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Honorary Curator Department of Mollusks, U. S. National Museum. 


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Honorary Curator Department of Mollusks, U. S. National Museum. 



The present publication (Bulletin No. 37) is the forty-eighth of a series 
of papers intended to illustrate the collections of natural history and 
ethnology belonging to the United States, and constituting the National 
Museum, of which the Smithsonian Institution was placed in charge by 
the act of Congress of August 10, 1846. 

The publications of the National Museum consist of two series—the 
Bulletins, of which this is No. 37, in continuous series, and the Proceed- 
ings, of which the eleventh volume is now in press, 

The volumes of the Proceedings are printed, signature by signature, 
each issue having its own date, and a sinall edition of each signature is 
distributed to libraries promptly after its publication. 

Full lists of the publications of the Museum may be found in the cur- 
rent catalogues of the publications of the Smithsonian Institution. 

Papers intended for publication in the Proceedings and Bulletins of 
the National Museum are referred to the Committee on Publications, 
consisting of the following members: T. H. Bean, A. Howard Clark 
(editor), Otis T. Mason, John Murdoch, Leonhard Stejneger, Frederick 
W. True, and Lester F. Ward. 

Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution. 
WASHINGTON, May 27, 1889, 









Honorary Curator, Department of Mollusks, U. S. National Museum. 


hase Sona loc cd ucmaeGnew cnoeccss sie kee qane meee eens eve =< 7 
INE ln we oo cam ene saaaw een samceee pet ane ace eee se accaees sean ae 14 
Sketch of general arrangement...... ..2-.. .. 2-20 20. cee nee cen ees conn ee neces 26 
firehior abbreviations used in the Tables........---- .-2-0- 00+ o--0-5-ce-n-0 se 27 
eee fist of brachiopods....-..-...---=---- ---- enncet acces sececen anne 28 
eer ae bunt ot Pelecy pods... .<. cos. .0--- 2-20 encwcncece wencssecescs 32 
anew, C. List of Scaphopods..-....---.--...-.< PES Ss Sere te 76 
PomavenD) Lish, Of: PberOpodSs ...-.52---- sdancnracce cece cereesicermewence sas 50 
Sete el iint of Gastropods. =. -..<- <2. sacs o-nn.--nase0 cess nace wees Seetat Ss tha 84 
meee igeh of Cephalopods ...5.. 2... ..--22d2-se~0----+----------enene 174 
Rasen mate 2 | Seemed ere haa ade ten Saws enon sane 176 
En TrUNG Widen... - 222s. Se beesa2- = akc cae oa peed mews co weccce 7G 
so ee sn, a's «a gE ES Mal enna We ee addte les seen 203 


This work is intended to assist students of the Mollusca in the United 
States, by bringing together for their use a large number of excellent 
figures of species belonging to or illustrating the fauna of the southern 
and southeastern coasts of the United States, from Cape Hatteras 
south to the Straits of Florida and west to Mexico, with the adjacent 

These figures are explained and connected by a catalogue of the mol- 
lusks known to inhabit that region, either from the presence of authen- 
ticated specimens in the National Museum or on the authority of repu- 
table naturalists who have collected in the region and whose specimens 
have been seen or reliably identified. - 

This catalogue, arranged for convenience in tabular form, includes 
not only the species which are illustrated on the plates but all other 
species common to the region, as far as known. 

Hitherto there has been no catalogue which covered just this ground. 
There are several catalogues of marine species of particular West In- 
dian islands. Th>re are several lists of Floridian shells, the fullest 
and best being that just completed in the Proceedings of the Daven- 
port Academy of Sciences by Mr. Charles T. Simpson. These all refer, 
however, to a much more restricted field than the present list, and the 
nomenclature in some eases is more or less inaccurate, as of course must 
be the case with all lists, each of which, in spite of its inevitable im- 
perfections, should show some advance over its predecessors. This is 
all that the writer would claim for the present catalogue, which, owing 
to peculiar circumstances, has been rather hurriedly decided upon and 
rapidly prepared. 

In order that the number of columns in the table should be com- 
pressed within the space of two opposite pages aud yet admit of the use 
of brevier type, it has been necessary to limit the number of stations in 
the geographical series so that each column should represent a stretch 
of coast and seaward from it the archibenthal area or contineatal slope 
beyond the fifty-fathom line to the oceanic floor. Then various puz- 
zling questions arose in attempting to decide which column should be 
used in certain cases; as, for instance, in specimens dredged in the path 
of the Gulf Stream between Cuba and the Florida Keys. They might 
with equal propriety be assigned to the “Florida Keys” or to the 
“ West Indies” column, or to both. In all cases the facts have been 

: 7 



closely adhered to, as in leaving blank the “ Georgia” column when 
specimens had been collected only in South Carolina and East Florida, 
with no data for the intermediate stretch of coast. This will show the 
real gaps in our knowledge of the distribution, and it is to be hoped 
will stimulate local students to fill them up. 

The extreme northern and extreme southern range are generally 
given. When a species has been obtained off shore, and at one locality 
only, the extreme is usually noted in one column only, with a leaning 
toward the northern column when the species is supposed to be a south- 
ern form and to the southern column when it is thought to extend from 
the colder area. These assignments must often be conjectural, but whem 
clearly understood they should not be in any way misleading. © 

There are many unidentified species from this region in the National 
collection, a large proportion of which may prove to be new. In such 
cases the insertion of their distribution, as far as known, may lead to 
fuller investigation by collectors, though no specific name can be ap- 
plied to them in the catalogue. . 

When a species whose name appears in one of the cited publheations 
is not found in this catalogue, or is not cited from the locality to which 
the published authority refers it, the reader may infer that either the 
prior identification is here regarded as inaccurate, or, more generally, 
that the prior name is not entitled to be used. 

In many cases the full explanation for such changes will be found in 
the Report on the Blake Mollusca, but in the present catalogue it has 
been quite impracticable, as well as undesirable, to attempt any syn- 

The writer has attempted to steer a middle course between overdiv- 
ision of large riatural groups and the conservatism which confounds 
unlike things together. It is not to be expected that his decisions will 
be universally acceptable or satisfactory, since there are ‘‘many men, 
many minds” in biology as well as worldly affairs. 

In practice, to be a good systematic malacologist requires much study 
and a wide knowledge of the literature. It is no longer possible in 
systematic conchology for a student to acquire facility without a good 
library and long practice. One may be a good naturalist and do valu- 
able work for science, however, without being a Systematist, and the 
field of work is so vast that the earnest worker may keep himself em- 
ployed in almost any district south of Sandy Hook. The writer has 
found a reasonable amount of subdivision of the familiar genera of use 
in clear thinking and in endeavoring to formulate accurately the facts 
of nature. Sudgenera and sections have therefore been introduced into 
the catalogue, to be used or discarded as the reader may prefer. — 

Some groups have been pretty thoroughly investigated and the sub- 
divisions may be named with confidence, and have therefore been 
inserted. In other cases a thorough revision is vet to be made and the 
subdivisions can not be named with confidence, and, therefore, are to a 


great extent-omitted. This list approximately represents our present 
knowledge, both in its acquirements and its defects, and is intended 
as a help toward something better and not in any sense as a finality in 
nomenclature or distribution. 

We may now proceed to an explanation of the form and scope of the 

Taking the columns serially, the first carries a serial number useful 
for check-list and exchange purposes. Then follows the name and 
authority. Then comes a column referring to the number of the plate 
or plates, and another for the numbers of the figures. As the figures 
on most of the plates are drawn to very different scales, a column is 
inserted, giving the maximum length, axial in Gastropods, antero-pos- 
terior in Pelecypods, of the specimen in millimeters. One millimeter 
is practically one twenty-fifth, or four one-hundredths, of an inch, so 
that for those unaccustomed to the metric system there is little diffi- 
culty in reducing the millimeters to fractions of an inch. 

When no dimension is given in the column it will be understood that 
the figure, if any, is of the size of nature; or that its magnification or 
diminution is stated on the plate itself, or represented there by a line 
or other conventional sign. 

The next column states the range in depth as far as known of each 
species in the form of a fraction, the least depth forming the numerator 
and the greatest observed depth the denominator. Where a zero occurs 
it indicates that the species is found at low-water mark. The maximum 
and minimum are selected from the whole range, domestic or exotic, 
recorded for the species in question. When no depth is stated it will 
be understood that the species is supposed to inhabit the shallow water 
near shore or between tides. 

This is succeeded by a column in which the extreme northern limit, 
locality, or region of the species referred to is recorded. When this 
relates to a locality within our special region there will seem sometimes 
to be a discrepancy ; as, for instance, when a species appears as present 
in the “ Hatteras” column, while in the “northern extreme” column 
Charleston, S. C., will be found. But, as will be immediately shown, 
Hatteras in the heading of the coluran does not mean a locality but 
a district, extending from Savaunah, Georgia, to Cape Hatteras, North 
Carolina, so that the discrepancy is only apparent. In the off-shore 
dredgings it has been practicable sometimes to give only the latitude, 
or a general term such as “ Arctic seas,” to indicate the northernmost 
distribution of a species, since there has been no adjacent landmark to 
cite for northern limit. When a species has its northern limit on the 
rich archibenthal grounds off Block Island and the Vineyard, or Nan- 
tucket, I have indicated this by “ Rhode Island” in the column, since 
this sufficiently guides foreign students who might be puzzled by the 
- other names so much less apt to be found on small-scale maps of our 
eastern coast. The data for such species will be found chiefly in the 


papers on material gathered by the U.S. Fish Commission, contributed 
by Prof. A. E. Verrill to the Transactions of the Connecticut Academy 
of Sciences, to the American Journal of Science, and to the: Reports of 
the U. S. Fish Commissioner for 1871/72 and 1883. 

Then follow ten columns, each representing a district, as follows : 

1. New Jersey (N. J.). This includes the coast and adjoining archibenthal area 
from the entrance of Chesapeake Bay to Sandy Hook at the south point of 
entrance to New York Bay and Harbor. 

2. Virginia (Va.). This includes the coast, etc., from Cape Hatteras, North Caro- 
lina, to the mouth of Chesapeake Bay. 

3. Hatteras (Hat.). This district extends from the mouth of the Savannah River, 
Georgia, to Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, with the adjacent archibenthal 
area. : 

4. Georgia (Ga.). At Cape Canaveral, Florida, the path of the Guif Stream 
seems to diverge more from the main coast than previously. It seems that 
a good many southern species do not reach farther north on the shores 
than Cape Canaveral. Therefore this district from Cape Canaveral to the 
Savannah River has been separated from the one that I have called East 

5, East Florida (East Fla.). This includes the region between Biscayne Bay and 
Cape Canaveral. 

6. Florida Keys (Fla. Keys). This region, very intimately connected, faunally, with 
the northern shores of Cuba opposite, and with the Bahamas, includes the 
region south of Biscayne Bay on the east, and south of the southern en- 
trance to Charlotte Harbor on the west side of the Peninsula, to and inelud- 
ing the Keys and Tortugas reefs and islands. 

7. West Florida (West Fla.). This includes the region north of the south entrance 
to Charlotte Harbor and westward to the Mississippi delta along the shore 
and the archibenthal area of the Gulf of Mexico westward from the penin- 
sula to west longitude 90°, and southward to the trough ae Cuba 
and Florida. - 

8. Texas (Tex.). In this district I include the shores of the United States from 
the Mississippi delta to the Rio Grande and the archibenthal area south- 
ward from it in the Gulf of Mexico to Yucatan. , 

9. West Indies (West Ind.). In this district, for want of space on the page, I have 
been obliged to include all of the ‘Anenles the Bahamas, and the shores and 
islands of the Caribbean Sea. The particular southern extension of a 
species not known to extend throughout this area will be indicated by the 
entry in the ‘‘southern limit” column. No species not figured on the plates, 
or common to the coast of the United States, is admitted in the catalogue, 
so that the West Indian or Antillean fauna properly so-called is almost 
wholly excluded from this enumeration. Some few species, which are 
strictly Antillean, as far as known, are included because it was necessary 
to refer to their figures on the plates, but the distribution as recorded in 
the table will enable any one desiring to discuss the purely North Ameri- | 
can species to identify and exclude these extra-limital forms without dif- 
ficulty. To make the distinction more apparent their names appear in 
italics in the catalogue. 

“40. Bermuda. The island of Bermuda and its associated reefs is intimately allied 
by its mollusk fauna to the region of the Florida Keys and Northern An- 
tilles. A column has therefore been provided for it. ; 

A few species common to our southern coast are also found without 
essential modification still living on the west coast of Central America, 


Mexico, or California. These forms are very interesting, as most of the 
species originally common to both have developed special modifications 
since the separation of the two oceans, so as to be entitled to separate 
- specific names. 

A column (Wesf. Am.) is devoted to recording those found on both 
sides of the continent yet which still remain essentially unchanged, and 
another,(Eur.) to those whose range extends to European shores. 

Another column is devoted to the southern extreme limit (as far as 
known) of the species enumerated in the catalogue, corresponding on 
the south to the column for northern limit on the north. Many Antil- 
lean species extend on the Brazilian coast far south of Cape San Roque, 
but our records for this region are very imperfect, and many of the 
items in this column are due to the data obtained by the U. S. Fish 
Commission steamer Albatross on her voyage from the Chesapeake Bay 
around to California via the Straits of Magellan only a year ago. 

A column records the oldest known appearance of a species in geo- 
logical time. This column is very imperfect and inadequate to express 
the real state of the case, since many of our recent species have been 
described from our southern tertiaries under other names, and the du- 
plication thus occasioned, except in 4 comparatively small number of 
species, still remains to be worked out. It was thought well, however, 
to make a beginning in the matter in this instance. 

This completes our description of the table, which will enable any one 
to use the latter intelligently and without misconception. 

In making entries in the columns showing distribution an asterisk 
shows that the species is known from that region from the shores, either 
picked up on the beach or found living between high water and fifty 
fathoms, or that the depth it inhabits is not known but is supposed to 
be small. In cases where the species is recorded from the archibenthal 
area only, say 50 to 800 fathoms, its presence is indicated by a dagger 
point in the column. When both an asterisk and a dagger point are 
found in asingle column the species is supposed to occur, or is recorded 
as obtained, both in shallow and in deep water, within the limits of 
that region or district. Many southern species, found in the cool 
water of the deeps in the south, approach the surface in the cooler 
surface waters of their northern range. Vice versa, we find northern 
littoral species seeking the deeps as they approach the limits of their 
southern range. A glance at the columns frequently will illustrate 
these facts. : 

The data from which the tables which form the bulk of this pub- 
lication have been compiled are chiefly comprised in the collections 
of the U. S. National Museum, the Museum of Comparative Zoology 
in Cambridge, Mass., and the publications of the writer on these eol- 
lections. The works in which detailed information has been chiefly 
sought are specified on another page, but the most important for this 
purpose has been the Report on the Blake Brachiopoda, Pelecypoda, 


Gastropoda, and Scaphopoda, published in two parts by the Museum 
of Comparative Zoology, under the direction of Prof. Alexander Ag- 
assiz. The generosity of Professor Agassiz in permitting the use of 
plates prepared for that report was decisive in insuring the prepa- 
ration of this list. Other plates are made up of figures which have 
appeared in the annual reports of the U. S. Commissioner of Fish and 
Fisheries ; in the Proceedings of the National Museum; the edition of 
Gould’s Invertebrata of Massachusetts, edited by Mr. W. G. Binney; 
Professor Verrill’s and Miss Bush’s papers in the Transactions of the 
Connecticut Academy of Sciences; and the publications of the British 
Museum. For the use of these cuts we are indebted chiefly to the 
Smithsonian Institution and the U. S. Commissioner of Fisheries, Col. 
Marshall Macdonald. 

In including oz omitting groups of mollusks in this catalogue the com- 
piler has necessarily been guided by convenience rather than syste- 
matic completeness. Some groups, such as the Nudibranchiata, are so 
imperfectly known from the region south of New England that it be- 
comes imperative that they should be entirely omitted. An attempt to 
include them would certainly have been more’ likely to retard than to 
advance the progress of science. Tor the samereason partly, and partly 
because it is impracticable to reproduce the figures, the entire group 
of Cephalopoda, except the Argonaut and Spirula, has been left out. 
Those who desire to study these difficult animals are referred to Pro- 
fessor Verrill’s excellent reports upon the subject in the Bulletin of the 
Museum of Comparative Zoology and the Transactions of the Connecti- 
cut Academy of Sciences. The two exceptions are included merely be- 
cause of one we have an excellent figure, and the shell of the other is 
frequently obtained by collectors on our southern shores. 

Among those animals which frequent the sea-shore and are often - 
found in as well as near the water, though really air-breathers, the 
Auriculide, Siphonariide, and Gadiniide can almost be regarded as 
marine. Having good figures of some of them and desiring to err, if at 
all, on the side of convenience to the amateur collector or beginner in 
conchology, they have heen included in our list. For the same reason 
Neritina, Cyrena, etc., have been inserted even when not strictly salt- 
water species. 

The Pteropods, of the sea off our coasts, are rarely found by collee- 
tors, and the nomenclature is not in a satisfactory state. Stillit was 
thought best to include a list of the species taken, with some additions, 
chiefly from Professor Verrill’s papers, though completeness or entire . 
accuracy is not claimed for it. The Heteropods, except Atlanta Cari- 
naria and Oxygyrus, are not included. 

It will be seen from these explanations that the present catalogue is 
a working list for the benefit of collectors and students, rather than a 
scientific treatise or thoroughly revised enumeration of the mollusk 
fauna. Indeed it is in its quality of a stepping-stone to the latter that 


such value as it may possess inheres. Iixperience has shown that 
check-lists, however imperfect in themselves, are extremely useful in 
stimulating faunal research, and it is in the hope that this result will 
be secured that the compiler finds his chief return for the labor and 
time expended upon a confessedly imperfect production. 

Having been for some time engaged in a revision of the general sys- 
tem for the classification of Pelecypods, which will shortly appear in 
print, the revised classification has been used in the List of Pelecypoda, 
Table I, as far-as it is applicable thereto. 

The writer is under particular obligations to Prof. Alexander Agassiz, 
as already stated, and also to Professor Verrill and Miss Bush for the 
use of drawings and for an unpublished list of shallow-water mollusks 
obtained near Cape Hatteras, which has added to our list several spe- 
cies and confirmed several others about which I had felt some doubt. 
The different sources of the figures will be found acknowledged under 
the “Explanation of the Plates” in each case. 

In conclusion, the writer expresses his obligation to the gentlemen 
whose writings have been laid under contribution; to all who have 
facilitated his endeavors to form a representative collection of this mol- 
lusk fauna, for the use of students in the National collection ; and to Dr. 
kt. Hi. C. Stearns, of the U.S. Geological Survey, for invaluable personal 
assistance. The compiler solicits correspondence from all interested, 
toward the improvement of this catalogue and especially series of the 
local shells from any point on the coast which may shed ‘light on the 
geographical distribution of the species. Such correspondence or ma- 
terial may be addressed to the Curator of the Department of Mollusks at 
the U. S. National Museum, Washington, D. C., or in care of the Smith- 
sonian Institution. 

WASHINGTON, May 15, 1889. 


Adams (Charles Baker). Specierum novarum conchyliorum in Jamaica 
repertorum synopsis. 

In Boston Society of Natural History; Proceedings. Boston, the society, 1845. 
Vol. 11, pp. 1-17, Jan., 1845. 6°. ‘ 

Contributions to conchology. New York, H. Bailliére, Oct. 

1849-Nov. 1852. 

Vol. 1, iv, 258 pp. 8°. This was published in short, carefully dated parts, the 
dates of which it seems unnecessary to cite. 

Monograph of Vitrinella, a new genus of new species of Tur- 
binide. Ambhert, Mass., the author, Feb., 1850. 

10 pp. &°. 

American Journal of Conchology, edited by George W. Tryon, jr. Phila- 
delphia, G. W. Tryon, jr. 1865-1866. 

2 vols. 8°. Also: 

The same. © Philadelphia, Conchological Section of the Acad- 
emy of Natural Sciences, 1867-1872. 

5 vols. 8°. 

Arango y Molina (Rafael). Contribucion 4 la fauna malacoldgica Cu- 
bana. Habana, G. Montiel y Comp., 1878. 

Pp. 280,35. 8°. This work was first printed in the Anales de la Real Aca- 
demia de Ciencias Médicas, Fisicas y Naturales de la Habana, beginning in March, 
1878; to signature 3, May 15, 1878; to signature 12, January 15, 1879; to signa- 
ture 14, February 15, 1879; to signature 15, April 15, 1879; to signature 17, June 
15, 1879; and the remainder July 15, 1880, with a separately paged index. 

Beau (Commandant). Catalogue de coquilles recueillies a la Guade- 
loupe et ses dépendances. Par M. Beau, chef de bataillon d’infan- 
terie de la marine. Précédé d’une introduction par M. P{aul] 
Fischer. Paris, Paul Dupont, 1858. 

Pp.27. 8°. la Revue Coloniale. 8°. Paris, Paul Dupont, Déc. 1857. 
Title on cover. : 

Binney (William G.). Bibliography of North American conchology pre- 
vious to the year 1860. Washington, the Smithsonian Institution, 

2v. Vol. 1, viii, 650 pp.; vol. m,iv,298 pp. 8°. This is Smithsonian Miscel- 
laneous Collections No. 174. From the titles contained in it a large number of 
references might have been cited, where but a few species are mentioned in a 
given publication, but the numerous papers of this sort are not separated here, 
as they would have tended to unduly swell the limits of this bibliography with- 
out any corresponding gain, (See.also Gould, A, A.) 



Boston Journal of Natural History, containing papers and communica- 
tious read to the Boston Society of Natural History, 1834[-|1863, 
published by their direction. Boston [ various publishers], for the 
society, 1834-1863. 

7 vols. 8°. 

Bush (Katherine J.). Additions to the shallow-water mollusca of Cape 
Hatteras, N. C., dredged by the U.S. Fish Commission steamer 
Albatross in 1883 and 1884. 

In Transactions Connecticut Academy of Sciences, New Haven, Conn., vol. 
VI, pp. 453-480, pl. xlv. June, 1885. 

—— List of deep-water Mollusca dredged by the U.S. Fish Com- 
mission steamer Fish Hawk in 1880, 1881, aud 1882, with their range 
in depth. . 

In Annual Report U. 8S. Commissioner of Fisheries for 1883. Washington, Gov- 
ernment Printing Office, 1885. 8°. Pp. 701-727. 

Calkins (William W.). Marine shells of Florida. 

Ext. Davenport Academy of Natural Sciences; Proceedings. Davenport, Iowa, 
the society, 1878. Vol. 1, pp. 232-252, pl. viii. 8°. Extract, with bastard title 
repeated on cover; pagination of original preserved. Slips with addenda were 
issued by the author on several occasions. This catalogue is partly a compila- 
tion. The new or specially interesting species are quoted by Dall (Ifemphill’s 
Shells, q.v.). 

Conchologist’s Exchange (The). Edited by William D. Averell. Phila- 
delphia, the editor, 1886-1888. 

Vol. I, No. 1, was printed on a postal-card, July, 1886. Nos. 2 to 12, and vol. 
ut, Nos. 1 to 8, were issued in small quarto, the printed form 44 by 6 inches, in 
two columns. The last number was dated ‘‘March and April, 1838,” and ap- 
peared about April 30. This publication then suspended and was succeeded by 
the ‘‘ NAuTILUS” (q. v.) in May, 1889. 

Conrad (Timothy Abbott). Fossil shells of the Tertiary formations of 
North America. Illustrated by figures drawn on stone from nature. 
Vol. 1. Philadelphia, 1832. 8°. Plates. 

[First edition.] Part I, pp. 1-20, pl. 1-6, Oct. 1, 1832. 

Part II, pp. 21-28, pl. 7-14, Dec., 1832. A note by the author on the fourth 
page of the cover. 

Part III, pp. 29-38, Aug., 1833. There is a note on the cover about the plates, 
-but none were issued with this part. 

Part IV, pp. 39-46, Oct., 1833. On the fourth page of cover there is a note 
dated November 1, 1833. 

[Second edition.] Pp. 29-56, pl. 15-18; a colored map of Alabama, title-page, 
March 1, 1835. This was issued with Parts I and II of the first edition. 

Fossils of the Tertiary formations of the United States. Illus- 

trated by figeres drawn from nature. Philadelphia, J. Dobson, 

108 Chestnut street. E.G. Dorsey, printer, 1838. 8°. Plates. 

Part 1. Introduction, pp. v-xvi; text, pp. 1-32; pl. 1-17. Jan., 1838. The 
fourth page of cover has descriptions of four species upon it. 

_ Part II, pp. 33-56, pl. 18-29, May 7, 1840. Three pages of the cover have de- 

scriptions of species printed upon them, including the four descriptions from the 

cover of Part I. 

Part III, pp. 57-39, pl. 30-49, Jan., 1815, Nothing but the title printed on 


Conrad (Timothy Abbott)—Continued. 

This work is often quoted as ‘‘ Conrad’s Fossils of the Medial Tertiary.” The 

dates are determined by manuscript notes of the author, for details in regard to 

which I am indebted to a note in the American Naturalist for July, 1888, by Dr. 
Otto Meyer. 

Descriptions of new species of fossil and recent shells and 
~ corals. 
In Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia; Proceedings, vol, 111, pp. 23- 
27, pl. 1-2, Feb., 1846. : 
Descriptions of two new genera and new species of recent 
shells, ete. 
In Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia; Proceedings, vol. rv, p. 121, 
Dec., 1848. 
Synopsis of the genus Cassidula Humphrey and of a proposed 
new genus, Athleta. 
In Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia; Proceedings, vol. v1, pp. 448- 
449, Dec., 1853. 
Notes on shells, with descriptions of three recent and one fos- 

sil species. 
In Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia; Proceedings, vol. vu, pp. 31- 
23, March, 1854. ; 

Description of a new genus of the family Dreissenide. 

In Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia; Proceedings, new series, 1857, 
p. 167. 
Descriptions of new fossil and recent shells of the United States. 

In Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, new series, 
vol. 1, Part III, pp. 207-209, 280, pl. xxxix. 

Observations on the geology of a part of East Florida, with a 
catalogue of recent shells of the coast. 

In American Journal of Science. New Haven, B. Silliman and J. D. Dana, 
1846. New series, vol. 11, pp. 36-45, 393-398, 1846. 
Coues (Elliott, M. D.). Notes on the Natural History of Fort Macon, 
N. C., and Vicinity. 
In Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia; Proceedings of, 1871, pp. 
120-148. This includes a synopsis of the species.collected, and enumerates the 
species collected earlier by Dr. William Stimpson, but which were not found by 

Dr. Coues. A supplementary list appears in the same Proceedings for 1878, pp. 

Dall (William Healey). Reports on the results of dredging, under the 
supervision of Alexander Agassiz, in the Gulf of Mexico and in the 
Caribbean Sea, 187779, by the U. 8. Coast Survey steamer Blake, 
Lieutenant-Commander Sigsbee, U. 8S. N., and Commander J. R. 
Bartlett, U.S. N., commanding. Xv. Preliminary report on the 
Mollusca. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Har- 
vard College. Cambridge, for the Maseum, July-December, 1881. 

Vol. rx, No. 2, pp. 33-144, 8°. This publication, separately issued as a bulletin, 
with afte on cover, appeared originally in signatures as follows: Pp. 33-48, July 
12, 1881; pp. 49-64, Aug. 12, 1831; pp. 65-80, Ang. 25, 1851; pp. 81-96, Sept. 26, 1881; 
pp. 97-112, Oct, 31,1881; pp, 113-128, Noy, 26, 1881; pp. 129-144, Doe. 5, 1861, 


Dall (William Healey). On certain Limpets and Chitons from the deep 

waters off the eastern coast of the United States. 
In U.S. National Museum; Proceedings. Washington, the Museum, April 24, 
1882. Vol. v, pp. 400-414. 8°. 

On a collection of shells sent from Florida by Mr. Henry 

In U. 8. National Maseum ; Proceedings. Washington, the Museum, Dec., 1883. 
Vol. vi, pp. 318-342, pl. x. 8°. The new or specially interesting species signal- © 
ized by Calkins and Melvill (¢. 7.) are enumerated in this article, besides those 
sent by Hemphill. 

Notes on some Floridian land and fresh-water shells, with a 
revision of the Auriculacea of the eastern United States. 

In the same. Vol. vit, pp. 255-289, pl. xvii, xviii, July, 1885. 

Bulletin of the U. S. Geological Survey, No. 24. List of the 
marine mollusca, comprising the Quaternary fossils and recent forms 
from American localities between Cape Hatteras and Cape Roque, 
including the Bermudas. F 

Washingten, Government Printing Office, 1885. 336 pp. 8°. This publica- 

tion is essentially an index to the literature relating to the region specified, 
without synonymy, alphabetically arranged, and accompanied by a short bib- 
liography of the literature referred 10, and indications of the geographical range 
of the species cited. 
Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, at Harvard 
College. Vol. xu, No.6. Reports on the results of dredging, under 
the supervision of Alexander Agassiz, in the Gulf of Mexico 
(187778), and in the Caribbean Sea (1879-80), by the U.S. Coast 
Survey steamer Blake, Lieutenant-Commander C. D. Sigsbee, U. 
S. N., and Commander J. R. Bartlett, U. S. N., commanding. 
xxix. Report on the Mollusca by W. H. Dall. Part I. Brachio- 
poda and Pelecypoda. 

Cambridge, the Museum, Sept., 1886. Pp. 171-318, plates i-ix. 8°. 

Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, at Harvard 
College. Vol. xvu1. Reports on the results of dredging, [ete.]. 
xxix. Report on the mollusca, by W.H. Dall. Part Il. Gastropoda 
and Scaphopoda. Cambridge, the Museum, June, 1839. 

492 pp., plates x-xl. 8°. 

Contributions to the Tertiary fauna of Florida, with espezial 
reference to the Miocene silex beds of Tampa and the Pliocene beds 
of the Caloosahatchie River. 

In Transactions of the Wagner Free Institute of Science of Philadelphia, 1889. 
Folio, with plates. [In press. ] 

——— Report on the Mollusca collected by the U.S. Fish Commission 
steamer Albatross on her voyage from Chesapeake Bay, Virginia, 
by way of Magellan Strait to San Francisco, Cal., in 1887-88, With 

bis preparation. ] 
24781l—Ball. 37-——2 


D'Orbigny (Alcide Dessalines). Histoire physique, politique et naturelle 
de Vile de Cuba. Par M. Ramon de la Sagra [ete.]. Mollusques. 
Paris, Bertrand, 1853. 

2vols. 8°. Vol. 1, 2 1. unp., 264 pp.; vol. u, 21]. unp., 380 pp. Atlas folio, 
11., xxix pl., n. d. [1842]. This publication, forming one of Sagra’s series, but 
independently issued in the French language, appeared irregularly as follows: 
Vol. I, signatures 1-14 in 1841, signatures 15-17 and atlas in 1842; vol. 1, signa- 
tures 1-7 in 1842, signatures 8-24 in 1847-1853. The two volumes were issued as 
a whole in 1853, with the latter date on the title-page. There is an edition in 
Spanish, conformable with the rest of the Spanish series of the work, which the 
compiler has not been able to consult, but which seems to have a widely differ- 
ent pagination, though the plates are the same. 5 

Dunker (Dr. Wilhelm). Novitates conchologice. Mollusca marina- 
Beschreibung und abbildung neuer oder wenig gekannter meeres 
conchylien. Cassel, Theo. Fischer, 1858-1870. 

144 pp. 4°. 45 pl. 

Folin (Léopold, Marquis de). On the mollusca of H. M.S. Challenger 
expedition. The Cecide, comprising the genera’ Parastrophia, 
Watsonia, and Cecum. With a prefatory note by the Rev. Robert 
Boog Watson, B. A., F. R. 8. E., F. L. S., ete. 

Ext. Zool. Soc. London; Proceedings for 1879, with bastard title. London, 
the Society, 1880. Pp. 8U6-812. 8°. 

—— Report on the Cecide collected by H. M.S. Challenger during 
the years 1873-1876. : 

In “Challenger Reports,” vol. xv, pp. 681-689, 1886. This is Appendix B to 
Watson’s Report on the Gastropoda of the Challenger expedition, q. v. 
Gould (Dr. Augustus Addison). Descriptions of new genera and spe- 
cies of shells. : | 
In Boston Society of Natural History; Proceedings, Boston, the Society, 1862, 
Vol. vill, pp. 280-284. 8°. 
— — Otia conchologica. Boston, Gould & Lincoln, 1862. 
256 pp. 8°. 

——— Report on the invertebrata of Massachusetts, published agree- 
ably to an order of the legislature. Second edition, comprising the 
mollusca. Edited by W. G. Binney. Boston, Wright & Potter, 
1870. / 

Royal 8°. viii, 524 pp., plates xvi-xxvii, and 405 cuts in the text. The copies 
of this work, distributed by Dr. Gould’s family, have a two-page sketch of his life 
inserted after Mr. Binney’s prefatory remarks. 

Gundlach (Don Juan). Apuntes para la fauna Puerto-Riquefia. Quinta 
parte. B. Molluscos marinos. 

In Anales de la Soc. Esp. de Hist. Nat., tomo xu, pp. 441-484, 1883. 8°. The 
author has had the assistance of Drs. Dunker and Von Martens in the prepara- 
tion of this list of the shells of Porto Rico, which was preceded by a list of the 
terrestrial mollusca, printed in the earlier portion of the same volume. 

Guppy (R. J. Lechmere). First sketch of a marine invertebrate fauna of 
the Gulf of Paria and its neighborhood. 

In Scientific Association of Trinidad; Proceedings. Portofspain, J, Wulff; 
London, Triibner, Dec., 1877, Vol, u, Part XI, pp, 134-157, 8°, 



Guppy (R. J. Lechmere). On the West Indian Tertiary fossils. 

In Geological Magazine, decade 11, vol. 1, Nos. 9 and 10, Sept. and Oct., 1874, 
pp. 483-454, pl. xvi-xviii. Also a supplement of one page, from the same, Jan., 
1875. Extras repaginated and issued with the plates and supplementary leaf, 
with title ‘‘ West Indian Tertiary fossils” oncover. Totalpp.22. 8°. London, 
Triibner, 1874, 

Haddon (Prof. Alfred C.). Voyage of H. M.S. Challenger. Zoology. 
Report on the Polyplacophora collected by H. M. 8S. Challenger 
during the years 1873-1876. 

In ‘‘Challenger Reports,” vol. xv, Part XLIIT, pp. 1-50, plates i-iii. London, 
1886. 4°. 3 

Heilprin (Prof. Angelo). Explorations on the west coast of Florida and 
in the Okeechobee Wilderness. 

In Transactions of the Wagner Free Institute of Science of Philadelphia, vol. 1, 
No. 1, pp. 1-134, May, 1887. Sm. folio, with plates 1-19. 

This contains the descriptions of many new species of Tertiary fossils from 
West Florida, besides other matters of interest. 

Higgins (Rev. Henry H.) [and Marratt (Frederick P.)|.. Free public 
library, museum, and gallery of art of the borough of Liverpool. 
Museum report No. 1. Mollusca of the Argo expedition to the 
West Indies, 1876. Liverpool, D. Marples & Co. [1878]. 

20pp. 8°. Llpl Animportant contribution to the geographical distribution of 
mollusea in the West Indies. The species were chiefly identified by Mr. Marratt. 

Holmes (Prof. Francis 8.). Post-pleiocene fossils of South Carolina. 
Charleston, S. C., Russell & Jones, 1858-1860. 

vi, 122 pp., xxviii pl. 4°. See also TuomMry and Hotmes. This work was 
published in 16 parts, of which 98 pages and 14 plates are devoted to inverte- 
brates. The remainder, an account of the vertebrate fossils, is by Dr. Joseph 
Leidy, and partly relates to the Eocene formation. In neither this nor the Plio- 
cene volume are the unpaginated sheets with plate references counted above as 

Jahrbiicher der deutschen malakozodlogischen gesellschaft. Redigirt 
von Dr. W. Kobelt. Frankfurt am Main, Johannes Alt, 1874-1878. 

6 vols. 8°. Also: 

- The same. Frankfurt am Main, Alt & Neumann, 1879. 

1vol. 8°. Also: 

The same. Frankfurt am Main, Moritz Diesterweg, 1880-1888. 

9 vols. 8°. The series closes with the volume for 1888. 

Jones (J. Matthew, F. L. S.). Contributions to the natural history of 
the Bermudas. Part I. Mollusca. 

In Nova Scotian Institute of Natural Science; Transactions. Halifax, the 
Society, 1864. Vol. 1, Part II, pp. 14-26. 8°. 

Journal de Conchyliologie, comprenant l’étude des animaux, des coquilles 
vivantes et des coquilles fossiles. Publié sous la direction de M. 
Petit de la Saussaye. Paris, the editor, 1850-1853. 
4vols. 8°. Also: 

Journal de Conchyliologie. Publié sous la direction de MM. Fischer et 
Bernardi. Paris, Bernardi, 1856 [juillet]~1860 [janvier]. 

4 vols., 8° [ending the first series], and 4 vols., 8° [forming the secondscries], 
or 8 vols, 8°, Also: 


Journal de Conchyliologie. Publié sous la direction de MM. Crosse et 
Fischer. Paris, Crosse, 1861-1888. 

[Third series], 28 vols. 8°. Also: 

Index général et-systématique des matiéres contengen dans 
les vingt premiers volumes du Journal de Conchyliologie [ete. ], 1850- 
1872. Paris, H. Crosse, 1878. 

1 vol., viii, 200 pp. 8°. 

[Krebs (Henry).] The West Indian marine shells, with some remarks, 
A manuscript printed for circulation between collectors. By 
* * *, [Kjébenhavn.| Printed by W. Laubs’ widow and Chr. 
Jorgensen, Nykjobing, Falster, 1864. 

3 prel. l. unp., 137 pp. 12°. The following mention of the circumstances at- 
tending the printing of this extremely rare, anonymously issued, yet scientifi- 
cally valuable pamphlet occurs in a letter from the author, dated Dee. 1, 1884: 
“T beg to inform you that the [above pamphlet] was only printed in 20 copies, 
of which 3 were, according to law, delivered to the public libraries [of Copen- 
hagen], 7 were lost in transmitting them to St. Thomas, 3 went to the universi- 
ties of Sweden and Norway, and a few [were] given to friends.” ‘‘ Conse- 
quently there are none for sale. My friends tease me that the book is the cost- 
liest they know, on account of a copy has been sold in Altona, at auction, for 10 
Rd.” A copy presented by the author to Mr. Thomas Bland, and given by that 
gentleman to Mr. John H. Redfield, has, with great liberality, been presented 
by the latter to the library of the U.S. National Museum. 

Remarks on some species of West Indian marine shells in the 
museum of Amherst College. 

In Lyceum of Natural History of New York; Annals. New York, the society, 
1866. Vol. vi, 1866, pp. 394-398. 8°. 

Catalogue of marine mollusks collected in the Bahama Islands 
in November, 1866. 

In Lyceum of Natural History of New York; Annals. New York, the society, 
1866. Vol. vii, 1866, pp. 427-431. 6&°. 

Kurtz (Lieut. John D.). Catalogue of recent marine shells found on the 
coasts of North and South Carolina. Portland, David Tucker, 

9pp. 8°. See also Stimpson and KuRTz. 

Magasin de zoologie. Premiere année, premiére partie, classe v. Mol- 
lusques. Planches 1a 40. Paris, Lequien fils, 1831. 

421. unp., 40 pl. 8°. Also: 

——— Journal destiné 4 établir une correspondance entre les zoolo- 
gistes de tous les pays eta leur faciliter les moyens de publier les 
espéces nouvelles ou peu connues quwils possédent. Publié par F. 
EK. Guérin-Méneville [ete.]. Deuxieme section. Mollusques et 
zoophytes. Paris, A. Bertrand, 1831-1839. 

_ 2vols. Vol. 1 [texte], 2061. unp.; vol. 1[planches], 119 pl. 8°. Also: 

Magasin de zoologie, d’anatomie comparée et de paléontologie: recueil 
destiné a faciliter aux zoologistes de tous les pays les moyens de 
publier leurs travaux, les espéces nouvelles qu’ils possédent, et Ales 
tenir surtout au courant de nouvelles découvertes et des progrés 
de la science, par M, TF, E, Guérin-Méneville, Deuxiéme section. — 


Magasin de zoologie, d’anatomie comparée et de paléontologie—Convd. 
Mollusques et zoophytes. Années 1839 a 1844. Paris, veuve Ber- 
trand, 1844. : 

2vols. [Texte] 2501. unp. 8°. [Planches]1v pp., 150 pl. 8°. This publica- 
tion seems to have been printed with leaves numbered only to correspond with 
the plates or with the separate articles, which were afterward divided up in sec- 
_ tions, each class being bound and sold separately. 

Malakozoologische Blatter. Als Fortsetzung der Zeitschrift fiir Malako- 
zoologie. Herausgegeben von Karl Theodor Menke, in Pyrmont, und 
Dr. Louis Pfeiffer, in Cassel. Cassel, Theoder Fischer, 1854-1862. 

8 vols. 8°. Also: 

The same. Herausgegeben von Dr. Louis Pfeiffer, in Cassel. 
Cassel, Theodor Fischer, 1862-1872. 
10 vols. 8°. Also: 

The same. Herausgegeben von Dr. Louis Pfeiffer, in Cassel, 
und Dr. W. Kobelt,in Schwanheim. Cassel, Theodor Fischer, 1872- 

3 vols. 8°. Also: 

The same. Herausgegeben von Dr. Louis Pfeiffer, in Cassel, 
Cassel, Theodor Fischer, 1875-1877. 
3 vols. 8°. Also: 

Dr. Ludwig Pfeiffer’s malakozoologische Blatter fiir 1278. 

Fortgesetzt von 8. Clessin. Cassel, Theodor Fischer, 1878. 
lvol. 8°. Also: 

Malakozoologische Blitter. Als Fortsetzung der Zeitschrift 
fiir Malakozoologie. Herausgegeben von S. Clessin. Neue Folge, 
erster[-zehnter] Band. Cassel, Theodor Fischer, 1879-1888. 

10 vols. 8°. The earlier volumes of this series carried the date of issue on 
each signature. Later volumes are without it, and there is no means of deter- 
mining the date of issue, which oftcn was not within the year to which the vol- 
ume ostensibly refers. 

Melvill (James Cosmo, A. M., F. L. S.). List of the mollusca obtained 
in South Carolina and Florida, principally in the island of Key 
West, 1871-1872. 

In Journal of Conchology. Leeds, J. Taylor, 1881. Vol. 111, Nos. 5, 6, pp. 155- 
173. 12°. This catalogue contains many erroneous identifications. 

Morch (Otto Andreas Lowson). Catalogue of the West India shells in 
the collection of Dr. C. M. Poulsen, Kastanievei 5, Copenhagen. 
Copenhagen, Bianco Luno, 1878. 

Lo pp: . 8°. 

Nachrichtsblatt der deutschen malakozoologischen Gesellschaft. Unter 

-mitwirkung von D. F. Heynemann; redigirt von Dr. W. Kobelt. 
Fraukfurt am Main, W. Kuchler, 1869. 

lyol. sm.8°, Also: 

The same. Frankfurt am Main, J. D. Sauerlinder, 1870-1871. 
2 vols. 8°. Also: 


Nachrichtsblatt, etc.—Continued. 

——— The same. Redigirt von Dr. W. Kobelt. Frankfurt am Main, | 
J. D. Sauerlinder, 1872. 

lvol. 8°. Also: 

——— The same. Redigirt von Dr. W. Kobelt und D. F. Heyne- 
mann. Frankfurt am Main, Johannes Alt, 1873. 

lvol. 8°. Also: 

—— Thesame. Redigirt von Dr. W. Kobelt. Frankfurtam Main, 
Johannes Alt, 1874-1877. 

4vols. 8°. Also: 

——— Thesame. Frankfurt am Main, Alt & Neumann, 1878-1879. 

2vols. 8°. Also: 

——— Thesame. Frankfurt am Main, Moritz Diesterweg, 1880-1888. 

9 vols. 8°. 

Nautilus (The). A journal devoted to the interests of conchologists. 
Established in 1886 as “ The Conchologist’s Exchange.” Vol, mi{1], 
No. 1, May, 1889. Philadelphia, published monthly by H. A. 
Pilsbry and W. D. Averell. 8°. 1889. 

The first issue under the above title, cited above, comprises iv, 12 pp. 

Norman (Rev. A. M.). Presidential address delivered at the annual 
meeting of the Tyneside Naturalists’ Field Club, May 27, 1881, with 
appendices on the fauna of the abysses of the ocean. Neweastle- 

upon-Tyne, John Bell, 1883. 
8°, 68 pp. Appendix C contains a list of all the animals at that time recorded 
as obtained fram the North Atlantic Ocean at a greater depth than 1,000 fathoms. 
Pelseneer (Paul, D. Sc.). The voyageof H. M.S. Challenger. Zoology. 
Report on the Pteropoda. Part I. The Gymnosomata. 
In ‘‘Challenger Reports,” vol. X1x, pp. 1-74, plates i-iii. London, 1887. 4°. 
(The same.) Part Il. The Thecosomata. 
In the same, vol. xxl, pp. 1-132, plates i, ii. London, 1888. 4°. 
(The same.) Part III. Anatomy. 
In the same, vol. xxi, pp. 1-97, plates i-v. London, 1888. 4°. 

Pfeiffer (Dr. Louis.) Bericht iiber die ergebnisse meiner reise nach 

Cuba im winter 1838-’39. 
In Wiegmauu’s Archiv fiir Naturgeschichte, 1839, vol. 1, pp. 346-358. 

——— Uebersicht der im Januar, Februar und Mirz 1839 auf Cuba 
gesammelten Mollusken. 

; In same, 1840, vol. 1, pp. 250-261. : 

Ravenel (Dr. Edmund). Catalogue of the recent and fossil shells in the 
cabinet of the late Edmund Ravenel. Charleston, 8. C., Walker, 
Evans & Cogswell, 1875. 

68 pp. 12°. 

Roemer (Dr. Ferdinand). Texas; mit besonderer riicksicht auf deutsche — 
auswanderung und die physischen verhiltnisse des landes nach 
eigener beobachtung geschildert; mit einem naturwissenschaftli- 
chen anhange. Bonn, Adolph Marcus, 1849. 

xvi, 464 pp. 8°. Imap. List of new Specios in Binney’s Bibliography N. Am, 
Conchology, Part II, pp. 11-12. 


Say (Thomas). The complete writings of Thomas Say on the conchol- 
ogy of the United States. Edited by W. G. Binney. New York, 
H. Bailliére, 1858. 

8°. vi, 252 pp., pl. i-Ixxv. 
A reprint of Say’s scattered papers and descriptions. 
Simpson (Charles Torrey). Contribution§ to the mollusca of Florida. 
In Davenport (Iowa) Academy of Natural Sciences; Proceedings of, vol. v, pp. 
45-72, 63*-72*. 8°, Pages 45-48 appeared Aug. 25, 1887; pages 49-5 Nov. 4, 
1887; pages 57-72, Feb., 1839, and the remainder in March, 1889. 

Smith (Edgar Albe rt, F. Z. 8.). The voyage of H. M. 8S. Challenger. 
Zoology. Report on the Lamellibranchiata collected by H. M. 8. 
Challenger during the years 1873-1876. 

In “ Challenger Reports,” vol. X11, pp. 1-341, plates i-ixxy. London, 1885. 4°, 

Stearns (Robert Edwards Carter). Deseriptions of new species of marine 
mollusks from the coast of Florida. 

ixt. Boston Society of Natural History ; Proceedings, vol. xv, pp. 21-24, Jan. 
17, 1872. 6°.. 4 pp. 
On a new species of Pedipes from Tampa Bay, Florida. 

Ext. Boston Society of Natural History; Proceedings, vol. x11, pp. 108-109, 
1869. 1 leaf. 8°. Headed ‘‘ Conchological Memoranda, No. 4.” 

Descriptions of new marine shells from the west coast of 

Ext. Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia; Proceedings for 1873, pp. 
344-347, 1873. 8°. 4 pp. 
Stimpson (Dr. William). Descriptions of new shells. 

In Boston Society of Natural History ; Proceedings, vol. 1v, pp. 112-114, 1851 
-——— and Kurtz (Lieut. John D.). Descriptions of new shells. 

In Boston Society of Natural History ; Proceedings, vol. 1v, pp. 114-115, 1851. 

Tryon (George Washington), jr. American marine conchology ; or, de- 
scriptions of the shells of the Atlantic coast of the United States 
from Maine to Florida. Philadelphia, the author, 1873-1874. 

208 pp., 44 pl. 8°. Issued in six parts, Nov., 1873, to Nov., 1874. 

Tuomey (Michael) and Holmes (Francis 8.). Pleiocene fossils of South 

Carolina; containing descriptions and figures of the Polyparia, 
Echinodermata, and Mollusca. Charleston, S. C., Russell & Jones, 

1 vol. xvi, 152 pp., 32 pl. 4°. Issued in sixteen parts; of which six of eight 
pages and two plates each appeared in 1855, the remainder with title, ete., in 
1856. See also HOLMEs (F. S$.). 

Verrill (Prof. Addison E.). Report upon the invertebrate animals of 
Vineyard Sound and the adjacent waters, with an account of the 
physical characters of the region. 

In [First] Report of the U. 8. Commission of Fish and Fisheries, 42nd Congress. 
2nd session, Senate Miscellaneous Document No. 61. Washington, Government 
Printing Office, 1873. 8°. Pp.296-778, plates i-xxxviii. Aseparate edition was 
issued by the author. The original volume is sometimes referred to as the Report 
of the U. 8. Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries for 1871-’72. 


Verrill (Prof. Addison E.). List of deep-water and surface. Mollusea. 
taken off the east coast of the United States by the U.S. Fish 
Commission steamers ish Hawk and Albatross, 1880-1883. 

Ext. Connecticut Academy of Sciences; Transactions. New Haven, the so- 
ciety, July, 1884. Vol. vi, pp. 263-290. 8°. 

Results of the explorations made by the steamer Albatross off 

the northern coast of the United States in 1883. 

In Report of the Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries for 1883. Washington, 
Government Printing Office, 1885. Pp. 503-601, plates i-xliv. Separate copies 
were also printed for the author. 

Catalogue of marine mollusca added to the fauna of the New 
England region during the past ten years. 

In Transactions of the Connecticut Academy of Sciences, v, pp. 447-588, plates 
xlii-xliv, lvii, lviii. 8°. 1882. Separates distributed by the author. 

—— Second catalogue of mollusca, recently added to the fauna of 
the New England coast and the adjacent parts of the Atlantie, 
consisting mostly of deep-sea species, wel notes cn others pre- 

viously recorded. 
In the same; vol. vi, pp. 139-294, plates xxviii-xxxii. 8°. 1884. Separate 
copies were issued. 

—— Third catalogue of mollusca, recently added to the fauna of 
the New England coast and the adjacent parts of the Atlantic, 
consisting mostly of deep-sea. species, with notes on others pre- 

viously recorded. 
In the same; vol. v1, pp. 395-452, plates xlii-xliv. 8°. 1884. Separate copies 
were issued. 

Watson (Rev. Robert Boog). Mollusca of H. M.S. Challenger expedi- 
tion. Parts I-XX, 1879-1883. Preliminary report to Prof. Sir C. 
Wyville Thomson [etce.]. 

Ext.Linnean Society Journal. Zoology. London, the Society, 1879-1883. Vols. 
XIV-XVII, 1879-1883. 8°. See also FOuIn (L. de). 
The separate parts appeared as foilows: 
Part I.—The Journal, vol. x1v, No. 78, pp. 506-507; read Nov. 21, , es pub- 
lished April 23, 1579. 
II.—The Journal, vol. xtv, No. 78, pp. 508-529; read Nov. 21, 1878; pub- 
lished April 23, 1879. 

IlI.—The Journal, vol. x1v, No. 78, pp. 586-605; read Dec. 5, 1878; published 
April 23,1879. The preceding partsin onecover. Title on cover and 
bastard title. 6°. London, Taylor & Francis, 1679. Original pagi- 
nation preserved. 

IV.—The Journal, vol. x1v, No. 80, pp. 694-716; read June 5, 1879; published 
Sept. 2, 1879. Covers and bastard title as in the preceding. 

V.—The Journal, vol. xv, No. 82, pp. 88-126; read April 18, 1880; published 
July 31,1880. This and succeeding two parts have no title on cover 
or elsewhere. 

ViI.—The Journal, vol. xv, No. 84, pp. 218-230; read April 15, 1880; published 
Nov. 20, 1880. 

VII.—The Jaana vol. xv, No. 85, pp. 246-274; read Dec.9, 1880; published 
March 28, 1581. 

VIII.—The Journal, vol. xv, No. 86, pp. 388-412; read March3, 1881; published 
Sept. 29,1881. This part has bastard title, but none on cover. 


Watson (Rev. Robert Boog)—Continued. 
Part IX.—The Journal, vol. xv, No. 87, pp. 413-455; read June 2, 1881; published 
Oct. 4,1881. This part has no title. 
X.—The Journal, vol. xv, No. 88, pp. 458-475 ; read June 16, 1831; published 
Nov. 3, 1882. No title. 
XI.—The Journal, vol. xvi, No. 91, pp. 247-254 ; read Dec. 15,1881; published 
March @, 1883. No title. 
XII.—The Journal, vol. xvi, No. 93, pp. 324-343; read Dec. 15, 1881; published 
June 12,1882. This part has bastard title. 
XIII.—The Journal, vol. xvi, No. 93, pp. 358-372; read March 16, 1881; pub- 
_ lished June 12, 1882. This part has bastard title.” 

XIV.—The Journal, vol. xvi, No. 93, pp. 372-392; read March 16, 1882; pub- 

lished June 12, 1882. This part has bastard title. 

XV.—The Journal, vol. xv1, No. 96, pp. 594-611; read June 15, 1882; published 

March 10, 1883. This part has bastard title. © 

XVJ.—The Journal, vol. xvi1, No. 97, pp. 26-40; read Nov. 16, 1882; published 

March 24,1883. This part has bastard title. 
XVII.—The Journal, vol. xvi, No. 99, pp. 112-130; read March 1, 1883; pub- 
lished July 31, 1883. This part has bastard title. 
XVII.—The Journal, vol. xvi1, No. 101, pp. 234-293; read March 15, 1883; pub- 
lished Oct. 20, 1883. 
XIX.—The Journal, vol. xvur, No. 101, pp. 319-340; read May 3, 1883; pub- 
lished Oct. 20, 1883. 
XX.=— The Journal, vol. xvu1, No. 101, pp. 341-346 ; read June 21, 1883; pub- 
lished Oct. 20, 1883. 
Parts X VIII-XX issued in one cover ; title on the cover. London, Lin- 
nean Society [1883]. 
—— The voyage of H.M. S. Challenger. Zoology. Report on the 
Scaphopoda and Gasteropoda collected by H. M.S. Challenger dur- 
ing the years 1873-1876. 

In ‘‘ Challenger Reports,” vol. xv, Part XLII, pp. i-v, 1-756, plates i-], with an 
Appendix, B, pp. 631-689, plates i-iii, on the Cacida by Léopold, Marquis de 
Foiin. London, 1885. 4°. 

Zeitschrift fiir Malakozoologie. Herausgegeben von Karl Theodor Menke. 
Hannover, Hahn, 1844-1845. 
2vols. 8°. Also: 
— — Herausgegeben von Karl Theodor Menke und Dr. Louis Pfeiffer. 
Cassel, Theodor Fischer, 1846-1853. 





I. Order Arthropomata. | II. Order Lyopomata. 
I. Order Prionodesmacea. II. Order Teleodesmacea—Continued. 
1. Suborder Ostracea. 3. Suborder Lucinacea. 
2. Suborder Anomiacea. 4, Suborder Chamacea. 
3. Suborder Pectinacea,. 5. Suborder Cardiacea. 
4. Suborder Mytilacea. 6. Suborder Veneracea. 
[5. Suborder Naiadacea. 7. Suborder Tellinacea. 
6. Suborder Trigoniacea]. 8. Suborder Mactracea. 
7. Suborder Arcacea. III. Order Anomalodesmacea. 
8. Suborder Nuculacea. 1. Suborder Anatinacea. 
- 9. Suborder Solenomyacea. 2. Suborder Myacea. 
II. Order Teleodesmacea. 3. Suborder Solenacea ? 
1. Suborder Carditacea. 4. Suborder Ensiphonacea. 
2. Suborder Leptonacea? 5. Suborder Adesmacea. 
I. Order Solenoconchia. 
A. Superorder Euthyneura. 
I. Order Pteropoda. [I1I. Order Nudibranchiata. ] 
1. Suborder Thecosomata. IV. Order Pulmonata. 
2. Suborder Gymnosomata. 1. Suborder Stylommatophora. 
IJ. Order Opisthobranchiata. 2. Suborder Basommatophora. 
1. Suborder Tectibranchiata. 
B. Superorder Streptoneura. 
I. Order Ctenobranchiata. I. Order Ctenobranchiata—Continued. 
1, Suborder Orthodonta. 2. Suborder Streptodonta—Cont’d. 
a. Superfamily Toxoglossa. e. Superfamily Taenioglossa. 
b. Superfamily Rhachiglossa. d. Superfamily Docoglossa. 
2. Suborder Streptodonta. e. Superfamily Rhiphidoglossa. 
a. Superfamily Ptenoglossa. J. Superfamily Zygobranchia. 

b. Superfamily Gymnoglossa. 

bb. SuBcLAss IsOPLEURA. 
C. Superorder Polyconche. 

I. Order Polyplacophora. 
a. Superfamily Eochitonia. 
b. Superfamily Opsichitonia. 

I. Order Dibranchiata. 
. : 1. Suborder Octopoda. 
2. Suborder Sepiophora. 
Note.—The reader will understand that this sketch does not pretend to complete- 
ness, except for the following tables. 


The arrangement sketched on page 26 and followed in the tables was 
made out before the completion of my studies of the classification of the 
Pelecypods. These being since completed, two changes would follow 
in the arrangement. The suborder Solenacea would be transferred to 
the order Teleodesmacea, following the Tellinacea, and the suborder 
Solenomyacea would be transferred to the Anomalodesmacea. It is also 
probable that the isocurdiacea should be raised to subordinal rank. 

W. H. DALL. 

AvUGUST 19, 1889. 



Ang. Anguilla. Jup. I. Jupiter Inlet, Fla. 
Ant. Antigua. Keys. Florida Keys. 
Asp. Aspinwall. Lj. Lillienskjold. 

> Atl. Atlantic Ocean north of Mart. Martinique. 

N. Lat. 20°. Md. Maryland. 

Bah. Bahamas. MG. Marie-Galante. 
Barb. Barbados. N. Atl. Atlantic Ocean north of N. 
Bda. Barbuda. Lat: 35°. 
Beanuf. Beaufort, N.C. N. Car. North Carolina. 
Ber. Bermudas. NaGay New Grenada. 
Braz. Brazil. N. J. New Jersey. 
Car. 8. Caribbean Sea. Nab: New Providence. 
Cay. Cayenne. PS Be id: Prince Edward’s Island. 
C. Can. Cape Canaveral, Fla. PoP: Porto Plata. 
Cedar K. Cedar Keys, Fla. P. Rico Porto Rico. 
C. Fla. Cape Florida. St. Aug. St. Augustine, Fla. 
Char. H. Charlotte Harbor, Fla. St. Bart. St. Bartholomew. 
Charl. Charleston, S.C. ears South Carolina. 
Chesap. Chesapeake Bay. St. Cruz. St. Croix or Santa Cruz, 
C. Rom. Cape Romano, Fla. St. Dom. Santo Domingo. 
C. Sable. Cape Sable, Nova Scotia. St. J. St. Jobn. 
Cub. Cuba. St. M. Saint Martin. 
Cul. Culebra. St. Thos. St. Thomas. 
Cur. Curagoa. St. Vin. St. Vincent. 
Dom. Dominica. Tex. Texas. 

> E. Fla. East Florida. Tort. Tortola. 
Eur. Europe. Trin. Trinidad. 
Fernand. Fernandina, Fla. Ve Viéque. 
Fla. Florida. Va. Virginia. 
Ga. Georgia. V. Cruz. Vera Cruz. 
Gtm.° Guatemala. VD. Van Dyck’s Island. 
Guad. Guadalupe. Ven. Venezuela. 
Gulf, or G. Mex. Gulf of Mexico. Veer. Virgin Islands. 
Hatt. Cape Hatteras. yc Water Island. 
Hond. Honduras. W. Fila. West Florida. 
Hait. Haiti. Yue. Yucatan. 
Jam. : Jamaica. Z. Ziech. 


TABLE I. A.—Jast of Brachiopoda. 

| Alt. | Range r 
per: Name and authority for species. Pl. | Figs. an ‘lestt och eee 

Genus TEREBRATULA Llhwyd. 

1 | T. cubensis Pourtalés .-.._..........-. 39 | 6,10 | 27 #% | Fla. Reefs... 
2 MAb eymederrint IDEN enoocunes caa~seccssoele. (ie are eK. ves ~6| Gulf of Mex. 
3 | T. incerta Davidson ...--- Jo ee aon 6 | 6,6a | 10.5 | +4835 | Gulf of Mex. 


Asie Carlletii@rossees. hes soc ce ealtencie 39 | 8,yo. | 10 vou | Fernandina - 
5 | T. septentrionalis Couth.............. AQ | IOs ¢; | Halifax 5.2... 
Genus HUDESIA King. 
6 | E. floridana Pourtalés ............-..- 39 | 9,11 | 23 413 | Sand Key --: 
7} 18, Creme Whiley Ra es Le Sa oei||2> one neler mes rieo | Norway -..... 

Genus MEGERLIA King. 
rome Pay Feat lfesy oe wits) Deh ee ee ae ee al ee 2.6 | +99 | 5.22 eee 
Genus CISTELLA Gray. 

OC BarretitanaWavidson 2-22. 5eeeeeee|s ei aeaeee 5 #2, | Fla. Keys -.. 
LO mC lutea allt, 22s.) e0 sues eco eee ah Sh eee 6.5 | #9, | Hatteras .... 
eae Cs sehimamumnit@: andbt oe ete 2c ee eal ee (eo 100 | Gulf of Mex. 

Genus PLATIDIA Costa. | 

hea ok. Semin les enn lt ples) sere eee 49 | 3,4] 4.5] +& | Hatteras .... 
12a var. radiata Dall .........---..-2- oF Se eer ele eee ziz | San Diego... 

Genus THECIDIUM Defrance. 

13 | T. Barretti Woodward .s........-..-<- 6 2S AB Ae és | Gulf of Mex. 
14 | T. mediterraneum Sowerby..-....--... 49 1d) Sib oleae Medit..-.... 

Genus ATRETIA Jeffreys. 

Lo:,| A. gnotion Jegrevs: sct.2 see ee eon 6 $478 | Labrador...- 


N..7.| Va. 

Hat. Ga. Fla. 




Tox. Ind. 




TABLE I. A.—List of Brachiopoda. 


Southern — 
extreme range. 

Range in time, 

Sore see eS 

oo Eee Se eres) an 

Barbados. .. - 
Barbados. .. - 

N. Jersey ? -- 

Barbados. . .- 
Rhode Island 

Barbados. . .- 

Barbados. - .- 

Barbados. -. - 
Barbados. -. - 

Barbados. -- - 
Santa Cruz.. 

Barbados. . .. 
Barbados. -.. 

Florida Str-. 

Miocene. ? 






TABLE I. A.—List of Brachiopoda—Continued. 

Sey | Warno and authority for species: Pl. | Figs. “or ‘ie oxen ae 
Order LYOPOMATA Owen. 
Family CRANIID. 
Genus CRANIA Retzius. 
16 CaPourtalesiy Dalleeene ess seco eee oes se cfalen eee 7 ace Fernandina - 
Genus DISCINA Lamarck. 
Subgenus Discinisca Dall. 
if |) 1D sane raNtieR, Whe 54 on seten padcco eine Evajcellee see 5 wos | Baffin’s Bay - 
18) Ds antillarum: Orbiony==+-2- 2. ---- eee somes 10 | wf: | Fernandina - 
Family LINGULIDA. . 
Genus GLOTTIDIA Dall. 
19) Ga antiarum Reeves eee raseeee eae Sued omateis 6:2 | =2  |°Cubayeeeeaes 
194 var. pyramidata Stimpson. --...--- Be ese erase xs | Chesap. Bay. 

. \ RS tae Tn = 

Sere Pt - 
na es A. —List of Brachiopoda—Continued. 

West Southern. 

rat Ga | Haat! Fla. | Weat 
Hat. Ga ‘| Am. | extreme rauge. 

| Fla. Keys.) Fla. 

eS Sg eee —__—— ———_ 

Range in time. 

Tare. t i ed ch a eee St. Vincent... : 

Sea Re eT Cees POE gh slime ese ine amor Australia... 
ees ena ace,2| SoS = |(Sacei) eee cman ec oor .-| Martinique-. 
? nay Ps Aa ? | Martinique... 
it $ ? ei ap ae ee Florida ..... 
. ’ 
wt a = oe 


TABLE Il. B.—List of Pelecypoda. 

Alt. | Range 

No Name and authority for species. Pee eal ee ext 
Suborder OSTRACEA. 
| Genus OSTREA Linné. 
DO vai ome ea Gatti gas ee hee ye See PP THe ed |g P. E. Island. . 
2. ©; trons Minne saecpiese = oss 2 ~'el -oeioe chalein | agree el Gre eee eileen Jupiter Inlet 
3) | Of cristata BOnm seer em 2s - =. ees ele spaale55ose\l2ocss5|s2<5- Tampa.....-. 
AO N€Questris Say esee a == ooops ee eee cele see ee eel aee N. Carolina.- 
Suborder ANOMIACEA. 
Genus ANOMIA Linné. 
Dale Sine On oimeiyy 2 = 39 sees esonasse Bo>|| 12) | deeeses ivy | Cape Sable . - 
Gy PAceaculleakay lpnikGe ees eee eee Bele tore eric cee zy | Arctic Ocean 
(7 Perdis broderipeesseesrssssceeeeee- = nviee eee toa eee Cedar Keys... 
Family DIMYID &. 
Genus DIMYA Rouault. 
8 | D. argentea Dall-..--..-.- eee ae 4 | 5a—-b | 10.5 | 3% | Hatteras -2-- 
O70 Pp SramosapWwamane eae ee ae eee ieee atte Sel 2 Td ee Hatteras ..--. 
Genus SPONDYLUS Linné. ) 
10° (S=spathuliterus Sow 722-25 5-.. =252 a50> SEE ees bow Sasa et ee Jupiter Inlet 
Dbl Ss: GUssOn Costidinscascs sass o928 cee: Ui ace en | aeons eis | Gulf of Mex. 
Genus PECTEN Miiller. 
Subgenus Janira Schum. 
a TD gZUC Ze METIS eee ets aay ee ee 1 Peo Tampa-...--. 
13 | J. hemicyclica Ravenel .......-....--- 652 So | 740s anes Hatteras -... 



extr me range. 

Florida Keys 
Charlotte H . 

Martinique .. 
Cape Fear... 

Guadalupe -. 

Barbados... . 


Guadalupe .. 
West Indies . 

Guadalupe .. 

- i : 
ee TABLE II. B.—List of Pelecypoda. 
] | 
East} Fla. | West West | °° West 
N. J./Va.| Hat./Ga. Fla. |Keys.| Fla. Tex. Tod. re Eur. (oe 
* * * * * # * * CAPONE ace | en < 
1 * * * tp iby estes Gail 
* * * 
Seta a] == acl aS é 5 8| ee 
“ * * » = ae ae EN cea)! Sate: : 
* * * * * * * * * * Te =a 
* * -<) || Se eee ae aS,3 oF Pee, * " 
yan 4 Ld * pas * * we Fd 
Feat RA si Sete are See Stbeloecollecs ae 
4 * * * * * ¥ * * hoe Pane os 
‘ Beenie ol * * * * * * fA ke 
25) Cy ae pare |Me ce el Gat octet t A aks seat 
- fe ae 05 Ke oe * * oe * Fie heey eS 
* * 

24781—Bull. 37-3 

* Str 


Florida Str. . 

Range in time. 


? Pliocene. 




TABLE II, B.—List of Pelecypoda—Continued. 

Alt. | Range 
er Name and authority for species. Pl. | Figs. au depth 
Subgenus Amusium Schum. 
TANS Wioreworan SEiy 6 caacbe acoso docs soon coco} ences 100. 0 3o 
15 | Aaa Sanibhes eee oe ee bene has 175? 8) 62.0 | sas 
16 | A. Pourtalesianum Dall -....--..--.---.| 5 LD) sees ae 
17 MENU COMMON DEW Ons Saneisdomicoe Ho oalloorcos|(-oemae 434 
18 var. marmoratum Dall............| 4 3} 12.0) ae 
19 | A. cancellatum Smith..........-..-.--- 5 | 1la,2 | 26.0 | 7437 
OOn PAS Hol mestioDallteee eee cena eeeeees 5 | 5, 11) 127 0F 58 
Ol | Ae Senyeyaa IDEN. = op idaaon caeeaeenecas Bl 390) Mauda nee 
Subgenus Pecten s. s. 
Oop. marellanicus Gmeline so c2che. so- = 70 2 1300.0 | r5 
93 | P. irradians Lamarck.........---....- 53 NSO Woeseoe 
24 Waly UUSIOCALIS SAY eee seats sees ao asec AQ SO) eee 
OF Py MUCLEUSHSOLNy o sesers seeee seine Stet As 9510 Weeeeee 
26 | P. exasperatus Sowerby --..-....----. cil aes | teteee eee 
OF Ph ornmatus Wuamarck wot ed ee acelee eens). 252) Shoe (eee ee meee 
98a PP anbillarmnoy Rechwzeass eetee nae ns see eee lanes ne one Sere 
Ooi CP. efiiteng lal) saeeise nc oh meee cee 42 9 | 26.0 | 5 
S04 KP. phayeiumeDallss ee. occ hs see meer 40 L650 eras 
314) BvclyptuspViercilll 22s. 2 See) stetee tes ellossell cece 60.0 | 389; 
Son ae mn DricathussGimelin a aces aces ecce = Je | oe ell once ae ee Beer 
Ss lP modosus Minné:.21.0 222.3 WS sete Sees ea leeete ene asl leaeees 
34 VaLtracosus:C onradiescs. aeee- =e ee eee eee eee eee 
* . 4 Aa-b 5 10) 
Bde. wm brifenwovent: aa. .soniee sees ae . 64 ane 12.5 0 
S0ul ee srecreuluspl) aililieez eee sete ee el BeLOl | 720 ease 
37 |B. thalassinus ial ss See. ote e as oe es eee 8.5 | 22 
oon: P sleptaleuss Vern lg shan aac seers s |e pee 7.0 |~ 142 
39) | Ps frae ise NEMreyS acs kt eeses see ec) Seen eee eae 
40" 2B. - striatus Miller: 2. 2s. Sse ocean. Fane stoke ate esis ee | eee 
Al PE sigsbeer Dalle a): seeeeninese eee 4 PD Watts 5) |)" alays! 
AQ NOE vitreous) Gmelin ame seek ee meiene see Aah mel Al nl eames Boo 
ABS ee estrrenn lerbis eva lias mes 2) as ee ear ea 42 2 aaa ier 
44 | P. undatus Verrill .................-.. 46 211) 19.0! 1433 


extreme range. 

Gulf of Mex) 


Cedar Keys..| 
Santa Cruz.. 
Charlotte FH - 
Fernandina - 
Florida Str-. 

Labrador Pht a 
Nova Scotia - 
Hatteras --... 
Florida Keys 
Hatteras ---- 
Cedar Keys.- 
Key West --- 
Fernandina - 
Hatteras .... 
Rhode Island 
Tortugas wees 
Hatteras .... 
Cedar Keys.. 

Arctic Sea. .- 

Hatteras -_.-- 
Rhode Islanv| 

Florida Str-. 
Arctic Ocean -) 
Fernandina - 
N. Atlantic.- 

TABLE Il. B.—List of Pelecypoda—Continued. 




| | 
+ Ht, |Ga. Fie"|geys, | Wat (Tex) Your’ | mit ar, | est 
Beet |e | wate bch ee Nee ac baa : sere lve 
Ae Sega Se A t - t on aco hie 
eee tl ht ee Seg eee eae 
ag oe) Bo) SSS (ee ee a t ase [heres hess 
eel hen eee ‘ t t Stiles Tin ieee |esee ote 
e825 ee alee t . t t 2 
2 6| (Ba Saee Se ee ere es We ere Pay BP ers 
> ool 2 6o6g ta a t Be Ss arate mat MAAS A 
* ee # te A nat ‘. =x 2 id a x 
* * co * os i het ea Ate oe 
* * * # ba | * t Pa AK stan gage cs 
HEA es = Sere so Se hie Shasta (Deon eee 
* p: * * * * ~ BS? 
ne et eS ae 4 eelineccr tee ii a errerci| ate ae eet 
eee fo tls s'-'s vfs | fees Tel eten. 2. coe aes eed ee 
t eid t Ti 2 eee Te fence | Sees oat 
PS aa ee SA 22 csee eed ese ee 
i SJ ee =e * i ean ee ee * * v: 4 
* = * *# * ae = 9 Pee ony |; ee ae 
See Waele = \c~ | wales t = bate ec aad Ie ah (ete 
SS e8al See as SIE booed eae Teal eee 
feet lznac’| ics |ce~ t Stal ee Ge eae 
ain? se) ee DAS Bee t Bl Se ieee 
TE Sees | eer | ests, |Ziee sil) Spokes lee oe Ge ees 
BEF oh Pl a oah bo: 2]-3.-~- | 50-2 4. ee 
Bee Me ae Chae) eta aie! Wiese, | aS sre Dttee [esse ia ores 
a es | ee gee ee t 5 eee) Bee 
a hee sn] Sen 1 eee et Pen de telen$ 
ee Mile tes |e ae Teen eet | oe 

extreme range. 


St. Vincent. - 
Grenada .... 

-| St. Vincent. - 

Barbados. ...- 

Florida Str.. 
Guadalupe .. 
Guadalupe .. 
Barbados... . 
Guadalupe .. 

Grenada .... 
Hatteras .... 
Trinidad ...- 
Florida Keys 
Guadalupe .. 

Barbados.. .. 
Hatteras .... 
Hatteras .. .. 
Rhode Island 

Patagonia. -. 
Cubase. tee. 
N: latas7o¥l 

Range in time. 






TABLE II. B.—List of Pelecypoda—Continued. 








Name and authority for species. Pl. 

Genus HINNITES Defrance. 

He Adanistewalles =: Be seek oe cciccanese nes 5 

sa spie teh [eal onl lea! 

Family LIMIDA. 
Genus LIMA Bruguiere. 

. Squamosa Lamarck -....-.---. a) Ae 
; teneraiSowerby.--=.s 222 -24--- onsen 
ASCADLA BOLI Peees eects ccc sees ce 
Ss eullvvooree, IDA ene Sas ess hoo seu aoe lease 

<HhiTanase Gave limps crete es hale ye ene ere rns 
sintlatalbamarck -oseecn soe cee eeee aoe 

Subgenus Limatula 8. Wood. 

Ie setitera Dalle sas. fossa a aaa ts eae 
L. subauriculata Montagu .....-...---- shee 
a cOnfasat Smith ts eet tee eee 
L. laminifera Smith. ...-2..------.----|--.- 



Mrs radiiataslamiamn clk: a2 ss: epee ee 

Genus LIMZA Bronn. 

=Bronniana lal sae a eee See 

MAE ata Dues see Se ed os 
Suborder MYTILACEA. 

Genus AVICULA Lamarck. 

. atlantica Lamarck. i Ihe has Ee ga 

San tidla Wenn aes se ale Nate lee ee s 


Genus PERNA Bruguiére. 

. obliqua Lamarck ...... Peer pen aes 
. ephippium Lamarck -.............. 2 

Genus PINNA Linné. 









en es 


Northern . 
extreme range. | 

N. Atlantic... 

Sarasota ....| 
Cedar Keys.. 
Hatteras .-.. 
Fla. Keys....| 
Florida Str.. 
Hatteras ---- 

Hatteras .... 
Arctic Sea... 
N. Atlantic.. 
Florida Str-.. 

Hatteras ....} 
Fernandina -| 

Hatteras ..-. 
Rhodelsland| — 

Bermuda -...| ’ 

* TABLE Il. B.—LDist of Pelecypoda—Continued. 

Ber- | 
West West West Southern shal Za 
Fla. Tex. Ind. ate Eur. Am. | extreme range. Range in time. 

Ue culeotela = Titlaeeaint te esse ob AVINCenb ss 

Wall Secco| ew Ts a Fl aed) barbados. 

ASR Ct oallcwecleee cl oseeelt RrOadosees 

e's S52 5|Se2- coon, |, Lrinidad easa|e2bliocenes 
Rial aret leritnkal seca Waele aos oar DAO OSs 

ee eee Pd 2h || oe We eee | ete Te Sel ba CMU se 
rea ss pe Sy ys leeks * | Trinidad’ 2. .- 

PACA ee | Sater eden ctor noes i bap adosee ss 
Sera seee | eaaelooselk He boss eblomdarstr--|' Pliovene: 

Seo cul Aeon tmeate cc Aeil eee Recah OM 

eteailases ee cece ees || ee a padoses. 

p is * |....|..-.| ....| Venezuela...| P. Pliocene. 
# Nesie’a| jag wie (Saws) Pb gae dh COPE ERS cow's 

aN ila cre's,| Peace Hise pots, PE ZE Suc ceee 
Mote Mee ile Doe eae Guadalupe .. 
aos aaece * O ehae sets saad aM alo ses ee 
= Pi seiatal| Semele Venezuela...| Pliocene. 
4 7 hs there et [herent | an Guadalupe .. 

