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Full text of "Callicebus (Titi monkeys), Index and Correspondence with John Smith and Eugene Morton, Notes from Barro Colorado Island, Panama; Iquitos, Ecuador and Colombia, 1964"

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The Biological laboratories 


10 July, 1964 

Dear Martin: 

I have finally finished your Sonagraphs of Callicebus * 
it was a bigger -job than I had expected it to be. 

The principal problem was with certain sounds like the 
grunt which arc both very low-pitched and very brief. Griffin's toy 
will go down to quite low frequency levels, but it does this by changmgg 
sax*x sppeds of some of its devices, and so has to compensate in time- 
in short, to analyse a very low sound one is stuck with a condensed time 
scale in which the length of the Sonagraph paper increases from the 
usual 2.4 secs to 8 secs. A very brief sound then becomes almost a 
simple point - you see its frequency , but no other characteristics. 
(Oddly, by the converse of the above, very high-pitched sounds are ana- 
lysed on an expanded time scale, and the various trills etc about which 
you were so worried are really ragnificent - you can see all sorts of 
beautiful detail.) 

On the whole, after a good deal of fiddling, I think we've 
come out quite well. Most of the sounds were not difficult to analyse; 
wherever 'here was any difficulty for any reason, I tried to do a 
number of different types of analysis - or, rather, I tried to use a 
variety of different frequency and time scales. I'll send some inter- 
pretation along with the analyses and tape (they 'LL go registered, for 
which I'll have to wait until Monday). 

I've burned up about $8 worth of paper on the $ob, but we 
can compensate for this if I'm doing further work for you. The postage 
1(11 try to get the MCZ to pay - maybe by sending it in Mayr4f name. 

I don't know if we'll run into a problem with brief, low- 
pitched sounds on many of your species. I've checked out the liter- 
ature I have from the bonagraph Co. on the model I'm going to order, 
and, so far as I can be sure, it looks likely to be a considerable 
improvement. It's normal analysis will be 2.4 secs of sound at from 
85 up to 8,000 cps, but it can apparently expand this same up to 4kc in- 
stead or give a scale up to 850cps(and maybe expand this to 425cps) 
with a special pug-in filter I can obtain for it. These 4 basic choices 
would apparently all use the 2.4 sec time scale, and, if so, are prefer- 
rable to Griffin's machine. I did find his 2,500 and 1,500 scales 
useful and won't be able to match them on ny machine. All his scales are 
lines®, however, and I can apparently use a logarithmic scale on mine - 
nice because it better approximates what an animal hears and so should be 
more meaningful (I don't know *hat the £ range of this log scale is). 
Finally, for extremely brief calls there is a method by which I shall be 
able f .o expand the time scale by 3 tines, although 1 doubt if this will 
be necessary. 






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The Biological Laboratories 


iijl 4 * •' -T / 14 July, 1964 


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Dear Martin: " . i ’« • \ ■ J ‘ • 1 . • • ftW J 

Herewith the tape and Sonagraph tracings. I've copied the tape 
and fcetained a copy, so if this parcel is lost I'll eventaally get a query 
from you and be aole to start over# Also, I should be able to cheteb things 
1 or you without you risking mailing the master tape again# The copy, however, 
will be less perfect than the original, particular A ^in the frequencies over 
abtput 8 kc, since there is an ieevitable loss of fidelity in producing any 
copy. I’ m very sorry about the last sequence on your tape; I fear it(s largely 
destroyed# This happened as follows. Griffin's tape recorder has a speed error 
so I use rry Nagra to feed into the Sonagraph. The Nagra is a field machine 
and has a system of rollers designed to hold the tape steady in any position 
of the recorder - these don't function, however, as the free tail end of the 
tape passes through- they usually act to crimp or even break this tail, hence 
I put tails of leader tape on my material, and forgot I hadn't instructed you 
to do this. Fortunately, the last sequence was one you subsequently had me 

mark ’'skip" as it repeated earlier material, so the loss isn't as bad as it 
might have been. 

I 've made some interpretations right on the Sonagraph Iraces them- 
selves, particularly on the iirst ones. I think you're now experienced enough 
with these that I've given you sufficient information, but write if you don't 
understand sonetning. A lot oi echo shows up, usually fairly weakly, and it 
would help in Juture il you can deaden the walls and ceiling of your recording 
area. (Some of what I've thought to be echo may be a second animal in synchrony 
you'll be able to tell this by listening carefully to the tapes, I didn't ilways 
check this possibility; there are some beautiful cases of synchrony,E.g.#V) 

^ ^ ave used a number of different frequency and time scales. For every 
individual sonagraph make sure you note what I've marked. Many sections have 
been done over on different scales to clear up some points. As I explained in 
my earlier letter , to examine low frequencies I have had to condense time, so 
that you can't xalways determine the ihape of a note, but in most cases I've 
managed to get you some indication of thisone way or another. Things done at 

scales may appear to give different information for the reason that 
the sound filter being used has different charcfe&ristics (which in some cases 
marked down); in general the frequency width of a sound will appear to be 
greater when I've used a scale that analyses to high frequencies. Occasionally 
com P ensa ted ~or this by using an entirely" different filter (described as a 
narrow band pass" filter) which has other undesirable characteristics but which 
show you how harrow some of those broad black smudges should, in fact, be. 

.9 ul./ oi these will help you make your interpretations - if I were you I'd & 

go through the entire set before I sat to try to work on any one in 


Let me know what you think of them, ^est regards to all. 



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304 Main Street 
Etna, New York 
September 16, 1964 

Dr. Martin Moynihan 
Canal Zone Biological Area 
Drawer C 

Balboa, Panama Canal Zone 
Dear Martin: 

By now you should have received the spectrograms of Callicebus . If 
not, they should reach you shortly. I mailed the recorded tape strips on 
the 11th. 

The "grunt" appeared to resolve fairly well. I was interested in 
the human-like resonance bars. The resonance was audible on half-speed 
playback as a rising then lowering pitch. The fundamental frequency 
remained constant at about 220 cycles per second-calculated from the num- 
ber of vertical beat lines per second. 

The "sneeze" was as expected, an abrupt sound covering the whole 
range of frequencies under analysis as white noise. You can see the rela- 
tive time the various frequencies reached the microphone as a slanted line 
on the spectrogram. 

The project on avian vocalizations which I discussed with you this 
summer has been approved by my committee (C. G. Sibley, Bruce Wallace, 

LaMont Cole). Therefore, I would like to outline it, as you requested, as 
a possible proposal for a Smithsonian Fellowship. // Basically, I would be 
studying the ecology of avian vocalizations, i.e., the forces of the 
physical and biological environments selecting for or against certain 
sound characteristics. 

Factors of the physical environment such as vegatation density, 
temperature and humidity and topography control the carrying qualities of 
sound. Generally, there is a certain range of frequencies within which 
optimum sound propagation is attained for each habitat. Data for certain 
avian sounds indicate a correlation between frequency and form of vocali- 
zation and optimum sound propagation for a particular physical environment. 

In a general way, this habitat-sound correlation has been mentioned in 
many scientific and popular articles. However, no data has been obtained 
pertaining to possible selective factors for sound characteristics. 

The biological aspects of avian sounds have been studied, but never 
in relation to the physical environment. It is my hypothesis that in a 
particular environment, certain sounds are selected for due to the physical 
limitations of the environment. Then, within the parameter of the physical 
limitations, the biological parameters of anatomy and inter-and intraspecific 
competition, etc., operate to mold the species-specific vocalizations. 

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Dr. Martin Moynihan 


September 16, 1964 

The anatomical aspect of this project is one of interest, I believe, 
because of the taxonomic association with syringial structure. The sound- 
producing structure of the "primitive" passerines may be a function of selec- 
tion to produce "habitat adapted" sounds. The types of sound that the 
Dendrocolaptids, Furnariids, and Formicariids produce might not necessitate 
elaborate musculature. Yet these sounds are more adapted for the forest 
environment that "complex" sounds produced by an "advanced" anatomy. 

My "line of attack" to the problem is to measure the sound propa- 
gation characteristics of selected habitats using test tapes of different 
frequencies and sound structure made up in advance. Also, I want to 
utilize recorded natural sounds in propagation measurements. Then, after 
deducing what frequencies propagate best, worst, and are directional or 
non-directional, an analysis of what is actually found in different habitats 
will be made. I also plan to study syringial anatomy from a functional 
standpoint, looking for correlation with sound produced and habitat sound- 

I am hoping to be able to study this problem in the tropics for 
two reasons. For the resident species there is a lifetime in one, almost 
constant, habitat for selection to operate. Further, the "primitive" 
passerines are more numerous in or confined to the tropics. Thus I feel 
that a study such as I propose would produce more useful data on tropical 
birds than on temperate, f j 

I hope all is going well. I shall be looking forward to your 



Eugene S. Morton 


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The College 
Department of Biology 

Joseph Leidy Laboratory 
of Biology 

7 Sept. , 1964 

Dear Martin: 

Glad to get your recent letter, although sc.Jewhat dis- 
turbed that you mentioned, but did net catalogue, some recent un- 
pleasantness. Sometimes I wish you weren’t such a genius at saying 
nothing personal in a litter - 1 do hope that whatever this was has 
meant no personal hardship for you or for the Rubinof f s . How are they 
making out , incidentally? Glad to hear you’ve got Stan Rand, 1 know 
you will be extremely pleased with him. When does he arrive? 

Sue and I had a delightful Mexican holiday, blessed by the 
most incredibly perfect weather I’ve ever had on a trip. We took 
3 days from the border to wander slowly down the eastern side to 
Mexico City through the spectacular eastern slopes of the Sierra, 
ent only 3 days in the City then went up and camped on i*it. Popo- 
catapetl; climbed up to about the lower limit of snow (somewhat over 
14,000’ at that time, I think). Went on down to the east coast again 
at Veracruz, then made a long loop up past M.City to the Central 
Plateau and came north through the deserts, collecting cacti to 
breed bac?< here, Finally came out at Laredo and dropped down to McAllen 
Texas to finish some observations on Tyrannus couchii , cur new king- 
bird. (We’d designed parts kef the trip to look at its habitats in 
Mexico and had found it still somewhat vocil even tho* in the post- 
breeding season. Surprisingly , or perhaps not so, vie got what may 
be evidence of introgressive hybridization with T. n elancholicus . al- 
though our data are too scanty to prove this. We got good T. couchii 
vocalizations as far south as we got- near the end of its range - 
and these are very different in form from T. mel, as well as being 
slower and at about \ the pitch of the latter, tie also got, although 
not certainly from the same individuals, use of the simplified T. 
mel patterns, but at the pitch of T. couchii, and slowdd to its 
speed (ie. they sounded like T. mel tapes played at f speed). These 
vocalizations would be redundant in that population as we heard the 
T. couchii equivalents. Must someday return in breeding season.) 

In Texas, however, we both came down with dysentery, Sue quite severely 
She is still net fully recovered after about 15 days, but is very 
greatly improved. I'm at present sweating out the preparaticn of some 
lectures. AA ave been talking with Martin Cody and shall confer with 
MacArthur when he returns (in a week or so) about the towers they 
want - shall se^-if we can straighten out the issue; Cody at least 
knows exactly where he wants a tower. He’ll be down after Christmas. 

Before I continue, here are some notes I made for you in a 
mixed flock on Mt. Pcpo in the pines around our campsite (about 13,000’) 
Forest mature, probably Pinus hartwegi , rich bunch grass understory, 
grazed by cattle (net severelyX Floe ’ ; in both pines (of which thhre 
were rather few young ones) and grass (ie., on ground). The most 


vocal and active species were: 

Parus sclateri - apparently several families 
Sitta pygnaea - about 2 families, a very vocal nuthatch, 
plso active in the trees, but not noisy, were one or 2 families of 
Clive Warblers, Peucodramus taeniatus , 2 C olaptes caf er , 1 or 2 
Dendrocopus scalaris , ( and occasional Stellar Jays, Cvanccitta 
s t e 1 1 e r i— wh i c W -tiiay ne t have been in active association with the 
f locl^. Two Brown Creepers, Certhia f amiliaris , probably were psrt 
of the flock, but were sufficiently unobtrusive that 1 didn’t always 
locate them when examining the fMclc. A single Dendroica graciae 
was apparently out of the species range (?) and so not a usual part 
of such a flock. 

active on the ground were a couple of families each of: 

Junco phaeonotus - not noisy 

Oriturus superciliosa - 1 think (Blake’s Mexican guide can be 
infuriating in the field, but I can’t imagine what else thhe big 
sparrows could have been); often very noisy. Both species occasionally 
went into the lower branches of smaller trees, up to heights of 10- 
15’ or so. 

We wanted to climb, * I didn’t make extensive studies on 
the group to see who was attractive to whom, but the noisiness of 
the chickadees, nuthatches, and sparrows is suggestive. I mention 
the flock primarily because it is rather more elaborate than the 
chickadee/nuthatch flecks I’m. accustomed to up here. It cane and 
went through our campsite about 3 times in 4 hours . All of the 
species in it should have been resident on the mountain. 

delighted to hear that the sound spectrographs are, indeed, 
useful to you, and that the species is, as it appeared to me, hideously 
complex. You can imagine how I felt while actually running those 
things oi:;, trying to get cut the various nuances by one means or 
another. I hope your friends can get at the low frequency stuflf better 
than x could; they can probably fiddle with their machine. 

1 see that I’m late in replying to your request that I lock ever 
your drawings of them - naturally I’ll be happy to, do send them 
along. And let me know if the 3E people get better resolution, as I 
may be able to learn some techniques from it. The machine 1 used was 
a Kay Electric Cc., hissl lyzer - presumably the same as theyr model. 

1 suspect we might better lock into the problem of ’’echos" in carefi:l 
detail (if not now then in the future), since if one individual can 
introduce this etrect at will into his own voice he may well be using 
it to modifiy his message. Cases where you suspect "fuzziness" of 
being real I might try to resolve with a narrow band filter. As far 
is this business of the pictures being entirely of harmonics of unseen 
i undamentals , this is something I think I’ve probably mentii ned to 
you before, but is without any ethclogical significance flat I can 
see. r resumably the actual vocal chords of the animals vibrate at 
much lower frequencies than the ones we hear (or see), and these fre- 
quencies set up harmonics in the animal’s resonating s ten which 
then selects certain of these for amplification. When t he Sonagraph 
snows a fundamental and harmonics these are really a resonance fun- 
damental and its harmonics. (In tyrannids, incidentally, I sc. etimes 
see a bird shaft its emphasis iron one ‘ahnnonic tc another, occasion- 
ally e-emp aiszing the resonance fundamental without de-enphasiz ng 
one or more of its harmonics - God only knows hciv. ) 

My grant came through about 4 days ago 
tc telephone Kay Electric and place an order, 
is designed to analyse the range S5-8,000cps, 

and my first action was 
Hie machine I’m after 

which is fine for t rannids 


By playing a 7*^ips tape at 15ips I can analyse the range from 
about 45- 4,000 cps, although the time axis v/illbe compressed by 
-j. More important 3tsr, though, I have also ordered a newly developed 
attachment which enables one to select any one-tenth cf the vertical 
frequency scale (say, 85-800cps, or 800 to 1600) and magnify it to 
the si„e of the full spectrograph, By playing tapes at p speed 1 
could instead look at the ranges 85-1600, 1600 to 3200, etc. In other 
words, although it may require more than one run to picture any given 
sound, this lcokfcs as if it may' be our ultimate weapon - it should 
give us anything we want. (Ultrasonics can also be handled by simply 
slowing the tape playback - the problem is to get the original recor- 
dings, as you know.) 

