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Drummond, Andrew Thomas 

Canadian timber trees 



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aes : BY A. T. DRUMMOND. 

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= Pom the Pods of the Monihat Horticultural Society 
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From the Report of the Montreal Horticultural Society 
and Fruit Growers’ Association. 

Montreal : 



\ 2 ‘JUL 2 5 1990 : 
Reva oF 1S 



Apart from agriculture, no individual industry in Canada has 
such importance as the lumber trade. In the United States, 
industries based on the manufacture of lumber and timber are only 
exceeded in point of magnitude by the iron interests, The extent 
of territory on this Continent covered by forests, the number of 
men directly employed in preparing the products of these forests 
for market, and the very numerous and important industries to 
which the use of timber and lumber give rise, all point to the 
subject of our timber trees as of national interest. We have, in 
fact, little conception of the magnitude of the lumbering business 
in the country, until we are brought face to face with statistics 
in regard to it. About twenty-one per cent. of the whole American 
Continent is believed to be woodland. In North America alone, 
it is estimated that 1,460,000,000 acres are covered by trees, and 
of this quantity about 900,000,000 are in Canada. Contrast this 
with the acres of forests and woodlands in the European States. 
Prussia has, it is said, about 10,000,000 acres ; Bavaria, 3,300,000, 
France, 2,700,000; whilst England and Belgium are so denuded 
of forests as to have but insignificant areas of these in proportion 
to their sizes. These vast woodlands in Canada include a very 
considerable portion of Ontario and the eastern provinces, and of 
British Columbia, whilst in Manitoba, the country, excepting in 
the Eastern and North-Western sections, is chiefly prairie, and in 
the North-West Territories, the true forests are largely along and 
north of the Saskatchewan. 

A few facts will give some conception of the importance of 
these vast woodlands to us, and at the same time of the enormous 
annual drain on our lumbering resources now going on. In the three 


years ending 1872, when the lumber trade saw its halcyon days, 
the production of deals and boards in the Ottawa and St. Lawrence 
valleys alone, amounted to dn average annually of 809,000,000 
feet. The average number of logs annually cut in those valleys, 
and brought to the banks of the streams to be floated down to the 
saw mills engaged in the production of this large quantity of deals 
and boards, was 5,264,000. Whilst of the product of these miils 
an annual average of 170,000,000 feet went to Great Britain, 93 
cargoes were, in 1872 alone, shipped to South America, and 
276,000,000 feet were taken by the Eastern United States; that 
part of this large quantity which was shipped by the water routes 
being embraced in 1,720 cargoes. 

During the same three years the exports of square timber from 
Quebec averaged 21,558,000 cubic feet annually. The square 
timber went chiefly to Great Britain, and whilst about three-fifths 
of it was white pine, there was included no inconsiderable propor- 
tion of other trees. Nearly one-sixth was composed of oak, one- 
twelfth of red pine, one-nineteenth each of birch and elm; ash‘ 
basswood, tamarac, walnut and butternut largely making up the 

But aside from lumber and square timber cut for export, there 
is an enormous consumption in the Dominion—a consumption 
greatly increased by the progressive spirit of the past thirty years, 
There are in the Dominion about 6,000 miles of railroads, which 
originally required in their construction 18,000,000 of sleepers or 
railway ties, and, taking the life of a tie at five years, the annual 
requirements of these railways must be towards 3,500,000 ties. 
Each railway has its telegraph system requiring originally the cut- 
ting down of 175,000 young trees to supply the requisite poles, and 
a large annual addition to replace those which become decayed or 
otherwise unserviceable. On the sides of the railways would be 
probably 12,000 miles of fencing, necessitating 9,000,000 pickets, 
and over 60,000,000 feet of sawn timber in its contruction. House- 
building and pavements alone must annually consume an enormous 
amount of lumber ; but wood enters very largely even into the 
manufacture of what we are accustomed to regard as insignificant 


articles. Shoe pegs are estimated to require in the United States 
an annual supply of 100,000 cords, whilst lasts and boot-trees 
require 500,000 more. Even the manufacture of tools consumes 
on this continent about half a million cords of the finest qualities 
of timber, 