Glaaar Jecbiededd cf daw are ices woeec Barbados.... 










TABLE II. B.—List of Pelecypoda—Continued. 

Alt. | Range 
Name and authority for species. Pl. | Figs. ae death oxteerenie 
Genus MYTILUS Linné. 
Moodulis Winné 2 o:cesdsss esses | i a 3 Pee on. Arctic Sea...| 
Mu hamatus| Sayescuee soe seis eee onl Sena ea ead eee eet | ares Rhode Island | 
M-exustusinné 22 222. 22 ccee eer cees| = scelleooece leeee ss leaenes Charleston -.! 
Genus SEPTIFER Recluz. 
Gi aE ede ess ch ecele te ee Pre een SR rc Tampa Bay-.| 
Genus MODIOLA Lamarck. 
Me modiolus#iimness fee oe eee oe aoe 5A Ain aes 2; | Arctic Sea. .-| 
M:tulipawiinmes. se)... 2522 pene Ep eee so l|32)-pae pete - N. Carolina... 
Section BRACHYDONTES Swainson. 
M. suleata Lamarck ..--......---..--- teal oees |...-.|--232:| Tampa 
M. plicatula Lamarck. .-.---...---.---- 54 gy ees Se Nova Scotia. 
var. semicostata Conrad -.....---- si3.4[ scapes basees saeeee St. Augustine 
Section AMYGDALUM Megerle. 

IM: isvipa Reeve ase taccc anes enone sd | Mee Cel eee S. Carolina ..| 
M. polita Verrill & Smith 6 3 | 50.00) aaa, | N. Atlartic ..|— 
ae ALR OREM Tismecat 45 | 12 | 33.06} 1900 | “\- ae 

var. sagittata Dall .-.........--.-- SL ed eeilinke ae io, | Cedar Keys.- 
M. papyria Conrad..---.-....-..- ..-- BP Py lene I oe 3 Jupiter Inlet 
Section BoruLina Dall. 
M.-opifexSay, cs) -Ss bess esse eee JS maes Biel as ase 2; | Hatteras .-.. 
Section BotuLa Moérch. 
M. cinnamomea Lamarck ...-.-.....-.. Bi eal eb el a +9; | Cape Fear--- | 
Genus LITHOPHAGUS Muhlfeldt. 
i. caribeus -Philippis 2262 te. 2 = S22 ees (beeen eceae| sa eeee Florida Str --| 
Lantilarcneehilippt sce. ss s-0- 2b eoos ee mee ieee ea ceo Bermuda ....| 
ih. bisuleatusOrbiony)=— e- saeescee ise atc a alee aan seme eet Cedar Keys.-- 
iL; forficatus Ravenel 255. <.52 sees os 2eeu|\s ce uloeateel eeoeeleeeeee Cape Fear...| 
Genus DACRYDIUM Torell. an 
D. vitreum, M@ller..-..--........ pedicel aupalt es cA (eae weiss | Arctic...----| 
Genus IDAS Jeffreys.. 
I. argenteus Jeffreys .-....---.....---- 45 | 16a | 5.5 | #32; | N. Atlantic .- 




TABLE Il. B.—List of Pelecypoda—Coutinued. 

East) Fla. | West West Southern Aen 
. Hat.\Ga.) py. Keys.| Fla. LS Aras Range in time. 

Tex.! Ind. ee extreme range. 

= Seagal bea ool a ee ee ee 

Reeeeee eda yee | 222) OS vee We * * | N. Carolina..| Pliocene. 
Oo APES a) (al Ae ad <3 OY We Sa lide salen ae lance tly COStaneare: 

i eeccls. ‘te A Garg s i ree Brazil . 

RS Ie ae eee | ee eed Ss N. Carolina..| Pliocene. 

ees | cece]! P| imei o* * |... ---. | Guadalupe -. 

mescie is..| | * H go Ray aa ees ee cede heeds bata osres. 
Sn ae eo hccel Sem |oen~|o-s-| soon) Georgia 2.4. - 

eae oe * etl Tee So ee leas ee IRE TAxXagte scene. 

cree aa epsom Meee Ue iin 22 ee al So NOM Asi, 
yl) seal ie a t Pesos tomb use te eee < || Grenada ten 

peer ramiamatciisss|i<se5| -.T fo) acoell eo sailors sl eel eecie. | aeape Hlorida, 
see re eae laa g oe | eee eee eee cheese COND, CHTIShL 

See ¥ ty Se oe os oe ee sd al (ees llr Sry Perce eal a OT) as erie cy 

eet kd jes |es--) * fice) ad nl Some [ewes | see le Guadalipe ss. 

Ree esse | me (eeec|scc. | leeds eens ---.| St. Thomas.. 
Mees eta reicisis<h 5. | cece bot ee| sf Re es Guadalupe .. 
oon! aes Ea iad eg ASE ec ae RnR OS RA area Guadalupe .-. 
pees | =< 2 jd ag Sse Fe ie PN |i Wesel teealaae st] eallalaa esse 

OS Slee oie Sm Oe tole aed Gee Syl 3 old 1c) CEmmeghe- «: 

Taliaules oe La ee || Sa See te ee + | ....! Rhode Island 

TABLE II. B.—List of Pelecypoda—Continued. q 
x Alt. { Range ey 
a Name and authority for species. Pl. | Figs. oe ain aoe Perales. 
87 | M. nigra Gray ..----.------ Fae tes See oe 54 YASsoeco éu | Arctic Sea... | 
88 | M. corrugata Stimpson ..-.....-..-----. 53 Ou eae tea | Arctic Sea... 
SOME lateralis Sayeronss = 222-222 >2c sce Sa ey (Ake lal eRe se SI IBe tn Maine....... 
Genus CRENELLA Brown. 
90 | ©. elandula Tottens:..-s:222.. i252... Bale atog ead f; | Arctic Sea...| 
91 | C. decussata Montagu. ........---.-.-. 64 | 136a |..-.--.- 13q | Aretic Sea... 
92 | divaricataOvbietiy a= e+ - 2.2 lo on axis alllaittatene | eee | eee Hatteras .... 
93 Ce fragilis: Verniiles aeeeWeee. 265s is sasee SSunllege 25 14.0 70 | Chesapeake - 
Subgenus Mytilopsis Conrad. 
94 | M. leucopheata Conrad ..........-.... SAAS Ree RAs eeroscile- sce Maryland ... 
Suborder ARCACEA. 
Family ARCIDZ. hs 
Genus ARCA Linné. 
Section Arca Lamarck. 
5) | Ns woes yboene) - Soe. Sag sess sssoRes 5 Bee ere i ee 3; | Hatteras .... 
96 |. A. imbricata Bruguiére -.......5------|....|sacece||-eecec|-coeee Hatteras ..-.. 
Section BARBATIA Gray. 
97 || Ae ‘candida Chemnitz 2.322 ee -acesss=5)5 52 e|easeee semen 2 | Hatteras ....| 
9g | A. yy Seats ESS ras Src Dabs esse esa [ac ah a ee | Pn St. Augustine 
99 | A. ectocomata Dall -.... 22... cece ceenes 6/9, 10°) 26.0 | 4225 || 22a 
1003) VAC barbata laimneé 22 eteoeecs ces See allescnl easel cee +s | N. Carolina.. 
Section Nort Gray. 
101 | A. ponderosa Say ..---.-.-.-.----..... Bre a MH ey G2 Se Cape Cod.... 
102 | A. Orbignyi Kobelt, ..---.-..---....... Pe |e! Given d Weenies! Sal Texas ....--. 
103 | A. Jamaicensis Gmelin................ Bred | Sek ae eres ae ¢ N. Carolina.. 
Section SCAPHARCA Gray. ts 
1104.) A. lenosal Say (2/5... 2 eo Seice See aces aA el Oe rae a | Hatteras .... 
105 | A. transversa Say......-...--.----.-.. 56 Qaleaioes ~ | Cape Cod....| 
106" |; As dncong rua Say 222-9 soe esses we e's) ee ee ee ee Hatteras ....| - 
107 | A. auriculata Lamarck....-..........-|- =| eke oo 15 | Key West ... 
Section ARGINA Gray. 
M08) A. PexabalSdye ses pellets stays eee ceo 169-53 ~% | Cape Cod.... 
109) } Ay Hlolmiesti Kar t77 = open icicle sete eerste tell ee ee teers Peel eee Laadde ates 
110 [AS Americana Gray, 2 asse a -tseccnsecneeleneelees seal estes aie ehres Hatteras ...-' 


TABLE IJ. B.—List of Pelecypoda—Continued. 

| Ber- 
East; Fla, | West West) West Southern ~Lsie 
- Hat. Ga.| Wa. Keys.| Fla. |T®*-| Ind. fe ge Eur.| Am. | extreme range. | Range in time. 
ox Ua eS oa lee ae ee ee Me take eee S Hatteras ....| P. Pliocene. 
Seta bane) witce:|oxeeleoe < eR eae = Hatteras ....| P. Pliocene. 
PPLE | he iX-|[,-| Ea) aa ge # leo? | No Grenada: 
SER Eos eee moc ce lnc altace ee: aaccloneat seas, | PELAttORASh.2cl bbs bliocene: 
Wo SOE Sl a eB eee) ee M Hatteras .... 
melee). Sat) ut Fe Ale tt saeco esos) barbados sos 
SeMPee ewes le tereicclh 2 eines ws thecet joc es .--- | Aspinwall... 
| Cag 4 Preilmesele Pk le * | Carthagena . 
Pa ee|- * ? . a Pt bebe lnae = AA DPEW add... c- 
ol ee ee a a a ee Oe ee eS OA petae 4 
nae eed See woes ae oy etl > [con HR eliocen Soculiace a)(5 SU OMAd +. 
Jy hee eee eet eiat eel bee WSS a los aale eee on chai te a 
ermine Zito chal ae Le - Oa Rl eee oY | aay a | Barbados.... 
ea ed * Oa * Se | oe |e mere, / St. Thomas ?-.| P, Pliocene. 
del AE “ * * eo eee wil eet ee OMAR <e 
Pete Mae fle oe | ae Ve SW eel aces i Velezuela.. 2) bhocene, 
ca ool ae Oe * # * # Nee eeeer| EOPInICadescs eb iocenes 
so | wal | coy) eng ag lee auce |aeee|----| ---- | Key West ...| Miocene 
sl Mh * * OTN 2 CAN rae stl eee Aspinwall. -.-.| Pliocene 
<= ei eam § Sled ence ec Oald en any Meo.g| pee Martinique. - 
Met lie teaae | eed ? aaa = line eo ere ee Reece eee Pliocene. 
[gS RAN RR St og | Charleston .- - 

We Ooh! oe ae ee Ae eye Tinian... 6 neeEnEs 


| Alt. 

TABLE II. B.—List of Pelecypoda—Continued. 
SUE. Name and authority for species. Pl. | Figs. 
Section ByssOARCA Swainson. 
111 | A. reticulata: Gmelin.......-.-.....--- aR pe 
112 | A. Adamsi Shuttleworth .............- Shel aoe oe 
113 var. Conradiana Dall ...--...-..-. aes eee ee 
114) AS nodulosay Miller oe sece= > eee seen lees 
115 | A. pectunculoides Scacchi......-...--. 8 5 
116 | A, polikeyma Walleaas. 5. eee ae!) Os | Byatt 
M7") Ac glomerula Walle isos: 2 Seek eee on 8 | 9,9a 
Subgenus Macrodon Lycett. 
Lis") Me aspenula, Dallietets on .s toe ones ae 8 | 4, 4a 
HON Mysactmata Wall peooss care soe. NS sa Se) 
120 | M. profundicola Verrill ...-.. 2 ici a 46 |23,23a 
eb NC LS Se a Sa eae asda Sonos aa eliesiaets 
1228 VP eind apuswuinnGn aoe epeesesecece coe 22 le oon lee eee 
123 | P. pectinatus Gmelin.-.......-..-.---- esa) ete er 
Genus LIMOPSIS Sassi. 
124 | L. minuta Philippi...--....--...-....- ae esc 
125) | etenella Jetireys-s-4---s-cse)es emcee ae ese 
126 | L. antillensis Dall ..---....-.....-..-- 8 | 7, 7a 
127 | L. cristata Jeffreys....-....--. Wooeoo0ms eal Sa eee 
128 | L. aurita Brocchi -....-...--........-.. Nena acs 
129 var. paucidentata Dall............- Sealgce cer 
130 var. piana Verrill.....-....--.--.. Pes Vas 
Suborder NUCULACEA. 
Family NUCULID. 
Genus PLEURODON S. Weod. 
IIR GP. Adamsit Dallates-cceee cee eee coer ema Aer 
Genus NUCULA Lamarck. 
120 ON eS eensis Jemneysy cecsce teste ieee - el seee ae eeee 
133) Ne cymellay Dalleececc rc see see ease ie 2 a 
134 | N. tenuis Montagu.-................--- 68 8 
135 | N. proxima Say-........-.....----.---- 56 4 
136 | WN. delphinodonta Mighels ..........--.. 56 8 
137 } N. cancellata Jeffreys.....-...----- ---- ea ase 
138 | N. granulosa Verrill .........-...---.-. Buchs acer 
139 | N. crenulata A. Adams ............-... 7 2 
140 var. obliterata Dall ............... 8 2 
141 | N. Verrilli Dall............. we ceeeieecelltenel poenes 

ror || one 
pained Fay ayaa 
reeie of7 | Hatteras .- 4 
bye ce 42 | Hatteras -. --| 
i a 25 | Hatteras .. ..| 
seas ahs | Norway ..---| 
8.0 | +535 | Norway ..---| 
9; 75) .22 J. |ti 2 eeeeeeee eee 
5.75} ¢2$ | Hatteras -- -- 
8.5 | 3318; | Fernandina-. 
6.0 80 | Florida Str .-| 
12.0 | 2021 | N. Lat. 37° -.} 
pase 92 | Florida Str .. 
seeee 48 | Hatteras .... 
bs eee 73s | Hatteras ....| 
See 737 | Norway ----- 
10.5 | 2os5 | N. Atlantic -- 
3.5 | @2; | Hatteras .... 
cate. +885 | Norway - is! 
22.0 | 7242 | Norway -..-- 
9.0 |) 874 (|. 2a 
14.0 | 3434 | Chesapeake... 
2.87 | 205 | Florida Str.. 
10.7 | zéz | Mediter. Sea- 
5.1 | #23 | Florida Str.-.| 
eeeeee 2s | Arctic Ocean 
ap réo | Nova Scotia. 
shea Se Greenland. -- 
no ee fps; | N. Atlantic -- 
SE sur i$; | George’s B’k. 
Usey | A Hatteras -.-.| 
7.3 | 2 | Hatteras ..-- 
4.5 | 748% | Rhode Island 

a en SEL aT See 
. at , cia 



TABLE II. B.—List of Pelecypoda—Continued, 

N. J.|Va.| Hat. Ga. Rast 

eet se - ae 
Meiecst t,.| t 

4 Cues 
“soc area 
an i a ; 
ae * +'* 

i: -- ee -- 


* ¥ 
Sota [ot® 
Es t 


Tex. roe mu- | 
* | da. 
* * * 
a OE * * 

fas Westy Azas 
eeee 2 -- 
RA |: 


a Sethe ashanti 


wee lene e| weer 

extreme range. 

Barbados. -- - 
St. Lucia .... 
Cedar Keys. - 
Sand Key.... 
St. Vincent .- 

. | St. Vincent - - 

Yucatan .... 


St. Lucia .... 
Barbados... . 


Florida Str-. 
Yucatan. .... 
Grenada .... 
Jamaica. .... 
Dominica .-.. 

Bahamas .... 

Trimdsd 25. 
Yucatan. .... 
Hatteras .... 
Charlotte H.- 
New Jersey... 

St. Vincent... 


Range in time. 

P. Pliocene. 




P. Pliocene. 


TABLE II. B.—List of Pelecypoda—Continued. 
j Alt. | Range 
Se Name and authority for species. Pl. | Figs. a ain oxtenn ee 
Family LEDIDZ. 
Genus LEDA Schumacher. 
Subgenus Yoldia Mércb. 
142 | Y. solenoides Dall..........--.--.----- 9 | 2,2a | 12.5} 118 | Miss. delta .. 
1437 Y. lrochina, Dalle 28. 5-2 eee eee ee ae ee 9} 1,1la | 13.1 | 3% | Gulf of Mex. 
144s ON: limatularsayeesc-e-ee ese sense ; be ° ; zee.| §o | NODwayseeeen 
1450 Y= sapotilla Goulds ares. <asc2 = «acces 56 O53 saree z3z | Arctic Sea... 
HAG? "Xi, iBCrICCA ENTERS seme ee Lec 2 ~ 0l eos mere Seale ele eeeas 743°; | N. Atlantie -. 
TAG IEY, Inebes Smith se see os eee cakes cee seca seca eeseae 4.0 | 422 | Cedar Keys..; 
TAS) Vo ansenlpia JeHreys ese s+ eoo sees o> -eel aaeee eee ao | N. Atlantic.. 
BAS Os heliteyst Ha e@ =: ona. == ne eee eee a ee eee Pi’; | N. Atlantic... 
150 || ¥. subequilatera Jetrayss. jac, cp 2aas2-lcoro|Jo-mee| acc oe 1331 | Norway -...- 
fol | Vs pompholyx Dallre. merc otee tae soeiae | eral dan aae 4.0 | 224; | Fernandina - 
Subgenus Leda Schumacher. : 
Al50 -\ us Carpenter Dally... 2x aon ate =: ; also 10.5 | s4--| Hatteras .-.- 
153 | L. messanensis Seguenza........-----+|_._.|_..... 4.0 | 335 | N. Atlantic-.. 
154 lu. SOlidmla, Smit sce cee rte= | mem mie eee eee apes “4% | Hatteras ..-- 
155 | L. vitrea Orbigny....-....-...-------- & |12,12a] 6.5 | 422 | Florida Str-.. 
7; 3.8/1 og 
156 | L. acuta Conrad ...........-..------ 45 15 ; zis | Rhode Island 
; 13.0 e 
64} 140 ‘ 
i575 |. eushiama Verrillss pices cecccss == cee cacnileneese 15.0 | 422 | Hatteras .... 
158 | L. concentrica Say.---.-..-..-- 2. cee ia bill stays Sree aa eel | eS Texasic.. ee 
159 | L. Verrilliana Dall.........--.-...-... Sue dlewdsee 13205) eee Hatteras ...- 
BGO Mb ———— ee easier aie alae ststeleislors facts Sieisteic oe Sadi esosee 4.1 | 2%; | Cedar Keys.. 
2 ee ee ee er em Baeaibocwce 4,0 | #88 | Florida Str-.. 
162 | L. quadrangularis Dall ........-...-.- 8 6| 4.6 | -653 | Hatteras -..- 
“163° | i pusio Puilippiges.) ace eee ee : toa 58s Sage #8 | N. Atlantic. 
164 | L. solidifacta Dall ...............-..-- 7 | 7a-b | 12.5 | 287 | Florida Str ..| 
1 G56 | aes toe tre oe ins Namie se miociee fac ce ieee eae | eee ae 438 | Cedar Keys... 
Section NEILONELLA Dall. 
166 | L. corpulenta Dall ............+---+-. 7|1a-b| 9.5 | 499 | Florida Str. 
Genus MALLETIA Desm. | 
Section TINDARIA Bellardi. 
167 | M. cytherea Dall. 22... 5- <2 2c. Seejseee 8/1,la| 86] 723 | Florida Str..| _ 
168 | M. amabilis Dall........... ee 8 | 15.0 | $3§ | Cedar Keys.. 


TABLE II. B.—List of Pelecypoda—Continued. 

East} Fla. 
N.J.|Va.| Hat.|Ga. Fla. |Keys. 

we ane| enee 

oo ES Nad 3] MRS Hie ie eee 

ite Tex. 

core [ecce 

t t 

West West 
Ind. | SO" OP) age 

twee lees 

eleeee| eeee 


extreme range. | ®@nge in time 

Yucatan. .... 

N. Carolina-.-.| Pliocene. 

Hatteras .... 
Florida Str.. 
Culebra Id .. 
Florida Str .. 
Florida Str .. 
Grenada .... 




Sombrero ...| Miocene. 

Florida Str .. 
Trinidad .... 
Cape Fear... 



Florida Str -. 

Jamaica .... 

St. Vincent... 
Tobago ..... 


TABLE II. B.—List of Pelecypoda—Continued. 

Alt. | Range 
SOF: Name and authority for species. Pl. | Figs. soe in oxaenenaeee 
Section NrErLo A. Ad. 
169 | M. dilatata Philippi ........---.-.---- SS eel ...-| 333 | N. Atlantic. 
ATO APM a oer 1S e oe Ses Ge Eee acen SLeVG EN ieee 1181 | Cedar Keys... 
Lie MO btusay Sansa selects see er omecieeee sielivcehe Sede Pa Norway ----- 
Genus GLOMUS Jeffreys. 
172 9G es mitens Jetiheyisincs sae saasse oe te caso al ae eae “284; | Norway -..-- 
Genus SOLENOMYA Lamarck. 
Soe Savelimesay, manne. aaacee se wee eee eee 58 3 | 20.0 | 38z | Nova Scotia- 
GA SS pastes RY ORM are I bee eS SS eee 12.0 | 32; | C. Lookout-. 
‘175 | S. occidentalis Deshayes .......-..-....|-.--|----- 7.0] ¢ | Gulf of Mex - 
Genus CARDITA Bruguiére. 
1(65lgC 1 domincensisiOnblomiv, = soecce -ee eee | see eee eeeiees 3%; | Hatteras De 
17.0) Couradi Shuttleworth $2220 40sec. | Seen ee a oe Tampa...-.- 
L7BuleCtloni Gama Conrsdo% = 55 = diese etre See oll ore! | eee lara Sere | eS Tampa ....-- 
179) | tCeroracilis shuttleworth: - cee eee ciscce| ssc ee ete liee see | eee Tampa -.--.- 
Subgenus Venericardia Lamarck. ; 
180) Vi Dorealiss Conrad). -/222ss2e5 aoe 58 Ooi ote as tix | Arctic Sea. -- 
181 VAT Vora abe ayes aoe cists cee |e me beg pe | eee $f; | Rhode Islandl 
182 var. nov-anglie Morse ...-...-...-.-- 58 LO} | eee ~y | Nova Scotia. 
1SSE lave tridentata Sayaee cae aa seer ae Be Sa yeue Be | tee Ve; | Hatteras-.--~ 
TA Vina bellkarConrad’: ss eee see see Fphtee || See Ren me aes 73 44 | Hatteras ache 
Family ASTARTID. | 
Genus ASTARTE J. Sowerby. 
| | 
Hes! AS undatia Gowld f=. Me sos ess eee 58 a See +3 | Nova Scotia. 
NSGM| Ae CAStANeag Say, i)-= 2 cess Sees es 58 vibe ees as | Nova Scotia. 
187.| A. lens Stim psoneess ssa cee eee ee eeee See cs, Stee | eee eee 2; | Rhode Island 
188 | A. Smithii Dall ...... DS Peretti oa «| 7 |5a-b | 7.0 | rés | Gulf of Mex -| 
159) (PA clobula Dail ee os ens ses ee eee Pye 1 La Seeds fs 5.0 | #34 | Fernandina - 
190) WA. nana Jenreysy se... .cse eee 7|6a-b | 8.2| 33; | Hatteras .--- 
Subgenus Goodallia Turton. | 
DOD | Gi ss eae oar ln an ea wee emia Gee eee secee| 33 | CapeLookout 



mur, ee 
SAAS as 
Shh = 
Seale ? 
‘ 1 eee oe giald se ees ee 
wa * * 104 CoP AN ellen tet 3 
a * sa Re ae) Pee Re Aa 
t =e Ut Ssee ee borne eae ne 
= aye xs A ee * 
Hse. pe * es me Rs ts ine 
ameath Ne Sal, 5 “ Bcelesa ses fester eroremi eete 
or ee a Sete mo : " bl ie ae ee 
1 lee See eee 5 Heh ote eee a> sere 
ERE SAS Ret ne Pa Re a PE 
eae to t t == t re paar meee 
See ie t poraIBAe t BC oe eee 
ta st ‘ * * sey * Sa | 9) lhe 
) ome 
10! 2) AS RS A i oe es Perel Pee 


TABLE II. B.—List of Pelecypoda—Continued. 


extreme range. | Range in time. 

Old Provid’ce| Pliocene. 

N. Carolina..| P. Pliocene. 

Guadalupe .. 

Sombrero ... 
Key West -.. 
Key West -.. 


Hatteras ....! Miocene. 
Hatteras .... 

Rhode Island 


| Charlotte H .. Miocene, 

Charlotte H .| Miocene. 

Hatteras ....| P. Pliocene. 

Hatteras ....| P. Pliocene. 
Cape Florida 

Barbados... -. 

TABLE II. B.—List of Pelecypoda—Continued.. . 
ar ? ; : Alt. | Range North 
No. Name and authority for species. Pl. | Figs. = ican nein Tinie 
Genus PARASTARTE Conrad. 
{92 | P. triquetra Conrad........----..----- 49 |6,7,8 | 5.0 |.----. Cedar Keys..| 
1931 P. concentrica Dall’ 222242255225 22 2 Ephaca ee seers 5.5 | 4§ | Hatteras .--.| 
Genus CIRCE Schumacher. A: 
Subgenus Gouldia C. B. Adams. ; 
jigai| <G. cerina OB, Adams ---<22--se-. oko. 7 | da-b | 10.5 | x25 | Hatteras ..-. 
AOS (Gateyc lances Mave eamenems RONEN. Coase rere ees Ss 8 Sere #3 | Hatteras ....| 
Genus CRASSATELLA Lamarck. 
196 | C: floridana Dall:--2-. .---5. -2- 22... ; a or ee Too | Hatteras ..-.| 
Subgenus Eriphyla Gabb. 
197. | EB. lonulata Conrad’ 22222222 4-- --- =.= je) WHE; Wooo. ria | Cape Cod ..- 
198 var. parva C. B. Adams...-..-.--..--. Bee leer as le aes! ?é | Florida Str--} 
Suborder LEPTONACEA.? 
Genus TURTONIA Forbes & Han- 
199 | T. minuta Fabricius. .----..----.---- ee me ‘ ee ae ate Arctic Sea. ._| 
Genus KELLIA Turton. 
200 | K. planulata Stimpson ....-...---.----| 56 pees a + | Arctic Sea..-| 
Genus LEPTON Turton. 
901 | hi. loncipes Stimpson - 22 = -.-2-- 22-3 bee 2 | Sooo ee ae |e Hatteras --.-| 
202 | L. eee er ere ieee are er emer Se Plc Ses 22 | C. Lookout. -} 
SY DS hel Wye es ee A Coe SE Re oe aes HN SoA lliseaeet 22 | C. Lookout.-; 
904 | L. Ae Pe eae eee ere Noe Sees clh oS sis 2 1 C., Lookout..| 
205 | L. lepidum Stimpson? -...--.....-...-. BE eS Sera eb 124 | Hatteras ....| 
Subgenus Fabella Conrad. 
2067) EE constricia) Conrad 2pesea cess ss sees leees|asem ee eee eee 


3 J.iVa. 

~ "a? oe 

[esse ee 


Cas) aes 

; ae 

. eee = 

tz; < 



WN Te raac fos 







TABLE IJ. B.—List of Pelecypoda—Continued. 


37 ——4 

Ue i ——- | 
: | Ber- | 
., | Bast | Fla. | West West) la. | West Sonthern Pea 
Hat. |\Ga Fla. |Keys.! Fla. Tex Tavde | itt ‘Am. | extreme range. | Range in time. 
grees ee eee ete P Pe eee | ....- | Charlotte ...| Pliocene. 
MGM ae oe 2 AN eS el es eel ascent mercial ed bi jnpne 
Sea ane aie ese ete t * |....|.... | Barbados-.--.| Miocene. 
t [oe | ---- | ---- | ---- |---| 2+. |-- SpE oan Rae, 2k ee ee 
Beal ie Z “4 eee Barbados... -- 
eal ig Be ee ral oe ¥ lee). 2s | Barbados:....|' Pliocene: 
ee t oe eet et ial he) Barbados!.~.| Pliocene, 
| | 
- rarest 52 Pe hota eee eel nae a CarOLS : - 
| a 
1 UNG Ne op Ua E ? |....|----| -... | Hatteras....| Pliocene. 
meeaieere emia a ees Pe he |S PCS eae os (se © MOUI aioe 
Soma Wie tel aici oriae 2 slices < er ers een op | tee eee Pliocene, 
* : at weet eS Pe |g ene a er’ lee eae <n ae 
* “3 ii ‘ Ax’ Root ssehesn 1 1s SS 50 cae Bi Fos: Sat an lesa Oe eee 
Teas ee hed he Sah foal | dain [ind Coreen hte (ie Sia eee Fo eseas 
2 AY cay OF Ae We eae Py ie Bs os 


TaBLE [I. B.—List of Pelecypoda—Continued. 

Alt. | Range ts 
ae Name and authority for species. Pl. | Figs. ies ; dct aaa range. 
Suborder LUCINACEA. 
Genus THLLIMYA Brown. 

207 | T. ferruginosa Montagu..---..--------- 45 13 | 8.5 | 38% | Norway. .--. 

909 | CL. panudule jetineysi---ss2s50ees= seer CERO oe NA oe pall btn Arctic Sea. -- 

209 | T. elevata Stimsson ...-....---.------- 68 Giese gz | Maine.-..--.- 

Genus CRYPTODON Turton. . 

210 | C. obesus Verrill .......---.---------- 58 12) cree trix | Aretic Sea... 

211 | C. ovoideus Dall ---. ---.....--«- .----- Ai eye Bie Se ee ate 353 | S. Carolina... 

212 | C. grandis Verrill and Smith .-......-- 46 92 | 21.0 | 7228; | Delaware -.-. 


OBS 1) (Ca Onacuioydriuls IDEM ese Sees Soe6 soca soe bite Sill peewee emcee $f; | Cape Fear... 

214 | C. ferruginosus Forbes ...--.----...---- wks. | se ncce| soso s | ee, | Amemer Seams 

215 | C. tortuosus Jeffreys ---.---.---. ------ een oeenen emma $20; | N. Atlantic... 

216 | C. Gould Philippi-.------------.----- 58 2 sees gio | Arctic Sea... 


Genus CYRENOIDEA Joannis. | 

O17 |@, floridana Dalliox 928 Senos es -|-ee lee he Fernandina . 

Family LUCINID. | 

Genus LUCINA Bruguieére. 
Subgenus Divaricella Yon Martens. | 
O18 |). -denbata Weood..2252 lee. .sas-e a. | 58 Gwitacees S, | George’s Bk. 
219 | D. quadrisuleata Orbigny ..-.--.----.- eee eeese Rossa ee Hatteras ....| 
Subgenus Lucina s. s. 

220 | L. pennsylvanica Linné........-.--.-. Yoel leeaated eaag eee Hatteras aes 

222 | Le filosaistimpsone eae eee ets | O Fah ae aif | Arctic Sea--- 

222) be qanialcensis amare ket. =) asatcpet =| eee (eee aes |e ee eee St. Augustine 

223 | ti: flovidana Conrad. 2 ht) 2.6 2228. | eee eee eee oe eee Cedar Keys...) 

22a lbaa nes pie} WMS SA ones pees onop Se aees|laaad|soccce|jscosse\|a5aucc St. Augustine 

220'| us pecten Mamarcls 2322257 2s Ses ee ecole | eee ones | ee ee eee Tampa ...--. 
226)| i dentienlasReevie =s54=2ese=snee eee HSPN eee goo | Turtle Harb -| 
2076 \ Ty, peetinellaC: 3: Ageinsiecs.: 22) Sees) Seen Beas ee eee Cape Florida| 
228 | L.isquamosa Lamarck. ..:...-:-.------- Bee ela 2; | C. Lookont..} 

229 | L. costata Tnomey & Holmes.......-.- Ree eer ees sia | Hatteras .... 

200s erennlata Contadas ss: ss s=sses 5 eeee pase |[-cossllice =< azz ; Hatteras .... 

231 | L. trisuleata Conrad ........---.-.----. wate lesen aes ee 3°; | Hatteras ..-- 

232 | LL. leucocyina Dall ...-- Few eee ret iJ.) bs | DMO! 785 | Battersea 
O53 4 MU SOMMDECTEMS1S) Dalene meee ee: eee ee | 6.5 | #9 | Gulf of Mex.| 

_|N.J.|Va.| Hat./Ga. fat Kera. tit ex |W mn Bur.| West etcnercaik Range in time. 
4 | oa. | | 
| Se Si ; rf 
° | 
“i Sots) 2 Sales ae eSoieeeg ces see ie ss i Rhode Id? .. 
yt |sx) t Saks Seether oa Ue Hatteras -... 
(oe ee, a al i | Fae, el Ips Sl ba | soard\ O88 Hatteras .-.- 
a t Pie |. 7 t 2 Ss ‘ .--- | Cape Florida 
: ABR Pes ee a lame | pe ee 
E it) 25) 2S 50) RSS Ree Ie en sere .|---: | Hatteras ...- 
P t Bel ot se /5t he eee eee aes tC OBEN orca 
| ols se SEE Sa Vices er oee| ee t t | Hatteras’... - 
emer cleats |tacecclsecl cece |ect.|, T |lc-c- | ibauberas.. >. 
Mette, | cs |-<s2] «= Beet eeet | cece feaw | aces |ecaelaess| seo~ | BmOUe tas...) Pl Plioeene. 
fete | * |b o® [oto | f...}....} Florida Keys| Pliocene. 
, | 
4 | | 
i | 
te | = eee pares Ne Sai me sizes | eewelhs «Pace. 
| Beat ae fe ‘Trinidad .... 
id [2 ~ d =| ™ [ewes jones .--- | Guadalupe ..; Pliocene. . 
Bt |e t + SO ee as i .| .:.. | Patagonia-..-| P. Pliocene. 
ead S| aor ill ee ke .... | Guadalupe -.| Pliocene. 
565] SSRa ne ee Sel rete . =|/2e..< |. Key West —. - 
d eed sg 7 * Pe . Aspinwall... ; Pliocene. 
SS ee * co thear [ae | ‘e = Curacoa..--.-. Leys Pliocene. 
: Sel ea~ as self ee eae Cubar---- ee - 
, oS) ee ee oes ‘ Ei 3 | = ee Jamaica. .... 
ae eee lcs & * wen] Sl ag seal el eee Guadalupe .-. 
¥ og: Ee aN A |e Sy pees eee |g Yueatan..... Pliocene. 
ie * * LAIR seated Fp iodo bh US, oa) ery oi AE @abais/:2-2-: Pliocene. 
‘ ants] oe bi 52 as a BOS eA Ree peas | oo-- ) Cube@erct aver Pliocene. 
SS ee 1} Sel beeen te A IES Se Pere en Sa eae Boat) -.-- | Sombrero: ~- 
Beto loreal, [awl t t Poh aba teeeslteecl ews act POMDECED = <c 



TaBLE il. B.—List of Pelecypoda—Continued. 



TABLE IL. B.—List of Pelecypoda—Continued. 

extreme range. | 

Ss Alt. | Range 
No. Name and authority for species. Pl. | Figs. or -| in 
s Lon. || depth. 
234) Le sagrimata, Wall 22 Se eeee ee =. ee =)e ea all nee 10 | as 
235 | L. multilineata Conrad ...--..----.---.|..--|.----- 15.0) 38% 
Pale) || [by shhinvers Comers, Go oe s5n55-hoeentoo cose Bis reese (ean sou! 
2370s seararWamlane Kea = ase tare ait ao) | |stats | erent LS 
Genus LORIPES Poli. 
238 | Ll. edentula uinné-. ------...-----.---- ellos ecteee 2s 
239 var. chrysostoma Morch-.-.-...-.--. ae 'sll exis Satelite prove Poe ie 
240 | L. lens Verrill and Smith.........----- Bees coce ease giz 
241 |. compressa) Dalz. - 22-5 2 5--. ---- ---- 14 2 | 10.0 | aie 
Genus DIPLODONTA Turton. 
45 |10, 11)) : 
PH | IDE bye Bq SiS So oc ooe aeeoes ads 64 | 136> 25.0) -24; 
| 65 1334 
243 | D.subglobosa C. B. Adams ....--.-.--- | ail Seen See |: ae 
MARV TD sorormC. By Adams @eLce see eos Cee, 4] 9a, eee eee ea ee 
245 | D.semiaspera Philippi .----.-..-.----. 2 e | See eee pote 
Suborder CHAMACKA. 
| Family CHAMIDZ&. 
Genus CHAMA Bruguiére. 
246 | C. arcinella Linné-.....---.-----..---- oie eters laces oe 
247 | C.sarda Reeve.......- Beeson ess Sau Japa eemepe lees | we 
248 | C. congregata Conrad-....-........... Bia tee eee yy 
249 | C. macrophylla Chemnitz.. -.-...---.. “EE NEHL IS ope 2 IL eae xfy 
Ca) Ce llevounnicey: IDNR See eon po Sess tocol) sollasose5 20.0 | =f3) 
Suborder CARDIACEA. 
Genus CARDIUM Linné. 
Zo | 1C- macnn Onn seme s ee ays sea LS ani) eG pee ees 
Ops. || (Oe reoronachiay Ibbmvs Jens 5boseos begasens EAS CDR BN) weed | bee 
9557\ Omuricatuim . lini) 4 ces eae ele $2.4. ara eae 
254 | C. antillarum Orbigny-.----..----- Ee liad 6 | ie2o5) es 
205 | C. pinnulatum Conrad ......-.....----. | 58 i fae | zhy 
206 | C.islandicum Linné................--- ie ras | OR S| veeners oy 
oD. 4 7 
257 | C.peramabilis Dall .........--2----- ; Bs * 12.5) We; 
258 VAE MCh UME Dall: Jaen cee PR es ea a eae rs 
259 | C, medium Linné .-..-..... JS TSS eM ee ureay 1S es ed oe 2 

Hatteras .... 

Gulf of Mex. 

C. Lookout..| 

Hatteras -.- = 
Florida Str.. 

Hatteras weee 
Cape Cod -.-. 
Gulf of Mex. 

Rhode Island | — 

Tortugas .... 

Hatteras ....| | 

Hatteras ..-. 
Cape Florida 
Hatteras .... 

Hatteras sae 

Virginia, eset 
Hatteras ....| 

N. Carolina... 

Florida Str..| 

Arctic Sea-..) 

Rhode Island | 

Key West .-.- : : 
C. Lookout ahem 



TABLE II. B.—List of Pelecypoda—Continued. 

| . 
| Hat.|Ga East Fla. | West West | Bet- West Southern 

"Fla. Keys. | Fla. Tex:! Tnd. Pe i Am. | extreme range. | Range in time. 

oat Go a ee aa eal ch ee ie Pe = 2 ws |-tse |) Macatan .- 2.| 
5 eee -.-- | Grenada .. -.| Pliocene. 
eee eh tie Leche Webra So ee WOME. = hose os | Pliocene. 

Pees has nal Toh eee sy enen| Te f-necieerel | Gmadalupe .. 

- 3S baee Ste ap i) Bees Martinique ..| Pliocene. 

peeah lee cl oa | Sante Crea... 

eet tte lol) Oe We ewe) 2 I Grenadax.”- 

Lose ele oo =] <a Sombrero - .- 

Eee whan snip eta \|.e =| st) leer =|eonn] es =e | ROnOGerc. =. 

1S) SS os i Pee ole a ale | eh enc eel ENING. 225 ee ATOCeMes 

>| ea Dee Hanae eC sch.) (alanoeomete.c 
Heed. -t tele Sole aay tee eyes ee A bes ein Thomas =| Pitocenes 


ee |...-|--4,)-->- | Guadalupe -.| Pliocene. 
tS Se ily ie (eae (oe i ita wate | Trinidad .... 

Phe vase be Scoeee eee flac | ncaa’... | Miosene, 

Peers oe Poe ome bf ® [ce es Caracoa!: 4] Pliocene. 
Te A fel ee aa ae BAI rege Eee ies (jn =' i} Barbados. ..< 

er ar ee eet Cobar. a. Pliocene. 
5 ae eo 0 oa ies ae ee US ee 
ep ey ea ee |e c/o... | Trinidad ....| Pliocene. 
meters |c-|--.-|  * RS eo os a Rete Nicol ae Guadalape -.| Pliocene. 
; | ae Site euler ons | occ aleetc tae hoe eskout..| bP. Pooerne: 
une reat wie 1A so si Fe Ra 2) 


toy, oa t ee Oe ~naleer+| +222] Gremada. ..- 

cooley ees te eee +7 Ee ee fed anclcecepe::.4 Barbadose...- 

(ce aren ore | EeReZal retetaraae Pliocene. 


TABLE II. B.—List of Pelecypoda—Continued. 

| Alt. | Range 
pee Name and authority for species. Pl. | Figs. ie ay oxi 
Subgenus Papyridea Swainson. 
SG0E | es pullataumnn Geese season eee eee Seale alee san 33a | Hatteras .... 
961 |B Petitiana Orbieny ... 52. 22522. - 42% Jatelien Sate) eee zoo | Cape Florida.| 
Subgenus Liocardium Swainson. 
962) |. Li: serratumelanm Gr. os See eee le cis anell Aeon ee |ecetee 2, | Hatteras .... 
9637 los leewaea tampon) eae emer seean ||| eee) | aaa eee +; | Hatteras .... 
264 | L. Mortoni Conrad.........--..------. 58 8 21.0 2 Nova Scotia -| ° 
Genus CYPRINA Lamarck. | 
565. | OC. Sslandieadsinné .. 022.22. 8225. t4-« 57 1) 58.0| 4 | Aretie Ocean 
Genus ISOCARDIA Lamarck. 
Subgenus Meiocardia H. & A. Adams. | 
266.) If. ‘Agagsien Walls... ee t= aces 2-2 == 40 7 | 22.0 | 11% ooeeeeeeeeee 
Genus CALLOCARDIA A. Adams. | | 
Subgenus Vesicomya Dall. 
267 jen pllulamD alleen sieeeec ce see ae 8 13 | 2.6 |3%4 | Fernandina . 
268s) Women ustacDalk: 222. 6.2.6 soccer se 40 5 | 19.0 | 49% | Cape Fear... 
Suborder VEVERACKA. ! 
Family VENERID. 
Genus VENUS Linné. 3 
269 | V. mercenaria Linné...-....22, ---- Melee 5.0) eae Nova Scotia . 
ve | 
270 var. Mortoni Conrad..-...---.-.-- zeec|eseete| scoot. |.osce.| Hog isd ava 
271) Viv erispatayDeshay sous) cece. fae see el il eee |e sage Gulf of Mex. 
272) | Vi. rugosa, Gmelin . 25.2225. .22--- 22. ee hf ace hs Seer 2; | Hatteras .--- 
273 var. rugatina Heilprin ..........-. cla A oe eae 26 | Tampa ...... 
Sia V2 pilula Reeve ao oo an-cac eee Js ae | | ee aus | Gulf of Mex. 
B75, Vi. eribbablas© onTad’ =. s5ee se es | one (ea gee ane +f; | Hatteras ....| 
26.) Ve cancellataLinn6 .ge oc s2-. so. Seec seas aeae Slee Lees Hatteras ...- 
2770) Vis Beart (Recluz,, a= seme: he oe alles | eee | eee ee | Key West .-.| 
208, | Vy Waamarckil Grays oeee esse ee ee nese eee ae eee +f, | Hatteras -..- 
279 | V. grannlatavGmelini.. - so620 2 So os lee sel ee eee Tortugas ---- 
280.) V. pyomia Wamarele. 22: . 5222135 sys eee |e ees eee Hatteras .--. 
28 | V.meeicosa Sowerby, .-.2-i<. foo a alee eee pees qb; | Hatteras -...| 
Subgenus Anomalocardia Schum. 

282’ | A. “rostrata Sowerby « 522252726208 sens eae ae eee eee a Jupiter Inlet! 


tie hoe 

iN. J.|Va. Hat. |Ga. 

aes 2 * * * 
a sade: * > * #t 
Sate * * * 
om 6 fT  o'<, * Lodiad ececece -—s2ee 
ae ioe eee thal ess t 
eee aes yee | eet 

* * * * So * 
Bait) * * * * 
Sag (i TA a pe * 
petal’ Jt wesh ees] tT 
peeieeeiic sss | cel 525 | T 
Ocoee 1/2) Sens eee eee 
2 OSS tae * me * * 
wecel w= [ee ee] - -- x 
mate, Pee foe tess.) | t 
ie ee at | * * * 
<2 ea eet el WO lel 

East) Fla 


¥Fla.| Keys.| Fla. 



West) West 
mu- | Eur. 
Ind. da. Am. 
#+ eee ? 
i al eee ee | 
* ate Ml he 
aD * > = 
cal Cae SS 

Hee eater as Drnghe 
| ees eee hss 
Ten leowe | teoe te 

"e - occ -- 
eel eo soe 
t SA Bao oeor 
* Poe eee lets Ses 
- wer lweww el eee 
Le ees ne ee 
‘eg -—-—- wee el eee 
* -——— es «8 ee 
me -_——= «eee eee 


TABLE II. B.—List of Pelecypoda—Continued. 


extreme range. 



Guadalupe .. 

.| Guadalupe -. 

| Charlotte H. 

Hatteras .... 

Yucatan .... 

Florida Keys. 
Porto Rico -. 

Rio Janeiro.. 
Florida Str... 
Honduras --. 
Trinidad .... 
Aspinwall ... 
Guadalupe .. 

| Barbados.. ..| 

Range in time. 

P. Pliocene. 









TARLE II. B.—List of Pelecypoda—Continued. 


: - 
oS a ee ee a a 

Alt. | Range : 
oer Name and authority for species. Pil. Figs. oe deunn ice ae 
Genus GHMMA Deshayes. 
Aes |) (Cre ube owevery lal (Osi bere eso Seca ceo 56 15 Real ee ees Labrador..-. 
284 Var. Mmanhatianensis*2riMe ss 2222.2 |— aan\ e222 ones eee Cape Cod.-.- 
Genus CYTHERBA Lamarck. 
28on ECs Slap sont alls se ee en ner eee Oe re ee ee IE ooo Tampa ..---. 
56 | lo : 
PSO Oa Ounyeren iSAiyiehenoe au secessueHeases } | 64 1142 ; 50.0 | i; | Pr. Edw. bs 
cif ld Geary iootey CaonKelilay om Hecke aaaiae Saree! llay | eetec! Meigs 2; | Florida str... 
230 iC. 7 OvOmata COMTAC tases scae ee 1s ete beilttic Sees ei eee +).8; | C. Lookont -. 
Bn) (Ca Jneliveery ibeiripntd e. 2-6 ob aeao koe sce 3h abt ae eaters 2; | Hatteras 2254 
QO (a Ca ak as SS Oe Re ee are eae (ers © nee eee +2, | Hatteras -... 
Ole@a2 idonearCouradies sae ne= ee ease S29 boc ea eae eee Texas so 2eees 
Subgenus Callista Morch. 
292 kCromtacnlaiamnnn sae anaes ee 2st eee eee 2 | Hatteras .-.. 
POD haOs paannhed, GVO NU saci ap oem cpt oe ere me | eva |e meee eye ee Hatteras .... 
Subgenus Transennella Dall. 
2945 Conradina Dally ses= sere esee eee SSS Sa Aste 3, | Hatteras 22. - 
295 | T. cubaniana Orbigny --.--+-..------- Be Aes chal eae ¢ | Cape Florida| 
Subgenus Dione Gray. - 
2960 PD) i DionewuinnGrase- ess. eee ale Lisilessnes levees ele oeeee Gulf of Mex .- 
Subgenus Tivela Link. 
297 mMachroldes Bollea aes eee Poy | ie RMN Ua nae lls Bee Florida Keys? 
Subgenus Venerigiossa Dall« ks f 
OSH a VOSICA DD ANT. tak oe ses seats eis oe eee ee 22,0) +84 | Florida Str .. 
Genus DOSINIA Scopoli. 
29) DP. discus Reeve ~ sie) 3s. <5 sea. ees esas eee |e eo eee Virginia .... 
300 a7 1D clewans Conrad ie to aah a aoe Bh cere el ee eee Hatteras -222 
S0d2 lon, tennis eRecluz. «= 9554 sees aoe eee ee ee ee q Hatteras .... 
Genus CYRENA Lamarck. 
Section LrprosiPHoN, Fischer. 
302 |-C: carolinensis / BOSC). .ane0ce 225 oo ae mielseeeey Seeeer | eee Georgia - ..-- 

=. ee, 


East) Fla. 

Saat a 
* * 


ie t 
* -—- 
x x 

‘| Fla. | Keys.) Fla. Tex. 


Bs —List id Pelecypoda—Continued. 



mu-) Eur. Shea 

* * 
Tid] teeta le 
* iia 
fi eras 
ad * * 
* * * 
* * 
= ¥ 
* * * 
* * 
- * % 

extreme range. 

N. Carolina..| 
N. Carolina... 

Martinique -. 


se eeee 

N. Grenada .. 
| Grenada .-.. 
Gulf of Mex . 
Gulf of Mex - 

Guadalupe .- 

Key West -.. 
Santa Cruz.. 

Carthagena . 

Barbados.. .- 

er eee 
motel eee | - 

Vera Cruz... 

Aspinwall ... 



TABLE TL. B—List of Pelecypoda—Continued. 

es —. 

| ; ‘ ? Alf. | Range | Konther | 
Ber: Name and authority for species. | Pl. | Figs. ee Re exiting rien | 
i | | 
| Section Eqrra, H. & A. Adams. 
303 | C. floridana Conrad ...-.--------------|----|+----+)----7-}----7> Tampa ..-.-- 
Genus PETRICOLA Lamarck. 
304 | P. pholadiformis Lamarck ns ; 59] 15 o Pr Hawise 
: . pholadiformis Lamarck ...----- 64 | 14000) cof r. Edw. Isl. 
305 var. dactylus Lamarck ....-.. ---- = pelea Sis leech ete ae Maine......- 
2D Bebe Joos orisd eer dose one 2 ESS SOS cece ee Coral) Florida Keys. 
Subgenus Choristodon Jonas. 
307 | C. robusta Sowerby .------------------|- Se eae Bae es oe psd Cape Florida, 
308 | C.? cangellata Verrill ....---s---2-=---|; Pe os 8.0 | 70) Chesapeake - 
Subgenus Naranaio Gray. 
309 | N. lapicida Gmelin -.-.--..---.--------|---.|.-----|.----- fs Florida Keys! hen 
310 | C.‘earditoidea Blainwille ..-..------.--|----)---<00)|-scna- -~; | Cedar Keys- - 
Family DONACID®. 
Genus DONAX Linné. 
311 | D. denticulatus Linné..----.-.-..----- eile ATs a Texas..c. 20 
Sy piDs Wael SPheoe8 sana pena osoosecccolignselln-. a. ire _....| Hatteras 2.22 
313 | D. fossor Say ..-.--------------++------|.22.{..222. 1D: 5 lee New Jersey. - 
3140 |) D- obesa (Orbieny <- 2-24 ---erm-o-— «alee eie. ee _..|....--| St. Augustine 
Genus IPHIGENIA Schum. : 
S50 dis Drazen eee kee 5 52 steve eater ei |e eee | a rae Indian River. 
316 | H. bimaculata Linné.....-.--..-.--- fe Aaa, bell ale ae Fernandina - 
Genus PSAMMOBIA Lamarck. 
7 eb. VaginabusvRCeVe nies tect eee er (eee DONO Paes Charlotte H - 
Genus TAGEHLUS Gray. 
318 | T. gibbus Spengler.....--.-----.---- 1 i See Cape Cod ...| 
319 | IT. divisus Spengler.-_--- -2...-..-.-.-. 56 | till de Se ee oes Cape Cod ..- 
Genus SOLETELLINA Blainv. | | 
320) |S: rofescens'Chemmitziy. 22-2 5- 2s se- eee eee ee ee eee eee Gulf of Mex. 


TABLE II. B.—List of Pelecypoda—Continued. 

P A 5 
In. J.| Va.|Hat.|Ga, East] Fla. | West West | Ber- West} Southern 

Fla. | Keys.| Fla. Tex. Ind. Bis Eur. Am. | extreme range. Range in time. 

| | | — | |__|! —__-— |] “~~ — ———s — —— 

eo | t | - a ot |e = |....|....|--<. | St. Thomas: -.| Pliocene: 

a flaiasesan ara ere / eae ad ae Pliocene. 

ww wel ewes) ewe eee wee eww wwe =e 

e beat: See sae csi cae los oo: | GRedapA . 5! 

* # i - | tee ey ro eo 5 ei, NS og ee 
eee ieeatben | | 2-- |.c0-| * |e. |..--| .--. | Martinique. - 

Lae Af SaeWscos . # | z side AI er St. Thomas. - 
Peas | dd 
Beeeeeen=|-- | ----| * . Se oe as. .--.- | Rio Janeiro - 
cereiwet |e) * - | a lie = Sting lB 5 3 aoe Sb. ROMs 
i | 
Petlbmelees 2 | % |). * - et os See ee ..-. | Florida Keys. 
2) ES Be Arcee licnmine Ie tay lena since tal ee sell aoreteieg || (LORMSt es acer 
ens) =" 
eh | 
i é alot Sale ig ea i eee Ee DE oo ee ; 
H 1 
| | | 
Seeecreesel | © : 4 ARS ia tore Pee Trinidad... -.. 
1 | | i 
mei ias ois ssl Grae Seay es veo 
| | 
| | ve gate? : 
le el ae a ‘ * s | es ? | Trinidad ....} Miocene. 
] . 
ES 2 ee ed a en ae ee jeceelese+) ---- | Guadalupe .. Pliocene. 
| | 
| | nee | 
ee Eee Se ere ein ie saan Peel Me ea et eee 



Alt. | Range = 
Sey. | Namo and authority for species. | Pl. | Figs. ee acon enone eee | q 
Genus SANGUINOLARIA Lamarck. | | | 
Sil || So ikoseey bevel oe Sek cake boosoe 23) See ae ee Gulf of Mex - 
Genus ASAPHIS Modeer. | = ; | 
322 eA detloratian lnm Giese eee eeatoieer oaks haga el teeters eee Charlotte H 
Family TELLINIDZ. ha 
Genus TELLINA Linné. | A 
a20 | /T. -maghanspenolert= tac. <5. ~.<5eo kee Be eats eeeric ls cs - Hatteras ....| 4 
S24 | OE radiata mins ee ec ceo ot he eee ee en ecteeee! eae ee eer Cedar Keys... 
Se0t | is les wite arias BANG eee Per cia ene Nese Eup yce ees | caer SE Tampar...... 
SIGOr OT. taustar SOlanieie. 22. twee core Sees sais aa aS |o253 - - Hatteras --2-|= 
ved (0. calternate Says. 5oloes. heady ee ek Se ed ee ens Hatteras -... 
328 | T. striata Hanley ...--..2.200.. sce. [cdenate lose | eee | Florida Keys.| 
Noni ide albanian Cle) =eneerer meer See ere] sss rls <= acl) Sie 
330 WHE, Creeley DN, oe epee iisetellenencollosses: #u °| Hatteras 23am 
Sol. (I. interrupta WOOd. =o... 2h6. eos fee oni ei ate eee C. Lookout... 
Spey PUR dimmveciinh dl Mrinnoldlan ae se 4 coneueooes | Sas ae are ae eee St. Augustine 
333 | T, squamifera Deshayes -..-----------! val secs eae 22 | Hatteras ...- 
Sod. Sy baribiea Wate. wees. <b ee) eens | 6 11] 7.0] gf | Gulfof Mex.) — 
Ooo. penella, Vernier ae peels eee | 56 1 al pealieat = vs | Cape Cod .--| — 
+ Ee 1 cy > 
S56 Uh.) tenetae Saye een wee sss esse ; | 56 13: 8.0] 2; | Gaspé....-.- : 
Bayan, versicolor Wozzens 4.6. se ae ni me Fr en ae A 48 | New York. ..|_ 
B58 MT polata say "<td bee oe se ale cel cee oe aren N. Carolina-.- 
Boones sMOodesta, Vetrill Se fe Se ss obec ses a eee eee ee Hatteras -...| 
BAO SAN COCORA NSA, Soccismccee che Gee are eel pee reer 9 | Bermuda..-.| 
SAM ST ATS Say ers sale acs Sey ee as ee acts eS | Oo me ee N. Carolina... , 
DAD =| WIM OLA OAV. case Senne akc ae Saeed aks ee ree eres ell SSL cabelas _Tampar..<--< 5 
343..\ C. cuneatavOrbigny co 2. 5 56 cg seein eee ese cee an Tampa, csose k 
2M N= aa eM eee Ca Bee Ee [Bom 2. | Key West ...| 
3455/01, lintea-Connads ea. ssi a ee eee oer =; | Hatteras ...-)) 
346501. Gould ii chanley Gary Lee Soc oe less reat eens #5 | Hatteras ...- 
Genus MACOMA Leach. 
247 -| M...constricta Bruce uiame «cosa peel eel ae [fee tele _.....|. Hatteras ed 
348) M. brewitrons Say. <: dees. seec seo see aly cee ea SE eee §. Carolina..| 
340) OM. stemtia Say. . Ser <a eee ee 56 10 4 7 | Cape Cod i! b 
350. var. Souleyetiana Recluz________- ea he 7 ae St. Augustine : 
Soil 4) Mis: Mumnilae Dale oc eo Aa ee ee mE os | 17.0 | 8; | C. Lookout 25) 0m 
Be IVI ee is 2 ais ck a cara Ra wee /eeence 13.5 32 | Cedar Keys-.- 
Son), MecDalttea Linnés: 5-455 .ene cena 56 | (ON esr AH Arctic Sea. --} 
304 |, Mi cerinas CO BeAdams.>-_.,2sse4se ae Ihe Sapeeams fees aie Shark R., Fla. 
Joo | M. tampacnsis Conrad) .2-o25 sc-- eee oe eee St. Andr’s B .| 



TABLE II. B.—List of Pelecypoda—Continued. 

East| Fla. | West West West Southern 
Fla. |Keys.| Fla. Tex.| tnd. gas Eur. ‘Am. _ extreme range. 

|\Range in time. 


| Ea eee See (a ost hits th wed | Trinidad .... 

ac Sees) eee eee Hone Ses SEEN eee eel 5 yf Vi eee 


2 Cai ie ide Oe EA 

- voll eo te i i pam rs Se eo (selva. 2.) St: Themas. -* 

0 Se ae To Peate " |.aaa| e--=| Guadalupe .. 

Se eetee ies] == =5 1 --~ = S28 * |..--|---- | Guadalupe .. 
Berek tae se : bc hecal al as SU BS VP Uap ots Feed eee 
coelaheinte i | * ‘ * 4 gles |e oe) ee Pe al vi ah eee Pliocene. 

ee a lieies |= == 5 -2 ene ip lintda owns |S oee ese ce HENS GRen aa. 

Oe ee Oe NE OTe Meee ee eT 

oe os ae ee | eee ene re Silas ..-. | Medit’ranean 
a Eee alte oso | gle eanclle \eacalecce|icoce | Stee nomas: - 
q Peay | es ua ae | Po et ae oe Brazil: sere: 

SE ae ee oe ee te 22S ilhans ata ee oe Sees ee 

oe eerste .--- | Sombrero ... 

Se ee Paimeneticetas |) ee Been ee eee ess 1'| beeen 

bs | 

lee ita 2 loos ‘5 aoe op ets Maaco = ei Pater es || vi Neko es 


d | =: 
ES ST oe a ad Se aor ee col ee >| a badlos:.< .-1, Pllecene: 


aS ee al ere Waa StsA linet | canailere abot lp bathados. =. 

At ea fe eee bomoe| onc cous | RerasOtars. .. 

<i sab i x5 ee | Pact dan. | VEGA DAE gen!) 
; elias |==-- Pgesiink * |...) 2... | Aspinwall. /.| 
es ee Sue hee nc ts Vase. |. 2 a)inees heen. 1) GUE De 
Behn |e 2 UPS] Se eee see er elie pelle ces (he anor steed 

=) ose eee PE Ae ea er, ea ---- | Guadalupe - . 

Curagoa. -.-. 

: | 
Pie ee as > a: a A FR dai) | nce AL | a Tae cr: ee 
/ | 

Pate AP eer a ea ee ee eT + eh 

ce 4 roe neath foe» te Geel tens ate © n|(- WARLCRRUSUED Serene es 

4 | Fie es Bl eg * sok Weta be Doel | BR Fe as 19 bra Cao CMe 
eats es lect Se whl | ez eV Eee ete eee tele Oyo ga ed ere 

See Mee NS * Fe Wc oe [bo Pe on! |t eee te USC ALUD eT, 
ig Be jase: real (exe Waele celeaies raceaeel: eLE DAOORe< <3 

peeve rac oe Rese ae oe os ill Saws een CORR aire. | MeL OCEnEs 
= a : oe RR ees Te on = ff Samadee +; : 
Bernare. te No.2 fre ot Spee Wee Eas Charlotte H - 

eI Oe 
ar es rt 

Pi at in 3 

' . 

‘  T) 


' ' 


' ' 

ri ' 

' ' 





TABLE II. B.—JList of Pelecypoda—Continued. 

Alt. | Range ‘ 
By Name and authority for species. PI. | Figs. yee aon dstresore ne 
ee: ee: 
Genns TELLIDORA Morch. 
Sh) | A CnistuseweClUz .4 sees sees etese eae ah es Nag hs cll ses | N. Carolina : 
Genus STRIGILLA Turton. 
357 |S: Cablmatia) Winn r o-- ec aei= a 25 ee Be fees aed See el Sexcacsis Hatteras ...- 
358 | S. pisiformis Linné ..-.....--...-..-.- -tec|Peeess| ee eee Key West --- 
359 | S. flexuosa Say -----..----...- bee Sordi (ee eee eee ~~ =| Hatteras .--.) 
Genus LUTRICOLA Blainville. | 
360: | JL: interstriatanSay 24.2% -1 22 2025 2. asleep seco cleo ace|eeoeee Florida Keys 
Genus GASTRANELLA Verrill. 
361.|| G,.samida<Verrill .2.32-..222 4.202 28! | 59 8) 4.0| # | Conneetient. 
Family SEMELIDZ. . 
Genus ABRA (Leach) Risso. | 
362 | A. longicallus Seacchi..-.....-:...---- |: selects ee eee zie; | Arctic Sea- i 
363A. wequalis Saysscass coo: Ss cee Fl ee eel eee es eee eae Connecticut? 
364. | A. lioi¢a Dalls.2..2022-25 sso Jee deo seed: 4 8| 8.1! ds | Rhode Island 
Genus CUMINGIA Sowerby. : 
365 | C. tellinoides Conrad..............---- 56 | 14/|18.0| 2; | Cape Cod -.- 
Genus ERVILIA Turton. 
366 | BE. nitens Montagu-.....--2 .--2-- 222. |222./222 22. reeds Set, Tortugas .... 
367 | E. concentrica Gowlil .eh 2 ete eee | oe ae ..-| 79¢ | Hatteras sceere 
Genus SEMELE Schumacher. r 
368.| S. reticulata Green 225922 secede le 225). ese eae eee cee Virginia ....| 
369 | S. obliqua Wood ..--....--...-.- tanks. alee ehe eee ee oes eee Cape Fear. ba 
370 | S. cancellata Orbigny....-.-...-..--..{_...].- RN ote (se Hatteras ....) 
371 | S. nuculoides Conrad. ....-.-...--..--- {3 Seca Rian atin agrees +3z | Hatteras ....] 
Genus GNATHODON Gray. 
372.|/G. euntata Conrad 2.) ten eee ee cs Ba cll cere Peat na eee .| Gulf of Mex. 
oie | G. rostrata: Pebit--.- ee... ce-. oe seen ee eu Sp Pea ort a sale ane Gulf of Mex. 
Suborder MACTRACEA. 
374 | M. solidissima Dillwyn...-:....-...-.. 57 Ds 15020 Nese Labrador.... 
375 Var; similis Say .~--. 22<. <-s:- 4-2 ase |e2 eee 1 sie ek Hatteras ----) 
376 | M. brasiiana, Laniareksa5520.- 2254. oo aos: ae aeeeale det al Me eee Hatteras ----| 

377.1 Wateralis, SAycoe oes semen nee 69 Boal Sime eon N. Brunswick! 

E : Uy 


TABLE II. B.—List of Pelecypoda—Continued. 

/ | 
% a esa Fla. | West | West | Ber | West | Southern > sds 
erry Hat./Ga. Fla. Keys. Fla. | Tex.! Ind. ante as Am. | extreme range, |*#8e in time. 
| | aoe 
' | ] 
Sol ae oe he ey be Bek Trinidad .... Pliocene. 
ae | ai os Ed eke a (ey Ae Meee i Trinidad ....| Pliocene. 
Vase Seeeilescis ce caleeee eee Guadalupe - . 
| ae 3 
Riera *) Veena] | *  lean-laavel mene ante epee. P. Pliocene. 
> ec haa er Nee ee * |----| --s- | Guadalupe -- 
- feces] eee | eee Seachent— loses. seh > eo Co Leokouts. 
| | 
| i a 
| | 
| | 

Bae iezites-| t |... + |.--.] t |----| Grenada ....) Pliocene. 
Bonet cscs)? <a* tl ole a A Ge of Mex.| Mieceng, 
es ph aA | ..| eee) Martone... 
et | | 
| | ' 
So ees % / Seo! *  leecaheacc} so. | Quadalupe - 2) Miecene. 
| ' | | 
zo Meee ae | Pa ot Re ete | Guadalupe .-| Pliocene. 
|] * | “ | So esis eed sed a (aa | Key West». 
| j | | 
be t|)~. = Fatma . * |....) se. | Guadalupe - -| 
«he 71 oR Ps naga Pere as (en Mg OI eh, 
eo) ee eae A, 9 eh is eae PS .--- | Martiniqne-.., Pliocene. 
eeeereieR. Pete due) ois. .:|-eacleten|sescgh LARD Bose Miocene. 

ee Bicc como * Pet cckalcee| cee | We EL UORMa -.) leer 5 

SB Pe a eae hal Ria peas oe Si a ed ee ar el ed N= <2 | eee 
ce eeebeines WE. a4 sts of Luce cae -------- | Hatteras -.-- Miocene. 
ie! * a * = #* |....|..--| .--. | St. Thomas..| Pliocene. 
(A Nets (eae i 20 ag Peel Petes eee si eater Pliocene. 
> a i oN, Me el ol Sead] ath ROMS Str...) Mibgone; 


TABLE II. B.—List of Pelecypoda—Coutinued. 
< Alt. | Range , 4 
Ser. cr ce, . . likes North 
No. Name and authority for species. Pl. | Figs. Oy ace hi Pricer! a rane : 
Genus LABIOSA Schmidt. i 
S(Spt Lisdlineaba, Saiytsso- <2 -s-)s sere se ae 20t|seaues |e toca New Jersey.-| 
379! To. canaliculata Say o.2-% -25c8- 2s. 20) sere sees |e eee New Jersey .-| 
Suborder ANATINACEA. : ; 
Family ANATINIDA. ae 
Genus THRACIA Blainv. : 
320 | T. Conradi Couthouy.----.--.------.--- 69 Oe. saean 3; "| Labrador...-| 7 
36iu| JE Stimpsonit alin ej en eee eee ee Fe INE a 65.0 | 99 1.2 4 
382 | T. corbuloidea Blainville..-...--..---- Rareps Meera me Sis 14 | Hatteras - ae 
393) OT disthorta Montane. -s.2<te~5 aol) 00 | see eees tee ee | Gulf of Mex. 7 
384 | T. phaseolina Lamarck... ..---. See ecsee : Peal meee | hy Britain 
385 | A. Hemphillii Dall .....--..------.----| 222 2]..2.., 6.25 +2 | Gulf of Mex- 
Subgenus Bushia Dall. 
986. (By elegans:Dall .: tteee cece eeeeeeee 39 1/ 12.5) §& | Florida Str.. 
Genus PERIPLOMA Schum. 
387 | P. inequivalvis Schumacher...-..--... ace SNE ae |S se ee Texas?.._.-. i 
S838) Pcaneuibiterae hilly piers. cess serra let eee | ese | et | Gulf of Mex-.| — 
SSq IME" bepetamlenreys 4. °c: ssn oe The ah eel Hatteras ....| 
390 | BP. fragilis Totten -----.-.-----.....--. 59 rg spe V2 79, | Labradorsae: 3 
S010) P. papyraces | Say] Conrad 2-22. ote. | wel ees eee Gulf of Mex.| 
_ Subgenus Cochlodesma Couthony. 
S027 .C. weanmnn © onbad’ 2 eee eee =e eee 59 6) BON amen Nova Scotia.| — 
Family LYONSHUD&. alg 
Genus LYONSIA Turton. q 
1303 1 hyalina Comeads 2. a. tee sae eee 59 iG, ees 3; | Nova Scotia. “a 
SOA as eR O TCL ey TIE AG OME Ue epics eee || Oe en | 2 Gulf of Mex.| 
8957| thi beats Onbiony *)' ses! ee eee eee re casa.) 0; | Hatteras 2-2 * 
396 | L. formosa Jeffreys..---- Se cae tice pe Pala a 10.0 | 333 | N. Atlantic -.| — 
; 45 |4,5 le 
30704) dae? aratalVierrll s+. -ee. cee. “ee eee = ; 5 cee Bay Vs Rhode Island 4 
Genus LYONSIELLA M. Sars. | * . 
398 | L.insculpta Jetireys---.-.----.---.---- i alla tah le SEE. OS Norway - ee ' 3 
399 |; Labyasicola Sars passes te ae! eee ae) face ee ere eet Norway ----- am 

Re ee ee eee 





TABLE II. B.—List of Pelecypoda—Continued. 

‘East; Fla. | West West 
N. J.|Va.| Hat. Ga. Pia, | Keys. Fla. Tex Trl. ig Eur. | 
— See Ps Bee ES 
} | 
” * hae | r ss * eae | 
- * * * eS ae * * pa. : 
r H 
* Z LO BE a i = 
~—-* “= one -—=- = * -_<- - - 
58) ee it ind or * MY . * 
a os ae ated ltad >) 4 eee * * * ie * | 
2 Ee a ee o- ge eos | t j t -- x 
- - oe -—- = = - -—- - | |wewmwe lees 
Se ot) Se ee pee t Ht 
Rida aes : Bs. vee a i ~ Seale 
cae Al na ey - * * * es es ae 
238 6 See oe ae ee oes t 
SG ao 2 Na oe eee SRE A ee Sel ee 
al ee | eS een ee aed ea eee ee 
| | | 
| | 
* Ee * gee Rees A | Sager eae a s 
/ . 
* * % Sets “ * 
= Se) oe ae pe 3 * * * pv 
| | 
ies ae 20) 5 ly | Hee oo) t ee 
? oe Aen Te Niel Paces fpens isaau pate or 
ale! ie alae 
wv [eeee| oe [e-ee] eee | eee wee | eee- [eee | 
H { 
-- ewe| ee Jew ene ei eone wees eel Z 

24781—Bull. 37——5 




extreme range. | Range seine. 

P. Pliocene. 

Hatteras ....| P. Pliocene. 
Tortugas .... 
Key West -.. 
Honduras ... 

Marco, Fla .. 

Barbados. - .. 

Trinidad. 2. 
Honduras ... 
Florida Keys 

Santa Cruz... 

Hatteras ....| Pliocene. 



Nicaragua. -. 
Guadalupe -.- 
Campeche - -- 

Rhode Isl’d ?. 
| Rhode Island 

TABLE II. B.—List of Pelecypoda—Continued. 
Alt. | Range . + 
Ser. = ¢ : : : Nortbern- 
nae Name and authority for species. Pl. | Figs. | i aeeuh extreme range. 
| Genus VERTICORDIA Wood. 
400 | V. acuticostata Philippi--..-----.----- eile a eee gas | N. Atlantic .. 
Adie ViestlexnosamVercullics= se-peais eee Gds|P ABO) |Beee ee géz | N. Atlantic -- 
7) WW MACON SH goto Coeena enooss Sooo 5- lose ccaioossce a | Gulf of Mex. 
403 | V. granulifera Verrill ..---. Sieteie beet eaes fe Sali pcteyeae 8.0 | 1423 | Chesapeake -| 
404 | V. Seguenze Dall...-..----.---------- 2 ae hee 5.0 | 424 | Hatteras .... 
405 | V. perversa Dall..--..----------.---- 39 4| 5.0} 731 | Cape Fear. -- 
| Subgenus Trigonulina Orbigny. 
406 | IP SOrmabal OLD Omyeem teams steels meer Me Op 4.0 | s+, | Rhode Island 
Section Eucrroa Dall. 
407 | T. elegantissima Dall ----.---------- ; a Aa 7 ak 292 | C. Cawaveral. 
Subgenus Haliris Dall. 
408 | H. Fischeriana Dall...-.-.-...---.----| 2 | 4a-b | 10.0 | a | N. Atlantic... 
409 | H. trapezoidea Seguenza .........-.--.|.---|,.----|-----. i | N. Atlantic. 
Subgenus Cuspidaria s. s. 
ANG. \\WC wlaetaliissars te. 2.2242 eeecce seal see lees see ee zf47 | Norway -.--- 
Ali, -C. rostrata Spengler. -- 52 .2sc-o. 1526. | aoe eee semen zi85 | Arctic Sea... 
At? \-C; micrerhina Dall) S22. 22. oe esos o- 40 | 2,3 | 45.0 | 224 | C. Canaveral.| 
ALS \" Ce Jehreysv Dalles. oo. 2 sskessacnss ee 3 2) 15.0] 423 | Florida Str-- 
AWA | CobesamlOyven a= sae yee eee eee 3 1 | 13.0 | +385 | Aretic Sea... 
ANS Cae care wa banal see ese ee ee oem 3| 3,4] 12.5 | 640} Gulf of Mex. 
416 | C. lamellosa M. Sars ...---.------.---- 45 3| 7.3 | 4% | Norway ----- 
Subgenus Cardiomya A. Adams. 
A17 | C. perrostrata Dall....-..--.....-...--| 2 | 3a-b | 8.0 | 25 | Perkupaseees 
418°) ©. costellata Deshayes 2. 2225.5 2522 2555| = 52-||beecscleeee ek zzs | Hatteras -... 
A419 var.-corpulenta, Dall: -22 2see 2-2. 3 9 | 14.0 | 222 | Florida Str-.. 
420 | C. ornatissima Orbigny .......-.......|41| 21] 9.5.| 73z | Hatteras ....| 
421 | C. striata Jeffreys..5..-:-..--. ------ ; he Bo 19.0 | 722, | Arctic Sea... 
Subgenus Liomya A. Adams. 
Section PLECTODON Cpr. 
422 | L. granulata Dall sc ete 2228 Sik tect ee 8] 18.0) #% | Cape Florida.|} 
423 Var: velvetina Dallistess. eee see seen aeeeee 1.0 BA eee eee 




B.—List of Pelecypoda—Continued. 



at |B Hie, | West ron, | Wet 

a Mee ee gd ge 

eS ee Saree tae 

Aol AM a 

“i oe se be es 

Cs eee ves [esse] ene 

Loy eg OS aR ee ee 


SOS ae a t 

| MES a ae ae t 

_ onthe a + Nee Pe 

ce ae a ee t 

COTES ROG ee eee 
3 ee OPUS pecciee eae Be 
Soh & i a ae a 
Selicmwnl duce | civ o.e | siein= | ecun 
TSS erg Ne Get ieee 

soloed SRS ae Se ia 

Ce Waste 

pe hres t eae t 
ete te hice iy. t 

- | Eur. 
mu: (EAS! am. 
t t 
Alsat | 
t < 
Te Sane 
S t 
Y i Jai 
t Lief - 

extreme range. 

Rhode Isl’d-. 

| Barbados.... 

Fernandina . 

Gulf of Mex . 
St. Vincent-. 
Yucatan .... 
Rhode Id .... 

Grenada -... 
St. Thomas.. 
St. Vincent.. 
Guadalupe - - 

Florida Str-. 


Range in time. 




m™ i 

TABLE II. B.—List of Pelecypoda—Continued. 

