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Caleb  Cushing 

A  Memoir 

Claude  Moore  Fuess 

Boston,  Massachusetts 







,  Ca. 



Do  Not  Take  From  This  Room 

Andover  Room 


CUSHING,  Caleb 

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Caleb  Clashing 

A  Memoir 

Claude  Moore  Fuess 

Boston,  Massachusetts 



From  the  Proceedings  of  the 

Massachusetts   Historical    Society 

Volume  64,  October,  1 93 1 



ON  FEBRUARY  10,  1859,  Caleb  Cushing,  a  citizen  of 
Newburyport,  was  elected  a  Resident  Member  of  this 
Society.  At  that  moment  he  was  the  leader  of  the  Democratic 
minority  in  the  Lower  House  of  the  General  Court,  where,  with 
unusual  patriotism,  he  was  content  to  serve  after  having  long 
occupied  a  conspicuous  position  on  the  stage  of  national 
affairs.  He  was  still  much  in  the  public  eye,  for  he  had  just 
been  defeated  by  Henry  Wilson  for  the  United  States  Senate 
and  had  dared  to  defend  the  right  of  German  and  Irish  aliens 
to  prompt  naturalization.  It  was  rather  remarkable  that 
Cushing  should  have  been  admitted  at  that  period  to  a  Society 
whose  members  have  usually  been  conservative  in  their  opin- 
ions. His  open  friendliness  to  the  South  and  his  vigorous 
condemnation  of  abolitionists  made  him  persona  non  grata 
in  many  Boston  houses.  Yet  Bostonians  forgot  their  preju- 
dices and  honored  him  for  his  talent  and  accomplishments. 

Unpopular  though  he  was  in  certain  quarters,  Cushing  was 
undeniably  a  leading  statesman  of  the  Commonwealth.  Born 
on  January  17,  1800,  he  had  entered  upon  a  political  career 
with  an  equipment  seldom  equalled  in  his  generation.  From 
a  long  line  of  distinguished  forbears  extending  back  to  Mat- 
thew Cushing,  his  immigrant  ancestor,  who  landed  in  Boston 
in  1638,  Caleb  Cushing  inherited  a  sound  body  and  the  physi- 
cal strength  to  endure  hard  work  and  fatigue.  He  graduated 
from  Harvard  at  seventeen,  studied  law,  and  returned  to  the 
college  as  a  tutor  when  he  was  only  twenty.  His  social 
position  was  unquestioned,  and  the  family  fortunes  were  such 
as  to  relieve  him  from  any  embarrassment  about  money. 
Finally,  he  was  lucky  enough  early  in  his  progress  at  the  bar 
to  attract  the  attention  of  Daniel  Webster,  whose  political 
heir  in  a  sense  he  became. 

In  appearance,  Cushing  was  a  tall,  robust  figure,  with  bright 
restless  eyes,  a  resolute  jaw,  a  dignified  bearing,  and  handsome 

features.  At  an  early  age  he  displayed  an  amazing  capacity 
for  sustained  labor,  together  with  a  faculty  for  intense  concen- 
tration on  the  subject  immediately  at  hand.  Through  sheer 
perseverance  and  systematic  methods  of  study  he  acquired  a 
vast  fund  of  information  even  on  obscure  topics,  and  his  store 
of  legal  knowledge  was  the  wonder  of  his  associates.  His 
extraordinary  ability  as  a  linguist  stood  him  in  good  stead 
on  several  occasions.  He  wasted  no  time  in  frivolity,  or 
even  in  recreation,  but,  by  force  of  mind  and  will,  made  him- 
self into  something  of  a  literary  man  and,  aided  by  his  rich 
and  resonant  voice,  into  an  orator  comparable  with  Edward 
Everett  and  Wendell  Phillips.  His  skill  as  a  logician  com- 
pensated for  his  lack  of  imagination.  Although  he  was  more 
critical  than  constructive,  his  thinking  did  not  paralyze  his 
resolution,  and,  when  the  moment  for  decision  arrived,  he 
could  act  as  well  as  reflect.  Everybody  who  came  within  his 
range  conceded  that  he  possessed  a  first-rate  mind. 

