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a MAY 
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“WS pai 


British Museum (Ratural History). 

of 25 copies of the 

“Catalogue of Fresh-water Fishes of 

Africa,’ Vol. TI., printed on special 


The Trustees 












[All rights reserved. | 



Arxgsomian Instity 
Las aN 

( JUN 301909 


nal Muse 



THE scope of the present work, which will probably consist of three 
volumes, is sufficiently indicated by the Author’s Introduction. The 
first volume contains an account of the Selachii, Crossopterygii, and 
Dipneusti, which together comprise but a small fraction of the total 
number of species; and of the Teleostean Suborder Malacopterygil 
and part of the Ostariophysi. ‘The first of these Suborders includes 
the Mormyride as its most important constituent so far as the 
African fresh-water Fauna is concerned, while the second contains 

the large Families Characinide, Cyprinide, and Siluride. 

The greater part of the Cyprinide, as well as the whole of the 

Siluridee, will be dealt with in Volume II. 

The explorations of the Congo by the Government of the late 
Congo Free State and the Nile by the Egyptian Government, the 
ichthyological results of which have been worked out by the author 
of this Catalogue, have resulted in a large addition to the number of 
fresh-water fishes known to occur in the respective districts. To the 
action taken by the two Governments, and to the labours of the 
individuals who have been concerned in the collection and preservation 
of the specimens referred to, the possibility of preparing this Catalogue 
has been mainly due. 

Keeper of Zoology. 
British Mcszum (Narurat Hisrory), 
March, 1909. 


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THe past decade has been productive of an enormous increase in 
our knowledge of the Fresh-water Fishes of Africa. ‘The explorations of 
the Congo and the Nile, undertaken at considerable expense by the 
Governments of the late Congo Free State and of Egypt, and of 
the great lakes of Central Africa, initiated in this country, have 
resulted in the discovery and description of an unexpectedly large 
number of generic and specific forms, types of most of which are 
deposited in the Natural History Museum. 

At the same time, concurrently with the study of the many thousands 
of specimens collected on the above-mentioned surveys, every effort was 
made to increase our acquaintance with the fishes of other parts of 
Africa, with results which are sufficiently apparent from the present 
Catalogue, intended to form three volumes, which, it 1s hoped, will 
afford a sound basis for the discussion of problems of distribution. 
Much remains to be done, however, in many parts of Africa; and 
no better incentive could be given to further progress on the part 
of collectors, as well as of students at home, than the compilation of 
such a simple handbook, containing a complete list of the specimens 
preserved in this great ichthyological collection, together with concise 
descriptions of and keys to the genera and species and text-figures of 
most of the latter. 

The greater number of these figures are reproduced, by permission, 
from the ‘ Annales du Musée du Congo,’ the ‘ Fishes of the Nile,’ the 
‘Transactions’ and ‘ Proceedings’ of the Zoological Society of London, 
and the ‘ Annals and Magazine of Natural History, in which works the 
new species were described by Dr. Giinther and by myself. Other 
figures are reproduced from the publications of Drs. Peters, Steindachner, 


Gray, Ayres, Day, Sauvage, and Pellegrin. In most cases when no 
figures had been given, or when the figures were unsatisfactory, original 
drawings have been prepared by Mr. J. Green and Mr. A. H Searle. 
Whenever a figure is reproduced from a previous publication, the 
source has been indicated. ‘The initials A. M. C. refer to the quarto 
plates of the ‘Annales du Musée du Congo, F. N. to those of the 
‘Fishes of the Nile.’ 

In making use of the descriptions and keys as drawn up in this work, 
it should be borne in mind that the fins are not included in the total 
length or greatest depth, whilst in the indication of the total length of 
the largest specimen examined, which follows the description of every 
species, the fish is measured from the end of the snout to the extremity 
of the middle rays of the caudal fin; by depth of the caudal peduncle, 
7.e. the free part of the caudal part of the body between the bases 
of the dorsal or anal and caudal fins, is meant the least depth, whilst 
the length is that of the muscular part only, the root of the caudal 
rays being usually covered with scales. By length of the dorsal and 
anal fins is meant the basal length. The abbreviations used in the fin 
and scale formule are too well known to all who work at fishes to need 
explanation here; I will only observe that when both Roman and Arabic 
numerals are used to denote the number of dorsal or anal rays, the 
former refer to the simple or to the spinous rays, and the latter to the 
soft, branched rays, the last of which is usually cleft to the base, and 
that the interpolation of a comma between the numerals indicates 
discontinuity in the fins. 


25th February, 1909. 


Subclass SELACHII. 

Subord. l. PLhpvurorTroemt. 


1. Carcharias, uv. ...... CERO 


zambesensis, Peters ...... 

Subord. Il. HyPorremti. 

Fam. 1. Pristip#. 

MPP nistiswiath, Payal ret 



Subord. I. CLADISTIA. 

Fam. 1. Potyprnrip2#. 

IES Rolyptertis, "Gojira ieee sree 

3 LevoreKbh, SiGheSoboocel006 
MComeieuss BUG Tc. ieee sete ape 
. endlicheri, Heck. ........ 
0 WEEE, UtiPobeaooooonoa 


oOo 0 


Inline, Cope cenocacecuc 

ornatipinnis, Blgr......... 

5 ClalllncrAG Velitiein co ppIoo BOS 
. senegalus, Cuv. .......... 

palmas, Ayres............ 
retropinnis, Vaill......... 

2. Calamichthys, J. A. Smith 


calabaricus, J, dA. Smith 

1. Protopterus, Owen 





Fam. 1. Leprostrenipx. 

annectens, Owen 

. wthiopicus, Heck. 
dolloi, Blgr. .... 


sete ee 


Subord. 1. MaLAcoPYERYGILI. 

1. Hlops, Z. 

Fam. 1. Enopvipm. 

SAUTUSA Ue eeseei 

CC ce ac) 

lacertanCarGy Wanmrcencae tien: 
21 Megalops, acepn came cele or 

1. cyprinoides, Brouss. ...... 

Fam. 2. Mormyrip#. 

1. Mormyrops, J. Mull. ........ 

. longiceps, Gthr... 

. breviceps, Stdr. .. 

. engystoma, Bigr. 

. parvus, Blgr..... 

. masuianus, Blgi. 

. sirenoides, Blgr. 

. zanclirostris, Gihi. 
. boulengeri, Pellegr. 
Sy CUnbUS SP BIG iat... 

. lineolatus, Blgr... 

. deliciosus, Leach...... 
. anguilloides, Z........... 

sree ce ee 

5 INGAB (ein, VAI sod ualen oc 




1. Mormyrops (con.). 



microstoma, Blyr......... 

marie, Schilth. 

attenuatus, Blyr. 

furcidens, Pellegr. ........ 

2. Petrocephalus, Marcus. . 

. sauvagii, Blyr. 

OON SG OP w to 


3. Isichthys, Gl 
4. Marcusenius, Gull 
. pulverulentus, Blyr. 

Be 0 nO 

cot & O1 


. ansorgu, Blgr. 

. simus, Sauv. 

. marchii, Saw. 

. weeksii, Blgr. 
. batesii, Blgr. ...... 
. ansorgii, Blgr. 

bane, Lacep. 

. ballayi, Sauv. 

bovei, C. & V. 

. stuhlmanni, Blyr. .. 

. gliroides, Vineiy. .. 

a keabin gil Ug7 nani scrtic 

. catostoma, Gihr. ........ 

depent), Blgp; jaa. s-eh-\-1e 

henryi, Geil 

nigripinnis, Blgr. .. 

kingsley, Gthr. .. 

. sphecodes, Saw. .. 
. brachistius, Gell: . 
. longianalis, Blgr. .. 
. Ibuysii, Std. 
. adspersus, Gthr. .. 

. pauciradiatus, Sidr. 

. nigricans, Blgr. .... 
. isidori, C.&@ VV. .. 
. castor, Pappenh. .. 
. barringtoni, Blgr. 

. tumifrons, Blgr.  .. 
. plagiostomus, Bigr. 

. discorhynchus, Peters 
. petherici, Blgr. .... 
. budgetti, Bigr. 
. macrops, Blyr. 

psittacus, Blyr. 
wilverthi, Blgr. .. 

5. Stomatorhinus, Blyr. ........ 
1. puncticulatus, Blgr. ...... 



5. Stomatorhinus (con.). Page 
Denwaulkerian Gv o/s) alee 88 
Srehumilion walgreens 89 
ahs GORMAN, JG | a alaadalbc 90 
5. polylepis, Blgr. ...... 91 
GamMicCkOpsyeBlgi Min seas) 92 

Oy Whores, Jp) cocoon soc 92 
i"Smacrodon) Bigri) ..... 93 

7. Gnathonemus, Gili ........ 94 
I, moon, Gti,  cssoccoce 96 
2. lamboari, Pellegr. ...... 97 
3. schilthuisia, Blgr. .... 98 
Gy jueuemls Cur oo bdG 006 99 
5. longibarbis, Hily. ...... 100 
@e mie, CHom No doo aes 101 
7. leopoldianus, Blyr. ...... 102 
SmbtriteliveRelegi nrc 103 
9. bentleyi, Blgr. . 103 

10. livingstonii, Blyr. ...... 104 
11. bruyerii, Pellegr. ...... 105 
12. monteiri, Githr. ........ 105 
13. mento, Blgr. .......... 106 
14. stanleyanus, Blyr. . 107 
15. senegalensis, Stdr. .... 108 
16. angolensis, Blyr. ...... 109 
17, cyprinoides, Z. ........ 110 
18. macrolepidotus, Peters .... 112 
19. pictus, Marcus. ........ 113 
PAS allt, JUG RS oo bosode poe 114 
21. kutuensis, Blgr. ...... 115 
22 sussherisGitinaieee aii 116 
23. greshoffi, Schilth. ...... 117 
24. abadii, Blgm 2 .... 2h - 118 
25. tamandua, Githr. ...... 118 
26.) minuss 3 lGrmerar eee 119 
27. elephas, Blgro .... 2... 120 
28. rhynchophorus, Bigr. o wea 
ZOMbis eB lon merle ee 122 
30. curvirostris, Blgr....... 123 
31. numenius, Blyr. ...... 124 

8. Genyomyrus, Blyr. ........ 125 
donmnyiin 3 lg relents 125 

Os Who Wi, JG, soonconddooe 126 
1. hasselquistii, O.d@ V..... . 128 
2. anchietw, Guim......... 129 
3. macrophthalmus, G'thr 130 
A, OW Zp Sapo Sd Ss dan om Lisi 





. Mormyrus (con.). Page 
5.. caballus, Blgr. ........+- 132 

6. tapirus, Pappenh. ........ 133 

7. tenuirostris, Peters ...... 134 

8. kannume, Forsk. ........ 134 
OMcaschives Laalrae eee ats 136 
10. niloticus, Bl.-Schn. ...... 137 
IVS bozasi, Pellegrin ees or « 138 
12. longirostris, Peters........ 139 
ESIC) CAE om mea teeanee Tah 140 
14. proboscirostris, Blgr....... 141 
0. Hyperopisus, Gili .......... 142 
leMbebe;pideep: We ila. aenens 142 

1. Gymnarchus, Cuv. .......... 144 
IeniloticussCeumenne nian ie. 144 

Fam. 3. Noropreripz. 

J. Notopterus, Lacep. .......... 146 
io: Gn, GHAI eid. baie obigiod a deer 146 

2. Kenomystus, Githr. .......... 147 
I, fauferet,. GHYTow solo sided ooo 010 147 

Fam. 4, OsrEoGLossip ai. 
i, Heterotis; Ehrend. ..3....-...- 149 
1. niloticus, Hhrenb. ........ 149 
Fam. 5. Panropontip &. 
lepbantodonseetensy is seer aio. 151 
iS buchholzi, Peters 2.4)... ...- 151 
Fam. 6. CLUPEIDA. 

i, Ghigyeny7Ze soececoossscocnons 153 
lephintasCuus Aan wernt ae LOA. 
DeePellonulay Gihry kee seis te 155 
il, Wows CU dco Gopoeooace 156 

O), wine, JGR Saco boon dacs 157 

3. obtusirostris, Blgr. ...... 158 

4. acutirostris, Blgr. ........ 159 

3. Odaxothrissa, Blgr. .......... 160 
ie Mogan, ky eeneosonn co 169 

4, Microthrissa, Blgr. .......... 161 
1, TOV, Jim ooeeoe sc 0.5 161 

5), iene, (Cte), Gor soup meee oe. 162 
Wy indica, Swarms: (2.52... «1. 163 

@. Qhames, aja. o.0cec00c0bd05 164 
1. salmoneus, Forst. ........ 164 

VOL. I. 

INDEX. ix 

Fam. 7. SamnMoniDz. 
WUSrbNOn At obec oc oe OOO Goer 166 
Me ctruttay -/oaereets ceieate re sats 166 
Fam. 8. PHRActoLaMIDz. 
. Phractolemus, Blgr. .. 025.2... 168 
RMANSOLO IN LG remnants stele 168 
Fam. 9. Knertp”. 
SUIGEE VCE od b/din doc dudeoo be 169 
1. angolensis, Stdr. ........ 170 
A GIs, CUR, so oa60 00600 171 
3. cameronensis, Blgr. ...... IAL 
. Xenopomatichthys, Pellegr. .... 172 
1. auriculatus, Pellegr. ...... We) 
Fam. 10. Cromurimp2. 
“y CLOMeCLIa yb lg7y ewseyei ers eae 173 
Remiloticaseiaig 7 maetcn aay: 173 
Subord. II. OstTaRtopaHyst. 
se Narcodacess Gti soe scgeie re Lat 
Od OG NB Ls iiee uel ciey atl are sr. 177 
b dalyoiRoryO, CHL cubdoobenacs 179 
i avast CYS) yo oo6o coo 180 
2ealineatusses crate 182 
Gh Manley, Va | Cag ob oe obo 184 
Ao oliath 3 lg7 anne nec 184 
He loans, CWiR sobosecooe re 186 
. Bryconethiops, Gthr. .......: 187 
J. microstoma, Gthr.......... 188 
Ph ATS, VENI ooo ode scone o 189 
we Allestess. (Vie Qader te neces 190 
IM dentex, Jae Swern (lo. 193 
2. baremose, Joann. ........ 195 
3. macrophthalmus, Githr..... 197 
4, liebrechtsii, Blgr. ........ 198 
5. stuhlmanni, Pfef. ........ 199 
@, sales) Jagr ceotcoacoccse 200 
We, thollont, Pellegrin. 0... 201 
8. intermedius, Blgr......... 201 
9. longipinnis, Stdr. ....... UP 
1, Gupjosist, Sig sbeedaoe be 208 


4. Alestes (con.). Page 
WS lateralis; Blgr. .: ......\.- 204 
12. nurse, Riipp. .. 020.55. 205 
WS watimiss Gta. se eres rr. 208 
UZ) mila JAAR syiocusoogo0T 209 
D5 wehumilissBlgi-sw t).ar-etevere | 211 
16. kingsleyx, Gthr. ........ 212 
17. bimaculatus, Blgr. ...... 213 
ih tevin eh, Guy co ccccooce es 
19. opisthotenia, Blgr. . 215 
20. popte, Pellegr. .......... 216 
21. macrolepidotus, C.g V. .. 217 
22. rhodopleura, Blgr......... 218 
23. grandisquamis, Bilgr. . 220 
24. batesii, Blgr. ............ 221 
AR. [RB JPRS ad 66s ocwan ¢ 222 

5. Micralestes, Blgr. ............ 223 
1. acutidens, Peters ........ 224 

2, So JBN. oo 56000000 225 
Syl JET eso. sooo owe 226 

4. holargyreus, Gthr......... 227 

5. urotenia, Blgr. .......... 228 

6. interruptus, Blgr. ........ 229 

Uo Aline, Jib go660060066¢ 230 

Gh JRMEOEL JEL b salbousodvodoor 231 
1. modestus, Blgr...-....... 232 

2. hilgendorfi, Blgr. . 232 

3. conserialis, Hilg, ........ 233 

4. tangensis, Lonnb. ........ 234 

5. leopoldianus, Blgr. ...... 235 

6. brumpti, Pellegr. ........ 235 

Ue GGG Hi Y comelna cos 236 

ish. jon nee, Jet) a oBeldistdlo 06 237 

Ore Su] OM eS L TH rary nas Severe 237 

10. spilopterus, Blgr. ........ 239 
law COSNAMIs BLOT an cr crit 239 
12. occidentalis, Gthr......... 240 

7. Eugnathichthys, Blgr. ........ 241 
1. eetveldii, Blgr. .......... 241 

2. macroterolepis, Blgr. . 243 

Se baraphagOneUlgizen topes felons. els 244 
1. rostratus, Blgr........... 244 

9. Mesoborus, Pellegr. .......... 245 
1. crocodilus, Pellegr. ...... 245 

Mike LE, CH cdoagddeodwe dod ¢ 246 

1 Norieatus, Gti... 5... oe 247 

10. Phago (con.). 
2. intermedius, Blgr......... 


Neoborus, Bigr. 


boulengeri, Schilth. 

ornatus, Blgr. 

quadrilineatus, Pellegr. . . 

. Ichthyoborus, Gthr. .......... 

Ie bessesoannaee eee 
13. Hemistichodus, Pellegr. ...... 
1. vaillanti, Pellegr. ........ 
14. Nanneethiops, Gthr. .......... 
1. uniteniatus, Gthr......... 
15.) Neolebias, Stdr. 22. 5.5..2.J. 
1. unifasciatus, Stdr......... 
2. trilineatus, Blgr. ........ 
16. Distichodus, Wg 7. ........ 


. altus, Blgr. 

AID oO - W bO 

eww Oo ODO Ow 

. notospilus, Gthr. 
. hypostomatus, Pellegr. 
. maculatus, Blgr. 
. petersii, Pfeff. 

Baoan, SAM, so oacco00d 
. atroventralis, Blgr. 

. fasciolatus, Blgr. 

. niloticus, Z. 

Aiton, Guu Sooobs.5 0066 

b MONON Jee cscacoccbacc 

. mossambicus, Peters ...... 

. engycephalus, Gthr. ...... 
b Raps, CAR) Addo s5 a6 

TOMA Cts cooceo0eb0 
sexfasciatus, Blgr......... 
lusosso, Schilth. 

INannocharax. (Gtk) See eet: 

. brevis, Blgr. 

. niloticus, Joann. 
. elongatus, Blgr, 

. tenia, Blgr. 
. dimidiatus, Pellegr. 
18. Xenocharax, Gthr. 

pb, Weg ins ao ceSnle cee 
. fasciatus, Gthr. .......... 
. intermedius, Blgr......... 

. ocellicauda, Bigr. ........ 

spilurus, Gthr. 

crassus, Pellegr... 2... - 




HO Citharidiums Blgi)) ees 289 
1. ansorgi, Blgr. ...:...... 289 

20) Citharinus, Cuv, ..2....5.-.5. 290 
Il, GUI CoH oe 0006 291 
2CONLICUS,) BIGhy “iets Loo 

3. macrolepis, Blgr. ........ 294 

A latus, 2. doe. ete 295 
Omeibbosus, Blois tae eine ori 

Fam. 2. CYPRINIp2. 

Pmlabeo,: Cus) nas raskenere steers 300 
1. niloticus, Forsk. .......... 304 
Zaehories Hecichws . «cae. cats 4e- 306 
3. senegalensis, CO. § V. . 308 
4. altivelis, Peters .......... 309 
Senweeksil,) Blgrjnts. dic.) 310 
Giwlineatuss Blois rans 311 
MPRLOSD SLOTS tore ete ala a ateys 312 
Gh TONDO CH “nedecaders 313 
Os MINI ii Sb ouoddo bbe 314 

WON veliters Blan -1-. tectsepay sa 315 
11. longipinnis, Blgr. ........ 316 
2 Mcoubieshuppe ce s-lc4- ol 317 
WS COMSOLOS Liters! eae « 319 
14. neumanni, Blgr. ........ 320 
WSs feels Coe, Ve oeddeaeoo 321 
UG, Chin, Jes eoabacce ne 321 
WisvichoriamlissBlg 7s ial cteie tel: 322 
18. fuelleborni, Hilg. § Pappenh. 323 
19. brachypoma, Gthr, ...... 324 


. macrostoma, Bigr......... 325 

1. Labeo (con.). 




oo bo 


3. Varicorhinus, Rupp. .......... 


(To be continued in second volume.) 

. Johnstonii, Blgr. 
. vinciguerre, Blgr. 
. makiensis, Blgr. 
. blanfordii, Blgr. 
. hindu, Blgr. 
. quadrimaculatus, Ripp. 

. ansorgli, Blgr. 
. brucu, Blgr. 

. beso, Rupp. 
- Maroccanus, Gthr..... 
. tanganice, Blgr. 

cyclorhynchus, Bigr. 
falcipinnis, Blgr. 
kirkii, Blgr. 

forskalu, Rupp. ........ 
cylindricus, Peters ...... 

nasus, Blgr. 

ACM IIT ooo scoped 
Inge, Wet, poco ou edo. 

annectens, Blgr. 
chariensis, Pellegr. 

PALVUS>) 3 lot errr) wees 

obscurus, Pellegr. 
umbratus, A. Smith 
capensis, A. Smith 
ansorgii, Bigr. 

barbatus wBlgrs <mranraeeee 
Discognathus, Heck. .......... 

dembeensis, Rupp. 

SLOLTILCTI SLO Ps) ai se aren 



. 326 


. dol 




. 357 


ernie ead ih ee 
"a ace ak: 

i B egodses oes 

Poe Raber 




Subclass SELACHITI. 
? Skeleton cartilaginous, no membrane bones; jaws present.  Hxo- 
skeleton of dermal denticles, structurally identical with teeth. Males 

with paired intromittent organs (mixopterygia) attached to the ventral 


Several (5-7) gill-clefts opening directly to the exterior. Pterygo- 
quadrate distinct from the cranium, 


Gill-openings lateral, the Jast in front of or above the base of the 
pectoral fin. 


Mouth inferior. Eye with a nictitating membrane; spiracles small 
or absent; 5 gill-openings, one or two above the base of the pectoral fin. 
Two dorsal fins and one anal; caudal fin usually of the well-marked 
heterocercal type. 

VOL. 1. B 


Cuvier, Régne Anim. ii. p. 125 (1817) ; Mill. & Henle, Plagiost. p. 27 (1841) ; 
A. Dum. Hist. Poiss. i. p. 341 (1865); Giinth. Cat. Fish. viii. p. 357 (1870). 
Mouth crescentic; teeth with a single sharp cusp. No spiracles. 
First dorsal fin opposite to the space between pectorals and ventrals ; 
a pit at the root of the tail. 
Temperate and tropical seas. One species from the Zambesi. 

Carcharias (Prionodon) zambezensis, Peters, Mon. Berl. Ac. 1852, p. 276, and 
Reise Mossamb. iv. p. 7, pl. i. fig. 2 (1868). 

Snout very short, with rounded horizontal outline. Anterior border 
of mouth ona line with anterior border of eye. Teeth au finely serrated, 
upper triangular, with the outer border a little concave, lower much 
narrower; a small, non-serrated median tooth. Two gill-openings above 
the pectoral. Anterior dorsal just behind base of pectoral; second 

Fig. 1. 

Carcharias zambesensis. 

Type, after Peters (Reise Mossamb.).  }. 

dorsal a little anterior to, and of the same size as, anal, which is more 
distant from vent than from candal. Ventral a little nearer caudal than 
pectoral. Caudal as long as distance from end of snout to dorsal. 
Brownish grey, belly yellowish white. 

Total length 760 millim. 

Zambesi, 120 miles from the coast.—Type in Berlin Museum. 


Suborder II. HYPOTREMI. 

Gill-openings ventral, below the base of the pectoral fin. 

Fam. 1. PRISTIDZ. 

Mouth inferior. Snout produced into a long flat lamina armed with 
a series of strong teeth along each edge. No nictitating membrane ; 
spiracles present, large; 5 gill-openings. Body moderately depressed, 
elongate. ‘Two dorsal fins, no anal; caudal of the heterocercal type. 

Latham, Tr. Linn. Soe. ii. 1794, p. 276; Miill. & Henle, Plagiost. p. 105 (1841) ; 
A. Dum. Hist. Poiss. i. p. 471 (1865) ; Giinth. Cat. Fish. viii. p. 436 (18705. 
Mouth transverse, nearly straight; teeth minute, obtuse, pavement- 
like. First dorsal fin opposite or close to the base of the ventrals. 
Seas of the temperate and tropical regions, some species ascending 

Miill. & Henle, t.c. p. 108; A. Dum. t.c. p. 474; Peters, Reise Mossamb. iv. p. 9 
(1868) ; Giinth. t. ce. p. 436; Day, Fish. Ind. p. 729, pl. exei. fig. 1 (1878). 
17-21 pairs of rostral teeth, not trenchant behind, and distant from 
one another. First dorsal originating in advance of ventrals, second not 

Hic. 2. 

Pristis perroteti. 
Indian Ocean, after Day (ish. Ind.). — }. 
much smaller. Root of pectoral in advance of first gill-opening. A 
small lower caudal lobe. Uniform greyish. Reaches a length of 

5 metres. 


Tropical seas, entering rivers. Ascends the Zambesi and the Shiré 
and probably other African rivers. —Type in Paris Museum. 
1, 2. Saws of half-grown specimens. Zambesi. Sir J. Kirk (P.). 

3. Her. Gambia. Sir A. Moloney (P.). 


Skeleton more or less ossified; membrane bones present; jaws 
present. Exoskeleton of scales or bony plates. No mixopterygia. 


Paired fins, at least the pectorals, lobate, with an endoskeletal axis 
fringed with dermal rays. Mandibular arch suspended from the upper 
segment of the hyoid or hyomandibular arch (hyostylic skull); no 
supraoccipital bone; splenial present. Bulb of aorta muscular, with 
several rows of valves. 

Suborder [. CLA DISTIA. 

Pectoral fin tribasal. Nostrils on upper surface of snout. 


Body covered with rhombic bony scales with enamel-like coating. 
Dorsal fin formed of a series of spines with one or several articulated 
rays supporting a membrane, forming detached finlets. Head covered 
with bony plates; maxillary bone bordering the eye; a spiracle, covered 
by a bony valve, on each side of the top of the head. Branchiostegal 
rays replaced by a pair of large bony plates between the mandibular 
rami. Young with an external opercular gill. Vent opening far back. 
Vertebral column ossified, diphycercal. Air-bladder double, with 
pneumatic duct communicating with the ventral side of the cesophagus. 

Two genera, both African :— 

Ventralitnsypresent - 1, 7.9. sain. . iL. Polyptents, Geotir., p. 0. 
1 Tessie Ee A 5) Sy Ponte Geom soles Callaudiidhys, BoA \oisioniidas, jy kU 



Geoftr. Ann. Mus. Paris, i. 1802, p.57; A. Dum. Hist. Poiss. ii,-p. 391 (1870) ; 
Giinth. Cat. Fish. vii. p. 326 (1870) ; Bouleng. Poiss. Bass. Congo, p. 20 
(1901), and Fish. Nile, p. 2 (1907). 

Body more or less elongate, not serpentiform; spines of the dorsal 
fin bearing two or more articulated rays; ventral fins present; 
suboperculum well developed ; teeth small, conical. 

Nile and Tropical Africa. 

Synopsts of the Species. 
I. Mandible projecting slightly beyond the snout; suboperculum much larger 
than the eye; pectoral extending as far as first dorsal spine, or beyond ; 
11-18 dorsal spines ; 11-15 scales between occiput and first dorsal spine. 
A. 60-70 scales along the body, 46-54 round the middle. 
D. XIV-XVIII; interorbital region slightly 
convex, 12 (young) to 23 diameters of eye ; 
63-70 scales in longitudinal series. . . . L. P. bichir, Geoffr., p. 6. 
D. XILI-XV ; interorbital region quite flat, 2 
(young) to 34 diameters of eye ; 60-68 scales 
m longitudinal series . . . . . . . . 2 P. lapradii, Stdr., p 

oo | 

B. 50-59 scales along the body. 
D. XII-XIYV ; interorbital region flat, not more 
than 3 diameters of eye; usually a small 
azygous shield between the nasals, in the 
adult ; 46-52 scales round middle of body . 3. P. congicus, Blgr., p. 
D. XI-XIV ; interorbital region flat or slightly 
concave, 2 (young) to 3% diameters of eye ; 


no azygous shield on the snout; 42-46 scales 
round middle of body . . . . . . . . 4. P. endlicheri, Heck.; p. 10. 
II. Both jaws equal in front, or snout projecting beyond mandible; sub- 
operculum not much larger, or even smaller than the eye; 5-11 dorsal 

A. 60-65 scales along the body, 42-46 round the middle; pectoral widely 
separated from first dorsal spine ; interorbital region flat or slightly 
convex, 3 diameters of eye in adult ; 22-26 scales between occiput 
and first dorsal spine. 

D. 1X-X ; body strongly depressed ; 44-46 scales 
round middle of body . . . . . O P. weeks, Bipr., p. 11. 
D. X-XI; body feebly depressed, silescitoul Ree ilp 
42 scales round middle of body. . . 2. . 6 P. ornatipinnis, Bler., p. 12. 


B. 52-61 scales along the body, 32-40 round the middle ; interorbital 
region convex, not more than 2 diameters of eye. 
1. Pectoral reaching or nearly reaching first dorsal spine. 
D. X-XI; 56 seales in lengitudinal series, 38 
round middle of body, 14-17 between occiput 
and| first dorsalspimme . | . . . @)@81)-@ te Bndelliget Blaxrs p.gl3: 
2. Pectoral widely separated from first dorsal spine. 
D. VIUI-XI; 53-61 seales in longitudinal series, 
34-10 round middle of body, 15-20 between 
occiput and first dorsal spine . . . . . 8. P. senegalus, Cuv., p. 14. 
D. V-IX ; 52-56 scales in longitudinal series, 
36-40 round middle of body, 23-26 between 
occiput and first dorsal spine . . . . . 9. P. palmas, Ayres, p. 16. 
D. VI-VIT; 58-59 seales in longitudinal series, 
32-36 round middle of body, 35-37 between 

occiput and first dorsal spine . . . . . 10. P. retropinnis, Vaill., p. 17. 


Geoffr. Ann. du Mus. i. 1802, p. 57, pl. v., and Descr. Egypte, Poiss. p. 4, 
pl. iii. (1809) ; Guichen. Mag. Zool. 1839, Poiss. p. 10; Giinth. Petherick’s 
Tray. ii. p. 267 (1869); A. Dum. Hist. Poiss. ii. p. 391, pl. xxiii. fig. 1 
(1870) ; Schweinf. Herz. Afr. i. p. 253, fig. (1874) ; Steind. Denkschr. Ak. 
Wien, xliv. 1882, p. 52, pls. viii. & ix. fig. 1 ; Bouleng. Ann. & Mag. N. H. 
(7) ii. 1898, p. 417; S. Flower, Proce. Zool. Soc. 1900, p. 968 ; Werner, 
Zool. Jahrb., Syst. xxi. 1904, p. 271, and Sitzb. Ak. Wien, exv.i. 1906, p. 1118 ; 
Bouleng. Fish. Nile, p. 5, pl. 1. (1907). 

Polypterus bichir, part., Giinth. Cat. Fish. viii. p. 326 (1870). 

Head twice or nearly twice as Jong as broad, rather strongly flattened, 
its length 44+ to 5% times in total length, with supero-lateral eyes and 
slightly convex interorbital region; lower jaw projecting slightly beyond 
upper; length of snout 5 to 7 times in length of the head; eye 8$ 
(young) to 13 times in length of the head, 13 (young) to 24 times in inter- 
ocular width; latter less than distance between eye and spiracle ; nasal 
bones in contact on the median line in the adult; a series of 4 to 7 
shields between postorbital and spiracular shields; suboperculum much 
larger than eye. Dorsal fin with XIV-XVIIL spines; spines over- 
lapping when folded down. Anal 11-15. Pectoral reaching beyond 
vertical of first dorsal spine. 63-70 scales in a longitudinal series, 
11-15 between occiput and first dorsal spine, 46-54 round middle of 
body. Greyish or greenish olive above, the young with 10-13 cross-bars 
on the back and 2 or 3 stripes along the sides of a darker shade, these 


markings becoming more indistinct or disappearing in the adult ; a few 
scattered black spots sometimes present; paired fins with more or less 
distinct transverse streaks or series of spots, the other fins without 

spots ; belly yellow. 

Total length 720 millim. 
Nile, Lake Rudolf, Chad Basin.—Types in Paris Museum. 

Fig. 3. 

15-24. Ad. & hgr. 

25. Her., skel. 
26. Ad. 

27. Ad. 

28. Ad. 

29, 30. Ad., stffd, 

Polypterus bichir. 

Nile Delta (F.N.). 1. 

Near Damietta. 
Mansurah, Damietta Nile. 


Near Cairo. 

Kawa, White Nile. 

Goz abu Gumah, White Nile. 

Gharb-el-Aish, x 
Fashoda, ¥s 

bb) 93 
Near Kerro, ~ 

Mouth of Lake No, ,, 


Dr. J. C. Mitchell (P.). 

N. R. Harrington, Esq., 

and Dr, Hunt (.). 
Dr. Riippell (C.). 

L. Loat, Esq. (C.). 




Capt. 8. Flower (P.). 

Steind. Sitzb. Ak. Wien, lix. i. 1869, p. 103, pl. i. figs. 1 & 2, and pl. ii. figs. 1 & 2 ; 
Bouleng. Ann. & Mag. N. H. (7) ii. 1898, p. 418; Budgett, Proc. Cambr. 
Philos. Soc. x. 1900, p. 236; Bouleng. Proc. Zool. Soe. 1902, i. p, 123, pl. x. 

figs. 1 & 2. 

Head rather strongly depressed, 13 to 24 times as long as broad, its 


length 44 to 54 times in total length; lower jaw projecting a little 
beyond snout; eye supero-lateral, its diameter 8 (young) to 12 times in 
length of head, 2 to 33 times in width of interorbital region, which is 
quite flat and not less than the distance from eye to spiracle ; all head- 
shields paired; a series of 4 to 6 shields between postorbital and 

Fig. 4. 

Polgpterus lapradia. 
Head of type, after Steindachner (Sitzb. Ak. Wien, 1869). 4. 

spiracular shields; suboperculum much larger than eye. Dorsal with 
XIII-XV spines, anterior more or less overlapping when folded. Anal 
11-15. Pectoral reaching vertical of first dorsal spine, or a little 
beyond. 60-68 scales in a longitudinal series, 11-13 between occipital 
and first dorsal spine, 46-52 round middle of body. Yellowish or pale 
olive, with dark stripes and more or less distinct cross-bars ; fins with 
dark spots or streaks. 

Total length 740 millim. 

Senegal, Gambia, Niger.—Types in Vienna Museum. 

1. Ad., stffd. Senegal. 

2. Ad. 

3-10. Ad. & hgr. 
11. Hgr., stffd. 
12. Hgr. 

13. Ad. 
14. Yg. 
15-17. Yg. 
18, 19. Her. 

20-26. Ad., hgr., & yg. 