_ | Alt. | Rang 
Ser: Name and authority for species. Pl. | Figs. ee tein aches 
pene oa | x (a is ta 
Section RHINOcLAMA D. & S. 
AOA) bralimera Walls ae as eee eee S yt 10.0 | 731 | Cape Fear... 
Subgenus Halonympha D. & S$. 
495 | H. clayicnlata Dall .2....,.2-22222..- 2 | 2,2a | 12.0 | 299 | N. Atlantic -. 
Genus MYONBRA Dall and Smith. 
496 | M.-paueistalata Wall 22-25 2252 2222) 22-<| see 10.0 | 483 | Cape Clear... 
497M, undata Vern -85e.—- nessa. some Se Reece bea aol sees sf | Chesapeake - 
428 | M. lamellifera Dall..-......----- baactes 3 7 | 12.5 | #84; | Cedar Keys-- 
429 | M. limatula Dall...-......-........... 3 5 |} 11.2 | 539 | Florida Str -- 
Family POROMYID&. | 
Genus POROMYA Forbes. 
430 | P. granulata Nyst..----.-.---.----.--- Bee eee ee OSoe 35 | Norway ----- : 
431 Vara rosundatas) etreys =. 2-22) sems | ose eee ae 7225 | N. Atlantic -. 
432 | P. neeroides Seguenza..---..----.---- Sa esas tesa $92 | N. Atlantic .. 
ASSo\ SP sublevasey errilll soso ea ecisice slsisieer ree 655) 128) |aaseee 2%; | Chesapeake -| 
Section CeTomya Dall. 
AS2) | P slonpatavy Dalle cso ae ie nelle aaa 2 39 3 | 22.5 | 489 | Gulf of Mex - 
435 | P. tornata Jeffreys..----..--- --....-- set VR Fee Py ce 4140 | N. Atlantic -- 
A8G\9E 2 albidia Walt 223s. 2c cecereeseevaseseee <5 al neon 21.5 | #8 | Cape Fear--- 
: | 
Marie ie Toul eaeWeal fae 2822s ; 50 | o's ¢| 130 | 4846 | Chesapeake .| 
438 | C. margarita Dall...--...---.........- 8 10 | 7.3 | 2323; | Florida Keys- 
Family PANDORIDZ. fade 
Genus PANDORA Hwass. 
Subgenus Clidiophora Cpr. 
A439) | C. trilineata Say -2s--2 252s e--se6 seo= Beeson .--| 74 | C. Hatteras .| 
A404 "Co Gouldiana Dall Sloe ose 222 ease bee 59 | 14 | 25.0] 8 | Nova Scotia- 
441 | C. carolinensis Bush -.---- bracseescsee 8 | 8,8a | 14.2 | A; | Hatteras -...|. 
Subgenus Kennerlia Cpr. 
A42)) Kelolacialis Weach) saeco cree te seote ses =| oer sees | eee 339, | Arctic Sea. -- 

AGS 1K Bushiana Dall 282s ceseneeete sess lee enlaaee ee 11.5 9 Tampa .-----| 

IN. J./Va.| Hat. 

aS t 
aa t 
Pe Es.c.. 
eee pon * 
Be ch. * 
aes i 




TABLE If. B.—List of Pelecypoda—Continued. 
Ga. Fiat Reps, | Piet @ex:| Voge’) mu ur West) geomternge, | Range in time, 

Led eee Alidteey eoealoor t Telecel ts 3% Barbados.... 
Boal ts t =e ean eee 3 6,|> LODSa LORS eeu. 
eee t ae inhs t ie ee .-. | St. Vincent... 

=e t t t 4 és). c2ee | J aniaies). 2. 2 

z t 3 =e t Z eee OCublvcce sss 
sh ee Ton keosa mcs le ..| t* | .... | Barbados....| Miocene. 
Heenan sole ase les t § t Barbados.... 
3 7 ee Re ee t bet l\eeuliecen i oat DaGosss.. 
ae Sain) om ae bemen| Sank de} ct t | Patagonia .. 
et eae +(e Sica SE | hese a Reel ee eel fees spe taal oF ats Pn Coy peepee 
i.) ee) ee een ee fit SSeS eee Sess: || rena occ 
Sea ds 1 ea Wee re Pe hy ade (Pie eves ete ae) Cart Af a ee ee 
Pall abe Pole h \oiwn| bots [engehact’ | eemm: jee OL BeeRe. 
tte erin A} outa! ciate) T \enesteeee geass |” EAL RAE ees ae 
=A 2 ee * 721, cua Lakai Seite] wks || Ge OL LOX ~ 
So le Mee Gece |daec [cons] 22 = S)Paueee |e Ny Carolina?) Plrocenes 
27 nen aoe iz t aie weit) hac, ORC RUER oA o52 
ea DAT Tis»)| aerate ibae eipe'= eis Florida Str -. 
ei] Rae A tka FE en Pe ea | .-.. | Charlotte H . 



TABLE If. B.—List of Pelecypoda—Continued. 

| Range 

| Alt. 
cor Name and authority for species. | Pl. | Figs. a Pen Peruana, 
Suborder MYACEA. | 
Genus PARAMYA Conrad. 
444 | P. subovata Contad-...---...--...----- Usseleesedy les Faak 3% | Hatteras :... 
Genus BASTEROTIA Mayer. 
445 | B. quadrata Hinds .-.--...---.-::::--- 1 | 2a-b | 10.0 | 85 | C: Lookout .. 
Genus CORBULA Bruguiére. | 
446 | C. disparilis Orbigny...--..----.-----. 1 | 4a-b |.----- sas | Hatteras :-..- 
447 | C. Krebsiana C. B. Adams. ..---..----- 1; la-b 6.1 ey Cape Florida. 
Adgr|"C. contracta Say toa: shs=-2e8 as 4ee=- ee oie 12.0 | @ | Cape Cod -.. 
449 | C. Dietziana C. B. Adams ..-.-.-...-.----- ies 5a—-b | 10.7 | +44, | Hatteras ---- 
450 | C. Barrattiana C. BR. Adams -..---..---. 2 \7a,b,c| 8.9 | 2%, | Hatteras ....| 
451 | C. Cubaniana Orbigny -.----.-...----. 1 3a,b,c| 12.7 | 725 | Fla. Strait | 
452 | C. Swiftiana C. B. Adams .........---- 2 |5a,b,c| 10.4) zi, | Hatteras ...- 
453. |\<C.ceymetla WDalloseos eee on ahs = ee ees 1|7,%a | 13.5 | §8 fC. Florida... 
A54”\ CO. nasute Say-..5--- saece: Ses. See see ates Pe 8.5 | gf; | Hatteras -.../ 
Family MYIDZ. 
Genus MYA Linné. 
49 9 
455 | M. arenaria Linné....--.---.---..--- | 55 2>| 75.0 | 2 | Arctic Sea. ..}. 
69 2 
Genus SAXICAVA F. de B. 
456 | S. arctica Linné-...--.------.--<-...--- 59 13 | 30.0 | 78,5 | Aretic Sea... 
ADT AMS. azvariva DD allin. | saan eo eee ea rae 4 | 9a-b | 25.0 |..---- Charlotte H.| — 
Genus GLYCIMERIS Lamarck. 
ANSI Gio rKEN ED.) SNe caesamiscacqaccaceas sucouble wwleleoddoebecense| eee sdl) ER beRasiaeae 
Suborder SOLENACEA. 
Genus SOLECURTUS Biainville. 
Subgenus Macha Oken. 
459 | M. sanctze-marthe Orbigny....-...---- apace 30.0 48 | Hatteras ....| 
460 | M. Cumingiana Dunker............-.-.]---.|------ 60.0) +44 | Hatteras .... 
Genus SILIQUA Megerle. 
AGL | Sw costata Sayirse. sce cass sees asf eee § ee a 5a sure ecres Nova Scotia - 


TABLE Il. B.—List of Pelecypoda—Contiuued. 

i 4 | : . i Ben | ; 
East Fla. | West West West Southern 
: Ga. Fin, pue Fla. aa Ind. | Me Eur. Am. ) extreme range. 

eS ee eee } a ee a 

' Range in time. 

il534e|PeRae Be Reed ees Se eae Ae Pano Miocene. 
Seeeeses te silasee| OP © foo ((ssenle™ * | St. Thomas... 

ee eec- leases) tes oF t |....|---. | Barbados....| Pliocene. 

31174 lag ee Sea eetel|ak ATy hilt ra!) = 3 3te Sea oa | Sees te IC Bess cas 
: | pi 
Be aexalected  Visasl Loses tensn|. «he o | OMMMEDs pes | Pliocene. 

wo eles Soll = 85d BAnbDaeos ace. 

ee ef eel || evs ie | Jamaica. .-.. 
Pee ECT Amlib Shes aE Se el oe aM aCe. cs 
* ot Se eal ese cee Ni i | WI elaeroetth an a eynisy aCe) (eee 

Pees ee eet sil seen lecaclcoten|cocs| sevdleodele Gordon Key. 

SS ia Pre Sal ei) cach eeeeieeae we ERRBE © eotes 

“ad ea PES aot soa sees Sere * | §. Carolina..| Pliocene. , 

2 NS a is pOeD lear He ah al ure So laa * | Barbados.-...| Miocene. 
Jee ean ee So lal cain DH Ua an ER aie wae | Gulf of Mex . 

Coe a ee eatin es eo el ee a ee  Gultton Mex. EloOgenes 

ve EF A oe ef a De “4 Wl Tne eee [PLO aNeLTO - = 

1) | a el ee bly Ro  oaes, | one ene st aes Pera eae 

Pen Seale a hoo aca Seas leacklondoo | aces sake lee he ELS uheras: = o2 

TABLE II. B.—List of Pelecypoda—Continued. 3 
Ber Name and authority for species. Pl. | Figs. Ion depth acne Saoes 
Genus SOLEN Linné. 
Subgenus Ensis Schumacher. 
462 | E. americana Gould ....... -.-..--- ; ee - 5 ; to---- vs | Labrador.... 
AGS “\sReviridisiSayaeeerse ll =. weenie aes eee |e ee Rhode Island 
Genus GASTROCHZNA Spengler. | 
464 |°G.-oxata Sowenby 222). o.122. 2225s. Sas a, 30.0} x | Charleston .. 
465 | G. cuneiformis Spengler .............. 2 | ee, 25.0) ye | Cape Fear... 
466 | G. Stimpsonii Tryon ..._........-..--- Be ae a 1Gh07 | eess== Beaufort ...- 
Subgenus Spengleria Tryon. fe 
467 | S. rostrata Spengler ...-.............- Pei oso ae eee ieee W. Florida -. 
Suborder ADESMACEA. 
Family PHOLADID &. : 
Genus PHOLAS Linné. 
468 | P. Campechiensis Gmelin ...--_..._... Se pane seer ime LA fe Hatteras .... 
Subgenus Barnea Leach. 
AGO: | Bxcostataiuimmné ears eae ee eee 68 Ooi pee ate Cape Cod.... 
470 | BeamarinmaOnbiomy tus... so-so oes Sit Me ee | ee Texas 25455 
AGA | a= (LRU Cateye ye el ee ee 59 iL Dalec a Sanco aue Nahant....-- 
Genus ZIRPH ZA Leach. 
472 | Z. crispata Linné ..........2.......... 68 Os een oe 2; | Arctic Sea... 
473 | Z. semicostata Lea? ..............---.|. OR leer vn OR ec < ys; | Cape Fear- -- 
Genus XYLOPHAGA Turton. 
474 | X. abyssorum Dall -..........--....-- 9|7,7a | 4.0 | -328 | N. Atlantic -. 
A/S) | eX dorsaliselunbon assesses eee Bo ees aliteat at xvetz | N. Atlantic -- 
Genus MARTESIA Leach. 
476 | M. cuneiformis Say. 2 aoss cee eee Rema ri tie Per 4, | Connecticut .| 
Add OM. striata cimnGe.=- ee nae soe ee Se at ca oc (SLE Syste | reg Britain ....- 
478 | M. corticaria Adams ....-..........-..|. sh DS es a eae see. Charlotte H. 
; Section DIPLOTHYRA Tryon. 
479 | MM, Smithit-Rryon.s <25< 350A peers se ee me |e Staten Island 

Sot esas he ia es Sea Raa ane 
a - prot ee Et Pe ¢ . “ aS SS 
casio SKS OF THE SOUTH-EASTERN coset Tae siae 

ibaa I. B.—List of Petey —Contnwed a 

East, Fla. | West Tex West| = West Southern 

Fla. | Keys.| Fla. Ind. mu Eur.) Am.| extreme range. Bene SEES © 

J. Va. Hat. Ga. 

Ty ect Lt eee earn ---- | Sarasota :-... 

| : 
el ; 
«| os | eS ai SES AGT ac) Bt | ...|--.. | Florida Keys } rss 

a eee oie alt <* |gietigeardciiek Sal), Site kt RORERS* 23 
x | ¥ pied ED) SSS, (Gs Rees nee Guadalupe .. 
Beeaiieeicc.<|  * | vs REPS eh ig (2S es ee St. Thomas -. " 
| . 
ele 3 | vs ee ee ee a oc Cent. America Pliocene. 
9 ie ze m * - 222] =|. 2-27] SsAmeriea. .-| ‘Pliocene: 
5 ae 1S a= % * Eyl Cia Sh ere ieetete ea face 
a * seh a tage at ct AS pe 2) Pe gl Coe Ree ees Sr 
Pelee er bee oh.2 cee Ae-o.| * 14 “oi ee Coraline t.| Plseenes ee 
7 Sree oe eee ae bis sae wea S. Carolina .. FE 
oS Seas Oa a a a le (ee ct aot. ocia ces es 
>) Ses Faas ee ee oe P t* | .... | Delaware ?.. x, 
“YD aes Re a ee |... | Trinidad... ra 
pau ar Se x Tacs * | * | ? | N. Grenada..| 
2) ES ES eS Pee a eee cee '.... Guadalupe -. 

OF lm eae ee cam oA er A Tee al eat .--. | Manatee R... 3 


TABLE II. B.—List of Pelecypoda—Continued. 
Ber. Namo and authority for species. Pl. | Figs. “or a eqiontberm 
Genus TEREDO Linné. 
480 | T. norvegica Spoeler! tee dee sete sea cOS 2: abe aleeere New York... 
Asi.) Tnavalis hinné.29-24.-22.8. 522-455 ; Be 5 , Da eee Arctic Sea. -- 
482 | T. megotara Hanley .-....-.-.-:..-- oe en ; Bee eat Arctic Sea. .. 
483. Lhomsonishryon. . hes. esee. ee 59 Ah ohne eae Cape Cod -.- 
484 | T. dilatata Stimpson.-............---. 68 Was esha ee Cape Ann... 
Subgenus Lyrodes Gould. 
ASS, (1 ehloto tied Gauld= 2520-22250 252. 242: 68 3 cakes alee Mass. Bay - -- 
| Genus XYLOTRYA Leach. 
486 | X. fimbriataJeffreys..:2-- 22. 3.2.42; 59 gg ps Pree is eh Rhodelsland | 
437 | X. bipinnata Jeffreys: ......-.-..--.-. Hes eee ls Seal ese es N. Atlantic.. 


- ar East) Fla. 
J. Va.| Hat./Ga. Fla. |Keys. 
* * S| 
wary seseat os os e 
»* Bites © Weert | soos 
| a SF # 

—: “~* ap Pp oe? AY 
< + en “ess Need ‘ we we: = 
Bate Sa ee he: A 
(tS Ta % . 

West ee or sad 
Fig, {7% Ind, | BU i ia 

* Ne *” : 
* La eee eee * 

ee ee ee ee x --*0* 
by, www se) ee wee | owe el www et) eee 

| | 

Neate | ee lee fee 
* ii a eae eae * * 
* |.-2- * ee * 



TABLE Il. B—List of Pelecypoda—Continued. 

extreme range. 

Manatee .... 
Florida -..... 

S. Carolina -. 

S. Carolina? - 

Gulf of Mex. 

Gulf of Mex. 

ae | St. Vincent-. 



Range in time 

P. Pliocene. 



= ©& © © 

©w wo 


I D> 

18 | 


wo wo wD WD WD 
BF Wwe O&O 



TABLE III. C.—JZist of Scaphopoda. 

C: Jefireyst Monterosato. =. 228. 25.5 sack | cece lee 

eee alt 
Name and authority for species. | Pl. | Figs or 
| | Lon. 
Genus DENTALIUM Linné. 

IDS Aen) SENS Daa aeisc Sao sec ose sco snes Serio (oe oor bm circ 
D. perlongum Dall ..-----------.------ 27 6 | 80.0 
IDE srllnen SOnvew hy sens ator ong sce esac Arner es P a pa | eee bh 
D. callipeplum Dall. .--.-..---=------* 27 12b | 615 
DPniaharayD alles sees eee eee ee Peele see 41.0 
D.leptum Bush ....----.-..----.----- 41 | 18a | 31.5 
D. antillarum Orbigny ----------.----. sacallh Sew Meee 
Dcalamus Wall 2-2 eee ee ae ae 2oe a eeee 19.5 
Diep bee all eee eee ee Saha | peas 17.0 
D. candidum Jeffreys ..--.------------ 46 |16,17 | 90.0 
Disericapim Dall 2.2. ees tee eee 26 1 | 13.0 
Dcarduus Dall 3% ses eeese< v= seseis 27 3 | 87.0 
D. disparile Orbigny ...-.-...--....---- cake | eeeoeel cepa 
DAceratumy i alleesseet ea ere eae ; ze 30. 0 
D. Gouldiir Dall = 22. 2-225 sere = =e eee 26 4 | 28.0 
D. platamodes Watson......-.-.------|_---|-.--. |-----= 
ID Cenas Watson omy sae noe sae siesta eee eee eee 
DScaprllostimJehreys 222 ee see mee | eae eee 
D. laqueatum Verrill ---.-.----..-.-- ; re iB 45.0 
D. compressum Watson ..---..---.---- | cE ctlneocalissnoes 
D. ophiodon Dall -.......-.....-...---!| 26 9 | 12.5 
DP; calliphrix adh: ee ea eee eee | 27 10 | 43.0 
})-ensiculus Jetireys .222- 5. =. ==> 2-26 --| 20 12 | 20.0 
Datereswietneys 2. =. 2 ass2-~ Perea oe eleee eee 9.0 

Genus CADULUS Philippi. 
C. quadridentatus Dall.............--.| 27 5 | 10.0 

var.? incisus Bush-..-..---.......| 41 20] 8.0 
C. cylindratus Jeffreys ..-.-.--........|.-..|.----- 7.3 
Crequalis Dall: < vas cs verte ae 97, 9 | 15.0 
C. spectabilis Verrill .....--.--.....-.. 46 19 | 22.0 
Co grandis. CEnll ys: 226 = eee eens 46 20 | 15.0 
©. poculumiDall™ S322 555 223 eee | 22 Callas 13.2 
C:. WatsontsDall 2. 2.25 = cee eee | 27 | 12a | 13.0 



aes ee ae pee ie ere oa 

Bowes | Northern 
depth. | extreme range | a 


ae Pe ie 
a et ie ee ta 

ae Se ee ee 

Pree ye 

eee ey ee ee, eee ey ok, 

400 | Norway --.-- 
or | Hatteras ..-. 
Togs | Scotland .... 
tf; | S. Carolina -- 
ti | C. Lookout -. 

42 | Hatteras .... 
tits | Nova Scotia. 

4 | Turtle Harb - 
is | Hatteras .... 
7% | N. Atlantic .. 
640 | Gulf of Mex. 
446 | Florida Str.- 
cia | Tampasceee 
rie7 | Gulf of Mex. 
+2 | S. Carolina -. 
233 | Florida Str. -.|~ 
ve Gulf of Mex. 
dsoo | N, Atlantic ..) _ 
i's | Chesapeake _| 
444 | Cedar Keys..| — 
326 | Gulf of Mex. 
8h | Cape Fear...| 
AS | N. Atlantic ..| 
Bary | N. Atlantic ..| 

#a =| Hatteras ....| 

ds | Hatteras 22225 
fies | N. Atlantic -. 
339 | Tortugas ....| 
84 | Rhode Island 
fie; | Nantucket ..| — 
464 | Gulf of Mex.|_ 
fiz | Gulf of Mex. 
422 | N, Atlantic ..| 




at a i, ee 

» ye ake J 
ee oe = 

TABLE III. C.—List of Scaphopoda. 
| ] 

East| Fla. | West West Ber- West Southern. | 

N. J.|Va.| Hat.|Ga.| py. Keys.| Fla. Tex.| Tha. ee Urs} 4 on | extreme range. Range in time. 

Sense! Scot. he | same |e cwe fe nt| a2 adil «Te Rose s|s RLORIG aS bins: 
reece teste | >.) tT t his Wind elouktess | caeclon en oer. | Seba E eee abe 
eed fees eR asa See (as See | cae Pp aoea| mac likele [ace 2-,|s CRPOut Oars s2|eblpeenes 

oe SE) ae “SSO a) te tcelem ten aee eeetiben ce |, GRERACa. 42-7 

302 | ee “2 |p ee ae Al Soto 2 bee Rom anor. 
Jie ML 4 | Sars. ct t os nes Presa tne | ene Ea ELON te 
rcs oie et erm ll ar hel row | are wel ee ...- | Florida.Str... 

RUMI Nim eafasos| -c-- | =~ 2.2 < bsnei|esenleansl ns. | Caper mear._- 
Serwreeaesci =. |o-2-)----. |---| t tol Seeieeeslbcae. | rCAUan 2c. 

oo ea SS a ee ee 12 || Sercolcs sc lee een 
pees We ale he likes eher oe | easels Oak ad Ome 

ee call 1p B36) ihe ees eee 22¢.. (Barbados. 

bee i E Rate sect. te Veeck scales =, |. See EL a 
PM eta a{® | 2-5 | sea |scoe! Peles lease eee, Culebra c=. < 
Pees eaaes toy valeeee hy bteii|were con t | Martinique -. 
Bees |i stoaluoaset| sce seer tees \eeice .... | Barbados.... 

ON t Tip cea Cael ee ee lhe ...- | Grenada .... 

ae Bete. Be caclteyt 122 Steel fl cael SN eee seo) CMlebraic <= 
- = | eS ee ee 5 Pas eer ay ae Penta (ese eo. | barbados... - 
eee os Pats. |sce- t Te cess WAT Melfactas eee -ase | Grenada... =: 
ieee Rh foens| tT -\vo-u "|. o-5 tle oc a treet Barbados’... 
BM Natl 2 \toctoae |i oa <| vce s| enue Janne fialeeess eetgeras: =< - 

_aoe ae eee ea Nh rade >> ee bekas Wee West niorida, 

SS Nace Pel pee eset Florida Str .. 
eS Pa ln aa (ee eee ne St. Vincent -- 
ee PS ae See oheees panes I eelebberas: 6635 
t t scoubacoobeues |. 86: Vincent. - 
re god a Fea Sa Old Provid’ce 
eee eS ---. | Barbados... 

=a ae | MR eal ecaiege ee (ey pieces Ble De | Sk 
Petes shice) beeecl Sew | Caen Sarees Patcese In nodenisland 



TABLE III. O.—ist of Scaphopoda—Continued. 
Sg ca 
A : Alt. | R - 
Ser. Name and authority for species. | Pl Figs. oh ay, Ee Peat ee 
Genus CADULUS—Continued. 
34 | C. carolinensis Bush .....----.---.---- Al 19 | 9.5] 8 | Hatteras .... 
35°| C. Agassizii Dall....-.-..-.2-..-------| 27 |" 12¢ | 9.0] 229 | iiloxidageneaae 
360|4C. Pandionis Vierriliis=: 32522 -- =. see 64 | (126 |o 22. = sig | Rhode Island 
37 | ta thier Dei 33-52 ons eae soos hose 27 8 | 6.0 | w% | C. Lookout -.. 
38 | C.obesus Watson .-...--.------..--- Ba|leeesesesso|peas se 350 | Florida Str... 
39) |, CramiantusmDall 3s: . ceo eseseen soe 24 7 | 5.75) zs | Cape Florida 
40 | G.cucurbita Dall ....-.....-.---------| 27| 12d | 4.0 | 29§ | Fernandina - 
Al) Cr eracilis emneyser es aa = >a ele scene ecesleae: #13 | N. Atlantic -.| 
AD Wl scotia ore OE bree Sle Re see tre 97-) 121 -8.0) 320) ~<a 
Ai lad Open ae oe oe Se es a Oe ae RE wse-|-scees|s-s-e.| ZOOL | dlabtenageesas 
44°| Cominnseullasa8all. 552-2 2c200s225 aol healamios 2.2) 8%, | Hatteras -.-. 

> ei oke 
Sig isa As 


TABLE III. C.—List of Scaphopoda—Continued. 

Bees, Ga. Fide Bork reels t ima Eur. eo SapehaR - Range in time. 
| ar 
Rea tela. =-|,--2- | 25-5 [lac Wee eecpiees: ---- | Old Provid’ce 
| Aor, Sloe Oa, os Pe eae 
2 Helena eer? || rs bee als ste. cil ee ose | eee f. | sens} Plorida Str-. 
| Se Ths gles Sean eae Ty lsetil eras eee | Barbados... .. 
Sea eee |t. = | = Tigh ince = Sal ase Tem esr = leratoyet eee St. Thomas.. 
~, 22 |)-52!| BA) el ead eee bea etka bocce lecer setae CU aie see 
= Soo ees alesse |e | es Soe here (fe Seed een) cee Florida Str-. 
| 9 aes i) S5y)350) ee See ee Sees | Sone ley eats (en ahenash. =r. 
~ ||. cell 524 Sas ee eee ee de Goalie soemeee Haiti .. 
| eae ae DO) NCU: 3S) ae | ee BE Railee eshseen | + Fernandina . 
eeaikd ti | t | Spal oeeee aces S88 wef ---- | Fernandina . 



TABLE IV. D.—List of Pteropoda. 

Se Name and authority for species. Pl. | Figs 

Oo. nae 


Suborder THECOSOMATA. | 

Genus LIMACINA Cuvier. 
Section HETEROFUSUS Fleming. 
1 | L. trochiformis Soul.........---..----. a StS pe 1.0 
95" Ta. Dulinvoides' Orb» soe+ asec eeiceee feels aelbeeeee 2.0 
Sallis, Lesueurl Onbssecec seece see ere oe ee lee 1.5 
E.-retroversa PlGM e252 2-22 eos see eae eae 25 
Section LIMACINA s.s. 
5.) L helicmatPhipps.2 222.2 2225-2 232548 14| 3.0 
Subgenus Embolus Jeffreys. 
6 | E. inflatus Orbigny -....-....-... -.-. pete bee 15 
7 | E. triacanthus Fischer.... --......... mile eal lentes 4.5 
Genus PERACLE Forbes. 
8 R.meticnlata Orbipmy o 2.22. 2.caes oes alee 4.0 
9 | var. diversa Monterosato ........--. es | het oes ae 
10 | P.? helicoides Jeffreys .-.--.-.--.-.-.--. en etty ee 10.0 

Genus CRESHIS Rang. 
©. vine eam a ee ae orien tees | ee eee ree 6.0 
125)". ‘conicasHischscholitiz 52252 so--ssose 2. Seles ates 7200) 
13))|:@. reeta-Blamuvalle _-2>.s54- 522242 se ese | 66 | 118 | 25.0 

Section Boasia Dall. 
14U) ©. chierehice Boas mes soe soe eee eee Sito eee 25 
Genus CLEODORA Pér. and Les. 
Subgenus Hyalocylix Fol. 
157°. striatasRano 255 22 eee eee eens 66 | 119) 6.0 
Subgenus Styliola. 
16 | S. subula Quoy & Gasmard...-2.-2.25. Steely era 10.0 
Subgenus Cleodora s. s. 

Pas. pyramidal cee tae see SEE [rcete See eos 15.0 
1S) |SC.cuspidata Bose? ice wecwss 22-2 see] See eee 16,0 

Range in 










! Pelagic 

North ern 
extreme range. 

N. lat. 42°... 
N. lat. 35°. 
N. lat. 38°... 
Arctic Sea - 

Arctic Sea - 

N. lat. 42°.. 
N. lat. 38°. 

N. lat. 37°... 
N. lat. 31°.. 
N. Jat. £79... 

N. lat. 41°.. 

N. Atlantic 

N. lat. 48°... 

N. lat. 31°... 

N. lat. 39°. . 

N. Jat. 41°-- 

Spitzbergen| — 
N. lat.60°..| 

TABLE IV. D.—List of Pteropoda. 
wie aa t. 1G: East} Fla. | West T est Ber-| aay 
|S ese". 4") Fla.[Keys.| Fla. |" °*"| Ind. | Ga || Am 
| . | 
| ' | 
) | | ' 
| : 
* “ a | “ * rt] ee arg a e | # * . > 
5 * * * * tS Laer i (rs ey * | * * ? 
* * ” * * : |e gee a * * x“ * 
(|| a | | se Pn en Pea 3 2p) ah eee 
2 ge =| lea | | See ae bee s * * 
* 26a ee ae * . a or * = 
am : 2 ol) AO a Oe re De * * dh Bw 4 
* ia! * * * * s * * * ? 
oe he * * 5 ra eee * ¥ * ) 2 
Sat cee oh Be 
} | 
* * * * * * * * * * * 
* * * * * * 
Rr Saas Dae Bhd oe ee en | so 
Tags * ¥ rl * > * © * ? 
1S eS aS ea (ee 
wee ele Ky | ~seeel sp wwwewl seer 2 gl | eee 
0 i a i * * aye ne * * *® ? 
* * * * * * * * * * * ) * 
* * * ck * * * * * * ? 
“ * * Len OE 2 1 Si es eee * ? 

S781 Bull $7——6 

Sh artes ate 

| extreme range. 



Range in time. 

S. lat. 28°.... 
S. Init. 48° 2... 
S. lat. 36° ..:: 
N. lat. 40° ... 

| N. Jat. 35° ... 

S. lat. 40° 
N. lat. 18° -..| 

IN: late 289%. 22) 

Se labsgpes = 
S. lat. 40°... | 

| P. Pliocene. 
| P. Pliocene. 
| P. Pliocene. 

P. Pliocene. 


P. Pliocene. 
P. Pliocene. 

' P. Pliocene. 

| P. Pliocene. 

P. Pliocene. 

N. lat. 8° .... 

S. tat. 40°.... 

| S. lat. 40°... 
® tap age f* 

S. lat. 40°... 

| P. Pliocene. 

P. Pliocene. 

P. Pliocene. 
P. Pliocene. 




D.—List of Pteropoda—Continued. 


Bae Name and autho:ity for species. (Pi. | Figs. co a ieee 
Section BALANTIUM Benson. | | : 
1OReCs recunve Childient 222-2 ae ese aes eae peneaee 28.0 2.3255) Nalatsa0 eee 
QO Co fal cabadtemen sso nach ae eee ee ce Sle 10.0 | Pelagic) Davis Str-. 
Genus CUVIBHRINA Boas. | 
| Go) colaamnells THe Oe ae tence | 66] 117 | 12.0 | Pelagic! N. lat. 43°. 
| Genus CAVOLINIA Abild. | | 
: Section Dracria Gray. | 
2) C. trispinosa Lesneur .........-+------| 66 | 115 | 11.0 | Pelagic! N. lat. 60°..| 
Zl Opu say tect Medel ee toe Ose oe eee wishllarta.ceiall dicts See EE eee ee | Geo, Bks. .- 
| Secticn CAVOLINIA s. 8. 
23.| C. qnadridentata Lesueur......-..----|- A ee ae 4.0 | Pelagic, N. lat. 40°.. 
aa) @ longinestrs: esueuns. 22-2 2 oseaaeel| = seller nee 7.0 | Pelagic! N. lat. 47°.. 
25 | C. gibbosa Rang..---.-----------+---- a anei/ev ries 11.0 | Pelagic! N. lat. 43°... 
23 | C. tridentata Forskiil .............----| 66 | 113 | 18.0 | Pelagic| N. lat. 40°. 
27 | Oreuneimatavkame ea. 2 ss acee ae 66 | 116 7.0 | Pelagic| N. lat. 40°.. 
28 | C. inflexa Lesueur .---...--.-----.---- SON ear reee 7.0 | Pelagic| N. lat. 42°-. 
Genus COROLLA Dall. | 
(Cymbulicpsis Pelseneer.) 
29 | Ge calecola, Werilla.2n 20s ee 66 | 120 | 45.0 | Pelagic| N. lat. 40°-. 
| Suborder GYMNOSOMATA. 
Family CLIONID 2. | , 
| Genus CLIONE Pallas. | | | 
50,1 C. imacina Phipps-.. 23o.2bo 0.225, ; e a 30.0 | Pelagic] Arctic Sea - 
Family CLIOPSID&. | | 
Genus CLIOPSIS Troschel. | 
80 "OC, grandis Boam #0 Cicc eee ale cae 25.0 | Pelagic! N. lat. 40°.. 
32 | N. Macdonaldi Pels .........-.-..----. ‘Sale eae 12.0 | Pelagic! N. lat. 39°.. 
Genus PNEUMODERMON Cuvier. | 
33.4| 0. ciolacemm Orbioniyeee.. 2 sere eian ee eaten 10.0 | Pelagic] N-lat. 45°. . 


TABLE IV. D.—Jist of Pteropoda—Continued. 

| f sl | 
East) Fla. | West. West | Ber- West Southern ees ian 
t. |Ga.| ma. Keys. | Fla. le Ind. | aa Hah) Am. | extreme range. | Range in time. 
A Py Ra Ree ‘he | ee aoe aE raed emer Me 
| | 
eee | 
ie * pes ee ESE cle ee S. lat. 33°....| P. Pliocene. 
? Si ies ie | Ps voclie Sd ateibe aes Ibragils 23.2 
| | 
| a es a | 
| | 
‘ | 4 Fe a A ty bead eae? ? S. lat. 40°....| P. Pliocene. 
| | 
| | | 
| | 
ps | att eed . 
eee ee) * | lt * | * 1 1) | Silat, 40°....! PPliocene. 
es. | 
Beenie .- |)" - a Sees fam - tonsils Se S[ecaepeoa- (peas Bahamas .--. 
: | i 
t ; 
sae a | aes 
2 eae eile PO [tee eh A toe OR Se ze: | Po Phovmaes 
SS Se w.ce| * | * | * | & | SJat.400 ...| P. Pliocene. 
= | 
So esi i (adil ac haan P Sos| eran |) ed 8 |e eee | ee Ae es eee 
ty % | | | | 4 ; 
nee ga | l-s5-|---.) * | * | * | * 7S. lat.40° ._.| P. Pliocene. 
Regie | | * | spa Soe) ee i MN | * | §.lat.40° ...| P. Pliocene. 
a ee ae i I Sal ar 8 ee a | S. lat. 42° ...| P. Pliocene. 
eee | | 
| . sa SS ale ios Be 
Be ro:| | BG feel | 
FE | | | | | | * 
a | | | , 
|| | 
a y | 
‘ans ag 234 aoe Ae [eee Pe eee 
| pete 
i h H 
ie ‘ . H | ; | 1 . - 
| | oa Ram 
af | 
ae gies 
as ee a re zat aye [ns PAS CINE Datei 22 
| | ae 
} | : | Ve ee 
| | | / 
{ Sn ee ae a ee _..|.....| China Sea 
| j 
| 1 
| ea | | 
| IS Ce aia Caer ee a ? Os Wh peeee (eee 
| | | | 
| | | | 
3 ard Sel IS ie Re eed enn OR | hee S. lat. 15° ~ 
- CLS a ee ae Je 0 aks is hel Palme eke tt saree 



TABLE V. H.—List of Gastropoda. 

c @ > 



Alt. | Range r 
Name and authority for species. Pl. | Figs. Foe Hee extnene: Save 
Superorder KUTHYNEURA. 
[Order soeiuarrneneraece See separate 
Genus ACTAiON Montfort. 
A. exilis Jeffreys ..-.---..--. --.- oo ce eoas |S seaee let ees $0. | N. Atlantic -- 
A. pusillus Purbes...---.-----..----- sets ESeewe ase Ht | N. Atlantic - 
A. puncetostriatus C. B. Adams ...-. ; x ae igoeee gz | CapeCod.... 
. Cumingi A. Adams -...-----. Sagal Sastos||asmes||soasce Cape Fear... 
2 Gelicatus, Dalle i. a2-7. eee eee ee 17 5 | 10.0 | 333%; | Gulf of Mex. 
melampoides Dall ...-...--.---- | ie ne on ei); | Virginia ...- 
 perforabus Wall S222. see seer = 18 3 | 7.75) 339 | Florida Str. 
 Damatdar Dalz ieee. 5. ooaeeeees 17 12 | 11.0 | 339:| Tortugaseee 
suincisuse Wallets sacer eee eee eee 17 | 1,16} 9.0) %28 | Fernandina - 
POsMMiesisie DA 12st kek 254 aus eee 33 | 3,4| 5.5} 390 | Fernandina - 
Genus RINGICULA Deshayes. 
Section RINGICULINA Monts. 
Re nitidas Vertis sec eae tse eae eee | 37 3 | 7.5 | +4?5 | Rhode Island 
Rk. semistriata Orbigny ...--..------- NaI Sheen ie tere aoe -3+, | Hatteras .... 
Genus TORNATINA A. Adams. 
i: bullataiKienmer ae: eet Se ae eal sail ise ee ee ae Florida Str-- 
T. recta Orbiony - 38. {2 os<e cee. foe eee col Saucer et See eer Tampa ...--- 
| T. canaliculata Say. .--.----------.-| 52 27 | 5.0) @s | CapeCod.-.. 
Te CanderOnbicnygere ss. oe ose seer | 41 13! | Seocee az | Hatteras .--. 
Subgenus Coleophysis Fischer. 
C. perplicatus Dall...--....:.------- RG 5.0 | $92 | Florida Str-- 
C. eburneus Verrill........--....---- 46 14 6.0 @ | Hatteras .... 

ge nah ie iets % * 

TABLE V. E.—List of Gastropoda. 

Iw.g.!va.'Hat. \Ga.| East! Fla. | Westy, | West Ber- West Southern 

Fla. |Keys. | Fla. extreme range. | Range in time. 

Sees} FT | e~--| ---. |---| +t |-.-.| t | <2-. | Campeche.. .| Pliocene. 
So eee el ee Te tsxtalecthe heeeal TP aN AN as 52) 

I en aed ee a el Pa eee _P. Pliocene. 

ae S| hee ee P| aSsel ase is Mae TY Mle aeclieeeae Bahamas .... 

SS a a = | Pliocene. 
24) le a a A BM sete tes re accel paeet [pence (Rea MONE CLEA 

eb) [retin | va Res eta > Lowe alee sl] cee 2 | Sd gees ss 
+ Se el ee Se ee * MPs Poke AS | ee urna tie Le 
OIL ges fila Slrdece ame tape o'Pedoatle 62 oft ere Ml ie SRL a ee Pliocene. 

| SS Oh ey ee TG yas ba oR NG Il RS ED rey 

so lech ye ey ae (Seed (en fete le fonhreeeet, Sra Oss 
Bits. <<. ‘fa bie aes Paes We octet ogee OEE Fa) Pere Pee Florida Keys 




TABLE V. E.—List of Gastropoda—Continued. 

| Alt. | Range 
Name and authority for species. Pl. | Figs. or in 
Lon. | depth. 
Subgenus Cylichnella Gabb. 
C. bidentata Orbigny .--- -- ed tel eee Al A eee the 
Croryza Wether "52.52 S.aeeeeeee eee 52 23) | ra Oli| eee 
Genus UTRICULUS Brown. 
WU; Fivelei Dalle eee cce bee ry ae 17 4) 8.2] 490 
: 17 ae Ae 
U. vortex Dall eo et lee rg eae Raa) 44 15 10. a 335 
Ui domptus Walle es pert see em a 17 8| 9.0 | B87 
Subgenus Retusa Brown. 
kh. Gouldii@outhouyie- 2504-2 72 7| 3.0] xr 
R. pertenuis Mighels ....-.--..-.-.- a = = 9.7 ote 
Re sulcatay Orbionyee ss) = ee elas es pS Wacoal | pak ene 44 
Ri; ovata, J otieys... 55s. at s=e aoe see eae seer ee Ol lms oe ae 
ER -sobesiuseular Brwonone 2s. = eile | ere eee tae 
R. celata Bush...--...---- Featoscos|) fl 15>} F3ON eos 
Genus VOLVULA A. Adams. 
V acta Orbigny. oe. ese eee eee 41 11 SD ae 
VSO xyibatboig aS Hee eens else ee eres 41 12 | 4.0} 
VP BushinsDalles a2 es Saas eee eee eee beer 4.6) 124 
V.. aspinosa Dall 2--.2.2-2.-2 5. fogs) esss| 202s: 4.0°| Sou 
Genus SCAPHANDER Montfort. 
S. punctosiriatus Mighels - -..--...-- 72 As Soest 3 Tes 
S.. Watson Dill vk. ee ae ce eel ee 10°) 8.75) ae 
SypipbiliesVienmdl. 90.501 e eae ee 64) 106 | 35.0 | 4338 
Subgenus Sabatia. Bellardi. 
S. bathymophila Dall..---....--.---- 17. |-9, 9b; 16.5 | ess 
f | 
Genus ATYS Montfort. 
A. Sandersoni Dall..--...-.---.----- 17 G4 - 629) |" sae 
A. caribaea Orbipny, 3252205260 teen ese eee ee sain 
Genus CYLICHNA Loven. 
C-Verrillit Dall de: utes) ens mise tian 7.5 | Bly 
Cvalba Brow eseec-2-- see ee H2 DL | eee Selene 
Genus DIAPHANA Brown. 
debilis'Gouldte sss eee eee ae cee a2 24 3.5 | gy 

Northern - 
extreme range. 

Hatteras .--- 
Cape Cod.... 

Gulf of Mex. 
Rhode Island 

Norway - .-.. 

Hatteras .-.. 

N. Atlantic -- : 

Rhode Island 
Hatteras .--- 

Hatteras ..-.|, 

Hatteras .... 

' Hatteras .... 

Hatteras -.-.| — 

Norway -.--- J 

Hatteras 3222) 

Delaware B.. 

Fernandina -| 

Hatteras .... 

| Hatteras .-.. 

Hatteras .-..| — 


Arctic Sea...| 

- Arctic Sea. -- 

5 NJ Va.|Hat. Ga. East] Fla. | West West | Ber- 
.J.|Va.|Hat. Ga.) py, Keys.| Fla. Tex. Tad. a Eur. 
. = ice 
el AT = # * * A ened ee > 
* * * a ee B ee c: Aes s 
2 ae satel os be t t 
CE SS a ee t t 4 Ed Ta ace lta 
ee ar| were. = e < ee imerlos ee leeee 
a Se ee DLS, fea th 
5 ‘hae (ae pa Leer (AR I ee ss 
aoe ee t t i e =f ea al 
HOR Pease 3A ees pace aa pros t 
oe +? z ¢ Beall alee | ee eae 
Bees} 4) SEU Ss Seeger nat ame [a 
ae jad = Ss rs ? 3 
Bil 2.) is) +. is Re y 
eh | a =f t = Criteria bers = 
1 A a t t t Teoaeeo et 
7 ae Eten tele ale 
. ies |e sea = t =2 t ate 
Behe PS ‘ SE ezas So AS SS ee a 
: 1 ae e ¥ ay 4 * 
cer h ate: * a= t 
. | 
ee ee eI é ee ees ea 
(eae ee sll ee 2 fal Wao x 
. 7 Ne ) 
* | * 
we lece P| een Ae ee oe el a 



extreme range. 

| Barbados.... 
. | Charleston .-. 


TABLE V. E.—List of Gastropoda—Continued. 

Southern Range in time. 

P. Pliocene. 


Gradalupe --. 

Hatteras .... 
Fernandina . 

Guadalupe .. 

Hatteras ....| Pliocene. 

Fernandina . 

Lape Fear... 


Florida Str .. 


Barbados. ... 
| Jamaica. ..-. 

? Miocene. 

oi Santa Cruz .. 

Guadalupe 7 

Fernandina . 
St. Thomas?.| P. Pliocene. 

P. Pliocene. 



TABLE V. 1i.—List of Gastropoda—Continued. 





47 | 



52 | 





Alt. | Range é 
Name and authority for species. Pl. | Figs. i | oe extiue nate 
| f 
Genus APLUSTRUM Schum. 
Subgenus Hydatina Schum. 
Ey py SissaIMWGe eee e essere te eae seiocilteeleasis|| Serene eet Sarasota. ...- 
Subgenus Bullina Férussac. 
Be andata, BruguieTres cee 2 tcc 4 feel peer |lemee eel pase aoe Florida Keys. 
Family BULLIDZ. . 
Genus BULLA Linné. 
B. striata Bruguiére...-.---....---.. shat | seceen|Soodce |Seeses Texas':-.<5e¢ 
By solida/ Gmelin 22025522 4 cscs = -ai|(-e + |oeeee) Maenee eee Florida Keys. 
B. occidentalis Ay Adams \.2< 2. .22-22| 2c | 2 28242 ee eee Tampa:.coese 
Beburnea Dall eeaeet- =e =e esr 17 G | 7.25) 49% | Hatteras .... 
By aDySsicolay Dalle sass ao se eee ee 17 11 | 12.7 | +335; | Ireland .-.-. 
Genus HAMINEA Leach. 
H. succinea Conrad........---.------ Hf.) eee ees 795 | Texas...-.-- 
Ep, solitarianSay 2 ss=s <!s-eee see et er 52 20) | ONO Seeeee Mass. Bay a 
H. antillarum Orbigny ............-. iar lier ee SE ik eel Tampa ....-. 
Ee Guilder Swanson ses els ateie a ate) ee |e erie mel| eee eee TEéxa8 .<e ne 
A. PetititOrbiemy,. 225. oot eee |e eee ne sen see Tampa ...... 
C)-BeauitMischer 25-2 gis. wesc ie else alee acer #; | Cedar Keys.. 
Genus PHILINE Ascanius. S 
P, sacra Orbighy seca. ss ee geeceies<- Al |16,16a ...... #, | Hatteras .... 
P. infundibulum Dall ......-........|. ene see eer 12.0 | 443 | Florida Str.. 
P. sinuata Stimpson..........--.--.- 72 Pea Peat NO NDE 2 2 Norway -..-. 
P. amabilis Verrill .--.-..---...--.-.|.- Sal gee aoe Ree oe 422 | Rhode Island 
pee ae a eB Ce ge eo tera Ree e Ree +s | Hatteras -... 
Pe flexaosas Sarees cece eee eee ee eee Rees ail ey Norway ..--- 
|"G. Meckelii?) Kosse=222-— 22 ---=-4--=- seats’ | a atone hc taperare| ees Mediterran’n. 
Genus UMBRACULUM Schum. 
U. bermudense Morch ............--- 145) D0) MONO eee Bermuda....' — 


3 TABLE V. E.—List of Gastropoda—Coutinued. 

AE ———E—E es = a 

x, |East) Fla. | West West West Southern | Bales 
Ga. | Fa. Keys.| Fla. Tex. Ind. 2 Ear. Am. | extreme range. Rear asin 

wee-| + [---- ke Pea ltaeeeleli: © lees | Guadalupe: s: 

oa Tite 2 Ia oe aaa] [eee Ge Tl ae Umea Reem FM feo) rol: ane ea 

_ A) a ee * * = * |_...|.... | Barbados....| Pliocene. 


2 a eR tte Ben Ieee ads 3. | eee DAC OBS s.c3 
sh) Set Soe as ren bid Oy Med * | 225/222 ./@esbs Vancent:. 

A ee coil. t to beset lees The ee | ee Crag. 

eco se esas iy fe ef f°} = Rees Vesta Grenada tees: 
Pte 4 | eerste | Seen Sey ne es Neti hwsicl Sees] eos | MGRORST a ee 

J. =|[o2 PEs] aes eee - seal SOU Pak amar ee (eS ae SAE GEM hal pene 

_ ae ee a he'| ame x me |e |G Sl 20h PROM ADE IPOS 
- Ss\e ee ee ee ? Cee ee) Fe See oe | OSG: OMAN c 

Bee wale cal Teilizce «| Abbe | sea eee seer Guadalupe --. 

et ed ee ee 

eh dies hi 

el paul S28) Ia bars ee Hee | See eames AVEOOIEING 18: - 
rod eel fea eed eestor Weer Tos Niehcon Seah eee sen Wa OB22 

= Sol beg alae ee ee ae AM te) ects re ea is Kc as See 
jhe al Sas hee eae eae BO ee Cacd AAR ee 5 eee 
1 eee Ss aan Bes Ae aces ee eee ca NO. AOOGLON De = 

See eRe woh ees Pre, ie f theagical Sb eee 1 MOCHA E.... 2% 

ett) ed el eee 

—s - 

Ee hr eee tach ceo ict, wlowaet ut) pate | Guadalape + 

So ane aed Ig 7 2) ER | Florida Str..! Pliocene. 

wee | twee 

Se a ee 




TABLE V.’ E.—List of Gastropoda—Continued. 


66 | 



Name and authority for species. 

| PL 

Vigs. or 


a Northern 

extreme range, 

ES Rus hig) algae Sat see aera 
Superfamily ANASPIDEA. 

Genus APLYSIA Linné. 

Superfamily NOTASPIDEA. 


P. americanus Verrill..... ...-..---.-- 


P-ttardaaVerrille s 2529 0n yea anes & 

Genus KOONSIA Verrill. 

KK: obésacV err 2 ee eee 

~- (Omitted. ] 

Superfamily DITREMATA. 


Genus ONCHIDIUM Cuvier. 

[AO dtonitemnunn Waillioes =o eae 


Genus VERONICELLA Blainville. | 

V. floridana Binney ....-.-...--. ...: 
Superfamily AK TEOPHILA. 
Subfamily AURICULINE. 
Genus AURICULA Lam. 

Subgenus Auriculastrum Fischer. 

A. pellucens Menke. _.-+. 5) 222-22. | 47 


Ssaeer 9.3 

| Ac protea Wane tee a: Sos eke ot oe eae eee ee 
| Ac Will coxameterlprin S22 s)see- re were ae | eee ee 200. 0 

13 | 13.5 


128. 0 

eee Florida Str... 

See Gaspariila. .. 

250 | Rhode Island 
ef; | Rhode Island 

1292 | Rhode Island 

eee Knight’s Key 

pee ee Charlotte H.| ~ 

etter Cedar Keys.. 

tc cal Sek he oto all 


TABLE V. E.—List of Gastropoda—Continued. 

East} Fla. | West 
N.J.|Va. Hat.|Ga. Fla. |Keys.| Fla. 

West Southern 

m. | extreme range. Rango in time. 


~ | | 

cee -- ate: be oie ecrore ie lI clare sl arctan se Uae ba ae Bahamas .... 
iq 7 ; 
OSS ee ere et SY. * |-docheomn aN Grenadsece 

4 ooee oe -eee -—- “=e “eee = ree eee eee cree -—-=-= |-eewmee enn twee eee 

ee teres oy 8h olek | sch y Sao eee as . 

GS | ee ee beac leone sees cece eC Desped kes 
5 OE oe ee el ee Seni ee scl owecdteecest DO LAWaALG rest 
i * ? 

- lle Bs tee eee Be se Paeeralhe stealth wom teres eee Florida Keys. 
eee tates wih y | * of... | 22k (Saeed | Cats Pi lonida: Keys, 

2 eee 

ee tate * | Ve ee See 

Demerara - -. 

TABLE V. E.—JList of Gastropoda—Continued. 
Alt. | Range 
Ber: Name and authority for species. | Pi. | Figs. oe pie Pe 
Genus TRALIA Gray. 
(3) | ate pusilla Gmelin y]=222052-s62 2 see 47 De BOLO! eee Cedar Keys-.- 
74) minuscwlan Dalles ae ses oer ee saint Baers. Seilabe arse ai) ene Tampa ..---. 
Subgenus Alexia Gray. | 
75 | A. myosotis Draparnaud -..-----.---- 52 | Dolfeeonoe ee England ... 
Subfamily MELAMPINZ. | 
Genus PEDIPES (Adans.) Blainv. 
76 | P. mirabilis Mublfeldt.......-..---. | 47} 17| 3.6|..... | Tampa... 
W22\ EP. Cloneatus, Dalliza. sees Peres o-2e faze SA eile dee Marco, Fla -. 
Genus MELAMPUS Mitf. 5 
78:1) A weettes Tanne. 5522.5 =. 02sec pee | Bole eee .. | Cedar Keys-- 
79 | M. floridanus Shuttleworth .---..---- | 47 | ip eile PE os Tapas. sees 
80|M; flavas:Gmelin 2222. 5.5 eee A7 i st LD On ees Cedar Keys.. 
SL ME liméatusiSayices 4 oaes4ccee ot eee 7 i ae CA a Ant SSK Mass Bay-.-- 
Subgenus Leuconia Gray. | 
82 | L. bidentata Montagu -.--..-:--.---- 47 ek a paeem Shetland .... 
Subgenus Detracia Gray. 
83 | D. bulloides Montagu 2-.-.-+---2-----| AT Fea TIO UYY, te catned Cedar Keys.. 
Subgenus Sayella Dall. | 
84 | S. Hemphillii Dall....-....-.-------- dal ene lee Serge Sock Cedar Keys.. 
85 | S. Crosseana Dall:.....2..2.. 22-2 ---- 47 HO) Ip es | fa Kgmont Key. 
fol Ob Ps ic nS ee Ae Pe CEU SB ee ee lh Call te a | aeons eases Tampa sees 
é | | 
Genus BLAUNERIA Shuttlew. 
87 | B. heteroclita Montagu -.....---.---- | 47 Tal epee Fs ee ‘Tam paeeeaee 
Superfamily PETROPHILA. | 
Family SIPHONARIID. | | 
Genus SIPHONARIA Sby. | 
Subgenus Siphonaria s. s. 
88) |S: niternata Say 245. Se oe eee SEEN ERC ea ae Sh I Bermuda -.-. 
89:|-S: lineolata Orbiony . a ~.5 s2ae2- 224) Lda Nal nate nl ae ee Fernandina - 
Subgenus Williamia Monterosato. 
90 | W. Krebsii Mérch................---.|. Calin OG, il tar Bia ES he Tartle Harb .| — 
Family GADINIID2. 
Genus GADINTA Gray. 
91 G. carinata Dall .........--.- Fa eh ea AS sy Aes | Cubase 

IN. J.) Va. | Hat. | Ga. F 

East} Fla. 
la, | Keys. 


Me - 
Sat hs, = A. g * 
| | 
a a 
- -<-| on 
erer «= |e wns -<- a 
2S) ee ee * * 
ewer!) wee lm wwe eat 
2 Se pee eee 




TABLE V. E.—List of Gastropoda—Continued. 

h Southern 
extreme range. 

mu- Eur. 
Ind. - Am. 


* * 
*¥ * * 
* * 
* | * 

# | 
* * 

= } 

* | 

| | 

| ) 
* | # | | 

Guadalupe .. 
Bahamas ..-. 

Jamaica .... 

Guadalupe .. | 

wee eee wee ewes 

Cayenne .... 
Florida Keys | 
Guadalupe 4 


S. Carolina ?. 

~| ‘Antiiles . ....| 

Bahamas -.... 
Bahamas ---. 

Porto Rico .. 

Florida Keys 

_ Barbados.... 
Colon: 27.25 | 


Range in time. 

P. Pliocene. 



TABLE V. E.— List of Gastropoda—Continued. 






Name and authority for species. 



extreme range. 

Superfamily TOXOGLOSSA. 
Genus TEREBRA Bruguiére. 

Section HastuLa H. & A. Adams. 


. hastata Gmelin 

T. cinerea Gmelin 

Section SUBULA Schumacher. 
. floridana Dall 

Section Acus H. & A. Adams: 

Te eiSlOCatAR SAY coe cite ie see eee ee aang: 
UCONCAVALSAY 25.4822 sas aee ane ceer eae 
var. vinosa Dall.--..----.-- ey tt ie 

T. protexta Conrad 
var. lutescens Smith ...........-. 

Family CONIDZ. 
Genus CONUS Linné. 

. centurio Born 

emer ee ee ee ee we ee ee ee 

. Agassizii Dall.....-...---- 2-2. ---- 

pygmeus Reeve 

. verrucosus Hwass 

Ceeee ee aaa s 

~ proteus, Hiwass 2-\/2)c2-52 2s2ecccoas en 

flavescens (Gray = 2ie)- 22% soos eb e 
. floridanus Gabb-..........---...-.- S 

PealtitGreene = 25.) oa ees 28 

Alt. | Range 
or in 
Lon. | depth. 
70.0| #8 
O00 tease oe 
DOR eeee 
S30" | eeseee 
Pa Tye paar 
ends |e 
55. 0 is 
18.0 | +P 
ARON woes 
15. 0 8 
Leeeee 20 
weeeee 33 
51.0 | 3% 
secee- wir 
30.0 | vhs 
terre 5 
wens 2 

Key West .-. 
Texas. cece 

Key West --. 

Maryland ..- 
Hatteras ...- 
Hatteras .... 
Hatteras .-... 
Cape Fear. -. 
Gulf of Mex. 
C. Lookout... 
Fernandina - 
Florida Keys 

Gulf of Mex. 
Cedar Keys. - 
Hatteras .... 
Hatteras .... 
Hatteras .... 

Bermuda....| . 

Hatteras -. .- 
Magill Bay -. 
Florida Keys 
Jupiter Inlet 
Gulf of Mex. 



TABLE V. E.—List of Gastropoda—Continued. 

Range in time. 

| Ber-| 
" East Fla. | West!) West. West | Southern 
: N.J. Va,| Hat.) Ga. Fla.| Keys.) Fla. Tex. Ind. fan fe Am, | extreme range. 

} | 

a alee eee Maras <=) || |e > nly ie gees i Noy af r.0) Ry egemeae 

~ 84) VAG Se ee eee ea wie: a Aa) Pee oe lee eee ar Ons sae 

i) ce TSS RS cS | Bee er ee ee al SEL OREO be 

etic Fas. ueite’ | 7 Be Ss cslesesiiscan| Meneznela:. .-\Plrocene, 
eel) 0 Sain ee eee Sige Kesteed | toon tok ws gamed wee ODI om as tO OCB 
joel eee ee a ii A ae [eee eel ne |e ol eV EOLO TL Caters 
meet) hc 2a ee Be a eee |S Se eee soe. Lexis al gcenes 
ae a ed ae ees oe ae Lee. OSs ee al WW eLoridie: 
PERE lines |< 2, | ae =< eet lee | octyp || SS 22] cs oan] ATG LDA Ite..) 
each spares 424) ¢ AB) 8 eet lpia eel EROS 52 
Reale lsc. | >< Vad, Tee oles | AA | oe ee ee ea oot ot 

_ op I Sl ee i le a ant ees 2S aloes) 5-22, (Capel lorida. 

oo eo a ee * shes] ok) sc oerseeeee) Menemuela.. air locenes 
(oases SS ee ee Ses ee celeste lee. efor sane af SANS RE ETL Z, 
oH ee leuieonieecn ce eel ee eee | oer) ee dete LONI ICO VS 

| ae i ae * * +* |... |oee.|.--. | Barbados....| Pliocene. 

ES jal (a C2 ESM ee Sd Men eh lie U8 By 8 peer Florida Keys | Pliocene. 

Me Pee ese ce wel cae [accel ot ad ee eee Barbados... .-. 
iy * * petal Bes See DALTON... asx. Pliocene, 

tee Sd See ee eee * 5 Sirs (eee PR Ne Tobago..-..- Pliocene. 

cto) 05 2 Be ee a * pal | ed 

~ |) 2 ee ae Ra = 2) Daas ed aces * | eal, eee Swan Islands 
woes Pe wee e! ww lowwe ? meee ¥ weer |e we el owe ol enee Yucatan. weer, 











TABLE V. E.—List of Gastropoda—Continued. 

Alt. | Range 
Name and authority for species. Pl. | Figs. aoe a4 ie eutioae eee : 
Genus PLEUROTOMA Lamarck. 
Subgenus Pleurotoma s. s. 

Pp albidatberryse: oe aa ee ees {Veale Mab ee sopeoes 28; | Cedar Keys.. 
Venosiielienh DEVE Soeahe poossoneselloscc|cosioac 100.0 | 38°; | W. Florida. 
Var. vibex Dalllsjo 22 22s acts sees beets see 19.0 | 389% | Florida Keys 

P, periscelida Dall! too. 2 ase2 ss 8 oe 32 2| 40.0 | +92 | Hatteras .... 
Subgenus Leucosyrinx Dall. 

Le Verrillit, Dairy ce sees ete 10 5 | 36.0 | 349 | Cape Fear. .. 

Te Sigsbect DAM ss oo o2e8 Yeebsetes 11 10 | 25.5 | 1591 | Gulf.of Mex 

Ee tenocetas alls 224 3 Boe ee eee 36 5 | 60.0 | 438 | Cape Fear. -- 

L. subgrundifera Dall .-...-.-...---- 33 1 | 30.0 | 338 | Cape Fear... 

Subgenus Ancistrosyrinx Dall. 
Ay elegans Dall 322222) 22 -o5 cassis ae cee 38 3 | 27.0 | 805 | Florida Reefs 
A radiata (Mall oosu see secs = sei 12 12 | 18.0 | 43; | Cedar Keys.. 
Subgenus Genota Adams. 
G? mitrella, Dalll* i2sie2sse5.822- he0 12 5 | 12.5 | 224 | Fernandina - 
Section DoLicHoTomMa Bellardi. 
G2 viabronnea Dalle seo. sssees 52-2 =e 13 2.| 38.0 | 4829 | South Cuba - 
Genus DRILLIA Gray. 

D. ostrearum Stearns .-...----.------ ie yislil| Sater] | eres +12; | Hatteras .... 

DAalbicoma Dalleecs tec. see aoe 10 8 | 25.7] 84 | Gulf of Mex. 

1D); detects Dallkassa. oe. = saee emcee 12 11; 11.7 | 333 | Gulf of Mex.|> 

TD. alesigota Dall sesso see te ae Eee rears 48.0 | 383, | Hatteras ..-. 
Var vmeacilenta: Dalle .c.) 52s ee< se. 36| 11 36.0| ~95 | Cape Fear--. 

D. polytorta Dall.........--..-..---- 10 6 | 33.5 | 413 | Gulf of Mex. 

D. eucosmia Dall. ..---..------------- 13 11950 ||) 170" |) seers ees Sey 
var. canna Dall........---..----. Bae ail Mapeicters 15.2 | #3 | C. Lookout... 

D. Harfordiana Reeve ....--.---.---- =e il eae [eae ames Vera Cruz. 

ID) eee oO eis Se me RIES stillet alee llaemiseateeraeiet Florida Keys 

D_ebenina Dall wees. 2s ese cuk Poe abil Siete alee fs yea, ee Tortugas --.. 

1); leucocy ma, Dall ss ceee ea 48 CO AN sar as Bs Sarasota -..-| | 

D. albinodata Reeve../.....-.--.-.-- Sree per gee es coe lil cote Charlotte H.| 

D. haliostrephis Dall. ...... oe aa 13| 3/20.0! 84 | Gulf of Mex. 

DD, acestra, Dalles assac. css eaceiceee tees 10 7 | 19.0) 461 | Gulf of Mex. 

DS planciday Wall eee eee sae eee 2} 9.5 | +429 | East Florida. 

D. acrybia Dall..-.....--.. Sadie aise sell ome 10.0 | 32% | Fernandina - 



TABLE V. E.—List of Gastropoda—Continued. 

East! Fla. West 
N.J.|Va.| Hat.' Ga. Fla. Keys. Fla. 
we ciaillts 0 SER BS ee ie ed 
aiBal We ees NT as)| ine o's t 
ee ae To) Ge a Be 
Hea |ciskis “ts * 

o- - 
-- - 
were | we 
wer- | ae 
wer we 
ewer] aw 
wooe| oe 
- - 
-- - 
woee|] of 
wee - 
-- - 

eree | ewe | eee 
eoewe| 2 jl ewwe| coos | coes loos 
* * * 

* * 

Sey | Pale 
24981 << Bull.-37——7 


West |Ber- 

Ind. da 

| Eur. jak 


extreme range. 

| Range in time. 

iad eicces|| Pees 
gel eee eee hemor 
Boal es cea eater 
t 2 
1) ee 

te ees - 
ue ase 

t Balt 

Pa hese Zoe 
t wanna a 
t AAO sal) cece 
i WAess|tes 
aidleres| cace! see 
t S| Sas) eS 
iPaipsealesec)) Se 
Hem epc clos linc 
‘3 -- eee -*#.- 
aa nie 

. | Costa.Rica, - - 
| Vera Cruz...| 
| Yucatan .... 

W. Florida -. 
Saba, W. Ind. 
Monosauillo - 

Guadalupe .. 
Bequia ..-.... 

Guadalupe .. 
St. Kitt’s..-. 




Grenada. .--- 
| Culebra -.... 
Gulf of Mex . 

Grenada... -- 
Yucatan .... 

St. Domingo. 
Gulf of Mex. 
Grenada -...| 


. | East Florida 






TABLE V. E.—List of Gastropoda—Continued. 

Sere Name and authority for species. | Pl. Figs oo Bo ounene cee 
144 | Drillia tristicha Dall --2 22222 2s=- -eeole--|e> eee 23.0 | 3435 | Cedar Keys.. 
TASS 3 Drs Dred ROS ae eon cosooccoor so semollsoscllsascce||eoecar 44 | Hatteras .... 
146) 9D) fucata Reeves -es--aee ee aoe sees | eee eee ae Peet 44 | Cape Fear... 
147 Var. parla Reeves. .2o-cccse= eae oe] SL Se al ra 4% | Cape Fear...| - 
148"): pacodnla all esses ace 13 6 | 18.0 | #% | Florida Str -. 
149 var. pentagonalis Dall.....-.--... Se alee aehes 7.0 49 | Hatteras .... 
150 50D. thea Dalle 22s seleae secant ses 48 1, 15.0; 4 | Hatteras .--- 
151 Vee Canscmunie WAN Gee Co eeoeons|oocess 11.5 | +22 | Gulf of Mex. 
152 | D. Simpsoni Dall...-....-.--....-- BF oul Rea EAI eh gs +; | Hatteras .... 
153 | D. lissotropis Dall ..-.......-...----. 11! 3,4] 7.0) 4% | Gulf of Mex.! : 
1540 oD: aati Viet sseacascoa essen see 60 | 66,a@ | 19.5 | =%4; | Rhode Island 
155 var. acloneta Dall -..........-..- Seed Sn pee yo? | Georgia .-..- 
156 Var. cestrota Dall occu. 2 sos nee) | eee eee aaa sees 196 | Cedar Keys.. 
1576 DP nucleata Malle s2.ese case eee anes 11 1 | 13.5 | 4: | Cape Florida 
1S} 1D Werea iii DU eae esos eso cou Seshce 11 2/| 5.5 | 332 | Gulf of Mex. 
159 | D. havanensis“Dall................--- 11 5 | 9.0} 282% | Florida Keys 
OOM SDs premorrapalli $2. 222- emcees 11 18; 9.5 | 483 | Fernandina q 
161 | D. oleacina Dall .:.........---..-----| 11 8 | 10.0 | 28% | Florida Str.. 
UGS |) Ds eran, IDEN S455 sees coe san ceea Soc 11 7 | 15.0 | 333 | Florida Str..| _ 
163 | D. lithocolleta Watson. ..---.-------- 11 6 | 12.5 | #85 | Hatteras .... 

Section CyMATOSYRINX Dall. 
164 | D. centimata Dall................---- 36 9 | 22.5 | 435; | Hatteras .... 
165 | Dee pymota Dall s.4-eeesee os ae 36 10 | 15.0 | +22; | Hatteras .... 
AGG gD Mloserts Dalles h. leee eee eee 36|  3/30.0| 3; | Hatteras .... 
160) De ee cate aise has Se eae acne Sena ee soeelleaeeee 15 | Florida Keys 
AGS: | SDs Sa iste etal nedece ee Jose ene loam a ears 324 | Georgia .-..-.. 
NG Qi gO aac eA yo ee Saree |e || eee al eer 294 | Georgia . .-.- 

Genus BORSONIA Bellardi. 

Subgenus Cordieria Ruuanit. 

L7On | Cy Rouautict Walle 22 ee eee ee 36 11 | 13,6) 100>)222 3323 =eeee 
Genus BELA Gray.. 

171 | B. subvitrea Verrill..-.-._.:..----5-. Seales eee 13.5 | 843 | Hatteras .... 
172 | B. tenuicostataG.O. Sars -.---...---- sala ceal Sao “Bar, | Norway -.--. 
1730 B. aee orcs Soe 2 eee sal aah he od) 3 465 | Florida Str.. 
174495. Blake Vernill] gaa 2 see sce eee eee e Breese 16.0 | 2021 | Chesapeake - 
Ti TS me ce erred rs ee ec aca Stes ee eee 124 | Hatteras .... 
176 | B. harpularia Couthouy..--.. ..--.-- 50 17 | 17.0 | 3% | Nova Scotia . 
DAP A a Bs es a ce es ee am BA oe ie ey ea -$3; | Hatteras .--. 
178 | B. Rathbuni Verrill..-.......-.....-.|..--|....--. 27.0 | 1395 

Hatteras --.- 


TABLE V. E.—List of Gastropoda—Continued. 

West ) Southern 

N.J.|Va.| Hat. Ga. Fla. | Keys.| Fla. Tex. Ind. ae Eur. Am. extreme range. 

Range in time. 

ee fa jee-.| 2--. | t | [osn-|'.<-- [eric [anonp oe eGuleor Mex. 
i2ea tee Pa eee line AP fh ote | Ge es heaptatiats cg MS OULULOLO tan 
ss 5 | esa) (Use ROMA E - 
Bei). Co pag ae ree (Mi ee es eed eer Os eee 
Se eters a |---| t fojesceloct 2. lee Bermhad@asess 
Err cie eee eecclee ta osoe locke) cl's,|2o0i0|-cenience |p lOnidamikeys 

: Ons Se MO EOS eS 4 es allo Sait ow bee On ee 
SSeS ae Pee soscds to Jens) pt, bass hens | copes) DRE DEOSee ae 

22). ee tapes lace aleeeticness |) WR DBR ee are 
poeesie cence. seepe eG baw Oy Mee hey Ge Sts eee 
oc] Sd ea ial eee eg] Pee 2a, [eects sell ee whe ORD += fee 

He Nes tcc) os alm nce fu Ty laa wataeentrom cel MEP OL DAQUO os 
Meriternitee st os) PM hcp ok atte as sled bce GUL OF Mex 
cis] ice eae elias sacle soho Fy Glass o-oo ton OED LORON soe 
patel . me eer Ae ES HS 2 Silk as poco acevnn ee ORL Se 
Pe lacie Ih ea CROAT Perecte 


5 oon tol eae aoe 

| Grenada .... 
3 eee eee ae Sule 2. |2Old Prova <5 
re io eee peer | cco els. |.) ns heen Cedar Reyay- 


eee SS 1) Geo) ee tite over Net Rerowel sect .... | Cedar Keys.. 
Se ee | | heehee) Ne Oarolings 
Ealick ses iat. Sh) 5. | Rafneos! code | Bloridaleys 
= Ered ND ee Peete oh doce Meco a) ace aeer| | lonida Reys 
25 Gs Zee se BE Duce lec je cine | on aatee al tec ae | One one = 
Bee lies : ae eT Se chic. |sbcaleemal ese | GOPDOMGIna: . 

OS cM OO ety 2 ee 




TaBLE V. E.—List of Gastropoda—Continued. 






195 - 




| | Alt. | Range 
Name and authority for species. Pl. | Figs. Ae | pe , orn eee 

1216 ee nee web erer aoe a) sallood see axes Nes ee 300 | Hatteras ---. 
B. subturgida Verrill ...--..--.-..-<-|.- sales 9.9 | 843 | Hatteras ...- 
| Ee eee ae ee ea Ses Sere ce lee — setllneie. “82, | Hatteras -- -- 
iB. Lanner Vierrile a. one 5-5 «== =i a 61 78 | 21.0 | 1290 | Gulf of Maine 

Genus MANGILIA Risso. 

Subgenus Cythara Schumacher. 
ag j .0 

CO. Bartletinw Dalle) 22s oc a.5. eos } i oe ia 0 S80 Key West .- -. 
C. cy mela Bale eters eee ence eee ees 12 4] 12.5 | 393 | Gulf of Mex - 

Subgenus Daphnella Hinds. 
1D limnzeifoumissKieners <2 sae acise cass |Secelbee ace pe eees eae Florida Keys 
D. leucophlegma Dall......-.--...-.. 9 9 | 10.25) 805 | Gulf of Mex - 
Dcorbiculap Dalle see scceascese ase 14 9 | 11.2 | +o | Hatteras ...- 
DAreticmlosagW alll meso ee ese eeeeee 10 10 | 11.5 | vo | Fernandina . 
PD: pompholyxeMallie-22--2ss2542e. 50 36 4) 12.5 | $32 | Fernandina . 
DSretiferas Walle lo. ea 5o- sess ese ee: oes 6.5 | #3 | Hatteras .... 
Dy monrayWallagcasinic secu. none boca eee 12 1| 5.75) #2 | C. Lookout-. 
DelatayDalllivat Saye ee as esas eeee sls Petar ae! 4.75| 33 | Hatteras .--- 

Section EuBELA Dall. 
Di limaeuia Walls: o. -e es ane cee 9 10 | 11.0 x | Rhode Island 
DcalyxpDallt eta dee ss cceocae ec lease aoe 124 | Hatteras .... 
DS ess wc depiee ete cee oe Bl pereyetess lee ef 805 | Gulf of Mex - 
DD; sofihg Wall pee i072 -25.<seneeet ose 10 11 | 8.0| 769 | N. Carolina? 
var; liyperlissa Dall. .2-.-.-2-4--|2 oan 8.5 | 731 | Hatteras .... 
Subgenus Glyphostoma Gabb. 

G: dentitera Gabbactasee. see eneeee SP tlhe oe 15 | Florida Str .. 
G. Gabbil Dall" ssa2s. seeks sees 13 |4,5,7,8) 17.5 | 2% | .Gulfof Mex - 
G. eratula all) 21. eeoe kee 12 10 | 17.5 | 224 | East Florida. 

Subgenus Mangilia Risso, s. s. 
M, ‘balteata Reeve ov. 352% os ae |es ale Soe eee eee Hatteras .-.. 
Mapsilavbushiaeee seers sas oe eee ee Al 27) (On Og \aeaa= Hatteras ..-- 
M, oxytata Bushy --2 3 -..--- s.-2 222. 41 al 0 48 | Hatteras -.-. 
Masinicta Reeve, 22 .2.ssseae eee He ess | irk Re Florida Keys 
M. biconica C.B. Adams ...--.-...--. Sheen reed escic bc Hatteras ---. 
M. plicosa C. B. Adams -..........--. 50 14s) cae $ | Cape Cod.... 
M. rubella Kurtz & Stimpson ........]..-.|..---- ees ern ines are C. Lookout.. 
M. bicarinata Couthouy .----......-.- 50 15 | 11.0 | 3795 | Arctic Seas. - 
M, stellata Stearns). 222s. c a. Saleen Sees eee Tampa .. .-.. 

iN. J.|Va.} Hat. 


TABLE V. E.—List of Gastropoda—Continued. 


GaP] eps, Pla TeX: heat | mae Bur est 
ae ea ‘i . 
if) | eS SS | SS 4 ea pe ete F BPA ol 
i (eal eae ees ore é bs Se 
i ee eal ees 3 is 2 e 
* * 
: if thea Sere AS, | See Ay aed etl ened feo 
BAT peels t Pd ese ieee 
=e |) ae Oe eevee les Poe A eal Se 
Best, - ‘ill ee 3 t PN A at 
- zt - -_- - weer 
« eepet: | ot t t t eles Bt Al tek 
z tari| See ee eae (ee bee Ol ea aeeleas 
S| zs t 2 t dh Zs 
Mas = fests. | sya t salts ae 
‘ t a ? eae haar 
: t asl t os 3 
. t t t t 3% BS Nae 
c * at * * a. eee Toate 
Pees ehele tate = ee ‘ 5 Fa ie ay | APS 
-—- * - - -—- - - - - -—- - 
- coe - ze * ---. - - - - 
ioe + * *# ch REY | ech bite ~ 
7 AS eee pees: * sy a) Mins ed | ee Ma a con 
* 7 ; 
a Wid i aawe Dasiae sa I «, ~. jee dal cena | weer tees ee 
Sch Cal a SS oe oe Pees boo 5] (de 
Palce ih. tacsch« * caida SO ee Re es de 

. Barbados.... 
| Old Provid’ce 

extreme range. 

George’s B’ks | 


Barbados.. -- 

Barbados.. -. 
Gulf of Mex . 
Barbados.. .. 
Barbados.. .. 
Barbados... .. | 

twee ee we eee | 

Barbados. --- 

Gulf of Mex . 
WAMAICR ...-- 

_ Florida Keys 

Charlotte H. 
Rhode Id.... 
Key West --. 

Range in time. 







TaBLE V. E.—List of Gastropoda—Continued. 7 

Bel Name and authority for species. Pl. | Figs. io | ie ant ieeaee 
210 | Mangilia atrostyla Dall...........---| 41.|4,4@ | 8.75) #;5 | Hatteras .... 
id Me. limonitella Dalle sass seen ee ee 48 Soe ae | Cedar Keys.. 
212 | M. cerina Kurtz & Stimpson ....-.-..-. | 44 /}16,a| 6.75) 3% | Cape Cod ... 
213 | M. ceroplasta Bush ..2....-....------ sale tects 5.5 | +9 | Hatteras .... 
BIA | SM iceninellaiDally=.aae- 252 402 see en nee 11.8| 34 | Hatteras ....| 
215 | M. quadrata Reeve -...-...--.-.----- Creal hore Bieber Hatteras .... 
216 var. diminuta C. B. Adams .-...--.|----|.-----].- SGke [Bees Hatteras ..-.. 
217 Var. TaginimagDall. 2 2 o_o Seance aes el Bee rea eee Florida Keys 
218 var. monocingulata Dall -..--..-2.| 11 115,16) 6.75)" 1007222 
219 | M. monilifera Sowerby .....----..--- Ea er en a ic Florida Keys 
220 | M. citronella Dall..-.....---..-.----- 9 5 | 6.25)... 7Ou sae 
PN I Ms, ae a ea oes Say a aes Se se | ce aers tenia, ees eee Hatteras .... 
Dee jew UD ORNS GTay: = «sence ae cena eee [kel ees oe Reet Beers Florida Keys 
eo IVD eee ek Zn hah SR | atte Re | ee | -.....| 22 | Hatteras .... 
224 avy melaniGicaiD alli sero sane |e il seek aloes a eee Hatteras .... 
225 var. oxia Bush. ....:..-..--.-.<-.| 41°} 3, 3@ |.39.0 |” ge | tlahereree 
Peo. | Wie cident et a a esa ee ie 3 [aaa 6 | 294 | Fernandina - 
Dear ||) Wik, eyauonen OAL oo be ee ee } | ft | iG ae 48 Fernandina .- 
228s ANI SeL man Dal acer u eee eee ate ee hou 9.0 | 707s | Florida Str .. 
299) (Mi penipla shale cee se) hela eee 11} 17| 8.0 | x49 | Gulf of Mex. 
2o0 eM. elusiva Datlamee eels. 9a oe ae | 12). 7 | 9,95) 323) | Gull oh iMexe 
O31, | M. bandellasDallesse ou. 0 4 < epaaes Feeeaees eee ‘Ais | Gulfof Maine 
ae hae (mia et : 

2'| M.comatotropis Dall ..........-... ) Ad | 8 |> 6.0 | 789s | Rhode Island 

dj 61| 7 
Pap || Asie oO DEW se a ee | 10' 12] 14.0] $2$ | Fernandina - 
234 | M. pelagia Dall .........-- S eeceeede-| TL} ~ 9 | 10.8 | - 589 \AGuipetaifien 
235 | M.exsculpta Watson ...--...-------- | 15 9 | 30.0 | 248 | Gulf of Mex. 
236 | M. Pourtalesii Dall ..........-...-.-- | 9 6 | 17.0 | 224 | Fernandina - 
200) Masulbsidat Dall me.) sat es. ee ee oe 12 | 3 | 13.0} 339 | Gulf of Mex. 
238 | M. toreumata Dall ................--. | 12 | 8 10.2 | 39+ | Fernandina - 
Subgenus Pleurotomella Verrill. 
239 | P. Packardii Verrill.......-----.-.--- '44 7 | 13.0 Af | Gulf ofMaine 
240 var. formosa Jeffreys _........ 60 72 | 10.0 | Adve | N. Atlantic --) 

241 _ var. Benedicti V.& 8 ..---. ; a ee ie tage Gulf of Maine) 
242.) P.-Bruneni, Vi. & Sse... -2. - sels: | 61 75 | 22.0 | 1698 | Rhode Island 
2A3y CP leucomata Daler asso gee ee ii 13-| 13.7 | §3§ | Cedar Keys..| 
2440) P. Catherine V,1astS om 2b. o a5. ee 61 | 76,a | 23.0 | 843; | Gulfof Maine| 


TABLE V. E.—lJist of Gastropoda—Continued. 
ty Nl 

bake Fla. | West 
N.J. Va. Hat. Ga. Fla. Keys. Fla. |\Tex. 


ss ‘West) Southern 

‘Am. | extreme range. Range in time. 


|e ileal * FMB 2 aca eters --. | Barbados..... 

