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Journal  of  the  International  Carnivorous  Plant  Society 

Volume  35,  No.  2  June  2006 



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Journal  of  the  international 
Carnivorous  Plant  Society 

Volume  35,  Number  2 
June  2006 

Front  Cover:  Darlingtonia  californica  and  Pinguicula  macroceras  subsp.  nortensis  in 
California.  Read  about  Darlingtonia  in  Canada  on  page  36.  Photograph  by  B.  Rice. 

Back  Cover:  The  white-petalled  taxon  of  Drosera  microphylla  in  the  wild.  Note  the 
vibrant  red  colouration  of  the  plants.  The  plants  are  growing  in  moss-covered  skele¬ 
tal  soil  over  granite,  with  Borya  sp.  and  D.  glanduligera.  Note  the  white  petals  of  the 
D.  microphylla  flowers  are  visible  in  bud,  but  no  flowers  were  open  that  day  due  to 
cool  and  cloudy  conditions.  Photograph  by  Robert  Gibson.  Article  on  page  39. 

Carnivorous  Plant  Newsletter  is  dedicated  to  spreading  knowledge  and  news  related  to  carnivorous  plants. 
Reader  contributions  are  essential  for  this  mission  to  be  successful.  Do  not  hesitate  to  contact  the  editors  with  infor¬ 
mation  about  your  plants,  conservation  projects,  field  trips,  or  noteworthy  events.  Contributors  should  review  the 
"Instructions  to  Authors"  printed  in  the  March  issue  of  each  year.  Advertisers  should  contact  the  editors. Views 
expressed  in  this  publication  are  those  of  the  authors,  not  the  editorial  staff. 

All  correspondence  regarding  dues,  address  changes  and  missing  issues  shouldJrej^gaLtQ  the  Mernhpr'*hip- 
Coordinator  at  the  ICPS.  Do  not  send  such  correspondence  to  thejeditors.  Cjhm^(^r|Sptjsfriptidu^ciitd^£k  issues 
should  be  made  to  the  ICPS  in  US  funds.  Dues  for  2006  are  $25.  j  i  I D  R  A  R v 

Vice  President 

Secretary,  Seed  Bank 
Boar  d  Member 
Board  Member 

JUN  2  2  2006 

ICPS,  Inc. 

PMB  322 

1 564-A  Fitzgerald  Drive 
Pinole,  CA  94564-2229,  USA 

NEVV  Twr\o 

Carl  Mazur,  email:  carl@camivoroipplants.ogQT/\N  !C  AL  G  ARD  EN 

Cindy  Slezak,  email:  cindy@carniviE>^ — 

Richard  Myers,  email: 

John  Brittnacher,  email:,  seedbank  listed  in  this  issue. 
Chris  Teichreb,  email: 
Steve  LaWarre,  email: 


Barry  A.  Rice,  P.O.  Box  72741.  Davis,  CA  95617,  USA,  email: 
Jan  Schlauer,  Zwischenstr.  1 1,  D-60594  Frankfurt,  Germany,  email: 
Page  Layout:  Steve  Baker,  email: 

Date  of  effective  publication  of  the  March  2006  issue  of  Carnivorous  Plant  Newsletter:  22  March  2006. 

The  ICPS  is  the  International  Cultivar  Registration  Authority  (1CRA)  for  cultivated  carnivorous  plants  according  to 
The  International  Code  For  The  Nomenclature  of  Cultivated  Plants.  Send  relevant  correspondence  to  the  ICPS,  Inc. 

PUBLISHER:  ICPS,  Inc.,  Pinole,  California.  Published  quarterly  with  one  volume  annually.  Desktop  Publishing: 
Steve  Baker,  5612  Creek  Point  Drive,  Hickory,  NC  28601.  Printer:  Kandid  Litho.  Logo  and  masthead  art:  Paul 
Milauskas.  Dues:  $25.00  annually.  ©  2006  Carnivorous  Plant  Newsletter.  All  rights  reserved.  ISSN  #0190-9215. 


Carnivorous  Plant  Newsletter 


Seedbank  - 

Darlingtonia  californica  (Sarraceniaceae)  and  Sarracenia  purpurea  (Sarraceniaceae) — 

profiles  of  a  refugee  and  a  recluse  in  British  Columbia  - 

Election  announcement - 

White-petalled  Drosera  microphylla  Endl.  from  near  Esperance,  Western  Australia - 

Heliamphora  exappendiculata ,  a  clearly  distinct  species  with  unique  characteristics  -  - 

Naphthoquinones  content  of  some  sundews  ( Drosera  L)  - 

Plumbagin  content  in  Aldrovanda  vesiculosa  shoots  - 

Looking  back:  CPN  25  years  ago - :  — 

Book  review  - 

Literature  reviews - 

Unexpected  hybrids  of  spectacular  bladderworts  species  - 








International  Carnivorous  Plant  Society  Seed  bank 
ICPS  Seedbank  •  P.O.  Box  71  •  Ashland,  OR  97520-0003  •  USA 

Drosera  auriculata 
D.  binata 

D.  binata — Coromandel,  NZ 
D.  burmannii 

D.  capensis  ‘Albino’ — white  tlower 
D.  capensis— narrow  leaf 
D.  dielsiana 

D.  fdiformis  var.  filifonnis 
D.  glanduligera 
D.  intermedia — Cuba 
D.  intermedia — New  Jersey,  USA 
D.  intermedia — North  Carolina,  USA 
D.  intermedia — Rhode  Island,  USA 
D.  intermedia — Venezuela 
D.  peltata 

D.  rotundifolia — Alaska,  USA 
D.  rotundifolia — Washington.  USA 
/).  spatidata 

D.  stolonifera  subsp.  porrecta 
D.  tokaiensis 

Proboscidea  louisianica  (noncarnivorous) 
Sarracenia  flava 
S.  leucophylla 

S.  oreophila — ESA/CITES,  USA  sales  only 
S.  purpurea  subsp.  purpurea 
S.  purpurea  subsp.  venosa 
S.  rubra — infraspecific  hybrid 
S.  rubra  subsp.  jonesii — ESA/CITES.  USA 
sales  only 

Note:  The  seedbank  address  has  changed!  The  new  address  is  above! 

This  is  a  partial  list  of  the  seeds  available.  A  complete  list  can  be  obtained  online  at  the  ICPS 
web  site,  or  by  sending  a  self-addressed,  stamped  (if  USA),  enve¬ 
lope  to  the  seed  bank  address. 

Seed  packets  are  US$1  each.  Please  include  US$3  postage  and  handling  for  each  order.  You  may 
pay  by  cash,  check,  or  money  order  in  US$.  Many  members  pay  with  cash.  Please  make  checks  and 
money  orders  payable  to  "ICPS  Seed  Bank”. 

The  seed  bank  is  a  members-only  benefit.  The  quantity  of  seed  available  to  each  member  is  1 
packet  of  each  variety  per  month  and  40  packets  total  in  any  1 2  month  period.  Please  list  alternative 
seed  selections,  as  other  orders  will  arrive  before  yours.  If  you  have  an  e-mail  address,  please  include 
it  so  we  can  correspond  should  any  issues  arise.  Seeds  purchased  through  the  seed  bank  are  intended 
for  your  personal  use  only  and  may  not  be  sold. 

You  are  encouraged  to  stock  the  seed  bank  with  seed  produced  by  cultivated  plants.  The  ICPS 
policy  on  wild  seed  collection  is  on  line  at  the  ICPS  web  site.  Cultivation-produced  seeds  of  species 
protected  by  the  US  Endangered  Species  Act  are  distributed  within  the  US  only,  and  in  accordance 
with  the  ICPS's  US  Fish  &Wildlife  Service  permit. 

Donate  seed  and  get  credit  for  free  seed  from  the  seed  bank.  Seeds  of  selected  varieties  are  avail¬ 
able  free  to  teachers  for  use  in  the  classroom  and  to  scientists  and  conservation  organizations.  It  is  ICPS 
policy  not  to  sell  internationally  seed  of  plants  protected  by  CITES  Appendix  I  or  the  US  Endangered 
Species  Act. 

John  Brittnacher,  Manager  • 

Volume  35  June  2006 


Writings  from  the  Readership 

Darlingtonia  californica  (Sarraceniaceae)  and 
Sarracenia  purpurea  (Sarraceniaceae) — profiles  of  a 


Chris  Teichreb  •  39  Dynes  Street  *  Red  Deer  •  AB  T4R  3C3  •  Canada  • 

Keywords:  observations,  non-native  species:  Darlingtonia  californica ,  Sarracenia  purpurea , 
British  Columbia  (Canada). 

Darlingtonia  californica  (Torrey)  and  Sarracenia  purpurea  subsp.  purpurea  (L.)  are  both 
hardy  pitcher  plants  commonly  found  in  carnivorous  plant  enthusiasts’  collections.  Darlingtonia 
is  restricted  to  suitable  habitats  in  a  range  extending  from  Oregon  to  northern  California,  but  it 
is  capable  of  surviving  along  the  southwestern  coast  of  British  Columbia  (B.C.),  where  the  cli¬ 
mate  is  virtually  identical  to  its  native  range.  Sarracenia  purpurea  subsp.  purpurea  is  cold  toler¬ 
ant  and  could  grow  in  any  suitable  location  within  B.C.  However,  only  Sarracenia  purpurea 
subsp.  purpurea  is  naturally  found  in  B.C.,  and  even  then  only  within  a  restricted  area.  Further 
discussions  of  both  genera,  as  they  occur  in  B.C.,  are  presented  below. 

So  how  did  this  all  begin,  or  rather,  where  did  I  come  in?  Adolf  Ceska,  a  Victoria  (B.C.) 
botanist  and  editor  of  Botanical  Electronic  News  (BEN)  posted  a  question  to  the  carnivorous 
plant  listserv  e-mail  discussion  group  asking  if  anyone  knew  whether  the  Darlingtonia  found  in 
Pacific  Rim  National  Park,  Vancouver  Island.  B.C.  was  a  natural,  disjunct  population,  or  whether 
it  was  introduced.  I  casually  replied  that  I  knew  it  was  introduced,  as  I  knew  the  person  who 
introduced  the  seed  to  this  bog.  The  next  thing  I  knew,  Adolf  was  asking  me  for  an  article  for 
BEN  and  Barry  Rice  was  asking  me  for  an  article  for  Carnivorous  Plant  Newsletter! 

The  saga  began  in  1999.  when  a  carnivorous  plant  enthusiast1  from  Vancouver  went  on 
vacation  to  Oregon  and  collected  a  few  ripe  Darlingtonia  seed  pods.  On  a  subsequent  visit  to  the 
Pacific  Rim  National  Park's  Shorepine  Bog2,  he  randomly  distributed  the  seeds  as  he  walked 
along  the  boardwalk.  The  enthusiast  told  me  about  the  location,  but  attempts  I  made  at  locating 
the  plants  in  early-summer  2001  were  unsuccessful,  likely  due  to  the  small  size  of  the  plants,  and 
a  spouse  who  was  more  interested  in  the  ocean  than  a  mosquito-infested  bog  (can  you  imagine?). 

So,  it  was  with  a  bit  of  surprise  that  I  read  Adolf’s  question  regarding  the  Darlingtonia.  In 
subsequent  conversations  with  other  botanists  and  naturalists.  Matt  Fairbams  provided  me  with 
photos  of  the  plants  he  had  taken  in  2004  (see  Figures  1  and  2;  note  the  presence  of  Drosera 
rotundifolia  for  size  reference).  The  small  size  of  the  plants  indicated  that  these  were  indeed  the 
result  of  the  seed  spread  in  1999.  Matt  Fairbams  indicated  that  the  leaves  were  small  compared 
to  natural  populations  in  Oregon,  and  that  the  plants  had  not  flowered  in  2003.  This  is  not  sur¬ 
prising,  given  that  Darlingtonia  can  take  more  than  six  years  to  reach  flowering  size,  and  even 
after  that  stage  plants  continue  to  increase  in  pitcher  size  for  many  years.  Although  some  think 
that  this  population  may  eventually  fail,  I  believe  that  it  is  well-established,  and  if  left  undis¬ 
turbed.  will  persist  into  the  future.  Currently,  there  are  four  known  patches  of  Darlingtonia.  but 
others  may  easily  be  hidden  among  the  native  vegetation  in  the  bog. 

While  some  people  may  think  that  the  introduced  population  of  Darlingtonia  is  a  natural 
occurrence  in  B.C..  in  fact  the  only  native  carnivorous  pitcher  plant  is  the  common  Sarracenia 
purpurea  subsp.  purpurea.  This  species  is  widespread  across  much  of  Canada  and  is  even  the 
provincial  Bower  of  Newfoundland.  The  Rocky  Mountains  act  as  an  effective  barrier  to  the 

'Who  wishes  to  remain  anonymous. 

2At  the  request  of  Park  officials,  I  have  not  revealed  the  exact  location  of  the  plants  due  to  fears 
that  people  may  leave  the  boardwalk  to  search  for  these  plants. 

36  Carnivorous  Plant  Newsletter 

Figure  1:  Juvenile  Darlingtonia  californica  in  British  Columbia.  Photograph  by  Matt 

Figure  2:  Tiny  pitchers  of  Darlingtonia  californica  in  British  Columbia.  Photograph  by 
Matt  Fairbarns. 

