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Journal  of  the  International  Carnivorous  Plant  Society 

Volume  3 1 ,  No.  3  September  2002 




Journal  of  the  Internationa 
Carnivorous  Plant  Society 

Volume  31,  Number  3 
September  2002 

Front  Cover:  Heliamphora  chimantensis  x  Heliamphora  minor  plants.  Photograph  by 
Andreas  Wistuba.  Article  on  page  78. 

Back  Cover:  Pinguicula  moranensis  ‘Libelulita’  flowers,  photo  by  Barry  A.  Rice.  Article 
on  page  83. 

Carnivorous  Plant  Newsletter  is  dedicated  to  spreading  knowledge  and  news  related  to  carnivorous  plants. 
Reader  contributions  are  essential  for  this  mission  to  be  successful.  Do  not  hesitate  to  contact  the  editors  with  infor¬ 
mation  about  your  plants,  conservation  projects,  field  trips,  or  noteworthy  events.  Contributors  should  review  the 
"Instructions  to  Authors"  printed  in  the  March  issue  of  each  year.  Advertisers  should  contact  the  editors. Views 
expressed  in  this  publication  are  those  of  the  authors,  not  the  editorial  staff. 

All  correspondence  regarding  dues,  address  changes  and  missing  issues  should  be  sent  to  the  Membership 
Coordinator  at  the  ICPS.  Do  not  send  such  correspondence  to  the  editors.  Checks  for  subscriptions  and  back  issues 
should  be  made  to  the  ICPS  in  US  funds.  Dues  for  2002  are  $25. 

ICPS,  Inc. 

PMB  330 

3310  East  Yorba  Linda  Blvd. 
Fullerton,  CA  92831-1709,  USA 


David  Gray,  email: 
Carl  Mazur,  email: 
Cindy  Slezak,  email: 

John  Brittnacher,  email:,  seedbank  listed  in  this  issue. 

Vice  President 

Seed  Bank 


Barry  A.  Rice,  PO  Box  72741,  Davis,  CA  95617,  USA,  email: 
Jan  Schlauer,  Zwischenstr.  1 1,  D-60594  Frankfurt,  Germany,  email: 
Page  Layout:  Steve  Baker,  email: 

Date  of  effective  publication  of  the  June  2(X)2  issue  of  Carnivorous  Plant  Newsletter:  6  June  2002. 

The  ICPS  is  the  International  Cultivar  Registration  Authority  (ICRA)  for  cultivated  carnivorous  plants  according  to 
The  International  Code  For  The  Nomenclature  of  Cultivated  Plants.  Send  relevant  correspondence  to  the  ICPS,  Inc. 

PUBLISHER:  ICPS,  Inc.,  Fullerton,  California.  Published  quarterly  with  one  volume  annually.  Desktop  Publishing: 
Steve  Baker,  5612  Creek  Point  Drive,  Hickoiy,  NC  28601.  Printer:  Kandid  Litho.  Logo  and  masthead  art:  Paul 
Milauskas.  Dues:  $25.00  annually.  Reprints  available  by  volume  only  ©  2002  Carnivorous  Plant  Newsletter.  All  rights 
reserved.  ISSN  #0190-9215. 


Carnivorous  Plant  Newsletter 


Abiotic  Factors,  Particularly  C02  concentration,  Affecting  Carnivorous  Plants  from 

the  Eastern  Shore  of  Maryland . - . 67 

Book  Review . 75 

ICPS  on  the  World  Wide  Web . 77 

Heliamphora  chimantensis,  a  New  Species  of  Heliamphora  (Sarraceniaceae) 

from  the  ‘Macizo  de  Chimanta’  in  the  South  of  Venezuela . 78 

New  Cultivars . 83 

Renewal  Reminder! . 84 

Seedbank  . - . . . 84 

Literature  Reviews  . - . . . 85 

5th  International  Carnivorous  Plant  Conference:  Call  for  Proposals  . 86 

An  Interview  with  Dr.  Rob  Naczi  About  Sarracertia  rosea . 87 

Looking  back:  CPN  25  years  ago . 94 

Back  issue  sales:  final  notice . 94 

When  in  Northern  California  Visit 



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Volume  31  September  2002 


Technical  Refereed  Contribution 

Abiotic  Factors,  Particularly  C02  concentration, 
Affecting  Carnivorous  Plants  from  the  Eastern 
Shore  of  Maryland 

Matthew  McDermott  and  Douglas  W.  Darnowski  •  Department  of  Biology  • 
Washington  College  •  300  Washington  Avenue  •  Chestertown,  MD,  21620  USA  • 

Keywords:  Ecology:  Maryland  (USA),  Utricularia,  wetlands  —  Field  studies: 

Submitted  December  26,  2000 


Carnivorous  plants,  particularly  bladderworts  ( Utricularia  spp.; 
Lentibulariaceae),  have  long  been  known  to  grow  on  the  Eastern  Shore  of 
Maryland,  but  few  if  any  studies  have  examined  their  growth  in  situ  or  in  the  lab¬ 
oratory  along  with  the  abiotic  factors  which  affect  their  growth.  From  the  scientific 
literature,  Great  Swamp  in  Maryland  (Kent  County)  clearly  stands  as  an  unusual 
site  for  the  Eastern  Shore  of  Maryland,  containing  several  species  of  bladderworts. 
Upon  investigation,  four  species  of  aquatic  bladderworts  were  identified.  Several 
sites  within  Great  Swamp,  containing  or  lacking  plants  of  Utricularia  spp.,  were 
routinely  sampled  to  seek  correlations  between  abiotic  components  of  the  local 
aquatic  environment,  such  as  pH  and  [C02],  and  the  presence  of  bladderworts. 
Small  samples  of  various  Utricularia  spp.  were  subjected  to  a  variety  of  experi¬ 
mental  treatments  in  the  laboratory  to  examine  further  the  factors  identified  in 
Great  Swamp.  Moderate  irradiance  levels  and  elevated  concentrations  of  dissolved 
C02  both  promoted  the  growth  of  U.  intermedia  and  U.  macrorhiza. 


Carnivorous  plants  have  been  an  attraction  for  both  botanists  and  horticultur¬ 
ists  since  before  the  time  of  Charles  Darwin.  These  plants  usually  grow  in  nutrient- 
poor  environments,  thriving  in  conditions  which  many  species  find  daunting.  The 
occurrence  of  carnivorous  plants  in  these  environments  relates  to  their  special 
traits,  since  to  be  considered  carnivorous  species  must  lure,  trap,  and  digest  prey  to 
obtain  scarce  nutrients  especially  nitrogen  (D Amato,  1998).  Factors  besides  the 
availability  of  organic  nitrogen  may  influence  the  growth  of  particular  carnivorous 
plants  in  particular  environments.  For  example,  just  as  irradiance  levels  may  dic¬ 
tate  the  growth  of  understory  plants  versus  canopy  species,  some  biotic  factors  such 
as  the  levels  of  inorganic  nutrients  or  of  pH  might  help  to  determine  the  presence 
or  absence  of  certain  carnivorous  plants. 

Among  carnivorous  plants  growing  in  the  Eastern  United  States  are  the 
American  pitcher  plants  ( Sarracenia  spp.,  Sarraceniaceae);  the  sundews  ( Drosera 
spp.,  Droseraceae);  the  Venus  Flytrap  ( Dionaea  muscipula,  Droseraceae);  the  but- 
terworts  ( Pinguicula  spp.,  Lentibulariaceae);  and  the  bladderworts  (Utricularia 


Carnivorous  Plant  Newsletter 

spp.;  Lentibulariaceae).  Bladderworts  can  be  found  growing  as  terrestrial,  sub- 
aquatic,  affixed  aquatic,  or  submersed  (suspended)  aquatic  plants  (Taylor,  1989). 

As  indicated  in  the  works  ofTatnall  (1946)  and  Sipple  (1999),  Utricularia  spp. 
seem  to  be  the  most  common  carnivorous  plants  found  on  the  Eastern  Shore  of 
Maryland,  and,  in  particular,  Sipple  (1999)  points  to  Great  Swamp  in  Kent  County, 
Maryland,  as  a  site  containing  an  unusual  abundance  of  bladderworts.  This  site 
(which  is  actually  a  bog)  consists  of  several  interlinked  channels  of  water  created  by 
the  mining  of  sphagnum  peat.  A  portion  of  this  area  privately  owned  and  under  pro¬ 
tection  by  The  Nature  Conservancy,  Echo  Hill  Camp  and  Echo  Hill  Outdoor  School, 
permitted  access  to  part  of  Great  Swamp. 

Several  sites  were  selected  for  routine  measurements  of  water  quality  and  for 
observations  of  bladderworts  (see  Table  1).  These  sites  varied  with  regard  to  the 
amount  of  irradiance  received,  location  near  the  bank  or  in  mid-channel,  and  the 
number  of  species  which  the  sites  contained.  These  sites  were  tested  for  a  variety  of 
abiotic  factors,  both  chemical  factors  such  as  phosphate  levels  and  physical  factors 
such  as  the  amount  of  ambient  irradiance,  to  determine  any  relationship  to  the 
presence  or  absence  of  bladderworts. 

In  previous  studies  from  other  geographic  regions,  communities  of  bladder¬ 
worts  have  been  shown  to  exist  under  a  wide  range  of  temperatures  and  nutrient 
conditions  (Roberts,  et  al.,  1985;  Adamec  &  Lev,  2001).  It  has  been  shown  by  previ¬ 
ous  research  that  nitrogen  and  phosphorous  levels  have  a  significant  impact  upon 
the  growth  of  bladderwort  communities  (Havens  et  al.,  1999). 

Non-destructive  laboratory  experiments  were  also  conducted  on  small  samples 
of  bladderworts  from  Great  Swamp  to  further  explore  connections  between  levels  of 
illumination  or  dissolved  carbon  dioxide  and  the  growth  of  bladderworts.  Previously, 
Adamec  (1999)  showed,  and  others  confirmed  (Camilleri,  1999)  that  elevated  con¬ 
centrations  of  C02  in  the  aquatic  environment  accelerate  the  growth  of  Aldrouanda 
vesiculosa  (Droseraceae).  This  is  another  aquatic  carnivorous  plant,  native  to 
Europe,  Asia,  Africa,  and  Australia,  so  levels  of  C02  in  Great  Swamp  might  influ¬ 
ence  growth  of  bladderworts  there. 

Site  #  Description  _ _ _ 

1  Mid-channel  site  next  to  fallen  tree,  bladderworts  present  among 
Nymphaea  odorata. 

2  Bank  site  under  heavy  canopy.  Largest  community  of  bladderworts  seen, 
also  large  amounts  of  hornworts  were  observed. 

3  Center  of  channel,  no  bladderworts  present. 

4  Bank  site  under  heavy  cover,  receives  afternoon  sun.  Bladderworts  pre 

5  Bank  site  with  no  cover,  receives  afternoon  sun.  Small  numbers  of 
bladderworts  present. 

6  Bank  site  next  to  birdhouse,  receives  direct  morning  sunlight. 
Bladderworts  present  among  water  lilies  but  not  in  nearby  open  water. 

7  Bank  site  receiving  evening  sunlight,  with  heavy  cover.  No  bladderworts 

_  present. _ 

Table  1;  Description  of  Sites  in  Great  Swamp  for  Water  Sampling 


Using  Taylor  (1989),  a  monograph  on  the  genus  Utricularia  currently  accepted 
as  the  standard  taxonomic  text,  samples  of  Utricularia  spp.  from  Great  Swamp 
were  identified. 

Volume  31  September  2002 


Water  samples  were  taken  from  several  sites  in  Great  Swamp,  described  in 
Table  1,  weekly  for  six  weeks  during  June,  July,  and  August  of  2000.  These  samples 
were  tested  as  described  in  the  LaMotte  Monitors  Handbook  (Campbell,  1992). 
Tests  were  performed  for  dissolved  C02  (test  kit  #7297),  toxic  ammonia  (#59100), 

salinity  (#7459),  copper  content  (#10269),  pH  (#5090),  nitrates  (#3110),  and  phos¬ 
phate  (#3114).  New  50  ml  polyethylene  sample  vials  were  used  for  each  sample  col¬ 
lection.  At  the  pHs  measured,  all  ammonia  would  have  been  in  the  form  of  NH4+, 
and  the  data  presented  are  for  the  appropriate  test  strip  portion  (Freshwater 
Aqualab  IV  Mardel  Glendale  Heights  IL). 