. : ae See 1 ae ase ee = 

J See |e...) fs. A Sa Fe Reena) | onapeee eae ----; Fernandina -| P. Pliocene. 

r * 7 | | 

eS ee ee eee Pes Bae ae Set ae oe Scere gee me eS 

\ i 

RS aml os) ose z 2 eee ee sel lee O Same || LOSERS tose 

P } | 

lean. | ~- + ay ee 0) Deere Da Oneal Peel ery ee oe oT eee 

> | ; 

es 7 (Se eer eae tte aise ees 2 | beat wears ---- | Florida Keys- 

| ot erg teed eee Bora ied SOD) eierteitg, Wie 
See ee tare aoe | ess foes} t |zcacfeeor| --.- | Barbados.... 

so ee 



Bees) | ce foccst * li ta.|2o-c| soeet Ot. Thomass. 
A 9 OSE) PRES! ie al eed ee ee eres ...| ....| Guadalupe .. 

Meet ee et pla 2 | Old Provides 

Pa es ere me ae 
ple ti isa BA heen ie RODE < 5 5, 








meee te cl | 1...) cc.) Barbados:... 

See ee Se aes tte bole Te a Peat 

935) 5 See ee ppt LE. | sactheswel eens (anv Crage: 
ee Patethe hese ts!) pe 2h ee he Plorida Sir.) PoP lions: 

meee deter yet bet Fo lc Lege. | ee. 2 |) Dominica . -. 

: Lets ee eee es wees | eves [eee| pave Jones ....,---- | Rhode Island 
fa cma|tokh aeee (SaObOLRS . 2.1 

Peoria ian pe ole ee lee eae ocs, (ET OLIG br oe 
heeg tole BAe 2 Hatteras .-... 

Lee Sl 3 | 
Se Sait io ASE ES acetal (eee Ve On (Pe | Canes ee Si - BeGuin:.~ >. 
ft} ‘ | 




TABLE V. E.—List of Gastropoda—Continued. 

Name and authority for species. 

Alt. | Range 
a ‘ pee Northern 
No. Pl. | Figs ack al opel ébiventd range. 
245 | Pleurotomella Agassizii V. & S....--. 60 [67,71 | 31.0 | 723s | Rhode Island 
246 var. Sandersoni Verrill -.-.--. ee reyes 3299 | Gulfof Maine 
247 var. nexicana Dall........-.- 1l 14] 8.5 | 22% | Gulf.of Mex. 
O45: P. Bdganana Dally +oeees.-5e52eeeee 36 6 |'58..0 | 20> as seeeee 
249 | P. Pandionis Verrill....-..---..-----.- 60 69 | 43.0 | $28 | Rhode Island 
250 | P. Emertonii Verrill & Smith ....-. ; a S : 34.0 | $355 | Chesapeake - 
a PINs eenabOe CIAL oe eemeco oomeGe Hbom bade 46 4 | 22.0 | $244 | Virginia .--. 
252 | P. chariessa Watson .....-...-.-.---- 46 3 | 52.0 | 349 | N. Atlantic .. 
253 viarphalera, Dall. S252 -sse.|hos2| nes 38.0 | 731 | Cape Fear... 
254 Varjaresta Dall 222 2 acjcc se cmaelme ae eeeeee 28.0 | 751 | Cape Fear... 
Dish : varstellea, Dall 2i22 5 acess caellene.| ae nee 29.0 | 731 | Cape Fear... 
OHGalee.stliteraW alles esas) ase snes Seneca 12 9 | 17.5 | 331 | Gulf of Mex . 
Dida Ere lei Verrill sae aeen ace eee eee 46 5 | 22.0 | 4492 | Delaware -.. 
208 |2P. shadpia Dalz. sees. ee. soceeecs ee eee | eee 27.0 | wis; | Cape Fear... 
259: P Baidi Werrill. uc.) 262 see oa 60| 68) 55.0 | 44 | Rhode Island 
260m 22... Ietheoverkill: 2300." 2s eek eaten 46 7 | 11.5 | 1525 | Delaware --- 
? Section GYMNOBELA Verrill. 
261 | P.-extensa\ Dall: 2.2/2 ..4,24.. ee. 10| 2/| 12.2 | 649; | N. Atlantic .. 
2027 VPs hvnuned Vern lle ayes senna ee 46 6| 8.0) #84 | Delaware ... 
B63 |(P. Blaleana Dallo.o2-6, abs } i: i 8, 0 | +422; | Gulfof Maine 
264 WARS aomia Dall: secs yee eae Se east 10.0 | 1685 | Chesapeake - 
2095, /sP.curta Verrilllte 2 ss 3,252 ee sae ee eles eee 16.0 | 3843, | Rhode Island 
266 | P. tornata V. var. Malmii Dall......-- ewe (apc 5.0 | 824 | Gulfof Maine 
O67" cP. engonia Vierrillw-e2es eee sees Ty eae Dea Se 17.0 | 49% | Gulf of Maine 
Subgenus Taranis Jeffreys. 
268 °|.'T. cirtata Brnenone) e223 eee Seno eee ee eae 6.0 | 424 | Norway ..... 
Genus SPIROTROPIS G. O. Sars. 
26094 eS. eplamillaaVierrilll = e2s see enemies eens |e ee 3334 | Chesapeake - 
Subgenus Cancellaria s. s. 
PIAUE A CRoyenicilbnmy tbs. meesccioa tase Acllisos|leesase|locosa: xo 6«6©| Hatteras .--- 
2 | Conrad@ianas Dalle: 2505 San — met pete (a eee ete | eae ae Gulf of Mex . 
Subgenus Trigonostoma Blainville. ! 
272 | T.tenerade ning) 25. oo) sors Sell ies eee met eae Gulf of Mex - 
2¢3 | 0. Smibhio Dall 22220 ae eee ed, 1| 10.5] 22 | Hatteras .... 
7A, | D Agassizit Dall Ve see eae. ae game 4| 13.51 38 | ©, Lookont.-| 


TABLE V. E.—List of Gastropoda—Continued. 

N.J.|Va.| Hat.| Ga. 

Biteli== | <'e~ = 

ee. ee 

ee ae ng 



Range in time. 

SRI NBe Wada 
Ss 5 ees 
NES Wi * | * 

East) Fla. | West},,,.: | West! Southe 
Fla. |Keys.| Fla. Tex. tid. > blsih eieietind fangs. 
Seas 2 aiét loreal here's 5s SRN eal Roe Cape Fear... 
Ss Seo fer eel ie al A A ee N. lat. 384° .. 
SeBief a= t Taal it se alise aalpoeer Martinique .. 
= 5 ae eer bee Tee all seer |eeioe eres Curacgoa..... 
eal se Poneles t s ..| Santa Cruz.. 
ee ee ae ee en ee Nolatecoce ar 
eal eee alinas t Z t+ | .... | St.Vineent.. 
eeieta' iho afew il 23 af el aw Sky Vistas as sleiein sa, <.< 
see Ree Sees rk ows 2 ds, | SNE EHBOS 33’. 
Seo ieee teas lceoclectele: ears s Gulf of Mex . 
Sees case Bees beeck. (setaligan coon PD OLANWETe Lc. a 
=e eee t t t ~oes | YuCatan=<.. - 
Sesfieeray: . tT sunt VE ---. | Santa Cruz.. 
JS aCIN SS 5o: | |e eas t a --- | Guadalupe .. 
2 CS SID a et | eed .-. | Hatteras .... 
pet dali 2 recs wees Tie |masal-eealkes | Gulf of Mex . 
1 SUSSSOG ieee a Pan, ba Le eae Rhode Island 
ee oeeeeleeeeslssealort riseselt ot soe | lOriGa. Sor = 
reales RW igcot 1 We cl aeoal Sape eOCRAD. ..| 
ca |e : 2 s be i ltagrate We | -Vineatan; 2. 
ered care = Sg) I Se | ES eee Per | C. Lookout... 
* * 

| Key West . -. 



P. Pliocene. 



TABLE V. H.—List of Gastropoda—Continued. 
Alt. | Range 
pels Name and authority for species. | Pl. | Figs. ore : souk exten eae 
Genus ADMETE Moller. 
Qhg| CAs MICLOSCO PIC ail) alley oar ee eee ee ewer | ome ne ge ba ne! 200 | Fernandina .|— 
p27 os Ae? nodosa Vertis =e eee AG 9 | 12.0 | $32 | Delaware ..- 
Genus BENTHOBIA Dall. 
277 ,||.B:. Devon Dall S23 5s. i. cee eee 35 6 | 13.0 | 731 | Cape Fear... 
Superfamily RHACHIGLOSSA. 
Family OLIVID 2. 
Genus OLIVA Bruguiére. 
278 | O. reticularis Lamarck ......-..----- ate ee ae eee py | Key West --- 
29 | O. Mbarara dbamanels. 2: 2 ieee tao 34 | 8,8’ | 60.0) $ | Hatteras .... 
Genus OLIVELLA Swainson. 
280 MO MMC a Sayin sc ote ee 34) 1,2 | 13.0 |... 2) eee ee 
2ob | O-antivied (Gineliine® a se se seater | (ee |e | pce 2 Sarasota .... 
282 | O. jaspidea Gmelin ..-.......-..----.]. Ba War es td i | Hatteras ...- 
283 var. fuscocineta Dall ..--....-,-.|- wal ese sae ee fey | Florida Keys. 
284 | O. bullula Reeve ............--...--- Bel ee eel) Sees tg | Hatteras .... 
ODI {Oy ee ase eS OE Se Bs oI a supllsseicts tote oe oer Key West -..| - 
286.10, Horaliasuelogie: 9080 4ee eo awia'l Siaidinetell) a atoeeol See Hatteras .... 
Genus MARGINELLA Lamarck. 
Se ONE. CamneaS \OLORt gs tac pean eee BAe eros eee peese Charlotte H. 
288 || M. Storeria Conthouy..:...--.-..--.-. ss cilosaarercic | Seevticre | cmeteeorrs Gulf of Mex 
289 | M. oblonga Swainson .....-.-......-.|. ae eee eens, eee Florida Keys. 
200, Mi. euttatasDillivryne: soe. aes eee se cele andes soccer Hatteras ..-.. 
291")! Ms cassis Dalliicee 4. c= seep te heen 35) 8) 15.0) 101) Florida Keys, 
292° | Me. limatula:Connade- 2552 22 se seen facet le teeter vege leer Hatteras .... 
293/>| MM. apicunes Menke, | 32.03 2c haneeees Bee eens o ASeeca|=s= == Hatteras .... 
294 var. borealis Verrill............ : | a oa 14.0 | +44 | Rhode Island 
295;;|M. ‘pellneida Peiffer’). 225. 12)22 Sea aif ssh Res Be Sool [ceteoa ta | Sarasota .... 
coGs} M. Mivosanblinds, 2.5. 2:2 Jas 16 Mee) Be wel.) oa apg eg a Key West ... 
r , 19 3 9.5 | 220 
297/41 Watsonie all sane : é re lexoe | Gulf of Mex.} 
38 2) | 9: 5 : 
298 ,.|.M-vcineracea Dall..o@ .- 2 S22. 222-2.) 42 6 | 13.0 | 38¢ | Cape Fear. ..| 
299 | M. hematita Kiener ............-.--. alliance oe ¥5 | Gulf of Mex. 
300' || “ME Siasina salle soe ee ee TOR poet .0 | 234 | Fernandina - 
301 | M. yucatecana Dall ....--........--.. 19 5 | 5.62) $3§ | Florida Str-. 
302 ' M. virginiana Conrad .... .......-....|-.- ae ----| oye 

Chesapeake . 


TABLE V. H.—List of Gastropoda—Continued. 


| } 
East| Fla. | West West _| West Southern wt oe 
- Hat. | Ga.’ Fa, Keys.| Fla. lee Ind. an Eur.| ‘am. | extreme range. paren in time. 

Pee secs sacar leece tet t Px 3 Yucatan. .... 
t 7 SS poe a ee ee se akmaas ee cate carers 

oa! SN See S ieee Hi In ed Tod (eta Veet te Brazil. ......| Pliocene. 

‘| ld is a e . se.|.--.| ---. | Key West ...| Pliocene. 

: ie * “ * : * Saco!) eee leenimidad 22 Pliecené: 
34a ud e ae ¥ BS iwcalscus, ER lpateties 2 

‘ce eae ied aN * me 5 | alee Brazile =... Pliocene. 
Lait Be Aiba hese! | tele Jlicccs ahactes eeoe AnD AMOss74. 

t rast hy i PPE eaeed POE ee gem ase ee Nl AU P. Pliocene. 

Beata yamine < rmlmccite cebu cache [Rane bets Sale oe 2 | eka Zileyase Sr 
* | zs sg ze Lt a (ee Montols eee | 
oe Stet gece BoA Goel eee) | uc @aiye. . 
~ A a SE lama ee ela (2 4 I -. | Aspinwall... 
weal SAB i bisthag | Peel Oe . 5 Yucatan..... 
7: ie gm [ee atl eae e £3 Swan Island. 
- ee : 24 t t ee al CULT eee 

* mS een |e ee | ae iat elie C. Lookout..| Miocene. 

a bf ws <i * * HCP It SSR aT ae ate | Wap Jamaica.....| Pliocene. 
as i OS SHIGE SS betes eee eee ee See Ree Cape Fear... 
Doh eee : es * mis * ae . | St. Thomas.. 
pe ee) eee ees ‘Fahd Prcineseea | eae <4 Se Pa en eeet Sete Jamaica....- 
= 83.) ae eee t t t ony thee See | MILGALAMS oe, <5 
create] “eo ele tial meee |seemeclese lee nal oes. leo Ieee. see! Mermandina.. 
232) SER ie eal le See fe AL MO) efi ae Grenada :..- 
Ree eT Wee alate f ak maple cca Ae | ssese eee VICAR pAMs 2 =~ 
aR ae SEN cecal her alee ene tae) ea PEO 9 = Yucatan.....- 

eerie ee let abvoects 3M Be Wiebe th Seat |S ee Yucatan. ....! Miocene. 



TABLE V. E—List of Gastropoda—Continued. 


extreme range. 

; Alt. | Range 
RUT: Name and authority f r species. Pl. | Figs. | _ or in 

3 Lon. | depth 
303 | Marginella amabilisthedtield a: 254222. See. )e ee ee 755 
304: | SM eo oh jac cael oee. eerie neers |e eee cere F 
305: |My bella ‘Conrad a.o.52 se. secs 2 sete =| aeeelics seeeilosen es teens 
S06 |e Memmi camita Kae mers suse et aera eee eee 294 | Georgia 
BOTS IN ee are cees cee soasececeeeeee| ae bc ser-cend ll soeteee 294 
308; |< Mie SS ask eee cee eee Cee eae esa ase 294 
309 | M. fauna Sowerby.-...--..----------- Zonal se eces | eae eee 
310) MemicroconianD alls seem seer eer seer eee meee 294 
311 | M. denticulata Conrad -.......-..2.5.). Be eee cal era ez 
312 VAT OP ala wSLeATNS se 5 ace = stereo aoe eee eee ? | Tampa 
313 | M. aureocincta Stearns. ..---.......-- Eta eee ed eh PE 
Sido Measemimnulasallliess 22 sneer enemas 19 2) 7.0) 23¢ 
SUS |My Ste sa ts See ce woe et eesee ee Aeon loa saes|eacoce Tampa 
SIG VeMamiminta Pferttertees 655255 2h naa eens |e se eee Soe 
317M: minima Guilding-..2--..--2...--- Ree Sree) Sl wy 
318 | M. Redtieldii Tryon ...-.......--...-- aphiltatatenore sills peers 229 
319 | M. fusca Sowerby .-.........--..----- Res | peo Saleeeeer rae 
320 | M. succinea Conrad .........--...---: 19 6 | 12.0 | +58s 
SULAEMS styria, Wawa e eo wenn eis eels Sail ae aed Reel eee fay 
S22) | Mi torticnlaiWale: . 22g 2. Sansone ee spore cascade iaceees +34 

Section VOLVARINA Hinds. 
322) | eMeaivena Valenciennes 25s se soem elles all see ee | eee at 
324 | M. albolineata Orbigny.-.....--...---. Pees |e ese ele a Pos 
325 | M. subtriplicata Orbigny..---......-. PRA |) SOS Nel pe Th 
aco | ME lactea, Kener o2-22 0 2-5-2 oe ee eee S Sip pel rete lene 5 
327 | M. pallida Donovan .........--...-..- alee eae neh ate Ts 
Subgenus Persicula Schumacher. 
328 | P. catenata Montagu. ..---. Vm aeeacan pate eee sll ee per 
329 | var. pulcherrima Gaskoin ...-...-.- Bie ss pha RS 2 
BOO) Ps ee eres, ies einio core haete, eee re Stare ects | ees 294 
Subgenus Volutella Swainson. 
331 | V. lacrimula Gould ---............... Sp iilie a kel ae iio io 
$320 Vichadria, Dalle. se sno. cee a ree PPG oN | Uh lh bt 
BBs) | Wo aincianaicn JOANNE SS 358 e55e555 osonas Litt Selene co a area 14 
334 | V. ovuliformis Orbigny-.--.---..----- obo bode ce i ae oe eee 
Genus VOLUTA Linné. 

335 | V. virescens Solander....--...--.--..!..-- Texas 

Florida Keys.| 
Hatteras ....| 
Hatteras -_..| 
Fernandina . | 
Fernandina .| 
Florida Keys 
Fernandina .| 
Hatteras ....| 
Chesapeake -| 
Fernandina “9 
Fernandina .| 
C. Lookout ..| 
Floiida Str ..| 
C. Lookout..| 
Fernandina . 

Georgia .....| 
Fernandina -| 

Key West ..| 
Key West ... 

| Key West -.. 

Tortugas .... 
Tortugas ...- 

Turtle Harb. 
Florida Keys 
Fernandina . 

Hatteras .... 
Cedar Keys.. 
C. Lookout-. 
Cape Fear. .- 

—e— a 

Se ee ee 


fmm ewel we 


East! Fla. 
‘| Fla. | Keys 



West Tex. 

Ber- West | 


TABLE V. E.—List of Gastropoda—Continued. 

extreme range. 

* * 
Jaca a 

23 | Sas * 
ealad | 3 
+ a * 

: * 


ee -- 
wee few ee | cree 

wowe |eeee 


* t* 

* mS i 
* ts arent * 
aes * 


eon lewee| ones 
*+ +* 
seratlicee t 
eee |enewe| coce 
voce] coe 
Siviate linia es eee 
* * 
* * 

mu- |Eur. 
da. Am. 
* * 
ees =e 

| Tortola 

Cape Fear. -. 
Cape Fear-.. 
Hath; -'> =: 

Key West -.. 
Gulf of Mex - 
Yucatan .-.. 
Gulf of Mex . 
Barbados.. -- 

| St. Thomas... 

N. lat. 24° ... 


| Barbados.... 

Tortola ..... 

Tortora. aes 

St. Thomas.. 


Florida Str-. 
Charlotte H. 
Fernandina . 
Guadalupe -. 

Carthagena - 


Range in time. 

















TABLE V. E.—List of Gastropoda—Continued. 
Alt. | Rang . 
Name and authority for species. Pl. | Figs. ik ea arts one | | 
Genus SCAPHELLA Swainson. 
S-Junonia Hwass:-2-2 cece eee cee se: 34 | 5a-e | 95.0 | 43 | C. Lookout..| 
. ’ 
Subgenus Aurinia H. & A. Adams. 
AL dubiatBroderip ci. cee sete cae anes eeealeseeon eeeeee #4; | Hatteras ....| 
iA) GonldianasDalien -ee eee eee 29 3 | 69.0 | 4% | Cape Fear... 
‘A; robusta Dalleeeee oa eeeice seen 35 2 |119.0 | 342 | Tampa...... 
Genus TURBINELLA Lamarck. 
| Subgenus Cynodonta Schumacher. 
CP minnicatas BOL ss anos se ees ee else ial ees) eee eee 2 | Florida Keys 
Cr capite aint Mav nea sea) =p i=l rele tele ee ee FloridaKeys? 
Family MITRIDZ. 
Genus MITRA Lamarck. 
M. barbadensis Gmelin....-..--...-..]..-.|-----.|..--5|------ Key West.... 
M. nodulosa' Gmelin: 22052) h2 ose ssellece | ses ase lon sera aera Fort Macon... 
M: Dupontin Wiener) =. eee cem eer = 4eeae) ce ae eee eee Florida Keys | 
M. suleata: Gmieline ie iaeeeace ate tee ieee cee eee Jupiter Inlet | 
IM. puelllameevie ses ata ar ae oe eetoranl ete) | oracle oie) me ere te ee C. Lookout..| 
M. albocineta C. ByAdams): 225-22. 52-|o-sn leas senl|-oesen lee aeee Key West -..| 
M. Manleyi Dohrn’ s. 325.2 ie-e yoga sae e | eee lise eee neeeee Florida Keys 
Var. SeMMata SOWCED YS ce sei == alee oe |beraetete eee el ee | Charlotte H.- 
M. floridana Dall ......----..---.---- 48 5s, (6f0L|eeees Marco. ..---. 
M. Swainsoni Brod. var. antillensis | 38 7 | 80.0 | zz | C. Lookout... 
M. straminea A. Adams.............- Bled loseeelasemer 84 | Gulf of Mex. 
M. fulgurita Reeve ..--....---....... --:|------|------| 3477 | Cape Florida 
M. styria Dall 2222. S2ocices ecco -c1- 15 6 | 19.0 | 353; | Cape Florida | 
M. wandoensis Holmes-..-.-..-..-.---- Ballsasoocleacsas 44 | Hatteras .... 
Ma Bardi Dall: 2 ie esoe cue oes AQ 7 | 35.0 | 528 | Lat. 32° 24’_. 
M. torticula Dall ..--....---.---.--.. 15 8 | 12.2 | 400 | Florida Str.-. 
Subgenus Conomitra Conrad. 
C. Blakeanay Dalle 22. sees ee eee Paella teens 6402) Gulf of Mex. 
var. levior Dall -...--...-..----- 35 10 | 9.75) 8° | Gulf of Mex. 
Me piplitcata Dialer ats eee eee ne 35 1! 7.0 | 389 | Fernandina . 

TABLE V. E.—List of Gastropoda—Continued. 

, Ber- 
East; Fla. | West |, West West 
5 Va, Hat. Ga, Fla Keys. Fla. Tex. Ind. pre Eur. -Am 
er * * % , | , a 
t sel hee Bata eine RS 
Seles tee te ot t Be alts ec ie ot ae a 
- - -ee a “ee * - - -—* 
Mee cr| Scie ? aiziet (Pe % es, eral Saee 
-—* — os -- -—=- -«- - - 
- Mas eweeel = see -—-. s -“—- “<= tad - 
eS | eae * * Be, a * ee ae bei 
JSaeS i ee Beet eer bad He yea Sy. seme 
-- -“*e* -—<-« oe = wenwealeeoeen -—- 
7 -—-<—- -—-*. mn -*e- --. a mee l im we - 
poet * * ae at lle ee 
77 - - * “——* ewww |wm ww wl eee --* 
eed os neal ters [tee ces) Se aa [aes 1 er eel oe 
Bete Perel cide || wa2|sece| --0s t BE ess mens esac) sei 
= ne ee eee CCR Ree Woh oid oll b-onssches jl rateavat| Cerebral eae 
Sed Sees mre lietes.|)) Oh 1 Sa Fee al Ua (eee Sc lars 
-5 ieee eee t * a tT. | cacao ae 
A Hen ee Eemte e cies, | a o'srar to Sate lc em | aretsl enone 
i (ea ee t water adaalke ot, seas hess Mee 
ease Boe ilbne t fi [ecaetasleere Je 
eal fetalise [eine t ie eee 5 IR fen oe alert 

| Darien 


. Southern 
extreme range. 


Range in time. 

Florida Str-.. 

Cape Florida 
Key West -.. 

Guadalupe -. 
Curagoa... .- 

- Barbados.... 

St. Thomas... 
Guadalupe -. 
St. Thomas... 
Va EN) eae eae 
Jamaica. .... 
Key West ... 
Grenada. .... 

Florida Str-. 

Yucatan .... 
Yucatan’ 2.<. 


P. Pliocene. 

Pliocene, ? 





TABLE V. E.—List of Gastropoda—Continued. 



80. 0 
250. 0 
375. 0 
200. 0 
100. 0 

100. 0 


Ser Name and authority for species. Pl. | Figs. 
Genus FASCIOLARIA Lamarck. 
361 | F. gigantea Kiener .......----...---- 
362 | F. tulipa Linné.-.--....---....--- Bent) Sree Neg Sea AS 
363 | F. distans Lamarck.--.-..------.---- ee 
Subgenus Mesorhytis Meck. 
364 | M. Meekiana Dall .........---...---- 36 | 7 
Genus FULGUR Montfort. 
365 | F. pyrum Dillwyn...--! SI SER EE SE Sohal eons |soqoae 
366 | F. canaliculata Say...-....---.-----. 73 1 
BOW He PELVCESA um Geese eis ane 2 me etl |e rel erate 
368 var. coarctata Sowerby .-...----.|----|------ 
SO 2) Eek C ALC A) WAIT Oto aia esas ete) eee 74 1 
370 | F. eliceans Montfort ...--.-.----.----|----|--.--. 
ofl | M. corona Gmelin: =. see. 42 sete eel leeeieloeeeee 
372 | M. melongena Linné......-..-... ....|.---|.---.. 
Genus LATIRUS Montfort. 
_ Subgenus Leucozonia Gray. 
73 | L. eingulifera Lamarck...--...-.---- 
374 | L. ocellata Gmelin. ...--..----...--.. 
Subgenus Latirus sg. s. 
s/o | Li. brevicaudatus Lamarck 02.5. - .2-.| 222) se cee- [ae nea ee 
76 | L. cayohuesonicus Sowerby,...2-..-2|----|s222-5|--2ee8|25eee 
- 377 | L. infundibulum Gmelin-....-....-.. Sectalcmiereis 
Subfamily Fusine. 
Genus FUSUS Lamarck. 
378 | F. timessus Dall........---..-..----- ealsseecse 
379.1 F.eucasinias 2 apes sa seein 35 5 
3805 |E. -CowenPetit. ae aioe 2 eee aseeeee |iaeee 
381 | F. balistreptus Dall....-...---...---- 30 7 
362 | FE) Schramm Crosse 2o2 922555 eee once 
383 1 esbenthulis Dalles see eee eee 15 10 
BBA Bis aa ee, ea gee een eee anaes 
385) | Eesamiantus Dall 222 eee eee 15 11 
300: | Pa epynopus Malle icc sco -p see= es eee eee 

extreme range 


Hatteras .... 
Hatteras .... 
Hatteras .... 

Gulf of Mex. 

Hatteras .... 

Cape Cod....| 
Hatteras ....] 

Florida -..... 
Cape Cod.... 
S. Carolina.. 

Gulf of Mex. 

Florida Keys. 

Sarasota ....|_ 

Cedar Keys..- 

Florida Str .. 
Key West --- 
Tortugas .... 

Cedar Keys.. 
Cedar Keys.. 

Charlotte H-| 

Florida Str -- 
Cape Fear. -. 

Florida Keys.| — 
Florida Str..} 

Gulf of Mex. 

Gulf of Mex. 

East| Fla. | West|,, West Wee 
-| Hla. |Keys.| Fla. |7¢*| Ind. || FUr! am 
cad * ¥ > acne Aree San | ane SB) Seer | ag 8 
* * * * * * beta (epee |S tlk 
Saat i. ” % — | 35) eee eee 
3 = as t t : Ve [lotr aerate teens 
et * * * * & PU EON Oo tll bas ee nd 
* * * tare * * Pa |S ae (reel RB 
* * * * * * FEE SA, Ie ACAI 
Bas ae & PRE le Scr eetae tl Warecall ante beset 
* * * * * * ie ON POT Mae 
& * = * * 2 ‘in (ee | eee he ae 
rs ih * * * SE Nee i ae oe 
es * pie p * : Pan | el ee ee ? 
ze. * * * * steal (age) Rents a 
areal. =A * ¥ ry * * Ve ae 
-~—--* - * -oece -—--* ® -—- - -_= 
-_—<« - -—- * - - La -—-7e. -—- -—= 
ee = i 03 3 4 SO ? 
Se eae aa t iat a! Tel cae si See bth 
ee hs Sl a i ae ae ta rt cae eee 
-_=<-- - ewes z * cece! ewan j|eeesiteeee| sees 
pe te Tb tice aos fe ae | Peng RS ar 
temtsecte colt aoc 1 atl oe el ae a eee es he 
Sell z= Lets Mt eee lek ieee Lue Seif Gh’ areas a Meera Wea ees 
Be UY al SES Pa ee A hh te aa a CR Mala, 1D 
<| Mel i aaes P : des 9 ae | eA ate ier te 
ale rg Sop Pa ee | ate Reece | ere 
-94781—Bull, 18 


Taste V. E.—List of Gastropoda—Continned. 

extreme range. 

Florida Keys 
Carthagena . 
Yucatan .... 

Gulf of Mex. 
Gulf of Mex. 
Chir cee 
Gulf of Mex. 
St. Thomas... 

Guadalupe -. 
N. Grenada. . 

Guadalupe .. 

Swan Islands 

Santa Lucia - 

S. of Cuba... 
Barbados.. .. 
C. Romano.. 
Bahamas -- . 

Guadalupe .. 

Sombrero . .. 

Sombrero - .. 


Range in time. 

P. Pliocene. 
P. Pliocene. 


Pliocene ? 



TABLE V. EH.—List of Gastropoda—Continued. 



398 | 


400 | 







Name and authority for species. Pil. 

Fusus alecimus Dall 
var. Rushii Dall.....-.. Se UAIGaSs 
F. amphiurgus Dall 


weee eres oe e ees eae e] a 

Genus BUCCINUM Linné. 


B. undatum Linné-.......---.------- 
B. abyssorum Verrill....--.-----.---- 


Subgenus Sipho Morch. 

S. islandicus Linné........---....--. 2 

S. Stimpsoni Mérch ....--..-.-...---- 

S. pubescens Verrill.-----.----..-----|---- 
ee io aay i Be mee ete |r 

S. pygmeus Gould 

var. planulus Verrill 

S. Sars wWelweysecase 1c aoe seas 
S. obesus Verrill 


S. glyptus Verrill 

ee ee ee 

S. cxlatus Verrill 

S. Bocagei Fischer....-...----..-----|---- 
S. Rushii Dall 

Section Mounia Friele. 

ee ee ee 

S. simplex Verrill 
S. hispidulus Verrill 



Su Seecodondcsse.qcapec 35 

S. globulus Dall 
Genus JUMALA Friele. 

J bry chiar Vernilles::: -areon see eene 46 
Genus LIOMESUS Stimpson. 
L. Stimpsoni Dall...-....-----..----- 
Genus PISANIA Bivona. 

Pavarlewata | Gray acl sees een ee elena 
P. pusio Linné 

mum nee cee wes eee wee eee ele cee 

| Alt. | Range 
Figs or in 
Lon. | depth 
bane 15.0] ° 95 
pie 8.5 | 200 
Sipe 14,0) 101 
12 | 50.0 | 325 
80 | 43.0 | $85 
eA Seas Teo 
11 | 75.0) s& 
oe We 60.0 | 8 
i a ll Ca 528 
fi se eeee t 0 
8l 40.0 ees 
eos 25.0 | 234 
82 | 30.0} 322 
i er? 30.0 | ##r 
ted 21.0 | 1121 
ee 11.0 | 323 
esnece 14.0 oes 
Pegs 7.5 | 2033 
12 | 31.0 | 238 
10, a | 41.0 | 284; 
11 | 32.5 | 349 


extreme range. 

Gulf of Mex. 
Florida Str -- 
Gulf of Mex. 

Arctic Sea... 
N. lat. 42°... 

Arctic Sea... 
Arctic Sea-.. 
Nova Scotia- 
Hatteras .... 

Nova Scotia- 

Rhode Island 
Rhode Island 
Hatteras .... 
Rhode Island 
Rhode Island 


Gulf of Maine 

Gulfof Maine} — 

Florida Str.. 

N. lat. 364° .- 

S. Carolina-..| 

Florida Keys. 
_Key West ... 



TABLE V. E.—List of Gastropodu—Continued. 

East’ Fla. | West West West Southern nen 
Hat. |Ga. Fla. pegs Fla. Tex Ind. E Eur. Am. | extreme range. Range in time. 
eh A a Sa a I a Nas | i} seer 
262)! CBB Ae Ooi Sate) ie ill (absent yaa (OE ar ie SEER Yucatan..... 
Bese. 2 t He lscascter cons fara ol Ph hcl haved Linco ot | PRC ae 
sereeirec tects] tT wife lire arail etna le aeeg bese teteiee Florida Keys 
|” | ee AE) haa i, eee Ode! 2 . | Charleston H | Pliocene. 
: 4 i” Se eee SEM roi eh Ware cl] ees = lies Sei cheaters Sa2 =| Hatheras 232 
. t if he, el soe Sess [es ea Sooo | easel il tee soul ee OaRolinac. 
f Th) See a SEA BOSE cased eee tame ---- | Hatteras ....| P. Pliocene. 
tT Pd) Sete) ee See eee Bare | asia anes || acre |S COATOMTE. - 
oo HM eetles ol) ace. |Netace, [soos sae Seal ---- | Savannah... 
t ee Os eo Rigel lwemndi wet |weenlenua| --—0)) Cope Beam. 

wenn! tees 

Soeod seca) 2 
SEO ee seh es 
BEE os letra) Pet) 

Bs Noalteeee' allt eth & 

. Ay toe 

Cape Fear. .. 
Fernandina . 
Fernandina - 
Jamaica .... 
Cape Fear. .. 
Africa. ...... 

- | Florida Str... 

Hatteras .... 

Jamaica .... 

St. Kitts? - .. 

S. Carolina.. 

Trinidad .... 
Darien ....:- 



TABLE V. E.—List of Gastropoda—Continued. 

| Alt. | Range x : 
Ser. 3 5 & : Northern 
No. Name and authority for species. Pl. | Figs. noe cae extreme range. 
Subgenus Tritonidea Swainson. 
All| it tinetaiConradeseeese setae eae se see wewtllecessc|eoee sal seeeee Hatteras --.-. 
412 | T. cancellaria Conrad...-....---.---- See ede oes Paes peers Jupiter Inlet 
413 | T. Orbignyi Payraudeau -...--..----- Beee pase oe | Neeetae $3 «| Gulf of Mex. 
AVA TP: lintbata Philippre.. 22-2 eee PEAS oe SS sees 24 | Gulf of Mex.| ~ 
Genus PHOS Montfort. : 
ANS.) °F, CandewOrbiony = sooces cn csae eeeee Sal ie ee BY le 22; | Hatteras -.-. 
Al) Pe parvus Cab sAdamsese cee cease eee 48 6 | 13.2 | 7% | Charlotte H. 
Genus EHNGINA Gray. 
417 | E. turbinella Kiener .....-.---------. auoolletee oa et esa eee Key West .-.| — 
Genus NASSARIA Link. 
Subgenus Nassarina Dall. 
418) 2N. bushi Dalle once. ene ose oe 15 12 | 9.0) wi | Sand Key .-. 
HB UU e ean scl Loy se Bgl Boy st « pen es a va any Ceara So 41| 5,a| 5.5 | $$ | Hatteras --2: 
420 | N. columbellata Dall .........--.--.- seen ere | 12.2] 124 | Gulf of Mex . 
wal AN. GrayiDall ee aes etic anes 32-| 12a | 12.0 | 35% | Gulf of Mex . 
Family NASSID &. 
Genus NASSA Lamarck. | 
AQ. | N. uLiviitaia alye vas sce ce eeee ae ee ; a yy ioe #5 | Nova Scotia - 
423 | N. obsoleta Say..... Dah ieee 50 QoS in| eee Nova Scotia -} q 
AES GIN VID OE SIEUN ca ea tl ar aa eg eigen 50 ot ea 9 | Cape Cod -.. 
As 1 N= ste mbaseay 8 socket ee totaal eae N. Carolina..| — 
426. N. ambigna Montagu 592222 5-28 eee a see lease ee ses +$z | C. Lookout .-| — 
Ai IN consensa Ravenel sass onee eee ae alle |e ae ~,; | Hatteras .... 
A428 N. Elotessiert Orbis iy s-2e5.-0 ae. ceeeoat alee eee eee $2 | Hatteras ..-. 
429 | N. scissurata Dall -.............----.- aha eee eee +24, | Florida Str --. 
Genus COLUMBELLA Lamarck. 
430 | C. mereatoria Lamarck..-......-..... Cea aioe ey |b a a -°; | ©. Lookout -- 
431 | C. rusticoides Heilprin ............-. ep PP es = aacens [> aoe Cedar Keys.. 
Subgenus Anachis Adams. 
AB 2a) GAs, san eamal IS aiys cic 6 met el eee 50 se ee ae Ie Mass. Bay - -- 
433 var. semiplicata Stéarns...--.-.-- SA ee ee eee Cedar Keys-.- 
434 var. translirata Ravenel.......--- i Fal Ge eA SR | eames New York ... 
435 var. similis Ravenel._..-...-...--. ss ie ee ae Se eres C. Lookout .. 
430))| A. halivetidettreys.. sos eee se. ke 4) aes eee ger | N. Atlantic ..! 


ay x ba rn 
. | 

a i 


TABLE V. E.-~—List of Gastropoda—Continued. 


a J plies: Eat Fla. | West |- West | Ber-| West South eye 
ae Va. | Hat.| Ga. Fla. Keya.| Fla. Tex. Ind. “aaL: Eur. ng eriiome rane Range in time. 
oe sea fee moar eee” (ea eas mene 
ah ua 4 4 % 63 Tey eee || en Vera Cruz... 
pices |S 'n : Z . Sd ll ZT see P| He S28 WWAEIOM). oss 
eee xs Re Fal Ee ae = Pe | dal SM heh yen eee 
ae = = “te E “ods Sees INCE eerie 
sf Se ed Sa t me teeta De aWeee i aha eae 
rites BN fees 2 Sea Bal bagdOs=> ape Coole: 
23. ee eee thera pa : oo alesse, DaALed 2225 
So) (ae ee PM Ss ad eee t ai aheete he soe Barbados..--. 
Se ee Be : SIN, bamee | ee paey iE | er Florida Keys | Pliocene. 
ree | ca |\ocms | 3 ooo ee ee | t Selle ieee) neater. 5 = 
en ee Ae Br heeeth + el cles Barbados.... 
aE - . . 
£5 3c) Re eed Oe ON an (ene [esee] cess St. Augustine] Miocene 
* * ¥ * Tampa 
“sll ah Nia ad ty (rae ST Syed Sorel Be Oekcger Aspinwall...) Pliocene. 
oe al a - * “eek (pee. ol ew, 9 eee Barbados..-..| Pliocene. 
i | xe ees * ot a a skh (oeastal |e Barbados..-..| Pliocene. 
ee |e ee i: Siege Siete al) eee eee Florida Keys | Pliocene. 
ae tenors ioe= lt be (Be Ol Dis a Ua Meee Moer sr eee 
fale). T Secgitee t SS Barbados.. -- 
oy Hee, Rs * s: ms en epee (ee! se Barbados..--.| Pliocene. 
=e ae: * = ie * pre | eee (Pe ar Mulie 2 see 
| Miocene. 
oom ey 2 = eral | SIA Pat eae ee ..|-.-. | Florida Keys 
ESE pee = Bid ese at Gharlotte E:- 
coy) | 2 elias iM ed A Yucatan-..-- 
3 io RES eet e * oe ae Nos eet Me LG 2 = fo 
Sea ee a. ecm tee Sil 2 | ele te le el Hatteras: 2s 7 



TABLE V. E.—List of Gastropoda—Continued. 

Alt. | Rang = 
Ber Name and authority for species. Pl. Bie 70m, wy othe 
437 | Anachis albella C. B. Adams ---.-----|- sel] sac Seales olseee oe Cape Fear. .. 
438 | A. samanensis Dall ..-.-..----.------|- Siti te soe ea sie cle emtere Turtle Harb. 
439 | A. pulchella Kiener-..---.-.--------- Boe lee Saal erie pee Key West - -- 
440 | A. obesa C. B. Adams .---------------|- = A eal ees Hatteras .... 
441 | A. Hotessieriana Orbigny .----.------|----|------|------|------ Tampa ------ 
442 | A. amphissella Dall....-.-.--.-------- 19 | 10¢} 4.0) 234 | Fernandina - 
443 Vaile Funes iit Wai eee pera ate re ere elt state | es ai Loh pees 294 | Fernandina 
Subgenus Nitidella Swainson. 
A444 | N. nitidula Sowerby -..---.----------|- beta isicion Sialic aes ieee Jupiter Inlet- 
445 |_N. cribraria Lamarck ..-.-....--------|- date leweocelene Seclseaeee Key West --- 
AAG |_N. leevicata, linn6é... J. -2 2-2 ---- |= 2 sia oareueeles <eeee eeeee Florida Keys | 
447 | N. parvula Dunker -.-..-------------|- Pea essed ea ocealses ose Gulf of Mex - 
448 | N. moleculina Duclos ..---.-----. ---- sclailleiefaretarall eatatren|| eee Florida Keys 
449 var. dicomata Dall-.---..----..-.- Soaa|sas esl seaeen eee Key West .-- 
Subgenus Astyris Adams. 
ANXO) || ds\g INNIMENIBNISEIS 2 558655 Soc osgccesa5 osac 50 Nf aes 3 | Cape Ann... 
451 var. Duclosiana Orbigny .----..--- EBA asice sao sacas ¢; | Hatteras ....| 
A) |) AN, jpn, Wer posse secccgoscssssece 50 | 13? |t.2. 2 ziis | Rhode Island 
iis) || Ne IRanaevelw IDEN es pos eogeceoeoss E218 eve eal a Nees 424 | Hatteras -... 
454 | A. multilineata Dall -...--......-.--- ps Na PR adee | een zoz | C. Lookout --. 
A55 | A. Giaphana Vernill-25--- --2 === ---=-- 35 9| 9.0] 4% | Rhode Island 
A56 | A. rosacea Gould -..-.-------- -------- 69 Dale ctee #5 | Arctic Seas.. 
457 | A. fusiformis Orbigny-.-------------- wosaleouuee beane eames ae Turtle Harb- 
Abs A. Vernillia Dall oo". 2. See. aes 19 8| 9.0 | 232 | Fernandina - 
459 | A. profundi Dall-.----- eioemieesinalae ete SSoaleeeenleaeess vi; | Hatteras ---- 
Subgenus Hisopus Gould. 
460 | Aisopus Stearnsii Tryon -..---..-.---- 29 57 (ASO tees Cape Fear... 
Subgenus Conidea Swainson. 
AGI |" C: ovatlata Weare lass seme ee tae are ae |e eee Florida Str-- 
Subfamily Muricine. 
Genus MUREX Linné. 
462 | M. Beaui Fisch. & Bernardi .-.----. A Meek enlace eee “82; | Cedar Keys-- 
463 | M. Cabritii Bernardi ..---.-.----.----. Ba bee a ie ae 2; | Hatteras ..-- 
464 | M. messorius Reeve...---..---------- aaeaiianiee HR Setems ~~ | Cedar Keys.-|- 
Subgenus Chicoreus Montfort. 
AG. | CC ruhusHuamarckeeees-meiee see =< Serle aro ee Atala py | Cape Fear-.-.- 
466 | C. brevifrons Lamarck. .-..-..-..----.|----|------|------|----0- 

S. Carolina ..|_ 




TABLE V. E.—List of Gastropoda—Continued. 

"| Fla. | Keys. 



* * 
3S a Bee 

* * 



- -- “<8 


* * 

* * * 
-- [it | ---- 
8 ee t 

ase} ht 

See te | 
: Slime 
= * 
z * 

5 East) Fla. | West Tex. 


West 4 
“ mu- | Eur 
Fla. Ind. , 
* * 
* * * 
* * 
* * 
* * 
* * 
* * 
* * ¥ 
t ie | | 
- eee ewe 
* * * 
* Fae | 
* * 



2 ae 
extreme range. | ®@nge in time. 

St. Thomas... 
St. Thomas.. 
Guadalupe -. 


Yucatan --.. 
Florida Str-. 

Barbados.. -- 
Barbados.. .. 
Aspinwall sep 
Barbados... .. 
Key West --.- 
Florida Str-- 

Turtle Harb-| Pliocene. 
Barbados... .. 

Hatteras .. -. 

Fowey Rocks 

Cape Florida 

Gulf of Mex .- 

New York... 
Pernambuco.| | 
Aspinwall ... 

Tampa Bay.. 

Barbados... --. 

Guadalupe -- 

Carthagena -| Pliocene. 
| Carthagena .| Pliocene. 




TABLE V. E.—List of Gastropoda—Continued. 



= Alt. | Range = 
per. © ‘ ority fe i >) her e cn N th 
No. Name and authority for species. Pl. | Figs Hoe agote scpea rine | 
eae 4 
| % 
Subgenus Phyllonotus Swainson. 
467 | P. pomum Gmelin _-...-:..:-.2....-| 16 2) | losON ete Beaufort, N.C. 
AGSs| HRs ful Vescens SOWELL DY sess 455 oss 25 ele = oe eee eee Hatteras -.-.) — 
A690 P= PazitCnosse 82 ee enna ste eee sae ole 32.0 | 239 | Florida, Stre.)9 
470°| Po liystrietmus Dall ess te aes se eee 16 4 | 21:0 | 342° | (Cubaeseee ~ 
Subgenus Pteromotus Swainson. 
471 | P. macropterus Deshayes -...--.----- sei zedee Sell eens 63 | Hatteras ....| — 
ATO ear haters sib) alloys ie etary ee aera mes 42 1 | 17.0 | 234 | Fernandina. - 
AB ennai) Del. Hoes AAe eee ee sea. 15 3 | 15.5 | 442 | Florida Str-- 
Genus HUPLEURA Adams. 
474 | E. caudata Say ...--...---..--. .----. 50 WE eee oy Cape Cod.... 
A75 | E. Stimpsoni Dall ..----.--....----.- 42 3 | 12.0 | $99 | Fernandina. 
Genus TROPHON Montfort. 
Subgenus Boreotrophon Fischer. 
47 O0(b. vasinatius' Ce ie) < 2225. oes eae Pallpabobo| esas 843 | N. Atlantic... 
ARG | Or mibarsisoremiua Wein! Goseec good encase Bee aa oe 8.0 | #3 | Rhode Island 
ATiGn | Ise learcramelliltuis wD) cil eevee eee ere 15 4 | 41.0 | 225 | Cape Fear... 
479 | B. actinophorus Dall ...---.+--------- 15 2/17.5 | 332 | Santa Cruz = 
Subgenus Aspella Morch. 
480 | A. hastula Reeve 2......--.2.-2.-.-.- ae sul eS Sellen 14 | Cape Fear... 
Acl>)\ A scalerioides Blamvyille =22 22 -¢-—- =. |e) oo eee ee eae | Mediterran’n | — 
482 | yar. paupercula ©. B.Adamszess see eee ee eee ese West Florida} 
483 | Var rovelisensy At Adams; essa nee. 4| as |Peee |eeenl eee Vera Cruz... 
484 Viet: lamrellos aD mnie eee eS ecarert| Aya [rce separ | eine | eee Florida Keys 
Genus OCINEBRA Leach. 
485 | O. cellulosa Conrad.....--------+---- 16 1| 12.0} + | C. Lookout... 
486 var. levicula Dall...----..- ee Petco tener (ec eee 22 | GC. Lookout..| | 
487 | O. intermedia C. B. Adams-.-.---..--. oe sl oars AEE tere a|paeesers Key West ...| 
Genus MURICIDEA Swainson. 
488 | M. hexagona Lamarck.....- eee Ai soon ee eel penne 25 | Gulf of Mex. 
489 | M. multangula Philppi -.----..----.|. fal is cereal te apr yx; | Cape Fear--- 
490 | M. floridana Conrad ....--...-...-.-- Beets Soeur ee oy | St. Augustine 
491 | M. Philippiana Dall .......----.-.... Oh ec eer amee ds 3 | Key West -..| 
Genus UROSALPINX Stimpson. 
A492) UsicimenensiSaiyg 2 bacwant-eesee eee ee 50 6 | 28.0 | 3% | Nova Scotia - 
AWB Us peers CoyaunKde Sas amacosencodllescalacoooalleasoscltoces: | Cedar Keys - 


TaBLe V. E.—List of Gastropoda—Continued. 

Range in time. 

Venezuela-..-.| Pliocene. 

P. Pliocene. 





Key West .--| Pliocene, 

| East; Fla. | West. West | 7°" West Southern 
; - Fla.| Keys) Fla. Tex. Ind. a Eur. Am. | extreme range. 
as a * * * * * * * WR | Ae a 
. AS Oo A ee ae ad WP pasmesch | = cena eae | rec ee fee gk ou eee oe ee 
A ee t 1 eee ile ee eee ors! --- | Guadalupe .. 
a ees SEA SE) peoOM ee Tolscoaeee -- | Martinique... 
| a Peers tore cisco. lace, boas (Seeefeoe Ag Set OS Be Bie ae 
See Poe. | sos | 255 | 2. | cone [owen aes -- | St.Augustine 
ds: see if een (eee t Se Soe eee ta OM Ree Stee 
oO a 9 ean Nal * ge NR of hata gs us ? Charlotte H . 
aay eee 1 | SAS EE | Meee (ere Py ates | tee eco ERRORS SS 
hee EE lle SS ee ee ee ooleeae ot SA Ste hatte oe. 
if Fg | CRE 2 heal a eae ee egl Pare (at & Hatteras .... 
SS ae ey ee t as Tie (oeeeleee - | Dominica .~. - 
es) ee a rs ae Tt ede ltee sooo! Baurbadost.2¥ 
OS Se a Weis esas (rootens: 26 REODIGS sacs. 
Bie. PEN et h  cn| Ss0 [esse bees de se/ Qh tees || Areas Sool e. 
Mpeeesties |ox--| ~~ |=... a t se * # * -.- | St. Thomas... 
2) te lee © jnetolte sees St. Thomas.. 
ol et ee al ee fee g Sy eet Guba sete. - 
o a MA 
| Sj Say ed * " ena ne Sombrero . -. 
ieee =|| == a ag ee = oe | eh cel eet mol nen (tered soc- | eucatan) ..-< 
De oecehoniacs.| s~ | soo<}.* |--* See ees St. Thomas... 
oo) Se ee gah (ee ey nts 4G he | eee DOM as. = 
tes... cot a ts % a ce ms i Weg |B re Yucatan. -..- 
3 ee eee 2 (Seal BS, scala fs see eons C.Romano.. . 
a Pe SR a oe beeen ers aoe pee ao Yucatan .... 
Beeps afer let L 6] eae. iy It Pe Vee soa Wee reg ren ot (ete St.Augustine 
y * * 
|eeee lee [eeeel ee Leeee| * | [eee] eee [eee eleee-[ +e 
% y 




/ ot A 

TaBLE V. E.—List of Gastropoda—Continued. 

) ——_ 

Ser. Name and authority for species Pl. | Figs a See Northern 
No. . y Pp ; i Sua ban depth,| extreme range. 
494 | Urosalpinx tampaensis Conrad. .----- ce lies eee Meee ee | eee Cedar Keys. 
495 | U. ? carolinensis Verrill.....---.----. PE | eens 15.0 | $33 | Hatteras .-.. 
496.) Ui? mains Venrlllyat- ee ee ee eee eee ae 2ollo> seme 13.0) fs | Hatteras .--- 

Genus TYPHIS Montfort, 

pe : : 15 f \losd 5 
497 | 'T. longicornis Dall ....-.-.-----.--- ; 38 5 | 23. 0 too | Gulf of Mex. 
Subfamily Purpurine. 
Genus PURPURA Bruguiére. 

AQIS SP sp cutro lary eatin Sesame atone lae ata ers |r eee heisere Se Jupiter Inlet. 
AC I2z, ani ibtwe 4 o6— 5 enoe ss 6050 BC SOR eB eceese te seee Norway -.--- 

a : 34] 3,4 |? 
500 | P. heemastoma Linné ,.---.-..--..-- ; 46 a2b (50. WY ljoseose Hatteras --.. 
501 BP; deltoidea uamntarck: =22. 252252208. 2 Soe sees eee Jupiter Inlet. 

Genus SISTRUM Montfort. 
5025) (S: roseum Reeve! 22 222 222-2. === Bea eemicne|socess |S a>o5- Gulf of Mex - 
HOS. es Nod ulosumas Ci swA GANS so sere ne om eel ae ae ete ore eee CG. Romano .. 

Subfamily Coralliophiline. 
; : 16 5 | 20.0 : 
504 | C. Deburghize Reeve-.---.----..... ; 4 A 1 97, 0% vis | Hatteras .-.. 
505 | C. abbreviata Lamarck ....---.--..--|----|------|------ fio | Cape Fear-.- 
506a\ eC bracteata sBrocehi oe 2 oSaseee ss. oe See S| eee ens x5 =| Hatteras .--- 
SOV Ce lachucanWallPseeeeer xtc ete ee ol 6 | 11.0 | 422 | Fernandina . 

Superfamily PTENOGLOSSA. 

Genus SCALA Humphrey. 
508 |S. angulatatGays gests site Sere a ee ee eee eee Connecticut - 
5095) Ss. Wayaneie aller ee ao ee een 50 ES eel ee Virginia .... 
510° 11S. tenuis Sowerby a2... 5. 2 'sace co Cece weed ince oo eeeee eee Gulf of Mex. 
511 | S. eburnea Potiez & Michaud ....---. Ce eee erseal eee Hatteras ...- 
512 | S. centiquadra Moérch...--...---.---- hod eset eee eee Hatteras ..--. 
513 | S. muscapedia Dall...-....-.-- eect We ie Sloe 17.5 | 15 | Cape Fear... 
514 |S. apiculata, Dall) 222 22-2. een. cea oe sie gees Se 5.0 | +3 | Hatteras ...- 
515 | S. multistriata Say ......---..--...-. 50 Dah akeseel Roeser Cape Cod ..-| 
516 | S. Pourtalesii Verrill & Smith ....--. 61 92 | 17.5) 35) | Rhode Island| — 
517 | S. contorquata Dall....-...----....--- 18 tS Pee: ae a Pc 6) Ud Pes es pt - 
STS |S.) Se eens es era ee 56 | Florida Str-- 

es | Fast! Fla. | West Wes 
[N.J. Va.) Hat.\Ga.! yy | Keys.| Fla. |°*| Ind 
: | 
-—< - “= Ms see | ewww 
ae “2 4 ed ia Sal a Ves a a 
_ SS 8 eee t WAS eats) | OE 
_ 2 ee a tind (See ae t 
2 * * * * * 
-2 << ares = Wekaea Bc eee 
ea * * * “y » « 
4 * * * x * 
. * x 
* * 3 * 
t t a ee be: 
os ea re * * at ap 
” * 2 Phi 
Bien} /o.2" fc ola mee Ta lens t 
* * * * * * 
* * * * * 
|e ghee, aces a 
« * * * 
+ * . a2 * 
+ 5 * 
iy 2 |e ewe) Pewee oe |ewwe | =e eee 
ewer!) oe = es ees eoes joeecee -<-2e8 
= -- eos ---= eee ewer!) er ee 
eon ara a = eS t 
2-7 Sa en ee ae Sea lnc t 
t eo saad 


TABLE V. E.—List of Gastropoda—Continued. 


extreme range. Range in time, 


mu- | Eur oe 
da. : 

* * 


* * 

* * 



Sarasota .... 
Key West -.. 
Cape Florida 


154) Ay) ee ee ! 

New York... Pliocene. 


Trinidad .... 

St. Vincent . 

Barbados ...- 
Aspinwall - .. 

Barbados....| Miocene. 

Tropics Pliocene. 

Key West ...! 

eee eee ee 

Key West - -. 
St. Thomas... 
Barbados. -- - 

Cape Fear...|' 

S. Carolina..| Pliocene. 


Rum Cay.... 



TABLE V. E.—List of Gastropoda—Continued. 

Ber: | Name and authority for species. | Pl. Figs or a pares S 
519 | Scala Dunkeriana Dall ....-..--..--- BAH SaSeeel maerel|eo Ss 5- Turtle Harb - ; 
500 IeS. nitidella, Dalle «saree em cee oes alee 1375 | 32 | Hatteras -... 
Bot 6, Sema eae oe eee ee eae 8 | Cape Florida |_ 
HID Sab rele Wallns a: aces scetene eee eee es Pease 4.75) 83, | Hatteras ...- 
Bea |S. sericea, Dalle 2): oe eae ee a bacicosees OL) | ae Gulf of Mex . 
504"| (8, Rushin Dallleos. 27 sous erane Fah dee eal saa & | Hatteras ....| 
525 | S. clathratula Adams ...-.-....-...-- jae peaacollecassc ire | Rhode Island] 
596 | S. novemcostata Mérch ....-.---..2-.|.--.|-----<|------ 32 | Hatteras ....| 
527 | S. babylonia Dall...-...-.--.---..... 42 8 | 30.0] 731 Cape Fear. -. 
BB lh (Si =e eae ewe Se een ncaa eee abel suse alee aoe 940 | Cedar Keys.. 
529 | S. formosissima Jeffreys...---...----- 18 11 | 8.0) 339 | N. Atlantic-- 
Ha0n| 8. permodesta, Dall 2222 moos wee ee |< Jap) sa = sess | poe eee C. Lookout..| 
531 | S.scipio Dall ...-..-.-- sp SE sbi ua eee 16.0 | 42 | Hatteras ....| 
Bi) (Spolagia Dall -0l. aa.) aie nas 18 | 10| 7.25) 229 | Florida Str..| 
533 | S. Dalliana Verrill & Smith ........-.. 61 91 | 10.5 | 38% | Rhode Island . 
He4il| WS. HOLES BUSH. 5 hace amecce See cee oaee 41 8; 4.0] 44 | Hatteras _... 
535 | S. erectispina Moérch ..----....-...--. pies eS aeolian 3 tes | Hatteras .... : 
536 |S. tULrricula Sowerby. .2cos-en oocises seh 3 kl NS ate eee 45 | Hatteras ._.. 4 
537, |S. prenlamdica Perny 2. 2. eeen cee oS 10s 5. Sse / See Aretic Sea. 22 4 
-538 | S. denticulata Sowerby ..........-.-.|. SOL toa as eee eee Hatteras .... : 
539 | S. pernobilis Fischer & Bernardi -....|....|...-.. 38.0 | 382 | Hatteras .... J 
B40 |) 8. belaurita Dall. 225.2. eee 18} 11) | 8.3) 73; ah 
BAe | Se clathras Minné 2 obo see cael 2 eee Sta cetera |S ae eee Bahamas .-.. a 
pags iS: KrebstiiMonch a o22_. coe eeemsccees Sa) cee celtaone eee Tortugas .... E 
543 | S. Candeana Orbigny..-... ..----.. flee seek eas ae ee Tortugas -...| 
544) |S. BlandilMoreho==,* eae ce ceo. Loseies Eee eRE iS ae ode eee Tortugas .-..| 
545 | S. lineata Say.-----..---- Se PN ok eae lire PIS Cape Cod..-- ih 
Section ACRILLA Adams. ; 
546 | S. retifera Dall_.--.-...--2-------.... Jes Sp asoefemneee #3 | Hatteras -... a 
Section CIRSOTREMA Morch. ‘ 
547. Sucoehlea Sowerby -o-sessee= 25-4 es BPS (beret Sa en 2; | Hatteras .... E 
Subgenus Opalia Adams. . 
548 | O. crenatavar. Hotessieriana Orbigny-|....|....-.|-.----|.----- Tortugas ...-| | 
549 | O. hellenica Forbes -.......-----..... 18 1| 6.9| # | Hatteras ....| 
SAO OUmuripila Dall. ae. 45 cesaee ee eee 18 A) 11,0 |: 370: Me 
sole| (O. Geeana Verrill ee ccs. roscmeree ee 61 ied | aretayeter 146 Rhode Island] : 
REP uO Comeshaey DANN Sh Gee enecce cree scealleesullecedes 14.0 | zy | Fernandina .| 
553 | O. discobolaria Dall.......-.. avenue serene 18 | 2| 6.5 | 339 Fernandina | | 

IN i J.\Va.| Hat.|Ga. 


East] Fla. 
Fla, |Keys. 

o> leer 


w+ | ene e | ewer 
-- -- -- 

£ Yh id ? 
a * 
_ el ha 
q ae ES bs 

eA eS * 
me Se * 
ges aS ee ed 
ee a eee Piet 

TABLE V. E.—List of Gastropoda—Continued. 

West West West 

Fla. Tex Ind. | ees Eur. Am. 


-—-<-- -—- * www wl ewe el eee 

* ps] |e Gee) Ne pene | el ete En 

9 * 

-  (r oeiedee  k poy ee eY te  a 
-—-- -<« * wwe wel ewe ee eee 
wa a? * 

t Sete eo eleoerlonee 


-—-«- -—- % - 
-—s<e.* * -- - - -—- 
< \e< t A = 
-- oe sp - -—- 
Bega * 
an ut eae. § a * ¥ 

* a“ * x 

* ® 
oe -- Me eee ee 
pecs lowes ecee -- -- weer 
* * 
* * 

‘| Vera Cruz.. - 

extreme range. 

LY pet ees 

Honduras .-.. 
Hanne fess. 
Hatteras ---. 
St. Thomas .. 
Florida Keys 
Jamaica. 2... 

St. Thomas.. 

Rhode Isl’d?- 

Guadalupe -. 

Sombrero - -. 

St. Thomas.-. 

Jharlotte H -| Pliocene. 

Florida Str-. 

Santa Cruz.. 

Guadalupe -. 
i eee 
Martinique -. 



Range in time. 



TABLE V. E.—List of Gastropoda—Continued. 


Alt. Range 
Name and authority for species. Pl. | Figs. or in 
Lon depth 
Genus ACLIS Loven. 
Ay Latiar Dalles Ao oe notre vensccce tn LS 8) 5.5} $92 
A. egregia Dall... -.. .2--002-50%=-- 18 12 | 13.0 294 
A. nucleata Dall...-.-..----.------ 18 Gal 93 rape 
A. tenis Vierrill s 2 ee cipoc esse sens ails il ase cle= 3.988) aeeo) 
A. striata Verrill c.cee:-Sseseses sce ssalin = sae 4.0 aw 
as a nee alae rate S eels ecm leo a alpaca aaorstee Caan 
7 on Soca aaoCoOSDomodalle UA beasal|socnee Feo 
Ae, See eee elelomte aw ietetelacieiaes alate ell ai cvateioai| See 294 
Genus JANTHINA Lamarck. 
J. communis Lamarck. .........--- isa esses eaten Pelagic 
J. globosa Swainson ...---..--...-- joe \\Gamdoo||so5sc¢ Pelagic 
J. proloneata Blaimyville <2:2-2 2 s-|5-- 4|===>-nl-eeeer Pelagic 
J. exigua Lamarck......---...----- Beeraiieiae Sei istoeier Pelagic 
Superfamily GYMNOGLOSSA. 
Genus EULIMA Risso. 
EK. conoidea Kurtz & Stimpson. ....|---.|...-..|------|-------- 
EK. gracilis C. B. Adams....-...---- Luise ese G Scles eee eee ee 
KE. intermedia Cantraine ..----..--- 52 4 eee dds 
KE. jamaicensis C. B. Adams .-..---.|- a eee eee sooemm re 
E. subcarinata Orbigny..--...---.. Bars ara mae ee Reso 
He Carolii Dalle asses. 355k eee oA slik catajallice Seloallesieemeees 
Section MELANELLA Bowdich. 
E. arcuata C. B. Adams..........-. 19 WAS O0 | ate Be 
K. elongata Dautzenberg-...-...-..|..--|.-----|------|-------- 
EgibbayWe mt oliiat siete here eke eer Oe ere eee eee 
Subgenus Liostraca Adams. 
I, JoilineatavAlder (20 2.0)... saseaee |eaee | aeeee |e een aereen ee 
IL? acuta Sowerby g3s-2.+ sees eee oes) soos beoeeeleeeeae ler 
L. stenostoma ‘Jefiteys:--52.: 222222)\eee|=o- --1|-eo= ae oer 
Ice fasus Dally: sae esse ee 19 | 1ld | 13.3 a0 
L. Hemphillii Dal!...............--| 48 1 SHON eae eee 
Genus STILIFER Broderip. 
S. Stimpsoni Verrill. 2.22.2 saecse cleo. spams ss caters pss 

extreme range. 

Fernandina - 

Fernandina -|* 
Fernandina -| 
George’s B’ks | 

B. of Fundy - 
Fernandina - 

Fernandina -| — 

Fernandina - 

Nantucket .. 
Gulf Stream. 
N. Atlantic -. 
Gulf Stream. 

Hatteras .-.. 
Hatteras .... 

Cedar Keys..| 

Hatteras .... 
Hatteras .... 

Fernandina . 
Norway ..-.. 
Hatteras .... 

Fernandina - 
Cedar Keys... 

George’s B’ks 



TABLE V. E.—List of Gastropoda—Continued. 


F Ber- 
1, |East|) Fla. | West West West South ae ae 
Bat. |Ga. Fla rare Fla. Lex. eid: ae Eor, hae eatecine panes | Range in time. 
| a PSE vs oer are) 
BS aS oeere eae t § Pes ee Barbados.. .. 
nial Le ey One oF Ree a ee Te eeealtenes .-- | Guadalupe ..| P. Pliocene. 
Tieton eeeeyealll. cre. : 1 | pee a ie --. | St. Vincent..| P. Pliocene. 
t en ret eee ‘ape aes ee Ee. Florida Str-. 
eal eee Sreietec lll aaa FF IE ees ee see bese term tell n EsTirirshat ep eee 
. a teat Re led eee all mrs tT) leeeeillesers .-. | Florida Str-.. 
idl cy Sea TS Se Seales S| Pee ae ..-.| Florida Str.. 
2) a t ANGE Stal RS Sere ese ae Petite ste ee aecoe a aeete 
| eg a &: és * MO) OE lee SPIO Wally. < 
2) Se eee * * * * * * * Rae A ot AE ee 
2 abo Seen eee * St. 2 Sects ag Seemed Bae 0 2 
ae ses cal eae ul = « Barbados.... 
ae leiteale x ue eee ee tell eats | West Indies .| Pliocene. 
peace is * * ee Bee Ee Gace ee Ue NOMS s < 
ees ene By A Mil -| T*.| Saee learned Ds, . 
Piece Be 4 Be Shel = 5p ila Jo. SEA GIc secs 
25 Gis * <2 al Were ln A ea el 3 Es hi eee ne 
ae 9 ial | Sie | eee th | bes He .--| Jamaica. .... Pliocene. 
2 eee Sy heoe hee + ea | ae SIE ars Hee reer 
ete Nae he Glee ewe, [ifora e ig --.| Barbados.-=--- 
Berta |p asa | PR ey (ese) ts * | Campeche... 
Beale alt z - t Pro ieas Salle Crh eee ae 
By Rees Wh ara a ee en ed re hs Barbados. --. 
lll See cers Pg ae ON te se ese *+ | ....| Fernandina .- 
Tote Mae loeicis Poe ed Tir, ee e-ol oes pees St. Kitts .... 
De lee e eS eee Sapo lec recaen PI AROO et stac cr. 
Seale Re Pees ote he Sete, Lawes howe tease te Oy ELF se 



TABLE V. E.—List of Gastropoda—Continued. 

ex'reme range. 

Cape Fear... 
Florida Str.. 
Hatteras .... 
Hatteras ...- 

S. Carolina... 
Hatteras .... 

Sarasota .... 

Alt. | Range 
Ber Name and authority for species. Pl. | Figs. ae j sh 
on. depta. 
Genus NISO Risso. 
581 | N. splendidula Sowerby ......-..----|----|------ 27.0) Wer 
582 | N. interrupta Sowerby-.----.---.---- 187] 5; 6) 20509 acs 
583 Valea lOvdaeD alles maces se see eee 18 5] 8.1] 116 
584 Var. Pricolor Dallas faeces Seale i (pee geo: on 
585 Var. sepleés' Bush, 2.02 2e.2neeaee ANN) TOs ae On| ates 
586 var. circinata Dall.......---...--. Boo saees Geteaalioaccs- 
Genus PYRAMIDELLA Lamarck. 
Section LonecHmus Morch. 
587, (ab. crenulataslolmesizs2o -.ceec=1es =o oaenll es eel eee eater 
588 | P. candida Morch.......--.----------|. BSc 8 es | eeeetete leer 
Section PYRAMIDELLA S&S. 8. 
589 | P. dolabrata Linné vowels SSde eet lG oe ol Beye lee eee 
Genus TURBONILLA Leach. 
BOO LEY leavisiG.2B. Adan sesce cece serene ee ee | oem | eee Swine 
PAO ed Nee ee er ere ee eRe eke lec cio. 
BOD | Th as eerie otha tas Nee Uedmoiotaiee baller etl coer arene ¥0 
598: | sl. pumeta C. BayAd ame) 2 esc) 28 eee, [eee aie | eee Te 
OV WHEY Bvepqiih ey OW IEG ING Cr yesoea ce ey Som Socios sullasaculGees an 7s 
Ob | a BushialaVernilile se se tee ses || | See 12.0 | #82 
596 | 7. Rathbuni Verrill and Smith-.......: (SEMA) ease 1335 
5O7 aL. pusilla AB cad anise soe semen eee ieee | eee | eee Hor 
598 | T. sata CBee era Gs ene af a ee nex 
bo 0 i Od Nr a es ene eS ae Allee ans sm Ose 
600) i sperlepidasVerri ls s20 See ae. eee ee eee 7.0 70 
OE iy re eS Se Na FR oe ae ee allt ie [peeeeenee wll ey er 
G02) Teeramainhy erie. au oe neta 2 eee eae (eee 18.0 | 1582 
603) |. "Tt: belothecasMall. secu pee ese sae oe 296 | 7d | 14.0 | 38 
6045 internapta Totten! so2e2- cee ences 26 | 2,2b | 11.0 | riz 
605 | T.? elegans Verrill..-......-...-...-- 52 6 |------|------ 
606 | T. reticulata C. B. Adams. ..........-.|.---|-----.]------|------ 
607 | T. multicostata C.B. Adams.......--.- Seaeeccisel lance s||bosaee 
608 | T. obeliscus C. B. Adams.......-..-.-- Baul|sascob|lsos> ac $e 
609. I virga Dall 0 ee ee es teat Sa re 
610) Epunicea Wall 2. 252) so eeee eee tN | a ee 8.0) wr 
611 | T. subulata C. B. Adams............. AS|[osasop pe sec $3 
G12 | WS Rg ar pa Bes apse | emcee bs 
613). Ti seurta gall 32 Ae een eee 261 | SeliiSed) Waeo 

Hatteras _... 
Estella Pass- 
Cape Fear. .. 
Hatteras .... 
Hatteras .... 
Rhode Island 
Rhode Island 
Hatteras .... 
Hatteras ....| 

Hatteras .... 
Chesapeake - 
Hatteras .... 
Maryland ... 
Florida Str-. 
Nova Scotia - 
Mass. Bay - -- 
Hatteras ..-- 
S. Carolina ..| 
Hatteras .-.. 
Hatteras .--- 
C. Lookout.-. 
Hatteras ..-.. 
Hatteras ...- 
| Hatteras ..-.] 




TABLE V. E.—List of Gastropoda—Continued. 

Southern | Per 
= / auge 1 e 
extreme range. | Range in time 


ee ee 

| Ber- 
5 East) Fla. | West | West! | 
N.J. | Va.) Hat.|Ga.) yy." | Keys.| Fla. Tex.) Tn. heck Eur. 
eae 20 ES lesen ea t eenlhers 
eee oor -- oon -- - a 
Bae) 2 ee 
* ‘-. * 

Ses * 4 prond * * # 
“oe |e ” * es * - * 
cee eee Lee * * . * Beis 
Bima ls sea haes-)taece.| coe, la E 
one “eee “a8 * 
Bae cites ol) 25 en ee eg pee ae 
Sen * =e a * 
Saal Pa Bee | leah. Bee 
1% ee ee ane el ee eee wa are t J ? 
Hapeerhses': Bree led HR ens eee Wf eer ene hee | ko a 
5 ea * * Ue + ile / * 
Ree al¥ol t ers eM) ee (ie aate'| ls Sets, |/ae orail mantels 
a ee * 4 hee * * Zits 
2) S26 Se a SE ES ben RI | eet 
= ea Pee Ante le kall e core Nate foe eat See cc lesewieone 
t | 
oo |) 20 S35 ee ih t a te lS.soleecs 
= ee [t A eee * e Z + Ls * 
° * *¥* * 
ee Maths 1h Re pe Rae ee * ae pF |, Feed 
ae * zy * 4 * SAS 
Se cay Ci ae $ ie x ote Neate 
SAL) ae * pil * + es 
ao) aoe ) ¥ * 55a aes * * et Ae B06 bat 
5 eS : te tert Nhat ere # ieee hc * Pe Sl ia 
ee ales tid = . | PP Pil ae fesee|eeee| sees 

ewer l we ! ia | eee eeee . | t t . ee eee 

94781—Bull, 37 wee 

New Grenada 
Centr. Am. . 
St. Lucia ---- 
N. Carolina.. 
Tampa .-- .-- 

St. Thomas .-. 
Barbados... . 


