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This work (Bulletin No. 51) is one of a series of papers intended to 
illustrate the collections belonging to or placed under the charge of 
the Smithsonian Institution and deposited in the United States National 

The publications of the National Museum consist of two series—the 
Bulletin and the Proceedings. 

The Bulletin, publication of which was commenced in 1875, is a 
series of elaborate papers issued separately and based for the most 
part upon collections in the National Museum. They are monographic 
in scope and are devoted principally to the discussion of large zoolog- 
ical groups, bibliographies of eminent naturalists, reports of expedi- 
tions, ete. The bulletins, issued only as volumes with one exception, 
are of octavo size, although a quarto form, known as the Special Bul- 
letin, has been adopted in a few instances in which a larger page was 
deemed indispensable. 

The Proceedings (octavo), the first volume of which was issued in 
[878, are intended primarily as a medium of publication for newly 
acquired facts in biology, anthropology, and geology, descriptions of 
new forms of animals and plants, discussions of nomenclature, ete. 
A volume of about 1,000 pages is issued annually for distribution to 
libraries, while a limited edition of each paper in the volume is printed 
and distributed in pamphlet form in advance. 

In addition, there are printed each year in the second volume of the 
Smithsonian Report (known as the Report of the National Museum) 
papers, chiefly of an ethnological character, describing collections in 
the National Museum. 

Papers intended for publication by the National Museum are usually 
referred to an advisory committee, composed as follows: Frederick 
W. True (chairman), William H. Holmes, George P. Merrill, James 
E. Benedict, Otis T. Mason, Leonhard Stejneger, Lester F. Ward, and 
Marcus Benjamin (editor). 

Secretary of the Sinithsonian Institution. 
Wasuineton, U.S. A., April 4, 1902. 


mek LS 







Chief; Division of Correspondence and Documen ts. 



The purpose of this bulletin is to present a list, with index to titles, 
of the publications of the U. 8. National Museum, which consist of 
an annual Report, an annual volume of Proceedings, Bulletins, Special 
Bulletins, and Circulars. 

The Report constitutes the second volume of the Smithsonian Report, 
and the first one thus issued is for the year 1884. <A certain number 
ot these volumes is assigned to the Museum for distribution to libra- 
ries, to correspondents, and to contributors to the collections, while a 
considerable part of the edition is distributed by members of Congress. 
The special papers in these volumes, for the most part describing 
ethnological collections in the National Museum, are furnished free to 
those interested. 

The series of Proceedings of the National Museum began in 1878, 
and 23 volumes, containing 1,240 separate papers, have been published. 
These papers, which are technical, describe, or are based wholly or in 
part upon, material in the Museum. The volumes are sent only to 
libraries, while the separate papers are furnished without charge to 
specialists and others engaged in scientific work. 

The first number of the Bulletin was issued in 1875. Of the latest 
in the series, No. 50 (The Birds of North and Middle America), only 
the first volume, relating to the Fringillide, has been issued. The 
bulletins are intended principally for libraries, but are also given to 
known specialists working on the groups to which they relate. 

Special Bulletins, in quarto, have been issued at irregular intervals, 
but this form has been used only where a size larger than octavo was 
deemed especially desirable. The last one published (No. IV) is the 
first volume of a monograph of the American Hydroids, and relates to 
the group Plumularide. 

The primary object of the issuance of the series of Circulars was to 
bring to immediate notice urgent wants of the Museum, or to promul- 
gate special information with the least possible delay. The first circu- 
lar was published in 1881, and at the time when the present list was 
sent to the Printing Office this series contained fifty numbers. 

None of the above-mentioned publications are sold by the Museum, 
but when the Museum can not supply them, persons desiring to pur- 
chase are advised to write to the Superintendent of Documents, Union 
Building, Washington, D. C. 

Occasionally the Museum exchanges its publications for desirable 



I. Annual reports of the U. 8. National Museum (1881-1900), octavo. Titles 
Githe volumes and general-contentss. = 222 25.2.2 Ss -2-255255-Gess seo 1 

Il. Numbered series of 122 papers and other important articles in the Annual 
ec penesr Most LOU ements a een = nea se eaten Dee es Bee ee or 13 

III. Proceedings of the U. S. National Museum, Vols. I-X XIII (1878-1901), 
SHAVORCOMprisine papers U—l240)-- oss 2c. 2 owe ok cee ee eet es eden o Ske 23 
IV. Bulletins of the U. S. National Museum (1875-1901), octavo, Nos. 1-50.... 117 




Special bulletins of the U. 8. National Museum (1892-1900), quarto, Nos. 

EL ee ees ee Ney eee ete Sa ei Siam Stree ee ed eS 125 
Circulars of the U. S. National Museum (1881-1901), Nos. 1-50........--- 127 
MELE oe ete renee! ie ee BO by RUE ai EN eee 131 




SS t-LoO@: 

510— | Report | of the | Assistant Director | of the | U. S. National 
Museum, | G. Brown Goode, | for the year 1881. | —— | From 
the Smithsonian Report for 1881. | —— | Washington: | Govern- 
ment Printing Office. | 1883 

8vo., pp. 1-79. 

Repoccol Assistant Director’). sac os see - Se HL pp. 1-30. 
MRIEIAO ie OMCCTS esas S58 2): Sie De) eee ene ee Nae Paole 

ES iali@ Cara lange meee eeesees 8 eens Open er Ee een pp. 31-50. 
ISteOleCOMGRY ULONS see ea fey tae ee Sore motes Crayne pp. 51-79. 

This was the first report on the operations of the National Museum printed under a 
separate cover. The reports of the Museum for 1881, 1882, and 1883, were first printed 
in the reports of the Institution for those years, and were afterwards issued in pamphlet 

The Museum Report for 1884 was the first one to occupy a separate volume of the 
Smithsonian Report, and to be accompanied by papers based upon the collections. 

524— | Report | of the | Assistant Director | of the | U. S. National 

Museum, Brown Goode, | for the year 1882. | —— | From 
the Smithsonian Report, 1882. | -—— | Washington: | Govern- 

ment Printing Office. | 1883. 
8vo., pp. 1-145. 

ReportotAssistant Director. 2222. 22s 428. 2h pp. 1-48. 
Str Oke OMICETS ta Pr ao Ren te Sr Mees p. 49. 

Bip liognrah ys; eres eee sarge a eee ee pp. 49-76. 
EN GCESSIONS 22 st API ate Sirs 2. ieee ny bate pp. 77-113. 
IhSt OL COMEEIDULOMSic eas cee tl Se 8. Bot ee pp. 113-145. 

587— | Report | of the | Assistant Director » Curators | 
of the | U. S. National Museum | for ine year 1883, | ———- | 
From the Smithsonian Report for 1883. | ———— | Washington: | 

Government Printing Office. | 1885. 
8vo., pp. 1-200. 

iReport/of the Assistant: Director: 22.2.2. : 2.22.22. .4. pp. 1-30. 
Repontproiscuratona ess 20 eA me) pe or Fg pp. 30-114. 
Materia Medica. By J. M. Flint. pp. 30-35. 
Foods and Textile Industries. By Romyn Hitchcock. pp. 36-38. 
Antiquities. By Charles Rau. pp. 38-47. 
Mammals. By Frederick W. True. pp. 48-60. 
Birds. By Robert Ridgway. pp. 60-65. 



Reptiles. By H.C. Yarrow. pp. 65-68. 

Fishes. By Tarleton H. Bean. pp. 68-79. 

Insects. By C. V. Riley. pp. 79-84. 

Mollusks. By Wm. H. Dall. pp. 84-90. 

Marine Invertebrates. By Richard Rathbun. pp. 90-100. 

Fossil Invertebrates (Mesozoic and Cenozoic). By C. A. White. pp. 

Fossil Invertebrates (Paleozoic). By Chas. D. Walcott. pp. 101-103. 

Fossil Plants. By Lester F. Ward. p. 105. 

Lithology and Physical Geology. By George P. Merrill. pp. 103-106. 

Minerals. By F. W. Clarke. pp. 106-108. 

Metallurgy and Economic Geology. By Fred P. Dewey. pp. 108-111. 

hist ofothicerss-<. 2532-2 ase oe eee ee jos JUS). 
Bibliography: 5222324 ee a eee ee pp. 116-161. 
Ivistiol COntMIbULONS= == 32 0 eee ee ee pp. 162-200. 

Annual Report | of the | Board of Regents | of the | Smithsonian 
Institution, | showing | the operations, expenditures, and condi- 


lite | eee 

| of the Institution | for the year 1884. | ——— | Part 
| Washington: | Government Printing Office. | 1885. 

8vo., pp. ix, 1-458, 105 pls. 

Beginning with this year and continuing until 1892, the reports consist of Part I, 
Report of the Assistant Director [after 1885 this title was changed to Assistant Seere- 
tary]; Part II, Reports of the Curators and Acting Curators; Part III, Papers based on 
collections in the National Museum; Part IV, Bibliography; Part V, List of accessions 
to the Museum. 

Report of Assistant, Director 3555 ese ae eee eee pp. 1-72. 
IVE OES Ole CUTE HOTS ee ee pp. 75-276 

Materia Medica. By H. G. Beyer. pp. 75-77. 

Textile Industries. By Romyn Hitchcock. pp. 79-84. 

Naval Architecture. By Joseph W. Collins. pp. 85-106. 

Foods. By Romyn Hitcheoek. pp. 107-108. 

Ethnology. By Otis T. Mason. pp. 109-120. 

American Aboriginal Pottery. By William H. Holmes. pp. 121-122. 

Antiquities. By Charles Rau. pp. 123-127. : 

Mammals. By Frederick W. True. pp. 129-142. 

Birds. By Robert Ridgway. pp. 148-155. 

Herpetology. By H.C. Yarrow. pp. 157-160. 

Fishes. By Tarleton H. Bean. pp. 161-178. 

Mollusks. By William H. Dall. pp. 179-184. 

Insects. By C. V. Riley. pp. 185-188. 

Marine Invertebrates. By Richard Rathbun. pp. 189-202. 

Invertebrate Fossils (Paleozoic). By C. D. Walcott. pp. 203-214. 

Invertebrate Fossils (Mesozoic and Cenozoic). By C. A. White. pp. 

Fossil Plants. By Lester F. Ward. pp. 219-220. 

Minerals. By F. W. Clarke. pp. 221-225. 

Lithology and Physical Geology. By George P. Merrill. pp. 227-238. 

Metallurgy and Economic Geology. By Frederick P. Dewey. pp. 239- 

Papers illustrating the collections _.......--......--- pp. 277-335. 
Bibliography»: 232222 ae Aye eee ee pp. 337-381. 

w siviche, Ap cdi a sf 4 Seah aun Re RE pp. 383-428. 


Annual Report | of the | Board of Regents | of the | Smithsonian 
Institution, | showing | the operations, expenditures, and con- 

dition | of the Institution’ | to July, 1885.1 | ——— | Part 
Il. | ——— | Washington: | Government Printing Office. | 1886. 
8vo., pp. xi, 1-264; vii, 1-939, 144 pls. 
Weport.on Assistant: Director 22. -- 2.252222. 42--2-4- pp. 1-54. 
EDO RIe OM CUNALOTNY 9e Ss eet e me oc es Lee oie. pp. 55-147. 

_ Materia Medica. By H. G. Beyer. pp. 57-58. 
Textile Industries. By Romyn Hitchcock. pp. 59-60. 
Foods. By Romyn Hitchcock. p. 61. 
Enthnology. By Otis T. Mason. pp. 63-67. 
American Prehistoric Pottery. By W. H. Holmes.  p. 69. 
Antiquities. By Charles Rau. pp. 71-78. 
Mammals. By Frederick W. True. pp. 79-84. 
Birds. By Robert Ridgway. pp. 85-91. | 
Reptiles and Batrachians. By H. C. Yarrow. pp. 93-94. 
Fishes. By Tarleton H. Bean. pp. 95-98. 
Comparative Anatomy. By Frederick W. True. pp. 99-102. 
Mollusks. By William Healey Dall. pp. 103-111. 
Insects. By C. V. Riley. pp. 113-116. 
Marine Invertebrates. By Richard Rathbun. pp. 117-127. 
Invertebrate Fossils (Paleozoic). By C. D. Walcott. pp. 129-1382. 
Invertebrate Fossils (Meso-Cenozoic). By Charles A. White. p. 183. 
Plants. By Lester F. Ward. pp. 135-136. 
Minerals. By F. W. Clarke. pp. 137-138. 
Lithology and Physical Geology. By George P. Merrill. pp. 189-142. 
Metallurgy and Economic Geology. By F. P. Dewey. pp. 143-147. 

POUOORAT NY ce ee a ee ne ine lee tase hee ee pp. 149-174. 
anni suCCOPsIOH Ss eet ere: setae eet ae Moc ek aes pp. 175-248. 
Paper on the George Catlin Indian Gallery...--...----- pp. 1-939. 

Annual Report | of the | Board of Regents | of the | Smithsonian Insti- 
tution, | showing | the operations, expenditures, and condition | of 
the Institution | for the | year ending June 30, 1886, | —— | Part 

1 | Washington: | Government Printing Office. | 1889. 
8vo., pp. xi, 1-842, 16 pls., 23 figs. 
Report/ofAssistant Secretary ..2.22 2.2 --l.s2..22----- pp. 1-83. 
Reporte Gig CUratO reels cr rare tere eee eee ce pp. 85-252. 

Ethnology. By Otis T. Mason. pp. 87-96. 

American Aboriginal Pottery. By W. H. Holmes. pp. 97-100. 
Archeology. By Charles Rau. pp. 101-112; 4 pls., 20 figs. 

Foods and Textiles. By Romyn Hitchcock. pp. 113-118. 

Steam Transportation. By J. Elfreth Watkins. pp. 119-141; 5 pls., 9 figs. 
Materia Medica. By H. G. Beyer- pp. 143-145. 

Mammals. By Frederick W. True. pp. 147-152. 

Birds. By Robert Ridgway. pp. 153-162. 

Birds’ Eggs. By Charles Bendire. pp. 163-164. 

Reptiles and Batrachians. By H. C. Yarrow. pp. 165-166 

Fishes. By Tarleton H. Bean. pp. 167-172. 

Mollusks (including Cenozoic Fossils). By Wm. H. Dall. pp. 173-179. 
Insects. By C. V. Riley. pp. 181-197; 1 pl., 5 figs. 

1It haying been decided to issue future reports by the fiscal year instead of by the calendar year, 
this volume covers only the first six months of the year 1885. 


Marine Invertebrates. By Richard Rathbun. pp. 199-207. 
Comparative Anatomy. By Frederick W. True. pp. 209-218. 
Invertebrate Fossils. By C. D. Walcott. pp. 215-227. 
Invertebrate Fossils (Mesozoic). By C. A. White. pp. 229-230. 
Fossil Plants. By Lester F. Ward. p. 231. 

Recent Plants. By Lester F. Ward. pp. 233-255. 

Minerals. By F. W. Clarke. pp. 237-238. 

Lithology and Physical Geology. By George P. Merrill. pp. 289-244. 

Metallurgy and Economic Geology. By Fred. P. Dewey. pp. 245-252. 
Papers illustrating the collections. .......------------ pp. 253-670. 
siblroetaphyrsasa. 2 eee eee eee eee re eee pp. 671-699. 
List Ob aCcesslons= =.= = Se ee eee ee pp. 701-795. 

Annual Report | of the | Board of Regents | of the | Smithsonian Insti- 
tution, | showing | the operations, expenditures, and condition | 
of the Institution | for the | year ending June 30, 1887. | —— | 
Part; Il, | Washington: | Government Printing Office. | 

8vo., pp. XVili, 1-771, 32 pls., 125 figs. 

Report of Assistant Seeretary.-c2 = 5s eee pp. 1-62. 
Reports of curators? = <2 222s sce. oe sees ae _. pp. 63-558. 

Ethnology. By Otis T. Mason. pp. 65-75. 

American Aboriginal Pottery. By W. H. Holmes. pp. 77-78. 

Transportation. By J. Elfreth Watkins. pp. 79-81; 1 pl., 2 figs. 

Archeology. By Charles Rau. pp. 83-85. 

Mammals. By Frederick W. True. pp. 87-94. 

Birds. By Robert Ridgway. pp. 95-100. 

3irds’ Eggs. By Charles E. Bendire. pp. 101-102. 

Reptiles and Batrachians. By H. C. Yarrow. pp. 103-104. 

Fishes. By Tarleton H. Bean. pp. 105-110. 

Mollusks (including Cenozoic Invertebrate Fossils). By W. H. Dall. 
pp. 111-115. 

Insects. By C. V. Riley. pp. 117-123. 

Marine Invertebrates. By Richard Rathbun. pp. 125-155. 

Comparative Anatomy. By Frederick W. True. pp. 137-138. 

Invertebrate Fossils (Paleozoic). By C. D. Walcott. pp. 169-141. 

Invertebrate Fossils (Mesozoic). By C. A. White. p. 143. 

Fossil Plants. By Lester F. Ward. pp. 145-146. 

Recent Plants. By Lester F. Ward. pp. 147-148. 

Minerals. By F. W. Clarke. pp. 149-150. 

Lithology and Physical Geology. By George P. Merrill. pp. 151-153. 

Metallurgy and Economic Geology. By F. P. Dewey. pp. 155-158. 

Papers illustrating the collections......:.--:.-.-.---- pp. 159-458. 
Bibliooraphy <3 so 355 ee os eee ee ee nes pp. 559-594. 
TASt. OF ACCESSIONS ee es ee Se Eee pp. 995-705. 

Annual Report | of the | Board of Regents | of the | Smithsonian Insti- 
tution, | showing | the operations, expenditures, and condition | 
of the Institution | for the | year ending June 30, 1888. | —— | 
Report of the U. S. National Museum. | —— | Washington: | 
Government Printing Office. | 1890. 

8vo., pp. XX1i, 1-876, 108 pls., 2.charts, 174 figs., 4 diagrams, 1 map. 

Report of Assistant Secretary: ets eae ee pp. 1-84. 


Repetiavomenrators scot tse oe ee eee pp. 85-222. 
Ethnology. By Otis T. Mason. pp? 87-92. 
Oriental Antiquities. By Cyrus Adler. pp. 93-104. 
American Aboriginal Pottery. By W. H. Holmes. pp. 105. 
Transportation and Engineering. By J. Elfreth Watkins. pp. 107-111. 
Materia Medica. By James M. Flint. pp. 113-114. 
Historical Relics, Coins, Medals, ete. By A. Howard Clark. pp. 115-116. 
Graphic Arts. By S. R. Koehler. pp. 117-122. 
Prehistoric Anthropology. By Thomas Wilson. pp. 123-138. 
Mammals. By Frederick W. True. pp. 139-143. 
Birds. By Robert Ridgway. pp. 145-150. 
Birds’ Eggs. By Charles E. Bendire. pp. 151-152. 
Reptiles and Batrachians. By H. C. Yarrow. pp. 153-154. 
Fishes. By Tarleton H. Bean. pp. 155-158. 
Mollusks (including Tertiary Fossils). By W. H. Dall. pp. 159-164. 
Insects. By C Y. Riley. pp. 165-171. 
Marine Invertebrates. By Richard Rathbun. pp. 173-180. 
Comparative Anatomy. By Frederick W. True. pp. 181-182. 
Invertebrate Fossils. By C. D. Walcott. pp. 183-185. 
Invertebrate Fossils (Mesozoic). By C. A. White. pp. 187-188. 
Fossil Plants. By Lester F. Ward. pp. 189-190. 
Recent Plants. By Lester F. Ward. pp. 191-193. 
Minerals. By F. W. Clarke. pp. 195-197. 
Lithology and Physical Geology. By George P. Merrill. pp. 199-208. 
Metallurgy and Economic Geology. By F. P. Dewey. pp. 209-211. 
Living Animals. By W. T. Hornaday. pp. 213-222. 

Papers illustrating the collections -.......-----.------ pp. 223-702. 
IB Whoo os apn yr ere eee ert nye es pp. 703-734. 
GIS tO leACGESS1O 1S weet een en sae oy ee eee me pp. 7385-789. 

Annual Report | of the | Board of Regents | of the | Smithsonian Insti- 
tution | showing | the operations, expenditures, and condition | 
of the Institution | for the | year ending June 30, 1889, | —— 
Report | of the | National Museum. | | Washington: | Goy- 

ernment Printing Office. | 1891. 
pp. Xvii, 1-888, Appendix E, pp. 1-50; 107 pls., 187 figs., 7 maps. 

Report OlmAlssistamb Secretany: === aes eee ss e ee oe pp. 1-277. 

INE pOnESOMGUnAtOnS ee cae= tee om eee a ee are. pp. 279-423. 
Ethnology. By Otis T. Mason. pp. 281-288. 
Oriental Antiquities. By Cyrus Adler. pp. 289-292. 
Transportation and Engineering. By J. Elfreth Watkins. pp. 293-299. 
Graphic Arts. By 8. R. Koehler. pp. 301-313. 
Prehistoric Anthropology. By Thomas Wilson. pp. 317-339; 6 pls. 
American Aboriginal Pottery. By W. H. Holmes. p. 341. 
Forestry. By B. E. Fernow. pp. 343-347. 
Mammals. By Frederick W. True. pp. 349-355. 
Birds. By Robert Ridgway. pp. 357-361. 
Birds’ Eggs. By Charles E. Bendire. pp. 363-364. 
Reptiles. By Leonhard Stejneger. pp. 365-367. 
Fishes. By Tarleton H. Bean. pp. 369-370. 
Mollusks. By Wm. H. Dall. pp. 371-375. 
Insects. By C. V. Riley. pp..377-380. 
Marine Invertebrates. By Richard Rathbun. pp. 381-385. 


Comparative Anatomy. By Frederick W. True. pp. 387-390. 
Paleozoic Fossils. By C. D. Walcott. pp. 391-396. 

Mesozoic Fossils. By C. A. White.  p. 397. 

Botany. By George Vasey. p. 399. 

Minerals. By F. W. Clarke. pp. 401-403. 

Lithology a Physical Geology. By George P. Merrill. pp. 405-411. 
Metallurgy. By F. P. Dewey. pp. 413-415. 

Living eee By W. T. Hornaday. a 417-423. 

Papers illustrating the collections... pp. 425-735 +- Appendix E, pp. 1-50. 
SID) o oma lyse ae eee pp- nee 779 
Inisttolaccesslon sis. eee eee pp. 777-82 0. 

Annual Report | of the | Board of Regents | of the | Smithsonian 

Institution, @ | the operations, expenditures, and condi- 
tion | of the Institution | for the | year ending June 30, 1890. | 
—— | Report | of the | U. S. National Museum. | —— | Wash- 
ington: | Government Printing Office. | 1891. 

pp. Xvili, 1-811, 163 pls., 99 figs. 

RE POTION ASSIS (AMS C Che bela ya =e see en ee pp. 1-116. 
Reports olsetmatong se iene ale oe are een a ee ae pp. 117-249. 

Ethnology. By Otis T. Mason. pp. 119-136. 

Oriental Antiquities. By Cyrus Adler. pp. 187-140. 
Historical Collections. By A. Howard Clark. pp. 141-145. 
Graphic Arts. By S. R. Koehler. pp. 147-157. 
Transportation and Engineering. By J. Elfreth Watkins. pp. 159-162. 
Forestry. By B. KE. Fernow. pp. 163-164. 

Foods and Textiles. By Romyn Hitchcock. pp. 165-174. 
Materia Medica. By James M. Flint. pp. 175-177. 
Prehistoric Anthropology. By Thomas Wilson. pp. 179-187 
Mammals. By Frederick W. True. pp. 189-193. 

Birds. By Robert Ridgway. pp. 195-198. 

Birds’ Eggs. By Charles E. Bendire. pp. 199-200. 

Reptiles and Batrachians. By Leonhard Stejneger. pp. 201-203. 
Fishes. By Tarleton H. Bean. pp. 205-209. 

Mollusks. By Wm. H. Dall. pp. 211-217. 

Insects. By C. V. Riley. pp. 219-221. 

Marine Invertebrates. By Richard Rathbun. pp. 223-229. 
Comparative Anatomy. By Frederick W. True. pp. 231-232. 
Paleozoic Fossils. By Charles D. Walcott. pp. 233-234. 
Mesozoic Fossils. By C. A. White. pp. 235-236. 

3otany. By George Vasey. pp. 237-239. 

Minerals. By F. W. Clarke. pp. 241-242. 

Geology. By George P. Merrill. pp. 248-249. 

Papers illustrating the collections ................... pp. 251-680. 
sibliograply: 2 22) St Ee ae Ne Ee pp. 681-716. 
Kistiof:accessions a2 4s eee en ee pp. 717-765. 

Annual Report | of the | Board of Rege | Smithsonian 
Institution, | showing | the operations, expenditures, and condi- 
tion | of the Institution | for the | year ending June 30, 1891. | 

- | Report | of the | U. S. National Museum. | | Wash- 
ington: | Government Printing Office. | 1892. 
8v0., pp. Xvil, 1-869, 84 pls., 151 figs., 3 diagrams. 

Report of Assistant Secretary ..........-..-.-------- pp. 1-181. 



IRGDOniSPOMGUNALORS 2 ott eat es Ser eee ree pp. 183-270. 
Ethnology. By Otis T. Mason. pp. 135-144. 
American Aboriginal Pottery. By William H. Holmes. p. 145. 
Oriental Antiquities. By Cyrus Adler. pp. 147-148. 
Historical Collections. By A. Howard Clark. pp. 149-157. 
Graphic Arts. By S. R. Koehler. pp. 159-161. 
Transportation and Engineering. By J. Elfreth Watkins. pp. 163-170. 
Forestry. By B. E. Fernow. pp. 171-178. 
Materia Medica. By James M. Flint. pp. 179-180. 
Physical Apparatus. By W. C. Winlock. p. 181. 
Prehistoric Anthropology. By Thomas Wilson. pp. 183-198. 
Mammals. By Frederick W. True. pp. 199-205. 
Birds. By Robert Ridgway. pp. 207-211. 
Birds’ Eggs. By Charles E. Bendire. pp. 213-214. 
Reptiles and Batrachians. By Leonhard Stejneger. pp. 215-217. 
Fishes. By Tarleton H. Bean. pp. 219-221. 
Vertebrate Fossils. By Frederic A. Lucas. p. 223. 
Mollusks (including Cenozoic Fossils). By William H. Dall. pp. £25- 


Insects. By C. V. Riley. pp. 231-233. 
Marine Invertebrates. By Richard Rathbun. pp. 285-241. 
Comparative Anatomy. By Frederic A. Lucas. pp. 243-244. 
Paleozoic Invertebrate Fossils. By C. D. Walcott. pp. 245-248. 
Mesozoic Fossils. By C. A. White. p. 249. 
Botany. By George Vasey. pp. 251-253. 
Fossil Plants. By Lester F. Ward. pp 255-257. 
Minerals. By F. W. Clarke. pp. 259-260. 
Geology. By George P. Merrill. pp. 261-270. 

Papers illustrating the collections -..........--.----- pp. 271-735. 
Bio MOema Mayenne a etna a ele ad Utama suena s pp. 737-764. 
NGISfe@ ACCESSIONS ame om ate ae See ec = ieee ee rae pp. 765-814. 

Annual Report | of the | Board of Regents | of the | Smithsonian 
Institution, | showing | the operations, expenditures, and condi- 
9 > 
tion | of the Institution | for the | year ending June 30, 1892. | 
—— | Report | of the | U. S. National Museum. | —— | Wash- 
ington: | Government Printing Office. | 1893. 
8vo., pp. Xv, 1-620, 103 pls., 5 figs. 

ReportiotAssistant: Secretary -—-2---2---22+5-----3-- = pp. 1-97. 
Repontsolcuratorsesse-oee yes eae ence et eee kee pp- 99-217. 

Ethnology. By Otis T. Mason. pp. 101-107. 

American Aboriginal Pottery. By William H. Holmes.  p. 109. 
Oriental Antiquities. By Cyrus Adler. pp. 111-115. 

Historical Collections. By A. Howard Clark. pp. 115-120. 

Graphic Arts. By S. R. Koehler. pp. 121-128. 

Forestry. By B. E. Fernow. p. 125. 

Transportation and Engineering. By J. Elfreth Watkins. pp. 127-182. 
Materia Medica. By William 8. Dixon.  p. 133. 

Prehistoric Anthropology. By Thomas Wilson. pp. 135-142. 

Mammals. By Frederick W. True. pp. 143-145. 

Birds. By Robert Ridgway. pp. 147-152. 

Odlogy. By Charles E. Bendire. pp. 153-154. 

Reptiles and Batrachians. By Leonhard Stejneger. pp. 155-157. 
Fishes. By Tarleton H. Bean. pp. 159-161. 

Mollusks (including Cenozoic Fossils). By William H. Dall. pp. 165-167, 


Vertebrate Fossils. By O. C. Marsh. pp. 169-170. 

Insects. By C. V. Riley. pp. 171-174. 

Marine Invertebrates. By Richard Rathbun. pp. 175-179. 
Comparative Anatomy. By Frederic A. Lucas. pp. 181-183. 
Fossil Plants. By Lester F. Ward. pp. 185-190. 

Paleozoic Invertebrate Fossils. By C. D. Walcott. pp. 191-194. 
Mesozoic Invertebrate Fossils. By C. A. White. p. 195. 
Botany. By George Vasey. pp. 197-200. 

Minerals. By F. W. Clarke. pp. 201-203. 

Geology. By George P. Merrill. pp. 205-217. 

Papersllustratine the collections=2s22-— =e eee ee eeee pp. 219-493. 
Bibliography. (S252 Sesh Se eee ae ee ee ee pp. 495-526. 
Listy oPaccessions eee see ote ae ns mene ep em pp. 527-578. 

Annual Report | of the | Board of Regents | of the | Smithsonian 
Institution, | showing | the operations, expenditures, and condi- 
tion | of the Institution | for the year ending June 30, 1893. | 
— | Report | of the | U. S. National Museum. | —— | Wash- 
ington: | Government Printing Office. | 1895. 

8vo., pp. xxi, 1-794, 188 pls., 116 figs. 

This and the subsequent reports consist of only two parts: I, Report of the Assistant 
Secretary, with appendices; II, Papers describing and illustrating collections in the 
National Museum. 

Report of the Assistant Secretary - 3.2 32. -22-—.-- 2-5-2 pp. 1-192. 
Appendices. pp. 193-334. 
I. The scientific and administrative staff. pp. 193-194. 
II. Finance, property supplies, and accounts. pp. 194-197. 
II]. Statement of the distribution of specimens during the year ending 
June 30, 1898. pp. 197-204. 
TY. Buildings and labor—police, and public comfort. pp. 204-205. 
VY. Specimens sent to the Museum for examination and report. pp. 
VI. List of accessions. pp. 219-284. 
VII. Bibliography. pp. 285-313. 
VIII. Lectures and meetings of societies. pp. 314-3815. 
IX. Documents relating to the World’s Columbian Exposition. — pp. 
X. Documents in relation to the Columbian Historical Exhibition in 
Madrid, 1892. pp. 324-334. 
Papers illustrating the collections... -:2..23)-222-.- pp. 835-780. 

Annual Report | of the | Board of Regents | of the | Smithsonian 
Institution, | showing | the operations, expenditures, and condi- 
tion | of the Institution | for the | year ending June 30, 1894. | 
—— | Report | of the | U. S. National Museum. | | Wash- 

ington: | Government Printing Office. | 1896. 
8vo., pp. Xxvi, 1-1030, 57 pls., 851 figs., 1 chart, 1 map. 

Report of AssistantiSecretary = 2. 2 5222p5 st a eee pp. 1-90. 
Appendices. pp. 91-233. 
I. The scientific and administrative staffs. pp. 91-92. 

II. Finance, property, supplies, and accounts. pp. 93-95. 

III. Rules governing the watch force in the National Museum. pp. 

TV. Statement of the distribution of specimens during the year ending 
June 30, 1894. pp. 100-105. 


V. The work of the mechanics and laborers. pp. 106-107. 
VI. List of accessions. pp. 108-166. 
VII. Specimens sent for examination and report. pp. 167-179. 
VIII. Bibliography, with supplementary lists of new genera and species. 
pp. 180-227. 
IX. List of papers in the Annual Report and Proceedings of the 
National Museum, published in separate form during the year 
ending June 30, 1894. pp. 228-231. 
X. Lectures and meetings of societies. pp. 232-233. 
Papers illustrating the collections .---..------------ pp. 285-1011. 
Annual Report | of the | Board of Regents | of the | Smithsonian 
Institution, | showing | the operations, expenditures, and condi- 
tion | of the Institution | for the | year ending June 30, 1895. | 
| Report | of the | U. S. National Museum. | —— | Wash- 

ington: | Government Printing Office. | 1597. 
8vo., pp. XX, 1-1080, 154 pls., 382 figs. 

Report of Assistant Secretary -..---------------------- pp- 1-102. 
Appendices. pp. 103-308. 
I. The scientific and administrative staffs. pp. 103-104. 
Il. List of accessions. pp. 105-162. 

Ill. List of accessions to the Museum library received by gift and 
exchange during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1895, exclusive of 
publications retained from the Smithsonian library. pp. 163-205. 

IV. Bibliography, with supplementary lists of new genera and species. 
pp. 207-250. 

V. List of papers in the Proceedings of the National Museum, pub- 
lished in separate form during the year ending June 30, 1895. 
pp- 251-253. 

VI. Specimens sent to the Museum for examination and report. pp. 

VII. Lectures and meetings of societies. pp. 267-270. 
VIII. Finance, property, supplies, and accounts. pp. 271-274. 

IX. List of duplicate specimens prepared for distribution to educational 
establishments since 1890. pp. 275-298. 

X. Statement of the distribution of specimens during the year ending 
June 30, 1895. pp. 299-305. 
XI. The work of the mechanics and laborers. pp. 307-808. 
Papers illustrating the collections. .--.--.----------- pp. 309-1045. 

Annual Report | of the | Board of Regents | of the | Smithsonian 
Institution, | showing | the operations, expenditures, and condi- 
tion | of the Institution | for the | year ending June 30, 1806. | 
— | Report | of the | U. S. National Museum. | —— | Wash- 
ington: | Government Printing Office. | 1898. 

8vo., pp. XXiv, 1-1107, 199 pls., 555 figs. 

Report of Assistant Secretary ..----------------------- pp. 1-106. 
Appendices. pp. 107-284. 
I. The scientific and administrative staff. pp. 107-108. 

II. List of accessions. pp. 109-164. 

III. List of accessions to the Museum library by gift and exchange dur- 
ing the fiscal year ending June 30, 1896. pp. 165-194. 

IV. Bibliography, with supplementary lists of new genera and species. 
pp. 195-250. 


V. Papers published in separate form during the year ending June 30, 
1896. pp. 251-253. 
VI. Specimens sent to the Museum for examination and report. pp. 
VII. Lectures and meetings of societies. pp. 268-270. 
VIII. Finance, property, supplies, and accounts. pp. 271-272. 
IX. Statement of the distribution of specimens during the year ending 
June 30, 1896. pp. 273-280. 
X. The work of the mechanics and laborers. pp. 281-284. 
Papers illustrating-the collections 222 322222522 s2es: pp. 285-1057. 

Annual Report | of the | Board of Regents | of the | Smithsonian 
Institution, | showing | the operations, expenditures, and condi- 
tion | of the Institution | for the | year ending June 30, 1897, | 
— | Report | of the | U.S. National Museum. | Part I. | —— | 

Washington: | Government Printing Office. | 1899. 
8vo., pp. XxXvii, 1-1021, 150 pls., 457 figs. 

Report.of the Assistant Secretary -—-2-se-— soe weeeeee= pp. 1-88. 
Appendices. pp. 89-245. 
I. The scientific and administrative staff. pp. 89-90. 
II. List of accessions. pp. 91-151. 
III. List of accessions to the Museum library by gift and exchange dur- 
ing the fiscal year ending June 30, 1897. pp. 153-191. 
IV. Bibhography. pp. 193-211. 
V. Papers published in separate form during the year ending June 30, 
1897. pp. 213-215. 
VI. Specimens sent to the Museum for examination and report. pp. 
VII. Lectures and meetings of societies. pp. 235-287. 
VIII. Finance, property, supplies, and accounts. p. 238. 
IX. Statement of the distribution of specimens during the year ending 
June 30, 1897. pp. 239-245. 
Papers illustrating the collections -.....--...---.---- pp. 247-988. 
Annual Report | of the | Board of Regents | of the | Smithsonian 
Institution, | showing | the operations, expenditures, and condi- 
tion | of the Institution | for the | year ending June 30, 1897. | 
—— | Report | of the | U. S. National Museum. | Part II. | 
— | Washington: | Government Printing Office. | 1901. 
pp. xii, 1-515, 110 pls. 

This volume constitutes a memorial to Dr. G. Brown Goode. 


Memorial meeting, pp. 1-61, and reprints of the following of Dr. Goode’s papers: 
Museum-history and museums of history. pp. 63-81. 
The genesis of the U. S. National Museum. pp. 83-191. 
The principles of museum administration. pp. 193-240. 
The museums of the future. pp. 241-262. 
The origin of the national scientific and educational institutions of the United 
States. pp. 263-354. 
The beginnings of natural history in America. pp. 355-406. 
The beginnings of American science. pp. 407-466. 
The first national scientific congress (Washington, April, 1844) and its connection 
with the organization of the American Association. pp. 467-477. 
The published writings of George Brown Goode, 1869-1896. By Randolph I. Geare. 
pp. 479-500. 


Annual Report | of the | Board of Regents | of the | Smithsonian 
Institution, | showing | the operations, expenditures, and condi- 
tion | of the Institution | for the | year ending June 30, 1898. | 

| Report | of the | National Museum. | —— | Washington: | 

Government Printing Office. | 1900. 

8vo., pp. Xvili, 1-1294, 36 pls., 347 figs. 

Report of Acting Assistant Secretary (including reports of 
theses dicurators:) Merete atin ee ees = Saree Os) ere os pp. 1-77. 
Report on the Department of Anthropology. By William H. Holmes. pp. 19-33. 
Report on the Department of Biology. By Frederick W. True. pp. 85-44. 
Report on the Department of Geology. By George P. Merrill. pp. 45-50. 
Appendices. pp. 79-149. 
I. The Museum staff. pp. 79-80. 
II. List of accessions. pp. 81-120. 
Ill. Statement of the distribution of specimens during the year ending 
June 30, 1898. pp. 121-128. 
IV. Bibliography. pp. 129-147. 
V. Papers published in separate form during the year ending June 30, 
1898. pp. 148-149. 
Paper on the Crocodilians, Lizards, and Snakes of 
NOM Ul AON eRICH ame ay Senn ee OS ee) See pp- 153-1270. 

Annual Report | of the | Board of Regents | of the | Smithsonian 
Institution, | showing | the operations, expenditures, and condi- 
tion | of the Institution | for the | year ending June 30, 1899. | 
-—— | Report | of the | U. S. National Museum. | —— | Wash- 
ington: | Government Printing Office. | 1901. 

8vo., pp. Xv, 1-598, 62 pls., 74 figs. 
Report of Assistant Secretary (including reports of the 
eadreuratore) ents saws yatee th Sew ly Cn 5 pp. 1-70. 

Report on the Department of Anthropology. By William H. Holmes. pp. 17-24. 
Report on the Department of Biology. By Frederick W. True. pp. 25-35. 
Report on the Department of Geology. By George P. Merrill. pp. 87-49. 
Appendices. pp. 71-152. 
I. The Museum staff. pp. 71-72. 
II. List of accessions. pp. 73-115. 
Ill. Statement of the distribution of specimens during the fiscal year 
ending June 30, 1899. pp. 117-124. 
IV. Bibliography. pp. 125-150. 
V. Papers published in separate form during the year ending June 30, 
1899. pp. 151-152. 
Papers illustrating the collections ~.22....-22.. 2.2... pp. 153-561. 
Annual Report | of the | Board of Regents | of the | Smithsonian 
Institution, | showing | the operations, expenditures, and con- 
dition | of the Institution | for the | year ending June 30, 
1900. | —— | Report | of the | National Museum. | | Wash- 
ington: | Government Printing Office. | 1902. 
8 vo., pp. i-xvii, 1-788, 113 pls., 126 figs. 


Report of Assistant Secretary (including reports of the 
pp. 1-75. 

head curators) 25 eee es ear 
Report on the Department of Anthropology. By William H. Holmes. pp. 21-29. 
Report on the Department of Biology. By Frederick W. True. pp. 31-44. 
Report on the Department of Geology. By George P. Merrill. pp. 45-57, 9 pls. | 
Appendices. pp. 77-162. 
I. The Museum staff. pp. 77-78. 
II. List of accessions. pp. 79-117. 
III. Distribution of specimens. pp. 119-127. 
IV. Bibliography. pp. 129-149. 
V. Papers published in separate form. pp. 151-152. 
Papers illustrating the collections.....-...----...--- pp- 







(NOS. 1-122.) 


. Throwing-sticks in the National Museum. By Otis T: Mason. 

pp. 279-289, 17 pls. 
Basket-work of the North American aborigines. By Otis T. 
pp. 291-306, 64 pls. 

. A study of the Eskimo bows in the U.S. National Museum. 

By John Murdoch. 
pp. 307-316, 12 pls. 
On a Spotted dolphin apparently identical with the Prodelphi- 
nus doris of Gray. By Frederick W. True. 
pp. 317-324, 6 pls. 

. The Florida muskrat (Veoftber allen’ True). By Frederick W. 

pp. 325-330, 3 pls. 

. On the West Indian seal (Monachus tropicalis Gray). By Fred- 
4; h y 

erick W. True and F. A. Lucas. 
pp. 331-335, 3 pls. 

LSS 5: 

Sketch of the exhibit made by the Smithsonian Institution at 
the New Orleans Exposition. (Part of the Report of the 
Assistant Director.) 

pp. 35-37. 

. The George Catlin indian Gallery in the U.S. National Museum, 

with memoirs and statistics. By Thomas Donaldson. 
pp. vii, 1-939, 144 pls. 


. Report upon the exhibit made by the Smithsonian Institution at 

the New Orleans Exposition (including Louisville and Cin- 
cinnati). By R. Edward Earll. (Part of the Report of the 
Assistant Secretary.) 
pp. 70-83. 






















The meteorite collection in the U. S. National Museum: A ecata- 

logue of meteorites represented November 1, 1886. By F. 
W. Clarke. 
pp. 255-265, 1 plate. 

Gem collection of the U. S. National Museum. By George F. 

pp. 267-275. 

The collection of building and ornamental stones in the U. S. 
National Museum: A handbook and catalogue. By George 
P. Merrill. 

pp. 277-648, 9 pls., 14 figs. 

List of specimens of textile fibers and fabrics in the reference 
series of the section of textile industries of the U.S. National 
Museum, June 30, 1886. By Romyn Hitchcock. 

pp. 649-655. 

Preparation of microscopical mounts of vegetable textile fibers. 

By Romyn Hitchcock. 
pp. 657-658. 

How to collect mammal skins for purposes of study and for 
mounting. By William T. Hornaday. 

pp. 659-670, 9 figs. 

IGS Si = 

Cradles of the American aborigines. By Otis T. Mason. 

pp. 161-212; 45 figs. 

Notes on the artificial deformation of children among savages 
and civilized peoples. By J. H. Porter. 

pp. 213-235. 

The human beast of burden. By Otis T. Mason. 

pp. 237-295, 54 figs. 

Ethno-conchology: A study of primitive money. By Robert 
K. C. Stearns. 

pp. 297-334, 9 pls., 22 figs. 

A preliminary catalogue of the Eskimo collection in the U. S. 
National Museum, arranged geographically and by uses. By 
T. Dix Bolles. 

pp. 335-365. 

The extermination of the American bison, with a sketch of its 

discovery and life history. By William T. Hornaday. 
Ppp. 367-548, 22 pls. 

The preservation of museum specimens from insects and the 
effect of dampness. By Walter Hough. 

pp. 549-558, 4 figs. 


Report upon the participation of the Smithsonian Institution in 
the Industrial Exposition at Minneapolis, 1887. By William 
V. Cox. (Part of the Report of the Assistant Secretary.) 

pp. 82-84. 



R. 34. 


The coast Indians of southern Alaska and northern British 
Columbia. By Albert P. Niblack, U.S. N. 

pp. 225-386, 70 pls., 48 figs., 2 charts. 

A catalogue of the Hippisley collection of Chinese porcelains; 
with a sketch of the history of ceramic art in China. By 
Alfred E. Hippisley. 

pp. 387-491. 

The expedition to Funk Island, with observations upon the 
history and anatomy of the Great Auk. By Frederic A. 

pp. 493-529, 3 pls., 4 diagrams. 

Fire-making apparatus in the U. S. National Museum. By 

Walter Hough. 
pp. 531-587, 6 pls., 49 figs. 

The collection of Korean mortuary pottery in the U. 5. 
National Museum. By Pierre Louis Jouy. 

pp. 589-596, 5 pls., 1 map. 

A study of prehistoric anthropology: Handbook for begin- 
ners. By Thomas Wilson. 

pp. 597-671, 20 pls., 43 figs. 

Ancient Indian matting, from Petit Anse Island, Louisiana. 
By Thomas Wilson. 

pp. 673-675, 1 plate. 

Results of an inquiry as to the existence of man in North 
America during the paleolithic period of the Stone Age. By 
Thomas Wilson. 


pp. 677-702, 14 figs. 
iiSsyes) Se 

Museum catalogues. By Randolph I. Geare. (Part of the 

Report of the Assistant Secretary.) 
pp. 8-21. 

Report upon the participation of the Smithsonian Institution 
and the National Museum in the expositions held at Cincin- 
nati and Mariettta in 1888. (Part of the Report of the 
Assistant Secretary.) 

pp. 149-186, 4 pls. 

This report consists of a letter addressed to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Insti- 
tution and inclosing Appendix A: Report upon the exhibit of the Smithsonian Insti- 
tution, including the U. §. National Museum, at the Centennial Exposition of the 
Ohio Valley and Central States, held at Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1888. By R. Edward Earll. 
Appendix B: Report upon the exhibit of the Smithsonian Institution, including the 
U.S. National Museum, at the Centennial Exposition, Marietta, Ohio, July 16 to 21, 
1888. By William VY. Cox. 

Biographical notice of James Stevenson (Appendix C). (Part 
of the Report of the Assistant Secretary.) 

pp. 187-190. 


R. 35. Lists of institutions and foreign and domestic libraries to which 
it is desired to send future publications of the National 
Museum (Appendix D). (Part of the Report of the Assist- 
ant Secretary.) 

pp. 191-277. 
R. 36. The museums of the future.’ By G. Brown Goode. 
pp. 427-445. 

R. 37. Te Pito Te Henua, or Easter Island. By W. J. Thomson, 

We SeeN: 
pp. 447-552, 49 pls., 20 figs. 
k. 38. Aboriginal skin-dressing: A study based on material in the 
U.S. National Museum. By Otis T. Mason. 
pp. 553-589, 33 pls. 
R. 39. The Puma, or American lion: Felés concolor of Linneeus. By 
9 “ 
Frederick W. True. 
pp. 591-608, 1 plate. 

Rk. 40. Animals recently extinct or threatened with extermination, as 
represented in the collections of the U. S. National Museum. 
By Frederic A. Lucas. 

pp. 609-649, 11 pls., 2 figs., 7 maps. 

R. 41. The development of the American rail and track, as illustrated 
by the collection in the U. S. National Museum. By J. 
Elfreth Watkins. 

pp. 651-708, 116 figs. 

R. 42. Explorations in Newfoundland and Labrador in 1887, made in 
connection with the cruise of the U.S. Fish Commission 
schooner Grampus. By Frederic A. Lucas. 

pp. 709-728, 1 plate. 

R. 43. On a bronze Buddha in the U. S. National Museum. By 

Charles De Kay. 
pp. 7 

R. 44. Preliminary handbook of the Department of Geology in the 
U.S. National Museum. By George P. Merrill. (Appen- 
dix E.) 

pp. 1-50. 

29-735, 1 plate. 

LS Ves 
R. 45. The Humming birds. By Robert Ridgway. 

pp. 253-353, 46 pls., 47 figs. 
46. White-line engraving or relief-printing in the fifteenth and 
sixteenth centuries. By S. R. Koehler. 
pp. 385-394, 4 pls., 3 figs. 
47. The methods of fire-making. By Walter Hough. 
pp. 395-409, 1 pl., 13 figs. 
48. Ulu, or Woman’s knife, of the Eskimo. By Otis T. Mason 
pp. 411-416, 21 pls. 
49. The ancient Pit-dwellers of Yezo. By Romyn Hitchcock. 
pp. 417-427, 8 pls., 4 figs. 


2s ae 

1A lecture delivered before the Brooklyn Institute, February 28, 1889. 




The Ainos of Yezo, Japan. By Romyn Hitchcock. 
pp. 429-502, 37 pls., 21 figs. 
Handbook for the Department of Geology in the U.S. National 
- Museum. Part I. Geognosy. The materials of the earth’s 
crust. By George P. Merrill. 
pp. 503-591, 12 pls., 10 figs. 
The Catlin collection of Indian paintings." By Washington 
Matthews, U. S. A. 
pp. 593-610, 21 pls. 
The log of the Savannah. By J. Elfreth Watkins. 
pp. 611-639, 6 pls. 
Anthropology at the Paris Exposition in 1889. By Thomas 
pp. 641-680, 7 pls., 1 fig. 

docs OF 

The genesis of the National Museum. By G. Brown Goode. 
pp. 273-3880. 
Ethnological collections in the U.S. National Museum from 
Kilima-Njaro, East Africa. By W. L. Abbott. 
pp. 381-428, 24 figs. 
The Bernadou, Allen, and Jouy Korean collections in the U. 5. 
National Museum. By Walter Hough. 
pp. 429-488, 31 pls. 
Shinto, or the mythology of the Japanese. By Romyn 
pp. 489-509. 
The ancient burial mounds of Japan. By Romyn Hitchcock. 
pp. 511-523, 31 pls. 
Some ancient relics in Japan. By Romyn Hitchcock. 
pp. 525-526, 4 pls. 
Prehistoric naval architecture of the north of Europe. By 
George H. Boehmer. 
pp. 527-647, 17 pls., 126 figs. 
First draft of a system of classification for the World’s Colum- 
bian Exposition. By G. Brown Goode. 

pp. 649-735. 

Japanese wood-cutting and wood-cut printing. By T. Tokuno. 
pp. 221-244, 10 pls., 5 figs. 
The relation of biology to geological investigation. By Charles 
A. White. 
pp. 245-368, 1 plate. 
Scientific taxidermy for museums. (Based on a study of the 
United States Government collections.) By R. W. Shufeldt. 
pp. 369-436, 84 pls. 

1 Reprint of a lecture delivered in the National Museum on April 13, 1889, 

8879—No. 51—02 2 





Re i 



















The shofar—its use and origin. By Cyrus Adler. 
pp. 437-450, 4 pls. 
The Crump burial cave. (Blount County, Alabama.) By 
Frank Burns. 
pp. 451-454, 1 plate. 
Minute stone implements from India. By Thomas Wilson. 
pp. 455-460, 2 pls. 
Comparative odlogy of North American birds. By R. W. 
pp. 461-493. 


Recent advances in museum methods. (Part of the Report of 
the Assistant Secretary.) 
pp. 21-58, 55 pls. 
Columbian Historical Exposition in Madrid. (Part of the 
Report of the Assistant Secretary.) 
pp. 86-108; also Appendix X, pp. 324-334. 
The World’s Columbian Exposition. (Part of the Report of 
the Assistant Secretary.) 
pp. 108-114, 1 plate; also Appendix IX, pp. 316-321. 
The poisonous snakes of North America. By Leonhard 
pp. 345-487, 19 pls., 70 figs. 
Chinese games with dice and dominoes. By Stewart Culin. 
pp. 489-587, 12 pls., 33 figs. 
The onyx marbles; their origin, composition, and uses, both 
« > ’ 
ancient and modern. By George P. Merrill. 
pp. 539-585, 18 pls. 
The cowbirds. By Charles Bendire. 
pp. 587-624, 3 pls. x 
Primitive American armor. By Walter Hough. 
pp. 625-651. 
The weapons and wings of birds. By Frederic A. Lucas. 
pp. 653-663, 1 plate, 8 figs. 
Notes on the ethnology of Tibet. By William Woodville 
pp. 665-747, 52 pls. : 
Two Persepolitan casts in the U. S. National Museum. By 
Cyrus Adler. 
pp. 749-753, 2 pls. 
Museum collections to illustrate religious history and cere- 
monials. By Cyrus Adler. 
pp. 755-768. 
If public libraries, why not public museums?" By Edward 8. 

pp. 769-780. 

1Reprinted from The Atlantic Monthly, July, 1893, pp. 112-119, 







Primitive travel and transportation. By Otis Tufton Mason. 
pp. 237-593, 25 pls., 260 figs. 

Mancala, the national game of Africa. By Stewart Culin. 

pp. 595-607, 5 pls., 14 figs. 

The golden patera of Rennes. By Thomas Wilson. 

pp. 609-617, 1 plate, 1 fig. 

The wooden statue of Baron Ii Kamon-no-Kami Naosuké, 
pioneer diplomat of Japan. (Translation by Mr. H. Satoh 
of the label accompanying the statue.) 

pp. 619-622, 1 plate. 
A study of the primitive methods of drilling. By J. D. 
pp. 623-756, 201 figs. 
The swastika, the earliest known symbol, and its migrations; 
3 . = 
with observations on the migration of certain industries in 
prehistoric times. By Thomas Wilson. 
pp. 757-1011, 25 pls., 374 figs., 1 map, 1 chart. 


The social organization and the secret societies of the Kwakiutl 
Indians. By Franz Boas. 
pp. 311-738, 51 pls., 215 figs. 
The graphic art of the Eskimos. By Walter James — offman. 
pp. 739-968, 82 pls., 154 figs. 
Notes on the geology and natural history of the peninsula of 
Lower California. By George P. Merrill. 
pp. 969-994, 10 pls. 
The mineralogical collections in the U.S. National Museum. 
By Wirt Tassin. 
pp. 995-1000, 1 plate. 
The tongues of birds. By Frederic A. Lucas. 
pp. 1001-1020, 2 pls., 18 figs. 
The Ontonagon copper bowlder in the U.S. National Museum. 
By Charles Moore. 
pp. 1021-1030, 2 pls. 
Taxidermical methods in the Leyden Museum, Holland. By 
R. W. Shufeldt. 

pp. 1031-1037, 6 pls. 
The antiquity of the red race in America. By Thomas Wilson. 

pp. 1039-1045, 

An account of the U. S National Museum. By Frederick W. 
pp. 287-324. 
Prehistoric art; or, the origin of art as manifested in the works 
of prehistoric man. By Thomas Wilson, 
pp. 325-664, 75 pls., 325 figs, 






99. Chess and playing cards: catalogue of games and implements 
for divination exhibited by the United States National Museum 
in connection with the Department of Archeology and Paleon- 
tology of the University of Pennsylvania at the Cetton States 
and International Exposition, Atlanta, Georgia, 1895. By 
Stewart Culin. 

pp. 665-942, 50 pls., 226 figs. 

100. Biblical antiquities: A description of the exhibit at the Cotton 
States International Exposition at Atlanta, 1895. By Cyrus 
Adler and I. M. Casanowicz. 

pp. 943-1023, 46 pls. 
101. The lamp of the Eskimo. By Walter Hough. 

pp. 1025-1057, 24 pls., 4 figs. 
1S SE: 

102. Recent foraminifera: A descriptive catalogue of specimens 
dredged by the U.S. Fish Commission steamer <Addatross. 
By James M. Flint, U.S. N. 

pp. 249-349, 80 pls. 

103. Pipes and smoking customs of the American aborigines, based 
on material in the U.S. National Museum. By Joseph D. 

pp. 351-645, 5 pls., 239 figs. A F 

104. Catalogue of the series illustrating the properties of minerals. 

By Witt Tassin. 
pp. 647-688. 

105. Te Pito Te Henua, known as ** Rapa Nui;” commonly called 
Easter Island, South Pacific Ocean. By George H. Cooke, 
UF Se N: 

pp. 689-723. 

106. The man’s knife among the North American Indians: A study 
in the collections of the U.S. National Museum. By Otis 
Tufton Mason. 

pp. 725-745, 17 figs. 

107. Classification of the mineral collections in the U. S. National 

Museum. By Witt Tassin. 
pp. 747-810. 

108. Arrowpoints, spearheads, and knives of prehistoric times. 
By Thomas Wilson. 

pp. 811-988, 65 pls., 201 figs. 


109. Future development of the National Museum. (Part of the 
Report of the Acting Assistant Secretary.) 
pp. 13-16. 
110. The crocodilians, lizards, and snakes of North America. By 
Edward Drinker Cope. 

pp. 153-1270, 36 pls., 347 figs. 



R. 114. 




Guide to the study of the collections in the section of applied 
geology: The non-metallic minerals. By George P. Merrill. 
pp. 155-483, 30 pls., 13 figs. 
A primitive frame for weaving narrow fabrics. By Otis 
Tufton Mason. 
pp. 485-510, 9 pls., 19 figs. 
An early West Virginia pottery. By Walter Hough. 
pp. 511-521, 18 pls. 
Pointed bark canoes of the Kutenai and Amur. By Otis 
Tufton Mason. (With notes on the Kutenai canoe by 
Meriden 8. Hill.) 
pp. 523-537, 5 pls., 6 figs. 
Descriptive catalogue of a collection of objects of Jewish 
ceremonial deposited in the U. 8. National Museum by 
Hadji Ephraim Benguiat. By Cyrus Adler and I. M. Casa- 

pp. 539-561, 36 pls. 


Anthropological studies in California. By W. H. Holmes. 

pp. 155-187, 50 pls. 
Aboriginal American harpoons: A study in ethnic distribu- 
tion and invention. By Otis T. Mason. 

pp. 189-304, frontispiece, 19 pls., 92 figs. 
A sketch of the history of the ceramic art in China, with a 
catalogue of the Hippisley collection of Chinese porcelains. 
By Alfred E. Hippisley. 

pp. 3805-416, 21 pls. 
Contributions to the history of musical scales. By Charles 
K. Wead. 

pp. 417-462, 10 pls., 8 figs. 
A collection of Hopi ceremonial pigments. By Walter 

pp. 463-471. 
Descriptive catalogue of the collections of gems in the U. S. 
National Museum. By Wirt Tassin. 

pp. 473-670, 9 pls., 26 figs. 
Descriptive catalogue of the meteorite collection in the U. S. 
National Museum. By Wirt Tassin. 

pp. 671-698, 4 pls. 

_ Be 

WAL yy 
1 wre i? : 
: 7 jie ae: 

ie oe 
77 au 7 
HOD Pidiy 
Se ia a 




Department of the Interior: | U.S. National Museum. | —— 17 —— | 
Proceedings | of the | United States National Museum. | Vol. 1. | 
1878. | —— | Published under the direction of the Smith- 
sonian Institution. | —— | Washington: | Government Printing 
Office. | 1879. 

8vo., pp. iv, 1-520, 8 pls., 7 figs. 

P. 1. Descriptions of new forms of mollusks from Alaska contained 
in the collections of the National Museum. By William H. 
pp. 1-3. 
P. 2. Postpliocene fossils in the coast range of California. By Wil- 
= “ 
liam H. Dall. 
p. 3. 
P. 3. Notes on the American species of the genus Cybium. By Felipe 
pp. 3-5. 
P. 4. The Clupea tyrannus of Latrobe. By G. Brown Goode. 
pp. 5-6. 
P. 5. The occurrence of elone latimanus in Buzzard’s Bay, Massa- 
chusetts. By G. Brown Goode. 
pp. 6-7. 
P. 6. The voices of crustaceans. By G. Brown Goode. 
pp. 7-8. 
P. 7. Ona new humming bird (Af¢th7s dliot7) from Guatemala. By 
Robert Ridgway. 
pp. 8-10. 
P. 8. Fossil mollusks from later tertiaries of California. By William 
Hi. Dall. 

pp. 10-16. 

P. 9. The manufacture of porpoise oil. By Caleb Cook. 
pp. 16-18. 

P. 10. The craig flounder of Europe, Glyptocephalus cynoglossus, on 
the coast of North America. By G. Brown Goode and Tar- 
leton H. Bean. 

pp. 19-23. 

1 Vols. I-X were issued as publications of the Department of the Interior. 



Ps a2. 






Ps 19: 


P. 23. 

P, 24. 


Note on shells from Costa Rica kitchenmidden, collected by 

Drs. Flint and Bransford. By William H. Dall. 
pp. 23-24. 

Arsenic acid for protecting anatomical preparations from 

insects. By J. B.S. Jackson. 
p. 24. 

The oceanic bonito on the coast of the United States. By 

G. Brown Goode and Tarleton H. Bean. 
pp. 24-26. 

Distribution of Californian tertiary fossils. By William H. 

pp. 26-30. 

A revision of the American species of the genus Brevoortia, 
with a description of a new species from the Gulf of Mexico. 
By G. Brown Goode. 

pp. 30-42. 

Description of Caulolatilus microps, a new species of fish from 

the coast of Florida. By G. Brown Goode and Tarleton H. 

pp. 42-45. 

The occurrence of ///ppocampus antiquorum, or an allied form, 

on Saint George’s Banks. By G. Brown Goode. 
pp. 45-46. 

Descriptions of new species of shells from California in the 

collections of the National Museum. By William H. Dall. 
pp. 46-47. 

Catalogue of the birds of Dominica from collections made for 
the Smithsonian Institution by Frederick A. Ober, together 
with his notes and observations. By George N. Lawrence. 

pp. 48-69. 

Notes on a collection of fishes from Clackamas River, Oregon. 

By David 8S. Jordan. 
pp. 69-85, 

A review of the American species of the genus Scops, Savigny. 

By Robert Ridgway. 
pp. 85-117. 

Notes on the ornithology of southern Texas, being a list of 
birds observed in the vicinity of Fort Brown, Texas, from 
February, 1876, to June, 1878. By James C. Merrill. 

pp. 118-173, 3 pls. 


On a serranoid fish, Apinephelus drummond-hayi, from the 
Bermudas and Florida. By G. Brown Goode and Tarleton 
H. Bean. 

pp. 173-175. 

Descriptions of two new species of fishes, Lutjanus blackfordii 

and Lutjanus stearnsi/, from the coast of Florida. By G. 

Brown Goode and Tarleton H. Bean. 
pp. 176-181. 









A note on the Gulf menhaden, Brevoortia patronus Goode. 

By Silas Stearns. 
pp. 181-182. 

A note upon the black grouper, Lpinephelus nigritus (Hol- 
brook) Gill, of the southern coast. By G. Brown Goode and 
Tarleton H. Bean. 

pp. 182-184. 

Catalogue of the birds of Saint Vincent, from collections made 
by Mr. Fred. A. Ober, under the directions of the Smith- 
sonian Institution, with his notes thereon. By George N. 

pp. 185-198. 
Description of a new sparoid fish, Sargus holbrookii, from 

Savannah Bank. By Tarleton H. Bean. 
pp. 198-200. 

Catalogue of casts taken by Clark Mills, esq., of the heads of 
sixty-four Indian prisoners of various western tribes, and 
held at Fort Marion, Saint Augustine, Florida, in charge of 
Capt. KR. Pratt, U. S.A. By R. H. Pratt. 

pp. 201-214. 

Synopsis of the pediculate fishes of the eastern coast of extra- 

tropical North America. By Theodore Gill. 

pp. 215-221. 
Note on the Antennariidee. By Theodore Gill. 
pp. 221-222. 

On the proper specific name of the common pelagic Antennariid 
Pterophryne. By Theodore Gill. 
pp. 223-226. 
Note on the Ceratiide. By Theodore Gill. 
pp. 227-231. 
Note on the Maltheide. By Theodore Gill. 
pp. 231-232. 
Catalogue of the birds of Antigua and Barbuda, from collec- 
tions made for the Smithsonian Institution by Mr. Fred. A. 
Ober, with his observations. By George N. Lawrence. 