For  all  experiments  in  the  laboratory,  clear  plastic  containers  were  used  as 
aquaria  to  contain  bladderworts,  and  all  replicates  of  a  given  experiment  were  con¬ 
ducted  in  identical  containers.  Plants  were  grown  in  a  laboratory  in  which  the  tem¬ 
perature  ranged  from  20-25°C,  approximately  consistent  with  the  range  of  aquatic 
temperatures  in  which  the  bladderworts  were  found  growing  in  Great  Swamp. 

To  observe  the  effects  of  varying  levels  of  irradiance,  plants  of  U.  intermedia,  U. 
macrorhiza,  and  U.  gibba  were  grown  individually  in  aquaria  (three  in  parallel  per 
repetition;  approximately  500  ml  of  doubly  distilled  H20  per  aquarium  to  start)  and 
placed  under  constant  irradiance  provided  by  cool  white-type  fluorescent  bulbs. 
Controls  received  full  strength  irradiance  (200-300  lux)  while  experimental  plants 
were  grown  with  the  same  placement  relative  to  overhead  lights,  but  their  aquaria 
were  covered  by  two  layers  of  fiberglass  window  screen  to  decrease  illumination 
(60-80  lux).  The  experiment  was  run  for  three  weeks  per  repetition  for  three  repe¬ 
titions,  and  measurements  were  taken  weekly  of  plant  length,  fresh  weight,  num¬ 
ber  of  traps  produced,  and  the  amount  of  irradiance  received.  The  fresh  weight  of 
the  plants  was  measured  after  blotting  excess  water,  starting  with  one  plant  per 
aquarium  or  the  same  initial  fresh  weight  if  plants  were  small  in  the  case  of  U.  gem- 
iniscapa  in  some  experiments.  Irradiance  measurements  were  made  using  a  Fisher 
Scientific  Dual  Range  Light  Meter  (Fisher  Scientific,  Pittsburgh,  PA,  USA). 

Experiments  were  also  conducted  to  determine  the  effect  of  varying  levels  of 
C02  on  the  growth  of  bladderworts  from  Great  Swamp.  Controls  were  placed  indi¬ 
vidually  in  separate  containers  and  treated  as  for  varied  levels  of  illumination, 
using  the  same  species  as  in  those  experiments.  Experimental  plants  were  treated 
identically  to  controls  except  that  C02  generators  assembled  according  to  Camilleri 

( 1999)  were  used  to  constantly  bubble  C02  through  their  aquaria.  The  experiment 
was  repeated  three  times  for  three  weeks  per  repetition,  and  measurements  were 
taken  weekly  of  plant  length,  the  number  of  traps  produced,  fresh  weight,  and  C02 


Three  species  of  submersed  aquatic  bladderworts  and  one  affixed  species  grew 
in  Great  Swamp:  U.  gibba  (submersed),  U.  geminiscapa  (submersed),  U.  macrorhiza 
(submersed);  U.  intermedia  (affixed).  Utricularia  intermedia ,  U.  macrorhiza,  and  U. 
gibba  had  been  found  previously  in  Great  Swamp  by  Sipple  (1999).  These  plants 
were  identified  mainly  by  leaf  shape  and  bladder  shape,  and  identification  was  con¬ 
firmed  for  U.  macrorhiza  and  U.  gibba  by  scape  characteristics.  These  were  the  only 
two  species  to  flower  during  the  period  of  observations. 

Taylor  (1989)  clearly  states  that  in  spite  of  the  similarities  between  the 
European  U.  vulgaris  and  the  American  U.  macrorhiza,  they  are  to  be  referred  to 
separately,  so  his  authority  was  followed.  Utricularia  gibba  and  U.  macrorhiza 
formed  the  great  majority  of  plants  found  in  the  open  swamp,  where  the  seven  sites 

Carnivorous  Plant  Newsletter 


for  study  were  found.  Utricularia  intermedia  was  found  in  an  area  of  much  nar¬ 
rower  and  shallower  channels  along  with  those  two  species.  Water  quality  was 
examined  less  frequently  in  areas  hosting  U.  intermedia,  but  in  those  sites  the  con¬ 
centration  of  carbon  dioxide  was  similar  to  other  sites  containing  a  large  number  of 
bladderworts,  i.e.  14-20  ppm.  Utricularia  geminiscapa  was  only  found  occasionally, 
in  areas  of  shaded  and  open  water.  For  laboratory  experiments,  U.  macrorhiza,  U. 
gibba,  and  U.  intermedia  were  used. 

Water  analysis  at  Echo  Hill,  Maryland,  shows  that  the  area  of  study  had  con¬ 
sistent  levels  for  most  of  the  abiotic  factors  examined  at  most  sites  studied  during 
the  six  weeks  (June-August,  2000)  of  the  study:  pH  (6.0;  mean  for  all  sites  for  6 
weekly  measurements),  nitrate  (0.43-0.46  ppm),  phosphate  (0.25-0.29  ppm),  salini¬ 
ty  (1.02  ppt),  copper  (0.25-0.42  ppm),  and  temperature  (24.4-24.7°C).  Temperatures 
were  always  within  the  range  23-26°C,  even  for  the  most  extreme  measurements 
during  this  period.  Levels  of  C02  and  ammonia  did  vary  among  sites  as  shown  in 
Figure  1. 

Stands  of  U.  intermedia,  U.  gibba,  and  U.  geminiscapa  were  found  growing 
under  heavy  to  moderate  cover  along  a  boardwalk  built  through  the  swamp,  where 
the  irradiance  level  varied  from  2100-2200  lux  from  bright  overcast  to  sunny  con¬ 
ditions.  Similar  levels  of  illumination  were  found  near  the  banks  of  channels.  Both 
U.  macrorhiza  and  U.  gibba  were  found  growing  in  open  water  in  the  channels  of  the 
swamp,  though  almost  all  stands  of  bladderworts  observed  were  found  with  at  least 
partial  shading  by  nearby  aquatic  non-carnivorous  species.  The  irradiance  level  in 
those  areas  and  in  areas  with  no  floating  cover,  in  which  only  a  few  plants  of  U. 
macrorhiza  and  U.  gibba  could  be  found,  varied  from  20,000-21,000  lux. 

All  data  from  the  growth  experiments  were  normalized  by  dividing  measure¬ 
ments  for  both  control  and  experimental  plants  by  the  initial  value  for  the  control 
plant  in  a  given  repetition.  In  Figures  2-3,  data  are  shown  without  error  bars 
because  the  variation  in  the  size  of  the  plants  which  were  available  to  start 


















□  co2 

□  Ammonia 

hi. 5 










hl.O  .2  3 







Site  number 

Figure  1:  Levels  of  ammonia  and  dissolved  carbon  dioxide  at  seven  sites  in  Great 
Swamp.  Mean±SD  for  six  weekly  measurements  (not  plotted)  is  2.8  ppm  for  C02  and 
0.73  ppm  for  ammonia.  For  descriptions  of  sites,  see  Table  1 . 

Volume  31  September  2002 


experiments  was  large.  This  introduces  a  large  variation  when  experimental  results 
from  separate  repetitions  are  averaged,  even  after  normalization.  In  spite  of  this, 
the  trends  seen  in  Figures  2-3  for  various  experiments  can  also  be  seen  when  exam¬ 
ining  data  from  individual  experiments. 

When  the  level  of  illumination  was  varied  in 
the  laboratory,  irradiance  levels  for  the  control 
plants  were  around  200-300  lux  and  experimental 
irradiance  levels  were  at  60-80  lux.  Controls  of  U. 
intermedia  and  U.  macrorhiza  both  showed  weak¬ 
er  growth  in  length  with  reduced  irradiance  lev¬ 
els.  (Figure  2a, b).  Utricularia  intermedia  also 
showed  a  rather  large  increase  in  the  amount  of 
traps  produced  at  the  control  irradiance  levels 
(Figure  2c).  U.  gibba  growth  was  unchanged  by 
changing  irradiance  levels  (data  not  shown). 

When  the  level  of  C02  was  varied,  levels  for 
experimental  plants  rose  to  around  13  ppm,  com¬ 
pared  to  control  levels  at  around  3  ppm.  Elevating 
levels  of  C02  enhanced  growth  of  U.  macrorhiza 
and  U.  intermedia,  as  exemplified  in  Figure  3,  dis¬ 
playing  increases  in  trap  number  and  fresh 
weight  for  U.  intermedia. 


The  trends  observed  in  the  water  quality 
analysis  fit  what  is  expected  for  a  site  containing 
bladderworts.  Bladderworts  can  be  found  growing 
in  water  within  a  pH  range  of  4-8  (Roberts  et  al., 
1985;  Adamec  &  Lev,  2001),  and  in  waters  with 
relatively  low  levels  of  nitrogen  and  phosphorus 
(Havens  et  al.,  1999),  as  were  found  at  Great 
Swamp  where  pH  was  typically  6  and  nitrogen 
and  phosphorus  were  both  less  than  0.50  ppm. 
Miniscule  amounts  of  copper  and  ammonia  were 
observed,  but  as  to  whether  or  not  they  had  an 
effect  on  the  growth  of  bladderworts  is  unknown 
and  is  a  subject  for  future  testing.  Carnivorous 
plants  most  commonly  grow  in  acidic  environ¬ 
ments,  and  this  was  true  for  Great  Swamp.  The 
levels  of  ammonia  and  phosphorus  which  were 
measured  were  near  or  just  below  the  recom¬ 
mended  limits  for  the  testing  methods  used,  so 
the  principal  point  taken  is  that  Great  Swamp  is 
an  area  of  moderate  abundance  for  these  nutri¬ 

Stands  of  bladderworts  were  most  often 
observed  growing  in  moderately  to  heavily  shaded 
areas,  most  often  crowded  among  Nymphaea 
odorata  (Nymphaceae),  hornwort  (Ceratophyllum 
demersum,  Ceratophyllaceae),  and  Nuphar  adve- 
na  (Nymphaceae).  Levels  of  irradiance  in  the 
shade  were  not  fully  replicated  in  the  laboratory 


Figure  2:  Effect  of  varied  irradi¬ 
ance  level  (control  plants  approx¬ 
imately  200-300  lux;  experimen¬ 
tal  approximately  60-80  lux)  on 
the  growth  of  bladderworts  in  the 
laboratory.  A.  Change  in  length  of 
U.  macrorhiza  over  three  weeks. 
B.  Change  in  number  of  traps  for 
U.  macrorhiza.  C.  Change  in 
number  of  traps  for  U.  interme¬ 
dia.  Mean  of  three  repetitions. 
Normalization  and  the  lack  of 
errors  bars  are  discussed  in  the 

Carnivorous  Plant  Newsletter 

by  control  treatments,  but  plants  grown  in  the  laboratory  at  levels  closest  to  those 
preferred  in  nature  showed  increases  in  both  plant  length  and  trap  production  com¬ 
pared  to  plants  treated  with  lower  levels  of  irradiance  (see  Figure  2). 

Bladderworts  in  Great  Swamp  probably  prefer  irradiance  levels  lower  than 
those  of  full  sunlight,  but  very  strong  shade,  represented  by  the  experimental  irra¬ 
diance  treatment  used  in  the  laboratory,  would  be  inhibitory  of  their  growth.  Even 
those  few  plants  which  were  found  in  full  sun  in  open  water  grew  among  other  non- 
carnivorous  aquatic  plants  which  provided  ample  local  shade.  Production  of  irradi¬ 
ance  intensities  in  the  laboratory  closer  or  equal  to  those  of  full  sun  should  be  exam¬ 
ined  in  future,  using  a  method  which  offsets  heat  production  to  avoid  confounding 
experimental  results.  Higher  levels  of  irradiance  would  also  help  to  resolve  any  con¬ 
cerns  about  the  levels  used  here  having  been  at  or  below  the  compensation  point  for 
photosynthesis.  (Although  it  should  be  noted  that  the  laboratory  plants  did  grow 
actively. ) 

Bladderworts  growing  both  in  the  wild  and  in  the  laboratory  at  these  irradiance 
levels  maintained  a  vibrant  green  color,  while  plants  in  the  laboratory  and  in  the 
wild  turned  a  reddish-yellow  when  subjected  to  higher  irradiance  levels.  At  Echo 

Hill,  U.  macrorhiza  was  observed  as  the  species 
most  tolerant  to  a  range  of  irradiance  levels,  as 
it  could  be  found  both  in  full  shade  crowded 
among  other  plants  or  in  full  sunlight. 
However,  in  full  sunlight  it  was  usually  found 
growing  among  other  aquatics  and  was  proba¬ 
bly  not  exposed  to  full  sunlight.  Utricularia 
gibba  was  also  observed  in  both  areas,  while  U. 
intermedia  only  occurred  in  shallow  and  shad¬ 
ed  sites. 