Vegetation is not distributed over the globe regardless of order. 
There is a regular series of changes from the tropics to the Arctic 
seas. Under the equator are the palms, bananas and plantains: 
in the tropical zones on either side are the fig-trees and ferns of 
tree-like growth ; beyond the immediate tropics are included some 
of the vast sandy barrens or deserts of the warmer regions of Africa, 
Asia, and America, in which grow the succulent fig-marigolds and 
curious cacti; in higher latitudes are the countries of the orange, 
the pomegranate and the vine, with the zone of the pines, firs and 
other evergreens beyond, shading thence gradually through 
heathers and grasses, until at the base of the glaciers in polar lands 
vegetation is chiefly met with in the form of variously colored 
lichens mottling the bare rock. A series of changes precisely cor- 
responding to this is met with on mountain sides. Vines are 
cultivated in the valleys at the base of the Alps; in the course of 
the ascent chestnuts, beech trees, firs and little downy Alpine 
plants become successively prevalent until at about 9000 feet the 
region of continuous snow begins. These successive changes in 
the vegetation are not inaptly likened to a series of belts of some- 
what irregular breadth bound one above the other around the 
mountain sides. 

Canada lies partly in the Arctic zone, characterized by an ab- © 
sence of trees, partly in a semi-Arctic zone of poplars and birches, 
and partly in two more temperate zones of pines and beech trees, 
whilst in the southern sections are a few of the characteristic trees 
of the Middle United States. 

There are sixty-five species of trees in Ontario, Quebec and the 
Maritime Provinces. Of these, excepting perhaps one, all are 
found in Ontario, south of the Ottawa River and Georgian Bay, 
whilst probably a dozen range as far north as James Bay. 

Not much is yet known of the range of our timber trees west of 


Lake Superior, but we are now fairly familiar with it in the country 
around that lake and eastward of it to the Atlantic Ocean. The 
eastern provinces are within the region of the tree forests, whilst a 
very large part of Manitoba and an immense section of the terri- 
tory between that province and the Rocky Mountains is more or 
less open prairie. The vast country commencing with Labrador 
and thence skirting Lake St. John, Hudson Bay and the north shores 
of Lake Nipigon, onwards to the Saskatchewan and Peace River 
northward, forms the zone of the balsam, poplar, white birch, aspen 
and tamarac. South of this in the Provinces of Quebec and 
Ontario are the zones of the pines and the beech—the beech being 
chiefly limited to the region south of a line drawn from the outlet 
of Lake Superior to Quebec. In that part of the peninsula of 
Ontario lying west of the Niagara River is an outlier of another 
zone, represented there by the walnut, buttonwood, tulip tree, 
sassafras and the chestnut, and by an increasing abundance of 
white, red and other oaks. 

There are various causes influencing the range of vegetation in 
the Dominion, but in Ontario and Quebec the northern limits of 
trees are largely circumscribed by the physical condition of the 
country as well as by the climate. The height of land or water- 
shed from which the rivers flow on the one side to Hudson Bay, 
and on the other to the great lakes and the St. Lawrence, has a 
very tortuous course, and beyond it very few species of trees range 
northward. . The country on either side of this watershed for some 
distance is more or less mountainous. ‘To the northward of Lake 
St. John the whole country is very broken, whilst extensive cold 
swamps are everywhere interpersed through the Albany River 
section. Both the red and white pine appear to follow somewhat 
closely the watershed in their northern limits of range. 

To the most casual observer the absence of trees and of mosses 
is a striking feature of the prairies of Manitoba and westward. 
That the frequent fires which devastate the prairies have much to 
do with the scarcity of trees is beyond question. This very scarcity, 
however, gives rise to a more than ordinary rapid evaporation of 
moisture from the soil and thus deprives the mosses of that con- 


dition which is so congenial, and in most cases, necessary to their 
growth, and accounts thus for their absence. 

The section of country surrounding Lake Superior has a peculiar 
flora. On the lake margin, but especially on its jutting headlands 
the vegetation has almost a semi-Arctic type. The beech and 
white oak are everywhere absent, while on the north shore the red 
oak, maple and basswood are almost entirely wanting. But it is 
less among the trees than among the herbaceous forms that the 
vegetation is striking. On Keweenan Point and Thunder Cape 
are semi-Arctic plants—the remnants—like the Maritime plants of 
this and other great lakes—of a former flora, and suggestive of the 
colder climate of that part of the country in a now-past epoch. 
The moist, cool but equable atmosphere, resulting from the 
presence of such a large body of deep water as Lake Superior, 
readily accounts for the continuance of these little plants there, 
and has much to do with the absence of so many of the larger 
forms of vegetation. A short distance inland from Thunder Bay— 
and this no doubt is a mere illustration of what occurs everywhere 
on the coast of the lake—there is, however, a remarkable change. 
As the effect of the lake air becomes less perceptible, plants of 
more temperate range appear, until at about two miles or more up 
the Kaministiquia River no boreal or semi-Arctic plants are met 
with, and the vegetation has much the appearance of that of the 
river valleys of Central Canada. 