Temperamentally,  Cushing  was  disposed  to  be  autocratic, 
relying  on  force  and  reason  rather  than  on  conciliation.  Dis- 
daining to  be  suave,  he  was  often  exceedingly,  even  irritat- 
ingly,  positive.  He  seldom  wavered  between  two  courses  of 
conduct,  but  usually  espoused  one  with  a  militant  partisan- 
ship. Although  he  was  highly  ambitious,  he  seems  to  have 
been  intellectually  courageous,  and  he  refused  to  resort  to 
those  arts  which  are  supposed  to  lead  to  popularity.  Largely 
because  of  his  lack  of  tact,  he  was  greatly  misunderstood; 
and  even  now  he  is  sometimes  mentioned  half  sneeringly  as  if 
he  had  been  a  renegade  or  a  traitor.  This  opinion  does  an  in- 
justice to  a  man  who  customarily  fought  his  enemies  in  the 
open,  who  held  to  his  beliefs  in  the  face  of  party  denunciation 
and  social  ostracism,  and  who  was  as  loyal  to  the  Union  as 
was  his  mentor,  Daniel  Webster.  If  Cushing  had  possessed 
the  social  graces  of  Franklin  Pierce,  he  could  have  been  Presi- 
dent of  the  United  States.  As  it  was,  he  was  saddened  by 
missing  his  loftiest  ambitions. 

Thus  equipped  physically  and  mentally,  Caleb  Cushing 
entered  politics  at  a  time  when  the  slavery  question,  after 
some  years  of  abeyance,  was  being  reopened  by  the  Missouri 
Compromise  of  1820;  and  with  its  agitation  and  ostensible 
settlement,  his  public  life  almost  exactly  coincided.     In  the 

beginning,  he  met  it  as  Webster  did  —  with  a  profound  con- 
viction of  the  iniquity  of  human  servitude,  joined  with  the 
feeling,  natural  enough  to  a  lawyer,  that  the  bargain  made 
between  North  and  South  at  the  establishment  of  the  Federal 
Union  could  not  easily  be  repudiated.  Like  Webster,  more- 
over, he  could  not  see  how  breaking  up  the  Union  would 
eradicate  slavery.  In  the  end,  however,  Gushing  went  farther 
than  Webster  and  came,  without  intending  it,  to  be  regarded 
as  a  typical  "  Northern  man  with  Southern  principles." 

A  brief  summary  of  his  career  will  help  to  explain  its  enig- 
mas. For  more  than  half  a  century,  Caleb  Cushing  was  in 
the  public  eye.  Following  an  apprenticeship  in  the  Massa- 
chusetts General  Court  and  a  disconcerting  defeat  for  Con- 
gress, he  broke  down  in  health  and  sailed  for  Europe, 
returning  late  in  1830,  fully  restored  and  ready  for  the  fray. 
After  a  long  series  of  deadlocks  had  ended  in  the  failure  of 
another  Congressional  campaign,  he  was  again  nominated  in 
1834  and  elected,  partly  because  of  Webster's  intervention 
in  his  behalf.  For  four  terms,  as  the  Representative  from  the 
Essex  North  District,  Cushing  grew  in  power  and  reputation. 
His  fortunes  as  one  of  the  founders  of  the  Whig  party  were 
linked  with  those  of  Daniel  Webster  and  Edward  Everett, 
both  older  than  he,  and  his  advancement  depended  largely 
on  their  success.  In  Congress  he  took  an  active  share  in 
the  floor  discussion,  toiled  indefatigably  on  committees,  and 
showed  himself  to  be  facile  in  debate  and  convincing  in  argu- 
ment. He  was  a  very  useful  member.  In  1840,  he  worked 
faithfully  for  Harrison's  victory  and  was  evidently  marked 
by  the  new  President  for  preferment.  Up  to  this  date,  Cush- 
ing's  progress  had  been  normal  and  comparatively  uneventful. 
And  then  Harrison  unexpectedly  died,  and  his  mantle  fell 
upon  the  shoulders  of  John  Tyler,  of  Virginia. 