27. Ad., skel. 
28. Her. 

St. Louis, Senegal. 
Kaédi, Senegal. 

Abo, Lower Niger. 
Assay, bs 


Benue River, N. of Ibi. 

M. P. Delhez (C.). 

P. Whitfield, Esq. (P.). 
J.S8. Budgett, Esq. (P.). 
Capt. Vipan (P.). 

Dr. W. J. Ansorge (C.). 
Mr. J. T. Dalton (C.). 
W. A. Forbes, Esq. (P.). 

H. I. Norton Traill, Esq. 



Bouleng. Ann. & Mag. N. H. (7) ii. 1898, p. 418, Ann. Mus. Congo, Zool. i. 
pl. xxx. fig. 1 (1899), Poiss. Bass. Congo, p. 22 (1901), Proc. Zool. Soc. 
1902, i. p. 123, pl. xi. fig. 1, and Tr. Zool. Soc. xvi. 1901, p. 142, and xvil. 
1906, p. 544. 

Head rather depressed, 13 to 1} times as long as broad, its length 

4 to 5 times in total length; lower jaw projecting a little beyond snout ; 

eye supero-lateral, its diameter 8 (young) to 12 times in length of head, 

13 to 8 times in width of interorbital region, 

which is flat ; nasal shields usually separated, 

in the adult, by a small azygous shield; a 

series of 4 or 5 shields between postorbital 

and spiracular shields; suboperculum much 

larger than eye. Dorsal with XII-XIV 

: V5 ’ 1 
Polypterus congicus. Type. 1, 

spines, anterior more or less overlapping when folded. Anal 12-15. 
Pectoral reaching vertical of first dorsal spine, or beyond. 55-59 
scales in a longitudinal series, 11-15 between occiput and first dorsal 
spine, 46-52 round middle of body. Olive above, yellowish beneath ; 
6 to 8 more or less regular blackish narrow transverse bands on the 
body ; fins spotted or mottled with blackish. 

Total length 720 millim. 

Congo, Lake Tanganyika. 

1. Ad., type. Stanley Falls. Rey. W. H. Bentley (C.). 
2. Yg. New Antwerp, Upper Congo. Capt. Wilverth (C.). 

ale | Sea Bolobo, Upper Congo. Rey. G. Grenfell (P.). 

4. Yg. Bangala Country, Upper Congo. M. De Meuse (C.). 

5. Ad. Upper Congo. Brussels University. 

6-9. Ad. Kalambo, L. Tanganyika. Prof. J. H.S. Moore (C.). 

10. Ad. Kituta, " Dr.W. A. Cunnington (C.). 



Heckel, Russegger’s Reise Egypt. iii. p. 310, pl. xxii. fig. 1 (1849) ; A. Dum. 
Hist. Poiss. ii. p. 393, pl. xxiii. fig. 3 (1870) ; Steind. Denkschr. Ak. Wien, 
xliv. 1882, p. 52, pls. viii. & ix. fig. 2; Bouleng. Ann. & Mag. N. H. (7) ii. 
1898, p. 418, and Proc. Zool. Soc. 1902, i. p. 124, pl. xi. fig. 2; Werner, 
Zool. Jahrb., Syst. xxi. 1904, p. 271, and Sitzb. Ak. Wien, exv. i. 1906, 
p- 1118; Bouleng. Fish. Nile, p. 9, pl. ii. (1907). 

Polypterus senegalensis, part., Giinth. Petherick’s Trav, i. p. 268 (1869). 

Polypterus bichir, part., Giinth. Cat. Fish. vili. p. 326 (1870). , 

Bedy more or less distinctly flattened, at least in front. Head 1$ to 

14 times as long as broad, 42 to 52 times in total length, much flattened, 

with supero-lateral eyes and flat or slightly concave interorbital region ; 

Vig. 6. 

Polypterus endlicheri. 

White Nile (F. N.). 4. 

lower jaw projecting slightly beyond upper; length of snout 6 to 7 times 
in length of head; eye 9 (young) to 15 times in length of head, 2% 
(young) to 5% times in the interocular width; latter more than distance 
between eye and spiracle; nasal bones in contact on the median line in 
the adult; a series of 4 to 6 shields between postorbital and spiracular 
shields; suboperculum much larger than eye. Dorsal with XI-XIV 
spines, anterior not or but feebly overlapping when folded. Anal 165-18. 
Pectoral reaching to or beyond vertical of first dorsal spine. 50-58 
scales in a longitudinal series, 11-15 between occiput and first dorsal 
spine, 42-46 round middle of body. Grey or greyish olive above; 4 to 
6 more or less regular broad blackish bands across the back; on the 


sides these bands are directed backwards, or break up into branches or 
detached spots ; lips and fins with blackish spots, these usually forming 
transverse lines on the pectorals and ventrals, and oblique wavy lines or 
vermiculations on the dorsal; belly white. 

Total length 630 millim. 

White Nile, Bahr-el-Gebel, Lake Chad, Niger—Type in Vienna 

1. Ad., stffd. Khartum. J. Petherick, Esq. (C.). 
2. Her. a8 » 

3-4, Ad. & yg. Shederah, near Omdurman. — Li. Loat, Esq. (C.). 

SL Wipes Gioz Shebesha, White Nile. ss 

6. Ad. Near Kawa, of > 

7. Ad., skel. ns * 5 

8. Ad. Goz abu Gumah, — ,, ss 

OREAdE Fashoda, * * 
iC, Adel: Mouth of Lake No, ,, i 

11. Ad. Gondokoro, Bahr-el-Gebel. as 
12. Her. Jiake Chad. Capt. G. B. Gosling (P.). 
13. Yg. Agberi, Lower Niger. Dr. W. J. Ansorge (C.). 
14, 15, 16. Ad. & hgr., Niger. Mr. J. T. Dalton (C.). 

Bouleng. Ann. & Mag. N. H. (7) ii. 1898, p. 419, Poiss. Bass. Congo, p. 24 
(1901), and Proce. Zool. Soe. 1902, ii. p. 124, pl. x. fig. 4. 


Fig. 7. 

Polypterus weeksii. 
Young, type (P. ZS, 1902). 


Body depressed. Head 13 to 13 times as long as broad, 44 to 54 
times in total length, much flattened, with supero-lateral eyes and flat 
interorbital region; snout projecting slightly beyond the lower jaw ; 
eye 7 (young) to 9} times in length of head, 23 to 5 times in interorbital 
width; a small azygous shield may be present between the nasals in the 
adult; a series of 3 or 4 shields between postorbital and spiracular 


shields; suboperculum a little smaller or a little larger than eye. 
Dorsal with IX—X spines, not overlapping when folded. Anal 10-11. 
Pectoral widely separated from first dorsal spine. 60-65 scales in a 
longitudinal series, 22-26 between occiput and first dorsal spine, 44—46 
round middle of body. Olive above, yellowish beneath ; 7 or 8 blackish 
bars on the back, bifurcating on the lower part of the sides; fins 
spotted, marbled, or irregularly barred with blackish; young with a 
black spot on the membrane behind each dorsal spine. 

Total length 380 millim. 

Upper Congo, Katanga. 

1. Yg., Type. Monsembe. Rev. J. H. Weeks (P.). 
2. Ad. 

>) ” 


Bouleng. Ann. Mus. Congo, Zool. ii. p. 23, pl. vii. fig. 1 (1902), and Ann. & Mag. 
N. H. (7) xvi. 1905, p. 641. 

Head and body less depressed than in the preceding. Head 14 times 
as long as broad, 6 times in total length; snout projecting very slightly 

Fig. 8. 

Poly pterus ornatipinnis. 

Type (A. M.C.). 2. 

beyond lower jaw; eye lateral, 85 times in length of head, 3 times in 
width of interorbital region, which is slightly convex; all head-shields 
paired ; a series of 4 shields between postorbital and spiracular shields ; 
suboperculum slightly larger than eye. Dorsal with X—XI spines, not 


overlapping when folded. Anal 15. Pectoral widely separated from 
first dorsal spine. 62-63 scales in a longitudinal series, 24-25 between 
occiput and first dorsal spine, 42 round middle of body. Olive above, 
witn ill-defined light spots, whitish beneath; lips and gill-membrane 
spotted with black ; dorsal fin spotted with black; pectorals, ventrals, 
anal, and caudal barred with black. 

Total length 370 millim. 

Upper Congo (Monsembe and Kassai River). 
1. Type. Monsembe. Rey. J. H. Weeks (P.). 

Bouleng. Ann. Mus. Congo, Zool. i. p. 61, pl. xxx. fig. 2 (1899), and Poiss. Bass. 
Congo, p. 23 (1901) ; Pellegr. Bull. Mus. Paris, 1904, p. 310. 

Body feebly compressed, subcylindrical. Head 13 to 14 times as long 
as broad, 54 to 6 times in total length, with lateral eyes and feebly 
convex interorbital region ; jaws equal in front; eye 74 times in length 
of head, 14 times in interorbital width ; head-shields all paired; a series 
of 3 shields between postorbital and spiracular shields ; suboperculum 
as large as eye, or a little larger. Dorsal with X—XI spines, not 

Polypterus delhezi. 
Type (A. M. C.). 


overlapping when folded. Anal 11. Pectoral reaching or not quite 
reaching vertical of first dorsal spine. 56 scales in a longitudinal series, 
14-17 between occiput and first dorsal spine, 38 round middle of body. 
Brownish above, whitish beneath; 7 black transverse bands on the back ; 
fins mottled with dark brown. 

Total length 540 millim. 


Upper Congo (Lake Leopold Il. and New Antwerp); Shari.—Type 
in Congo Museum, ‘Teryueren. 

1. One of the types. New Antwerp. Capt. Wilverth (C.). 


Cuvier, Regne Anim, 2nd ed. p. 330 (1829), and Regne Anim. Illustr., Poiss. 
pl. ev. fig. 2 (1836) ; Guichen. Mag. de Zool. 1839, Poiss. p. 11, pl. i.; 
Steind. Sitzb. Ak. Wien, lix. i. 1869, p. 106, pl. i. figs. 3-5 ; A. Dum. Hist. 
Poiss. ii. p. 394 (1870); Steind. Denkschr. Ak. Wien, xliv. 1882, p. 52, 
pls. vill. & ix. fig. 2; Bouleng. Ann. & Mag. N. H. (7) ii. 1898, p. 419; 
Budgett, Proc. Cambr. Philos. Soc. x. 1900, p. 236 ; Bouleng. Proc. Zool. 
Soe. 1902, i. p. 124, pl. xi. fig. 3; Werner, Zool. Jahrb., Syst. xxi. 190-4, 
p. 271, and Sitzb. Ak. Wien, exv. i. 1906, p. 1119, pl. i. fig. 1; Bouleng. 
Fish. Nile, p. 11, pl. iti. (1907). 

Polypterus senegalensis, part., Giinth. Petherick’s Tray. ii. p. 268 (1869). 

Polypterus arnaudii, A. Dum. t. ¢. pl. xxiil. fig. 2. 

Polypterus bichir, part., Giinth. Cat. Fish. viii. p. 326 (1870). 

Polypterus senegalensis, Stein |. Sitzb. Ak. Wien, Ixi. i. 1870, p. 718. 

Polypterus bichir (non Geoftr.), Giinth. Proce. Zool. Soc. 1896, p. 218. 

Body cylindrical or slightly compressed. Head 12 to 2 times as long 
as broad, 52 to 7 times in total length, with lateral eyes and convex 
interorbital region ; snout projecting slightly beyond lower jaw; eye 5 
(young) to 8 times in length of head, 14 (young) to 2% times in inter- 

Fig. 10. 

Polupterus senegalus. 
From Khartum (F.N.). 4 

orbital width; head-shields all paired; a series of 2 or 5 (rarely 4) 
shields between postorbital and spiracular shields; suboperculum as 
large as or smaller thau eye. Dorsal with VIJJ—XI spines, more or less 

widely separated from each other when folded. Anal 14-17. Pectoral 


not reaching vertical of rirst dorsal spine. 53-61 scales in a longitudinal 
series, 15-20 between occiput and first dorsal spine, 34-40 round 
middle of body. 

tudinal bands, but all markings disappearing at an early age, the adult 

Very young conspicuously marked with dark longi- 

being uniformly grey, olive, or green above, white or yellow beneath ; 

fins immaculate. 

Total length 420 millim. 
White Nile, southwards to Lake Albert, Lake Rudolf, Lake Chad, 
Senegal, Gambia, Niger.—Type in Paris Myseum. 

1-5. Ad. 

6-9. Her. 
10-11. Her. 
12-21. Her. & yg. 
22-36. Ad. & her. 
37. Ad., skel. 

38. Ad. 
39-40. Ad. 
41-43. Ad. & yg. 

44. Hor. & yg. 

45-46, 47-48. Ad., 
her., & yg. 

49. Hor. & yg. 

50-51. Ad. 

52. Ad. 

53-60. Ad. & her. 

61. Ad. 

62-64. Ad. 

65. Ad. 

66. Ad. 
67-69. Ad. & hgr. 

79-84. Ad. & how 

Goz abu Gumah, White Nile. 
Kaka, if 
Gharb-el-Aish, FA 
Fashoda, 7 

39 ” 
Tewfikyeh, A 
Tonga, - 

Polkom, Baro R. (Sobat). 


Mouth of Lake No, White 



Kerro, Bahr-el-Gebel. 

Gondokoro, — ,, 

Butyaba, Lake Albert. 

Galeba, N.E. end of Lake 

Lake Chad. 


Kaédi, Senegal. 

McCarthy Id., Gambia. 



Mureji, Upper Niger. 
Abo, Lower Niger. 
Assay, dy 

a” rh) 

Benue R., near [bi. 

J. Petherick, Hsq. (C.). 
L. Loat, Esq. (C.). 

Mr. P. C. Zaphiro (C.); 

Capt. 8. Flower (P.). 

L. Loat, Esq. (C.). 

Capt. S. Flower (P.). 

L. Loat, Esq. (C.). 

J.S. Budgett, Esq. (P.). 

Mr. P. C. Zaphiro (C.) ; 
W.N.MecMillan, Hsq.(P.). 

Capt. G. B. Gosling (P.). 

M. P. Delhez (C.). 
J. 8. Budgett, Esq. (P.). 
Mr. J.T. Dalton (C.). 

W. A. Forbes, Esq. (P.). 
J.S. Budgett, Esq. (P.). 
Dr. W. J. Ansorge ((.). 
J.S. Budgett, Esq. (P.). 
H. N. Norton Traill, Esq. 



Ayres, Proc, Bost. Soc. N. H. iii. 1850, p. 181, and Bost. Journ. N. H. vi. 1850, 
p- 241, pl. vi.; Bouleng. Ann. & Mag. N. H. (5) xix. 1887, p. 148 ; Steind. 
Notes Leyd. Mus. xvi. 1894, p. 92 ; Bouleng. Ann. & Mag. N. H. (6) xvii. 
1896, p. 310, (7) ii. 1898, p. 420, Poiss. Bass. Congo, p. 25 (1901), Ann. Mus. 
Congo, Zool. ii. p. 19 (1902), and Proc. Zool. Soc. 1902, ii. p. 125, pl. xi. fig. 4. 

Polypterus bichir, part., Giinth. Cat. Fish, viii. p. 327 (1870). 

Polypterus biittikoferi, Steind. Notes Leyd. Mus. xiii. 1891, p. 179. 

Body feebly depressed, subcylindrical. Head 13 to 2 times as long 
as broad, 44 to 52 times in total length, with lateral eyes and convex 
interorbital region ; snout projecting beyond lower jaw; eye 5 (young) 
to 7 times in length of head, 1 to 2 times in interorbital width ; head- 
shields all paired; a series of 2 to 4 shields between postorbital and 
spiracular shields; suboperculum not larger than eye. Dorsal with 
V-IX spines, anterior widely separated when folded. Anal 12-15, 
Pectoral widely separated from first dorsal spine. 62-66 scales in a 
longitudinal series, 23-26 between occiput and first dorsal spine, 36-40 

Polypterus palmas. 
Type, after Ayres (Bost. Journ. 1850). 4. 

round middle of body. Greyish or brownish above, yellowish beneath ; 
young with numerous dark bars on the back and marblings, or a dark 
network enclosing round yellowish spots, on the sides; these markings 
may become indistinct in the adult; fins spotted or mottled with 
blackish ; a more or less distinct large oval blackish spot on the 
muscular part of the pectoral fin. 3 

Total length 300 millim. 

Sierra Leone, Liberia, Congo.—Type in Boston Museum. 

1. Ad. Sierra Leone. 

2. Her. Lower Congo. M. I. Hens (C.). 

3, 4, 5-7. Ad. & yg. | Monsembe, Upper Congo. Rey. J. H. Weeks (P.). 

8 Ad., skel. Bolobo, us Rey. G. Grenfell (P.). 

9. Ad. Stanley Falls. Rev. W. H. Bentley ((.). 
10, Ad. Upper Congo. Brussels University. 


Vaillant, Bull. Mus. Paris, 1899, p. 219; Bouleng. Poiss. Bass. Congo, p. 26 

Body subcylindrical. Head 12 times as long as broad, 5? to 63 times 
in total length, with lateral eyes and convex interorbital region; snout 
projecting beyond lower jaw; eye 63 to 8 times in length of head, 2 to 
2% times in interorbital width ; head-shields all paired; suboperculum 
smaller than eye. Dorsal with VI-VII spines, widely separated when 
folded. Anal 12-15. Pectoral widely separated from first dorsal spine. 
58-59 scales in a longitudinal series, 35-37 between occiput and first 
dorsal spine, 32-36 round middle of body. Olive-grey above, whitish 
beneath; more or less distinct darker cross-bands on the back; a black 

Polypterus retropinnis. 

Type (in Paris Museum). 


spot sometimes present on the membrane behind each dorsal spine ; 
more or less distinct dark streaks across rayed part of pectoral fin, and 
a large black spot on its muscular part. 

Total length 250 millim. 

Alima River, Upper Congo —Types in Paris Museum. 

1. One of the types. Alima R. M. J. de Brazza (C.) ; 
Paris Museum (E.). 


Erpetoichthys (non Swainson), J. A. Smith, Proc. Phys. Soc. Edinb. 1865, p. 273. 

Calamoichthys, J. A. Smith, Proc. R. Soc. Edinb. v. 1866, p. 655; A. Dum. 
Hist. Poiss. ii. p. 397 (1870) ; Giinth, Cat. Fish. viii. p. 327 (1870) ; Bouleng. 
Poiss. Bass. Congo, p. 27 (1901). 

Body much elongate, cylindrical, serpentiform. Spines of dorsal fin 
supporting a single articulated ray. No ventral] fins. Suboperculum 
very small or absent. ‘Teeth small, conical. 

West Africa. 

VOL. I. C 




Erpetoichthys calabaricus, J. A. Smith, Proc. Phys. Soc. Edinb. 1865, p. 278. 
Calamoichthys calabaricus, J. A. Smith, Proc. R. Soe. Edinb. v. 1866, p. 656, and Tr. 
R. Soc. Edinb. xxiv. 1866, p. 457, pls. xxxi. & xxxii.; A. Dum. Hist. Poiss. ii. 
p- 397, pl. xniv. fig. 1 (1870) ; Giinth. Cat. Fish. viii. p. 328 (1870) ; Traquair, 
Journ. Geol. Soe. Ireland, (2) ii. 1871, p. 249: Clemens, Anat. Hefte, v. i. 
1894, p. 16, pl. ix. figs. 7 & 8 ; Bouleng. Poiss. Bass. Congo, p. 27 (1991), and 
Proe. Zool. Soc. 1901, i. p. 4; Werner, Zool. Jahrb., Syst. xxi. 1904, p. 272. 
Head small, feebly depressed, 13 to 2 times as long as broad, its length 
11 to 14 times in total length; snout projecting a little beyond lower 
jaw; eye lateral, 73 to 83 times in length of head, twice in interorbital 
width. Dorsal with VII-XIII widely separated short spines. Anal 

Fig. 13. 

Calamichthys calabaricus. 
Niger Delta. 2. 

9-14. 106-114 scales in a longitudinal series, 30-34 round middle of 
body. Uniform olive-brown above, yellowish beneath ; a large blackish 
spot on the pectoral fin. 

Total length 370 millim. 

Niger Delta, Old Calabar, Cameroon, Chiloango.—The types do not 
appear to have been preserved. 

1-2. Ad. Niger Delta. A. Millson, Esq. (P.). 

3. Ad., skel. 93 a 

4, Ad. Sapelle, Niger Delta. Dr. W. J. Ansorge (C.). 

5-6. Ad. Creektown, Old Calahar. Rey. A. Robb (C.). 

7-10. Ad. & hgr. Cameroon. D. G. Rutherford, Hsq. (C.). 
J1. Ad. Mouth of Chiloango. H. J. Duggan, Esq. (C.). 
12-13. Ad. West Africa. 

Order 11. DIPNEUSTI. 

Paired fins lobate, or reduced to an endoskeletal axis. Upper segment 
of the mandibular arch confluent with the skull (autostylic skull); no 
supraoccipital bone; splenial present. Bulb of aorta muscular, with 
seyeral rows of valves. Lungs preseut. 



Body elongate, covered with thin cycloid scales. Dorsal and anal 
fins formed of very numerous fine rays. Paired fins reduced to a slender 
segmented axis with or without a unilateral fringe. Dentition consisting 
of sharp ridges of dentine covered with enamel and continuous with the 
vomerine, palatopterygoid, and splenial bones. Nostrils under the upper 
lip, concealed when the mouth is closed. Young with external gills. 
Lungs paired, elongate, attenuate posteriorly. 

Two genera: Protopterus in Africa, and Lepidostren in South America. 


Owen, Proc. Linn. Soc. 1839, p. 27; Peters, Reise Mossamb. iv. p. 2 (1868) ; 
A. Dum. Hist. Poiss. ii. p. 469 (1870) ; Giinth. Cat. Fish. viii. p. 322 (1870) ; 
A. Schneid. Zool. Anz. 1886, p. 524; Bouleng. Poiss. Bass. Congo, p. 32 
(1901), and Fish. Nile, p. 19 (1907). 

Protomelus, Hogg, Ann. & Mag. N. H. vii. 1841, p. 359. 

Rhinocryptis, Peters, Mon. Berl. Ac. 1844, p. 414. 

Body subcylindrical, more or less elongate, with pointed tail, at the 
end of which the elongate dorsal and anal fins meet. Limbs slender, 
styliform ; a more or less developed dermal fringe, with very thin rays, 
at least on the fore limb. Six branchial arches and five branchial clefts. 
External gills often distinct, especially in the young. Scales small, thin. 
Vent lateral. 

Tropical Africa. 

Synopsis of the Species. 

Length of head 33-44 times in distance from snout 
to vent ; dorsal originating nearer occiput than 
vent; 40-50 scales in longitudinal series to 
above vent ; 34-36 pairs of ribs . . . . . 1. annectens, Ow., p. 20. 
Length of head 32 to 5 times in distance from snout 
to vent ; dorsal fin originating at equal distance 
from occiput and vent, or nearer latter ; 55-70 
scales in longitudinal series to above vent ; 35- 
AN painshol mibs it Mui) Vets 2. P.cthiopicus, Heck., p. 21. 
Length of head 5 to 6 times in distance from snout 
to vent; dorsal fin originating much nearer 
vent than occiput ; 86-91 scales in longitudinal 
series to above vent; 54 pairsof ribs . . . 3. P. dolloi, Blgr., p. 22. 




Lepidosiren annectens, Owen, Proc. Linn. Soc. 1839, p. 27, and Tr. Linn. Soc. xviii. 
1841, p. 327, pls. xxiii.—xxvii. ; Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1856, p. 342, pl. xi. 

Protopterus anguilliformis, Owen, Tr. Linn. Soc. t. c. p. 332 ; Peters, Reise Mossamb. 
iy. p. 3, pl. i. fig. 1 (1868). 

Rhinoeryptis amphibia, Peters, Mon. Berl. Ac. 1844, p. 414. 

Protopterus annectens, Jardine, Ann. & Mag. N. H. vii, 1841, p. 21; Gray, 
Cat. Batr. Grad. p. 62 (1850); Lankester, Tr. Zool. Soc. xiv. 1896, p. 11, 
pl. 1. fig. 2; Bouleng. Poiss. Bass. Congo, p. 36 (1901), and Proe. Zool. Soc. 
1902, ii. p. 3825, pl. xxviti. fig. 1. 

Protopterus rhinocryptis, Gray, |. e. p. 63. 

Protopterus annectens, part., A. Dum. Hist. Poiss. ii. p. 470 (1870) ; Giinth. Cat. 
Fish. viii. p. 322 (1370); A. Schneid. Zool. Anz. 1886, p. 524, and Zool. 
Beitr. ii. 1887, p. 98. 

Protopterus amphibius, A. Schneid. Il. cc. 

Depth of body 63 to 8} times in total length. Length of head 34 to 

4} times in distance from end of snout to vent; snout broadly rounded, 

about ¢ length of head; eye small, its diameter 8 to 12 times in length 

Fig. 14. 

Protopterus annectens, 
Gambia, after Gray (P.Z.S. 1856). 4. 

of head (in half-grown and adult), 2} to 3} times in interocular width. 
34 to 36 pairs of ribs. Dorsal originating nearer occiput than vent. 
Fore limb longer than hind limb and provided with a well-developed, 
often strong fringe; hind limb with a more or less distinct or rudi- 
mentary fringe. 40 to 50 scales in a longitudinal series from gill- 
opening to above vent, 36 to 40 round middle of body. Grey-brown 
or olive above, lighter beneath, with or without round blackish spots ; 
lines of sensory canals brown or black. 

Total length 650 millim. 

West Africa, from the Senegal to the Niger, Chad Basin, East Africa, 
as far south as the Zambesi.—Iype in Museum of Royal College of 


I. Her. 
Do hs pat ., stfid. 
4-7. Her. 

8,9. Ad. & yg. 
10, 11. Ad. & yg. 
12. Skel. 

13. Skull. 
14-16. Her. 
17-19. Cocoons. 
20-21. Yg. 

22. Ye. 

23, 24, 25. Ad. & yg. 

26. Yg. 

27-29. Her. & yg. 
30, 31. Ad. 

32. Ad. 




Sierra Leone. 

Agberi, 8. Nigeria. 

Assay, . 
* + 

Tidal Creek, Mkonumbi, 
Brit. E. Africa. 

Zanzibar Coast (?). 


Chiromo, Shiré R. 

Sir R. Owen (P.). 
Crystal Palace Co. (P.). 
Lord Derby (P.). 
J. S. Budgett, Hsq. (P.). 
Capt. Vipan (P.). 

Col, Hill (P.). 
Dr. W. J. Ansorge (C.). 

J. 8. Budgett, Hsq. (P.). 
Dr. J. W. Gregory (P.). 

Sir J. Kirk (P.). 

R. MacDonald, Esq. (P.). 


Protopterus ethiopicus, Heckel, Sitzb. Ak. Wien, vii. 1851, p. 685; Marno, Zool. 
Gart. xiv. 1873, p.441; Bouleng. Poiss. Bass. Congo, p. 36 (1901), and Proce. 

Zool. Soc. 1901, ii. p. 158 ; Moore, Tanganyika Problem, p. 152, 

fig. (1902) ; 

Bouleng. Trans. Zool. Soc. xvii. 1906, p. 544; Werner, Sitzb. Ak. Wien, 
exy. 1. 1906, p. 1121 ; Bouleng. Fish. Nile, p. 19, pl. iv. (1907). 
Lepidosiren arnaudii, Casteln. Anim. Nouv. Amér. Sud, p- 105 (1855). 
Lepidosiren annectens (non Owen), Gray, Ann. & Mag. N. H. (3) v. 1860, p. 70 5 
McDonnell, Nat. Hist. Rey. vii. 1860, p. 94 ; Baker, Albert Nyanza, ii. p. 131 

(1866) ; 

Giinth. Petherick’s Trav. ii. p. 268 (1869). 

Protopterus annectens, Hartmann, Nat. Skizze Nillind. p. 202 (1865). 

Protopterus annectens, part., A. Dum, Hist. Poiss. ii. p. 470 (1870) ; Giinth. Cat. 
Fish. viii. p. 322 (1870) ; A. Schneid. Zool. Beitr. ii. 1887, p. 98. 

Depth of body 7 to 94 times in the total length. Length of head 32 
to 5 times in distance from end of snout to vent ; snout broadly rounded, 
4 to } length of head ; eye very small, its diameter 10 to 20 times in 
length of head (in half-grown and adult), 3 to 5 times in interocular 
width. 35-41 pairs of ribs. Dorsal fin originating at equal distance 
from occiput and from vent, or nearer latter. Fore limb the longer 
and provided with a well-developed fringe ; no fringe on the hind limb. 
55 to 70 scales in a longitudinal series from gill-opening to above 
the vent, 40 to 650 round middle of body. Grey or olive-brown to 
blackish above, yellowish white or pinkish beneath, more or less spotted 

or speckled with black ; lines of sensory canals brown or black. 



Protopterus ethiopicus. 

Lake Albert Edward (F.N.). +. 

Total length 1380 millim. 
From the Eastern Sudan to the borders of Lake Tanganyika.—Type 
in Vienna Museum. 

1. Ad., stffd. Mouth of White Nile (?). 
2. Yg. Wadelai, Albertine Nile. Emin Pasha (P.). 
3-4. Ad. Lake Albert Edward. Prof. J. HE. 8. Moore (C.). 
5. Skull. 50 Scott Elliot, Esq. (P.). 
6-13. Ad., her., &yg. Entebbe, Lake Victoria. Mr. E. Degen (C.). 
14,15. Ad., stffd. Lake Victoria. Mr. W. G. Doggett (C.) ; 
Sir Harry Johnston (P.). 
16,17. Ad. & yg. iy 4 
18. Ad., skin. A Mr. W. G. Doggett (C.) ; 
Col. Delmé Radcliffe (P.). 
19. Skel. ” ” 
20. Ad. Kakonde R., south end of Dr. W. A. Cunnington 
L. Tanganyika. (C.). 

Bouleng. Ann. Mus. Congo, Zool. i. p. 155, pl. lvi. (1900), and Poiss. Bass. Congo, 
p. 37 (1901). 

Depth of body 11} to 12 times in total length. Length of head 5 to 
6 times in distance from end of snout to vent; snout broadly rounded, 
more than 4 length of head; eye very small, its diameter 15 to 19 times 
in length of head, 4 to 6 times in interocular width (in half-grown and 
adult). 64 pairs of ribs. Dorsal originating much nearer vent than 
occiput. Fore limb longer than the hind limb and provided with a well- 
developed fringe; hind limb without or with a very rudimentary fringe. 
§6—-91 scales in a longitudinal series from gill-opening to above vent, 
40-44 round middle of body. Olive-brown above, with round black 
spots, or uniform blackish above and whitish beneath; lines of sensory 
canals lighter than ground-colour, 


Fig. 16. 

Protopterus dollot. 
Type (A.M.C.). 4. 

Total length 830 millim. 
Congo, Gaboon.—Types in Congo Museum, Tervueren. 

1. Hegr., one of the types. New Antwerp, Upp. Congo. Capt. Wilverth (C.). 

2. Ad. Monsembe, Upp. Congo. Rey. J. H. Weeks (P.). 
3. Ad. Lower Congo. M. De Meuse (C.). 

4. Yg. Banzyville, Ubanghi. Capt. Royaux (C.). 

5. Her. Komadekke, Ogowe. Dr. W.J. Ansorge (C.). 

Order 111. TELEOSTEI. 

Paired fins with the basis reduced to a series of dermal bones bearing 
the rays, without endoskeletal elements. Skull hyostylic; supraoccipital 
bone present, splenial absent. Heart without muscular bulbus aortz, or 
with the bulb much reduced and with a single row (exceptionally two 
rows) of valves. 


Air-bladder, if present, communicating with the digestive tract by a 
duct. Pectoral arch suspended frem the skull; mesocoracoid arch 
present. Fins without spines, the ventrals abdominal, if present. 
Anterior vertebree distinct, without Weberian ossicles. 

Synopsts of the Families. 

I, An intergular bone, between the rami of the 
mandible; over 20 branchiostegal rays ; 
ventral fins with 10-16 rays. . . . . . J. Exopma, p. 24. 
II. No intergular bone ; not more than 20 branchiostegal rays. 
A. Supraoccipital bone separated from the frontals by the parietals ; sub- 
operculum small or absent ; ventral fins with not more than 7 rays. 
1. Ribs mostly sessile ; pectoral fins folding against the sides of the bedy 

and movable upwards. 


Premaxillary single; a very large supratemporal 
bone; symplectic absent; opercular bones 
hidden under the skin ; gill-opening narrow . 2. Mormyrip&, p. 29. 
Premaxillary paired ; supratemporal bone small ; 
symplectic present ; belly with a double bony 
serrature 9 : 
2. Ribs inserted on parapophyses; pectoral fins folding against belly, like 
the ventrals. 
Premaxillary paired; interopereulum and _ sub- 
operculum present ; ventral fins distant from 
the pectorals: cz caeme eee eens . . 4. OsTrogLossipZ, p. 148. 

3. Noroprerips&, p. 145. 

Premaxillary single ; interoperculum and aiboper 
culum absent ; ventral fins near the pectorals. 5. PANroponTipa, p. 151. 
B, Supraoccipital in contact with the frontals ; suboperculum and interoper- 

culum well developed. 
1. Gill-openings wide ; body covered with scales ; mouth not protractile. 

Postclavicle on outer side of clavicle ; no adipose 
dorsal fin 5 6 las 6) ole el BSNS 6 ECs Ci, ISS) 

Postclavicle on inner side of clavicle ; an adipose 
dorsal fin) 5. Sj epee? ae OALMONTD An pealloo. 
2. Gill-openings narrow. 
Body covered with scales; interoperculum enormous, 

covering the gular region; mouth very pro- 
tractile, superior . . . . . . . . . &. PHRACTOLAMID, p. 167. 

Body scaly ; mouth not protractile, inferior . . « 9, KyNERIDA®, p. 169. 

Body naked; mouth not protractile, inferior ; 
symplectic absent sly cis eel) ue L On CROMER AL palit 

Fam. 1. ELOPID Aj. 

Margin of the upper jaw formed by the premaxillaries and the 
maxillaries, the latter much developed ; parietal bones forming a median 
suture above the supraoccipital, or separating it from the frontals ; 
symplectic present ; interoperculum and suboperculum well developed ; 
an intergular or sublingual bone, between the rami of the mandible. 
Pharyngeal teeth. Branchiostegal rays very numerous (more than 2\)). 
Gill-openings wide. Ribs mostly sessile, behind a parapophysis; epi- 
neurals, no epipleurals. Pectoral fins inserted very low down, folding 
like the ventrals. Ventral fins with 10 to 16 rays. 

Two genera, of wide distribution in tropical and subtropical seas :— 
Seales small ; dorsal a little longer tnaan anal. . . 1. Hlops, lu, p. 25. 