Utricularia  gibba  and  U.  macrorhiza  in 
full  sun  grew  slightly  submerged  and  did  not 
form  partially-exposed  surface  mats.  Such 
mats  did  occur  in  the  shade,  however. 
Inflorescences  of  both  of  these  plants  were 
observed  during  the  first  three  weeks  of  July 
(U.  macrorhiza),  and  during  the  last  week  in 
July  and  the  first  week  in  August  (U.  gibba), 
but  only  along  bank  sites  that  received  partial 
to  full  shade. 

Levels  of  C02  in  the  wild  were  higher  than 
those  achieved  in  the  laboratory  using  a  C02 
generator.  However,  the  strongest  growth  of 
plants  in  the  wild  occurred  at  sites  1  and  2, 
where  the  highest  levels  of  C02,  significantly 
higher  than  other  sites  in  the  case  of  site  2, 
were  recorded  (see  Figure  1).  However,  levels  in 
the  laboratory  may  have  been  depressed  by 
strong  absorption  of  C02  by  the  rapidly  grow¬ 
ing  plants,  or  because  the  temperatures  was 
higher  in  the  laboratory.  It  was  observed  that 
U.  intermedia,  like  Aldrovanda  vesiculosa, 
showed  increased  growth  in  length  and  trap 
production  due  to  increased  C02  levels  (see 
Figure  3),  probably  due  to  the  use  of  C02  in 
photosynthesis  (Adamec,  1999).  The  trends  in 

Figure  3:  Effect  of  varied  levels  of 
C02  on  the  growth  of  U.  intermedia. 
A:  Change  in  number  of  traps.  B: 
Change  in  fresh  weight.  Control 
level  of  C02  was  approximately  3 
ppm;  experimental  level  was 
approximately  13  ppm.  Mean  of 
three  repetitions.  Normalization  is 
explained  in  the  text. 

Volume  31  September  2002 


Figure  4:  Utricularia  habitat.  Photo  by  Matthew  McDermott. 

growth,  comparing  control  and  experimental  plants,  were  visible  in  the  replicates 
performed  for  each  experiment,  even  though  variations  in  the  size  of  starting  plants 
made  statistical  analysis  difficult. 

Both  U.  macrorhiza  and  U.  gibba  seemed  insensitive  to  C02  levels  alone. 
Perhaps  both  irradiance  and  C02  levels  are  important  for  the  growth  of  bladder- 
worts.  U.  gibba,  the  most  widespread  bladderwort  in  the  world  (D’Amato,  1998)  and 
perhaps  the  most  adaptable,  may  not  be  affected  strongly  by  the  C02  levels  used  in 
this  study,  but  irradiance  levels  do  seem  important  based  on  the  placement  of  this 
plant.  Field  observations  by  one  author  (DWD)  of  U gibba  and  U.  muelleri,  another 
floating  bladderwort,  in  the  Northern  Territory  of  Australia  indicate  a  similar  pref¬ 
erence  there. 

The  distribution  of  traps  and  comparisons  of  trap  production  in  response  to 
biotic  versus  abiotic  factors  were  not  attempted  in  this  pilot  study.  However,  such 
work  should  be  conducted  in  future  in  view  of  two  papers:  Knight  &  Frost  (1991) 
demonstrated  that  U.  macrorhiza  may  change  the  numbers  of  bladders  in  response 
to  abiotic  factors,  while  Friday  (1989)  showed  that  trap  age  and  position  are  crucial 
for  evaluating  the  growth  responses  of  bladderworts.  Furthermore,  Richardson 
(2001)  has  recently  suggested  with  a  study  of  U.  purpurea  that  bladders  may  also 
have  non-carnivorous  importance  in  their  functional  ecology  viz.  a  mutualistic  rela¬ 
tionship  with  microinvertebrates  surviving  in  the  traps. 

Utricularia  macrorhiza  and  U.  intermedia  seem  to  be  affected  by  both  irradi¬ 
ance  and  the  concentration  of  C02,  and  the  different  responses  of  these  plants  to 
elevated  concentrations  of  C02  might  have  explanations  related  to  growth  pat¬ 
terns — e.g.  U.  macrorhiza  may  grow  to  greater  lengths  at  first  to  allow  its  modified 
stems  to  photosynthesize  more.  Increased  trap  production  may  be  more  important 
for  the  normally  short  U.  intermedia,  which  seems  to  grow  only  in  shade,  than  for 
U.  macrorhiza.  Such  factors,  with  the  addition  of  biotic  factors  such  as  prey  avail¬ 
ability,  will  be  examined  in  future  summers. 

In  future  studies  tests  for  potassium,  calcium,  and  magnesium  should  be  added 
to  the  suite  of  tests  used  in  this  study  as  they  have  been  shown  to  have  an  impact 
upon  the  occurrence  of  U.  intermedia  and  U.  ochroleuca  at  sites  studied  in  the  Czech 
Republic  (Adamec  &  Lev,  2001).  The  experiments  performed  during  the  period  con¬ 
sidered  here  did  not  allow  for  correlation  between  levels  of  some  abiotic  factors,  such 
73  Carnivorous  Plant  Newsletter 

as  ionic  concentrations,  and  distributions  of  bladderwort  species.  This  may  be  due 
in  part  to  the  nature  of  the  tests  used,  and  further  experiments  to  explore  such  vari¬ 
ables  are  planned  for  summer  2001.  Measurement  of  photosynthetically  active  radi¬ 
ation  using  radiometric  units  will  then  be  possible  as  well,  due  to  recent  acquisition 
of  equipment,  and  a  broader  range  of  C02  concentrations  should  also  elucidate  the 
requirements  of  these  species. 


The  authors  gratefully  acknowledge  the  financial  support  of  the  Thomas  H.  and 
Barbara  W.  Gale  Foundation  (summer  undergraduate  research  stipend  to  MM)  and 
of  the  Dean’s  Office  at  Washington  College  (Faculty  Enhancement  Grant  to  DWD). 
They  also  thank  Echo  Hill  Camp  and  Echo  Hill  Outdoor  School,  and  in  particular 
at  those  institutions,  Andrew  and  Betsy  McCown,  for  their  generous  permission  to 
study  plants  from  Great  Swamp. 

Literature  Cited 

Adamec,  L.  1999,  The  biology  and  cultivation  of  red  Australian  Aldrovanda  vesicu¬ 
losa,  Carniv.  PI.  Newslett.  28:  129-131. 

Adamec,  L.  and  Lev,  J.  2001,  Ecological  differences  between  Utricularia  ochroleuca 
and  U.  intermedia  habitats,  Carniv.  PI.  Newslett.,  submitted. 

Campbell,  1992,  LaMotte  Monitors  Handbook,  Lamotte  Chemical  Company, 
Chestertown,  MD,  USA 

Camilleri,  T.  1999,  An  economical  carbon  dioxide  generator,  Carniv.  PL  Newslett.  28: 

Campbell,  G.  and  Wildberger,  S.  1992,  The  monitor’s  handbook,  LaMotte  Chemical 
Company,  Chestertown,  MD,  USA. 

D’Amato,  P.  1998,  The  Savage  Garden,  Ten  Speed  Press,  Berkeley,  CA,  USA. 

Friday,  L.E.  1989,  Rapid  turnover  of  traps  in  Utricularia  vulgaris  L.,  Ecology  80: 

Havens  K.E.,  East,  T.L.,  Rodusky,  A.J.,  and  Sharfstein,  B.  1999,  Littoral  periphyton 
responses  to  nitrogen  and  phosphorous:  an  experimental  study  in  a  subtropical 
lake,  Aquatic  Botany  63:  267-290. 

Knight,  S.E.  and  Frost,  T.M.  1991,  Bladder  control  in  Utricularia  macrorhiza:  lake- 
specific  variation  in  plant  investment  in  carnivory,  Ecology  72:  728-734. 
Richards,  J.H.  2001,  Bladder  function  in  Utricularia  purpurea  (Lentibulariaceae):  is 
carnivory  important?,  Am.  J.  Bot.  88:  170-176. 

Roberts  D.A.,  Singer,  R.,  and  Boylen,  C.W.  1985,  The  submersed  macrophyte  com¬ 
munities  of  Adirondack  lakes  (New  York,  USA)  of  varying  degrees  of  acidity, 
Aquatic  Botany  21:  219-235. 

Schnell,  D.  1976,  Carnivorous  plants  of  the  United  States  and  Canada,  Lebanon 
Valley  Offset  Company,  Inc.  Lebanon,  PA,  USA. 

Sipple  W.S.  1999,  Days  afield  exploring  wetlands  in  the  Chesapeake  Bay  region, 
Gateway  Press,  Inc.  Baltimore,  MD,  USA. 

Tatnall  R.R.  1946,  Flora  of  Delaware  and  the  Eastern  Shore,  Intelligencer  Printing 
Company.  Lancaster,  PA,  USA. 

Taylor,  P.  1989,  The  genus  Utricularia  -  a  taxonomic  monograph,  BPC  Wheatons 
Ltd.,  Exeter,  Great  Britain. 

Volume  31  September  2002 


Book  Review 

Schnell,  Donald  E.  2002.  Carnivorous  Plants  of  the  United  States 
and  Canada  (2nd  Edition).  Timber  Press;  Portland,  Oregon  (tim-  0-88192-540-3,  468  p.  Hard  cover,  16.5  x  23.5  cm 
(6.5  x  9.25  in),  $US39.95. 

Reviewed  by  David  O.  Gray 

All  those  interested  in  carnivorous  plants  have  been  eagerly 
awaiting  the  revised  edition  of  Dr.  Donald  Schnell’s  monograph 
on  the  carnivorous  plants  of  North  America.  Happily,  the  25  year  wait  was  worth  it; 
the  book  is  a  masterpiece. 

Its  a  hefty  book,  with  a  solid  373  pages  of  subject  text,  and  over  200  good  qual¬ 
ity  photos  throughout.  The  text  is  also  illustrated  by  many  clear  botanical  sketches 
by  David  Kutt  and  other  artists.  For  readers  who  are  new  to  the  carnivorous  plant 
world,  the  introduction  includes  a  competent  overview  of  the  carnivorous  plant  syn¬ 
drome,  relevant  current  scientific  findings,  and  wetland  ecology.  Like  the  first  edi¬ 
tion,  there  are  chapters  for  each  genera  with  an  entry  for  each  species,  and  while 
the  publicity  says  45  species  are  discussed,  I  counted  more  that  that.  Each  species 
account  has  notes  on  cultivation,  and  with  the  author’s  keen  observations  on  habi¬ 
tats  and  many  ravishing  photos  of  plants  in  situ,  hobbyists  will  find  this  book  a 
great  aid  in  understanding  their  plants’  needs.  The  books  concludes  with  a  chapter 
on  possibly-carnivorous  species,  and  one  covering  conservation  issues,  a  glossary, 
and  a  comprehensive  bibliography. 

Seemingly  written  for  an  American  audience  (although  all  measurements  are 
metric),  readers  from  all  parts  of  the  globe  will  find  this  work  valuable,  with  its 
detailed  discussions  of  habitat,  conservation,  and  ecology,  especially  of  the  popular 
Sarracenia.  The  text  is  not  overly  weighted  with  botanical  jargon  (there  is  a  glos¬ 
sary  of  terms  if  you  are  rusty  on  your  Latin),  and  the  discussions  are  in  a  pleasing 
vernacular.  A  variety  of  anecdotes  add  greatly  to  its  readability  and  gives  the  book 
charm.  There  are  literature  citations  throughout,  signaling  this  is  a  serious  botany 
as  well. 

