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In this issue: 

2010 Meeting Highlights 3 

Physaria \x\ Wyoming: Part 1. Plant 

Taxonomy in Action 4 

A Look at Land-Based Botany in Wyoming. . 6 
Gold Standards of the Plant Kingdom 7 

Prehistorically Correct Menus 

By Richard Adams and Rhoda Schantz 

{Editor's note: The following is excerpted from "Nuts 
and Roots: the staples of prehistoric cuisine in the 
Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, "which appeared in 
Reflections, the annual journal of the College of 
Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of 
Wyoming; posted at: 
UWAG_STREAM/Reflections201 0/index.htmt ) . 

The archeology of prehistoric hunters in 
Wyoming is well-known thanks to the work of 
George Prison (University of Wyoming), but he says 
that survival would not have been possible if 
gathered food products had been subtracted from 
the diet of prehistoric hunters-gatherers. 
Anthropology doctoral candidate Richard Adams is 
studying the gathering part of the hunter-gatherer 
equation of prehistoric people in the Greater 
Yellowstone Ecosystem, shedding new light on the 
prehistoric significance of plants in the diet. 

Curious about the nutrient value of 
gathered foods, Adams approached Family and 
Consumer Sciences Associate Professor Rhoda 
Schantz. Her research interests were piqued by a 
desire to be informed about Wyoming foods. 

Shantz and Adams chose to focus on a few 
gathered nuts and roots that, because of first-hand 
accounts by Euro-American eyewitnesses, were 
suspected of being dietary staples: whitebark pine 
nuts {Pinus albicaulis), biscuitroots {Lomatiums\i\i., 
Cymopterusstit^.), and sego lilies {Cabchortus 

Above: Sego lily {Cabchortus nuttaiiii). Eronr. Britton, 
N.L., and A. Brown. 1913. An Illustrated Ebra of the 
Northern United States, Canada and the British 
Possessions. Vol. 1: 508. Courtesy of Kentucky Native 
Plant Society. Insert: Sego lily bulbs, by Richard Adams. 

spp.). Pine nuts were known to be the winter 
staple in prehistoric diets of other Shoshone 
Indians who lived in California and Nevada. 
Meriwether Lewis described the first specimens of 
biscuitroots and their importance to Shoshone and 
Flathead Indians. They are some of the first plants 
to grow in the spring, and they can be harvested 
by the bushel in good years. The harvest season in 
Wyoming begins with the first biscuitroot appearing 
before the snow has completely melted in mid- 
March and lasts until mid-October when the last of 
the pine nuts are collected. (Continued, p. 7) 

WNPS News 

CastiHeia - at Your Fingertips : All issues of 
CastiHeja qo\nq back to Volume 1 in 1981 are now 
available online at the Wyoming Native Plant 
Society homepage (, 
along with a partial index of articles (1981-2000). 
Scanning of early issues was kindly provided by 
Walter Fertig. Printed copies are also archived in 
the University of Wyoming (Laramie) and the 
Draper Museum, part of the Buffalo Bill Museum 
(Cody), in addition to the Society set of newsletters 
kept by the editor. 

New Members : Please welcome the following new 
members to WNPS: Bob Means, Cheyenne; Jennifer 
Walker, Buffalo; and Brianna Wright, Laramie. 

Call for Candidates : A 2010 nomination committee 
will be established to fill WNPS positions. 
Interested? Contact Lynn Moore. 

Treasurer's Report : Balance as of 24 Sept - 
Scholarship = $1,617.50; General = $2,130.62; 
Total = $3,748.12 

2011 Markow Scholarship announcement : Online 
soon and in the next issue. 

Please RENEW ! If "2009" is printed after your 
name on the mailing label, your membership is not 
current. Membership follows the calendar year but 
retro- and advance-renewals are welcome all year! 
Contact Ann Boelter if you have any questions. 

Contributors to this Issue : Richard Adams, Ann 
Boelter, Janet Britt, Cass D'Alaija, Bonnie Heidel, 
Robert Means, Steve O'Kane, Daniel Schlaepfer, 
Larry Schmidt, and Rhoda Schantz. 