Barbados....| P. Pliocene, 

Jamaica... .-. 
Honduras - .. 
Charlotte H- 
Hattie. ass2< 
1S (FA ee ee 
Old Provid’ce 

Barbados.. -- 

East Florida. 
Jamaica... -- 

P. Pliocene. 

Jamaica... - -- 
St. Thomas -. 
Key West --. 
Bahamas ...-- 

TABLE V. E.—List of Gastropoda—Continued. 
Alt. | Rang j 
oak Name and authority for species. Pl. | Figs = aaty ae aes 
Subgenus Parthenia Lowe. 
614 | P. cedrosa Dall ...-..---------------- 48 4} 5,5 |.-.--. Cedar Keys... 
Subgenus Stylopsis A. Adams. 
615 | S. resticula Dall .........---.--------|----|------ SHO lessees Gulf of Mex - 
Subgenus ? Careliopsis Mérch. 
616 | C. styiiformis Mérch-..-.---.----.----|-+---|------|+----- sx | Hatteras .... 
Genus HULIMELLA Forbes. 
617 | E. unifasciata Forbes -...---.---.---- 19 | lle | 6.0 | 35 ) Bettas 
618 | E. eset be, Rie Ae te Ret NS DG Je ase mec lien aes 497 | Hatteras .... 
G9) | ce Saeed Sos oeiies tne eine aes nealecence|sc2eee|, Tipp | ekibenac ee 
G20) a ace ecetee celacine cee eeeiones Sui ars Se al See 168 | C. Lookout... 
621 | E. scille Scacchi ..---..------------- Spel leseeraaloemece ey | Norway.----- 
6990 Elissa) Werrillaseeetse otis aetencrel| eel mete cle 6.0 | 142 | Hatteras ..-. 
623. PR: toreta Dalle eee. eae ewes ee 42 10 | 10.8 | x | C. Lookout-. 
6242| PB. weria Dalles oe ast wae oe rear Says See 6.0 | <@; | Hatteras .... 
Genus OSCILLA Adams. 
6950) O-miversMoreleeses.) seeeeeeeeias aes 48 Pell ehh Sosesc Key West -.- 
Genus SYRNOLA A. Adams. 
(ROY Ie cee ces deesacoed so aetotdodilosealtaacsaliSceosd 205 | Cape Fear... 
627 | S. producta C. B. Adams-..----.----- 52 1G eessee|lesasc- Mass. Bay --- 
628 | S. fusca C. B. Adams ........-------- 52 5). |2 some |ieeeces Cape Cod.... 
Genus ODOSTOMIA Fleming. : 
629 | O. unidentata Montagu .....---..---.|----|------|------ zvuv | Norway -..-.- 
6307| 0. eneonia Bushee: 2e5 cece ese eee alee ce eeenee 5.0! vif; | Hatteras .... 
63140: tormata: Verrill: 2 2c2 eek eeaeneer alee eee 3.0] #& | Hatteras .... 
632) sO: acutidens Dall a2) 2s. 2 a-2 heen oe eeeeleceeee 4.2 | 727 | Hatteras .... 
633 O-sdespanilisiaVerrihl 272 26a or eee [beet eee 3.2 | 142 | Hatteras .-.- 
634°|"O> teres! Bushie -.242 occ eee cze eee: 41 9| 4.5 | 34 | Hatteras ---.- 
6255) Oxuritida Nottenites are. sa-seeee ee 52 B) |oaesec|)-=2-=- Mass. Bay - -- 
636 | O. bisuturalis Say.........--.-------- 52 Wt \Iieimeoal|ososce Mass. Bay - -- 
637 | O. impressa Say ..........--. See aes G2) Wil isssore & | Mass. Bay --- 
638 | O. seminuda C. B. Adams .........---| 52 10°) ooo. lees Mass. Bay - -- 

Texas. .----- 


TABLE V. E.—List of Gastropoda—Continued. 


| Hat. Ga.| Bast) Fe | Westlaex. | Wert| mu-| cur West] .g Souther | range in time 
SoS Al eee eee Bld PP Iie al Si sell Sey Gulf of Mex 
aoe Reade =. Iretcw [oaca! acide Iooemiocs theees Key West --.- 
Sona | pal aa ~ Sx fry eae seem St. Thomas .. 
eles co se t Soe secalieaets eaerelteees Barbados... 
ener eta fe a. ocd | ewaie Paces eens tp aodliesa wed cons face 
= ee ee ee ns ee 
al be hl Seed |e a ext ats | are See aes West Indies 
Eos ee ce IP aot Secs. [occ s | a Schl cets + Wetter tls oe 
2g eee bs be IY SRN ESS beet Key West ... 
itzvbecss MN to oN Sane Pons che ce lees Key West ... 
ae IE kee negeesee eee MA [ee [pret hal ee Martinique -. 
* * * eg cle [tees | neem gc icp 5 re M 
es ‘ Eee FS ek] = Saeko ston] Stecaral | RS .... | Delaware 2? .. 
x8 Beat oes, | taal tate cafes ames ---. | Delaware ? .. 
EA ee toss Soe Nccedl Seon eccaheee aleeeer East Florida. 
ET aie teak oe litatss face! cca |oacedoeeenpeeere East Florida. 
SAL LOS TIGR es) Re Rs ae [ey ea Etc) Vi al | oe Cape Fear... 
Te t ee er itpScel nao teaeel ee eee West Florida. 
1 SES Sd ree ie ee Peer et eo ee ee 
* wow | www we] ww ww | ewe we fe we ew el eee leew el wwe el leew ee we eo 
se (ee Bee Hehe fewest cme: [asks ie emt eee New Jersey... 
Be ese. | woe | ence | Sceallcaeniaeeee Delaware B.. 
seh Dean Ge My ccc hace Paros «fame eee Tampa ..--.-.. 
* * os oe ase |e Setet | Seto te eee ane Florida Keys. 
8 Bed Ae Seas | vats, | ik fcoauw loool ewes game eeeys WV Bt os 


TaBLE V. H.—List of Gastropoda—Continued. 











Name and authority for species. Pl. | Figs. or 

Alt. | Range 


Superfamily TAINIOGLOSSA. 


D. reticulata Link...... 


Genus GYRINEUM Link. 

affine Broderip...-..- 

Genus TRITONIUM Link. 

T. tritonis L. var. nobilis Conrad ....]....|......|-----. 121 

Subgenus Colubraria Schumacher. 


testacea Morch ...... 

C. lanceolata Menke.... 
C. Swiftti Tryon ..-.-. Jess ces recess on |Seseeee seellsecee tll seems 


reticulata Blainville .. 

wees meee eee esl(econel|eaeees| <# eee|cecence 

Subgenus Ranularia Schumacher. 


Subgenus Lampusia Schumacher. 

tuberosa Lamarck ... 

L. chlorostema Lamarck 
L. pileare Lamarck.-.-... 
L. gracile Reeve........ 

pharcida Dall...----- 

. labiosa Wood...... Ee 

Subgenus Lotorium Montfort. 
. femorale Linné ..-.-.. 
Genus Ococorys Fischer. 

. abyssorum Verrill & Smith........|....|..--..|..---- afer 
. sulcata Fischer ...... 


. solidum Dall.......-. 

HARE ae 29 2| 25.5) 24; 
pene s 51 ane 36 2|23.6| 82 

we cecwes cece ses lec ee l/s aeeos|seeees|scoaces 

eeeese eect es erie eel cow oes [esc ece 49 


Sosodaoogcoor 19 | 10d | 41.0] 576 


aeniene extreme range. 

Hatteras .... 

Hatteras ..-.. 

Key West .- - 

Hatteras .... 
Hatteras .... 
Bermuda .... 
Nassau ...... 

Key West ..- 

Jupiter Inlet. 
Key West ..-- 
Gulf of Mex . 
Antilles ?..-- 
Hatteras .-.. 
Hatteras .... 
Florida Str-- 

Cedar Keys.. 

Chesapeake - 
Hatteras ?-.. - 

Grenada .... 


er te 


ee a eae ee ee See 


TABLE V. E.—List of Gastropoda—Continued. 

~leewr -ege 





Tex. no 
t t 
F t 
t * 



by t 
‘ * 

Sal ea 
at * 
* * 
2 el! 

Ber- ; 
a Eur. Wert eam Range in time. 
SA ; ange. 
2 aa Barbados... -. 
1 WALPOpics» ss 
? | Barbados... - 
ie Sombrero....| Pliocene. 
+ 2 Barbados... - 
oo ees Barbados: .:2 
fs Sr lelianiles.s cc 
* | RPO DICSiec soe 
* Barbados.. -. 
| ae eae Trinidad .... 
RP es ee Aspinwall .. - 
pee ee ace Barbados. .-. 
Seni ST sees cere LOR sian 
caw aa elLemen Carthagena . 
PAcalPcalearor Margarita Id. 
* thee alin -- | Guadalupe .. 
ke oat nate leereces Cedar Keys.. 
en easel 28 yk Or ae aers 
op elise nant eatere Sp ace waar 



TABLE V. H.—List of Gastropoda—Continued. 

Alt. | Range 
Be Name and authority for species. Pl. | Figs. ap ; dent rake xen 
Genus CASSIS Lamarck. 
GoOTC. CAMEO SFIMPSOM soe ees me ela atelle eel ar ell eee el eee Hatteras .... 
66050 Ctuberosavainneé = .2 2) ors ace eee eg ents 2 alee | eee Hatteras .... 
661) | (C-testicwlusEAnN6 yee: sce = eel ee ee taller eee Hatteras .... 
G62. inflata Saw as aocie eter are yaa pte erally rere Hatteras .... 
Genus GALHODEA Link. 
663.1.G. ‘Coronado 20088e -ce een mapa asl e oleae eee 124 | Cape Fear... 
Genus LAMBIDIUM Link. 
O64) “i Onisens INNS. cece sens ees oe cee alee alee |e eee Tortugas .... 
Genus ONISCIDIA Swainson. 
65570 Dennison Reevessa2='asse0 2 sccm aceleaacen peers 130 | Gulf of Mex. 
Genus SCONSIA Gray. 
666 | S. striata Lamarck ................-. foe lea lee sees 85 | Cape Florida. 
Family DOLIIDZ. 
Genus DOLIUM Lamarck. 
667 | D. galea Linné ..---.......---..-.--- Seidiail stn 7 Selle aoe ere Hatteras -...| 
6687) Ds perdi inm6-= +. see ee 2 eee sake Sltte eda lle cete ell tee eer Florida Keys. 
Subgenus Eudolium Dall. 
15 5) 
669 | E. Crosseanum Monterosato........ 44 | 2a-b;) 35.0 | -8% | Rhode Island 
62 | 83, a) 
G7OR\ eh. Vern alls Se sore eee eee se 35 12 | 32.0 | 73 | Grenada..--. 
Genus PYRULA Lamarck. 
G71 | P. papyratiaiSay 2s. oes ese ee oe | oe S| eee N. Carolina... 
Genus AMPHIPERAS Gronovius. 
Subgenus Simnia Risso. 
672 | S. acicularis Lamarck -..--..---.---- Sell eps helo ral eae ed Cape Fear... 
675 | S. intermedia Sowerby -----........- sae hp 2a Re Sea 6, | Hatteras ---- 
674 | S. uniplicata Sowerby ..----..-..---- Peeps ees ty lease 32; | N. Carolina.. 
675 | S. aureocincta Dall .----....--...-.--- Eta cts 18.5 | $9 | Florida Str-- 
Genus ULTIMUS Montfort. 
676% {Us clbbosus Minne 352225 5 5am ee | eens eee eee 36 | Hatteras .... 
Genus PEDICULARIA Swainson. 

677 | P. decussata Gould .......---.....--. 19! 9a,b | 6.0! 423 | Georgia ---., 


TABLE V. E.—List of Gastropoda—Continued. 

+, |East| Fla. | West West West Southern Pot 
»| Hat./Ga. Fla. |Keys.| Fla. Tex. Ind. a, Eur. Am. | extr me range. Range in time. 
wee | a ch oan es , m 2 bs ea, || ee atoll neta | ETE LELOSLS 0. 
aia “70 lel as a eee ee Wy Ss bail Be |e aa SS Barbados.. . - 
Bors In | a a bi bie ets ee (ld Dist e ca Fe Ee 

Beeenctants f -t.« t t t “ TR einen eee ee Brazilee. see 

RA foc e nl meee | ca ce Janes PATTIES eal pee Matanzas ... 

_ aoe peel eee ? 7 i arse Bl eae is OU einen feed] 62 SE Trinidad .... 

Reet. |eann| co. | ooo | tT Teles eek eee Guadalupe -. 

ict eeieeaniise=s|| it st ts |b-oo) HI.) ses Barbados =.= 

eee | a6 Sar ae inate & Mg Fi ¥ bck oa freed [not le LEIIOAd se. 

lcs. pol ee ee = 3 s * 2 AM raze ess. 

ea | paess te heat [eit .. | Barbados...- 

aye lc ats Hat Set ret | te eae reece hae 

2 si Po Sacer aes eee West Indies . 

ete laaoe FEL Aone Pee WR EAIZA tre 3 wie 

A “4 hE oceiieene eee isha) eae 

* edalll Vohat oil prencte | eae eee Barbados.-.--. 

er eee Ty: oaks ee ee ees Sombrero -.. 

| | y 

a ee i pal ee) eee oll Mbeya: Ys eee 



Barbados - --- 



TABLE V. E.—List of Gastropoda—Continued. 


extreme range. 

.--| Florida Keys 

Sar Alt. Range 
No. Name and authority for species. Pl. | Figs. or in 
@ Lon. | depth. 
Genus CYPRAA Linné. 
678 | C. exanthema Linné -...-..........|....).----. 100. 0 Wy 
G79 C. cmerea Gmelin = cacos see eee ee el ee eale eee online cee Tex 
GE0F) (Ce spumcar linn 6 eyes 2 eine siaje ee eet eee eens eee D5 
631 var. flaveola Lam.....----.--.- Neale fea ees eae 
Genus TRIVIA Gray. 
6382 | T. pediculus Linné .--..-..---..... wia.nllpe ore ball Cis Sl reenter 
GESn suis aGmaveeeee. ee emcee ol ee ee Sa eS Se afl eee 
684 | T. subrostrata Gray.----..----.---.|- Sale eee oll RiSbisee TTT 
GSD) eal emiivied Gray ce meas seen eee ene allie wcei|ese eel testes Lee 
656 | T. candidula Gaskoin ..-....-...--- Soe ehaselaeaes ay 
G87 |D. alobosaGmnaiyiess-----)- 525 ees Beall tee eal ame sets gio 
638 | T. quadripunctata Gray .....----.--|----|..---.|..---. a5 
Genus HRATO Risso. 
GS9)) Mian genio Giraiyereaeietesre ersten ieee enteral ete ee wy 
Genus CARINARIA Lamarck. 
690 | C. mediterranea Peron & Lesueur..|....|....-.|.----.|-------- 
Genus ATLANTA Lesueur. 
691.|"A. Peroni Wuesueur....-.-5-5.-2-- bs iat ..-.| Pelagic 
692 | A. Gaudichaudi Eyd. & Soul.......| 66 | 111 |.--.--. Pelagic 
O93) WAL rosea SOULE Yeh k eee aise ees a) |e en eee ee eee Pelagic 
604) | A. Lamanoni Ryd. & Soul 222. 2e0|- 52 | 22a ee nee Pelagic 
695 | Ay pullchella; Verrill S2- 2). 5 oitee epee ell nell eee een Pelagic 
696%) A. anchinataSouleyeteedssee seaoecoleeecleeeeen maces Pelagic 
Genus OXYGYRUS Benson. 
697 | O. Keraudreni Orbigny ............|..-.|...---|-----. Pelagic 
Genus STROMBUS Linné. 
698 (°S. eieas Minne: 2 [ae iio. eee sees Se ceheea sae nese eae meee 
699s)4S. pweilismoimn 62 seo wees See sell see el | Meera eee ees eee 
700 | S. bituberculatus Lamarck ........|----|.-----|.-----|-------- 
ZOU tes exo oem) LANES 5 GoG6sc oonallesos Wesooee lasooon\lsacose cs 
702 | S, costatus Gmelin...,,-..,..--3.-- . 

.--| Florida Keys. 

Hatteras ..-.. 
Hatteras .-.-. 
Cedar Keys.. 

Key West ... 

St. Augustine 
Cedar Keys... 
Florida Str.. 

Hatteras .... 
Cedar Keys.. 
Jupiter Inlet 

Hatteras .... 

. lat. 

. lat. 

. lat. 
lat. : 

Boe ee 

N. lat. 40°... 

Hatteras ..-. 
Jupiter Inlet 
Florida Keys. 

.| St. Augustine 

ee i 

* hm ae ry nn.” 4a = t ” 
| ae f 

TABLE V. E.—List of Gastropoda—Continued. 


[N.a. Va.| Hat. Ga. ag Ros. je a Tex. mot mm Eur. eee Spree caacts Range in time. 

| NS ed . Shc toate Oe Bice ace ae TE eee 

e... eee |~~-n| ~ t BO Pe eat atone | a aM ce 

eee -=-|--| * | * We cmal 2) saad: taeleaees | EEO gens 

[e--- so | cl Sel 535) eae Ce ee # | uceleoss| ---- | SWa0 Islands 

a OC) NE eel iia ai ale aes * |....| «2 | Barbados....| Pliocene. 
a aid) co S| ae a * i ha oe eee .ze. | Barbados.... 
ne ca il Ree eel _... | Barbados.... 

-.. oon PE Se ee ee ees em iy .--- | Barbados.... 

i. Its ee So aay fe ee teens aOR COS te ata 
meetin Pt | LF tL ace] ede ca od Barbados..-.| Pliocene. 
SOE SES Aa Se I eee | ce Wig aes ee Barbados.... 

. ewe ce lo. salawel sac Aspinwall ...| Pliocene. 

Bead Ee © 7S |e ee TO DICH a= 215i| ee OCONG 

ete | * |..* ¥ : ' x we P| repos. + =<. Pliocene. 
| » 2) ee Gy Qo ry aan ae Oe a ig ens) Eeopigs: ae 
Pe | * 
ea ie =e le eS ee pee ee eae ee eo bee 22 5-8| LO P ICR a == 
_% pe de 
| + * 

ae a 


Se ee ee ee (Oe ee eee |e ae | | ErOpiesteces- 


‘a . 

io Oo EE Ee 2 a ee ee a ee ee Carthagena . 

i ae = SP eed ape A lee Se or Aspinwall... 

ese 2) VES ed iat | er a eo BES in ee eemicl Pocisc Guadalupe -.- 
Renee Meet eee Brel oe oo Ne Od oh ee ol ccc Guadalupe -. 
\ * * * 

PA Neadali nev, ttrelnnvekos ., | Guadalupe ..| ? Pliocene, 

TABLE V. E.—JList of Gastropoda—Continued. 
Alt. | R 
Ben ‘ Name and authority for species. Pl, | Figs. poe : wth noes 
Genus TRIFORIS Deshayes. 
Section TRIFORIS s. s._ 
203.) T'.. mirabilis: CoB: Adamsi2s ses. cs ena pace | eee cece | Geeeee C. Lookout -. 
704") DT. lilacinasDalliee:22o222 Sessa eeceedl tesa mecaen 9.0 6 | Turtle Harb, 
Section MastTonta Hinds. 
705 | T. perversa L. var. nigrocincta Ad-..|....|.-----|--.--- 35. «| Cape Cod.--. 
706 | T. decorataC. B. Ad.var. olivacea Dall |....|.-.--.|------|---.-. W. Florida -. 
707, 20-- pulchellaiC Bo Adams: oes, case. | pee olee- eel see es eee Florida Str-. 
708 | T. turristhome Orbigny -.----..----- 41 ie ees eee Hatteras .--. 
709%) “C. melannra;C; ob: Adanisy— seen cece as | seam lnc cee ol eee eee Hatteras --.. 
Section INELLA Bayle. 
AG) E onorssimarDalletessccsseees seas. 20 10 | 26.0 | 42% | Hatteras .... 
Lo Vie triserialigiballe ses ee. oss. coe eee 20 |5a,6a| 15.5 | 424 | Hatteras .... 
712 var. aspera Jeffreys. -..---.-----|022-|..-22.|.--2--| 342 |e Nadi eee 
713 var. intermedia Dall....-...... | 20 8: ale On | eee Florida Str.. 
@ay oD; icolomeDalllize Sees eo sae ee ease oe 20 12 | 12.0 | 74%° | Florida Str-. 
Section SycHaR Hinds. 
715") “I. bigemma: Watsons: 22> ae tio. Gee ce oe ta eon ee ee #14 | Fernandina - 
716 yar. tinecus Dall) £22. saerce cece 20 11 | 12.5 | 640 | Gulf of Mex - 
“vo feabrupta, Dall seas. cases cee ee eee 20 9} 7.5 | 640 | Gulf of Mex- 
LS i torbiculant Dalle east. -scisee cemeieeee 20 | 11b | 10.5 | 640 | Gulf of Mex. 
W194 E indlata Watson se. se seas -c eee acl ees |b eee eee 294 | Georgia ..--. 
720 Waribex Dall Sat s2eceece ee ceed |tere Pema eee 22 | Florida Str-. 
221) Ty cylindrellay Dalles. 2 ee eet eee. 20 6| 6.5 | 640 | Gulf of Mex . 
feo (0: RushiiDallas==so2 tesserae = 6 oe sae eee sv eee 200 | Florida Str.- 
Genus SHILA A. Adams. 
723 | S. terebralis C. B. Adams ........-... 52 Lapa eats xy | Mass. Bay--- 
724) C.tubercularis Mompaou: 5 sec. 5.2. le eee || eee eee al eee N. Europe... 
725 | C. Greenii C. B. Adams.-.-......-...-. 52 Dil ese +; | Mass. Bay--- 
726" (Cy erystalling Wallge J 6s tee oe see 20 3] 16.0] 2% | Gulf of Mex _| 
(20) C_JMartensie)) alll 32 G25 yee masse seas 20 2 | 11.25) 3222; | Lat. 24° 15’ -} 
728 | C. pulchella Jeffreys. .-...._.- Smee Bea bese 4.2 | @ | Britam-.2 2225 
729 | C. Sigsbeeana Dall ..--.. ............ ey 1/1105 | 220 | Gulf of Mex= 

. | Hat.) Ga. Fla. | Keys.| Fla. Tex. hen mut Am, nite abe rave! Range in time. 

0 Sea eae 0 lll a eet cif eyersy eee |e Jamaica....- 
Ee rete ete Tee ce" |i Sel wa'ae |wccie| oem cae Florida Str. 

8 a aS UN ake Sell reso * | .... | Key West? .-| Pliocene. 
= Se 2 Bali eat alles BG NG Be tae spots Migitlet cies 3 
25) 32h Se ea Pera: lleeerlltiv tas, eta Sees Haiti. Sole ee 
SaeReS | e.c,« tee |eanracilits ee Fit metal Oneel ate Guadalupe - . 
oo -|) ol) eee ee ee Me sl Sroieiel | ero cee Jamaica. ...-. 
nop) Sh) 635] al eee eee iso Ra eek eas oor Cabarete. 
eilezeni = =<: eset even |ecels | eae eens | ee -.. | Barbados: =. - 
orl ee Tee ee ae tie s|\icl2 ce lies oni” T Sepa et Meee > Sa ROC es Une 
eae Byers | cate fl tae (oe ah atom OA) oct Barbados.. - . 
a ee jj a ee ea ee | 1 aed toe ee ee Yucatan..... 
23) 5) Sees eee ba ol Pas ba San ged Kee va .-- | St. Thomas.. 
Beasts ce iecen| coc. | T Ter \eeeleaee Jou. |e CH hae. 
DoS elles ae ae eee atilen t Westeeae|senc oes. |p EMU = ers 
Pegeeses can] Soe |. t ire lee ere ae See |ekeCatbane-. =. 
Peele scivesce.| cece]. t Higa na a) eee eee Culebrai...2- 
Peete tosses |. et Bee Mhhn| csiaaiep ete cost licterers Ieee | Yucatan..... 
occ alll 5 11S S93] | a a arn Wee (ene be ak Yucatan. .... 
een EM ee Roe (oem core ATS own [aiceral| yamtere Bahamas .... 

oe aS ee * | Eel ine “Peele coo EE eB | Miocene. 
zee oa yo teed omen eera Beas bes ec Key West ... 
x * * * *# * * WY olin, Se eee Haiti Bese 
ree t t ct eee Ha eet es eae Barbados.... 
ee eh sorties CT Rene raed eral Rese eee Nae Gulf of Mex . 
elk Se | SE | ee he See ee ee ol sac5 pa uberaR -- <- 
| Seay ee ee Peet || cetera aie sw 1 el ees sere Rae Cubgte ce .-- 




TABLE V. E.—List of Gastropoda—Continued. 

id Fla. 



Bur West 




TABLE V. E.—List of Gastropoda—Continued. 

Alt. |R 
Ror: Name and authority for species. Pl. | Figs. a ot h PO ae ! 
Section MrTax1a Monterosato. 
730 | C. abrupta Watson ...--..----------- 20 5 | 4.3 | + | Cape Fear--- 
731 | C. metaxz Della Chiaje.----..--.-..- Bee. Pepe Sen zo | Hatteras - 2 
732 var. teniolata Dall ------.--. ---- Bee aed (mei ie 43 | C. Lookout..} 
Subgenus Humeta Morch. : 
733 | E. subulata Montagu .-...-----.---- ; os “4 14.3 | 3% | CapeCod....[ 
Subgenus Cerithiella Verrill. | 
734 | C. Whiteavesii Verrill....--.-....-.-. tigslk 4s Lioeeee 238 | Gulf St. Law.) 
Genus Bittium Leach. 
725| B. alternatum Say-.----..----------- 52 A Soe lees Mass. B aye. 
736 | B. ? (Alaba?) Adamsi Dall.----.----.)--..|.-.---|.----.||-----= Hatteras .-.. 
737 | B. 2 (Adaba?) cerithidioides Dall <-s<-)- = 2. | 2222 22 eee C. Lookout.. 
Section Diastoma Deshayes. | 
738 | B. varium Pfeiffer .--.---.-..---- --- |. oo ea seee|------|--- === Chesapeake e i 
Genus CERITHIUM Bruguiére. | 
739) C. floridanum Morehs cs2ece pes = <n -m= =| eee eee eee Hatteras ...-| 
740 | C. algicola C. B. Adams .....---------|- Sell oie ec ene ae oe Tampa - oie 
741; C. uncinatum (Gmel.) Tryon-..-...... BSBA opocoleincacollssacce Key Largo -. 
742| C. eburneum Bruguiére...-...---..-. Sonellesaoucjoocous|eonoce Key West . | 
743 | C. literatum Born ....-..---..---.-.-- BSc saeiecolicococalosaace Jupiter Inlet 
744 var. semiferrugineum Lamarck ..|....|...--.|.----.|.----- St. Augustine 
745 | C. muscarum Say.-.---..-.-.--------- Pes ce ois cllneieieual | eee Jupiter Inlet 
746 | C. variabile C. B. Adams. ........-.--- Pb eels Sa Sle eeisee eee Tampa - ..-- 
747| C. minimum Gmelin ...--...----.---- Boa Pemoedllbbossd|loceichc Tampa -.--.- 
748 var. nigrescens Menke ....-..--..|....|--....|.-----|------ Tampa - .... 
Genus CERITHIDEA Swainson. 
749 | C. costata Wood. ...-.-...--.. eee eee [pene len wees leowene|-eeee Tampa - -..-- 
750 | C. scalariformis Say ---.--..----.---- 32 Hs sacioleell sateen lasers Georgia -...- 
75L | C. varicosa Sowerby -.-----.------.-.|- ehwi| Sete oe Voneelen eae Texas. soaee] 
752 | C. turrita Stearns ...--.-...---.--... oie eee alle sine all meas Cedar Keys-- 
Genus PLANAXIS Lamarck. 
753 | Picnuclews, Wood 222-252 sc ese ere | Seca tre ell revoir | epereraroes Tortugas ee. 
794 P, lineatus Da Costa SOOT RCT IL CEC HF) SO | — CR vee vvrt wieime)s 

Key West . a 


TABLE V. H.—List of Gastropoda—Continued. 


N East] Fla. | West ’ |Wes West Southern ce a Mad 
-J.)Va.|Hat. |Ga.| ya Keys.| Fla. |2*-| Ind. rom Eur.| 4m. | extreme range. | Range in time. 

See ME soos \pecen | s00| sous P joknc/ te ees Bambaid ope es 
oh 0 ee PP leace-lecbali Te lsseditct peas esl aus mes bis: a= 
STE be |ixce|) s-o= ascent edast ese cles sell seee Ca peMhenr-- 

soot S22 SS Gtenad an. 3-3 

Bee, nin TR ee albicans. ficene:|occe| coco leecdicesc eon Nerandings 

JMS Fe ae Fo Bee eld eet | Meee aca eee een (Pe C. Lookout.. 

et 0 ae x pete (Reet | Arad (ea be a oS Cubasee. oa. Pliocene. 
=.= 5 5) ee is ih (ser x eta bs Se all lee oe Jamaica... .. 
Pe erleoce| "cso |-sce)>o*. |oen|doemeeee Jamaica. .... 
Pee eels e.~ Ncsesl” ( ubscec Sacelpeee < Swan Islands 

Ee Scalt Wiese ae lieee oleae Swan Islands 

eeae| -- oS Rl ER I ie Pee 2 8 Ieak Santa Cruz.. 
Pees |. | s nt (ae (eed Nas || Jamaica. -:.: 
eaten |ics |---| * sO a tae ae ea lee in Curacog. ---- 

|S Ae ae ee a ill ees a |voa (| ee ee Guadalupe -. 

=) Seo) ee ee KA ee (pee: dle eed | ee Venezuela... 

oils ee ee Sot Tom ecena eee meee Jamaica..... 

2 isd ® % H+ | awd feat ee tenes Key West -.. 

. Soe ee ee = sien See | Ser Als Jamaica..... 

52 8354 ee ee oe eae (Seek letes = Ppa ass 2,2 

Peleeenine | oaee bl eile. [coc we baled EAs Bae § Darien’... .-. 
4 SSeS SS ie Ree ee Pai (eget 3 Ba f= Barbados.... 



TABLE V. E.—List of Gastropoda—Continued. 
Alt. | Rang 
Boe Name and authority for species. Pl. | Figs. ee well Ste ee | 
Genus MODULUS Gray. 
“55 | Ms modulus Linné 2 ssesc -oce ee eeeee poet bamees | see eee: eee Hatteras .-...| 
756 var. floridanns Conrad ..-...-.-.- Saq|[eacessllooscoc||sasce- Florida Keys. 
757 var. catenulatus Philippi .-...---}- 2a) sebelah ote ee eee Florida Keys.| 
Genus TRICHOTROPIS Sowerby. 
Subgenus Mesostoma Deshayes. 
758 | Mi. Gilorans Dalla ystems eee wane cae 29 8] 9.25) 80 | Florida Str_- 
Subgenus Dolophanes Gabb. 
109 | aD Gabbe Dalene == 2222 Se acces orice 29 7) 9.0) 785) eee 
760" D. columbella Wall < 22522. 22 5 cscee|o- cel ceseni| oe eee Gulf of Mex - 
Family CACIDZ. . 
Genus CAiCUM Fleming. 
(Oln C> Horidanum sti PSON..< Sa2ece se cella eel eee ts | Hatteras ---.1) 
762 | C. pulchellum Stimpson ...---...-... 50 Pode eae gz | Cape Cod -2 
763 | C. instructum De Folin........-.----|----|..----|------|------ Hatteras .... 
464 |-C. bipartitum-De Vola 2-22 2 522 |oca| shee oe eee Hatteras ..... 
C1 as Oa ee er eA Seren salle asa aolicse coe Florida Keys.| 
466) "©, Cooperi Smith==52-—--= 22> 2-22 <= 43 ih lesoeas|sace5- Cape Cod. .--| 
@do7, |. decussatom We) Moline 2252 c2es:2 cries 2 ess on eee Key Largo .. ; 
768 | C. carolinianum Dall .........-..--.. eee sane |S ur ¢z | Hatteras .... : 
269 1 ad aes enncdee sce cece pe Ronee |e eee ‘Tampa ......| ‘ 
770") °C. glabrum Montagi: 2522.2. 242s eee eee s| se aes eee eee Cape Fear. -. ; 
Subgenus Meioceras Carpenter. (3 
77) | M. Deshayesi Dei Folin --2--* =. y-<-eele- sales eee | (eee =| ee Tampa ...--. | 
UPD Mls VN N Clic SiO SON Aa Rese ne scons 55)|sascladassa|oossonllaooos- Tampa ..---. 4 
Uda Niobe nosioin IDE) MO a coe ooaosllonsellasacod|osoccoll-scanc Charlotte H .| 
Genus SHGUENZIA Jeffreys. s 
774 | S. monocingulata Seguenza ...-...... 62 /88,89 | 5.0 | 32° | Gulf of Maine] 
(> |S. trispinosa, Watson 2-9 s2s.-se-4s055|>seelaeeeee 3.5 | 272 | Hatteras ...- 5 
7765] 8. aomica Watson 2. eae as ee eel ee ee eee ee 4.5 | 29; | Gulf of Mex -| 
TUT Sot cee Sere ee I er 282 | Gulf of Mex -| 
7¢8: |S: carinata, Watson 222. oe sees ee a7 eee eleeeeee 4.0 | 4; | N. Atlantic .- , 



TABLE V. E.—List of Gastropoda—Continued. 


+». | West 
‘| Am. 

extreme range. 

Ce ee 

wees leew ele eee] cwewe 

wcee|] ence 

es os 

weee| eo ee 

Carthagena .| Pliocene. 
Si 'Thamas-.: Pliocene. 

St. Thomas... 

Havana ..... 

St. Vincent..| Miocene. 
FL VaNe & a0 6 Miocene. 

Brazile. .2 Pliocene. 
Tortugas .... 
Tampa...-.. Pliocene. 

Key West -.. 
Jamaica ..-.| Pliocene. 

Tampa...---- Pliocene. 

Jamaica .... 
Jamaica .... 
Jamaica ....| Pliocene. 

Brawvili, ..:<.. Miocene, 
Brazil: R255 
Culebra ...- -- 
Old Provid’ce 
Brazil= osc 


Range in time. 

TABLE V. E.—List of Gastropoda—Continued. 
Alt. | Rang 
Ser Name and authority for species. Pl. | Figs. ee . ae ote 
Genus SILIQUARIA Bruguiére. 
779 | S. squamata Blainville...-....---.--- Bee |- epealegocac és | Sarasota .-.- 
780 | S. modesta Dall...-......-....--.---. 26 A | 26,0 | #4 | Cedar Keys. 
Genus VERMICULARIA Lamarck. 
781 | V. spirata Philippi.----..----.-.----- 51 AViiieeses 35 | N. England.. 
782) Vib amen cans i) ally Se pehes Seer Seals eal ee eet ~; | Gulf of Mex . 
| Genus SIPHONIUM Morch. 
783 | S. nebnlosum Dillwyn -2- 2. -2-ss--5- 22d tea sb claire cee eee St. Augustine 
Genus VERMETUS Morch. 
Subgenus Petaloconchus Lea. 
WS4e spe. CreChusn) allasceeestneeeee ones ee 38 4 | 25.0 | i> | Gulf of Mex - 
(Gor | ebasirre omlaristOErbigniy s252.2sese- 2 ae |. Seaisoon sel eeoees|asso5- Cedar Keys... 
Genus BIVONIA Gray. 
780° |°B&exserta: Dall $852. & coeeectecce cece 26 6 | 11.0 | 7235 | C. Lookout... 
Genus TURRITELLA Lamarck 
Section Haustator Montfort. 
78%, |k. vaniesata Linn6.Jocce a keseeee sec loses seen eee eee Te@XaS)2 eee 
Zoey aL yucatecana wally eee wae eee 26 316.5 | 640 | Gulf of Mex.| — 
Section TorcuLa Gray. 
WEO eT exoletay lainm6 Sa. Sees ee | ee ee eee 3; | Cape Florida ; 
QOS eg a ee RE Sse See ieee lee Bal raked Soe | 42 | Hatteras .-..| — 
CAS) Mend Wage X os fa) 0X0) ete DEY esueen nye mete uN Re ae iN ae aziz | Hatteras .... 4 
Family MATHILDIID&. | 
Genus MATHILDA Semper. : 
(92M yileabee ana Ocal: be ee melt ene 20 7| 8.0) 22¢4 | Savannah ..- 4 
793 | M. barbadensis Dall .........---.----- 26 10: | G..2. |. 100). 2 eee ; 
TOA") Mis Rishi Dall ie Sea ae ee | 5.0 | 224 | Fernandina -| — 
190: ME. “Seueula Wall’. sae Monae exten aa Seen 2 a eee 5. 25) v4%; | Hatteras .--- ; 
Subgenus Gegania Jeffreys. a 
796 | 5G. “Jietite ySil Dall so ose gm a ete eter yee 294 | Fernandina .| — 



TABLE V. E—List of Gastropoda—Continued. 

f. * * * 75 * bare oa 
alee t Tie Sees! Ql | eco 
3 =H x * een * 2h ees 

-- enone eeee | weeoee | * oeece ee ee 
“CRS ee A en 
2) 6 a! ape SSE eee boy il Sela 
Oo <a Wy ee Glee ome ie as 
pcs A. | 


24781— Bull. 37-——10. 

| i} 
East Fla. | West West West Southern 
Ga.! Wa, Keys.| Fla. Tex.! tnd. aa Eur.! ‘am. | extreme range. 
2) D5 a em raed (a * ie ol eee al aDDAGOS 22s 
a) es t ee on ee Saree 2.4 SOuracoases <. 

Santa Cruz.. 
Florida Str-. 


Barbados.. .. 
Guadalupe .. 

Barbados.. -. 

Carthagena - 

Barbados.. - - 
TOaS) “acess 

Yucatan.. ..- 
Barbados... -- 
Florida Str-- 


Range in time. 




TABLE V. F.—LTist of Gastropoda—Continued. 

eae, | Name and authority for species. Pl. | Figs. or aa ; Pisa oa 
Genus LITORINA Férussac. 
Section MELARAPHE Muhlfeldt. 
797e| Li. “ziezac Dillwarne oes aeene ee aes a | ge Pte ee ee Florida Keys 
793 var. limeatarPhilip pines. assessed |e eee se seen Jupiter Inlet. 
799 | L. angulifera Liamarek ....-.--2-2.2- Fiala sc eee eines Jupiter Inlet. 
Section LITORINA 8.8. 
800 | EE. euttata bili piessse. =e ee Sh quills sia e |e otter eer Tortugas .... 
801") i. mespitumeMenke,. 222255805 >- 22 een ee a Se ee Texas. 242 
B02: | Ai. 1rroRatan aye woo eases Reet ie 69 GF [sateen erase Rhode Island 
803(UL. rudis Donovan. 2sye a See ; Be : Sh. dees Arctic Ocean - 
S02y i pallishageayiess 2 lace ee soe eee 51 DOleeseea ese NovaScotia - 
Genus LACUNA Turton. | 
SOSa Mie vine cae in homey ee ree ee 52 SOS bes eealeaeaee Arctic Ocean. 
Subgenus Cithna A. Adams. 
806.) @. tenella Detireys 2s. 2.) 2-2 ee: AAI SEN a ite sn zit; | N. Atlantic... 
Genus TECTARIUS Valenciennes. . 
B07 1 muneatustbanné.- 20 Sse sos ee 2s. lucas al eeeoe | eeeee Jupiter Inlet. 
Genus ECHINELLA Swainson. 
803)| 3; nodulosa;Pfentiern. 25.2.2 42-255 25u: Joc Cobar ERS Relea eee C. Lookout... 
Genus FOSSARUS Philippi. 
809.) F.- elegans Verrill. 222242 een -e oo. 62 Biases | +29 | Rhode Island 
Subgenus Gottoina Adams. | : 
BLOG. bella (Dan se. etre ee SC ee oa 28 10 | 3.55) +43, | Hatteras -... 
SLL |G. compacta Mallee. 2 es» OS: 28 6 | 2.33) 747; | Hatteras esse 
Subgenus Isapis Carpenter. 
812 | I. anomala C. B. Adams...... Sop Saue NE eee |e ees 294 | Fernandina - 
Genus ALABA A. Adams. 
813 | A. decpariceen ©. Bi AGaimss. seed an: alcool as eeee Peer 22 os. | Pampa eee 
S14 | A. ‘conoideaDalles22e ce os) cee eee eee 399 ° Fernandina - 


TABLE V. E.—List of Gastropoda—Continued. 

West Southern 
Aw. | extreme range. 

Fla. | West 

. Keys.| Fla. ‘| Ind. Range in time, 

reel mito en * * | Jsocl|: 2). Banbadoss 
Be lies Scatomeci 4, in aes'l Serial Vented MGURO Re Nes = 
ie ry z ” * |....| -...| Carthagena . 

be SAAR Pe [ed a ee, en | iced MaYoviees syn 
| SSS Se eee | Pe) oie ema doe at DAO Rae 

Mec ealbe a: a ¥en Ts Se eo leimsions: a. 

a? BS ee Bere Aleck (eet oracles * | New Jersey..| P. Pliocene. 

Se s35| Saeee Boce |ontec| sace |onn stheseal sean NGwwersey- |. liocenes 

2 ee oe ee see Ene eeeeien| eee ie * | New Jersey..| P. Pliocene. 

Cae ER ered ont col cebt lpermera thae/er eet * | Brazil. ..o...'| Pliocene, 
= SS ise. |e * oles oe le SDI Wall se 
|| ake bene * e ecee teem Barbados... 
xl eee Be eA eee Ul Se olitemet [ieee o heen he mean te Caen menie y=. 
eee | One a eet scree mtecle,||, ecb lecae | Sete lees Florida Keys. 
ES a a ee A eee Becel Wee tel ees eS eee Cubau.c. 225: 
ESOS red (Eel (aes © aie ene anes RIOR e504) 

Tle es eae = leeete Wo sais Ishi See eee 


TABLE V. H.—List of Gastropoda—Continued. 

i nce : 
| Alt. | Range) 
Ser. p : : i é Ree ange —s- North 
No. Name and authority for species. Pl. | Figs. | aor depth. acitene canoe 
Genus LITIOPA Rang. 
Bld | Lavbomby x Kaever oe ae ee se cela ee qooelsc-eseeaeees Pela-| Maine....... 
QC. | : 
Family SOLARIID. igh. 
Genus FLUXINA Dall. : | 
816 | F. brunnea Dall...--. Bes Gute Ones Bee 22 | 6,6a | 10.7 | #% | Florida Str..| © 
B17 |\:ah discula Walkers noha fea neers 23 | 5,6 | 3,0 | 982)| 222 | 
| Genus SOLARIUM Lamarck. 
818 | 8. granulatum Lamarck ....-......-.- Pere Wigan eellogeee. Ste es Hatteras ....} 
819 | S. FOG OK QI: DEN 568 See aeson cone 33°) .2;9)| 6.0.) shee aos =e eee 
820 | S. Sigsbeei Dall -.-.-4. 2.0.22. -.--+.-+| 23 | 3,3@ | 2.3 | 310 |) Ploridaysiess 
821, |S: bisulcatum Orbigny-.----.-...+--- Ee a | eee Rese ee 435 | Hatteras .... 
822 | VAL poOLreale Viernes sees see eee 62 | 95a | 12.0 | #2; | Rhode Island 
823 S. Krebsii Mérch ..--.-. jaeeeet es oeeee 2 Cyc deena ers 63 | Hatteras .... 
| Genus TORINIA Gray. 
824 | T. canalifera C. B. Adams...--....--. Reg Me hte ea Gulf of Mex .| 
825 | T. cyclostoma Menke ...-.....-......-. Sra Sl Sekt | een ere Key West -.. 
2h a\ a seylind rica Gmelin) S222 oes ee ee Nhe ae eee emeaa ee ies Gulf of Mex .- 
Genus OMALAXIS Deshayes. 
82720. nobilis: Vernet a: Ste ee 46 12 | 3.0! 2 | Chesapeake - 
828 | Oxlamellitera Dalle 22222 oa eae eee Pe yl eat ge a ae 205 | Florida Str-- 
| Family RISSOIDA. 
Genus RISSOA Fréminville. 
Section CINGULA. 
S09) Re aminuta) Lopteneesss. naseecie see 52 ily ee 395 | Nova Scotia - 
Section ONOBA. 
Ssh. aculeusiGould e222. reeae ees 52 i (Pee ea zy _| Arctic Sea... 
BOT CR a ee aN ot Se gee ee aes Ue ce Wire <3. o8l eye i Marco...---. 
Section RISSOA s. s. 
832 | R. Jan-Mayeni Friele,.............-- 61 SG Se-Pee 2400 | Arctic Sea. -- 
833 VarlubrychiamVernle a=. =) sae eee ace eee 2.3 | 7429; | Rhode Island 
834 | R. Sandersoni Verrill ..----.----...-- | elena 4.0 | 142 | Hatteras .--.} 
835u lk. GastaneamMollene se scee he mecrs eee acer ee eer ee eee r2z | Arctic Sea. -- 
S886u) hapelaeicar Stim PSOne a. see Sem eemeee | aera eee eee gts | Arctic Sea--- 
S37 | Ri exatalass bUO PSO lye cle see ereee ma eal eel een ee tiz_ | Nova Seotia - 
838 | R. precipitata Dall ..............---- 19 1| 4.0 | 428 | Gun Cay ---. 



TABLE V. E.—List of Gastropoda—Continued. 

itt Sea a Le x % 
, | | Ber : 
N.J.|Va.|Hat. Ga. Fla Sol West ex, Ta | — Eur. nee a etre fel ee in time. 
TE are Palanan ae Ma aie (SE bY a. ss ee _P. Pliocene. 
Se BS ee . t EAE Ae ie. E .-. | Jamaica .... 
erie) |<: Bei hei es |e t sac) esse cers | OMINIGR = = 
Bee | = t a ea : b ia esslliesc * | Sombrero ... 
ee eae | = wos] cone | cone |--- t |.-s2lese.| 2 oe Barbados 52 
SS ae aa Sei ecdolV we pl acaisces\| Soc Cuba... 
MPMI MOI escent cca loses Oo heen] Sens Meee Martinique -. 
us eT Seon ome t Pa eee a Florida Str-. 
fear. | = ee Sa Pe ee foe dees ern se 8) (2S Porto Plata . 
2 ft Nae ee Fy lk * =| eet ere onl ex eee Ue Ge 
es ad fees | 2 Seal fagiees| Mace Memes cic Sie St. Thomas. . 
| aa Pees ees | 55... 10%." [iee: (ear | Seale St. Thomas.. 
+ ei FN ka | bee a eee Barbados.... 
a ee ee Rem seillitacias.| stasis os Jive) (RE Ns See ebay sae <= 
ij | 
| | 
| | 
ee |e: \---- | SieXteid Geb Mets a oa ... | New Jersey... 
sch | OEE EB Rae ets Paes gta 2 aa|einab ew ROrk:. .. 
Bee ele | ive | #1527 | 5. .] ged eoeet | epee enn gas DEO: 
ee bit... Apo SS eas | See eee Hatteras .--. 
_ 3 2 Sa ees eed ee f othe ace tease Barbados... .. 
Pena ees [in sien ive Sc) sas: |Sctec | ars | atta ae elt meee emia cha ee tees 
Pee Meee | Sete le crate, | twas aplonein|aaaee [seats et| vera —l EL LOLS). 2 
ae Beets acs ive teow) ces lases|cancel ces PRIOEIGS OE. . 
Moa eries eawatwoaze tsecw'st|msee (Tae. | Soe.) soe et one Hatteras ....| P. Pliocene. 
Seemed paleo. S={ ace i Vy \ dens \oese[oeet De. Yucatan <2. 

TABLE V. E.—List of Gastropoda—Continued. 
| -| Alt. | Range 
Bee | Name and authority for species. LP l, me ite ia Perea 2. “4 
eee ! 
839i) Rissoa s———=s 8:3 < Ue Bee ae ene oe eel | 65.) Hatterasiaeas 
840 | R. acuticostata Dall ......----------- 19| 10| 3.7) @% | Hatteras -2oalmm 
841 | R. pyrrhias Watson.-.-.....----- sees Se Wee 3.0 | #39 | Florida Str --] 
842"| R. xanthias Watson 2254255626 sssce. --o| ..-..| 2.5 | 339 | Florida Sta aaa 
B43. | RR. sypeenes Verrill 222 422 ie eee re > ape 2 3.0 | 142 | Hatteras 7 2aam 
Gad" | AB: wazas Danes 2 Seer eer ne ee 42| 5 | 6.5| zy | Fernandina..|_ 
845 |B. Mischert allie: se see ne eee eee REN A pet tee 5.3 | 949; | Cedar Keys- _ 
B46 || SBRaiisonis Dalene eee gS ee _.--| ---- |- 9.0] 940 | @ulé of Moexaim 
Genus RISSOINA Orbigny. 
847 | R. decussata Montagu... ..-----.----. BO Sa Sere erstell = eee iz | Cape Fear... : 
848 | R. levigata C. B. Adams._..-...---.. pee | epee A eae 3; | C. Lookout-.| 
849 | R. bryerea Montagu........----.----- Jone eoeeieeean 2; | Florida Keys} — 
850 | R: Chesnelii Michaud .-.:-.--.-2. -... bE eben al ere ees eee Hatteras ....| 
S519) oR. multicostata,C: -B. Adams <.2s 7-2 s4)os2 |lecmeme | oe ee ee aoe Key Largo...| ; 
852) | R. Sagraiana Orbigny ------ -.---52--- sce tisee se se eee Florida Str..| 
853 | R. cancellata Philippi..---..-.--.---- Jide) a 38 Sy) pee eens Florida Keys | — 
Family ADEORBID &. ; 
Genus SKENEA Fleming. | 
854 | S. planorbis Fabricius .----.-------..| 52 IS). sobs see Arctic Sea... ' ; 
Genus ADEORBIS Wood. | | 
855 | AS SUpPLaAMlbldus) WiOOGE = apt asa see Ante slate en 32 | N. Atlantic af : 
856 Vara Orbiony) Pischer 9225252825 5—. coats [PA Nee eileen “tos. | Norwaiy =eeee ; ; 
B57 4) AIR ea ull sehen) ster eee ane ae Bisel ie pel Se Me eee Florida Keys| — 
tslntohal ee bem nrKeiKn NAIDOU Nee see me es 44 5 | 4.0 | +23, | Gulf of Maine i 
Genus CLATHRELLA Recluz. 
SH) | MOsanzyuoonOes IDEM os code Saeeeesese eye fel| Shaallale ee 22 | Hatteras .-- 
860, Ay depressa “Say 2.0 Mas secs oe aes ea Sees | eeener eres Ieee Georgia -.--- Fi 
261A calipinosa Reeve:ze-22 2coss- 2 eee re Sul Se oe ek [ee eeteey somes Florida .....| 
Family. ASSIMINEID&. a 
Genus ASSIMINEA Leach. 
862 | A. Auberiana Orbigny - ..-------..--. toad bes edles sees eee Aes Cedar Keys_ 
863 | A. concinna C. B. Adams...----.---- Be eeee|-sbier pees ee see Ga esis . 
664 | A. 6 adler aid Sm wie is pels Sa sie EIS ate el een ees et ers Tampa ..---- 



TABLE V. E.—List of Gastropoda—Continued. 

ss | | 
la, | Mast; Fla. | West} 
- Hat.\Ga Fla. Keys.| Fla. 
eS ; wee oye 
fits) foo.) = ->~ aan 
i olf ae Se eae ie 
SS | en Joa Veen ae 
2 Se) 9 es es 
“os el ee | t 
Revels {sce | =<- t 
* ee, * * 
* a * * 
>! * 
* Be) * ” 
x 4 * 
| | 
* fet * 
* * 
* ie A * 
-- ies eee- a 
| | 
% - 
* * x * 
os, 4 * * 
oer -—- --** ss --- 
2 = * 

Range in time. 

| Pliocene. 



P. Pliocene. 

= ae st 
; _Ber- 
| West. West South 
| Tex.| tnd. gy Eur. aa Batreie pane: ) 
t t : 2 : Barbados. .-.-- 
F t SstHesaclienes (PCOIODDS, = 2-2 
be t - eee. WEAN ave, & «33 
t zi A wales nba seaasee 
t fal eee ease = Cian Jo Se 
Sean) Reet) (nee ---| ---- | Cedar Keys 
ae Ge Be i OAS eae Os | eee 
soge|* /e. eee see Sue homas.- 
eet: he -:-2} Barbados:. ..| 
: ig oss) .-c2) =e! Guadalupe ~.. 
sod). * olgetlesohheaess) Gre Bape 2. | 
is = wos|ecoe} =e | Martinique. 
ee be Hohe obs aR pee tes 
ge eo EE | * * | Charlotte H . 
BR ee el Pn jecics im ees Cet a cg a 
wash. *T. |onme |) bile an i nee 
= pie Ete oe --- | Guadalupe .. 
Abd eae | ---|---.| ---- | Rhode Island 
: : 
Sia hs pees eee ---- | Old Provid’ce 
AS er lieteatol sere lvereees Mexico...-.- 
: ® enh DRS RAED Bae Central Am.. 
ee P Ts aid © lena eee Cw Sse ss: 
paket tlle naa aaron 2 eee age sgt’ JS: Ss 

TABLE V. E.—List of Gastropoda—Continued. 
fer. Name and authority for species. | pl. | Figs or re pe 
Genus TRUNCATELLA Risso. | 
865 | T. caribzeénsis Sowerby ..---.--.----- Sony Seale lle Seine ee eee Alabama .... 
866 | T. bilabiata Pfeiffer....-....-....---. SESE ie x eral ee ene eee Sarasota. ...- 
867 | T. pulchella IDM SoS Hake okSas Uoia| semen ne cowl eee Tampa..--.. 
868 | T. subeylindrica Gray.-..-....---..--- we 20 Sesh Schllestacte et Beecaee Tampa ...... 
| Family 2 
| Genus SHPARATISTA Gray. - 
| Subgenus Haloceras Dall. 
869 | Ho cineulatay Vere. 2ac. es - a cmmcae= Ape 5 eee ee 28, | Gulfof Maine 
| Family CHORISTIDZ. | 
Genus CHORISTES Carpenter. | 
870 | C. elegans Carpenter...---.--=.-...---- 44 | 9a-b |..--.- 443 | Gulf of Me, ?. 
Genus MITRULARIA Schumacher. 
S71>| Meequestrispaimm 62s. sae se fp aS, SE Etec 72, | Hatteras .-.- 
\iGenus CRUCIBULUM Schumacher 
679) (Ce auricolatemeolines 4s. ce Goer el (rete Ame Ne | Cedar Keys.. 
S73. (iCs striahwiMSayieme-seec ee = ee ND ers ela e Sis +35 | Nova Scotia- 
Genus CALYPTRAjA Lamarck. 
874>| (CiCandeana Orblenyece as 22- 5-2: jorec|-seeee hes eee + | Hatteras .... 
Genus CREPIDULA Lamarck. | 
a7) Ce forntcaba limb: base eee ; ss ue } yin % | Pr. Ed. Isla - 
876 | C.convexa Say...----- Pee teeth oa ge oI 50 Oi ae 2, | Nova Scotia- 
| Section JANacus Morch. 
B77 lie. pibna Say ee eek ae ea \ _...| <7 | Pr. Ed. IsPd - 
| : Section SANDALIUM Schum. | 
878 | C. aculeata Gimelin..22-....-2-:.2---- - BEN elie ee vs | C. Lookout..| 
| Family CAPULIDZ. | ‘ 
| Genus CAPULUS Montfort. ~ 
879 | C. hungaricus Linné .---......----. i | Aa 3 $2. 0; zs | Iceland ..... 

ON on C2 Seep SR ai are 
Spee ane 


TABLE V. E.—List of Gastropoda—Continued. 

| | 
East) Fla. pei a Ber-| West Southern | a. - 
‘| Fla. aa Fla. Pe * Ind. *| Eur. ‘am. | extreme range. p Benge in time. 

| | | | 
Weg 5 . 

Mee} .:.| > |.... “ - ? | * lYesu}ones romney) \GUEGRLEpe._2 
2 ella ee \ * |---| * ol cccleece eee | PEtOndnraae ss 
ee i * * | * | Lae |e es (pear pe al ey rd Blotop eal seg 
Z 7 vale ollie (rtrd (mee ee Sy ea be 
: } 
SER. Sor ect lw occc Protos woes [-see[eeee| one Delaware B . 
| | 
ae ee ee pees = vA FE Cee i esc Rhode Island, P. Pliocene, 
a ae + ie) ‘ Sh | See «Erase paces Barbados.-...| Pliocene. 
miece to | 3 4 sie) Pi ities | Mad eases) eset | .--- , Barbados....| Pliocene. 
3 bd ae ene bee ew Pe ees heres Florida Keys.| Pliocene. 
sl * * “d - ARN ea SE Seas Haiti). ote 
| | ) 
5 dl at ang j x | _ ; ba aeiiaaees Carthagena -| Miocene. 
Peet, | 2 (eS. tos |h<cs, [aa cle pemeel meee East Florida. 
| . 
| ga | 
* | * | * * e* | . 3 | ? .---| Trinidad ....| Miocene. 
: aoa 
ee eas = i - - P. lec koa Barbados..-..| Pliocene. 
Wipes | acee * oT soce lawce] eowe | *: +} *t.| -2-2 | Florida Keys-} Miocene. 


TABLE V. E.—LJist of Gastropoda—Continued. k 
Alt. | Rang E 
Ber. Name and authority for species. Pl. | Figs. soe oe extras eee 
Section Kressta Mérch. . 
880 | Capulus intortus Lamarck ....----..-|.-.. Lo ee Sa Key West ...| — 
Section Hyatoris1a Dall. | 
SS | (Cagales Walle ree meee eee eee eee 14 3} 18.5) 218 | Barbados....| 
Genus AMALTHEA Schumacher. 
gg2 | A. benthophila Dall........---.-.----. 14 | 1a,b| 8.0| #9 | Sand Key-..-- 
883 | A. antiquata Linné .................. Sb eral arte ce female ais teeter Turtle Harb. 
884 | A.subrufa Lamarck ......-..---.---- Lan ieeS dei] costes aes Key West --- 
Genus XENOPHORA Fischer. 
885 | X.conchyliophora Born...--.-...----. Ree (aes se Sete zs | Hatteras .... 
BSG Xs caribsarPebite t= oe anoas teases epee eed eerie a; | Hatteras .-..| 
Genus NATICA Lamarck. 
887)| No maroccana Dillwyn... 2-5-2. 24. See eaten Sel eee Hatteras .. -- 
883, | NalividarPifentiers=2s- 82 esee acer = Su Neste aullineneen Gees Hatteras ..-- 
889 | N.canrena Lamarck.-.-- ogee Se tee Sal es oe | egret eee Hatteras ..--| 
SOOFENEcastrensign) alll preter eae eal aeece.s 12.5 | 2%, | Key West --olam 
Soi N;- perlineata Dall sls... .es.e ose a) ea AS ak 18.5 | 34% | Gulf of Mex -| > 
BGS clNMrpuaiiienenyent soe oe ee ee ee 50| Q1|..-.--| 2 | Massachus’ts| — 
Subgenus Neverita Risso. | 
R930 Nand pli cata sSaiyisa= iss sees seer 51 1 ese cel Acree Mass. Bay.--| — 
604), Ni nubtla Dalle: Sas 2 Soe eee ee |e. 13.0 | 363 | Gulf of Mex -|_— 
Subgenus Lunatia Gray. 
BOB 4 di hens Gene ea 5504 ek co i Tae pile eb idee z$s | Labrador....| — 
896 var, trisemaba Say cc 240.2 - sass HOA1S 19) ee. 2; | Labrador..--|9 
yh bey ance men ian@eh NOW Ee pee ones Boos eect Sa oelseaooolleso sce Arctic Sea.-.| | 
898) he tenuis Relig: ccc. 5. oceans see eels eee cece ét6 Cape Fear... | 
899 dee MevieulaWernillin -<3.)-2- 235s es 44 3 | 40.0 | +; | Gulfof Mainey — 
900:) is semisuleata: Gragg 2 o3 42 25. Ss es Sool ee |e eee Jupiter Inlet | — 
901 | L. immaculata Totten .-.. .......--- 50 Oe lie Ses 2; | Nova Scotia.| — 
902 | L. leptalea WaAbsOn 2s. i ae es eee 450 | Fernandina -| — 
903) Mies trina ap alla ase aes sere 21 12 | 5.75) 282 | Gulf of Mex -| 
904 var. perla Dall. .-..-....-..----.-| 21 11! 6.5 | 234 | Fernandina - 


TABLE V. E.—List of Gastropoda—Continuett, 


Puy a | 
; | | Ber- 
lca Raat Fle, | Wet /rex.| Wesel mu-| Bur) West] ._ Southern | Range in time 
a | at : | 
AC ea t 2 & Be So. Soe sit 2 beapbanoses oe} 
ere ee oo. cass t mah Wooten acete, [eee eee See 
ce poy sete ee Te ited ieee cease St. Vincent.. 
8 allie Se Se Masel ees Aspinwall. 
NESS oie ee ee en ee Sele Res Barbados.... 
5a EA ae 7 Po [cennl f° | [ace] nana Meeps 1) Mocane, 
eral. ob Tee (eae! ih. les oe eee Barbados....|" 
23a esl a eae Ei ea i * = Barbados..-.| Eocene. 
oa t Tame Veet she th ett op eAte Barbados.... 
4 x % i “« 5 | oes | tee ) Carthagena -| Pliocene. 
Mealy it 5 EOS NB 22 choses eee | Barbados..--. 
Be ks t Se ils=- t S50) ese Barbados... -. 
phe " ia eo Se 52 | aasnteees Florida Keys 
eat = Fo Wee eel eee oe eee | Vera Cruz.--| Miocene. 
ae ape ee eer t | Seeelnes Barbados. .- . 
1 ESOS Sa NESE eo ee eS eet hee: Hog Isl’d, Va.. Miocene. 
23 ba Sl Soe ee eee es) ooee lin Sanh Ebadberss: 5 Gl) Miocene: 
oc HES pepe a RE (CR Wn Ns i ad np Fr I ee Hatteras .... 
| oS t EE bam SRA) RS ia nd Ret TT cy Gene eee 
Speer At Witt a Sites GW hace te Sole See eee as Rhode Islan: 
A, || ed (Se a RPP |e se a Porto Rico .. 
Sonienies |e aee EPG ee) coe [oer oe Hatteras .. - 
1 Fe esses. Ler | ee (eel seas heer 2 Sombrero ... 
eee St ease hee [ae Ws he tS liecendeces tends Old Provid’ce 
Teele otek ctrl cee lioe ee t Ro) coco eees St. Vincent.. 



TABLE V. H.—List of Gastropoda—Continued. 

a  Y 

| | Alt. | Range eae 
Bek | Name and authority for species. | Pl. | Figs. He ie axiee ee 
Subgenus Polynices Montfort. % 
905) | E- wherinar® rhicimy, enon = eno) cesar | oe] eee a +4 | Hatteras ...- 
906 | PalacteatGunldiimo:= seep see ne tee Wiens bes oracle sete! | Sal. Florida Keys. 
907 | Pe brunn ea Titik aa ose circ ceceels Oe alice eet ye |e oe Tortugas .... 
| Genus SIGARETUS Lamarck. 
908 | §. PerspectivusiSay ies sac G22 = Shee eee sens eee eee | eee New York... 
909'"S. maculatus Say-s.. /<s065-- 2-5. peel et ele diene eee Hatteras .. 
DLO LS. miter Ore) a eee ete cee ae ee ee eee 4.0 | 34 | Cape Florida 
| Subgenus Eunaticina Fischer. 
911-|-H. carolinensis Dall .2...0)2.2.. 10-2). 2alceee 5.5 | 388, | Hatteras .... 
Genus GYRODES Conrad. 
912 | G. depressa Seguenza......---.-----. 1 LSS peas pea <8; | N. Atlantic... 
Genus LAMELLARIA Montagu. | 
913 |-Ju;-Raneil Borah yas fees fee ec eee Gulf of Mex . 
9147! pellucida Vierriliwes. esse seee. ees 72 SRB 88 | Rhode Island 
Genus MARSENINA Gray. 
OTS Me am pla Verrier yan eee Be eee ee Ieee hes Eastport ...-. 
Superfamily DOCOGLOSSA. 
Family ACM AID. 
Genus ACMA Eschscholtz. 
916 | A. Candeana.Orbigny ---...-- -----.| <2: HEP Bit fees eee = Florida Str--. 
917°) A. punctulata Gmelin -:2-2-..2..22. 2-2 - | beet eet a eae Florida Keys. 
918 | var. pulcherrima Guilding ....... ela ee Key West ... 
LOR WA mel anol eu e als Gurrve llr se ee ee eae er Be ee es Charlotte H- 
920) Ay testudimalistihinné 2c. 2222. =2 | 51} 2,3 | 40,0 2 Arctic Sea... 
921 | var. alveus Couthouy--.-..-_--- Ay) la foto a ae ees Q Arctic Sea. -. 
|. Genus PECTINODONTA Dall. 
922 | P. arcuate Dall 4-.@.....-.. .-. 25 |3a,b| 5.0 | 228 | Haiti ....... 
Family LEPETID ? 
923 | Pr? elegans: Werrill, is. es ae Se eee 3.5 | 1395 | Chesapeake - 
924 | P.? pertenue Jeffreys. ..........------|-- we ls serge || dane 640 | Rhode Island 
925 1: P.ancy loiderl .vae He. ee ee eee BA Dire see eee | Norway 



TABLE V. E.—List of Gastropoda—Continued. 

Va.| Hat.iGa ue Fla. West Tex West Ber- West Southern | 
. . i . a. . al 

Keys.| Fla. Ind. | Ga. Eur.) ‘am.| extreme range. | ®@nge in time. 


_ So SS ee il et ee 2 Pe eee be a ee ay 
\oa-<) <tc e 2 - 
Mee eeitceset oe seca | * FP ecto eel 2322") "Erinidad te: 

ey soe. | (2222 | Martinique 2: 

= BES | Scie% ase ~-+:|---.| ---- | Guadalupe -. 

5 Ses] a a Tee leeoclert || eels ie ees NORD TETON. 

=| el Vee aes 2 Sis he ol ed te EE eA, oe Se eee 

lr ee | i ool can. lescc| * fee Ge uookont-.) Pliocene. 

Ne elc cs lcc chee] oocc. 224] eeac} ee oe etiieras 

case Peer fn Keel Lo cos [basal tate see Sarasota 2228 

Js), 2 ee pi TN ee: *) [ic lee eee ee at badose sae 
scecloces|teeue:) DAaLDados.... 

. ON) het | cee ee rae | 
bees ee ee (ee |e ee * ‘a New York...| P. Pliocene. 
sates poe) ewe [eer _..-| * | Now York. ..| P. Pliocene. 

- eel eS ee oe t |. oo. |S Stacie 2 Se 

fT SS SES eas | EE eee (ee ne gs eo (ares mee Gy te | 


TABLE V. E.—List of Gastropoda—Continued. 
2 | | 
Alt. | Range 
Ser. Ces ea er re aan Pl, | Fies. pecs Northern 
No. Name and authority for species igs ee depthe | extreme range. 
wee eee 
Genus LEPETELLA Verrill. 
996) |, lu. tubrcolanVernll 22-1222 =e 25 6 | 3.75) 422 | Rhode Island 
927 | S. antillarum Shuttleworth ...-..-... SiS 1 OSS | Boe er eeretters _ Key West ..- 
Genus ADDISONIA Dall. 
25 | 1, a-e|) | 
996) | A paradoxa val 052.2 ole. seem 44 |10,1la'712.0  @2; | Rhode Island 
63 | 100a) 
Genus COCCULINA Dall. 
9995) °C. Rathbuni Dall. 223. sce ee seneee = 25 |5,7,7a| 13.0 | 4?8 | Rhode Island 
930) |.) Dalle Vierrill 2 ceoasaee ae acla ee ae oe ee ere 6.0 | 317 | Delaware .-.. 
oui4|.C. Beaniini all? cco ke eet ae oe ; ri meee 8.0 499 | Rhode Island 
O39 4 Ca reticulata Verrull = assess eees eee aeealee oes 2.6 70 | Chesapeake .- 
933.| C. spinigera Jeffreys .......-----. ---- 31 |7,8,9 | 2.0} 238 | N. Atlantic. 
934 | ‘C. leptaleay Verrill soe aoeee sc. Eas 63 | 101; 4.0 | #34, | Rhode Island 
Genus PHASIANELLA Lamarck. | 
935), ||P. brevisi@rbienty oss eee ccenoe nee a2 19 10b| 2.0] #8 | Hatteras .... 
936 | ‘Ps umbilicata Orbigay: 2. 24.425. -2--l|5-an|-- Seales sees 3, | C. Lookout.. 
937 | .P. pulchella,@C. By Adamsi22 oof oo. ee eee eee Cedar Keys.. 
Genus TURBO Linné. 
938 | T. Spenglerianus Chemnitz < 222222 52) 5 5-2) 222462| se 5enc leaoeee Florida Str.. 
939) 1. filosus* Kiener s2se2 tect eee sae ee Seal Shoe lee all eee Tortugas -... 
940 | T. castaneus 'Gmielin |... 222 --- 22222. NON 2 ocd dle 3 vf; | Hatteras .... 
941 | T. crenulatus Gmelin ..---..----.---- Sees See eae ee 5 | Hatteras .... 
Genus ASTRALIUM Link. 
942°) A. cxlatum Gmelinp.\.2 0.2.22. .5- Pohl sea eel oes leas Key West -.-- 
943") Av imbricabum Gmelime 22h. asscee ees laos |S se ees | beeen eases Florida Keys 
944A. tober Anm6: 2 Sve oe eS pairs ere [eet eae Rr | eee |e | Jupiter Inlet 
945 |" A. loncispinumibamanck sae eee eee ener eee Florida Keys 
946 | A. brevispinum Lamarck ~.2 72. 5-225) 5222 eae oon eee eames | Florida Keys 
947.| A. americanum’ Gmelim/4z.cc2 soccer eae ene ee ease eee 

Florida Keys 



| \East| Fla. 
a Fla. | Keys. 
245 Ge dl A Re 
4 ‘a aa * 
fe leeeehs cae 
# - -“—--—- -—- 
Mee Vitae |) cae 
{30s ee 
Un en t 
2 | ea * 
Bs as es 5 * 
a eae ? =e 
ie OS fei * 
* £4 * 
* : * * 
ed ee aes * 
Banari liste s| 
a * * 
a ak Ts, ane * 
re (nee on * 
enee Cn “eee * 




E.—List of Gastropoda—Continued. 

Ber- | | 
West West ! West | 
Fla. Tex. Taal mu- | Eur. mane 
- -« * wee ewes -~—- 
: Neale 1g eee 
Se bo t | Perea aie 
SS rs | es (CS ere 
ASR eer SF) eRe ay = 
SS ea eee t Sane eerelemrets 
* Sie eee ees 
* * * = aA, 
--*- os * ee eee 
* bey (eens ra Ae | 
¥ S ewww ewer eee 
mee eee 7 omen eee nee 
mee ewww bs “—-—-* were -—-—-* 
ewe | eww * --** -—--*- “7 
eee | ewww * ¥ eee -—--* 
eee | www e - _-*- -_-e8 “ee 

extreme range. 

Cedar Keys.. 

St. Thomas.. 

Chesapeake .- 



Hatteras .... 
Hatteras .... 
Fernandina . 

Martinique. - 
Guadalupe .. 
St. Thomas. - 

St. Lucia..-. 
Martinique - - 

Aspinwall -.. 
Carthagena. . 

| Range in time. 



TABLE V. E.—LUist of Gastropoda—Continued. 

Ber Name and authority for species. 
'Genus LEPTOTHYRA Carpenter. | 
OAS iG Sie ima mibaaWebsONes see ee = cee] eee 
949 | L. Philipiana Dall ..---------.-.----- 
O55 Oe hal Dram Batch ovesvteel Dye W Ul y eiees Sie ee 
Genus OMPHALIUS Philippi. 
OFS Oeccav ais laaniale Kans = =e eae 
952580 fas clabus@ bores ase nese eee aoe fe 
Ser COhaiacnnisia (Gacveliiia soe te ee re 
954 | O. Hotessierianus Orbigny-..-.---.----|- 
Genus LIVONA Gray. 
95571) 0G: sple amb ae Bee eee eee 
Genus GAZA Watson. 
9560 ,G.superbasDall >: - 22. ae s- see eee. 
O57alnGe BischermDall - sete n eae cee ee 
Subgenus Callogaza Dall. 
O58N C3 Watson Dall. 53 ee ee cis ee oe 
Genus M1ICROGAZA Dall. 
9595 Me rotellasDall == 2-— o-=seee eee eee 
Genus UMBONIUM Link. 
9605). Baird alll pas ee ee eens a 
Genus THINOSTOMA Adams. 

_ 961 | T. semistriata Orbigny --.----..----.|..-- 
962 | T. cryptospira Verrill............-.... 
GES | Th eae ae rie store sei wiae ees ase cea 

Subgenus Ethalia H. & A. Adams. 
964 | E. multistriata Verrill ............--. 
965 E. Soltdavlallwers too eee mo aes marae 
OG G31) SEs a RS eye ces Fo yas ee ee 
967.) Hereclusa! Dalle weak ese eee ee 
963) | E. suppressa Dall 28225. 222222822222. 

S69 SDs modestop Walle =escecieee se eeneeees 

Genus DISCOPSIS De Folin. 
970 | D. omalos De Folin 


| : Alt. | Range North 
pel aies ten d apt entre aa rae 
| 38 | 6| 7.0 | 344; | Hatteras .... 
| 34 \@ 7, 7a] 325 | 130) 2S ee ee 
|.33 | 9} 5.5 | #8 | Florida Str-- 
{irs alae (30201 eee Florida Str .. 
[202 Pe ee Texas sacs 
Pe ee ress less Key West .-- 
2 eh oe oe ea *_.| Florida Str -. 
Heeiao|Beecsaljare 2 os| 85 = - Charlotte H- 
22 | 4,4a) 32.0 | 234 | Gulf of Mex. 
| 37 | 6 | 16.0 | 422 | Gulf of Mex- 
Po WET TAN Cle 743) 
23; 1,la| 8.0 |>@4 | Gulf of Mex. 
24 | 2;2a| 6.0 
22 5,5a| 4.0] ZA | Hatteras .... 
/21| 6,6a) 4.0 | 299 | Florida Keys 
Be PPS ee ail ea3 Key West .-.- 
Boos 2.5 | 39% | Hatteras -.-.- 
satis dsoee 3.5 | 294 | Fernandina - 
Pia pees: 2.5 | zie | Hatteras .--- 
28 3,5| 2.0) 310 | Gulf of Mex. 
ipsa eee ee eee $fr | Fernandina - 
28| 7,8) 1.0| 23 | Hatteras ---. 
Bee ce On75|e- eee West Florida 
DIE | Si Sale ae Oder 226)s | Pee tee 
Lacie ONQabeheee | Fernandina - 



. ‘i B 7 
| Hat,|Ga.| Bast] Fla. | West |r. | West mnt Eur.| West 
» Se ee ee 
2 = USee | SSG eee t 
SS eee ee t rs 
eee -- et Ae S| ee -—-- -- - 
oo - ==. alice eee -<-- -—- oe --- 
53) 60 a eee ee * Be 
eae | * * 2 | * | aN (ee 
on a t a SP Se ae PReAc 
2664 a a t 1 seaed Pn a Soeee 
ee oe eS eee 
i an DS Ee fee t 2h ae 
_ = Re es BplGecpee a 
ee. eee Cee Set eee = -—- -- -—- 
his CSS) (rea al ieee Maer Ieee eng Pe Sora lees 
| - 9 ae eed Sees re 
ape oN ann OS EES (merida |e ae * Be h a: 
Rees kes, | 2 = iPS TS eel Eee Fei Nena Cares Ind PE 
«1 Re Sad Mel eae ae Pees Nadie 
“eee -—- owner wore hee Win 52 Ne ee ee 
3835) PES Ree Neen pees LM ee ate Se) ease 
OOS: eee ee ees hes: Pale See ecw. 

TABLE V. E.—List of Gastropoda—Continued. 

extreme range. 

Martinique - - 
Dominica .-..- 

Guadalupe .-. 
Trinidad .... 
Santa Cruz.. 
Guadalupe -. 

Aspinwall -.. 

St. Lucia... 

Yucatan: ...- 

St. Thomas... 

S. E. Florida. 
Cape Fear. .- 

Gulf of Mex. 

Range in time. 



TABLE V. E.—List of Gastropoda—Continued. 

Alt. | R 
pels Name and authority for species. Pl. | Figs = ay olin 
Genus COCHLIOLEPIS Stimpson. 
971 | C. parasitica Stimpson-.-.---.-..-----|----|------|------|------ S. Carolina... 
972 | C. striata Stimpson...---.-----.----- wel eens alc Tampa ...-... 
Genus CALLIOSTOMA Swainson. 
973 | C. euglyptum A. Adams ..--.-..-----|.--.|-----.|------ #; | Hatteras .... 
974 | C. Bairdii V. & S-...-.- .-----.----- 63 O60 See #f; | Rhode Island 
975 | C. aurora Dall..--..-------.--------- 37 2 | 21.0 | 332° |p Sales 
976 | C. circumcinctum Dall ..----..-.----- 22; 3,3a) 8.0| 842 | Gulf of Mex. 
977 | C. echinatum Dall ..----.----------- 21 | 2a,5 | 5.25) 80) Gulf of Mex. 
678 | Cisapiduntallenses. os. eececn eae 21/} 2,4| 5.0] 805 | Gulf of Mex.) 
979) | C: corbis) Dalleices.---<e- === = 33 1| 5.0| 228 | Gulf of Mex. 
OH POs tei WERE) coom one aeeoos cobedsec|lasea|esocca||doacos 329 | Gulf of Mex. 
981, Ce roseolumm Dalle) ee eet nee a ate 24| 6,6a| 9.5 | #3, | Hatteras -... 
982 | C. apicinum Dall .----.-..-----.----- 94| 3,3a| 7.5 | a%5°| Gull of Mex 
983 | C. pulcher C. B. Adams...---...----- ke oe WARS koe 45 | Hatteras .--. 
984 | C. orion Dall ...-..-----..----..----- 28 2) 4.5 80 | Florida Str. - 
Section Eucasta Dall. 
985 | C. indiana Dall ...---.----------- ---- 321-365 >|, 8.3 | 170) | Soopers 
Section Eurrocuus A. Adams. 
986 | C. jujubinum Gmelin ..--... eee Pell Meee [RR erelllyertere Hatteras ..-. 
987 var. Tampaénsis Conrad......---- Jeol LCs ee eae Hatteras .... 
988 var. Rawsoni Dall ..---. .---.-.--|- Scala eee Se| ss oeec| semen Cedar Keys.. 
989 | C. yucatecanum Dall ...--..----- ---. 24 | 4,4a| 7.0| 4 | Cape Fear... 
990 | C. Sayanum Dall ...--...------------ 33 | 10,11| 37.0 | 424 | Hatteras -..-. 
991 | C. Benedicti Dall .........----..----- 32 7 | 14.0 | 200 | C. Lookout..- 
992 | C. cinctellum Dall..-......---...-.-.- 32 | 1.4] 9.5] 175 | Florida Str.. 
Section DENTISTYLA Dall. 
993 | C. asperrimum Dall..-.....--.-..-----|----|.----. 7.5 | +99 | Hatteras -. .- 
994 var. dentiferum Dall.....--...---- 93 7,8 | 7.5 | 140 | or 
995 | C. sericifilum Dall.........----.------| 24 1,la) 4.5 92)... 28a eee 
Genus MARGARITA Leach. 
996 | M. erythrocoma Dall ...--..----.---- 28 1} 5.0| 4% | Florida Keys 
Subgenus Turcicula Dall. 
997 | T. imperialis Dall ..-...-...--.------ 22 | 1,1a/?15.0 | 483 | Florida Str-. 
Subgenus Bathymophila Dall. 
998 | B. euspira Dall ....--.-----..-------- 32 8 | 5.75] 282 | N. Atlantic .. 