Note on Perca flavescens. By Franz Steindachner. 
p. 243. 
On the destruction of fish in the vicinity of the Tortugas during 
the months of September and October, 1878. By J. P. Jef- 

ferson, Joseph Y. Porter, and Thomas Moore. 
pp. 244-246. 

Descriptions of several new species and geographical races of 
birds contained in the collection of the U.S. National Museum. 

By Robert Ridgway. 
pp. 247-252. 




















. 49. 


2 Q 



Description of two new species of birds from Costa Rica, and 
notes on other rare species from that country. By Robert 
Ridgway. : 

Ppp, 252-255. 

Description of two gadoid fishes, Phycis chester’ and [alopor- 
phyrus viola, from the deep-sea fauna of the northwestern 
Atlantic. By G. Brown Goode and Tarleton H. Bean. 

pp. 256-260. 

Description of Argentina syrtensium, a new deep-sea fish from 
Sable Island Bank. By G. Brown Goode and Tarleton H. 

pp. 261-263. 

On the occurrence of the oceanic bonito, Orcynus pelamys 
(Linné) Poey, in Vineyard Sound, Massachusetts. By Vinal 
N. Edwards. 

p. 263. 

Notes on the western gizzard shad, Dorosoma cepedianum het- 

erurum (Raf.) Jordan. By Samuel Wilmot. 
pp. 263-264. 

The occurrence of the Canada porcupine in West Virginia. By 

G. Brown Goode. 
pp. 264-265. 

Catalogue of the birds of Grenada, from a collection made by 
Mr. Fred. A. Ober, for the Smithsonian Institution, includ- 
ing others seen by him, but not obtained. By George N. 

pp. 265-278. 

On the breeding habits of the sea-catfish (Ariopsis milberti ?). 

By N. T. Lupton. 
pp. 278-279. 

On the occurrence of Stichwus punctatus (Fabr.) Kroyer, at St. 

Michael’s, Alaska. By Tarleton H. Bean. 
pp. 279-281. 

Report on the limpets and chitons of the Alaskan and Arctic 
regions, with descriptions of genera and species believed to 
be new. By William H. Dall. 

pp. 281-344, 5 pls., 5 figs. 

On the identity of Huchalarodus putnami Gill, with Pleuronectes 
glaber (Storer) Gill, with notes on the habits of the species 
By Tarleton H. Bea 

pp. 345-348. 

The identity of Rhinonemus caudacuta (Storer) Gill, with Gadus 

cimbrius Linn. By G. Brown Goode. 
pp. 348-349. 

Catalogue of the birds collected in Martinique by Mr. Fred. 
A. Ober, for the Smithsonian Institution. By George N. 

pp. 349-360. 



. Note on Platessa ferruginea, D. H. Storer, and Platessa rostrata, 

H. R. Storer. By G. Brown Goode and Tarleton H. Bean. 

pp. 3861-362. 

. On the identity of Brosmius americanus Gill, with Brosmius 

brosme (Miller) White. By G. Brown Goode and Tarleton 
H. Bean. 

pp. 362-363. 
On the mortality of fishes in the Gulf of Mexico in 1878. By 
lrtPs Jefferson. 

pp. 363-364. 
Notes on the fishes of Beaufort Harbor, North Carolina. By 
David 8. Jordan and Charles H. Gilbert. 

pp. 365-388. 

5. A partial list of the birds of central California. [Edited by R. 

Ridgway.] By L. Belding. 

pp. 388-449. 

. Catalogue of a collection of birds obtained in Guadeloupe for 

the Smithsonian Institution, by Mr. Fred. A. Ober. By 

George N. Lawrence. 
pp. 449-462. 

. On two fishes from the Bermudas mistakenly described as new 

by Dr. Giinther. By G. Brown Goode. 

pp. 462-463. 
Description of a species of Lycodes (L. turner’) from Alaska, 

believed to be undescribed. By Tarleton H. Bean. 
pp. 4638-466. 

Descriptions of new species and races of American birds, includ- 
ing a synopsis of the genus 7yrannus Cuvier. By Robert 

pp. 466-486. 

. A general catalogue of the birds noted from the islands of the 

Lesser Antilles visited by Mr. Fred. A. Ober, with a table 
showing their distribution and those found in the United 
States. By George N. Lawrence. 

pp. 486-488. 


Department of the Interior: | U.S. National Museum. | —— 19 —— | 
Proceedings | of the | United States National Museum. | Vol. II. 
| 1879. | —— | Published under the direction of the Smithsonian 
Institution. | —— | Washington: | Government Printing Office. 
| 1880. 


8vo., pp. iv, 1-499, 7 pls., 2 figs. 

Notes on the nests and eggs of the eight North American spe- 

cies of Hmpidonaces. By T. M. Brewer. 
pp. 1-10. 


P. 63. A list of European fishes in the collection of the United States 

National Museum. By Tarleton H. Bean. 
pp. 10-44. 

P. 64. Description of a species of Lycodes (L. paxillus), obtained by 
the United States Fish Commission. By G. Brown Goode 
and Tarleton H. Bean. 

pp. 44-46. 

P. 65. Description of a new species of Liparis (L. ranula), obtained 
by the United States Fish Commission off Halifax, Nova 
Scotia. By G. Brown Goode and Tarleton H. Bean. 

pp. 46-48. 

P. 66. Description of a new species of amber fish (Ser/ola stearnsi7), 
obtained near Pensacola, Florida, by Mr. Silas Stearns. By 
G. Brown Goode and Tarleton H. Bean. 

pp. 48-51. 
P. 67. On the birds of Heligoland. By H. Giitke. 
pp. 51-55. 

P. 68. Description of Alepocephalus bairdii, a new species of fish from 
the deep-sea fauna of the western Atlantic. By G. Brown 
Goode and Tarleton H. Bean. 
pp. 55-57. 
P. 69. On the species of Astroscopus of the eastern United States. By 
Tarleton H. Bean. 
pp. 57-63. 
P. 70. On the occurrence of /Zppoglossus vulgaris Flem., at Una- 
lashka and Saint Michael’s, Alaska. By Tarleton H. Bean. 
pp. 63-66. 
P. 71. Description of an apparently new species of Gasterosteus 
(G. atkinsi’) from the Schoodic Lakes, Maine. By Tarleton 
H. Bean. 
pp. 67-69. 
P. 72. Review of the Pleuronectide of San Francisco. By W. N. 
pp. 69-108. 


P. 73. A preliminary catalogue of the fishes of the Saint John’s River 
and the east coast of Florida, with descriptions of a new 
genus and three new species. By G. Brown Goode. 

pp. 108-121. 

P. 74. Catalogue of a collection of fishes sent from Pensacola, Florida, 
and vicinity, by Mr. Silas Stearns, with description of six 
new species. By G. Brown Goode and Tarleton H. Bean. 

pp. 121-156. 

P. 75. Notes on New England Isopoda. By Oscar Harger. 
pp. 157-165. 






Notice of recent additions to the marine invertebrata, of the 
northeastern coast of America, with descriptions of new gen- 
era and species and critical remarks on others. (Part I. 
Annelida, Gephyrea, Nemertina, Nematoda, Polyzoa, Tuni- 
cata, Mollusca, Anthozoa, Echinodermata, Porifera.) By 
A. E. Verrill. 

pp. 165-205. 

Description of a new genus and species of fish, Lopholatilus 
chameleonticeps, from the south coast of New England. By 
G. Brown Goode and Tarleton H. Bean. 

pp. 205-209. 

On the occurrence of Lycodes vahlii Reinhardt, on La Have 
and Grand Banks. By G. Brown Goode and Tarleton H. 

pp. 209-210. 

List of names, age, tribe, etc., of Indian boys and girls at 
Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute, Virginia, plas- 
ter casts of whose heads were taken by Clark Mills, esq., 
March, 1879. By R. H. Pratt. 

p. 211. 

Description of a new fish from Alaska (Anarrhichas lepturus), 
with notes upon other species of the genus Anarrhichas. By 
Tarleton H. Bean. 

pp. 212-218. 

Notes on certain typical specimens of American fishes in the 
British Museum and in the Museum d’Histoire Naturelle at 
Paris. By David S. Jordan. 

pp. 218-226. 

List of marine invertebrata from the New England coast, dis- 
tributed by the U. 8S. Commission of Fish and Fisheries.’ By 
Richard Rathbun. 

pp. 227-232. 

Occurrence of Chelura terebrans, a crustacean destructive to 
the timber of submarine structures, on the coast of the United 
States. By Sidney I. Smith. 

pp. 232-235, 2 figs. 

Description of new species of North American fishes. By 

David S. Jordan. 
pp. 235-241. 

On the migrations and nesting habits of west-coast birds. By 

J. G. Cooper. 
pp. 241-251. 

Descriptions of new species of carboniferous invertebrate fos- 

sils. By C. A. White. 

pp. 252-260, 1 plate. 

1¥For lists of the specimens contained in Series II, III, IV, see Nos. 230, 231, 371; and in Series V, 
see Rep. U.S.N.M., 1895, pp. 292-298, 







A study of the trunk-fishes (Ostraciontide), with notes upon 
the American species of the family. By G. Brown Goode. 
pp. 261-283. 
88. On the habits of the Rocky Mountain goat. By James C. 
pp. 283-284. 
89. Notes on a collection of fishes from eastern Georgia. By Tar- 
leton H. Bean. 

pp. 284-286. 

. 90. Description of a new species of Am/urus (A. ponderosus), from 

the Mississippi river. By Tarleton H. Bean. 
pp. 286-290. 
91. Note on Endothyra ornata. By C. A. White. 
p. 291. 
92. Note on Criocardium and Ethmocardium. By C. A. White. 
pp. 291-292. 

93. Descriptions of new cretaceous invertebrate fossils from Kan- 
sas and Texas. By C. A. White. 

pp. 292-298, 5 pls. 

94. Notes on a collection of fishes obtained in the stream of Guana- 
juato and in Chapala Lake, Mexico, by Prof. A. Dugés. By 
David S. Jordan. 

pp. 298-301. 

95. Descriptions of two species of fishes collected by Prof. A. 

Dugés in central Mexico. By Tarleton H. Bean. 
pp. 302-305. 

96. Report of experiments upon the animal heat of fishes, made at 
Provincetown, Massachusetts, during the summer of 1879, in 
connection with operations of the United States Fish Commis- 
sion. By J. H. Kidder. 

pp. 306-326. 

97. Descriptions of new genera and species of fishes from the coast 

of California. By W. N. Lockington. 
pp. 326-3832. 

98. Catalogue of a collection of fishes obtained in the Gulf of 
Mexico by Dr. J. W. Velie, with descriptions of seven new 
species. By G. Brown Goode and Tarleton H. Bean. 

pp. 333-345. 

99. Notice of a new species of the ‘ Willemeesia group of crustacea’ 
(Recent Eryontide). By Sidney I. Smith. 

pp. 345-353, 1 plate. 

100. Descriptions of some genera and species of Alaskan fishes. 
By Tarleton H. Bean. 

pp. 358-359. 

101. Fourth installment of ornithological bibliography; being a list 
of faunal publications relating to British birds. By Elliott 

pp. 359-477, 



Department of the Interior: | U.S. National Museum. | —— 25 —— | 






Proceedings | of the 

United States National Museum. | Vol. 

III. | 1880. | —— | Published under the direction of the Smith- 
sonian Institution. | —— | Washington: | Government Printing 

Office. | 1881. 





. LO. 





8vo., pp. Vv, 1-589, 2 pls., 11 figs. 

Revisions of nomenclature of certain North American birds. 
By Robert Ridgway. 

pp. 1-16. 
Description of a new species of bird of the family Turdidee, 
from the island of Dominica, West Indies. By George N. 

pp. 16-17. 
Notes on a collection of fishes from east Florida, obtained by 
Dr. J. A. Henshall. By David 8. Jordan. 

pp. 17-21. 
Notes on a collection of fishes from Saint John’s River, Florida, 
obtained by Mr. A. H. Curtiss. By David S. Jordan. 

Notes on a collection of fishes from San Diego, California. 
By David 8. Jordan and Charles H. Gilbert. 

pp. 23-34. 
Description of a new flounder (Yystreurys liolepis) from Santa 
Catalina Island, California. By David S. Jordan and Charles 
H. Gilbert. 

pp. 34-36. 
Description of a new ray (Latyrhina triseriata), from the 
coast of California. By David $8. Jordan and Charles H. 

pp. 36-38. 
Description of a new species of ‘‘rock cod” (Sebastichthys 
serriceps), from the coast of California. By David S. Jordan 
and Charles H. Gilbert. 

pp. 38-40. 
On the occurrence of Cephaloscyllium laticeps (Duméril) Gill, 
on the coast of California. By David 8S. Jordan and Charles 
H. Gilbert. 

pp. 40-42. 
On the oil-shark of southern California (Ga/eorhinus galeus). 
By David S. Jordan and Charles H. Gilbert. 

pp. 42-43. 

9. The surf-smelt of the northwest coast, and the method of 

taking them by the Quillehute Indians, west coast of Wash- 

ington territory. By James G. Swan, 
pp. 43-46, 














ol L8s 




Note on the occurrence of Productus giganteus in California. 

By C. A. White. 

pp. 46-47. 
Note on Acrothele. By C. A. White. 

p. 47. 
Description of a new cretaceous Pinna from New Mexico. 
By C. A. White. 

pp. 47-48. 
Note on the occurrence of Strichlandinia salteri and S. david- 
soni in Georgia. By C. A. White. 

pp. 48-49. 
Description of a new flounder (/Veuronichthys verticalis), from 
the coast of California, with notes on other species. By David 

S. Jordan and Charles H. Gilbert. 
pp. 49-51. 

Notes on sharks from the coast of California. By David 
S. Jordan and Charles H. Gilbert. 

pp. 51-82. 
On the generic relations of Platyrhina exasperata. By David 
S. Jordan and Charles H. Gilbert. 

p. 53. 
Remarks on the species of the genus Chzrus found in San 


Francisco market, including one hitherto undescribed. By 
W. N. Lockington. 

pp. 53-57. 
Description of a new fish from Alaska (U/ranidea microstoma). 
By W. N. Lockington. 

pp. 58-59. 
Description of a new species of Agonidee (Drachyopsis verru- 
cosus), from the coast of California. By W. N. Lockington. 

pp. 60-63. 
Description of a new genus and some new species of Cali- 
fornia fishes (/costeus wnigmaticus and Osmerus attenuatus). 
By W. N. Lockington. 

pp. 63-68. 
Description of a new hake (Phycis earlliz), from South Caro- 
lina, and a note on the occurrence of Phycis regius in North 
Carolina. By Tarleton H. Bean. 

pp. 69-70. 

125. Description of a new species of Sebastichthys (Sebastichthys 


miniatus), from Monterey Bay, California. By David 8. 
Jordan and Charles H. Gilbert. 

pp. 70-73. 
Description of a new species of ‘* rock fish” (Sebastichthys car- 
natus), from the coast of California. By David S. Jordan 
and Charles H. Gilbert, 

pp. 73-79, 


P. 130. 

P. 139. 


Pe 134. 

P: 185. 


Ee 13k 



Check-list of duplicates of North American fishes distributed 
by the Smithsonian Institution in behalf of the United States 

National Museum, 1877-1880.!_ By Tarleton H. Bean. 
pp. 75-116. 

. The littoral marine fauna of Provincetown, Cape Cod, Massa- 

chusetts. By Richard Rathbun. 

pp. 116-133. 
Description of a new species of ray (Rada stellulata), from 
Monterey, California. By David S. Jordan and Charles H. 

pp. 133-135. 
Descriptions of new species of Yiphister and Apodichthys, 
from Monterey, California. By David S. Jordan and Charles 
H. Gilbert. 

pp. 135-140. 

Description of a very large fossil gasteropod from the State 
of Puebla, Mexico. By C. A. White. 

pp. 140-142, 1 plate. 
Description of two new species of Sebastichthys (Sebastichth ys 
entomelas and Sebastichthys rhodochloris), from Monterey Bay, 
California. By David S. Jordan and Charles H. Gilbert. 

pp. 142-146. 
On the occurrence of a species of Cremnobates at San Diego, 
California. By Rosa Smith. 

pp. 147-149. 
On some new species of eocene mollusca from the southern 
United States. By Angelo Heilprin. 

pp. 149-152, 1 plate. 
Description of a new agonoid fish (Brachyopsis wyosternus), 
from Monterey Bay, California. By David S. Jordan and 
Charles H. Gilbert. 

pp. 152-154, 
Description of a new flounder (/Zippoglossoides extlis), from 
the coast of California. By David 8. Jordan and Charles H. 

pp. 154-156. 
Descriptions of new invertebrate fossils from the mesozoic and 
cenozoic rocks of Arkansas, Wyoming, Colorado, and Utah. 
By C. A. White. 

pp. 157-162. 
A catalogue of the birds of North America. By Robert 

pp. 163-246. 

1For list of fishes distributed in 1881 see No. 185. The list of a later distribution is printed in the 
Rep. U.S. Nat. Mus., 1895, pp. 278-280. 

8879—No. 51—02 



P. 139. On the identity of the genus Leurynn/s Lockington, with 

Lycodopsis Collett. By Theodore Gill. 
pp. 247-248. 

P. 140. Description of a new chiroid fish (Myriolepis zonifer), from 

Monterey Bay, California. By W. N. Lockington. 
pp. 248-251. 

P. 141. Description of a new species of ray (a:a rhina), from the 
coast of California. By David S. Jordan and Charles H. 

pp. 251-253. 

P. 142. Description of a new species of parrot of the genus Chrysotis, 

from the island of Dominica. By George N. Lawrence. 
pp. 254-257. 

P. 148. The eulachon or candle-fish of the northwest coast. By James 

G. Swan. 
pp. 257-264. 

P. 144. Description of two new species of fishes (Ascelichthys rhodorus 
and Scytalina cerdale), from Neah Bay, Washington territory. 
By David 8. Jordan and Charles H. Gilbert. 

pp. 264-268. 

P. 145. On Camaraphysema, anew type of sponge. By John A. Ryder. 

pp. 269-273, 7 figs. 

P. 146. Description of two new species of scopeloid fishes (Sudis rin- 

= 1 ~ 
gens and Myctophum crenulare), from Santa Barbara Channel, 
California. By David 8. Jordan and Charles H. Gilbert. 
pp. 273-276. 
P. 147. Description of two new species of flounders (Parophrys ischy- 
y y 
rus and Lippoglossoides elassodon), from Puget Sound. By 
David S. Jordan and Charles H. Gilbert. 
pp. 276-280. 

P. 148. On the genitalia of male eels and their sexual characters. By 
S. Th. Cattie. 

pp. 280-284, 1 fig. 

P. 149. Description of a new sparoid fish (Sparus brachysomus), from 
Lower California. By W. N. Lockington. 

pp. 284-286. 

P. 150. Description of seven new species of sebastoid fishes, from the 
coast of California. By David S. Jordan and Charles H. 

pp. 287-298. 

P. 151. Description of a new embiotocoid (Abeona aurora), from 
Monterey, California, with notes on a related species. By 
David S. Jordan and Charles H. Gilbert. 

pp. 299-301. 
P. 152. Description of a new flounder (Platysomatichthys stomias), 
from the coast of California. By David 8. Jordan and Charles 

H. Gilbert. 

pp. 301-303. 





. 154. 


Description of a new embiotoccid fish (Cymatogaster rosaceus), 
from the coast of California. By David S. Jordan and 
Charles H. Gilbert. 

pp. 303-305. 
Description of a new species of deep-water fish (Je¢cehthys lock- 
ington’), from the coast of California. By David S. Jordan 
and Charles H. Gilbert. 

pp. 305-308. 
Catalogue of Trochilidz in the collection of the United States 
National Museum. By Robert Ridgway. 

pp. 308-320, 
Description of a new embiotocoid fish (Dtrema atripes), from 
the coast of California. By David S. Jordan and Charles H. 

pp. 320-322. 
Description of a new scorpzeenoid fish (Sebastichthys maliger), 
from the coast of California. By David S. Jordan and Charles 
H. Gilbert. 

pp. 322-324. 
Note on a new flat-fish (Lepidopsetta tsolepis), found in the 
markets of San Francisco. By W. N. Lockington. 

p. 325. 
Note ona forgotten paper of Dr. Ayres and its bearing on the 
nomenclature of the cyprinoid fishes of the San Francisco 
markets. By David S. Jordan. 

pp. 325-327. 
Note on ‘*Sema” and ‘* Dacentrus.” By David S. Jordan. 

p. 327. : 
Description of a new scorpenoid fish (Sehastichthys proriger), 
trom Monterey Bay, California. By David S. Jordan. 

pp. 327-329. 
Description of a new agonoid (Agonus vulsus), from the coast 
of California: By David 8. Jordan and Charles H. Gilbert. 

pp. 330-8382. 
List of species and varieties of minerals in the National 
Museum of the United States in 1879. By Fred. M. Endlich. 

pp. 333-335. 
Description of a new species of /Hemirhamphus (Hemirham- 
phus rose), from the coast of California. By David 5. 
Jordan and Charles H. Gilbert. 

pp. 335-336. 
Descriptions of seven new species of fishes from deep-sea 
soundings on the southern New England coast, with diagnoses 
of two undescribed genera of flounders and a genus related 
to Merlucius. By G. Brown Goode. 

pp. 3387-350. 



P: 16%. 

Po 169: 


P. 174. 


Description of anew species of J/cterus from the West Indies. 
By George N. Lawrence. 

p. 351, 
Description of a new species of notidanoid shark (/Zeranchus 
corinus), from the Pacific coast of the United States. By 
David S. Jordan and Charles H. Gilbert. 

pp. 352-355. 
Notice of recent additions to the marine invertebrata of the 
northeastern coast of America, with descriptions of new gen- 
era and species and critical remarks .on others. (Part II. 
Mollusca, with notes on Annelida, Echinodermata, etc., col- 
lected by the U. 8. Fish Commission.) By A. E. Verrill. 

pp. 356-405. 
Notice of recent additions to the marine invertebrata of the 
northeastern coast of America. (Part III. Catalogue of the 
Mollusca recently added to the fauna of southern New Eng- 
land.) By A. E. Verrill. 

pp. 405-409. 
Description of a new species of Vemichthys (Nemichthys avo- 
cetta), from Puget Sound. By David S. Jordan and Charles 
H. Gilbert. 

pp. 409-410. 
Description of a new species of Paralepis (Parelepis corus- 
cans), from the Straits of Juan de Fuca. By David 5S. 
Jordan and Charles H. Gilbert. 

pp. 411-413. 
Preliminary notice of the crustacea dredged, in 64 to 325 fath- 
oms, off the south coast of New England, by the United States 
Fish Commission in 1890. By S$. I. Smith. 

pp. 413-452. 
List of the fishes of the Pacific coast of the United States, 
with a table showing the distribution of the species. By 
David 8. Jordan and Charles H. Gilbert. 

pp. 452-458. 
On the generic relations of Belone exilis Girard. By David S. 
Jordan and Charles H. Gilbert. 

p. 459. 
Notes on a collection of fishes from Utah Lake. By David 5. 
Jordan and Charles H. Gilbert. 

pp. 459-465. 
Description of a new species of ‘*rock-fish” (Sebastichthys 
chrysomelas) from the coast of California. By David S. 
Jordan and Charles H. Gilbert. 

pp. 465-466. 
Fishes from the deep water on the south coast of New England, 
obtained by the United States Fish Commission in the summer 
of 1880. By G. Brown Goode. 

pp. 467-486. 

P. 178. Description of a new species of Caranx (Caranx beans), from 
Beaufort, North Carolina. By David 8S. Jordan. 
pp. 486-488. 
P. 179. On a collection of fishes from eastern Mississippi. By O. P. 

pp. 488-515. 


P. 180. Synopsis and descriptions of American Rhinobatide. 1 
Samuel Garman. 
pp. 516-528. 
P. 181. List of North American species of myriapods belonging to the 
. oD > 
family of the Lysiopetalidee, with a description of a blind 
form from Luray Cave, Virginia. By John A. Ryder. 
2 9 2 « “ 
pp. 524-529, 3 figs. 
P. 182. Description of a new species of Prionotus (Prionotus stephano- 
plrys) from the coast of California. By W. N. Lockington. 
pp. 529-532. 
P. 183. The frigate mackerel Aw/s roche?. on the New England coast. 

By G. Brown Goode. 
pp. 532-535. 
P. 184. Wotacanthus phasganorus, a new species of Notacanthide from 
the Grand Banks of Newfoundland. By G. Brown Goode. 

pp. 535-537. 


Department of the Interior: | U.S. National Museum. | 27 | 
Proceedings | of the | United States National Museum. | Vol. 
LV. 1 88ie"| | Published under the direction of the Smith- 
sonian Institution. | —— | Washington: | Government Printing 
Office. | 1882. 

8vo., pp. vii, 1-584+142;1 1 plate, 13 figs. 

P. 185. Check-list of duplicates of fishes from the Pacific coast of 
North America, distributed by the Smithsonian Institution in 
behalf of the United States National Museum, 1881. By 
David S. Jordan and Pierre L. Jouy. 

pp. 1-18. 

P. 186. Description of a new species of Squalius (Squalius alicie), 

from Utah Lake. By Pierre L. Jouy. 
p. 19. 

P. 187. Description of a new gobioid fish (Othonops eos), from San 

Diego, California. By Rosa Smith. 
pp. 19-21. 

P. 188. On a duck new to the North American fauna. By Robert 

pp. 22-24. 

1Cireulars 1-18. 








; 190. 




. 194. 


sa OG: 



Rng oe 

. 200. 


On Amazilia yucatanensis Cabot, and A. cerviniventris Gould. 
By Robert Ridgway. 

pp. 25-26. 
Descriptions of new species of fishes (Uranidea marginata, 
Potamocottus bendire:) and of Myctophum crenulare J. and G. 
By Tarleton H. Bean. 

pp. 26-29. 
Notes on the fishes of the Pacific coast of the United States. 
By David S. Jordan and Charles H. Gilbert. 

pp. 29-70. 
Description of Sebastichthys mystinus. By David 8. Jordan 
and Charles H. Gilbert. 

pp. 70-72. 
Description of a new species of Ptychochilus (Ptychochilus 
harford:), from the Sacramento River. By David S. Jordan 
and Charles H. Gilbert. 

pp. 72-73. 
Note on Raza nornata. By David 8. Jordan and Charles H. 

pp. 73-74. 
On the fish-mortality in the Gulf of Mexico. By Ernest 

pp. 74-80. 
Notes on Salmonidee of the Upper Columbia. By Charles 

pp. 81-87, 1 fig. 
A review of the genera and species of the family Centrar- 
chide, with a description of one new species. By Charles L. 

pp. 87-93. 
A review of the genus Centurus, Swainson. By Robert 

pp. 93-119. 
Observations on Siredon lichenoides. By William E. Carlin. 

pp. 120-121. 
On the destruction of fish by poisonous water in the Gulf of 
Mexico. By Joseph Y. Porter. 

pp. 121-123. 
An analysis of water destructive to fish in the Gulf of Mexico. 
By F. M. Endlich. 

p. 124. 

Fish mortality in the Gulf of Mexico. By M. A. Moore. 

pp. 125-126. 

3. On the destruction of fish by polluted waters in the Gulf of 

Mexico. By W.C. W. Glazier. 

pp. 126-127. 










. 210. 


Notes on some fishes from Hudson’s Bay. By Tarleton H. 

pp. 127-129. 
On the mineralogical composition of the normal mesozoie dia- 
base upon the Atlantic border. By George W. Hawes. 

pp. 129-134. 
On the determination of feldspar in thin sections of rocks. By 
George W. Hawes. 

pp. 134-136. 
On certain cretaceous fossils from Arkansas and Colorado. By 
C. A. White. 

pp. 136-139, 1 plate. 
Description of a new species of Gobicsox ( Gobiesox rhessodon), 
from San Diego, California. By Rosa Smith. 

pp. 140-141, 
Description of a new genus and species of Cottide. By W.N. 

pp. 141-144. 

Description of new fishes from Alaska and Siberia. By Tarle- 
ton H. Bean. 

pp. 144-159. 
Description of a new species of fish (Apogon pandionis) from 
the deep water off the mouth of Chesapeake Bay. By G. 

Brown Goode and Tarleton H. Bean. 
pp. 160-161. 

Metallic casting of delicate natural objects. (Translation. ) 

p. 161. 
The occurrence of the Canadian vorcupine in Maryland. By 
Otto Lugger. 

pp. 161-162. 
Note on the latiloid genera. By Theodore Gill. 

pp. 162-164. 
List of species of Middle and South American birds not con- 
tained in the United States National Museum. By Robert 

pp. 165-203. 
Description of a new subspecies of Loxigilla from the island 
of St. Christopher, West Indies. By George N. Lawrence. 

pp. 204-205. 
Notes on the mortality of fishes of the Gulf of Mexico. By 
S. H. Johnson. 

p. 205. 
The comparative action of dry heat and sulphurous acid upon 
putrefactive bacteria. [Experiments by D. Wermch. | 

p. 206. 
List of special desiderata among North American birds. By 
Robert Ridgway. 

pp. 207-223. 



| See 









. 233. 



On Semper’s method of making dry preparations. 

pp. 224-225. 
Notes on a collection of fishes, made by Lieut. Henry E. 
Nichols, U. S. N., on the west coast of Mexico, with descrip- 
tions of new species. By David S. Jordan and Charles H. 

pp. 225-233. 
Report on the contents of two bottles of water from the Gulf 
of Mexico, forwarded by the Smithsonian Institution. By 
W. G. Farlow. 

p. 234. 
Remains of the walrus (7) in Maine. By C. H. Boyd. 

pp. 234-235. 
Directions for collecting and preserving fish. By Tarleton H. 

pp. 235-288. 
A preliminary catalogue of the fishes of Alaskan and adjacent 
waters. By Tarleton H. Bean. 

pp. 239-272. 
Methods of making and preserving plaster casts. By 
Anthony Pirz. 

pp. 272-273. 
List of fishes collected by Lieut. Henry FE. Nichols, U. S. N., 
in the Gulf of California and on the west coast of Lower 
California, with descriptions of four new species. By David 
S. Jordan and Charles H. Gilbert. 

pp. 273-279. 
On the genera of chitons. By William H. Dall. 

pp. 279-291, 
Notes on certain aboriginal shell-mounds on the coast of New 
Brunswick and of New England. By Spencer F. Baird. 

pp. 292-297. 
List of marine invertebrates, mainly from the New England 
coast, distributed by the United States National Museum. 
Series II. By Richard Rathbun. 

pp. 298-808. 
List of marine invertebrates from the New England coast, 
distributed by the United States National Museum. Series 

Ill. Educational series. By Richard Rathbun. 
pp. 304-807. 

Catalogue of a collection of Japanese woods presented to the 
United States National Museum by the University of Tokio, 
Japan. By Lester F. Ward. 

pp. 308-811. 
A partial bibliography of the fishes of the Pacific coast of the 
United States and of Alaska, for the year 1880. By Tarle- 
ton H. Bean. 

pp. 312-317. 



. 248. 


Catalogue of Old World birds in the United States National 
Museum. By Robert Ridgway. 

pp. 317-333. 
Notes on some Costa Rican birds. By Robert Ridgway. 

pp. 333-337. 
Description of a new fly-catcher and a supposed new petrel 
from the Sandwich Islands. By Robert Ridgway. 

997 O86 

Description of thirty-three new species of fishes from Mazatlan, 
Mexico. By David 8. Jordan and Charles H. Gilbert. 

pp. 338-365. 
Description of a new owl from Porto Rico. By Robert 

pp. 366-371. 
Description of two new races of J/yadestes obscurus Lafr. By 
Leonhard Stejneger. 

pp. 371-374. 
Description of two new thrushes from the United States. By 
Robert Ridgway. 

pp. 374-379. 
Benthodesmus, & new genus of deep-sea fishes, allied to Lep- 
idopus. By G. Brown Goode and Tarleton H. Bean. 

pp. 379-383. 
Description of a new species of Pomadasys from Mazatlan, 
with a key to the species known to inhabit the Pacific coasts of 
tropical America. By David $8. Jordan and Charles H. 

pp. 383-388. 
The rapid preparation of large myological specimens. By M. 
Felix Plateau. 

pp. 388-391. 
On the Chinook names of the salmon in the Columbia River. 
By Silas B. Smith. 

pp. 391-392. 
Remarks on the osteology of Opheosaurus ventralis. By 
R. W. Shufeldt. 

pp. 392-400, 9 figs. : 
On certain limpets and chitons from the deep waters off the 

eastern coast of the United States. By William H. Dall. 
pp. 400-414. > 

On two recent additions to the North American bird fauna, 
by L. Belding. By Robert Ridgway. 

pp. 414-415. 
The taxonomonic relations and geographical distribution of 
the members of the sword-fish family, Xiphide. By G. 
Brown Goode. 

pp. 415-433. 


P. 249. On the North American land tortoises of the genus Xerobates. 
By Frederick W. True. 
pp. 484-449, 3 figs. 
P. 250. Catalogue of a collection of Japanese cotton fiber presented to 
the United States National Museum by the Government of 
Japan together with the amount of the annual crop of Japan 
and the price of cotton. (Prepared by the Japanese legation. ) 
pp. 449-452. 
P. 251. Brief account of cotton husbandry in Japan. (Prepared by 
the Japanese legation.) 
pp. 452-453. 
P. 252. Description of a new species of Xenichthys (Xenichthys wenu- 
rus) from the west coast of Central America. By David 8. 
Jordan and Charles H. Gilbert. 
p. 454. 

P. 253. List of anthropological publications. By Charles Rau. 
pp. 455-458. 

P. 254. Description of five new species of fishes from Mazatlan, 

Mexico. By David 8. Jordan and Charles H. Gilbert. 
pp. 458-463. 

P. 255. Notes on a col.ection of ishes made by Capt. Henry F. Nich- 
ols, U. S. N., in British Columbia and southern Alaska, with 
descriptions of new species and a new genus (Delolepis). By 
Tarleton H. Bean. 

pp. 463-474. 

P. 256. On the rare rodent Cricetodipus parvus (Baird) Coues. By 

Frederick W. True. 
pp. 474-475. 

Department of the Interior: | U. S. National Museum. | —— 34 —— 
| Proceedings | of the | United States National Museum. | Vol. 
V. | 1882. | | Published under the direction of the Smith- 
sonian Institution. | —— | Washington: | Government Printing 
Office. | 1883. 

8Vv0., pp. xi, 1-703, 12 pls., 52 figs. 


Information concerning some fossil trees in the United States 
National Museum. By P. T. Swaine and J.T. C. Hegewald. 
pp. 1-3. 
P. 258. A study of the Phronimide of the North Pacific surveying 
“ So 
expedition. By Thomas H. Streets. 
pp. 3-9, 1 plate. 
P. 259. Description of several new races of North American birds. 
By Robert Ridgway. 
pp. 9-15. 












Synopsis of the West Indian Myadestes. By Leonhard Stej- 

pp. 15-27, 1 plate. : 
On some generic and specific appellations of North American 
and European birds. By Leonhard S ejneger. 

pp. 28-43. 
On the genera //arporhynchus, Cabanis, and Methriopterus, 
Reichenbach, with a description of a new genus of Mimine. 
By Robert Ridgway. 

pp. 43-46. 
On a phosphatic sandstone from Hawthorne, in Florida. By 
George W. Hawes. 

pp. 46-48. 
Notes on the native trees of the Lower Wabash and White 

river valleys, in Illinois and Indiana. By Robert Ridgway. 
pp. 49-88. 

Notes on fishes collected by Capt. Charles Bendire, U. S. A., 
in Washington territory and Oregon, May to October, 1881. 
By Tarleton H. Bean. 

pp. 89-93. 
New molluscan forms from the Laramie and Green River 
groups, with discussion of some associated forms heretofore 
known. By Charles A. White. 

pp. 94-99, 2 pls. 
The molluscan fauna of the Truckee group, including a new 
form. By Charles A. White. 

pp. 99-102, 1 plate. 
Description of four new species of sharks, from Mazatlan, 
Mexico. By David 8S. Jordan and Charles H. Gilbert. 

pp. 102-110. 
Description of a new shark (Carcharias lamiella), from San 
Diego, California. By David S. Jordan and Charles H. 

pp. 110-111. 
Critical remarks on the tree-creepers (Certhia) of Europe and 
America. By Robert Ridgway. 

pp. 111-116. 
Note on the occurrence of a silver lamprey (/chthyomyzon 
castaneus Girard), in Louisiana. By Tarleton H. Bean. 

pp. 117-119. 
Notes on a collection of fishes from Johnston’s Island, includ- 
ing descriptions of five new species. By Rosa Smith and 
Joseph Swain. 

pp. 119-143. 
Description of a new cyprinodont (Zygonectes *nurus), from 
southern Illinois. By David S. Jordan and Charles H. 

pp. 143-144. 










. 288. 


Notes on birds collected during the summer of 1880 in Alaska 
and Siberia. By Tarleton H. Bean. 

pp. 144-173. 
Outlines of a monograph of the Cygnine. By Leonhard 

pp. 174-221, 16 figs. 
Notes on the habits and rearing of the axolotl, Amblystoma 
mexicanum. By M. Carbonnier. 

pp. 221-222. 
Description of a new species of Uranidea (Uranidea polli- 
caris), from Lake Michigan. By David S$. Jordan and 
Charles H. Gilbert. 

pp. 222-223. 
Observations on four mules in milk. By Alfred Dugés. 

pp. 223-225. 
On Lagopus mutus Leach, and its allies. By Lucien M. 

pp. 225-238. 
Genera of the Scolopendrellide. By J. A. Ryder. 

p. 234. 
A list of the species of fishes recorded as occurring in the Gulf 
of Mexico. By G. Brown Goode and Tarleton H. Bean. 

pp. 234-240. 
Notes on fishes observed about Pensacola, Florida, and Gal- 
veston, Texas, with description of new species. By David 
S. Jordan and Charles H. Gilbert. 

pp. 241-307. 
A review of the Syngnathine of the United States, with a 
description of one new species. By Joseph Swain. 

pp. 307-815. 
Notice of recent additions to the marine invertebrata of the 
northeastern coast of America, with descriptions of new 
genera and species and critical remarks on others. (Part IV. 
Additions to the deep-water mollusca, taken off Martha’s 
Vineyard, in 1880 and 1881.) By A. EK. Verrill. 

pp. 315-343. 
Descriptions of some new North American birds. By Robert 

pp. 348-346. 
Description of a new species of Uranidea (Uranidea rhothea) 
from Spokane River, Washington territory. By Rosa Smith. 

pp. 347-348. 
On the eastward distribution of the black-tailed deer (Caracus 
columbianus). By Charles Bendire. 

pp. 348-349. 
Description of a new species of blenny (/sesthes gilbert?) from 

Santa Barbara, California. By David 8. Jordan. 
pp. 349-351. ; 


. 289. Description of a new species of Conodon (Conodon serrifer), 
from Boca Soledad, Lower California. By David S. Jordan 
and Charles H. Gilbert. 

pp. 351-352. 

290. Catalogue of the fishes collected by Mr. John Xantus at Cape 
San Lucas, which are now in the United States National 
Museum, with descriptions of eight new species. By David. 
Jordan and Charles H. Gilbert. 

pp. 353-871. 

_ 991. List of fishes collected by Mr. John Xantus at Colima, Mex- 

ico. By David S. Jordan and Charles H. Gilbert. 
pp. 371-372. 

999. List of fishes collected at Panama by Capt. John M. Dow, 
now in the United States National Museum. By David 5. 
Jordan and Charles H. Gilbert. 

pp. 373-378. 

_ 293. List of a collection of fishes made by Mr. L. Belding near 

Cape San Lucas, Lower California. By David S. J ordan and 

Charles H. Gilbert. 

pp. 378-381. 

_ 994. Tist of fishes collected at Panama by Rev. Mr. Rowell, now 
preserved in the United States National Museum. By 
David S. Jordan and Charles H. Gilbert. 

pp. 381-382. 

295. On a collection of birds from the Hacienda ‘‘ La Palma,” 
Gulf of Nicoya, Costa Rica. [With critical notes by R. 
Ridgway.| By C. C. Nutting. 

pp. 382-409. 

296. Descriptions of two new species of fishes (Sebastichthys umbro- 
sus and Citharichthys stigmeus), collected at Santa Barbara, 
California, by Andrea Larco. By David S. Jordan and 
Charles H. Gilbert. 

pp. 410-412. 
297. Descriptions of twenty-five new species of fish from the south- 

ern United States, and three new genera, Letharcus, Loglossus, 

and Chriodorus. By G. Brown Goode and Tarleton H. Bean. 
pp. 412-437. 

. 298. Description of a new species of goby (Gobiosoma vos), from 

Vancouver’s Island. By David 8. Jordan and Charles H. 


pp. 437-438. 


Descriptions of new species of reptiles and amphibians in the 
United States National Museum. By H. C. Yarrow. 

pp. 488-443. 
300. Contribution to the miocene flora of Alaska. By L. Lesque- 

pp. 443-449, 5 pls. 














P. : 
















Remarks on the systematic arrangement of the American 
Turdide. By Leonhard Stejneger. 

pp. 449-483, 33 figs. 
On the family Centropomide. By Theodore Gill. 

pp. 484-485, 1 plate. 
Nomenclature of the Xiphiids. By Theodore Gill. 

pp. 485-486. 
On the family and subfamilies of Carangide. By Theodore 

pp. 487-493. 
Catalogue of a collection of birds made in the interior of Costa 
Rica by Mr. C. C. Nutting. By Robert Ridgway. 

pp. 493-502. 
Brief descriptions of fossil plants, chiefly tertiary, from west- 
ern North America. By J. S. Newberry. 

pp. 502-414. 
Note on the Leptocardians. ‘By Theodore Gill. 

pp. 515-516. 
Note on the Myzonts or Marsipobranchiates. By Theodore 

pp. 516-517. 
Nof2 on the Bdellostomide and Myxinide. By Theodore Gill. 

pp. 517-520. 
Note on the Petromyzontids. By Theodore Gill. 

pp. 521-525. 
Description of a new warbler from the island of Santa Lucia, 
West Indies. By Robert Ridgway. 

pp. 525-526. 
Description of a supposed new plover from Chili. By Robert 

pp. 526-527. 
Catalogue of a collection of birds made at various points along 
the western coast of Lower California, north of Cape Saint 
Eugenio. [Edited by R. Ridgway.] By L. Belding. 

pp. 527-532. 
Catalogue of a ccllection of birds made near the southern 
extremity of the peninsula of Lower California. [Edited by 
R. Ridgway.] By L. Belding. 

pp. 532-550. 
On the genus Zantalus Linn., and its allies. By Robert 

pp. 550-551. 
Supplementary note on the Pediculati. By Theodore Gill. 

pp. 551-556. - 
Note on the Pomatomidee. By Theodore Gill. 
Note on the affinities of the Ephippiids. By Theodore Gill. 

pp. 957-560. 


. 330. 


. dd0. 


On the relations of the family Lobotide. By Theodore Gill. 

pp. 560-561. 
Note on the relationships of the Echeneidids. By Theodore 

pp. 561-566, 1 plate. 
Note on the genus Sparus. By Theodore Gill. 
On the proper name of the blue fish. By Theodore Gill. 

pp. 967-570. 
Does the panther (7elis concolor) go into the water to kill 
fish? By Livingston Stone. 

p. 570. 
On certain neglected generic names of La Cépéde. By David 
S. Jordan and Charles H. Gilbert. 

pp. 570-576. 
On the synonymy of the genus Lothus Rafinesque. By 
David S. Jordan and Charles H. Gilbert. 

pp. 576-577. 
Description of a new species of Artedius (Artedius fenestralis), 
from Puget Sound. By David S$. Jordan and Charles H. 

pp. 577-579. 
Description of a new species of Urolophus (Urolophus aste- 
rias), from Mazatlan and Panama. By David 5. Jordan and 
Charles H. Gilbert. 

pp. 579-580. 
Notes on a collection of fishes from Charleston, South Caro- 
lina, with descriptions of three new species. By David 5. 
Jordan and Charles H. Gilbert. 

pp. 580-620. 
List of fishes in the museum of Yale College, collected by 
Prof Frank H. Bradley, at Panama, with descriptions of 
three new species. By David S. Jordan and Charles H. 

pp. 620-682. 
Jumping seeds and galls. By Charles V. Riley. 

pp. 632-635, 1 fig. 
Note on cluster flies. By William H. Dall. 

pp. 685-637. 
A review of the genus Woturus, with a description of one 
new species. By Joseph Swain and George B. Kalb. 

pp. 638-644 
Catalogue of a collection of samples of raw cotton presented 
to the United States National Museum by the International 

Cotton Exposition, Atlanta, Georgia, 1881. By 5S. M. Inman. 
pp. 644-645, 


P. 334. Description of two new species of fishes (A/yrophis vafer and 
Chloroscombrus orqueta) from Panama. By David 8. Jordan 
and Charles H. Gilbert. 

pp. 645-647. 

P. 335. Description of a new eel (S/dera castanea), from Mazatlan, 

Mexico. By David S. Jordan and Charles H. Gilbert. 
pp. 647-648. 
P. 336. On the nomenclature of the genus Ophichthys. By David 8. 

Jordan and Charles H. Gilbert. 
pp. 648-651. 

P. 337. On the life coloration of the young of Pomacentrus rubicun- 

dus. By Rosa Smith. 
pp. 652-658. 

P. 338. On a cinnamon bear from Pennsylvania. By Frederick W. 

pp. 653-656. 

P. 339. Description of a new petrel from Alaska. By Robert Ridg- 

pp. 656-658. 

P. 340. Description of a species of whitefish, Coregonus hoy (Gill) 
Jordan, called ‘‘smelt” in some parts of New York. By 
Tarleton H. Bean. 

pp. 658-660. 

P. 341. Note on a Potsdam sandstone, or conglomerate, from Berks 

County, Pennsylvania. By George P. Merrill. 
pp. 660 661. 

P. 342. Description of a new species of Alepidosaurus (A. wsculapius), 

from Alaska. By Tarleton H. Bean. 

pp. 601-663. 


Department of the Interior: | U. S. National Museum. | —— | Pro- 
ceedings | of the | United States National Museum. | Vol. VI. | 
1883. | —— | Published under the direction of the Smith- 
sonian Institution. | —— | Washington: | Government Printing 

Office. | 1884. 

8vo., pp. Vil, 1-530,! 14 pls., 6 figs. 

P. 343. Preliminary report on the brachyura and anomura dredged 
in deep water off the south coast of New England by the 
United States Fish Commission in 1880, 1881, and 1882. By 
Sidney I. Smith. 
pp. 1-57, 6 pls. 
P. 344. Contributions to the history of the Commander Islands. 
No. 1. Notes on the natural history, including descriptions 

of new cetaceans. By Leonhard Stejneger. 
pp. 98-89. 

1 Includes circulars 19-23. 

P. 345. 

P. 346. 

P. 349. 

'P, 350. 



P. 353. 



P. 356. 

Pe spl: 



Descriptions of some birds supposed to be undescribed, from 
the Commander Islands and Petropauloyski, collected by 
Dr. Leonhard Stejneger, U. S. Signal Service. By Robert 

pp. 90-96. 
Description of a new genus and species of aleyonoid polyp, 
from Japanese waters, with remarks on the structure and 

habits of related forms, etc. By Robert E. C. Stearns. 
pp. 96-101, 1 plate. 

Report on a fragment of cloth taken from a mound in Ohio. 

By J. G. Hunt. 
pp. 101-102. 
Lucilia macellaria infesting man. By Fred. Humbert. 
pp. 103-105. 
Fish mortality in the Gulf of Mexico. By 8. T. Walker. 
pp. 105-109. 
The generic names Amtraand Thyris replaced. By G. Brown 
p. 109. 
Shell beds in Westchester, New York. By Merritt Willis. 
p. 109. 
Notes on the nomenclature of certain North American fishes. 
By David 8. Jordan and Charles H. Gilbert. 

pp. 110-111. 
Notes on the natural history of Labrador. By W. A. Stearns. 
pp. 111-137. 
On the black nodules or so-called inclusions in the Maine 
granites. By George P. Merrill. 
pp. 137-141. 
Description of two new species of fishes (Aprion ariommus 
and Ophidium beant), from Pensacola, Florida. By David 
S. Jordan and Charles H. Gilbert. 

pp. 142-144. 
On the probable identity of MJotacilla ocularis Swinhoe and 
M. amurensis Seebohm, with remarks on an allied supposed 
species, J. blackistoni Seebohm. By Robert Ridgway. 

pp. 144-147. 
The first occurrence of Psewdotriacits microdon Capello, on the 

coast of the United States. By Tarleton H. Bean. 
pp. 147-150. 

On a pair of abnormal antlers-of the Virginia deer. By 

Frederick W. True. 
p. 151, 1 fig. 
Description of new species of reptiles in the United States 

National Museum. By H. C. Yarrow. 
pp. 152-154. 

879—No. 51—02—-4 










. 313. 


Description of some new birds from Lower California, col- 
lected by Mr. L. Belding. By Robert Ridgway. 

pp. 154-156. 
Anthus cervinus Pallas, in Lower California. By Robert Ridg- 

pp. 156-157. 
Note on Merula confinis Baird. By Robert Ridgway. 

pp. 158-159. 
Preliminary note on the crystalline schists of the District of 
Columbia. By George P. Merrill. | 

pp. 159-161. 
Catalogue of a collection of ethnological specimens obtained 
from the Ugashagmut tribe, Ugashak River, Bristol Bay, 
Alaska. By William J. Fisher. 

pp. 161-165. 
On the collection of Maine building stones in the United 
States National Museum. By George P. Merrill. 

pp. 165-183. 
On the Macrocheilus of Phillips, /7/ectostylus of Conrad, and 
Soleniscus of Meek and Worthen. By Charles A. White. 

pp. 184-187, 1 plate. 
A review of the American Carangine. By David 5S. Jordan 
and Charles H. Gilbert. 

pp. 188-207. 
Note on the genera of Petromyzontide. By David S. Jordan 
and Charles H. Gilbert. 

p. 208. 
Description of a new Murenoid eel (Sidera_ chlevastes), from 
the Galapagos islands. By David 8. Jordan and Charles H. 

pp. 208-210. 
Description of a new species of Rhinobatus (Rhinobatus glau- 
costigma), from Mazatlan, Mexico. By David 8. Jordan and 
Charles H. Gilbert. 

pp. 210-211. 
List of duplicate marine invertebrates distributed by the 
United States National Museum. Series IV. Educational 
Series No. 2. By Richard Rathbun. 

pp. 212-216. 
The life colors of Cremnobates integripinnis. By Rosa Smith. 

pp. 216-217. 
Note on the occurrence of Gasterosteus williamson? Grd., in an 
artesian well at San Bernardino, California. By Rosa Smith. 

p. 217. 
List of the crustacea dredged on the coast of Labrador by the 
expedition under the direction of W. A. Stearns, in 1882. 
By Sidney I. Smith. 

pp. 218-222. 





P. 380. 

P. 384. 

PA 380. 


Review of the marine crustacea of Labrador. By Sidney I. 

pp. 223-232. 
Notes on the fishes of Todos Santos Bay, Lower California. 
By Rosa Smith. 


pp. 232-236. 
Catalogue of mollusca and echinodermata dredged on the coast 
of Labrador by the expedition under the direction of Mr. 
W. A. Stearns, in 1882. By Katharine J. Bush. 

pp. 236-247, 1 plate. 
List of fishes collected in the Clear Fork of the Cumberland, 
Whitley County, Kentucky, with descriptions of three new 
species. By David 8. Jordan and Joseph Swain. 

pp. 248-251. 
A description of a new species of //adropterus (Hadropterus 
scierus) from southern Indiana. By Joseph Swain. 

p. 252. 
Diagnoses of new genera and species of deep-sea fish-like 
vertebrates. By Theodore Gill. 

pp. 253-260. 
Diagnoses of new genera of nemichthyoid eels. By Theodore 
Gill and John A. Ryder. 


pp. 260-262. 5 
On the anatomy and relations of the EKurypharyngide. By 
Theodore Gill and John A. Ryder. 

pp. 262-273. 
Ornithological notes on collections made in Japan from June 
to December, 1882. By Pierre L. Jouy. 

9 d - 

pp. 273-318. 
On a collection of shells sent from Florida by Mr. Henry 
Hemphill. By William H. Dall. 

pp. 318-342, 1 plate. 
List of birds found at Guaymas, Sonora, in December, 1882, 
and April, 1883. By L. Belding. 

pp. 343-344. 

P. 386. Second catalogue of a collection of birds made near the south- 


P. 388. 

ern extremity of Lower California. [Edited by R. Ridgway. | 
By L. Belding. 

pp. 344-352. 
Notes on a collection of fishes made in 1882 and 1883 by Capt. 
Henry E. Nichols, U. S. N., in Alaska and British Columbia, 
with a description of a new genus and species, /rzonistius 
macellus. By Tarleton H. Bean. 

pp. 353-361. 
Notes on some fishes collected by James G. Swan in Washing- 
ton territory, including a new species of MJacrurus. By 
Tarleton H. Bean. 

pp. 362-364. 


P. 389. Notes on fishes observed at the head of Chesapeake Bay in the 
spring of 1882; and upon other species of the same region. 
By Tarleton H. Bean. 
pp. 365-367. 
P. 390. Notes on some Japanese birds related to North American 
species. By Robert Ridgway. 
pp. 368-371. 
P. 391. Ona collection of birds from Nicaragua. [Edited by R. Ridg- 
way.| By Charles C. Nutting. 
pp. 372-410. 
P. 592. On some Costa Rican birds, with descriptions of several sup- 
posed new species. By Robert Ridgway. 
pp. 410-415. 
P. 393. On an antique Roman mosaic from Carthage, now in the 
United States National Museum. By G. H. Heap. 
pp. 415-417. 
P. 394. On the skeleton of Phoca ([Tistriophoca) fasciata Zimmerman. 
By Frederick W. True. 
pp. 417-426, 4 pls., 1 fig. 
P. 395. On the source of the jadeite implements of the Alaskan Innu- 
its. By E. W. Nelson. 
pp. 426-427. 
P. 396. On the origin of the fossil bones discovered in the vicinity of 
Tise’s Ford, Florida. By S. T. Walker. 
pp. 427-429. 


Department of the Interior: | U. S. National Museum. | —— | Pro- 
ceedings | of the | United States National Museum. | Vol. VIL. | 
L884. | —— | Published under the direction of the Smithsonian 

Institution. | —— | Washington: | Government Printing Office. | 

8vo., pp. Vili, 1-661,! 2 pls., 15 figs. 


P. 397. List of, and notes upon, the lichens collected by Dr. T. H. 
Bean in Alaska and the adjacent region in 1880. By J. T. 

pp. 1-9. 
P. 398. On the chlorophylloid granules of Vorticella. By John A. 

pp. 9-12, 1 fig. 
P. 399. A new geographical race of the mountain sheep (Ovw/s montana 
dali var. nov.), from Alaska. By E. W. Nelson. 
pp. 12-18. 
P. 400. Note on Selasphorus torridus Salvin. By Robert Ridgway. 

p. i4. 

1 Including circulars 24-31, 

P. 401. 

P. 402. 

P. 403: 

P. 404. 

P. 405. 

P. 406. 

Ps 40%. 

P. 410. 


fel 2). 

P. 413. 

P. 414. 


A review of the species of the genus Calamus. By David 5. 
Jordan and Charles H. Gilbert. 

pp. 14-24. 
Descriptions of ten new species of fishes from Key West, 
Florida. By David 8. Jordan and Charles H. Gilbert. 

pp. 24-82. 
Note on Caranx ruber and Carana bartholoma:. By David S. 
Jordan and Charles H. Gilbert. 

pp. 82-83. 
Notes on a collection of fishes from Pensacola, obtained by 
Silas Stearns, with descriptions of two new species (Hvocetus 
volador and Gnathypops mystacinus). By David S. Jordan. 

pp. 33-40. 7 
Note on Alurichthys eydouxii and Porichthys porosissinus. 
By David 8. Jordan. 

pp. 40-41. 
Notes on some Florida fishes. By G. Brown Goode and Tarle- 
ton H. Bean. 

pp. 42-47. 
Description of a new species of whitefish (Coregonus nelsoni), 
from Alaska. By Tarleton H. Bean. 

p. 48. 
On the literature and systematic relations of the saccopharyn- 
goid fishes. By Theodore Gill and John A. Ryder. 

pp. 48-65, 1 plate. 
On domesticated hybrid ducks (Anas boschas+-obscura). By 
Elisha Siade. 

p. 66. 
On prochlorite from the District of Columbia. By George 
P. Merrill. 

p. 67. 
Melanetta fusca (Linn.) in Alaska. By Robert Ridgway. 

p. 68. 
Description of a new snow bunting from Alaska. By Robert 

pp. 68-70. 
On the use of trinominals in American ornithology. By Leon- 
hard Stejneger. 

pp. 70-81. 
Descriptions of scaroid fishes from Havana and Key West, 
including five new species. By David S. Jordan and Joseph 

pp. 81-102. 
Description of a new species. of Spherium. By Temple Prime. 

pp. 102-103. 
List of fishes collected at Key West, Florida, with notes and 
descriptions. By David S. Jordan. 

pp. 103-150. 









. 420. 

. 422. 

. 424, 



Note on Calamus providens, a new species of Calamus. By 
David S$. Jordan and Charles H. Gilbert. 

p. 150. 
A catalogue of the fishes received from the Public Museum of 
the Institute of Jamaica, with descriptions of Pr/stipoma 
approcimans and Tylosurus curyops, two new species. By 
Tarleton H. Bean and H. G. Dresel. 

pp. 151-170. 
On a new muskrat, Weofiber allen’, from Florida. By Fred- 
erick W. True. 

pp. 170-172. 
On a collection of birds made by Messrs. J. E. Benedict and 
W. Nye, of the United States Fish Commission steamer 
Albatross. By Robert Ridgway. 

pp. 172-180. 
Contributions to the history of the Commander Islands. No. 
2. Investigations relating to the date of the extermination 
of Steller’s sea-cow. By Leonhard Stejneger. 

pp. 181-189. 
An identification of the figures of fishes in Catesby’s ‘* Natural 
History of Carolina, Florida, and the Bahama Islands.” By 
David $. Jordan. 

pp. 190-199. 
A list of fishes collected in the east fork of White River, 
Indiana, with descriptions of two new species. By Charles 
H. Gilbert. 

pp. 199-205. 
Notes on the fishes of Switz City swamp, Greene County, 
Indiana. By Charles H. Gilbert. 

pp. 206-210. 
Remarks on the species of the genus Cepphus. By Leonhard 

pp. 210-229, 6 figs. 
Notes on fishes collected by David S. Jordan at Cedar Keys, 
Florida. By David S. Jordan and Joseph Swain. 

pp. 230-234. 
List of fishes observed in the Saint John’s River at Jackson- 
ville, Florida. By David S. Jordan and Seth E. Meek. 

pp. 235-237. 
Notes on the pipe-fishes of Key West, Florida, with a descrip- 
tion of Siphostoma mckay?t, a new species. By Joseph Swain 
and Seth E. Meek. 

pp. 237-289. 
Descriptions of Physiculus fulvous and Lotella mawxillaris, new 
species of fishes collected in 1881 by the United States Fish 

Commission. By Tarleton H. Bean. 
pp. 240-242. 





On the occurrence of the striped bass in the Lower Missis- 

P. 430. 
sippi valley. By Tarleton H. Bean. 
pp. 242-244. 
P. 431. Notes on some Greenland fishes. By H. G. Dreset. 
pp. 244-258. 
P. 432. Description of a new species of field-sparrow from New Mex- 
ico. By Robert Ridgway. 
p. 259. 
P. 433. Notes on fishes collected at Guaymas, Mexico, by Mr. H. F. 
Emeric, with a description of Gobiosoma histrio, a new 

By David S. Jordan. 

pp. 260-261. 
A review of the American species of marine Mugilide. 

P. 434. 
David S. Jordan and Joseph Swain. 

pp. 261-275. 
Synopsis of the genera of the superfamily Teuthidoidea 
By Theodore Gill. 

P. 435. 
(families Teuthididee and Siganidee). 
By David 8. 

pp. 275-281. 
P. 436. A review of the species of the genus Hawmulon. 
Jordan and Joseph Swain. 

pp. 281-317. 
List of the fishes collected in the vicinity of New Orleans by 
By David 8. Jordan. 

P. 487. 

Drak. W-snuteldt, U.S: A. 
pp. 318-322. 

P. 438. List of the fishes collected in Lake Jessup, and Indian River, 
Florida, by Mr. R. E. Earll, with descriptions of two new 
species. By David 8. Jordan. 

pp. 322-324. 
P. 439. Concerning some of the forms assumed by the patella in birds. 
By R. W. Shufeldt. 
pp. 324-331, 7 figs. 
P. 440. Observations upon a collection of insects made in the vicinity 
of New Orleans, Louisiana, during the years 1882 and 1883. 

By R. W. Shufeldt. 

pp. 331-388, 1 fig. 

Hermaphrodite fishes. (Translation from ‘‘ Der Naturfor- 

P. 441. 
pp. 339-340. 
P. 442. Contributions to the history of the Commander Islands. No.3. 
Report on the mollusca of the Commander Islands, Bering 
Sea, collected by Leonhard Stejneger in 1882 and 1883. By 
William H. Dall. 
pp. 340-349, 1 plate. 
P. 443. Note on the Sternoptychide. By Theodore Gill. 
pp. 349-351. 
P. 444. The osteological characteristics of the Lutjanine. By Theo- 

dore Gill. 

pp. 351-355, 


P. 445. 

P. 446. 

P. 447. 

P. 448. 

P. 449. 

Be 450: 

ee ode 

P. 4 


P. 453. 

P. 454. 

PS AD te 

P. 458. 

P. 459. 


A contribution to the terminology of ichthyography. By 
Theodore Gill. 

pp. 356-357. 
Description of a new species of coot from the West Indies. 
By Robert Ridgway. ; 

pp. 358. 
A review of the American species of Hpinephelus and related 
genera. By David S. Jordan and Joseph Swain. 

pp. 358-410. 
Synopsis of the plectognath fishes. By Theodore Gill. 

pp. 411-427. 
A review of the species of Lutjaninz and Hoplopagrinz found 
in American waters. By David 8. Jordan and Joseph Swain. 

pp. 427474. 
Description of four new species of Cyprinids in the United 
States National Museum. By David 8. Jordan and Seth E. 

pp. 474-477. 
Descriptions of four new species of Pewcilichthys in the United 
States National Museum. By David S. Jordan. 

pp. 477-480. 
Description of Sciwna sciera, a new species of Sccawna from 
Mazatlan and Panama. By David S$. Jordan and Charles H. 

pp. 480-482. 
Description of Zygonectes zonifer, a new species of Zygonectes, 
from Nashville, Georgia. By David S. Jordan and Seth E. 

p. 482. 
Annotated list of the described species of parasitic Copepoda 
(Siphonostoma) from American waters contained in the 
United States National Museum. By Richard Rathbun. 

pp. 488-492. 
On some new or little known decapod crustacea, from recent 
Fish Commission dredgings off the east coast of the United 
States. By Sidney I. Smith. 

pp. 493-511, 
Description of three new fishes from Kansas. By Charles H. 

pp. 512-514. 
Description of a new race of the red-shouldered hawk from 
Florida. By Robert Ridgway. 

pp. 514-515. 
On two hitherto unnamed sparrows from the coast of Cali- 
fornia. By Robert Ridgway. 

pp. 516-518. 
Description of seven new species of crustacea and one worm 
from Arctic Alaska. By John Murdoch. 

pp. 518-522. 


P. 460. New or specially interesting shells of the Point Barrow expedi- 
tion. By William H. Dall. 

pp. 523-526. 

P. 461. Description of a new species of //ybopsis ({Tybopsis montanus). 

By Seth E. Meek. 
pp. 526-527. 

P. 462. Contributions to the history of the Commander Islands. No. 
4. A. Notes upon the plants collected on the Commander 
Islands (Bering and Copper islands) by Leonhard Stejneger. 
By Asa Gray. 

pp. 527-529. 