When  Henry  Clay  at  that  moment  assumed  the  dictatorship 
of  the  Whig  Party,  both  Webster  and  Cushing  resented  it 
and  rebelled.  Webster,  in  defiance  of  Clay,  remained  as  Sec- 
retary of  State  when  the  other  members  of  the  cabinet  re- 
signed; while  Caleb  Cushing  helped  to  organize  the  "  Corpo- 
ral's Guard,"  a  small  group  of  Tyler  Whigs  in  the  House  of 
Representatives.  For  his  adherence  to  Tyler's  failing  cause, 
Cushing  was  nominated  as  Secretary  of  the  Treasury,  but 

the  Senate,  controlled  by  Clay  men,  refused  confirmation. 
Finally,  on  May  8,  1843,  during  the  Congressional  recess, 
Cushing  was  rewarded  by  an  appointment  as  Commissioner 
to  China. 

As  the  negotiator  of  the  Treaty  of  Wang  Hiya  (July  3, 
1844)  with  the  Imperial  Chinese  Government,  Cushing  added 
luster  both  to  himself  and  to  the  slowly  fading  Tyler  ad- 
ministration.    When  he  reached  New  York  on  January  1, 
1845,  Polk  had  been  elected  President,  and  Tyler,  although 
still  in  the  White  House,  was  discredited.    At  the  outbreak 
of  the  hostilities  with  Mexico,  Cushing,  who  had  cherished 
military  aspirations,  aided  in  raising  a  regiment,  was  chosen 
its  colonel,  and  was  later  promoted  to  be  brigadier  general. 
Although  he  was  never  under  fire,  he  led  his  brigade  over  the 
National  Highway  from  Vera  Cruz  to  Mexico  City  in  the 
wake  of  General  Scott.    During  his  absence,  he  was  nominated 
by  the  Democrats  for  Governor  of  Massachusetts  and,  against 
the  popular  Governor  George  N.  Briggs,  increased  the  vote 
for  his  party  by  more  than  9000  over  the  previous  year.    The 
campaign  was  enlivened  by  the  clever  but  unjust  satire  of 
Lowell's  Biglow  Papers,  in  which  Cushing  figured  as  "  Gin- 
eral  C."    He  was  again  defeated  in  1848,  running  third  to 
Briggs,  who  was  reelected,  and  to  Stephen  C.  Phillips,  the 
Free-Soil  candidate. 

In  January,  1 851,  as  a  Representative  in  the  General  Court, 
Cushing,  together  with  his  followers,  refused  to  vote  for 
Charles  Sumner  as  United  States  Senator.     Never  having 
pledged  himself  to  the  coalition  between  Democrats  and  Free- 
Soilers,  he  was  not  bound  by  the  action  of  the  Democratic 
caucus,  which  had  agreed  to  accept  Sumner.     Through  his 
recalcitrancy,  Cushing  became  even  more  obnoxious  than  be- 
fore to  the  radical  abolitionists,  who  rejoiced  when  Sumner 
was  finally  elected  by  a  margin  of  one  vote.    Later  in  the  year, 
Cushing  became  the  first  mayor  of  Newburyport,  then  re- 
cently incorporated  as  a  city;  and  in  July,  1852,  he  was  ap- 
pointed by  Governor  Boutwell  as  Judge  of  the  Supreme  Judi- 
cial Court  of  the  Commonwealth.     During  his  few  months 
on  the  bench  he  became  conspicuous  for  his  knowledge,  indus- 
try, and  fairness. 

Cushing  entered  aggressively  into  the  presidential  campaign 

of  1852  as  one  of  the  little  group  who  plotted  to  make  Frank- 
lin Pierce  the  Democratic  nominee.  On  the  floor  of  the 
Baltimore  Convention  he  shrewdly  directed  the  Pierce  forces, 
and,  when  the  New  Hampshire  man  was  elected  and  inaugu- 
rated, it  was  to  be  expected  that  Cushing  would  be  in  his 
cabinet.  As  Attorney-General  for  four  years,  Cushing  proved 
to  be  the  ablest  incumbent  of  that  office  in  our  history.  He 
was  the  first  holder  of  that  position  to  devote  himself  ex- 
clusively to  its  responsibilities;  and  he  established  a  series 
of  precedents  which  have  been  indispensable  to  his  succes- 
sors, rounding  them  out  by  a  full  discussion  of  the  functions 
and  traditions  of  the  attorney-generalship.  His  opinions, 
filling  three  volumes,  have  been  repeatedly  quoted  as  authori- 
tative on  many  subjects.  In  Pierce's  cabinet,  Cushing  ex- 
ercised great  influence,  and  several  of  the  administration 
policies  can  be  traced  to  him.  Thrown  into  contact  with 
southern  statesmen,  he  became  more  tolerant  of  their  views  on 
slavery;  indeed  one  of  his  opinions  anticipated  the  doctrine  of 
the  Dred  Scott  decision. 