That news is good, but here’s the rub. Delivery is "promised" 
as within 6 to 8 weeks (ie., late October, if they live up to their 
promise). Delivery of the special gadget to select any tkenth for 
scale magnification will take an estimated 4 weeks longer (late Nov. 
or so). Nov/ the marmosets are, I hope, fairly high-pitched, 

so hopefully we shouldn’t -need the magnifier for them. I’d be happy 
to work on the tapes the instant the machine is available, and, if 
it cones on time, this could be soon enough for your December lecture. 
On the other hand, it gives us damn little leeway. (Aha, checking 
your letter I see that this is not a lecture but a beck - which might 
givex us more leeway. ?) Two alternatives cone to mind: 1) Griffin 
might let a technician do the job on his machine, but I doubt it- he 
specified me for the job originally, and trusts almost nobody else 
with the beast; 2) Cornell has, or at an' rate, once started a 
Sonagraphing service at 51 a shot - I used this for my thesis and 
they dure did amaz: ngly crummy work. In a pihch, though, if the ser- 
vice still is operating ... Maybe your original Nav, contact or your 
3E friends c n help, but failing them I suspect I’m your best bet. 

I’m really quite happy to dc the work for you, only wish I could 
promise to meet your deadline. I suspect I can meet it, and canx 
make frantic phone-calls to Kay Electric from early October on to try 
to speed up delivery. 

Technician: I budgeted $2,500 in my grant for a part-time 
assistant and wrote a verv tight grant which gives no leeway to shift 
funds about unless 1 forgo some equirment. h.'dth offers from cu aa d 
I-iacArthur to use this person part time 1 can see totalling 3,500 (I’d 
not want either of you to contribute more than 500 as I don’t imagine 
you’ll have that much for the person to do - although 1 might some- 
time need seme helm from you for Sonagraph maintenance) which would be 
a sufficient salary for a technician at Harva rd. Lc and beheld, the*, 
this University has a Personel Service which sets pay scales - and I’d 
have to offer $4800. Gut of the question - but I’ll find sore way 
around, over or under this ruling; while squabbling abc ut it here, I’m 
going to count on $550 from you (500+ 10% for Soc Security, etc). Shall 
report on it as soon as I can. 

I wonder if I dare try smuggling from Foto International - 
the thought of "cheap" Nagras falls heavily on my sensitive ears. ; nd 
a Sennheiser raike - wow; I got one approved in this grant, so shall 
be buying one, they do seem to be nearly ideal. Sorry ny Cambridge 
dealer never came thru’ on the Nagra - he’s always been most reliable 
in dealings with me. 



I’ll check with a 
last year whe was 
ultra-senicx stuff 

friend (Dick Phillips) as I think 
working with the hearing abilities 
of yours is a bit discouraging. 



had a 




Is your problem with the long ''song" phrases in Callicebus the 
same song problem as in birds - why the seemingly unnecessary 
complexity? Are these displays functionally equivalent? I 
have 2 net necessarily exclusive thoughts based on the tyrannids. 

1) Complexity is being favoured for 2 ends (species and individual 
recognition) and there is no (?) countering selection pressure - 
hence the process carries on under its own momentum; 

2) The "dawn song” of T. tyrannus contains units which, in a way, 
represent the entire vocabulary of the species, arranged in a highly 
fixed order. This may be illusionary. It may be that a kingbird when 
"singing” has highly mixed emotions - to seme degree all of his buttons 
are pushed, but he can’t do anything about it (as he’s usually singing 
in predawn darkness, or when extremely frustrated). It may be a 
sure-fire way of identifying the s re cies - other individuals are 
supplied with a completed vocabulary organized into a p&ttern, with 
variatiens in the pattern giving xpscxBX identity. The redundancy 


would be tremendous, but would permit absolute identification in any 
sonic environment. 

I don’t find any of these explanations really 
satisfying. Are we asking the equivalent question to "why does this 
beetle have 60 spots of white on his elytra and net 59, 61, or 30?" 

£>est regards to all. Susan sends her greetings to you, 
the Rs, and Stan, if he’s arrived. 




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Delta regional Priaate Research Center 

9*1 1 \ ? i »* sealoch o*n- tus>. t2« eubnpcclcc vh ch 1 «Kt observing 

by e deep auburn mbs tie that oovere the throat and cheat, *»' '• *<? glcv n, *-nd 

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black face and chestnut red crown. 

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if graaeland or savannah nod additional thousmide of ooree of wvti- 

fioiel paeturee which have been oleared In recent year*. SevxjrtheleaSf a 

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contain stable populations of CaVUcgbus and other aenbeye v\l.Q : ja,1i.lo,« £23E£i£* 

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few#t were classed. -*he study axcas aero left au s us tar 


asasure, and so far as om* be dstsrnined the nonksy population has bean 


virtually undisturbed for nearly 15 Man* 


Ths largest of the three foreata, 1 cay , has bean studied intensively 



in nins «m»V peiqs of frost two to four tsilnals each* In the thr * - nd 


r :a>* - ~ I gRHP M li iAmM Ml MU MM M>i Mlf I M of M iPimulM 



are fully nature. 

The nine groups nuking up populstl on 

C O' r VTftJKfii ty i 

frequent contact with it* ia&edi&t# neighbor* 

find they* in turn, have 

with store reawts group*. In thi>« fashion 



uors intsnwdlaries ie in ccsrn&xS cation *4 tit each of th* other group* in 


I the forest* ?urthar»or», even those rroups which **» seldom, if ovar. In 


▼isual contact way o^RauniCiAte dirsotly thniifh the slab.* tv* to vocalisations 






utoich play such a i>rc inent pari in the ecxsial life of Ctil.Hcj’xu. 

Aa an approach to the aooial life of the asonfceye in Pooay forest It 

will be belpfwl to start the day *4th a single group* ~nc& fatally unit 

occupies a definite and fixed area which contains both its food end lodge 

treat). TV ".gl lice but* feeily r* tires) at dusk to « irwo thinly -crosss 

with vines in which it spends the ttxph\. 

day bs.-ino at the first hint of dam. Teunlljr the iaitial 

of life are f&int stirrings* the sounds of urination and defecation* followed 

hgr one or tee *3 wailss# rooalieotiong* probably by the adult a&le. frequently* 

this i» followed by m longer series of calls in which both adult and sub- 

adult anionic participate* The coll ia e labora te and the a.-rong' mot of 

ite several eoapwtente varies considerably fro & one occasion to th* next. 

Call injr Oharoeterictlcnrjy be giro oit|» a {wriee of erring u-«h »otc© ddob 

Increa w rapidly in te»p» and intensity. At the end of each pair of notes 

tbero ia a etarp chuck or wjtrral. Ttia f^ra of 

r,.* say c Atlnue fox 


?>>-3Q seconds and is often terminated *y a series of rather alow* erphatio 

ewwuo aouedr. All vocalisation vmj ceaoe at that point or the entire 

sequence nay be repeated. 

Za anywhere fro® a few elautes to half an hour after the first call. 





the group leaves the lodge tree end begins to f» <l» 

Croupe fiw nei fcborirg area* frequently iseet as they 
food trees. Them ore not chance encountere, nor do they esc* to be the 

wove toward their 

r» v 

i to • comer. 

toward each other end meet In t Iwi • 

at the lxandr.i'lrr 05 


the «vi8x»l» actively converge 
cluster of trees day after day. usually 

their territort**. Slide 

shows the f reer In 

frequently occur. As the opposing pairs 

each aaiEal dr®»» closer to lie note. Ct iar eo t er l otl rally > nn?.c end feraale 

toysthor feeing the opposing pair 


heard as the day began. Ae he vocalime he presses closer to hie wate and 
®r*«a look's **nwrd ?v»r and tr»»’Chi*e her; and ah« toflethw with tJw» we*-**PS 

of the opposing pair 




Often they nmm to 


mrtjhin * ti^lr b *o*© f 

the aniwals shake vigorously «i 

E 9 M d / ' *<*j; v 

: » * 


t: ,•- 

m . 

VWm IK*.*? , 

- 5 - 


t*Hw rhythrrloally m they call. 

11)# vocal lntas#hiK^ *ay continue wlthmat pmise for 9 cdnutaa or looker* 

At tire* only one anixml or «w p*ir wilt colt? often* however, «il «ml)Mle 

call In concert. The lar*e volume of wound 19 surprising In vlev* of the 


relatively wnell alee of the enlealo? on e quiet d*v ©*slltc* eerily carries 

for a tale. 

•title they can, the opposing pairs often edf* closer tcyeVv*ri Individual 


taiimale leap forward or up a few feet, then maiden' y, with no apparent fore- 

wamlng, e mole dauihee toward the ©ppoeln* pair. He t**y rdtMrew ni once 

whether there* la « c«vcit«v»rueh or not, or the rush aa y develop Into an 


extended oh tee. In hlah noet often only the steles appear to be Involved. 

Burin# # eh**# th# cw» ternary p*tfeMk^y# #*# atattdsawH* m4 th* munkay* race 

across the tope of the tree*, mice perilous orcewinfw, dee«*®d to a few feet 

a&tww the jjpNmt, end eonetlxea fell or leap to the forest floor where mn 
milt continue" until the fletltt cnlnol finds e vine or a tlurder tree end 

ocorpers up. lately is «n tuttac! c*u/ht and even when this happens the 

coneccuencen ere not severe. fhe*f> Is no extended fight! the s u m m e r onahee 

and elope at its viotls, nay bite hits once or twice, there are a few squeals 

and It le over. The chase le not an Invariable climax to the meeting between 

' V! 




ftt time 

or r» pro of t v ?e 

Mem %» low; t': terse?. «r4 

begin to food* or eiaply alt quietly. Often both member® of the pair olt 
hv aide with their t^lle tnined . Although this t» a *r*qt»®nt pattern 
the Calllce It io aero often oeca during th» niddny root period or 

the etenlnit a* the antaels out tie doer* fir the ntHbt. 

mumr nwjnM ehlOr. Id eOflWtlTMft ft * WCi flttd with " i : - intercshM|S8 

hetneen greu;.t la afcsat mdtting* flolltoahuo aepeer® to have a esell '«toh 

of glandular tissue over the chest ehion say be iiapllont^d In this roi 
The anl#nl lo^eely grasps a tTwah with Its HnrvJa tev 5 jri^m Itself >1‘ 
tvrwtord the to alsild# th# feet remain fixed# Often 

it iHtun*® ot the kvI of « euah anS appear® to sniff or mrath the oroo It 
hue Jwrt nibbed. The entire eequeneo is often repeated 5 to 10 tines. 

* j 

t! though this <w»id bo « fan* of territorial masking, it d«e« nnt always 

<*w*ur In boundary arena. Furthermore , I hare yet to eoe one nnlaal respond 

to a lint 

by another. 

The entire episode from the first meeting of the group* until they «© 

their eoperate ways any ooerrny lean th^n flv* aisrtea to as wish «o half 

fee iin«. 

on hour or mte» Typioally, all parti*® 



°CS- “«S 

jli | ■ «v = 

* i 

. ‘4 


• 7 - 

a«rlyK®oming face~t»»faoe ?,nc< 

have returned to the eoreo at their respective areas there MMtlaee occurs 

arbeble vosal pattern. File Jo a - 

is very owou 

;■ , 

gobbling of a turkey. lie scat peculiar feature, fcessver, is not j 


group®. I believe the cell is usually pro-<ue©U by the sales, although 

• * - * 

oaC'-aAotfeilly Joi*i. ’?yp&»a»lV» * fiirule «nisal Li aim tfsvu jj bu*£»« 

t?» cull. 91 thin a fraction of a seoond it io taken up by other sohaalc 

in dlffennt grouse, auid the calling i>a#9ShO rapidly tkrc-ugb tin, forest ao a 

H . t 

of call end© abruptly 

intervals for 

it Hat I e* 


MUy ImvIM for birds# i do *■*!*• •*»* - 

territory ia m in^orymt eloroati t In tfe*M cctlyliit^^ but cl 


re definitely iwvoiw i, «*, *fcU» t» particularly evident ebon U* finale in 

„ ^ 

sexually receptive 


M - 

*. % 

* 1 



onrush of the opposing male, as she usually does, ah e nay alt quietly as he 
approaches or even approach him, Mutual genital inspection nay follow or 
they may be pin to copulate without preliminaries, or at least atteapt to do 
so before her mate countercharge o and interrupts the act* At the sane time 
that the female is showing an obvious interest in neighboring males she may 
be indifferent to the sexual advances of her mate* The next three photographs 

were taken during a long' episode in which the male repeatedly solicited the 


- ^ • ! »M . H .Mi! ■ I 3 I j . ^ ’ I 

female. The elides show the male reaching toward and manipulating the female's 
genitals, hiring this same episode oral contacts and Incomplete mountings 
were nlso common. In spite of the persistence of her mate, the female twice 
fled from him, but was overtaken before she had joined the male from the 
neighboring group. On this and other occasions I have seen the male restrain 
hi* mate a* ehe attempted to move away from him. This is illustrated in the 
next slide. 

Although it Is possible that the female may remain with the neighboring 
male, ehe probably does not. An episode that I observed recently perhaps 
best illustrates the typical situation. A male and female of neighboring 
pairs approached each other, copulated, then separated, the male moving off 
while the female returned to her customary partner. Although her mate had 
twice ruehed the pair ns they attempted to copulate, he showed no unusual 
reaction to the female upon her return. 

There are many other indications that in spite of the sexual attraction 
of both male and female to members of neighboring groups, the bond between 
mates ia strong and enduring. Although I cannot identify most animals 
individually, in those pairs in Which I can there has been no evidence of a 
change since my first contacts. Ordinarily the members of a pair follow 
each other cloaelj and are usually found within a few feet of each other 
during feeding and rest periods. Generally speaking, the attraction is mutual. 

s i'. • 


■ | 

mx may follow the other and leadership chujves fre quently throughout tha 

d*\y. Often ehett cm* animel hen finished feed! *# it will alt at the edge of 

tha food traa and wait until its mate approaches before waving on. Growing, 

trass ling or Bisnuel, contact, sod oittinr for Ion# period* of time *ltb sides 

pro seed together and tails twined provide further evidence of the breadth 

cf eocitl ties. finally* it wv.-ald be noted that »G«n tea animals become 

separated and lose contact, there ere various al*ne of distress* particularly 

t-hit'inf vocalisation* »hl«h if ineffective ansy 1**6 U> store elaborate call a. 