P. 463. [Contributions to the history of the Commander Islands. No. 
4] B. Additional notes on the plants of the Commander 
Islands. By Leonhard Stejneger. 

pp. 529-538. 

P. 464. Description of a new species of flounder, Citharichthys 

macrops, from Pensacola, Florida. By H. G. Dresel. 
pp. 539-541. 

P. 465. Description of three new species of fishes (2réonotus stearns?, 
Prionotus ophryas, and Anthias vivanus), collected at Pensa- 
cola, Florida, by Mr. Silas Stearns. By David S. Jordan 
and Joseph Swain. 

pp. 541-545. 

P. 466. Supplementary notes on North American fishes. By David 

S. Jordan. 
pp. 545-548. 

P. 467. Description of a new species of /Zybognathus (Llybognathus 

hay?) from Mississippi. By David S. Jordan. 
pp. 548-550. 

P. 468. On the occurrence of Loncheres armatus (Geoff.) Wagner, in 
the island of Martinique, West Indies. By Frederick W. 

pp. 550-551. 

P. 469. Notes on fishes collected at San Cristobal, Lower California, 

by Mr. Charles H. Townsend, assistant, U.S. Fish Commis- 

sion. By Rosa Smith. 
pp. 551-553. 


Department of the Interior: | U. S. National Museum. | —— | Pro- 
ceedings | of the | United States National Museum. |-Vol. VIII. | 

1885. | —— | Published under the direction of the Smithsonian 
Institution. | ——- | Washington: | Government Printing Office. | 

&vo., pp. Viii, 1-729,! 25 pls., 15 figs. 

1 Ineluding circulars 32 and 33. 


P. 470. 








. 4835. 



List of fishes collected in Iowa and Missouri in August, 1884, 
with descriptions of three new species. By David S$. Jordan 
and Seth EK. Meek. 

pp. 1-17. 
On Estrelata fisheri and &. defilippiana. By Robert Ridg- 
pp. 17-18. 

Icterus cucullatus Swainson, and its geographical variations. 
By Robert Ridgway. 
pp. 18-19. 
Passer saturatus, a new species of tree-sparrow from the Liu- 
Kiu Islands, Japan. By Leonhard Stejneger. 
pp. 19-20. 
Description of a new species of Contopus from tropical 
America. By Robert Ridgway. 
p. 21. 
Note on the Anser leucoparedus of Brandt. By Robert Ridg- 
pp. 21-22. 
Description of a new warbler from Yucatan. By Robert 
p. 23. 
Description of two new birds from Costa Rica. By Robert 
pp. 28-24. 
Description of three supposed new honey creepers from the 
Lesser Antilles, with a synopsis of the species of the genus 
Jerthiola. By Robert Ridgway. 
pp. 25-30. 
On hornblende andesites from the new voleano on Bogosloff 
Island in Bering Sea. By George P. Merrill. 
pp. 31-83. 
On Cathartes burrovianus Cassin, and C. urubitinga Pelzeln. 
By Robert Ridgway. 
pp. 34-86. 
On Onychotes gruberi. By Robert Ridgway. 
pp. 36-38. 
Notes and descriptions taken from selachians in the U. 8. 

National Museum. By 8. Garman. 
pp. 39-44. 

A review of the American species of flying fishes (ocwtus). 
By David 8. Jordan and Seth E. Meek. 

pp. 44-67. 
Notes on skeletons of Etheostomatine. By David 8. Jordan 

and Carl H. Eigenmann. 
pp. 68-72. 






. 48 




. 490 

. 491 






. 498 



Note on the scientific name of the yellow perch, the striped 
bass, and other North American fishes. By David S. Jordan. 
pp. 72-73. 
Description of a new species of Plectromus (P. crassiceps), 
taken by the United States Fish Commission. By Tarleton 
H. Bean. 
pp. 73-74. 
Description of a new species of Asp/dophoroides (A. giintheri), 
from Alaska. By Tarleton H. Bean. 
pp. 74-75. 
Remarks on the type specimen of Buteo owvypterus Cassin. 
By Robert Ridgway. 
pp. 75-77. 
Early iron manufacture in Virginia, 1619-1776. By R. A. 
pp. 77-80. 
Note on Mr. Garman’s paper on ‘‘The American salmon and 
trout.” By David S. Jordan. 
pp. 81-83. 
Report upon the echini collected by the United States Fish 
Commission steamer Albatross, in the Caribbean Sea and Gulf 
of Mexico, January to May, 1884. By Richard Rathbun. 
pp. 83-89. 
An account of recent captures of the California sea-elephant, 
and statistics relating to the present abundance of the species. 
By Charles H. Townsend. 
pp. 90-93. 
Description of a new species of boat-billed heron from Central 
America. By Robert Ridgway. 
pp. 93-94. 
Description of anew hawk from Cozumel. By Robert Ridgway. 
pp. 94-95. 
Ona new species of porpoise, Phocena dalli, from Alaska. 
By Frederick W. ‘True. 
pp. 95-98, 4 pls. 
On Peucwea mexicana Lawr., a sparrow new to the United 
States. By Robert Ridgway. 
pp. 98-99. 
On deposits of voleanic dust in southwestern Nebraska. — By 
George P. Merrill. 
pp. 99-100, 1 fig. 

On the influence of atropia on the heart. By H. G. Beyer. 
pp. 101-103, 1 plate. 

Catalogue of the birds of Costa Rica, indicating those species 
of which the United States National Museum possesses speci- 

mens from that country. By José C. Zeledon. 
pp. 104-118. 


P. 500. Identification of the species of Cyprinids and Catostomide, 
described by Dr. Charles Girard, in the ‘* Proceedings of the 
Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia” for 1856. 
By David 8. Jordan. 

pp. 118-127. 

P. 501. On the development of viviparous osseous fishes. By John A. 

pp. 128-155, 6 pls. 
P. 502. On certain features of the development of the salmon. By 
John A. Ryder. 
pp. 156-162, 1 plate. 
P. 503. On the “theostoma varcatum of Kirtland. By David S. Jordan. 
pp. 163-165. 

P. 504. On the occurrence of //adropterus aurantiacus Cope, in the 

French Broad River, North Carolina. By Tarleton H. Bean. 
pp. 165-166. 

P. 505. On the identity of Cottus maculatus Fischer, with Cottus 

bubalis Kuphrasen. By Tarleton H. Bean. 
pp. 166-167. 

P. 506. Description of a new crustacean allied to Z/omarus and Neph- 

rops. By Sidney I. Smith. 
pp. 167-170. 

P. 507. On some genera and species of Penzidie, mostly from recent 
dredgings of the United States Fish Commission. By Sid- 
ney I. Smith. 

pp. 170-190. 

P. 508. On Stathmonotus, a new genus of fishes related to Murzenoides, 
from Florida. By Tarleton H. Bean. 

pp. 191-192, 1 plate. 

P. 509. Note on Stoasodon narinari EKuphrasen. By Tarleton H. 

pp. 192-193. 
P. 510. On the American fishes in the Linnean collection. “By G. 
Brown Goode and Tarleton H. Bean. 
pp. 193-208. 
P. 511. Note on Lpinephelus nigritus. By David 8. Jordan. 
pp. 208-209. 

P. 512. Description of a new species of Amblystoma (Amblystoma 
copertanum), from Indiana. By O. P. Hay. 

pp. 209-213, 1 plate. 

P. 513. List of plants collected by Mr. Charles L. McKay at Nusha- 
gak, Alaska, in 1881, for the United States National Museum. 
By Frank H. Knowlton. 

pp. 213-221. 

P. 514. The generic name of the Pastinacas, or ‘‘sting-rays.” By 

S. Garman. 

pp. 221-224. 











The influence of variations of temperature upon the rate and 
the work of the heart of the slider terrapin (seudemys 
rugosa). By H. G. Beyer. 

pp. 225-229, 2 pls. 
Description of a new species of Pempheris (Pempheris poeyt) 
from Cuba. By Tarleton H. Bean. 

pp. 229-230. 
Note on Epinephelus nigritus, Caulolatilus microps, and Cory- 
phena hippurus. By Tarleton H. Bean. 

pp. 230-233. 
List of the birds of Labrador, including Ungava, East Main, 
Moose, and Gulf districts of the Hudson Bay Company, 
together with the island of Anticosti. By Lucien M. Turner. 

pp. 2338-254. 
Notes on some Floridian land and fresh-water shells, with a 
revision of the Auriculacea of the eastern United States. By 
William H. Dail. 

pp. 255-289, 2 pls. 
A list of the mesozoic and cenozoic types in the collections of 
the U. S. National Museum. By John Belknap Marcou. 

pp. 290-344. 
On Turbinella pyrum Lamarck, and its dentition. . By Wil- 
liam H. Dall. 

pp. 345-348, 1 plate. 
A review of the American ‘‘Golden warblers.” By Robert 

pp. 348-350. 
Notes on the mineralogy and lithology of the District of 
Columbia. By George P. Merrill. 

pp. 351-353. 
Some emended names of North American birds. By Robert 

pp. 354-356. 
A list of the Astacide in the United States National Museum. 
By Walter Faxon. 

pp. 356-861. 
A list of the fishes known from the Pacific coast of tropical 
America, from the Tropic of Cancer to Panama. By David 
S. Jordan. 

pp. 361-394. 
Note on some Linnzan names of American fishes. By David 
S. Jordan. 

pp. 394-396. 
On a collection of Meduse made by the United States Fish 
Commission steamer A/batross in the Caribbean Sea and Gulf 

of Mexico. By J. Walter Fewkes. 
pp. 397-402, 1 plate, 








5 30. 


. O41. 



Description of //esperomys true7, a new species belonging to 
the subfamily Murine. By R. W. Shufeldt. 

pp. 403-408, 1 plate. 
Notes on some apparently preoccupied ornithological generic 
names. By Leonhard Stejneger. 

pp. 409-410. 
The Chaclacayo trephined skull. By Otis T. Mason. 

pp. 410-412, 1 plate. 
On the parasites of the Hessian fly. By C. V. Riley. 

pp. 413-422, 1 plate. 
Description of Leptophidium cervinum and L. marmoratum, 
new fishes from deep water off the Atlantic and Gulf coasts. 
By G. Brown Goode and Tarleton H. Bean. 

pp. 422-424. 
Notice of recent additions to the marine invertebrata of the 
northeastern coast of America, with descriptions of new 
genera and species and critical remarks on others. Part V. 
Annelida, Echinodermata, Hydroida, Tunicata. By A. E. 

pp. 424-448. 
Report on the flora of western and southern Texas. By V. 

pp. 449-533, 1 fig. 
Notes on the mollusks of the vicinity of San Diego, California, 
and Todos Santos Bay, Lower California. By Charles R. 
Orcutt and William H. Dall. 

pp. 534-552, 1 plate. 
Notes on a collection of fishes from Florida, with descriptions 
of new or little known species. By O. P. Hay. 

pp. 552-559. 
Description of an apparently new species of Dromococeyx from 
British Guiana. By Robert Ridgway. 

p. 559. 
Catalogue of a collection of birds made on the island of 
Cozumel, Yucatan, by the naturalists of the U. 8. Fish Com- 
mission steamer Albatross, Capt. Z. L. Tanner, commander. 
By Robert Ridgway. 

pp. 560-583. 
Contributions to the history of the Commander Islands. No. 5 
Description of a new species of Mesoplodon, M. stejnegert, 
obtained by Dr. Leonhard Stejneger in Bering Island. By 
Frederick W. True. 

pp. 584-585, 1 plate. 
A note upon the //yperoodon semijunctus of Cope. By Fred- 
erick W. True. 

pp. 585-586. 

Fresh-water sponges from Mexico. By Edward Potts. 
pp. 587-589, 1 fig. 


P. 543. Descriptions of new fishes obtained by the United States Fish 
Commission mainly from deep water off the Atlantic and 
Gulf coasts. By G. Brown Goode and Tarleton H. Bean. 

pp. 589-605. 

P. 544. Report upon the echini collected by the U. S. Fish Com- 
mission steamer Albatross in the Gulf of Mexico from 
January to March, 1885. By Richard Rathbun. 

pp. 606-620. 

P. 545. List of a few species of birds new to the fauna of Guadeloupe, 
West Indies, with a description of a new species of Cery/e. 
By George N. Lawrence. 

pp. 621-625. 

P. 546. Remarks upon the plumage of Regulus calendula. By Charles 

Wickliffe Beckham. 
pp. 625-628. 

P. 547. Notice of a collection of stalked crinoids made by the steamer 
Albatross in the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea, 1884 and 
1885. By Richard Rathbun. 

Pp. 628-635. 

P. 548. Notes on the Great dolphin, Coryphana hippurus Linné. By 

Silas Stearns. 
pp. 635-636. 

Department of the Interior: | U. S. National Museum. | —— | Pro- 

ceedings | of the | United States National Museum. | Vol. IX. | 
1886. | —— | Published under the direction of the Smithsonian 
Institution. | | Washington: | Government Printing Office. | 

8vO., pp. Vili, 1-714, 25 pls., 6 figs. 

P. 549. List of fishes collected in Arkansas, Indian Territory, and 
Texas, in September, 1884, with notes and descriptions. 
By David $8. Jordan and Charles H. Gilbert. 

pp. 1-25. 

P. 550. Notes on fishes collected at Beaufort, North Carolina, with a 
revised list of the species known from that locality. By 
David S. Jordan. 

pp. 25-30. 

P. 551. List of fishes collected at Havana, Cuba, in December, 1883, 

with notes and descriptions. By David 8. Jordan. 
pp. 31-55. 
P. 552. A review of the genera and species of Julidine found in 

American waters. By David 8. Jordan and Elizabeth G, 
pp. 56-70. 












On the value of the fin-rays and their characteristics of 
development in the classification of the fishes, together 
with remarks on the theory on degeneration. By John A. 

pp. 71-82, 1 fig. 
On fulgurites. By George P. Merrill. 

pp. 83-91, 1 plate. 

Descriptions of some new species of birds, supposed to be 

from the interior of Venezuela. By Robert Ridgway. 
pp. 92-94. 

On -#trelata sandwichensis Ridgw. By Robert Ridgway. 
pp. 95-96. 

Descriptions of a new genus and species of mole, Dymecodon 
pilirostris, from Japan. By Frederick W. True. 

pp. 97-98. 

Review of Japanese birds. 1. The woodpeckers. By Leon- 
hard Stejneger. 

pp. 99-124, 1 plate. 

Catalogue of animals collected by the Geographical and 
Exploring Commission of the Republic of Mexico. By 
Fernando Ferrari—Perez. 

pp. 125-199. 
The British marsh-tit. By Leonhard Stejneger. 
pp. 200-201. 

Report on the mollusks collected by L. M. Turner at Ungava 
Bay, North Labrador, and from the adjacent Arctic seas. 
By William H. Dall. 

pp. 202-208, 1 plate. 

Contributions to the natural history of the Commander 
Islands. No. 6. Report on Bering Sea Island mollusca, 
collected by Mr. Nicholas Grebnitzki. By William H. Dall. 

pp. 209-219. 

On the occurrence of a new species of RAinoptera (L. encenada@) 

in Todos Santos Bay, Lower California. By Rosa Smith. 
p. 220. 

An annotated list of the mammals collected by the late Charles 
L. McKay in the vicinity of Bristol Bay, Alaska. By Fred- 
erick W. True. 

pp. 221-224. 

Notes on some fishes collected at Pensacola by Mr. Silas 
Stearns, with a description of one new species (Chwtodon 
aya). By David S. Jordan. 

pp. 225-229. 

A review of the American species of Tetraodontide. By 

David S. Jordan and Charles L. Edwards. 

pp. 230-247. 


P. 576. 


P. 580. 


Description of a melanistic specimen of Butco latissimus 
Wils. By Robert Ridgway. 

pp. 248-249. 
Supplement to the list of mesozoic and cenozoic invertebrate 
types in the collections of the National Museum. By John 
Belknap Marcou. 

pp. 250-254. 
Catalogue of the collection of recent echini in the United 
States National Museum. (Corrected to July 1, 1886.) By 
Richard Rathbun. 

pp. 255-293. ‘ 
Notes on species of the Australian genus Pardalotus. By 
Leonhard Stejneger. 

pp. 294-296. 
Supplementary notes on some species of mollusks of (': : 
ing Sea and vicinity. By William H. Dall. 

pb. 297-809, 1 plate. 
Descriptions of parasitic copepoda belonging to the genera 
Pandarus and Chondracanthus. By Richard Rathbun. 

pp. 310-824, 7 pls., 1 fig. 
Description of a recently new oyster-catcher (//wmatopus 
galapagensis), from the Galapagos Islands. By Robert 

pp. 325-326. 
A review of the species of the genus Prionotus. By David S. 
Jordan and Elizabeth G. Hughes. 

pp. 327-338. 
A review of the American species of Belonide. By David S. 
Jordan and Morton W. Fordice. 

pp. 339-361. 
Description of Rallus jouyz, with remarks on Rallus striatus 
and Pallus gularis. By Leonhard Stejneger. 

pp. 362-364. 
On Turdus alpestris and Turdus torquatus, two distinct species 
of European thrushes. By Leonhard Stejneger. 

pp. 365-373. 
Review of Japanese birds. II. Tits and nuthatches. By 

Leonhard Stejneger. 
pp. 374-394, 1 fig. 

Review of Japanese birds. III. Rails, gallinules, and coots. 
By Leonhard Stejneger. 

pp. 395-408. 
A new study of the genus Dipodomys. By Frederick W, 

pp. 409-413. 

8879—No. 51—02——5 

P. 583. 

P. 584. 



P. 594. 


A revision of the lepidopterous family Saturniide. By John 
B. Smith. 

pp. 414-437, 3 pls. 
Analyses of the cinchona barks on exhibition in the Materia 
Medica section, U. S. National Museum. By George E. 

pp. 438-442. 
Norsk naval architecture. By George H. Boehmer. 

pp. 443-459, 5 pls., 1 fig. 
A new land shell from California, with note on WSelenites 
duranti Newcomb. By William G. Mazyck. 

pp. 460-461, 2 figs. 
Notes on a collection of fishes from the Escambia River, with 
description of a new species of Zygonectes (Zygonectes escam- 
biw). By Charles H. Bollman. 

pp. 462-465. 
Description of six new species of fishes from the Gulf of 
Mexico, with notes on other species. By David S. Jordan 

and Barton W. Evermann. 

pp. 466-476. 
A review of the Gobiide of North America. By David S. 
Jordan and Carl H. Eigenmann. 

pp. 477-518. 
Description of a new subspecies of Cyclorhis from Yucatan. 
By Robert Ridgway. 

p. 519. 
Description of a new species of Myrarchus, presumably from 
the Orinoco district of South America. By Robert Ridg- 

p. 520. 
On a probable hybrid between Dyryobates nuttallii Gamb. 
and D. pubescens gairdnerii Aud. By Robert Ridgway. 

pp. 521-522. 
Description of an apparently new species of /colaptes, from 
the Lower Amazon. By Robert Ridgway. 

p. 523. 
On the status of Synthliboramphus wumizusume as a North 
American bird. By Leonhard Stejneger. 

p. 524. 

. Notes on typical specimens of fishes described by Cuvier and 

Valenciennes and preserved in the Museé d'Histoire Natu- 
relle in Paris. By David $. Jordan. 

pp. 525-546. 
Descriptions of ten species and one new genus of annelids 
from the dredgings of the U.S. Fish Commission steamer 
Albatross. By James E. Benedict. 

pp. 547-553, 6 pls. 


P. 595. A preliminary list of the fishes of the West Indies. By 
David S. Jordan. 

pp. 554-608. 
P. 596. A catalogue of the birds of Grenada, West Indies, with 
observations thereon. [Edited by George N. Lawrence. | 
By John Grant Wells. 

pp. 609-633, 
P. 597. On a collection of birds made by Mr. M. Namiye, in the Liu- 
Kiu Islands, Japan, with descriptions of new species. By 
Leonhard Stejneger. 
pp. 634-651. 

P. 598. Water-birds of Japan. By T. W. Blakiston. 

pp. 652-660. 


Department of the Interior: | U. S. National Museum. | —— | Pro- 
ceedings | of the | United States National Museum. | Vol. X. | 
1887. | —— | Published under the direction of the Smithsonian 
Institution. | —— | Washington: | Government Printing Office. | 

8vo., pp. viii, 1-771, 39 pls.,1 11 figs. 

P. 599. Description of a new species of Cotinga from the Pacific coast 
of Costa Rica. By Robert Ridgway. 
pp. 1-2. 
P. 600. Description of a new form of Spindalis from the Bahamas. 
By Robert Ridgway. 
P. 601. Review of Japanese birds. IV. Synopsis of the genus Turdus. 
By Leonhard Stejneger. 
pp. 45. 
P. 602. Description of a new species of bat, Vespertilio longicrus, from 
Puget Sound. By Frederick W. True. 
pp. 6-7. 
P. 603. Some distinctive cranial characters of the Canada lynx. By 
Frederick W. True. 

pp. 8-9. 
P. 604. Catalogue of the species of corals belonging to the genus 
Madrepora, contained in the United States National Museum. 
By Richard Rathbun. 
pp. 10-19. 
P. 605. Description of theadult female of Carpodectes antonia Zeledon: 
with critical remarks, notes on habits, etc., by José C. Zele- 
don. By Robert Ridgway. 


1 Including cireular 37. 


P. 606. 

P. 607. 

P. 608. 

P. 609. 


P. 614. 

P. 619. 


List of recently identified fossil plants belonging to the United 
States National Museum, with descriptions of several new 
species. [Compiled and prepared for publication by F. H. 
Knowlton.] By Leo Lesquereux. 

pp. 21-46, 4 pls. 
Descriptions of new and little known etheostomoids. By 
Charles H. Gilbert. 

pp. 47-64. . 
A review of the North American species of the genera Lago- 
don, Archosargus, and Diplodus. By Carl H. EKigenmann 
and Elizabeth G. Hughes. 

pp. 65-74. 
Birds of Kauai Island, Hawaiian Archipelago, collected by 
Mr. Valdemar Knudsen, with descriptions of new species. By 
Leonhard Stejneger. 

pp. 75-102, 1 plate. 
Notes on the Northern palearctic bullfinches. By Leonhard 

pp. 103-110. 
Description of a new species of Porzana from Costa Rica. By 
Robert Ridgway. 

p. 111. 
Notes on Ardea wuerdemanni Baird. By Robert Ridgway. 

pp. 112-115. 
Description of a new species of Ophichthys (Ophichthys retro- 
pinnis), from Pensacola, Florida. By Carl H. EKigenmann. 

p. 116. 
Contributions to the natural history of the Commander 
Islands. No. 7. Revised and annotated catalogue of the 
birds inhabiting the Commander Islands. By Leonhard 

pp. 117-145, 3 pls. 
On a new species of Zropidonotus found in Washington. By 
EK. D. Cope. 

p. 146. 
Trogon ambiguus breeding in Arizona. By Robert Ridgway. 

p. 147. 
Description of a new plumed partridge from Sonora. By 
Robert Ridgway. 

pp. 148-150. 
Description of a new genus of dendrocolaptine bird from the 
Lower Amazon. By Robert Ridgway. 

p. 151. 
Description of a new species of Phacellodomus from Vene- 

zuela. By Robert Ridgway. 
p. 152. 




. 624. 

. 625. 

. 630. 



. 633. 


Contributions to the natural history of the Commander 
Islands. No. 8. Description of Alopecurus stejnegeri, a new 
species of grass from the Commander Islands. By George 
p. 153. 
Contributions to the natural history of the Commander 
Islands. No. 9. On the entomostraca collected ~by Mr. 
Leonhard Stejneger, on Bering Island, 1882-83. By W. 
pp. 154-156. 
Notes on the osteology of the spotted tinamou (Wothura 

maculosa). By Frederic A. Lucas. 
pp. 157-158, 2 figs. 

. Field-notes on the mammals, birds, and reptiles of northern 

California. By Charles H. Townsend. 

pp. 159-241, 1 plate, 4 figs. 
A contribution to the knowledge of the fishes of Kansas. 
By_O: FP. Hay. 

pp. 242-253. 
Notes on the North American Lithobiide and Scutigeride. 
By Charles H. Bollman. 

pp. 254-266. 
Description of two new species of Kaup’s genus d/egascops. 
By Robert Ridgway. 

pp. 267-268. 
Notes on a collection of fishes sent by Mr. Charles C. Leslie 
from Charleston, South Carolina. By David 8. Jordan and 

Carl H. Eigenmann. 
pp. 269-270. 

Review of Japanese birds. V. Ibises, storks, and herons. 
By Leonhard Stejneger. 

pp. 271-319, 1 plate. 
On the systematic name of the Kamtschatkan and Japanese 
carrion crow. By Leonhard Stejneger. 

pp. 320-321. 
Note on Polynemus californiensis of Thominot. By David S. 
p. 322. 

List of the myriapods found in Escambia County, Florida, 
with descriptions of six new species. By Jerome McNeill. 
pp. 323-327, 1 plate. 
Descriptions of twelve new species of myriapoda, chiefly from 
Indiana. By Jerome McNeill. 
pp. 328-334, 1 plate. 

The species of Huerythra Harv. By John B. Smith. 

pp. 335-337, 1 plate. 





. 687. 

. 638. 

. 640. 

. 641. 

. 647. 


. The North American species of Callimorpha Latr. By John 

B. Smith. 
pp. 338-353, 1 plate. 

5. Annotated catalogue of the species of Porites and Synarwa 

in the United States National Museum, with a description of 
a new species of Porztes. By Richard Rathbun. 
. pp. 354-366, 5 pls. 
Notes on a trematode from the white of a newly laid ben’s 
egg. By Edwin Linton. 

pp. 367-869, 1 fig. . 
Descriptions of five new species of fishes sent by Prof. A. Dugés 
from the province of Guanajuato, Mexico. By Tarleton H. 

pp. 370-875, 1 plate. 
On a collection of birds’ sterna and skulls, collected by Dr. 
Thomas H. Streets, U.S. Navy. By R. W. Shufeldt. 

pp. 376-387, 4 figs. 

. Description of a new species of Thalassophryne( Thalassophryne 

dow?) from Punta Arenas and Panama. By David 8. Jor- 
dan and Charles H. Gilbert. 
Notes on Psittirostra psittacea from Kauai, Hawaiian Islands. 
By Leonhard Stejneger. 

pp. 389-390. 
Further contributions to the avifauna of the Liu-Kiu Islands, 
Japan, with descriptions of new species. By Leonhard 

pp. 391-415, 1 plate. 

2. Review of Japanese birds. VI. The pigeons. By Leonhard 

pp. 416-429, 1 plate. 

. Description of a new Muscisaxicola, from Lake Titicaca, Peru. 

By Robert Ridgway. 

p. 430. 

. On Phrygilus gayt (Eyd. and Gery.) and allied species. By | 

Robert Ridgway. 

pp. 431-435. 

. List of the batrachia and reptilia of the Bahama Islands. By 

E. D. Cope. 

pp. 486-439, 

. Descriptions of the species of //e/zaster (a genus of star-fishes), 

represented in the U. S. National Museum. By Richard 

pp. 440-449, 4 pls. 
New genera and species of North American Noctuide. By 

John B. Smith. 
pp. 450-479. 

P. 648. 

P. 649. 

P. 650. 


P. 656. 

P. 657. 

P. 658. 

P. 659. 

P. 660. 

P. 663. 


Note on the ‘‘Analyse dela nature” of Rafinesque. By David 
S. Jordan. 

pp. 480-481. 
On a collection of birds made by Mr. M. Namiye, in the islands 
of Idzu, Japan. By Leonhard Stejneger. 

pp. 482-487. 
A review of the genus Dendrocincla Gray. By Robert 

pp. 488-497, 
Descriptions of two new species of the genus Uno, from the 
Ozark region of Missouri. By R. Ellsworth Call. 

pp. 498-500, 2 pls. 
Description of a new species of Callionymus (Callionymus 
bairdi), from the Gulf of Mexico. By David S. Jordan. 

pp. 501-502. 
Description of a new species of bird of the genus Catharus, 
from Ecuador. By George N. Lawrence. 

p. 503. 
Remarks on Catharus berlepschi Lawr. By Robert Ridgway. 

p. 504. 
Descriptions of some new species and subspecies of birds from 
Middle America. By Robert Ridgway. 

pp. 505-510. 
Note on the generic name Uropsila Scl. and Salv. By Robert 

p. 511. 

Notes on a young red snapper (Lutjanus blackfordi) trom 
Great South Bay, Long Island. By Tarleton H. Bean. 

p. 512. 
Description of a new species of Zhyrsitops (T. violaceus), 
from the fishing banks off the New England coast. By 
Tarleton H. Bean. 

pp. 513-514. 
A note on Vesperugo hesperus Allen. By Frederick W. True. 

p. 515. 
Descriptions of new species and genera of birds from the 
Lower Amazon. By Robert Ridgway. 

pp. 516-528. 
A review of the genus Psittacula of Brisson. By Robert 

pp. 529-548. 
Description of the nest and eggs of the California black-capped 
enat-catcher (Polioptila californica Brewster). By Charles 
E. Bendire. 

pp. 549-550. 
Notes on a collection of birds’ nests and eggs from southern 
Arizona Territory. By Charles E. Bendire. 

pp. 551-558. 


P. 664. Descriptions of new species of parasitic copepods, belonging 
to the genera Trebius, Perissopus, and Lernanthropus. By 
Richard Rathbun. 

pp. 559-571, 7 pls. 

P. 665. Catalogue of a collection of birds made by Mr. Chas. H. 
Townsend, on islands in the Caribbean Sea and in Honduras. 
By Robert Ridgway. 

pp. 572-597. 

P. 666. The meteoric iron which fell in Johnson County, Arkansas, 
3.17 p. m., March 27, 1886. By George F. Kunz. 

pp. 598-605, 3 pls., 2 figs. 

P. 667. Review of Japanese birds. VII. The creepers. By Leon- 
hard Stejneger. 

pp. 606-611. 

P. 668. The characteristics of the elacatids. By Theodore Gill. 

pp. 612-614, 1 plate. 

P. 669. Note on Gramma loreto of Poey. By Theodore Gill. 

pp. 615-616. 

P. 670. Descriptions of fourteen new species of North American 

myriapods. By Charles H. Bollman. 
pp. 617-627, 

P. 671. Description of a supposed new species of char (Salvelinus 
aureolus), from Sunapee Lake, New Hampshire. By Tarleton 
H. Bean. 

pp. 628-630. 

P. 672. Description of a new genus and species of fish, Acrotus wil- 
loughby?, from Washington Territory. By Tarleton H. Bean. 

pp. 631-6382. \ 

P. 673. Observations on the birds of southwestern Texas. By Charles 
Wickliffe Beckham. 

pp. 633-696. 

P. 674. Description of a new Psaltriparus from southern Arizona. 

By Robert Ridgway. 
p. 697. 

P. 675. Description of a new species of Xyrichthys (Xyrichthys jes- 

siw) from the Gulf of Mexico. By David S. Jordan. 
p. 698. 


Smithsonian Institution. | United States National Museum. | —— | 
Proceedings | of the | United States National Museum. | —— | 
Volume XI. | 1888. | —— | Washington: | Government Printing 
Office. | 1889. 

8vo., pp. Xi, 1-708, 60 pls., 137 figs. 

P. 676. New species of fossil wood (Avaucarioxylon arizonicum) from 
Arizona and New Mexico. By F. H. Knowlton. 
pp. 1-4, 1 plate. 


P. 682. 

iP 690; 


P. 692. 


Description of two new species of fossil coniferous wood from 

Iowa and Montana. By F. H. Knowlton. 
pp. 5-8, 2 pls. 

Description of Storeria dekayt, var. anomola. By A. Dugés. 
pp. 9-10, 1 fig. 

Recent determinations of fossil plants from Kentucky, Louis- 
iana, Oregon, California, Alaska, Greenland, etc. with, descrip- 
tions of new species. [Compiled and prepared for publication 
by F. H. Knowlton.| By Leo Lesquereux. 

pp. 11-88, 138 pls. 

. The paleontologic history of the genus Platanus. By Lester 

FE. Ward. 

pp. 39-42, 6 pls. 
Notes on Indiana fishes. By Barton W. Evermann and Oliver 
P. Jenkins. 

pp. 43-57. 
On the occurrence of the Great Lake trout (Salvelinus namay- 

cush) in the waters of British Columbia. By David S. Jordan. 
p. 58. 
The Navajo tanner. By R. W. Shufeldt. 
pp. 59-66, 6 pls. 
Note on the genus Dipterodon. By Theodore Gill. 
pp. 67-68. 
Note on the genus Gobiomorus. By Theodore Gill. 
pp. 69-70. 
Notes on European marsh-tits, with description of a new sub- 
species from Norway. By Leonhard Stejneger. 
pp. 71-76. 
Hampe’s method of determining Cu,O in metallic copper. By 
Fred. P. Dewey. 
pp. 77-82. 
List of fossil plants collected by Mr. I. C. Russell at Black 
Creek, near Gadsden, Alabama, with descriptions of several 
new species. By Leo Lesquereux. 
pp. 83-87, 1 plate. 
On a new species of Charina from California. By E. D. 
p. 88, 1 plate. 
Description of two species of Palmoxylon—one new—from 
Louisiana. By F. H. Knowlton. 

pp. 89-91, 1 plate. 
Description of a new western subspecies of Accipiter velox 
Wils., and subspecific diagnosis of A. coopert mexicanus 

Swains. By Robert Ridgway. 
p. 92. 

Further contributions to the Hawaiian avifauna. By Leon- 

hard Stejneger. 
pp. 93-103. 




. BOA. 


. 696. 

. 697. 

. 698. 

. 699. 



~ Ol, 


. 703. 

. 104, 

. (05. 


. 108. 

. (09. 


Note on #strelata sandwichensis Ridgw. By Robert Ridgway. 
p. 104. 
On the serpentine of Montville, New Jersey. By George P. 
pp. 105-111, 2 pls. 
Notes on the European crested titmice. By Leonhard Ste]: 


pp. 113-114. 
On nephrite and jadeite. By F. W. Clarke and George P. 

pp. 115-180, 1 plate. 
The Navajo shoemaker. By Alexander M. Stephen. 

pp. 131-136, 7 figs. 
Description of eighteen new species of fishes from the Gulf 
of California. By Oliver P. Jenkins and Barton W. 

pp. 137-158. 
Description of Geomys personatus and Dipodomys compactus, 
two new species of rodents from Padre Island, Texas. By 

Frederick W. True. 

pp. 159-160. 

On the San Emigdio raeeen ite. By George P. Merrill. 

pp. 161-167, 1 plate. 
Diagnosis of the Kamtschatkan three-toed_ woodpecker (Pic- 
oides albidior). By Leonhard Stejneger. 

p. 168. 
A remarkable Eskimo Heepoon from East Greenland. By 
John Murdoch. 

pp. 169-171, 3 figs. 
The corrugation in African sword blades and other weapons. 
By Walter Hough. 

Notes on the osteology of the thrushes, Mimine, and wrens. 
By Frederic A. Lucas. 

pp. 173-180, 1 plate, 7 figs. 
An Eskimo strike-a-light from Cape Bathurst. By Walter 

pp. 181-184, 6 figs. 

Notes on Cydosia and Cerathosia. By John B. Smith. 

pp. 185-190, 2 figs. 

. Ona peridotite from Little Deer Isle, in Penobscot Bay, Maine. 

By George P. Merrill. 
pp. 191-195, 1 plate, 1 fig. 
Description of the adult male of Acanthidops bairdi. By 
Robert Ridgway. 
p. 196. 
The houses of the Kwakiutl Indians, British Columbia. By 

Franz Boas. 
pp. 197-218, 3 pls., 21 figs. 



= Ali 


. 14. 


. 716. 

art las 

Pe (£8: 

se ALO: 

. (24. 


Description of a new species of Hyalina. By William H. 

p. 214, 3 figs. 
Observations upon the osteology of the North American 
Anseres. By R. W. Shufeldt. 

pp. 215-251, 30 figs. 
On the proper name of the genus Labraxw of Cuvier. By 
Theodore Gill. 

p. 252. 
Observations upon the osteology of the order Tubinares and 
Steganopodes. By R. W. Shufeldt. 

pp. 253-315, 43 figs. 
Description of a new species of insect, Hontaria pulchella, 
from Strawberry Plains, Jefferson County, Tennessee. By 
Charles H. Bollman. 

p. 316. 
On a new species of Bufo from Texas. By E. D. Cope. 

pp. 317-318. 
On the proper generic name of the tunny and albicore. By 
Theodore Gill. . 

pp. 319-320. 
On the Psychrolutide of Giinther. By Theodore Gill. 

pp. 321-327, 1 plate. 
Ethnology of the Coast Indian tribes of Alaska. By A. P. 

p. 328. 
List of fishes collected by Alphonse Forrer about Mazatlan, 
with descriptions of two new species, eros beant and Peecilia 
butleri. By David S. Jordan. 

pp. 329-334. 

. Notes ona collection of myriapoda from Cuba. By Charles H. 

p. 335-338. 

. Notes ona collection of myriapoda from Mossy Creek, Ten- 

nessee, with a description of a new species. By Charles H. 

pp. 339-342. 

. Notes upon some myriapods belonging to the U. 8. National 

Museum. By Charles H. Bollman. 

pp. 343-350. 

. Descriptions of fourteen species of fresh-water fishes collected 

by the U. S. Fish Commission in the summer of 1888. By 
David S. Jordan. 

pp. 351-362, 3 pls. 

A study of the boomerang. By H. Eggers. 
pp. 363-367, 3 figs. 








. 134, 


. 136. 


. 138. 



List of plants from Lower California sent to the Smithsonian 
Institution by Lieut. Charles F. Pond, U. 8. Thay y By 

George Vasey. 
p. 368. 

A study of the American species of Vertigo contained in the 
U. S. National Museum, with the description of a new sub- 
genus of Pupide. By V. Sterki. 

pp. 369-380, 1 plate, 6 figs. 
On the snakes of Florida. By E. D. Cope. 

pp. 381-394, 1 plate. 
Catalogue of batrachia and reptilia brought by William Taylor 
from San Diego, Texas. By E. D. Cope. 

pp. 395-398, 1 plate. 
On the Euteeniz of southeastern Indiana. By KE. D. Cope. 

pp. 399-401, 1 plate. 

The stone age at Mount Vernon. By Otis T. Mason. 
p. 402. 

Catalogue of the myriapods of Indiana. By Charles H. Boll- 

pp. 403-410. 

List of fishes now in the U. S. National Museum, collected in 
Nicaragua by Dr. Louis F. H. Birt. By David S. Jordan. 

pp. 411-412. 
Notes on some albino birds presented to the U.S. National 
Museum, with some remarks on albinism. By Wirt Rob- 

pp. 413-416. 
Description of a new species of deer, Cartacus clavatus, from 
Central America. By Frederick W. True. 

pp. 417-424. 
Review of Japanese birds. VIII. The nutcracker (Wucifraga 
caryocatactes macrorhynchos). By Leonhard Stejneger. 

pp. 425-482. 
The single-headed drum of the Naskopie (Nagnagnot) Indians, 
Ungava district, Hudson Bay territory. By Lucien M. 

pp. 483-434. 
Notes on a collection of fishes from the Maumee Valley, Ohio. 
By Seth E. Meek. 

pp. 435-440. 
Description of new genera and species of fossils from the Mid- 
dle Cambrian. By Charles D. Walcott. 

pp. 441-446, 1 fig. 
A simple method of measuring the thickness of inclined strata. 
By Charles D. Walcott. 

pp. 447-448, 1 fig. 












. 149. 




Notes on some Indian Territory land and fresh-water shells. 
By Charles T. Simpson. 

pp. 449-454. 
Notes on //ydrocotyle americana iu. By Theodor Holm. 

pp. 455-462, 2 pls. 
Notes on some California fishes, with descriptions of two new 
species. By Carl H. EKigenmann and Rosa S$. EKigenmann. 

pp. 463-166. 
On the occurrence of Hehinomys semispinosus Tomes, in Nica- 
ragua. By Frederick W. True. 

pp. 467-468. 
On the mammals collected in eastern Honduras in 1887 by Mr. 
Charles H. Townsend, with a description of a new subspecies 
of Capromys from Little Swan Island. By Frederick W. 

pp. 469-472. 
The preparation of Japanese lacquer and the manufacture of 
Wakasa lacquer-ware. By Romyn Hitchcock. 

pp. 473-479. 
A fossil lingula preserving the cast of the peduncle. By Charles 
D. Walcott. 

p. 480, 3 figs. 
Notes on the species of Zachnosterna of temperate North 
America, with descriptions of new species. By John B. 

pp. 481-525, 13 pls. 
Description of Coregonus pusillus, a new species of whitefish 
from Alaska. By Tarleton H. Bean. 

p. 526. 
List of plants collected by Dr. Edward Palmer in Lower Cali- 
fornia in 1889. By George Vasey and Joseph N. Rose. 

pp. 527-536. 
Notes on Costa Rican birds, with descriptions of seven new 
species and subspecies and one new genus. By Robert 

pp. 537-546. 
Review of Japanese birds. TX. The wrens. By Leonhard 



pp. 547-548. 
List of fishes collected at Green Turtle Cay, in the Bahamas, 
by Charles L. Edwards, with descriptions of three new spe- 
cies. By David S. Jordan and Charles H. Bollman. 

pp. 549-553. 
Description of a new species of Bathymaster (B. jordanz), 
from Puget’s Sound and Alaska. By Charles H. Gilbert, 

p. 504, 



P. 754. Notes on a collection of fishes obtained in the Gila River, at 
Fort Thomas, Arizona, by Lieut. W. L. Carpenter, U. S. 
Army. By Philip H. Kirsch. 

pp. 555-558. 


. Notes on some neotropical birds belonging to the United States 

National Museum. By Hans von Berlepsch. 
pp. 559-566. 

P. 756. On the classincation of the mail-cheeked fishes. By Theodore 
pp. 567-592. 
P. 757. Gleanings among the Pleuronectids, and observations on the 
name Pleuronectes. By Theodore Gill. 
pp. 593-606. . 
P. 758. Note on the genus Spheroides. By Theodore Gill. 
pp. 607-608. 
P. 759. A list of fishes from a small tributary of the Poteau River, 
Scott County, Arkansas. By Charles H. Gilbert. 
pp. 609-610. 
P. 760. Descriptions of new Braconidee in the collection of the U. S. 
National Museum. By William H. Ashmead. 

pp. 611-671. 


Smithsonian Institution. | United States National Museum. | —— | 
Proceedings | of the | United States National Museum. | | 
Volume XII. | 1889. | —— | Washington: | Government Printing 
Office. | 1890. 

8vo., pp. viii, 1-686, 23 pls., 14 figs. 

P. 761. A review of the genus X¢phocolaptes of Lesson. By Robert 
pp. 1-20. 
P. 762. A review of the genus Sclerurus of Swainson. By Robert 
pp. 21-81. 
P. 763. Descriptive notes of new genera and species from the Lower 
Cambrian or Qlenellus zone of North America. By Charles 
D. Walcott. 
pp. 33-46. 
P. 764. New North American Acridide, found north of the Mexican 
boundary. By Lawrence Bruner. 
pp. 47-82, 1 plate. 
P. 765. Contributions to the natural history of the Commander Islands. 
A. Contributions to the history of Pallas’ cormorant. By 
Leonhard Stejneger. 
B. Description of some bones of Pallas’ cormorant, Phala- 

crocorax perspicillatus. By Frederic A. Lucas, 
pp. 83-94, 3 pls, 

. 168. 

» (69. 



= PA 


» (64. 




. Description of two new species of snakes from California. 

By Leonhard Stejneger. 

pp. 95-99, 3 figs. 

. Scientific results of explorations by the U. $8. Fish Commission 

steamer Albatross. No. I. Birds collected on the Galapagos 
Islands in 1888. By Robert Ridgway. 

pp. 101-128, 6 figs. 
Scientific results of explorations by the U. 8. Fish Commission 
steamer Albatross. No. IU. Birds collected on the island of 
Santa Lucia, West Indies, the Abrolhos Islands, Brazil, and 
at the Straits of Magellan, in 1887-88. By Robert Ridgway. 

pp. 129-139. 
Scientific results of explorations by the U. S. Fish Commission 
steamer Albatross. No. II. Report on the batrachians and 
reptiles collected in 1887-88. By E. D. Cope. 

pp. 141-147. 
Scientific results of explorations by the U. 8. Fish Commission 
steamer Albatross. No. IV. Descriptions of new species of 
fishes collected at the Galapagos Islands and along the coast 
of the United States of Colombia, 1887-88. By David 5. 
Jordan and Charles H. Boilman. 

pp. 149-183. 
Scientific results of explorations by the U. S. Fish Commission 
steamer Albatross. No. V. Annotated catalogue of the 

insects collected in 1887-88. By L. O. Howard. 
pp. 185-216. 

Scientific results of explorations by the U. S. Fish Commis- 
sion steamer Albatross. No. VI. List of the plants collected 
in Alaska in 1888. By George Vasey. 
pp. 217-218. 

Scientific results of explorations by the U. S. Fish Commis- 
sion steamer Albatross. No. VII. Preliminary report on the 
collection of mollusca and brachiopoda obtained in 1887-88. 
By William H. Dall. 

pp. 219-362, 10 pls. 
Notes on the occurrence of Gillichthys y-cauda at San Diego, 
California. By Charles H. Gilbert. 

p. 3638. 
Description of a new genus and species of inarticulate 
brachiopod from the Trenton limestone. By Charles D. 

pp. 365-366, 4 figs. 

The archeology of the Potomac tide-water region. By Otis 
T. Mason. 

pp. 367-870, 5 pls. 







. 184. 

. (85. 


a COM. 


The paleolithic period in the District of Columbia. By 

Thomas Wilson. 
pp. 371-376, 2 pls. 

. T78. Notes on a third collection of birds made in Kauai, Hawatian 

Islands, by Valdemar Knudsen. By Leonhard Stejneger. 

pp. 377-386. 
Descriptions of new Ichneumonide in the collection of the 
U.S. National Museum. By William H. Ashmead. 

pp. 387-551. 
Description of the yellow-finned trout of Twin Lakes, Colo- 
rado. By David 8. Jordan and Barton W. Evermann. 

pp. 4538-454. 
Contributions toward a monograph of the Noctuidee of tem- 
perate North America. Revision of some teniocampid 
genera. By John B. Smith. 

pp. 455-496, 2 pls. 
Catalogue of the described Aranez of temperate North 
America. By George Marx. 

pp. 497-594. 
Notes on the serpentinous rocks of Essex County, New York; 
from Aqueduct shaft 26, New York City; and from near 
Easton, Pennsylvania. By George P. Merrill. 

pp. 595-600. 
A revision of the genus Araucarioxylon of Kraus, with com- 
piled descriptions and partial synonymy of the speciés. By 
F. H. Knowlton. 

pp. 601-617. 
Notes on North American crayfishes 
Walter Faxon. 

pp. 619-634. 
Description of two new species of bats—Wyctinomus europs 
and WV. orthotis. By Harrison Allen. 

pp. 635-640. 
Scientific results of explorations by the U.S. Fish Commis- 
sion steamer A/batross. No. VIII. Description of a new 
cottoid fish from British Columbia. By Tarleton H. Bean. 

pp. 641-642. 
Description of a new lizard from Lower California. By Leon- 
hard Stejneger. 

pp. 643-644. 
Scientific results of explorations by the U. S. Fish Commis- 
sion steamer Albatross. No. IX. Catalogue of fishes col- 
lected at Port Castries, St. Lucia, by the steamer A/batross, 

November, 1888. By David S. Jordan, 
pp. 645-652. 

family Astacide. By 


Smithsonian Institution. | United States National Museum. | —— | 
Proceedings | of the | United States National Museum. | —— | 
Volume XIII. | 1890. | | Published under the direction of 
the Smithsonian Institution. | | Washington: | Government 
Printing Office. | 1891. 

8vo., pp. viii, 1-665, 38 pls., 12 figs. 

P. 790. Description of a new species of land shell from Cuba— Vertzgo 
cubana. By William H. Dall. 
pp. 1-2, 2 figs. 
P. 791. Description of a new species of fish from Tippecanoe River, 
Indiana. By David S. Jordan and Barton W. Evermann. 
pp. 3-4, 1 fig. 
P. 792. Remarks on some fossil remains considered as peculiar kinds 

of marine plants. By Leo Lesquereux. 
pp. 5-12, 1 plate. 

P. 793. Scientific results of explorations by the U.S. Fish Commis- 
sion steamer A/batross. No. X. On reais mesozoic fossils 
from the islands of Saint Paul’s and Saint Peter’s, in the 
Straits of Magellan. By Charles A. White. 

pp. 18-14, 2 pls. 

P. 794. Notes on the leaves of Lzriodendron. By Theodor Holm. 

pp. 15-35, 6 pls. 

P. 795. Scientific results of explorations by the U.S. Fish Commis- 
sion steamer A/batross. No. XI. New fishes colleeted off 
the coast of Alaska and the ae region southward. By 

Tarleton H. Bean. 
pp. 37-45. 

P. 796. Further notes on the genus AX7phocolaptes of Lesson. By 

Robert Ridgway. 
pp. 47-48. 

P. 797. Scientific results of explorations by the U.S. Fish Commis- 
sion steamer A/batross. No. XII. A preliminary report on the 
fishes collected by the steamer A/batross on the Pacific coast 
of North America during the year 1889, with descriptions of 
twelve new genera and ninety-two new species. By Charles 
H. Gilbert. 

pp. 49-126. 

P. 798. Scientific results of explorations by the U.S. Fish Commis- 
sion steamer Albatross. No. XIII. naan ue of skeletons of 
birds collected at the Abrolhos Islands, Brazil, the Straits of 

. Magellan, and the Galapagos Islands, in 1887-88. By Fred- 
eric A. Lucas. 
pp. 127-130. 














, 804. 









Scientific results of explorations by the U. S. Fish Commis- 
sion steamer Albatross. No. XIV. Birds from the coasts 
of western North America and adjacent islands, collected in 
1888-89, with descriptions of new species. By Charles H. 

pp. 131-142. 
Scientific results of explorations by the U. 8S. Fish Commis- 
sion steamer Albatross. No. XV. Reptiles from Clarion and 
Socorro Islands and the Gulf of California, with description 
of a new species. By Charles H. Townsend. 

pp. 143-144. 
Scientific results of explorations by the U.S. Fish‘ Commission 
steamer Albatross. No. XVI. Plants collected in 1889 at 
Socorro and Clarion Islands, Pacific Ocean. By George 

Vasey and Joseph N. Rose. 
pp. 145-149. 

On a new genus and species of colubrine snakes from North 
America. By Leonhard Stejneger. 

pp. 151-155, 1 fig. 
The osteological characteristics of the family Anguillide. By 
Theodore Gill. 

pp. 157-160. 
The osteological characteristics of the family Synaphobranch- 
ide. By Theodore Gill. 

pp. 161-164. 
The osteological characteristics of the family Murenide. By 
Theodore Gill. 

pp. 165-170. 
On the disappearance of the Dick cissel, Sp7za americana, 
from the District of Columbia. By Hugh M. Smith. 

pp. 171-172. 
Description of a new species of bat, Atalapha semota. By 
Harrison Allen. 

pp. 173-175. 
On the snakes of the genus Charina. By Leonhard Stej- 

pp. 177-182. 
On the North American lizards of the genus Barissia of Gray. 
By Leonhard Stejneger. 

pp. 183-185. 
A collection of stone implements from the District of Colum- 
bia. By S. V. Proudfit. 

pp. 187-194, 5 pls. f 
Notes on the occurrence of a young crab-eater, /’lacate canada, 
from the Lower Hudson Valley, New York. By A. K. 

p. 195. 


812. Observations on the life history of the bottlenose porpoise. 
By Frederick W. True. 
pp. 197-208, 1 fig. 
813. Scientific results of explorations by the U.S. Fish Commission 
steamer Albatross. No. XVII. Descriptions of new west 
American land, fresh-water, and marine shells, with notes 

and comments. By Robert EK. C. Stearns. 
pp. 205-225, 3 pls. 

. 814. Description of two new species of mammals from Mt. Kilima- 

njaro, East Africa. By Frederick W. True. 
pp. 227-229. 
815. Osteological characteristics of the family Murzenesocidee. By 
Theodore Gill. 

pp. 231-234. 

P. 816. On the family Ranicipitide. By Theodore Gill. 

pp. 235-238, 1 plate. 

P. 817. The osteological characteristics of the family Simenchelyide. 
g ; ) 

By Theodore Gill. 

p. 239-242. 

P. 818. The characteristics of the Dactylopteroidea. By Theodore Gill. 

pp. 243-248, 1 plate. 

819. Notes on the birds observed during the cruise of the United 
States Fish Commission schooner Grampus in the summer 
of 1887. By William Palmer. 

pp. 249-265. 

820. Description of new forms of Upper Cambrian fossils. By 

Charles D- Walcott. 
pp. 267-279, 2 pls. 
821. Notes on triassic plants from New Mexico. By William M. 

Fontaine and F. H. Knowlton. 
pp. 281-285, 5 pls. 

822. Notes on fishes of the genera Agosia, Algansea, and Zophendum. 
By David S. Jordan. 

pp. 287-288. 

. 828. Description of a new species of Htheostoma (F. micropterus) 

from Chihuahua, Mexico. By Charles H. Gilbert. 

pp. 289-290. 

. 824. Description of a new species of bat of the genus Carollia, and 

remarks on Carollia brevicauda. By Harrison Allen. 
pp. 291-298. 

. 825. Osteological characteristics of the family Amphipnoide. By 

Teheodore Gill. 

pp. 299-302. 

. 826. Description of a new species of mouse, Phenacomys longi- 

caudus, from Oregon. By Frederick W. True. 

pp. 303-304. 


P. 827. Notes on the habits of the moose in the far north of British 

America in 1865. By J. G. Lockhart. 
pp. 305-308. 

P. 828. Observations on the Farallon rail (Porzana jamaicensis cotur- 

niculus Baird). By Robert Ridgway. 
pp. 309-3811. 

P. 829. Scientific results of explorations by the U. 8. Fish Commis- 
sion steamer Albatross. No. XVIII. List of fishes obtained 
in the harbor of Bahia, Brazil, and in adjacent waters. By 
David 8S. Jordan. 

pp. 313-336, 
P. 830. Notes on the osteology of the Paride, Stta and Chamwa. By 

Frederic A. Lucas. 
pp. 337-345, 1 plate, 5 figs. 

P. 831. Note on the Aspredinide. By Theodore Gill. 

pp. 347-852. 
P. 832. Note on the genus Felichthys of Swainson. By Theodore 
pp. 358-354. 

P. 833. The characteristics of the family of Scatophagoid fishes. By 
Theodore Gill. 


pp. 355-360, 1 fig. 
P. 834. On the relations of Cyclopteroidea. By Theodore Gill. 
pp. 361-376, 3 pls. 
P. 835. The osteological characteristics of the family Hemitripteride. 
By Theodore Gill. 
pp. 377-880, 1 plate. Ps 
P. 836. Playing cards from Japan. By Mrs. J. King van Rensselaer. 
pp. 381-882, 1 plate: 
P. 837. Notes on North American myriapoda of the family Geophilide, 
with descriptions of three genera. By O. F. Cook and G. N. 
pp. 383-396, 3 pls. 
P. 838. Contributions toward a monograph of the Noctuids of tem- 
perate North America. Revision of HZomohadena Grote. By 

John B. Smith. 
pp. 397-405, 1 fig. 

P. 839. Contributions toward a monograph of the Noctuids of tem- 
perate North America. Revision of the species of //adena 

referable to Xylophasia and Luperina. By John B. Smith. 
pp. 407-447, 2 pls. 

P. 840. Scientific results of explorations by the U.S. Fish Commis- 
sion steamer A/batross. No. XIX. A supplementary list of 
fishes collected at the Galapagos Islands and Panama, with 
descriptions of one new genus and three new species. By 
Charles H. Gilbert. 

pp. 449-455, 

P. 841. The birds of Manitoba. By Ernest E. Thompson. 
pp. 457-643, 1 plate. 



Smithsonian Institution. | United States National Museum. | —— | 

Proceedings | of the | United States National Museum. | 
Volume XIV. | 1891. | 
the Smithsonian Institution. | 


| Published under the direction of 
| Washington: | Government 

Printing Office. | 1892. 


P. 843. 

P. 844. 

P. 847. 

P. 848. 

P. 850. 

P. 851. 

8vo., pp. Vi, 1-750, 34 pls., 3 figs. 

A catalogue of the fresh-water fishes of South America. By 

Carl H. Eigenmann and Rosa 5S. Kigenmann. 
pp. 1-81. 

Fishes collected by William P. Seal in Chesapeake Bay, at Cape 
Charles City, Virginia, September 16 to October 3, 1890. 
By Barton A. Bean. 

pp. 83-94. 
List of North American land and fresh-water shells received 
from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, with notes and 

comments thereon. By Robert E. C. Stearns. 
pp. 95-106. 

Relations of temperature to vertebre among fishes. By 

David S. Jordan. 
pp. 107-120. 

Report upon a collection of fishes made at Guaymas, Sonora, 
Mexico, with descriptions of new species. By Barton We 

Eyermann and Oliver P. Jenkins. 

pp. 121-165, 2 pls. 
Description of a new genus and species of tailless batrachian 
from tropical America. By Leonhard Stejneger and Fred- 
erick C. Test. 

pp. 167-168, 1 plate. 
On the structure of the tongue in humming birds. By Fred- 
eric A. Lucas. 

pp. 169-172, 1 plate, 2 figs. 
Scientific results of explorations by the U. 8. Fish Commission 
steamer Albatross. No. XX. On some new or interesting 
west American shells from the dredgings of the U. S. Fish 
Commission steamer <Adbatross in 1888, and from other 
sources. By William H. Dall. 

pp. 173-191, 3 pls. 
Descriptions of two supposed new species of mice from Costa 
Rica and Mexico, with remarks on //esperomys melanophrys 
of Coues. By J. A. Allen. 

pp. 193-196. 
Contributions toward a monograph of the Noctuids of tem- 
perate North America. Revision of the species of Mames- 

tra. By John B. Smith. 
pp. 197-276, 4 pls. 








, 802. 



. S60. 


. 862. 

. 864. 


Report upon the annelida (Polycheta) of Beaufort, North Car- 
olina. By E. A. Andrews. 

pp. 277-802, 7 pls. 
On Heginus of Fisher, otherwise called TZ%lesta or Pleuro- 
gadus. By Theodore Gill. 

pp. 3803-305. 
List of shells collected on the west coast of South America, 
principally between latitudes 7° 30'S. and 8° 49’ N., by Dr. 
W. H. Jones, surgeon, U. S. Navy. By Robert E: C. 

pp. 3807-335. 
Descriptions of new genera, species, and subspecies of birds 
from Costa Rica. By George K. Cherrie. 

pp. 337-346. 
Scientific results of explorations by the U. S. Fish Commis- 
sion steamer Albatross. No. XXI. Descriptions of apodal 

‘fishes from the tropical Pacific. By Charles H. Gilbert. 

pp. 347-352. 
Description of a new species of chameleon from Kilima-njaro, 

eastern Africa. By Leonhard Stejneger. 
pp. 353-3854, 1 fig. 

. The genus Panopeus. By James E. Benedict and Mary J. 


pp. 355-885, 6 pls. 
Some observations on the Havesu-pai Indians. By R. W. 
pp. 387-390, 2 pls. 
The Navajo belt-weaver. By R. W. Shufeldt. 
pp. 391-393, 1 plate. 
On the genera Labrichthys and Pseudolabrus. By Theodore 
pp. 395-404. 
Description of a new scincoid lizard from East Africa. By 
Leonhard Stejneger. 
pp. 405-406. 
Description of a new species of lizard from the island of San 

Pedro Martir, Gulf of California. By Leonhard Stejneger. 
pp. 407-408. 

Description of a new North American lizard of the genus 
Sauromalus. By Leonhard Stejneger. 

pp. 409-411. 
Notes on and list of birds and eggs collected in Arctic Amer- 
ica, 1861-1866. By R. MacFarlane. 

pp. 413-446. 

On the characters of some paleozoic fishes. By E. D. Cope. 
pp. 447-463, 6 pls. 

. 867. 

. 868. 

. 869. 



. 872. 

. 873. 

. 878. 



. 881. 


Description of a new species of whippoorwill from Costa Rica. 
By Robert Ridgway. 

pp. 465-466. 
Notes on some birds from the interior of Honduras. By 
Robert Ridgway. 

pp. 467-471. 

Notes on some Costa Rican birds. By Robert Ridgway. 
pp. 473-478. 

Note on Pachyrhamphus albinucha Burmeister. By Robert 

pp. 479-480. 
Description of two supposed new forms of Zhamnophilus. By 
Robert Ridgway. 

p. 481. 
Description of a new sharp-tailed sparrow from California. 
By Robert Ridgway. 

pp. 483-484. 
Notes on Sceloporus variabilis and its geographical distribu- 
tion in the United States. By Leonhard Stejneger. 

pp. 485-488. 

. Notes on Japanese birds contained in the Science College 

Museum, Imperial University, Tokyo, Japan. By Leonhard 

pp. 489-498. 

. Notes on the cubital coverts in the birds of paradise and bower 

birds. By Leonhard Stejneger. 
pp. 499-500. 

. Notes on some North American snakes. By Leonhard Stej- 

pp. 501-505. 

. Note on the genus S’ttasomus of Swainson. By Robert Ridg- 

pp. 507-510. 
On the snakes of the Californian genus Lichanura. By 
Leonhard Stejneger. 
pp. 511-515. 
Notes on Costa Rican birds. By George K. Cherrie. 
pp. 517-537. 

. Scientific results of explorations by the U.S. Fish Commission 

steamer Albatross. No. XXII. Description of thirty-four 
new species of fishes collected in 1888 and 1889, principally 
among the Santa Barbara Islands and in the Gulf of Cali- 
fornia. By Charles H. Gilbert. 

pp. 539-566. 
The biology of the hymenopterous insects of the family 
Chaleidide. By L. O. Howard. 

pp. 567-588. 


P. 882. A critical review of the characters and variations of the 
snakes of North America. By E. D. Cope. 
pp. 589-694. 
P. 883. Note on the genus /Liatula of Lacépede or Tautoga of Mitchiil. 
By Theodore Gill. 
p. 695. 
P. 884. Note on the genus Chonerhinus or Xenopterus. By Theodore 
pp. 697-699. 
P. 885. On the genus Gnathanacanthus of Bleeker. B 7 Theodore 
pp. 701-704, 1 fig. 
P. 886. Notes on the Tetraodontoidea. By Theodore Gill. 
pp. 705-720, 1 plate. 
Smithsonian Institution. | United States National Museum. | —— | 
Proceedings | of the | United States National Museum. | | 
Volume XV. | 1892. | —— | Published under the direction of the 
Smithsonian Institution. | | Washington: | Government 
Printing Office. | 1893. 
8VO., pp. vi, 1-508, 84 pls., 8 figs. 
P. 887. Preliminary descriptions of thirty-seven new species of hermit 
crabs of the genus Hupagurus in the U.S. National Museum. 
By James E. Benedict. 
pp. 1-26. 
P. 888. Description of two apparently new fly-catchers from Costa 
Rica. By George K. Cherrie. 
pp. 27-28. 
P. 889. A maid of Wolpai. By R. W. Shufeldt. 
pp. 29-31, 1 plate. 
P. 890. Contributions toward a monograph of the Noctuids of boreal 
America: Revision of the genus Cucullia. By John B. 
pp. 33-52, 1 plate. 
P. 891. Contributions toward a monograph of the Noctuide of boreal 
America: Revision of the Dicopine. By John B. Smith. 
pp. 53-64. 
P. 892. Contributions toward a monograph of the Noctuide of boreal 
America: Revision of Yylomiges and Morrisonia. By John 
B. Smith. 
pp. 65-86, 1 plate. 
P. 893. Notes on avian entozoa. By Edwin Linton. 

pp. 87-113, 5 pls. 

