus is, in fact, single- 
layered and that other genera have been mistakenly assigned to this 
genus. The possibility exists that petrographic relief along the inner 
edge of the wall was mistaken for an inner layer. If such is the case 
Hemiarchaediscus would represent a subgenus at a morphological 
stage of evolution beyond (Archaediscus) equivalent to that attained 
in Ammarchaediscus (Tubispirodiscus). If the inner layer is real, 
Hemiarchaediscus is assignable to Archaediscus (Archaediscus) and 
represents an advanced evolutionary stage. A definitive deposition of 
this question cannot be achieved without access to the original type 

Subgenus 7HEMIARCHAEDISCUS Miklukho-Maklay, 1957 

Type species: ?Hemiarchaediscus planus Miklukho-Maklay, 

Original description. — Hemiarchaediscus planus Miklukho- 

Holotype. — No. 16-23 Visean, Pamir. 

Diagnosis. — The test is irregular, disc-shape. The first three to three and 
a half coils are streptospirally wound with the final three to three and a half 
coiled approximately in one plane. 

Dimensions. — Diameter 0.32-0.46 mm (the holotype is 0.35 mm). Width 
0.09-0.14 mm (the holotype is 0.12 mm). 

Remarks.— The representatives of this genus have been referred to the 
genus Propermodiscus Miklukho-Maklay 1953. Although they are similar to 
Propermodiscus in the mode of coiling of the tubular chamber they cannot be 
referred to that genus since they lack side thickenings. The manner of coiling 
of the specimens appears more closely related to the genus Planoarchaediscus. 

190 BULLETIN 298 

Both have the same type of test structure. They are, however, distinct in wall 
structure. The walls of Planoarchaediscus are thin and brownish with poorly 
developed porosity. In Hemiarchaediscus they are bright and clear with well 
developed porosity. 

Diagnosis. — Archaediscus, discoidal to lenticular in shape, 
initial coils involute with the final coils evolute and freely wound in 
a flat, spiral plane with side thickenings confined to the initial 
tangle; lumina open with flat floored bases in the final coils; wall is 
a clear bright porous to poorly porous layer. 

Remarks. — We are tentatively assigning to (?Hemiarchae- 
discus) forms having a single radial layer but otherwise resembling 
Miklukho-Maklay’s genus. If Hemiarchaediscus is indeed assignable 
to Archaediscus (Archaediscus) our specimens and those placed in 
synonymy with (?Hemiarchaediscus) represent a separate genus 
that should be defined and named. 

We have purposely given the original description of Miklukho- 
Maklay’s type species H. planus because there is no mention made 
of an inner dark layer although her description of the genus Hems- 
archaediscus describes its presence. 

Archaediscus (?Hemiarchaediscus) swanni Browne, n.sp. PI. 23, figs. 1-5 

Holotype. —USNM (Nat. Mus. Nat. Hist.), No. 244590. 

Diagnosis. —Test small with well-rounded periphery and mod- 
erately convex sides marked by thickenings which increase toward 
the center of the test; oscillation of coiling departs only slightly from 
the plane of symmetry; inner coils involute with the final coil evo- 
lute; open lumina increase markedly in size and breadth with each 
coil changing in shape from nearly spheric to semi-lunular in out- 
line as viewed in thin section; floors of the lumina dominantly 
flat to moderately convex in shape with extensions on to the wall; 
initial chamber small and spheric in form; wall is moderately thick, 
clear, and fibrous without a dark inner layer. 

Measurements. — (Based on 11 specimens). Number of volu- 
tions (based on four specimens): 4-67. Diameter: 212.50-295.00u. 
Width: 75-93n. Ratio W/D: 0.30-0.44. Proloculus (based on two 
specimens): 13.75-15.00n. Height of lumen last volution: 16.00- 
27.901. Peripheral wall thickness (based on ten specimens): 7.00- 

Coiling. — Aligned. 

Coiling stage. — Angulatus. 


Stratigraphic range. — Unknown, Visean (late V3c), this report. 

Remarks. — A. (?Hemiarchaediscus) swanm appears to be an 
early form of the subgenus. The stage of evolution is somewhat 
beyond A. (Archaediscus) but less advanced than A. (? Hemiarchae- 
discus) stilus. It differs from the latter species in having fewer evo- 
lute final coils and possessing marked side thickenings of the wall 
that are indicative of its nearness to A. (Archaediscus). It also is 
somewhat larger, has a lesser range of width to diameter and a 
greater range in size of the proloculus. The mode of coiling is inter- 
mediate to the gently oscillatory group stidus and true planispiral 
forms assigned to Ammarchaediscus. 

This species is named in honor of the late Dr. David H. Swann 
in recognition of his contribution to Chesterian stratigraphy. 

Archaediscus (?Hemiarchaediscus) cornuspiroides (Brazhnikova and Vdo- 
venko, 1967) PE 23, 112.16 

Archaediscus? cornuspiroides Brazhnikova and Vdovenko (in Brazhnikova, 
et al.), 1967, pp. 162, 163, pl. 54, figs. 14-19; pl. 55, fig. 1. 

Holotype. — Museum Inst. Geol. Sci. Acad. Sci., USSR, Mos- 
cow, No. 181. 

Original description. —The test is small, strongly compressed along the 
lateral margins with flat umbilici and is nearly disc shaped. The early coils 
are involute and the last three to three and a half, sometimes four completely 
evolute. The surface of all the coils is smooth. The ratio of the width to the 
diameter ranges from 0.19-0.35. The range in dimensions of the diameter is 
considerable, from 0.11-0.37, commonly from 0.15-0.26 mm. The width ranges 
from 0.03-0.08 mm, commonly 0.05-0.07 mm. The number of coils is 5-7%. The 
proloculus is large and spherical in shape with a diameter of 0.026-0.040 mm. 
In the first two to three coils the coiling is in differing planes. The last three 
to four coils are wound in a flat spiral. In saggital sections the flat spiral coil- 
ing is quite apparent and shows a resemblance to the cornuspiroid genera. The 
height of the tubular chamber shows a gradual increase which is sometimes 
quite discernable in the last one or two coils. A height of 0.03-0.07 mm is at- 
tained in the final coil. The wall, with clearly distinct outline, is thin, calcareous 
and glassy (no porosity being visible). The maximum wall thickness of the 
final coil is 0.01 mm. Variability is expressed by the considerable range in di- 
mensions and in the displacement of the planes of coiling in the initial coils. 

Comparison. — The wall structure and the manner of coiling of the final 
coils distinguish these specimens from all known Archaediscidae. Because of 
this they are tentatively referred to the genus Archaediscus. 

Archaediscus(?) cornuspiroides, due to the characteristic coiling of the 
final coils and its glassy, nonporous wall resembles the cornuspirids. It is 
pertinent to note also that the structure of these forms is close to that of 

Diagnosis. — Test small, discoidal with plano-parallel sides, sur- 
face marked by a lightly impressed suture of the final whorl; coiling 
aligned; initial coils streptospirally wound and involute with the final 

192 BULLETIN 298 

two coils evolute, showing a maximum deviation of approximately 
10 degrees from the axial plane; lumina with slightly convex floors 
and semi-lunular outline increase progressively in size with a 
marked increase from the involute to the evolute whorls; wall clear, 
bright, and of approximately uniform thickness throughout. The 
porosity is poorly developed and visible only at high magnifications. 

Measurements. —(Based on one specimen). Number of volu- 
tions: 5-6? Diameter: 187.50u. Width: 47.50u. Ratio W/D: 0.25. 
Proloculus: 12.504. Height of lumen last volution: 18.75y. Peripheral 
wall thickness: 6.25. 

Coiling. — Aligned. 

Coiling stage. — Angulatus approaching tenuis. 

Stratigraphic range. — North America — Visean (V3c), this 
report. USSR — late Visean — early Namurian of Dnieper — 
Donetz Basin. 

Remarks. — The authors believe this species should be tenta- 
tively classified under the subgenus (?Hemiarchaediscus). The 
original description of this form noted the “non-porous” wall as one 
of the features by which it resembles the cornuspirids. However, 
personal communication from Vdovenko confirms the presence of a 
porous wall, noted only at magnifications of 180x and above. This 
porosity is clearly visible in photographs sent by her. The tendency 
toward a glassy wall of uniform thickness is an apparent evolutionary 

Archaediscus (?Hemiarchaediscus) stilus (Grozdilova and Lebedeva, 1953) 
Pl. 23, figs. 7-14 

Archaediscus stilus Grozdilova and Lebedeva (in Dain and Grozdilova), 1953, 
(part) pp. 113, 114, pl. 4, fig. 20; Grozdilova and Lebedeva, 1954, pp. 
61, 62, pl. 7, fig. 19; Vachard 1975, pp. 56, 57, pl. 8, figs. 2, 5. 

Not Archaediscus stilus Grozdilova and Lebedeva, Bozorgnia 1973, pp. 112, 113, 
pl. 17, fig. 6; pl. 19, figs. 11-13, pl. 22, fig. 17; Malpica, 1973, pl. 2, fig. 26. 

Planoarchaediscus stilus (Grozdilova and Lebedeva), Sosipatrova, 1962, p. 58, 
pl. 5, figs. 5, 6. 

Planoarchaediscus stilus (Grozdilova and Lebedeva) forma compressa Bogush 
and Yuferev, 1966, p. 160, pl. 11, fig. 7. : 

Not Planoarchaediscus stilus (Grozdilova and Lebedeva) forma ftyfica Bogush 
and Yuferev, 1966, p. 160, pl. 11, fig. 6. 

Planoarchaediscus? stilus (Grozdilova and Lebedeva) forma magna, Bogush 
and Yuferev, 1966, p. 160, pl. 11, fig. 8. 

Archaediscus cf. ex gr. stilus (Grozdilova and Lebedeva) subspecies angulatus 
Conil and Pirlet im Austin, Conil, Groessens, and Pirlet, 1974, pl. 3, figs. 

Holotype. — All Union Petrol. Sci. Res. Geol. Prospect. Inst., 
No. 3191. 


Original description. — The test is disc-shaped, elongated in axial section, 
involute in the beginning whorls and evolute in the last 2-3. Periphery is round 
and lateral sides are almost parallel. The surface of the test is smooth or slightly 
dented. The ratio of the width to the diameter ranges from 0.32 : 1 to 0.45 : 1. 

Dimensions (in mm).— Diameter 0.17-0.31, most commonly 0.23-0.31, the 
width of the test 0.61-0.16 and most commonly 0.095-0.13. The proloculus is 
spherical with a diameter ranging from 0.010-0.038 mm. The number of coils 
is 5-6. The coiling of the tubular chamber is comparatively free, with gradual 
increase in height with growth. The beginning coils are involute, wound in 
differing planes (< 15-20 degrees to 40 degrees). The exterior 2-3 coils are 
evolute and spirally flattened. ‘The height of the lumen of the final coil ranges 
from 0.05-0.038 mm. The wall is glassy, radiant, finely porous, thin and not 
pronounced in the early coils but tends to be somewhat thicker in the last 
coils, changing from 0.007-0.019 mm. Due to the test shape and the type of 
coiling this species bears a relationship to the group Archaediscus spirillinoides 
Rauzer. Differences are observed in the wall structure which in the group 
Archaediscus stilus here described is two layered, consisting of a well-developed 
glassy, radiant layer and a less clear, inner dark layer. It is, likewise, distin- 
guished by the large ratio of test inflation. 

Diagnosis. — Test small to medium in size, ranging in shape 
from flat, nearly plano-parallel, to moderately convex in outline, with 
narrowly rounded periphery and slightly irregular to normally 
smooth surface; interior coils streptospirally wound with the final 
two to three coils evolute; layered thickening of the wall is apparent 
on the sides of the test but is confined to the region of the area of 
the involute coils only; lumina increase in size and shape at a marked 
pace especially with the change from involute to evolute coiling, be- 
ginning lumina semi-circular in shape with the later ones becoming 
broader in relation to the height; wall is a single clear, porous, radial 
layer which envelopes the test. 

Measurements. — (Based on 23 specimens). Number of volu- 
tions: (14 specimens) 5-6. Diameter: 153-290». Width: (21 speci- 
mens) 44-954. Ratio W/D (based on 21 specimens): .30-.44. Pro- 
loculus (based on eight specimens): 7.00-31.254. Height of lumen 
last volution: 11.60-26.25y. Peripheral wall thickness: 5.00-11.60p. 

Coiling. — Aligned. 

Coiling stage. — Specimens show evolutionary stages from angu- 
latus approaching tenuis. 

Stratigraphic range. — North America — Visean (late V3c), 
this report. USSR — Visean (V3) — Baschkirian. Morocco — 
Visean (late V3c). 

Remarks. — This species is one of the more abundant in the 
fauna. It is characterized by its elongated shape in axial section 
with its involute early whorls which possess lateral side thickenings 

194 BULLETIN 298 

and its free, evolute, dominantly planispiral final whorls without side 

We elected to list only the holotype of A. stilus Grozdilova and 
Lebedeva (im Dain and Grozdilova), 1953, plate 4, figure 20 in the 
above synonymy because their other illustration on the same plate 
(fig. 19) shows a pronounced dark inner layer. Grozdilova and Lebe- 
deva (1954, pl. 7, fig. 19) refigured this holotype. The latter illustra- 
tion shows what appears as a two-layered wall. The problem cannot 
be resolved without access to the type specimens. 

Our specimens show a series of progressive stages of evolutionary 

Archaediscus sp. [n. subgenus] Pll 25, Be 16 

Figured specimen. — USNM (Nat. Mus. Nat. Hist.) 

Diagnosis. — Test small, umbilicate in shape with the largest 
diameter at extremities and the smallest through the axis of coiling, 
surface uneven; coiling is aligned with the inner coils involute and 
the outer two evolute; proloculus spherical, of moderate size; lumina 
of nearly circular to semi-circular outline increase markedly in size 
from center outward and have convex floors; a finely fibrous wall 
of approximately equal thickness envelops all the whorls. 

Measurements. — (Based on one specimen). Number of volu- 
tions: 4?. Diameter: 178.75. Width: 47.50u. Ratio W/D: 0.266. 
Proloculus: 15. Height of lumen last volution: 18.75. Peripheral 
wall thickness: 10u. 

Coiling. — Aligned. 

Coiling stage. — Tenuis. 

Stratigraphic range. — Unknown — Visean (late V3c), this re- 

Remarks. — Because the authors have only one specimen it is 
not possible to adequately diagnose and define the limits required 
for naming this new subgenus. We believe this subgenus represents 
a final and rare stage of development of the genus Archaediscus. It 
differs from the forms we have assigned to the subgenus ?Hemi- 
archaediscus in the following respects: 

1. test shape umbilicate with the smallest diameter through the 

axis of the test 

2. floors convex without shoulders or epaulets 


3. lumina subcircular in outline throughout the test 

4, radial wall of equal thickness well developed at low magni- 

fications (single specimen) 

This subgenus resembles Ammarchaediscus (subgenus A) sp. 
Conil, 1974 (in Austin, Conil, Groessens, and Pirlet, 1974, pp. 116, 
pl. 3, fig. 5) except that form is planispiral, completely evolute, and 
still possesses evidence of an inner layer. 

The form figured by Conil (in Austin, Conil, Groessens, and 
Pirlet, 1974, pl. 3, figs. 1,3) as Archaediscus ex gr. stilus may belong 
to our new subgenus. It will be noted we have assigned A. stilus to 
the subgenus ?Hemtarchaediscus. 

Genus NODOSARCHAEDISCUS Conil and Pirlet, 1974 

Type species: Archaediscus maximum Grozdilova and Lebedeva, 


Diagnosis. — Nodosarchaediscus characterized by the presence of nodes 
angular nodosities in the ]umina or by a stellate central part formed by the first 
whorls or by the combination of both. The internal dark layer is feeble to 
imperceptible. The external radial layer comprises the large part of the test. 
The coiling is normally evolute at least in the final coils. Floors are frequently 
in the form of the letter W (Pirlet and Conil, 1974, p. 264). 

Subgenus NODASPERODISCUS Conil and Pirlet, 1974 
Type species: Archaediscus saleet Conil and Lys, 1964. 

Diagnosis. — Nodosarchaediscus characterized by the presence of nodes 
in addition to a stellate central part in which the coiling becomes confused due 
to the occlusion of the lumina and the disappearance of the dark internal layer. 
The dark internal layer which is feeble to imperceptible in the first coils is 
completely covered throughout the test by the radial layer (Pirlet and Conil, 
1974, p. 264). 

Nodosarchaediscus (Nodasperodiscus) gregorii (Dain), 1953 
Pl. 23, figs. 15, 16 

Archaediscus gregorii var. gregorii Dain (in Dain and Grozdilova), 1953, p. 
108, pl. 4, figs. 12, 13; Grozdilova and Lebedeva, 1954, p. 59, 60, pl. 7, 
figss 12.13: 

Planospirodiscus gregorii (Dain), Mamet, 1970, fig. 3 (chart) pl. 7, figs. 9, 10, 
13, 14; Mamet, 1973, pl. 4, fig. 34. 

Neoarchaediscus gregorii var. gregorit (Dain), Bozorgnia, 1973, pp. 135, 136, 
pl. 30, figs. 7-9. 

Holotype. — All Union Petrol. Sci. Res. Geol. Prospect. Inst., 
No. 2640. 

Original description. — The shell is disc-shaped with rounded periphery, 
strongly compressed, producing parallel lateral sides. 

Relation of the width to the diameter 0.30:1-0.40:1, Dimensions (mm). 
Diameter of shell 0.28-0.38, the width of the shell 0.094-0.12, number of coils 5-6. 

196 BULLETIN 298 

The proloculus is spheric. It has a diameter of 0.019 to 0.029 mm. The 
coiling of the tubular chamber in its initial stage lies in varying planes with a 
gradual increase in the height of the coils — the first two to three coils in- 
volute and the later ones strictly planospiral. The last three to four spiral flat 
coils are strictly evolute. The lumina of the coils are narrow. They appear to 
have an irregular outline, making a contour on the wall. The height of the 
lumen of the last coil is 0.015 mm. The wall is thick, porous. Dain noted the 
angularity of the walls of this species in his samples from the Donetz Basin. 
It is expressed by the presence of three projections on the exterior side of the 
peripheral part of the coil. The thickness of the wall of the last coil is 0.015 
to 0.03 mm. 

During the past four years this species has been discovered to be of wide 
geographic distribution. The Ural samples which possess the same characteristics 
and common dimensions differ from the Donetz-basin samples by free coiling 
of the tubular chamber and a rather thin, porous wail. Specimens of Archae- 
discus gregorii possess slight variations in dimensions, in the manner of coiling 
of the tubular chamber (tight or more loosely wound) in test form and wall 

Diagnosis. — Test disc-shaped with plano-parallel sides and 
rounded periphery; final two to three coils evolute and planispiral; 
lumina increase moderately in size and are crescentic in shape due 
to the fact they are dominantly filled with nodes which reduce the 
fissural openings throughout; extensions of the floors of the lumina 
extend across the walls of the outermost, evolute whorls; wall of 
moderate thickness is composed of a fibrous layer and a very thin 
dark microgranular layer. 

Measurements. — (Based on two specimens). Number of volu- 
tions: 4-5. Diameter: 220-280n. Width: 80-88. Ratio W/D: 0.31- 
0.36. Proloculus (based on two specimens): 18.32-33.00n. Height of 
lumen last volution: 19.46-20.60,. Peripheral wall thickness: 11.45- 

Coiling. — Aligned. 

Coiling stage. — Angulatus. 

Stratigraphic range.— North America — Visean (V3c) 
Namurian. USSR — Visean (V3c) — Baschkirian. France — Visean 
(V3b8). Iran — Visean (V3c) — early Namurian. 

Remarks. — Our forms differ from Dain’s in being of slightly 
smaller dimensions but having a similar width to diameter ratio. 
They match more closely the dimensions given by Bozorgnia (1973). 
This species is difficult to distinguish from (Nodasperodtscus) mint- 
mus (Grozdilova and Lebedeva 1953) from which it differs by hav- 
ing a larger ratio of width to diameter, a relatively larger proloculus, 
lower lumina and a somewhat thicker wall. It differs from (Astero- 

archaediscus) rugosus Rauzer-Chernoussova, 1948 in that the latter 


by generic definition, except for a final coil, has occluded lumina, is 
of wider dimensions and possesses a rugose outline. Assignment of 
this species to Planospirodiscus Sosipatrova by Mamet (1970) is 
inappropriate. It resembles that genus but Planospirodiscus taimiri- 
cus, the type species, is planispiral and without stellate center-coil- 
ing; we believe Planospirodiscus is a subgenus at an evolutionary 
stage more advanced than ?Permodiscus Chernysheva of Pirlet and 

Conil (1974, p. 280). 

Nodosarchaediscus (Nodasperodiscus) minimus (Grozdilova and Lebedeva), 
1953 Pl. 23, figs. 17-19 

Archaediscus minimus Grozdilova and Lebedeva (in Dain and Grozdilova), 
1953, pp. 111, 112, pl. 4, fig. 15. 

Not Avchaediseis? minimus Grozdilova and Lebedeva, 1954, pp. 62, 63, pl. 7 
fig. 16. 

Asteroarchaediscus gregoriu (Dain) Brazhnikova, et al., 1967, pl. 21, fig. 4 

Planospirodiscus minimus (Grozdilova and Lebedeva) Sosipatrova, 1962, pp. 
64, 65, pl. 5, figs. 22-24; Mamet, 1970, pl. 7, figs. 15-18. 

Neoarchaediscus incertus (Grozdilova and Lebedeva) Bozorgnia, 1973, pp. 130, 
131, pl. 20, figs. 138-139. 

Holotype. — All Union Petrol. Sci. Res. Geol. Prospect. Inst., 
No. 3190. 

Original description. — The shell is small, disc-shaped with widely turned 
peripheral region and parallel lateral sides. The surface is smooth. The ratio 
of width to diameter varies from 0.30:1 to 0.50:1 — the most frequently en- 
countered ratio being 0.30:1 to 0.40:1. Dimensions (mm): diameter varies from 
0.19 to 0.27; the width from 0.076 to 0.095. The number of coils two to five; 
commonly three. The proloculus is spheric. In consideration of the small dimen- 
sions of the species it is comparatively large with a diameter varying from 
0.019 to 0.023 mm. The initial one and a half to two coils decline slightly from 
the plane of symmetry. The final two to three coils are evolute flat and plani- 
spiral. The lumina are relatively large with the clearly expressed outline of 
a small arch. The height of the lumen of the last coil is 0.019 to 0.023 mm. 
The wall is glassy, radial, and finely porous. The thickness of the wall about 
equals the height of the lumen. 

Archaediscus minimus, n. sp. because of the form of the test and the char- 
acteristics of the external "coils approaches the genus Permodiscus from which 
it differs by the initial coiling of the tubular chamber and the absence of 
lateral thickenings. 

Distribution. — This species is found in deposits of Baschkirian age on the 
western slope of the Ural Mountains. 

Diagnosis. — Test small, smooth to slightly rugose, flat-sided 
with narrowly rounded periphery; initial coils tightly wound pro- 
ducing flaring with the final three coils evolute and planispiral; 
lumina, except for the final whorl, are almost completely filled with 

chevron-shaped nodes which have reduced the fissural openings 
to narrow slits; wall is a single fibrous layer. 

198 BuLLeETIN 298 

Measurements. — (Based on six specimens). Number of volu- 
tions: 4544. Diameter (based on five specimens): 181.00-248.75y. 
Width: 52.50-67.50n. Ratio W/D: 0.249-0.32. Proloculus (based on 
two specimens): 9.16-11.00u. Height of lumen last volution: 11.60- 
25.00. Peripheral wall thickness: 5-10p. 

Coiling. — Aligned. 

Coiling stage. — Angulatus. 

Stratigraphic range. — North America — Visean (V3c) — early 
Namurian. USSR — Baschkirian. Iran — Visean (V3c) — early 

Remarks.— Our specimens approximate those of the authors. 
They possess a slightly greater width than the given width although 
the author’s illustrated figure 15 on plate 4 has the same ratio of 
width to diameter as our forms the proportions of which match those 
of Bozorgnia, 1973. The proloculus is slightly smaller than those of 
the authors. This may be due to the limited number of our forms. 

Grozdilova and Lebedeva’s illustration of the type is not clear 
and not diagnostic enough to determine the stellate juvenarium. 
However, the reference in their description to “the clearly expressed 
outline of a small arch” in the lumen leads us to believe they were 
describing nodes and not the crenulate outline of the occluded lumina 
of the genus Asteroarchaediscus Miklukho-Maklay. Moreover, the 
fact that our specimens match so closely the illustration given by the 
other authors in the above synonymy and are from the same strati- 
graphic level lends credence to our assignment. 

Subgenus NEOARCHAEDISCUS Miklukho-Maklay, 1956 

Type species: Archaediscus incertus Grozdilova and Lebedeva, 


Original description.— The shells are flat — discus-shaped with more or 
less parallel sides. The surface of the shell is smooth or somewhat uneven. 
The beginning chamber is spheric. The second chamber, not divided, coiled at 
the beginning (frequently with star-shaped structure), is followed by two or 
three coils turned more or less in one plane and more freely. The wall is cal- 
careous, bright, quite thick, glassy, finely porous, with an interior, thin dark 

Diagnosis. — Nodosarchaediscus characterized by the confused and stellate 
central coils. The terminal spires (at least one and a half to two) are free, 
without nodes or traces of occlusion. The dark layer, thin or imperceptible, 
is completely covered by the radial layer. (Pirlet and Conil, 1974, p. 268). 

Remarks. — Pirlet and Conil (1974) erected the subgenus 
Asperodiscus to include the genera Neoarchaediscus and Rugo- 


sarchaediscus which they separated only at the specific level. The 
authors agree that the two genera can be differentiated only on the 
tendency of forms assigned to Rugosarchaediscus to be somewhat 
more convex in shape and to have the terminal spires depart more 
from the plane of symmetry. These characteristics are evolutionary 
and intermediate forms exist. 

We consider the genus Rugosarchaediscus Miklukho-Maklay, 
1957, and the subgenus Asperodiscus Pirlet and Conil (1974) to 

be junior synonyms of (Neoarchaediseus). 

Noedosarchaediscus (Neoarchaediscus) cf. bykovensis Sosipatrova, 1966 
PIS23 5 fis. 205) Pi 24 figs 2 

Neoarchaediscus bykovensis Sosipatrova, 1966, pp. 19, 20, pl. 3, figs. 1, 2. 

Holotype. — Institute of Geology of Arctic Regions, 659/3 By- 
kov Canal, Tixin suite, collection of R. V. Solomina, 1959, specimen 


Original description.— The shell is lens-shaped, almost flat with parallel 
lateral sides and rounded peripheral margin, involute in starting coils and 
evolute in the last two. The ratio of width to diameter is 0.20-0.31. Diameter 
0.24-0.32 mm. Width 0.060-0.075 mm. The number of coils 514-6. 

The proloculus is small with a diameter of 0.019 mm. The tubular chamber 
is tightly wound with small declination of the axis in the initial coils. The last 
three coils are more open and planispiral. The height of the lumen in the final 
coil is 0.22-0.029 mm, giving a height three times the wall thickness. The lumina 
are semi-lunular in shape with slightly swollen bases. 

The wall consists of two layers with the outer, glassy, radial layer pro- 
nounced. In the initial coils, the stellate structure is well-displayed. The wall 
thickness is 0.006-0.009 mm. The characteristic features of this species are: 

1. The nearly spiral flat coiling. 

2. Stellate structure of the wall in the initial coils. 

3. The parallel or slightly swoilen sides of the test. 

Comparison.— Our species bears the greatest resemblance to Neoarchae- 
discus subplanus (Brazhnikova), known in the suite C4, from which they may 
be separated by the thinner wall and the more convex sides of the test. In 
manner of coiling of the tubular chamber N. bykovensis bears closer affinity to 
Planospirodiscus minimus (Grozdilova and Lebedeva) from which it differs 
in the stellate structure of the initial coils, the much greater height of the 
lumina and the smaller proportion of width to diameter. The present species, 
with its parallel sides and the spirally flattened coiling of its outer coils is 
closer to Neoarchaediscus borealis Reitlinger from which it differs by having 
a rather narrow test, high open lumina in the later coils, and a thick wall. 
Distribution: Northern Kharaulakh. Baschkirian layer. The location is in the 
Bykov canal, the upper part of the Tinosh suite. Collection of R. V. Solomena, 
1959, Sample 396. 

Diagnosis. — Test small, discoidal, with plano-parallel sides, 
broadly rounded periphery and slightly uneven surface, initial coils 

involute, tightly wound and displaying stellate structure; final two to 
three evolute, flat and planispiral except for the final coil which may 

200 BULLETIN 298 

turn as much as 30° from the plane of symmetry; lumina of the in- 
terior coils, often hard to detect due to the tight coiling, are small 
and somewhat semicircular in shape; lumina of the outer evolute coils 
change abruptly from tight coiling to free open planispiral coiling 
and increase progressively in height and breadth, becoming semi- 
Junular to somewhat quadrate in shape; wall bilayered with an outer, 
clear radial layer and a thin, dark microgranular layer. 

Measurements. — (Based on six specimens). Number of volu- 
tions (based on three specimens): 5-7?. Diameter: 195-251y. Width: 
57.50-70n. Ratio W/D: 0.22-.34. Proloculus (based on two speci- 
mens): 14.00-17.50u. Height of lumen — Last volution: 18.75-30.00z. 
Wall thickness: 5.00-7.50n. 

Coiling. — Aligned. 

Coiling stage. — Angulatus. 

Stratigraphic range. — North America — Visean (late V3c), 
this report. USSR — Baschkirian. 

Remarks. — Sosipatrova’s description made no reference to any 
declination of the final coil from the plane of symmetry nor do her 
illustrations show it. One of our specimens (PI. 23, fig. 20) has a 
projection extending out from the final coil, but this projection ap- 
pears to be matrix and not part of a broken coil which lends credence 
to the fact that slight declination of the final coil is not a specific 

This species bears close resemblance to Neoarchaedtscus incertus 
(Grozdilova and Lebedeva) from which it is separated by a lesser 
ratio of width to diameter, more evolute planispiral coiling of the 
outer whorls and an abrupt change from involute to evolute coiling. 
In our forms the outer planispiral coiling comprises from approxi- 
mately two to three times the length of the test versus 1 to 1.5 times 
that of those forms in this fauna which we have assigned to the 
species incertus. Moreover, (N.) cf. bykovensis has a thinner wall 
with a final lumen height about three times the wall thickness. 

Nodosarchaediscus (Neoarchaediscus) incertus (Grozdilova and Lebedeva) 

1954 Pl. 24, figs. 3-6 
Archaediscus incertus Grozdilova and Lebedeva, 1954, pp. 60, 61, pl. 7, figs. 14, 

Neoarchaediscus incertus (Grozdilova and Lebedeva), Miklukho-Maklay, 1956, 
p. 11; Grozdilova and Lebedeva, 1960, p. 98, pl. 11, fig. 11; Brenckle, 1973, 
p. 63 (part) pl. figs. 16-19, 20?, 21?, 22-25; Vachard, 1975, pp. 58-60, pl. 
8, figs. 1-3. -_ 


Not Neoarchaediscus incertus var. incertus (Grozdilova and Lebedeva), Conil 

and Lys, 1964, p. 130, pl. 20, figs. 389-391. 

Neoarchaediscus postrugosus (Reitlinger), Hewitt and Conil, 1969, p. 178 (part) 
Not Le aaa incertus Bozorgnia, 1973, p. 130, pl. 30, figs. 1-6. 

Holotype. — All Union Petrol. Sci. Res. Geol. Prospect. Inst., 
Leningrad. No. 3686. 

Original description. — (Translated from the Russian in Ellis 
and Messina, supplement No. 1, 1964). 

Diagnosis. — Test small, disc-shaped, usually with rugose sur- 
face producing lightly serrated edges; periphery broadly rounded and 
sides plano-parallel to moderately convex; initial coils streptospirally 
wound with final one and a half to two coils evolute, more open with 
less departure from the plane of symmetry; open lumina of the outer 
whorls increase moderately in size, are of semilunular outline and 
have slightly convex floors extending to the edges of the wall; wall 
composed of an outer fibrous layer and a poorly developed, frequently 
absent, inner layer. 

Measurements. — (Based on ten specimens). Number of volu- 
tions: 5-6?. Diameter: 192.50-273.75y. Width: (based on nine speci- 
mens): 52.50-91.25. Ratio W/D: 0.275-0.388. Proloculus (based 
on two specimens): 7.50-10.00u. Height of lumen last volution: 
12.50-25.00u. Wall thickness: 7.50-11.25p. 

Coiling. — Aligned. 

Coiling stage. — Angulatus. 

Stratigraphic range. — North American — Visean (V3bB-8) — 
lower Namurian. USSR — Visean (late V3c) — Baschkirian. Moroc- 
co — Visean (V3c) of Akerchi. 

Remarks. — This species has been confused in the literature 
with a number of similar species. This is perhaps due to the lack of 
clearly defined illustrations by the original authors. It differs from 
N. (Nodasperodiscus) gregori (Grozdilova and Lebedeva) primarily 
in that the species gregoru has the lumina filled by nodes. 

Bozorgnia (1973) identified specimens which we would assign 
to N. (Nodasperodiscus) minimus (Grozdilova and Lebedeva) as 
Neoarchaediscus incertus. The dimensions of Bozorgnia’s specimens 
match those of Neoarchaediscus incertus but the lumina are, as he 
described them, filled with nodes. 

Our forms conform well to the original description given by 

202 BULLETIN 298 

Grozdilova and Lebedeva although the specimens are more uniform 
in size. 

Nodosarchaediscus (Neoarchaediscus) latispiralis (Grozdilova and 
Lebedeva), 1953 Pl. 24, figs. 7-9 

Archaediscus latispiralis Grozdilova and Lebedeva (in Dain and Grozdilova), 
1953, pp. 102-103, pl. 3, fig. 17. 

Neoarchaediscus latispiralis (Bogush and Yuferev), 1962, p. 207, pl. 9, fig. 16; 
Bogush and Yuferev, 1966, p. 160, pl. 11, fig. 23. 

Archaediscus aff. latispiralis Grozdilova and Lebedeva, Conil and Lys, 1964, 
p. 122, pl. 18, fig. 360. 

Archaediscus? (Rugosarchaediscus) latispiralis Grozdilova and Lebedeva, 
Bozorgnia, 1973, p. 120, pl. 27, figs. 1-6. 

Holotype. — All Union Petrol. Sci. Res. Geol. Prospect. Inst., 
No. 2292. 

Original description.— The test is disc-shaped with broadly rounded peri- 
phery and nearly parallel] sides, involute with the exception of the last coil. The 
ratio of the width to the diameter is rather constant within the limited range 
of 0.40:1-0.50:1. . 

The exterior surface is predominantly smooth with only slight unevenness. 
Dimensions (in mm): diameter of the test 0.28-0.36, Width 0.12-0.20, Number of 
coils: 4-7. 

The proloculus is spheric with a diameter of 0.029 mm. The tubular cham- 
ber is very tightly coiled initially in planes which are displaced in respect to 
the axis of coiling. The height of the lumen of the final coil ranges from 
0.035-0.058 mm. 

The wall is bright, consisting of two layers with the bright, glassy radial 
layer more pronounced. The wall thickness of the final coil ranges from 
0.015-0.022 mm. 

This species belongs to the group Archaediscus baschkiricus Krestovnikovi 
and Theodorovich. The distinguishing features of the species are as follows: 

1. The presence of two clearly distinct growth stages — the initial globular 
shape and a later more freely coiled planispiral one. 

2. The unique form of the test. This species resembles Archaediscus basch- 
kiricus Krest. and Theod. in its early stages of growth. Mature specimens 
differ in the shape of the test as well as in the manner of coiling of the 
final whorls. 

Diagnosis. — Test small, discoidal to lenticular with well- 
rounded periphery, surface somewhat uneven; coiling of tubular 
chamber streptospiral with the initial coils involute and tightly 
wound with stellate outline formed by small pointed nodes, final 
one to one and a half coils evolute, more freely wound and open, 
with less departure from the plane of symmetry; wall two layers with 
an outer bright well-developed finely fibrous layer and a poorly de- 
veloped inner dark layer. 

Measurements. — (Based on six specimens). Number of volu- 
tions: not determinable. Diameter: 122.50-198.75. Width: 62.50- 
86.25. Ratio W/D: 0.43-0.51. Proloculus (based on one specimen): 
26.66u. Height of lumen last volution (based on five specimens): 


10.00-18.75y. Peripheral wall thickness (based on five specimens) : 

Coiling. — Oscillating. 

Coiling stage. — Angulatus. 

Stratigraphic range. — North America — Visean (late V3c), 
this report. USSR — Visean (middle) dominantly Baschkirian. 
Belgium — Visean (V3b8). Iran — Visean (V3b to V3c). 

Remarks. — Our specimens resemble the type specimen in shape 
and manner of coiling. The inner coils are so tightly wound that it is 
difficult to accurately determine the number of volutions. We esti- 
mate a range with a minimum of three and a maximum of five. 
Specimens with the number of whorls in the lower part of this range 
happen to be better preserved in our material and in axial sections 
show a marked likeness to the axial section illustrated by Bogush and 
Yuferev (1966, pl. 11, fig. 23). Likewise, our specimens are closer 
in size range and lumen height to those of Bogush and Yuferev. 
Bozorgnia’s specimens (1973) are probably the same species or a 
subspecies. The dimensions are considerably larger than the type 
specimen, the nodes of the early whorls more pronounced and 
the final whorls more nearly planispiral. 

Nodosarchaediscus (Neoarchaediscus) pohli, Browne, n. sp. 
Pl. 24, figs. 10-12 

Archaediscus (?) minimus Grozdilova and Lebedeva, 1954, pp. 62, 63, pl. 7, fig. 

Not Archaediscus minimus Grozdilova and Lebedeva, (im Dain and Grozdi- 
lova), 1953, pp. 111, 112; pl. 4, fig. 15. 

Not Planospirodiscus minimus (Grozdilova and Lebedeva), Sosipatrova, 1962, 
pp. 64, 65, pl. 5, figs. 22-24. 

Planospirodiscus sulcus (Grozdilova and Lebedeva), Brenckle, 1973, p. 65, pl. 
9, figs. 35-37. 
Holotype. —USNM (Nat. Mus. Nat. Hist.), No. 244618. 
Diagnosis. — Test small with planoparallel to slightly convex 

sides and well-rounded periphery; initial coils involute, tightly wound 

and angled, forming a stellate outline; final coils more freely wound, 

as many as four of which may be evolute; crenulated edges of arch- 

shaped walls fill the lumina, except for the final two coils, which are 

open and free; lumen height of final coil nearly double the wall thick- 

ness; walls two layered with an outer thick, fibrous layer and a thin 

dark microgranular layer. 

204 BULLETIN 298 

Measurements. — (Based on six specimens). Number of volu- 
tions: 5-5%?. Diameter: 202.30-260.00u. Width: (based on five 
specimens) 65-88. Ratio W/D: 0.29-0.33. Proloculus (based on two 
specimens): 16-184. Height of lumen last volution (based on five 
specimens): 15.00-20.60u. Peripheral wall thickness (based on five 
specimens) : 6.90-11.40z. 

Coiling. — Aligned. 

Cotling stage. — Angulatus. 

Stratigraphic range. — North America — Visean (late V3b) — 
Baschkirian. USSR — Baschkirian. 

Remarks. — The present species has been confused in the litera- 
ture with Archaediscus minimus Grozdilova and Lebedeva (in Dain 
and Grozdilova, 1953) which we now consider to belong to the sub- 
genus (Nodasperodiscus). This is probably due to the somewhat 
arch-shaped outline of the lumina of the planispiral coils. Our speci- 
mens are of similar size range and proportion to Archaediscus? 
minimus Grozdilova and Lebedeva, 1954. 

We have noted a resemblance of this species to Planospirodiscus 
sulcus in Brenckle (1973, p. 65, pl. 9, figs. 35-37). We do not concur 
in Brenckle’s generic assignment of this species. We would assign it 
to the subgenus Neoarchaediscus. P. sulcus has the outer whorls 
free and open. An examination of the types shows what appears to 
be stellate central coiling. 

The final whorl of Nod. (Neoarchaediscus) pohli has a tendency 
to inflate as does P. sulcus, but the lumina of the latter forms are 
higher and the ratio of width to diameter is greater. 

This species and those previously assigned conditionally to A. 
minimus of authors can be readily separated at the subgeneric level. 
The final two coils of the present species are open and free which 
distinguishes (Neoarchaediscus). Grozdilova and Lebedeva (in Dain 
and Grozdilova, 1953) described A. minimus as having a wall thick- 
ness “about as high” as the height of the lumen. 

This species is named in honor of the late Dr. E. R. Pohl who 
collected the material on which this report is based. 

Nodosarchaediscus (Neoarchaediscus) sp. Pl. 24, fig. 16 
Figured specimen. —USNM (Nat. Mus. Nat. Hist.), No. 

Diagnosis. — Test small with nearly flat, planoparallel sides and 


angularly rounded periphery; surface rough; proloculus, hard to 
distinguish, is surrounded by a tightly coiled tubular chamber, strep- 
tospirally wound and initially showing stellate structure with the 
final two coils becoming planispiral; lumina increase slowly in size 
and become broader and more semicircular toward the peripheral 
ends; floors of lumina are nearly flat in final whorls and they extend 
to edges of the walls; wall is thick, clear and fibrous. 

Measurements. — (Based on one specimen). Number of volu- 
tions: five?. Diameter: 210u. Width: 75y. Ratio W/D: 0.36. Pro- 
loculus: indeterminable. Height of lumen last volution: 11.45y. 
Peripheral wall thickness: 11p. 

Cotling. — Aligned. 

Coiling stage. — Angulatus. 

Stratigraphic range. —Unknown — Visean (late V3c), this 

Remarks. — This species in rough outline and size bears resem- 
blance to Asteroarchaediscus rugosus (Rauzer-Chernoussova) from 
which it is differentiated at the subgeneric level. We believe our 
specimen to be (Neoarchaediscus) because the final two to two and 
half coils are open, lack nodes, and are flat-floored. 

Nodosarchaediscus (Neoarchaediscus) timanicus Reitlinger, 1949 
Pl. 24, figs. 13-15 

Archaediscus timanicus Reitlinger, 1949, p. 163, pl. 1, figs. 7a, b, c; Grozdilova 
and Lebedeva, (iz Dain and Grozdilova), 1953, p. 109, pl. 3, figs. 18-20. 

Neoarchaediscus timanicus (Reitlinger) Sosipatrova, 1962, p. 62, pl. 5, fig. 11; 
Brazhnikova, et al., 1967, pl. 25, fig. 3; Vdovenko, 1968, pl. 2, fig. 25; 
Hewitt and Conil, 1969, pl. 2, figs. 28, 29. 

Holotype. — Museum Inst. Geol. Sci. Acad. Sci., USSR, Mos- 
cow, No. 3278/12. 

Original descriftion. — The test is not large with flattened or poorly convex 
sides and dull, rounded periphery. The last half of the tubular coil is evolute. 
The dimensions of the diameter range from 0.11-0.25 mm. The width ranges 
from 0.062-0.11 mm. The ratio of the width to the diameter varies from 0.37- 
0.55. The proloculus is spherical in shape with an interior diameter of 18-31 
microns. The tubular chamber has 5-6 coils, the first two to three of which oscil- 
late sharply from the axis of coiling, with the final coils wound in a nearly 
flat spiral. The lumina of the chamber are semi-lunular. The height of the 
lumina of the first coils is equal to the thickness of the wall while the height 
of the lumina of the last two to three coils exceeds the thickness of the wall. 
The height of the lumen of the last coil is 24-31 microns. Angular projections 
are formed by the bending of the early coils with their conjunction with the 
wall. This feature gradually disappears in the outer coils. The interior coils, 
due to the angularity of the coiling, are characteristic of the group Archaediscus 

206 BuLLETIN 298 

baschkiricus of similar stellate contour. The wall is bright, poorly radial and 
thickened laterally. The thickness of the wall of the last coil is 6.5-12, sometimes 
18 microns. 

Comparison.— This form has the features characteristic of the group 
Archaediscus baschkiricus and Archaediscus krestovnikovi. It is similar to the 
first by the angularity of the coils and to the second by the well-defined lumina 
of the beginning coil to the smooth one-two last coils. Evolution shows a ten- 
dency to the diminishing of dimensions, thinning of the walls and larger to 
smaller thickening of the test. The specimens from the upper part of the upper 
Kayal horizon and the bottom of the Verey have average dimensions for the 
diameter of 0.11-0.17 mm and for the wall thickness 6-9 microns. 

Diagnosis. — Test small with slightly convex sides and rounded 
peripheral margins; initial two to three coils tightly and strepto- 
spirally wound producing serrated outlines; final coils approximate 
the plane of symmetry with one to one and a half coils evolute; 
lumina with semilunular outline and slightly convex floors increase 
moderately in size; wall is clear and fibrous. 

Measurements. — (Based on eight specimens). Number of volu- 
tions (based on three specimens): 4-6?. Diameter: 170.00-218.75y. 
Width: 60.00-87.50n. Ratio W/D: 0.33-0.41. Proloculus: (based on 
three specimens) 15.00-18.60u. Height of lumen final volution: 13.75- 
17.00. Peripheral wall thickness: 7.00-13.75y. 

Coiling. — Slightly oscillating. 

Coiling stage. — Angulatus. 

Stratigraphic range.— North America Visean (late V3c) — 
Namurian (Pennington). USSR — Baschkirian with isolated exam- 
ples in early Vesean. 

Remarks. — Our specimens compare favorably with Reitlinger’s. 
The height of the lumina measures from a third to double the wall 
thickness. Grozdilova (in Dain and Grozdilova, 1953) gave a lumen 
height of double to three times the wall thickness. In the sharply 
serrated edges of the wall outline of the initial coils the species re- 
sembles (Neoarchaediscus) incertus. It differs from N. incertus by its 
smaller size, less symmetrical form, a larger ratio of width to 
diameter, a lesser lumen height, and a generally smaller proloculus. 

Subgenus ASTEROARCHAEDISCUS Miklukho-Maklay, 1956 

Type species: Archaediscus baschkiricus Krestovnikov and 

Theodorovitch, 1936. 

Original description. —'The tests assume differing shapes, generally with 
somewhat uneven surface. The coiling is streptospiral, streptospiral to flat 
spiral or only flat spiral. Due to the sharp turns of the tubular chamber the 


contour presents a stellate outline. The height of the lumina is several times 
smaller than the wall thickness between corresponding coils. The wall is thinly 
porous. (Miklukho-Maklay, 1956, p. 10). 

Diagnosis. — Nodosarchaediscus characterized by the almost total occlusion 
of the lumina and the barely discernable to complete disappearance of the in- 
ternal dark layers. Unless the enrollment is aligned it is difficult to determine. 
Only the last coil may show a free lumen. The radial layers completely cover 
all the coils and are well developed. (Pirlet and Conil, 1974, p. 270). 

Nodosarchaediscus (Asteroarchaediscus) parvus (Rauzer-Chernoussova), 
1948 Pl. 24, figs. 17-20 

Archaediscus parvus Rauzer-Chernoussova, 1948a, p. 233, pl. 16, figs. 9-12; 
Grozdilova (in Dain and Grozdilova), 1953, pp. 104, 105, pl. 4, fig. 6; 
Malakova, 1956, p. 41, pl. 3, figs. 4, 5. 

Neoarchaediscus parvus (Rauzer-Chernoussova), Miklukho-Maklay, 1956, p. 
11; Mamet 1973, pl. 4, figs. 20, 21. 

Neoarchaediscus cf. N. parvus (Rauzer-Chernoussova), Brenckle, 1973, pl. 9, 
figs. 11-15. 

Asteroarchaediscus parvus (Rauzer-Chernoussova), Vdovenko, 1968, pl. 2, fig. 

Holotype. — Museum Inst. Geol. Sci. Acad. Sci., USSR, Mos- 
cow, fig. 10. 

Original description. — (Translated from the Russian in Ellis 
and Messina, supplement No. 1, 1958). 

Diagnosis. — Test small, discoidal, surface uneven which im- 
parts an irregular or serrated outline to axial sections; sides slightly 
convex to nearly parallel; periphery sharp and broadly rounded; in- 
terior coils involute, streptospirally and tightly wound producing flar- 
ing; final coils, one to two of which may be evolute, deviate only 
slightly from the plane of symmetry; lumina with low fissural open- 
ings except for the final coil, filled by irregular to chevron-shaped 
nodes, formed by the crenulated walls of the coils; wall clear, 
finely fibrous and moderately thick. 

Measurements. — (Based on 12 specimens). Number of volu- 
tion (based on seven specimens): 4-5. Diameter: 140.00-247.50y. 
Width: 55.00-92.50. Ratio W/D: 0.335-0.40. Proloculus (based on 
five specimens): 7.00-11.60u. Height of lumen last volution: (Based 
on 10 specimens) 0.00-20.00u. Peripheral wall thickness: 7.00-18.75. 

Test form. — Flat to lenticular. 

Stratigraphic range. — North America — late Visean — Namu- 
rian. USSR — Visean (V3c) Oka — Venev — early Serpukhovian. 
France — Visean (V3b-V3c). 

Remarks.— Our specimens match closely in size those of 
Rauzer-Chernoussova’s type specimens with only two exceeding the 
given dimensions. The ratio of width to diameter is similar. The 

208 BULLETIN 298 

lumen height is equal or less than the wall thickness except for the 
final whorl. The author stated in describing this species “the cham- 
ber lumen usually equals the wall thickness.” Her specimen figure 
11, like some of ours, shows a high open lumen in the final coil. This 
feature appears to be common to the subgenus Asteroarchaediscus. 

The authors have doubts that the A. parvus regularis Sulei- 
manoy, 1948 warrants the designation of a subspecies. Due to lack 
of a sufficient number of forms in our material we can not verify 
this. However, we do not consider the height of the frequently open 
lumen of the final whorl diagnostic. The smoother surface of the 
final whorls seems likewise, not to be a character confined to the 
subspecies. Some of our specimens have less rough walls than others 
in the final whorls. 

Superficially this species resembles (Asteroarchaediscus) rugo- 
sus (Rauzer-Chernoussova), 1948 due to shape and roughness of the 
wall. (Ast.) rugosus has larger dimensions and is less symmetrical 
in outline. 

Nodosarchaediscus (Asteroarchaediscus) postrugosus (Reitlinger), 1949 
Pl. 25, figs. 1-3 

Archaediscus postrugosus Reitlinger, 1949, p. 162, pl. 1, figs. 10a, c; Grozdilova 
in Dain and Grozdilova, 1953, pl. 4, figs. 9, 10. 

Asteroarchaediscus postrugosus (Reitlinger) Brazhnikova, et al., 1967, pl. 20, 
fig. 4 and pl. 21, figs. 2, 3; Aizenverg, Brazhnikova and Potievskaia, 1968, 
pl. 26, fig. 9; Bozorgnia 1973, p. 138, pl. 30, figs. 10-13, 19. 

Neoarchaediscus postrugosus (Reitlinger), Hewitt and Conil, 1969, p. 178, pl. 
2, figs. 16-23. 

Holotype. — Repository not given — probably Museum Inst. 
Geol. Sci. Acad. Sci., USSR, Moscow No. 327/21. 

Original description. —The shell is not large and has flat sides with full 
rounded periphery. The final coil in typical specimens is evolute and situated 
symmetrically in the plane of symmetry of the test. The dimensions of the 
diameter range from 0.17 to 0.34 mm, commonly 0.22-0.29 mm. The width ranges 
from 0.074-0.14 mm, usually 0.10-0.11 mm. The ratio of the width to the 
diameter is 0.30-0.54 and most frequently 0.35-0.42. The interior coils are 
densely wound in ball-shaped form. The lumina of the final coil are high 
and several times greater than the height of the wall thickness. The height in 
the final coil is 18-29 microns. Those of the penultimate whorl are much smaller, 
the height less than the wall thickness. The wall of the interior coils is thick 
while that of the final two is thin. Wall thickness varies from 6-15 microns. 

Comparison.— This form is very characteristic with its interior tightly 
wound coils similar to Archaediscus rugosus. However, the evolute, final coil 
with its characteristic symmetry, evidenced in all specimens is the reason for 
considering this form a subsequent stage in the development of Archaediscus 
rugosus, From Archaediscus parvus Rauzer it differs by its larger dimensions, 
its less regular and poorly defined coiling of the interior coils and its rather 


thick wall. A similar and evidently convergent form which, however, belongs 
to another genetic line appears to be Archaediscus parvus regularis var. 
Suleimanov. Characteristic of the latter form are the high lumina in the two 
to three final coils (equal to or exceeding wall thickness), the smooth wall of 
the final coils (with this species only the final coil is smooth, the interior coils 
having the characteristic angular protrusion of Archaediscus rugosus along 
the periphery) and the more regular disposition of the interior coils. 

Diagnosis. — Test small, lenticular, characteristically convex in 
outline, although occasional specimens may have a flattened con- 
tour, surface normally showing roughness along the sides caused by 
the angularity of the involute whorls; interior coils involute with the 
final one to two becoming evolute, all typically tightly wound except 
for the final coil which is distinguished by its free symmetrical coil- 
ing: lumen of the final whorl open and moderately high, remaining 
ones almost completely closed by prominent nodes which present 
a stellate outline; wall, without an apparent inner layer, is clear and 

Measurements. — (Based on seven specimens). Number of 
volutions (based on three specimens): 5-6?. Diameter: 212.50- 
235.00n. Width: 63.75-77.50u. Ratio W/D: 0.28-0.33. Proloculus: 
indeterminate. Height of lumen last volution: 18.30-25.50y. Peri- 
pheral wall thickness (based on six specimens): 6.25-8.75y. 

Test form. — Flat to normally lenticular. 

Stratigraphic range. — North America — late Visean — Namu- 
rian. USSR — late Visean — early Namurian and Baschkirian. 
Morocco — early Namurian. 

Remarks. — (Ast.) postrugosus is larger than (Ast.) rugosus, 
generally more symmetrical, has higher open lumen, and a lesser wall 
thickness in the final evolute coil. 

Nodosarchaediscus (Asteroarchaediscus) rugosus (Rauzer-Chernoussova), 
1948 Pl. 25, figs. 4-8 

Archaediscus rugosus Rauzer-Chernoussova, 1948b, p. 11, pl. 3, figs. 4-6; 
Grozdilova (im Dain and Grozdilova), 1953, pp. 103, 104, pl. 4, figs. 1-3. 

Neoarchaediscus rugosus (Rauzer-Chernoussova), Sosipatrova, 1962, pp. 61, 62, 
pl. 5, figs. 12-14. 

Asteroarchaediscus rugosus (Rauzer-Chernoussova), Bogush and Yuferev, 1962, 
p. 205, pl. 9, fig. 13; Brazhnikova, ef al., 1967, pl. 21, fig. 2; Popova, 1973, 
p. 57, pl. 9, figs. 7, 8; Bozorgnia, 1973, pp. 137, 138, pl. 30, figs. 14-16, 18-20. 

Asteroarchaediscus rugosimilis Brenckle, 1973, p. 62, pl. 9, figs. 7-10. 

?Asteroarchaediscus gnomellus Brenckle, 1973, p. 62, pl. 9, figs. 2-6. 

Not Asteroarchaediscus pustulus gnomellus Brenckle, Vachard, 1975, pp. 63, 64. 

Holotype. — Museum Inst. Geol. Sci. Acad. Sci., USSR, Mos- 
cow, fig. 5, No. 2834/49. 

210 BULLETIN 298 

Original description. — (Translated from Ellis and Messina, 
supplement No. 2, 1958). 

Diagnosis. — Test small, discoidal with a slightly rough surface 
and broadly rounded periphery, coils streptospirally wound with the 
initial coils more tightly wound than the final; involute except for 
the final one to one and a half coils which may be evolute, showing 
a tendency not to embrace the preceding coils; serrated nodes 
formed by the walls of the subjacent coils fill the lumina, with the 
exception of the final coil. The final coil may be partially or com- 
pletely closed. In other instances, and not infrequently, it is open 
and free. Wall consists of a moderately thick, fibrous layer, and a 
poorly developed, sometimes absent inner dark layer. 

Measurements. — (Based on 15 specimens). Number of volu- 
tions (two specimens): 4-5. Diameter: 140.00-207.50». Width: 65- 
90u. Ratio W/D: 0.39-0.56. Proloculus (based on five specimens) : 
18.32-28.00n. Height of lumen last volution (based on 15 speci- 
mens): 0.00-17.50,. Peripheral wall thickness (based on nine speci- 
mens): 6.87-14.00z. 

Test form. — Flat to lenticular. 

Coiling stage. — Angulatus. 

Stratigraphic range.— North America — Visean (V3) — 
Namurian. USSR — Visean (V3) — early Namurian. Iran — 
Visean (V3) — early Namurian. 

Remarks. — The majority of our specimens are under the mini- 
mum range limit given by Rauzer-Chernoussova. In all other re- 
spects, including ratio of width to diameter they seem similar. 
Rauzer-Chernoussova described her forms as having a lumen height 
in the last whorls of 15-20u, rarely up to 25. The photographic 
illustration of her holotype, figure 5, does not give the appearance 
of having an open lumen. Her illustration of paratype, figure 4, 
shows the lumen of the final coil, at least in the northern hemisphere, 
to be only partially open. The remaining paratype, figure 6 (a sag- 
gital section) shows an open final lumen. 

Brenckle compared his Ast. rugosimilis to Archaediscus rugosus 
Rauzer-Chernoussova. He differentiated them on the basis of the 
greater height of the lumina in the last volutions of A. rugosus. He 
attributed this greater height to the possibiliy that A. rugosus might 
belong to Neoarchaediscus. In Brenckle’s description of Ast. rugo- 


similis, based on six specimens, he stated “a few lumina in the later 
volution are slightly open but their height does not exceed the thick- 
ness of the surrounding wall.” 

Brenckle, likewise, observed in studying his species Astero- 
archaediscus gnomellus that while most of his specimens have closed 
lumina the final lumen in a few specimens was high. 

In studying the various species of (Asteroarchaediscus) the 
authors have noted that variability in height of the final lumen in 
a species seems to be a feature pertinent to the subgenus and can be 
noted in some other species than those mentioned above. 

We believe (Asteroarchaediscus) rugosvmilis is a junior synonym 
for (Ast.) rugosus. Brenckle’s illustrations of Ast. rugosimilis com- 
pare well with Rauzer-Chernoussova’s holotype of A. rugosus. 

Asteroarchaediscus gnomellus Brenckle was distinguished from 
Ast. rugosimilis on the basis of its somewhat smaller size and greater 
width to diameter ratio. We now believe (Ast.) gnomellus is prob- 
ably also a junior synonym of (Ast.) rugosus. Our specimens en- 
compass the dimensions and width to diameter ratio of both 
Brenckle’s species Ast. rugosimilis and Ast. gnomellus. We have, 
however, questioned the placement of Ast. gnomellus in the above 
synonym because Brenckle now feels (personal communication) that 
while Ast. rugostmilis may be synonymous with Ast. rugosus our 
specimens are transitional between his species Ast. rugosimilis and 
Ast. gnomellus. 

Differences between this species and (Ast.) postrugosus are 
given under the description of the latter species. (Ast.) rugosus dif- 
fers from (Ast.) parvus in having nodes that are more sharply 
serrated or angular. (Ast.) rugosus is also less symmetrical with the 
coils deviating more from the plane of symmetry. 

Nodosarchaediscus (Asteroarchaediscus) syzranicus (Chernysheva), ee 
1eAls PAs, sales 

Permodiscus syzranicus Chernysheva, 1948, p. 156, pl. 2, fig. 10. 
Permodiscus syzranicus Chernysheva, Grozdilova and Lebedeva (in Dain and 
Grozdilova) p. 114, pl. 4, fig. 21. 

Holotype. — Not given, probably Geol. Res. Inst., Leningrad, 
No. 2640. 

Original description. — (Translated from the Russian in Ellis 
and Messina, supplement No. 1, 1958). 

212 BuLLETIN 298 

Diagnosis. — Test lenticular with well-rounded periphery and 
slightly convex sides; initial coils, deviating slightly from the plane 
of symmetry, are tightly wound and involute while the final coil is 
evolute; proloculus indeterminate in this single specimen; lumina are 
low and filled with nodes except for the final coil which is open 
and has a high lumen; nodes, formed by the crenulate walls 
of the preceding coils are numerous, small, finely and sharply ser- 
rated; wall, which thickens toward center of the test, is composed of 
a clear, thinly porous layer, and a little perceptible dark layer. 

Measurements. — (Based on one specimen). Number of volu- 
tions: five?. Diameter: 197.50u. Width: 80% Ratio W/D: 0.40. 
Proloculus: not determinable. Height of lumen last volution: 16.25. 
Peripheral wall thickness: 11.25p. 

Test form. — Flat to lenticular. 

Stratigraphic range. — North America — Visean (late V3c), 
this report. USSR — Visean (V3c). 

Remarks. — This species was placed in the genus Permodiscus 
by Chernysheva due apparently to the side thickenings of the wall 
and the fact she considered the coiling to be planispiral. Because this 
form has a barely detectable inner dark layer, is without lateral 
corner fillings or contreforts (sensu Conil) and the lumina are filled 
by nodes the authors consider the generic designation in error. 
Moreover, the initial coils, though small, appear to deviate from the 
planispiral plane. 

The distinguishing feature of this species we consider to be the 
extremely small, finely serrated nodes. 

Subfamily AMMARCHAEDISCINAE Conil and Pirlet, 1974 

Archaediscidae without internal division, with planispiral enrollment. Wall 
similar to that of the Archaediscinae. (Pirlet and Conil, 1974, p. 271.) 

Genus AMMARCHAEDISCUS Conil and Pirlet, 1974 

Type species: Ammarchaediscus (Amm.) bozorgniae Conil and 
Pirlet, 1974. 

Diagnosis. — Ammarchaediscinae possessing free lumina, with- 
out nodes or stellate structure. Dark internal layer very pro- 
nounced to imperceptible; external radial layer developed in the axial 
region only or throughout the test. Coiling involute to evolute. (Pir- 
let and Conil, 1974, p. 271.) 


Subgenus A Conil and Pirlet, 1974 

Diagnosis. — Ammarchaediscus with the dark inner layer moderately to 
feebly developed, without lateral corner fillings (semsu Conil). The exterior 
radial layer completely envelopes all the coils. Enrollment involute and the 
lumina cresent shaped in the primitive forms; enrollment more or less evolute 
and the floors of the Jumina concave in the evolved forms. (Pirlet and Conil, 
1974, p. 278). 

Ammarchaediscus (subgenus A) sp. Pl. 25, fig. 10 

Figured specimen. — USNM (Nat. Mus. Nat. Hist.), No. 

Diagnosis. — Test small, discoidal with greatest thickening at 
axis of coiling, surface slightly rough; coiling dominantly planispiral 
with slight oscillation in one hemisphere; inner coils involute and 
final two evolute; open lumina of semilunular shape increase pro- 
gressively in size becoming both broader and higher; floors flat with 
epaulets or extensions on the walls which are more pronounced on 
the later whorls; outer fibrous wall, covering all the whorls, thickens 
approximately three and a half times in width from margin of test 
to the center where it appears fused by the involute whorls; dark 
microgranular, inner wall present in inner whorls is little perceptible 
in outer whorls. 

Measurements. — (Based on one specimen). Number of volu- 
tions: five?. Diameter: 271.25. Width: 105. Ratio W/D: 0.387. 
Proloculus: not determinable. Height of lumen last volution: 23.75p. 
Peripheral wall thickness: 8.75y. 

Coiling form. — Planispiral. 

Cowling stage. — Angulatus. 

Straitigraphic range. — Unknown. North America — Visean — 
(late V3c), this report. 

Remarks. — This species of Ammarchaediscus is at an advanced 
evolutionary stage of the genus Ammarchaediscus with the flat 
floors which appear at the same horizon in the genus Archaediscus. 
It is a good example of the angulatus stage. 

This species belongs to Conil and Pirlet subgenus A (1974, 
p. 278, pl. 3, figs. 37-40). Our forms give the appearance of being 
the same as Permodiscus vetustus Chernysheva (1948, fig. 15) 
and Grozdilova and Lebedeva (in Dain and Grozdilova, 1953, pl. 
4, fig. 23). The latter specimen was designated as lectotype for the 
species P. vetustus because Chernysheva, who described the species, 

214 BuLLETIN 298 

had never chosen a holotype. Unfortunately, the center coils are not 
exposed in the specimen selected as holotype so it can not be used. 

Subgenus TUBISPIRODISCUS Browne and Pohl, 1973 

Type species: Tubispirodiscus simplissmus Browne and Pohl, 


Diagnosis. — Test free, flattened, concave, discoidal with the narrowest 
dimension through the axis of revolution; composed of a proloculus followed 
by a freely coiled undivided chamber which is planispirally enrolled and entire- 
ly evolute throughout; periphery well-rounded and surface somewhat uneven 
with evident sutures; side thickenings absent; wall bright calcareous composed 
of a single fibroradiate layer only; aperture a circular opening at the end of 
the tube. (Browne and Pohl, 1973, p. 202). 

Ammarchaediscus (Tubispirodiscus) simplissimus (Browne and Pohl), 1973 
Pl. 25, figs. 11-13 

Tubispirodiscus simplissimus Browne and Pohl, 1973, pp. 202, 203, pl. 25, figs. 
10-12; pl. 26, figs. 1-3. 
Holotype. — USNM (Nat. Mus. Nat. Hist.), No. 186634. 
Coiling form. — Planispiral. 
Coiling stage. — Evolutus. 
Stratigraphic range. — North America — Visean (V3c). 
Remarks. — Because these specimens are the same as those 
published previously by the authors no description is given. 

Ammarchaediscus (Tubispirodiscus) sp. Pl. 25, figs. 14, 15 

Diagnosis. — Test small, surface somewhat uneven; _ initial 
chamber followed by tubular chamber wound in a planispiral plane, 
wall a single, bright, fibroradiate, moderately thick layer. 

Measurements. — (Based on three specimens). Number of volu- 
tions: 4-5%. Diameter: 230-255. Width: not determined. Ratio 
W/D: not determined. Height of lumen last volution: 25.00-39.50y. 
Peripheral wall thickness: 9.00-11.60p. 

Coiling form. — Planispiral. 

Coiling stage. — Not determined. 

Stratigraphic range. — North America — Visean (late V3c), 
this report. 

Remarks. — Because the three sections which form the basis 
for the above description are all sagittal sections it is presently im- 


possible to give a complete diagnosis of this species. It differs from the 
type specimen of (Tubispirodiscus) simplissimus Browne and Pohl, 
in its larger size, having a final lumen height, and wall thickness 
approximately double that of the type specimen. 


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All X 140 

Archaediscus cf. absimilis (SOSipatrOva) ...........ssscssssscsssssssssssseasees 179 
Axial section, USNM No. 244568. 

Archaediscus cf. absimilis (SoOSipatrOova) ............:ccsssscessssrsesssescess 179 
Axial section, USNM No. 244569. 

Archaediscus Cf. absimilis (SOSipatrOVa) .............ssccessssesscssssessensees 179 
Tangential section, USNM No. 244570. 

Archaediscus (Archaediscus) chernoussovensis Mamet ............. 180 
Axial section through proloculus, USNM No. 244571. 

Archaediscus (Archaediscus) conili, 1. SDP. ..........ccsssccessscserscsenses wo LOL 
Axial section through proloculus, paratype, USNM No. 244572. 

Archaediscus (Archaediscus) conili, 1. SP. .........:csssccecescssreceee eed kel! 
Axial section, paratype, USNM No. 244573. 

Archaediscus (Archaediscus) conili, 1. SD. ........:ccssssccssccessceesessns 181 
Axial section, paratype, USNM No. 244574. 

Archaediscus (Archaediscus) infantus Shlykova_ ...........ccsseseees . 182 
Axial section, USNM No. 244575. 

Archaediscus (Archaediscus) infantus Shlykova ...........ccccsceesees . 182 

Axial section through proloculus, USNM No. 244576. 

Archaediscus (Archaediscus) krestovnkovi Rauzer- 
CHELMOUSSOVA scicceccececedsasabcinecccs:cucucccccsesceesavonsevacceesestezessteetererteereaeee . 184 

Axial section, USNM No. 244577. 
Archaediscus (Archaediscus) krestovnikovi Rauzer- 

CHEETOUSSOV A: iivadscsaccesese ste scsdosvoscaccavanscseatincotocevscanescucdessevssieaeeeeeeeaenen 184 
Axial section, USNM No. 244578. 

Archaediscus (Archaediscus) miklukhomaklayi, 0. SD. ...........0+ 185 
Axial section, paratype, USNM No. 244579. 

Archaediscus (Archaediscus) miklukhomaklayi, ND. SP. ..........000 . 185 

Axial section, paratype, USNM No. 244580. 
Archaediscus (Archaediscus) ex. gr. moelleri Rauzer- 

GRETMOUSSOV As acissccccoseeeccncossinscccncontnwsasesnecbeucccnsestectesseerscecsosmaneoneneemntes 186 
Axial section, through proloculus, USNM No. 244581. 
Archaediscus (Archaediscus) pusillus Rauzer-Chernoussova ...... 187 

Axial section, through proloculus, USNM No. 244582. 

Archaediscus (Archaediscus) pusillus Rauzer-Chernoussova ...... 187 
Axial section, through proloculus, USNM No. 244583. 

Archaediscus (Archaediscus) pusillus Rauzer-Chernoussova ...... 187 
Axial section, through proloculus, USNM No. 244584. 

Archaediscus (Archaediscus) pusillus Rauzer-Chernoussova ...... 187 
Axial section, through proloculus, USNM No. 244585. 

Archaediscus (Archaediscus) pusillus Rauzer-Chernoussova ...... 187 
Axial section, through proloculus, USNM No. 244586. 

Archaediscus (Archaediscus) pusillus Rauzer-Chernoussova ...... 187 

Axial section, through proloculus, USNM No. 244587. 






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Archaediscus (?Hemiarchaediscus) swanni, 1. SP. ..........s:ssss0ec000 190 
Axial section, paratype, USNM No. 244588. 
Archaediscus (?Hemiarchaediscus) swanni, N. SDP. ............sssccseee0e 190 
Axial section, paratype, USNM No. 244589. 
Archaediscus (?Hemiarchaediscus) swanni, 0. SP. ..........scceecceeeeee 190 
Axial section, holotype, USNM No. 244590. 
Archaediscus (?Hemiarchaediscus) swanni, 0. SP. ..............sseee008 190 
Axial section, through proloculus, USNM No. 244591. 
Archaediscus (?Hemiarchaediscus) swanni, 0. SD. ..............sesceeseee 190 

Axial section, paratype, USNM No. 244592. 

Archaediscus (?Hemiarchaediscus) cornuspiroides Vdovenko .. 191 
Axial section, through proloculus. USNM No. 244593. 

Archaediscus (?Hemiarchaediscus) stilus Grozdilova and 
LOY) yey 0 CEN,” a eben Fat PRIS SS Rents SRN A oad» Mier dat SAI  ehcatie a A 192 

All axial sections, showing progressive evolutionary tendencies 
from the more typical angulatus stage of figure 7 to the near 
tenuis stage of figure 14. 7. USNM No. 244594. 8. USNM No. 
244595. 9. USNM No. 244596. 10. USNM 244597. 11. USNM No. 
244598. 12. At this magnification radial wall apparent only in 
central part of test-angulatus stage tending to tenuis 
stage. USNM No. 244599. 13. At this magnification radial wall 
apparent only in central part of test-angulatus stage but less 
radial and tending more towards tenuis stage than figure 
10. USNM No. 244600. 14. Near tenuis stage with wall of 
approximately uniform thickness. Shows tendency of floors 
to become convex, wall porosity little apparent. USNM No. 

Nodosarchaediscus (Nodasperodiscus) gregorii Dain .................. 195 
Axial section, through proloculus, USNM No. 244602. 
Nodosarchaediscus (Nodasperodiscus) gregorii Dain ................. 195 

Axial section, through proloculus, USNM No. 244603. 

Nodosarchaediscus (Nodasperodiscus) minimus Grozdilova 

ETOYS | 3] GE) 0270 CS) 172 WARS See R a Pe neni oe ditt rd Caen Re oe 197 
Axial section, through proloculus, USNM No. 244604. 

Nodosarchaediscus (Nodasperodiscus) minimus Grozdilova 

RIM C OO osu sone tatevacennnil svstpakasdnonnesbesdaspetess ands aectcemeeexeeeeeatoosctees 197 
Axial section, USNM No. 244605. 

Nodosarchaediscus (Nodasperodiscus) minimus Grozdilova 

ANGE WEDCACV AL siccsascstvewcsessesetescen ceees socekuescucbeoben tke osecasucessnoscassaodesssaevetes 197 
Axial section, USNM No. 244606. 

Nodosarchaediscus (Neoarchaediscus) bykovensis Sosipatrova .. 199 
Axial section, through proloculus, USNM No. 244607. 







All * 140 


Nodosarchaediscus (Neoarchaediscus) bykovensis Sosipatrova .. 199 
Axial section, USNM No. 244608. 

Nodosarchaediscus (Neoarchaediscus) bykovensis Sosipatrova .. 199 
Axial section, through proloculus, USNM No. 244609. 

Nodosarchaediscus (Neoarchaediscus) incertus Grozdilova 

ANG “EQ DOGEVA. ecsooe OO 
Axial section, USNM No. 244610. 

Nodosarchaediscus (Neoarchaediscus) incertus Grozdilova 

ANGE TE DCAOV | ype sccscckvasstscecesesvaeoeuacceccccosenveoscesncsscasaucssausieaveskuleuaceeeenteeeee 2 
Axial section, USNM No. 244611. 

Nodosarchaediscus (Neoarchaediscus) incerftus Grozdilova 

ANG, PEDEM OVA. escB eh eeec ck ebe ch Rock hacks sce deka wececteccavucttosontect coterceeremeeent 200 
Axial section, USNM No. 244612. 

Nodosarchaediscus (Neoarchaediscus) incertus Grozdilova 

ANG LEDCCO VAN warceeakocccccssccneccSteccvecessancuces Oise ehestdsdeaducecobdeceee tae eee 200 
Axial section, USNM No. 244613. 

Nodosarchaediscus (Neoarchaediscus) latispiralis Grozdilova 

ANGE TE DOC EVA Metcescecerscccessccesccrecastaccotensces succsacscecccsctocsncatessetretcaeeteeetreen . 202 
Axial section, USNM No. 244614. 

Nodosarchaediscus (Neoarchaediscus) latispiralis Grozdilova 

ANI CDC CEC Vals occ ccccsaccesuasideexaiuseencuntessccst ooucecenatasscanaveseneiteusreceoteeeteee 202 
Axial section, USNM No. 244615. 

Nodosarchaediscus (Neoarchaediscus) latispiralis Grozdilova 

ANA: LEDCACV A) Wesivesscssoushcsdsikdesvede den studakes Gobo seneldouctdeadesel doaseveunmeeesememnaeee 202 
Axial section, through proloculus, USNM No. 244616. 

Nodosarchaediscus (Neoarchaediscus) pohli, n. SD. ............cescceceee 203 
Axial section, through proloculus, paratype, USNM No. 244617. 

Nodosarchaediscus (Neoarchaediscus) pohli, N. SD. ...........cceesceeeee 203 
Axial section, through proloculus, holotype, USNM No. 244618. 

Nodosarchaediscus (Neoarchaediscus) pohli, 1. SDP. ...........c.sceceeeee 203 
Axial section, paratype, USNM No. 244619. 

Nodosarchaediscus (Neoarchaediscus) timanicus Reitlinger ...... 205 
Axial section, USNM No. 244620. 

Nodosarchaediscus (Neoarchaediscus) timanicus Reitlinger ...... 205 
Axial section, USNM No. 244621. 

Nodosarchaediscus (Neoarchaediscus) timanicus Reitlinger ...... 205 
Axial section, USNM No. 244622. 

Nodosarchaediscus (Neoarchaediscus) SD. ..........cccccecsssscseesseceeeeseers 204 

Axial section, USNM No. 244623. 

Nodosarchaediscus (Asteroarchaediscus) parvus Rauzer- 

CHELPNOUSSOV As «sc issesasivsctvversecctesissccsseveoccoanecesctcuouncacdtee Meee Create rere Reeneeee 207 
Axial section, through proloculus, USNM No. 244624. 

Nodosarchaediscus (Asteroarchaediscus) parvus Rauzer- 

HET HOUMBSOVAS  ..usccocecesseeescecncseetoecaacerne nereaudoaceeenetescen: cat ceTeett een 207 
Axial section, USNM No. 244625. 

Nodosarchaediscus (Asteroarchaediscus) parvus Rauzer- 

RU EETIOUSSO Val er csunxsheoiass ckpsonensddonasncseastanainn seausaxapncnust tuctereteuakes a: eae aan 207 
Axial section, USNM No. 244626. 

Nodosarchaediscus (Asteroarchaediscus) parvus Rauzer- 

WRETNOUSSOV ES fast oee\ snes consciacesnaasscttudsteoucneacwancavsususcceenmtereaeerceueeeee te aananE 207 
Axial section, through proloculus, USNM No. 244627. 












All & 140 

Nodosarchaediscus (Asteroarchaediscus) postrugosus 
ROTEL GI eter ee teen ee eect cesctect ahakcat ostecseonsensddessevasesevouaereuscassshencesde 208 

Axial section, USNM No. 244628. 

Nodosarchaediscus (Asteroarchaediscus) postrugosus 

CRONIES OT vac sasscsessttueseseds sansbecsaecsesatdevsessvsseusivacecsosatessccusdeasaucsssacstvsdsdesbenes 208 
Axial section, USNM No. 244629. 

Nodosarchaediscus (Asteroarchaediscus) postrugosus 

PERG NBL TNE Tasso crtee eee cei cece ive ceecenves cost sces onde avestanesseesesecsusvashesvescderusssoes 208 
Axial section, USNM No. 244630. 

Nodosarchaediscus (Asteroarchaediscus) rugosus Rauzer- 

WU ECENOUSSOV dir tce cater ceteccarvees joceeacnonsticwass <i intuanadetedeedetensnsdasatececstotecceae 209 
Axial section, through proloculus, USNM No. 244631. 

Nodosarchaediscus (Asteroarchaediscus) rugosus Rauzer- 

WHETMOUSSOV A: iis cxcsscheccccesecscosssececessesnectaetoucede ces destanobae cossvascdtentcctesesteses 209 
Axial section, USNM No. 244632. 

Nodosarchaediscus (Asteroarchaediscus) rugosus Rauzer- 

GIERNOUSSOV AR bcccistecccoston ss sooth toss un hace astoee eect aree nal Sevan ete esasedevddeds sseséeanabe 209 
Axial section, through proloculus, USNM No. 244633. 

Nodosarchaediscus (Asteroarchaediscus) rugosus Rauzer- 

(GITEVTIOUSSOVAY cc .ceiscescsecucccccccseasstesetecesestocssancccctavarsecaccctcevecctusteccasssesscees 209 
Axial section, through proloculus, USNM No. 244634. 

Nodosarchaediscus (Asteroarchaediscus) rugosus Rauzer- 

DIVEST OUSS OVS esere cerca c ccs eceet tae aereret eases scausiaavavasessesecssccssssescoseeens 209 
Axial section, USNM No. 244635. 

Nodosarchaediscus (Asteroarchaediscus) syzranicus 

GEE TY SCV Aid eerics cocca esa tai tccadvonsnsctvtoncarcecsensastecoscscaberercesedsbessapcopoaases 211 
Axial section, USNM No. 244636. 
Ammarchaediscus (Subgenus A) sp. Conil and Pirlet ................ 213 

Axial section, USNM No. 244637. 

Ammarchaediscus (Tubispirodiscus) simplissimus Browne 
UIT OTM Serres ces setetocsdacie ave con toueus ce scusdusoetex tucsecouencsesdeaastestscewaevensctes 214 

Axial section, through proloculus, USNM No. 186635. 

Ammarchaediscus (Tubispirodiscus) simplissimus Browne 
ATTA LO Halen eee osce metre cacecta caucus ence tecsuatececnanencutssseadseeassesacseudcecsvonsnqad 214 

Sagittal section, through proloculus, USNM No. 186636. 
Ammarchaediscus (Tubispirodiscus) simplissimus Browne 

BTEC EO HL soos ce seseccczaceskeasedecnceacecvscaeenttonk cctanctcosoeuscdteconaversttstseodeccestacsccedvs 214 
Sagittal section, through proloculus, USNM No. 186634. 

Ammarchaediscus (Tubispirodiscus) Sp. .............ccccssssssecccessessseacees 214 
Sagittal section, through proloculus, USNM No. 244638. 

Ammarchaediscus (Tubispirodiscus) SP. ...........ccccessssssscccesssssssssers 214 
Sagittal section, through proloculus, USNM No. 244639. 

Archaediscus sp. [MEW SUDZENUS] .............scccsseccesrccessccenscesnreseseesees 194 

Axial section, through proloculus, USNM No. 244640. 


Note: Light face type refers to page numbers. Bold face type refers 

to plate figures. 


Planoarchaediscus .. 179 

Archaediscus. ......... 179 

Archaediscus (Archae- 

GISCUS) a Chip cccevecezeze 22 179 

Planoarchaediscus .. 179, 180 
Ammarchaediscus ....... iizale ales, irs 

191, 212, 213 

(Tubispirodiscus) .... 178, 189 

(Subgenus A) .......... 176 
Archaediscus ............. iyAla ilefon INTE 

178, 179, 189, 
190, 191, 213 

(Archaediscus) ........ 176, 178, 191, 


(-Hemiarchaediscus) 176, 178, rey 

(new subgenus) ...... 194 
AsperodiscuS  ...........4 176, 198 
Asteroarchaediscus .... 171, 176, 177, 

178, 198, 206, 
208, 211 

BAS CHERATIAM ete vevecsscvsess 180, 193, 196, 
197, 198, 200, 
201, 202, 204, 
206, 209 


Archaediscus .......... 202, 206 
Beech Creek 

TeAMESTOME  -cceeseeeseeees 173, 174, 175 
Big Clifty Formation.. 171, 173, Eo 

Neoarchaediscus .... 199 

Ammarchaediscus .. 212 
IBSTOAGTOUG peereeerteceee teases 173 
BrumnStae ero os iyi 
ISCUNISTINI Me esteteeeceeece 175 

Neoarchaediscus .... 199 



CER rrr sa 23 199, 200 

Carboniferous ............ 186 

Archaediscus .......... 177, 181 


(Archaediscus) ....22 180, 181 

Archaediscus subsp. 

angulatus' ! .c.ccene.2: 180 


(Archaediscus) ..22 181, 183 

?Archaediscus ........ 191 

Archaediscus (?Hemi- 

archaediscus) ...... 23 191 
Cypress Sandstone .... 173, 174, 175 

Hosigmolinate ee 191 
Frailey’s Shale ............ 171, 172, 4, 
175, 176 
PUSUIININA YS 2 os «cee 178 
Glen Dean ...:cenases 174, 175 
Glomodiscus ..............++ 177 

Asteroarchaediscus 209, 211 
Golconda Formation .. 174 

Archaediscus .......... 196 

Asteroarchaediscus 197 



GUISCUS) | do5cc- -cevssesseocs 23 195, 201 

Planospirodiscus .... 195 
gregorii “var.” gregorii, 

Archaediscus .......... 195 

Neoarchaediscus ..... 197, 201 

Haney Limestone ....... 173, 174, 175 
Efardinis DUM i yeccaseeceeneseee 174, 175 

Hemiarchaediscus ...... 176, 188, cPH 

?Hemiarchaediscus .... 171, 176, 190, 

192, 195 
Hemigordius _ ............+. 186 
a vautetevenne 173, 174, 175 




Archaediscus .......... 198, 200 
Neoarchaediscus .... 197, 200, 201 
GISCUS)) kesscccceeeecens 24 200 
incertus “var.” incertus, 
Neoarchaediscus .... 201, 206 
Archaediscus .......... 182 
(Archaediscus) ....22 182 
Archaediscus aff. .... 181, 182 
Archaediscus .......... 177, 178, ate 
Archaediscus .......... 184 
koktjubensis subsp. 
Archaediscus .......... 184 
Archaediscus .......... 183, 184, 185, 
188, 206 
Archaediscus (Archae- 
GISCUIS) Rte ene 22 184 
krestovnikovi “var.” 
Archaediscus .......... 184, 185 
krestovnikovi “var.” 
Archaediscus .......... 184 
krestovnikovi “var.” 
Archaediscus .......... 187 
forma typica, 
Archaediscus .......... 184 
Archaediscus .......... 202 
Archaediscus aff. .. 202 
Archaediscus ?(Rugo- 
archaediscus) .......... 202 
Neoarchaediscus .... 202 
DISCUS) Gesceesaicesestsce 24 177202 
Archaediscus .......... 195 
(Archaediscus) ....22 185 

Archaediscus .......... 197, 203, 204 
Archaediscus (?) .... 197, 203, 204 
Planospirodiscus .... 197, 199, 203 
ISCUS) 9 occ cesecsteanee 23 196, 197, 201, 
EXOT iy secccccesernvecueess 22 186, 198 
INEWETEBB ENE, Goceccsnnconconconde 178, 184, 187, 
188, 192, 196, 
198, 199, 206, 
207, 209, 210 
Archaediscus “var.” 187 
Neoarchaediscus ........ U7 i. 198: 
199, 204, 210 
Nodasperodiscus ........ 171, 176, 1377, 
178, 195, 204 
Nodosarchaediscus .... 171, 176, 178, 
195, 198, 207 
(Asteroarchaediscus) 176, 177 
(Neoarchaediscus) .. 176, 177, 178 

(Nodasperodiscus) .. 176, 177, 178 


Archaediscus .......... 178, 207, 208 

Asteroarchaediscus 207, 211 

Neoarchaediscus .. 207 

Neoarchaediscus cf. 207 



GISCUS) pee erence: 24 178, 207 
parvus regularis, 

Archaediscus “var.” 209 

Archaediscus .......... 187 
RETEMOGISCUS eee sresssscste 197, 212 
?Permodiscus ...........0 176, 197 
Planoarchaediscus ...... 188, 189, 190 
Planospirodiscus ........ 197 

Hemiarchaediscus .. 188, 189 



GISCUS) BSF. sscecc5-:3 24 203 

Archaediscus .......... 178, 208 

Asteroarchaediscus 177, 178, 208 



Neoarchaediscus .... 208 
GISCUS)) Verteecccnsestess 25 177, 178, 208, 
209, 211 
Propermodiscus .......... 186, 189 
Pseudoammodiscus .... avis) 
Archaediscus .......... 187 
(Archaediscus) ....22 187 
pustulus gnomellus, 
Asteroarchaediscus ‘209 
Rugosarchaediscus ..... 199 
Asteroarchaediscus 209, 210, 211 
Archaediscus .......... 178, 205, 208, 
209, 210, 211 
Asteroarchaediscus 196, 205, 209, 
Neoarchaediscus .... 209, 210 

suesucesat cesusaes 25 178, 196, 209, 



Archaediscus .......... 195 

Hemigordius ............ 185 

Cornuspira ce 185, 186 



GISCUS) Pe. bP 25 214 

Tubispirodiscus ...... 214, 215 



GIS@US)! cect sccessseererce 25 214 



GISCUS) Meee 24 204 

Archaediscus .......... 193 

Archaediscus .......... 177, 185, 192, 

193, 194, 195 

Archaediscus cf. 
ex gr. stilus, subsp. 

QNGWIACUS <2... cenncscnnes 192, 195 
Archaediscus (?Hemi- 
archaediscus) ...... 23 178, 191, 192 
Planoarchaediscus .. 192 
Planoarchaediscus? 190 

forma compressa .... 192 


formal typiCal..-c-.-caee 192 


forma magna .......... 

Subgenus) Avene 25 176, 195, 213 

Neoarchaediscus .... 199 

Planospirodiscus .... 203 

Archaediscus (?Hemi- 

archaediscus) ...... 23 190, 191 
syzranicus, ; 

Permodiscus ............ 211 



GISCUIS)» deeciecceedeceavs 25 178, 211 


Planospirodiscus .... 197 
RECT ACARIS /ccccccceccccceeeetre 175 

Archaediscus .......... 205 

Neoarchaediscus .... 205 



GISCUS) pete 25 205 
Tournarchaediscus .... 178 
Tubispirodiscus .......... 171, 214 

Hemigordius _.......... 186, 189 
WETGAN  Gicccccccssvencceutaee 206 

Permodiscus ............ 213 

VIUSEAN: -. cciicucdecteuasexcorsee 176, 181, 182, 
183, 184, 187, 


188, 191, 192, 
193, 194, 196, 
201, 202, 204, 
207, 209, 210 

<= 08 - 1p we 

of bet Soe .. : 
Wt 1568) 










(ds ESN 8 8 6) ae Ey AT [UE cc Ti «| | ce ee ee Or 
New Zealand forams, Stromatoporoidea, Indo-Pacific, Mio- 
cene-Pliocene California forams. 
(Nos. 237-238). AS SMD pet 5 wp Say care cese cares swessecceeetees cesecme seen toae 
Venezuela Bryozoa, Kinderhookian Brachiopods. 
(Nos. 239-245). EMU): Sop SUN 0) i eres pete ee eae amr ee ee en 
Dominican ostracodes, Lepidocyclina, mollusks. 

(Nos. 246-247). G5/7AID Drs UNE] So ppecareee ere ae seni a ea ecectacoaces 
Cenozoic corals, Trinidad Neogene mollusks. 
(Nos. 248-254). CVE yah cee CE) pga eae ae nae eR ee A 

Forams, North Carolina fossils, coral types, Cenozoic 
Echinoids, Cretaceous Radiolaria, Cymatiid gastropods 
(Nos. 255-256). OAM fy Bey COPY SOV cease ee tees 
Jurassic ammonites. 

(Nos. 257-262). SOS pps 39) pls stb se catecsecesacsatctactees 
Cretaceous Radiolaria and Forams, Pacific Silicoflagellates, 

North American Cystoidea, Cyclonema, Vasum. 

(No. 263). EH TT 0) 0 | et ctik Oe ee ee ete ee ee ee ee 
Bibliography of Cenozoic Echinoidea. 

(Nos. 264-267). eet Yon 0) OFS Aten 0) Koh Deca tensie Paine Pee a ta ne ee 
Radiolaria, cirripeds, Bryozoa, palynology. 

(Nos. 268-270). GSES 8) ore 3d a 0) IC prea ni ae eae ee SE 
Mollusks, Murex catalogue, Cretaceous Radiolaria. 

(Nos. 271-274). SHAS ION 5) Op gC, os) 0) Kc nes ee ae eR A een et ee 
Trace fossils, ammonoids, Silicoflagellates, microfauna. 

(Nos. 275-277). S201pp.+ 56 DIS ee paneennenensnnencnmesnnnaee 
Chitinozoa, Spumeilariina, Mexican Ammonites 

(Nos. 278-281). SYST Gay ov CSN 0) Sa cece ee ee 

Palynology, corals, echinoderms, Foraminifera, and crinoids. 

(No. 282). HME jy GS) TOSS cceeeee ete eee 
Ostracode Symposium. 

(Nos. 283-286). (ASO OO APA DONS Seco eee er ener ieee 
Crinoids, gastropods, corals, ostracodes. 

(No. 287). A'S'Ge PP. 60) spl Sip carers aeea ses seecns ocesscee-tamtcesscceases 
Misc. Paleozoic 

(Nos. 288-290). PRN}: M0) Opa OA Io 0 (oY oe eee me re a yr ae 
Paracrinoidea, ostracodes, cirripeds. 

(No. 291). PALAIS VY RRS We 0) (Fh eee er ter eran ee ree eee 

(Nos. 292-294). AGA myn, AD DL Ss pesos see os eaccee sett octes + se weasueacoocccevions 
Turrids, gastropods, forams. 

(No. 295). EIPASAG) 0} oar ons) Ook) 0) fst goatee eee ci eer Sen ee 
Paleocene Nigeria 

(Nos. 296, 297). AG GID D2 lit Pl See sceeene aces ee eerste cee eee ecemmeees 
Crinoids, barnacles. 


Volume 1. See Johnson Reprint Corporation, 111 Fifth Ave., New York, 



N. Y. 10003 
Monographs of Arcas, Lutetia, rudistids and venerids. 

(Nos. 6-12). CEE Ufo) an S07 4 OS cease cere pessoa Deer a 

Heliophyllum halli, Tertiary turrids, Neocene Spondyli, 
Paleozoic cephalopods. Fasciolarias, sponges. 

(Nos. 13-25). CRY Fy Oe CONS Oh CS ee tee tere ate SE 

Paleozoic cephalopod structure and phylogeny, Paleozoic 
siphonophores, Busycon, Devonian fish studies, gastropod 
studies, Carboniferous crinoids, Cretaceous jellyfish, 
Platystrophia and Venericardia. 

IV. (Nos. 26-33). AD DD DET CMDS Mewes ener ne FE le 

Devonian lycopods, Ordovician eurypterids, mollusks, 

V. (Nos. 34-47). ASS mop Ole plssere tec er tea sae 
Pelecypods, Cretaceous Gulf Coastal forams. 
VI. (Nos. 38-41). AAA TD eid SUnpll Soy ese ee ee ete caee cece eco caeccnen ce 
Pennsylvanian plants, Venericardia, Carboniferous crinoids, 
Trace fossils. 
VII. (Nos. 42-46). AQ ONT De OUND Saale stesso eee ine oe ae 
Trilobites, rudists, crinoids, gastropods. 
VIII. (Nos. 47-50). SHOR fakin, “GHG. ol SG reece Ua ee eee! 

Gastropoda, Devonian plants, brachiopods, Bivalvia. 















Vol. I-XXIII. See Kraus Reprint Corp., 16 East 46th St. New York, 
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XXIV. (Nos. 80-87). a34ipps 27 pis. se eee 12.00 
Mainly Paleozoic faunas and Tertiary Mollusca. 

MEV es) KCNOsaISS-94 5) S0 Ge pps 650) pis hs ace 14.00 
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XXXVI. (Nos. 95-100). 420 pp., 58 pls. ........-—.-.0nce ee 16.00 

Florida Recent, Texas and South America Cretaceous, 
Cenozoic fossils. 

XXVIII. (Nos. 101-108). 376 pp., 36 pls. 2.2222. -s2.csnccee eee 16.00 
Tertiary mollusks, Paleozoic Venezuela, Devonian fish. 
SV ALI. (Now. 2109-114)... 412) pp., 34 pls. -........_.__ 18.00 
Paleozoic cephalopods, Cretaceous Eocene, forams. 
Done (NOS) 1 SALLG)s | 735-5. 22 PIs 2 sce ee .. 18.00 
Bowden forams and Ordovician cephalopods. 
mown (No. Ti7)s 563 pp. 65 pls... eee 20.00 
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XMXE. (Nos. 118-128), 458 pp., 27 pls. 2... 2 eee 18.00 
i Mollusks, crinoids, corals, forams, Cuban localities. 
DOO. TONER ETE se ARES Tey ees eS 0) ee ec 18.00 
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KOC Nos: 21 34-159)io0 448 Sp pene Sissy ccc: nearer en eee 18.00 

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graphy paleontology. é 

mS ATV. (Nos. 1402145); 400 pp, 19 pls. ......._...._. eee 18.00 
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KOOKV., “CNos:, 146-154)5 386 pps 30 pls....2 18.00 
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XK Te) e(INose 155-160) 412 © ppsy 5S) DIS. ceeeccceee ante ee 18.00 
Forams, Eocene fish, rudists. 
XXXVIE “-(INos. 161-164). 486: pp., 37 pls. -....-.. 3 ee 18.00 

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XXXVIII. (Nos. 165-176). 447 pp., 53 pls. .......... ne eee 
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MXXEX. (Nos. 177-183). 448 pp., 36 pls. 2... _._=. eee 16.00 
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XE. (No. 184)2 996" ppi, i pl. 18.00 
Type and Figured Specimens P.R.I. 
MILIS” (Nos. 185-192). 381 .pp:, 35.,pls. ........_... eee 16.00 
Forams, mollusks, carpoids, Corry Sandstone. 
MEAL.” (No: °193):). 673 ‘pp. 48! pls.22 ee 18.00 
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SOLIIT.. “((Nos; 194-198). 427 pps, 229) pls. aca scs a canee ae geresee ... 16.00 

Ordovician stromatoporoids, Indo-Pacific camerinids, Mis- 
sissippian forams, Cuban rudists. 
MEEV= ‘(UNos: 199-203). 365" pp. 6Suple.) . 16.00 
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clina, Eumalacostraca. 

MEV 5- (No. 204). 7 564.\pp:, 63, pls. 62.2 o .. 18.00 
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ME VIS A(Nos:7205-211). 419) pp: 470 pls. 2. SS eee 16.00 
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XLVI. (Nos. 212-217)... 584. pp., 83° pls. ee 18.00 
Forams, mollusks, polychaetes, ammonites. 
XL VIII.” (No. 218)... 21058" pp.) 5. pis... ee eee 18.00 

Catalogue of the Paleocene and Eocene Mollusca of the 
Southern and Eastern United States. 
SOLUEX... (Noss: 219-224) 5) 671 “pp. 83 ples 2 eee eee 18.00 
Peneroplid and Australian forams, North American car- 
poids, South Dakota palynoiogy, Venezuelan Miocene mol- 
luska, Voluta. 
L. (No. 225-230). 518 (pp;,..42. pls. 2. ee eee 18.00 
Venezuela, Florida cirripeds, forams, Linnaean Olives, 
Camerina, Ordovician conodonts. 
LI. (Nos. 231-232). 420: ‘pp. 10 "pls. ee eee eee 18.00 
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Norman E. WEIsBorD 


Paleontological Research Institution 
Ithaca, New York 14850, U.S.A. 


PRESIDENT yiice tee eet ee een ee ete bY ale Ee Be Se eee HAROLD E. VoKESs 
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RutH G. BRowNE (1976-1979) KATHERINE V. W. PALMER (Life) 
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Poke ON TOLOG y 

(Founded 1895) 

Vol. 72 

No. 299 



NorMan E. WEIsSBoRD 

December 29, 1977 

Paleontological Research Institution 
Ithaca, New York 14850, U.S.A. 

Library of Congress Card Number: 77-93646 

Printed in the United States of America 
Arnold Printing Corporation 
Ithaca, N.Y. 


ENDRURENE — eeetedsccecheconsecneee tee coecbe concaeeeccnedebadp eset teehee bere acP nae eee eee eee OS eee PEE 235 
AVR fe Co CAIUT CG ro Ta se ee ree aSecnenereee reescencecrerce 235 
PNGKMO Wl eG SMe Sy merece ocean ce eat ete atone nous cu cat as sncaesbcenct nas ceeseecescasesces 236 
TURE CoE OLSEN cece a he ee ge aE a ee ee 236 
ESCM HOME GL ASP COLES asec: sy cee Race ek a aca re ces eee n anon Pate anna Casa cesceceeene 237 
TPS VRS. eee oe ae a ee Ne ae DE ee Se ee ee ee eee eee 291 


Norman E. WEIsBorpD 
Department of Geology 
The Florida State University 


This work is an annotated inventory of the barnacles of the family Scal- 
pellidae occuring in and immediately off Florida as well as in the surrounding 
waters of the Gulf of Mexico, the Caribbean Sea, and the Western Atlantic 
Ocean. Some 39 species are described, and data are submitted on their geo- 
graphic range, depth of water, habitat, and substrate. The type specimen of 
each taxon described herein is illustrated from the original author’s portrayal 
to facilitate comparison of all species as well as certain of those synonymized. 
All of the scalpellids discussed are living; however, one of the species, Scal- 
pellum gibbum Pilsbry, has also been found in the early Pliocene of Florida, 
and another, Arcoscalpellum michelottianum (Seguenza) s.s., occurs in the 
Pliocene of Italy and Sicily. It is believed that a number of species now known 
from the waters surrounding Florida will be found off Florida itself, and that 
a few more will eventually be discovered as fossils in the Southeastern Coastal 
Plain of the United States. 


This paper is the second of a series dealing with the barnacles 
of Florida and of the waters around it. The first of the series (Weis- 
bord, 1975) dealt with the orders Acrothoracica and Rhizocephala, 
and the present one is concerned with the family Scalpellidae. 

Most of the information contained in this work has been culled 
from published sources. Each species is described, and the type of 
the species re-figured from the author’s own illustration. The type 
locality, the geographic range, the habitat, and the substrate are 
noted. Synonymies proposed by authors are listed, and it seems from 
this study that some of the synonymized species may have to be re- 
assigned to their original nomenclatural status. 

Surrounding Florida are the Gulf of Mexico, the Caribbean Sea, 
and the Western Atlantic Ocean. Many of the scalpellids from these 
adjacent seas are described in this report even though their presence 
in Florida has not yet been verified. Nevertheless a number of species 
first recorded from the Gulf, Caribbean, or Western Atlantic have 
later been identified in Florida and there is every reason to believe 
that more of them will be in the future. Only one fossil scalpellid, 
Scalpellum gibbum Pilsbry, has been reported from the mainland 
of Florida, and this occurs in the Ecphora zone of the Jackson Bluff 
Formation, in Leon County. The age of the Jackson Bluff Forma- 
tion is late Miocene or early Pliocene. 

The present report is in part an updated inventory of the scal- 
pellid species reported within the region under consideration. The 
generic classification of these species is based on the work of Withers 

236 BuLLETIN 299 

(1953) and of Newman, Zullo, and Withers (1969) in the Treatise 
on Invertebrate Paleontology. One of the taxonomic difficulties I 
have encountered is with the genus Scalpellum sensu stricto. Former- 
ly, Scalpellum sensu lato included a host of species which today are 
properly assigned to many different scalpellid genera including Scal- 
pellum s.s. Unfortunately all of the species under the “old” use of 
Scalpellum have not been sufficiently studied to determine whether 
they should be retained in Scalpellum s.s. or reassigned to another 
genus. In this work I employ the genus Scalpelluwm Leach s.s. a) for 
examples meeting the modern diagnosis of the genus; b) for exam- 
ples named Scalpellum by the original author and not yet changed 
by later taxonomists; and c) for examples whose original generic 
name of Scalpellwm is in doubt and which I have questioned, but 
whose correct identification has not yet been established. Many of 
the older scalpellid species discussed in the present report fall in the 
last category, although I think eventually some of them will be 
found to belong to genera other than Scalpellum s-s. 

Briefly, Scalpellum s.s. of Leach consists generally of 14 plates, 
usually wholly calcified. The carina is angularly bent, with the umbo 
removed from the apex. The apical area and carinal side of the 
scutum are extended and alate, with the umbo removed from the 
apex, and the extended sides sometimes obscured by the overlapping 
tergum and upper latus. The inframedian latus is large with the 
umbo varying in position from middle to basal. As these external 
characters are not always apparent, especially in the whole animal 
with closely articulated valves or obscurative integument, careful 
examination of both the outer plates and inner organs is necessary 
for definitive identification. 

I am greatly indebted to former workers and contemporary 
cirripedologists for the considerable knowledge contained in, and 
imparted by their writings. I also wish to thank Katherine V. W. 
Palmer of the Paleontological Research Institution for editing and 
attending to matters relative to publication of this paper. 

Each species discussed in this report is listed in the tabulation 
below irrespective of the synonymous status of some of them. The 
latitudes and longitudes are predominantly those given by authors 
but a few have been obtained from reference points measured to 


scale in the mid-century edition of the “Times Atlas of the World.” 
English and metric systems are used interchangeably in the body 
of the report depending more or less on the first usage by the taxono- 
mist, but the depths of water given in the following list are expressed 
in meters. Considerable data contained in the records of the United 
States Fish Commission steamer “Albatross” have been adopted 

from the work of C. H. Townsend (1901). 

Class CIRRIPEDIA Burmeister, 1834 
Order THORACICA Darwin, 1854 
Suborder LEPADOMORPHA Pilsbry, 1916 

Family SCALPELLIDAE Pilsbry, 1916 
Scalpellum (?) albatrossianum Pilsbry PIF 26; figs 1 

Scalpellum tenue Annandale, 1905, p. 83; not of Hoek, 1883, p. 119, pl. 4, 
figs. 20-21, fide Broch, 1953, p. 6. 

Scalpellum albatrossianum Pilsbry, 1907, pp. 47, 54-55, fig. 19; Annandale, 
1908, pl. 3, fig. 10; 1913, pp. 228, 229, 232; 1916a, pp. 128, 130, pl. 6, fig. 9; 
1916b, p. 282; Stubbings, 1936, pp. 56, 57, 62, 64, 66, text-fig. 24; Nilsson-Cantell, 
1938, pp. 7, 18; 1955, p. 218; Krtiger, 1940, p. 60; Broch, 1953, pp. 5, 6-7, 10, 
12, 15, figs. 3a-c; Zullo, 1968, p. 211; Lakshmana Rao and Newman, 1972, p. 84; 
Zevina, 1973a, pp. 847-848. 

Not Scalpellum albatrossianum Nilsson-Cantell, 1926a, pp. 7-11, text-figs. 
2a-j [= Scalpellum striolatum G. O. Sars, fide Broch, 1953, pp. 6, 7.] 

The capitulum of the type is 10.5 mm in length and 5.3 mm in 
width and is composed of 13 fully calcified plates separated by nar- 
row chitinous sutures. The plates are distinctly marked with lines of 
growth, and are covered with a thin, shortly and sparsely pilose 

The tergum is triangular, its occludent margin arcuate, its 
lateral margin convex below, slightly kinked at the apex of the 
carina, the basal margin long and nearly straight. The scutum is 
elongate, its carinal margin deeply sinuated for the apex of the upper 
latus just below the tergo-lateral angle, which is extended in a nar- 
row acute lobe; the baso-lateral angle is rounded and rests for a 
short distance against the inframedian latus. The upper latus is ir- 
regularly pentagonal in outline; the scutal margin is longest and 
slightly concave, the tergal a little shorter and convex, the basal 
margin short and in contact with the summit of the inframedian 
latus; the umbo is terminal, projecting into a recess of the scutum. 

The carina is strongly arched above, less so below; the umbo is 

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240 BULLETIN 299 

apical against but not between the terga; the roof is flat, bounded 
by low narrow ribs; the sides are wide in the upper half, narrower, 
and tapering in the lower. 

There is no rostrum. The rostral latus is wider than high, tri- 
angular in outline. The inframedian latus is suboblong with concave 
margins, about three times longer than wide, with a slightly raised 
mucro from which low ribs radiate to the angles of the plate; the 
upper end is truncated. The carinal latus is about twice as wide as 
high, with the umbo slightly projecting behind it at the lower fifth 
of the carinal margin; the carinal margin is slightly concave above 
the umbo, convex below it. 

The peduncle is 3.5 mm in length, and is covered with rounded 
imbricating scales, in nine rows of about eight scales each. 

Type locality. — “Albatross” sta. 2226 (37°N, 71°54’W), 2045 
fathoms, Globigerina ooze, bottom temperature 36.8°F, about 220 
statute miles east of Newport News, Virginia. Among other localities 
this is the nearest to Florida, which is some 7 degrees of latitude 
farther south. 

Other localities. — Bay of Bengal (9°34’N, 85°43’15”E); “In- 
golf” sta. 10 (64°24’N, 28°50’W), 1484 meters, 3.5°C. bottom tem- 
perature, about 200 statute miles west of Reykjavik, Iceland; Wan- 
del, 1889 (65°36’N, 56°24’W), 349 fathoms, northwest of Godthaab, 

Depths range from 349 fathoms (638 meters) in the North 
Atlantic west of Greenland to 2045 fathoms (3742 meters) in the 
Western Atlantic off Virginia. The geographic extremes are Green- 
land in the north and west, and the Bay of Bengal in the south and 

Scalpellum (?) antillarum Pilsbry Pl. 26, fig. 2 

Scalpellum antillarum Pilsbry, 1907, pp. 48, 61-62, fig. 24a-c; Henry, 1954, 
p. 444; Zullo, 1968, p. 211. 

Pilsbry’s description is recapitulated as follows: 

The capitulum of the type is long oval, 11 mm in length and 
5.7 mm in breadth, and is composed of 13 or 14 plates. The plates 
are sculptured with widely spaced wrinkles conforming with growth 
lines, and there are some extremely faint radial striae. The cuticle 
is very thin and somewhat hairy on the carina, sutures, and peduncle. 


The tergum is sharply triangular, with nearly straight margins 
and an erect apex; shortly below the apex there is a sharp recess 
in the carinal margin in which is nestled the apex of the carina. The 
scutum is irregular in shape, the lower half wider than the upper; 
the occludent margin is convex, the lateral margin weakly sigmoid, 
and the basal margin straight; the apex is acuminate and a little 
recurved, overlying the lower angle of the tergum. The carina is long 
and evenly arched, with a length of 10 mm and the diameter at the 
base 1.1 mm, extending between the carinal latera to the peduncle; 
the roof is flat, bounded by acute angles, which toward the upper 
part project a little forming narrow marginal ribs; the sides are 

The upper latus is obliquely spatulate, the basal angle directly 
above the inframedian latus. The rostrum is represented by a linear 
vestige almost concealed in the cuticle. The rostral latera are sub- 
quadrate, the occludent and scutal margins straight, nearly equal, 
and at right angles; the basal margin is not much more than half as 
long as the scutal, and the lateral margin is weakly sigmoid. The 
inframedian latus is small, narrowly triangular, about half the height 
of the rostral latera; the umbo is at the obtuse apex. The carinal 
latus is twice as high as wide, with four unequal sides, no two of 
them parallel; the umbo is at the lower sixth of the straight carinal 
margin, and projects slightly beyond the carina; the carinal margin 
is longest, the basal and lateral margins short and nearly equal; the 
upper angle is acute. 

The peduncle is 4.5 mm in length, with about eight rows of 
eight narrow, transversely lengthened scales each, the intervals be- 
tween them hairy. 

According to Pilsbry, the peculiar shape of the upper latus and 
the long carina which passes between and entirely separates the 
carinal latera, are the more conspicuous features of this species. 

Type locality. — “Albatross” sta. 2384 (28°45’N, 88°15’30”W), 
Gulf of Mexico, 940 fathoms (1719 meters), bottom temperature 
39.6°F, bottom of brown and gray mud, about 135 statute miles 
southwest of Pensacola, Florida, and 140 statute miles southeast 
of New Orleans, Louisiana. 

Remarks. — This species is one of several originally described 

242 BULLETIN 299 

under the old Scalpellum sensu lato that does not fit into the genus 
Scalpellum sensu stricto as defined by modern taxonomists. 

Scalpellum arietinum Pilsbry Pl. 26, figs. 3-5 

Scalpellum arietinum Pilsbry, 1907, pp. 26, 43-45, fig. 13a-b; 1953, pp. 19-21, 
fig. 4a-f, pl. 1, fig. 5; MacDonald, 1929, p. 531; Henry, 1954, p. 444; Hulings, 
1961, p. 216; Wells, 1966, pp. 89-90; Zullo, 1968, p. 211. 

The capitulum of the type is subtrapezoidal, and measures 11.6 
mm in length and 7 mm in breadth. There are 14 fully calcified 
plates, sculptured by growth lines and indistinct radial striae; the 
occludent margins of the terga and scuta are straight and thus 
determine the occludent border of the capitulum. The cuticle is thin 
and inconspicuous, and nearly smooth except on the roof of the 
carina where it is finely and shortly pilose and crossed by six to 
eight transverse tufts of longer hairs. 

The tergum is triangular and much longer than the scutum. 
The scutum is about twice as long as wide, its lateral margin concave 
near the tergolateral angle, convex below; the umbo 1s nearly termi- 
nal, bent inward. The carina is moderately arched and extends a short 
distance above the prominent umbo; it is 12 mm in length and its 
diameter near the base is 1.7 mm; the roof is nearly flat, bounded 
by distinct but obtuse angles, with a low rib on each side running 
parallel with and near the angles; the lines of growth on the roof 
are nearly U-shaped; the sides are flat and wide in the upper half, 
delicately marked with fine longitudinal and radial striae. The basal 
margin of the carina is deeply rounded, and there is a chitinous space 
between the carina and the other plates. 

The upper latus is pentagonal, the scutal and carinal margins 
about equal and parallel, the tergal margin slightly longer; the basal 
margin is shorter and the oblique lateral margin against the infra- 
median plate still shorter; the umbo is not quite apical, the apex 
beyond it obtuse, rounded, and white. The rostrum is small triangu- 
lar, and with equal sides. The rostral latus is low, about five times 
as long as high, somewhat narrower in front than at the lateral end, 
and stands out in relief above the surface of the scutum. The infra- 
median latus is about twice as high as wide and irregularly penta- 
gonal; the umbo is elevated, and from it obtuse ridges radiate to the 
two basal angles of the plate. The carinal latus is somewhat tri- 
angular; its apical half projects free behind and below the carina, 


flaring strongly outward and noticeably twisted; the apex is acute. In 
dorsal view the carina is seen to extend between the hornlike latera 
nearly to the peduncle, the spread from apex to apex of the two 
carinal latera 6 mm in the type specimen. These laterally flaring, 
hornlike carinal latera are the distinguishing character of the species. 

Type locahty.— “Albatross” sta. 2405 (28°45’N, 85°02’W), 
Gulf of Mexico, 30 fathoms (55 meters), gray sand and broken 
coral, about 267 statute miles west off Homosassa, Florida. 

Other localities —“Albatross” sta. 2315 (24°26’N, 81°48’15”W), 
37 fathoms (68 meters), coral bottom, on spines of Cidaris tribu- 
loides, about 10 statute miles south of Key West, Florida; “Triton” 
sta. 484, off Palm Beach, Florida, on vermetid shell; Cape St. 
George, St. George Island, Franklin County, Florida, on calico scal- 
lop Aequipecten gibbus, 30-100 ft, 15 miles south of Alligator Point, 
Franklin County, Florida. 

Scalpellum carinatum Hoek Pl. 27, figs. 3, 4 

Scalpellum carinatum Hoek, 1883, pp. 29, 31, 63, 67, 76-77, 102, pl. 3, figs. 
7-8; Weltner, 1895, p. 289; 1897, p. 247; Murray, 1896, pp. 385, 397; Gruvel, 
19 0Zayepeeo 9 1905) pn 50) figs 551920" pp. 20) ik pl, 7 hea 8s Bilsbry, 11907, 
pp. 47, 53, figs. 18a, b; Barnard. 1925, pp. 3-4; Broch, 1953, pp. 7, 10, 12, 15. 

Scalpellum imperfectum Pilsbry, 1907, pp. 70, 75-77, fig. 30, pl. 4, figs. 15-18 
[fide Barnard, 1924, p. 47]; Barnard, 1925, pp. 3-4. 

Hoek’s description of the type is summarized as follows: 

The capitulum is 16 mm in length, is covered by a transparent 
chitinous membrane, and consists of 14 smooth valves separated 
by broad chitinous interspaces. 

The tergum is large, triangular, and flattish, the apex recurved, 
the carinal margin excavated and concave and divided into a small 
superior and long inferior part. The scutum is elongated, two and a 
half times longer than wide, its apex pointed, its basal margin 
forming a right angle with the occludent margin but passing with a 
rounded angle into the lateral margin. The lateral margin is slightly 
hollowed out and is separated from the tergal margin by a smallish 
shoulder. The umbo is at the uppermost point. 

The carina is simply bowed, with a flat roof much increasing 
in width from the upper to the lower end, and bordered on each side 
by an indistinct ridge. The umbo is seated at the top of the roof a 
short distance down from the apex. The part above the umbo is 
formed by the upward prolongation of the sides of the valve. 

244 BULLETIN 299 

The upper latus is irregularly pentagonal, its upper half nar- 
rowed, the lower half broad. The umbo is near but not at the apex. 
The rostrum is elongated, extremely narrowed, enclosed between 
the two rostral sides of the rostral latera. The rostral latera are con- 
vex and fit into the inframedian latus which is wine-glass shaped with 
a foot. The carinal latus is large and flat; the umbones of the two 
valves almost touch each other under the middle of the carina and 
project over the base of the carina. 

The peduncle is about 6 mm in length, nearly cylindrical. The 
scales are highly calcareous and white, placed in about seven longi- 
tudinal rows, each row bearing four to six scales. 

Type locality. — “Challenger” sta. 235, near the Island of Tris- 
tan da Cunha (37°15’S, 12°30’W), depth 1000 fathoms (1829 
meters), bottom of rock and shells. 

Other localities. — “Challenger” sta. 2111 (35°0950’N, 
74°57'40”W ), 938 fathoms (1700 meters), about 22 statute miles 
east off Cape Hatteras, North Carolina. This is the nearest locality 
to Florida. “Challenger” sta. 2731 (36°45’N, 75°28’W), 781 fathoms 
(1428 meters), about 65 statute miles off Norfolk, Virginia, on 
Arcoscalpellum velutinum (Hoek); “Ingolf” sta. 83 (62°25’N, 
28°30’W), 1717 meters, 3.5°C bottom temperature in the North 
Atlantic about 220 statute miles southwest off Reykjavik, Iceland; 
“Prince de Monaco” Campagne 1895 (38°21’N, 37°41’W), Eastern 
Atlantic, 2028 meters (1109 fathoms), brownish gray limy mud, 
about 40 statute miles southwest of Lisbon, Portugal. 

Scalpellum carinatum ranges from Iceland in the North Atlantic 
to Tristan da Cunha in the South Atlantic, and occurs at depths 
ranging from 1428 meters off Norfolk, Virginia, to 2028 meters off 
Lisbon, Portugal. 

Scalpellum (?) diceratum Pilsbry Pl. 27, figss, 6 

Scalpellum diceratum Pilsbry, 1907, pp. 26, 45-46, figs. 14a, b; 1953, p. 21, 
pl. 1, fig. 4; MacDonald, 1929, p. 532; Kriiger, 1940, p. 43, fig. 28d; Henry, 
1954, p. 444; Ross, Cerame-Vivas, and McCloskey, 1964, p. 312; Cerame-Vivas 
and Gray, 1966, p. 263; Zullo, 1968, p. 212; Bayer, Voss, and Robins, 1970, 
p. A43. 

Pilsbry’s description is summarized as follows: 
The capitulum is subtrapezoidal, 13.5 mm in length, 7.8 mm in 
width, and has a shape similar to that of S. arietinum Pilsbry. The 


ventral margin is nearly straight, but with a low prominence in the 
middle. The tergum is longer than the scutum, subpentagonal in 
outline. The scutum has a terminal mucro, a gently convex occlu- 
dent margin, and a slight indentation to receive the apex of the 
upper latus. 

The carina is strongly arched, 13.5 mm long and 2.8 mm wide 
near the base, with an acute apical umbo which intrudes between 
the terga. The roof is convex, the sides bicostate and very narrow, 
the basal margin rounded. The upper latus is pentagonal, the scutal 
margin the longest, and the tergal, carinal, and basal margins suc- 
cessively shorter, the margin against the inframedian plate the 
shortest and less than half the basal margin. The rostrum is small and 
triangular. The rostral latus has two low ridges running from the 
apex to the upper and lower angles of the plate. The inframedian 
latus is narrow and triangular, with the apex strongly curved toward 
the occludent border and overlying the baso-lateral angle of the 
scutum near the baso-lateral angle of the inframedian latus. A low 
rounded rib runs down each side. The umbo is apical. The carinal 
latus is subtriangular, its apical half projecting free behind and down- 
ward below the carina. The spread from tip to tip is 3.75 mm in the 
type specimen. 

The peduncle is 7 mm in length, clothed with rather large, nar- 
row, transversely lengthened scales, in about eight rows of eight or 
nine scales each. 

According to Pilsbry, Scalpellum diceratum lives with and is re- 
lated to Scalpellum arietinum Pilsbry, yet is distinct by the dif- 
ferences in the shape of the carina and inframedian latus, and in the 
terminal umbones of the inframedian, upper latera, and carina of 
the two species. 

Type locahty. — “Albatross” sta. 2319 (23°10'37”N, 
82°20’06” W ), 143 fathoms, off Habana, Cuba, on crinoid arms. 

Florida localities. — “Albatross” sta. 2405, (23°45’N, 85°02’W), 
off West Florida in the Gulf of Mexico, 30 fathoms, about 267 
statute miles west of Homosassa; off Palm Beach, on gorgonians, 
hydroids, and echinoid spines, 30 to 80 fathoms; off Sombrero Key 
Light; “Triton” sta. 1952, off Cape Florida, 100 fathoms (183 
meters), University of Miami collection. 