The vegetation of the projecting headlands of the lakes is 
affected by the action of the general flow of the waters of these 
lakes towards the sea, plants peculiar to the southern and west- 
ern sides of the lakes being thus found on the immediate shores 
of the northern sides as well. On the other hand, the coasts of 
the Lower St. Lawrence are influenced by the cool atmosphere 
attending the Labrador Arctic Current, a branch of which enters 
the Gulf of St. Lawrence by the Straits of Belle Isle. 

So rapidly has the Western Ontario Peninsula been brought 
under cultivation that we can hardly now realize the extent to 
which it was covered by magnificent forests fifty or more years ago. 
In 1834 this part of the country was visited by Robert Brown and 


James Macnab, and their observations are thus referred to by J. C. 
Louden: ‘‘In the neighbourhood of the falls of Niagara the trees 
were of various descriptions, of great size, and more intermixed 
than we had hitherto seen. The tulip trees were of great height, 
with stems varying from 8 ft. to 12 ft. in circumference. Platanus 
trees, oaks, elms, limes, ashes, walnuts, beeches, poplars and white 
pines were all equally large and lofty. The hemlock spruce was 
scarcely seen, but the arbor vite seemed to take its place, for it is, 
without exception, the most abundant tree in the neighbourhood 
of the falls, very tall, and sometimes tapering to a height of 60 ft. 
Between Niagara and Hamilton was the only district in Canada 
where the Laurus Sassafras was seen: the trees were all small 
though remarkably healthy. The great natural forests of the 
country presented chiefly oaks of great height, and when the 
ground became in the least degree elevated, white pines abounded, 
Near New London (now London) the specimens of the trees, par- 
ticularly of the platanus (plane tree or buttonwood) were very large. 
Stems were measured of from 15 ft. to zo ft. in girth, and many of 
the trees had straight trunks of from 1o ft. to 30 ft. high before 
branching. The white pine near New London has a trunk varying 
from 13 ft. to 18 ft. in circumference, and some trees which had 
been blown down were measured and found to average 160 ft. in 
length. The oaks here vary from ro ft. to 15 ft. in circumference 
of trunk, with 45 ft. and 50 ft. of straight clear stems. Between 
New London and Goderich, a distance of 60 miles, the road 
passes through one continued dense forest. The trees were prin- 
cipally elms, averaging from 1o ft. to 25 ft. in circumference. 
Mixed with them were beeches, birches and ashes of ordinary 
dimensions. Horizontal sections of the white pines and hemlock 
spruce exhibited between 300 and 400 annual layers; oaks 200 ; 
arid elms 300. On the banks of the Maitland River many very 
noble specimens of platanus are seen with stems varying from 18 
ft. to 36 ft. in circumference.” 

The extent to which the different species of timber trees indi- 
vidually occur in Canada is a matter of great interest in view of 
the increasing demand for lumber. The Prane TREE or Burron- 


woop, and the CHESTNUT are hardly now in sufficient abundance 
to make them economically important, and, as already indicated, 
their range in Canada is very circumscribed. The Burronwoop 
grows most luxuriantly on the banks of rivers, in deep, moist soil. 
Biack WALNUT has become scarce, and threatens soon to be- 
come virtually extinct. It. is now chiefly found with us on the 
tributaries of the River St. Clair. BurrERNuT and WuiTE Oak 
have about a similar range in Eastern and Western Ontario, and 
though not now of very large size, are in fair abundance, es- 
pecially in the Western Peninsula; but in the Province of Quebec 
they are comparatively scarce, White Oak becoming a rare tree in 
the St. Lawrence Valley towards Quebec, though found inland. 
Butternut is said to be absent on Bay of Fundy coast. Basswoop 
is on the whole plentiful in the country lying south of a line, 
drawn from the Bay of Fundy to Thunder Bay. ‘In Southern 
Manitoba, it is also a well-known tree. In Western Canada it 
enters somewhat largely into the commoner classes of furniture. 
Even as. far north as the Manitoulin Islands it is frequent, and is 
there a large tree, sometimes attaining two feet in diameter. A 
small outlying number of these trees, as well as maples, around 
Lake St. John, would seem to indicate a milder climate there 
than the high latitude of the lake would suggest. Rep Oak is 
entirely absent from the whole north shore of Lake Superior, ex- 
cepting, curiously, Michipicoten Island. It is a common, though | 
not now a very large tree, throughout Ontario, occurring as far 
north as Lake Temiscamingue at the head-waters of the Ottawa; 
and in the Province of Quebec ranges down the St. Lawrence 
Valley towards the neighbourhood of Quebec. YELLOW BIRCH 
appears to be a more familiar tree in this valley than around the 