Volume  35  June  2006 


pitcher  plant's  spread  westward,  but  a  large  portion  of  northeastern  B.C.  is  east  of  the  Rockies. 
It  is  here  that  Sarracenia  purpurea  subsp.  purpurea  has  been  detected. 

A  single  location  for  the  genus  in  B.C.  was  reported  by  Krajina  ( 1968),  and  was  given  as 
being  near  Jackfish  Creek,  south  of  Fort  Nelson.  (I  repeat  this  locational  data  here  for  two  rea¬ 
sons;  first,  the  location  was  reported  in  Krajina’s  paper  and  second,  the  location  is  difficult  to 
access  and  is  now  an  ecological  reserve).  Numerous  plants  were  reported  as  occurring  in  the 
location.  Lamb  (1989)  noted  a  second  location  existed  near  the  Fort  Nelson  location.  Recent 
searches  of  the  University  of  British  Columbia  (UBC)  herbarium  records  and  of  the  scientific  lit¬ 
erature  have  not  revealed  any  new  locations.  Thus,  it  appears  that  these  two  populations  are  dis¬ 
junct  from  the  rest  of  the  range  of  Sarracenia  purpurea. 

A  single  plant  from  the  Krajina  population  was  collected  sometime  in  the  past  (perhaps  in 
the  early  1980s)  and  introduced  into  cultivation.  At  one  point  I  was  fortunate  enough  to  obtain  a 
division  of  this  plant,  but  it  was  not  as  robust  as  some  of  my  other  Sarracenia  purpurea  subsp. 
purpurea.  The  one  time  it  produced  a  flower  stalk,  the  flower  was  consumed  by  a  greedy  slug 
before  opening,  though  it  appeared  to  be  the  typical  dark  red  flower. 

These  plants  still  pose  many  unanswered  questions.  Why  does  S.  purpurea  subsp.  purpurea 
apparently  only  occur  in  a  very  restricted  area  even  though  there  is  suitable  habitat  in  many  other 
locations  in  northeastern  B.C.?  Why  is  Darlingtonia  naturally  restricted  to  Oregon  and  northern 
California,  when  the  climates  in  the  southern  coastal  region  of  B.C.  and  the  west  coast  of 
Washington  are  so  similar  and  can  support  populations  of  Darlingtonia ?  (There  are  even  the 
occasional  serpentine  seeps  with  Pinguicula  in  B.C.,  two  excellent  indicators  for  Darlingtonia 
in  California!)  Things  to  mull  over  in  a  mosquito  infested  bog. 


Krajina,  V.J.  1968.  Sarraceniaceae,  a  new  family  for  British  Columbia.  Syesis,  1;  121-124. 
Lamb,  R.  1989.  Sarracenia  purpurea  in  Western  Canada.  Carniv.  PI.  Newslett.  18.  7-8. 

Board  Member  Elections 

The  end  of  this  year  will  mark  the  end  of  terms  of  office  for  four  ICPS  board  members: 
Carl  Mazur  (President),  Chris  Teichreb,  Steve  LaWarre.  and  Richard  Myers.  The  other  board 
members,  as  well  as  all  the  additional  volunteers  responsible  for  operating  the  ICPS,  extend  their 
thanks  to  these  officers  for  the  work  they  have  done  during  their  terms  of  office. 

The  four  officers  facing  the  ends  of  their  terms  have  not  yet  indicated  if  they  are  interested 
in  running  for  another  term.  In  any  event,  all  members  of  the  ICPS  are  encouraged  to  run  for  a 
board  position  in  the  ICPS.  If  you  would  like  to  participate  in  the  workings  of  the  ICPS,  please 
email  a  250  word  election  statement  to  Barry  Rice  (contact  information  is  on  the  inside  cover  of 
Carnivorous  Plant  Newsletter).  Your  election  statements  must  be  received  by  1  August.  2006.  In 
your  statement,  you  may  wish  to  note  your  experience,  why  you  want  to  run  for  office,  and  what 
you  wish  to  accomplish.  Your  statements  will  be  printed  in  the  September  issue. 

The  ICPS  is  a  growing,  active  organization.  In  order  to  participate  as  a  board  member, 
email  access  is  essential.  Furthermore,  board  members  are  expected  to  work  hard!  So  while  we 
welcome  and  encourage  your  interest  as  a  board  member,  remember  that  it  is  more  than  a  van¬ 
ity  post!  Consider  running  for  office — your  energy  is  appreciated  and  needed! 


Carnivorous  Plant  Newsletter 

International  Correspondent 

White-petalled  Drosera  microphylla  Endl.  from  near 
Esperance,  Western  Australia 

Robert  Gibson  •  12  Roath  St  •  Cardiff  •  NSW  2285  •  Australia  • 

Keywords:  ecology  —  observations:  Drosera  microphylla. 

In  the  coastal  granite  hills  near  Esperance  (33'49'S,  121'52’E),  Western  Australia  grows  a 
variant  of  Drosera  microphylla  Endl.  that  has  white  petalled  flowers  and  orbicular  leaves,  and 
thus  differs  from  the  typical  form  of  the  species.  In  this  paper  this  variant  is  described  and  com¬ 
pared  with  published  descriptions. 

The  coast  near  Esperance  is  dominated  by  three  different  types  of  environment:  coastal  sand 
dunes  composed  of  either  quartz  sand  or  carbonate  sand  of  biogenic  origin;  a  subdued  low 
plateau  with  laterite  weathering  products;  and  low,  often  rounded  granite  hills  that  rise  above  the 
landscape.  Each  type  of  landscape  supports  a  suite  of  carnivorous  plant  species,  but  for  now  we 
focus  on  the  granite  hills.  Whilst  the  hills  are  modest  by  any  standard,  they  occur  at  or  very  close 
to  the  coast  and  form  enough  of  a  physical  barrier  to  deflect  on-shore  winds  and  generate  more 
cloud  and  rain  than  other  parts  of  the  coast,  even  if  only  slightly  so.  Water  runs  quickly  down  the 
bare  granite  slopes  and  is  gradually  channelled  into  the  headwaters  of  numerous  small  intermit¬ 
tent  streams.  On  the  edge  of  bare  granite  slopes  soil  formation  is  minimal.  The  thin  soil  is  often 
covered  by  moss,  and  a  selection  of  drought-deciduous  forbs  and  annual  herbs.  It  is  in  this  envi¬ 
ronment  that  this  taxon  of  D.  microphylla  occurs,  and  often  does  so  in  great  abundance  (see  Back 

The  soil  dries  out  quickly  in  late  spring,  and  the  tubers1  of  this  sundew  are  nestled  snugly 
at  least  10  cm  deep  in  the  soil,  where  possible,  or  nestled  into  any  available  clefts  in  the  granite 
surface  where  the  soil  is  thinner.  In  autumn  the  weather  cools  and  the  incidence  of  rainfall 
increases.  Growth  commences  from  the  tubers  and  by  mid  to  late  autumn  growth  emerges  at  the 
soil  surface.  Juvenile  plants  form  a  rosette  of  spathulate  leaves  but  larger  plants  bypass  this  stage 
and  immediately  begin  to  form  an  erect  stem  with  orbicular  cauline  leaves.  A  conspicuous  char¬ 
acteristic  of  the  taxon  is  the  vibrant  red  colouration  of  the  leaves  and  stem,  which  is  made  all  the 
more  eye-catching  by  the  density  at  which  these  plants  grow  together. 

The  plants  grow  throughout  the  winter  and  into  mid-spring  when  a  surprisingly  small  num¬ 
ber  of  plants  begin  to  form  a  terminal  inflorescence.  I  have  observed  plants  of  this  taxon  flower¬ 
ing  in  October  and  November  in  the  wild.  The  sepals  are  large,  smooth  and  have  a  metallic  lus¬ 
tre,  which  is  typical  of  this  species.  The  petals  are  white  with  an  often  variable  amount  of  red 
pigment  on  the  outside  base  of  the  petals;  at  the  flower’s  maturity,  this  colouration  results  in  a 
bulls'  eye  feature  that  may  assist  in  attracting  pollinators  (Figure  1 ). 

In  late  spring  to  early  summer  the  soil  begins  to  dry  out,  and  the  plants  senesce  and  become 
dormant.  The  timing  of  dormancy  is  variable,  and  appears  to  at  least  partially  correlate  with  soil 
depth — plants  in  thin  soil  senesce  before  those  in  deeper  or  more  sheltered  soil.  This  can  be  seen 
where  plants  on  the  edge  of  a  mossy  soil  area  are  dormant  whereas  those  in  the  deeper  soil  near 
the  middle  are  still  alive. 

'As  the  storage  and  resting  organs  in  subgenus  Ergaleium  are  covered  by  a  leaf-derived,  readily 
detachable  envelope,  they  must  not  be  called  tubers  (in  which  the  adnate  skin  is  not  derived  from 
leaves  and  detachable  only  by  force  or  after  cooking)  but  are  instead  what  the  botanist  techni¬ 
cally  calls  corms,  cf.  the  analogous  situation  in  Crocus  or  Gladiolus. — ed.  (JS) 

Volume  35  June  2006 


Figure  1 .  Detail  of  an  open  flower.  The  red  pigment  on  the  outside  base  of  the  petal  is 
transmitted  through  to  the  inner  centre,  giving  it  a  dark  pink  tinge. 

Following  the  format  in  Marchant  and  George  (1982)  this  taxon  is  described  as: 

Herb  with  a  tuber.  Stem  erect,  5  to  18  cm  tall,  glabrous,  weakly  llexuous,  with  several 
bract-like  prophylls,  3  to  6  mm  long  at  the  base.  Leaves  alternate,  rarely  with  secondary 
leaves  in  the  upper  axils;  lamina  orbicular,  deeply  cupped,  3  mm  diameter,  peltate,  on 
petiole  8  to  20  mm  long.  Inflorescence  a  small  panicle,  1  to  5-flowered;  pedicels  5  to 
30  mm  long.  Sepals  5,  narrowly  obovate,  apex  obtuse,  deeply  concave  7  to  10  mm  long, 
denticulate,  glabrous,  iridescent,  olive  green.  Petals  5.  obovate.  8  mm  long,  7  mm  wide, 
unscented  (to  the  human  nose),  white  with  the  abaxial  surface  of  the  petal  base  often 
deep  red.  Ovary,  1,  three-locular,  red,  ovoid,  glabrous,  1.2  mm  diameter  and  0.8  mm 
long.  Styles  3,  2  mm  long,  flattened,  multiply  divided  into  many  terete  segments  form¬ 
ing  a  low  dome  over  the  ovary.  The  basal  third  of  the  styles  are  red,  with  the  remainder, 
including  the  stigmas,  white.  Stamens,  5,  erect,  4  mm  long.  Filaments  3  mm  long  by  0.6 
mm  wide,  pale  pink,  flattened  in  cross-section.  Anthers,  5,  0.8  mm  long,  pollen  yellow. 
Bracteoles  spathulate,  1  to  2  mm  long,  olive  green  to  red,  glabrous,  with  entire  margins: 
the  apex  is  often  cupped.  Seeds  oblong,  dark  grey,  flattened,  reticulate  surface,  to  1.8 
mm  (including  membranous  apical  ends)  long  by  0.3  mm  wide  by  0.2  mm  thick,  the 
ends  extending  into  often-tlexuous  wings  to  0.6  mm  long  (Figure  2). 

Drosera  microphylla  is  known  to  be  a  polymorphic  species  (Diels,  1906:  121;  Lowrie,  1987: 
64).  This  species  is  endemic  to  the  south  west  of  Western  Australia,  where  it  grows  in  laterite  soils 
in  Jarrah  forests.  Over  the  majority  of  its  range  it  consists  of  olive-green  plants  with  sub-orbicular 
leaves,  and  red  or  orange-coloured  petals.  A  summary  of  key  features  for  different  members  of  the 
complex  is  presented  in  Table  1  (below): 

In  this  article  I  have  provided  a  description  of  a  distinctive  member  of  the  attractive  D.  micro¬ 
phylla  complex.  This  taxon  appears  to  possess  characters  that  are  unique  in  the  complex:  an  over¬ 
all  red  colouration  to  the  plants,  deeply  cupped  cauline  leaves  and  white  petals.  At  this  stage  the 
taxonomic  status  of  this  entity  is  not  yet  known,  but  the  plants  appear  to  form  a  coherent  popula¬ 
tion,  with  consistent  characters  and  grows  apart  from  the  other  members  of  this  complex.  Further 
taxonomic  study  into  this  complex  appears  warranted,  and  would  likely  be  most  rewarding. 

40  Carnivorous  Plant  Newsletter 

Figure  2.  Botanical  illustration,  by  R.  Gibson,  of  the  white-petalled  taxon  of  Drosera 
microphylla.  A:  Whole  plant  in  flower;  B:  prophyll;  C:  cauline  leaf;  D:  bracteole;  E:  sepal; 
F:  petal,  with  the  red  base  indicated;  G:  stamen — adaxial  view;  H:  stamen — abaxial 
view;  I:  open  flower;  J:  gynoecium;  K:  mature  seed.  Scale  bar  in  all  cases  is  1  mm. 