Other localities. — “Albatross” sta. 2324 (23°10'25”N, 

246 BULLETIN 299 

82°20’24”W), off Habana, Cuba, 33 fathoms, on Cidaris spine; 
“Albatross” sta. 2317, Straits of Florida (24°25’45”N, 81°46’W), 
45 fathoms, temperature 75°F, on spines of Cidaris; “Albatross” 
sta. 2315 (24°26’N, 81°48’15”W), Straits of Florida, 37 fathoms 
(68 meters); continental shelf off North Carolina, near Cape Hat- 
teras, south of Diamond Shoals (34°56’N, 75°26’W), 46 fathoms 
(84 meters); “Pillsbury” sta. P-372, in Caribbean Sea about 40 
kilometers northwest of Covemias (9°24’N, 75°44’W), Colombia, 82- 
100 meters (151-186 fathoms). 

Scalpellum (?) diceratum Pilsbry is a relatively shallow-water 
species ranging in depth from 30 to 186 fathoms. Geographically it 
ranges from North Carolina in the north to Colombia in the south. 

Remarks. — Although Scalpellum (?) diceratum Pilsbry lives 
with Scalpellum arietinum Pilsbry the two are not related, the 
former lacking the characters pertaining to the genus Scalpellum 
sensu stricto. 

Scalpellum gibbum Pilsbry Pl. 27, fig. 7; PL eee 

Scalpellum gibbum Pilsbry, 1907, pp. 14, 17-18, figs. 4a, b; 1953, p. 19, text- 
fig. 2; Henry, 1954, p. 444; Ross, Cerame-Vivas, and McCloskey, 1964, p. 312; 
Ross, 1965, pp. 219-220, figs. 1A, B; Zullo, 1966, pp. 230, 231-232, figs. 2A, B; 
eo 212; Cerame-Vivas and Gray, 1966, p. 263; Newman and Ross, 1971, 

The capitulum of the type is subtetragonal, 7 mm in length 
and 4 mm in breadth, with a slightly sinuous ventral margin and 
an angularly bent carinal margin. It is composed of 14 fully calcified 
plates which are faintly marked by growth lines and separated by 
narrow chitinous sutures. The tergum is much longer than the 
scutum, obtusely and narrowly triangular in shape, its occludent 
margin slightly convex and strongly recurved at the summit; the 
carinal margin is biconcave, short above, longer and gently curved 
below. The scutum is twice as long as wide, its umbo at the upper 
third of the occludent margin; the tergal margin is straight and 
oblique; the lateral margin is angular, the basal margin slightly con- 
cave. The carina is prominently angular near the middle. The roof 
is convex, bounded by two lateral ribs, accompanied below by a 
second arcuate rib on each side. The sides are wide, flat, and marked 
by four or five wrinkles parallel with the growth lines. 

The upper latus is rhomboidal, the umbo lying near the scutal 
margin about midway between the basal and tergal borders. The 


rostrum is narrow and parallel-sided, with the beaks of the rostral 
latera meeting over it above the middle. The rostral latus is twice 
as long as high, its umbo acute, the upper and basal margins parallel, 
the lateral margin straight. The inframedian latus is convex, penta- 
gonal and much larger than the other lower plates and fully equal to 
the upper latus; the umbo is nearly central. The carinal latus is 
claw-shaped, the umbo projecting below the carina; the basal and 
lateral margins are about equal, the upper margin very short, the 
carinal margin concave, with a low submarginal rib. 

The peduncle is 2 mm in length. It is covered with large im- 
bricating scales, in about 10 rows. 

Type locality. —“Albatross” sta. 2388 (29°24’30”N, 88°01’W), 
35 fathoms (64 meters), in Gulf of Mexico about 100 statute miles 
south of Mobile, Alabama, and 40 statute miles southeast off the 
forward edge of the delta of the Mississippi River. 

Florida locality. — “Triton” sta. 441, off Palm Beach (26°4V/N, 
80°02’W), 30 fathoms (55 meters). 

Other localities. —South Carolina, “Miss Kim” sta. 12 
(32°28.7'N, 78°47.1’W), 46% miles off Racoon Key, depth 64 
meters, hard sand and shell bottom. North Carolina, near Cape 
Hatteras, south of Diamond Shoals (35°01’N, 75°25’W), 30 fathoms; 
off Cape Lookout (34°11’N, 76°08’W), 50 fathoms. 

Fossil locality. — Ecphora Zone, Jackson Bluff Formation, Leon 
County, Florida. Late Miocene—early Pliocene. 

The geologic range of this species is Mio-Pliocene to Recent. 
The geographic range is from North Carolina to Florida. The bathy- 
metric range is 30-50 fathoms (55-91 meters). 

Scalpellum (?) giganteum Gruvel Rig 28. ties 2.3 

Scalpellum giganteum Gruvel, 1901b, pp. 153-156, pl. 17, figs. 1-8, 17; 1902a, 
pot 1905, pp. 78-79) fig, 88; Pilsbry. 1907, pp. 25, 32-33, pl. 2, fig. 1, pl. 3, 
fig. 1; Annandale, 1909-1910, p. 132; Bayer, Voss, and Robins, 1970, p. A43. 

Gruvel’s original description is summarized as follows: 

The capitulum of the type is flattish, 45 mm long and 32 mm 
in breadth, and is composed of 14 calcified plates nearly completely 
covered with a thick chitinous cuticle. In shape the capitulum is a 
curvilinear, nearly isosceles triangle, the sides convex and the base 
slightly concave. The plates are sculptured by prominent growth 
striae which are clearly vestiges from the cuticle. The tergum 1s ir- 

248 BULLETIN 299 

regularly quadrangular. The scutum is nearly triangular, the lower 
margin measuring not quite half the length of the plate. The carina 
is regularly arched; the umbo is at the apex and does not project 
between the terga; the dorsal margin is convex as are the lateral 
margins; the basal margin is also strongly convex, the lower angle 
blunt, not reaching the summit of the carino-lateral plates; the 
roof of the carina enlarges gradually from the summit to the base. 

The upper latus is irregularly quadrilateral. The rostrum is 
small and oval, the lateral margins hidden, and the remainder en- 
tirely masked by the cuticle. The rostral latus is elongated, narrow, 
larger anteriorly than posteriorly. The inframedian latus is triangu- 
lar, the lower margin longer than the posterior and the anterior; 
the apex is directed toward the summit of the capitulum. The carino- 
lateral latus is elongated, narrow, and with a backward slope; the 
apex is strongly recurved upward and in front, and does not reach 
the lower or external margin of the carina; the umbo is nearly at 
the base. 

The peduncle, which is more or less cylindrical, is 45 mm in 
length and 15 mm in diameter. It consists of six longitudinal and 
alternating rows of scales, with 10 to 12 transversely elongated 
scales per row. 

Type locality. — Coasts of Cuba, depth 500 fathoms. 

Florida locality. — “Albatross” sta. 2658 (28°21’N, 78°37’W), 
514 fathoms (940 meters), about 120 miles east off Cape Canaveral. 
With Megalasma (Glyptelasma) gracilius Pilsbry. 

Other localities. — “Albatross” sta. 2554 (39°48’30’N, 
70°41’W), 455 fathoms (832 meters), on Scalpellum velutinum 
Hoek, about 120 statute miles east off Surf City, New Jersey; West 
Indies, on Atlantic cable, from capitulum of Scalpellum velutinum 
Hoek; “Pillsbury” sta. 338 (9°58.3’N, 78°30.5’W ), 1836-1822 meters, 
about 80 kilometers northwest off Punta San Blas, Panama, in the 
Caribbean Sea; “Pillsbury” sta. 364 (9°28.7’N, 76°34.3’W to 
9°20.2’N, 76°34.2’W), 933-961 meters, about 90 kilometers north- 
west off Covefias, Colombia, in the Caribbean Sea; “Pillsbury” sta. 
407 (9°02’N, 77°25.3’W to 9°02’N, 77°28.8’W), 1171-1239 meters, 
about 40 kilometers east of Punta Mosquito, Panama, in the Carib- 
bean Sea. 

The recorded depths of S. (?) gigantewm range from 832 to 


1822 meters. The known geographic range is from off Colombia, 
South America, to off New Jersey, U.S.A., although Pilsbry (1907, 
p. 33, pl. 3, fig. 1) mentioned the possibility of a large specimen 
having been obtained on the “fishing banks” (off Newfoundland? ). 

Scalpellum (?) gorgoniophilum Pilsbry Pl. 28, figs. 4a, b 

Scalpellum gorgoniophilum Pilsbry, 1907, pp. 25, 33-34, fig. 7a, b; Zullo, 
1968, p. 213. 

Pilsbry’s description is summarized as follows: 

The capitulum is subrectangular for about two-thirds its length, 
triangular apically; the type is 9 mm in length, 5 mm in breadth. 
The plates are lacking in hair and have no noticeable cuticle but 
are sculptured by coarse growth lines and fine radial striae, with a 
strong diagonal rib on the scutum and upper latus. The tergum is 
triangular with gently convex occludent and basal margins. The 
scutum is large, subtetragonal with parallel lateral margins, a slightly 
concave tergal margin, and a slightly sinuous basal margin. The 
carina is relatively short, strongly arched above, hardly convex 
below, the apex reaching only to the middle of the carinal side of 
the tergum. The length is 6.8 mm, diameter near the base 1.8 mm. 
The roof is convex and radially striate with narrow ribs separating 
it from the sides; the sides are wide and bear a sharply elevated 
arcuate rib. The umbo 1s apical. 

The upper latus is subtriangular, the lower margins conforming 
with the margins of the adjoining plates. The carinal latus is penta- 
gonal, curved like a scoop, with the apex projecting outward beyond 
the carina. The inframedian latus is narrow, obliquely triangular, 
tapering to the apex which curves toward the scutum and overlies 
its baso-lateral angle; the umbo is apical. Three unequal faces abut 
the upper and inframedian latera and the peduncle. Behind the 
carina the two latera meet only at the base. The rostrum is com- 
paratively large, in the shape of an isosceles triangle. The rostral 
latus is low and wide, its surface divided by a diagonal rib. 

The peduncle is stout and short, measuring about 2.8 mm in 
length; it is covered with projecting scales in about eight deeply 
interlocking rows of six or seven scales each. The peduncle is in- 
conspicuously hairy. 

The large size of the rostrum, the short carina, and the pro- 
jecting apices beyond the carina of the carinal latera are the con- 
spicuous characters of this species. 

250 BULLETIN 299 

Type locality. — “Albatross” sta. 2338 (23°10’40’N, 
82°20'15” W ), off Habana, Cuba in 189 fathoms (346 meters), coral 
bottom, on a gorgonian. The type locality lies in the Caribbean Sea 
about 110 statute miles southwest of Key West, Florida. 

So far as I have been able to determine, the type locality is the 
only one recorded for this unique species. It is included in this work 
because of the probability it eventually will be found in Florida 

Scalpellum (?) gracilius Pilsbry Pl. 28, figs. 5a-c 

Scalpellum gracilius Pilsbry, 1907, pp. 47, 51-53, figs. 17a-c; 1911, p. 173; 
Weltner, 1922, pp. 96, 106; Zullo, 1968, p. 213. 

Following is a resumé of Pilsbry’s original description: 

The capitulum is oval, length 8 mm, breadth 3.3 mm, consisting 
of 14 fully calcified plates covered with a thin smooth cuticle, and 
separated by linear sutures. The plates have faint growth lines and 
a few barely perceptible radial striae. 

The tergum is larger than the scutum, triangular in outline, 
with a slightly convex occludent margin, a straight basal margin, 
and a weakly sigmoidal carinal margin; the apex is erect. The scu- 
tum is longer than wide, the occludent margin convex above, slightly 
concave near the base, the lateral margin slightly sinuous, the basal 
margin convex passing into the lateral in a smooth curve; the apex 
is a little incurved and acuminate. The carina, measuring 6.3 mm 
in length and 1 mm at the base, is regularly curved, the apex 
terminal. The roof is rounded, curving into wide sides; the basal 
margin is convex. The growth lines of the roof curve deeply down- 
ward (PI. 28, fig. 5c). 

The upper latus is irregularly pentagonal, the margin against 
the carinal ]atus concave, the apex subterminal. The rostrum is re- 
duced to a linear rudiment separating the rostral latera along the 
upper half of their contiguous borders. The rostral latus is sub- 
triangular. The inframedian latus is narrowly oblong, contracted 
slightly below the middle, the basal segment much smaller than the 
upper. The carinal latus is long and narrow, the occludent margin 
convex at the border of the upper latus, sinuous against the margin 
of the inframedian latus; the umbo is close to but not at the base 
of the plate and does not project beyond it. The two plates meet 
in a short straight suture below the carina. 


The peduncle is 1.8 mm in length, closely covered with large 
transversely lengthened scales in six rows of about five scales each. 

Type locality. — “Albatross” sta. 2678 (32°40’N, 76°40/30”W), 
about 185 statute miles east off Folly Beach, South Carolina, 731 
fathoms (1337 meters), bottom temperature 38.7°F. 

Other localities. —“Albatross” sta. 2751 (16°54’N, 63°12’W), 
687 fathoms, bottom temperature 40°F., blue Globigerina ooze, 
about 20 statute miles southwest off Charlestown, Nevis, Lesser 

Inasmuch as Florida lies between South Carolina and Nevis it 
is anticipated that Scalpellum gracilius eventually will be discovered 
also in Florida waters. 

Scalpellum hendersoni Pilsbry Pl. 28, fig. 6 
Scalpellum hendersoni Pilsbry 1911, pp. 172-173, fig. 1; Zullo, 1968, p. 213. 

Pilsbry’s original description of the type is summarized as 

The capitulum is subquadrate and swollen except for the upper 
end which is compressed and triangular. The length is 5 mm, the 
breadth 2.5 mm. The carinal margin is arched, the occludent margin 
convex. The plates are fully calcified, with widely spaced growth 
lines and, on the tergum, scutum, and upper latus, a few weak radial 
striae. The tergum is triangular. The scutum is trapezoidal. The 
carina, measuring 3.75 mm in length is arcuate, more so in upper 
third where there is a space between the apical area and the margin 
of the tergum. The roof of the carina is strongly convex, widening 
rapidly toward the base which wedges between the carinal latera. 
The intraparietes are narrow, bounded by a ridge, and visible only 
in the upper part of the plate. 

The upper latus is trapezoidal, with an apical umbo. The rostral 
latera are triangular, obtuse at the rostral angle. There is no visible 
rostrum. The inframedian plate is narrow and high, contracting per- 
ceptibly at the lower fourth where the umbo is situated. The carinab 
latera are large and irregular, with the umbo at the lower carinal 
angle; the two latera meet in a short suture below the carina. 

The peduncle is short and is covered with large scales in about 
seven vertical rows. 

Type locality. — Ten miles south of Key West, Florida, in 125 
fathoms, on spines of a sea urchin, Dorocidarts, associated with the 

barnacle Verruca alba Pilsbry. 

252 BULLETIN 299 

Scalpellum idioplax Pilsbry Pl. 29, figs. 2a-c 

Scalpellum idioplax Pilsbry, 1907, pp. +7, 48-50, figs. 15a-c; Broch, 1924, 
pp. 41, 45, 102; 1953, p. 5; Zullo, 1968, p. 213; Bayer, Voss, and Robins, 1970, 
p. A43. 

Pilsbry’s description is summarized as follows: 

The capitulum is twice as long as wide (18 mm X 9 mm), con- 
vex at the ventral and dorsal margins, subtruncate at the base, and 
triangular at the apex. The cuticle is very thin and smooth. There 
are 13 fully calcified plates, sculptured with unequal lines of growth 
and fine, low radial striae. 

The tergum is longer than the scutum, triangular, the occludent 
margin slightly convex, the basal margin slightly concave centrally, 
and the carinal margin weakly sigmoid. The scutum is longer than 
wide, the lateral margin irregular, projecting in an angular lobe at 
the upper lateral angle and deeply excavated below the lobe for the 
reception of the apex of the upper latus. The apex is acuminate. 
The carina, measuring 15 mm in length and 3 mm in width at the 
base, is arched, more so near the terminal mucro than below. The 
roof is flat, with bordering ribs. The growth striae of the roof are 
convex upward. The sides are wide, regularly tapering toward the 
base. The basal margin is slightly concave. 

The upper latus is hexagonal-pyriform; the tergal and scutal 
margins are long, the former hardly convex, the latter concave; the 
carinal margin is short and straight, that against the carinal latus 
also short. The carinal latus is twice as high as wide, irregularly 
triangular, the occludent margin concave in the middle. The umbo 
projects slightly beyond the carina near the base of the plate; the 
carinal latera meet below the keel. The inframedian latus is com- 
posed of a large upper segment and a small basal segment, the junc- 
tion narrow. The rostral latus is squarish with straight margins, the 
lower lateral corner rounded, and the ventral margins of the rostral 
latera in contact. 

The peduncle is 4.3 mm in length, with 10 rows of transversely 
lengthened scales, about eight scales in a row. 

Type locality. — “Albatross” sta. 2140 (17°36'10’N, 
76°46'05”W), Caribbean Sea between Jamaica and Haiti, 966 
fathoms (1767 meters), sand bottom. 

Florida locality —“Albatross” sta. 2656 (27°58’30’N, 78°24’W), 


572 fathoms (1046 meters), bottom temperature 41.2°F, about 135 
statute miles east off Melbourne Beach. 

Other localities. —“Pillsbury” sta. 338 (9°57.5’N, 78°31’W to 
9°58.3’N, 78°30.5’W), 1836-1822 meters, Caribbean Sea, about 80 
kilometers northeast off Punta San Blas, Panama; “Pillsbury” sta. 
388 (10°16’N, 76°03’W to 10°10’N, 76°08’W) 824-1061 meters, 
Caribbean Sea, about 70 kilometers southwest of Cartagena, Colom- 
bia; “Pillsbury” sta. 407 (9°2’N, 77°25.3’W to 9°2’N, 77°28.8’W), 
1171-1239 meters, Caribbean Sea, about 40 kilometers east off 
Punta Mosquito, Panama. 

Range and distribution. — The species has been reported from 
off Melbourne, Florida, in the Western Atlantic to as far south as 
northern Colombia, in depths ranging from 824 meters in the Carib- 
bean to 1836 meters off Punta San Blas, Panama, in the Caribbean. 

Scalpellum latidorsum (Pilsbry) Pi oleetieaG 

Scalpellum regium latidorsum Pilsbry, 1907, pp. 25, 29-31, pl. 2, figs. 2, 3, 
7, pl. IV, figs. 10, 11, 12, 14; Fowler, 1912, p. 500; Zullo, 1968, p. 214. 

The capitulum of Scalpellum regium latidorsum varies from 48 
to 60 mm in length and 31 to 38 mm in breadth. It is high domal 
in outline, with a pointed apex, a moderately convex occludent 
border, a more convex carinal border, and a slightly concave base. 
The 14 plates, which abut or are close to one another, are covered 
with a thin cuticle bearing few hairs, and are sculptured in the upper 
whorls by a series of fine growth lines interspersed at intervals with 
stronger growth lines. The tergum is pentagonal in outline, with 
steep unequal apical margins and a pointed basal angle. The scutum 
has longer apical margins than the tergum and the basal angle is 
subrounded. The carina measures 43 mm in length and 9.5 mm in 
width near the base, and has a flat roof with discrete, widely spaced, 
V-shaped markings; laterally there are low ribs, and the sides widen 
gradually toward the base. 

The upper latus is subtriangular, with an acute slightly curved 
apex, a convex tergal margin, a concave scutal margin, and a sub- 
angular base. The rostrum is narrow and indistinctly visible through 
the cuticle. The rostral latus is elongate, with subparallel scutal and 
basal margins and a sharply convex occludent margin. The infra- 
median latus is small and triangular, and there is a rooflike chitinous 

254 BuLLeTIN 299 

extension above its apex. The carinal latus has a long, strongly re- 
curved umbo and a horn-shaped basal extension sculptured by fair- 
ly numerous sinuous concentric striae; above the umbo and the upper 
margin of the latus there is a chitinous extension of the plate. 

The peduncle varies in length from 21 to 36 mm, and has large, 
transversely lengthened scales thinned at their ends. There are seven 
rows of about nine scales each. 

Type locality. — “Albatross” sta. 222 (39°03’15”N, 
70°50’45”W), 1537 fathoms, gray ooze, surface temperature 73°F, 
bottom temperature 36.9°F, about 210 miles east off Cape May, 
New Jersey. 

Other localities —“Albatross” sta. 2042 (39°33’N, 68°2645”W), 
1555 fathoms (2844 meters), Globigerina ooze, surface temperature 
71°F, bottom temperature 38.5°F, about 310 statute miles east off 
Atlantic City, New Jersey; “Albatross” sta. 2041 (39°22’50”N, 
68°25’W), 1608 fathoms (3028 meters), Globigerina ooze, surface 
temperature 72°F, bottom temperature 38°F, about 325 statute 
miles east off Ocean City, New Jersey; “Albatross” sta. 2210 
(39°37'45”"N, 71°18’45”W), 991 fathoms (1813 meters), surface 
temperature 74°F, bottom temperature 38.1°F, Globigerina ooze, 
about 170 statute miles east off Ocean City, New Jersey. 

Inasmuch as the carina of this taxon is different from that of 
Scalpellum regium regium Thomson (Pilsbry, 1907, pl. 2) and that 
S. regiwm itself resembles other species to which the present taxon 
might be allied, it is suggested that Pilsbry’s subspecies latidorsum 
be given specific rank, that is Scalpellwm latidorsum (Pilsbry) to 
replace Scalpellum regium latidorsum Pilsbry. 

Scalpellum (?) longicarinatum Pilsbry Pl. 29, figs. 3a-c 

Scalpellum longicarinatum Pilsbry, 1907, pp. 26, 37-39, figs. 9a-c; Broch, 
1924, p. 39; 1953, pp. 4-5, 10, 12, 15, figs. la-d; Zullo, 1968, p. 214. 

Pilsbry’s description is summarized as follows: 

This is a strong, robust little species. The capitulum, which is 
10 mm in length and 5.4 mm in breadth, is long-oval, widest in the 
middle, with convex lateral margins, the ventral border less curved 
than the dorsal. It is composed of 14 fully calcified plates marked 
by emphatic concentric growth striae with prominent grooves at 
intervals between them. 

The tergum is obliquely elongated, a little longer than the scu- 


tum; the occludent and basal margins are slightly convex, the carinal 
margin slightly concave near the summit but convex below. The 
scutum is trapezoidal, the occludent margin convex, the apex 
acuminate and recurved, the tergal margin concave, the carinal 
margin convex, the basal margin nearly straight. The carina, 9.5 
mm in length and 2 mm wide at the base, is evenly arched, with the 
umbo apical. The roof is flat between strong bordering ribs. The 
sides are wide and sulcate with deep growth lines. The basal margin 
is convex. 

The upper latus is quadrangular, the scutal and carinal margins 
parallel, the carinal about half as long as the scutal; the umbo is 
apical. The rostrum is small and triangular. The rostral latus is 
trapezoidal with parallel upper and lower margins. The inframedian 
latus is narrowly triangular, the base half the height; the umbo is 
apical, and there is an inconspicuous triangular wing at the carinal 
side of the apex. The carinal latus is irregularly pentagonal, as wide 
as high, the carinal margin deeply concave; the umbones project 
a little beyond the carina and are somewhat recurved. The portions 
of the carinal latera seen in dorsal view are obliquely triangular, the 
roof of the carina wedging narrowly between them to the peduncle. 

The peduncle is 2 mm in length, closely covered with transverse- 
ly lengthened scales, in about 18 rows of seven or eight scales each. 

Type locality. — “Albatross” sta. 2668 (30°58’30’N, 79°38’W), 
294 fathoms (538 meters), about 105 statute miles east off St. 
Andrews Sound, Georgia. 

Other localities. —‘“Albatross” sta. 2415 (30°44’N, 79°26’W), 
440 fathoms (805 meters), about 120 statute miles east off mouth 
of St. Mary’s River, between Georgia and Florida; “Albatross” sta. 
2663 (29°39'N, 79°49°W), 421 fathoms (770 meters), about 63 
statute miles east off Marineland, Florida; “Ingolf” sta. 92 (64°44’N, 
32°52’W), between Iceland and Greenland, depth 1838 meters, bot- 
tom temperature 1.4°C. 

Scalpellum longicarinatum occurs in the Western Atlantic off 
the east coast of Georgia and Florida, and was reported by Broch 
(1953) in the North Atlantic between Iceland and Greenland. 
Depths range from 294 to 1006 fathoms (538 to 1838 meters), the 
shallowest off Georgia, U.S.A., the deepest west of Iceland. 

Scalpellum (?) microceros MacDonald Pl. 29; tigot 

Scalpellum microceros MacDonald, 1929, pp. 531-532, pl. 2, fig. 1. 

BuLLeTIN 299 


MacDonald’s description of the type and only specimen is sum- 
marized as follows: 

The capitulum is trapezoidal, 31 mm in length and 23 mm in 
width. There are 14 well-calcified valves in close contact, covered 
with a thin cuticle and sculptured by fine growth striae. The tergum 
is longer than the scutum and somewhat lanceolate; the occludent 
margin is straight, the carinal and scutal margins convex. The 
scutum is strongly convex and twice as long as broad; the occludent 
and lateral margins are subparallel and the umbo is apical. The 
carina is well arched, with an acute apical umbo wedged between the 
terga. The roof is flat and bordered with prominent ridges. The 
sides are broad and of equal breadth throughout their length, and 
the basal margin of the carina is almost straight. 

The upper latus is pentagonal, the carinal and scutal margins 
almost parallel, with two parallel shallow grooves along the scutal 
margin; the lower half of the scutal margin overlaps the scutum, and 
there is a low ridge running along the tergal margin. The carinal latus 
is triangular, the apical half projecting upward and considerably 
beyond the carina. The roof of the carina extends between the carinal 
latera to the peduncle. The rostrum is small and triangular, and 
overlaps the apices of the rostral latera. The rostral latus is linear, 
about seven times as long as broad, with a shallow groove running 
the length of the surface; the latus stands out prominently above 
the surface of the scutum. The inframedian latus is small and tri- 
angular, with the apex curved toward the occludent border. The 
umbo is apical, and there is a low ridge along each side. 

The peduncle is equal in length to the capitulum and is covered 
with imbricated scales in about 28 rows. 

Type locality. —MCZ collection (13°52’N, 61°7’W), just off 
the west coast of St. Lucia, 278 fathoms (508 meters). St. Lucia 
Island lies 1,250 statute miles southeast off Florida’s east coast. 

Scalpellum (?) micrum Pilsbry Pl. 29, fig. 4 

Scalpellum micrum Pilsbry, 1907, pp. 47, 57-58, fig. 21; Barnard, 1924, pp. 
17, 46-47; Zullo, 1968, p. 24. 

Pilsbry’s description of this species is as follows: 

The capitulum, measuring 5 mm in length and 2.5 mm in 
breadth, is oval, with the ventral and dorsal margins about equally 


convex. There are 14 fully calcified plates separated by linear 
sutures, the plates marked with faint lines of growth and a few 
faint radial striae. There is no perceptible cuticle. 

The tergum is triangular, the occludent and the scuto-lateral 
margins convex, and the carinal margin sinuous, concave above, 
somewhat convex below. The scutum is about twice as long as wide, 
the occludent and lateral margins subparallel, the basal margin 
nearly at right angles to them, the upper third of the occludent 
margin bent backwards; the umbo is acute, terminal and recurved. 
The carina is 3.2 mm in length, simply arched, with an apical mucro. 
The roof is rounded, marked with transverse, arcuate lines of growth, 
the sides narrow; the apex reaches to the upper third of the carinal 
margin of the tergum; the base of the carina is rounded. 

The upper latus is trapezoidal with straight margins, the apex 
terminal at the scuto-tergal angle. The rostrum is well developed, 
forming a band about one-fifth as wide as long, and slightly narrower 
above the base; it extends the whole length of the adjacent latera. 
The rostral latus is triangular, with the basal angle of the triangle 
truncated. The inframedian latus is narrow and triangular, its 
height equal to that of the rostral latus and about double the basal 
width; the umbo is apical. The carinal latus is irregularly pentagonal, 
with the upper lateral and carinal margins about equal and straight, 
the subcarinal margin the longest and concave, the basal margin the 
shortest; the umbo of the carinal latus projects angularly beyond 
the carina. The two carinal latera meet below the carina in a straight 
suture as far up as their umbones. 

The peduncle is but 1.3 mm in length; it is covered with large 
imbricating scales in five rows of five scales each. 

Type locality. — “Albatross” sta. 2668 (30°58’30’N, 
79°38’30”W ), 290 fathoms (530 meters), on a delicate hydroid, bot- 
tom temperature 46.3°F, the bottom of gray sand with dead coral. 
“Albatross” sta. 2668 is in the Western Atlantic about 105 statute 
miles east off St. Andrews Sound, Georgia. 

Other localities. — “Pieter Faure” sta. about 20 miles southeast 
off East London (33°S, 27°54’E), South Africa, 400-450 fathoms 
(732-823 meters). 

Scalpellum (?) pentacrinarum Pilsbry Pl. 30, figs. la-c 

Scalpellum pentacrinarum Pilsbry, 1907, pp. 47, 55-57, figs. 20a-c; Gruvel, 
1909, p. 208; Zullo, 1968, p. 215; Newman and Ross, 1971, p. 51. 

258 BULLETIN 299 

Pilsbry’s description of the type is summarized as follows: 

The capitulum of this small species is 8 mm in length and 3.7 
mm in breadth. It is subtriangular in shape and is composed of 13 
fully calcified plates, separated by linear sutures, and without per- 
ceptible cuticle. The plates are marked with fine lines of growth, 
and the scutum, tergum, and upper latus are marked by low radial 

The tergum is triangular, with an erect apex. The scutum is 
long and narrow, widest at the base where it is three-fourths the 
width of the capitulum at that plate. The lateral margins of the 
scutum are subparallel, converging slightly above, the occludent 
margin hardly convex, the carinal margin straight. The straight basal 
margin makes a right angle with the occludent margin.. A low nar- 
row ridgelet runs from the acute apex of the scutum to the baso- 
lateral margin. The carina is irregularly arched and unusually short, 
measuring 5.2 mm in length and 1.2 mm in width near the base. 
The roof is rounded, passing directly into the narrow sides, and is 
marked with faint transverse arcuate growth lines. The base is 
wedged triangularly between the carinal latera. The apex is terminal 
and incurved but not inserted between the terga; it reaches only to 
the lower fourth of the margin of the tergum. 

The upper latus is wedge-shaped, with straight scutal and tergal 
margins and a slightly convex carinal margin; the umbo is terminal 
at the scuto-lateral angle. There is no rostrum but a lanceolate space 
between the rostral latera. The rostral latus is quadrangular, at least 
twice as wide as high, and is divided by a low diagonal riblet into 
two unequal triangular parts; the rostral margin is concave, the 
lateral somewhat irregular. The inframedian latus is narrow, sinuous, 
and as high as the adjacent latera, its umbo at the acute apex. The 
carinal latus is triangular, higher than wide, the apex curved toward 
the inframedian latus. The two latera almost meet at the base below 
the carina. The almost concrescent inframedian and carinal latera 
are a distinguishing character of the species. 

The peduncle, 3.7 mm in length, is covered with wide imbri- 
cating scales in six rows of about 15 scales each. The scales of ad- 
jacent rows interlock only a little. 

Type locality. —“Albatross” stations 2319-2350 (23°10/37’N, 
82°20’06’” W to 23°10’39’N, 82°20’21”W), off Habana, Cuba, on a 


pinnule of Pentacrinus. Depths within the relatively small area en- 
compassed by “Albatross” stations 2319 to 2350 vary from 33 
fathoms (60 meters) to 279 fathoms (510 meters), the bottoms 
mostly of coral with rare sand, and the recorded bottom tempera- 
tures 58° to 79.1°F, the latter at the 33 fathom depth. 

The Habana type locality lies about 110 statute miles south- 
west of Key West, Florida. 

Scalpellum (?) portoricanum Pilsbry Pl. 29, figs. 5a-c 

Scalpellum (species?), Bigelow, 1901, p. 179. [Fide Pilsbry, 1907, p. 35.] 

Scalpellum portoricanum Pilsbry, 1907, pp. 26, 35-36, figs. 8a-c; 1953, p. 19; 
U.S. Naval Inst., 1967, p. 194; Broch, 1953, pp. 4, 9, 10; Zullo, 1968, p. 215; 
Bayer, Voss, and Robins, 1970, p. A43. 

Scalpellum (Scalpellum) portoricanum Pilsbry, Calman, 1918a, pp. 121-122. 

Pilsbry’s description of the type and only specimen is sum- 
marized as follows: 

The capitulum, measuring 12 mm in length and 7.7 mm in 
breadth, is rhombic-oblong, with a nearly straight occludent margin 
and a more convex carinal margin. It is composed of 14 wholly 
calcified plates which are covered with a thin and sparsely pilose 
cuticle, and are marked weakly with lines of growth. 

The tergum is larger than the scutum and has slightly convex 
basal and carinal margins, straight occludent and lateral margins, 
the latter shorter, and an erect apex. The scutum is trapezoidal, 
more than twice as long as wide, the occludent and lateral margins 
subparallel, the basal margin straight, and the umbo apical, not 
projecting beyond the occludent outline. The carina, 11.3 mm long 
and 2.2 mm wide at the base, is gently arched, its umbo apical, 
against but hardly between the terga. The roof is flat, bounded by 
low lateral ribs, and faintly marked with arcuate growth lines; the 
sides are narrow and concave, the basal margin a little concave. 

The upper latus is pentagonal, with a superior, terminal, and 
acute apex. The rostrum is small and triangular. The rostral lJatus 
is narrow, the scutal and basal margins more or less parallel. The 
inframedian latus is triangular, the apex curving ventrad around the 
end of the rostral latus and between the lower angles of the upper 
latus and scutum. The carinal latus is irregularly triangular and 
projects backward beyond the carina; the umbo is recurved and 
flares outward in the shape of a subspiral horn. 

260 BULLETIN 299 

The peduncle is 7 mm in length, with about 13 rows of trans- 
versely lengthened scales, about six scales in a row. 

Type locality. — “Fish Hawk” sta. in Mayagiiez Harbor, Puerto 
Rico (18°13’N, 67°09’W), depth between 25 and 76 fathoms (46- 
129 meters). 

Florida localities. — Off Palm Beach, 75 fathoms (137 meters), 
at several “Triton” stations. 

Other localities. —“Pillsbury” sta. 340 (9°13.5’N, 77°46’W), 
307-366 meters, about 40 kilometers northeast of Sasardi Viejo, 
Panama, Gulf of Darien; “Pillsbury” sta. 445 (9°02.3’N, 81°23.8’W), 
342-346 meters, about 70 kilometers west of Belén, Gulf of Mosqui- 
tos, Panama; C/S “Henry Holmes” sta. at 18°31’N, 66°19 W, 180 
fathoms (329 meters), about 30 kilometers west-northwest of San 
Juan, Puerto Rico. 

Scalpellum (?) intonsum (Pilsbry) Pl. 29, figs. 6d, e 

Scalpellum portoricanum intonsum Pilsbry, 1907, pp. 25, 36-37, figs. 8d, e; 
Henry, 1954, p. 444; Zullo, 1968, p. 214. 

Pilsbry described this taxon from three individuals recovered 
with a large beam trawl in the Gulf of Mexico at Albatross station 

2401. Concerning it he wrote: 

They [the specimens] are smaller than the Porto Rican type, rather densely 
hairy, and differ from typical S. portoricanum somewhat in shape. The capi- 
tula measure 9.5, 9.7, and 7 mm. long. The occludent margin of the scutum 
is distinctly convex, that of the tergum straight or even a trifle concave. The 
summit is erect, not recurved. The inframedian latus is longer and narrower 
than in S. portoricanum. The rostrum is narrower. The umbones of the carinal 
latera project less and are situated higher. The valves are sculptured with 
concentric grooves at subequal intervals. The two larger examples are evi- 
dently adult. (Fig. 8d, e). 

Type locahty. — “Albatross” sta. 2401 (28°38’30’N, 

85°52’30”W), 142 fathoms (260 meters), Gulf of Mexico, about 85 
statute miles west of Bayport, Florida, and about 108 statute miles 
south of St. Andrews, Florida. The bottom is green mud and broken 

Because the subspecies intonswm seems to me to be distinguish- 
able from S. portoricanum s.s., and because S. portoricanum resem- 
bles somewhat a number of other species, I am inclined to raise the 
rank of intonswm to species. 

Scalpellum pressum Pilsbry Pl. 30, figs. 2a, b 
Scalpellum pressum Pilsbry, 1907, pp. 14, 23-24, figs. 6a, b; Broch, 1924, 

pp. 22, 28, 29, 30 [= S. stroemii M. Sars, fide Broch, 1924, p. 28.]; Zullo, 1968, 
p. 215 [= S. stroemti Sars, fide Zullo, p. 215.] 


Pilsbry’s original description of S. presswm is summarized as 

The capitulum, measuring 8 mm in length, 4 mm in breadth 
and 1.8 mm in thickness, is compressed, is widest above the middle, 
and tapers toward the base which is obliquely truncated. There are 
14 plates, irregularly marked with concentric wrinkles and a few 
weak radial striae. The occludent border is convex above, much less 
so below. 

The tergum has a convex occludent margin, a recurved apex, 
and a carinal margin which is a little concave below the apex and 
nearly straight where it is in contact with the carina. The scutum 
is trapezoidal, with a slightly convex occludent margin which is 
subparallel with the short lateral margin, a slightly concave tergal 
margin, and a straight basal margin. The carina is moderately arched, 
with the umbo projecting a little near the apex. The roof is convex 
and marked by a few faint longitudinal striae. The parietes are 
narrow, the intraparietes a little wider. 

The upper latus is pentagonal, the umbo not quite terminal. 
The rostrum is long, narrowly wedge-shaped, blunted at the pro- 
jecting apex. The rostral latus is broadly triangular. The inframedian 
latus is more than twice as high as wide, with the umbo on the rostral 
margin below the middle. The scutal margin is slightly shorter than 
that against the upper latus. The carinal latus is about twice as wide 
as high, its umbo projecting slightly behind the base of the carina; 
below it there is a nearly straight margin almost as long as the basal 
margin and about one-third the length of the plate; the upper 
margin is oblique. The dorsal margins of the two carinal latera 
meet below the umbones in a straight suture. 

The peduncle is about one-third to one-half the length of the 
capitulum or about 3 mm. It is covered with eight rows of large im- 
bricating scales, eight to ten scales in a row. 

Type locality. —Le Have Bank (the center of which is about 
43°02’N, 64°01’W), 300 fathoms (549 meters). 

Georgta-Florida locality. — “Albatross” sta. 2668 (30°58’30’N, 
79°38/30’W ), 294 fathoms (538 meters), about 105 statute miles 
east off St. Andrews Sound, Georgia, bottom of gray sand and dead 
coral, bottom temperature 46.3°F. 

Other localities. — U.S. Fish Commission sta. 1124, off Martha’s 

262 BULLETIN 299 

Vineyard; “Albatross” sta. 2470 (44°47’N, 56°33’45”W), off Nova 
Scotia, 224 fathoms (410 meters), bottom of gray mud, bottom 
temperature 40.2°F.; “Albatross” sta. 2527 (41°59’N, 65°35’30”W), 
off Georges Bank, 117 fathoms (214 meters), bottom of sand and 

In working up S. presswm, Pilsbry recognized its general simi- 
larity to S. stroemu M. Sars. However, as the original of S. stroemu 
was not illustrated by M. Sars, Pilsbry communicated with G. O. 
Sars from whom he received two specimens with the notation that 
“they may be regarded as typical”. One of these “typical” specimens 
was figured by Pilsbry (1907, p. 22, pl. 1, figs. 6, 7) and may be com- 
pared with the type of S. pressum on Plate 30, figure 2. 

Concerning the relationship of S. pressum to the S. stroemit 
complex, Pilsbry wrote as follows: 

This species [S. pressum], which seems to be somewhat abundant off our 
northeastern coast, resembles the form which Aurivillius has called S. septen- 
trionale. It differs from that, however, by the narrower base of the capitulum, 
the greater compression, and the position of the umbo of the carina, which is 
much nearer the apex. The inframedian lateral plate is longer than in any of 
the related forms, and the rostrum has the long and narrow shape figured 
by Aurivillius for §. septentrionale and S. obesum. The capitulum of §. pressum 
is more lengthened than that of S. stroemii, chiefly by reason of the elongation 
of the plates of the lower whorl. 

The latitudinal range of S. pressum is between 31° North and 
45° North in the Western Atlantic Ocean. 

Scalpellum prunulum Aurivillius Pl. 30, figs. 3, 4 

Scalpellum prunulum Anurivillius, 1894a, p. 669; 1894b, pp. 62-64, pl. 5, 
figs. 3-4; Gruvel, 1905, p. 63 [as Scalpellum primulum], fig. 70; Nilsson-Cantell, 
1921, pp. 104, 205. 

Aurivillius’ original German description of the exoskeleton is 
translated as follows: 

Capitulum with 14 plates. Carina gently arched. Rostrum rudimentary 
covering only the posterior 1/3 of the rostral Jatera. Umbones of the scutum 
and latera as in Sc. erosum, those of the inframedian lying at the apices. 

Peduncle with 8 elongated rows, each provided with 5-6 moderately distant 
scales, the outer ends of which are interspersed with adjacent scales. 

The color of the specimens in alcohol is brownish yellow between the white 
plates and scales. 

Dimensions. Length of animal 6 mm., length of capitulum 4 mm, breadth 
2.5 mm. 

[Type] locality. Sea of the Antilles, off St. Martin [18°05’N, 63°05’W], 
depth 350-600 meters. 

Gruvel (1905) added that the 14 plates are slightly separated 
and are covered by a thin and smooth cuticle. The umbo of the 


carina is at the apex. The umbones of the carinal latera are at the 
base and project beyond the dorsal margin and above the carina. The 
umbones of the inframedian latera are at the base. 

Scalpellum (?) pteryges MacDonald Pl. 30, fig. 5 
Scalpellum pteryges Macdonald, 1929, pp. 532-533, pl. 2, fig. 4. 

The capitulum is trapezoidal, 23 mm in length and 15 mm in 
breadth, with an approximately straight occludent border and a 
markedly convex carinal border. There are 14 smooth plates sepa- 
rated by narrow chitinous sutures and marked by fine, closely 
spaced growth striae. 

The tergum is large, subquadrangular with straight occludent 
and basal margins, and very convex carinal margin. The scutum is 
marked by a prominent ridge running from the acuminate apex to 
the basal-lateral angle. The carina is profoundly arched, its acute 
apical umbo intruded between the terga. The roof is slightly convex, 
bordered by low ridges. The sides are moderately wide, tapering 
toward the apex and having a shallow sulcus running the entire 
length. The basal margin is deeply rounded. 

The upper latus is pentagonal, with the scutal margin longest, 
the tergal, carinal, basal, and that bordering on the inframedian latus 
successively shorter. The umbo is acute and apical, and there is a 
low ridge running from the apex to the carinal-basal angle. The 
carinal latus is somewhat triangular, with the base in two parts: 
a long upper lateral margin, and a shorter margin lying against the 
inframedian latus. The apical portion of the carinal latus is con- 
siderably curved downward, the apex itself being very acute. The 
winglike latera, viewed dorsally, show the carina extending between 
them almost to the peduncle. Toward the apex the latera appear 
twisted outward. The rostral latus is raised slightly above the 
scutum. The length of the valve is three times as long as wide. The 
apex is beaked and a ridge runs from the apex to the basal-lateral 
angle. The rostrum is small and triangular, the apex projecting 
outward from the apices of the rostral latera. The inframedian latus 
is triangular, higher than wide, the margins slightly raised, and the 
apex curved toward the occludent border. 

The peduncle has about 13 rows of scales and is 10 mm in 

Type locality. — “Enterprise” sta. (13°52’N, 67°7’W), off St. 
Lucia, attached to cable at a depth of 278 fathoms (508 meters). 

264 BULLETIN 299 

Scalpellum (?) semisculptum Pilsbry Pl. 31, figs. Ta-c 

Scalpellum semisculptum Pilsbry, 1907, pp. 48, 62-64, figs. 25a-c; Mac- 
Donald, 1929, p. 535; Broch, 1953, pp. 4, 7. 10, 12, 15; Henry, 1954, p. 44; Zullo, 
1968, p. 216. 

Pilsbry’s description is summarized as follows: 

The capitulum of the type, which is 16 mm in length, 7.7 mm in 
breadth, is suboval, twice as long as wide, with the occludent and 
carinal borders nearly equally convex. There are 13 fully calcified 
plates joined by linear sutures, the plates marked with lines of 
growth and fine radial striae, excepting the carinal latera which have 
distinct radial riblets. The cuticle covering the capitulum is very 
thin and smooth. 

The tergum is large and triangular, the occludent margin 
strongly arched, the acute summit somewhat recurved; the scutal 
margin is a little longer than the occludent; the carinal margin is 
convex except near the apex where it is concave. The scutum is 
thomboidal, about twice as long as wide, with an acute apical umbo; 
the occludent and lateral margins are subparallel and slightly convex; 
the tergal margin is concave, the basal straight. The carina is 12.5 
mm in length and 2.5 mm in diameter at the base. It is long and 
regularly arched, its apical umbo at about the upper fourth of the 
tergum. The roof is flat between low but robust bordering ribs; 
the sides are narrow below, wider above; the basal margin is convex. 

The upper latus is trapezoidal, with a concave scutal margin 
and a short carinal margin; the tergal and basal margins are straight 
and about equal in length. The umbo is terminal and there is a nar- 
row rib extending from it to the baso-carinal angle. The plate is 
finely and sharply striate radially. There is no rostrum, or merely 
a sunken linear rudiment. The rostral latus is as high as wide, the 
basal margin much shorter than the others; the umbo projects a 
little at the upper occludent angle, and from it a narrow diagonal 
rib runs to the lower lateral angle, the surface below this rib being 
radially striate. The two rostral latera rise in a low welt at their 
occludent margin. The inframedian latus is almost linear, curving 
above slightly toward the the rostral border; the umbo is not visible 
but is probably apical. The carinal latus is irregularly trapezoidal, 
the obtuse umbo at about the lower third of the carinal margin 
and not projecting beyond the carina. The plate is sculptured with 


strong radial riblets. In dorsal view the carinal latera are seen to 
be strongly tricostate, and meet in an irregular suture. 

The peduncle is 3 mm in length, closely covered with large, 
projecting, transversely lengthened scales, in about eight rows of 
eight scales each. 

Type locality. — “Albatross” sta. 2397 (28°42’N, 86°36’W), 
280 fathoms (512 meters), gray mud, bottom temperature 46.1°F, 
surface temperature 65°F, Gulf of Mexico, about 280 statute miles 
west of Bayport, Florida, and due south of Destin, Florida. 

Other localities. — Broch reported this species at “Ingolf” sta. 
10 (64°24’N, 28°50’W), 1484 meters (807 fathoms), bottom tem- 
perature 3.5°C, about 240 statute miles west of Reykjavik, Iceland. 
Broch stated that although the single Icelandic specimen was 
smaller (10 mm) than Pilsbry’s type (16 mm), it agreed well with 
his description. 

Scalpellum (?) sinuatum Pilsbry Pl. 30, figs. 7a-c 

Scalpellum sinuatum Pilsbry, 1907, pp. 47, 50-51, figs. 16a-c; Fowler, 1912, 
p. 500; Barnard, 1924, pp. 17, 40-43; Nilsson-Cantell, 1955, p. 219; Zullo, 1968, 
‘i edit bvitum sp., cf. A. simuatum (Pilsbry), Newman and Ross, 1971, pp. 
81-82, pl. 9 D, text-figs. 40A-H. 

The capitulum of Pilsbry’s type is trapezoidal, about twice as 
long as wide, and measuring 13.5 mm in length and 7 mm in width. 
It is composed of 14 nearly smooth plates with no hairs. 

The tergum is triangular in shape, with a convex occludent 
margin, a slightly recurved apex, and a slight prominence on the 
carinal margin just above the apex of the carina. The scutum has 
a slightly convex occludent margin and a pointed lateral margin with 
a broad excavation below it to accommodate the apex and carinal 
margin of the upper altus. The carina is long and arcuate with an 
apical umbo. The roof is flat between two moderate rounded ribs. 
The sides are wide above, tapering to the base. 

The upper latus is subtriangular with a deep notch in the lower 
margin; the scutal margin is longer than the tergal and the mucro is 
at the scuto-tergal angle. The rostrum is small and subtriangular, 
lying between the umbones of the rostral latera. The rostral latus 
is nearly as high as wide, its basal margin shorter than the scutal, its 
lateral margin convex. The inframedian latus is wineglass-shaped, its 

266 BULLETIN 299 

upper margin concave and nestled into the upper latus; the umbo 
is median, and the base of the plate is expanded. The carinal latus is 
irregularly triangular, projecting a little beyond and above the 
carina, the umbo slightly recurved at the base of the carina; the two 
latera meet in a short suture below the carina. 

The peduncle is 5 mm in length, with ten rows of large scales, 
about six scales in a row. 

According to Pilsbry, the adult Scalpellum sinuatum is notable 
for the prominent notch in the lower margin of the upper latus 
which is “unlike any known form of the same group”. Also charac- 
teristic is the “very small, nodule-like rostrum visible only between 
the apices of the rostral latera”. 

Type locality. — “Albatross” sta. 2037 (38°53’N, 69°23’30’”N), 
1731 fathoms (3166 meters), Globigerina ooze, bottom temperature 
38°F, surface temperature 76°F, about 305 statute miles east of 
mouth of Delaware Bay and 7 degrees of latitude north of Florida. 

Other localities. —“Pieter Faure” sta. of 14 July 1903, in the 
Eastern Atlantic, 40 miles south-southwest of Cape Point, South 
Africa, 800-900 fathoms; “Pieter Faure” sta. of 19 August 1903, 43 
miles nearly due west of Cape Point, 900-1000 fathoms (The stations 
off Cape Point lie between 34 and 35 degrees South and 18 and 17 
degrees East); “Eltanin” sta. 18 (58°15’N, 48°36’W), 3404-3422 
meters, southwest off Kap Farvel, Greenland. 

Barnard (1924), who identified S. sinwatum off Cape Point, 
stated, “The identification of these specimens has caused me con- 
siderable difficulty, and other workers may differ from my conclu- 
sions”. Nilsson-Cantell (1955) did not list S. stnwatwm as occurring 
off Cape Point but that may have been because he listed only those 
species recovered at depths below 3000 meters whereas the greatest 
depth recorded by Barnard was 1829 meters (1000 fathoms) off 
Cape Point. Newman and Ross (1971) determined that certain 
skeletal features of their Arcoscalpellum sp. from Greenland waters 
are similar to those from off the Delaware coast, yet the absence of 
the sinus in the basicarinal margin of the upper latus persuades them 
that their Greenland taxon may be distinct from Pilsbry’s type of 
S. sinuatum which is also nearly twice as large. It would thus seem 
to this writer that the type locality of S. stnwatwm is as yet the only 
one known for the species. 


Arcoscalpellum aurivillii (Pilsbry) Ply 27, figs: laeb 

Scalpellum aurivillii Pilsbry, 1907, pp. 48, 64-66, figs. 26a-b; Fowler, 1912, 
p. 500; MacDonald, 1929, p. 535; Withers, 1953, pp. 9, 10, figs. 11a, b, as 
Arcoscalpellum,; Broch, 1953, pp. 4, 7, 12, 15; Zullo, 1968, p. 211. 

The capitulum of the type is rhombic-oblong, 15.3 mm in length, 
7.5 mm in breadth, and is composed of 13 fully calcified plates, 
separated by linear sutures, and marked with fine, irregular lines 
of growth, and minute, inconspicuous radial striae. 

The tergum is triangular with a convex occludent margin, a 
straight scutal margin, a weakly sigmoidal carinal margin which is 
concave above and convex below, and a slightly recurved umbo. 
The scutum is longer than wide, its acute apex recurved within the 
ventral border; the lateral margin is concave below the tergo-internal 
angle, convex in the middle, and slightly recessed at the basal angle; 
the basal margin is nearly straight. The carina is 13.5 mm in length, 
2.2 mm in diameter at the base. It is simply arched, more strongly 
so above, and its umbo is terminal; the roof is flat with distinct 
bordering ribs; the sides are moderately developed near the umbo, 
narrow elsewhere; the basal margin is straight, as are the lines of 
growth across the roof. 

The upper latus is trapezoidal, the scutal margin much the 
longest and concave; the other margins are straight, the carinal the 
shortest; the apex is produced in a small triangle above and beyond 
the umbo, which is acute and marginal, on the scutal side. There is 
no rostrum. The rostral latus is quadrangular, the ventral and scutal 
borders straight, the basal short where it comes in contact at the 
upper interior angle with the upper latus; the carinal margin is in 
contact with the carinal latus, but the suture is more or less covered 
by the extremely narrow inframedian latus, which overlies the borders 
of the plates. The inframedian latus is narrowly triangular, the umbo 
apical; it overlies the suture instead of occupying a space between the 
rostral and carinal latera, and is often abnormal. The carinal latus is 
twice as high as wide, quadrangular, the umbo at its lower third not 
projecting beyond the carina; the basal and rostral margins are 
subequal, straight, and at right angles; the carinal margin is nearly 
straight, projecting a little in the lower third; the two latera meet 
below the carina; from the umbo of the carinal latus a conical raised 
and radially costulate area extends to the basal margin. 

268 BuLLETIN 299 

The peduncle is 5 mm in length. It is compactly covered with 
narrow transverse scales in eight rows of about eight scales each. 

Type locality. —“Albatross” sta. 2731 (36°45’W, 74°28’W), 
781 fathoms (1428 meters), growing on Scalpellum velutinum 
Hoek, about 90 statute miles east-southeast of Virginia Beach, 

Other localities. —“Albatross” sta. 2728 (36°30’N, 74°33’W), 
850 fathoms (1555 meters), gray ooze, about 83 statute miles east 
off Currituck, North Carolina. This locality is the nearest one to 
Florida which is some 6 degrees of latitude to the south; “Albatross” 
sta. 2710 (40°06’N, 68°01’30” W ), 984 fathoms (1800 meters), green 
mud, about 320 statute miles east off Point Pleasant, New Jersey; 
“Albatross” sta. 2529 (41°03’30”N, 66°14’W), 662 fathoms (1211 
meters), gray mud, bottom temperature 38.7°F, about 290 statute 
miles east off Montauk Point, New York; U.S. Fish Commission sta. 
1123, off Martha’s Vineyard; “Tjalfe” sta. 408 (64°14’N, 55°55’W), 
839 meters (453 fathoms), northwest off Godthaab, Greenland. 

Arcoscalpellum aurivilli (Pilsbry) is a Western Atlantic and 
North Atlantic species ranging geographically from off the coast 
of North Carolina in the south to Greenland in the north, and oc- 
curring in waters with reported depths of 406 fathoms to 984 

Arcoscalpellum aurivillii incertum (Pilsbry) Pl. 27. figs 2e 

Scalpellum aurivillii incertum Pilsbry, 1907, p. 67, fig. 26c; Withers, 1953, 
pp. 9, 10, fig. 11c, as Arcoscalpellum,; Zullo, 1968, p. 214. 

Although this subspecies was recovered in the Northeast Pacific, 
it is mentioned here because of its possible relationship to Scalpel- 
lum aurivillu aurivilli Pilsbry which is a Western Atlantic species 
and, therefore, within the purview of this work. 

Pilsbry’s description of S. a. incertwm was as follows: 

A single example (Cat. No. 32871, U.S.N.M.), evidently very closely related 
to S. aurivillii, was found growing on the peduncle of one of a series of S. 
regium var., said to be from Albatross Station 3342, off British Columbia, in 
1,588 fathoms. Having been preserved probably in formaldehyde, the apices of 
the valves are more or less eroded, especially those of the terga. Allowing for 
this the length of the capitulum would be 24, breadth 13.5 mm; length of the 
peduncle 7.5 mm. Length of the carina 22, diameter at base 3 mm. The plates 
are pale cream-colored, smoothish, except for narrow, widely spaced growth- 
arrest marks. On the roof of the carina the growth lines arch downwards. The 


upper latus is larger than in S. aurivillii, its length being twice the breadth, 
and its carinal margin is decidedly longer than in S. aurivillii. On the right 
side of the capitulum there is no inframedian latus and no indication that there 
ever was one, and on the left side only a small basal triangular plate; but the 
absence of these plates may be due to the action of the formalin, though I can 
not positively affirm that this is the case. The rostral latus is comparatively 
lower and wider, its greatest height only half the width. No rostrum. In other 
characters of the plates there is no important divergence from 8S. aurivillit, ex- 
cept for size, which is much greater than that of any of the series of apparently 
adult examples of that species. . . 

Type locality.—“Albatross” sta. 3342 (52°3930’N, 132°38’W), 
1588 fathoms (2904 meters) gray ooze and coarse sand, bottom 
temperature 35.3°F, surface temperature 57°F; about 30 miles west 

off Moresby Island, British Columbia, Canada. 

Arcoscalpellum regina (Pilsbry) Pl. 30, fig. 6 

Scalpellum regina Pilsbry, 1907, pp. 25, 31-32, pl. II, figs. 4-6; Calman, 
1918a, pp. 112-113; Barnard, 1925, pp. 1, 2-3; U.S. Naval Inst., 1967, p. 194; 
Henry, 1954, p. 444; Zullo, 1968, p. 216; Kaufmann, 1971, pp. 73-85, figs. 1-4. 

Following is a summary of Pilsbry’s description: 

The capitulum, measuring 43 mm in height and 34 mm in 
breadth, is moderately compressed, high domal in outline, acuminate 
at the apex, subtruncate at the contact with the peduncle. The 
capitulum is covered with a densely and shortly pilose cuticle. There 
are 14 plates separated by wide chitinous sutures in adults but in 
contact in immature specimens. The plates are weakly sculptured 
with widely spaced low wrinkles along the lines of growth. 

The tergum is divided into two areas by a straight apico-basal 
ridge, the carinal area about half as wide as the scutal. The scutum 
is twice as long as wide, its occludent margin arcuate, its acuminate 
apex a little recurved, its basal and lateral margins straight, and the 
tergal margin straight immediately below the apex. The carina, 40 
mm in length and 6 mm in diameter at the base, is gently arched, 
separated from the scuta and latera by a wide chitinous space. The 
umbo is terminal at the apex which intrudes slightly between the 
scuta. The roof is slightly convex, marked with V-shaped lines of 
growth, the sides narrow throughout, and the base wedged between 
the carinal latera. 

The upper latus is subpentagonal with slightly concave tergal 
and scutal margins and subrounded carinal and basal margins; the 
umbo is at the apex. The rostrum is small and triangular and 
separates slightly the rostral latera. The rostral latus is low, the 

270 BULLETIN 299 

upper and lower margins parallel. The inframedian latus is small 
and triangular with the basal margin the longest; the umbo is apical. 
The carinal latus is irregular in shape. The convex posterior margins 
project beyond the carina, and the two latera meet below it. The 
umbo is elevated, acute, and curved toward the scutal margin. A 
prominent ridge runs from the umbo to the scutal end of the plate 
and there are two or three inconspicuous ridges to the basal margin. 

The peduncle is 26 mm in length and is covered with large 
scales clothed in a velvety cuticle. There are 10 rows of about 12 
scales each in the figured type but more in old individuals. 

Type locality. — “Albatross” sta. 2376 (29°03’N, 88°16’W), 
Gulf of Mexico about 95 miles southeast of Pascagoula, Mississippi, 
and southwest of Pensacola, Florida, in 324 fathoms (593 meters), 
bottom of gray mud, bottom temperature 46.5°F. 

Additional localities in Gulf of Mexico. — Provided by Henry A. 
Spivey of Florida State University who obtained the data from Jack 
Rudloe, Gulf Specimen Co., Panacea, Florida. Trawl between 
29°32’N, 86°57’W and 29°25’N, 87°15’W, about 53 statute miles 
south of Pensacola, Florida, 216-228 f.; trawl at 29°24’N, 87°12’W, 
about 46 statute miles southeast of Gulf Beach, Florida, 230-248 f.; 
trawl between 29°16N, 87°42’W and 29°25’N, 87°23’W, about 67 
statute miles south of Orange Beach, Florida, 198-300 f.; “Eric 
Wakefield” sta. at 29°07’N, 88°10’W, trawl, about 107 statute miles 
southeast of Biloxi, Mississippi, 370 f. 

Among a cluster of numerous specimens of Arcoscalpellum re- 
gina attached to each other and collected in the Gulf of Mexico off 
one or the other of the Florida locations mentioned above, there are 
two measuring over 130 mm in length when fully extended. The 
capitulum of one is about 55 mm in length and 45 mm in width, 
and the capitulum of the other about 50 mm in length and 38 mm 
in width. The maximum diameters of the peduncle are 30 mm and 
28 mm, respectively. 

Other localities. — Off the Caribbean coast of Colombia at the 
following stations — “Oregon” sta. 4882 (10°16’N, 75°54’W), 30 
km west of Isla Bari (10°10’/N, 75°36’W), 300 fathoms; “Oregon IT” 
sta. 267 (11°12’N, 74°21’W), 14 km west of Santa Marta, 240 
fathoms; “Oregon IT” sta. 268 (11°26’N, 74°14’°W), 21 km west of 
Santa Marta, 280 fathoms; “Oregon II” sta. 287 (11°35’N, 


73°26’W ), 57 km west of Riohacha, Colombia (11°34’N, 72°57’W), 
250 fathoms; “Oregon II” sta. 288 (11°27’N, 73°42’W), 87 km 
west-southwest of Riohacha, 220 fathoms; “Oregon II” sta. 289 
(11°24’N, 73°47’W), 95 km west-southwest of Riohacha, 150 
fathoms; Brazil — “Norseman” sta. (7°37’S, 34°26.5’W), 50-150 
fathoms, 55 statute miles northeast off Pernambuco. 

To judge from the localities at which this species is reported, 
Arcoscalpellum regina (Pilsbry) has a latitudinal range of some 36 
degrees and a longitudinal range of some 54 degrees, from the 
northern Gulf of Mexico to the Western Atlantic off the bulge of 

Arcoscalpellum regium (Thomson) Pl. 31, figs. 1-5 

Scalpellum regium Thomson, 1878, vol. 2, pp. 11-14, figs. 2-3; Hoek, 1883, 
pp. 22, 27, 29, 65, 96, 100, 104, 105, 106-109, 111, 122, 124, 126, pl. 4, figs. 3-5, 
pl. 9, fig. 12, pl. 10, figs. 1-2; Aurivillius, 1894b, p. 89; Weltner, 1897, p. 249; 
Gruvel,/ 1905: p: 77, figs: S6A-B; 1912, p: 25) 1920; pp. 30, 85, pl. I, fig: 75 
Pilsbry, 1907, pp. 25, 28-29, pl. 3, figs. 4-5; Fowler, 1912, p. 499; Kriiger, 1940, 
p. 225; Nilsson-Cantell, 1955, p. 219; Newman and Ross, 1971, p. 71. 

Scalpellum regiwm Thomson was recovered with a trawl on 
June 17, 1873 at a depth of 2850 fathoms, adhering to a concre- 
tionary mass containing a large percentage of peroxide of manganese. 
Thomson’s excellent description is repeated in full. 

Scalpellum regium (Fig. 2) is one of the largest of the known living species 
of the genus. The extreme length of a full-sized specimen of the female is 60 
mm., of which 40 mm. are occupied by the capitulum and 20 mm. by the ped- 
uncle. The capitulum is much compressed, 25 mm. in width from the occludent 
margin of the scutum to the back of the carina. The valves are 14 in number; 
they are thick and strong, with the lines of growth strongly marked, and they 
fit very closely to one another, in most cases slightly overlapping. When living, 
the capitulum is covered with a pale brown epidermis, with scattered hairs 
of the same color. 

The scuta are slightly convex, nearly once and a half as long as broad. 
The upper angle is considerably prolonged upwards, and, as in most fossil 
species, the centre of calcification is at the upper apex. A defined line runs 
downwards and backwards from the apex to the angle between the lateral 
and basal margins. The occludent margin is almost straight; there is no de- 
pression for the adductor muscle, and there is no trace of notches or grooves 
along the occludent margin for the reception of the males; the interior of the 
valve is quite smooth. The terga are large, almost elliptical in shape, the centre 
of calcification at the upper angle. The carina is a handsome plate, very uni- 
formly arched, with the umbo placed at the apex; two lateral ridges and a 
slight median ridge runs from the umbo to the basal margin; the lower part 
of the valve widens out rapidly, and the whole is deeply concave. The rostrum, 
as in Scalpellum vulgare, is very minute, entirely hidden during life by the in- 
vesting membrane. The upper latera are triangular, the upper angle curving 
rather gracefully forwards; the umbo of growth is apical. 

The rostral latera are long transverse plates lying beneath the basal 
margins of the scuta. The carinal latera are large and triangular, with the apex 

272 BULLETIN 299 

curved forward very much like the upper latera, and the infra-median latera 
are very small, but in form and direction of growth nearly the same. 

The peduncle is round jn section and strong, and covered with a felting 
of light-brown hair. The scales of the peduncle are imbricated and remarkably 
large, somewhat as in S. ornatum, Darwin. About three, or at most four, scales 
pass entirely round the peduncle. The base of attachment is very small, the 
lower part of the peduncle contracting rapidly. Some of the specimens taken 
were attached to the lumps of clay and manganese concretions, but rather 
feebly, and several of them were free, and showed no appearance of having 
been attached. There is no doubt, however, that they had all been more or less 
securely fixed, and had been pulled from their places of attachment by the 
trawl. On one lump of clay there were one mature specimen and two or three 
young ones, some of these only lately attached. The detailed anatomy of this 
species will be given hereafter, but the structure of the soft parts is much the 
same as in Scalpellum vulgare. 

In two specimens dissected there was no trace of a testis or of an intromit- 
tent organ, while the ovaries were well developed. I conclude, therefore, that 
the large attached examples are females, corresponding, in this respect, with 
the species otherwise almost nearly allied, S. ormatum. 

In almost all the specimens which were procured by us, several males, in 
number varying from five to nine, were attached within the occludent margin 
of the scuta, not imbedded in the chitinous border of the valve, or even in any 
way in contact with the shell, but in a fold of the body-sac quite free from the 
valve. They were ranged in rows, sometimes stretching — as in one case 
where there were seven males on one side — along the whole of the middle two- 
thirds of the edge of the tergum. 

The male of Scalpellum regium (Fig. 3) is the simplest in structure of these 
parasitic males which have yet been observed. It is oval and sac-like, about 2 
mm. in length by 9 mm. in extreme width. There is an opening at the upper 
extremity which usually appears narrow, like a slit, and this is surrounded by 
a dark, well-defined, slightly raised ring. The antennae are placed near the 
posterior extremity of the sac, and resemble closely in form those of §. vulgare. 
The whole of the sac, with the exception of a small bald patch near the point 
of attachment, is covered with fine chitinous hairs arranged in transverse 
rings. There is not the slightest rudiment of a valve, and I could detect no 
trace of a jointed thorax, although several specimens were rendered very trans- 
parent by boiling in caustic potash. There seems to be no oesophagus nor 
stomach, and the whole of the posterior two-thirds of the body in the mature 
specimens was filled with a lobulated mass of sperm-cells. Under the border of 
the mantle of one female there were the dead and withered remains of five 
males, and in most cases one or two of the males were not fully developed; 
several appeared to be mature, and one or two were dead — empty, dark- 
colored chitine sacs. 

Type locality. — “Challenger” sta. 61 (34°54’N, 56°38’W), 
2850 fathoms (5212 meters), bottom of gray ooze, temperature 
1.5°C, about 840 statute miles south of Grand Bank, Newfoundland, 
and 1140 miles east of Cape Lookout, North Carolina. 

Other locahties.— “Challenger” sta. 63 (35°29N, 50°53’W), 
2750 fathoms (5030 meters), bottom of gray ooze, about 1120 statute 
miles east off Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, and southeast off 
Cape Race, Newfoundland; “Albatross” sta. 2226 (37°N, 71°54’W), 
2045 fathoms (3740 meters), bottom of Globigerina ooze, bottom 


temperature 36.8°F, about 220 miles east of Newport News, Vir- 
ginia, seated on a slender gorgonian stem and on a pebble, and at- 
tached to Scalpellum albatrossianum Pilsbry. This locality is the one 
nearest to Florida; “Albatross” sta. 2228 (37°25’N, 73°06’W), 1582 
fathoms (2893 meters), bottom of brown mud, temperature 36.8°F, 
235 miles east of Newport News, Virginia; “Albatross” sta. 2533 
(40°16’30”N, 67°26’15”W), 828 fathoms (1514 meters), bottom 
of brown ooze, temperature 38.7°F, about 340 statute miles east of 
New York City and 240 statute miles southwest of Cape Sable, Nova 
Scotia; “Albatross” sta. 2575 (41°07’N, 65°30’'W), 1710 fathoms 
(3128 meters), bottom of gray ooze, temperature 37.1°F, about 220 
statute miles east of Nantucket, Massachusetts, and about 150 
statute miles south of Cape Sable, Nova Scotia; “Prince de Monaco 
Cruise of 1910” (43°21’N, 10°02’W), 2779 fathoms (5083 meters), 
northwest off Cape Finisterre (42°54’N, 9°16’W), Spain. 

The latitudinal range of A. regiwm is from about 34° North to 
43° North, the longitudinal from 10° West to 73° West. Depths 
range from 828 to 2850 fathoms (1514 to 5212 meters). 

Arcoscalpellum velutinum (Hoek) Pl. 32, tgs. i 2 

This name is applied to a taxon variously identified by authors 
as Scalpellum michelottianwm Seguenza (1876); Scalpellum velu- 
tinum Hoek (1883); Scalpellum eximiwm Hoek (1883); Scalpellum 
sordidum Aurivillius (1898); Scalpellum erectum Aurivillius (1898); 
and Scalpellum alatum Gruvel (1900). My own feeling, based on 
comparing the illustrations of the types (PI. 32) and on their original 
descriptions, is that S. michelottianum, S. velutinum, and S. eximium 
are distinct species, and that S. sordidum, S. erectum, and S. alatum 
may perhaps be synonymous with one or the other of the six species 
listed above. The synonymy proposed by authors is the following: 

Scalpellum michelottianum Seguenza, 1876, pp. 381-386, 422, 423, 426, 427, 
432, 464, 481, pl. 6, figs. 15-25, pl. 10, figs. 26, 26a; Alessandri, 1894, pp. 263- 
265, pl. 1, figs. 6a-6m, pars; 1897, p. 47; 1906, pp. 251-252; Pilsbry, 1907, p. 
32; Withers, 1953, as Arcoscalpellum, pp. 101, 225-229, pl. 37, figs. 1-10, pl. 
64, fig. 4; Newman, Zullo, and Withers, 1969, as Arcoscalpellum, p. R277; 
Newman and Ross, 1971, as Arcoscalpellum, p. 71, figs. 34A-J, pl. [X,B; Rao 
and Newman, 1972, as Arcoscalpellum, pp. 76-80, figs. 5, 11A-B. [Plate 32, 
figs. 5(15 to 25)]. 

Scalpellum velutinum Hoek, 1883, pp. 22, 25, 27, 31, 65, 96-99, 100, 104, 105, 
126, pl. 4, figs. 10-11; pl. 9, figs. 7-9; 1914, p. 4; Weltner, 1895, p. 289; 1897, p. 
251: 1922, pp. 75, 92, 94, 106, pl. 3, fig. 10; Murray, 1896, pp. 386, 397, 453; 
Gruvel, 1902a, pp 31, 50, 52, 57, 136-137, pl. 2, figs. 3c 14; pl. 3, figs. 1, 27-31; 
pl. 4, figs. 6, 11-22; 1902c, p. 523; 1905, pp. 73-74, fig. 83; 1912, p. 2; 1920, pp. 
226 eS Me Son plede tics 8-1 Ope 7 ties 4 Annandale. 1905) p: 183) 
1908, pl. 4. fig. 7; 1911, pp. 588, 589; zon 1913, pp. 228-229 (= S. annan- 

274 BULLETIN 299 

dalei Calman); 1916a (?), pp. 128-129, pl. 6, figs. 6-7; Pilsbry, 1907, pp. 25, 
26-27, 64, 75, pl. 3, figs. 2-3; 1908, as Scalpellum (Arcoscalpellum), pp. 105, 
109, figs. li, j; Fowler, 1912, p. 499; Calman, 1918a, pp. 108-109; Broch, 1924, 
p. 39; 1953, p. 9; Barnard, 1925, pp. 1-2; Nilsson-Cantell, 1927, pp. 743-745, 
text-fig. 1; 1928, p. 4; 1931la, pp. 1-2; 1938, pp. 8, 18, 21; Stubbings, 1936, pp. 
2, 28, 29, 30, 67; 1967, p. 234; Kriiger, 1940, as Arcoscalpellum, pp. 46, 63, 113, 
139, 141, 265, figs. 28a, 143a-c; Withers, 1953, as Arcoscalpellum, pp. 97, 196, 
228; Tarasov and Zevina, 1957, p. 24, figs. 9, 11; Bassindale, 1964, p. 31, fig. 
on p. 54; U.S. Naval Inst., 1967, p. 194; Zullo, 1968, as Arcoscalpellum, p. 213; 
Newman, Zullo, and Withers, 1969, as Arcoscalpellum, p. R277; Newman and 
Ross, 1971, as Arcoscalpellum, p. 73; Collins and Mellen, 1973, as Arcoscalpel- 
lum, p. 363. 

Scalpellum eximium Hoek, 1883, pp. 22, 25, 31, 98, 100-102, pl. 4, figs. 6-7; 
pl. 9, figs. 10-11; Weltner, 1897, p. 247; Gruvel, 1905, p. 73; 1912, p. 2; Annan- 
dale, 1913, p. 229; Barnard, 1925, p. 1; Withers, 1953, as synonymous with 
Arcoscalpellum michelottianum (Seguenza), p. 225; Newman and Ross, 1971, p. 
72. [Pl. 32, figs. 3-4.] 

Scalpellum sordidum Aurivillius, 1898, pp. 190-191; Gruvel, 1905, p. 73; 
1912, p. 2; 1920, pp. 27-28, pl. 1, fig. 15, as S. velutinum forma sordidum; 
Barnard, 1925, p. 1; Withers, 1953, as synonymous with Arcoscalpellum miche- 
lottianum (Seguenza), p. 225; Newman and Ross, 1971, p. 72. 

Scalpellum erectum Aurivillius, 1898, p. 192; Gruvel, 1905, p. 73; 1920, pp. 
27-28, as §. velutinum forma erectum; Withers, 1953, as synonymous with 
Arcoscalpellum michelottianum (Seguenza), p. 225; Newman and Ross, 1971, 

sr ae alatum Gruvel, 1900, p. 192; 1905, p. 73; 1912, p. 2; Barnard, 

1925, p. 1; Withers, 1953, as synonymous with Arcoscalpellum michelottianum 
(Seguenza), p. 225; Newman and Ross, 1971, p. 72. 

The taxon Scalpellum michelottianum Seguenza is a fossil form 
wholly reconstructed by Seguenza from numerous but discrete and 
separated valves and scales first found near the town of Messina 
(38°13’N, 15°33 E), in Sicily. These external components of the 
species have since been discovered abundantly in the Plaisancian, 
Zanclian, and Astian stages (lower to upper Pliocene) in Sicily and 
Italy. In Sicily they are common in the Pliocene of Messina Province 
at Salice, Soppo, Trapani, and Gravitelli; in Italy proper they have 
been reported from Reggio (38°06’N, 15°39E) in the Province of 
Calabria. To my knowledge S. michelottianwm has not been reported 
living in the waters surrounding Italy. 

The holotype of Arcoscalpellum velutinum (Hoek) was re- 
covered at “Challenger” sta. 3 (37°2’N, 9°14’W), 900 fathoms, in 
Globigerina ooze, off Cabo Sao Vicente, Portugal. The paratype was 
recovered at “Challenger” sta. 335 (32°24’S, 13°5’W), 1425 fathoms 
(2606 meters), bottom temperature 2.3°C, in Globigerina ooze, 
about 270 statute miles north of Tristan da Cunha. 


The type of Scalpellum eximiwm Hoek was taken at “Chal- 
lenger” sta. 135, between Nightingale Island (37°28’S, 12°32’W) 
and Tristan da Cunha (37°15’S, 12°30’W). First sounding 1000 
fathoms (1829 meters), shells and rock on bottom; second sounding 
1100 fathoms (2012 meters). 

The type of Scalpellum sordidwm Aurivillius was recovered 
during the “Prince de Monaco Campagne 1887”, sta. 161 
(46°04’40”N, 46°42’715”W), 1267 meters, soft gray mud, off New- 

The type of Scalpellum erectwm Aurivillius was recovered dur- 
ing the “Prince de Monaco Campagne 1887”, sta. 227 (38°23’N, 
28°26'37” W ), 1135 meters, bottom of rock, gravel, and broken shells, 
near south coast of Pico, Azores. 

The type of Scalpellum alatum Gruvel was recovered during 
the “Campagne du Talisman” at Cap Cantin (32°33’N, 9°17’W), 

In this work the name Arcoscalpellum velutinum (Hoek) has 
preference for the reason that this species, according to Pilsbry, 
occurs in the Western Atlantic along the east coast of North America 
from Newfoundland southwestward to off South Carolina. A. velu- 
tinum has not been reported from Florida, but inasmuch as it occurs 
within two or three degrees of latitude south of South Carolina, it is 
possible that A. velutinum will eventually be discovered in the deeper 
waters off Florida’s east coast. 

Hoek’s description of his Scalpellum velutinum is summarized 
as follows: 

The capitulum of the type is 33 mm in length, is covered by a 
velvety hirsute membrane, and consists of 14 valves which touch 
each other. The carina is gently arched, its flat roof widening from 
the umbo to the base, its apex penetrating between the two terga. 
The tergum is large and narrowish, the carinal and scutal margins 
moderately convex, the occludent margin excavated, the umbo nar- 
rowly rounded at the apex. The scutum is tumid, its length twice the 
breadth, the apex of the umbo sharply pointed. 

The upper latus is triangular, the basal margin slightly convex, 
the scutal and tergal margins nearly equal, the umbo at the apex. 
The rostrum is small and totally covered by membrane; it is tri- 
angular in shape, with the apex separated from the two scuta by the 

276 BULLETIN 299 

umbones of the rostral latera which touch each other in front of 
the rostrum. The rostral latus is broad and low, the basal margin 
almost parallel with the scutal margin. The inframedian latus is small 
and triangular. 

The carinal latus is robust and irregular in shape; the carinal 
margin is divided into an upper hollowed out portion to receive the 
convex margin of the upper latus, and a lower convex portion be- 
neath the middle of the carina; from the umbo arises a ledge which 
divides the valves into a true lateral and carinal part. Between the 
latter and the carina a distinct cavity or kind of bag is formed. 

The peduncle is robust, nearly cylindrical, 12 mm in length. The 
scales are covered by a membrane, the edges of the scales only being 
calcareous. There are about 12 scales in each obliquely longitudinal 
row, of which there are about 10. 

Type locality. — “Challenger” sta. 3 (37°2’N, 9°14’°W), 900 
fathoms (1646 meters), off Cabo Sao Vicente, Portugal. 

Paratype. — “Challenger” sta. 335 (32°24’S, 13°5’W), about 
270 statute miles north of Tristan da Cunha, depth 1425 fathoms 
(2606 meters). 

Range and distribution. — The taxon Arcoscalpellum velutinum 
or its congeners is reported from the Atlantic Ocean, the Mediter- 
ranean Sea, the Indian Ocean, off both the west and east coast of 
Africa, the Gulf of Oman, and Indonesia. As noted by Nilsson-Cantell 
(1927), however, the descriptions of the internal parts of many of 
the synonymized species are lacking, and that in the absence of those 
characters the identification of a taxon as Arcoscalpellum velutinum 
may be suspect. Nevertheless A. velutinwm s. l. has been reported 
from as far north as 72° in the Atlantic to as far south as the Ker- 
guelen Archipelago (48°37’S). Depths range from 63 meters, to 3422 
meters off the southern tip of Greenland. Details are as follows: 

Northern and Western Atlantic: Off southern tip of Greenland, 
“Eltanin” sta. 18 (58°15’N, 48°36’W), 3404-3422 meters; New- 
foundland (46°04’40”N, 46°42715”W), 1267 meters, soft gray 
mud; Numerous stations from Newfoundland southwestward to 
South Carolina (consult Pilsbry, 1907, p. 27); “Eastward” sta. 7552 
(33°39.5’N, 75°41’W), 301 meters, about 150 statute miles east off 
Crescent Beach, South Carolina; “Albatross” sta. 2678 (32°40’N, 
76°40/30’”W ), 371 fathoms (679 meters), about 285 statute miles 


east off Fort Sumter, South Carolina. This locality is the nearest 
one to Florida. 

Eastern and Southern Atlantic: Off Ireland (51°22’N, 12°W), 
695-720 fathoms; Off Liston, Portugal (38°21’N, 9°41’37”W), 2028 
meters, brownish gray limy mud; Off Cabo Sao Vicente (Cape St. 
Vincent), Portugal (37°2’N, 9°14’W) 1615 meters; Gibraltar, 
“Michael Sars” sta. 24 (35°34’N, 7°35’W), 1615 meters. Azores 
(38°47’N, 30°16’W), 1331 meters; (38°26’N, 26°30’45”W), 1165 
meters, argillaceous sand; “Michael Sars” sta. 53 (34°5YN, 33°1’/W), 
2865 meters, about 275 statute miles southwest of Faial Island, 
Azores. Canary Islands (29°06’30’N, 13°02’45”W), 1098 meters, 
sandy clay; Fuerteventura (28°25’N, 14°W), 2000 meters. “Chal- 
lenger” sta. 335 (32°24’S, 13°5’W, 1425 fathoms (2606 meters), 
about 270 statute miles north of Tristan da Cunha; South Africa 
(34°32’S, 17°49’E), about 40 statute miles southwest of Cape Town, 
on water-logged pumice stone and phosphate nodule, depth 612 
fathoms (1119 meters). 

Mediterranean Sea: Monaco, 515-2028 meters. 

West Africa: Morocco - Mogador (31°30’N, 9°48’W), 1050 
meters; Sidi Moussa (33°N, 8°50°W); Cap Cantin (32°33’N, 
9°17’W), 1350-1590 meters, as S. alatum; Cap Noun, 1255 meters, 
as S. alatum; Spanish Sahara (Los Pilones (25°48’N, 14°40’W), 
882 meters. 

Gulf of Oman: 430 fathoms (786 meters). 

East Africa: “Valdivia” sta. 257 (1°48.2’N, 45°42.5’E), depth 
1644 meters, bottom temperature 4.6°C, just off Mogadishu, 
Somalia; Gulf of Aden (12°20’N, 52°30’E), Socatra Island; “Col- 
onia” sta. Aden-Zanzibar cable. 

Indian Ocean: “Investigator” sta. 232 (7°17'30’N, 76°54’- 
30”E), 40 fathoms (73 meters), off Trivandrum, India; Nicobar 
Island, India (6°39’N, 93°12’E), 880 fathoms (1610 meters); 
(6°12’N, 93°52’E), 600-1300 fathoms (1097-2378 meters). 

Indonesia: “Recorder” sta. off south coast of Bali (8°46’S, 
114°44’E), 400 fathoms (732 meters); “Patrol” sta. southeast of 
Sumba (10°45’S, 120°50’E), 700 fathoms (1280 meters); “Patrol” 
sta. south off Sumba (11°S, 121°30’E), 500 fathoms (914 meters); 
“Patrol” sta. off Sawu (11°S, 122°E), 600 fathoms (1097 meters). 

278 BuLLeETIN 299 

The living Arcoscalpellum velutinum is a deep water species 
which attaches itself to varying substrates, among them telegraph 
cables, pumice stone, phosphatic nodules, and corals. 

Arcoscalpellum vitreum (Hoek) Pi. 3a, i= 8 

This species has also been known under several names: Scalpel- 
lum talisman Gruvel, Scalpellum formosum Pilsbry, and Scalpellum 
bellum Pilsbry, the last as replacement for Scalpellum formosum 

The following synonymy is adopted from Newman and Ross 
(1971) with a few additions. 

Scalpellum vitreum Hoek, 1883, pp. 22, 35, 65, 115-116, pl. 5, fig. 14; Welt- 
ner, 1897, p. 251; Gruvel, 1902b, p. 54; 1905, pp. 84-85, fig. 94; Pilsbry, 1907, 

p. 60; Nilsson-Cantell, 1955, p. 219; Tarasov and Zevina, 1957, p. 142; Utinomi, 
1958, pp. 283-286, figs. 1-2. 

Scalpellum talismani Gruvel, 1900, pp. 193-194; 1902b, p. 86, pl. 2, figs. 3D, 
6, 7; 1905, p. 86, fig. 96; 1920, p. 23 [see Pl. 33, fig. 2, this report.]; Nilsson- 
Cantell, 1955, p. 219; Broch, 1953, p. 8, fig. 4; Zullo, 1968, p. 211. 

Scalpellum formosum Pilsbry [not Hoek], 1907, pp. 47, 58-60, figs. 22a-c; 
Weltner, 1922, pp. 95-96; Fowler, 1912, p. 500; Stubbings, 1936, pp. 55-56, text- 
fig. 24, pars; Nilsson-Cantell, 1938, p. 21; 1955, p. 219. 

Scalpellum bellum Pilsbry, 1908, p. 111 [mew name for S. formosum Pilsbry, 
1907, zon Hoek, 1907]; Zullo, 1968, p. 211. 

Scalpellum sp. cf. bellum Bayer, Voss, and Robins, 1970, p. A43. 

Arcoscalpellum vitreum (Hoek), Newman and Ross, 1971, pp. 87-91, 195, 
197, pl. 8 E, F, text-figs. 44-47. 

Hoek’s original diagnosis was as follows. “Surface of the valves 
smooth, not covered by membrane, beautifully striated. Valves thir- 
teen. Carina simple, only slightly bowed, with the roof flat. Umbo 
of the carina at the apex. Upper latus trapeziform. Infra-median 
latus small, triangular. Other valves of the lower whorl well- 
developed. Peduncle short.” 

The capitulum of the type is elongate-ovate, 13.5 mm in length. 
The tergum is slightly smaller than the scutum, with the carinal 
margin considerably longer than that of the scutum. The scutum is 
quadrilateral. The carina has a flat roof which is wider below than 
above, and in the superior half the sides are distinctly furrowed. 
The four margins of the upper latus are nearly straight. The rostral 
latus is almost triangular. The inframedian latus has the umbo at 
the superior extremity. The carinal latus is large and almost trapezi- 
form; it has the umbo at one-fourth the total length from the in- 
ferior extremity, and the part above the umbo is slightly excavated. 

The peduncle is 3.5 mm in length and is covered with a membrane 


through which are visible imperfectly seven longitudinal rows, each 
of them composed of about eight rather large scales. 

Broch (1953) synonymized Scalpellum bellum Pilsbry with 
Scalpellum talisman Gruvel, and stated that neither Gruvel nor 
Pilsbry “mentioned a membraneous interspace between the strongly 
and evenly arched carina and tergum-latus superiorus . . . probably 
because this interspace is also lacking in the smaller specimen from 
[Ingolf] St. 20.” This gap is clearly shown by Broch on what he 
believed to be S. talisman. However, the gap is also at least sug- 
gested on the drawing of the type S. vitrewm by Hoek, and is defi- 
nitely portrayed on the sketches of S. vitreum by Newman and 

Type locahty.— “Challenger” sta. 237 (34°37’N, 140°32’E), 
off Yeddo, Chiba Prefecture, Japan, depth 1875 fathoms (3429 
meters), mud bottom, temperature 1.7°C. The species was also listed 
(as Scalpellum formosum Pilsbry) by Weltner in 1922 from Sagami 
Bay, Japan, at a depth of 366 meters. 

Other localities. — “Eastward” sta. 7617 (33°58.7’N, 45°42’W), 
about 125 statute miles east of Fort Fisher, South Carolina, depth 
2280 meters. This Western Atlantic occurrence is the nearest one to 
Florida; “Albatross” sta. 2205 (39°35’N, 71°18’45”W) south of 
Martha’s Vineyard, depth 1073 fathoms (1963 meters), 38.1° bottom 
temperature; “Albatross” sta. 2097 (37°56’20’N, 70°57’30”W), 
1917 fathoms (3506 meters), Globigerina ooze; Type of S. formosum 
Pilsbry, about 230 statute miles east of Chincoteague, Virginia; Cap 
Ghir (30°40’N, 9°54’W), Morocco, depth 2125 meters; Golfe de 
Gascogne, 4255 meters; Indian Ocean and Malay Archipelago (Nils- 
son-Cantell, 1938); “Ingolf” sta. 20 (58°20’N, 40°48’W), southeast 
off Cape Farewell, Greenland, 3192 meters, 1.5°C bottom tempera- 
ture; “Eltanin” sta. 18 (58°15’N, 48°36’W), southwest off Cape 
Farewell, Greenland, depth 3404 to 3422 meters; “Eltanin” sta. 791 
(63°54’S, 83°03’W), 4531 meters, off Bryan Coast, Ellsworth Land, 

Arcoscalpellum vitreum and the species synonymized with it by 
authors ranges in depth from 366 meters to 4531 meters, ranges 
latitudinally from 58° north to 63° south, and occurs in the North- 
west Pacific (Japan), the Malay Archipelago, the Indian Ocean, and 
in the Eastern and Western Atlantic. 

280 BULLETIN 299 

Should the Scalpellum sp. cf. bellum of Bayer, Voss and Robins 
(1970) be confirmed as one of the synonymous species under Arco- 
scalpellum vitrewm, the range of A. vitrewm can be extended to in- 
clude “Pillsbury” sta. 345 (9°59.6'N, 77°33’W to 10°11.5’N, 
77°2V’W) at depths of 2434-3111 meters and “Pillsbury” sta. 346 
(9°54.5’N, 77°03’W to 9°51’N, 76°58’W) at depths of 2983-2970 
meters. These stations are in the Caribbean Sea about midway be- 
tween Punta San Blas, Panama, and Cartagena, Colombia. 

Calantica superba (Pilsbry) Pl. 33, figs. 3a-c 

Scalpellum (Calantica) superbum Pilsbry, 1907, pp. 9, 11-13, figs. 3a-c. 
Scalpellum [= Calantica] superbum Pilsbry, Zullo, 1968, p. 216. 

The capitulum of the type from “Albatross” sta. 2669 is 46 mm 
in length and 34 mm in width. The capituli of two specimens from 
“Albatross” sta. 2415 measure 35 & 28 mm and 28 X 22 mn, re- 
spectively. The capitulum of the type is somewhat triangular, wide 
and thick at the base, and is composed of 13 strong white plates with- 
out perceptible cuticle. The plates are sculptured with radiating 
striae crossed by growth lines. 

The tergum is in part concealed under the margins of the scuta 
and carina, the visible part divided equally by a median ridge from 
apex to base; the summit is erect, only a trifle recurved. The carina 
is somewhat curved, its apex not inserted between the terga; the 
roof is strongly carinate along the median line, sloping and sculptured 
with radial striae on each side of the keel; the sides are narrow and 
incurved, and at the base the roof is wide. 

The rostrum is triangular, with an incurved apex and a strong 
median longitudinal rib. The rostrolateral plate is obliquely triangu- 
lar, with incurved apex, the surface sculptured with several coarse 
low radial ribs, numerous fine radial striae, and curved coarse radial 
growth wrinkles; the base of the plate overlies the adjacent bases 
of the rostrum and inframedian latera. There is no subrostrum. The 
median lateral plate is oblique, triangular, much wider than high, 
its apex incurved and twisted; a strong flat-topped rib runs from 
the apex to the basal margin which in the middle rests on the ped- 
uncle. The carinal latus is oblique and triangular, its apex curved 
under the apices of the inframedian latera. The surface of the carinal 
latus is ribbed. The subcarina is triangular, usually asymmetrical, 
and with an incurved apex. 


The peduncle of the two specimens from “Albatross” sta. 2415 
measures 12 and 15 mm respectively, in length. The peduncle is 
covered with large, strongly imbricating white scales. 

Type locahty.—“Albatross” sta. 2669 (31°0YN, 79°33’W), 
352 fathoms (644 meters), gray sand and dead coral, bottom tem- 
perature 43.7°F, about 105 statute miles east off Sea Island, Georgia. 

Other localities. —“Albatross” sta. 2415 (30°44’N, 79°26’W), 
440 fathoms (805 meters), bottom temperature 45.6°F, on branching 
white coral, bottom of coral and coarse sand with shells and 
Foraminiferida, about 120 statute miles east off mouth of St. Marys 
River, boundary between Georgia and Florida. 

Euscalpellum stratum (Aurivillius) Pl. 33, figs. 4-7 

Scalpellum stratum Aurivillius, 1893, p. 132; 1894b, pp. 65-67, pl. 3, figs. 
10-11, pl. 8, fig. 8; Weltner, 1897, p. 250; Gruvel, 1905, p. 58, fig. 62. 

Scalpellum (Smilium) stratum (Aurivillius), Pilsbry, 1907, p. 13. 

Euscalpellum stratum (Aurivillius), Kriiger, 1940, p. 82, fig. 84b1; Pilsbry, 
1953 apps Zi-23, pl. 1, tigs 7 Wathers 1953.) ps 171: 

Aurivillius’ original description in German is translated as 

Diagnosis. Capitulum with 15 calicified plates. Carina simply 
arched, the roof flattened below. Subcarina small, equilaterally 
triangular. Rostrum extending to the muscle margin of the scuta, 
convex, pointed below, widest near the middle where it is almost 
angular. Rostrolatera triangular, measuring in length one third of 
the rostrum. Laterals and inframedian quadrilateral, their scutal 
margins about one third the length of the scutum. The umbo lies in 
the lower angle of these plates. 

The peduncle is crossed by 14 diagonal rows of about 14-15 
thomboidal scales. 

Color of specimens in alcohol. Light brown, on the capitulum 
only between the margins of the plates, on the peduncle clearly 
visible between the rows of scales. 

Dimensions. Length of animal 9 mm. Length of capitulum 5.5 
mm; breadth across rostrum — 3 mm. 

Locality and occurrence. Sea of the Antilles, near Anguilla, 
360-680 meters in depth. Various specimens (A. Goés). RM. 

The above description was added to by Gruvel (1905) who 

stated that the carina was rounded at the base; that the apices of 

282 BULLETIN 299 

the terga and scuta were pointed and nearly straight; that the infra- 
laterals were not in immediate contact with the capitulum; and that 
the peduncle was straight, uniform, and about half the length of the 

Pilsbry (1953) further remarked that the Florida specimens 
were covered with a thin transparent cuticle, and that the species 
was separable from all other scalpellid barnacles by the long rostrum. 

Type locality. — Near Anguilla (18°14’N, 63°05’W), Leeward 
Islands, depth 360-680 meters. 

Florida localities. —Off Palm Beach (26°41’N, 80°02’W) at 
many “Triton” stations, between 50 and 100 fathoms, most abundant 
at about 75 fathoms (137 meters). “Triton” sta. 378, off Boynton 
Beach Inlet (26°32’N, 80°04’W), 50 fathoms (91 meters). Off Cape 
Florida (southern tip of Key Biscayne), 100 fathoms (183 meters), 
on Rochinia crassa. 

Lithotrya dorsalis (Ellis and Solander) Pl. 34, figs. 1-3 

Lepas dorsalis Ellis and Solander, 1786, p. 197, pl. 15, fig. 5. 

Litholepas de Mont Serrat, Blainvilie, 1824, pl., fig. 5. [Fide Darwin, 1851, 

Lithotrya dorsalis G. B. Sowerby I, 1822, unnumbered page; Gray, 1825, 
p. 101; Darwin, 1851, pp. 335, 336, 341-343, 346, 347, 351-356, 363, pl. 8, figs. 
1tian= -1c’; Chenu, 1858, p. 77; Hoek, 1883, p. 29; Weltner, 1897, p. 251; Bige- 
low, 19005 p: 179): Grivel 1902a, pp. 249, 255, 259; 1902c, p. 524; 1905, pp. 
98-99, fig. 108; 1907, pp. 162-163; Jennings, 1915, p. 287; Pilsbry, 1927, p. 27; 
1953, p. 23, pl. 1, fig. 8; Nilsson-Cantell, 1931b, p. 105; 1933, pp. 504-505; 1939, 
p. 3; Cannon, 1947, pp. 89, 92, 97; G. L. and N. A. Voss, 1955, pp. 212-213. 

Lithotrya dorsalis (Ellis and Solander), Pilsbry, 1907, p. 6; Kriiger, 1940, 
pp. 22, 72, 126, 129, 225, 338, 459, figs. 71, 74, 78a-c, 101a, 127; Newell, Im- 
brie, Purdy, and Thurber, 1959, pp. 207, 211, fig 12; Newman, Zullo, and 
Withers, 1969, p. R272, fig. 115.10; Southward, 1975, p. 3. 

Ellis described this species as follows: 

Abi, 1S. 

Fig. 5. Lepas dorsalis, testa quinquevalvi corpus tegente basi squamosa, 
valvulis lateralibus laevibus; dorsali rotundata transversum rugosa, stipite 

From Musquito shore. 

The following is taken from Darwin’s description of the hard 

The capitulum is half an inch in width and height; the entire 
length of the animal with contracted peduncle is about an inch and 
a half. The valves are dirty white, with the enveloping membrane 

The scuta are triangular, internally concave, with a small 
roughened internal knob or tooth at the rostral angle of both valves; 


the tergal margin is straight, overlapping about one third the entire 
width of the terga. 

The terga are irregularly oval, internally slightly concave, with 
straight scutal margins, and with the lower part of the carinal 
margin, immediately over the latera, slightly hollowed out. Ex- 
teriorly, toward the bottom of the valves, a narrow ridge is exposed, 
which runs down to the basal angle at about one third the entire 
width of the valve, from the scutal margin. 

The carina slightly overlaps the terga; it is internally concave, 
generally with a large upper portion freely projecting, without any 
central crest or ridge. The carina is nearly as wide as the middle 
part of the terga, the inner growing or corium-covered surface, with 
its basal margin, protuberant and arched. The dorsum of the carina 
is marked by strong concentric growth ridges separated by wider 

The rostrum is small and narrow, with deeply sinuous sides and 
a rounded basal margin; in width the rostrum equals about two and 
a half of the uppermost scales of the peduncle, and about half as wide 
as the latera. 

The latera are small, oblique, and parallel with the carinal 
margin of the terga; the longer axis is equal to five of the uppermost 
scales of the peduncle and to nearly half the width of the carina. 

The peduncle varies in length, generally twice, but on one of 
Darwin’s specimens thrice as long as the capitulum. The upper part 
of the peduncle is as wide as the capitulum, the lower part attenu- 
ated. The calcified scales in the uppermost whorl are only slightly 
larger than those in the second whorl, and the scales in the suc- 
ceeding three or four whorls are considerably larger than those be- 
low, which latter gradually decrease in size until, low down on the 
peduncle they are barely visible to the naked eye. In the lower part 
they appear as calcareous beads, standing apart from each other — 
smooth, translucent, and furnished with a conical fang. The upper 
scales vary somewhat in outline, the most usual shape being triangu- 
lar, with the lower margin arched and protuberant; this margin, in 
the two or three upper whorls, is crenated with teeth which are first 
conical and sharp but after molting become mere notches. The scales 
in the uppermost whorls are nearly quadrilateral, the imbedded por- 
tion or fang produced into a blunt rounded point. 

284 BuLLeTIN 299 

The basal calcareous cup of the peduncle is well developed, is 
composed of swirling overlapping growth lamellae, and attains a 
diameter of as much as half an inch. Before the cup is formed, there 
is a column of small flat discs attached to the side of the burrow. 

Type locality. — Northeast (Mosquitia) coast of Honduras. 

Florida localities. — Sambo Shoals (south of western group of 
Florida keys) where L. dorsalis occupies borings in corals or aeolian 
rocks; Soldier Key in Biscayne Bay, in intertidal rocks. 

Other localities. —Great Bahama Bank, intertidal shoals; San 
Salvador; Cuba; Jamaica; Puerto Rico (Ensenada Honda, Culebra, 
Aguadilla); Barbados; Venezuela (Rio Tocuyo); Netherlands An- 
tilles: Curacao (Westpuntbaai; Caracasbaai); Bonaire (Kralen- 
dijk); Klein Bonaire, east coast; Solomon Islands; Philippines; 
Chagos Archipelago; Farquhar Atoll. 

Neoscalpellum dichelopiax (Pilsbry) Pl. 34. figs. 4a-c 

The names applied to this taxon by one author or another are 
the following: 

Scalpellum debile Aurivillius (1898); Scalpellum edwardsu 
Gruvel (1900); Scalpellum dicheloplax Pilsbry (1907); Scalpellum 
dicheloplax benthophila Pilsbry (1907); and Scalpellum alboranense 
Gruvel (1920). Since Neoscalpellum dicheloplax (Pilsbry) is found 
nearest to Florida it is selected as the taxon most appropriate for 
this work. It is anticipated that the dictates of biogeography and 
details of external and internal morphology will play a role in ulti- 
mately determining which of the taxa should be combined and which 

The synonymy proposed by authors is as follows: 

Scalpellum debile Aurivillius, 1898, p. 189; 1938, p. 71; Gruvel, 1905, p. 27; 
1920, pp. 31-32, 73, pl. 5, figs. 13-15, pl. 7, fig. 1; Nilsson-Cantell, 1955, p. 218; 
Belloc, 1959, p. 2; Newman and Ross, 1971, pp. 96-99, text-figs. 49-50, as Neo- 

Scalpellum edwardsii Gruvel, 1900, p. 189; 1902b, p. 63, pl. 2, figs. 3B, 16; 
1902c, p. 523; 1905, pp. 28-29, fig. 27; Newman and Ross, 1971, p. 96. 

Scalpellum dicheloplax Pilsbry, 1907, pp. 70-73, fig. 28a-c; Fowler, 1912, 
p. 500; Hoek, 1914, p. 4; Gruvel, 1920, p. 32, pl. 7, fig. 2; Withers, 1926, 
p. 102; 1928, pp. xi, 13, fig. 36, as Neoscalpellum; Zullo, 1968, p. 212 and p. 214, 
as Mesoscalpellum; Newman, Zullo, and Withers, 1969, p. R224, fig. 94-11, as 
Mesoscalpellum; Newman and Ross, 1971, p. 96, as Neoscalpellum. 

Scalpellum alboranense Gruvel, 1920, p. 33, pl. 5, figs. 4-6; Belloc, 1959, 
p. 4; Newman and Ross, 1971, p. 96. 

The type locality for each of the species enumerated above is 

the following: 


Scalpellum debile Aurivillius 

“Princesse-Alice” sta. 749 (38°54’N, 23°27’W), 5005 meters, 
between Lisbon, Portugal and Terceira Island, Azores. 
Scalpellum edwardsu Gruvel 

“Talisman” dragage 136 (near the Azores), 4255 meters. 
Scalpellum dicheloplax Pilsbry 

“Albatross” sta. 2711 (38°5YN, 70°07’W), 1544 fathoms (2824 
meters), about 255 statute miles east off Cape May, New Jersey. 
Nearest locality to Florida. 

Scalpellum dicheloplax benthophila Pilsbry 

“Albatross” sta. 2042 (39°33’N, 68°26’45”W), 1555 fathoms 
(2844 meters), about 310 statute miles east off Atlantic City, New 

Scalpellum alboranense Gruvel 

“Prince Monaco” sta. 650 (36°54’N, 20°46’15’”W), 4400 meters, 
white foraminiferal ooze, between Lisbon, Portugal and Ponta Del- 
gado, Azores. 

Pilsbry’s description of his Scalpellum dicheloplax is summarized 
as follows: 

The capitulum, measuring 44 mm in length and 31 mm in width, 
is ovate and strongly compressed, and consists of 13 imperfectly cal- 
cified plates, all of them biramose or V-shaped and with a smooth 

The tergum is V-shaped, having a curved occludent branch 
about twice as long as wide and a long, slender curved carinal branch 
about twice the length of the occludent branch. The scutum has a 
wide convex occludent segment and a narrow, curved calcified tergal 
segment. The surface is sculptured by low, narrow, widely spaced 
riblets which are parallel with the basal margin. The occludent 
margin is strongly convex. The umbo is terminal at the apex and 
overlies the base of the tergum. The carina is strongly arched, more 
so above than below, and has a length of 42 mm and a diameter of 
4.5 mm at the base. The umbo is turned inward but is not quite 
terminal, a flattened continuation of the sides extending beyond it. 
The roof is deeply channeled, with high bordering ribs. The sides are 
of nearly equal width throughout. 

The upper latus is broadly V-shaped in the upper calcified por- 

tion, the two branches subequal, somewhat curved, the lower part 

286 BULLETIN 299 

of the broader half with two prongs. Another slender branch rises at 
the apex and runs toward the tergum in a direction at right angles 
to the tergal branch. There is no rostrum. The rostral latus is V- 
shaped, the basal branch shorter and wider. The inframedian latus 
has a calcified portion with a modified wineglass shape, being very 
narrow below the middle and expanded at the base, the upper part 
composed of two diverging branches, the one directed toward the 
scutum the longer of the two. The umbo is at or below the lower 
fourth in the adult stage but is higher in the young. The carinal 
latus is broadly V-shaped, the carinal branch the larger and curved. 
The umbones are recurved and project below and beyond the carina. 

The peduncle is 24 mm in length and is clothed with large 
strongly projecting scales in 7 rows of about 12 scales each. 

Type locality. — “Albatross” sta. 2711 (38°59N, 70°07’W), 
1554 fathoms (2842 meters), about 255 statute miles east of Cape 
May, New Jersey. Although Florida lies nearer to the type locality 
of this taxon than do the other four congeners, it is still remote, lying 
8° of latitude to the south and 10° of longitude to the west. 

Range and distribution.—In addition to the type localities 
specified above, the following localities have been cited for the 
Neoscalpellum dicheloplax group: 

As Scalpellum dicheloplax: “Michael Sars” sta. 10 (45°26’N, 
9°20”’W), 4700 meters, bottom of Globigerina ooze, attached to 
stones, lying west of the Bay of Biscay; “Albatross” sta. 2221 
(39°05’30”N, 70°44’30”W ), 2788 meters, and “Albatross” sta. 2222 
(39°03/15”N, 70°50’45”W), 2810 meters, both stations about 205 
statute miles east of Avalon, New Jersey. 

As Scalpellum dicheloplax benthophila: “Chain 50” sta. 81 
(34°41’N, 66°28’W), 5042 meters and “Atlantis II” sta. 93 
(34°39N, 66°26’W), 5007 meters, both stations lying northwest of 
Bermuda between Bermuda and Cape Hatteras, North Carolina. 

As Scalpellum debile: “Prince Monaco” sta. 652 (46°56’N, 
22°22’W ), 4261 meters, white foraminiferal ooze, east of Azores, be- 
tween Ponta Delgado and Cabo Sao Vicente, Portugal. 

As Scalpellum alboranense: “Prince Monaco” sta. 650 (38°54’N, 
21°06’W), 5005 meters, white Globigerina ooze, east off Azores be- 
tween Faial and Lisbon, Portugal. 


Recapitulating, the Scalpellum dicheloplax complex are deep 
water taxa ranging in recorded depth from 2788 meters east of 
Avalon, New Jersey, to 5042 meters between Cape Hatteras and: 
Bermuda. Geographically the farthest north locality is the Bay of 
Biscay in the Eastern Atlantic, and the farthest south is the Western 
Atlantic between Cape Hatteras and Bermuda, or roughly between 
46° north and 34° north. This is a fairly narrow latitudinal zone 
of occurrence and lends support for those who advocate the uniting 
of the S. dicheloplax complex in the Western Atlantic with the 
earlier-named S. debile-edwardsu complex in the Eastern Atlantic. 

Neoscalpellum dicheloplax benthophila (Pilsbry) Ri-7a4, fig. 5 

Scalpellum dicheloplax benthophila Pilsbry, 1907, p. 73, fig. 28d; Zullo, 
1968, p. 211; Newman and Ross, 1971, pp. 96, 97, 99. 

Scalpellum dicheloplax bentophila [sic] Pilsbry, Gruvel, 1920, pl. 7, fig. 9; 
Nilsson-Cantell, 1938, p. 7. 

Scalpellum (Arcoscalpellum) dicheloplax Pilsbry, subsp. benthophila Pils- 
bry, Weltner, 1922, p. 67. 

Concerning the legitimacy of this subspecies, Pilsbry wrote the 

The capitulum is more lengthened than in S. dicheloplax, its length twice 
the breadth. The carina is less arcuate with wider sides, and separated from 
the tergum by a much narrower chitinous suture. The plates of the lower 
whorl are completely calcified, and the inframedian lateral plate is narrower, 
with central umbo. The scuta, terga, and upper lateral plates are V-shaped, with 
comparatively shorter, wider branches than in S. dicheloplax. 

Length of capitulum 15, width 7.5; length of peduncle, 4.5 mm. 

The much more extensive calcification of the plates in the single example 
of this subspecies, as compared with §. dichcloplax, may be due to youth; but 
the narrower shape of the whole capitulum, the narrower inframedian latera, 
and the reduction of the chitinous space between carina and tergum are 
features which render it advisable te distinguish this form by name. It re- 
quires comparison with specimens of S. dicheloplax of equally small size which 
are unfortunately not yet in our possession. 

The views of other authors concerning the possible synonymy 
of the subspecies benthophila with S. dicheloplax Pilsbry and other 
earlier-named species are given on the preceding pages under Neo- 
scalpellum dicheloplax (Pilsbry). 

Type locality. — The type locality of Neoscalpellum dicheloplax 
benthophila is “Albatross” sta. 2042 (39°33’N, 68°26’45”W), 1555 
fathoms (2844 meters), about 310 statute miles east off Atlantic 
City, New Jersey, bottom of Globigerina ooze, bottom temperature 
Bhshor| Cs 

Other localittes.—“Chain 50” sta. 81 (34°39N, 66°26’W), 

288 BULLETIN 299 

5042 meters (2757 fathoms) and “Atlantis II” sta. 240 (34°39N, 
66°26’W ), 5007 meters (2738 fathoms). These two stations are about 
570 statute miles east off Cape Lookout, North Carolina, and lati- 
tudinally are about 5° north of Florida waters; “Valdivia” sta. 240 
(6°12.9’S, 41°17.3’E), 2959 meters (1618 fathoms), bottom tempera- 
ture 2°C, about 140 statute miles northeast of Dar es Salaam; 
“Michael Sars” sta. (45°26’N, 9°20’W), 4700 meters (2569 fath- 
oms), about 140 statute miles north off La Corufia, Spain, in the 
North Atlantic. 

Summarizing, Neoscalpellum dicheloplax benthophia ( Pilsbry) 
has been reported from the Western Atlantic, North Atlantic, and 
Indian Ocean off the east coast of Africa, at depths ranging from 
2844 meters to 5042 meters. 

Mesoscalpellum imperfectum (Pilsbry) Pl. 33, figs. 8, 9; Pl. 34, fig. 6 

Scalpellum imperfectum Pilsbry, 1907, pp. 70, 75-77, fig. 30, pl. 4, figs. 15- 
18; Fowler, 1912, p. 500; Annandale, 1913, p. 233; Barnard, 1924, pp. 17, 47; 
MacDonald, 1929, pp. 534, 537, pl. 2, fig. 3; Broch, 1953, pp. 9, 10, 12, 15, fig. 
12; Stubbings, 1961, pp. 11-13, text-fig. 2; 1967, p. 234; Zullo, 1968, p. 213. 

Scalpellum (Mesoscalpellum) imperfectum Pilsbry, 1908, p. 110. 

Mesoscalpellum imperfectum (Pilsbry), Newman and Ross, 1971, p. 119, 
text-fig. 62. 

Pilsbry’s description of the skeletal elements is summarized as 

The capitulum of the type is 29 mm in length, 20 mm in 
breadth. It is composed of 13 valves, the upper ones imperfectly cal- 
cified, joined by wide chitinous sutures. The occludent and carinal 
margins are regularly convex, and the apex is obtuse. The cuticle is 
thin and smooth, and the plates are weakly marked with growth 

The tergum is shaped like an inverted V, the two branches some- 
what curved, that along the occludent margin truncate at the apical 
end, the carinal branch much longer and tapering to an acute lower 
end. The apex is strongly recurved and acute, but a chitinous 
border projects beyond it along the occludent margin, and there is 
a small wing on the carinal side of the apex. The growth lines on 
the carinal branch are deeply V-shaped. The scutum is triangular, 
narrow above, with a small wing or triangular projection on the 
lateral side of the apex. The umbo is apical. The carina, measuring 
27 mm in length and 5 mm in width at the base, is widely separated 
from the other plates and is abruptly bent at the umbo. The roof 


is flat, bounded by angles or low ribs; the sides are moderately wide 
in the middle, narrowing above and below; the base is almost 
squarely truncate. 

The upper latus is pyriform-polygonal, widely separated from 
the other plates. The umbo is at the upper third of the plate. There 
is no rostrum. The rostral latus is narrow, the scutal and basal 
margins subparallel, the umbones at the upper front angle, and in 
contact. The inframedian latus is narrow, tapering somewhat toward 
the base which itself is expanded; the umbo is at the lower third. 
The carinal latus has the shape of a horn, curved at the apex which 
extends well beyond the carina. 

The peduncle is 14 mm in length, composed of eight rows of 
five scales each. 

Type locahty.—“Albatross” sta. 2731 (36°45’N, 74°28’W), 
781 fathoms, (1428 meters), attached to Arcoscalpellum velutinum 
(Hoek), about 100 statute miles east of Norfolk, Virginia. This is the 
locality nearest Florida. 

Other locahties. —“Albatross” sta. 2741 (37°44’°N, 73°56’W), 
852 fathoms (1558 meters), about 90 statute miles east off Cedar 
Island, Virginia; “Albatross” sta. 2196 (39°35’N, 69°44’W), 1230 
fathoms (2250 meters), on echinoderm spine, about 255 statute miles 
east off Beach Haven, New Jersey; “Pieter Faure” sta., 38 miles 
southwest off Cape Point, South Africa, at approximately 34°30’S, 
17°45’E, 755 fathoms (1381 meters); “Ingolf” sta. 63 (62°40’/N, 
19°05’W), off the south coast of Iceland; “Atlantide” sta. 120 
(2°09°N, 9°27’E), 650-260 meters, about 45 statute miles west off 
Equatorial Guinea; ? Galapagos Islands in the Eastern Pacific. 

The recorded depth range of Mesoscalpellum imperfectum is 260 
to 2250 meters (143 to 1230 fathoms). The farthest north record is 
Iceland, the farthest south off the southern tip of Africa, thus occur- 
ring in polar, temperate, and tropical latitudes of the Western and 
Eastern Atlantic. Newman and Ross (1971) stated that Mac- 
Donald’s Galapagos locality in the Eastern Pacific is in need of 

Mesoscalpellum sp. Bayer, Voss, and Robins 
Scalpellum (Mesoscalpellum), n. sp. Bayer, Voss, and Robins, 1970, p. A43. 

This taxon, undescribed, was reported by the authors as oc- 

290 BULLETIN 299 

curring in the Gulf of Mosquitos, Panama, at “Pillsbury” sta. 447 
(9°07.4’N, 81°07.4’°W to 9°04’N, 81°13.8’W), depths 664 to 681 
meters. “Pillsbury” sta. 447 lies northwest of San Cristébal, Panama, 
the coordinates of which are 8°52’N, 80°56’W. 


Alessandri, Giulio de 

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Annandale, Thomas Nelson 

1905. Malaysian barnacles in the Indian Museum, with a list of the 
Indian Pedunculata. Asiatic Soc. Bengal, Mem., vol. 1, pp. 73-87, 
text-figs. 1-3, pl. 8. 

1907. Crustacea (Entomostraca) — Pt. I, pls. I-11. Illustrations of the 
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1968. Crustacea Entomostraca — Pt. II, pls. I1I-V. Illustrations of the 
Zoology of the Royal Indian Marine Survey Ship Investigator under 
the command of Captain W. G. Beauchamp, R. I. M. Calcutta, pls. 

1909-1910. An account of the Indian Cirripedia Pedunculata, Part I — 
Family Lepadidae (sensu stricto). Indian Mus. Calcutta, Mem., vol. 
2, pp. 60-137, pls. 6-7. 

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294 BULLETIN 299 

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296 BULLETIN 299 

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298 BULLETIN 299 


Figure Page 

1. Scalpellum (?) albatrossianum PilSDIy ..............cccccsscsscceceeeseeeceeeeees 237 
Holotype X 4. Dimensions: capitulum 10.5 mm X 5.3 mm; peduncle 
length 3.5 mm; carina length 9 mm; diameter at base 1.7 mm. 

2; scalpetlum) (2) antillaruml BilSbTy, cccccccccseeectsesecsecseeeesee ee 240 

2a. Holotype X 3. Dimensions: capitulum 11 mm X 5.7 mm; carina 
length 4.5 mm; diameter at base 1.1 mm. 2b. Details of rostrum. 
2c. Details of carina. 

3-0. ‘Scalpellum: arietinum PilsSDry «scccccccssscsccscs000s<sccsscosvccacessvsuceosseeceeenee 242 

3a,b. Holotype. 3a. Lateral view X 3; 3b. Dorsal view X 4. Dimen- 
sions: capitulum 11.6 mm X 7 mm; peduncle length 6 mm; carina 
length 12 mm; diameter near base 1.7 mm. 4,5. Specimens from 
off Palm Beach, Florida. 4. Lateral view of whole animal, 
dimensions not given. 5a. Mandible; 5b. Maxilla. 5c. Protopo- 
dite of cirrus VI, penis, and caudal appendage. 5d. Segments of 
cirrus I. 5e. Segment of cirrus V. 5f. Palpus. 






Figure Page 

i PArcoscalpellum aUrivillit CPUISDIY) Mic. siecceccexcccetessenseceseessassossrosestecese 267 
la,b. Holotype, lateral views X 3. Dimensions: capitulum 15.3 mm 
< 7.5 mm; peduncle length 5 mm; carina length 13.5 mm, 
diameter at base 2.2 mm. 

2. Arcoscalpellum aurivillii incertum (PilSbry) .............. ccc eeeeee 268 
2c. Holotype X 2, lateral view. Dimensions: capitulum 24 mm X 
13 mm; peduncle length 7.5 mm; carina length 22 mm, diameter 
at base 3 mm. 

Bat eeO Cal pellUMNCaniNatUligblOCk. cccc.cesccscesoer esse oete saeco nore casera oeneoaaee 243 

Holotype X 3. 3. Lateral view. 4. Carinal view. Dimensions: cap- 
itulum length 16 mm; peduncle length about 6 mm. From Hoek 

HaGweocalpellum) (?) GiceratUM Ev SDiY: cicccc-seccecccesescrercceeteeeece teens 244 

5a,b. Lateral and carinal views of holotype X 3. Dimensions: cap- 
itulum 13.5 mm X 7.8 mm; peduncle length 7 mm; carina length 
13.5 mm, diameter near base 2.8 mm. 6. Specimen from off Palm 
Beach, Florida. 6g. Third tooth and lower point of mandible. 6h. 
Base of cirrus VI, penis, and caudal appendage. 

igmocalpellum gibbum) Pilsbry:::20803.5.328 2805005. 6.8 onc hss ee ee ress 246 

Holotype. 7a. Lateral view X 4.5. 7b. Detail of rostrum. Dimen- 
sions: capitulum 7 mm X 4 mm; peduncle length 2 mm. 

300 BULLETIN 299 


Figure Page 

f. Scalpellumgibbum Pusbry ...,.¢..:¢cc6.c56sectbess2hcb-oncescdnnsto ee 246 

Hypotypes collected off South Carolina by Zullo (1966b). 1A 
Adult. 1B. Juvenile. 

2a. scalpellum)(?) giganteum (Gruvelieessi.ssrsers sc scssccceccssscesedoneeeeeeeee 247 
2. Gruvel’s types from off Cuba, depth 500 fathoms, x about ¥%. 
Dimensions: capitulum 45 mm X 32 mm; peduncle 45 mm X 15 
mm. 3. Specimen from fishing banks off Maine? Dimensions: 
capitulum 47 mm X 35 mm X 20 mm; peduncle length about 37 
mm. After Pilsbry (1907). 

4. Scalpellum (?) gorgoniophilum Pilsbry ...............cccccccssccecssseseesseseees 249 

Holotype. 4a. Lateral view X 4. 4b. Detail of rostrum. Dimensions: 
capitulum 9 mm X 5 mm; carina Jength 6.8 mm, diameter near 
base 1.8 mm; peduncle length 2.8 mm. 