Scales large ; dorsal a little shorter than anal, with 
the last ray much produced . . . . « « « 24 Megalops, Lacep., p. 27. 



1, ELOPS. 
Linn. Syst. Nat. i. p. 518 (1766) ; Giinth. Cat. Fish. vii. p. 469 (1868); Bleek. 
Atlas Ichth. vi. p. 84 (1872) ; Bouleng. Poiss. Bass. Congo, p. 47 (1901). 

Body elongate, moderately compressed. Scales small; lateral line 
straight, with simple tubes. Mouth very large, the premaxillary and 
maxillary with bands of small villiform teeth ; similar teeth on the vomer, 
palatines, pterygoids, parasphenoid, and tongue. Dorsal fin above the 
ventrals, a little shorter than the anal, these fins folding in a scaly sheath. 
Ventral fins with 15 or 16 rays. A scaly process above the base of the 
pectoral and another above the ventral. Branchiostegal rays 24 to 39. 
Pseudobranchiae well developed. Vertebre 62 or more. 

Tropical and subtropical seas, entering rivers. 

The two species are easily distinguished by the following formule :— 

D. 22-25; A. 14-17; Se. 100-110 715; Br. 

28-35 oh Tihs beh Witilineth aetia ful) Zgsanarus, Tae p. 25. 
D. 18-21; A. 17-18; Se. 74-83 FU; Br. 
2A 2G Waku k MIO Came Ee, Qa Mlacertan ©. n&aVisnipe ao: 


Linn. Syst. Nat. i. p. 518 (1766); Bloch, Ausl. Fische, viii. p. 153, pl. ecexciii. 
fig. 1 (1794) ; Cuv. & Val. Hist. Poiss. xix. ip. 365 (1846) ; Giinth. Cat. 
Fish. vii. p. 470 (1868) ; Steind. Sitzb. Ak. Wien, Ixi. i. 1870, p. 571; 
Kleinz. Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien, xxi. 1871, p. 603; Bleek. Atl. Ichth. 
vi. p. 84, pl. celviii. fig. 3 (1872) ; Day, Fish. Ind. p. 649, pl. exlvi. fig. 1 
(1878) ; Sauv. Hist. Madag., Poiss. p. 497, pl. xlix. B. fig. 4 (1891) ; Jord. 
& Everm. Fish. N. Amer. i. p. 410 (1896). 

Argentina carolina, Linn. t. ¢. p. 519. 

Argentina machnata, Forsk. Descr. Anim. p. 68 (1775). 

Mugilomorus anna-carolina, Lacep. Hist. Poiss. v. p. 397 (1803). 

Elops inermis, Mitchell, Tr. Lit. Phil. Soc. N. Y. i. 1815, p. 445. 

Llops machnata, Riipp. N. Wirbelth., Fisch. pp. 80 & 84 (1835) ; Richards. Voy. 
Ereb. & Terr., Fish. p. 59, pl. xxxvi. figs. 3-5 (1846) ; Schleg. Faun. Japon., 
Poiss. p. 241, pl. cix. fig. 2 (1850); Playf. & Giinth. Fish. Zanzib. p. 121, 
fig. (1866). 

Elops indicus, Swains. Nat. Hist. ii. p. 292 (1839). 

Flops capensis, A. Smith, Ill. Zool. S. Afr., Fish. pl. vii. (1840) ; Casteln. Mém. 
Poiss. Afr. Austr. p. 67 (1861). 

Elops purpurascens, Richards. Ichth. China, p. 311 (1846). 

Depth of body 44 to 53 times in total length, length of head 5} to 4 
times. Eye 4 to 5 times in length of head, as long as or a little shorter 
than snout, equal to interorbital width; Jower jaw not or but scarcely 

26 ELOPID 2. 

projecting beyond upper; maxillary extending far beyond posterior 
border of eye. Branchiostegal rays 28-55. Gill-rakers not longer than 
gill-flaments, 14 or 15 on lower part of anterior arch. Dorsal 22-25, 

a 23 

¥e caer fe 
S Bees 

Hlops saurus. 

indian Ocean, after Day (Fish. Ind.). 3. 

originating above ventral. Anal 14-17. Scales 100-110 a 9-10 
between lateral line and scaly process above ventral, 28 round caudal 
peduncle. Uniform silvery. 

Total length 400 millim. 

Tropical and subtropical seas. Ascending rivers of Tropical and 

South Africa.—Type in Linnean Society, London. 

1-3. Ad. & yg. St. Louis, Senegal. M. P. Delhez (C.). 
4, 5. Stffd. & skin, Zanzibar. Sir L. Playfair (C.). 
6, 7. Skins. Hast Africa. Sir J. Kirk (P.). 

8. Stfid. Cape of Good Hope. Sir A. Smith (P.). 


Cuv. & Val. Hist. Poiss. xix. p. 801, pl. ceccelxxv. (1846) ; Steind. Sitzb. Ak. 
Wien, lxi. i, 1870, p. 571; Bouleng. Poiss. Bass. Congo, p. 47 (1901). 
Elops congicus, Bouleng. Ann, Mus. Congo, Zool. i. p. 21, pl. x. fig. 1 (1898). 
Depth of body 44 to 5} times in total length, length of head 4 to 43 
times. Eye 4 times in length of head, as long as snout, a little more 
than interorbital width ; lower jaw projecting beyond upper; maxillary 
extending a little beyond posterior border of eye. Branchiostegal rays 
24-26. Gill-rakers longer than branchial filaments, 17-19 on lower part 
of anterior arch. Dorsal 18-21, originating a little behind first ray of 

ventral. Anal 18-21. Scales 74-83 on 6-7 between lateral line and 


scaly process above ventral, 20-22 round caudal peduncle. Silvery, 
blackish or bluish on the back; dorsal, and sometimes also anal, with a 
blackish distal spot. 

Elops lacerta. 
Congo (A. M.C.). 1. 

Total length 560 millim. 
Ascending rivers of West Africa. 

Type, in Paris Museum, 

1-4. Her. & yg. St. Louis, Senegal. M. P. Delhez (C.). 
5-6. Ad. Gambia. J. 8. Budyett, Esq. (C.). 
7. Skel. 55 # 
8. Her. Benito River. G. L. Bates, Esq. (C.). 
Gh Mefe Gaboon. 

Lo. Ad. Banana, Congo. M. P. Delhez (C.). 

Lacep. Hist. Poiss. v. p. 289 (1803) ; Giinth. Cat. Fish. vii. p. 471 (1868) ; 
Bleek. Atl. Ichth. vi. p. 85 (1872). 
Tarpon, Jord. & Kverm. Fish. N. Amer. i. p. 409 (1896). 

Body moderately elongate, strongly compressed. Scales Jarge, thick ; 
lateral line straight, with branched tubes. Mouth very large, the 
premaxillary and maxillary with bands of small villiform teeth ; similar 
teeth on the vomer, palatines, pterygoids, and tongue. Dorsal fin 
inserted above or a little behind the ventrals, a little longer than the 
anal, its Jast ray more or less produced. Ventral fins with 10 or 11 rays. 
A scaly process above the base of the pectoral and another above the 
ventral. Branchiostegal rays 22 to 26. No pseudobranchie. 

Tropical seas, entering rivers. One species from the Atlantic, 
another from the Indian Ocean and the south-western parts of the 




Clupea cyprinoides, Brousson. Ichthyol. pl. ix. (1782). 

Megalops jfilamentosus, Lacep. Hist. Poiss. v. p. 290, pl. xiii. fig. 3 (1803); 
Bleek. Nederl. Tijdschr. Dierk. iii. 1866, p. 286, and Atl. Ichth. vi. p. 86, 
pl. celxsiii. fig. 1 (1872). 

Cyprinodon cundinga, Ham. Buchan. Fish. Ganges, p. 254 (1822). 

Megalops setipinnis, Richards. Ann. N. H. xi, 1843, p. 493. 

Megalops curtiilis, Richards. Ichth. China, p. 310 (1846). 

Megalops indicus, Cuv. & Val. Hist. Poiss. xix, p. 388, pl. ceccexlii. (1846) ; 
Bleek. Verh. Bat. Gen. xxiv. 1852, no. 7, p. 15. 

Elops cundinga, Cantor, Cat. Mal. Fish. p. 289 (1850). 

Megalops macrophthalmus, Bleek. Verh. Bat. Gen. xxiv. 1852, no. 7, p. 15. 

Megalops macropterus, Bleek. Nederl. Tijdschr. Dierk. iii. 1866, p. 284, and 
Atl. t. ec. p. 85, pl. celxxiii. fig. 2. 

Megalops kundinga, Bleek. tt. ce. pp. 288, 87, pl. eclxxiv. fig. 1. 

Megalops cyprinoides, Bleek. t.c. p. 290; Giinth. Cat. Fish. vii. p. 471 (1868) ; 
Bleek. Atl. t. c. p. 87, pl. cclxx. fig. 4; Day, Fish. Ind. p. 650, pl. clix. 
fig. 3 (1878) ; Sauv. Hist. Madag., Poiss. p. 47, pl. slix. A. fig. 3 (1891) ; 
Pfeffer, Thierw. O.-Afr., Fische, p. 70 (1896). 

Megalops oligolepis, Bleek. t. ¢. p. 292. 

Elops apalike, Day, Fish. Malab. p. 228 (1865). 

Elops cyprinoides, Playf. & Giinth. Fish. Zanzib. p. 122 (1866) ; Peters, Reise 
Mossamb. iy. p. 92 (1868). 

Fig. 19. 

Megalops cyprinowles. 
Indian Ocean, after Day (Fish. Ind.). 2. 

Depth of body equal to or a little greater than length of head, 3 to 4 
times in total length. Eye 22 to 34 times in length of head, greater 
than length of snout or interorbital width; lower jaw projecting beyond 
upper; maxillary extending to below posterior border of eye or a little 
beyond, Gill-rakers at least as long as gill-filaments, 25-55 on lower 
part of anterior arch. Dorsal 17-20, originating above base of ventral. 


Anal 24-28. Scales 37-12 = 4—5 between lateral line and scaly 
process above ventral, 12-14 round caudal peduncle. Silvery, bluish 
green on the back. 

Total length 550 millim. 

From the East Coast of Africa to Australia and Polynesia; often 
found in fresh water near the coast, or ascending rivers. 

1. Hgr. Zanzibar. Sir L. Playfair (C.). 
2. Skin. % . 

3. Skin. Shiré River. Sir J. Kirk (P.). 

4. Her. Rodriguez, in fresh water. G. Gulliver, Esq. (P.). 

Fam. 2. MORMYRID. 

Margin of the upper jaw formed by the single premaxillary and the 
maxillaries, the latter articulated above the former to the mesethmoid; 
parietal bones separating the supraoccipital from the frontals; a large 
hole on each side of the skull, between the squamosal, the epiotic, and 
the exoccipital, covered by a large, thin, bony plate (the supratemporal) ; 
symplectic absent; suboperculum small and hidden under the operculum, 
or absent. No pharyngeal teeth. Opercular bones hidden under the 
skin; gill-openings narrow, Anterior ribs sessile; epineurals, no 
epipleurals. Pectoral fins directed upwards. Ventral fins with 6 or 7 
rays. Air-bladder communicating with the ear. 

Curious-looking, highly aberrant fishes, very variable in the form of 
the head and body and in the extent of the vertical fins. Mouth often 
very small; teeth usually present on the parasphenoid, working against 
a similar patch on the tongue; eye covered over by skin, or at least 
without free border, sometimes very indistinct; scales small, cycloid ; 
branchiostegal rays 4 to 8. 

Nile and fresh waters of Tropical Africa. 

Synopsis of the Genera. 
T. Mormyrin#.—Ventral, anal, and caudal fins present; teeth on the para- 
sphenoid and on the tongue. 
A. Anal fin 3 to twice the length of the dorsal. 
1. Teeth in jaws in a single series. 
a. Teeth on the entire edge of both jaws, 10-36 in each jaw. 
Mouth terminal or subinferior ; nostrils distant 
from each other and remote from the eye ; 
body more or less elongate . . . . . « 1. Mormyrops, J. Miill., p. 30. 
Mouth inferior, below the eyes; nostrils close 
together, close to the eye ; body short . . 2. Petrocephalus, Marcus., p. 47. 


b. Teeth only in the middle of the jaws, 3-10 in each jaw. 
a. Body much elongate ; ventral fin nearer anal than pectoral. 
Mouth subinferior; dorsal fin a little longer 
ubanzoanal aia) en emai Oaplstc hye nll sansa os 
8. Body short or more or less elongate; ventral fin equally distant from 
pectoral and anal or nearer the former. 
Mouth inferior or subinferior, below level of 
eye; teeth moderate or small ; posterior 
nostril remote from mouth . . . . . . 4. Marcusenius, Gill, p. 60. 
Mouth inferior or subinferior; teeth small ; 
posterior (lower) nostril close to mouth . . 5. Stomatorhinus, Blgr., p. 87. 
Mouth inferior ; upper teeth small, conical, 
median pair of mandibular teeth very large, 
incisor-like ; dorsal much longer than anal. 6. Myomyrus, Blgr., p. 92. 
Mouth terminal ; dorsal and anal equal or sub- 
equalinlength. . . . . . . . . . 4. Gnathonemus, Gill, p. 94. 
2. Teeth in jaws disposed in several rows 
forming villiform bands ; dorsal and 
anal fins nearly equally developed . 8. Genyomyrus, Blor., p. 125. 
B. Anal fin less than half the length of the dorsal. 
Mouthterminal . . . . . . 2. 2). . 9. Mormyrus, L., p. 126. 
©. Anal fin more than five times the length of the dorsal. 
Mouth terminal; palate and tongue with a 
pavement of large spheroid teeth . . . . 10. Hyperopisus, Gill, p. 142. 
Il. Gymyarcuin&.— Ventral, anal, and caudal 
fins absent; no teeth on the parasphenoid 
and tongue; body eel-shaped . . . . 11. Gymnarchus, Cuv., p. 144. 


Mormyrus, part., Linn. Syst. Nat. i. p. 522 (1766). 

Mormyrops, part., J. Miill. Arch. f. Nat. 1845, p. 324; Giinth. Cat. Fish. vi. 
p. 223 (1866). 

Mormyrops, Gill, Proc. Ac. Philad. 1862, p. 139; Peters, Reise Mossamb. iv. 
p. 88 (1868) ; Bouleng. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1898, p. 780, Poiss. Bass. Congo, 
p: 56 (1901), and Fish. Nile, p. 29 (1907). 

Oxymormyrus, Bleck. Vers]. Ak. Amsterd. (2) viii. 1874, p. 367. 

Teeth in the jaws conical, truncate, or notched, forming a single 
complete series on the entire edge of both jaws (10-36 in each); 
minute conical teeth on the parasphenoid and on the tongue; mouth 
terminal or subinferior. Nostrils moderately far apart, remote from the 
eye. Body more or less elongate; ventral fins equally distant from 


the pectorals and from the anal, or nearer the former. Anal fin longer 
than the dorsal. Vertebrae 56-62 (21—24+4 31-39). 
Nile and Tropical Africa. 

Synopsis of the Species. 

I. Caudal peduncle 2 to 23 times as long as deep, } to } length of head. 

A. 20-36 teeth in each jaw ; lat. 1. 85-96. 
D,. 21-27; A. 40-51; 14-18 scales round caudal 

pedunele ; depth of body 5-64 times in 

total length; head nearly twice as long 

asideeppmnruss wri) WE Thi ial ae 1. M. deliciosus, Leach, p. 32. 
D. 25-28; A. 39-42; 20 scales round aa 

peduncle ; depth of body 5-634 times in 

total length; head nearly twice as long 


as deep WRU Wak aM b lone tostohxow nee ile 
D. 26-29; A. 39-45; 14 scales round caudal 
peduncle ; depth of body 63-7 times in 
total length ; head more than twice as long 

. M. anguilloides, L., p. 34. 

as deep . . 3. M. longiceps, Gthr., p. 35. 
D. 26; A. 43; depth of hotly 13 times in eer 
length ; head nearly twice as long as deep. 4. M. breviceps, Stdr., p. 36 

B. 10-16 teeth in each jaw. 
1. Snout short, not prolonged into a tube. 
a. D. 19-22; A. 33-37; head nearly twice as long as deep ; depth of 
body 63-74 times in total length. 
L. 1. 80-93 ; 16 scales round caudal peduncle . 5. M. engystoma, Blgr., p. 36. 
L. 1. 70-76 ; 12 scales round caudal peduncle . 6. M. parvus, Blgr., p. 37. 

b. D. 29-32; A. 40-47; L. 1. 90-95; 16-18 scales round caudal 
peduncle ; head not twice as long as deep. 

Depth of body 6 times in total length; 7th or 

8th ray of anal ee ae to first of 

dorsally eee . 7. MM. manuanus, Blgr., p. 38. 
Depth of body 63-8 es in ial ene 13th 

or 14th ray of anal Se TRS to first 

@F clongall ge Bg ae . . . « 8. M. sirenoides, Bigr., p. 39. 

2. Snout much Pineal oo str reste or slightly eurved ; A. 34-29. 
D. 19-21; L. 1. 70-74; 10-12 scales round 
caudal peduncle ; head 23-2? times as long 
SSOCCD Pee cy Ao) ih athe BRD aim Oey le -canclimostrass Othr.,. pn AOE 
D.17; L. 1. 63-70; 8 scales round caudal 
peduncle; head 3-3} times as long as 
deep' . . oe es LO. MM, boulenger:, Pellegr: p. 40. 


IJ. Caudal peduncle not or but little longer than deep, 4 to 4 length of head. 
A. 16-28 teeth in each jaw; D. 24-32 ; head not twice as long as deep. 
D. 24-25; A. 40-43; L. 1. 62-67; 16 scales 
round caudal peduncle; depth of body 
4-41 times in totallength . . . . 11. M. curtus, Blgr., p. 41. 
D, 29-32; A. 46-50; L.1. 80-90; 16- 18 eae 
round caudal peduncle ; depth of body 5-6 
times in totallength . ... . . . . . 12. M. lineolatus, Bigr., p. 42. 
D. 24-25; A. 38-41; L. 1. 54-58; 12 scales 
round caudal peduncle; depth of body 
5-54 times in total length . . . . . . 13. M. nigricans, Blgr., p. 43. 

B. 12-20 teeth in each jaw ; D. 33-45 ; head nearly twice as long as deep. 
1. Teeth truncate. 
D. 45; A. 70; L. 1. 102; 14 scales round 
caudal peduncle ; depth of body 64 times 
initotallength Vin... . 2 « « « 14. M microstoma, Blgr., pi 44. 
D. 34-39; A. 47-59; L. 1. 100-106; 22-24 
scales round caudal peduncle; depth of 
body 54-7 times in total length . . . . 15. ML marie, Schilth., p. 44. 
D. 41-43; A. 63-64; L. 1. 90-95; 16 scales 
round caudal peduncle; depth of body 
8-8} times in total length . . . . . . 16. M. attenuatus, Blgr., p. 45. 
2. Teeth bicuspid, deeply forked. 
D. 33-35; A. 55-61; L. 1. 90-95; 14 scales 
round caudal peduncle ; depth of body 74 
times in totallength . . . . . . . . 17. M. fureidens, Pellegr., p. 46. 


Oxyrhynchus deliciosus, Leach, in Tuckey, Exped. R. Zaire, p. 410 (1818). 

Mormyrus tuckeyi, Cuv. & Val. Hist. Poiss. xix. p. 263 (1846). 

Mormyrus zambanenje, Peters, Mon. Berl. Ac. 1852, p. 275; Giinth. Proc. Zool. 
Soc. 1896, p. 224. 

Mornyyrops tuckeyi, Marcusen, Bull. Ac. St. Pétersb. xii. 1854, p. 14. 

Mormyrops deliciosus, Giinth. Cat. Fish. vi. p. 224 (1866) ; Steind. Sitzb. Ak. Wien, 
Ixi. i. 1870, p. 555, pl. y. fig. 1; Perugia, Ann. Mus. Genova, (2) x. 1892, 
p: 976; Steind. Notes Leyd. Mus. xvi. 1894, p. 65; Bouleng. Proc. Zool. Soc. 
1898, p. 782, and Poiss. Bass. Congo, p. 58 (1901); Pappenh. Mitth. Zool. 
Mus. Berl. ii. 1907, p. 341. 

Mormyrops zambanenje, Giinth. |. c. 

Mormyrus (Mormyrops) zambanenje, Peters, Reise Mossamb. iv. p. 88, pl. xv. fig. 2 

Mormyrus (Mormyrops) swanenburgi, Schilthuis, Tijds. Nederl. Dierk. Ver. (2) iii. 
1891, p. 91. 


Depth of body 5 to 63 times in total length, length of head 54 to 
4+ times. Head nearly twice as long as deep, upper profile slightly 
concave ; snout rounded ; jaws equal; width of mouth nearly equal to 
length of snout; teeth truncate or conical in the adult, more or less 
distinctly notched in the young, 24 to 36 in each jaw; eye small, in 
anterior third of the head, its diameter 2 (young) to 4 times in length 
of snout or in interocular width. Dorsal 21-27, $ to % length of 

anal, originating 2 to 24 times as far from end of snout as from 

Fig. 20. 

Mormyrops deliciosus. 
Senegal, after Steindachner (2. ¢.). 4. 

base of caudal. 
dorsal (its 12th to 16th ray corresponding to the first dorsal ray), and 

Anal 40-51, originating considerably in advance of 

a little nearer head than root of caudal. Pectoral rounded, 


to + 
length of head, ventral } to 4. Caudal rather small, densely scaled, 
with rounded lobes. Caudal peduncle 2 to 24 times as long as deep, 
4 to 4 length of head. 85-100 scales in lateral line, == in transverse 
series on body, 22—26 in transverse series between dorsal and anal, 14-18 
round caudal peduncle. Brownish or olive above, silvery beneath. 

Total leneth 1500 millim. 

Senegal, Gambia, Niger, Chad Basin, Congo, Zambezi, L. Nyassa, 

Webi Shebeli and Juba. 

1-3, 4. Ad. & hgr. Gambia. J. 8. Budgett, Esq. (P.). 
5. Ad., stfid. Niger. Mr. J. T. Dalton (C.). 
6. Her. ” 
7. Ad. Jebba, Upper Niger. Capt. G. F. Abadie (P.). 
&. Ad. Mureji, 0 J.S. Budgett, Esq. (P.). 
9-11. Yg. Assay, Lower Niger. Dr. W. J. Ansorge (P.). 
12-13. Yg. Agberi, 5 55 
14. Yg. West Africa. 
15. Yg. Fort Lamy, Shari River. Capt. G. B. Gosling (P.). 

16-17. Her. 

VOL. I. 

Libi River (Congo System), 
8. Cameroon. 

G. L. Bates, Hsq. (C.). 



18. Ad.,stffd. (Type.) Lower Congo. 

19. Her. 

20. Ad. 

21. Her., skel. 

22. Ad: 

23. Ye. (Type of 
M. swanenburgi.) 

24, Her. 

25-27. Her. & yg. 


Boma, Lower Congo. 

Leopoldville, Stanley Pool. 

Kinshassa, 58 

Kutu, Lake Leopold II. 
Monsembe, Upper Congo. 
Uerre, Congo. 

Tuckey Expedition. 
M. I’. Hens (C.). 

-M. P. Delhez (C.,. 

M. A. Greshoff (C.). 

M. P. Delhez (C.). 
Rey. J. H. Weeks (P.). 
M. De Bauw (C.). 

29. Niok Banzyville, Ubanghi. Capt. Royaux (C.). 
30. Ad. Geladi, Webi Shebeli. Dr. Donaldson Smith (C.). 
31. Ad. Lake Nyassa. Capt. E. L. Rhoades (P.). 
32. Ye. “ J. A. Williams, Esq. (C.). 


Mormyrus anguailloides, Linn. Mus. Ad. Frid. ii. p. 110 (1764), and Syst. Nat. i. 
p- 522 (1766) ; I. Geoffr. Deser. Egypte, Poiss. p. 274, pl. vii. fig. 2 (1827) ; 
Rifaud, Voy. Egypte, pl. elxxxviii. fig. 2 (1836) ; Cuv. & Val. Hist. Poiss. 
xix. p. 258 (1846); Marcusen, Mém. Ac. St. Pétersb. (7) vii. 1864, no. 4, 
p- 132 ; Giinth. Petherick’s Trav. ii. p. 257 (1869). 

Mormyrus dendera, Liacep. Hist. Poiss. v. p, 621 (1803). 

Mormyrops anguilloides, Mareusen, Bull. Ac. St. Pétersb. xii. 1854, p. 14; Giinth. 
Cat. Fish. vi. p. 233 (1866) ; Bouleng. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1898, p. 782, and 
Fish. Nile, p. 29, pl. v. fig. 1 (1907). 

Marcusenius anguilloides, Gill, Proc. Ac. Philad. 1862, p. 444. 

Morinyrops anyuilloides. 
Sanhur (Ff. N.). 4. 

Depth of body 5 to 64 times in total length, length of head 4 times. 
Head once and 3 to nearly twice as long as deep, upper profile slightly 
concave; snout rounded, ¢ to 4 length of head, scarcely projecting 
beyond mouth; width of mouth nearly equal to or less than length 
of snout; teeth more or less distinctly notched, 20 to 24 in each jaw; 
eye small, in anterior third of the head, its diameter 24 to 3 times in 



length of snout, 2 to 3 times in interocular width. Dorsal 25-28, 
32 to 2 length of anal, originating 2 to 2} times as far from end of 
snout as from root of caudal. Anal 39-42, originating considerably in 
advance of dorsal, its 10th to 12th ray corresponding to first of latter, 
and at equal distance from head and root of caudal. Pectoral rounded 
or very obtusely pointed, } to 2 length of head. Caudal rather small, 
with rounded lobes, greater ae covered with scales. Caudal peduncle 
about twice ae Jong as deep, 2 to} length of head. 67-96 scales in 

16-2 14-16 
lateral line, 55- a in transverse series on body, j;4, in transverse series 

between dorsal and anal, 20 round caudal peduncle. Olive or greyish 
brown above, whitish beneath, sometimes dotted all over with black. 
Total length 310 millim. 
Lower Nile. 

1. Ad. Nile. Dr. Riippeil (C.). 
2. Ad., skel. Bs x 
3. Ad. Lower Nile. J. Petherick, Esq. (C.). 
4. Her. Nile near Cairo. Capt. 8. Flower (P.). 
-7. Her. Beni Souef. L. Loat, Esq. (C.). 
8-10. Ad. & her. Sanhur, near Beni Souef. ie 

11-12. Ad. & her. Luxor. 

13. Hgr. Assuan, * 

Giinth. Ann. & Mag. N. H. (3) xx. 1867, p. 117; Bouleng. Proc. Zool. Soc. 
1898, p. 783. 
Mormyrus longiceps, Giinth. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1899, p. 731. 

Depth of body 6% to 7 times in total length, length of head 4 times. 
Head a little more than twice as long as aan upper profile nearly 
straight, declivous; snout rounded, nearly } length of head, slightly 
projecting beyond mouth, the width of which equals eng ob snout 
and once and 4 interocular width; teeth feebly notched, 74 Se = eye 
small, in anterior third of head, its diameter twice in length of snout, 
once and 4 in interocular width. Dorsal 26-29, about 2 or 3 length of 
anal, originating twice as far from end of snout as from base ‘of caudal. 
Anal 59-45, originating considerably in advance of dorsal and a little 
nearer head than root of caudal. Pectoral rounded, a little more than 
+ length of head. Caudal rather small, densely scaled, with rounded 
lobes.. Caudal peduncle twice as long as deep, ? length of head. 
x in transyerse series on body, 21 in 


86-90 scales in lateral line, 


transverse series between dorsal and anal, 14 round caudal peduncle. 
Uniform brown, lighter beneath. 

Total length 330 millim. 

Gold Coast.—The type specimen, from Bossumprah River, which 
should be in the Liverpool Museum, could not be found by Dr. H. O. 
Forbes, to whom I applied for information respecting it. 

1. Ad. Kotschwah River. R. B. N. Walker, Esq. (P.). 

Steind. Notes Leyd. Mus. xvi. 1894, p. 66, pl. i. fig. 2. 

Depth of body 73 times in total length, length of head 5} times. 
Head nearly twice as long as deep, upper profile slightly concave ; 
snout rounded, upper jaw a little longer than lower; teeth truncate or 
slightly notched, 20 in each jaw; eye small, its diameter 4 length of 
snout. Dorsal 26, 2 length of anal, originating considerably nearer base 
of caudal than head. Anal 43, originating considerably in advance 
of dorsal (its 13th ray corresponding to first dorsal), and a little 
nearer head than base of caudal. Pectoral a little more than 3 length 
of head. Caudal rather small, with rounded lobes. Caudal peduncle 
24 times as long as deep, 2 length of head. 90 scales in lateral 

Total length 555 millim. 

S. Paul R., Liberia.—Type in Leyden Museum. 

Pouleng. Ann. Mus. Congo, Zool. i. p. 3, pl. i. fig. 1 (1898), Proc. Zool. Soc. 1895, 
p- 784, and Poiss. Bass. Congo, p. 60 (1901). 

Depth of body 7 to 74 times in total length, length of head 4% to 
5 times. Head nearly twice as long as deep, with straight, declivous 
upper profile; snout rounded, projecting a little beyond mouth, the 
width of which equals hardly # length of snout; teeth notched, 12 in 
each jaw; eye very small, in anterior third of head, its diameter 3 times 
in length of snout, 24 to 3 times in interocular width. Dorsal 19-20, 
4 length of anal, originating twice as far from end of snout as from base 
of caudal. Anal 35-37, originating considerably in adyance of dorsal 
(9th ray corresponding to first dorsal) and at equal distance from 
head and from base of caudal. Pectoral rounded, # length of head. 
Caudal rather small, scaled at the base, with rounded lobes. Caudal 


peduncle 2 to 2} times as long as deep, 3 to 2 length of head. 80-93 
3 foe Meee : : 

seales in lateral line, 355 im transverse series on body, 18-19 in 

transverse series between dorsal and anal, 16 round caudal peduncle. 

Pale brown, dotted with blackish. 

Nea eyc) 
Vig. 22. 

Total length 145 millim. 
Lower Congo.—Types in Congo Museum, Tervueren. 

1-2. Two of the types. Matadi. Capt. Wilverth (C.). 

Bouleng. Ann. Mus. Congo, Zool. i. p. 65, pl. xxxi. fig. 2 (1899), and Poiss. Bass. 
Congo, p. 61 (1901). 

Depth of body 63 to 74 times in total length, length of head 43 to 
4? times. Head twice as long as deep, with straight, slightly declivous 
upper profile; snout rounded, almost truncate, projecting a little beyond 
mouth, the width of which equals only 3 length of snout ; teeth notched, 

Fig. 25. 

Alormyrops parvus, 

Type (A.M.C.). 3. 

10 to 12 in each jaw; eye very small, in anterior third of head, its 
diameter 3 times in length of snout, 24 to 3 times in interocular width. 
Dorsal 19-22, 4 or 3 length of anal, originating 2 to 24 times as far 


from end of snout as from base of caudal. Anal 58-36, originating 

considerably in advance of dorsal (9th-or 10th ray corresponding to first 
dorsal), and at equal distance from head and from base .of ‘caudal. 
Pectoral obtusely pointed, # length of head. Candal rather small, 
greater part covered with scales, with rounded lobes.. Caudal peduncle 
twice as long as deep, ? to $ length of head. 70-76 scales in lateral 
line, = in transverse series on body, 17-18 in transverse. series 
between dorsal and anal, 12 round caudal peduncle. Pale grey above, 
finely speckled with black, white beneath. 

Total length 165 millim. 

Lower Congo.—Types in Congo Museum, Tervueren. 

1. One of the types. Boma.’ M. P. Delhez ((.). 
2. Skel. 

n ” 

Bouleng. Ann. Mus. Congo, Zool. i. p. 4, pl. ii. fig. 1 (1898), Proc. Zool. Soc. 1898, 
p- 784, and Poiss. Bass. Congo, p. 61 (1901). 
Depth of body 6 times in total length, length of head 4} times. 
Head 13 as long as deep, with straight, declivous upper profile ; snout 
rounded, projecting a little beyond the mouth; width of mouth a little 

greater than length of snout; teeth truncate, 12 in upper jaw, 14 in. 

lower; eye very smal}, situated in anterior third of head, its diameter 

Mormyrops masuranus. 

Type (A: M.C.). 4. 

3 times in length of snout or interorbital width. Dorsal 30-31, 
4 length of anal, originating 13 as far from end of snout as from 
base of caudal. Anal 40-46, originating a little in advance of 
dorsal (its 7th or 8th ray corresponding to first dorsal), and 
slightly nearer head than base of caudal. Pectoral 4 length of head. 
Caudal rather small, densely scaled, with rounded lobes. Caudal 


peduncle 23 times as long as deep, 4 length of head. 90-93 scales in 

lateral line, = in transverse series on body, 21-23 in transverse 
series between dorsal and anal, 18 round caudal peduncle. Pale 

Totai length 410 millim. 

Upper Congo (Upoto and Sanga R.).—Type in Congo Museum, 


Bouleng. Ann. Mus. Congo, Zool. i. p. 4, pl. i. fig. 2 (1898), Proc. Zool. Soc. 1898, 
p. 785, and Poiss. Bass. Congo, p. 62 (1901). 

Depth of body 63 to 8 times in total length, length of head 44 to 6. 
Head 13 to 1? times as long as deep, with straight, declivous upper 
profile; snout rounded, projecting a little beyond the mouth; width of 
mouth greater than length of snout; teeth truncate, 12 to 14 in each 
jaw; eye very small, situated in the anterior third or fourth of the head, 
its diameter 3 times in length of snout, 34 to 4 times in interocular 

width. Dorsal 29-32, 2 or ? length of anal, originating 13 as far from 
the end of the snout as from the base of the caudal. Anal 45-47, 
originating considerably in advance of dorsal (its 15th or 14th ray 
corresponding to first dorsal), and at nearly equal distance from end of 
snout and root of caudal. Pectoral rounded, about § length of head. 
Caudal small, densely scaled, with rounded lobes. Caudal peduncle 
2 times as long as deep, 3 length of head. 90—95 scales in lateral line, 
= in transverse series on body, 20 in transverse series between dorsal 
and anal, 16-18 round caudal peduncle. Uniferm dark brown, somewhat 
lighter beneath, 

Total length 650 millim. 

Upper Congo.—Type in Congo Museum, ‘Tervueren. 
1-3. Her. iytis Monsembe. . Rey. J. H. Weeks (P.). 



Mormyrus zanclirostris, Giinth. Ann. & Mag. N. H. (8) xx. 1867, p. 114, pl. i. 
fig. B. 
Mormyrops zanclirostris, Bouleng. Ann. Mus. Congo, Zool. i. p. 3 (1898), and 
Proc. Zool. Soe. 1898, p. 783. 
Depth of body 6 to 7 times in total length, length of head 33 to 
4 times. Head 22 to 28 times as long as deep; snout munch produced, 
tubiform, nearly as long as postorbital part of head; mouth terminal, 
very small; teeth truncate, 14 in each jaw; eye very small, situated 

in anterior half of head, its diameter $ to 3 interocular width. 
Torpati Ql 4+) ‘ . 
Dorsal 19-21, 3 length of anal, originating 3 to 33 times as far from 

Fig. 26. 