great lakes. In Gaspé square timber two feet across is made 

from it. WHITE BircH, on the other hand, is a more northern 
tree, occurring everywhere far north, and in considerable abun- 
dance—even at Moose Factory, on Hudson Bay, being large 
enough for canoes. 

Wuire Asu is fairly common from the neighborhood of 
Montreal West to the Georgian Bay District and Manitoulin Is- 


lands and Southward. Brrcu has a somewhat similar range, but 
is found farther down the St. Lawrence Valley, and occurs on the 
northern shores of Lake Huron. In Central and South-Western 
Ontario it is perhaps the most commonly met with tree. In New 
Brunswick, though met with inland, the beech is absent from the 
Bay of Fundy coast—the result, probably, of the heavy fogs there. 

SuGAR MAPLE is an abundant tree in Nova Scotia, Prince 
Edward’s Island and New Brunswick, throughout the St. Lawrence 
Valley, and in Western Ontario as far as the north shore of Lake 
Huron and asthe east and west, but not the north coasts of 
Lake Superior. AspEN and BatsAm Poptar, whilst familiar trees 
throughout Ontario and Quebec, range far Northward from New- 
foundland to James Bay and northwestward, and are most abund- 
ant in these higher latitudes. Wurre Em, perhaps our most 
graceful tree and forming also a valuable item of export, is fairly 
common from Gaspé to Lake Nipigon and Southward, and espe- 
cially in the western peninsula of Ontario. Inthe valley of the 
Moose River, about 120 miles from its mouth, Prof. Robert Bell 
has found a small outlier of these trees. Rep CEDAR as a shrub 
extends high northward, but asa tree it is scarce north of the 
Georgian Bay and north or eastward of the Ottawa River, and is 
little known in the Ottawa Valley. On the other hand, WHITE 
CEDAR, or ARBORVIT&, is common’ everywhere from Gaspé and 
Lake St. John through the upper Gatineau district to James’ 
Bay and southward. Even in the Ontario peninsula it grows 
luxuriantly, attaining a height of sometimes from §0 to 60 feet. 
In New Brunswick it is not uncommon, but in Nova Scotia and 
Newfoundland it seems to be wanting. 

HeEMLOcK occurs in Nova Scotia, but is rare or wanting on the 
east coast of New Brunswick, and is wanting in Gaspé and in the 
Lake Superior district, whilst in the Province of Quebec, south of 
the St. Lawrence, it is very abundant, ‘its bark forming there a 
most important item of export. In the Ottawa Valley and in the 
Ontario peninsula it is a fairly well known tree. TAMARAC is 
comparatively common throughout both Ontario and Quebec, and 
even as far northward as Moose Factory, on Hudson Bay, is a 
large tree measuring two feet in diameter of its trunk. 