D2, scaipellum (2) Qrachlis PHSDIY <..:.<:-0c0<-.ncscosseosccseseocsssecuee se eee 250 

Holotype. 5a. Lateral view X 4. 5b. Details of rostrum. 5c. Details 
of carina. Dimensions: capitulum 8 mm X 3.3 mm; carina length 
6.3 mm, diameter at base 1 mm; peduncle length 18 mm. 

6. (Scalpellum, henderson Piulsbry -2-).2).05..<<0<0kccceceece--c<--ctne-xcl ee 251 

Holotype X 10. Dimensions: capitulum 5 mm X 2.5 mm; carina 
length 3.75 mm. 



VOL. 72 




, ih 



KS reay f 



Scalpellum (?) microceros MacDonald. 2...............:s:cccccceeessssssseeesseees 
Holotype. Capitulum 31 mm X 23 mm; peduncle about 32 mm in 
length, width near base 14 mm. 

Seal Pelluini- (HOP a PTSD Ys ies eR cack sale eiete ee sade lh dodhaaebesassnecses 

Holotype. 2a. Lateral view X 2. 2b. Rostral view. 2c. Dorsal view. 

Dimensions: capitulum 18 mm X 9 mm; peduncle length 4.3 mm; 
carina length 15 mm, diameter at base 3 mm. 

Scalpellum (?) longicarimatum PilSDry ...............ccccccesscccceeesssssesesees 

Holotype X 5. 3a. Lateral view. 3b. Carina] view. 3c. Rostral view. 

Dimensions: capitulum 10 mm X 5.4 mm; peduncle length 2 mm; 
carina length 9.5 mm, diameter at base 2 mm. 

ScalpellUm CA) mMICHUMPe MSDs oe cecccscecccectccescesecencencereeercccceerse tates 

4. Lateral view of holotype x 8. 4b. Detail view of rostrum. 
Dimensions: capitulum 5 mm X 2.5 mm; peduncle length 1.3 mm; 
carina length 3.2 mm. 

Scalpellum (?) portoricanum PilSDry ...............cccccccceeseeceeeeseeseeseeees 

Holotype. 5a. Rostral view. 5b. Lateral view X 2.7 approximately. 
5c. Carinal view. Dimensions: capitulum 12 mm X 7.7 mm; 
peduncle length 7 mm; carina length 11.3 mm, diameter at base 
2.2 mm. 

Scalpellum (?) intonsum (PilSDIy) ..................cescccccceceseeesereccceeceeeeeees 

Type. 6d. Detail of rostrum. 6e. Lateral view xX 4. Dimensions: 
length of three different capitula 9.5 mm, 9.7 mm, and 7 mm. 


302 BULLETIN 299 


Figure Page 

1. Scalpellum (?) pentacrinarum PilSDIy .................ccccsssscerccccssessnceee 257 

Holotype. 1a. Lateral view 6. 1b. Dorsal view. 1c. Ventral view. 
Dimensions: capitulum 8 mm X 3.7 mm; peduncle length 3.7 
mm; carina length 5.2 mm, diameter near base 1.2 mm. 

2. SCalBellUni, PressSUM PIISDILY <...isccccc....0..cséecsecnsseceseansnsnextereneeee omen 260 

Holotype. 2a. Lateral view X 5. 2b. Ventral view. Dimensions: 
capitulum 8 mm X 4 mm X 1.8 mm; peduncle length 3 mm. 

3,4. Scalpellum prunulum AUurivillius ..............:.:s<saccscassececcsaeeddceoouseeeeeneen 262 
Holotype. 3(3). Lateral view of capitulum. 4(4). Capitulum from 
below. Dimensions: length of whole specimen 6 mm; capitulum 4 
mm X 2.5 mm. 

5s Scalpellum’ (2) pteryges MacDonald ..c..2:seccescessesscccceseeeeetee eee 263 

Holotype. Dimensions: capitulum 23 * 15 mm; peduncle length 10 
mm, about 13 rows of scales. 

6. Arcoscalpellum regina (PIsDIry)) cccccsicsccccecceciesce-deecsacscssaccenostagenteeeeer 269 

Holotype. 6(4). Diagrammatic section of carina. 6(5). Detail of 
base of carina. 6(6). Lateral view. Dimensions: capitulum 43 
mm X 30 mm; peduncle length 26 mm; carina length 40 mm, 
diameter at base 6 mm. 

fe scalpellum) (2) sinUatUml Ell slytiyaecers..cssccscccnersercessetrecceeeseteeeeecee eee 265 

7a. Holotype, lateral view X 3. 7b. Rostral view. 7c. Topotype 
>< 3. Dimensions of holotype: capitulum 13 mm X 7 mm; ped- 
uncle length 5 mm. 





perars i. : 




Figure Page 
1-5. Arcoscalpellum regium (ThoMSoONn) .................cccseesccceeeeesssessseeeceesees 271 

1. Holotype, female. Dimensions: jength 60 mm; capitulum 40 mm 
xX 25 mm; peduncle length 20 mm; 1a, males lodged within edge 
of scutum. 1(8). Diagrammatic section of carina, after Pilsbry 
(1970). 2. Male of Arcoscalpellum regium X 20. 3(3). Lateral 
view of young specimens, natural size, after Hoek (1883). 4(4). 
Lateral view of fully grown specimen, natural size, after Hoek 
(1883). 5(5). Carinal view of fully grown specimen, natural size, 
after Hoek (1883). 

Ga Seal pelluni latidorsGm CElSPLy.)<...s00cccdecesecees ot-0-4setbes cteedeasesee 253 

Holotype. 6(2). Dorsal view, natural size. 6(3). Lateral view, 
natural size. Dimensions: length of 6(3) 70 mm; capitulum 42 
mm X 28.5 mm; carina length of 6(2) 38 mm, diameter near 
base 11 mm. 6(7). Diagrammatic section of carina. 

7. Scalpellum (?) semisculptum Pilsbry .............ccccccccesscessceescsesscesesesees 264 

7a. Holotype <X 3. 7b. Details of rostrum. 7c. Details of carina. 
Dimensions: capitulum 16 mm X 7.7 mm; peduncle length 3 mm; 
carina length 12.5 mm, diameter at base 2.5 mm. 

304 BULLETIN 299 


Figure Page 
1,2. Arcoscalpellum velutinum (Hoek) ..................csscsccssssssccsssssssessesssens eB: 

Holotype. 1(10). Lateral view, natural size. 2 (11). Carinal view, 
natural size. Dimensions: capitulum length 33 mm; peduncle 
length 12 mm. 

3,4. Arcoscalpellum eximium (HOeK) «....20.....:..0.2..:0cheactssacaneshenentarstastns 273 

Holotype. 3(6). Lateral view, natural size. 4(7). Carinal view 
natural size. Dimensions: capitulum length about 43 mm; ped- 
uncle length nearly 20 mm. 

5. Arcoscalpellum michelottianum (SeguenZa) ...............ccceeeseeeeeeeeees 273 

“Types”. All figures except 5(25) enlarged more or less. 
§(15,15a). Inner and outer faces of scutum, from the upper 
Zanclean of Salice, Messina Province. 5(16,16a). Inner and outer 
faces of tergum from the same locality. 5(17,17a,17b). Carina 
from the same location and terrane, shown in three positions. 
5(17c). Section of same. 5(18,18a). Upper latus from same 
locality and terrane, showing inner and outer faces. 5(19,19a). 
Carinal latus found at Scoppo, near Messina, in the upper 
Zanclean Marl, showing external and internal surfaces; 5(20). 
Rostral latus showing outer surface, found in the upper Zanclean 
of Salice. 5(21). Rostral latus showing inner surface, from the 
upper marl of the Zanclean at Gravitelli near Messina. 
5 (22,23,24). Scales of three diverse forms belonging to the ped- 
uncle of the same species. Found in great abundance in the sand 
of the upper Zanclean at Salice, together with a large number 
of other valves. 5(25). Completely imaginative representation 
and of natural size, of the mode of attachment of all the plates 
of S. michelottianum, together with peduncular scales; or a 
restoration of said species. (After Seguenza, 1876). 



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Figure Page 
tee Arcoscalpellumi Vith@Uinig (HOCK) trees. cccccecsosscaccess ones sascscsesence coceccess sce 278 
Holotype X 6, lateral view. Dimensions: capitulum length 13.5 
mm; peduncle length 3.5 mm. 
2. Arcoscalpellum talismani Gruvel .....................ccccccccccccscsssscessseesesseee 278 
Holotype, redrawn by Gruvel (1905). Dimensions: capitulum 18 
mm Xx 9 mm; peduncle length 3.5 mm, diameter 4.5 mm. 
See Cal aiticd SUPCG Ba: CE TSI) rice cccsenstenssecces sss deoceacoesstesoesesitenesonctoverucscies 280 

Holotype, natural size. 3a. Ventral view. 3b. Lateral view. 3c. 
Dorsal view. Dimensions: capitulum 46 mm X 34 mm; length of 
visible part of carina 38 mm, diameter 14 mm; peduncle short. 

4-7. Euscalpellum stratum (AUuriVillius) .0.....00.........cccceseccsscceseesesseeeccceeeee 281 
4. Lateral view of holotype. 5. Capitulum from below. 6. Anterior 
maxilla. 7. Specimen from Palm Beach, Florida (Pilsbry, 1953). 
7R. Front view of rostrum. 
8,9. Mesoscalpellum imperfectum (PUISDIy) ..........0000cccccccceceeesceeceeseeeeeeee 288 

8. Holotype xX 1.5, lateral view. Dimensions: capitulum 29 mm 
x 20 mm; peduncle length 14 mm; carina length 27 mm, diam- 
eter at base 5 mm. 9. Specimen from off Galapagos (MacDonald, 
1929), lateral view, natural size. 

306 BULLETIN 299 


133, Lithotrya-dorsalis: (llis and ‘Solander)/e2c2..ccce ee ee 
1.. Holotype. 2(1) - 2(1a’,1b’,1c’). Specimens figured by Darwin 

(1851) and described as follows: 2(1). Rock bored in two direc- 
tions, X 2. 2(1a’). Animal with basal cup adherent, xX 2. 
2(1b’). Greatly enlarged, showing rostrum and rostral corners 
of the two scuta, together with a small portion of the subjacent 
membrane of the peduncle with its calcareous scales and in- 
ferior crenated edges. 2(1c’). Basal calcareous cup, x 1.5. 3. 
Specimen from Sambo Shoals, Florida, length 35 mm (Pilsbry, 
Disregard figure 8. 

4. Neoscalpellum dicheloplax (PilSbry) .0.....0.........cccssesccccsessseesseeeceseeeee 

4a,b. Lateral and carinal views of holotype, natural size. Dimen- 
sions: capitulum 44 mm X 31 mm; peduncle length 24 mm; 
carina length 42 mm, diameter at base 4.5 mm; 4c, young indi- 
vidual, natural size. 


5. Neoscalpellum dicheloplax benthophila (Pilsbry) ........................ 

5d. Holotype * 2. Dimensions: capitulum 15 mm X 7.5 mm; ped- 
uncle length 4.5 mm. 

6. Mesoscalpellum imperfectum (PIISDIy) ..............cccccecccececssecceeceeeeeeeee 

6(15). Intermediate segment from sixth cirrus. 6(16). Terminal 
appendage. 6(17). Mandible. 6(18). Lower tooth and lower point 
of same more enlarged. 



pa A 

> eee 
5 7, ha 


Note: Light face type refers to page numbers. Bold face type refers 

to plate numbers. 

Aden-Zanzibar cable .. 277 
Aequipecten gibbus .. 243 
JNDGUON sonia ua eeerrrn er 288, 276 

PUeTLO RICO sesass<cc2.2 284 

alatum, Scalpellum .... 273, 274, 277 

?Scalpellum ............ 237, 238, 240 

Scalpellum’ <22.2.:2:..0<. 284 
Alligator Point, 

TEOTRIG Ey aa eacca none 243 
Anguilla, Leeward 

TISTENTIVGIS) vcscactnareceeocbee: 282 
PATA GATCEIC@ As a ccreebtrssceseses 279 

Zscalpellum ......c.<2 238, 240 

MUTATION eeeeeeseses ees 32 239, 274, 275 

michelottianum ..32 235, 239, 273, 


ME OUND te tees a 30 239, 269 

OSU teeeccooscceevacsec 31 239, 271 

Ciersinuatun es. 265 

GalanS mn aeeeeccceees ee 33 239, 278 

velutinum. ............ 32 239, 244, 248, 

268, 273, 274, 

VATE UIs ocececsse: 33 239, 278 

Scealpellum .......... 26 238, 246 
ASHIANE STAGE! .c...<ccs-s.- 274 
Atlantic City, 

New Jersey .............. 254, 285, 287 
aurivillii, Arco- 

scalpellum .............. 239, 268 
aurivillii incertum, 

Areoscalpellum ...... 239, 268 
Avalon, New Jersey .. 286, 287 
Azores) Islands) < PALSY, PAD, PATH 

Bali, Island of, 

IMGOMESTA™ css ce-ccstesec OATH 
Barbados) essere 284 
Bayport, Florida ........ 260, 265 
Bay of Bengal, India .. 240 
Bays Of BISCAY e-.-e 286, 287 
Beach Haven, 

New Jersey .............. 289 

Belén, Gulf of 

Mosquitos, Panama.. 260 
bellum, Scalpellum .... 278, 279 
Bermudas cee 286, 287 
Biloxi, Mississippi ...... 270 
Biscayne Bay, Florida 284 
Bonaire, Netherlands 

ATEN CS eases tavte ces. 284 
Boynton Beach Inlet, 

TIOTEIGED  cocsocnsnossenseeetec 282 
183 Al Ne a 272 
Bryan Coast, 

ANCA CtIC aes eee 279 

Cabo Sao Vicente, 
Portigalaeeses ee 274, 276, 277, 
Cap Cantin, Morocco .. Patel 
Cap Noun, Morocco .... 277 

Canaveral, Florida .. 248 

Finisterre, Spain .... 273 

May, New Jersey .... 254, 285 

Farewell, Greenland 279 

Florida, Florida ...... 245, 282 

Hatteras, North 

Carolina. sc.:-secee 244, 246, 247 

272, 286, 287 

Lookout, North 

Carolina: he: ee. 247, 272, 288 

Point, South Africa.. 266, 289 

Race, New- 

foundland .......c:.:..-. 272 

Sable, Nova Scotia.. 275 

St. George, Florida.. 243 
Cape Town, 

South Africa ............ 277 
Calantica 33 239, 280 
Canary Islands ............ 277 

CuracaOie ee 285 
Caribbean Sea ............ 235, 248, 250, 

253, 270 

Scealpellum .......... 27 238, 243 
Cartagena, Colombia .. 253 
Cedar Island, 

Mireiniante. 2%. 2.......0; 289 
Chagos Archipelago .. 284 
Charlestown, Nevis .... 251 

WAPI Acct 278 



Cidaris tribuloides ...... 243 
Colombiae eee 270, 271 
Covenas, Colombia .... 246, 248 
Crescent Beach, 

South Carolina ...... 276 
Cubase ees 284 
Culebra, Puerto Rico.. 284 
Curacao, Netherlands 

PATTIE GS errr css 284 
Currituck, North 

Carolinawee te ee 268 

Dar es Salaam ............ 288 
debile, Scalpellum .... 284 
Delaware Bay .............. 266 
Destin, Florida ............ 265 
Diamond Shoals, 

North Carolina ........ 247 
diceratum, ?Scal- 

pelle ee 27 238, 244 

Neoscalpellum ....34 239, 284 
dicheloplax bentho- 

phila, Neoscalpel- 

UI 2 116.0 pet eee oe ee re ie 34 239, 284, 287 
dorsalis, epas' <....c5-., 282 

aithotryai yess. 34 239, 282 

East London, 

SouthvAtricaye 256 
Eastern Atlantic 

Ocean. hese 244, 266, 287, 

Eastern Pacific 

OCCAN Seeks 289 
Ecphora Zone .............. 235, 247 

Sealpellum .............. 284 

PN CUETO), cerppcasconccene 279 
Ensenada Honda, 


Equatorial Guinea ...... 289 
erectum, Scalpellum .. 273, 274, 275 


Stratum) -220-22--- 33 239, 281 

eximium, Arcoscal- 
ELUM. oii eeeeeeees: 32 239, 273, 274, 

Faial Island, Azores .. 277, 286 
Farquhar’ Atoll’ 2:2... 284 

Folly Beach, 

South Carolina ........ 251 

Sealpellum <.......:...- 278 
Fort Fisher, 

South Carolina ........ 279 

Sumter, South 

Carolinawes sere: 277 

Galapagos Islands ...... 289 
Georgia” 2a eee 2505 201, 201. 
gibbum, Scalpel- 

Ue 27,28 235, 238, 246 
gibbus, Aequipecten .. 243 
Gibraltar yee. 277 
giganteum, ?Scalpel- 

WWM cies cee 2 238, 247 
Godthaab, Greenland.. 240, 268 
Golfe de Gascogne, 

TANCE) ees 279 

?Scalpellum ........ 28 238, 249 

?Scalpellum ........ 28 238, 250 


(Glyptelasma) .......... 248 
Grand Bank, 

Newfoundland ........ 272 
Gravitelli, Sicily .......... 274 
Great Bahama Bank .. 284 
Greenland. 42.7. 240, 268, 276, 

Gulf Beach, Florida .. 270 
Gulf of 

A GON see eee 277 

Darien 22. 260 

MEXICON ie eee 235, 241, 243, 

245, 247, 260, 
265, 270, 271 

Mosquitos, Panama.. 260, 290 
Ealbanass Culpaliereceree ese 245, 246, 258 

Scalpellum .......... 28 238, 251 
Homosassa, Florida .... 243, 245 
HEONGUGAS) fee eee 284 

Neeland)3 20.3. eee 240, 244, 265, 

Sealpellum ........... 29 238, 252 
imperfectum, Neoscal- 

pellum’ .<....:..:: 33, 34 239, 288 




Scallpe lita) <itc.cscese 243 
1OaYG WE rs saan eoeeereeeeeeee 277 
Indian Ocean .............. 276, 279, 288 
UINGOMES Tatere see rees sneezes ZO 208) 

?Scalpellum ........ 29 238, 260 
Ibe ENaC | aha eee FAT 
USL ap BAT Ueicc.vsssesssssewsses 270 
Mtalivaeeene tier ec cectes 274 

Jackson Bluff 

HOnMaAtlOMees ese eceeeee 235, 247 

AJEUTE NER) ceed BaAsasaneecoreer 284 
Kap Farvel, 

Greenland) ve.ccssseceees- 266 

Archipelago ............ 276 

Biscayne, Florida .. 282 

West, Florida .......... 243, 250, 251, 

Klein Bonaire, 


PATIENTS peeeecn teeesee 284 
Kralendijk, Bonaire .. 284 

La Coruna, Spain ...... 288 

Sealpellum. .....:....: 31 238, 253 
Le Have Bank ............ 261 
Leon County, Florida.. 235, 247 
Lepas dorsalis ............ 282 
Lisbon, Portugal ........ 244, 277, 285, 


@MOTSANS “a.kcc2es0200295 34 239, 282 

?Scealpellum ........ 29 238, 254 
Los Pilones, 

Spanish Sahara ...... 277 

Malay Archipelago .... 279 
Marineland, Florida .. 255 

Martha’s Vineyard .... 262, 268, 279 

Massachusetts ............. 273 

Puerto TRICO 2225!.345: 260 
Mediterranean Sea .... PATA CALITL 
Megalasma (Glypte- 

lasma) gracilius ...... 248 
Melbourne Beach, 

Ploriday 6:.28 22! 253 

Mesoscalpellum imper- 

fECtuIMiye..-.-.. 33, 34 239, 288 
Mesoscalpellum, n. sp. 289 
Messina Province, 

Sicilliype Macestese orcessss 274 
michelottianum, Arco- 

scalpellum .......... 32 235, 239, 274, 


?Scalpellum ........ 29 238, 255 

?Scalpellum ........ 29 238, 256 
Mississippi River...... .. 247 

Stategotes.\ ccs ee 270 
Mobile, Alabama ........ 247 
Mogadishu, Somalia .. 277 
MONACO) seer essecs eter 277 
Montauk Point, 

ING W WORK eee eesccccees 268 
Moresby Island, 

Canadas ee 269 
Mosquitia Coast, 

ELOMGUTAS ese 284 


Massachusetts ........ 273 

dicheloplax .......... 34 239, 284 


benthophila ........34 238, 284, 287 
Netherlands Antilles.. 284 
Newfoundland ............ 249, 272, 275, 

INGW2 JiGTSCY, cc.ccccccecesccess 248, 254, 268, 
285, 286, 287, 
New Orleans, 

Lousianay |] 241 
Newport News, 

WARTEABIUEY ceresntereosnsnonece 240, 273 
INE Wwe vork. =.ce see 268 
Nicobar Island, India.. 277 
Nightingale Island . 275 
Norfolk, Virginia ........ 244, 289 
North Atlantic Ocean 268, 288 
North Carolina...) 244, 246, 247, 

268, 272, 286, 
INN SGOWE eapsstoxes 273 
obesum, Scalpellum .. 262 
Ocean City, 
New Jersey .............. 254 



Oman, Gulf Of, ...:5.s.00 276, 277 
Orange Beach, 
LUG TEKG Re Sees Acetate 270 
Palm Beach, Florida .. 243, 245, 247, 

Katherine V. W. .... 230 
Panacea, Florida ........ 270 
[eR ITETTIEy Ceoecos NCO eaCereE 248, 253, 260, 


WOSSISSIPDL socc.csc050552 270 
Pensacola, Florida ...... 241, 270 

?Sealpellum ........ 30 238, 257 
Pernambuco, Brazil .... PAL (2 
Philippine Islands ...... 284 
Ercan vAZOLeS) sicccesscescece 275 
Plaisancian Stage ...... 274 
Point Pleasant, 

New Jersey ............+- 268 
Ponta Delgado, 

FAZOTES® | Be ricsccesssstascie 285, 286 

?Scalpellum ........ 29 238, 259 
POTUICAN Gear cccwweseeceneses 274, 276, 277, 


Scalpellum, .....-.:.:. 30 238, 260 

Sealpellum .......... 30 238, 262 

?Scalpellum ........ 30 238, 263 
IPM EELOVRACO et eeeeeesesence=es 284 
Punta Mosquito, 

IPAM aM Aer eee 248, 253 
Punta San Blas, 

IPAM wo cccscs cccessssees 248, 253 

Racoon Key, 

South Carolina ...... 247 
Regssio, Waly. -...-.-:...... 274 

Arcoscalpellum ..30 239, 269 

Arcoscalpellum ..31 239, 271 
Reykjavik, Iceland .... 240, 244, 265 

Riohacha, Colombia .. 271 
Rio Tocuyo, 
WEnezZUGla «...:..05..2... 284 
Sagami Bay, Japan .... 279 
St. Andrews, Florida .. 260 

St. Andrews Sound, 
Georgia -:c.85 
St lucia island! 
St. Mary’s River, 
Georgia-Florida ...... 
Salices tala cee 
Sambo Shoals, 
OTIGAL cc.seeesce eee 

Panama 3.2. 
San Juan, 

Puerto vRicor..e 
Sane Salvador ee 
Santa Marta, 

Colombpiaye ee 
Sasardi Viejo, 

Panama ets. -eeeee 
Sawu, Indonesia .......... 
Sealpeliim 2) 

alatims 2 eee 

255, 257, 261 

299, 281 

284, 307 



273, 274, 277 

albatrossianum ....26 237, 238, 240, 

alboranense ............ 
antellarimal ee-c.eee 26 
arietinum!) =2..2 26 
ora auuii pes pesssscox 27 

INCcertumMe + eee 27 
aurivillii ee 
GarinatwM oes 27 
debpilet 2 2. aw 
diceratumees 27 
erectum ©.....2545-455 
fOrMOSUM) 2. 
Feallo|oybb000 cpceneeee 27, 28 
giganteum ............ 28 
gorgoniophilum ..28 
sTracwius) se 28 
hendersoni .......... 28 
1diOplax: 4 o/s 29 
imperfectum ............ 
NCCT UUM scene 27 
intonsum) 2......... 29 
latidorsum) 22 31 

longicarinatum ....29 
ODESUNDDE Feeeccsetecest 

microceros .......... 29 
MITC RUT eevsces eeeeees 29 
pentacrinarum ....30 
portoricanum ....... 29 
DECSSUMN seeeececrscseaee 30 
pranulum) <....68 30 
DLCLYVEES) ce esecesesanee 30 
semisculptum ...... 31 
septentrionale ........ 



238, 240 
238, 242, 246 
239, 267 

239, 268 
278, 279 

273, 274, 275 
235, 238, 246 
238, 247 
238, 249 
238, 250 
238, 251 
238, 252 
239, 268 
238, 260 
238, 253 
238, 254 
238, 255 
238, 256 
238, 257 
238, 259 
238, 260 
238, 262 
238, 263 
239, 264 


SUT ALUM aeeeeesseereee 30 239, 265 

SOMGUGUIN eee eeerreeeee 273, 274, 275 

(SPECIES?) vecceecesssse-ee 259 

SUrIOlAtUIM seeeeeeeees ee 23 

SETO CMM eee reece 260, 262 

LEMUC Ween 237 
Sea Island, Georgia .... 281 

?Scealpellum ........ 31 239, 264 

Scalpellumy 262 
SHC et eee 274 
Sidi Moussa, Morocco.. aT 
cf. sinuatum, 

Arcoscalpellum ...... 265 

?Sealpellum ........ 30 239, 265 
Socatra Island ............ PAT 
Soldier Key, Florida.. 284 
Solomon Islands ........ 284 
SOMA meee eee PAM | 
Sombrero Key Light, 

LOGIC Ame eee 245 

Sealpellum) 2... 273, 274, 275 
SOPPOw SICHly, 2. 274 
SON Ataarel eae PAT 
South Atlantic Ocean.. 277 

South Carolinas... 247, 251, 275, 

276, 277, 279 

Sas ee oe cokes teases 288 
Straits of Florida ........ 246 

Euscalpellum ...... 33 239, 281 
stroemii, Scalpellum .. 260, 262 
Sumba, Island of, 

INGONESIA: ...56<c055-000025 277 

Calanticay.-.. 33 239, 280 
Surf City, 

New Jersey .............. 248 


Arcoscalpellum ..33 239, 278 
tenue, Scalpellum ...... 2a 
Terceira Island, 

INT ODOS mre eee ecssorans 285 
Trapani, Sicily ............ 274 
tribuloides, Cidaris .... 243 

Tristan da Cunha ...... 244, 274, 275, 

276, 277 
Trivandrum, India ...... 277 
Arcoscalpellum 32 239, 244, 273, 
Venezuela 284 
\WATHEAUINE) asssonaceecosccocaaneong 240, 244, 273, 
279, 289 
Arcoscalpellum ..33 239, 278 
Western Atlantic 
OCCAMB Ri viscstsecteeess 235, 240, 253 
257, 262, 268, 
287, 289 
Curacao ee 284 
Yeddo, Japan .............. 279 
Zanclian Stage ............ 274 

cx 1 wirwetu 
4 (reat mt 

’ > irae 

7 ) : I, 





(Nos. 233, 236). SIRIA AD DEA SUD ISie decsecotecene tasasvesiceecrsuccccemcetas tases 
New Zealand forams, Stromatoporoidea, Indo-Pacific, Mio- 
cene-Pliocene California forams. 
(Nos. 237-238). AR BD es 4D) DSs, (cet Seccreascusctstecctee sneak tse teencoseceson 
Venezuela Bryozoa, Kinderhookian Brachiopods. 
(Nos. 239-245). BIRT seen OD Sey eee n teense re esau nc eee regen 
Dominican ostracodes, Lepidocyclina, mollusks. 

(Nos. 246-247). GST DD ay OO) Seperate ee eee ceeaecasaneasesecescusaorcnes 
Cenozoic corals, Trinidad Neogene mollusks. 
(Nos. 248-254). SD joyee poly cae ee at ee aren eee 

Forams, North Carolina fossils, coral types, Cenozoic 
Echinoids, Cretaceous Radiolaria, Cymatiid gastropods 
(Nos. 255-256). CPST oa) VAN) 0) Klee eee ee ia a ea 
Jurassic ammonites. 
(Nos. 257-262). HOS joe KS eV crete a ee eee 
Cretaceous Radiolaria and Forams, Pacific Silicoflagellates, 
North American Cystoidea, Cyclonema, Vasum. 
(No. 263). CAT BR 0 oe Seer he CALe Ree pete tte Ree Nia ei ee 
Bibliography of Cenozoic Echinoidea. 
(Nos. 264-267). BB SUID Dis OS DIS s cesresteree trees cot ete i ce acccedaieeesae 
Radiolaria, cirripeds, Bryozoa, palynology. 
(Nos. 268-270). BOS SP Pe. Sill Pisce ees cere eats 
Mollusks, Murex catalogue, Cretaceous Radiolaria. 
(Nos. 271-274). U7 /G\ V0) one, Oe i 0) esta Ap 
Trace fossils, ammonoids, Silicoflagellates, microfauna. 
(Nos. 275-277). VAD Foy ets SNe 10) Rita eee 
Chitinozoa, Spumellariina, Mexican Ammonites 

(Nos. 278-281). BO joy ele AbLL TO. cece acetone es rte eer 

Palynology, corals, echinoderms, Foraminifera, and crinoids. 

(No. 282). FTP) 0) 0 ee) 0) bc mnie 95 Ree Sere ern 
Ostracode Symposium. 

(Nos. 283-286). CA Tah oye Be Pug 0) Cf Soe pe ee Oe ne eee RS rem 
Crinoids, gastropods, corals, ostracodes. 

(No. 287). PUY: 40) ee O00) ON ise eee ee sete ec eet 
Misc. Paleozoic 

(Nos. 288-290). DREN Tas 0) SpA 190) 9) Ce ee ean ee eee 
Paracrinoidea, ostracodes, cirripeds. 
(No. 291). PHA RS 3} SEAR} Way 0) (Mme ee ot a ace enue Pe 

(Nos. 292-294). re OR ol ofr, O-7RM oC raetie oe otae a ee nae Ree. ee ten 
Turrids, gastropods, forams. 

(No. 295). 31/9) SDD sya SO pm Dl Sap rect sees ss cece cw eeet cceeeshacacctateos 
Paleocene Nigeria 

(Nos. 296-298). PP SN Of BRE PASO 0) (a eee ee ek iene Re a eR 
Crinoids, barnacles, forams. 


Volume 1. See Johnson Reprint Corporation, 111 Fifth Ave., New York, 

N. Y. 10003 
Monographs of Arcas, Lutetia, rudistids and venerids. 
II. (Nos. 6-12). yeti Uj ay oyage WP ho) Rites ats eee ee see ee are ae ee 
Heliophyllum halli, Tertiary turrids, Neocene Spondyli, 
Paleozoic cephalopods. Fasciolarias, sponges. 
III. (Nos. 13-25). SUES ai Dem Ol nD LS iyo eters coo akc ete as. ee a 
Cephalopods, siphonophores, Devonian fish, gastropods, 
crinoids, Cretaceous jellyfish, brachiopods, bivalves. 
IV. (Nos. 26-33). AO DMD TAU DUS opens te rie ie iis Boe 
Devonian lycopods, Ordovician eurypterids, mollusks, 
V. (Nos. 34-47). 6 A Ese) ey 4 0) Ley 0) IC Pach esta se aoe ae 
Pelecypods, Cretaceous Gulf Coastal forams. 
VI. (Nos. 38-41). AAA DD SOM DS siesta ne eet SAL oe even sac 
Pennsylvanian plants, Venericardia, Carboniferous crinoids, 
Trace fossils. 
VII. (Nos. 42-46). AGON DDE Sup LSE eer alee ta Se ee 
Trilobites, rudists, crinoids, gastropods. 
VIII. (Nos. 47-50). SSM Desks Onep Sees eee eee ee ma SL ae 

Gastropoda, Devonian plants, brachiopods, Bivalvia. — 





























Vol. I-XXIII. 












(No. 225-230). 

(Nos. 231-232). 


N. Y. 10017. U.S.A. 

(Nos. 80-87). 384 \pp.s. 27 pls. cae oe oe 
Mainly Paleozoic faunas and Tertiary Mollusca. 

(Nos."88-94B).” .306° pp.,. 30° pls... a 
Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Miocene fossils. 

(NWos;:95-100);. 420. pp., 58: pls... = 
Florida Recent, Texas and South America Cretaceous, 

Cenozoic fossils. 

(INos® 101-108). 376° pp., 36° pls... ee = 
Tertiary mollusks, Paleozoic Venezuela, Devonian fish. 
CINos:, 109-114). . 412) pp., 34 pls............ a 

Paleozoic cephalopods, Cretaceous Eocene, forams. 

(Nos. 215-116); (738: pp... 52 pls 2... 

Bowden forams and Ordovician cephalopods. 

(Nox 297): 563 pps. 65° ples. 22. - scoot occ tees 

Jackson Eocene Mollusks. 

(Nos. 218-128), 458) pp.; 27) pls. <...... = 

Mollusks, crinoids, corals, forams, Cuban localities. 

(Nos: 129-133). 294 pp., 39) pls. ss.c.:.--:-tcesececece = 

Silurian cephalopods, crinoids, Tertiary forams, Mytilarca. 

(Nos. 134-139)... 448 pp., 51 ‘pls. ................ eee 

Devonian annelids, Tertiary mollusks, Ecuadoran. strati- 
graphy paleontology. 

(Nos.,140-145)... 400) pp, 19\upls. 2.:..:2) ee 

Forams, cephalopods, ostracods, conularid bibliography. 

(Nos. 146-154); 386 pp: 31. pls. 22.2... = 

Forams, cephalopods, mollusks, ostracods. 

(Noss2155=160):  4:125pp.,. 53 pls. oe a 

Forams, Eocene fish, rudists. 

(Nos: 161-164); 486 pp., 37) pls:, 3... 
Cretaceous rudists, Foraminifera, Stromatoporoidea. 

(Nos. 165-176). 447. pp., 53: pls. eee 

Forams, ostracods, mollusks, Carriacou, fossil plants. 

(INos: 1772183); 448 pp.,| 36 pls... <2 eee 

South American forams, Panama Caribbean mollusks. 

(No: 184). 996*pp., 1-pl.).. 2 ee 

Type and Figured Specimens P.R.I. 

(Nos. 185-192), 381 pp. (35 pls: 2. EE z 

Forams, mollusks, carpoids, Corry Sandstone. 

(No: 193)... 673" pp:, 48) pis: 2 3 ee 

Venezuelan Cenozoic gastropods. 

(INos:194-198). 427 -pp.,-29' pls. 2... “ 

Ordovician stromatoporoids, Indo-Pacific camerinids, Mis- 
sissippian forams, Cuban rudists. 

(INos5199-203)224 365. PD:, OS Mp iss i. nee econ 

Puerto Rican, Antarctic, New Zealand forams, Lepidocy- 
clina, Eumalacostraca. 

(INo: (204). 564 pp., 63) (pls, ee eee 

Venezuela Cenozoic pelecypods. 

(neeiets-2L1). 419 pp. 70 “pls. 2 

Forams, Crustacea, brachipods, Recent mollusks. 

(Nog. 4212-217), .' 584. pp, 83° pls, ee 

Forams, mollusks, polychaetes, ammonites. 

(No. 218). 1058pp.,, 5 pls: ee 

Catalogue of the Paleocene and Eocene Mollusca of the 
Southern and Eastern United States. 

(INos: (219-224): ' '671:.pp,, ‘83. pls: ee z 

Peneroplid and Australian forams, North American car- 
poids, South Dakota palynology, Venezuelan Miocene mol- 
luska, Voluta. 

518 pp.,. 42. pis. 2 ee ee 

Venezuela, Florida cirripeds, forams, Linnaean Olives, 
Camerina, Ordovician conodonts. 

420) pp. 310 pls) eee = 

Antarctic bivalves, Bivalvia catalogue. 

See Kraus Reprint Corp., 16 East 46th St., New York, 













BULLETINS Sage pra ol 

OF MAR 2 4 197 
AMERICAN &eN2e3iry 

(Founded 1895) 

Vol. 72 

No. 300 


Jupita Terry SMITH 

Paleontological Research Institution 
Ithaca, New York 14850, U.S.A. 


PRES TUE Ny Paya ea ee eRe er a eee LS HAROLD E. VoKES 
VACKE=PRESIDEIN Tyner, eens Bede ea ee een er ae pee ee DUANE O. LERoy 
SECRETAR Vere 2 opto eee rene ae BY ee ne ee eS Puitrie C. WAKELEY 
PIC REA SURE Rye rents ee eae eee ee he re ERNESTINE Q. WRIGHT 
VASSTS TANIA) TRIE CL) gene ccee a a a ...PETER R. Hoover 
REPRESENTATIVE AAAS COUNCIL .........- RED SS Cee, Be eee -RIcHARD G. Oscoop, Jr. 


RutH G. Browne (1976-1979) KATHERINE V. W. PALMER (Life) 
KENNETH E. CASTER (1975-1978) Joun Pojeta, Jr. (1975-1978) 
Joun L. CIsNE (1976-1977) K. NorMAN SACHS, JR. (1974-1977) 
ResBecca S. Harris (Life) DANIEL B. Sass (1974-1977) 
MarcareT B. HERoy (1975-1978) HAROLD E. VoKEs (1975-1978) 
Duane O. LERoy (1974-1977) PuHiLie C. WAKELEY (1976-1979) 
Wu.1aM A. OLIVER, JR. (1976-1979) ERNESTINE Q. WRIGHT (1976-1979) 




Assistant Assistant 

Advisory Board 

A. Myra KEEN Jay GLENN Marks 

Complete titles and price list of separate available numbers may be had on 

For reprint, Vols. 1-23, Bulletins of American Paleontology see 
Kraus Reprint Corp., 16 East 46th St., New York, N.Y. 10017 U.S.A. 

For reprint, vol. I, Palaeontographica Americana see Johnson Reprint Cor- 
poration, 111 Fifth Ave., New York, N.Y. 10003 U.S.A. 

Subscription may be entered at any time by volume or year, with average 
price of $20.00 per volume for Bulletins. Numbers of Palaeontographica Amerf- 
cana invoiced per issue. Purchases in U.S.A. for professional purposes are de- 
ductible from income tax. 

For sale by 

Paleontological Research Institution 
1259 Trumansburg Road 
Ithaca, New York 14850 


Pelee INS 



(Founded 1895) 

Vol. 72 

No. 300 



JupirH Terry SMITH 

March 14, 1978 

Paleontological Research Institution 
Ithaca, New York 14850, U.S.A. 

Library of Congress Card Number: 78-51977 

Printed in the United States of America 
Arnold Printing Corporation 
Ithaca, N.Y. 



DENSE G ULE CO 0 GS ee ee 317 

UES FB VA ON WET a 0) aA Pee ee 317 
Arrangement of the Stanford University Paleontological Type 

Colle etic rime eer eet aio en rN EEE PSR VRE 2 318 

Type collection records, card files and ledgers ._....................-0--o--cc-sessesseeesese 318 

Special strengths) and) historical) perspective: <22sc2ccc-cccecctocencsesesee scene ecesenscecece 320 

Winexpectedmty pesm amd whol Gili pg ieee eee ena ee 320 

FTV; OEY) DCS accor eco ea ne ees ae A eS ne eee 322 

Other Stantord Winiversity, dsyper Collections seer eee 323 

JENS TERR AL (SS VSENC) ssc eer A a Ee ee a eee 323 

Catalogue mannan ge riie i tyes ee a ae 324 

Rrepanationvotatiencatalop icy see eee ee ee 324 

DEPOSIT OTIC, peace eco notes eae rnin S, eae eens Cee A estat, oe 325 

Catalocucgofaprimany,sty pes ese < esos ae eee 325 

INT OTS Cage seen ses Ce EE ee eS 5 a ete OE 325 

1 EAS) KER i 0X0) 0 Sere a ek RN ea ert 325 

We phial o pod aly eas a i ae ee a ere 374 

Scapho pod ay corsets Sate tee) hee ee ee ee er 8 eee 398 

(GASET Op OG lpr c scene ene ene ere ree et a aaa eee east ee ee 398 

Poly placophoram (eAnnp lime iia) aces 459 

DEST24 CL © PO Ci ek aeons ee es ae ee eee 460 

FAT thiropoedamexce pte Ostia CO cle sessecce seers cera ae eee see cece 462 

OStraC OM apres none ere ee Rae eek oa ee teh Bee ee 465 

HOT ANIVENNI Le Cate a Soe ete. ae ee eens Cer SI re ee eee er ee A ee 471 

(COS ESET oe es ee ee eee ees 509 

TE Ori fe rycen ee eed Se Ores eS eh a eR IEE Be 510 

Echined exmnata ae oe eee ee I ee, ere Red 511 

CSN YA be A a cane en ee ee 513 

Plants sorganievand «siliceous microfOsstl sy eee eee 514 

5 ay Iara) ry gg ence eR ORE. TL ae eRe ce ee pate ae ee es 519 

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7 — ® 1. 


JupirH Terry SMITH 


The Stanford University Paleontological Type Collection is part 
of an important national, as well as West Coast resource of Holo- 
cene and fossil, primarily invertebrate, specimens that are housed 
with an extensive library of systematic publications in the Depart- 
ment of Geology, Stanford University, Stanford, California. The 
University acquired its first general collections between 1892 and 
1895 at the instigation of James Perrin Smith, Assistant Professor 
of Mineralogy and Paleontology. Although the nearby California 
Academy of Sciences collections were severely damaged in the earth- 
quake and fire of 1906, the Stanford collections remained unharmed 
and intact. Acquisitions increased steadily, and by the mid 1920's 
the collection included large suites of irreplaceable material from 
localities no longer accessible, such as many drawers of Pleistocene 
specimens collected from Deadman Island, off San Pedro, California, 
before it was destroyed in the mid 1900’s. Several drawers of Paris 
Basin material was received from A. E. M. Cossmann in exchange 
for California specimens collected by Delos Arnold. Large population 
samples, primarily from the California Coast Ranges and Trans- 
verse Ranges, were contributed by Stanford Summer Geology classes 
from the late 1890’s to the present. 


The Stanford University Department of Geology became a 
recognized repository for type specimens in 1924 when four graduate 
students, Eric Knight Jordan, Leo George Hertlein, Albert B. Rea- 
gan, and Colin H. Crickmay, set up a register and numbering sys- 
tem. Many holotypes and paratypes described before then remained 
in the general collections until 1940, when A. Myra Keen became the 
curator and undertook an exhaustive search to isolate unrecognized 
type material. Those who had some charge of the collections over 

the years included Carl H. Beal (1911-1915), Ida Shepard Oldroyd 

1As of March 9, 1977, the type and general collections were transferred from 

Stanford University to the Department of Geology of the California Academy 
of Sciences, Golden Gate Park. San Francisco, California 94118. The types 
are now stored in the type collection room, and the general collection is to be 
integrated with the holdings of the Academy. No Stanford numbers are to 
be changed and type specimens should be cited as SUPTC numbers now in 
the collections of the California Academy of Sciences. 

318 BuL.etin 300 

(1917-1940), and A. Myra Keen (1936 until retirement in 1970; 
curator emeritus 1970-). 


Type specimens are arranged in order of numerical accession in 
locked cases in the Department of Geology. They include 6,435 
primary and secondary types as of June 30, 1976. Microfossils are 
numbered sequentially with the megafossils but housed separately. 
Type specimens bear numbers 1 to 1000 and 5000 to 10,345; num- 
bers 1001-4999 were set aside for the general collections and never 
used for types. 

Type specimens are marked with the symbols shown in Text- 
fig. 1, which were recommended by Howell (1929, p. 7). They may 
also bear Stanford University locality numbers on a spot of white 
paint or a general collection accession number on yellow paint. Some- 
times these numbers are written directly on the specimens. Numbers 
on turquoise paint identify specimens formerly in the collection of 
Hubert G. Schenck. 

Published references to Stanford material should be to Stanford 
University Paleontological Type Collection (SUPTC) numbers. 
LSJU, sometimes abbreviated to SU, numbers refer to general col- 
lection accession numbers and in some cases to Stanford locality 


This publication lists only primary types: holotypes, paratypes, 
syntypes, lectotypes, plastoholotypes and plastosyntypes. Four com- 
plete listings of all holdings are kept with the type collection: three 
sets of file cards and a ledger in four volumes. Duplicate suites of 
4 x 6 inch cards are arranged in two series, one systematically and 
one alphabetically by genus. Each card gives page and figure refer- 
ences for the type specimen, its locality, age, and formation data 
where applicable. For cross reference, specific names are indexed 
alphabetically on 3 x 5 inch cards. Complete bibliographic reference 
cards are arranged alphabetically by author and include annotations 
of which type numbers are described therein. Many of the original 
references are represented in the Conchological Library reprint col- 


lection, housed near the types; others are in the journals in the Uni- 
versity’s Branner Geology and Falconer Biology Libraries. 

The ledger in four volumes, begun in 1924, records only type 
numbers and names of taxa. Locality data are detailed in two mega- 
faunal ledgers and the Micropaleontology Locality Book of M-num- 
bers. Megafaunal and microfossil localities were recorded together 
in the megafaunal ledger from 1923 to 1936. Type collection and 
locality ledgers and Harold Hannibal’s handwritten “N.P. book” of 
North Pacific localities were microfilmed in January, 1969. Addi- 
tional sources of locality data are the Stanford Summer Geology 
notebooks and a book of Ralph Arnold’s California localities, the 
“C book,” reconstructed from specimen labels by A. Myra Keen. 



see hoa Gee 
Sy san > [cast] [ca] a [ca] 

Text-figure 1. Type specimen marks and symbols. 

320 BULLETIN 300 


Type holdings are greatest in Cenozoic mollusks, especially 
gastropods and pelecypods, and Foraminifera. The majority of 
specimens are from the North Pacific, tropical eastern Pacific, and 
the California marine Tertiary. From 1903 to the 1960’s a number 
of large important monographs were published based on material 
in the Stanford Paleontological Type Collection. These included com- 
prehensive systematic studies reflecting the research interests and 
course offerings of professors James Perrin Smith, Siemon W. Muller, 
and N. J. Silberling (Paleozoic and Mesozoic mollusks), Hubert G. 
Schenck (Foraminifera and Tertiary mollusks), Hans Thalmann, 
Joseph J. Graham and James C. Ingle (Foraminifera), A. Myra 
Keen (Tertiary and Quaternary mollusks), and W. R. Evitt (or- 
ganic microfossils ). 

Many of the Stanford paleontologists, especially Siemon W. 
Muller and James Perrin Smith, acquired plaster casts of compara- 
tive material for their studies and placed these specimens in the type 
collection. The 483 plastoholotypes and plastosyntypes in the Stan- 
ford collection constitute an important resource for those taxa whose 
originals may be lost or are deposited in foreign repositories that do 
not lend primary specimens. Many of the plastoholotypes listed here 
are accompanied by plastoparatypes, although the latter are omitted 
from the catalogue. Table 1 lists authors, papers and numbers of 
plastoholotypes in the Stanford Paleontological Type Collection. 


Students of Clark and Arnold’s “Fauna of the Sooke Formation, 
Vancouver Island” (1923) will find all but four of the holotypes and 
most of the paratypes published with University of California 
(UCMP) numbers in the Stanford University Type Collection. The 
paper was in press before Arnold, who had financed the field work 
and intended the material for Stanford, had the specimens trans- 
ferred from the University of California and renumbered. Many of 
the new species were described from SU loc. NP 129, sometimes 
cited as between Muir and Coal Creeks, elsewhere as between Muir 
and Kirby Creeks. Coal Creek is an older name for Kirby Creek, 
the current name. 

Three holotypes, 1 syntype and 43 paratypes described by W. H. 
Dall were deposited in the Stanford University Type Collection in 


exchanges arranged by Ida Oldroyd. Many of these are Holocene 
species from the North Pacific and the Galapagos Islands, useful to 
West Coast workers and more readily available than the holotypes 
in the U.S. National Museum, Washington, D.C. The holotypes are 
Sigaretus oldroydu Dall, 1897c; Drila empyrosia Dall, 1899a; and 
Atrina oldroydu Dall, 1901a. The syntype is Venericardia hadra 
Dall, 1903b, from Florida, and there is a neotype, Lasaea subviridis 
Dall, 1899b designated by Keen (1938). 


Author Subject No. of Types 
Burckhardt, 1903 Jurassic cephalopods, Chile and Argentina 7 
Dickerson, 1914 Paleocene mollusks, California 7 
Goldfuss, 1836 Cretaceous pelecypods, Germany 6 
Hyatt and Smith, 1905 ‘Triassic cephalopods, Inyo Mts. 45 
Kittl, 1912 Triassic pelecypods, Austria 9 
Merriam, 1941 Fossil Turritellas 21 
Oppel, 1862 Jurassic mollusks, Tibet and Germany 9 
Popenoe, 1937 Cretaceous mollusks, Santa Ana Mts. 30 
Reeside, 1927b Cephalopods, western U.S. 12 
Smith, 1914 Triassic cephalopods, Humboldt Range 48 
Smith, 1927 Triassic mollusks, northern California 34 
Smith, 1932 Triassic cephalopods, Inyo Mts. 46 
Waagen, 1895 Triassic cephalopods, Salt Range 15 

Ninety-six other papers are represented by five or fewer plastoholotypes, of 
which perhaps the most unexpected are Diener (1895, 1903, 1907), Gabb (1864, 
1866), Jimbo (1894), Mantell (1822), Matsumoto (1942, 1955a, 1955b, 1956), 
Noetling (1880), Pavlow (1891), Schluter (1867), Spath (1921), Steiger 
(1914), Uhlig (1910), Waagen (1867), Wachsmuth and Springer (1890). 

Five or fewer plastoholotypes: Anderson, 1902; Arnold, 1903, 1906, 1908a; 
Billings, 1859, 1860, 1861, 1863, 1865; Clark, 1915, 1918, 1925, 1932, 1938; Clark 
and Anderson, 1928; Clark and Arnold, 11923) Clark and Woodford, IS YA/3 
Conrad, 1858; Diener, 1895, 1903, 1907; Durham, 1944, 1950, 1957; Fenton and 
Fenton, 1938; Gabb, 1864, 1866; Hanna, 1927; Heinz, 1928, 1934; Jenkins, 
1913; Jimbo, 1894; Keen, 1954; Keen and Campbell, 1964; Loel and Corey, 
1932; Mantell, 1922: Marwick 1944; Matsumoto, 1942, 1955a, 1955b, 1956; 
McLearn, 1931, 1933b; Meek, 1864a, 1864b, 1876, 1877; Meek and Hayden, 
1856, 1859, 1861, 1863, 1865; Nelson, 19251: Nicol, 1945; ‘Noetling, 1880; Nom- 
land, 1916b, 1917a, 1917b; Olsson, 1944: Owen, 1852; "Parker, 1949; Pavlow, 
1891; Pilsbry and Olsson, 1941; Reeside, 1927a; Reinhart, 1937a, 1937b; Rivers, 
1913; Schenck, 1936; Schluter, 1867; Shattuck, 1903; Shimizu, 1930; Smith, 
1904; Spath, 1921; Stanton, 1895, 1920; Steiger, 1914; Stephenson, 1923: Tile 
mann, 1917; Turner, 1936; Uhlig, 1910; Vincent, 1913: Vokes, 1935, 1939; 
Waagen, 1867; Wachsmuth and Springer, 1890; Wade, 1926; Wagner and 
Schilling, 1923; Walcott, 1884; Waterfall, 1929; Weaver, 1905; Wheeler, 1939; 
Whiteaves, 1884, 1893; Woodring, 1938; Yabe, 1904; Vane and Shimizu, 1921. 

BuL.etin 300 


Seven holotypes, three syntypes and one paratype described by 
Diener (1914, 1916) were purchased from the Palaeontologische 
Institut, Weiner Universitat, by Professor James Perrin Smith. They 
were discovered in a Stanford attic in the 1930’s along with 10 
plastoholotypes, accounting for 21 of Diener’s ammonite types from 
the Triassic of the New Siberian Islands, Madagascar, and the Hima- 
layas. Two types of Quenstedt (1885) may have been acquired at 
the same time — the holotype of Ammonites psilonotus plicatus and 
a syntype of Ammonites laqueus from the Jurassic of Germany. 

Although most of the California Cretaceous and Tertiary speci- 
mens described by Gabb (1864) are at the Philadelphia Academy of 
Natural Sciences, the Harvard Museum of Comparative Zoology, or 
the University of California Museum of Paleontology, two paratypes 
are in the Stanford University Paleontological Type Collection: 
Aporrhais californica Gabb, 1864, Cretaceous of the Siskiyou Moun- 
tains of California. Other types which are at Stanford, while all the 
other material described in the same papers is elsewhere, are the 
crinoid Actinocrinus arnoldi Wachsmuth and Springer, 1890 from 
Marshall Co., Iowa, and the upper Paleozoic pelecypod Chaenomya 
maria Worthen, 1882 from Shawnee Co., Kansas. 

Most of the type specimens are marine taxa, although many 
fresh water and land mollusks are represented. They include taxa 
described by Hemphill (1876-1901, 119 types); Henderson (1913- 
1935, 22 types); Pilsbry, (1891-1940, 28 paratypes, 34 coauthored 
types); Hannibal (1912b, 36 types); Dall (1896, 1900a, 1917c); 
Berry (1930a, 1932, 1937, 1938b, 1940a); Fred Baker (1914); and 
Frank Baker (1939). 


Some of the most important holdings are the hypotypes or 
figured specimens, which are not treated here because of space limi- 
tations. These include large numbers of well-preserved specimens 
illustrated in the monographs of Grant and Gale (1931, 81 types), 
Miller (1947, 27 types of Tertiary nautiloids of the Americas) and 
Matsumoto (1959, 74 upper Cretaceous ammonites of California). 

Specimens illustrated in two editions of “Sea Shells of Tropical 
West America” by A. Myra Keen (1958, 1971) remaian in the gen- 
eral collection. A silver dot identifies these shells. 



Over the years workers at Stanford University in departments 
other than Geology described new species that were kept in separate 
collections at the Hopkins Marine Station, Pacific Grove, and in the 
Stanford Natural History Museum of Systematic Biology on the 
main campus. These taxa included new species of mollusks, mam- 
mals, Holocene and some fossil fish whose types might be expected 
in the paleontological type collection but which were never part of it. 

The Stanford Natural History Museum type ledgers began in 
1939 and were closed in 1963 when the material, including David 
Starr Jordan’s fish collection, was moved to the California Academy 
of Sciences in San Francisco. Fossil fish went to the Department of 
Geology, insects to the Department of Entomology. In 1971 the 
types at Hopkins Marine station were transferred to the Academy’s 
Department of Invertebrate Zoology. These included wet-preserved 
cephalopods described by S. S. Berry (1908-1910) and hundreds 
opisthobranch gastropod types described by MacFarland (1966) 
(James Carlton, personal communication, 1972). In 1976, the Dud- 
ley Herbarium also was moved to the Academy. 

Some of the transferred types are described or listed, in some 
cases with other California Academy of Sciences holdings, in the 
following: MacFarland (1966, opisthobranchs); Mayer (1949, mam- 
mals in the type collection of Stanford Natural History Museum); 
Jordan (1896-1900, 4 volumes on “The Fishes of Middle and North 
America”); Bohlke, 1953 (type specimens of Recent fishes); Firby 
(1972, fossil fish). 


In assembling the information catalogued here, I was greatly 
assisted by A. Myra Keen, whose careful records and personal com- 
munications helped solve many problems of dates and references, 
and whose curatorial work over the past 36 years made the Stan- 
ford University Paleontological Type Collection the valuable re- 
source it now is. My work was encouraged and helped by present 
and former members of the Paleontological Committee of the De- 
partment of Geology: W. R. Evitt, James C. Ingle, Warren O. Addi- 
cott, Norman J. Silberling, Carole §. Hickman, and A. Myra Keen. 

324 BuLteTINn 300 

Joseph H. Peck of the University of California Museum of Paleon- 
tology consulted on missing type specimens and LouElla R. Saul, 
University of California, provided information on some of the plasto- 
holotypes. Text-fig. 1 was drafted by Natalie Miller, U.S. Geological 
Survey, Menlo Park, and the manuscript was read by Warren O. 
Addicott and A. Myra Keen. Publication funds were provided by 
the Pacific Section of the Society of Economic Paleontologists and 
Mineralogists and by the Department of Geology, Stanford Uni- 


Holocene and fossil taxa are listed alphabetically by species or 
subspecies under Phylum, or, in the cases of Mollusca and Crustacea, 
Class. The format is as follows: . 

no. species, Genus (Subgenus) : Author Kind of type 

or subspecies, Genus (Subgenus) species: Author 

Author, date, page, plate, figure: 

Type locality. [supplementary data, e.g., current quadrangle] 
Age, Formation, if a fossil: [supplementary information ], 

1 Subsequent references are given only if the illustrations are much improved 
or if the original paper is not readily accessible. 

2 Locality is for the particular specimen. Early workers occasionally designated 
paratypes from localities other than the holotype locality. 

3 Age and formation are those given in the original description; many have 
been reassigned by later workers and should be verified with more recent 
publications. The formations “Chico” and “Horsetown”’ were used widely 
for Cretaceous rocks in California and are especially untrustworthy. 

4 Supplementary information includes currently accepted age and formation 
assignments where these were readily available, data for missing specimens, 
and repositories of plastoholotypes represented in the Stanford type collection. 
Repositories are those from which the casts were received and may not reflect 
the present repositories of the types. Nomenclatural annotations are beyond 
the scope of this paper, but can be found in Keen and Bentson (1944), Keen 
(1971) and other systematic reviews. 


About two thirds of the catalogue was compiled from systematic index 
cards, the remaining third directly from specimen labels and original references. 
The author checked megafaunal lists against the specimens in 1974-1976. Micro- 
fossi] types were inspected by Elizabeth Watson in 1940-1941 and by Marjorie 
Korringa in 1965, since which time there have been few acquisitions of these 
groups. Most of the original references were consulted and publication dates 



ANSP Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 

BM(NH) _ British Museum of Natural History 

CAS California Academy of Sciences 

CIT California Institute of Technology 

Geol. Surv. Canada Geological Survey of Canada 

LACMNH Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History 

LSJU (or SU) Leland Stanford Junior University 

N.Z. Geol. Surv. New Zealand Geological Survey 

MCZ or Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard Museum of Comparative Zoology 
SUPTC Stanford University Paleontological Type Collections 

UCLA University of California at Los Angeles 

UCMP University of California at Berkeley 

USGS or U.S. Geol. Surv. United States Geological Survey 

USNM or U.S. Nat. Mus. United States National Museum 

I.G.P.S. Institute Geology and Paleontology, Tohoku Univ., Sendai, Japan 


7616 acutiplicatus, Pecten: Meek Plastoholotype 
Meek, 1864b, p. 46, pl. 8, fig. 3 
Plumas Co., Calif.; Genessee Valley area 
Jurassic [cast received from Museum of Comparative Zoology | 

154 aequilateralis, Spisula: Waring Holotype 
Waring, 1917, p. 80, pl. 14, fig. 8 
Ventura Co., Calif.; Martinez area, Simi Hills 
Lower Eocene, Martinez Fm 

5345 africana, Fossularca: Newton Paratype 
Newton, 1922, p. 68 
Southern Nigeria, Africa; Ameki, Omobialla district 
Upper Eocene, upper Lutetian 

6061 agulhasensis, Arca (Acar): Thiele Paratype 
Thiele and Jaechel, 1931, p. 177 
Cape Agulhas, near Cape of Gocd Hope, South Africa 

7971 alargada, Anadara (Anadara): Marks Paratypes 
Marks, 1951, p. 56 
SW Ecuador; Zacachiin corehole, depth 710-720’ 
Miocene, Subibaja Fm 

6062 alaskana, Halobia: Smith Holotype 
Smith, 1927, p. 113, pl. 100, fig. 5 
SE Alaska; Gravina Island, Thompson Cove 
Upper Triassic 

5514 alaskana, Monotis: Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1927, p. 119, pl. 101, fig. 1 
Copper River region, Alaska; Mill Creek, near forks 
Upper Triassic [holotype USNM 74193] 

44 aletes, Pecten (Pecten): Hertlein Holotype 
Hertlein, 1925a, p. 8, pl. 2, fig. 4 
Baja California, Mexico; Rancho Refugio, N of San Jose del Cabo 
SU loc. 50 
Upper Miocene or Lower Pliocene 















BuLLetin 300 

aletes, Pecten (Pecten): Hertlein Paratype 
Hertlein, 1925a, p. 8, pl. 2, fig. 1 

Baja California, Mexico; Rancho Refugio, SU loc. 50 

Upper Miocene or Lower Pliocene 

aleutica, Mysella: Dall Paratype 
Dall, 1899b, p. 892 

Aleutian Islands, Alaska; Kyska Harbor 

alkiensis, Leda: Clark Holotype 
Clark, 1925, p. 76, pl. 8, figs. 7, 10 

Seattle, Wash.; R.R. cuts between Argo and Georgetown stations SU 
loc. NP 49 

Oligocene, Blakeley Fm 

americana, Daonella: Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1914, p. 145, pl. 49, figs. 4, 5 

West Humboldt Range, Nevada; Fossil Hill, S fork American Canyon 
Middle Triassic [holotype USNM 74362] 

americana, Leptomya: Keen Holotype 
Keen, 1958a, p. 246, pl. 30, fig. 10; pl. 31, figs. 3, 6 

Panama; San Miguel Bay, E side of Punta Alegre ; 

americana, Leptomya: Keen Paratype 
Keen, 1958a, p. 246, pl. 30, fig. 9; pl. 31, fig. 5 

Panama; San Miguel Bay, E side of Punta Alegre 

anahuacensis, Immanitas: Palmer Paratype 
Palmer, 1928a, p. 30, pl. 4, fig. 1 

Colima, Mexico; Paso del Rio 

Cretaceous, Cenomanian 

anahuacensis, Immanitas: Palmer Paratypes 
Palmer, 1928a, p. 30 

Colima, Mexico; Paso del Rio 

Cretaceous, Cenomanian 

andersoni, Pecten (Plagioctenium): Arnold Paratypes 
Arnold, 1906, p. 82, pl. 26, fig. 6 

Santa Clara Co., Calif.; near Stanford University, Frenchmens Tower 
Miocene, Temblor Fm 

andersonianum, Sphaerium (Amesoda): Hannibal Holotype 
Hannibal, 1912b, p. 132, pl. 6, fig. 11. Also in Taylor and Smith, 1971, 
fig. 6 

Badland Hill, Oregon; 1 mile E of Sand Hollow 

Pliocene, Idaho Lake Beds [Grassy Mountain Fm, fide Taylor and 

angermanni, Ostrea: Hertlein and Jordan Holotype 
Hertlein and Jordan, 1927, p. 621, pl. 17, figs. 3, 6 

Baja California, Mexico; trail from Arroyo Mesquital to La Purisima, 
in Turritella bed above San Gregorio Lagoon SU loc. 59 

Miocene, Isidro Fm 

_annulatus, Inoceramus: Goldfuss Plastosyntypes 

Goldfuss, 1826, p. 114, pl. 110, figs. 7a, 7b 

Westphalia, Germany 

Cretaceous [casts of Goldfuss specimens 675b, 675c from BM(NH) ] 
anomioides, Plicatula: Keen Holotype 
Keen, 1958a, p. 241, pl. 31, figs. 4, 7, 8. Also im Keen, 1971, p. 94, fig. 

Sonora, Mexico; Guaymas 

anomioides, Plicatula: Keen Paratype 
Keen, 1958a, p. 241 

Sonora, Mexico; Guaymas 













aragonia, Venericardia planicosta: Arnold and Hannibal Neotype 
Arnold and Hannibal, 1914, p. 907. Illustrated in Waring, 1915, pl. 1, 
fig. 22. Designated neotype of Venericardia (Leuroactis) aragonia by 
Stewart, 1930, p. 170 

Umpqua Valley, Ore. 

Upper Eocene, Umpqua Fm [= holotype of Venericardia planicosta 
ionense Waring, 1915] 

argentea, Venericardia (Pacificor): Verastegui Holotype 
Verastegui, 1953, p. 25, pl. 1, figs. 10-14 

Fresno, Co., Calif.; Tumey Hills Qd, Sec. 29, T 15 S$, R 12 E SU loc. 

Paleocene, Lodo Fm 

arnoldi, Pecten (Lyropecten): Aguerrevere Holotype 
Aguerrevere, 1925, p. 51, pl. 5 

Sucre, Venezuela; 1.75 miles E of Cumana Castle 


auburyi, Pecten (Pecten): Arnold Paratypes 
Arnold, 1906, p. 94 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; Puente Hills, 1 mile E of Chandler Wells 

aurora, Semele: Tursch and Pierret Holotype 
Tursch and Pierret, 1964, p. 35, figs. 1, 2 

Off Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 30 fms, on sand 

austini, Leda: Oldroyd Holotype 
Oldroyd, 1935, p. 14, fig. 2 

British Columbia, Canada; near Nanaimo, off Neck Point 

austini, Leda: Oldroyd Paratype 
Oldroyd, 1935, p. 14 

British Columbia, Canada; near Nanaimo, off Neck Point 

baileyi, Solen gravidus: Loel and Corey Plastoholotype 
Loel and Corey, 1932, p. 230, pl. 44, fig. 5 

Ventura Co., Calif.; South Mountain UCMP loc. A-244 

Miocene, Vaqueios Fm_ [holotype UCMP 31831] 

bainbridgensis, Cochlodesma: Clark Holotype 
Clark 1925> p> 86, ple 13% fig. 3 

Bainbridge Island, Wash.; beach between S side of entrance to 
Blakeley Harbor and Restoration Point SU loc. NP 103 

Oligocene, Blakeley Fm 

bainbridgensis, Cochlodesma: Clark Paratype 
Clark, 1925, p. 86, pl. 13, fig. 4 

Bainbridge Island, Wash.; beach between S side of entrance to 
Blakeley Harbor and Kestoration Point SU loc. NP 103 

Oligocene, Blakeley Fm 

balesi, Arca (Barbatia): Pilsbry and McLean Paratype 
Pilsbry and McLean, 1939, p. 1 

Missouri Key, Fla. 

balesi, Asthenothaerus: Rehder Paratype 
Rehder, 1943, p. 189 

Missouri Key, Fla. 

bardwelli, Macrocallista (Paradione): Clench and McLean 

Clench and McLean, 1936, p. 202 Paratype 
Australia ; 
baughmani, Anadara: Hertlein Paratype 

Hertlein, 1951b, p. 487 
SE of Port Aransas, Texas; in 40 fms 














BuLLeTIN 300 

beali, Mactra: Hall and Ambrose Holotype 
Hall and Ambrose, 1916, p. 80. Illustrated in Wiedey, 1929b, pl. 1, 
fig. 3 

Alameda Co., Calif.; Pleasanton Qd 

Miocene, Monterey Fm 

beali, Pecten (Pecten): Hertlein Holotype 
Hertlein, 1925a, p. 10, pl. 2, fig. 3 

Baja California, Mexico; Arroyo Fortuna, N of San Jose del Cabo SU 
loc. 44 


beali, Pecten (Pecten): Hertlein Paratype 
Hertlein, 1925a, p. 10, pl. 5, fig. 8 

Baja California, Mexico; 2 mi. NW of arroyo near La Palma, N of 
San Jose del Cabo SU loc. 64 

Pliocene ? 

beckii, Liocyma: Dall Paratype 
Dall, 1870, p. 257 

Eastern Siberia; Plover Bay, Bering Strait 

bella, Cymbophora: Saul ' Paratypes 
Saul, 1974, p. 1089 

Butte Co., Calif.; Cherokee Qd, near Pentz, conglomerate beds 1400'S, 
600’W of NE cor. Sec. 36, T 21 N, R 3 E, UCLA loc. 4340 

Cretaceous, early Campanian, Chico Fm 

bellilamellatus, Pecten (Chlamys): Arnold Holotype 
Arnold, 1906, p. 108, pl. 41, figs. 6, 6a, 7, 7a 

San Diego Co., Calif.; Pacific Beach 

Pliocene, San Diego Fm 

beringiana, Myophoria: Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1927, p. 109, pl. 101, fig. 3 

SE Alaska; Gravina Island 

Upper Triassic [holotype USNM 74194] 

beta, Lima (Acesta): Popenoe Plastoholotype 
Popenoe, 1937, p. 382, pl. 45, fig. 5 

Santa Ana Mts., Calif.; CIT loc. 1069 

Cretaceous, Turonian [holotype UCLA 40619] 

bifurcatus, Brachidontes: Popenoe Plastoholotype 
Popenoe, 1937, p. 383, pl. 46, fig. 2 

Santa Ana Mts., Calif.; CIT loc. 974 

Cretaceous, Campanian [holotype UCLA 40622] 

binakayanensis, Arca: Faustino Paratypes 
Faustino, 1932, p. 545 

Manila Bay, Philippines; Paranaque, Rizal 

birchi, Nucula (Ennucula): Keen Holotype 
Keen, 1943, p. 41, pl. 3, fig. 12 

Kern Co., Calif.; Caliente Qd, in small gully near center SW 1/4 Sec. 
6, T 29 S,R30£E SU loc. 2121 

Miocene, Temblor Fm, Round Mountain 

birchi, Nucula (Ennucula): Keen Paratype 
Keen, 1943, p. 41, pl. 3, figs. 9, 11 

Kern Co., Calif.; Caliente Qd, SW 1/4 Sec. 6, T 29 S, R 30 E. SU 
loc. 2121 

Miocene, Temblor Fm, Round Mountain 

birchi, Nucula (Ennucula): Keen Paratype 
Keen, 1943, p. 41, pl. 3, fig. 10 

Kern Co., Calif.; Caliente Qd, SW 1/4 Sec. 6, T 29 S, R 30 E. SU loc. 

Miocene, Temblor Fm, Round Mountain 

















bisenensis, Anadara (Anadara): Schenck and Reinhart Holotype 
Schenck and Reinhart, 1938, p. 44, pl. 4, figs. 2a, 2b, 2e; pl. 5, figs. 1a, 
fey id 

Inland Sea, Japan; Bisen, Okayama Prefecture 

bisenensis, Anadara (Anadara): Schenck and Reinhart Paratype 
Schenck and Reinhart, 1938, p. 44 

Inland Sea, Japan; Bisen, Okayama Prefecture 

blackburnei, Lima: Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1927, p. 122, pl. 103, fig. 11 

Alaska, Copeland Creek 

Upper Triassic [holotype USNM 74216] 

blancoensis, Acila: Howe Holotype 
Howe, 1922, p. 95, pl. 9, fig. 3 

Cape Blanco, Ore. SU loc. NP 26 

Pliocene, Empire *m 

borealis, Aligena (Odontogena): Cowan Holotype 
Cowan, 1964, p. 108, pl. 20, figs. 1, 2 

Georgia Strait, British Columbia, Canada; 190 fms 

borealis, Aligena (Odontogena): Cowan Paratypes 
Cowan, 1964, p. 108 

Georgia Strait, British Columbia, Canada; 190 fms 

bosei, Pecten (Pecten): Hanna and Hertlein Paratypes 
Hanna and Hertlein, 1927, p. 154 

Baja California, Mexico; canyon inland 1/2 mile from Santa Antonita 
Point CAS loc. 795 

Upper Pliocene 

bowersi, Pecten (Lyropecten): Arnold Paratype 
Arnold, 1906, p. 70, pl. 12, fig. 2 

Ventura Co., Calif.; Santa Monica Mts. 

Lower Miocene 

bramkampi, Aequipecten circularis: Durham Plastoholotype 
Durham, 1950, p. 63, pl. 9, figs. 4, 8 

Imperial Co., Calif.; NW side Carrizo Mountain UCMP loc. A1268 
Lower Pliocene, Imperial Fm [holotype UCMP 30035] 

branneri, Crassatellites: Waring Holotype 
Waring, 1914, p. 782. Illustrated in Waring, 1917, p. 74, pl. 14, fig. 17 
Ventura Co., Calif.; Calabasas Qd, Simi Hills, Martinez area 

“Lower Eocene,” Martinez Fm_ [Paleocene] 

branneri, Glycymeris: Arnold Plastoholotype 
Arnold, 1908a, p. 377, pl. 34, fig. 1 

San Mateo Co., Calif.; Mindego Creek, 1 mile above Alpine Creek 
Arnold loc. 12 

Upper Oligocene to lower Miocene 

branneri, Mulinia: Dall Paratype 
Dall, 1901b, p. 145 

Mamanguape, Brazil 

branneri, Pecten (Chlamys): Arnold Holotype 
Arnold, 1906, p. 55, pl. 3, fig. 9 (cast of external mold) 

Santa Clara Co., Calif.; near Stanford University, Tuff Hill 

Lower Miocene, Vaqueros Fm 

branneri, Pecten (Chlamys): Arnold Paratypes 
Arnold, 1906, p. 55, pl. 3, figs. 10, 11 (casts of fragments of molds) 
Santa Clara Co., Calif.; near Stanford University, Tuff Hill 

Lower Miocene, Vaqueros Fm 

branneri, Trigonia: Anderson Holotype 
Anderson, 1958, p. 112, pl. 17, fig. 5 

Siskiyou Co., Calif.; rocky gulch 2.5 miles SW of Hornbrook 

Upper Cretaceous 













BuLLeTIN 300 

brockensis, Myophoria: Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1927, p. 110, pl. 96, figs. 25, 26 

Shasta Co., Calif.; quarry SW end Brock Mt., between Squaw Creek 
and Pitt River 

Upper Triassic, Hosselkus Ls [holotype USNM 74173] 

brooksi, Halobia: Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1927, p. 114, pl. 99, fig. 7 

Chitina region, Alaska; W bank, Roadhouse Creek, 2 miles from 
Kuskulana River USGS loc. 8153 

Upper Triassic [holotype USNM] 

budaense, Cardium (Granocardium): Shattuck Plastosyntype 
Shattuck, 1903, p. 25, pl. 13, fig. 2 

Near Austin, Texas 

Cretaceous, Buda Ls 

budaense, Cardium (Granocardium): Shattuck Plastosyntype 
Shattuck, 1903. p. 25, pl. 13, fig. 3 

near Austin, Texas 

Cretaceous, Buda Ls 

budaense, Cardium (Granocardium): Shattuck Plastosyntype 
Shattuck, 1903, p. 25, pl. 13, fig. 4 

near Austin, Texas 

Cretaceous, Buda Ls 

buwaldi, Petricola: Clark Plastoholotype 
Clark, 1915, p. 471, pl. 60, fig. 6 

Contra Costa Co., Calif.; SE of Walnut Creek UCMP loc. 1942 
Miocene, San Pablo Fm eee UCMP 11657] 

cahillensis, Leda: Arnold Holotype 
Arnold, 1908a, p. 375, pl. 34, fig. 9 

San Mateo Co., Calif. 2 miles W of Woodside on road to Kings Mt. 

Lower Miocene, Vaqueros Fm_ [Arnold’s specimen 1065] 
calaverasensis, Pecten (Patinopecten) haywardensis: Hall 

Hall, 1958, p. 51, pl. 2, fig. 2 
Alameda Co., Calif.; La Costa Valley Qd, NW 1/4 NW 1/4 See. 11, 
T5S,R1£E SU loc. 3245 
Middle Miocene, Oursan Fm 
calaverasensis, Pecten (Patinopecten) haywardensis: Hail 
Hall, 1958, p. 51, pl. 3, fig. 4 
Alameda Co., Calif.; La Costa Valley Qd. NW 1/4, NW 1/4 Sec. 11, 
T5S,R1E SU loc. 3245 
Middle Miocene, Oursan Fm 
calaverasensis, Pecten (Patinopecten) haywardensis: Hall 
Hall, 1958, p. 51, pl. 4, fig. 3 
Alameda Co., Calif.; La Costa Valley Qd, NW 1/4 NW 1/4 Sec. 11, 
T5S,R1£E SW loc. 3245 
Middle Miocene, Oursan Fm 
calcarea, Arca (Arca) trilineata: Grant and Gale Holotype 
Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 140, pl. 2, figs. 6a, 6b 
San Diego Co., Calif.; San Diego well 
Middle Pliocene 
calkinsi, Pecten (Chlamys): Arnold Paratypes 
Arnold, 1906, p. 51 
Ventura Co., Calif.; N side of Sisar Valley 
Eocene, ‘“Tejo:"* Fm 
















calli, Pecten (Plagioctenium): Hertlein Holotype 

Hertlein, 1925a, p. 17, pl. 4, fig. 6 

Baja California, Mexico; first arroyo E of Santiago SU loc. 53 


calli, Pecten (Plagioctenium): Hertlein Paratypes 

Hertlein, 1925a, p. 17, pl. 4, figs. 5, 7 (type 125) 

Baja California, Mexico; Scammon Lagoon Qd, W side Elephant 

Mesa _ SU loc. 60 

Miocene? [paratype 125 = holotype of Pecten (Plagioctenium) 
diminutivus Hertlein and Jordan] 

calli, Pecten (Plagioctenium): Hertlein Paratype 

Hertlein, 1925a, p. 17 

Baja California, Mexico; Arroyo Fortuna at Arroyo Refugio near 

San Jose del Cabo SU loc. 63 


callidus, Pecten (Plagioctenium): Hertlein Holotype 

Hertlein, 1925a, p. 22, pl. 5, figs. 1, 5 

Baja California, Mexico; Cedros Island SU loc. 116 

Pliocene, Salada Fm 

callidus, Pecten (Plagioctenium): Hertlein Paratypes 

Hertlein, 1925a, p. 22, pl. 5, figs. 3 (type 54), 6 (type 54a) 

Baja California, Mexico; Cedros Island SU loc. 116 

Pliocene, Salada Fm 

callidus, Pecten (Plagioctenium): Hertlein Paratype 

Hertlein, 1925a, p. 22 

Baja California, Mexico; Scammon Lagoon Qd, mouth of big arroyo 

NW of Elephant Mesa_ SU loc. 48 

Pliocene, Salada Fm 

canoa, Glycymeris: Pilsbry and Olsson Plastoholotype 

Pilsbry and Olsson, 1941, p. 54, pl. 13, figs. 2, 2a 

Punta Blanca, Ecuador 

Pliocene, Canoa Fm_ [holotype ANSP 13669] 

cardissoides, Inceramus: Goldfuss Plastoholotype 

Goldfuss, 1826, p. 112, pl. 110, figs. 2a, 2b 

Westphalia, Germany 

Cretaceous [holotype 672, from BM(NH) ] 

carmanahensis, Limopsis: Clark Holotype 

Clark, 1925, p. 80, pl. 22, fig. 8 

Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada; in sea cliff ca. 3 miles 

W of Carmanah Point SU loc. NP 141 


carmanahensis, Limopsis: Clark Paratype 

Clark, 1925, p. 80 

Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada; in sea cliff ca. 3 miles 

W of Carmanah Point SU loc. NP 141 


carrizoensis, Pecten (Pecten): Arnold Holotype 

Arnold, 1906, p. 59, pl. 4, figs. 1, 1a, 1b 

San Diego Co., Calif.; Alverson Canyon 

“Miocene,” Carrizo Fm 

caryonautes, Transennella: Berry Holotype 

Berry, 1963, p. 141. Illustrated in Keen, 1971, p. 166, fig. 391 

Sinaloa, Mexico; near Mazatlan 

catalinae, Pecten (Lyropecten) estrellanus: Arnold Holotype 

Arnold, 1906, p. 76, pl. 20, figs. 3, 3a 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; Santa Catalina Island, near isthmus 

Upper Miocene 
















BuLLeETIN 300 

catalinae, Pecten (Lyropecten) estrellanus: Arnold Paratype 
Arnold, 1906, p. 76, pl. 20, fig. 4 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; Santa Catalina Island, near isthmus 

Upper Miocene 

catherinae, Sphaerium?: Hannibal Holotype 
Hannibal, 1912b, p. 132, pl. 7, fig. 20. Also in Taylor and Smith, 1971, 
figs. 1, 5, 8 (as Pisidium) 

Near Hawthorne, Nevada; hill on Belmont stage road 

“Eocene” [Miocene, fide Taylor and Smith, 1971] 

cerritensis, Pecten (Chlamys) latiauritus: Arnold Holotype 
Arnold, 1906, p. 129, pl. 46, fig. 6 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; San Pedro 

Pleistocene, upper San Pedro Fm 

cerritensis, Pecten (Chlamys) latiauritus: Arnold Paratype 
Arnold, 1906, p. 129, pl. 46, fig. 7 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; San Pedro 

Pleistocene, upper San Pedro Fm 

ceruleus, Pecten (Entolium): Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1927, p. 121, pl. 95, fig. 13 

Baker Co., Ore.; Martin Bridge, Eagle River 

Upper Triassic [holotype USNM 74158] 

chehalisensis, Malletia: Arnold Paratype 
Arnold, 1908a, p. 365. Ilustrated in Arnold, 1909, illust. 2, fig. 32 

Santa Cruz Co., Calif.; Kings Creek, % mile above its confluence with 
San Lorenzo River 

Oligocene, San Lorenzo Fm [Arnold’s specimen 1062] 

chehalisensis, Malletia: Arnold Paratype 
Arnold, 1908a, p. 365 

Santa Cruz Co., Calif.; Kings Creek, % mile above its confluence 
with San Lorenzo River 

Oligocene, San Lorenzo Fm 

chicoensis, Isocardia: Waring Holotype 
Waring, 1917, p. 62, pl. 8, fig. 3 

Ventura Co., Calif.; Calabasas sheet, Bell’s Canyon, N of Simi fault 
Upper Cretaceous, Chico Fm 

circularis, Venus?: Meek and Hayden Plastoholotype 
Meek and Hayden, 1856, p. 272. Illustrated in Meek, 1876, p. 190, pl. 
17, fig. 8a (as Thetis?) 

Valley Co., Montana; mouth of Milk River 

Cretaceous, Bear Paw Fm 

cistula, Lasaea: Keen Holotype 
Keen, 1938, pp. 25-26, pl. 2, figs. 7-9 

San Mateo Co., Calif.; Half Moon Bay, Moss Beach 

cistula, Lasaea: Keen Paratype 
Keen, 1938, pp. 25-26 

San Mateo Co., Calif.; Half Moon Bay, Moss Beach 

clallamensis, Solen: Clark and Arnold Holotype 
Clark and Arnold, 1923, p. 152, pl. 20, fig. 4 

Clallam Bay, Wash.; sea cliffs 1.5 miles W of West Clallam SU loc. 
NP 88 

Oligocene? Sooke Fm 

clarionense, Cardium (Laevicardium): Hertlein and Strong 

Hertlein and Strong, 1947a, p. 144 
Gulf of California; Santa Inez Bay 
clarkensis, Pecten: Hall and Ambrose Holotype 
Hall and Ambrose, 1916, p. 68. Illustrated in Wiedey, 1929b, pl. 2, 

fig. 3 
San Jose Qd, Calif.; 2.5 miles NE of Milpitas 
Middle Cretaceous, Horsetown Fm 










clivi, Bayleoidea: Palmer Paratype 
Palmer, 1928a, p. 38 

Vera Cruz, Mexico; Escamela Hill, Orizaba 


coalingaensis, Pecten (Pecten): Arnold Holotype 
Arnold, 1906, p. 97, pl. 4, figs. 4, 4a 

Fresno Co., Calif.; near Coalinga 


coani, Tellina: Keen Holotype 
Keen, 19715 ps 21d, figs S12 

Baja California, Mexico; Candelero Bay, near La Paz 

cognata, Lutricola: Pilsbry and Vanatta Syntype 
Pilsbry and Vanatta, 1902, p. 556. I'lustrated in Keen, 1971 p. 225, fig. 
557 left (as Florimetis) 

Galapagos Islands; Albemarle Island, Tagus Cove 

columbianum, Pecten: Clark and Arnold Holotype 
Clark and Arnold, 1923, p. 139, pl. 23, fig. 1 

Vancouver Island, British Cclumbia, Canada; Jordan River, 2 miles 
W of Sherringham Point, sea cliffs at mouth of Fossil Creek SU loc. 
NP 130 

Upper Oligocene or Lower Miocene, Sooke Fm 

condoni, Pecten (Amusium): Hertlein Holotype 
Hertlein, 1925b, p. 41, pl. 4, figs. 8, 9 

Ventura Co., Calif.; Piru Qd, E of Timber Canyon, Sec. 29, T 4 N, 
R 20 W_ SU loc. NP 244 

Pleistocene, Saugus Fm 

condoni, Pecten (Amusium): Hertlein Paratypes 
Hertlein, 1925b, p. 41 

West Wishkah, Wash.; at Dam 35 SU loc. 148 

Miocene, Montesano Fm 

cooperi, Pecten (Plagioctenium): Arnold Holotype 
Arnold, 1906, p. 124, pl. 49, fig. 2 

San Diego Co., Calif.; Pacific Beach 

Pliocene, San Diego Fm [Renamed Pecten invalidus by Hanna, 1924, 

cooperi, Pecten (Plagioctenium): Arnold Paratype 
Arnold, 1906, p. 124, pl. 49, fig. 3 

San Diego Co., Calif.; Pacific Beach 

Pliocene, San Diego Fm 

cooperi, Pecten (Plagioctenium): Arnold Paratype 
Arnold, 1906, p. 124, pl. 49, fig. 4 

San Diego Co., Calif.; Pacific Beach 

Pliocene, San Diego Fm 

cor, Trinacria: Popenoe Plastoholotype 
Popenoe, 1937, p. 45, figs. 1, 3 

Santa Ana Mts., Calif.; CIT loc. 974 

Cretaceous, Campanian [holotype UCLA 40615] 

Cerbicula n. sp.: Addicott Holotype 
Addicott, 1976, p. 107, pl. 3, fig. 15 

SW Wash.; SU loc. NP 220 

Upper Miocene, Wishkahan stage 

cordata, Macrocallista: Waring Holotype 
Waring, 1917, p. 62, pl. 8, fig. 1 

Ventura Co., Calif.; Bell’s Canyon, N of Simi fault 

Upper Cretaceous, Chico Fm 














BuLLeETIN 300 

cordillerana, Halobia: Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1927, p. 114, pl. 99, fig. 2 

Alaska; S bank of Yukon River, 1 mile above Nation River USGS 
loc. 8897, bed 86 

Upper Triassic [holotype USNM] 

cornwalli, Pecten (Chlamys): Clark and Arnold Holotype 
Clark and Arnold, 1923, p. 140, pl. 25, fig. 1 

Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada; Sooke, sea cliffs be- 
tween mouths of Muir and Kirby Creeks, W of Otter Point SU loc. 
NP 129 

Upper Oligocene or Lower Miocene, Sooke Fm 

cornwalli, Pecten (Chlamys): Clark and Arnold Paratype 
Clark and Arnold, 1923, p. 140 

Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada; Sooke, sea cliffs be- 
tween mouths of Muir and Kirby Creeks, W of Otter Point SU loc. 
NP 129 

Upper Oligocene or lower Miocene, Sooke Fm 

coronadosensis, Protothaca?: Durham Plastoholotype 
Durham, 1950, p. 86, pl. 22, figs. 2, 9, 11 

Coronado Island, Gulf of California UCMP loc. A3549 ~ 

Upper Pliocene [holotype UCMP 32596] 

corrugata, Tepeyacia: Palmer Paratype 
Palmer, 1928a, p. 46 

Vera Cruz, Mexico; Orizaba 

Cretaceous, Turonian 

corrugatus, Clisocolus: Popenoe Plastoholotype 
Popenoe, 1937, p. 390-391, pl. 47, figs. 9, 10, 12 

Santa Ana Mts., Calif.; CIT loc. 302 

Upper Cretaceous, Turonian, Ladd Fm, Baker Mbr [holotype UCLA 

corteziana, Glycymeris: Dall Paratype 
Dall, 1916, p. 402 

Cortez Bank, off southern Calif. US Bur. Fish. loc. 2518 

costata, Caprinuloidea: Palmer Paratype 
Palmer, 1928a, p. 62, pl. 11, fig. 2 

Jalisco, Mexico; Soyatlan de Adentro 

Cretaceous, Cenomanian 

costata, Caprinuloidea: Palmer Paratype 
Palmer, 1928a, p. 62 

Jalisco, Mexico; Soyatlan de Adentro 

Cretaceous, Cenomanian 

cowperi, Pecten (Propeamusium): Waring Syntype 
Waring, 1917, p. 63, pl. 7, fig. 2 

Ventura Co., Calif.; Calabasas sheet, Bell’s Canyon. N of Simi fault 
Upper Cretaceous, Chico Fm 

cowperi, Pecten (Propeamusium): Waring Syntype 
Waring, 1917, p. 63, pl. 7, fig. 1 

Ventura Co., Calif.; Calabasas sheet, Bell’s Canyon. N of Simi fault 
Upper Cretaceous, Chico Fm 

craneana, Semele: Hertlein and Strong Paratype 
Hertlein and Strong, 1949b, p. 241 

S end of Gulf of California; Arena Bank, in 50 fms 

crippsi, Inoceramus: Mantell Plastoholotype 
Mantell, 1822, p. 133, pl. 27, fig. 11 

Sussex, England; Offham, near Lewes 

Cretaceous, Cenomanian, Chalk Marl [holotype BM(NH) 5893] 















cristobalensis, Pecten (Plagioctenium) Hertlein Holotype 

Hertlein, 1925a, p. 19, pl. 3, figs. 2, 3 

Baja California, Mexico; San Cristobal Bay Qd, 3 miles SE of Turtle 

Bay, SU loc. 49 

Pliocene, Salada Fm, uppermost beds 

cristobalensis, Pecten (Plagioctenium): Hertlein Paratype 

Hertlein, 1925a, p. 19, pl. 3, fig. 1 

Baja California, Mexico; San Cristobal Bay Qd, 3 miles SE of Turtle 

Bay SU loc. 49 

Pliocene, Salada Fm, uppermost beds 

cristobalensis, Pecten (Plagioctenium): Hertlein Paratypes 

Hertlein, 1925a, p. 19 

Baja California, Mexico; San Cristobal Bay Qd, 3 miles SE of Turtle 

Bay SU loc. 49 

Pliocene, Salada Fm, uppermost beds 

cristobalensis, Pecten (Plagioctenium): Hertlein Paratype 

Hertlein, 1925a, p. 19 

Baja California, Mexico; Scammon Lagoon Qd, arroyo NW of Ele- 

phant Mesa_ SU loc. 48 

Pliocene, Salada Fm 

cristulata: Tellidorella: Berry Holotype 

Berry, 1963, p. 140. Illustrated in Keen, 1971, p. 106, fig. 236 

Sonora, Mexico; off Puerto Libertad, in 40 fms 

crockeri, Solen: Hertlein and Strong Paratype 

Hertlein and Strong, 1950, pp. 225-226 

Gulf of Fonseca, Nicaragua; Monypenny Point, lat. 13° 03’N., long. 

87° 30’W, in 5-16 fms 

crooki, Pitar (Lamelliconcha) Clark and Anderson Plastoholotype 

Clark and Anderson, 1938, p. 946, pl. 1, figs. 4, 5 

Yuba Co., Calif.; E of Marysville UCMP loc. A-1889 

Upper Eocene, Wheatland Fm_ [holotype UCMP 11217] 

crooki, Tellina: Nelson Plastoholotype 

Nelson, 1925, p. 415, pl. 53, fig. 4 

Ventura Co., Calif.; S of Simi Valley UCMP loc. 3776 

Eocene, “Martinez” Fm _ [holetype UCMP 30523] 

cultrata, Amerycina: Keen Holotype 

Keen, 1971, p. 135, fig. 310 

Near La Paz, Baja California, Mexico; off Isla Partida, Espiritu 

Santo Id., in 5-33 m 

cultrata, Amerycina: Keen Paratype 

Keen, 1971, p. 135 

Near La Paz, Baja California, Mexico; off Isla Partida, Espiritu 

Santo Id., in 5-33 m 

cumshewensis, Parallelodon (Nanonavis): Reinhart 

Reinhart, 1937a, p. 173. Lectotype illustrated by Whiteaves, 1884, p. 

235, pl. 31, figs. 8a, 8b [as Grammatodon inornatus Meek and Hayden] 

Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia, Canada; N shore of Cum- 

shewa Inlet 

Middle Cretaceous [lectotype, selected by Reinhart, 1937, is Geol. 

Surv. Canada specimen 4915] 

cyclia, Adontorhina: Berry Holotype 

Berry, 1947b, p. 260, pl. 26, figs. 1, 2 

San Pedro, Calif.; Hilltop Quarry 

Pleistocene, Lomita Marl 

cyclia, Adontorhina: Berry Paratype 

Berry, 1947b, p. 260 

San Pedro, Calif.; Hilltop Quarry 

Pleistocene, Lomita Marl 














BuLetin 300 

cylindrica, Psammobia (?): Dickerson Plastosyntype 
Dickerson, 1914, p. 139, pl. 12, fig. 2a 

Lake Co.. Calif.; near Lower Lake UCMP loc. 780 

Eocene, Martinez Fm_ [syntype UCMP 11678] 

cylindrica, Psammobia (?): Dickerson Plastosyntype 
Dickerson, 1914, p. 139, pl. 12, fig. 2b 

Lake Co., Calif.; near Lower Lake UCMP loc. 780 

Eocene, Martinez Fm [syntype UCMP 11677] 

cylista, Botula: Berry Holotype 
Berry, 1959, p. 107. Illustrated in Keen, 1971, p. 74, fig. 155 (lower) 
Sinaloa, Mexico; Mazatlan, Las Gaviotas Beach 

cymata, Psephidia: Dall Paratype 
Dall, 1913, p. 593 

Baja California. Mexico; San Bartolomé [Turtle Bay] 

dallasi, Pecten (Plagioctenium): Jordan and Hertlein Paratypes 
Jordan and Hertlein, 1926a, p. 213 

Baja California, Mexico; canyons 1 or 2 miles from San Antonio 
Point CAS loc. 795 

Upper Pliocene, Salada Fm? ‘ 

dalli, Myadesma: Clark Holotype 
Clark, 1922, p. 117, pl. 14, figs. 3a, 3b 

Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada; Sooke, sea cliffs be- 
tween mouths of Muir and Coal Creeks, W of Otter Point SU loc. 
NP 129 

Oligocene, Sooke Fm 

dalli, Myadesma: Clark Paratype 
Clark, 1922, p. 117, pl. 13, fig. 6 

Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada; Sooke, sea cliffs be- 
tween mouths of Muir and Coal Creeks, W of Otter Point SU loc. 
NP 129 

Oligocene, Sooke Fm 

dalli, Myadesma: Clark Paratype 
Clark, 1922, p. 117, pl. 13, fig. 2 

Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada; Sooke, sea cliffs be- 
tween mouths of Muir and Coal Creeks, W of Otter Point SU loc. 
NP 129 

Oligocene, Sooke Fm 

dalli, Myadesma: Clark Paratype 
Clark, 1922, p. 117, pl. 13, fig. 4 

Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada; Sooke, sea cliffs be- 
tween mouths of Muir and Coal Creeks, W of Otter Point SU loc. 
NP 129 

Oligocene, Sooke Fm 

dalli, Nucula (Acila): Arnold Paratypes 
Arnold, 1908a, p. 364 

Santa Cruz Co., Calif.; Santa Cruz sheet, Big Basin, Blooms Creek, 
SW 1/4 Sec. 9, T 9S,R3 W _ Arnold loc. C-415 

Oligocene, San Lorenzo Fm 

dalli, Solemya: Clark Holotype 
Clark, 1925, p. 73, pl. 22, fig. 3 

Twin, Wash.; sea cliffs W of West Twin River SU loc. NP 120 
Oligocene, Blakeley Fm 

dalliana, Halobia: Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1927, p. 115, pl. 98, fig. 5 

Keku Islet No. 1, Admiralty Island, Alaska; Herring Bay USGS loc. 

Upper Triassic, upper Karnic [holotype USNM] 















dauleana, Chione (Chionopsis): Marks Paratypes 
Marks, 1951, p. 81 

SW Ecuador; Daule Basin, near Pedro Carbo 

Middle Miocene, Daule Fm 

dauleana, Noetia: Marks Paratypes 
Marks, 1951, p. 52 

SW Ecuador; Manabi Province, E of village of Calceta 

Middle Miocene, Daule Fm 

delosi, Pecten (Chlamys) latiauritus: Arnold Holotype 
Arnold, 1906, p. 130, pl. 46, figs. 9, 9a 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; Deadman Island 

Pleistocene, San Pedro Fm 

delosi, Pecten (Chlamys) latiauritus: Arnold Paratype 
Arnold, 1906, p. 130, pl. 46, figs. 10, 10a 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; Deadman Island 

Pleistocene, San Pedro Fm 

delta, Isocardia: Popenoe Plastoholotype 
Popenoe, 1937, p. 389, pl. 47, figs. 7, 8 

Santa Ana Mts.. Calif. 

Cretaceous, Turonian [holotype UCLA 40643] 

diabloensis, Chione: Clark Plastoholotype 
Clark, 1915, p. 468, pl. 58, fig. 4 

Contra Costa Co., Calif.; E of town of Walnut Creek UCMP Joc. 

Miocene, San Pablo Fm_ [holotype UCMP 12325] 

diabloensis, Tellina: Clark Plastoholotype 
Clark, 1915, p. 471, pl. 61, fig. 5 

Contra Costa Co., Calif.; SE of Walnut Creek UCMP loc. 1478 
Miocene, San Pablo Fm [holotype UCMP 11531] 

diabloensis, Venericardia (Pacificor): Verastegui Holotype 
Verastegui, 1953, p. 27, pl. 5, figs. 5-7 

Contra Costa Co., Calif.; Brentwood, Marsh Creek 

Eocene, Meganos Fm, D Mbr 

dibbleei, Meretrix: Weaver and Kleinpell Holotype 
Weaver and Kleinpell, 1963, p. 203, pl. 34, figs. 8, 9 

Santa Barbara Co., Calif.; Lompoc Qd, Nojoqui Creek SU loc. 2217 
Eocene, Sacate-Gaviota Fm 

dibbleei, Meretrix: Weaver and Kleinpell Paratype 
Weaver and Kleinpell, 1963, p. 203, pl. 35, figs. 1, 2 

Santa Barbara Co., Calif.; Lompoc Qd, Nojoqui Creek SU loc. 2217 
Eocene, Sacate-Gaviota Fm 

digglesi, Cardiamorpha?: Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1927, p. 111, pl. 94, fig. 8 

Shasta Co., Calif.; old quarry SW end Brock Mt., between Squaw 
Creek and Pit River 

Upper Triassic, Hosselkus Ls [holotype USNM 74141] 

digona, Monotis: Kittl Plastosyntypes 
Kittl, 1912, p. 174, pl. 10, figs. 16 (type 5480), 17 (type 5481), 18 
(type 5482) 

Austria; Siriuskogel, Ischal 

Upper Triassic, Noric 

dilatata, Corbula: Waring Holotype 
Waring, 1917, p. 92, pl. 15, fig. 2 

Ventura Co., Calif.; McCray Wells 

Eocene, Tejon Fm [Renamed Corbula complicata by Hanna, 1924, 
p. 163] 














BuL.etin 300 

diminutivus, Pecten (Plagioctenium): Hertlein and Jordan 

Hertlein and Jordan, 1927, p. 623. Illustrated in Hertlein, 1925a, p. 16, 

pl. 4, figs. 5, 7 (as Pecten (Plagioctenium) calli Hertlein, 1925) 

Baja California, Mexico; Scammon Lagoon Qd, W side Elephant Mesa 

SU loc. 60 

Miocene, Isidro Fm 

diminutivus, Pecten (Plagioctenium): Hertlein and Jordan 

Hertlein and Jordan, 1927, p. 623 

Baja California, Mexico; Scammon Lagoon Qd, W side Elephant Mesa 

SU loc. 60 

Miocene, Isidro Fm 

domenginensis, Tellina: Vokes Plastoholotype 

Vokes, 1939, p. 91, pl. 14, fig. 14 

Fresno Co., Calif.; Domengine Creek UCMP loc. 3315 

Eocene, Domengine Fm_ [holotype UCMP 15694] 

durhami, Venericardia (Pacificor): Verastegui Holotype 

Verastegui, 1953, p. 23, pl. 7, figs. 1, 2 : 

Ventura Co., Calif.; 1.5 miles W of Vickers Hot Spring 

Lower Eocene, Juncal Fm 

effingeri, Lucina (Here): Weaver and Kleinpell Holotype 

Weaver and Kleinpell, 1963, p. 201, pl. 33, fig. 9 

Santa Barbara Co., Calif.; Lompoc Qd, Nojoqui Creek 

Eocene, Sacate-Gaviota Fm 

electilis, Crenimargo: Berry Holotype 

Berry, 1963, p. 140. Illustrated in Keen, 1971, p. 133, fig. 304 

Colima, Mexico; Playa las Hadas, 5 miles N of Manzanillo 

elegans, Septifer: Waring Paratype 

Waring, 1917, p. 79, pl. 14, fig. 2 

Ventura Co., Calif.; McCray Wells 

Upper Eocene, Tejon Fm 

elimata, Macoma: Dunnhill and Coan Paratype 

Dunnhill and Coan, 1968, pp. 1-9 

Near Victoria, British Columbia, Canada; N of Moresby Island, fine 

silty sd 

eoundulata, Gari: Vokes Plastoholotype 

Vokes, 1939, p. 93, pl. 14, fig. 23 

Fresno Co., Calif.; N of Domengine Creek UCMP loc. A-820 

Eocene [holotype UCMP 15707] 

equilateralis, Arca (Cucullaea): Meek Plastosyntypes 

Meek, 1864a, pp. 39-40. Illustrated in Meek, 1876b, p. 357, pl. 2, figs. 

6, 6a 

Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada; Nanaimo? 

Cretaceous [syntypes USNM 12386] 

equilateralis, Mactra (Mactrotoma) californica: Clark 


Clark, 1932, p. 819, pl. 14, fig. 8 

Alaska; near Yakataga River, head of Oil Creek UCMP loc. 3870 

Upper Oligocene, Poul Creek Fm_ [holotype UCMP 30390] 

etheringtoni, Loxocardium: Effinger Paratype 

Effinger, 1938, p. 370 

Lewis Co., Wash.; on Cowlitz River, Sec. 25, T 11 N, R 2 W 

Lower Oligocene, Gries Ranch Fm 

eugenensis, Mulinia: Clark Plastoholotype 

Clark, 1925, p. 104, pl. 14, fig. 2 

Lane Co., Ore.; 3 miles S of Eugene 

Oligocene [holotype UCMP 30372] 














STANFORD UNIversity |yprres: SMITH 339 

euterpes, Pecten (Leptopecten): Berry Holotype 

Berry, 1957, p. 75. Illustrated in Keen, 1971, p. 91, fig. 197 

Off Acapulco, Mexico, 6-10 fms 

ezoense, Nemocardium (Arctopratulum): Takeda Paratypes 

Takeda, 1953, p. 82 

Hokkaido, Japan; Kushiro Province, along Koikatahbrokachoro 

River, upper course of Charo River, Shiranuka-gun 

Upper Oligocene, Poronai Fm 

fausta, Semele: Nomland Plastoholotype 

Nomland, 1917a, p. 233, pl. 9, figs. 3a, 3b 

Fresno Co., Calif.; Zapato Creek UCMP loc. 2991 

Pliocene, Etchegoin Fm [holotype UCMP 11102] 

fernandoensis, Pecten (Pseudamusium) vancouverensis: Hertlein 

Hertlein, 1925b, p. 43, pl. 4, fig. 7 

Ventura Co., Calif.; 1.5 miles N of Ventura on Ventura River, 1/4 

mile S of Taylor Well No.1 SU loc. 155 

Lower Pliocene, lower Fernando Fm 

fernandoensis, Pecten (Pseudamusium) vancouverensis: Hertlein 

Hertlein, 1925b, p. 43, pl. 4, fig. 6 

Long Beach, Calif.; drill core, 2800’ deep, about 4500’ NW of Signal 

Hill, 500’ E of Orange Ave., 750’ N of Willow St. 

Lower Pliocene 

fitchi, Penitella: Turner Paratype 

Turner, 1955, p. 71-74 

Baja California, Mexico; San Bartolomé [Turtle Bay] 

fonsecana, Mactra (Micromactra): Hertlein and Strong Paratype 

Hertlein and Strong, 1950, p. 232 

Gulf of Fonseca, Nicaragua; Potosi and Monypenny Point 

forma, Chama sinuosa: Pilsbry and McGinty Paratype 

Pilsbry and McGinty, 1938, p. 76 

Palm Beach Co., Fla.; rock reef S of Boynton Inlet 

freudenbergi, Ostrea: Hertlein and Jordan Holotype 

Hertlein and Jordan, 1927, p. 622, pl. 17, fig. 9; pl. 18, fig. 4 

Baja California, Mexico; above San Gregorio Lagoon, on trail from 

Arroyo Mesquital to La Purisima, in Turritella bed SU loc. 59 

Miocene, Isidro Fm 

frizzelli, Pitar (Lamelliconcha): Hertlein and Strong Paratype 

Hertlein and Strong, 1948, p. 176 

Gulf of California, near Gorda Banks, 50 fms 

frustra, Spisula pittsburgensis: Tegland Paratype 

Tegland, 1933, p. 121, pl. 9, fig. 12 

Puget Sound, Wash.; Bainbridge Island, beach between S side of en- 

trance to Blakeley Harbor and Restoration Point SU loc. NP 103 

Upper Oligocene, Blakeley Fm 

gabbiana, Mactra: Anderson Plastoholotype 

Anderson, 1902, p. 74, pl. 7, fig. 156. Also in Saul, 1974, pp. 1084-1087, 

pl. 1, fig. 16; pl. 2, fig. 10; pl. 3, fig. 17 [as Cymbophora gabbiana 

(Anderson) ] 

Siskiyou Co., Calif.; Henley and Willow Creek 

Cretaceous, Turonian, “lower Chico beds” Hornbrook Fm 

galapagensis, Lima: Pilsbry and Vanatta Syntype 

Pilsbry and Vanatta, 1902, p. 556 

Galapagos; Albemarle Island, Tagus Cove 

















BuLLeETIN 300 

gamma, Crassatella: Popenoe Plastoholotype 
Popenoe, 1937, p. 388, pl. 46, figs. 13, 14 

Santa Ana Mts., Calif.; CIT loc. 1069 

Cretaceous, Turonian, Ladd Fm _ [holotype UCLA 40636] 

gardneri, Yoldia: Oldroyd Holotype 
Oldroyd, 1935, p. 14, fig. 1 

Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada; Pender Harbor, Gard- 
ner Bay 

gardneri, Yoldia: Oldroyd Paratype 
Oldroyd, 1935, p. 14 

Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada; Pender Harbor, Gard- 
ner Bay 

gastonensis, Tivela: Clark Holotype 
Clark, 1925,-p. 93; pi. 19: fic: 1 

Gaston, Ore.; county quarry, Scroggins Canyon SU loc. NP 295 
Oligocene, lower Astoria Ss 

gastonensis, Tivela: Clark Paratype 
Clark31925-993,p iho ii 2 

Gaston, Ore.; county quarry, Scroggins Canyon SU loc. NP 295 
Oligocene, lower Astoria Ss 

gastonensis, Tivela: Clark Paratype 
Clark 1925 p293; (pl19; fics 3 

Gaston, Ore.; county quarry, Scroggins Canyon SU loc. NP 295 
Oligocene, lower Astoria Ss 

gayi, Semele: Arnold Paratype 
Arnold, 1908a, p. 360 

San Mateo Co., Calif.; between headwaters of San Lorenzo River and 
Pescadero Creek 


gherzii, Agria: Palmer Syntype 
Palmer, 1928a, p. 78, pl. 15, figs. 4, 5 

Colima, Mexico; Paso del Ric 

Cretaceous, Cenomanian 

gherzii, Agria: Palmer Paratype 
Palmer, 1928a, p. 78 

Colima, Mexico; Paso del Rio 

Cretaceous, Cenomanian 

gigantea, Halobia: Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1927, p. 116, pl. 93, fig. 6 

Shasta Co., Calif.; E side Brock Mt., Bear Cove 

Upper Triassic, Juvavites beds of Bear Cove [holotype USNM] 
gleimi, Cardinia: Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1927, p. 110, pl. 96, fig. 7 

Shasta Co., Calif.; N fork Squaw Creek, 3 miles N of Kellys Ranch 
Upper Triassic, Hosselkus Ls [holotype USNM 74165] 

globula, Sphenia: Dall Paratype 
Dall, 1919b, p. 370. Illustrated in Schenck, 1945, p. 519, pl. 67, figs. 5-8 
Bolinas Bay, Calif. 

goesi, Kellyella: Odhner Paratypes 
Odhner, 1960, p. 397 

Off St. Martin, West Indies, 300 fms 

gracilis, Caprinuloidea perfecta: Palmer Paratypes 
Palmer, 1928a, p. 60 

Jalisco, Mexico; Soyatlan de Adentro 

Cretaceous, Cenomanian 

granti, Pseudochama: Strong Paratypes 
Strong, 1934, p. 137 

Orange Co., Calif.; dredged off Corona del Mar 













STANFORD University Types: SMITH 341 

granulata, Pandora: Dall Paratype 
Dall, 1915b, p. 449. Illustrated in Keen, 1971, p. 289, fig. 739 below 

Off La Paz, Baja California, Mexico: Gulf of California 

gravidus, Solen: Clark Plastoholotype 
Clark, 1918, p. 156, pl. 10, fig. 7 

Contra Costa Co., Calif.; SW of Walnut Creek UCMP loc. 1131 
Oligocene, San Ramon Fm_ [holotype UCMP 11138] 

gravinaensis, Cassianella: Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1927, p. 112, pl. 101, figs. 4, 5 

Gravina Island, SE Alaska 

Upper Triassic [holotype USNM 74195] 

gregaria, Horipleura: Palmer Paratypes 
Palmer, 1928a, p. 49 

Colima, Mexico; Paso del Rio 

Cretaceous, Cenomanian 

gregoryi, Avicula: Hall and Ambrose Holotype 
Hall and Ambrose, 1916, p. 69. Illustrated in Wiedey, 1929b, pl. 1, 
fig. 1 

Alameda Co., Calif.; Tesla Qd, 1.5 miles § 10° W of Carnegie 

Middle Cretaceous, Horsetown Fm 

grewingki, Mya (Arenomya): Makiyama Paratype 
Makiyama, 1934, p. 156 

Cape Maly, Matchgar coast, Russian Sachalin 

“Oligocene,” Asagaian Fm 

griesensis, Ostrea: Effinger Paratype 
Effinger, 1938, p. 368 

Lewis Co., Wash.; on Cowlitz River, Sec. 25, T 11 N, R2 W 

Oligocene, Gries Ranch Fm 

griphus, Nemocardium (Arctopratulum): Keen Holotype 
Keen, 1954, p. 318, pl. 29, figs. 14, 17 

Grays Harbor Co., Wash.; middle fork Wishkah River, 14 miles N of 
Aberdeen SU loc. NP 243 

Middle Miocene, Astoria Fm 

griphus, Nemocardium (Arctopratulum): Keen Paratype 
Keen, 1954, p. 318, pl. 29, fig. 12, text fig. 4 

Grays Harbor Co., Wash.; middle fork Wishkah River, 14 miles N of 
Aberdeen SU loc. NP 243 

Middle Miocene, Astoria Fm 

griphus, Nemocardium (Arctopratuium): Keen Paratype 
Keen, 1954, p. 318, text fig. 3 

Grays Harbor Co., Wash.; middle fork Wishkah River, 14 miles N of 
Aberdeen SU loc. NP 243 

Middle Miocene, Astoria Fm 

guadalupensis, Glycymeris: Strong Paratype 
Strong, 1938, p. 213 

Off Guadalupe Island, Mexico; 9-15 fms 

guatulcoensis, Chione: Hertlein and Strong Paratypes 
Hertlein and Strong, 1948, p. 182 

Off Port Guatulco, Mexico; 15° 44’ 28” N, 96° 07’ 51” W, 7 fms 
guineensis, Nucula: Thiele Paratype 
Thiele, 1931, p. 193 

Gulf of Guinea; lat. 3° 10’ N, long. 5° 28’ W, 1139 fms 

hadra, Venericardia: Dall Syntypes 
Dall, 1903b, p. 1429 

Calhoun Co., Fla.; Chipola River, 1 mile below Bailey’s Ferry 
“Oligocene,” in riverbank above white Is bed 













hakei, Pecten (Plagioctenium): Hertlein Holotype 
Hertlein, 1925a, p. 18, pl. 4, fig. 1 

Baja California, Mexico; Turtle Bay SU loc. 47 

Pliocene, Salada Fm 

hakei, Pecten (Plagioctenium): Hertlein Paratype 
Hertlein, 1925a, p. 18, pl. 4, fig. 3 

Baja California, Mexico; Turtle Bay SU loc. 47 

Pliocene, Salada Fm 

hakei, Pecten (Plagioctenium): Hertlein Paratype 
Hertlein, 1925a, p. 18 

Baja California, Mexico; Ballenas Bay Qd, N edge of tilted mesa ca. 
5 miles N of Abreojos Point SU lec. 46 

Pliocene, Salada Fm 

hancocki, Lithophaga (Leiosolenus): Soot-Ryen Paratype 
Soot-Ryen, 1955, p. 102. Illustrated in Keen, 1971, p. 68, fig. 141 
Galapagos: Isla Onslow, N of Isla Floreana (Charles Island) 

hannai, Anomia: Wiedey Holotype 
Wiedey, 1929c, p. 280, pl. 21, fig. 1 

Monterey Co., Calif.; Val Celico, W of Pleyto SU loc. 449 

Lower Miocene, Vaqueros Fm 

hannibali, Clinocardium: Keen Holotype 
Keen, 1954, p. 324, pl. 29, fig. 16 

Aberdeen, Wash.; Chehalis and Summit Streets SU loc. NP 235 
Mio-Pliocene, Montesano Fm 

hannibali, Clinocardium: Keen Paratype 
Keen, 1954, p. 324, text fig. 9 

Aberdeen, Wash.; Chehalis and Summit Streets SU loc. NP 235 
Mio-Pliocene, Montesano Fm 

hannibali, Mytilus: Clark and Arnold Holotype 
Clark and Arnold, 1923, p. 142, pl. 16, fig. 3 

Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada; Jordan River, 2 miles 
W of Sherringham Point, sea cliffs at mouth of Fossil Creek SU loc. 
NP 130 

Oligocene? Sooke Fm 

hannibali, Nucula: Clark Holotype 
Clark 1925) pe'/3; ple Sy tig. 2 

W of Gettysburg, Wash.; sea cliffs at mouth of Duncan Creek SU 
loc. NP 90 

Oligocene, Blakeley Fm 

hannibali, Paphia staleyi: Howe Holotype 
Howe, 1922, p. 98, pl. 10, figs. 1, 4 

Scotia, Calif.; Eel River valley between Scotia and Nanning Switch 
SU loc. NP 82, Arnold loc. C-13 

Pliocene, Wildcat Fm 

hannibali, Phacoides (Lucinoma): Clark Holotype 
Clark, 1925, p. 89, pl. 22, figs. 2, 4 

Wash.; bluff on Chehalis River below Porter SU loc. NP 53 
Oligocene, Porter Fm 

hannibali, Spisula (Hemimactra): Clark and Arnold Holotype 
Clark and Arnold, 1923, p. 153, pl. 19, figs. 1a, 1b 

Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada; W of Otter Point, sea 
cliffs between mouths of Muir and Coal Creeks SU loc. NP 129 
Oligocene, Sooke Fm 

hannibali, Spisula (Hemimactra): Clark and Arnold Paratype 
Clark and Arnold, 1923, p. 153, pl. 19, fig. 4 

Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada; W of Otter Point, sea 
cliffs between mouths of Muir and Coal Creeks SU loc. NP 129 
Oligocene, Sooke Fm 














SranForp UNIVERSITY Tyres: SMITH 343 

hannibali, Venericardia (Cyclocardia): Clark Holotype 
Clark, 1925, p. 88, pl. 19, figs. 6, 7 

3/4 mile above Porter, Wash.; shaly ss bluffs along Porter Creek 
SU loc. NP 54 

Middle Oligocene, Sooke Fm 

harfordus, Pecten (Camptonectes): Davis Syntype 
Davis, 1913, p. 456, fig. 6 

San Luis Obispo Co., Calif.; 6 miles N of Port Harford 

Jurassic, San Luis Fm 

harfordus, Pecten (Camptonectes): Davis Syntype 
Davis, 1913, p. 456, figs. 3, 5 

San Luis Obispo Co., Calif.; 6 miles N of Port Harford 

Jurassic, San Luis Fm 

haroldiana, Gonidea angulata: Dall Paratype 
Dall, 1908a, p. 500. Illustrated in Hannibal, 1912a, fig. 4 and Hanni- 
bal, 1912b, pl. 6, fig. 10 

Coyote Creek, near San Jose, Calif. 

harrigani, Pholadomya: Hall and Ambrose Holotype 
Hall and Ambrose, 1916, p. 77. Illustrated in Wiedey, 1929b, pl. 1, 
fig. 5 

Alameda Co., Calif.; Tesla Qd, Altamont, black shale in Western 
Pacific R.R. cut 

Upper Cretaceous, Chico Fm 

hartmanni, Pecten (Pecten): Hertlein Holotype 
Hertlein, 1925a, p. 8, pl. 1, figs. 4, 6 

Baja California, Mexico; Arroyo Mesquital SU loc. 54 

Lower Pliocene? 

haveri, Monotis: Kittl Plastosyntypes 
Kitt], 1912, p. 171, pl. 10, figs. 7 (type 5475), 8 (type 5476), 9 (type 

Upper Austria; Rossmoos bei Goisern 

Upper Triassic, Noric [syntypes at Geolog.-Paleont. Abtlg. Naturh. 
Staats—Museum, Wien] 

hawleyi, Arca (Arca): Reinhart Holotype 
Reinhart, 1943, p. 21, pl. 2, figs. 20, 22 

Santa Barbara Co., Calif.; Lompoc Qd, E side of Nojoqui Creek, 3 
miles N of Gaviota Pass SU loc. 834 

Eocene, Gaviota Fm 

hawleyi, Arca (Arca): Reinhart Paratype 
Reinhart, 1943, p. 21 

Santa Barbara Co., Calif.; Lompoc Qd, E side of Nojoqui Creek, 3 
miles N of Gaviota Pass SU loc. 834 

Eocene, Gaviota Fm 

hawleyi, Pecten (Pecten): Hertlein Holotype 
Hertlein, 1925b, p. 40, pl. 4, fig. 5 

Santa Barbara Co., Calif.; Santa Inez Mts. 

Miocene, Vaqueros Fm 

hawleyi, Pecten (Pecten): Hertlein Paratype 
Hertlein, 1925b, p. 40, pl. 4, fig. 4 

Santa Barbara Co., Calif.; Santa Inez Mts. 

Miocene, Vaqueros Fm 

healeyi, Pecten (Patinopecten): Arnold Paratype 
Arnold, 1906, p. 103, pl. 37, fig. 2 

San Mateo Co., Calif.; San Gregorio 

Pliocene, Purisima Fm 

heimi, Pecten (Pecten): Hertlein Holotype 
Hertlein, 1925a, p. 9, pl. 1, fig. 3 

Baja California, Mexico; S part of Arroyo San Gregorio SU loc. 65 
Pliocene ? 