Although the jour# animals are closely associated with the adulte at moat 


tiaas* there era iodleatimts in mm cffcttpa that Juvaallo animal a are as — letw» 

ally the target of adult af /screen! on. 

Although the populations of two tux&lxdng: smaller forests have act been 

studied intensively* come interesting oontraats with the pattern described 

far floes? forest are already orldont. One forest contains five Oslllccaug 

convey* and a single mala squirrel arnfeogri tha other contains at least fl 

at 2 C.itlllcefrue anKijra* In both forests the animal* are 

organised into a single proup. Individuals may be scattered throughout tha 

awro*r to <sc<w>y t he norm le4g* tree fit nl,«Jht* F?rtheT*wrre t elthengh 

gr«up« voohIIsw et 4a*«» *n.l eww rerwly nt other hours of the <4oy» 

of vc*«a lotion erirour* to V mesh I«»« than in the Tw* ‘'oreet. 

the feet th«t e waller wether of ertuli 1* 

the ennmo of *m* 9 * ei^fe-r^^et! lo not <*lner* T n ' : ooo» ?oront there 

etfsag etigte^tioi* < 

r, -•irotton*! that Iwmi 1 ** 

unier «r>se exeetrtroe trrm eMlte that »ay eesntnaVly for** then out of 

! 7 - 

the rroun* In Ht# nN«r«i of 1 a?#! * ontnete f writ in the seslxer ora sts, 

Um thAAia «Mt Om haaia anaia) unit 1 * the Mir with UMOlaM Offspring 

<* *•** **’ ^ 

ynnre is tee&Vle only 1 # sn* 



the genelty of eopnlotlan wi.^t also ho o'^nolloral . T n 

io mporoKiMately the e*»w ( z aneme per ac*e,<, 

at birth* it* uig of tLo Juvi. foie* to for 

raere have __ 

seethe* This feet together with e ebarp riee In eex heharler <Mrln« JUft 

fnr^ato. h WT»r, 


*v~4U&t ffinci <msSjt J 8*|jrtattfeW that Wziavi^i 

In tale ere** It will bo of ccneidereble interest to observe th« eff*«te of 

* " •' 



' >T 


tiw arrival of young on mUl jwrtiouWlT 

PTousn of £00*1 forest 




i P.*V 

.r- <\jcr 



(jk^£(JCA6^M tfzLpA l&rt 

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iUMX/XUJsz^ A*fi ^Xa ) . &JL 4A4ST / S’ ijiOt A&C . 

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$Js/o>yVtt> _ L_ 

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'feLMi&tt ftaw/Lc ' ¥f 

. ^ ^OtA/Z/Ut U /tAMUzfa yf 
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( yZg/j^aZtCf . *Uh<*£. jji+u,fi*H d ~fezJ w/u£e u**/kut 

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ccpj\cffi#d iamM. 4m*( A uMctii , ^ 3S*. 3'^ yu^l^Mdc^Awru 

cjiiai£f ( m. tu (XeJfijf 3?j *?6. 

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flfc fyuik <Msd M 3% 8*?, 

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•- — •*- — *■ — 

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td£ AMUtt^ao ukc//'c*M#U ^ etcwa £3 ' AAiWt tuuutlj^ 76*?*? 

, Q/AtuftCZu y zo j z# . 
ffiB . CCA /U'^udj 36 3% *H , ££ 

^5 , (^i<L*a£Jdatf\tZ#Pi^ ty-iyZcPyZi^# i duct‘d i. 

fyidc fyttiidt - ^dtiutfr - C/wd'j zz. ^dldc. 



If . fl/utC Stfj E^= A? 3. 

$ - stevsti $&ui(itZ02<j f-j /O, //, /9- , 3£. 

lvjt~ m u>iM ' 8?Z. 

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& /Uhtut/ f?) . £fr. ^ UM& t ^uMd &ujt 
tJ\0U£ WWjf • 59~ frO. 

• J¥. tfslult'j 

AiL6i<4ULC*lX£~ { 

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* 93. fiMots** m t ox. tyu uMjtct. 

3 w *_J 

fiUl&T'j f Vj J0J /<?S. ^au£ (LaJJtA 

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tfail $4 U$aaaq . fyarutU) (BM cvjj{ ^uM ^ 'O j VY '^C 
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(pIloujjl^ &i alttH dhifirfjL j ?# t 

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ir ^ 0 Jj 9$^ 9fr . doty ^pwuicf^ ^ *( Y, J 3 &* y 

/ua^MVix tp 0Mj OR . *2Vl / 0(C 6^uut£ 3~ - 39. wivfc 9^ 9fr . 

$\ &M^9/. *~h- $&V-&J 'j frfr. fret^ 9^ 9fr. 

M 0 J Sr' J Pj^-^au 


*3. fadf qi <«+ (luu 0 ^ S3. 4/atrM. 

'VQ^£fr J /Sg 


/Vi fr . <$- <3^pMiUidr ^ 9fr fH/lffc Vtfr . 

fu , vy BMj 93 

Cau-icb 8is$ Moloch . _ /A/p^y 

fcr t>u. 6taAdtj¥. 7/o$t 'j'td'j 

at 0p£>tt~ ^C aJ^L. 09. ft- <W QjtsA-' 96 

W ) 13^30^0. 395D &^3, 9-3. <^jW* 

43. uj-C-C^C &A/\' j 

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Aii #?. 4&j £ Uustw^ CGpuJadZeMj *T0. Cftv**4 

/waJir^ tjy j Ma0*//T (m LL'-ctcf \ fft . 

"6&U<M«a '' 13 ■ /^ **, ^ ^ 

2‘ 'jfo ■ ^*-c* 

iitj MttCfaii^'j 3 . T&aacu^ c^^tA-ttfJUa. w-tdti // 7^-<ai>i#£ 

t <* . ‘tfkt&uf 7'6^5/j 3^ 37, H! i yXj ¥3 } Vy V ^ y<£ ^ A V zA 

H e 1 ) 5#> ^ <£/, ^ &T6 ff, 6? j A/, 'A *?. Cjpw hc.^iq yyiurtM ituA ^ j 66. j 

4«/j ^ 3?, HA , ¥¥ J yfj 5^ <^u/^c€ c*HWA&<otf, o7v^uju<^,^ ^g; W. 
^iMsttUGe ifeUr iX~u9 M&t~ CtrluvUcZu^ u> L i^{ 4^#^ *¥S. pUd* cjJj&tt-i c* 

£?UMic&*( UH.t(< ac#j O'? 60) a. /A y? £?-j c?^ 

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^ O $pf ^ a^fiist C#pu&Ct<Jtt^ ¥3+ 

/ / < 

Jm/MjUU^ . \idt~*. sH<^ua£ 7 ' /^ #3, ( &frcu(£&( s(ik&lA 

M<£tJ@.36j ^3 } 'Ay, ‘'fy'ltfa &&tp* aikd ActxCaJT^ 3&. c fy A ti&wJ/i '$ j *?£> 
ifcjtdc twu( 4US H^ucuX Ys) j / A*£ (Atiusr#^ c^JuswlmX^ *¥6>. 



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'^OOiUJ^UAA^ * /&/ . 

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4 aOI^. ~ 

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OjrcCi ' 

(^Uuvtg , ( ^&f£ujiXZ3U ^ 3^ ZOj h H>. WUt((2»di j 37. 

30, (^jip’X^ u (£7 ctl x 'it.'uJr ’ i m U'-t&f j 

\ . fijoi^ftiSu j, as^ SV, ^5 , v ? 92?, /<*5 /<?3. 9k 


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i . 

/ 0 7, elbO COAKOM 

(fiLCgUaMA^ . pd&a<f£tM j ?0J /40. (P<*^<^aSUj £ 

AiiUVUOt OHctp yUJlUt' <M (ma * (MM crCu&Aj ■ ?/ 

unJti c&udht ✓ Z3. tyt too. %i J&Ueyo 

iam/A CAjucAu^ ^5, ;?7 % $*&&> uUth 6mwu/,p<) 4 /m 6 3%. 9u 

4&lfo il/iufttta ( " cAu^ /f } ^ £, /-? . /duruHQ r&v^etw dc aputZZ ^ 

100. {Zo JU*t<y(Z£u tf' M sAaMZi* Qr*UOr*j{ 

e W,/tZ* 

ffl&. aJbr- d&lLQ . 

, (% LLVfel tj ¥Cs y 7^ 73^ 77, 7?. /<?V 

/ jY r (/tf\ <PLj 73. &l )0<AM&at fy<<XAAun« . 5 ^ 33, 1 ^ 6 ^ ' &4c ^^6 

5^ / W3 ceusfo.^ teti* ffc(M j <*/ , 

L(JXa IA{ ‘g'Vj 7<P, >Z tAU&SU 1 t£ C&4A&&. - ^OKQj &3. 

cZj tyxotteii tr ■ &*uA d &M . $6C/Uiujj @u/uM&U Mutter J 77 

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SUU/Mp£ J/ Ct*UA<JLfil4sU ^ *70 y 9%j 000 } /?/ . CU 7 (^VaXou^ '' UhJiMi /uulAm 

crtML aAiO^Cfc&tj 10%, t&urtwd, AUiuXjT^ 77 $/) "Of 1 

LV£j 7 tif^Ut &m>€4uJy ^ f,ic-i *dMJLt~ ‘ “ ‘ ‘^ ^ 

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H0 } H3j ¥&. 0U CuA/jJot'tf^ C aLucC.i Uuj u.uJA MAA*M4J0f i/3 , 

(jrtwAje<A.ces> fcMwuut 0A1 <Jmsuiu s c&in^<-&X&t4a cuaA ciu. 


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^ (&j ^ i u$i£e Avztfit e* 6AM^tj^( lm du putr^ 9/ > cdudt - 

6 %, % SrS, W . jLl./#-t« *1 AI&J -&1 UAcfi^auMzt 

btlfc £&Ujja± 99. Q^uPPud t^iuujfrjrtr^/te. __. 

C$ud!te 'Uti'-Uidce^ #$. 23 ^6 J 2 7 J 92, ddu-Ch 


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(AU\ Ubiffli ^V^udtci Hi &*f)'j w > */) . tyt<Mh<MudAA* UHtfc / «&t 44 M 


§j 2 ^JJuthedjLeti 

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Cto vu*dcfu tf tinted - (ftjLAtuAAjJr ^ /U/jUC~^ ce/. CU si&fdZ 


&M fir WwtdjUrU j 103 . GbuLS^&Xl ^xui^aMstA su* a^Cifu ^ JjLj 2. (Tun/L 

h*Mt ) 3% 3 4 - V*, 4% £/, /PP> /&3. 

H'tf'ujM ? ±3. 

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77". W&t tM $%¥%} W^ystj ¥6> 

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uA (A tujl ( C *. ( ^^Wzfclj /^. $pvt(£i ^ 39 tyM&ZO>( faj ftt-<WjJuJjL 6Lpj)AAUM 
OJA necoiZHi tf fa u\q ts)<faJJjt faffM (ftMtticUjliC) (/jltn fa^w maXjfa 


" fykliUL \ 

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/03 fyut'U<Mifti $J l(.£*Mj£ fc LU/ 

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sUam/XI fatfajM 4mJZci ^ 97. fau/tui^ faraj *>j 4 /?, 

[^ A ?> ^ 7 

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^A wl^"« 3A VA 0^63 $otti*.J*Ac£ r 

8*<£(U (lt-\ M C&llntlp# 9 9 , 

£Z& fj VP. 

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AMCMM tm> f ^ /£/ ., /OZ, too, 

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A ctixAttZei* ux u>4uoC\ yyuciazA tX~ 0-P t^jy&vd£e 



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^lu/> A tfM llMJl£ <?$*& AA.&U - 

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to UfiCi . tfzz* \uE^JUt 

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duH&f-Jt 5 £^£<3 Cudj-Ci stS<? UllS C & #J&/t7ZZ 

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ttuUA ‘p 'tf tUM t Lf-ti svza-u 0&*~ il£ij;&c4_ 

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A*4c. AtUVtSi L <^UV±. \U£-t'l 

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u< &. 5U IjJ&OL&ctu* '/Mu, ifefe 

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A<-L&{l£lu^o sictttui*^ cCe-as-M ~t£ c£ut^ gk* st& tae &&-£ <&i 
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^ aU AuutA /ua&<£ £$&M JtCtl -e^s* X-tm <tfL. 


$<*>&' JofatniaQ &J7fo 

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Ui rtfe aajJA . ^ 

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ij^ZuiA #Sf UM^te .- <f$JL /XiJM.'-O 


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I&jl tasfii y Ia^vx^ 

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Cle-^tU. VfciL 

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tbi c*zjp \9 UMXs) do /)?UK fiZ tlfcctA <v (UZtJU. 4 U#i£ < 

CtUJ^ titfc AC444&* A^ULUiA 

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] u>^^Lu J <t ihce-fjju.^ 

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^HUpU&Jcf sl*dtXfcLfi$ &U C /(y. M <s /i'C&fto U*(ku 'WX *UJMJJA& 

(l)JcL&t ^jjxz l ia/JjjuA it t(MAU 't~ AlL&l^Q. 

C\, A/A^jU My W^o Ail (jjUfr £*< <tjA C-U luA cu> a ACHCS-) 
jUCniit 'si _ -£&L (j&AtolsC&A &*L t6z ^/ mc^Suz^) V 

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au£(MA 5 Ctlif4 C (via ffisui cs(fiixt t&fa & LtitC 

(£i tX'/lVtcJ@y, (A t. 4AA ' 

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j* . 

^fco&utuc 0 m<£ oiaJM ! 

V &ut C& A£2&t 44 i*- CteUUL. 



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7 / 4 W\. £ifa> AX* XAjQ^/(\^J^yr.kJl oOlfUM xtfiu* — — cfc&y ft/Cu\ t*~ ^ 

UUdM.. £uft* <OU AA.Q^jaU*$UL>-T.tJl oOa/UM. xt$U<} IMJ. <J 

b± jjitvvvuj! f 'U-S^t '01 L&bAoAllJ? U*t e *bt ) . xdu 

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QJM i£f rj&t&Zt\ /uptv~ *4#6 i tfr 

U^JiSULK J hdCt’d&tWL c£&iQ tip &MAX .n-~jjl£l^ vUuk Ujj — u'buLtM &Q 
~t~ QjJkn — ajlUKqx Ctuu\ I ’xidSM 5 * dim fipbbuia^ ^ £&A,ft 4 yUU^ 

CA.dfij.tjfi | fist tU-hfi . ^?atu ct£-t&~ fotrv&fae ‘■Z dSliUt' tA~~oib - < 

c£u£u*d^ Pwii - 

(bgii&cdtxia t &le^Ut l£tia . 

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KAf y?^ OJjJL j^kiuu Citii^ ( ! Ate-Cto* Z^b(M( (QCVJ&. 