East} Fla. | West West West South 
Hat.|Ga. Fla. ene Fla, Tex. ta. pn, Eur. At. aibeeetine reaniies 
Tea eee = Spots ee [hoe * | Cre te Re Florida Keys 
22-7 SS ee ee MPa Soret |"efee 2 [oes [eae eee ALL OF Fe Ie 
Oh ie eS - a (coe te eee eel! Sea Vera Cruz... 
etidiias | nt ae Recs eer Te ae ae cele ae Florida Keys 
Se edlPasdlectes| sce st \uaces ||[S oa Tew leceale seelheces Barbados.... 
S42 ee ee iF t aed SS eel Neto Yucatan ..-.- 
— ee fae ee ee oe Cie ea SA See Cuba< oat. ce 
<i! sligSefl Sel Geka eee eee ‘3 SRR ea | ONDA sens See 
<p ee t t Ti hassle eee ee Jamaica ..-.. 
=e Bec £ < t t Al See eS Dominica ... 
pelt | t t = t tt hesoleeee | Sens Yucatan ... 
= 3 35| 255 ee Tl Sees Ieee Tale sealeseelteecte Barbados. -- 
Sata tere ise e Sb i) | Ee = el (ae | Pee a a St. Thomas. 
Reefs | af 5 a eae ee 1 ae cl eee re Cnbaess <<. 2 
eee ee Lae pal| crease]. o aiste [fm c= AP en ee Grenada ....- 
a ata ll SA carat is ---|---- | Carthagena -| 
coe | a is 's bs Be hese -.o MELONGuras -—- 
2E 2 sa Lg <p PE (aeoe | Sh Mauritius -.. 
ve. 2a eed | eae * 2 © leone te eae Yucatan .... 
mre | peer So [estiic | aete hos ce | owceloe ool peecial leet toon ciee 
Haleee a ae ee es el 5) ee Soe | Seale aero beete( 
AE Ll Scr ine epics ese tel PERN | tes oes = Gubavcz. 
naee | Se ai t t ae +: Sees eee Barbados.. -- 
ie SS es ee ee en ee alee ee eel eae Barbados.. .. 
cy af eee eee 1 A Se (Sts fe Grenada .... 
Be ay “od (RE Beg | ees 5 A RN ee hele eit eee 
Beers Pee! best tlt sek. owes bea (eee [ates Sey (nee Sit th peyeeeee 
2 SS ae eo Pe eee ma (Saeco ate | | pea | Culebra 



TABLE V. E.—List of Gastropoda—Continued. 


Range in time 





a) e os 

extreme range. 

Norway --.--- 
Rhode Island 
Arctic Sea... 
Fernandina . 
Florida Str... 
Florida Str-. 
Florida Str.. 
Delaware ...| 


Gulf of Mex. 
Cedar Keys... 
C. Hatteras. - 
Gulf of Mex. 
Florida Keys. 
Fernandina . 
Cedar Keys... 
Cedar Keys. - 
Cane Florida. 

Florida Str... 

Cedar Keys-. 
Gulf of Mex. 
Gulf of Mex. 

Gulf of Mex. 

Key West --- 
Tortugas --..- 
Florida Str-- 
Florida Str- - 
Florida Str. - 

TABLE V. E.—List of Gastropoda—Continued. 
Ser. ; d : Alt. 
wo: Name and authority for species. Pl. | Figs. oe 
Subgenus Solariella A. Adams. 
999)|"S) amabilist elev sess soe aaa oe oa eee eer eae 
1000 | S. lamellosa V. & S..-.--..----....-.. 63 98) |r see 
1001 | S. obscura Couthouy .-.---.-.--------- 52 1G)|Sshsee 
1002 | S. egleis Watson ...-..2.----.- .--2-.|----|------|---=-- 
1003 Lo Vvare Lata all ears te escts oe ies rectal e oie | lees =| ete eee 
1004 SP rime obvery A Wey Nese se ea ae Saoel(secde|loscoodllecasos 
1005 Var. Clavata: WatsOn. 9-2-5 ee oe eee cee a= 
1006 | S. infundibulum Watson. ...--..----.]--..|------|------ 
1007 | S. Ottoi Philippi..........----.---. ; ae on ee 
1008 | S. scabriuscula Dall..--..-----..----- 21 |10,10a| 4.75 
1009 | S. lissocoua Dall: .---.-:.-.-..-.----- PL We eae Dap 
LOMO ESalacunella aD alleen oe sere eeroe ofa 21) 1,la| 4.5 
1011 Var. depressa Wall ei 2 ane pete eee eee ene 
LOL SSCs: ae eect a ale ees aera 21/17,7a | 5.0 
LOUSY S53 se weet ee sees etter teller eeee 
OV a ae See See etcteetoren ene ol eee eee allmerteer 
1L0is.| Sslubriea: Dalles 222252222 ape 2-2 |) 99a 450 
1016 VAL eaD ale ean sheets eee | eet] smieesee 3.8 
Genus EBUCHELUS Philippi. 
1017 | E. guttarosea Dall ...---....---.----- 33 7| 5.0 
1018)| EH encasta Dalles <2 .35 225 = eee aan ees |e eee mere 
Genus BASILISSA Watson. 
LOUGH MB alltian WatSO Mee 2) Sere ets cee a eel | eral are 
1020 var. delicatula.Dall_-...--....-.- Qe 2a eles 0 
1021 | B. superba Watson-...--..-----.- Soe Bod (see lero=e 
1022 | B. costulata Watson .:...------.222--|5-.-) ---—- aoc ses 
1023 var. depressa Dall .....---..----- 231 4,4a | 2.5 
Genus LIOTIA Gray. 
10244). 16. eruentatay Muh feldities=s2—e esas ieee ee eer eer 
1005) SLU Risn sD unkero-s gases eseeeo ee esee lenas |eeeeael sere hee eee 
1096:/u, Briarens Dallt.cce- ocean 24/5,5a| 7.5 
1027 Vials PeOrLOvabel Dall ee eae are = reel eras) eran ere 
1028 | Vial. aspiman Dall asec cise oo srel ie eal eneieed eer 
102081 Tu. Baindii Malate aon cess ta eee 33 &| 6.0 

1030 | 

var. trullata Dall 

Hatteras ...-. 
Gulf of Mex. 


TABLE V. E.—List of Gastropoda—Continued. 
Hist. Ga Rtst| HI. | West lorax | Weet|mea-|star| Wont] Southern San 
eaeese | tec cts Toul fleas euch cee gl belay. = 
pees |e os lap ecr|s oo TRS SS eases Barbados ... 
Peietet sro || ea tm mre “Hitu iets |e a" | eres, | ote sah (sl es Rhode Island 
saci) oa hell SES EEE t : eke een est es St. Vincent. - 
~ Gee | ai Tea Goeteree licerote ce eee i ee) Martinque..-.| Pliocene. 
eee meme hl Scie [iene ag Spee a St. Vincent... 
“8 o| heen Seen asamp Ie] aS He hemes ese fie gee Bragilewecss4 
=a elles ee Te spss eam eet 1, Vosaeducaute gl PERRZLL © ouje siete 
etter ete cera moe a4] mm stale mais t yu a ee St. Thomas..| Pliocene. 
emenerealtateataifi oh” lls eee [occ fF) eee eoee eee (ORE i eae see 
Seetfrasst=ae=|- | a ed ed ee Ad lye 2 Gulf of Mex. 
Tealet<l|an ae t ee fet) ese ee os eee Santa Cruz.. 
Ee taiel| bate .| ia Tas ‘Wee ean| ina eetas oe | Soke melee Florida Keys. 
rea ree tS. tr og Mcicts| wats a [teaser (a4 cal aces Ineeets Florida Str.. 
=e Pee Tie ee ence Pin we, Late. | arate, |Seatctalleccare Ilr= ellen lleteimermee te orae ee 
eee eee Pose ttt -|ascelecctlGocs|eoctecse Gulf of Mex 
Beaten [aseet E Tp atoesee ty) i Se See eee St. Lucia-.=- 
Beealse-oeee| 4 fe ieee inet oe een oe bee te Gulf of Mex. 
- =I SS oe (ee Pee hs Meg pe ed Po See sae Haittscs soe ce 
eee hacia a dimalmesioces (2 foe kil, comer | alsa eter eens, ent cle Meares 
ereeiibaet lace ltaa coal. t 1 | eee eso ee Ya zecpeers 
cel) Sey |aSee| | ean Reeeen eee Sill SE local ele Tobago -..-.-- 
onto) a6 See Mee feiss elboses Ze ieCslaess Australia..--. 
[ones] ee [eee EEE SS peal een (ere DM Prey ee el tc Gulebra:=. .- - 
3 228 A | RS) se { “beeee ECE ese Yucatan-.. .-. 
| | 
a SNES, OS) eens eee ee * > dees eaee eens Honduras ... | 
"es a Cai a eee mY ee ean OSS ian | 
eae leas - Paps aue ip core TAs ee aac oe Barbados .... 
Bee Pees) yP of o | Pe ce Pee cee DAM GR, = = 
Shes OSA ed a i ll ema ee t I oo tan 
, 1 ye | ce i ee | ened fi a ae tet Havana..... 
Dobe teat st.) sags loans oe ee ee a Florida Str... 









TABLE V. K.—List of Gastropoda—Continued. 

Alt. | Ra g ; 
Name and authority for species. Pl. | Figs. = ey. oxime ee 
Liotia tricarinata Stearms .......-----|.--.|.----.| ----- 32 =| Hatteras -... 
Le miniatayDallsse22 222.4 tesco acces 28 11! 2.0 15 | Florida Str-- 
1a? variabiis) Dall ts eset ose enaesee 23 | 2,2u| 4.5] #2, | Hatteras .... 
Var. Microyoris Dall 2 sas teense e| eee lace senses soe ->A; | Cuba....-..- 
Subgenus Lippistes Montfort. 
IacrillaeD allies assesses erine ee oe, |G, 000 6 210) | eee Garden Key . 
Ib: amabilis Dalle es caeesess sees 32; 9,12 |) 2.0 80 | Florida Str .. 
Subgenus Laxispira Gabb. 
| Lesnitida Viernill-22sss<-2esee nesses ee 46 11 | 5.0 | 1423 | N. lat. 38°... 
‘Genus VITRINELLA C. B. Adams. 
VY. multicarinata Stimpson...--.-.-- Saas ae 1.5 15 | Hatteras .... 
V.onterrupta ©. 1B. Adams 22522. ste) ane sepia pera eeenene Tampa..-.... 
Genus CYCLOSTREMA Marryat. 
C. trochoides Jeffreys. ......-:-------|-.-.| ---«-| 2.0°| st¥z 4) Ne Atlas 
C. fulgidum Jeffreys..-.-..----..--.-| 63 99 | 2.0] #22 | Gulfof Maine 
C..ormatomSVerrill 2255-6252 + 2 seseni|)oecleeteeen eee w2; | Hatteras ...-. 
C. cingulatum Verrill-.----- aise Sveti el aaa 2.0 | 547 | N. lat. 40°... 
Civalvatoides:Jetireys. =---2. 2-=s<s)-5l|-ue- |e aecenleeose 88; | C. Lookout... 
C. diaphanum Verriil.........-... ers | te ee 2.5 | ¥285 | Rhode Island 
CS turbinnim Dalles. see eee 33 5 | 2.75} §&0 | Florida Str -- 
C. pompholyx Dall .......---...---.. 28 9| 3.0] 234 | Fernandina -| 
¢. cistroniumiDall fae. 34-2 oon ae allosee lee cee 1.6 | 23 | Hatteras ...- 
C. cancellatum Jeffreys.....----.----|----|------ 2.5 | #84; | N. Atlantic... 
Subgenus Granigyra Dall. 
G. dimata Dallnseetae sass = Se ease. cas hoosa|seeees 2.5 | 310 | Florida Str.. 
Genus MOLLERIA. = 
M. costulata MOller.........---..---- 72 CU A ee eae ze; | N. Atlantic-. 
Family NERITID A. | 
Genus NERITA Bruguiére. 
N: peloronta Lann6e. 22223. Se Sr ee all tee oe ee eee eee Jupiter Inlet} . 
N: tessellataGmielim ..25 592222 Shea 25s | eal a eee eee Jupiter Inlet 
var. precognita C. B. Adams. ...- | SRO ear ot oe all pe era S. Florida - -. 
N. versieclor Lamarek -..._.. 2.222. --|--<-|---200|--0ce- | sageor | Pine Key.... 



TABLE V. E.—List of Gastropoda—Continued. 

Fla. | Keys. 

CA eel (aes 
ene -—- “eee “oe * 
eae] -- |---| t 
SA ES Seo gee 
aE le 
oo Pe 
ee ee 
UO" 6 See eae 
Seilics'=\s See an 
vo Pe ee 
22 Sut Cee eee 
iy aul Lat 
= oe alas are 
an * * 
As * * * 
aye 4 - * 
als Soh \ es * 

Bt: East| Fla. | West ew: West 

Fla. Ind. ‘ae Eur. bar ede er Range in time. 
em ease bocce levee lease leaeel Tampa ...... Pliocene. 
chert) 5 oe * Boao eee | SAT DOME 2 o> 
t vos [ee t a Sah eta ee Barbados.. .. 
t meial(eere hemes Grenada .... 
Diets Ss Ree a | NE ee |e Se PO | Florida Str .-. 
Me a aac t Yi Molt oe eel CUDRae wee ctee 
Bee a Vatton haem aleeey Ieee Florida. .--... 
iP he | pacer | esa (ee ered |e iS Jamaica .... 
Teac tt t ... | Old Provid’ce 
Tee ee ara -welecac | Lernandina - 
Ne oh fle See eee mernandina, 
Paes tee seca lecoeluce <| mele bedelsignd 
Crs dhasi| eters fies etal eo eee Ca itn ers 
brakes [eters peo ee leees ae emernand ina 
Beater lees t ee ae | 2 ai Os] 0 es ae 
Jeet | Seen t Soe eee CUD a josie scted 
Be ood beer ee eised cose Cape Fear.. - 
pie ae ere Ti lesecihat sssujewueatan.c.« = 
Sate |iee oe t oe all eet Cubas veces: 
Bes yl ees Mee ese *+ | _... | Fernandina .| Pliocene. 
oe el Ie ke * batt | Bet .. | St. Vincent.. 
- 3 ke Gl eee lees Aspinwall... 
Fees ene © Ui Cuealees| ooees| AS DLNWiail 22 
ky cei hee eects Aspinwall - -- : 



TABLE V. E.—List of Gastropoda—Continued. 

Alt. |R 
ee Name and authority for species. Pl. | Figs. ium ty ore 
| = 
Genus NERITINA Lamarck. 
1056. |"N. recliviataiSay -scess 2. = 6 eee eae Sabre | Sse teal eee St. Augustine 
1057 Var: palm Dall) c. Senc:2 secceite celieoe-l Mees ae eee meen Palma Sola.. 
1058 | N. virginea Ginn6-2---.-222--- s-2-s--- eel seeiere' | dee sae eeees Tampa ...--. 
1059)-|) Nepupan inn 6S See2 ces ee eee eee votalcsleceel| ecoelioeee ee Charlotte H - 
1060 | N. viridis Lamarck ...-....---.-..-.- deec||Peasos|\ossacc\/soc8e No Name Key 
Section THEODOXUS Montfort. 
1061™ | Ne Showa ltenisleags=seae am seer eee eile eee eer Fluy.| Alabama .... 
Genus STOMATELLA Lamarck. 
1062 | S. picta Orbigny..-.--...-.-----------|----|------|-+----]------ Florida Keys 
Superfamily ZYGOBRANCHIA. 
Genus HALIOTIS Linné. 
1063 | H. Pourtalesii Dall .......-.-.....--. 2stein| Spohr Sees 200 | Florida Str-. 
Genus SCISSURELLA Orbigny. 
1064 | S.crispata Fleming..--.-..----...--.-- 48 1Dseeceee zis | Norway --.-.- 
1065)>|:S.altia, Watson #2222 3. tessa sees se teen see see 259 | Florida Str--. 
1066 | S.——....---- 2-22 coe e ee eee eee eee ef ene |e eee] ee eee 294 | Fernandina .- 
29 1 
1067 | P. Quoyana Fischer and Bernardi .. 31 |la-c >| 42.0 | i | Gulf of Mex. 
37 5 
f Bi) | 
1068 | P. Adansoniana Crosse and Fischer. a ae 130.0] x9; | Guadalupe -- 
; \ 37 4 
1069> )E. cinenianis Walls eae tee ess ee 26|7,7b| 3.0] 539 | Gulf of Mex. 
1070\" Ps trifolinm Wall’ e222 eee eee 26 | 8,8b | 7.0] 640 | Gulf of Mex. 
LOT! PL Wiatsoutall: 222-25 a. 2ete ee ale Seales eee -| 3.0] 429 | Gulf of Mex. 
1072. | P. profundiJettreys ~ 2552722) a ei poem 299 | Fernandina - 
1073) Pageer: Watson’ 3. s252 ae mee oe ores nee ee eee eee 320 | Florida Str-- 
LOZA- ||P tertimeta NN ern 2a) once ta ge ea ee coaeacas 5.0 | 1451 

Rhode Island 

Ria et: 


TABLE V. E.—List of Gastropoda—Continued. 

East) Fla. | West West West Southern ae 
Ga.) Pia, Keys | Fla. Tex.) Tog. |™u-|Eur-| am. | extreme range. | Range in time. 

a a ef | ———_ | | | —— 

oe Ra ERM | a (Me dle We a er ah A icy Bye ds psec 

Ee ee ee cut See saat tee ates *+ )_...| Fernandina -.| Pliocene. 
Reali y peel 2S Selb SI fs en ee eee arp ealOs ze 
alesse aise es = Sella alasssetleeee ..-.|---- | St. Augustine 

Blisoor lies e' Beccles Puls Ae [eee Veantateet ae ats amis RNR = ul 

See eee elton banbados:..4-)2Pliocene:? 

stared mie a eee | 4. ieee |pieenm tesa HL OTIG se OLA 
Berit eed | eka A Fa + Shelia eee eee RG ataMo 
Rate ANE NP oes oct 4+ hee ear Dados =< - 
Le Se eee an | a +f. olees asec eee Oulebran s22- 3 
alle | a a eee ea irl estclsot ees Calebrae sz. 


TABLE V. E.—List of Gastropoda—Continued. 


. | Range 
or in 

extreme range. 

Be Name and authority for species. Pl. | Figs. 
1075 | Puncturella sportella Watson ......--|. satis varie 
1076 | P. abyssicola Verrill................- Se alles ha ae 
1O775;| PF erecta Wally eee ee ee eae ae ele Ses 

Subgenus Fissurisepta Seguenza. 
1078, | F. triangulata, Dalle) so-so ees al soolensee- 
1079);| F. rostrata Seauenza cs. o8) 4. meeeeses leeee eee 
Subgenus Cranopsis Adams. 
1080 | C. asturiana Fischer.........-....... erie 
Genus EMARGINULA Lamarck. 
Subgenus Rimula Defrance. 
10517 RtrennlatarDallieo 82 6 okes aes eee 28 4 
Subgenus Subemarginula Blainville. 
1082: | S.ioctoradiata Gmelin’. 260255222 ealese eee 
LOGS =| 85 —— ae ge ae Se Seale 
Subgenus Emarginula s. s. 
1034s) E. tumida Sowerbys::so.. s4-cuseee rose eee oes 
1085 7) EB. pumilavAc oA dans. cee eae “Eiilebecae 
1086 | E. cancellata Philippi.............--- sidoelst cae, 
1087 | E. compressa Cantraine ...........--- wo|-e--e- 
Genus FISSTRELLA Bruguiére. 
1088) 4), Balternata Sayasees 2 see: USE sense 
1089 Var. Saya Sexe hers We eae eee 
1030" B nodosa, Born (sees. 822s eee NE tegen as 
1091 | F. Listeri Orbigny- Be ee ees pa es ek 
1092 | F.cayennensis Lamarck ....-....-.-. Cio aati 
1093 | F, gemmulata Reeve....--........--- stage 5 ce 
Subgenus Glyphis Carpenter. 
1094 | G. barbadensis Gmelin -.............. sh Abeer 
1095 | G. cancellata Sowerby -.............- Sel ee 
1096" | (GS Tannert Verret ass: 2 sete 44 |13,13a 
MOOT Gy eon iy ie Me ee aoe seul are ree 
LODE S|: Ge ase eee DE ene ee 
LOD | Gi ae Ten, ee Rm ee ae alld all tree 
1100.) Go fluyianaDalle 350: 5020 eee ee 14 | 6, 6a 
| Genus FISSURELLIDEA Orbigny. 
1101 | F. limatula Reeve....._.- i orci coun ected Bis ote | 

sec eee|-= ofeee 


woe ees 

sc eeee 

N. lat. 24°... 
N. lat. 39°... 
Hatteras .... 

Fernandina . 
N. Atlantic -. 

N. Atlantic -. 

Hatteras .... 

Tortugas ...- 
Gulf of Mex. 

Gulf of Mex. 
Turtle Harb. 

Portugal .... 

Hatteras .... 
Florida Str. . 
Tortugas .... 
Indian Key.. 
Cedar Keys.. 
Tortugas .... 

Charlotte H . 
Tortugas ..-.| 
Key West.... 
Hatteras .... 

Florida Str-.. 

Cape Fear... 



TABLE V. E.—Jist of Gastropoda—Continued. 

meee le wee 

: B 
N.J.|Va. | Hat.|Ga. i Rove. ba Tex eee mu Eur. eee nang eta Range in time. 
CO EE, SS Eee eee, Ss eee ain lire feceak 2a | SL 
ee wal t cee t Bias dmeulebra’. . 2: 
t “ae ae oe a eta eee asda e ts eee 2 eerste heme ne 
Bett... t EB El ada | toad: |lckice ll adic, caleeee (ee lee orl arene seas 
pees: ar: _ Sg as ee ee t Serer eet MCulébrac 2s 
ocsel pees ee ami lPerctatal |e sieres |i dice a: Mice mre tit teiek | acre alms ... | Fernandina -| Pliocene. 
a Be BT. joaccl ot Paces loeds| $f leaped pease (nb ets oP ocene, 
ests! = Be ian at ee Saad. ocise| Sana 4 wana oes (ees EB ales 
ac cle.) Sep6 tee Oe ee eae * : dee Barbados .. -. 
Aca es Bhs el eee . i t z Ha @ubassauso ee 
| | 
_io4| 264 ba ee al ae * wa Je oO nase = 22 
heed aS 2 Se pe loess * Esa ecuiee Haiti oe 
Pee) Se Heelisesiesen| tT 3 oa * iop* |. = ip apbacos tue: 
8825) ae Tulcea) seiloee t ---| t |.--.| Barbados....| Pliocene. 
meee le © ccs |. * “ = SiS * |icao| eee |e barbados-s..| Pliocene. 
el eh aS Ree SS le pera | PS ozo eee ee Barbados.... 
(ool (eu SS ee ee ee 3 ok ees raha 2 3 Barbados.... 
Meee ete.|ns facwal’ .* Seis esal ee a3] ...| Barbados..-. 
Ras. 22 See AS eee : a ee te ---- | St. Lucia....| Pliocene, 
=. 5) een eae aeea'| ee See ke Mllisietea lao Guadalupe .. 
Meee icesciise teecet a oe a PN ee Ae eT DRA OSI: o 
meeeeed eere| ceitsace | * | sees |siewe 7 sel eaahesen| tobe DALUS ss 2. 
Pe hace liao |. Seno || wend [ekcaleseee | Soes a aleoes | Wea therasss... 
Pe EE = Pediat base t erst aoteallteelelas | Ba DACLOR. fae 
Beweto= | VP f-- pamse| 50- | --e [enn e| tang [ones [anda] nwee [een eee anne eee 
pel SIR RS ca Pai el ee Rn A (roel ee 5) ee a ee 
oo oa ot ES en a ae | De 1 alte Maton ..- | Barbados.... 
era te Bane tee Sally t .--- | Barbados.... 











TABLE V. E.—List of Gastropoda—Continued. 

Name and authority for species. 

Fissurellidea fasciata Pfeiffer -......- 
F. pustula Linné...----...-.--------- Sane 

Genus CLYPIDELLA Swainson. 
C. fascicularis Lamarck 

Subclass ISOPLEURA. 
Superfamily HOCHITONTIA. 

Genus HANLEYIA (sray. 


tropicalis Dall i... 22,2522. ccsc0 ce 
mendicaria Mighels...........-... 



Le - @Xaratus SAls--is22ecnets senate eee 
T. ruber Lowe...--....... Eras Ser 

Genus CHZA;TOPLEURA Shuttle- | 


C. apiculata Sowerby...----.--.----- 

C. Janeirensis Gray...-....--. eis Sie : 


I, “macitormisiSay oases eee cee 
I. purpurascens C. B. Adams.......-. 
I. papillosus C. B. Adams............ 
| race eee ee ap ar 

I. funiculatus Carpenter 


C: Guildingi Reeveroo. «2.222 c5lee 

Genus CHITON sx. s. 

C. squamosus Linné 

C. marmoratus Gmelin...............|....|--- 

: Alt. | Range North 

saUS)| 12835; Lon: depth ere eaee 

“hoo | eee eee Gulf of Mex..| 
Pe here a MMC Asa ooo a C. Lookout .. 
skata| 's diate ooo lic Sate ate eleeeee Key West.... 
BP Ba) espa ae te 440 | Arctic Sea... 
ee es es Aer tit | Gulfof Mex. 
26 |8c.8d.| 4.0 | 128 | Sand Key ... 
Soci 2 oa Bees stv | Arctic Sea .. 
ADE | Seed een ee $992 | Norway ..... 
51 Ouloeeee #; | Arctic Sea... 
51 10) |S eaa8 ~~; | Cape Cod ... 
coelt tool Yee cael: ee es Oya eeneeee 
SOU ainsi ete algerie Key West ..- 
Ppa erasisce Sache eS Florida Keys. 
Sable erm eracel| ee ean | eee Tampa ..-.-. 
Deis SECA ee ce Turtle Harb. 
Be Eero asa face csc Key West -.. 
bee |e tele secon eaoaer Jupiter Inlet 

Indian Key... 




TABLE V. E.—List of Gastropoda—Continued. 

East} Fla. | West est West Southern PE 

.d.|Va.| Hat.| Ga. Fla. |Keys.| Fla. Tex Tad. ia Eur. Am. | extreme range. Range in time. 

le Sache * aod he S Se eee ee Gabaves-ve.: 
| SS emieea bss Salta Piolo ceetee Jains este |so'stalencee |) aT badoss.. 

SS oe MT eee eS aait % os) Sete See ee a anelea® aes 

‘(ele ee ? pealee 34/2 peel h +t | Gulf of Me. ? 

es Fe Cl fee i t ee. ae feel ee ees Dominica -.. 

_ et 3A A an eee sae a ese eee Florida Str.. 

t t eee SAGs Fd er ei Hatteras .... 
ae tt OA ee ee eS Se - ae BBee Fernandina. . 
ee 5 CC Ee ne Be oS New YOrk 2. - 

‘ * * * * * * * es iam (ee ee Pe Harti. 

(ns Soin eee ee a a ee a eae [ees -| Rio Janeiro.. 

a a ae ee Sida | sa * | St. Vincent - 

i SS ee ee ¥ e abe SP An sens St. Thomas.. 

oS Se ee - * ore | ett? pil eee eer eee , St. Thomas-.}| . 
; | 

Sih Seal Se * ¥ lh te lParete [pares | Yucatan. .... 

te a | 

Blea <||'. | ett eae ie Hin cet. * +) erst Goths Sack Stee Lomas’: 

fel ! 

ax | | 

RE es SE aa eee aay Miega  2 | Trinidad ....|. 

R | 

es.) <. NOT) TO Ge a eed a * pO | ater tal wee a Santa Cruz " 

sls: bas cc ee Beas Seo 5 - shy (rege Bae Trinidad ....| 




TABLE V. E.—List of Gastropoda—Continued. 


Name and authority for species. 







Genus TONICIA Gray. 


Alt. | Range 

Figs. or 

— Northern 
depth. extreme range. 

T. Schrammii Shuttleworth...-...-.-- po fs 



A. picea Grielia ee Ree eee ce 
Superfamily OPSICHITONIA. 
Genus PLACOPHORA Gray (em.). 
P. atlantica Verrill & Smith...--... ; 


INS PASS MIEGTP NGG Gas eosecosecaoe soars are 

A. spiculosus Reeve -.----..-------- 

Genus NOTOPLAX H. Adams. 

N. floridanus Dall....-.-.------ ae Be 

Genus AMICULA Gray. 

A. vestita Sowerby .------------------ 



saawetbemeteleeseae Charlotte H- 

1a, bi) 39.9 | 42 


Off Cape Cod. 

codes leneane | eee Tortugas .--. 
a ernst el eeees Cedar Keys... 

JS J= >| Reset |e Cape Florida | 

LOSas vse Arctic Sea. .. 



TABLE VI. F.—Jist of Cephalopoda. 

‘Suborder OCTOPODA. 

Genus ARGONAUTA Linné. 
A. argo L. var. americana Dall .... 
Genus SPIRULA Lamarck. 

S. Peronii Tantarckie acs sesso seeae 



10H Fo Sis ip ee N. lat. 43°... 

fA eee Bnei Cape Cod --. 

in .J.|Va.| Hat.'Ga. 

East} Fla. 


Fla. | Keys.) Fla. Tex. 



TABLE V. E.—List of Gastropoda—Continued. 


extreme range. 

mu- | Eur. 
da. An. 
i ee ee 
r=) - 
Ea eae o t 


.--- | New Grenada 

.|..-- | Rhode Island 

St. Thomas.. 

Key West ... 

New York ?.. 

aE NeoBok owes 

Brazil? ... 2. 

Tropics? <: < 


The following table shows the relative proportions of the different 
groups included in the fauna and enumerated in the tables preceding: 

In the Extra 
tables. |limital. 

Brachiopods ..- 222 --.-02 -seene oe osc ewe ene een ences ene woe 21 2 
Pelecypods .- -.--.----- ----- + -- 22 ene cee cen teens cee ene enone 487 13 
Scaphopods oo. a-eiss-seeee =e === ESA see Mane eee ac es 44 Ps 
Pteropods ..---..----+ -----+ ---- 20 = eens eee ee oe eee eee eee mere Ba) 3 
Gastropods .....----- ---- -----+ --- + -- 22 eee ene eee eee eee eee 1, 127 59 
Cephalopods .-.. .--. ---+ ---- +--+ -- 02 eee ee eee eee eee eee eee 2: | see eee 
Total eee ohswieebe wees ce ee eee ee eee Ee eee eee ema 1,714 79 
Deduct extra-limital species -.......---..----.---.-------- 79 \icoemeee 

Total enumerated species from Sandy Hook to Florida and 
the Rio Grane. 5..2n. 5 s2en cde os se roselare 1 635) |eeeeeeee 

It may be added that, with but few exceptions, the enumerated extra- 
limital forms are likely, with further exploration, to be found in our 

If all the Nudibranchiata, Heteropoda, and Cephalopoda were enu- 
merated the total would be at least eighteen hundred forms. 

It is probable that some of the species enumerated in the tables will 

hereafter prove to be synonymous with other enumerated species. But — 

there is a reasonable prospect of the discovery of deep-water species, 

new to science or to the region, and of Antillean species which extend ~ 

to the region of the Florida Keys which are not here enumerated, so 

that the loss from the above-mentioned cause will probably be more — 

than made up numerically. ‘This being the first attempt to enumerate 
the Molluscan fauna of the whole region, generalizations may well be 



Nortre.—The figures following the authority for the specific name denote the actual length in milli. 
meters of the longest diameter of the figure, whether that be the height or the breadth, except where 
otherwise stated. 


Fig.l. Corbula Krebsiana C. B. Adams; 6.1. 

1 iP sé “ec 

19 b. “cc cc 

2.  Basterotia quadrata Hinds; 10.0; left valve. 
2a. Same, hinge seen from above. 

2b. i “ ‘below. 

3. Corbula Knoxiana C. B. Adams; 12.7; front. 
3a. r os back of left valve. 
3 b. “cc ce 

8 6, “ 6 

4. Corbula disparilis D’Orbigny ; 9.0. 

4 a. if ce 

4 b. “ce a3 

5. Corbula Dietziana C. B. Adams; 10.7. 
ae & ‘6 

5 b. “ “ce 

6. Corbula Kjoeriana C. B. Adams; 12.0 
6 a. “cc ce 

6 b. “cc ce 

7. Corbula cymella Dall; 13.5. 

"4 a. “cc és 

All the above, except figures 2 a, 2 b, and 4 a, 4 b, are drawn by W. H. Dall with 
the camera lucida from typical specimens of the describer in the museum at Am- 

The following plates (I-XL) are from the Report on the Mollusca of the Blake Expedition, parts I 

and I, drawn by J. C. McConnell (except where otherwise stated) from the specimens. For the use 

of these plates we are indebted to Prof. Alex. Agassiz. 
PLATE II.,1lb. Verticordia (Euciroa) elegantissima Dall; 13.25. 

2, 2a. Halonympha claviculata Dall ;. 12.0. 

3a,3 b. Cardiomya perrostrata Dall; 8.0. 

4a,4b. Verticordia (Haliris) Fischeriana Dall; 10.0. 
5a-5e¢. Corbula Swiftiana C. B. Adams, from type; 10.4. 
6a-6d. Corbula Chittyana C. BR. Adams, from type; 8.5. 
7,7 a-c. Corbula Barrattiana C. B. Adams, from types; 8.9, 

24781—Bull, 37-12 



- FIG. 

fo SS 

$9) 9 AY CN OM 





Cuspidaria obesa Loven, var.? 13.0. 

Cuspidaria Jeffreysi Dall; 15.0. 

Cuspidaria arcuata Dall; 12.5; inside. 

Same, outside. 

Myonera limatula Dall; 11.15. 

Cardiomya pectinata Cpr., var. beringensis Leche [N. W. coast of America]; 6.0 
Myonera lamellifera Dall; 12.5. 

Leiomya (Plectodon) granulata Dall; 11.0. 

Cardiomya corpulenta Dall; 14.0. 

Cardiomya striata Jeffreys ; 19.0. 


Pecten (Amusium) Dalli E. A. Smith; 62.0; inside of lower valve. 
The same, inside of upper valve. 

Pecten (Pseudamusium) Sigsbeei Dall; 11.5. 

Pecten (Propeamusiwm) Pourtalesianus Dall, var. marmoratus; 13.5. 

a-b. Pecten (Pseudamusium) imbrifer Loven ; 12.5. 

5 a-b. Dimyaargentea Dall; 12.0. 

6. Cardium (antillarum Orb. var.?) ceramidum Dall; 8.2. 
Uo Cardium peramabilis Dall; 12.5. 
8. Abra lioica Dall; 8.1. 
9 a-b. Saxicava azaria Dall; 25.0. 
Fig. 1,2. Pecten (Propeamusium) cancellatus E. A. Smith; 26.0. 
il Bhs The same ; a bit of the sculpture enlarged. 
3. Pecten (Propeamusium) Sayanus Dall; 15.5. 
4. Pecten caurinus Gould, young valve; 6.0. 
5. Pecten (Propeamusium) Holmesii Dall; 12.0. 
6. Hinnites Adamsi Dali; upper valve; 28.0. 
7,7 a. Pecten (Propeamusium) alaskensis Dall; 22.8; West America. 
8. Pecten (Pseudamusium) reticulus Dall; 7.0. 
9. Pecten (Propeamusium) Sayanus Dall; 15.5. 
10. Pecten (Pseudamusium) reticulus Dall; 7.0. 
11. Pecten (Propeamusium) Holmesii Dall; 12.0. 
12. Pecten (Propeamusium) Pourtalesianus Dall; 13.5. 
Fie. 1. Magasella radiata Dall; 6.1; N. W. America. 
2: Thecidium Barrettii Davidson; 5.1. 
3. Modiola polita V. and §.; 42.5. 
4a-c. Terebratula Bartlettii Dall; 40.0. 
5. Pecten (Janira) hemicyclicus Ravenel; 4.0. 
Inside view of upper shell of young fry. 
6. Terebratula incerta Davidson ; 11.5; interior. 
6 a. Thesame; horizontal view of luop. 
7,8. Modiolaria lateralis Say; 7.5. 
9,10. Area ectocomata Dall; 46.0. 
11. Tellina sybaritica Dall; 7.0. 

Crassatella floridana Dall; young shell; 11.0. 



Fic. la-b. Leda (Neilonella) corpulenta Dall; 9.5. 
2. Nucula crenulata A. Adams; 6.0. 

3a-b. Leda acuta Conrad; 9.5. 

4a-b. Gouldia cerina C. B. Adams; 10.5; type. 
5 a-b. Astarte Smithii Dall; 7.0. 

Ga-b. Astarte nana (? Jeffreys) Dall; 8.2. 
Za-b. Leda solidifacta Dall; 12.5. 

8. Leda acuta Conrad ; 9.5. 


Fig. 1, a. Tindaria cytherea Dall; 8.6. 

ot Nucula var. obliterata Dall; 6.0. 

3,3 a. Areca polycyma Dall; 9.78. 

4,4a. Macrodon asperula Dall; 8.5. 

5. Arca pectunculoides, var. orbiculata, Dall; 8.0. 

6. Leda (Saturnia) quadrangularis Dall; 4.6. 

7, 7a. Limopsis antillensis Dall; 4.25. 

8,8a. Pandora (Clidiophora) carolinensis Bush; 14.2. 
9,9a. Arca glomerula Dall; 5.75. 

10. Cetoconcha margarita Dall; 7.3. 
ills Leda Carpenteri Dali; 10.5. 

12, 12a. Leda vitrea, var. cerata, Dall; 6.5. 

13. Vesicomya pilula Dall; 2.6. 


Fig. 1,1 a. Yoldia liorhina Dall; 13.1. 

2,2 a. Yoldia solenoides Dall; 12.5. 

3. Leda Carpenteri Dall; 10.5. 

Mangilia serga Dall; 9.0. 

Mangilia citronella Dall; 4.0. 

Mangilia Pourtalesii Dall ; 17.0. 

,7a. Xylophaga abyssorum Dall; 4.0. 
Conus Agassizii Dal; 30.0; adult. 

a. The same, young shell; 9.0. 
Daphnella lewcophlegma Dall; 10.25. 
Daphnella (Eubela) limacina Dall; 11.0. 

SEnmMr ans 

Fi. Gymnobela Blakeana Dall; 8.25. 
Gymnobela extensa Dall; 12.25. 
Mangilia bandella Dall; 9.37. 
Mangilia antonia Dall; 5.75. 
Leucosyrinx Verrillit Dall ; 36.0. 
Drillia polytorta Dall; 33.5. 
Drillia acestra Dall; 19.0. 
Drillia albicoma Dall; 25.7. 
9. Pleurotomella Emertonii Verrill & Smith ; 34,0. 
10. Daphnella reticulosa Dall; 11.5. 
11. Daphnella sofia Dall, outer lip imperfect ; 8.0. 
12. Mangilia? scipio Dall, outer lip imperfect; 14.0. 






Drillia nucleata Dall; 13.5. 

Drillia Verrillti Dall; 5.5. 

Drillia lissotropis Dall, young ; 4.5. 
Drillia lissotropis Dall, adult; 7.0. 
Drillia havanensis Dall; 9.0. 

Drillia lithocolleta Watson. young ; 12.5. 
Drillia smirna Dell; 15.0. 

_Drillia oleacina Dall; 10.0. 

Mangilia pelugia Dall; 10.75. 
Leucosyrinx Siysbeei Dall; 29.5. 
Mangilia antonia Dall, young; 7.0. 
Mangilia comatotropis Dall; 6 0. 
Pleurotomella leuco nata Dall; 13.5. 

Mangilia Agassizii V. & *.; young shell of var. mexicana Dall; 8.5. 

Mangilia quadrata var. monocingulata Dall; 6.75, 
Mangilia quadruta var.; 7.0. 

Mangilia peripla Dall; 8.0. 

Drillia premorra Dall; 9.5, 


Daphnella morra Dall; 5.75. 
Drillia pharcida Dall; 9.5. 
Mangilia ? subsida Dall; 13.0. 
Cythara cymella Dall; 13.0. 

Genota mitrella Dall; 12.5. 
Cythara Barilettii Dall, adult; 8.0. 
Margilia elusiva Dall; 9.25. 
Mangilia toreumata Dali; 10.5. 
Pleurotomella filiferu Dall; 17.5. : 
Glyphostoma gratula Dall; 17.5. 
Drillia detecta Dall; 11.75. 
Ancistrosyring radiata Dall; 13.0. 


Drillia eucosmia Dall; 19.0. 

Genota (Dolichotoma) viabrunnea Dall; 38.0. 
Drillia haliostrephis Dall ; 20.0. 

Glyphostoma Gabbii Dall, young; ‘.5 
Glyphostoma Gabbii Dall, young; 9.5 
Drillia pagodula Dall; 13.5. 
Glyphostom Gabbii Dall, adult; 19.0. 
Glyphostoma Gabbii Dall, voung; 16,0, 

ee ae ee 





Amalthea benthophila Dall, ov spine of Echinoderm, viewed from above; 4.0. 
Amalthea benthophila Dall, from the right; 8.0. 
Amalthea benthophila Dall, from below ; 8.0. 

Loripes compressa Vall; 11.0. 

Capulus ( Hyalorisia) galea Dall, from below ; 18.5. 
Capulus (Hyalorisia) galea Dall, profile; 18.5. 
Pleurotomella Packardii var. Benedicti V. & 8.; 11.0. 
Cythara Bartlettiit Dall, nearly adult; 10.0. 

Glyphis flwwiana Dall, from below; 10.6. 

Glyphis fluviana Dall, profile; 10.6. 

Daphnella corbicula Dall; 11.2. 

Cythara Bartlettit Dall, young; 10.0. 

Umbraculum bermudense Morch? young shell; 10.0. 
Umbraculum bermudense Mérch? profile; 10.0. 


Murex Pazi Crosse, young shell; 7.5. 

Trophon? actinophorus Dall; 17.5. 

Pteronotus tristichus Dall; 15.5. 

Trophon lacunella Dall; 41.0. 

Dolium (Eudolium) Crosseanum Monterosato; 35.0. 
Mitra (Costellaria?) styria Dall; 19.0. 

Typhis (Trubatsa) longicornis Dall, young; 7.5. 
Mitra (Thala?) torticula Dall; 12.2. 

Mangilia? exsculpta Watson; 30.0. 

Fusus benthalis Dall; 15.0. 

Fusus amiantus Dall; 17.0. 

Nassarina Bushiew Dall; 9.0. 


Ocinebra (Favartia) cellulosa Conrad, young; 12.0. 
Murex pomum Gmelin, very young; 15.0. 

Murex Hidalgoi Crosse ; 23.0. 

Murex hystricina Dall; 21.0. 

Coralliophila Deburghia Reeve, young; 20.0. 
Coralliophila lactuca Dall, young: 11.0. 


Acteon incisus Dall; 9.¢. 

Actwon incisus Dall var., adolescent; 6.8. 
Actwon melampoides Dall ; 6.0. 

Utriculus vortex Dall; 7.5. 

Utriculus Frielei Dall; 8.2. 

Actwon delicatus Dall; 10.0. 

Bulla eburnea Dall; 7.25. 

Atys? Sandersoni Dall; 6.5. 

Utriculus (vortex var. ?) domitus Dall; 9.0. 
Sabatia bathymophila Dall, adult ; 16.5. 
Sabatia bathymophila Dall, adolescent ; 10.0. 
Scaphander Watsoni Dall; 8.75. 

Bulla abyssicola Dall; 12.75. 

Actwon Danaida Dall; 11.0. 





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Scala hellenica var. Morchiana Dall; 6.87. 

Scala discobolaria Dall; 6.5. 

Actwon perforatus Dali; 7.75. 

Scala aurifila Dall; 11.0. 

Niso interrupta Sowerby var. albida Dall; 8.1. 

Niso interrupta var. albida Dall, base; 3.5. 

Aclis nucleata Dall; 9.3. 

Aclis lata Dall; 5.5. 

Scala contorquata Dall; 4.7. 

Scala polacia Dall, aperture imperfect ; 7.25. 

Scala formosissina Jettreys; 8.5. The aperture is a litule distorted where 
it joins the body whorl. 

Scala belaurita Dall; 8.3. 

Aclis egregia Dall; 13.0. 


Rissoa precipitata Dall; 4.0. 
Marginella seminula Dall; 7.0. 
Marginella Watsoni Dall; 9.5. 
Marginella fusina Dall; 8.0. 3 
Marginella yucatecana Dall; 5.62. 
Marginella succinea Conrad ; 12.0. 

Marginella torticula Dall; 11.5. 

Columbella (Anachis?) Verrillii Dall ; 9.0. 

Pedicularia decussata Gould, profile ; 6.0. 

Pedicularia decussata, young, showing spiral apex; 2.5. 
Rissoa xanthias Watson, var. acuticostata Dall; 3.7. 
Eucosmia brevis Orbigny ; 2.0. 

Columbella (Anachis) amphissella Dall; 4.0. 

Dalium solidum Dall; 41.9. 

Eulima (Melanella) arcuata C. B. Adams; 4.0. 
Leiostraca fusus Dall; 13.5. 

Eulimella unifasciata Forbes; 6.0. 


Cerithiopsis Sigsbeeana Dall; 10.5. : 
Cerithiopsis Martensit Dall; 11.25. 

Cerithiopsis crystallina Dall; 16.0. Poor figure. 
Eumeta subulata Montagu; 14.25. 

Cerithiopsis abrupta Watson; 4.3 

Triforis triserialis Dall; 8.25. 

Tiiforis cylindrella Dall; 6.5. 

Triforis triserialis Dall; 15.5. 

Mathilda yucatecana Dall; 8.0. 

Triforis triserialis var. intermedia Dall; 11.0. 
Triforis abrupta Dall; 7.5. 

Triforis longissima Dall; 26.0. 

Triforis bigemma var. hircus Dall; 12.5. 
Triforis torticula Dall; 10.5. 

Triforis colon Dall; 12.0. 

Triforis inflata Watson var. ibex Dall; 11.0. 

s Fic. 






* a 



Solariella lacunella Dall; base, 5.0. 
Solariella lacunella Dall; profile, 4.5. 
Calliostoma sapidum Dall; 5.0. 

Calliostoma echinatum Dall; base, 4.75. 
Dillwynella modesta Dall; top, alt. 3.0. 
Dillwynella modesta Dall; profile, diam. 4.0. 
Calliostoma sapidum Dall; base, 4.12. 
Calliostoma echinatum Dall; 5.25. 

Umbonium Bairdii Dall, young specimen; profile, alt. 4.0. 
Umbonium Bairdii Dall; base, diam. 5.0. 
Solariella iris Dall; profile, 5.0. 

Solariella iris Dall; base, 5.5. 

Solariella lissocona Dall; profile, 5.5. 
Solarieila lissocona Dall; base, 4.5. 
Solariella lubrica Dall; profile, 4.0. 
Solariella lubrica Dall; base, 3.25. 
Solariella scabriuscula Dall; base, 4.0. 
Solariella scabriuscula Dall; profile, 4.75. 
Lunatia fringilla var. perla Dall; 6.5. 
Lunatia fringilla Dall; 5.75. 


Turcicula imperialis Dall, immature shell without the apical whorls; 13.0. 

Turcicula imperialis Dall; base, 13.0. 

Basilissa alla Watson, var. delicalula Dall; alt. 5.0. 

Basilissa alta Watson, var. delicatula Dall; base, diam. 6.0. 

Calliostoma circumcinctum Dail; diam. 6.9. 

Calliostoma circumeinctum Dall; alt. 8.0. 

Gaza superba Dall; profile, alt. 24.0. 

Gaza superba Dall; base, diam. 35.5. 

Microgaza rotella Dall; base, diam. 6.75. 

Microgaza rotella Dall; profile, alt. 4.0. 

Fluxina brunnea Dall; profile, alt. 10.75. The margins of the aperture 
are broken. ; 

Fluxina brunnea Dall; base, diam. 15.5. 

Callogaza Watsoni Dall; profile, alt. 7.75. 

Callogaza Watsoni Dall; base, diam. 12.5. 


Callogaza Watsoni Dall, young; 8.0. 

Callogaza Watsoni Dall, young ; 8.0. 

Liotia variabilis Dall; base, diam. 6.0. A calcareous foraminifer is at- 
tached to the periphery. 

The same in profile, alt. 4.5. 

Solarium Sigsbeei Dall; diam. 5.5. Margin of aperture defective. 

The same in profile, alt. 2.3. 

Basilissa costulata Watson var. depressa Dall; base, diam. 5.0. 

Basilissa costulata Watson var. depressa Dall; profile, alt. 2.5. 

Fluxina discula Dall; profile, alt. 3.0. 

Fluxina discula Dall; base, 6.5. 

Calliostoma (Dentistyla) asperrimum var. dentiferum Dall; base, 6.0. 

Calliostoma (Dentistylu) asperrimum var, dentiferum Dal); profile, show- 
ing tooth on the pillar; 7.5. 

Fie. 1. Calliostoma (Dentistyla) sericifilum Dall; 4.2. 
la. Calliostoma (Dentistyla) sericifilum Dall; base, 4.5. 
2 Callogaza Watsoni Dall, base of young shell; 6.0. 
2a. Callogaza Watsoni Dall; 6.0. 
3. Calliostoma apicinum Dall; alt. 7.5. 
3a. Calliostoma apicinum Dall; base, diam. 7.0. 
4, Calliostoma yucatecanum Dall; 7.0. 
4a. Calliostoma yucatecanum Dall; base, 7.0. 
5. LTiotia briareus Dall; alt. 7.5. 
5a. Liotia briareus Dall; base, 9.0. : 
6. Calliostoma roseolum Dall; alt. 9.5. 
6a. Calliostoma roseolum Dall; base, 7.0. 
a, Leptothyra Philipiana Dall; alt. 3.5. 
7a. Leptothyra Philipiana Dall; base, diam. 4.0. This species is named in 
honor of Dr. Philip P. Carpenter. 
Fig. 1. Addisonia (lateralis var.?) paradoxa Dall; from above; 10.0. 
1b. Addisonia (lateralis var?) paradoxa Dall, profile; alt. 4.0. 
le. Addisonia (lateralis var.?) paradoxa Dall; from below, showing soft parts. 
1d. Addisonia (lateralis var. ?) paradoxa Dall; showing animal crawling. 
le. Addisonia (lateralis var.?) paradoxa Dall; dentition, complete series across" 
the radula. : 
2. Cocculina Beanii Dall; dentition, transverse series and one detached uncinus. 
3. Pectinodonta arcuata Dall; dentition, pair of laterals. 
3a. Pectinodonita arcuata Dall; base of right lateral, with cusp broken off. 
3b. Pectinodonta arcuata Dall; shell in profile, twice natural size. 
4, Cocculina Beanii Dall; in profile; 8.0. 
5. Cocculina Rathbuni Dall; dentition, transverse series and two detached 
6. Lepetella tubicola Verrill; dentition, transverse series. 
7. Cocculina Rathbuni Dall, from above ; 10.0. 
Za. Cocculina Rathbuni Dall, in profile; 10.0. 
8. Cocculina Beanii Dall, from above; 8.0. 
Fig. 1. Dentalium sericatum Dall; 13.0. 
De Turbonilla interrupta Totten; foot of animal from below, greatly Sale ee 
2b. Turbonilla interrupta Totten; animal from above. 
3. Turritella yucatecana Dall; 16.5. 
4, Siliquaria modesta Dall; 26.0. 
5. Dentalium ceratum Dall; 30.0. 
6. Bivonia? exserta Dall, youn, in first stage; 11." 
7. Puncturella circularis Dall; from below; 5.75. 
7b. Punceturella circularis Dall, profile; 5.75. 
7c. Turbonilla curta Dall; the aperture is imperfect; 8.3. 
7d. Turbonilla belotheca Dall; 14.0. 
8. Puncturella trifolium Dall, from below; 14.0. 
8b. Puncturella trifolium Dall, profile; 14.0. 
8c¢. Hanleyia tropicalis Dall; medial valve; 4.0. 
8d. Hanleyia tropicalis Dall; post rior v aver 3.0. 
9. Dentalium ophiodon Dall; 12.5. 

‘> ae 
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Mathilda barbadense Dall: page 



Fie. 1. Dentalium laqueatum Verrill ; 29.0. 
; 2. Dentalium ceratum Dall, v ry young; 7.0. 

me Dentalium carduus D 11; 16.0. 
4. Dentalium Gouldii Dall, var. obscurum ; 28.0. 
5. Cadulus quadridentatus Dall, and outline of aperture; 10.0, 
6. Dentalium perlongum Dall, and outline of apertu.e; 80.0, 
He Cadulus amiantus Dall; 5.75. 
8. Cadulus lunula Dall, and outline of aperture ; 6.0. 
a. Cadulus equalis Dall, and outlive of aperture; 15.0 

10. Dentalium callithrix Dall; 25.0. 

11. Cadulus acus Dall; 8.0. 

12. Dentalium ensiculus Jeffreys, and outline of aperture; 20.0. 

12a. Cadulus Watsoni Dall, and outline of aperture ; 13.0. 

12 b. Dentalium callipeplum Dall; 36.0. 

12¢. Cadulus Agassizii Dall, and outline of aperture; 9“. 

12d. Cadulus cucurbita Dall, and outline of aperture, 4.0. 

Nore.—When the outline of the aperture is given it is on the same scale as the fizure to which it 

_ refers, and its antero-posterior line is from left to right, or in the direction of a line drawn across the 
plate horizontally. 






Margarita erythrocoma Dall; alt. 5.0. 
Calliostoma orion Dall; alt. 4.5. 

Ethalia solida Dall; bas , 2.75. 

Rimula frenulata Dall; from above; 6.25. 
Ethalia solida Dall, profile ; 2.0. 

Fossarus (Gottoina) compactus Dall, profile; 2.3. 
Ethalia reclusa Dall, p ofile; alt, 1.0. 

_ Ethalia reclusa Dall, base; 2.1. 

Cyclostrema pompholyx Dall; 4.2. 
Fossarus (Gottoina) bellus Dall; 3.5. 
Liotia miniata Dall; 2.5. 


Pleurotomaria Quoyana F. & B. The animal sketched from life by J. H. 
Blake, redrawn by McConnell; 50.0. 

Lampusia gracile Reeve; 25.5. 

Aurinia Gouldiana Dall; 69.0. 

Fusus caloosaénsis Heilprin ; 60.0. In arranging the figures for ihe plates, 
by an error this figure was substituted for that of F. cimessus, Dall, 
The figure of F. timessus will therefore appear in my Report on the Fos- 
sils of the Florida Pliocene. 

Asopus Stearnsii Tryon; 4.0. - 

Terebra (Acus) benthalis Dall; 21.0. 

Dolophanes Gabbii Dall; 9.00. 

Mesostoma migrans Dall; 9.25. 





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color sketch from life by J. H. Blake. The shell is merely indicated. 
Anterior termination of gill in P. Adansoniana. a, osphradium; 6, blood 

sinus (?). Only the inner series of gill lamelle is here indicated. At this — 
part of the gill they are nairow and pointed; farther back they become 

broader and more rounded at the distal end. 

Pleurotomaria Adansoniana C. & F. Redrawn by McConnell from water- : 




Posterior free termination of intestine (¢) lying on the glandular (renal ?) ~ 
organ, behind which in the commissure are two orifices on each side (@), 
with a short bunch of papillae behind them and the flaps of the mantle | 

with their papilose edges (b) corresponding to the edges of the sinus on 
each side. 

Another specimen. 

The first specimen crawling. 

The head, viewed from above. - 


Pleurotomaria Quoyana F. & B. Rhachidian and lateral teeth much mag- | 

nified. 1b, one of the outermost uncini; 1 c, one of the inner tricuspid 
uncini greatly magnified. 

Propilidium ancyloide Forbes. Transverse row of teeth from above. 2b, 
rhachidian and lateral teethin profile; 2c, jaw. All much magnified. 
Scandinavia and Britain. 

Pleurotomaria Adansoniana C. & F. Separated teeth numbered in their 
order from the rhachis; 0, rhachidian tooth. 

General view of a single transverse row of teeth. 

Same, a single tufted uncinus; ++. 

Same, end of tufted uncinus; 77°. 

Cocculina spinigera Jeffreys. Penis from above magnified. 

Cocculina spinigera Jeffreys. Head from above, showing tentacles and posi- — 

tion of penis at the side of the right tentacle, magnified. 

Rhachidian tooth of C. spinigera. 

Scutellina antillarum Shuttleworth. Showing rhachidian tooth laterals and 
consolidated uncini of one side of a single transverse row of the radula; 

1 . 
The same, a single separated uncinus. 


Calliostoma (Eutrochus) cinctellum Dall; 8.0. 
Pleurotoma periscelida Dall; 40.5. 
Calliostoma (Eucasta) indiana Dall; 7.6. 
Calliostoma (Hutrochus) cinctellum Dall; 9.5. 
Calliostoma (Eucasta) indiana Dall; 8.5. 
Liotia (Lippistes) acrilla Dall; 4.3. 
Calliostoma (Hutrochus) Benedicti Dall; 18.0. 
Margarita (Bathymophila) euspira Dall; alt. 5.75; max. diam. 7.0. 
Liotia (Lippistes) amabilis Dall; 5.0. 
Pleurotomaria Adansoniana C. & F.; 35.0. 
Liotia (Lippistes) acrilla Dall; 4.3. 

Liotia (Lippistes) amabilis Dall; 5.0. 

12a. Nassarina Grayi Dall; 12.0. 


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Calliostoma corbis Dall; 5.0. 

Solarium peracutum Dall ; 17.5. 

Ovulacteon Meekii Dall; apex 3.0. 
Ovulactwon Meekii Dall; 5.5. 

Solarium peracutum Dall; 17.5. 

Cyclostrema turbinwm Dall; 3.25. 

Huchelus guttarose Dall; 5.00. 

Tiotia Bairdit Dall; 6.0. 

Leptothyra Linnei Dall; 5.5 

Calliostoma (Eutrochus) Sayanum Dall; 40.0. 
Calliostoma (Eutrochus) Sayanum Dall; 37.0. 


These figures are from drawings by the late Dr. William Stimpson. 
‘Fic. 1. Olivella mutica Say. a-g, varieties of form and color, natural size; h, oper- 




culum, natural size; i, 1, operculum outside and inside, magnified; m, ani- 
mal crawling; n, head, showing absence of eyes and tentacles; 0, section 
of oral aperture rineniticd ; p, penis; 7, section of shell showing absorp- 
tion of internal walls. 

. Olivella mutica Say ; dentition. 
. Purpura hemastoma Linné var. floridana Conrad. c¢, animal from below, nat- 

ural size; d, head and verge from above. 

. Purpura hemastoma Linné var. floridana Conrad; dentition. 
. Scaphella junonia Hvass. }, shell one-half natural size; ¢, sculpture of early 

whorls; d, nucleus; e, section of shell. 

. Volutomitra grénlandica Beck. Young shell and magnified nucleus. Cape 

Cod northward. 

. Volutomitra grénlandica Beck. Rhachidian tooth; a, from above; b, in pro- 


. Oliva literata Lamarck. a, animal crawling, #; 6. tentacula and eyes; c, soft 

parts removed from the shell, showing (f) foot, (g) propodium, (h) respi- 
ratory siphon, (i) vent, (1) posterior filament of mantle, (m) mantle raised 
up, (n) verge, (0) gill; d, section of muzzle showing proboscis extruded ; e, 
gill and sensory organ (osphradium). 

Oliva literata Lamarck. Dentition taken from a female specimen. 


Mitromorpha biplicata Dall; 7.0. 

Aurinia robusta Dall; 119.0. 

Columbella ( Astyris) profundi Dall; 8.0. 
Cancellaria (Trigonostoma) Agassizi Dall; 13.5. 
Fusus eucosmius Dall; 85.0. 

Benthobia Tryoni Dall; 13.0. 

Fusus halistreptus Dall; 80.0. 

Marginella cassis Dall; 15.0. 

Columbella ( Astyris) diaphana Verrill; 9.0. 
Conomitra Blakeana var. levior Dall; 9.75. 
Liomesus? Stimpson Dall; 32.5. 

Eudolium Verrillit Dall; 32.0. 

12 a. Sipho (Ltychosalpine?) globulus Dall; 31.0. 








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Drillia alesidota var. macilenta Dall; 36.5. 
Lampusia pharcida Dall; 23.6. 

Drillia (Cymatosyrinx) Moseri Dall; 30.0, 
Daphnella pompholyx Dall; 12.5. 
Leucosyrinz tenoceras Dall; 60.0. 
Pleurotomella Edgariana Dall; 58.0. 
Mesorhytis Meekiana Dall; 15.5. 

Terebra nassula Dall; 55.0. 

Drillia (Cymatosyrinz) centimata Dall; 22.5. 
Drillia (Cymatosyrinx) epynota Dall; 15.0. 
Cordieria Rouaultii Dall; 13.6. 


Cancellaria (Trigonostoma) Smithii Dall; 10.5. 

Culliostoma aurora Dall; lat. 26.5. 

Ringicula nitida Verrill; 7.5. 

Pleurotomaria (Entemnotrochus) Adansoniana Crosse and Fischer; major 
diam. 88.0. 

Pleurotomaria (Perotrochus) Quoyana Fischer and Bernardi; major diam. 48.0, 

Gaza Fischeri I)all, enlarged three-fifths; diameter of specimen, 25.0. 


Pleurotoma (Leucosyrinz) subgrundifera Dall; 30.0. 
Marginella Watsoni Dall; 9.<. 

Pleurotoma (Ancistrosyrinx) elegans Dall; 27.0. 
Vermetus (Petaloconchus) erectus Dall; 25.0. 

Typhis (Trubatsa) longicornis Dall, adult; 23.0. 
Leptothyra induta Watson var. albida Dall; 7.0. 
Mitra Swainsoni Broderip var. antillensis Dall; 80.0. 


Bushia elegans Dall; 12.5. : 
Cetoconcha bulla Dall; interior of left valve; 13.0. 
Cetomya elongata Dall; left valve; 22.5. 
Verticordia perversa Dali; 5.0. ae 
Cetoconcha bulla Dall; left valve; 13.0. ~ 
Terebratula cubensis Pourtales, side view of shell adhering to a bit of coral, 
natural size. . 
Verticordia (Euciroa) elegantissima Dall; left valve of old individual, natural — 
size. ei 
Terebratulina Cailleti Crosse, young specimen considerably magnified. 
Eudesia floridana Pourtalés; natural size. 
Terebratula cubensis Pourtalés; interior of hemal valve enlarged about one- 
fourth, from an original drawing by W. H. Dall. 
Eudesia floridana Pourtalés; interior of hemal valve, natural size, from an — 
original drawing by W. H. Dall. 

Pe ee tes 


for use in 


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Pecten phrygium Dall; 36.5. 
Cuspidaria microrhina Dall, dorsal view of right valve, natural size 
The same, side view. 
Cardium (Fulvia?) peramabilis Dall; #. 
Callocardia (Vesicomya) venusta Dall; 19.0. 
Amusium Dalli E, A. Smith, natural size. . 
Meiocardia Agassizii Dall; 22.0. 7 
Tindaria amabilis Dall; 15.0. 


Mangilia oxytata Bush. 

Mangilia lanceolata Adams var. psila Bush. 
Mangilia melanitica Dall var. oxia Bush. 
Mangilia melanitica Dall var. 
Mangilia‘atrostyla Dall. 

Mangilia atrostyla Dall. 

Nassarina glypta Bush. 
Nassarina glypta Bush. 

Triforis turris-thome Orbigny. 
Adeorbis supranitidus Wood. 
Adeorbis supranitidus Wood. 

Scala teres Bush. 

Eulimella? engonia var. teres Bush. 
Niso interrupta Sby. var. egleés Bush. 
Volwula acuta Orbigny. 

Volwula oxytata Bush. 

Tornatina Candei Orbigny. 
Cylichnella bidentata Orbigny. 

Retusa celata Bush. 

Philine sagra Orbigny. 

Philine sagra Orbigny. 

Actwon punctostriatus Adams, var. 
Dentalium leptum Bush. 

18a. Dentaliwm leptum Bush. 

Cadulus carolinensis Bush. 
Cadulus quadridentatus var. incisus Bush. 
Cuspidaria ornatissima Orbigny. 

The drawings for this plate were made by Miss Bush, and lent by Professor Verrill 

athe present publication. They first appeared in the Transactions of the 

Connecticut Academy of Sciences (vol. vi, part ii, plate xiv). 


Pteronotus phaneus Dall; 17.0. 
Pseudamusium sitrigillatum Dall; 10.0. 
Lupleura Stimpsoni Dall; 12.0. 
Crassatella floridana Dall; 50.0. 
Benthonella gaza Dall; 10.0. 
Marginella cineracea Dall; 13.0. 
Mitra Bairdii Dall; 35.0. 

Scala babylonia Dall; 30.0. 

Pecten effluens Dall; 26.0. 

Peristichia toreta Dall; 10.75. 
Cyclostrema cistronium Dall; max. diam, 2.0. 

The figures on this plate are unpublished and were drawn for the U. S, Fish Com- 
mission by J. ©. McConnell. 




Fie. 1. Argonauta argo Lin. var. americana Dall. The animal slightly contracted 

by alcohol. 

la. The same, the shell from in front. 

1b. Thé@ same, from the side. 

2. Abralia megaptera Verill, front view of one of the sessile arms, %. 

3. Cavolinia (Diacria?) Hargeri Verrill. Ths is referred by Pelseneer to the 
young ft some indeterminate Cavulivia, but the large size of thes elland 
the absence of intermediate snecimens would seem to render this deca n 
questionable. % 

4 Atlanta Peronii Lesneur, side view. 

4a. Thesame, front view. 

5. Heterodoris robusta V. and E., dorsal view. 

5a. The same, ventral view. 

6 Doris complanata Verrill and Emerton, dorsal view. 

7 Koonsia obesa Verrill, somewhat distorted by alcohol ; 4. 

8 Caecum Cooperi Smith: anterior part of shell showing animal extended, 
enlarged about 10 diamete:s. 7 

This plate appeared in the Transactions of the Connec icut Academy of Sciences 
(vol. vi, pl. xxviii). The figures were drawn for the U.S. Fish Commission by Mr. 
J. H. Emerton. 


Fig. '. Coralliophila Deburghie Reeve var. Lintoni Verrill; 27.0. 

2. Eudolium Crosseanum Monterosato ; 60.0. 

a. The same, part of the odontophore, +2. 

2b. The same, animal partly contracted by alcohol. 

2. Lunatia levicula Verrill ; 39.0. 

4, Marginella (apicina var.?) borealis Verrill 11.0. 

Adeorbis ? olivaceus Verrill; 4.0. 

6. Capulus hungaricus Linné; 20.0. 

7.  Pleurotomella Packardi Verrill; soft parts. 

8. Mangilia comato tropis Dall. 

oh Choristes elegans Carpenter, young shell, enlarged. 

9a. Top view of a somewhat older specimen same scale. 
9b. Basal view ofa still older specimen, s me scale. 
10. Addisonia paradoxa Dall, part of the radula. . 

I The same, shell in profile, ¢. 
lla. The same, dorsal view of the same specimen. 
11 b. The same, the animal, viewed from below, in shell }. 

12: Cocculina Beanii Dall, 2. 
13. Glyphis Tanneri Verrill, top; 35.0. 
13 a. ee gc “¢ profile; alt. 17.0. 

14. Solariella Ottoi Philippi, part of one side of the radula. 
15. Otriculus vortex Dall; #. 
16. Mangilia cerina Kur iw & Stimpson, soft parts, from life, enlarged abou 

16a. Mangilia cerina K. & S., dorsal view of head and foot more extended. 

ences (vol. vi, pl. xxix). The figures were din for the U. S. Fish Commission, b by 
J. H. Emerton, under the direction of Prof, A, E. vials te 


/ Fic. 1. Placophora atlantica Verrill & Smith; nat. size. 
; la. The same, dorsal view. 
1b. The same, views of detached valves, two diameters. 
2. Trachydermon exaratus Sars; 20.0. 

: 2a. The same, ventral view. 
2b. Anterior valve, +. 
3. Cuspidaria lamellosa Sars; 7.3. 
4. Lyonsia? arata Verrill & Smith; 36.0. 
5,6. The same; views of the beak and hinge of two specimens to show varia- 
tions; 7. 
de Lyonsiella (insculpta Jeffreys var.?) gemma Verrill; 4.5. Interior of left 
3. The same; exterior of the right valve of a larger specimen. 
9: Verticordia ( Trigonulina) ornata Orbiguy ; 3.0. 
9a. The same, view of the interior. 
10. Diplodonta turgida Verril] & Smith; 25.0. 
10; The same, interior of a somewhat smaller valve. 
12. Modiola polita Verrill & Smith; 33.0. 
13. Tellimya ferruginosa Montagu; 8.5, with the animal extended. 
14. Leda pernula Miiller; 17.0. Halifax to Martha’s Viueyard, on the Amer- 
ican coast; Europe. 
14a. The same, view of the hinge. 
15. Leda acuta Conrad; 12.0. Side view. 
16. Idas argenteus Jeffreys, var. lamellosus Verrill & Smith; ¢. 
16a. The same, interior of the right valve; 4. 

This plate first appeared in the Transactions of the Connecticut Academy of Sci- 
ences (vol. vi., pl. xxx). The figures were drawn, under the direction of Prof. A. E. 
Verrill, for the U. S. Fish Commission, by J. H. Emerton. 


Fig. 1. Purpura hemastoma Linné var. floridana Conrad, operculum, inside view, 
i nat. size. . 
la. The same, outside view. 
2a. The same, a view of the shell, nat. size. 
2b. The same, from the opposite side. [The preceding figures were drawn by 
the late Dr. William Stimpson. ] 
3 Pleurotomella chariessa Watson; 52.0. 
4 Pleurotomella tincta Verrill ; 22.0. 
5. Pleurotomella Frielei Verrill ; 22.0. 
6. Pleurotomella vitrea Verrill ; 8.0. 
7 Pleurotomella Lotte Verrill; 11.5. 
8. Pleurotomella (Gymnobela) Blakeana Dall; 8.0. 
9; Admete? nodosa Verrill; 12.0. 
10. Jumala brychia Verrill ; 41.0. 
- 10a. The same, operculum. 
Ly. Lazxispira nitida Verrill; 5.0. 

De Omalazis nobilis Verrill; diam. 11.0, alt. 3.0. 
13. Pleurobranchus americanus Verrill ; 13.5. 

14. Coleophysis? eburnea Verrill ; 6.0. 
15. Actcon melampoides Dall; 8.0. 

~~ a 


PLATE XLVI—Continued | 

Fic. 16. Dentaliwm candidum Jeffreys ; 75.0; 
17. The same, young shell; 35.0. 
18. Dentalium laqueatum Verrill ; 45.0. 
19. Cadulus spectabilis Verrill; 22.0. 
20. Cadulus grandis Verrill; 12.5. 
21. Pseudamusium undatum Verrill & Smith; 19.0. 
22. Cryptodon grandis Verrill; 21.0. 
23. Barbatia (Macrodon?) profundicola Verrill; 12.0. 
23. The same, interior of left valve. 
24. Discinisca atlantica King; 6.2; view from above, the sete projecting from 
the shell. 

With the exceptions mentioned, the figures above enumerated first appeared in the 
Transactions of the Connecticut Academy of Sciences (vol. vi, pl.xliv). They were 
drawn under the supervision of Prof. A. E. Verrill, for the U.S. Fish Commission, by 
Messrs. J. H. Blake and J. H. Emerton. 


Fic. 1. Melampus flavus Gmelin; 12.0. 

2. Melampus floridanus Shuttleworth; 7.5. 

3. Melampus coffeus Linné, nat. size. 

4. Pedipes elongatus Dall; 4.0. 

5. Tralia pusilla Gmelin; 11.0. 

6. Pedipes unisulcatus Cane west coastof America. Introduced for compar- 


7. Detracia bulloides Montagu ; 11.0. 

8. Auriculastrum pellucens Menke; 16.0. In old specimens the peristome be- 

comes rather thick. 

9. Melampus lineatus Say ; nat. size. 7 
10. Sayella Crosseana Dall; 2.5. : 
11. Sayella Hemphillii Dall; 3.75. | 
12. Melampus lineatus Say, typical or banded form, nat. size. 

13. Leuconia bidentata Montagu. 

14. Blauneria heteroclita Montagu. 

15. Pedipes liratus Binney; 3.3. This is extremely similar to P. mirabilis Muhl. 
feldt, the common species of the Antilles, Bermuda, and the Florida — 
region. It is introduced for comparison. | 

16. Melampus olivaceus Carpenter, nat.size. West America. | 

17. Pedipes mirabilis Muhlfeldt, var. naticoides Stearns; 3.6. 

Figures 4, 6, 8, 10,11 were drawn by J.C. McConnell, and have appeared in the Pro- — 
ceedings of the National Museum; Fig.17 was drawn by Prof. E.S. Morse; the re- 
mainder are extracted from Binney’s Land and Fresh Water Shells of North America, — 
published by the Smithsonian Institution, and were furnished by the Institution for” 
this publication, 



Fie. 1. Drillia thea Dall; 15.0. 
2. Oscilla nivea Moreh; 8.5. 
3. Mangilia limonitella Dall ; 6.75. = 
4. Turbonilla (Parthenia) cedrosa Dall; 5.5. The aperture is a little broken. 
5. Mitra floridana Dall ; 6.0. 
j 6. Phos parvus Ads. var. intricatus Dall; 13.2. 
7. Drillia leucocyma Dall; 7.5. The last whorl of this specimen has been re- 

paired after fracture. 
8. ‘Teeth of Capulus hungaricus Liuné, much enlarged. 
9, Sipho pygmaeus Gould, showing soft parts. 
10. Tachyrhynchus erosa Couthouy?, showing animal and part of the shell, en- 
larged. Cape Cod northward, West America, Arctic Seas. 
11. Liostraca Hemphillii Dall; 3.0. 
12. Crepidula (Janacus) unguiformis Lamarck, dentition much enlarged. 
13. Nassa trivittata Say, twice nat. size, showing animal as if crawling. 
14. Limacina helicina Phipps; dentition, enlarged. 
15. Scissurella crispata Fleming, showing animal, from a sketch Ly Lucas Bar- 
rett; 4.0. . 
16. Crepidula fornicata Lamarck, from below, showing soft parts; 20.0. 
Figures 1-7 and 11 were drawn by J. C. McConnell and first appeared in the Pro- 
ceedings of the U. S. National Museum. Figures 9, 10, 13, ane 16 were loaned by the 
U.S. Fish Commission and are now first published. ‘They were drawn by Prof. A. E. 
-Verrill. Figures 8, 12, 14, and 15 have appeared in the publications of the British 
Museum and Woodward’s Manual,and were loaned by the Smithsonian Institution. 


Fig. 1. Terebratulina caputserpentis Linné, showing interior of hemal valve some- 
what enlarged. T°. septentrionalis Couthouy (see plate lxix) appears to 
be an American race of this species. 

2. The same, showing soft parts. 
3. Platidia seminula Philippi (P. anomioides Scacchi); interior of hemal valve, 
much enlarged. 
4. The same, showing soft parts; 4.5. 
5. Yoldia limatula Say, showing animal; +. 
6. Parastarte triquetra Conrad; 5.0. Exterior. 
7. The same, interior of right valve. 
| 8. The same, interior of left valve. 
9. Mya arenaria Linné with the left valve, and mantle-lobe and part of the 

siphons removed, showing anatomical features: a, anterior adductor 
muscle; a’ posterior adductor; 6, visceral mass or body: el, cloaca; e, 
epidermis of siphons; f, foot; g, gills; h, heart; m, cut edge of the man- 
tle; 0, mouth; s, 8’, siphons; t, labial palpi; v, vent; uw, the umbo of the 
shell; p. 0., pedal orifice of the mantle; 7, rectum. From a drawing hy 
Miss Hume. 
10. Lyonsia hyalina Conrad, showing animal extended. 
11. Thecidium mediterraneum Sowerby; 5.5; interior of hemal valve showing 
soft parts. : 
Figure 10 is loaned by the U. 8. Fish Commission. Figures 6, 7, and 8 are taken 
from the Proceedings of the U.S. National Museum. The others are from the British 
Museum series, and were loaned by the Smithsonian Institution. 

ta(ol—Boll, 37—— 15 




Except where otherwise indicated the figures are of natural size. 




Purpura lapillus Linné. 

The same; a younger specimen. 

The same; ovicapsules enlarged about four times. - 
Chrysodomus (Sipho) pygmeus Gould. 

Scala multistriata Say. 

Urosalpina cinereus Say. 

Nassa trivitiata Say. 

Nassa vibex Say. 

Nassa (Ilyanassa) obsoleta Say. 

Scala Sayana Dall; 17.0. 

Eupleura caudata Say, small northern form: 
Anachis avara Say, variety. 

Astyris pura? Verrill; (A. zonalis Linsley, non Verrill). 

Mangilia? plicosa C. B. Adams. 

Mangilia? bicarinata Couthouy. 

Astyris lunata Say. 

Bela harpularia Couthouy. ‘ 
Lunatia triseriata Say ; young. 
The same; older specimen. 

LTunatia immaculata Totten. 

. Natica pusilla Say. 

Cecum pulchellum Stimpson. 

Crepidula fornicata Lamarck. 