The WuireE and Rep Pines are, however, the trees in which 
centre perhaps the most interest. Pircu Prine is of mere local 
occurrence and the BANKSIAN Pine, though abundant in the Lake 
Superior region eastward to the Lower St. Lawrence and of mer- 
chantable size, according to Prof. Robert Bell, along the southern 
branches of the Albany River, is in the more accessible sections 
only a scrubby tree. In the Province of Quebec south of the St. 
Lawrence little pine is now left, though thirty years ago large 
lumbering operations were carried on in the country lying south of 
Quebec and east of Sherbrooke. In the Ontario peninsula as well, 
pine is now scarce and even what is there is of small size. The 
maximum development of the red and white pine appears to have 
been attained in the stretch of country extending from Gaspé and 
New Brunswick through Northern Maine and the Saguenay dis- 
trict along the valley of the St. Lawrence westward to the Ottawa 
River and Georgian Bay, and onward through Northern Michigan 
and the district on the north shore of Lake Huron and the Lake 
Superior country to Rainy Lake. In Eastern Manitoba there is 
some pine, but the zone of true forests beyond that province on- 
ward to the Rocky Mountains chiefly includes aspen, balsam, 
poplar, white birch and Banksian pine. Large as this territory is 
in which the white and red pine are found, the extensive sections 
of country now left quite destitute of pine warn us that these pine 
forests are not co-extensive with our annual requisitions on them. 
In the Ontario Legislature it was recently stated that one source 
of revenue of that province was visibly affected because that now— 
though this is probably an error—there were no more timber limits 
available, all apparently being under lease,to lumbermen. At the | 
present time the St. Lawrence and Ottawa valleys furnish the larger 
part of the pine lumber and timber. Very nearly as much is an- 
nually cut on the St. Lawrence and its tributaries below Montreal 
as in the Ottawa valley, but contrary to the general impression and 
to the customs returns, very nearly two-thirds of the square timber 
and the lumber, manufactured on the Upper Ottawa is, as Mr. A. J. 
Russell has pointed out to me, from the Ontario forests. Some 
conception of the abundance of these trees in these valleys, and also 

12. f3 

of the enormous requisitions annually made by lumbermen upon 
our pine forests, is shown by the fact already referred to that during 
the years 1870, 1871 and 1872, the average number of logs banked. 
upon the small streams tributary to the St. Lawrence and Ottawa 
was over five and one quarter millions annually. 

The map which accompanies this report, and which is the joint 
production of Prof. Robert Bell of the Geological Survey of 
Canada and the writer, indicates our present knowledge of the 
northern limits of distribution of the leading forest trees in Ontario, 
Quebec and the Maritime Provinces. Inthe projection of this map 
the sources of information have been largely derived from personal 
observation of Prof. Bell and the writer, but, in addition, all reli- 
able published lists have been consulted, and access has been had 
to the private notes of the late Dr. John Bell, Dr. D. Maclagan, of 
Edinburgh, and others; whilst from Mr. James Richardson, Mr. 
R. W. Ells, and some other members of the Geological Survey, and 
from Prof. Macoun, of Belleville, Prof. Bailey and Mr. E. Jack, C.E., 
of Frederickton, N.B., and Dr. Lawson, of Halifax, N.S., much val- 
uable information has been obtained, Mr. A. J. Russell, of the 
Crown Timber Office, Ottawa, has also supplied some data con- 
nected with the distribution of the pine, besides being the source 
of some important facts and statistics regarding timber limits and 
the production of square timber, which have been freely made use 
of in this report. Possibly, as the country is further explored, the 
lines indicated on the map may be slightly changed, and some 
trees may be found of local occurrence—as in the case of the elm, 
basswood, plane tree and maple—in places considerably north of 
the limits laid down, and our information regarding the range of 
trees in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward’s Island 
is not quite so full as could be desired. The map will, however, be 
found to fairly represent the northern limits of distribution. 


So important is the lumber industry in Canada, that, looked at 
from a commercial point alone, perhaps no trade question has 
around it so much of interest as that of the conservation of our 



forests with a view to the continuance of that industry. The drain 
which has been going on for thirty years past on the resources of 
these forests has been so enormous and so continued that though 
it may have contributed largely to swelling our exports, drawing 
wealth to the country and giving us increased commercial status 
in other countries, it yet opens up the consideration of how long 
the supply will last. And if, as is self-evident, under the present 
system of farming out the public lands, a day is drawing near when 
the supply will not equal the demand, it behooves us, if possible, 
to adopt some means to preserve or recuperate these forests. A 
reference to the accompanying map will convince any one’ac- 
quainted with the localities—each year extending further north- 
_ ward and westward—where the lumbermen obtain their logs, that 
the area in which the pine may be expected to be found in fair 
abundance and accessible at a moderate cost, is not so extensive 
but that another twenty years of working the timber limits to the 
extent done for a few years past, will result in a very sensible les- 
sening of our exports of white pine. The lumberman’s axe is not, 
however, the only, or even the greatest drain on the pineries. 
Forest fires, it is believed, have caused even greater destruction, 
not only by reason of the vast area ruined, but because that large 
and small trees are alike consumed, as well the huge trunk which 
would be suitable for the lumbermen as the smaller trees, which in 
the course of successive years would also become large enough to 
attract their attention. The extent of this ruin will be appreciated 
when it is remembered that not until the pine is about one hundred 
years old is it of good merchantable size for square timber, and 
that therefore to replace the pine groves would be the work of 
towards acentury. There is, however, the further important fact 
that after a forest fire, pines are usually replaced by a growth of 
birch, poplar, and other trees, though whether the pine gradually 
asserts its position and overshadowing these in turn replaces them, 
is a question yet to be settled. 