Wyoming Native Plant Society 
P.O. Box 2500 
Laramie, WY 82073 

WNPS Board - 2010 

President: Lynn Moore ( 
Vice-President: Brian Elliott 


Sec.-Treasurer: Ann Boelter ( 

Linda Dudinyak C09-'10) ( 
Eve Warren ClO-'ll) 


Newsletter Editor: Bonnie Heidel 

Webmaster: Melanie Arnett ( 
Teton Chapter: PO Box 6654, Jackson, WY 83002 
(Amy Taylor, Treasurer) 

Bighorn Native Plant Society: P.O. Box 21, 

Big Horn, WY 82833 (Jean Daly, Treasurer 

Vegetation/Climate Change Workshop 

The University of Wyoming will be hosting a workshop on November 19^^ in Laramie, entitled "Living 
on the Edge: Integrating Science into the Management of Range-Margin Species." The workshop is 
sponsored by the Wyoming Bureau of Land Management and the Wyoming Chapters of the Society of 
American Foresters. 

This is a one day workshop focusing on the ecology and climatic conditions that control species 
ranges, climatic modeling and the integration of science into management decisions. Lands in Wyoming 
include multiple species that are at the edge of their range. Both the changing climate and our 
management decisions will play an important role in future of these species. 

The case study presented in this workshop to illustrate the range-margin species is that of 
ponderosa pine expansion in the Big Horn Basin. It is based on the work of University of Wyoming Ph. D. 
candidate Mark Lesser from the Botany Department. 

There is no cost to attend this workshop, but registration is required. To register and for further 
information, please go to the workshop website at 


2010 Meeting Highlights 

Prolific flowering greeted WNPS members at the 2010 
Wyoming Native Plant Society Annual Meeting, 18-20 June 
3 whirlwind exploration of Belvoir Ranch, owned by the 
'■ i I City of Cheyenne and the Big Hole rim, under easement by 

The Nature Conservancy. We were joined by the Wyoming 
Chapter of The Nature Conservancy, and privileged to be one of the biggest groups to visit. It was preceded 
by a serene evening hike at Vedauwoo, and followed by a potiuck gathering, and a peek at the "control 
panels" of the prairie ecosystem at the USDA High Plains Research Center the next day. The event also 
marked the first time we have held our annual meeting in Laramie County! A huge thanks to all! 

(Plant photos - upper left and clockwise): 

Townsendia grandiflora, by Daniel Schlaepfer 

Zigadenus venosus, by Daniel Schlaepfer 

Scutellaria brittonii, by Janet Britt 

CastiHeja sessiliflora, by Daniel Schlaepfer 

WNPS people at Belvoir Ranch (above, below), by Ann Boelter 

The running checklist of plants observed at Belvoir Ranch is now posted on the 
WNPS homepage. The list and many photos have also been provided to the City. 


Physaria species of Wyoming: 

Part 1. Plant Taxonomy in Action 

By Bonnie Heidel^ and Steve L. O'Kane, 

Plant taxonomy is product and process, as 
epitomized in the recent Flora of North America 
(FNA) treatment of Physaria (Brassicaceae; O'Kane 
2010). It may seem that every action verb in the 
taxonomic lexicon was enlisted, resulting in a 
reference looking unfamiliar to users of Dorn 
( 2001 ). 

Central to the new FNA treatment is the 
merging of most of the species of the genus 
Lesquereiia (bladderpods) into a much enlarged 
Physaria (the double-bladderpods, or twinpods), 
transferring all Wyoming species (see Dorn 2001) 
and most of the rest of the North American species 
of Lesquereiia to Physaria. Molecular data show 
that the smaller genus Physaria is nested within 
and evolved more than once from the larger 
Lesquereiia {k\-S\\e\\bdiZ and O'Kane 2002, Bailey et 
ai. 2006). Furthermore, as stated by Al-Shehbaz 
and O'Kane (2002 ), '' Lesquereiia dwb Physaria dive 
indistinguishable in basically every morphological 
aspect, including leaf morphology trichome type, 
inflorescence, flower color, fruiting pedicels, and all 
aspects of seed-coat sculpture and embryo type." 

In fact, the only morphological feature separating 
the two traditionally-recognized genera, in 
Wyoming, but not elsewhere, is the doubly inflated 
fruits of Physaria in the traditional sense. 