Relevant  nomenclature  is  sensible  and  logically  discussed,  and  there  will  be 
few  surprises  for  most  enthusiasts.  Schnell  is  well  know  for  his  many  papers  on 
Sarracenia  (19  are  listed  in  the  bibliography),  and  here  he  clearly  and  logically  dis¬ 
cusses  the  arguments  on  individual  taxonomic  controversies,  and  graciously  refers 
the  reader  to  the  works  by  authors  with  opposing  views.  The  species  and  synonyms 
are  cross-referenced  in  the  index  and  there  is  a  list  of  the  common  names  of 
Sarracenia  hybrids.  The  vexing  Utricularia  are  clearly  delineated  for  the  amateur, 
and  similar  species  are  cleverly  paired  in  one  description,  which  aids  in  learning 
their  differences. 

One  of  the  most  valuable  portions  for  this  reader  was  the  chapter  on  conserva¬ 
tion  issues.  Here  is  a  sobering,  if  not  depressing  assessment  from  the  author’s  expe¬ 
rience  of  watching  wetland  habitats  disappear  over  the  last  half  of  the  century.  He 
details  several  conservation  and  recovery  strategies,  but  the  picture  is  not  promis¬ 
ing.  We  can  hope  this  will  motivate  stronger  conservation  efforts. 

The  book  stumbles  in  its  coverage  of  the  western  species.  In  discussing 


Carnivorous  Plant  Newsletter 

Darlingtonia,  various  common  inaccuracies  are  reprinted  on  that  plant’s  prefer¬ 
ences.  The  range  map  for  this  pitcher  plant  is  wildly  overdrawn  and  includes  one  fic¬ 
titious  site  and  one  well-known,  but  tiny  introduced  site.  Other  species’  western 
ranges  are  misrepresented  to  various  degrees,  and  the  plants  generally  get  short 
shrift  in  print.  These  flaws  are  curious  as  the  author  cites  the  work  of  those  such  as 
Rondeau  who  have  great  West  Coast  field  experience.  It  is  clear  that  Schnell’s 
strength  is  in  his  long  and  great  experience  with  the  species  of  the  American 
Southeast.  He  could  have  profitably  visited  more  sites  in  the  Pacific  states  and 
enlisted  more  input  from  colleagues  in  the  West. 

Interestingly,  he  states  that  Darlingtonia  has  no  known  enzyme  production,  but 
includes  its  description  with  the  known  carnivorous  species,  rather  than  with  the 
“possible  carnivorous  species”  such  as  certain  species  of  Ibicella,  Dipsacus,  Catopsis, 
and  Capsella.  Passi flora  foetida  is  not  mentioned  at  all,  although  it  bears  retentive 
hairs,  and  homogenates  from  its  tissues  have  been  demonstrated  to  contain  diges¬ 
tive  enzymes  (furthermore,  it  is  native  to  Florida  and  the  Southwest,  and  is  a  wide¬ 
ly  introduced  weed  elsewhere). 

Still,  none  of  these  shortcomings  change  the  value  of  this  important  work.  The 
author  has  skillfully  crafted  a  book  that  bridges  important  botanical  work  with 
readable  popular  accounts.  The  cliche  in  this  case  fits:  its  should  be  on  every  book¬ 
shelf  of  those  concerned  with  carnivorous  plants.  If  you  wish  to  inspire  new  genera¬ 
tions  of  botanists  and  enthusiasts,  consider  buying  a  second  copy  for  donation  to 
your  local  botanical  garden,  nature  center,  or  high  school. 

Propagators  &  Dealers  of  the  highest  quality  carnivorous  plants. 

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Contract  tissue  culture  propagation  available.  Call  for  details. 

Volume  31  September  2002  76 

Writings  from  the  Readership 

ICPS  on  the  World  Wide  Web 

John  Brittnacher  •  P.O.  Box  72222  •  Davis,  CA  95617  •  USA 

Keywords:  computers:  internet. 

If  you  have  visited  the  ICPS  web  site  recently  you  will  have  noticed  the  new 
home  page  for  your  web  site  designed  by  iiberwebmaster  and  ICPS  Vice  President, 
Carl  Mazur.  The  main  web  site  is  produced  and  maintained  by  a  team  led  by  Carl. 
The  other  members  who  work  on  the  main  site  are  Steve  Venter,  Pete  Thiel,  and 
myself  with  the  assistance  of  Ron  Baalke,  Steve  LaWarre,  Chris  Teichreb,  and  Mike 
Wilder.  Barry  Rice  maintains  the  associated  FAQ  web  site  and  Rick  Walker  and  Jan 
Schlauer  keep  up  the  Carnivorous  Plant  Database  web  site.  Our  design  goal  was  to 
have  an  uncluttered  home  page  that  is  easy  to  use  and  would  highlight  what  the 
ICPS  is  all  about.  We  did  a  series  of  “better  one  or  better  two”  trials  and  discussed 
the  merits  of  each.  It  was  fun  watching  the  design  change  and  improve  over  time. 

Of  course  a  new  home  page  meant  a  new  design  for  the  300-odd  pages  of  the 
web  site.  Even  though  I  have  done  a  large  fraction  of  the  site,  I  had  forgotten  how 
much  stuff  is  there.  The  process  was  slowed  down  because  I  had  to  re-read  some  of 
the  abstracts  of  talks  and  laugh  again  at  the  photos  from  the  ICPS  Conference  2000. 
They  are  hidden  in  the  New  and  Events  section.  And  while  I  was  checking  that  sec¬ 
tion  I  had  to  get  caught  up  on  what  events  were  posted.  The  same  thing  happened 
when  I  updated  the  archive  of  sample  CPN  articles.  OK,  so  they  are  not  as  funny  as 
the  conference  banquet  talk  (what  we  could  post  on  the  web)  but  it  had  been  a  while 
since  I  read  Fernando  Rivadavia’s  travelogue  of  his  expedition  to  find  giant  Genlisea 
uncinata  or  about  Chris  Teichreb’s  trek  into  Canada’s  Northwest  Territories.  It  also 
reminded  me  that  I  had  not  gotten  around  to  scanning  in  the  article  pictures  we  do 
not  have  in  electronic  form.  Maybe  by  the  time  this  is  in  print  they  will  be  in  elec¬ 

International  Carnivorous  Plant  Society 

Enjoying  plants  through  cultivation  .,  working  to  conserve  wild  habitat  for  the  future...  promoting  research 

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Carnivorous  Plant  Newsletter 

Technical  Refereed  Contribution 

Heliamphora  chimantensis,  a  New  Species  of 
Heliamphora  (Sarraceniaceae)  from  the  ‘Macizo  de 
Chimanta’  in  the  South  of  Venezuela 

Andreas  Wistuba  •  Mudauer  Ring  227  •  68259  Mannheim  •  Germany 
Thomas  Carow  •  Am  Mustergarten  1  •  97702  Miinnerstadt  •  Germany 
Peter  Harbarth  •  Frankenweg  18  •  69221  Dossenheim  •  Germany 

Keywords:  new  taxa:  Heliamphora  chimantensis,  Venezuela. 

Received:  8  February  2002 


During  our  January  2001  expedition  to  the  tepuis  of  Venezuela  (Wistuba  et  al., 
2001),  we  also  explored  parts  of  the  ‘Macizo  de  Chimanta’,  the  Chimanta  Massif  in  the 
southwest  part  of  the  Gran  Sabana.  This  huge  massif  covers  a  total  area  of  1470  km2 
and  is  actually  a  cluster  of  tepuis  including  the  central  Chimanta  Tepui  itself.  Their 
peaks  range  in  altitude  from  1700  m  (at  the  central  part  of  the  massif)  to  2698  m  (on 
Eruoda  Tepui).  The  ten  tepuis  that  reach  2000  m  above  sea  level  cover  an  area  of  some 
700  km2  in  total  (Huber,  1992).  The  size  and  the  diverse  altitudes  of  the  Chimanta 
Massif  support  numerous  habitats  including  rivers,  green  valleys  and  forests  as  well  as 
rocky  plateaus  and  moist  savannas.  Starting  in  the  1950s,  various  expeditions  explored 
the  unique  flora  and  fauna  of  this  area.  Many  endemic  plants  and  animals  were  dis¬ 
covered  during  these  expeditions  and  certainly  many  more  await  discovery. 

During  this  exploration  we  found  a  previously  undescribed  species  of  Heliamphora 
most  notable  for  its  pitcher  shape  and  the  spoon  shaped  lids.  This  species  seems  to  be 
more  closely  related  to  Heliamphora  tatei  than  to  any  of  the  other  species  described  so 
far  from  the  Gran  Sabana. 

Heliamphora  chimantensis  Wistuba,  Carow  &  Harbarth  spec.  nov. 

Caudex  ramosus;  foliis  caulescentibus  vel  rosulis;  amphoriis  in  parte  inferiore 
infundibuliformibus,  in  parte  media  subventricosis,  et  in  parte  superiore  cylindricis  ad 
leviter  infundibuliformibus,  longis  20-30  cm,  latis  (in  parte  superiore)  3.5  -  5  cm. 

Inflorescentiis  3-5-floris,  racemosis,  ad  65  cm  longis;  flores  nutantes;  pedicellis  5-13 
cm  longis; petalis  4  lanceolatis,  albidis  vel  pallide-roseis,  4-5.5  cm  longis,  1.2-1. 7  cm  latis; 
staminibus  ca.  20,  1-serialibus,  filamentis  6  mm  longis;  antheris  oblongo-lanceolatis,  ca. 
5  mm  longis;  ovario  valde  tomentoso;  stylo  glabro;  stigmate  3  lobato;  seminibus  fuscis, 
oblongis,  ca.  3  mm  longis,  testa  conspicue  membranaceo-alata. 

Rhizomes  branching.  Plants  forming  dense  and  often  huge  patches  up  to  several 
meters  across. 

Pitchers  infundibulate  in  the  lower  half,  slightly  ventricose  in  the  middle  and  cylin¬ 
drical  to  slightly  infundibulate  in  the  upper  third  (see  Figure  1);  pitchers  20  to  35  cm 
long,  3.5-5  cm  wide  in  the  upper  part;  upper  part  of  the  pitchers  completely  glabrous  on 
the  inner  side;  pitchers  entirely  green  with  deep  red  lids.  Lid  1-2  cm  wide  and  2-2.5  cm 
long,  spoon-shaped,  upright,  ending  with  a  sharp  tip;  the  two  lobes  of  the  lid  compressed 
from  the  sides  near  the  tip,  often  touching  each  other  at  the  front,  forming  a  quasi-hel¬ 
met;  lobes  are  expanded  in  the  lower  part  of  the  lid  and  narrowed  sharply  near  the  base; 
the  inner  side  of  the  lid  with  prominent  irregularly  shaped  patches  of  glands,  up  to  5 
mm  across.  Inflorescence  60  to  65  cm  long,  3-5  flowers,  peduncle  slightly  pubescent, 
Volume  31  September  2002  78 

pedicels  5-13  cm  long.  The  lowest  peduncle  is  the  longest  and  bears  a  bract  that  fre¬ 
quently  is  transformed  into  a  rudimentary  pitcher.  Tepals  lanceolate,  4. 5-5. 5  cm  long, 
1.2-1. 7  cm  wide,  white  to  whitish-pink;  ca.  20  stamens  in  1  series,  filaments  6  mm  long, 
anthers  oblong  lanceolate,  5  mm  long,  1  mm  wide;  ovary  3  celled,  pubescent,  style 
glabrous.  Seed  approximately  2  mm  long,  compressed,  ovate,  irregularly  winged. 