Volume  35  June  2006 


petalled  plant 

Diels  1 906  var. 
microphylla 1 

Diels  1906  var. 
macropetala 1 



petalled  plant 

Cauline  leaf  shape 
&  diameter  x  depth 


3  x  1.5-2 

1.5-3  x  1.5-3 

1.5-3  x  1.5-3 

Re  ni  form 

3-3.5  x  1 


2  x  1 

Cauline  leaf 










Petal  colour 

White  to  pale 





Sepal  length  x 
width  (mm) 

7-10  x  3.5-4 

8-10  x  2.5 

8-9  x  3-3.5 



Petal  length  x 
width  (mm) 

6-8  x  3-7 

6-8  x  3-4 




Plant  colour 












Perth  area 

Albany  area 

'The  taxon  D.  microphylla  var.  macropetala  and  the  autonym  D.  microphylla  var.  microphylla 
were  established  in  Diels  ( 1906). 

2This  information  is  not  provided  in  Diels  (1906). 

Table  1:  A  summary  of  variation  recorded  within  the  Drosera  microphylla  complex  based  on 
descriptions  in  Diels  ( 1 906;  p.  119-121)  and  Lowrie  (1987),  and  a  comparison  with  plants  from 
the  Esperance  and  Albany  areas.  Plant  colour  is  taken  from  sun-exposed  plants. 


I  wish  to  thank  Phill  Mann  for  his  assistance  and  company  during  recent  field  trips  to  the 
Esperance  area  for  further  study  of  this  taxon. 


Diels,  L.  1906.  Droseraceae.  In  A.  Engler  (Ed.)  Das  Pflanzenreich.  26:  1-137. 

Lowrie,  A.  1987.  Carnivorous  Plants  of  Australia:  Volume  1 .  University  of  Western  Australia  Press, 

Marchant,  M.G.  and  George,  A.S.  1982.  Drosera.  In:  (A.S.  George,  Executive  Editor)  Flora  of 
Australia:  Volume  8,  pp.  9-64,  77.  Australian  Government  Publishing  Service,  Canberra. 

No  boring  plants! 

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Carnivorous  Plant  Newsletter 

Technical  Refereed  Contribution _ 


Joachim  Nerz  •  AmdtstraBe  2*  71032  Boblingen  •  Germany 
Andreas  Wistuba  •  Mudauer  Ring  227  •  68259  Mannheim  •  Germany 

Keywords:  new  taxa:  Heliamphora  exappendiculata ,  Venezuela. 

Received:  4  June  2003 


Due  to  its  remoteness  and  inaccessibility,  the  flora  of  the  Guyana  Highlands,  in  the  south  of 
Venezuela,  remained  nearly  completely  unexplored  until  as  recently  as  only  50  years  ago.  Before 
that  time,  only  a  few  expeditions  had  reached  the  tepuis  in  the  area.  e.g.  Roraima  (Im  Thurn  1 885), 
Duida  (Gleason  1931 )  or  Auyan  (Gleason  1939).  The  botanical  collections  from  these  expeditions 
were  amazing  (Im  Thurn  1886) — the  flora  is  spectacular  even  in  the  extensive  savannahs  around 
the  tepuis  (Schomburgk  1931 ). 

In  1946,  another  pioneer  in  the  exploration  of  the  tepuis,  Felix  Cardona,  explored  Apacara- 
tepui  (a  pail  of  Chimanta-tepui).  On  this  trip  he  observed  and  collected  material  of  an  interesting 
Heliamphora  (Cardona  51648). 

At  approximately  the  same  time,  two  groups  of  botanists  started  to  explore  this  vast  area  more 
systematically.  One  group  was  led  by  Julian  A.  Steyermark,  who  started  his  career  at  the  Chicago 
Natural  History  Museum.  Later  on,  he  became  so  fascinated  in  the  botany  of  this  extraordinary 
region  that  he  spent  25  years  of  his  life  in  Venezuela.  In  1984  he  returned  to  the  USA  to  the  well- 
known  Missouri  Botanic  Garden.  Never  before  or  afterwards  had  anyone  made  so  many  botanical 
collections  as  Steyermark.  The  other  group  was  from  the  New  York  Botanical  Garden  and  was  led 
by  Bassett  Maguire  with  the  collaboration  of  John  J.  Wurdack.  One  of  the  largest  tepuis.  with  a  sur¬ 
face  of  615  km2,  the  huge  area  of  Chimanta-tepui  was  at  that  time  unexplored.  Steyermark  and 
Wurdack  made  independent  expeditions  to  reach  its  top  in  1953  (Steyermark  1955).  Due  to  its 
remoteness,  Steyermark  needed  months  to  reach  the  top.  Wurdack  reached  the  top  of  Chimanta- 
tepui  on  29  January  1953.  He  collected  material  of  this  region’s  interesting  Heliamphora  (Wurdack 
34262;  this  material  is  used  as  the  type  for  the  species  described  in  this  paper)  on  the  northwest 
slopes  of  Churi-tepui,  another  part  of  the  huge  Chimanta-massif.  In  the  same  year,  Bernardi  orga¬ 
nized  an  expedition  to  reach  the  top  of  Aprada-lepui,  an  isolated  tepui  near  and  to  the  north  of 
Chimanta.  Even  though  he  failed  in  this  goal,  he  was  able  to  collect  material  (Bernardi  796)  of  the 
same  Heliamphora  species  at  the  base  of  this  tepui.  In  1955,  Steyermark  and  Wurdack  made  anoth¬ 
er  expedition  to  the  Chimanta-massif,  and  collected  yet  additional  material  of  this  new 

After  these  collections,  this  taxon  was  observed  only  very  rarely.  In  1978  it  was  described  as 
a  variety  of  H.  heterodoxa  by  Maguire  (Maguire  1978).  Between  1983  and  1986,  Huber  organized 
several  helicopter-expeditions  to  the  Chimanta-massif  and  performed  intensive  botanical  and  geo¬ 
logical  explorations.  But  in  the  book  where  he  presented  the  results  of  these  expeditions  (Huber 
1992)  he  never  mentioned  the  distinctive  plant.  It  seems  that  it  was  overlooked  due  to  its  habitats 
which  are  both  remote  and  difficult  to  access. 

Heliamphora  exappendiculata  (Maguire  &  Steyermark)  Nerz  &  Wistuba  comb,  et  stat.  nov. 

(Memoirs  of  the  New  York  Botanical  Garden  (Vol.  29,  1978):  The  Botany  of  the  Guyana 
Highland  -  Part  X:  p.  54) — '  Var  heterodoxi  simili  sed  amphoris  sine  appendicibus' 

Holotype  (NY):  Venezuela,  29.01.1953,  John  .1.  Wurdack  34262. 

Rhizomes  branching,  plants  often  forming  dense  colonies.  Plants  growing  in  or  below 

Volume  35  June  2006  43 


New  York  Botanical  Garden  —  American  Museum  of  Natural  History 
Estado  Bolivar,  Venezuela 

No.  3^262  HOLOTYPE 

Heliaraphora  heterodoxa  Steyermark 
var.  exappendiculata  Maguire 

det,  Bassett  Maguire,  1973 
Petals  pink,  stamens  yellow,  pitcher  appendage 
slightly  developed,  frequent  on  escarpment  face 
in  spray  of  falls,  1  km  north  of  Camp  8  at  lower 
escarpment  base,  2050  m  elev. 

Talus  cloud  forest,  northwest  slopes  of  Churi-tcpuf  (Muru-tcpui). 

John  J.  Wurdack  January  29  ,'1953 

Figure  1:  Herbarium  specimen  34262  (NY),  holotype  for  Heliamphora  exappendiculata. 
Image  provided  courtesy  of  the  New  York  Botanical  Garden. 


Carnivorous  Plant  Newsletter 

vertical  cliffs,  with  the  rhizomes  growing  down,  turning  upwards  and  hearing  pitchers.  Below  the 
cliffs,  the  rhizomes  grow  upwards  normally.  Pitchers  ventricose  in  the  lower  part,  12-25  cm  long, 
4-10  cm  wide  at  the  upper  part.  The  outer  surface  of  the  pitchers  loosely  covered  with  simple 
minute  trichomes.  The  inner  surface  of  the  upper  part  of  the  pitcher  densely  covered  with  fine  hairs. 
The  lid  completely  embedded  in  the  apex  of  the  pitcher,  circular  to  ovate,  5-10  mm  long,  usually 
pointed  in  the  apex,  approximately  forming  a  small  triangle  at  the  inner  side  roughly.  Outer  surface 
of  the  pitcher  covered  with  short  trichomes.  Colour  of  the  pitcher  pale  green,  in  sunny  places  it  may 
develop  irregular  red  dots  or  completely  red  pitchers.  Sometimes  the  pitchers  are  green  in  the  lower 
part  and  red  in  the  upper  part,  especially  on  the  inner  pitcher  surface.  Lid  usually  red,  slightly  hairy 
at  the  outer  part.  1-3  flowers.  Inflorescence  about  40  cm  long,  peduncle  3-5  cm  long,  glabrous; 
bracts  3-4  cm  long,  bearing  rudimentary  pitchers.  Tepals  4,  oblong-lanceolate,  3-5  cm  long,  1 .5-2 
cm  wide,  white  to  whitish-pink;  10  stamens  in  I  series,  filaments  7  mm  long,  anthers  oblong,  lance¬ 
olate,  8  mm  long,  1 .2  mm  wide.  Ovary  3-celled,  pubescent,  style  glabrous.  Seed  approximately  2 
mm  long,  compressed,  ovate,  irregularly  winged. 

Specimens  Examined 

Churi-tepui  (Muri-tepui),  2050  m,  29.01.1953,  John  J.  Wurdack  34262,  Holotype  (NY); 
Churi-tepui  (Muri-tepui),  2050  m,  29.01.1953  Wurdack  No.  34262,  ISOTYPE  (K);  Churi-tepui 
(Muri-tepui),  2250-3000  m,  26.01.1953  Wurdack  No.  34236  (VEN);  Churi-tepui,  2100-2200  m, 
24.01.1953,  Wurdack  No.  34172  (VEN);  Aprada-tepui,  1000-1100  nt.  18.08.1953,  Bemardi  No. 
796  (VEN);  Chimanta-massif,  Central  Section,  1925  m,  5.2.1955,  Steyermark  &  Wurdack  No.  441 ; 
Torono-tepui,  1875-1950  m  alt;  26.02.1955,  Steyermark  &  Wurdack  No.  1 135  (VEN);  Apacapa- 
tepui,  2125-2300  m,  13.04.1953  Steyermark  No.  74888  (VEN,  K);  Apacara-tepui,  1900  m, 
08.07.1946,  Cardona  No.  51648  (VEN);  Amuri-tepui,  1850  m  (+/-),  2-5.2.1983.  Steyermark  et  al. 
No.  128489  (VEN). 

Geology  and  Geography 

Heliamphora  exappendiculata  is  apparently  restricted  to  Chimanta-tepui  and  Aprada-tepui 
(Brewer-Carias  1987),  two  sandstone-plateaus  at  the  centre  of  the  Gran  Sabana.  Chimanta  is  one 
of  the  largest  tepuis;  it  is  characterized  by  many  dissections,  valleys  and  ravines  at  the  plateau-area. 
Aprada  is  smaller  than  Chimanta  and  is  located  close  to  it  in  the  north-west.  It  consists  of  two 
plateaus,  both  relatively  fiat  which  are  divided  by  a  valley.  Heliamphora  exappendiculata  seems  to 
be  adapted  to  this  high  degree  of  vertical  cliffs  of  Chimanta-tepui,  where  it  grows  with  few  other 
plants.  Due  to  the  diversity  of  the  surface  of  Chimanta-tepui,  many  different  habitats  can  be  found 
on  the  plateau  (including  vast  savannahs,  shrubby  forests,  dry  cliffs,  wet  cliffs  and  many  rivers  and 
waterfalls).  It  is  because  of  this  great  diversity  of  habitats,  that  three  different  species  of 
Heliamphora  exist  side  by  side  at  the  top  of  Chimanta-tepui,  Heliamphora  exappendiculata,  H. 
pulchella  and  H.  chimantensis.  On  Aprada  only  two  species  of  Heliamphora  have  been  recorded 
so  far,  Heliamphora  exappendiculata  and  H.  pulchella.  Here  Heliamphora  exappendiculata  was 
not  found  growing  on  cliff  faces  but  rather  in  the  shade  on  the  bottom  of  small  canyons  of  the 
otherwise  flat  surface  of  the  plateau. 


Heliamphora  exappendiculata  is  restricted  to  the  Chimanta-massif  and  Aprada-tepui.  So  far, 
most  collections  have  been  made  from  the  central  and  northern  parts  of  these  features.  It  also  has 
been  recorded  from  the  base  and  the  top  of  Aprada-tepui.  Heliamphora  heterodoxa  is  only  known 
from  the  top  of  Ptari-tepui  and  from  the  adjacent  areas  in  the  Sierra  de  Lema.  All  specimens  col¬ 
lected  from  Chimanta-tepui  as  H.  heterodoxa  (like  e.g.  Steyermark  &  Wurdack  374  and  375) 
belong  to  the  recently  described  new  species  H.  chimantensis.  From  Auyan-tepui,  Steyermark 
(1984)  described  a  distinct  form  as  “ Heliamphora  heterodoxa  var.  exappendiculata  forma  glabel¬ 
la  (Steyermark).”  The  material  was  collected  by  Steyermark  at  the  plateau  of  Auyan-tepui  (J.A. 
Steyermark  93712,  VEN).  Closer  examination  of  this  specimen,  however,  revealed  that  in  fact  it 

Volume  35  June  2006 


represents  a  highly  etiolated  H.  minor  plant.  We  also  found  material  in  Caracas  labelled  H.  hetero- 
doxa  exappendiculata  f.  glabella ,  collected  at  the  plateau  of  Aparaman-tepui.  (Collected  by  Bruce 
Holst  at  22.03.1987  (Holst  3485)  for  the  Missouri  Botanical  Garden  herbarium  and  determined  by 
J.A.  Steyermark.)  It  seems  there  was  some  confusion  about  the  collected  specimens  of  the 
Aparaman-group,  because  members  of  the  same  taxon  were  also  determined  as  H.  heterodoxa 
(Huber  &  Gorzula,  1 1.147,  VEN),  H.  heterodoxa  var.  exappendiculata  (Steyermark  et  al.  132045. 
VEN).  or  remained  unidentified  (Holst  et  al.  2923,  VEN).  Indeed  all  specimens  currently  known 
from  the  Aparaman-group  belong  to  H.  folliculata.  These  ambiguities  can  be  resolved  with  current 
understandings  of  the  new  species  that  have  been  subsequently  described,  i.e.  H.  exappendiculata 
and  H.  folliculata.  We  hope,  that  in  the  future,  the  type-material  for  Heliamphora  exappendiculata 
f.  glabella  (Steyermark  93712)  can  be  found  again  for  further  examinations. 