*3ujtt£ ui tfcat fie u AudCtxdM a ^u-\ haj*( 

Zuk tilth a ui*a£ *$£ (+Ua , da.duu^ fatth ^&(JtTcojJi ed£ \ 

O (j£U< I* 

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tfy. a ^hti. cc. Ctd tCdU&^ 
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ubccC Atcm ~fc fit cduid-dr^i utuiUsi yC..Cce *\ fit ittox ydx hj UAjt ^ a &a$L 

<\ AJM^ ‘^s-d &ALfL & jl uudx&dj t^ttr -p&t/i a aim 

c&au 'tr-tP2<M t+~ Lu&tv' £<&*o^£d~ Cndr uceu£r. ^ic uxl£ ^£u- 

A\axtM . 

L Aj-J ( put . !J€% ^ rr 

f . 


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& t,c£~&tui OlMl-i l£ & d&&u 1 tr'Atun t^ &ui^t^r“. 


ofc~ ( v^e, UmaaJ& 2* a ^tw~ Octets 

pfZucLLi t&sZ uumJzj ctuJ k d&e-tu. 't~A£teu tZ’iuwJt 'PcZAju.*., oXPZtMLlZ^ 

'*'t (&£ Plejtjk/j^- UtiL cujjut /Ux itCh rii&Ar dUjL *^ <?$£* jjict-* 

U U'^Jjt~ AAJ^U £k. a£i^iZ CS- iiCcij3u UjC ^UlttiPjUu^ 


/U.'4 . u^uuj^ ^ (LiJ> 1£ <t C& ^ a. TtZPut 

~tZ' -— U*£i&l£l ut Atdt yiutf £-&Ui4U#L(), *~h l AIM/ ^AUiX.iiJL Cr-GxiL^ 

' rtOcwdU hj£ku.( $J Ci A.ltti^ &t< 'Utj /Ju&u&Qci CdUiMJUfl ar&M Jpc&ii 
A.S duu.\ ciLKcfttiUl cuj cj PuA&uc&t up * ucl* < 7 &^ ^ LL ^ t f' tU ^ > ** (mZcCak^ 



^ ,»w^ rj'l L&WZt^AU&tf 1&*M H rCojClZuU. O juCtT 


OJUulj cUJlkAA&^Za'IUU uj CfaX* tU?Pi\ L* Aj£^Jj 2L 'iL-&l$S*C t*~~ $(%£ &4_* v £.( J t 


ftcuxui t -C uau&P 6ui(+ <^t,o£ (Ltun uZf&ii 

L tA< 




<-€tu $d 4 j 6U tu &OS3 facc&uC Jm^bZLI 

'(Mxs^t^ALdi, _.. . 




tt-to^ SAll a et* «*. P&J.<yi- Q* pi <C&LUjt ( 

(cZlCJt P 

tA ^ 


augf u-'t£{ 

icux &t lAUUjJ^ ItZ' c^Jt 

Met\ ’ C-&* 
£um atetut J 

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’\ 6iUSt*X~J UCuj a (Lsxt~M *‘t£T uuttuice^ u^Ojux p c^JjZ{ 

Amm. U( Cut Uie^p j£% 4rjutt ^au4 Wt4$r&4 Quitfa TeZ 6 t tiaefi U'Uii 

kaJ&Z to- Pie p. ( cAlcJP ajo i(xl&C't<&o+P 
A&i<jua£ tellers ^ ivAcu p fuuxe ftccJujf Abu*, up ux t6a dau&C^ 

i} W 4Cu£Abt^CLU&Cue. C&iuUi 4&<MsGc&U^-4M&tL PjtlPp - (jAs, 

7ui (j!uo#St 

?uc th*, rttsu 



&Ut *f3t~0Utr-. 
vfUClfid ^jCttiXvCi lu jtG* 

&tTuu3 ^ d<jL 

SUL q£&€* (mux Ptu AUU^ *6utuL c-tr H-iXcC AJUflfrudcC 'U-G*aJ! QlL iBuk 

UoGiUx ^AMMM &€*U\d A &1 (& Shu-A c 2&0i n> a, ' CcHn). 

u^AJU.u#iyo uXtXud uu *UJt<£a AoMUkhMi &ugdfr, uuaa.@^^ 9^c-- 
AjJk . } uiM^C. At\ erf/i<MJU 0-9 ALc&tvC)^ (jjQjtuJC^A C£<{- 

/yu^tXud MtuT 9b v> ottM'^UiU TP Ce0! ud&A%~fyi&i 7+6*0 duo CtfM & tv&Cfc 

UZ&cd (jUj 7&('Uuu‘&0 

cdxetdr flu* £A*g- Cip %jLULil£f. tkadc ~tfeJT 

ixd+Xrf .trniz 4coi *A ' £etit£t <U'te CMt dZ& x ^/cojiuu* Tt- UjOUml a AjSt^d' 
Uud< U c e^Wui MHO* c^CHflJlo 'LtViC^ u\ tttZZw^hUMQj -find S*j &40 
toAui &uX d'&tA AU^luk 6*y aud fu<dr &itu. u\ (Ua nrG-cu & 

COM, Alt !4 HC (M tt& td$U\ A&pt-U > ojtdd ua AedL. 

^IM-ca ... iM dor AU&l lUMMj ^ udkti s'LUMU • W£A <Zi£fa{f 

Quj d&M ttiiU -C&iMU&tAa , t\£ c^euuLf su-'tt&o $d CttAj U u,^Xt4<Jf\ t^tuxu? ( Id- 
CidhufMectCuK oi Ainuo d sud&& lo&icA muu p tf ind£ O ^k&tfcC. , , 'O 

U<4A Air. 


c&a <• du y UArUC W ctr&j 

$2 id C&E / -:C. 

%5tu ''ujAsCkrfu 

^&Ls>4U4*f & t eat &uuQ 

QaCU ttu AKttifc UUujdj oME^<£4£*tM^ dUt^ C LUUUC U AjLTUUo 

cf^idd/xt’ CHf\J * — — 

dVfrtit Auutl t btC'£C&<t tcr <pC c 

6jP SiAJ^MMxa^ nduz£~U) Cc CtXuCt. /JOCuQ^ &L(^ <\ 
trudcud<JtA£f7 ^{/tuLu tMC+z 9 Ezdu i k UxnMc^ &£ UAl<~A@& ZZXi* 

UlO&a? CUt^ ^{udiM£ emu* OUlS'tA 



uXxUS) tZTg I jXUg i tm ’J&z 


CUN. k JIM <xJ&ewLyp ^ Ludtc/i^t^ <zjulc£ 

Cm - /l frti' J>tuA£< _ 




’C&a.ur (PGrt* 


C cClCI MfiUjA l+~ Xu. i&cuu.i.C.itu^ *. 

in sictz^ 

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'm<*aQz a^c& 't*- 






a jMCtt(jpttZ&*i *1 {unZi& C&iMftrU 
— m ^ecC &<l &-^u mi -um ou-£ne_ii_ . 



^£iultt6l£&i (M ' e\ 'tLHUo , Jfi D 

*3lLU 4UtM4l4i.L&^ d&UM. -, iw CuCffUl l^c^wk cU\ & fjVCt^rtl 

‘ /u&u ,4***l\ oQ&HUa c£&c£k UsMdt fiXf . ^4<>J ttuic &«£, 

{j^mMua iCCMjti&ldl <Ml0UtejL<?t j # f u^McCtcl&£^ a 'CtHtto 

$tudi /umC/ieidi- tCzu txdUu t tuutE* 

/MuKdUait AMU^stxuit 0 &M *■ aaH£pU{ lQ^clcc C^MaJ^G 

4mccj A OW * - % MUt JUfrl (A — -^U*Xr<* (x-tttt MXCiSL Of <*£fUM^ 

Ui 4*UJU£@ tfkujUt 2 " < ~^ u jf> * M MM-H " Jflz-dt 

Awtz Mieuw (jZct (LifalXtu y 9 f^UiiXr • uXt&fy. ijjcl^aua^ 

' — — - / r / N| 

- Q u,* 4 Xa ^tj^cuk . &! Ida OCu i 

5 m J? 


I ' 

CVU&t WAa up Hi ituT, Jm ili^AO-frUx 

^OUn ALH^^XfCiM tfout'pfct CA,dja- fajkc At&MAi U/ A&tu&MKC* 

AwdUi wJu h 9 &Au Uf ul &t 4 am 4 4 M&. ctt tS- 

uttu fa (MidjAMsi tu> tfcu'c 

PaAX A&WaA? &&&4 

■U. atfac. 

tyt&us- 6c $06 -jtiit aviucu ma£ ( fyu\ < tUlu 64 lUt+fTt^ cuc-sA i 
/>ut(ui£j &U ‘iutj h&tdL^ and *4 

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) 0 r aAu^tiA/AAM $r~ 

AJJUl ( 4 > iZt<A< %Su£, 

A/UUA i l *&C\ Asi 

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{ 5 $&L C£&€t e> 6 fC^ftiAr&Ca , 

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AXC&te &t $2A/) 6 j.UOCJL 8^ t£~ t&X /^r ^ijLudjl&jp^ ^ 

tz- 4 * 4 . 

?. &.*<cJL 

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AUtlPt <fij*tUk a ' 6 &Cd (at * 

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d c? £icu cdtasu?pd 2 

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tfc > 7 ttXtfa 

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UjJ&Ui via UMZA Uk £&<?U«i ck 

d^l &£Lo Acutfc&i /UJX^tZAaX 

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^ #oo( efeci '~Ht<i LU-itCu. jp t&ac(\ (j(M\ trUcn Ci.( Let CtcCcc fj r-tf 


cJ-drAc » \ 



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CU. 4 €-&t\ <CU Sc*r.k.tfC<iC L c ' olup£ LM^CZiL 


^ CLji^iC CL ^ CZ\*pC IM^££ ^ (. <.<. cot 

Cot Cu Au*P<tleA^)ijSU^ Wv CUiT AUJi ryCi Ct^tClCrod . c(&ClM.\ 

/t L\JH.C^ AJUt jW^/ c *t^iA CHW- ffj 

^6iC <%cXvuxJ2^wa cf/W- O U> Cj uctl AC^JIa 'aJJU dlltUAX CyO 

utudk tfoz C HtJ /? . ^k/ica om axoJX^ ajA^ *ldu udi£~'t£~ UcuL) a 

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stXd£ &&j?( < aJU^UXT' * j A o^iLft uuj j 

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CZ AA£b?Uc~ CM(\Jy> cidtCU jp fJUcA Amu Ufo Ut AU<J C(MUt*C <X.Lid( tic cfct* t? 

s*c( ^rtt\ t (p- %*=> ‘ e ^M HamJ^ 6 w nuttfr 

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(^ 4 iQfU cdkwb ^Uah, f 3 j 

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&i£ 0 dsie. MaAAi c^tdZ CZ~ ttSC *iL&t4 C/M/ o $£ 

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UJJU) ^ AXJL& & C *ttL UT^ t ^lil&Lt oj'tteJL &£ e^ctO^, 

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fi*^U t*jc£f f A&VJL^UuZt tMCc^GV^'j &t H,JtJi>t *% 6 jl ^ 

s(L& 0 ^/UHM 4 UUtd^flu&t a ^ iudk£^ &m£ 

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aiif A&, 

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/UUu£ nt/Zit^jf cu 0 -L tuaoM. (fax CM N * t(j[jLui<jiJL^ ^) O 

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tout /hamjPju cnsu*xJltTZ~ CtttJ P ) &&u*Oi ^ 4 /fast 
l ^ &<^C£ Aj*cu*J^&£ Ilu^a uC&u 

CtCh/, C P A tuudd^MJJtu TteK\ . ktHuCtm MsCk ^ tfuUJ* @ Hlotcr 

✓ ' 

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dutuicJr PJWL vf« (MAtetiUJktC t UuH44&ii d?&'-~ aJ0\ 

*j £C£f A £■%# k*( *i\4t#cr Z Lj f 3 . ").. <T Q<£ajJJ t 

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tiXl<<*j£gf *( <&M~* '*JL& . tytUstiOZa* U'^L 

ot&e* . 


0£hctM^± fetm/E. X. fye*(A It 
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tfi&jtT U&ut tfeu*. dou uic&d&fl (m* 4^Qa4uc. " Of&aU t / Sfe&rfT 

(jfciJU duttM. Cm&to. 'UCfALLLicdi Qihg'ttljl ^ yjbJ^^aOMC^ JjUcuMa^^ 

£ #/ il(c&t . / 3 . ^Jwct auX&q stovuj dUU} <zi>-XjZ 

^0^£OjC jtiXtt AUMAiMM *< J 1^*2 ^ ^ tZfcxHuUj Ui Q J 

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iMZ Qjut^u^u ^ 




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AL&fi& tuz uaU U*fvijCLUo6^ dUuXjU^. 

. a&tetfi thz iG^tizXi *C 

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ApMU/ 2, A&ytd&Ot />uCUUt£A 

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t / /^lAj/A /t&iu* &%iLu &ctU.lf <d)j AjcOfottr’ 

&XA ' #U ftfc f&tCtfXUlK W ct AaxXTAM* &Y^. udut? C464Xitf~&u tfutxxtT. ^aML 
/ C4& {fill <iUUtU«Jt £} % idVj!, sli&lt 4QUU ZZ'OtUA. c^&^ikAX&C — (j> Cl u£tCiu&t#w - 

ctuei'iA m,idx. uiquJmm stucCt o\i&€ £O mM st&t** ttfij Ai'JUj &>' - 

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^&6MS 6&d &cfp4t> c-a HyOUyO , C ^d tA Aid tAlU-ij &L O $TUJ ltd 't+^'tue ^ isj&t > 

/ &1&CUJ2, iai a &xutl& /uuuut&r . j) duK pLL? (utiK m *£-&*£ uutfc ZZu "dUtfotAiir. 

J dJidi 6t sUCtfa A&udjLh Ux 6 

tti t#+*w 1 — - — — - 

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~4iAJft£Z4t&l *{&U. ‘&&.J hwt 6ajfi(. %iCLH(Z&&. AMtlicPU (X^LU{ 

tj &wj 6 ULiaJyif 

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(pcUt&KOO fsut b&l&Ur)i ^6/ {$£l irfr At OZ^ ti ^ i i ik£ 

f zt Ccaut^cttu ( "p sti&f 'JrtP Ibu Us>t</rp^ M-Cu* £fe(. ^ CuHilUj {& 

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I J$i &Uu two# . Qpi 4tfn tA?'C< $/ J&C6 CfijtlAHU+i tl i 6U<4 ^ m£ tfkutAX (■ 'tetC&y 

Am dPliAjuitr 

•fer ouucty ^) c^air c£&i*s? 

a&r foci Otul S Qfi. rt&Titi edit rtrtftu *>f (6r i rti&i 

■# /utMer As^Uituui f) 

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AOUpJ t/) C4CU C&ii itftf AioUuiU jp&dt <MQ E>J tAA <U\ <Aj\ftAh 

ccdrijftd 1*- ^ t&v't 4 U LlClZ&liAtj sUK&tr&J . ^JC 4CHUA if\^ 'ilZ-ltL /> ±<JJjtM*£ 

idiM. /pidt &ub u, p kw s^Su. ZvJMsCuu^ j (iajjgi^, c&mppud ^*x t@dt( 

fbt /huui caC£* *j c im ikC/ia/MjL c <xi^uudxau^ . tfe-ua crj tfc£~ udfci m tfara&itu ^ 

(U 4 -tctjl&Mf tZ? (%£ko<t a ^cCttkc^ axe 6s>t(±A>\ T> ode S^aM a im 4+lc£ 

ujiuuxdtCud* . tmj Com eetweut^ 9fe 6&&u*uc& t ojpxjxo &uj *t ToZtr* 6*^ ® 

S^l (t <f Ixrfau (S AA$ZU^C)Jy tux OxtCj iXJL &1<J C^C^£ j AXXj»/ tttlli Atcdjfc 

(U cltu t* pn ^<uod2, u<<sw£a( xj\pj^jn itu^'^UA 

CUP &Mt£A &XUM U&UtC^awfol OtM &*UE& $At{ tiuu C J\/itt 0 cu IM 

&ZA . 