Mormyrops zanclirostris. 
Type, after Giinther (Ann. & Mag. N. H. 1867). 4. 

head as from base of caudal. Anal 34-39, originating considerably 
in advance of dorsal (its 12th to 14th ray corresponding to the first 
dorsal ray), and at nearly equal distance from head and base of 
caudal. Pectoral 2 length of head. Caudal small, densely scaled in 
its basal half, with rounded lobes. Caudal peduncle twice as long as 
deep, 3 length of head. 70-74 scales in lateral line, — in transverse 
series on body, 14-15 in transverse series between dorsal and anal, 
10 or 12 round caudal peduncle. Dark brown. 
Total length 270 millim. 

1 Ad., type. Gaboon. 
2. Ad. Talagouga, Ogowe. Miss Kingsley (C.). 
3. Ad., skel. a. a 
4-5. Har. Masoma R., Ogowe. Dr. W. J. Ansorge (C.). 

Pellegr. Bull. Mus. Paris, 1900, p.349 ; Bouleng. Poiss. Bass. Congo, p. 63 (1901). 
Depth of body 9 times in total length, length of head 34 times. 
Head 3 to 34 times as long as deep; snout produced into a long, slender, 


slightly curved tube, 6 or 7 times as long as deep ; mouth terminal, very 
small; teeth truncate, re eye small, a little nearer opercular border than 
end of snout, its diameter # interocular width. Dorsal 17, 2 to 4 length 
of anal and above its middle, and 3 times as distant from end of snout 

as from root of caudal. Anal 38, originating nearer caudal than head. 

Mormyrops boulengert. 

Type. 2. 

Pectoral rounded, 3 length of head. Caudal small, scaly at the base, 
with rounded lobes. Caudal peduncle 2} times as long as deep, its 
length 33 or 4 times in length of head. 63-70 scales in lateral line, 
ai in transverse series on body, 12-13 in transverse series between 
dorsal and anal, 8 round caudal peduncle. Blackish brown. 

Total length 240 millim. 

Alima River, Congo._-Types in Paris Museum. 
1. One of the types. Diele, Alima R. Paris Museum (E.). 


Bouleng. Ann. Mus. Congo, Zool. i. p. 66, pl. xxxii. fig. 1 (1899), and Poiss. Bass. 
Congo, p. 64 (1901). 


alee 9 

Mormyrops curtus. 

Type (A.M.C.). 4. 

Depth of body equal to length of head, 4 to 44 times in total length. 
Head once and 3 as long as deep, with concave upper profile; snout 
short, rounded; mouth terminal, its width equal to length of snout ; 


teeth truncate, 22 or 24 in each jaw; eye small, in anterior third 
of head, its diameter 3 to 34 times in length of snout, 24 to 3 times in 
interocular width. Dorsal 24-25, half as long as anal and above its 
middle, 23 times as distant from end of snout as from root of caudal. 
Anal 40—43, its origin at equal distance from head and from root 
of caudal. Pectoral rounded, 2 length of head. Caudal small, greater 
part covered with scales, with rounded lobes. Caudal peduncle a little 

longer than deep, § to $ length of head. - 65-67 scales im lateral line, 
13-14 . ; : a 
i719 1M transverse series on body, 21—23 in transverse series between 

dorsal and anal, 16 round caudal peduncle. Purplish brown, lighter 
beneath, with darker blotches or marblings, or with small dark spots 
forming longitudinal lines. 

Total length 400 millim. 

Lower Congo.—Types in Congo Museum, Tervueren. 

1. One of the types. Boma. M. P. Delhez (C.). 

Bouleng. Ann. Mus. Congo, Zool. i. p. 5, pl. ii. fig. 2 (1898), Proc. Zool. Soc. 1898, 
p- 785, and Poiss. Bass. Congo, p. 65 (1901). 
Depth of body 5 to 6 times in total length, length of head 33 to 
5 times. Head 12 to 1# times as long as deep, upper profile slightly 
concave ; shout rounded ; jaws equal; width of mouth nearly equal to 
length of snout; teeth truncate, 16 to 22 in each jaw; eye small, 

Mormyrops lineolatus. 
Type (A.M.C.). 4. 

in anterior third of head, its diameter 2 to 3 times in length of 
snout or in interocular width. Dorsal 29-52, 3 to # length of anal, 
originating 12 to 24 times as far from end of snout as from base of 
caudal. Anal 46-50, originating considerably in advance of dorsal (11th 
to 15th ray corresponding to first dorsal), and a little nearer head than 
root of caudal.- Pectoral rounded, % length of head. Caudal smali, 


densely scaled, with rounded lobes. Caudal peduncle as long as 

deep, ¢ to } length of head. 80-90 scales in lateral line, =e 1 

transverse series on body, 23-25 in transverse series between dorsal 
and anal, 16-18 round caudal peduncle. Pale brown, with dark lines 

along the series of scales. 
Total length 400 millim. 
Upper Congo.—Type in Congo Museum, Tervueren. 

1. Ad. Kutu, Lake Leopold II. M. P. Delhez (C.). 
2. Ye. Coquilhatville. ” 
3. Her. Upper Congo. Brussels University. 

Bouleng. Ann. Mus. Congo, ‘Zool. i. p. 66, pl. xxxii. fig. 2 (1899), and Poiss. Bass. 
Congo, p. 66 (1901) ; Pellegr. Bull. Soc. Philom. (9) ix. 1907,‘p. 20. 
Mormyrops vaillanti, Pellegr. Bull. Mus. Paris, 1899, p. 358. - : c 4 
Depth of body 5 to 453 times in total length, length of head 5{ times. 
Head 14 to 1% times as long as deep, upper profile slightly concave ; 
snout rounded; mouth terminal. its width equal to length of snout ; 
teeth truncate, 24 to 28 in each jaw; eye small, in anterior third of 
head, its diameter 24 to 5} times in length of snout or interocular 

Fig. 30. 

Mormyrops nigricans. 

Type (A.M.C.). 4. 

width. Dorsal 24-25, 3 length of anal, its origin 3 times as distant 
from end of snout as from root of caudal. Anal 38—41, originating 
considerably in advance of dorsal, its origin twice as distant from end 
of snout as from root of caudal. Pectoral rounded, 4 length of head. 
Caudal small, greater part covered with scales, lobes short and rounded. 
Caudal peduncle not or but slightly longer than deep, + to 4 length of 
head. 54-58 scales in lateral line, =r in transverse series on body, 
14-16 in transverse series between dorsal and anal, 12 round caudal 


peduncle. Blackish on the back, greyish on the belly ; sides brown, with 
darker longitudinal lines, with or without black blotches. 

Total length 340 millim. 

Upper Congo, Ogowe.—Type in Congo Museum, Tervueren. 
1. Her. Monsembe, Upper Congo. Rey. J. H. Weeks (P.). 

Bouleng. Ann. Mus. Congo, Zool. i. p. 6, pl. i. fig. 3 (1898), Proc. Zool. Soc. 1898, 
p- 786, and Poiss. Bass. Congo, p. 67 (1901). 

Depth of body 63 times in total length, length of head 43 times. 
Head twice as long as deep, with straight upper profile; snout rounded, 
projecting beyond mouth; width of mouth 3 length of snout; teeth 
truncate, 14 in each jaw; eye moderate, its diameter once and 3 in 
length of snout, twice in interocular width. Dorsal 46, nearly ~ length 
of anal, originating nearly twice as far from end of snout as from base of 

Fig. 31. 

Mormyrops microstoma. 

Type (A.M.C.). 2. 

caudal. Anal 70, originating considerably in advance of dorsal (17th 
ray corresponding to first dorsal), and nearer head than base of caudal. 
Pectoral rounded, 4 length of head. Caudal very small, scaled at the 
base, with rounded lobes. Caudal peduncle hardly as long as deep, 
+ length of head. 102 scales in lateral line, oF 
body, 16 in transverse series between dorsal and anal, 14 round caudal 

in transverse series on 

peduncle. Blackish brown. 
Total length 165 millim. 
Upper Congo (New Antwerp).—Type in Congo Museum, Tervueren. 

Mormyrus (Mormyrops) marie, Schilthuis, Tijdschr. Ned. Dierk. Ver. (2) ii. 1891, 
Pp. 92. 
Mormyrops mari, Bouleng. Aun. Mus. Congo, Zool. i. p. 3 (1898), Proc. Zool. Soc. 
1898, p. 786, and Poiss. Bass. Congo, p. 67 (1901). 

Depth of body 5} to 7 times in total length, length of head 4 to 


5 times. Head once and 3 to nearly twice as long as deep, with straight 
or slightly concave upper profile; snout rounded, jaws equal; width 
of mouth a little less than length of snout; teeth truncate, 14 to 20 
in each jaw; eye very small, in anterior third of head, its diameter 
3 or 4 times in length of snout, 25 to 34 times in interocular width. 
Dorsal 34-39, 3 to $ length of anal, originating at equal distance from 
head and from base of caudal, or a little nearer latter. Anal 47-59, 

LZ gies 


Mormyrops marie. 

Type. 2. 

originating in advance of dorsal (8th to 11th ray corresponding to first 
dorsal), and much nearer base of caudal than end of snout. Pectoral 
rounded, 4 length of head. Caudal very small, scaled at the base, with 

rounded lobes. Caudal peduncle not longer than deep, $ to } length of 
head. 100-106 scales in lateral line, — in transverse series on body, 

28-31 in transverse series between dorsal and anal, 22—24 round caudal 
peduncle. Pale purplish, uniform or finely speckled with brown. 
Total length 390 millim. 

1-2. Her. Matadi, Lower Congo. Capt. Wilverth (C.). 
3. Ad. Boma, “3 M. P. Delhez (C.). 
4, Her., type. Kinshassa, Stanley Pool. M. A. Greshoff (C.). 


Bouleng. Ann. Mus. Congo, Zool. i. p. 6, pl. i. fig. 4 (1898), Proc. Zool. Soc. 1898, 
p. 786, Poiss. Bass. Congo, p. 68 (1901), and Ann. & Mag. N. H. (7) xvi. 
1905, p. 641. 

Depth of body 8 to 8} times in total length, length of head 53 to 
64 times. Head nearly twice as long as deep, upper profile straight, 
decliyous; snout rounded, projecting a little beyond mouth; width 
of mouth ? Jength of snout; teeth truncate, ee eye small, in anterior 
third of head, its diameter 23 times in length of snout or interocular 
width. Dorsal 41-43, # length of anal, originating a little nearer base 


of caudal than head. Anal 63-64, originating considerably in advance 
of dorsal (14th ray corresponding to first dorsal), and at equal distance 
from end of snout and base of caudal. Pectoral rounded, a little more 
than 4 length of head. Caudal very small, scaled at the base, with 
rounded lobes. Caudal peduncle hardly as long as deep, % length of 

Fig. 33. 

Mormyrops attenuatus. 
pane are NR OnE Type (A.M.C.). 3 


head. 90-95 scales in lateral line, = in transverse series on body, 18 in 
transverse series between dorsal and anal, 16 round caudal peduncle. 
Whitish, finely and closely speckled with brown. 

Total length 410 millim. 5 

Upper Congo (Upoto); Kassai River.—Type in Congo Museum, 

Pellegr. Bull. Mus. Paris, 1900, p. 350; Bouleng. Poiss. Bass. Congo, p. 69 
(1901). | 

Depth of body 7% times in total length, length of head 5 times. 
Head nearly twice as long as deep, with straight declivous profile; 
snout rounded, projecting a little beyond the mouth, the width of which 
equals % length of snout; teeth bicuspid, forked, 14 in each jaw; eye 
small, in anterior third of head, its diameter 24 times in length of 
snout, twice in interocular width. Dorsal 33-55, 2 to ? length of anal, 
its origin nearer root of caudal than head. Anal 05-61, originating 
considerably in advance of dorsal (15th ray corresponding to first dorsal) 
and at nearly equal distance from head and from root of caudal. Pectoral 
rounded, 4 length of head. Caudal very small, scaled at the base, lobes 
short and rounded. Caudal peduncle a little longer than deep, its length 
41 to 5 times in length of head. 90-965 scales in lateral line, — in 
transverse series on body, 20 in transverse series between dorsal and 
anal, 14 round caudal peduncle. Brown, minutely dotted and in- 
distinctly marbled with blackish. 

Total length 500 millim. 

Alima River, Congo.—Types in Paris Museum. 


Petrocephalus, part., Marcusen, Bull. Ac. St. Pétersb. xii. 1854, p. 14, and Mém. 
Ae. St. Pétersb. (7) vii. 1864, no. 4, p. 111. 
Mormyrus, part., Giinth. Cat. Fish. vi. p. 214 (1866). 
Petrocephalus, Gill, Proc. Ac. Philad. 1862, p. 443; Bouleng. Proc. Zool. Soe. 
1898, p. 787, Poiss. Bass. Congo, p. 70 (1901), and Fish. Nile, p. 32 (1907). 
Teeth in the jaws bicuspid, forming a single complete series on the 
entire edge of both jaws (10-26 upper and 16-36 lower); minute 
conical teeth on the parasphenoid and on the tongue; mouth inferior, 
situated below the eyes. Nostrils close together, close to the eye. Body 
short ; ventral fins nearer the pectorals than the anal. Dorsal and anal 
fins usually not very unequal in length. Vertebree 42-44 (9-12+4-6 
+ 27-29). 
Nile and Tropical: Africa. 

Synopsis of the Species. 
I. Anal originating more or less in advance of dorsal, which has at least 20 rays. 
A. Diameter of eye greater than length of snout. 
1. D. 28-33: A. 31-39; L. 1. 39-50. 
29-30 ? 
10-12 ie ane caudal peduncle . . . 1. P. bane, Lacep., p. 48. 

Diameter of eye 3—3 interorbital width; teeth ; 

Diameter of eye equal to interorbital width ; 

20-26 | 
teeth 55-35 3 

Diameter of eye 14 interorbital width ; teeth 2 ma 

12 scales round caudal poouscre . 2. P. sauvagit, Bler., p. 49. 

8 scales round caudal peduncle Seneiowie pra On ize Onsongi lore me) ills 
.2. D. 20-285 
- a. 10-12 scales round enddal pedunele. 
a. Base of dexpal B least as long as its distance from caudal. 
D. 21-25; A. 28=30 ; (85-37 ; 16-18 
scales between D. & fe mh; ce eee vallania saves ao 2. 
D. 24-28; A. 30-34; L.1. 38-45 ; 21-26 scales 

between D. & A. ; teeth 10.18 Pull MAM D.| Lo6 SUAS SAU.) Dy Oe. 
26 &eAc 30-355 La 1.:138=43. Ge) a) ops, 6. WP. dover, ©. & V., p54. 
Ae ISS 30 mb) Al 44s eal all i kcatingi PDloTe, 1.00. 
LY o IN. DOG) 5 Te Bee 0 0 kn) eb ee WUD Elon, . p. 06. 
b. 16 scales round caudal igs 
D. 20-22; A. 25-29; L. 1. 37-40; teeth Hs 

8. Base of dorsal shorter than its distance from caudal; teeth 


9. P. catostoma, Gthr., p. 57. 


B. Diameter of eye slightly less than length of snout. 

D. 27; A. 29; L.1. 40; teeth; . . . . . 10. P. gliroides, Vincig., p. 58. 

II. Dorsal and anal originating in the same vertical. 
D. 19; A. 27; L.1. 415; 12 scales round caudal 
peduncle ; teeth e Sao oo do 6 allle 225 Wann; JBesrs, yon otee 


Mormyrus bane, Lacep. Hist. Poiss. vy. p. 620 (1803); Cuv. & Val. Hist. Poiss. 
xix. p. 276 (1846); Giinth. Cat. Fish. vi. p. 220 (1866), and Petherick’s Trav. 
li. p. 254 (1869). 

Mormyrus cyprinoides (non L.), I. Geoffr. Deser. Egypte, Poiss. p. 277, pl. viii. 
figs. 3 & 4 (1827). 

Mormyrus dequesne, Cuv. & Val. t. ¢. 

Mormyrus joannisii, Cuv. & Val. t. c. 

Mormyrus ehrenbergii, Cuy. & Val. t. c. p. 283. 

Petrocephalus bane, Mareusen, Bull. Ac. St. Pétersb. xii. 1854, p. 14, and Mém, 
Ac. St. Pétersh. (7) vii. 1864, no. 4, p. 146 ; Bouleng. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1898, 
p- 788, and Fish. Nile, p. 32, pl. vi. fig. 1 (1907). 

Petrocephalus dequesne, Marcusen, Bull. p. 14. 


Petrocephalus dejoannis, Marcusen, 1. ec. 
Petrocephalus ehrenbergii, Marcusen, |. ec. 

Fig. 34. 

Petrocephalus bane. 

Cuiro (I'. N.). 3. 


Depth of body 23 to 34 times in total length, length of head 32 to 44 
times. Head as long as deep or a little deeper than long, rounded ; 
snout very short, § to $ length of head, rounded, projecting beyond the 
mouth ; mouth situated below the eye, its width 1-2 length of head; 

teeth bicuspid, 14-22 in upper jaw, 22-30 in lower; nostrils on 


a level with lower border of eye; eye large, longer than snout, 2 to 3 
interorbital width. Dorsal 29-33, originating above 3rd to 10th ray of 
anal, its length 13 to 2 times in its distance from head. Anal 31-37, 
equally distant from base of ventral and from base of caudal. Pectoral 
pointed, % to # length of head, twice as long as ventral, and extending 
beyond base of latter. Caudal with pointed lobes. Caudal peduncle 
24 to 3 times as long as deep, 3 to $ length of head. 39-50 scales 
in lateral line, ie in transverse series on body, aa in transverse 
series between dorsal and anal, 10-12 round caudal peduncle. Silvery, 
greyish on the back; extremity of anterior dorsal rays brownish or 
Total length 195 millim. 

Nile and Chad Basins, Niger. 

1-3. Ad. & her. Lower Nile. J. Petherick, Esq. (C.). 
“4. Skel. 3 ” 

ee ss is Dr. Riippell (C.). 

6-8. Ad. Rosetta Nile, near Barrage. L. Loat, Esq. (C.). 

9. Ad. Nile 8. of Cairo. 

10-19. Ad. & her. | Wasta, Lower Nile. 
20-23. Ad. & her. Beni Souef, re 

24-29. Ad. & hgr.  Sanhur, i si 

30-31. Ad. Lahun, Bahr Yusuf, Fayum. H 

32-84. Ad. Between Assiout and Abu Tig. ed 

35-37. Ad. Luxor. mn 

38-40. Ye. Regulator near Luxor. i 

41. Her. Between Luxor and Assuan. op 

42-45. Ad. Near Assuan. v4 

46-53. Ad. & ler. Khartum. J. Petherick, Esq. (C.). 
54. Her. Omdurman. L. Loat, Esq. (C.). 
55-60. Ad. Wad Medine, Blue Nile. a 

61. Ad. Rosaires, is Capt. S. Flower (P.). 

62-65. Ad. & her. Jetween KhartumandSobatR. Mr. P. C. Zaphiro (C.) ; 
W.N. McMillan, Hsq.(P.). 

66. Her. Fashoda, White Nile. L. Loat, Esq. (C.). 

67. Ad. Tewfikyeh, —,, Ps 

68-69. Ad. Yo R., Lake Chad. Capt. G. B. Gosling (P.). 
70. Ad. Jebba, Upper Niger. Capt. G. I’, Abadie (P.). 

Mormyrus (Petrce phalus) sauvagti, Bouleng. Ann. & Mag. N. H. (5) xix. 1887, 
p. 149. 
Mormyrus cyprinoides (non Geoffr.), Perugia, Ann. Mus. Genova, xxx. 1891, p. 976. 
VGL. I. mb} 


Petrocephalus sauvagii, Bouleng. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1898, p. 788, and Poiss. Bass. 
Congo, p. 70 (1901). 

Depth of body 2% to 34 times in total length, length of head 33 
to 4 times. Head as long as deep, with straight, feebly declivous upper 
profile; snout very short, § to } length of head, obliquely truncate, 
projecting beyond mouth ; mouth situated below anterior border of the 
eye, its width > or $ length of head; teeth bicuspid, 20-26 in upper 
jaw, 28-30 in lower; eye large, its diameter greater than length of snout, 
equal to interorbital width. Dorsal 28-31, originating above 4th to 7th 
ray of anal, its length a little more than half its distance from head. 
Anal 35-38, equally distant from base of ventral and base of caudal, or 

Petrocephalus sawvagiti. 

Type. 2. 

slightly nearer latter. Pectoral pointed, about 3 to # length of head, 
twice as long as veutral, and extending beyond base of latter. Caudal 

scaled at the base, with pointed lobes. Caudal peduncle 3 times as long 

3 to 2 length of head. 40-46 scales in lateral line, = in 

as deep, 
transverse series on body, = in transverse series between dorsal and 
anal, 12 round caudal peduncle. Plumbeous above, silvery white below ; 
a round blackish spot sometimes present below origin of dorsal. 

Total length 190 millim. 

Lower Congo, Old Calabar. 

1. Type. Lower Congo. M. I. Hens (C.). 

2. Ad. Loango, Lower Congo. M. De Meuse (C.). 
By, JENGE Goma, iy M. P. Delhez (C.). 
4, Skel. A. 5 , 

5. Her. Matadi, i, Capt. Wilverth (C.). 


6. Ad. Bolobo, Upper Congo. Rev. G. Grenfell (P.). 

7-8. Ad. & her. Monsembe, i Rey. J. H. Weeks (P.). 

9-10. Ad. Coquilhatville, ,, M. P. Delhez (C.). 
10-12. Ad. & yg. Upper Congo. Brussels University. 
13-14. Yg. Old Calabar. Miss Kingsley (C.). 


Bouleng. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1902, ii. p. 325, pl. xxviii. fig. 2. 


Depth of body 3 times in total length, length of: head 44 times. 
Head slightly longer than deep ; snout rounded, } length of head; mouth 
situated below eye, its width 4 length of head; teeth bicuspid, 10 in upper 
jaw, 20 in lower; nostrilsa little above level of lower border of eye; eye 
large, twice as long as snout, 14 interorbital width. Dorsal 33, originating 
above 9th ray of anal, its length 14 in its distance from head. Anal 39, 
equally distant from base of ventral and from base of caudal. Pectoral 

Petrocephalus ansorgit. +4. 
Type (P. Z. 8. 1902), 

pointed, # length of head, twice as long as ventral and extending beyond 
base of latter. Caudal with pointed lobes. Caudal peduncle 3 times as 
long as deep, § length of head. 46 scales in lateral line, a in transverse 
series on body, = in transverse series between dorsal and anal, 8 round 
caudal peduncle. Silvery, brownish on the back and on the anterior 
rays of the dorsal. 

Total length 105 millim. 

Lower Niger. 

sally pes Agberi. Dr, W. J. Ansorge (C.). 

E 2 



Mormyrius catostoma (non Giinth, 1866), Giinth. Ann. & Mag. N. H. (3) xx. 1867, 
p. 166. 

Petrocephalus balayi, Sauv. Bull. Soc. Philom. (7) vii. 1883, p. 159 ; Bouleng. 
Proe. Zool. Soc. 1898, p. 789, and Poiss. Bass. Congo, p. 72 (1901) ; Pellegr. 
Bull. Soe. Philom. (9) ix. 1907, p. 20. 

Mormyrus amblystoma, Giinth. Ann. & Mag. N. H. (6) xvii. 1896, p. 281, 
pl. xiv. fig. A. . 

Depth of body 22 to 5 times in total leneth, length of head 34 to 
33 times. Head as long as deep, with convex upper profile ; snout very 
short, § to } length of head, obliquely truncate, projecting beyond mouth ; 
mouth below anterior border or centre of eye, its width 4 length of head ; 
teeth bicuspid, 20-24 in upper jaw, 30-36 in: lower; nostrils above 
lower border of eye; eye large, its diameter greater than length of 
snout, % interorbital width. Dorsal 21-25, originating above 4th or dth 
ray of anal, its length nearly 3 its distance from head and equal to its 

Petrocephalus ballay?. 
Type of JL amblystoma, after Giinther (Ann. & Mag. N. TL. 1896). 

distance from caudal. Anal 28-30, slightly nearer base of caudal than 
base of ventral. Pectoral pointed, 3 length of head, 1$ length of 
ventral, extending beyond base of latter. Caudal scaled at the base, 
with pointed lobes. Caudal peduncle 25 to 3 times as long as deep, 
3 to + length of head. 65-87 scales in lateral line, a in transverse 

9) on . 
“ in transverse series between dorsal and anal, 

series on the body, i 


10 or 12 round caudal peduncle. Brown above, silvery below; a dark 
spot at base of caudal, and another below origin of dorsal. 

Total length 170 millim. 

Ogowe, Congo.—Type in Paris Museum. 
1. Ad. (Type of M. amblystoma.) Talagouga, Ogowe. — Miss Kingsley (C.). 
2-4, Ad. & her. Komadekke, Ogowe. Dr. W. J. Ansorge (C.). 



Sauy. Bull. Soc. Philom. (7) iii. 1878, p. 100; Bouleng. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1598, 
p. 789, and Poiss. Bass. Congo, p. 73 (1901); Pappenh. Mitth. Zool. Mus. 
Berl. iii. 1907, p. 344. 

Mormyrus (Petrocephalus) simus, Sauy. N. Arch. Mus. (2) iii. 1880. p. 51, 
pl. ii. fig. 3. 

Mormyrus tenuicauda, Steind. Notes Leyd. Mus. xvi. 1894, p. 69, pl. vi. fig. 1. 

Mormyrus simus, Giinth. Ann. & Mag. N. H. (6) xvii. 1896, p. 282. 

Depth of body 22 to 53 times in total length, length of head 5% to 4} 
times. Head. as long as deep, with convex upper profile; snout very 
short, ¢ length of head, obliquely truncate, projecting beyond mouth ; 
mouth below anterior border of eye, its width + to 4 length of head; 
tceth bicuspid, 10-18 in upper jaw, 16—24 in lower ; nostrils uear lower 
border of eye; eye rather large, a little longer than snout, 3 inter- 

lig. 38. 

ctrocephulus stmus. 
Type, after Sauvage (N. Arch. Mus. 1880), 
orbital width. Dorsal 24~28, originating above 5th to 7th ray of anal, 
its length 1? to 2 times in its distance from head, and equal to or 
slightly greater than its distance from caudal. Anal 30-34, equally 
distant from base of ventral and from base of caudal. Pectoral pointed, 
$ length of head, twice as long as ventral, extending beyond base of 
latter. Caudal scaled at the base, with pointed lobes. Caudal peduncle 


3 times as long as deep, $ to $ length of head, more or less constricted at 
the base. 38-45 scales in lateral line, a in transverse series on body, 
oa in transverse series between dorsal and anal, 12 round caudal 
peduncle. Brown above, silvery beneath; anterior part of dorsal 
blackish ; a brown spot sometimes present below origin of dorsal. 

Total length 120 millim. 

Liberia to Congo.—Type in Paris Museum. 

1-2. Her. & yg. Duqueah R., Liberia. Dr. Biittikofer (C.). 
3. Her. Agberi, 8. Nigeria. Dr. W. J. Ansorge (C.). 
4—5, Ad. Kribi R., 8. Cameroon. G. L. Bates, Esq. (C.). 
6-10. Ad.& bor. Ja R. at Bitye, Cameroon. A 
J1-13. Ad. Talagouga, Ogowe. Miss Kingsley (C.). 
14, Her. Thali, Lake Leopold II., Upper Congo, M. P. Delhez (C.). 
py, Avcl: Upper Congo. Brussels University. 
16. Ad. Banzyville, Ubanghi. Capt. Royaux (C.). 
17-18. Hgr.& yg. Quanza R., Angola. Dr. W. J. Ansorge (C.). 

Mormyrus bovei, Cuy. & Val. Hist. Poiss. xix. p. 283 (1846) ; Giinth. Petherick’s 
Tray. il. p. 255 (1869); Steind. Sitzb. Ak. Wien, Ixi. i. 1870, p. 553. 
Petrocephalus bovei, Marcusen, Bull. Ac. St. Pétersb. xii. 1854, p. 14; Bouleng. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. 1898, p. 789, and Fish. Nile, p. 36, pl. viii. fig. 1 (1907). 
Depth of body 3 to 3§ times in total length, length of head 4 to 43 
times. Head as long as deep; snout very short, + to + length of 

head, rounded, projecting beyond mouth; mouth below eye, its width 
7 to i length of head; teeth bicuspid, 10-14 in upper jaw, 16-20 in 

Fig. 39. 

Petrocephalus bovei. 

Lower Nile (1°. N.). 
lower; nostrils on a level with lower border of eye; eye large, longer 
than snout, its diameter 54 to 44 times in length of head, 14 to 13 times 
in interorbital width. Dorsal 22-26, originating above 6th to 8th ray 
of anal, its length 13 to 2 times in its distance from head and a little 



less than its distance from caudal: Anal 30-35, equally distant from 
base of ventral and from base of caudal, or a little nearer latter. 
Pectoral pointed, 2 to # length of head, nearly twice as long as ventral, 
and extending beyond base of latter.» Caudal scaled at the base, with 
pointed lobes. Caudal peduncle 24 to barely 3 times as long as deep, 
3 to 4 length of head. 88-43 scales in lateral line, Rae in transverse 
series on body, at in transverse series between dorsal and anal, 10 or 
12 round caudal peduncle. Uniform silvery, the back a little darker, 
the fins white. 

Total length 120 millim. 

Lower Nile, Senegal, Gambia.—Type in Paris Museum. 

1. Ad. Kafr-el-Zayat, Rosetta Nile. L. Loat, Esq. (C.). 
2-1). Ad. & her. Kaédi, Senegal. M. P. Delhez (C.). 
12.,Ad. McCarthy Id., Gambia. J.S. Budgett, Esq. (P.). 

Bouleng. Ann. & Mag. N. H. (7) viii. 1901, p. 444, and Fish. Nile, p. 38, pl. viii. 
fic. 2 (1907). 

Depth of body 2# to 3 times in total length, length of head 4 to 43 
times. Head as long as deep; snout very short, ¢ or + length of head, 
rounded, projecting beyond mouth; mouth below eye, its width 7 length 
of head; teeth bicuspid, 16 in upper jaw, 26 in lower; nostrils on 

Fig. 40. 

Petrocephulus keatingii. 

Type (F. N.). 

a level with lower border of eye’; eye large, longer than snout, its 
diameter + length of head, equal to interocular width. Dorsal 25, 
originating above 15th ray of anal, its Jength twice in its distance from 
head. Anal 38-39, equally distant from base of ventral and from base 


of caudal, or a little nearer latter. Pectoral pointed, # length of 
head, twice as jong as ventral and extending beyond base of latter. 
Caudal scaled at the base, with pointed lobes. Caudal peduncle 2} 
times as long as deep, 2 length of head. 41-44 scales in lateral 
line, a5 in transverse series on body, = in transverse series between 
dorsal and anal, 10 or 12 round caudal peduncle. Silvery, the back and 
the anterior rays of the dorsal darker. 

Total length 105 millim. 

White Nile. 
1. Type. Fashoda. L. Loat, Esq. (P.). 
2. Ad. Between Khartum and Sobat R. Mr. P. C. Zaphiro (C.) ; 

W.N. MeMillan, Esq. (P.). 


Mormyrus catostoma (non Giinth.), Pfeffer, Thierw. O.-Afr., Fische, p. 39 (1896). 
Petrocephalus catostoma, Pappenh. Mitth. Zool. Mus. Berl. iii. 1907, p. 344. 

Depth of body equal to length of head, 34 times in total length. 
Head slightly longer than deep, with convex upper profile; snout very 
short, + length of head, rounded, strongly projecting beyond mouth; 
mouth below eye, its width 4 length of head; teeth bicuspid, 12-16 
in upper jaw, 20-24 in lower; eye rather large, as long as snout, 
about 2 interorbital width. Dorsal 20-22, originating above dth ray of 

Fig. 41. 

Petrocephalus stuhimanni, 

anal, its length hardly half its distance from head. Anal 25-29, a little 
nearer base of ventrals than base of caudal. Pectoral pointed, 3 length 
of head, nearly twice as long as ventral and extending beyond base of 
latter. Caudal with pointed lobes. Caudal peduncle hardly more than 
twice as long as deep, } length of head. 35-38 scales in lateral line, 


= in transverse series on body, = in transverse series between dorsal and 
anal, 12 round caudal peduncle. Silvery, back dark brown. 
Total length 85 millim. 
Kingani River, East Africa. 
1. Type. Kingani R. Dr. Stuhlmann (C.); 
Berlin Museum (E. ). 

Mormyrus catostoma, Giinth. Cat. Fish. vi. p. 222 (1866). 
Petrocephalus catostoma, Bouleng. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1898, p. 790. 

Depth of body 3 to 34 times in total length, length of head 3) to 53 
times. Head as long as deep, with convex upper profile; snout very 
short, } length of head, rounded, projecting beyond mouth; mouth 
situated below eye, its width } length of head; teeth bicuspid, 12-14 

Fig. 42. 

Petrocephalus catostoma. 


in upper jaw, 18-20 in lower; eye large, at least as long as snout, at 
least 3 interorbital width. Dorsal 20-22, originating above 4th or 5th 
ray of anal, its length hardly half its distance from head. Anal 25-29, 
equally distant from base of ventral and from base of caudal. Pectoral 
pointed, nearly } length of head, twice as long as ventral, and extending 
beyond base of latter. Caudal with pointed lobes. Caudal peduncle 24 
to 3 times as long as deep, a little shorter than head. 37-40 scales in 
lateral line, — in transverse series on body, ao in transverse series 
between dorsal and anal, 16 round caudal peduncle. Silvery, back 

Total length 55 millim. 

Rovuma River and Lake Nyassa. 
1-5. Types. Rovuma River. Dr. C. Livingstone (P.). 
6. Ad. Between Kondowe and Karonga, Sir H. H. Johnston (P.). 

N. of L. Nyassa. 



Mormyrus gliroides, Vincig. Ann. Mus. Genova, (2) xvi. 1897, p. 353. 
Petrocephalus gliroides, Bouleng. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1898, p. 790. 

Depth of body 2% times in total length, length of head 5% times. Head 
nearly as long as deep; snout prominent, rounded, hardly 4 length of 
head; mouth inferior, below anterior third of eye, its width + length 
of head; teeth bicuspid, 14 in upper jaw, 24 in lower; eye moderate, 
slightly shorter than snout, ¢ length of head, } interorbital width. 
Dorsal 27, originating above 3rd ray of anal, at equal distance from head 
and from base of caudal. Anal 29, equally distant from base of ventral 
and from base of caudal. Pectoral pointed, } length of head. Caudal 
peduncle 25 timesas long asdeep. About 40 scales in lateral line, & in 
transverse series on body, a in transverse series between dorsal and anal, 
12 round candal peduncle. Greyish above, yellowish beneath. 