BuLuetin 300 

heimi, Pecten (Pecten): Hertlein Paratype 
Hertlein, 1925a, p. 9, pl. 1, fig. 3 

Baja California, Mexico; § part of Arroyo San Gregorio SU loc. 65 

helgolandicus, Mimoceramus: Heinz Plastoholotype 
Heinz, 1934, p. 728, pl. 61, fig. 2, text fig. 1 

North Sea; Helgoland Island 

Cretaceous, Campanian [holotype at Geologisches Staatinstut, Ham- 


hemphilli, Gonidea: Hannibal Holotype 
Hannibal, 1912b, p. 128, pl. 7, fig. 19. Also in Taylor and Smith, 1971, 
figs. 38, 39 

Berkeley Hills, Calif.; Telegraph Canyon, water tunnel 

Miocene [Pliocene, fide Taylor and Smith, 1971, p. 310] 

hemphillii, Asthenothaerus: Dall Paratypes 
Dall, 1886, p. 308 

Marco, Fla., 2 fms 

herrei, Margaritana: Hannibal Holotype 
Hannibal, 1912b, p. 121, pl. 7, fig. 17. Also in Taylor and Smith, 1971, 
figs. 12, 14 (as “Margaritifera’’) 

Tesla, Calif.; 1/4 mile above Carnegie Pottery Plaint, in cut along 
Western Pacific R.R., Corral Hollow 


hertleini, Pteria: Wiedey Holotype 
Wiedey, 1928, p. 133, pl. 21, fig. 1 

Monterey Co., Calif.; Los Vaqueros Valley SU loc. 200 

Miocene, Vaqueros Fm _ [Wiedey’s specimen 434] 

hertleini, Semele: Durham Plastoholotype 
Durham, 1950, p. 90, pl. 24, fig. 6; pl. 25, fig. 7 

Gulf of California; Coronado Island UCMP loc. A 3548 

Pleistocene [holotype UCMP 30367] 

hesperius, Pitar (Lamelliconcha): Berry Holotype 
Berry, 1960, p. 115. Illustrated in Keen, 1971, p. 174, fig. 415 

Near Mazatlan, Mexico 

hilli, Cardita: Willett Paratype 
Willett, 1944a, p. 19 

Orange Co., Calif.; mesa at head of Newport Bay 

Upper Pleistocene 

hodgei, Pecten (Chlamys): Hertlein Holotype 
Hertlein, 1925b, p. 42, pl. 4, fig. 2 

Coalinga area, Calif.; Sec. 20,T 19 S,R15E 

Miocene, Santa Margarita Fm 

hodgei, Pecten (Chlamys): Hertlein Paratype 
Hertlein, 1925b, p. 42, pl. 4, fig. 1 

Coalinga area, Calif.; Sec. 20,T 19 S,R15E 

Miocene, Santa Margarita Fm 

hodgei, Pecten (Chlamys): Hertlein Paratype 
Hertlein, 1925b, p. 42 

Coalinga area, Calif.; Sec. 20,T 19S, R15E 

Miocene, Santa Margarita Fm 

humboldtensis, Myophoria: Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1927, p. 110, pl. 96, fig. 7 

Humboldt Range, Nevada; Mulberry Canyon 

Upper Triassic, Star Peak Fm [holotype USNM 74174] 

hydei, Pecten (Chlamys) sespeensis: Arnold Holotype 
Arnold, 1906, p. 69, pl. 5, figs. 3a-3c 

Monterey Co., Calif.; Lynch’s Mt. 

Lower Miocene, Vaqueros Fm 














hyphalopilema, Anadara (Scapharca): Campbell Holotype 
Campbell, 1962, p. 152, figs. 2, 4, 5, 7, 8 

Guaymas, Mexico; near Cabo Haro, off Catalina Bay, 18-20 fms 
idahoense, Pisidium: Roper Paratypes 
Roper, 1890, p. 85 

Old Mission, Idaho 

impavida, Arca: Wiedey Holotype 
Wiedey, 1928, p. 130, pl. 14, figs. 2, 3 

Kern Co., Calif.; Barker’s Ranch SU loc. 442 

Middle Miocene, Temblor Fm_ [Wiedey’s specimen 436] 

impolita, Diplodonta: Berry Holotype 
Berry, 1953b, p. 409, pl. 28, figs. 3, 4 

Forrester Island, Alaska; 15 fms 

inequalis, Clementia: Wiedey Paratype 
Wiedey, 1928, p. 146, pl. 18, fig. 5 

Ventura Co., Calif.; Santa Paula Qd, SW 1/4 NW 1/4 Sec. 22, T 3 N, 
R 21 W, from the abrupt terminus of South Mt.. along Santa Clara 
River SU loc. 406 

Lower Miocene, Vaqueros Fm [Wiedey’s specimen 426] 

inezana, Plicatula: Durham Plastoholotype 
Durham, 1950, p. 68, pl. 13, fig. 6 

Baja California, Mexico; Santa Inez Bay UCMP loc. A3584 
Pleistocene [holotype UCMP 15532] 

inezana, Spondylus: Wiedey Paratype 
Wiedey, 1928, p. 139 

Ventura Co., Calif.; Calabasas sheet, head of Wiley Canyon [Piru 

Miccene, Vaqueros Fm 

infelix, Hiata: Zetek and McLean Paratypes 
Zetek and McLean, 1936, p. 110 

Balboa, Canal Zone 

inflata, Radiolites: Palmer Paratype 
Palmer, 1928a, p. 83, pl. 17, fig. 4 

Jalisco, Mexico; Huescalapa 

Cretaceous, “Turonian” 

inornatus, Grammatodon: (Meek and Hayden) Plastosyntype 
Meek and Hayden, 1865, p. 90, pl. 3, figs. 9a, 9c 

Wyoming; SW base of Black Hills 

Jurassic, Sundance Fm [syntype USNM 201 = Arca (Cucullaea) 
inornata Meek and Hayden, 1858, type species of Grammatodon Meek 
and Hayden, 1860] 

inornatus, Grammatodon: (Meek and Hayden) Plastosyntype 
Meek and Hayden, 1865, p. 90, pl. 3, fig. 9b 

Wyoming: SW base of Black Hills 

Jurassic, Sundance Fm [syntype USNM 201 = Arca (Cucullaea) 
inornata Meek and Hayden, 1858, type species of Grammatodon Meek 
and Hayden, 1860] 

insignis, Schizodus: Drake Holotype 
Drake, 1898, p. 406, pl. 9, fig. 7 

McDermitt, Okla.; 5 miles E of town 


invalidus, Pecten: Hanna 

Hanna, 1924, p. 177. [Renaming of Pecten (Plagioctenium) cooperi 
Arnold, 1906] 

San Diego, Calif.; Pacific Beach 

Pliocene, San Diego Fm 














BuLvetin 300 

ionense, Venericardia planicosta: Waring Holotype 
Waring, 1914, p. 785. Illustrated in Waring, 1917, p. 96, pl. 11, fig. 1 
Umpqua Valley, Oregon 

Eocene, Umpqua Fm [= neotype of Venericardia (Leuroactis) 
aragonia Arnold and Hannibal, 1914, designated by Stewart, 1930, 
p. 170] 

irisans, Anodontites: Marshall Paratypes 
Marshall, 1926, p. 10 


jamesi, Nuttallia: Roth and Guruswami-Naidu Paratype 

Roth and Guruswami-Naidu, 1974, p. 143 

Sonoma Co., Calif.; Sebastopol Qd, road cut N side of River Rd., .02 
miles N of Trentcn CAS loc. 54164 

Pliocene, Merced Fm 

jenkinsi, Cardita: Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1927, p. 111, pl. 96, fig. 2 

Shasta Co., Calif.; N fork Squaw Creek, 3 miles N of Kellys Ranch 
Upper Triassic, Hosselkus Ls [holotype USNM 74160] 

jordani, Pteria: Wiedey Paratype 
Wiedey, 1928, p. 134, pl. 15, fig. 3 ; 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; Dry Canyon, 2 miles S§ of Calabasas 

Middle Miocene, Temblor Fm 

kamakawaensis, Tellina: Clark Holotype 
Clark, 1925, p. 95, pl. 12; fig. 13 

Skamokawa, Wash.; along Skamokawa River, above big bend, 1 mile 
E of junction of main and middle forks SU loc. NP 272 

Oligocene, Lincoln Fm, ss bluffs 

keenae, Venericardia (Glyptoactis): Verastegui Holotype 
Verastegui, 1953, p. 41, pl. 1, figs. 1-5 

Fresno Co., Calif.; Panoche Qd, Sec. 29, T 15 S, R 12 E [Tumey Hills 
Qd] opposite jct. of Panoche and Silver Creeks SU loc. 2073 
Paleocene, Lodo Fm 

keepi, Pecten (Pecten): Arnold Holotype 
Arnold, 1906, p. 60, pl. 5, fig. 1; pl. 6, figs. 1, la 

San Diego Co., Calif.; Carrizo Creek area 


kelleyi, Pitar: Weaver and Kleinpell — Holotype 
Weaver and Kleinpell, 1963, p. 204, pl. 35, fig. 11 

Santa Barbara Co., Calif.; Goleta Qd, near Las Yegas Canyon 
UCMP loc. B6983 

Eocene, Gaviota Fm 

kelleyi, Pitar: Weaver and Kleinpell Paratype 
Weaver and Kleinpell, 1963, p. 204, pl. 35, fig. 10 

Santa Barbara Co., Calif.; Goleta Qd, near Las Yegas Canyon 
UCMP loc. B6979 

Eocene, Gaviota Fm 

kelleyi, Pitar: Weaver and Kleinpell Paratype 
Weaver and Kleinpell, 1963, p. 204, pl. 36, fig. 1 

Santa Barbara Co., Calif.; Goleta Qd, near Las Yegas Canyon 
UCMP loc. B6933 

Eocene, Gaviota Fm 

kelseyi, Diplodon: Baker Paratype 
Baker, 1914, p. 665 

Rio Jamauchim, Brazil 

kernensis, Pecten (Patinopecten): Hertlein Holotype 
Hertlein, 1925b, p. 40, pl. 4, fig. 3 

Kern Co., Calif.; Pyramid Hill, 3 miles NW of mouth of Kern River 
Canyon SU loc. 150 [Rio Bravo Ranch Qd, T 28 S, R 29 E] 

Miocene, Monterey Fm 














STANFORD UNIveRsiry Tyres: SMITH 347 

kernensis, Pholadomya: Wiedey Holotype 
Wiedey, 1928, p. 141, pl. 17, figs. 1, 2 

Kern Co., Calif.; N of Poso Creek, SW 1/4 SE 1/4 Sec. 12, T 27 S, 
R 28 E SU loc. 438 

Middle Miocene, Temblor Fm _ [Wiedey’s specimen 437] 

kewi, Mytilus: Wiedey Holotype 
Wiedey, 1929c, p. 281, pl. 31, fig. 2 [renamed Mytilus loeli by Grant, 
1930, p. 419] 

Monterey Co., Calif.; Los Vaqueros Valley SU loc. 100 

Lower Miocene, Vaqueros Fm 

kewi, Mytilus: Wiedey Paratype 
Wiedey, 1929c, p. 281 [renamed Mytilus loeli by Grant, 1930, p. 419] 
Monterey Co., Calif.; Los Vaqueros Valley 

Lower Miocene, Vaqueros Fm 

kewi, Tellina: Dickerson Plastoholotype 
Dickerson, 1914, p. 138, pl. 12, fig. 1 

Lake Co., Calif.; near Lower Lake UCMP loc. 784 

Lower Eocene, Martinez Fm [holotype UCMP 11718] 

kincaidi, Pecten hindsii: Oldroyd Holotype 
Oldroyd, 1920, p. 135, pl. 4, figs. 3, 4 

Puget Sound, Wash. 

kiyonoi, Arca: Makiyama Paratype 
Makiyama, 193la, p. 269, 273 

Kyushu, Japan; Hakata Bay, in mud_ [cited as specimen VI] 
landanensis, Venericardia: Vincent Plastosyntypes 
Vincent, 1913, p. 29, pl. 3, figs. 5 (type 8426), 6 (type 8426a) 
Portuguese West Africa; Falaise de Landana, Cabinda 

“Paleocene” [syntypes RG 174, RG 110, at Mus. R. Congo Belge? ] 
lascrucensis, Pitar: Weaver and Kleinpell Holotype 
Weaver and Kleinpell, 1963, p. 204, pl. 36, fig. 2 

Santa Barbara Co., Calif.; Lompoc Qd, San Julian Ranch UCMP 
loc. A 940 

Eocene-Oligocene, upper Gaviota Fm 

lascrucensis, Pitar: Weaver and Kleinpell Paratype 
Weaver and Kleinpell, 1963, p. 204, pl. 36, fig. 5 

Santa Barbara Co., Calif.; Lompoc Qd, San Julian Ranch UCMP 
loc. A 940 

Eocene-Oligocene, upper Gaviota Fm 

lascrucensis, Pitar: Weaver and Kleinpell Paratype 
Weaver and Kleinpell, 1963, p. 204, pl. 36, fig. 3 

Santa Barbara Co., Calif.; Lompoc Qd, El Jaro at Yridisis Creek 
loc. 2906b 

Eocene, Middle Gaviota Fm 

leana, Trigonia: Gabb Plastosyntype 
Gabb, 1877, p. 312, pl. 31, fig. 362. Also in Gabb, 1864, p. 190, pl. 25, 
fig. 178 (as T. gibboniana Lea?) [See Stewart, 1930, pp. 92-93] 

Near Martinez, California (fig. 178) ; Jacksonville, Ore. 


lecontei, Pecten (Pecten): Arnold Holotype 
Arnold, 1906, p. 98, pl. 33, figs. 4, 4a, 4b 

Off Baja California, Mexico; Cedros Island 

Pliocene, Salada Fm? 

lewisi, Pinna: Waring Holotype 
Waring, 1917, p. 94, pl. 15, fig. 24 

Ventura Co., Calif.; McCray Wells 

Upper Eocene, Tejon Fm 

limata, Leda hamata: Dall Paratype 
Dall, 1916, p. 397 

Off Santa Rosa Island, California; 53 fms 















lisa, Venericardia (Pacificor): Verastegui Holotype 
Verastegui, 1953, p. 39, pl. 21, figs. 1, 2 

Lewis Co., Wash.; bluffs along Olequa Creek at Old Ainslee Mill, 
ieN, Re2 Ww: 

Upper Eocene, Cowlitz Fm 

lobatus, Inoceramus: Munster in Goldfuss Plastoholotype 
Goldfuss, 1836, p. 113, pl. 110, fig. 3 

Westphalia, Germany 

Cretaceous [holotype 673 BM (NH) ] 

loeli, Amiantis (?): Wiedey Holotype 
Wiedey, 1929c, p. 288, pl. 32, fig. 2; pl. 33, fig. 3 

San Mateo Co., Calif.; Searsville Road roadcut near Stanford Uni- 
versity SU loc. 450 

Middle Miocene, Monterey Fm 

loeli, Mytilus: Grant Holotype 
Grant, 1930, p. 419. [mew name for Mytilus kewi Wiedey, 1929c] 
Monterey Co., Calif.; Los Vaqueros Valley SU loc. 100 

Lower Miocene, Vaqueros Fm 

lorenzanum, Cardium cooperi: Arnold Paratype 
Arnold, 1908a, p. 366 

Santa Cruz Co., Calif.; E branch, N Fork, Waddell Creek, Big Basin 
Oligocene, San Lorenzo Fm 

lucianus, Inoceramus: Davis Holotype 
Davis, 1913, p. 455, fig. 2 

Monterey Co., Calif.; 4 miles N of Slate’s Springs 

Jurassic, Franciscan Fm 

lunaris, Pecten: Berry Holotype 
Berry, 1963, p. 139. Illustrated in Keen, 1971, p. 85, fig. 176 

Sonora, Mexico; off Morro Colorado, 30-45 fms 

maccrayi, Glycimeris [sic]): Waring Holotype 
Waring, 1917, p. 93, pl. 15, fig. 1 

Ventura Co., Calif.; McCray Wells 

Upper Eocene, Tejon Fm 

madisonensis, Posidonia: Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1927, p. 112, pl. 94, fig. 12 

Shasta Co., Calif.; NW end Brock Mt. between Squaw Creek and Pit 

Upper Triassic, Hosselkus Ls_ [holotype USNM 74144] 

margaritana, Dosinia: Wiedey Paratype 
Wiedey, 1928, p. 145, pl. 18, fig. 2 

San Luis Obispo Co., Calif.; 4 miles E of La Panza, S side of low 
ridge forming N wall of canyon through which McKittrick-La Panza 
road passes SU loc. 436 

Lower Miocene, Vaqueros Fm _ [Wiedey’s specimen 425] 

maria, Chaenomya: Worthen Holotype 
Worthen, 1882, pv. 39. Illustrated in Worthen, 1883, p. 319, figs. 1a, 1b 
Shawnee Co., Kansas; Plowboy 

Pennsylvanian, Upper Coal Measures 

markleyensis, Mactra (Spisula): Clark Plastoholotype 
Clark, 1938, p. 699, pl. 2, fig. 6 

Solano Co., Calif.; Napa Qd, S of Putah Creek UCMP loc. A 1297 
Eocene, Markley Fm [holotype UCMP 30852] 

marksi, Venericardia (Glyptoactis): Verastegui Holotype 
Verastegui, 1953, p. 44, pl. 19, figs. 2-4 

Kern Co., Calif.; E side Live Oak Canyon SU loc. 183 

Upper Eocene, Tejon Fm 
















martinezensis, Teliina: Weaver Plastoholotype 
Weaver, 1905, p. 115, pl. 12, fig. 3 

Contra Costa Co., Calif.; S of Martinez UCMP loc. 337 

“Eocene,” Martinez Fm [Paleocene] [holotype UCMP 11816] 
martini, Lima: Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1927, p. 122, pl. 101, fig. 11 

Alaska; S bank of Yukon River opposite Nation River 

Upper Triassic [holotype USNM 74200] 

mcmastersi, Venericardia (Glyptoactis): Verastegui Holotype 
Verastegui, 1953, p. 42, pl. 13, figs. 2, 3 

San Diego Co., Calif.; San Clemente Canyon 

Middle Eocene, La Jolla Fm 

meeki, Corneocyclas: Hannibal Holotype & Paratypes 
Hannibal, 1912b, p. 135, pl. 6, fig. 12. Also in Taylor and Smith, 1971, 
fig. 2 (as Sphaerium) 

Near Hawthorne, Nevada; hill on Belmont Stage road 

Eocene [Miocene, Esmeralda Fm, fide Taylor and Smith, 1971, p. 

menuda, Lucinisca: Keen Holotype 
Keen, 1943, p. 40, pl. 3, figs. 15, 16 

Kern Co., Calif.; Caliente Qd, in small gully near center SW 1/4 Sec. 
6,T 29S,R30E SU loc. 2121 

Miocene, Temblor Fm, Round Mountain Silt 

meridionalis, Chione: Oldroyd Paratype 
Oldroyd, 1921, p. 93, pl. 4, fig. 4 


meridionalis, Miodontiscus: Dail Paratype 

Dall, 1916, p. 408 

San Diego Co., Calif.; off Point Loma 67-78 fms 

meropsis, Tellina (Moerella): Dall Paratypes 
Dall, 1900b, p. 317 

San Diego, Calif. 

merriami, Pecten (Pecten): Arnold Neotype 
Arnold, 1906, p. 99. Holotype presumed destroyed in San Francisco 
fire, 1906, in California State Mining Bureau collections. Neotype 
selected by Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 195 

Ventura Co., Calif.; San Felician Creek, near Piru 


mexicanum, Galeomma (Lepirodes?): Berry Holotype 
Berry, 1959, p. 108. Illustrated in Keen, 1971, p. 135, fig. 308 (as 

Gulf of California, San Luis Gonzaga Bay, 3-4 fms 

microsperma, Nucula (Ennucula): Berry Holotype 

Berry, 1947b, p. 258, pl. 26, fig. 2 

San Pedro, Calif.; near Second and Pacific Streets 

Pleistocene, Lomita Fm 

milthoidea, Dosinia: Waring Holotype 
Waring, 1917, p. 60, pl. 8, fig. 5 

Ventura Co., Calif.; Calabasas sheet, Bell’s Canyon, N. of Simi fault 
Upper Cretaceous, Chico Fm 

modulatus, Pecten (Lyropecten): Hertlein Holotype 
Hertlein, 1925a, p. 11, pl. 3, fig. 6 

Baja California, Mexico; Scammon Lagoon Qd, mesa W of Mesa de 
las Auras SU loc. 43 

Pliocene, Salada Fm 

montereyensis, Cardita (Cyclocardia) ventricosa: 

Smith and Gordon Paratypes 
Smith and Gordon, 1948, p. 213 

Off Monterey, Calif., 70 fms 
















BuLueTIN 300 

moorei, Cyprimeria: Popenoe Plastosyntypes 
Popenoe, 1937, p. 391, pl. 48, fig. 1 (type 10319), fig. 2 (type 10319a) 
Santa Ana Mts., Calif.; CIT loc. 92 

Cretaceous, Turonian [syntypes UCLA 40648, 40649, 40650] 

morani, Cucullaea: Waring Holotype 
Waring, 1914, p. 784. Ilustrated in Waring, 1917, pl. 14, figs. 12, 13 
Ventura Co., Calif.; 1.5 miles E of McCray Wells 

Eocene, Tejon Fm 

morani, Dosinia: Wiedey Holotype 
Wiedey, 1929c, p. 281, pl. 31, fig. 3 

San Luis Obispo Co., Calif.; Canyon de Piedra, 4 miles E of San 
Luis Obispo 

Lower Miocene, Vaqueros Fm 

mulinoidus, Pitar: Weaver and Kleinpell Holotype 
Weaver and Kleinpell, 1963, p. 205, pl. 36, fig. 7 

Santa Barbara Co., Calif.; El Jaro at Yridisis Creek loc. 2907 

Eocene, middle Gaviota Fm 

mulinoidus, Pitar: Weaver and Kleinpell Paratype 
Weaver and Kleinpell, 1963, p. 205, pl. 36, figs. 6, 10 : 

Santa Barbara Co., Calif.; El Jaro at Yridisis Creek loc. 2907 

Eocene, middle Gaviota Fm 

mulleri, Venericardia (Pacificor): Verastegui Holotype 
Verastegui, 1953, p. 20, pl. 1, figs. 6-9 

Fresno Co., Calif.; Panoche Qd [Tumey Hills Qd], Sec. 29, T 15 S, 
R12 E_ SU loc. 2073 

Paleocene, Lodo Fm 

muitirugosus, Pecten (Chlamys): Gale Paratype 
Gale, 1928, p. 92. Illustrated zx Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 159, pl. 11, 
figs. 5a, 5b 

San Pedro, Calif. 

multitubifera, Caprinuloidea: Palmer Paratype 

Palmer, 1928a, p. 61 

Jalisco, Mexico; Soyatlan de Adentro 

Cretaceous, Cenomanian 

myrae, Ensis: Berry Holotype 

Berry, 1953a, p. 398, pl. 29, figs. 5, 6, text fig. 4 

San Pedro Bay, Calif.; near Terminal Island 

myrae, Ensis: Berry Paratype 

Berry, 1953a, p. 398, text fig. 3 

San Pedro Bay, Calif.; near Terminal Island 

myrae, Periploma (Halistrepta): Rogers Holotype 

Rogers, 1962, p. 235, figs. 1, 2. Illustrated in Keen, 1971, p. 295, fig. 


Gulf of California; off Loreto, near Carmen Island, 15-25 fms 

Mytilus, n. sp. aff. M. tichanovitchi Makiyama: Addicott 

Addicott, 1976, p. 101, pl. 1, fig. 6 

Clallam Co., Wash.; Clallam Bay, seacliffs eastward from Slip Point 

for 1/2 mile. SU loc. NP 89 

Lower Miocene, Clallam Fm, Pillarian stage 

nakamurai, Katelysia (Nipponomarcia): Ikebe Paratypes 

Ikebe, 1941, p. 50 

Shiga Prefecture, Japan; Sendani, Yamanouchi-mura, Koga-gun 

Middle Miocene, Ayugawa group 

nana, Cuspidaria: Oldroyd Holotype 

Oldroyd, 1918b, p. 28. Illustrated in Oldroyd, 1925, p. 99, pl. 13, figs. 


Monterey, Calif. 











nana, Myoconcha: Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1927, p. 111, pl. 94, figs. 10, 11 

Shasta Co., Calif.; old quarry SW end Brock Mt. between Squaw 
Creek and Pit River 

Upper Triassic, Hosselkus Ls [holotype USNM 74141] 

nanaimensis, Pholadomya: Reagan Holotype 
Reagan, 1924, p. 185, pl. 20, fig. 7 

Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada; near Nanaimo 

Upper Cretaceous 

nelsoni, Nucula (Acila): Clark Holotype 
Clark, 1925, p. 74, pl. 8, fig. 1 

Wash.; 3/4 mile W of Gettysburg in shaly ss sea cliffs at mouth of 
Duncan Creek SU loc. NP 90 

Oligocene, Blakeley Fm 

nevadanus, Pecten Conrad: Grant and Gale Neotype 
Conrad, 1856, p. 329, pl. 8, fig. 7. Neotype designated by Grant and 
Gale, 1931, p. 189, pl. 7, figs. 2a-2c, as type of Vertipecten Grant and 
Gale. [Specimen is P¢cten bowersi Arnold, not Pecten nevadanus Con- 
rad | 

McKittrick district? Santa Monica Mts. ? 

Middle Miocene 

newcombei, Mulinia: Clark and Arnold Holotype 
Clark and Arnold, 1923, p. 153, pl. 16, figs. la, 1b 

Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada; Sooke, sea cliffs be- 
tween mouths of Muir and Coal Creeks, W of Otter Point SU loc. 
NE 129 

Oligocene? Sooke Fm 

newcombei, Mulinia: Clark and Arnold Paratype 
Clark and Arnold, 1923, p. 153, pl. 15, fig. 2 

Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada; Sooke, sea cliffs be- 
tween mouths of Muir and Coal Creeks, W of Otter Point SU loc. 
NP 129 

Oligocene? Sooke Fm 

newcombei, Mulinia: Clark and Arnold Paratype 
Clark and Arnold, 1923, p. 153, pl. 15, fig. 3 

Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada; Sooke, sea cliffs be- 
tween mouths of Muir and Coal Creeks, W of Otter Point SU loc. 
NP 129 

Oligocene? Sooke Fm 

newcombei, Mulinia: Clark and Arnold Paratype 
Clark and Arnold, 1923, p. 153, pl. 15, figs. 4a, 4b 

Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada; Socke, sea cliffs be- 
tween mouths of Muir and Coal Creeks, W of Otter Point SU loc. 
NP 129 

Oligocene? Sooke Fm 

newcombei, Pododesmus: Clark and Arnold Holotype 
Clark and Arnold, 1923, p. 141, pl. 21, fig. 4 

Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada; Jordan River, 2 miles 
W of Sherringham Point, sea cliffs at mouth of Fossil Creek SU loc. 
NP 130 

Oligocene? Sooke Fm 

newcombei, Pododesmus: Clark and Arnold Paratype 
Clark and Arnold, 1923, p. 141, pl. 21, fig. 6 

Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada; Jordan River, 2 miles 
W of Sherringham Point, sea cliffs at mouth of Fossil Creek SU loc. 
NP 130 

Oligocene? Sooke Fm 
















newcombei, Pododesmus: Clark and Arnold Paratype 
Clark and Arnold, 1923, p. 141, pl. 21, fig. 3 

Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada; Jordan River, 2 miles 
W of Sherringham Point, sea cliffs at mouth of Fossil Creek SU loc. 
NP 130 

Oligocene? Sooke Fm 

nicoyana, Tellina (Scissula): Hertlein and Strong Paratype 
Hertlein and Strong, 1949a, p. 85 

Gulf of Nicoya, Costa Rica; off Ballenas Bay, 35 fms 

nipponica, Lasaea: Keen Holotype 
Keen, 1938, pp. 26-27, figs. 1a, 1b 

NE Matsusima, Japan; Watanoha, Rikuzen 

nipponica, Lasaea: Keen Paratype 
Keen, 1938, pp. 26-27 

NE Matsusima, Japan; Watanoha, Rikuzen 

nodosus, Vermetus: Oldroyd Holotype 
Oldroyd, T. S., 1921a, p. 116, pl. 5, fig. 10 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; San Pedro, Nob Hill cut 

Pleistocene, lower San Pedro Fm [=a burrow lining of a Holocene 
teredid pelecypod, teste Keen, 1976] 

nuculiformis, Crassinella: Berry Holotype 
Berry, 1940b, p. 149, pl. 17, fig. 1 

San Pedro, Calif.; W side of Gaffey Street cut 


nuculiformis, Crassinella: Berry Paratype 
Berry, 1940b, p. 149 

San Pedro, Calif.; W side of Gaffey Street cut 


nutteri, Pecten (Chlamys): Arnold Holotype 
Arnold, 1906, p. 67, pl. 11, fig. 3 

San Mateo Co., Calif.; S of mouth of San Gregorio Creek 

Pliocene, Purisima Fm 

oakvillensis, Lima (Radula): Clark Holotype 
Clark, 1925, p. 84, pl. 15, fig. 1 

Wash.; 1 mile W of Oakville, in lower tuffaceous conglomerate beds 
immediately overlying basalt at quarry on N.P. R.R. SU loc. NP 109 
Oligocene, Lincoln Fm 

obliqua, Protarca: Stephenson Plastoholotype 
Stephenson, 1923, p. 104, pl. 19, fig. 3 

Greene Co., N.C.; Snow Hill 

Cretaceous, Black Creek Fm, Snow Hill Mbr 

okawensis, Nuculopsis (Palaeonucula?): Schenck Paratype 
Schenck, 1939, p. 23 

Illinois; 1.4 miles NE of Ruma 

Mississippian, lower Okaw Ls 

oldroydi, Corbicula: Clark Paratype 
Clark, 1938, p. 698 

Napa Qd, Calif.; Brink Ranch, 2 miles S of Putah Creek 

Upper Eocene, Markley Fm 

oldroydii, Atrina: Dall Holotype 
Dall, 1901a, p. 143. Illustrated in Dall, 1921, pl. 2, figs. 4-6 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; San Pedro Bay, 25 fms 

oldroydii, Avicula: Reagan Holotype 
Reagan, 1924, p. 186, pl. 20, fig. 1 

Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada; near Nanaimo SU loc. 
ila b7/ 

Upper Cretaceous 
















olssoni, Megapitaria: Marks Paratype 
Marks, 1951, p. 79 

SW Ecuador; NE of Progreso 

Middle Miocene, Progreso Fm 

olympiana, Yoldia: Clark Holotype 
Clark, 1925, ps 77, pla 9. fig. 9 

Twin, Wash.; sea cliffs W of Twin River SU loc. NP 120 

Oligocene, Blakeley Fm 

onestae, Integricardium (Onestia): McLearn Plastoholotype 
McLearn, 1933b, p. 152, pl. 2, fig. 10 

Alberta, Canada; E bank Athabasca River, 3 miles below Brule rapids 
Cretaceous, Clearwater Fm [holotype at Natl. Mus. Canada] 

ooides, Tellina: Gabb Plastoholotype or Plastosyntype 
Gabb, 1864, p. 157, pl. 22, fig. 135a 

Butte Co.. Calif.; Pence’s Ranch 

Cretaceous [holotype UCMP 31437] 

operculiformis, Pecten: Gabb Plastoholotype 
Gabb, 1864, p. 201, pl. 26, fig. 188. Cited as lectotype by Stewart, 
1930, p. 120 

Shasta Co., Calif.; possibly from Huling Creek 

Cretaceous [holotype UCMP 31446] 

oregonensis, Crassinella: Keen Holotype 
Keen, 1938, p. 31, pl. 2, figs. 11, 12 

Coos Bay, Ore.; South Slough at highway bridge, 1-2 fms 
oregonensis, Halobia: Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1927, p. 117, pl. 95, fig. 1 

Baker Co., Ore.; Martins Bridge 

Upper Triassic, upper Karnic, Eagle River Fm [holotype USNM] 
oregonensis, Pecten: Howe Holotype 
Howe, 1922, p. 98, pl. 11, fig. 1 

Coos Bay, Ore.; SU loc. NP 44 

Pliocene, Empire Fm 

oregonensis, Pecten: Howe Paratype 
Howe, 1922, p. 98, pl. 12, fig. 2 

Coos Bay, Ore.; SU loc. NP 44 

Pliocene, Empire Fm 

oregonensis, Pecten: Howe Paratype 
Howe, 1922, p. 98, pl. 11, fig. 2 _ 
Grays Harbor Co., Wash.; N of mouth of Raft River, Taholah SU 
loc. NP 82 

Pliocene, Quillayute Fm 

oregonensis, Venericardia (Pacificor): Verastegui Holotype 
Verastegui, 1953, p. 25, pl. 9, figs. 7-9 

Douglas Co., Ore.; Roseburg Qd, Little River bluffs at jct. with North 
Umpqua River near Glide 

Lower Eocene, Umpqua Fm 

ornatissima, Halobia: Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1927, p. 117, pl. 94, fig. 4 

Shasta Co., Calif.; W side Brock Mt. between Squaw Creek and Pit 

Upper Triassic, Hosselkus Ls, upper horizon, Juvavites subzone of 
Tropites subbullatus zone 

ovalis, Posidonia: Kittl Plastoholotype 
Katt 1912) 5ps-29; ple ties 15 

Pelponnes or Dalmatia; Kurkuli 

Middle Jurassic, Humphresianum zone [holotype in Naturh. Staats- 
mus. Wien] 















BuLLeETIN 300 

overbecki, Pleurophorus: Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1927, p. 111, pl. 101, fig. 15 

Alaska; S bank of Yukon River opposite Nation River 

Upper Triassic [holotype USNM 74203] 

pacifica, Malletia: Dall Paratype 
Dall, 1897a, p. 11 

Off Pt. Conception, Calif.; 278 fms, USBF Sta. 3198 

pacifica, Mesodesma: Hall and Ambrose Holotype 
Hall and Ambrose, 1916, p. 79. Illustrated in Clark, 1922, p. 118, pl. 
13, fig. 5 (as Myadesma) 

Alameda Co., Calif.; Pleasanton Qd, Alameda Creek, 1.5 miles S of 
Welch Creek, 1/5 mile § of Calaveras fault 

Miocene, Monterey Fm 

packardi, Tellina: Dickerson Plastoholotype 
Dickerson, 1914, p. 137, pl. 11, fig. 11 

Lake Co., Calif.; Lower Lake UCMP loc. 784 

Eocene, Martinez Fm [holotype UCMP 11739] 

panamensis, Protocardia: Dall Paratype 
Dall, 1908b, p. 415 . 

Panama Bay, 182 fms 

parsonsi, Miltha: Waring Holotype 
Waring, 1917, p. 78, pl. 12, fig. 13 

Ventura Co., Calif.; Martinez area in the Simi Hills 

Lower Eocene, Martinez Fm 

peabodyi, Chione (Chione) californiensis: Parker Plastoholotype 
Parker, 1949, p. 581, pl. 90, fig. 1 

Ventura Co., Calif.; N of Springville 

Pleistocene [holotype UCMP] 

pectunculoides, Peruarca: Olsson Plastoholotype 
Olsson, 1944, p. 33, pl. 3, figs. 6, 7 

Paita region, Peru; near La Tortuga 

Cretaceous, Maestrichtian, Radiolite Ss Baculites zone [holotype PRI 
No. 4817] 

pembertoni, Inoceramus: Waring Holotype 
Waring, 1917, p. 61, pl. 7, figs. 7, 8 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; S of Santa Monica Mts. 

Upper Cretaceous, Chico Fm 

penderi, Leda: Dall and Bartsch Paratype 
Dall and Bartsch, 1910, p. 9 

Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada; Barkley Sound 
pentodon, Limopsis: Aguayo and Borro Paratype 
Aguayo and Borro, 1946b, p. 48 

Matanzas, Cuba; Barranco E of Rio Canimar 

Upper Miocene, Yumuri Fm 

peraltum, Pisidium: Sterki Paratypes 
Sterki, 1900, p. 5 

Benzie Co., Mich.; Crystal Lake 

perambilis, Cardium (Fulvia): Dall Paratype 
Dall, 1881, p. 132 

Off Barbados, 100 fms 

percarus, Pecten (Aequipecten): Hertlein Holotype 
Hertlein, 1925a, p. 13, pl. 2, figs. 2, 5 

Baja California, Mexico; Scammon Lagoon Qd, mouth of large arroyo 
NW of Elephant Mesa SU loc. 48 

Pliocene, Salada Fm 













percarus, Pecten (Aequipecten): Hertlein Paratypes 
Hertlein, 1925a, p. 13 

Baja California, Mexico; Scammon Lagoon Qd, mouth of large arroyo 
NW of Elephant Mesa _ SU loc. 48 

Pliocene, Salada Fm 

percarus, Pecten (Aequipecten): Hertlein Paratype 
Hertlein, 1925a, p. 13 

Baja California, Mexico; Turtle Bay CAS loc. 930 

Pliocene, Salada Fm 

percrassa, Nucula: Conrad Plastoholotype 
Conrad, 1858, p. 327, pl. 35, fig. 4 

Mississippi; Owl Creek, 3 miles N of Ripley 

Upper Cretaceous, Ripley Fm [types at ANSP No. 16710] 

perdisparis, Arca: Wiedey Paratype 
Wiedey, 1928, p. 131, pl. 14, fig. 1. Also iz Reinhart, 1943, p. 72, pl. 10, 
fig. 8 

Monterey Co., Calif.; 3/4 mile SW of Zayante Station, Santa Cruz 
Mts. SU loc. 443 

Middle Miocene, Monterey Fm _ [Wiedey’s specimen 433] 

perfecta, Caprinuloidea: Palmer Paratypes 
Palmer, 1928a, p. 59 

Jalisco, Mexico; Soyatlan de Adentro 

Cretaceous, Cenomanian 

perforata, Radiolites: Palmer Paratype 
Palmer, 1928a, p. 81, pl. 16, fig. 11 

Jalisco, Mexico; Huescalapa 

Cretaceous, Turonian 

perforata, Radiolites: Palmer Paratype 
Palmer, 1928a, p. 81, pl. 14, figs. 6, 7 

Jalisco, Mexico; Huescalapa 

Cretaceous, Turonian 

perforata, Radiolites: Palmer Paratypes 
Palmer, 1928a, p. 81, pl. 16, fig. 9 (type 7569) 

Jalisco, Mexico; Huescalapa 

Cretaceous, Turonian 

pernoides, Inoceramus: Goldfuss Plastoholotype 
Goldfuss, 1826, p. 109, pl. 109, fig. 3 

Westphalia, Germany 

Cretaceous [cast of Goldfuss specimen 665 BM(NH) ] 

perrini, Lima: Waring Holotype 
Waring, 1914, p. 782. Illustrated zz Waring, 1917, p. 76, pl. 10, figs. 
i 2 

Ventura Co., Calif.; Simi Hills, Martinez area, Calabasas sheet 

Lower Eocene, Martinez Fm 

perrini, Ostrea titan: Hall and Ambrose Holotype 
Hall and Ambrose, 1916, p. 80. Illustrated in Wiedey, 1929b, pl. 3, 
fig. 1 

Alameda Co., Calif.; Pleasanton Qd 

Middle Miocene, Briones Fm 

perrini, Pecten (Lyropecten): Arnold Holotype 
Arnold, 1906, p. 80, pl. 14, figs. 1, 1a; pl. 15, fig. 1 

San Luis Obispo Co., Calif.; [Cayucos Qd] between Morro and Toro 

Miocene, Vaqueros Fm 

perrini, Spondylus: Wiedey Paratype 
Wiedey, 1928, p. 138 

Ventura Co., Calif.; Calabasas sheet, Wiley Canyon [Piru Qd] 
Miocene, Vaqueros Fm 















BuL_eTIN 300 

perrini, Tellina: Dickerson Plastoholotype 
Dickerson, 1914, p. 137, pl. 11, fig. 8 

Lake Co., Calif.; Lower Lake UCMP loc. 784 

Eocene, Martinez Fm_ [holotype UCMP 11716] 

perrinsmithi, Trigonia: Anderson Holotype 
Anderson, 1958, p. 110, pl. 2, fig. 7 

Shasta Co., Calif.; Horsetown 

Upper Cretaceous, Horsetown Fm 

peruanus, Pecten: Tilmann Plastoholotype 
Tilmann, 1917, pp. 673-674, pl. 24, fig. 5 

Peru; Chilingote, E] Tingo, Utcubamba-Tal 

Lower Jurassic, Arietenzone, Psiloceras beds [holotype probably at 
der Sammlung des Geologisch-palaontologischen Instituts der Univer- 
sitat Bonn] 

phenax, Musculus: Dall Paratype 
Dall, 1915a, p. 138. Illustrated iz Schenck, 1945, p. 519, pl. 67, figs. 

Bering Sea; Pribiloff Islands, St. George 

phoebe, Pegmapex: Berry Holotype 
Berry, 1960, p. 115. Illustrated 77 Keen, 1971, p. 131, fig. 300 

Sinaloa, Mexico; Las Gaviotas Beach, Mazatlan 

piedraensis, Platyodon: Wiedey Holotype 
Wiedey, 1929c, p. 289, pl. 33, fig. 2 

San Luis Obispo Co., Calif.; head of Canyon de Piedra, ca. 5 miles E 
of San Luis Obispo SU loc. 441 

Lower Miocene, Vaqueros Fm 

pittensis, Pecten (Entolium): Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1927, p. 121, pl. 7, fig: 5 

Shasta Co., Calif.; Brock Mt 

Upper Triassic, Hosselkus Ls [holotype USNM 73947] 
pittsburgensis, Spisula: Clark Holotype 
Clark, 1925, p. 101, pl. 17, figs. 2, 4 

Ore.; bluffs along Nehalem River near old Pittsburg mill below 

Oligocene, Pittsburg Bluff Fm [specimen published as LSJU No. 53] 
pittsburgensis, Tellina: Clark Holotype 
Glarky9255 p. 9S pls da tigs 

Ore.; ss bluffs along Nehalem River near old Pittsburg mill below 
Vernonia SU loc. NP 5 

Oligocene, Pittsburg Bluff Fm 

planiuscula, Macoma: Grant and Gale Holotype 
Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 372, pl. 14, figs. 11a, 11b; pl. 20, figs. 8a, 8b 
Bering Sea, off Alaska; Nunivak Island 

planiuscula, Macoma: Grant and Gale Paratype 
Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 372 

Bering Sea, off Alaska; Nunivak Island 

pomeyroli, Granocardium (Ethmocardium): Keen Holotype 
Keen, 1954, p. 314, pl. 29, fig. 4 

New Caledonia, area of Momea tribe 

Upper Cretaceous 

pomeyroli, Granocardium (Ethmecardium): Keen Paratype 
Keen, 1954, p. 314, pl. 29, fig. 3 

New Caledonia; area of Momea tribe 

Upper Cretaceous 

pomeyroli, Granocardium (Ethmocardium): Keen Paratype 
Keen, 1954, p. 314, pl. 29, fig. 2 

New Caledonia; area of Momea tribe 

Upper Cretaceous 














pomeyroli, Granocardium (Ethmocardium): Keen Paratype 
Keen, 1954, p. 314, text figs. 1, 2 

New Caledonia; area of Momea tribe 

Upper Cretaceous 

pomeyroli, Granocardium (Ethmocardium): Keen Paratypes 
Keen, 1954, p. 314 

New Caledonia; area of Momea tribe 

Upper Cretaceous 

popenoei, Cymbophora: Saul Paratypes 
Saul, 1974, p. 1087 

Santa Ana Mts., Calif.; Corona sheet, SW slope of ridge between 
Aliso and Santiago Creek, 1650’ N 38° E of Pankratz Ranch house, 
4800’ S 18° W of dam 1/4 mile above mouth of Harding Canyon 
CIT loc. 974 

Cretaceous, late Campanian, Williams Fm, Pleasants Ss Mbr 
porterensis, Modiolus: Clark Holotype 
Clark, 1925, p. 85, pl. 9, fig. 11 

Wash.; marly tuffs at old log dam on Porter Creek, 1.5 miles above 
Porter SU loc. NP 51 

Oligocene, Lincoln Fm 

portusregii, Pecten (Plagioctenium) gibbus: Grau Paratype 
Grau, 1952a, p. 17. Grau, 1952b, p. 69 (mew name for P.g. carolinensts, 

Off South Carolina; 2 miles off Port Royal, 80’ 

praeblandum, Clinocardium: Keen Plastoholotype 
Keen, 1954, p. 321, pl. 29, fig. 6 

Contra Costa Co., Calif.; W end of Las Trampas Ridge 

Upper Miocene, Briones Fm _ [holotype UCMP 14836] 

praecuta, Tellina: Clark Plastoholotype 
Clark e1908'tpr 1535 plei2) trons 

Contra Costa Co., Calif.; Sobrante Ridge UCMP loc. 14 

Oligocene, San Ramon Fm_ [holotype UCMP 11166] 

pretiosus, Pecten (Lyropecten): Hertlein Holotype 
Hertlein, 1925a, p. 12, pl. 3, fig. 4 

Baja California, Mexico; Turritella bed above San Gregorio Lagoon, 
on the trail from Arroyo Mesquital to La Purisima SU loc. 59 
Miocene, Isidro Fm 

pretiosus, Pecten (Lyropecten): Hertlein Paratype 
Hertlein, 1925a, p. 12, pl. 2, fig. 6 

Baja California, Mexico; La Purisima cliffs on San Ramon River 
SU loc. 57 

Miocene, Isidro Fm 

princeps, Acila (Truncacila): Schenck Holotype 
Schenck, 1943, p. 63, pl. 8, figs. 4, 6, 7, 8 

Merced Co., Calif.; Sec. 12, T 12 S,R10E SU loc. 2372 

Upper Cretaceous, Moreno Fm 

princeps, Acila (Truncacila): Schenck Paratype 
Schenck, 1943, p. 63, pl. 8, fig. 2 

Merced Co., Calif.; Sec. 12, T 12 S,R10E SU loc. 2372 

Upper Cretaceous, Moreno Fm 

princeps, Acila (Truncacila): Schenck Paratype 
Schenck, 1943, p. 63, pl. 8, figs. 1, 3 

Merced Co., Calif.; Sec. 12,T 12 S,R10E SU loc. 2372 

Upper Cretaceous, Moreno Fm 

princeps, Acila (Truncacila): Schenck Paratype 
Schenck, 1943, p. 63 

Merced Co., Calif.; Sec. 12, T 12 S,R10E SU loc. 2372 

Upper Cretaceous, Moreno Fm 















pristinum, Clinocardium: Keen Plastoholotype 
Keen, 1954, p. 322, pl. 29, fig. 15 

Contra Costa Co., Calif.; Concord Qd, Shell Ridge 

Upper Miocene, Neroly Fm? [holotype UCMP] 

procumbens, Arca: Wiedey Holotype 
Wiedey, 1928, p. 132, pl. 13, fig. 11. Also zz Reinhart, 1943, p. 54, pl. 
5, fig. 2 (as Anadara) 

Lincoln Co., Ore.; 5 miles N of Yaquina Head SU loc. 444 


progresoensis, Pecten (Aequipecten): Marks Paratypes 
Marks, 1951, p. 60 

SW Ecuador; about 6 miles NE of Progreso 

Middle Miocene, Progreso Fm 

prosperi, Glibertia: Van der Meulen Paratype 
Van der Meulen, 1951, pp. 49, 53 

The Netherlands; beach sand near Rittham, Zeeland Province 
Pliocene, reworked [cited as paratype II] 

pseudoillota, Barbatia (Fugleria): Reinhart Plastoholotype 
Reinhart, 1937b, p. 184, pl. 28, figs. 6, 9, 10 - 

Santa Barbara Co., Calif.; Fugler Point 

Pliocene [holctype CIT 1383 = now LACMNH 4075] 

pugetensis, Lyonsia: Dall Paratype 
Dall, 1913, p. 595 

Wash.; coast N of Queets River 

pugetensis, Nucula (Acila): Clark Holotype 
Clark, 1925, p. 75, pl. 8, fig. 4 

Bainbridge Island, Wash.; Bean Point SU loc. NP 205 

Oligocene, Blakeley Fm [Clark’s specimen No. 5] 

pugetensis, Pecten islandicus: Oldroyd Holotype 
Oldroyd, I. S., 1920, p. 136, pl. 4, figs. 5, 6. Also zz Oldroyd, I. S., 
1925, p. 55, pl. 12, figs. 4, 5 

Puget Sound, Wash.; off San Juan Island 

puntarenensis, Mytilus (Hormomya): Pilsbry and Lowe Paratypes 
Pilsbry and Lowe, 1932a, p. 104, Illustrated iz Keen, 1971, p. 61, fig. 
121, lower left (as Brachidontes) 

Puntarenas, Costa Rica 

purisimaensis, Pecten (Patinopecten): Arnold Holotype 
Arnold, 1906, p. 105, pl. 34, fig. 3 

San Mateo Co., Calif.; N of mouth of Pescadero Creek 

Pliocene, Purisima Fm 

pygmaeus, Musculus: Glynn Holotype 
Glynn, 1964, pp. 121-128, pl. 23, figs. 1a, 1b 

Pacific Grove, Calif.; near Hopkins Marine Station 

pygmaeus, Musculus: Glynn Paratype 
Glynn, 1964, pp. 121-128 

Pacific Grove, Calif.; near Hopkins Marine Station 

quadrata, Palaeocardita: Trechmann Paratypes 
Trechmann, 1918, p. 212 

New Zealand; Nugget Point, Otago 

Triassic, Carnic 

redondoensis, Aligena: Burch Paratypes 
Bureh, 2, 1941; sp. 50 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; off Redondo Beach, 75 fms 

redondoensis, Cardita: Burch Paratype 
Burch, J. Q., 1945, p. 32 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; off Redondo Beach, 100 fms, mud bottom 
redondoensis, Nuculana penderi: Burch Paratypes 
Burch, J. Q., 1945, p. 10 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; off Redondo Beach, 25 fms, gravel bottom 













refugioensis, Pecten (Pecten): Hertlein Holotype 
Hertlein, 1925a, p. 7, pl. 1, fig. 2 

Baja California, Mexico; Rancho Refugio, N of San Jose del Cabo 
SU loc. 50 

Upper Miocene or lower Pliocene 

refugioensis, Pecten (Pecten): Hertlein Paratype 
Hertlein, 1925a, p. 7, pl. 5, fig. 9 

Baja California, Mexico; Rancho Refugio, N of San Jose del Cabo 
SU loc. 50 

Upper Miocene or lower Pliocene 

refugioensis, Pecten (Pecten): Hertlein Paratype 
Hertlein, 1925a, p. 7 

Baja California, Mexico; Arroyo Fortuna, N of San Jose del Cabo 
SU loc. 44 

Upper Miocene or lower Pliocene 

regina, Calva: Popenoe Plastosyntype 
Popenoe, 1937, p. 395, pl. 48, figs. 6, 13 

Santa Ana Mts., Calif.; CIT loc. 1164 

Cretaceous, Turonian, Ladd Fm, Baker Mbr_ [syntype UCLA 40660] 
regina, Calva: Popenoe Plastosyntype 
Popenoe, 1937, p. 395, pl. 48, figs. 7, 14 

Santa Ana Mts., Calif.; CIT loc. 1164 

Cretaceous, Turonian, Ladd Fm, Baker Mbr_ [syntype UCLA 40661] 
remondii, Tellina: Gabb Plastoholotype 
Gabb, 1864, p. 156, pl. 22, fig. 132 

Contra Costa Co., Calif.; Cochran’s, E of Mt. Diablo UCMP loc. 138 
“Cretaceous,” [Eocene, Meganos Fm] [holotype UCMP 314511] 
rhypis, Pandora (Kennerlia): Pilsbry and Lowe Paratypes 
Pilsbry and Lowe, 1932a, p. 105 

Gulf of Fonseca, El Salvador; La Unicn 

richthofeni, Chione: Hertlein and Jordan Holotype 
Hertlein and Jordan, 1927, p. 619, pl. 17, figs. 7, 8 

Baja California, Mexico; Arroyo San Ignacio, 8 km SW of San 
Ignacio SU loc. 66 

Miocene, Isidro Fm 

richthofeni, Chione: Hertlein and Jordan Paratype 
Hertlein and Jordan, 1927, p. 619, pl. 17, fig. 4 

Baja California, Mexico; Arroyo San Ignacio, 8 km SW of San 
Ignacio SU loc. 66 

Miocene, Isidro Fm 

riversi, Pecten (Propeamusium): Arnold Holotype 
Arnold, 1906, p. 126, pl. 44, fig. 8 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; Santa Monica Canyon 


riversi, Pecten (Propeamusium): Arnold Paratype 
Arnold, 1906, p. 126, pl. 44, fig. 9 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; Santa Monica Canyon 


robusta, Posidonia wengensis: Kittl Plastoholotype 
Kitt], 1912, p. 18, pl. 1, fig. 12 

Austria; Pederoa, Abteital 

Middle Triassic, Wengener Schichten [holotype in Naturh. Staats- 
mus. Wien] 

robusta, Radiolites: Palmer Paratypes 
Palmer, 1928a, p. 80 

Jalisco, Mexico; Huescalapa 

Cretaceous, Turonian 


















rogersi, Lithophaga (Labis) attenuata: Berry Holotype 
Berry, 1957, p. 76. Illustrated iz Keen, 1971, p. 68, fig. 140 

Sonora, Mexico; Cholla Cove, Bahia de Adair 

rogersi, Sphaerium: Hannibal Holotype 
Hannibal, 1912b, p. 131, pl. 7, fig. 21. Also ix Taylor and Smith, 1971, 
fics dts, 5 

Tesla Qd, Calif.; 1/4 mile above Carnegie Pottery, Corral Hollow 

rostae, Barbatia (Acar): Berry Holotype 
Berry, 1954a, p. 67. Illustrated zz Keen, 1971, p. 40, fig. 72 

Sinaloa, Mexico; Mazatlan 

rostratus, Inoceramus: Goldfuss Plastoholotype 
Goldfuss, 1836, p. 110, pl. 115, fig. 3 

Westphalia, Germany 

Cretaceous [Goldfuss holotype 667 BM(NH) ] 

rotunda, Immanitas: Palmer Paratypes 
Palmer, 1928a, p. 32 

Colima, Mexico; Paso de] Rio 

Cretaceous, Cenomanian : 

rugosa, Nucula: Odhner Paratypes 
Odhner, 1919, p. 23 

Tamatave, Madagascar 

sacculifer, Volsella: Berry Holotype 
Berry, 1953b, p. 407, pl. 28, figs. 1, 2 

San Pedro Harbor, California 

saibana, Nuculana (Saccella): Marks Paratype 
Marks, 1951, p. 48 

SW Ecuador; Zacachin corehole, 890-900’ depth 

Miocene, Subibaja Fm 

salazari, Monopieura: Palmer Paratype 
Palmer, 1928a, p. 45, pl. 7, figs. 2, 3 

Jalisco, Mexico; Soyatlan de Adentro 

Cretaceous, Cenomanian 

sanctaeanae, Daonella: Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1914, p. 145, pl. 50, fig. 12, as sanctae-anae 

Orange Co., Calif.; Santa Ana Mts., Silverado Canyon 

Middle Triassic [holotype USNM 74365] 

sanctaecrucis, Periploma: Arnold Holotype 
Arnold, 1908a, p. 382, pl. 35, fig. 8. Also im Arnold, 1909, Illus. 2, 
fig. 53 

Santa Clara Co., Calif.; 2.5 miles SSW of Mayfield, E side Madera 

Upper Miocene [Arnold’s specimen No. 1074] 

sanjuanensis, Pecten (Pseudamusium) vancouverensis: 

Clark and Arnold Holotype 
Clark and Arnold, 1923, p. 140, pl. 16, fig. 5 

Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada; Port San Juan, sea 
cliffs 1/4 mile E of Providence Cove SU loc. NP 133 

Oligocene? Sooke Fm 

sanjuanensis, Pecten (Pseudamusium) vancouverensis: 

Clark and Arnold Paratype 
Clark and Arnold, 1923, p. 140, pl. 16, fig. 6 

Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada; Port San Juan, sea 
cliffs 1/4 mile E of Providence Cove SU loc. NP 133 

Oligocene? Sooke Fm 

santaclarana, Arca (Anadara): Loel and Corey Paratype 
Ventura Co., Calif.; ridge W of mouth of Wiley Canyon UCMP loc. 

Lower Miocene, Vaqueros Fm 
















santaecruzensis, Pecten (Pecten): Arnold Holotype 
Arnold, 1906, p. 54, pl. 3, fig. 13 

Santa Cruz Co., Calif.; Twobar Creek 

Oligocene, San Lorenzo Fm 

santaecruzensis, Pecten (Pecten): Arnold Paratype 
Arnold, 1906, p. 54, pl. 3, fig. 12 

Santa Cruz Co., Calif.; Bear Creek 

Oligocene, San Lorenzo Fm 

santamariensis, Arca (Arca): Reinhart Plastoholotype 
Reinhart, 1937b, p. 183, pl. 28, figs. 4, 5, 7, 8, 11 

Santa Barbara Co., Calif.; Fugler Point 

Pliocene [holotype CIT 1381, now LACMNH 4072] 

scarificata, Tivela: Berry Holotype 
Berry, 1940b, p. 151, pl. 17, fig. 5 

San Pedro, Calif.; NW corner of Beacon and Second Streets 

scarificata, Tivela: Berry Paratypes 
Berry, 1940b, p. 151 

San Pedro, Calif.; NW corner of Beacon and Second Streets 

schencki, Cardium: Wiedey Paratype 
Wiedey, 1928, p. 143, pl. 17, fig. 4 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; Santa Monica Mts., Dry Canyon, 2 miles § 
of Calabasas SU loc. 425 

Middle Miocene, Temblor Fm_ [Wiedeys’ No. 431] 

schencki, Chione: Loel and Corey Holotype 
Loel and Corey, 1932, p. 224, pl. 42, fig. 5 

San Luis Obispo Co., Calif.; Corral de] Piedra Creek 

Lower Miocene, Vaqueros Fm 

schencki, Glycymeris: Nicol Holotype 
Nicol, 1947, p. 349, pl. 50, figs. 5, 6 

Panama Canal Zone; 9° 18’ N, 79° 55’ + 200’ W_ SU loc. 2654 
Miocene, Gatun Fm 

schencki, Glycymeris: Nicol Paratype 
Nicol, 1947, p. 349 

Panama Canal Zone; 9° 16’ +4700’ N, 79° 54’ + 5800’ W SU loc. 

Miocene, Gatun Fm 

schencki, Glycymeris: Nicol Paratype 
Nicol, 1947, p. 349 

Colon Province, Republic of Panama; 9° 21’ + 5000’ N, 79° 50’ + 
1000’ W_ SU loc. 2656 

Miocene, Gatun Fm 

schencki, Glycymeris: Nicol Paratype 
Nicol, 1947, p. 349, pl. 50, fig. 3 

Panama Canal Zone; 9° 18’ N, 79° 55’ + 200’ W_ SU loc. 2654 
Miocene, Gatun Fm 

schencki, Glycymeris: Nicol Paratypes 
Nicol, 1947, p. 349 

Panama Canal Zone; 9° 18’ N, 79° 55’ + 200’ W_ SU loc. 2654 
Miocene, Gatun Fm : 
schencki, Glycymeris: Nicol Paratype 
Nicol, 1947, p. 349, pl. 50, figs. 2, 4 

Panama Canal Zone; 9° 18’ N, 79° 55’ + 200’ W_ SU loc. 2654 
Miocene, Gatun Fm 

schencki, Glycymeris: Nicol Paratype 
Nicol, 1947, p. 349, pl. 50, fig. 1 

Panama Canal Zone; 9° 18’ N, 79° 55’ + 200’ W_ SU loc. 2654 
Miocene, Gatun Fm 















BuLLeETIN 300 

schencki, Thracia: Clark ex Tegland Ms Paratype 
Clark, 1932, p. 808. Illustrated in Tegland, 1933, p. 112, pl. 6, fig. 8 
Puget Sound, Wash.; beach between S side of entrance to Blakeley 
Harbor and Restoration Point, Bainbridge Island SU loc. NP 103 
Upper Oligocene, Blakeley Fm 

schencki, Thracia: Clark ex Tegland Ms Paratype 
Clark, 1932, p. 808. Illustrated in Tegland, 1933, pp. 112-113, pl. 6, 
fig. 9 

Puget Sound, Wash.; beach between S side entrance to Blakeley 
Harbor and Restoration Point, Bainbridge Island SU loc. NP 103 
Upper Oligocene, Blakeley Fm 

schencki, Venericardia (Leuroactis): Verastegui Holotype 
Verastegui, 1953, p. 50, pl. 4, figs. 6-8 

Ventura Co., Calif.; Camulos Qd, Simi Hills, 2 miles NE of Simi Peak 
Lower Eocene, Santa Susana Shale 

scrippsensis, Donax: Hanna Plastoholotype 
Hanna, 1927, p. 293, pl. 40, figs. 1, 12 

San Diego Co., Calif.; Scripps Institution UCMP loc. 5089 

Eocene, La Jolla Fm [holotype UCMP 30992] 

secticostata, Glycymeris: Nicol Plastoholotype 
Nicol, 1945, p. 623, pl. 85, fig. 3 

Costa Rica; E Grape Point Creek 

Miocene, Gatun Fm 

semiplicata, Chione: Nomland Plastoholotype 
Nomland, 1917b, p. 305, pl. 15, figs. 2a, 2b 

Fresno Co., Calif.; near Coalinga UCMP loc. 2283 

Miocene, Santa Margarita Fm [holotype UCMP 11318] 

septata, Caprinuloidea: Palmer Paratype 
Palmer, 1928a, p. 62, pl. 11, fig. 1 

Jalisco, Mexico; Soyatlan de Adentro 

Cretaceous, Cenomanian 

septentrionalis, Halobia: Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1927, p. 118, pl. 98, fig. 1 

Alaska; Keku Islet No. 1, Admiralty Island, Herring Bay USGS loc. 

Upper Triassic, lower Noric or upper Karnic [holotype USNM] 
sespeensis, Pecten (Chlamys): Arnold Plastoholotype 
Arnold, 1906, p. 69. pl. 8, fig. 3 

Ventura Co., Calif.; Sespe Canyon 

Miocene [holotype USNM] 

sheridani, Macoma: Vokes Plastoholotype 
Vokes, 1939, p. 92, pl. 14, fig. 21 

San Benito Co., Calif.; Vallecitos UCMP loc. A-1154 

Eocene, Domengine [holotype UCMP 15703] 

simiana, Venericardia (Venericor): Verastegui Holotype 
Verastegui, 1953, p. 47, pl. 4, figs. 2-4 

Ventura Co., Calif.; Calabasas Qd, 1/2 mile NE of Hill 2150, Simi 


simiana, Venericardia (Venericor): Verastegui Paratype 
Verastegui, 1953, p. 47, pl. 4, fig. 1 

Ventura Co., Calif.; Calabasas Qd, 1/2 mile NE of Hill 2150, Simi 


singularis, Orobitella (lsorobitella): Keen Holotype 
Keen, 1962, p. 323, figs. 4a-4c, 5a, 5b 

Baja California del Norte, Mexico; Bahia de San Quintin, on mud 













sisquocensis, Arca (Arca): Reinhart Plastoholotype 
Reinhart, 1937b, p. 182, pl. 28, figs. 1-3 

Santa Barbara Co., Calif.; Fugler Point 

Pliocene [holotype CIT 1382 now LACMNH 4073] 

sloati, Siliqua: Hertlein Paratype 
Hertlein, 1961, p. 14 

Point Bonita, Calif. 

smithii, Panopea: Hall and Ambrose Holotype 
Hall and Ambrose, 1916, p. 79. Illustrated in Wiedey, 1929b, pl. 2, 

Alameda Co., Calif.; Tesla Qd, cut opposite R.R. crossing, Corral 
Hollow. Arnold loc. C-141 

Upper Eocene, ‘Tejon’ Fm 

smithii, Panopea: Hall and Ambrose Paratype 
Hall and Ambrose, 1916, p. 79 

Alameda Co., Calif.; Tesla Qd, cut opposite RR crossing, Corral 

Upper Eocene, “Tejon” Fm 

snohomishensis, Panope: Clark Holotype 
Clark, 1925, p. 105, pl. 10, fig. 1 

Opposite Snohomish, Wash.; ss on Fiddlers Bluffs, along Snohomish 
River SU loc. NP 146 

Oligocene, Lincoln Fm 

snohomishensis, Panope: Clark Paratype 
Clark, 1925, p. 105, pl. 11, fig. 2 

Opposite Snohomish, Wash.; ss on Fiddlers Bluffs, along Snohomish 
River SU loc. NP 146 

Oligocene, Lincoln Fm 

soledadensis, Tellina: Hanna Plastosyntype 
Hanna, 1927, p. 291, pl. 42, fig. 2 

San Diego Co., Calif.; Tecolote Creek UCMP loc. 5091 

Eocene, La Jolla Fm [syntype UCMP 31369] 

sookensis, Cardium: Clark and Arnold Holotype 
Clark and Arnold, 1923, p. 145, pl. 22, figs. 1a, 1b 

Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada; Sooke, sea cliffs be- 
tween mouths of Muir and Coal Creeks, W of Otter Point SU loc. 
NP 129 

Oligocene, Sooke Fm 

sookensis, Cardium: Clark and Arnold Paratype 
Clark and Arnold, 1923, p. 145, pl. 22, fig. 2 

Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada; Sooke, sea cliffs be- 
tween mouths of Muir and Coal Creeks, W of Otter Point SU loc. 
NP 129 

Oligocene, Sooke Fm 

sookensis, Macoma: Clark and Arnold Holotype 
Clark and Arnold, 1923, p. 151, pl. 25, fig. 3 

Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada; Sooke, ss and cgl on 
sea cliffs between mouths of Muir and Kirby Creeks, W of Otter 
Point SU loc. NP 129 

Oligocene, Sooke Fm 

sookensis, Modiolus: Clark and Arnold Paratype 
Clark and Arnold, 1923, p. 143, pl. 26, fig. 2 

Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada; Sooke, sea cliffs be- 
tween mouth of Muir and Coal Creeks, W of Otter Point SU loc. 
NP 129 

Oligocene, Sooke Fm 















BuLLeETIN 300 

sookensis, Modiolus: Clark and Arnold Paratype 

Clark and Arnold, 1923, p. 143, pl. 26, fig. 4 

Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada; Sooke, sea cliffs be- 

tween mouths of Muir and Coal Creeks, W of Otter Point SU loc. 

NP 129 

Oligocene, Sooke Fm 

sookensis, Ostrea: Clark and Arnold Paratype 

Clark and Arnold, 1923, p. 138, pl. 17, fig. 2 

Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada; Jordan River, sea cliffs 

at mouth of Fossil Creek, 2 miles W of Sherringham Point SU loc. 

NP 130 

Oligocene, Sooke Fm 

soperi, Avicula: Smith Plastoholotype 

Smith, 1927, p. 112, pl. 96, fig. 9 

Shasta Co., Calif.; N fork Squaw Creek, 3 miles N of Kellys Ranch 

Upper Triassic, Hosselkus Ls [holotype USNM 74166] 

spectri, Macoma (Psammacoma) panamensis: Hertlein and Strong 

Hertlein and Strong, 1949a, p. 91 

Gulf of California, Mexico; Arena Bank, 45 fms 

stainforthi, Anodontia: Marks Paratype 

Marks, 1951, p. 69 

SW Ecuador; §S of Progreso 

Middle Miocene, upper Progresso Fm 

stanfordensis, Pecten (Propeamusium): Arnold Holotype 

Arnold, 1906, p. 91, pl. 23, fig. 4 

Santa Clara Co., Calif.; Burke Ranch, 3 miles S of Stanford University 

Miocene, Vaqueros Fm 

stanfordia, Tivela: Hall Holotype 

Hall, 1958, p. 53, pl. 6, figs. 3-5 

Alameda Co., Calif.; La Costa Valley Qd, NE 1/4 Sec. 11, T 5S,R1E 

SU loc. 3244 

Upper Miocene, Briones Fm 

stanfordia, Tivela: Hall Paratype 

Hall, 1958, p. 53, pl. 6, figs. 1, 2 

Alameda Co., Calif.; La Costa Valley Qd, NE 1/4 Sec. 11,T5S,R1E 

Upper Miocene, Briones Fm 

stanfordia, Tivela: Hall Paratype 

Hall, 1958, p. 53, pl. 6, figs. 6, 7 

Alameda Co., Calif.; La Costa Valley Qd, NE 1/4 Sec. 11, T 5S,R1E 

Upper Miocene, Briones Fm 

stantoni, Macrocallista: Waring Holotype 

Waring, 1917, p. 77, pl. 14, fig. 6 

Ventura Co., Calif.; Martinez area, Simi Hills SU loc. 2695 

Lower Eocene, Martinez Fm 

stantoni, Macrocallista: Waring Paratype 

Waring, 1917, p. 77 

Ventura Co., Calif.; Martinez area, Simi Hills SU loc. 2695 

Lower Eocene, Martinez Fm 

stantoni, Macrocallista: Waring Paratype 

Waring, 1917, p. 77, pl. 14, fig. 1 

Ventura Co., Calif.; Martinez area, Simi Hills SU loc. 2695 

Lower Eocene, Martinez Fm 

strongi, Arca (Barbatia): Loel and Corey Syntype 

Loel and Corey, 1932, p. 183 

Orange Co., Calif.; San Joaquin Hills, 2.5 miles N of Laguna Beach 

UCMP loc. A-527 

Lower Miocene, Vaqueros Fm 















Subdolus, Pecten (Plagioctenium): Hertlein Holotype 
Hertlein, 1925a, p. 20, pl. 5, figs. 4, 7 

San Diego Co., Calif.; Pacific Beach SU loc. 115 

Pliocene, San Diego Fm 

subdolus, Pecten (Plagioctenium): Hertlein Paratype 
Hertlem), 19254, p. 20s ple 55 tis) 2 

San Diego Co., Calif.; Pacific Beach SU loc. 115 

Pliocene, San Diego Fm 

subdolus, Pecten (Plagioctenium): Hertlein Paratype 
Hertlein, 1925a, p. 20 

Off Baja California, Mexico; Cedros Island SU loc. 116 


subibajana, Nuculana (Saccella): Marks Paratypes 
Marks, 1951, p. 50 

SW Ecuador; Zacachtin corehole, 500-510’ depth 

Miocene, Subibaja Fm 

subimpressa, Leda: Howe Holotype 
Howe, 1922, p. 97, pl. 10, fig. 3 

Coos Bay, Ore. SU loc. NP 36 

Pliocene, Empire Fm 

subviridis, Lasaea rubra: Dall ex Carpenter Ms Neotype 
Dall, 1899b, p. 881. Neotype selected by Keen, 1938, p. 29, pl. 2, figs. 

Baja California, Mexico; San Martin Island 

subyneziana, Pecten (Vertipecten) yneziana: 

Weaver and Kleinpell Holotype 
Weaver and Kleinpell, 1963, p. 198, pl. 31, fig. 3 

Santa Barbara Co., Calif.; Camino Cielo, UCMP loc. B-6940 

Eocene, “Coldwater” Ss 

subyneziana, Pecten (Vertipecten) yneziana: 

Weaver and Kleinpell Paratype 
Weaver and Kleinpell, 1963, p. 198, pl. 31, fig. 5 

Santa Barbara Co., Calif.; Camino Cielo UCMP loc. B-6940 

Eocene, “Coldwater” Ss 

subyneziana, Pecten (Vertipecten) yneziana: 

Weaver and Kleinpell Paratype 
Weaver and Kleinpell, 1963, p. 198, pl. 31, fig. 7 

Santa Barbara Co., Calif.; Camino Cielo UCMP loc. B-6940 

Eocene, ‘‘Coldwater” Ss 

subyneziana, Pecten (Vertipecten) yneziana: 

Weaver and Kleinpell Paratype 
Weaver and Kleinpell, 1963, p. 198, pl. 31, fig. 2 

Santa Barbara Co., Calif.; Lompoc Qd, Nojoqui Creek UCMP loc. 

Eocene, Sacate-Gaviota Fm 

suciensis, Thracia: Reagan Syntype 
Reagan, 1924, p. 183, pl. 20, fig. 3 

Puget Sound, Wash.; Sucia Islands 

Upper Cretaceous, upper Chico Fm 

suciensis, Thracia: Reagan Snytype 
Reagan, 1924, p. 183, pl. 20, fig. 4 

Puget Sound, Wash.; Sucia Islands 

Upper Cretaceous, upper Chico Fm 

suciensis, Thracia: Reagan Syntype 
Reagan, 1924, p. 183, pl. 20, fig. 5 

Puget Sound, Wash.; Sucia Islands 

Upper Cretaceous, upper Chico Fm 














BuLtetTin 300 

superioris, Cardita: Waring Holotype 
Waring, 1917, p. 91 

Ventura Co., Calif.; McCray Wells SU loc. 8 

Eocene, Tejon Fm [= Schedocardia brewerii (Gabb), teste Keen, 

supramontereyensis, Yoldia: Arnold Holotype 
Arnold, 1908a, p. 382, pl. 35, fig. 9. Also im Arnold, 1909, Illus. 2, 
fig. 56 

Santa Clara Co., Calif.; 2.5 miles S of Mayfield, “Tusk Gully” near 

Upper Miocene [Arnold’s No. 1067] 

susanaensis, Venericardia (Pacificor): Verastegui Holotype 
Verastegui, 1953, p. 22, pl. 5, figs. 1-4 

Ventura Co., Calif.; Camulos Qd, McCray Wells, Oil Canyon 

Lower Eocene, Santa Susana Shale 

swartsi, Glycimeris [sic.|: Hertlein and Jordan Holotype 
Hertlein and Jordan, 1927, p. 620, pl. 17, fig. 2 

Baja California, Mexico; Scammon Lagoon Qd, W side of Elephant 
Mesa _ SU loc. 60 : 

Miocene, Isidro Fm 

symmetrica, Halobia: Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1927, p. 119, pl. 98, fig. 7 

Alaska; Keku Islet No. 1, Admiralty Island, Herring Bay 

Upper Triassic [holotype USNM 74182] 

taberi, Chione (Chione) undatella: Parker Plastoholotype 
Parker, 1949, p. 582, pl. 90, figs. 2, 4, 9 

Gulf of California; loc. 2897 [holotype UCMP] 

taliaferroi, Venericardia (Pacificor): Verastegui Holotype 
Verastegui, 1953, p. 38, pl. 1, fig. 15 

San Luis Obispo Co., Calif.; Adelaida Qd. NW 1/4 NE 1/4 Sec. 30, 
T 25 S,R10E, S of Williams Ranch on the Nacimiento River 
Paleocene, Dip Creek Fm 

taliaferroi, Venericardia (Pacificor): Verastegui Paratype 
Verastegui, 1953, p. 38, pl. 1, fig. 16 

San Luis Obispo Co., Calif.; Adelaida Qd. NW 1/4 NE 1/4 See. 30, 
T 25 S,R10E, S of Williams Ranch on the Nacimiento River 
Paleocene, Dip Creek Fm 

tayloriana, Ostrea: Gabb Plastoholotype 
Gabb, 1866, p. 34, pl. 12, figs. 60, 60a 

San Marcos Pass, near Santa Barbara, Calif. 

“Miocene” [holotype UCMP 12005] 

tehamaensis, Arca: Stanton Plastoholotype 
Stanton, 1895, p. 18, pl. 6, fig. 8. Also iz Reinhart, 1937, p. 174 [as 
Parallelodon? (Gilbertwhitea?) tehamaensis (Stanton) ] 

Tehama Co., Calif.; 5 miles N of Paskenta, Shelton’s Ranch 
Cretaceous? upper Knoxville Fm [holotype USNM 23044] 
tejonensis, Isocardia: Waring Holotype 
Waring, 1914, p. 784. Illustrated in Waring, 1917, p. 93, pl. 15, fig. 14 
Ventura Co., Calif.; Camulos Qd, 1.5 miles E of McCray Wells SU 
loc. 2696 

Upper Eocene, Tejon Fm [Llajas Fm, fide Keen and Bentson, 1944, 
p. 54] 

tejonensis, Isocardia: Waring Paratypes 
Waring, 1914, p. 784 

Ventura Co., Calif.; Camulos Qd. 1.5 miles E of McCray Wells 
SU loc. 2696 

Upper Eocene, Tejon Fm [Llajas Fm, fide Keen and Bentson, 1944, 
p. 54] 











teltschenensis, Daonella: Kittl Plastoholotype 
Kitt], 1912, p. 33, pl. 1, fig. 18 

Austria; Feuerkogel (Teltschen) Aussia 

Upper Triassic, Karnic [holotype at Naturh. Staatsmus. Wien] 
textrina, Arca: Stanton Plastosyntype 
Stanton, 1895, p. 14, pl. 6, fig. 7. Also im Reinhart, 1937a, p. 175 [as 
Nemodon? textrina (Stanton) ] 

Tehama Co., Calif.; Cottonwood Creek, Cold Fork, near Stephenson’s 
Cretaceous, “upper Knoxville Fm’ [syntype USNM 23045] 

textrina, Arca: Stanton Plastosyntype 
Stanton, 1895, p. 14, pl. 6, fig. 6. Also zz Reinhart, 1937a, p. 175 
Tehama Co., Calif.; Cottonwood Creek, Cold Fork, near Stephenson’s 
Cretaceous, “upper Knoxville Fm” [syntype USNM 23045] 

thalmanni, Cavilucina (Pegophysema): Marks Paratype 
Marks, 1951, p. 68 

SW Ecuador; N of Pajan, Daule Basin 

Middle Miocene, Daule Fm 

thompsoni, Pitar (Lamelliconcha): Marks Holotype 
Marks, 1951, p. 74, pl. 4, fig. 7 

Republic of Panama; 6 miles E of Colon, on Roosevelt-Boyd Trans- 
isthmian Highway SU loc. 2611 

Miocene, lower Gatun Fm 

thompsoni, Pitar (Lamelliconcha): Marks Paratype 
Marks, 1951, p. 74, pl. 4, fig. 6 

Republic of Panama; 6 miles E of Colon, on Roosevelt-Boyd Trans- 
isthmian Highway SU loc. 2611 

Miocene, lower Gatun Fm 

thompsoni, Pitar (Lamelliconcha): Marks Paratype 
Marks, 1951, p. 74 

Republic of Panama; 6 miles E of Colon, on Roosevelt-Boyd Trans- 
isthmian Highway SU loc. 2611 

Miocene, lower Gatun Fm 

tolmani, Pecten: Hall and Ambrose Holotype 
Hall and Ambrose, 1916, p. 82. Illustrated ix Wiedey, 1929b, p. 23, 
plat, figs Z 

Alameda Co., Calif.; Pleasanton Qd, Sunol, mouth of Welch Creek 
Middle Miocene? Briones Fm? 

topangaensis, Anadara (Anadara): Reinhart Paratypes 
Reinhart, 1943, p. 53 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; Santa Monica Mts., Sec. 36, T 1 N, R15 W 
Miocene, Topanga Fm 

totiseptata, Sabinia: Palmer Paratype 
Palmer, 1928a, p. 73 

Colima, Mexico; Paso del Rio 

Cretaceous, Cenomanian 

toulai, Sanguinolaria: Hertlein and Jordan Holotype 
Hertlein and Jordan, 1927, p. 625, pl. 20, fig. 2 

Baja California, Mexico; Arroyo San Ignacio, 8 km SW of San 
Ignacio SU loc. 66 

Miocene, Isidro Fm 

townsendensis, Sanguinolaria (Nuttalina): Clark Holotype 
Clark) 1925. ps 97,pli 185 fiz: 7 

Townsend Bay, Wash.; ss sea cliffs between Classens Wharf and ship 
canal estuary SU loc. NP 125 

Oligocene, Lincoln Fm 















BuLLeETIN 300 

townsendensis, Solen (Plectosolen): Clark Holotype 
Clark, 1925, p. 97, pl. 22, fig. 10 

Skamokawa, Wash.; ss bluffs along Skamokawa River above big 
bend, 1 mile E of jet. of main and middle forks SU loc. NP 272 
Oligocene, Lincoln Fm 

townsendensis, Solen (Plectosolen): Clark Paratype 
Clark 1925: p: 97, pl; 22) fie: 7 

Skamokawa, Wash.; ss bluffs along Skamokawa River above big 
bend, 1 mile E of jct. of main and middle forks SU loc. NP 272 
Oligocene, Lincoln Fm 

townsendensis, Tellina: Clark Holotype 
Clark, 1925, p. 94, pl. 12, fig. 12 

Oregon; Grays River, in tuffaceous ss in R.R. cut on logging road 
up Fossil Creek, 3 miles above jct. with Grays River SU loc. NP 278 
Oligocene, Lincoln Fm 

townsendensis, Tellina: Clark Paratype 
Clark, 1925, p. 94, pl. 12, fig. 11 

Townsend Bay, Wash.; from sea cliffs between Classens Wharf and 
ship canal estuary SU loc. NP 125 ; 

Oligocene, Lincoln Fm 

transpacifica, Unio: Hannibal Holotype 
Hannibal, 1912b, p. 123, pl. 7, fig. 18a. Also iz Taylor and Smith, 
1971, figs. 3, 4 (as Plesielliptio) 

Wash.; Olequa Creek, at shoals, 1.5 miles above Little Falls 

Eocene [late Eocene, Cowlitz Fm, fide Taylor and Smith, 1971, p. 

transpacifica, Unio: Hannibal Paratype 
Hannibal, 1912b, p. 123, pl. 7, fig. 18b. Also ix Taylor and Smith, 
1971, figs. 7, 10 (as Plesielliptio) 

Wash.; Olequa Creek, at shoals, 1.5 miles above Little Falls 

Eocene [late Eocene, Cowlitz Fm, fide Taylor and Smith, 1971, p. 

tremperi, Corneocyclas: Hannibal Holotype 
Hannibal, 1912b, p. 137, pl. 7, fig. 22. Also im Taylor and Herring- 
ton, 1962, pl. 28, figs. 1, 2 (as Pisidium) 

San Bernardino Mts., Calif.; Bluff Lake Cienaga 

tremperi, Corneocyclas: Hannibal Paratype 
Hannibal, 1912b, p. 137 

San Bernardino Mts., Calif.; Bluff Lake Cienaga 

triangulatus, Crassatellites: Waring Holotype 
Waring, 1917, p. 59, pl. 9, fig. 1 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; Calabasas sheet, S of Santa Monica Mts. 
Cretaceous, Chico Fm 

truncata, Tapes: Gabb Plastoholotype 
Gabb, 1866, p. 25, pl. 7, fig. 44 

San Benito Co., Calif.; Griswold’s “Monterey” 

Miocene, T'emblor Fm [holotype UCMP 12335] 

turneri, Pecten (Patinopecten): Arnold Holotype 
Arnold, 1906, p. 106, pl. 35, fig. 2 

Marin Co., Calif.; near Tomales Bay in Arroyo San Antonio 


turneri, Pecten (Patinopecten): Arnold Paratype 
Arnold, 1906, p. 106, pl. 35, fig. 3 

Marin Co., Calif.; near Tomales Bay in Arroyo San Antonio 


turneri, Pecten (Patinopecten): Arnold Paratype 
Arnold, 1906, p. 106, pl. 34, fig. 4 

Marin Co., Calif.; near Tomales Bay in Arroyo San Antonio 















twinensis, Kellia ?: Clark Holotype 
Clark, 1925, p. 90, pl. 18, fig. 8 

Twin, Wash.; sea cliffs W of West Twin River for a distance of 3/4 
mile SU loc. NP 120 

Oligocene, Blakeley Fm 

twinensis, Macoma: Clark Holotype 
Clark, 1925, p. 96, pl. 12, fig. 7 

Townsend Bay, Wash.; Port Hadlock, Help-Me-Jack Rock SU loc. 
NB A127 


twinensis, Spisula: Clark Holotype 
Clark, 1925, p. 103, pl. 16, fig. 6 

Twin, Wash.; sea cliffs W of West Twin River for a distance of 3/4 
mile SU loc. NP 120 

Oligocene, Blakeley Fm 

umnaka, Cardita: Willett Paratype 
Willett, 1932, p. 87 

Umnak Island, Alaska 

umpquaensis, Gari hornii: Turner Plastoholotype 
Turner, 1938, p. 62, pl. 7, fig. 11 

Douglas Co., Ore.; Little River UCMP loc. A-662 

Eocene, Umpqua Fm_ [holotype UCMP 33149] 

undulata, Pleuromya (?): Davis Holotype 
Davis, 1913, p. 454, text fig. 4 

Monterey Co., Calif.; Slates Hot Springs 

“Jurassic,” “Franciscan” Fm 

ursipes, Spondylus: Berry Holotype 
Berry, 1959, p. 107. Illustrated iz Keen, 1971, p. 98, fig. 213 

Baja California, Mexico; Isla Angel de la Guarda, Puerto Refugio 
valentinei, Chione: Wiedey Holotype 
Wiedey, 1929c, p. 284, pi. 31, fig. 4 

Santa Clara Co., Calif.; 2 miles S of Mayfield SU loc. 448 

Miocene, Temblor Fm? 

vancouverensis, Arca: Meek Plastoholotype 
Meek, 1864a, p. 40. Illustrated 7x Meek, 1876, p. 356, pl. 3, figs. 5, 5a. 
Also iz Reinhart, 1937a, p. 171, pl. 27, fig. 4 [as Parallelodon 
(Nanonavis) vancouverensis (Meek) | 

Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada; Comox 

Cretaceous [holotype USNM 12398] 

vancouverensis, Chione: Clark and Arnold Holotype 
Clark and Arnold, 1923, p. 147, pl. 20, figs. 2a, 2b 

Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada; Sooke, sea cliffs be- 
tween mouths of Muir and Coal Creeks, W of Otter Point SU loc. 
NP 129 

Oligocene, Sooke Fm 

vancouverensis, Glycimeris [sic.]: Clark and Arnold Holotype 
Clark and Arnold, 1923, p. 137, pl. 27, figs. 2a, 2b 

Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada; Sooke, sea cliffs be- 
tween mouths of Muir and Coal Creeks, W of Otter Point SU loc. 
NP 129 

Oligocene, Sooke Fm 

vancouverensis, Glycimeris [sic.]: Clark and Arnold Paratype 
Clark and Arnold, 1923, p. 137, pl. 27, fig. 5 

Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada; Sooke, sea cliffs be- 
tween mouths of Muir and Coal Creeks, W of Otter Point SU loc. 
NP 129 

Oligocene, Sooke Fm 











BuL_eTIN 300 

vancouverensis, Metis: Clark and Arnold Paratype 
Clark and Arnold, 1923, p. 150, pl. 22, fig. 3 

Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada; Sooke, sea cliffs be- 
tween mouths of Muir and Coal Creeks, W of Otter Point SU loc. 
NP 129 

Oligocene, Sooke Fm 

vancouverensis, Semele: Clark and Arnold Holotype 
Clark and Arnold, 1923, p. 151, pi. 27, fig. 4 

Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada; Sooke, sea cliffs be- 
tween mouths of Muir and Coal Creeks, W of Otter Point SU loc. 
NP 129 

Oligocene, Sooke Fm 

vancouverensis, Tellina: Clark and Arnold Plastoholotype 
Clark and Arnold, 1923, p. 149 

Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada; Sooke, sea cliffs be- 
tween mouth of Muir and Coal Creeks, W of Otter Point SU loc. 
NP 129 (= CAS loc. 231) 

Oligocene, Sooke Fm_ [holotype CAS 599] 

vancouverensis, Tellina: Clark and Arnold - Paratype 
Clark and Arnold, 1923, p. 149, pl. 22, fig. 5 

Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada; Sooke, sea cliffs be- 
tween mouths of Muir and Coal Creeks, W of Otter Point SU loc. 
NP 129 

Oligocene, Sooke Fm 

vanwinkleae, Pecten: Clark Holotype 
Clark, 19255 (p82) pl. 15, fig: 2 

Wash.; ss bluffs along Porter Creek, 3/4 mile above Porter SU loc. 
NP 54 

Lower Oligocene, Lincoln Fm 

vaquerosensis, Cardium (Trachycardium): Arnold Paratype 
Arnold, 1908a, p. 378 

San Mateo Co.. Calif.; Mindego Creek, 1 mile above Alpine Creek 
Lower Miocene, Vaqueros Fm 

vaquerosensis, Tivela (?): Wiedey Holotype 
Wiedey, 1929c, p. 288, pl. 33, fig. 1 

Monterey Co., Calif.; Los Vaqueros Valley, type section of Vaqueros 
Fm _ SU loc. 200 

Lower Miocene, Vaqueros Fm 

vaughani, Pecten (Lyropecten): Arnold Holotype 
Arnold, 1906, p. 81, pl. 23, figs. 3, 3a, 3b 

Ventura Co., Calif.; Ojai Valley 

Lower Miocene 

veneriformis, Spisula: Clark Holotype 
Clark, 1925, p. 103, pl. 16, fig. 3 

Oregon coast W of Coos Bay; sea cliffs at Tunnel Point SU loc. 
NP 42 

Oligocene, Lincoln Fm 

veneriformis, Spisula: Clark Paratype 
Clark, 1925, p. 103, pl. 16, fig. 1 

Wash.; bluffs along Porter Creek, 1/4 to 1 mile above old log dam 
at Porter SU loc. NP 56 

Oligocene, Lincoln Fm 

veneriformis, Spisula: Clark Paratype 
Clark, 1925, p. 103, pl. 16, fig. 2 

Porter, Wash.; ss cut on Lytle logging R.R. near top of ridge 1 mile 
above switch SU loc. NP 55 

Oligocene, Lincoln Fm 













venturaensis, Pecten (Chlamys): Waterfall Plastoholotype 
Waterfall, 1929, p. 84, pl. 6, fig. 4 

Ventura Co., Calif.; E center Sec. 21, T 3 N, R 21 W 

Pliocene, Pico Fm [holotype UCMP 31416] 

venturensis, Venericardia planicosta: Waring Holotype 
Waring, 1915, map folio fig. 12. Also in Waring, 1917, p. 80, pl. 11, 
figs. 6, 7 

Ventura Co., Calif.; Calabasas sheet, 3 miles NE of Simi Peak SU 
loc. 2697 

Lower Eocene, Martinez Fm 

vernicosa, Astarte: Dall Paratype 
Dall, 1903a, p. 948 

Icy Cape, Alaska; 15 fms 

vespertina, Ostrea: Conrad Plastolectotype 
Conrad, 1854, p. 300. Lectotype selected by Woodring, 1938, p. 43, pl. 
8, figs. 3, 8 

Calif.; “near San Diego” [probably Carrizo Creek fide Woodring, 

“Miocene” [probably Pliocene] [lectotype ANSP 13366] 

vickeryi, Chione: Wiedey Holotype 
Wiedey, 1929c, p. 286, pl. 32, fig. 4 

Santa Clara Co., Calif.; E of San Jose, Alum Rock Canyon, 500 yds 
upstream from the falls. SU loc. 451 

Middle Miocene, upper Monterey Fm 

vickeryi, Pecten (Lyropecten): Trask Holotype 
Trask, 1922, p. 148, pl. 4, fig. 1 

Alameda Co., Calif.; Pleasanton Qd, vicinity of McGuire Peaks 
Miocene, Briones Fm 

vigilia, Acila (Acila) divaricata: Schenck Plastoholotype 
Schenck, 1936, p. 101, pl. 17, figs. 1-6 

Japan; off S coast of Yesso [Hokkaido], 175 fms Albatross Sta. 5038 
[holotype USNM 406502] 

virginalis, Opis: Waring Holotype 
Waring, 1917. p. 78, pl. 14, fig. 4 

Venture Co., Calif.; Martinez area, Simi Hills 

Lower Eocene, Martinez Fm 

vivari, Sabinia: Palmer Paratype 
Palmer, 1928a, p. 74, pl. 14, fig. 4 

Colima, Mexico; Paso del Rio 

Cretaceous, Cenomanian 

vivari, Sabinia: Palmer Paratype 
Palmer, 1928a, p. 74, pl. 13, fig. 4 

Colima, Mexico; Paso del Rio 

Cretaceous, Cenomanian 

vivari, Sabinia: Palmer Paratypes 
Palmer, 1928a, p. 74 

Colima, Mexico; Paso del Rio 

Cretaceous, Cenomanian 

vogdesi, Pecten (Pecten): Arnold Holotype 
Arnold, 1906, p. 100, pl. 33, fig. 1 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; San Pedro 

Pleistocene, San Pedro Fm 

vokesi, Venericardia (Leuroactis): Verastegui Paratype 
Verastegui, 1953, p. 61, pl. 14, fig. 3 

Kings Co., Calif.; Cholame Qd, Reef Ridge sheet, SW cor. Sec. 17, 
T 23 S,R17E, 1/2 mile E of Big Tar Canyon 

Eocene, Avenal Fm 














BuLLeTIN 300 

vorbei, Tellina: Hanna Plastoholotype 
Hanna, 1927, p. 292, pl. 40, fig. 16 

San Diego Co., Calif.; Soledad Canyon UCMP loc. 5074 

Eocene, La Jolla Fm_ [holotype UCMP 30984] 

wairarapaensis, Glycimeris [sic.] (Grandaxinea): Powell 

Powell, 1938, p. 158 Paratype 
New Zealand; Castle Point, SE coast of North Island 

Pliocene, Nukumaruan stage 

washingtonensis, Mytilus: Clark Holotype 
Clark 1925. ps 85; pl. 9) fiz. 

Freshwater Bay, Wash.; point E of old shingle warehouse SU loc. 
NP 155 


washingtoniana, Corbis: Clark Holotype 
Clark, 1925, p. 90, pl. 20, figs. 2, 3 

Port Townsend, Wash.; sandy shales in sea cliffs, S shore of Mystery 
Inlet, Scow Bay SU loc. NP 126 

Oligocene, Keasey Fm 

washingtoniana, Corbis: Clark ; Paratype 
Clark, 1925, p. 90, pl. 20, fig. 1 

Port Townsend, Wash.; sea cliffs on S shore of Mystery Inlet, Scow 

Oligocene, Keasey Fm 

washingtoniana, Corbis: Clark Paratype 
Clark, 1925, p. 90, pl. 20, fig. 4 

Port Townsend, Wash.; sea cliffs on S shore of Mystery Inlet, Scow 

Oligocene, Keasey Fm 

waylandi, Anadara: Cox Paratype 
Cox, 1927, p. 34 

East Africa; Ras Tungwe, Pemba Island 

Lower Miocene 

weaveri, Venericardia (Pacificor): Verastegui Holotype 
Verastegui, 1953, p. 31, pl. 21, figs. 3, 4 

Wash.; 1.25 miles NW of Vader on SE bank of Stillwater Creek 

Upper Eocene, Cowlitz Fm 

welchensis, Ventricolaria: Hall Holotype 
Hall, 1958, p. 54, pl. 7, figs. 3, 4 

Contra Costa Co., Calif.; 1 mile NE of Hercules SU loc. 3255 

Upper Miocene, Cierbo Fm 

welchensis, Ventricolaria: Hall Paratype 
Hall, 1958) p. 54, pl. 7, fir. 5 

Alameda Co., Calif.; La Costa Valley Qd. NE 1/4 Sec. 1,T5S,R1E 
SU loc. 3239 

Upper Miocene, Briones Fm 

whaleyi, Glycimeris [sic.]: Nicol Paratype 
Nicol, 1947, p. 347, pl. 50, fig. 7 

Fresno Co., Calif.; near Arroyo Ciervo, Sec. 36, T 16 S, R 13 E, 
2000’ N, 400’ W of SE corner of section, 800’ S of point where the 
first Temblor “reef” crosses Arroyo Ciervo 

Miocene, Temblor Fm? 

whaleyi, Glycimeris [sic.|: Nicol Paratypes 
Nicol, 1947, p. 347 

Fresno Co., Calif.; near Arroyo Ciervo, 2000’ N, 400’ W of SE cor. 
Sec. 36, T 16 S,R 13 E 

Miocene, Temblor Fm? 






7810 (T) 











whiteavesi, Parallelodon (Nanonavis): Reinhart Plastosyntypes 
Reinhart, 1937a, p. 172. Illustrated iz Whiteaves, 1879, pl. 19, figs. 
1, la (as Nemodon vancouverensis Meek) 

Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada; Blunden Point 
Cretaceous [syntypes Geol. Surv. Canada 5684, 5684a ] 

willetti, Astarte: Dall Paratypes 
Dall, 1903a, p. 948 

Forrester Island, Alaska; 50 fms 

williamsi, Mactra (Mactra): Berry Holotype 
Berry, 1960, p. 116. Illustrated zz Keen, 1971, p. 202, fig. 486 

Off La Libertad, Ecuador; 10 fms 

willipaensis, Trinacria: Clark Holotype 
Clark, 1925, p. 81, pl. 9, figs. 5, 10 

N of Holcomb, Wash.; ss bluffs along Willipa River SU loc. NP 253 
Oligocene, Keasey Fm 

willipaensis, Trinacria: Clark Paratype 
Clark, 1925, p. 81, pl. 9, fig. 8 

N of Holcomb, Wash.; ss bluffs along Willipa River SU loc. NP 253 
Oligocene, Keasey Fm 

woodsi, Ethmocardium: Marwick Plastoholotype 
Marwick, 1944, p. 259, pl. 36, fig. 21 

New Zealand; Selwyn Rapids, Canterbury 

Upper Cretaceous, Piripauan stage, upper Senonian [holotype at 
N.Z. Geol. Surv.] 

yaquinensis, Mulinia (?): Clark Holotype 
Clark, 1925, p. 105, pl. 17, fig. 1 

Yaquina, Ore.; ss in sea cliffs along Yaquina Bay SU loc. NP 306 

youngi, Cucullaea: Waring Holotype 
Waring, 1917, p. 59, pl. 8, fig. 12 

Ventura Co., Calif.; Calabasas sheet, Bell’s Canyon, N of Simi fault 
Upper Cretaceous, Chico Fm 

youngi, Cucullaea: Waring Paratypes 
Waring, 1917, p. 59 

Ventura Co., Calif.; Calabasas sheet, Bell’s Canyon, N of Simi fault 
Upper Cretaceous, Chico Fm 

yukonensis, Pecten (Entolium): Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1927, p. 122, pl. 101, fig. 9 

Alaska; S bank Yukon River opposite Nation River 

Upper Triassic [holotype USNM 74199] 

zacae, Tellina (Tellinella): Hertlein and Strong Paratype 
Hertlein and Strong, 1949a, p. 65 

Gulf of California; Arena Bank, 35 fms 

zeta, Flaventia: Popenoe Plastoholotype 
Popenoe, 1937, p. 393, pl. 48, fig. 9 

Santa Ana Mts., Calif.; CIT loc. 1068 

Cretaceous, Turonian [holotype UCLA 40654] 

zeltbergensis, Inoceramus humboldti: Heinz Plastoholotype 
Heinz, 1928, p. 35, pl. 3, fig. 1 

Hanover, Germany; Zeltberg bei Liineberg 

Upper Cretaceous, u. 1. Emscher Fm [holotype at Geologisches 
Staatinstitut, Hamburg] 

zeteki, Mytilopsis: Hertlein and Hanna Paratypes 
Hertlein and Hanna, 1949, p. 15 

Panama Canal Zone; Miraflores Locks 
















acutus, Aspenites: Hyatt and Smith Plastoholotype 
Hyatt and Smith, 1905, p. 96, pl. 3, figs. 1, 2 

Inyo Co., Calif.; Inyo Range, Union Wash 

Lower Triassic, Meekoceras zone [holotype USNM 75249] 

adicrus, Ammonites: Waagen Plastoholotype 
Waagen, 1867, p. 591, pl. 25, figs. 1a, 1b 

Schwaben, Germany; Gingen, Vilsthale 

Jurassic, Dogger [cast from Pal. Mus. Wien] 

alexandrae, Gymnites: Smith Paratype 
Smith, 1914, p. 52, pl. 25, fig. 1 

West Humboldt Range, Nevada; Fossil Hill, S American Canyon 
SU loc. 1780 

Middle Triassic, Star Peak Fm 

alexandrae, Gymnites: Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1914, p. 53, pl. 26, figs. 1, 2 

West Humboldt Range, Nevada; Fossil Hill, between Troy Canyon 
and § fork of American Canyon ; 

Middle Triassic, Star Peak Fm_ [holotype USNM 74300] 

allani, Gastroplites: McLearn Plastoholotype 
McLearn, 1931, p. 5, pl. 1, fig. 10 

Alberta, Canada; Peace River, 20 miles below Cadotte River 

Lower Cretaceous, Peace River Ss_ [holotype Geol. Surv. Canada 

alternans, Acrochordiceras: Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1914, p. 38, pl. 32, figs. 15-17 

West Humboldt Range, Nevada; Fossil Hill 

Middle Triassic [holotype USNM 74326] 

alternecostatus, Perisphinctes: Steiger Plastoholotype 
Steiger, 1914, p. 483, pl. 104, figs. 1a, 1b 

Himalaya Mts. 

Upper Jurassic, upper Malm, Spiti Shale 

altilis, Ceratites: Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1914, p. 83, pl. 67, figs. 19-21 

West Humboldt Range, Nevada; Fossil Hill, S fork of American 

Middle Triassic [holotype USNM 74394] 

ambiensis, Paranorites: Waagen Plastoholotype 
Waagen, 1895, p. 158, pl. 22, fig. 1 

Punjab, India; Salt Range, Amb (Stachella beds) 

Triassic, Ceratite [holotype Palaeont. Inst. Wiener Univ. 4041] 
ammonoides, Proptychites: Waagen Plastosyntype 
Waagen, 1895, p. 171, pl. 17, fig. 1 

Punjab, India; Salt Range, W of Khoora 

Triassic, Ceratite [syntype Palaeont. Inst. Wiener Univ. 4236] 
andersoni, Arcestes: Hyatt and Smith Holotype 
Hyatt and Smith, 1905, p. 74, pl. 56, figs. 1-3 

West Humboldt Range, Nevada; Muttleberry Canyon, 8 miles SE of 

Upper Triassic 

andersoni, Arcestes: Hyatt and Smith Paratype 
Hyatt and Smith, 1905, p. 74, pl. 56, figs. 4-6 

West Humboldt Range, Nevada; Muttleberry Canyon, 8 miles SE of 

Upper Triassic 















andinus, Macrocephalites: Burckhardt Plastoholotype 
Burckhardt, 1903, p. 33, pl. 3, figs. 10-12 

Chile; Comisaria Lonquimay, Rio Colorado 

Jurassic, lower Callovian 

anguinus, Gastroplites: McLearn Plastoholotype 
McLearn, 1931, p. 5, pl. 1, fig. 11 

Alberta, Canada; Peace River, 8 miles below Cadotte River 

Lower Cretaceous, Peace River Ss_ [holotype Geol. Sur. Canada 6338] 
angulatus, Cordillerites: Hyatt and Smith Plastosyntypes 
Hyatt and Smith, 1905, p. 110, pl. 2, figs. 1-3 (type 8928), 4, 5 (type 
8929), 6 (type 8930) ; pl. 68, figs. 1-3 (type 8931a), 4-7 (type 8931) 
Aspen Ridge, Idaho; Wood Canyon, 9 miles NE of Soda Springs 
Lower Triassic, Meckoceras zone [syntypes USNM 75247, 75347, 

apostolicus, Celtites: Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1932, p. 104, pl. 48, figs. 1, 2 

Idaho; Paris Canyon, 1 mile W of Paris 

Lower Triassic, Columbites zone [holotype USNM 74989] 
applanatus, Ceratites: Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1914, p. 80, pl. 53, figs. 9-11 

West Humboldt Range, Nevada; Fossil Hill, S fork of American 

Middle Triassic [holotype USNM 74372] 

aquilaensis, Scaphites: Reeside Plastoholotype 
Reeside, 1927b, p. 25, pl. 19, figs. 1-5 

Fergus Co., Montana; Willow Creek, 6 miles above Ft. Maginnis- 
Junction City road 

Upper Cretaceous, Eagle Ss_ [holotype USNM 73348 | 

araucanus, Macrocephalites: Burckhardt Plastoholotype 
Burckhardt, 1903, p. 30, pl. 3, figs. 1-3 

Chile; Comisaria Lonquimay, Rio Colorado 

Jurassic, lower Callovian 

argentina, Witchellia: Burckhardt Plastoholotype 
Burckhardt, 1903, p. 17, pl. 1, figs. 15-17 

Argentina: Mendoza Province, Cerro Puchén 

Jurassic, lower Dogger 

arnoldi, Paralecanites: Hyatt and Smith Plastoholotype 
Hyatt and Smith. 1905, p. 136, pl. 64, figs. 1-4 

Idaho; Aspen Ridge, Wood Canyon 

Lower Triassic, Meekoceras zone [holotype USNM 75295] 
arthaberi, Meekoceras: Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1932, p. 56, pl. 32, figs. 26-28 

Bear Lake Co., Idaho; NE end of Bear Lake, 1 mile NE of Hot 

Lower Triassic, Meekoceras zone [holotype USNM 74973] 
aspenensis, Flemingites: Smith Plastoholotype 

Smith, 1932, p. 52, pl. 23, figs. 6-8 

SE Idaho; 5 miles E of Grays Lake 

Lower Triassic, Meekoceras zone [holotype USNM 74919] 
attenuatus, Dalmatites: Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1932, p. 81, pl. 57, figs. 11-13 

Idaho; Paris Canyon, 1.5 miles W of Paris 

Lower Triassic, Columbites zone [holotype USNM 75023] 

austini, Prosphingites: Hyatt and Smith Plastoholotype 
Hyatt and Smith, 1905, p. 72, pl. 7, figs. 1-4 

Inyo Co., Calif.; Inyo Range, Union Wash 

Lower Triassic, Meekoceras zone [holotype USNM 75256] 















BuLietin 300 

Baculites sp., of Baculites anceps group: Nomland and Schenck 

Nomland and Schenck, 1932, fig. 4 

Monterey Co., Calif.; Slate’s Hot Springs, on sea coast NE 1/4 See. 9, 

T21S,R3 E SU loc. 929 


bannockensis, Flemingites: Smith Plastoholotype 

Smith, 1932, p. 52, pl. 23, figs. 18-20 

SE Idaho; Aspen Mts., Slug Creek, 14 miles NE of Soda Springs 

Lower Triassic, Meekoceras zone [holotype USNM 74922] 

bassleri, Desmoscaphites: Reeside Plastoholotype 

Reeside, 1927b, p. 16, pl. 21, fig. 17 

San Juan Co., New Mexico; just W of Hogback Mt. and 1 mile N of 

Shiprock-Farmington Rd. 

Upper Cretaceous, Mancos Shale (280’ below top) [holotype USNM 

73358 | 

beecheri, Ceratites: Smith Plastoholotype 

Smith, 1914, p. 94, pl. 43, figs. 15-17 

West Humboldt Range, Nevada; Fossil Hill, S fork of American 

Canyon : 

Middle Triassic [holotype USNM 74349] 

bicarinatus, Lanceolites: Smith Plastoholotype 

Smith, 1932, p. 90, pl. 55, figs. 1-3 

Elko Co., Nevada; 70 miles S of Wells 

Lower Triassic, Meekoceras zone [holotype USNM 75013] 

bispinosum, Trachyceras (Trachyceras): Johnston Paratype 

Johnston, 1941, p. 487 (cited as No. 3) 

New Pass Range, Nevada 

Upper Triassic, Star Peak Fm 

bittneri, Xenodiscus: Hyatt and Smith Plastoholotype 

Hyatt and Smith, 1905, p. 123, pl. 20, figs. 5-7 

Inyo Co., Calif.; Inyo Range, Union Wash 

Middle Triassic [holotype USNM 74460] 

bonaevistae, Dinarites: Hyatt and Smith Plastoholotype 

Hyatt and Smith, 1905, p. 162, pl. 60, figs. 1-4, as bonae-vistae 

West Humboldt Range, Nevada; Buena Vista Canyon 

Middle Triassic [holotype USNM 74383] 

bonnevillense, Dagnoceras: Smith Plastoholotype 

Smith, 1932, p. 65, pl. 29, figs. 9-11 

Idaho; Wood Canyon, 9 miles NE of Soda Springs 

Lower Triassic, Meekoceras zone [holotype USNM 74949] 

brevis, Scaphites nodosus: Meek Plastoholotype 

Meek, 1876, p. 426, pl. 25, figs. la-1c 

Montana; Yellowstone River near Miles City 

Upper Cretaceous, Pierre Shale [holotype USNM 367] 

breweri, Eutomoceras: Smith Plastoholotype 

Smith, 1914, p. 61, pl. 28, figs. 1-4 

West Humboldt Range, Nevada; Fossil Hill 

Middle Triassic [holotype USNM 74312] 

bridgesi, Dagnoceras: Smith Plastoholotype 

Smith, 1932, p. 65, pl. 31, figs. 1-3 

Idaho; Slug Creek, 14 miles NE of Soda Springs 

Lower Triassic, Meekoceras zone [holotype USNM 74956] 

broilii, Perisphinctes (Virgatosphinctes): Uhlig Plastoholotype 

Uhlig, 1910, p. 336, pl. 91, fig. 1 (reversed) 

Himalaya Mts., India; Shangra Laptel, Gnari-Khorsum 

Upper Jurassic, Spiti Shale, Chidamu beds 














californicum, Delepinoceras: Gordon Paratypes 

Gordon, 1964, p. A19, pl. 2, figs. 10 (type 9167a), 15-17 (type 9167) 

eye Co., Calif.; Panamint Range, Cottonwood Mts., near Rest Spring 
Upper Mississippian, Perdido Fm 

calli, Gymnites: Smith Plastoholotype 

Smith, 1914, p. 53, pl. 26, fig. 1 

West ‘Humboldt Range, Nevada; Fossil Hill 

Middle Triassic [holotype USNM 74306] 

canadensis, Hoplites: Whiteaves Plastoholotype 

Whiteaves, 1893, p. 118, pl. 11, figs. 3-5 

Alberta, Canada; Peace River, 20 miles below Cadotte River 

Lower Cretaceous, Peace River Ss [holotype Geol. Surv. Canada 


carbonarius, Bactrites: Smith Holotype 

Smith, 1903, p. 31, pl. 6, fig. 9 

Independence Co., Arkansas; near Moorfield, on O. P. Goodwin 


Carboniferous, Fayetteville Fm, St. Louis-Chester stage 

carbonarius, Bactrites: Smith Paratype 

Smith, 1903, p. 31, pl. 6, figs. 10, 11 

Independence Co., Arkansas: near Moorfield, on O. P. Goodwin 


Carboniferous, Fayetteville Fm, St. Louis-Chester stage 

carpenteri, Owenites: Smith Plastoholotype 

Smith, 1932, p. 100, pl. 54, figs. 31-32 

Inyo Co., Calif.; Inyo Range, Union Wash, 15 miles SE of Inde- 


Lower Triassic, Owenites subzone [holotype USNM 75012] 

cautleyi, Ammonites: Oppel Plastoholotype 

Oppel, 1862, p. 279, pl. 78, fig. 1 (fig. inverted) 

Tibet; Laptel, Gnari-Khorsum 

Jurassic, upper Malm, Spiti Shale 

chicoensis, Baculites: Trask Neotype 

Matsumoto, 1959a, p. 145, pl. 36, fig. 2, text fig. 60 

Butte Co., Calif.; E bank of Chico Creek SU loc. 2609 

Upper Grefaceous, Chico Fm 

columbianus, Paranannites: Smith Plastoholotype 

Smith, 1932, p. 99, pl. 32, figs. 11-13 

Idaho; Wood Canyon, 9 miles NE of Soda Springs 

Lower Triassic, Meekoceras zone [holotype USNM 74968] 

compactus, Lanceolites: Hyatt and Smith Plastosyntypes 

Hyatt and Smith, 1905, p. 113, pl. 5, figs. 7, 8 (type 8916); pl. 78, 

figs. 9-11 (type 8917) 

Inyo Co., Calif.; Inyo Range, Union Wash 

Lower Triassic, Meekoceras zone [syntypes USNM 75252, 75254, 


compressa, Ussuria: Hyatt and Smith Plastoholotype 

Hyatt and Smith, 1905, p. 89, pl. 3, figs. 6, 7 

Inyo Co., Calif.; Inyo Range, Union Wash 

Lower Triassic, ” Meekoceras zone [holotype USNM 75250] 

compressus, Flemingites: Waagen Plastoholotype 

Waagen, 1895, p. 202, pl. 15, fig. 1; pl. 16, fig. 1 

Punjab, India; Koofri, Salt Range [east from Paleont. Inst. Wiener 

Univ. ] 

Triassic, Ceratite 














BuLtetTIn 300 

compressus, Marshallites: Matsumoto Plastoholotype 
Matsumoto, 1955a, pp. 123-124, pl. VIII, figs. 1a, 1b 

Hokkaido, Japan; Teshio Province, Abishinai Valley, loc. T608, bed 

Cretaceous, Paleogyliakian [cast from Dept. of Geology, Kyushu 
Univ., specimen GK-H-2751 = GT-I-3231] 

consanguineus, Columbites: Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1932, p. 106, pl. 46, figs. 1, 2 

Idaho; Paris Canyon, 1 mile W of Paris 

Lower Triassic, Columbites zone [holotype USNM 74983] 
cordilleranus, Xenodiscus: Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1932, p. 43, pl. 24, figs. 21-23 

Idaho; Paris Canyon, 1 mile W of Paris 

Lower Triassic, Columbites zone [holotype USNM 74926] 

cornatus, Ceratites: Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1914, p. 98, pl. 62, figs. 1-4 

West Humboldt Range, Nevada; Fossil Hill, S fork American Canyon 
Middle Triassic [holotype USNM 74387] 

corrugata, Meekoceras mushbachanum: Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1932, p. 61, pl. 38, fig. 1 

Idaho; NE end of Bear Lake, 1 mile NE of Hot Springs 

Lower Triassic, Meekoceras zone [holotype USNM 74980] 

costatus, Scaphites aquilaensis: Reeside Plastoholotype 
Reeside, 1927b, p. 25, pl. 19, figs. 10-13 

Park Co., Wyoming; Sec. 25, T 58 N, R 100 W 

Upper Cretaceous, Telegraph Creek Fm, Elk Basin Ss mbr_ [holotype 
USNM 73351] 

costula, Fontannesia: Imlay Paratype 
Imlay, 1973, p. 57, pl. 4, figs. 22-24 

Grant Co., Ore.; SW 1/4, NE 1/4 Sec. 29, T 18 S, R 26 E, 600’ S of 
head of gully draining SSW from North Ammonite Hill 

Middle Jurassic, Snowshoe Fm, near top of lower 1/3 of Weberg Mbr, 
Bajocian stage 

costula, Fontannesia: Imlay Paratype 
Imlay, 1973, p. 57, pl. 4, figs. 18-20 

Crook Co., Ore.; near Wade Butte, a little W of center of Sec. 24, 
ApelSES) Ro24: E 

Middle Jurassic, Bajocian stage Snowshoe Fm, Weberg mbr 
crassicornu, Ceratites: Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1914, p. 95, pl. 43, figs. 11, 12 

West Humboldt Range, Nevada; Fossil Hill, S fork of American 

Middle Triassic [holotype USNM 74348] 

crassicostatus, Ceratites (Hollandites) japonicus: Shimizu 

Shimizu, 1930, p. 66, pl. 24, fig. 2 
Oshika-gun, Japan; Inai, Inai-mura 
crassus, Lecanites: Smith Plastoholotype 

Smith, 1914, p. 66, pl. 89, figs. 1, 2 

West Humboldt Range, Nevada; S fork American Canyon 

Middle Triassic (holotype USNM 74424] 

crassus, Scaphites hippocrepis: Reeside Plastoholotype 
Reeside, 1927b, p. 23, pl. 17, figs. 8-13 

Sheridan Co., Wyoming; 2 miles W of Parkman, SW 1/4 Sec. 33, 
TSS Nae or WW 

Upper Cretaceous, Steele Shale [holotype USNM 73336] 













cristatum, Meekoceras: Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1932, p. 56, pl. 34, figs. 1-3 

Caribou Co., Idaho; 5 miles E of Grays Lake 

Lower Triassic, Meekoceras zone [holotype USNM 74974] 
cumshewaense, Haploceras: Whiteaves Plastoholotype 
Whiteaves, 1884, p. 208, pl. 24, fig. 1 

Queen Charlotte Islands, Canada; N shore Cumshewa Inlet 
Cretaceous, Haida Fm_ [holotype Geol. Surv. Canada 4973] 
curticostatum, Meekoceras: Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1932, p. 56, pl. 48, figs. 21-22. 