Specimens  examined 

Heliamphora  chimantensis :  Macizo  de  Chimanta,  Section  centro-oriental,  1921  m 
a.s.l.,  N  05°16.672’;  W  062°11.438’  Wistuba,  Carow  &  Harbarth  No.  Chim  10.01.01/1, 
holotype,  flowering  plant  (VEN) 

Heliamphora  chimantensis :  Macizo  de  Chimanta,  Section  centro-oriental,  1921  m 
a.s.l.,  N  05°16.672’;  W  062°11.438’  Wistuba,  Carow  &  Harbarth  No.  Chim  10.01.0172, 
isotype,  flowering  plant  (VEN) 

The  two  herbarium  specimens  nicely  exhibited  the  characteristics  typical  of  the 
new  species.  The  comments  in  this  paper  are  based  both  upon  these  two  specimens  as 
well  as  our  field  observations  of  many  other  plants  in  situ. 

Figure  1 :  Heliamphora  chimantensis  pitcher.  Photograph  by 
Andreas  Wistuba. 


Carnivorous  Plant  Newsletter 

Figure  2:  Cluster  of  Heliamphora  chimantensis  pitchers.  Photograph  by  Andreas  Wistuba. 

Figure  3:  Heliamphora  chimantensis  pitcher  appendage  nectar  patches  (left  inset)  and 
insect  visitation;  ant  (left),  wasp  (right).  Photographs  by  Thomas  Carow. 

Volume  31  September  2002 



Heliamphora  chimantensis  sometimes  grows  together  with  if.  minor,  the  only  other 
species  of  Heliamphora  recorded  from  Chimanta.  As  a  consequence,  hybrids  frequently 
could  be  found.  However,  H.  chimantensis  seems  to  prefer  valleys  growing  at  around 
2000  m  while  H.  minor  also  has  been  found  in  higher  altitudes  and  usually  prefers  more 
open  habitats. 

The  H.  minor  plants  on  Chimanta  are  notable  for  the  long  and  prominent  bristles 
inside  the  pitchers.  This  variant  form  of  H.  minor  is  actually  fairly  widespread  and  has 
been  found  on  many  tepuis  of  the  Chimanta  Massif  as  well  as  on  Aprada  Tepui,  but  not 
Auyan  Tepui.  Meanwhile,  the  typical  form  of  H.  minor  is  only  known  from  Auyan  Tepui. 
The  differences  between  these  two  forms  of  H.  minor  may  merit  further  taxonomic 


Heliamphora  chimantensis  plants  were  found  growing  exposed,  in  short  vegetation 
such  as  grasses,  bromeliads,  Xyris  (Xyridaceae)  or  Stegolepis  (Rapateaceae).  These 
plants  do  not  grow  taller  than  the  H.  chimantensis.  In  fact,  we  never  found  plants  grow¬ 
ing  in  shaded  locations.  Often  they  grow  near  rivers  in  the  valleys  of  Chimanta.  In  all 
cases  we  found  Heliamphora  chimantensis  growing  together  with  Stegolepis  ligulata, 
and  also  often  associated  with  Adenanthe  bicarpellata  (Ochnaceae)  and  various  species 
of  Brocchinia  (Bromeliaceae). 

In  comparison  to  the  species  found  on  the  plateaus  of  the  various  tepuis,  where  the 
surface  usually  is  much  more  rocky  and  sandy  and  plants  often  can  grow  only  on 
‘islands’  of  debris,  highly  limited  in  space,  the  moist  savannah-like  habitat  H.  chiman¬ 
tensis  prefers  allows  the  formation  of  huge  dumps.  We  have  visited  many  tepuis  on  this 
and  other  expeditions,  and  had  never  before  seen  clumped  Heliamphora  colonies  of  com¬ 
parable  in  size  to  the  ones  typical  of  H.  chimantensis.  Vegetative  reproduction  seems  to 
play  an  important  role  as  the  seedling  activity  we  observed  was  very  low. 

The  lids  of  H.  chimantensis  bear  strange,  huge  patches  (up  to  5  mm  across)  of 
glands  on  their  inner  surface  (Figure  3).  They  should  be  studied  in  more  detail  as  they 
seem  to  be  involved  in  the  attraction  of  prey.  We  observed  ants  and  wasps  being  attract¬ 
ed  by  secretions  of  these  glands  but  unfortunately  our  limited  time  on  Chimanta  did  not 
permit  a  detailed  study.  As  we  have  observed  with  other  species  of  Heliamphora,  the 
pitchers  usually  do  not  contain  many  captured  insects. 

Related  species 

The  discovery  of  H.  chimantensis  on  Chimanta  and  its  characteristics  came  as  quite 
a  surprise,  as  they  clearly  indicate  that  it  is  much  more  closely  related  to  the  southern 
H.  tatei,  than  to  any  of  the  northern  species  known  to  be  growing  in  the  Gran  Sabana. 
The  flowers  of  all  other  species  known  from  the  Gran  Sabana  have  10-15  anthers,  while 
Heliamphora  tatei  var.  tatei  and  H.  tatei  var.  neblinae  from  the  Amazon,  and 
Heliamphora  chimantensis  have  about  20;  however,  while  the  anthers  of  H.  tatei  and  H. 
tatei  var.  neblinae  are  7-9  mm  long,  those  of  H.  chimantensis  just  reach  5  mm  in  length 
(Maguire,  1978;  Steyermark,  1984). 

The  nectar  spoons  of  the  other  species  from  the  Gran  Sabana  are  shaped  more  or 
less  concave  to  form  helmet-like  structures  under  which  nectar  can  accumulate,  pro¬ 
tected  from  the  frequent  rainfalls.  In  H.  tatei,  as  well  as  in  H.  chimantensis,  the  lids  are 
more  upright.  However,  H.  chimantensis  protects  its  nectar  production  by  the  two  lobes 
of  the  lid  which  are  bent  forwards  and  are  compressed  from  the  sides  to  form  a  roof  rem¬ 
iniscent  of  the  helmets  of  the  other  north-eastern  species.  From  the  ones  of  H.  tatei  the 
lids  of  H.  chimantensis  differ  by  the  spoon-shape  and  the  sharp  contraction  at  the  base. 
In  H.  tatei  the  lids  are  only  very  slightly  contracted  at  the  base  and  rather  rectangular 
in  shape. 


Carnivorous  Plant  Newsletter 


We  observed  numerous  hybrids  between  Heliamphora  chimantensis  and  the 
Heliamphora  minor  on  Chimanta.  These  hybrids  can  be  easily  distinguished  from  pure 
Heliamphora  chimantensis  by  the  shorter  pitchers,  the  red  veins  and  the  coarse  bristles 
inside  the  pitchers.  Some  of  the  hybrids’  pitchers  showed  deep  red  coloration,  similar  to 
the  form  of  H.  minor  growing  on  Chimanta.  The  helmet  shaped  lids  of  these  show  a 
strong  influence  of  Heliamphora  minor.  Apparently  the  hybrids  are  much  more  vigor¬ 
ous  than  either  of  the  parent  plants;  we  found  patches  of  single  clones  measuring  more 
than  5  meters  across  (see  Front  Cover). 


This  name  was  chosen  as  Heliamphora  chimantensis  because  it  is  the  only  species 
known  to  be  restricted  to  Chimanta  Tepui. 


The  formation  of  huge  clumps  and  the  low  seedling  activity  seem  to  be  the  conse¬ 
quence  of  the  savanna-like  habitat.  In  general,  the  seeds  of  Heliamphora  clearly  show 
adaptations  to  dispersal  by  water.  This  works  excellently  on  a  “typical”  tepui  where  lit¬ 
tle  streams  and  shallow  ponds  carry  the  seeds  to  new  small  patches  of  debris,  making 
Heliamphora  a  kind  of  pioneer  plant.  However,  the  environment  in  the  valleys  on 
Chimanta  where  we  found  Heliamphora  chimantensis  seems  to  be  far  more  static,  with 
a  well  developed,  continuous  soil  layer.  The  low  vegetation  might  be  too  dense  for 
seedlings  to  germinate  and  grow.  Those  few  seedlings  which  do  survive  to  maturity  can 
develop  into  patches  of  huge  size. 

Although  the  large  sizes  of  the  clumps  that  Heliamphora  chimantensis  makes  are 
remarkable,  they  are  not  completely  unprecedented.  Heliamphora  can  multiply  vegeta- 
tively  by  division,  but  in  most  species  the  resulting  clumps  still  remain  small  due  to  lim¬ 
itations  of  the  detritus  patches  they  grow  in.  Even  so,  we  have  observed  similar,  large- 
clump  growth  patterns  in  Heliamphora  hispida  (Nerz  &  Wistuba,  2000),  Heliamphora 
heterodoxa  (in  the  Gran  Sabana)  and  Heliamphora  nutans  growing  on  the  sandy  foothill 
area  of  Tramen  Tepui. 

As  we  already  discussed  in  our  publication  on  Heliamphora  folliculata  (Wistuba  et 
al.,  2001)  the  pitcher-lids  or  so  called  nectar-spoons  of  Heliamphora  are  highly  elaborate 
structures  for  the  attraction  of  prey.  Apparently  various  strategies  have  been  developed 
by  the  different  species  of  Heliamphora  all  using  the  lids  in  altered  ways.  Heliamphora 
chimantensis  with  its  gland-patches  shows  yet  another  way  to  use  the  lid-structure  for 
the  attraction  of  insects. 

Being  morphologically  fairly  constant  organs,  the  lids  offer  superb,  yet  previously 
under-utilized,  characters  of  taxonomic  relevance  (cf.  Nerz  &Wistuba,  2000;  Wistuba  et 
al.,  2001). 


Huber,  O.  1992,  El  macizo  del  Chimanta,  Oscar  Todtmann  Editores. 

Maguire,  B.  1978,  Sarraceniaceae  ( Heliamphora ),  in:  The  Botany  of  the  Guyana 
Highland  Part-X,  Memoirs  of  the  New  York  Botanical  Garden,  29:  36-61. 

Nerz,  J.  and  Wistuba,  A.  2000,  Heliamphora  hispida  (Sarraceniaceae),  a  New  Species 
from  Cerro  Neblina,  Brazil-Venezuela.  Camiv.  PI.  Newslett.  29:  37-41. 

Steyermark,  J.A.  1984,  Venezuelan  Guyana,  Annals  of  the  Missouri  Botanical  Garden, 
71:  302-312. 

Wistuba,  A.,  Harbarth,  P.  and  Carow,  T.  2001,  Heliamphora  folliculata,  a  New  Species  of 
Heliamphora  (Sarraceniaceae)  from  the  ‘Los  Testigos’  Table  Mountains  in  the 
South  of  Venezuela.  Camiv.  PI.  Newslett.  30:120-125. 

Volume  31  September  2002 


New  Cultivars 

Keywords:  cultivar:  Pinguicula  moranensis  ‘Libelulita’. 

Pinguicula  moranensis  ‘Libelulita’ 

Submitted:  22  April  2002 

In  1998,  the  Botanical  Conservatory  at  the  University  of  California,  Davis,  was 
given  an  unsolicited  gift  of  a  crate  of  field  collected  plants,  including  many  tens  of 
dormant  rosettes  of  heterophyllous  Pinguicula  from  southern  Mexico.  We  acces¬ 
sioned  these  plants  into  the  collection,  and  over  the  next  several  years  observed 
their  characters.  All  the  plants  turned  out  to  be  Pinguicula  moranensis,  as  we  antic¬ 
ipated.  The  most  striking  specimen  has  a  number  of  remarkable  attributes,  and  is 
being  given  the  name  Pinguicula  moranensis  ‘Libelulita’.  This  plant  has  already 
been  mentioned  in  the  pages  of  this  journal  (Carniv.  PI.  Newslett.  29:2,  p.55,  2000), 
when  one  of  us  (BAR)  reported  on  how  the  only  specimen  we  had  of  this  plant  near¬ 
ly  rotted  to  extinction. 