The same; young specimen. ° 
Crepidula convexa Say. 

Crepidula (unguiformis Lam. var. ?) plana Say. 
Crucibulum striatum Say ; profile. 

‘The same, from below. 



were drawn by-E. S. Morse, were first published in Mr. W. G. Binney’s edition of 
Gould’s Invertebrata of Massachusetts, and were loaned on the present occasion by 
the U. 8. Fish Commission. 


The same remarks apply to these 





Lunatia heros Say, showing animal crawling. 
Acmea testudinalis Linné, profile. 

The same, from below. 

Vermicularia spirata Philippi. 

Litorina palliata Say. 

Litorina rudis Maton. 
Acmea testudinalis var. alreus Couthouy, profile. 
The same from below. 

Trachydermon ruber Linné. 

Chaetopleura apiculata Say. 

Lunatia heros Say. 

Neverita duplicata Say. 

These figures — 

figures as to those included in Plates L, LI, and 


SOY OO SU Se tye Sonar 



Eumeta subulata Montagu; (Cerithiopsis Emersonii Ad. ). 
Cerithiopsis Greenii C. B. Adams. 

Triforis adversa var. nigrocincta Adams. 
Bittium alternatum Say ; (LB. nigrum Totten), 
Seila terebralis C. B. Adams. 

Turbonilla elegans Verrill. 

Odostomia bisuturalis Say. 

Odostomia trifida Totten. 

Alexia myosotis Draparnaud, young shell. 
Odostomia seminuda. 

Odostomia impressa Say. 

Rissoa (Onoba) aculeus Gould. 

Syrnola producta Adams. 

Eulima intermedia Cautraine (2, oleacea K. and §.). 
Syrnola fusca Adams. 

Solariella obscura Couthouy. 

Rissoa (Cingula) minuta Totten. 

Skenea glanorbis Fabricius. 

Lacuna vincta Montagu. 

Haminea solitaria Say. 

Cylichna alba Brown. 

Actewon puncto striatus Adams. 

Cylichnella oryza Stimpson. 

Diaphana debilis Gould. 

| 25,26. Utriculus pertenuis Mighels, a series showing variations, 

=" =” 



Figures 6, 25, and 26 were loaned by the U.S. Fish Commission; and wero drawn 
by Prof. A. E. Verrill. See remarks under Plate L. 

Tornatina canaliculata Say; 5.0. 


Anonia simplec Orbigny, side view. 
The same, from below. 

Siliqua costata Say. 

Ensis americana Gould. 

Anomia aculeata Gmelin, from above. 
The same, from below. 

The same, sculpture magnified. 

The same, smooth variety. 
Modiolaria corrugata Stimpson. 
Crenella glandula Totten. 

Pecten irradians Lamarck, typical form. 

For remarks see note to Plate L. 




Modiola plicatula Lamarck, typical form. 
Modiolaria nigra Gray. 

Mytilus edulis Linné, rayed color-variety. 
Modiola modiolus Linné. 

For remarks see note to Plate L. 


Acie” acetal 


Fig.l. Tellina tenera Say, showing extended animal. 
2. Myaarenaria Linné, showing extended animal. 
3. Tagelus gibbus Spengler, showing extended animal, 
4. Ensis americanus Gould, showing extended animal. 
5. The same, terminal siphonal papille. 
6. Teredo navalis Linné, removed from burrow, showing external soft parts, ~ 

shell, and pallets. 

7. Venus mercenaria Linné, showing extended animal. 

These figures were loaned by the U. S. Fish Commission. They first appeared in 
the first Annual Report of the Commission in Prof. A. E. Verrill’s report on the 
invertebrate animals of Vineyard Sound, and were drawn from life by Professor 


Fig. 1. Yoldia limatula Say. 
2. Arca transversa Say. 
3. Tagelus gibbus Spengler. 
4. Nucula proxima Say. 
5. Tagelus divisus Spengler. ‘ 
6. Macoma baltica Linné, var. fusca Adams. 
7. Kellia planulata Stimpson, enlarged about twice nat. size. 
8. Nucula delphinodonta Mighels, enlarged to about twice nat. size. 
9. Yoldia sapotilla Gould. 
10. Macoma tenta Say, typical form. 
11. Gemma purpurea H. C. Lea (G. gemma Totten), identified from Lea’s type. 
12. Tellina tenella Verrill. 
13. Tellina tenera Say. 
14. Cumingia tellinoides Conrad. 
15. Cytherea convexa Say. 
16. Arca (Argina) pexata Say. 
For remarks see note under Plate L. Fig. 12 was drawn by Prof. A. E. Verrill. 


Fie. 1. Cyprina islandica Linné. 
2. Mactra solidissima Dillwyn. 
For remarks see note under Plate L. 


Fig.’ 1. Astarte undata Gould. 

2. Cryptodon Gouldii Philippi. | 
3. Solenomya velum Say. 
4. Astarte quadrans Gould, Long Island Sound northward to Nova Scotia. 
5. Cardium pinnulatum Conrad. 
6. Divaricella dentata Wood. 
7%. Astarte castanea Say. 
8. Liocardium Mortoni Conrad, showing extended animal. 
9. Venericardia borealis Conrad, typical form. 

10. Venericardia borealis var. novanglie Morse. 

11. Eriphyla lunulata Conrad, enlarged. 

12. Cryptodon obesus Verrill, greatly enlarged. 

13. Eriphyla lunulata Courad, natural size. 
14. Lucina filosa Stimpson. 
See Plate L for remarks. Figures 1, He and 12 were drawn by Prof. A. E. Verrill- 



1. Xylotrya fimbriata Jeffreys; showing shell, interior and exterior, pallets, and 

sculpture, enlarged. 

2. Teredo navalis Linné; exterior of shell, pallets, and sculpture, enlarged. 

: 3. Teredo megotara Hanley ; shell, interior and exterior, and pallets, enlarged. 
4. Teredo Thomsoni Tryon; shell, interior and exterior, and pallets, enlarged. 
5. Thracia myopsis Beck; Arctic Seas to Cape Cod. 

6. Periploma (Cochlodesma) Leana Couthouy. 

7. Periploma fragilis Totten. 

8. Gastranella tumida Verrill, enlarged. 

9. Thracia truncata Mighels and Adams; Arctic Seas to New York. 

10. Corbula contracta Say. 

1L. Lyonsia hyalina Conrad. 

12. Pholas (Barnea) truncata Say. 

13. Saxicava arctica Deshayes. 

14. Clidiophora Gouldiana Dall (C. trilineata Gould non Say). 

15. Petricola phxladiformis Lamarck. 

For remarks see note under Plate L. Figure 8 was drawn by Prof. A. E. Verrill. 


Fig. 66. Drillia? Dalli Verrill & Smith. 

66 a. The same; side view of last whorl, showing anal notch. 

67. Pleurotomella Agassizii Verrill; adult. 

68. Plewrotomella Bairdit Verrill. 

69. Pleurotomella Pandionis Verrill, 

70. Pleurotomella Packardi Verrill; var. Benedicti Verrill & Smith. 
70 a. The same; nucleus, showing sculpture of larval or Sinusigera shell. 
wile Pleurotomella Agassizii Verrill; young. 

71a. The same; nucleus, showing Sinusigera sculpture. 

72. Pleurotomella Packard: Verrill; var. formosa Jeffreys. 

73. Mangilia bandella Dall. 

74. Pleurotomella Emertonit Verrill & Smith. 

The figures on this plate and several which follow were loaned by the U. S. Fish 
Commission. They first appeared in the Report of the Commissioner of Fisheries for 
1883, though reduced copies of them had been used to illustrate Prof. Verrill’s papers 
jn the Transactions of the Connecticut Academy of Sciences. They were drawn 
under the supervision of Prof. Verrill for the U. 8. Fish Commission by J. H. Emer- 
ton and others. : 
Some of these figures, in a reduced form, reappear on Plates XLIII-XLVI, but as 
_ they are rather small there it was thought best to duplicate them by using the larger 
figures, since the latter were available. Had all the figures on the reduced scale 
been available, separately, of larger size, none of the former would have been used; 
but, after all, the duplication is of little consequence, as, in a general way, it is true 
that the more good figures there are accessible, the better fur students. 



FiG. 75. 
76 a. 

For remarks on these figures see note under preceding plate. 



Pleurotomella Bruneri Verrill & Smith. 

Pleurotomella catherine Verrill & Smith. 
The same, enlarged tip, showing sculpture of nucleus. 
Mangilia comatotropis Dall. 

Bela Tanneri Verrill & Smith. 

Marginella (apicina var. ?) borealis Verrill. 

Buccinum abyssorum Verrill, and operculum: 

Sipho Sarsii Jeffreys. ; : 

Sipho (2) glyptus Verrill. } 
Tissoa Jan-Mayeni Friele. a 
Scala gronlandica Perry. 

Scala Dalliana Verrill & Smith. e 
Scala Pourtalesii Verrill & Smith. = 
Scala (Opalia) Leeana Verrill. 2 
Scala Andrewsii Verrill; 5.5, Newport, R. Id., 100 fms. 

4 rs 
. 4 s on 
Oe ae Re ee ee aS 


Fig. 83. Eudolium Crosseanum Monterosato. 

83a. The same, showing soft parts of male specimen reduced one-third from nat- 

ural size. 

84, Odcorys sulcata Fischer; shell. 

84a. The same; operculum. 

84b. The same; dentition. 

85. Torellia fimbriata Verrill & Smith; Martha’s Vineyard and northward. 

87. Fossarus elegans Verrill & Smith. 

88. Seguenzia monocingulala Seguenza. 

88a. The same, operculum, inside view. | 

89. The same, var. eritima Verrill. : 
For remarks on these figures see note under Plate LX. Mie ‘ 


Fig. 95. Solarium boreale Verrilt, young shell. aa 
95a. The same, still younger, showing immersed nucleus. ; 
96. Calliostoma Bairdii Verrill & Smith; from above, showing animal crawling. 
97. Solariella Ottoi Philippi. 
98. Solariella lamellosa Verrill & Smith. : : 
99. Cyclostrema fulgidum Jeffreys. : ; 

100. Addisonia paradoxa Dall, from below, showing animal in shell. : 
100 a. The same, profile of shell. , ‘ 
101. Cocculina leptalea Verrill. 
102. Placophora atlantica Verrill & Smith, viewed from above. 4 
102a. The same, viewed from below. 
103. Amicula vestita Sowerby var. Emersonii Couthouy, viewed from below. 
This is a purely northern species. 
103 a. The same, posterior part of body from below, showing the fenceeed and | 
also the way in which the tail is temporarily channeled to allow of the : 
expulsion of fecal pellets. a 
104. Turbonilla Rathbuni Verrill & Smith. 

“For remarks in regard to these figures see note under Plate LX. 

Fia. 106. 
136 a. 
140 a. 
142 a. 

142 b. 



Scaphandcr nobilis Verrill. 

Dentalium occidentale Stimpson ; ¢. 

The same, a more curved variety. 

The same, a more finely grooved variety. 

The same, transverse section of Fig. 125. 

Cadulus Pandionis Verrill & Smith. 

Diplodonta turgida Vertill & Smith; interior of left valve. 

Crenella decussata Montagu. 

Leda acuta Conrad; interior of left valve. 

Petricola pholadiformis Lamarck ; showing extended siphons. 

Pecten (Pseudamusium ?) vitreus Gmelin. 

Pseudamusium imbrifer Loven ; a, right and b, left valve. 

Turtonia minuta Fabricius, with extended foot, greatly magnified; drawn 
by Prof. A. E. Verrill. 

Argonauta argo Linné; typical Mediterranean form swimming: for com- 
parison with the variety Americana. 

Vigure 136 a first appeared in the proceedings of the U. 8. National Museum, illus- 
trating Miss Bush’s paper on the shells of Labrador. Figure 142 b is from the British 
Museum series, and was lent by the Smithsonian Institution. The others were re- 
ceived from the U. S. Fish Commission. See note under Plate LX. Figure 140 ais 
one of those drawn by Morse for Binney’s Gould. Fig. 142 ais now first published. 

Fia. 127. 

128 a. 


- 132. 



Teredo megotara Hanley ; removed from its burrow, showing shell, pallets 
and soft parts, about half natural size. 
Poromya sublevis Verrili; interior of right valve. 
Siliqua costata Say; interior, showing hinge, pallial line, and muscular 
Cuspidaria striata Jeffreys. 
Cetoconcha bulla Dall. 
Verticordia (Trigonulina) ornala Orbigny, 1ight value; a, interior, b, ex- 
, terior view. 
Verticordia flecuosa Verrill & Smith, exterior of left valve. 
Lyonsia? arata Verrill & Smith, showing hinge in right va ve of two 
specimens, a and b. 
The same, exterior of right valve. 
Diplodonta turgida Verrill & Smith, interior of right valve. 

Figure 123 a is now first published. For the others see note under Plate LY. 

Fig. 119. 
110 a. 




Atlanta Peronii Lesueur, site view of shell. 

The same, front view. 

Allanta Gaudichaudi Eydoux & Souleyet, from a camera lucida sketch 
by Mr. W. E. Safford. 

Creseis conica Eschscholtz, showing animal in situ. 

Cavolinia tridentala Forskiil, with animal extended. 

Cavolinia (Diacria) trispinosa Gray, with animal oxtended. 

Cavolinia uncinata Rang, with animal extended, 

Cuvierina columnella Rang, showing extende] animal, and remnant of 
the larval cone at the base. P 

Creseis recta Blainville, side view of shell, greatly enlarged. 


PLATE LXVI—Continued. 

Fig. 119. Creseis (Hyalocylix) striata Rang, showing animal extended, enlarged. 

120. Corolla calceola Verrill, with extended animal in situ, two-thirds natural 
size. This species and C. spectabilis Dall, of the Pacific, belong to the 
same group. The former was referred to Gleba, Forskil, by Dr. Pelze- 
neer in his description of the Challenger Pteropods, probably on ac- 
couut of the poor state of his material. But C. spectadilis has precisely 
such a ‘‘shell” as C. calceola, which does not resemble the “shell” of 
Gleba, and has been taken with its ‘‘shell” in the Santa Barbara Chan- 
nel, California. The genus Cymbuliopsis Pelseneer, being of later date 
than Corolla, will therefore fall into the synonymy of the latter name. 

121. Spongiobranchia australis Orbigny. This figure represents the adult form 
of a tropical Pteropod not yet found on our coast, though certain 
larve, perhaps of Nolobranchea, have been referred to it. 

122. Clione limacina Phipps. 

Figures 112 and 113 are from Binney’s Gould. The remarks applying to the others 
will be found under Plate LX. 


Fa. 63. Argonauta argo Liuné, var. americana Dall. Animal removed from the 
shell and somewhat contracted by immersion in alcohol. 
63a. The same, front view of shell. 
63 b. The same, side view of shell. 

The average Argonauta argo of the Mediterranean has from two to three times as 
many radial folds and carinal nodules as the variety here figured. It is also more 
compressed and narrow, and the marginal rib on each side of the aperture is less 
prominent and usually is merged in the margin imperceptibly and does not stand 
out laterally at all. There are, doubtless, variations in these characters, but on the 
whole the Antillean and American form seems sufficiently constant for the latter 
to receive a varietal name. 

For remarks on the figures, see note under Plate LX. 


Fig. 1. Teredo dilatata Stimpson, interior and exterior views of valves ; pallets. 

2. Teredo norvegica Spengler, enlarged ; interior view of valve ; the two valves 

united ; pallets. 
3. Lyrodus chlorotica Gould ; interior and exterior view of valves, and the two 

Spirula Peronii Lamarck; shell. 
Kellia suborbicularis Montagu; natural size; hinge line and umbo maguified. 
Montacuta elevata Stimpson. 
Turtonia minuta O. Fabricius, 
Nucula tenuis Montagu ; somewhat enlarged. 

9. Pholas (Barnea) costata Linné. 

10. Zirphea crispata Leach. 

The figures of which this and the remaining plates (LXIX-LXXIYV) are composed 
are from Mr. W. G. Binney’s edition of Gould’s Invertebrata of Massachusetts, drawn 
by Prof. E. S. Morse, and borrowed for the purposes of this publication from the 
Smithsonian Institution. 




oe a i 





Aslyris rosacea Gould. 

Mya arenaria Linné. 

Litorina rudis, var, tenebrosa, Montagu. 

Terebratulina septentrionalis Couthouy ; hemal view and side view. 
Litorina irrorata Say. 

Petricola pholadiformis Lamarck. 

Mactra lateralis Say. 

Thracia Conradi Couthouy. 


Mactra ovalis Gould. 
Pecten magellanicus Gmelin. 


Venus mercenaria, var. notata, Say. 
Mytilus edulis Linné ; typical form. 
Venus mercenaria Linné; typical. 


Chione limacina Phipps; enlarged to twice natural size. 

Philine sinuata Stimpson. 

Philine quadrata Searles Wood; Europe, Arctic seas, southward to Cape Cod. 
Scaphander puncto-siriatus Mighels and Adams; enlarged about one-third. 
Lamellaria pellucida Verrill. 

Utriculus pertenuis Mighels. 

Utriculus Gouldit Couthouy. 

_ Philine lineolata Couthouy ; enlarged three times. Arcticseas, southward to 

Cape Cod. 
Adeorbis costulata Moller. 
Scala grenlandica Perry. 
Sipho Stimpsoni Morch. 
Buccinum undatum Linné, 


Tulgur canaliculatus Linvé, 


Fulgur carica Gmelin. 

Mita trace ioe 


| Senos acne Rernip a ates at we eini= aiatale 62 

Beene nas vive as netdhsc cote nnsecrees 62 

OTE Oe Nace’ ane snaete ucts 62 
ee een an as em ale aie we 62 

Pebralia mecaptera -....,.--.-.-ee--------- Pl. 43 
node Sate can ulertee ape es'acs cn. 174 

See estas cic c.n aaa wm sense mms 174 

PEE Gt Sas neccnenecasnaa= = 174 

Pe eet ae ainele mami seiee eo a4) 174 

(8 a a SRR See aoe Oeeoe 174 

seco se Qsasic SHaeOpEA SASS 174 

ee ee en a ewieeis gens sss as esos 126 

_ egregia ..... a gsoggeresiaes ae ees 126 
eee a hos pone os atennn oa nn6 ee 126 
ODIO 2 Rowen coe 126 
BREE CRe accom socinnc me ara-necs 126 

eee oi nee sansa auc paaane 126 

Peereeetedaia => enancce saa @ececnseuae 156 
PPEeRe te nctasacgacsaccak cose nas 156 
eeandeana ........-.. Meee at Son csnan cece 156 
ts DO 156 
GH 1 as 156 
HONS Sh Se A ae 156 
PEMNCATING cena cin Stok 'etecsveececs+=~ 156 
GS LE oe es easceseese 156 
| US Ne Retaaescene 124 
Oa eS 84 
UTS a ee 84 
EE 84 
ULE oo OSE 84 
(SLA: so +5 Sk 81 
BUAMGISUS (22-2 see enn nee ee een eee ones 84 
CULO rr 8t 
THLE eS eee ee 84 
MSMCLONLYIACUS .-- 22 <- = 52.2225 - ee seco ce 84 
BHR DS enaeasansanerccascosces == s=c.ca0- 84 
CORE eek aitiaa ts a2 as ecacea wes ase == oe 84 
0S 22 ae eeco dS E ae SaaS aes ae 94 
eee 158 
UES ERE Cees Sos GE 158 
a emer 158 
penton Sohana sce acwance seen Ss 150 

eee eta ak isin as at wasn sass male > wnt 150 

DEEN Sha tee ches nab acne caoe es 150 

Pent s et gandeesnaceht <.caanicc 150 

conc cb Sho Senge pepe penegane 150 

Un SSSE OS Ren een a 150 

ook  olgotPE (eof Sng R eC OL nee 2 

TS ae — 2 PSS One TRCN ORBEE Pe PERE 106 
MMMCLOSCOPICA..---.<2.c0<-c0- <2 Speers 106 

SMR re sme me es bags wosk cles 

Alaba (see also Bittium) ..... sedan cwereees 
Coupines.225 sseee ek cose es o> se eew eens ene 
Mlexinicec. cutcqsecdeenantenocs cameecee eee 
INWOROUIS= 5 acre e as cena = asso = sae neee ae 
Amalthea....... gone. Sins sek acta eaccwesoae 
antiquata ....... in eek asin ee eee Soe 
SUDTUfas Jncbe se cen ee taes es paakteneecee 

VER UUGS cna ce seats eae eae eet 
AMICHIGS saosin oe tae o aaa arenes eee 
Amphiperas. .. 2.0200 ccecn. ccenes-----enee 
Amphiperssid® 2252. 6s.c2= Sec. e eee ene== 
Galiginoss =~. -Awes sees esscekscees onee eee 
Arapullanitip)eetess ee e= see -sese ae oo 
CANCCMATGNG = senceesis none s eaiee =e cele 

eee ewe meme eet ener a eee 

Morton: =. v.c~ so sa een one baka vee eee abulaee 
Pourtalesianum ©. ..< =... 2 ae ae onc Swochee 
SAYVHUNIN. (oes eecaec cen ae eee eeme se meen aes 
APACMishssacasc hua Cetus neeees eae keecensane 
QMPWIGSHUB o = anes scee sete sca== 2 eaves sees = 

PUlGhoUasssescnt aa se ese s can cc coset ee eeems 
SUMMA ces eae seets istess 
ANCIRIKODANISon- ae caer seracsasecahennae 

ee ee es 

err ee eee ee eee ee eee) 






Ancistrosyrinx—Continued. Astarte—Continued. 

VAC ata 226s see See cae See eee ees 96 Qtadrans 2 s<cscca. Dace econ cece eee 
AMISOplenia 2222's coesce se seeetesceensescaee 84 Smithii..<..:2225..00cess<eseee eee 
Amomalocardiaasss-s/-e-+>-ueceees eas soseee 54 Undata, 2. 2225265663 cones ee eee eee : 

TOStTAUDL 2 22st ao eta eee ae aes ome eeeeee 54 | Astartide.-.-..-.- aos Seino e et hee ee eee 
Anomalodesmacea .....--.----------------- Gi | Asthenotherus.::.°...- 222 eeere seer eeeereee 
ANOMIA osecs se tese tesa enene eee ee aene 32 Hemphillii -..........5s.ci0cpese SE eee 

aculeata ss. dsc a2 Soe a aa ee chek see 32 | Astralitii .1.5..32-22220 sess. 3 weapddureeae 

Sir ese aso ecs conhonsocoencedcskonse 32 AMETICATUM. | 2.2 ote ecae eee eee eee 
AMOMIACOD 28 Hk kv ete Aes ee eee eee case wenee 32 pbrevispinum -2552 55. -ceseeeeeee pics eccieeae 
Amomlidee 2.2522, tenes open eeee ee cesar meeeee 32 celatum .......... ones cae bGe cose eee 
AVG ISOC oo ooctcema samc neosepoSanNDods 88 imbricatum ..........2.------------------ 
ASIST RUM tacts Wee oes e eee aa, eee eee eee 88 longispinum »-. 5... J2s=ceheese eee neers 
Aly Slaise 2s =saceees sates aaeeeae se ee eee ee 96 twher’s 225.356. 52-s2s2 che. dee eee 

PUOLCA asec sacs st aera ee yaw seen Seen 90 | -AStyLIS 05.22. cinoco oe enclasne e eee eee ee 

NV COND aae sen saa nee coos sere eee aan 90 diaphana: 22h scacesee gees oe ae ae 
AW ystidessesce= ne bes ee sodeal aasezer ee te 90 Duclosiana......----- Tae cae ee ex 
WGA) ono Sd eisew a cseoseewarse aoweraees soaatee 40 fusiformis -...2 2. ...0ce=-5=acee aes 

VAM aMST . Siut tele eek one seo eee eae AQ} | Nimata:. 222.5022. besa eee 

MMOGLICANS 2s h2ay oe eesaes seeecesse= tee 40 | multilineata.........--.------------------ 

sITiCul aba seers eeene ee eS eens ae 40 | profundi’. ..-2...2..20<ccns se ee eee j 

Warbata is cocetewsaeweacesiseasoscs ce aace 40 12)! teem sms rc 

TANG eae soe ERB aamaTOnmeCOnasane CBee 40 HVA ODEN 2a alain io = eae 

Wonradianaeene.. - 222 ao sae = eee 42 FOSACED.- ~. sa0c0c case50 ones 4a ee eee 

@ctocomatasss.2. sass 2252) scesncec see 40 Verrillil...5. 2 5255 sce 30 ase eee eee 

@lomerilassosetessen cae seeeine Sos etane 42; | Atlanta. .--.6 22 o0< 505 <cions ose 

MoliMesii= bpsseden set soul loos Sanco a sees 40 Gaudichaudi...-..-. << sce. snseeeee eee 

smibricatay 2s sade n eons cscas eee 40 imclinita <2... 4/--ec.2-s ee eee eee eee is 

BNC ONT UA.) aeclce oe ene ee es seene ase anon 40 BamManoni « <. cee enone aaa Eee 

PIMAICENSIS ..oeec- sees sl clame sss apes 40 123 (NW Rope pecrOaesnenaasonocscasocsacc-- 

NIGHOEH Gonunabenenearoaratonoaanonsscce ps, 30 PU CHOW A oe ae ananassae ee 

SIN (OD oc win / acts aeisals ce Ba eine oad soe eres 40 MOSCA iz afew. ciclo aise ewleimiale oe eee eee 

MOCUIOS Aaa acs lese ae cae e eee ee 42.-| Atwetian 502 sccecea~icc uae cme eae eee 

OLrbionyieascar sree eee aeeees 40 POM ONG soe =m alana = steele eel aa 

pectuncnloides)..-.-- 55 - <2 6o- ae ememaes 43) 1} ZAMIVS 2 == oe m= ain Oe see a nie 

HES UID Soc seciocectn Gsnona CAS ESO OEcsasSocce 40° | o *earibeea<. ano. ene eee 

Poly cyma) s-cc'sswene- oe sccce coae=saameeeee 42 Sanderson = 6 os q- se. sees se o 

PONCEeLOSaee aac ee ae eee eee eee ecre AQ | Avricula..-<.- 2 222cecesels <n eeben ee eee 

Meticulatsnssscet sss sconces. eh ese eae eee 42 | Auriculastrum.....-.......----seseesso---= 

URS OIE E Ip eeaasoSocnecemasccnoos 2 2ecese 40 PeMNCONS 2 aaa an ea =e iaaeeere 
ASE CAC CA: tenteers cae asi ee lsmee swat ia ate 40°} Anuriculid® -- 2... 222-6 scenes eee oat 
(OU br eae SS AA Ae EET eae o . 40° | Avnriculine ...5.02-6+-..-c225seee eee eee : 
AS BLTIAIS Ba SoceaeriTeATOne a) SE SM COSAAOO tee oe 40) | Abarina 2 - ec eamec ccs ae ==nEeeeeeee 
APO ON DUG a pencil sceee ee sce sees 174 GIN OE eases er eenoporepscocscecacseraae sos. = 

RIM GCA ears alee aeistatere cl = eee eee _ 174 Grom dianiay s 2 < oie tree ete mine ele 

CUM sabcae oeeboocdee tesncnenonecce ean - 174 HOE Ce eree pen renbseesornmsss-cc- sce e 
Anronautide. 122 5os elses eee eee core ee M74 | Avienlacs:. 22 cscccc. nc. see nen eee eee 
ATEMTLOP ONVALD wie aetape as a cea onto neta 28 PBLAMTIC HS oo oa) oon em oom ola 
MSAD es os Se ciaceie tees coerinc seis aeleme 60 MiUtiGA 36 vn sees de ole ae an ee 

dcfloratai: )-s Atsroseeereme cases ee sees 60: |) Awieuldes | 2. canceenas acs eeeeeeee ae ret 
Asp ella: sas: fede sec sSp eevee 22 se mclnmiests ae 120 | Balantinm - 2.00... 00ce% s000- =e eee ee 

INDEED opesseocce cocoa csoe soo. censoop sce 20) |) Wear bea are apm alm etm mle) ee 

Jamellosus: = se ei2so- cease se eeee ae meee >) 120 | Barnea.....-..- 2 dieicin des Se cee fi, 
wu Obelisctig i hates ae elias 2 rae aaa 120 COStata. o 4. .)b 5 sce cee ale sos oe 

MAP ereula ss koncert sen oo ocr eee 120 MATIN aaa a = ake oa eee 

senlarioides 252. 2 a0-/-1ssio = een ae erat 120 truncata! 2. a2 66-032 cccocles eee F 
PAGS MIN Cte oo eae sa seen eee tees H50" |) TRaSTSS8) cae)s ce aie eyewear 

ZNO BENE) peg nome sqonseage- soesy cease 150 AM abo cer ahs casio agen See ee 

CONCINNG, oe siec cise tase se ee eS 150 Costulatae.cceescc oc Gua ance eee aaows 
Avseimineldse tenes ese ee eee 150 delicatula . =. .s.2-c2c- -hu-e oe 
Pe Star iO iacts ana eairaiininie e vicloe soe ne aa eA depressa - 22 2 ve 2058s. 508 skece cat see 

(Gals fea Cay aie eae ee ee 46 SM POU Day ae ee le alee 

LM e Feo osocacnonsbasanessciac Lene ease 46 | Basommatophora ..- .----------------- --- 

SONS sane oeekoe= tales eee eee 46: | Basterotia, =. j2es. 2-2-2 os-an5s0= sao 

MA 2 heise cre wieiclae inca Sete ee eee 46 CUED Ai) BESO Aenenecoseeere enssce ios525 

sd 2 al i el 

“Tryoni Peete stat. de atic icc len bean, cae ce 


wee eee eee ee eee ewe eee eee 

(0 OE oS ooo tea 120 
LLG) PATOL SESSA nae ee 120 

(IGE Si 5 8 ES a a a ee 88 

bo So 2) 


1 s1 1-1 =1 



ICME Soe ait wee cin toe cana se cpaLEree 
OI BRUS sate Oe a tke cea n «ba cansseane ene 
aNONISh ee occ son noes oe ect e esis Saas 
OVW eon n aon aisicn Tener ce acdeber aa hes 
qaadridentatus;. awe. ocaanso--seapnee at 
SUCCUAMUISt a. nb eeixcs cetncd=scekeecpeuehe 
WiSCHOMN oer 2, oa ose nce akc ceoemes 
Ge cid sh sam Sot ae ae st et oe at era 
Ceti, sakes ob kane soto s cassee Is tc cae 
DIDALGM: «5 2 enc wane e pws wes gs bose 
CATONNIANUM .coscbicosesk to tcke sas carota 
COOPCML AL ass suet eer cao e nde Meenas 
JleCUSEAENIN fon cnccawecahcocansaretostenena 
HOTU ANMNS 0 ees LpSees PAS ieee St 
MUDTNNA ease ae oks ta desinue tse cstea eee tan 
TUISUUTIG UWE so athena cle Samael Lvate cece ened 
pulchelluni.- asic ee Aap coe tawane pene 
Calligstoniavcccs cc ue had seas an aces eens 
AMPICINUM = ae sm essa Leama g cons <seoeeee 
BSP OTP sh. sles cect oon ones ie ae aed 
BULORRGS: Sc cclionduios scant isncowa toca 
BAIT co. ceien as are aoe soon ayes 
ONGULOUL siete wad co sae See amdete J 
 Cuctellonty.coppercsash<cu-s-<ecan teen 

CLOLDIS 5 5 .cn2 Se peo sa case en eee 
gGonhiternin:~ sc cee enc onuren acs cca canic sees 
enely PPM. 3.-.5- 55 ens anaes etwcs tes eo 
INOIANI; -- oscpaedeu teleciacetenec ok ceee ne 


DULGKOD eas tae Gena ee edema teen 
RAWSON =: osha. te sdeceate ar onsp eases 
TOSCOMPDTS Sok cue cae hace adene eee eases Eee 
SApIC WM Se See eee ised he cae sees 
Sayanum ......... fein piviesien sia wits = eieate 
sericifilum ....... se einsiinin sense wna ompgig 

SHCAEOCANOM. <p a) p en Foran Sener at 

GU Sires alc Sein sm cimieiscine are eer al Sete 

Callogazay ese. oocteha sake canes wae 

WESSON eee sec a semicon hein nl ee 
Calyprreda Cand cana. - occ s coop ocean eS 
Cally pireidtece ese ne nc Decne caccteueme eee 

Cancallartrases see: cess ce once sec ce sescanet 

Conradiana .-.... refed URS acacia 

reticulata -........:.. Semi te -eten see 

Camuiid eeepc nae cean cen tem cee 
CA DUIS ta cccms dn m alana eis on OS be 
Ballon ee ag ee Sei ee Re 
ATIC Nic aeae ons son pane Sas co oe saat! 
IOtORUVS esa Se cck ye caaeinae son bese. apes 
Cardiatea sos ot aan cacacc cs banca sn apa 
OES GAG ES 2 a eee ieee eee eee ee 
Gandioni vine csc ac ont cae cacn 
COUMULENED ooo mame ct sem aca a aes Searls 
costellata = ....5..-.- ae ae ets meta ae 
UTIN AB RENN Skig te sls ote tres cer es a 




DELrostlataece-=ac= =e seense sees lees 66 
Bthidta 2 riceesersssoseeae eedec ce eceee : 66 
Cardita caesar ates eoteeeeeseee 46 
Conradil-s222cis eee ee eee 46 
domingensis -..-.......-.. ewe sdssesseee 46 
floridana 92.2272 S-2ec secewccctioclcsereos= 46 
BEG UTS) sence baadeascoccoonchunosopeoDcans 46 
Carditacear: 22 222oso tess o seg e ntsc sec ceee 46 
Marditidae 2250.5 22223228 bese eee seteseatee eee 46 
Cardin: soe oor soars as ha Sass 52 
antilarum 22252542 sfoseacnae eee ceeeeees 52 
Islandicum s-227s2sccraeesiet aces te ee eee 52 
ISOCATMI A: 22 sh asaTscaceeesccecceees Soere ee 52 
IPA Aero mecsooreh tos sesacsenosants 52 
MCG Sas e sees conan ease eeeince seats 52 
MUNI Cat. semis meee cele eats ste 52 
peramabilis’ 22-2. cots cc cecewcceren=----- 52 
pinnulatum .............22-.-22--0-0--2-- 52 
tinctomsrsi cscs so eas siee wie s cee alee 52 
Careliopsisesss sos eae ae eeacee ae aaere 130 
styliformis -.--- 2.2. -2.< .ceceeeeenesnnna-n 130 
Carinariar 7c ae ccna seat naeecenene 136 
mediterranea 5--.---...e ene cons cecccece 136 
@arinatiidwssioseas2ccceeccseseceae ssc eceee 136 
Cassidide tosis seal e ie sttidbccssscaeeseue. 134 
CASSIS ees see cate aa late teltals aie sees 134 
CAMEO-.------.-------- +--+ - een eee eee 134 
TW Sa oR Boag ns pcagooceccurconeL ones cce 134 
testiculus:= 4222320422522 452 Aces seeheeecone 134 
{NOLOSAl a. sossncee den asdaeen= e/a sores - 134 
Cavolinian: i220 ¢saceaccemecscecenesesneceee 82 
PADDOSAies as enie= == =a ee seas 82 
intoxaiticcec si ssetesessccecscmeceacncsece 82 
LON GITOSIIS)ee- === = cewerece se eeeeeseneee 82 
quadridentata..............02-.---------. 82 
tridentataccs tess tesaeessosneskaueresrses 82 
UM BUN oee cris ed geen qacosdooneerice 82 
ENC IN MOMs amiasietete sisal a pclae miaaatere Seer reete ele 82 
Cavolintides tet Ss2s cee casesete es secee tees 80 
Cephalopoda........-- Besouncaqoce Iaoecbean 174 
Coratozonascss-cececer ees ee-seeaase ee sere 172 
Guildingyeeesecesa= =. cess =e === ae nee 172 
Cerithideart-se2-sac-scereeseennees=eieseeeee 140 
COSTALM Ee eeeiosec see eiteas semiaee eee 140 
Scalaritormiss-- 2-6 <in-eeenosee estes ee see 140 
hwoclbaes soe eee aoa oaeeceeee eee eee 140 
VALI COSA tees eaateniene sttaeas ioe aac eee 140 
CerithicllasccsAseccecn aes eceaseanweeseee 140 
Whiteavesil ...222- 2c 2 cee cece Seneca ces 140 
Cerithiidae s7eccee seer osecee eee ese eoe ee 140 
Cerithiopside.......-.-.-.--...--.--------- 138 
Cerithiopsis........--..------..0-.-.--..--- 138 
abrupta..... See ee eee 140 
erystallinarcoesesmpas acess ser eee eee e 138 
Greenii .......... Wiofolahh ai ame meiesere see ee 138 
Martensli:-.---teccncsessteeetceneeeees 138 
BIG EB oop See ECOUCOOSOOOOL ~ Rea paeSsoe ac 140 
pulchella-sccen. eeces -— teeter ae cee 138 
Sigsbeeana. ......-.-....20-2--2222-20---- 138 
tzoniolata: .-.-seest assets tee ee scene ee 140 
tubercularis.2+. 22 setct ee seeisece setae 138 
Cerithinm .224.56206 oaee eae eee eee eee 140 
algicolanccieo Jc teoe ee et eee eee eres 140 
ODUIMOUM .----2ece=eeeccecsservrr------; 140 



Cerithium—Continued. tone 
floridanum ....... Se een aicinis: 40 
literattm 25.62.2263) cevc vate eee 140 
Minimum 3... 3-55 sce Pees 22cee 140 
MUSCATNM 22 oo .e oc ace Sw een eee eee 
MIZTESCENS mee we = codes voce eee ees coos 24H 
semiferrugineum .......----.------- wuss ae 
uncinatum 5022. as-c2 voce ceeeeee ee : 
variabile ---.-..------.-------... eecostees 140 

Cetoconcha 2.2... .s<cs.. ee ceeecene eee 68 

Margarita... coe so - esos ae ee 68 
Coetomya ei. jodceses sees onwalsdoeietee 68 
Chetopleura ............... PRS eigseses tic ac 

apieulata 222. jscscccccuenbeee eases 

CONngTegata .----- -ccceeceneee cennaeenss oa 5 
lnctucatsiet asses. teeaeeee cae oceess 2 ae 

Chamacea.-2 5222.20 een Scise cde ouaeee sss 
Chanide 2.22 o2s.e ace esas eee eee oe ay) 
CHicoreus:.. 2626 acddcceeeeedeeeeee Maes 
Thfas: £2 s2 023220 ie see eee Jintao 

SQUAMOSBUS - 2222 2. scta se Sooase meee ee eenee 
Choristes 2.222 .0sec5 tones e or teee eee 
ClCVANS Se ect eens scoala eae Eosteneer 
Choristida : (2559-22 222ssenee eee wiceeeee 
Choristodon. ...22+5¢ 2ccccececacesesde eee 
cancellata.csssccseeaeeoeeee actageen eee 
TODUSES 22-2-- cccces codace too meme eee 
Chrysodomus :-<..< .2sc<k «sssssseeanenaesen 
@ingulla odee sess a2 aes eee eee ae 

Cirsotrema’ ...-.2).- 226 < nes ss clamnpnaeeee a8 
Cistella Fou e cette sess toes secal'aene 
Barrettiana .-...-...+2.- ss=--ees=serseeee : 

Citlinaiee=-2- ee ees soe eee esr 
tenella sc oe esas eee -= = =e eee eee 
Clathwellai:2< 2: <2... --- === eee f 
naticoides ------- -----25<--==-eae=e= =e lt 
Cleodora ..-.-,-222++ss06s2--ss52=see seen “i 
cuspidata .~~- 2-2-2 ceo sce eee eee 
faleata -.--------0-0-- 2-9-9 - nee enna 2 
pyramidata .....-.-.----..----. Soasatec-- ~ 80 
TOCULVAE 2 52---5 os bac cebe > Jessa eee 
Clidiophora #-22-=).-:¢--202--e0s2 cee tod 
carolinensis Ress 
Gouldiana......--..----2. -2---2-----2--2- 
trilineatia) 2-2-2. =~ 2<-=h aes eee eee 
Clione.-....-.------- AGaaennadaSs2 2027 ee 
imacina =. 222 6.26 see a eee 
Clionidae + 22. =. Gas Selon ieee eae pide 82 
CliOpsis |... 55-2 ¢s.o 2's ote eset ae eee 
(APNG NC ean eee seen Seosenpocssecgcac+ soot" 8 
Clypidella....--..-----------. Peopeescec,- 
fascienlaris).s2-~-2-2-- ose see eee 1 
Cocculina ...:-:::-::: ¢-sea ees gett? yao 

ee ee eee ee ee 
eee eee ee 
ewww ewww wee wees ee tees cesses eene 

Bperplicatns.........-..----..=-- SPaceaccee 
IOI oca ca cccascocteccscuce é 

See eee eee 
reer eee eee eee eee eee 
PTT rrr Tre Te eee ee eee eee 
eee eee eee eee eee ee 
eee eee eee eee ee eee ee ee) 
te ee eww were ewww renee 
ee eee eee ee ee ee 
eee ere eee ee eee eee eee eee 
ee ee ee rm terete wne 

eee eee weet ewes 
tee eee ewe eee eet ewwne 

_ flavescens 

See eee ee ee eee 

rrr e eee eee eee ee eee eee eee 



= Dietziana ........... ack Se etacuniae meee cs 
3 disparilis rae tees eae Seem em ncece iat 
Krebsiana ............ Sesawessecae eee 
Moe ela csnn as oun piainin'nele 90 
Swiftiana ..... ee eo a eee ome 



bo bo 
bo Ww wo & bo 


98 | 


IPOURIGICSIT 7 besecsmasncecs Loe aR ee 

Perrr er er ee ee eee eee eee ee ee) 


. glandula 

aculeata..... Bea ee eeepc Chiat 
TOMMICNUML Cosnsccesteseeaeeatees aenenaee 

chierchix ..... BS eo eat at cad nace 

eee eee ee 
ree eee eee eee eee 
ee ee ee er 

eee ee eee wee eee ee wee we ewe ee eens 
errr eee eee ee eee eee ee ee 

Pere ere eee eee er 

VIN OOS. coos es compa necenccdscceceusannenip 
Crucibulumiicessacesee= es ace a5 os aaa eaeene 
QULICUIAT ses eles emennn rs eaiensaaeiccteeaiets 
Cryptodon -..... okt en SRS se eee eis 
ferruginosus .........-.- Sense panne eae 
(Ce Gt See Sere = Rt See Sede Sun emlern 
PYANQiS anon ceeeeee aes 5% 
OVOIGSUB = 2-2-5 - 5s eens o Caer pete sue SoeuRe 
tortuosus ........-..ccce Sen see SEE 
Cuspidaria -...-..---.---------:- ees 
LOTIGTIOYD ant eo Soe saoe noe sesesst cere os 
Cuspitlariidwees sec -- 22 Papen net 
Cyclostrema -..... Sees oe es ebpaea eee eR 
cistronium . ..-. Shscas@esb ese an ae naSee ean 
diaphanum...... elses mene sets aaa 
POL SIAUING oo eecemesscuanercosasnacdwsesie 2 
OPRAGMID wee cee ssa siene oe eens sania acta - 
CLOOHOIRGS == coe nmeteece came = 
turbinum .....-.. Sows ee ane Sala mibaa estes 
valvatoides ...... ee eee eee ere <aken 
OmliGhnae ser seaecirgesc ses bansesn~ oh sa5e=sps 

steer ee ewww ee cement ene 
eee eee eee ee 

ee eee eee eee 
rere eee eee ee eee rs 

ee eee eww eet t ewww ewer ae 




| Dibranchiata......---. 

Cyhichnellay ose sss apnoea aeescoe ones 86 
Dpidentatia Se oes sso.scs-<h ens es pees tems 86 
OU ZA rotcie = olatat sss iaelaictet=ietainins siete eins seine 86 
Cylindrobulla Beaui..-...-....----.-------- 88 
@ymatosyrinx. 2. =< soso = -ree oom 98 
Gymbulitdie.. 2-2-2. 52550 ce-025-oaccene= coer 82 
Gymbuliopsis 5-5. ss--cee--seeeecies = Scenes 82 
@ynodonta. 2. 22222ac-22 <a fere= se aee eee eee 110 
capitellum) =: so 2csmes\s-a-c-55-Seneee ane 110 
IUUTI CARS ves oma ees aeeteacianee wins ce meee 110 
Cypress sce docs accece sock esecssnecaeae 136 
CINCTC Ao ao oe ee oe ee eee nee eee ee eee 136 
eS iMtNEM Soe ate cece acts cers cme epee 136 
MAVeOlA . 52 2cesasececnnceotesseee sas score 136 
BPULCA . oo Ace cae qo cam seeeleee ee aes eee 136 
Gy prceidie nis os aee seasacek ae ee eee, 136 
Cy PLN Ie ee sees econ enact niee peeeeee ees 54 
islandica ...------. Soe Ones ens ene 54 
CONTEND 026 dats oseciesweise ce cine dena sesame 56 
carolinensis, 3. .2ohss<steccccinsectee sey 56 
flovidanay she cence ces se hoon sent eee eres 58 
Oyrenellide 2. paneer ace se en veces aee 50 
GyrenoldeaGaciaaceac secceees Sedaka seat eas 50 
HOVIMANA < o-ss-oee ws asec nec cses oseeeeee 50 
(CSTE oc Ae 5c5 eee Oc URE C USD nae OoSEEs 100 
Bartletitii sass seisue su ceo ceeseseesce aes 100 
EV MOM A Seas eae se sce ees es Seca aoe aes 100 | 
Cytherea) cries << nece <= se secw one enes eaeee 56 
DDI ae esse deems cece Smack abiewe e teheeant 56 
COMN OX ci cee cso aisles e cade soseeeainat 56 
NODYA- os aes Seta esis ae ese eee es mecmee 56 
NAONED «scab otocmeasecsimesuc sactesue ete densi 56 
ODOVAlai. ta cinecoenin sass cin see clean wieteaemae 56 | 
SUMNPSONI ssaeecewscs -Sasegeecesessesesace 56 | 
Macry dinume- = toe eecea- esse eat esaes ceceeees 38 | 
WAGE OTN: LoS molsas amine cic ecaen sa ace eecoes 38 
Dalit cote oe aieie teen ee orem ete laee ee ece ore 132 
SOMMUM oes ocean sem ansea sche see deaes 132 
Maphnellaiessscccosssccseasescuoe cone; esae 100 
CANNY ccisoseinsonisejsedeaeuerae! wemsesteseee 100 
COLDICH a css scasnce ee ence neem areas 100 
Chaba ee shie snot eae oe sa ee woeae seis ae ees 100 
lihy ers Up eee eae Se eat se peoberodaeacese 100 
lencophle gm ane ae necasioe nese eles ee 100 
iMAC A ere Les oem ie aoe sen aieine eee eer 100 
lixomeeiforniis.e see cece ee oem eaeee eres 100 
MOULAloeeee aise ee ae ee eee eee 100 
POMPROW KX: an cc chaps enact ems eee 100 
POCICWIOSA i502 21 wa eiseiscieeeetecs wearer epee 100 
6 UE OUA mats ane aaa =e eee eee eee aera 100 
SOfla, 3. fresostame, seeieeetete =ease ae soce as 100 
Wel phinualidwe res eee cesar css eee 164 
Wentalittea ves cose este ac Sa ect daca sees 76 
Penta). 22. jose ace meee cece tees s = 76 
SOIL aga an Soe Ne Se reas eee peat 76 
ST fll ae ee eee ee pate ad Se eae reget ee 76 
CON ANIGLS se ee oe a ee ee 16 
Callapeplamis:cesesee ses oe eee eee 76 
callitirix: oooce cece aa. le eee eee oe 76 
candi dias a2 seks oe -yesne Sete soe e reas 76 
capillosum' c22 <5 vanast coeeace cee eoeen 76 
carduus...-.-...-- i Sele ere Sie mas eee ee ~76 
COrasin ne eee APR E renga spay ee ek) 76 
CeTatuM.cosce<sssesdeneseece sess eee 76 
CODIPRCSS WT eee ee eee eae 76 

Dentalium—C ontinued. 

wee ce ee ewes twee ewww ee tee 

wee we ene ee ee eee ee eee eee ween 

occidentale. .......- wneapasteee eee 
ophiodon....---. .----6- ss. -==2-2 == eee 
perlongum : : 

Detracia - 

Diacria .-- 


ee ne cee eee eee ee eee wae 
See ee ee 
wee eee ee eee eee eee eases 
ee ee ee 
Se ee ee eee 

ee ee 

Dillwynella : 
modest]. = .-22--'2- -cnies se emienieee eee , 

Dim yid. -.:-2-2s5725e22 seers oo cos cee 
ONC 22 25 se a weeinniale eee ee 
Diplodonta--25- << |< 2222 ee = 6 ee ee 
Semiaspera..-.--- --cnee - 22 en ee ree nn====as 

subglobosa ........-----.----0------ =eceee 
Diplothyra---.-222.s-- sees see Pee ere. 
Discinidz.......----- deesusiocisasheeee eee 
Discinista..o....-s2 2+ cece aee eee d 
atlantic... 2. .-c6<<ss-s0 see eeeeeeee 30, Pl. 
Discopsis .--..----- oie cies al alse att 
omilds...c-o2e cco: cee ee GSE mi 
Divaricells. ...-2---022scceu sec 2e eee eee 
Dococlossac. 220 += os eee = =a es 
Dolichotoma -:.-...---s2002< cesses eee H 
viabrunnea ; 

ee ee ee ee eee ee weet eweene 

columbella...:---- 2-25 se ose25ss =e 


Page. Page. 
Donax—Continued. DINE necltdc O25 SESS EB OC SEE Meee eran 136 
SRPOED EAS ectelaim wiele om irtas «nna es oli => 58 UVISIION eke enters ciate sip'seicinw aw <= or ot siecle ns 136 
Sears cOMplanata .-.... -. 02. secesn cone no. HAL 288 RO Ny ieee secre ece ors tecccescsaeccees « 48 
MINE a Ft. cigs ce ence mace eeeces «uk 56 UNAS me nee eeete Ate aces nie omine niayn i ee w'e.< 48 
MSCS. .--.----: Pace a edo Be eee 56 BAG Weeteete oct cearars ce cisiaenssseceras 48 
Cho oiid) OSs Se sh eS eee BOA | rvs lbeos ie te aes oe cle Joes Goo skeeeniescae 62 
(ELE motion AA geese eee See cota 40 CONCEHIDICM te aetenae nanan a seb teenies te 62 
(OU 03 \C 96 nitens...... Rad: - -dBchScodaeebog ocd wees 62 
SSS ete Sele <inie'e's wie ome ents = cee vinesje VOS SRrveinigeor= etc soejsctescits suman sctecigeseacts 48 
BERET eee iets sos taiclaro sc. eveces scenes O57 ME URall gececs 24 cs cee satr oan cea 2 soc eceasee 160 
PERULICA Beet (icles vivcremne(c cots oscnvccases 96 WDA IS GLIA: sewlnedseeake tes cicms eemeaee 160 
HUMES eles ieinai= fee =o same ois oie aiel aia 98 LOGMIGa eaters cicncscnss oe edsereeteemee 160 
SPINS ieteioacoa'cis occas case wenecass 96 BOM ec cap ieee actinic cm aen cs ease meee 169 
SET eine o~ceccicb ees che secckedsee 96 RUPPLONEN cee cece vins sos siesemenavetenasee 1€0 
RRS ER car cia siciain (s'<' s'e wet siewe'an enc 06) ,| Wubelars s sec os sesevescn ccs ccs seceateces 100 
hi 10). iiS0 S50 See Bee e eee eee O65)" ANCRS tara tee se eac ces cups con Kcevcaencaen 162 
SRSEREYEER Sy a eaeicisis co wicca acs acsiese Seer cnee S88 | nC hes sacra wees cae econ ec wcre se oate ts 164 
PSR LE eee isis ais'ais cde == occ ww sen siee 98 CUOANUW sce~ cele desta em san ma vcow cmieminsteren 164 
RN tee ieiteiclee aww asec. coess-couwne 98 GNU LAL ONAL = a= safc eieisinevic onc niece Sana sae 164 
UNG) = 3 ARG Eee oe O8 * | tHneinoa cece ccs Stene ceca ae ccwanwepcccctems 66 
eRe teleleifeld cinials (cies ntcin cise ee cabs ~cee U0 HG Osea ten ce tmatcno. ace scue ve Cuenaseree 28 
2 Sie coset pS SSS oo BSceS SeBSee seer 96 CHAIN seemteeer neo = cesan insists foes 28 
PEM n les clio <ia,6aciosnadssocs~ccees<:- 98 Moritlanaesset os. < 2. ecw owes coccocecces : 28 
are eee aceite lence neces ome sn --- 90) Hmdesiitiea seceas oa sede cscs seceeseecacass £8 
OULD 22). .6 00k a= a 98's Hindo liane secaeteea ss ceca ecto acca —beodees 134 
BOS) US SS Se ees ee 96 CLOSSEHME ME seneedeeg a= = secon soca see 134 
EIT NAT Vow eae env mm a -oo oso eden eee 96 Wierrillittmesesteeadeacs sue 2erscstos ceeees 134 
LES ib CESS a es OBA) Wnlimtccceeeesormesncneeccucecsees es oeecce 126 
MOE INTE Retnietein'~/o os exic eo en'wimiei om eiow nie oon = 96 BECUUCA onc s testa pen peteisecns coms st nee 126 
et IS ottawa alata nian tom mininin aia = = im iela win'a 98 Waraliiic: ciwecenccesp eectecescn<acteescas 126 
lithocolleta......... Srgncastaseseosceecd te" aj88 CONOIGOMG. sae Se sncaen te aes tecas tice seeaaiee 126 
EAE G Seta ale wien nimi 1am casi == am 96 ClLON EAA = ewe =mee ene paew = =m hei-> secccasen 126 
De eee rie asic ain cccievicenisine <osmicanse 98 PENDS Sam eeoC OCEANS IDOCORE EC Dee pI Seeaue 126 
RU MeNUUMEecielvicnis so avi ace cnc ere ccewices = 98 PTACHIS em fee apelengsensins(-er acs om asieseccc 126 
eee ei iam aos. omicls</se oe sees sem 98 ANCOLMGHIs anew ne ewepieicec le wisiceceaecs sess 126 
ostrearum.....-...-...-------.----------- 96 JAMAICENSIS sic og) necipe cece oaeelteechaw see. 125 
pacodula~--.- .-- 8. eee ee. 98 SUV CRT Gece ce ences ca ceseayeeneee 126 
TEE a iais a iars «c's acinm we = no aewnte 1B bs llamellcnememen tag cpamen seecene acetic ote 120 
PMRISUTNS clove om xa 5-2 onajocn snes cncwees 98 MSS eee a cei cak walgicte canes cee cence cn > 130 
REE Seba ais ola cas a Gem win a = acts ean 96 Sb es chess “sore ap coacsoccemoeeece rene 130 
PIMA acim ee ncin w= mma Seen one ewe cene 96 unifasciata..-----2.--6-e--t ee ene eens. ene. 130 
PE CMNOVT AN an ae emma none een ewww te eee diondh nibs 63 aas one one esc. eRe 126 
PRE Esato swocsin sis cve cies scott 3B) | Geumetaie ner. teapaepese ceccatidweced cnmces 140 
teed cats uinrfe = el6n « vcnee -- 2 grat eee 98 SID dete te te pe eo ole ate aeisiate seit vl rcicreac 140 
EES act iam oh wei sais sc cae e ccs cmas Uist We SiH) OU mene ar mMrocoa- GCC Pi Sceeeaeere as 156 
SETHE Aiea eratetatstctoiat) ial) aisvelv <iaisss cle 3 mis 98 CUBOMMUM Bee wpe alnw seme eel cce wien se 156 
SEM Ceecr stele ay owes sesso sss ss escss fe OS) | SB PIQUN Tce aep tees cou cancun sonecse tek sae 120 
Pea Re ee rte. ack cal ecUwe cede 146 OOUAAHY Lecce ae acc ns cmccenes=>ceeec aed le 
REE SENMe Ene te a) on Stet onan <a s uence « 146 SMITE SG ler eeteete ces awicsuineeissen Conese os 120 
(os oot ce SESS SRC SCAe gee eae eee O60) Un Re ule ec am dem anisey eo noenoe tase nase 84 
REE SION eis 2 at eic's sain s\s's v'n'nais'sScae sie wn L70 | JOUGC BMS sare p acces canr meet meen sews ace cc. 162 
SEEMS pase SCL cwc es vec siodnus sss Oe ROG nee eo eeegos son dseceeeatiecwacctectec. 48 
SOT UD Saag ge ae oe 170 COMME MUIR esse tae fname tee soi oe alee = eeeate 48 
pumila ...... pemamatedtemesst jaabice cetera 0} HRM SUI Mea pate ceie Saoadewa cet coe aeacen 112 
BLS ay le Se aes a a 170 UST ters regialninieistemie ciate els anislema ha wv sina 112 
GRETA  a ae a 80 GIOBNIGR an -eirctne tess reek sos aeecbes sen « 112 
BE HROS pieces Soon sea sec ou euie dls Wademe 80 LRN Mietttete leads a eruia cactus anaes cc dees 5 112 
CO ET (NO le SUF I DRONATRED Wemacs 6 oc acres vec amaesaesn ai 112 
UAL Oa See ioe hes ae ee ee TIC MUGS PM accniecca dren te sctes custeeecs coe 170 
UTLUILG UG es a es Be ee ea na ee ar 116 SIbernet hes Jo 56 ~~ cress. fae eee 170 
BeeInsIphonacch: +... -. 6-1-2 eeeee sense eee ABiite OMMWEERTES: oo. o.oo c5 odes weak Apel 170 
IRE Saou. Un ve desu weg wu se 72 PET MA tee iere/oa eieel'ate a cicte oboe cee le 170 
EM CUM Eten eel Sa cic oeidw ah eaetiea 72 LTR (VT tas oP Cs Se ee oe eae ee 170 
GILG DS SS Ae SRE er i ee 72 MONGAR ease 22 sccce sant cocs oaks scctsesec 170 
rau rNOtinie es 0s ioe co oes Sy Seictase see 172 i mele tee Site wee see aoeee 170 
24781— Bull. 37 -—_14 






Page ; 
NISSUMEILIdD Sapcsescosee ee eee seisce eee sees 168 | Glycimeris J: .2222222.22202heesee eee eee 
4 Missurellid@ases sce seuss es soeseene eee seas . 170 52) i (cc: Ee SE ae cc emas , 
PASCAL foes aCaac ans eae sche stores er meenne 17 Glyphis J.2<2. 2-222 222 o2505ee Seo eee 
Limatnlaes: Saves mne Seco wee seer 170 barbadensis --..22....-2cs see eee eee 
UI UeeeaempacerdonEnascetcosDosefeodo: 172) cancelllatiay 2 os. == mse eee 
IHISSTIGISE Pia ae eee ieee 170 HNO BEH IE MoaneeeAereeee Do sesacaccosse costs 
TOStrabar. cso gecko cee eens ae see eee 170 Tanner st. sss. Secteeeeee ees sc 
triangulata........--...---.--.- syncoseces 170! |) Glyphostoma: .) 32-502. 4--05 ese eh eeeee eee 
HlUKINa a acsc.cceien eek eon eees cee eens 148 dentifera so: acc d.n cece gee ee eee eee Re 
brinneais-t see oe esses Sees sae cee eee 148 Gabbit.. 225 svecces cess oe eee eee 
Giseulais 22 ieee Sosa oeencaee tees seeeeee 148 gratia. 2 e..s ecu 0. cet ene eee 
Mossavids acces cseeee oo ene Seat ce aoe eee 146 | Gnathodon.-. 2222.22: -2 dooce eee eee 
WOSSATUS: eases oe cs wel ereceets meet se serine 146 CUNDCATA <.. 2 ne ose ccecee aclu eee see eee 
PlE CANS) Sense nee aaaeeen ee sees clea eee 146 TOSEALA nce = cos aco scat ae eee eee eee 
Mn our sec eeineSomceincee eee soenine ie smaee eae 119°| Gnathodontidse -- 22225252225 eee 
Canaliculatzceccs cess decors corse casetees 112 | \Goodallia .2..5.-2.252..04 0. .see ee eee 
CATICA. - 2. -5.<cloceusenessedceceosecccee- -412-| (Gottoima...5.. .. 55225. 2n2 == eee 
Coarctata,.secee= se cnewee seeeee ee aneees 112 bella: ... 25.) 2.5.2 seco 5= seen eee 
ClIG@ANS oka si eee ae fesoe cece woes meee 112 compacta. oo 2. cases sceces eee 
DELVeLSAleeeee ene e seme naan eeeriaee 112 "| Gouldia . 22.22.02. 25.05.05. 20 ee 
TUG oop seg sore nsesscc Se See oss wee cee 112 CCTINA s 4): ui12 epee he see ee eee eaten 
WTISIN20 cen cslcececteeimcss eee eet eo ne- aa eer IVES i) Caria peer cmose seen chosssecoo05: WP 
SHUSUS Mocs Oe nee eee eri aera eee 112 limata.c-< <2 s.o5 sciesce et oo eee eee 
PE AROS cconcicdcidoae wee sh enSossnerossIee 112) Gs ymm0) GC] a) oe eee eee ‘ 
ACIS 2-H ee ace eee sense ene sa anes 114 | Gymnoglossav. 2. -U2....2-22e eee Pee eee 
AIM an bhUus: caeseeme oe cichasek eee cates ees 112°| -Gymnosompta....-. 32-224. see eee eee , 
AM PAVE SUS ee ese see ee aewcateeronee 114 || (Gyrineum |. --2 o-oo ere eee 
penthalis soerseeeasetossse eee oscars 112 dine: s/he ae ee ee eee PePeeee 
Conelana tsar Se Ser eee ae Sita Ie 119 |) Gyrodes...2. 5 tis.2.22-20c2 cc lee 
CUCOSMIUS?...-- 6 sac essences csescee~ccee ns 112 Gepressa 22... ccc. cccc css seco eee eee 
halistrepilSweeseee a eee see see eer ee 112 | Haliotida 2.222 0.2... 20-325. -- eee 
RUSHES Seed come aerees saceee ee seeetaers 114 | Haliotis...-.202 222. oc .ee oe ee ee 
SChrammMibs. 2 acasisck ee cea esaseeseeeeee 112 Ponrtalesii{.csese.eee fuiccueteinn see 
TIM CSSUS) Stace Seec eases seesaw re eanaee 112-1) JAalinis:. 222 seesenceos ee eee eee Peres, 
Gadiniaess ue case See ene eae eas 92 Wischeriana,: 525-923 254cc22 see 
Cabinatacean coos oe koecoreesen Gees sseeerree 92 trapezoidea, ..2<.2ss<ceccnce desea eee 
(Gadde: angen eee ee eee ae eee ere 92):| sHialoceras). 22-42aen ae sone eee aoe aaa 
Galeodeduee eshte ssshesc ecco scwaisaccoemeae 134 cingulata 22. os Sanat ote ree eee eee 
(Covonadolsecesaccumsceescatens ces eer eee 134 | Halonympha...-...--. Pere eno 2 
Gastranellaysoccnce ne. cecee se aee cae eee 62 Claviculata.. <2... 52 scctes< cite melee eee 
dum ais a elec n-escesneatce cane seh 62 "| Haminea 25223222020 becocs pene ee eee 
Gastrochienainc.saccsmes cc rtiere seteseee eat. 72 antillarum: 2.33.5. ss2. esse eee eee 
CUNCTIORUINS eee sence nee ate ee eee 72 Guildingi :=2s.22..250..e eee 
OMitareeeeeencesscece Be Cee east e Bs 72 Petitiis.< 0202 jn2 ccs stecees cee 
ShinipSONU 22sec. seRe sao 4c eon Manian cee 72 solitaria..2.:-.0¢se<2-s0e22) ee 
Gastrochsenidsareeeecae se =e eee ese 72 SUCCINED ....--. sac enec cscs eeee eee 
Gastropoda ==.) 2... === eee mae = oe = 84°) Hanleyia..-...2sc2s0e-:sesse esse eee eee 
Gastronteride ......-.--.----.- oacngccoscad 838 mendicaria_....:2-5-4 i256. sess eee 
(CASIO OOO, -- son seecoscesorasscseecebose 88 tropicalis 2. s<.co cc oe5 62 eee 
Mcekelitssatemensis se cesses eee eee 88 4) Hastola. so csee. cole .c cnet .e-ce eee eee 
(CiyAh Guero case ooo San sloeceeceonouauenecoods 160 | Hamnstator: ..<.2c22022.0-. + cceee ee eee eee 
PWisherlescaees= Lh cedieeuintlceas eameelee eines: 160 | Heterodonax.......2..655.-2-- 205 see eeeeenee 
STOO Mes - S5 Soe Sots cotsossssescdesesees 160 bimaeulatay - 22. ance e =e 
(CYADEINE ASG Goes cease se Sacenscessesesso- 144 | Heterodoris robusta -.-....-..--.: mebeczsor 
ACHES os sosesscnsctoassssdéoteecsssece= 144 | Meterofusus: = -- seems oe) oe =e 
(Corrie sGosem ae odaogddsloeee - HbopgocesdS- 56.) Mimnitesiece-ceataec antec ee eae ne side Ee 
Momnhattancensis: == cs=- ose sees asec 56 ACAMSIL 2c s-. seceesn cess essere eee 
PURDUE D oo ane eee we ela mat ie = =e nl 905 iy alocyliae oso eee ae oe 
Genota....-.---.. sobasonpood sscecetosssss5t 96 striata: ..2 23 cc li) sot. ssc. ccecie see 
TAN TOW EY So sseconos sa920c 92sc0 sSoessas4 © 96) CHivalopatina >: - 2-2 )eee eae ee 
Glomls: 22 so.eceasence=< sees sees 46 Rushii 4 20.45.2225 coc nee sae ee 
MILENS: - 2 = ae w eee wo an ee AGH Ely alOGIS tale een en eee ae ae ee eee peor ss 
(Cu HM cos coo esas beens oscbeo 2Ssenene = 303 | Eiy atin dee sen ieee See eee ae ee 
an bila om Geese ee eee eee ere er 30 PLY SISF soon ee aoe ois oe ee eee 
Pyramid atare sees se hese e ea BION) IGG Ree os eects osoecosndaoStoensoessccsss<5 




Se oA de 38 
OUD. case ccece mRseicw nee au tn sea teiotmeme 138 
‘Iphigenia ...... Gearanceuce Saaeacteeceeaees 58 
BR IEATM ATE = a. nevccarecei cas cannes decease 58 
eee oo aie ca ie ones coca san assdecee 146 
OIE RO MERE a = Secs a alec nica Swede a eau soba’ 146 
BPISTIEDOT gra aS cia ic coc eS. cwiew doves nae 172 
Co OE esi 172 
i oe a 172 
ON LUTE eee ee re 172 
q PREEPULHSCODS) 96 oo ag ae en cnnecewces vase 172 
COCO | 172 
; SEU MPa shania acs ws xias- 0s ona anscees mt! 
“neu ht rr ee 54 
GT a 172 
Tt oo SS Se 152 
 finte® 2. SS er 32 
j BEETS Glas cere jun oa b canes catecsteacelc 32 
EIS a ca aiele eines wicinlevaajanre'oe x eae 32 
: PEE eae clarc ale copie oa=< saewee «aac 126 
| BEER io acc Sauce e alciw win o Jodewstls 126 
ESR RIMES erie sa cea) id's accvcasessacdent cans 126 
BOR ene Poona ccsan sce ctec cin. 126 
BBP UOQLOU SAGE om a. ies sec ee ween corse 126 
RIMES enw asioae aco. cssuactecoaercasss 126 
OST 0s i eee 114 
EMER ects eco. c ass caeddees kee 114 
OLDS onsocd Oe 48 
JOOS to 48 
PORTIS! Sas) oso: oc cle ~-00ce- cece avs Pl. 68 
0 WUT ong Ce 68 
DSL occ ose cee oee ee eee 68 
FOU oo a 68 
PRR Shoo eS rr 90 
BEECHER Oot cies. ccccdccastscodcceues 90 
SL a ee re 154 
(G0) SS GaSe eCe ee G4 
ES 64 
MEUM are eo cencc eta cos icecesecc. G4 
MTT. oe eer 146 
RMU ER Eetce ties ce cies cect loeee codecs 146 
MRINIEUI Re met Sse se ct bh See cede ees 134 
I = oo es ec 134 
MAGS ehh od sc5c Sacoe cece cccecy, 156 
UNCER ae ee 156 
CONEOD = one SO ee eee 156 
GIL CT I E ak See e e 156 
EMU EUR UES csi x Sua oc cow sis hea Sicin 132 
BRUM UGEIB Reo: i o- soda sees waceesaboeus 132 
| CIC C a a aee 132 
Arete Goto nde ass ek cs con dcenncces 132 
RRM Mea cl eee sete ck ve alnbsc< ads esol 132 
Oooh 2 Ra ee a 132 
SUE Ee 132 
MED acy o22 tool Sco 25.252 laste Sacce ce 132 
IDWS ee 112 
MBTOMICAUONINS ; 25.52 55ss055c25-.cerccence 112 
PaponmesOnieus 2225. 52. .5-2.2.5.-cc-c: 112 
Sepienidibolum, ..:-<- 2: i<-ccce-ccosen..... 112 
CLIN a a ee 166 
CONES Ss See ae a a 166 
OAT Mele ee ae { 
MIELE ee ete. SoS. Ses 2D cr eg 44 


Gan Benen ce ree wale view cts cie Seetsters melas 44 
COUCOMLLIC IS a wotta ct ce csp tceuedeh oreo awn 44 
cotpnlentte soreste oss .s\cwss conus ceoers 44 
MOGSSANENSIS c= aie hans on ncecet ae eeu seks 44 
PCINUING socese ewes. once tears tenants P1.45 
PURO sracoscae Means hodnh cnet eecmeRecest 44 
Quadraneulanise os .<nceoecs-cences cewees 44 
BOLL Siete a: sees eee ccce sank wens eee 44 
ree PCS Hi 0 Es ees Re ee gS age erg Sa ab Gr 44 
Verrillinnh so.2 pseesasateved are ooeemer 44 
VitMOS Po 5es onesteeoact owes Gccus lec eee coke 44 
eddie ee ee ea aoe ees eee 44 
Wepptellais. seccnsasessueseecacene asahasees 158 
LUDICOl a enn nance cece sates manne aes 158 
Wena se acagite tes Seca son cise cons se eeeeeee 156 
SP COGDIUON ee sence sana sco eee ae 172 
BIVEOLUA Seas orcas ceteee se na) Seer ase 172 
POLO UARAUS teense aaron e cletoore Ses eee 172 
Bentoolitonidie tes once ese shes ae ce peeeaee 172 
Meptone doce evedartae ce ese casa cse dese 48 
lonpipediee memes cite shen 4 stmsete eae ate 48 
MOP LOHAGE sececace soca tens oe setieer ee oe 48 
Ibe DLOSIPH Ons aweeeea se ateae ones See dees eae 56 
Meptothiynwen meewerest sents ccm emer 160 
IN dUta asco nese rite ct ote seme face cane 160 
Joint geese See eee re eee wen oe ce knoe eer 160 
I hilipidn we ss see eect Deas ag esc Manse as 160 
He@uconines esse ee tee. sh een ee ee. 92 
Didentatakeec ee eee oe cee Boer ss 92 
SGU Cosy RINKS locate see ce ee cbl-meteme nme es 96 
DIPS DEES mee ane ces cea c coeen eon ete cee 96 
BUbeTONnUeMne ek oe ey ane 96 
TONOCELASS =~. Sin eee tees cet eee Seer e one 96 
Vierrilini ss-teteceee ba ae SAT Cees eee 96 
TGUCOZONIBESS Lape nes oa vice Doaseke oes 112 
CIO SOMO R Ree ee eee ted. bosch ce cean was 112 
OCOUAL Baa epe teeter eta Lo cee 112 
LEST TE SA oS ei o aaa Sox eee eet os le 36 
Hub omar cule ee so oe eee. Bee 3 
ANSSASte eee ee te Come ree Saat Meee Pee 36 
Tt Biss hee iain eee ee eos SE ee 3 
SCADEAaee eae eat cee ee eee eens one 36 
SQUAMOSA «220 oo se seen ee cece cece ee eens 36 
LEN CL AH eee ee ae ek Ce ee ee eee ee een 36 
DAmacinaksss.- s-aee ee sew eee. vaste eacee. £0 
Dalimoldes <eetrsts..¢ Jo geeccce. ees, £0 
NGIICIMN ae tee ent ace tee nseee coe aee eames 80 
ILGRUOULE PR Mott etcetera crete eee ee 80 
LEULOMOISH sock as es = orce betes cseecdeat ion cnet 80 
LIGCHILONMIS" secs ees sacs see eS ek mee 80 
a Bae en a oe uot cote stones natea cee ee 36 
IBIUMMMAMAP st Rennes yo Steak tes sakes eh 36 
MONE SES ee wee eA = ker oes ee ot 36 
a OPAC Ted CAE A RR ey ea pe ae 36 
CONMISHEAeN eS seem eve Eee se ete ee seats 36 
JED aah Key % oat Sten oe EE a eR de | a 36 
PLS \n iste) ae trek eh SS a re ee Pes 
SU PAUMCRIAM Eas. eta rer ke ccc tcatccen. 36 
a GLE Eis Seen CPI aS a ae 36 
EAM ODSIS as seeee ee Sace cece weak cc sacs Jeaen 42 
AU CLAIMS ee ee ee a Seem Ne ks 42 
MTU Ge eee ie tees See ee SP ae 42 
CS Ae Ser t= SE an I a Se ee 42 
MINS ee eC thee Les S Siena elec me 42 

paucidentata..-...--66- seccee cna en- oro = = 42 
IBDN) 22 epee ee ceces ceecbeeeee seeoseesobcn 42 
Teri Gla Sas assess le tke sels erga he ee eet 2 
Jo ryen ee eee cco pe ceca sooeeeseceecs 30 
FAOCALGIUMs52.oncee re Se </- sacar 54 
Veevilcateumlys se sectsaem ee ee eee ieee te 54 
IMOrtom ieee res ace seas tce so eerie emails 54 
SCITatUm .--..-------+-+------------------ 54 
WHOMESUSSS= 555224555 aetseeacbesss cceaesties 114 
Shp SO Gh sameeren ee ele eee eel 114 
Wiomiyarstusseeesent cece seosealeemeesees tide 66 
AMATO ID, be sone secommeoasescor eaeacn ess o4 66 
halimeran-ss72esecccecs Jbsotse sas seceusere 68 
MOKA ee cer cs pee See brenorosocceransh 66 
IDIGRINRNCEh soon seer mien ocncciceecoeelelsno 550 126 
AVG UN nesoccecosncleecodocsoceosscoopoon 126 
[Writer esse ec ccooccccoOT oreo se noosnsds 126 
WWRWIS) oa ocie mcine socemocoscooocsanseces os 126 
ISWepiy mt Se ee soe secon sesecteoeencos 126 
stenostoma...--..----- FH EGOS G OUR OSES OC 126 
iotiashcseeesees tes Suga og cemetede seaeee 164 
ASPINA ------2000---- 2-222 een een eee 164 
BATA sso asessesesc esac ines States eee 164 
IBriarenStess cen. sce eo arias = ses sae ol eters 164 
cruentata ---5--..06.-.<-. Sede npecmacacoaas 164 
IMLCTOLOMISH Ee ease seaaioe sea eee ee eels 166 
OMEN aN oie cree oa aiete oe siniale oleate wll eiatiniateteeie el eta= 166 
perlonatar ye aes ceseeleds feecseree oneucees 164 
ERISA e See case esemona aecinoniacialsstres 164 
{TRIGMTAUNA A) Saar sacs moe etee melee om eciere sie 166 
THE UUE Eee see MoS Cem e eo Se eID DOR Seiod 164 
VATA DIS “sor catbedh ces Seep se eee eee 166 
Lippistes .--.-----. .--------- sosietwiceennnee 166 
aera safe cose rere ee eee soe ke geaoe 166 
AMADIS aes Sees ee Mowe wie science eeie 166 
Lithophagus -.-..----.-----.--------------- 38 
AWBH ee Ui Ct en SPC eee bo ooeeeodmcascas iss 38 
bismlcatns eee ec cacee sae csie eee ea aaene 38 
CATIDBUS? Bosse nese Sen eres enen ase eies 38 
IPI) eaten ssa qoccn see sonooenotso nes 38 
IONpGHS See ocak seo sccecesseoaosseseece sus 148 
INOW ONS so eecooe smo soeassoodoasdecie So2ose 148 
LOMTOP GED = oe SoebesasSesoSsaestcosooseesos + 146 
Ibs obsess Sdwsobcn codes com onGbEeboeeas 146 
AWMCAMN OE) cae oSS 3S 5 5Sedo See oes seaochoes 146 
GUNNBNE cosconcs oss adoeesorssessoncos005 146 
APrOLatar sews soa ase isda ee aoe eee 146 
frie ere eee UE Ae paae ss eae a 146 
TAGS ON rs estate teen ee alee 146 
DREN) ne oeanocereseé Soe sneensodaonacs 146 
TST eer eteeiematela fcataig stone toca seieaetom se 146 
TACZAC AS eer Racle Seta Non aaa t aie eee eiaijarstoes siete late 146 
ACORN (o/c Sass Ps See tsvase vee ce ose eee 146 
EST OT Bia rele Sra te ow hei oats ore et claret ee ate 160 
WKY mene nocoericsccdnoace: sdeaoncoe: cose 160 
Longcheus ..-..--- sieiiaesis + eete Sees eee 128 
JEM OINW EG Ghee RSS, ono onoatas: soeoobEccoAes 172 
Iba es) Geoconen as osGsboDoEsocPeoannneera—o- 5y) 
chrysostoma......--.------- Lhatare a eee 52 
COMPLESSA <2 ate csb see as ee eee ees 52 
edentnilatyctt sees ee eee 52 
Jens) =e). Sete. Soe Ses Sa ee ee eee 52 
MAOtOVIMNN ei acces tee tee ee eer een 132 
femorale fost cseas on eee ema a teen races 132 