Morphology  and  Distinguishing  Characteristics 

Heliamphora  exappendiculata  can  easily  be  distinguished  from  other  Heliamphora- species 
because  it  is  the  only  species  where  the  lid  is  embedded  in  the  surface  of  the  pitcher.  In  contrast. 
H.  heterodoxa  has  one  of  the  most  prominent  lids  in  the  whole  genus.  The  pitchers  of  H.  exappen¬ 
diculata  are  infundibuliform.  usually  12-15(25)  cm  long,  whereas  in  H.  heterodoxa  the  plant  is  in 
all  parts  tubular  and  20-30(40)  cm  long.  The  Bowers  of  H.  exappendiculata  are  comparably  large 
with  elongated  tepals,  usually  1-2  (lowered:  in  H.  heterodoxa  the  flowers  are  comparably  small 
with  the  shortest  tepals  in  the  genus,  usually  2-4(7)  Bowers  on  each  inflorescence.  The  ecological 
differences  are  also  obvious — H.  exappendiculata  grows  at  or  below  vertical,  wet  cliffs,  while  H. 
heterodoxa  grows  exposed  at  the  top  of  Ptari  tepui  or  in  open  savannahs  in  the  Sierra  de  Lema. 

Relationships  to  Other  Species 

Heliamphora  exappendiculata  has  no  close  similarities  to  H.  heterodoxa.  Heliamphora  pul- 
chella,  which  also  grows  at  the  Chimanta-massiv  and  on  Aprada-tepui,  shares  with  H.  exappendic¬ 
ulata  the  short  pitchers,  but  the  other  morphological  characters  of  the  pitchers,  lid  and  flowers  are 
clearly  different  (see  Table  1 ).  Furthermore,  the  habitats  of  H.  pulchella  (open  bogs  and  swamps) 
are  different  from  the  habitats  of  H.  exappendiculata.  The  other  species  from  Chimanta-tepui  that 
grows  near  H.  exappendiculata  is  H.  chimantensis.  The  pitchers  of  these  two  species  are  clearly  dif¬ 
ferent — those  of  H.  chimantensis  are  tubular,  elongated  pitchers  with  a  well  developed  lid.  The 
Bowers  are  also  easily  to  distinguish;  in  H.  chimantensis  the  tepals  are  shorter,  lanceolate  with 
broad  base,  in  H.  exappendiculata  the  tepals  are  larger,  and  oblong-lanceolate. 

Morphologically.  H.  exappendiculata  shows  most  affinities  to  the  recently  described  H.  hisp- 
ida  (Wistuba  &  Nerz),  which  grows  about  500  kilometers  away  at  the  isolated  Neblina-plateau.  It 
has  in  common  with  H.  hispida  the  short  pitchers  with  a  clearly  infundibulate  upper  part,  and  also 
the  Bowers  are  similar  with  oblong-lanceolate  tepals  and  8-10  stamina.  Furthermore,  both  species 
grow  in  colonies.  But  there  are  clearly  differentiating  characteristics  between  these  species,  e.g.  the 
hairiness  of  the  inner  part  of  the  pitcher,  the  absent  lid  in  H.  exappendiculata ,  and  the  different  habi¬ 
tats,  e.g.  H.  hispida  never  has  been  observed  on  vertical  cliffs. 


The  species  epithet  “ exappendiculata ”  means  "without  appendage,"  and  notes  the  unique 
characteristic  of  this  species. 


When  Bassett  Maguire  and  Julian  A.  Steyermark  worked  on  the  botany  of  the  Guyana-shield 
of  Venezuela,  they  had  to  treat  a  huge  amount  of  field  and  herbarium  work.  When  they  started  their 
expeditions,  this  extraordinarily  rich  flora  was  nearly  unexplored,  and  even  today  many  parts 
remain  to  be  explored.  It  took  from  1 946,  when  H.  exappendiculata  was  collected  for  the  first  time. 


Carnivorous  Plant  Newsletter 

H.  exappendiculata 

H.  heterodoxa 

H.  pulchella 

H.  hispida 



12-25  cm  long 

4-10  cm  wide 

1 5-40  cm  long 

5-6  cm  wide 

8-20  cm  long 

3-8  cm  broad 

15-25  cm  long 

5-8  cm  wide 


Ventricose  in  the 
lower  part, 
infundibulate  to 
broad  infundibulate 
in  the  upper  part 

Infundibulate  to 

ventricose  in  the 
lower  third, 

infundibulate  in 
the  upper  part, 
expanded  near 
the  mouth 

Slightly  ventri¬ 
cose  in  the  lower 
part,  narrowly 
expanded  to 
tubular  in  the 
upper  part 

Slightly  ventri¬ 
cose  in  the  lower 
part,  broad 
infundibulate  in 
the  upper  part 



0.5-1  cm  long 

0.4-0. 8  cm  wide 

1-3.5  cm  long 
1-1.5  cm  wide 

0.5-1  cm  long 
0.3-0. 5  cm  wide 

1  - 1 .5  cm  long 


Round  to  ovate, 
embedded  in  the 
apical  end  of  the 
pitcher-surf  ace, usu¬ 
ally  pointed  in  the 

Strongly  helmet¬ 
shaped,  very  con¬ 
stricted  to  stalked 

at  the  base 

Flattened  to  hel¬ 
met-shaped,  only 
slightly  constrict¬ 
ed  around  the 


Cordate,  curved 



Peduncle  40  cm 
long,  pedicels  3-5 
cm  long 

Peduncle  30-70 
cm,  pedicels  5-6 
cm  long 

Peduncle  20-40 
cm  long,  pedicels 

1 2  cm  long 

Peduncle  100  cm 
long,  pedicels  12 
cm  long 


narrowing  near  the 

Very  broadly 

broad  base 

broad  base 




8  mm  long 

5.5-8mm  long 

4  mm  long 

3.5  mm  long 






Table  1 :  Comparison  between  H.  exappendiculata.  H.  heterodoxa,  H.  pulchella  and  H.  hispida 

until  1 978  for  this  outstanding  species  to  be  described.  It  was  first  described  only  as  a  variety  of  H. 
heterodoxa ,  perhaps  because  the  authors — who  were  aware  of  its  lack  of  a  prominent  lid — did  not 
appreciate  the  other  divergent  characters.  Its  description  merely  notes  that  "Var  heterodoxi  simili 
sed  amphoris  sine  appendicibus ”  (“similar  to  var.  heterodoxa ,  but  pitchers  without  appendix”). 
Further,  it  was  mentioned  that  "in  the  var  exappendiculata  the  appendage  has  become  completely 
or  essentially  lost,  and  the  inner  glandular  area  lowered  to  the  apex  of  the  leaf’.  It  seems  that  the 
authors  only  concentrated  on  the  most  obvious  characteristics — the  lacking  lid — but  were  not 
aware  of  the  other  distinct  characters  of  this  species,  which  make  it  very  different  from  H.  hetero¬ 
doxa.  Steyermark  ( 1951 )  wrote  of  H.  heterodoxa  as  being  a  variable  species,  but  the  specimen  used 
to  justify  this  characterization  (i.e.  Steyermark  59766,  with  somewhat  more  infundibulate  pitchers) 
might  have  been  collected  in  more  shaded  habitats.  In  actuality.  H.  heterodoxa  is  only  a  moderate¬ 
ly  variable  species.  The  specimens  at  the  top  of  Ptari-tepui  are  narrower  near  the  mouth  and  more 
Volume  35  June  2006  47 

colourful,  compared  to  the  usually  greenish  specimens  that  occur  in  the  Gran  Sabana  or  in  shaded 
habitats.  In  these  areas  they  are  somewhat  more  infundibuliform.  Steyermark  also  felt  that  H.  het- 
erodoxa  was  a  variable  species  because  of  two  other  collections,  i.e.  Steyermark  &  Wurdack  374, 
and  Steyermark  &  Wurdack  373.  However,  these  specimens  belong  to  the  recently  described 
species  H.  chimantensis.  When  these  incorrectly  placed  specimens  are  removed  from  inclusion 
with  H.  heterodoxa ,  the  species  is  seen  as  being  not  very  variable  at  all. 

We  can  conclude  that  H.  exappendiculata  is  one  of  the  most  distinct  and  interesting 
Heliamphora  species,  and  one  that  can  be  identified  clearly  on  the  first  sight. 

Acknowledgements:  An  editor  of  this  article  (BR)  wishes  to  thank  staff  of  the  New  York  Botanical 
Garden  for  assisting  with  providing  an  image  for  this  publication. 


Brewer-Carias,  C.  1987.  The  lost  world  of  Venezuela  and  its  vegetation.  Caracas,  Venezuela. 
Gleason,  H.A.  1931.  Botanical  Results  of  the  Tyler-Duida  expedition.  Bull,  of  the  Torry  Club.  58: 

Gleason.  H.A.  1939.  The  flora  of  Mount  Auyantepui.  Brittonia  3:  164. 

Huber.  O.  1992.  El  macizo  del  Chimanta.  Oscar  Todtmann  Editores. 

Im  Thum,  E.F.  1885.  The  first  ascent  of  Roraima.  Timehri.  4:  1-48. 

1m  Thum,  E.F.  1 886.  Notes  of  the  plants  observed  during  the  Roraima  expedition  of  1 884.  Timehri 
5:  147-223. 

Maguire,  B.  1978.  Sarraeeniaceae  ( Heliamphora )  in  The  Botany  of  the  Guyana  Highland  Part-X. 
Mem.  of  the  New  York  Bot.  Garden  29:  36-61. 

Nerz,  J.  and  Wistuba.  A.  2000.  Heliamphora  hispida  (Sarraeeniaceae),  a  New  Species  from  Cerro 
Neblina,  Brazil-Venezuela.  Camiv.  PI.  Newslett.  29:  37-41. 

Schomburgk,  R.H.  1931.  Travels  in  Guiana  and  on  the  Orinoco.  Leipzig.  English  translation  by 
Walter  E.  Roth,  Georgetown.  British  Guiana. 

Steyermark,  J.A.  1951.  Sarraeeniaceae  in  Botanical  Exploration  in  Venezuela  -  I.  Fieldiana  Bot. 
'  Vol.  28(1):  239-241. 

Steyermark.  J.A.  1955.  Attack  on  Chimanta.  Nat.  Hist.  Vol.  64(9):  482-488. 

Steyermark.  J.A.  1984.  Realignment  of  the  Genus  Heliamphora.  Annals  of  the  Missouri  Botanical 
Garden  71:  302-312. 

Wistuba,  A.,  Harbarth  ,  P,  and  Carow,  T.  2001.  Heliamphora  folliculata,  a  new  species  of 
Heliamphora  (Sarraeeniaceae)  from  the  ‘Los  Testigos'  Table  Mountains  in  the  South  of 
Venezuela.  Camiv.  PI.  Newslett.  30:  120-125. 

Wistuba,  A..  Carow,  T.,  and  Harbarth,  P.  2002.  Heliamphora  chimantensis,  a  new  species  of 
Heliamphora  (Sarraeeniaceae)  from  the  'Macizo  de  Chimanta’  in  the  South  of  Venezuela. 
Camiv.  PI.  Newslett.  31:  78-82. 

Wistuba,  A.,  Carow.  T..  Harbarth  ,  P,  and  Nerz,  J.  2005,  Heliamphora  pulchella,  eine  neue  mit 
Heliamphora  minor  (Sarraeeniaceae)  verwandte  An  aus  der  Chimanta  Region  in  Venezuela. 
Das  Taublatt.  53/3:  42-50. 

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Carnivorous  Plant  Newsletter 

Technical  Refereed  Contribution _ 

Naphthoquinones  Content  of  Some  Sundews  (Drosera  L) 

Jozef  Kovacik  •  Miroslav  RepcAk  •  Department  of  Botany  •  Institute  of  Biology  and  Ecology 

•  Faculty  of  Science  •  P.  J.  Safarik  University  •  Manesova  23  •  041  67  Kosice  •  Slovak  Republic 


Keywords:  chemistry:  Drosera. 