P. 894. 





P. 904. 

P. 906. 

PF. 908. 



Preliminary description of a new genus and species of blind 
cave salamander from North America. By Leonhard 
pp. 115-117, 1 plate. 
Descriptions of two new forms of Basileuterus rufifrons, from 
Mexico. By Robert Ridgway. 
p. 119. 
Description of a new species of star-gazer, Cathetostoma alli- 
gutta, from the Gulf of Mexico. By Tarleton H. Bean. 
pp. 121-122. 
The fishes of San Diego, California. By Carl H. Eigenmann. 
pp. 123-178, 9 pls. 
An annotated list of the shells of San Pedro Bay and vicinity 
(with a description of two new species by W. H. Dall). By 
Mrs. M. Burton Williamson. 
pp. 179-220, 5 pls. 7 
Chinese relics in Alaska. By T. Dix Bolles. 
p. 221, 1 plate. 
Corystoid crabs of the genera Telmessus and Hrimacrus. By 
James KE. Benedict. 
pp. 223-280, 3 pls. 
Catalogue of the crabs of the family Periceride in the U. S. 
National Museum. By Mary J. Rathbun. 

pp. 231-277, 13 pls. 

. The evolution of house-building among the Navajo Indians. 

By R. W. Shufeldt. 
pp. 279-282, 3 pls. 
Notes on fishes collected in Mexico by Prof. Alfredo Dugés, 
with descriptions of new species. By Tarleton H. Bean. 
pp. 283-287, 1 plate. 
Notes on a collection of birds made by Mr. Harry V. Henson 

in the island of Yezo, Japan. By Leonhard Stejneger. 
pp. 289-359, 1 plate. 

Insects of the subfamily Encyrtinee with branched antenne. 
By L. O. Howard. 

pp. 361-369, 2 pls. 
Tyo additions to the Japanese avifauna, including description 

of a new species. By Leonhard Stejneger. 
pp. 371-373. 

7. On the ejection of blood from the eyes of horned toads. By 

©... Hay. 

pp. 375-378. 
Some observations on the turtles of the genus JJalaclemys. 
By One Hay. 

pp. 379-383, 
On the breeding habits, eggs, and young of certain snakes. 
By O. P. Hay. 

pp. 385-397. 


P. 910. Notes on the flowers of <Anthowanthum odoratum Wa. By 
Theodor Holm. 

pp. 399-403, 1 plate. 
P. 911. Notes on the Unionide of Florida and the southeastern States. 
By Charles T. Simpson. 

pp. 405-436, 26 pls. 

P. 912. On a new subfamily of phyllostone bats. By Harrison Allen. 
pp. 437-439, 1 fig. 
P. 913. Description of a new genus of phyllostone bats. By Harrison 

pp. 441-442, 2 figs. 

P. 914. On Temminck’s bat, Scotophilus temminckii. By Harrison 

pp. 443-444, 

P. 915. An annotated catalogue of the mammals collected by Dr. 
W. L. Abbott in the Kilima-njaro region, East Africa. By 
Frederick W. True. 

pp. 445-480, 6 pls., 5 figs. 

P. 916. A description of the golden trout of Kern River, California, 

Salmo mykiss agua-bonita. By David 8S. Jordan. 
pp. 481-488. 

P. 917. On the occurrence of the spiny boxfish (genus Chilomycterus) 

on the coast of California. By Carl H. Eigenmann. 
p. 485, 1 plate. 

P. 918. Description of some fossil plants from the Great Falls coal 

field of Montana. By William M. Fontaine. 

pp. 487-495, 3 pls. 


Smithsonian Institution. | United States National Museum. | —— | 
Proceedings | of the | United States National Museum. | —— | 
Volume XVI. | 1893. | —— | Published under the direction of 
the Smithsonian Institution. | | Washington: | Government 
Printing Office. | 1894. 

8vo., pp. X, 1-808, 84 pls., 22 figs. 

P. 919. Introduction to a monograph of the North. American bats. 
By Harrison Allen. 
pp. 1-28. 
P. 920. Notes on the genera of Vespertilionide. By Harrison Allen. 
pp. 29-31. 
P. 921. Notes ona few fossil plants from the Fort Union group of 
Montana, with a description of one new species. By F. H. 

_ pp. 33-36, 2 pls. 

P. 922 


P. 9380. 


On a collection of batrachians and reptiles from Mount Ori- 
zaba, Mexico, with descriptions of two new species. By 

W.S. Blatchley. 

pp. 37-42. - 
Description of two supposed new species of swifts. By 
Robert Ridgway. 

pp. 43-44. 
Notes on American hemiptera heteroptera. By A. L. Mon- 

pp. 45-52. 

Catalogue of the fresh-water fishes of Central America and 

southern Mexico. By Carl H. Kigenmann. 
pp. 53-60. 

. On the making of gelatin casts. By J. W. Scollick. 

pp. 61-62. 
Catalogue of the crabs of the family Maiide in the U. S. 

National Museum. By Mary J. Rathbun. 
pp. 63-103, 6 pls. 

. Notes on Erian (Devonian) plants from New York and Penn- 

sylvania. By D. P. Penhallow. 

pp. 105-114, 6 pls. 

Notes on Vematophyton crassum. By D. P. Penhallow. 
pp. 115-118, 4 pls. 

Scientific results of explorations by the U.S. Fish Commis- 

sion steamer Albatross. No. XXIII. Report on the Actiniz 

collected by the U. S. Fish Commission steamer A/batross 

during the winter of 1887-88. By J. Playfair MceMurrich. 
pp. 119-216, 17 pls. 

. On the status of the gray shrike, collected by Captain Blakis- 

ton, in Yezo, Japan. By Leonhard Stejneger. 
pp. 217-218. 

2. Throwing-sticks from Mexico and California. By Otis T. 


pp. 219-221, 6 figs. 
Scientific results of explorations by the U.S. Fish Commis- 
sion steamer Albatross. No. XXIV. Descriptions of new 
genera and species of crabs from the west coast of North 
America and the Sandwich Islands. By Mary J. Rathbun. 

pp. 223-260. 
Notes on some fossil plants from the Trinity division of the 
Comanche series of Texas. By William M. Fontaine. 

pp. 261-282, 8 pls. 
Observations on the blind crayfishes of Indiana, with a descrip- 
tion of a new subspecies; Cambarus pellucidus testii. By 
W.. Ps: Hay: 

pp. 283-286, 2 pls. 

The shofar—its use and origin. By Cyrus Adler. 
pp. 287-301, 4 pls. 











. 945. 


. 947. 


List of Diatomacez from a deep-sea dredging in the Atlantic 
Ocean off Delaware Bay by the U. S. Fish Commission 
steamer Albatross. By Albert Mann. 

pp. 303-312. 
Description of a new species of cyprinoid fish, Cowestus greent, 
from the headwaters of Fraser River in British Columbia. 

By David 8. Jordan. 
pp. 313-314. 

Note on the wall-eyed pollack, Pollachius chaleogrammus 
Jucensis, of Puget Sound. By David S. Jordan and Charles 
H. Gilbert. 

pp. 315-316. 
Preliminary report on the molluscan species collected by 
the United States scientific expedition to West Africa in 
1889-90. By Robert E. C. Stearns. 

pp. 317-339. 
On rare or little-known mollusks from the west coast of North 
and South America, with descriptions of new species. By 
Robert E. C. Stearns. 

pp. 341-852, 1 plate. 
Scientific results of explorations by the U. 8S. Fish Commission 
steamer Albatross. No. XXV. Report on the mollusk- 
fauna of the Galapagos Islands with descriptions of new 
species. By Robert E. C. Stearns. 

pp. 353-450, 2 pls. 
Scientific results of explorations by the U. 8. Fish Commission 
steamer Albatross. No. XXVI. Report on the pteropods 
and heteropods collected by the U. S. Fish Commission 
steamer A/batross during the voyage from Norfolk, Virginia, 
to San Francisco, California, 1887-88. By James I. Peck.’ 

pp. 451-466, 3 pls. 
Diagnosis of a new California lizard. By Leonhard Stej- 

p. 467. 
Description of a supposed new species of Odontophorus from 
southern Mexico. By Robert Ridgway. 

pp. 469-470. 
A subtropical miocene fauna in Arctic Siberia. By William 
EL Dail: 

pp. 471478, 1 plate. 
Notes on a collection of birds from eastern Nicaragua and the 
Rio Frio, Costa Rica, with a description of a supposed new 
Trogon. By Charles W. Richmond. 

pp. 479-582. 
Description of a new species of fruit bat, Pteropus aldabrensis, 
from Aldabra Island. By Frederick W. True. 

pp. 533-534. 

P, 949. 


P. 953. 



P. 960. 


Notice of the crustaceans collected by the United States scien- 
tific expedition to the west coast of Africa. By James E. 

pp. 535-541. 
A descriptive catalogue of the harvest-spiders (Phalangiide) 
of Ohio. By Clarence M. Weed. 

pp. 543-563, 13 pls., 1 fig. 
Scientific results of the United States eclipse expedition to 
West Africa, 1889-90. Report upon the insecta, arachnida, 
and myriapoda. By C. V. Riley. 

pp. 565-590, 1 plate, 13 figs. 

2, On some fossil unios and other fresh-water shells from the 

drift at Toronto, Canada: with a review of the distribution 
of the Unionide of northeastern North America. By 
Charles T. Simpson. 

pp. 591-595. 
Descriptions of some new birds collected on the islands of 
Aldabra and Assumption, northwest of Madagascar, by Dr. 
W. L. Abbott. -By Robert Ridgway. 

pp. 597-600. 
Notes on a small collection of mammals from the Tana River, 
East Africa, with descriptions of new species. By Fred- 
erick W. True. 

pp. 601-603. 

Remarks on the avian genus Myiarchus, with special refer- 
ence to J/. yucatanensis Lawrence. By Robert Ridgway. 

pp. 605-608, 
On a small collection of birds from Costa Rica. By Robert 

pp. 609-614. 
Notes on a third installment of Japanese birds in the Science 
College Museum, Tokyo, Japan, with descriptions of new 
species. By Leonhard Stejneger. 

pp. 615-638. 
Land shells of the genus Bulzmulus in Lower California, with 
descriptions of several new species. By William H. Dall. 

pp. 689-647, 2 pls. 
Descriptions of new species of American fresh-water crabs. 
By Mary J. Rathbun. 

pp. 649-661, 5 pls. 
Scientific results of explorations by the U.S. Fish Commission 
steamer Albatross. No. X XVII. Catalogue of a collection 
of birds made in Alaska by Mr. C. H. Townsend during 
the cruise of the U. S. Fish Commission steamer Albatross 

in the summer and autumn of 1888. By Robert Ridgway. 
pp. 663-665. 







. 968. 



. 968. 




. OTA. 



A revision of the genus Formicarius Boddaert. By Robert 

pp. 667-686. 
Description of a new storm petrel from the coast of western 
Mexico. By Robert Ridgway. 

pp. 687-688. 
Description of a new species of mouse (Sztomys decolorus) 
from Central America. By Frederick W. True. 

pp. 689-690. 
Description of a new Geothlypis from Brownsville, Texas. By 
Robert Ridgway. 

pp. 691-692. 

. The proper generic name of the tunnies. By Theodore Gill. 

pp. 693-694. 

. The shell heaps of the east coast of Florida. By De Witt 


pp. 695-698, 7 pls. 
Description of a new blennioid fish from California. By Tarle- 
ton H. Bean. 

pp. 699-701, 1 fig. 
Notes on myriapoda from Loanda, Africa, collected by Mr. 
Heli Chatelaine, including a description of a new genus and 
species. By O. F. Cook. 

pp. 703-708. 
Description of a new species of blind-snakes (Zyphlopide) from 
the Congo Free State. By Leonhard Stejneger. 

pp. 709-710. 
On some collections of reptiles and batrachians from East 
Africa and the adjacent islands, recently received from Dr. 
W. L. Abbott and Mr. William Astor Chanler, with descrip 
tions of new species. By Leonhard Stejneger. 

pp. 711-741. 
Notes on recent collections of North American land, fresh- 
water, and marine shells received from the U.S. Depart- 
ment of Agriculture. By Robert E. C. Stearns. 

pp. 743-755. 
On the relationships of Taylor’s mouse, S¢tomys taylori. By 
Frederic W. True. 

pp. 757-758. 
Notes on the natural history of Aldabra, Assumption and 
Gloriosa islands, Indian Ocean. By W. L. Abbott. 

pp. 759-764, 1 fig. 

Remarks on Japanese quails. By Leonhard Stejneger. 
pp. 765-769. 

. Notes on birds of Central Mexico, with descriptions of forms 

believed to be new. By P. L. Jouy. 
pp. 771-791. 



Smithsonian Institution. | United States National Museum. | —— | 

Proceedings | of the | United States National Museum. | | 
Volume XVII. | 1894. | | Published under the direction of 
the Smithsonian Institution. | | Washington: | Government 
Printing Office. | 1895. 

8vo., pp. Xiii, 1-765, 32 pls., 83 figs. 

_ 976. Notes on mammals of Baltistan and the Vale of Kashmir, pre- 

sented to the National Museum by Dr. W. L. Abbott. By 
Frederick W. True. 

pp. 1-16. 

. 977. Description of a new lizard (Verticaria belding?), from Cali- 

fornia. By Leonhard Stejneger. 
pp. 17-18. 
978. Note on a blue mineral, supposed to be ultramarine, from 
Silver City, New Mexico. By R. L. Packard. 

pp. 19-20. 

_ 979. Descriptions of two new species of crabs from the western 

Indian Ocean, presented to the National Museum by Dr. 
W. L. Abbott. By Mary J. Rathbun. 

pp. 21-24. 

P. 980. Descriptions of a new genus and two new species of African 
fresh-water crabs. By Mary J. Rathbun. 
pp. 25-27. 
P. 981. An analysis of jadeite from Mogoung, Burma. By Oliver C. 
pp. 29-31. 
P. 982. Notes on some skeletons and skulls of porpoises of the genus 
Prodelphinus, collected by Dr. W. L. Abbott in the Indian 
Ocean. By Frederick W. True. 
pp. 33-37. 
P. 983. Description of nests and eggs of some new birds collected on 

the island of Aldabra, northwest of Madagascar, by Dr. W. L. 
Abbott. By Charles Bendire. 

pp. 39-41. 

984. Notes on the crabs of the family Inachide in the United States 

National Museum. By Mary J. Rathbun. 
pp. 43-75, 1 plate. 


_ On the formation of stalactites and gypsum incrustations in 
caves. By George P. Merrill. 

pp. 77-81, 4 pls. 

. 986. Descriptions of a new genus and four new species of crabs 

from the Antillean region. By Mary J. Rathbun. 
pp. 83-86. 

_ 987. The formation of sandstone concretions. By George P. 


pp. 87-88, 1 plate, 

P. 989. 

P. 990. 



P. 998: 

P. 994. 

P. 995. 

P. 996. 

P. 998. 


P. 1000. 


P. 1002. 


Monograph of the genus Gnathodon Gray (angia Des- 
moulins). By William H. Dall. 

pp. 89-106, 1 plate. 
On the nomenclature and characteristics of the lampreys. By 
Theodore Gill. 

pp. 107-110. 
The nomenclature of the Myliobatide or Aétobatide. By 
Theodore Gill. 

pp. 111-114. 

The nomenclature of the family Peeciliide or Cyprinodontide. 
By Theodore Gill. 

pp. 115-116. 

The differential characters of the Salmonidze and Thymallide. 
By Theodore Gill. 

pp. 117-122. 
On the relations and nomenclature of Stézostedion or Lucio- 
perca. By Theodore Gill. 

pp. 123-128. 
Description of a new species of cotton rat (Sigmodon minima), 
from New Mexico. By Edgar A. Mearns. 

pp. 129-180. 
Notes on the invertebrate fauna of the Dakota formation, with 

descriptions of new molluscan forms. By C. A. White. 
pp. 131-1388, 1 plate. 

The shells of the Tres Marias and other localities along the 
shores of Lower California and the Gulf of California. By 
Robert E. C. Stearns. 
pp. 139-204. 
Notes on a Japanese species of reed warbler. By Leonhard 
pp. 205-206. 
A review of the fossil flora of Alaska, with descriptions of 
new species. By F. H. Knowlton. 
pp. 207-240, 1 plate. 
Diagnoses of new North American mammals. By Frederick 
W. True. 
pp. 241-243. 
Descriptions of new species of starfishes and ophiurans, with 
a revision of certain species formerly described; mostly from 
the collections made by the United States Commission of 
Fish and Fisheries... By A. E. Verrill. 
pp. 245-297. 
Notes on the anatomy and affinities of the Coerebidee and other 
American birds. By Frederic A. Lucas. 
pp. 299-312, 13 figs. 
Discovery of the genus Oldhamia in America. By Charles 
D. Walcott. 

pp. 313-315, 1 fig. 

P. 1003. 
P. 1004. 
P. 1005. 
P. 1006. 
P. 1007. 

P. 1008. 


P. LO10: 

ee LOL 

Hes, LOL: 

P, 1013. 



Notes on reptiles and batrachians collected in Florida in 1892 
and 1893. By Einar Lénnberg. 

pp. 317-839, 3 figs. 
On the rodents of the genus Smnthusin Kashmir. By Fred- 
erick W. True. 

pp. 341-343. 
The relationship of the lacertilian genus Ann iella Gray. 
By G. Baur. 

pp. 545-351. 
Diagnoses of some undescribed wood rats (genus Veotoma) 

in the National Museum. By Frederick W. True. 
pp. 353-355. 

Descriptions of twenty-two new species of birds from the 
Galapagos Islands. By Robert Ridgway. 

pp. 357-370. 
Descriptions of some new birds from Aldabra, Assumption, 
and Gloriosa islands, collected by Dr. W. L. Abbott. By 
Robert Ridgway. | 

pp. 371-873. 
A revision of the fishes of the subfamily Sebastine of the 
Pacific coast of America. By Carl H. Eigenmann and Charles 
H. Beeson. 

pp. 375-407. 
Additional notes on the native trees of the Lower Wabash 
Valley. By Robert Ridgway. 

pp. 409-421, 6 pls. 
Distribution of the land and fresh-water mollusks of the 
West Indian region, and their evidence with regard to past 
changes of land and sea. By Charles T. Simpson. 

pp. 423-450, 1 plate. 
Scientific results of explorations by the U. S. Fish Commis- 
sion steamer Albatross. No. XXVIII. On Cetomimide and 
Rondeletiide, two new families of bathybial fishes from the 
northwestern Atlantic. By G. Brown Goode and Tarleton 
H. Bean. 

pp. 451-454, 1 plate. 
Scientific results of explorations by the U.S. Fish Commis- 
sion steamer Albatross. No. XXIX. A revision of the order 
Heteromi, deep-sea fishes, with a description of the new 
generic types Macdonaldia and Lipogenys. By G. Brown 
Goode and Tarleton H. Bean. 

pp. 455-470, 2 pls. 
Scientific results of explorations by the U.S. Fish Commis- 
sion steamer Albatross. -No. XXX. On Harriotta, a new type 
of chimeroid fish from the deeper waters of the northwestern 
Atlantic. By G. Brown Goode and Tarleton H. Bean 

pp. 471-473, 1 plate. 

8879—No. 51—02-—7 


el O15; 






Pe d02ie 

P, 1022. 
iP alO23: 

P. 1024. 

P. 1025. 

P. 1026. 


Overlaying with copper by the American aborigines. By 
Otis T. Mason. 

pp. 475-477, 4 figs. 
Scientific results of explorations by the U. S. Fish Commis- 
sion steamer Albatross. No. XXXI. Descriptions of new 
genera and species of the family Lithodidee, with notes on 
the young of Lithodes camtschaticus and Lithodes brevipes. 
By James E. Benedict. 

pp. 479-488. 
Scientific results of explorations by the U. 8S. Fish Commis- 
sion steamer Albatross. No. XXXII. Report on the crus- 
tacea of the order Stomatopoda collected by the steamer 
Albatross between 1885 and 1891, and on other specimens in 
the U. S. National Museum. By Robert Payne Bigelow. 

pp. 489-550, 3 pls., 28 figs. 
The pterylography of certain American goat-suckers and 
owls. By Hubert Lyman Clark. 

pp- 551-572, 11 figs. 
The box tortoises of North America. By W. E. Taylor. 

pp. 573-588, 7 figs. 
Description of Uta mearns?, a new lizard from California. 
By Leonhard Stejneger. 

pp. 589-591. 

Notes on Butler’s garter snake. By Leonhard Stejneger. 
pp. 593-594. 

On the specific name of the coachwhip snake. By Leonhard 

pp. 595-596. 
Description of a new salamander from Arkansas with notes 
on Ambystoma annulatum. By Leonhard Stejneger. 

pp. 597-599. 
Diagnosis of a new genus of 7rogons (Heterotrogon), based 
on [apaloderma vittatum of Shelley; with a description of 

the female of that species. By Charles W. Richmond. 
pp. 601-603. 

On the bothriothoracine insects of the United States. By 
L. O. Howard. 

pp. 605-613. 
Notes on the geographical distribution of scale insects. By 

T. D. A. Cockerell. 

pp. 615-625. 
Description of a new species of rockfish, Sebastichthys bre- 
vispinis, from Alaska. By Tarleton H. Bean. 

pp. 627-628. 

Description of a new species of fish, Lleekeria gilli. By 

Tarleton H. Bean. 

Pp. 629-630 


P. 1029. Description of Gohiotdes broussoneti, a fish new to North 
America, from the Gulf of Mexico. By Tarleton H. Bean 
and Barton A. Bean. 

pp. 631-682, 1 fig. 

P. 1030. Scientific results of explorations by the U. S. Fish Commis- 
sion steamer Albatross. No. XX XIII. Descriptions of two | 
new flounders, Gastropsetta frontalis and Cyclopsetta chit- 
tenden?. By Barton A. Bean. 

pp. 633-636, 3 figs. 

P. 1031. Notes on some eruptive rocks from Gallatin, Jefferson, and 
Madison counties, Montana. By George P. Merrill. 
pp. 637-673, 10 figs. 

P. 1032. Scientific results of explorations by the U.S. Fish Commis- 
sion steamer Albatross. No. XXXIV. Report on mollusca 
and brachiopoda dredged in deep water, chiefly near the 
Hawaiian Islands, with illustrations of hitherto unfigured 
species from northwest America. By William H. Dall. 

sn a9 

pp. 675-733, 10 pls., 2 figs. 


Smithsonian Institution. | United States National Museum. | —— | 
Proceedings | of the | United States National Museum. | —— | 
Volume XVIII. | 1895. | —— | Published under the direction of 
the Smithsonian Institution. | | Washington: | Government 

Printing Office. | 1896. 
8vo., pp. Xiv, 1-819, 35 pls., 46 figs. 

P. 1033. Diagnoses of new mollusks from the survey of the Mexican 
boundary. By William H. Dall. 

pp. 1-6. 
P. 1034. Diagnoses of new species of mollusks from the west coast of 
America. By William H. Dall. 

pp. 7-20. 
P. 1035. Diagnoses of new tertiary fossils from the southern United 
States. By William H. Dall. 
pp. 21-46. 
P. 1036. Two new diplopod myriapoda of the genus Oxydesmus from 

the Congo. By O. F. Cook. 

pp. 47-52. 
P. 1037. Priodesmus, a new genus of diplopoda from Surinam. By 
O. F. Cook. 

pp. 53-57, 1 plate. 
P. 1038. On Geophilus attenuatus Say, of the class Chilopoda. By 
O. F. Cook. 

pp. 59-62. 







sel) Asie 

. 1042. 

. L045. 

. 1044. 

. LOSS. 

. L046. 

. 1047. 

. L048. 

. 1049. 


2 LObiL: 




An arrangement of the Geophilidz, a family of Chilopoda. 
By O. F. Cook. 

pp- 63-75. 
Description of a new species of golden beetle from Costa 
Rica. By Martin L. Linell. 

pp. 77-78 

Two new species of beetles of tae Tenebrionil genus /cho- 
cerus. By F. H. Chittenden. 

pp. 79-80. 
East African diplopoda of the suborder Polydesmoidea, col- 
lected by Mr. William Astor Chanler. By O. F. Cook. 

pp. 81-111, 5 pls. 
Description of a new species of pipefish (Siphostoma scovilli) 
from Corpus Christi, Texas. By Barton W. Evermann and 
William C. Kendall. 

pp. 113-115. 
Description of a new species of snake (Zantilia eisen) from 
California. By Leonhard Stejneger. 

pp. 117-118. 
Description of a new species of ground warbler from eastern 
Mexico. By Robert Ridgway. 

pp. 119-120. 
East African odonata, collected by Dr. W. L. Abbott. By 
Philip P. Calvert. 

pp. 121-142, 15 figs. 
Notes on the odonata from East Africa, collected by the 
Chanler expedition. By Philip P. Calvert. 

pp. 143-145. 

On the proper name of the gunnels or butter-fishes. By 
Theodore Gill. 

pp. 147-151. 

The differential characters of the syngnathid and hippo- 
campid fishes. By Theodore Gill. 

pp. 153-159. 
Notes on the synonymy of the Torpedinide or Narcobatide. 
By Theodore Gill. 

pp. 161-165. 
The families of synentognathous fishes and their nomencla- 
ture. By Theodore Gill. 

pp. 167-178. 
On the application of the name Zeuthis to a genus of fishes. 
By Theodore Gill. 

pp. 179-189. 
Notes on the nomenclature of Scymnus or Scymnorhinus, a 
genus of sharks. By Theodore Gill. 

pp. 191-193. 

» L054 

. 1055. 
= 1056. 
LO F. 

. L058. 

. 1060. 


. Notes on the genus Cephaleutherus of Rafinesque, and other 
rays with aberrant pectoral fins (Propterygia and [ierop- 
tera). By Theodore Gill. 

pp. 195-198. 
Notes on characinoid fishes with ctenoid scales, with a 
description ofa new Psectrogaster. By Theodore Gill. 

pp. 199-203. 
The differential characters of characinoid and erythrinoid 
fishes. By Theodore Gill. 

pp. 205-209. 
Notes on Orectolobus or Crossorhinus, a genus of sharks. By 
Theodore Gill. 

pp. 211-212. 
Note on the fishes of the genus Characinus. By Theodore 

pp. 213-215. 

. The nomenclature of Pachicentron or Flacate, a genus of 

acanthopterygian fishes. By Theodore Gill. 

pp. 217-219. 
Note on the nomenclature of the peecilioid fishes. By Theo- 
dore Gill. 

pp. 221-224. 

. 1061. The nomenclature of the fishes of the characinoid genus 

. 1062. 

. 1065. 

. LOG. 

. L065. 

Tetragonopterus. By Vheodore Gill. 

pp. 225-227. 
List of the lepidoptera collected in eastern Africa by Dr. 
W. L. Abbott, with descriptions of some apparently new 
species. By W. J. Holland. 

pp. 229-258. 
List of the lepidoptera collected in Somali-land, East Africa. 
by Mr. William Astor Chanler and Lieutenant von Hoéhnel. 
By W. J. Holland. 

pp. 259-264, 
List of the lepidoptera from Aldabra, Seychelles, and other 
East African islands, collected by Dr. W. L. Abbott. By 
W. J. Holland. 

pp. 265-273. 
List of the lepidoptera collected in Kashmir by Dr. W. L. 
Abbott. By W. J. Holland. 

pp. 275-279, 2 pls. 

. 1066. Notes on asbestos and asbestiform minerals. By George P. 
pp. 281-292. 
. 1067. Preliminary description of some new birds from the Galapa- 

gos archipelago. By Robert Ridgway. 

pp. 293-294. 
















a lOMG: 

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The classification and geographical distribution of the pearly 
fresh-water mussels. By Charles T. Simpson. 

pp. 295-343, 1 plate. 
Note on the occurrence of an armadillo of the genus Xenurus 
in Honduras. By Frederick W. True. 

pp. 345-347, 2 pls. 
The genus Callinectes. By Mary J. Rathbun. 

pp. 349-375, 17 pls. 
Descriptions of two new species of fresh-water crabs from 
Costa Rica. By Mary J. Rathbun. 

pp. 377-879, 2 pls., 3 figs. 
Description of four new triassic unios from the staked plains 
of Texas. By Charles T. Simpson. 

pp. 381-385, 5 figs. 

Revision of the North American Empidee 
winged insects. By D. W. Coquillett. 

pp. 387-440. 

a family of two- 

Description of a new subspecies of the gerus Peucedramus 
Coues. By Robert Ridgway. 

p. 441. 
Preliminary diagnoses of new mammals from the Mexican 
boundary of the United States. By Edgar A. Mearns. 

pp. 443-47, 
Characters of a new American family of passerine birds. By 
Robert Ridgway. 

pp. 449-450. 
Osteological and pterylographical characters of the Procnia- 
tide. By Frederic A. Lucas. 

p. 505-507, 5 figs. 
Catalogue of a collection of birds made by Dr. W. L. Abbott 
in Kashmir, Baltistan and Ladak, with notes on some of the 
species, and a description of a new species of Cyanecula. 
By Charles W. Richmond. 

pp. 451-503. 
On birds collected by Dr. W. L. Abbott in the Seychelles, 
Amirantes, Gloriosa, Assumption, Aldabra, and adjacent 
islands, with notes on habits, ete., by the collector. By 
Robert Ridgway. 

pp. 509-546. 
Descriptions of two new subspecies of the downy woodpecker, 
Dryobates pubescens Linneus. By Harry C. Oberholser. 

pp. 547-550. 
Preliminary description of a new subgenus and six new spe- 
cies and subspecies of hares, from the Mexican border of the 

United States. By Edgar A. Mearns. 
pp. 551-565. 














Note on Plectroplites and Hypoplectrodes, genera of serranoid 
fishes. By Theodore Gill. 

pp. 567-568. 
Catalogue of a collection of birds made by Dr. W. L. Abbott 
in eastern Turkestan, the Thian-Shan Mountains, and Tag- 
dumbash Pamir, central Asia, with notes on some of the spe- 

cies. By Charles W. Richmond. 
pp. 569-591. 

Descriptions of three species of sand fleas (Amphipods) col- 
lected at Newport, Rhode Island. By Sylvester D. Judd. 
pp. 593-603, 11 figs. 
Remarks on the synonymy of some North American scolytid 
beetles. By William Eichhoff. 
pp. 605-610. 
Fossil jelly fishes from the Middle Cambrian terrane. By 
Charles D. Walcott. 

pp. 611-614, 2 pls. 

Preliminary descriptions of a new genus and three new 
species of crustaceans from an artesian well at San Marcos, 
Texas. By James E. Benedict. 

pp. 615-617. 

Description of a new genus and species of blind tailed- 
batrachians from the subterranean waters of Texas. By 
Leonhard Stejneger. 

pp. 619-621. 

Description of a new stickleback (Gasterosteus gladiunculus) 
from the coast of Maine. By W. C. Kendall. 

pp. 623-624. 

Description of a new species of ant thrush from Nicaragua. 
By Charles W. Richmond. 

pp. 625-626. 

Partial list of birds collected at Alta Mira, Mexico, by Mr. 
Frank B. Armstrong. By Charles W. Richmond. 

pp. 627-632. 

On some reared parasitic hymenopterous insects from Ceylon. 
By L. O. Howard and William H. Ashmead. 

pp. 633-048. 

An annotated list of birds observed on the island of Mar- 
garita, and at Guanta and Laguayra, Venezuela. (With 
critical notes and descriptions of new species by Charles W. 
Richmond.) By Wirt Robinson. 

pp. 649-685, 1 plate, 1 fig. 

List of coleoptera collected on the Tana River, and on the 
Jombéné range, East Africa, by Mr. William Astor Chanler 

>a 2 
and Lieut. Ludwig von Hohnel, with descriptions of new 

genera and species. By Martin L. Linell. 
pp. 686-716. 


P. 1095. Contributions to the natural history of the Commander 
Islands. XI. The cranium of Pallas’ cormorant. By Fred- 
eric A. Lucas. 

pp. 717-719, 2 pls. 

P. 1096. New species of North American coleoptera of the family 

Scarabeeidee. By Martin L. Linell. 
pp. 721-7381. 

P. 1097. Observations on the development and migration of the 

urticating organs of sea nettles, Cnidaria. By Louis 

pp. 733-740. 

P. 1098. List of the lepidoptera collected in East Africa, 1894, by Mr. 
William Astor Chanler and Lieut. Ludwig von Héhnel. By 
W. J. Holland. 

pp. 741-767. 

P. 1099. Notes on the vampire bat (Diphylla ecaudata), with special 
reference to its relationships with Desmodus rufus. By Har- 
rison Allen. 

pp. 769-777, 6 figs. 

P. 1100. Description of a new species of bat of the genus Glossophaga. 

By Harrison Allen. 
pp. 779-781. 

Smithsonian Institution. | United States National Museum. | -—— | 
Proceedings | of the | United States National Museum. | —— | 

Volume XIX. | —— | Published under the direction of the Smith- 
sonian Institution. | —— | Washington: | Government Printing 

Office. | 1897. 

8 vo., pp. viii, 1-864, 68 pls., 52 figs. 

P. 1101. A revision of the American moles. By Frederick W. True. 
pp. 1-112, 4 pls., 46 figs., 5 maps, showing geographical distribution. 
P. 1102. Descriptions of new cynipidous galls and gall-wasps in the 
United States National Museum. By William H. Ashmead. 
pp. 113-136. 
P. 1103. Preliminary diagnoses of new mammals from the Mexican 
border of the United States. By Edgar A. Mearns. 
pp. 187-140. 
P. 1104. Description of a new genus and four new species of crabs 
from the West Indies. By Mary J. Rathbun. 
pp. 141-144. 
P. 1105. A revision of the adult tapeworms of hares and rabbits. By 
Charles Wardell Stiles. 

pp. 145-235, 21 pls. 





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= bE: 






Contributions to the natural history of the Commander 
Islands. XII. Fishes collected at Bering and Copper islands 
by Nikolai A. Grebnitski and Leonhard Stejneger. By Tarle- 
ton H. Bean and Barton A. Bean. 

pp. 237-251. 
Is the Florida box tortoise a distinct species? By Einar 

pp. 253-254. 
Summary of the hemiptera of Japan, presented to the United 
States National Museum by Professor Mitzukuri. By Philip 
Rew hier: ; 

pp. 255-297. 
On the genus Remondia Gabb, a group of cretaceous bivalve 
mollusks. By Timothy W. Stanton. 

_pp. 299-801, 1 plate. 
Descriptions of tertiary fossils from the Antillean region. By 
R. J. Lechmere Guppy and William H. Dall. 

pp. 303-3381, 4 pls. 
Report on the mollusks collected by the International Bound- 
ary Commission of the United States and Mexico, 1892-1894. 
By William H. Dall. 

pp. 333-379, 3 pls. 
Notes on fishes collected in Kamchatka and Japan by Leon- 
hard Stejneger and Nicolai A. Grebnitski, with a description 
of a new blenny. By Tarleton H. Bean and Barton A. Bean. 

pp. 381-392, 2 pls. 
Descriptions of new species of North American coleoptera in 
the families Cerambycide and Scarabeeide. By Martin L. 

pp. 393-401. 
Report on the fishes dredged in deep water near the Hawaiian 
Islands, with descriptions and figures of twenty-three new 
species. By Charles H. Gilbert and Frank Cramer. 

pp. 403-435, 13 pls. 
Descriptions of twenty-two new species of fishes collected by 
the steamer A/batross, of the United States Fish Commission. 
By Charles H. Gilbert. 

pp. 487-457, 7 pls. 

1116. Birds of the Galapagos archipelago. By Robert Ridgway. 

pp. 459-670, 2 pls., 6 figs., 48 charts. 

1117. On the fossil phyllopod genera, Dipelt’s and Protocaris, of 


the family Apodide. By Charles Schuchert. 
pp. 671-676, 1 plate. 

Catalogue of a collection of birds made by Dr. W. L. Abbott 

in Madagascar, with descriptions of three new species. By 

Charles W. Richmond. 

pp. 677-694. 


P. 1119. On the insects collected by Dr. Abbott on the Seychelles, 
Aldabra, Gloriosa, and Providence islands, with descriptions 
of nine new species of coleoptera. By Martin L. Linell. 

pp. 695-706. 

P. 1120. Cambrian brachiopoda: genera J/phidea and Yorkia, with 
descriptions of new species of each, and of the genus Acro- 
thele. By Charles D. Walcott. 

pp. 707-718, 2 pls. 
P. 1121. Descriptions of six new mammals from North America. B 
Edgar A. Mearns. 
pp. 719-724. 

P. 1122. The food plants of scale insects (Coccide). By T. D. A. 

pp. 725-785. 

P. 1123. Notes on larval cestode parasites of fishes. By Edwin 

pp. 787-824, 8 pls. 


Smithsonian Institution. | United States National Museum. | —— | 
Proceedings | of the | United States National Museum. | —— | 
Volume XX. | —— | Published under the direction of the Smith- 
sonian Institution. | —— | Washington: | Government Printing 
Office. | 1898. 

8vo., pp. xii, 1-982, 97 pls., 149 figs. 

P. 1124. Revision of the orthopteran group Melanopli (Acridiide), 
with special reference to North American forms. By 
Samuel H. Scudder. 

pp. 1-421, 26 pls. 

P. 1125. Notes on the cestode parasites of fishes. By Edwin Linton. 

pp. 428-456, 8 pls. 

P. 1126. Preliminary diagnoses of new mammals of the genera Lyn, 
Urocyon, Spilogale, and Mephitis, from the Mexican 
boundary line. By Edgar A. Mearns. 

pp. 457-461. 
P. 1127. Description of a new blenny-like fish of the genus Opistho- 
; gs L 
centrus, collected in Vuleano Bay, Port Mororan, Japan, 
by Nicolai A. Grebnitski. By Tarleton H. Bean and Bar- 
ton A. Bean. 
pp. 4634164, 1 plate. 

P. 1128. Description of a new crustacean of the genus Sphwroma, 
from a warm spring in New Mexico. By Harriet Ricb- 

pp. 465-466. 

. 1129. 


e113 1. 


. 1183. 

P. 1134. 

. 1135. 

. 1186. 

, LTS: 




Preliminary diagnoses of new mammals of the genera J/ephi- 
tis, Dorcelaphus, and Dicotyles, from the Mexican border of 
the United States. By Edgar A. Mearns. 

pp. 467-471. 
New species of coleoptera of the family Chrysomelide, with 

a short review of the tribe Chlamydini. By Martin L. Linell. 
pp. 473-485. 

Notes on a collection of fishes from the Colorado Basin in 

Arizona. By Charles H. Gilbert and Norman Bishop Scofield. 
pp. 487-499, 4 pls. 

Preliminary diagnoses of new mammals of the genera Sevu- 
pus, Castor, Neotoma, and Sigmodon, from the Mexican 

boundary of the United States. By Edgar A. Mearns. 
pp. 501-505. 

Notes on trematode parasites of fishes. By Edwin Linton. 

pp. 507-548, 15 pls. 
Contributions to Philippine ornithology. Part I. A list of 
the birds known to inhabit the Philippine and Palawan 
islands, showing their distribution within the limits of the 
two groups. By Dean C. Worcester and Frank 5. Bourns. 
Part II. Notes on the distribution of Philippine birds. By 
Dean C. Worcester. 

pp. 549-625, 7 pls. 
Supplement to the annotated catalogue of the published 
writings of Charles Abiathar White, 1886-1897. By Timo- 
thy W. Stanton. 

pp. 627-642. 
Observations on the Astacide in the United States National 
Museum and in the Museum of Comparative Zoology, with 
descriptions of new species. By Walter Faxon. 

pp. 643-694, 9 pls. 
A revision of tropical African diplopoda of the family 
Strongylosomatide. By O. F. Cook. 

pp. 695-708. 
American leaf-hoppers of the subfamily Typhlocybine. By 
Clarence P. Gillette. 

pp. 709-773, 149 figs. 
Revision of the deep-water mollusca of the Atlantic coast of 
North America, with descriptions of new genera and species. 
Part I. Bivalvia. By A. E. Verrill and Katherine J. Bush. 

pp. 775-901, 27 pls. 



Smithsonian Institution. | United States National Museum. | —— | 

Proceedings | of the | United States National Museum. | —— | 

Volume XXI, 

—— | Published under the direction of the Smith- 

sonian Institution. | —— | Washington: | Government Printing 

Office. | 1899. 

8vo., pp. Xiii, 1-933, 89 pls., 105 figs. 

P. 1140. Contributions toward a monograph of the lepidopterous fam- 
ily Noctuids of boreal North America. A revision of the spe- 
cies of Acronycta Ochsenheimer, and of certain allied genera. 
By John B. Smith and Harrison G. Dyar. 

pp. 1-194, 22 pls. 

P. 1141. Descriptions of the species of Cycadeoidea, or fossil cycadean 
trunks, thus far determined from.the lower cretaceous rim 
of the Black Hills. By Lester F. Ward. 

pp. 195-229. 

P. 1142. On some new parasitic insects of the subfamily Encyrtine. 

By L. O. Howard. 
pp. 231-248. 
P. 1148. On the coleopterous insects of Galapagos Islands. By Mar- 
tin L. Linell. 
pp. 249-268. 
P. 1144. The birds of the Kuril Islands. By Leonhard Stejneger. 
pp. 269-296. 

P. 1145. Description of a species of Actaeon from the quaternary 
bluffs at Spanish Bight, San Diego, California. By Robert 
E. C. Stearns. 

pp. 297-299, 1 fig. 

P. 1146. Report on a collection of Japanese diptera, presented to the 
U. S. National Museum by the Imperial University of 
Tokyo. By D. W. Coquillett. 

pp. 301-340. 

P. 1147. Notes on the mammals of the Catskill Mountains, New York, 
with general remarks on the fauna and flora of the region. 
By Edgar A. Mearns. 

pp. 341-860, 6 figs. 

P. 1148. Topaz crystals in the mineral collection of the U.S. National 
Museum. By Arthur S. Eakle. 

pp. 361-369, 22 figs. 

P. 1149. Notes on Cytherea (Tivela) crassatelloides Conrad, with 
descriptions of many varieties. By Robert E. C. Stearns. 

pp. 371-378, 3 pls. : 

P. 1150. On the occurrence of Amphiuma, the so-called Congo snake, 

in Virginia. By Hugh M. Smith. 

pp. 379-380. 

PH itor 


By hoe: 

ted O! 

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ee Gi, 

P. 1168. 

P. 1164. 

iL Go; 




Description of a new species of spiny-tailed iguana from 
Guatemala. By Leonhard Stejneger. 

pp. 381-383. 
Cambrian brachiopoda: Obolus and Lingulella, with descrip- 

tion of new species. By Charles D. Walcott. 
pp. 385-420, 3 pls. 

A revision of the wrens of the genus Zhryomanes Sclater. 
By Harry C. Oberholser. 

pp. 421-450. 

. American oniscoid diplopoda of the order Merocheta. By 

O. F. Cook. 

pp. 451-468, 4 pls. 

. The osteology and relationships of the family Zeide. By 

Edwin C. Starks. 

pp. 469-476, 6 pls. 

. A contribution to the knowledge of the variations o the 

tree frog, Hyla regilla. By Frederick C. Test. 

pp. 477-492, 1 plate. 

. Japanese hymenoptera of the family Tenthredinide. By 

C. L. Marlatt. 

pp. 493-506. 

. A contribution to a knowledge of the fresh-water crabs of 

America.—The Pseudothelphusine. By Mary J. Rathbun. 
pp. 507-537, 18 figs. 
Notes on a collection of fishes from Mexico, with description 

of a new species of Platypecilus. By Barton A. Bean. 
pp. 539-542, 1 fig. 

The leeches of the U. S. National Museum. By J. Percy 

Moore. s 
pp. 543-563, 1 plate. 

On the occurrence of Caulolepis longidens Gill, on the coast 
of California. By Charles H. Gilbert. 

pp. 565-566. 

. The brachyura collected by the U. S. Fish Commission 

steamer A/batross on the voyage from Norfolk, Virginia, to 
San Francisco, California, 1887-88. By Mary J. Rathbun. 
pp. 567-616, 4 pls. 
On the nomenclature of the whalebone whales of the tenth 
edition of Linneeus’s ‘*Systema Nature.” By Frederick W. 
pp. 617-635. 
A new snake from the eocene of Alabama. By Frederic A. 
pp. 637-638, 2 pls. 
Notes on the capture of rare fishes. By Barton A. Bean. 
pp. 639-640. 

. The feather-tracts of North American grouse and quail. By 

Hubert Lyman Clark. 

pp. 641-658, 3 pls., 4 figs. 




Pe Lig: 



Pla ie 



Note on Oxycottus acuticeps Gilbert, from Sitka and Kadiak, 
Alaska. By Tarleton H. Bean and Barton A. Bean. 
pp. 655-656. 
African diplopoda of the genus Pachybolus. By O. F. Cook. 
pp. 657-666, 3 pls. 
The diplopod family Striariide. By O. F. Cook. 
pp. 667-676, 2 pls. 
African diplopoda of the family Gomphodesmide. By O. F. 
pp. 677-739, 7 pls. 
Hydroida from Alaska and Puget Sound. By Charles C. 
pp. 741-753, 3 pls. 
The fossil bison of North America. By Frederic A. Lucas. 
pp. 755-771, 20 pls., 2 figs. 
Petrographic report on rocks from the United States-Mex- 
ico boundary. By Edwin C. E. Lord. 
pp. 773-782, 1 plate. . 
The land reptiles of the Hawaiian Islands. By Leonhard 
pp. 783-813, 13 figs. 
Key to the isopods of the Pacific coast of North America, 
with descriptions of twenty-two new species. By Harriet 
pp. 815-869, 34 figs. 
Description of a new species of subterranean isopod. By 
WP; Hay. 
pp. 871-872, 1 plate. 
Synopsis of the recent and tertiary Leptonacea of North 
America and the West Indies. By William H. Dall. 
pp. 873-897, 2 pls. 
Description of a new genus and species of discoglossoid toad 

from North America. By Leonhard Stejneger. 
pp. 899-901, 1 plate, 4 figs. 


Smithsonian Institution. | United States National Museum. | —— | 
Proceedings | of the | United States National Museum. | —— 

Volume XXII. | —— | Published under the direction of the Smith- 
sonian Institution. | —— | Washington: | Government Printiag 
Office. | 1900. 



8vo., pp. xii, 1-1075, 18 pls., 15 figs. 

The osteological characters of the fishes of the suborder 
Percesoces. By Edwin C. Starks. 

pp. 1-10, 3 pls. 
Notes on birds from the Cameroons district, West Africa. 
By Harry C. Oberholser. 

pp. 11-19. 


oe LSS: 





. 1192. 

. 1193. 

. 1194. 

. 1195. 



Descriptions of two new species of tortoises from the tertiary 
of the United States. By O. P. Hay. 

pp. 21-24, 3 pls. 
A list of the birds collected by Mr. R. P. Currie in Liberia. 
By Harry C. Oberholser. 

pp. 25-37, 1 plate. 
A list of the biting lice (A/allophaga) taken from birds and 
mammals of North America. By Vernon L. Kellogg. 

pp. 39-100. 
New species of nocturnal moths of the genus Campometra, 
and notes. By John B. Smith. 

pp. 101-105. 
Synopsis of the Solenidee of North America and the Antilles. 
By William H. Dall. 

pp. 107-112. 
The osteology and relationship of the percoidean fish, D/no- 
lestes lewint. By Edwin C. Starks. 

pp. 113-120, 4 pls. 
Description of two new species of crayfish. By W. P. Hay. 

pp. 121-123, 2 figs. : 
Contributions to the natural history of the Commander 
Islands. No. XIII. A new species of stalked medusz (//a//- 
clystus stejnegert.) By K. Kishinouye. 

pp. 125-129, 3 figs. 
Description of a new species of /dotea from Hakodate Bay, 
Japan. By Harriet Richardson. 

pp. 181-134, 6 figs. 
List of shells collected by Vernon Bailey in Heron and Eagle 
lakes, Minnesota, with notes. By Robert E. C. Stearns. 

pp. 135-138. 
Description of a new variety of /Zaliotis from California, 

with faunal and geographical notes. By Robert EK. C. Stearns. 
pp. 1389-142. 

On the Lower Silurian (Trenton) fauna of Baffin Land. By 
Charles Schuchert. 

pp. 143-177, 3 pls., 2 figs. 
Some neocene corals of the United States. By Henry Stewart 

pp. 179-198, 1 plate. 

A new fossil species of Caryophyllia from California, and a 
new genus and species of turbinolid coral from Japan. 
By T. Wayland Vaughan. 

pp. 199-203, 1 plate. 
Notes on birds collected by Dr. W. L. Abbott in central 
Asia. By Harry C. Oberholser. 

pp. 205-228. 
Notes on some birds from Santa Barbara Islands, California. 

By Harry C. Oberholser. 

pp. 229-234. 


P. 1197. Catalogue of a collection of birds from Madagascar. By 

Harry C. Oberholser. . 
pp. 235-248. 

P. 1198. Report on a collection of dipterous insects from Porto 

Rico. By D. W. Coquillett. 
pp. 249-270. 
P. 1199. The decapod crustaceans of West Africa. By Mary J. 
pp. 271-316, 2 figs. 
P. 1200. Description of a new bird of the genus Dendrurnis. B 
I g y 
Charles W. Richmond. 
pp. 317-318. 

P. 1201. Descriptions of three new birds from lower Siam. By 

Charles W. Richmond. 
pp. 319-321. 

P. 1202. On the genera of the chalcid-flies belonging to the subfamily 
g ging J 
Encyrtine. By William H. Ashmead. 

pp. 323-412. : 
P. 1203. A hundred new moths of the family Noctuide. By John 
: J yi 
B. Smith. 
pp. 413-495. 
P. 1204. A new bird of paradise. By Rolla P. Currie. 
pp. 497-499, 1 plate. 

P. 1205. Synopsis of the Naiades, or pearly fresh-water mussels. By 
Charles T. Simpson. 

pp. 501-1044, 1 plate. 


Smithsonian Institution. | United States National Museum. | —— | 
Proceedings | of the | United States National Museum. | —— | 
Volume XXIII. | —— | Published under the direction of 
the Smithsonian Institution. | | Washington: | Government 
Printing Office. | 1901. 

8vo., pp. Xiv, 1-913, 44 pls., 83 figs. 

P. 1206. Classification of the ichneumon flies, or the superfamily 
Ichneumonoidea. By William H. Ashmead. 
pp. 1-220. 
P. 1207. A new rhinoceros (7rigonias osbornz), from the miocene of 
South Dakota. By Frederic A. Lucas. 
pp. 221-223, 2 figs. 
P. 1208. New species of moths of the superfamily Tineina from 
Florida. By August Busck. 
pp. 225-254, 1 plate. 
P. 1209. Life histories of some North American moths. By Harrison 
G. Dyar. 

pp. 255-284. 


1210. Synopsis of the family Tellinidee and of the North American 
species. By William H. Dall. 

pp. 285-326, 3 pls. 

1211. The pelvie girdle of Zeuglodon, Bas‘losaurus cetoides Owen, 
with notes on other portions of the skeleton. By Frederic 
A. Lueas. 

pp. 327-331, 3 pls. 

1212. A new fossil eyprinoid, Zeuciscus turner’, from the miocene 
of Nevada. By Frederic A. Lucas. 

pp. 333-334, 1 plate. 

1213. A list of fishes collected in Japan by Keinosuke Otaki and by 
the United States steamer A/)atross, with descriptions of four- 
teen new species. By David 8. Jordan and John O. Snyder. 

pp. 335-380, 12 pls. 

1214. Synopsis of the family Cardiide and of the North American 
species. By William H. Dall. 

pp. 381-392. 

1215. Revision of the orthopteran genus 7rimerotropis. By Jerome 

pp. 393-449, 1 plate. 

1216. The hermit crabs of the Pagurus bernhardus type. By James 

E. Benedict. 

pp. 451-466, 6 figs. 

. 1217. On a new species of spiny-tailed iguana from Utilla Island, 

Honduras. By Leonhard Stejneger. 
pp. 467-468. 

1218. A new systematic name for the yellow boa of Jamaica. By 

Leonhard Stejneger. 
pp. 469-470. 

1219. Diagnosis of a new species of iguanoid lizard from Green 

Cay, Bahama Islands. By Leonhard Stejneger. 
p. 471. 

1220. On the wheatears (Saricola) occurring in North America. 
By Leonhard Stejneger. 

pp. 473-481, 1 diagram. 

1221. List of fishes collected in the river Pei-Ho, at Tien-Tsin, 
China, by Noah Fields Drake, with descriptions of seven 
new species. By James Francis Abbott. 

pp. 483-491, 7 pls. 

1222. Key to the isopods of the Atlantic coast of North America 
with descriptions of new and little known species. By 
Harriet Richardson. 

pp. 493-579, 38 figs. 

1223. Some spiders and other arachnida from southern Arizona. 
By Nathan Banks. 

pp. 581-590, i plate. 

8879—No. 51—02 8 


P. 1224. 

P. 1225. 


Py 1297. 

P. 1230. 

P. 1231. 

P. 1233. 

P. 1234. 

P. 1236. 

P. 1237. 


A new dinosaur, Stegosaurus marshi, from the lower cre- 
taceous of South Dakota. By Frederic A. Lucas. 

pp. 591-592, 2 pls. 
New diptera in the U. S. National Museum. By D. W. 

pp. 593-615. 
A list of the ferns and fern allies of North America north of 
Mexico, with principal synonyms and distribution. By 
William R. Maxon. 

pp. 619-651. 
A systematic arrangement of the families of the diptera. By 
D. W. Coquillett. 

pp. 653-658. 
A comparison of the osteology of the jerboas and jumping 
mice. By Marcus W. Lyon, jr. 

pp. 659-668, 3 pls. 
Cambrian brachiopoda: Qbolella, subgenus Glyptias; Bicia,; 
Yholus, sabgenus Westonéa; with descriptions of new species. 
By Charles D. Walcott. . 

pp. 669-695. 
A revision of certain species of plants of the genus Anten- 
naria. By Elias Nelson. 

pp. 697-713. 
Description of a new species of snake from Clarion Island. 
By Leonhard Stejneger. 

pp. 715-717. 
On the relationships of the Lutianoid fish, Aphareus furcatus. 
By David S. Jordan and Edwin C. Starks. 

pp. 719-723, 2 pls. 
A review of the lancelets, hagfishes, and lampreys of Japan, 
with a description of two new species. By David S. Jordan 
and John O. Snyder. 

pp. 725-734, 1 plate. 
The proper names of Bdellostoma or Heptatrema. By Theo- 
dore Gill. 

pp. 735-738. 
List of fishes collected in 1883 and 1885 by Pierre Louis 
Jouy and preserved in the United States National Museum, 
with descriptions of six new species. By David S. Jordan 
and John O. Snyder. 

pp. 739-769, 8 pls. F 
Four new symmetrical hermit crabs (Pagurids) from the 
West India region. By James E. Benedict. 

pp. 771-778, 7 figs. 
Synopsis of the Lucinacea and of the American species. By 
William H. Dall. 

pp. 779-8833, 4 pls. 


P. 1238. On aslug of the genus Veronicella from Tahiti. By T. D. A. 
pp. 835-836. 
P. 1239. A review of the apodal fishes or eels of Japan, with deserip- 
tions of nineteen new species. By David S. Jordan and 
John O. Snyder. 
pp. 837-890, 20 figs. 
P. 1240. A review of the cardinal fishes of Japan. 
Jordan and John O. Snyder. 

pp. 891-9138, 2 pls., 10 figs. 

By David S. 


(NOS. 1-50.) 

B. 1. Check-list of North American batrachia and reptilia; with a sys- 
tematic list of the higher groups, and an essay on geograph- 
ical distribution. Based on the specimens contained in the 
U.S. National Museum. By Edward D. Cope. 

8vo., 1875, pp. 1-104. 
B. 2. Contributions to the natural history of Kerguelen Island, made 
in connection with the American [United States] Transit-of- 
Venus expedition, 1874-75. By J. H. Kidder, M. D., passed 
assistant surgeon, U.S. Navy. I. Ornithology. Edited by 
Dr. Elliott. Coues, U. S. A. 
8vo., 1875, pp. ix, 1-51. 
B. 3. Contributions to the natural history of Kerguelen Island, made 
| in connection with the United States Transit-of-Venus expe- 
dition, 1874-75. By J. H. Kidder, M. D., passed assistant 
surgeon, U.S. Navy. I. 
8vo., 1876, pp. 1-122. 
B. 4. Birds of southwestern Mexico. Collected by Francis E. 
Sumichrast for the United States National Museum. Pre- 

ared by George N. Lawrence. 
« 2D 
8yvo., 1875, pp. 1-56. 

B. 5. Catalogue of the fishes of the Bermudas. Based chiefly upon the 
collections of the United States National Museum. By G. 
Brown Goode, M. A., assistant curator, U. S. National 

8vo., 1876, pp. 1-82. 

B. 6. International Exhibition, 1876. Board on behalf of United 
States executive department:. Classification of the collec- 
tion to illustrate the animal resources of the United States. 
A list of substances derived from the animal kingdom, with 
synopsis of the useful and injurious animals and a classifica- 
tion of the methods of capture and utilization. By G. Brown 
Goode, M. A., assistant curator, U. 8. National Museum. 

8vo., 1876, pp, xiii, 1-126. 








7. Contributions to the natural history of the Hawaiian and Fan- 
ning islands and Lower California, made in connection with 
the United States North Pacific surveying expedition, 1873— 
1875. By Thos. H. Streets, M. D., passed assistant surgeon, 
U.S. Navy. 

8vo., 1877, pp. 1-172. 

8. Index to the names which have been applied to the subdivisions 
of the class Brachiopoda excluding the rudistes previous to 
the year 1877. By W. H. Dall, U. S. Coast Survey. 

8vo., 1877, pp..1-88. 


), Contributions to North American ichthyology. Based primarily 
on the collections of the United States National Museum. 
I. Review of Rafinesque’s Memoirs on North American Fishes. 
By David 8. Jordan. 
8vo., 1877, pp. 1-53. 
10. Contributions to North American ichthyology. Based prima- 
rily on the collections of the United States National Museum. 
IJ. A.—Notes on Cottidee, Etheostomatide, Percidee, Cen- 
trarchidee, Aphododeridx, Dorysomatide, and Cyprinide, 
with revisions of the genera and descriptions of new or little 
known species. B.—Synopsis of the Siluridz of the fresh 
waters of North America. By David 8. Jordan. 
8vo., 1877, pp. 1-120, 45 pls. 
11. Bibliography of the fishes of the Pacific coast of the United 
States to the end of 1879. By Theodore Gill. 
8vo., 1882, pp. 1-73. 
12. Contributions to North American ichthyology. Based prima- 
rily on the collections of the United States National Museum. 
Ill. A.—On the distribution of the fishes of the Alleghany 
region of South Carolina, Georgia, and Tennessee, with 
descriptions of new or little known species. By David 5S. 
Jordan and Alembert W. Brayton. B.—A synopsis of the 
family Catostomide. By David $. Jordan. 
8vo., 1878, pp. 1-237. 
13. The flora of St. Croix and the Virgin islands. By Baron H. F. 
A. Eggers. 
8vo., 1879, pp. 1-183. 
14. International Exhibition, 1876. Catalogue of the collection to 
illustrate the animal resources and the fisheries of the United 
States, exhibited at Philadelphia in 1876 by the Smithsonian 
Institution and the United States Fish Commission, and form- 
ing a part of the United States National Museum. Prepared 

under the direction of G. Brown Goode. 
8vo., 1879, pp. xvi, 1-351. 

15. Contributions to the natural history of Arctic America, made 
in connection with the Howgate Polar expedition, 1877-78. 

By Ludwig Kumlien, naturalist of the expedition. 
8vo0., 1879, pp. 1-179. 


B. 16. Synopsis of the fishes of North America. By David 5. Jordan 
and Charles H. Gilbert. 

Syo., 1882, pp. lvi, 1-1018. 

B. 17. On the zoological position of Texas. By Edward D. Cope. 
8vo., 1880, pp. 1-51. 

B. 18. International Fishery Exhibition, Berlin, 1880. Exhibit of the 
fisheries and fish culture of the United States of America, 
at the Internationale Fischerei-Ausstellung, held at Berlin, 
April 20, 1880, and forming a part of the collections of the 
National Museum, made by the United States Fish Com- 
mnission. Prepared under the direction of G. Brown Goode, 
deputy commissioner. 

8vo., 1880, pp. Xv, 1-268. 

B. 19. Nomenclator Zoologicus. An alphabetical list of all generic 
numes that have been employed by naturalists for recent 
and fossil animals from the earliest times to the close of the 
year 1879. In two parts: I. Supplemental list. hes Omni 
versal index. By Samuel H. Scudder. 

8vo., 1882, pp. xxi, 1-376, 1-340. 

B. 20. Bibliographies of American naturalists. I. The published writ- 
ings of Spencer Fullerton Baird, 1843-1882. By G. Brown 
Goode, assistant director of the National Museum. 

8vo., 1883, pp. Xvi, 1-377, frontispiece. 

B. 21. Nomenclature of North American birds chiefly contained in 

the United States National Museum. By Robert Ridgway. 
8vo., 1881, pp. 1-94. 

B. 22. Guide to the flora of Washington and vicinity. By Lester F. 

Ward, A. M. 
8vo., 1881, pp. 1-264, 1 map. 

B. 23. Bibliographies of American naturalists. I. The published 
writings of Isaac Lea, LL. D. By Newton Pratt Scudder. 

8vo., 1885, pp. lix, 1-278, frontispiece. 

B. 24. Check list of North American reptilia and batrachia, with cata- 
logue of specimens in U. S. National Museum. By H. C. 
Yarrow, M. D., honorary curator, department of reptiles. 

8vo., 1882, pp. v, 1-249. 
B. 25. Contributions to the natural history of the Bermudas. Edited 

by J. Matthew Jones and George Brown Goode. 
8vo., 1884, pp. xxiii, 1-353, 12 pls. 

Part I.—Geology. By Prof. William North Rice (pp. 1-82, 5 pls.). 
Part II.—Botany. By Gen. Sir John Henry Lefroy (pp. 33-141). 
Part I1I.—Mammals. By J. Matthew Jones (pp. 143-161). 
Part IV.—Birds. By Capt. Savile G. Reid (pp. 163-279). 
Part V.—Notes on birds. By Dr. C. Hart Merriam (pp. 281-284). 
Part VI.—Reptiles. By Samuel Garman (pp. 285-303). 
Part VII.—Annelids. By Prof. H. E. Webster (pp. 305-327, 6 pls. ). 


B. 26. Avifauna Columbiana: being a list of birds ascertained to 
inhabit the District of Columbia, with the times of arrival and 
departure of such as are non-residents, and brief notices of 
habits, ete. The second edition, revised to date, and entirely 
rewritten. By Elliott Coues, M. D., Ph. D., professor of 
anatomy in the National Medical College, etc., and D. Web- 
ster Prentiss, A. M., M. D., professor of materia medica and 
therapeutics in the National Medical College, ete. 

8vo., 1883, pp. 1-138, 2 pls., 100 figs. 

B. 27. Great International Fisheries Exhibition, London, 1883. De- 
scriptive catalogues of the collections sent from the United 
States to the International Fisheries Exhibition, London, 
1883, constituting a report upon the American section. Pre- 
pared under the direction of G. Brown Goode, U. 5. commis- 
sioner, and a staff of associates. 

8vo., 1884, pp. liv, 1-1279. 

Great international fisheries exhibition. London, 1883. United States of 
America. A. Preliminary catalogue and synopsis of the collections exhib- 
ited by the United States Fish Commission and by special exhibitors. With 
a concordance to the official classification of the exhibition. 8yo., 1883, 
pp. 1-105. 

Great international fisheries exhibition. London, 1883. United States of 
America.  B. Collection of economic crustaceans, worms, echinoderms, 
and sponges. By Richard Rathbun, curator of the department of marine 
invertebrates in the United States National Museum. 8vo., 1885, pp. 