£) facto AUOM cpuxtM etic pjjeuJtfi4Uaj 
bdxP IttfaC* pf U/MMi 9p«£ £tMXk Uj$ Ut< /tWj &&JU 

^MWjCc£ PCuZca^ & & HeittMij fcj do&4 uAt€dc(! MU, c^ ~d(AM A Wt^Pe yi 

o-'t r-4 -6£u dL&tfjCa tdhUt /u tCu’^ ^ ^ixam^Cj. tyzsUjpu-Zj ^ .£>«\ A^eptM^d/Jd^ 
ClCxKLCa9j ^AsA A g^&AXXCc, j C Hl\ ' fc- /'£& ~ uh — Hr&& J , (jLp^OlA , P&jT C-t ’-ty LX/ p. Ct Uidj. &ti 

^ittttM AUpOU i-tfddZ^ out iSudt ecu pu&ds/Ccd Ik. pux 1 1xed*9 

u'-tGO, Cu a Ctfft/ — It# tfizctw > !o ^ <Z uduc^ 

ay cJuicde, • &t£s 


QMitdxJl (9- 9 4x fiju£ ttiGtfri&Zij £<u&£ cuuxd&a@£ aUoxfop ooZx-' «s? Ctiftf -& p&t 

— d b cl* C&Ufij ( ... . 

J9 4ud!~7c*4od^ cZfljM&CC^t rt tyftudtiA to @UA CCLPtf ^ 

ft- cCsaa ctj\ ^aXiuUJ^Eiiic IZZ'/t-CecQ? u 4t^tz>*u - 

<£&n j <t*r(-ru<d p £> 'cd&cb j P&U£ Co* td CtCtuxcOin <g xjojm d&tn\ 

cujl/^UVU <tuu^c*9 t^AXX tfcut' £> aid tit Stfitdot t&uasxd 

JLf-di 4M*( A*£~cL<*btec sudfj CM <*A twRjuilZ (d-fif^OUuP(^~ 




(dddx cdx^ QA /fj p } 

U£M.4tti s\C&c&£ti t*~- UrfU eccf A&rtttu 

% t wt % t ??? 

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J) AUS’Cj nsUJ2 &l texq XaJmA 4.4. ) &1 

S3 AJd < v tc~ 

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t ut 

$ju asm<#m/ul4 iyjju£i tfuT* fituuf &if£*r *£u £*-'£ J tZiTe~ c&Ayz 
' 0 ^& cuj&t AM4 . 

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CAjJkst *&*a£* £ '-Ouch ? tfBZdt MtiUy de CM ** v C9 M&Q(LAJt$ l/uAJtx 

tb*.Wi Wm 6x^vg J 

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Uj^uAku *j£thu^di&*ti£ <*- c(jtpM/t^U^^Ui^U^c*i (uic^e^ 
l,v$M.^ # .yil^ "t^MAx lA&Ui « Ueluts^ PU yfot+j o 

tfojt J&lj'tAt aJUsviM 'ICAI&PU* rf stftt: c/ii *i*C t>$M ^&<u£h£t£c 

W tti*u( L j(/U ff/CA/ - 6/mA 

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0 . .# /f . *trt M ^ - nrf(& S*fy3Z 


'C/ , ^Y 5 CtA 6t4A^ 

6{/JLi:(. f*f A AfAjA O^k 'lAJ.trtt 

l oUt. 


/^xit6z ^tnauA ■ '/^f 4^ '-of it . 

CtW /O jU£ p'.tdfjUAuf 6^ A-US^ifr^CCct^U 04 et<j<cr\ 

KfAfpi uiU<<.coCA^ <?Wv|?tw^ /**£ ca /)&*<£ CO&UtM^AUCA*. 

j£) (k&j£ £>Cb0C*</ fcj/aJtfLfq P{$fc til Afj Q CAAAA&f, ttu *$fao£. 

&< 41 Uyik&{\tjcl(4si jloi < *t&Pf 4/ UK tfy~£*gp lobtif 

Ifix C.VOV . ^77<X ^ V t-dfrf ' V2. *&W U(JJU I^A^Ao-aji autM 

^X*4A C&dieJL'l'JLLr AtM-UjZ tUi vf lA'iMJL 

ajyA il(JJAac 4 i 

^tfUt-VC t*~AiHL cxJicf/rt -j/fjA. ( ApJ-VUKA < 

ia*. y / ' ',/fto (am*$u&< 4* pOej . 



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AAAj£C(J.'il ^ O-U/pf (&' cthd. (ji TtiT fi.b&s'l&tl. ji WO- tttAcc £/J, 

UX ^ AjLOj\jt~4fa &uu cuu( ^JAu^ 6 mm . "91am TiUm /UU^JPU ^c£ 

'6uui ^ dcH^f tlteJ' !^l £&C^ slfrt'-fo dUlS>( Utt. *1 icCUCUK (M U 

'uaA&Clm'Ai AtuuCi sCuCdu* 

<"V4> 'V'Ju Cu.f usX^^/i 

^aJo(jj^C ojusA CaiuAJL^ 
6&ti *j' kAfitt /i tr^U 4 J£^m£, 

rftCa t aAjM ttfiC cAmjjSL^ i/Audb fydfrc nndx, i^rfcZZt <0 (wlomu 

tybu sjjMaA ti&t \jh dttiuu Im A) 

H ljjitSjM efc&'t&ZZz AO*£& ACaM, AHJ. Uj-ttibc titl d - v - •' ' Ji • i *j * ‘M- C{ 

A r\ I A A /I/I A 

ikJL WX AMlU. ALOMjLL . “ 

/iftfjtjtM ~aoj£ty*MM C&M (tiSjjx 

9 to&Ait !mU Aftiou t#Xt tiXLu. am 

rfrr %d£ . LoX yuxfa. 

hJ rtr Jn^&AM . 

% 1 

CpkJ IU,*va*<> Uf^u4\ 

QjlJU rtfobi.i-t* tfa Cti 


tAjJMXe^\ £) ^<,cqJT /dj&iJzA *t&~ **(}&&$£ CjjVUJ^J 1 'A^ 

% ( AU ISdjUJU -O r wdxk ~fr\ d^Jhb^MpXj ^. ) £oJj ttuA . 

mJIMx\Q&<\ t~ Wu^Jk ^4 C*J U AfUf< &.*<>'.'•' ‘A n U,\ |-vfrlv 

/'fl L/ / A A - A ‘ > ^ « t A A w- A.— 



LUQ/i ^uXi £> *fotZu sf- 

P ^ ImAJU Ijmd^jd ! 6M <dwdjlM , 

CU£ It /?£? 


c&cooxe^ J2 cMc*£ '^ uut&^ ~l t&c cutux£ dxue^ . 
Md! tfife- uit£clelx^?$Alp) itifvvi fit um£Jt~ 

CX. £C£l{.0& AU'e^tt^ y&UtJ&tf &OM. Utt&~ cljUMddt &H *£t&<dc£- 

: cfftj'/o ^ ctfjkd tduui -fy-MAASt uC&~>a st£jhtteA i° 

Ch . /t 

$(£&%> edicts. Idb 'UiUt ^ J tfcE 6$tM 2Jdtu 9&*U* fijatjcfi An -, 

j; &U c-j t6t C ^u fc# MU'^it (<c tutm udkc ^ ^ /i&iad^u^ ttia 'c%a£ ", 

stts(ti4 U'4o nui iuj^ sAsdc< Tfiz tUtu*£ OfMJ^nu^<a\ 

Ac. ** ■* ■ ^ 


- I m 

"C HAS f ^3 *Jt- ed&A l-caut oIu^ma^ 

W (us. ctdJ . ^Auadrc ^ ^idtcui tZSLLlAUl 

(tj £jJ.a_ ‘fy/oJi , * dJt^/Lar/^ t$£i& 6ud&( cdruiftt^T^ ouaJI 

‘UU It 



Ct\hf i ^ Oj 6 j&mjUU 4 j <Au? *jllc ^ — 'ffOJt *<£>■ tir*^ cAxuk^dt 

^ c]/kjU {j&U.<xTt(]JL tr\ 4 U&UUi*^ lM jUaA *^~1 c s%(&, qiXui&L /t&tuur(& i : 

<Z/i 1 U 


twA y tfuitfz tAuj Ajljy AJl/tlUC 

I £)dtf t&n>^ J Jju^MtA 72 e ' cdfauUr lA uw ifikt puf^+itA u 2 +C (pt-tutioA 

AmQ. AX UHlCUUzCte lu^uxA J&&A 4 Q&U Aitu. 

('^J^ALujdzGux# tft&i £*£& 

^juuJc'wd^\ Ui^itAas^ ^ udk'* frt&fiJ? uy cm t&C (fouiet 

a i^.i i — » 


.v( <*& tit ATZlm 

‘Z*-'A<C 3 &S ^ jM 'aCtfrAO 

A fa*tl^ (<*&£ UX At.U~ &JLL<a( ^Utio^ 
^jLHcA CuA^jAm^GClLJ^ LUC (a &a( ( J tfuU&'VuZd iULuf fas dx^CteTc 

$L$d ^ mAA ~ ' ^ ^ * 


cejtl ud<m 

utti oM&(J^ n<.CofauuAszcct~' ^(A 

t£u?4SLiLL XpaAttiii. — to£uo& ^ CV 
Li* Ujl Ui A U\ 6 jCL(J£& 

(CaMa 'oJjma AiAc 

OsUMoy 'P i 

A a acCJU <&& tcsu > CdL^at 0 jp#urt\- CQif\ ?<ta<CC^ 
A4AIU ^Alu <L* rftrlwA S^VMa fu pT"ZU~ (jSc'X. fAAC&iuHt-t) . 

M ft C&A^t. UuAfa £( 

Ci ' 41 ISA . tvtug 5 LV&JU PftUA, CLit'UcC U-U^e UX 0 L<) fajA* 

TtjjA cCL^f btd LAll^ 'A iueu bMAj XX 4t terOtjc^L uCfc' CUA aA^A iiuct ) 41 U-oM*->1 

aUAtJk CAfa . ^Ua *}-itt' dvltl 't^/AUU (jUc tti U A AUMcA,^ O-CCsi cfc'tz. 

j^o-Cu^ uttcOqf t*u*jA#tU 4 *£. tjKiXt) ; - 

*>• Z. u ■ 


'cdOlU -4 

MjvJLa tM*M AJj-tf /VUclvima <$ i&L C C ( etu*( CC - " C<C 

/iMuJsttoi cctkj: 

AJWa ma <fr~ ouujLLh^ M ^ 

VMk uu &<j fuWLr-sUJUM (a t Pa ^MU^LcMtA 

clQ fl^Ccyl U-t-g. A 

tljT ^OdtbJlM ‘ 

$.u <y ftv&Tsj U&~~Zy$Mt 

t, . • ) / ' 

t.KA/tU ’ f— . 



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4U%UC^ t</£ -vctjUttfX £ Mtxr Cti£ M10& /r; 6c0 

(JfJr tf ltd. A 6<^ iM*U<McyUoc6* 3 MPt " £>3 < fast im A fasr^c 

y\mJ/L <f 0 t^ 6 hf »4 

> {ji^ t. 0 w oAutt" avd <w Mftu, £#/( ^&~h) . 

<yrf /A. &Alt£t~ fklijtJl A&u\ jjrj ^tce M cm iwJ ct'teu C 

^vLQOj&Ml/ ^60 3 $l<u£ M / yciU 4 g& ' (u / db& cjuxti '/tfMUM 4 £Sttf~Z 
I - Jt (AfiUt< \ . £#iup<tk<fw (,Wt V AH Jtftt tutidr* (&Sz#UrW,vC[ " si 

' ' fop jicfr *u u/ /)a£t' ' AU dvuA cuucA m tic* ^ vUC&c/mcq rtiZZide' /^ (is^o au.u>C u.pfct 
tlWU . (F-t/tlitti cAldtutC faUtwr^ {mc/uAuq SuAmaO ^ ^fiCtVWt* atu/ fU^^L 

<nt upji tsr /tiw^us ^ $/u<sfa aaf/^ j^u VkJU*~dSh 

Adli CiucQa^ <wut < ah 

*t\ait . fa^uZitfA 

pi IS. ^yiA'diJU. tyldtual 4 -fau\ 

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& l 4 s,cA #M ewt . (& QttMak 

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. <y o/, s1> /. ~S A. m A . . 6 ^ (l A 4 ..j/i . . 

Q $Zu h 3 ^T <£#0 (/&&& rn 

(&&a,k Cfrdjuud tfr* awvukv'Cuu adhuQ cf^if 

a&uyk " a^Oyti ry<v^ Sudd/tA dw fcutf”. 

7 C^ 2C $jJm 2iM/r£$p tdflu*s( ' fidwistt a^t\ 

/ CMloC/ ^tfaisrCt&M <Mi^ll\ KJj/fclCfc ' /Utd&Mtfh tH SttA, 


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' ) " (p cJ 

'.({ $£0) MUrtiPtt*jj camM&laC 6$s a/iuuxuJL 


teUwihW^ {m&jXAM&I fftMxsUU WJSU AMtCj. 