Total length 125 millim. 

Between Ganana and Lugh, Somaliland.—Type, in Genoa Museum, 

Bouleng. Ann. & Mag. N. H. (7) xvii. 1906, p. 434, and Fish. Nile, p. 39, pl. x. 
fig. 1 (1907). 
Depth of body 33 times in the total length, length of head 3% times. 
Head as long as deep ; snout very short, about § length of head, rounded, 

Petrocephalus degeni. 
Type (F. N.). 3. 


projecting beyond mouth ; mouth below eye, its width 1 length of head ; 
teeth bicuspid, 10 in upper jaw, 22 in lower; nostrils on a level with 
lower border of eye; eye rather large, longer than snout, its diameter 
4} times in length of head, once and } in interorbital width. Dorsal 19, 


originating above first ray of anal, its length twice and 4 in its distance 
from head. Anal 27, equally distant from base of ventral and from base 
of caudal. Pectoral pointed, about } length of head, twice as long as 
ventral, and extending beyond vertical of base of latter. Caudal fin with 
pointed lobes. Caudal peduncle twice and 4 as long as deep, # length 
of head. 41 scales in lateral line, = in transverse series on body, in 
transverse series between dorsal and anal, 12 round caudal peduncle. 
Silvery; back dark grey; fins grey. 

Total length 88 millim. 

Lake Victoria. 
1. Type. Mouth of Katonga R. Mr. BH. Degen (C.). 

Gill, Proe. Ac. Philad. 1862, p. 444 (1863) ; Bouleng. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1898, 
p. 791. 
Mormyrops, part., Giinth. Cat. Fish. vi. p. 223 (1866). 

Teeth rather large, notched, few, 5-6 in the upper jaw, 6 in the 
lower; minute conical teeth on the parasphenoid and on the tongue ; 
mouth subinferior, below the level of the eye. Nostrils widely separated. 
Body much elongate ; ventrals much nearer anal than pectorals. Dorsal 
a little longer than anal. Vertebrae 64 (26+3s8). 

West Africa. 


Gill, Proc. Ac. Philad. 1862, p. 444; Bouleng. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1898, p. 791 ; 
Pappenh. Mitth. Zool. Mus. Berl. iii. 1907, p. 347. 

Mormyrops henryi, Giinth. Cat. Fish. vi. p. 224 (1866) ; Hubrecht, Notes Leyd. 
Mus. iii. 1881, p. 70. 

Mormyrus henryi, Giinth. Ann. & Mag. N. H. (3) xx. 1867, p. 115 ; Steind. Notes 
Leyd. Mus. xvi. 1894, p. 66. 

Mormyrus cobitiformis, Peters, Sitzb. Ges. nat. Fr. Berl. 1852, p. 72. 

Mormyrus (Isistius) henryi, Sauvage, Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 1884, p. 207, pl. vi. 
fig. 1. 

Depth of body 8 to 11 times in total length, length of head 6 to 7} times. 
Head 12 to 2 times as long as deep ; snout rounded, 4 to } length of head ; 
mouth subinferior, its width { length of head; nostrils midway between 
eye and end of snout; eye small, hardly $ length of snout, 4} inter- 
orbital width. Dorsal 39-50, longer than its distance from head. Anal 
38-47, originating a little posterior to origin of dorsal. Pectoral about 

60 MORMYRID 2%. 

2 length of head. Caudal small, with obtusely pointed lobes. Caudal 
peduncle twice as long as deep, } length of head. 120-140 scales in 
lateral line, : between dorsal and anal, 18-2 round caudal peduncle. 

Dark brown. 

Tsichthys henryt. 
S. Cameroon. 3. 

Total length 205 millim. 

West Africa, from Liberia to Mayumba, French Congo.—Type in 
U.S. National Museum, Washington. : 

1. Ad. Sapelle, Lower Niger. Dr. W. J. Ansorge (C.). 
2-4, Ad. Kribi R., 8. Cameroon. G. L. Bates, Usq. (C.). 
5-6. Ad. Eloby, Gaboon. 
7, 8. Ad. & her. Gaboon. 
9. Skel. x 
10. Ad. Masoma R., Ogowe. Dr. W. J. Agsorge (C.). 
Die Hens W. Africa. 

Petrocephalus, part., Marcusen, Bull. Ac. St. Pétersb. xii. 1854, p. 14, and Mém. 
Ac. St. Pétersb. (7) vii. 1864, no. 4, p. 113. 
Marcusenius, Gill, Proc. Ac. Philad. 1862, p. 129; Bouleng. Proc. Zool. Soc. 
1898, p. 792, Poiss. Bass. Congo, p. 74 (1901), and Fish. Nile, p. 40 (1907). 
FHeteromormyrus, Steind. Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien, xvi. 1866, p. 765. 
Mormyrus, part., Giinth. Cat. Fish. vi. p. 214 (1866). 
Lippopotamyrus, Pappenh. Sitzb. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berl. 1906, p. 260, and Mitth. 
Zool. Mus. Berl. iii. 1907, p. 350. 

Teeth in the jaws rather large or small, truncate or notched (3-9 
upper and 6-10 lower); minute conical teeth on the parasphenoid and 
on the tongue ; mouth inferior or subinterior, below the level of the eyes. 
Nostrils widely separated. Body short or more or less elongate ; ventral 
fins midway between pectorals and anal, or nearer the former. Dorsal 
and anal fins subequal in length, or either the longer. Vertebrae 37- 
48 (9-16+ 4-6 + 23-30). 

Nile and Tropical Africa. 





Synopsis of the Species. 

T. Anal crigmatin @ in advance of dorsal. 
A. Teeth + S ; lat. 1. 49-53 ; depth of body 3-34 times in total length ; caudal 
peduncle 3-33 times as long as deep, 12 scales round it. 

. 20-22; A. 26-27; caudal peduncle ? to ? length [p- 63. 
Oe neal 9g 6% oo bl Ble! 10 SST SIS canoes, Jellerr. 

. 23-25 ; A. 28-29; caudal peduncle 3 to 2 length [p. 63. 
GE lnenG) g's) 6 0) 0) 6 10! al) ool 6) oa ayamilaermiansns, lallenes 
B. Teeth 2 ee ae 

1, 12-14 scales round caudal peduncle. 
a. Depth of body at least 33 times in total length. 
a, Base of anal not more than once and } that of dorsal. 
22-24 ; A. 30-31; 1. 1. 62; depth of body 34- 
4 times in total length ; caudal peduncle 4-5 
times as long as deep. . . . 3. ML marchu, Sauv., p. 64. 
. 16-20; A. 21-26; 1. 1. 55-65 ; eon of Boge 

4—5 times in total length; caudal peduncle 
23-3 times as long as deep . . . 4. MW. kingsleye, Gthr., p. 65. 

» 17-21; A. 24-26 ; 1. 1. 67-90 ; tous of baay 

5-6 times in total length ; caudal peduncle 


3-34 times as long as deep . MM. sphecodes, Sauv., p. 66. 

8. Base of anal at least once and ? that of dorsal. 
15-18 ; A. 25-30; 1. 1. 58-64; depth of body 
41_51 times in total length ; caudal peduncle 
24-3 timesaslongasdeep . . . . . . . 6. J. brachistius, Gill, p. 67. 

. 14-16 ; A. 31-33; 1. 1, 60-66 ; depth of body 

5-52 times in total leneth ; caudal peduncle [p- 69. 
3-32 times as lon@as‘deep s- . 2 31 +.) .¢ 7. VM. longianalis; Bler., 
6. Depth of body 38-34 times in total length. 
18-20 ; A. 25-28 ; 1. 1. 48-50; caudal peduncle 
shorter than head, 2-24 times as long as 
deena ty ha tc: So te olla ee oa” a AUG Tons Sicley os GO. 

. 20-22 ; A. 26-29 ; I 1. 46-46 ; caudal peduncle 

nearly as long as head, 3 times as long as deep. 9. MM. adspersus, Gthr., p.70. 

.28; A. 31; 1.1. 45; caudal peduncle a little 

shorter than head, 3 times as long as deep . . 10. AL. weeksti, Blgr., p. 71. 

2. 16-20 scales round caudal peduncle. 
a. Depth of body 4-5 times in total length. 

. 16-17 ; A. 22-23 ; |. 1. 68-70; caudal peduncle 

23-23 times as long as deep; eye about half 
FeU PROTOS MOMU a eo Su ail Ma Gatesi. Blom, peaila. 



D. 19; A. 24-26; 1.1. 67-72; caudal peduncle 
23-3 times as long as deep ; eye a little shorter 

EN SOUS 6 5 Go Go 6 oo ek 6 UE We mason, lalla, jon deh 
b. Depth of body 22-33 times in total length. 
D.18; A 23; 1.1. 70; caudal peduncle not twice [p. 74. 

AS) Moroes EIS) CUEING |G 0) Go) 6 a) SSM A No ISH UG poamremmdiation’, Sucles, 
D. 15-18; A. 24-25 ; 1.1. 46-53 ; caudal peduncle 
25-25 times as long as deep, 3—} length of 
MCLG oo ile aula) MMernognicans ab lori sios 
D. 18-22; A. 22-26 ; L 1. 56 60; eel adnale 
23-3 Ge as long as deep, + length of head . 15. M. isidori, C. & V., p. 75. 
II. Dorsal and anal originating in the same vertical ; D. 30-32 ; A. 30-35 ; 
1. 1. 80-93. [os Otc 
16 scales round caudal peduncle . . . . . . 16. M. castor, Pappenh., 
12 scales round caudal peduncle . . . . . . 17. M. harringtoni, Bler., 
IIL. Dorsal painting in advance of anal. [p. 78. 
A. Teeth ae depth of body 3-32 times in total length ; caudal peduncle 
33-4 times as long as deep, 16 scales round it. 
D. 29; A. 28; 1.1. 60; dorsal originating slightly 
in advance of anal. . . . . -. + . » 18. M. tumifrons, Bler., p. 79. 
D. 31-35; A. 27-30; 1. 1. 55-70 ; al originating [p- 80. 
below nae ip 12th ray of dorsal . . . . . 19. MZ. plagiostoma, Bler., 

B. Teeth 2 et ; depth of body 23-34 times in total length ; caudal peduncle 
2-3 times as long as deep, 12-14 scales round it. 
1. Interorbital width about 4 length of head; snout projecting beyond 
mouth ; D. 30-36 ; A. 23-27. 
L. 1. 65-70 ; eye as long as or a little shorter than 
snout ; base of dorsal 13-14 times its distance 
frompheadwaayy eyes ee . ee 2 2 20. M. discorhynchus, Peters, 
L. 1. 55-65 ; eye as long as or ae longer ain [p. 81. 
snout ; dorsal as long as or slightly shorter 
than its distance from head. . . . . . . 21. M. petherict, Blgr., p. 82. 
L. l. 67; eye much longer than snout; base of 
dorsal nearly as long a’ its distance from head. 22. M. budgetti, Blgr., p. 83. 

2. Interorbital width about } length of head; D. 33-41; A. 23-27 ; 

1. J. 58-69. 
Eye much longer than snout ; width of mouth 4 
lkeayendn Or WERE 65 6 ae 0 6 4 . 23. MM. maerops, Blgr., p. 84. 

Eye not or but slightly longer than snout ; width of 

mouth 2-1] length of head . . . . . 24, M. psittacus, Bler., p. 85. 
Eye shorter than snout ; width of mouth 4~} ieee 

ot Janeeel aN a a MAT otc as Bile Wie, cao Ns Lellerrs jd, Hoe 



Bouleng. Ann. Mus. Congo, Zool. i. p. 67, pl. xxiii. fig. 1 (1899), and Poiss. Bass. 
Congo, p. 77 (1901). 

Depth of body 3 to 34 times in total length, length of head 4 to 44 
times. Head as long as deep; snout rather truncate, } to + length of 
head, projecting very slightly beyond mouth; latter small, its width 
4 times in length of head ; teeth truncate or feebly notched, 9 in upper 
jaw, 10 in lower ; anterior nostril halfway between end of snout and eye, 
on a line with centre of latter, posterior lower down and close to eye; 
eye rather large, its diameter equal to length of snout and } interorbital 

Fig. 45. 

Marcusenius nigripinnis. 

Type (A. M. C.). 

width. Dorsal 20-22, originating above 6th or 7th ray of anal, its length 
3 its distance from head. Anal 26-27, a little nearer root of caudal 
than root of ventral. Pectoral pointed, as long as head, 24 to 23 times 
as long as ventral, extending beyond base of latter. Caudal with long 

pointed lobes. Caudal peduncle 3 to 33 times as long as deep, 2 to 2 
length of head. 46-53 scales in lateral line, ae in transverse series on 
body, 4 between dorsal and anal, 12 round caudal peduncle. Dark 
purplish brown, speckled with black ; fins blackish. 

Total length 110 millim. 

Upper Congo.—Types in Congo Museum, Tervueren. 

1-2. Two of the types. Kutu, L. Leopold II. py Mee Delhez(C:): 

Bouleng. Ann. Mus. Congo, Zool. i. p. 68, pl. xxxiii. fig. 2 (1899), and Poiss. Bass. 
Congo, p. 78 (1901). 
Depth of body 5 to 34 times in total length, length of head 3% to 4 
times. Head a little deeper than long; snout rounded, 4 to 4 length of 


head, projecting very slightly beyond mouth; latter small, its width 4 to 
4} times in length of head; teeth truncate or feebly notched, 9 in upper 
jaw, 10 in lower ; anterior nostril halfway between end of snout and eye, 
on a line with centre of latter, posterior lower down and close to the 
eye; eye large, 4 to 4} times in length of head, 13 to 14 times in inter- 
orbital width. Dorsal 23-25, originating above dth to 7th ray of anal, 
its length about } its distance from head. Anal 28-29, equally distant 
from root of ventral and from root of caudal, or a little nearer latter. 

Vig. 46. 

Mareusenius pulverulentus. 
Type (A. M.C.). 2. 


Pectoral pointed, as long as ora little longer than head, twice as long as 
ventral, the extremity of which it reaches. Caudal with long pointed lobes. 
Caudal peduncle 3 to 34 times as long as deep, 2 to 3 length of head. 
50 scales in lateral line, = in transverse series on body, = between 
dorsal and anal, 12 round caudal peduncle. Olive-brown, speckled with 
black; fins blackish. 

Total length 100 millim. 

Upper Congo.—Types in Congo Museum, Tervueren. 
1-2. Two of the types. Coquilhatville. M. P. Delhez (C.). 
3. Ad. Lindi R. M. M. Storms (C.). 

Petrocephalus marchei, Sauy. Bull. Soc. Philom, (7) iii. 1878, p. 100. 
Mormyrus marchei, Sauy. N. Arch. Mus. (2) iii. 1880, p. 50, pl. ii. fig. 5 ; Giinth. 
Ann. & Mag. N. H. (6) xvii. 1896, p. 257. 
Marcusenius marchii, Bouleng. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1898, p. 792. 
Depth of body 34 to 4 times in total length, length of head 4} to 5 
times, ead nearly as long as deep; snout rounded, } length of head, 


projecting a little beyond mouth; latter small, inferior, its width 4 
length of head; teeth truncate or feebly notched, 5 in upper jaw, 6 in 
lower; nostrils halfway between end of snout and eye; eye moderate, 3 
length of snout, a little more than } interorbital width. Dorsal 22-24, 
originating above 10th ray of anal, its length 2} times in its distance 
from head. Anal 30-31, 1} times as long as dorsal, nearer base of 

Marecusenius marchii. 

Type, after Sauvage (N. Arch. Mus. 1880). 


ventral than base of caudal. Pectoral pointed, as long as head, twice as 
long as ventral, extending beyond base of latter. Caudal with pointed 

lobes. Caudal peduncle 4 to 5 times as long as deep, a little longer 

: ae ae : ll 
than head. 62 scales in lateral line, ;;, in transverse series on body, 3 

> 16 
in transverse series between dorsal and anal, 12 round caudal peduncle. 
Olive-brown above, silvery beneath; head speckled with brown. 

Total length 160 millim. 

Ogowe.—Type in Paris Museum. 
1. Ad. Talagouga. Miss Kingsley ((.). 


Mormyrus kingsleye, Giinth. Ann. & Mag. N. H. (6) xvii. 1896, p. 281, pl. xv. 
fig. A. 

Marcusenius kingsleye, Bouleng. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1898, p. 794. 

Mareusenius cabre, Bouleng. Ann. Mus. Congo, Zool. i. p. 130, pl. xlviil. fig. 1 
(1900), and Poiss. Bass. Congo, p. 76 (1901). 

Marcusenius brachyistius, part., Pappenh. Mitth. Zool. Mus. Berl. iii. 1907, p. 348. 

Depth of body 4 to 5 times in total length, length of head about same. 

Head once and + as long as deep; snout convex, { length of head, 

Vol. I. F 


slightly projecting beyond mouth; mouth small, subinferior, its width 
4 to 3 length of head; teeth feebly notched, 5 in upper jaw, 6 in 
lower; nostrils nearly equally distant from end of snout and from eye, 
anterior on a level with centre of latter, posterior with lower border ; 
eye small, 4 length of snout, 2-4 interorbital width. Dorsal 16-20, its 
length 3 to 2 its distance from head, originating above 8th to 10th ray of 
anal. Anal 21—26,a little longer than dorsal, nearer base of caudal than 
base of ventral. Pectoral pointed, $ length of head, 13 times length 

Fig. 48, 

Marcusenius kingsleye, 

Type, after Giinther (Aim. & Mag. N. H. 1896). 5. 

of ventral, not reaching base of latter. Caudal densely scaled in the 
basal half, with pointed lobes. Caudal peduncle 23 to 3 times as long 
as deep, 2 length of head. 65-65 scales in lateral line, = in trans- 
verse series on body, = in transverse series between dorsal and anal, 
12 round caudal peduncle. Brown. 

Total length 150 millim. 

Old Calabar to Mayombe. 

1. Type. Old Calabar. Miss Kingsley (C.). 
2s ING Kribi R., 8. Cameroon. G. L. Bates, Esq. (C.). 
3. Ad. Ja R. at Bitye, Cameroon. 6 
4-9. Ad. & her. Benito R., Spanish Guinea. a 
10. Hgr. (Type Marshes of Kop-Malafu, Major Cabra (C.). 
of M. cabre.) Mayombe. 


Mormyrops sphekodes, Sauy. Bull. Soc. Philom. (7) iii. 1878, p. 101, and N. Arch 
Mus. (2) iii. 1880, p. 55, pl. ii. fig. 4. 

Mormyrus sphecodes, Giinth. Ann. & Mag. N. H. (6) xvii. 1896, p. 280. 

Marcusenius sphecodes, Bouleng. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1898, p. 793. 

Depth of body equal to or a little less than length of head, 5 to 6 

times in total length. Head once and 4 as long as deep; snout rounded, 

+ to 4 length of head; mouth small, subinferior, its width $ length of 



head; teeth small, notched, 5 in upper jaw, 6 in lower; nostrils midway 
between eye and end of snout, posterior on a line with lower border of 
eye; eye small, } length of snout, § interorbital width. Dersal 17—21, 
originating above dth ray of anal, not } as long as its distance from the 
head. Anal 24-26, equally distant from base cf ventral and from base 
of caudal or a little nearer latter, not more than once and 3 as long as 
dorsal. Pectoral pointed, 2 to # length of head, 14 length of ventral, 



Marecusenius sphecodes. 

Kribi River. 2. 

reaching base of latter. Caudal with pointed lobes. Caudal peduncle 
3 to 34 times as long as deep, nearly as long as head. 67—90 scales 
in lateral line, wae in transverse series on body, 2 in transverse series 
between dorsal and anal, 12 round caudal peduncle. Brown, lighter 

Total length 210 millim. 

Cameroon to Congo.— Type in Paris Museum. 

1-2, 3-5. Ad. & yg. Kribi R., 8. Cameroon. G. L. Bates, Esq. (C.). 
6. Skel. 3 aS ane 
7-10. Ad, Ja R. at Bitye, Cameroon. he 
11. Ad. Talagouga, Ogowe. Miss Kingsley (C.). 
12. Her. Lukula R., Congo. Brussels Museum (I.). 

Marcusenius brachyistius, Gill, Proc. Ac. Philad. 1862, p. 139; Bouleng. Proc. 
Zool. Soc. 1898, p. 793, and Poiss. Bass. Congo, p. 75 (1901). 

Mormyrus brachyistius, Giinth. Cat. Fish. vi. p. 219 (1866). 
Mormyrus microcephalus, Giinth. Ann. & Mag. N. H. (3) xx. 1867, p. 114. 
Mormyrus liberiensis, Steind. Notes Leyd. Mus. xvi. 1894, p. 67. 

Depth of body 43 to 53 times in total length, length of head 44 
to 64 times. Head 1} to 14 times as long as deep; snout convex 
} to 2 length of head, slightly projecting beyond mouth ; mouth small, 




subinferior, its width + length of head; teeth small, feebly notched, 
5 in upper jaw, 6 in lower; nostrils nearly equally distant from end of 
snout and from eye, anterior on a level with centre of latter, posterior 
with lower border; eye small, about 4 length of snout or interorbital 
width. Dorsal 15-18, hardly $ as long as its distance from head, 

originating above 10th to 14th ray of anal. Anal 25-30, nearly 2 to 24 

Marcusenius brachistius, 

From Liberia. 

times as long as dorsal, nearer base of caudal than base of ventral. 
Pectoral obtusely pointed, at least } length of head, 14 to 12 length of 
ventral, reaching base of latter. Caudal densely scaled in the basal half, 
with pointed lobes. Caudal peduncle 23 to 3 times as long as deep, as 
long as head or a little shorter. 58-64 scales in lateral line, ae in 
transverse series on body, = in transverse series between dorsal and 
anal, 12 round caudal peduncle. Brown. 

Total length 175 millim. 

West Africa, from Sierra Leone to the Congo.—Type in U. S. National 
Museum, Washington. 

1. Her. Sierra Leone. H. C. Hart, Esq. (P.). 
2. Hist: 6 
3-5. Ad. (Types of — Liberia. Dr. Biittikofer (C.). 
M. liberiensis.) 
6-8. Her. Lagos. Sir A. Moloney (P.). 
9-10, 11. Ad. & hgr. Ogowe. R. B. N. Walker, Esq. (C.). 

(Types of AL. miero- 

12-14. Ad. Talagouga, Ogowe, Miss Kingsley (C.). 
15-18. Ad. & yg. Masoma R., Ogowe. Dr. W. J. Ansorge (C.). 
19. Her. Matadi, Lower Congo. Capt. Wilverth (C.). 

20. Her. Stanley Falls. M, De Meuse (C.). 


Bouleng. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1901, i. p. 5, pl. ili. fig. 1. 

Depth of body 5 to 53 times in total length, length of head 53 to 6$ 
times. Head once and 4 as long as deep; snout convex, + length of 
head, slightly projecting beyond mouth; latter small, its width + length 
of head; teeth feebly notched, 5 in upper jaw, 6 in lower; nostrils 
nearly equally distant from end of snout and from eye, anterior on a 
level with centre of latter, posterior with its lower border; eye about 
3 length of snout, 2 or 4 interorbital width. Dorsal 14-16, originating 
above 16th or 17th ray of anal, its length about } its distance from head. 

Marcusenius longianalis. 

Type (P. Z. 8. 1901). 


Anal 31-33, 2 to 24 times as long as dorsal, nearer base of caudal than 
base of ventral. Pectoral obtusely pointed, a little shorter than head, 
once and 2 length of ventral, reaching base of latter. Caudal with 
pointed lobes. Caudal peduncle 3 to 3} times as long as deep, nearly 
as long as head. 60-66 scales in lateral line, a in transvers2 series 
on body, pa between dorsal and anal, 12 round caudal peduncle. 
Purplish brown, more or less profusely speckled with blackish ; fins 
dark brown. 

Total length 145 millim. 

Lower Niger. 

1-2. Types. Sapelle. Dr. W. J. Ansorge (C.). 
3. Her. 53 Mr. J. D. Hamlyn (C.) ; 

Hon. W. Rothschild (P.). 
4, Ad. Agberi. Dr. W. J. Ansorge (C.). 


Mormyrus lhuysii, Steind. Sitzb, Ak. Wien, 1xi. i. 1870, p. 553, pl. ii. fig. 3. 
Marcusenius lhuysii, Bouleng. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1898, p. 795. 

Depth of body 2% to 31 times in total length, length of head 45 times. 
Head as long as deep; snout rounded, not quite + length of head, 
projecting slightly beyond mouth; mouth small, terminal, but situated 
below level of eyes; teeth small, notched, 5 or 7 in upper jaw, 6 in 
lower; eye as Jong as snout, 3 interocular width; posterior nostril a 
little lower down than upper, close to eye. Dorsal 18-20, originating 

above 6th to Sth ray of anal, its length 23 times in its distance from 

Marcusenius thuysir. 
Type, after Steindachner (/. ¢.). 2. 

head. Anal 25-28, nearer base of caudal than base of ventral. Pectoral 
pointed, as Jong as head, twice as long as ventral, extending as far as 
extremity of latter. Caudal with pointed lobes. Caudal peduncle 2 to 
24 times as long as deep, 2 to # length of head. 48-50 scales in lateral 
line, 12 round caudal peduncle. Greyish above, silvery beneath, uniform 
or spotted with brown. 

Total length 60 millim. 

Senegal, Shari River.—Type in the Vienna Museum. 

1. Ad. Kaédi, Senegal. M. P. Delhez (C.). 

Mormyrus adspersus, Giinth. Cat. Fish. vi. p. 221 (1866). 
Marcusenius adspersus, Bouleng. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1898, p. 795, and Poiss. Bass. 
Congo, p. 76 (1901). 

Depth of body 23 to 34 times in total length, length of head 4 to 44 
times. Head as long as deep; snout rounded, + to 4 length of head ; 
mouth small, subinferior, its width + length of head; teeth small, 
notched, 5 or 7 in upper jaw, 8 in lower; nostrils on a line with centre 
of eye, posterior close to eye; eye moderate, as long as or a little 


longer than snout, 12 to 1} times in interorbital width. Dorsal 20-22, 
originating above 9th or 10th ray of anal, about 4 as long as its distance 
from head. Anal 26-29, equally distant from base of ventral and from 
base of caudal. Pectoral pointed, as long as head, at least twice as long 
as ventral, reaching extremity of latter. Caudal with pointed lobes. 
Caudal peduncle 3 times as long as deep, as long as head or a little 
shorter. 46-56 scales in lateral line, a - in transverse series on body, = 
in transverse series between dorsal and anal, 12 or 14 round caudal 
peduncle. Brown or olive, dotted with blackish, the dots largest on the 

Total length 80 millim. 

Lagos, Lower Congo. 

Fig. 53. 

Marcusenius adspersus. 

1-2. Types. West Africa. 
3. Ad. Lagos. Sir A. Moloney (P.). 
4-7. Ad. & her. Boma. M. P. Delhez (C.). 

Bouleng. Amn. Mus. Congo, Zool. ii. p. 24, pl. vii. fig. 2 (1902), 

Depth of body 5 times in total length, length of head 43 times. 
Head as long as deep; snout rounded, nearly + length of head, 
projecting beyond the mouth ; mouth small, its width % length of head ; 
teeth truncate, 5 in upper jaw, 6 in lower; posterior nostril lower than 
anterior, on a line with lower border of eye; eye moderate, as long as 
snout, 4 interorbital width. Dorsal 28, originating above 5th ray of 
anal, about 2 its distance from head. Anal 31, nearer base of ventral 
than base of caudal. Pectoral pointed, nearly as long as head, nearly 
twice as long as ventral, extending beyond base of latter. Caudal 
partly scaled, with long, pointed lobes. Caudal peduncle uearly 3 times 


as long as deep, a little shorter than head. 45 scales in lateral line, 
2 in transverse series on body, is between dorsal and anal, 12 round 
caudal peduncle. Brownish, with an ill-defined darker vertical band 
between origin of dorsal and origin of anal; anterior half of caudal 
peduncle dark brown. 

Total length 140 millim. 

Upper Congo. 

Mareusenius wecksi7. 

Type (A. M.C.). 2. 
1. Type. Monsembe. Rev. J. H. Weeks (P.)- 

Bouleng. Ann. & Mag. N. H. (7) xviii. 1906, p. 36. 

Depth of body equal to length of head, 44 to 5 times in total length. 
Head once and 4 as long as deep; snout rounded, + length of head ; 
mouth small, subinferior, its width + length of head; a very distinct 
mental swelling; teeth small, notched, 5 or 6 in upper jaw, 6 in lower ; 
nostrils midway between eye and end of snout, anterior on a level with 
centre of former, posterior on a level with its lower border; eye small, 
2 or 4 length of snout, + interocular width. Dorsal 16-17, originating 
above fifth ray of anal, its length about } of its distance from head. 
Anal 22-23, a little nearer root of caudal than base of ventral. Pectoral 
pointed, about # length of head, once and 4 length of ventral, not 
reaching base of latter. Caudal with pointed lobes. Caudal peduncle 
2% or 22 times as long as deep, a little shorter than head. 68-70 scales 


5 . 10. e MnO) 6 : 
in lateral line, i7 Mm transverse series on body, = in transverse series 

between dorsal and anal, 16 round caudal peduncle. Uniform brown, 
somewhat lighter beneath. 
Total length 145 mm. 

South Cameroon. 

Marcusenius batesit. 
Type. 4. 


1-2. Types. Kribi R. at Efulen. G. L. Bates, Esq. (C.). 

Bouleng. Ann. & Mag. N. H. (7) xv. 1905, p. 457. 
Depth of body equal to length of head, 44 to 5 times in total length. 
Head once and 4 as Jong as deep; snout rounded, } length of head; 
mouth small, terminal, but situated below level of eye; a feeble mental 

swelling ; teeth notched, 7 in upper jaw, 8 in lower ; anterior nostril on 

Marcusenius ansorgir. 


a level with centre of eye, posterior lower down and separated from eye 
by a space equal to its distance from the anterior; eye a little shorter 
than snout. Dorsal 19, originating above 5th or 6th ray of anal, its 
length about 23 times in its distance from head. Anal 24-26, equally 
distant from base of ventral and from base of caudal, or a little nearer 


latter. Pectoral obtusely pointed, 3 length of head, once and 3 as long 
as ventral, not quite reaching base of latter. Caudal with rounded 
lobes. Caudal peduncle 24 to 3 times as long as deep, 3 to # length of 
head. 67-72 scales in lateral line, =e in transverse series on body, a 
between dorsal and anal, 16 round ciudal peduncle. Brownish; a 
blackish vertical bar between origin of dorsal and anal. 

Total length 110 millim. 


1-2. Types. Between Benguella and Bihé. Dr. W. J. Ansorge (C.). 

Mormyrus pauciradiatus, Steind. Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien, xvi. 1866, p. 765, 
pl. xvii. fig. 2. 
Marcusenius pauciradiatus, Bouleng. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1898, p. 795. 

Depth of body equal to length of head, 53 times in total length. Head 
once and § as long as deep; snout rounded, + length of head; mouth 
small, subterminal, but situated considerably below level of eye; teeth 
notched; eye rather small, } length of snout; nostrils on a level with 
lower border of eye, midway between latter and end of the snout. 

Marcusenius pauctradiatus. 

Type, after Steindachner (1. ¢.). 4. 

Dorsal 18, onginating a little posterior to origin of anal, its length 3 
times in its distance from head. Anal 23, a little nearer base of caudal 
than base of ventral. Pectoral shorter than head, hardly reaching base 
of ventral. Caudal with rounded lobes. Caudal peduncle once and } 
as long as deep, } length of head. 70 scales in lateral line, about 20 
round caudal peduncle. 

Total length 100 millim. 

Angola.—JType in Vienna Museum, 



Bouleng. Ann. & Mag. N. H. (7) xvii. 1906, p. 434, and Fish. Nile, p. 40, pl. ix. 
fig. 2 (1907). 

Depth of body 3 to 3} times in total length, length of head 4 to 
4% times. Head as long as deep; snout about 4 length of head, 
rounded, projecting beyond mouth; mouth situated below nostrils, its 
width about 4 times in length of head; teeth bicuspid, 7 in upper jaw, 
8 in lower; anterior nostril on a line with centre of eye, midway 
between latter and end of snout, posterior nostril a little lower down, 
close to eye; eye moderate, as long as snout, 4 to 2 interocular width. 

Dorsal 15-18, originating above 5th or 6th ray of anal, its length about 

Vig. 58. 


Marcusenius nigricans. 

Type (¥.N.). 2. 

% its distance from head. Anal 24-25, nearly equally distant from base 
of ventral and from base of caudal. Pectoral pointed, subfalcate, as 
long as or a little shorter than head, 2 to 24 times as long as ventral 
and extending beyond root of latter. Caudal with pointed lobes. 
Caudal peduncle 24 to 22 times as long as deep, $ to # length of head. 

E : 10-12 
in transverse series on body, jj4; 12 

46-53 scales in lateral line, =e 
transverse series between dorsal and anal, 16 to 20 round caudal 
peduncle. Uniform blackish brown. 

Total length 93 millim. 

Lake Victoria. 

1-9. Types. Mouth of Katonga R. Mr. E. Degen (C.). 

Mormyrus isidori, Cuy. & Val. Hist. Poiss. xix. p. 285 (1846) ; Giinth. Cat. Fish. 
vi. p. 221 (1866), and Petherick’s Trav. ii. p. 256 (1869). 
Petrocephalus isidori, Marcusen, Bull. Ac. St. Pétersb. xii. 1854, p. 14, and Mén. 
Ac. St. Pétersb. (7) vii. 1864, no. 4, p. 150, pl. v. fig. 20. 


Marcusentus isidori, Bouleng. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1898, p. 798, and Fish. Nile, p. 42, 
pl. vii. fig. 1 ee) 

Depth of body 2% to 34 times in total length; length of head 4 to 43 
times. Head as 18H as deep; snout ¢ to 4 length of head, rounded, 
projecting beyond mouth; mouth situated below nostrils, its width 44 
to 5 times in length of head; teeth bicuspid, 7 in upper jaw, 8 in lower; 
anterior nostril on a line with centre of eye, midway between latter and end 
of snout ; posterior nostril close to eye, near its lower border; eye moderate, 
as long as snout, 4 to 2 interocular width. Dorsal 18-22, originating 
above 3rd or 4th ray of anal, its length about half its distance from head. 
Anal 22-26, nearly equally distant from base of ventral and from base of 

Fig. 59. 

Marcusenius isidort. 

Nile Delta (F. N.). 

caudal. Pectoral pointed, subfalcate, as long as or a little shorter than 
head, 2 to 24 times as long as ventral, and extending beyond root of 
latter. Caudal with pointed lobes. Caudal peduncle 2} to 3 times as 

long as deep, as long as or a little shorter than head. 53-60 scales in 

9-11 11-18 
lateral line, ;54; in transverse series on body, jj4 in transverse series 

between dorsal and anal, 16 or 18 round caudal peduncle. Brown on 
the back, silvery white beneath, uniform or dotted with brown. 