Great international fisheries exhibition. London, 1883. United States of 
America. ©. Catalogue of the aquatic and fish-eating birds exhibited by 
the United States National Museum. By Robert Ridgway, curator, 
department of birds, U. S. National Museum.  8yo., 1883, pp. 189-184. 

Great international fisheries exhibition. London, 1883. United States of 
America. D. Catalogue of the economic mollusea and the apparatus and 
appliances used in their capture and preparation for market, exhibited by 
the United States National Museum. By Lieut. Francis Winslow, U.S. 
Navy. 8vo., 1883, pp. 185-270. 

Great international fisheries exhibition. London, 1883. United States of 
America. E. The whale fishery and its appliances. By James Temple 
Brown, assistant in the department of art and industry, U. 8. National 
Museum. 8vo., 1883, pp. 271-586. 

Great international fisheries exhibition. London, 1883. United States of 
America. F. Catalogue of the collections of fishes exhibited by the United 
States National Museum. By Tarleton H. Bean, curator of the depart- 
ment of fishes in the United States National Museum. 8vo., 1883, pp. 

Great international fisheries exhibition. London, 1883. United States of 
America. G. Descriptive catalogue of the collection illustrating the scien- 
tific investigation of the sea and fresh waters. By Richard Rathbun, 
curator of the department of marine invertebrates in the United States 
National Museum. 8vo., 1883, pp. 511-621. 

B. 28. 

B= 29: 







Great international fisheries exhibition. London, 1883. United States of 
America. H. Catalogue of the aquatic mammals exhibited by the United 
States National Museum. By Frederick W. True, curator of the depart- 
ment of mammals, United States National Museum. 8vo., 1884, pp. 

Great international fisheries exhibition. London, 1883. United States of 
America. I. Catalogue of the collection illustrating the fishing vessels and 
boats, and their equipment; the economic condition of fishermen; anglers’ 
outfits, etc. By Capt. J. W. Collins, assistar:t, U. S. Fish Commission. 
8vo., 1884, pp. 645-823. 

Great international fisheries exhibition. London, 1883. United States of 
America. J. Catalogue of the apparatus for the capture of fish exhibited 
by the United States National Museum. By R. Edward Earll, curator of 
the fisheries collections, U. 8. National Museum, and assistant U.S. Fish 
Commission. 8vo., 1884, pp. 825-1030. 

Great international fisheries exhibition. London, 1883. United States of 
America. K. Catalogue of fishery products, and of the apparatus used in 
their preparation. By A. Howard Clark, assistant in the department of 
art and industry, United States National Museum. 8vo., 1884, pp. 

Great international fisheries exhibition. London, 1883. United States of 
America. lL. Catalogue of the fish-cultural exhibit of the United States 
Fish Commission. By R. Edward Earll, curator of the fisheries collec- 
tions, U. S. National Museum, and assistant, U. 8. Fish Commission. S8vo., 
1884, pp. 1155-1249. 

A manual of American land shells. By W. G. Binney. 

8vo., 1885, pp. 1-528, 516 figs. i ; 

Results of ornithological explorations in the Commander 
Islands and in Kamtschatka. By Leonhard Stejneger. 

8vo., 1885, pp. 1-382, 8 pls., 7 figs., 1 map. 

Bibliographies of American naturalists. II]. Bibliography of 
publications relating to the collection of fossil invertebrates 
in the United States National Museum, including complete lists 
of the writings of Fielding B. Meek, Charles A. White,’ and 
Charles D. Walcott. By John Belknap Marcou. 

8vo., 1885, pp. 1-333. 

Bulletin of the United States National Museum. No. 31. 
Synopsis of the North American Syrphide. By Samuel W. 
Walhston, M~ D:, Ph. D: 

8vo., 1886, pp. Xxx, 1-335, 12 pls. 
Catalogue of batrachians and reptiles of Central America and 
Mexico. By E. D. Cope. 
8vo., 1887, pp. 1-98. 
Catalogue of minerals and synonyms. By T. Egleston, Ph. D. 
8vo., 1887, pp. 1-198. 

The batrachia of North America. By E. D. Cope. 
8vo., 1889, pp. 1-525, 86 pls., 119 figs. 

1For supplementary list, see P. 1135. 


B. 35. Bibliographical catalogue of the described transformations of 

North American lepidoptera. By Henry Edwards. 
8vo., 1859, pp. 1-147. 

B. 36. Contributions to the natural history of the cetaceans. A review 
of the family Delphinide. By Frederick W. True, curator 
of the department of mammals, United States National 

8yo., 1889, pp. 1-191, 47 pls. 

B. 37. A preliminary catalogue of the shell-bearing marine mollusks 
and brachiopods of the south-eastern coast of the United States, 
with illustrations of many of the species. By William Healey 
Dall, A. M., honorary curator, department of mollusks, 

U.S. National Museum. 
3vo., 1889, pp. 1-221, 74 pls. 

B. 38. Contribution toward a monograph of the insects of the lepidop- 
terous family Noctuidee of temperate North America. Revi- 
sion of the species of the genus Agrotis. By John B. Smith, 
professor of entomology, Rutgers College, New Jersey. 

8vo., 1890, pp. iv, 1-237, 5 pls. ; 

B. 39. [Directions for collecting and preserving specimens. | 

Part A.—Directions for collecting birds. By Robert Ridgway. 8vo., 
1891, pp. 1-27, 9 figs. 

Part B.—Directions for collecting recent and fossil plants. By F. H. 
Knowlton (with notes on collecting and preserving fresh-water algze, by 
Frank 8. Collins). 8vo., 1891, pp. 1-46, 10 figs. 

Part C.—Notes on the preparation of rough skeletons. By Frederic A. 
Lucas. 8vo., 1891, pp. 1-11, 12 figs. 

Pant) =Srecuone for collecting, preparing, and preserving birds’ eggs 
and nests. By Charles Bendire. 8vo., 1891, pp. 1-10, 7 figs. 

Part E.—Directions for collecting reptiles and batrachians (with supple- 
mentary note giving directions for preserving small herpetological speci- 
mensin formalin). By Leonhard Stejneger. 8vo., 1891, pp. 1-13, 5 figs. 

Part F.—Directions for collecting and preserving insects. By C. V. Riley, 
M. A., Ph. D. 8vo., 1892, pp. 1-147, 1 plate, 139 figs. 

Part G.—Instructions for collecting mollusks, and other useful hints for 
the conchologist. By William H. Dall. 8vo., 1892, pp. 1-56, 8 figs. 
Part H.—Directions for collecting minerals. By Wirt Tassin. 8vo., 1895, 

pp- 1-6, 8 figs. 

Part I.—Directions for collecting rocks and for the preparation of thin 
sections. By George P. Merrill. 8vo., 1895, pp. 1-15, 17 figs. 

Part J.—Directions for collecting specimens and information illustrating 
the aboriginal uses of plants. By Frederick V. Coville. 8vo., 1895, 
pp. 1-8. 

Part K.—Directions for collecting and preparing fossils. By Charles Schu- 
chert. 8vo., 1895, pp. 1-31, 13 figs. 

Rantala: —Directions for Rollegrinic and preserving scale insects (C occide ). 
By T. D. A. Cockerell. 8vo., 1897, pp. 1-9. 

Part M.—The methods employ ad at the Naples Zoological Station for the 
preservation of marine animals. By Dr. Salvatore Lo Bianco. Trans- 
lated from the original Italian by Edmund Otis Hovey. 8vo., 1899, 
pp. 1-42, frontispiece. 


Part N.—Directions for preparing study specimens of small mammals. By 
Gerrit 8. Miller, jr. 8vo., 1899, pp. 1-10, 1 fig. 

Part N.—Second edition, revised, with abstracts in German, French, and 
Spanish. 8vo., 1901, pp. 1-25, 3 figs. 

Part O.—Directions for collecting and rearing dragonflies, stoneflies, and 
mayflies. By James G. Needham, Ph. D. 8vo., 1899, pp. 1-9, 4 figs. 

B. 40. Bibliographies of American naturalists. IV. The published 
writings of George Newbold Lawrence, 1844-1891. By 
L.-S. Foster. 

8vo., 1892, pp. xi, 1-124, frontispiece. 

B. 41. Bibliographies of American naturalists. V. The published 
writings of Dr. Charles Girard. By George Brown Goode. 

8vo., 1891, pp. vi, 1-141, frontispiece. 

B. 42. A preliminary descriptive catalogue of the systematic collec- 
tions in economic geology and metallurgy in the United 
States National Museum. By Frederic P. Dewey. 

8vo., 1891, pp. xviii, 1-256, 34 pls., 10 figs. 

B. 48. A monograph of the bats of North America. By Harrison 

Allen, M. D. 
8vo., 1893, pp. ix, 1-198, 38 pls., 1 diagram. 

B. 44. A catalogue, bibliographical and synonymical, of the species of 
moths of the lepidopterous superfamily Noctuide, found in 
boreal America, with critical notes. By John B. Smith, Se. D. 

8yo., 1893, pp. 1-424, 

B. 45. A monograph of the North American Proctotrypide. By 
William H. Ashmead. 

8vo., 1893, pp. 1-472, 18 pls., 2 figs. 

B. 46. The myriapoda of North America. By Charles Harvey Boll- 
man. Edited by L. M. Underwood. 

8vo., 1893, pp. 1-210. 

B. 47. The fishes of North and Middle America: A descriptive cata- 
logue of the species of fish-like vertebrates found in the 
waters of North America, north of the Isthmus of Panama. 
By David Starr Jordan, Ph. D., president of the Leland 
Stanford Junior University, and Barton Warren Evermann, 
Ph. D., ichthyologist of the United States Fish Commission. 

8vo., 4 vols., pp. 1-33138, 392 pls. 
Part I.—1896, pp. lx, 1-1240. 
Part I1.—1898, pp. xxx, 1241-2183. 
Part I1I.—1898, pp. xxiv, 2183a-3136. 
Part IV.—1900, pp. ci, 3137-3313; 392 pls. 

B. 48. Contributions toward a monograph of the insects of the lepi- 
dopterous family Noctuide of boreal North America. A 
revision of the deltoid moths. By John B. Smith, Se. D., 
professor of entomology in Rutgers College. 

8vo., 1895, pp. i-vi, 1-129, 14 pls. 


B. 49. The published writings of Philip Lutley Sclater, 1844-1896. 

Prepared under the direction of G. Brown Goode. 
8vo., 1896, pp. xix, 1-135, frontispiece. . 

B. 50. The birds of North and Middle America: A descriptive cata- 
logue of the higher groups, genera, species, and subspecies 
of birds known to occur in North America, from the Arctic 
lands to the Isthmus of Panama, the West Indies and other 
islands of the Caribbean Sea, and the Galapagos Archipelago. 
By Robert Ridgway, curator, division of birds. Part L 
Family Fringillide—The Finches. 

8vo., 1901, pp. i-xxx, 1-715, 20 pls. (Additional parts in preparation.) 


(NOS. LIV.) 

I. Smithsonian Institution. | United States National Museum. | Special 
Bulletin No. 1. | | Life histories | of | North American 
birds | with special reference to | their breeding habits and 
eggs, | with.| twelve lithographic plates. | By | Charles Ben- 
dire, captain, U. S. Army (retired), | Honorary Curator of the 
Department of Odlogy, U.S. National Museum, | member of the 
American Ornithologists’ Union. | —— | Washington: | Govern- 
ment Printing Office | 1892. 

4to., pp. viii, 1-446, 12 pls. 

II. Smithsonian Institution. | United States National Museum. | —— | 
Special Bulletin. | —— | Oceanic Ichthyology, | a treatise on 

the | deep-sea and pelagic fishes of the world, | based chiefly 
upon | the collections made by the steamers Blake, Albatross, | 
and Fish Hawk in the Northwestern Atlantic, | with | an atlas 
containing 417 figures, | By | George Brown Goode, Ph. D., LL. 
D., | Assistant Secretary, Smithsonian Institution, in charge of 
U. S. National Museum, | and | Tarleton H. Bean, M. D., M.5., 
| Director of the New York Aquarium. | —— | Washington: | 
Government Printing Office. | 1895. 
4to., Vol. I, pp. xxxv, 1-553, 24 figs., 1 diagram; Vol. II, pp. xxiii, 1-26, 128 pls. 

Ill. Smithsonian Institution. | United States National Museum. | 
Special Bulletin. | —— | Life histories | of | North American 
birds, | from the parrots to the grackles, | with special reference 
to | their breeding habits and eggs, | By | Charles Bendire, ‘aptain 
and brevet major, U.S. A. (retired), | Honorary Curator of the 
Department of Odlogy, U. S. National Museum | member of the 
American Ornithologists’ Union. | with | seven lithographic 
plates. | —— | Washington: | Government Printing Office. | 1895. 

4to., pp. ix, 1-518, 7 pls. 

IV. Smithsonian Institution. | United States National Museum. | 
—— | Special Bulletin. | —— | American Hydroids. | —— | 
Part I. | The Plumularide, | with thirty-four plates. | By | 
Charles Cleveland Nutting, | Professor of Zoology, University 
of Iowa. | —— | Washington: | Government Printing Office. | 

4to., pp. ii, 1-285, 34 pls., 124 figs. 



(NOS. 1-50.) 

1. Organization of the U.S. National Museum. By G. Brown 

8vo., 1881, pp. 1-58. 
2. Circular addressed to friends of the Museum. By Spencer F. 
8vo., 1881, pp. 1-2. 
3. Circular in reference to petroleum collections. By Spencer F. 
8vo., 1881, pp. 1-2. 
4. Circular concerning the department of insects. By Spencer F. 
8vo., 1881, 1 page. 
5. Establishment and officers. 
8vo., 1881, pp. 1-2. 
6. Classification and arrangement of the materia medica collection. 
By James M. Flint, U. 8. N. 
8vo., 1881, pp. 1-2. 
7. A classification of the forms in which drugs and medicines 
appear and are administered. By James M. Flint, U.S. N. 
8vo., 1881, pp. 1-7. 
. Memoranda for collectors of drugs for the materia medica sec- 
tion of the National Museum. By James M. Flint, U.S. N. 

8vo., 1881, pp. 1-2. 


9. Circular in reference to the building-stone collection. By 

Spencer F. Baird. 
8vo., 1881, pp. 1-6. 

10. Two letters on the work of the National Museum. By Barnet 

8vo., 1881, pp. 1-10. 
11. A provisional classification of the food collections. By 
G. Brown Goode. 
8vo., 1881, pp. 1-22. 
1Cireulars 1-18 reprinted in Proceedings U. 8. National Museum, Volume LY. 
Cireulars 19-23 reprinted in Proceedings U. S. National Museum, Volume VI. 
Circulars 24-31 reprinted in Proceedings U. $. National Museum, Volume VII. 
Circulars 32 33 reprinted in Proceedings U. S. National Museum, Volume VIII. 
Circular 35 reprinted in Report U. 8. National Museum, 1886, p. 25. 
Circular 37 reprinted in Proceedings U. S. National Museum, Volume X. 


C. 12. Classification of the collection to illustrate the art of taxidermy. 
3y William T. Hornaday. 
8vo., 1881, pp. 1-2. 

C. 13. Outline of a scheme of museum classification. By G. Brown 

8vo., 1881, pp. 1-4. 
C. 14. Circular requesting material for the library. By Spencer F. 
8vc., 1881, pp. 1-3. 
C. 15. The organization and objects of the National Museum. 
8vo., 1881, pp. 144. 
C. 16. Plans for the installation of collections. 
8vo., 1881, pp. 1-2. 
C. 17. Contributions and their acknowledgment. 
8vo., 1881, 1 page. 
C. 18. List of publications of the United States National Museum. 
8vo., 1881, pp. 1-12. 

©. 19. Classification of the materia medica collection of the U. S. 
National Museum, and catalogue of specimens. By James M. 
Bint, USN: 

8vo., 1883, pp. 1-45. 

C. 20. Request for specimens of drugs and information concerning 

them. By Spencer F. Baird. 
S8vo., 1883, 1 page. 

GC. 21. Circular relative to contributions of aboriginal antiquities to 
the U. S. National Museum. By Charles Rau. 

8vo., 1883, 5 pp. 

C. 22. Brief directions for removing and preserving the skins of 
mammals. By William T. Hornaday. 

8vo., 1883, 7 pp., 4 figs. 

C. 23. Instructions for taking paper molds of inscriptions in stone, 
wood, bronze, etc. Prepared by A. P. Nibluk, U.S. N. 

8vo., 1883, 5 pp. 

C. 24. Plan of a collection to illustrate the textile industries of the 
United States, to be exhibited at the World’s Industrial and 
Cotton Centennial Exposition of 1884-85, at New Orleans. 
By Romyn Hitchcock. 

8vo., 1884, pp. 1-16. 

C. 25. Preliminary plan for a collection of the building and orna- 
mental stones and rocks of the United States, to be exhibited 
at the World’s Industrial and Cotton Centennial Exposition 
of 1884-85, at New Orleans. By George P. Merrill. 

8vo., 1884, pp. 1-2. 

C. 26. Plan for a collection of gems and precious stones, to be exhib- 
ited at the Cincinnati Industrial Exposition and the World’s 
Industrial and Cotton Centennial Exposition of 1884-85, at 
New Orleans. By F. W. Clarke. 

8vo., 1884, pp. 1-2. 







. of. 


. 06. 


. 38. 

. dd. 


Directions for collecting, preserving, and transporting tortri- 
cids and other small moths. By C. H. Fernald. 
8vo., 1884, pp. 1-3. 
Directions for mound exploration. By Cyrus Thomas. 
8vo., 1884, pp. 1-3. 

Provisional plan for a collection of mammals to be exhibited at 
the World’s Industrial and Cotton Centennial Exposition of 
1884-85, at New Orleans. By Frederick W. True. 

8yo., 1884, pp. 1-27. 

A list of birds the eggs of which are wanted to complete the 
series in the National Museum, with instructions for collecting 
eges. By Charles E. Bendire, U. 5. A. 

8vo., 1884, 4 pp. 

Plan to illustrate the mineral resources of the United States 
and their utilization, at the World’s Industrial and Cotton 
Centennial Exposition of 1884-85, at New Orleans. By 
Fred. P. Dewey. 

8vo., 1884, 8 pp. 

Classification of the materia medica collection of the U. 5. 
National Museum, and catalogue of specimens. By James M. 
Fiint, U. S. N. (Revised and extended by Dr. Henry G. 
Beyer, U.S. N.) 

8yo., 1885, pp. 1-39. 
Notes on the preparation of rough skeletons. By Frederic AS 

8vo , 1885, pp. 1-8, 12 figs. 

Circular for the guidance of persons desiring to make exchaages 
of birds or birds’ eggs with the National Museum. 
8vo., 1886, 1 page. 
Concerning the lending of type specimens. By Spencer F. 
S8vo., 1886, 1 page. 
Cireular concerning the department of antiquities. By 8. P. 
8vo., 1887, 6 pp., 17 figs. 
Catalogue of the contributions of the section of graphic arts 
to the Ohio Valley Centennial Exposition, Cincinnati, Ohio, 
1888. By S. R. Koehler. 

8yo., 1887, 31 pp. 
Contributions of the department of transportation and engi- 
neering to the Ohio Valley Centennial Exposition, 1888. By 
J. Elfreth Watkins. 

8vo., 1888, pp. 1-18. 
The contribution of the section of oriental antiquities to the 
Ohio Valley Centenial Exposition. By Cyrus Adler. 
&yo., 1888, pp. 1-7 

8879—No. 51—02 







. 41. 

. 42. 

. 44. 

. 45. 




Description of exhibit made by the department of prehistoric 
anthropology in the National Museum at the Ohio Valley 
and Central States Exposition in Cincinnati, Ohio, 1888. By 
Thomas Wilson. 

8vo., 1888, pp. 1-33, 50 figs. 

Guide to a collection illustrating the families of mammals, 
exhibited in the Ohio Valley Centennial Exposition in 1888 
by the U. S. National Museum. By Frederick W. True. 

8vo., 1888, pp. 1-26. 

Circular relating to prehistoric anthropology. By Thomas 

8vo., 1888, pp. 1-16, 4 figs. 

To the correspondents of the U. S. National Museum. By 
G. Brown Goode. [With a view to securing accessions for 
the library. | 

8vo., 1894, 1 page. 

To the correspondents of the U. S. National Museum. By 
G. Brown Goode. [With a view to securing publications for 
the library in exchange. | 

8vo., 1894, pp. 1-8. 4 

To the correspondents of the U. 8. National Museum. By 
G. Brown Goode. [With a view to securing authors’ sepa- 
rates and reprints for the library. | 

8yvo., 1894, 1 page. 

[Regarding the proposed revision of Bulletin 22, relating to the 
flora of the District of Columbia.| By G. Brown Goode. 

8vo., 1895, 2 pp. 

Circular in regard to the identification of specimens of mollusks 
by the National Museum. By G. Brown Goode. 

8vo., 1895, 2 pp. 

Circular in regard to bones and teeth of the mastodon and 
mammoth. By Frederic A. Lucas. 

8vo., 1897, pp. 1-4, 2 figs. 

[Circular relating to the North American Violacez.] By 
Frederick W. True. 

8vo., 1899, 1 page. 

[Circular transmitting questions relating to birds and birds’ 
eggs.| By Richard Rathbun. 

8vo., 1901, 3 pp. 


[In the references the following abbreviations are used: R.=paper printed in the Reports; P.=paper 

printed in the Proceedings; B.=Bulletin; Sp. B.=Special Bulletin; C.=Cireular. 

The references 

under certain special headings, such as U. 8. Fish Commission, ete., are necessarily incomplete, as 

this is only an index of titles. 

References to persons whose names occur in the titles, but who are 

not themselves the authors of the papers, are placed in brackets. ] 

Apbott. Jameslh yo ase payee see cern Pa22n 
IND DOLLA lar cease ounce sea meine anes R. 56, P.978 
(Ab bottsbrewelis| Seek. ere snes P. 915, 

eo OnsP 9765 e079, n 982, 1b. 98e, 
P. 1008, P. 1046, P. 1062, P. 1064, P. 1065, 
P. 1078, P.1079, P. 1083, P. 1118, P. 1195 

Aboriginal American harpoons ..-.-.--.-.-- R. 117 
antiquities, relating to contri- 
DULONS Ole eaesee ses se C. 21 
stone relics, requesting infor- 
mation concerning......-.-- C. 36 
Aborigines, American, basket work ofthe. R.2 
cradles of the -...-. R. 16 
overlaying with 
COPPELDYass-e> P. 1015 
pipes and smoking 
GUSLOMS eee R. 103 
AprolhosslandssBiTdSeeceecesaeees-] ae P. 768 
Birds and skeletons. P.798 
Adler, Cyrus!.-<.-2=-= R. 66, R. 80, R. 81, P. 936, C. 39 
Adler, Cyrus (coauthor) ......-..--- R. 100, R. 115 
Africa. Crustaceans, new species. Congo P.980 
MthnOlopyesenecetsecenerceecee R. 84 
MP Tie pOUS Mecsas sects Cetera P. 968 
(Gomphodesmide).. P.1170 
(Pachybolus) ........ P.1168 
East. Anthropology...........- R. 56 
Insects (Coleoptera) ....- P. 1094 

(Lepidoptera) ... P. 1062, 

P. 1063, P. 1064, P. 1098 

(Odonata). P. 1046, P. 1047 
Lygosoma kilimensis.... ~-P. 862 
Mam gis eeeecnee ee P. 814, P. 915 

Mammals from Tana 
IRIN GT Sees aoc sian sced ce P. 954 
Myriapods (diplopod) ... P.1042 
Reptiless:2-522 25-22 P. 862, P. 857 
Reptilesand batrachians. P.970 

West (Cameroons district) — 

RUINS Petes ec oer eats P. 1185 

Crustaceans collected by 
U.S. Eclipse expedition. P.949 
Crustaceans (decapod).... P.1199 

Insects, Arachnids and 
MiyriapodSieeseseeee = ace P. 951 

| Africa, West. Mollusks collected by U.S. 

Eclipse expedition -...-- P. 940 
African sword blades, corrugation in. ..-- P. 703 
Agriculture, Department of, shells re- 

CelVved rome: ~sssek ha eee oiase Seas P. 844 
ATMOS OMIVEZO ns) cup ales seers le eee R.50 
Alabama wMiShestae-pereeerese saan se ae P. 585 

Hossileplanitse-s=seeesee see P.688 
Fossils (Eocene) ........---.- P.1164 
Alaska cAnnelidssa-s2secs sree can ee eae 459 

Birds ... P.274, P.329, P. 411, P. 412, P. 960 

BOM Ys 2 seeee cane P397,P. 613; P. (712 
Crustaceans ~ sesso. AeReO se eae P. 459 
Gecapod) 23s.2es se ssee P. 455 
Hthnologyrsasss-sn- asec R. 89, P. 364 
of Coast Indians.-...- P.718 

ISHES= sates sa cee deen amen see we Ps4i, 

P. 59, P. 70, P. 80, P. 100, P. 121, P. 210, 
P. 225, P. 233, P. 255, P. 342, P. 387, P. 407, 
P, 487, P. 748, P. 753, P. 795, P. 1027, P. 1167 

Fossil plants-.-...-.. P. 300, P. 679, P. 998 
Hy Gnroids ines. 6 cece seceeeeseee sri al 
Mammials-222.------- P. 399, P. 495, P. 564 
MOMUSKS)2 jane Gatmetses see see P.1, P.48 
Whitefish, new species of ....--- P. 748 
“Albatross,’’! birds collected on Cozumel 
Islan dibyee. seem as-cuec eee P.539 
Brachyurans dredged by... P.1162 
Hehini taken by -.-..------- P.491 
from Gulf of Mexico 
obtained by -.....- P. 544 
Fishes collected by--.--..-.-- P.1115 
(Japan). P.1213 
Foraminifera dredged by, 
catalopueiofs..cs-c--s5--4 RR. 102 
Medusee collected by... --.- P. 528 
Scientific results of explora- 
(Nosibirds)@e2s--25-2- P. 767 
(Nooml, birds) seas. -55- P. 768 
(No. III, batrachians 
and reptiles) ......--. P. 769 
(NoSLV, fishes))<-22--5-2 P.770 
GNO SV, 1nsects) ese see5- P.771 
QNOEVi; plants) <<sce-6. P.vi2 
(No. VII, mollusks and 
brachiopods) ..-....--- P.7732 

1For a complete list of papers relating to the work of the ‘‘ Albatross’”’ see ‘‘ Dredging and other 
records of the ‘Albatross,’ with bibliography relative to the work of the vessel,’ compiled by C. H. 
Townsend and published in the Report of the U. S. Fish Commission for 1900. 

2Tn addition to the above-numbered series the following papers, printed in the Proceedings subse- 
quent to Volume XVIII, are based wholly or in part on ‘‘Albatross” collections: Nos. 1114, 1115, 1161, 

1162, 1213, 1236, 1239, 1241, 1244, 1259, 1261, 



‘‘Albatross.’’ Scientifie results of explora- 

(No. VILL, fishes)--2--=- Peis 
(Noi IX, fishes) .-.-.-.-- P. 789 
(No? XX, fossils) 5. 225-2 P.793 
(No. XI, fishes)-.....-.-- P. 795 
(NOsexXaiefishes)22---2-- P. 797 
(No. XITI, bird skele- 

tons) $45 Soc eee P. 798 
(NOSXIViy birds) Ere---- P.799 
(No. XV, reptiles) ...--- P. 800 
(No. XVI, plants) ----.- P. 801 
(No. XVII, mollusks)... P.8138 
(No. XVIII, fishes) -.--- P. 829 
(NOS EXetishes)ic-<---- P. 840 
(No. XX, mollusks) .-.. P.849 
(NosexexeI- ish es) res sese P. 856 
(No. XCXII, fishes). ----- P. 880 
(No. XXIII, ccelenta- 

LACES) ose ssee asec ecesee P. 9380 
(No. XXIV, crustaceans) P. 933 
(No. XXV, mollusks)... P.942 
(No. XX VI, mollusks).. P.943 
(No. X XVII, birds)...-- P. 960 
(No. XXVIII, fishes)... P.1012 
(No. X XIX, fishes) .-...-. P.1013 
(No. XXX, fishes) ..-..- P.1014 
(No. XXXI, crustace- 

ONS) oie mee cecees eeeeere P. 1016 
(No. XXXII, crustace- 

ONS) kas seco estes ces P.1017 

(No. XX XIII, fishes)... P.1030 
(No. XXXIV, mollusks 

and brachiopods) .... P.1032 
Stalked ecrinoids, from Gulf 
of Mexico and Caribbean 

Sea, obtained by.......... P.547 
Albinism remarks Oninase see eee scsees = sae Piso 
Aldabra Island. Birds ..... P. 953, P. 1008, P. 1079 

Birds’ nests and eggs... P. 983 
Fruit bat, newspeciesof P.948 
Insects (Lepidoptera).. P. 1064 

MSE CIS )-seeee seece eos P.1119 
Natural history of...... P. 973 
Pteropus aldabrensis 
(MkispHz cia sscunereas P. 948 
Allen HarrisOnincse ae-kise= ae cee ecas oie ae P. 786, 

P. 807, P. 824, P. 912, P. 913, P. 914, 
P. 919, P. 920, P. 1099, P. 1100, B. 43 

PANG TOR) 5 AVS ie reeae ara = teres rein Ee Laactovetoteict P. 850 
Amazon (Lower) birds.....--- P. 591, P. 618, P. 660 
American aborigines. Basket work of.. Re 2 
Cradles of the... R.16 

Overlaying with 
copper by -.--- P.1015 

Pipes and smok- 
customsof the. R.103 

Amirantes Island sbirds=- o-ses==-s—-- ee P.1079 
‘“‘Analyse de la nature,’”’ of Rafinesque, 

MOLCOM eer ees cee tae eeieteeteeieisteiaitetet P. 648 

Analysis of water destructive to fish..... P. 201 

Anatomical preparations, protection of...  P.12 
Semper’s meth- 

od of mak- 


Amphipnoidz,  osteological 
characteristics of the ....-. 
Anguillide, osteological char- 
ACtenistics Ofe-e=-seen eee 
Anseres, North American, os- 
ceolopy Ob thesercas eee eee 
Bird skeletons collected by 
“Albatross,’’ 1887-88.......- 
Birds’ sterna and skulls....-- 
Canada lynx, cranial charac- 
ter Of: thessck 5-4 eens 
Chamea, osteology of ......-- 
Coerebide, anatomy and affin- 
ULES OLS ea. ce deen 
Cygnine, outlines of mono- 
STaphion they-see ee aa eeeeee 
Dactylopteroidea, osteolog- 
ical characteristics of ...... 
Dinolestes lewini, osteology 
OL ee Soran enone eee eae 
Etheostomatine, on skeletons 
Of ss. 2. ods coos ete ee eee 
Eurypharyngide,anatomy of. 
Feather tracts of North Amer- 
ican grouse and quail...--. 
Wishes.5 sinsoemccastesisemeeeet 
Fishes, development of fin- 
PAV SiOl uc moe eee eee eee 
Great auk, observations on the 
history and anatomy of the. 
Hemitripteridz, osteological 
characteristics of the......- 
Humming birds, structure of 
LONE UCM ace eee eee 
Hydrocotyle americana. -.-.- 
Jerboas and jumping mice, 
osteology of the----2--222-- 
Lutjaninz, osteological char- 
acteristics of the ..........- 
Mureenesocide, osteological 
characteristics of..........- 
Murenide, osteological char- 
acteristics of ......-.- oes 
Nothura maculosa, osteology 
Ole sos ieinsseeeee Beet Ereaee 
Opheosaurus ventralis, on the 
osteology0fccsne-seec nee eee 
Pallas’s cormorant, cranium 
C0) ee eS See Re pee 
Paride, osteology of the -.... 
Patella in birds, forms of-.-... 
Persesoces, osteological char- 
BetersiOlioc st aoee aor sees 
Phoea fasciata, skeleton of... 
Procniatidz, osteological and 
pterylographical character 
OL. Sos 25) teste eee 
Prodelphinus, skeletons and 
SkKulISO£ ccc aaet eee ease 
Pterylography of American 
goat-suckers and owls..-.--.- 
Rancipitide, osteological 
characteristics of-...:------ 
Simenchelyide, osteological 
characteristics Of....-.---.- 

P. 825 

P. 808 


P. 638 

P. 603 
P. 830 


P. 275 


P. 1186 

P. 484 
P. 382 

P. 1166 
P. 382 

P. 553 

R. 26 

P. 885 

P. 848 
P. 741 

P. 1228 
P. 444 
P. 805 
P. 622 
P. 245 

P. 1095 
P. 830 

P. 439 




Sitta, osteology of the........ 
Skeletons, notes on the prep- 

aration Olesss----==1- 
Steganopodes, osteology of 

Synaphobranchide, osteolog- 

ical characteristics of the . - 
Thrushes and wrens, osteol- 

OMWAORTNE Sa ce. ee oe ces oe 
Tubinares, osteology of the -- 
Turbinella pyrum.......-..-.- 
Zeid, osteology of the....--- 

Ancient Indian matting from Petit Anse 

Island; Louisiana. ~..--2-2----- 

TELICH MMs APA ee ene cece 

IAN GTEWS ob Aya eens see sty ke ser tron ee 
Angel de la Guardia Island, new species 
OMlizarditromeassere ce ce see eae oe eis ics 
Animal resources and fisheries of the 
United States, catalogue of collection 
COMMMIStratesiesse = sito eee see oeeee 
Animal resources of the United States, 
classification of collection to illustrate 


Alaska, new species of worm 
PLOM Ee ea asec cess 
Leeches in collection of Na- 
tional Museum...........-- 

B. 39 (c), C.33 

P. 804 
P. 704 
R. 30 
R. 60 
P. 852 

P. 864 

P. 459 

P. 1160 

Northeastern coast. P.76, P. 168, P. 534 

Point Barrow expedition .... P.459 
(Polycheta). North Caro- 

NRT pe Sree he ez cpm ewta,ciciarsisiet P. 852 
SEL PW Gee eee cle sf aesicateee vie P. 594 
U. 8. Fish Commission, from 

aredsings Ofese-m-n sneer P, 594 
Worms, London Fisheries Ex- 

i piiaOnss pe sasonscecoseas B. 27 (B) 
Anthozoans, northeastern coast ......---- P. 76 
Anthropology.! Aboriginal American 

NALPOONS) 2a - << 2s Rey, 
Aboriginal —skin-dress- 

WT Se aes aussie R.38 
Aborigines, American, 

overlaying with cop- 

DOWD Ga etis-oes rasa e P.1015 
PAMT TC Bees eco ete Sree R. 84 
FAGTICA haat pees se cases R. 56 
African sword blades, 

corrugation in......-- P.703 
JADNOS/ Oley CZO) sae ee == R.50 
PALA SKalnesrensamisine se sass R.89 

coast Indians of. P.718 
Alaskan Innuit, jadeite 
implements .......... P.395 
Ancient Indian mat- 
te eee nieve R. 30 
relicsin Japan  R.60 
Anthropological publi- 
eations of Charles 

ROIS Bae eictaelsstacicice P. 253 
Anthropological studies 

in’ California .-23 0. --. R. 116 
Antiquity of the red 

race in America...-... R. 96 
Arrowpoints, spear- 

heads, and knives....  R.108 


Artificial deformation of 

childrens uess-es--2 552 R.17 
Basket work of North 
American aborigines . . R.2 
Benguiat collection in 
the National Museum, 
catalogue of .........-- R.115 
Bernadou, Allenand Jouy 
Korean collections. -.-. R.57 
Biblical antiquities. ....-. R.100 
Boomerang, study of the. P.724 
Bronze Buddha in the 
National Museum ....- R. 43 
Burial mounds of Japan. R.59 
California, anthropologi- 
cal studies im-.:...-:: R.116 
California, throwing 
sticks from) 323222 22.2. P. 932 
Carthage,Romanmosaiec. P.393 
Casts of heads of Indian 
DIISONEISsssseeeeseeee P. 29 
Catlin collection of In- 
dian paintings ..-...- R. 8, R. 52 
Ceramic art in China, 
sketch: 0fsc-: s2s-28c2- R.118 
Chaclacayo — trephined 
Skull jo nse eee sees P. 531 
Chess and playing cards. R.99 
Chinese games with dice 
anddominoes. R.74 

porcelains, Hip- 
pisley collec- 
tion of.... R.25, R.118 

relics in Alaska. P.899 
Chinnook names of sal- 
MON ya: Asse -ecese ae P. 244 
Cloth from Ohio mound.  P.347 
Coast Indians of southern 
Alaska and northern 
British Columbia: .---- R. 24 
Cradles of American ab- 
OLIPINES eee eee ake R.16 
Crump burial cave...--- R. 67 
District of Columbia, 
stone implements from P.810 
Early West Virginia pot- 
teLy ie s-Siete seesk ees R.113 
Easter Island.....-..- R.37, R.105 
Eskimo bows, study of... R.3 
eollection, pre- 
liminary cata- 

logue of the... R.20 

harpoon == .--— =< P. 702 

Lapis eee R.101 
Eskimo, graphic art of 

UHL see eee te ee R. 90 

study of primitive 

MONEYaeseese wise seem R.19 
Fire-making apparatus... R.27 

methodsof. R.47 

Florida, east coast, shell 

NERS Ol eee era caaenees P. 966 
Fort Marion, Florida, 

casts of heads of Indian 

prisoners at.........-.- P, 29 

1Under this heading will be found references to all papers on ethnology, archeology, and tech- 





George Catlin Indian gal- 

leony See sete Sone ee R.8 
Golden pateraof Rennes. R.85 
Graphie art of the Eski- 

MOR ss ena ee “eenaeone R.90 
Hampton Normal and 

Agricultural Institute, 

list of Indian boys and 

SinlSiatee se crosaeae P.79 
Harpoons, aboriginal 

JNMETIGAIN sas Sim sie ci R.117 
Havasu-pai Indians --.-- P. 859 
Hopi ceremonial  pig- 

MYCTUES! a - seis cise Se ciawelere R.120 
Human beast of burden...  -_R.18 
Ti Kamon-no-Kami Nao- 

suké, wooden statue 

Of Soe eeeeee anos eeieicis R.86 
India, minute stone im- 

plements from......--- R. 68 
Indian boys and girls, list 

OE ees eee aek sense P.79 
Indian paintings, Cat- 

Hin Sek Scene see Nese ee R.8, R.52 
Indians, Alaska and 

British Co- 
lumbia ...-- R. 24 
Havasu-pai...  P.859 
Kwakiutl.... R.89 

Jadeite implements, Alas- 
Leh hobipcesessesoner P.395 

Japan.... R.58, R.59, R. 60, P. 836 

Japanese wood-cutting 

and wood-cut printing.  R.63 
Jewish ceremonial ob- 

jects in National Mu- 

seum, catalogue of. ...- R.115 
Kilima-njaro, ethnologi- 

cal collections from... -R.56 
Korean mortuary pottery R.28 
Kutenai canoe..........-. R. 114 
Kwakiutl Indians, houses 

OLR ee ase note aoe P. 709 
Kwakiutl Indians, social 

organization and secret 

societies of the......... R.89 
Lamp of the Eskimo....- R. 101 
Log of the Savannah.... R.53 
Man in North America 

during paleolithie pe- 

riod of stone age ...--.- R.31 
Maneala, the national 

game of Africa .......- R. 84 
Man’s knife of North 

American Indians....- R. 106 
Mexico, throwing-sticks. P.932 
Mound exploration, di- 

LECHONS TORe see esse C. 28 
Musical seales, historyof. R.119 
Naskopie Indians, single- 

headed drum of ......- P. 736 
Navajo belt weaver...-.-- P. 860 
Navajo Indians, evolu- 

tion of house building. P.902 
Navajo shoemaker ...... P. 697 
Navajo tanner........... P. 683 

Naval architecture ...... R.61 


New Brunswick, shell- 
mounds on coast of....  P.229 
New England, — shell- 

mounds on coast of.... P.229 
New YOrkiesas- tenesceee P. 351 
Norsk naval architecture  P.583 
Ohio, cloth from mound 

inti eee so: eee ee P. 347 
Overlaying with copper 

by Americanaborigines P. 1015 
Paleolithic period in Dis- 

trict of Columbia ...--- P.777 
Paris Exposition, 1889...  R.54 
Persepolitan casts, two.. R.80 
Pipes and smoking cus- 

toms of the North 

American aborigines... R.103 
Pit-dwellers of Yezo, the 

aNCLENt oe = chee See R. 49 
Plants, aboriginal uses of. 

B.39 (J) 
Playing cards from Ja- 

pane e eee R. 99, P. 836 
Pointed bark canoes of 

the Kutenaiand Amur. R.114 
Porcelains, Hippisley col- 

lection of Chinese....: R.118 
Potomac tide-water re- 

PIOM Se owaises eee e ets P.776 
Prehistoric art.--<s-e-eee R. 98 
Primitive American ar- 

MOD Cseheaee R.77 
frame for 

weaving ... R.112 
methods of 

drilling .... R.87 
travel and 

ON ye eens R. 8&8 
Religious history and 
ceremonials, collec- 

tions illustrating ....-- R. 81 
Roman mosaic,Carthage. P.333 
Shell’ bedsimesascce-ccenes P. 351 
Shell-mounds............ P. 229 
Shinto, or mythology of 

the Japanese ......-.-- R.58 
Shofar) theso-c-ccces R. 66, P.936 
Stone age at Mt. Vernon. -P.730 
Swastikasthe-- 2-5-2652 R.88 
Throwing-sticks from 

Mexico andCalifornia. P.932 
Throwing-sticks in the 

National Museum ..... Rel 
Tibet, ethnology of.....- R.79 
Ulu, Eskimo woman’s 

MUG ees sameeren R. 48 
Weaving, frame for....-- R. 112 
West Virginia, early pot- 

ELYs lls shs~ o5-5ee pees R.118 
White-line engraving or 

relief printing in the 

fifteenth and sixteenth 

Centuries ..-2---2<<.<< R 46 
Wolpai, a maid of ....-. P 889 
Wooden statue of Baron 

Ii Kamon - no - Kami- 

INQOSWKG  Tiesenls ce ee Sree eta: 


PACH GI UE LG Sse ee eerste sa lalaralain oi, =:n= P. 35 
Antillean region, Tertiary fossils from.... P.1110 
Antilles. Crustacea (n. g.andn. sp.) .-.  P.986 | 
Solenidze of North America 
CRAM INES) Searstencjsiccts es'sine P.1185 
Antilles, Lesser, birds............--.- P. 61, P.478 | 
Antiquities, requesting information for 
Ae PAMMeM Ole eases see aoe sein cee === C.36 | 
Antiquity of the red race in America .... RR. 96 
Antlers, abnormal, of Virginia deer. ..---. P. 358 
Apparatus for capture of fish (London 
Fisheries Exhibition) -........--------- B. 27 
Aquatic mammals, catalogue of (London 
Hisheries Exhibition) \-—- 3-2 se. = =~ B. 27 
FA TAGHMIOSs 5 PATTI CHO VWESt =) settee (ome a= P. 951 
Aranez, temperate North 
America, catalogue of..... P. 782 
AMIZONB a 5. sete sen nose se P, 1223 
Harvest spiders of Ohio, 
Patalogwe Olean sees ss P. 950 
Archeology. (See under Anthropology.) 
Arctic America, birds and eggs from....- P. 865 
contributions to the nat- 
ural history of ......-- B.15 
TESTOMS AMOUTISKS Seeman ice eee == P.48 
Sibert. sh OSMUSt= see etee nee as cen n= P. 946 
Miocene fauna of....-...- P. 946 
ATIZOMA yy ATACHIMIGS = sme seis s:-/s= ERS P.1223 | 
PIT Spee ean sinse= P. 616, P. 674 | 
Birds’ nests and eggs ...--.----- P. 663 | 
WISHES setae cae ee aaa P. 754, P.1131 | 
Mossilwood estes n= 2 senses =. P. 676 | 
Arkansas. Batrachian...-...--..-------- P. 1023 | 
Hishes@ecn ese oe ee P. 549, P. 759 | 
Mossileheme. see ec ean as P. 137, P. 207 
Geology (meteoric iron) ...-.- P. 666 | 
Armor, primitive American ...-...-.--.-- Raves 
pAmmstrongs HrankeBY| less... . 2-2-2 --o=- P.1091 | 
Arrowpoints, spearheads, and knives of | 
PLEMISTONIG WIMES ee ces ss ae a= = i R.108 | 
Artificial deformation of children......-- Reali 
Asbestos and asbestiform minerals. -..---. P.1066 | 
Ashmead Mansel ne se eee P.760, | 
P. 779, P. 1102, P71202, P. 1206, B. 45 | 
Ashmead, Wm. H. (coauthor) .-.---.-.--- P. 1092 
Asin (@entral)|.) BIvdS-<25-—----.--2- a= P.1195 
Assumption Island, Birds. P. 953, P. 1008, P.1079 | 
Natural history of... P,973 | 
Atlanta Cotton Exposition, samples of 
raw cotton presented by. .-.-.-------.-- Prasa 
Atlantic coast Isopods, key to the..-....-- P. 1222 
mollusks, revision of the.. P.1139 | 
Avifauna Columbiana....:..-...-.-.----- B. 26 | 
PAVECS POT tee-ee sen een == lem ninini-'=a P. 159 
Bacteria, experiments On ......-.-------- P. 218 
Battin Land. Fossils Lower Silurian.... P.1192 | 
Rakhamayisigndss) Birds 2s. \-\scte-252---.- P. 600 
Iguanoid lizard from.. P.1219 
Reptiles .:.-:-.- P. 645, P. 1219 
BAIT AOpen eens wnee anaes ease aaeree = oe, 

C. 2, C.3, C.4, C.9, C. 14, C. 20, C. 35 
Baird, Spencer F., the published writings 

| Beckham, Charles Wickliffe 


Baltistan-, Wammalsre wa sass oe = P. 976 
BANKSY NAAT == eascee ome eeetee cee one P.1223 
Banks, Nathan (coauthor) ....-.-.--------- P. 951 
Barbudares DILdStcseace see ceca aae P.35 
Basket work of the North American 
BDOLIPINES Ss sso tases Seen ss ete R.1 
| Batrachians. Amblystoma annulatum 
CaS )peeees P. 1023 
copeianum... P.512 
habits and 
rearing of .. P.276 
Amphiuma in Virginia.... P.1150 
Arkansas, salamander....- P. 1023 
Blind tailed batrachian, 
TEXAS ase ce seers eee P. 1088 
Bufo, new species of....--- P. 715 
Desmognathus brimleyo- 
PUMA (Ne SP) hecseeas =i P. 1023 
Discoglossoid toad, n. g. 
anGispOlesse-e se ee= P.1178 
Hyla regilia, variations of. P.1156 
imdianawses eas sseee eee ae P. 512 
North American....---.-.-- B.34 
TEXAS Sako eos see ce ae P.715, P. 1088 
Tropical America -.-.....--- P. 847 
Wireiniae ee seee sas eee P.1150 
(See also under Reptiles 
. and Batrachians. ) 
ES SUGL a Gre ele eee ote arte eiere ire or P. 1005 
Bean, Barton A ..... P. 843, P. 1030, P. 1159, P. 1165 
Bean, Barton A. (coauthor) ...--.-...---..- P. 1029, 
P21106; P 1112, P1127; P1167, 
Beane Tarleto nt cies see eeeeiseemet re secre P. 28 

Pe ie P49 eb 103; abd OOsm ent Os bx ails 

P.80, P. 89, P.90, P.95, P.100, P.124, P. 127, 

P. 190, P. 204, P. 210, P. 224, P. 225, P. 233, P. 258, 

P. 265, P. 271, P. 274, P. 340, P. 342, P. 357, P. 387, 

P. 388, P. 389, P. 397, P. 407, P. 429, P. 430, P. 486, 

P. 487, P.504, P. 505, P.508,P, 509, P. 516, P. 517, 

P. 637, P. 657, P. 658, P. 671, P. 672, P. 748, P. 787, 

P. 795, P. 896, P. 903, P.967,P. 1027, P.1028, B. 27 

Bean, Tarleton H. (coauthor)... P.10, P.13, P. 16, 
P. 23, P. 24, P. 26, P. 40, P. 41, P. 50, P. 52, P. 53, 

Pe64. = Pa 6py P2660, 0b. Os; bs (eae nt ts tO, 

P. 98, P. 211, P. 241, P. 281, P. 297, P. 406, P. 418, 

P.510, P. 533, P. 548, P. 1012, P. 1013, P. 1014, 

P. 1029, P. 1106, P. 1112, P. 1127, P. 1167, Sp. B. 2 

P. 546, P. 673 
Beeson, Charles H. (coauthor) P. 1009 
Belding, L.. P.56, P. 318, P. 314, P: 360, P. 385, P. 386 
(Belding, L.] P.293 
Bendire, Charles.. R.76, P. 196, P. 265, P. 287, P. 662, 
P. 663, P. 983, B.39 (D), Sp. B. 1, Sp. B.3, C. 30 

Benedict, James E..--- P. 420, P. 594, P. 887, P. 900, 

P. 949, P. 1016, P. 1087, P. 1216, P. 1236 

Benedict, James E. (coauthor).....-.----- P. 858 

[Benguiat, Hadji Ephraim]......--.--.--- R.115 

Bering Island. .Wishes <-2----2-...--.---- P. 1106 

Mammals, new speciesof  P.540 

Bering Sea. Mollusks......-.-..---- P. 562, P.571 

Berlepsch, Hans von. ..------------------- P. 755 
Berlin Exhibition, exhibit by U.S. Fish 
Commission of collection illustrating 
the fisheries and fish culture of the 

United States at the ...................- B.18 

156 INDEX 
Bermudas: “AnmelidsS 22. seca = ee B. 25 (VII) 
Birds ves ees eee B. 25 (IV) 
Botany cise seen nase B. 25 (II) 
Contributions to the natural 
hisionycoi th Gre ee aaeeeee B. 25 
ISHeS| She siccmar seceeeeee P. 23, P. 58 
catalogue of.........- B.5 
Geologyis-niicee-aeesee eee B. 25 (1) 
Mamma Sees eres eee B. 25 (IIT) 
Notesion birds 2s-2ss=)-pe5 B. 25 (V) 
Reptileskeece-eseeer eens B. 25 (V1) 
[Bert, DrowiswSHi|ease=- cee sce ee ee P. 732 
BeyersHaGud. astecce seoeceeancce P. 498, P. 515, C. 32 
Biblicalamiouitiess sees e eee sess eee ee R. 100 
Bibliographical catalogue of described 
transformations of North American 
hepidopterastcescoe are ee eee B.35 
Bibliographies of American naturalists: 
Tespencer dE) Barden ss eee seeacerc B. 20 
DE Isaac Wears oe oso aase somes secre B. 23 
III. Fielding B. Meek, Charles A. 
White, and Charles D. Walcott. B.30 
IV. George Newbold Lawrence -...-- B.40 
Ve@harles!Girard/ eee nee seree sees B.41 
Bibliography. Fishes of the Pacific coast 
of the United States....  B.11 
Goode, G. Brown... Rep. 1897 (11) 
Selater, Philip Lutley....  B.49 
Bigelow, Robert Payne.......-.....------ P. 1017 
Binney W).'Gs .cg.essaogce saecseos eee B. 28 
Biology. (See under Botany and the va- 
rious zoological groups. ) 
Biology to geological investigation, rela- 
HOWMOLS5- seeree ee oScisioe seme see cc asemtese R. 64 
Birds. Abrolhos Islands, 1887.........--- P. 768 
Acanthidops bairdi.........--..--- P.708 
Accipiter cooperi mexicanus. ...- P.691 
Aeccipiter velox, new subspecies of — P. 691 
AXgialites albidipectus (plover)..  P.312 
/Mstrelata defilippiama ..-......-- P.471 
fisheri (MN. /Sps)iss-se2-c- P. 339 
fisherlie-te-costacse=cee P.471 
sandwichensis.... P.556, P. 693 

Africa, West (Cameroons district). P.1180 
Alaska... P.274, P. 339, P. 411, P. 412, P. 960 

Al binosbITdStp ss) -ee=a= ose eee ee P. 733 

Aldabra and Assumption islands.  P. 953 

Aldabralslande=-2--aaese- P. 1008, P. 1079 

Amazilia cerviniventris .........- P.189 

yucatanensis -...-.....- P.189 

AMAZON), LOWE ssi lee Sale P. 591, P. 660 
new Dendrocolap- 

tine bird from.. P.618 

America, tree-creepers Of...-.-.-- P. 270 

American birds, descriptions of .. —_-P. 60 

AMITAN te Islands = sce aaa ase P. 1079 
Ammodramus caudacutus becki 

(tls Gro)" segdob osc sotcdsescnonbes P. 872 
Anas boschas obscura ......------ P. 409 
Anser Jeucopareius -.....--------- P. 475 
Anseres, North American, osteol- 

ORVOl- tenes tes ene eee P.711 
Anthus CerviNuUsS®: 2-5-2 sem celene ees P.361 
Antigua, catalogue of birds of.... P.35 
Antrostomus rufo-maculatus (n. 

SDP!) icine ers ini Seen oleae see P. 867 



Ant-thrush, Phlegopsis saturata 

(QUES. ieee Sede ss acecneasceeeeeeane P. 1090 
Aquatic and fish-eating birds 
(London Fisheries Exhibition). |B. 27 
Are tIGPAM Cri Cale: ce. creer seeeenere P. 865 
Ardea wuerdemanni ............. P.612 
ATIZONG a2 oe nase eeeeen oe coeeeeee P. 616 
new Psaltriparus from... P.674 
Assumption Island ......-- P. 1008, P. 1079 
Atthis/elliowii(mssp:)) sees eeeeseee Pd 
Australia ss: Seis aos Secor P.570 
Bahamas, new form of Spindalis 
from thess 5522s eee eee P. 600 
Baltistamis2(252. aseeeeetereeees P. 1078 
Barbuda, catalogue of birds of... P. 35 
Basileuterus rufifrons, two new 
TOLMS\ OL 22 5 Sesser eee P.895 
Bibliography of British birds....  P.101 
Birds of Paradise and Bower birds  P.875 
Birds of Paradise, new species of. P.1204 
Boat-billed heron, new species of. P.493 
British birds, list of faunal publi- 
Cations relating: tOs2- ss 22 senses P.101 
British Guianaeess een eoeeeeeee P. 588 
BIItISh marsh: tities e eee eee P.560 
Bullfinches, northern palzarctic. P.610 
Buteo latissimus (melanistic) .... P.567 
oxypterus (type) ----.-2-2- P. 488 
Cabamisy 5236 hcstexeeetome sees P. 262 
Californias esc steers pero P.361, 
P. 458, P. 623, P. 872, P. 1196 
central, list of birds of. P.56 
LOW CP sin sys nee Seen P. 247, 

P. 313, P. 314, P. 360, P. 386 

Callipepla elegans bensoni(n.sp.) P.617 
Canibbean'Sed) soss-cee-eeeee eee P. 665 
Carpodectes antoniz..---32---22- P.605 
Cathartes burrovianus .......-..-- P. 480 
ULUDIvIN Paes eee eae P. 480 
Catharus berlepschi (n.sp.) ------ P. 653 
berlepsehi 22552242 eees- P.654 
Central. America) 252 --- se essee ee P. 493 
Central Asia. os. 2. see P. 1083, P. 1195 
CentraleMexicozs-s) saseseesee eee P.975 
Centurus, review of the genus.... P.198 
Cepphus, remarks on the genus... P. 425 
Certhia of Europe and America...  P.270 
Certhiola, synopsis of species of.. P. 478 
Ceryle stictipennis (n.sp.)-------- P. 545 
Chile. 2sses.tea-osecctienbese sees P. 312 
Chrysotis, new parrot from Do- 
TAM Ca ere sete Merete ees P. 142 

Commander IslandsS= oe) ase eaeee Pi345; 
P. 614, P. 765, P. 1095, B. 29 

Contopus pileatus (n.sp.) -------- P.474 
Coot, new species Of —-42-- = --=-4- P. 446 
Costa Rita 23222222 4c P. 39, P. 235, 

BP. 295, P. 305, PB. 392, P. 477, BE. 499: 
P. 599, P. 611, P. 750, P. 855, P. 867, 
P. 869, P. 879, P. 888, P. 947, P. 956 

Cotinga ridgwayi (n.sp.)------- oe ae 
Cowhbirdssthésin22sasee eee eee R.76 
Cozumel Islandi se: sse4 sees P.539 
Cozumel, new hawk from ..------ P. 494 
Creepers (Japanese) .-..--------.-- P. 667 
Cyanecula abbotti (n.sp.)-.-.----- P.1078 
Cyclorhis, new subspecies of ...-- P. 588 



Cygnine, outlines of monograph 

OL th GS eee ene ca cee eect P.275 
Dendrocinela, review of.........-. P. 650 
Dendrornis striatigularis (n. sp.). P.1200 
Dick cissel from District of Colum- 

bia, disappearance of...-.....-.. P. 806 
Directions for collecting -.....-. B. 39 (A) 

District of Columbia, list of birds 
Ot (NC e enor Aa ane nees Sonera B. 26 

Dominica, eaiceeont birdsfrom  P.19 
new parrot from ....-- P. 142 
Downy woodpecker, new subspe- 
(ICSI A Me ore ome ee earn teeny ate P. 1080 
Dromococeyx from British Gui- 
AN Bj)- Sete ese an ae teats P. 538 
Dryobates nuttallii_.............. P. 590 
pubescens gairdnerii - P.590 
new subspe- 
ClesiOreas = P. 1080 
Duck new to North American 
PALIT Ease ates Mle ee oot Rise ee P.188 
Eastern Turkestan, Thian Shan 
Mountains, and Tagdumbash 
Ramin 23 4-Sese sss. aos dee P. 1083 
Ecuador, new species of Catharus 
PROMS sath cae ae sea eeceesceess P. 653 
Empidonaces, nests and eggs of-- P.62 
European birds, generic and 
specific namesof...  P.261 
crested titmice .....-. P. 695 
thrushess 3) 22.262cis25- P.577 
Europe, tree-creepers of......-..-- P. 270 
Maral ombraglis a eae es Se ea oe P. 828 
Field-sparrow, new species of .... P. 482 
WlOniGae sae bat obi eee he sce P. 457 
Flycatcher, new species of ------- P. 236 
Flycatchers, two apparently new 
SNECLES Of aaa. see sees es P. 888 
Formicarius, revision of genus... P.961 
Galapagos archipelago ........--- P.5738, 

P. 767, P. 1007, P. 1067, P. 1116 

Generic names apparently preoc- 

CUPIEM eS han ke eas eeionioz ete oe 
Geothlypis flayovelatus (n. sp) - 

poliocephala — ralphi 

(MESpa) eS sess tes 2 P. 964 

Gloriosa Island ...-.--.--.- P. 1008, P. 1079 

Goatsuckers and owls, pterylog- 

MAUD WUYLOl Meese ee sesso eee cioe 

Golden warblers, review of the. -- 

““Grampus,”’ birds observed by, 

P. 1045 

P. 522 

LSS Toye etnae Jame oaa cece esos P.819 
Gray shrike in Japan..........--- P.931 
Great auk, history and anatomy 

Obther se soa ss we he Fetes R. 26 

Grenada, catalogue of birds of P. 45, P. 596 

Ground warbler, eastern Mexico. P.1045 
Grouse and quail, on the feather- 

Gane TSO tees ey ae aioe P.1166 | 
Guadeloupe, catalogue of birdsof. = P.57 
Guatemalan. 22h Gass loesese Pare 
Hematopus galapagensis (n.sp.).  P.573 
Hapaloderma vittatum, new ge- 

nus of Trogons, based on ....-.. P. 1024 
Harporhynenissss.42 tes 2 Stes s = P, 262 
Hawaiian Islands .......:...----- P. 692 



Hawaiian Islands (Kain) ../ P.640, P.778 
Hawk, Cozumel, new _ species 
PLONE Sag has ee eee eee P. 494 
HMelisolantls2..52-222ess aise sees P. 67 
HOnGUTaSRes eee aoe P. 665, P. 868 
Honey creepers, from Lesser An- 
tiles Sow ek eee cee 8 eae oak eee P. 478 
Humming bird, new species of... Pat 
Humming birds, structure of 
tongue in. P.848 
theese: R.45 
Hybrid between Dryobates nut- 
tallii and D. pubescens 
PR TOMe TMS ce hee Se P.590 
ducks, domesticated... .. P.409 
Ibises, storks, and herons (Japan- 
C86) 2 sericea Sarita ose ceases < P. 628 
iigterusicucullatnsie see P.472 
new Species Of g2e:2o4.5-- P.166 
JaPald Sectneseetocee eee a eee P. 390, 
P, 558, P. 578, P.579, P. 598, P. 601, 
Pe aS; P. 641, P. 642, P. 667, P. 735, 
Be idles 904, P. 931, P. 974, P. 997 
(laon). awh S22 oeeteeease one P.649 
(Liu ka Islands) =2-- = 52222. - P. 473 
Water DIrds Of. eraser eee P.598 
Japanese avifauna, additions to..  P.906 
birds in Sei. Coll. Tokyo 
s P. 874, P. 957 
CRrriOn CLOW Eeeere eres P. 629 
NOLES:.ON\ joe Ves P. 383 
Kamtchatka, three-toed wood- 
pecker ArOM esas eee sks Ske P. 701 
Kamtchatkan carrion crow --.--- P. 629 
CaS Ts Ney se ee Se eee P.1078 
Kenai sland prec soe ese eee asec P. 609 
Kerguelen Island, ornithology of- Be 
1Kcumil slam dse< eee er eee eee P.1144 
hahrad oriseee se ae eecces ye aea sep P.518 
Weibel: 23 3 peyepten ta Re Se a P. 1078 
Lagopus mutus, and its allies -... P.279 
Ibesser-Antilles: 2-22 -fosesesee - P.A78 
eakalozus of birds 
Of -Se2 eee eee P.61 
Ti Dera ese 3 2 ep ele ee U8 P.1182 
Life histories of North American 
DLLs) s= e  Saee S Sp. B.1land3 
GOW SLAIN. £32228 Bee ate ee P.1201 
Loxigilla, new subspecies of... . - P. 216 
Moadaeascares snes cet P.1118, P. 1197 
Magellan Straits, 1887 .......-.---- P. 768 
Ma DITO Dae hereto me see P. 841 
Margarita Islamdl).2: P.1093 
Marsh titsi esas secs eeeerces P. 686 
Martinique, catalogue of birds of. P.51 

Megascops, new species of.....--- P. 626 

Melanetta fusca in Alaska........ P.411 
Merle; confimisss. -s-—sacs2eo-- P.362 
Methriopterus! 442ee eee eee soe P. 262 
Mexico. P.385, P. 945, P. 962, P. 1045, P. 1091 

Collected by Geograph- 
ical Exploring Com- 
MISSION bees He P.5d9 
Gul of) (.sp:))-e-s- 2-2. - P.652 
(Sonora), new plumed 
partridge from ........ P.617 




Mexico, Southwestern, catalogue 

oOfbirdstiromic-e] seen B.4 
Middle Americas ssssss.—ee eee P. 655 
American, notin National 
SMSC UI ye eee eee P. 215 
Mimine, new genus of ..........- P. 262 
Mionectes semischistaceus ....--- P. 888 
Motacilla amurensis...........-.- P.356 
blachistomieess-ss--eeo- P.356 
OGHIanISS = oss eee P.356 
Muscisaxicola oecipitalis (n.sp.).  P.643 
Myadestes obscurus, two new 
TACCSIONs soa cee ee P. 239 
synopsis of the..-....... P. 260 
Myiarchus coalei (n.sp.)....--.-- P.589 
Myiarchus, remarks on genus.... P. 955 
yucatanensis....-...- P. 955 
Neotropical birds in National 
Museum soe assed. eee ccacsee a 5D 
New Mexico, new species of field 
SPATIOWUILOMee eee scenes eee eases P. 432 
New species and geographical 
TACOS Sch pace eee cobs eo eeciee P.38 
NICATALiIanssse see P. 391, P. 947, P. 1090 
Nomenclature of North American 
Pind sscce = eee ena eee eee B. 21 
North America, catalogue of birds 
OLE SEI oe fe Ua ee esr P.138 
North American birds— * 
Desid eratal~7-3 5 538.2.<6 cece P.219 
Emended names of..........- P. 524 
Fauna, additions to .......... P. 247 