Cushing  did  not  like  the  young  Republican  party,  which  he 
described  in  1857  as  "  a  jumble  of  freaks  and  follies."  When 
Pierce's  term  was  over,  he  came  back  to  Boston,  where  he  was 
again  elected  to  the  General  Court  and,  although  the  Demo- 
crats were  in  a  minority,  was  conceded  an  intellectual  leader- 
ship. At  the  Boston  Union  meeting  (December  8,  1859)  in 
Faneuil  Hall,  he  joined  Everett,  Levi  Lincoln,  and  others  in 
denouncing  John  Brown's  raid.  He  was  chosen  Chairman  of 
the  Democratic  Convention  held  at  Charleston  in  April,  i860. 
Accepting  the  Dred  Scott  decision  as  final,  Cushing,  though 
impartial  in  his  rulings  as  presiding  officer,  favored  the  anti- 
Douglas  faction;  and  when  the  delegates,  after  disbanding 
in  confusion,  reassembled  at  Baltimore,  he  appealed  for  har- 
mony. After  it  became  evident  that  the  Douglas  element  was 
in  control,  Cushing  led  the  "  bolters  "  who  nominated  Breck- 
inridge and  Lane.  He  felt  that  the  South  had  been  badly 
treated  and,  even  after  the  election  of  Lincoln,  urged  his 
fellow-northerners  to  make  concessions.  President  Buchanan 
sent  him  on  a  mission  to  plead  with  South  Carolina,  and  he 
was  actually  in  Charleston  when  the  Ordinance  of  Secession 
was  signed.    In  a  mood  of  despair,  he  reported  to  the  Presi- 


dent  and,  when  war  was  declared,  reaffirmed  his  loyalty  to 
the  Union  by  offering  his  services  to  Governor  Andrew.  To 
the  latter's  enduring  shame,  Cushing's  request  for  a  com- 
mission was  refused.  From  then  until  his  death,  Cushing 
voted  the  Republican  ticket. 

During  the  Civil  War,  Cushing,  as  one  of  Lincoln's  informal 
legal  advisors,  rendered  important  aid  to  the  Department  of 
State.  He  resumed  his  profitable  law  practice,  making  not- 
able arguments  before  the  Supreme  Court  of  the  United 
States.  Meanwhile  he  transferred  his  residence  to  Falls 
Church,  Virginia,  only  a  few  miles  from  the  national  capital. 
In  1868,  he  was  appointed  by  President  Johnson  as  a  special 
Minister  to  Colombia,  and  spent  some  weeks  in  Bogota  fur- 
thering negotiations  for  a  ship  canal  across  the  Isthmus  of 
Panama.  In  the  proceedings  leading  up  to  the  Treaty  of 
Washington  in  1871,  Caleb  Cushing  was  a  leader;  and  Presi- 
dent Grant  selected  him  as  one  of  three  counsel  to  represent 
the  United  States  at  the  Geneva  Conference  for  the  adjust- 
ment of  the  so-called  Alabama  Claims.  It  was  largely  Cush- 
ing's astute  brain  which  guided  the  deliberations,  arranged 
a  basis  of  compromise,  and  secured  a  favorable  decision  for 
his  country.  His  ability  to  speak  French  fluently  astounded 
the  representatives  of  other  nations  and  brought  prestige  to 
the  American  delegation. 