Bear Lake Co., Idaho; Paris Canyon, 1 mile W of Paris 

Lower Triassic, Columbites zone [holotype USNM 74990] 

dalli, Eutomoceras (Halilucites): Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1914, p. 65, pl. 29, figs. 1-4 

West Humboldt Range, Nevada; Fossil Hill 

Middle Triassic [holotype USNM 74314] 

damesi, Desmoceras: Jimbo Plastolectotype 
Jimbo, 1894, p. 26, pl. 1, fig. 2. Specimen selected as lectotype of 
Damesites by Matsumoto, 1954a, p. 267 

Hokkaido, Japan; Chiptaushibets, Tumbets River, Kitami Province, 
about 68 km from river mouth 

Cretaceous [lectotype Kyushu Univ. GT-I-91] 

damesii, Ammonites (Acrochordiceras): Noetling Plastoholotype 
Noetling, 1880, p. 334, pl. 15, figs. 1a-1c 

Silesia, Germany; Gross-Hartmannsdorf (Schlesien) 

Triassic, Wellenkalk [holotype in Geol.-Palaont. Mus., Berlin] 
declivis, Kingites: Waagen Plastoholotype 
Waagen, 1895, p. 233, pl. 26, fig. 2 

Punjab, India; Virgal, Salt Range 

Triassic, Ceratite Marl [holotype at Paieont. Inst. Wiener Univ.] 
delicatum, Asthenoceras: Imlay Paratypes 
Imlay, 1973, pp. 55-56, pl. 3, figs. 12 (type 10012), 13 (type 10013), 
32 (type 10007) 

Grant Co., Ore.; Delintment Lake 15’ Qd, NE 1/4, SW 1/4 SW 1/4 
Sec. 29, T 18 S, R 26 E 

Middle Jurassic, Bajocian stage, Snowshoe Fm, Warm Springs Mbr 
delicatum, Asthenoceras: Imlay Paratypes 
Imlay, 1973, pp. 55-56, pl. 3, figs. 15 (type 10010); pl. 4, figs. 4 (type 
10009), 3 (type 10011) 

Grant Co., Ore.; SE cor. NE 1/4, NE 1/4 Sec. 19, T 18 S, R 26 E, 
from spur projecting into SE end of small valley ESE of Weberg 
Ranch house 

Middle Jurassic, Bajocian stage, Snowshoe Fm, Weberg Mbr (near 

delicatum, Asthenoceras: Imlay Paratype 
Imlay, 1973, pp. 55-56, pl. 3, fig. 14 

Grant Co., Ore.; Delintment Lake 15’ Qd, NW 1/4, SE 1/4 NE 1/4 
Sec. 30, T 18 S, R 26 E, from calcareous ss on W slope of hil] 1000’ 
E of old Washburn place 

Middle Jurassic, Bajocian stage, Snowshoe Fm, Warm Springs Mbr, 
basal bed 

delicatum, Asthenoceras: Imlay Paratype 
Imlay, 1973, pp. 55-56, pl. 3, fig. 21 

Grant Co., Ore.; Delintment Lake 15’ Qd, SE 1/4, NW 1/4 Sec. 29, 
T 18 S, R 26 E. Bulldozer cut on divide SW of jct between road to 
Boundary Spring and Suplee-Izee Road 

Middle Jurassic, Bajocian, Snowshoe Fm, Warm Springs Mbr, near 












BuLLeETIN 300 

denseplicatum, Lytoceras: Jimbo Plastoholotype 
Jimbo, 1894, p. 36, pl. 7, fig. 1 

Hokkaido, Japan; Bache Ekimomaanoro 

Cretaceous [holotype Kyushu Univ. GT-I-118] 

desertorum, Anasibirites: Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1932, p. 71, pl. 51, figs. 7, 8 

Inyo Co., Calif.; Union Wash, Inyo Range, 15 miles SE of Inde- 

Lower Triassic, Meekoceras zone [holotype USNM 74998] 
desertorum, Dinarites: Smith Plastoholotype 

Smith, 1914, p. 69, pl. 89, figs. 3, 4 

West Humboldt Range, Nevada; Fossil Hill 

Middle Triassic [holotype USNM 74425] 

desertorum, Metahedenstroemia?: Johnston Paratype 
Johnston, 1941, p. 460 (cited as no. 3) 

New Pass Range, Nevada; South Canyon 

Upper Triassic, Star Peak Fm 

devasena, Ceratites: Diener Plastoholotype 
Diener, 1907, p. 55, pl. 4, fig. 4 ; 

Himalaya Mts.; NNW of Kaga, Spiti 

Triassic, Muschelkalk [holotype Paleont. Inst. Wiener Uniy. 4077] 
dickinsoni, Leptaleoceras: Imlay Holotype 
Imlay, 1968, p. C 32, pl. 6, figs. 7, 9-11 

Grant Co., Ore.; Izee Qd, in concretions on E slope Pole Canyon, NW 
1/4, SW 1/4 Sec. 35, T 17 S, R 27 E about 75’ above andesite flow 
Upper Lower Jurassic, Nicely Shale 

dickinsoni, Leptaleoceras: Imlay Paratype 
Imlay, 1968, p. C 32, pl. 6, fig. 8 

Grant Co., Ore.; Izee Qd, NW 1/4, SW 1/4 Sec. 35, T 17S, R27 E 
Upper Lower Jurassic, Nicely Shale 

dieneri, Nannites: Hyatt and Smith Plastoholotype 
Hyatt and Smith, 1905, p. 79, pl. 7, figs. 10-13 

Inyo Co., Calif.; Inyo Range, Union Wash 

Lower Triassic, Meekoceras zone [holotype USNM 75257] 

dieneri, Ophiceras: Hyatt and Smith Plastoholotype 
Hyatt and Smith, 1905, p. 118, pl. 8, figs. 16-18 

SE Idaho; Aspen Mts., Wood Canyon 

Lower Triassic, Meekoceras zone [holotype USNM 75260] 

discus, Ambites: Waagen Plastosyntype 
Waagen, 1895, p. 152, pl. 21, fig. 5 

Punjab, India; Salt Range, Amb 

Triassic, Ceratite Marls [syntype at Palaeont. Inst. Wiener Univ.] 
divergens, Aulacosphinctes: Steiger Plastoholotype 
Steiger, 1914, p. 464, pl. 101, figs. 3a-3c 

Himalaya Mts.; Shangra, Gnari-Khorsum 

Upper Jurassic, upper Malm, Spiti Shale 

douvillei, Xenodiscus: Diener Holotype 
Diener, 1914, p. 918, pl. 1, fig. 1. Also iz Tozer, 1969, p. 361, pl. 16, 
figs. a-d (as Paratirolites) 


Lower Triassic 

dunni, Eutomoceras: Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1904, p. 381, pl. 43, fig. 11; pl. 44, fig. 4 

West Humboldt Range, Nevada; Fossil Hill, S fork American Canyon 
Middle Triassic [holotype USNM 74310] 
















elkoense, Meekoceras: Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1932, p. 56, pl. 55, figs. 14-16 

Es Co., Nevada; Ruby Range, Cottonwood Canyon, 70 miles § of 

Lower Triassic, Meekoceras zone [holotype USNM 75015] 

emmonsi, Ceratites: Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1914, p. 98, pl. 60, figs. 13-15 

West Humboldt Range, Nevada; Fossil Hill, S fork American Canyon 
Middle Triassic [holotype USNM 74382] 

evansi, Meekoceras (Koninckites): Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1932, p. 60, pl. 35, figs. 1-3 

Idaho; E of Hot Springs, NE of Bear Lake 

Lower Triassic, Meekoceras zone [holotype USNM 74975] 

evansi, Ptychites: Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1914, p. 47, pl. 21, fig. 3 

West Humboldt Range, Nevada; Fossil Hill 

Middle Triassic [holotype USNM 74295] 

falcatum, Meekoceras: Waagen Plastoholotype 
Waagen, 1895, p. 242, pl. 36, fig. 4 

Punjab, India; Salt Range, Amb 

aan Middle Ceratite [holotype Palaeont. Inst. Wiener Univ. 

fascicostatum, Pachydiscus: Yabe and Shimizu Plastoholotype 
Yabe and Shimizu, 1921, p. 57, pl. 9, fig. 2 

Hokkaido, Japan; Abeshinai Valley, Teshio Province 

Cretaceous, Santonian, upper Urakawan [cast of holotype GT-I-386 
from Kyushu Univ., specimen in Tokyo Univ. ] 

fittingensis, Hungarites: Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1914, p. 58, pl. 90, figs. 5-7 

West Humboldt Range, Nevada; Fossil Hill 

Middle Triassic [holotype USNM 74431] 

foltzense, Acrochordiceras: Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1914, p. 39, pl. 32, figs. 13, 14 

West Humboldt Range, Nevada; Fossil Hill 

Middle Triassic [holotype USNM 74325] 

frequens, Ammonites: Oppel Plastoholotype 
Oppel, 1862, p. 295, pl. 87, fig. 1 

Tibet; Shangra, E of Puling, Gnari-Khorsum 

Jurassic, upper Malm, Spiti Shale 

frequens, Gyronites: Waagen Plastosyntype 
Waagen, 1895, p. 292, pl. 37, fig. 1 

Punjab, India; Khoora, Salt Range 

Triassic, lower Ceratite [syntype Palaeont. Inst. Wiener Univ. 4037] 
gabbi, Celtites: Smith Plastosyntype 
Smith, 1914, p. 34, pl. 20, figs. 9, 10 

West Humboldt Range, Nevada; Fossil Hill 

Middle Triassic [syntype USNM 74290] 

georgianum, Canadoceras: Anderson Holotype 
Anderson, 1958, p. 234, pl. 32, figs. 3, 3a 

Straits of Georgia, B.C., Canada; Sucia Islands 


gigas, Koninckites: Waagen Plastoholotype 
Waagen, 1895, p. 266, pl. 31, fig. 2 

Punjab, India; Salt Range, Choa 

Triassic, Ceratite [holotype Palaeont. Inst. Wiener Univ. 4044] 
gilberti, Ceratites: Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1914, p. 84, pl. 98, figs. 1-3 

West Humboldt Range, Nevada; Fossil Hill, S fork American Canyon 
Middle Triassic [holotype USNM 74353] 














BuLLeETIN 300 

gilberti, Xenodiscus: Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1932, p. 43, pl. 24, figs. 1-3 

Bear Lake Co., Idaho; Paris Canyon, 1 mile W of Paris 

Lower Triassic, Columbites zone [holotype USNM 74923] 

gracilis, Flemingites russelli: Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1932, p. 53-54, pl. 23, figs. 1-3 

SE Idaho; Slug Creek, Aspen Mts., 14 miles NE of Soda Springs 
Lower Triassic, Meekoceras zone [holotype USNM 74918] 

grandior, Aturia angustata: Schenck Holotype 
Schenck, 1931, p. 462, pls. 73, 74 

Wash.; bluffs on Vance’s Creek, 2.5 miles above jct. with Skokomish 
River, 13 miles above Union Canyon NP loc. 207 

Middle Oligocene 

grandior, Aturia angustata: Schenck Paratype 
Schenck, 1931, p. 462, pls. 75, 76 

Wash.; Port Townsend NP loc. 125 

Middle Oligocene 

greppini, Ammonites: Oppel Plastoholotype 
Oppel, 1862, p. 154 : 

Trimbach, Switzerland; between Olten and Hauenstein tunnel 
Jurassic, Callovian 

groteanus, Ammonites: Oppel Plastoholotype 
Oppel, 1862, p. 283, pl. 80, fig. 4 

Tibet; Spiti Province 

Jurassic, upper Malm, Spiti Shale 

haguei, Ceratites: Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1914, p. 97, pl. 42, figs. 1, 2 

West Humboldt Range, Nevada; Fossil Hill, S fork American Canyon 
Middle Triassic [holotype USNM 74347] 

halli, Ammonites: Meek and Hayden Plastoholotype 
Meek and Hayden, 1856, p. 70. Illustrated iz Meek, 1876, p. 458, pl. 
24, figs. 3a-3c 

Montana; Missouri River, 150’ above mouth of Milk River 

Cretaceous, Bearpaw Shale [holotype USNM 384] 

hallidayi, Nautilus: Waring Holotype 
Waring, 1914, p. 783. Illustrated in Waring, 1917, pl. 13, fig. 13 
Ventura Co., Calif.; Simi Hills 

Eocene, Martinez Fm 

haradai, Pachydiscus: Jimbo Plastoholotype 
Jimbo, 1894, p. 29, pl. 2, fig. 2 

Hokkaido, Japan; Abeshinai, Teshio Province 

Cretaceous, Teshio Fm [holotype Kyushu Univ. GT-I-100] 

harti, Tirolites: Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1932, p. 83, pl. 57, figs. 9, 10 

Bear Lake Co., Idaho; Paris Canyon, 1.5 miles W of Paris 

Lower Triassic, Columbites zone [holotype USNM 75022] 

hartzelli, Arcestes (Proarcestes): Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1914, p. 43, pl. 93, figs. 17, 18 

West Humboldt Range, Nevada; Fossil Hill 

Middle Triassic [holotype USNM 74438] 

hatschekii, Ceratites (Haydenites): Diener Plastoholotype 
Diener, 1907, p. 72, pl. 6, fig. 1 

Himalaya Mts.; NNW of Kaga, Spiti 

Triassic, Muschelkalk [holotype Palaeont. Inst. Wiener Univ. 4120] 
haugi, Popanoceras (Parapopanoceras): Hyatt and Smith 

Hyatt and Smith, 1905, p. 71, pl. 76, figs. 1-4 Plastosyntypes 
Inyo Co., Calif.; Inyo Range, Union Wash 

Middle Triassic [syntypes USNM 74280] 
















hauthali, Harpoceras: Burckhardt Plastoholotype 
Burckhardt, 1903, p. 16, pl. 1, figs. 18-20 

Argentina; Mendoza Province, Cerro Puchén 

Jurassic, Lower Dogger 

haydeni, Dagnoceras: Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1932, p. 66, pl. 29, figs. 1-3 

Idaho; E of Hot Springs, NE end of Bear Lake 

Lower Triassic, Meekoceras zone [holotype USNM 74948] 

hidimba, Ceratites: Diener Plastoholotype 
Diener, 1895, p. 13, pl. 3, figs. 1a-1c 

Himalaya Mts., Tibet, Tsang Tsok Li 

Triassic, Muschelkalk [holotype Palaeont. Inst. Wiener Univ. 4088] 
hooveri, Aspidites: Hyatt and Smith Plastoholotype 
Hyatt and Smith, 1905, p. 153, pl. 17, figs. 1-3 

Inyo Co., Calif.; Inyo Range, Union Wash 

Lower Triassic, Meekoceras zone [holotype USNM 75268] 
humboldtensis, Ceratites: Hyatt and Smith Plastosyntypes 
Hyatt and Smith, 1905, p. 170, pl. 7, figs. 1-13 

West Humboldt Range, Nevada; Troy Canyon area 

Middle Triassic [syntypes USNM 74375] 

humboldtensis, Columbites: Smith Plastosyntypes 

Smith, 1914, p. 36, pl. 20, figs. 26-28; pl. 87, figs. 1-3 

West Humboldt Range, Nevada; Fossil Hill 

Middle Triassic [syntypes USNM 74416] 

hyatti, Acrochordiceras: Meek Plastosyntypes 

Meek, 1877, p. 124, pl. 11, figs. 5 (type 6462), 5a (type 6463) 

Nevada; New Pass, Desatoya Mts. 

Triassic [syntypes USNM 12514] 

hyatti, Hedenstroemia: Smith Plastoholotype 

Smith, 1932, p. 78, pl. 27, figs. 13-15 

SE Idaho; 5 miles E of Grays Lake 

Lower Triassic, Meekoceras zone [holotype USNM 74938] 

insignis, Cyclolobus: Diener Plastoholotype 

Diener, 1903, p. 164, pl. 6, fig. 5 

Himalaya Mts.; Lilang, Spiti 

Permian, Kuling Shale [holotype Palaeont. Inst. Wiener Univ.] 

intermedia, Fontannesia: Imlay Paratype 

Imlay, 1973, pp. 57-58, pl. 4, figs. 8, 9 

Grant Co., Ore.; SE cor. NE 1/4, NE 1/4 Sec. 19, T 18 S, R 26 E 

Middle Jurassic, Bajocian stage, Snowshoe Fm, Weberg Mbr (near 


intermedius, Scaphites conradi: Meek Plastoholotype 

Meek, 1876, p. 433, pl. 34, figs. 3a-3c 

S. Dakota; Moreau River 

Cretaceous, Fox Hills Fm [holotype USNM 408] 

intermontanum, Pseudosageceras: Hyatt and Smith 

Hyatt and Smith, 1905, p. 99, pl. 4, figs. 1-3 

Idaho; Aspen Ridge, Wocd Canyon 

Lower Triassic, Meekoceras zone [holotype USNM 75251] 

intermontanus, Xenodiscus: Smith Plastoholotype 

Smith, 1932, p. 44, pl. 24, figs. 10, 11 

Idaho; Slug Creek, 14 miles NE of Soda Springs 

Lower Triassic, Meekoceras zone [holotype USNM 74924] 

inyoense, Acrochordiceras: Smith Plastoholotype 

Smith, 1914, p. 40, pl. 34, figs. 11, 12 

Inyo Co., Calif.; Inyo Range, Union Wash 

Middle Triassic [holotype USNM 74330] 
















BuLLeETIN 300 

inyoense, Cravenoceras: Gordon Holotype 

Gordon, 1964, p. Al4, pl. 3, figs. 1, 2, text fig. 4£ 

Inyo Co., Calif.; Cottonwood Mts., near Rest Spring SU loc. 2776 

Upper Mississippian, Perdido Fm 

inyoense, Cravenoceras: Gordon Paratypes 

Gordon, 1964, p. Al4, pl. 2, figs. 5, 6 (type 9159) 

Inyo Co., Calif.; Cottonwood Mts., near Rest Spring SU loc. 2776 

Upper Mississippian, Perdido Fm 

inyoense, Cravenoceras: Gordon Paratypes 

Gordon, 1964, p. Al4, pl. 3, figs. 6-9 (type 9158b), 10-13 (type 

9158c), 18-20 (type 9158d) 

Inyo Co., Calif.; Cottonwood Mts., near Rest Spring SU loc. 2776 

Upper Mississippian, Perdido Fm 

jacksoni, Meekoceras (Prionolobus): Hyatt and Smith 

Hyatt and Smith, 1905, p. 151, pl. 62, figs. 11, 12 

Bear Lake Co., Idaho; Paris Canyon, 1 mile W of Paris 

Lower Triassic, Columbites zone [holotype USNM 75292] 

japonicum, Desmoceras dawsoni: Yabe Plastoholotype 

Yabe, 1904, p. 35, pl. 5, figs. 3, 4 

Hokkaido, Japan 

Cretaceous [holotype Kyushu Univ. GT-I-260] 

jugifer, Ammonites: Waagen Plastoholotype 

Waagen, 1867, p. 596, pl. 26, figs. 1a, 1b 

Schwaben, Germany; Gingen, Vilsthale 

Jurassic, Dogger [cast donated by Palaeont. Mus. Wien] 

kamadeva, Ceratites: Diener Plastoholotype 

Diener, 1895, p. 24, pl. 5, fig. 1 

Himalaya Mts.; Shalshal cliff near Rimkin Pairar 

Triassic, Muschelkalk [holotype Palaeont. Inst. Wiener Univ. 4082] 

karpinskyi, Ceratites: Smith Plastoholotype 

Smith, 1914, p. 100, pl. 44, figs. 4-6 

West Humboldt Range, Nevada; Fossil Hill, S fork American Canyon 

Middle Triassic [holotype USNM 74351] 

kawanoi, Desmoceras: Jimbo Plastoholotype 

Jimbo, 1894, p. 28, pl. 1, fig. 7 

Hokkaido, Japan; Tshashikoto, Ikandai 

Cretaceous [holotype Kyushu Univ. GT-I-98] 

kernense, Didymoceras: Anderson Holotype 

Anderson, 1958, p. 196, pl. 65, figs. 1, 2 

Kern Co., Calif.; Honolulu Consolidated Oil Company Well, T 32 S, 

R 24 E, depth 2450’ 


kingi, Ceratites: Smith Plastoholotype 

Smith, 1914, p. 85, pl. 41, figs. 1-3 

West Humboldt Range, Nevada; Fossil Hill, S fork American Canyon 

Middle Triassic [holotype USNM 74352] 

kingi, Gastroplites: McLearn Plastoholotype 

McLearn, 1931, p. 5, pl. 1, fig. 9 

Alberta, Canada; S side Peace River, just above mouth of Deep Creek 

Lower Cretaceous, Peace River Ss [holotype Geol. Surv. Canada 


kingianus, Aspidites: Waagen Plastoholotype 

Waagen, 1895, p. 225, pl. 32, fig. 1; pl. 33, fig. 1 

Punjab, India; Virgal, Salt Range 

Triassic, Ceratite [holotype Palaeont. Inst. Wiener Univ. 4043] 
















kingianus, Sibirites: Waagen Plastosyntype 
Waagen, 1895, p. 168, pl. 18, fig. 1 

Punjab, India; Chidroo, Salt Range 

Triassic, Ceratite [syntype Palaeont. Inst. Wiener Univ. 4064] 
knechti, Lecanites: Hyatt and Smith Plastoholotype 
Hyatt and Smith, 1905, p. 138, pl. 9, figs. 11-13 

Inyo Co., Calif.; Inyo Mts., Union Wash 

Lower Triassic, Meekoceras zone [holotype USNM 75264] 

knighti, Tirolites: Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1932, p. 84, pl. 57, figs. 1, 2 

Bear Lake Co., Idaho; Paris Canyon, 1.5 miles W of Paris 

Lower Triassic, Columbites zone [holotype USNM 75020] 

koeneni, Owenites: Hyatt and Smith Plastoholotype 
Hyatt and Smith, 1905, p. 83, pl. 10, figs. 1-4 

Inyo Co., Calif.; Inyo Range, Union Wash 

Lower Triassic, Meekoceras zone [holotype USNM 75261] 

kossmati, Canadoceras: Matsumoto Plastoholotype 
Matsumoto, 1954a, p. 295, pl. 13, fig. 1 

Hokkaido, Japan; N of Chiptauchibets River, Tumbets, Kitami Pro- 

Cretaceous [holotype Kyushu Univ. GT-I-381] 

kessmati, Hedenstroemia: Hyatt and Smith Plastoholotype 
Hyatt and Smith, 1905, p. 101, pl. 67, figs. 3-7 

Idaho; Aspen Ridge, Wood Canyon 

Lower Triassic, Meekoceras zone [holotype USNM 75298] 

kotoi, Ammonites: Yabe Plastoholotype 
Yabe, 1904, p. 26, pl. 6, figs. 3, 4 

Hokkaido, Japan 

Cretaceous [holotype Kyushu Univ. GT-I-254] 

kraffti, Cyclolobus (Krafftoceras): Diener Plastoholotype 
Diener, 1903, p. 165, pl. 6, figs. 9a-9c 

Himalaya Mts.; Lilang, Spiti 

Permian, Kuling Shale [holotype Paleont. Inst. Wiener Univ. ] 
lahontanum, Eutomoceras: Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1914, p. 63, pl. 28, figs. 8-11 

West Humboidt Range, Nevada; Fossil Hill, S fork American Canyon 
Middle Triassic [holotype USNM 74313] 

lahontanus, Tropigastrites: Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1914, p. 28, pl. 19, figs. 14, 15 

West Humboldt Range, Nevada; Fossil Hill 

Middle Triassic [holotype USNM 74288] 

laqueus, Ammonites: Quenstedt Syntype 
Quenstedt, 1885, p. 18, pl. 1, fig. 15 

Quedlinburg, Germany 

Lower Jurassic, Lias 

larvaeformis, Scaphites: Meek and Hayden Plastoholotype 
Meek and Hayden, 1858, p. 58. Illustrated in Meek, 1876, p. 418, pl. 6, 
figs. 6a-6c 

S. Dakota; E base of Black Hills 

Cretaceous, Carlile Shale (lower part) [holotype USNM 229] 
laticarinatus, Damesites: Saito and Matsumoto  Plastoholotype 
Saito and Matsumoto, 1956, p. 192, text fig. 1 

Hokkaido, Japan; Ikushumbets River, Ishikari Province 

Cretaceous, Cenomanian [holotype Kyushu Univ. GT-T-3245] 

leei, Scaphites: Reeside Plastoholotype 
Reeside, 1927b, p. 26, pl. 20, figs. 17-22 

Santa Fe Co., New Mexico; 1 mile S of Waldo 

Upper Cretaceous, Mancos Shale, uppermost part [holotype USNM 

















BuLtetin 300 

lemoinei, Perisphinctes (Virgatosphinctes): Uhlig Plastoholotype 
Uhlig, 1910, p. 343, pl. 92, fig. 1 (fig. reversed) 

Himalaya Mts.; Tibet, Shangra, Gnari-Khorsum 

Upper Jurassic, Spiti Shale 

levis, Scaphites: Reeside Plastoholotype 
Reeside, 1927b, p. 26, pl. 20, figs. 7-12 

Park Co., Wyoming; Sec. 25, T 58 N, R 100 W 

Upper Cretaceous, Telegraph Creek Fm, Elk Basin Ss Mbr [holotype 
USNM 73353] 

ligatus, Columbites: Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1932, p. 106, pl. 47, figs. 1-3 

Bear Lake Co., Idaho; Paris Canyon, 1 mile W of Paris 

Lower Triassic, Columbites zone [holotype USNM 74985] 

lindgreni, Anasibirites: Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1932, p. 73, pl. 53, figs. 13-15 

Inyo Co., Calif.; Inyo Range, Union Wash 

Lower Triassic, Owenites subzone [holotype USNM 75008] 

aff. lorioli, n. sp., Aulacosphinctes: Steiger Plastoholotype 
Steiger, 1914, p. 460, pl. 101, fig. 1 : 

Himalaya Mts., Shangra, Gnari-Khorsum 

Upper Jurassic, Spiti Shale 

louderbacki, Sibyllites: Hyatt and Smith Plastoholotype 
Hyatt and Smith, 1905, p. 58, pl. 74, figs. 10-12 

West Humboldt Range, Nevada; N of Troy Canyon 

Middle Triassic [holotype USNM 74400] 

lupheri, Arieticeras: Imlay Paratype 
Imlay, 1968, pp. C34-C35, pl. 4, fig. 15 

Grant Co., Ore.; Delintment Lake Qd, SW 1/4 Sec. 28, T 18 S, R 26E 
Upper Lower Jurassic, Nicely Shale 

macallisteri, Anthracoceras: Gordon Holotype 
Gordon, 1964, p. A18, pl. 4, figs. 1-3, text fig. 8 

Inyo Co., Calif.; Panamint Range, Cottonwood Mts., near Rest Spring 
Upper Mississippian, Perdido Fm 

macallisteri, Anthracoceras: Gordon Paratypes 
Gordon, 1964, p. A18, pl. 4, figs. 7-9 (type 9166) 

Inyo Co., Calif.; Panamint Range, Cottonwood Mts., near Rest Spring 

Upper Mississippian, Perdido Fm 

madagascariensis, Aspidites: Diener Holotype 
Diener, 1914, p. 914, pl. 1, fig. 2 


Lower Triassic 

madagascariensis, Aspidites: Diener Paratype 
Diener, 1914, p. 914, pl. 1, fig. 3 


Lower Triassic 

malarguense, Harpoceras: Burckhardt Plastoholotype 
Burckhardt, 1903, p. 12, pl. 1, figs. 9, 10 

Argentina; Mendoza Province, Cerro Puchén 

Lower Jurassic, Upper Lias 

marcoui, Xenodiscus: Hyatt and Smith Plastosyntype 
Hyatt and Smith, 1905, p. 116, pl. 7, fig. 26 

Inyo Co., Calif.; Inyo Range, Union Wash 

Lower Triassic, Meekoceras zone [syntype USNM 75258] 

marksi, Eutrephoceras: Miller Holotype 
Miller, 1947, p. 33, pl. 20, figs. 1, 2 

Kern Co., Calif.; Reed Canyon, elev. 2350’, NW cor. Tejon Qd 

Eocene, Tejon Fm 
















masoni, Dombarocanites: Gordon Holotype 
Gordon, 1964, p. A21, pl. 4, figs. 4-6, text fig. 10a 

Inyo Range, Calif.; 2.25 miles N of Cerro Gordo mine 

Upper Mississippian, Chainman Fm 

masoni, Dombarocanites: Gordon Paratype 
Gordon, 1964, p. A21, pl. 4, fig. 14 

Inyo Range, Calif.; 2.25 miles N of Cerro Gordo mine 

Upper Mississippian, Chainman Fm 

mesacanthus, Ammonites: Waagen Plastoholotype 
Waagen, 1867, p. 594, pl. 28, figs. 1a, 1b 

Schwaben, Germany; Gingen, Vilsthale 

Jurassic, Dogger 

micromphalus, Meekeceras: Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1932, p. 58, pl. 49, figs. 5-8 

Bear Lake Co., Idaho; Paris Canyon, 1 mile W of Paris 

Lower Triassic, Columbites zone [holotype USNM 74992] 
moreauensis, Ammonites: Owen Plastoholotype 
Owen, 1852, p. 579, pl. 8, fig. 7 

Fox Hills, S. Dakota 

Cretaceous, Fox Hills Ss_ [holotype USNM 20244] 

morikeanus, Ammonites: Oppel Plastoholotype 
Oppel, 1862, p. 281, pl. 80, fig. 2 

Tibet; Ki, Spiti Province 

Jurassic, Spiti Shale 

moorei, Ceratites (Hollandites): Diener Plastoholotype 
Diener, 1907, p. 65, pl. 8, fig. 1 

Himalaya Mts., Muth, Spiti 

Triassic, Muschelkalk Fm_ [holotype Palaeont. Inst. Wiener Univ. 


mullananus, Ammonites ?: Meek and Hayden Plastoholotype 
Meek and Hayden, 1863, p. 23. Illustrated in Meek, 1876, p. 607, pl. 
8, figs. la-1c 

Near Fort Benton, Montana; Chippewa Point 

Cretaceous, Colorado Shale (upper part) [holotype USNM 1924] 
mulleri, Choanoteuthis: Fischer Holotype 
Fischer, 1951, p. 387, pl. 1, figs. 1-3; pl. 2, figs. 1, 2 

Mineral Co., Nevada; Gabbs Valley Range, 4 miles E of Luning 
Hawthorne Qd_ SU loc. 781 

Triassic, Gabbs Fm_ [2 sections of a single specimen] 

mulleri, Sonneratia: Anderson Paratype 
Anderson, 1938, p. 195, pl. 54, fig. 3 

Shasta Co., Calif.; Hulen Creek 

Late Cretaceous, Horsetown Fm 

multicameratus, Xenodiscus: Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1914, p. 57, pl. 34, fig. 5 

Inyo Co., Calif.; Inyo Range, Union Wash 

Middle Triassic [holotype USNM 74329] 

nalikanta, Meekoceras: Diener Plastosyntype 
Diener, 1895, p. 45, pl. 9, figs. 5a, 5b 

Himalaya Mts.; Shalshal cliff near Rimkin Paiar 

Triassic, Muschelkalk [syntype Palaeont. Inst. Wiener Univ. 4030] 
nanda, Meekoceras: Diener Plastoholotype 
Diener, 1895, p. 48, pl. 9, fig. 8 

Himalaya Mts.; Shalshal cliff near Rimkin Paiar 

Triassic, Muschelkalk [holotype Palaeont. Inst. Wiener Univ. 4098] 
nanus, Scaphites aquilaensis: Reeside Plastoholotype 
Reeside, 1927b, p. 26, pl. 19, figs. 14-19 

Park Co., Wyoming; Sec. 25, T 58 N, R 100 W 

Upper Cretaceous, Telegraph Creek Fm, Elk Basin Ss Mbr_ [holotype 
USNM 73352] 

















BuLLeETIN 300 

nebrascensis, Ammonites: Owen Plastosyntype 
Owen, 1852, p. 577, pl. 8, figs. 3, 3a 

Fox Hills, S. Dakota 

Cretaceous, Fox Hills Fm [syntype USNM 20242] 

nevadanus, Xenodiscus (Xenaspis): Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1932, p. 47, pl. 56, figs. 1, 2 

Elko Co., Nevada; 70 miles S of Wells 

Lower Triassic, Meekoceras zone [holotype USNM 75019] 
newberryi, Meekoceras (Konickites): Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1932, p. 62, pl. 53, figs. 1-3 

Inyo Co., Calif.; Union Wash, 15 miles SE of Independence 

Lower Triassic, Owenites subzone [holotype USNM 75005] 
newpassense, Hannaoceras: Johnston Paratype 
Johnston, 1941, p. 454 (cited as No. 4) 

Lander Co., Nevada; New Pass Range SU loc. 730 

Upper Triassic, Star Peak Fm 

newsomi, Goniatites: Smith Holotype 
Smith, 1903, p. 78, pl. 17, figs. 2-5 

Batesville, Arkansas 

Lower Carboniferous, Fayetteville Shale 

newsomi, Paralegoceras: Smith Holotype 
Smith, 1903, p. 101, pl. 12, figs. 4-9 

Conway Co., Arkansas; Morrillton, N 1/2 Sec. 17, T 5 N, R 16 W 
Lower Carboniferous [5609 is inner whorl of 5608] 

noetlingi, Macrocephalites: Burckhardt Plastoholotype 
Burckhardt, 1903, p. 31, pl. 3, figs. 5, 6 

Chile; Comisaria Lonquimay, Rio Colorado 

Jurassic, Callovian 

noetlingi, Sibirites: Hyatt and Smith Plastoholotype 
Hyatt and Smith, 1905, p. 49, pl. 9, figs. 1-3 

Inyo Co., Calif.; Inyo Range, Union Wash 

Lower Triassic, Meekoceras zone [holotype USNM 75262] 
novimexicanus, Desmoscaphites: Reeside Plastoholotype 
Reeside, 1927b, p. 17, pl. 11, figs. 1-4 

Santa Fe Co., New Mexico; 1 mile E of head of Canyon del Yeso 
tae Cretaceous, Mancos Shale, uppermost part [holotype USNM 
73312 - 
nudus, Lecanites: Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1914, p. 66, pl. 98, figs. 8, 9 

West Humbolt Range, Nevada; Fossil Hill, S fork American Canyon 
Middle Triassic [holotype USNM 74456] 

oberhummeri, Ceratites (Salterites): Diener Plastoholotype 
Diener, 1907, p. 70, pl. 5, fig. 1 

Himalaya Mts., Muth, Spiti 

Triassic, Muschelkalk [holotype Palaeont. Inst. Wiener Univ. 4081] 
obliterans, Tropigastrites: Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1914, p. 30, pl. 87, figs. 27-32 

West Humboldt Range, Nevada; Fossil Hill 

Middle Triassic [holotype USNM 74418] 

obtusus, Aspenites: Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1932, p. 86, pl. 31, figs. 8-10 

Idaho; E of Hot Springs, NE end of Bear Lake 

Lower Triassic, Meekoceras zone [holotype USNM 74958] 
occidentalis, Ceratites: Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1914, p. 84, pl. 44, figs. 21, 22 

West Humboldt Range, Nevada; Fossil Hill, § fork American Canyon 
Middle Triassic [holotype USNM 74352] 
















occidentalis, Ussuria: Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1932, p. 91, pl. 27, figs. 8-10 

Idaho; Wood Canyon, 9 miles NE of Soda Springs 

Lower Triassic, Meekoceras zone [holotype USNM 74937] 
ochocoense, Protogrammoceras ?: Imlay Paratype 
Imlay, 1968, p. C40, pl. 6, fig. 26 

Grant Co., Ore.; Izee Qd, concretions on E slope Pole Canyon, NW 
1/4, SW 1/4 Sec. 36, T 17 S,R 27 E 

Lower Jurassic, Nicely Shale, about 75’ above andesite flow 

olssoni, Aturoidea: Miller Holotype 
Miller, 1947, p. 73, pl. 51, figs. 1, 2; pl. 52, fig. 1; pl. 53, figs. 3, 4 
Peru; 2 miles N, 3 miles E of Punta Parinas 

Eocene, Salina Fm 

olssoni, Aturoidea: Miller Paratype 
Miller, 1947, p. 73, pl. 54, figs. 1, 2 

Peru; 2 miles N, 3 miles E of Punta Parinas 

Eocene, Salina Fm 

olssoni, Aturoidea: Miller Paratypes 
Miller, 1947, p. 73, pl. 92, figs. 3-5 (type 7894) 

Peru; 2 miles N, 3 miles E of Punta Parinas 

Eocene, Salina Fm 

ornatum, Yokoyamaoceras: Matsumoto Plastoholotype 
Matsumoto, 1956, p. 183, pl. 16, fig. 3 

Hokkaido, Japan; Abeshinai Valley, Teshio Province 

Upper Cretaceous [holotype Kyushu Univ., GK-H-5210] 

ornatus, Columbites: Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1932, p. 107, pl. 46, figs. 14, 15 

Bear Lake Co., Idaho; Paris Canyon, 1 mile W of Paris 

Lower Triassic, Columbites zone [holotype USNM 74984] 

oweni, Inyoites: Hyatt and Smith Plastosyntypes 
Hyatt and Smith, 1905, p. 134, pl. 6, figs. 1 (type 8882), 3, 4 (type 
8883), 6 (type 8884) 

Inyo Co., Calif.; Inyo Range, Union Wash 

Lower Triassic, Meekoceras zone [syntypes USNM 75255] 

oweni, Inyoites: Hyatt and Smith Plastosyntypes 
Hyatt and Smith, 1905, p. 134, pl. 69, figs. 1 (type 8885), 2, 3 (type 
8886), 4-6 (type 8887), 7-9 (type 8888) 

Inyo Co., Calif.; Inyo Range, Union Wash 

Lower Triassic, Meekoceras zone [syntypes USNM 75301] 

oweni, Inyoites: Hyatt and Smith Plastosyntype 
Hyatt and Smith, 1905, p. 134, pl. 40, figs. 1-8 

Inyo Co., Calif.; Inyo Range, Union Wash 

Lower Triassic, Meekoceras zone [syntype USNM 75280] 

Pacifica, Mesopuzosia: Matsumoto Plastoholotype 
Matsumoto, 1954b, p. 82, pl. 15, fig. 1 

Hokkaido, Japan; Ishikari Province, Shiyubari Valley 

Cretaceous, Saku Fm_ [holotype Kyushu Univ. GK-H-1257] 

pacificus, Tirolites: Hyatt and Smith Plastoholotype 
Hyatt and Smith, 1905, p. 159, pl. 21, figs. 14, 15 

Inyo Co., Calif.; Inyo Range, Union Wash 

Middle Triassic [holotype USNM 74461] 

packardi, Tritropidoceras: Schenk Holotype 
Schenk, 1935, p. 402, pl. 17, figs. 1, 2, 13 

Grant Co., Ore.; 10 miles E of Suplee, 1.5 miles S of Bailey Ranch 
Upper Triassic, upper Karnic 

packardi, Tritropidoceras: Schenk Paratype 
Schenk, 1935, p. 402, pl. 17, figs. 5-12, 14, 15, 16b-16f 

Grant Co., Ore.; 10 miles E of Suplee, 1.5 miles § of Bailey Ranch 
Upper Triassic, upper Karnic 

















parisianus, Columbites: Hyatt and Smith Plastoholotype 
Hyatt and Smith, 1905, p. 51, pl. 1, figs. 9-11 

Bear Lake Co., Idaho; Paris Canyon, 1 mile W of Paris 

Lower Triassic, Columbites zone [holotype USNM 75246] 

parvum, Ophiceras: Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1932, p. 49, pl. 54, figs. 25-27 

Inyo Co., Calif.; Inyo Range, 15 miles SE of Independence, Union 

Lower Triassic, Owenites subzone [holotype USNM 75011] 

parvus, Dalmatites: Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1914, p. 60, pl. 30, figs. 1, 2 

West Humboldt Range, Nevada; Fossil Hill 

Middle Triassic [holotype USNM 74317] 

parvus, Lecanites: Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1914, p. 66, pl. 30, figs. 25, 26 

West Humboldt Range, Nevada; Fossil Hill, S fork American Canyon 
Middle Triassic [holotype USNM 74320] 

parvus, Scaphites leei: Reeside Plastoholotype 
Reeside, 1927b, p. 27, pl. 21, figs. 8-14 5 

Sandoval Co., New Mexico; 3/4 mile N of Copper City 

Upper Cretaceous, Mesaverde Fm (near base) [holotype USNM 

patagiosus, Ammonites: Schluter Plastosyntypes 
Schluter, 1867, p. 22, pl. 4, figs. 4, 5 

Coesfeld, Germany [type species of Patagiosites Spath, 1953] 
Cretaceous [syntypes Geol.-Pal. Inst. Univ. Bonn] 

patelliforme, Meekoceras: Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1932, p. 58, pl. 28, figs. 21-23 

Bear Lake Co., Idaho; Paris Canyon, 1 mile W of Paris 

Lower Triassic, Columbites zone [holotype USNM 74945] 
paucinodum, Eumorphoceras: Gordon Holotype 
Gordon, 1964, p. A17, pl. 2, figs. 7-9, text fig. 7 

Inyo Co., Calif.; Panamint Range, Cottonwood Mts., near Rest Spring 
Upper Mississippian, Perdido Fm 

paucinodum, Eumorphoceras: Gordon Paratype 
Gordon, 1964, p. A17 

Inyo Co., Calif.; Panamint Range, Cottonwood Mts., near Rest Spring 
Upper Mississippian, Perdido Fm 

pealei, Tirolites: Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1932, p. 84, pl. 57, figs. 5, 6 

Bear Lake Co., Idaho; Paris Canyon, 1.5 miles W of Paris 

Lower Triassic, Columbites zone [holotype USNM 75021] 

perrini, Scaphites: Anderson Holotype 
Anderson, 1902, p. 114, pl. 2, figs. 71-73 

Jackson Co., Ore.; Phoenix, near Smith’s ranch 

Upper Cretaceous, lower Chico Fm 

pilatum, Meekoceras: Hyatt and Smith Plastosyntypes 
Hyatt and Smith, 1905, p. 144, pl. 63, figs. 3-9 

Bear Lake Co., Idaho; Paris Canyon, 1 mile W of Paris 

Lower Triassic, Meekoceras zone [syntypes USNM 75294] 

pilatus, Ceratites: Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1914, p. 102, pl. 89, figs. 10-13 

West Humboldt Range, Nevada; Fossil Hill, S fork American Canyon 
Middle Triassic [holotype USNM 74427] 

planulatiforme, Desmoceras: Jimbo Plastoholotype 
Jimbo, 1894, p. 27, pl. 1, fig. 4. Also iz Matsumoto, 1954, p. 96, pl. 20, 
fig. 1 (as type of Jimboiceras) 

Hokkaido, Japan; Obirashibets, Teshio Province 

Cretaceous [holotype Kyushu Univ. GT-I-94] 















plenus, Scaphites nodosus: Meek and Hayden Plastoholotype 
Meek and Hayden, 1860, p. 177. Illustrated in Meek, 1876, p. 429, pl. 
26, figs. la-1c 

Montana; Yellowstone River near Miles City 

Cretaceous, Pierre Shale [holotype USNM 364] 

plicatulus, Columbites: Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1914, p. 37, pl. 20, figs. 15, 16 

West Humboldt Range, Nevada; Fossil Hill 

Middle Triassic [holotype USNM 74291] 

plicatus, Ammonites psilonotus: Quenstedt Holotype 
Quenstedt, 1885, p. 14, pl. 1, fig. 9 

Nellingen, Germany 

Jurassic, Lias 

polygyratus, Celtites: Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1914, p. 35, pl. 20, figs. 1, 2 

West Humboldt Range, Nevada; Fossil Hill 

Middle Triassic [holotype USNM 74289] 

powelli, Tropigastrites: Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1914, p. 31, pl. 97, figs. 1-4 

West Humboldt Range, Nevada; Fossil Hill 

Middle Triassic [holotype USNM 74451] 

psilogyrus, Lecanites: Waagen Plastoholotype 
Waagen, 1895, p. 280, pl. 39, fig. 5 

Punjab, India; Khoora, Salt Range 

Triassic, lower Ceratite Ss [holotype Palaeont. Inst. Wiener Univ. 

pusillus, Menuites: Matsumoto Plastoholotype 
Matsumoto, 1955b, p. 165, pl. 32, fig. 1 

Hokkaido, Japan; Hidaka Province, Ikandai, Urakawa area 
Cretaceous, upper Yezo group 

pusillus, Scaphites hippocrepis: Reeside Plastoholotype 
Reeside, 1927b, p. 23, pl. 17, figs. 1-5 

Park Co., Wyoming; Sec. 25, T 58 N, R 100 W 

Upper Cretaceous, Telegraph Creek Fm, Elk Basin Ss Mbr_ [holotype 
USNM 73334] 

pygmaeus, Dinarites: Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1914, p. 70, pl. 89, figs. 8, 9 

West Humboldt Range, Nevada; Fossil Hill, S fork American Canyon 
Middle Triassic [holotype USNM 74426] 

quadrangularis, Scaphites nodosus: Meek Plastoholotype 
Meek, 1876, p. 428, pl. 25, figs. 3a-3c 

S. Dakota; Cheyenne River 

Cretaceous, Pierre Shale [holotype USNM 366] 

radiosum, Meekoceras: Waagen Plastoholotype 
Waagen, 1895, p. 257, pl. 36, fig. 2 

Punjab, India; Chitta-wan, Salt Range 

Triassic, lower Ceratite Ss [holotype Palaeont. Inst. Wiener Univ. 

rectangularis, Ceratites: Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1914, p. 85, pl. 41, figs. 14, 15 

West Humboldt Range, Nevada; Fossil Hill, S fork American Canyon 
Middle Triassic [holotype USNM 74345] 

reesidei, Scaphites: Wade Plastoholotype 
Wade, 1926, p. 183, pl. 61, figs. 3-6 

McNairy Co., Tenn.; Coon Creek, Dave Weeks’ farm 

Upper Cretaceous, Ripley Fm, Coon Creek tongue [holotype USNM 













BuLLeTIN 300 

regalis, Hoplites: Pavlow Plastosyntypes 
Pavlow, 1891, p. 102, pl. 17, figs. 1, 2 

Speeton, England 

Cretaceous, Neocomian 

regiforme, Pinacoceras: Diener Holotype 
Diener, 1916, p. 450, pl. 1, figs. 6a, 6b 

Siberia; New Siberian Islands, at the head of Balykatch River, 
Kotelny Island 

Upper Triassic, Noric 

rehmanni, Ammonites: Oppel Plastoholotype 
Oppel, 1862, p. 153, pl. 48, figs. 1a-1c 

Baden, Germany; Geisingen, Donaueschingen 

Jurassic, Malm, Callovian 

rogersi, Sonneratia: Hall and Ambrose Holotype 
Hall and Ambrose, 1916, p. 69. Illustrated in Wiedey, 1929, pl. 1, fig. 7 
Alameda Co., Calif.; Tesla Qd, 3/4 mile S of Carnegie, Corral Hollow 
Middle Cretaceous, Horsetown Fm 

roguense, Cunningtoniceras: Anderson Holotype 
Anderson, 1958, p. 246, pl. 15, figs. 1, la . 

Jackson Co., Ore.; “Forty nine” mine 


rosenbergi, Gymnites (Anagymnites): Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1914, p. 54, pl. 26, figs. 2, 3 

West Humboldt Range, Nevada; Fossil Hill 

Middle Triassic [holotype USNM 74307] 

rotalinoides, Pachydiscus: Yabe Plastolectotype 
Matsumoto, 1955b, p. 169, pl. 34, figs. la-1c 

Hokkaido, Japan; Urakawa, Hidaka Province 

Cretaceous [cast of I.G.P.S. 54438, designated lectotype of Uraka- 
wites | 

rothpletzi, Tropigastrites: Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1914, p. 31, pl. 19, figs. 1-3 

West Humboldt Range, Nevada; Fossil Hill 

Middle Triassic [holotype USNM 74286] 

rotuloides, Ceratites: Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1914, p. 80, pl. 47, figs. 1-3 

West Humboldt Range, Nevada; N fork Cottonwood Canyon 

Middle Triassic [holotype USNM 74356] 

rotundatus, Prionolobus: Waagen Plastosyntype 
Waagen, 1895, p. 310, pl. 34, fig. 1 

Punjab, India; Virgal, Salt Range 

Triassic, Ceratite Marl [syntype Paleont. Inst. Wiener Uniy. 4034] 
rotundus, Proteusites: Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1932, p. 102, pl. 53, figs. 5, 6 

Inyo Co., Calif.; Inyo Range, Union Wash 

Lower Triassic, Owenites subzone [holotype USNM 75006] 

russelli, Flemingites: Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1904, p. 378, pl. 42, fig. 5; pl. 43, figs. 5, 6 

Idaho; 9 miles NE of Soda Springs, Wood Canyon 

Lower Triassic, Meekoceras zone [holotype USNM 75302] 
sanctaemonicae, Placenticeras: Waring Holotype 
Waring, 1915, fig. 11. Also in Waring, 1917, p. 70, pl. 9, fig. 21 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; 4 miles NW of Santa Monica 

Upper Cretaceous, Chico Fm 

sanctijohanis, Eumorphoceras: Wiedey Holotype 
Wiedey, 1929a, p. 323, figs. 1-4, 6 

Greene Co., Iowa; Bussey’s Coal Bank, NE 1/4 Sec. 30, T 32 N, 
R 29 W 

Pennsylvanian, Lower Coal Measures 

















sanctijohanis, Eumorphoceras: Wiedey Paratype 
Wiedey, 1929a, p. 323, figs. 5, 7 

Greene Co., Iowa; Bussey’s Coal Bank, NE 1/4 Sec. 30, T 32 N, 
R 29 W 

Pennsylvanian, Lower Coal Measures 

sanctorum, Meekoceras: Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1932, p. 59, pl. 49, figs. 1, 2 

Bear Lake Co., Idaho; Paris Canyon, 1 mile W of Paris 

Lower Triassic, Columbites zone [holotype USNM 74991] 

schencki, Baculites: Matsumoto Paratypes 
Matsumoto, 1959a, p. 113, text figs. 22 (type 8593), 25 (type 8592) 

Yolo Co., Calif.; Rumsey Hills, Sec. 19, T 12 N, R 3 W_ SU loc. 2004 

Upper Cretaceous, Funks Shale 

schencki, Baculites: Matsumoto Paratypes 
Matsumoto, 1959a, p. 113 

Yolo Co., Calif.; Rumsey Hills, Sec. 30, T 12 N, R 3 W_ SU loc. 2001 

Upper Cretaceous, Funks Shale 

schencki, Baculites: Matsumoto Paratype 
Matsumoto, 1959a, p. 113, text fig. 24 

Fresno Co., Calif.; Panoche Qd, Sec. 28, T 14 S,R11E SU loc. 3315 

Upper Cretaceous, Panoche Fm 

schenki, Ammonites: Oppel Plastoholotype 
Oppel, 1862, p. 286, pl. 81, fig. 4 

Tibet; Shangra, E of Puling, Gnari-Khorsum 

Jurassic, Spiti Shale 

septentrionalis, Megaphyllites: Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1914, p. 42, pl. 21, figs. 4, 5 

West Humboldt Range, Nevada; Fossil Hill 

Middle Triassic [holotype USNM 74296] 

shastense, Acanthoceras: Reagan Holotype 
Reagan, 1924, p. 179, pl. 18, fig. 1. Also zz Anderson, 1958, p. 242, pl. 
20, figs. 1, 2 

Shasta Co., Calif.; Cottonwood Creek SU loc. 121 

Cretaceous, Horsetown Fm 

siebenthali, Pronorites: Smith Holotype 
Smith, 1903, p. 47, pl. 11, figs. 5-7 

Scott Co., Arkansas; SE 1/4 SE 1/4 Sec. 4, T 1 N, R 28 W 

Upper Carboniferous 

silviesi, Uptonia: Hertlein Holotype 
Hertlein, 1925b, p. 39, pl. 3, figs. 1, 2, 5 

Harney Co., Ore.; Sec. 7, T 20 S, R 30 E, 18 miles N of Burns SU 
loc. 27 

Middle Lower Jurassic, Hardgrave Ss 

simondsi, Shumardites: Smith Holotype 
Smith, 1903, p. 135, pl. 3, figs. 11-13 

Young Co., Texas; Salt Creek, Graham 

Pennsylvanian, Cisco Fm 

simondsi, Shumardites: Smith Paratype 
Smith, 1903, p. 135 

Young Co., Texas; Salt Creek, Graham 

Pennsylvanian, Cisco Fm 

sparsicostatum, Docidoceras: Imlay Holotype 
Imlay, 1973, p. 79, pl. 37, figs. 5-7 

Grant Co., Ore.; SW 1/4 SW 1/4 Sec. 27, T 18 S, R 26 E. Float along 
irrigation ditch 400’ W of Freeman Creek, 1300’ S of Beaver Creek 
Middle Jurassic, Bajocian stage, Snowshoe Fm, Weberg Mbr 















spencei, Columbites: Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1914, p. 36, pl. 70, figs. 1, 2 

Bear Lake Co., Idaho; Paris Canyon, 1 mile W of Paris 

Lower Triassic, Columbites zone [holotype USNM 75309] 

spencei, Ophiceras: Hyatt and Smith Paratype 
Hyatt and Smith, 1905, p. 119 

Bear Lake Co., Idaho; Paris Canyon, 1 mile W of Paris 

Lower Triassic 

spencei, Ophiceras: Hyatt and Smith Plastosyntypes 
Hyatt and Smith, 1905, p. 119, pl. 62, figs. 1-7 

Bear Lake Co., Idaho; 1 mile W of Paris 

Lower Triassic [syntypes USNM 75291] 

spiekeri, Gastroplites: McLearn Plastoholotype 
McLearn, 1931, p. 5, pl. 2, fig. 2 

Alberta, Canada; Peace River, 8 miles below Cadotte River 

Lower Cretaceous, Peace River Ss [holotype Geol. Surv. Canada 
6339 | 

stanleyi, Ammonites: Oppel Plastoholotype 
Oppel, 1862, p. 282, pl. 79, fig. 1 ; 

Tibet; Laptel, Gnari-Khorsum 

Jurassic, upper Malm, Spiti Shale 

stantoni, Gastroplites: McLearn Plastoholotype 
McLearn, 1931, p. 5, pl. 1, fig. 4 

Alberta, Canada; W bank of Peace River, about 15 miles below 
Cadotte River mouth 

Lower Cretaceous, Peace River Ss [holotype Geol. Surv. Canada 

stantoni, Scaphites ventricosus: Reeside Plastoholotype 
Reeside, 1927a, p. 7, pl. 4, figs. 9, 10 

Park Co., Montana; Devil’s Slide, Cinnabar Mt. 

Upper Cretaceous, Colorado Mt. Shale (upper part) [holotype 
USNM 18817] 

“stantoni,” Scaphites: Reeside Plastoholotype 
Reeside, 1927b, p. 23, pl. 17, figs. 16-21 

Fergus Co., Montana; Willow Creek, 6 miles above old Fort Maginnis- 
Junction City road 

Upper Cretaceous, Eagle Ss_ [holotype USNM 73338] 

stansoni, Sonneratia: Anderson Plastoholotype 
Anderson, 1902, p. 105, pl. 3, figs. 91-92; pl. 10, fig. 198 

Shasta Co., Calif.; near Horsetown 

Lower Cretaceous, Horsetown Fm [= type species of Coloboceras 
Crickmay, 1927, p. 511: holotype UCMP] 

strongi, Danubites: Hyatt and Smith Plastoholotype 
Hyatt and Smith, 1905, p. 165, pl. 9, figs. 4-6 

Inyo Co., Calif.; Union Wash, Inyo Range 

Lower Triassic, Meekoceras zone [holotype USNM 75263] 

strongi, Meekoceras: Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1932, p. 62, pl. 52, figs. 12-14 

Inyo Co., Calif.; Inyo Range, Union Wash, 15 miles SE of Inde- 

Lower Triassic, Owenites subzone [holotype USNM 75003] 
subcostatus, Tragodesmoceroides: Matsumoto Plastoholotype 
Matsumoto, 1942, p. 25, fig. 1d. Also iz Matsumoto, 1954, p. 263, pl. 4, 
fig. 1 

Hokkaido, Japan; Abeshinai district, Teshio Province 7 
Cretaceous, Turonian (Neogyliakian) Saku Fm_ [holotype Kyushu 
Univ. GT-I-3087] 












subquadratum, Ophiceras: Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1932, p. 50, pl. 54, figs. 18-20 

Inyo Co., Calif.; Inyo Range, Union Wash, 15 miles SE of Inde- 

Lower Triassic, Owenites subzone [holotype USNM 75010] 
superbus, Aspidites: Waagen Plastoholotype 
Waagen, 1895, p. 218, pl. 23, fig. 1; pl. 24, fig. 1 

Punjab, India; Salt Range, Chidroo 

Triassic, upper Ceratite Ss ? [holotype Palaeont. Inst. Wiener Univ. 

sylvanum, Meekoceras: Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1932, p. 59, pl. 33, figs. 1-3 

Idaho; 5 miles E of Grays Lake 

Lower Triassic, Meekoceras zone [holotype USNM 74970] 

tarpeyi, Xenodiscus: Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1932, p. 45, pl. 25, figs. 4-6 

Bear Lake Co., Idaho; Paris Canyon, 1 mile W of Paris 

Lower Triassic, Columbites zone [holotype USNM 74929] 
tehamaensis, Schloenbachia: Reagan Holotype 
Reagan, 1924, p. 182, pl. 19, fig 3 

Tehama Co., Calif.; 30 miles W of Red Bluff 

Upper Cretaceous, Chico Fm 

templetoni, Schloenbachia: Hall and Ambrose Holotype 
Hall and Ambrose, 1916, p. 78. Illustrated iz Wiedey, 1929b, pl. 2, 
fig. 4 

Alameda Co., Calif.; Tesla Qd, Western Pacific R.R. cut between 
Altamont and Greenway 

Upper Cretaceous, upper Chico Fm 

tenuis, Clypites: Hyatt and Smith Plastosyntype 
Hyatt and Smith, 1905, p. 103, pl. 1, figs. 4-6 

Idaho; Wood Canyon, 9 miles NE of Soda Springs 

Lower Triassic, Meekoceras zone [syntype USNM 75245] 

tenuis, Scaphites hippocrepis: Reeside Plastoholotype 
Reeside, 1927b, p. 23, pl. 16, figs. 12, 13 

Carbon Co., Wyoming; near Mahoney Ranch, Sec. 7, T 26 N, R 88 W 
Upper Cretaceous, Steele Shale (1728’ above base) [holotype USNM 

tenuispiralis, Ceratites: Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1914, p. 81, pl. 46, figs. 17-19 

West Humboldt Range, Nevada; Fossil Hill, S fork American Canyon 
Middle Triassic [holotype USNM 74355] 

theodorii, Ammonites: Oppel Plastoholotype 
Oppel, 1862, p. 280, pl. 83, figs. 2a, 2b 

Tibet; Laptel, Gnari-Khorsum 

Jurassic, upper Malm, Spiti Shale 

tolli, Cladiscites: Diener Holotype 
Diener, 1916, p. 455, pl. 1, figs. 1a, 1b 

New Siberian Islands; Kotelny Island, at the head of Balykatch River 
Upper Triassic, Noric 

toulai, Xenodiscus: Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1932, p. 45, pl. 53, figs. 9-12 

Inyo Co., Calif.; Inyo Range, Union Wash, 15 miles SE of Inde- 

Lower Triassic, Owenites subzone [holotype USNM 75007] 
transitionale, Hauvericeras: Waring Holotype 
Waring, 1917, p. 69, pl. 9, fig. 15 

Ventura Co., Calif.; Chico area in Bells Canyon, N of Simi fault 
Upper Cretaceous, Chico Fm 















BuLLetTIN 300 

trojanus, Tropigastrites: Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1914, p. 65, pl. 29, figs. 1-4 

West Humboldt Range, Nevada; Fossil Hill 

Middle Triassic [holotype USNM 74281] 

tuberculatum, Meekoceras: Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1932, p. 62, pl. 50, figs. 1-3 

Inyo Co., Calif.; Union Wash, 15 miles SE of Independence 

wLower Triassic, Meckoceras zone [holotype USNM 74995] 

tuberculatus, Prionites: Waagen Plastoholotype 
Waagen, 1895, p. 58, pl. 5, fig. 2 

Punjab, India; Salt Range, Chidroo 

Triassic, Ceratite [holotype Palaeont. Inst. Wiener Univ. 4038] 
ursensis, Celtites: Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1932, p. 104, pl. 47, figs. 11, 12 

Bear Lake Co., Idaho; Paris Canyon, 1 mile W of Paris 

Lower Triassic, Columbites zone [holotype USNM 74987] 

ventricosus, Scaphites: Meek and Hayden Plastoholotype 
Meek and Hayden, 1863, p. 22. Illustrated in Meek, 1876, p. 425, pl. 6, 
figs. 7a, 7b j 

Montana; Chippewa Point, near Fort Benton 

Cretaceous, Colorado Shale (upper part) [holotype USNM 1903] 
vergarensis, Macrocephalites: Burckhardt Plastoholotype 
Burckhardt, 1903, p. 29, pl. 2, figs. 18-20; pl. 3, fig. 4 

Chile; Vergara, Rio Teno 

Jurassic, Bathonian 

vermiformis, Scaphites: Meek and Hayden Plastoholotype 
Meek and Hayden, 1863, p. 22. Illustrated iz Meek, 1876, p. 423, pl. 
6, figs. 4a, 4b 

Montana; Chippewa Point, near Fort Benton 

Cretaceous, Colorado Shale (upper part) [holotype USNM 1902] 

vogdesi, Lecanites: Hyatt and Smith Plastoholotype 

Hyatt and Smith, 1905, p. 139, pl. 60, figs. 12-15 

West Humboldt Range, Nevada; between Troy Canyon and S fork 

American Canyon 

Middle Triassic [holotype USNM 74385] 

waageni, Meekoceras (Prionolobus): Hyatt and Smith 

Hyatt and Smith, 1905, p. 150, pl. 77, figs. 3-5 

Inyo Co., Calif.; Inyo Range, Union Wash, 1.5 mi E of Union Spring 

Lower Triassic, Meekoceras zone [syntypes USNM 75278] 

waageni, Ussuria: Hyatt and Smith Plastosyntypes 

Hyatt and Smith, 1905, p. 90, pl. 66, figs. 4-6 (type 8922); pl. 67, figs. 

1, 2 (type 8923) 

SE Idaho; Wood Canyon, Aspen Ridge 

Lower Triassic, Meekoceras zone [syntype USNM 75297] 

walcoftti, Proptychites: Hyatt and Smith Plastoholotype 

Hyatt and Smith, 1905, p. 85, pl. 19, figs. 1-3 

Inyo Co., Calif.; Inyo Range, Union Wash 

Lower Triassic, Meekoceras zone [holotype USNM 75270] 

warreni, Scaphites: Meek and Hayden Plastoholotype 
Meek and Hayden, 1860, p. 177. Illustrated iz Meek, 1876, p. 420, pl. 
6, fig. 5 

S. Dakota; southern base of Black Hills 

Cretaceous, Carlisle Shale (upper part) [holotype USNM 225] 
weaveri, Ceratites: Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1914, p. 82, pl. 98, figs. 4-7 

Desatoya Mts., Nevada; New Pass 

Middle Triassic [holotype USNM 74455] 














STANFORD UNiversity Types: SMITH 397 

webergi, Pelekodites: Imlay Paratype 
Imlay, 1973, pp. 73-74, pl. 34, fig. 19 

Grant Co., Ore.; SE 1/4 SW 1/4 Sec. 29, T 18 S, R 26 E, S slope 
pyramidal hill directly S of South Ammonite Hill 

Middle Jurassic, Bajocian, Snowshoe Fm, Weberg Mbr, 100’ below top 
welleri, Gonioloboceras: Smith Lectotype 
Smith, 1903, p. 125, pl. 21, figs. 3, 4 (designated lectotype by Elias, 
1938, p. 94, 97, pl. 19, figs. 1a, 1b) 

Young Co., Texas; W of Marr’s Hill, Graham 

Pennsylvanian, Graham I'm, Cisco group 

welleri, Gonioloboceras: Smith Paralectotype 
Smith, 1903, p. 125, pl. 21, figs. 1, 2 (designated lectotype by Elias, 
1938, p. 94, pl. 19, figs. 3a, 3c) 

Young Co., Texas; W of Marr’s Hill, Graham 

Pennsylvanian, Graham Fm, Cisco group 

welleri, Gonioloboceras: Smith Paratypes 
Smith, 1903, p. 125, pl. 21, fig. 3 (type 5617) 

Young Co., Texas; W of Marr’s Hill, Graham 

Pennsylvanian, Graham Fm, Cisco group 

welleri, Gonioloboceras: Smith Paratypes 
Smith, 1903, p. 125, pl. 20, figs. 9-11 (type 5618). Also zm Elias, 1938, 
p. 94, 97, pl. 19, figs. 4a, 4b (type 5618); pl. 19, figs. 2a, 2b (type 

Young Co., Texas; W of Marr’s Hill, Graham 

Pennsylvanian, Graham Fm, Cisco group 

wilkinsoni, Engonoceras: Packard Holotype 
Packard, 1956, pp. 399-401, fig. 1 

Wheeler Co., Ore.; Mitchell Qd, SW 1/4, SE 1/4 Sec. 29, T 11 N, 


williamsi, Ceratifes: Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1914, p. 82, pl. 47, figs. 11-14 

West Humboldt Range, Nevada; N fork Cottonwood Canyon 

Middle Triassic [holotype USNM 74358] 

woodini, Sturia: Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1932, p. 94, pl. 51, figs. 5, 6 

Inyo Co., Calif.; Inyo Range, Union Wash 

Lower Triassic, Meekoceras zone [holotype USNM 74997] 

woodsi, Mortoniceras: Spath Plastoholotype 
Spath, 1921, p. 232, pl. 21, fig. 1 

Zululand, South Africa; Umkwelane Hill, Umfolozi 

Cretaceous [holotype in South African Museum] 

wyomingensis, Metoicoceras: Reagan Holotype 
Reagan, 1924, p. 181, pl. 19, figs. 1, 2 

Big Horn, Wyoming; Salt Creek region 

Cretaceous, Colorado Fm 

yatesi, Hungarites: Hyatt and Smith Plastoholotype 
Hyatt and Smith, 1905, p. 129, pl. 30, figs. 1-4 

Inyo Co., Calif.; Inyo Range, Union Wash 

Middle Triassic [holotype USNM 74292] 

yokoyamai, Gaudryceras: Yabe Plastoholotype 
Yabe, 1904, p. 36, pl. 6, fig. 1 

Hokkaido, Japan 

Cretaceous [holotype Kyushu Univ. GT-I-197] 

zitteli, Owenites: Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1932, p. 100, pl. 52, figs. 1-3 

Inyo Co., Calif.; Inyo Range, Union Wash, 15 miles SE of Inde- 

Lower Triassic, Owenites subzone [holotype USNM 75000] 











hannai, Dentalina: Baker Paratype 
Baker, 1925, p. 84 

Gulf of California; off South Coronado Island, 10-18 fms 

vallicolens, Dentalium: Raymond Paratype 
Raymond, 1904, p. 123. Illustrated in Oldroyd, 1927, p. 13, pl. 1, fig. 2 
Santa Monica Bay, Calif.; off Redondo, 145 fms 

vallicolens, Dentalium: Raymond Paratypes 
Raymond, 1904, p. 123 

Santa Monica Bay, Calif.; off Redondo, 145 fms 


ablita, Epiginella: Laseron Paratype 
Laseron, 1957, p. 291 

Queensland, Australia; Rocky Island 

abreojosensis, Melanella (Melanella): Bartsch - Paratypes 
Bartsch, 1917, p. 315 

Baja California, Mexico; Point Abreojos 

acclivicosta, Bellaspira: McLean and Poorman Paratype 
McLean and Poorman, 1970, pp. 6-8 

Sonora, Mexico; 1 km S of the E point at entrance to Bahia San 
Carlos, 27° 56’ N, 111° 03’ W, 15-20 fms, rock and shell substrate 
acerva, Uberella: Laws Paratype 
Laws, 1933, p. 321 

Blue Cliffs, South Canterbury, New Zealand 

Lower Miocene, White Rock River Fm 

acutapex, “Acmaea”: Berry Holotype 
Berry, 1960, p. 117. Illustrated in Keen, 1971, p. 323, fig. 45 (as 

Sonora, Mexico; Punta Cholla, W of Puerto Penasco 

adelae, Cancellaria reticulata: Pilsbry Paratype 

Pilsbry, 1940, p. 54 

Little Duck Key, Fla. 

adusta, Arena: McLean Paratype 
McLean, 1970c, p. 123 

Baja California, Mexico; cove adjoining W sides of Isla Partida and 
Espiritu Santo Islands, 24° 25’ N, 110° 25’ W. LACM Sta. 66-28 
hermit crab specimen from approx. low water line 

aedificata, Turritella uvasana: Merriam Plastoholotype 
Merriam, 1941, p. 90, pl. 17, fig. 11 

Contra Costa Co., Calif.; Carquinez Qd, Vine Station UCMP loc. 

Eocene, “Domengine”’ Fm _ [holotype UCMP 33988] 

agna, Tectonatica: Woodring Paratypes 
Woodring, 1957, p. 88 

Panama Canal Zone; Panama R.R. cut, 3500’ SE of Gatun Station 
Miocene, middle Gatun Fm 

agnesae, Micrarionta: Kanakoff Paratypes 
Kanakoff, 1950, p. 85 

San Clemente Island, Calif.; China Point 

Upper Pleistocene? 
















aguilerai, Tylostoma: Alencaster de Cserna Paratypes 
Alencaster de Cserna, 1956, p. 24 

Puebla, Mexico; San Juan Raya 

Cretaceous, San Juan Raya Fm 

albemarlensis, Bulimulus (Naesiotus): Dall Paratypes 
Dall, 1917c, p. 377 

Albermarle Island, Galapagos; near Villamil, 2300-3300’, on grass 
and bushes 

albemarlensis, Drillia: Pilsbry and Vanatta Syntypes 
Pilsbry and Vanatta, 1902, p. 558 

Albemarle Island, Galapagos; Tagus Cove 

albicarinata, Littorina: McLean Paratypes 
McLean, 1970, p. 127 

Concepcion Bay, Baja California, Mexico; El Requeson, 26° 38’ N, 
111° 50’ W 

alfi, Helminthoglypta: Taylor Holotype 
Taylor, 1954, p. 76, pl. 20, figs. 30-32 

San Bernardino Co., Calif.; Barstow Hills, voleanic ash stratum in 
NW cor. Rainbow Basin 

Upper Miocene, Barstow Fm 

alfi, Helminthoglypta: Taylor Paratypes 
Taylor, 1954, p. 76 

San Bernardino Co., Calif.; Barstow Hills, volcanic ash stratum in 
NW cor. Rainbow Basin 

Upper Miocene, Barstow Fm 

allyni, Ammonitella yatesi: Chace Paratypes 
Chace, 1951, p. 122 

Fresno Co., Calif.; near Boyden’s Cave, Kings Canyon 

allyni, Terebra: Bratcher and Burch Paratype 
Bratcher and Burch, 1970a, p. 298 

Tres Marias Islands, W Mexico; off Maria Madre Island, 5-10 fms 
almo, Strombiformis: Bartsch Paratypes 
Bartsch, 1917, p. 342 

Off San Pedro, Calif., in deep water 

altacorona, Turritella inezana: Loel and Corey Plastoholotype 
Loel and Corey, 1932, p. 256, pl. 57, fig. 6. Also in Merriam, 1941, 
p. 109, pl. 25, fig. 4 

Santa Barbara Co., Calif.; western Santa Ynez Mts. UCMP loc. 

Lower Miocene, Vaqueros Fm _ [holotype UCMP 31676] 

altatae, Olivella (Olivella): Burch and Campbell Paratypes 
Burch and Campbell, 1963, p. 123 

Sinaloa, Mexico; Altata, in sand at low tide 

altispira, Neptunea: Gabb Plastoholotype 
Gabb, 1866, p. 44, pl. 14, fig. 2. Also zm Stewart, 1927, p. 395, pl. 31, 
fig. 6. 

Humboldt Co., Calif.; Eagle Prairie 

Pliocene [holotype ANSP 4322] 

amandusi, Cypraea: Hertlein and Jordan Holotype 
Hertlein and Jordan, 1927, p. 628, pl. 18, fig. 1; pl. 19, fig. 1 

Baja California, Mexico; San Ignacio Arroyo, 8 kms W of San Ignacio 
SU loc. 66 

Miocene, Isidro Fm 

amandusi, Cypraea: Hertlein and Jordan Paratype 
Hertlein and Jordan, 1927, p. 628 

Baja California, Mexico; San Ignacio Arroyo, 8 kms W of San Ignacio 
Miocene, Isidro Fm 












BuLLeTIN 300 

amara, Nicema: Woodring Paratypes 
Woodring, 1964, p. 268 

Panama; Transisthmian Highway, lat. 9° 21’ + 1100 feet N, long. 
79° 49° WSU loc. 2611 = USGS loc. 16912 

Middle Miocene, lower Gatun Fm 

ame, Dirocerithium: Woodring Paratype 
Woodring, 1959, p. 175 

Panama Canal Zone; Rio Casaya area USGS loc. 17166 

Middle Eocene, Gatuncillo Fm 

amictoideum, Cymatium (Gutturnium): Keen Holotype 
Keen, 1971, p. 505, fig. 954 

Panama Bay, off NW end San Jose Island, 27-55 m 

amputatus, Homorus (Subulona): Pilsbry Paratypes 
Pilsbry, 1919, p. 118 

Medje, Belgian Congo 

anactor, Turritella: Berry Holotype 
Berry, 1957, p. 78. Ilustrated im Keen, 1971, p. 392, fig. 433 

Baja California, Mexico; 12 miles N of San Felipe 

anactor, Turritella: Berry _ Paratype 
Berry, 1957; p. 78 

Baja California, Mexico; 12 miles N of San Felipe 

anchuela, Mitrella (Mitrella): Keen Holotype 
Keen, 1943, p. 48, pl. 4, fig. 12 

Kern Co., Calif.; Caliente Qd, in small gully near center SW 1/4 
Sec. 6, T 29 S,R30E SU loc. 2121 

Miocene, Temblor Fm, Round Mountain Silt 

andersoni, Lyria: Waring Holotype 
Waring, 1917, p. 97, pl. 15, fig. 12 

Ventura Co., Calif.; McCray Wells 

Upper Eocene, Tejon Fm 

andersoni, Lyria: Waring Paratype 
Waring, 1917, p. 97, pl. 15, fig. 12 

Ventura Co., Calif.; McCray Wells 

Upper Eocene, Tejon Fm 

andersoniana, Lioplax: Hannibal Holotype 
Hannibal, 1912b, p. 196, pl. 8, fig. 33. Also iz Taylor and Smith, 
1971, figs. 32, 33 (as Campeloma) 

Tesla, Calif.; 1/4 mile above Carnegie Pottery, Corral Hollow 


andrium, Teinostoma (Aepystoma): Woodring Paratype 
Woodring, 1957, p. 70 

Panama; highway 1.7 km NW of Sabanita 

Miocene, Gatun Fm 

anebus, Solariorbis (Haplorbis) hyptius: Woodring Paratype 
Woodring, 1957, p. 75 

Canal Zone; N end of third locks excavation SU loc. 2654 

Miocene, upper Gatun Fm 

angelena, Helminthoglypta tudiculata: Berry Paratype 
Berry, 1938a, p. 21 

Redlands, Calif.; NE side of lower Timoteo Canyon 

angelensis, Solenosteira: Carson Holotype 
Carson, 1925, p. 32, pl. 1, figs. 3, 5 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; Puente Hills, mouth of Brea Canyon 

Lower Pliocene, Fernando Fm 

angelica, Acanthina: Oldroyd Holotype 
Oldroyd, 1918a, p. 26. Illustrated im Keen, 1971, p. 552, fig. 1082 

Gulf of California; Redondo Bay, Angel Island 
















angelina, Olivella biplicata: Oldroyd Holotype 
Oldroyd, T. S., 1921b, p. 119, pl. 5, fig. 6. Also im Oldroyd, I. S., 1927, 
p. 161, pl. 26, figs. 17, 17a 

San Pedro, Calif. 

angelina, Olivella biplicata: Oldroyd Paratype 
Oldroyd, T. S., 1921b, p. 119 

San Pedro, Calif. 

angigyra, Ashmunella levettei: Pilsbry Paratypes 
Pilsbry, 1905, p. 240 

Huachuca Mts., Arizona; Ramsey Canyon, near Ft. Huachuca 
angosturana, Cancellaria (Hertleinia): Marks Paratype 
Marks, 1949, p. 463, pl. 78, fig. 2 

Ecuador; Angostura Cave, Santiago River, Esmeraldas Province 
Miocene, Angostura Fm 

angulata, Ashmunella: Pilsbry Paratypes 
Pilsbry, 1905, p. 244 

Chiricahua Mts., Arizona; Cave Creek 

anitae, Nassarina (Zanassarina): Campbell Holotype 
Campbell, 1961b, p. 26, pl. 5, fig. 4. Also iz Keen, 1971, p. 596, fig. 

Guaymas, Mexico; off Cabo Haro, 30 fms 

applini, Turritella: Hanna Plastoholotype 
Hanna, 1927, p. 307, pl. 49, fig. 4. Also in Merriam, 1941, p. 16, fig. 5 
(as Turritella uvasana applini) 

San Diego Co., Calif.; La Jolla Qd UCMP loc. 3993 

Eocene, La Jolla Fm [holotype UCMP 30971] 

approximatus, Bulimulus: Dall Paratype 
Dall, 1900a, p. 90 

Galapagos; Hood Island 

apta, Galeodea: Tegland Paratype 
Tegland, 1931, p. 415, pl. 64, figs. 1, 2 

Wash.; sea cliffs % to 3 miles E of Twin SU loc. NP 122 

Oligocene, Twin Rivers Fm 

arenaense, Bittium (Lirobittium): Hertlein and Strong Paratypes 
Hertlein and Strong, 1951a, p. 107 

Gulf of California; Arena Bank, 23° 32’ N, 109° 25’ W, 45 fms 
arenensis, Cymatosyrinx: Hertlein and Strong Paratype 
Hertlein and Strong, 195la, p. 76 

Gulf of California; near Arena Bank, 23° 32’ N, 109° 27’ W, 55 fms 
aresta, Margarites (Lirularia): Berry Paratype 
Berry, 1941, p. 13 

San Pedro, Calif.; upper sands at Hilltop Quarry 

Lower Pleistocene, Lomita Fm 

argus, Sonorella: Edson Paratype 
Edson, 1912, p. 37 

Inyo Co., Calif.; Iron Cap Mine, Argus Range 

arnaldoi, Epitonium (Epitonium): Tursch and Pierret Holotype 
Tursch and Pierret, 1964, p. 36, fig. 4 

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; off Punta de Juatinga, 23° 22’ S, 48° 28’ W, 
50 m 

arnoldi, Melanella (Balcis): Bartsch Paratype 
Bartsch, 1917, p. 322 

San Pedro, Calif.; Deadman’s Island, Sand Rock 

Pleistocene, San Pedro Fm 

arnoldi, Turcicula: Durham Holotype 
Durham, 1944, p. 153, pl. 15, fig. 10 

Port Townsend, Wash.; Scow Bay, S shore of Mystery Inlet SU Joc. 
NP 126 

Middle Oligocene, Marrowstone Shale 









BuLtetIn 300 

arnoldi, Turcicula: Durham Paratype 
Durham, 1944, p. 153 

Port Townsend, Wash.; Scow Bay, S shore of Mystery Inlet SU loc. 
NP 126 

Middle Oligocene, Marrowstone Shale 

artia, Pleuroliria: Berry Holotype 
Berry, 1957, p. 82. Illustrated zz Keen, 1971, p. 708, fig. 1648 [as 
Polystira oxytropis (Sowerby, 1834) ] 

Gulf of California; off Angel de la Guarda Island, 67 fms 

ashleyi, Cantharus: Carson Holotype 
Carson, 1925, p. 31, pl. 1, figs. 6, 7 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; San Fernando, near tunnel 

Pliocene, Fernando Fm 

ashleyi, Cantharus: Carson Paratype 
Carson, 1925, p. 31 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; Camulos sheet, Gavin Canyon 

Pliocene, Fernando Fm 

ashleyi, Lirofusus: Arnold Paratypes 
Arnold, 1908a, p. 372 . 

Santa Cruz Co., Calif.; San Lorenzo River, 3 miles above Boulder 

Oligocene, San Lorenzo Fm 

ashmuni, Polygyra: Dall Paratypes 
Dall, 1897b, p. 342 

Bland, New Mexico 

aureola, Pyrene: Howard Paratypes 
Howard, 1963a, p. 2. [= Pyrene aureomexicana Howard, 1963b] 
Sonora, Mexico; Puerto Penasco, Norse Beach 

avalonensis, Helix: Hemphill Paratypes 
Hemphill, 1911, p. 104 

Santa Catalina Island, Calif. 

avawatzica, Micrarionta (Eremarionta): Berry Paratypes 
Berry, 1930c, p. 190 

San Bernardino Co., Calif.; Avawatz Mts., 5 miles S of Cave Spring 
avenosooki, Margarites: MacGinitie Paratype 
MacGinitie, 1959, p. 77, pl. 1, fig. 8 

About 4 miles off Point Barrow, Alaska, 70 fms 

azteca, Nerinea: Alencaster de Cserna Paratype 
Alencaster de Cserna, 1956, p. 37 

Puebla, Mexico; San Juan Raya 

Lower Cretaceous, San Juan Raya Fm 

badia, Agladrillia: McLean and Poorman Paratype 
McLean and Poorman, 1971, p. 94, fig. 11 

Galapagos; off § coast Isla Santa Cruz, 0° 47’ S, 90° 21’ W, 170-200 m 
bakeri, Gundlachia: Pilsbry in Baker Paratype 
Pilsbry im Baker, Fred, 1914, p. 670 

Paria, Brazil 

baldwini, Pleurotomaria (Entemnotrochus?): Hickman Paratype 
Hickman, 1976b, p. 1095-1096 

Polk Co., Ore.; Dallas Qd, SW 1/4 Sec. 25, T 7 S, R 6 W, Ellendale 
Basalt Quarry SU loc. 3221 = UCMP A4753 

Early Eocene, Siletz River volcanics 

baldwini, Pleurotomaria (Entemnotrochus?): Hickman Paratype 
Hickman, 1976b, p. 1095-1096, pl. 2, figs. 6, 7 

Polk Co., Ore.; Dallas Qd, SW 1/4 Sec. 25, T 7 S, R 6 W, Ellendale 
Basalt Quarry SU loc. 3221 = UCMP A4753 

Early Eocene, Siletz River volcanics 













baldwini, Pleurotomaria (Entemnotrochus?): Hickman Paratype 

Hickman, 1976b, p. 1095-1096, pl. 2, fig. 5 

Polk Co., Ore.; Dallas Qd, SW 1/4 Sec. 25, T 7 S, R 6 W, Ellendale 

Basalt Quarry SU loc. 3221 = UCMP A4753 

Early Eocene, Siletz River volcanics 

bandera, Persicula: Coan and Roth Paratypes 

Coan and Roth, 1965, p. 67 

Jalisco, Mexico; Banderas Bay 

baratariae, Corambella: Harry Paratypes 

Harry, 1953, pp. 1-9 

Lower Barataria Bay, La., in oyster beds 

barbata, Oreohelix: Pilsbry Paratypes 

Pilsbry, 1905, p. 279 

Chiricahua Mts., Arizona; Cave Creek Canyon 

bassetti, Protorcula: Smith Plastoholotype 

Smith, 1927, p. 109, pl. 101, fig. 7 

SE Alaska; Gravina Island, N arm Threemile Cove 

Upper Triassic [holotype USNM 74197] 

baxteriana, Monadenia fidelis: Talmadge Paratype 

Talmadge, 1954, p. 52 

Curry Co., Ore.; Sisters Rocks 

beali, Conus: Carson Holotype 

Carson, 1926, p. 49, pl. 1, fig. 2 

Orange Co., Calif.; Puente Hills 

Pliocene, Fernando Fm 

beali, Marginella: McGinty Paratypes 

McGinty, 1940, p. 63 

Off Lake Worth, Fla., 84 fms 

beaui, Tricolia affinis: Robertson Paratypes 

Robertson, 1958, p. 265 

Barbados; Bathsheba 

beebei, Trophon (Boreotrophon): Hertlein and Strong Paratypes 

Hertlein and Strong, 1947b, p. 79 

Gulf of California; Gorda Banks, S end of the gulf 

bellamaris, Neosimnia: Berry Holotype 

Berry, 1946b, p. 191, fig. 1, as bella-maris 

Off entrance to San Diego Bay, Calif.; 18 fms 

bellamaris, Neosimnia: Berry Paratype 

Berry, 1946b, p. 191, as bella-maris 

Off entrance to San Diego Bay, Calif.; 18 fms 

belvederica, Berthelinia (Edenttellina) chloris: Keen and Smith 

Keen and Smith, 1961, pp. 53-54 

Baja California, Mexico; Puerto Ballandra, Candelero Bay, Espiritu 

Santo Island, off La Paz 

bermudezi, Cyclostremiscus: Aguayo and Borro Paratype 

Aguayo and Borro, 1946a, p. 10 

Matanzas, Cuba; Barranco E of Rio Canimar 

Upper Miocene, Yumuri Fm 

bermudezi, Mecoliotia: Clench and Aguayo Paratype 

Clench and Aguayo, 1936, p. 92 

Matanzas, Cuba; near mouth of Rio Canimar 

Upper Miocene [erroneously cited as Pleistocene] 

berryi, Cantharus (Gemophos): McLean Paratypes 

McLean, 1970a, p. 314 

Jalisco, Mexico; Banderas Bay, off La Cruz, in 10-15 fms 



















berryi, Homalopoma: McLean Paratypes 
McLean, 1964, p. 132 

San Pedro, Calif.; on bluff E of 22nd St. 

Pleistocene, Timms Point Fm 

bicarinata, Clathrodrillia (Carinodrillia): Shasky Holotype 
Shasky, 1961, p. 21, pl. 4, fig. 10 

Gulf of California; off Isla Espiritu Santo, 45-90 fms 

biconica, Comitas (Boreocomitas): Hickman Paratype 
Hickman, 1976, p. 44-46, pl. 2, fig. 6 

NW Ore. SU loc. Holman 46 

Eocene, Cowlitz Fm 

biconica, Comitas (Boreocomitas): Hickman Paratype 
Hickman, 1976, p. 44-46 

NW Ore. SU loc. Holman 46 

Eocene, Cowlitz Fm 

biconica, Siphonalia declivis: Makiyama Paratypes 
Makiyama, 1941, p. 85 

Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan; Tonbe, near Kakegawa 

Pliocene, Nango Fm : 

bicostata, Lirularia: McLean Paratype 
McLean, 1954, p. 129 

Gulf of California; off N side of Middle Coronado Island, 15 m 
bifasciata, Nassa perpinguis: Berry Holotype 
Berry, 1908, p. 39 

San Pedro, Calif. 

billeeana, Scalina: DuShane and Bratcher Paratype 
DuShane and Bratcher, 1965, p. 160 

Gulf of California; SW end of Cerralbo Island, 8-10’ 

binneyanum, Glyptostoma pilsbryanum: Berry Paratype 
Berry, 1938c, p. 56 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; Dominguez Hills 

blakeana, Pyrgulopsis: Taylor Paratypes 
Taylor, 1950, p. 30 

Imperial Co., Calif.; Salton Sea, shore by Fish Springs 

Upper Pleistocene 

boninensis, Patella: Pilsbry Paratype 
Pilsbry, 1891, p. 79 

Bonin Islands, Japan; Ogasawa 

bormanni, Epitonium (Nitidoscala) tinctum: Strong Paratypes 
Strong, 1941, p. 47 

San Diego Co., Calif.; Mission Bay 

bosei, Turritela: Hertlein and Jordan Syntype 
Hertlein and Jordan, 1927, p. 634, pl. 21, fig. 1 

Baja California, Mexico; San Ignacio Arroyo, 8 km SW of San 
Ignacio SU loc. 66 

Miocene, Isidro Fm 

bosei, Turritella: Hertlein and Jordan Syntype 
Hertlein and Jordan, 1927, p. 634, pl. 21, fig. 2. Also in Merriam, 
1941p. 114, pl. 29, fig. 3 (as Turritella ocoyana bosei) 

Baja California, Mexico; San Ignacio Arroyo, 8 km SW of San 
Ignacio SU loc. 66 

Miocene, Isidro Fm [middle Miocene, fide Merriam, 1941] 
boundeyi, Bathytoma: Waring Holotype 
Waring, 1917, p. 81 

Ventura Co., Calif.; Simi Hills, Calabasas sheet SU loc. 2695 

Eocene, Martinez Fm 

brandi, Amnicola: Drake Paratypes 
Drake, 1953, p. 27 

Chihuahua, Mexico; Las Palomas, Distrito Galeana 















branneri, Cerithium: Hall and Ambrose Holotype 
Hall and Ambrose, 1916, p. 70. Illustrated im Wiedey, 1929b, p. 25, 
pl. 1, fig. 6. [Renamed Cerithium ? teslaensis Hanna by Hanna, 1924, 
p. 162] 
Alameda Co., Calif.; 1 mile N 20° W of Tesla and Corral Hollow 
Upper Cretaceous, middle Chico Fm 
branneri, Drymaeus: Baker Paratypes 
Baker, 1914, p. 637 
Matto Grosso, Brazil; Madeira-Mamore R.R., 292 km above Porto 
branneri, Odontostomus (Cyclodontina): Dall Paratype 
Dall, 1909b, p. 363 
Bahia, Brazil; Rio San Francisco, Serra do Mulato 
branneri, Searlesia: Clark and Arnold Holotype 
Clark and Arnold, 1923, p. 159, pl. 30, figs. 3a, 3b 
Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada; W of Otter Point, Sooke 
SU loc. NP 129 

ligocene, Sooke Fm 
bravoensis, Turbonilla (Pyrgiscus): Keen Holotype 
Keen, 1943, p. 51, pl. 4, fig. 26 
Kern Co., Calif.; Caliente Qd in small gully near center SW 1/4 
See; 6, 1). 29'S;, R 30°E, SU loc: 2121 
Miocene, Temblor Fm, Round Mountain Silt 
bravoensis, Turbonilla (Pyrgiscus): Keen Paratype 
Keen, 1943, p. 51, pl. 4, fig. 27 
Kern Co., Calif.; Caliente Qd, near center SW 1/4 Sec. 6, T 29 S, 
R30 E 
Miocene, Temblor Fm, Round Mountain Silt 
bravoensis, Turbonilla (Pyrgiscus): Keen Paratype 
Keen, 1943, p. 51, pl. 4, fig. 20 
Kern Co., Calif.; Caliente Qd, near center SW 1/4 Sec. 6, T 29 S, 
Miocene, Temblor Fm, Round Mountain Silt 
breaensis, Astrea: Carson Holotype 
Carson, 1926, p. 57, pl. 4, figs. 3, 4 
Orange Co., Calif.; Puente Hills, at mouth of Brea Canyon 
Lower Pliocene, Fernando Fm 
breaensis, Cantharus: Carson Holotype 
Carson, 1925, p. 31, pl. 1, fig. 2 
Los Angeles Co., Calif.; Puente Hills, at mouth of Brea Canyon 
Lower Pliocene, Fernando Fm 
breaensis, Cantharus: Carson Paratype 
Carson, 1925, p. 31 
Los Angeles Co., Calif.; Camulos Qd 
Lower Pliocene, Fernando Fm 
bristolae, Calotrophon: Hertlein and Strong Paratype 
Hertlein and Strong, 1951a, p. 87 
Gulf of California; Gorda Banks, lat. 23° 01’ N, long. 109° 29’ W, 
60 fms 
burchi, Calyptraea: Smith and Gordon Paratypes 
Smith and Gordon, 1948, p. 227 
Monterey Bay, Calif.; off Del Monte, 15 fms 
burkhardti, Terebra: Hertlein and Jordan Holotype 
Hertlein and Jordan, 1927, p. 632, pl. 21, fig. 6 
Baja California, Mexico; San Ignacio Arroyo, 8 km SW of San 
Ignacio SU loc. 66 
Miocene, Isidro Fm 
















buttoni, Cypraea undata: Oldroyd Holotype 
Oldroyd, 1916, p. 107. [Renamed Palmadusta diluculum virginalis by 
Schilder and Schilder, 1938, p. 160] 

Fiji Islands 

buttoni, Stagnicola proxima: Henderson ex Baker Ms_ Holotype 
Henderson, 1934b, pl. 14, fig. 4 center. Described in Baker, 1934b, 
p. 18 [as S. palustris buttoni| 

Near Salt Lake City, Utah 

buttoni, Stagnicola proxima: Henderson ex Baker Ms__ Paratype 
Henderson, 1934b, pl. 14, fig. 4 left. Described zz Baker, 1934b, p. 
18 [as Stagnicola palustris buttoni] 

Near Salt Lake City, Utah 

buttoni, Stagnicola proxima: Henderson ex Baker Ms_ Paratype 
Henderson, 1934b, pl. 14, fig. 4 right. Described im Baker, 1934b, p. 
18 [as Stagnicola palustris buttoni| 

Near Salt Lake City, Utah 

californiana, Rimula: Berry Holotype 
Berry, 1964, p. 147 

Santa Catalina Island, Calif.; Long Point, NE bay, 9-25 fms 
californianus, Melampus olivaceous: Berry Holotype 
Berry, 1964, p. 153 

San Diego Co., Calif.; Pacific Beach, N shore of Mission Bay 
californica, Aporrhais: Gabb Paratypes 
Gabb, 1864, p. 128 

Siskiyou Mts., Calif. 


californica, Oreohelix: Berry Paratypes 
Berry, 1931c, p. 115 

NE San Bernardino Co., Calif.; at 7500’ on W slope of Clark Mt. 
californica, Strepsidura: Arnold Paratype 
Arnold, 1908a, p. 370 

Santa Cruz Co., Calif.; Kings Creek, 1/2 mile above San Lorenzo 

Oligocene, San Lorenzo Fm 

californicum, Sinum: Oldroyd Holotype 
Oldroyd, I. S., 1917, p. 13. Also iz Oldroyd, I. S., 1927, p. 130, pl. 92, 
figs. 13, 14 

San Pedro, Calif. 

californicus, Megomphix: Smith Paratypes 

Smith, 1960, pp. 1-3 

Trinity Co., Calif.; Natural Bridge Cave 

californicus, Pleurobranchus: Dall Syntypes 
Dall, 1900c, p. 92 

San Pedro, Calif. 

californicus, Velates: Vokes Plastosyntype 
Vokes, 1935, p. 384, pl. 26, figs. 3, 5 

Simi Valley, Calif. UCMP loc. 3792 

Eocene, lower Llajas Fm_ [syntype UCMP 15482] 

californicus, Velates: Vokes Plastosyntype 
Vokes, 1935, p. 384, pl. 26, fig. 4 

Simi Valley, Calif. UCMP loc. 3792 

Eocene, Jower Llajas Fm [syntype UCMP 15483] 

californiense, Helisoma tenue: Baker Holotype 
Baker, 1934a, p. 140 

Santa Clara Co., Calif.; San Jose, Guadalupe Creek 













calli, Valvata: Hannibal Holotype 
Hannibal, 1910, p. 107. Illustrated ix Taylor and Smith, 1971, figs. 47, 
48, 51, 52 

Near Summer Lake, Ore. 

Quaternary, upper Lahontan [Pliocene, probably Blancan, fide Taylor 
and Smith] 

callidina, Monadenia fidelis: Berry Paratype 
Berry, 1940a, p. 13 

Del Norte Co., Calif.; S side of Klamath River, near mouth 
callidinus, Muricanthus: Berry Holotype 
Berry, 1958a, p. 84. Illustrated iz Keen, 1971, p. 523, fig. 1000 (left) 
Costa Rica; Bahia Culebra 

callinepius, Micrarionta (Eremarionta): Berry Paratypes 
Berry, 1930b, p. 544 

San Diego Co., Calif.; S slope Santa Rosa Mts., E of mouth of Rock- 
house Canyon 

callista, Thyca (Bessomia): Berry Paratype 
Berry, 1959, p. 110 

Sonora, Mexico; Bahia San Carlos, near Guaymas, 3-4 fms 
calodinota, Mitra (Tiara): Berry Holotype 
Berry, 1960, p. 121. Illustrated im Keen, 1971, p. 644, fig. 1435 

Gulf of Nicoya, Costa Rica; off Islas Tortugas 

campbelli, Trigonostoma: Shasky Holotype 
Shasky, 1961, p. 20, pl. 4, fig. 5 

Sonora, Mexico; off Cabo Haro, 30-50 fms 

capitanea, Hanetia: Berry Holotype 
Berry, 1957, p. 80. Illustrated zm Keen, 1971, p. 563, fig. 1118 

Baja California, Mexico; about 8 miles N of San Felipe 

caribaea, Rissoella (Phycodrosus): Rehder Paratypes 
Rehder, 1943, p. 194 

Bonefish Key, Fla. 

carmelensis, Skenea: Smith and Gordon Paratype 
Smith and Gordon, 1948, p. 239 

Carmel Bay, Calif.; 25 fms 

Carmen, Bulimulus: Pilsbry and Lowe Paratypes 
Pilsbry and Lowe, 1932b, p. 50 

Baja California, Mexico; Salinas Bay, Carmen Island 

caroli, Opisthosiphon: Aguayo Paratypes 
Aguayo, 1932a, p. 94 

Cuba; Loma de la Caridad, Holguin, Oriente 

casicalva, Cancellaria: Marks Paratype 
Marks, 1949, p. 464 

Ecuador; near Jerusalém, Guayas Province 

Middle Miocene, Daule Fm 

castanea, Chilina: Marshall Paratypes 
Marshall, 1924, p. 2 

Chubut Province, Argentina; Rio Corcavado 

castellum, Crucibulum: Berry Holotype 
Berry, 1963, p. 143. Illustrated im Keen, 1971, p. 465, fig. 828 (above) 
Guerrero, Mexico; off Acapulco, 6-10 fms 

catalinensis, Melanella (Balcis): Bartsch Paratype 
Bartsch, 1917, p. 329 

Off San Pedro, Calif.; in deep water 

catalinensis, Odostoma (Chrysallida): Bartsch Paratypes 
Bartsch, 1927, p. 17 

Santa Catalina Island, Calif.; Isthmus Cove 

catalinensis, Selenites duranti: Hemphill in Binney Paratypes 
Hemphill iz Binney, 1890, p. 221 

Santa Catalina Island, Calif. 


















BuL.etTIn 300 

catalinensis, Trophon: Oldroyd Holotype 
Oldroyd, I. S., 1927, p. 69, pl. 34, figs. 1, 2 

Off San Pedro, Calif.; 25 fms 

catalinensis, Trophon: Oldroyd Paratype 
Oldroyd, I. S., 1927, p. 69, pl. 34, fig. 4 

Off San Pedro, Calif.; 25 fms 

catalinensis, Trophon: Oldroyd Paratype 
Oldroyd, I. S., 1927, p. 69, pl. 34, fig. 5 

Off San Pedro, Calif.; 25 fms 

catalinensis, Trophon: Oldroyd Paratypes 
Oldroyd, I. S., 1927, p. 69, pl. 34, fig. 3 

Off San Pedro, Calif.; 25 fms 

catalinensis, Trophon: Oldroyd Paratypes 
Oldroyd, I. S. 1927, p. 69 

Off San Pedro, Calif.; 25-30 fms 

caulerpae, Mitrella: Keen Paratype 
Keen, 1971, p. 590, fig. 1232 

Baja California, Mexico; Puerto Ballandra, about 10 miles NE of 
La Paz, in sand among holdfasts of the green alga Caulerpa 
cavagnaroi, Naesiotus: Smith Paratype 
Smith, 1972, pp. 12-17 

Galapagos; Isla Santa Cruz, near top of Mt. Crocker CAS loc, 

cavagnaroi, Naesiotus: Smith Paratype 
Smith, 1972, pp. 12-17 

Galapagos; Isla Santa Cruz, 2 miles W of Mt. Crocker on ground 
under small trees CAS loc. 43333 

cavagnaroi, Naesiotus: Smith Paratype 
Smith, 1972, pp. 12-17 

Galapagos; Isla Santa Cruz, ca. 7 km NE of Santa Rosa, Scalesia 
zone CAS loc. 40303 

cavagnaroi, Naesiotus: Smith Paratype 
Smith, 1972, pp. 12-17 

Galapagos; Isla Santa Cruz, top of Mt. Crocker, 2900’ elev., sedge 
fern zone CAS loc. 27537 

cerritensis, Ocinebra lurida: Arnold Paratype 
Arnold, 1903, p. 258 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; Los Cerritos, Long Beach 

Pleistocene, upper San Pedro Fm 

chaceana, Monadenia: Berry Paratype 
Berry, 1940a, p. 9 

Siskiyou Co., Calif.: Badger Mts., W side of Shasta Canyon 

chacei, Goniobasis: Henderson Paratypes 
Henderson, 1935, p. 2 

Del Norte Co., Calif.; near Crescent City 

chacei, Moniliopsis: Berry Paratype 
Berry, 1941, p. 6 

San Pedro, Calif.; Hilltop Quarry 

Lower Pleistocene, Lomita Fm 

chaneyi, Turritella: Merriam Plastoholotype 
Merriam, 1941, p. 71, pl. 6, fig. 8 

Santa Clara Co., Calif.; Pacheco Pass region UCMP loc. 10043 

Upper Cretaceous, upper Moreno Fm_ [holotype UCMP 33954] 
charybdis, Verticumbo: Berry Holotype 
Berry, 1940b, p. 154, pl. 17, figs. 6, 7 

San Pedro, Calif.; alley S of Second St. and E of Pacific St. 

Lower Pleistocene, San Pedro Fm 

















charybdis, Verticumbo: Berry Paratype 
Berry, 1940b, p. 154 

San Pedro, Calif.; alley S of Second St. and E of Pacific St. 

Lower Pleistocene, San Pedro Fm 

chehalisensis, Turritella uvasana: Merriam Plastoholotype 
Merriam, 1941, p. 94, pl. 16, fig. 13 

Grays Harbor Co., Wash.; near Balch UCMP loc. 7170 

Eocene, Cowlitz Fm [holotype UCMP 33891] 

cheloma, Cymia (Cymia): Woodring Paratype 
Woodring, 1959, pp. 223-224 

Panama; N side Transisthmian Highway, knoll ca. 30 m N of high- 
way, 1.2 km NW of Sabanita SU loc. 2611 = USGS loc. 16912 
Middle Miocene, lower Gatun Fm 

chiricahuana, Holospira: Pilsbry Paratypes 
Pilsbry, 1905, p. 219 

Fort Bowie, Arizona; Chiricahua Mts. 

chiricahuana, Oreohelix (Radiocentrum): Pilsbry Paratypes 
Pilsbry, 1905, p. 283 

Chiricahua Mts., Arizona; Cave Creek Canyon 

civitella, Odostomia (Evalea): Oldroyd Paratypes 
Oldroyd, T. S., 1924, p. 32 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; San Pedro, Nob Hill cut 

Pleistocene, lower San Pedro Fm 

clappi, Oreohelix: Ferriss Paratypes 
Ferriss, 1904, p. 53 

Chiricahua Mts., Arizona; Cave Creek Canyon 

clappi, Punctum: Pilsbry Paratypes 
Pilsbry, 1898, p. 133 

Seattle, Wash. 

clarki, Ancistrolepis: Tegland Paratype 
Tegland, 1933, p. 3, pl. 12, fig. 17 

Twin, Wash.; sea cliffs W of Twin River, for a distance of 3/4 mile 
SU loc. NP 120 

Oligocene, Twin River Fm 

clarki, Epitonium: Oldroyd Holotype 
Oldroyd, T. S., 1921a, p. 115, pl. 5, fig. 13 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; Santa Monica 

Pleistocene, upper San Pedro Fm 

clarki, Epitonium: Oldroyd Paratype 
Oldroyd, T. S., 1921a, pv. 115 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; Santa Monica 

Pleistocene, upper San Pedro Fm 

clarki, Turritella: Dickerson Plastoholotype 
Dickerson, 1914, p. 142, pl. 13, fig. 8. Also iz Merriam, 1941, p. 128, 
pl. 39, fig. 6 (as Mesalia) 

Contra Costa Co., Calif.; Stewartville UCMP loc. 1540 

“Eocene,” Martinez Fm _ [holotype UCMP 11936] 

clarki, Typhis (Typhisopsis): Keen and Campbell Holotype 
Keen and Campbell, 1964, p. 48, figs. 15, 19. Also im Keen, 1971, p. 540, 
fig. 1050 

Panama Bay; Venado Island, intertidally at -3.0’ tide 

clarki, Typhis (Typhisopsis): Keen and Campbell Paratype 

Keen and Campbell, 1964, p. 48, fig. 23 

Panama Bay; Venado Island, intertidally at -3.0’ tide 

clarkiana, Bathytoma: Rivers Plastosyntypes 
Rivers, 1913, p. 29, illust. opp. p. 29 

San Pedro, Calif. 

Upper Pleistocene 














BuLLeETIN 300 

clavella, Balcis (Balcis): Berry Paratype 
Berry, 1954b, p. 259 

Santa Monica, Calif; Long Wharf Canyon 

Upper Pleistocene 

clementina, Pupa: Sterki Syntype 
Sterki, 1890, p. 44 

San Clemente Island, Calif. 

cocosensis, Vertigo: Dall Paratype 
Dall, 1900a, p. 98 

Cocos Island, Costa Rica 

coei, Crepidula: Berry Holotype 
Berry, 1950, p. 35. Illustrated iz McLean, 1969, pp. 35-36, fig. 18.3 
Orange Co., Calif.; SE of Seal Beach 

collisella, Turbonilla (Pyrgolampros): Oldroyd Paratypes 
Oldroyd, T. S., 1924, p. 25 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; San Pedro, Nob Hill cut 

Pleistocene, lower San Pedro Fm 

collomi, Thais (Nucella): Carson Holotype 
Carson, 1926, p. 57, pl. 4, fig. 2 : 

Santa Barbara Co., Calif.; 1/2 mile N of Schuman in R.R. cut, Santa 
Maria district 

Lower Pliocene, Fernando Fm 

collomi, Thais (Nucella): Carson Paratype 
Carson, 1926, p. 57, pl. 4, fig. 1 

Santa Barbara Co., Calif.; 1/2 mile N of Schuman in R.R. cut, Santa 
Maria district 

Lower Pliocene, Fernando Fm 

columbiana, Fluminicola: Pilsbry Paratypes 
Pilsbry, 1899a, p. 125. [species attributed to Hemphill by some authors, 
but Pilsbry is correct] 

Columbia River, near Wallula, Wash. 

columbiana, Physa: Hemphill Syntypes 
Hemphill, 1890, p. 27 

Astoria, Ore.; Columbia River 

compacta, Cochliopa: Pilsbry Paratypes 
Pilsbry, 1910, p. 99 

San Luis Potosi, Mexico; Choy River at cave 3 miles S of Las Palmas 
compressus, Gyrodes: Waring Holotype 
Waring, 1917, p. 67, pl. 9, fig. 6 

Calabasas sheet, Calif.; near Ventura-Los Angeles Co. line, N of Simi 

Upper Cretaceous, Chico Fm 

conchita, Balcis: Keen Holotype 
Keen, 1943, p. 43, pl. 4, fig. 5 

Kern Co., Calif.; Caliente Qd, in small gully near center SW 1/4 Sec. 
6, T 29 S,R 30 E SU loc. 2121 

Miocene, Temblor Fm, Round Mountain Silt 

concreta, “Acmaea”: Berry Holotype 
Berry, 1963, p. 142. [= Collisella stanfordiana (Berry, 1957), fide 
Keen, 1971, p. 325] 

Baja California, Mexico; Punta San Felipe 

consors, Helminthoglypta dupetithouarsi: Berry Paratype 
Berry, 1938a, p. 18 

Monterey Co., Calif.; S slope San Juan grade, 8 miles NE of Salinas 
constantiae, Diodora: Kanakoff Paratypes 
Kanakoff, 1953, pp. 67-70 

Wilmington, Calif.; E bank Bermont Ave., 450’ S of SE cor. Sepulveda 

Upper Pleistocene, Palos Verdes Sand 















contignata, Ficus (Trophosycon) ocoyana: Grant and Gale 

Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 749, pl. 30, fig. 1 

“Middle California” [central Calif., perhaps vicinity of Coalinga] 

Lower Pliocene, Jacalitos Fm 

cooperi, Lymnaea: Hannibal Holotype 

Hannibal, 1912b, p. 143, pl. 6, fig. 13a. Also im Taylor and Smith, 

1971, p. 312, figs. 36, 37 (as Fossaria) 

Santa Cruz Mts., Calif.; spring at Wright’s [NW 1/4 Sec. 23, T 9 S, 

R 1 W, in Santa Clara Co., fide Taylor and Smith] 

cooperi, Lymnaea: Hannibal Paratype 

Hannibal, 1912b, p. 143, pl. 6, fig. 13b. Also ix Taylor and Smith, 

1971, p. 312, fig. 40 (as Fossaria) 

Santa Cruz Mts., Calif.; spring at Wright’s, Santa Clara Co. 

cooperi, Pleurotoma (Dolichotoma): Arnold Plastoholotype 

Arnold, 1903, p. 203, pl. 7, fig. 3. Also in Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 

499, pl. 25, fig. 3 (as Surculites (Megasurcula) carpenterianus var. 


Off San Pedro, Calif.; Deadman Island 

Pleistocene, upper San Pedro Fm_ [holotype USNM; plastoholotype 

never received at SU] 

coquillensis, Goniobasis: Henderson Paratypes 

Henderson, 1935, p. 2 

Coquille River drainage, Ore. 

cordillerana, Heliosoma: Hannibal Holotype 

Hannibal, 1912b, p. 161, pl. 6, fig. 16; pl. 8, fig. 34. Also in Taylor 

and Smith, 1971, figs. 57, 58, 60, 61 (as Vorticifex) 

Nevada; hill near Hawthorne, Belmont stage road 

Eocene [late Miocene to early Pliocene, Esmeralda Fm, fide Taylor 

and Smith, 1971, p. 313] 

cornwalli, Thais: Clark and Arnold Paratype 

Clark and Arnold, 1923, p. 162, pl. 31, fig. 1 

Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada; Jordan River, sea 

cliffs at mouth of Fossil Creek, 2 miles W of Sherringham Point 

SU loc. NP 130 

Oligocene, Sooke Fm 

coronadoensis, Macrarene: Stohler Paratype 

Stohler, 1959, p. 439 

Gulf of California: Coronado Islands, North Island, 150’ 

cortezi, Crassispira (Striospira): Shasky and Campbell Holotype 

Shasky and Campbell, 1964, p. 119, pl. 22, fig. 16 

Sonora, Mexico; NW of Bahia Saladita, Guaymas, 10-15 m 

cortezi, Sinum: Burch and Burch Paratype 

Burch and Burch, 1964, pp. 109-110 

Off West Mexico; between Mazatlan and Altata, 15 fms. Taken by 

shrimp trawlers 

corteziana, Tegula (Agathistoma): McLean Paratypes 

McLean, 1970c, p. 119 

Sonora, Mexico; S side Cabo Tepoca, 30° 16’ N, 112° 30’ W, mid 

intertidal LACM sta. 67-19 

costata, Parapholyx: Stearns Paratypes 

Stearns, 1901, p. 291 [species not of Hemphill as cited by some 

authors, fide Henderson, 1929, p. 81] 

The Dalles, Ore.; Columbia River 

cowlitzensis, Turbella: Effinger Paratypes 

Effinger, 1938, p. 379 

Lewis Co.. Wash.; on Cowlitz River, Sec. 25, T 11 N, R 2 W 

Lower Oligocene, Gries Ranch Fm 















BuLLeTINn 300 

crassa, Cancellaria: Waring Holotype 

Waring, 1917, p. 66, pl. 9, fig. 5. [Renamed Cancellaria simiana by 

Hanna, 1924, p. 160] 

Near Ventura-Los Angeles Co. line, in Chico area of Bell’s Canyon, 

N of Simi fault; Calabasas sheet 

Cretaceous, upper Chico Fm 

crassa, Cancellaria: Nomland Plastoholotype 

Nomland, 1917a, p. 237, pl. 12, figs. 7, 7a 

Fresno Co., Calif.; near Coalinga, N bank of Waltham Creek 

Middle Pliocene, Etchegoin Fm [holotype UCMP 11098] 

crebriforma, Clathurella (Lioglyphostoma): Shasky and Campbell 

Shasky and Campbell, 1964, p. 119, pl. 22, fig. 20. Also im Keen, 1971, 

p. 761, fig. 1843 

Sonora, Mexico; NW of Bahia Saladita, Guaymas, 7-10 m 

crispatissima, Ocenebra: Berry Holotype 

Berry, 1953b, p. 414, pl. 28, fig. 6 

Santa Catalina Island, Calif.; off Isthmus Cove, 33 fms 

crockeri, Strombinoturris: Hertlein and Strong Paratype 

Hertlein and Strong, 1951b, p. 84 

Gulf of California; Arena Bank, 33-35 fms 

crooki, Molopophorus: Clark Paratype 

Clark, 1938, p. 715 

Napa Qd, Calif.; Brink Ranch, 2 miles § of Putah Creek 

Upper Eocene, Markley Fm 

crotalina, Helminthoglypta: Berry Paratypes 

Berry, 1928, p. 276 

Mojave Desert, Calif.; N end Granite Mts., Sidewinder Mine 

cruenta, Tricolia affinis: Robertson Paratype 

Robertson, 1958, p. 267 

Sao Paulo, Brazil; Bahia de Flamengo, Ubatuba 

cucullinus, Bulimulus (Naesiotus): Dall Paratypes 

Dall, 1917c, p. 377 

Galapagos; Hood Island, 380’ elev., under stones 

cuestana, Epiphragmophora dupetithouarsi: Edson Paratypes 

Edson, 1912, p. 37 

Santa Lucia Mts., Calif.; Cuesta Pass 

cunninghamae, Trialatella: Berry Holotype 

Berry, 1964, p. 149. Illustrated iz Keen, 1971, p. 529, fig. 1019 (as 

A spella) 

Sonora, Mexico; Puerto San Carlos, 15-35 fms 

curta, Pleurotoma (Borsonia) bartschi: Arnold  Plastoholotype 

Arnold, 1903, p. 201, pl. 5, fig. 7 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; Deadman Island 

Pleistocene, San Pedro Fm [holotype USNM; plastoholotype never 

received at SU] 

cymatilis, Olivella (Dactylidiella): Berry Holotype 

Berry, 1963, p. 146. Illustrated zz Keen, 1971, p. 629, fig. 1388 

Baja California, Mexico; Magdalena Bay 

dakani, Oreohelix hendersoni: Henderson Paratypes 

Henderson, 1913, p. 38 

Colorado; 2 miles up Elk Creek from Newcastle 

danai, Terebra (Strioterebrum): Berry Holotype 

Berry, 1958b, p. 96. Illustrated in McLean, 1969, p. 52, fig. 28.3 

San Pedro, Calif. 

danielsi, Ashmunella: Pilsbry and Ferriss Paratypes 

Pilsbry and Ferriss, 1915b, p. 34 

Socorro Co., New Mexico; Cave Spring Canyon, R 19 W, lat. 33° 27’ 
















STANFORD UNIversIry Tyres: SMITH 413 

daulechica, Strombina: Marks Paratypes 

Marks, 1951, p. 112 

SW Ecuador; Daule Basin, near Jerusalém 

Middle Miocene, Daule Fm 

decorata, Puncturella: Cowan and McLean Paratype 

Cowan and McLean, 1968, p. 105 

Off W coast Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia; 53° 21.3’ N, 

133° 04.1’ W, 193 m 

decoris, Phyllonotus peratus: Keen Holotype 

Keen, 1960, p. 107, pl. 10, figs. 4, 5 

W Mexico coast near the Guatemalan border, 15 fms 

delaguerrae, Turritella schencki: Weaver and Kleinpell 

Weaver and Kleinpell, 1963, p. 184, pl. 23, fig. 5 

Santa Barbara Co., Calif.; W of San Marcos Pass 

Eocene, “Coldwater” Ss 

delaguerrae, Turritella schencki: Weaver and Kleinpell 

Weaver and Kleinpell, 1963, p. 184, pl. 23, fig. 6 

Santa Barbara Co., Calif.; W of San Marcos Pass 

Eocene, ‘Coldwater’ Ss 

delgada, Fusiturricula: Marks Paratypes 

Marks, 1951, p. 127 

SW Ecuador; near Las Masas, Progreso Basin 

Lower Miocene, Subibaja Fm 

delmontensis, Balcis: Smith and Gordon Paratype 

Smith and Gordon, 1948, p. 219 

Monterey Bay, Calif.; off Del Monte, 10 fms 

delorae, Ceratostoma: Hall Holotype 
Hall, 1958, p. 57, pl. 10, figs. 1-3. Also im Hall, 1959, p. 430, pl. 63, 
figs. 8-10 

Alameda Co., Calif.; NW 1/4 Sec. 11, T 5 S, R 1 E, Alameda Creek 
SU loc. 3245 

Middle Miocene, Oursan Ss 

depressa, Polygyra columbiana: Pilsbry and Henderson Holotype 
Pilsbry and Henderson, 1936, p. 134, pl. 7, fig. 2 

The Dalles, Ore. [retained at Univ. Colorado Museum Zoological 
Coll. as holotype 22519 of Polygyra mullani depressa “Hemphill’’] 
depressum, Helisoma occidentale: Baker Paratypes 
Baker, 1934a, p. 140 

Klamath Lake, Ore. 

deroyae, Fissurella (Cremides): McLean Paratype 
McLean, 1970c, p. 118 

Galapagos; Santa Cruz Island, Academy Bay, 0° 45’ S, 90° 20’ W, 
on surf exposed rocks at low tide 

deroyi, Naesiotus: Smith Paratype 
Smith, 1972, pp. 9-12 

Galapagos; NW side Isla Santa Cruz, 870’ elev., on thorn bushes 
devexa, Episcynia: Keen Holotype 
Keen, 1946, p. 9, pl. 1, figs. 1-4 

Santa Barbara Co., Calif.; Santa Cruz Island, Scorpion Harbor, 2-3 

diagonalis, Parapholyx effusa: Henderson Paratypes 
Henderson, 1929, p. 82 

Crater Lake, Ore. 

diantha, Tricolia: McLean Paratypes 
McLean, 1970c, pp. 125-126 

Galapagos; Albemarle (Isabela) Island, E of S end, 0° 55’ S, 90° 30’ 
W, 60 fms, R/V Velero III bottom sample 450 (not live taken) 













BuLtetin 300 

dickersoni, Elimia: Clark Paratype 
Clark, 1938, p. 707 

Napa Qd, Calif.; Pleasant Creek, 1-2 miles S of Putah Creek 

Upper Eocene, Markley Fm 

dickersoni, Sinum: Waring Holotype 
Waring, 1917, p. 86, pl. 14, fig. 10 

Ventura Co., Calif.; Martinez area, Simi Hills 

Lower Eocene, Martinez Fm 

diegensis, Clathrodrillia: Oldroyd Paratypes 
Oldroyd, T. S., 1921a, p. 115 

San Diego Co., Calif.; Pacific Beach 

Upper Pleistocene 

diegensis, Macrarene: McLean Paratypes 
McLean, 1964, p. 131 

San Diego Co., Calif.; Sec. 8, T 19S, R 2 W 

Pliocene, San Diego Fm 

diegensis, Olivella boetica: Oldroyd Holotype 
Oldroyd, T. S., 1921b, p. 118, pl. 5, fig. 2 

San Diego, Calif. 

dineana, Lymnaea: Taylor Paratypes 
Taylor, 1957, p. 659, text-fig. 1, figs. 1-3 

Navajo Co., Arizona; White Cone Peak, Sec. 12, T 25 N, R 21 E 
Middle Pliocene, Bidahochi Fm 

directa, Mitra: Berry Holotype 
Berry, 1960, p. 120. Illustrated in Keen, 1971, p. 644, fig. 1436 (as 

Sonora, Mexico; off Cabo Haro, Guaymas, 30-50 fms 

dispar, Ashmunella danielsi: Pilsbry and Ferriss Paratypes 

Pilsbry and Ferriss, 1915b, p. 41 

Socorro Co., New Mexico; Little Whitewater Canyon, Mogollon Mts. 
diversilineata, Turritella: Merriam Plastoholotype 
Merriam, J. C., 1897, p. 65. Illustrated iz Clark, 1918, p. 170, pl. 22, 
fig. 5. Also in Merriam, C. W., 1941, p. 103, pl. 20, fig. 1 

Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada; Carmanah Point 
Oligocene, Blakeley Fm [Sooke Fm] [holotype UCMP 11224] 
dorothyae, Terebra: Bratcher and Burch Paratype 
Bratcher and Burch, 1970a, p. 297 

Off San Jose Point, Guatemala; on black sands, 7-11 fms 

drakei, Pachychilus: Hannibal Holotype 
Hannibal, 1912b, p. 183, pl. 8, fig. 26. Also zz Taylor and Smith, 1971, 
figs. 41, 42 

Wash.; Olequa Creek, below Little Falls 

Eocene [late Eocene, Cowlitz Fm, fide Taylor and Smith, 1971, p. 

durhami, Ferminoscala: Keen Holotype 
Keen, 1943, p. 46, pl. 4, fig. 31 

Kern Co., Calif.; Caliente Qd, in small gully near center SW 1/4 Sec. 
6, I 29S, R30E SU loc. 2121 

Miocene, Temblor Fm, Round Mountain Silt 

durhami, Trichotropis (?): Weaver and Kleinpell Holotype 
Weaver and Kleinpell, 1963, p. 188, pl. 25, fig. 4 

Santa Barbara Co., Calif.; Nojoqui Creek, 1200’ above Gaviota Can- 
yon SU loc. 2908 

Eocene-Oligocene, Gaviota Fm 

durhami, Trichotropis (?): Weaver and Kleinpell Paratype 
Weaver and Kleinpell, 1963, p. 188, pl. 25, fig. 5 

Santa Barbara Co., Calif.; Gaviota Pass UCMP loc. B-7001 
Eocene-Oligocene, Gaviota Fm 

















durhami, Trichotropis (?): Weaver and Kleinpell Paratype 
Weaver and Kleinpell, 1963, p. 188, pl. 25, fig. 3 

Santa Barbara Co., Calif.; near Las Cruces UCMP loc. B-6999 
Eocene-Oligocene, Gaviota Fm 

ebriconus, Balcis (Vitreolina): Berry Paratype 
Berry, 1954b, p. 265 

San Pedro, Calif.; Hilltop Quarry 

Pleistocene, Lomita 

egberti, Phalium (Bezoardica): Schenck Holotype 
Schenck, 1926, p. 80, pl. 13, fig. 7 

Port Discovery, Wash.; sea cliffs 1/4 mile N of old Woodman Wharf 
SU loc. NP 148 

Oligocene, Lincoln Fm ? 

egberti, Phalium (Bezoardica): Schenck Paratype 
Schenck, 1926, p. 80 

Port Discovery, Wash.; sea cliffs 1/4 mile N of old Woodman Wharf 
SU loc. NP 148 

Oligocene, Lincoln Fm ? 

elaeodes, Bulimulus (Naesiotus): Dall Paratypes 
Dall, 1917c, p. 376 

Galapagos; Albemarle Island, Banks Bay, at 1500-2300’ elev. 
eleanorae, Lucapinella: McLean Paratype 
McLean, 1967, p. 350 

Jalisco, Mexico; off La Cruz, N shore of Banderas Bay, 20° 44’ N, 
105° 29’ W, from cobble bottom, 10 fms 

electilis, Moniliopsis: Keen Holotype 
Keen, 1943, p. 49, pl. 4, fig. 15 

Kern Co., Calif.; Caliente Qd, in small gully near center SW 1/4 
Sec. 6, T 29 S, R30 E SU loc. 2121 

Miocene, Temblor Fm, Round Mountain Silt 

elegans, Helix intercisa: Hemphill Paratypes 
Hemphill, 1891, p. 330 

San Clemente Island, Calif. 

elodiae, Cancellaria: Carson Holotype 
Carson, 1926, p. 49, pl. 1, fig. 1 

Santa Barbara Co., Calif.; Fugler’s Point 

Lower Pliocene, Fernando Fm 

elrodi, Stagnicola: Baker and Henderson Paratypes 
Baker and Henderson, 1933, p. 30 

Montana; W shore of Flathead Lake 

elsmerensis, Cantharus: Carson Holotype 
Carson, 1925, p. 32, pl. 1, fig. 4 

Ventura Co., Calif.; Holser Canyon, Piru Valley 

Lower Pliocene, Fernando Fm 

elsmerensis, Cantharus: Carson Paratype 
Carson, 1925, p. 32 

Ventura Co., Calif.; Elsmere Canyon, near the forks 

Lower Pliocene, Fernando Fm 

empyrosia, Drillia: Dall Holotype 
Dall, 1899a, p. 127. Illustrated iz Dall, 1902, p. 516, pl. 39, fig. 5 

San Pedro, Calif.; 20-50 fms 

encopendema, Turveria: Berry Holotype 
Berry, 1956b, p. 356, fig. 2. Also zz Keen, 1971, p. 451, fig. 762 

Sonora, Mexico; Cholla Cove, Bahia de Adair 

englerti, Pisania: Hertlein Paratype 
Hertlein, 1960, p. 19 

Easter Island 

















epiphanea, Turbonilla (Mormula): Oldroyd Paratypes 

Oldroyd, T. S., 1924, p. 28 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; San Pedro, Nob Hill cut 

Pleistocene, lower San Pedro Fm 

equistriata, Turritella inezana: Merriam Plastoholotype 

Merriam, 1941, p. 109, pl. 25, fig. 10 

Ventura Co., Calif.; probably Ojai Valley 

Lower Miocene, Vaqueros Fm [holotype UCMP 33985] 

eremum, Calliostoma (Leiotrochus): Woodring Paratype 

Woodring, 1957, p. 63 

Panama Canal Zone; 1 mile N of Gatun Lake SU loc. 2653 

Miocene, Gatun Fm 

eritrichius, Mesodon (megasoma, subsp.?): Berry Paratypes 

Berry, 1939, p. 56 

Butte Co., Calif.; Table Bluff Light 

erythrostigma, Siphonochelus (Siphonochelus): 

Keen and Campbell Holotype 

Keen and Campbell, 1964, p. 51, pl. 10, figs. 27, 31, 35 

Queensland, Australia; near Brisbane, Moreton Bay,-12 miles off 

Moreton Lighthouse, approx. 51 m 

esuritor, Ashmunella: Pilsbry Paratypes 

Pilsbry, 1905, p. 249 

Chiricahua Mts., Arizona 

etheringtoni, Turritella uvasana: Merriam Plastoholotype 

Merriam, 1941, p. 94, pl. 15, fig. 14 

Ventura Co., Calif.; Simi Valley UCMP loc. 7003 

Eocene, “Domengine Fm” [holotype UCMP 33875] 

euglyptus, Cyclostremiscus: Aguayo and Borro Paratype 

Aguayo and Borro, 1946a, p. 9 

Cuba; Barranco E of Rio Canimar, Matanzas 

Upper Miocene, Yumuri Fm 

euthales, Mesodon megasoma: Berry Paratype 

Berry, 1939, p. 60 

Del Norte Co., Calif.; Chaffay Ranch, 7 miles above mouth of 

Klamath River 

evoluta, Tornatina: Waring Holotype 

Waring, 1917, p. 99, pl. 15, fig. 8 

Ventura Co., Calif.; McCray Wells 

Upper Eocene, Tejon Fm 

eyerdami, Beringius: Smith Paratype 

Smith, 1959, p. 5 

Off Cape Flattery, Wash.; about 40 miles offshore, 100 fms 

fackenthallae, Turbonilla (Turbonilla): Smith and Gordon 

Smith and Gordon, 1948, p. 220 

Monterey Bay, Calif.; off Del Monte, 20-30 fms 

fax (?), Galeodea: Tegland Paratype 

Tegland, 1931, p. 412, pl. 59, fig. 5 

Townsend’s Bay, Wash.; sea cliffs between Classen’s wharf and ship 

canal estuary SU loc. NP 125 

Lower Oligocene 

fax (?), Galeodea: Tegland Paratype 

Tegland, 1931, p. 412, pl. 59, fig. 4 

Townsend’s Bay, Wash.; sea cliffs between Classen’s Wharf and ship 

canal estuary SU loc. NP 125 

Lower Oligocene 

















fayae, Anachis (Costoanachis): Keen Paratype 

Keen, 1971, p. 579, fig. 1178 

Sonora, Mexico; Guaymas 

fayae, Anachis (Costoanachis): Keen Paratypes 

Keen, 1971, p. 579 

Sonora, Mexico; Guaymas 

fayae, Pterotyphis (Tripterotyphis): Keen and Campbell 

Keen and Campbell, 1964, p. 54, pl. 11, fig. 40. Also im Keen, 1971, p. 