Evolutionary origins and the much larger 
size of Lesquereiia yNQu\(\ have presupposed a 
merger of Physaria into Lesquereiia, as proposed 
by O'Kane etai. (1999) to the Committee for 
Spermatophyta (a permanent committee set up to 
implement the International Code of Botanical 
Nomenclature). However, the proposal was 
rejected so the older of the two genus names, 
Physaria, took priority. Unfortunately for all users, 
this necessitated a massive transfer of species 
names from Lesquereiia to Physaria. 

Interestingly, in years past both Lesquereiia 
and Physaria were once included in the unrelated 
Old World genus Vesicaria. In 1848, Asa Gray 

^ Wyoming Natural Diversity Database, University of Wyoming, 

Dept 3381, 1000 E. University Ave., Laramie, WY 82071 
^ Department of Biology, University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, lA 

raised the rank of the New World double-fruited 
species of Physaria frora a section within Vesicaria 
to a separate genus. In 1888, Sereno Watson 
created the genus Lesquereiia tor species of 
Vesicaria with uninflated, non-double fruits and 
transferred most of the remaining New World 
species to Lesquereiia {roforeoces in Rollins 1993). 

The first monograph of Lesquereiia by 
Edwin Payson, a University of Wyoming graduate, 
who wrote his eloquent monograph while on a 
fellowship at the Missouri Botanical Garden (Payson 
1922). He was the first to articulate parallels and 
recognized "bridges" between Lesquereiia and 
Physaria. The second, equally monumental 
monograph to wrestle with the large and difficult 
genus Lesquereiia by Reed Rollins, Harvard 
University botanist who hailed from Lyman, 
Wyoming (Rollins and Shaw 1973). Earlier Rollins 
(1950) had noted: "The evidence now assembled 
shows a continuous morphological gradation from 
the genus Physaria Xoto Lesquereiia." Rollins 
(1993) in his magnum opus. The Brassicaceae of 
North America, further addressed the genus pair, 
culminating years of earlier work (Rollins 1939a, b). 

If Aven Nelson were inspecting the recent 
FNA treatment of Physaria, would he recognize the 
outcome? He most certainly would, for 
taxonomists never obliterate the work of others, 
but immortalize and build upon it. The Physaria 
species he described are unchanged. One of the 
Lesquereiia species he described, subsumed under 
the name Lesquereiia aipina (Nutt.) Wats., is split 
out and reinstated by O'Kane (2010). Nelson was 
mentor to Edwin Payson, and inspiration to Reed 
Rollins, who heard him speaking when Rollins was 
a boy. Moreover, Nelson was a proponent of 
logical taxonomic rules and processes, and was 
among the first American authors to publish a flora 
(Coulter and Nelson 1909) in keeping with the 
revisionary "Vienna" International Code of Botanical 
Nomenclature of 1905. 

An overview of the Physaria treatment in 
FNA (O'Kane 2010) Is easier for contemporary 
Wyoming botanists to understand when compared 
directly to Dorn's (2001) treatment in the state 
flora. Table 1 presents a side-by-side comparison 
of the two treatments. Of the Physaria species 
named for eminent botanists in the current 
treatment, we can all take pride that Wyoming 
botanists are well-represented: Physaria dornii, P. 
neisonii, P. carinata subsp. paysonii, and P. 


reediana (applying the first nanne of Reed Rollins 
because his surname had already been applied in 
naming another species). Thus brings to an end a 
taxonomic conundrum, and a new chapter in the 
Physaria saga. 

A second article will follow with a key to all 
of the Physaria in Wyoming - stay tuned! 

References Cited 

Al-Shehbaz, I. A. and S.L. O’Kane, Jr. 2002. Lesquerella \s 
united with Physaria. Novon 12: 319-329. 

Bailey, CD, M.A. Koch, M. Mayer, K. Mummenhoff, S.L O'Kane, 
Jr, S.L Warwick, M.D. Windham and I.A. Al-Shehbaz. 

2006. Toward a global phylogeny of the Brassicaceae. 

Mol. Biol. Evol. 23: 2142-2160. 

Coulter, J.M. and A. Nelson. 1909. New Manual of Botany of 
the Central Rocky Mountains. American Book Company, 
New York, NY. 

Dorn, R.D. 2001. Vascular Plants of Wyoming, third edition. 
Mountain West Publishing, Cheyenne, WY. 