Naphthoquinones  are  distributed  within  eight  families  of  (lowering  plants  and  are  known 
also  in  fungi,  lichens,  and  in  some  spiders.  These  compounds  are  characteristic  for  Droseraceae; 
they  were  detected  in  genera  Dionaea ,  Aldrovanda  and  Drosophyllum  (Culham  &  Gornall, 
1994).  Plumbagin  (5-hydroxy-2-methy  1-1, 4-naphthoquinone)  and  7-methyljuglone  (5-hydroxy- 
7-methyl-  1,4-naphthoquinone)  are  two  main  naphthoquinones  of  the  genus  Drosera  (Bonnet  el 
al.,  1984).  Plumbagin  was  also  detected  in  the  genus  Nepenthes  and  in  the  genera 
Triphyophyllum  and  Dioncophyllum  of  Dioncophyllaceae.  Within  angiosperms,  7-methyljuglone 
is  the  predominant  quinone  in  Ebenaceae  and  plumbagin  in  Plumbaginaceae  and  Iridaceae 
(Culham  &  Gornall.  1994).  Aglycones  droserone  (3,5-dihydroxy-2-methyl-l  ,4-naphthoquinone) 
and  hydroxydroserone  (3,5,8-trihydroxy-2-methyl-l,4-naphthoquinone)  are  present  in  minor 
amounts  (Samaj  et  al.,  1999).  Other  known  minor  naphthoquinones  are  diomuscione  and 
diomuscipulone,  identified  in  Dionaea  muscipula  (Miyoshi  el  al..  1984).  In  sundews  these  com¬ 
pounds  probably  act  as  allelopathic,  molluscidal,  antimicrobial,  and  antifeedant  chemicals 
(Samaj  et  al.,  1999). 

The  taxonomic  significance  of  naphthoquinones  within  Droseraceae  was  studied  by 
Culham  &  Gornall  (1994).  They  found  that  their  occurrences  within  various  species  were  not 
useful  taxonomic  tools  because  closely  related  taxa  (e.g.,  subspecies  of  Drosera  stolonifera)  did 
not  have  the  same  naphthoquinone.  Mainly  D.  rotnndifolia  was  studied  for  naphthoquinones  con¬ 
tent  due  to  its  pharmacological  use  (e.g.,  Galambosi  et  al.,  2000;  Repcak  et  al.,  2000).  The  7- 
methyljuglone  content  in  D.  rotnndifolia  and  D.  anglica  in  dependence  on  ontogenetic  phases  of 
the  leaf  were  studied  by  Repcak  et  al.  (2000).  The  highest  content  was  found  in  young  and  adult 
green  leaves,  while  it  was  lower  in  older  leaves. 

In  this  paper,  the  content  of  7-methyljuglone  and  plumbagin  was  studied  in  several  non- 
European  Drosera  species. 

Figure  1:  From  left  to  right,  7-methyljuglone,  plumbagin,  droserone,  hydroxydroserone. 

Materials  and  Methods 

Plants  were  cultivated  in  a  greenhouse  of  the  Botanical  Garden  of  P.  J.  Safarik  University  at 
Kosice  (Slovak  Republic)  in  pots  with  peat  and  were  watered  with  distilled  water.  For  7- 
methyljuglone  and  plumbagin  estimation,  we  harvested  fully  developed  leaves  of  comparable 
age  from  six  different  plants  of  each  species.  Fresh  material  was  homogenized  and  extracted  with 

Volume  35  June  2006 



Figure  2:  HPLC  chromatograms  of  7-methyljuglone  and  plumbagin  in  extracts  from 
fresh  leaves  of  Drosera  capensis,  D.  binata,  and  their  mixture. 

benzene,  evaporated  to  dryness,  dissolved  in  methanol,  and  analysed  by  an  isocratic  HPLC  sys¬ 
tem.  Compounds  identity  were  detected  according  to  their  TR  (retention  time).  UV-V1S  spectrum 
was  measured  during  the  analysis  to  confirm  the  identity  of  naphthoquinones.  Juglone  (Fluka) 
was  used  as  an  internal  standard.  HPLC  conditions:  column  Biospher  SI  C  18,  7  pm  (Tessek. 
Prague,  Czech  Rep.)  -  3.3  x  150  mm.  flow  rate  0.5  ml  min  F  The  mobile  phase  was  50  %  ace¬ 
tonitrile  (Merck).  The  detection  was  performed  at  421  nm. 

Results  and  Discussion 

We  detected  7-methyljuglone  in  nine  out  of  eleven  analysed  species  and  plumbagin  in  D. 
binata  and  D.  prolifera.  Very  different  minimal  and  maximal  values  in  each  species  shown  in 
Table  1  could  reflect  different  leaf  age  and  support  the  well-known  fact  that  naphthoquinone  con¬ 
tent  is  negatively  correlated  with  the  age  of  tissue  (Repcak  &  Galambosi,  1994).  It  is  difficult  to 
collect  the  leaves  from  the  same  position  on  the  stem,  e.g.,  in  sundews  forming  leaf  rosettes.  In 
spite  of  this  fact,  on  the  basis  of  naphthoquinone  content,  we  can  divide  the  analysed  species  into 
three  groups. 

The  first  group,  with  the  highest  content  of  these  compounds,  is  represented  by  D.  collinsi- 
ae.  D.  capensis ,  and  D.  binata.  More  extensive  quantitative  data  were  published  by  Caniato  et 
al.  (1989).  In  aboveground  parts  in  D.  binata.  they  found  a  mean  plumbagin  content  0.23-0.31 
%  (per  unit  fresh  weight).  For  this  species,  we  found  0.31  %  of  plumbagin  in  fresh  leaves.  In 
aboveground  parts  in  D.  capensis.  they  found  0.10-0.1 1  %  (FW)  of  7-methyljuglone.  For  this 
species,  we  found  a  value  of  0.36  %  in  fresh  leaves.  Note  that  in  the  sepals  and  the  pistil  of  D. 
capensis.  we  detected  7-methyljuglone  and,  in  the  same  parts  of  D.  binata  flower,  we  detected 

The  second  group  (D.  communis.  D.  venusta.  D.  admirabilis,  and  D.  spathulata )  had  a 
medium  content  of  the  analysed  compounds  but  3-5  times  smaller  when  compared  to  the  first 
group.  No  quantitative  data  referring  the  content  of  7-methyljuglone  in  some  species  of  this 
group  have  been  found  in  the  literature. 

The  third  group  with  low  content  of  the  analysed  compounds  includes  D.  burkeana,  D.  ade- 
lae.  and  D.  hamiltonii.  They  contain  approximately  10-times  less  7-methyljuglone  in  compari¬ 
son  with  the  first  group.  The  position  of  D.  prolifera  is  somewhere  in  between  the  first  and  sec¬ 
ond  group.  The  variance  of  values  is  narrow  what  can  be  satisfactorily  explained  by  the  shape  of 
leaf  rosette  when  it  is  easy  to  determine  the  leaves  of  the  same  age  on  different  plants. 

As  reported  in  the  literature  (Culham  &  Gornall,  1994),  naphthoquinones  are  present  in  all 
four  genera  of  the  Droseraceae.  The  plumbagin  content  in  Aldrovanda  vesiculosa  collected  from 

50  Carnivorous  Plant  Newsletter 





Drosera  collinsiae 

46.0±12.6  a 



Drosera  capensis 

40.8±7.39  ab 



Drosera  communis 

9. 14±5.05  cd 



Drosera  venusta 

8.54±3.25  cd 



Drosera  admirabilis 

8.19+2.99  cd 



Drosera  spathulata 

7.88±5.42  cd 



Drosera  burkeana 

4.93±3.32  d 



Drosera  adelae 

4.03±2.14  d 



Drosera  hamiltonii 

3.83±2.34  d 




Drosera  binata 

30.3±  8.70  b 



Drosera  prolifera 

18.7+1.66  c 



Table  1 :  Naphthoquinones  content  in  Drosera  species  (mg  g'  *  of  dry  weight).  Values  in  the  ver¬ 
tical  column  followed  by  the  same  letter  do  not  differ  significantly  at  P<0.05  by  Tukey’s  pair¬ 
wise  comparison;  n=6;  X,  mean  value;  SD,  standard  deviation;  min./max.,  minimal/maximal 
detected  value. 

different  sites  or  originating  from  different  continents  is  similar  to  the  content  of  naphtho¬ 
quinones  in  the  first  group  with  the  highest  content  of  these  compounds  (for  comparison  see 
another  paper  in  this  issue  of  Carnivorous  Plant  Newsletter;  Adamec,  et  al.  2006). 


Adamec,  L.,  Gastinel,  L.,  Schlauer,  J.  2006.  Plumbagin  content  in  Aldrovanda  vesiculosa  shoots. 
Carniv.  PI.  Newslett.  35:  52-55. 

Bonnet,  M.,  M.  Coumans,  M.  Hoftnger,  J.L.  Ramaut,  and  Th.  Gaspar.  1984.  High-performance 
gas  chromatography  of  1,4-naphthoquinones  from  Droseraceae.  Chromatografia,  18:  62 1  - 

Caniato,  R..  R.  Filippini,  and  E.M.  Cappelletti.  1989.  Naphthoquinone  contents  of  cultivated 
Drosera  species  Drosera  binata ,  Drosera  binata  var.  dichotoma  and  Drosera  capensis.  Int. 
J.  Crude  Drug.,  27:  129-136. 

Culham  A.,  and  R.J.  Gornall.  1994.  The  taxonomic  significance  of  naphthoquinones  in  the 
Droseraceae,  Biochem.  Syst.  and  Ecol.,  22:  507-515. 

Galambosi,  B.,  Zs.  Galambosi,  and  M.  Repcak.  2000.  Growth,  yield  and  secondary  metabolites 
production  of  Drosera  species  cultivated  in  peat  beds  in  Finland.  SOU,  51:  47-57. 

Miyoshi.  E.,  Y.  Shizuri,  and  S.  Yamamura.  1984.  Isolation  and  structures  of  diomuscione  and 
diomuscipulone  from  Dionaea  muscipula.  Phytochem.,  23:  2385-2387. 

Repcak,  M.,  and  B.  Galambosi.  1994.  Ontogenetic  aspects  of  7-methyljuglone  accumulation  in 
some  Drosera  L.  species.  Biol.  Plant.,  36:  S232. 

Repcak,  M.,  B.  Galambosi,  and  N.  Takkunen.  2000.  The  production  of  7-methyljuglone, 
quercetin  and  kaempferol  by  Drosera  anglica  and  Drosera  rotundifolia.  Biologia, 
Bratislava,  55:  429-433. 

Samaj,  J.,  A.  Blehova,  M.  Repcak,  M.  Ovecka.  and  M.  Bobak.  1999.  VII.  Drosera  species  (sun¬ 
dew):  in  vitro  culture  and  the  production  of  plumbagin  and  other  secondary  metabolites.  In: 
Biotechnology  in  agriculture  and  forestry,  43.  Med.  and  aromat.  plants  XI,  ed.  Bajaj  I.  P.  S., 
Springer- Verlag,  Berlin,  105-135. 

Volume  35  June  2006 


Technical  Refereed  Contribution 

Plumbagin  Content  in  Aldrovanda  vesiculosa  Shoots 

Lubomir  Adamec  •  Institute  of  Botany  •  Dukelska  135  •  CZ-379  82  Trebon  •  Czech  Republic  • 

Louis  Gastinel  •  University  of  Limoges  •  Faculty  of  Sciences  and  Technique  •  EA  3176  Plant 
Glycobiology  and  Biotechnology  •  123  Avenue  A.  Thomas  •  F-87060  Limoges  •  France  • 

Jan  Schlauer  •  University  of  Tibingen  •  ZMBP,  Auf  der  Morgenstelle  5  •  72076  Tubingen  • 
Germany  • 

Keywords:  chemistry:  Aldrovanda  vesiculosa. 


Plumbagin  is  a  yellow  naphthoquinone  (for  its  chemical  structure  see  Kovacik  &  Repcak  in 
another  paper  of  this  issue)  typically  occurring  in  all  genera  ( Drosera .  Dionaea.  Aldrovanda)  of 
Droseraceae  and  widespread  within  the  order  Nepenthales  (Bonnet  et  al.,  1984;  Juniper  et  al., 
1989;  Culham  &  Gomall,  1994,  Tokunaga  et  al..  2004;  Schlauer,  2005).  Although  the  presence 
of  plumbagin  or  its  topoisomer,  7-methyljuglone,  in  Droseraceae  organs  can  very  simply  be 
proved  by  spontaneous  sublimation  of  these  substances  and  staining  plastic  materials  and  organ¬ 
ic  solvents  yellow,  both  the  correctness  of  analytical  procedures  for  quantitative  determination  of 
plumbagin  and  mainly  its  physiological  functions  in  (carnivorous)  plants  are  still  a  matter  of  dis¬ 
cussion.  Moreover,  plumbagin  and  its  derivatives  have  long  been  under  the  interest  of  pharma¬ 
cologists  for  their  antimicrobial  effects.  Tokunaga  et  al.  (2004)  have  recently  demonstrated 
strong  cytotoxicity  of  plumbagin  against  cancer  cells  and  also  its  antifeedant  effect  against  insect 

In  Drosera  and  Dionaea  leaves,  plumbagin  content  usually  ranges  between  2-3%  of  dry 
weight  (DW;  Tokunaga  et  al..  2004;  Kovacik  &  Repcak,  2006).  In  the  rootless  aquatic  carnivo¬ 
rous  plant  Aldrovanda  vesiculosa  L.,  plumbagin  content  has  never  been  determined  quantita¬ 
tively.  As  sun-adapted  Aldrovanda  plants  of  green  temperate  European  and  Asian  populations  are 
typically  yellow-green  and  completely  lack  anthocyanins,  a  possibly  high  plumbagin  content  in 
this  species  could  be  associated  with  a  photoprotective  role.  The  aim  of  this  paper  was  to  inves¬ 
tigate  plumbagin  contents  among  all  available  Aldrovanda  populations,  compare  two  methods  of 
quantitative  plumbagin  determination  in  Aldrovanda.  and  to  determine  plumbagin  content  in 
Aldrovanda  plants  of  different  populations  or  having  been  grown  at  different  irradiances.  Thus, 
the  possible  photoprotective  role  of  plumbagin  was  tested. 