Weina. 2c sie- ccc e om es sces cae eee 
COStabas-sre eeeeae idee whet ais elcloetel eae 

Jamaleensis «cee 3-1 <ic «jee se ee eee ‘ 
lentiowla: 2. o..2-3-325- 655: 
TOW COG YM oo ec em rie are ae 
lintea: .2 22+ oo cegcatces ae io see 
AME Gi @avb a fs Saree eee elle etait ee 
pecten ..-.-..--- ---------- eee eene aeeesce 
pennsylvanica ................. oes 
Mechel eae see eee ees Saechos- 
sagrinata ..-.---------------=6 a ws bow a ermine 
BCADES 2a iiajen casi seine ie ofeles ater eee 
SOMDLEECYSIS 7 5- «356 oss lee ee ee eee 
SCIEN INS) Gegenooorrenespapmsaronsocccssc- 
LOVIN Bie. elo erates oral = ofan oa Soo neess 
PLUS ULC RA oe cope wei w re rattler 
TALIM ACES s1.2 sec oon come ele ee teens 
IR (OvgC bee name necoosesOoe Ice seh Scnsonas on 
TW CINOPSIS - a - 2 om o oe = wwe mel eel ere 
POMUUTS atone ateta a ole) = ae mete elt pal ao 
WM at ae rao 2 misao sie ee oe ae ee 
AMUN CAN By te ate toe = mala) ele = = 
groenlandica ..--.-----0---0-----0-- ensues 
WOLOS) < -o-2 2 sateen eerminioem mle 

leptal@ar. sso. 5 =o eteae oa eee 
VoVieul st <ceurin oo ate peace eee Sais bes 
GARR = soho snes ase See 
SOMISUIC ATA: eerie wie ole tsia te ieee ee 

TONS: a. keto ee bee ee 154 

HEELS CULE are waitin hot ll 
TM tricolay sa 0-0. cieeis aici oe eee eee 
TN CCLSERVAED «S Sar a role ree eee lee 

formOS2 ..-------- 222 ee eee renee ee eee eee ne 
hyalina .....--.-------- 06-00 eee e ese sne 
Lyonsiclla ..----------------00--=------ Sete 
TTS CUI eds ate wate ter ote = elect aia Pa ciese 5: 
Lyonsiid® ..-----------------+----+-------- 1 
Lyopomata --...------------+-------2--0---- 
Lyrodes ..--.---------------2++ s222---2-- 
ChlOTOtiCa)- << = a= ee <a ae 

Cumingiana. -....----<0---02-s-eeeeaseaae 
Sanctze-Martha.--..----.-..-..- seeoedowe 
Macoma ..-------------+---20-- ses cee nneees 

baltica --.-------- ecseese sens: ici 
PrevilOMS sao a om «ale ale iel=enee = 
COLIN see oe se vince ole a mn oe ele inl eel ieee ie | 
constricta. -s. seuss Set esto ceeeeee 8 ee 

limula.--.-----------+---- wee eeeeee meocicins 3 

tampaensis..------- Joan Coenen ae eee Bis 

asperula --..-.----------+ -$---<0--+--2--- 
profuntlicoly -~-.-=- <2. --5- <2 2e= a= ee 

sagrinata .-.--- ABE peMen Jfacon asec Yin 

~ similis 

: “Mactracea 

BeMacasella radiata..-......--.0-..-005.----- 
- Malletia 
MUD a tees oc cass sauces seccssccnsiceue 

- Mangilia 

NA es Scie Ss onto icwiciclacioa ce seen eset 

PRIN Po. 2 Saiwiele'a sda caws access 

BE TOTMB SUG) satelaiafe cian osc ain 2 so nas soa nsinewee 
Tee) a 


— clusiva 
— exsculpta 

RARER ot re ofan ano em ince wwe enn 
(OTTO SS ee 
UUMGES 35.5050 SS 
eee ed 
EIR AE Sie se ao. ssa aajeisinod an ccn acids 
DER BOts a5 als ocainic|mnnanmarcnniadadins 
ODER. 25ers 
ONT Tl a eS eS 
EE AAEITOL Ma, 5 an im nm alavaien im oar Res 
RE ee nn wie canewacpeekt 
MR NNGO TLL on 4 2 sions (4 a2, « ancients hae ewe 
BOECATICMNOLA:...<...05---scecesccena sonean 

IONS 32580 RSS a oe 

SRRTMINTENE Ne te oe okie’ hes aceutlabe 
: OUTER, Aa Se ee 

et i ie 

ee ee ed 

Se eS oe ee 


5 / 



GONLICHISGR ssa asine s'so5 Saale aa ak lae Steen 108 
PAU eke coin cme nas Sew deabacwss 108 
POS CO. wd Pia Vue Sob ecu aie a Reno aida sheila 108 
ISIS. Seite eames inb= we eaman anaes 106 
PAU TOMER pee nice we is bia wien na ea nina eceae 106 
HMA) 2.2 =\s Seance ena sk sean dane ue hines 106 
IAOUOR eG ances some an einen: cam om enelomeaats 108 
Tam as awe vs ea ean oe awe oe Se 106 
DAT SAL otoeis ls wicien an owistanen te fo afore 108 
MICTOLOM Gas .canaste sess o> cate aujsmenineele 108 
TAIN Sees sie Seactagpoeesuee ce Caeeeeee 108 
MUNA cases ee eneto wade canes ealercnee exer 108 
ELV OS Ria cies «eae was oo awa semaceanee eee 106 
ODORS Uiees ete ansaseraa= es asec l-o eee 106 
OPIN § a5easoncrdas orks ceases os eee 108 
Mala <be teshiek eae eo oe wae 108 
Mellueitlay). <= Ie es ean aec ao nea enna Sea 106 
PUOOHOLAI «Sse Sen nisms eamicecen ea dec eases 108 
ROT HOURE Biai ay a wlgointanea a Aten mde bale a eee 108 
MLORGUIOL trasaetmascts eda aecleg cesta eae 106 
SUN PULONEE Ee Sone er P reE Me Sane ean ci - 108 
subtriplicatasc0--..5<--<-- Sere cece ns a8 108 
BUC CINGD -cherseadcanos., cesta abies 108 
torticulaicsssencaesess s< Skin dnicow ner enon 108 
yA ECE =o ror AA OABaEEEPE- a5e- 106 
MIDGUT saa sam aeine aecnis <= = ae ieee eee 106 
PWiatSOnics aneeeanonp es oe sia nto cca ee ekas 106 
War cinellidie ress a-seasan)22sabcecnema 106 
MINTS CUI Rie sae ein ectsts a een woe ee 156 
DD os ieee eee he eee aap ee ea 156 
IMprbesiain <2 ese te. comics ot nacian sok eee eee + 42 
COrtiCarinie Sa ncetaeeeercennaeeea oes 72 
CUNGLLOLINIG: -)2 neo eerie nse camceme aaa 72 
SSDOMGRI) tokca nye aia mies weet ree wt ace 72 
BEEBE cep roel cite a ote mice Oe peice acre Ce 72 
RAS CONTR: 5 ao mcm mie pein wlan maa aaaclem 2 repre 138 
Wie Gin aoe toe cere sw oe st se ene ee 144 
DAL UAGSUSIS cent mace mcm reiseea en cteetene 144 
ROS HLS ec teet ia eae palace ware ee ee 144 
SCI a: «aa des emnionn setena ten wes b wie aes 144 
Va CDE CaN ec cnes siete een sa os aes 144 
BANG Th 6 pes Ac Ber Se eee 144 
Mie oatiiy rides a canine toe nee al ls aie 28 
MMe rerliat tens naaca sanantonio ast asic slaels 28 
Chis aU See oe ata et eee ae nla a a 28 
ALGO COPA. aaeinaiiactoanneisaian ese ean cutee ana 54 
PORRNIMIE Sa taptina same rinses = coer ames 54 
DNGIOCETES ewan enc anen dane secede ace 142 
OSA CSM e se aein da Nacaae ee sn Senne 142 
NEPRTCLU n on ain nce Gain ¢,njn.nioe be wee 142 
MEN CU OLOS A eo scan asic sels macnn iscex ada 142 
Fille Eerie MGS) BER Be Come een EE 5 92 
REPCIR MP HS b= os kanaGmca ee seaesc oe aecimmci eek 92 
coffeus ...-.. RSC OTC a AA eo 92 
ithe eee SS eee eee Fe Pee toons 92 
HOMIES a ee a. ic ea Uk Se 2 
TOG RUD eet ne ene aaa needs! 92 
QUE as a iia ec eres eee es Pl. 47 
RCS HE Mees SES Re a eee ae Bethe = takin) MEG 
B55 Of Ce eee re eee ee re 146 
Melon Genie as aie aes scons n es sae emew stints 112 
COROM ME mis cre et eee ne See a aia uals tee 112 
MNGION TON hens cee a cs senna mes cen 112 
IMEEROMOVUIS | am mete oe ace anis oa nce sev cacusmee 112 



Mesorhytis -Continued. 
WIGS SEE) soencee soc ceoccoenandsncordosase 112 
INTESOStOMAle eee eee ee eee eee eae ee 142 
TMNGVAW Scena Se bcannad eros ecececeqratec 142 
INECTA SIA S 2A esos Saree San oatseieinsee eee 140 
MOGCeRVA ea searacocatocene sooocaareradsocs 160 
motella (4. ofc sane Aaa oestrone Seeiniol= tere ee 160 
IN Ghia SS a PREM RE eene SOAS eeme ene ORD Eyrrs 110 
UO CUING LA ee ee etaeie ele ee te eee terete ato 110 
manly Che aoc Fmcsosoacdecouaranoastos 110 
Baird ii. coc eee ve eereee eee ones 110 
Irarbadensisysso essen seat aero niae reeate 110 
IDO Ne ome co so ee oe sceesbenseacesssc 110 
Mlonidanametcccee tenes teen seme eee a 110 
fulgurita.....---.---------2-+-----------: 110 
pommata...-.-.---...-----.-------=------ 110 
SRW ee Ace samp sceoeneDopeEseecsacesnec 110 
MOUNIOSD) soo cee re neceee he eeeee sont neeee 110 
Duell esse ae seem Sees ease o nase ee 110 
SiLaAmMin Caeeseeceeee eee e eee ee aerse seer 110 
MNP cesmackenoeeshe coe cqaccesomecesaeoos 110 
Siilcatis=5 aes aeons te neeaaescawaeceas 110 
SMAI oe eons gene ence ncemcoceoeso oom ss 110 
THOT NCO TIC i Ee eas Sede me Oo ee Sapam on 110 
WRMUMSIRIS) stesso aAateeccssoousscososocc 110 
OTs ONO. Stems 1 ae RS abs Sa maria 110 
IWO(nRONTOD Whe oo noose sae scosencborcessee asia 110 
biplicata ...........---------------- ---<== 110 
Mitrrilail a. ceciceraatincs coercion se cieatessieee 152 
(QUIMERII ONS a5 coe aoneeoodecberse=comoscor 152 
IMO MO a esate enews seins mien saninte areal 38 
(Gobobhien jC) copes ossan sere eeseece cacsac 38 
INGER ede nnconsesachdatone a sacs sanecs 38 
@INOCUOMMS Sanu etecere sees meme aeer ene 38 
MUNK. a AcatoracensecnonosspeceEECCESSCs 38 
MAW Ssocne descent codcneseeacecoececs 38 
DCAUTND  Ca scot cence aotssocesacrs seas see 38 
DOM = Soe cocononseus coco seeocsecccasanss 38 
SPIN HANDY cncisocsne coaacsnordaessose sass 38 
SOMUICOS aA eee ree eee ee iaer eiaat 38 
Suilc alba seeeetie seen Bes a ree ne amet 38 
uli aeeerecciacateiceeicee ween teneni emanate 38 
Modiolanidgsaccncrctscnctepscteeclnceere peGen sels 40 
COLO aia ee etta etal oleate EAE Se 40 
NaPeralisisas cr etses=e qe paicernce ate ora eae 40 
WENO eee eco kocce teense ecesocessoss 40 
Mo dulidsa oases cio rast ee mersrelsics Seamee 142 
MMPo dul Sys saoso arore eae, stioamiseeinw ease eee 142 
catenullatnsice ceo asec 142 
HOVIGAMTIS 28 Fa jleeme eee eee ctemieeme ses 142 
IMO CUS ye frc- cesarean Aces emrcie lemme Sees 142 
INT OWI A esate etaireiscva sie mime ieleleta eis verse eee ee 114 
Molleria y. Je jeec aes cantare Neeinereeeisonietee 166 
Costalatay~axcheci nase oumae cencameences 166 
Mopaliid .....-.--------=« Asso Seossecmadoe 174 
MinEOR Se at werieaeeee POE Se Eee. 118 
IBGAN Lee «seas eee Se tice ss eee 118 
Capribi wos sags ene Salesian eae 118 
MOSS OTIS z's: m aco aes alata ein ace ee See 118 
Miuricid2ec.- see accoseene en eshieations ae mecneers 118 
Mnnricid Cane eee ee anes Fee era reer 120 
fondandess nee eee eee fie ak ee ee 120 
hexagona) ence ace BEPC Caan ee acs 120 
miulitanoulajeetee ace eee oeeceeeeeeee 120 
Philippian e240 sssaatae Saamemieae teers e » 120 


Myacea .-...- pacse eas cbosotcosos=scfseeccc- 
Wibwbyee aS eopecscsgccesorecess2cccescce sce 
IMiy OM OLS) 2 Sate e = <iminln 1 oe 
lamellifera ...... ages. s0c/oce eee 
Timaatilacs. - 325s) anata iat eee eee 
DAULCISETIA GAGs tote amin lncla tele mla) ae a 
TUT LAE osnin'winin-s a =v © =)n)s\olatmiels <)alete etetate ene 
Miy tila cea a « sane ain =e 
Moy tilidae 2 «sacle. eave sete sie ae eee eee 
My tilopsis 225 <-.cca-ighe0 ue eee 
lemcophe ata cs 5a) 2's ee eee 
Mytilus 2. s322020255-sawsjoes 5 ee eee 
CQUNIS ae aint oirafo soca game aa ee 

Hotessieri.< - <5 22205 22 oe ncee eee eens 
obsoleta:..2:.ccecan hs aecceen= eee eee 

INassaria, os ascssesseene pie ecw csemese cee 
Nassarina << sn0-s02 sae decent nree eee 

PLY Pte Ss Sorc ate wera oat ee 
GRY sie 5 cies, -\\elalere ate ns aol ee eels a ee ee 
INASSIGDG x cecereide ce ie ce wtecice ence ee ene ee 
MN atleah <o3% is cian se oein et knee eee eee , 
CANTCNA:. - sacccsacareancen eee eee eee 
CASLTONSIS:= o/s s0ys seas tec aera eee 
livida ss. s2s.<ensconcs ddan ese e eee 
MALOCCANA, aise si=.o2s saa ace See ee 
perlineata:.. scs0sscnwe lene eee eee ie 
PUSUla 2222. hccctcc ec atcas oases 
WNaticidae):.)<..4<scisejarcontesttereo ee See eee 
Naranalo.< =.=. ..cessss-l5 seen ee eee eee 
IBV OG ETE SE he qemmonesccec seccc Meecsoaccc 
Nelo: sec sckkd ce ew cect asedse eee eee 

Nerita osceeecieccectcame asot eno eee 
PelOLOM be) aoa ara ole te 
PEC COSMAS ee ae ane = a ala eee 
tessellatacscecscece sceele eee ee 
VOLSiColo” ~i2ss022t2~neeeoe meee eee 

Neritidae:.202. 2s eececesis cee ee cee eee 

Neritina.----..-.-. 1 osesae oda ase ee eee ee 
BUTE) eames esa seconos dopuaceacagens :on 
(U0 (Ene amecenercpassanDaneonaosacacsscos: 
Techivata sssccnicekads scioceesictecee eee eee 
Showalltert: 2.2 225:20¢ 0s --.2eece Eee eee 
virginea ...--.-- beae secede eeldecee ee eeeene 
WITIGIS) ¢- 2c. bie'S aloe eee eee eee eee 

INO VELA tc scale nee eee ees s ataaten vate aes ees 
duplicatacecss-\----- seat ae et eee 
MU DUA eee we oe eee See eee ee ee ener 

ISPRGPes sori emoceteeenctac ood BAY Pe ies 
Peles enna afar Cielo nae aan Eee 
albidar.soces6 bh sseeees edhe ano oe eee 

- Niso—Continued. 
ATE 2 Se Si Racial 128 
SONIDO eo rae cm acan cc cles naase cece cine i128 
BERENS noo ck onc ctec cath acecan ne 128 
me tricolor......... epee Se ee Ae 128 
MINH soon se oo \cncon anseceneant 118 
(EST LOL a = ial a a 118 
Etre. 8 Ae a 118 
(Ly aes rr ree ee Sea be 118 
terse 2 ee et ee 118 
oo ob. SSeS eS a ene 118 
MAEM noon, fan neriae cas cabcacqace 118 
sa gt RS ae a 

MIG sare. am bas en oat scan weawness 90 
OO hr 82 
PMU a ms ccc owc pone ooemhin 82 
Te i a rr 
MEI oo ance cacaneccteucns 174 
Rute HI aoMCONSIS.--.- 2... -.......cneeennee 42 
ot 2S a Se 42 
0 Une! or rr 42 
SULLUS 2s i 42 
BIB MEIUGHOUME De. Soe ones. nace sc ewane 42 
PREETI RIRE one oe oi Salad ac kle es dew 42 
EMER emer ona ccccansaaccncadececcwcs 42 
AG 3 ee ee 42 
INE icers ic at na cnc ee sacncactecse 42 
Mee no. sc wede oacanc once see c 42 
OS te 42 
INICIO oe ocd ccnncscocaccceca 42 
EMEA NERTSIST ET UGI oo ina ioe was wee ce scacasmun's 90 
00S. 120 
COL sh. ae rT 120 
2 TO 6 SS 8 ae 120 
(ae 120 
TUG oi rr 174 
Cos 2 130 

PRWHOCenS ...--.-..-. Meee Sas wah Oe ware 13 
SME ese an canes cose nes dnnceaen 130 
COIS: oe 130 
ou. o-oo 130 
WL UOSE 130 
ECE te Settee aaa ions slele seen oo = 130 
SE ne oon On ance aoccscaneccsts< 30 
LNT Aa eo 130 
DROME eS aacadc weer ducaceces ven 130 
Seo race cela vcs naa cacon ae 130 
oh deo ee 106 
CRE oa Ss So ca en ena cic cnkis see's 106 
ORCS ST) te a ee 106 
SLD. +. 36 eee 106 
SIRE ee Se En ad net Suawancossccan > 106 
Senet Ber ccisceune sapeemenime ne 106 
fuscocincta ......... Sn A 5 CR Ea ere 106 
PUR MR ete nes ass se aie nas occas oe 106 
OID 5 neh a ea 106 
(Or SoS ee ee 106 
RESP ee SA oon as. Somauine avieasrccseescn 106 
RR ae Soe co dascmetecedee= 148 
a ECTS Tec) fate os oes soc esa e na 148 
Shick Sl cigs Bae a SaaS ge poy = 148 
HUE LATIN JE ne a Dipl ae 160 
(coy ty hy he a ee re 160 
RENNES el er tod Sao ses Sek s coi a ne mae 160 
NE ha nia eke eeree a 160 





EV TTS I (Lia, 2 = ope ee a ea 160 
SONUNICO raat tee oak ena eee ace aos a 90 
Onondinmice est. secs corks kecs scene sen ewe 90 

TOMO es sector eae a een eee a 90 
Oninciiineie. .scsteh atctecess eet ceed cen 134 

Dennison’. Hoe. a2 s20s decde ote caxenle 134 
NOW is sees ont ee oe ie ta ened peer 148 
Ogcoripilse.2 cc cee ean oan tena se ee aeeed 132 
Oocorss;---.-+-- Soot sees een tt ee ces 132 

GDVSSOLUML- cans oes coe os eee cee ee 132 

Sulchtae Bee cco has bee eeleaneen 132 
Opalises i <. s-tecciecce skip an dae ewe eee 124 

CTL ta 1 Ee A Ba ee 124 

CONCH V aescin <n ops coma nan beeen eee seen ate 124 

CLOBRUAG, oni. .cncscccas au Stcccnceesmdn sane 124 

SIRCOHOlATIC Se. o eat oeteond woe cee tae eee 124 

MOMENI CRs: 5 sane. ane ee eee ee 124 

REQ UGORSIENIAN do... ce tcc sce ack Scebenes coe 124 

Hieeaae | bates eae eee oe ae ees 124 
Opisthobranchista’.....0-.22.5.-css 0a. see" 84 
Opsichitoniniiss. 2 tease cas note saw ee ate eee 174 
Orthodontae ee ses 2 ae ee 94 
CSCI ars Shoe ieee teat Ae eee ae ee een ee 130 

DIVAS Seen eta aoe seo mane eae eee 120 
Ostraces 3) cee Soo one eee cece 32 
Ostrea Sa san ee aacen peat none caus 32 

cristata 22: catamee naw ctaceces aasnatmee ens 32 

CQUGSLTIS~ see Sette s Cotes f- ss nemoesaegns 32 

{PONS. 30125. seen ae ce ues come oee eee 32 

WELTINICAY Sater cet ecee cence peieseie eae 32 
Ostroide sie cutee ee atk Sets eee te ween deerae 32 
Ovulacttsor scene sdueescn estes tetas wae esa 8t 

Méeletci nt Seto ee cece et eect neces ees 8k 
OxVEyrugs eevee wncses cocoa sides ts eres 136 

Meraudrenist-taccack ssecevescacasssnecse 136 
Bandonn,2.cte cae ee oe ee eee 68 
Mand Onde eee eee woe te oer ee 68 
MaApyTiiens® - eeestencs -cowt aaxlvoos ae 2 eae 54 

Aa ee ae ota erat heehee sate 54 

Petitinng= Cees tenets kansas esas Ee 54 
PATAMNY Hows escer sea tee ee eceenescensekoees 70 

SUDOVAia Rowe tecee oe eee here eect cc ae es 70 
Parastarion co. sce cece es rete eaes: cue toot 48 

GOnCeNtPICS °-- te ckecese see MoGeiss peers 2 48 

ADIGUOLERS wo = oe cen Ce eee ones cba mane 48 
ParthOnideasecses ces hae et acbeoate a cae ace 130 

CBATOSHARE oad s tt ines eee oan eee 130 
Pect@n.sesescas ceo saa we wee eee ute oee bees ee 32, 34 

GINBSKGHSINic tao own cen cwess tacts op eer Pi.4 

DUDLALOMN Sch bw cok ee lees bape eeteneee 34 

GISIICHNH Ys -cec5, so en eee ce cee oneerd _ Be 

GMUCUH c=. 5 cekleckne ecu eeenel saw aeeae 34 

COR pj Shier Ha (Ce eR PE hae 34 

RPAP US ecctn nse cenaeeee arte ate! see ae ae 34 

STECORUS cde tice sis caw ane Bea ice ae 34 

TINGUNS sone tence en Saat use. ae acemaee «tee 34 

HMDTIC TS eo. ace eee. eee ae 34 

imbrifer...... eects whe emer daa seeder 34 

ETUMOMNS pee ase eae tee etaccus tne 34 

TE CHIGUS son ewat ao See Sa susan cen rece ee 34 

MarGlanicns',sswecesccasc'sateceaee (34 

MGUUSUS 2 you sen Wc cee cae et san cosa wee Shae 3t 

RRO eee ae ne an ree Ue ane eee 34 

GUNGRRS cecasacemtcass wee as st’ Bebop Bins aoe 3t 


PUEy GUM Se eee eel ine lve soele eae eee 34 
TetlCulus &:..cccses pane ee erosteeseece sees 34 
Sissbeels-2 Huet co shee soe seceaee seneeeree es 34 
SEN AUUS Us “he oe Aenea noe abe senate reat eee 34 
Stricilatnsstasecas sses So esccceene acer Bre 
{ihalassmUs=< ssncncee cece eas ceesseeesaees 3 
undatis;: 525 c\essoe cee c te oases Seen See 34 
VAPEUS He 2s. SSS cece sacle apres 34 
Pectinacearsi<23 scene coneeceeensee se eee 32 
Pectinidn, 2. Seeeaseee net eee Naeem aes 32 
Rectinodontass2ese2 acces nst enon aoe eae 156 
AT CULATED ess eee eta ee eine ine Sa aIEe eee 156 
Rectunculusy-ceseecsteosessces CE ete Set 5 42 
pectinatus yt. prea aeaseoee ss eee cee 42 
undatus..........- Bie sae nee eae 42 
Pedicnlariaicacean soseendacemuaceee ome sae 134 
decussata ...... Fee Meee inca her eae 134 
Redipes!.ccccureweceuswecereccncherees acc ners 92 
Clon CAhUsmecemee eee snee ecient pape 92 
MURAI SAS aoe a Poe Ge cone So ee eee eer Pl. 47 
INILAOUIS Seeeene seeeeeee abe ceekeeen annie 5 92. 
UNiswlcabUs sa-cccsscccseos aes tose ste eee lan 
Belecypodar sss aa- sas sinsces chet eens 32 
Peracle ...-.- aan ay a SS oR oe ret ae ree as ae £0 
Gdiversatsecsesee Peete acecaeke See eees 80 
hrelicoidiess=cmeeetosetceenececce Sia Uae ae 80 
Mobi culabane techs eee sees aceteeecseeeres 89 
Periplomavcs- cast ceca a sjacicesen earemeersee 64 
ANS UWMLC Re ee cise ace ieleieleisiee praclonineia ee eae 64 
AR AUMUTS este we cioea oS e ee eee eee 64 
ANGE GUMD VA WIS) ase en jamataestese ce erecen sos 6 
ADV UACe Reem sceens a eee eee ariae te amen ae 64 
HOMCLAN ga. 5: Ua sieee cea bep Casaeecusasaete aca 64 
Poaristichial= sac cea cess aces ne aptececedeoomess 130 
MOT ates ere eae ioe Camano wines ae ees oase 130 
loretakearasecensseimeseste cs ee ces aoe eet 130 
PRIN Bee se Sees cee eS ae eC ee eee a Ree Eee 36 
CpUIp PUM Sse eee eee ee eee eee 36 
Obligtaleececerceator came ceeeaNekeoe se ase 36 
STS ICUlAeste eee Canes See cee owen one 108 
Cabenata<zcseckceacs cotieiac cncaeseadaseee 108 
PULCHERRIM Aeec senescent e seen ee 108 
MetaloconChusieeeree-eeeeees=s sen oa ena 144 
SNC CUS ees seiceee ee eee ae Pala cis tai pis mca mene Sa 144 
AUN CAMLATS eee See csi ataleiee ele seeraielsia saree 144 
Retricolae sss soe ae cheese eee Eee 58 
Gactylis ses eee cewnlee ene maeeer eee soe 58 
pholadiformis -.......-- deottcstikee eee 58 
Petricolidaey.e22 hex ce seahiecesesececeree ere 58 
Petrophila -...-.. eee cena ernie coe canae 92 
Phasianellgi: c= 25.422 es etsestes ween el sees 158 
IDEGVIS.2=3 cdsae ane biewse's Seabeeesueme emcees 158 
pulchella mre Aamo Na SENT nS ~ 158 
ROMA eae eae Wdaleaecesiis vatsieaeed 158 
Phasianellide)..-62. 252c0t weone Sees ee eee 158 
IPhiWinGssceee eee etee ee a intaru-atetare arees ees 88 
AMADIS) ce <aesea eres ewe eee eee sige teres 88 
flexllosSa...25.--...n0 Mina stata SRE oa aoa 88 
infundibulum ........--...« mateo eee 88 
imc ol ata eee eee eee ee Poe se Sen ea Pl. 72 
quadrata ....------.4 uicainie ola Salale esis Pl. 72 
SAC LB ee oe ee = ates ee eee eee aa ree 88 
sinmata. 2s! 2.552 = aL apsaeewsee ee ees 88 

Philinids* 22 2eiss cada cts evs cece oases 88 


POS ene eeo cane eeee eee eo eee : 
Cand el «2 vo 2 coe noe mein oe ee Pee 
Parvus 2.35 .ecatc esece eee 

Phiyllonotus: - 2... 3... s2ss--s0+ =e eee eee ee 
fulvescens /--...<..<-s-c<cscee eee eee eee eee 

SOMINUdS, ... 5 se de ces - cee cee eee ee 
Pisanis. .5--\22scac. cae 22 eee eee eee eee 

VaTiegata: <i. .22-..-ciec-0 eee eee eee 
Placophora. «....5-cse+scs- =e see 
atlantica:.. 25...2.0202 -5-see Sees 
Placophorid2s - 1... -.ie2s-o6e ne eee eee eee 
Placunanemia -< <2-cenden s-= SS ee oo 

limeatUs 2.5. ia science ceceeeeeeee ee eee 

NuUCIENS wa 6.0 ses ce cee se ccs eco Eee Eee ees 
Platidia. 27223. os. sss oe acne eee eens 

Pleurotoma.: Js.-.2cce2 cas ss eee eee 
ALIAS, 2S hceccte wocne wee e eee eee 
periscelida. 222 -sse-ee-as eee ee eee 
Tell@a i codecs os cna p lowes cee eee ee ees 
WIDOX .ncsucide. wccnceceekeee ee eee eee 

Plenrotomania .. sa. secs an- seen eee 
Adansoniang,- 2-422. ases eee. aoe eee eee 
Qiao anna easee-e ease enna 

Pleurotomarilds . -5 225-2. 2-45-52 e eee 

Pleurotomellai:..3-25..-22 o0-2-o=eee eee 
AP ASSIZ 1 seams see ola ee ae ee 

arestal. Js..c-ccesencse Seaces eee eee eee 
Baird gecow codec ne eens aeeeeee ae 
Benedict .2- s--0---56 = ee eee eee 
WB) alee anaes re a ei aise ae ale te ale te 
BRUNEI See aeeisee == Ld dhvekens ete 
Catenin ieee es eeoe aan ae eee = eee 
chariessa.----..--------.------ oma co siot 
CULEM ccs, Seeumcniee ence bee see eOeee eee 
id@arianae sess eh) see eeee Tijeeieeeee eee 
Wmertonilesa.-6 ase ee eae eee ee eee 
Gieo WO) aac Ape aa se neserenosecsecraacssaSc 
OXTEMS Ape ee se ete ele et a ee ela ee 
formos®..---..-c=---- Sai co ae ee 
Wrielet scccues ete sie ca teense eee 

See eee ee) 

: Page. 
EAT eh i ar ao SOD 10 

BUREAU on Sata t cawev eacaveJesszecceune 102 
RB MEE oer a's aicia's acne neaoc'etnn cideciest 10£ 
MEI M o o2i. Saioweeewwiee deen a ~aaeace 104 
OCLC), <i hh a oe 104 

CC 52 er a 102 

US SV eee 104 
RUMP ae oe cet cpt dace es ec en 104 

ERED TERC cisice vie Saeco wasn ates dane o's 104 

EEGs es ia'fniniatelsinnabe lala s'wja/wrote.o:a\eialarsieiar 104 

0 oo co SSSR SSeS ar SES serge ccebene 104 
Beeeteaidv deat ccncnpcle ncmaee aaa 104 

Beene ena ia'cn <> nis binlow'c cisip aviec cisie’n + 10t 

oni Rogease rn seeee meee enegee 96 

TC ee acenoer 32 
SWE iam erm'o wien mm am Docc ene sens coemne 2 
Pemeumouermati(e...... 2.22222, e02 eccens 2 
MPIIOUSTINON 5502-2 - cece ess aceecceee 82 
UA IE Sis ca talaio x wic\sianble wend aac’swoee's 2 
SEM emipcicicccisiansraeveseadedcesce 156 

Peet het tale Sec crake ne caa eat eres 156 

te istteraiaia’s <a nieclo.caie's :0'es en ocwals 156 

eee el etehetet eins aiera sls aw aia/maisja'el se 155 
oC 172 
I Uae es cons Goce sbctcenestcavctnces 68 

MIME ee aes ie nt e=occabcecceecneas scent ~ +) 68 
BE EER See Wa. ct lec asce cnc scceuye 63 
AL Se rr 68 
JORLUR 2 68 
Ben RAMEE falc oie wialn'e nv cveirecs cevaecicaat 68 

NEG) 35 68 
UU AUD 5 68 
BPIONOGCSEINCED 25. = eee enc eae ceete sees 32 
PIA PAL eeicc ess orace cece ness csceccae 34 
NG 156 
BESOIN alee alao:ianibs cin aieennceccecacs 156 
PR NERM etal since sane basinnd sv ce peacke 156 
PGE LEE ctnltatnje minal min aie pinto w cm aasione ema 156 
SSN EMOWI fale occ wa owe es eececes es. -n SRE 58 
B Vaginata .....-...------------.---------- 58 
BESAMMODUCS 2... eee ence acn nee 58 
BROOMS coset ce. cicccenesoccesc ess 34 
nic latch oS een a ee 122 
0 LEON, NUE 2a ee 120 
BEMMBAGTOBEOIOG ..- 5. ...6.-22000--2deucacseee 120 
LohHOU!S, sen E gone eee ee 120 

BRCM Siena einele tnainn\s waciecs=c\cm= saan 120 
1 TEL 58 ee 80, 84 
ee nosipinx Piste arco gtor EE pt See oe 114 

oc IUU S| <a a pee oc ee 114 
RUMI OUMUN Jom ieim ao wim n-ne mma n een en en one 90 
Puncturella ..... Bae ceetata eatin ny winlaidsle wan 168 
MRM ERIOUIN oct oet soc seesicedenne. voetes 170 
e -arger...... Dot SOS ABS oes aneeaaeeeencnar 168 

(SVEVTLUIAT Sy 9 2 Sa Se ee 168 
| precl@.........s-- sect te tects ee ee ee eee ee 170 

eritmeta....... Peart sag aces aca sea saa TeR 168 
A HDRES ioss wwe uiain Sinininklels s/p(es aid Sass 168 
DS EE ee ee 170 
 trifolium ..... BaP eprint ss Cea 168 
Sey iSO) --------..--2.- IG as etc SRY EGS 
Purpura Ree EAT iets Carole ee, CASS 199 

BI UES ce eee awe also ws. See sse Seen oe 122 



COED AAT ONIN eh ctee ein ne Same waraaleloe paawerer 122 
apis: oe pec oe emewamp cose cena e. ts 122 
Aletha ace. clrenis ote euuceciaaetwenc ean ss 122 
53175 dim rid} cts: Re SS Se any Re IP 
Pgprami dell. c. 2. omiecccs hdcan ccces eeeeee 128 
UT Dest aia cate eo atetere crc esis al are om eI 128 
GLrCnUlaty. 6c. lees cece cs hoon ee oeeees 128 
Ola Drab: cows = ee oo ook Necocee even eeeeee 128 
HEV CAINIO CMe. scapes a cinieae Ocitasn ne ama Seen 128 
Met he oesan soins Gamer t oed Se Rcy 5 13t 
DEAPYS CAMB en cdc dat wesc cate de ewes ceee eee 134 
AT: sy AQ CHIE: Vad SP Re oats ee SRM Teas RE per a 1°2 
MUDCTOS I coseete nec cee wake ccna eras 132 
iS CE a Nee ee sD Re eee en 86 
Lif) bh 1 ee tee ahah Steed Aaa ae aenee AS TE 86 
Li Cats hs Heneghan sae ee eee ae tt £6 
UDOSIURCHIM son asc ansote aeons oaaek aeons 86 
Valorie waceiews scae cena nies cae eee 85 
PORLENOI scone ae few dem ems ae ee eee £6 
BOG Scher eRe ese cores nee cn eee 87 
INIA CHIGIOSAiiremeri nant ene.cincosnoacscaeeRtes 106 
TOHINGCIUN age eset on ste sane n\n none anaenee 68 
ADI eXORS Bice oe eae ep esas on nlc ete eee 153 
Why nchOne lit piers a aa. c coca eccenews cows 23 
MOOS hs een cenit ce soe ais sie oe Came One 170 
Menta cnse-csees bee esS Rie daesb a saeee 170 
RMN CIPWD «sa teerap matics eb enycesmanieees €4 
Milas oe oe neegere sens ca ae tawanse coer 84 
Reni (rintse= ee een) cccees chee cawecee 8t 
IRIN ciculiGna: ==ce samen ere ns ae siaccenanmasene 84 
Ran Piculinar. wocweensee.  aceaetiaatceesEenes 8t 
BMSSCa <o0 nee cee eeeeborsacedupeee esas tees 148 
E CA0B (2): ee ae ee be aL ge nt ae 148 
MOUtlOGSthttiesartacs scaeceeaeaeeceene anes 150 
SUV CHIN esa; Stone afin a cat Sear ee ceee 148 
CAN SUG einen eae ee aise eae se ne sne mia eee ae 148 
ONAL Cae ceeenece s+ an ne teun he sete sweeme 143 
PANsMAVENI nn snteateccaccstes conc aswecter 148 
MUU se Paneer tenant sae naaeee os Baca 148 
PO ADC ee a eee eae ene: ee aret 148 
PECOUIUAT es a uaa pe tee eel ee enc tae 148 
PYTLMIAS te asa se cacs Onna] aes ceer aoe 150 
DANGEPSOMIE wets oae ee cee ee sae aeins 148 
SY US SUCs eaebacpeseaseeinaeeen ona eee ee 150 
RAMMIMMAS Teso ein vec seco meaner a ae acaeee 150 
PASSO A Sooeeceas sates ee ee rena ae 148 
Rissoinseeace sete aseees eae sa ha tie 159 
VV GREMe2 hs cise eeeecce peck l eek esos te 150 
ANC elatses tapers toss cag cates cba ctm eee 150 
CHGsne Ni ope ee iweecte eee cosets Pee 150 
WECURSMEAS att = oF asc cas ct eakeees sake eee 150 
ME Vitenb Wenn ccs sae e son seanee awa s neeaeese 150 
MUM COR IY Sas and soe cant ocee te dees eee 150 
PPR OT MSN oak 0 Sto ad Sea eo Se eae 150 
SQN laetecstcees sas cas PSS .o citer eee ae 86 
Pathymophishs. sree ser sek se cateees ees 86 
Sane MN Aes 5S sen ces chase sees tssaleSoed 152 
BJ) CVLAUTE OES Cf 2! peepee ee ge ee ae a co 
WONG Neem smts ew clccase pte caste st aap cereale 60 
DSARICHV Al aks Scans dace wseccnsone sees ate. eeeene tO 
MU OUIOA,. = 5. cas Ren ccaewae as seeeeks <n ove ee 70 
MULAN arte ais eho a ats ae cent ceaaewe aoe 70 
SUITE ai (ih: eee ee See ras aie aa Seale ek 70 
DIV OLE actew Je nat citainte deena aeselrecs gece 92 



Grosseana: 2 Sots ees cee eee eee eee 92 
emphilditc s Sac ssn moseans eet eet seeeene 92 
ealassscterscus Saeko Ee meee 122 
IAMOPOWSI cacccoee seal see ceee eas eeeeee 198, Pl. 61 
ENO UE = 1ntna oleae le nie we cin teenies eee 122 
APLCM Aba seaenee ce eee eater 122 
babylonian.. 22. -sckece2 0 teocenadeeeseceee 124 
belaumitas.. +22 sasc.ccdeeale case eee eee eeeees 124 
an Miles 205 se teho sate ee Ber eee eee 124 
Candéanai-asa-sa-en acon e eee ere eee 124 
Centiquadrays =a sce scene on asec aeeeee 122 
Clathwatulaycascizsent hae acascsoee oats ance 124 
Clathruis:; x2.35 se snsddotecenaes noes 124 
Cochleae s2ecam has aecasesenck Seen eee 124 
contorquata.s2siveeststosce chess oateeene 122 
Dallianaie sas. sssases us sek ae se eens eee 124 
denticulatatcs-ascenacsacce ase seeneene sare 124 
Dankerianassssjsossoa a eee 124 
eDUMMeGN essen aases saint soe eee eee 122 
OLCCHSPINA=jos\saecessee sss saessscesase 124 
LOLMOSISSIMA jjocesesoese soe ees See ase 124 
Miriel eis. sa4 aseied oa so ee a ee ae 124 
eLronlandicas-a5-ssew eee se aaa 124 
Are DSi cs ais josecceteiee eae Cease eens 124 
Mie aa) e.ssets com asiel sopra ak oaes oe siweiaee 124 
multistriata sss seeseuwacncascies sca oneeeee 122 
MUSCA PCa aacasteese sess asia ece eas 122 
Mit ell aie fae set ese asia ee oe 124 
NOMENICOStATA an) acesinia cient = asa eee tele 124 
permodesta;, soc iScmacwcat senmeckielhe caeasee 124 
PCTNODIUWIS. oe soon se cceds cc ose seadecisewne ss 124 
Polacla ns .jaeraw ste eee cee awe wee 124 
Pourtalestissosousten sie x mene coarse easeee 122 
TCbiferace see sews h cw cord sine ease ssininw aes 124 
Ay IS} 00) Retesee semi am hme ee ea ey 124 
Say aaa sehen secon aoe eee ae wae eee 122 
BCLPIO 2 sae ters ociste sels hae eco Sle eee 124 
SOriCi Gla as saswaecice was ters lwelce wees ees 124 
LOOMS co sae ditorcice Soa ao ake ee Re eee 122 
UO TOS cept ets Mi eae amet a 5 Nels oi res Baers 124 
LUOTTiCU Roya e cet wes Pee a eee 124 
Scaphandertees semester ee eee 86 
NO DUIS eek ae ae eRe eee Ce eee ee 86 
Munctostriatisys--eeeeeeeee cesses eee eee 86 
Wiatsoniin. Sse soc suse es 86 
Scaphan dridiess soo sss eee 86 
Scapharcasys acces hee eee ae eee 40 
Scaphellapracks acceete ee eee ee eee 110 
SUN ONI As ae esac ea eee ee 110 

Scaphopodaesses-jccac cece eee i 
Scissumellard 2a 20 ate ae ae ee aoe 168 
ata easateb ok eae ee et aren te ren es 168 
CISD ata san cose eae ee oemeee 168 
Scissurellidza se. 2s oes eee 168 
DSCONSIAr. site eae te eee eee 134 
Strata Mes. Go sc pete es oe 5 ee ee eae 134 
Seutellina sass ees ee ae a one 158 
antillarnm sce aste se aoe eee 158 
Scutellinidse 32s. c5-o ae eee eee eee 158 
Sesmenzineos en ose ce oe aa ee 142 
(CV OEM ooo aeeoooescesseseS5- SNe aera 142 
ionica....... hcl Joe Sk he een ep eee 142 
monocinculataa-os2oesaaaee ee eee eee 142 
trispinosa) Sosa ee shee cee eee 142 


Seguenziid@ |... 252.05 402 cee see eee 
Seila osjccn.csos. Doce bocce oe eee eee 
terebralis 202.2222.) 5s 38 
Semele... 2.212. occ cates tee eee 62. 
cancellata.x< 2225.2 5ese sce see eee eee 62 
mimcmlOid eS... 2.0. 25-5 ces eee eee 62 
oblique. <-%. 28-5. sc- oo ose eee eee 62 
reticulata ==... oo oe. ee eee 62 
Semelida: 2.5.2... 600. comncts sees ny” 
SeParawlsta 22. or = ecaacince | eee 152 
Sepiophora.......-.---------- Peers se 174 | 
Septifier. 225 ei. Seo. 50m0c se ae eee 38 
Sigaretus: ..2.. <5 ssa ci. saceitae ee eee 156 
maculatus: <2. 20-50 da5: Gj oeee nee 156 
MIMO w\s 30's 2 2 ans ace cance eee eee 156 
perspectivus).-.<.-..<cicaaenciscemmicieeeeees 156 
Siliquais je scsc-cace seine Seen eee 70 
COSbALA 265 heed damm ccnime cenee See e 70 
Siliquarid, 0. de0..5s soe cereal eee 144 
modesta).....c. dens. caces etee eee eee 144 
SQUAM AAS so ae tee tae ale ee Jeeeee wee 144 
SimMia... 3.5.06 62th ee deste eee eee eee 144 
acicnlaris’ 22.6. ecccs cceceee eee eee eee 134 
AULCOCINCtA 522-266. ee nea eee ee Eee 134 — 
intermedia ......---.-..-- ‘clad Seles sees 134 
uniplicatal: oo. js2fci22 ons joes eee eee 134 | 
Siphorwcos2tc 6ods05 0 es ate sao. 
Bocagel .o2...20 ose hsas ce heee cee eee 114 
emlatus: 22.2 l2cje 0 ckcsee Senco see eee “4 1 
Wy OHS) See Senecmece cooemo ose asGsecesoos 32 114 
hispidulus ...... oli 1149 
islandicus... 2s se)! Js) sc0c-cs22 =e eee eee it 
ODOSUS) 6252 2h. poe Se- fas eae 114 | 
planulus) i... J063. 2s ace0 essen eee 114 
PWHESCONS! oem cice cena antenatal te 144, : 
[OMA RUEY een ee sapeonSseosSoacomosas ose. 144 
Rushii, oF .c0cee vs o0 cles eee eee - TiS 
SOLS See tee ccc nie sn Se sleclseeee eee 114 / 
simplex 0220202 o54osee nner -. 1a 
SoM PSOWe ea seen = eee 114 j 
Siphonarial).- 25.2 ---ee-een esse eee 92 ; 
altermata2: 0. .255<. iS. seee ee eee eee 92 
IbbaVet) GN) BAA peeecoomemcoeeoescsceacecccscs SZ 
Siphonariidae 2. J. - .- see ose eee aes ‘go 
Siphonium’ #325. 32s) 2.2 sees soe eee 144 
nebulosum:..2... .ce..-..ecesce see e eee eee 144 
SisStraM 24 2 oie see eos cee ane eee eee 122 
modulosum -.- .--)-<--26< <= aesce see 1230 
TOSCUM. 25). 20. c och. ee 2 ooo oe eee 122 
Skeneas j.02.202 Joss ce oe cess eee 150 
PlanOrbis)s4-.-e see ese eee 150 
Sclariella .....+...00. 0/5 164 
Fal NS ceeesoossosouoee soo Sosdedsscssee= 164 
amabilis:..2...22- 2 fa20c 5. s0cceee eee 164 . 
Clayvatae -aaaeiet asin eee ane eens 164 
GUT OIE) hae soceseenosercagsesecdsacssa5- 164 
infondibnllome - <2. - cee eeis ee nee eee 164 
finidés j0..0-l-+dseskeee ode ee 164 
Iis2 sess l.celdiseewet eee eee eee eee 164 
lacunellae: 2.603222 S220 ese eee meee 164 
lamellosai 2d. 3.- sss cee eee eee 164 
Taba oses2.2 cise «cheek aces acs eee 164 
IWNEEO COE. 6 bbe sass sbscensnoccdads odas eres ors 
Twbricaiy. 25 5.)2,5 alee 20 octane toate eens 164 
ODSCURA Je cjos -cucie ieee mse eee dvec cba S os emmelOe 


os Rape ra ae 164 
| 3. +, StS Sean ae ee 164 
4 eR NRTMENESONURE 2 ces win sini ia rere telecine eben seins 164 
a, je er epee 148 
nts aso ccecendacaceccsecaanwa-na 148 
ISGICALOM . 2. -2..-. cece ease ewiee smeames 148 
MR a es Sc cain nc canes daeeemaean 148 
BI NEIL oes oc sien aiecio celaeis 6 om avinnginins 148 
2 Sa nanos 2 a ee 148 
RMEIMETI EL ba rein mains oan scans dena aamacaine 148 
EER eS Nera sine dis'w canals visio we clele'sina's = 148 
MES tetetatere sclotcin a nie o'= a'e'<'s oie einis sin 25 70 
IME ih a c)o.o sac cxiaecs ueccecscccucdas 72 
On 2 a a ee 70 
0 is Ald 44 3 Se ee ee 70 
BRUIOONC Ys occ c cosets wcccce secu ee tte 8 76 
ERIM ies cinlacc cates seus cneeteaden 46 
BIETLCRLUPNIN sce sictait a a's sic ciee'e se Ccs-n0 o mecies 46 
SEAIEEMPEE EE ele cocoa ccceccacasececee ee PAG 
STON 46 
(Or eV TL a a a 46 
NE Cees calc wia'e evinces cee coos cmacee 58 » 
nace ecw wan enn cane 58 
; OL LST. SSeS Sil Sei ae Ee eee 72 
MBEDAUD Utes cata: mnt asecnsacnecccocncceecs 72 
PREGPIS oetcals aie) oni co asecis oo cin ss asa dec 104 
MECCAIII VA eee on wc coe clcccccaecedssesesne 104 
er 174 
INT IIe ene ota cc aacanceceeda 174 
f TIDES GE ani oa, - once sn acienscctescecse 174 
SURE eran ic sccmiccinsccccc cece enscnes 32 
RI MNG UTE Sete crac sais a oc cte eases cnc uecne 32 
BASSO eteiniieicin hie wn conn anes acsenencnsan= 32 
: pr LEU Dee 32 
| Spongiobranchea australis .............--. P1. 66 
RUUINRE ERE Sas win cancion eae wae ecian 126 
PBN RMSE IIE oe ona je cana eased ne 126 
EINE er 168 
Cie bd a ee 168 
MIME es = Lieve aie ecinae sa nsccecroacaane 168 
PRETO GU IS soo. Sala can ccesceccuctsens 122 
MEIEUUUNE AE Sooo. ceo... che lusccececewesecs 94 
OORT. Se 62 
BSROIES Ata hs cisie'so< ax scecccenwsceensass 62 
RON OPE Cn Se Ses cass cicsvceetunnen 62 
BIST LOUINS) (rc cacicisivicaisccce'sees.cncecesnce 62 
iy in Se ee re ee 136 
; eb UDTELSOL el Sie 136 
PPPAHPUUIS sea acec os. acs os wo cess dacc ae 136 
PNEPONSTUSS a2 scot sen. on cece esce cs 136 
; EMCEE EOE oti cin a: ciaaacc'oswelcasiccs odes 136 
See EE Sele Sol o's wood den ae ninacue- =e 136 
4 RE eae an Sole areata caen a aivecanas 136 
MR Serr Meet fe no. SG onicie ve cine e's oa oniyn 80 
ULERY 25 lel A ae a 80 
Stylopsis..... Bee ee aos eee tena ete ae 130 
LOSLTUT HP se Si RI er 130 
“OMEGA Ot FI aan 170 
Sis ATC a Ane sce Nlyit) 
Subula._... Pee eet, A el NTL ee 94 
“HE Sa gpa a a ea - 138 
OT mauiomelshon cae ea ee 130 
POSGR. 2 onan ek ae ofr catalenmwpe feta soe cae 130 
BMPRUURIOUR ae aonyaeuia'n's sa assecicesssscues tec 130 
Tachyrhynchus erosa.., ........2s000-+--- Pl. 48 


ee O CLO AMAneate en ae ain a ais emma nioenio ao us 132 
ANS GUSTS Gok 2 ope SE Se es eee sae 58 
CLDVISUIS . = te ovis ws nina ecioalbiniina sata ncdakan ona 58 
foi rg yeee es SES. . See Baa ee Rae 58 
PERT UNEL SS a ote ol has cca eorenes ew aa eos maim Souoabplomin 104 
GUN DEB ie cts ctor aie nisin niwinin x cies ois = 6 alaptiatee 104 
DOCtATIUIS (28 54.5 cete eo oaic a oa < onl Se cemaeeea 146 
MUVICRUNISS . a). 5 lean nes se awacls osnesanaceas 146 
SCH DIANONINUE cn. sence tose ~isdcmace aeons 84 
Tein GROW Accent banana deee ane uta eee 160 
CLYPUOSPIT Ds. te » oe oS oh un an'es os cate 160 
AMOMUISELIAGD tees aint os ee eae ees Fue l6O 
POIGOCEA WACOM ad. oce asc occu aeecacemes ae 46 
MeliGOra see cnc ck wes dest cece aac eee eke 2 
CTINTRUR Ee oaiaelnal adorns Seek wee a eee 62 
Relimya ods anaset cote ncesacee ve seeeee ds 50 
A a a a a eR | 50 
FOLLORINOSN osc aces seawes ss cece ee canes 50 
Tom alae seks et) ge ee ee 50 
Mellinasstescesses och oes saeco cee eee 60 
PICAMUNt ds ee ceaooces ee Lee ee eee 60 
CALOUNENSIS. saccens ae te soct occ Sa Ee - 60 
CURCRUR da= cet owes canue concen cucesenee 60 
WB COMD scenes cotta 5 oo eee ao ae 60 
Lars fais cee eae cots oe caoca ne eee 60 
Gonldiit =. temecte se. a ee fe ae 60 
AN GOPTID tiie: . cones asia ~ ase jaas aaeeeenen 69 
BELG cnc aoe mafia iat teeta aan va Siacia eae Ree aS 60 
LEVI GR, «see ene tee Me oc ee 60 
Dnentes So cee cee tc sacs oes be Bee 60 
INAS. <a cte.nielsinie sical a a5 =o 5,5,5 416 pies 60 
IIOIR) 5 = acces cwee cee weaken eos Ae 60 
MOMEStReses cewek eee ok cc caee Boe eee 60 
DUT CLey S ie ow arceme aioeieun & siscate 2c a ee 60 
Dolitar. cotton eeene tue ce sees see 60 
Wadiatay cote cee cases aston nook nn seed 60 
AQUAMIUPON oon seer tags cee dee ee ae eee 60 
BURIAiA eo ote: a nine thon es aaa 60 
SVDAUUCae wo nmeee ac atee seee eat oacee ieee 60 
MENG aie nee eicteee cocaine nea aoe eee 60 
TEDOTAL cot coco cee eave teceee ace ce oonaae 60 
WEISICOlLOT 5s ccc escanen ecene Boomiad Cae 60 
TGLMINICCR Se owe eee eee Se ee 58 
LOUIN MG oe os = oa be Relea oes Dele eee oes Soc 60 
‘NETEDEA Ac we chin ones aha cn ee menee cs nwaneee oe 94 
PONthaISEE --cewlcnncen aces Sateen csio sent OL 
CINCLGAt~ camer ccane oeaee es wane covets 94 
COMCA Vhs Aen Acta bomen Scans sp On aeeiemeniis 94 
AiGlOCHt Ave was Cala coats eee ke aa ase Ot 
AOMIGAN Aen vers one SaosaSoceh oleae = sees 94 
Nashitieeea secs akan scsscescnape ceeticbeaee 94 
AEE oe ay ew cn ceaucuae ones «au ss see 94 
PRTESCOHA. “ic cia die cbon'cen oaa ns samcaekole nici HES 
MESSU iat scwis clelacaomneLo <a omens ane ema 94 
WUGUCKUA je mem eee ei ice oe ween sie iatnetan=t 94 
het} (0b kee Setanta chess waad etna ee geeous 94 
WINONA. cn2/-cacam 3 nat hie eg sR US anes ae aici 94 
(PEVGDIAUUlS  s2oscnate vdee classes thee csneue 28 
Bat WOQUui tian. 2 ah cacaataan tems aaeea oe 28 
CUDEDSISN. occsccccemesleclaccecceeas anemia 28 
INCOR idee ete ce eines Wen cok a vie cui be apo eats 28 
Terebratulidw ..... daa Gaeta marae Sane Re AN 28 
Merebratalint.o. io ceccsacccadeetasacdesaus 28 
Wailletin eicdess. A. Os sees es cee oa tees eee 28 
BOVCENITIONAIS sae > sewn peg eme = hace 28, Pl. 69 
MBYODTIOSS <a :<.< ois tows ain Euaaccw ns ce ne ewer 94 
Toredidw.--. 2. <a. Ginn wate pak nite Guise utara etait 74 


Tenedo: sates soe te ea soe wee ee 74 
QUES G2) te see eh er eet arte Se meas Fel 74 
MGCOtMr aes eee nese eee cence alan enaiee 74 
NAVALIS’ 26: Sess ee okes aseden oatetemesec cn 74 
norvegica......--.-. Soccer eat ce ce oaeeae 74 
PHOMSOMT S2eajsetsloss cohee shes ceseeseeres 74 
Pheciditds:...2. 2-2 525sce2 eae oie ede clatter 28 
Phecidianie ee". cee e sehen we eee 28 
IBALTCHIe <<. Se Sa oa oe oe ee 28 
meditorrancum ....:-..-----e--+eeseee-e-- 23 
ThecosomatMm .- se sccc8see 6 ep ks aeek wees £0 
PhéodoxUs: sei2s2 eek s aces See coe see eee 168 
PHVA Se iee Fel Setseehes oho seco seaweee ts 6L 
Conradisecsohse8 fas. teceSh dee eeeteseeees 64 
Corpuloides! c2ansceecscceeeeet eae ce esseee 64 
Cistortwecs Si ceesss sce Pe theetiececeec eee 64 
DO PSIS= eee ee a niseae ce mene see eee P1.59 
PhAaseolinde sean awsome eae 64 
SHPO Sobesooseedusascennencas coscec 64 
trun Carta sess Cee se eee aes ae eee ee sreceiee P1. 59 
Mindarinieessek cic see sa awee see eocat mace war eser 44 
Pivelaresses Messe Seeeceslos se saetee eee ees & 
Machroidesct sey csesease dese evans Seeee 56 
Ponicia CSssz eee co ae ae se ees see ee oe eectoe 174 
Schrammtiecec-steceite scace odessa an maina 174 
Rorcwlastssceea seen ose eles sae ee eseese realms, - 14d 
Porellia fimbristay-<s-s22 oleic esces ces nc cee - Pl. 62 
Poriniayse sess eee sass Seamer aeece beeches 148 
Canditeravcseses eee sees sos ace este eens 148 
CV CLOSEG Ma sete ae eee eae ee 148 
GrlindtiGate.ssesser sass sescces se ieneleeae 148 
POL AMA eae eee eelsinela cleo eee rea 84 
(DUO) 2 eae CrS ern BSecr rs seccirs 84 
CANAL CULAR Sa ses So seses ee sae eto ers 84 
Cander:+.2ss222225 goeded Soted assesses 84 
WOO See cicincoomoeamceS Isecooocoeesoease 84 
Pornatinide' vin. 2eeeee tees en ceecs secee ees 84 
oxo clossaas see secon eealeeeeisaieisle nee eee 94 
‘rach yQenm Owe soe eee seco ees aise 172 
OXAL IISc eee an ee cee ee mae 172 
TUDEL) Jhacioe laksa ee eee see oees cee 172 
Wena aia cate sas caro Se teret sete teistoe cia sae 92 
MINUS CWA sas so ede eae caesar RG 92 
pusilla sss. so ettaladacedeseecmeetoeeee 92 
Pransenwellae= ses cose hss aes aate Sooke Lees 56 
Conrardinar22 i wed soso eee eee eee 56 
Cubanianaies sce aksee eceece oesee 56 
Prichotropider esse ooese=es eee aecae ee 142 
MrichOtropis) sean se sacs ween eases eee 142 
PrifGrid assess hae esoecaece ee eeR ee Sree 138 
Priforisiwi steers Shows eee oe eee eee 188 
ADLUPtae ae ere eeckeneet cess cease 138 
FSS os sooocoenonsoacanedndnasasc beacor 5 138 
Ibig@emiMar as 0225=cceewee sees eee eee 138 
COLOM SSSR Se eS ate 138 
eylindrellacessc:e-secsseces~ 55 aegis ae ates 138 
ecoratale.2: 22220. ea ee ee ee 138 
hircussssese sass ease as Dose See eee 135 
UbeRss4edAos esses ae see oe 138 
JOO pS EEN I liped c eee tas Su cue e nIN -IR SA Cel 138 
MUG ELTITEMI A; Sasace cove tae ee eee oer 138 
lilaeinas sew ee ae oe oes ce ae elas aan 138 
TON GISSIM Mai sea a eos seme See ee 138 
melanurate ewe sare ae nee eee eee 128 
Wilrabilise:). eh s2k eee Eee eae eee 138 
migrocinCtar.222 sce cate scae ene ee ae eeee 138 


OliVACEA 2.225 .c8se2 2S. cede eee 
DPeCLvelsa) -sses-jae nc 62+ + eee 
pulchel tae eae aie came ati ata atte 
Rushil -2225.-20c2000sccn see eee 
torticula:t.. 22 <: kde. ccctkee ose eee 
triserialis. 25.2. ....002 -cce meee ene 
turristhom@ .....------..- ose tales eee 
Trigonostoma.---...--+------ -----5-------= 
AGASSIZ. - 2 2. 2 onc ne see em oe eee 
SUM GHM [oo See e = os ina = ee ee 
Lit) 3 aS is Bee Sa iat 
Triconulina........ 22 nse -5 =e eee ewe ee === 
elegantissima .......--------5----200---=- 
OTMAtA = in = as Scene ese alee eee eee 
PTritomides 2252255 as ane= eee) e ee eee 
Gancellarin,.s--..2caee tee ses eens eee 
Mimbata 2:2 3.026 fes.cs J eee eee 
OUDIgWy] 22 See mse wee an nl eel 
HINGtA 22 c056 ccleec ode bad came eee eee 
Tritoniids .--.-.---... 3 sdases see e ee eee 

TritONTUM 5. once coe nme =o seme anil ee 

MO UII) pepe ecopotorecsoodoesas aacee eee 
tritomis ---.--... 
PY IVIa sees 2 elimi i ccas calc tee eh eee 
Gandidula. 2. .c25 <8 See See ee eee 
PlODOSH <=. 22a oe emo ae =p ee Jepeiss 
TULV OLN) oo oo soe miele ele ears ste oie ae ee 
pediculus = —=-- oe. ae eee ee eee 
quadripunctata ...........--.. BpooOre a-c 
SUDLOStTATA ..< 22 e-ee cles ae eee eee 
SUMUSAies cee eee eee ene concen nee ec een 
Mrochid\. - 2. cele nase 2is eee nie ote ee eens 
Trophon .--..----------- +=) --es00------=== 
TPoancabells << 65 ca. oe cme nse slate terete 
Dbilabiate: o= <e oe eee ellen a eee 
Caribensis\ === =e eee 
pulchella .-..-..--.----- ------20-----0-2 

subeylindrica ..--.. -- Hiteiet se @eisle alee : 

"Ternmicabe le) = «ore em ela miele 

GCASLANIGUS'= Soe sa 2 s1o' ewan oo antler 
crenulatus ------.--------- aained ee eee 

AlOsWS foo 2he dso eadeet ose eee i 

Spenglerianus ..--.-..---.------------=-- 
MU ibe bene IEY Ge eg nana nesoosaessens ci Peecose 
G Uta Ube bYG baee ser seerennoscsocodeessccs-<- 
Turbinidte --...-2..--se--5=+--- sane em emen oe 

Turbonilla..c2 oc «-se> s2es- 5 eee eee eee 

helotheca <.26<006 = 2a oon eee 
Bushiana: - s2 2 e0e= sedan ea 12a ererree 

elegams ..--...----+---------------------- 
Oxotlis. =< Se5dopecuseac . bee dee e hein eees 
grandis .....---.----------+-+------------ 
interrupta .....--.-.------2-----+--------- 
IOVIS! sasteeas eee eee noe seen shee 
multicostata -.--.--------<---=--<r--a-e== 
ObeLISCUA: cose ees «peeee =< =e eae eee 
perlepida ...-..----.------------=---+---- 
puncta...---- neeene eof alata’ acatmtatet= nie emt bete fete 
PUNICCD ..---- son ne 2 nae enna ne nee 
pusilla... 2-52 sc. 2-52 2522 econ en nea eenaa= 
Rathbuni 22-. 2-aee- = - ‘oe SGtvas oad Cee eee 
Tevicnl ata coaseese settee eee seesee seers 
Sub wlaitay sees nee ecios aes siete ae eeteeeteter 


BVILGALOCANA .... 2-0-2 e ee eos aE ERO 144 
DINE eas = ote Tack ate, alc’ wtels ales wm ee os 128 
RE sada em ud tatideces asec eioass 162 
PRR relate oia's'<)- 2's ove tele Sn 162 
0 hs ee a a a Se ee 144 
@cropora ...............- Sra tens Soteeeei eee 144 
exoleta...... peratatatsin - Ang econo sshoncses 144 
MPs tei c owns coucsoa +e cesecnsae 14t 
0 CT eee as ~ 144 
SPNTCONIS = .<2.6...< ae OP Gideeece erat secere 48 
ENE 5 ni Ton aie dawn wacce's cowie deualat 43 
ee 122 
IERIE ola a sess Successes sscecass, . Loe 
DUI one ccc cies leceweccvecedsees 134 
DRS eee rls 25 c'an wien osc asa OECEbe 134 
BONVONIUN. - 26. .6<25<.-<5-005 rh Note aA 160 
ee o's nle'c sa cic ewaleiselvincsle sles 160 
GE 88 
a ba CU a 88 
MPIMITINGLOVING 2s occt cae cucvoct'ececccscace 88 
UUDCG DGC ee ee 50 
IPE eae fu a)’ 'a'a cies s'cio'scleve's se 120 
SE 122 
Dota) - SES ae Se eed 120 
‘ SR ae nalts a wie's ecu mesos cae.cunvowes 122 
0 SS See 120 
RIA MECUAIN eetac= a5 ss\s-5=556 05 -ce\sas=< 122 
UNL PS Se ee 86 

EUNIMNT et ewaiieitiaks laces cacewss ces socdss 86 | 

BEI ealectecininn a/c ='scce cceseecceccmece 86 
Sete sinels cis wie wine a anw access cccc ce 86 
TS tee iota a aicic bs a cine awaws'es se se'e 54 
oo anor id 1d ee 46 
Sema ae tcc uciccesstccesnaunsh ee 46 
Pe GUE sa’ vn cise sebeue Nene ser A 46 
a edie wae cin wees ans siseesenss 46 
Iya TCO es sicnw ak eteinesene 46 
tridentata. .'.--...... ena eam eatete win aie 46 
BRNGTICG@ sts ~<vececc ecco Safe cic cela At 54 
4 ENN Eten misiee aa ae = a dincie'enis\s eos s''e'e 56 
BEND SOG te macecntin avons scree} as sccanscens=0 56 
URS Eee nee wien U as-is ne sssccetcseseesce 54 
STIR ern Naatclatas So cce wes ssccceccncave 54 
: PEs ach oo scscccceccsctececctdeus 7 54 
RENEE Sect ses cso cdcetecestccs 54 
PUIOTAT ION. <0 ce - RSS eOUC OE DOC aSADcE Decree 54 
DIS DUA. 5--Pao<-s se Son SAIC CnC Ooa a a 
granulata ..... Hoo Lon cette HOE Oe 54 
EEA Meta a src cao elon wove wakes seen cos 54 
mercenaria. ........... dseceeevancce basecs 54 
Mortoni....... Bue aecoras see bn aeceuke. see 54 
MUU b eacccclas cae Pees tccsita ss, esd aaWess se 54 
Ce ects wala avin'asicecwpasclcccuce baseee 54 
Ot aa ees eee 54 
MIRE eer ne one sos ss sp cinseae ass ueb ne 54 
REIN Ete ae erent isin ceca es <oes'waeee APA! 
BENS ion ee mocwalawaciee cuseaes cue 144 
BINGLUN eR secarcecs sce vecccs saneavieacece 144 
EMESAMUCUIATIO. vwo's)- a= ---=-cerenacie->na=--=<99 144 
SR RMIGAINS ope tL sonss.ctiacsneteen cease 144 



BDIWAU sence. seers sneer ewe cee nnnewc'ss'e a 144 
WerOQIiCell disor. come ascemtanwsusem ence vc ue 90 
MOMOAND Scssctetasgcewecar ess, Cmtedere an 90 
WeronieGiidtis-cwiat sou esse vesr cobencuncsae 90 
Werbicordinnsss.< fopeesc cette. copscetove cues 66 
NOWUUUSUNUN. «+ ctmewaclesexanewsce See onan 66 
NOSHORMN Ne =a See wcinc cey cera emit costes ate 66 
PUOIWNTET Aas tetas ve velo eas aaee ee ea 66 
DOIVCIGA pon cuee cae ceucwevavescarepecnvces 66 
Seguenziw .......... doce pdawne Saperee eA 66 
Wood tence bccn eens eRe Be arap 5s 66 
Wertidarindi-ovaecscs secu eters Sueejesaince 65 
WERiGOUN iene e ane on ee eh ce ates en scenes 54 
MAU ee cee ee wine sono swine =o same ee esate 54 
VEINS cece ote coe slew maken bc acmminnraaminmenets 54 
VittinGliayo..:-scscstare acer ase cacanetae oor LUG 
REUDQUUTN I Gh racete taste wetclele os oe vn ce eee sealant 166 
multtoarmata fois ede enc vee eustware see 166 
Ce Ts eae ene ia ie Sele ae a ae Biol Es ads 108 
WITGSCOMIN ct co sccetcrccess anc eeencteseeae. 108 
Wolitellnsses. ce Meee nec ee eee 108 
AMIAN TAU ce sos e cess Cancakenmeseceenas 108 
WAATIR ree te coe de ctosveon steecteece 108 
IAGrIN eon eo eso wake ae noe ees 108 
OVOMEOINNIS <ccncsascesccascaycctecsancexe 108 
V OVW S- oe aioe cae biccasicds eccacut ci. 108 
Volutomitra grénlandica................... Pi), 34 
VOlWatIna. S: sen nseet ee clots cece edesces 108 
Volvulla vce tisasctueee ccbosbiewenss sscces 86 
RoUta Guo ceeeeeee Veet sa ae sae ea eeeceas 86 
ASPINOKS se ene mecetees essen qT enatececre 86 
BUSH Soe cameras neces nlc nmeciacae 36 
OX VCR ena ole saan =o cieinaenene aos es eee 86 
Wallisinttt io2 00 eeacen Jc cceese tte o dees eee 2 
IBEVODRU co os oeticwee oma Saee seneuceneuas 92 
Mono PNOMaace access «kssceenanse sen becca sa 154 
Culibwiecescmeees.:. cr ecnmeteaseetcac ens 154 
conchylophoraie.-c- >>> see epacascecelacs 154 
SRENG MORE ese ere seers oan sein ces wee eaie aie 154 
Mylophaeatwesceccsves ssc cactecosesceccans 72 
aD YSsOLUlis soe. eacsacen sense SoSte sb S835 72 
dorsalis ..... SONOS aes Gs ee rita 72 
Meylotrysicccssec ccescsgccaas cuppenlstainee cee 74 
bipbmaten. sos soar eee ee eace seat aes 74 
fimbbrintiiece<ssce-< ott ccpescuneacce out 74 
Voldiai-cs-.cces See ere eae eet saa acetates a 44 
RODES eso nee ce oan ue Se seenieececn saeee cae 44 
MnBeUlpldenp esac cass eaeee er aeatcot eee. 44 
Deroysioses saws. Soe ck seen ane cadence 44 
HOMACM ey os ees cnstades cecmeee Louanewe et. 44 
TOrn MWe. oo wan eae hs crea ncsananedeeeesoce 44 
POMPHOW Riese cee een sesh ekeneaer reas 44 
SAPOUU Nee oe oee dun cts om cmmenacau ones 44 
SOMICHS sen aebadae sucess: cote sense eeene te 44 
HOIGNGIOEN ooo -alasecee con aosces es seenc es 44 
BUOCUNUALOTA . <.sdue vr boon sede unk seeuse 44 
PODS ce ea seeaee wen se ae a dale oom ane es 72 
IS PUA ate eee satan se ee ina n el 6 etna a 72 
ABUNCOBERLAT on trons. ssa cnamanceees eee 72 
ZV 2 GODMALONIB, Ge. obac< cos ae aes heen tones 168 

Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum.—Dall. 

Marine Mollusks. 


Marine Mollusks. 

Bulletin 37, U. S, National Museum.—Daill. 



Marine Mollusks. 

Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum.—Dall. 


Marine Mollusks. 

Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum.—Dall. 

Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum.—Dall. Marine Mo!lusks PLATE V. 


f 3 

Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum.—Dall. Marine Mollusks. PLATE VI, 



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Bulletin 37, U. S, National Museum.—Dall. Marine Mollusks. 

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Meiilictin 37, U. S. National Museum.—Dall, Marine Mollusks. PLATE VIII. 




Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum.—Dall. Marine Mollusks. PLATE IX, 



Photo. Lith. by L.S.Punderson & Son, New Haven, Conn. 

: McConnell del. 


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Pcsracil del Photo. Lith, by L. S. Punderson & Son, New Haven, Conn. 

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Photo. Lith. by L.S.Punderson & Son, New Haven, Conn. 

PLATE XIll. ° 

McConnell del. Photo. Lith. by L.S.Punderson & Son, New Haven, Conn. 




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Photo. Lith. by L.S.Punderson & Son, New Haven. Conn 

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McConnell del. 


Photo. Lith. by L.S.Punderson & Son, New Haven, Conr 

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Photo. Lith. by L.S. Punderson & Son, New Haven, Conn. 

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McConnell del. Photo. Lith. by L.S.Punderson & Son, New Haven, Conn. 

McConnell del. 

Photo. Lith by L.S. Punderson & Son, New Haven, Conn. 


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Photo. Lith. by L.S.Punderson & Son, New Haven, Conn. 

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Photo. Lith by L.S.Punderson & Son, New Haven 

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Photo. Lith. by L.S.Punderson & Son, New Haven, Conn. 

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Lith. by L. S. Punderson & Son, New Haven, Conn. 



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_ McConnel! del. Photo. Lith by L.S.Punderson & Son, New Haven, Conn. 

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McConnell del. Photo Lith. by L.S.Punderson & Son, New Haven, Conn. 

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Photo. Lith. by LS.Punderson & Son, New Haven, Conn. 


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Photo. Lith. by L.S.Punderson & Son, New Haven, Conn. 

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Photo. Lith. by L.S.Punderson & Son, New Haven, Conn. © 


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McConnell del. 

Photo. Lith. by L..S.Punderson & Son, New Haven, Conn. 


McConnell del. Photo. Lith. by L.S. Punderson & Son, New Haven, Conn. 


McConnell del. Photo. Lith. by L.S.Punderson & Son, New Haven, Conn. 


McConnell del. Photo. Lith. by L.S. Punderson & Son, New Haven, Conn. 

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McConnell del. Photo. Lith. by L.S.Punderson & Son, New Haven, Conn. 



Photo. Lith. by L.S. Punderson & Son, New Haven, Conn. 


McConnell del. Photo. Lith by L..S.Punderson & Son, New Haven, Conn 


Photo. Lith. by L.S. Punderson & Son, New Haven, Conn. 

McConnell del. 

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Bulletin 37, U. S, National Museum.—Dall. Marine Mollusks. PLATE XXXVII. 

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McConnell del. 


Marine Mollusks. 

Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum.—Dall. 

McConnell del. 


Bulletin 37, U. S, National Museum.—Dall. Marine Mollusks. 




McConnell del. 

Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum.—Dall. Marine Mollusks PLATE XL. 


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McConnell del. 


Marine Mollusks. 

Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum.—Dall. 


Bulletin 37, U. S. Nationa! Museum.—Dall. Marine Mollusks PLATE XLII. 

ulletin 37, U. S. National Museum,—Dall. Marine Mollusks. 


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Builetin 37, U. S. National Museum.—-Dall. Marine Mollusks. PLATE XLIV. 


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Bulletin 37, U, S. National Museum.—Dall. Marine Mollusks, PLATE XLV. 

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Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum.--Dal!. Marine Mollusks. PLATE XLVI. 

Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum.—Dall. Marine Mollusks. PLATE XLVII. 


Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum.—Dall. Marine Mollusks. PLATE XLVIII. 




Marine Mollusks. 

Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum.—Dall. 


Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum.—Da!!. Marine Mollusks. 

GbE Setedune oy 

Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum.—Dall. Marine Mollusks. PLATE LI. 


Marine Mollusks. 

Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum.—Dall. 



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Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum.—Dall. Marine Mollusks. PLATE LIIl. 

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Bulletin 37, 



Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum.—-Dall. Marine Mollusks. 


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Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum.—Dall. Marine Mollusks. PLATE LVI. 

Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum.—Dal!. Marine Mollusks. PLATE LVII. 

Bulletin 37, US. National Museum.—Dall. Marine Mollusks. PLATE LVIII. 

Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum.—Dall. Marine Mo/lusks. PLATE LIX. 


Marine Mollusks. 

ulfetin 37, U. S. National Museum,.—Dall. 



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Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum.—Dall. Marine Mollusks. PLATE LXI. 

Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum.—Dall. Marine Mollusks. PLATE LXIl. 

Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum.—Dall. Marine Mollusks. PLATE LXIIl. 

Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum.—Dall. Marine Mollusks. PLATE LXIV. 


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Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum.—Dall 

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Bulletin 37, U. S, National Museum.—Dall. Marine Mollusks. PLATE LXVI. 

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Marine Mollusks, 

Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum.—Dall. 

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Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum.—Dall. Marine Mollusks. PLaTe LXVIII. 

Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum,—Dall. Marine Mollusks. PLATE LXIX. 

Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum.—Dall!. Marine Mollusks. : PLATE LXX. 


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Bulletin 37, U. S, National Museum.—Dall. Marine Mollusks. PLATE LXXI. 

Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum,—Dall. Marine Mollusks. PLATE LXXIl. 


Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum.—Dall. Marine Mollusks PLATE LXXIII. 

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Bulletin 37, U. S. National Museum.—Dall. Marine Mollusks, PLATE LXXIV. 


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