542, fig. 1057 

Jalisco, Mexico; Barra de Navidad 

fayae, Pterotyphis (Tripterotyphis): Keen and Campbell 

Keen and Campbell, 1964, p. 54 

Jalisco, Mexico; Barra de Navidad 

fayae, Pterotyphis (Tripterotyphis): Keen and Campbell 


Keen and Campbell, 1964, p. 54, pl. 11, fig. 44 

Jalisco, Mexico; Barra de Navidad [holotype Santa Barbara Mus. 

Nat. Hist. 15999] 

felipensis, Tegula (Agathistoma): McLean Paratypes 

McLean, 1970c, p. 121 

Baja California del Norte, Mexico; Punta San Felipe, 31° 02’ N, 114° 

49’ W, among small rocks at low tide 

feralis, Helix: Hemphill Paratypes 

Hemphill, 1901, p. 121 

San Nicholas Island, Calif. 

fergusoni, Cancellaria: Carson Holotype 

Carson, 1926, p. 53, pl. 1, fig. 8 

Ventura Co., Calif.; Barlow’s Ranch 

Pliocene, upper San Pedro Fm 

fergusoni, Cancellaria: Carson Paratype 

Carson, 1926, p. 53, pl. 1, fig. 7 

Santa Barbara Co., Calif.; Fugler’s Point 

Lower Pliocene, Fernando Fm 

ferrissi, Ashmunella: Pilsbry Paratypes 

Pilsbry, 1905, p. 247 

Chiricahua Mts., Arizona; Cave Creek Canyon 

ferrissi, Holospira: Pilsbry Paratypes 

Pilsbry, 1905, p. 215 

Huachuca Mts., Arizona; Manilla mine 

ferrissi, Sonorella: Pilsbry Paratypes 

Pilsbry iz Pilsbry and Ferriss, 1915a, p. 368 

Dragoon Mts., Arizona 

filiareginae, Vexillum regina: Cate Holotype 

Cate, J., 1961, p. 80, pl. 18, figs. 6a, 6b; pl. 19, fig. 6; pl. 20, fig. 1 

Philippine Islands; Cape Melville, Balabac 

fitchi, Terebra (Strioterebrum): Berry Holotype 

Berry, 1958a, p. 89. [= Terebra tiarella Deshayes, fide Keen, 1971, p. 


Baja California, Mexico; Vahia Santa Maria, Isla Magdalena 

fitella, Odostomia (Evalea): Oldroyd Paratypes 

Oldroyd, T. S., 1924, p. 33 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; San Pedro, Nob Hill cut 

Pleistocene, lower San Pedro Fm 

flammulina, Chilina: Marshall Paratypes 

Marshall, 1924, p. 3 

Chubut, Argentina; Rio Fitaleufu, 43° 9’ S, 71° 35’ W 

















BuL.eTINn 300 

fletcherae, Olivella: Berry Holotype 
Berry, 1958a, p. 85. Il!ustrated in Keen, 1971, p. 628, fig. 1378 

Sonora, Mexico; Cholla Cove, Bahia de Adair 

floresi, Craginia: Alencaster de Cserna Paratypes 
Alencaster de Cserna, 1956, p. 33 

Mexico; San Juan Raya 

Lower Cretaceous, San Juan Raya Fm 

floridanus, Microcochus: Rehder Paratypes 
Rehder, 1943, p. 193 

Missouri Key, Fla. 

fossilis, Conus californicus: Oldroyd Holotype 
Oldroyd, T. S., 1921a, p. 116, pl. 5, fig. 9 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; San Pedro, Nob Hill cut 

Pleistocene, San Pedro Fm 

fossor, Holospira ferrissi: Pilsbry and Ferriss Paratypes 
Pilsbry and Ferriss, 1915a, p. 387 

Mule Mt., Arizona; 2 miles E of Warren 

fragilis, Ashmunella tetrodon: Pilsbry and Ferriss Paratypes 
Pilsbry and Ferriss, 1917, p. 89 

Black Range, New Mexico; Cave Creek, near Hillsboro’ 

fraseri, Tritonalia: Oldroyd Holotype 
Oldroyd, I. S., 1920, p. 135, pl. 4, figs. 1, 2. Also zz Oldroyd, I. S., 
1927, p. 25, pl. 30, figs. 11, 1la 

Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada; Brandon Island, Depar- 
ture Bay, Nanaimo 

fraseri, Tritonalia: Oldroyd Paratype 
Oldroyd, I. S., 1920, p. 135 

Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada; Nanaimo, Brandon 
Island, Departure Bay 

freya, Turritella: Nomland Plastoholotype 
Nomland, 1917b, p. 312, pl. 19, fig. 2. Also im Merriam, 1941, p. 124, 
pl. 37, fig. 14 

Fresno Co., Calif.; NE of Coalinga UCMP loc. 2283 

Miocene, Santa Margarita Fm [holotype UCMP 11313] 

frisbeyae, Vermicularia: McLean Paratype 
McLean, 1970a, p. 311 

Colima, Mexico; Manzanillo, 19° 03’ N, 104° 20’ W, off the lighthouse, 
30-40 fms 

frizzelli, Cancellaria (Bivetiella): Marks Paratype 
Marks, 1949, p. 462 

Ecuador; near Jerusalém, Guayas Province 

Middle Miocene, Daule Fm 

fucana, Olivella biplicata: Oldroyd Holotype 
Oldroyd, T. S., 1921, p. 118, pl. 5, fig. 4. Also in Oldroyd, I. S., 1927, 
pl. 26, figs. 23, 23a 

Straits of Juan da Fuca, near Cape Flattery, Wash. 

galapagensis, Cypraea (Trivia): Melvill Syntypes 
Melvill, 1900, p. 208, text figs. 

Galapagos Islands; Albemarle Island 

galapagensis, Mirachelus: McLean Paratype 
McLean, 1970c, p. 118 

Galapagos; Isabela Island, off Canal Bolivar, near Tagus Cove, 
0° 16’ S, 91° 22’ W, 40-55 fms 

galeana, Mitromorpha: Berry Paratypes 
Berry, 1941, p. 12 

San Pedro, Calif.; Hilltop Quarry 

Lower Pleistocene, Lomita Fm 















gatesi, Solenosteira: Berry Holotype 
Berry, 1963, p. 144. Illustrated in Keen, 1917, p. 563, fig. 1120, left 
Sinaloa, Mexico; NW of Mazatlan, 15 fms 

ghanaense, Dendropoma: Keen and Morton Holotype 
Keen and Morton, 1960, p. 48, pl. 4, figs. 7, 8 

Ghana, West Africa; about 10 miles W of Takoradi 

gluma, Volvulella: Keen Holotype 
Keen, 1943, p. 54, pl. 4, fig. 10 

Kern Co., Calif.; Caliente Qd, Barker’s Ranch, 1000’ S, 600’ W of NE 
cor Sec. 5, T 29 S,R29E_ SU loc. 2641 

Miocene, Temblor Fm, Round Mountain Silt or uppermost Olcese Sand 
gnomon, Hastula: Keen Holotype 
Keen, 1943, p. 47, pl. 4, fig. 11 

Kern Co., Calif.; Caliente Qd, in small gully near center SW 1/4 Sec. 
6, T 29S,R30E SU loc. 2121 

Miocene, Temblor Fm, Round Mountain Silt (lowermost part) 
gomphina, Odostomia (Chrysallida): Oldroyd Paratype 
Oldroyd, T. S., 1924, p. 29 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; San Pedro, Nob Hill cut 

Pleistocene, lower San Pedro Fm 

goodmani, “Acmaea”: Berry Holotype 
Berry, 1960, p. 117. [= Collisella stanfordiana (Berry, 1957), fide 
Keen, 1971, p. 325] 

Baja California, Mexico; 1 mile N of Puertecitos 

gordanum, Calliostoma: McLean Paratype 
McLean, 1970b, p. 422-423 

Baja California, Mexico; Gorda Bank, 70 fms 

gouldi, Turbonilla (Pyrgolampros): Dall and Bartsch Paratypes 
Dall and Bartsch, 1909, p. 66 

San Pedro, Calif. 

gracilior, Daphnella aspera: Hemphill in Tryon Lectotype 
Hemphill iz Tryon, 1884, p. 317, pl. 25, fig. 62. Lectotype designated 
by Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 597, pl. 25, fig. 22 [as Mangelia (Mitro- 
morpha) gracilior (Hemphill iz Tryon) ] 

Monterey, Calif. 

gracilis, Decipifus: McLean Holotype 
McLean, 1959, p. 10, pl. 4, fig. 1. Also im Keen, 1971, p. 587, fig. 1222 
Sonora, Mexico; Bocochibampo Bay, Guaymas 

gracilis, Decipifus: McLean Paratype 
McLean, 1959, p. 10. Also iz Keen, 1971, p. 587, fig. 1222 

Sonora, Mexico; Bocochibampo Bay, Guaymas 

gravinaensis, Purpurina: Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1927, p. 109, pl. 101, fig. 6 

SE Alaska; Gravina Island 

Upper Triassic [holotype USNM 74196] 

grippi, Epiphragmophora tudiculata: Pilsbry Paratypes 
Pilsbry, 1913, p. 49 

Santee, Calif.; 18 miles from San Diego 

grippi, Leptothyra: Dall Paratype 
Dall, 1911, p. 25 

San Diego, Calif.; 100-150 fms, in harbor 

grippi, Melanella (Balcis): Bartsch Paratypes 
Bartsch, 1917, p. 327 

San Pedro, Calif. 

gruveli, Marginella: Bavay Paratypes 
Bavay in Dautzenburg, 1912, p. 24 

Angola, West Africa; Bai de Mossamedes, 15-20 m 


















BuLLeETIN 300 

guadalupeana, Astraea: Berry Holotype 
Berry, 1957, p. 77 [= Astraea (Pomaulax) gibberosa (Dillwyn, 1817), 
fide Keen, 1971, p. 355] 

Baja California, Mexico; § end Guadalupe Island, 26.5 fms 
guadalupensis, Haliotis fulgens: Talmadge Paratype 
Talmadge, 1964, p. 375 

Baja California, Mexico; Morro Sur, Guadalupe Island 
guadelupiana, Epiphragmophora: Dall Paratype ? 
Dall, 1900a, p. 101 

Mexico; Guadalupe Island 

guayasensis, Megasurcula: Marks Paratype 
Marks, 1951, p. 132 

SW Ecuador; S of Las Masas 

Lower Miocene, Subibaja Fm 

guttata, Arene: McLean Paratypes 
McLean, 1970a, p. 310-311 

Galapagos; Santa Cruz Island, Academy Bay, under rocks in tide 

hachetana, Oreohelix (Radiocentrum): Pilsbry -  Paratypes 
Pilsbry, 1915, p. 330 

New Mexico; summit of Hacheta Grande Mt. 

halia, Melanella (Balcis): Bartsch Paratype 
Bartsch, 1917, p. 322 

Baja California, Mexico; Point Abreojos 

hamlini, Cancellaria: Carson Holotype 
Carson, 1926, p. 51, pl. 1, fig. 6 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; Elsmere Canyon 

Lower Pliocene, Fernando Fm 

hamlini, Cancellaria: Carson Paratype 
Carson, 1926, p. 51, pl. 1, fig. 4 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; Elsmere Canyon 

Lower Pliocene, Fernando Fm 

hancocki, Terebra: Bratcher and Burch Paratype 
Bratcher and Burch, 1970a, p. 299 

Santa Elena Bay, Ecuador; off La Libertad, 2° 08’ 20” S, 81° 0’ 15” 
W, 8-10 fms, on rocks with gorgonids 

handi, Oreohelix: Pilsbry and Ferriss Paratypes 
Pilsbry and Ferriss, 1918. p. 94 

Lincoln Co., Nevada; Charleston Mt., 30 miles N of Las Vegas 

hannai, Lanx: Walker Holotype 
Walker, 1925, p. 6, pl. 3, figs. 1, 3 

Shasta Co., Calif.; Baird, McCloud River 

hannai, Lanx: Walker Paratypes 
Walker, 1925, p. 6 

Shasta Co., Calif.; Baird, McCloud River 

hannai, Rissoina: Smith and Gordon Paratypes 
Smith and Gorden, 1948, p. 226 

Carmel Bay, Calif.; 25 fms 

hannibali, Acmaea: Clark and Arnold Holotype 
Clark and Arnold, 1923, p. 171, pl. 38, figs. 1a, 1b 

Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada; Port San Juan, sea 
cliffs 1/4 mile E of Providence Cove SU loc. NP 133 

Oligocene, Sooke Fm, basal ss and cgl 

hannibali, Calliostoma: Hertlein and Jordan Holotype 
Hertlein and Jordan, 1927, p. 608, pl. 21, fig. 9 

Baja California, Mexico; San Ignacio Arroyo, 8 km SW of San 
Ignacio SU loc. 66 

Miocene, Isidro Fm 














hannibali, Chrysodomus: Hertlein Holotype 
Hertlein, 1925b, p. 42, pl. 3, fig. 4 

Montesano, Wash.; 8 miles up Sylvia Creek SU loc. 152 = NP 220 
Miocene, Montesano Fm 

hannibali, Fusinus: Clark and Arnold Holotype 
Clark and Arnold, 1923, p. 158, pl. 30, fig. 2 

Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada; sea cliffs between 
mouths of Muir and Coal Creeks, W of Otter Point, Sooke SU loc. 
NP 129 

Oligocene, Sooke Fm 

hannibali, Fusinus: Clark and Arnold Paratype 
Clark and Arnold, 1923, p. 158, pl. 30, figs. 1a, 1b 

Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada; sea cliffs between 
mouths of Muir and Coal Creeks, W of Otter Point, Sooke SU loc. 
NP 129 

Oligocene, Sooke Fm 

hannibali, Lyria: Waring Syntype 
Waring, 1917, p. 84, pl. 12, fig. 3 

Ventura Co., Calif.; Simi Hills, Martinez area, Calabasas sheet 

Lower Eocene, Martinez Fm 

hannibali, Lyria: Waring Syntype 
Waring, 1917, p. 84, pl. 12, fig. 2 

Ventura Co., Calif.; Simi Hills, Martinez area, Calabasas sheet 

Lower Eocene, Martinez Fm 

hapla, Polygyra: Berry Paratypes 
Berry, 1933, p. 14 

Butte Co., Calif.; Butte Creek Canyon, near Chico 

hartmanni, Macron: Hertlein and Jordan Holotype 
Hertlein and Jordan, 1927, p. 629, pl. 18, fig. 2; pl. 21, fig. 5 

Baja California, Mexico; San Ignacio Arroyo, 8 km W of San 
ignacio SU loc. 66 

Miocene, Isidro Fm 

hartmanni, Macron: Hertlein and Jordan Paratypes 
Hertlein and Jordan, 1927, p. 269 

Baja California, Mexico; San Ignacio Arroyo, 8 km SW of San 
Ignacio SU loc. 66 

Miocene, Isidro Fm 

haughti, Phos: Marks Paratypes 
Marks, 1951, p. 114 

Ecuador; Daule Basin, near Jerusalém 

Middle Miocene, Daule Fm 

haullevillei, Clathurella: Dautzenberg Paratypes 
Dautzenberg, 1912, p. 14 

West Africa; Guinea coast, off wharf at Tamara 

hawleyi, Chrysodomus: Carson Holotype 
Carson, 1926, p. 55, pl. 2, fig. 3 

4 miles W of Santa Barbara, Calif. 

Upper Pliocene, San Pedro Fm [Santa Barbara Fm] 

heathi, Doryssa: Pilsbry Paratype 
Pilsbry im Baker, 1914, p. 653 

Rio Jary, Brazil; Sao Antonio do Cachoeira 

hecoxi, Fusus: Arnold Paratype 
Arnold, 1908a, p. 371 

Santa Cruz Co., Calif.; 5.5 miles above town of Boulder Creek 
Oligocene, San Lorenzo Fm 

heimi, Cymia: Hertlein and Jordan Holotype 
Hertlein and Jordan, 1927, p. 622, pl. 18, fig. 5 

Baja California, Mexico; Arroyo San Ignacio, 8 km SW of San 
Ignacio SU loc. 66 

Miocene, Isidro Fm 















Bu.tetin 300 

heimi, Cymia: Hertlein and Jordan Paratypes 
Hertlein and Jordan, 1927, p. 622 

Baja California, Mexico; Arroyo San Ignacio, 8 km SW of San 
Ignacio SU loc. 66 

Miocene, Isidro Fm 

helenae, Nassarina (Cigclirina): Keen Holotype 
Keen, 1971, p. 594, fig. 1247 

Sonora, Mexico; off Guaymas, 45 m 

helleri, Endodonta: Dall Paratype 
Dall, 1900a, p. 93 

Galapagos; Isabela Island, Iguana Cove, 2000’ elev. 

hemphilli, Goniobasis: Henderson Paratypes 
Henderson, 1935, p. 96 

Portland, Ore. 

hemphilli, Helisoma: Baker and Henderson Holotype 
Baker and Henderson im Baker, Frank, 1934a, p. 141 

San Francisco, Calif.; Mountain Lake 

hemphilli, Helisoma: Baker and Henderson Paratypes 
Baker and Henderson im Baker, Frank, 1934a, p. 141 3 

San Francisco, Calif.; Mountain Lake 

hemphilli, Melanella (Melanelia): Bartsch Paratypes 
Bartsch, 1917, p. 313 

Baja California, Mexico; Point Abreojos 

hemphilli, Stagnicola: Henderson ex Baker Ms Holotype 
Henderson, 1934b, pl. 14, fig. 7, right. Described in Baker, 1934b, p. 19 
Utah Co., Utah; near Salt Lake City 

hemphilli, Stagnicola: Henderson ex Baker Ms Paratype 
Henderson, 1934b, pl. 14, fig. 7, left 

Utah Co., Utah; near Salt Lake City 

hemphilli, Strombiformis: Bartsch Paratypes 
Bartsch, 1917, p. 344 

Baja California, Mexico; Point Abreojos 

hemphilli, Tegula: Oldroyd Paratypes 
Oldroyd, T. S., 1921a, p. 115 

San Diego, Calif.; Pacific Beach 

hendersoni: Polygyra mullani: Pilsbry Paratypes 
Pilsbry, 1928, p. 178 

The Dalles, Ore. 

hertleini, Rissoella: Smith and Gordon Paratype 
Smith and Gordon, 1948, p. 225 

Monterey Bay, Calif.; off Cabrillo Point, 10 fms 

hertleini, Terebra: Bratcher and Burch Paratype 
Bratcher and Burch, 1970b, pp. 1-2 

Galapagos; Santa Cruz Island, Academy Bay, 3.5-5.5 fms 

hesperina: Blasicrura coxeni: Schilder and Summers Paratype 
Shilder and Summers, 1963, p. 68 

Talesea, New Britain 

heterodonta, Ashmunella levettei: Pilsbry Paratypes 
Pilsbry, 1905, p. 241 

Huachuca Mts., Arizona 

hewitti, Ampullella: Hanna and Hertlein Paratypes 
Hanna and Hertlein, 1949, p. 393 

Kern Co., Calif.; Sec. 18, T 29 S,R20E CAS loc. 32388A 

Middle Eocene, Domengine Fm 

hilli, Crockerella: Hertlein and Strong Paratype 
Hertlein and Strong, 1951a, p. 79 

Gulf of California; Santa Inez Bay, 26° 52’ N, 111° 53’ W, 4-13 fms 



















himerta, Turbonilla (Pyrgiscus): Oldroyd Paratypes 

Oldroyd, T. S., 1924, p. 27 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; San Pedro, Nob Hill cut 

Pleistocene, lower San Pedro Fm 

hipolitensis, Niso: Bartsch Paratypes 

Bartsch, 1917, p. 350 

San Diego, Calif. (type 6262) ; Baja California, Mexico, San Hipolito 

Point (type 6263) 

hoffmeyeri, Terebra (Strioterebrum): Abbott Paratypes 

Abbott, 1952, p. 78 

Philippines; Luzon Island, Pasay Beach, Manila Bay 

hoffi, Cyclostremiscus (Bathyspira): Aguayo and Borro 

Aguayo and Borro, 1946b, p. 44 

Cuba; Barranco E of Rio Canimar, Matanzas 

Upper Miocene, Yumuri Fm 

holguinense, Opisthosiphon aguilerianum: Aguayo Paratypes 

Aguayo, 1932a, p. 93 

Oriente, Cuba; Cerro San Juan, Sao Arriba, Holguin 

hooveri, Mangilia: Arnold Paratype 

Arnold, 1903, p. 212 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; San Pedro 

Pleistocene, upper San Pedro Fm 

howardae, Nassarius: Chace Paratypes 

Chace, 1958b, p. 333 

Baja California, Mexico; Almejas Beach, 5 miles N of San Felipe 

huachucana, “Pyramidula” strigosa: Pilsbry Paratypes 

Pilsbry, 1902, p. 511 

Huachuca Mts., Arizona 

humboldtica, Helminthoglypta arrosa: Berry Paratypes 

Berry, 1938a, p. 17 

Humboldt Co., Calif.; near Bridge Creek Camp, S of Scotia 

hyptius, Solariorbis (Haplorbis) hyptius: Woodring Paratypes 

Woodring, 1957, p. 75 

Panama Canal Zone; R.R. 3500’ SE of Gatun Station 

Miocene, middle Gatun Fm 

idae, Mitra: Melvill Paratypes 

Melvill, 1893, p. 140 

San Diego Co., Calif.; Point Loma 

idae, Turbonilla (Pyrgolampros): Oldroyd Paratypes 

Oldroyd, T. S., 1924, p. 26 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; San Pedro, Nob Hill cut 

Pleistocene, lower San Pedro Fm 

idahoensis, Lymnaea: Henderson Paratypes 

Henderson, 1931, p. 75 

Idaho; Little Salmon River, 16 miles N of New Meadows, on rocks 

in a mountain stream 

imminens, Pyrgulopsis: Taylor Paratypes 

Taylor, 1950, p. 28 

Imperial Co., Calif.; shore of Salton Sea, by Fish Springs 

Upper Pleistocene 

impedita, Stagnicola: Henderson ex Baker Ms Holotype 

Henderson, 1934b, pl. 14, fig. 3 left. Described in Baker, 1934b, p. 20 

Cache Co., Utah; near Logan 

impedita, Stagnicola: Henderson ex Baker Ms Paratypes 

Henderson, 1934b, pl. 14, fig. 3, right. Also im Baker, 1934b, p. 20 

Cache Co., Utah; near Logan 


















BuL.etIn 300 

imperialis, Chrysodomus: Dall Paratype 

Dall, 1909a, p. 42, pl. 18, fig. 1 

Santa Cruz Qd, Calif.; near headwaters of Alpine Creek Arnold’s 

loc. 6 = C-306 

Pliocene, Purisima Fm 

imperialis, Rapana: Hertlein and Jordan Holotype 

Hertlein and Jordan, 1927, pp. 631-632, pl. 20, fig. 1 

Baja California, Mexico; San Ramon River, La Purisima cliffs 

SUiMlocs 57 

Lower Miocene, Isidro Fm 

imperialis, Typhis (Typhina): Keen and Campbell Paratype 

Keen and Campbell, 1964, p. 46, fig. 4 

Off Tosa, Japan; approx. 200 m 

imperialis, Typhis (Typhina): Keen and Campbell Plastoholotype 

Keen and Campbell, 1964, p. 46, figs. 1-3 

Off Tosa, Japan; 200 m_ [holotype in Kyoto, Japan, private coll. of 

Mr. Akimbumi Teramachi |] 

incallida, Balcis (Vitreolina): Berry Paratype 

Berry, 1954b, p. 264 : 

San Pedro, Calif.; Hilltop quarry 

Lower Pleistocene, Lomita 

incompta, Coralliophila: Berry Holotype 

Berry, 1960, p. 119 

Gulf of California; Angel de la Guarda Island, 20 miles off Puerto 


indisputabilis, Alectrion mendicus: Oldroyd “Holotype” 

Oldroyd, I. S., 1927, pl. 26, fig. 4, no description. [= a variant of 

Alectrion mendicus, teste Keen, 1976] 

San Diego, Calif. 

inermis, Ashmunella tetrodon: Pilsbry and Ferriss Paratype 

Pilsbry and Ferriss, 1915b, p. 33 

Socorro Co., New Mexico; Mogollon Mts., Dry Creek Canyon 

infera, Turritella uvasana: Merriam Plastoholotype 

Merriam, 1941, p. 90, pl. 40, fig. 4 

Ventura Co., Calif.; Simi Valley, Las Llajas Canyon UCMP Joc. 


Eocene, Llajas Fm_ [holotype UCMP 33993] 

infima, Assiminea: Berry Holotype 

Berry, 1947a, p. 5, text fig. 1 

Inyo Co., Calif.; Death Valley, Badwater, elev. -279.6’ 

infima, Assiminea: Berry Paratypes 

Berry, 1947a, p. 5 

Inyo Co., Calif.; Death Valley, Badwater, elev. -279.6’ 

infirma, Baroginella: Laseron Paratypes 

Laseron, 1957, p. 305 

Torres Strait, Australia; Murray Island, 5-8 fms 

inglesi, Helminthoglypta: Berry Paratype 

Berry, 1938b, p. 43 

Kern Co., Calif.; Horse Meadows, trail to Sunday Peak 

insalli, Terebra (Triplostephanus): Bratcher and Burch 

Bratcher and Burch, 1967, p. 7 

Red Sea, coast of Israel; Eilat, Gulf of Aqaba (Akabar) 

iota, Turritella: Popenoe Plastoholotype 

Popenoe, 1937, p. 401, pl. 49, fig. 8 

Orange Co., Calif.; Corona sheet CIT loc. 984 

Cretaceous, Turonian [holotype UCLA 40673] 

isabella, Helminthoglypta: Berry Paratypes 

Berry, 1938b, p. 42 

Kern Co., Calif.; 2 miles E of Isabella 


















ischnon, Olivella: Keen Holotype 
Keen, 1943, p. 50, pl. 4, figs. 3, 4 

Kern Co., Calif.; Caliente Qd, near Barker’s Ranch, SE 1/4 Sec. 5, 
T 29 S,R29E_ SU loc. 2641 

Miocene, Temblor Fm, basal Round Mountain Silt or uppermost 
Olcese Sand 

ithea, Odostomia (Evalea): Oldroyd Paratype 
Oldroyd, T. S., 1924, p. 31 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; San Pedro, Nob Hill cut 

Pleistocene, lower San Pedro Fm 

jacksonensis, Lymnaea: Baker Paratypes 
Baker, 1907, p. 52 

Jackson Lake, Wyoming 

jacoquea, Turritella (?): Jenkins Plastosyntypes 
Jenkins, 1913, p. 451, pl. 20, fig. 7. Also ix Maury, 1934, p. 150, pl. 
14, fig. 4 [as Cerithium (?)] 

Brazil; Jacoca, 4 km SW of Ceara-Mirim, Rio Grande do Norte 
Eocene? or Upper Cretaceous 

jacquelinae, Terebra: Bratcher and Burch Paratype 
Bratcher and Burch, 1970b, pp. 2-5 

Galapagos; Santa Cruz Island, Academy Bay, ca. 10 fms 

jaegeri, Oreohelix handi: Berry Paratypes 
Berry, 1931c, p. 118 

Charleston Mts., Nevada; ridge W of Griffith’s Hotel, 7500’ elev. 
jaliscoensis, Calliclava: McLean and Poorman Paratype 
McLean and Poorman, 1917, p. 90 

Jalisco, Mexico; Tenacatita Bay, 19° 17’ N, 104° 50’ W, 20-40 fms 
janesburgensis, Turricula: Stanton Plastoholotype 
Stanton, 1920, p. 45, pl. 9, figs. 2a, 2b 

North Dakota; Cannonball River near Janesburg 

Cretaceous, Cannonball Fm_ [holotype USNM 32447] 

jaryensis, Doryssa transversa: Pilsbry Paratype 
Pilsbry in Baker, 1914, p. 649 

Rio Jary, Brazil; Sao Antonio da Cachoeira 

jayana, Cancellaria (Narona): Keen Holotype 
Keen, 1958a, p. 249, pl. 30, fig. 5. Also iz Keen, 1971, p. 651, fig. 1461 
Panama Bay; 1 mile off Canal entrance, 10 fms 

jayana, Cancellaria (Narona): Keen Paratype 
Keen, 1958a, p. 249 

Panama Bay; 1 mile off Canal entrance, 10 fms 

jekylli, Entodina: Baker Paratype 
Baker, 1914, p. 630 

Brazil; Camp 39, M. & M. R.R., 284 km above Porto Velho 

jordani, Buccinum: Hertlein Holotype 
Hertlein, 1925b, p. 41, pl. 3, fig. 3 

Montesano, Wash.; 8 miles up Sylvia Creek SU loc. 152 = NP 220 
Miocene, Montesano Fm 

judithae, Liocerithium: Keen Holotype 
Keen, 1971, p. 411, fig. 517 

Gulf of California; Angel de la Guarda Island 

jUliana, Turritella variata: Merriam Plastoholotype 
Merriam, 1941, p. 99, pl. 19, fig. 10 

Santa Ynez Mts., Calif.; San Julian Ranch UCMP loc. A-312 

Lower Oligocene, Gaviota Fm [holotype UCMP 33912] 

keaseyense, Epitonium (Boreoscala): Durham Holotype 
Durham, 1937, p. 498, pl. 57, fig. 17 

Ore.; 3/4 mile W of Strassel SU loc. NP 292 

Oligocene, Keasey Fm 


















keenae, “Alvania” (Willettia): Gordon Holotype 
Gordon, 1939, p. 31 

San Mateo Co., Calif.; Moss Beach, among boulders 

keenae, Ocenebra: Bormann Holotype 
Bormann, 1946, p. 40, pl. 4, fig. 17 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; White’s Point 

keenae, Ocenebra: Bormann Paratype 
Bormann, 1946, p. 40, pl. 4, fig. 18 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; White’s Point 

keenae, Rissoina: Smith and Gordon Paratype 
Smith and Gordon, 1948, p. 227 

Monterey Bay, Calif.; off Point Pinos, 5-15 fms 

keenae, Septa (Monoplex) parthenopea: Beu Paratype 
Beu, 1970, p. 233, pl. 2, figs. 6, 8 

Mazatlan, Mexico; taken by shrimp dredger 

keenae, Septa (Monoplex) parthenopea: Beu Paratype 
Beu, 1970, p. 233, pl. 2, fig. 9 

Sonora, Mexico; off Guaymas, taken by shrimp boats 

keenae, Septa (Monoplex) parthenopea: Beu Paratype 
Beu, 1970, p. 233, pl. 3, fig. 17 

Galapagos; Albemarle Island, Tagus Cove 

kincaidi, Turbonilla (Strioturbonilla): Bartsch Paratypes 
Bartsch, 1921, p. 33 

Puget Sound, Wash.; Dogfish Bay 

klamathensis, Lanx (Walkerola): Hannibal Holotype 
Hannibal, 1912b, p. 149, pl. 8, fig. 25a 

Upper Klamath Lake, Ore.; Government Irrigation Dam 
klamathensis, Lanx (Walkerola): Hannibal Paratype 
Hannibal, 1912b, p. 149, pl. 8, fig. 25b 

Upper Klamath Lake, Ore.; Government Irrigation Dam 
klamathensis, Worthenia: Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1927, p. 108, pl. 96, fig. 3 

Shasta Co., Calif.; N fork Squaw Creek, 3 miles N of Kellys Ranch 
Upper Triassic, Hosselkus Ls [holotype USNM 74161] 

knechti, Margarita optabilis: Arnold Paratypes 
Arnold, 1903, p. 332 

San Pedro, Calif. 

Pleistocene, lower San Pedro Fm 

kochi, Calliostoma dubium: Pallary Paratypes 
Pallary, 1902b, p. 26 

Tanger, Morocco [Tangier | 

kurodai, Bittium: Makiyama Paratype 
Makiyama, 1927, p. 66 

Japan; Honohasi, Shizuoka Prefecture 

Pliocene, Dainiti 

kurodai, Nassarius (Hinia): Makiyama Paratype 
Makiyama, 1927, p. 121 

Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan; Dainiti 

Pliocene, Dainiti 

lahondaensis, Chlorostoma stantoni: Arnold Holotype 
Arnold, 1908a, p. 388, pl. 36, fig. 2. Also in Arnold, 1909, illust. 2, 
fig. 63 

San Mateo Co., Calif.; Pescadero Creek just above mouth of Jones 
Gulch, 3 miles S of La Honda 

Upper Miocene, lower Purisima Fm [Pliocene] [Arnold’s specimen 












lahondaensis, Chlorostoma stantoni: Arnold Paratype 
Arnold, 1908a, p. 388 

San Mateo Co., Calif.; Pescadero Creek just above mouth of Jones 

Upper Miocene, lower Purisima Fm [Pliocene | 

lalage, Mitrella: Pilsbry and Lowe Paratypes 
Pilsbry and Lowe, 1932a, p. 70 

Mazatlan, Mexico 

lampada, Typhis (Talityphis): Keen Holotype 
Keen, 1943, p. 53, pl. 3, figs. 14, 19, 23 

Kern Co., Calif.; Caliente Qd, center SW 1/4 Sec. 6, T 29 S, R 30 E, 
in small gully SU loc. 2121 

Miocene, Temblor Fm, Round Mountain Silt 

lampada, Typhis (Talityphis): Keen Paratype 
Keen, 1943, p. 53 

Kern Co., Calif.; Caliente Qd, center SW 1/4 Sec. 6, T 29 S, R 30 E, 
in small gully SU loc. 2121 

Miocene, Temblor Fm, Round Mountain Silt 

lancides, Fisherola: Hannibal Holotype 
Hannibal, 1912b, p. 152, pl. 8, fig. 35a. Also ix Taylor and Smith, 
1971, fig. 34 

Snake River, Wash. 

lancides, Fisherola: Hannibal Paratype 

Hannibal, 1912b, p. 152 

Snake River, Wash. 

landesi, Ancistrolepis: Tegland Holotype 
Tegland, 1933, p. 132, pl. 13, fig. 2 

Puget Sound, Wash.; Bainbridge Island, beach between S side of 
entrance to Blakeley Harbor and Restoration Point SU loc. NP 103 
Upper Oligcecene, Blakeley Fm 

landesi, Tritiaria (Antillophos): Marks Paratypes 
Marks, 1951, p. 115 

SW Ecuador; Las Masas area, NE Progreso Basin 

Lower Miocene, Subibaja Fm 

langi, Homorus (Subulona): Pilsbry Paratypes 
Pilsbry, 1919, p. 115 

Zambi, Belgian Congo, Africa 

lawsoni, Pachychilus: Hannibal Holotype 
Hannibal, 1912b, p. 183, pl. 8, fig. 23. Also im Taylor and Smith, 
1971, figs. 43, 44 (as Lymnaea) 

Alameda Co., Calif.; Berkeley Hills, near Bald Peak 

Miocene, Contra Costa Lake beds 

lens, Teinostoma (Teinostoma?): Keen Holotype 
Keen, 1943, p. 51, pl. 4, figs. 7-9 

Kern Co., Calif.; Caliente Qd, in small gully near center SW 1/4 
Sec: 6) 2 29'S, R30) ‘SU lees 2121 

Miocene, Temblor Fm, Round Mountain Silt 

leonina, Monadenia fidelis: Berry Paratype 
Berry, 1937, p. 30 

Siskiyou Co., Calif.; Beaver Creek, 1 mile above mouth 

lepisma, Acmaea: Berry Holotype 
Berry, 1940b, p. 155, pl. 17, figs. 3, 4 

San Pedro, Calif.; Hilltop Quarry 

Lower Pleistocene 

lepisma, Acmaea: Berry Paratypes 
Berry, 1940b, p. 155 

San Pedro, Calif.; Hilltop Quarry 

Lower Pleistocene 
















BuLtetin 300 

leucocyma: Drillia: Dall Paratypes 
Dall, 1883, p. 328 

Key West, Fla. 

leucostephes, Hertleinella: Berry Holotype 
Berry, 1958b, p. 95. Illustrated iz Keen, 1971, p. 530, fig. 1023 left 

Baja California, Mexico; E side Cedros Island 

levis, Clivuloturris: Hickman Holotype 
Hickman, 1976a, p. 78-79, pl. 6, figs. 10, 11 

W. central Wash. SU loc. NP 50 

Oligocene, Lincoln Creek Fm 

levis, Clivuloturris: Hickman Paratype 
Hickman, 1976a, pp. 78-79, pl. 6, fig. 6 

W central Wash. SU loc. NP 50 

Oligocene, Lincoln Creek Fm 

levis, Clivuloturris: Hickman Paratype 
Hickman, 1976a, pp. 78-79 

W central Wash. SU loc. NP 50 

Oligocene, Lincoln Creek Fm 

lewisii, Gyrineum: Carson - Holotype 
Carson, 1926, p. 53, pl. 2, fig. 1. Also zm Smith, 1970, p. 504, pl. 47, 
fig. 8 [as Mediargo mediocris (Dall) ] 

Santa Barbara Co. Calif.; Santa Maria District, Fugler’s Point 

Lower Pliocene, Fernando Fm 

lewisii, Gyrineum: Carson Paratype 
Carson, 1926, p. 53, pl. 2, fig. 2. Also im Smith, 1970, p. 504, pl. 47, 
fig. 4 [as Mediargo mediocris (Dall) ] 

Santa Barbara Co., Calif.; Santa Maria District, Fugler’s Point 

Lower Pliocene, Fernando Fm 

limonitella, Drillia: Dall Paratypes 
Dall, 1884, p. 329 

Cedar Keys, Fla. 

listrota, Turritella: Woodring Paratype 
Woodring, 1959, p. 160 

Canal Zone; Barro Colorado Island 

Upper Oligocene, Bohio Fm 

lloydi, Turris: Stanton Plastoholotype 
Stanton, 1920, p. 45, pl. 8, fig. 16 

North Dakota; Cannonball River, 7 miles S of Leith 

Cretaceous, Cannonball Fm [holotype USNM 32445] 

loismartinae, Cylichna?: Keen Holotype 
Keen, 1943, p. 44, pl. 4, figs. 16, 18 

Kern Co., Calif.; Caliente Qd, near Kern River, center SW 1/4 Sec. 
6, T 29 S,R30E SU loc. 2121 

Miocene, Temblor Fm, Round Mountain Silt 

iombardii, Allogena: Smith Paratypes 
Smith, 1943, p. 545 

Idaho Co., Idaho; Meadow Creek, 1.5 miles S of Selway Falls 
lorenzana, Turritella: Wagner and Schilling Plastoholotype 
Wagner and Schilling, 1923, p. 257, pl. 50, fig. 11. Also in Merriam, 
1941, p. 99, pl. 19, fig. 12 

Kern Co., Calif.; near San Emigdio Canyon UCMP loc. 3217 
Oligocene, Pleito Fm [holotype UCMP 11424] 

louderbacki, Turris: Dickerson Plastosyntype 
Dickerson, 1914, p. 147, pl. 16, fig. 9b 

Contra Costa Co., Calif.; Mt. Diablo Qd, 1 mile S of Stewartville 
UCMP loc. 1540 

Eocene, Martinez Fm [syntype UCMP 11698] 


















lowei, Subulina: Pilsbry Paratypes 
Pilsbry, 1919, p. 141 

Africa; Belgian Congo 

lunaris, Lunaia: Berry Holotype 
Berry, 1964, p. 148. Illustrated iz Keen, 1971, p. 477, fig. 869 [as 
Natica (Lunaia) | 

Sonora, Mexico 

lycodus, Bulimulus (Naesiotus): Dall Paratypes 
Dall, 1917c, p. 379 

Galapagos; Indefatigable Island 

lyra, Scissurella: Berry Paratype 
Berry, 1947b, p. 268 

San Pedro, Calif.; near Second and Pacific Streets 

Lower Pleistocene, Lomita 

maccreadyi, Turritella: Waring Holotype 
Waring, 1914, p. 783. Illustrated iz Waring, 1917, p. 87, pl. 12, fig. 10 
Ventura Co., Calif.; Martinez area, Simi Hills, 3 miles NE of Simi 

Lower Eocene, Martinez Fm_ [Paleocene] 

maccreadyi, Turritella: Waring Paratype 
Waring, 1914, p. 783 

Ventura Co., Calif.; Martinez area, Simi Hills, 3 miles NE of Simi 

Lower Eocene, Martinez Fm_ [Paleocene] 

macfarlandi, Antiplanes: Berry Paratype 
Berry, 1947b, p. 262 

San Pedro, Calif.; Hilltop Quarry 

Pleistocene, Lomita Fm 

macgintyi, Murex: Smith Paratype 
Smith, 1938, p. 88 

Florida; Clewiston, Lake Okeechobee 


macleani, Coralliophila: Shasky Paratype 
Shasky, 1970, pp. 189-190 

Sonora, Mexico; Guaymas, Saladita Bay, 27° 53’ 15” N, 110° 59’ W, 
3-4 m on bases of white gorgonid sea whips 

macleani, Decipifus: Keen Paratypes 
Keen, 1971, p. 588 

Baja California del Norte, Mexico; Puertecitos, intertidal 

macra, Melanella (Balcis): Bartsch Paratypes 
Bartsch, 1917, p. 326 

Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada; Nanaimo, False Nar- 

macrospira, Hanetia: Berry Holotype 
Berry, 1957, p. 79. Illustrated iz Keen, 1971, p. 563, fig. 1121 (as 

Baja California, Mexico; about 8 miles N of San Felipe 

maculata, Oreohelix: Henderson Paratypes 
Henderson, 1921, p. 15 

Northern Wyoming; White Creek Canyon 

maesae, Maesiella: McLean and Poorman Paratype 
McLean and Poorman, 1971, pp. 101-102 

Sonora, Mexico; Guaymas, 1 mile S of Puerto San Carlos, 17 fms 
magazinensis, Polygyra edentata: Pilsbry and Ferriss Paratypes 
Pilsbry and Ferriss, 1907, p. 545 

Logan Co., Ark.; Magazine Mt. 

magister, Stagnicola palustris: Henderson ex Baker Ms Holotype 
Henderson, 1934b, pl. 14, fig. 1 left. Described iz Baker, 1934b, p. 17 
Modoc Co., Calif.; E shore Rhett (Tule) Lake 















BuLLeETIN 300 

magister, Stagnicola palustris: Henderson ex Baker MS Paratype 
Henderson, 1934b, pl. 14, fig. 1, right. Baker, 1934b, p. 17 

Modoc Co., Calif.; E shore, Rhett (Tule) Lake 

magna, Lirularia: Oldroyd Paratypes 
Oldroyd, T. S., 1924, p. 36 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; San Pedro, Nob Hill cut 

Pleistocene, lower San Pedro Fm 

mamillatum, Stephopoma: Morton and Keen Paratype 
Morton and Keen, 1960, p. 28, pl. 1, fig. 2 

West Africa, off Gorée, Senegal; 27 fms 

manca, Odostomia (Evalea): Oldroyd Paratypes 
Oldroyd, T. S., 1924, p. 32 

Los Angeles, Co., Calif.; San Pedro, Nob Hill cut 

Pleistocene, lower San Pedro Fm 

marchadi, Dendropoma: Keen and Morton Paratypes 
Keen and Morton, 1960, p. 37, pl. 2, fig. 3 

Senegal, West Africa; Gorée 

margaritana, Turritella: Nomland Plastoholotype 
Nomland, 1917b, p. 312, pl. 20, fig. 5. Also in Merriam, 1941, p. 120, 
pl. 34, fig. 10 

San Luis Obispo Co., Calif.; UCMP loc. 1706 

Upper Miocene, Santa Margarita Fm [holotype UCMP 11312] 
mariamadrae, Tegula mariana: Pilsbry and Lowe Paratypes 
Pilsbry and Lowe, 1932a, p. 85 

Gulf of California; Tres Marias Islands, Isla Maria Madre 
mariposa, Monadenia (Corynadenia) hillebrandi: Smith Paratype 
Smith, 1957, p. 24 

Mariposa Co., Calif.; McLean Cave 

mariposa, Turbonilla (Pyrgolampros): Keen Holotype 
Keen, 1943, p. 52, pl. 4, fig. 19 

Kern Co., Calif.; Caliente Qd, small gully near center SW 1/4 Sec. 
6, T 29S,R30E_ SU loc. 2121 

Miocene, Temblor Fm, Round Mountain Silt 

mariposa, Turbonilla (Pyrgolampros): Keen Paratype 
Keen, 1943, p. 52, pl. 4, fig. 25 

Kern Co., Calif.; Caliente Qd, small gully near center SW 1/4 Sec. 
60 2935S S0,E SUiloe: 2121 

Miocene, Temblor Fm, Round Mountain Silt 

markleyensis, Pseudoliva: Clark Paratype 
Clark, 1938, p. 710 

Napa Qd, Calif.; Brink Ranch, 2 miles S of Putah Creek 

Upper Eocene, Markley Fm 

marksi, Strombina: Hertlein and Strong Paratype 
Hertlein and Strong, 1951a, p. 84 

Gulf of California; near Arena Bank, 23° 29’ 30” N, 109° 25’ 30” W, 
45 fms 

marmarotis, Monadenia: Berry Paratypes 
Berry, 1940a, p. 3 

Siskiyou Co., Calif.; Marble Valley, near Ranger Station 

masasensis, Conus (Leptoconus): Marks Paratypes 
Marks, 1951, p. 139 

Guayas Province, Ecuador; near Las Masas 

Lower Miocene, Subibaja Fm 

mateoensis, Patella: Arnold Paratypes 
Arnold, 1908a, p. 362 

San Mateo Co., Calif.; ridge between San Lorenzo River and Pesca- 
dero Creek 

Eocene, Martinez Fm ? 

















mateoensis, Patella: Arnold Paratypes 
Arnold, 1908a, p. 362 

San Mateo Co., Calif.; ridge between San Lorenzo River and Pesca- 
dero Creek 

Eocene, Martinez Fm ? 

matthewsi, Ancilla: Burch and Burch Paratype 
Burch, J. Q., and Burch, R. L., 1967a, pp. 81-82 

Off Fortaleza, Ceara, Brazil; from digestive tract of toad fish 
Amphichthys cryptocentrus (Val., 1837) 

matthewsi, Marginella (Prunum): van Mol and Tursch Holotype 
van Mol and Tursch, 1967, pp. 196-197, fig. 1 

Off Fortaleza, Ceara, Brazil; from stomachs of fishes known locally 
as “pacamao”, 20 fms 

mauryi, Epitonium (Epitonium): Tursch and Pierret Holotype 
Tursch and Pierret, 1964, p. 36, fig. 5 

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; off Punta de Juatinga 23° 22’ S, 48° 28’ W, 
50 m 

mcleani, Calliostoma: Shasky and Campbell Holotype 
Shasky and Campbell, 1964, p. 117, pl. 22, figs. 21, 24. Also in Keen, 
1971, p. 334, fig. 86 

Sonora, Mexico; Guaymas, NW of Bahia Saladita, 2-15 m 

media, Holospira bilamellata: Pilsbry Paratypes 
Pilsbry, 1915, p. 339 

Hacheta Grande Mts., New Mexico; Sheridan Canyon 

medialis, Episcynia: Keen Holotype 
Keen, 1971, p. 381, fig. 352 

Guaymas, Mexico; off Cabo Haro, 18 m 

medjensis, Limicolaria laeta: Pilsbry Paratypes 
Pilsbry, 1919, p. 97 

Africa; Medje, Belgian Congo 

meganosensis, Turritella: Clark and Woodford  Plastoholotype 
Clark and Woodford, 1927, p. 119, pl. 21, fig. 2. Also im Merriam, 
1941, p. 75, pl. 8, fig. 3 

Contra Costa Co., Calif.; Mt. Diablo area UCMP loc. 3159 

Eocene, Meganos Fm_ [holotype UCMP 12445] 

melanopylon, Micrarionta (Eremarionta): Berry Paratypes 
Berry, 1930c, p. 187 

San Bernardino Co., Calif.; W side Black Canyon, 9 miles N of 

mendax, Ashmunella: Pilsbry and Ferriss Paratypes 
Pilsbry and Ferriss, 1917, p. 92 

New Mexico; Gallina Canyon, Black Range 

mendella, Tegula (Agathistoma): McLean Paratype 
McLean, 1964, p. 131 

San Diego Co., Calif.; Mission Bay, depths to 10’ 

mendozana, Hanetia: Berry Holotype 
Berry, 1959, p. 111 [= Solenosteira mendozana (Berry), fide Keen, 
1971, p. 563] 

Baja California, Mexico; Magdalena Bay, 10-25 fms 

mendozana, Strombina (Cotonopsis): Shasky Paratype 
Shasky, 1970, p. 194 

Gulf of Fonseca, El] Salvador; 15° 57’ N, 95° 32’ W, 33-73 m 

menzola, Odostomia (Amaura): Oldroyd Paratypes 
Oldroyd, T. S., 1924, p. 33 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; San Pedro, Nob Hill cut 

Pleistocene, lower San Pedro Fm 

















BuLLeETIN 300 

merriami, Drillia: Arnold Plastoholotype 
Arnold, 1903, p. 207, pl. 8, fig. 7 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; Deadman Island 

Pleistocene, lower San Pedro Fm [holotype USNM] 

mertensi, Leptinaria: Dall Paratype 
Dall, 1900a, p. 97 

Cocos Island, Costa Rica 

mexicana, Olivella boetica: Oldroyd Holotype 
Oldroyd, T. S., 1921b, p. 118, pl. 5, fig. 3. Also zz Oldroyd, I. S., 1927, 
pr 163" pl Z6,nics: ale Zilla 

Baja California, Mexico; Scammons Lagoon 

micrometalleus, Micrarionta (Eremarionta): Berry Paratypes 
Berry, 1930c, p. 189 

Kern Co., Calif.; 3.5 miles S of Petrified Forest, Elpaso Range 
micromphalus, Menetus?: Taylor Paratype 
Taylor, 1954, p. 74, pl. 20, figs. 7-9 

San Bernardino Co., Calif.; W end Barstow Hills in “Lake Bed 
Horizon’, canyon next S from Pirie Canyon, middle of SE 1/4 See. 
1 Seen eNE eRe VV. 

Upper Miocene, Barstow Fm ? 

micromphalus, Menetus?: Taylor Paratype 
Taylor, 1954, p. 74 

San Bernardino Co., Calif.; W end Barstow Hills, middle of SE 1/4 
Sec. 15, T 11 N, R2 W 

Upper Miocene, Barstow Fm ? [also = paratype of Planorbis mo- 
javensis Hannibal, 1912b, p. 157] 
millepalmarum, Micrarionta (Erenarionta): Berry Paratypes 

Berry, 1930b, p. 543, as mille-palmarum 

Riverside, Calif.; Thousand Palms 

milleri, Lucapinella: Berry Holotype 
Berry, 1959, p. 109 

Baja California, Mexico; Puertecitos 

milleri, Trigonostoma: Burch Paratype 
Burch, 1949, p. 3. Illustrated 72 Keen, 1971, p. 656, fig. 1480 

Costa Rica; Tambor, near Puntarenas 

millestriata, Holospira: Pilsbry and Ferriss Paratypes 
Pilsbry and Ferriss, 1915a, p. 380 

Dragoon Mts., Arizona 

mimeticum, Cerithium (Thericium): Woodring Paratypes 
Woodring, 1959, p. 171 

Panama Canal Zone; Barro Colorado Island 

Upper Oligocene, upper Bohio Fm 

miranda, Cyclostrema: Bartsch Paratypes 
Bartsch, 1911la, p. 230 

San Pedro, Calif. [Moore, 1969, pp. 169-170 points out that the 
locality is erroneous and that the specimens are Tornus subcarinatus 
(Montagu, 1803), a European taxon | 

mirimense, Cerithium (?): Jenkins Syntypes 
Jenkins, 1913, p. 450, pl. 20, fig. 8. Also iz Maury, 1934, p. 150, pl. 
14, fig. 3 

Rio Grande de Norte, Brazil; near Itapasaroca 

“RKocene”’ [specimens missing, 1936] 

miscowichi, Ocinebra: Pallary Paratype 
Pallary, 1906, p. 3 

Mogador, Morocco 

mitchelli, Acmaea striata: Oldroyd Paratypes 
Oldroyd, 1933, p. 205 

Philippine Islands; southern Luzon 














mitchelli, Nerita: Oldroyd Paratypes 

Oldroyd, I. S., 1933, p. 205 

Philippine Islands 

mitriformis, Arielia: Shasky Holotype 

Shasky, 1961, p. 20, pl. 4, figs. 7-9. Also in Keen, 1971, p. 741, fig. 

1769 (as Mitrolumna) 

Gulf of California; off Isla Espiritu Santo, 40-90 fms 

modoci, Fluminicola: Hannibal Holotype 

Hannibal, 1912b, p. 187, pl. 8, fig. 30. Also zz Taylor and Smith, 1971, 

figs. 16, 21 [as Lithoglyphus turbiniformis (Tryon, 1865) ] 

S end of Goose Lake, Calif.; Fletcher’s Spring 

modoci, Fluminicola: Hannibal Paratype 

Hannibal, 1912b, p. 187 

S end of Goose Lake, Calif.; Fletcher’s Spring 

mohaveana, Lymnaea: Taylor Holotype 

Taylor, 1954, p. 73, pl. 20, figs. 1, 2 

San Bernardino Co., Calif.; “Lake bed horizon” in canyon next S 

from Pirie Canyon, W end of Barstow Hills, middle of SE 1/4 Sec. 


Upper Miocene, Barstow Fm 

mohaveana, Lymnaea: Taylor Paratype 

Taylor, 1954, p. 73 

San Bernardino Co., Calif.; W end Barstow Hills, middle of SE 1/4 

Sec. 15, IT 11 N, R 2 W 

Upper Miocene, Barstow Fm 

mojavensis, Planorbis: Hannibal Paratype 

Hannibal, 1912b, p. 157 

San Bernardino Co., Calif.; near Barstow, Mojave Desert 

Upper Miocene, Barstow Fm [= paratype 8080 Menetus (?) microm- 

phalus Taylor, 1954] 

monotaenius, Bulimulus (Naesiotus) nux: Dall and Ochsner 

Dall and Ochsner, 1928, p. 157 

Galapagos; Charles Island 

montereyana, Turritella: Wiedey Syntype 

Wiedey, 1928, p. 123, pl. 21, fig. 2 

Monterey Co., Calif.; Bryson Qd, 1.5 miles S of San Antonio River 

SU loc. 447 

Middle Miocene, Monterey Fm 

montereyensis, Astraea inaequalis: Oldroyd Holotype 

Oldroyd, I. S., 1927, p. 165, pl. 108, figs. 5, 6 

Monterey, Calif. 

montereyensis, Odostomia (Chrysallida): Dall and Bartsch 

Dall and Bartsch, 1907, p. 516 

Monterey, Calif.; 12 fms 

montereyensis, Retusa (Sulcularia): Smith and Gordon Paratype 

Smith and Gordon, 1948, p. 217 

Monterey Bay, Calif.; off Del Monte, 8-15 fms 

morani, Astraea: Loel and Corey Holotype 

Loel and Corey, 1932, p. 271, pl. 64, figs. 6a, 6b 

San Luis Obispo Co., Calif.; Corral de Piedra Creek 

Lower Miocene, Vaqueros Fm 

morani, Zalophancylus: Hannibal Holotype 
See Chordata 
mousleyi, Melampus: Berry Holotype 

Berry, 1964, p. 152. Illustrated iz Keen, 1971, pp. 844-846, fig. 2399 
Sonora, Mexico; Cholla Cove, Bahia Adair, upper estero 

















Bu t.etin 300 

mucronata, Primovula: Azuma and Cate Paratype 

Azuma and Cate, 1971, p. 264 

Kirimeaski, Kii, Japan; 25 fms 

muirensis, Antiplanes: Clark and Arnold Holotype 

Clark and Arnold, 1923, p. 157, pl. 30, fig. 6 

Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada; Sooke, sea cliffs be- 

tween mouths of Muir and Coal Creeks, W of Otter Point SU loc. 

NP 129 

Oligocene, Sooke Fm 

muirensis, Antiplanes: Clark and Arnold Paratype 

Clark and Arnold, 1923, p. 157, pl. 30, fig. 4 

Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada; Sooke, sea cliffs be- 

tween mouths of Muir and Coal Creeks, W of Otter Point SU loc. 

NP 129 

Oligocene, Sooke Fm 

mularis, Holospira arizonensis: Pilsbry and Ferriss Paratypes 

Pilsbry and Ferriss, 1915a, p. 386 

Mule Mts., Arizona; Escabrosa Ridge 

mulleri, Turritella andersoni: Merriam Plastoholotype 

Merriam, 1941, p. 80, pl. 11, fig. 2 

Ventura Co., Calif.; 1.5 miles W of Vickers Hot Springs UCMP loc. 


Middle Eocene [holotype UCMP 15297] 

murrha, Agaronia: Berry Paratype 

Berry, 1953b, p. 417 

Corinto, Nicaragua 

mutata, Cerithidea: Pilsbry and Vanatta Syntypes 

Pilsbry and Vanatta, 1902, p. 558 

Galapagos; Albemarle Island, Tagus Cove 

mutator, Ashmunella tetrodon: Pilsbry and Ferriss Paratypes 

Pilsbry and Ferriss, 1915b, p. 31 

Socorro Co., New Mexico; Mogollon Mts., Dry Creek Canyon 

myrae, Nomaeopelta: Berry Holotype 

Berry, 1959, p. 109. Illustrated iz Keen, 1971, p. 327, fig. 56b 

Sinaloa, Mexico; Mazatlan, Las Gaviotas Beach 

myrae, Trivia (Pusula): Campbell Holotype 

Campbell, 1961b, p. 25, pl. 5, figs. 1-3. Also im Keen, 1971, p. 487, fig. 


Baja California, Mexico; off Loreto, 25 fms 

myrakeenae, Aspella (? Dermomurex): Emerson and D’Attilio 

Emerson and D’ Attilio, 1970, pp. 89-92 

Nayarit, Mexico; Banderas Bay, intertidal under rocks 22° 44’ N, 

105° 29’ W 

myrakeenae, Stephopoma: Olsson and McGinty Paratypes 

Olsson and McGinty, 1958, p. 35 

Panama; Atlantic coast, near Bocas del Toro 

nakamurai, Thais: Makiyama Paratype 

Makiyama, 1927, p. 128 

Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan; Dainiti 

Pliocene, Dainiti 

nakamurai, Uromitra: Makiyama Paratype 

Makiyama, 1927, p. 78 

Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan; Tennoyama 

Pliocene, Dainiti 

nanella, Marginella jewettii: Oldroyd Paratypes 

Oldroyd, T. S., 1924, p. 24 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; San Pedro, Nob Hill cut 

Pleistocene, lower San Pedro Fm 












nanus, Strombus raninus: Bales Paratypes 
Bales, 1942, p. 19 

Lake Worth, Fla. 

natalensis, Turritella: Jenkins Syntypes 
Jenkins, 1913, p. 451, pl. 20, figs. 6, 6a 

Brazil; Rio Grande do Norte, near Itapasaroca 

Eocene? [Cretaceous, fide Maury, 1934, pp. 126, 143] 

natlandi, Hemitoma: Durham Plastoholotype 
Durham, 1950, p. 132, pl. 28, figs. 7, 8 

Gulf of California; Coronado Island UCMP loc. A-3548 

Pleistocene [holotype UCMP 30474] 

nelsonensis, Patella (?): Trechmann Paratype 
Trechmann, 1918, p. 185 

New Zealand; Nelson District, Eighty-Eight Valley 

Triassic, Kaihiku 

neopleura, Turritella uvasana: Merriam Plastoholotype 
Merriam, 1941, p. 93, pl. 15, fig. 6 

Kern Co., Calif.; Tejon Qd, Liveoak Canyon UCMP loc. 7182 

Eocene, Tejon Fm_ [holotype UCMP 33873 | 

nepos, Helix intercisa: Hemphill Paratypes 
Hemphill, 1891, p. 330 

San Clemente Island, Calif. 

nevadensis, Oreohelix: Berry Paratypes 
Berry, 1932, p. 60 

White Pine Co., Nevada; Shell Creek Mts., Cleve Creek, elev. 8100’ 
nevadensis, Parapholyx effusa: Henderson Holotype 
Henderson, 1934a, p. 91, pl. 9, fig. 6, second from left 

Winnemucca Lake, Nevada 

nevadensis, Parapholyx effusa: Henderson Paratypes 
Henderson, 1934a, p. 91, pl. 9, fig. 6 except second from left 
Winnemucca Lake, Nevada 

newcombei, Cerithidea: Clark and Arnold Holotype 
Clark and Arnold, 1923, p. 163, pl. 31, figs. 4a, 4b 

Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada; sea cliffs between 
mouths of Muir and Coal Creeks, W of Sooke SU loc. NP 129 
Oligocene, Sooke Fm 

newcombei, Cerithidea: Clark and Arnold Paratype 
Clark and Arnold, 1923, p. 163, pl. 31, fig. 5 

Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada; sea cliffs between 
mouths of Muir and Coal Creeks, W of Sooke SU loc. NP 129 
Oligocene, Sooke Fm 

newcombiana, Paludinella: Hemphill Syntypes 
Hemphill, 1876, p. 49 

Humboldt Bay, Calif. 

newhallensis, Cancellaria: Carson Holotype 
Carson, 1926, p. 56, pl. 3, fig. 3 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; Elsmere Canyon 

Lower Pliocene 

newsomi, Pleurotoma: Arnold Plastoholotype 
Arnold, 1908a, p. 368, pl. 33, fig. 2 

Santa Cruz Co., Calif.; Boulder Creek, 2.25 miles N of Eagle Rock 
Oligocene, San Lorenzo Fm [holotype USNM] 

‘ninfae, Terebra (Strioterebrum): Campbell Paratype 

Campbell, 1961b, p. 27 

Chiapas, Mexico; about 30 miles N of Guatemalan border 
nipponensis, Cylichna: Nomura and Hatai Paratype 
Nomura and Hatai, 1940, p. 72 

Aomori-Ken, NE Honsyu, Japan; off Kyuroku-Shima 















nipponensis, Siphonochelus (Siphonochelus): Keen and Campbell 

Keen and Campbell, 1964, p. 50, pl. 10, fig. 25 

Off Tosa, Japan, 200+ m_ [holotype in Kyoto, Japan, private collec- 

tion of Mr. Akibumi Teramachi] 

nipponensis, Siphonochelus (Siphonochelus): Keen and Campbell] 

Keen and Campbell, 1964, p. 50 
Off Tosa, Japan; 200+ m 
nodosus, Vermetus: Oldroyd Holotype 
See Pelecypoda 
nova, Turritella: Nomland Plastoholotype 

Nomland, 1916b, p. 208, pl. 11, fig. 3. Also zz Merriam, 1941, p. 119, 
pl. 34, fig. 7 (as Turritella cooperi nova) 

Fresno Co., Calif.; Waltham Canyon UCMP loc. 2533 

Pliocene, Jacalitos Fm [holotype UCMP 12060] 

obscura, Oreohelix cooperi: Henderson Paratypes 
Henderson, 1918, p. 46 

White Creek Canyon, Wyoming : 

obstipa, Balcis (Vitreolina): Berry Paratype 
Berry, 1954b, p. 262 

San Pedro, Calif.; Hilltop Quarry 

Lower Pleistocene, Lomita Fm. 

occidentalis, Eulimella: Hemphill Paratypes 
Hemphill, 1894, p. 395 

San Diego, Calif. 

occidentalis, Limnaea stagnalis: Hemphill Paratypes 
Hemphill, 1890, p. 26 

Whatcom Co., Wash.; Whatcom Lake, Bellingham 

ochromphalus, Monadenia fidelis: Berry Paratypes 
Berry, 1937, p. 28 

Siskiyou Co., Calif.; Etna Creek, 2.5 miles above Etna 

ochsneri, Helicina (Idesa): Dall Paratypes 
Dall, 1917c, p. 382 

Galapagos; Albemarle Island, Cowley Mt. 

ocoyana, Turritella: Conrad Plastoneotype 
Conrad, 1855, p. 329, pl. 8, figs. 73a, 73b. Neotype designated by 
Merriam, 1941, p. 112, pl. 29, fig. 5 

Kern Co., Calif.; Poso Creek, Kern River region UCMP loc. 2713 
Middle Miocene, Temblor Fm [neotype UCMP 31641] 

oeciscus, Hemisinus (Longiverena): Woodring Paratype 
Woodring, 1959, p. 157 

Panama Canal Zone; Barro Colorado Island 

Upper Oligocene, upper Bohio Fm 

oldroydae, Chilina: Marshall Paratype 
Marshall, 1924, p. 4 

Chubut Province, Argentina; Lake Fetalafquen, Andes 

oldroydae, Diastoma: Bartsch Paratype 
Bartsch, 1911b, p. 583 

San Pedro, Calif. 

oldroydi, Acteocina: Dall Paratypes 
Dall, 1925, p. 25 

Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada; Nanaimo, Departure 

oldroydi, Acteocina: Dall Paratype 
Dall, 1925, p. 25. Also in Oldroyd, 1927, p. 28, pl. 2, fig. 4 

Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada; Nanaimo, Departure 

















oldroydi, Coralliophila: Oldroyd Holotype 
Oldroyd, I. S., 1929, p. 98, pl. 5, figs. 1, 2. Also iz McLean, 1969, p. 
44, fig. 23.4 (as Latiaxis) 

Catalina Island, Calif.; off Isthmus, Bird Rock 

oldroydi, Coralliophila: Oldroyd Paratype 
Oldroyd, I. S., 1929, p. 98, pl. 5, fig. 4 

Catalina Island, Calif.; off Isthmus, Bird Rock 

oldroydi, Coralliophila: Oldroyd Paratype 
Oldroyd, I. S., 1929, p. 98, pl. 5, fig. 3 [not fig. 4 as stated] 

Galapagos; Indefatigable Island 

oldroydi, Mangilia: Arnold Holotype 
Arnold, 1903, p. 213, pl. 6, fig. 16 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; Deadman Island 

Pleistocene, lower San Pedro Fm 

oldroydi, Melanella (Melanella): Bartsch Paratypes 
Bartsch, 1917, p. 309 

San Pedro, Calif. 

oldroydia, Cancellaria: Carson Holotype 
Carson, 1926, p. 51, pl. 1, fig. 5 

San Mateo Co., Calif.; near mouth of Purisima Creek 

oldroydii, Sigaretus: Dall Holotype 
Dall, 1897c, p. 85. Illustrated zz Dall, 1921, pl. 14, figs. 1, 3 (as 
Eunaticina). Also in Oldroyd, I. S., 1927, pl. 92, figs. 11, 1la 

Off Catalina Island, Calif.; in deep water 

olequaensis, Ambloxus: Hannibal Holotype 
Hannibal, 1912b, p. 178, pl. 8, fig. 27. Also in Taylor and Smith, 1971, 
figs. 22, 23 (as Juga) 

Wash.; Olequa Creek, 2 miles N of Little Falls 

Eocene [Late Eocene, Cowlitz Fm, fide Taylor and Smith, 1971, p. 

olivacea, Chilina: Marshall Paratypes 
Marshall, 1924, p. 4 

Chubut, Argentina; 43° 20’ S, 71° 30’ W, Rio Corcovado 
olympicensis, Perse: Durham Paratype 
Durham, 1944, p. 174 

Jeferson Co., Wash.; Point Nill, Port Discovery SU loc. NP 151 
Lower Oligocene, Quimper Ss 

olympicensis, Turritella: Durham Plastoholotype 
Durham, 1944, p. 163, pl. 17, fig. 1 

Jefferson Co., Wash.; UCMP loc. A-3702 

Lower Oligocene, Quimper Ss_ [holotype UCMP 35318] 

onealensis, Cerithiopsis: Bartsch Paratypes 
Bartsch, 1921, p. 35 

Puget Sound, Wash.; off O’Neal Island, 20 fms 

onoyamai, Bittium: Oinomikado and Ikebe Paratypes 
Oinomikado and Ikebe, 1939, p. 105 

Toyama Prefecture, Japan; Tagawa, Konade-mura, Nishi Tonami- 

Upper Pliocene, Tagawa beds 

oregonensis, Comitas (Boreocomitas): Hickman Paratype 
Hickman, 1976, p. 43, pl. 2, fig. 14 

Ore. SU loc. H 40 

Oligocene, Keasey Fm, upper mbr 

oria, Polygyra columbiana: Berry Paratypes 
Berry, 1933, p. 15 

Eldorado Co., Calif.; § fork American River Canyon near Riverton 


















BuLteTIin 300 

orina, Helminthoglypta: Berry Paratypes 
Berry, 1938b, p. 41 

Kern Co., Calif.; near summit of Breckinridge Mt. 

orotis, Vitrea: Berry Paratype 
Berry, 1930a, p. 113 

San Diego Co., Calif.; Palomar Mts., E of Palomar P.O., 5000’ elev. 
orthosymmetra, Turritella: Berry Paratype 
Berry, 1953b, p. 412 

Santa Catalina Island, Calif.; off Pebbly Beach, 50 fms 

osborni, Aesopus: Hertlein and Strong Paratypes 
Hertlein and Strong, 1951a, p. 83 

Off Port Guatulco, Mexico; 15° 44’ 28” N, 96° 07’ 51” W, 7 fms 

ossa, Turritella: Popenoe Plastoholotype 
Popenoe, 1937, p. 401, pl. 49, fig. 6 

Santa Ana Mts., Calif.; CIT loc. 1066 

Cretaceous, Campanian [holotype UCLA 40674] 

ovuliformis, Pedicularia californica: Berry Holotype 
Berry, 1946c, p. 3, fig. 1 

Santa Catalina Island, Calif.; Farnsworth Bank, 42 m 

ovuliformis, Pedicularia californica: Berry Paratype 
Berry, 1946c, p. 3 

Santa Catalina Island, Calif.; Farnsworth Bank, 42 m 

oweni, Haliotis corrugata: Talmadge Paratype 
Talmadge, 1966, p. 1 

Guadalupe Island, off Baja California, Mexico; 20’ 

ozarkensis, Omphalina fuliginosa: Pilsbry and Ferriss Paratypes 
Pilsbry and Ferriss, 1907, p. 562 

Logan Co., Ark.; Petit Jean Mts. 

pachyostracon, Craterarion: Taylor Holotype 
Taylor, 1954, p. 75, pl. 20, figs. 18-20 

San Bernardino Co., Calif.; canyon S of Pirie Canyon, SE 1/4 Sec. 

Upper Miocene, Barstow Fm 

pachyostracon, Craterarion: Taylor Paratypes 
Taylor, 1954, p. 75 

San Bernardino Co., Calif.; canyon S of Pirie Canyon, SE 1/4 Sec. 

Upper Miocene, Barstow Fin 

packardi,.,Ampullina: Popenoe Plastoholotype 
Popenoe, 1937, p. 399, pl. 49, figs. 4, 5 

Santa Ana Mts., Calif.; CIT loc. 1054 

Cretaceous, Campanian [holotype UCLA 40667] 

packardi, Turritella: Merriam Plastoholotype 
Merriam, 1941, p. 66, pl. 3, fig. 6 

Orange Co., Calif.; Santa Ana Mts. UCMP loc. A-810 

Upper Cretaceous, “Chico” Fm _ [holotype UCMP 15362] 

palmeri, Cancellaria: Carson Holotype 
Carson, 1926, p. 55, pl. 2, fig. 4 

Santa Cruz Co., Calif.; bluffs above beach E of hotel at Capitola 
Lower Pliocene, Purisima Fm 

Paparyensis, Segmentina: Baker Paratype 
Baker, Fred, 1914, p. 662 

Brazil; mouth of main affluent of Papary Lake 

pareximia, Actaeopyramis: Nomura Paratypes 
Nomura, 1936, p. 19 

NE Honsyu, Japan; Siogama Bay 

















parkeri, Turritella: McLean Paratypes 
McLean, 1970c, p. 127 

Baja California, Mexico; Bahia de la Paz, W of Espiritu Santo 
Island, 24° 24.3’ - 24° 25.6’ N, 

110° 23.7’ - 110° 25.5’ W, 45-65 fms 

parthenia, Pleuroliria: Berry Holotype 
Berry, 1957, p. 81. Illustrated in Keen, 1958b, p. 477, fig. 912 

Gulf of Nicoya, Costa Rica; off Isla Tortugas, 10 fms 

parva, Olivella biplicata: Oldroyd Holotype 
Oldroyd, T. S., 1921, p. 119, pl. 5, fig. 7 

Baja California, Mexico; Point Abreojos 

Patella n. sp. b: Arnold Syntypes 
Arnold, 1908a, p. 362 

San Mateo Co., Calif.; ridge between San Lorenzo River and Pesca- 
dero Creek 

Eocene, Martinez Fm ? 

paucilirata, Siphonalia: Makiyama Paratype 
Makiyama, 1941, p. 88 

Chiba-ken, Japan; coast at Sasage 

Lower Pleistocene, Kanozan Fm 

pecora, Turbonilla (Strioturbonilla): Oldroyd Paratypes 
Oldroyd, T. S., 1924, p. 24 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; San Pedro, Nob Hill cut 

Pleistocene, lower San Pablo Fm 

pedroensis, Acteocina: Oldroyd Paratypes 
Oldroyd, T. S., 1924, p. 23 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; San Pedro, Nob Hill cut 

Pleistocene, lower San Pedro Fm 

pedroensis, Turritella: Applin Plastoholotype 
Applin MS in Merriam, 1941, p. 121, pl. 35, fig. 5 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; Timms Point, San Pedro UCMP loc. 7102 
Pleistocene [holotype UCMP 15236] 

pembertoni, Ataphrus: Hall and Ambrose Holotype 
Hall and Ambrose, 1916, p. 70. Illustrated in Wiedey, 1929b, pl. 1, 
fig. 7 

Alameda Co., Calif.; Tesla Qd, Jordan Ranch, Arroyo del Valle 

Upper Cretaceous, lower Chico Fm 

peninsularis, Melanella (Balcis): Bartsch Paratypes 

Bartsch, 1917, p. 320 

Baja California, Mexico; San Hipolite Point and Pt. Abreojos 

pentedesmium, Cirsotrema: Berry Holotype 

Berry, 1963, p. 143. Illustrated in Keen, 1971, p. 428, fig. 634 left 

[as Epitonium (Cirsotrema) vulpinum (Hinds, 1844) ] 

Guaymas, Mexico; San Carlos, 15-30 fms 

pequenita, Strombina: Marks Paratype 

Marks, 1951, p. 111 

SW Ecuador; Zacachun corehole, 80-90’ 

Lower Miocene, upper Subibaja Fm 

perangulatus, Murex: Nomland Plastoholotype 

Nomland, 1916b, p. 206, pl. 11, figs. 1a, 1b 

Fresno Co., Calif.; Coalinga-Priest Valley Road 

Lower Pliocene [holotype UCMP 10257] 

perata, Nassarina (Cigclirina): Keen Paratype 

Keen, 1971, p. 594, fig. 1248 

Chiapas, Mexico; Puerto Videra, 37-45 m 

perchloris, Bulimulus (Naesiotus) nux: Dall and Ochsner 

Dall and Ochsner, 1928, p. 156 

Galapagos; Charles Island 















BuL.etin 300 

percostata, Polygyra dorfeuilliana: Pilsbry Paratypes 
Pilsbry, 1899b, p. 37 

Arkansas; Red River, near Texarkana 

pericallum, Bittium: Woodring Paratype 
Woodring, 1959, p. 179 

Panama Canal Zone; Mount Hope Cemetery area 

Middle Miocene, upper Gatun Fm 

perissolaxoides, Pleurotoma: Arnold Paratype 
Arnold, 1908a, p. 368 

Santa Cruz Co., Calif.; San Lorenzo River, 3.75 miles above Boulder 

Oligocene, San Lorenzo Fm 

perplexa, Aspella: Keen Holotype 
Keen, 1958a, p. 248, pl. 30, fig. 11. Also im Keen, 1971, p. 527, fig. 
1014 left [as Aspella (Dermomurex) indentata (Carpenter, 1857) ] 
Perlas Islands, Panama 

perrini, Acanthina: Trask Holotype 
Trask, 1922, p. 157, pl. 8, figs. 1a, 1b 

6 miles S of Livermore, Calif. 

Miocene, Briones Fm 

perrini, Acanthina: Trask Paratype 
sirask 92250 poe 517, 

6 miles S of Livermore, Calif. 

Miocene, Briones Fm 

perrini, Cancellaria: Carson Holotype 
Carson, 1926, p. 56, pl. 3, fig. 4 

Santa Barbara Co., Calif.; Santa Maria District, Fugler’s Point 

Lower Pliocene, Fernando Fm 

perrini, Cancellaria: Carson Paratype 
Carson, 1926, p. 56 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; Elsmere Canyon 

Lower Pliocene, Fernando Fm 

perrini, Cancellaria: Carson Paratype 
Carson, 1926, p. 56 

Santa Barbara Co., Calif.; Santa Maria District, Fugler’s Point 

Lower Pliocene, Fernando Fm 

perrini, Fissurella: Arnold Paratype 
Arnold, 1908a, p. 362 

San Mateo Co., Calif.; ridge between headwaters of San Lorenzo 
River and Pescadero Creek, Santa Cruz Qd_ SU loc. 2694 

“Eocene, Martinez Fm” 

perrini, Rapana: Clark and Arnold Holotype 
Clark and Arnold, 1923, p. 161, pl. 31, fig. 7 

Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada; sea cliffs between 
mouths of Muir and Coal Creeks, W of Otter Point, Sooke SU loc. 
NP 129 

Oligocene, Sooke Fm 

perrini, Turritella chicoensis: Merriam Plastoholotype 
Merriam, 1941, p. 66, pl. 2, fig. 3 

Corona Qd, Calif.; near Santiago Canyon UCMP loc. 2154 

Upper Cretaceous, “Chico” Fm_ [holotype UCMP 15366] 

perrus, Bulimulus (Naesiotus): Dall Paratypes 
Dall, 1917c, p. 376 

Galapagos; Narborough Island, 2000-4500’ elev. 

personatum, Crucibulum: Keen Holotype 
Keen, 1958a, p. 247, pl. 30, figs. 6, 8. Also in Keen, 1971, p. 463, fig. 

Pacific coast of Panama 
















personatum, Crucibulum: Keen Paratype 
Keen, 1958a, p. 247, pl. 30, fig. 7 

Pacific coast of Panama 

pertumida, Turritella inezana: Wiedey Paratype 
Wiedey, 1928, p. 119, pl. 12, fig. 6 

San Luis Obispo Co., Calif.; Canal de Pietro, or Corral de Piedra, 
5 miles E of San Luis Obispo 

Miocene, Vaqueros Fm [= hypotype 418, Turritella inezana Waring, 
1915, fig. 28] 

pervulgata, Turritella inezana: Merriam Plastoholotype 
Merriam, 1941, p. 108, pl. 25, fig. 11 

Ventura Co., Calif.; Ojai Valley UCMP loc. A-330 

Lower Miocene, Vaqueros Fm_ [holotype UCMP 31686] 

pescaderoensis, Turritella: Arnold Holotype 
Arnold, 1908a, p. 358, pl. 31, fig. 7. Also in Merriam, 1941, p. 66, pl. 
Ze hige 5 

San Mateo Co., Calif.; 2.5 miles N of Bolsa Point, 1 mile S of Arroyo 

de los Frijoles 

Upper Cretaceous, Chico Fm 

pescaderoensis, Turritella: Arnold Paratype 

Arnold, 1908a, p. 358 

San Mateo Co., Calif.; 2.5 miles N of Bolsa Point, 1 mile S of Arroyo 

de los Frijoles 

Upper Cretaceous, Chico Fm 

petrothauma, Astraea (Pomaulax): Berry Paratype 

Berry, 1940b, p. 156 

San Pedro, Calif.; Hilltop Quarry 

Lower Pleistocene 

Phlegonis, Bulimulus (Naesiotus) ustulatus: Dall and Ochsner 

Dall and Ochsner, 1928, p. 160 

Galapagos; Charles Island, 1650’ elev. 

physispira, Brannerillus: Hannibal Holotype 

Hannibal, 1912b, p. 191, pl. 8, fig. 28. Also in Taylor and Smith, 

1971, figs. 49, 53 

Kettleman Hills, Calif.; gulch S of Medallion One Canyon, E flank of 


Pliocene [Upper Pliocene, Tulare Fm, basal part, fide Taylor and 

Smith, 1971, p. 313] 

picta, Cochliopa: Pilsbry Paratypes 

Pilsbry, 1910, p. 100 

San Luis Potosi, Mexico; Coy River, near Tampamolon 

picta, Tegula (Agathistoma): McLean Paratype 

McLean, 1970c, p. 121-122 

W of Manta, Ecuador; 0° 56’ 43” S, 80° 44’ 43” W, on exposed reef 

at low tide R/V Velero III Sta. 403-35 

pilsbryi, Oreohelix: Ferriss Paratypes 

Ferriss, 1917, p. 102 

Black Range, New Mexico; Chloride (Mineral Creek) 

plectatus, Ficus: Waring Holotype 

Waring, 1917, p. 83, pl. 12, fig. 8 

Ventura Co., Calif.; Martinez area, Simi Hills 

Lower Eocene, Martinez Fm_ [Paleocene] 

pleistocenensis, Eupleura muriciformis: Arnold Holotype 

Arnold, 1903, p. 249, pl. 9, fig. 16 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; San Pedro, lumber yard 

Pleistocene, upper San Pedro Fm 

portolaensis, Fusus: Arnold Paratype 

Arnold, 1908a, p. 385. Illustrated zz Arnold, 1909, Illust. 2, fig. 68 

San Mateo Co., Calif.; 1/2 mile SW of Portola on Sausal Creek 

Upper Miocene, Purisima Fm [Arnold’s specimen 1080] 


















BuLLeETIN 300 

praecursor, Columbella solidula: Arnold Plastoholotype 

Arnold, 1903, p. 236, pl. 10, fig. 4 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; San Pedro, lumber yard 

Pleistocene, upper San Pedro Fm _ [holotype USNM] 

precursor, Typhis (Talityphis): Keen and Campbell 

Keen and Campbell, 1964, p. 49, pl. 9, figs. 14, 18 

Atlantico, Colombia; 6 km W of Puerto Columbia UC loc. S-8012 

Upper Oligocene, Las Perdices Shale [Holotype UCMP No. 15083] 

predistortus, Cantharus (Triumphis): Marks Paratype 

Marks, 1951, p. 117 

SW Ecuador; Daule Basin 

Middle Miocene, Daule Fm 

profundorum, Oreohelix yavapai: Pilsbry and Ferriss Paratypes 

Pilsbry and Ferriss, 1911, p. 182 

Grand Canyon, Arizona; Specimen Cove, Bass Trail 

pronotis, Monadenia fidelis: Berry Paratypes 

Berry, 1931la, p. 122 

Del Norte Co., Calif.; Point St. George, near Crescent City 

protera, Hanetia dalli: Woodring ’  Paratypes 

Woodring, 1964, p. 257 

Panama; Transisthmian Highway, 9° 21’ + 335 m N, 79° 49° W 

SU loc. 2611 = USGS loc. 16912 

Middle Miocene, Gatun Fm, lower part 

pterocladica, Tricolia affinis: Robertson Paratypes 

Robertson, 1958, p. 264 

Boynton Beach, Fla. 

puertoricensis, Typhis (Talityphis): Warmke Holotype 

Warmke, 1964, p. 1, pl. 1, figs. 3, 4 

Puerto Rico; off Punta Cadena, N of Mayaguez, 33 fms 

punctocostata, Puncturella: Berry Holotype 

Berry, 1947b, p. 265, pl. 26, figs. 7-9 

San Pedro, Calif.; near Second and Pacific Streets 

Lower Pleistocene, Lomita Fm 

punctocostata, Puncturella: Berry Paratype 

Berry, 1947b, p. 265 

San Pedro, Calif.; near Second and Pacific Streets 

Lower Pleistocene, Lomita Fm 

punctulum, Mistostigma: Berry Holotype 

Berry, 1947b, p. 264, pl. 27, fig. 5 

Santa Barbara, Calif.; Bath House Cliff 

Upper Pliocene, Santa Barbara Fm 

punctulum, Mistostigma: Berry Paratype 

Berry, 1947b, p. 264 

Santa Barbara, Calif.; Bath House Cliff 

Upper Pliocene, Santa Barbara Fm 

pusilla, Diodora: Berry Holotype 

Berry, 1959, p. 109. Illustrated im Keen, 1971, p. 316, fig. 22 

Guerrero, Mexico; off Acapulco, 6-10 fms 

pycna, Olivella: Berry Holotype 

Berry, 1935, p. 262, fig. 1 

Marin Co., Calif.; Bolinas Bay, 3-4 fms 

pycna, Olivella: Berry Paratype 

Berry, 1935, p. 262 

Marin Co.. Calif.; Bolinas Bay, 3-4 fms 

quadrangulata, Nerita: Weaver and Kleinpell Holotype 

Weaver and Kleinpell, 1963, p. 183, pl. 23, fig. 1 

Santa Barbara Co., Calif.; N of Gaviota Pass UCMP loc. B-6962 

Eocene-Oligocene, Refugian stage, Gaviota Fm 
















quadrangulata, Nerita: Weaver and Kleinpell Paratypes 
Weaver and Kleinpell, 1963, p. 183 

Santa Barbara Co., Calif.; N of Gaviota Pass UCMP loc. B-6962 
Eocene-Oligocene, Refugian stage, Gaviota Fm 

quimperensis, Perse olympicensis: Durham Paratype 
Durham, 1944, p. 175, pl. 16, fig. 6 

Jefferson Co., Wash.; Point Nill, Port Discovery SU loc. NP 151 
Oligocene, Quimper Ss 

ralphi, Puncturella: Berry Holotype 
Berry, 1947b, p. 267, pl. 26, figs. 4-6 

San Pedro, Calif.; near Second and Pacific Streets 

Pleistocene, Lomita Fm 

redondoensis, Pseudomelatoma semiinflata: Burch Paratype 
Burchh ays) 1938, p. 21 

Redondo Beach, Calif.; 25 fms 

refulleri, Epitonium (Boreoscale) condoni: Durham Holotype 
Durham, 1937, p. 497, pl. 57. fig. 3 

Washington-Columbia Co., line, Nehalem River, near Vernonia, Ore. 
SU loc. NP 1 

Oligocene, Keasey Fm 

regina, Doryssa rex: Pilsbry Paratype 
Pilsbry in Baker, Fred, 1914, p. 651 

Rio Jary, Brazil; Sao Antonio do Cachoeira 

rejecta, Oliva: Burch and Burch Paratype 
Burch and Burch, 1962, p. 166 

Baja California, Mexico; La Paz, on tide flats 

renaudi, Drillia: Arnold Plastoholotype 
Arnold, 1903, p. 208, pl. 8, fig. 5 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; Deadman Island 

Pleistocene, lower San Pedro Fm_ [holotype USNM] 

renodata, Turritella pachecoensis: Merriam Plastoholotype 
Merriam, 1941, p. 69, pl. 4, fig. 8 

Simi Valley, Calif.; SE 1/4 Sec. 23, T 2 N, R 18 W UCMP loc. 

Paleocene, Martinez Fm [holotype UCMP 15315] 

reticulata, Pseudoliva: Waring Holotype 
Waring, 1914, p. 783. Also in Waring, 1917, p. 86, pl. 12, fig. 4 (as 
Pseudoliva howardi Dickerson) 

Ventura Co., Calif.; Martinez area of Simi Hills 

Lower Eocene, Martinez Fm_ [Paleocene ] 

reversa, Turritella: Waring Holotype 
Waring, 1917, p. 88, pl. 12, fig. 15. Also i2 Merriam, 1941, p. 74, 
DG Ay artes, 7 

Ventura Co., Calif.; Calabasas sheet, Simi Hills 

Eocene, Martinez Fm _ [Paleocene] 

rex, Galeodea: Tegland Paratype 
Tegland, 1931, p. 413, pl. 62, figs. 2, 3 

Bainbridge Island, Wash.; Puget Sound, beach between S side of 
entrance to Blakeley Harbor and Restoration Point SU loc. NP 103 
Oligocene, Blakeley Fm 

rex, Galeodea: Tegland Paratype 
Tegland, 1931, p. 413, pl. 62, fig. 5 

Bainbridge Island, Wash.; Puget Sound, beach between S side of 
entrance to Blakeley Harbor and Restoration Point SU loc. NP 103 
Oligocene, Blakeley Fm 

rex, Galeodea: Tegland Paratype 
Tegland, 1931, p. 413, pl. 62, fig. 4 

Bainbridge Island, Wash.; Puget Sound, beach between S side of 
entrance to Blakeley Harbor and Restoration Point SU loc. NP 103 
Oligocene, Blakeley Fm 



















rhodacme, Achatina schweinfurthi: Pilsbry Paratype 

Pilsbry, 1919, p. 74 

Africa; Stanleyville, Belgian Congo 

rhytodes, Turritella gatunensis: Woodring Paratypes 

Woodring, 1957, p. 109 

Canal Zone; W side Rio Chagres, NW of Gatun Dam 

Miocene, middle Gatun Fm 

ritteri, Anachis: Hertlein and Strong Paratypes 

Hertlein and Strong, 1951a, p. 82 

Off Port Guatulco, Mexico; 15° 44’ 28” N, 96° 07’ 51” W, 7 fms 

ritteri, Trivia: Raymond Paratypes 

Raymond, 1903, p. 85 

Off San Pedro, Calif.; 50 fms 

robustus, Gyrodes: Waring Syntype 

Waring, 1917, p. 84, pl. 13, fig. 11 

Ventura Co., Calif.; Martinez area, Simi Hills 

Lower Eocene, Martinez Fm_ [Paleocene] 

robustus, Gyrodes: Waring Syntype 

Waring, 1917, p. 84, pl. 13, fig. 12 : 

Ventura Co., Calif.; Martinez area, Simi Hills 

Lower Eocene, Martinez Fm_ [Paleocene] 

rochai, Bulimulus (Rhinus): Baker Paratypes 

Baker, 1914, p. 636 

Ceara, Brazil; Ceara-Mirim 

roigi, Conus (Leptoconus): Marks Paratype 

Marks, 1951, p. 140 

Ecuador; near Las Masas, Guayas Province 

Lower Miocene, Subibaja Fm 

rooseveltiana, Sonorella: Berry Paratypes 

Berry, 1917a, p. 14 

Gila Co., Arizona; Roosevelt 

rosea, Nucella (?): Dall Paratype 

Dall, 1872, p. 270 

Simeonoff Island, Shumagin group, Alaska 

roseobasis, Drillia: Pilsbry and Vanatta Syntype 

Pilsbry and Vanatta, 1902, p. 558 

Galapagos; Albemarle Island, Tagus Cove 

rotundomontana, Chrysallida: Keen Holotype 

Keen, 1943, p. 43, pl. 4, fig. 28 

Kern Co., Calif.; Caliente Qd, in small gully near center SW 1/4 

Sec. 6, T 29S,R30E SU loc. 2121 

Miocene, Temblor Fm, Round Mountain Silt 

rotundus, Pugnellus: Waring Holotype 

Waring, 1917, p. 67, pl. 9, fig. 10 

near Ventura-Los Angeles Co. line, Calif.; Calabasas sheet, S of 

Santa Monica Mts. 

Upper Cretaceous, Chico Fm 

ruginodosa, Ficus (Trophosycon) ocoyana: Grant and Gale 

Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 746, pl. 30, fig. 5 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; Elsmere Canyon 

Lower Pliocene 

rupicollina, Astraea (Uvanilla): Stohler Paratype 

Stohler, 1959, p. 434 

Baja California, Mexico; 8 miles SE of South Coronado Island, 70’ 

saccharodytes, Helminthoglypta proles: Berry Paratypes 

Berry, 1938b, p. 46 

Tulare Co., Calif.; Sugar Loaf Mt., 6000’ elev. 














STANFORD University Types: SMITH 445 

salmonensis, Helicodiscus fimbriatus: Hemphill Paratypes 

Hemphill zz Binney, 1890, p. 220 

Salmon River, Idaho 

salmonensis, Monadenia fidelis: Talmadge Paratype 

Talmadge, 1954, p. 54 

Siskiyou Co., Calif.; Wooley Creek, Salmon River 

sanctaeclarae, Carinifex: Hannibal Holotype 

Hannibal, 1909, p. 40. Illustrated in Hannibal, 1912b, p. 163, pl. 6, fig. 

14a (as Pompholyx). Also in Taylor and Smith, 1971, figs. 54-56, 59 

(as Helisoma) 

Santa Clara Co., Santa Cruz Mts., Calif.; Los Gatos, near Is quarry 

Pliocene, Santa Clara Lake Beds 

sanctaecrucis, Fusus: Arnold Holotype 

Arnold, 1908a, p. 372, pl. 33, fig. 3. Also zz Arnold, 1909, fig. 19, and 

in Tegland, 1933, p. 166, pl. 12, fig. 2 (as Fusinus) 

Santa Cruz Co., Calif.; Bear Creek, 4 miles above San Lorenzo River 

Oligocene, San Lorenzo Fm 

sanctaecrucis, Fusus: Arnold Paratypes 

Arnold, 1908a, p. 372 

Santa Cruz Co., Calif.; Bear Creek, 4 miles above San Lorenzo River 

Oligocene, San Lorenzo Fm 

sanctaemariae, Cancellaria: Carson Holotype 

Carson, 1926, p. 57, pl. 3, fig. 5, as sanctae-mariae 

Santa Barbara Co., Calif.; Santa Maria District, Fugler’s Point 

Lower Pliocene, Fernando Fm 

sanctijosephi, Lymnaea cubensis: Hannibal Holotype 

Hannibal in Keep, 1911, p. 309, pl. 3, fig. 6, as sancti-josephi. Also 

in Taylor and Smith, 1971, fig. 35 [as Bakerilymnaea bulimoides (Lea, 

1841) ] 

Santa Clara Co., Calif.; Calabasas Slough between Alviso and 


sanesia, Odostomia (Amaura): Oldroyd Paratype 

Oldroyd, T. S., 1924, p. 34 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; San Pedro, Nob Hill cut 

Pleistocene, lower San Pedro Fm 

sanmarcosensis, Bulimulus: Pilsbry and Lowe Paratypes 

Pilsbry and Lowe, 1932b, p. 49 

Gulf of California; San Marcos Island 

sanmarcosensis, Turritella variata: Weaver and Kleinpell 

Weaver and Kleinpell, 1963, p. 185, pl. 24, fig. 4 

Santa Barbara Co., Calif.; Camino Cielo UCMP loc. B-6940 

Eocene, “Coldwater” Fm 

sanmarcosensis, Turritella variata: Weaver and Kleinpell 

Weaver and Kleinpell, 1963, p. 185, pl. 24, fig. 2 

Santa Barbara Co., Calif.; Camino Cielo UCMP loc. B-6940 

Eocene, “Coldwater” Fm 

sanmarcosensis, Turritella variata: Weaver and Kleinpell 

Weaver and Kleinpell, 1963, p. 185, pl. 24, fig. 3 

Santa Barbara Co., Calif.; Camino Cielo UCMP loc. B-6940 

Eocene, “Coldwater” Fm 

santacruzana, Agasoma: Arnold Holotype 

Arnold, 1908a, p. 379, pl. 34, fig. 7. Also iz Arnold, 1909, Illus. 2, fig. 


San Mateo Co., Calif.; 1/2 mile NNE of N end of Searsville Lake, on 

hill N of road 

Lower Miocene, Vaqueros Fm [Arnold’s specimen 1072] 

















BuLLetIN 300 

santacruzana, Turcicula: Arnold Paratypes 
Arnold, 1908a, p. 373 

pam Cruz Co., Calif.; San Lorenzo River, 3 miles above Boulder 

Oligocene, San Lorenzo Fm 

santana, Turritella inezana: Loel and Corey Plastoholotype 
Loel and Corey, 1932, p. 259, pl. 59, fig. 13 

eee Co., Calif.; Santa Ana Mts., W end Plano Trabuco UCMP 
oc. 6128 

Lower Miocene, Vaqueros Fm_ [holotype UCMP 31691] 

santiagensis, Cancellaria (Bivetiella): Marks Paratype 
Marks, 1949, p. 462 

Ecuador; Esmeraldas Province, Angostura Cave, Santiago River 
Lower Miocene, Angostura Fm 

scalesiana, Naesiotus: Smith Paratype 
Smith, A. G., 1972, pp. 17-19 

Galapagos; Isla Santa Cruz, Harneman Farm, Scalesia Zone CAS 
loc. 40021 

scalpta, Streptacis: Knight _ Paratypes 
Knight, 1931, p. 12 

St. Louis Co., Missouri; St. Louis 

Pennsylvanian, Harriet Fm, top of Labette Shale 

scandix, Syrnola, Keen Holotype 
Keen, 1943, p. 50, pl. 4, fig. 29 

Kern Co., Calif.; Caliente Qd, small gully near center SW 1/4 Sec. 
6, T 29S,R30E_ SU loc. 2121 

Miocene, Temblor Fm, Round Mountain Silt 

scandix, Syrnola: Keen Paratype 
Keen, 1943, p. 50, pl. 4, fig. 24 

Kern Co., Calif.; Caliente Qd, small gully near center SW 1/4 Sec. 
6, T 29 S,R30E SU loc. 2121 

Miocene, Temblor Fm, Round Mountain Silt 

scandix, Syrnola: Keen Paratype 
Keen, 1943, p. 50, pl. 4, fig. 30 

Kern Co., Calif.; Caliente Qd, small gully near center SW 1/4 Sec. 
6, T 29S,R30E SU loc. 2121 

Miocene, Temblor Fm, Round Mountain Silt 

scelera, Odostomia (Chrysallida): Oldroyd Paratypes 
Oldroyd, T. S., 1924, p. 30 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; San Pedro, Nob Hill cut 

Pleistocene, lower San Pedro Fm 

schencki, Actaeon (Microglyphis): Berry Paratype 
Berry, 1941, pp. 3-4 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; San Pedro, Hilltop Quarry 

Lower Pleistocene, Lomita 

schencki, Conus: Weaver and Kleinpell Holotype 
Weaver and Kleinpell, 1963, p. 194, pl. 27, fig. 8 

Santa Barbara Co., Calif.; Canada de Santa Anita SU loc. 2091 
Eocene, middle Gaviota Fm 

schencki, Conus: Weaver and Kleinpell Paratype 
Weaver and Kleinpell, 1963, p. 194, pl. 27, fig. 9 

Santa Barbara Co., Calif.; Canada de Santa Anita SU loc. 2091 
Eocene, middle Gaviota Fm 

schencki, Epitonium (Boreoscala) keaseyense: Durham Holotype 
Durham, 1937, p. 498, pl. 57, fig. 14 

Washington Co., Ore.; 3 miles S of Timber, Sec. 3, T 2N, RR 5 W 
Oligocene, Keasey Fm 

schencki, Galeodea: Weaver and Kleinpell Holotype 
Weaver and Kleinpell, 1963, p. 189, pl. 25, fig. 16 

Santa Barbara Co., Calif.; Lompoc Qd, Nojoqui Creek UCMP loc. 

Eocene-Oligocene, Sacate-Gaviota Fm 

















schencki, Galeodea: Weaver and Kleinpell Paratype 

Weaver and Kleinpell, 1963, p. 189, pl. 25, fig. 15 

Santa Barbara Co., Calif.; Lompoc Qd, Nojoqui Creek UCMP loc. 


Eocene-Oligocene, Sacate-Gaviota Fm 

schencki, Laevityphis (Laevityphis): Keen and Campbell 


Keen and Campbell, 1964, p. 53, pl. 9, figs. 16, 20 

Atlantico, Colombia; Puerto Colombia 

Upper Oligocene, Las Perdices Fm 

schencki, Olequahia: Durham Holotype 

Durham, 1944, p. 168, pl. 15, fig. 15 

Washington Co., Ore.; Sec. 8, T 3 N, R4 W 

Oligocene, Keasey Fm 

schencki, Pleurotomaria (Entemnotrochus?): Hickman Holotype 

Hickman, 1976a, p. 1095, pl. 1, figs. 1, 2, 11 

Polk Co., Ore.; Dallas Qd, nr line between Secs. 11 & 12, T 8S, R 6 

W; Oregon Portland Cement Company Quarry, 1-1/2 mi SW of Dal- 

las SU loc. 1111 

Eocene, Yamhill Fm, Rickreall Ls mbr 

schencki, Turritella: Merriam Plastoholotype 

Merriam, 1941, p. 81, pl. 10, fig. 10 

Kern Co., Calif.; Tecuya Creek UCMP loc. A-1399 

Upper Eocene, Tejon Fm [holotype UCMP 33945] 

schencki, Turritella: Merriam Paratypes 

Merriam, 1941, p. 81 

Kern Co., Calif.; Tecuya Creek UCMP loc. A-1399 

Upper Eocene, Tejon Fm 

schereri, Helicina: Baker Paratypes 

Baker, Fred, 1914, p. 625 

Ceara-Mirim, Brazil 

schilderiana, Cypraea tigris: Cate Paratype 

Cate, 1961, p. 108 

Oahu, Hawaii; Koko Head 

scottiana, Monadenia fidelis: Berry Paratypes 

Berry, 1940a, p. 11 

Siskiyou Co., Calif.; Kelsey Creek, Scott River 

scrippsae, Hemitoma: Durham Plastoholotype 

Durham, 1950, p. 133, pl. 28, figs. 9, 14 

Gulf of California; Carmen Island, Marquer Bay UCMP loc. A-3520 

Upper Pliocene, Marquer Fm_ [holotype UCMP 30363] 

scrippsensis, Turritella: Hanna Plastoholotype 

Hanna, 1927, p. 308, pl. 49, fig. 10. Also im Merriam, 1941, p. 81, pl. 

Ch aaver, 115) 

San Diego Co., Calif.; La Jolla Qd UCMP loc. 5085 

Eocene, Rose Canyon Fm_ [holotype UCMP 30904] 

secondaria, Turritella andersoni lawsoni: Merriam 

Merriam, 1941, p. 78, pl. 9, fig. 9 

Ventura Co., Calif.; Llajas Canyon, Simi Valley UCMP loc. 7004 

Eocene, “Domengine” Fm [holotype UCMP 33998] 

seftoni, Ocenebra: Chace Paratype 

Chace, 1958a, p. 331 

Baja California, Mexico; Guadalupe Island, Melpomene Cove, 40 


semiusta, Mitra: Berry Holotype 

Berry, 1957, p. 80 

Santa Barbara Co., Calif.; off Point Conception, 15 m 

sericeus, Capulus: Burch and Burch Holotype 

Burch and Burch, 1961, p. 19, pl. 2, figs. 1, 2. Also im Keen, 1971, 

p. 467, fig. 832 

Sonora, Mexico; off Cabo Haro, Guaymas, 100 fms 



















BuL.etin 300 

serrae, Turbonilla (Strioturbonilla): Dall and Bartsch Paratype 

Dall and Bartsch, 1907, p. 497 

Monterey, Calif.; 12 fms 

sharonae, Lamellaria: Willett Paratype 

Willett, 1939, p. 123 

Anaheim Bay, Calif. 

shaskyi, Cantharus: Berry Holotype 

Berry, 1959, p. 111 

Sonora, Mexico; probably S of Guaymas, from shrimp boats 

shasta, Polygyra columbiana: Berry Paratype 

Berry, 1921, p. 37 

Shasta Co., Calif.; La Moine 

shataii, Menestho (Menestho): Nomura Paratypes 

Nomura, 1936, p. 36, as s-hataii 

NE Honsyu, Japan; Siogama Bay 

sheehani, Patella: Smith Plastoholotype 

Smith, 1927, p. 108, pl. 96, figs. 28, 29 

Shasta Co., Calif.; N fork Squaw Creek, 3 miles N of Kellys Ranch 

Upper Triassic, Hosselkus Ls [holotype USNM 74175] 

shepardi, Zonites: Hemphill Syntypes 

Hemphill iz Binney, 1892, p. 167 

Santa Catalina Island, Calif.; Avalon 

shepardiana, Graphis: Dall Paratypes 

Dall, 1919b, p. 342 

San Pedro, Calif.; foot of Ash Street 

shumanensis, Thais (Nucella): Carson Holotype 

Carson, 1926, p. 56, pl. 3, fig. 1 

Ventura Co. Calif.; Santa Maria District 1/2 mile N of Schuman, in 

R.R. cut 

Lower Pliocene, Fernando Fm 

shumanensis, Thais (Nucella): Carson Paratype 

Carson, 1926, p. 56, pl. 3, fig. 2 

Ventura Co., Calif.; Santa Maria District, 1/2 mile N of Schuman 

Lower Pliocene, Fernando Fm 

shyana, Terebra: Bratcher and Burch Paratype 

Bratcher and Burch, 1970a, p. 295 

Colima, Mexico; off Manzanillo, 17-40 fms 

shyorum, Epitonium (Epitonium): DuShane and McLean 

DuShane and McLean, 1968, p. 2 

Colima, Mexico; Manzanillo, 12-13 fms 

sierrana, Polygyra: Berry Paratype 

Berry, 1921, p. 36 

Siskiyou Co., Calif.; 2 miles N of Weed 

simiensis, Turritella: Waring Holotype 

Waring, 1917, p. 88, pl. 14, fig. 15. Also zz Merriam, 1941, p. 67, pl. 

5, fig. 4 (as T. pachecoensis Stanton) 

Ventura Co., Calif.; Martinez area, Simi Hills 

Eocene, Martinez Fm_ [Paleocene] 

sirius, Siphonaria: Pilsbry Paratypes 

Pilsbry, 1894, p. 9 

Sagami, Japan 

skogsbergi, Turbonilla (Pyrgolampros): Strong Holotype 

Strong, 1937, p. 54, pl. 4, fig. 3a 

Monterey Bay, Calif.; 5 miles N of Monterey, 28 fms 

skogsbergi, Turbonilla (Pyrgolampros): Strong Paratype 

Strong, 1937, p. 54, pl. 4, fig. 3b 

Monterey Bay, Calif.; 5 miles N of Monterey, 28 fms 















smithiana, Monadenia fidelis: Berry Paratype 
Berry, 1940a, p. 14 

Del Norte Co., Calif.; 3 miles below Hiouchi, N side Smith River 
snodgrassi, Bulimulus: Dall Paratype 
Dall, 1900a, p. 90 

Galapagos; Hood Island 

snodgrassi, Chlorostoma: Pilsbry and Vanatta Syntypes 
Pilsbry and Vanatta, 1902, p. 557 

Galapagos; Albemarle Island, Iguana Cove 

socorroensis, Latirus: Hertlein and Strong Paratype 
Hertlein and Strong, 1951b, p. 76 

Clarion Island, off West Mexico 

sonorana, Bursa californica: Berry Holotype 
Berry, 1960, p. 118. Illustrated 7m Keen, 1971, p. 509, fig. 967 

Sonora, Mexico; near Guaymas, from shrimp boats 

sookensis, Acmaea mitra: Clark and Arnold Holotype 
Clark and Arnold, 1923, p. 171, pl. 35, figs. 2a, 2b 

Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada: sea cliffs between 
mouths of Muir and Coal Creeks, W of Otter Point, Sooke SU loc. 
NP 129 

Oligocene, Sooke Fm 

sookensis, Calyptraea: Clark and Arnold Holotype 
Clark and Arnold, 1923, p. 168, pl. 36, figs. 1a, 1b 

Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada; sea cliffs between 
mouths of Muir and Coal Creeks, W of Otter Point, Sooke SU loc. 
NP 129 

Oligocene, Sooke Fm 

sookensis, Calyptraea: Clark and Arnold Paratype 
Clark and Arnold, 1923, p. 168, pl. 36, fig. 2 

Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada; sea cliffs between 
mouths of Muir and Coal Creek, Sooke SU loc. NP 129 

Oligocene, Sooke Fm 

sookensis, Crepidula: Clark and Arnold Holotype 
Clark and Arnld, 1923, p. 166, pl. 35, figs. 5a, 5b 

Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada; sea cliffs between 
mouths of Muir and Coal Creeks, Sooke SU loc. NP 129 

Oligocene, Sooke Fm 

sookensis, Crepidula: Clark and Arnold Paratype 
Clark and Arnold, 1923, p. 166, pl. 32, figs. 2a, 2b 

Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada; sea cliffs between 
mouths of Muir and Coal Creeks, Sooke SU loc. NP 129 

Oligocene, Sooke Fm 

sookensis, Gadinia reticulata: Clark and Arnold Holotype 
Clark and Arnold, 1923, p. 157, pl. 35, fig. 3 

Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada; Jordan River, sea 
cliffs at mouth of Fossil] Creek, 2 miles W of Sherringham Point 
SU loc. NP 130 

Oligocene, Sooke Fm 

sookensis, Gadinia reticulata: Clark and Arnold Paratype 
Clark and Arnold, 1923, p. 157, pl. 35, fig. 4 

Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada; Jordan River, sea cliffs 
at mouth of Fossil Creek, 2 miles W of Sherringham Point SU loc. 
NP 130 

Oligocene, Sooke Fm 

sookensis, Goniobasis: Clark and Arnold Holotype 
Clark and Arnold, 1923, p. 164, pl. 32, figs. 1a, 1b 

Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada; sea cliffs between 
mouths of Muir and Kirby Creeks, Sooke 

Oligocene, Sooke Fm 













BuL.etin 300 

sookensis, Littorina: Clark and Arnold Paratype 
Clark and Arnold, 1923, p. 165, pl. 37, figs. 4a, 4b 

Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada; sea cliffs between 
mouths of Muir and Coal Creeks, W of Otter Point, Sooke SU loc. 
NP 129 

Oligocene, Sooke Fm 

sookensis, Polinices (Ampullina?): Clark and Arnold Holotype 
Clark and Arnold, 1923, p. 170, pl. 33, figs. 4a, 4b 

Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada; sea cliffs between 
mouths of Muir and Coal Creeks, W of Otter Point, Sooke SU loc. 
NP 129 

Oligocene, Sooke Fm 

sorenseni, Haliotis: Bartsch Paratype 
Bartsch, 1940, p. 50 

Santa Barbara Co., Calif.; just S of Point Conception, 10 fms 
spectabilis, Coronaria: Trechmann Paratypes 
Trechmann, 1918, p. 187 

New Zealand; Otago, Nugget Point (type 8048) ; Wairoa Gorge, Nel- 
son (type 8049) ; 

Triassic, Karnic 

spelaea, ?Vitrea subrupicola: Dall Paralectotypes 
Dall, 1895, pp. 27-28. Paralectotypes designated by Smith, 1957, p. 30 
[referred to Pristiloma subrupicola spelaeum (Dall) ] 

Calaveras Co., Calif.; Cave City 

spermatia, Teinostoma (Idioraphe): Woodring Paratypes 
Woodring, 1957, p. 69 

Canal Zone; 3500’ SE of Gatun R.R. station 

Miocene, Gatun Fm 

sphoni, Mitra (Strigatella): Shasky and Campbell Holotype 
Shasky and Campbell, 1964, p. 118, pl. 22, figs. 13, 14. Also im Keen, 
1971, p. 642, fig. 1428 

Sonora, Mexico; NW of Bahia Saladita, Guaymas, 2-15 m 

sphoni, Olivella (Olivella): Burch and Campbell Paratype 
Burch and Campbell, 1963, p. 124 

Guaymas, Mexico; Bocochibampo Bay, 20 m 

spirellum, Speleodiscoides: Smith Paratypes 
Smith, 1957, p. 34 

Amador Co., Cali.; Violin Cave, S fork Dry Creek 

spissa, Olivella: Waring Holotype 
Waring, 1917, p. 85, pl. 12, fig. 7 

Ventura Co., Calif.; Simi Hills 

Eocene, Martinez Fm [Paleocene] 

squamulifer, Trophon: Gabb Plastoholotype 
Gabb, 1866, p. 44. Illustrated zz Bormann, 1946, pl. 4, fig. 13 (as 

Santa Barbara, Calif. 

Pleistocene, Santa Barbara Fm [holotype UCMP 15459] 
stanfordensis, Agasoma: Arnold Holotype 
Arnold, 1908a, p. 384, pl. 35, fig. 5 

Santa Clara Co., Calif.; Tusk Gully, 2.5 miles S of Mayfield 

Upper Miocene [Arnold’s specimen 1087] 

stanfordensis, Fusus (Priscofusus?): Arnold Holotype 
Arnold, 1908a, p. 383, pl. 35, fig. 7. Also in Arnold, 1909, Illus. 2, fig. 

Santa Clara Co., Calif.; near Frenchman’s Tower, on hill between 
Tusk Gully and Madera Creek, 2.5 miles SSW of Mayfield 

Upper Miocene, Temblor Fm_ [Arnold’s specimen 1081] 
















STANFORD University Types: SMITH 451 

stanfordiana, “Acmaea”: Berry Holotype 
Berry, 1957, p. 76. Illustrated ix Keen, 1971, p. 325, fig. 51 (as Col- 

Sonora, Mexico; Pelican Point 

stantoni, Chrysodomus: Arnold Paratype 
Arnold, 1908a, p. 386, pl. 37, fig. 4. Also zz Arnold, 1909, Illus. 2, 
fig. 65 

San Mateo Co., Calif.; 7/8 mile E of Anto Nuevo Point 

Pliocene, upper Purisima Fm [Arnold’s specimen 1088] 

stantoni, Chrysodomus: Arnold Paratype 
Arnold, 1908a, p. 386 

San Mateo Co., Calif.; 7/8 mile E of Ano Nuevo Point 

Pliocene, upper Purisima Fm 

starksi, Doryssa: Pilsbry Paratype 
Pilsbry iz Baker, Fred, 1914, p. 652 

Rio Iriri, Brazil 

starri, Crassispira: Hertlein and Jordan Holotype 
Hertlein and Jordan, 1927, p. 626, pl. 21, fig. 7 

Baja California, Mexico; Arroyo San Ignacio, 8 km SW of San 
Ignacio SU loc. 66 

Miocene, Isidro Fm 

stearnsi, Ocinebra: Hemphill Paratypes 
Hemphill, 1911, p. 100 

Monterey, Calif. 

stemonium, Teinostoma (Pseudorotella): Woodring Paratypes 
Woodring, 1957, p. 71 

Canal Zone; highway 1.6 km NE of boundary SU loc. 2656 

Miocene, Gatun Fm 

stenopa, Natica (Naticarius): Woodring Paratype 
Woodring, 1957, p. 85 

Canal Zone; Mount Hope, W side of Panama R.R. 