O'Kane, S.L. 2010. Physaria. In: Flora of North America 
Editorial Committee. Flora of North America North of 
Mexico. Volume 7. Salicaceae to Brassicaceae. Oxford 
Univ. Press, New York. pp. 616-665. 

O'Kane, S.L., I.A. Al-Shehbaz and N.J. Turland. 1999. Proposal 
to conserve the name Lesquerella against Physaria 
(Cruciferace). Taxon 48: 163-164. 

Payson, E.B, 1922. A monograph of the genus Lesquerella. 

Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 8:108-236. 

Rollins, R. C. 1993. The Cruciferae of Continental North 
America: Systematics of the Mustard Family from the 
Arctic to Panama. Stanford Univ. Press. 

Rollins, R.C. 1950. Studies on some North American Cruciferae. 
Contr. Gray Herb. 171:42-53. 

Rollins, R.C. 1939a. The cruciferous genus Physaria. Rhodora 
41: 391-414. 

Rollins, R.C. 1939b. Studies in the genus Lesquerella. Am. 

Jour. Bot. 26: 419-421. 

Rollins, R.C. and E.A. Shaw. 1973. The Genus Lesquerella 
(Cruciferae) in North America. Harvard University Press, 
Cambridge, MA. 

Table 1. Comparison of the Lesquerella dindi /y7/5«^/7a nomenclature in Dorn (2001) with that of O'Kane (2010) 

Dorn (2001) 

O'Kane (2010) 


Not present 

Physaria pachyphylla 

Newly described from the Pryor Mtns area of Montana (and Wyoming") 

Lesquerella alpha 

Transferred to Physaria and split into the four species below 

Physaria curvipes 

Reinstatement and transfer of Lesquerella curvipes Xq Physaria 

Physaria reediana 

Reinstatement, transfer to Physaria and renaming of Lesquerella 
alpinavax. laevis\L. condensata var. laevis^ 

Physaria spa tu lata 

Reinstatement and transfer of Lesquerella spatuiata to Physaria 

Physaria subumbellata 

Reinstatement and transfer of Lesquerella subumbellata to Physaria 

Lesquerella arenosa var. 

Physaria arenosa ssp. 

Transferred to Physaria ar\^ rank changed from var. to ssp. 

Lesquerella arenosa var. 

Physaria arenosa ssp. 

Transferred to Physaria and rank changed from var. to ssp. 

Lesquerella carinata 

Physaria carinata ssp. 

Transferred to Physaria ar\6 combined with Lesquerella carinata var. 
lanquida at the rank of ssp. 

Lesquerella condensata 

Physaria nelsonii 

Reinstatement, transfer to Physaria , and renaming of Lesquerella 
condensata \ L. alpinavar. condensata\ 

Lesquerella fremontii 

Physaria fremontii 

Transferred to Physaria 

Lesquerella ludoviciana 

Physaria ludoviciana 

Transferred to Physaria 

Lesquerella macrocarpa 

Physaria macrocarpa 

Transferred to Physaria 

Lesquerella montana 

Physaria montana 

Transferred to Physaria 

Lesquerella mult/ceps 

Physaria mutticeps 

Transferred to Physaria 

Lesquerella parvula 

Physaria parvuia 

Transferred to Physaria 

Lesquerella paysonii 

Physaria carinata ssp. 

Transferred to Physaria and rank changed from species to ssp. 

Lesquerella prostrata 

Physaria prostrate 

Transferred to Physaria 

Physaria acutifoHa 

Physaria acutifoHa 


Physaria brassicoides 

Physaria brassicoides 


Physaria conqesta 

Physaria conqesta 


Physaria didymocarpa [var. 

Physaria didymocarpa ssp. 

Rank changed from var. to ssp. 

Physaria dornii 

Physaria dornii 


Physaria eburnifJora 

Physaria e bum if! ora 


Physaria inteqrifoUa 

Physaria inteqrifoUa 


Physaria lanata 

Physaria didymocarpa ssp. 

Rank changed from species to ssp. 

Physaria saximontana [var. 

Physaria saximontana ssp. 

Rank changed from var. to ssp. 