Total length 100 millim. 

Nile, from the Delta to the Bahr-el-Gebel.—Types in Paris Museum. 

1-2, 3-5. Ad. Lower Nile. Dr. Riippell (C.). 

6-7. Ad. Rosetta Nile, near Barrage. L. Loat, Esq. (C.). 

8. Skel. 3 o oe 

9-11. Ad. & hgr. Nile near Cairo. Capt. 8. Flower (P.). 
12. Ad. Lahun, Fayum. L. Loat, Esq. (C.). 

3-16. Ad. & hgr. Between Assiut and Abu Tig, r; 

Lower Nile. 
17-36. Ad., hgr., & yg. Luxor. 2 



37-46. Ad., hgr., & yg. Between Luxor and Assuan, L. Loat, Esq. (C.). 

47. Ad. Assuan. 5 
48. Her. Lake No, White Nile. - 
49. Her. Gondokoro, Bahr-el-Gebel. it 

Ihppopotamyrus castor, Pappenh. Sitzb. Ges. nat. Fr. Berl. 1906, p- 260, and 
Mitth. Zool. Mus. Berl. ini. 1907, p. 351, pl. ii. figs. 2 & 3. 

Depth of body equal to length of head, 33 to 4 times in total length. 
Head 1} to 14 times as long as deep, with curved upper profile; snout 
rounded, 4 length of head, projecting beyond mouth; mouth below 
nostrils, its width { length of head; teeth bicuspid (truncate when worn 
down), 5 in upper jaw, 6 in lower, median pair of lower teeth much 
larger than the others ; nostrils equally distant from end of snout and 


from eye, on a line with lower border of eye; eye moderate, about £ 

Fig. 60. 

Marecusenius castor. 
Type. i. 

length of snout and 2 interorbital width. Dorsal 31-32, its origin 
corresponding to that of anal, its length 2 its distance from head. 
Anal 82-35, nearer base of caudal than base of ventral. Pectoral 
pointed, a little shorter than head, not quite twice as long as ventral, 
and extending beyond root of latter. Caudal densely scaled on half of 
its surface, with pointed lobes. Caudal peduncle 3 times as long as 
deep, 2 length of head. 85-93 scales in lateral line, a in transverse 

series on body, = in transverse series between dorsal and anal, 16 round 


caudal peduncle. Brown, with an indistinct darker vertical band 
between origin of dorsal and anal. 

Total length 215 miilim. 

Cameroon.—Types in Berlin Museum. 

1. One of the types. Lokunde R., near Bipindi. Hr. G. Zenker (C.); 
Berlin Museum (E.). 


Bouleng. Ann. & Mag. N. H. (7) xv. 1905, p. 457; Pappenh. Mitth. Zool. Mus. 
Berl. iii. 1907, p. 348, pl. xi. fig. 1; Bouleng. Fish. Nile, p. 44, pl. ix. fig. 3 

Depth of body 32 times in total length; length of head 51 times. 
Head as long as deep, once and 3 as long as broad; snout rounded, 
2 length of head, projecting beyond mouth; mouth below nostrils, its 
width 4 times in length of head; teeth bicuspid, 5 in upper jaw, 6 in 
lower; nostrils equally distant from end of snout and from eye, anterior 
on a line with Jower border of eye, posterior a little lower down; eye 
moderate, its diameter 2 length of snout and half interocular width. 

Fig. 61. 

Marcusenius harringtont, 

Type (F.N.). 4. 

Dorsal 30-31, its origin corresponding to that of anal, its length nearly 
2 its distance from head. Anal 30-33, equally distant from base of 
ventral and from base of caudal. Pectoral pointed, a little shorter 
than head, not quite twice as long as ventral, and extending beyond root 
of latter. Caudal densely scaled on more than half of its surface, with 
pointed lobes. Caudal peduncle 3} times as long as deep, as long as 
; a in transyerse series on body, = 
in transverse series between dorsal and anal, 12 round caudal peduncle. 

head. 80-87 scales in lateral line 


Brown above, white below; dorsal and anal fins blackish, white at the 
base ; a blackish streak along each lobe of the caudal fin. 

Total length 305 millim. 

White Nile; Togoland (West Africa). 

1. Type. Polkom, Baro R. (Sobat). Mr. P. C. Zaphiro (C.) ; 
W. N. MeMillan, Esq. (P.). 

Bouleng. Ann. Mus. Congo, Zool. ii. p. 24, pl. vii. fig. 3 (1902). 

Depth of body 34 times in total length, length of head 44 times. 
Head as long as deep; snout rounded, 7 length of head, strongly 
projecting beyond mouth, which is inferior, below vertical of eye, and 
the width of which is } length of head; teeth notched, bicuspid, 9 in 
upper jaw, 10 in lower; both nostrils on a line with lower border of eye, 
which is close to the posterior; eye rather small, shorter than snout, 

Marcusenius tumifrons. 
W T 4 
Type (A. M.C.). 4 

4 interorbital width. Dorsal 29, $ its distance from head. Anal 28, 
originating a little further back than dorsal. Pectoral pointed, as long 
as head, twice as long as ventral, extending considerably beyond base of 
latter. Caudal with long, pointed lobes. Caudal peduncle 34 times 

as long as deep, a little shorter than head. 60 scales in lateral line, 
15: : 14. : 
jg in transverse series on body, ;,, in transverse series between dorsal and 

anal, 16 round caudal peduncle. Uniform brown. 
Total length 100 millim. 
Ubanghi.—Type in Congo Museum, Tervueren. 


Bouleng. Ann. Mus. Congo, Zool. i. 1898, p. 7, pl. iii. fig. 1, Proce. Zool. Soc. 
1898, p. 796, and Poiss. Bass. Congo, p. 79 (1901). 

Depth of body 23 to 3 times in total length, length of head 43 to 
5 times. Head as long as deep, with convex or slightly concave 
upper profile; snout 4 to 4 length of head; mouth inferior, its 
width + to + length of head; teeth very small, feebly notched, 7 to 
9 in upper jaw, 8 to 10 in the lower; nostrils on a line with lower 
border of eye, posterior close to the eye; eye moderate, as long as or 
slightly longer than snout, 2 or # interorbital width. Dorsal 31-35, as 

Marecusenius plagiostoma, 

Type (A. M.C.). 2 


Jong as its distance from head. Anal 27-30, originating below 10th to 
12th ray of dorsal, equally distant from base of ventral and from base of 
caudal. Pectoral pointed, as long as head, once and 3 length of ventral, 
reaching beyond base of latter. Candal peduncie 35 to 4 times as long 
as deep, # to $ length of head. 55-70 scales in lateral line, ee in 

isa, I transverse series between dorsal and 

anal, 16 round caudal peduncle. Pale brownish above, silvery beneath ; 

transverse series on body, 

fins greyish. 
Total length 200 millim. 
Congo.—Types in Congo Museum, Tervueren. 

1. Ad., one of the types. Boma, Lower Congo. Capt. Wilverth ((.). 
2-3. Her., two of the types. Matadi, 5 49 

4, Ad. Kutu, L. Leopold IT. M. P. Delhez (C.). 
5-6. Ad. & har. Irebu, Upper Congo. - 

7. Skel. 3 ay * 

8-11. Ad. & her. Upper Congo. Brussels University. 


Mormyrus discorhynchus, Peters, Mon. Berl. Ac. 1852, p. 275, and Reise Mossamb. 
iv. p. 75, pl. xiv. (1868). 
Marcusenius discorhynchus, Bouleng. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1898, p. 7, and Poiss. Bass. 
Congo, p. 82 (1901) ; Pappenh. Mitth. Zool. Mus. Berl. iii. 1907, p. 349. 
Marcusenius tanganicanus, Bouleng. Tr. Zool. Soc. xvii. 1906, p. 545, pl. xxx. fig. 1. 

Depth of body 3 to 3} times in total length, length of head 43 to 42 
times. Head as long as deep; snout rounded, 7 length of head; mouth 
small, subinferior, its width 4 to + length of head ; teeth small, notched, 
5 in upper jaw, 6 in lower; nostrils on a line with lower border 
of eye, nearer latter than end of snout; eye moderate, as long as or a 

little shorter than snout, 3 interorbital width. Dorsal 30-36, its lengtin 

Mareusenius discorhynchus. 
Type, after Peters (Reise Mossamb.). 2. 

1; to 1} times in its distance from head. Anal 23-27, originating 
below 8th to 12th ray of dorsal, equally distant from base of ventral 
and from base of caudal. Pectoral pointed, nearly as long as head, 
1} times length of ventral. extending to base of latter or a little beyond. 
Caudal with obtusely pointed lobes. Caudal peduncle 2 to 2} times as 
long as deep, a little shorter than head. 65-70 scales in lateral line, 
— in transverse series on body, aoe 
dorsal and anal, 12 or 14 round caudal peduncle. Dark olive or 
brownish above, silvery white beneath. 

Total length 160 millim. (grows to 260). 

Lower Zambesi; Lake Nyassa; Katanga; Lake Tanganyika.—Types 
in Berlin Museum. 

VOL. 1. G 

in transverse series between 


1. Her. L. Nyassa. J. A. Williams, Esq. (C.). 

2. Her., type of AZ. tan- River at Msamba, Dr. W. A. Cunnington (C.). 
ganicanus. L. Tanganyika. 

3-4. Her., types of AZ. Sumbu, L. Tanganyika. 5 


Mormyrus discorhynchus (non Peters), Giinth. Cat. Fish. vi. p. 220 (1866), and 
Petherick’s Tray. ii. p. 255 (1869). 
Mareusenius petherici, Bouleng. Ann. Mus. Congo, Zool. i. p. 7 (1898), Proc. Zool. 
Soc. 1898, p. 797, and Fish. Nile, p, 45, pl. viii. fig. 3 (1907). 

Depth of body 23 to 34 times in total length, length of head 42 to 4 
times. Head as long as deep or a little deeper than leng, 12 to 14 
times as long as broad ; snout $ to 4 length of head, rounded, projecting 
beyond mouth ; mouth situated below nostrils, its width 43 to 63 times 
in length of head; teeth bicuspid, truncate when worn down, 5 in upper 
jaw, 6 in lower; nostrils on a line with lower border of eye, nearer 
latter than end of snout; eye moderate, as long as or a little longer than 
snout, about $ interocular width. Dorsal 34-56, as long as or a little 

Marcusenius petherict. 

Type (F.N.). 2. 

shorter than its distance from head. Anal 24-26, originating below 
14th to 16th ray of dorsal, equally distant from base of vertral 
and from base of caudal, or a little nearer latter. Pectoral pointed, 
subfalcate, nearly as long as head, 13 to 14 times length of ventral and 
extending beyond base of latter. Caudal with pointed lobes. Caudal 
peduncle 24 to 3 times as long as deep, as long as or a little shorter 



iz) in transverse series on 

than head. 55-65 scales in lateral line, 
12-13 . ; 
body, j543 im transverse series between dorsal and anal, 12 round caudal 

peduncle. Brown above, silvery white below, more or less speckled 
with darker ; an ill-defined dark bar, extending obliquely from origin of 
dorsal to that of anal, sometimes present; dorsal fin, and sometimes 
also anal, brownish in front. 

Total length 220 millim. 

White Nile and Blue Nile. 

1-3. Types. Khartum. J. Petherick, Esq. (C.). 
4. Skel. 4 AF 

5. Ad: Fashoda, White Nile. L. Loat, Esq. (C.). 
6-9. Ad. Wad Medine, Blue Nile. . 

Bouleng. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1904, i. p. 197, pl. vii. fig. 1. 

Depth of body 3 times in total length, length of head 5 times. Head 

a little deeper than long; snout rounded, + length of head; mouth 
small, inferior, its width + length of head; teeth notched, 5 in upper 
jaw, 6 in lower; anterior nostril on a line with lower border of pupil, 

posterior on a line with lower border of eye; eye nearly twice as long 
9 fo] 

Marcusenius budgetti. 
Type (P. ZS. 1904). 3. 

as snout, 2 interorbital width. Dorsal circa 32, nearly as long as its 
distance from head. Anal 25, originating below I1th ray of dorsal, 
nearer base of caudal than base of ventrals. Pectoral pointed, a little 
shorter than head, once and ¥ length of ventral, extending beyond 
vertical of base of latter. Caudal with pointed lobes. Caudal peduncle 

; ¢ A 17 . 
3 times as long as deep, as long as head. 67 scales in lateral line, [5 in 



transverse series on body, = in transverse series between dorsal and 
anal, 12 round caudal peduncle. Pale brownish above, silvery white 
beneath; head closely dotted with dark brown; a pair of dark brown 
bars across nape. 

Total length 190 millim. 

Lower Niger. 
1. Type. Assay. J.S. Budgett, Esq. (P.). 


Depth of body 3 times in total length, length of head 4% times. 
Snout rounded, projecting beyond the mouth, § length of head; mouth 
small, inferior, its width § length of head; teeth small, truncate or 
feebly notched, 5 in upper jaw, 6 in lower; chin slightly swollen ; 
nostrils nearer eye than end of snout, on a line with lower border of eye ; 
eye very large, twice as long as snout, a little greater than interorbital 
width, which is 4 times in length of head. Dorsal 37, as long as its 

Vig. 67. 


‘K/ VAN 

Marcusenius macrops. 2. 

distance from head. Anal 27, originating below 9th ray of dorsal, 
equally distant from base of ventral and from base of caudal. Pectoral 
pointed, nearly as long as head, once and + as long as ventral, extending 
beyond base of latter. Caudal with long, pointed lobes. Caudal 
peduncle 3 times as long as deep, a little shorter than head. 60 scales 
in lateral line, vi in transverse series on body, a in transverse series 
between dorsal and anal, 12 round caudal peduncle, Dark brown 
above, lighter beneath. 

Total length 190 millim. 

Upper Congo. 

1. Type. Upper Congo. 3russels University. 


Mormyrus psittacus, Bouleng. Ann. & Mag. N. H. (6) xx. 1897, p. 427. 
Marcusenius psittacus, Bouleng. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1898, p. 798, and Poiss. Bass. 
Congo, p. 81 (1901). 

Depth of body 3 to 34 times in total length, length of head 4} to 5} 
times. Head as long as deep; snout rounded, $ to { length of head ; 
mouth small, terminal or subinferior, its width t or § length of head; 
teeth small, notched, 5-7 in upper jaw, 6-8 in lower; chin slightly 
swollen; nostrils on a line with or a little below centre of eye, nearer 
latter than end of snout; eye rather large, not or but slightly longer 
than snout, equal to or a little less than interorbital width. Dorsal 

Marcusenius psittacus. 


33-41, as long as its distance from head. Anal 23-27, originating 
below 10th to 15th ray of dorsal, equally distant from base of ventral 
and from base caudal. Pectoral pointed, as long as or a little shorter 
than head, 13 to 1? times as long as ventral, reaching base of latter or 
beyond. Caudal with long, pointed lobes. Caudal peduncle 3 times as 
long as deep, as long as head or a little shorter. 58-69 scales in lateral 
s =: in transverse series on body, oe 
dorsal and anal, 12 round caudal peduncle. Silvery, dark grey on the 
Total length 210 millim. 


line in transverse series between 


1. Hgr., type. Stanley alls. Rev. W. H. Bentley (C.). 
2-6. Ad. en 3 
7-8 Ye. Coquilhatyille, Upper Congo. M. P. Delhez (C.). 
9-10. Ad. & her. Boma, Lower Congo. ss 
11. Her. Loango, a Brussels University. 
12. Ad. Banana, ie M. P. Delhez (C.). 

Bouleng. Ann. Mus. Congo, Zool. i. 1898, p. 8, pl. iv. fig. 1, Proe. Zool. Soc. 
1898, p. 796, and Poiss. Bass. Congo, p. 80 (1901). 

Depth of body 23 to 3 times in total length, length of head 42 to 5 
times; back gibbose, with convex outline in front of dorsal and concave 
outline on nape. Head as long as deep, with convex upper and concave 
lower profile; snout short, + to + length of head; mouth terminal or 
subinferior, its width { to } length of head, below level of eye; chin 
with a strong globular swelling; teeth extremely minute, almost hidden 
in the thick gums, truncate or slightly notched, 5 in upper jaw, 6 in 

Marcusenius wilverthi. 

Type (A. M.C.). 3. 

lower ; nostrils in posterior half of the snout, posterior a little lower 
down than anterior, which is on a level with centre of eye; eye moderate, 
2 to 2 length of snout or interorbital width. Dorsal 38-40, 13 to 13 
times length of anal, its length equalling its distance from head. Anal 
25-27, originating below 12th or 13th ray of dorsal, a little nearer base 
of ventral than base of caudal. Pectoral pointed, a little shorter than 
head, 14 to 12 times length of ventral, extending a little beyond base 
of latter. Caudal scaled in its basal two-thirds, with pointed lobes. 



Caudal peduncle 3 times as long as deep, 4 length of head. 61-68 
: Bd ert 12-14 . 
scales in lateral line, 59s] in transverse series on body, j;-4, in transverse 
series between dorsal and anal, 12 round caudal peduncle. Yellowish. 
Total length 260 millim. 
Congo.—l'ypes in Congo Museum, Tervueren. 

1, Ad., one of the types. Matadi, Lower Congo. Capt. Wilverth (C.). 
2s Nd, Ps Upoto, Upper Congo. a 
3. Her. Upper Congo. Brussels University. 

Bouleng. Ann. Mus. Congo, Zool. i. p. 9 (1898), Proc. Zool. Soc. 1898, p. 799, 
and Poiss. Bass. Congo, p. 83 (1901). 

Teeth in the jaws bicuspid (7-10 upper, 8-10 lower); minute conical 
teeth on the parasphenoid and on the tongue; mouth inferior, in 
advance of the eyes. Nostrils widely separated, superposed, the lower 
(posterior) close to the mouth. Body short; ventral fius nearer the 
pectorals than the anal. Dorsal and anal fins subequal in length. 
Vertebre 39 (14+-25),. 

Tropical Africa. 

Synopsis of the Species. 
I. Caudal peduncle 3} times as long as deep, + to 2 length of head. 
L. 1. 52-55 ; 16 scales round caudal pedunele ; 
depth of body 3-34 times in total length . 1. S. puncticulatus, Blgr., p. 88. 
IJ. Caudal peduncle 2} times as long as deep, 3 to 3 length of head. 
L. J. 50-53 ; 16 scales round caudal peduncle ; 
depth of body 33-332 times in total length. 2. S. walkeri, Gthr., p. 88. 
L. J. 51-53; 14-16 scales round caudal 
peduncle ; depth of body 43-5 times in 
fotalengtiy Fl. 6 . s . = sage oO. S. humilion Blor .py 59. 
ILI. Caudal peduncle twice as long as deep, } length of head. 
L. 1. 48; 12 scales round caudal peduncle ; 
depth of body 33 times in total length. . 4. S. corneti, Bler., p. 90. 
L. 1, 54-60; 20-22 scales round caudal 
peduncle ; depth of body 33-4} times in 
totallength . . . . 2. + + + «)'s, de S. polylepis, Blgr., p. 91. 
L. |. 48-53; 16-18 scales round caudal 
peduncle ; depth of body 4-45 times in 
fotallenetl Yo. Avy! ji at Sytah bh ay Gs Si anicroys, Blgr., p..92. 


Bouleng. Ann. Mus. Congo, Zool. i. p. 69, pl. xxxi. fig. 3 (1899), and Poiss. Bass. 
Congo, p. 84 (1901). 

Depth of body 3 to 5} times in total length, length of head 4 times. 
Head hardly longer than deep; snout rounded, strongly projecting 
beyond mouth, 7 length of head; mouth small, its width 5 times in 
length of head; 7 teeth in upper jaw, 8 in lower; eye very small, 1 

Fig. 70. 



Stomatorhinus puncticulatus. 

Type (A. M.C.). 4. 

length of snout, 3 interorbital width. Dor-el 17-18, a little more than 
1 as Jong as its distance from head. Anal 21—22, 7th ray corresponding 
to Ist of dorsal, slightly nearer base of ventral than base of caudal. 
Pectoral pointed, slightly shorter than head, twice length of ventral, 
reaching nearly extremity of latter. Caudal with long, obtusely pointed 
lobes. Caudal peduncle 5} times as long as deep, # to % length of head. 
> 13-)4 12 transverse series on body, 3, in trans- 
verse series between dorsal and anal, 16 round caudal peduncle. Purplish 
brown, dotted all over with blackish; dorsal and anal fins darker in 

52-55 scales in lateral line 

Total length S7 
Lower Congo.—Types in Congo Museum, Tervueren. 

1. One of the types. Boma. M. P. Delhez (C.). 
2. Ad. Loango. M. De Meuse (C.). 

Mormyrus walkert, Giinth. Ann. & Mag. N. H. (3) xx. 1867, p. 116, pl. ili. fig. C. 
Petrocephalus afinis, Sauy. Bull. Soe. Philom. (7) iii. 1878, p. 101. 
Mormyrus affinis, Sauv. N. Arch. Mus. (2) iii. 1880, p. 52, pl. i. fig. 2; Giinth. 
Ann. & Mag. N. H. (6) xvii. 1896, p. 283. 
Stomatorhinus walkeri, Bouleng. Proc. Zool, Soc. 1898, p. 799. 

Depth of body 34 to 82 times in total length, length of head 52 times. 


Head once and ¢ as long as deep; snout rounded, projecting beyond 
mouth, + length of head; mouth small, its width + length of head ; 
10 teeth in either jaw; eye moderate, 2 length of snout, 4 interorbital 
width. Dorsal 19-20, a little more than } as long as its distance from 
head. Anal 23-25, a little nearer base of caudal than base of ventral, 

Stomatorhinus watkeri. 
Type, after Giinther (Ann. & Mag. N. H. 1867). 

originating a little in advance of dorsal. Pectoral pointed, about 2 length 
of head, 13 times length of ventral, extending beyond base of latter. 
Caudal with rounded lobes. Caudal peduncle 2} times as long as deep, 
3 length of head. 50-53 scales in lateral line, 6 in transverse series 
on body, = in transverse series between dorsal and anal, 16 round caudal 
peduncle. Brown. 

Total length 90 millim. 

1-2. Types. Gaboon. 
3. Ad. Talagouga, Ogowe. Miss Kingsley (C.). 

Bouleng. Ann. Mus. Congo, Zool. i. p. 70, pl. xxxi. fig. 4 (1899), and Poiss. Bass. 
Congo, p. 84 (1901). 

Depth of body 44 to 5 times in total length, length of head 32 to 4 
times. Head once and 3 as long as deep; snout vertically truncate, 
not extending beyond mouth, { length of head; mouth small, its width 
4 jength of head; 7 teeth in upper jaw, 8 in lower; eye small, } length 
of snout, + interorbital width. Dorsal 18-19, its length a little more 
than half its distance from head. Anal 20-22, 4th or Sth ray below Ist 
of dorsal, equally distant from base of ventral and from base of caudal. 


Pectoral obtusely pointed, 3 to 3 length of head, once and 2 length of 
ventral, reaching middle of latter. Caudal with obtusely pointed lobes. 

Stomatorhinus humilior. 

Type(A.M.C.). 4. 

Caudal peduncle twice and } as long as deep, 3 length of head. 51-53 
: eras Gees : 8-9 . 

scales in lateral le, 7,5, in transverse series on body, a9 In transverse 
series between dorsal and anal, 14-16 round caudal peduncle. Dark 
purplish brown, lighter beneath ; head with light dots. 

Total length 80 millim. 

Upper Congo.—Types in Congo Museum, Tervueren. 
1. Hgr., one of the types. Coquilhatville. M. P. Delliez (C.). 

Bouleng. Ann. Mus. Congo, Zool. i. p. 71, pl. xxxi. fig. 5 (1899), and Poiss. Bass. 
Congo, p. 85 (1901). 
Depth of body nearly equal to length of head, 5 times in total 
length. Head once and 4 as long as deep; snout vertically truncate, 
not projecting beyond mouth, { length of head ; mouth small, its width 

Fig. 73. 

Stomatorhinus cornete, 

Type (A. M.€.). 4. 

length of head; 9 tecth in upper jaw, 10 in lower; eye very small, 
1 length of snout. Dorsal 17, its length 3 its distance from head. 
Anal 20, 4th ray below Ist of dorsal. Pectoral obtusely pointed, 3 length 
of head, once and 3 length of ventral, reaching middle of latter. Caudal 



with rounded lobes. Caudal peduncle twice as long as deep, } length 
transverse series between dorsal and anal, 12 round caudal peduncle. 

of head. 48 scales in lateral line, — in transverse series on body, = in 
Brown above, whitish beneath ; fins colourless. 

Total length 100 millim. 

Congo (Stanley Pool).—Type in Congo Museum, Tervueren. 

Bouleng. Ann. Mus. Congo, Zool. i. p. 71, pl. xxxi. fig. 6 (1899), and Poiss. Bass. 
Congo, p. 86 (1901). 

Depth of body 33 to 43 times as long as deep, length of head 33 to 4 
times. Head 14 to 1} timesas long as deep; snout rounded, projecting 
a little beyond mouth, 4 to } length of head; mouth small, its width 4 
to { length of head; 7 teeth in upper jaw, 8 in lower; eye very small, 
2 to 4 length of head, 4 interorbital width. Dorsal 18-19, its length 
once and 2 in its distance from head. Anal 20-23, 4th or 5th ray below 
Ist of dorsal, a little nearer base of caudal than base of ventral. Pectoral 
obtusely pointed, } to 2 length of head, 13 to 2 times length of ventral, 

Fig. 74. 

Stomatorhinus polylepis. 
Type (A. M.C.). 4. 

extending more or less beyond base of latter. Caudal with rounded 
lobes. Caudal peduncle twice as long as deep, 3 length of head. 54— 
60 scales in lateral line, st in transverse series on body, aa in trans- 
verse series between dorsal and anal, 20-22 round caudal peduncle. 
Dark purplish brown, lighter beneath ; fins grey. 

Total length 110 millim. 

Congo.—Types in Congo Museum, Tervueren. 
1-2. Two of the types. Coquilhatville, Upper Congo. M. P. Delhez (C.). 


Bouleng. Ann. Mus. Congo, Zool. i. p. 9, pl. iv. fig. 2 (1898), Proc. Zool. Soc. 
1898, p. 800, and Poiss. Bass. Congo, p. 87 (1901). 
Depth of body 4 to 43 times in total length, length of head 4 times. 
Head 13 to 1} times as long as deep ; snout 1ounded, strongly projecting 

beyond mouth, + to 2? length of head; mouth small, its width } to $ 

length of head; 7 teeth in upper jaw, 8 in lower; eye extremely 
small. Dorsal 18-20, about } as long as its distance from head. 

Anal 20-22, nearer base of caudal than base of ventral. Pectoral 

Fig. 75. 

Stomatorhinus microps. 

Type (A.M.©). 4, 
obtusely pointed, 3 length of head, 13 times length of ventral, extending 
beyond base of latter. Caudal with rounded lobes. Caudal peduncle 
twice as long as deep, about } length of head. 48-53 scales in lateral 
line, = in transverse series on body, = in a transverse series between 
dorsal and anal, 16-18 round caudal peduncle. Coloutrless. 

Total length 100 millim. 
Congo.—Types in Congo Museum, Tervucren. 

1-3. Three of the types. Matadi. Capt. Wilverth (C.). 
4. Skel. 5 5 

5. One of the types. Leopoldville. 3 

6-8. Ad. & hgr. Stanley Falls. M. De Meuse (C.), 

Bouleng. Ann. Mus. Congo, Zool. i. p. 9 (1898), Proc. Zoo]. Soc. 1898, p. 800, 
and Poiss. Bass. Congo, p. 88 (1901). 

5 or 6 conical teeth in the upper jaw, 6 compressed teeth in the lower 
jaw, median pair very large and incisor-like ; mouth inferior, anterior to 
the eyes. Nostrils moderately far apart, distant from the eye. Body 
short; ventrals nearer pectorals than anal. Dorsal much longer than 
anal. Vertebre 50 (144+4-+432). 



Bouleng. ll. cc. p. 10, pl. vii. fig. 1, p. 800, and p. 89. 

Depth of body nearly equal tv length of head, 4 to 42 times in total 
length. Head 1} to 1} times as long as deep, with slightly concave 
upper profile; snout short, { to ? length of head, strongly projecting 
beyond mouth ; mouth small, its width } to § length of head; nostrils 
below level of eye, nearer end of snout than eye; eye very small, | to 3 

interorbital width. Dorsal 38-42, as long as or slightly longer than its 

Myomyrus macrodon. 
Type (A. M.C.). 4d. 

distance from end of snout. Anal 26-30, originating below 13th to 16th 
ray of dorsal, a little nearer base of caudal than base of ventral. 
Pectoral obtusely pointed, § to # length of head, 14 to 14 times length 
of ventral, reaching base of latter. Caudal scaled, with rounded lobes. 
Caudal peduncle 3 times as long as deep, 2 length of head. 88-93 scales 

in lateral line, = in transverse series on body, =. in transverse series 
between dorsal and anal, 16-20 round caudal peduncie. Pale brownish 
above, whitish below. 

Total length 340 millim. 

Congo.—Types in Congo Museum, Tervueren. 

1. Hgr., one of the types. Matadi, Lower Congo. — Capt. Wilverth (C.). 

2. Her. Boma, 3 M. P. Delhez (C.). 
3. Ad. Upper Congo. ‘Brussels University. 
4. Yg. Lindi R., Upper Congo. M. M. Storms (©.); ’ 

Brussels Museum (E.). 



Mormyrus, part., Linn. Syst. Nat. i. p. 522 (1766) ; Giinth. Cat. Fish. vi. p. 214 

Mormyrops, part., Marcusen, Bull. Ac. St. Pétersb. xii. 1854, p. 14, and Mém. Ac. 
St. Pétersb. (7) vii. 1864, no. 4, p. 113. 

Gnathonemus, Gill, Proc. Ac. Philad. 1862, p. 448; Bouleng. Proc. Zool. Soe. 
1898, p. 801, and Poiss. Bass. Congo, p. 89 (1901); Pappenh. Mitth. Zool. 
Mus. Berl. iii. 1907, p. 352; Bouleng. Fish. Nile, p. 48 (1907). 

Campylomormyrus, Bleek. Versl. Ak. Amsterd. (2) viii. 1874, p. 367; Pappenh. 
ts Copa oole 

Teeth in the jaws small, conical, truncate, or notched (3-10 upper, 

4-10 lower); minute conical teeth on the parasphenoid and on the 

tongue; mouth terminal. Nostrils moderately far apart, remote from 

the eye. Body moderately elongate; ventral fins equally distant from 
the pectorals and from the anal, or nearer the former. Dorsal and anal 

fins not very unequal in length. Vertebre 44-49 Cos —14+4-8 + 27-30). 

Nile and Tropical Africa. 

Synopsis of the Species. 

I. Snout shorter than postocular part of head. 
A. Anal originating in advance of dorsal. 
1. Teeth notched or bicuspid. 
a. 8 scales round caudal peduncle, which is 25-3 times as long as deep. 
a. A globular mental swelling. 
D. 20-25; A. 25-33; L. 1. 43-49; depth 
of body 8-32 times in total length ; 
pectoral reaching beyond base of ventral. 1. G. moori, Gthr., p. 95. 
D. 23-24; A. 26-28; L.]. 44-45 ; depth of 
body 33-4 times in total length; pectoral 
just reaching base of ventral . . . . 2. G. lambouri, Pellegr., p. 97. 
D. 27-28; A.33; L.1. 49-54; depth of 
body 4 times in total length ; pectoral 
reaching beyond base of ventral. . . 3. G. schilthusic, Blgr., p. 98. 

f. A long, cylindrical, tapering mental appendage. 
D. 27-29; A. 34-36; L. 1. 63-70; depth 
of body 32-4} times in total length. . 4. G. petersii, Gthr., p. 99. 
b. 10-12 scales round caudal peduncle. 
a. Caudal peduncle not twice and $ as long as deep. 
* A long, cylindrical, tapering mental appendage. 
D. 22-25; A. 28-30; L.1. 58-64 ; depth 
of body 4-43 times in totallength . . 5, G. longibarbis, Hilg., p. 100. 


** No mental appendage. 
. 17-20; A. 25-28; L.1. 51-58; depth 
of body 33-33 times in total length. . 6. G. niger, Gthr., p. 101. 
. 24-25; A. 30-31; L. 1. 55-60; depth 
of body 33-4 times in total length . . 7. G. leopoldianus, Blgr., p. 102. 
8. Caudal peduncle 23-3 times as long as deep. 
* Depth of body 5-54 times in total length. 
2 19) 8 Ah, BS Nhe IO) 0° 6 a oo) 8 oo Ce Cranmanais lecallkeyene. jae, 108}. 
5) & DN be WE NGOS so 6 0) 6 tal oe Ee ee aicrny leienr: yay IK0SY 

** Depth of body 3-4 times in total length. 
. 21-24; A. 28-31; L. 162-65. . . . 10. G. livingstonit, Blgr., p. 104. 
BADR we. ep IID co 6 5 5 oo dill Ge Ura, Ieee oy KO) s)5 
. 28-33; A. 36-43; L. 1. 75-80; a round 
or oval mental appendage . . . . . 12. G. monteiri, Gthr., p. 105. 

y. Caudal peduncle 4 times as long as deep. 
. 29-33; A. 36; L.1. 84-85. . . . . 13. G. mento, Blgr., p. 106. 
2. Teeth conical ; depth of body 3-4 times in total length ; caudai peduncle 
2-3 times as long as deep. 
a. 12 scales round caudal peduncle. 
. 28-32 ; A. 35-40 ; L. 1. 70-85 ; pectoral 
extending beyond root of ventral , . 14. G. stanleyanus, Blgr., p. 107. 
. 25-28 ; A. 30-36; L. 1.68-72; pectoral 
not extending beyond root of ventral . 15. G. senegalensis, Stdr., p. 108. 
. 24-26; A. 29-33; L.1. 56-60; mental 
swelling feeble . . . . . . . » 16. G. angolensis, Blgr., p. 109. 
b. 14-16 (rarely 12 or 18) scales round caudal peduncle. 
. 25-30; A. 30-37; L. 1. 70-86 . . . 17. G. cyprinoides, L., p. 110. 
. 23-25 ; A. 28-32; L. 150-69 . . . 18. G. macrolepidotus, Peters, p. 112. 


B. Dorsal and anal originating in the same vertical, 31-33 ; depth of body 
about 34 times in total length. 
1. 78 ; caudal peduncle 3 times as long as 
deep, 12 scales round it . . . . . 19. G. pictus, Marcus., p. 113. 
. 1. 85; caudal peduncle 4 times as long as 
deep, 14 scales round it . . . . . 20. G. gilli, Bler., p. 114. 

C. Dorsal originating in advance of anal ; depth of body 34-32 times in total 
1. D. 28-29; A. 27-30. 
. 1, 42-43.; caudal peduncle 4 times as 
long as deep, 8 scales roundit . . . 21. G. kutuensis, Blgr., p. 115. 
. 1. 55; caudal peduncle twice as long as 
deep, 12 scales roundit . . . . . 22. G.ussheri, Gthr., p. 116. 