Generic and specific namesof. P. 261 
New races of .......- Teen 
Nie wSpeCiesOfe =< =sheee sae. P. 285 
Revisions of nomenclature of. P. 102 
North and Middle America 
Nucifraga caryocatactes macro- 
Thy Chuss225 5s - See eee iP: 
Oceanodroma townsendi (n.sp.).  P.962 

Odontophorus consobrinus(n.sp.) P. 945 
Old world birds, catalogue of .... P.234 
Ony chotes eruberigsss: 2 s-5- =e P.481 
Oology of North American birds, 

COMPATAllVes-eeeee aes ee R. 69 
Orinoco District, new species from 

Che psa ee se a ee P.589 
Ornithion pusillum subflayum...  P.888 
Ornithological explorations in the 

Commander Islands and Kamt- 

Chatka sa ee tease oe scene B. 29 
Owl, new species from Porto Rico  P. 238 
Oyster-catcher, from Galapagos 

Hslamdsa: Sssoceeee eee ete eee se P.573 
Pachyrhamphus albinucha ..-..- P. 870 
Pacific’ Coastis22eek see eee eee P. 799 
Pallas’ cormorant, history of... -- P. 76d 
Pardalotus (Australian) -.......-. P.570 
Passer saturatus (m-sp:)--5---52-- P.473 
Passerine birds, new family of... P.1076 
Patellay formsiol tees eects eee P. 439 
Peru (Lake Titicaca):....-..-..- - P.643 
Petrel, from Alaska, new species 

OPS 2a eee ees P.339 
supposed new species of.. P. 236 
Petropauloyskie-sssees ess sees P.345 

Birds. Peucza mexicana, a sparrow new 
to the United States ............ P. 496 
Peucedramus oliyaceus aurantia- 
cus (Msubsps)is=-- Scecceaceceeee P. 1074 
Phacellodomus inornatus (n.sp.). P.619 

Philippine and Palawan Islands.. P.1134 

Phryeilusi ea yice sane eee ee P. 644 
Picoides albidior  (three-toed 

woodpecker) te-2cee seer P. 701 
Picolaptes, apparently new species 

OP eae ee eee P.591 
Pigeons (Japanese))zsa-c2 se eee eee P. 642 
Plover, from Chili, supposed new 

SPCCLESO fe ses meene ee eee ot carers P. 312 
Polioptila californica, nests and 

@pesions 2.225 sdiaeeeease eee P. 662 
Porto Rico, new owl from....-..-. P. 238 
Porzana alfari(n.sp.),Costa Rica. P.611 
Porzana jamaicensiscoturniculus. P.828 
Procniatider jsccacke eee eee P. 1076 
Psaltriparus santarite (n.sp.)--..  P.674 
Psittaculat: eS ese eae P. 661 
Psittirostra psittacea, from Kaui. P.640 
Rails, gallinules, and coots, Japa- 

MESS Peet. bested eee eee P.579 
Rallus gularis, R. jouyi, R. stria- 

Ish SsSsat aad ae P.576 
Red-shouldered hawk, new race...  P.457 
Regulus calendula, plumage of... P.546 
St. Vincent, catalogue of birds of. =P. 27 
Sandwich Islands. .........-..-... P. 236 
Santa Barbara Islands ........-.-- P.1196 
Santa Wea, 1887 seeeee sees P. 768 
Sclerurus, review of .......- a TLE P. 762 
Scops, review of the genus.....--- ‘Paz 
Selasphorus torridus.........--... P. 400 
Seychelles Islands. .....--...-.--- P.1079 
Siberia) inc. sees Peat eee P. 274 
Sittasomus, MOtCiOn=s_ sess sneeeee P.877 
Snow bunting, from Alaska, new 

SPOCIES Of Stereo. niet ae eee eee P. 412 
South American, not in National 

Museums. -.5 Yo <c chee eee P.215 
Sparrow new to the United States.  P.496 
SParrows: oa s2ses eat sc enneeeeaes P. 458 
Spindalis zena townsendi (n.sp.). P.600 
HPizaaIMeLiCana eres see see ee P. 806 
Spotted tinamou, osteology of.... P. 622 
SlLOmmMpetrelsyMexiCO mess) ease eeee P. 962 
Swifts, supposed new species of... P. 923 
Synthliboramphus wumizusume. P, 592 
Tantalus, and its\allies .....2-...- P.315 
TEAS Sack ss heels seen ee aes P. 673, P. 964 

southern, ornithology of ... Era 
Thamnophilus, supposed new 

{Orms: OL Fasssgse chess see asee P. 871 
Three-toed woodpecker ...-..--.- P.701 
Thrushes, new species of ......-..- P. 240 
Thryomanes, revision of.....--.-- P.1153 
Tits and nuthatches, Japanese... P.578 
TONLUCS Ofizs 25-55 Sows ee eee R.93 
(ree-CreePeYVsise-wee a eee eee P.270 
Tree-sparrow, new species of ....- P. 473 
Trinomingls;useOfea. 4-5: ose eee P. 413 
Trochilide, catalogue of........-- P. 155 

Trogon: ambigwuss--=225- 52 -4-eee P. 616 

Birds. Trogon chrysomelas (n. sp.).----- P. 947 
MEWS eCMUSIOf—. -.- came 8t P. 1024 
Turdide, American, systematic 
QTTANSeME Mbt Olesese oa is1)- seises P.301 
Turdide, new species of......---- P. 103 
PUES aL PeSLTIS| Hoye sc -ce ees se 2 P.577 
JADA St aneet oss onc seas P. 601 
GOTQMATUSSS 2s esee Leas: nie P.577 
VANS tee accesses emacs a P. 60 
Uropsila, on the name........---- P. 656 
Wenezielavest eos P. 555, P. 619, P. 1093 
Warbler, new species from Santa 
THWe1R 2 senso. oss covet eee P. 311, P. 476 
Weapons and wings of...-...----- R.78 
Wiest-COast= 3253 cseasccesosces soe P.85 
iWiestilndiess2 ese octet es eS: P. 216, 

P. 260, P. 420, P. 446, P. 545 
new species from Do- 

MMTMICA Eee sao e oe P. 103 
new species of Icte- 
TUSMTOM te eee P.166 
new species of war- 
bler from Santa 
IDO ES Seen aera P.311 
on a collection of 
birds from .....--- P, 420 
Wheatears(Saxicola) North Amer- 

TCH eee sere Ma ate Sarees eeloeeels P. 1220 
Woodpecker, three-toed........-- P.701 
Woodpeckers, Japanese .......--- P. 558 
Wirens\(Japam)eecssene.s ase se ae P.751 

Thryomanes revision of... P.1153 
Xiphocolaptes, notes on........-- P. 796 
review of......-.- P.761 
Mulcatam 2s ste s-sencee cee ee eens P. 476 
new subspecies of Cyclo- 
THis frOmMses sees = Soe P. 588 
(See also under Anatomy.) 
Birds and eggs, exchanges of...........-- C.34 
Birds’ eggs. Arctic America ...........-. P. 865 
List of deficiencies, and in- 
structions for collecting - - C.30 
Questions relating to.....--. C.50 

Birds’ eggs and nests, directions for col- 
lecting, preparing, and preserving ... B.39 (D) 

Birds’ nests andeggs. Aldabra Island... P.983 
AIIZON a ese se ae P. 663 

Black-capped | 
gnat-catcher ... P.662 

California =.=... .. P.662 | 
Birds’ skeletons. Abrolhos Islands .-.-.-- P. 798 
Brazile tee. Gescesee ss: P.798 
Galapagos Islands ..... P. 798 
Magellan Straits.....-- P.798 
Bis n, American, extermination of the -. R. 21 
fossil North America. ..s-.-------- PeLi72 

Bleck Hills, fossil tree trunks from..-...-.. P.1141 | 
BIQKISton we Wists «2 5che fee see csecack P. 598 
IBIAtCHILeVARWin Secession sce ace ca cic ase ciee P. 922 

IBOMS e WLAN Ghee soec cee cee te hades bes ace 
Boehmer, George H R. 61, P. 583 
Bogosloff Island, hornblende andesites... P.479 
Bolles EP Dixe cs 25. ccens scacecesac cs R. 20, P. 899 
Bollman, Charles H.... P.585,P. 625, P. 670, P. 714, 

P. 720, P. 721, P. 722, P. 731, B. 46 

(coauthor) P. 752, P. 770 
Boomerang, study of the .../.......---.-- P.724 | 

R.89, P.709 



Boreal America, insects (Noctuide).....- P.890, 
P. 891, P. 892 
Botany, Alaska L8S8ro ssa se een se eee tes oe P. 772 
list of lichens from... - P.397 
plants from Nushagak. P.513 
Algee, freshwater, notes on col- 
lecting and preserving -..-...- B.39(B) 
Alopecurus stejnegeri (n. sp.)-. P.620 
Antennaria, revision of species 
Of Fon eee es Sees P. 1230 
Anthoxanthum odoratum, the 
NOWEIS Ole ess ) oe. ea eres P.910 
California, Lower ........- P. 725, P. 749 
Clarionsislands 1889525 s= ase sea P. 801 
Commander Islands. P. 462, P. 463, P. 620 
IDistOmACese sae. see ena te P. 937 
Directions for collecting recent 
‘an dsfossiltplantsess2-— see ee. B. 39(B) 
Directions for collecting speci- 
mens and information illus- 
trating the aboriginal uses of 
plants) 2533 ets ete B.39(J) 
Ferns and fern allies, North 
ATM OTIC Ryn Steed se ae ace P. 1226 
Flora of St. Croix and the Virgin 
Islandsyososca oe sees ee eee as B.13 
Flora of Washington and yicin- 
IY: 2552's SS SAS Peace Saas = B. 22 
Flora of Washington and vicin- 
ity, proposed revision of. ...-- C. 46 
Food plants of Coecidz.......-- P. 1122 
RUIN OS sas sos os te tee eases oe P. 264 
WnGingA,1es- 3 soca as eee P. 264, P. 1010 
Japanese woods presented by 
University of Tokyo .......... P, 232 
Jumping seeds and galls ......-. P. 330 
Socorro Island, 1889 ............ P. 801 
Texas, flora of western and 
Southern a3 sess ees P.585 
Trees of Lower Wabash and 
White River valleys: ->------- P. 264 
Trees of Lower Wabash valley.. P.1010 
Violacee, North American, dis- 
iributionioies----.- ese es C.49 
Bothriothoracine insects of the United 
Statests Se aaee con see woe = sates eee coceee P. 1025 
Bourns, Frank S. (coauthor) -......-.---- P. 1134 
BONG: 'C NE essa ate ds se sees Oe cchece esses Pi223 
(Bradley, Prof. Wrank H-]:..--.-:-..----< P. 329 
[Bransford Drie) )cis2ce sec cess <<. < Poul 
Brayton, Alembert W. (coauthor) .....--- B.12 
Brazile Bird skeletonss.).--cs<2--3. == soe P. 798 
ISH ES eae ee Jowea nc ose w cine P. 829 
Bre Were Me Sis sais Sowaicloe ase po oweseeeoctc P. 62 
British America. Moose, habits of the .. P.827 
British Columbia. Fishes .........--.---- P. 255, 
| P. 387, P. 682, P. 787, P. 938 
British Guiana. Birds =. s-2-5--055--5--- P.538 
IBrockhis Aw asoas- ea cae cee eee eases P. 489 
Bronze Buddha in the National Museum. R. 43 
Brown, James Temple .3. 222.22. 2.2-62<-- B. 27 
Bruner sa wren. s.c.- shoes cones seme ~e P. 764 
Building and ornamental stones, 
TOM ORE oe abe kee cee see e nae R.12 
Building and ornamental stones, plan for 
collection of, New Orleans Exposition, 
1884-85 C. 25 

140 INDEX 
Building-stone collection ................ 0.9 
Burial mounds of Japany-2-sss--2ose eae R.59 
Burma. Jadeite, analysis of .-..2..2/.2.- P. 981 
Bums: ran kess Sees eee ee eee R. 67 
Busck, Augusts-Saeieetees ceases seecen aes P. 1208 
Bush; Katheninieriecasssn anaes saeeaeee Rei, 
Bush, Katherine J. (coauthor) ........--- P.1139 
California. Anthropological studies in.. R.116 
AmthTopologycs:--s-eesea-- P. 932 
IBITGS Sse csee men eee ee Se P2b6: 
P. 458, P. 623, P. 872, P. 1196 
Birds’ nests and eggs......-- P. 662 
PUSH ESE Sosa iee ees eee P72) 

P. 97, P. 106, P.107, P. 108, P. 109, 
P.110, P. 111, P. 117, P. 118, P. 120, 
P. 122, P. 123, P.125, P. 126, P.129, 
P. 180, P. 182, P.138, P.135, P. 136, 
P. 140, P. 141, P.146, P. 150, P.151, 
P. 152, P. 153, P. 154, P.156, P. 157, 
P. 158, P. 161, P.162, P. 164, P.176, 
P. 182, P. 187, P. 193, P. 208, P. 26y, 
P. 288, P.296, P. 373, P. 742, P.774, 
P. 897, P. 916, P.917, P.967, P. 1161 

Hossilicorails sashes ses esesene P.1194 
plants). ssse-epe eee P.679 
MOssil ses. hse eoccee ee nee es 
; P. 14, P. 113, P. 1145, P. 1194 
Mammal sisenaneeensaee P. 492, P. 623 
MOUUSKs sees eet eer ee P.18, 
P. 536, P. 584, P. 898, P. 1191 

Reptiles ts. seeee ace P. 623, P. 689, 
P. 766, P.878, P. 944, 

P. 977, P. 1020, P. 1044 
Throwing-sticks from .....-. P. 932 
Xantusia henshawi(n.sp.).  P.944 

California, Gulf of. Fishes... P.227, P. 698, P. 880 

Reptilesss3-s-essss=- P. 800 
Lower. Birds.........- P, 247, P. 313, 
P.314, P. 360, P. 361, P. 386 
Botany-seece= 6 P. 725, P. 749 
Bullmulus 2-2-5 se— P. 958 
Contributions to nat- 
ural history of ...- B.7 
Hishes=. = eye P. 149, 
P. 227, P. 289, P. 290, 
i293 SP 5376,0baD00 
from San Cris- 
LoObaeeeseee P. 469 
Geologyzhiess--e-- R. 91 
Mollusks2sssseee"- P. 958 
from Todos 
SantosBay P.536 
Natural history of... R.91 
Reptiless-<e2s 32225: P.788 
Call) R-Elisworth .S2-.02--os2) eee eee P.651 
Calvert ee bilipih se teeceeseeeeee P. 1046, P. 1047 
Calvert, Philip P. (coauthor) ....-...-..-.- P. 951 
Cambrian brachiopods. . --. P. 1120, P. 1152, P. 1229 
Canada. Fossil unios from Toronto drift. P. 952 
Lynx, cranialecharactersofthe. P.603 
Mammialsiiuncacsssle oe vloasesties P. 213 


Canoes, pointed bark, of the Kutenai and 

ANUP a ereelocs ook oe aca aseeeeee aeons R.114 
Cape Bathurst, Eskimo. strike-a-light 
PLOWS ete aero oe aes A eee ote eee P.705 
Carbonmier ieee eee ee eee P. 276 
Caribbean Seda Birds p-eee eee seteeee P. 665 
Hehini Reeseeeesseesnecee P.491 
Medusectatnancnsnsccece P. 528 
Stalked crinoids......... P. 547 
Carlin; \Walliaimuh)seaes secs ee ee eee P.199 
[Carpenter hieuwts Wlu.|ess- see eee P. 754 
Casanowicz, I. M. (coauthor) .......- R. 100, R. 115 
GCasesexhibitiom=s.2-o5---eee eo eee eee R.70 
Casting, metallic, of delicate natural ‘ob- 
feCte se aia ees see eee ee eA 
Casts, plaster, method of making and pre- 
SOLVAN Be Ye ig Se ea Hae ee aan ees P. 226 
Catesby’s ‘‘Natural history of Carolina, 
Florida, and the Bahama Islands,’’ iden- 
tification of figures of fishes in........-. P. 422 

Catlin collection of Indian paintings .. R.8, R.52 
Catskill Mountains. Fauna and flora of 

the. eos See P.1147 
Mammals.......... P.1147 
Catties SaThigiesos sskiiseses ee eet etnes P.148 
Central America. Birds ............ P.493, P. 975 
Hishesjsct sok (shee P. 252, P. 925 
Mammals.......- P. 734, P. 963 
Reptiles and _ batra- 
chiansiofssts=sceeee= B.32 
CentralvAsian sBirdstes.Ges-ce-ssseseesee P. 1083 
Ceramie art in China, sketch of .......... R.118 
Ceylon. Insects, hymenopterous (para- 
Sitiic)). 2222 be Aedes cee oe ae mae Rete P. 1092 
Chaclacayo trephined skull ............-- P.531 

Chanler expedition, Odonata collected by. P.1047 

{ChanlerssWimlvAStor)ieseanceese esses P. 970, 
P. 1042, P.1068, P. 1098 
[Chatelain=Heli])/2— 22 sesee ee ee eee P. 968 
Cherrie, George K ............ P. 855, P. 879. P. 888 
Chesapeake Bay. Fishes............ P. 211, P.389 
Chess and playing cards* 25.22 2..00--- sss. R.99 
Chile) — Bird sas 12502 sks Sh eee ae wae P. 312 
China ya Ceramiciartane2e 2 2 pepe aera R.118 
Hthnologyssiees sees eee R. 74 
Fishes from the Pei-Ho River ... P.1221 
Chinese games with dice and dominoes... R.74 
porcelains, catalogue of the Hip- 
pisley collection of............- R. 25 
relicsamyAdaskal. nee weenie P.899 
Chittenden” Hihis 222 jase eee ere cers P.1041 
Cinchona barks in National Museum..... P. 582 
Cincinnati Exposition, exhibit of gems 
and precious 
stonese. s-s--56 C. 26 
exhibit of graph- 
1cartsseecese= C.37 
exhibit of mam- 
mals: 22a. C. 41 
exhibit of ori- 
ental antiqui- 
tleseee asses Suse C39 
exhibit of pre- 
historic an- 
thropology...- C. 40 


Cine_-nnati Exposition, exhibit of trans- 


Commander Islands, natural history of— 

(10) Pallas’ cormorant..-..-.......... P. 765 
(Gil) -Pallasy cormorants .2eeo een + =— P. 1095 
(G2 RIS ghe eee metas senor eee eee P. 1106 
(GES) EMie csc Seely -reerereteeta == eae P. 1188 
Congo Free State. Blind snake........-.- P. 969 
Gone Oy) eMiyT le POUSeme seas ean P. 1036 
Contributions to the Museum, acknowl- 
edementiOmere ease eee dates Seeeanees = C.17 
Gook Calebinaccseweccescore se tiss seca een P.9 
(Cooky OSE eiieeene a ancecek ccmeunne= ss P. 968, 

P. 1036, P. 1037, P. 1038, P. 1029, P. 1042, 
Pais elled ie dd Gs; Poll69s Po adG 

Cooks OB a(Coalthor) faeces sete eee P. 837 
Cooke; George His seat ssee se se cear tata R.105 
| Kehorayoxend libs (Cusaesnanddesoondagconocuccugeoue P.85 
Cope Es D ee aien oo seer peere cmacee R. 110, P. 615, 

P2645 Pe 689s Meeiiloy tba i2ts) deat 2oy eal 2o, 
P. 769, P. 866, P. 882, B. 1, B.17, B. 32, B. 34 

Copepods. Lerneanthropus (parasitic).. P. 664 
Pandarus and Chondracan- 

PHU! Seer eee seca sece eeee P. 572 

Perissopus (parasitic) ....-...- P. 664 

Trebius (parasitic) -.......--- P. 664 

Copper bowlder, Ontonagon........------ R. 94 

Coppermlslandsy JHishesmess--eseee sonar a= P.1106 
Copper, overlaying with, by American 

a DOn SIN esas is. atest scise esse = een leon P.1015 

Coquillett; DaWetenceenee ene eeeeae ere P. 1073, 

P. 1146, P. 1198, P. 1225, P. 1227 

Coralsturbinolidy Vapaneas-s-eses-- 2. P.1194 

| Corals, Madrepora, catalogue of.....-.-.-- P. 604 
Correspondents of National Museum, cir- 

culars addressed to....-.....-.- C. 43, C. 44, C. 45 

Costa Rica. Birds.....-. P. 39, P. 235, P. 305, P. 392, 

portation ..... C.38 
report on the 
of the Smith- 
sonian Institu- 
tion and Na- 
tional Museum 
im} thezssso-23- R. 33 
C@larioneislangds) Botany. oee-- cece =~ = = P. 801 
Reptiles: -of.25- 2% P. 800, P. 1281 
(GlarlerA Howard eeresccmaee ccs seal B. 27 
Clark, Hubert Lyman...-.-.-.-..--- P.1018, P. 1166 
@larkel He Wisat caacacececenee eee ~ secs R. 10, C. 26 
(eoaibhon)ieeeses -eeeeeece-= P. 696 
Classification for World’s Columbian Ex- 
position, draft of system of..........--- R. 62 
Coast Indians of southern Alaska and 
northern British Columbia.......--.-.-- R. 24 | 
Gackerel MD Aten eset ce ease ceeceee P. 1026, | 
P. 1122, P. 1238, B. 39 (L) 
Ccelenterates. Actinie collected by ‘‘Al- 
batross,’’ 1887-88. .....-- P. 930 
Cnidaria: Sea nettles, urti- 
eating organs of.....--- P. 1097 
Corals, Madrepora, cata- 
logue of the.... P.604 
Porites, catalogue 
Ofszasecnseeasee P. 635 
Synarea, cata- 
logue of.....--- P. 635 | 
turbinolid,Japan. P.1194 | 
Meduse, Caribbean Sea 
and Gulf of Mexico .... P.528 
Meduse, stalked. Hali- 
clystus stejnegeri -..-... P. 1188 
Polyps, Japanese-...-.--- P. 346 
Radicipes pleuro- 
eristatusie=--e=: P.346 
Gollimssalrem kes mescee ears erat ele = = B.39 (B) 
Colhings Gey Nar (COMMON) see eee P. 837 
COMMS OSE D Dm Wiser cee ee eerie sera B.27 
Wolomblan HISHeSesssa-s2scesgs5-ss0 nee P. 770 
Colorado: shishes@s-sse---2s2sees =e ea P. 780 
HOSSUS ere eee scence Pils Ps207 4 
Columbia River. Fishes!.--2-7---------- P.196 
Commander Islands. Birds .......------ P. 345, 

P. 614, P. 765, P. 1095, B. 29 
Botany. P.462, P.463, P. 620 

Entomostraca....- P. 621 
MOUS aes. se P. 442 

Ornithological ex- 
plorations in.... B.29 

Commander Islands, natural history of: 

(1) General natural history, with de- 
scriptions of new cetaceans. --.-- P. 344 
(2)iStellerisisea-cOW7feen. ese = P. 421 
(2) MUO MGS eo ae see Se Soceeenere P. 442 
(SAN EP Iamits et ose sete eee n a P. 462 
(SIS) Be Veni eee eee oe ei ar P. 463 
(S)Mtesoplodones----e scree. mess =o P.540 
(Ge MOUS Steeeestee etme eer ceri P. 562 
(zp) ESI Sees eee are leant iets re alate stat = P.614 
(8) ee ats pees nia ee eee alia P. 620 

(9) Crustaceans. ..... Bee metaceel eles P. 621 

P. 477, P. 499, P.599, P. 611, 
P. 750, P. 855, P. 867, P. 869, 
P.879, P. 888, P. 947, P. 956 

Gulf of Nicoya.-...-..-- P. 295 
@rustaceanses.- ee eee =e P.1071 
TNSE CUS Sat ae sk oe se se tease P. 1040 
Mollusksee =222s tccsssccsse- Peis: 
Cotton, samples of, presented by Atlanta 
Cotton Hx posiione=e-- =e ee === =e P. 333 
Coues WilliOtieesesecee eee eee eee P.101 
Coues, Elliott (coauthor) ...-..--.-.-.---. B. 26 
[Coues, Elliott] (editor).....-.-..--.----- B.2 
(Chonatle MEN ie scaaaddsqcemoneoc Sobmeeerces B. 39 (3) 
(WOW ULCs DLC meee ere ete i= R.76 
(COPA VV Vistar erate ele sete eae ose ltam R.23 
Gozumel Island: Birds'..2.---.3---- P. 494, P. 539 
Cradles of American aborigines. .....-.--- R.16 
Cramer, Frank (coauthor) -.-......--------- P.1114 
Crinoids, stalked, Gulf of Mexico and 
@aribbeanuSeiaceccncceese ecco ee Sane ees P. 547 
Crocodilians, lizards; and snakes of North 
PASTEL Griese ee ses teen ie eee ater iar R.110 
GCrunip burial cave, the-.-------.--------- R. 67 
Crustaceans. Africa, west coast of....--- P. 949 
African fresh-water crabs .  P.980 
Alaska, new species from..  P.459 
American fresh-water 
CADE eee sere cece 2 P.959 

Amphipods, Rhode Island. P, 1084 




Anomurans, U.S. Fish Com- 

mission, dredged by...-- P. 343 
Antillean region .......... P. 986 
Astacidee:slisthOhtas.--- see. P7525 

notesion' -..- os. P.785 
obseryationson. P.1136 
Brachyurans collected by 

str. ‘‘Albatross,’’ 1887-88. P.1162 
Brachyurans, U. S. Fish 

Commission, dredged by. P. 343 
Callinectes 2222 s-c2-<- sees P. 1070 
Cambarus pellucidus testii.  P.935 
Cambarus pilosus and C. 

clypeatus described. .---- P. 1187 
Chelura terebrams .....-.-- P.83 
Copepods (parasitic) .....-- P. 454, 

P. 572, P. 664 
Corystoid crabs (Telmessus 

and Hrimacrus) .......-- P. 900 
Costa"Ricae.2-.-2c4e- cee P.1071 
Crabs from west coast of 

North America and Sand- 

WACK MISA GS seem eee P. 933 
Crabs from West Indies ... P.1104 
Crayfishes, blind, of Indi- 

aN 8. Reeemen ane goncesets P.935 | 
Decapods, Africa (West) .. P.1199 

dredged by U.S. 
Fish Comninis- 

SION: S26. eae se P. 455 
Entomostraca of Com- 

mander Islands.........- P. 621 
PriIMmacrusieesences -eee eee P. 900 
Eryontidze, new species...  P.99 
Eupagurus, description of 

37 new species of .....-.-- P. 887 
Fresh-water crabs from 

WostasRicasasamcaceeiscer = P. 1071 
Hermitcrabs, Pagurus bern- 

hardus type P.1216 
West India re- 
ONE see P. 1236 
Homarus and Nephrops, 

new species allied to.... P.506 
Idotea japonica described. P.1189 
Imachideerrts. sce seeeeeese P. 984 
indian OCeanssese-2-seeer oto) 
Indiana, blind ecrayfishes of  P.935 
Isopods, Atlantic coast .... P.1222 

JAPAN" 35206 ogee P.1189 
New England .... P.75 
Pacifie'coast=----- Pa75) |} 
subterranean, new 
species of....-.- P.1176 
Dabrador stresses P.375 
dredged in 1882.. P.374 

Lithodide, descriptions of 
new genera and species. P.1016 
London Fisheries Exhibi- 

TON 2ossn ae Shene eae see B. 27 (B) 
Maiide, catalogue of ...--- P. 927 
New England, 1890 ........ P.172 
New Mexicosees-n-ess- ees P. 1128 
Pagurus bernhardus ....-- P.1216 
PaNnOpeCuskzereta-5-e ees P. 858 

Peneid, catalogueofthe. P.901 

Crustaceans. Peneide,onsomegeneraof P.507 
Phronimide collected by 
the North Pacific Explor- 
ing Expedition -......... P. 258 
Point Barrow Expedition.. P.459 
Polycheles sculptus (n. sp.) P.99 
Pseudothelphusine ...-... P.1158 
San Marcos, from artesian 
welll ats322- 2202 Sco P. 1087 
Siphonostoma, list of ....-. P. 454 
Spheroma thermophilum 
(Ta sp) besees eat bee eee P. 1128 
Stomatopods, report on.... P.1017 
Telmessusiz S22 Ss222 oe acces P. 900 
TeOXAS' 122i ache mess sccre ewe P. 1087 
Voices of Crustaceans -..-- P6 
West India region........- P. 1236 
Willemcesia group (Eryon- 
tidee yi. eo heen P.99 
Worms, sponges, ete., Lon- 
don Fisheries Exhibition. B. 27 
Cubak- Pishesi or orccek sateen P. 414, P.516 
Hawvanar ovsetasestieceee ete P.551 
Mollusks: -* =: 25 a2 A Sate See P.790 
Myra podss 42. eos -sa saan eeneee P. 720 
Culin;Stewarts.552<-<t oso s eee R. 74, R. 84, R. 99 
Currie, Rollaj;Pesjes2 =o. a esac aces eee P. 1204 

[Currie RollajPales2e~ eee een See P.1182 

[Curtiss,-A. Hic 252 caSactse anes = oo ee are = ee kOD 

Dakota; HossilGDinosauress--eseeer-ceeee P. 1224 

Fossils (lower cretaceous)-..---- P. 1224 

Dall, William H......... P.1, P.2, P.8, P. 11, P.14, 
P.18, P. 48, P.228, P. 246, P. 331, 
P. 384, P. 442, P. 460, P. 519, P. 521, 
P. 561, P. 562, P. 571, P. 710, P. 773, 
P. 790, P. 849, P. 946, P. 958, P. 988, 
P. 1032, P. 1033, P. 1034, P. 1035, 
Pe ela ke lt Boe oO: 
P.1214, P.1237, B.8, B.37, B. 39 (G) 
Dall, William H. (coauthor) ...-...-- P.536, P.1110 

DeiKay,, Charles. 5... 2s... sees sseeee ee R. 43 
Delaware Bay, Diatomacez from ....-.-.- P. 937 
Delphinide, review of the family..-....-.. B. 36 
Department of Agriculture, shells re- 

ceived drome. 225 oes. tease ceee eee eee PLOT 
Development of the American rail and 

$A CK 2s cee Ses paren Seer R. 41 

Dewey: Fredericyes tres ses. P. 687, B. 42, C. 31 
Diatomacee dredged by U.S. Fish Com- 

mission off Delaware Bay.....-.------- P. 937 
| Dinosaur, lower cretaceous, South Da- 
KOtan oe eesoercies pesca see eeeere eee P. 1224 
Directions for anatomical preparations, 
preservation of ........--. P.12 
collecting and preparing 
fossils\-. 2 522532 e252 B.39 (K) 
eollecting and preserving 
fish. . ct -ae ee eee P. 224 
collecting and preserving 
fresh-water alge....... B.39 (B) 
eollecting and preserving 
INISCCtS see = esses B. 39 (F) 

collecting and preserving 
scale insects (Coecide). B.39 (L) 


Directions for collecting and rearing 
dragon flies, stone flies, 

and May flies.....-.-.--- B.39 (0) 
collecting birds.......--- B.39 (A) 
minerals. ...-. B.39 (H) 

collecting, preparing, and 
preserving birds’ eggs 
ANG MESS) sees tees B.39 (D) 
collecting, preserving, and 
transporting  tortricids 
and other small moths -. 
collecting recent and fos- 
Siliplamtss ise ssocss 2 B.39 (B) 
collecting reptiles and ba- 
ULAOUISMS se eee B.39 (£) 
colleeting rocks and for 
preparation of thin sec- 
TOMS es sok oe Be eeE eine ke B. 39 (1) 
collecting specimens and 
information illustrating 
the aboriginal uses of 
plants) cece ose cee B.39 (J) 
mound exploration ....-.. C. 28 
preparing rough skeletons. ©. 38 
study specimens 
of small mam- 
malsss 222s B.39 (N) 
preserving remains of mas- 
todon and mammoth....  -€. 48 
removing and preserving 
mammal skins........--- @:22 
taking paper molds, ete... C. 23 


Directions. Instructions for collecting 
mollusks te secesceeae secs B. 39 (G) 
Preparation of rough skele- 
WONSH. 22552 assess ake 2 B.39 (Cc) 
Preservation of marine ani- 
TN a) SER PACs a epee iret toy: B. 39 (M) 
Preservation of museum 
SPECLMCMS2 eee eee a ee R. 22 
(See also under ‘ Prepara- 
tion,’’ Preservation, and 
Taxidermy. ) 
District of Columbia. Birds -........ P. 806, B. 26 
Crystalline schists  P.363 
i Geology. ---= 22. - P. 363, 
P. 410, P. 523 
Paleolithic period  P.777 
Stone implements P.810 
MOCTING = GCOTREV senate sec aes ee ces P. 582 
“Dominica. Birds'.:-2 45-5. 2-- P.19, P.103, P. 142 
Dong dsone-LvoOmMas oss sacs ase. ees R.8 
PD Owed OlaTSME |e eee cies eee ee eras P. 292 
(Drake -NoabiRields)s2.ssse8s 22 2-855.ca2 P. 1221 
Dresele HG. UGSiN S22. hes. sce: P.431, P. 464 
Dresel, H. G., U.S. N. (coauthor) ........ P. 418 
Drugs and medicines, classification of 
FOTN MOL Sor oes ad oeiciae eras sa Sees ones C.7 
DUS ES AL ie see ola Seaway Se P. 278, P. 678 
(Duges Prof-At|\-2t2 =. 2 P.94, P. 95, P.637, P. 903 
DyarvHarrisomiG@ 2-5 2s sc eek eee P. 1209 
Dyar, Harrison G. (coauthor) ...........-- P.1140 
Make ATM Sener saaceeeccmeR eae coe P.1148 
BapileRs Ma ward's s-caccck. socecees ces R.9, B. 27 


Early West Virginia pottery ............- X. 118 
Baster Islan dia5: sc. - aces -ses snes ss R. 37, R. 105 
Hehiniy Canibpenm scaeccssssessseeccse cs P.491 
collected by U.S. Fish Commis- 
SlOM 2's sseseniseace visceceeae. P. 491 
in National Museum, catalogue 
OL S86)eeeee eee eee tees P.569 
Mexico, Gulf of............- P.491, P.544 

Echinoderms, Crinoids, stalked, from Gulf 
of Mexico and Caribbean 

Labrador, dredged, 1882 ...  P.377 
London Fisheries Exhibi- 

OMe scsoiose eee secs B. 27 (B) 
northeastern coast ......-- Peas 
P.168, P.534 
Starfishes (Heliaster)......  P.646 
Starfishes and ophiurans, 
Gescription.Of=s-ees- soe P. 1000 
WCUACOL pI BITdScs9e- oes selec eco sees P. 653 
Edwards, Charles L. (coauthor).......-..- P. 566 
[Bdwards;GhanlesWh| po eeesceeecee tense ee P. 752 
Hodiwardge benny <- oes =e oeetee ene B. 35 
Bd wards), VamaluNe soca soem sem ciae jose P.42 
Bp pers | HE ase Ol aS are eke ars och ay P. 724 
BOOTS Gute is AG hier crys ete a ti Se care ees renee ree B.13 
HSTCStOM) eeu at oo as Se na eoee eee B.33 
BCH O fees Wal lal agers ee ae ee ee ae P.1085 
Bigenmeanmn= Carles eee a2 seen ee PACTS 
P.917, P.897, P.925 
Eigenmann, Carl H. (coauthor).........-. P. 484, 
P.587, P. 608, P. 627, 
P. 742, P. 842, P. 1009 
EKigenmann, Rosa §.! (ecoauthor).... P. 742, P. 842 
Embryology. Fin-rays of fishes, develop- 
THEM GO lps se eee ee P. 553 
Salmon, development of.. P.502 
Viviparous osseous fishes, 
development of ......-..- P.501 
[Bier CoE eee parte tao cheeteate cea P. 433 
Eneyrtine with branched antenne -..--- P.905 
Hngilieh. BrediiMieges tec ole eee Pl63. eb. 201 
Eskimo bows, study of 22222-22222 22-s-25. R.1 
eollection, preliminary catalogue  R.20 
ethnolopy others 2 sen sh tose R.90 
graphiciart ofthet.-.2s-5- a.ncce. R. 90 
harpoon, Greenland .....-....-.- P. 702 
Surike-aslieht) <soo-csseeosesessee P.705 
woman’s knife (Ulu) ...--- Meeietts R. 48 
Establishment and officers of National 
MmSe une LSS as. Sane eens eee C.5 
Ethnology. (See under Anthropology. ) 
Europe. Birds ...--- sas g seco P.270, P. 686, P. 695 
Evermann, Barton W. (coauthor) ......-. P.586, 

P. 681, P. 698, P. 780, P. 791, P. 846, P. 1043, B. 47 
Expositions. Berlin Exhibition, 1880, ex- 

hibit of fisheries and fish culture...  B.18 
Chicago, 1893, participation of Na- 
tional Museum in World’s Colum- 
DignVEXpPOSIMOD:= asses os eee oe R. 72 
Cincinnati Industrial Exposition, 
SSA wa ens Saito isnt cas a cceee ees R.9 
Cincinnati, 1888, report on the partici- 
pation of the Smith- 
sonian Institution 
and National Mu- 
SQUMM EE ec coc enace's R.33 

1See also under Rosa Smith, 


Ex positions—Continued. 
Cincinnati, 1888, collection illustrating 
the families of 
mammals <2e2-2cc c= 
exhibit of depart- 
ment of prehistoric 
anthropology .-..--- 
exhibit of depart- 
ment of transpor- 
tation and engi- 
MeCCHIN Masse eee eae 
exhibit of section of 
graphie arts -...-.- 
exhibit of section of 
oriental antiquities 
London Fisheries Exhibition, 1585, 
catalogue of collections ........---- B. 27 

C. 41 


Louisville, Southern Exposition, 1884. R.9 
Madrid, 1892, report on Columbian 
Historical Exposition ....-.--.-.--- R.71 

Marietta, 1888, report on the partici- 
pation of the Smithsonian Institu- 

tion and National Museum.....-..-- ive 
Minneapolis, 1887, report on the par- 
ticipation of the Smithsonian Insti- 
tution and National Museum......- R. 23 
New Orleans, 1884, collection illustrat- 
ing textile indus- 
tries of United 
States s-seccs see C. 24 
collection of build- 
ing and orna- 
mental stones 
and rocks of 
United States. ..- C. 25 
eollection of gems 
and precious 
SLONEGSize ees eee C. 26 
eolleetion of mam- 
MAIS ess. Oke C.29 
report on Smith- 
sonian exhibit -. R.9 
sketch of Smithso- 
nian Institution 
exhilbitee=s=sees Ravi 
Paris, 1889, anthropology ..-...----.--- R. 54 
Philadelphia Centennial Exposition, 
1876, catalogue of collection illus- 
trating animal resources and fish- 
eries of the United States..........- B. 14 
World’s Columbian Exposition, sys- 
tem ofelassification=s-o--ss=--o. 65. R. 62 
Extermination, animals recently extinct 
or threatened with ......-.-5.2---2--<-- R. 40 
Bxtinetaminralls! sts se. ae ee coe eae ee ce ee R.40 
Fanning Islands, natural history of Ha- 
wallaniand ie. 8 Sos. eee eons Bai 
Rarlow, We Go. 2 ss ostckeecciceseeesceaece IPE222, 
Rarning tony OliveriCsoccs sees eee eee P.981 
Faxon: Walters s2assecc2se= P. 525, P. 785, P. 1136 
Mena as GP seed em oatataerertare C.27 
Ferrari-Pérez, Fernando....-.-..-.------- P.559 
Rewikes, J, Walter costes dere cease cieeeet P. 528 

Finches, North and Middle America..... B. 50 (1) 



Fire-making apparatus...........--.-.--. R. 27 

Methods! Ofeas nee ressianee R. 47 
Fish-cultural exhibit of U.S. Fish Com- 

mission (London Fisheries Exhibition). —_B. 27 

MisherwAy Ke oe ete 2h oe ae se eee eee ce P.811 

Mishers Wallliamnkd sees cece eee seers P.364 
Fisheries and fish-culture of the United 

States, exhibit at Berlin..............-. =. Bag 
Fishery products, preparation, ete. (Lon- 

don Fisheries Exhibition..............- B.27 

Fishes. Abeona aurora (n.sp.) ---------- Peibl 
Acanthopterygian fishes, a genus 

Of SR eeS seas TE ee scene P. 1059 
Acrotus willoughbyi (n. g. and 

WES) Saas sedoes soos seteosca=> P. 672 

7Elurichthys eydouxii ......-..- P. 405 

Aétobatide, nomenclature of... P.990 

AON rs seek eee Paz? 

Agonus vulsus (n. sp.) .----.---- P. 162 

Agosia, on the genus. Sys Sees P. 822 
Alabama, Escambia River, fishes 

frOM. 22k Sone eee eee oeee P.585 

Allasksissot yen esas News sates P. 47, P. 59, 

P.70, P.80, P. 255, P. 387, P. 487, 

BP. 7485 BP: 703), Be 10272 PeG7, 

Bibliography of fishes of. P. 233 

Descriptionof fishesfrom. P.100 

New fish from..-........-- Paps 

P. 210, P. 795 

Whitefish from......:.... P.407 
Alaskan and adjacent waters, 

catalogue of fishes from...... P. 225 

Alepidosaurus eesculapius,n.sp.  -P. 342 
Alepocephalus bairdii-......-..-. P.68 
Al oanSearseee eee eee eae P. 822 
Alleghany region of South Caro- 

lina, Georgia, and Tennessee, 

distribution of thefishesofthe. B.12 
Amitras replacedeaesceneo eee P. 350 
Amiurus ponderosus, n.sp .-.---- P.90 
Anarrhichas lepturus ......--..- P.80 
Antennariide, note on the.....- Peo 
Anthias vivanus, n. Sp\....-----. P. 465 
Aphareus furca tus = see =—-eeee P. 1232 
Aho OdieriGeeteec er srsa eae ee B.10 

Apodal fishes fromtropical Pacific P. 856 

or eels of Japan ... P.1239 
APOGIC hb hy San-sSp see ease at P.130 
Apogon pandionis, n. sp...----- Pook 
Apparatus for capture of fishes 

(London Fisheries Exhibition) —_B.27 
Aprion ariommus, n.sp..-..---- P. 355 
Archosargus, review of .......-- P. 608 
Argentina syrtensium (n.sp.) .-- P.41 
Ariopsis millberti=>sas-0-6--- P. 46 
Arizona sees eee = seseeeneeeee P. 754 
Arizona Basin, Colorado .......- P: 1131 
Arkansas: sn). s2520-cisnssset P.549, P. 759 
Artedius fenestralis, n. sp ..---- P. 326 
Ascelichthys rhodorus, n. sp.... | P.144 
Aspidophoroides gtintherii (n. 

SD:) acess sone eee oe neni P. 487 
Aspredinide, note on the...-..- P. 831 
AStTTOSGOPUS ee see ae ee eee P.69 
Auxis rochei on New England 

COBS Tee ese sitene soeeereenaterte P, 183 


Bathymaster jordani (n.sp.)....  P.753 
Bdellostoma or Heptatrema, 

PrOperMamMerOneaesee- sess = P. 1234 
Bdellostomide)sse2-.--- 22s ----. P.309 
Belone exilis, generic relationsof P.174 

Vadis sees a <e P.5 
Belonide, review of the ........ P.575 
Benthodesmus, n. g.-.-.....-..- P. 241 
BerineaslanGdssescerec. sees ce P. 1106 
Bermudast=sccceee ae sone ececn P23, P58 

catalogue of fishes -- - B.5 
Bibliography (partial) of fishes 

of Pacific coast and Alaska, 

LBSO i oe eee aoe seeas wee Gee nae ee P. 233 
Bleekeria eulli (ni spy)\---5-.4-2-- P. 1028 
Blennoid fish, California. ....... P. 967 
Blenny, new species from Santa 

BAG DAL ae ache vou see ceesees P. 288 
Blue-fish, on the propername of. P.322 
Bothus, synonymy of the genus. P.325 
Brachyopsis verrucosus,n.sp... P.122 

xyosternus,n.sp..  P.135 
Brazil, list of fishes from Bahia... P.829 
Brevoortia patronus ............ P. 25 
Brevoortia, revision of -.......-- P.15 
BritishiColumpidee-cas sos s-c.c BP. 255; 

P. 387, P. 682, P. 787, P. 938 
British Museum, American fishes 

invetee Set eras alors Sie P. 81 
Brosmius americanus ........... P.53 
bNOSM@S sees o2 2625-25 2 P.53 

Calamus proridens, n.sp.....---- P. 417 
review of species of.... P.401 

(CHINMOETG) oe sgostoaseceesee Pita, onl OG; 
Pr 1O7 E108; P2109; Pe10; 
Patt e120) P3126. sR 129% 
P. 288, P.373, P. 742, P. 774, 
Polis Oli eb te be 16t 
chiroid fish, new, 

from Monterey Bay P.140 

Grp RVien=—eeeeeeee P.916 
new agonoid fish.... P.135 

P. 162 
new deep-water fish. P.154 

new embiotocoid fish P.153, 
P. 156, P. 157 
new flat-fish ........-. P. 158 
new flounder ........ Bers 
P. 136, P. 152 
new genera and spe- 

Cl@S eee se acs eee P.97 
new genus and spe- 

GlOS eeeke-pecieees Peis 
new gobioid fish... .. P.187 
new Hemirhamphus.  P. 164 
new rockfish ......... P.176 
new Scopeloid fishes. P.146 

new Scorpenoid fish. P. 157, 

new Sebastoid fishes. P.150 
mew shark eos. 5c. P. 269 

mew species.... P.125, P. 126, 
P.129, P. 1380; P. 132, P. 296 
new species of Ago- 

midtescsssesa-o- nese P.122 
new species of Crem- 
MODALTES Sie Sane 2). P.133 

8879—No. 51—02 10 




California, new species of Go- 

DICSO xiao see P. 208 

new species of Prio- 
NOUNS! =: fo see P. 182 

new species of Pty- 
chochilustes= sess" P. 193 
new species of ray.. P.141 
sharks from coast of. ~P.118 
California, Guliotes--c2-s25-eee- P. 880 
new species.. P.227, 
P. 698 

California, Lower ... P.293, P. 376, P. 469 
Conodon ser- 

Miter. saen P. 289 
new sparoid 
fish. 4 ere. P.149 
new species.. P. 227, 
P. 290 
new species of 
Rhinoptera P.563 
Callionymus bairdi (n.sp.)...... P.652 
Candle-fish of Northwest coast.. P.143 
Cape Charles City, Va.........-- P. 843 
Caran gidie mse tecneene aoe P. 304 
Carangine, review of the .....-. P. 367 
Caranx bartholomei...........- P.403 
Caras Deanne s pase eee P.178 
Caramxeni bere sees eae P. 403 
Carcharias lamiella, n.sp....-.- P. 269 
Cardinal fishes of Japan .......- P. 1240 
Catalogue of fishes sent to Lon- 
don Fisheries Exhibition _...- B. 27 

Catesby’s Natural History of Car- 
olina, Florida, and the Bahama 

TslamGseen tase eqaeer cee seeeenes P. 422 
Cathetostoma albigutta (n.sp.).. P.896 
Catostomide, identification of .. P.500 

synopsis Of........ B.12 

Caulolatilus microps -..-.--- P.16, P.517 

Caulolepis longidens............ P.1161 

Centrale-Ameni tales sssssee- eee P..925 

(Goly0s)) eats P. 252 

Gentrarchidse sass" a see ea P. 197, B. 10 

Centropomidee a2 — ase ssa ec eee P. 302 

Cephaleutherus of Rafinesque .. P.1054 
Cephaloseyllium laticeps on 

coast of California ...........- P.110 
CeratiiG ay seer te netes cei etecicistoe P.33 
Cetomimid, bathybial fishes... P.1012 
Cheetodon aya (n.sp.)....-.-.--- P.565 
Char, supposed new species of .. P. 671 

Characinoid and_ erythrinoid 
fishes, differential characters of P.1056 
Characinoid fishes with ctenoid 
ScCallestoci cutee wee se aes 
Characinus, notes on............ 
Check-list of duplicates distrib- 
Wied oes arch hes eee P. 127, P. 185 

P. 1055 

Chesapeake Bay:.22::--2--.----- P. 389 

Apogon (n. sp.)  P.211 
Chilomiycterus) seco see eee ene P.917 
Chimeeroid fish, new type of .... P.1014 
China) ees ee nee eee P. 1221 
Chirus, remarks on species of.... P.120 
Chloroscombrus orqueta, n. sp..  P. 334 
Chonerhinus, note on........... P. 884 




Chricd ors, nage sess eee eee Poo 
Citharichthys macrops, n. sp... P.464 
stigmeeus, Nn. sp - P. 296 

Clupea ty rammMuis See see crease P.4 
Coilecting and preserving. ...-.. P. 224 
Colombiavissi-cSies-e-neeeeeeee P.770 
Colorado: noe eee eee eee PeOO ea eos 
Columbia River, Salmonide of-. P. 196 
Conodon serrifer, 1. sp .--------- P. 289 
GopperiUslandieen- seers eeeeee P. 1106 
Coregonus hoyi (smelt) -....-.-- P.340 
nelsoni; Nesp .--.--- P. 407 

pusillus (n. sp.).-.--- P. 748 

Corypheena hippurus....-..-. P.517, P.548 
Cottidee, Etheostomatidze, Perci- 

dee, Centrarchide, Aphododeri- 

dee, Dorysomatid, and Cypri- 

nid, notes on B. 10 

Cottide, newgenusandspeciesof P. 209 
Cottins bulbalisess=-- ae eee P.505 
MACulatUs)s-- eee ee see P.505 
Couesius greeni (n. sp.)..--.----- P. 938 
Crab-eater, Hudson Valley.----- P. 811 
Craicflounders-> cess =--e eee P.10 
Cremnobatesintegripinnis,n.sp.  P.133 
Cremnobates integripinnis, life 
COlLOIS Of sess nen ee aeee eee Paste 
(Crossorhintisie-s- sess oer eeeeee P. 1057 
@ubaizet seeecce teas saeeeee P.516, P..551 
SCSrold fishese-- ape eres P. 414 
Cuvier and Valenciennes, fishes 
desenibeduby =--2----s2--25-->- P.594 
Gy DIU a2 oe sees ee teieeneee P.3 
Cyclopsetta chittendeni (n.sp.). P.1030 
Cyclopteroidea, the relations of.  P. 834 
Cymatogaster rosaceus n.sp.-.. P.153 
Cyprinide, identification of..... P.500 
new species of....--- P. 450 
on the genera of ...._B.10 

Cyprinodontide, nomenclature 

Of ee acteaeeeeecee a soeee P.159, P. 991 
Dacentrus,; notevons--- 42 52-+.--- P. 160 
Deep-sea and pelagic fishes ..... Sp. B.2 
Delolepis (n.g.and n.sp.).--.--- PY 255 
Desinuictonvots..-- sc. P. 200, P. 203 
Dinolestes lewimi © .52--.-------- P.1186 
Diplodus; review: Of ---22-----5-- P. 608 
Dipterodoneesas-- soecaseeee See P. 684 
Directions for collecting and pre- 

SOLVAM Oe crs sesias ewe nas ese ates P. 224 
Ditrema atripes (n.sp.) -...----- P.156 
Dorysoma cepedianum heteru- 

TUM ee cei ie ere lore ore recers cece P. 43 
Donysomapidsyseseee- eee B.10 
EcheneidiGS=s: sesccie ane seat eces P. 320 
Eels, diagnoses of new genera .. P. 381 

Sena a Oleae- ea eace ee eee P.148 
Elacate canada (crab-eater)....- P.811 
MlaGartids ssceccec cree esceae Seca P. 668 
Hleginus of Hisher™= cess. sese=e P. 853 
BpMippudsm assess se eee P,318 
Epinephelus and related genera, 

American species 
Ole s Seee caeiers P. 447 
drummond-hayi... Pave 

nigritus. P.26, P.511, P.517 



Etheostoma micropterus (n.sp.).  P. 823 
tippecanoe (n.sp.)..  P.791 
Varia GUMS onto ee P.503 
Htheostomatide ss. ces oenee see B.10 
Etheostomoids, descriptions of.. P. 607 
Euchalarodus putnami........-- P. 49 
Eulachon of northwest coast....  P.148 
European fishes in National Mu- 
Seum) Mistiofs-eec-eee ease eee P. 638 
Eurypharyngide, anatomy and 
Telations/OL tne sses--c- eee ee P. 382 
Exoceetus, review of American 
SPCCLES'S.7 eee ae P. 483 
volador (n.sp.)...--- P. 404 
Experiments on animal heat of 
ASHES) se Saab ntcel te moseeiene P.96 
Extratropical North America, pe- 
diculatedishes Oliee----- sss aeee P.30 
HReliehithiys; mOvevOnh=en- 2s P. 832 
Fin-rays, development of .....-. P. 553 
IPLOri da) 225- Sb acy cease mee ee eee PAL6: 

P. 23, P. 24, P.66, P. 73, P. 74, P. 406, 
P. 416, P. 426, P. 427, P. 438, P. 508 
Florida, east, notes on........... P. 104 
new species from.. P. 282, P.355, 
P. 402, P. 404, P. 464, P. 465 

new species of Ophich- 
TAY Se: 2a ce anenince ser P. 613 
notes on fishes from .... P.537 
pipe-fishes of Key West. P. 428 
St. Johns River, noteson  P.105 

Searoid fishes from ..... P. 414 
Flounder, diagnoses of unde- 
scribed genera of... P.165 

new species of PAT 
P.136, P.152, P. 464 

Puget Sound, new spe- 
Glessinamiae aes 

Flying fishes, review of the..... P. 483 
Frigate mackerel on New Eng- 

Ian GsCOaSt y=. aot seeks eee P.183 
GAagusiGiIMDTIUS= ee see eee P.50 
Galapagos Islands, 1887-88 ....-- P.770 

list of fishes... P.840 
eel from... P.369 
Galeorhinus galeus.......-...--- zeal 
Gasterosteus atkinsii.........--. Paral 
(NS8p.)-c.<Seeeoe= P. 1089 
williamsoni ....--- P. 373 
Gastropsetta frontalis (n.sp.) ... P.1030 
Georeiatsossscetenccce cena P. 28 
eastern, notes on fishes. . P.89 
new species from.....-.- P. 453 
Gillichthys y-cauda, San Diego, 

Galt cheeceat OS Set see P.774 
Glyptocephalus cynoglossus. .... P.10 
Gnathanacanthus, note on...-.-.- P. 885 
Gnathypops mystacinus (n.sp.).  P.404 
Gobiesox rhessodon (n. sp.) ----- P. 208 
Gobiide, North American ...... P. 587 
Gobioides broussoneti ...-......- P. 1029 
Gobiomorust-aesere se eee eee P. 685 
Gobiosoma histrio (n.sp.) .------ P. 433 

1OS|(HSSD)) eee sees P. 298 



Grammaloretolercsssee se. s-e == P.669 | 
Grand banks of Newfoundland. . P.78 
Great doiphin, note on the..._-. P. 548 
Great lake trout. --.cas5occc--. P. 682 
Green smnGere pea. 8 Re ee P. 431 
Green Puntle! Cay. 325.22 =. 2. P. 752 
Guligmenha denies 2255-2 oes. P. 25 
Gunnels or proper name of 

DWtter-nshesew 75. vee. - one P. 1048 
Hadropterus aurantiacus ....... P.504 

scierus (n.sp.)-.... P.379 
Hemulon, review of species of.. P. 436 
Hake, new species from South 

Onrolindesaeeee see Cees ee P. 124 
Haloporphyrus viola ........-- Be P. 40 
Harriotta, new type of chime- 

MOI HSH o y= as oe oases deo cae P.1014 
Hawallanelslandsis-2-5-2-<-.62 6 P.1114 
Hemirhamphus rose (n.sp.).-.. P.164 
Heptatrema, proper name of .... P. 1234 
Hermaphrodite 5-.----..--..---- P. 441 
Heros’ beami (m.sp,))---------2+-- et) 
Heteromi, revision of............ P. 1013 
Hexanchus corinus (n. sp.) ...-. P. 167 
Hiatula (Lacépéde), note on..... P. 883 
Hieroptera, rays with aberrant 

PEClOralsiss wan oe ese ae ee else P. 1054 | 
Hippocampid fishes ...........-. P. 1049 
Hippocampus antiquorum ...... Pale 
Hippoglossoides elassodon 

(UISDs Woes eter oe See cece P. 147 

Exilis;m.sp.-2-.-- P. 136 
Hippoglossus vulgaris........... P.70 
Hoplopagrine, review of........ P. 449 
HT GSOnES Ba Vieeee see eee none nce P. 204 
Hybognathus hayi, n. sp........ P. 467 
Hybopsis montanus, n. sp....... P. 461 
Ey polectrodes' <sst2- 25. c-2 eae sk - P. 1082 
Ichthyology, North American, 

contributions to....... B.9, B. 10, B. 12 
Ichthyomyzon castaneus ....... Peau 
Icichthys lockingtoni, n.sp..... P. 154 
NCOSteuss Nee eee eee ee P.123 

enigmaticus, n.sp.... P.123 
MMOS cPe eee see eae P. 273 
Indians Pernitoryss sass scse see P.549 
Indian aeece sess see P. 379, P. 424, P. 681 
fishes from White River. P.423 
new species from Tippe- 
canoe Rivers... cis. P.791 
TORIOSBUS. Soi ca cee os eee oe P. 297 
MO Weiiteee somes Sik Cavett oh aa Sere P. 470 
Isesthes gilberti, n. sp........... P. 288 
Jamaica, Institute of............ P. 418 
VPA ee csie ss sce janes Pave 27. 
P. 1213, P. 1233, P. 1235, P. 1239, P. 1240 
Johnston’s Island, fishes from... P.272 
Juan de Fuea, Straits of, new 

BPCCLES TNOME so aseenene seas ces Beker 
Julidine, review of the......... P. 552 
KamoOn etka: < 5.3... 2ss<.0s.s2<5~ Pelti2 
IANBASE ee nclee aetna sacs elact ee cece P. 624 

new species from ........ P. 456 
Kentucky, fishes from Clear 

HMOGK Soe: Saeee tie atch tes eee P. 378 

La Cépéde, generic names of.... P.324 


ba Have panike ase ae eee teen P. 78 
Labrax, proper name of.......-- Eewie 
a bricii tiny sie. seco sae aoe eee P. 861 
Lagodon, review of ...........-- P.608 
Lake Michigan, =cw species of 

Uramnid edmromtecs 2-22 ee Poi 
Lampreys, nomenclature of... .- P. 989 

’ Lancelets, hagfishes and lam- 

preys of Japan, review of..._.- P. 1233 

Latiloid genera, note on the.... P.214 
Lepidopsetta isolepis, n. sp....-- P. 158 
Lepidopus, Benthodesmus allied 
LOSE see ee eect see seees s P. 241 
Lepomis euryorus, n.sp......... P. 197 
Heptocardians sa2.-5+-5-2-2ee ee P.307 
Leptophidium cervinum, n.sp.. P.533 

Te Spe arose e cee Pepe 

eth ar chin ies pee eee P. 297 
Leurynnis with lLycodopsis, 

IC enti yIO lee aE eee eee P.139 

Linnean collection, American 
fishes in the........ P.510 
names of American 
fishes ake see ee P. 527 
Ihipanisiranulasose- see eee P.65 
Lipogenys, description of ...__.. P. 1013 
sobotidees: 32 8c ees ae eee P.319 
Longelslan dees sn -seesceceee ess P. 657 
Lopholatilus chameleonticeps.. P.77 
Lotella maxillaris, n. sp........ P. 429 
WOWISaNTar ese ee ese eee ee Po271, R437 
Lucioperca, nomenclature of ... P.993 
Lutjanine, osteological charac- 
teristics of the.... P.444 
TEVICWOL se oece wee P. 449 
Lutjanus blackfordii........ P. 24, P. 657 
St@arnsilsoseee seen sec P. 24 
Ty Cod es pa xaliltishes se =ee—— eee ae P.64 
UUMN CLs scose clocwie sees P.59 
Valais s Soecee cos ac sete P.78 
Lycodopsis, identity of Leuryn- 

MHS! WADE cteten Cee sos ane oe P.139 
Macdonaldia, description of .... P.1013 
Ma crurus, ne sptcaecee soe ae eee P. 388 
Mail-cheeked fishes, classifica- 

MOMIOM ee eae sees eee ee ee P. 756 
MagIN Geter seca cee aceon eee ee P. 1089 

(Schoodie Lake)........-- Pane 
Maltheidce <7. 2 22) 22 o- aes oe os P. 34 
Marsipobranchiates ............. P. 308 
IMassachusettsese..o 02 oo eae P.5; P42 
Merlucius, genus related to..... P.165 
MeExICOE 2S. saat eens. P. 242, P. 291, P. 327, 

P. 370, P. 433, P. 903, P. 1159 

Ceminal scceaee eee ceees P.95 

Guaymasl ooo. =.22.- See P.846 

GulfOliescsxtsctecee oe ae P216, 

P. 200, P. 201, P. 202, P. 203, 
P. 281, P.586, P.675, P. 896 
catalogue of fishes 

TOMY oe ce ee P.98 
mortality of fishes 

Iona cae P. 54, 

P. 195, P. 217, P. 349 

new eel from...... P. 335 




Mexico, Mazatlan: = ene easeee 
P. 254, P. 452, P. 71 
new speciesfrom .. P. 221, P. 637 
of Etheosto- 
mafrom. P.823 

of sharks .. P.268 
notes on fishes from... P.94 
(Southern) Rese ee eee P. 925 
MIssissip plies eee eee een ee eae P.179 
new species. ......-.- P. 467 
Mississippi (Lower) .....-..-...- P. 430 
Mississippi River, new species of 
AINIULUS Pe semwe eee sete cess P.90 
IMMISSOUT Sa coe eens Sec mtiee ee eiaae P.470 
MOntaLIGYAOLe asec teen eee aoe P. 54, 

P. 200, P. 203, P. 217, P. 349 
Gulf of Mexico... P. 195, P. 202 

Mugilide, marine species of .... P.434 
IMnrreenoidveeliic oss. eeoe sees 255) JP5369 
Mureenoides, Stathmonotus al- 
Wed 0.2 Paka ceesce coerce P.508 
Musée d’Histoire Naturelle, 
Paris, American fishes in. ...-. P. 81 
Myctophum crenulare ........-.- P.190 
Spiess P. 146 
Myliobatide, nomenclature of..  P.990 
Myriolepis zonifer, n. g. and 
MSP 2S ast osssepecesheew sees P.140 
Myrophis vafer, n. sp-.-..------ P. 334 
IMby xin ee Se ee oro eeecere P. 309 
Myzontsess5. Sotesass sete hese P.308 
Narcobatidz, synonymy of ..... P. 1050 