^UGsu io £t£u $[£a ^ ^ ihtts ff 't 
MO^CMJ^, ^7%tt OAdWa/fi a/u /UA6Mx<ri/£ arfMM i _ _ ^ - r ■ 

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im Oog #. QuAu^Ut'jdh e?6 cwA 2 c r*4 u/Axt& ^t~ 'U*6 ^ <aa 

rfl $wt t&ifa wipfltHtvji ^iuudiii Ua fy<<£~Atddtu?c6 AAMcJ^) 

Lilith t\ fjutXJL 2 3 d'Jjf JC ^ c<At<s O&r^ 

fyjftA uitlH U*HHsJl HMtfc <HCt tt(L& c£vt> 
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U CA a 101 *£ AU Jljl £%(' Aitrtfust . f 
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Ua ~"&,dc 

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vlth MLftdff, 

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sfrtiidad &ttdr m <xd&-ti * j £\ 
66jd& U(ztfoi ouuC 

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d^?6duud> Ctfidud &6#6t >u0t~c-(p' 

(U(k Ltdkiuv <'/ ot U'&wtf 6f/i0C\ 

M*~a^ uJity^KJ/x^ . fyxw^ 3 auuMa, 

c*Oi nuauM , Mtm' mao( p^tu*^ fo&'A/t dUppM v<Utra<*t-A^u. 

oji /A $4U Ofi&0t*Vat l S <Ut^(/\Mts /QlrWi \ . &L**{ 60t~ &A.dr four $ $j£ £ a a 


l ^uJUkuJL 6 OtZA^t&UMUj 

CtM t&L a AUM cc£o &SUO, jjj,‘ibwsji*i h vT^f yt£i^M tfL>. fipua 

&ew&> tUux fJiniA «J? 

ttttjL y _ I &&A d/£l*t Mr 

III * Ok ( jimaXTajimmia/ ^ twL a/Mwido fajt/u Cjh% $jh 

Ixti ftjuzaJtPU tf Aua^oau teur kUmiuZ^ p/te^uusM ootiui 

$JL IZmUuj t± u M^IjM^iaua^t. &a« ^acje>;ici&/ & j & tfaGuicaA 

V /jrifiptifc MMHifA trfi/U #tT AUA/tutT&uiWM AMA tipp/TV tiult&t ^ 

^ tfc 0 /WA<kcdli (huM rfltttfowydl (fine*-' e.iiAj AA&kr**. 'H 

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irC^ k/) Utjj-MC CcC^ff U - Cftil&£Pz<^ SLA Aetilt Alfi-ffir i 

tj&£ ifi Uctt . £&aamZi< ■ Jbi 

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Aide (a MtuteM up f tfa fi/uato feauufo tjj tJupitscA 3 aaJ aSmAua 4/ 4 tiMadi 
tfyufc Aid'a/td/M. fy'tUfa p/itttHtt djuetT Cclu (^juiLHci/ [f€utA/A ^ Malta, 
^{ua Aiuuj^ t#UuyaU u t ? fat 4 hMa vJUtjM Aic^tuti ^ttU-Ui 

( &duM£^_ pu*u& awjf* 

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Mt UA (Xluti6^Udi£'tiZ ft l Ax/fitt AjU<U«t9) Auft“cent* p < ^MHOi £ AAp> 

oI$mI PlcCu yPCtoZ-A lAA ft umA A/4M<jl6t M OAuJpMdrU* (Aid &<}{64 <M<aZamACa 

$ odf ” ad tfj^AHudZjT $#>&%£, W^OHsZcUpJ 

(/aJ&U 4U£ . 

(uui atti (jzsut'&ict j!t ddr(pUZZcLii Pfo a? (Uiu^-iM . 
Liuw-lyu*^ dA Ax'd P&. Afa itJ A tt {um rus ha»~ O jt-iatvj£, VtuA ts^ 

e^t da// OildJm tta ti$Zn 
4tuJ 4 XiXxtt <3 , 


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~£UU* *f Si& fflLtlu QllAjUtCff ' 

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udJtfa/ a muc A £&tu&t /u&tZZ Aax^ttlZ* AufUcuicj — udju* Uu<^ fad 
&t ZtZot kip CuttiAUXe .iWti M^'rabtytoi *i cm cfcZZt 

MUir MxHxeaaAaA/J , (P^idd/ dnf~<Zlu(U(/d ^ ' /rU&ftfc s^uxmXZ . ^ 

ti( i/uuiA a AjjA as " fyak '[ Ji ffiZZA 4{(<£&. 01 It* A/MUA J fx-HleATT. Cfa>* 

fajutch Vu-’uMh* tf uu . att (ff\ eU^jMU'*, . %*u 

aMi &i Zxacu^if aJLwum o4cei^£UAxu<<^ COfcA. (P&iAivtfs ( 'Ut M&P) 

leMm n 4Uttf J t aumjUiiuJ (ti.XjZfctuJZ /w*iMuits~ 9 a// jMcdA/ $ZZ> 
mfa M // x aJL (aojJcU{(G' uuu &IWA. (fyvteadi Stc&ttzA fa a#v« rtaM 

fjJ YH/d ''iajlCui . (jti 

fc/uAti ?arM 

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d!\J .) sfitM*/tAsV£HY AiUtcA tdu tilt fj a*tt 

fpLPtjsUUa utea . ~J 

Ctidt (j^AiSus aOh#<ZHOlt£’ tAiotmAjP «.' tit* (tiZcc, 


MxU , %*j >> •&*> 


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M |<w4 oAJJftA^ /fus'd) . &HV Vtf / . $WAL /idti'X (fl&wJb-C M&C tfi 

i a maAsmsOs aJP (huo auu 0 

<o UK*. . $£#uu j . uu> 

'!&£ maMm//* (&-u udsud tew* J. Pud "a/MwA dwru / 

ad&ut" t&J Mtidddm 


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UU. ' wud&XfiOL aud caiaYuIuu^ 

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tHU , OU tk'AtHOU C&idMMjtJ- £&t IaAuj/£ZOjl tUtdtoX&Kt PuUOAJJL M&MAWX& &AA 

crMjU&t&u, (AMudA d 

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'^) frKAUwt (MdCtf&U h *$iU&A. tfiAtte aMt dJ? @£A'd~"o&MJL r sie&Ct^'tSXArtM 
/tui£5 "CUN etdtfM dfjlK <?Mc~-/t&Uu &f aJ!/ AitX(A 


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4rwucu*£*7 ''xfdt ' fjedRow &a ^dlZct jtetu \ 

if+lot. Mrw d du iJZtu i pu-UA^Ai 

P&vio ua dU't cama . Ctf (aaa£* iM rift M-q tt«U 

>?, tftd 

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2 si 

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fa WM/. K aJftutS- 

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fa sUA& Uk j fUMMotS^ Ur fauJk. fir ACT. 2C fajpcttcafir 

2 ft- i~(Jx uct, <0ZM 2ft AMfdUsi &MC H t^Ati.'Ltsttv : ( 

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3 cJk*^ CajAJj. 2/k CMutttwto *sr£u 2ft . #C CSuXutMU cUfi&aUa 

2*3 • 28 3jp,iuLCC, ) 2C . 

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cMth\ ftp <tj l/u&y K Hijdpt LU&JLK/ ufc fast W£A stUtiltXj CTcpxe&tn 2C 

d(4A Audios ft finite CjpfiMUUQ tvdoO U pu/urtued tte. (R& Au&t<&*{svtr 

fttd OMwloM A/Wk, Of tact 'U. m /- 5 ,y£ /0 4W. 

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Amum. (QuJti nt-ft/ia?, — 

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tf ttd l /A petit (k*&4 tdrAAlt itftit 

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j dh QHUudbr 2$T AC tfefcUU AUMsuA* . ?iHl{ tfe&feJSi $6 $a& 

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& 4 ) yifitci ' ' 

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JuifiSM M<g&£ Pkffld(JU*2 &t tifcaMiMA . l\ PiKdi^idd &* A(MUttd}Vf/d ^ fa to tut* i 
~tfoX iXtUj CMM Ai&l h <a ?<**'. ^ 

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tUfiftuo #B . 

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M t&i^££<X 0 f$k ZA 

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fajM !, Ojj *d/'. tA&ffi' (fid'lL tffe, 

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(ffiuAAA . 

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tr m&totu^). Mu^^uu/a a ix&te uud^wtA 4 tjd ahu.cA£ua (uju/&. Qjiaa( uAia 


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J#tt trAiU^f l&f t p 

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clA fijti iM a/M fatt "CHA/ a . 

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l (A <*>um , A(BwtwMt tetuUiA tr fimc mjjuA * } 

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' */? #Mjt\ "ask ‘ * (MgIaAJhua <*y itUAiiA. ma szA^$ui{ . 

— — . > , , SC otMwjpu< 66 r . :Ajo Atijifauj , 

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fa ^uf fof'ac A p^t. wecHd^ a tjp&viMJUi T£&Cuj W4 a upc Xa a. 

aJU&'slUu U pu<>c/ fa&ZZt* /A *fa*( I & 


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£H/> a^faj/k , 

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*%(*( AC tperuc* #4 oj^aou 3iStf f m #C me**** 2 & 

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II & SJUua . fit C C&UMa 4Mt'( -*ti w4d af3^uidtjl -OMil St 

$Wm(> Q8 A A — %Q If? dd^UM aipfWti* 

t$f /UA/Ual£ S ut" \ odjti Pi faitr* %AUU'A& u$jtsvo 

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CU{ Ml&V4tU£4ot~d MUHetZte^ . jtf/JM 4Jjr dtt£<J^(£<rfrQ, 3?fe 

<0PU S(C 'F /> d &!a V<'uUa£- ot iAtZ sttfrim ay&AM, M 0UH 

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Ajjzr. yt/kMj 

&3Zh 9i 3 Ctpudfa 9 A Us'M ^Aludd . 9A ujtt&oi^ 

- footJUM Ct.^l 3B oswrtuj a{A, &e 

t^OMMAXd* suM/jd~. &ApjAK 3 up&Jtf' 4iu/>M,t^ (jlJDi A<3 apjJA) 9 A cuxM ths 
uXfl&tA #l££-~ &6CJMM . AZud O jMMa , 9(B thuuff} iH* jf&i 4&UX. 
doxrzA &PJjMAki£< bl>'4»Ut> CUt/4^<^WM A & '^T&rKUi % A %C 0\pi&&1ilA 

ft . -4 .^— i I | 1 * / 

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ttGUsi feXjU adjin f mius{. 

\ CL&uu&h Htd CZZ(A Z9^t/)jZ>f fcAuu n/4# mm zwUj cAuap , 

tftftf # '/> cfojjjp w&uU MzLj oMj aM Ch-ua^ 

#J " rfuctl^ 1 .. fipjfbf • ^AtO iaa. 6C^Uj &J udtul(c UajJIjAX 

f ^od . \ i 4 . - . - ; : a :' , . . . - .... 

J fit fa dk G^ MUUj /?£>, 

^Uu?ft6r xiuwjJca utftk yJ tp&u Ttu/ fe tm# — /j-(v/a P&?xl* 

a it-Shfit-p dxe. wUs^-iwcca ah\ * a>/uAux^ q_Hf iuu(. Jimt^ 

tyJlffljMMAt $ AMM, IfrUr/ 

- UujJinpts£.x< 

(jhaiA . 

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9 ^tjijiu^. enu Tho# *¥ (Zvtq, /itfjui 

) 6 eO#A (%a m uhvcu 9 aft fu**zJt. t%t4a(U£ 

• ft 

wa 3 t irw. 

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dfy/M. Pqrir t^aiu/M&r 


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Mtudijutyu /l(A(sm(a 9?? 

l A a i&e<a,w* ffe . _ . .... 

- L 'a CMUtei 


pfaut . c^AuAe iajlaOihcAuiC 

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ou AlHU* 44 tM t&lu 

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tf&Mt Qv. , ^ 

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(aMf'd ^ MttfT/utJtt ttfctfa <&AI 4U tfa#!a jfeu< fajut fax w<=d I 


fa CaM), 

(ftptfi l A *JtU l& off ofouyVi Z?" &4W 
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i'-A6C . 9j t&Ld Mb aJu CLttduA j /?fe. (jkM UMJC(K 

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efa 4o ecu yJ y/Jm/' ' &* ,f tyte&T — 

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Ajify tUiuJjJffcr l '$/ < tluA - /) MuA ''fyfijL&MJh ^ $MMcl 40l&0t^ 

. 'ittftit "'JuXl * ft 'rftuJia $u8u ccttXkcX <dr 4u?dtfaC\ 

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'M~t w*40<m 

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) . Ou6 C#l<J^UXC4£Vjb jiCiHaALt I f\ '(A.C&n&t " CM tJ a! 

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9/luj cfa "ci/X /; ipAa&oA ioHce 


ifa "0 r/ jftfalMA H/JcmXTmJL d&Hlt&i \ $AM fa CeilL^idw* ffiufa jA 

du pzrtditfrtZi&i i(& ooiw f\jfy\M fi-trctuit rrr, * J P _ 




GrfMuf, y r» y 



AtAXjdof A£&M5e£4 , ‘/fy&jdd ^siuSy’ 

v (J O U (~9 jjL y \ ^ 2> 

hut}/ &Oj 94^ "Me** f’lM yfjMU jfldrtJt aftfa&i- AJ4'.rf £T ~ udftfc 

SM/M uf$x£t /totffo-CjO&tyrti (jZ&sJkd 

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uMl eU MJJjJa d* At ut-te/Mdfci^ JlfdJL ' ' (ZhoA cUaq&<V) . 



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&u.<£ ux q udhlji } I A ajyd/ti ecu ot' $1 *> /) (Mt&tA iHit^ flfetdM ^ 
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6 ; no . /A /iMUto "CM N fli Iksjoz. tfi (AJbiuHCr 46< 

S)„. Jm* o /. ✓ 4. /trrr*. "fcfajH *>----/ 

A&m£^ &us tjt&L 2 j /Ujipmdo 


£i l ($, (^Ah/ct' U '4 (& UHeCUfjt efjud £%&< £& /df A$ y Je u 

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* 4&W) CUffUM ' 
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A/) ‘ ”- /X "jfol " aud "tyfadtuA ' 

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eatd t&Z 

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tSSA *Kt e£eu& si ’ibrfJjl Cd eat coiK^tS/t, celt#' t$£ flidi f 

£t6tutw*t(£^ idt&f&d duwe&ttctftfi cot nea<4&U4 ttT'fown 

OfK *9li/ H+h&y w <J jo ^jp/dwnee Mclfttid fr 'djpUtlt 

(ZfttuZ oms( (£> oftuU duy /J djrtt&i yiutr 9¥**6&l MLeeU(X< 

Qift udi 6/ l&UA Afttf tfi£ udude peUtinu^ ttift 

% trw jzur 

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tfijL fpA/ttdfa Ci <3 

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adiddfitidtutMe tu iuJaAiAZ& jyedi *&&&) • &HL d£d ttE (y c&ojtJL 

ud d$ £#&<jdw ^ftldBcca 



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fi/tnz?. fyd&ic 


ujdieijjU^y^C^ J^uxeuf >,ij? U tfo / 

AiuisC By tfudk d 4&1 

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dtirfflfc ftydkd idu A fine t/Uud 




iddGr&a A\ucu (fa c 

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Audtt) MjhdilfJl Ateti - ce^aCdkuj 'yBid !/ tffdzd stH/ nl&Htd* ui aJlSM^Ci. 
at &U nt*udU>7 A&iiZ&iu at d Hi AK&tfizst AAfdCi i 

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^ dojUid^t me t&C <y(m>f . ddeij idU&'AiUU^ & dd 

d &d && fic&ui^ihd ^ttxHiU . B^out (yuu iftui ctud dtjdfdu aohm 
cAUidoM/ u&U'tt&ud udM ! tfted dvuaA $iH-(d jpaM#Z<& 

A Xmtd ^ ^ ^ 

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ucttk ftviujUK. 

tiwtftfiQ tA M' qutCt^ H 30 , 'U i'C^-i'Ui UiOj t$XC 

itrfdAUMaX* W A&Cui 


*tfiu cr ducu. tfjute.j. 





aj ? faux Ooui cofab & s <Jx4c&*c*^ oxe ~Z&£^ ^xfXctLCt? 