In  foliage,  Pinguicula  moranensis  ‘Libelulita’  is  not  particularly  different  from 
any  of  the  other  many  clones  of  Pinguicula  in  cultivation,  but  in  flower  it  is  so  strik¬ 
ing  that  some  horticulturists  have  remarked  that  it  nearly  appears  to  be  a  new 
species  (see  Back  Cover).  The  five  petals  are  large  and  square-tipped.  They  are  over¬ 
all  pink-purple,  deeper  so  on  the  distal  2/3rds,  and  pale  to  near-white  closer  to  the 
petal  bases.  Where  the  petals  fuse,  they  suddenly  darken  to  a  deep  velvet  red, 
marked  with  a  few  white  streaks  on  the  lower-most  petal.  For  us,  the  most  amazing 
feature  of  this  cultivar  is  the  bold  petal  venation.  This  venation  reminds  one  of  us 
in  particular  (EMS)  of  the  reticulated  network  of  veins  visible  in  the  transparent 
wings  of  dragonflies. 

Since  2000,  we  have  industriously  propagated  the  plant  vegetatively.  (It  is 
amenable  to  leaf  cuttings.)  This  plant  will  first  be  offered  to  the  general  public  at 
the  annual  University  of  California,  Davis  (USA)  plant  sale  in  October.  We  will  sub¬ 
sequently  distribute  Pinguicula  ‘Libelulita’  to  specialists  around  the  world. 
(Specimens  have  already  been  sent  to  other  horticulturists  in  the  USA  and  Europe.) 
Pinguicula  moranensis  ‘Libelulita’  should  only  be  propagated  by  vegetative  means 
as  there  is  no  guarantee  that  seed  progeny  would  maintain  the  cultivar’s  subtle 

The  cultivar  name  was  coined  by  Elizabeth  M.  Salvia  on  18  October  2000,  and 
submitted  by  us  for  registration  on  22  April,  2002.  The  Spanish  cultivar  epithet 
means  “little  dragonfly”.  Spanish  was  chosen  to  honor  the  country  that  houses 
Pinguicula  moranensis.  According  to  ICNCP  rules,  either  Pinguicula  ‘Libelulita’  or 
Pinguicula  moranensis  ‘Libelulita’  may  be  used  for  this  cultivar.  Additional  pho¬ 
tographs  of  Pinguicula  moranensis  ‘Libelulita’  may  be  seen  archived  at 

— Barry  A.  Rice  •  P.O.  Box  72741  »  Davis,  CA  95617  •  USA  *;  Elizabeth  M.  Salvia  •  607  East  8th  Street,  #6A  • 
Davis,  CA  95616  •  USA  • 


Carnivorous  Plant  Newsletter 

Renewal  Reminder! 

Do  not  forget  to  renew  your  membership  promptly  if  your  membership  expires  in 
2002.  Do  determine  what  year  your  membership  expires,  look  at  the  mailing  label 
on  the  envelope  that  contained  your  issue  of  Carnivorous  Plant  Newsletter.  After 
your  name  you  will  see  8  digits.  The  first  four  digits  is  your  membership  number. 
The  next  four  indicate  the  year  your  membership  will  expire.  If  it  says  2002,  your 
membership  will  expire  at  the  end  of  this  year.  (Unless  you  renewed  very  recently 
and  the  number  has  not  yet  been  updated.)  If  you  need  to  renew,  use  the  renewal 
form  included  with  this  issue  of  Carnivorous  Plant  Newsletter  to  send  your  $25 
membership  fee  to  our  Fullerton,  California  address.  Note  that  you  can  use  VISA  or 
MasterCard,  and  can  renew  for  multiple  years  if  you  wish.  Membership  forms  are 
also  on  our  web  site  (  if  you  wish  to  use  them. 

International  Carnivorous  Plant  Society  Seed  Bank 

ICPS  Seedbank*  P.O.  Box  72222  •  Davis,  CA  95617-6222  •  USA 

Darlingtonia  californica — Oregon,  USA 
Dionaea  muscipula 
Drosera  auriculata 
D.  binata 
D.  brevifolia 
D.  burmannii 
D.  capensis — narrow  leaf 
D.  capensis  ‘Albino’ —  white  flower 
D.  capensis — wide  leaf 
D.  dielsiana 

D.  filiformis  var.  filiformis 
D.  gigantea 
D.  glanduligera 
D.  intermedia 

D.  intermedia — Florida,  USA 
D.  intermedia — North  Carolina,  USA 
D.  intermedia — Rhode  Island,  USA 

This  is  a  partial  list  of  the  seeds  available.  A  complete  list  is  available  online  at  the 
ICPS  web  site,  or  by  sending  a  self-addressed  (stamped 
if  USA),  envelope  to  the  seed  bank  address. 

Seed  packets  are  US$1  each.  Please  include  US$3  postage  and  handling  for  each  order. 
You  may  pay  by  cash,  check,  or  money  order  in  US$.  Many  members  pay  with  cash.  Please 
make  checks  and  money  orders  payable  to  “ICPS  Seed  Bank”. 

The  seed  bank  is  a  members-only  benefit.  The  quantity  of  seed  available  to  each  mem¬ 
ber  is  1  packet  of  each  variety  per  month  and  50  packets  total  in  any  12  month  period.  Please 
list  alternative  seed  selections,  as  other  orders  will  arrive  before  yours.  If  you  have  an  e-mail 
address,  please  include  it  so  we  can  correspond  should  any  issues  arise.  Seeds  purchased 
through  the  seed  bank  are  intended  for  your  personal  use  only  and  may  not  be  sold. 

The  money  raised  by  the  seed  bank  is  used  by  the  ICPS  to  pay  for  seed  bank  expenses, 
web  site  ISP  charges,  and  ICPS  educational  and  conservation  programs.  Donate  seed  and 
get  credit  for  free  seed  from  the  seed  bank.  Seeds  of  selected  varieties  are  available  free  to 
teachers  for  use  in  the  classroom  and  to  scientists  and  conservation  organizations.  It  is  ICPS 
policy  not  to  sell  seed  of  plants  protected  by  CITES  Appendix  I  or  the  US  Endangered 
Species  Act. 

John  Brittnacher,  Manager  • 

D.  macrantha  subsp.  macrantha 
D.  nidiformis 
D.  spatulata 

D.  stolonifera  subsp.  stolonifera 
Nepenthes  (maxima  x  fusca)  x  (spathulata  x 

Pinguicula  caerulea 
P.  lutea 

P.  primuliflora 
Sarracenia  alata 
S.  flava 
S.  leucophylla 
S.  psittacina 
S.  purpurea 
Utricularia  gibba 
U.  multifida 
U.  violaceae 

Volume  31  September  2002 


Literature  Reviews 

Araki,  S.  2000,  Isozyme  Differentiation  between  Two  Infraspecies  Taxa  of  Utricularia 
australis  R.  Br.  (Lentibulariaceae)  in  Japan.  Acta  Phytotax.  Geobot.  51:  31-36. 

The  author  demonstrates  that  the  plants  identified  as  U.  australis  that  grow  in 
Japan  can  be  differentiated  into  two  distinct  groups  (named  f.  australis  and  f. 
tenuicaulis)  on  the  basis  of  isozyme  comparison.  Different  banding  patterns  have  been 
found  for  alcohol  degydrogenase  (ADH)  and  phosphoglucoisomerase  (PGI),  the 
remaining  12  enzymes  studied  did  not  yield  clear  bands  or  different  patterns.  The 
author  suggests  that  the  two  Japanese  groups  investigated,  corresponding  to  mor¬ 
phologically  defined  and  geographically  segregated  taxa,  may  represent  populations 
resulting  from  at  least  two  independent  invasion  events.  (JS) 

Casper,  S.J.  and  Steiger,  J.  2001,  A  new  Pinguicula  (Lentibulariaceae)  from  the  pre- 
alpine  region  of  northern  Italy  (Friuli-Venezia  Giulia):  Pinguicula  poldinii  Steiger  et 
Casper  spec,  nov.,  Wulfenia  8:  27-37. 

An  issue  of  interest  to  some  botanists  is  the  apparent  lack  of  Pinguicula  lepto- 
ceras/Pinguicula  balcanica  type  butterworts  in  northeast  Italy,  especially  since  the 
conducive  climate,  geography,  and  soils  of  the  area  suggest  they  could  occur  there. 
Even  though  the  region  has  been  heavily  and  repeatedly  botanized,  this  kind  of 
Pinguicula  was  never  detected.  As  such,  the  recent  discovery  of  a  new  species  in  this 
region  came  as  a  great  surprise.  This  paper  reports  on  the  detection  and  compares  the 
new  plant  to  related  species  (i.e.  P  vulgaris,  P.  leptoceras,  P.  balcanica,  P  reichen- 
bachiana,  and  P.  fiorii). 

The  new  species,  Pinguicula  poldinii ,  has  relatively  large  flowers  with  the  upper 
petals  reflexed.  It  is  remarkable  in  having  a  somewhat  irregular  number  of  petals — 
while  most  flowers  have  5  petals,  flowers  with  6,  7,  or  8  petals  (and  calyx  lobes)  are 
apparently  easily  observed. 

In  some  ways,  this  paper  raises  more  mysteries  than  it  answers.  The  plant’s 
homophyllous  nature  sets  it  apart  from  the  (heterophyllous)  species  most  closely 
related  to  it.  It  is  also  peculiar  this  plant  has  never  been  detected  before,  even  though 
in  one  area  the  plants  were  even  growing  on  road  banks!  The  paper  proposes  that 
Pinguicula  poldinii  has  recently  colonized  these  road  cuts  from  as  yet  undetected 
nearby  populations. 

Some  skeptical  botanists  may  not  believe  that  the  new  plant  merit  separate 
species  status,  but  the  authors  of  this  paper  have  a  great  deal  of  experience  with 
Pinguicula,  and  their  opinions  cannot  be  casually  discounted.  (BR) 

Ellison,  A.M.  &  Gotelli,  N.J.  2001,  Evolutionary  Ecology  of  Carnivorous  Plants.  Trends 
in  Ecology  and  Evolution  16:  623-629. 

The  weakest  point  in  this  paper  is  the  authors’  oversimplification  of  carnivorous 
plant  phylogeny.  Contrary  to  statements  made  in  the  paper,  Droseraceae  and 
Dioncophyllaceae  (both  Nepenthales)  are  not  really  independent  lineages.  They  are 
just  not  sister  groups.  It  was  only  a  single,  eccentric  researcher  who  has  maintained 
a  monophyletic  origin  of  all  carnivorous  plants  until  the  1980s.  The  sticky  glands  of 
Droseraceae,  Drorophyllaceae,  and  Dioncophyllaceae  (as  well  as  the  remarkably  sim¬ 
ilar  glands  in  Nepenthaceae  and  the  non-sticky  genera  in  Droseraceae)  are  actually 
homologous  organs  and  they  are  not  at  all  merely  homoplasic  (cf.  CPN  26:34-38, 
1997).  Although  both  families  probably  belong  to  the  same  order  Ericales  (,  a  sis- 


Carnivorous  Plant  Newsletter 

ter  group  relationship  between  Sarraceniaceae  and  Roridulaceae  is  by  no  means  sup¬ 
ported  unanimously  by  all  gene  sequence  comparisons  (only  rbcL  alignments  suggest 
such  a  close  relationship).  The  proximity  of  Byblidaceae  to  Solanaceae  was  caused  by 
poor  taxonomic  sampling  in  the  first  (1993)  genetic  analysis.  More  recent  data  sug¬ 
gest  a  placement  of  Byblidaceae  in  Scrophulariales,  not  in  Solanales.  Cephalotaceae 
are  not  placed  in  Geraniales  but  in  Oxalidales,  which  is  a  separate  lineage.  It  is  not 
sure  if  Roridulaceae  are  ancestral  to  Sarraceniaceae  (it  is  not  even  clear  if  the  two  are 
sister  groups),  and  therefore  it  cannot  be  stated  that  adhesive  traps  are  “simpler” 
(from  a  phylogenetic  perspective)  than  pitchers  in  Ericales. 