Nemichthyoid eels, diagnoses of 
MO WAC eNeraiOlq=sseceeeace oe P.381 
Nemichthys avocetta, n. sp..... P.170 
New England......... Pi, ibeled ibe 0DS 
descriptions of new 

species from ....  P.165 

frigate mackerel .. P.183 

New, Hampshire meosscc-seeesece P. 671 
New York (Lower Hudson Val- 

LOY) iaeerece ae cee eeae sees P. 811 
Newfoundland, new species of 

Notacanthideer.- 2... -e--e- eee. P.184 

INICATARU Ae ae bh ee ae P. 732 

North America, synopsis of ..... B.16 
North American fishes distrib- 

bed MlisthOleaceaeeeee osc eee a2 
North American fishes, new 

SPECICS yarns ccs cee tee eee P. 84 
North American fishes, nomen- 

clature:Of -aseecenceeiccrese eee P. 325 

North American fishes, noteson. P. 466 

North and Middle America .... B.47 

North Caroling=-=s.. 4.2505. P.504, P. 550 
(Beaufort Har- 

DOL) sees see IPS5D 

new species from P.178 
occurrence of 

Phycis regius. P.124 

Notacanthide, new species of... P.184 

Notacanthus phasganorus, n.sp- P.184 
Notes on the capture of rare 

fishes vs aso. cheese meeseeees es P. 1165 

Notidanoid' shark =sses-ss5e+ eee P.167 

Noturus, review of the genus.... P.332 



Noturus, elassochir, n. sp .-..--- P. 332 
NOva'Scotialcciccs-osseseeemesese P.65 
OcGeanicWonitosesseess see eee PelsePs4a2 
ichthyOloevse--- sees Sp. B.2 
OMiO= 35 tess sh See eases P.737 
Ophichthys, nomenclature of .. P.336 
retropinnis (n.sp.) P.613 
Ophidium beani (n. sp.) ...--.-- P.355 
Opisthocentrus tenuis (n.sp.)--. P.1127 
Oreynus péelamiyss-e eee ee eee P. 42 
Orectolobus or Crossorhinus, a 
genus: Of sharkss----eee-seeees P. 1057 
OLregon =.-5.2.sceeacsesce eee P. 20, P. 265 
Osmerus attenuatus.---2--.-. 22. P. 123 
Qstraciontide (Trunk fishes)... P. 87 
Othonops eos (n.sp.)....--.----- P. 187 
Oxycottus acuticeps ....-..-.-.-- P. 1167 

Paciticicoasteces- eee eee ee P. 797, P. 1009 
bibliography of 
fishes of the .. B.11, P. 233 

fishes distributed, 

hist {Oljercac seems P. 185 
AsShesMistiOte. sees P.173 
new Notidanoid 

shark trons. esses P. 167 
notes on fishes of 

theses cee see P.191 
of tropical Amer- 

ICS lIshiOlencee ee P.526 

Panama....... P.292, P. 294, P.327, P.639 
list of fishes from..P.329, P. 840 
new species from . P. 334, P. 452 

Paralepis coruscans (n.sp.)-..--- Prez 
Parasites of....... PAli235Pat25sPailss 
Parophrys ischyrus (n.sp.) ..--- P.147 
Pastinaca, generic name of ....- P.514 
Pediculate fishes of eastern 
coast, extratropical North 
JAM CTIGS Sse ecase Sees es P.30 
Pediculatine 4 2a.-5 ose e eee P.316 
Pempheris poeyi (n.sp.)-...--.-- P.516 
RensaGolaycn..osnn ce ceenee P. 465, P. 565 
Perea flavescens ..- <2. -c<- =< oo ra P. 36 
Percidee 22:23. c3. skeet cece B.10 
Petromyzontide, on the genera 
OLithe=.j.cS asic samen wasee ee P. 368 
PetromyZOntids)<... 2 seen eee P.310 
Phy cisi¢hestenimecs-=.ssese neers P.40 
Canliil(m Sp. )ssesseseseeee P.124 
regiusin North Carolina. P.124 
Physiculus fulvus (n.sp.)...--.. P. 429 
Plagiogrammus hopkinsi(n.sp.) P. 967 
Platessa ferruginea ............- P.52 
Tostrata;c2- 2's sece nas P.52 
Platypoecillus, new speciesof... P.1159 
Platyrhina exasperata, generic 
relationsof......... P.119 
Platyrhina triseriata (n. sp.).-. P.108 
Platysomatichthys stomias 
(SPY) soe acacs eon cee cee P.152 
Plectromus crassiceps (n.sp.)--. P. 486 
Plectroplites and Hypolectrodes P.1082 
Plewropadus See ace see ec. seers P. 853 
Pleuronectes glaber............- P.49 
Pleuronectide, review of ....-.- Pees 
Pleuronectids-es--e-sse sees cee P.757 



Pleuronichthys verticalis (n.sp.) P.117 
Poecilia butleri (nm. sp.) ..------. P. 719 
Peecilichthys, new species of....  P.751 
Peeciliide, nomenclature of....- P.991 
Peecilioid fishes, nomenclature 
OLEAN te ne ate in acienaie aie mie P. 1060 
Pollachius chaleogrammus -.-.- P.939 
Polynemus ealiforniensis .-.-... P. 630 
Pomacentrus rubicundus, life 
coloramonvOl--as---2es22--s25- Pe3at 
Pomadasys, new species of... -.-- P. 242 
POMALOMICeee = sae see seas ce: Pr317 
Porichthys porosissimus .......- P. 405 
Potamocottus bendirei (n. sp.)-. -P.190 
Preserving fishes, directions for 
collecting-and! 2-425-<2-4=---- P. 224 
Prionistius macellus (n.g.andn. 
BD )ieseee seen see ceitiemee termes & P. 387 
Prionotus ophryas (n. sp.) ------ P. 465 
TEVIEW Of 2.2 2305205- 55 P.574 
stearnsi (n. sp.) ------ P. 465 
stephanophrys (n.sp.)  P.182 
Pristipoma approximans (n.sp.).  -P. 418 
Propterygia, Rays with aberrant 
Pectorals’: Masso ses cae cco sa P. 1054 
Psectrogaster, new species of ... P. 1055 
Psendolabruszacs-c2esce soso -sse P. 861 
Pseudotriacis microdon.....--.- P.357 
Psy chrolutideeteo..,.5¢2 222 =2o2" Beil 
Pterophryne, specific name of -- P.32 
Ptychochilus harfordi (n. sp.) .. P.193 

PuvetiSound=.-scescneese- = PS2b 0 bas 
new flounders 
FLOM Soas sass ses P.147 
new species of Ne- 
michthys from.. P.170 
Punta cATren as 2s: sens ecescee P. 639 
Quillehute Indianstakingsmelt. P.112 
Rachicentron or Elacate.....-.. P. 1059 
Raia VOM absence aes ect ec et= = P.194 
Maina (Msp) see aoe P. 141 
stelluata; (n= sp:)) -a--c5---- P.129 
Ray, new species. ....-.....-..-- P.108 
from  Califor- 
Tale a P.129, P. 141 
Rhinobatide, synopsis and de- 
BCLIPMONSIOLs=- 4526 <sS P.180 
Rhinobatus glaucostigma (n.sp.) P. 370 
Rhinonemus caudacuta......... P.50 
Rhinoptera encenade (n. sp.) .. P.563 

Rock fish, new species from Cali- 
POW A oe ees ee een P. 126, P.176 

Rondeletiide, bathybial fishes... P.1012 
Sable Island bank, new deep- 
Waterdaisharom — .2--5 Foe: P.41 
Saccopharyngoid fishes, on the 
literat:re and relationsof the. P.408 
Saint George’s banks. .....--.--- Peay 
Saint Michael’s (Alaska) .....-- P.70 
Salmo mykiss agua-bonita ..-.--- P.916 
Salmon, Chinnook names of....  P. 244 
development of the.... PP. 502 
Sailmonid @.esc-.5-cecneceece ces P.196 
Salmonide and Thymallide, 
differential characters of...-.- P. 992 

Salvelinus aureolus (supposed 
new species) -.---- P.671 



Salvelinus, namaycush ......_-- P. 682 
SRMNDICL Of ace ineo cence P. 897 
Santa Barbara Islands, new spe- 
GlESTLOM Shee cence eee ae P. 880 
Santa Lucia, 18885---------..---- P.789 
Sargus holbrookii ..............-. P.28 
Seatophagoid fishes ............- P. 833 
Scizena sciera (n.sp.).....----.-- P. 452 
Scopeloid fishes ................- P. 146 
Scorpeenoid fish .-....-..--- P. 157, P. 161 
Secutigeridee, notes on the_.__--- ‘P. 625 
Seymnus or Seymnorhinus, a 
LeDUSiOLSHALKS Ae... se ce secee P. 1053 
Seytalina cerdale (n. sp)-.---..-- P. 144 
DCH (GabIShieee ease hee eee es P. 46 
Sebastichthys brevispinis (n.sp.) P. 1027 
carnatus (n.sp.)..  P.126 
chrysomelas  (n. 
SpHP Se cee secese P.176 
entomelas (n.sp.).  P.132 
maliger (n. sp.) .. P.157 
miniatus (n. sp.) - P.125 
WL SUMS sess ene elo 
proriger (n. sp.) -. P.161 
rhodochloris  (n. 
Sp.) fie sees 3s P.132 
serricepS....-.-... P.109 

umbrosus (n. sp.). P.296 

Sebastine, Pacific coast......... P. 1009 

Sebastoid fishes, new ......-.--- P. 150 

Selachians ....--- crs Se eee P. 482 

Senta Move One essaes- eee eee P. 160 

Seriola stearnsii (Amber fish)... P. 66 

Shark, coast of California ....__. P.118 
from Mexico, new spe- 

CLESIORE Oe eee eee P. 268 

from Pacific coast --....-. Pal G7, 

new species of ......-..-- P. 269 

Siberia, new species from -..._-- P. 210 

Sidera castanea (n.sp.) -.-.----- P. 335 

chlevastes (n.sp.)......-- P. 369 

Siganide, synopsis of genera of. P.435 

Siluridz, synopsis of the ........ B.10 
Siphostoma scovilli (n. sp.) -.--- P. 1043 
mckayi (n. sp.)..--- P. 428 
South American, catalogue of... PP. 842 
South) Carolina 2 ins - aces ees P. 627 
new hakefrom.. P.124 

on a_ collection 
of fishes from... P.328 
Sparus brachysomus (n. sp.) --.. P.149 
on the genus ...--- pases REST 
Spheroides, note on..-.-..------ P. 758 
Spiny box fish, California. ...--. Peo, 
Squalius alicise (nm. sp.)....------ P.186 
Star-gazer, new species of.....-- P.3896 
StathmOnOuus <a. op sae eee P. 508 
Sternoptychide, note on the.... P. 443 
Stichzeus punctatus ...........-- P. 47 
Sting-rays, generic name of ...-- P.514 
Stizostedion, nomenclature of... P. 9938 
Stoasodon narinari............-- P.509 

Striped bassin Lower Mississippi 
Walleyessitse cee eee eneee P. 430 

Striped bass, note on........---- P. 485 
Sudis ringens (m-sp:)5>-2-2---=-- 
SuUri-smerte es ea cs ena 




Swordfish family, taxonomic re- 

lations and distribution of .... P.248 
SYyNChinusi (Mes) Sees P. 787 
Synentognathous fishes......-..- P. 1051 
Syngnathid and hippocampid 

fishes, differentialcharactersof. P. 1049 

Syngnathine, review of the....  P.288 
Synopsis of the fishes of North 
AMET CHa peek csmemeniscee sane B.16 

Tautoea, MNOteOVes =e aes 1 
Temperature to vertebra, rela- 

tlONSTOfa a=... oe as ete ance P. 845 
Terminology of ichthyography..  P.445 
Tetragonopterus, a genus of char- 

ACINOIGHISH ES! soos Sate aa. e ere P. 1061 
Tetraodontide, review of the... P.566 
Tetraodontoidea, notes on ...--- P. 886 

Teuthidids, synopsis of genera 
ODE 2s eae ner Se erie P. 435 

Teuthidoidea, genera of.....---- P. 485 
Teuthis applied to a genus of 
fiShes sSer ei ween ee cecaee eae P. 1052 
NORAS wicccciese sense secre P. 549, P. 1043 
new species from ......--. P. 282 
Thalassophryne dowi ....------- P. 639 
Phyamnvalllid sesso pe cee eset eee P. 992 
Rhyris; replacedine..-5--=-----5-- P.350 
Thyrsitops violaceus (n.sp.) ---. P.658 
MILegias sae aesenise sees eee P. 853 
Torpedinide or Narcobatide, 
SYMOLM VAM ys Ole poesia ee seee = P. 1050 
Tortugas, destruction of fish in 
Chea Sossn eescs teem selene P.37 
Tropical America, key to fishesof P. 242 
Tunnies, generic name of.-....-- P. 965 
Tunny and Albicore, generic 
MAM COL a5 ec Selec Sasa tise al P.716 
Tylosurus euryops (n.sp.)------- P. 418 
Unalashka (Alaska) .......--.-- P.70 
Uranidea marginata (nN. sp.) ----- P.190 
microstoma (n.sp.) ---  P.121 
pollicaris (n.sp.).-.---- P. 277 
rhothea (n,. sp.) -=-=-- = P. 286 
Urolophus asterias (n.sp.) --.--- P. 327 
Utah Lake, collection of fishes 
PROMS esesse se oe Sees oe P.175 
Utah Lake, new species of Squa- 
IGUSMLOM Ee se tear ete eee ees P.186 
Vancouver’s Island, new species 
Ol): Goby LOM. cece me - cs eso: P. 298 
Viviparous osseous fishes, deyel- 
Opmentiohe sseee-heoece cesses P. 501 
Washington Territory....--..---. Peat, 
P. 265, P. 286, P. 388, P. 672 
Washington ‘Territory (Neah 
Baye oe er eee P.144 
Water destructive to fishes. ..-..- P. 195, 
P. 200, P. 201, P. 202, P. 203, P. 349 
Western gizzard shad .......-.-- P.43 
West ndies vist Oljse asses P.595 
Xenichthys xenurus (n.sp.)---. P. 252 
Kenopterus, note on ..-...-.---- P. 884 
Xiphide, taxonomic relations 
and distribution of .........--- P. 248 
KiphilGsss ec aSesesiowscaceecn se P. 303 
Raphister, MSP esse scee see a= P. 130 
Xyrichthys jessie (n.sp.).--.--- P. 675 

Fishes. Xystreurys liolepis, a new spe- 
cresjor founder --sess-eseeone 

Yale College, in museum of..... 
Yellow-finned trout, Twin 

akes: (Colo spe ssseoeneee cs 

Yellow perch, note on scientific 

name: Ob - 7.0522 A42ees ee ese ee 

Zeide, relationships of.........- 
Zophendum, on the genus ...--- 
Zygonectes escambie (n.sp.) --- 
inurus (Nn. sp.)------- 
ZOMAMIEr (MASp.)/= 22-1 

(see also under Anatomy.) 
Fishing vessels, boats, equipment, an- 
glers’ outfits, ete. (London Fisheries Ex- 
hibition); 2ossseh oso eae eee 
Fish-like vertebrates, diagnoses of new 
genera and species of 
Flint, James M 
[lint Jiamies SMS) 2 cee eee seers 
Flora, Washington and vicinity.......--- 
HKlorida, Birdsvsl: s.casesen ase seen ase 
BOX-tOrtolsessi et paste eeers 

P. 107 
P. 329 

P. 780 

P. 485 
P. 1155 
P. 273 
P. 453 

B. 27 

P. 380 

meee R. 102, C. 6, C. 7, C.8, C. 19, C. 32 

C. 46 
P. 457 

Fishes. P.16, P. 23, P. 24, P. 66, P. 73, P. 74, 
P. 104, P. 105, P. 282, P. 355, P. 402, 
P. 404, P. 406, P. 414, P. 416, P. 428, 
P. 464, P. 465, P.508, P. 565, P. 613 

CedariKieystesea-e eee re P. 426 
Lake Jessup and Indian 
Rivers. 2232. 322-2202 P. 438 
New species of....--.---- P. 537 
StaJohns Riverssa--- oe P. 427 
Fossil bones from Tise’s Ford... P.396 
Geologye. 2 2)53-(-sa2s2 2s eee P. 263 
Insects (Lepidoptera) ......-.--- P. 1208 
Mamma isnsSs 5 cma cone aseraee P. 419 
IMollusks ss ssc aeeenceee P. 384, P. 519 
(Unionide),-22s<=-42~ P.911 
Muskrat (Neofiber alleni) ..--- R.5 
Miyria pods 22s ss seccisce ect P. 631 
Reptiles=zesce-ee- P. 727, P. 1003, P. 1107 
Shell-heaps, east coast of...---- P. 966 
Fontaine, William M......-.......-- P. 918, P. 934 
| Fontaine, William M. (coauthor) ......--- P. 821 
_ Food collections, provisional classification 
OL stHhe sean sas, eek eee eee C.11 
plants of scale insects........-....-- P.1122 
Foraminifera, recent, a descriptive cata- 
IOLUCION oaacsiceeea se a- see eee eee eee R. 102 
Fordice, Morton W. (coauthor) ......----- P.575 
Fossil brachiopod, Trenton limestone .... P.775 
plants. Alabama,newspeciestrom  P. 688 
JNIEG) Clee dang ebaccmpectcr P. 998 
Miocene flora ..... P.300 
Araucarioxylon ....-....- P, 784 
Araucarioxylon arizon- 
LEWIN (MSP) esate P. 676 
ATIZONGo 2 Gene creams P. 676 
Cycadeoidea.....----...-. P.1141 
Devoninnkes es sees. P. 928 

Directions for collecting. B.39(B) 

Erian plants from New 
York and Pennsylvania. 
Towa (coniferous) 
Kentucky, Louisiana, Ore- 
gon, California, Alaska, 
Greenland, etc......---- 


P, 928 
P. 677 


Fossil plants. 



Liriodendron, leaves of... P.794 

HOUISIANEreeeeee eee See P. 690 

MCE CO entree onistaccs cee P. 821 

Miocene flora, Alaska... .- P.300 

Montana (coniferous) -... P.677 
Montana (Fort Union 

PTOUP) aero ssses sole P2920 
Montana (Great Falls coal 

field) ws sen ree PS Ols 

Nematophyton crassum..  P.929 

New MexicOreeceo sites. P. 676 

New species Of=.-+.-2-s-.- P. 606 

ING Wey Onkutee des 2 eke ase P. 928 

OMiO maa aie Spas eeas P. 792 

Palmoxylon (n.sp. ).-...-- P. 690 

Pennsylvaniaee-csos-24- 5. P. 928 
Platanus, history of the 

PCNUS TAR ee = -etoeee casas P. 680 

Bertiarye Aes P. 306 
Texas (Trinity div. of Co- 

manche series) ......... P. 934 

WriassiGzca3-0)-c2ee soon P. 821 

trees in New Mexico .......2.22.-2 P. 257 

Acrothele, description of ....--- P.114 

MN OLEOME mena ete ee P. 1120 

PAL MIDAINA Seats oe see toes toes P. 1164 

PAINTERS es sretoat teks gees satdekiecns P.1110 

Apodide, phyllopod ............ Phy, 

Arkansas, cretaceous ........-.- P, 207 
mesozoic and ceno- 

ZOLCR eS ces poe eee P.137 
Basilosaurus cetoides, pelvie gir- 

Geo teereesee 22 -secon coeee tee P.1211 
BI CIA ees aeee een eee = = P. 1229 
Bison of North America ........ P.1172 
Californianeesac 5s. P. 14, P. 1145, P. 1194 

Post-pliocene .......-. ps2 

Cambrian brachiopods ........-. P. 1120, 

P. 1152, 1229 

Carboniferous. -:.2...2...=- P. 113, P. 366 

Endothyraornata  P.91 

new species of ... P. 86 

Caryophyllia arnoldi (coral).... P.1194 

new species of .... P.1194 

Cenozoic, from several States... P.137 

Colorado, cretaceous.....-.---.. P. 207 
mesozoic and ceno- 

ZONCya se ccbeeess st ase Palsy 

Coralss a eastheebe sosse Motes es P.1194 

Cretacbousi. 2-232 a8 Pas, Pall by S207, 

bivalve mollusks.... P.1109 
Stegosaurus marshi 

(Mespr)ieisse-se--e= P. 1224 

Crrocardinm sos: 5. ance oe sees P. 92 

Dipeltis and Protocaris .......-- Pab7 
Directions for collecting and 

WUERALIME sos 2c. cee sees B.39 (kK) 
Endothyra ornata, note on ..... eno 
Eocene, Alabama, new snake 

POMS SaaS. eee Se P.1164 
mollusea from Southern 
United States ........ P. 134 
HthmMocardinmrss2s pees. .e-< P.92 
Florida, bones from Tise’s Ford. P. 396 
Gasteropod from Puebla, Mexico P.131 
(GOOTPIAESS soaGe ato oes 3 ein aces P.116 
Green River group (mollusks)..  P. 266 



Invertebrates, list of publica- 

tions relating to collection of.. B.30 
Iphidea and Yorkia ..-........- P. 1120 
JAPAN ch = sos ask ee oe ee gee aoe P.1194 
Jelly fishes, middle Cambrian 

HELTAN ele sae seep ace P. 1086 
Kansas, cretaceous ...........-- P. 93 
Laramie group, mollusks from 

CEM S eee ee ee P. 266 
Levipalifer orientalis (n. g. and 

MAE Ssh (GOLAN sce ae oe ee P.1194 
Lingula equalis, preserving cast 

Ofjpeduncleces-s..saeeesssee P. 746 
Mimewlelilar* 22622 3.02-ee ese P. 1152 
bower Cambrian. 22555 - eee. P.763 
IMia CroCcH elise seaepe eee ee P. 366 
Maine, walrus remains in ...__. Pewee 
Mastodon and mammoth, bones 

BNO Glee th Obese sees: eee C. 48 

Mesozoic and cenozoie types, 
listiols% nese P. 520, P.568 

from several States... P.137 
Straits of Magellan .. P.793 
Mexico, gasteropod...........-. Paes 
Middle Cambrian. 2. --- 2 2e4-ee P. 738 
jelly fishes 
tromiss-2 52 P. 1086 
Miocene, Arctic Siberia......... P.946 
Cyprinoid fish ........ Rei? 
Leuciscus turneri .- Pol212 
Molluscan forms from Dakota 
TOLMAblON. oes eee eee P.995 
Molluisksse:f ie: a e52 4 P.8, P. 266 
Acteeon, newspeciesof. P.1145 
HOGeN eC 745.2 sone eee P. 134 
Productus giganteus... P.113 
Truckee group, mollus- 
can fauna of-........ P. 267 
Neocene, corals.........-... EOP aAL98 
New Mexico, new species from. P.115 
Obolellamesss eee se P. 1229 
Obolusts ao eee P. 1152, P. 1229 
Oldhamia in America, discovery 
ob the genus2=-s2-cueoscn seen P. 1002 
Olenellus'zone.2- 2-4-4... 2 -- P. 763 
baleozoicwishes) ences -eeeeeee ee P. 866 
Phyllopod, Apodidve............ nL? 
Ein am Sspesves. ce eas P.115 
Plectostyluss: 9 2 oa =) asb6 
Post-pliocene fossils ............ B.2 
PYOLGGATISH sage slab e-eee ee Pepe 
REMOnGIa Ares sk ee ea ee oe P.1109 
Rhinoceros, miocene, 8. Dakota P.1207 
Silurian, Baffin Land ........-.- P. 1192 
SOLORIRCUS! nA cee acs eee P. 366 
Stricklandia davidsoni ..:...... P.116 
Saltenis 2 sacs oe P.116 
Tertiary, from Antillean region. P.1110 
Leptonacea of North 
America and West 
INGISS eee ewe e ce Pelli 
southern United States P. 1035 
Tortoises Ss: se sce sees P.1181 
Pexass APL ee ee et P. 1072 
Cretaceous: 3s. 5s2-te eee P. 93 
Triassic unios; Texas. ...-5.-..- P. 1072 
Trigonias osborni from S. Da- 
KO lies. s ontake actee coe Reet P. 1207 


Fossils. Truckee group, fossils of......-- PE267 
Unios from Toronto drift ....-..- P. 952 
Upper Cambrian fossils, new 
fOKMS'Of =e kee eee oe P. 820 
Utah, mesozoie and cenozoic...  P.187 
Walrus: Temains.y-2 score see See P. 223 
Wyoming, mesozoic and Ceno- 
ZOIG 2. 3 ee eee eee eee PAL3T 
WOrkiais. Jos oe dee ese se teeeee P. 1120 
MOsten: Wii S 2.5 eceseeae een eee moa ea B. 40 
Friends of the Museum, letter addressed to ¢.2 

Fringillidee, North and Middle America. B. 50 (1) 

Funk Island, the expedition to........-. R. 26 ; 

Future development of the Nat. Museum. R.109 

Galapagos Islands. Birdskeletons....... P.798 

Birdsis2s. eee P. 573, P. 767, 
P. 1007, P. 1067, P. 1116 
Coleopterous insects 

Of le oes ees oe P.1148 

Fishes ... P.369, P. 770, P. 840 

MOUSKS seen eee P, 942 

(Grmovey 18 ining eee ee ae nocegacusapsaneocoesae P.1193 

Garman, Samuel ... P.180, P. 482, P.514, B. 25 (v1) 
Garman’s paper on American salmon and 

TLOUL, MOLE ONS teeee ee eccrine eee P. 490 
Gatke; HW 2245525552352 Soe eect ee sass. P. 67 
Geare, Ruth si22. sh sseeeseeces R. 32, Rep. 1897 (11) 
Gelatin casts, on the making of-........-. P. 926 
Gems and precious stones, plan for illus- 

tration of, Cincinnati and New 
Orleans expositions, 1884-85... _-. C. 26 
in National Museum, descriptive 
catalogue of .....- See eee eee R.121 
Genesis of the National Museum! ........ R. 55 
Geognosy: Materials of the earth’s crust. R.51 | 
Geographical and exploring commission 
of Mexico, catalogue of 
animals collected by ....  P.559 
investigation, relation of 
DiolOgyalOs- see eee ae R. 64 
Geology. (For paleontological papers see 
under Fossils. ) 
Asbestos and asbestiform min- 
eYalssci athe re ete een eso eee P. 1066 
Atlantic border, diabase, com- 
POSLLIONNOL ee ase eae see see = P. 205 
Blue mineral from New Mexico _P. 978 
Bogsz0slot [slamdeee-sseceeceae- P.479 
Building and ornamental 
stones at New Orleans Expo- 
sition, plan for exhibitof....  C©.25 
Geology. Building and ornamental stones, 
the collection of--:..--..---.- R.12 
California, (Lower)=.--------2-- R.91 
Catalogue of minerals and their 
SYHORVINS: 2 acer seer ace ae B.33 
Diabase, mesozcic, composition 
Ole sso see casemasacueceer eset P. 205 
Directions for collecting rocks 
and preparation of thin seec- 
TIONS 2... Leseeeemansteeeee Sate B.39 (1) 


Geology. District of Columbia....... P. 363, P. 410 
and lith- 
ology of 

thewescss P. 528 

Economie geology and metal- 
lurgy, catalogue of systematic 

- collections ints =a2s52-2n-e sas. B. 42 
Eruptive rocks from Montana... P.1031 
Feldspar, determination of ....  P. 206 
FIOVIGS assent eseree P. 263 
Fulgurites) <2 sss: eee cesere P.554 
Gemi\collection==.-2------- eee ial 
Gems in National Museum, de- 

seriptive catalogue of ......-- R. 121 
Handbook for department of 
(GeognOsy))s sca aacase eee isc R. 61 
Hornblende andesites...--..... P.479 
Inelined strata, measuring 
thickness Ot asssee se cece eee P. 739 
Jadeite, Burma, analysis of .... P.981 
Little Deer Isle, peridotite from P.707 
Maine (oo; 252: tae bees eee P.707 
building stones.-........ P.365 
PTANTtES es) Ae en P.354 
Metallurgy, economic geology, 
and catalogue of 
systematic col- 
lections in....... B. 42 
Hampe’s method 
of determining 
Cu,O in metallic 
COPper eee eee eee P. 687 
Meteorie iron, Arkansas. -...-...- P. 666 
Meteorite collection ...........-. R.10 
collection in National 
Museum,  descrip- 
tive catologue of... R.122 
San Emigdio ........ P.700 
Meteorites, catalogue of collec- 
TOW OF RE scence Sees R. 122 
Mineral collections, classifica- 
tion ofthese. sank eee cceseee R. 107 
Mineral resources of United 
States, plan to illustrate, New 
Orleans Exposition, 1884-85... C. 31 
Mineralogical collections, the. - R. 92 
Minerals and their synonyms, 
catalogue of 222.25. B.33 
catalogue of series il- 
lustrating the prop- 
erties: Ofv-{-25s 40-2 R. 104 
directions for collect- 
ing: forse aes. B.39 (H) 
in National Museum, 
AS7OMiSt Ofasesceeee P.163 
Montana: 22S 2cce sees ene eee P. 1031 
Nebraska, volcanic dust in ..... P. 497 
Nephrite and jadeite........... P. 696 
New: York = -iisea: see seek cece P. 783 
Non-metallic minerals ......... R. 111 
Ontonagon copper bowlder .... _R. 94 
Onyximanblesteeeese- ee e-e eee R.75 
Pennsylvania ...........-- P, 341, P. 783 

1 Also reprinted in Museum Report for 1897, Vol. II. 


Geology. Petrographie report on rocks 
from United States-Mexico 

OUD GAN eee eae. woos - P. 1173 
Potsdam sandstone ......----- P. 341 
Preliminary handbook to the 
department of........-..-.-.- R. 44 
Prochlorite from District of 
Columbig 22s escee eases P. 410 
Sandstone concretions, forma- 
HOMO - sacs nae ose P. 987 
Sandstone, phosphatic....-..-- P, 263 
Serpentine, Montville, N. J... P.694 
Serpentinous rocks. .....------ P. 783 
Stalactites and gypsum inecrus- 
tations in caves ........--.-- P.985 
MOpAZICLYStalSese ee eee P. 1148 
TrockeeetOUp aa-s-- ee eee = P. 267 
Voleanie dust in Nebraska....  P.497 
Geophilide, descriptions of new genera 
Ole eee eee sae cae cc micise site ees P. 837 
George Catlin Indian gallery......-.-....- R.8 
Georries wis nesr. see c= ae P. 28, P. 89, P. 453 
HOSS Spey acetate ae ees P.116 
Gephyra, northeastern coast. ..-.-.----- P.76 
Gilbert, Charles H..-.--2:-..- P. 130, P. 423, P. 424, 

IPH Ab6) P2607, 23753) b.109)"b. 774, Po 79, 
P. 823, P. 840, P. 856, P. 880, P. 1115, P. 1161 
Gilbert, Charles H. (coauthor)... P.55, P.106, P.107, 
PaAlOsselO9SPs Os Bed Pe iW, Polls. Plo: 

P. 125, P. 126, P. 129, P. 130, P. 132, P. 135, 
P. 136, P. 141, P. 144, P. 146, P. 147, P. 150, 
P. 151, P. 152, P. 153, P. 154, P. 156, P. 157, 
P. 161, P. 162, P. 164, P. 167, P. 170, P. 171, 
P. 173, P. 174, P. 175, P. 176, P. 181, P. 191, 
P. 192, P. 193, P. 194, P. 221, P. 227, P. 237, 
P. 242, P. 252, P. 254, P. 268, P. 269, P. 273, 
P. 277, P. 282, P. 289, P. 290, P. 291, P. 292, 
P, 293, P. 294, P. 296, P. 298, P. 324, P. 325, 
P. 326, P. 327, P. 328, P. 329, P. 334, P. 335, 
P, 336, P. 352, P. 355, P. 367, P. 368, P. 369, 
P. 370, P. 401, P. 402, P. 403, P. 417, P. 452, 

P. 549, P. 639, P. 989, P. 1114, P. 1131, B. 16 
Gallerheedoress 2. see scme eee Pes0e Pole eae. 
P. 33, P. 34, P. 139, P. 214, P. 302, P. 303, P. 304, 
. 807, Pe. 308, BP: 309; P..310, P. 316, P. 317, 
. 318, P. 319, P. 320, P. 321, P: 322, P. 380; 
. 435, P. 448, P. 444, P. 445, P. 448, P. 668, 
669) PaGeds Pa 685; e272; iP. 65 B77, 
. 756, P. 757, P. 758, P. 803, P. 804, P. 805, 
P.815, P.816, P. 817, P.818, P.825, P.831, P. 832, 
P.833, P.834, P.835, P.853, P. 861, P.883, P. 884, 
P. 885, P. 886, P. 965, P. 989, P. 990, P. 991, P. 992, 
P, 993, P. 1048, P. 1049, P. 1050, P. 1051, P. 1052, 
P.1053, P. 1054, P. 1055, P. 1056, P.1057, P. 1058, 
P.1059, P.1060, P. 1061, P.1082, P. 1234, B. 11 
Gill, Theodore (coauthor) .... P.381, P. 382, P. 408 

rbd kg) gr 

Gulletie: ‘ClarenGe, Pe. so sen ne. a a omnia cle P. 1138 
[Gamera i Chra lesa e aeons teat =a P.500 
Girard, Charles, the published writingsof. _B. 41 
Glazier Ve Ca Wiseeece cesar = teenie ne = P. 203 
Gloriosa Island. Birds..........-. P. 1008, P. 1079 

MSC CiS en -ece ase ate Pets 

Natural history of ..-.-- P. 973 
Golden patera of Rennes -...-.-.--------- R.85 


Gooden Ga Brow) eo to sneee kee ee eas R. 33, P: 4, 
Pope: Geel eel yao ee OO, badd, kee ly 
PaGo Pele eLod pb plos, bere ae ne. SoO: 
B: 5, Bi 6; B. 1428.18) Be 20) B: 275 Bo 41, 
B. 49.R). 36, RK. 55; R. 62; R770, Re 7a, oR. 72, 
C.1, C.11, C.13, C. 48, C.44, C. 45, C.46, C.47 

Goode, G. Brown (coauthor) ... P.10, P. 13, P.16, 
P. 23, P.24, P. 26, P.40, P. 41, P.50, P.d2, P.d3, 
PIG4 Broo yexOby Ooi. (bet ipk 1 o, ks do 
P.211, P.241, P. 281, P.297, P.406, P. 510, P. 533, 
P. 543, P. 1012, P.1013, P.1014, B. 25, Sp. B.2 

Goode, G. Brown, bibliography of. Rep. 1897 (11) 

memorial volume 

OLAee 2 teehee Rep. 1897 (11) 

Grampus, birds observed by, 1887 ...----- P.819 
Graphie arts, catalogue of exhibit of, 

Cincinnati Exposition, 1888. ........-.-- Crist 

Gray, Aart: 2 as secccee sects ci Ooe ven aae P. 462 

Gray; SHTUCE RV CZO tea oes se eie ee ee e cree P.931 

Great Auk, history and anatomy of the.. _R.26 

[Grebnitski, NikolaiwAnl| 2222.22 es-e= P.562, 

PAll0G bee 27, 

Green| TurtleiGays Sbishes 38-2 seen P. 752 

Greenland. Eskimo harpoon .......-.--- P. 702 

ISH CS! ey woe saeco ete P. 431 

Hossil plants2 ses sse eee se P.679 

Grenada. “Birds-222 8 ok. pee eee c= P.45 

Catalocuerote sa eee eees-— P. 596 

Guid elowpes er Bild S eee aoe ae ee P.57 

Guatemala: (Birds. 225. see ae se Pat 

Reptiles\s-s- 2 neta eee P.1151 

(Guinther Dro) eeeesee eee eee eee ea P. 58 

Guppy, R. J. Lechmere (coauthor) ...---- P.1110 


Hampe’s method of determining Cu,O in 

Mie talliCcCOp Peles see seeee eee P. 687 
Handbook to department of geology --.-- R. 44 
ia perdOStai ete ses ee nee ee P75 
Harpoons, aboriginal American. .=.------ ety 
HavardsiV:2-ss.2-- Es eens doce seeee Bee aoe 
Havasuspal Indians sser oes =e =e P. 859 
Hawaiian and Fanning islands, contribu- 

tions to natural history of -......------- B. 7 
Hawaiian Archipelago, Kauai Island: 

Hawaiian Islands. Birds......-........ P. 609, 

P. 640, P.692, P. 778 

BUSH OS ae sete aes ae eae ee aloran P.1114 

Mollusks and brachiopods ...-.--------- P. 1032 

AVE POLE Gi cesa ee ee nae eee P.1174 
Hawes, George W ...-.-------- P. 205, P. 206, P. 263 
Enya ab sete ae ena ee lances eo = P.179, 

P. 512, P. 537, P. 624, P. 907, P. 908, P. 909, P. 1181 
ays Wiles oe eee eee P. 935, P. 1176, P. 1187 
esis Ga ieee = ae ciate main ate heen P.393 
Hegewald, J.T. C. (coauthor)......------- P. 257 
Perl prim pAM CLO tr: sae = a tema mm lminmeera stata P. 134 
Melhivolan Gg’ ws Bitds js eae eeites te aa P.67 
Helminthology. (See under Parasitol- 

fHlemphill; Henty:| oss oa. ce= hm <= P. 384 
[Henshall,J.A.]-.--....--.--------------- P. 104 
(Henson, Harry V.] -.----4--------------* P. 904 

1In addition to the papers here indicated several others relating to museum history and adminis_ 
tration, and also to American science and scientific institutions, were reprinted in the Musuem Report 

for 1897, Vol. II. 

154 INDEX 
Hermaphrodite fishes. 2-2-2 -seres ae eee P. 441 
Hermit crabs of Pagurus bernhardus type. P.1261 
PAULL Meriden So. aeeesse seems eet R. 114 
MippisleyAlliire die eae ase eee R. 25, R.118 
Hippisley collection of Chinese porce- 

JAdIS Sse ciietahe testes ee eas ate eee R.118 
Hitech Cocks ROmiynle senate ano eeeeee eee RB: 13; 

R.14, R. 49, R. 50, R.58, R. 59, R. 60, P. 745, C. 24 

Hoffman, Walter dnssssseeo seats sceeem aaa R. 90 
[Hohneliieuwt. von pessese ae P. 1063, 2.1098 
Hollamals Wi Jiseeaies os succes mee eres P. 1062, 
P. 1063, P. 1064, P. 1065, P. 1098 
Holm, “theodore 2------=s--o-- P. 741, P. 794, P. 910 
ELOlnres) Wimmer ce. cck e otme etre ee R.116 
Honduras: sBindseyseeer sc eae P. 665, P. 868 
MMi See eee P. 744, P. 1069 
Hopi ceremonial pigments -.....-.-.-.-- .- R.120 
Formaday. Wile eae seek R15) R.2)), C. 124522 
Horned toads, ejection of blood from eyes 
OBe ete See nn Oe GE RE ieee: P. 907 
Hough; Walterknccccn25 hokecesccesceeaee Reo, 

R. 27, R. 47, R. 57, R. 77, R. 101, 
Res en l2O nee (0s eee00 

[Hovey, Edmund! Otis]| <2 <2 22-2 m= B.39 (M) 
Howard, L. O.. P.771, P. 881, P. 905, P. 1025, P. 1142 
Howard, i: Os (Coasmthor) tense sss eee P. 1092 

Howgate Polar Expedition, contributions 
to natural history of Arctic America, in 

CONNECTUON With theresa. cee eee eee see B.15 
Hudson Bay Territory, Naskopie Indians, 

Omutn OLS sR ecceete = eee are ere eee P.736 
Etta SOnuSyB aye SNCSh see meen- eee eee P. 204 
Hughes, Elizabeth G. (coauthor)........- P.552, 

P.574, P. 608 
Human" beastiof burden: 2-22. 2--2-- 2-5 R.18 
Humbert. Wredios cis foes once eosin P.348 
Hummingbirds} Mh ers. ese ose R. 45 
ET UTAGE Girne = pect ietome ee ee a2 Mca acanecees P. 347 
yd roids: Alaska ser wise e see meee eee P.1171 
American. Part 1. The Plu- 
miularidee <2 ss. sees cee sase Sp. B.4 
Northeastern coast ...-......-- P.5384 
Puget, SOuMGs2si. 2. csc esses yl 
Ichthyography, terminology of.........-- P. 445 
If publie libraries, why not public muse- 

UTS Pio eR ek eciere wim omic R. 82 

PIMOS Botany eaccess: oe eee cee ene P. 264 

MiSh esis sees oss ae ase See Soares Pi273 

Imdisne AmphnOpOLOS yae= etme eee ene R. 68 

Minute stone implements from -. R. 68 

Indian Ocean. Crustaceans --...--.---.- P.979 
Porpoises, skeletons and 

SUIS Of. 22 ese eee Sees P. 982 

Indian paintings, Catlin-.--------2--5- R.8, R.52 

Indian Merritony.. BISMeS)s-.5-en ee cess se = P. 549 

MoUs KS ae caaeeseee P. 740 

Indiana.) -Batrachiams?-s--s0ssses--—eeeae P.512 

BOL Yy-t wee mene ea see P. 264, P. 1010 

Crustaceams)s sec see econ seco ens P. 935 

Fishes'-. 2A... P. 379, P. 428, P. 681, P. 791 

Switz City swamp......- P. 424 

Myriapods es ee seca P2682, 22 fol 

Reptiles assets se secneaeaece P. 729 

Indians, Alaska and British Columbia --.- R. 24 

Hagvastapalssaccrsaeonenee cece P.859 

Kewailkiuitl 222: 2 oscsee soe R. 89 

Ingersoll WErnests: -.)- sss eee eee Renee 

Inman, S. M 



Inscriptions in stone, ete., instructions for 

taling papen moldsiofic--=-4--6--eeeenee 


C. 23 
P. 1062 

ASrita Mastiacenscasececee cee 

“Albatross,” collected by, 

UESTHB8 i otras scree ce ornate ware 

Aldabralslandess sesso eeer see 

Coleoptera. Africa, East ......-. 

Aldabra, Gloriosa, 

and Providence 

ISAM Sey see sees 

Chlamydini,  re- 

view of the...... 


new species of .. 

Coleopterous in- 

sects of Galapa- 

gos Islands.....- 

Echocerus, aew 

species of 

Golden beetle, 

from Costa Rica. 

Lachnosterna of 

temperate North 

AIO nI Came eee 


Scarabeeidee ....-... 

Scolytid beetles, 

synonymy of.... 

Tana River and 

Jombéné range... P. 1094 

P. 1094 

P. 1130 


P, 1041 

P. 1040 

P. 1096 

P. 1085 

genus, Echoce- 
rus, new species 
Osi 2s See P. 1041 
Concerning the department of - C.4 
Costa Rica, eer Sesee eo eee eee P. 1040 
Diptera. Cluster flies,note on. P.331 
Empidz, North Amer- 
ICANi-< -sssten eee P.1073 
J&PaNesCrrs= se eonsats P. 1146 
Lucilia macellaria 
(PALaSILIG) Re eaeseee P.348 
New species of ......- P. 1225 
POLtOURI COR be seeeeee P. 1198 
Syrphide, North 
American, synopsis : 
Ohithe@ise-23> 5 -e aoe B.31 
Systematic  arrange- 
ment of the families 
Ole seieeean eee oe P. 1228 
Directions for collecting and 
PLESeR VAN Pe aun sees B. 39 (F, L, 0) 
Gloriosa, Seychelles, Aldabra, 
and Providence islands ..-.--. P.1119 
Hemiptera Heteroptera ........ P. 924 
Homoptera. Cocci- 
die, food plants of. P.1122 
Homoptera. Scale 
insects (Coccide), 
directions for col- 
lecting and _ pre- 
RELVINE. 2 sa-—ce ee B. 39 (1) 
Homoptera. Scale 
insects, distribu- 
HOMO) eee ae P. 1026 



Hemiptera Homoptera. Typhlo- 

eybine, American 
leaf-hoppers ...--- 

Hymenoptera. Bothriothora- 

cine insects - - 
Braconide, de- 
scriptions of 
new species of 
Chaleid flies, 
Eneyrtine -.- 
Chaleidide, bi- 
galls and gall 
WASDSI= 5 asec 
Eneyrtine with 
branched an- 
tennceeeee ee 
Hessian fly 
(parasites of) - 
family, Chal- 
insects from 
Ceylon (para- 

new species of 

Ichneum onoi- 
dea, classifica- 
tlomOter: sees 

North Ameri- 


Agrotis, revision 
of species of -..- 
Aldabra, Seychel- 
les, and other 
islands; -Hsssee- 
North Ameri- 
can species of - - 
of the genus... 
Sydosia and Ce- 
rathosia ....-.-- 
Deltoid moths, 
revision of the. 
Dicopine, revis- 

ion of the...... 
Eastern Africa -. 
Euerythra, the 
species of...... 
Hloridas. eee cea: 

Hadena, revision 
of species of... 
Homohadena, re- 
vision of spe- 
CLESKORceae eee 

P. 1108 
P. 532 

P. 1025 

P. 760 

P. 1202 

P. 881 

P. 1202 

P. 881 

P. 1092 


P. 1206 

P. 330 
P. 1098 


P. 1064 

P. 634 



B. 48 

P. 1062 

P. 633 

P. 839 



Kashmin esses 
Somaliland ... 
Mamestra, revi- 
sion of species 

vision of .....- 
Moths, directions 
for collecting - 
Moths, North 
American, life 
histories of... 
Noctuide, a hun- 


dred new 
moths of the 
familyeene soon 

Noctuids of bo- 
real America... 

P. 851 

P. 892 

C. 27 

P. 1209 

P. 1203 

P. 890, 

P. 891, P. 892 

Noctuide of tem- 
perate North 
America. ---.-- 


P. 838, P. 839, P. 851 

Noctuidz, North 
America, new 
genera and 
species of...... 

Noctuidee of tem- 
perate North 
America, con- 
toward a mon- 
ograph of the 
insects of the 
SPH ves eee 

Nocturnal moths, 
Campometra . - 

North American, 
of described 
HONS Olaee oes 

revision of Acro- 
WY Clare sass ee 

Saturniide ....-. 

Somaliland ...._- 

genera ........ 

Tineina, new 
moths of super- 

Xylomiges, revi- 
SION Oleees sees 

Lepidopterous family Noctuide, 


toward a mon- 
ograph of the. . 
Noctuide, cat- 
alogue of spe- 
CieS: Of. 4-22 oss. 

Biting lice (Mal- 
lophaga) from 
birds and mam- 

P. 647 

B. 38 

P. 1184 

P. 1208 

P. 892 


P. 440 


Insects. Neuroptera. Dragon flies, stone 
flies, and May 
flies, directions 
for collecting 
and rearing .. B.39 (0) 
Odonata. Africa, East.. P. 1045, P. 1047 
Orthoptera. Acrididze (n. g. 
Sn GENS.) eae P. 764 
Acridide, revision 
of the Melano- 
Dliewee ees P. 1124 
Melanopli, revis- 
ion of the ...... P. 1124 
Spherium, new 
species of...-.-- P.415 
Trimerotropis, re- 
WISOMiOleeeea see P.1215 
Protection of anatomical prepa- 

TATIONS 3. 22523. -25 se possesses pit? 
Providence Island..........---- P.1119 
TENNESSEE = ccetceiss cmseee eee P.714 

Imstallation methodsa2- sec ---s ose. 2-4e- R. 70 
of collections, plan for the... C.16 
Institutions, foreign and domestic, to re- 
ceive Museum publications ........-.--- R.35 
Instructions for collecting birds’ eggs..-. C.30 
taking paper molds, ete - C. 23 
International Fisheries Exhibition, Lon- 
don, catalogues of exhibits of the 
Umnited-States; at thess-22.-c25--ssseeeae B. 27 
Towac Fishes.) cise ke coer cee Sooner P.470 
Fossil coniferous wood ...-.-.------ P.677 
Iron manufacture in Virginia........-.-.-- P.489 

Isopods. (See under Crustaceans. ) 

JACKSON Webs Serene ee eases seer eee PrA2 
Jamaica, sHishesieeseese assess eceaace cs P. 418 e+ ea P.1218 

Yellow boaof. ss. 2... 3. 2-22 P.1218 

Ja pale eAlnOs Ot VCZ0q-2 see =er -seaeee =e R.50 
Anthropology...- R.58, R.59, R. 60, P. 836 
BirditaunajOtecs- ee sees P. 906 
BinGSpeeae eee P. 390, P. 473, P.579, P. 641, 

P. 649, P. 904, P. 931, P. 974, P. 997 

MOLESION ss he jesse eee ae P.383 

OL MAN VRGG een eco cee P.597 

Blenny-like fish, Volcano Bay... P.1127 
Crustaceans (Isopods) .....------ P.1189 

ISHS! 2 se oe ce sooeemce ee Penis ti27, 

P1213. Pe12335 P1235) P1239) P1240 

Hossil (Corals s=.0=- soe oe eae P.1194 

ROSSI G 225s a 8e eos tee eeaee P. 1194 

imsects: siDiptensines eos == P. 1146 
Hemiptende:>..- ase. P.1108 

Hymenoptera -...-..-.--- P.1157 

Mammals. 52 52252222222 222s P. 557 

Playing cards from......-------- P. 836 

Waiter DILdSsosene coe oe ecemtceene = P.598 
Japanese birds, notes om ....... .....-..- P. 957 
review of (No.1I).---..-.- P. 558 

GNOMnD) ste ceas P.578 

(CNo= Wh) P.579 

GNOSTV)) Seems P. 601 

CNOV ip eneeeene P. 628 

(NO AVA) eeeo-—- P. 642 


Japanese birds, review of (No. VIII) ...-- P.735 
(NOSES) eseeeee P.751 

Science College, Tokyo... P.874 

cotton fibers, catalogue of ....-- P. 250 
husbandry, account of... P.251 
hymenopterac.a-n5-- teres oe P.1157 

lacquer, preparation of......... P.745 

legation, account of cotton hus- 
bandry prepared by. P. 
eatalogue of cotton 

fibers prepared by... P.250 
quails, remarks on ........--..- P. 974 
reed: warblers.iaccccescccaeeeee P.997 
wood cutting and wood-cut 
PIinting ie soe oss eeeeeeaee R.63 
woods, catalogue of ..-.-......- P. 232 
Jeerson. JP ese o smce ens See ee eee P. 54 
JeMersonn ea (COMULIOD eases eee eee P.37 

Jenkins, Oliver P. (coauthor).. P.681, P. 698, P. 846 
Jewish ceremonial objects in National 

Museum, Benguiat collection of........ R.115 
Johnson, SE Sasecssn eee eee cere see Poly 
JOHNStons sland. HiShes= pence esas P22 
JONES, Ji MEAN O Wise. exe oe eee eee B. 25 (111) 
Jones, J. Matthew (coauthor) .........--- B.25 
[Jones;/W. He) os-se cece eames eee P. 854 
Jordan, DavidS...--- P. 20, P. 81, P. 84, P. 94, P. 104, 

P. 105, P. 159, P. 160, P. 178, P. 288, P. 404, 
P. 405, P. 416, P. 422, P. 433, P. 437, P. 438, 
P. 451, P. 466, P. 467, P. 485, P. 490, P. 500, 
iP; 503) PSI, P2526, Pe baie OoU Earp le 
P. 565, P. 598, P. 595, P. 630, P. 648, P. 652, 
P. 675, P2682. 719, R. 723, Pario2n bail, 
P. 822, P. 829, P. 845, P. 916, P. 938, B. 9, B. 10 
Jordan, David S. (coauthor)..-....-..-.-..- Pi 5p} 
P5106; 2. 107,-P: 1085-P- 109s Seah Ose Paslebis 
Pe PP Ss Palo SP iel25s Pa 26 ser elooy 
P1130) P5132) Pais P36. be ep asls. 
P3146. P: 147, P2150!) P51) BP. 152 Pe lb3; 
P2154, BP) 156, P-ld7, P.) 161,) P62 eed os. 
iP. 167. -P: 170) Poli, Redo. be ae eel, 
P2176" P-18i. PP 180; Pa 191 eager Ost, 
Po 194) PP. 221 P. 227, PB: 237, bs 24257 b 252, 
P. 254, P. 268, P. 269; P. 273, Pe 277, Bs 282; 
P. 289, P. 290, P. 291, P. 292, P: 293; P. 294, 
P, 296, P. 298, P. 324, P. 325, P. 326, P. 327, 
P. 328, P. 329, P. 334, P. 335, P..336, P. 352, 
Pr3hd; PE. 867, P-368, F-03069, bs oO nee oles 
P. 401, P. 402, P. 403, P. 414, P. 417, P. 426, 
P. 427, P. 434, P. 436, P. 447, P. 449, P. 450, 
P. 452, P. 4538, P. 465, P. 470; P. 483; BP. 484, 
P. 549, P. 552, P. 566, P. 574, P. 575, P. 586, 
P: 587, P. 627, P. 639, P. 752, P. 770, P. 780, 
P7910 3Py 939) (PS 12135 Be os 2 el aoe 
P. 1235: UP) 1239) Bs 1240) B12 Blow Bae 

JOLY EIeIre Ue eese =n ae—- R. 28, P. 186, P. 383, P. 975 
Jouy, Pierre L. (coauthor) -..-.---....-.--- P.185 
Wouy, Bierne tig eae ese nea eee P.1235 
Juan de Fuea, Straits of. Fishes....--..-- Pela 
Juda Sylvester Dee. 2 eee sea eee atlas P. 1084 

Kalb; GCOLE Gib sesame ene a m= eet P. 332 
Kamchatka, ornithology of ....------.--- B. 29 
Kansas: SRUSHCS!s eccsaee teen eeeearn P. 456, P. 624 
Hitec eens Ses seearssewenonsodcc P.93 

Kashmir SBindseseeccess a= sae eee P. 1078 
Insects (Lepidoptera) ......-.- P. 1065 


Kashmir, -Mammals-.----c2-255--- P.976, P. 1004 
Kelloge, Vernonia 2ssce-ss-<-)--2----2-=- = P.1183 
Kendall WiiCse- coc sance cs aeecicmeiesss sece P. 1089 
Kendall wac. (coawthonr). = as-c2---5-- 2" P. 1043 
Kentucky. Fishes, new species from Clear 
MORK sn ascen settee eae Se P. 378 
Hossiliplants\.2s-s.=--=>----- P.679 
Kerguelen Island. Contributions to nat- 
ural history of. Part I. Ornithology... B.2 
Part II. General nat- 
ural history’... .-\-r B.3 
KS GOrs Ji Eick sas cnceste sees cae P. 96, B. 2, B.3 
Kilima-njaro, ethnological collections 
ATOMG> = sees see oe wees R.56 
mammals from .....-.-- P.915 
Keirsche Philip itl acess. sea arse 2 P. 754 
ReishinOuyerKae ae csansne cm asoear ame © se P. 1188 

Knowlton, Frank H ... P.518, P. 676, P. 677, P. 690, 

Knowlton, Frank H. (coauthor) .....----- P.821 | 
[Knowlton) Franko.) --.2-..20:..5- P. 606, P. 679 
[Knudsen, Valdemar] ......---...--- P.609, P. 778 
KoemMernGeRisc cessor «ccc crietiscese ene R. 46, C. 37 
Korean collections of Bernadou, Allen, 

DEG GOWN SESS See ee eee rE eeee R.57 
Korean mortuary pottery, the collectionof  R.28 
Ramm en sNews seco on eeemen 2 ose ne B.15 
Kon 7 |G eOrgewHy. ec a2) 2 =55<0-sesee === R. 11, P. 666 
Renmilpisiamdss Birds) -s- cso. c-5-<s1-i2- P.1144 
Kutenai canoe, notes on the -..---------- R.114 
Kwakiutl Indians, houses of........-.-.-- P. 709 

social organization 
and secret societies 
Ofitheteseeeeesnecs se R. 89 
Labeling, methods of.-5--:----2--+-----=- R. 70 
aprador. BirGs)/5--0--s-46- seeosess se scs P.518 
Crustaceamsws cesses aan P.375 
_ dredged, 1882.... P.374 
Echinoderms dredged, 1882... P.377 
Hxplorahionsine ss e> == R. 42 
MOIMSks ees fee ee ness P. 561 
dredged, 1882....... Pest 
Nattralihistony of--2.. -ssss<5 P. 353 
BDGYOEH Gy ed 5000 Fo} oe AR ees a eS P.1078 | 
Lal Have banks. “Wishes. 32..2<2-5-52- P. 78 | 
WAKER Chicane tHishes: fo. scene 12 eeod 
WAM prowinerPIskim OSesee ees. eee screen R.101 
Toame ley SiR reer crn tote riosiec orale nocieeae C.36 | 
[earcoAndreaio---. 222. ss ec eee sce P. 296 
Lawrence, George Newbold ........-- POPE a ts 

P. 35, P. 45, P. 51, P.57, P. 61, P. 103, 
P. 142, P. 166, P. 216, P. 545, P. 653, B. 4 

[Lawrence, George Newbold, editor] - -..- P. 596 
Lawrence, George Newbold, the pub- 

lished Wwritines\Ole as2-2-.s-cmsocscs--- oe B. 40 
Lea, Isaac, the published writings of...-. B. 23 
Leeches in the National Museum ........ P. 1160 
eiroyaW OhMeM enn sos cass senses sm B. 25 (11) 
Lepidoptera. See under Insects. 
Leptocardians. (See under Fishes.) 
Pleslie;Charlesi@a]is22- os == -c eee eons P. 627 

Lesquereux, Leo. P.300, P. 606, P. 679, P. 688, P. 792 

WESSCIPATI TILT GS IEG a) etme see sie cme P.61 
Letters on work of National Museum,1881. —-C.10 
Leyden Museum, taxidermy in the ...... R. 95 


ipertalsn Birds sesh. Seen ee tise sce eee P. 1182 
Libraries, foreign and do.nestic, to receive 
Museum-publicatons=)---2e-ss----45--—— R.35 
Library, circular requesting material for 
HOE a sae ort Sa eran eee ane rn cane sees C.14 

Life Histories of North American Birds - . 
Sp. B.1 and 3 
Lilljeborg, W P. 621 
inell Martini isa ..cse = accents sees P. 1040, 
P. 1094, P. 1096, P. 1118, P. 1119, P. 1130, P. 1143 
Linton, Edwin. P. 636, P. 893, P. 1123, P. 1125, P. 1133 

Little Swan Island. Mammals .......... P. 744 
Inizards\ of Northv America... 4. s2cee = R.110 
Lo Bianco; Salvatore’. s22se-seeese es. - B.39 (M) 
HOCKNATG Ue Ge cceoneswaceee ss eee aoe P. 827 
Lockington, W.N ..... Bete Eo ls 20 eel 

P. 122, P. 123, P. 140, P. 149, P. 158, P. 182, P. 209 

| London Fisheries Exhibition, catalogues 
P. 784, P. 921, P. 998, B. 39 (B) | 

of the exhibits sent by the United States 

LOVED OS acts oe acc io ones she setae Bead 
ongalslands Wishes: a y-sescess seen acice P.657 
HOnMDErS, MINA sane cee aces sce ee P. 1003, P. 1107 
Lord Bdwin' CB 22 lieve ocsessces sens oes Pa7s 
Louisiana.) Wishes. =--ctecss2. eee cee P.271 

from vicinity of New 
Orleans eee ener ae P43t 
Fossil plants... --.-2-- pee P.679 
Hoss wOOd Sescesseenesee eae P. 690 
Insects from vicinity of New 
Orleans <a5scssenececee ce. ce P. 440 
MOWer Siam) (BITGStenss eee eee eee eee P. 1201 

Lueas, Frederic A... R.26, R. 40, R. 42, R.78, R. 93, 
P. 495, P. 622, P. 704, P. 798, P. 830, P. 848, 
P. 1001, P.1077, P.1095, P.1164, P.1172, P.1207, 
P. 1211, P. 1212, P. 1224, B. 39 (c), C.38, C. 48 

Lucas, Frederic A. (coauthor) ...-..--. R. 6, P. 765 
nee er. O thos ses neee sea stamina P. 213 
ANGUS GOTO SON eset ee areata aera eee ee P.46 
IEVOn Nan GUSeW ey) De eeer cccee seca P. 1228 

MeGuiTen Jy ube soon ssaceeess cee ee sae R. 87, R. 103 
IMeKay,.C hanles sn ceesee ceases ste cee e P. 197 
(McKay, Charles l.])--2:-5--2----.-- P. 513, P. 564 
MeMurrich, J; Playiains ss ees. 25 seceerse2s P. 930 
MeNeill, Jerome ...---------- P. 631, P. 632, P. 1215 
MacHarlane Roos. sveisc ces cannes) aa ee ae P. 865 
Madagascar.) Birds/s22.2-22.--2--- P. 1118, P. 1197 

| Madrid Exposition, participation of the 
Smithsonian Institution in the......--- R.71 
Magellan Straits. Bird skeletons ...-..--- P. 798 
IBN S acon P. 768 
Mame: SRISDCS teiss- seme occ aaa < P.71, P. 1089 
HP OSSUS Beets eae eters P, 223 
Geologyzis-s--2cee es P. 354, P. 365, P. 707 
lfammal skins for study and mounting... R.15 
Mammals. Africa, East ..........-...<--- P.915 
Kilima-njaro .......-- P.814 
TansiRiVeLse sac. - P. 954 
Jankanes- 22k eee oe Pp. 398, P. 495 

Bristol Bay, list of 
mammals from.....  P.564 

Aquatic mammals, cata- 

logue of (London Fisheries 
ExXbipition)e------s-+-----=- Boal 

Armadillo (Xenurus) occur- 
ring in Honduras......---- P. 1069 




Atalapha semota (n.sp.)..--- P. 807 
Baltistants .c<s5seceseeencaceee P.976 | 
Bats, new species of......-.-- P. 786 
North American ......-. P. 919 
North American, mono- 
eraphionthey-sseseee B. 43 
Berns Tslan@eesee-ee- eee P.540 
Bison, American, extermina- 
bono fthesssens ee eeeeeees R. 21 
Black-tailed deer ...........- P. 287 
Bottlenose porpoise, on life 
historyOle-cesseseeccse cece P. 812 
British Amenica- ssn es eee. P. 827 
Califormigees-s2--2-eesee P. 492, P. 623 
Canada lynx, cranial charac- 
hers Of thGen senses P. 603 

porcupine. -s4--- P. 44, P. 213 

Capromys, new species of .... P.744 
Cariacus clayatus (n.sp.)---.  P.734 

columbianus ....--- P. 287 
Carollia brevicauda (n.sp.)-. P.824 
Catskill Mountains .......... P.1147 

Central America....-.-.-- P. 734, P. 963 

Cinnamon beanies. .cee- see P. 338 
Costa, Rigas cscen seer P.850 
Cotton rat, New Mexico...-.-.. P. 994 
Cricetodipus parvus, a rare 

rodent 25.22.22 sss Ses P. 256 
Delphinide, review of the... —B.36 

Diphylla ecaudata, notes on. P. 1099 

Dipodomyscompactus(n.sp.)  P.699 
study of the ge- 
TUS ayes ie ejees,e sin P.580 
Directions for preparing 
study specimens of small 
MANTA S reer seer B.39 (N) 
Dymecodon pilirostris (n. g. 
and Disp.)\-essses-- 55cm. see P.557 
Echinomys semispinosus in 
NicaTagUaseees sss se seen eae P.743 
Erethizon dorsatus .........-. P. 213 
Helistconcolonss--sss- 42 eee P. 323 
Moni da eas svaeceee Sones P.419 
MUSkraty- meses ces see R.5 
Fruit bat, new species of.....- P.948 
yeomys personatus(n.sp.).-. P.699 

Glossophaga villosa (n.sp.).. P.1100 
Guide to collection of (Cin- 

cinnati Exposition, 1888)... C.41 
Hares, new subgenus and six 
new species of ......-...---- P. 1081 
Hesperomys melanophrys... P.850 
truei (n.sp.)---. P.529 
Histriophoea (see Phoca).... P.394 
Honduraseass ese. eee P.744, P. 1069 
Hyperoodon semijunctus....  P.541 
Indian! Ocesiteease-- s-ssee a3 P. 982 
Japan ee see eee eee easeeerecs P.557 
Kashmir: ss. sc ccnemiaseesiccce P. 1004 
Kilima-njaro region, cata- 
logue of mammalsfrom.... P.915 
Little Swan Island.-.........- P.744 
Loncheres armatus in Marti- 
nique, West Indies........- P. 468 
Tiynixs (Canadas aseses cece csecs P. 603 
Lynx, Urocyon, Spilogale, 
and Mephites, Mexican 
pouUndaryeaos eee eee eee P.1126 ! 