Two very pertinent considerations therefore present them- 
selves :— 7 

First, forest fires and their prevention. 


Second, the regulations regarding the sale of timber limits to 


No person who has visited the Saguenay District, the Upper 
Ottawa, the shores of Lake Superior, and the Albany River 
Country, can be blind to the fact that forest fires have been a 
source of vast ruin. Many hundreds of square miles have been 
laid waste by them, and these fires are generally, the result of 
carelessness or wilful criminality. There are Acts of Parliament 
+n both the Provinces of Quebec (Act of 1870) and Ontario (Act 
of 1878) laying down regulations for their prevention, and 
imposing fines for neglect of these regulations ; but forest fires 
continue, and no one appears to be punished. Lumbermen and 
others are ready to blame the Indians for carelessness in regard 
to their camp fires, but are not white men more frequently 
blameable, and with their greater knowledge and intelligence more 
criminally culpable ? The statutes, however, are defective. That 
for Ontario provides that no person shall start any fire on or near 
a forest, between the first of April and the first of November, 
except for the purposes of clearing land, cooking, obtaining warmth, 
or for some industrial purpose, and then in a very indefinite way 
goes_on to require that when clearing land ‘“ every reasonable 
care and precaution” shall be observed. Now, why should it not 
be made unlawful to start fires in the woods aft any time of the year 
except for such purposes ?—and even with the object of clearing 
land, why should this virtually unrestricted permission be given 
during the midsummer months, when there is most danger from it 
and least necessity for it? The Quebec Statute goes a step 
farther and forbids the starting of any fire at any time whatever 

except for the above recited purposes, and in cases of clearing of 

land, makes it unlawful between the 1st July and the 1st Septem- 
ber. Now this close period might be very safely extended in both 
provinces to the period between the 15th June and the 15th Sep- 
tember, or even the rst June and 1st October, without interfering 
in the slightest degree with the necessities of the settler, and thus 
the heated term would be entirely passed. Both Acts provide in- 





structions in cases of fires required for cooking, warmth or 
industrial purposes, and the Ontario Act very properly makes it 
imperative that every person in charge of a drive of timber, survey 
or exploring party, or any other party requiring camp fires, shall © 
once in each week read and explain to his men the provisions of 
the Act. The Quebec Act omits this very necessary precaution, 
necessary because railway and other surveyors are sometimes 
among the greatest offenders against the Act. The Quebec Act 
also omits the proviso which the Ontario statute includes, that 
locomotive engineers shall have their fire boxes properly guarded 
and their smoke-stacks furnished with screens. Both Acts, how- 
ever, only impose a penalty of fifty dollars or three months 
imprisonment if that is not paid, for any infringment of the Act. 
Now, when such wholesale destruction is often the result, why 
should the offender receive so light a punishment ? Why should 
not the offence be visited with heavy imprisonment without the 
option of a fine? Those in charge of drives of timber, surveying 
parties, &c., should be made personally responsible for the acts in 
this respect of those under them, under the penalty of a fine, 
whilst the actual culprit should in all cases be liable to imprison- 
ment. So important is this question of the protection of the 
forests from fires, not merely to the governments which have the 
administration of the Crown Lands, and to lumbermen who lease 
them, and to the bankers who make advances on timber limits, 
but also to the large number of settlers in the new districts who 
have been in the past and are liable to be in the future rendered 
destitute and homeless through these bush fires, that it is sugges- 
tive whether it would not be well that every Crown Lands agent 
or bushranger should be constituted a fire inspector, whose duty 
should be to enquire into the cause of each bush fire, with a view 
to the detection and punishment of the offender. As facts now 
are, the offender is probably in most cases an employee, from 
' whom the amount of the fine could never be collected, and hence 
there could be no attraction to an informer to go to the large 
amount of trouble and expense necessary in these distant districts 
to secure a conviction. | 