Cushing's  declining  years  were  darkened  by  what  to  him 
was  a  culminating  tragedy.  His  highest  ambition  was  to  be 
Chief  Justice  of  the  Supreme  Court  of  the  United  States. 
On  January  9,  1874,  President  Grant  nominated  him  for  that 
position,  and  his  qualifications  were  so  obvious  that  no  op- 
position was  expected.  But  attacks  upon  him  soon  developed 
from  his  enemies,  especially  from  Senator  Aaron  Sargent, 
of  California,  with  whom  he  had  once  quarreled,  and  it  was 
soon  apparent  that  he  could  not  be  confirmed.  He  withdrew 
his  name  and  accepted  the  post  of  minister  to  Spain  to  which 
he  had  already  been  appointed  before  the  vacancy  on  the 
Supreme  Bench  occurred.  He  remained  in  Madrid  until  1877, 
when  he  resigned  and  settled  down  in  his  boyhood  home  at 
Newburyport,  where  he  is  still  remembered  as  an  austere, 
rather  lonely  person,  who  wanted  to  be  loved  but  did  not 
understand  how  to  win  affection.    He  died  January  2,  1879, 

on  a  night  as  stormy  as  his  life  had  been.  He  was  interred  in 
the  New  Burial  Ground,  in  Newburyport,  and  a  memorial 
service  was  held  in  that  city  on  October  8,  1879. 

Cushing  married,  in  1824,  Caroline  Elizabeth  Wilde, 
daughter  of  Judge  Samuel  Sumner  Wilde  of  the  Supreme 
Judicial  Court  of  Massachusetts,  by  whom  he  had  no  children. 
In  spite  of  his  wife's  persistent  ill  health,  the  marriage  was 
very  happy,  and  her  early  death  in  1832  left  him  inconsol- 
able. He  was  devoted  to  his  parents  and  to  his  brothers  and 
sisters.  Caring  little  for  money  as  an  end  in  itself,  Cushing 
earned  a  large  income  whenever  he  was  willing  to  accept 
retainers.  His  tastes  were  very  simple,  even  abstemious,  and 
he  was  indifferent  to  luxury. 

Caleb  Cushing  was  not  precisely  a  contributing  member  of 
this  Society.  So  far  as  I  can  ascertain,  he  never  attended  a 
meeting,  although,  on  May  8,  1873,  through  William  Gray 
Brooks,  he  presented  to  it  "  a  manuscript  volume,  finely  il- 
lustrated with  engravings,  of  the  genealogy  of  the  Cotton 
family,  prepared  for  Mr.  Cushing  by  the  late  H.  G.  Somerby." 
This  interesting  book  is  still  preserved  in  the  archives.  At 
the  first  meeting  after  Cushing's  death,  President  Robert  C. 
Winthrop  remarked:  "  He  was  too  busy,  and  too  often  absent 
from  home,  to  take  part  in  our  historical  work,  or  even  to 
attend  our  meetings."  Winthrop  did,  however,  pay  a  sincere 
tribute  to  Cushing,  and  his  eulogy  was  supplemented  by 
George  B.  Emerson  and  Charles  W.  Tuttle.  On  February  13, 
1879,  Mr.  Tuttle  was  designated  to  prepare  a  Memoir  for 
the  Society  and  went  so  far  as  to  examine  some  of  the  Cushing 
papers.  When  he  died  on  July  18,  1881,  he  had  made  little 
progress,  and  no  one  seems  to  have  been  appointed  as  his 
successor.  Now,  many  years  later,  the  duty  of  refreshing  the 
recollections  of  posterity  has  devolved  upon  the  present  writer. 

Perhaps,  however,  it  is  easier  today  to  recognize  Caleb 
Cushing's  notable  accomplishments  than  it  would  have  been 
fifty  years  ago.  Studying  him  with  a  mind  free  from  contro- 
versial prejudice,  we  can  perceive  that  he  was  an  able  lawyer, 
a  thrilling  orator,  a  shrewd  diplomatist,  an  almost  omniscient 
scholar,  a  versatile  and  far-sighted  statesman,  and  an  honest 
man.  He  made  his  mistakes,  for  which  he  paid  in  full,  and 
he  died  disappointed.    But  he  is  not  forgotten.    Other  men 


who  seemed  to  their  contemporaries  more  spectacular  have 
vanished  into  oblivion;  while  Caleb  Cushing's  more  sub- 
stantial qualities  have  given  him  a  permanent  niche  in  his- 
tory. His  memoir  will  appear  belatedly  in  our  Proceedings, 
but  at  a  time  when  the  vindication  of  his  much-maligned 
character  is  conceded  by  well-informed  historians. 



Andover,  Massachusetts 