Physaria vituHfera 

Not recognized as occurring 
in Wyoming 

Probably not existing in Wyoming and known only from Colorado 


A Look at Land-Based Botany in Wyoming 

By Cass D'Alaija 

A national press release posted by the 
Botanic Gardens Conservation International in 
August 2010 unveiled a first-of-its-kind review 
of the nation's capacity to maintain or expand 
core botanical work essential for managing 
land, teaching future generations, and 
contributing to the overall future of scientific 
discovery, human well-being, and sustainability 
(posted at: Fourteen 
far-reaching recommendations arose from the 

How did it play out in Wyoming? It 
didn't, so the Wyoming Native Plant Society 
will reprint recommendations starting with 
Recommendation 9: "The nation's five federal 
land management agencies^* should increase 
the number of trained, full-time botanists on 
staff. At minimum, each agency should have 
at least ... one full-time botanist with 
appropriate training on staff at all regional, 
state, and field offices." To determine where 
Wyoming stands, we performed a rigorous 
anaivsis of land-based botanv in the state. 

Using the only dataset at our disposal, 
the membership list, and minor assumptions 
on interpreting this dataset^, we have 
determined the average density of plant people 
per office and per 10,000 mile^ affiliated with 
land-managing agencies in Wyoming - see 
Table 1. ...For good measure, we threw in 
state land managing agencies collectively, and 
also normalized results by determining density 
of plant people. 

By this analysis and set of assumptions, 
less than half of the federal agencies in 
Wyoming have achieved minimal numbers of 
plant people per office. We have also 
documented that agency plant people are rare 
in Wyoming and the state has many square 
miles of room for increases in its plant people 
population . Clearly, we are justified in regarding 
those members who work on public lands - and all 
members - as priceless. 

**If you are aware of any agency plant people who are 
NOT members of Wyoming Native Plant Society, we would 
love to toss results out the window. Please give them the 
WNPS homepage link for membership information. 

Table 1. Plant people within land-managing agencies of Wyoming 


No. of people in land 
agency + in Wyoming 

Native Plant Society** 

No. of primary land- 
managing offices for WY 

Mean no. of plant 
people per office 

Land area in 
Wyoming (miles^) 

Mean density of plant people 
per 10,000 miles^ of public 








9 (3 based in-state) 




6.2 (2.1 in-state) 



















State agencies 


4 (separate agencies) 




The five main federal land-managing agencies in the 
U.S. include: Bureau of Land Management (BLM), 
Department of Defense (DOD), National Park Service 
(NPS), us Forest Service (USFS), and US Fish and 
Wildlife Service (USFWS), which are collectively 
responsible for managing nearly 1/3 of the nation's 
landmass. (Federal plus state lands total 54.6% of 
Wyoming landmass). Public land acreage are based on 
1995 data compiled in all states by the National 
Wilderness Institute 

( ). 

" Assumption l . We do not have a way to determine full 
time botanist-equivalents, so we refer to our target as 
"plant people" and assume that an employee probably 
performs some form of plant work in their respective 
land-managing agency position if they are interested 
enough in plants to belong to Wyoming Native Plant 
Society. The specific botany duties may be associated 
with Botanist and Ecologist positions, as well as with 
positions responsible for range, forestry, reclamation, 
sensitive species, weeds, natural history interpretation, 
soils, wildlife habitat, or else overseeing such work. 
Assumption 2 . The author knows everyone on the 
membership list who meets the Assumption 1 criterion. 
Assumption 3 . Everyone meeting the Assumption 1 
criterion is also current in renewing their WNPS 


Gold Standards of the 
Plant Kingdom Go Online 

By Larry Schmidt, Associate Librarian 

(Editor's note: The following article is excerpted from 
"Andrew W. Mellon grant funds digitization of plant 
collection, " which appeared in the Fall 2010 issue of 
"Check it Out, "a newsletter for patrons of University of 
Wyoming Libraries. ) 

University of Wyoming Libraries and the Rocky 
Mountain Herbarium (RM) are participating in the Global 
Plants Initiative (GPI) funded by the Andrew W. Mellon 
Foundation. A grant of $126,000 supports the database 
creation, digital imaging, file export, and quality control 
for type specimens in the RM. These are plant 
specimens cited in a publication in which a species, 
subspecies or variety is described as new to science. 

The GPI Partners (herbaria and museums) are in the 
process of imaging all plant types (vascular plants, 
bryophytes, algae, and fungi) worldwide. 