Under the present system ‘timber limits are put up at auction 
at an upset price and sold to the highest bidder. The buyer by 
paying an annual fee thereafter and dues on the timber or logs 
actually cut, can retain the limit in Ontario so long as he complies — 
with the regulations, and in Quebec until 1889. Hecan in Ontario 
cut any size of tree, but in Quebec'is limited to those over twelve 
‘inches. In both provinces the license gives permission to cut 
trees of any and all kinds without restriction, except on lots which 
the Government may subsequently sell, when the license is restricted 
in Ontario to pine. Even if in Quebec a lumberman cuts timber 
under the twelve inches, there are no fines imposed beyond the 
possible forfeiture of the license if the Government choose to 
enforce it. Now the grave objections of this system are that it 
subjects the public lands to unrestricted waste for just such length 
of time as the lumberman finds it profitable, without any regard to 
the future ; and, on the other hand, it places the Government in 
the position of an owner desirous of ‘making the largest possible 
‘immediate return, regardless of the impoverishment of his posses- 
sions in the near future. — . 

The principle of leasing the timber limits for an indefinite . 
period of time, and of allowing trees of any size or kind to be cut, 
is hardly defensible. There should be a limit in girth beyond 
which alone a tree should be considered merchantable. The 
forests should also at intervals be allowed a long rest to admit of 
the young trees growing up, and the Government as the lessee, 
and not the lumberman with his self-interest always at stake, should 
be the judge of what that rest should be and when it is required. 
It may be said that timber limits under the present system afford 
a means of financing, and further that if mill-owners erect expensive 
saw-mills they should have some certainty that they will always 
have a source from which in coming years to obtain their logs. It 
is, however, on the one hand a question whether timber limits 
with the great uncertainty attached to them about the kind and 


quantity of timber on them and their constant exposure to forest 
fires, form the most advisable class of security for a banker to 

take, and on the other hand, whilst the mill-owner has some 

reasonable claim for regard, yet the interests of the country at 
large must necessarily be paramount to his individual interests 
and, at any rate, his case is not different from that of every other 
manufacturer who has in a similar way to provide himself for the 
future with supplies of raw material. If all timber limits were 
leased for a limited term only—say for five years—all mill-owners 
would be placed on terms of equality, and limits would in addition 
be kept out of the hands of speculators. A result which would 
almost of necessity also follow the shortening of the term of lease, 
would be that smaller areas would be purchased. As to the period 
of rest which should be allowed there is room for discussion. In 
a paper on the pines, read by Mr. John Langton some years ago 
before the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec, a table was 
given showing the estimated rate of growth, and from this it 
would appear that at 100 years in age, the pine is about fifteen 
inches in diameter, and that the annual increase between that age 
and 200 years is very nearly one-fifth of an inch. If this be a 
correct estimate, twenty-five years would not be too long a respite, 
as even in that time the trees could not increase to a size sufficient 
for good square timber, though large enough for saw-logs. 

It is asserted that in getting out the larger timber there is a 
great deal of unnecessary and reckless damage done to the younger 
trees, which might be prevented by more stringent regulations. 

To sum up these conclusions : 

1. Limits should only be sold for short periods of time, say 
for five years, and in smaller areas than in former years has 
been the practice. 

z. No trees of a less girth than fifty inches at a height of 
twelve inches from the ground should be cut, and heavy penalties 

should be imposed if they are. 

3. On reverting to the Government, each timber limit should 
be allowed to rest, say at least twenty-five years, to enable the 
younger trees to attain merchantable size. 


4. The strictest regulations should accompany each lease, 
with a view to preventing damage to, or the destruction of the 
smaller trees. 

The Government, with such regulations might possibly obtain 
a smaller upset price per square mile at auction for limits, but 
not necessarily so, as the smaller area sold would enable the 
lumberman to cut within the shorter time all the merchantable 
timber. The restriction to cutting such trees as are fifty inches or 
more in girth, would leave the younger timber standing, and the 
twenty-five years respite would afford time for this younger timber 
to attain merchantable size. 

The Dominion Government has made an effort to encourage 
tree culture in Manitoba, by making a free grant of 160 acres of 
land in the prairie districts to each person who undertakes to 
plant a portion of the property with trees under specified 
conditions, but the effort has not met with very much success 
thus far. 

(When compiling the large Map of the Dominion of Canada which was sub- 
sequently sent to the Paris Exhibition, the Department of Public Works requested 
a loan of this Map, and permission to use it in the completion of their own was 
granted, consequently the lines on both will be found to correspond.) 

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