Miocene, upper Gatun Fm 

stephensae, Amphithalamus: Bartsch Paratypes 
Bartsch, 1927, p. 27 

Baja California, Mexico; Magdalena Bay 

steveni, Olivella (Olivella): Burch and Campbell Paratype 
Burch and Campbell, 1963, p. 125 

Baja California, Mexico; 2 miles S of Aguachale 

stevensoni, Anachis (Costoanachis): Marks Paratypes 
Marks, 1951, p. 112 

Ecuador; Zacachun corehole, 80-90’ depth, Progreso area 

Lower Miocene, Subibaja Fm 

stewarti, Turritella uvasana: Merriam Plastoholotype 
Merriam, 1941, p. 95, pl. 16, fig. 7 

Cowlitz Co., Wash.; Coal Creek UCMP loc. 7167 

Eocene, Cowlitz Fm [holotype UCMP 33888] 

stimpsoni, Truncatella: Stearns Paratypes 
Stearns, 1872, p. 249 

San Diego, Calif.; False Bay [Mission Bay] 

stocki, Nassarius: Kanakoff Paratypes 
Kanakoff, 1956, p. 110 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; 1/2 mile S of Humphreys R.R. station 
Pliocene, Pico Fm 

stokesi, Paludestrina: Arnold Paratype 
Arnold, 1903, p. 305 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; San Pedro 

Pleistocene, upper San Pedro Fm 


















BuLLeTIN 300 

striata, Kogomea: Laseron Paratypes 
Laseron, 1957, p. 294 

Queensland, Australia; Swain Reef, Michmaelmas Cay 
striatocostata, Strombina: Marks Paratypes 
Marks, 1951, p. 110 

SW Ecuador; Daule Basin, near Pedro Carbo 

Middle Miocene, Daule Fm 

strohbeeni, Cymatosyrinx: Hertlein and Strong Paratype 
Hertlein and Strong, 1951b, p. 77 

Baja California, Mexico; off Cape San Lucas 

strongi, Odostomia (Evalea): Bartsch Paratypes 
Bartsch, 1927, p. 19 

Santa Catalina Island, Calif.; Isthmus Cove 

strongylus, Solariorbis (Solariorbis): Woodring Paratypes 
Woodring, 1957, p. 75 

Canal Zone; highway 1.6 km NE of boundary SU loc. 2656 

Miocene, lower Gatun Fm 

stuarti, Patella: Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1927, p. 108, pl. 91, fig. 18 : 

Shasta Co., Calif.; Bear Cove, Brock Mt., between Squaw Creek and 
Pit River 

Upper Triassic, Hosselkus Ls [holotype USNM 74149] 

subactum, Crucibulum: Berry Holotype 
Berry, 1963, p. 144. Illustrated iz Keen, 1971, p. 465, fig. 831 

Sinaloa, Mexico; off Teacapan, 25-35 fms 

subcinctella, Syrnela (Syrnola): Nomura Paratypes 
Nomura, 1936, p. 15 

NE Honsyu, Japan; Siogama Bay 

succinea, Lacuna: Berry Holotype 
Berry, 1953b, p. 411, fig. 4 

San Pedro, Calif. 

succinea, Lacuna: Berry Paratype 
Berry, 1953b, p. 141 

San Pedro, Calif. 

suprapunctatus, Drymaeus linostoma: Baker Paratype 
Baker, Fred, 1914, p. 638 

Matto Grosso, Brazil, Madeira-Mamoré R.R., 284 km above Porto 

sursalta, Cancellaria (Cancellaria): Marks Paratype 
Marks, 1949, p. 461 

Ecuador; Guayas Province, Zacachun corehole, 140’-150’ depth 

Lower Miocene 

suturalis, Bulimulus (Rhinus) rochai: Baker Paratypes 
Baker, Fred, 1914, p. 637 

Ceara-Mirim, Ceara, Brazil 

taipuensis, Bulimulus (Rhinus) rochai: Baker Paratype 
Baker, 1914, p. 636 

Taipu, Brazil; 46 km from Natal 

tapajozensis, Doryssa transversa: Pilsbry Paratype 
Pilsbry iz Baker, Fred, 1914, p. 649 

Rio Tapajoz, Brazil 

taravali, Melanella (Balcis): Bartsch Paratypes 
Bartsch, 1917, p. 328 

Baja California, Mexico; Point Abreojos 

taylori, Tegula pulligo: Oldroyd Holotype 
Oldroyd, I. S., 1925, p. 171, pl. 20, figs. 1, 2. Also iz Oldroyd, I. S., 
1927, p. 179, pl. 91, figs. 3, 6 

Off N end Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada; Hope Island 

















taylori, Tegula pulligo: Oldroyd Paratype 
Oldroyd, I. S., 1925, p. 171 

Off N end Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada; Hope Island 
tehuanarum, Amaea (Scalina): DuShane and McLean Paratype 
DuShane and McLean, 1968, pp. 4-6 

Gulf of Tehuantepec, Mexico; 15° 58’ N, 95° 00’ W, 33-38 fms 
tejonensis, Turritella: Merriam Plastoholotype 
Merriam, 1941, p. 81, pl. 11, fig. 7 

Kern Co., Calif.; Grapevine Canyon UCMP loc. 452 

Eocene, Tejon Fm _ [holotype UCMP 15190] 

temblorensis, Cylichna: Keen Holotype 
Keen, 1943, p. 44, pl. 4, figs. 13, 14 

Kern Co., Calif.; Caliente Qd, in small gully near center SW 1/4 
Sec. 6, T 29S, R30 E SU loc. 2121 

Miocene, Temblor Fm, Round Mountain Silt 

temblorensis, Turritella: Wiedey Paratype 
Wiedey, 1928, p. 122, pl. 11, fig. 9 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; Santa Monica Mts., in small canyon trending 
W from head of Dry Canyon, at base of E-W divide, 2 miles § of 

Middle Miocene, Temblor Fm 

tenuissima, Volvulella: Willett Paratypes 
Willett, 1944b, p. 71 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; off Redondo Beach, 75 fms 

tenuistriata, Urocoptis: Aguayo Paratypes 
Aguayo, 1932b, p. 96 

Madruga, Havana, Cuba 

teramachii, Typhis (Typhina) Keen and Campbell Plastoholotype 
Keen and Campbell, 1964, p. 48, pl. 8, figs. 10-11 

Off Kii, Japan, 100 m_ [holotype in private collection of Mr. Akibumi 
Teramachi, Kyoto, Japan] 

tersa, Balcis (Balcis): Berry Paratype 
Berry, 1954b, p. 261 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; San Pedro, Hilltop Quarry 

Lower Pleistocene, Lomita Fm. 

tersa, Odostomia (Evalea): Oldroyd Paratypes 
Oldroyd, T. S., 1924, p. 31 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; San Pedro, Nob Hill Cut 


teslaensis, Cerithium ?: Hanna Holotype 
Hanna, 1924, p. 162. Illustrated in Wiedey, 1929b, p. 25, pl. 1, fig. 6 
(as Cerithium branneri Hall and Ambrose) [Renamed by Hanna; 
originally described as Cerithium branneri Hall and Ambrose, 1916, 
p. 70] 

Alameda Co., Calif.; 1 mile N 20° W of Tesla and Corral Hollow 
Upper Cretaceous, middle Chico Fm 

tetrodon, Ashmunella: Pilsbry and Ferriss Paratypes 
Pilsbry and Ferriss, 1915b, p. 15 

Socorro Co., New Mexico; Mogollon Mts., Dry Creek Canyon 
thalassicola, Tricolia: Robertson Paratypes 
Robertson, 1958, p. 271 

Great Abaco Island, Bahamas; North Point, Elbow Cay 

tholia, Dendropoma: Keen and Morton Holotype 
Keen and Morton, 1960, p. 41, pl. 3, figs. 4, 5 

Mozambique, East Africa; Inhaca Island, Lorenzo Marques 

tholia, Dendropoma: Keen and Morton Paratypes 
Keen and Morton, 1960, p. 41, pl. 3, fig. 6 

Mozambique, East Africa; Inhaca Island, Lorenzo Marques 

















BuLLetTIN 300 

thompsoni, Eupleura: Woodring Paratypes 

Woodring, 1959, pp. 218-220 

Panama; Transisthmian Highway, 9° 21’ + 335 m N, 79° 49° W SU 

loc. 2611 = USGS loc. 16912 

Middle Miocene, Gatun Fm, lower middle part 

timessa, Odostomia (Amaura): Oldroyd Paratypes 

Oldroyd, T. S., 1924, p. 35 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; San Pedro, Nob Hill cut 

Pleistocene, lower San Pedro Fm 

tingitana, Gibbula: Pallary Paratypes 

Pallary, 1902a, p. 315 

Tanger, Morocco, on stones [Tangier] 

tingitana, Nassa: Pallary Paratype 

Pallary, 1901, p. 226 

Tanger, Morocco, 12-21 m_ [Tangier] 

titan, Trachytriton: Waring Holotype 

Waring, 1917, p. 87, pl. 14, fig. 18 

Ventura Co., Calif.; Martinez area, Simi Hills, Calabasas sheet 

Lower Eocene, Martinez Fm [Paleocene] 

togatum, Epitonium (Cirsotrema): Hertlein and Strong Paratype 

Hertlein and Strong, 1951b, p. 89 

Near Manzanillo, Mexico; 19° 04’ N, 104° 22’ W, 30 fms 

tooelensis, Oreohelix strigosa depressa: Henderson and Daniels 

Henderson and Daniels, 1916, p. 323 

6 miles NE of Tooele, Utah 

topangensis, Turritella ocoyana: Merriam Plastoholotype 

Merriam, 1941, p. 115, pl. 30, fig. 1 

Santa Monica Mts., Calif.; Malibu Canyon, Mesa Peak UCMP loc. 


Miocene, Topanga Fm_ [holotype UCMP 31648] 

totomiensis, Siphonalia tonohamaensis: Makiyama Paratypes 

Makiyama, 1941, p. 80 

Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan; Ugari, near Fukuroi 

Pliocene, Hosoya Fm 

totomiensis, Thiara: Makiyama Paratype 

Makiyama, 1927, p. 66 

Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan; Dainiti 

Pliocene, Dainitian 

totomiensis, Turris (Gemmula): Makiyama Paratypes 

Makiyama, 1931b, p. 46 

Pliocene, Hosoya (Kakegawa) 

trancosana, Thais: Arnold Holotype 

Arnold, 1908a, p. 388, pl. 36, fig. 3. Also zz Arnold, 1909, Illus. 2, 

fig. 74 

Santa Clara Co., Calif.; 2.5 miles SSW of Stanford University; ditch 

between Felt Lake and Los Trancos Creek 

Upper Pliocene, Merced Fm [Arnold’s specimen 1082] 

tricoronis, Murex (Murex): Berry Holotype 

Berry, 1960, p. 119. Illustrated in Keen, 1971, p. 514, fig. 978 

Baja California, Mexico; 1 mile off Cedros Village, Cedros Island; 

40 fms 

tridesmia, Clathurella (Glyphostoma): Berry Paratypes 

Berry, 1941, p. 8 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; San Pedro, Hilltop Quarry 

Lower Pleistocene, Lomita Fm 

trochalum, Teinostoma (Idoraphe) angulatum: Woodring 

Woodring, 1957, p. 70 

Canal Zone; 1.6 km NE of boundary on highway SU loc. 2656 

Miocene, Gatun Fm 














trochilia, Odostomia (Amaura): Oldroyd Paratypes 
Oldroyd, T. S., 1924, p. 34 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; San Pedro, Nob Hill cut 

Pleistocene, lower San Pedro Fm 

tumida, Drillia (Drillia):; McLean and Poorman Paratype 
McLean and Poorman, 1971, p. 97 

Jalisco, Mexico; Banderas Bay, 20° 40’ N, 105° 25’ W, 20-40 fms 
turneri, Viviparus (Callina): Hannibal Syntype 
Hannibal, 1912b, p. 193, pl. 8, fig. 31 

Silver Peak Range, Nevada 

“Eocene,” Truckee beds [upper Miocene-lower Pliocene, Esmeralda 
Fm, fide Taylor and Smith, 1971, p. 311] 

turneri, Viviparus (Callina): Hannibal Paratype 
Hannibal, 1912b, p. 193. Also zx Taylor and Smith, 1971, figs. 28, 29 
(as Bellamya) 

Silver Peak Range, Nevada 

“Eocene,” Truckee beds [upper Miocene-lower Pliocene, Esmeralda 
Fm fide Taylor and Smith, 1971, p. 311] 

Turritella sp. B: Schenck and Keen Holotype 
Schenck and Keen, 1940, pl. 27, figs. 5, 6 

Ventura Co., Calif.; 1 mile SE of Matilija, on S wall of Kennedy 
Canyon, 1150’ contour, 1400’ due W of Ventura River 

Eocene, “Coldwater” Fm 

turveri, Haliotis fulgens: Bartsch Paratype 
Bartsch, 1942, p. 57 

Baja California, Mexico; Magdalena Bay 

tyrianthina, Acanthina: Berry Holotype 
Berry, 1957, p. 78. Illustrated im Keen, 1971, p. 552, fig. 1085 

Baja California, Mexico; Magdalena Bay, Man-of-War Cove 
tyrianthina, Neosimnia vidleri: Berry Holotype 
Berry, 1960, p. 118 

Sonora, Mexico; Puerto Penasco, Cholla Cove 

usanium, Serratocerithium: Compton Holotype 
Compton, 1944, p. 466, pl. 78, figs. 3, 6 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; ridge E of Santa Ynez Canyon, 4 miles E of 
road in canyon, along fire road just W of top of ridge. Santa Monica 
Mts. SU loc. 2691 

Paleocene, Martinez Fm 

usanium, Serratocerithium: Compton Paratype 
Compton, 1944, p. 466, pl. 78, fig. 5 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; Santa Monica Mts., ridge E of Santa Ynez 
Canyon, 4 miles E of road in canyon, along fire road just W of top of 

Paleocene, Martinez Fm 

usanium, Serratocerithium: Compton Paratype 
Compton, 1944, p. 466 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; Santa Monica Mts., ridge E of Santa Ynez 
Canyon, 4 miles E of road in canyon, along fire road just W of top of 

Paleocene, Martinez Fm 

vancouverensis, Acmaea persona: Clark and Arnold Holotype 
Clark and Arnold, 1923, p. 172, pl. 35, figs. 1a, 1b 

Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada; sea cliffs between 
mouths of Muir and Coal Creeks, W of Otter Point, Sooke SU Joc. 
NP 129 

Oligocene, Sooke Fm 











vancouverensis, Acteon punctocoelata: Oldroyd Syntype 
Oldroyd, 1927, p. 25, pl. 1, fig. 19 

Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada; Nanaimo, Departure 
Bay, off Brandon Island, 10-15 fms 

vancouverensis, Acteon punctocoelata: Oldroyd Syntype 
Oldroyd, I. S., 1927, p. 25, pl. 1, fig. 20. Also in Oldroyd, I. S., 1924, 
pl. 1, fig. 9 (as Acteon punctocoelata) 

Vancover Island, British Columbia, Canada; Nanaimo, Departure 

Bay, Brandon Island, 10-15 fms 

vancouverensis, Bursa: Clark and Arnold Paratype 
Clark and Arnold, 1923, p. 163, pl. 37, figs. 1a, 1b. Also iz Smith, 
1970, pl. 48, fig. 3 [as Mediargo mathewsonii (Gabb) ] 

Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada; sea cliffs between 
mouths of Muir and Coal Creeks, W of Otter Point, Sooke SU loc. 
NP 129 

Oligocene, Sooke Fm 

vancouverensis, Calyptraea (Galerus) mammillaris: 

Clark and Arnold Holotype 
Clark and Arnold, 1923, p. 167, pl. 36, figs. 3a, 3b 

Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada; sea cliffs between 
mouths of Muir and Coal Creeks, W of Otter Point, Sooke SU loc. 
NP 129 

Oligocene, Sooke Fm 

vancouverensis, Leptothyra: Clark and Arnold Holotype 
Clark and Arnold, 1923, p. 173, pl. 37, figs. 3a, 3b 

Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada; Jordan River, sea 
cliffs at mouth of Fossil Creek, 2 miles W of Sherringham Point 
SU loc. NP 130 

Oligocene, Sooke Fm 

vancouverensis, Megathura: Clark and Arnold Holotype 
Clark and Arnold, 1923, p. 173, pl. 34, figs. 3a, 3b 

Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada; sea cliffs between 
mouths of Muir and Coal Creeks, W of Otter Point, Sooke SU loc. 
NP 129 

Oligocene, Sooke Fm 

vancouverensis, Polinices (Neverita) recluziana: 

Clark and Arnold Holotype 
Clark and Arnold, 1923, p. 169, pl. 33, figs. 2a, 2b 

Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada; sea cliffs between 
mouths of Muir and Coal Creeks, W of Otter Point, Sooke SU loc. 
NP 129 

Oligocene, Sooke Fm 

vancouverensis, Stagnicola bulimoides: Baker Holotype 
Baker, 1939, p. 144 

Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada; hospital at Nanaimo 
vancouverensis, Stagnicola bulimoides: Baker Paratypes 
Baker, 1939, p. 144 

Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada; hospital at Nanaimo 
vaquerosensis, Purpura: Arnold Holotype 
Arnold, 1907c, p. 427, pl. 52, figs. la, 1b 

Monterey Co., Calif.; Lynch Mt. 

Lower Miocene, Vaqueros Fm 

velascoensis, Emarginula: Shasky Holotype 
Shasky, 1961, p. 18, pl. 4, figs. 1-3. Also im Keen, 1971, p. 310, fig. 7 
Gulf of California; off Isla Monserrate, 40-80 fms 

verrucosa, Tegula (Agathistoma): McLean Paratype 
McLean, 1970b, pp. 122-123 

Canal Zone, Panama; Palo Seco, 8° 55’ N, 79° 34’ W, rocky intertidal 
















victoriana, Acmaea: Clark and Arnold Holotype 
Clark and Arnold, 1923, p. 172, pl. 34, figs. 1a, 1b 

Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada; sea cliffs 1-1.5 miles W 
of Owens Point, Port San Juan SU loc. NP 134 

Oligocene, Sooke Fm 

victoriana, Acmaea: Clark and Arnold Paratype 
Clark and Arnold, 1923, p. 172, pl. 34, figs. 2a, 2b 

Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada; sea cliffs 1-1.5 miles 
W of Owens Point, Port San Juan SU loc. NP 134 

Oligocene, Sooke Fm 

victoriana, Acmaea: Clark and Arnold Paratype 
Clark and Arnold, 1923, p. 172, pl. 34, fig. 4 

Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada; sea cliffs 1-1.5 miles 
W of Owens Point, Port San Juan SU loc. NP 134 

Oligocene, Sooke Fm 

viridicolor, Cypraea cernica: Cate Holotype 
Cate, 1962, pp. 175-177, pl. 40, fig. 1 

Western Australia; Northwest Cape, Viaming Head 

viadimiri, Kelletia: Kanakoff Paratypes 
Kanakoff, 1954, pp. 114-117 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; 1/2 mile S of Humphreys R.R. station 
Pliocene, Pico Fm 

walcottiana, Sonorella: Bartsch Paratypes 
Bartsch, 1903, p. 103 

San Diego Co., Calif.; Palm Springs [= Sonorella wolcottiana, 
Bartsch em.] 

walkeri, Knefastia: Berry Holotype 
Berry, 1958a, p. 87. Illustrated iz Keen, 1958b, p. 447, figs. 728a 

Gulf of California; off Puerto Refugio, Angel de la Guarda Island 
wardi, Leucosyrinx clallamensis: Tegland Paratype 
Tegland, 1933, p. 124, pl. 10, fig. 8 

Bainbridge Island, Wash.; beach between S side of entrance to Blake- 
ley Harbor and Restoration Point SU loc. NP 103 

Upper Oligocene, Blakeley Fm 

warrenae, Megalacron tabarensis: Clench and Turner Paratypes 
Clench and Turner, 1964, p. 43 

Off New Ireland, Tanga Group; Boang Island, Bismarck Archi- 

wasatchensis, Lymnaea stagnalis: Baker Paratypes 
Baker, Frank, 1911, p. 152 

Near Salt Lake City, Utah 

wasatchensis, Patula strigosa: Hemphill Paratypes 
Hemphill zz Binney, 1886, p. 34 

Wasatch Mts., near Ogden, Utah; among quartzite boulders, 4500’ 

washingtonianus, Viviparus: Hannibal Holotype 
Hannibal, 1912b, p. 194, pl. 8, fig. 32. Also im Taylor and Smith, 
1971, figs. 26, 30 (as Bellamya) 

Wash.; Olequa Creek, 2 miles N of Little Falls 

Eocene [Late Eocene, Cowlitz Fm, fide Taylor and Smith, 1971, p. 

watermani, Olivella: McGinty Paratype 
McGinty, 1940, p. 6 

Off Palm Beach, Fla.; 80 fms 

watsonae, Anachis: Keen Holotype 
Keen, 1943, p. 42, pl. 4, figs. 1, 2 

Kern Co., Calif.; Caliente Qd, in small gully near center SW 1/4 
Sec. 6, T 29 S, R30 E SU loc. 2121 

Miocene, Temblor Fm, Round Mountain Silt 















BuLLeTIN 300 

weyersi, Cerithidea (Aphanistylus): Dautzenberg Paratype 

Dautzenberg, 1899, p. 8 

W coast of Sumatra, near Indrapoera River 

wheatlandensis, Siphonalia bicarinata: Clark and Anderson 

Clark and Anderson, 1938, p. 952 

Yuba Co., Calif.; Dry Creek, 6 miles NE of Wheatland 

Upper Eocene-Lower Oligocene, Wheatland Fm 

whitei, Ferminoscala: Keen Holotype 

Keen, 1943, p. 46, pl. 4, figs. 32, 33 

Kern Co., Calif.; Caliente Qd, in small gully near center SW 1/4 

Sec. 6, T 29 S,R30E SU loc. 2121 

Miocene, Temblor Fm, Round Mountain Silt 

whitei, Valvata: Hannibal Holotype 

Hannibal, 1910, p. 107. Illustrated in Taylor and Smith, 1971, figs. 45, 

46, 50 

Oregon, near Summer Lake 

Quaternary, Upper Lahontan [Pliocene, probably Blancan, fide Tay- 

lor and Smith, 1971] ; 

willetti, Antiplanes (Rectiplanes): Berry Holotype 

Berry, 1953b, p. 419, pl. 29, fig. 2 

Alaska; Forrester Island, 50 fms 

willetti, Turritella: McLean Paratype 

McLean, 1970a, p. 312 

Colima, Mexico; Manzanillo, Santiago Bay, 19° 06’ N, 104° 23’ W, 

7-12 fms 

williamsi, Pyrgulopsis: Hannibal Holotype 

Hannibal, 1912b, p. 189, pl. 8, fig. 29a. Also im Taylor and Smith, 

1971, figs. 24, 25 

San Joaquin Valley, Calif.; Lost Hills, Martin and Dudleys Oilwell 

[SE 1/4 Sec. 32, T 26 S, R 21 E] 

Pliocene [San Joaquin Fm, fide Taylor and Smith, 1971, p. 312] 

williamsi, Pyrgulopsis: Hannibal Paratype 

Hannibal, 1912b, p. 189, pl. 8, fig. 29b 

San Joaquin Valley, Calif.; Lost Hills, SE 1/4 Sec. 32, T 26 S, R 21E 

Pliocene [San Joaquin Fm, fide Taylor and Smith, 1971, p. 312] 

williamsi, Pyrgulopsis: Hannibal Paratype 

Hannibal, 1912b, p. 189, pl. 8, fig. 29c 

San Joaquin Valley, Calif.; Lost Hills, SE 1/4 Sec. 32, T 26 S, R 21 E 

Pliocene [San Joaquin Fm, fide Taylor and Smith, 1971, p. 312] 

williamsi, Woodbridgea: Berry Holotype 

Berry, 1953b, p. 422, fig. 8 

Baja California, Mexico; off Cedros Village, Cedros Island, 25 fms 

winslowae, Arena: Pilsbry and Lowe Paratypes 

Pilsbry and Lowe, 1932a, p. 86 

Taboga Island, Panama 

wittichi, Thais: Hertlein and Jordan Holotype 

Hertlein and Jordan, 1927, p. 633, pl. 18, fig. 3 

Baja California, Mexico; Arroyo San Ignacio, 8 km SW of San 

Ignacio SU loc. 66 

Miocene, Isidro Fm 

wittichi, Thais: Hertlein and Jordan Paratypes 

Hertlein and Jordan, 1927, p. 633 

Baja California, Mexico; Arroyo San Ignacio, 8 km SW of San 

Ignacio SU loc. 66 

Miocene, Isidro Fm 

















wittichi, Turritella: Hertlein and Jordan Holotype 
Hertlein and Jordan, 1927, p. 635, pl. 21, fig. 3. Also im Merriam, 
1941, p. 114, pl. 29, fig. 1 

Baja California, Mexico; on trail from Arroyo Mesquital to La Puri- 
sima, in Turritella bed above San Gregorio Lagoon SU loc. 59 
Miocene, Isidro Fm 

wittichi, Turritella: Hertlein and Jordan Paratype 
Hertlein and Jordan, 1927, p. 635 

Baja California, Mexico; on trail from Arroyo Mesquital to La Puri- 
sima, in Turritella bed above San Gregorio Lagoon SU loc. 59 
Miocene, Isidro Fm 

wolcottiana, Sonorella: Bartsch Paratypes 
Bartsch, 1903, p. 103 

San Diego Co., Calif.; Palm Springs [emended from S. walcottiana] 
woodfordi, Mitromorpha barbarensis: Berry Paratype 
Berry, 1941, p. 10 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; San Pedro, Hilltop Quarry 

Lower Pleistocene, Lomita Fm 

xavieri, Colubraria: Campbell Holotype 
Campbell, 1961a, p. 141, pl. 10, figs. 7, 8. Also im Keen, 1971, p. 512, 
fig. 974 

Sonora, Mexico; Guaymas, 2 miles W of Cabo Haro, 100 fms 

xena, Neverita (Glossaulax) reclusiana: Woodring Paratypes 
Woodring, 1957, p. 92 

Canal Zone; highway 1.7 km SW of Sabanita SU loc. 2611 

Miocene, lower Gatun Fm 

yokoyamai, Asthenotoma: Makiyama Paratypes 
Makiyama, 1927, p. 95 

Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan; Dainiti 

Pliocene, Dainiti /m 

yrekaensis, Goniobasis: Henderson Paratypes 
Henderson, 1935, p. 97 

Shasta River, below Yreka, Calif.; 4 miles above river mouth 
zambiensis, Thapsia: Pilsbry Paratypes 
Pilsbry, 1919, p. 237 

Zambi, Belgian Congo 

zeteki, Epitonium: Dall Paratype 
Dall, 1917b, p. 486. Illustrated iz Keen, 1971, p. 428, fig. 632 left 

Near Panama City, Panama 

zizyphus, Clavus (Crassispira): Berry Paratype 
Berry, 1940b, p. 152 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; San Pedro, Hilltop Quarry 

Lower Pleistocene 


californiensis, Ischnochiton (Lepidozona): Berry Paratype 
Berry, 1931b, p. 255 

San Diego Co., Calif.; near Scripps Institution, La Jolla 

circumsenta, Stenoplax: Berry Paratype 
Berry, 1956a, p. 72 

Baja California, Mexico; Scammon Lagoon, W of Isla Concha 
crossota, Nuttallina: Berry Paratype 
Berry, 1956a, p. 71. Illustrated iz Keen, 1958, p. 528, fig. 49 

Sonora, Mexico; W end of Puerto Penasco 

heathiana, Stenoplax (Stenoradsia): Berry Holotype 
Berry, 1946a, p. 161, pl. 4, fig. 8 

Monterey Co., Calif.; Pacific Grove, shoreline 












BuLtetTin 300 

isoglypta, Stenoplax: Berry Paratype 
Berry, 1956a, p. 72 
Isabel Island, Peru 

keepiana, Lepidochitona: Berry Paratype 
Berry, 1948, p. 14 
lioplax, Oligochiton: Berry Holotype 

Orange Co., Calif.; Newport 

Berry, 1922, p. 431, pl. 1, figs. 5, 6 

Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada; sea cliffs between 
mouths of Muir and Coal Creeks, W of Otter Point, Sooke SU loc. 
NP 129 

Oligocene, Sooke Fm 

lioplax, Oligochiton: Berry Paratype 
Berry, 1922, p. 431, pl. 1, figs. 3, 4 

Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada; Sooke, sea cliffs be- 
tween mouths of Coal and Muir Creeks, W of Otter Point SU loc. 
NP 129 

Oligocene, Sooke Fm 

oldroydi, Lepidopleurus (Leptochiton): Dall ~ Paratypes 
Dall, 1919a, p. 560 

San Pedro, Calif. 

percrassus, Lepidopleurus (Oldroydia): Dall Paratypes 
Dall, 1894, p. 90 

Santa Barbara Channel, off San Pedro, Calif.; 75 fms 

semiliratus: Dendrochiton: Berry Holotype 
Berry, 1927, p. 160, pl. 13, figs. 1, 2 

Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada; Nanaimo, Departure 

semiliratus, Dendrochiton: Berry Paratype 
Berry, 1927, p. 160 

Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada; Nanaimo, Departure 

sonorana, Stenoplax (Maugerella) conspicua: Berry Paratypes 
Berry, 1956a, p. 73. Illustrated iz Keen, 1958, p. 528, fig. 47 

Sonora, Mexico; W end Puerto Penasco 

subtilis, Lepidozona: Berry Paratypes 
Berry, 1956a, p. 74. Illustrated in Keen, 1958, p. 526, fig. 42 

Sonora, Mexico; W end Puerto Penasco 

willetti, Ischnochiton (Lepidozona): Berry Paratypes 
Berry, 1917b, p. 236 

Forrester Island, Alaska 


adairensis, Productus (Marginifera): Drake Syntype 
Drake, 1898, p. 402, pl. 9, figs. 1, 3 

Adair, Okla.; 5 miles SE, 7 miles E of town 

Carboniferous, Boston Fm 

adairensis, Productus (Marginifera): Drake Syntype 
Drake, 1898, p. 402, pl. 9, fig. 2 

Adair, Okla.; 5 miles SE, 7 miles E of town 

Carboniferous, Boston Fm 

cherokeensis, Productus: Drake Holotype 
Drake, 1898, p. 404, pl. 9, figs. 4, 5 

Adair, Okla.; 5 miles SE of town 

Carboniferous, Boston Fm 















hamiltonense, Dielasma: Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1927, p. 123, pl. 102, figs. 14-16 

Kupreanof Island, Alaska; Hamilton Bay 

Upper Triassic [holotype USNM 74208] 

hannibali, Discinisca cumingii: Hertlein and Grant Holotype 
Hertlein and Grant, 1944, p. 29, pl. 16, figs. 7, 8, 11 

Oak Bay, Wash.; between Port Townsend and Port Ludlow SU loc, 
NP 128 

Oligocene, Lincoln Fm 

laevis, Rhynchonella wollossowitschii: Diener Holotype 
Diener, 1924, p. 14, pl. 1, figs. 12a-12d 

New Siberian Islands; Koteleny Island, at head of Balyktach River 
Upper Triassic, Noric 

lata, Rhynchonella wollossowitschii: Diener Holotype 
Diener, 1924, p. 14, pl. 1, figs. 11a-11d 

New Siberian Islands; Koteleny Island, head of Balyktach River 
Upper Triassic, Noric 

pittensis, Spiriferina: Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1927, p. 124, pl. 95, fig. 10 

Shasta Co., Calif.; Brock Mt. 

Upper Triassic, Hosselkus Ls [holotype USNM 74156] 

richardsoni, Rhynchonella: Smith Plastoholotype 
Smith, 1927, p. 123, pl. 96, figs. 19-21 

Shasta Co., Calif.; old quarry SW end of Brock Mt. between Squaw 
Creek and Pit River 

Upper Triassic, Hosseikus Ls [holotype USNM 74171] 

simiensis, Kingena: Waring Holotype 
Waring, 1917, p. 73, pl. 12, fig. 11 

Ventura Co., Calif.; Simi Hills, Martinez area 

Lower Eocene, Martinez Fm 

smithi, Terebratalia: Arnold Holotype 
Arnold, 1903, p. 93, pl. 17, fig. 9 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; Deadman Island, off San Pedro 

Pleistocene, San Pedro Fm 

sookensis, Terebratella (?): Clark and Arnold Holotype 
Clark and Arnold, 1923, p. 176, pl. 36, figs. 5a, 5b 

Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada; Jordan River, 2 miles 
W of Sherringham Point, at mouth of Fossil Creek SU loc. NP 130 
Oligocene, Sooke Fm 

sookensis, Terebratella (?): Clark and Arnold Paratype 
Clark and Arnold, 1923, p. 176, pl. 36, fig. 4 

Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada; Jordan River, 2 miles 
W of Sherringham Point, at mouth of Fossi] Creek SU loc. NP 130 
Oligocene, Sooke Fm 

washingtonensis, Gryphus: Hertlein and Grant Holotype 
Hertlein and Grant, 1944, p. 93, pl. 16, figs. 13, 14, 16 

Grays Harbor Co., Wash.; R.R. cuts E of Balch SU loc. NP 57 
Eocene, Cowlitz Fm 

wollossowitschii, Rhynchonella: Diener Syntype 
Diener, 1924, p. 14, pl. 1, figs. 10a-10d 

New Siberian Islands; Koteleny Island, head of Balyktach River 

wollossowitschii, Rhynchonella: Diener Syntype 
Diener, 1924, p. 14, pl. 1, figs. 9a-9d 

New Siberian Islands; Koteleny Island, head of Balyktach River 














BuLLetin 300 

yukonensis, Spiriferina: Smith 
Smith, 1927, p. 124, pl. 101, figs. 13, 14 


S bank Yukon River, opposite Nation River 

Upper Triassic 

[holotype USNM 74202] 


alaskensis, Portunites: Rathbun 
Rathbun, 1926, p. 72, pl. 22, fig. 3 

Pacific Co., Wash.; N of Holcomb, bluffs along Willapa River 

loc. NP 253 
Oligocene, Keasey Fm 
antennatus, Archaeopus: Rathbun 

Rathbun, 1908, p. 347, pl. 47, figs. 4, 5, 6 



San Mateo Co., Calif.; Bolsa Point, 1 mile N of Pigeon Point 

Upper Cretaceous, Chico Fm 
apollo, Cheirurus: Billings 


Billings, 1860, p. 322, fig. 28. Also im Billings, 1865, fig. 397 (as 

stay sp.”) 

Quebec, Canada; Pt. Lévis 

Middle Ordovician, Beekmantown Fm 

bainbridgensis, Cancer: Rathbun 
Rathbun, 1926, p. 60, pl. 16, fig. 2 
Bainbridge Island, Wash.; Bean Point 
Upper Oligocene, Blakeley Fm 
bainbridgensis, Cancer: Rathbun 
Rathbun, 1926, p. 60, pl. 16, fig. 3 
Bainbridge Island, Wash.; Bean Point 
Upper Oligocene, Blakeley Fm 
bairdensis, Proteus: Wheeler 
Wheeler, 1935, p. 49, pl. 6, figs. 1-3 
Shasta Co., Calif.; Redding Qd, SW 
R4W _ SU loc. 1041 

Carboniferous, Baird Ls 

bairdensis, Proteus: Wheeler 
Wheeler, 1935, p. 49 

Shasta Co., Calif.; Redding Qd, SW 

Carboniferous, Baird Fm 
bandonensis, Callianassa: Rathbun 
Rathbun, 1926, p. 118, pl. 27, figs. 5, 6 
Coos Co., Ore.; S of mouth of Five 
NP 38 


bandonensis, Callianassa: Rathbun 
Rathbun, 1926, p. 118, pl. 27, fig. 8 
Coos Co., Ore.; S of mouth of Five 
NP 38 


bandonensis, Callianassa: Rathbun 
Rathbun, 1926, p. 118, pl. 27, fig. 7 
Coos Co., Ore.; S of mouth of Five 
NP 38 


barrandei, Amphion: Billings 
Billings, 1865, p. 288, fig. 277b 
Newfoundland, Canada; Cow Head 

[holotype Geol. Surv. Canada 

SU loc. NP 205 

SU loc. NP 205 


1/4 SE 1/4 Sec. 14, T 34 N, 

1/4 SE 1/4 Sec. 14, T 34 N, 


Mile Creek, Bandon SU loc. 


Mile Creek, Bandon SU loc. 


Mile Creek, Bandon SU loc. 


Ordovician, Quebec group [syntype Geol. Surv. Canada 682b] 















barrandei, Amphion: Billings Plastosyntype 
Billings, 1865, p. 288, fig. 277a 

Newfoundland, Canada; Cow Head 

Ordovician, Quebec group [syntype Geol. Surv. Canada 681b] 
beattyana, Parapilekia: Holliday Paratype 
Holliday, 1942, p. 475, pl. 73, fig. 4 

Nye Co., Nevada; Furnace Creek Qd, 1 mile SE of Beatty, gully in 
Meikeljohn Peak on road to Telluride Canyon SU loc. 2204 

Lower Ordovician 

bifida, Acanthopyge (Mephiarges): Edgell Holotype 
Edgell, 1955, p. 138, pl. 14, figs. 1, 3-8 

New South Wales, Australia; Goodradigbee Valley, 4 miles SE of 
Burrinjuck Dam, 4 miles NNE of Wee Jasper Village 

Middle Devonian, Wee Jasper Ls 

brucei, Blepharipoda: Rathbun Holotype 
Rathbun, 1926, p. 126, pl. 28, fig. 11 

Jefferson Co., Wash.; Classens Wharf, Townsend Bay SU loc. NP 

Oligocene, Lincoln Fm 

brucei, Blepharipoda: Rathbun Paratype 
Rathbun, 1926, p. 126, pl. 28, fig. 10 

Jefferson Co., Wash.; Classens Wharf, Townsend Bay SU loc. NP 

Oligocene, Lincoln Fm 

brucei, Blepharipoda: Rathbun Paratype 
Rathbun, 1926, p. 126 

Jefferson Co., Wash.; Classens Wharf, Townsend Bay SU loc. NP 

Oligocene, Lincoln Fm 

canadensis, Amphion: Billings Plastosyntypes 
Billings, 1859, p. 381, figs. 12a, 12b 

Quebec; Mingan Islands 

Middle Ordovician, Chazyan, Mingan Fm [syntypes at Geol. Sury. 

carmanahensis, Pilumnoplax: Rathbun Holotype 
Rathbun, 1926, p. 38, pl. 9, figs. 1-4 

Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada; sea cliffs for a distance 
of 3 miles W of Carmanah Point SU loc. NP 141 


cayleyi, Amphion: Billings Plastoholotype 
Billings, 1863, p. 239, fig. 277. Also zm Billings, 1865, p. 413, fig. 398 
(as Amphion sp?) 

Quebec; Pt. Lévis 

Middle Ordovician, Lévis Fm _ [holotype Geol. Surv. Canada 825] 
conwayensis, Griffithides: Wheeler Holotype 
Wheeler, 1935, p. 53, pl. 6, figs. 4, 5 

Conway Co., Ark.; near center NW 1/4 Sec. 17, T 5 N,R 16 W SU 
loc. 1040 

Pennsylvanian, Atoka Fm [new name for Phillipsia (Griffithides) 
ornata Vogdes, 1895] 

hannibalanus, Pilumnoplax: Rathbun Holotype 
Rathbun, 1926, p. 39, pl. 10, figs. 1, 2 

Nehalem Bay, Ore.; cut on Tillamook branch of Southern Pacific 
R.R., 1 mile E of Wheeler SU loc. NP 229 

Middle Oligocene? 

hannibalanus, Pilumnoplax: Rathbun Paratype 
Rathbun, 1926, p. 39, pl. 10, fig. 3 

W of Neah Bay, Wash.; sea cliffs at Koitlah Point SU loc. NP 167 
Middle Oligocene? 













BuLuetin 300° 

idae, Mesorhoea: Rathbun Paratype 
Rathbun, 1926, p. 27 

NE of San Pedro, Calif.; Nob Hill 

Pleistocene, San Pedro Fm 

julius, Amphion: Billings Plastoholotype 
Billings, 1865, p. 290, fig. 279 

Newfoundland; Cow Head 

Middle Ordovician, Quebec group [holotype Geol. Surv. Canada 

marcusana, Mursia: Rathbun Paratype 
Rathbun, 1926, p. 82, pl. 19, fig. 7 

Puget Sound, Wash.; Alki Point, near Seattle SU loc. NP 48 

Upper Oligocene, Blakeley Fm 

marginatus, Ectenonotus: Holliday Paratype 
Holliday, 1942, p. 476, pl. 73, fig. 3 

Nye Co., Nevada; Furnace Creek Qd, 1 mile SE of Beatty SU loc. 

Lower Ordovician 

naselensis, Eumorphocorystes: Rathbun Holotype 
Rathbun, 1926, p. 100, pl. 24, figs. 9, 10 

Pacific Co., Wash.; bluffs along Nasel River near mouth of Salmon 
Creek SU loc. NP 281 

Oligocene, Lincoln Fm 

nevadensis, Amphion: Walcott Plastoholotype 
Walcott, 1884, p. 94, pl. 12, fig. 13 

Eureka district, Nevada 

Ordovician, Pogonip Fm [holotype USNM 24645] 

nosoniensis, Griffithides: Wheeler Holotype 
Wheeler, 1935, p. 51, pl. 6, figs. 6, 7 

Shasta Co., Calif.; Redding Qd, NE 1/4 SW 1/4 Sec. 24, T 34. N, R 
4 W_ SU loc. 1034 

Permian, Nosoni Fm 

ornata, Phillipsia (Griffithides): Vogdes Holotype 
Vogdes, 1895, pp. 589-591, text fig. [renamed Griffithides conwayensis 
by Wheeler, 1935, p. 53] 

Conway Co., Ark.; Sec. 17,T 5N,R16 W_ SU loc. 1040 
Pennsylvanian, Atoka Fm 

pleistocenica, Randallia: Rathbun Paratype 
Rathbun, 1926, p. 77 

San Pedro, Calif.; Nob Hill 


porterensis, Callianassa: Rathbun Holotype 
Rathbun, 1926, p. 119, pl. 28, fig. 4 

Wash.; bluff on Chehalis River below Porter SU loc. NP 53 
Oligocene, Lincoln Fm 

porterensis, Callianassa: Rathbun Paratype 
Rathbun, 1926, p. 119 

Wash.; bluff on Chehalis River below Porter SU loc. NP 53 
Oligocene, Lincoln Fm 

porterensis, Callianassa: Rathbun Paratype 
Rathbun, 1926, p. 119, pl. 28, fig. 3 (as paratype C) 

Yaquina Bay, Ore.; cut on C and E. R.R. between Rocky Point and 
Oysterville SU loc. NP 15 

Oligocene, Lincoln Fm 

porterensis, Callianassa: Rathbun Paratype 
Rathbun, 1926, p. 119, pl. 28, fig. 1 (as paratype D) 

Yaquina Bay, Ore.; cut on C and E. R.R. between Rocky Point and 
Oysterville SU loc. NP 15 

Oligocene, Lincoln Fm 












salteri, Amphion: Billings 
Billings, 1861, p. 322, fig. 6 



Grenville Co., Ontario, Canada; “Philipsburg,” Oxford Township 
Lower Ordovician, Beekmantown Fm _ [holotype Geol. Surv. Canada 


triangulum, Portunites: Rathbun 


Rathbun, 1926, p. 68, pl. 17, figs. 3, 4 
Lewis Co., Wash.; Chehalis River, near mouth of Lincoln Creek 

SU loc. NP 211 

Oligocene, Lincoln Fm 

twinensis, Callianassa: Rathbun 
Rathbun, 1926, p. 117, pl. 27, fig. 2 
Clallam Co., Wash.; W of Twin 
SU loc. NP 120 

Oligocene, Blakeley Fm 
twinensis, Callianassa: Rathbun 
Rathbun, 1926, p. 117, pl. 27, fig. 3 
Clallam Co., Wash.; W of Twin 
SU loc. NP 120 

Oligocene, Blakeley Fm 
twinensis, Callianassa: Rathbun 
Rathbun, 1926, p. 117 

Clallam Co., Wash.; W of Twin 
SU loc. NP 120 

Oligocene, Blakeley Fm 
twinensis, Callianassa: Rathbun 


River for a distance of 3/4 mile 


River for a distance of 3/4 mile 


River for a distance of 3/4 mile 


Rathbun, 1926, p. 117, pl. 27, fig. 3 (as paratype D) 

Wahkiakum Co., Wash.; bluffs on Gray’s River 

Oligocene, Blakeley Fm 
willapensis, Ranidina: Rathbun 

SU loc. NP 274 


Rathbun, 1926, p. 99, pl. 21. figs. 4, 5 
Thurston Co., Wash.; bluffs along Willapa River N of Holcomb 

SU loc. NP 253 
Middle Oligocene, Keasey Fm 


beaconensis, Cytheridea: LeRoy 


LeRoy, 1943, p. 359, pl. 58, figs. 21-24 

Wilmington Qd., Calif.; San Pedro, 

Pleistocene, San Pedro Fm 

beaconensis, Cytheridea: LeRoy 

LeRoy, 1943, p. 359, pl. 58, fig. 25 

Wilmington Qd., Calif.; San Pedro, 

Pleistocene, San Pedro Fm 

californica, Cytherelloidea: LeRoy 

Beacon and Second Streets 
Beacon and Second Streets 


LeRoy, 1943, p. 357, pl. 58, figs. 32-35 
Wilmington Qd., Calif.; San Pedro, 7.2 inches N, 2.05 inches E of SW 

corner of sheet 
Pleistocene, Lomita Fm 

californiensis, Hemicythere?: LeRoy 


LeRoy, 1943, p. 366, pl. 61, figs. 29-31 
San Diego Co., Calif.; Pacific Beach, La Jolla Qd 

Pliocene, San Diego Fm 

californiensis, Hemicythere?: LeRoy 


LeRoy, 1943, p. 366, pl. 61, figs. 32, 33 
San Diego Co., Calif.; Pacific Beach, La Jolla Qd 

Pliocene, San Diego Fm 


















californiensis, Hemicythere?: LeRoy Paratype 
LeRoy, 1943, p. 366, pl. 62, figs. 5, 6 

San Diego Co., Calif.; Pacific Beach, La Jolla Qd 

Pliocene, San Diego Fm 

californiensis, Hemicythere?: LeRoy Paratypes 
LeRoy, 1943, p. 366 

San Diego Co., Calif.; Pacific Beach, La Jolla Qd 

Pliocene, San Diego Fm 

corrugata, Leguminocythereis: LeRoy Holotype 
LeRoy, 1943, p. 372, pl. 59, figs. 7-10 

San Diego Co., Calif.; Pacific Beach, La Jolla Qd 

Pliocene, San Diego Fm 

corrugata, Leguminocythereis: LeRoy Paratype 
LeRoy, 1943, p. 372, pl. 59, figs. 11, 12 

San Diego Co., Calif.; Pacific Beach, La Jolla Qd 

Pliocene, San Diego Fm 

corrugata, Leguminocythereis: LeRoy Paratype 
LeRoy, 1943, p. 372, pl. 62, figs. 7, 8 

San Diego Co., Calif.; Pacific Beach, La Jolla Qd 

Pliocene, San Diego Fm 

corrugata, Leguminocythereis: LeRoy Paratypes 
LeRoy, 1943, p. 372 

San Diego Co., Calif.; Pacific Beach, La Jolla Qd 

Pliocene, San Diego Fm 

delreyensis, Basslerites: LeRoy Holotype 
LeRoy, 1943, p. 368, pl. 59, figs. 23-26 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; Venice Qd, 6.2 inches S, 3.9 in W of NE 
corner of map, on Lincoln Blvd 


delreyensis, Basslerites: LeRoy Paratypes 
LeRoy, 1943, p. 368, pl. 59, fig. 27 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; Venice Qd, 6.2 inches S, 3.9 inches W of NW 
corner of map, on Lincoln Blvd 


delreyensis, Basslerites: LeRoy Paratype 
LeRoy, 1943, p. 368, pl. 62, figs. 21, 22 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; Venice Qd, 6.2 inches S, 3.9 inches W of NE 
corner of map, on Lincoln Blvd 


delreyensis, Basslerites: LeRoy Paratype 
LeRoy, 1943, p. 368 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; Venice Qd, 6.2 inches S, 3.9 inches W of NE 
corner of map, on Lincoln Blvd 


diegoensis, Cythereis: LeRoy Holotype 
LeRoy, 1943, p. 369, pl. 58, figs. 26-29 

San Diego Co., Calif.; Pacific Beach, La Jolla Qd 

Pliocene, San Diego Fm 

diegoensis, Cythereis: LeRoy Paratype 
LeRoy, 1943, p. 369, pl. 58, figs. 30, 31 

San Diego Co., Calif.; Pacific Beach, La Jolla Qd 

Pliocene, San Diego Fm 

diegoensis, Cythereis: LeRoy Paratype 
LeRoy, 1943, p. 369 

San Diego, Calif.; Pacific Beach, La Jolla Qd 

Pliocene, San Diego Fm 















driveri, Brachycythere: LeRoy Holotype 
LeRoy, 1943, p. 361, pl. 61, figs. 6-8 

Santa Barbara, Calif.; Bathhouse Beach 

“Pliocene,” Santa Barbara Fm 

driveri, Brachycythere: LeRoy Paratype 
LeRoy, 1943, p. 361, pl. 61, figs. 9, 10 

Santa Barbara, Calif.; Bathhouse Beach 

“Pliocene,” Santa Barbara Fm 

driveri, Brachycythere: LeRoy Paratype 
LeRoy, 1943, p. 361, pl. 62, figs. 17, 18 

Santa Barbara, Calif.; Bathhouse Beach 

“Pliocene,” Santa Barbara Fm 

driveri, Brachycythere: LeRoy Paratype 
LeRoy, 1943, p. 361 

Santa Barbara, Calif.; Bathhouse Beach 

‘Pliocene,” Santa Barbara Fm 

elongata, Bythocypris: LeRoy Holotype 
LeRoy, 1943, p. 358, pl. 59, figs. 13-16 

Wilmington Qd, Calif.; San Pedro, Second St., 7.2 inches N, 2.05 inches 
E of SW corner of sheet 

Pleistocene, Lomita Fm 

fragilis, Caudites: LeRoy Holotype 
LeRoy, 1943, p. 372, pl. 60, figs. 10-12 

Wilmington Qd, Calif.; San Pedro, Second Street, 100’ E of Pacific 

Pleistocene, Lomita Fm 

fragilis, Caudites: LeRoy Paratype 
LeRoy, 1943, p. 372, pl. 60, fig. 13 

Wilmington Qd., Calif.; San Pedro, Second Street, 100’ E of Pacific 

Pleistocene, Lomita Fm 

granti, Paracytheridea: LeRoy Syntype 
LeRoy, 1943, p. 361, pl. 61, figs. 11, 12, 14 

San Diego Co., Calif.; Pacific Beach, La Jolla Qd 

Pleistocene, San Diego Fm 

granti, Paracytheridea: LeRoy Syntype 
LeRoy, 1943, p. 361, pl. 61, fig. 13 

San Diego Co., Calif.; Pacific Beach, La Jolla Qd 

Pliocene, San Diego Fm 

granti, Paracytheridea: LeRoy Syntype 
LeRoy, 1943, p. 361, pl. 62, figs. 3, 4 

San Diego Co., Calif.; Pacific Beach, La Jolla Qd 

Pliocene, San Diego Fm 

hispida, Hemicythere? californiensis: LeRoy Holotype 
LeRoy, 1943, p. 367, pl. 60, figs. 1-3 

Santa Barbara, Calif.; Bathhouse Beach 

“Pliocene,” Santa Barbara Fm 

hispida, Hemicythere? californiensis: LeRoy Paratype 
LeRoy, 1943, p. 367, pl. 60, fig. 4 

Santa Barbara, Calif.; Bathhouse Beach 

“Pliocene,” Santa Barbara Fm 

holmani, Archicythereis: LeRoy Holotype 
LeRoy, 1943, p. 371, pl. 58, figs. 1-4 

Orange Co., Calif.; Newport Lagoon, Tustin Qd, 2.95 inches N, 1.08 
inches E of SW corner of map 

Upper Pliocene 
















holmani, Archicythereis: LeRoy Paratype 
LeRoy, 1943, p. 371, pl. 62, figs. 23, 24 

Orange Co., Calif.; Newport Lagoon, Tustin Qd, 2.95 inches N, 1.08 
inches E of SW corner of map 

Upper Pliocene 

jollaensis, Hemicythere: LeRoy Holotype 
LeRoy, 1943, p. 365, pl. 59, figs. 28-31 

San Diego Co., Calif.; Pacific Beach, La Jolla Qd 

Pliocene, San Diego Fm 

jollaensis, Hemicythere: LeRoy Paratype 
LeRoy, 1943, p. 365, pl. 59, figs. 32, 33 

San Diego Co., Calif.; Pacific Beach, La Jolla Qd 

Pliocene, San Diego Fm 

jollaensis, Hemicythere: LeRoy Paratype 
LeRoy, 1943, p. 365, text-fig. q 

San Diego Co., Calif.; Pacific Beach, La Jolla Qd 

Pliocene, San Diego Fm 

jollaensis, Hemicythere: LeRoy Paratype 
LeRoy, 1943, p. 365, pl. 62, figs. 15, 16 

San Diego Co., Calif.; Pacific Beach, La Jolla Qd 

Pliocene, San Diego Fm 

kewi, Cythereis: LeRoy Holotype 
LeRoy, 1943, p. 369, pl. 60, figs. 24-26 

Santa Barbara, Calif.; Bathhouse Beach 

“Upper Pliocene,’ Santa Barbara Fm 

kewi, Cythereis: LeRoy Paratype 
LeRoy, 1943, p. 369, pl. 60, fig. 27 

Santa Barbara, Calif.; Bathhouse Beach 

“Upper Pliocene,” Santa Barbara Fm 

kewi, Cythereis: LeRoy Paratype 
LeRoy, 1943, p. 369, pl. 62, figs. 9, 10 

Santa Barbara, Calif.; Bathhouse Beach 

“Upper Pliocene,” Santa Barbara Fm 

kewi, Cythereis: LeRoy Paratype 
LeRoy, 1943, p. 369, text-fig. d 

Santa Barbara, Calif.; Bathhouse Beach 

“Upper Pliocene,’ Santa Barbara Fm 

lenticulata, Loxoconcha: LeRoy Holotype 
LeRoy, 1943, p. 360, pl. 60, figs. 19-23 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; Deadman Island, Wilmington Qd, 4.72 inches 
N, 4.6 inches E of SE corner of sheet 

Pleistocene, Timms Point Fm 

lenticulata, Loxoconcha: LeRoy Paratype 
LeRoy, 1943, p. 360, text fig. f 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; Deadman Island, Wilmington Qd, 4.72 inches 
N, 4.6 inches E of SE corner of sheet 

Pleistocene, Timms Point Fm 

lenticulata, Loxoconcha: LeRoy Paratype 
LeRoy, 1943, p. 360, text-fig. g 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; Deadman Island, Wilmington Qd, 4.72 inches 
N, 4.6 inches E of SE corner of sheet 

Pleistocene, Timms Point Fm 

lenticulata, Loxoconcha: LeRoy Paratype 
LeRoy, 1943, p. 360, pl. 61, figs. 34-36 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; Deadman Island, Wilmington Qd, 4.72 inches 
N, 4.6 inches E of SE corner of sheet 

Pleistocene, Timms Point Fm 














lenticulata, Loxoconcha: LeRoy Paratype 
LeRoy, 1943, p. 360, pl. 62, figs. 13, 14 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; Deadman Island, Wilmington Qd, 4.72 inches 
N, 4.6 inches E of SE corner of sheet 

Pleistocene, Timms Point Fm 

lincolnensis, Brachycythere: LeRoy Holotype 
LeRoy, 1943, p. 364, pl. 61, figs. 1-3 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; Lincoln Blvd., Venice; Venice Qd, 6.2 inches 
S, 3.9 inches W of NE corner of sheet 


lincolnensis, Brachycythere: LeRoy Paratype 
LeRoy, 1943, p. 364, pl. 61, figs. 4, 5 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; Lincoln Blvd., Venice; Venice Qd, 6.2 inches 
S, 3.9 inches W of NE corner of sheet 


lincolnensis, Brachycythere: LeRoy Paratype 
LeRoy, 1943, p. 364, pl. 62, figs. 1, 2 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; Lincoln Blvd., Venice; Venice Qd, 6.2 inches 
S, 3.9 inches W of NE corner of sheet 


martini, Brachycythere: Murray and Hussey Paratype 
Murray and Hussey, 1942, p. 177 

Louisiana; S side of lower Dodson Rd, Winn Parish; NE 1/4, SW 1/4, 
SW 1/4 Sec. 28, T 13 N,R3 W 

Eocene, Cook Mountain Fm 

microreticulata, Cythereis: LeRoy Holotype 
LeRoy, 1943, p. 370, pl. 59, figs. 17-20 

Santa Barbara, Calif.; Bathhouse Beach 

“Upper Pliocene,” Santa Barbara Fm 

microreticulata, Cythereis: LeRoy Paratype 
LeRoy, 1943, p. 370, pl. 59, figs. 21, 22 

Santa Barbara, Calif.; Bathhouse Beach 

“Upper Pliocene,’ Santa Barbara Fm 

microreticulata, Cythereis: LeRoy Paratype 
LeRoy, 1943, p. 370, text fig. n 

Santa Barbara, Calif.; Bathhouse Beach 

“Upper Pliocene,” Santa Barbara Fm 

minutum, Cytheropteron: LeRoy Holotype 
LeRoy, 1943a, p. 361, pl. 60, figs. 28-30. [LeRoy, 1943b, p. 629, re- 
named it Cytheropteron pacificum | 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; LaHabra Qd, 8.55 inches S, 4.25 inches E 
of NW corner of map 

Pliocene? [specimen missing, July, 1976] 

newportensis, Archicythereis: LeRoy Syntype 
LeRoy, 1943, p. 372, pl. 58, figs. 7, 8 

Orange Co., Calif.; Newport Lagoon, Tustin Qd, 2.95 inches N, 1.08 
inches E of SW corner of sheet 

Upper Pliocene 

newportensis, Archicythereis: LeRoy Syntype 
LeRoy, 1943, p. 372, pl. 58, figs. 5, 6 

Orange Co., Calif.; Newport Lagoon, Tustin Qd, 2.95 inches N, 1.08 
inches E of SW corner of sheet 

Upper Pliocene 

newportensis, Archicythereis: LeRoy Syntype 
LeRoy, 1943, p. 372, text fig. b 

Orange Co., Calif.; Newport Lagoon, Tustin Qd, 2.95 inches N, 1.08 
inches E of SW corner of sheet 

Upper Pliocene 
















pacificus, Paracypris: LeRoy Holotype 
LeRoy, 1943, p. 358, pl. 61, figs. 15-17 and text fig. z 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; Deadman Island, Wilmington Qd, 4.72 inches 
N, 4.6 inches E of SE corner of sheet 

Pleistocene, Timms Point Fm 

pacificus, Paracypris: LeRoy Paratype 
LeRoy, 1943, p. 358, pl. 61, fig. 18 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; Deadman Island, Wilmington Qd, 4.72 inches 
N, 4.6 inches E of SE corner of sheet 

Pleistocene, Timms Point Fm 

palosensis, Hemicythere: LeRoy Holotype 
LeRoy, 1943, p. 365, pl. 60, figs. 14-16 and text fig. c 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; San Pedro, Wilmington Qd, on Second Street, 
100’ E of Pacific Ave 

Pleistocene, Lomita Fm 

palosensis, Hemicythere: LeRoy Paratype 
LeRoy, 1943, p. 365, pl. 60, figs. 17, 18 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; San Pedro, Wilmington Qd, on Second Street, 
100’ E of Pacific Ave ; 

Pleistocene, Lomita Fm 

pedroensis, Cytheridea?: LeRoy Holotype 
LeRoy, 1943, p. 359, pl. 58, figs. 15-18 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; San Pedro, Wilmington Qd, Beacon and 
Second Streets 

Pleistocene, San Pedro Fm 

pedroensis, Cytheridea?: LeRoy Paratype 
LeRoy, 1943, p. 359, pl. 58, figs. 19, 20 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; San Pedro, Wilmington Qd, Beacon and 
Second Streets 

Pleistocene, San Pedro Fm 

pedroensis, Cytheridea?: LeRoy Paratype 
LeRoy, 1943, p. 359, text-fig. t 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; San Pedro, Wilmington Qd, Beacon and 
Second Streets 

Pleistocene, San Pedro Fm 

pennata, Cythereis: LeRoy Holotype 
LeRoy, 1943, p. 370, pl. 59, figs. 34-37 

San Diego Co., Calif.; Pacific Beach, La Jolla Qd 

Pliocene, San Diego Fm 

pennata, Cythereis: LeRoy Paratype 
LeRoy, 1943, p. 370, text-fig. h 

San Diego Co., Calif.; Pacific Beach, La Jolla Qd 

Pliocene, San Diego Fm 

pennata, Cythereis: LeRoy Paratype 
LeRoy, 1943, p. 370, pl. 62, figs. 19, 20 

San Diego Co., Calif.; Pacific Beach, La Jolla Qd 

Pliocene, San Diego Fm 

schencki, Cythereis: LeRoy Holotype 
LeRoy, 1943, p. 371, pl. 58, figs. 9-12 

Santa Barbara, Calif.; Bathhouse Beach 

“Upper Pliocene,” Santa Barbara Fm 

schencki, Cythereis: LeRoy Paratype 
LeRoy, 1943, p. 371, pl. 58, figs. 13, 14 

Santa Barbara, Calif.; Bathhouse Beach 

“Upper Pliocene,” Santa Barbara Fm 

schencki, Cythereis: LeRoy Paratype 
LeRoy, 1943, p. 371, text-fig. u 

Santa Barbara, Calif.; Bathhouse Beach 

“Upper Pliocene,” Santa Barbara Fm 












schumannensis, Brachycythere lincolnensis: LeRoy Holotype 
LeRoy, 1943, p. 364, pl. 59, figs. 1-4 

Santa Barbara Co., Calif.; Guadalupe Qd, in R.R. cut just N of 

Pliocene, Foxen Mudstone 

schumannensis, Brachycythere lincolnensis: LeRoy Paratype 
LeRoy, 1943, p. 364, pl. 59, figs. 5, 6 

Santa Barbara Co., Calif.; Guadalupe Qd, in R.R. cut just N of 

Pliocene, Foxen Mudstone 

schumannensis, Brachycythere lincolnensis: LeRoy Paratype 
LeRoy, 1943, p. 364, text-fig. i 

Santa Barbara Co., Calif.; Guadalupe Qd, in R.R. cut just N of 

Pliocene, Foxen Mudstone 

schumannensis, Brachycythere lincolnensis: LeRoy Paratype 
LeRoy, 1943, p. 364, text-fig. j 

Santa Barbara Co., Calif.; Guadalupe Qd, in R.R. cut just N of 

Pliocene, Foxen Mudstone 

simiensis, Pyricythereis: LeRoy Holotype 
LeRoy, 1943, p. 368, pl. 61, figs. 24-26 

Ventura Co., Calif.; Piru Qd, Happy Canyon, N side of Simi Valley 
Pliocene, “San Diego” Fm 

simiensis, Pyricythereis: LeRoy Paratype 
LeRoy, 1943, p. 368, pl. 61, figs. 27, 28, text fig. e 

Ventura Co., Calif.; Piru Qd, Happy Canyon, N side of Simi Valley 
Pliocene, “San Diego” Fm 

verdesensis, Bairdia: LeRoy Holotype 
LeRoy, 1943, p. 358, pl. 60, figs. 5-7 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; Deadman Island, Wilmington Qd, 4.72 inches 
N, 4.6 inches E of SE corner of sheet 

Pleistocene, Timms Point Fm 

verdesensis, Bairdia: LeRoy Paratype 
LeRoy, 1943, p. 358, pl. 60, figs. 8, 9 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; Deadman Island, Wilmington Qd, 4.72 inches 
N, 4.6 inches E of SE corner of sheet 

Pleistocene, Timms Point Fm 

verdesensis, Bairdia: LeRoy Paratype 
Los Angeles Co., Calif.; Deadman Island, Wilmington Qd, 4.72 inches 
N, 4.6 inches E of SE corner of sheet 

Pleistocene, Timms Point Fm 


acris, Schwagerina pavilionensis: Thompson and Wheeler 

Thompson and Wheeler, 1942, p. 707, pl. 105, figs. 1, 2 

Southern British Columbia, Canada; Marble Canyon 

Permian, Marble Canyon Ls 

aculeata, Schwagerina: Thompson and Hazzard Holotype 

Thompson and Hazzard, 1946, p. 45, pl. 12, fig. 5 

San Bernardino Co., Calif.; E front of Providence Mts., S of Gilroy 

Mine, 1.5 miles N of end of road to Mitchell’s Caverns 

Permian, Bird Spring Fm 

aculeata, Schwagerina: Thompson and Hazzard Paratypes 

Thompson and Hazzard, 1946, p. 45, pl. 12, figs. 1, 4, 6, 7, 8 

San Bernardino Co., Calif.; Providence Mts., S of Gilroy Mine, 1.5 

miles N of end of road to Mitchell’s Caverns 

Permian, Bird Spring Fm 



cell 36 











aculeata, Schwagerina: Thompson and Hazzard Paratypes 

Thompson and Hazzard, 1946, p. 45, pl. 12, fig. 2 

San Bernardino Co., Calif., along ridge and main divide, Providence 

Mts., about 1.25 miles W of mouth of large canyon just N of Gilroy 


Permian, Bird Spring Fm 

aculeata, Schwagerina: Thompson and Hazzard Paratype 

Thompson and Hazzard, 1946, p. 45, pl. 12, fig. 3 

San Bernardino Co., Calif., along ridge and main divide, Providence 

Mts., about 1.25 miles W of mouth of large canyon just N of Gilroy 


Permian, Bird Spring Fm 

advena, Bolivina: Cushman Paratype 

Cushman, 1925c, p. 29 

San Luis Obispo Co., Calif., Sec. 24, T 28S, R14E 

Miocene, Monterey Shale 

aequa, Globorotalia crassata: Cushman and Renz Paratype 

Cushman and Renz, 1942, p. 12 

Trinidad, British W. I., Soldado Rock 

Paleocene, Soldado Fm 

afghanensis, Polydiexodina: Thompson Holotype 

Thompson, 1946, p. 150, pl. 26, fig. 2 

Shibar Pass, Afghanistan, on road from Kabul to Bamian, ca. 7 km 

W of summit 

Permian, Bamian Ls 

afghanensis, Polydiexodina: Thompson Paratypes 

Thompson, 1946, p. 150, pl. 26, figs. 3-5; pl. 24, figs. 1-6 

Shibar Pass, Afghanistan, on road from Kabul to Bamian, ca. 7 km 

W of summit 

Permian, Bamian Ls 

alazanensis, Bolivina: Cushman Paratype 

Cushman, 1926a, p. 82 

Veracruz, Mexico, km post 20.15, Tampico-Panuco R.R. 

Eocene-Oligocene?, Alazan Clay 

aliformis, Bolivina mexicana: Cushman Paratype 

Cushman, 1926a, p. 82 

Veracruz, Mexico; Rio Buena Vista, .5 km S 25° E from Tumbadero 

Hacienda House 

Eocene-Oligocene?, Alazan Clay 

almgreni, Lenticulina: Martin Holotype 

Martin, Lewis, 1964, p. 65, pl. 6, figs. 1a, 1b 

Merced Co., Calif., Laguna Seca Creek, Laguna Seca Hills, 7 miles 

N of Little Panoche Creek 

Upper Cretaceous, Panoche Fm 

alticostatus, Robulus mexicanus: Cushman and Barksdale 

Cushman and Barksdale, 1930, p. 63, pl. 11, fig. 7 

Contra Costa Co., Calif., Carquinez Qd., on Shell Co. property 1.5 

miles E of Arroyo del Hambre, 1.1 miles S of Bull’s Head Point 

Eocene, upper Martinez Fm [Paleocene] 

alticostatus, Robulus mexicanus: Cushman and Barksdale 

Cushman and Barksdale, 1930, p. 63, pl. 11, figs. 4-6 

Contra Costa Co., Calif., Carquinez Qd., on Shell Co. property 1.5 

miles E of Arroyo del Hambre, 1.1 miles S of Bull’s Head Point 

Eocene, upper Martinez Fm _ [Paleocene] 

angulata, Entosolenia marginata: Uchio Paratype 

Uchio, 1951a, p. 38 

Chiba-ken, Japan; Tomiya, Takeoka-mura, Kimitsu-gun 

Pliocene, Tomiya Fm 



cell 37 





cell 13 








angulostriata, Quinqueloculina: Cushman and Valentine 

Cushman and Valentine, 1930, p. 12, as angulo-striata 

Channel Islands off southern California 

appressa, Valvulineria californica: Cushman Paratypes 

Cushman, 1926d, p. 60 

San Luis Obispo Co., Calif., Sec. 24, T 28 S, R14E 

Miocene, Monterey Shale 

arbenzi, Planularia: Cushman and Renz Paratype 

Cushman and Renz, p. 13 

Falcon, Venezuela; Pozon, 17.7 km SE of Pueblo Jacura, District 


Miocene, Agua Salada (Zone II) 

arta, Pseudoschwagerina: Thompson and Hazzard Syntypes 

Thompson and Hazzard, 1946, p. 49, pl. 18, figs. 1-3 

San Bernardino Co., Calif., along ridge and summit of main divide, 

Providence Mts., ca. 1.25 miles W of mouth of large canyon just N 

of Gilroy Mine 

Permian, Bird Spring Fm 

asanoi, Cassidulina: Uchio Paratype 

Uchio, 1950, p. 190, text-fig. 13 

Chiba-ken, Japan; Otaniki, Tsuchimutsu-mura, Chosei-gun 

upper Pliocene 

aster, Asterocyclina: Woodring Paratypes 

Woodring, 1930, p. 152 

Santa Barbara Co., Calif., Canada de los Sauces 


attenuata, Uvigerina auberiana: Cushman and Renz Paratype 

Cushman and Renz, 1941, p. 21 

Falcon, Venezuela; Isidro, 35.0 km E of Pueblo Piritu, District Zamura 

Miocene, Agua Salada (Zone III) 

australis, Bolivinoides decorata: Edgell Holotype 

Edgell, 1954, p. 71, pl. 13, fig. 6 

Northwest Australia, C.Y. Creek, W flank of Giralia Anticline 

Upper Cretaceous 

baggi, Planulina: Kleinpell Holotype 

Kleinpell, 1938, p. 349, pl. VIII, figs. 14a, 14b, 14c 

Monterey Co., Calif., Reliz Canyon 

Miocene, Salinas Shale 

baileyi, Cibicides: Beck Holotype 

Beck, 1943, p. 611, pl. 109, figs. 7-9 

Lewis Co., Wash., W bank of Cowlitz River, 1.5 miles E of Vader, 

E 1/2, SE 1/4 Sec. 28, T 11 N, R2 W 

Eocene, Cowlitz Fm 

bandyi, Rotalia: Martin Holotype 

Martin, Lewis, 1964, p. 94, pl. 12, figs. 10a, 10b, 10c 

Fresno Co., Calif.; Moreno Gulch, Panoche Hills, 4 miles SE of Little 

Panoche Creek 

Upper Cretaceous, Panoche Fm 

barbarense, Elphidium fax: Nicol Holotype 

Nicol, 1944, p. 178, pl. 29, figs. 10, 12 

Santa Barbara, California 

Pleistocene, Santa Barbara Fm 

barksdalei, Astacolus: Beck Holotype 

Beck, 1943, p. 597, pl. 104, fig. 17 

Lewis Co., Wash.; E 1/2, SE 1/4 Sec. 28, T 11 N, R 2 W; 1.5 miles 

E of Vader, on W bank of Cowlitz River 

Eocene, Cowlitz Fm 


cell 14 


cell 19 








cell 28 


BuLLeTIN 300 

basicordata, Uvigerina gallowayi: Cushman and Renz Paratype 
Cushman and Renz, 1941, p. 21 

Falcon, Venezuela; Tocuyo, 18.7 km S of San Juan de los Cayos, 
District Acosta 

Miocene, Agua Salada (Zone II) 

basispinosa, Marginulina: Cushman and Renz Paratype 
Cushman and Renz, 1941, p. 13 

Falcon, Venezuela; Isidro, 33.2 km E of Pueblo Piritu, District Zamura 
Miocene, Agua Salada (Zone IV) 

beali, Cristellaria: Cushman Paratype 
Cushman, 1925b, p. 25 

San Luis Obispo Co., Calif.; Sec. 24, T 28S, R14E 

Miocene, Monterey Shale 

beatus, Cibicides: Martin Holotype 
Martin, Lois, 1943, p. 30, pl. 8, figs. 6a-6c 

Fresno Co., Calif.; Lodo Gulch, Tumey Hills Qd 

Eocene, Lodo Fm 

belridgensis, Nonion: Barbat and Johnson Holotype 
Barbat and Johnson, 1934, p. 11, pl. 1, fig. 8 

Kern Co., Calif.; McKittrick Qd, Sec. 30. 1128.8; R 21 E; Ohio Oil 
Coz Bearstate No. 23, Belridge field 

Miocene, Reef Ridge Shale 

belridgensis, Nonion: Barbat and Johnson Paratype 
Barbat and Johnson, 1934, p. 11, pl. 1, fig. 9 

Kern Co., Calif.; McKittrick Qd, Sec. 30, T 28 S, R 21 E; Ohio Oil 
Co., Bearstate No. 23, Belridge field 

Miocene, Reef Ridge Shale 

biserialis, Dyocibicides: Cushman and Valentine Paratype 
Cushman and Valentine, 1930, p. 30 

Channel Islands, off southern California 

biserialis, Siphonides: Feray Paratype 
Feray, 1941, p. 175 

Smithville, Texas; S bank of the Colorado River 

Middle Eocene, Weches Fm, Claiborne Group 

bleeckeri, Bulimina: Hedberg Paratypes 
Hedberg, 1937, p. 675 

Anzoategui, Venezuela; District Libertad 

Oligocene, Carapita Fm 

bradburyi, Bulimina: Martin Paratype 
Martin, Lois, 1943, p. 19, pl. 6, figs. 4a, 4b 

Fresno Co., Calif.; Panoche Qd, Lodo Gulch [Tumey Hills Qd] 
Eocene, Lodo Fm 

bramlettei, Bolivina: Kleinpell Paratype 
Kleinpell, 1938, p. 67, pl. 21, figs. 10, 11 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; Palos Verdes Hills 

Miocene, Valmonte Diatomite 

brevior, Bolivina: Cushman Paratype 
Cushman, 1925c, p. 31 

San Luis Obispo Co., Calif.; Sec. 24,T 28 S, R14E 

Miocene, Monterey Shale 

brevis, Textularia miocenica: Cushman and Renz Paratype 
Cushman and Renz, 1941, p. 9 

Falcon, Venezuela; Tocuyo, 18.7 km S of San Juan de los Cayos, 
District Acosta 

Lower Miocene, Agua Salada Fm (Zone II) 

byramensis, Pulvinulina: Cushman Paratype 
Cushman, 1922, p. 99, pl. XXII, figs. 4, 5 

Byram, Miss. 

Oligocene, Byram Marl 














californica, Buliminella: Cushman 
Cushman, 1925c, p. 33 

San Luis Obispo Co., Calif.; Sec. 24, T 28 S,R14E 

Miocene, Monterey Shale 

californica, Cassidulina: Cushman and Hughes 

Cushman and Hughes, 1925, p. 12 
San Pedro, Calif.; Timms Point 

SU loc. 2024 

“Pliocene,” Timms Point Fm _ [Pleistocene] 

californica, Discocyclina: Schenck 
Schenck, 1929, p. 224, pl. 27, figs. 4, 6 





Santa Clara Co., Calif.; New Almaden Qd, .25 miles NE of Guada- 
lupe quicksilver mine; S 72° W from Pioneer School, S 44° E from 

Lone Hill 

Eocene, “Tejon” Fm 

californica, Discocyclina: Schenck 
Schenck, 1929, p. 224, pl. 28, figs. 2, 5 
Santa Clara Co., Calif.; New Almaden 
lupe quicksilver mine 

Eocene, “Tejon” Fm 

californica, Discocyclina: Schenck 
Schenck, 1929, p. 224, pl. 28, fig. 4 
Santa Clara Co., Calif.; New Almaden 
lupe quicksilver mine 

Eocene, ‘Tejon’ Fm 

californica, Discocyclina: Schenck 
Schenck, 1929, p. 224, pl. 28, fig. 3 

Santa Clara Co., Calif.; New Almaden 
lupe quicksilver mine 

Eocene, “Tejon” Fm 

californica, Discocyclina: Schenck 
Schenck, 1929, p. 224, pl. 29, fig. 1 
Santa Clara Co., Calif.; New Almaden 
lupe quicksilver mine 

Eocene, “Tejon” Fm 

californica, Discocyclina: Schenck 
Schenck, 1929, p. 224, pl. 29, fig. 3 

Santa Clara Co., Calif.; New Almaden 
lupe quicksilver mine 

Eocene, ‘Tejon’ Fm 

californica, Discocyclina: Schenck 
Schenck, 1929, p. 224, pl. 30, fig. 3 

Santa Clara Co., Calif.; New Almaden 
lupe quicksilver mine 

Eocene, “Tejon” Fm 

californica, Discocyclina: Schenck 







Schenck, 1929, p. 224, pl. 30, fig. 3 (type 577) 

Santa Clara Co., Calif.; New Almaden 
lupe quicksilver mine 
Eocene, “Tejon” Fm 









miles NE 

miles NE 

miles NE 

miles NE 

miles NE 

miles NE 

miles NE 

of Guada- 

of Guada- 

of Guada- 

of Guada- 

of Guada- 

of Guada- 

of Guada- 

californica, Lepidocyclina (Lepidocyclina): Schenck and Childs 

Schenck and Childs, 1942, p. 17, pl. 2, fig. 4; pl. 3, fig. 4 
San Luis Obispo Co., Calif.; Adelaida Qd, near BM 836, center Sec. 

7, AP PAS BERTI 185 SW thee. 1al55 
Oligocene, Vaqueros Fm 

















californica, Lepidocyclina (Lepidocyclina): Schenck and Childs 

Schenck and Childs, 1942, p. 17, pl. 1, figs. 1 (type 7358), 2 (type 

7365), 3 (type 7359), 4 (type 7360) 

San Luis Obispo Co., Calif.; Adelaida Qd, center Sec. 7, T 26 S, R 10 

B.S U) Toe. b055 

Oligocene, Vaqueros Fm 

californica, Lepidocyclina (Lepidecyclina): Schenck and Childs 

Schenck and Childs, 1942, p. 17, pl. 2, fig. 1; pl. 3, fig. 1 

San Luis Obispo Co., Calif.; Adelaida Qd, Sec. 7, T 26S, R 10E 

Oligocene, Vaqueros Fm 

californica, Lepidocyclina (Lepidocyclina): Schenck and Childs 

Schenck and Childs, 1942, p. 17, pl. 2, fig. 2; pl. 3, fig. 6 

San Luis Obispo Co., Calif.; Adelaida Qd, Sec. 7, T 26 S,R10E 

Oligocene, Vaqueros Fm 

californica, Lepidocyclina (Lepidocyclina): Schenck and Childs 

Schenck and Childs, 1942, p. 17, pl. 2, fig. 3; pl. 3, fig. 9 

San Luis Obispo Co., Calif.; Adelaida Qd, Sec. 7, T 26 $,R10E 

Oligocene, Vaqueros Fm 

californica, Lepidocyclina (Lepidocyclina): Schenck and Childs 

Schenck and Childs, 1942, p. 17, pl. 3, figs. 2 (type 7353), 3 (type 

7354), 5 (type 7351), 7 (type 7352), 8 (type 7357) 

San Luis Obispo Co., Calif.; Adelaida Qd, Sec. 7, T 26S, R10 E 

Oligocene, Vaqueros Fm 

californica, Lepidocyclina (Lepidocyclina): Schenck and Childs 

Schenck and Childs, 1942, p. 17, pl. 4, figs. 1, 5 (type 7361), figs. 2, 

6 (type 7363), 3 (type 7362), 4 (type 7364) 

San Luis Obispo Co., Calif.; Adelaida Qd, Sec. 7, T 26S,R 10E 

Oligocene, Vaqueros Fm 

californica, Suggrunda: Kleinpell Holotype 

Kleinpell, 1938, p. 287, pl. 18, figs. 8-10 

Contra Costa Co., Calif.; San Pablo Creek 

Miocene, Tice Shale 

californica, Valvulineria: Cushman Paratype 

Cushman, 1926d, p. 60 

San Luis Obispo Co., Calif.; Sec. 24, T 28 S,R 14 E 

Miocene, Monterey Shale 

californicus, Bathysiphon: Martin Holotype 

Martin, Lewis, 1964, p. 43, pl. 1, figs. 2a, 2b 

Fresno Co., Calif.; eastern Panoche Hills Martin loc. MG 247 

Cretaceous, Panoche group, Uhalde Shale [missing; no record that 

specimen was received at SU] 

californicus, Triticites: Thompson and Hazzard Syntypes 

Thompson and Hazzard, 1946, p. 42, pl. 10, figs. 10 (type 7685), 11 

(type 7686), 12 (type 7687), 13 (type 7688), 14 (type 7689) 

San Bernardino Co., Calif.; E front, Providence Mts., S of Gilroy 

Mine, 1.5 miles N of end of road to Mitchell’s Caverns 

Permian, Bird Spring Fm 

calx, Parafusulina? Thompson and Wheeler Syntypes 

Thompson and Wheeler, 1946, p. 29, pl. 4, figs. 4 (type 7634), 5 

(type 7633), 6 (type 7636) 

Shasta Co., Calif.; Redding Qd, NE 1/4 SE 1/4 Sec. 23, T 34 N, R 4 

W, crest of Is ridge S of Potter Ck, elev. 1660’ 

Permian, McCloud Fm 













cell 17 


STANFORD University Tyres: SMITH 477 

calx, Parafusulina?: Thompson and Wheeler Syntypes 
Thompson and Wheeler, 1946, p. 29, pl. 6, figs. 4 (type 7637), 5 (type 

Shasta Co., Calif.; Redding Qd, NE 1/4 SE 1/4 Sec. 23, T 34 N, R 4 
W, crest of Is ridge S of Potter Ck, elev. 1660’ 

Permian, McCloud Fm 

californiensis, Anomalina: Cushman and Hobson Paratypes 
Cushman and Hobson, 1935, p. 64 

Santa Cruz Co., Calif.; Santa Cruz Qd, Bear Creek SU loc. 1102 
Oligocene, San Lorenzo Fm 

californiensis, Anomalina: Cushman and Hobson Paratype 
Cushman and Hobson, 1935, p. 64 

Santa Cruz Co., Calif.; Santa Cruz Qd, Kings Creek, SU loc. 1103 
Oligocene, San Lorenzo Fm [missing since 1940-41 ] 

californiensis, Virgulina: Cushman Paratypes 
Cushman, 1925c, p. 32 

San Luis Obispo Co., Calif.; Sec. 24, T 28 S, R14 E 

Miocene, Monterey Shale 

campbelli, Marginulina: Martin Holotype 
Martin, Lewis, 1964, p. 64, pl. 5, figs. 11a, 11b 

Merced Co., Calif.; Laguna Seca Hills, Laguna Seca Ck, 7 miles N 
of Little Panoche Ck 

Upper Cretaceous, Panoche Fm 

cancriformis, Baggina: Kleinpell Holotype 
Kleinpell, 1938, p. 324, pl. IX, fig. 24a-24c 

Monterey Co., Calif.; Reliz Canyon 

Miocene, Salinas Shale 

capayana, Uvigerina pygmaea: Hedberg Paratypes 
Hedberg, 1937, p. 677 

Anzoategui, Venezuela; District Libertad 

Oligocene, Carapita Fm 

carapitana, Bolivina aenariensis: Hedberg Paratypes 
Hedberg, 1937, p. 676 

Anzoategui, Venezuela; District Libertad 

Oligocene, Carapita Fm 

carapitana, Cassidulina: Hedberg Paratype 
Hedberg, 1937, p. 680 

Anzoategui, Venezuela: District Libertad 

Oligocene, Carapita Fm 

carapitana, Uvigerina: Hedberg Paratypes 
Hedberg, 1937, p. 667 

Anzoategui, Venezuela; District Libertad 

Oligocene, Carapita Fm 

carapitanus, Bathysiphon: Hedberg Paratype 
Hedberg, 1937, p. 665 

Anzoategui, Venezuela; District Libertad 

Oligocene, Carapita Fm 

caribbeana, Nodosaria raphanistrum: Hedberg Paratypes 
Hedberg, 1937, p. 671 

Anzoategui, Venezuela; District Libertad 

Oligocene, Carapita Fm 

carinata, Clavulina: Cushman and Renz Paratype 
Cushman and Renz, 1941, p. 8 

Falcon, Venezuela; Isidro, 33.2 km E of Pueblo Piritu, District Zamura 
Miocene, Agua Salada Fm (Zone IV) 

carinata, Entosolenia circulocosta: Uchio Paratype 
Uchio, 1951a, p. 37 (as circulo-costacarinata) 

Chiba-ken, Japan; Hoonji, Nishi-mura, Chosei-gun 

Pleistocene, Chonan Fm 


cell 26 



cell 6 










cell 15 

BuLtetTIn 300 

carinatum, Haplophragmoides: Cushman and Renz Paratype 
Cushman and Renz, 1941, p. 2 

Falcon, Venezuela; Curamichate, 17.6 km W of San Juan de los 
Cayos, District Acosta 

Miocene, Agua Salada Fm (Zone III) 

caryi, Praeglobotruncana: Martin Holotype 
Martin, 1964, p. 78, pl. 9, fig. 3a-3c 

Eastern Panoche Hills, Calif.; Martin loc. MG 578 

[missing; no record of type having been received at SU] 

caudriae, Bolivina: Cushman and Renz Paratype 
Cushman and Renz, 1941, p. 19 

Falcon, Venezuela; Pozon, 27 km E of Pueblo Jacura, District Acosta 
Lower Miocene, Lower Agua Salada Fm (Zone II) 

childsi, Gyroidina: Martin Holotype 
Martin, Lois, 1943, p. 22, pl. 6, figs. 6a-6c 

Fresno Co., Calif.; Lodo Gulch, Panoche Qd [Tumey Hills Qd] 
Eocene, Lodo Fm 

churchi, Globotruncana: Martin Holotype 
Martin, Lewis, 1964, p. 79, pl. 9, figs. 5a-5c ; 

Fresno Co., Calif.; eastern Panoche Hills Martin loc. MG 544 
Cretaceous [missing; no record of specimen being received at SU] 
cienegaensis, Nodogenerina: Kleinpell Holotype 
Kleinpell, 1938, p. 244, pl. 6, fig. 4 

Kern Co., Calif.; Bitter Creek 

Oligocene, Maricopa Shale 

colei, Dentalina: Cushman and Dusenbury Paratype 
Cushman and Dusenbury, 1934, p. 54, pl. 7, fig. 10 

San Diego Co., Calif.; La Jolla Qd, Murray Canyon, 1 1/8 miles S 
38° W of BM 394 

Eocene, Poway Conglomerate 

colei, Dentalina: Cushman and Dusenbury Paratype 
Cushman and Dusenbury, 1934, p. 54, pl. 7, fig. 11 

San Diego Co., Calif.; La Jolla Qd, Murray Canyon, 1 1/8 miles S 
38° W of BM 394 

Eocene, Poway Conglomerate 

colei, Dentalina: Cushman and Dusenbury Paratype 
Cushman and Dusenbury, 1934, p. 54, pl. 7, fig. 12 

San Diego Co., Calif.; La Jolla Qd, Murray Canyon, 1 1/8 miles S 
38° W of BM 394 

Eocene, Poway Conglomerate 

collyra, Haplophragmoides: Nauss Holotype 
Nauss, 1947, p. 337, pl. 49, fig. 2a, 2b 

Alberta, Canada; Clonmel Well No. 1, Legal subdivision 1, Sec. 32, 
T 55, R 20, W 4th meridian, depth 1765-1788’ 

Upper Cretaceous, Lloydminster Shale 

collyra, Haplophragmoides: Nauss Paratype 
Nauss, 1947, p. 337, pl. 49, fig. 5 

Alberta, Canada; Clonmel Well No. 1, Legal subdivision 1, Sec. 32, 
T 55, R 20, W 4th meridian, depth 1765-1788’ 

Upper Cretaceous, Lloydminster Shale 

columbiensis, Pulvinulina: Cushman Paratype 
Cushman, 1925d, p. 43, pl. 7, fig. la-c 

Queen Charlotte Sound, British Columbia, Canada, in 20 fms 
compressa, Cibicides floridanus: Cushman and Renz Paratype 
Cushman and Renz, 1941, p. 26 

Falcon, Venezuela; Isidro, 33.2 km E of Pueblo Piritu, District Zamura 
Miocene, Agua Salada Fm (Zone IV) 














concinnum, Elphidium: Nicol Holotype 
Nicol, 1944, p. 179, pl. 29, figs. 5, 6 

Baja California, Mexico; San Quintin 

concisa, Dunbarinella: Thompson and Hazzard Holotype 
Thompson and Hazzard, 1946, pl. 42, pl. 11, fig. 9 

San Bernardino Co., Calif.; E front, Providence Mts., S of Gilroy 
Mine, 1.5 miles N of end of road to Mitchells’ Caverns 

Permian, Bird Spring Fm 

concisa, Dunbarinella: Thompson and Hazzard Paratype 
Thompson and Hazzard, 1946, p. 42, pl. 11, figs. 8, 11 

San Bernardino Co., Calif.; E front, Providence Mts., S of Gilroy 
Mine, 1.5 miles N of end of road to Mitchell’s Caverns 

Permian, Bird Springs Fm 

concisa, Dunbarinella: Thompson and Hazzard Paratype 
Thompson and Hazzard, 1946, p. 42, pl. 11, fig. 10 

San Bernardino Co., Calif.; E front, Providence Mts., S of Gilroy 
Mine, 1.5 miles N of end of road to Mitchell’s Caverns 

Permian, Bird Spring Fm 

concisa, Dunbarinella: Thompson and Hazzard Paratype 
Thompson and Hazzard, 1946, p. 42, pl. 11, fig. 12 

San Bernardino Co., Calif.; E front, Providence Mts., S of Gilroy 
Mine, 1.5 miles N of end of road to Mitchell’s Caverns 

Permian, Bird Spring Fm 

conica, Bolivina: Cushman Paratype 
Cushman, 1925c, p. 30 

San Luis Obispo Co., Calif.; Sec. 24, T 28 S,R 14E 

Miocene, Monterey Shale 

conscripta, Lagena isabella: Cushman and Barksdale Holotype 
Cushman and Barksdale, 1930, p. 65, pl. 12, fig. 4 

Contra Costa Co., Calif.; Carquinez Qd, on Shell Co. property 1.5 
miles E of mouth of Arroyo del Hambre, 1.1 miles S of Bull’s Head 
Point, 2.35 miles N 61° W of Vine Hill 

Eocene, upper Martinez Fm [missing, ca. 1940-1941] [Paleocene] 
contorta, Karreriella: Beck Holotype 
Beck, 1943, p. 592, pl. 98, figs. 4, 5 

Lewis Co., Wash.; 1.5 miles E of Vader, on W bank of Cowlitz River, 
E 1/2, SE 1/4 Sec. 28, T 11 N, R2 W_ [SU loc. M-335] 

Eocene, Cowlitz Fm 

coombsi, Ammodiscus: Beck Holotype 
Beck, 1943, p. 591, pl. 98, fig. 1 

Lewis Co., Wash.; 1.5 miles E of Vader, on W bank of Cowlitz River, 
E 1/2, SE 1/4 Sec. 28, T 11 N, R2W_ [SU loc. M-335] 

Eocene, Cowlitz Fm 

coralliformis, Ferayina: Frizzell Paratype 
Frizzell, 1949, pp. 483-486, figs. 1-3 

Bastrop Co., Texas; Smithville, S bank of Colorado River, about 
0.1 mile W of bridge 

Middle Eocene, Weches Fm, Claiborne Grp 

cowlitzensis, Bulimina ovata: Beck Holotype 
Beck, 1943, p. 605, pl. 107, fig. 22 

Lewis Co., Wash.; 1.5 miles E of Vader, on W bank of Cowlitz River, 
E 1/2, SE 1/4 Sec. 28, T 11 N,R2W_ [SU loc. M-335] 

Eocene, Cowlitz Fm 

cowlitzensis, Biloculina: Beck Holotype 
Beck, 1943, p. 594, pl. 101. figs. 6, 7 

Lewis Co., Wash.; 1.5 miles E of Vader, on W bank of Cowlitz River, 
E 1/2, SE 1/4 Sec. 28, T 11 N,R2W_ [SU loc. M-335] 

Eocene, Cowlitz Fm 





cell 34 









BuLtetiIn 300 

cowlitzensis, Robulus propinquus: Beck Holotype 
Beck, 1943, p. 595, pl. 104, figs. 6, 12 

Lewis Co., Wash.; 1.5 miles E of Vader, on W bank of Cowlitz River, 
E 1/2, SE 1/4 Sec. 28, T 11 N, R2W_ [SU loc. M-335] 

Eocene, Cowlitz Fm 

cowlitzensis, Saracenaria mackini: Beck Holotype 
Beck, 1943, p. 600, pl. 106, figs. 18, 19 

Lewis Co., Wash. ; 1.5 miles E of Vader, on W bank of Cowlitz River, 
E 1/2, SE 1/4 Sec. 28, T 11 N,R 2W_ [SU loc. M-335] 

Eocene, Cowlitz Fm 

cowlitzensis, Siphonina claibornensis: Beck Holotype 
Beck, 1943, p. 608, pl. 108, figs. 16, 18 

Lewis Co., Wash.; 1.5 miles E of Vader, on W bank of Cowlitz River, 
E 1/2, SE 1/4 Sec. 28, T 11 N,R2W_ [SU loc. M-335] 

Eocene, Cowlitz Fm 

crassa, Liebusella pozoensis: Cushman and Renz Paratype 
Cushman and Renz, 1941, p. 10 

Falcon, Venezuela; Isidro, 35.7 km E of Puerto Piritu, District Zamura 
Lower Miocene, Agua Salada Fm (Zone II) 

crassipunctata, Cassidulina: Cushman and Hobson Paratype 
Cushman and Hobson, 1935, p. 63 

Santa Cruz Co., Calif. ; Bear Creek SU loc. 987 

Oligocene, San Lorenzo Fm 

crassipunctata, Cassidulina: Cushman and Hobson Paratype 
Cushman and Hobson, 1935, p. 63 

Santa Cruz Co., Calif.; on Kings Creek near San Lorenzo River, Sec. 
18, T9S,R2W _ SU loc. 1103 

Oligocene, San Lorenzo Fm 

crebbsi, Eponides: Hedberg Paratypes 
Hedberg, 1937, p. 679 

Anzoategui, Venezuela; District Libertad 

Oligocene, Carapita Fm 

crowleyi, Lagena: Martin Holotype 
Martin, Lois, 1943, p. 18, pl. 5, figs. 5a, 5b 

Fresno Co., Calif.; Lodo Gulch, Panoche Qd [Tumey Hills Qd] SU 
loc. M-74 

Eocene, Lodo Fm 

cummingensis, “Verneuilina”: Nauss Holotype 
Nauss, 1947, p. 341, pl. 49, fig. 4 

Alberta, Canada; NW Mannville Well No. 1, Legal subdivision 1, Sec. 
18, T 50, R 8 W, 4th meridian. Depth 2152-2162’ 

Lower Cretaceous, Mannville Fm, Cummings Mbr 

cuneata, Bolivina tumida: Kleinpell Holotype 
Kleinpell, 1938, p. 285, pl. XIV, figs. 9a, 9b 

Monterey Co., Calif.; Reliz Canyon SU loc. 691 

Miocene, Salinas Shale 

cuneiformis, Bolivina: Kleinpell Holotype 
Kleinpell, 1938, p. 270, pl. IX, fig. 3 

Monterey Co., Calif.; Reliz Canyon SU loc. 691 

Miocene, Salinas Shale 

cushmani, Entosolenia marginata: Uchio Paratype 
Uchio, 1951a, p. 37 

Chiba-ken, Japan; Tomiya, Takeoka-mura, Kimitsu-gun 

Middle Pliocene, Tomiya Fm 

debilis, Bulimina: Martin Holotype 
Martin, Lois, 1943, p. 20, pl. 6, figs. la-1c 

Fresno Co., Calif.; Lodo Gulch, Panoche Qd [Tumey Hills Qd] SU 
loc. M-74 

Eocene, Lodo Fm 














decepta, Globigerina: Martin Holotype 
Martin, Lois, 1943, p. 24, pl. 7, figs. 2a-2c 

Fresno Co., Calif.; Lodo Gulch, Panoche Qd [Tumey Hills Qd] SU 
loc. M-74 

Eocene, Lodo Fm 

decepta, Nodosaria: Bagg Holotype 
Bagg, 1912, p. 55, pl. 16, fig. 1 

San Pedro, Calif.; Timms Point [SU loc. 2024] 


deliciae, Nodosaria: Martin Holotype 
Martin, Lois, 1943, p. 17, pl. 6, figs. 3a, 3b 

Fresno Co., Calif.; Lodo Gulch, Panoche Qd [Tumey Hills Qd] SU 
loc. M-74 

Eocene, Lodo Fm 

delmonteensis, Bulimina montereyana: Kleinpell Holotype 
Kleinpell, 1938, p. 255, pl. XVI, fig. 9 

Monterey Co., Calif.; Reliz Canyon SU loc. 691 

Miocene, Salinas Shale 

dentaliformis, Lagena: Bagg Syntypes 
Bagg, 1912, p. 45, pl. 13, figs. 1a-2b 

San Pedro, California; Timms Point SU loc. 2024 


dubia, Buliminella: Barbat and Johnson Holotype 
Barbat and Johnson, 1934, p. 13, pl. 1, fig. 14 

Kern Co., Calif.; McKittrick Qd, Sec. 30, T 28 S, R 21 E; Ohio Oil 
Co. Bearstate No. 23, Belridge field SU loc. 696 

Miocene, Reef Ridge Shale 

dubia, Buliminella: Barbat and Johnson Paratypes 
Barbat and Johnson, 1934, p. 13, pl. 1, fig. 15 

Kern Co., Calif.; McKittrick Qd, Sec. 30, T 28 S, R 21 E 

Miocene, Reef Ridge Shale 

dubia, Planularia: Kleinpell Holotype 
Kleinpell, 1938, p. 207, pl. XIII, fig. 4 

Monterey Co., Calif.; Reliz Canyon SU loc. 691 

Miocene, Salinas Shale 

dunlapi, Bolivina: Kleinpell Holotype 
Kleinpell, 1938, p. 271, pl. XV, fig. 2 

Monterey Co., Calif.; Reliz Canyon SU loc. 691 

Miocene, Salinas Shale 

dusenburyi, Dentalina: Beck Holotype 
Beck, 1943, p. 599, pl. 105, fig. 23 

Lewis Co., Wash.; 1.5 miles E of Vader, on W bank of Cowlitz River, 
E 1/2, SE 1/4 Sec. 28, T 11 N, R2W _ SU loc. M-335 

Eocene, Cowlitz Fm 

dusenburyi, Dentalina: Beck Paratype 
Beck, 1943, p. 599, pl. 105, fig. 20 

Lewis Co., Wash.; 1.5 miles E of Vader, on W bank of Cowlitz River, 
E 1/2, SE 1/4 Sec. 28, T 11 N, R2W_ SU loc. M-335 

Eocene, Cowlitz Fm 

elkensis, Bolivina: Nauss Holotype 
Nauss, 1947, p. 334, pl. 48, figs. 7a, 7b 

Alberta, Canada; Imperial Core Test No. 73, in Elk Point, Legal sub- 
division 9, Sec. 1, T 57, R 7 W, 4th meridian, depth 285-290’, 360’ 
above base of formation 

Upper Cretaceous, Lea Park Shale 




cell 13 









cell 9 




eocenica, Spiroplectoides: Cushman and Barksdale Holotype 

Cushman and Barksdale, 1930, p. 66, pl. 12, figs. 5a, 5b 

Contra Costa Co., Calif.; Carquinez Qd, .9 miles S 78° W of Hill 187, 

E of town of Martinez SU loc. 327 

Eocene, Martinez Fm [Paleocene] 

eponidiformis, Cibicides: Martin Holotype 

Martin, Lois, 1943, p. 30, pl. 6, figs. 7a-7c 

Fresno Co., Calif.; Lodo Gulch, Panoche Qd [Tumey Hills Qd] SU 

loc. M-74 

Eocene, Lodo Fm 

erecta, Cassidulinoides: Cushman and Renz Paratype 

Cushman and Renz, 1941, p. 25 

Falcon, Venezuela; core from Aguide Well No. 1, depth 111’, 2.5 km 

S of Pueblo Aguide, District Acosta 

Middle Miocene ?, upper Agua Salada Fm 

ervinensis, Dunbarinella: Thompson Syntypes 

Thompson, 1942, p. 419 

Osage Co., Okla.; old quarry on N side of Highway 11, 3.7 miles W 

of river bridge at Pawhuska , 

Pennsylvanian, Deer Creek Fm, Ervine Creek Mbr 

estorffi, Nodosaria: Kleinpell Holotype 

Kleinpell, 1938, p. 217, pl. 4, fig. 21 

Kern Co., Calif.; Carneros Spring, W side of county 

Oligocene, Temblor Fm 

estorffi, Nodosaria: Kleinpell Paratype 

Kleinpell, 1938, p. 217, pl. 6, fig. 5 

Kern Co., Calif.; Carneros Spring, W side of county 

Oligocene, Temblor Fm 

etigoense, Elphidium: Husezima and Maruhasi Paratype 

Husezima and Maruhasi, 1944, p. 392 

Niigata-ken, Japan; Kashiwazaki Oil Field, Well No. 2, depth 94.8- 

110.5 m 

Pliocene, upper Haizume Fm 

evolutus, Cibicides pasudoungerianus: Cushman and Hobson 

Cushman and Hobson, 1935, p. 64 

Santa Cruz Co., Calif.; Bear Creek, SU loc. 987 (type 5018); SU loc. 

1102, Sec. 21, T 9 S, R 2 W (type 5019) 

Oligocene, San Lorenzo Fm 

excolata, Guembelina: Cushman Paratype 

Cushman, 1926c, p. 20 

San Luis Potosi, Mexico; near Coco, on Tampico R.R. 

Cretaceous, Mendez Shale 

excubitor, Elphidium: Nicol Holotype 

Nicol, 1944, p. 178, pl. 29, figs. 4, 8 

Sonora, Mexico; Punta Penasco, lat. 31° 21’ N 

falconensis, Textularia: Cushman and Renz Paratype 

Cushman and Renz, 1941, p. 3 

Lara, Venezuela; central Falcon, 16.5 km N of Siquisique, District 


Lower Miocene, Agua Salada Fm (Zone II) 

fax, Elphidium fax: Nicol Holotype 

Nicol, 1944, p. 177, pl. 29, figs. 3, 11 

Clallam Co., Wash.; Dallas Bank, Straits of Juan de Fuca 

fax, Epistomina: Nauss Holotype 

Nauss, 1947, p. 335, pl. 48, fig. 16 

Alberta, Canada; Vermilata Frankview Well. No. 1. Legal subdivision 

16, Sec. 28, T 50, R 5 W, 4th meridian, depth 660-670’, 180-190’ above 

base of fm 

Upper Cretaceous, Lea Park Shale 




cell 15 











fax, Epistomina: Nauss Paratype 
Nauss, 1947, p. 335, pl. 48, fig. 15 

Alberta, Canada; Vermilata Frankview Well No. 1, Sec. 28, T 50, 
R 5 W, 4th meridian, depth 660-670’, 180-190’ above base of fm 

Upper Cretaceous, Lea Park Shale 

fax, Schwagerina: Thompson and Wheeler Syntypes 
Thompson and Wheeler, 1946, p. 27, pl. 1, figs. 1 (type 6723), 2 (type 
6724), 3 (type 6722), 4 (type 6725) 

Shasta Co., Calif.; Redding Qd, W side of limestone hogback, NW 1/4, 
NE 1/4 Sec. 15, T 33 N, R 4 W. Elev. 1400’ SU loc. 774 

Permian, McCloud Fm 

felix, Cibicides: Martin Holotype 
Martin, Lois, 1943, p. 31, pl. 8, figs. 7a-7c 

Fresno Co., Calif.; Lodo Gulch, Panoche Qd [Tumey Hills Qd] SU 
loc. M-74 

Eocene, Lodo Fm 

flexilis, Valvulina: Cushman and Renz Paratype 
Cushman and Renz, 1941, p. 7 

Falcon, Venezuela, Aguide, 3.85 km SE of Pueblo Aguide, District 

Lower Miocene, Agua Salada Fm (Zone II) 

fortunatus, Cibicides: Martin Holotype 
Martin, Lois, 1943, p. 31, pl. 8, figs. 5a-5c 

Fresno Co., Calif.; Lodo Gulch, Panoche Qd [Tumey Hills Qd] SU 
loc. M-74 

Eocene, Lodo Fm 

fresnoensis, Globotruncana: Martin Holotype 
Martin, Lewis, 1964, p. 80, pl. 9, figs. 8a-8d 

Fresno Co., Calif.; eastern Panoche Hills, Martin loc. MG 574 
Cretaceous, Panoche Group, upper Marlife Shale [missing; no record 
of type having been deposited at SU] 

frizzelli, Eponides: Kleinpell Holotype 
Kleinpell, 1938, p. 318, pl. 2, figs. 15, 16 

Santa Barbara Co., Calif.; near Gaviota Pass SU loc. 1436 

Oligocene, “Sespe” Fm 

furoni, Schwagerina: Thompson Holotype 
Thompson, 1946, p. 147, pl. 24, fig. 7 

Afghanistan; Shibar Pass, on road from Kabul to Bamian, about 7 
km W of summit SU loc. 2612 

Permian, Bamian ls 

furoni, Schwagerina: Thompson Paratypes 
Thompson, 1946, p. 147, pl. 23, figs. 1 (type 7818), 2 (type 7819), 3 
(type 7822), 4 (type 7823) ; pl. 24, fig. 10 (tye 7822) 

Afghanistan; Shibar Pass, on road from Kabul to Bamian, about 7 
km W of summit SU loc. 2612 

Permian, Bamian ls 

furoni, Schwagerina: Thompson Paratypes 
Thompson, 1946, p. 147, pl. 24, figs. 8 (type 7821), 9 (type 7820) 
Afghanistan; Shibar Pass, on road from Kabul to Bamian, about 7 
km W of summit SU loc. 2612 

Permian, Bamian Is 

galliheri, Bulimina: Kleinpell Holotype 
Kleinpell, 1938, p. 253, pl. 17, figs. 2, 5 

Monterey Co., Calif.; Monterey Qd, 1 mile N of Carmel SU loc. 333 
Miocene, Monterey Shale 

gallowayi, Cibicides: Cushman and Valentine Paratype 
Cushman and Valentine, 1930, p. 30 

Channel Islands, off southern California 
















galvestonensis, Elphidium gunteri: Kornfeld Syntype 
Kornfield, 1931, p. 87, pl. 15, figs. 3a, 3b 

Galveston Co., Texas; E end of Galveston Island in beach sand 
galvestonensis, Elphidium gunteri: Kornfeld Syntype 
Kornfeld, 1931, p. 87, pl. 15, figs. 1a, 1b 

Galveston Co., Texas; E end of Galveston Island in beach sand 
galvestonensis, Elphidium gunteri: Kornfeld Syntype 
Kornfeld, 1931, p. 87, pl. 15, figs. 2a, 2b 

Galveston Co., Texas; E end of Galveston Island in beach sand 
galvinensis, Cassidulina: Cushman and Frizzell Paratype 
Cushman and Frizzell, 1940, p. 43 

Lewis Co., Wash.; R.R. cuts .25 miles N of Galvin, SW 1/4 Sec. 28, 
T15N,R3 W SU loc. 1167 

Oligocene, Lincoln Fm 

gilboei, Triloculina: Beck Holotype 
Beck, 1943, p. 594, pl. 101, figs. 1-3 

Lewis Co., Wash.; 1.5 miles E of Vader, on W bank of Cowlitz River, 
E 1/2, SE 1/4 Sec. 28, T 11 N,R2W_ SU loc. M-335 

Eocene, Cowlitz Fm 

glabrata, Ancmalina: Cushman Paratype 
Cushman, 1924, p. 39, pl. 12, figs. 5-7 

Pago Pago, Samoa, in 50 fms 

globosa, Baggina robusta: Kleinpell Holotype 
Kleinpell, 1938, p. 326, pl. XIII, figs. 2a-2c 

Monterey Co., Calif.; Reliz Canyon SU loc. 691 

Miocene, Salinas Shale 

globula, Pullenia miocenica: Kleinpell Holotype 
Kleinpell, 1938, p. 340, pl. XVI, figs. 2a, 2b 

Monterey Co., Calif.; Reliz Canyon SU loc. 691 

Miocene, Salinas Shale 

goudkoffi, Globotruncana: Martin Holotype 
Martin, Lewis, 1964, p. 80, pl. 10, figs. la-1c 

Fresno Co., Calif.; Panoche Hills, Moreno Gulch, 4 miles SE of Little 
Panoche Creek 

Upper Cretaceous, Panoche Fm 

gracilis, Fusulina: Meek Neotype 
Meek, 1864b, p. 4, pl. 2, figs. 1-1c. Neotype designated by Thomp- 
son and Wheeler, 1946, p. 31, pl. 1, fig. 10 [as Parafusulina] 

Shasta Co., Calif.; Redding Qd, W side of limestone hogback, NE 
1/4, NE 1/4 Sec. 10, T 33 N, R 4 W, elev. 1660’ 

Permian, McCloud Fm 

gracilis, Fusulina: Meek Paraneotypes 
Meek, 1864, p. 4, illustrated by Thompson and Wheeler, 1946, p. 31, 
pl. 1, figs. 6, 7 [as Parafusulina] 

Shasta Co., Calif.; Redding Qd, W side of limestone hogback, NE 
1/4, NE 1/4 Sec. 10, T 33 N, R 4 W, elev. 1660’ 

Permian, McCloud Fm 

gracilis, Fusulina: Meek Paraneotypes 
Meek, 1864b, p. 4, illustrated by Thompson and Wheeler, 1946, p. 31, 
Plow. eties: 8) 9 

Shasta Co., Calif.; Redding Qd, W side of limestone hogback, NE 
1/4, NE 1/4 Sec. 10, T 33 N, R 4 W, elev. 1660’ 

Permian, McCloud Fm 

grahami, Eofabiania: Kiipper Holotype 
Kipper, 1955, p. 136, pl. 19, fig. 4; text fig. 1, fig. 1 

Santa Clara Co., Calif.; New Almaden Qd, near Old Guadalupe 
quicksilver mine SU loc. 309 

Middle Eocene 

cell 35 









grahami, Eofabiania: Kupper Paratypes 
Kiipper, 1955, p. 136, text fig. 1, pl. 19, figs. 1 (type 8317), 2, 3 (type 
8318), 5 (type $316), 6, 7 (type 8319) 

Santa Clara Co., Calif.; New Almaden Qd, near old Guadalupe 
quicksilver mine SU loc. 309 

Middle Eocene 

grahami, Gyroidinoides: Martin Holotype 
Martin, Lewis, 1964, p, 95, pl. 13, figs. la-1c 

Fresno Co., Calif.; Panoche Hills, Moreno Gulch, 4 miles SE of Little 
Panoche Creek 

Upper Cretaceous, Panoche Fm 

grenadana, Textularia: Hedberg Paratype 
Hedberg, 1937, p. 667 

Anzoategui, Venezuela; District Libertad 

Oligocene, Carapita Fm 

grimsdalei, Lingulina: Cushman and Renz Paratype 
Cushman and Renz, 1941, p. 14 

Falcon, Venezuela; Tocuyo, 17.7 km § of San Juan de los Cayos, 
District Acosta 

Upper Oligocene, Agua Salada Fm (Zone I) 

halconi, Heterostomella (?): Hedberg Paratype 
Hedberg, 1937, p. 667 

Anzoategui, Venezuela; District Libertad 

Oligocene, Carapite Fm 

hamilli, Nodosaria: Kleinpell Holotype 
Kleinpell, 1938, p. 218, pl. 4, fig. 5 

Kern Co., Calif.; Bitter Creek 

Oligocene, Vaqueros Fm 

hamilli, Nodosaria: Kleinpell Paratype 
Kleinpell, 1938, p. 218, pl. 4, fig. 4 

Kern Co., Calif.; Bitter Creek 

Oligocene, Vaqueros Fm 

hannai, Angulogerina: Beck Holotype 
Beck, 1943, p. 607, pl. 108, figs. 26, 28 

Lewis Co., Wash.; 1.5 miles E of Vader, on W bank of Cowlitz River, 
E 1/2, SE 1/4 Sec. 28, T 11 N, R2 W_ SU loc. M-335 

Eocene, Cowlitz Fm 

hannai, Uvigerina: Kleinpell Holotype 
Kleinpell, 1938, p. 294 

Monterey Co., Calif.; Monterey Qd, 108.7 mm E, 105 mm N of inter- 
section of lat. 36° 30’, long. 121° 55’ on map, 25-40’ from top of hill 
SU loc. 336 

Miocene, Monterey Shale, type locality, upper Mohnian Stage 

haydeni, Yangchienia: Thompson Holotype 
Thompson, 1946, p. 146, pl. 23, fig. 6 

Afghanistan; SW of summit of Shibar Pass, 7 km on road from Kabul 
to Bamian SU loc. 2612 

Permian, Bamian Ls 

haydeni, Yangchienia: Thompson Paratypes 
Thompson, 1946, p. 146, pl. 23, figs. 1, 11 (type 7812), 8 (type 7813), 
5 (type 7814) 

Afghanistan; Shibar Pass, on road from Kabul to Bamian, about 7 
km W of summit SU loc. 2612 

Permian, Bamian Ls 

haydeni, Yangchienia: Thompson Paratypes 
Thompson, 1946, p. 146, pl. 23, figs. 9 (type 7816), 10 (type 7815) 
Afghanistan; Shibar Pass, on road from Kabul to Bamian, about 7 
km W of summit SU loc. 2612 

Permian, Bamian Ls 



cell 25 


cell 39 


cell 12 








hectori, Gaudryina: Nauss Holotype 

Nauss, 1947, p. 335, pl. 48, figs. 6a, 6b 

Alberta, Canada; NW Mannville Well No. 1 in Legal subdivision 1, 

Sec. 18, T 50, R 8 W, 4th meridian, depth 1806-1813’, 20-25’ above 

base of formaticn 

Upper Cretaceous, Lloydminster Shale 

hedbergi, Robulus: Cushman and Renz Paratype 

Cushman and Renz, 1941, p. 10 

Falcon, Venezuela; Tocuyo, 18.0 km S of San Juan de los Cayos, 

District Acosta 

Upper Oligocene, Agua Salada Fm (Zone I) 

herberti, Trifarina: Cushman and Renz Paratype 

Cushman and Renz, 1942, p. 9 

Trinidad, B.W.I.; Soldado Rock 

Paleocene, Soldado Fm 

hobsoni, Virgulina: Beck Holotype 

Beck, 1943, p. 606, pl. 107, figs. 6, 10 

Lewis Co., Wash.; 1.5 miles E of Vader, on W bank of Cowlitz River, 

E 1/2, SE 1/4 Sec. 28, T 11 N, R2W_ SU loc. M-335 

Eocene, Cowlitz Fm 

horizontalis, Cassidulina subglobosa: Cushman and Renz 

Cushman and Renz, 1941, p. 26 

Falcon, Venezuela; Isidro, 35.7 km E of Pueblo Piritu, District Zamura 

Middle Miocene, upper Agua Salada Fm (Zone III) 

hughesi, Elphidium: Cushman and Grant Holotype 

Cushman and Grant, 1927, p. 75, pl. 7, fig. 1 

Monterey Co., Calif.; Pine Valley, N 1/2 Sec. 12, T 21S,R 10E 

Lower Pliocene, Pancho Rico Fm 

hughesi, Elphidium: Cushman and Grant Paratypes 

Cushman and Grant, 1927, p. 75 

Monterey Co., Calif.; Pine Valley, N 1/2 Sec. 12, T 21$,R 10E 

Lower Pliocene, Pancho Rico Fm 

hughesi, Robulus: Kleinpell Holotype 

Kleinpell, 1938, p. 198, pl. 7, figs. 18a, 18b 

Monterey Co., Calif.; Reliz Canyon SU loc. 691 

Miocene, Salinas Shale 

humei, Ammobaculites: Nauss Holotype 

Nauss, 1947, p. 333, pl. 48, fig. 1 

Alberta, Canada; NW Mannville Well No. 1 in Legal subdivision 1, 

Sec. 18, T 50, R 8 W, 4th meridian 

Lower Cretaceous, Mannville Fm, Cummings Mbr 

ikebei, Angulogerina: Husezima and Maruhasi Paratype 

Husezima and Maruhasi, 1944, p. 396 

Niigata-ken, Japan; Kashiwazaki Oil Field, well no. 1, 200 m 

Pliocene, lower Haizume Fm 

illingi, Angulogerina: Cushman and Renz Paratype 

Cushman and Renz, 1941, p. 21 

Falcon, Venezuela; Tocuyo, 16.9 km § of San Juan de los Cayos, 

District Acosta 

Miocene, Agua Salada Fm (Zone IIT) 

imbricata, Bolivina: Cushman Paratype 

Cushman, 1925c, p. 31 

San Luis Obispo Co., Calif.; Sec. 24, T 28S, R14E 

Miocene, Monterey Shale 

impensus, Haplophragmoides: Martin Holotype 

Martin, Lewis, 1964, p. 48, pl. 2, figs. 3a, 3b 

Fresno Co., Calif.; Panoche Hills, Moreno Gulch, 4 miles SE of Little 

Panoche Creek 

Upper Cretaceous, Panoche Fm 




cell 8 


cell 29 


cell 3 

cell 14 

cell 27 

cell 5 

cell 12 


impensus, Haplophragmoides: Martin Paratype 
Martin, Lewis, 1964, p. 48, pl. 2, figs. 4, 4b 

Fresno Co., Calif.; Panoche Hills, Moreno Gulch, 4 miles SE of Little 
Panoche Creek 

Upper Cretaceous, Panoche Fm 

incognatus, Haplophragmoides: Martin Holotype 
Martin, Lewis, 1964, p. 49, pl. 2, figs. 6a, 6b 

Fresno Co., Calif.; Panoche Hills, Moreno Gulch, 4 miles SE of Little 
Panoche Creek 

Upper Cretaceous, Panoche Fm 

incognatus, Haplophragmoides: Martin Paratype 
Martin, Lewis, 1964, p. 49, pl. 2, figs. 7a, 7b 

Fresno Co., Calif.; Panoche Hills, Moreno Gulch, 4 miles SE of Little 
Panoche Creek 

Upper Cretaceous, Panoche Fm 

inconspicua, Bolivina: Cushman and Renz Paratype 
Cushman and Renz, 1941, p. 18 

Falcon, Venezuela; Aguide, 2.5 km S of Pueblo Aguide, core from 
Aguide well no. 1, 1646’, District Acosta 

Miocene ?, Agua Salada Fm (Zone II?) 

involuta, Valvulineria: Cushman and Dusenbury Holotype 
Cushman and Dusenbury, 1934, p. 63, pl. 8, figs. 12a-12c 

San Diego Co., Calif.; La Jolla Qd, Murray Canyon, 1 1/8 miles 
S 38° W of BM 394 SU loc. 1150 

Eocene, Poway Conglomerate 

irregularis, Gaudryina jacksonensis: Cushman and Renz Paratype 
Cushman and Renz, 1941, p. 6 

Falcon, Venezuela; Araurima, 11.6 km SE of Pueblo Jacura, District 

Upper Oligocene, Agua Salada Fm (Zone [) 

irregularis, Nodogenerina: Kleinpell Holotype 
Kleinpell, 1938, p. 245, pl. 17, fig. 12 

Santa Barbara Co., Calif.; near Naples 

Miocene, Monterey Shale 

isidroensis, Bolivina: Cushman and Renz Paratype 
Cushman and Renz, 1941, p. 17 

Falcon, Venezuela; Isidro, 33.75 km E of Pueblo Piritu, District 

Miocene, Agua Salada Fm (Zone IV) 

isidroensis, Cibicides: Cushman and Renz Paratype 
Cushman and Renz, 1941, p. 26 

Falcon, Venezuela; Isidro, 33.2 km E of Pueblo Piritu, District Zamura 
Miocene, Agua Salada Fm (Zone IV) 

isidroensis, Dentalina: Cushman and Renz Paratype 
Cushman and Renz, 1941, p. 15 

Falcon, Venezuela; Isidro, 34.4 km E of Pueblo Piritu, District Zamura 
Miocene, Agua Salada Fm (Zone III) 

isidroensis, Textularia: Cushman and Renz Paratype 
Cushman and Renz, 1941, p. 4 

Falcon, Venezuela; Pozon, 21.1 km SE of Pueblo Jacura, District 

Miocene, Agua Salada Fm (Zone IV) 

isidroensis, Uvigerina: Cushman and Renz Paratype 
Cushman and Renz, 1941, p. 20 

Falcon, Venezuela; Isidro, 33.2 km E of Pueblo Piritu, District Zamura 
Miocene, Agua Salada Fm (Zone IV) 

cell 18 

cell 39 









jacksonensis, Discorbis: Cushman and Applin Paratype 
Cushman and Applin, 1926, p. 178, pl. 9, figs. 8, 9 

San Augustine Co., Texas; Bridge Ck, 1.5 miles above Angelina 

Upper Eocene, Jackson group 

jacuraensis, Vulvulina: Cushman and Renz Paratype 
Cushman and Renz, 1941, p. 5 

Falcon, Venezuela; 11.65 km SE of Pueblo Jacura, District Acosta 
Lower Miocene, Agua Salada Fm (Zone II) 

japonica, Pseudoeponides: Uchio Paratype 
Uchio, 1950, p. 190, text fig. 16 

Chosei-gun, Chiba Prefecture, Japan; in fine sand along Otaki- 
Chonan Highway, beside a bridge 200 m SE of Primary School, 
Satsubo, Nishi-mura 

Upper Pliocene, Kakinokidae Fm 

jarvisi, Hastigerinella: Cushman Paratype 
Cushman, 1930, p. 18 

Trinidad, B.W.I.; 17.25 miles out on Cunapo Southern Road 

Middle Eocene, Navet Fm 

jarvisi, Pulvinulinella: Cushman and Renz Paratype 
Cushman and Renz, 1941, p. 24 

Falcon, Venezuela; Isidro, 33.2 km E of Pueblo Piritu, District Zamura 
Miocene, Agua Salada Fm (Zone II) 

jarvisi, Valvulineria: Martin Holotype 
Martin, Lewis, 1964, p. 103, pl. 15, figs. 4a-4c 

Fresno Co., Calif.; Panoche Hills, Moreno Gulch, 4 miles SE of Little 
Panoche Creek 

Upper Cretaceous, Panoche Fm 

joaquinensis, Bulimina: Martin Holotype 
Martin, Lewis, 1964, p. 87, pl. 11, figs. 5a, 5b, 6a, 6b 

Fresno Co., Calif.; Panoche Hills, Moreno Gulch, 4 miles SE of Little 
Panoche Creek 

Upper Cretaceous, Panoche Fm 

joaquinensis, Uvigerina: Kleinpell Holotype 
Kleinpell, 1938, p. 296, pl. 17, figs. 6, 10 

Kern Co., Calif.; Chico Martinez Creek 

Miocene, Monterey Shale 

joaquinensis, Uvigerina: Kleinpell Paratype 
Kleinpell, 1938, p. 296, pl. 17, fig. 11 

Kern Co., Calif.; Chico Martinez Creek 

Miocene, Monterey Shale 

judas, Anomalina: Martin Holotype 
Martin, Lois, 1943, p. 28, pl. 7, figs. 4a-4c 

Fresno Co., Calif.; Lodo Gulch, Panoche Qd [Tumey Hill Qd] SU 
loc. M-74 

Eocene, Lodo Fm 

keenae, Anomalina: Martin Holotype 
Martin, Lois, 1943, p. 29, pl. 7, figs. 5a-5c 

Fresno Co., Calif.; Lodo Gulch, Panoche Qd [Tumey Hills Qd] SU 
loc. M-74 

Eocene, Lodo Fm 

kelleyi, Vaginulinopsis, Martin Holotype 
Martin, Lois, 1943, p. 15, pl. 5 figs. 8a-8c 

Fresno Co., Calif.; Lodo Gulch, Panoche Qd [Tumey Hills Qd] SU 
loc. M-74 

Eocene, Lodo Fm 






cell 32 

cell 16 

cell 1 

cell 10 


cell 7 


cell 17 


kentuckyensis, Hyperammina: Conkin Paratype 
Conkin, 1954, p. 166 

Jefferson Co., Kentucky; Mitchell Kill, SW part of the county 
Mississippian, Floyds Knob Fm 

kernensis, Nonion incisum: Kleinpell Holotype 
Kleinpell, 1938, p. 232 

Kern Co., Calif.; Carneros Springs SU loc. 675 

Miocene, Temblor Fm 

kincaidi, Robulus: Beck Holotype 
Beck, 1943, p. 595, pl. 102, figs. 1, 7 

Lewis Co., Wash.; 1.5 miles E of Vader, on W bank of Cowlitz River, 
E 1/2, SE 1/4 Sec. 28, T 11 N, R2 W_ SU loc. M-335 

Eocene, Cowlitz Fm 

kleinpelli, Bolivina: Beck Holotype 
Beck, 1943, p. 606, pl. 107, fig. 39 

Lewis Co., Wash.; 1.5 miles E of Vader, on W bank of Cowlitz River, 
E 1/2, SE 1/4 Sec. 28, T 11 N, R 2 W SU loc. M-335 

Eocene, Cowlitz Fm 

kleinpelli, Eponides: Cushman and Frizzell Paratype 
Cushman and Frizzell, 1940, p. 42 

Lewis Co., Wash.; on R.R. .25 miles N of Galvin, SW 1/4 Sec. 27, T 
15 N,R 3 W_ SU loc. 1167 

Oligocene, Lincoln Fm 

kugleri, Bulimina: Cushman and Renz Paratype 

Cushman and Renz, 1942, p. 9 

Trinidad B.W.I.; Soldado Rock 

Paleocene, Soldado Fm 

kugleri, Cibicides: Cushman and Renz Paratype 

Cushman and Renz, 1941, p. 27 

Falcon, Venezuela; Pozon, 20.8 km SE of Pueblo Jacura, District 

Miocene, Agua Salada Fm (Zone III) 

kugleri, Siphogenerina: Cushman and Renz Paratype 
Cushman and Renz, 1941, p. 22 

Falcon, Venezuela; Pozon, 20.2 km SE of Pueblo Jacura, District 

Lower Miocene, Agua Salada Fm (Zone II) 

kugleri, Textularia: Cushman and Renz Paratype 
Cushman and Renz, 1941, p. 5 

Falcon, Venezuela; Aguide, 12.3 km S of Pueblo Aguide, District 

Lower Miocene, Agua Salada Fm (Zone II) 

laimingi, Plectofrondicularia miocenica: Kleinpell Holotype 
Kleinpell, 1938, p. 241 

Ventura Co., Calif.; Los Sauces Creek 

Oligocene, Rincon Shale, middle mbr, Lower Saucesian stage 

[specimen missing since 1942] 

lalickeri, Textularia: Cushman and Renz Paratype 
Cushman and Renz, 1941, p. 3 

Falcon, Venezuela; Aguide, 2.5 km S of Pueblo Aguide, District 
Acosta; from well core at 237’ depth 

Lower Miocene, Agua Salada Fm (Zone II) 

lata, Nonionella: Cushman and Valentine Paratype 
Cushman and Valentine, p. 20 

Channel Islands off southern California 

lehneri, Globorotalia: Cushman and Jarvis Paratype 
Cushman and Jarvis, 1929, p. 17 

Trinidad, B.W.I.; source of Moruga River 

Middle Eocene, Navet Fm 


cell 16 


cell 6 







cell 11 




BuLLeETIN 300 

lehneri, Hantkenina: Cushman and Jarvis Paratype 
Cushman and Jarvis, 1929, p. 16 

Trinidad, B.W.I.; source of Moruga River 

Middle Eocene, Navet Fm 

lepida, Schwagerina: Schwager Syntypes 
Schwager im Richthofen, 1883, p. 138. Also zz Schenck and Thompson, 
1940, p. 588 

Hupei Province, China; right bank of Yangtze River, opposite Ki- 


leuzingeri, Textularia: Cushman and Renz Paratype 
Cushman and Renz, 1941, p. 3 

Falcon, Venezuela; Isidro, 34.0 km E of Pueblo Piritu, District Zamura 
Miocene, Agua Salada Fm (Zone IV) 

lewisensis, Cornuspira: Beck Holotype 
Beck, 1934, p. 594, pl. 101, figs. 4, 5 

Lewis Co., Wash.; 1.5 miles E of Vader, on W bank of Cowlitz River, 
E 1/2, SE 1/4 Sec. 28, T 11 N,R2W_ SU loc. M-335 

Eocene, Cowlitz Fm 

lewisensis, Vaginulinopsis saundersi: Beck Holotype 
Beck, 1943, p. 598, pl. 105, figs. 3, 13 

Lewis Co., Wash.; 1.5 miles E of Vader, on W bank of Cowlitz River, 
E 1/2, SE 1/4 Sec. 28, T 11 N,R2W_ SU loc. M-335 

Eocene, Cowlitz Fm 

limbata, Cassidulina: Cushman and Hughes Paratype 
Cushman and Hughes, 1925, p. 12 

San Pedro, Calif.; Timms Point SU loc. 2024 

“Pliocene,” Timms Point Fm 

linki, Haplophragmoides: Nauss Holotype 
Nauss, 1947, p. 339, pl. 49, figs. 7a, 7b 

Alberta, Canada; Dina Omega Well No. 1, legal subdivision 14, Sec. 
9, T 45, R 1 W, 4th meridian, depth 1478-1488’, 17-27’ above base of 

Upper Cretaceous, Lloydminster Shale 

Ilanadoensis, Psammosiphonella: Martin Holotype 
Martin, Lewis, 1964, p. 43, pl. 1, figs. 4a, 4b 

Fresno Co., Calif.; Panoche Hills, Moreno Gulch surface section, 
Martin loc. MG 574 

Cretaceous, Panoche Group, upper Marlife Shale [missing; no record 
of type having been received at SU] 

lobata, Valvulineria inaequalis: Cushman and Renz Paratype 
Cushman and Renz, 1941, p. 23 

Falcon, Venezuela; Pozon, 20.3 km SE of Pueblo Jacura, District 

Lower Miocene, lower Agua Salada Fm (Zone II) 

lodoensis, Eponides: Martin Holotype 
Martin, Lois, 1943, pl. 6, figs. 8a-8c 

Fresno Co., Calif.; Lodo Gulch, Panoche Qd [Tumey Hills Qd] SU 
loc. M-74 

Eocene, Lodo Fm 

lodoensis, Palmula henbesti: Martin Holotype 
Martin, Lois, 1943, p. 15, pl. 9, figs. la 1b 

Fresno Co., Calif.; Lodo Gulch, Panoche Qd [Tumey Hills Qd] SU 
loc. M-74 

Eocene, Lodo Fm 

lodoensis, Uvigerina: Martin Holotype 
Martin, Lois, 1943, p. 21, pl. 6, figs. 2a, 2b 

Fresno Co., Calif.; Lodo Gulch, Panoche Qd [Tumey Hills Qd] SU 
loc. M-74 

Eocene, Lodo Fm 











lodoensis, Zeauvigerina: Martin Holotype 
Martin, Lois, 1943, p. 21, pl. 5, figs. 1a, 1b 

Fresno Co., Calif.; Lodo Gulch, Panoche Qd [Tumey Hills Qd] SU 
loc. M-74 

Eocene, Lodo Fm 

loetterli, Globigerina: Nauss Holotype 
Nauss, 1947, p. 336, pl. 49, figs. 1la-11c 

Alberta, Canada; Clonmel Well No. 1, Legal subdivision 1, Sec. 32, 
T 55, R 20 W, 4th meridian, W of Vermilion area; depth 1875-1885’, 
485-495’ below top of fm 

Upper Cretaceous Lloydminster Shale 

luciana, Planularia: Kleinpell Holotype 
Kleinpell, 1938, p. 207, pl. IX, figs. 25a, 25b 

Monterey Co., Calif.; Reliz Canyon SU loc. 691 

Miocene, Salinas Shale 

mackini, Saracenaria: Beck Holotype 
Beek, 1943, p. 600, pl. 106, figs. 1, 5 

Lewis Co., Wash.; 1.5 miles E of Vader, on W bank of Cowlitz River, 
E 1/2, SE 1/4 Sec. 28, T 11 N, R2W_ SU loc. M-335 

Eocene, Cowlitz Fm 

marblensis, Millerella: Thompson Paratypes 
Thompson, 1942, p. 405 

Marble Falls, Texas; near water level, 150 yds downstream from 

Pennsylvanian, Marble Falls Ls 

marginata, Bolivina: Cushman Paratype 
Cushman, 1925c, p. 30 

San Luis Obispo Co., Calif.; Sec. 24, T 28 S, R 14 E 

Miocene, Monterey Shale 

marksi, Globorotalia: Martin Holotype 
Martin, Lois, 1943, p. 26, pl. 8, figs. 1a-1c 

Fresno Co., Calif.; Lodo Gulch, Panoche Qd [Tumey Hills Qd] SU 
loc. M-74 

Eocene, Lodo Fm 

martinezensis, Cibicides: Cushman and Barksdale Holotype 
Cushman and Barksdale, 1930, p. 68, pl. 12, figs. 9a-9c 

Contra Costa Co., Calif.; Carquinez Qd, on Shell Co. property 1.5 
miles E of mouth of Arroyo del Hambre, 1.1 mile S of Bull’s Head 
Point and 2.35 miles N 61° W of Vine Hill SU loc. 322 
Eocene, upper Martinez Fm_ [Paleocene ] 

masoni, Schubertella: Thompson and Hazzard Syntypes 
Thompson and Hazzard, 1946, p. 41, pl. 13, figs. 7, 8 (type 7682), 10 
(type 7684), 9 (type 7683) 

San Bernardino Co., Calif.; E front, Providence Mts., S of Gilroy 
mine, 1.5 miles N of end of road to Mitchell’s Caverns 

Permian, Bird Spring Fm 

matagordana, Nonion depressula: Kornfeld Holotype 
Kornfeld, 1931, p. 87, pl. 13, figs. 2a, 2b 

Matagorda Co., Texas; Gulf of Mexico, in beach sand 

mauryae, Cancris: Cushman and Renz Paratype 
Cushman and Renz, 1942, p. 11 

Trinidad, B.W.I.; Soldado Rock 

Paleocene, Soldado Fm 

mayori, Calcarina: Cushman Paratype 
Cushman, 1924, p. 44, pl. 14, figs. 4-7 

Pago Pago, Samoa, in 18 fms 




cell 20 







BuLLeETIN 300 

memastersi, Cibicides: Beck Holotype 
Beck, 1943, p. 612, pl. 109, figs. 2, 4, 15 

Lewis Co., Wash.; 1.5 miles E of Vader, on W bank of Cowlitz River, 
E 1/2, SE 1/4 Sec. 28, T 11 N, R2W_ SU loc. M-335 

Eocene, Cowlitz Fm 

mediocostata, Nonionina: Cushman Paratype 
Cushman, 1926b, p. 89, pl. 13, figs. la-1c, as medio-costata 

San Luis Obispo Co., Calif.; Sec. 24, T 28 S, R14E 

Miocene, Monterey Shale 

melvilli, Robulus: Cushman and Renz Paratype 
Cushman and Renz, 1941, p. 12 

Falcon, Venezuela; Isidro, 33.5 km E of Pueblo Piritu, District Zamura 
Miocene, Agua Salada Fm (Zone IV) 

mexicana, Bolivina: Cushman Paratypes 
Cushman, 1926a, p. 8i 

Vera Cruz, Mexico; Panuco-Tampico R.R., between km posts 21 and 

Eocene-Oligocene ?, Alazan Clay 

mexicana, Haplophragmoides canariensis: Kornfeld Neotype 
Kornfeld, 1931, p. 83, pl. 13, figs. 4a-4c 

Cameron Parish, Louisiana: E of Calcasieu Pass, in beach sand 
mexicanum, Elphidium incertum: Kornfeld Syntype 
Kornfeld, 1931, p. 89, pl. 16, figs. 2a, 2b 

Galveston Co., Texas; E end of Galveston Island, in beach sand 
mexicanum, Elphidium incertum: Kornfeld Syntype 
Kornfeld, 1931, p. 89, pl. 16, figs. 1a, 1b 

Galveston Co., Texas; E end of Galveston Island, in beach sand 
milleri, Quinqueloculina: Beck Holotype 
Beck, 1943, p. 593, pl. 99, figs. 8, 9, 10 

Lewis Co., Wash.; 1.5 miles E of Vader, on W bank of Cowlitz River, 
E 1/2, SE 1/4 Sec. 28, T 11 N, R2W_ SU loc. M-335 

Eocene, Cowlitz Fm 

minor, Haplophragmoides gigas: Nauss Holotype 
Nauss, 1947, p. 338, pl. 49, figs. 10a, 10b 

Alberta, Canada; NW Mannville Well No. 1 in Legal subdivision 1, 
Sec. 18, T 50, R 8 W, 4th meridian, depth 2173-2183’, 5-51’ above base 
of member 

Lower Cretaceous, Mannville Fm, Cummings mbr 

minuta, Quinqueloculina: Beck Holotype 
Beck, 1943, p. 593, pl. 99, figs. 5-7 

Lewis Co., Wash.; 1.5 miles E of Vader, on W bank of Cowlitz River, 
E 1/2, SE 1/4 Sec. 28, T 11 N,R2W _ SU loc. M-335 

Eocene, Cowlitz Fm 

minuta, Rotalia: Martin Holotype 
Martin, Lewis, 1964, p. 94, pl. 12, figs. 1la-11c 

Fresno Co., Calif.; Panoche Hills, Moreno Gulch, 4 miles SE of Little 
Panoche Creek 

Upper Cretaceous, Panoche Fm 

minuta, Yabeina: Thompson and Wheeler Syntypes 
Thompson and Wheeler, 1942, p. 707, pl. 106, figs. 6, 8 (type 7331a), 
7 (type 7331b), 9 (type 7331c), 10 (type 7331d) 

Marble Canyon, southern British Columbia, Canada 

Permian, Marble Canyon Ls 

miocenica, Cristellaria: Chapman Holotype 
Chapman, 1900, p. 250, pl. 30, figs. 1, la 

Santa Clara Co., Calif.; from a well 













miocenica, Pullenia: Kleinpell Holotype 
Kleinpell, 1938, p. 338, pl. 14, fig. 6 

Monterey Co., Calif.; Reliz Canyon SU loc. 691 

Miocene, Salinas Shale 

mirabilis, Planularia: Martin Holotype 
Martin, Lewis, 1964, p. 71, pl. 7, figs. 5a-5c 

Fresno Co., Calif.; Panoche Hills, Moreno Gulch, + miles SE of Little 
Panoche Creek 

Upper Cretaceous, Panoche Fm 

modica, Schwagerina: Thompson and Hazzard Syntypes 
Thompson and Hazzard, 1946, p. 44, pl. 11, figs. 1 (type 7701), 2 
(type 7702), 3, 6 (type 7703) 

San Bernardino Co., Calif.; E front, Providence Mts., S of Gilroy 
Mine, 1.5 miles N of end of road to Mitchell’s Caverns 

Permian, Bird Spring Fm 

modica, Schwagerina: Thompson and Hazzard Syntypes 
Thompson and Hazzard, 1946, p. 44, pl. 11, figs. 4, 5 (type 7704), 7 
(type 7705) 

San Bernardino Co., Calif.; E front, Providence Mts., 1.5 miles N 
of end of road to Mitchell’s Caverns 

Permian, Bird Spring Fm 

mohnensis, Robulus: Kleinpell Holotype 
Kleinpell, 1938, p. 200, pl. 18, figs. 1, 2 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; Mohn Springs 

Miocene, Modelo Shale 

momiyamensis, Elphidiella: Uchio Paratype 
Uchio, 1951b, p. 372, pl. 5. figs. 7a, 7b 

Tochigi Prefecture, Japan; in cliff facing Tobu electric R.R., 600 m 
NW of Momiyama Station 

Miocene, Kanuma Fm 

montereyana, Bulimina: Kleinpell Holotype 
Kleinpell, 1938, p. 254, pl. XII, fig. 13 

Monterey Co., Caiif.; Reliz Canyon SU loc. 691 

Miocene, Salinas Shale 

montis, Neofusulinella: Thompson and Wheeler Holotype 
Thompson and Wheeler, 1946, p. 26, pl. 2, figs. 7, 8 

Shasta Co., Calif.; Redding Qd, crest of limestone ridge S of Potter 
Creek, elev. 1675’, NE 1/4, SE 1/4 Sec. 23, T 34 N, R 4 W. SU loc. 