2. D. 31-36 ; A. 29-34 ; caudal peduncle 3} to 4 times as long as deep. 
L. 1. 72-80; 12 scales round caudal peduncle. 23. G. greshoffi, Schilth., p. 117. 
L. 1. 98 ; 16 scales round caudal peduncle . 24. G. abadii, Blgr., p. 118. 

II. Snout much longer than postorbital part of head, produced into a tube, with 
a mental appendage or barbel ; anal originating in advance of dorsal. 

A. 10-12 scales round caudal peduncle ; L. 1. 70-80. 
D. 26-30 ; A. 29-34; least depth of snout 

4-5 times in its length ; mental ap- 

pendage about aslongaseye. . . . 25. G. tamandua, Gthr., p. 118. 
D. 34; A. 35; least depth of snout 3 times 

inits length ; mental appendage # length 

of snout. . . . . 26. G. mirus, Bler., p. 119. 
D. 31-35 ; A. 33-37 ; lead foot of iene 3-4 

times in its length; mental ane 

about aslongaseye. . . . . . 27. G. elephas, Blgr., p. 120. 

B. 16-18 scales round caudal spank ; D. 27-34; A. 29-37; L. 1. 75-90. 
Snout strongly curved, its least depth 5-7 

times in its length ; caudal peduncle 

3-3) times aslongasdeep . . . . 28. G. rhynchophorus, Blgr., p. 121. 
Snout strongly curved, its least depth 8-10 

times in its length ; caudal peduncle 3 

times aslongasdeep . . . . 29. G. ibis, Blor., p. 122. 
Snout strongly curved, its least Gok 12 

times in its length; caudal peduncle 4 

times aslongasdeep .. . . 80. G. curvirostris, Blgr., p. 123. 
Snout feebly curved, its least depth 20 ce 

in its length in the adult; caudal 

peduncle 3 times as long asdeep . . 31. G@. numenius, Blgr., p. 124. 

Mormyrus moortt, Giinth. Ann. & Mag. N. H. (3) xx. 1867, p. 116. 
Mormyrus lepturus, Giinth. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1871, p. 670, pl. xix. fig. B, and Ann. 
& Mag. N. H. (6) xvii. 1896, p. 280. 
Mormyrus grandisquamis, Peters, Mon. Berl. Ac. 1876, p. 250, pl. —. fig. 3 ; 
Schilth. Tijdschr. Nederl. Dierk. Ver. (2) iii. 1891, p. 84. 
Gnathonemus moorti, Bouleng. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1898, p. 803, and Poiss. Bass. 
Congo, p. 94 (1901) ; Pappenh. Mitth. Zool. Mus. Berl. iii. 1907, p. 354. 
Depth of body 3 to 3% times in total length, length of head 4 to 5 
times. ‘Head as long as deep or slightly longer than deep, with curved 
upper profile; snout short, about + length of head; a globular dermal 
swelling on the chin; teeth one notched, 5 in upper jaw, 6 in lower ; 

eye moderate, 2 to # length of snout, about 4 interorbital width. 


Dorsal 20-25, originating above 4th to 6th ray of anal, its length 2 to 
2% times in its distance from head. Anal 25-33, equally distant from 
base of ventral and base of caudal, or nearer latter. Pectoral as long as 
or slightly shorter than head, twice as long as ventral, extending beyond 
base of latter. Caudal densely scaled in its anterior third, with pointed 
lobes. Caudal peduncle 24 to 3 times as long as deep, as long as or 

Fig. 77. 

Gnathonemus moorii. 
Type of AM, lepterus, after Giinther (P. Z. 8. 1871). 

= > 13-15 
verse series on body, + in transverse series between dorsal and anal, 8 

a little shorter than head. 43-49 scales in lateral line in trans. 
round caudal peduncle. Brownish, with a dark brown vertical band 
from anterior rays of dorsal to anterior rays of anal, sometimes followed 
by a second. 
Total fength 200 millim. 
Cameroon, Gaboon, Congo.— Type, from Ogowe (in Liverpool 
Museum), examined. 
1-2. Ad. Kribi R., S. Cameroon. G. L. Bates, Esq. (C.). 
3-9. Ad., hgr., & yg. Ja Bitye, i a 
10-11. Yy. (Types Gaboon. 
ol Mf. lepturus.) 

V2. Her. ” 

13. Ad. Eloby, Gaboon. 

14-16. Ad. Talagouga, Ogowe. Miss Kingsley (C.). 
17-18. Ye. Masoma R., Ogowe. Dr. W. J. Ansorge ((.). 
19-20. Her. Sette Cama, Gaboon. 

21-22, Ad. Boma, Lower Congo. M. P. Delhez (C.). 

Pellegr. Bull. Mus. Paris, 1904, p. 439. 
Depth of body 5} to 4 times in tetal length, length of head 4 to 43 
times. Head a little longer than deep, with feebly curved upper profile ; 
VOL. I. H 


snout short, about + length of head; mouth on a level with lower border 
of eye; a globular dermal swelling on the chin; teeth notched, 3 or 5 
in upper jaw, 5 or 6 in lower; eye moderate, a little shorter than snout, 
+ interorbital width. Dorsal 23-24, its length 1% to 2 times in its 
distance from head. Anal 26-28, originating in advance of dorsal. 
Pectoral a little shorter than head, just reaching origin of ventral. 

Caudal scaled at the base, with long pointed lobes. Caudal peduncle 24 

i a ° Pi 

verse series on body, 7 in transverse series between dorsal and anal, 8 
round caudal peduncle. Qlive-brown, with darker longitudinal lines 

along the series of scales; a black vertical band from anterior rays of 

to 3 times as long as deep. 44-45 scales in lateral line in trans- 

dorsal to anterior rays of anal. 
Total length 150 millim. 
Alima R., Upper Congo.—Types in Paris Museum. 

Bouleng. Ann. Mus. Congo, Zool. i. p. 73, pl. xxxiii. fig. 4 (1899), and Poiss. Bass. 
Congo, p. 95 (1901). 

Depth of body 4 times in total length, length of head 43 times. Head 
scarcely longer than deep, with strongly curved upper profile ; length of 
snout 435 times in length of head; chin with a moderately developed 
globular swelling ; teeth deeply notched, 5 in upper jaw, 6 in lower ; 

Fig. 78. 

GCnathonemus schilthuisic. 

Type (A. M.C.). 3. 

eye rather large, as long as snout, 3 interorbital width. Dorsal 27-28, 
originating above 4th ray of anal, its length a little less than + its 
distance from head. Aual 33. Pectoral pointed, a little shorter than 
head, twice as long as ventral, reaching beyond base of latter. Caudal 
scaled at the base, with long pointed lobes. Caudal peduncle 3 times 
as long as deep, # length of head. 49-54 scales in lateral line, 2hin 

. 8. . 
transverse series on body, ; in transverse series between dorsal and anal, 


8 round caudal peduncle. Brown, darker on head and caudal peduncle, 
a blackish vertical band from anterior rays of dorsal to anal; fins 

Total length 85 millim. 

Upper Congo (Stanley Pool and L. Leopold II.).—Type in Congo 
Museum, Tervueren. 


Mormyrus petersii, Giinth. Arch. f. Nat. 1862, p. 64, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1864, p. 22, 
pl. ii. fig. 2, and Cat. Fish. vi. p. 218 (1866). 

Gnathonemus petersit, Gill, Proc. Ac. Philad. 1862, p. 444; Bouleng. Proc. Zool. 
Soe. 1898, p. 808, and Poiss. Bass. Congo, p. 99 (1901) ; Pappenh. Mitth. 
Zool. Mus. Berl. iii. 1907, p. 355. 

Depth of body 32 to 44 times in total length, length of head 44 to 43 
times. Head 14 to 14 times as long as deep, upper profile descending 
in a straight or slightly convex line; snout ? length of head ; lower jaw 
with a cylindrical, tapering dermal appendage, as long as or a little 

Fig. 79. 

Gnathonemus petersii. 

Type, after Ginther (P. Z. S. 1864). 


longer than the snout and directed forwards ; teeth very small, notched, 
3 or 5 in upper jaw, 5 or 6 in lower; eye moderate, about 5 or 2 length 
of snout, * to 4 interorbital width. Dorsal 27—29. originating above 
10th to 12th ray of anal, its length nearly twice in its distance from 
head. Anal 34-36, nearer base of caudal than base of ventral. Pectoral 
pointed, 2 to # as long as head, twice as long as ventral, extending 
beyond base of Jatter. Caudal scaled, with long, pointed lobes. Caudal 

peduncle 3 times as long as deep, § to } length of head. 63-70 scales 
12-13 10-11 : re 
ise > 10-11 24 transverse series 

H 2 

in lateral line, in transverse series on body 

100 MORMYRID-#. 

between dorsal and anal, 8 round caudal peduncle. Dark brown, with 
two lighter vertical bars between dorsal and anal. 

Total length 230 millim. 

Niger, Old Calabar, Cameroon, Congo. 

IO Yio: Oguta, Lower Niger. Dr. W. J. Ansorge (C.). 
3. Her., type. Old Calabar. Dr. A. Giinther (P.). 
4-6. Ad. & yg. Monsembe, Upper Congo. Rey. J. H. Weeks (P.). 
7-8. Ad. Stanley Falls. Rey. W. H. Bentley (C.). 
9, Ad. i M. De Meuse (C.). 

10. Ye. Banzy ville, Ubanghi. Capt. Royaux (C.). 

Mormyrus petersti (non Giinth. 1862), Giinth. Petherick’s Trav. ii. p. 256 (1869). 
Mormyrus longibarbis, Hilgend. Sitzb. Ges. nat. Fr. Berlin, 1888, p. 78. 
Gnathonemus longibarbis, Bouleng. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1898, p. 802 ; Pappenh. Mitth. 
Zool. Mus. Berl. iti. 1907, p. 256, pl. xii. fig. 1 ; Bouleng. Fish. Nile, p. 55, 
fig., pl. x. fig. 2 (1907). 
Depth of body 4 to 45 times in total length, length of head 44 to 4} 
times. Head longer than deep, with feebly curved upper profile; snout 
about 2 length of postecular part of head, 2% to 25 times diameter of 

eye, about 3 interorbital width; chin with a long, cylindrical, pointed 

Fig. 80. 

Gnathonemus longibarbis. 

Buganga (Ff. N.). 2. 

dermal appendage, as long as or a little longer than snout, directed 
forwards ; teeth small, notched, 3 or 5 in upper jaw, 4 or 6 in lower. 
Dorsal 22-25, its length about 4 or 2 its distance from head and equal 
to or a little greater than its distance from caudal. Anal 28-31, 
originating a little in advance of dorsal, its distance from ventral a little 


greater than that fromcaudal. Pectoral obtusely pointed, about 3 length 
of head and extending to base of ventral, which is only about half as long. 
Caudal nearly entirely scaled, with pointed lobes. Caudal peduncle 3 to 

} length of head, 2 or 24 times as long as deep. 58-64 scales in lateral 

: . 10-11 - : 
in transverse series on body, ;, in transverse series between 

? 17-19 
dorsal and anal, 10 or 12 round caudal peduncle. Uniform blackish 


brown, lower side of head sometimes whitish. 
Total length 200 millim. 
Lake Victoria.—Type in Berlin Museum. 

1-7. Ad. Buganga. Mr. 8. Degen (C.). 

Mormyrus niger, Giinth, Cat. Fish. vi, p. 219 (1866). 
Gnathonemus niger, Bouleng. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1898, p. 802, and Fish. Nile, p. 5 
pl. ix. fig. 5 (1907). 

Depth of body 3} to 32 times in total length, length of head 43 to 5 times. 
Head as long as deep, with convex upper profile ; snout very short, § to 
+ length of head; no mental swelling; teeth small, notched, 5 in upper 
jaw, 8 or 10 in lower; eye rather small, slightly shorter than the snout, 


Fig. 81. 

Grathonemus wyer. 

White Nile (F. N.). 


4 to 2 interorbital width. Dorsal 17-20, originating above 8th to 10th 
ray of anal, its length 2 to 25 times in its distance from head. Anal 
25-28, nearer base of caudal than base of ventral. Pectoral pointed, a 
little longer than head, at least twice as long as ventral, extending 
almost to extremity of latter. Caudal densely scaled in its basal third, 
with obtusely pointed lobes. Caudal peduncle about twice as long as 

102 MORMYRID.®. 

deep, } to # length of head. 51-58 scales in lateral line, “ in trans- 
verse series on body, = in transverse series between dorsal and anal, 
12 round caudal peduncle. Blackish brown above, sides silvery, speckled 
with dark brown. 

Total length 125 millim. 

White Nile, Gambia, Niger. 

1. Type. Gambia. Mr. J. T. Dalton (C.). 
2. Type. Niger. _ 

3-4. Ad. W. Africa. 

5-8. Ad. Fashoda, White Nile. L. Loat, Esq. (C.). 

9. Skel. e i 
10-13. Ad. Polkom, Baro R. (Sobat). Mr. P. C. Zaphiro (C.); 

W.N. McMillan, Esq. (P.). 

Bouleng. Ann. Mus. Congo, Zool. i. p. 72, pl. xxsiii. fig. 3 (1899), and Poiss. Bass. 
Congo, p. 91 (1901). 

Depth of body 34 to 4 times in total length, length of head 44 to 44 
times. Head a little longer than deep, upper profile declivous and 
feebly convex ; snout a little more than $ length of head; teeth notched, 
6 or 8 in upper jaw, 10 in lower ; chin scarcely swollen; eye moderately 

Fig. 82. 

Gnathonemus leopoldianus. 

Type (A. M.C.). 2. 

large, not more than $ length of snout, 2 interocular width. Dorsal 
24-25, originating above 5th or 6th ray of anal, its length 4, or a little 
less than 4, its distance from head. Anal 30-31, nearer base of caudal 
than base of ventral. Pectoral pointed, a little shorter than head, twice 


as long as ventral, extending beyond base of latter. Caudal scaled in its 
basal half, with long, pointed lobes. Caudal peduncle twice as long as 
deep, 2 to 2 length of head. 55-60 scales in lateral line, — in trans- 
verse series on body, = in transverse series between dorsal and anal, 
12 round caudal peduncle. Uniform blackish. 

Total length 270 millim. 

Lake Leopold IT., Congo.—Types in Congo Museum, Tervueren. 
1. One of the types. Ibali. M. P. Delhez (C.). 

Pellegr. Bull. Mus. Paris, 1904, p. £40. 

Depth of body equal to length of head, 53 times in total length. 
Head longer than deep; snout a little more than 4+ length of head ; 
teeth strongly notched, 4 in upper jaw, 5 in lower; chin with a globular 
swelling ; eye half length of snout, } interorbital width. Dorsal 19, 
originating above 12th ray of anal, its length nearly 4 its distauce from 
head. Anal 31. Pectoral rounded, ? length of head, not reaching base 
of ventral. Caudal scaled at the base, with rounded lobes. Caudal 
peduncle 25 times as long as deep. 65 scales in lateral line, 4 in trans- 
verse series on body, : in transverse series between dorsal and anal, 12 
round caudal peduncle. Uniform brownish. 

Total length 135 millim. 

Alima R., Congo.—Type in Paris Museum. 

Mormyrus bentleyi, Bouleng. Ann. & Mag. N. H. (6) xx. 1897, p. 426. 
Gnathonemus bentleyi, Bouleng. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1898, p. 804, and Poiss. Bass. 
Congo, p. 92 (1901). 

Depth of body equal to length of head, 5 times in total length. Head 
once and + as long as deep, upper profile slightly concave above the eye ; 
snout + length of head; teeth notched, 7 in upper jaw, 10 in lower; 
chin strongly swollen; eye moderate, 4 length of snout, 2 interorbital 
width. Dorsal 23, originating above 5th ray of anal, its length twice in 
its distance from head. Anal 84, nearer base of caudal than base of 
ventral. Pectoral pointed, almost as long as head, nearly twice as long 
as ventral, extending beyond base of latter. Caudal densely scaled, with 
pointed lobes. Caudal peduncle 3 times as long as deep, almost as long 


. : Gy . . 
as head. 58 scales in lateral line, j; 19 transverse series on body, Fin 
transverse series between dorsal and anal, 12 round caudal peduncle. 
Dark olive. 

Fig. 83. 

Gnathonemus hentley?. 

Type. 4. 
Total length 270 millim. 
Upper Congo. 
1. Type. Stanley Falls. Rey. W. H. Bentley (C.). 


Bouleng. Proce. Zool. Soc. 1898, p. 803 ; Pappenh. Mitth. Zool. Mus. Berl. ini. 
1907, p. 353. 

Depth of body 33 times in total length, length of head 43 times. 
Head nearly as long as deep, with curved upper profile; snout 7 length 

Fig. 84. 

Gnathonemus livingstonii, 


of head ; chin with a globular dermal appendage; teeth bicuspid, 5 in 
upper jaw, 6 in lower; eye small, 4 length of snout, 3 interorbital width. 
Dorsal 21-24, originating above 10th ray of anal, its length 23 times in 
its distance from head. Anal 28-31, equally distant from base of 
ventral and from base of caudal. Pectoral obtusely pointed, } length 


of head, twice length of ventral, reaching a little beyond base of latter. 
Caudal with obtusely pointed lobes. Caudal peduncle 3 times as long 
as deep, a little shorter than head. 62-65 scales in lateral line, a in 
transverse series on body, = in transverse series between dorsal and 
anal, 12 round caudal peduncle. Silvery, brownish on the back; a 
dark brown vertical bar on the body below origin of dorsal. 
Total length 83 millim. 
Rovuma River, East Africa. 
1. Yg., type. Rovuma R. Dr. C. Livingstone (P.). 

Pellegr. Bull. Mus. Paris, 1904, p. 441. 

Depth of body 3 times in total length, length of head 5 times. 
Head scarcely longer than deep, with curved upper profile; snout a 
little less than 3 length of head; teeth notched, 5 in both jaws; chin 
with a globular swelling; eye 3 length of snout, 4 interorbital width. 
Dorsal 26, originating slightly further back than anal. Anal 33. 
Pectoral pointed, as long as head, twice as long as ventral, extending 
beyond base of latter. Caudal scaled aty the base, with pointed lobes. 
Caudal peduncle 23 times as long as deep. 595 scales in lateral line, 
2. ° 10 - . 

i; in transverse series on body, ;; in trausverse series between dorsal and 
anal, 12 round caudal] peduncle. Silvery, darker on the back; traces 
of a dark vertical band between origin of dorsal and anal. 

Total length 110 millim. 

Ivory Coast.—Type in Paris Museum. 

Mormyrus monteivi, Giinth. Ann. & Mag. N. H. (4) xii. 1873, p. 144. 
Gnathonemus monteiri, Bouleng. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1898, p. 807, and Poiss. Bass. 
Congo, p. 98 (1901). 

Depth of body 34 to 4 times in total length, length of head 43 to 
5 times. Head 1+ to 14 times as long as deep, upper profile descending 
in a straight or slightly concave line ; snout 3 to } length of head ; lower 
jaw with a roundish or oval, depressed dermal appendage about as long 
as eye; teeth notched, 5 to 10 in upper jaw, 6 to 10 in lower; eye 
moderate, 4 to 2 length of snout, 4 to # interorbital width. Dorsal 
28-33, originating above 10th to 15th ray of anal, its length about twice 


in its distance from head. Anal 36-43, equally distant from base of 
ventral and from base of caudal. Pectoral pointed, $ to ¢ length of head, 
more than twice as long as ventral, extending beyond base of latter. 
Caudal scaled, with long pointed lobes. Caudal peduncle 3 times 
as long as deep, # to § length of head. 75-80 scales in lateral line, 
15-19 - : Selva : 

31-93 In transverse series on body, jj4q in transverse series between 
dorsal and anal, 12 round caudal peduncle. Uniform silvery. 

Fig. 85. 

Gnathonemus montetri. 
Type. }. 
Total length 450 millim. * 
Congo, Lake Bangwelu. 

1-3. Hgr., types. Boma, Lower Congo. J. J. Mogteiro, Esq. (C.). 
4, Ad. A if M. P. Delhez (C.). 

5. Skel. ud A 7 

6-7. Ad. Irebu, Upper Congo. B} 

8. Ad. Upper Congo. Brussels University. 
9-10. Ad. L. Bangwelu. F. H. Melland, Esq. (P.). 


Mormyrus mento, Bouleng. Ann. & Mag. N. H. (6) vi. 1890, p.193 ; Steind. Notes 
Leyd. Mus. xvi. 1894, p. 72. 

Gnathonemus mento, Bouleng. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1898, p. 807. 

Depth of body 33 times in total length, length of head 5 times. Head 
as long as deep, with strongly curved upper profile; snout >°5 length of 
head; a strong mental swelling; teeth notched, 5 in upper jaw, 6 in 
lower; eye moderate, 3 length of snout, about 3 interorbital width. 
Dorsal 29-33, originating above 9th ray of anal, its length twice in its 
distance from head. Anal 36, equally distant from base of ventral and 


from base of caudal. Pectoral a little shorter than head, 12 times 
length of ventral, extending a little beyond base of latter. Caudal 
scaled in its basal half, with pointed lobes. Caudal peduncle nearly 
4 times as long as deep, as long as head. 84-85 scales in lateral line, 
ni in transverse series on body, 5 in transverse series between dorsal and 
anal, 12 round caudal peduncle. Silvery, with fire brown dots, which 
are very crowded on the head and the dorsal and ventrai lines. 

Fig. 86. 

Gnathonemus mento. 

Total length 190 millim. 
Gaboon, Liberia. 

> Lee Dyipe: Gaboon. 

Mormyrus stanleyanus, Bouleng. Ann. & Mag. N. H. (6) xx. 1897, p. 266. 
Gnathonemus stanleyanus, Bouleng. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1898, p. 806, and Poiss. Bass. 
Congo, p. 97 (1901). 

Gnathonemus senegalensis (non Steind.), Bouleng. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1900, p. 512. 

Depth of body 34 to 44 times in total length, length of head 45 to 
5 times. Head not or but slightly longer than deep, with feebly curved, 
declivous upper profile; snout ? to 4 length of head; teeth conical or 
truncate, 5 or 7 in upper jaw, 6 in lower; a globular mental appendage, 
as long as eye or a little shorter; eye about 2 length of snout, 3 to } 
interorbital width. Dorsal 28-32, originating above 7th to 13th ray of 
anal, 4 to 3 its distance from head. Anal 35-40, nearer base of caudal 
than base of ventral. Pectoral pointed, nearly as long as head, about 

twice as long as ventral, extending beyond base of latter. Caudal partly 


covered with scales, with long pointed lobes. Caudal peduncle 5 to 
33 times as long as deep, as long as head or a little shorter. 70-85 
scales in lateral line, = in transverse series on body, a in transverse 
Series between dorsal and anal, 12 round caudal peduncle. Brown, or 
brown above and silvery below. 

Fig. 87. 

Gnathonemus stanleyanus. 

Type. 4. 

Total length 400 millim. 

Congo, Gambia. 
1. Type. Stanley Falls. Rey. W. H. Bentley (C.). 
2. Ad. Upper Congo. Brussels University. 
Bh, (oR Banzyville, Ubanghi. Capt. Royaux (C.). 
4, Ad. Matadi, Lower Congo. Capt. Wilverth (C.). 
5-6. Ad. Gambia. J. 8. Budgett, Esq. (P.). 


Mormyrus senegalensis, Steind. Sitz. Ak. Wien, Ixi. i. 1870, p. 551, pl. iv. fig. 1. 
Gnathonemus senegalensis, Bouleng. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1898, p. 806 ; Pappenh. 
Mitth. Zoo]. Mus. Berl. iii. 1907, p. 855. 

Depth of body 3 to 33 times in total length, length of head 43 to 
5 times. Head as long as deep, with curved upper profile; snout 
4 length of head, or a little less; teeth conical, 3 or 5 in upper jaw, 
4 or 6 in lewer; chin with a globular swelling or appendage; eye 
moderate, $ to # length of snout, about 4 interorbital width. Dorsal 
25-28, originating above 5th to 8th ray of anal, its length 4 its distance 
from head, or a little less. Anal 30-36, nearer base of caudal than base 
of yentral. Pectoral pointed, a little shorter than head, twice as long as 
ventral, not extending beyond base of latter. Caudal scaled in its basal 


half, with long pointed lobes. Caudal peduncle 3 times as long as 
deep, a little shorter than head. 65-72 scales in lateral line, ee 

; 12-14 . : 
transverse series on body, 445 im transverse series between dorsal and 
anal, 12 round caudal peduncle. Silvery, brown or steel-blue on the 


Fig. 88. 

Gnathonemus senegalensis. 

Type, after Steindachner (/. ¢.). 4. 

Total length 210 millim. 
Senegal, ‘Togoland.—Types in Vienna Museum. 

I... Her. St. Louis, Senegal. M. P. Delhez (C.). 
2-9. Ad. & her. Kaédi, _ aN 
10. Skel. ” ” ” 


Bouleng. Ann. & Mag. N. H. (7) xv. 1905, p. 458. 

Depth of body 35 to 33 times in total length, length of head 44 to 
times. Head as long as deep, with curved upper profile; snout 
length of head; teeth conical, 5 in upper jaw, 6 in lower; a feeble 
mental swelling; eye moderate, a little shorter than snout, 3 interorbital 
width. Dorsal 24-26, originating above 6th to 8th ray of anal, its 
length 24 to 24 times in its distance from head. Anal 29-33, nearer 
base of caudal than base of ventral. Pectoral pointed, a little shorter 
than head, twice as long as ventral, extending a little beyond base of 
latter. Caudal scaled in its basal two-thirds, with pointed lobes. 
Caudal peduncle 24 times as long as deep, $ length of head. 56-60 

‘ : DE : qo ealOwe 
scales in lateral line, 7;-,, in transyerse series on body, 73 in transverse 




series between dorsal and anal, 12 round caudal peduncle. Brown 
above, silvery white beneath ; a few irregular dark brown blotches may 
be present on the body; fins dark brown. 

Fig. 89. 

Gnathonemus angolensis. 

Total length 135 millim. 
1. Type. Quanza R. Dr. W. J. Ansorge (C.). 
2-4. Her. Cunene, Mossamedes. st 


Mormyrus cyprinoides, Linn. Mus. Ad. Frid. ii. p. 109 (1764), and 8. N. i. p. 522 
(1766) ; Cuv. & Val. Hist. Poiss. xix. p. 265 (1849) ; Giinth. Cat. Fish. vi. 
p- 218 (1866), and Petherick’s Trav. ii. p. 254 (1869). 

Mormyrus salahie, Lacep. Hist. Poiss. v. p. 619 (1803). 

Mormyrus labiatus, I. Geoffr. Descr. Egypte, Poiss. p. 275, pl. vii. fig. 1 (1827) ; 
Riipp. Fortsetz. Beschr. n. Fische Nil, p. 9, pl. ii. fig. 2 (1832). 

Mormyrus elongatus, Riipp. 1. ¢. fig. 1. 

Mormyrus abbreviatus, Cuv. & Val. t. ¢. p. 270. 

Mormyrops cyprinoides, Marcusen, Bull. Ac. St. Pétersb. xii. 1854, p. 14. 

Mormyrops elongatus, Marcusen, |. c. 

Mormyrops abbreviatus, Marcusen, |. ¢. 

Mormyrops labiatus, Marcusen, Mém. Ac. St. Pétersb. (7) vii. 1864, no. 4, p. 137. 

Gnathonemus cyprinoides, Bouleng. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1898, p. 805, Poiss. Bass. Congo, 
p- 96 (1901), and Fish. Nile, p. 50, pl. vi. fig. 2 & pl. vii. fig. 3 (1907). 

Depth of body 3 to 4 times in total length, length of head 4 to 

53 times. Head slightly longer than deep, with curved upper profile ; 

snout about 4 length of head; mouth small, on a line with lower border 

of eye; chin with a globular dermal appendage; teeth minute, conical, 


5 in upper jaw, 6 in lower; eye moderate, } to 3 length of snout, 2 to 
4 interorbital width. Dorsal 25-30, originating above 6th to 9th ray of 
anal, its length 2 to 24 times in its distance from head. Anal 30-37, 
equally distant from base of ventral and from base of caudal, or a 
little nearer latter. Pectoral pointed, as long as head or a little 
shorter, twice as long as ventral, reaching base of latter or beyond. 
Caudal scaled in its basal $ or 3, with pointed lobes. Caudal peduncle 

Gnathonemus cyprinoides. 

Fayum (F.N.). i. 

21 to 3 times as long as deep, as long as head or a little shorter. 70-86 
scales in lateral line, a in transverse series on body, = in trans- 
verse series between dorsal and anal, 16 (rarely 18) round caudal peduncle. 
Silvery, back darker, bluish or greenish; some young specimens with 
small blackish spots scattered on the body. 

Total length 300 millim. 

Nile, from the Delta to the Bahr-el-Gebel, Chad Basin, Niger, Upper 

1. Ad. (Type of Egypt. Dr. Riippell (C.). 
M. elongatus.) 

2-3. Ad. & her. a " 
4-5, Ad. Lower Nile. S. 8. Allen, Esq. (P.). 
6-7. Ad. 3 J. Petherick, Esq. (C.). 
8. Hgr. Kafr-el-Zayat, Rosetta Nile. L. Loat, Esq. (C.). 
9-10. Ad. Barrage N. of Cairo. pe 

11-14, Ad. Cairo, i 

15. Ad. Wasta, Lower Nile. 9 

16. Skel. e 5 : 

17. Ad. Beni Souef, Lower Nile. 5 

18. Ad. Between Beni Souef and Biba. e 


19. Ad. 
20. Ad. 

21-30. Her. & yg. 

31-38. Ad. 
39. Ad. 
40. Hor. 
41-48. Her. 
49, Ad. 
50. Ad. 
51. Ad. 
52. Yo. 

53-54, Ad. & her. 

55-57. Ad. 


Lahun, Fayum. 
Akhmim, Lower Nile. 
Near Luxor. 



Shederah, White Nile. 
Fashoda, Bs 
Tewfikyeh, a 

Lake N.E. of Gondokoro. 
Jebba, Upper Niger. 
Agberi, Lower Niger. 

Stanley Falls. 

L. Loat, Esq. (C.). 

J. Petherick, Esq. (C.). 
L. Loat, Esq. (C.). 


Capt. G. F. Abadie (P.). 
Dr. W. J. Ansorge (C.). 
Mr. J. T. Dalton (C.). 
Rev. W. H. Bentley (C.). 


Mormyrus macrolepidotus, Peters, Mon. Berl. Ac. 1852, p. 275 ; Giinth. Cat. Fish. 
vi. p. 219 (1866) ; Peters, Reise Mossamb. iv. p. 79, pl. xv. fig. 1 (1868). 
Mormyrops macrolepidotus, Marcusen, Mém. Ac. St. Pétersb. (7) vii. 1864, no. 4, 

p. 142. 

Gnathonemus macrolepidotus, Bouleng. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1898, p. 804, and Poiss. 
Bass. Congo, p. 93 (1901) ; Pellegr. Mém. Soc. Zool. France, xvii. 1905, 

p- 181; Pappenh. Mitth. Zool. Mus. Berl. iii. 1907, p. 354; Bouleng. Fish. 
Nile, p. 53, pl. x. fig. 1 (1907). 
Depth of body 33 to 4 times in total length, length of head 43 

to 5 times. 

Head nearly as long as deep, with curved upper profile ; 

Gnathonemus macrolepidotus. 
Type, after Peters (Reise Mossamb.). 4. 

snout about 4+ length of head; chin with a globular dermal appendage ; 


teeth conical, 3 or 5 in upper jaw, 6 in lower; eye moderate, % to 




length of snout, 4 to 2 interorbital width. Dorsal 23-25, originating 
above 5th to 8th ray of anal, its length about 23 times in its distance from 
head. Anal 28-32, a little nearer base of caudal than base of ventral. 
Pectoral obtusely pointed, shorter than head, reaching base of ventral or 
alittle beyond. Caudal scaled in basal half, with obtusely pointed lobes. 
Caudal peduncle 2 to 3 times as long as deep, nearly as long as head. 
50-69 scales in lateral line, =o in transverse series on body, = in 
transverse series between dorsal and anal, 14 or 16 (rarely 12) round 
caudal peduncle. Silvery, sometimes with black blotches. 

Total length 250 millim. Reaches a length of 320 millim. 

Zambesi, Katanga, Lake Bangwelu, Rovuma River.—Types in Berlin 

1. Ad. L. Bangwelu. F. H. Melland, Esq. (P.). 
yy NUE Kazungula, Upper Zambesi. Rey. L. Jalla (C.). 

3-5. Ad. Kafue R., T. Codrington, Esq. (P.). 
6. Ye. Rovuma R. Dr. C. Livingstone (C.). 

Mormyrus, sp. n., Heuglin, Sitzb. Ak. Wien, ix. 1852, p. 920, pl. Ix. fig. 1. 
Petrocephalus pictus, Marcusen, Mém. Ac. St. Pétersb. (7) vii. 1864, p. 153. 
Gnathonemus pictus, Bouleng. Ann. & Mag. N. H. (7) xvi. 1905, p. 38, and lish. 
Nile, p. 48, pl. vii. fig. 2 (1907). 
Depth of body 3} times in total length, length of head 5 times. 
Head as long as deep, with curved upper profile; snout § length of 

Gnathonemus pictus. 

Fashoda (F.N.). 

head; teeth bicuspid, 5 in upper jaw, 6 in lower; a slight swelling 
of the chin ; eye rather large, equal to length of snout, } interorbital, 
VOL, 1. : 


width. Dorsal and anal fins equally developed and exactly opposed to 
each other, former with 31 rays, latter with 33, equally distant from 
caudal and from base of ventrals. Pectoral pointed, as long as head, 
reaching beyond base of ventral, which is about half as long. Caudal 
with pointed lobes, scaled on more than half its extent. Caudal 
peduncle 3 times as long as deep, as long as head. 78 scales in lateral 
line, : in transverse series on body, + between dorsal and anal, 12 
round caudal peduncle. Brown or dark olive with yellowish bars, two 
of which enclose a sort of blackish rhomb between the anterior rays 
of the dorsal and those of the anal, which bear a black bar; a 
black band on the pectoral and vential and on each lobe of the 

Total length 140 millim. 

White Nile.-—Type in Vienna Museum. 
1. Ad. Fashoda. L. Loat, Esq. (C.). 

Bouleng. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1904, i. p. 198, pl. vii. fig. 2. 

Depth of body 82 times in total length, length of head 53 times. 
Head slightly longer than deep, with curved upper profile; snout 4 
length of head; chin with a globular dermal appendage; teeth conical, 
3 in upper jaw, 4 in lower; eye a little shorter than snout, 3 interorbital 

Fig. 98. 

Gnathonemus gill. 