Great  emphasis  is  laid  on  a  weak  hypothesis  that  “most”  carnivorous  plants  are 
restricted  to  well-lit,  nutrient-poor,  waterlogged  habitats.  This  generalization  and  the 
largest  part  of  the  academic  speculation  derived  from  it  are  bound  to  collapse  if  but- 
terworts  (most  of  which  dwell  in  shaded  situations)  or  epiphytes  (that  do  not  inhabit 
permanently  waterlogged  places)  are  considered.  (JS) 

Komiya,  S.,  Toyama,  M.,  Okita,  S.  &  Shibata,  C.  2001,  Utricularia  macrorhiza  Le 
Conte  is  Distributed  in  Northern  Japan.  Journal  of  Japanese  Botany  76:120-122  (in 

Unfortunately,  no  English  abstract  is  provided  in  this  paper  but  the  distribution 
map  on  p.  121  shows  that  most  probably  the  plants  treated  as  different  Japanese 
forms  of  U.  australis  in  Araki’s  paper  discussed  above  are  actually  two  different 
species,  viz.  U.  australis  proper  and  the  well-known  north  American  and  northeast 
Asian  U.  macrorhiza.  The  latter  species  has  not  been  recorded  from  Japan  before, 
probably  because  it  had  been  confused  with  U.  australis  so  far  (even  by  respected 
authorities  such  as  Peter  Taylor).  Chorologically  a  southward  range  extension  of  U. 
macrorhiza  to  northern  Japan  is  plausible,  and  the  present  interpretation  may  be  the 
solution  of  a  series  of  problems  concerning  these  plants.  In  this  light  all  records  of 
allegedly  fertile  specimens  of  “U.  australis ”  should  be  re-examined  very  carefully  to 
determine  if  they  really  belong  to  this  species.  ( JS) 

5th  International  Carnivorous  Plant  Conference: 
Call  for  Proposals 

Dear  fellow  carnivorous  plant  enthusiasts, 

Now  that  the  4th  International  Carnivorous  Plant  Conference  at  Tokyo  has  suc¬ 
cessfully  concluded,  the  qualification  process  for  the  next  conference  is  opened. 

According  to  the  geographic/chronological  scheme  for  International  Carnivorous 
Plant  Conferences,  the  next  event  should  preferably  be  held  in  Europe,  the  Near 
East,  or  Africa,  in  2004. 

All  persons  or  societies  interested  in  hosting  the  2004  conference  in  or  near  the 
intended  region  should  contact  me  (Jan  Schlauer,  Zwischenstr.  11,  60594 
Frankfurt/Main,  Germany,  <jan.schlauer@uni©>)  for  further  details. 

Please  note  that  suggestions  for  a  venue  alone  (without  a  proposal  to  actually 
organize  the  conference)  cannot  be  considered  in  the  qualification  process. 

Volume  31  September  2002 


Writings  from  the  Readership 

An  Interview  with  Dr.  Rob  Naczi 
About  Sarracenia  rosea 

Tim  STEVENS  •  4436  Blackwood  Drive  •  Montgomery,  AL  36109-3159*  USA  • 

Keywords:  Observations,  taxonomy:  Sarracenia  purpurea ,  Sarracenia  rosea  —  rec¬ 
ollections:  Robert  Naczi. 

The  following  text  is  excerpted  from  an  interview  conducted  by  Tim  Stevens  on 
2  October  2000.  Stevens  requested  the  interview  from  Robert  Naczi  in  order  to 
learn  more  about  the  circumstances  surrounding  the  description  of  Sarracenia 
rosea  as  a  new  species  (Naczi  et  al.  1999),  as  well  as  its  conservation.  Prior  to  the 
publication  of  this  paper  by  Naczi,  Eric  Soper,  Frederick  Case,  and  Roberta  Case, 
the  plant  was  known  as  S.  purpurea  subsp.  venosa  var.  burkii. 

At  the  time  of  the  interview,  Naczi  was  an  associate  professor  at  Northern 
Kentucky  University.  Since  that  time,  he  has  moved  to  Delaware  State  University, 
where  he  is  curator  of  the  Claude  E.  Phillips  Herbarium. 

Q:  How  did  you  become  involved  in  studying  Sarracenia  rosea ? 

RN:  It’s  actually  an  interesting  story.  It  might  not  be  exactly  what  most  people 
would  suspect  but  I’m  very  interested  in  the  whole  community  of  arthropods  that 
live  inside  pitcher  plants.  There  are  some  mites  and  insects  that  are  actually  able 
to  survive  the  plant.  Most,  as  you  know,  get  trapped  and  digested  by  pitcher  plants 
but  there  are  some  that  live  inside  these  pitchers  and  they  live  nowhere  else.  I’m 
speaking  of  Sarracenia  pitchers  generally. 

So  I  began  a  project  as  an  undergraduate.  I  was  looking  at  the  mites  that  live 
inside  these  pitchers  and  I  was  really  fortunate  to  get  a  small  grant  and  to  make  a 
trip  south  in  1984.  George  Folkerts  and  some  other  folks  from  Auburn  University 
helped  me  a  lot  on  that  trip.  So,  they  introduced  me  to  these  plants  that  I  hadn’t 
seen.  I’d  seen  the  northern  purple  pitcher  plant  but  not  this  southern  thing.  Then, 
when  I  entered  graduate  school,  I  did  not  pursue  pitcher  plants  or  their  mites  for 
my  doctoral  research,  but  I  did  work  on  a  group  of  plants  that  allowed  me  to  do  field 
work  in  the  southeastern  United  States.  So  I  continued  to  collect  from  pitcher  plants 
and  I  did  that  in  graduate  school.  I  realized  that  the  northern  purple  pitcher  plant 
looked  quite  a  bit  different  to  me  than  this  plant  on  the  Gulf  Coast.  So  really,  to 
make  a  long  story  short,  it  was  because  of  my  work  on  the  mites  that  live  inside 
these  plants  that  I  was  taking  a  closer  look  at  the  plants  themselves. 

The  more  I  worked  on  this  the  more  I  got  interested  in  the  plants  themselves. 
I  had  started  out  thinking  that  it  had  all  been  studied.  But  I  realized,  delving  into 
the  literature,  it  hadn’t.  So  then  I  realized  there  was  this  potential  to  do  something 
here  botanically. 


Carnivorous  Plant  Newsletter 

Q:  How  did  you  become  involved  with  Fred  and  Roberta  Case? 

RN:  When  I  was  a  graduate  student  at  the  University  of  Michigan,  I  was  fortu¬ 
nate  to  meet  Fred  and  Roberta  Case.  They  really  took  me  under  their  wings  and 
were  very  generous  with  me,  doing  things  like  telling  me  about  certain  field  loca¬ 
tions  for  various  pitcher  plant  species.  I’ve  been  in  the  field  with  them  a  few  times. 
So  after  I  had  started  working  on  this  project  of  just  what  is  the  status  of  these  Gulf 
Coast  pitcher  plants,  I  invited  them  to  work  with  me.  They  had  independently 
noticed  a  lot  of  the  differences  I  had,  so  we  agreed  that  we’d  work  on  this  together. 
That’s  why  they’re  co-authors  on  the  paper. 

Q:  They  had  been  collecting  and  growing  the  species  for  some  time  in  Saginaw? 

RN:  Yes,  very  much  so.  Their  work  in  the  greenhouse  was  a  critical  contribution 
to  realizing  that  Sarracenia  rosea  really  is  a  species  distinct  from  Sarracenia  pur¬ 
purea  because  they  had  grown  both  Sarracenia  purpurea  and  Sarracenia  rosea 
together  in  the  same  greenhouse,  under  the  same  conditions  for  years  and  years. 
They  didn’t  need  much  convincing  when  I  said,  “Hey,  I  have  evidence  that  these 
things  are  different.”  So  when  we  put  it  all  together  we  realized  it  was  a  compelling 
case  and  that  was  another  reason  why  I  was  glad  to  have  them  included. 

Q:  What  role  did  Eric  Soper  play? 

RN:  He  was  an  undergraduate  when  I  was  doing  much  of  the  study  here  at 
Northern  Kentucky  University.  He  helped  by  measuring  a  lot  of  the  specimens.  It 
was  nice  to  have  his  contributions  with  all  of  his  diligent  work  of  measuring.  He  had 
approached  me  about  doing  research  and  I  described  various  projects  to  him  in 
which  I  was  engaged,  and  he  seemed  to  be  interested  in  this  one. 

Q:  When  did  you  realize  that  this  was  probably  a  new  species?  How  long  did  the 
study  actually  last? 

RN:  Well,  I  didn’t  realize — when  I  was  an  undergrad— that  this  plant  was  any 
different.  It  was  about  1987  or  1988  when  I  realized  that  the  plant  on  the  Gulf  Coast 
was  different.  I  earnestly  started  work  on  it  probably  about  1990.  In  a  way  it’s 
embarrassing  that  it  took  me  so  long  but,  on  the  other  hand,  it  took  me  a  while 
because  I  wanted  to  do  a  thorough  job.  First,  requesting  all  those  specimens  and  get¬ 
ting  them  in  from  various  herbaria,  and  visiting  herbaria;  doing  the  field  work  and 
then  all  the  measurements — it  just  took  a  long  time. 

The  nice  thing  about  doing  all  that  field  work  is  I  was  killing  two  birds  with  one 
stone.  I  was  working  on  the  plant  but  I  was  also  collecting  mites  and  I’m  continuing 
to  work  both  on  the  botany  of  Sarracenia  and  the  mites. 

The  mites  have  been  very  little  studied.  People  have  overlooked  them  but  it 
ends  up  they’re  a  major  component  of  this  micro-ecosystem.  But  one  of  the  reasons 
I’m  so  interested  in  them,  from  the  botanical  standpoint,  is  that  with  many  of  the 
Sarracenia  species  being  rare  I  wonder  what  these  arthropods  are  doing  to  or  for 
the  plants. 

There  was  one  study  published  in  the  eighties  by  William  Bradshaw  from  the 
University  of  Oregon.  He  showed  that  the  mosquitoes  and  the  midge  larvae  that  live 
inside  purple  pitcher  plants  actually  benefited  the  plants.  When  the  mosquitoes  and 

Volume  31  September  2002 


midges  were  present,  the  levels  of  nitrogen  inside  the  pitchers  were  higher  than 
when  the  insect  larvae  were  absent.  So  apparently,  these  insect  larvae,  by  wriggling 
through  the  prey  remains,  process  them  and  release  the  nutrients  faster. 

Well,  the  mites  are  present  in  much  higher  numbers  and  they  crawl  through 
the  prey  remains  also  and  they  fragment  them.  I  don’t  have  any  experimental  evi¬ 
dence  for  this,  but  I  hypothesize  that  the  mites  are  actually  beneficial  to  the  plants 
too.  When  I  sample  populations  of  the  plants  I  find  that  the  mites  are  almost  always 

Q.  What  is  your  connection  with  George  and  Debbie  Folkerts? 

RN:  I  know  Debbie  and  she’s  done  a  lot  of  work  on  the  moths.  George  has  been 
very,  very  generous  with  me  in  sharing  his  knowledge.  So  I  really  have  high  regard 
for  both  of  them.  In  fact,  George’s  paper,  in  1982,  in  American  Scientist,  is  one  that 
was  really  important  to  my  undergraduate  research.  So  I  think  it’s  because  of 
George  Folkerts,  more  than  any  other  person,  that  I  am  pursuing  these  things. 

Q:  What  are  some  features  that  distinguish  Sarracenia  purpurea  from 
Sarracenia  rosea ? 

RN:  That’s  easy.  First,  the  thing  to  realize  is  that  everything  that  has  been 
called  Sarracenia  purpurea  from  the  Gulf  Coast  is  this  new  species.  It’s  the  only  one 
there  in  this  group  of  Sarracenia.  In  other  words,  Sarracenia  purpurea  does  not 
make  it  that  far  south  and  west.  So  geography  does  it. 

But  that’s  not  very  satisfying.  If  one  is  fortunate  enough  to  be  in  the  field  dur¬ 
ing  the  blooming  season,  Sarracenia  rosea  has  pink  petals  but  Sarracenia  purpurea 
has  maroon  petals.  The  blooming  season  is  quite  short  so  most  people  would  not  be 
there.  So  there  are  nice  features  that  are  present  almost  all  year  round.  In  terms  of 
the  pitchers,  the  lip  of  the  pitcher  in  Sarracenia  rosea  is  much  thicker  than  the  lip 
of  Sarracenia  purpurea.  I  give  measurements  in  our  paper  but  generally,  just  telling 
people  that  it’s  a  thicker  lip  will  do  it. 