Materials  and  Methods 

Plant  material  of  Aldrovanda  for  plumbagin  content  determination  was  collected  from  both 
field  sites  and  outdoor  or  indoor  cultures  on  20  August  2004.  Adult  plants  originating  from  E 
Poland  were  collected  from  artificial  sites  Ptaci  blato  1st  pool,  and  Karstejn  fen  lake  in  the 
Trebon  region,  S  Bohemia.  Czech  Republic  (plants  were  introduced  to  these  sites,  see  Adamec 
&  Lev.  1999;  Adamec,  2005).  Plants  at  Ptaci  blato  grew  in  slight  shade,  while  those  at  Karstejn 
were  collected  from  three  microsites  differing  greatly  among  each  other  in  the  level  of  shading 
by  emergent  reed  vegetation;  sun-adapted  plants  without  any  shading,  shade-adapted  plants,  and 
plants  growing  in  very  deep  shade.  The  latter  plants  grew  in  dense  reed  stand,  evidently  at  the 
light  minimum  threshold  for  their  growth.  They  were  dark  green,  very  short  (only  4-5  cm),  and 
weak.  Polish  plants  were  also  collected  from  two  outdoor  plastic  cultivation  containers  in  which 
they  had  grown  in  slight  shade  (Adamec,  1997).  Red  plants  of  three  Australian  tropical  popula¬ 
tions  from  outdoor  cultivations  (N  Australia  near  Darwin,  NT;  NW  Australia  from  Kimberley, 


Carnivorous  Plant  Newsletter 

NT)  or  an  indoor  cultivation  (N  Australia  near  Katherine,  NT)  were  also  collected.  They  were 
grown  in  slight  shade  (Adamec,  1999).  Ripe  turions  of  Polish  plants  were  collected  from  Ptaci 
blato  and  two  outdoor  containers  on  23  October  2004. 

For  a  qualitative  test  of  plumbagin  presence,  plant  material  of  fourteen  Aldrovanda  popula¬ 
tions  was  collected  from  small  aquaria  in  an  outdoor  collection  of  plants  maintained  by  one  of 
the  authors  (LA).  The  original  provenances  of  these  plants  were:  S  and  N  Russia,  N  Ukraine, 
Lithuania,  E  and  W  Poland,  SW  Hungary,  S  Germany  (now  Switzerland),  Japan  (near  Tokyo),  N 
Australia  (Katherine  and  Darwin),  NW,  SE,  and  SW  Australia  (for  most  of  them  see  Maldonado 
San  Martin  et  al.,  2003). 

Collected  plants  were  thoroughly  washed  and  shoots  were  divided  into  two  segments,  apex 
with  six  adult  leaf  whorls  (denoted  as  “apex”)  and  subsequent  six  leaf  whorls  (7th- 12th  whorls; 
denoted  as  "base”).  One  apical  or  basal  shoot  segment  (fresh  weight  28-145  mg,  DW  2.3-12  mg) 
or  one  turion  (DW  ca.  4  mg)  was  used  for  one  determination.  Segments  or  turions  were  blotted 
dry  and  extracted  three  times  with  1  ml  diethyl-ether  for  about  20  min.  before  DW  of  the  bio¬ 
mass  was  estimated.  Pooled  extracts  were  alkalized  by  adding  1  ml  0. 1  M  NaOH  and  thorough¬ 
ly  shaken  for  a  few  sec.  As  a  result  of  alkalization,  the  extract  turn  orange-red  ( i.e.,  bathochromic 
effect)  and  plumbagin  was  dissolved  in  the  aqueous  phase.  The  aqueous  phase  was  diluted  ten 
times  with  distilled  water  and  optical  density  measured  against  blank  sample  at  400  nm. 
Plumbagin  standard  (practical  grade  P7262,  Sigma)  was  used  to  obtain  calibration  curve  in  the 
same  way.  Results  are  expressed  in  %  DW.  Although  this  method  of  plumbagin  extraction  and 
determination  is  very  simple  and  fast  some  objections  may  arise  as  to  the  specificity  of  this  deter¬ 
mination.  Four  parallel  plants  of  each  variant  were  dried  shortly  at  40°C,  wrapped  to  an  alu¬ 
minum  foil,  and  sent  by  post  to  the  Laboratory  of  L.  Gastinel  (Univ.  Limoges,  France)  for  HPLC 
method  of  plumbagin  determination.  After  they  were  overwintered  in  a  refrigerator  at  3  C,  liv¬ 
ing  turions  from  Ptaci  blato  were  also  sent  by  post  to  the  Laboratory  of  L.  Gastinel  on  17  March. 

Here,  3  to  20  mg  DW  of  Aldrovanda  shoots  were  extracted  in  glass  tubes  with  2  ml  of 
diethyl-ether  three  times  for  30  min.  The  pooled  extracts  were  allowed  to  dry  overnight  by  evap¬ 
oration.  The  extracts  were  then  resolubilised  with  I  ml  of  pure  methanol  in  the  presence  of  0. 1  % 
formic  acid  (FA).  Twenty-five  |il  of  the  samples  were  injected  on  an  HPLC  column  (Nucleosil 
250  x  4.6  mm  300  A  C18  5p  with  a  guard  column  at  a  0.5  ml  min-1  flow  rate.  Elution  of  sub¬ 
stances  absorbing  at  400  nm  (naphthoquinone  ring)  was  followed  by  using  a  45-min  linear  gra¬ 
dient  from  50%  methanol:  50%  water  with  0.1%  FA  to  80%  methanol:  water  with  0.1%  FA. 
Quantitative  calibration  of  plumbagin  was  performed  using  the  plumbagin  standard  (see  above) 
dissolved  in  pure  methanol  with  0.1%  FA  and  injected  in  the  HPLC  at  different  volumes. 

MS  spectra  of  the  400  nm  absorbing  material  purified  from  HPLC  gradient  (retention  time 
around  21  minutes)  were  recorded  after  the  injection  in  the  Turboion  ESI  spray  coupled  with  Q- 
trap  mass  analyser  (Applied  Biosystems)  with  parameters,  ion  spray  voltage  5000  V,  decluster¬ 
ing  potential  30  V,  How  rate  40  pi  min  f  m/z  peaks  were  recorded  in  the  range  50  to  500  amu 
with  the  EMS  protocol  from  Analyst  1.4  (Applied  Biosystems). 

Plumbagin  presence  was  tested  using  a  thin-layer  chromatography.  One  shoot  apex  of  each 
population,  6-8  mm  long,  was  blotted  dry  and  extracted  with  0.25  ml  diethyl-ether  for  15  min. 
The  extract  (20  pi)  was  dropped  on  a  TLC  silica  plate  F60  and  developed  first  in  methanol  (to 
focus  the  front)  and  then  in  toluene  for  about  15  min.  Leaf  extract  of  a  non-flowering  plant  of 
Drosera  intermedia  was  co-chromatographed  as  standard  for  plumbagin  detection. 

Results  and  Discussion 

The  presence  of  plumbagin  was  clearly  determined  in  all  fourteen  world  populations  of 
Aldrovanda  but  7-methyljuglone  was  not  detected.  Comparing  the  two  methods  of  plumbagin 
content  determination,  direct  colorimetric  determination  (see  Table  1)  and  that  using  HPLC  (see 
Table  2),  there  is  a  much  better  agreement  of  the  results  for  apical  than  for  basal  segments.  Direct 
colorimetric  determination  in  the  same  material  led  to  shoot  contents  greater  by  0-90%  in  apices. 

Volume  35  June  2006 


while  2-5  times  greater  in  bases,  than  using  HPLC.  There  are  some  possible  reasons  for  this  dif¬ 
ference.  First,  the  diethyl-ether  extract  at  the  direct  colorimetric  determination  might  contain  also 
some  other  ether-extractable  substances  absorbing  at  400  nm,  although  no  such  contaminant  has 
been  identified  so  far.  Second,  due  to  sublimation  of  plumbagin,  a  good  deal  of  this  volatile  sub¬ 
stance  could  be  lost  during  drying  or  posting  the  plant  material  or  solubilized  in  the  plastic  phase 
of  the  aluminum  foil.  It  is  conceivable  this  loss  affected  particularly  the  basal  stem  segments  and 
Australian  plants  with  more  opened  leaves  or  lower  biomass,  in  which  the  differences  between 
the  two  methods  were  more  pronounced  than  in  the  apices  or  turions. 

Overall,  plumbagin  content  in  apical  segments  ranged  between  1.2-4. 8%  DW  and  that  in 
basal  ones  between  0. 4-5.0%  DW  (see  Tables  I.  2).  The  mean  plumbagin  content  of  about  2-3% 
DW  in  Aldrovanda  apical  shoot  segments  corresponds  to  that  found  in  two  Drosera  species  ( 1 .9- 
3.0%  DW;  Kovacik  &  Repcak.  2006)  or  in  Dionaea  muscipula  (about  3  %  DW;  Tokunaga  et  al. 
2004).  Thus,  plumbagin  content  in  Aldrovanda  shoot  is  not  greater  than  in  other  genera  of 
Droseraceae.  However,  with  either  assay  method,  plumbagin  content  was  evidently  greater  in 
apical  than  basal  shoot  segments  in  Polish  plants  but  this  difference  was  not  too  distinct  in  dark- 
red  Australian  plants  (see  Tables  1,  2).  This  gradient  in  plumbagin  content  in  Aldrovanda  shoot 
segments  of  different  age  is  in  a  good  agreement  with  Repcak  et  al.  (2000)  who  found  a  decrease 
of  7-methyljuglone  content  in  older  leaves  of  Drosera  spp.  Obviously,  plumbagin  is  released 
from  old  and  ageing  tissues  of  Aldrovanda  to  ambient  medium  (Adarnec,  unpubl.).  In 
Aldrovanda ,  plumbagin  content  in  shoot  apices  was  similar  to  that  in  turions  (Tables  1,  2).  The 
data  on  plumbagin  content  do  not  support  the  hypothesis  that  this  substance  has  a  specific  and 
light-regulated  photoprotective  role  in  Aldrovanda  as  the  content  was  the  same  in  both  sun-and 
shade-adapted  plants.  Nevertheless,  due  to  optical  properties  of  plumbagin  (absorption  of  blue 
light  and  UV),  it  is  possible  to  assume  certain  role  in  photoprotection.  These  results  support  the 
view  that  the  main  and  primary  role  of  plumbagin  in  Droseraceae  is  antifeedant  and  antimicro¬ 
bial,  thus  protecting  the  plants  against  herbivores  and  microbial  parasites  (Tokunaga  et  al.  2004). 

Origin  and  light  exposure  of  plant  material 

Plant  A 

Plant  B 





Shoot  segments 

E  Poland:  Ptaci  blato  1st  pool,  slight  shade 





E  Poland:  Karstejn  fen  lake,  sun-adapted 





E  Poland:  Karstejn  fen  lake,  shade-adapted 





E  Poland:  Karstejn  fen  lake,  very  deep  shade 





E  Poland:  culture  I;  small  container,  slight  shade 





N  Australia,  Katherine:  indoor  aquarium,  slight  shade 






Turion  A 

Turion  B 

E  Poland:  Ptaci  blato  1st  pool,  slight  shade 



E  Poland:  culture  I;  small  container,  shade 



E  Poland:  culture  11:  big  container,  shade 



Table  1 :  Content  of  plumbagin  (in  %  of  DW)  in  apical  and  basal  shoot  segments  of  different 
strains  and  in  ripe  turions  of  Aldrovanda  vesiculosa.  Apical  shoot  segments  contained  shoot 
apex  +  the  first  six  adult  leaf  whorls,  while  the  basal  ones  the  subsequent  six  leaf  whorls  (i.e., 
the  7th-  12th  ones).  Results  for  two  different  plants  or  turions  A  and  B  are  based  on  measure¬ 
ment  of  optical  density  at  400  nm  of  alkalized  diethyl-ether  extract. 


Carnivorous  Plant  Newsletter 

Origin  and  light  exposure  of  plant  material 

Plumb,  content  (%  DW) 



Ptaci  blato 



Karstejn:  sun-adapted 

2.  I±0.9a 


Karstejn:  shade-adapted 


0.7±0. 1 b 

Karstejn:  deep  shade-adapted 



Culture  I:  small  container 



NW  Australian:  outdoors 



Turions-Ptaci  blato:  1st  pool 

2.4+0. 5 

Table  2:  Plumbagin  content  determined  in  diethyl-ether-extracted  dry  Aldrovanda  biomass 
using  HPLC.  For  apical  and  basal  segments,  see  Table  1 .  Except  for  Australian  plants,  the  oth¬ 
ers  were  from  E  Poland.  Means+SD  of  3-4  independent  analyses  are  shown.  The  different  let¬ 
ters  within  the  same  raw  denote  statistically  significant  difference  at  P<0.05  (  t-test). 