AA dsiW4 . 

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&1 AiUK-tT 9 $&t o 6 utSt<M&. 

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fiteUjO/M^ tf /t&fuA. 

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k & d/lS&ttOi AC. fAtAit' A A eYi0£tU4 kC AZxc 4 /aAio Atu\ 

„ _ evteeicuL-*t 3 uA/m olM (MAiOiAuxCi aum-CimA. <xhi au /s/Xtr 

M VUfi&t ,/uu «?) f ( 9 k at 


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ZA aW 


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(X(£ % A (mA , & luffjA&a is? 

4A&b<a WM 

$/>M<P(jfct £ a fa A ?) utttMd &&fj K,< 3ick ' ti$U CHAJ ^ coo 
tfo, Utd ddcC* (M^LU i (dCfat ja Xtatf'A td c&iuc vviavd etiu 

AjujlH i fyj&xu . ddu/ asm > vMo dcj^wd] im ' aetajud s ^isti \ ltd C^u.l«X~- 

id/l "%uA h - tttid ' C^ a/ '/> Amid/MMA tltf&C&d *V) <H AUflMUS t £“< A ct^-iC OLAjOl 


AMU$ &\aa\ /uu«ay (mm 

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duuj . $} $ua (umu/az ttiMj aMf Sud ajUnmjfC e^cfay } 

A ^x/^atT td AC ^ i/x ^otufa $- • %d AUf&UM . 
9lMt'tudzd6Z*^ al£ itu QMtedCuQ avd ndtodu^p ( xxum. Atcu . 
a 466iUA td (\jUM C&M fa@£t^G&6MtMAQ / (fa(M ^d’^d/ULt dUU^lXud^ 

ffat'Ajceuu tf he CGputaticd , j 

AC &\ 6 frtU 4 A B (fAuJSt - 

C2rtf $(& WJjJSt&t w'tw ** a/xel i< 9t/$MAu£{. fydET<*P?tZ< t 4fa/%& 


AMjd^tCd W ith (6$, \ 


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H ^ ; C0 a 4«, Cmt^tf tdFj ^ MCdd t6j *c?cfiz dut Miatua^, (0ufa 

coa aX(L£ cU&tb M&cr' 

Ifctud J& d^U4uJ^et. uritf('G5$a urfGt&tMMd! 

% HZ* 




ga w&M&t 

K<(At+^'4 sOjW'tt MfiW/A fc SWJU&C6 /V-MaJ? p^Wsiua. y<*UA 

Jisd/picXr ffa t&m. At\N ’ tr £&k /ttdfo^ dcAu tlttlx 

ej (k< /A (Kfctffe &£jjUvK4Uj /f AWA ^ a£uJ$ aLiir-SttefecA: tt& 

1/7 JV^ 0 " A" trih: ' ■ 

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P A&trjK &C&t&£ S&Art. 

cad tlUf'U&M 
svatcMbi^ & 


# iafa) . y /d*fJl CaQ£c£CC AllldjtjJ ^/juuXum , '$(/{*& 

A ° ( ikfdA (PM j ddfat^i . 

*C>(hwtiij tfc~ (? &At>( Eutu tE~zusHZce &u£t £i <JjLr 

fyfai l A ^ 



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d t'd SCfrtm did d< 

AMVu d /M4 aCc&(^ o& dasA utb $&vdo. AA+tl 

a\. y ci in <r&t<tu «z tf tta tyuMUoi u*\ tfetJErfus sttuut 


M)d 'Ml /tAtddtSUi 

if fptM 




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' AH f fa iidiiu AH Jo u^ma- 

(0 a&>u £4 zxd ct ■'‘{j'sfAfc* 


a£&w did ec/tu>*Ay> uttxdid d d#ud/fii AH/f-d) ndki\ <0 ^ aw 

i (hum, 

Om& ^ nA&myt^ /A tZWdttJ! a. AHfA oiji^ae ictt^ fa< Mju^i*ua* 

a aMU^l c " u 9 piitfu jiCcstd'a 

j /A /dwvtd ct 4(£AU '(AuAtla (Zudk-t v, t^ Myn c6*£j 

fa L E((\ AS/xtrt <Htt// ttu q (& (a fatk, (^WK /Uy\\U 

<Ae'A<iA t tQ licsdi A 0eCAcA/yzty dujji adA (A 4MUi \ 

dl falAl ttll &A <d ■ dc ztOoM^ M ztAu*<d~ #J mh A fiv*) z* A 1 ,r 
yu&udo ztjtfc /A , 0m (r^uH is ^s> m(d ifoAT <yj (U) fafi'fjfO cjdie^ utcste 
iyvdfafHtfd u'-M dtjdte /A fat'd dr 


% l* fad t&fu } 0Z0 wfafatw** ££ CUAf'&fidvt 

otuo piu pi fort k & dfct » U ufifck 9/i tt !o . 


frUyh. Qlt0^YHC&St ptttt 


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sfafiCQ ) ■ — 

0C /UlP(M(4A M oil fit $&Z<f AU&ZimCfe 


'tin . 



J i(U i //t tr fr - $fcc 


> J J 

facto ftnu 0 umj s4mm£*< 4 0afa^t£ipi M(ei£~fij /6&* st+uusCi fad 
t/faku0U^ ^fafaj *~ *'^* t 4i<st y tu(JU£{^> ^fafaZnkif (r ictZZeA I 

tdfa tf w* fa&u 6sntc jH tArnt face kjfayfad^^MAi t to 

{tyticA Ait ; t&L s&tuitxr £*pfatc /<& <&u*S ?a 0r^uj (/fan 

tcHoUujy /Wl lUa fac /. (Xt& u.'ca &ict fa&u 5 puW foflfr <ivH t4iAc>t& uAfac^tt 
£&iie\^ " ^sicMuiCj cifafa? - £c<jL4U<o) / flu ft Cfau /B fa-r(c<^ fafa 1 'v 

faucJ^C fa tti - i\Vt<sCO fa) 

4MVL& ct c c Set's fa / : fafafa'/^ ^£ 41 ^ 

ufa j e/tCcjiAT k fact] a\p/iAfarp p&k* p idr. *u ' c#*£&o . ffl Pt(c fa tiu 5 /rt *uufa(B 

UMxe .kfaiu^ w-coefaufa £<fa (s fe^fawr^ cfatki c puu* u i itfa\ father faztfafa cu&s/ 


IiHP, fit £ 0 U &rttuuj itetfC A h a<v( Jc ‘fadfu ?A pwppUu* 
‘fatiw o?£> tjrtftUu) £c ytito fA ' fafa/uo to ^uZtt~A(UU'$ fafaa. J 

CkHU /u {fair /if £ ^ n t A mA fa &** 

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u ]jxA ''jwtfart fautlfa*.!- $(iitu l 

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faw j a/a , PA Jd%( U+o cwd SNp a Q& sc 'asscr^l. 

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Jtu^tyeA sj /A. fcnsuu fa pfct fat /. . fy&o 

(Pi &CAA fyt faAfatkti 

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*1 A.C& ^dU4 @ftt/uUA AUOtj faot fa^A ( 1 ~($4tiQ4*4Q 

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& fajfi* /)ft<A t*4M* 

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-ifo. 2 i a>u MfiEt oLt(&f> . 

*$ 1 AA£'hA/uv 6 (vctAud £;/£> 4 U &M&&JA' #Oi </4 /^/UP& 9 . ytfti 
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'tyx ’jutted u. CtZntd //\ 


ddt&Au tfcf dlA*r 

luct &f. tut2eu tfyji tfiMr i^PPp* 

(dtA-eufr 2 : 30 > /A /wMuCSlX /&, coa^'v* 

u tuiutzu t£, udtitt hi aA/ e c£ua . si** a* tjr^cs^ cUif^A <y 

/ A ptitpt&f fccfrwia <#///- $ d&i'-Q y £&£ ^Htit slU ft&' (a*. 

j| A H % (A a. ACHW &M 7 

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tfe >r //$■ . /A fyc^uu uj/ffi * Mrj^CtiA/ so . 

^ t&Z ol A t&ofasfc 0i/4& ^ a ^ CM a/ /S . 



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stMM&tfa oa /A jwlA Jt> aA/ (4 /t d&AAzJ. *4/ $4U<*6) dtueti 

. ciiu/ $U{ A ’ta tM t/Att*A' 0€(zu 'id &£<& ^fiidic/Uj jtAtfa ZF “ $$>£$ !A\ 

oujud l&> Att&i/ Cy iftf ctuuMcfJ^ to#&t Zs) 5 Add 4 ctduCg $Z\ az& c£*>te 

C/Cuu / A aMtuiifo 0U\ zZ^cA (ftxAuza. ^tSCidc '$£<4 

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fyd, AUGV: +f 'iu&tccTu(g C CZAmi C&U'&to AkuvC. CXCLu C'frtfC ACt4t<M 

&u 'Uc&j aUciCt^dxU ltd*' ^ m 

C/jtZCA U^MjtO dAtUiUotCf, 3 A £>(t£F& eLiiS&t^ /A 

. J. rtrr.. a %&r 3 A 'tr'/UUir dnaucdi , CArF^ 

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CA/F \acj < $3&w F^MuSHtuFr *A/d &6*jHC0 tF Z^jy i t (.dF’ UiuwxAz^W^, ^C*L 3 
ydnxttfi wd. Mvu<^ fipdk*-c* tuCiliCC. Cdz<d tf&tce. 'vu&jFt ' 

Zj iv-VtfUUj ' tfcuuti, yUaj&i l&Jt/jAtZ <xt UlU*vC&£a /vuF W 

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A^y^p ic&( ^ Ait&vtyt'ji &$u*~yty, (JZ^Kiwjjy of &ut<ty^< toi&m $ptM 

i£t. &<m( l Jfc< J e>u.C f tidut t a c£M, 4$£t(/jdY c*u l&Uij t^dup^ii/atT^ 

fy/fatA ttfiT ' JhvLttJ&ffcto Aa*unflBt> $&e 

OAU4nttC» Midt' daA\ 

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, M UtJ nt^dumnc- -*r ft vi t y y t , fa*? sf < ft *Y ' <a $04 && #fe 

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pyu£ ^(fJ~. ‘pccttfC am£~ aa utfa'fae 


<ff/xjt tu* *&a&pvi vCtt*** 

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(jioot ’ tide tp. Cl/tMctitU) fc $&€*-y ifil /A'/B-JA u o6&ut*j 

6 " * &8C ^ __ 1 - . 

optf&KU l8. $#Mvi vJSHa 5 '/itf-j Mil /Ul0t&6(AwlQ 

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d£ (Xjtetm flB • *rLet~/vot{ x a a 

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JB . Sente tndtu c ui "%cA. 

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AZt > / 77 P AS : 


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&£ SS&iudtT < 9t evs/iet uh&£M /0 swA*?. A A !t> 6vuk ^ tzu 

*1 WUt\ 

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/UC0- #m). tytrurtMfa X* olutcu^cu^ ttpzeh 

UtewJjJMt) , (j) feptdtL t&Zt ^ (j) UMJ£ 

CdMMZ.N'T ', 9( ia ft frl lUjfy ttf&Ar C&X e4A<& 

cWcJ Mk 

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$JH£ a fiJ&.W fotSU 7 






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I A- &&Z /14<&C tUut Ph 4/J*( I & UdeM^S^uk tk&SI “Gu& 4 Uh&jdt /A 

ftLljp* Hiti /(tj'&fdfiC. /It z,ty (M0U 6 zjA ytVp&A? 

JB atid PA nrfdhfiiM\<S&P> /A /tofc Ce&Wltitt l'Mu£i&tMt7 (M ut&l C&UiUt. 


%rU tfaX l 8 OmJ pfy /tfCtii fe 6e SluJUfU^ c 4T&tA /A u a dU/ocCuttT 

id^tfLUUo '?????). 

IB wflfuiU) f £iap*4<£ d&SiUj Uzztf. 

ljA^^£, (feud'll/' $zr<dit£da jj?£c£4*d . 

44&US- ~7Z'U4 t,J 


ll&t*Ui dcC&Z* . UifV££<3 rtf A fa 

Qpl&fi4#4VQ /A &C P B> ^aUt P& &U0&UO0 

dA (A ‘OlUUUi^t Cr $1 fifty I A 7dt6if !B> Ch&&U46 /Ad-tHUi£\ 

(M4WA )& ■ ^/dci\ /$ Chwttto I A 04^tU\, PA /ptffa Che&ucu** . 

x£ aaAC cJhuujte/. ti&jkfito. CttyjoTue w-itfi tZijh 

(Ari&UMUtj I A t U 

” ^ ^ /hip 

ItSUMtl * i ! ' H rt/ti 

*utc+/: PA 777k 

I: /£, 10 /ktddtuQ (IbfiMo fit* PA * (kdt/z. /^tjteJcu&f cat t 

MMudflfc (3(dy Utdu '*t /dt? 'w&CtZp, LWfi&td 'd l Btzjfeta && A * 

t& AwuitrU. ty/tdk (fir* ^piiu ij>ut adr +jj . 

T^/um Ctu-M d e\ 6&p' t&UtcfrfC /A MU4i to PA &} Ait jp 

djAto , i A ffltou (a&c dPMAt&i teL s///= r tuA^o *ltet /ufhsN^F 

^jHUifrlG faifjtfCsJ Cwfii. ^ /fAttu&^u£. \/eiut>raJP^ 

fot(M& A A cjuitk 'liUufc j A Usttfito M@ 



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#Pa tAudkuto Tt^i 

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L C * v ' ^ Jcfod 

(A/t futu&t OJUU^ au/^UA^McP . tliX&OO 

sz&^ltui\ ' ttocfi I's&e tot Q tdX&te /tf iuytt Ji/pOj* i 




sUpt yHK£6 C&ZZSypLl* .... iM dOU* 

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. 1 ft A 


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j C£- j VjJju tc-r t (yO cLMt cdttb- C£<-C^- C t4l TsCCu T 

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UtSfPi /ilviHedt /Ute ttr (p&ago ctdu& fttf dB-%C ctpitt&rfuM 

f , rttfU*. CM 


W-'jpUUcd C0 <Cj 6 

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A 18 . <#m AUfU+Uo / (6 , pC/(6Pt rt 4ur 


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^oi utoAQ 

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(it'/tf&ui* siMMtna tfcxst 
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jjiZR U'\ dZ&j[ $** &**** (h c&uiid. ao< i 

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f U { ^ jf/\ » f t IV '/ ,,- .* 

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tA 2 aUI<&oJ& 2< SkUi&uie. &M<_ 

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Awjwyfltuo^ dud *j a(aC £ ; &<£ au eZi4rUU^Jco cAtuajifcC 

e(0 CM/4& JfcT AjtrlAt/t~ "Zj? <2j 6g( 'au^/M Oi?t&£<l<-td*i @<-*£*1 

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at Ml frHUVStC) AtVtlUU $.¥£■£( ()''€&*%&> at €£*lX~&U~7c^ltdkhA& 

aioucAi |k:>7 -•-•■' utt&f {2^tuo ^ ^^PaMA_, (fstU^uutzJd^ (£«/ 

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LXO) dlA shfai/Otf 4JJA J&Oo* UAt'(w-b6 ( PU. 