The goal is to build a comprehensive research 
tool that can be accessed online by students and the 
scientific community. Given the fragility of many of the 
specimens, this remote access to the digital versions 
greatly facilitates the use of these materials by all. 
University of Wyoming has free access to the site until 
the project is complete - it will then be available by 
subscription from JSTOR Plants (accessible at 

A herbarium is analogous to a library, but 
instead of books, it houses high quality, carefully 
prepared plant specimens for scientific research. In 
recent years, herbaria have been involved in the 
creation of databases containing information on 
specimen labels. This includes locality and habitat 
where collected, collector, and date. Herbarium 
collections are important to science as each specimen 
contains a wealth of information from morphological and 
anatomical features and their variation to DNA that can 
be extracted and sequenced. A type specimen is 
important to research as it serves as the basis of a 
scientific name (Figure 1). 

Prehistoricallv Correct Menus, continued, from p. 1 

Starting late March and armed with a 
prehistorically-correct digging stick made from a 
65-cm length of juniper and whittled to a point at 
one end and fitted with a T-shaped handle at the 
other that is similar in appearance to museum 
specimens, Adams dug root crops in the Laramie 
Range and in the Shirley and Great Divide basins 
keeping track of the harvest rate, or how many 

UW Libraries and the RM are partners in this 
digitization project. RM Curator Ron Hartman and RM 
Manager Ernie Nelson provide expertise on the collection 
and help determine nomenclatural citations. UW 
Librarian Larry Schmidt oversees imaging and quality 
control. The RM website (accessible at is supported in 
partnership by the UW Libraries' Systems Department 
and former UW graduate student Ben Legler (University 
of Washington - Burke Museum). 

Figure 1. A scanned image of the type specimen for 
Erythronium obtusatum, collected by Aven Nelson in 
1899, later synonomized with E grandifiorum. (Image 
courtesy of RM and UW Libraries). 

Libraries have been in the organization, 
archiving, and long-term storage of traditional print 
materials for years. More recently they have been 
building digital collections as well. We are looking 
forward to further expanding our collections by providing 
the University with our unique skills in the organization 
and display of virtual collections. 

roots can be dug in a given time. Multiplying 
harvest rate by the caloric value of the harvested 
food provides the return rate (kilocalories/hour). 

But the caloric value of many prehistorically 
gathered foods had not yet been determined. With 
laboratory time donated by the Family and 
Consumer Sciences, Schantz conducted proximate 
analyses of whitebark pine nuts and root plants. In 
a proximate analysis, (continued, p. 8) 


Prehistoricallv Correct Menus, continued from p. 7. 
the food value (calories) and composition 
(carbohydrate, protein, ash, and moisture content) 
of foods are determined. These values are the 
building blocks of dietary analyses. 

...After calculating several return rates, the 
researchers combined their data with the return 
rates of other edible species gleaned from 
published sources and then averaged the sample. 
...Preliminary results show the average return rate 
for gathered vegetable foods in Wyoming is about 
1,000 kcal/hour, which means that, in just one 
eight-hour day in the summer, a prehistoric 
gatherer could collect enough vegetable food to 
feed four to six people. Schantz and Adams 
determined if one gatherer focused only on the 
most caloric and easily harvested foods, a woman 
could accumulate enough surplus over the course 
of a harvest season to feed a family of four for half 
the year. The conclusion that prehistoric Shoshone 
women could work for seven months... and then 
feed their families for the next several months with 
stored nuts and roots may seem startling to 
modern Americans working long hours just to make 
ends meet every month. 

Wyoming Native Plant Society is a non-profit 
organization established in 1981, dedicated to 
encouraging the appreciation and conservation of 
the native flora and plant communities of 
Wyoming. The Society promotes education and 
research on native plants of the state through its 
newsletter, field trips, and annual student 
scholarship award. Membership is open to 
individuals, families, or organizations. To join or 
renew, return this form to: 

Wyoming Native Plant Society 
P.O. Box 2500, Laramie, WY 82073 




$7.50 Regular Membership 

$15.00 Scholarship Supporting Member 

($7.50 goes to the Markow Scholarship Fund) 

Check one: 

New member 

Renewing member 

Renewing members, check here if this is an address change, 

Wyoming Native Plant Society 
P.O. Box 2500 
Laramie, WY 82073