Adamec,  L.  1997.  How  to  grow  Aldrovanda  vesiculosa  outdoors.  Carniv.  Pi.  Newslett.,  26:  85-88. 
Adamec,  L.  1999.  The  biology  and  cultivation  of  red  Australian  Aldrovanda  vesiculosa.  Carniv.  PI. 
Newslett.,  28:  128-132. 

Adamec,  L.,  and  Lev,  J.  1999.  The  introduction  of  the  aquatic  carnivorous  plant  Aldrovanda  vesicu¬ 
losa  to  new  potential  sites  in  the  Czech  Republic:  A  five-year  investigation.  Folia  Geobot.,  34: 

Adamec,  L.  2005.  Ten  years  after  the  introduction  of  Aldrovanda  vesiculosa  to  the  Czech  Republic. 
Acta  Bot.  Gall.,  submitted. 

Bonnet.  M.,  Coumans,  M.,  Hofinger,  M..  Ramaut,  J.L.,  and  Gaspar,  Th.  1984.  High-performance 
gas  chromatography  of  1,4-naphthoquinones  from  Droseraceae.  Chromatografia,  18:  62 1  - 

Culham,  A.,  and  Gomall,  R.J.  1994.  The  taxonomic  significance  of  naphthoquinones  in  the 
Droseraceae.  Biochem.  Syst.  Ecol.,  22:  507-515. 

Juniper,  B.E.,  Robins,  and  R.J.,  Joel,  D.M.  1989.  The  Carnivorous  Plants.  Academic.  London. 
Kovacik,  J.,  and  Repcak,  M.  2006.  Naphthoquinones  content  of  some  sundews  (Drosera  L. ). 
Carniv.  PL  Newslett.,  35:  49-51. 

Maldonado  San  Martin,  A.P..  Adamec,  L.,  Suda,  J.,  Mes,  T.H.M.,  and  Storchova,  H.  2003.  Genetic 
variation  within  the  endangered  species  Aldrovanda  vesiculosa  (Droseraceae)  as  revealed  by 
RAPD  analysis.  Aquat.  Bot.,  75:  159-172. 

Repcak,  M.,  Galambosi,  B.,  and  Takkunen,  N.  2000.  The  production  of  7-methyIjuglone,  quercetin 
and  kaempferol  by  Drosera  anglica  and  Drosera  rotundifolia.  Biologia  (Bratislava),  55:  429- 

Schlauer,  J.  2005.  Carnivorous  Plant  Chemistry,  Acta  Bot.  Gallica,  in  press. 

Tokunaga,  T„  Dohmura,  A.,  Takada,  N„  and  Ueda.  M.  2004.  Cytotoxic  antifeedant  from  Dionaea 
muscipula  Ellis:  A  defensive  mechanism  of  carnivorous  plants  against  predators.  Bull.  Chem. 
Soc.  Jap.,  77:  537-541. 

Looking  Back:  CPN  25  years  ago 

Previous  CPN  coeditor  and  ICPS  cofounder  Don  Schnell  published  a  now-classic  review  of 
all  the  infraspecific  Sarrcicenia  purpurea  taxa  then  known,  including  a  variation  that  resulted 
because  of  its  growing  in  marl  fens.  After  twenty-five  years,  this  treatment  would  be  modified  by 
the  addition  of  Sarracenia  purpurea  subsp.  venosa  var.  montana ,  Sarracenia  purpurea  subsp. 
venosa  var.  burkei  f.  luteola.  perhaps  a  nod  to  the  veinless  expression  of  Sarracenia  purpurea 
subsp.  purpurea.  Of  course  a  modern  author  would  also  have  to  address  the  issue  of  whether  to 
accept  the  Sarracenia  rosea  species  as  having  merit. 

Volume  35  June  2006 


International  Correspondent 

Book  Review 

Correa  A.,  M.D.,  and  dos  Santos  Silva,  T.R.  2005.  Drosera  (Droseraceae):  Flora  Neotropica 
Monograph  96.  0-89327-463-1,  72  p.,  black  and  white  figures  and  maps.  Paperback, 
US$25. 00+shipping.  Order  from  or  718-817-8721. 

Reviewed  by  Fernando  Rivadavia 

This  72-page  publication  (in  Spanish)  on  Droseraceae  is  a  new  addition  to  the  Flora 
Neotropica  series,  published  by  the  New  York  Botanical  Garden.  The  authors  M.D. Correa  A.  & 
T.R.S.  Silva  have  published  a  few  works  on  Droseraceae  in  Latin  America  over  the  past  30  years, 
including  the  recent  D.  peruensis  T.Silva  &  M.D. Correa. 

After  a  brief  introduction  and  taxonomic  history  of  the  genus  Drosera  in  the  New  World 
tropics,  the  authors  describe  general  morphology  of  native  species,  and  present  interesting  scan¬ 
ning  electron  microscope  images  of  seeds  and  glands  on  leaves.  The  sections  that  follow  cover 
cytology,  palynology  (with  more  SEM  images),  phytochemistry,  infrageneric  classification,  geo¬ 
graphic  distribution  (with  numerous  maps  covering  every  species),  floral  biology  and  seed  dis¬ 
persal,  ecology,  conservation,  human  uses,  and  finally  the  taxonomic  treatment  which  takes  up 
nearly  forty  pages  with  detailed  descriptions  of  each  species,  including  morphology  &  distribu¬ 

The  first  impression  is  that  this  is  a  very  impressive  work,  probably  one  of  the  largest  and 
most  complete  taxonomic  publications  on  Drosera  since  Diels’  monograph  in  1906  or  Allen 
Lowrie's  three  volume  treatment  of  the  Carnivorous  Plants  of  Australia.  The  authors  should  at 
least  be  praised  for  the  effort  of  bringing  together  so  much  information  spread  throughout  dozens 
of  publications  spanning  mostly  the  last  century. 

Unfortunately,  only  a  slightly  less  superficial  reading  of  this  publication  will  bring  to  light 
a  disheartening  endless  series  of  oversights  and  errors.  These  range  from  numerous  misspellings, 
maps  with  dots  in  wrong  places,  and  contradictory  statements  (sometimes  even  in  succeeding 
paragraphs)  to  more  serious  mistakes  such  as  quotes  from  important  publications  (including 
Juniper,  Robins  &  Joel’s  "The  Carnivorous  Plants”  and  Takahashi  &  Sohma’s  "Pollen 
Morphology  of  the  Droseraceae  and  its  Related  Taxa”)  which  were  wrongly  interpreted  by  the 
authors,  possibly  due  to  a  poor  grasp  of  English. 

Knowledgeable  botanists  may  identify  further  signs  of  worry,  such  as  the  less-than-precise 
botanical  drawings,  the  often  vague  morphological  terminology,  the  non-inclusion  of  important 
herbarium  collections  from  the  past  decade  (especially  those  at  the  University  of  Sao  Paulo, 
Brazil),  the  non-citation  of  more  recent  molecular  phylogenetic  data,  and  the  obvious  failure  to 
even  attempt  addressing  the  taxonomic  difficulties  posed  by  the  more  complicated  species  com¬ 
plexes.  The  odd  assortment  of  taxa  dumped  under  D.  montana  A.Saint-Hilaire,  with  no  recogni¬ 
tion  even  of  varieties,  is  absolutely  indefensible. 

The  reader  will  hopefully  remember  that  this  work  is  not  the  final  say  in  the  matter  of  the 
Droseraceae  of  the  New  World  tropics.  Unfortunately  the  recently  published  D.  camporupestris 
F.Rivadavia,  D.  grantsaui  F.Rivadavia,  D.  tentaculata  F.Rivadavia,  and  D.  viridis  F.Rivadavia 
were  not  mentioned  in  this  publication.  New  species  will  certainly  continue  to  be  described  from 
this  biologically  wealthy  area  and  new  taxonomic  revisions  will  be  made. 

The  overall  sum  of  problems  detected  in  this  publication  is  simply  inexcusable  for  two  main 
reasons.  First  of  all,  most  of  the  errors  could  and  should  have  been  pointed  out  by  careful  review¬ 
ers.  Second,  the  authors  seemingly  did  not  realize  the  importance  of  this  publication,  that  any 
and  all  errors  published,  as  well  as  inadequate  taxonomical  treatments,  will  be  propagated  and 
multiplied — since  this  will  be  a  reference  to  numerous  other  authors  for  at  least  decades  to  come. 

Unfortunately.  Flora  Neotropica  Volume  96  illustrates  a  failure  in  the  process  of  authoring, 
editing,  and  reviewing  a  scientific  work,  and  its  legacy  will  be  with  us  for  a  long  time.  I  have  not 
reviewed  the  other  volumes  in  the  series  and  so  cannot  say  if  this  problem  is  limited  to  the  treat¬ 
ment  of  the  Droseraceae. 


Carnivorous  Plant  Newsletter 

Literature  Reviews 

Akhriadi,  P.,  Hemawali,  and  Tamin,  R.  A.  2004.  A  new  species  of  Nepenthes  (Nepenthaceae)  from 
Sumatra.  Nuytsia  15:  355-393. 

The  authors  identify  Nepenthes  rigidifolia  as  a  new  highland  species  from  north  Sumatra.  This  is 
apparently  the  same  entity  as  discovered  by  C.  Lee.  and  described  as  " Nepenthes  species  A”  in  Clarke 
(2001,  Nepenthes  of  Sumatra  and  peninsular  Malaysia);  it  has  also  been  given  other  trade  names  by 
nurseries.  Nepenthes  rigidifolia  has  affinities  to  N.  hang  so,  N.  ovata ,  and  N.  spectabilis ,  and  the  vari¬ 
ous  differences  are  described  in  the  paper — there  are  no  single  “spot  characteristics”  that  easily  identi¬ 
fy  this  species. 

It  is  always  a  pleasure  to  see  floristic  works  being  performed  by  regional  botanists.  However,  I 
encourage  authors,  especially  those  writing  in  a  second  language,  to  seek  assistance  in  drafting  their 
papers — the  grammar  in  this  work  is  sometimes  confusing  and  detracts  from  the  clarity  of  the  overall 
findings.  (BR) 

Aim,  T.  2005.  Pinguicula  vulgaris  (Lentibulariaceae)  and  its  uses  in  Norway.  Sida.  21:  2249-2274. 

This  comprehensive  review  of  how  this  plant  was  (and  still  is!)  utilized  in  Norway  is  a  treasure- 
trove  for  those  seeking  evidence  of  strangeness  in  humanity.  For  examples,  Pinguicula  vulgaris  has 
been  given  many  common  names,  my  favorites  being  “gnome-bite  grass,”  “slime-grass”,  "old  woman's 
mouth,”  and  quite  inexplicably  “thickening  old  man.”  Its  connection  to  making  tettemelk  is  discussed, 
and  a  photograph  is  presented  of  such  a  viscous  milk  (Tjukkmjplk)  commercially  available  in  Norway. 
Furthermore,  we  learn  that  P.  vulgaris  is  useful  to  treat  soreness  in  reindeer  teats,  and  can  be  used  to 
calm  down  cows  that  have  mated.  Furthermore,  it  has  some  minor  magical  properties:  if  laid  under  a 
girl’s  pillow,  she  would  dream  of  their  coming  husband.  And  that’s  not  all. . .  ( BR ) 

Berry,  P.E.,  Holst,  B.K.,  Yatskievych,  K.  (eds.),  1998-2005.  Flora  of  the  Venezuelan  Guayana.  Vols  4: 
697-703,  5:  782-803,  9:  138-144. 

With  the  publication  of  Volume  9,  the  treatment  of  the  last  of  the  carnivorous  monocots  of  the 
tepuis  is  complete.  In  total,  fourteen  Drusera ,  seven  Genlisea,  forty-six  Utricularia ,  and  ten 
Heliamphora  are  discussed  with  keys,  line  drawings,  and  short  descriptions.  This  is  an  excellent 
resource  for  those  interested  in  the  species  from  this  region.  Of  course,  new  species  have  been  described 
that  are  not  described  in  these  treatments;  such  new  species  are  noted  in  the  literature  reviews  of 
Carnivorous  Plant  Newsletter.  (BR) 

Carow,  T.  2005.  Fleischfressende  Ptlanzen.  Kosmos  Garten.  ISBN  3-440-10176-2  (in  German) 

Master  carnivorous  plant  photographer  Thomas  Carow  has  written  a  small  (48  page),  illustrated 
book  on  carnivorous  plants.  An  introductory  work,  it  discusses  horticulture  of  carnivorous  plants  in  the 
home  and  garden,  minibogs,  and  terraria.  Short  treatments  are  given  of  the  carnivorous  genera.  Carow’s 
photographs,  of  course,  are  delightful!  Interested  customers  should  contact  German  colleagues  to  coor¬ 
dinate  a  purchase.  If  nothing  else,  copies  can  be  bought  directly  from  the  author  ( 
for  approximately  US$10,  including  shipping.  (BR) 

Degtjareva,  G.,  Casper,  J.,  Hellwig,  F.  &  Sokoloff,  D.  2004.  Seed  morphology  in  the  genus  Pinguicula 
(Lentibulariaceae)  and  its  relation  to  taxonomy  and  phylogeny.  Botan.  Jahrb.  Syst.  125:  431-452. 