. ((jiwoU^ 9^*0 

Azcicu^^J^ aikA e*i 

* farad At 


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H&le <2 MmaA) faco i&earti aj/y iZds6ut/ r tlTluitw (faxe * . (jixr- 

(ht-i'ttf fa A .' ,".• tTifaift hi (fit fat fjfai fapfax o/jm - /VA/^ 'aouAa &luu &u i-u 

ecus/ AftaruuM 

>?W AMo fa OiU $Vr UltrUctofastf - 

siAa AVU tJAAd%A-ufatu( tf 0 etc AsU&A6 CA ,) 

2£ aIJaCa/lA^ *~A/F a odr -aaaaA , oA^rpif 

t<A imi'ts? 6rt/tl < aA . flfjXi ofo-C'! AadTAll£aud~ 

ol& , Cffxc 

l ?' t&TxUs 

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u 9 

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'otrU6U*etl4& 6Z (AlAAy PjZ AxdO-C&i 

m t^JewaJko ^ ttftr 

ABc&UaI 3d AAsls ^CC^df 4dbeSf &4Ujp. d/^uUi 3? & A/tdJtto 

Anted om#<« Cfl&tM . Cfcl es^ ftos^*u<u> £$a3t‘&#&4 

uzA Utt aJUut ClJcUc t\B 

I h oUCfizo a 

CUT AdUie 

AlULp&*( I/Jj^/Jwr Al& <0 u WM <3& /ULKt€o 

J cJujyt~ UMtfc '^JU/^l *M "tct* 

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Hsu* sued dltur j f 



f * 

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OitnuAut (A 

Cjl , f I'l# a iu , 5 ) uUfot'cljo t3~ It. a li odtrduT zli ittirtC) ou<*( ^ \pcCt~ 4*te 
lujul elect fe iCh . %( ItftfC ui^tt j til/ z> <t£~cdAtt 73^tlc\ 

tfjtiUlt' <£ j caul zu/tti 

9&£ lC C 

t£~. 4tuj atyfUfidzll 

4 etas/ f< 


a 'tx J? MuxchteleA m esse <za 

At ^ .o ,a~ ^ a P u 


&f 0ft\ a <??ttinn*A cm /itrtiu, $U(t*£C< ^ut s({Pt (U\ . 
c^4jL cUIMmJI slut AiPC Act '(U It C ul&Ct AM£it cUfflUMUtl tfUMPcl lU( 

#i AJLMHl cdjcUuX ^ Utc tuttuc tfwM <M IwC UiM\ > M/ltCH dt M*l A*&T ~ 'tWCi ' 

C, \Jt olJl AJU&t tiUC fstUi Music cultMUAte S) C-iltCA 


a cjruia 4MMMU& 

tdPs^Ui^iJ^UCciu id m\ uxnltot , ) uwu Uifl d putjf im (BM htU(^ ! 

_ _ . . — mArM M _ 

M2i_ , #4 

Ij V 1 '2E- 


pj &M &4M2& auul f" ^ 9o 2-C s/sssL&t j 

&luu( t£ AtCtCUfr M./HV' rW* y 1 | 

ClMtfc&M'Q&o.'ki He 0 UU - .// (Q ' ' 4e*. 

&UWJJL CSL : fa *6 u t£c AUft~AM<ifi6l M(SU iLQ 6 D L , 

tftx <t\ 



A Aid LUAHte 

Jt£) Alutu- uu< 



fat tjj^t umu c tfWLfu'cete-tte . fee/uj 

^ fa iZcftiijJt fa Ai*fa Cnmwfa tfa "mfitt 6 2 3) 

tAifa AMCtt a fa/. /falfacMU "se/dtxtd&u ' /*■ 

/U£t ~keee*c(i nuf*i @U\ 

^jCfei/ssfa sublet dt^iaT Quj ^kr abiu/afac \ 6cfit~ far 

9-^eee *6 wfatt' due 4*e ekX^tsttFJi \ fatcut u^tu/UjC 

^[itmiJo fr face 4Mt Gfct w44A£cfaft^ f < ertt tefa 

vfi/ $U&Ui& /U6iUtfa CtOc 4 tr. l(ocu fastaefapH 

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U— ^ . \ ^ o 

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UUfft.j <*ofafs?i 1 6 inZ~ 9 f//i,tt 0 dltZH ett C^H - <§U - BM AUffafa yjLtZA&e . 

Wfa-H p tfreMJL c^iCcuutLA fat > /\ cfl uaA tit ^A 

a C<zus( tfa lBstiub~-*4(u£fc), /A *M Aifaufa<PL- fct&ei 

i. aJ . > 

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fiXco- tOd t^i( ku(£l t&' jeect pieittU tv her rf Xf'e.aatr 

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tf tfu ~ 6y\qii#JrajjL oe cuA/fl 4 HtvuC s^TittUixlM AtUu^o , 

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m u AOicAia calm AA&X~ tu_ -tut*, a^ tcitu* m 'O^jUtcc / 

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OjjJTc CL i^li &p 04 MA C fai /ti>- t^^UA* U&Xt^ 

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rd dMffwOLK 


Or Sf^tWAcuioz Auh.XtXioo 6 m &c 

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A#k& 0M IM 4«P 

OM PI weit'/Wtorf lad a 
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cl(/> lm 4 jm $aa 

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jfuan ((M/tua ) lint'. dao^ sahMjZa^ q(.£-&i nio^t ~^u^fii^( Uut * <jCt~f'a.oy. 

ftiUXUM #LUjUA<Uttf, 

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7 ^'*bdc 7 u 1 

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d ^iSC4*^ 7< 

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tffc %* ^su*Jrtr$!i . ® 

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um£ (BM u/oa <u Ufa pujl Cfcyj 1 Uuf Mi&tt&f ifif 

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oa ($ ttCo.i/e /m 

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^&VAAjuu^Cb64&*^ ' yjt, 

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euA. (3&fUt- _ 

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\A&&n M AtUCcd&d&C 
Cldi (Ut£~ £r \0$ a4u . 

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omi A^AjuHf uuu wddfatlqw, <A (ddjto hjvul Uadku6e . tfdflfa&ktd* 



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C/AM 0 cdfcu AlKCid d'l/ltdo - 

ggimm c/t a ~t+ A<u . 



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U , LuSL. cU-wl JtaXlCu 

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dtrti' b tT £ d/U« 9 '/i all 

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/Ud (At. 

uiak v AvjUfri tyj&: 

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AA0 fto ML0U . - - - 

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4j£ tfl&t* . 

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IB gumX * A # ., mX jput X tu 4uru &y. ci4! t* cXtXiA 4*^4 foj cti&j. 

tuuj, OOjif ! twuvatff' 

M U 

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l£A M^ rttyUUpe/ liCfo M &M4\ ^jjAH m ccfyCf l*U*y CUu ffU 

foflicotlA fotiX, atgjfi, suA /U^tp ^ (utfrt/ *1 fou ttUwJr ^ mw £ucu tMuuXutut^ 

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dllUlAC/jCo STAtU*) , dfop stSMt 

AuXZa ejitUl &lu tzjftrtc*/ BMutfa £cwtT4UjU*^ fow&f m\ pt&Xt, ‘XA&tt 46 !< uX 
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sfcMVfiu) . 


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tftyteAA A (nvtct'i Wife &CUj * CAotAt " 6 'uUCfttUA ) — 
ffu<* - U& "aiAmAxA ' AjJtr A'A&tt 9 &Ut£< i, 4 M & f (HUUtttoi favtttd/d 

a Aam Cftptntq fO fah Um*-- /w.Ht ^&>t*oun- wu $ t 

' * ' , -/-At sifivi W 4 u> i CvmcA - (jicwudMu, - () iky ^ 

h #fe. tfrr^iiu'A 

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a@ ttCwu/mA ju (At < m (fax ua&u pu . &£ A&t&mi A&ul^ut i 

frtt&H AjbUOCd 'ttt'k 4A $$.(ftvc/<J ' W-HdU {k vAffit 



wkfr Aft duu£ - /AuM/VU^O " $M*ttdJ£lZ — fftAftftuU uXWAA A 

(M uttutfsCifU 


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MtPif iu'id’ Cdu (^j< -dAltikd) £*-*A /kAtr 

sU'ttfA tfffflfr St Aut MttXf 9 Apt< 

ahhj ifcud. QMUjJffitM *m£t. 

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jjt {tifottM jfizij kflA i&Mg. uttfa.'/miu, C&UpftUaXa) £( >*/ UA fUlu MtM At 

ai OliAWJt muiUjA (Ai at n tyHa£ Minute ” Pi cA/naJc APVJ-, 

Ad pA&t lum /r ^UL^MCfttAs betffi. A^t/tA /A l 



ftiucutcc UAt 


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pllM/Ata ttUH/ CAuA- - 9 AualU , 

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•"TTr iiyrtHDt 

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/UtPU tfct etc**? ^ /fc OAtsUUjctfa 

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'u 6*/0 ^ 

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Ulti /U i- /su&\ 

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\mo | (a tfietft ^tstnijpLfafi udjw'njh "(fan fa fa^^t^utCtst 
ct wts(/^£^ dd/^dZ ffastCfe*jj\ > ?/*tfa dfaufa %sdito an/ tMupfa* ^ iAmohaa ^ 

a, tuOiu/jist U&htAAjCo <^um 1&Z Um^uaupm ftM' 4 c<^Cc^ 

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ttfc 4U.60 (Mnjd.L# rt(jJt&U4 tAhAs) A dfaxAt - dfaxstujp - (lAGM dXftujL - UaM*fUM& <f*~ 
/U^ QY^Acut . fiiWAUH W4A CfauA ~(]3 a&cuUuj^ &a iuj&jt (Bat" fa dJ/JruMt**/ 

A WJU MMA-& MAJSHJ ^cUUfitia . a/jl&'J? fajAUt cttbtM • 

(am (fttWjUW^ - ffawtd&Jj {pfatAde Attt V*WAfWA± - (f&AfiU tCtut^ - (fuu<jo 

lAMj - CfadA Yi&tC jtfautM ( 9ti &.n$ (tea 6tMfti ufc A^x/utciA ^ ifaf amumB 
n ‘ fajifc/ tf U.M&? ccfaict aiW Pfaiu fata/ fam yuiu^tlija %aZZ- 

KMtfc .■jldk* j (£ H BU/l&tOl tffoX'&T dA 

jfatAQ CW'jftt&u t? U AuATAiOfdc&t, fa/tA . 

rites ^ ( u&'At' t^&uxcA $jjtffr CuMtd uu ptdr /A 4b fa t*. 

M A CAML MvUi Jjl tfcy i&ri\ U/faxj fa /iftric c^K/J^ 4l6tr/U( Ad ^ 

omujBJ. $jwj u . - - 

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uAu\ <U\ 6y£fc ((tu cdwu $AM itu 

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(port p-CanjWJ-a^ *J 

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. 9- 2. /A /UtM-dt? fa tl0VMM.9w£<xiaSl'i* e. ^ 

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U sUM^pJ: 9 ft 6?u^<H4u ) tf(aJt BhiJU CatuMum a azi6x%umj£ xtcBu^ oBasuu c#t<Ajte , 

Muct’. | alur oux/9 (BM . 

( A uMtw (BM <m 9 tifiw+c <r£< 6tuufa 9u9lA^t*- 

AM t$J. 6UMVA& . 


jffc&fa 0 ^A£HJU<Xl^C 4 H , ?><2p4U . 

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^ cewj'A' 1 ?* dy(x ff tyoj&t/lifvAuty pi fiuc9u 9 u^M twxcA 




Q rfwjJfa 9 AiUbuXctti ^ ^it£i*6Uj 5 Ct(at'^u^ 

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•fc'&Urt/Ut&d J &uA s? Uul^ ttCA i&l . 

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dJ iv tdt - - - 

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H 1 %B~ UAH&t Ot * 1 . 

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sCushux^ t&2 tA\c£caJZk . 9ta£l A^i/d/d [ 

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o)C a^Aiu&od MUAHp&wt. ‘dfo&etw+t fa /ftu&icc&m cfc (Pd\ 

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l&C&iUr- tfd t dC&ZUGfa 

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*“-'*--* U jJ/ft&A { 2 *XtZuX AU&U $XUSr 


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tA‘(£r fe /MAM* QrftA A*4JO L>1 ft St* fe(f yvtuc&T- 

^ j? fef&i ^U'-mJc* dj uiuA rt/ Tfu4 

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(feTn- (j&. 

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if. QlP ^M$kjc£ u.ll&P<(£~4jUu£*MJLs 

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ifa M- ° 



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tffaM ti&ttfo AKJU\ u u$ 6e. t&pU \ 

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. C^tt AtAJHUaicutd 

’u. (UMstaJL ft Io&aA/'^ 

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IS tfjM fan HMLCZfeutj l&L djj *k/ *h 

ttti. iUSAt flCtj. lts*l£t cuul( tZ&Ouc ^ U'ilC U MUtfol ut'M&t i& .psi teutZT 

Ct‘</ StOcit Hid?- (Af)t( 4 ^ 2 tii 4 ^ / jj & ttal* ( IMkM** tsfc <?lcft 4 & 4 m 3 

cl i u( <zi l V)Al'(' ( PT "/7?/Uyi **■"■ tutuZA . Om**£<atZ 





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tUl'li&f im (A&A AlWCta , ()3 \l/t~ i't' A/AAldr 

Ait &W 

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csi^isi^ir i r r-y iUM4fT~ ^tunpo nt <tucf mfrg cts ’ hjfiPt . Ch 1 ^ 

sllUClflU Jlr{uc 4 nfo ^ecttu* 4 tzu c Ul/(A 

iniUfVtt*) ^yic fU tta ttuu) $*(4/ L£ o£uiUtc^#u t£~ </z im&CAZh i (muA . 



Ou^t'&au tfif u '^ tfp&wust {j«Mtsf, £%U*{ 

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Ltf . rfs> tfu~ foj&lj rjtfZC foujrW SUf (utuU 9M <fa ml&tA J9 O-AC^ *4 

t (4) Jf — %M)VUiU£f i'U^flOlc. Ui &m — " tOM\LWtM tUu) A4*X~+ c(M 




tlppAsUtotf? fate- jpuu^ 
IM Atf+HC4c<*^ . 

y{}~ CLi U cU (A 

Jit u/fou 

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fc ) tfal«j0c W&Jb tfc U-iUntA 4 AtHUl J C 34iM'tC<i 


m Mtij 


f -/$£M 6*Mt - u^AJ^'Ant t+ J&. 

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Ufl Jte+tiiWC /[If' "tfcutfi \u U-tfavt Ul *> tfic 

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