Another  thing  that  works  very,  very  well — and  this  will  work  most  of  the  year 
because  the  plants  are  in  fruit  most  of  the  year— is  that  the  flowers  and  fruits  of 
Sarracenia  rosea  are  quite  a  bit  larger  than  Sarracenia  purpurea  and  it  becomes 
especially  conspicuous  when  you  look  at  the  relationship  of  flower  size  to  height  of 
the  scape.  Sarracenia  rosea  has  a  large  flower  but  a  short  flower  stalk,  or  scape. 
Sarracenia  purpurea  has  a  relatively  small  flower  but  a  tall  scape  (see  Figures  1,2). 

So  these  are  the  most  conspicuous  differences.  We  found  plenty  of  others. 
Generally  speaking,  all  aspects  of  the  flower  are  larger,  including  petals.  Petals  are 
longer  and  wider  in  Sarracenia  rosea,  and  the  pitchers  tend  to  be  larger,  though 
there’s  a  lot  of  overlap  in  that.  So  I  really  think  I  gave  you  the  best  differences,  and 
the  ones  that  work  best  in  the  field  as  well  as  in  the  herbarium. 

Q:  Are  these  differences  consistent  in  cultivation? 

RN:  Yes.  That  was  important  to  us  because  we  wondered,  are  some  of  these 
things  merely  ecologic?  So  take  it  out  of  its  geographic  range  and  put  it  with 
Sarracenia  purpurea,  and  does  it  maintain  those  distinctions?  Yes.  It  does  for  these 
key  differences. 


Carnivorous  Plant  Newsletter 

Q:  How  is  Sarracenia  rosea  the  most  “genetically  divergent”? 

RN:  It  wasn’t  the  most  divergent  member  of  the  genus.  Mary  Jo  Godt  and  Jim 
Hamrick  from  the  University  of  Georgia  were  looking  at  genetic  diversity  within  the 
Sarracenia  purpurea  complex.  So  they  had  quite  a  narrow  scope,  but  within  that 
group,  the  one  plant  that  stood  out  the  most — it  was  the  most  different  genetically 
from  all  the  others  and  that’s  what  we  mean  by  genetically  divergent — was 
Sarracenia  rosea.  The  genetic  difference  between  it  and  the  next  most  genetically 
closely  related  member  of  the  Sarracenia  purpurea  complex,  was  as  much  as  or 
greater  than  a  lot  of  investigators  have  found  for  separate  species.  Basically,  it  was 
the  most  different  among  any  of  those  that  they  looked  at,  and  they  looked  at  four 
taxa — Sarracenia  rosea,  the  northern  Sarracenia  purpurea  subsp.  purpurea,  the 
mid-coastal  Sarracenia  purpurea  subsp.  venosa,  and  the  mountain  Sarracenia  pur¬ 
purea  subsp.  venosa  var.  montana. 

Q:  What  about  the  ranges  of  Sarracenia  rosea  and  Sarracenia  purpureal 

RN:  The  thing  that  worries  me  is  the  map  that  I  provide.  If  one  just  looks  at  that 
they  may  get  a  false  sense  that  this  plant  is  more  common  than  it  is.  For  instance, 
we  found  herbarium  specimens  from  two  populations  in  Georgia,  but  those  are 
unknown  presently.  The  plant  is  most  likely  extirpated  from  Georgia  and  a  lot  of  the 
mapped  locations  are  gone.  So  even  though  the  region  from  the  mid-Florida  pan¬ 
handle  west  to  Mississippi  is  kind  of  thick  with  dots  on  our  map,  a  lot  of  those  dots 
are  no  longer  there — a  lot  of  those  populations  are  no  longer  there.  I’m  very  con¬ 
cerned  about  the  conservation  of  the  plant. 

Q:  In  Alabama,  is  the  plant  mostly  found  in  Baldwin  and  Mobile  counties? 

RN:  Yes.  Baldwin  and  Mobile  are — in  terms  of  Alabama — the  only  places  where 
this  plant  is  fairly  frequent.  It’s  still  a  rare  plant.  So  I  think  we  need  to  be  worried 
about  it  and  I  mention  in  the  paper  two  instances  that  I  myself  witnessed  of  poach¬ 
ing  of  the  plants. 

Q:  Are  the  plants  well  distributed  throughout  the  known  sites  or  do  two  or  three 
sites  have  most  of  the  known  plants? 

RN:  That’s  just  what  I  was  going  to  say,  that  a  lot  of  the  sites  I  found  when  I 
was  doing  all  that  field  work  for  all  those  years  and  really  scouring  the  areas,  I 
would  find  five,  six,  seven,  eight,  nine,  ten,  a  dozen.  Very  few  sites  have  what  I  would 
call  large  populations.  So  I’m  hoping  the  plant  is  a  lot  more  common  than  we  real¬ 
ize.  I  think  there  needs  to  be  a  status  survey  done.  But  in  my  experience,  even  in 
areas  where  I  know  it  is  and  it’s  good  habitat,  I  don’t  find  much  of  it. 

Q:  Are  the  good  sites  on  public  or  private  lands? 

RN:  Both.  Like  two  of  the  best  populations  I  know — one  of  which  is  the  type 
locality  in  the  Apalachicola  National  Forest  in  Florida.  Then,  in  Alabama,  the  places 
I’ve  seen  the  plant  are  all  private  land. 

Volume  31  September  2002 


Figure  1 :  Pressed  specimens  of  Sarracenia  purpurea  (left)  and  Sarracenia  rosea  (right). 
Photograph  compliments  of  Robert  Naczi. 

Figure  2:  Sarracenia  rosea  in  Florida.  Photograph  by  Barry  A.  Rice. 


Carnivorous  Plant  Newsletter 

Q:  Are  these  burned  regularly? 

RN:  One  of  the  places  definitely  is. 

Q:  What  is  the  typical  Sarracenia  rosea  habitat  like?  Is  it  always  found  with 
Sarracenia  leucophylla ? 

RN:  That’s  the  real  indicator.  I’m  not  saying  that  every  place  you  find 
Sarracenia  leucophylla,  you  find  Sarracenia  rosea.  In  fact,  no.  But  if  Sarracenia  leu¬ 
cophylla  is  there  one  could  get  out  and  really  look  around. 

Q:  What  are  the  greatest  threats? 

RN:  I  really  think  it’s  habitat  destruction.  It’s  not  the  over  collecting  or  poach¬ 
ing.  I  mean  those  are  threats  and  I’d  rank  them  as  serious  threats,  but  the  most 
serious  threat,  in  my  experience,  is  this  destruction  of  habitat  because  of  the  rapid 
development.  I  myself  have  seen  pitcher  plant  habitats  disappear  in  the  relatively 
few  years  that  I’ve  been  at  it.  The  boom  of  development,  especially  right  along  the 
coast,  is  just  astounding.  So  I  see  that  as  the  worst.  Fire  suppression,  I  would  say, 
would  be  the  second  most  serious  threat.  Then  I  would  rank  poaching  as  the  third 
most  serious  threat.  Again,  we  need  a  status  survey  but,  in  my  experience,  those  are 
the  most  serious  threats  prioritized. 

Q:  How  do  other  workers  feel  about  recognizing  Sarracenia  rosea  as  a  distinct 

RN:  I  know  there  will  always  be  differences  of  opinion.  There  will  be  a  lot  of  peo¬ 
ple  who’ll  say  I’m  just  a  splitter  or  I  just  wanted  to  describe  a  new  species.  I  think 
the  best  way  to  go  is  to  document  diversity  and  I  think  if  we  don’t  recognize  some¬ 
thing  that’s  truly  distinct  as  a  species,  we  do  an  injustice  to  it  because,  especially  for 
conservation  purposes,  these  things  don’t  get  as  much  priority  when  they’re  vari¬ 
eties  or  subspecies  as  when  they’re  species.  In  my  opinion  we  provide  many  reasons 
why  this  is  distinct  as  a  species:  the  morphology,  we  cite  the  genetic  work  of  Godt 
and  Hamrick,  we  have  the  greenhouse  common  growth  experiments  that  the  Cases 
did.  I  know  people  will  disagree  with  me.  The  best  I  can  do  is  lay  my  cards  on  the 
table,  show  the  evidence  of  it,  and  let  people  make  their  decisions. 

Papers  mentioned  in  this  interview: 

Bradshaw,  W.E.  and  R.A.  Creelman.  1984.  Mutualism  between  the  carnivorous 

pitcher  plant  and  its  inhabitants.  Am.  Midi.  Nat.  112:  294-304. 

Folkerts,  G.W.  1982,  American  Scientist,  The  Gulf  Coast  pitcher  plant  bogs,  70:  260- 


Godt,  M.J.W  &  Hamrick,  J.L.  1999,  Genetic  Divergence  Among  Infraspecific  Taxa  of 

Sarracenia  purpurea,  Sast.  Bot.,  23:  427-438. 

Naczi,  R.F.C.,  Soper,  E.M.,  Case,  F.W.,  &  Case,  R.B.  1999,  Sarracenia  rosea 

(Sarraceniaceae),  A  New  Species  of  Pitcher  Plant  From  The  Southeastern 

United  States,  Sida,  18(4):  1183-1206. 

Volume  31  September  2002 




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Carnivorous  Plant  Newsletter 

Index  of  Nomenclatural  Novelties  in  This  Issue 

Heliamphora  chimantensis  . -78 

Looking  Back:  CPN  25  years  ago 

Steve  Rose  supplied  an  excellent  five  page  review  of  tuberous  Drosera  of 
Western  Australia — fine  reading  for  those  who  cultivate  plants  in  the  group. 
Meanwhile,  Don  Schnell  found  a  street  named  “Sarracenia”,  appropriately  enough 
in  Sarracenia  alata  territory  in  Escatawpa,  Mississippi.  The  discovery  drove  him  to 
poetic  musings:  “...perhaps  it  would  be  appropriate  one  day  if  on  this  road  someone 
built  a  home  for  aged  and  retired  CP  botanists  who  in  senior  and  calmer  years, 
somewhat  like  old  warriors  looking  back  on  ancient  battles,  might  sit  on  a  wide 
veranda  and  discuss  old  times  in  fields  long  grown  over....” 

Back  Issue  Sales:  Final  Notices! 

This  is  the  last  year  you  will  be  able  to  buy  back  issues  of  CPN. 
After  2002,  we  will  only  stock  current  issues  of  the  journal! 

Back  Issue  Pricing 

Back  issues  are  $25  per  volume,  plus  postage  &  handling.  Postage 
&  handling  for  orders  of  1  to  5  volumes  is  $7.00  for  USA,  $10.00  for 
Canada  and  Mexico,  $15  International.  Double  the  postage  &  han¬ 
dling  charges  for  6  to  10  volumes,  triple  it  for  11  to  15  volumes,  etc. 
California  residents  must  add  $2.00  sales  tax  per  volume. 

CPN  Back  Issue  Clearance  Sale 

The  ICPS  is  clearing  out  all  CPN  back  issues.  All  available  printed  issues  of 
Volumes  7-25  (1978-1996)  are  at  a  special  price  of  $125.00  plus  shipping  and  han¬ 
dling.  Issues  1986  #1,  1987  #2,  #3,  1988  #1,  #3,  #4,  1989  #1,  #2,  #3,  1994,  #1,  #2,  #4, 
1995  #1,  and  2002  #1  are  no  longer  available.  Other  issues  are  in  short  supply,  so  do 
not  delay.  If,  when  your  order  arrives,  more  than  five  additional  issues  are  unavail¬ 
able  we  will  provide  partial  refunds.  Check  the  ICPS  web  site  and  the  next  issue  of 
CPN  for  updates  on  back  issue  sales. 

Postage  &  handling  is  $20  for  USA,  $30  for  Canada  and  Mexico,  $50  International. 
California  residents  must  add  $10.00  sales  tax. 

If  ordered  at  the  same  time,  volumes  26-30  (1997-2001)  are  $15.00  per  volume. 
Postage  &  handling  are  included.  California  residents  must  add  $1.20  sales  tax  per 

To  Order 

Send  your  order  to  our  Fullerton  address  (see  inside  cover).  All  prices  are  US$.  Back 
issues  will  only  be  sold  to  ICPS  members. 

Volume  31  September  2002