Marylan@'soscs-escee eeeees P. 213 
Mephitis, Dorcelaphus, and 
Dicotyles, Mexican bound- 
QTY = s doceac ee te eae eee ete P. 1129 

Mesoplodonstejnegeri(n.sp.)  P.540 
Mexican boundary... P. 1075, P. 1981, 

PPTs sR 1126, Po i29) eldse 
Mice from Costa Rica and 

Mexicocttie.eeecccc oo eee P. 850 
Mole, new genus and species 
Ol cS ice eee P.557 
revision of the......... P. 1101 
Moose, habits of the......... P. 827 
Mulesim milks se: 2a. eee P. 278 
Neofiberalleni=7-222--ee- seen P. 419 
Neotoma, diagnoses of....--- P. 1006 
New Mexico .ces-cer sectors P. 994 
New MOrk: sens ctacnseecesee P. 1147 
INICATAOUS es cee eee see eeeeee P. 748 
North American, diagnosesof P.999 
new mam- 
malseeeee P.1151 
Nyctinomus europs (n. sp.).. P.786 
orthotisy cs. -e- P. 786 
Oregonee sees ce seco eee ee P. 826 
Ovis montana, new geograpnh- 

ical Trace! Of=. 2-262. saees P.399 
Pennsylvania, bear from..... P.338 
Phenacomys longicaudus (n. 

SP.) Saw bssdteacs steecneeeiecs P. 826 
Phoea fasciata, skeleton of... P.394 
Phocena dalli (n. sp.)..------ P. 495 
Phylostome bats, new genus 

Of 22a P.913 
new sub- 
family of P.912 
Plan for collection of (New 

Orleans Exposition, 1884-85) 0. 29 
Porcupine, Canada ...-.- P. 44, P. 213 
Porpoise, new species from 

ANOS a: oon tse cosa sees see P. 495 
Prodelphinus doris of Gray, 

spotted dolphin, apparently 
identical with ....-...----- R.4 
Pteropus aldabrensis (n.sp.). P.948 
Puget SOUNG Gee aston eens P. 602 
Puma, or American lion ..... R.39 
Rocky Mountain goat, habits 
OL the. ee Seas cceacteaee P. 88 
Ry tina PIs asiets ee. ses eee P. 344 
Sciurus, Castor, Neotoma, and 
Sigmodon, Mexican bound- 
ALY A jaiisas Tose sest eases P. 1132 
Scotophilus temminckii -.-... P. 914 
Se@a=COW sa-ccs-2ho eee P. 344 
Sea-elephant, account of cap- 
TUNE ONsasae- bases hoceecessese P. 492 
Sigmodon minima (n.sp.)--. P.994 
Sitomys decolorus (n.sp.)....  P.963 
taylori, relationship 

Olye ance acccenacmees P. 972 

Sminthus in Kashmir....-.... P. 1004 
Steller’s Sea-cow, date of ex- 

Fermin atlOMs Oljeee ee = eee P. 421 
Taylor’s mouse, relationship 

OL Shehs ome Oeeeeieos aesesenee P.972 
Temminck4s| Pawn case eee sses P.914 
TEXAS csooe te eee eee ae Eood 





Materiamedica. Atropia on the heart, in- 

AUENIGEOhe ase ose ee P. 498 
Cinchona barks in Na- 
tional Museum....--- P. 582 
Collection, arrange- 
ment of 
CMe Sis = C.6 
tion of 

the =-- ©:19;C.32 
memorandum to 

collectors of .- C.8 

Drugs, request for speci- 
MICNS Olea ee C. 20 
Matthews, Washington ....22..-.-.---..-- R. 52 
NEAEROT VIR cd ese SA ee keke wee te P. 1226 
Mazyok- Wil amisGeysce eee ties sean eee P. 584 

Mearns, Edgar A... P.994, P.1075, P.1081, P. 1103, 
P.1121, P. 1126, P.1129, P.1132, P.1147 
Meek, Fielding B., the published writings 

Ol yaa emetic anion eee ne Mee ee B.30 
Meeks Sethihiiscs. = se eee see nee P. 461, P.737 
jeMeek= Seth Es (coanthor) ssess sesso see P. 427, 
P. 428, P. 450, P. 453, P. 470, P. 483 

Merrisin Crane osseeee peat eee ee B. 25 (v) 

Mammals. Tursiops, life history of...--- P. 812 
Valevof Kashmir... sc-ccee P. 976 
Vampire bat, notes on the... P.1099 
Vespertilio longicrus (n.sp.).  P. 602 
Vespertilionidie, genera of... P.920 
Vesperugo hesperus........-- P. 659 
Virginia deer, antlers of ..... P. 358 
West Indian seal (Monachus 
UNOPIGHLIS) ee acco cases sens R.6 
Westindies.- 22.2. ss22sss< P. 468 
West Virginia, Canada poreu- 
DING R eee eee eee ae P. 44 
Whale fishery and its appli- 
ANCES emacs tec cee ee eet oc B. 27 
Whalebone whales, nomen- 
Chatureion thes eses ee aes Be ll63 
Whales, new species of ....-. P. 344 
EMCMMUIUBS enere chic esses ese os P.1069 | 
Maneala, the national game of Africa.... R.84 | 
Miriniiio bar ind siOlesceeemessscces cen ce mece P. 841 
AMT MANDEL Use ccemc mee scces cose steaceses ce P. 937 
Man’s knife of the North American In- 

CRN Ste eee aa ia She eee mee See eee R. 106 
Manual of American land-shells .....-..-- B. 28 
Marcou, John Belknap........-. P.520, P. 568, B. 30 | 
Margarita Island. Birds................. P. 1093 

Marietta Exposition, report on the parti- 
cipation of the Smithsonian Institution 

Merrill, George P.. R.12, R.44, B.51, R.75, R.91, 
R.111, P.341, P. 354, P.363, P.365, P.410, P.479, 
P. 497, P. 523, P.554, P.694, P.700, P.707, P. 
783, P. 985, P. 987, P. 1031, P. 1066, B.39(1), C. 25 

Merrill, George P. (coauthor) ............ P. 696 
Merrill ames C.asesee see ae eee PEO 2PESS 
Mesozoic and cenozoic types in National 

MUSETIMEGLIStOLeee Rene eee ee eee mereee P.520 
Metallic casting of delicate natural ob- 

JECUS ie sare ns ne ese See ce eins eae: Some Pi 212 
Meteonic irom) Arkansass.sc2 sss j.sseo5- = P. 666 
Meteorite collection in National Mu- 

SCUIN Seas eee ae ae eee oon ee eee R. 10, R. 122 

| Meteorite; Sani Hmigdidic:seeeee eee eeees P.700 

and National Museumin the........... R.33 
Marine animals at Naples Zoological Sta- 
tion, preservation of........-. B.39 (M) 
invertebrates, Littoral marine 
fauna of Proy- 
incetown ....-- Pel28 
New England 
coast, dis- | 
tributed: =.-.--- Pree) || 
New England 
coast, Series II, 
distributed .... P.230 | 
New England 
coast, Series ITT, 
distributed ....  P.231 
New England 
coast, Series lV, 
distributed ....  P.371 
New genera and , 
species of. --:-: 168 
New genus and 
Species! of-2--.- P. 534 
New species of... P.169 
COMStRee ee oe eATGsa| 
P. 168, P. 169, P. 284, P. 534 
DVI seit Cale See eens ares Son oe PS Li5z 
Marsipobranchiates. (See under Fishes.) 
MomtinigieseBindStecess5 22 < cacme cas coed Ppl 
Maite GCOne Ose: ace ieee esses tbes P. 782 
Marx, George (coauthor) .....-.-.-..----- P.951 
Manyland=sMammals= 22 sce coostcscccs. ce als 
NICO MEA ONG os Ses See Re See ae Rod hve ae Riedl Gs 
R. 18, R. 38, R. 48, R. 838, R. 106, R. 112, R. 114 

R.117, P.531, P.730, P.776, P.932, P.1015 

Massachusetts. Fishes................. Pb; P.42 
Littoral fauna of Proy- 
IMC ETOW Mee eiece sec c= P. 128 
Mollusks (Marthas 
Wineyard iS s...ce-..c. P. 284 
Mastodon and Mammoth, relating to.... ©.48. 

Mexican boundary. Mammals... P.1075, P. 1081, 
P. 1103, P. 1126, 

Peli29 PR rI32 

Mollusks's2s2se52-¢ P. 1033 

Petrographic report 
on rocks from.... P.1173 
Mexico Anthropolosyiss sonatas sees P. 932 
IBITOS': nines saeee eee ee P. 385, P. 617, 
P. 895, P. 945, P. 962, P. 1045, P. 1091 

collected by Geographical . 

and Exploring Commis- 
SIONS ss cone onsen eee eae P. 559 

from southwestern Mex- 
ico, catalogue of........ B.4 

Catalogue of reptiles and batra- 
@hiansvOllsicc. cess ecesesee a B.32 
Wishes'-222-ce- Pega PE 9b. be oes oats 
P. 242, P. 254, P. 268, P. 291, P. 327, 
P.335, P. 370, P. 452, P. 637, P. 719, 
P. 823, P. 846, P. 903, P. 925, P. 1159 
from Guaymas .......-..- P. 433 
Fossil plants, Triassic.........- P. 821 
IMOSSIIS eee ances wees ee oecce er Pest 
Gulf Gi sBindss oc. son tee sea P. 652 
Hehiniiw sass cock P. 491, P. 544 
BUSH CS se. sees ae cirea< P.16, 

P. 54, P. 98, P.195, P. 201, 
P. 202, P. 203, P. 217, P. 281, 
P. 586, P. 675, P. 896, P. 1029 
Meduse from P. 528 


Mexico, Gulf of. Stalked crinoids....... P. 547 
Warteritromir cesses P. 222 
Mammals, collected by Geo- 
graphical and Exploring 
Commissionieeeeeses-=-eee eee P. 659 
Reptiles and batrachians ....-.-- P. 922 
collected by Geograph- 
ical and Exploring 
Commissionee-------= P.559 
Spon Pese esses cece e etre eceee ae P. 542 
Microscopical mounts of vegetable textile 

fiUWCrs! 4 decane eee nec ece oe eeen aces R. 14 
Middle America, birds from ......--.------ P. 655 
Middle Cambrian fossils... . Vadewiete eee ae P.738 
MuillersGerritiso9 jtececss-eoo-isseeea tee B.39 (N) 
[BNE US ee lets a] steerer ated etal ee P.79 
Mineral collections, classification of the. R.107 
Mineralogical collections, the.....-.----- R. 92 
Mineralogy. (See under Geology.) 

Minerals and their synonyms ......------ B.33 
catalogue of series illustrating 

the properties of..-.....------ R.104 

Phemonmim etal cea ese eee = R.111 
Minneapolis Exposition, report on par- 
ticipation of the Smithsonian Institu- 

GOT NNN eea cee eee eee meee R. 23 
Minnesota... Mollusks: = .2-¢ s22----s-ce-= P.1190 
Mississippis wHISDGs 2 esse ae cer P.179, P. 467 
Mississippi River. Fishes.......--------- P.90 
Mississippi River (Lower). Fishes...---- P. 430 
NVETSSO Ul em HIS GS ee ee eee ieee P. 470 

NMOlINSIKS i eer eee eee ee eeeeee P. 651 
[Mitsukuri, Professor] ...--.-------------- P. 1108 
Molitusks) -Attricar Wiestie---2-cs-s2---s--- P. 940 

Agriculture, Department of, 

list of shells received from. P.844 
INE) Goopeaceancasucacdopes P.1, P.48 
American land, fresh-water, 

and marine shells2---—.~-7-- P.813 
Antilles, Solenide of......... P.1185 
Arctic: TERIONs.2. <5 see see e P.48 
ANTI CULACCAsere- tiem sane ae P.519 
Bering Seae-epere accent senor Papi 
Bering Sea Island .....-. woes CEsOO2 
Brachiopods, index to names 

applied to subdivisions of. - B.8 

IB UUM Sie ee ae oie cli cir P. 958 

California .. P.18, P.536, P. 898, P. 1191 

newlandshellfrom  P.584 

California (Lower) -..--- P. 536, P. 958 

Cardiide, synopsis of the....- P.1214 

(@niLonis eee ae teceretrr= oe = P. 48 

eastern coast of United 
DSUMbCS emis ea Sac es P. 246 
on genera Of.-.:--.--- P. 228 
Commander Islands.......--- P. 442 
Concerning the identification 
Offs 5.22 eee Beem aitoee see = =i C.47 
Costa RiCke Sse reas cae Patt 
Cilbeieeesnseemene eae stance = P. 790 
Cytherea crassatelloides, notes 
OM) soot seek See eee eect se P. 1149 
Economic mollusks, appli- 
ances for capture and prepa- 
ration for market (London 
Fisheries Exhibition) ....--. B. 27 



POG aise ee scsek ceases P. 384 
land and fresh-water 
shelisiotes-oss-er see P.519 
Galapagos Islands ..-.--.-.--- P. 942 
Gnathodon, monograph of...  P.988 
Haliotis fulgens, new variety 
OL noe tee tec eee P.1191 
Hyalina sterkii (n. sp.).--.---- P.710 
Indian Territory, land and 
fresh-water shells from....- P.740 

Instructions for collecting .. B.39 (G@) 
International Boundary Com- 
mission of United States and 

MexiCOwrl= -c2c= season oceeeee Pia 
Tabradon: co 222.5-esse seco P.377 
Land-shells, American, man- 

Wal Ofns. seem once seer an B, 28 
Leptonacea, North America 

and West Indies.....-.....- P.1177 
Jum petsiieacesceiee sees eee P. 48 

eastern coast of the 
United States....-- P. 246 
Lucinacea, synopsis of the.... P.1237 
Martha’s Vineyard .......-..- P. 284 
Mexican boundary survey..-. P.1033 
Minm esota 2 sche ee a= ace P.1190 
MASSOUNscerisaeo aces biatch P.651 
Naiades, synopsis of.....----- P. 1205 

North American land, fresh- 

water, and marine shells... P.971 
North Labrador and Arctic 

SOAS) Soke Gendeie= oeeee eemeaaets P.561 
Northeastern Coast. -.-.--- P. 76, P. 168 
PaecihierCOast=pescs- erase P. 1034 
Pearly fresh-water mussels... P. 1068 
Pearly fresh-water mussels, ‘ 

SYDODSISiOf: Saas eeeeee eee eee P.1205 
Point Barrow expedition. .... P. 460 
Pteropods and Heteropods, 

collected by ‘‘Albatross,”’ 

NSS7T-88 2 oA ee |. ac eaters P. 943 
Pupide, new subgenus of .... P.726 
Revision of deep-water mol- 

lusea, Part I, Bivalvia-..--. P.1189 
Sanpeediro Baiysasceeesce sone P. 898 
Selenites ccelata (n. sp.) -.-.---- P. 584 

GUAM 2c see P.584 
Shell-bearing marine mol- 

lusks. and brachiopods, 

southeastern coast of United 

States, preliminary cata- 

JOLIE Olga eee eee B.37 
Shells from Heron and Eagle 

lakes, Minnesota ....-.--.--- P. 1190 
Solenidze of North America’ - 

snd cAmtilles 2.22. es5-eeeeers P.1185 
South America .):...-2222---2- P. 854 
SR ain eee aoe ee elas oie iste ea P. 1238 
Tellinide, synopsis of the.... P.1210 
Tres Marias and other locali- 

GIES Dattenoee ccs cae tanec P. 996 
Turbinella pyrum,anatomyof P.521 
Unionidse of Florida and 

southeastern States......-.- Pout 
Unios, Ozark region .......--. P. 651 
Veronicella (slug) -....--..... P.1238 


Mollusks. Vertigo, American species of. P.726 
Vertigo cubana (n.sp.)....--- P. 790 
West American shells dredged 
by ‘‘Albatross,’’ 1888-....--- P. 849 
West coast of North and South 
PAUIVETICDG wiamscsescsieeilnses P. 941 
West Indian region......-..-- P.1011 
Mollusks and brachiopods, collected by 
UAC A GLOSS: 25 (S84) meester = sie oslo atoll Pre 
Mollusks and brachiopods, Hawaiian 
Nislsarvel Seeeererse eee eres acess nis eto sieve aieie P. 1032 
Montana. Fossil coniferous wood ....-.- Plena 
planits-—. eases 2 <5 P. 918, P. 921 
GeOlOs Vet enesceriesmctcses cose cl P.1031 | 
Micon COM pwAG Mie coer eine see ne ecciec ec P. 924 
Moores Charlest:. tess sce sccsestecsieeeaee= R. 94 
MORE da el C Yar seaeee == cineca = inc ei P. 1160 
Mio Oren Ml And antccece cece ose cca ss oes P. 202 
Moore, Thomas (coauthor) ............--. P.37 
ESE RI GaVy Bur CNS eee ace ps oe cise = vege Sect rele R. 82 
Mount Vernon, stone age at.....----.--.- P. 730 
Mir aC h OUI se) e nos clsissnlsteic nancies P. 1097 
Mamdoch. J@hnis---<-.c=--2----- R. 3, P. 459, P. 702 
Museum administration, principles 
ODS soe oe saree eee Rep. 1897 (11 
CatnlOoguese.ss55-2- secs-c--ss- R. 32 
classification, outline of 
SCMEM ClOle- einai erefaee meiciee =e C.138 
history and museums of his- 
LCT Yipee eetetaye cate sie oratain =i Rep. 1897 (11) 
methods, recent advancesin.. R.70 
Museum, National, genesis of the!....... R. 5d 
Museums of the future! ............---=-- R. 36 
Dulblichee pee caese ete cs mencete R. 82 
Musica) scales, history of............-.--: R.119 
Myological specimens, preparation of.... P.243 
Miyrinpods:. “Africa 2.2.20 52<-5-<tecs= 22s P. 968 
Wesbeten pce te ckibaee P. 951 
Blind species from Luray 
Caviar mentane Se riatecicisis Pas 
Chilopods. Geophilide, ar- 
TANSemMent Ola-— 4-25 eon P. 1039 
Chilopods. Geophilus atten- 
UaHUSiS |: sese = Seeene ls Se See P. 1038 
GON SOF eran enen= sees aes Seas P. 1036 
Ctenoiulus (n. gen.) .--..--- P. 968 
QU aye c ate aera cissiziaeieesctiene P. 720 
Diplopods. African, Gom- 
phodesmide. P.1170 
African, Pachy- 
bolus! . 22 = P. 1168 
Merocheta ..... P. 1154 
New genus from 
Surinam ..... P. 1037 
Polydesmoidea. P,1042 
, Striariide ...... P, 1169 
matide, revi- 
SlOMOL eo e-eee P. 1137 
Florida, Escambia County, 
new species from ......... P.631 
Fontaria pulechella (n.sp.).  P.714 
Geophilide, notes on the... P.887 
NGA a ssc acento c eek ecee P. 731 
new species from.. P.632 


My riapodsy es Liston ias.cenneee eens ace ee P.181 
Lithobiide, noteson the.... P.625 
Lysiopetalide, list of .....-- Pb. 181 
Nat. Mus. collection........ ee? 
NorthvAmeri cans. see B. 46 

new species P.670 
Oxydesmus (diplopoda).... P.1036 
Scolopendrellide, genera of 
Che weder sss eeuecesaeectias P. 280 
Seutigeride, notes on the... P.625 
MOEDIIESSEC!. -(52 Saahescceeeese ee hek 
WaT einNia soesee ce ceGeeoscee P.181 
Myzonts. (See under Fishes. ) 
[Nemes Mi cnc cielo es eeceecin ene P.597, P. 649 
Naples Zoological Station, preservation 
of marine animals at the ............. B.39 (M) 
National Museum. Anaccount of the... R.97 
Exhibition cases ...- R.70 
Future development R.109 
Genesis of thel...__. R.55 
Im Stallion arse eee R.70 
abelin geese. ae R.70 
Organization and ad- 
ministration of.... C.1 
Organization and ob- 
JeCiSOltheseeeeees C.15 
Police system in .... Cot 

Natural history of Lower California.--..-. R.91 

Naive O belt-wieaivier jaca eee eaten ee P. 860 

Nayajo, evolution of house building 

AIM ON Sites jose sae eve oes ease eels P. 902 

Nava) OShOeMa Ker ae. setae acs seeee cree == P.697 

WAM OTS Se at eins eps tnete,ooei= eaiciete = P. 683 

Naval architecture, prehistoric........... R.61 

Nebraska, /Geolopyesce. asec. cceeaecieeiets P, 497 

Needham JamesiGereceesseee saceeer ee B. 39 (0) 

Nelson WB aWiis. Sots sce. fist eee es P.395, P. 399 

IN elsoniWlins ease a aaeeickace ene aeeeeisceee P. 1230 

Nematoda, northeastern coast........---- P.76 

Nemertina, northeastern coast.....-...-- Pie 

Nevada. Fossil cyprinoid (Miocene) .... P.1212 

ING WDEILY, ij Scene ae se ceeeses tee eee eee P. 306 

New Brunswick. Anthropology (shell- 

MOUDAS) se ee ese Se cee anieeieneisees Pe229 

New England. Anthropology (shell- 

MOUNGS) posses e se oeas P. 229 

Crustaceans cease a--e- = BeLiz 

decapod... P.455 

Misheshrau osc Setccecsecy 1eitith 

P.165, P.177, P. 188, P. 658 

TROpPOdS Ses -oose esters P.75 

Newfoundland. Explorations in .....--. R. 42 
Mish es! st.24 See ee ca P.184 

New Hampshire, Fishes............-.--- P. 671 

New Jersey. Geology (serpentine) ...--- P. 694 

INGWAMERIGOn (BIrdS see. 555. s-eesne seco eee P. 432 

Crustaceans) oh. 2. P. 1128 
MOssils 2cacss a. oe eaccseacee P.115 
Fossil woods .c.sessc-<<<5 P. 676 
Geologyss cc ccneeseeaenees P.978 

blue mineral ..... P 978 
Mami ol See arse sesame ee P, 994 

1 Also reprinted in Museum Report for 1897, Vol. L. 

8879—No. 51—02 tt 


Plan for ecollec- 
tion of build- 

New Orleans Exposition. 

ing and or- 
StOMES Sea eeae C. 25 
Plan for collee- 
tion of mam- 
malsyss-ceee C. 29 
Plan for illus- 
trating gems 
and precious 
stonesi=.s---- C. 26 
Plan for illus- 
trating the 
textile indus- 
Ties eee se C. 24 
Plan to illus- 
trate the 
mineral  re- 
sources of 
the United 
DBLMtes ances = €.31 
Report on 
exhibit at 
theese sae. R.9 
Sketch of 
exhibit at 
Ee a ees = R.7 
New York. Anthropology--------...-.-. P.351 
HISMES Sete sce seeeeoes eee P.811 
iHossilliplamts:-so.<-s2= = P. 928 
Mammals of Catskills ....... P.1147 
Serpentinous rocks........-.. P. 783 
INT black “ARP Ese vec oncsccieeeins se R24 NPs 118 5G. 23, 
Nicaragua. Birds .....-..... P. 391, P. 947, P. 1090 
INISNES Hs sca sacicec cme tices estes Pae2 
Miarmimal ss oieseeeseeecee seas P. 743 
[Nichols iieuts-Henryeb||Sasccceci - a Poot i 

P. 255, P. 227, P.387 

Nomenclator Zoologicus (1882) .........-- B.19 
Nomenclature of North American birds... B.21 
whalebone whales ...-. P.1163 
Nonmetallic minerals ...................- Ratt 
Norsk naval architecture .......-...----- P.583 
North America. Batrachians of .......... B. 34 
Fishes of,synopsisofthe. B.16 
MiyriaipogsiOL =---.-s224- P. 670 
North American bats, introduction to 
monorraphiOben..o-5s0 sce eases se Sos P. 919 
North American bats, monograph of....- B. 43 
North American birds, life histories 
OES. Sata nes sake eee eee ene Sp. B.1,Sp. B.3 
North American birds, nomenclature of - B.21 
North American ichthyology, contribu- 
wake opi (1) cacnoce peace cocsSeraeSsceeous B.9 
(El ee ede er er B.10 
(GULL) nao en eee ase ee B.12 
North American Syrphidz, synopsis of 
tHe eroseciadacece cos sawionaeeeeriee sae e B. 31 
North and Middle American birds ...-.-.-- B.50 
North and Middle American fishes. .-....- B. 47 
North Carolina. Annelids (Polycheta) .  P. 852 

Fishes. P.55, P. 124, P.178, P. 504 
Beaufort P. 550 


North Pacific surveying expedition, Phro- 

nimide collected by the...-.-.--.-.-..- P. 258 
Norway... ‘Birdsc2 252242. 555502-- a eee P. 686 
IN OF.2) SCOll si) EI SINCS eee eer ae ee P. 65 
Niuttine.Charlesi@ phe as s-0 = = eae P. 295, 

P. 305, P.391, P.1171, Sp. B. 4 

[IN VC# Weal. < sSc cost corer cccsee cae ansinae P. 420 


Ober; Wrederick A= 2eses-ecece er eeecees ee loy 

P27, E. 30, P45, bol. Oneeot 

Oberholser) Harry'@! ss. 2+ ---eeeee P. 1080, P. 1153, 

P. 1180, P. 1182, P. 1195, P. 1196, P. 1197 

Oceanicichthyologyo-e-cesee eee Sp. B.2 

Ohio, ‘Cloth from moundines2e ee seeee P. 347 

Fishes from Maumee Valley ....- Pow 

Fossil planits:-- 2-2-2 0a) se eeeeeee P. 792 

Harvest-spiders, catalogue of .... P.950 

Phalangiidtes 2 sshecue so seee senee P. 950 

Oil, porpoise, manufacture of ......-....- Pao 

Ontonagon copper bowlder............-.- R. 94 
Onyx marbles, origin, composition, and 

USES Offs cees st sacs ee eceeee eee Oe R. 75 
Odlogy of North American birds, com- 

PATALLVe gehen wcic seee Seo ece eee eeeemeee R. 69 
Orcutt, Charles R. (coauthor) -....-...-..-- P.536 
Oregons GE HIsShes Mrsa- see -e nse eeeeee P. 20, P. 265 

Hossilsplamts =. = scecispaeeee ees P. 679 
Mammals 223.6522 05cee eee P. 826 
Organization and administration, Na- 

tional Wiuseum, 188ie2 22 2e sco saee eee C.1 
Oriental antiquities, exhibit of section of 

(Cincinnati Exposition, 1888) ....-...-. C.39 
Orinoco disinich, BirdS==5---5-eeeeee eee P.589 
Ornithology of Kerguelen Island ........ Bie 
Osteology. (See under Comparative anat- 

fOtakay Kem Oswke) aes. eee ee P23 

Pacific coast. BiLds-fee s2-eeaee eee P. 85, P. 799 
‘ Crustaceans >. 5. -Ss-25sseee P.933 
SPIsHeS 2ooo sss. c2S4eemeoees P.147 
Piil67,.P lise Pals tots 
Pi) 233), Be to e009 
Isopods, key to the ....-.- P.1175 
Mollusks).::...255-¢22 sere P. 1034 
Shells dredged by ‘‘Alba- 
tNOSSE) acca ==. 3c eee P. 849 
(Tropical America) fishes, 
apogal sso 2.5s/Jsace eee P. 856 
(Tropical America) list of 
fishes irom. ..=-t23essse3 P.526 
Packard Reliestmececseae - = <(-'s sacs P. 978 
Palawan Islands. Birds, list and distribu- 
tion Of. o-cessenseee oe ee aerate P.1134 
Paleontology. (See under Fossils. ) 
Pallas’ cormorant, contributions to his- 
TORVODS ta - <b coeees P.765 
cranium! Of sass eee P. 1095 
Palmer, Wits .24--Sseceecn ees] == eee P.819 
Panama. <tishes aes-eecee--o esse eee P. 292 

P. 294, P. 327, P. 329, P. 334, P. 452, P. 639, P, 840 


P. 893 

Parasitology, avian entozoa, notes on .... 
biting lice (Mallophaga)... 
Cestode parasites of fishes. . 
Cestode parasites of fishes, 

lamvailee 2352 eee ec 
Chalcid flies, genera of--.... 
Iechneumon flies, classifica- 
(On Offseason cnet a esse = 
leeches in U. 8S. National 
IMMSCUn sas c/2 22 22 casa 
Lucilia macellaria infesting 

P. 1123 
P. 1202 

P. 1206 
P. 1160 

parasites of Hessian fly .... P.532 

parasitic copepods, deserip- 

ULOIES 0 lee Oe ee tae P. 572 
parasitie copepods, Lernan- 
Ghropuste. 282 sks sce os ae P. 664 
parasitic copepods, list of.. P.454 
parasitic copepods, Perri- 
SOPNS Ss ooo ike sears oe ce P. 664 
parasitic copepods, Trebius  P. 664 
parasitic hymenopterous 
ANSCCUY ose oc teece sew cee ne P. 1092 
parasitic inseets of sub- 
family Encyrtine........ P.1142 
tapeworms of hares and 
TAODUSE Rees ses eS. s eas P.1105 
trematode parasitesof fishes P.1133 
parasite from 
hen’s egg...... P. 636 
Paris Exposition, 1889, anthropology at 
NC weeese oe soo icceiee es clcee Sea ceeSse<- R. 54 
RECkerl aim CGHlne rece ate ac oslo toenails cows c P. 943 
Pemhiallow Ds Beer sss ss ells oc ess5} P. 928, P. 929 
Pennsylvania. Fossil plants............. P. 928 
Geolopyieec ser en cise cee P.341 
Ma mnie Saeee ecm ese oe P. 338 
Serpentinous rocks....-. P. 783 
IRENSHCOlAs BISHES +. 222ssss=2seen-25 P. 465, P.565 
IPETSepOlitan GASts, LWOse =. - c=. cecsses R. 80 
IRGrumme BITS == someon Ae oaee seas See's P. 643 
Petroleum collections, with reference to ~ C.3 
iPetropauloyska: Birdsss2-2 22-2... scsn- P. 345 
Philadelphia Exhibition, catalogue of ex- 
hibit of animal resources and fishes by 
the Smithsonian Institution at the ..... B.14 
Philippine Islands. Birds, list and distri- 
WUtLON Oe. 2- ese P.1134 
Ornithology (Parts I 
Bo) Seer < ohecte P, 1184 
IBinblipSM Bane i ecee seco nse ese C.10 
Phyllostome bats, new subfamily of ..... P. 912 
Physiology. Fishes, relations of tempera- 

ture to vertebre among... P.845 
Slider terrapin, influence of 
temperature on the heart 

OMUNe We sass os nl se teed P.515 

Pipes and smoking customs of North 
ATMPNIGAN 2 DONMIPIMES..2-.=-) <a -casss= = R. 103 
PINZPAMIGMOM Ye eae Coch cccwee see shee s P, 226 
Pit dwellers of Yezo, ancient............- R. 49 

Plaster casts, method of making and pre- 
SEVIS. cer eee ease sen cee ce acre wscles/ P. 226 
Pistent, He limpet sos. See cece oe oes ok P. 243 
Ppmiclaridses hee ee a een oct Sp B.4 
Poey ph Glipe sceceseoe ces nscs se eSaess oes Pos 


Point Barrow Expedition, shells collected 

DY ste 3 soe te ee ee ee foe ae P. 460 

Pointed bark canoes of the Kutenai and 
PASTINNL oes Aa oo oes eens eee eae R.114 
Poisonous snakes of North America.....- BS 
Polar expedition, Howgate..............- B.15 
Police system in Museum .:.............- C.1 
Polyzoans, northeastern coast..........-- ene 
[Pond ieut Chass Bh] sa seeeeee eens eee P. 725 
Porifera (sponges), Camaraphysema ....- P.145 
Chesapeake Bay ..... P.145 

London Fisheries Ex- 
Mp iWONe eee esc B. 27 (B) 
Mexico (fresh-water). P.542 
northeastern coast ..- P.76 
Porpoise oil, manufacture of .....-....... Bed 
Porter Jeet sso seen ee eee ee eeenee R.17 
Porters Ose plinYicw-cn a= cne ease sence cae P. 200 
Porter, JOSeph yy. (Comuthor)sas--5- == P.37 
IPOTLOTRICOs = BITASeE oe eee ee ae eee eee P. 238 
Insects (dipters) 22. --sssese P. 1198 
Potomac tidewater region, archeology of P.776 
Pottery, an early West Virginia.......... R.113 
Potts Edward eta. ceee se ae ee ee eee eee P. 542 
Pratt Et. Hes seca c ce eee tee ee ee Py29 P79 
Prehistoric anthropology, a study of ..... R. 29 

exhibit of de- 

partment of 


LSSS)"eresese: C.40 

relating to de- 
partmentof. C.42 

archeology. (See under An- 


AEG obi e tae ee ace aseccewess sete R. 98 
Prentiss, D. Webster (coauthor) -..-..-..- B. 26 
Preparation: gelatin casts .......-....--- P. 926 
Japanese lacquer -/----.:.-- P.745 

metallic casting of delicate 
MavuraliObjectS.225.-<.-.- ipa 
myological specimens ....-. P. 243 

plaster casts, making and 
PIEGSErVINE = f.-.2522/osa2 sie P. 226 
rough skeletons. .-...-.2.- B.39 (c)} 

Semper’s method of making 
anatomical preparations.  P. 220 
Preservation of specimens from insects 

and effects of dampness ...-....-.-..--- R. 22 
Primes Nemple ees csesaaas eats eas. = P. 415 
Primitive American armor ..-..-...-.-- mee R.77 
frame for weaving narrow fab- 

TICS. sores ew cemoee sate see eel se R. 112 

methods of drilling............ R. 87 

travel and transportation.....- R.83 
Principles of museum  administra- 

WlOM:=t et esa decmescceen ste eecceeee Rep. 1897 (11) 

Protozoans, foraminifera, recent, a de- 
seriptive catalogue of ...-.- R. 102 
Vorticella, chlorophylloid 
eranmlesi of s-— sssec- ee eens P.398 
Proudfits Si eVisss-ac=s--10 css ee cee es sso oe P.810 
Providence Island. Insects ............-- PL i119 
Publications of National Museum, list of, 
SSO eee re aes Set ee aE EEO 5 Ss C.18 

Puget Sound. Fishes .. P.170, P.326, P. 753, P. 939 

1See also under Directions for Collecting, and Taxidermy. 


Puget'Sound:. Hydroids<---2-----22----— Pera 
Mami alse =e sees eeeemee P. 602 
Puma. or American Wion-->-s22-422- =e see R.39 
Punta Arenas. Hishestse..2-oe--eas-oe- P. 639 

Rafinesque’s ‘‘Analyse de la Nature,’ note 
0) | ie Ne aR P. 648 

Memoirs on North American 
fishes, review of........--- B.9 

Rail and track, American, development 
Of the. cee ee eee ck ee eee ieee ance R. 41 
(Ralph Dre Wi. sass seeesenetetes oe anise C.50 
Rathbun. Marilee eeeesece eee P. 901, P. 927, 

P. 933, P. 959, P. 979, P. 980, P. 984, P. 986, 
P. 1070, P. 1071, P. 1104, P. 1158, P. 1162, P. 1199 
Rathbun, Mary J. (coauthor)..-.-......- P. 858 
Rathbun, Richard PP 824P 285 b 2 2a08P 23, 
P. 371, P. 454, P. 491, P. 544, P. 547, P. 569, 
P. 572, P: 604, P. 635, P. 646, P. 664, B. 27, C.50 
Rau Charlesy 2 saeee eee eee IFAD So anol: 
Reid SayvileiG pnt 64.500, -eesee eee B. 25 (TV) 
Relief-printing in the fifteenth and six- 

teenthicenturies 325.2 ee eee R. 46 
Religious history and ceremonials, collec- 
tions illustratin gS. sc- a s-esee eee eee R. 81 
Rensselaer, Mrs: J. King vam .....--.--.... P. 836 
Reptiles: Atricas Mast. sa-ssseens- see P. 857, P. 862 
Bahams, dslands-s. sees ssos-25 P.1219 
Barissia, on the genus......... P. 809 
Bascanion flagellum ...-.--.-.-- pl022 
BOTW Gas cetiosaseete eee B.29 (VI) 
Box-tortoises of North America P.1019 
Butler’s garter snake .......... P. 1021 
Calitormigesseesece P. 623, P. 689, P. 766, 
P. 878, P. 944, P. 977, P. 1020, P. 1044 
CalifornianGulfiofes---c-se-ss- P. 800 
California, ower ese. ss-ce=-. P. 788 
Chameeleo abbotti (n. sp.)-.-..  P.857 
Chameleon, new species from 
Rema ANOlas= se sees ese P. 857 
Charina, new species of ......- P. 689 
onthe gennss-<------ P.808 
Clarionislandaseees2-see P. 800, P. 1231 
Cnemidophorus labialis (n.sp.) P.788 
martyris (n. 
Spee ceases P. 863 
Coachwhip snake, specific 
MAMEIOL «cesar cece acc eecee aoe? 
Colubrine snakes, North Amer- 
ican, new genus and species 
Of eRe Bei eee eee cate P. 802 
Congo) Bree State 222-2222 -2--.- P. 969 
Crocodilians, lizards, and 
snakes of North America.... R.110 
Ctenosaura palearis (n.sp.)... P.1151 
Eutainie, Indiana ......-...-.-. P. 729 
Rlorida).2-e6e8 - ace ae ee Beit, ealO7 
Guatemala) so 7-2 ae ee csc csek P.1151 
Hanyaniamn Wslands = seser-e aac =e P. 1174 
Horned toads, ejection of blood 
fromleyesiOn sesso eee eee eee P. 907 
Iguana, spiny-tailed, new spe- 
CleSOF 2.22. basaacactaoaeeeies P. 1217 
Indiana <a sscksseesecs eae Per 
JAMAICHE 2: cece rere ae eeee P. 1218 



Lichanua, on the genus......- P. 878 
Lygosoma kilimensis (n. sp.‘.. P. 862 
Malaclemys, turtles of the 

SONUS Hs 22st 2h Gosden see eke P. 908 
MCXiCOiessex tek oo eee eee P, 922 
New species of, in National 

Musetumis. 5-35-55 Ke sceaeus P. 359 
North American snakes, notes 

ON ee nees cc ote so Sees eee P. 876 
Phyllorhynchus browni (n. g. 

and sps)ieeaecnsecteeseaesee es P. 802 
Poisonous snakes of North 

AMeTICA Ese a eee ene oee R.73 
Pseudemys rugosa, influence of 

temperature on heart of....- P.515 
San Pedro Martir Island ...... P. 863 
Sauromalus, new species of ... P. 864 
Sceloporus variabilis, notes on. P.873 
Scincoid lizard, new ........-- P. 862 
Siredon lichenoides, observa- 

LIGNS Olle 55-- 8s ecins eaecoece P.199 
Snakes, breeding habits, etc.. P.909 
Snakes of North America, 

POISONOUS! 222s ee eee R.73 
Snakes of North America, re- 

view of characters and vari- 

atLONS Of 2 see acameceaaere te P. 882 
Socorro mslande ss. sseeceoe ee P. 800 
Spiny-tailed Iguana, Guate- 

Malas soomeae eee ec eens Pi 1952 
Storeria Geka yle seo. eee ee ees P.678 
Tantilla eiseni (n.sp.)--------- P. 1044 
Thamnophis butleri--...-..... P. 1021 
Tropidonotus, new species of..  P.615 
Typhlops preocularis (n.sp.)-. P.969 
Utamiearns) (./sps) Sses- sae P. 1020 
Utilla Island, Honduras....... P, 1217 
Verticaria beldingi (n.sp.)..-. P.977 
Virginie a: ces eocoteeee eee P.1150 

Reptiles and Batrachians, Africa, East ..  P.970 
collected by, 
1887-88. ...-- P. 769 
Bahama Is- 
lands!s-eee- P. 645 
Central Amer- 
ica, cCata- 
logueof 25. ~ Baez 

Directions for 
collecting.. B.39(£) 
Hloridaeereece P. 1003 
Mexico... P. 922, P.559 
Mexico, cata- 

logue of .... B. 32 
New species of P. 299 

North Ameri- 

ean, check 
listvot 22a yb io 
TeXAS) Ss22sece P. 728 
| Rhode Island, sand-fleas -...-.....---..-. P.1084 
Rice; Win iNOrihiesss essere see see B. 25 (1) 
| Richardson) HarniGtescssss<-2-=- >see se P. 1128, 
Pail 7b7 P1189 s Poa 
Richmond Charles War eere ae eee P. 947, 

P. 1024, P. 1078, P. 1083, P. 1090, P. 1091, 
P: 2093; “PY ds; Pal200,eeee2o 


mi cewmray, Roberti cio. senescence = Raab beimbeels 
Pde, 2s 39) 92.608 P4102) P38, oP: 155; 
P. 188, P. 189, ‘P. 198, P. 215, P. 219, P. 234, 
PB. 235; PB. 236, P: 238, P..240; P. 247, P. 25%, 
e202 e204. J. 270; ces Mero. ke, 
iP 315, P: 339; P. 345, P. 356, -P. 360, P. 361, 
P. 362, P. 390, P. 392, P. 400, P. 411, P. 412, 
P. 420, P. 432, P. 446, P. 457, P. 458, P. 471, 
P. 472, P. 474, P. 475, P. 476, P. 477, P. 478, 
P. 480, P. 481, P. 488, P. 498, P. 494, P. 496, 
P. 522, P. 524, P. 538, P. 539, P. 555, P. 556, 
IP 667, Ps 573, 2: 588) PP: 589!-P./590;, BP. 591) 
P. 599, P. 600, P. 605, P. 611, P. 612, P. 616, 
P. 617, P. 618, P. 619, P. 626, P. 643, P. 644, 
P. 650, P. 654, P. 655, P. 656, P. 660, P. 661, 
P. 665, P. 674, P. 691, P. 693, P. 708, P. 750, 
P6le Ps (62; 2s 167 bs 168. be 796, BP. 828: 
POO ESOC SOO mb OTUs Oule ie Or, 
P. 877, P. 895, P. 923, P. 945, P. 953, P. 955, 
P. 956, P. 960, P. 961, P. 962, P. 964, P. 1007, 

P. 1008, P. 1010, P.1045, P. 1067, P.1074, P. 1076, 
PMO P16; B21 1B. 27, B.39) (4); B. 50 

[Ridgway, Robert, editor]............... P.56, 
Pro0b,;baplojbeaol4, ib. d80. bs son 
Riley, Charles V..... P. 330, P. 532, P. 951, B. 39 (F) 
IRODIMSOn ST Wiatbeaesse elec ccc le ccc P. 738, P. 1093 
Rockhill, William Woodville ............ R.79 
Rose, Joseph N. (coauthor).......... P. 749, P. 801 
RO EnTOCKeRu le aae peel een Sen eek asec P. 397 
DROW Iie egssesennogoScesheeecermeee P. 294 
[USSU Pe Cala ae 2 eeecesemiceien cee eseisciciss P. 688 
uy eT OM D BAUS eines. < ceetesta cats Priddy Pst: 
280! (Py 398s bh. D014: 502. Ps 553 
Ryder, John A.(coauthor).... P.381, P. 382, P. 408 
Ryder, John A., remarks on Semper’s 
method of making dry preparations, by. P. 220 
Sable Island bank. Fishes............... P41 
SUMOrOLK DOU Ws OLeetr ace sans accesses cs B.13 
St.Georges banks. Fishes -.............- ey 
St. Paul’s Island. Mesozoic fossils .....-.. P. 793 
St. Peter’s Island. Mesozoic fossils....... P.793 
SU WANCEN tT wBInd Sie. sec gn cose eee econ 1D 7 
Salamander. Typhlotriton speleus (n. g. 

AIa AMEN) Remee ae Sacre nalec sears Sece Ss P. 894 
SaAUeDlEsOmishestOfe mee acee 222) ato te cine P. 897 
Sandstone concretions, formation of ..... P. 987 
Sand wichvislands:) Birds 2222.22 -52scsc2 P. 236 

Crustaceans ......... P. 933 

san eedroyBay. SMollusks 222.2. 2<<.5.02 P. 898 
San Pedro Martir Id., new lizard from... P.863 
Santa Barbara Islands: Mishesic. 2.2... P. 880 
Saba vUCIa: e UBITOS ses oa. cian alc cloisinc sec e P. 768 
IMSS cepacia cise wie P. 789 

Satoh wale -ay-eeeeeeeeew cas cease choc secbece R. 86 
SMV A MOLISE ee eee eee ee Ras 

Schuchert, Charles....... P.1117, P.1192, B.39 (x) 
Scientific investigation of the sea and 
fresh waters (London Fish- 

eries Hxhibition)) .52.. 2.2.5. B. 27 
taxidermy for museums ....... R. 65 

Selater, Philip Lutley, the published 
WELLNESS Ofemeeee eee 2 ae et as Ones B. 49 
Scofield, Norman Bishop (coauthor)..... P. 1131 


SColligky iW. cece: on accode teen sees P. 926 
SCudder Nees. oben eke cee Sere are B. 23 
Scudder, Samuelbeee. ss se nee eee B.19, P. 1124 
Sea nettles, urticating organs of ......... P. 1097 
Selachians. (See under Fishes.) 
Semper’s method (dry preparations) ..... P. 220 
peychelledslands) Birdss---eeeeeee sees P.1079 
Lepidoptera ......... P. 1064 
Shell-bearing marine mollusks and brach- 
iopods, s. e. coast of United States. ...-.. B. 37 
Shell-heaps. Florida, east coast ......... P. 966 
Shells. (See under Mollusks. ) 
Shinto, or mythology of the Japanese.... R.58 
SHoOfaryiher. scesstiean assoc scones eceeoene ee R. 66 
Lisiseandvorigin=-2 2. seeeece P. 936 
Shuteld@iaRWeesose saree close ee ee R. 65, 

R. 69, R. 95, P. 245, P. 439, P. 440, P. 529, P. 638, 
P. 683, P. 711, P. 718, P. 859, P. 860, P. 889, P. 902 

[Shutelait yah eWrillemes see eeeen eae aeeee ee P. 437 
Siberia Binds i gocse oe sue cone yeseeece P. 274 

HISINES Se ps ctrl ne nels eisai see oer P. 210 
Simpsons Chas Re aasepe een seer meee oe eee P.740 

P. 911, P. 952, P. 1011, P. 1068, P. 1072, P. 1205 
Skeletons, on the preparation of.......... C. 33 
Slade lsh a een ssacc ce Se ee ee Ree ee P. 409 
Smithy Mugh Mea. .2 2... oscesseees a P. 806, P. 1150 
Smih) vO Brstan sce somseeeee cate sees P.581, 

Pe 6335 P6845) P2647) P06) 7472 
P. 781, P. 838, P. 839, P. 851, P. 890, P. 891, 
P. 892, P.1184, P. 1203, B.38, B. 44, B. 48 

Smith, John B: (coauthor) -.---..--.-..-.- P.1140 
Smigh ys ROSdses sere ecre P. 183, P. 187, P. 208, P. 286, 
P. 337, P.372, P. 3738, P. 376, P. 469, P. 563 
STAG ROSa (GCOMMbHON) =e aseseeeeeeenee Reai2 
SMMC Gin eval eceaecere cee cee een eae P. 83, P. 99, 
P.172, P. 343, P. 374, P.375, P. 455, P. 506, P.507 
Smith StlaspByssacc ates saesccece es P. 244 
Snakes, North American, notes on ....--. P. 876 
poisonous, of North America..... R. 73 

Snakes of North America, crocodilians, 
IZA SYM Oe See kyoe aes Sera: Cecieireeer nee R.110 
Spyder, John @>(comubhor)|e-ssa- ceases lots: 
P. 1233, P. 1235, P. 1239, P. 1240 
Socorromsland ys Botamyecessseeeeee cee P. 801 
RGMUILESSseaaseececreecce P. 800 
Somaliland. Lepidoptera................ P. 1063 
South America. Fishes, catalogue of .... P.842 
Mollusksie 252-2: 2a: aoe P. 854 
South Carolina, Fishes.....-.. P. 124, P. 328, P. 627 
South Dakota. Fossil rhinoceros ........ P. 1207 

Spiders. (See under Arachnids. ) 

Sponges (Porifera), Camaraphysema..... P. 145 
Chesapeake Bay ..... P.145 

London Fisheries Ex- 
hibition ss-s.-..- B. 27 (B) 
Mexico (fresh-water)  P.542 
northeastern coast... P.76 
Spotted dolphin) 2225 sss -se2 sees sees R.4 
Stalactites and gypsum incrustations .... P.985 
Stanton himothiy; We ses ss-eeeee ces P. 1109, P. 1135 
Starke bdiwamiG oeeee= sce P.1155, P. 1179, P. 1186 
Starks, Pdwin C. (coauthor) ..2-..--...... P. 1232 
SLCwRNS AR ls Chests =ciestosaawne peck mee sects RY, 

P.346, P.813, P.844, P. 854, P.940, P.941, P.942, 
P.971, P.996, P. 1145, P.1149, P.1190, P. 1191 
Stearns Glass eee eee P. 25, P. 548 


[Stearns, Silas].--..-..--....--- P. 74. P..465, P. 565 
Stearns, W. A P. 353 
[Stearns, W. A.] P. 374 
Steindachner, Hramz 2222-2 -s2e eee eee P.36 
Stejneger, Leonhard.... R.73, P. 239, P. 260, P. 261, 

Pp. 275, P. 301, P. 344, P. 413, P. 421, P. 425, 

P. 463, P. 473, P. 580, P. 558, P.. 560, P. 570, 

P, 576, Py b77 bs D718; B--009), P. b92,Pbo7, 
P. 601, P. 609, P. 610, P. 614, P. 628, 629, 
P. 640, P. 641, P. 642, P. 649, P. 667, 686, 
P6920 Pleo eencOl, ee ooe ETO 766, 
P. 778, P. 788, P. 802, P. 808,-P. 809, 857, 
P. 862, P. 868, P. 864, P. 873, P. 874, P. 875, 
P. 876, P. 878, P. 894, P. 904, P. 906, 931, 

fo RU TSE ca ne aaeace 

. 944, P. 957, P: 969, P. 970, P. 974, P. 977, 
. 997, P. 1020, P. 1021, P. 1022, P. 1023, P. 1044, 
. 1088, P. 1144, P. 1151, P. 1174, P. 1178, P.1217, 
. 1218, P. 1219, P. 1220, P. 1231, B. 29, B.39 (E) 
[Stejneger, Leonhard] bP. 345, P. 442, 
P. 462, P. 540, P. 621, P. 1106, P. 1112 

Stejneger, Leonhard (coauthor) P. 765, P. 847 
Steller’s sea-cow,date of exterminationof. P.421 
Stephen, Alexander M . 697 
Sido) Ge eaesaabactmoccnbucodsosoboaess6 . 726 
Stevenson, James, biographical notice of. R.34 
Stiles, Charles Wardell P.1105 
Stone age at Mount Vernon P. 730 
Stone implements, District of Columbia..  P.810 
from India..---..- Desc 

Stone: Wivinestone sss eee seen 
[Streets, Thomas H.] 
Streets LhosMoi eee eee eee ea eset oers 
[Sumichrast, Francis E.] B.4 
Surinam! ((Diplopods)->3--52.----=-----—-- P. 1037 
Swain, Joseph P. 283, P. 379 
Swain, Joseph (coauthor) .......-....--.. Pe272, 
P. 332, P. 378, P. 414, P. 426, P. 428, 
P. 434, P. 486, P. 447, P. 449, P. 465 

P. 688 

Swaine, Poi) (coauthor) ee.) essen ss P. 257 

Syria aes iG ie ee eee eee P. 112, P. 143 

Swastika “thee eee tease ee hario anaes R. 88 

Synopsis of the North American Syrphide —_B.31 

aie MUOMUISKSs asec seers = eter nce P.1238 | 

PASS: AWAL G5 serwicla ce seclane see isicrre @ aieee R. 92, 

R. 104, R. 107, R. 121, R. 122, B. 39 (H) 
Taxidermy,! classification of collection 

UWUStrating = cesses asec C.12 
directions for removing 
and preserving skins of 
small mammals.......... C. 22 
mammal skins for study 
and mounting .-...--.... R.15 
scientific taxidermy for 
MUSEUMS 7 acetone eres R. 65 
taxidermical methods in 
Leyden Museum......... R. 95 
[Laylors William) Ses ee~ eee ee P. 728 
Taylors Wa. 2.2.5 cesses oasseeece oss seaeas P.1019 
Technology. (See under Anthropology. ) 
Temmiinek?s'babiace. sos eseee cee eee P. 914 
Tennessee... Imsects\.: jcc sasacsss- cee oe P. 914 
Myria pods ..2 s.s.ceesseeeees Peto 
Test, -Hredericlks© 2 o....258t2 7 eases ees P.1156 
Test, Frederick C. (coauthor) ........-..- P. 847 

R. 68 | 

B.7, P. 258 | 


i Rexas. © Batrachians-..--eeeeeeeee P.715, P.1088 

and reptiles. ......- P. 728 

BirdS oss 4occee eee ee eee P. 22, P..6738, P. 964 

Botany .¢ eseces ecite cesses seas P. 585 

Crustaceans- 22. 2s-5-s no aesae eee: P. 1087 

HISHES 25a eee P. 282, P. 549, P. 1043 

Fossil plants 2es-cssasem eee ss P. 934 

ROSSIIS sa20 eee oe oe Soe eee P. 93 

(Driassie Wn10s)e=2--sesees P. 1072 

Mammals ioc 5b oe eee ee P.699 

On the zoological position of .... _B.17 

Textile fibers and fabrics .......2....--.- R.13 

fibers, microscopical mounts of . - R.14 
industries, plan of illustration, 
(New Orleans Exposition, 

1884205) sd. se eee C.24 

Thomas: | Cyruseecacc eee seneoe eee Eee C. 28 

‘Lhompson yy Brnest bier ssa shoes cents P. 841 

TBHOMSOME" We Ules Nese cece ae eae Reet 
Throwing-sticks from Mexicoand Califor- 

MS Ss Ate a Soca P. 932 

in the National Museum. eat 

Tibet, ethnology of .c-c-scee ee eee eee R.79 

TokunO@: Pssst eek Cee ae een ee eee R. 63 
Tokyo, University of, Japanese woods pre- 

sented by... s2s2s=-e-5-=-hesek ee eee cose IP R2a2 

Tongues OF PIEGS. 2 eeceee eee ae ee eee R. 93 

| “ROPAZCLY Stalls’ ss osc seat e ke se acreaaee eee P.1148 
Tortoises. Xerobates,on the land tortoises 

OPH ENUS Ses: a se eescsee= = —eeer eee P. 249 

Tortugas Wishes: .. tcaacsecec es cone P.37 

Townsend, Charles H... P.492, P. 623, P. 799, P. 806 

(Townsend, Charles H.] .-...-. P. 469, P. 665, P. 960 
Transportation, exhibit of department of, 

(Cincinnati Exposition, 1888) .....---.-. C.38 

Trematode from white of egg ............ P. 636 

| Trematode parasites of fishes .....-....-.- P. 1133 

Trenton limestone, brachiopod from..... PP. 715 

Tres:-Marias: ‘Mollusks3-2s--.-.. essere P. 996 

Trinominals in American ornithology... P.413 

Tropical America, birds from ........-..- P.474 

tailless batrachian ‘ 
é TOME tee ese eeecae P. 847 
rue, Hrederi@k W J-c-0 -scssecesse eee se R.4, 

R. 5, R. 39, R. 97, P. 249, P. 256, P. 338, P. 358, 
394, P. 419, P. 468, P. 495, P. 540, P.541, 
557, P. 564, P. 580, P. 602, P: 603, P: 659; 
. 699; P:7384, P. 748, P...744, Pysi2. Bsa, 
826, P. 915, P. 948, P. 954, P. 963, P.972, 
. 976, P. 982, P.999, P. 1004, P. 1006, P. 1069, 
. 1101, P. 1163, B. 27, B. 36, C. 29, C. 41, C.49 
True, Frederick W. (coauthor) R.6 
Tunicata, northeastern coast P.76, P. 584 
Turner, Lucien M P. 279, P. 518, P. 736 
[inner a erene Vis | asc: = seas eeeeeee P. 561 
Type specimens, concerning the lending 

DH dd 

C. 35 

acecacecPecceeceere ane ceecce cence scisice 

Whler, Phvlipibiise noc ees soe eee secs 
Ulu, Eskimo woman’s knife.............. 
Unalashika, Wishes): 2rs.ceccco=- 2 =< see Pan 
[Wadler woo dsl. Mi I fe eterersere mtane 2 ate =a tele 
Unionide, northeastern North America, 

Gistribwhionsin see ese eee as = se eee 
Upper Cambrian fossils, new forms of.... 

1See also under Directions for collecting, Preservation, and Preparation. 


U.S. Eclipse Expedition, crustaceans col- 

lected by..... P.949 
insects, Arach- 
nids and Myr- 
iapods col- 
lected by ...-. P. 951 
mollusks col- 
; lected by..... P. 940 
U.S. Fish Commission, Annelids dredged 
DY eesti, P. 594 
birds collected by, © 
CozumellIsland. P.539 
Brachyurans and 
dredged by, 
1880=82 22 Fscecis P. 343 
Decapod crusta- 
ceans dredged 
DYi ectios ae aooer P. 455 
Echini, Gulf of 
Mexico, ob- 
tained by....... P.544 
Echini taken by.. P.491 
fish-cultural  ex- 
hibit of (London 
Fisheries Exhi- 
DIbLOM) eee eee B, 27 
fishes collected by, 
1 eee hee mee Pie 
fishes collected by P.1115 
fishes, deep-water, 
obtained by, in 
USB OS eee er reer e Pest 
fishes from Atlan- 
tic and Gulf 
coasts obtained 
LO. eee ees Seem P. 543 
“Grampus,”’ birds 
observed by,1887 P.819 
marine inverte- 
brates distrib- 
Led Dye erence P. 82 
medusz collected 
Dyas comer ene seer P. 528 
new species of 
fishes collected 
Dyes ee ie P. 429 
Peneide, from 
dredgings of the P.507 
Plectromus crassi- 
ceps taken by.. P.486 
Wiley eaHOSsil See eeces acta cee eee Pec P.137 
UitahMake.) Wishes) --52c 252.2 se. P.175, P. 186 
Utilla Island. Reptiles ......--......... P. 1217 
Vancouver’s Island. Fishes ............. P. 298 
Wasey,Georpesa 4-4 eee P. 620, P. 725, P.'772 
Vasey, George (coauthor) ........... P. 749, P. $01 
Vaughanw—Wayland)...2-0...0....22.5. P.1194 
Vegetable textile fibers, microscopical 
THOMAS O Mepee sre ices <2 ee ev eoce ne oose R.14 
Venezuela: “Birds...-....-- P. 555, P. 619, P. 1093 

Verrill, A. E. P.76, P.168, P.169, P.284, P.534, P.1000 

Merrill, ASH (Comuthor geste... eee P.1139 
Violace, North American, relating to 
Gist UmOMkOlmececs - Stace coe ccc C.49 


Virgin Islands, botany of the............. B.13 
Virginia. Amphiuma: “Congo snake”’.. P.1150 
Balrachiansss ste ye ees P.1150 
Early iron manufacture in.... P.489 
Fishes, Cape Charles City ..... P. 843 
il haoheats ES) eee oe eee 8 ee ea, P. 358 
IM VTIA DOCS i= secre ce eae P. 181 
Vorticella, chlorophylloid granules of... P.398 
Wabash Valley. Botany..-...-.......... P.1010 
Wakasa lacquer-ware, manufacture of... P. 745 
Walcott CharlesiD 5555-25 5 se ee ee R. 109, 

P.738, P. 739, P. 746, P. 763, P. 775, P. 820, 

P. 1002, P. 1086, P.1120, P.1152, P.1229 
[Walcott, Charles D. Published writ- 
ings (prior to 1885) on fossil inverte- 

DT AWES| Brees aera eaae eee tee eee B.30 
SVYeuT GT SSDs) pepe ee et ee P. 349, P. 396 
Wall-eyed pollack, note on..............- P. 939 
Ward: ‘bester W...2--2- P. 232, P. 680, P. 1141, B. 22 
Washington and vicinity, flora of........ B. 22 
Washington Territory. Fishes........... Pai: 

P. 144, P. 265, P. 286, P. 388 
Water from Gulf of Mexico, report on con- 

PEMITSEOL Nos A Sa: oo ars RCO ee P.222 
Wiitkeing y J btirethas ose san R. 41, R. 53, C.38 
Wead; Charles Kasson.......:........-.... R.119 
Weapons and wings of birds.............. R.78 
WWE DPD AWE Giger ens ee <a eee cee P. 966 
NVEDSEET WEe SEH sso ees ee ne en B. 25 (VII) 
Weed ClarenceiMiaess.- ss s-- sean eee P. 950 
Wiellss Johny Granites. ssse- eas Res \isy ese P.596 
[Wermch, Dr., experiments on bacteria 

Dvi eee eee Ses Sree ha anaes P. 218 
West India region. Hermit crabs........ P. 1236 
West Indian seal (Monachus tropicalis) .. R.6 
Wiestiindics® | Birdsa\s. 225 .5st—ee ae Peto Pe 03 

P. 142, P. 166, P. 216, P. 260, 
P. 311, P. 420, P. 446, P. 545 
CrusbaeCeanighees anes ee sees P.1104 
HIshes MistlOhee en see sees P.595 
Leptonacea of, recent and 
EDU aT yamestcn sce eeee Pala, 
Mammal yee eee eee P. 468 
Molluskst seen. one ease P. 1011 
West Virginia. Ethnology..............- R.113 
West Virginia. Mammals _.............. P.44 
Whale fishery and its appliances (London 
Misheries Exhibition) os sesssee- eee. B. 27 
(See also under Mammals. ) 
Witte Charles Ave tecses: -s6ts2 oan R. 64, P.86 

BO eEAO2 ese Petisn Ps lid 

P.115, P. 116, P. 181, P. 137, P. 207, 

P. 266, P. 267, P. 366, P. 793, P.995 
supplement to catalogue 

of writings of.......... P. 1135 
the published writings 
Olsen a esses raw B.30 
Walitamsons Ma Burtome--cs2-cceee eee. P.898 
Willis SeWenrittiysc ss acento ke Un pat ee P. 351 
Nillistonme Samueliwiee --tse eee ee B.31 
Wilmotisamueleeese a ean hse inn ees P.43 
Wialson} PhO mash east: Gaee en Lees Los R. 29, 

R.30, R.31, R.54, R. 68, R. 85, R. 88, 
R. 96, R. 98, R. 108, P. 777, C. 40, C. 42 


\ivabocionwe, Webco sssqoqnsoosceonecn=oce B. 27 
VV Ol alieneiy VN NO see ate aetalarstetane aerate eee P. 889 
Wooden statue of Baron Ii Kamon-no- 

KA OEN ROSWKE Sees esses easier R. 86 
Wood-rats, diagnosis of....-..--.--------- P. 1006 
Worcester, Dean C. (coauthor)..........-- P. 1134 
World’s Columbian Exposition, draft of 

system of classification for the .......-- R. 62 

World’s Columbian Exposition, participa- 
tion of the Smithsonian Institution in 
tHe). }s oases eee ones fe c\ sisis Stee satel eta 


Worms. (See under Annelids and Para- 
Wivomlimge HOSS eee es- <= eee nae P. 137 
[EXceaaotsy) Ob eteeteeretete leet ete are a P2290; P291 


Yale College, fishes in museum of........ P. 329 
Yarrow, EH.\ Cu. saseceneeaciss ac P. 299, P. 359, B. 24 
Yezo: \ -Ainos\of <Aiseeeeee acess eens eee R.50 
Ancient pit-dwellers of........--. R.49 
Birdsicollectedtinz=sseee-seeees eee P. 904 
Gray shrike, on status of....-..... P. 931 
Yucatan, Birds Ss5-cen essere eee P. 476, P. 588 
ZeElLEGOM JOSE! Ce fs ccats ecsrcoe seater teatime P. 499 
[Zeledon Ose Cal ssseerae senescent P. 605 
Zeuglodon, pelvic girdle of.........-.-- ae Palzial 
Zoological position of Texas.......-.....- B.17