Permian, McCloud Fm 

montis, Neofusulinella: Thompson and Wheeler Paratypes 
Thompson and Wheeler, 1946, p. 26, pl. 2, figs. 5 (type 5977), 6 (type 
5978), 9 (type 6720) 

Shasta Co., Calif.; Redding Qd, crest of limestone ridge S of Potter 
Creek, elev. 1675’, NE 1/4 SE 1/4 Sec. 23, T 34 N, R 4 W. SU loc. 
7 sy7 

Permian, McCloud Fm 

moorei, Pulienia: Kleinpell Holotype 
Kieinpell, 1938, p. 340, pl. 18, figs. 11, 16 

Santa Barbara Co., Calif.; near Naples 

Miocene, Monterey Shale 

multispira, Schwagerina?: Thompson and Hazzard Syntypes 
Thompson and Hazzard, 1946, p. 46, pl. 15, figs. 1 (type 7719), 2 
(type 7720), 3 (type 7721), 4 (type 7722) 

San Bernardino Co., Calif.; along ridge and summit of main divide, 
Providence Mts., ca. 1.25 miles W of mouth of large canyon opening 
just N of Gilroy Mine 

Permian, Bird Spring Fm 














BuLueTIN 300 

nakamurai, Cassidulina: Uchio Paratype 
Uchio, 1950, p. 190, text fig. 14 

Chiba-ken, Japan; S entrance of Odoroa Tunnel, Kamitaki-mura, 

Upper Pliocene 

natlandi, Cibicides: Beck Holotype 
Beck, 1943, p. 612, pl. 109, figs. 2, 4, 15 

Lewis Co., Wash.; 1.5 miles E of Vader, on W bank of Cowlitz River, 
E 1/2, SE 1/4 Sec. 28, T 11 N, R2 W_ SU loc. M-335 

Eocene, Cowlitz Fm 

naussi, Globorotalia: Martin Holotype 
Martin, Lois, 1943, p. 26, pl. 8, figs. 3a-3c 

Fresno Co., Calif.; Lodo Gulch, Panoche Qd [Tumey Hills Qd] SU 
loc. M-74 

Eocene, Lodo Fm 

needhami, Pseudostaffella: Thompson Syntype 
Thompson, 1942, p. 411 

NW side of Mud Springs Mt., New Mexico; W end of Whiskey 

Pennsylvanian, Magdalena Fm, Bend Series 

nicoli, Globorotalia: Martin Holotype 
Martin, Lois, 1943, p. 27, pl. 7, figs. 3a-3c 

Fresno Co., Calif.; Lodo Gulch, Panoche Qd [Tumey Hills Qd] SU 
loc. M-74 

Eocene, Lodo Fm 

niigataensis, Eponides: Husezima and Maruhasi Paratype 
Husezima and Maruhasi, 1944, p. 398 

Niigata-ken, Japan; Kashiwazaki Oil Field, well no. 1, depth 94.8- 
110.5 m 

Pliocene, upper Haizume Fm 

nitida, Globigerina: Martin Holotype 
Martin, Lois, 1943, p. 25, pl. 7, figs. la-1c 

Fresno Co., Calif.; Lodo Gulch, Panoche Qd [Tumey Hills Qd] SU 
loc. M-74 

Eocene, Lodo Fm 

nolani, Anomalina: Hedberg Paratypes 
Hedberg, 1937, p. 681 

Anzoategui, Venezuela; District Libertad 

Oligocene, Carapita Fm 

nosonensis, Parafusulina: Thompson and Wheeler Syntypes 
Thompson and Wheeler, 1946, p. 33 

Shasta Co., Calif.; Redding Qd, SW 1/4, SE 1/4 Sec. 22, T 33 N, 
R 4 W, elev. 180’ above base of Nosoni Fm_ SU loc. 2577 

Permian, Nosoni Fm 

nosonensis, Parafusulina: Thompson and Wheeler Syntypes 
Thompson and Wheeler, 1946, p. 33, pl. 7, figs. 1 (type 7663), 2 (type 
7664), 3 (type 7665), 4 (type 7666) 

Shasta Co., Calif.; Redding Qd, SW 1/4, SE 1/4 Sec. 22, T 33 N, 
R4W _ SU loc. 2577 

Permian, Nosoni Fm 

nosonensis, Parafusulina: Thompson and Wheeler Syntypes 
Thompson and Wheeler, 1946, p. 33, pl. 7, figs. 5, 9 (type 7667), 6 
(type 7668), 7 (type 7669), 8, 10 (type 7670) 

Shasta Co., Calif.; Redding Qd, SW 1/4, SE 1/4 Sec. 22, T 33 N, 
R4W _ SU loc. 2577 

Permian, Nosoni Fm 

nuciformis, Siphogenerina: Kleinpell Holotype 
Kleinpell, 1938, p. 303, pl. 15, fig. 10 

Monterey Co., Calif.; Reliz Canyon SU loc. 691 

Miocene, Salinas Shale 




cell 21 











nuciformis, Siphogenerina: Kleinpell Paratype 
Kleinpell, 1938, p. 303, pl. 14, fig. 12 

Monterey Co., Calif.; Reliz Canyon SU loc. 691 

Miocene, Salinas Shale 

nuttalli, Nodosaria: Hedberg Paratypes 
Hedberg, 1937, p. 673 

Anzoategui, Venezuela; District Libertad 

Oligocene, Carapita Fm 

nuttalli, Robulus: Cushman and Renz Paratype 
Cushman and Renz, 1941, p. 11 

Falcon, Venezuela; Isidro, 35 km E of Pueblo Piritu, District Zamura 
Miocene, Agua Salada Fm (Zone III) 

obesa, Uvigerinella: Cushman Paratype 
Cushman, 1926d, p. 59 

San Luis Obispo Co., Calif.; Sec. 24, T 28 S,R14E 

Miocene, Monterey Shale 

obliqua, Bolivina: Barbat and Johnson Holotype 
Barbat and Johnson, 1934, p. 15, pl. 1, fig. 20 

Kings Co., Calif.; Coalinga Qd, Kettleman Hills, Sec. 35, T 21 S, 
R 17 E, Associated Oil Co., Whepley No. 1 

Miocene, Reef Ridge Shale 

obliqua, Bolivina: Barbat and Johnson Paratype 
Barbat and Johnson, 1934, p. 15 

Kings Co., Calif.; Coalinga Qd, Kettleman Hills, Sec. 35, T 21 S, 
R 17 E, Associated Oil Co., Whepley No. 1 

Miocene, Reef Ridge Shale 

obscura, Eggerella: Martin Holotype 
Martin, Lewis, 1964, p. 55, pl. 3 figs. 10a, 10b 

Fresno Co., Calif.; Panoche Hills, Moreno Gulch, 4 miles SE of Little 
Panoche Creek 

Upper Cretaceous, Panocke Fm 

obscura, Eggerella: Martin Paratype 
Martin, Lewis, 1964, p. 55, pl. 3 fig. 11 

Fresno Co., Calif.; Panoche Hills, Moreno Gulch, 4 miles SE of Little 
Panoche Creek 

Upper Cretaceous, Panoche Fm 

occidentalis, Anomalina: Martin Holotype 
Martin, Lewis, 1964, p. 105, pl. 16, figs. 3a-3c 

Fresno Co., Calif.; Panoche Hills, Moreno Gulch, 4 miles SE of Little 
Panoche Creek 

Upper Cretaceous, Panoche Fm 

occidentalis, Neofusulinella: Thompson and Wheeler Holotype 
Thompson and Wheeler, 1946, p. 25, pl. 2, fig. 2 

Shasta Co., Calif.; Redding Qd, “Bass Ranch,” SE 1/4, SE 1/4 Sec. 
15, T 33 N, R 4 W, elevation 1100’ SU loc. 775 

Permian, McCloud Fm 

occidentalis, Neofusulinella: Thompson and Wheeler Paratypes 
Thompson and Wheeler, 1946, p. 25, pl. 2, figs. 1 (type 5975), 3 (type 
5974), 4 (type 5973) 

Shasta Co., Calif.; Redding Qd, “Bass Ranch,” SE 1/4, SE 1/4 Sec. 
15, T 33 N, R 4 W, elevation 1100’ SU loc. 775 

Permian, McCloud Fm 

olequaensis, Cibicides natlandi: Beck Holotype 
Beck, 1943, p. 612, pl. 109, figs. 3, 20, 22 

Lewis Co., Wash.; 1.5 miles E of Vader, E 1/2, SE 1/4 Sec. 28, T 11 
N, R 2 W, on W bank of Cowlitz River SU loc. M-335 

Eocene, Cowlitz Fm 

















olequaensis, Quinqueloculina goodspeedi: Beck Holotype 
Beck, 1943, p. 592, pl. 99, figs. 3, 4 

Lewis Co., Wash.; 1.5 miles E of Vader, E 1/2, SE 1/4 Sec. 28, T 11 
N, R 2 W, on W bank of Cowlitz River SU loc. M-335 

Eocene, Cowlitz Fm 

orinocoensis, Sigmoilina: Hedberg Paratype 
Hedberg, 1937, p. 669 

Anzoategui, Venezuela; District Libertad 

Oligocene, Carapita Fm 

ornata, Bolivina advena: Cushman Paratype 
Cushman, 1925c, p. 29 

San Luis Obispo Co., Calif.; Sec. 24, T 28 S, R14 E 

Miocene, Menterey Shale 

ornata, Valvulineria: Cushman Paratypes 
Cushman, 1926d, p. 61 

San Luis Obispo Co., Calif.; Sec. 24, T 28S, R14E 

Miocene, Monterey Shale 

otukai, Vaginulina: Uchio Paratype 
Uchio, 1951b, p. 370, pl. 5, figs. 4a-4e 

Tochigi Prefecture, Japan; in cliff facing Tobu electric R.R., 600 m 
NW of Momiyama Station 

Miocene, Kanuma Fm 

ozawai, Elphidium: Uchio Paratype 
Uchio, 1951b, p. 372, pl. 5, figs. 11a, 11b 

Tochigi Prefecture, Japan; in bluish grey sandstone of “Terayama 
group” at Hachimanyama, Ozo, Utsunomiya City 

Miocene, Kanuma Fm 

ozawai, Pseudodoliolina: Yabe and Hanzawa Paratype 
Yabe and Hanzawa, 1932, p. 40-43 

Gifu Prefecture, Japan; Akasaka, Nino Province 

pacifica, Cyclammina: Beck Holotype 
Beck, 1943, p. 591, pl. 98, figs. 2, 3 

Lewis Co., Wash.; 1.5 miles E of Vader, on W bank of Cowlitz River, 
E 1/2, SE 1/4 Sec. 28, T 11 N, R2W_ SU loc. M-335 

Eocene, Cowlitz Fm 

pacificus, Ammodiscus: Cushman and Valentine Paratype 
Cushman and Valentine, 1930, p. 7 

Channel Islands, off southern California 

packardi, Yabeina: Thompson and Wheeler Syntypes 
Thompson and Wheeler, 1942, p. 710, pl. 106, fig. 4 (type 7333a); pl. 
108, fig. 4 (type 7333e) 

Jefferson Co., Ore.; near base of Gray Butte, near Madras 


packardi, Yabeina: Thompson and Wheeler Syntypes 
Thompson and Wheeler, 1942, p. 710, pl. 107, figs. 2 (type 7333b), 3 
(type 7333c), 4 (type 7333d) 

Jefferson Co., Ore.; near Madras, near base of Gray Butte 


panzana, Cassidulina: Kleinpell Holotype 
Kleinpell, 1938, p. 335, pl. 8, figs. 9a, 9b 

Monterey Co., Calif.; Reliz Canyon SU loc. 691 

Miocene, Salinas Shale 

pariana, Anomalina: Hedberg Paratypes 
Hedberg, 1937, p. 681 

Anzoategui, Venezuela; District Libertad 

Oligocene, Carapita Fm 

pariana, Nodosaria: Hedberg Paratypes 
Hedberg, 1937, p. 672 

Anzoategui, Venezuela; District Libertad 

Oligocene, Carapita Fm 


cell 31 


cell 38 








cell 5 


parianus, Ammodiscus: Hedberg Paratype 

Hedberg, 1937, p. 666 

Anzoategui, Venezuela; District Libertad 

Oligocene, Carapita Fm 

parva, Gyroidina: Cushman and Renz Paratype 

Cushman and Renz, 1941, p. 23 

Falcon, Venezuela; Pozon, 18.5 km SE of Pueblo Jacura, District 


Miocene, Agua Salada Fm (Zone IV) 

parva, Uvigerinella californica: Kleinpell Holotype 

Kleinpell, 1938, p. 289, pl. 9, fig. 14 

Monterey Co., Calif.; Reliz Canyon SU loc. 691 

Miocene, Salinas Shale 

paucicostata, Pseudoglandulina gallowayi: Cushman and Renz 

Cushman and Renz, 1941, p. 16 

Falcon, Venezuela; Isidro, 34.5 km E of Pueblo Piritu, District Zamura 

Miocene, Agua Salada Fm (Zone III) 

pavilionensis, Schwagerina: Thompson and Wheeler Syntypes 

Thompson and Wheeler, 1942, p. 706, pl. 105, figs. 3, 4, 5, 6 

British Columbia, Canada; Marble Canyon, near Lillooet 

Permian, Marble Canyon Ls 

paynei, Bolivinoides: Martin Holotype 

Martin, Lewis, 1964, p. 90, pl. 12, figs. la-1c 

Fresno Co., Calif.; Panoche Hills, Moreno Gulch, 4 miles SE of Little 

Panoche Creek 

Upper Cretaceous, Panoche Fm 

paynei, Quinqueloculina: Beck Holotype 

Beck, 1943, p. 593, pl. 98, figs. 6, 7, 8 

Lewis Co., Wash.; 1.5 miles E of Vader, on W bank of Cowlitz River, 

E 1/2, SE 1/4 Sec. 28, T 11 N, R2W_ SU loc. M-335 

Eocene, Cowlitz Fm 

perrini, Bolivina: Kleinpell Holotype 

Kleinpell, 1938, p. 278, pl. 7, figs. 4a, 4b 

Monterey Co., Calif.; Reliz Canyon SU loc. 691 

Miocene, Salinas Shale 

pingue, Elphidium fax: Nicol Holotype 

Nicol, 1944, p. 177, pl. 29, figs. 1, 2 

Monterey Co., Calif.; Mussel Point, Monterey Bay 

planum, Elphidium: Husezima and Maruhasi Paratype 

Husezima and Maruhasi, 1944, p. 392 

Niigata-ken, Japan; Kashiwazaki Oil Field, well No. 1, depth 60 m 

Pliocene, upper Haizume Fm 

plena, Schwagerina aculeata: Thompson and Hazzard Syntypes 

ieee and Hazzard, 1946, p. 46, pl. 13, figs. 1 (type 7714), 2 


San Bernardino Co., Calif.; E front, Providence Mts., S of Gilroy 

Mine, 1.5 miles N of end of road to Mitchell’s Caverns 

Permian, Bird Spring Fm 

plena, Schwagerina aculeata: Thompson and Hazzard Syntypes 

Thompson and Hazzard, 1946, p. 46, pl. 13, figs. 3 (type 7716), 4, 6 

(type 7717), 5 (type 7718) 

San Bernardino Co., Calif.; E front, Providence Mts., S of Gilroy 

Mine, 1.5 miles N of end of road to Mitchell’s Caverns 

Permian, Bird Spring Fm 

pozoensis, Bolivina: Cushman and Renz Paratype 

Cushman and Renz, 1941, p. 16 

Falcon, Venezuela; Pozon, 18.35 km SE of Pueblo Jacura, District 


Miocene, Agua Salada Fm (Zone IV) 


cell 33 

cell 3 

cell 8 








BuLuetin 300 

pozoensis, Liebusella: Cushman and Renz Paratype 

Cushman and Renz, 1941, p. 9 

Falcon, Venezula; Pozon, 17.7 km SE of Pueblo Jacura, District 


Lower Miocene, Agua Salada Fm (Zone II) 

pozoensis, Siphonina: Cushman and Renz Paratype 

Cushman and Renz, 1941, p. 24 

Falcon, Venezuela; Isidro, 33.2 km E of Pueblo Piritu, District Zamura 

Miocene, Agua Salada Fm (Zone IV) 

pozoensis, Textularia: Cushman and Renz Paratype 

Cushman and Renz, 1941, p. 4 

Falcon, Venezuela; Pozon, 21.1 km SE of Pueblo Jacura, District 


Middle Miocene, Agua Salada Fm (Zone VI) 

praeconvergens, Lenticulina: Martin Holotype 

Martin, Lewis, 1964, p. 66, pl. 6, figs. 3a, 3b 

Fresno Co., Calif.; Panoche Hills, Moreno Gulch, 4 miles SE of Little 

Panoche Creek 

Upper Cretaceous, Panoche Fm 

primitiva, Globotruncana (Praeglobotruncana) renzi: Kupper 

Kupper, 1956, p. 43, pl. 8, fig. 2 

Colusa Co., Calif.; Lodoga Qd, 325’ S, 500’ W of NE cor. Sec. 8, T 

17N,R 4W 

Upper Cretaceous 

primus, Eponides: Martin Holotype 

Martin, Lois, 1943, p. 23, pl. 9, figs. 4a-4c 

Fresno Co., Calif.; Panoche Qd, Lodo Gulch [Tumey Hills Qd] SU 

loc. M-74 

Eocene, Lodo Fm 

proteus, Manorella: Grice Paratypes 

Grice, 1948, pp. 222-224, figs. 1, 3, 4, 5 

Travis Co., Texas; Austin-Manor Highway, bridge over Little Wal- 

nut Creek 

Cretaceous, Austin Chalk 

providens, Schwagerina: Thompson and Hazzard Holotype 

Thompson and Hazzard, 1946, p. 43, pl. 14, fig. 1 

San Bernardino Co., Calif.; E front, Providence Mts., S of Gilroy 

Mine, 1.5 miles N of end of road to Mitchell’s Caverns 

Permian, Bird Spring Fm 

providens, Schwagerina: Thompson and Hazzard Paratypes 

Thompson and Hazzard, 1946, p. 43, pl. 14, figs. 4 (type 7695), 5 (type 

7696), 6 (type 7694) 

San Bernardino Co., Calif.; E front, Providence Mts., S of Gilroy 

Mine, 1.5 miles N of end of road to Mitchell’s Caverns 

Permian, Bird Spring Fm 

providens, Schwagerina: Thompson and Hazzard Paratypes 

Thompson and Hazzard, 1946, p. 43, pl. 14, figs. 2, 7, 8 (type 7697), 

3 (type 7699), 9 (type 7700) 

San Bernardino Co., Calif.; E front, Providence Mts., S of Gilroy 

Mine, 1.5 miles N of end of road to Mitchell’s Caverns 

Permian, Bird Spring Fm 

pseudoaffinis, Bulimina: Kleinpell Holotype 

Kleinpell, 1938, p. 257, pl. 9, fig. 9 

Monterey Co., Calif.; Reliz Canyon SU loc. 691 

Miocene, Salinas Shale 















pseudoligostegius, Robulus: Martin Holotype 

Martin, Lewis, 1964, p. 69, pl. 6, figs. 12a-12c 

Fresno Co., Calif.; Panoche Hills, Moreno Gulch, 4 miles SE of Little 

Panoche Creek 

Upper Cretaceous, Panoche Fm 

pseudospissa, Bolivina: Kleinpell Holotype 

Kleinpell, 1938, p. 279, pl. 21, fig. 6 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; Mohn Springs 

Miocene, Modelo Shale 

psila, Discocyclina: Woodring Neotype 

Woodring, 1930, p. 148, pl. 3, fig. 4 

Santa Barbara Co., Calif.; Lompoc Qd, about 5 miles NW of Point 

Conception lighthouse SU loc. 356 

Upper Eocene 

psila, Discocyclina: Woodring Paratype 

Woodring, 1930, p. 148 

Santa Barbara Co., Calif.; Lompoc Qd, Canada de los Sauces SU 

loc. 167 

Upper Eocene 

pulchella, Epistominella: Husezima and Maruhasi Paratype 

Husezima and Maruhasi, 1944, p. 398 

Niigata-ken, Japan; Kashiwazaki Oil Field, well No. 1, depth 221.5- 

222 m 

Pliocene, lower Haizume Fm 

putahensis, Giobotruncana: Takayanagi Holotype 

Takayanagi, 1965, p. 221, pl. 27, figs. 2a-2c 

Yolo Co., Calif.; Putah Creek, hole No. 5A, Sec. A, 70’ 

Upper Cretaceous, Forbes Fm 

quadrata, Cassidulina subglobosa: Cushman and Hughes 

Cushman and Hughes, 1925, p. 15 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; Palos Verdes Hills, Lomita Quarry SU loc. 


Pleistocene, San Pedro Fm 

rankini, Bolivina: Kleinpell Holotype 

Kleinpell, 1938, p. 290, pl. 22, figs. 4, 9 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; near Girard 

Miocene, Modelo Diatomite 

rectiangula, Gaudryina (Siphogaudryina): Martin Holotype 

Martin, Lois, 1943, p. 14, pl. 5, figs. 4a, 4b 

Fresno Co., Calif.; Lodo Gulch, Panoche Qd [Tumey Hills Qd] SU 

loc. M-74 

Eocene, Lodo Fm 

rectovalis, Lenticulina; Martin Holotype 

Martin, Lewis, 1964, p. 66, pl. 6, figs. 4a, 4b 

Fresno Co., Calif.; Panoche Hills, Moreno Gulch, 4 miles SE of Little 

Panoche Creek 

Upper Cretaceous, Panoche Fm 

reedi, Robulus: Kleinpell Holotype 

Kleinpell, 1938, p. 201, pl. 7, figs. 23a, 23b 

Monterey Co., Calif.; Reliz Canyon SU loc. 691 

Miocene, Salinas Shale 

reedi, Robulus: Kleinpell Paratype 

Kleinpell, 1938, p. 201, pl. 8, figs. 5 

Monterey Co., Calif.; Reliz Canyon SU loc. 691 

Miocene, Salinas Shale 

reedi, Siphogenerina: Cushman Paratype 

Cushman, 1925a, p. 3 

San Luis Obispo Co., Calif.; Sec. 24,T 28S,R14E 

Miocene, Monterey Shale 



cell 2 













regularis, Bolivina floridana: Cushman and Renz Paratype 
Cushman and Renz, 1941, p. 17 

Falcon, Venezuela; Isidro, 33.5 km E of Pueblo Piritu, District Zamura 
Miocene, Agua Salada Fm (Zone IV) 

relizensis, Cibicides: Kleinpell Holotype 
Kleinpell, 1938, p. 355, pl. VII, figs. 15a-15c 

Monterey Co., Calif.; Reliz Canyon SU loc. 691 

Miocene, Salinas Shale 

relizensis, Lenticulina: Kleinpell Holotype 
Kleinpell, 1938, p. 205, pl. 10, figs. 6a, 6b 

Monterey Co., Calif.; Reliz Canyon SU loc. 691 

Miocene, Salinas Shale 

relizensis, Pulvinulinella: Kleinpell Holotype 
Kleinpell, 1938, p. 329, pl. X, figs. 10a-10c 

Monterey Co., Calif.; Reliz Canyon SU loc. 691 

Miocene, Salinas Shale [specimen missing, ca. 1940-1941] 

reliziana, Gyroidina: Kleinpell Holotype 
Kleinpell, 1938, p. 315, pl. X, figs. lla, 11b 

Monterey Co., Calif.; Reliz Canyon SU loc. 691 

Miocene, Salinas Shale 

rex, Globorotalia: Martin Holotype 
Martin, Lois, 1943, p. 27, pl. 8, figs. 2a-2c 

Fresno Co., Calif.; Lodo Gulch, Panoche Qd [Tumey Hills Qd] SU 
loc. M-74 

Eocene, Lodo Fm 

rex, Vaginulinopsis saundersi: Martin Holotype 
Martin, Lois, 1943, p. 17, pl. 9, figs. 2a, 2b 

Fresno Co., Calif.; Lodo Gulch, Panoche Qd [Tumey Hills Qd] SU 
loc. M-74 

Eocene, Lodo Fm 

rhomboidea, Bolivina: Cushman Paratype 
Cushman, 1926b, p. 19 

San Luis Potosi, Mexico; Tamuin River, 5 km SE of Guerrero 
Cretaceous, Mendez Shale 

richardi, Spiroplectammina: Martin Holotype 
Martin, Lois, 1943, p. 14, pl. 5, figs. 3a, 3b 

Fresno Co., Calif.; Lodo Gulch, Panoche Qd [Tumey Hills Qd] SU 
loc. M-74 

Eocene, Lodo Fm 

robusta, Baggina: Kleinpell Holotype 
Kleinpell, 1938, p. 325, pl. XI, figs. 8a-8c 

Monterey Co., Calif.; Reliz Canyon SU loc. 691 

Miocene, Salinas Shale 

robusta, Fusulina: Meek Neotype 
Meek, 1864b, pp. 3-4, pl. 2, figs. 3a-3c. Neotype designated by Thomp- 
son and Wheeler, 1946, pp. 28-29, pl. 3, fig. 1 [as Pseudoschwagerina 
robusta (Meek) | 

Shasta Co., Calif.; Redding Qd, W side of Is hogback, NW 1/4, NE 
1/4 Sec. 15, T 33 N, R 4 W, elev. 1400’ SU loc. 774 

Permian, McCloud Ls 

robusta, Fusulina: Meek Paraneotypes 
Meek, 1864b, pp. 3-4. Paraneotypes illustrated by Thompson and 
Wheeler, 1946, pp. 28-29, pl. 6, figs. 7 (type 7629), 6 (type 7630) 
Shasta Co., Calif.; Redding Qd, W side of Is hogback, NW 1/4, NE 
1/4 Sec. 15, T 33 N, R 4 W, elev. 1400’ SU loc. 774 

Permian, McCloud Ls 








cell 10 

cell 4 





robusta, Fusulina: Meek Paraneotypes 
Meek, 1864b, pp. 3-4. Paraneotypes illustrated by Thompson and 
Wheeler, 1946, pp. 28-29, pl. 3, figs. 2 (type 7631), 3 (type 7632) 

Shasta Co., Calif.; Redding Qd, W side of Is knoll in SE 1/4, SE 1/4 
Sec. 15, T 33 N, R 4 W, elev. 1100’ SU loc. 775 

Permian, McCloud Ls 

robustior, Massilina: Cushman and Valentine Paratype 
Cushman and Valentine, 1930, p. 8 

Channel Islands, off southern California 

roeseleri, Pseudoschwagerina: Thompson and Hazzard Holotype 
Thompson and Hazzard, 1946, p. 47, pl. 17, fig. 4 

San Bernardino Co., Calif.; E front, Providence Mts., S of Gilroy 
Mine, 1.5 miles N of end of road to Mitchell’s Caverns 

Permian, Bird Spring Fm 

roeseleri, Pseudoschwagerina: Thompson and Hazzard Paratypes 
Thompson and Hazzard, 1946, p. 47, pl. 17, figs. 5 (type 7725), 6 
(type 7723); pl. 18, fig. 4 (type 7724) 

San Bernardino Co., Calif.; E front, Providence Mts., S of Gilroy 
Mine, 1.5 miles N of end of road to Mitchell’s Caverns 

Permian, Bird Spring Fm 

rosaceus, Globorotalites: Martin Holotype 
Martin, Lewis, 1964, p. 99, pl. 14, figs. 5a-5c 

Fresno Co., Calif.; Panoche Hills, Moreno Gulch, 4 miles SE of Little 
Panoche Creek 

Upper Cretaceous, Panoche Fm 

rota, Haplophragmoides: Nauss Holotype 
Nauss, 1947, p. 339, pl. 49, figs. la, 1b 

Alberta, Canada; Imperial core test No. 14, Legal subdivision 5, Sec. 
7, T 51, R 8 W, 4th meridian, depth 55-60’, 10-15’ above base of 

Upper Cretaceous, Belly River Fm, Grizzly Bear tongue 

rota, Haplophragmoides: Nauss Paratype 
Nauss, 1947, p. 339, pl. 49, figs. 3a, 3b 

Alberta, Canada; Imperial core test No. 2, depth 190-200’, Vermilion 

Upper Cretaceous, Belly River Fm, Grizzly Bear tongue 

rudderi, Bolivina: Cushman and Renz Paratype 
Cushman and Renz, 1941, p. 19 

Falcon, Venezuela; Pozon, 18.6 km SE of Pueblo Jacura, District 

Miocene, Agua Salada Fm (Zone IV) 

rutschi, Sphaeroidinella: Cushman and Renz Paratype 
Cushman and Renz, 1941, p. 25 

Falcon, Venezuela; Isidro, 33.5 km E of Pueblo Piritu, District 

Miocene, Agua Salada Fm (Zone IV) 

salinasensis, Anomalina: Kleinpell Holotype 
Kleinpell, 1938, p. 347, pl. XIII, figs. 1a-1c 

Monterey Co., Calif.; Reliz Canyon SU loc. 691 

Miocene, Salinas Shale 

salinasensis, Bolivina: Kleinpell Holotype 
Kleinpell, 1938, p. 280, pl. 15, fig. 3 

Monterey Co., Calif.; Reliz Canyon SU loc. 691 

Miocene, Salinas Shale 

salinasensis, Bolivina: Kleinpell Paratype 
Kleinpell, 1938, p. 280, pl. 9, fig. 6 

Monterey Co., Calif.; Reliz Canyon SU loc. 691 

Miocene, Salinas Shale 














BuLLeTIn 300 

sanctaecrucis, Nodogenerina: Kleinpell Holotype 
Kleinpell, 1938, p. 246, pl. 4, fig. 22 

Santa Cruz Co., Calif.; Santa Cruz Mts. SU loc. 1162 

Oligocene, Vaqueros Fm 

schencki, Afghanella: Thompson Holotype 
Thompson, 1946, p. 153, pl. 25, fig. 2 

Afghanistan; Shibar Pass, ca. 7 km W of summit on Kabul to Bamian 

Permian, Bamian Ls 

schencki, Afghanella: Thompson Paratypes 
Thompson, 1946, p. 153, pl. 25, figs. 1 (type 7836), 4 (type 7838), 5 
(type 7837), 7 (type 7839), 8 (type 7840) 

Afghanistan; Shibar Pass, ca. 7 km W of Summit on Kabul to Bamian 

Permian, Bamian Ls 

schencki, Afghanella: Thompson Paratypes 
Thompson, 1946, p. 153, pl. 25, figs. 9 (type 7841), 10 (type 7842), 
11 (type 7843), 12 (type 7844) . 

Afghanistan; Shibar Pass, ca. 7 km W of Summit on Kabul to Bamian 

Permian, Bamian Ls 

schencki, Bulimina: Beck Holotype 
Beck, 1943, p. 605, pl. 107, figs. 28, 33 

Lewis Co., Wash.; 1.5 miles E of Vader, on W bank of Cowlitz River, 
Bd/25SEr/4)Seer 285 ay LN eRe aw, 

Eocene, Cowlitz Fm 

schencki, Elphidium: Cushman and Dusenbury Holotype 
Cushman and Dusenbury, 1934, p. 60, pl. 8, figs. 8a, 8b 

San Diego Co., Calif.; La Jolla Qd, Murray Canyon, 1 1/8 miles S$ 
38° W of BM 394 SU loc. 1150 

Eocene, Poway Conglomerate 

schencki, Lenticulina: Martin Holotype 
Martin, Lewis, 1964, p. 67, pl. 6, figs. 6a, 6b 

Fresno Co., Calif.; Panoche Hills, Moreno Gulch, 4 miles SE of Little 
Panoche Creek 

Upper Cretaceous, Panoche Fm 

schencki, Nonion: Kleinpell Holotype 
Kleinpell, 1938, p. 235 

Monterey Co., Calif.; diatomite quarry SU loc. 662 

Miocene, Monterey Shale 

schencki, Nonion: Kleinpell Paratype 
Kleinpell, 1938, p. 235, pl. XVI, figs. 11a, 11b 

Monterey Co., Calif.; Reliz Canyon SU loc. 691, sample Fi, 3110’ 
above Vaqueros Ss 

Miocene, Monterey Shale 

schencki, Saracenaria: Cushman and Hobson Paratype 
Cushman and Hobson, 1935, p. 57 

Santa Cruz Co., Calif.; Santa Cruz Qd, Bear Creek SU loc. 1102 
Oligocene, San Lorenzo Fm 

schencki, Textularia: Cushman and Valentine Paratype 
Cushman and Valentine, 1930, p. 8 

Channel Islands, off southern California 

semihispida, Buliminella: Kleinpell Holotype 
Kleinpell, 1938, p. 250, pl. 20, figs. 8, 15, 16 

Santa Barbara Co., Calif.; near Naples 

Miocene, Monterey Shale 

cell 22 



cell 2 




cell 4 






cell 34 


senni, Robulus: Cushman and Renz Paratype 
Cushman and Renz, 1941, p. 12 

Falcon, Venezuela; Pozon, 18.9 km SE of Pueblo Jacura, District 

Miocene, Agua Salada Fm (Zone IV) 

senni, Saracenaria: Hedberg Paratype 
Hedberg, 1937, p. 674 

Anzoategui, Venezuela; District Libertad 

Oligocene, Carapita Fm 

senni, Siphogenerina: Cushman and Renz Paratype 
Cushman and Renz, 1941, p. 22 

Falcon, Venezuela; Isidro, 34.9 km E of Pueblo Piritu, District Zamura 
Miocene, Agua Salada Fm (Zone III) 

sesquistriata, Lagena: Bagg Holotype 
Bagg, 1912, p. 50, pl. 13, figs. 13, 14b 

San Pedro, Calif.; Timms Point SU loc. 2024 


sesquistriata, Lagena: Bagg Paratype 
Bagg, 1912, p. 50, pl. 13, figs. 12, 14a 

San Pedro, Calif.; Timms Point SU loc. 2024 


shivelyi, Textularia: Kleinpell Holotype 
Kleinpell, 1938, p. 190, pl. 1, figs. 5, 9 

Santa Barbara Co., Calif.; near Gaviota Pass SU loc. 1436 

Oligocene, “Sespe” Fm 

simplex, Bolivina interjuncta: Cushman and Renz Paratype 

Cushman and Renz, 1941, p. 20 

Falcon, Venezuela; Pozon, 21.1 km SE of Pueblo Jacura, District 


Miocene, Agua Salada Fm (Zone IV) 

sinuata, Globuiina minuta: Beck Holotype 

Beck, 1943, p. 603, pl. 106, fig. 13 

Lewis Co., Wash.; 1.5 miles E of Vader, on W bank of Cowlitz River, 

E 1/2, SE 1/4 Sec. 28, T 11 N,R2W _ SU loc. M-335 

Eocene, Cowlitz Fm 

smiieyi, Robulus: Kleinpell Holotype 

Kleinpell, 1938, p. 202, pl. XV, figs. 14a, 14b 

Monterey Co., Calif.; Reliz Canyon SU loc. 691 

Miocene, Salinas Shale 

smithi, Elphidium: Cushman and Dusenbury Holotype 

Cushman and Dusenbury, 1934, p. 61, pl. 8, figs. 7a, 7b 

San Diego Co., Calif.; La Jolla Qd, Murray Canyon, 1 1/8 miles S 

38° W of BM 394 SU loc. 1150 

Eocene, Poway Conglomerate 

smithi, Siphogenerina: Kleinpell Holotype 

Kleinpell, 1938, p. 304, pl. VI, fig. 1 

Santa Barbara Co., Calif.; Elwood Field, Doty well No. 4 

Oligocene, Rincon Shale 

smithi, Siphogenerina: Kleinpell Paratype 

Kleinpell, 1938, p. 304, pl. VI, fig. 2 

Santa Barbara Co., Calif.; Elwood Field, Doty well No. 4 

Oligocene, Temblor Shale 

soldadoensis, Discorbis midwayensis: Cushman and Renz 

Cushman and Renz, 1942, p. 10 

Trinidad, B.W.I.; Soldado Rock 

Paleocene, Soldado Fm 


cell 38 







cell 36 






soldadoensis, Nonionella: Cushman and Renz Paratype 
Cushman and Renz, 1942, p. 7 

Trinidad, B.W.1; Soldado Rock 

Paleocene, Soldado Fm 

solis, Anomalina: Nauss Holotype 
Nauss, 1947, p. 333, pl. 49, figs. 9a-9c 

Alberta, Canada; Imperial Core test No. 82, Legal subdivision 16, 
Sec. 24, T 56, R 7 W, 4th meridian, depth 420-425’ 

Upper Cretaceous, Lea Park Shale 

sphaera, Quinqueloculina: Nauss Holotype 
Nauss, 1947, p. 340, pl. 48, figs. 14a-14c 

Alberta, Canada; Vermilata Frankview Well No. 1, Legal subdivision 
16, Sec. 28, T 50, R 5 W, 4th meridian, 630-640’, 220’ above base of 

Upper Cretaceous, Lea Park Shale 

spinatum, Elphidium: Cushman and Valentine Paratype 
Cushman and Valentine, 1930, p. 21 

Channel Islands off southern California 

spiveyi, Waeringella: Thompson Syntype 
Thompson, 1942, p. 414 

SE of Graham, Texas; Herron Bend, Brazos River 

Pennsylvanian, Salem School Ls 

sproulei, Miliammina: Nauss Holotype 
Nauss, 1947, p. 339, pl. 48, figs. 13a, 13b 

Alberta, Canada; NW Mannville well No. 1, Legal subdivision 1, Sec. 
18, T 50, R 8 W, 4th meridian, depth 2152-2162’. Vermillion area 
Lower Cretaceous, Mannville Fm, Cummings Mbr 

sproulei, Miliammina: Nauss Paratype 
Nauss, 1947, p. 339 

Alberta, Canada; NW Mannville well No. 1, Legal subdivision 1, Sec. 
18, T 50, R 8 W, 4th meridian, depth 2152-2162’. Vermillion area 
Lower Cretaceous, Mannville Fm, Cummings Mbr 

stainforthi, Nodosaria: Cushman and Renz Paratype 
Cushman and Renz, 1941, p. 15 

Falcon, Venezuela; Isidro, 33.75 km E of Pueblo Piritu, District 

Miocene, Agua Salada Fm (Zone IV) 

striatella, Bolivina advena: Cushman Paratype 
Cushman, 1925c, p. 30 

San Luis Obispo Co., Calif.; Sec. 24, T 28S, R14 E 

Miocene, Monterey Shale 

subcasitasensis, Valvulineria casitasensis: Kleinpell Holotype 
Kleinpell, 1938, p. 311, pl. 2, figs. 3, 4, 14 

Santa Barbara Co., Calif.; near Gaviota Pass SU loc. 1436 

Oligocene, “Sespe” Fm 

subfusiformis, Buliminella: Cushman Paratype 
Cushman, 1925c, p. 33 

San Luis Obispo Co., Calif.; Sec. 24, T 28 §,R14E 

Miocene, Monterey Shale 

subplana, Virgulina: Barbat and Johnson Holotype 
Barbat and Johnson, 1934, p. 14, pl. 1, fig. 17 

Kings Co., Calif.; Associated Oil Co., Whepley No. 1, Kettleman 
Hills; Coalinga Qd, Sec. 35, T 21S,R17E SU loc. 697 

Miocene, lower Reef Ridge Shale 

subplana, Virgulina: Barbat and Johnson Paratype 
Barbat and Johnson, 1934, p. 14, pl. 1, fig. 16 

Kings Co., Calif.; Coalinga Qd, Sec. 35, T 21 S, R 17 E, Associated Oil 
Co., Whepley No. 1, Kettleman Hills SU loc. 697 

Upper Miocene, lower Reef Ridge Shale 

cell 23 

cell 9 


cell 18 




cell 30 







superba, Marginulina: Cushman and Renz Paratype 
Cushman and Renz, 1941, p. 14 

Falcon, Venezuela; Pozon, 18.4 km SE of Pueblo Jacura, District 

Miocene, Agua Salada Fm (Zone IV) 

suteri, Bolivina: Cushman and Renz Paratype 
Cushman and Renz, 1941, p. 18 

Falcon, Venezuela; Tocuyo, 15.7 km E of San Juan de los Cayos, 
District Acosta 

Miocene, Agua Salada Fm (Zone IV) 

suteri, Robulus: Cushman and Renz Paratype 
Cushman and Renz, 1941, p. 10 

Falcon, Venezuela; Isidro, 33.2 km E of Pueblo Piritu, District Zamura 
Miocene, Agua Salada Fm (Zone IV) 

talaria, Anomalina: Nauss Holotype 
Nauss, 1947, p. 334, pl. 48, figs. lla-11c 

Alberta, Canada; Imperial Core Test No. 27, Legal subdivision 1, 
Sec. 4, T 54, R 8 W, 4th meridian, depth 260-270’ 

Upper Cretaceous, Lea Park Shale 

talaria, Anomalina: Nauss Paratype 
Nauss, 1947, p. 334, pl. 48, figs. 12a-12c 

Alberta, Canada; Imperial Core Test No. 27, Legal subdivision 1, 
Sec. 4, T 54, R 8 W, 4th meridian, depth 260-270’ 

Upper Cretaceous, Lea Park Shale 

tanaii, Eponides: Uchio Paratype 
Uchio, 1951b, p. 376, figs. 8a-8c, 9a-Yc 

Tochigi Prefecture, Japan; in cliff facing Tobu electric R.R., 600 
m NW of Momiyama Station 

Miocene, Kanuma Fm 

thalmanni, Gaudryina: Cushman and Renz Paratype 
Cushman and Renz, 1941, p. 7 

Falcon, Venezuela; Pozon, 27 km SE of Pueblo Jacura, District 

Lower Miocene, Agua Salada Fm (Zone II) 

ticensis, Bolivina: Kleinpell Holotype 
Kleinpell, 1938, p. 284, pl. 18, figs. 6, 7 

Contra Costa Co., Calif.; San Pablo Creek 

Miocene, Tice Shale 

tochigiensis, Rotalia: Uchio Paratype 
Uchio, 1951b, p. 374, pl. 5, figs. 1a-1c 

Tochigi Prefecture, Japan; in cliff facing Tobu electric R.R., 600 
m NW of Momiyama Station 

Miocene, Kanuma Fm 

tomiyensis, Cassidulina: Uchio Paratype 
Uchio, 195la, p. 40 

Chiba-ken, Japan; Tomiya, Takeoka-mura, Kimitsu-gun 

Pliocene, Tomiya Fm 

tortuesa, Cassidulina: Cushman and Hughes Paratype 
Cushman and Hughes, 1925, p. 14 

San Pedro, Calif.; Timms Point SU loc. 2024 

“Pliocene,” Timms Point Fm 

translucens, Cassidulina: Cushman and Hughes Paratype 
Cushman and Hughes, 1925, p. 15 

Los Angeles Co., Calif.; Palos Verdes Hills, Lomita Quarry SU loc. 

Pleistocene, San Pedro Fm 


cell 35 

cell 37 










BuLLeTiIn 300 

trilocularia, Polymorphina: Bagg Holotype 

Bagg, 1912, p. 75, pl. 20, figs. 15, 17 (?) 

San Pedro, Calif.; Timms Point SU loc. 2024 


trinitatensis, Discorbis midwayensis: Cushman and Renz 

Cushman and Renz, 1942, p. 10 

Trinidad, B.W.I.; Soldado Rock 

Paleocene, Soldado Fm 

trinitatensis, Gumbelina: Cushman and Renz Paratype 

Cushman and Renz, 1942, p. 8 

Trinidad, B.W.I.; Soldado Rock 

Paleocene, Soldado Fm 

turbinata, Gavelinella: Martin Holotype 

Martin, Lewis, 1964, p. 99, pl. 14, figs. 2a-2c 

Fresno Co., Calif.; Panoche Hills, Moreno Gulch, 4 miles SE of Little 

Panoche Creek 

Upper Cretaceous, Moreno Fm 

turbinata, Gavelinella: Martin Paratype 

Martin, Lewis, 1964, p. 99, pl. 14, figs. 3a-3c 

Fresno Co., Calif.; Panoche Hills, Sec. 6, T 15 S, R12 E 

Upper Cretaceous, Moreno Fm 

turbinata, Rotalia: Cushman and Valentine Paratype 

Cushman and Valentine, 1930, p. 25 

Channel Islands off southern California 

turgida, Parafusulina?: Thompson and Wheeler Syntypes 

Thompson and Wheeler, 1946, p. 30, pl. 4, fig. 1, pl. 5, fig. 6 (type 

7639); pl. 4, fig. 2 (type 7641); pl. 5, figs. 1 (type 7640), 2 (type 


Shasta Co., Calif.; Redding Qd, crest of Is ridge S of Potter Creek, 

NE 1/4, SE 1/4 Sec. 23, T 34 N, R 4 W, elev. 1675’ SU loc. 757 

Permian, McCloud Fm, middle part 

turgida, Parafusulina?: Thompson and Wheeler Syntypes 

Thompson and Wheeler, 1946, p. 30, pl. 5, figs. 3 (type 7642), 4 (type 

7643), 5 (type 7644) ; pl. 4, fig. 3 (type 7645) 

Shasta Co., Calif.; Redding Qd, crest of Is ridge S of Potter Creek, 

NE 1/4, SE 1/4 Sec. 23, T 34 N, R 4 W, elev. 1675’ SU loc. 757 

Permian, McCloud I'm, middle part 

tyrrelli, Ammobaculites: Nauss Holotype 

Nauss, 1947, pp. 333-334, pl. 48, fig. 2 

Alberta, Canada; Dina Omega Well No. 1, Legal subdivision 14, Sec. 

9, T 45, R 1 W, 4th meridian, depth 1478-1488’ Vermillion area 

Upper Cretaceous, Lloydminster Shale 

tyrrelli, Ammobaculites: Nauss Paratype 

Nauss, 1947, pp. 333-334 

Alberta, Canada; Dina Omega Well No. 1, Legal subdivision 14, Sec. 

9, T 45, R 1 W, 4th meridian, depth 1478-1488’ Vermillion area 

Upper Cretaceous, Lloydminster Shale 

uber, Pseudoschwagerina: Thompson and Hazzard Holotype 

Thompson and Hazzard, 1946, p. 48, pl. 17, fig. 1 

San Bernardino Co., Calif.; E front, Providence Mts., S of Gilroy 

Mine, 1.5 miles N of end of road to Mitchell’s Caverns 

Permian, Bird Spring Fm 

uber, Pseudoschwagerina: Thompson and Hazzard Paratypes 

Thompson and Hazzard, 1946, p. 48, pl. 14, figs. 10 (type 7731), 11 

(type 7729) ; pl. 17, figs. 2 (type 7727), 3 (type 7728) 

San Bernardino Co., Calif.; E front, Providence Mts., S of Gilroy 

Mine, 1.5 miles N of end of road to Mitchell’s Caverns 

Permian, Bird Spring Fm 













uvigerinaeformis, Bermudezina: Martin Holotype 
Martin, Lewis, 1964, p. 53, pl. 3, figs. 6a-6c 

Fresno Co., Calif.; Panoche Hills, Moreno Gulch 

Upper Cretaceous, Moreno Fm 

[ Missing; no record that specimen was received at SU] 

vaderensis, Frondicularia: Beck Holotype 
Beck, 1943, p. 601, pl. 107, fig. 18 

Lewis Co., Wash.; 1.5 miles E of Vader, W bank of Cowlitz River, 
E 172, SE 1/4 Sec...28, T 11.N, KR 2 W SU loc. M-335 
Eocene, Cowlitz Fm 

validus, Cibicidoides: Martin Holotype 
Martin, Lewis, 1964, p. 107, pl. 16, figs. 5a-5c 

Fresno Co., Calif.; Panoche Hills, Moreno Gulch, 4 miles SE of Little 
Panoche Creek 

Upper Cretaceous, Panoche Fm 

venezuelana, Giobigerina: Hedberg Paratypes 
Hedberg, 1937, p. 681 

Anzoategui, Venezuela; District Libertad 

Oligocene, Carapita Fm 

venezuelana, Planularia: Hedberg Paratype 
Hedberg, 1937, p. 670 

Anzoategui, Venezuela; District Libertad 

Oligocene, Carapita Fm 

venezuelana, Rzehakina: Hedberg Paratype 
Hedberg, 1937, p. 669 

Anzoategui, Venezuela; District Libertad 

Oligocene, Carapita Fm 

venezuelana, Valvulineria: Hedberg Paratypes 
Hedberg, 1937, p. 678 

Anzoategui, Venezuela; District Libertad 

Oligocene, Carapita Fm 

venusae, Bulimina: Nauss Holotype 
Nauss, 1947, p. 334, pl. 48, fig. 10 

Alberta, Canada; Imperial core test no. 7, Legal subdivision 11, Sec. 
8, T 51, R 7 W, 4th meridian, depth 125’, 15’ above base of mbr 

Upper Cretaceous, Belly River Fm, Vanesti tongue 

verruculosa, Vaginulinopsis, Martin Holotype 
Martin, Lois, 1943, p. 16, pl. 5, figs. 6a, 6b 

Fresno Co., Calif.; Lodo Gulch, Panoche Qd [Tumey Hills Qd] SU 
loc. M-74 

Eocene, Lodo Fm 

virga, Parafusulina: Thompson and Wheeler Syntypes 
Thompson and Wheeler, 1946, p. 32, pl. 6, figs. 1 (type 7652), 2 (type 
7653), 3 (type 7651) 

Shasta Co., Calif.; Redding Qd, SW 1/4, SW 1/4 Sec. 2, T 33 N, 
R 4 W, elev. 1600’ 

Permian, Noscni Fm 

virga, Parafusulina: Thompson and Wheeler Syntypes 
Thompson and Wheeler, 1946, p. 32, pl. 9, figs. 1 (type 7654), 2 (type 
7655), 3 (type 7656), 4 (type 7657) 

Shasta Co., Calif.; Redding Qd, SW 1/4, SW 1/4 Sec. 2, T 33 N, 
R 4 W, elev. 1600’ 

Permian, Nosoni Fm 

virga, Parafusulina: Thompson and Wheeler Syntypes 
Thompson and Wheeler, 1946, p. 32, pl. 9, figs. 5 (type 7658), 6 (type 
7659), 7 (type 7660) 

Shasta Co., Calif.; Redding Qd, SW 1/4, SW 1/4 Sec. 2, T 33 N,R 
4 W, elev. 1600’ 

Permian, Nosoni Fm 















vitta, Bathysiphon: Nauss Holotype 
Nauss, 1947, p. 334, pl. 48, fig. 4 

Alberta, Canada; Imperial Core Test No. 83, Legal subdivision 4, 
Sec. 4, T 56, R 5 W, 4th meridian, depth 265-270’, about 270’ above 
base of fm 

Upper Cretaceous, Lea Park Shale 

wallacei, Marginulina: Hedberg Paratype 
Hedberg, 1937, p. 670 

Anzoategui, Venezuela; District Libertad 

Oligocene, Carapita Fm 

washingtonensis, Lenticulina: Beck Holotype 
Beck, 1943, p. 597, pl. 104, figs. 18, 21 

Lewis Co., Wash.; 1.5 miles E of Vader, on W bank of Cowlitz River, 
E 1/2, SE 1/4 Sec. 28, T 11 N, R2W_ SU loc. M-335 

Eocene, Cowlitz Fm 

washingtonensis, Robertina: Beck Holotype 
Beck, 1943, p. 604, pl. 107, figs. 17, 19 

Lewis Co., Wash.; 1.5 miles E of Vader on W bank of Cowlitz River, 
E 1/2, SE 1/4 Sec. 28, T11N,R2W_ SU loc. M-335 

Eocene, Cowlitz Fm 

watsonae, Lagena: Martin Holotype 
Martin, Lois, 1943, p. 18, pl. 15, figs. 7a, 7b 

Fresno Co., Calif.; Lodo Gulch, Panoche Qd [Tumey Hills Gd] SU 
loc. M-74 

Eocene, Lodo Fm 

weaveri, Robulus: Beck Holotype 
Beck, 1943, p. 595, pl. 103, figs. 3, 8 

Lewis Co., Wash.; 1.5 miles E of Vader, on W bank of Cowlitz River, 
E 1/2, SE 1/4 Sec. 28, T 11 N, R2W_ SU loc. M-335 

Eocene, Cowlitz Fm 

whitei, Anomalina: Martin Holotype 
Martin, Lewis, 1964, p. 106, pl. 16, figs. 4a-4c 

Fresno Co., Calif.; Panoche Hills, Moreno Gulch, 4 miles SE of Little 
Panoche Creek 

Upper Cretaceous, Panoche Fm 

whitei, Bulimina: Martin Holotype 
Martin, Lois, 1943, p. 20, pl. 6, figs. 5a, 5b 

Fresno Co., Calif.; Lodo Gulch, Panoche Qd [Tumey Hills Qd] SU 
loc. M-74 

Eocene, Lodo Fm 

whitei, Cibicides: Martin Holotype 
Martin, Lois, 1943, p. 32, pl. 8, figs. 4a-4c 

Fresno Co., Calif.; Lodo Gulch, Panoche Qd [Tumey Hills Qd] SU 
loc. M-74 

Eocene, Lodo Fm 

whitei, Plectofrondicularia: Martin Holotype 
Martin, Lois, 1943, p. 19, pl. 5, figs. 2a, 2b 

Fresno Co., Calif.; Lodo Gulch, Panoche Qd [Tumey Hills Qd] SU 
loc. M-74 

Eocene, Lodo Fm 

whitei, Quinqueloculina: Beck Holotype 
Beck, 1943, p. 593, pl. 99, figs. 11, 12, 13 

Lewis Co., Wash.; 1.5 miles E of Vader, on W bank of Cowlitz River, 
E 1/2, SE 1/4 Sec. 28, T 11 N,R2W_ SU loc. M-335 

Eocene, Cowlitz Fm 

whitei, Siphogenerinoides: Church Paratypes 
Church, 1941, p. 182 

Fresno Co., Calif.; Panoche Hills, near center of Sec. 6, T 15S,R12E 
Upper Cretaceous, Moreno Shale 














williami, Cassidulina: Kleinpell Holotype 
Kleinpell, 1938, p. 337, pl. XIV, fig. 5 

Monterey Co., Calif.; Reliz Canyon SU loc. 691 

Miocene, Salinas Shale 

williami, Valvulineria: Kleinpell Holotype 
Kleinpell, 1938, p. 315, pl. VII, figs. 14a-14c 

Monterey Co., Calif.; Reliz Canyon SU loc. 691 

Miocene, Salinas Shale 

yabei, Parafusulina: Hanzawa Paratypes 
Hanzawa, 1942, p. 127-128 

Ago-gun, Totigi Prefecture, Japan; Tomuro, Miyosi-mura 


yneziana, Bolivina: Kleinpell Holotype 
Kleinpell, 1938, p. 286, pl. 2, fig. 8 

Santa Barbara Co., Calif.; near Gaviota Pass SU loc. 1436 

Oligocene, “Sespe” Fm 

ynezianum, Nonion: Kleinpell Holotype 
Kleinpell, 1938, p. 237, pl. II, figs. 1, 2 

Santa Barbara Co., Calif.; near Gaviota Pass 

Oligocene, “Sespe” Fm 


browni, Astrangia: Palmer Paratype 

Palmer, 1928b, p. 27 

Oaxaca, Mexico; 4 miles W of Puerto Angel 

confluens, Heliophyllum obconicum: Fenton and Fenton 

Fenton and Fenton, 1938, p. 221, pl. 21, fig. 1 

New York, near East Bethany 

Devonian, Moscow Fm [holotype 37765 from Walker Museum, now 

probably in the Field Museum Nat. Hist., Chicago] 

decorosum, Heliophyllum: Fenton and Fenton Plastoholotype 

Fenton and Fenton, 1938, p. 216, pl. 18, figs. 7, 8 

Leicester, N.Y.; Little Beard Creek 

Devonian, Moscow Fm [cast from Carnegie Museum sections 6754, 

6755 | 

fresnoense, Flabellum: Durham Holotype 

Durham, 1943, p. 197, pl. 32, figs. 2, 3 

Fresno Co., Calif.; SU loc. M-49, Cheney Well No. 1, 5800’ 

Upper Cretaceous 

hannibali, Coenocyathus?: Durham Holotype 

Durham, 1942, p. 93, pl. 17, fig. 14, text fig. 1 

Mason Co., Wash.; NP loc. 207, T 21 N, R 5 W;; bluffs on Vance’s 

Ck 2.5 miles above jet. with Skokomish River, 13 miles above Union 


Lower Oligocene 

hannibali, Dendrophyllia: Nomland Syntype 

Nomland, 1916a, p. 67, pl. 6, figs. 1, 2 

Grays Harbor Co., Wash.; NP icc. 51, bluffs at old log dam on 

Porter Ck, 1.5 miles above Porter 

Oligocene, Linceln Fm 

hannibali, Dendrophyllia: Nomland Syntype 

Nomland, 1916a, p. 67, pl. 6, fig. 3 

Grays Harbor Co., Wash.; NP loc. 51, bluffs at old log dam on 

Porter Ck, 1.5 miles above Porter 

Oligocene, Lincoln Fm 















BuLueTIN 300 

hyatti, Astrocoenia: Wells Paratype 

Wells, 1942, p. 1 

Wyoming; 3 miles W of Cody, bank of Shoshone River 

Jurassic, Sundance Fm 

hypatiae, Multithecopora: Wilson Paratype 

Wilson, 1963, p. 158, pl. 21, figs. 3, 4; pl. 22, figs. 1-3, 7 

White Pine Co., Nevada; near Lund. SU loc. 3474 

Middle Pennsylvanian, Ely Fm 

mexicana, Cycloseris: Durham Paratypes 

Durham, 1947, p. 24 

Gulf of California; Amortajada Bay, in La Paz Bay, Carmen Island 

oldroydi, Dendrophyllia: Oldroyd ex Faustino MS Syntype 

Oldroyd, I. S., 1925, pl. 49, fig. 7 (part of the type colony). Described 

by Faustino, 1931, pp. 286-287, pl. 1 

Sunken Valley, Calif.; between San Pedro and Redondo, 200 fms 

palmata, Pocillopora: Palmer Syntype 

Palmer, 1928), p. 31, pl. 2, fig. 3; pl. 3, fig. 1 

Oaxaca, Mexice; Puerto Angel harbor , 

quaylei, Cyathoceras: Durham Paratype 

Durham, 1947, p. 32 

Monterey Co., Calif.; off Point Sur, 160 fms 

radcliffi, Sidastrea: Faustino Holotype 

Faustino, 1931, p. 285, pl. 1, fig. 1 

Ventura Co., Calif.; Camulos Qd, near Simi Peak 

Lower Eocene, Martinez Fm_ [Paleocene] 

teres, Heliophyllum obconicum: Fenton and Fenton 

Fenton and Fenton, 1938, p. 222, pl. 19, fig. 6 

Western N.Y., near Le Roy 

Devonian, Moscow Fm [cast of 2 sections, Carnegie Museum Nos. 

6868, 6864] 

townsendensis, Trochocyathus: Durham Holotype 

Durham, 1942, p. 90, pl. 15, fig. 6 

Jefferson Co., Wash.; NP loc. 148, sea cliffs .25 miles N of old Wood- 

man Wharf, Port Discovery; NE 1/4 Sec. 8, T 29 N, R1 W 

Lower Oligocene, Quimper 

whitei, Deltocyathus: Durham Holotype 

Durham, 1943, p. 200, pl. 32, figs. 13, 16, text fig. 1 

Fresno Co., Calif.; SU loc. 2073, Tumey Hills Qd, ject of Silver and 

Panoche Creeks 

Paleocene, Lodo Fm 


astoma, Polytholosia: Seilacher Holotype 
Seilacher, 1962, p. 758, pl. 3, figs. 1, 2 

Cedar Mts., Nevada 

Triassic, Luning Fm., Karnic 

astoma, Polytholosia: Seilacher Paratype 
Seilacher, 1962, p. 758, pl. 3, figs. 3, 4, 5 

Cedar Mts., Nevada 

Triassic, Luning Fm., Karnic 

cylindrica, Polytholosia cylindrica: Seilacher Holotype 
Seilacher, 1962, p. 758, 764, pl. 5, fig. 1 

Mineral Co., Nevada; Dunlap Canyon, Pilot Mts. 

Triassic, lower Luning Fm, Karnic 

cylindrica, Polytholosia cylindrica: Seilacher Paratypes 
Seilacher, 1962, p. 758, 764, pl. 5, figs. 2-5; pl. 6, fig. 1 

Mineral Co., Nevada; Dunlap Canyon, Pilot Mts. 

Triassic, lower Luning Fm, Karnic 














ellipticus, Receptaculites: Walcott Plastoholotype 
Walcott, 1884, p. 67, pl. 11, fig. 12 

Eureka district, Nevada; Goodwin Canyon, White Mt. 

Ordovician, Pogonip Fm_ [holotype USNM 24548] 

elongatus, Receptaculites: Walcott Plastoholotype 
Walcott, 1884, p. 66 

White Pine district, Nevada; Treasure City 

Ordovician, Pogonip Fm [holotype USNM 24635] 

expansum, Ascosymplegma: Seilacher Holotype 
Seilacher, 1962, p. 759, 768, pl. 8, figs. 2, 3, 4 

Mineral Co., Nevada; Cinnabar Canyon, near Mina 

Triassic, Luning, Karnic 

expansum, Ascosymplegma: Seilacher Paratype 
Seilacher, 1962, p. 759, 768, pl. 8, fig. 1 

Mineral Co., Nevada; Cinnabar Canyon, near Mina 

Triassic, Luning, Karnic 

mammillaris, Receptaculites: Walcott Plastoholotype 
Walcott, 1884, p. 65, pl. 11, fig. 11 

Eureka district, Nevada; Goodwin Canyon, White Mt. 

Ordovician, upper Pogonip Fm_ [holotype USNM 24636] 

polystoma, Polytholosia: Seilacher Holotype 
Seilacher, 1962, p. 758, 762, pl. 4, fig. 1 

Augusta Mt., Nevada 

Triassic, Karnic, Winnemucca Fm 

polystoma, Polytholosia: Seilacher Paratypes 
Seilacher, 1962, p. 758, 762, pl. 4, figs. 2, 4, 5 

Augusta Mt., Nevada 

Triassic, Karnic, Winnemucca Fm 


alaskense, Echinarachnius: Durham Plastoholotype 
Durham, 1957, p. 628, pl. 72, figs. 6, 8 

Lituya Bay, Alaska; SE shore Cenotaph Island 

Pliocene [holotype USNM 562073 fide Durham] 

arnoldi, Actinocrinus: Wachsmuth and Springer Holotype 
Wachsmuth and Springer, 1890, p. 168, pl. 17, fig. 10 

Marshall Co., Iowa; Le Grand 

Lower Carboniferous, Kinderhook group [crinoid ] 

bahiaensis, Orthopsis: Machado-Brito Paratype 
Machado-Brito, 1964, p. 6, pl. 2, fig. 1 

Bahia, Brazil; Boipeba Island, Camamu area 

Cretaceous, Algodones Fm 

blancoensis, Scutella: Kew Syntype 
Kew, 1920, p. 64, pl. 11, figs. 1b, 1c 

Cape Blanco, Ore.; SU loc. NP 26 

Oligocene, “San Lorenzo” Fm 

blancoensis, Scutella: Kew Syntype 
Kew, 1920, p. 64, pl. 11, fig. 1a 

Cape Blanco, Ore.; SU loc. NP 26 

Oligocene, “San Lorenzo” Fm 

branneri, Cidaris: Arnold Holotype 
Arnold, 1908a, p. 363, pl. 33, fig. 5 

Santa Cruz Co., Calif.; Bear Creek, 4 miles above San Lorenzo River 
Oligocene, San Lorenzo Fm_ [Arnold’s No. 1056] 













Bu.tetin 300 

inezana, Encope grandis: Durham Paratype 
Durham, 1950, p. 45 

Baja California, Mexico; Santa Jnez Point, 10 miles N of Mulege SU 
loc. 805 


lovenioides, Megapetalus: Clark Holotype 
Clark, 1929, p. 260, pl. 31, figs. 1-6 

Ventura Co., Calif.; Santa Paula Qd, E of Coche Canyon on divide 
between Coche and Sulphur Canyons, 75 yds W of Crest and on top of 
lateral ridge SU loc. 667 

Upper Miocene, Santa Margarita Fm? 

lymani, Amphiura: Waring Holotype 
Waring, 1917, p. 58, pl. 9, fig. 13 

Ventura Co., Calif.; Chice area, Bell’s Canyon, N of Simi fault 

Upper Cretaceous, “Chico” Fm 

merriami, Cidaris: Arnold Plastoholotype 
Arnold, 1908a, p. 359, pl. 32, fig. 8 

San Mateo Co., Calif.; between headwaters of San Lorenzo River and 
Pescadero Creek, SE 1/4 Sec. 23, T 8 S, R 3 W, just W of Santa Cruz 
Co. line 

“Eocene” [Oligocene or Miocene, fide Keen and Bentson, 1944, p. 231] 
[holotype USNM 165438] 

merriami, Cidaris: Arnold Paratypes 
Arnold, 1908a, p. 359 

San Mateo Co., Calif.; between headwaters of San Lorenzo River and 
Pescadero Creek, SE 1/4 Sec. 23, T 8S,R 3 W 

“Eocene” [Oligocene or Miocene, fide Keen and Bentson, 1944, p. 231] 
newcombei, Scutella: Kew Holotype 
Kew, 1920, p. 73, pl. 8, figs. 2a, 2b 

Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada; Jordan River, 1/2 mile 
E of Slide Hill Telegraph Station SU loc. NP 131 

Oligocene, Sooke Fm 

newcombei, Scutella: Kew Paratype 
Kew, 1920, p. 73 

Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada; Jordan River, 1/2 mile 
E of Slide Hill Telegraph Station SU loc. NP 131 

Oligocene, Sooke Fm 

nipponicus, Astrodapsis: Nisiyama Paratypes 
Nisiyama, 1948, p. 602 

Iwate-ken, Japan; Ninohe-gun, 150 m E of bridge of Kita-Fukuoka 
Mio-Pliocene, Suenomatsuyama Fm 

nobilis, Megistocrinus: Wachsmuth and Springer Plastoholotype 
Wachsmuth and Springer, 1890, p. 169, pl. 16, fig. 6 

Le Grand, Iowa 

Mississippian, Kinderhook group 

perrini, Scutella: Weaver Holotype 
Weaver, 1908, p. 273, pl. 22, fig. 2 

Fresno Co., Calif.; vicinity of Coalinga 

“Miocene” [probably Pliocene] 

sanctaecrucis, Amphiura: Arnold Holotype 
Arnold, 1908b, p. 404, pl. 40, figs. 1, 2. Also in Arnold, 1909, illus. 2, 
fig. 59 

Santa Cruz Co., Calif.; 6 miles NNE of Santa Cruz, hills immediately 
SE of Scott Valley 

Upper Miocene, upper Santa Margarita Fm [Arnold’s No. 1078] 
semigibbosus, Dendraster (Calaster) oregonensis: Howe Holotype 
Howe, 1922, p. 102, pl. 7, fig. 3 

Cape Blanco, Ore. SU loc. NP 27 

Pliocene, Empire Fm 











sverdrupi, Encope: Durham Paratype 
Durham, 1950, p. 48 

Baja California, Mexico; Santa Inez Point, 10 miles N of Mulege 
SU loc. 805 


tapinus, Spatangus: Schenck Paratype 
Schenck, 1928, p. 198, pl. 24, fig. 2 

Ventura Co., Calif.; Santa Paula Qd, Timber Canyon SU loc. 277 
Upper Eocene, Tejon Fm 

californicus, Desmostylus: Hay Holotype 
Hay, 1923, p. 106. Illustrated iz Hannibal, 1922, pp. 238-240, pl. 12, 

figs. 8, 9 
San Jose Qd, Calif.; between Monument Peak and Milpitas-Calaveras 

Miocene, San Pablo Fm [type includes fragments and worn second 
or third molar] 

californicus, Desmostylus: Hay Paratype 
Hay, 1923, p. 106, Illustrated zz Hannibal, 1922, pp. 238-240, pl. 12, 
rasee, Y/ 

San Jose Qd, Calif.; between Monument Peak and Milpitas-Calaveras 

Miocene, San Pablo Fm 

californicus, Desmostylus: Hay Paratypes 
Hay, 1923, p. 106 

San Jose Qd, Calif.; between Monument Peak and Milpitas-Calaveras 

Miocene, San Pablo Fm 

morani, Zalophancylus: Hannibal Holotype 
Hannibal, 1912b, p. 152, pl. 6, fig. 15. Also im Hanna, 1925, p. 18-19 
Bad Land Hills, Ore.; 1 mile E of Sand Hollow 

Pliocene, Idaho Lake beds [originally described as a mollusk, recog- 
nized as a fish vertebra by Hanna, 1925] 

nevadanus, Helicoprion: Wheeler Plastoholotype 
Wheeler, 1939, p. 109, fig. 3 

Lovelock Qd, Nevada; SE 1/4, SW 1/4 Sec. 16, T 28 N, R 34 E 
Anthracolithic [late Paleozoic] Rochester Fm _ [holotype 1001 Univ. 
Nevada MacKay Mus. Paleontol. | 

pacificus, Shastasaurus: Merriam Syntype 
Merriam, 1895, p. 57, fig. 1. Also iz Merriam, 1902, p. 102, pl. 14, 

Shasta Co., Calif. 


pacificus, Shastasaurus: Merriam Syntype 
Merriam, 1895, p. 57, fig. 2. Also in Merriam, 1908, p 143, pl. 17, 
fig. 3 

Shasta Co., Calif. 


pacificus, Shastasaurus: Merriam Syntype 

Merriam, 1895, p. 57 

Shasta Co., Calif. 


perrini, Thalattosaurus: Merriam Holotype 
Merriam, 1905, p. 36, pl. 4, fig. 3; pl. 7, fig. 6 

Shasta Co., Calif.; Smith Cove, near Squaw Creek 

Triassic, Hosselkus Ls 

514 BuL_eTIN 300 

5547 perrini, Thalattosaurus: Merriam Syntype 
Merriam, 1905, p 36, pl. 5, fig. 3 
Shasta Co., Calif.; Smith Cove, near Squaw Creek 
Triassic, Hosselkus Ls 

5879 sierrensis, Helicoprion: Wheeler Plastoholotype 
Wheeler, 1939, p. 112, fig. 4 
Plumas Co., Calif.; Downieville Qd, SE 1/4, SE 1/4 Sec. 22, T 22 N, 
Anthracolithic [late Paleozoic] [holotype 1002 Univ. Nevada Mackay 
Mus. Paleontol.] 


9939 californicum, Plataninium: Page Holotype 
Page, 1968, p. 169-170, figs. 4-6 . 
Stanislaus Co, Calif.; Patterson 7 1/2’ Qd, Black Gulch, NE 1/4, SE 
1/4 Sec. 32, T 5S,R7E 
Upper Cretaceous, Panoche Fm [angiosperm wood] 

9944 caudatum, Tunisphaeridium: Deunff and Evitt Paratypes (4) 
Deunff and Evitt, 1968, p. 4, pl. 2, fig. 4 (R 21.5, + 8.6); fig. 8 (R 
128% 1°32); fies 10,11 (R 1:65 =F" 7.2)= figs 13 (Re eee 
Rochester, New York; gorge of Genesee River 
Middle Silurian Clinton group, Maplewood Shale _ [acritarch] 

9945 caudatum, Tunisphaeridium: Deunff and Evitt Paratypes (2) 
Deunff and Evitt, 1968, p. 4, pl. 2, fig. 6 (R 25.9, + 4.9); fig. 7 (R 
25 320-4 1219) 

Rochester, New York; gorge of Genesee River 
Middle Silurian, Clinton group, Maplewood Shale _ [acritarch] 

9948 caudatum, Tunisphaeridium: Deunff and Evitt Paratypes (3) 
Deunff and Evitt, 1968, p. 4, pl. 2, fig. 2 (R 17.3, + 8.8); fig. 12 (R 
25.6, + 5.8); fig. 14 (R 19.2, 416.3) 

Rochester, New York; gorge of Genesee River 
Middle Silurian, Clinton group, Maplewood Shale [acritarch] 

9998 cocculoides, Lardizabaloxylon: Page Holotype 
Page, 1970, p. 1139, figs. 1, 2, 8 
Stanislaus Co., Calif.; Patterson 7 1/2’ Qd, Black Gulch, NE 1/4, SE 
1/4 Sec. 32, 758, R 7E 
Upper Cretaceous, Panoche Fm [angiosperm wood ] 

9944 concentricum, Tunisphaeridium: Deunff and Evitt Paratype 
Deunff and Evitt, 1968, p. 3, pl. 1, fig. 7 (R 11.7, + 7.8) 

Rochester, New York; gorge of Genesee River 
Middle Silurian, Clinton group, Maplewood Shale [acritarch] 

9948 concentricum, Tunisphaeridium: Deunff and Evitt Paratypes (7) 
Deunff and Evitt, 1968, p. 3, pl. 1, fig. 3 (R 6.1, + 11.9); figs. 4, 10 
(R 11.5, -- 30); fig. 5 (R 24.3, + 31); fig. 8. (R 59) 4 eee 
9 (R 24.0, + 7.9); fig. 11 (L 6.3, + 6.7) ; fig. 12 (R 7.0, + 4.5) 
Rochester, New York; gorge of Genesee River 
Middle Silurian, Clinton group, Maplewood Shale _ [acritarch] 

10100 = cretacea, Margariella: Page Paratype 
Page, 1973, pp. 572-574, figs. 11, 13 
Stanislaus Co., Calif.; Patterson 7 1/2’ Qd, Del Puerto Canyon, SE 
1/4, SW 1/4 Sec. 20, T 5S, R7E 
Upper Cretaceous, Panoche Fm_ [conifer] 

10077 +=cretacea, Margariella: Page Holotype 
Page, 1973, pp. 572-574, figs. 1-9, 15 
Stanislaus Co., Calif.; Patterson 7 1/2’ Qd, Del Puerto Canyon, SE 
1/4, SW 1/4 Sec. 20, T 58,R7E 
Upper Cretaceous, Panoche Fm_ [conifer] 












cretacea, Riboidoxylon: Page Holotype 
Page, 1970, pp. 1141-1142, figs. 7, 9-11 

Stanislaus Co., Calif.; Patterson 7 1/2’ Qd, Del Puerto Canyon, SE 
1/4, SW 1/4 Sec. 20, T 5S,R7E 

Upper Cretaceous, Panoche Fm [angiosperm wood] 

eupomatioides, Mulleroxylon: Page Holotype 
Page, 1970, p. 1143, figs. 12-14 

Stanislaus Co., Calif.; Patterson 7 1/2’ Qd, Black Gulch, NE 1/4, SE 
1/4 Sec. 32,17 5 S,R7E 

Upper Cretaceous, Panoche Fm_ [angiosperm wood | 

exilimurum, Inversidinium: McLean Holotype 
McLean, D., 1973, p. 730, pl. 90, figs. 1, 2 (R 26.0, + 12.5), slide 
CV 53 

Stafford Co., Va.; Passapatanzy, Va.-Md. Qd, 38° 22’ 15” N, 77° 17’ 
50” W, bluffs along S bank of Aquia Creek, 1/2 mile SE of Md.-Va. 
Monument No. 37 

Upper Paleocene, Aquia Fm, type section [dinoflagellate] 
exilimurum, Inversidinium: McLean Paratype 
McLean, D., 1973, p. 730, pl. 90, figs. 3, 6 (R 14.2, + 4.3) Slide CV 

Prince Georges Co., Md.; Anacostia, Md.-D.C. Qd, 38° 45’ 10” N, 
76° 59’ 15” W, 1/2 mile W of Friendly, Md 

Upper Paleocene, Aquia Fm 

exilimurum, Inversidinium: McLean Paratype 
McLean, D., 1973, p. 730, pl. 90, figs. 4, 5 (R 19.0, + 12.0) Slide CV 

Stafford Co., Va.; Passapatanzy, Va.-Md. Qd, 38° 22’ 15” N, 77° 17’ 
50” W, bluffs along S bank Aquia Creek, ca. 1/2 mile SE of Md.-Va. 
Monument No. 37 

Upper Paleocene, Aquia Fm, type section [dinoflagellate] 
exilimurum, Inversidinium: McLean Paratype 
McLean, D., 1973, p. 730, pl. 90, figs. 7-9 (R 24.3, + 1.5) Slide CV 87 
Stafford Co., Va.; Passapatanzy, Va.-Md. Qd, 38° 22’ 15” N, 77° 17’ 
50” W, bluffs along S bank Aquia Creek, ca. 1/2 mile SE of Md.-Va. 
Monument No. 37 

Upper Paleocene, Aquia Fm, type section [dinoflagellate] 

hannae, Cyclotella: Kanaya Holotype 
Kanaya, 1957, p. 82, pl. 3, fig. 10 

Contra Costa Co., Calif.; Byron Qd, 2.8 miles W of town of Byron 
SU loc. M-611.7 

Eocene, Kellogg Shale [diatom] 

hannae, Cyclotella: Kanaya Paratype 
Kanaya, 1957, p. 82, pl. 3, fig. 11 

Contra Costa Co., Calif.; Byron Qd, 2.8 miles W of town of Byron 
SU loc. M-611.7 

Eocene, Kellogg Shale [diatom] 

hannae, Cyclotella: Kanaya Paratype 
Kanaya, 1957, p. 82, pl. 3, fig. 12 

Contra Costa Co., Calif.; Byron Qd, 2.8 miles W of town of Byron 
SU loc. M-611.7 

Eocene, Kellogg Shale [diatom] 

hannae, Cyclotella: Kanaya Paratype 
Kanaya, 1957, p. 82, pl. 3, fig. 13 

Contra Costa Co., Calif.; Byron Qd, 2.8 miles W of town of Byron 
SU loc. M-611.7 

Eocene, Kellogg Shale [diatom] 














keenae, Permopora: Elias Holotype 
Elias, 1947, pp. 53-54, pl. 18, figs. 1, 11 

Childress Co., Texas; ca. 2.5 miles N 60° E of Childress; NW 1/4 
Sec. 325, 200 yds. NE of No. 1 G. R. Cooper Well 

Late Permian, Childress Dolomite [plant fragments] 

keenae, Permopora: Elias Paratype 
Elias, 1947, pp. 53-54 

Cottle Co., Texas; NW cor. Buckle L Ranch, NW cor. Sec. 655, 6 
miles S, 4 miles W of Childress 

Late Permian, Childress Dolomite [plant fragments] 

keenae, Permopora: Elias Paratype 
Elias, 1947, pp. 53-54 

Cottle Co., Texas; SW cor. Buckle L Ranch, SW cor. Sec. 661, 13 
miles S, 4 miles W of Childress 

Late Permian, Childress Dolomite [plant fragments] 

keenae, Permopora: Elias Paratype 
Elias, 1947, pp. 53-54, pl. 18, figs. 5, 8, 9 

Childress Co., Texas; ca. 2.5 miles N 60° E of Childress; NW 1/4 
Sec. 325, 200 yds. NE of No. 1 G. R. Cooper Well 

Late Permian, Childress Dolomite [plant fragments] 

keenae, Permopora: Elias Paratype 
Elias, 1947, pp. 53-54, pl. 18, figs. 8, 10 

Childress Co., Texas; ca. 2.5 miles N 60° E of Childress, NW 1/4 
Sec. 325, 200 yds. NE of No. 1 G. R. Cooper Well 

Late Permian, Childress Dolomite [plant fragments] 

keenae, Permopora: Elias Paratype 
Elias, 1947, pp. 53-54, pl. 18, fig. 6 

Childress Co., Texas; ca. 2.5 miles N 60° E of Childress, NW 1/4 
Sec. 325, 200 yds. NE of No. 1 G. R. Cooper Well 

Late Permian, Childress Dolomite [plant fragments] 

keenae, Permopora: Elias Paratype 
Elias, 1947, pp. 53-54, pl. 18, figs. 1, 3 

Childress Co., Texas; ca. 2.5 miles N 60° E of Childress, NW 1/4 
Sec. 325, 200 yds. NE of No. 1 G. R. Cooper Well 

Late Permian, Childress Dolomite [plant fragments] 

keenae, Permopora: Elias Paratype 
Elias, 1947, pp. 53-54, pl. 18, figs. 1, 2, 4 

Childress Co., Texas; ca. 2.5 miles N 60° E of Childress, NW 1/4 
Sec. 325, 200 yds. NE of No. 1 G. R. Cooper Well 

Late Permian, Childress Dolomite [plant fragments] 

keenae, Permopora: Elias Paratype 
Elias, 1947, pp. 53-54, pl. 18, fig. 7 

Childress Co., Texas; ca. 2.5 miles N 60° E of Childress, NW 1/4 
Sec. 325, 200 yds. NE of No. 1 G. R. Cooper Well 

Late Permian, Childress Dolomite [plant fragments | 

keenae, Permopora: Elias Paratypes 
Elias, 1947, pp. 53-54 

Childress Co., Texas; ca. 2.5 miles N 60° E of Childress, NW 1/4 
Sec. 325, 200 yds. NE of No. 1 G. R. Cooper Well 

Late Permian, Childress Dolomite [plant fragments] 

keenani, Archaeolithothamnium: Howe Holotype 
Howe, 1934, p. 513, pl. 54, fig. A. Also in Keenan, 1932, pl. 4, fig. 5 
Santa Barbara Co., Calif.; Santa Ynez Qd, just NW of right angle 
in stream on W bank of E fork Cachuma Creek, T 3 N, R 28 W. 4/5 
miles W, 3/5 miles S of intersection of 34° 40’ N, 119° 50’ W SU 
loc. 1106 

Eocene, Sierra Blanca Ls_ [marine alga] 













Lacuma sp.: Chaney and Sanborn Paratype 
Chaney and Sanborn, 1933, p. 92, pl. 35, fig. 1 

Lane Co., Ore.; 9 miles S of Goshen SU loc. 36 

Eocene-Oligocene, Goshen Fm 

laminosum, Lithothamnium: Howe Holotype 
Howe, 1934, p. 513, pl. 55, fig. A 

Santa Barbara Co., Calif.; Santa Ynez Qd, Indian Creek, at its inter- 
section with Is beds 4 miles S of Big Pine Mt. SU loc. 930 

Eocene, Sierra Blanca Ls_ [marine alga] 

mentitum, Hystrichokolpoma: McLean Holotype 
McLean, D., 1974, p. 67, pl. 8, figs. 1-5 (R 4.0, + 11.4) Slide CV 25 
Prince Georges Co., Md.; Anacostia, Md.-D.C. Qd, 38° 45’ 10” N, 
76° 59’ 15” W, 1/2 mile W of Friendly, Md. 

Upper Paleocene, Aquia Fm_ [dinoflagellate] 

nevadensis, Lyonothamnoxylon: Page Holotype 
Page, 1964, pp. 257-266, 10 figs. 

Esmeralda Co., Nevada; David Mt. Qd, Fish Lake Valley, 3/4 mile 
S of hill 6061, T1N,R35E 

Lower Pliocene [5567 is matrix from which holotype came] 

oregona, Ilex: Chaney and Sanborn Paratype 
Chaney and Sanborn, 1933, p. 80, pl. 22, fig. 5 

Lane Co., Ore.; 9 miles S of Goshen, E side Pacific Highway SU 
loc. 36 

Eocene-Oligocene, Goshen Fm 

oregona, Symplocos: Chaney and Sanborn Paratype 
Chaney and Sanborn, 1933, p. 93, pl. 37, fig. 5 

Lane Co., Ore.; 9 miles S of Goshen SU loc. 36 

Eocene-Oligocene, Goshen Fm 

oregona, Tetracera: Chaney and Sanborn Paratype 
Chaney and Sanborn, 1933, p. 87, pl. 31, fig. 5 

Lane Co., Ore.; 9 miles S of Goshen SU loc. 36 

Eocene-Oligocene, Goshen Fm 

oregona, Tetracera: Chaney and Sanborn Paratype 
Chaney and Sanborn, 1933, p. 87, pl. 31, fig. 7 

Lane Co., Ore.; 9 miles S of Goshen SU loc. 36 

Eocene-Oligocene, Goshen Fm 

ostryopsoides: Carpinoxylon: Page Holotype 
Page, 1970, p. 1139-1141, figs. 3-6 

Stanislaus Co., Calif.; Patterson 7 1/2’ Qd, Black Gulch, NE 1/4, SE 
1/4See..32, TK SeSeRG7 E 

Upper Cretaceous, Panoche Fm_ [angiosperm wood ] 

ovalis, Siparuna: Chaney and Sanborn Paratype 
Chaney and Sanborn, 1933, p. 71, pl. 15, fig. 4 

Lane Co., Ore.; 9 miles S of Goshen SU loc. 36 

Eocene-Oligocene, Goshen Fm 

ovoidea, Ocotea: Chaney and Sanborn Paratype 
Chaney and Sanborn, 1933, p. 75, pl. 20, fig. 3 

Lane Co., Ore.; 9 miles S of Goshen SU loc. 36 

Eocene-Oligocene, Goshen Fm 

ovoidea, Ocotea: Chaney and Sanborn Paratype 
Chaney and Sanborn, 1933, p. 75, pl. 20, fig. 1 

Lane Co., Ore.; 9 miles S of Goshen SU loc. 36 

Eocene-Oligocene, Goshen Fm 

panochensis, Magnolioxylon: Page Holotype 
Page, 1970, p. 1143, figs. 15-17 

Stanislaus Co., Calif.; Patterson 7 1/2’ Qd, Black Gulch, NE 1/4, SE 
W/45Secs 52, ly 5) Ss Ro 7 

Upper Cretaceous, Panoche Fm [angiosperm wood] 













BuLtetin 300 

panochetris, Tetracentronites: Page Holotype 
Page, 1968, pp. 170-172, figs. 7-9 

Stanislaus Co., Calif.; Patterson 7 1/2’ Qd, Del Puerto Canyon, SE 
1/4, SW 1/4 Sec. 20, T 5S, R7E 

Upper Cretaceous, Panoche Fm [angiosperm wood] 

parvum, Tunisphaeridium: Deunff and Evitt Holotype 
Deunff and Evitt, 1968, p. 3, pl. 2, fig. 15 (R 5.3, + 10.7); pl. 2, fig. 
18 (L 1.9, + 12.1) 

Rochester, New York; gorge of Genesee River 

Middle Silurian, Clinton group, Maplewood Shale _ [acritarch] 
platanoides, Plataninium: Page Holotype 
Page, 1968, pp. 168-169, figs. 1-3 

Stanislaus Co., Calif.; Patterson 7 1/2’ Qd, Black Gulch, NE 1/4, SE 
1/4 Sec. 32, T5S,R7E 

Upper Cretaceous, Panoche Fm 

schenckii, Mesophyllum: Howe Holotype 
Howe, 1934, p. 512, pl. 52, fig. E 

Santa Barbara Co., Calif.; Santa Ynez Qd, where Indian Creek inter- 
sects ls beds 4 miles S of Big Pine Mt. SU loc. 930 

Eocene, Sierra Blanca Ls 

schenckii, Mesophylilum: Howe Paratype 
Howe, 1934, p. 512, pl. 52, figs. A, B 

Santa Barbara Co., Calif.; Santa Ynez Qd, where Indian Creek inter- 
sects ls beds 4 miles S of Big Pine Mt. SU loc. 930 

Eocene, Sierra Blanca Ls 

schenckii, Mesophyllum: Howe Paratype 
Howe, 1934, p. 512, pl. 52, tig. C 

Santa Barbara Co., Calif.; Santa Ynez Qd, where Indian Creek inter- 
sects Is beds 4 miles S of Big Pine Mt. SU loc. 930 

Eocene, Sierra Blanca Ls 

septatum, Cladopyxidium: McLean Holotype 
McLean, D., 1972, p. 862, pl. 1, figs. 5-8 (R 18.2, + 9.9) Slide CV 83 
Stafford Co., Va.; Passapatanzy, Va.-Md. Qd, 38° 22’ 15” N, 77° 17’ 
50” W 

Upper Paleocene, Aquia Fm, type section [dinoflagellate] 

septatum, Cladopyxidium: McLean Paratype 
McLean, D., 1972, p. 862, pl. 1, fig. 11( R 29.3, + 2.7) Slide CV 28 
Prince Georges Co., Md.; Anacostia, Md.-D.C. Qd, 38° 45’ 10” N, 
76° 59’ 15” W, 1/2 mile W of Friendly, Md. 

Upper Paleocene, Aquia Fm_ [dinoflagellate] 

septatum, Cladopyxidium: McLean Paratype 
McLean, D., 1972, p. 862, pl. 1, fig. 12 (R 19.2, + 2.0) Slide CV 41 
Prince Georges Co., Md.; Anacostia, Md.-D.C. Qd, 38° 45’ 10” N, 
76° 59’ 15” W, 1/2 mile W of Friendly, Md. 

Upper Paleocene, Aquia Fm, lowermost part 

septatum, Cladopyxidium: McLean Paratype 
McLean, D., 1972, p. 862, pl. 1, figs. 1-3 (R 27.1, + 1.0) Slide CV 42 
Prince Georges Co., Md.; Anacostia, Md.-D.C. Qd, 38° 45’ 10” N, 
76° 59’ 15” W, 1/2 mile W of Friendly, Md. 

Upper Paleocene, Aquia Fm, lowermost part 

sierrablancae, Lithophyllum: Howe Holotype 
Howe, 1934, p. 514, pl. 56, fig. A, as sterra-blancae 

Santa Barbara Co., Calif.; Santa Ynez Qd, where Indian Creek inter- 
sects ls beds 4 miles § of Big Pine Mt. SU loc. 930 

Eocene, Sierra Blanca Ls_ [marine alga] 

steamboatea, Nilsonia: Reagan Holotype 
Reagan, 1925, p. 141, fig. 1c 

18 miles W of Ganado, Arizona; Steamboat Canyon 

Cretaceous, Dakota Ss_ [leaf] 


10075 tumescens, Hystrichokolpoma: McLean Holotype 
McLean, 1974, p. 66, pl. 8, figs. 7, 8 (R 12.5, + 4.7) Slide CW 14 
Stafford Co., Va.; Passapatanzy, Va.-Md. Qd, 38° 22’ 15” N, 77° 17’ 
50” W, bluffs along § bank Aquia Creek, ca. 1/2 mile SE of Md.-Va. 
Monument No. 37 
Upper Paleocene, Aquia Fm, type section [dinoflagellate] 

10074  tumescens, Hystrichokolpoma: McLean Paratype 
McLean, D., 1974, p. 66, pl. 8, fig. 6 (R 21.7, + 16.4) Slide CW 50 
Stafford Co., Va.; Passapatanzy, Va.-Md. Qd, 38° 22’ 15” N, 77° 17’ 
50” W, bluffs along § bank Aquia Creek, ca. 1/2 mile SE of Md.-Va. 
Monument No. 37 
Upper Paleocene, Aquia Fm, type section [dinoflagellate] 

10076 tumescens, Hystrichokolpoma: McLean Paratype 
McLean, D., 1974, p. 66, pl. 8, fig. 9 (R 3.7, + 8.7) Slide CW 63 
Stafford Co., Va.; Passapatanzy, Va.-Md. Qd, 38° 20’ 35” N, 77° 17’ 
17” W, bluffs along S bank Potomac Creek, from .05-.15 mile W of 
Md.-Va. Monument No. 35 
Upper Paleocene, Aquia Fm_ [dinoflagellate] 


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1934b (July). New Lymnaeidae from the United States and Canada: I. 
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1903 (June 25). A new landshell from California. Biol. Soc. Washington, 
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No. 1785, pp. 229-234, pls. 39-40 
1911b (Feb. 15). The Recent and fossil mollusks of the genus ieee 
from the west coast of America. U.S. Nat. Mus., Proc., vol. 
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1917 (Aug. 13). A monograph of west American melanellid mollusks. 
U.S. Nat. Mus., Proc., vol. 53, No. 2207, pp. 295-356, pls. 34-49 
1918 (Dec. 23). New marine shells from Panama. U.S. Nat. Mus., Proc., 
vol. 54, pp. 571-575, pl. 88 
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Biol. Soc. Washington, Proc., vol. 34, pp. 33-40 
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Proc., vol. 70, Art. 11, No. 2660, pp. 1-36, pls. 1-6 
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Sci.. Proc., ser. 4, vol. 7, No. 10, pp. 229-248, 4 figs. 
1921 (Oct.). Some land snails of Shasta County, California. Nautilus, 
vol. 35, No. 2, pp. 35-39, pl. 2 
1922 (May 16). Fossil chitons of western North America. California 
Acad. Sci., Proc., ser. 4, vol. 11, No. 18, pp. 399-526, pls. 1-16 
1927 (May). Notes on some British Columbia chitons. Proc. Malac. Soc. 
London, vol. 17, pt. 4, pp. 159-164, pl. 13 
1928. New helicoid snails from the Mohave Desert. II. Ann. Mag. Nat. 
Hist., ser. 10, vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 274-279 
1930a (April). Snails, new and otherwise, from the Palomar Mountains, 
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1930b (May). Preliminary notices of two snails from the Colorado Desert. 
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1930c (Aug.). New helicoid snails from the Mohave Desert. IV. Ann. 
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1931a (April). 4 new Californian race of Monadenia. Nautilus, vol. 44, 
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1931b (July 15). A redescription, under a new name, of a well-known 
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BuL_eTIN 300 

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1939 (Oct.). Two new polygyrid helicoids from northern California. 
Nautilus, vol. 53, No. 2, pp. 56-61, 1 fig. 

1940a (Mar.) Nine new snails of the genus Monadenia from California. 
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1940b (Sept.). New mollusca from the Pleistocene of San Pedro, Cali- 
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California, and their inferred environment. U.S. Geol. Surv., Prof. 
Paper 190, 67 pp., 9 pls. 

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poda: Trochidae to Turritellidae). U.S. Geol. Surv., Prof. Paper 
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pls. 24-38 

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OING8r23959 250) eS SDDS, 45 DIS. cxcecessasecszsses ace csiceete onc s0estatavaeusee 
New Zealand forams, Stromatoporoidea, Indo-Pacific, Mio- 
cene-Pliocene California forams. 

(Nos. 237-238). ehh oy eau MOM pid a a laa SL 
Venezuela Bryozoa, Kinderhookian Brachiopods. 

(Nos. 239-245). ECO). ofa MELO) seek ec ee Oe ea me SE 
Dominican ostracodes, Lepidocyclina, mollusks. 

(Nos. 246-247). CSETPES 9) oe, PLUS ood Cis teeaeerer tee ar ester 
Cenozoic corals, Trinidad Neogene mollusks. 

(Nos. 248-254). HEPES ON 43 Hey Se ke) 9) | Ane Og ene Pa 

Forams, North Carolina fossils, coral types, Cenozoic 
Echinoids, Cretaceous Radiolaria, Cymatiid gastropods 

(Nos. 255-256). BZNRRD Det OOD) Saves cece cose cto en ee one ee Be 
Jurassic ammonites. 
(Nos. 257-262). SOS). Toyo ese es ol Cee ee bayou all aniee ae 

Cretaceous Radiolaria and Forams, Pacific Silicoflagellates, 
North American Cystoidea, Cyclonema, Vasum. 

(No. 263). EITVELS FO) Oia Zee pe eat nee a ee re 
Bibliography of Cenozoic Echinoidea. 
(Nos. 264-267). BSS an Paste lO Sis DUS snore arc serene ce ee caren see eee 

Radiolaria, cirripeds, Bryozoa, palynology. 

(Nos. 268-270). 36S pps ole plss eee ee eee 
Mollusks, Murex catalogue, Cretaceous Radiolaria. 

(Nos. 271-274). ZIV IGI of 0) oped be 0) Le peepee Se Oe Satie eee 
Trace fossils, ammonoids, Silicoflagellates, microfauna, 

(Nos. 275-277). EAA). 0) of Wu 0) KS eeteenei reorient SERRE eee 
Chitinozoa, Spumellariina, Mexican Ammonites 

(Nos. 278-281). 337 Pp. 41 Pls. ----..-----n-nnenenn-nn--—-nneenesnsneernnenne 
Palynology, corals, echinoderms, Foraminifera, and crinoids. 

(No. 282). PASTE SO) eps) 0) Ss peer reer 
Ostracode Symposium. 

(Nos. 283-286). (Fes Ji] 6) op 12401 0) As ye see eee pee ks 
Crinoids, gastropods, corals, ostracodes. 

(No. 287). 456i) PDs (OOPISs ceerencccsecese soe eore rocco cencsacteeeeeato a 
Misc. Paleozoic 

(Nos. 288-290). PRESS AO} 9 peta 108) 0) pd Seen eee aa epee 

Paracrinoidea, ostracodes, cirripeds. 

(No. 291). PGP IRS 0) 8 POMS A 2) Jad ee nee ae ne el 

(Nos. 292-294). AOA DD sg AQ ipl Sip c-ceeecsteae soeeecsee costae hat oaetoeasensecs 
Turrids, gastropods, forams. 

(No. 295). EWA) Soy Ob ONO) 40) Cena ee oe eee ea 

Paleocene Nigeria 

(Nos. 296-299). CHILI Ja) oy Beye SIS ee na ae eres eee Dear eee eee 
Crinoids, barnacles, forams, 


Volume 1. See Johnson Reprint Corporation, 111 Fifth Ave., New York, 

N. Y. 10003 
Monographs of Arcas, Lutetia, rudistids and venerids. 
II. (Nos. 6-12). Ee Lesh oy os S47) MEO) Kee caterer a or eres ea Aa le ee 
Heliophyllum halli, Tertiary turrids, Neocene Spondyli, 
Paleozoic cephalopods, Fasciolarias, sponges. 
III. (Nos. 13-25). ESI Vo) os, CSU 0) Loker eet ee not tele Peery pare = 
Cephalopods, siphonophores, Devonian fish, gastropods, 
crinoids, Cretaceous jellyfish, brachiopods, bivalves. 
IV. (Nos. 26-33). AODED DP aae/ Oia D Steen see eee ne See nee nee ee ab 
Devonian lycopods, Ordovician eurypterids, mollusks, 
V. (Nos. 34-47). A4S Uppy ol Olvpl st ea hes eal es eee c 
Pelecypods, Cretaceous Gulf Coastal forams. 
VI. (Nos. 38-41). AAA pi 63) tSe) cee eee cee en aaa 
Pennsylvanian plants, Venericardia, Carboniferous crinoids, 
Trace fossils, 
VII. (Nos. 42-46). CMU ah ope Vie gio) i eee Roped rere ie ae nod eens tee a bs 
Trilobites, rudists, crinoids, gastropods. 
VIII. (Nos. 47-50). SS Tens SON Piste es Re < 

Gastropoda, Devonian plants, brachiopods, Bivalvia. 















Vol. I-XXIII. 



N. Y. 10017. U.S.A. 
(Nos. 80-87). BSF DDS TAT ASDIS: » secceee te ee aes 
Mainly Paleozoic faunas and Tertiary Mollusca. 
(Nos: 88-94B).° 306 -pp., 30 ‘pls... eee 
Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Miocene fossils. 
(Noa. 95-100). 420 pp., 58. pls)... eee 
Florida Recent, Texas and South America Cretaceous, 
Cenozoic fossils. 

MXVII. (Nos. 101-108). 376 pp., 36 pls. —.-...._____ ees eae 
Tertiary mollusks, Paleozoic Venezuela, Devonian fish. 
SAVIN. (Nos. 109-114):. 412 pp., 34 pls. -..._._____ eee os 
Paleozoic cephalopods, Cretaceous Eocene, forams. 
XEXEX. “(Noss 1155116); 738 pp.,- $2 pls. 2.2 ee = 
Bowden forams and Ordovician cephalopods. 
RXA INO: 117), 585! pp, 65 pls. A = 
Jackson Eocene Mollusks. 
SOK. “UNos. 1IG-128)2 “458 pp., 27 pls.) nce. onbae 
Mollusks, crinoids, corals, forams, Cuban localities. 
OO Noss 129-133) 294) DPp.,239) PIS. cceccecesnccteeccnccee 
Silurian cephalopods, crinoids, Tertiary forams, Mytilarca. 
AXMIT. (Nos: 134-139). 448 pp. 51 pls.. ......-__.._._-__ eee 
Devonian annelids, Tertiary mollusks, Ecuadoran strati- 
graphy paleontology. 
XXXIV. (Nos. 140-145). 400 pp., 19 pls. ...........22 ee 
Forams, cephalopods, ostracods, conularid bibliography. 
MMV. (Nos. 146-154). 336 pp., 31 pls... eee $2 
Forams, cephalopods, mollusks, ostracods. 
MMXVI. (Nos. 155-160). 412 pp., 53: pls. —._....__-_ eee ES 
Forams, Eocene fish, rudists. 
XXXVII. (Nos. 161-164). 486 pp., 37 pls. —\......._ See 
Cretaceous rudists, Foraminifera, Stromatoporoidea. 
XXXVI. (Nos. 165-176). 447 pp., 53 pls... eee 
Forams, ostracods, mollusks, Carriacovu, fossil plants. 
XKXXDIX.. (Nos. 177-183). 448 pp. 36 pls. 1 eee 
South American forams, Panama Caribbean mollusks, 
as. . Noe ets) 996.05 4 ipl ee ee 
Type and Figured Specimens P.R.I. 
KET. (Nos. 85-192). 381 pp. 35° pls... soa 
Forams, mollusks, carpoids, Corry Sandstone. 
MALI. (No. 193). 673 pp:, 48 pls.. —____. eee 
Venezuelan Cenozoic gastropods. 
XLIT.; (Nos. 194-198). 427 pp... 29 “ps. csceechcheseccscsccee 
Ordovician stromatoporoids, Indo-Pacific camerinids, Mis- 
sissippian forams, Cuban rudists. 
SOLIV: © (Nosae1 99-203); *365: ppty 68pls:)..... eee 
Puerto Rican, Antarctic, New Zealand forams, Lepidocy- 
clina, Eumalacostraca. 
XLV. (Nox 204)... 564 pps, 63: pls. 22.2.5 eee ae 
Venezuela Cenozoic pelecypods. 
XVI. ((Nos:. 205-211): 439) pps 70. pls2 eee zs 
Forams, Crustacea, brachipods, Recent mollusks. 
ALVil. (Nos. 212-217). S84 pps 783 pls. °c ee = 
Forams, mollusks, polychaetes, ammonites. 
VIL.) (No 218). Ss LOSSepp., Si PIS: veces -seccet ss coue ee eee 
Catalogue of the Paleocene and Eocene Mollusca of the 
Southern and Eastern United States. 
MLEX. -(INos.e219-224).. 671 pp. $3. pls, 22 eee _ 
Peneroplid and Australian forams, North American car- 
poids, South Dakota palynology, Venezuelan Miocene mol- 
luska, Voluta. 
L. (No. 225-230). BIS: pp, 42 pls: 
Venezuela, Florida cirripeds, forams, Linnaean Olives, 
Camerina, Ordovician conodonts. 
LI. (Nos. 231-232). 420 ‘pp:, 20: pls: eee = 

Antarctic bivalves, Bivalvia catalogue. 

See Kraus Reprint Corp., 16 East 46th St. New York, 












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