The  title  is  slightly  misleading,  as  the  species  studied  are  predominantly  Eurasian,  and  only  one 
(P.  moranensis)  from  Mexico.  Although  the  authors  are  convinced  micromorphological  features  of  the 
seed  surface  are  significant  at  sectional,  specific  or  infraspecific  level,  the  most  striking  characteristic 
of  the  studied  seeds  is  their  similarity.  Particularly  in  comparison  with  the  huge  structural  diversity 

Volume  35  June  2006 


found  in  the  seeds  of  the  closely  related  genus  Utricularia,  the  seeds  of  Pingaicula  are  best  described 
as  essentially  uniform.  The  members  of  P.  sect.  Pinguicula  (to  which  most  of  the  studied  species 
belong)  share  the  presence  of  furrows  between  the  outer  parts  of  the  anticlinal  walls  of  adjacent 
exotesta  cells  and  an  always  monocotyledonous  embryo.  (JS) 

Garrido,  B.,  Harnpe,  A..  Maranon,  T.,  and  Arroyo,  J.  2003.  Regional  differences  in  land  use  affect 
population  performance  of  the  threatened  insectivorous  plant  Drosophyllum  lusitanicum 
(Droseracae).  Diversity  and  Distributions.  9:  335-350. 

The  authors  surveyed  Drosophyllum  sites  and  assigned  four  age  classes  to  the  plants 
observed.  This  allowed  them  to  infer  how  well  new  plants  were  being  recruited,  and  to  under¬ 
stand  more  about  the  status  of  the  populations  in  the  wild.  The  five  sites  studied  in  Morocco  were 
damaged  from  heavy  grazing,  although  the  plant's  range  in  this  country  was  probably  never 
extensive.  The  twenty  Spanish  sites  included  the  places  most  likely  to  retain  Drosophyllum  in  the 
future,  since  they  included  populations  in  the  Los  Alcornocales  Natural  Park.  The  seven 
Portuguese  sites  are  highly  impacted  by  development  of  housing  and  infrastructure,  and  also 
plantations.  Seedling  recruitment  at  such  sites  is  poor,  and  Drosophyllum  is  likely  to  go  extinct 
at  these  sites.  (BR) 

Lowrie,  A.  2005.  A  taxonomic  revision  of  Drosera  section  Stolonifera  (Droseraceae)  from  south¬ 
west  Western  Australia.  Nuytsia  15:  355-393. 

All  taxa  of  section  Stolonifera  (“fan-leaved"  sundews,  of  which  some  have  peltate  and  not 
fan-shaped  leaf  blades)  were  already  featured  in  Carnivorous  Plants  of  Australia,  Vol.  1,  by  the 
same  author  (Univ.  of  W.  Australia  Press.  1987,  ISBN  0  85564  254  8),  from  which  the  drawings 
have  been  reproduced.  This  time  the  species  descriptions  are  more  detailed  than  in  the  book:  syn¬ 
onyms,  basionyms  and  types  are  cited,  and  lists  of  examined  specimens  are  added  (but  maps  and 
colour  photographs  are  missing).  SEM  photomicrographs  of  the  seeds  and  a  schematic  body  plan 
of  all  species  complete  the  account.  The  most  notable  change  is  all  former  subspecies  of  D. 
stolonifera  are  elevated  to  species  rank.  i.e.  D.  stolonifera  subsp.  humilis ,  D.  stolonifera  subsp. 
monticola,  D.  stolonifera  subsp.  porrecta,  D.  stolonifera  subsp.  prostrata ,  and  D.  stolonifera 
subsp.  rupicola  are  treated  as  the  new  species  D.  humilis,  D.  monticola,  D.  porrecta,  D.  prostra¬ 
ta,  and  D.  rupicola.  Drosera  stolonifera  subsp.  stolonifera  is  retained  as  a  more  narrowly  defined 
species,  Drosera  stolonifera.  Drosera  purpurascens  (that  has  formerly  been  attributed  to  D. 
stolonifera  subsp.  stolonifera )  is  now  found  identical  with  what  has  been  described  as  D. 
stolonifera  subsp.  compacta,  so  D.  purpurascens  is  the  correct  name  of  the  latter  taxon  if  regard¬ 
ed  a  species  different  from  D.  stolonifera.  (JS) 

Sirova,  D.,  Adamec,  L.,  and  Vrba.  J.  2003.  Enzymatic  activities  in  traps  of  four  aquatic  species 
of  the  carnivorous  genus  Utricularia.  New  Phytologist.  159:  669-675. 

By  examining  the  enzymatic  activity  in  four  species  of  aquatic  Utricularia  (U.  vulgaris,  U. 
australis,  U.  foliosa,  U.  aurea),  the  authors  were  able  to  detect  the  presence  of  acid  phosphatase 
inside  the  bladders.  It  is  unclear  if  the  creation  of  this  enzyme  is  due  to  the  plant  itself,  or  organ¬ 
isms  living  inside  the  bladders  and  resisting  consumption.  (BR) 

Wistuba,  A.,  Carow,  T.,  Harbarth  ,  R,  and  Nerz,  J.  2005,  Heliamphora  pulchella,  eine  neue  mit 
Heliamphora  minor  (Sarraceniaceae)  verwandte  Art  aus  der  Chimanta  Region  in  Venezuela.  Das 
Taublatt.  53/3:  42-50. 

The  new  species  Heliamphora  pulchella  is  described.  Previously  regarded  as  a  form  of 
Heliamphora  minor ,  this  new  species  is  distinguished  by  the  long  (5  mm,  0.2  inches)  hairs  on 
the  inside  of  the  pitcher.  (BR) 


Carnivorous  Plant  Newsletter 

Writings  from  the  Readership 

Unexpected  Hybrids  of  Spectacular  Bladderworts  Species 

Miloslav  Studnicka  •  Botanic  Gardens  Liberec  •  Purkynova  1  •  460  01  Liberec  •  Czech 
Republic  • 

Keywords:  cultivation:  hybridization,  Utricularia. 


The  genus  Utricularia  is  divided  into  35  sections.  Two  of  these  sections — Iperua  P.  Taylor 
and  Orchidioides  DC. — have  some  of  what  are  arguably  the  most  spectacularly  large  and  beau¬ 
tiful  species  in  the  genus.  For  examples,  the  beautiful  white- flowered  U.  alpina  and  the  red-flow¬ 
ered  U.  quelchii  are  both  from  section  Orchidioides',  the  huge  peltately-leaved  U.  nelumbifolia 
and  hugely-flowered  U.  humboldtii  are  from  section  Iperua.  Since  these  various  species  do  not 
usually  grow  together  in  nature,  and  presumably  have  different  pollinators,  hybridization  is  not 
known  from  the  wild. 

It  is  nearly  as  difficult  for  attempts  at  hybridization  to  be  made  in  cultivation.  It  is  unfortu¬ 
nately  rare  for  bladderworts  from  these  sections  to  flower  in  cultivation.  Synchronous  flowering 
of  different  species  from  these  sections  to  flower  at  the  same  facility  is  altogether  sporadic. 
However,  over  the  past  fifteen  years  we  have  had  a  few  opportunities  to  attempt  hybridizations 
of  these  plants  at  the  Botanic  Gardens  of  Liberec. 

To  date,  the  hybrids  are  all  infertile,  but  they  expand  vegetatively.  The  first  successful  hybrid 
cross  was  made  between  U.  humboldtii  (female)  and  U.  quelchii  (male)  in  1990.  The  resulting 
plant  is  very  similar  to  U.  humboldtii,  but  it  is  distinctly  smaller,  leaves  being  mostly  about  16 
cm  high.  Following  the  nature  of  the  seed  parent,  it  does  not  produce  bulbs  but  does  produce  aer¬ 
ial  offshoots.  The  first  flower  of  the  hybrid,  produced  in  August  1997,  had  43  mm  broad  lower 
lip  (see  Figure  1 ).  This  hybrid  makes  an  effort  to  produce  flowers  only  sporadically,  and  that  is 
why  it  is  a  poor  horticultural  plant  (and  not  worth,  in  my  opinion,  being  registered  as  a  cultivar). 
Nevertheless,  the  successful  hybridization  of  the  species  belonging  to  different  sections  of  their 
genus  is  very  interesting  (see  Discussion  section,  below). 

The  hybridization  between  Utricularia  quelchii  (female)  and  U.  praetermissa  is  quite  dif¬ 
ferent,  in  being  an  easier  plant  to  grow  and  flower.  Accordingly,  I  have  established  a  cultivar 
name  for  it  ( Utricularia  ‘Jitka’;  Studnicka  (2005)).  I  have  also  tried  to  make  the  same  cross,  but 
inverting  it  so  that  U.  praetermissa  was  used  as  the  female  plant.  The  results  were  plants  that 
produced  flowers  that  look  very  much  like  the  archetypical  U.  praetermissa !  I  suspected  auto¬ 
gamy  to  be  occurring  (which  would  be  very  unusual  in  the  section  Orchidioides)  and  confirmed 
this  later,  by  means  of  an  isolated  specimen  of  this  species  which  produced  viable  seed. 

Yet  another  hybrid  was  produced  in  2000  between  U.  alpina  (female)  and  U.  campbelliana 
(male).  This  hybrid  is  characterized  by  flowers  54-59  mm  across,  and  which  are  pallidly  cerise 
(see  Figure  2).  The  lower  lip  of  the  corolla  is  saddle-shaped,  because  it  droops  down  on  both 
sides.  There  is  a  golden-yellow  palate  splotch  on  the  lower  lip.  The  upper  lip  is  longer  than  the 
upper  calyx  lobe.  Flowers  hang  pendently  on  very  thin,  20  cm  tall  peduncles.  There  is  a  whorl 
of  three  bracts  on  the  stem,  quite  like  in  U.  campbelliana.  The  plant  is  tuberous,  and  much  small¬ 
er  than  U.  alpina — spathulate  leaves  are  at  most  only  7  cm  long  and  1  cm  broad.  Cultivation  of 
this  hybrid  is  unfortunately  difficult,  as  in  U.  campbelliana.  That  is  why  the  novelty,  which 
bloomed  for  the  first  time  in  2002,  is  probably  unsuitable  to  most  growers,  and  is  not  deserving 
of  cultivar  status. 

Volume  35  June  2006 


Figure  1 :  A  cross  made  between  U.  humboldtii  (female)  and  U.  quelchii. 

Figure  2:  A  cross  made  between  U.  alpina  (female)  and  U.  campbelliana. 


Carnivorous  Plant  Newsletter 


Of  the  two  very  similar  species  U.  alpina  and  U.  praetennissa ,  autogamy  was  only  observed  in 
U.  praetennissa. 

It  is  striking  that  the  cross  U.  humboldtii  x  U.  quelchii  produced  viable  seed,  since  the  two  par¬ 
ent  plants  are  in  different  sections  in  the  genus  Utricularia.  From  this  we  could  deduce  that  the  sec¬ 
tions  Iperua  and  Orchidioides  are  closely  related.  Alternatively,  we  could  deduce  that  U.  humboldtii 
is  more  properly  identified  as  a  species  from  the  section  Orchidioides.  Furthermore,  if  U.  humboldtii 
were  transferred  to  section  Orchidioides,  the  section  Iperua  would  have  to  be  given  a  new  name 
since  it  will  have  lost  its  type  species.  Should  we  accept  this  transferral,  we  find  that  the  section 
Orchidioides  (including  U.  humboldtii)  and  the  section  that  was  previously  called  Iperua  occur  in 
geographically  separated  areas.  Section  Orchidioides  would  occupy  the  Andes,  Venezuelan  moun¬ 
tains,  and  the  northern  part  of  the  Brazilian  Shield.  The  section  that  was  once  called  Iperua  (but  with¬ 
out  U.  humboldtii  would  be  given  a  new  name)  would  be  restricted  to  the  southern  part  of  the 
Brazilian  Shield.  The  primaeval  Shield  was  divided  into  the  northern  and  southern  parts  by  the  much 
younger  Amazonian  Basin.  This  geo-historical  separation  could  be  the  reason  for  the  segregation  of 
the  sections  Orchidioides  and  Iperua.  We  find  various  analogies  in  both  sections,  like  tuberous 
species  (U.  geminiloba  in  IperuaV)  and  species  symbiotic  to  Bromeliaceae ,  with  aerial  shoots. 

The  counter-hypothesis,  i.e.  transferring  U.  quelchii  into  section  Iperua  is  not  as  compelling 
since  the  geographic  separation  of  the  two  new  sections  is  not  as  clean.  Furthermore,  there  are  a 
number  of  other  species  in  section  Orchidioides  (such  as  LJ.  endresii)  that  are  clearly  closely  related 
to  U.  alpina. 

Perhaps  in  these  ruminations,  we  should  also  take  into  consideration  botanical  intuition.  If  you 
compare  the  strange  solid  spathulate  dark-green  leaves  of  both  U.  humboldtii  and  U.  quelchii,  they 
seem  to  be  native  sisters;  and  the  hybridization  discussed  here  seems  to  be  less  surprising. 


Studnicka,  M.  2005,  New  cultivar:  Utricularia  ‘Jitka’.  Carniv.  PI.  Newslett.  34:  27-28. 

Volume  35  June  2006 

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Owned  and  operated  by  Colin  and  Tina  Clayton.  Managed  by  Donna  ClaytonSmith. 


You  are  most  welcome  to  visit  Triffid  Park  but  please  organise  this  with  us  first, 
as  inspection  is  by  appointment  ONLY. 

Volume  35  June  2006 



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