Type (P.Z.8, 1904). 


width. Dorsal 33, its origin corresponding to that of anal, its length 
once and 4 in its distance from head. Anal 31, equally distant from 
base of veutrals and from base of caudal. Pectoral pointed, as long as 
head, once and # as long as ventral, reaching beyond base of latter. 
Caudal scaled in its basal half, with pointed lobes. Caudal peduncle 


4 times as long as deep, slightly longer than head. 86 scales in lateral 
fern 251; : ona : 
line, 5, in transverse series on body, 5; in transverse series between 
dorsal and anal, 14 round caudal peduncle. Brown above, silvery white 
beneath ; dorsal and anal fins greyish brown in front. 

Total length 245 millim. 

1. Type. Assay, Lower Niger. J.S. Budgett, Esq. (P.). 

Bouleng. Ann. Mus. Congo, Zool. i. p. 74, pl. xxxiii. fig. 5 (1899), and Poiss. Bass. 
Congo, p. 101 (1901). 

Depth of body 3} to 34 times in total length, length of head 5 to 
5} times. Head scarcely longer than deep, with strongly curved upper 
profile ; snout + length of head; teeth feebly notched, 5 in upper jaw, 
6 in lower; a globular mental swelling; eye rather large, as long as 
snout, 3 interorbital width. Dorsal 29, its length nearly as great as its 
distance from head. Anal 27-29, originating under 4th to 6th ray 
of dorsal. Pectoral pointed, a little longer than head, twice as long as 
ventral, reaching nearly extremity of latter. Caudal scaled in its basal 

Fig. 94. 

Gnathonemus kutucnsis. 

Type (A. M.@.). 3 


half, with long pointed lobes. Caudal peduncle 4 times as long as 
deep, as long as head. 42-43 scales in lateral line, a in transverse 

series on body, = in transverse series between dorsal and anal, 8 round 
caudal peduncle. Brown, darker in front; a dark brown vertical band 
between origin of dorsal and origin of anal; anterior two-thirds of 
caudal peduncle dark brown. 

Total length 100 millim. 

Congo (Lake Leopold Il. and Alima River).—Type in Congo Museum, 



Mormyrus ussheri, Giinth. Ann, & Mag. N. H. (3) xx. 1867, p. 116 ; Steind. Notes 
Leyd. Mus. xvi. 1894, p. 71. 
Gnathonemus ussheri, Bouleng. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1898, p. 808. 

Depth of body 33 times in total length, length of head 4% times. 
Head a little longer than deep, with curved upper profile; snout 
4 length of head; a globular mental swelling; teeth notched, 5 in 
upper jaw, 6 in lower; eye moderate, 3 length of snout or interorbital 
width. Dorsal 27-28, originating very slightly in advance of anal, its 

Gnathonemus ussheri. 

Type. 32. 

length a little less than twice in its distance from head. Anal 30-82, 
equally distant from base of ventral and from base of caudal. Pectoral 
pointed, as long as head, twice as long as ventral, extending beyond 
base of latter. Caudal scaled in its anterior half, with pointed lobes. 
Caudal peduncle twice as long as deep, slightly shorter than head. 
5d-57 scales in lateral line, 2 in transverse series on body, 3 in 
trapsyerse series between dorsal and anal, 12 round caudal peduncle. 

Total length 170 millim. 

Gold Coast, Liberia. 
1. Type. Bossumprah R., Gold Coast. H. T. Ussher, Esq. (C.). 
2. Her. R. Offin, Gold Coast. R. B. N. Walker, Esq. (C.). 


Mormyrus greshoffi, Schilthuis, Tijdschr. Nederl. Dierk. Ver. (2) iii. 1891, p. 90, 
pl. yi. fig. 3. 
Gnathonemus greshofi, Bouleng. Proc. Zool. Soe. 1898, p. 809, and Poiss. Bass. 
Congo, p. 100 (1901). 
Depth of body 34 to 3? times in total length, length of head 43 to 
5 times. Head as long as deep or a little longer than deep, upper 
profile descending in a curve; snout } length of head; lower jaw with 
a dermal appendage half the length of the snout; teeth truncate, 3 in 
upper jaw, 2 or 4 in lower; eye large, situated in anterior half of 

Fig. 96. 

Gnathonemus greshoffi. 

head, its diameter a little greater than length of snout or inter- 
orbital width. Dorsal 31—36, originating a little in advance of anal, its 
length twice in its distance from end of snout. Anal 29-52, nearer 
base of ventral than base of caudal. Pectoral pointed, almost as long 
as head, twice as long as ventral, extending beyond base of latter. 
Caudal rather small, with pointed lobes. Caudal peduncle 4 or 5 times 

: a BBG 
as long as deep, as long as head. 72-80 scales in lateral line, j955 

transverse series on body, {57g in transverse series between dorsal and 


anal, 12 round caudal peduncle. Silvery, olive on the back. 
Total length 108 millim. 

1-3. Ad. Boma, Lower Congo. M. P. Delhez (C.). 
4, Skel. Pe a sf 
5. Her. Kondue, 66 M. Luja (C.). 
6. Hgr., type. Kinshassa, Stanley Pool. M. A. Greshoff (C.). 
7. Ad. Dolo, 3 M. P. Delhez (C.). 

8-9. Ad. Uerre. M. De Bauw (C.). 


N. H. (7) vii. 1901, p. 80. 
Depth of body 33 times in total length, length of head 5} times. 

Bouleng. Ann. & Mag. 
Head very slightly longer than deep, with feebly curved upper profile ; 
snout 4 length of head; teeth conical, 3 in upper jaw, 5 in lower; chin 
with a globular swelling; eye rather large, $ length of snout or inter- 
orbital width. Dorsal 55, criginating very slightly in advance of anal, 
its length once and 2 in its distance from head. Anal 34, slightly 

Gnathonemus abadii. 
Type. +. 

nearer base of caudal than base of ventral. Pectoral as long as head, 
once and # as long as ventral, reaching far beyond base of latter. 
Caudal scaled in its basal half, with pointed lobes. Caudal peduncle 
34 times as long as deep, as long as head. 98 scales in lateral line, 
= in transverse series on body, = in transverse series between dorsal 
and anal, 16 round caudal peduncle. Brownish aboye, silvery white 

Total length 240 millim. 

Upper Niger. 
1; Type. Jebba. Capt. G. I. Abadie (P.). 

Mormyrus tamandua, Giinth. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1864, p. 22, pl. ii. fig. 1, and Cat. 
Fish, vi. p. 217 (1866). 
Gnathonemus tamandua, Bouleng. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1898, p. 809, and Poiss. Bass. 
Congo, p. 102 (1901). 
Cumpylomormyrus tamandua, Pappenh. Mitth. Zool. Mus. Berl. iii. 1907, p. 359, 
pl. ii. figs. 2 & 3. 

Depth of body 4 to 44 times in total length, length of head 4 te 44 


times. Upper profile of head descending in a strong curve; snout 
much prolonged, tubiform, strongly compressed, curved downwards, its 
length 13 to 2 times postocular part of head, and 4 to 5 times its least 
depth, which nearly equals diameter of eye; latter 2? to 2 interorbital 
width; lower jaw with a compressed dermal appendage about as long 
as the eye; teeth conical, 5 in upper jaw, 4 in lower. Dorsal 26-32, 

Gnathonemus tamandua, 
Type, after Giinther (P.Z.S. 1864). 5. 

originating above Sth to 8th ray of anal, its length 1} to 14 times in its 
distance from head. Anal 29-34, nearer base of caudal than base of 
ventral. Pectoral obtusely pointed, 2 to 3 length of head, ventral 4 to 2: 
pectoral extending beyond base of ventral. Caudal densely scaled, with 
pointed lobes. Caudal peduncle 34 times as long as deep, 3 to # length 
of head. 70-80 scales in lateral line, = in transverse series on 
body, ae in transverse series between dorsal and anal, 12 round caudal 
peduncle. Brownish above; a rather indistinct dark, light edged vertical 
band between origin of dorsal and anal, 
Total Jength 360 millim. 

Niger, Old Calabar, Congo, Shari. 

IML pes Niger. Mr. J. T. Dalton (C.). 

2. Ad. Assay, Lower Niger. J.S. Budgett, Esq. (P.). 
3. Ad. Bolobo, Upper Congo. Rev. G. Grenfell (2P.). 
4, Ad. Monsembe, _,, Rey. J. H. Weeks (P.). 
5-6. Ad. Upoto, 45 Capt. Wilverth (C.). 
7-8. Ad. & hgr. Upper Congo. Brussels University. 


Bouleng. Ann. Mus. Congo, Zool. i. p. 11, pl. iii. fig. 2 (1898), Proc. Zool. Soc. 
1598, p. 810, and Poiss. Bass. Congo, p. 103 (1901). 

Depth of body 34 times in total length, length of head 4 times. 


Upper profile of head descending in a strong curve; snout much 
prolonged, tubiform, strongly compressed, curved downwards, its length 
twice postocular part of head, and 3 times its least depth, which is twice 
diameter of eye; latter 3 interorbital width; lower jaw with a long, 
compressed, attenuate dermal appendage, measuring nearly 7 length of 
snout; teeth conical, 3 in upper jaw, 4 in lower. Dorsal 34, originating 
above 4th ray of anal, its length once and ¥ in its distance from head. 

Anal 35, equally distant from base of ventral and from base of caudal. 

Grachonemus mirus. 

Type (A. M.C.). i. 

Pectoral pointed, about § length of head, extending to middle of ventral, 
which is only } as long. Caudal scaled, with obtusely pointed lobes. 
Caudal peduncle 3 times as long as deep, 2? length of head. 78 scales 
: ee 17h , 20 . ; 
in lateral line, 5; in transverse series on body, jg in transverse series 
between dorsal and anal, 12 round caudal peduncle. Brownish above. 

Total length 320 millim. 

Upper Congo (Upoto).—Type in Congo Museum, Tervueren. 

Bouleng. Ann. Mus. Congo, Zool. i. p. 12, pl. v. fig. 1 (1898), Proc. Zool. Soc. 
1898, p. 810, and Poiss. Bass. Congo, p. 104 (1901). 
Campylomormyrus elephas, Pappenh. Mitth. Zool. Mus. Berl. iti, 1907, p. 359, 
pl. xii. figs. 4-6. 

Depth of body 3 to 4 times in total length, length of head 4 to 5 times. 
Upper profile of head descending in a very strong curve; snout much 
prolonged, tubiform, strongly compressed, directed downwards, its length 
exceeding postocular part of head, 3 to 4 times its least depth, which is 
once and 4 diameter of eye ; lower jaw with a short, wart-like, cylindrical 


dermal appendage as long as or a little shorter than diameter of eye; 
teeth conical, 3 in upper jaw, 4 in lower. Dorsal 31-35, originating 

Gnathonemus elephas. 
Type (A. M.C.). 4. 

above 5th ray of anal, its length 1$ to 12 times its distance from head. 
Anal 33-37, equally distant from base of ventral and from base of 
caudal, Pectoral pointed, little shorter than head, extending to middle 
or second third of ventral, and twice as long as latter. Caudal scaled, 

with pointed lobes. Caudal peduncle 3 times as long as deep, as long 

as head or a little shorter. 70-80 scales in lateral line, in trans- 

verse series on body, a in transverse series between dorsal and anal, 
12 round caudal peduncle. Brownish above; young with a black 
lateral band edged with yellowish, expanding into a rhomboidal marking 
between dorsal and anal. 

Total length 400 millim. 

Upper Congo.—Type in Congo Museum, Tervueren. 

1. One of the types. Upoto. Capt. Wilverth (C.). 

2. Ad. Stanley Falls. Rev. W. H. Bentley (C.). 
3. Skel. : % 

4, Her. Trebu. M. P. Delhez (C.). 

5-6. Yg. Upper Congo. Brussels University. 

Bouleng. Ann. Mus. Congo, Zool. i. p. 13, pl. v. fig. 2 (1898), Proc. Zool. Soc. 
1898, p. 810, pl. li., and Poiss. Bass. Congo, p. 105 (1901). 

Depth of body equal to length of head, 52 to 4 times in total length. 
Upper profile of head descending in a strong curve; snout much 
prolonged, tubiform, strongly compressed, curved downwards, its length 
2 to 2% times postocular part of head, and 34 to 7 times its least depth, 


which nearly equals diameter of eye; latter 3 interorbital width ; lower 
jaw with a compressed dermal appendage about as long as eye; teeth 
conical, 5 in upper jaw, 4 in lower. Dorsal 27-31, originating above 
6th or 7th ray of anal, its length 14 to 1% times in its distance from 
head. Anal 31—35, nearly equally distant from base of ventral and base 
of caudal. Pectoral obtusely pointed, } length of head, ventral 3 or 

Fig. 101. 

Gnathonemus rhynchophorus. 

Type (A. M.C.). 4 


rather less; pectoral extending beyond base of ventral. Caudal scaled, 
with pointed lobes. Caudal peduncle 3 to 5} times as long as deep, 

+ to 3 length of head. 75-85 scales in lateral line, = in transverse 
series on body, pa in transverse series between dorsal and anal, 16 or 
18 round caudal peduncle. Brownish, with a rather indistinct darker 
vertical band between dorsal and anal. 

Total length 380 millim. 

Congo.—Types in Congo Museum, Tervueren. 

1-2. Ad. & hgr., two of Upoto, Upper Congo. Capt. Wilverth (C.). 
the types. 

By Me Banzy ville, Ubanghi. Capt. Royaux (C.). 

4-5. Yq, Stanley Pool. M. De Meuse (C.). 

6. Her. Boma, Lower Congo. M. P. Delhez (C.). 

He Sipe Lower Congo. Rey. J. Pinnock (C.). 

Bouleng. Ann. Mus. Congo, Zool. ii. p. 25, pl. vii. fig. £ (1902). 

Depth of body 44 to 44 times in total length, length of head 34 to 34 
times. Snout produced into a long, strongly compressed and curved 
tube, the length of which equals 24 to 3 times that of postocular part of 
head and 8 to 19 times its least depth; a compressed mental appendage, 

measuring 4 diameter of eye; teeth conical, 6-8 in upper jaw, 4 in lower; 
eye rather large. Dorsal 32-33, originating above 6th or 7th ray of anal, 
its length once and % in its distance from head. Anal 36-37, a little 
nearer base of caudal than base of ventral. Pectoral pointed, as long as 

Fig. 102. 

Gnathonemus ibis. 

Type (A. M.C.). 4. 

head without rostrum, nearly reaching end of ventral. Caudal partly 
covered with scales, with pointed lobes. Caudal peduncle 3 times as 
long as deep, shorter than pectoral. 77-82 scales in lateral line, an 
in transverse series on body, a in transverse series between dorsal and 
anal, 16 round caudal peduncle. Dark brown; two blackish vertical 
bands, separated by a light interspace, between dorsal and anal; fins 

Total length 150 millim. 

Ubanghi.—Type in Congo Museum, Tervueren. 

1. One of the types. Banzyville. Capt. Royaux (C.). 

Bouleng. Ann. Mus. Congo, Zool. i. p. 13, pl. vi. fig. 1 (1898), Proc. Zool. Soc. 
1898, p. 811, and Poiss. Buss. Congo, p. 106 (1901). 

Depth of body 4% times in total length, length of head 34 times. 
Upper profile of head descending in a strong curve; snout much pro- 
longed, tubiform, strongly compressed, curved downwards, its length 33 
times postocular part of head, and 12 times its least depth, which a little 

exceeds diameter of eye; latter slightly more than 4 interorbital width ; 

lower jaw with a compressed dermal appendage 13 diameters of eye ; 
teeth conical, 3 in upper jaw, 4 in lower, Dorsal 32, originating above 


10th ray of anal, its length once and 4 in its distance from head. Anal 36, 
equally distant from base of ventral and from base of caudal. Pectoral 
pointed, } length of head, twice as long as ventral, extending beyond 
base of latter. Caudal scaled, with pointed lobes. Caudal peduncle 

Fig. 103. 

Gnathonemus curvirostris. 

Type (A. M.C.). 4. 

4 times as long as deep, more than 4 length of head. 90 scales in lateral 
Bee aaa 3 IG} : 
line, 35 in transverse series on body, ;; in transverse series between 
dorsal and anal, 16 round caudal peduncle. Pale brownish above, 
whitish below. 

Total length 370 millim. 

Lower Congo (Matadi)—Type in Congo Museum, Tervueren. 

Bouleng. Ann. Mus. Congo, Zool. i. p. 11, pl. vi. fig. 2 (1898), Proc. Zool. Soc. 
1898, p. 811, and Poiss. Bass. Congo, p. 107 (1901). 

Depth of body 42 to 5 times in total length, length of head 22 to 24 
times. Upper profile of head convex ; snout produced into an extremely 
long, compressed tube, feebly curved downwards, its length, in the adult, 
5 to 53 times postocular part of head, and 20 times its least depth, 
which equals diameter of eye; latter 2 interorbital width; lower jaw 
with a compressed dermal appendage nearly as long as eye; teeth 
conical, 7 in upper jaw, 4 or 6 in lower. Dorsal 27-34, originating 
above 8th or 9th ray of anal, its length 12 to 1? times in its distance 
from head. Anal 29-37, equally distant from base of ventral and from 
base of caudal. Pectoral pointed, less than 4 length of head, almost twice 
as long as ventral, and extending almost to extremity of latter, Caudal 


scaled, with obtusely pointed lobes. Caudal peduncle 3 times as long 

as deep, 3 to $ length of head. 76-81 scales in lateral line, =e in 

Fig. 104. 

Gnathonemus numenius. 

Type (A. M.C.). 4. 

transverse series on body, as in transverse series between dorsal and 
anal, 16 round caudal peduncle. Pale brownish above, whitish beneath. 
Total length 610 millim. 
Upper Congo.—Types in Congo Museum, Tervueren. 
1. One of the types. Upoto. Capt. Wilverth (C.). 


Bouleng. Ann. Mus. Congo, Zool. i. p. 17 (1898), Proc. Zool. Soc. 1898, p. 820, 
and Poiss. Bass. Congo, p. 108 (1901). 

Teeth in the jaws very small, slender, conical, disposed irregularly in 
several rows, forming a villiform band ; conical teeth on the parasphenoid 
and on the tongue; mouth terminal; nostrils widely separated. Body 
short; ventrals nearer pectorals than anal. Dorsal and anal nearly 
equally developed. Vertebre 49 (13+7-+ 29). 


Bouleng. Il. ce., Ann. pl. ix. 

Depth of body 33 to 4 times in total length, length of head 4 to 44 
times. Head once and 4% as long as deep, upper profile straight or 
slightly concave ; snout narrowed, produced, its length 24 to 3 times its 
least depth ; mouth terminal; chin with a tapering dermal appendage 
or barbel, nearly as long as snout, and pointing forwards; eye moderate, 
in middle of head, 34 times in length of snout, twice in interorbital 
width. Dorsal 31-34, originating slightly behind origin of anal (over 
2nd or 4th ray), its length 15 to 13 times in its distance from head. 


Anal 36-38, equally distant from extremity of ventral and from base of 
caudal. Pectoral obtusely pointed, } length of head, a little over twice 
length of ventral, and extending beyond base of latter. Caudal scaled, 

Fig. 105. 

Genyomyrus donnit. 

Type (A. M.C.). 3. 

with rounded lobes. Caudal peduncle 3 times as long as deep, 4 to 2 
length of head. 78-82 scales in lateral line, i in transverse series on 
body, a in transverse series between dorsal and anal, 12 round caudal 
peduncle. Brownish above, lighter beneath. 

Total length 450 millim. 

Upper Congo.—Types in Congo Museum, Tervueren. 

1. One of the types. Upoto. Capt. Wilverth (C.). 

2. Skel. we + 

3, 4-6. Ad. & her. Monsembe. Rey. J. H. Weeks (P.). 
7. Her. Kutu, L. Leopold II. M. P. Delhez (C.). 
8-9. Ad. & yg. Upper Congo. Brussels University. 


Linn. Syst. Nat. i. p. 522 (part.); Gill, Proc. Ac. Philad. 1864, p. 139; Bouleng. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. 1898, p. 812, Poiss. Bass. Congo, p. 109 (1901), and Fish. 
Nile, p. 59 (1907). 

Serophicephalus, Swainson, Nat. Hist. Fish. ii. p. 187 (1839). 

Mormyrodes, Gill, 1. ¢. 

Solenomormyrus, Bleecker, Versl. Ak. Amsterd. (2) viii. 1874, p. 368. 

Teeth in the jaws smal!, notched, few (5 to 12 in the upper jaw, 8 to 
14 in the lower); minute conical teeth on the parasphenoid and on the 
tongue; mouth terminal. Nostrils moderately far apart, remote from 
the eye. Body moderately elongate; ventral fins equally distant from 
the pectorais and from the anal, or nearer the former. Dorsal fin much 


elongate, more than twice as long as the anal. Vertebre 49-55 
(12-16 +7-10+ 27-32). 
Nile and Tropical Africa. 

Synopsis of the Species. 

I. Snout much shorter than postorbital part of head. 
A. Dorsal originating in advance of base of ventrals, 4 to 5 times as long as 
anal ; caudal peduncle 1} to 2 times as long as deep. 

D. 67-75 ; A. 17-20 ; 28-30 scales round 
caudal peduncle . . .. . =. . I. M. hasselquisiu, C. & V., p. 128. 

D. 62-66 ; A. 18-20; 22-26 scales round 
caudal peduncle . . .. =. =. . 2. M. anchietw, Guimar., p. 129. 

B. Dorsal originating above base of ventrals ; caudal peduncle 24-3 times as 
long as deep. 

D. 64-65; A. 19-21; 12 scales round 
caudal peduncle ; dorsal 4 to 44 times 
as long as anal; snout not longer 
HH ANUC VO eau ig a es Me ices satgs 3. M. macrophthalmus, Gthr., p. 130. 

D. 53-55; A. 22-23; 16 scales round 
caudal peduncle ; dorsal 2% to 3 times 
as long as anal; snout twice as long 

aSleyew ¥emu. ee-mdls | aieumN Ute -oeious, Blo; plat. 

Il. Snout at least nearly as long as postorbital part of head. 
A. Dorsal originating above, or a little in front, or a little behind base of 
1. A. 22-27; 12-14 scales round caudal peduncle, which is 24-3 times as 
Jong as deep ; dorsal 23 to 3 times as long as anal. 
D. 60-70; A. 22-26; snout not tubiform ; 
pectoral rounded, not or barely reach- 
ing root of ventral. . . . . . . 3d. M. caballus, Blgr., p. 132. 
D. 65-67; A. 27-38; snout tubiform ; 
pectoral pointed, reaching a little 
beyond root of ventral . . . . . 6. AL tapirus, Pappenh., p. 133. 
2. A. 18-21 ; 26-30 scales round caudal peduncle, which is 13-2 times as 
long as deep ; dorsal 33 to 4$ times as long as anal. 
D. 60; A. 19; dorsal originating further 
back than base of ventral . . . . 7. M. tenwirostris, Peters, p. 134. 
D. 57-75 ; A. 18-21; dorsal originating 
above or in front of base of ventral . 8. M. kannume, Forsk., p. 134. 
B, Dorsal originating considerably in advance of yentrals, 5 to 7 times as long 
as anal, 
1, 26-30 seales round caudal peduncle ; D. 76-90. 


D. 76-90; A. 18-21; snout bent down- 
WHR 5 gave o o 6 6 0 o 6 Ob Ah Gasoline Ib, jo, ISG 
D. 83-90; A. 17-18; snout pointing 
straight forwards. . . . . . . 10. M. niloticus, Bl.-Schn., p. 137. 
2, 22-28 scales round caudal peduncle ; D. 65-77. 
IDS Weg INSU IG IE) Silo 8 6) oily wlG ooeaa, Iralieaie., job late 
D. 65-75 ; A. 17-19; L.1. 85-100 . . 12. ML. longirostris, Peters, p. 139. 
3. 18-22 scales round caudal peduncle ; D. 75-91. 
D. 78-91 ; A. 18-20 ; 20-22 scales round 
caudal peduncle, which is at least half 
as long as head ; length of snout 2 to3 
times its least depth . . . 2. . . 13. Mi rume, C. & V., p. 140. 
D. 75-82 ; A. 19-20; 18-20 scales round 
caudal peduncle, which is not more 
than das long as head; length of snout 
34 to 44 times its least depth . . . 14. AL. proboscirostris, Blgr., p. 141. 

Mormyrus lacerda, Casieln. Mém. Poiss. Afr. Austr. p. 61 (1861), 
from Lake Ngami, probably pertains to this genus in the vicinity of 
M. hasselquistii and anchiete, but the description is insufficient and the 
type is lost. 

D.72; A. 19. Teeth notched. Grey, upper surface of head black, throat 
golden yellow ; anal black. Total length 360 millim. ; depth of body 90. 


Mormyrus herse (non Sonnini), Lacep. Hist. Poiss. v. p. 620 (1803). 

Mormyrus caschive (non Linn.), I. Geoffr. Descr. Egypte, Poiss. p. 273, pl. vi. fig. 2 

Mormyrus hasselquistii, Cuv. & Val. Hist. Poiss. xix. p. 253 (1846); Mareusen, 
Mém. Ac. St. Pétersb. (7) vii. 1864, no. 4, p. 130; Giinth. Cat. Fish. vi. p. 217 
(1866) ; Bouleng. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1898, p. 813 ; Pappenh. Mitth. Zool. Mus. 
Berl. iii. 1907, p. 8360; Bouleng. Fish. Nile, p. 59, pl. xi. fig. 1 (1907). 

Mormyrus guentheri, Bouleng. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1898, p. $14. 

Mormyrus aynus, Pappenh. t.¢. p. 361, pl. xiii. figs. 1 & 2. 

Depth of body 43 to 54 times in total length, length of head 43 to 43 
times. Head 1} to 1} times as long as deep, with curved upper profile ; 
snout about $ as long as postocular part of head, projecting a little 
beyond mouth, the width of which measures about half length of head ; 
teeth notched, 8-12 in upper jaw, 12-16 in lower; eye moderate, ? to 4 
length of snout or interorbital width. Dorsal 67-75, originating well in 
advance of ventrals, 4 to 6 times as long as anal. Anal 17-20, originating 


a little nearer base of caudal than base of pectoral. Pectoral rounded 

or obtusely peinted, $ to # length of heid; ventral about 2? length of 


head. Caudal for the greater part scaled, with rounded lobes. Caudal 

Big. 106, 

Mormyrus hasselquist?<, 

White Nile (F.N.). 4. 


peduncle 1} to 2 times as long as deep, ? to $ length of head. 88-98 
: shel oie : 16-18 . 
scales in lateral line, 5j-99 in transverse series on body, [47g In transverse 
series between dorsal and anal, 28-30 round caudal peduncle. Grey or 
brown, lighter beneath. 
Total length 350 millim. 
Lower Nile to Bahr-el-Gebel, Niger, Volta.—Types in Paris Museum. 

1-2. Ad. Fashoda, White Nile. L. Loat, Esq. (C.). 
3. Skel. - 4 
4. Ad. Polkom, Baro R. (Sobat). Mr. P. C. Zaphiro (C.) ; 
W. N. MeMillan, Msy. (P.). 
5. Ad. Kenisseh, Bahr-el-Gebel. LL. Loat, Esq. (C.). 
6. Ad. (Type of — Niger. Mr. J.T. Dalton (C.). 
M. quentheri.) 
7 ANUS Benue R.. N. of [bi. H. L. Norton Traill, Esq. (C.). 

Guimaraes, Jorn. Sc. Lisb. x. 1884, p. 4, pl. i. fig. 3: Bouleng. Proe. Zool. Soc, 
1898, p. 814. 

Depth of body 4 to 94 times in total length, length of head 4 to 44 
times. Head 1} to 1} times as long as deep, with curved upper profile ; 
snout about 5 as long as postorbital part of head; chin slightly swollen ; 
teeth notched, 7 or 9 in upper jaw, 10 in lower; eye moderate, its 
diameter + to $ length of snout, 2 interorbital width. Dorsal 62-66, 
originating well in advance of ventral, about 4 times as long as anal. 
Anal 18-20, originating nearer base of caudal than base of pectoral, 

VOL. Lt. K 


2 2 

Pectoral rounded, 2 to nearly 3 length of head, ventral 2. Caudal 
densely scaled, with obtusely pointed lobes. Caudal peduncle twice as 
long as deep, nearly > length of head. 80-86 scales in lateral line, 

Fig. 107. 

Mornmyrus anchiete. 
16-18 . 

. 14-15 - : 
oy», mM transverse series on body, ;;; in transverse series between dorsal 

and anal, 22-26 round caudal peduncle. Brownish above, silvery 

Total length 530 millim. 
Angola.—Type in Lisbon Museum. 
1-3. Her. Emme Lagoon, Mossamedes. Dr. W. J. Ansorge (C.). 

Giinth. Cat. Fish. vi. p. 217 (1866) ; Bouleng. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1898, p. 815. 
Depth of body 4 to nearly 5 times in total length, length of head 5 to 
6 times. Head scarcely loager than deep, with strongly curved upper 

Fig. 108. 

Mormyrus macrophthalmus. 

Type. 3. 

profile; snout short, } as long as postorbital part of head, projecting a 
little beyond the mouth; teeth very small, feebly notched, 7 in upper 

* MORMYRUS. 151 

jaw, 6 or 8 in lower; eye large, in anterior half of the head, nearly as 
long as the snout, 14 to 14 times interorbital width. Dorsal 64-65, 
originating above base of ventral, twice as far from base of caudal as 
from end of snout, 4-44 times as long as anal. Anal 19-21, originating 
a little nearer base of caudal than end of snout. Pectoral pointed, as 
long as head, ventral } length of head. Caudal with long pointed 
lobes, as long as head. Caudal peduncle 23 times as long as deep, 
# length of head. 85-98 scales in lateral line, — in transverse 
series on body, 23-28 in transverse series between dorsal and anal, 12 
round caudal peduncle. Brownish above, silvery white beneath. 

Total length 290 millim. 

1. Type. Niger. Mr. J. T. Dalton (C.). 
2. Her. Agberi, Lower Niger. Dr. W. J. Ansorge (C.). 

Bouleng. Ann. Mus. Congo, Zool. i. p. 15, pl. vii. fig. 2 (1898), Proc. Zool. Soc. 
1898, p. 815, and Poiss. Bass. Congo, p. 110 (1901). 

Depth of body 34 to 4 times in total length, length of head 4% to 5 
times. Head nearly as long as deep, with strongly curved upper profile ; 
snout short, 4 to } postorbital part of head; teeth very small, notched, 
5 in upper jaw, 8 in lower; eye moderate, 3 length of snout, $ to 7 

Mormyrus ovis. 

Type (A. M.C.). 2. 

interorbital width. Dorsal 53-55, originating above base of ventral, 

a little longer than its distance from end of snout, 22 to 3 times as 

long as anal. Anal 22-23, originating a little nearer head than base of 

caudal. Pectoral obtusely pointed, # length of head, ventral 4 or # 
k 2 

132 MORMYRIDE. es 

length of head. Caudal with obtusely pointed lobes, at least as long as 
head. Caudal peduncle 24 to 3 times as Jong as deep, ? to 3 length of 
; : 26. : 

head. 90—92 scales in lateral line, jg im transverse series on body, 
29-30 in transverse series between dorsal and anal, 16 round caudal 
peduncle. Pale brownish. 

Total length 510 millim. 

Upper Congo.—Type in Congo Museum, Tervueren. 
1. Ad. Stanley Falls. Rev. W. H. Bentley (C.). 

Bouleng. Ann. Mus. Congo, Zool. i. p. 16, pl. viii. fig. 1 (1898), Proce. Zool. Soe. 
1898, p. 518, and Poiss. Bass. Congo, p. 111 (1901). 
Mormyrus curvifrons, Pellegr. Bull. Mus. Paris, 1904, p. 438. 

Depth of body nearly equal to length of head, 32 to 5 times in total 
length. Upper profile of head descending in a curve ; snout produced, 
as long as or a little shorter than postocular part of head, its length 
about twice its least depth; mouth very small, with thick lips; teeth 
notched, 5 or 7 m upper jaw, 8 or 10 in lower; eye moderate, its 
diameter 2 to 4 times in length of snout and 12 to 14 times in inter- 

Fie. 110, 

Mormyrus caballus. 

Mipe (A. M,C). 

orbital width. Dorsal 60-70, originating above base of ventral or 
slightly anterior to it, 2 to 3 times as long as anal. Anal 22-26, 
originating at equal distance from head and base of caudal. Pectoral 
rounded, 4 to * length of head, not reaching or hardly reaching base of 
ventral; ventral about 2 length of head. Caudal densely scaled, with 
obtusely pointed lobes. Caudal peduncie 2) to 3 times as long as deep, 

és : sig 5292304 
4 to 3 length of head. 85-100 scales in lateral line, ah in transverse 
series on body, 32-36 in transverse series between dorsal and anal, 12 or 
14 round caudal peduncle. Bluish grey above, whitish below. 
Total length 500 millim. 

Congo.—Type in Congo Museum, Tervueren. 

1. Ad. Boma, Lower Congo. M. P. Delhez (C.). 
Ze Hlor;. Kutu, Lake Leopold II. 

3-4. Her. Upper Congo. Brussels University. 
d. Yg. Banzy ville, Ubanghi. Capt. Royaux (C.). 

Pappenh. Sitzb. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berl. 1905, p. 217, and Mitth. Zool. Mus. Berl. 
iii, 1907, p. 362, pl. xiii. fig. 3. 

Depth of body nearly equal to length of head, 4 to 44 times in total 
length. Upper profile of head descending in a curve ; snout much pro- 
duced, tubiform, slightly longer than postocular part of head, its length 
about 4 times its least depth; mouth very small, with thick lips, chin 
rather produced ; teeth notched, 5 in upper jaw, 8 in lower; eye rather 
large, + length of head, 3 interorbital width. Dorsal 65-67, originating 

Fig. 111. 

Morimyrus tapirus, 

Apes Be 
slightly in advance of base of ventrals, 23 times as long as anal. Anal 
27-28, originating at equal distance from base of pectoral and from base 
of caudal. Pectoral pointed, 3 length of head, reaching a little beyoud 
root of ventral; latter about 4 length of head. Caudal scaled, with 
pointed lobes. Caudal peduncle 5 times as long as deep, slightly longer 

> ~ . . IR: 
than postocular part of head. 95 scales in lateral line, 5, 1 transverse 


series on body, 26 in transverse series between dorsal and anal, 12 round 
caudal peduncle. Brownish above, silvery white beneath. 
Total length 280 millim. 
Cameroon.—Type in Berlin Museum, 
1. One of the types. Lokunje R. Hr. G. Zenker (C.) ; 
Berlin Museum (E.). 

Peters, Sitzb. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berl. 1882, p. 73; Bouleng. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1898, 
p- 819 ; Pappenh. Mitth. Zool. Mus, Berl. iii. 1907, p. 363. 

Depth of body 5 times in total length, length of head 34 times. 
Snout produced, attenuate, curved downwards; teeth bicuspid, 5 in 
upper jaw, 7 in lower; eye in middle of head. Dorsal 60, originating 
further back than base of ventrals, not longer than its distance from 
middle of snout. Anal 19. 92 scales in lateral line, 26 round caudal 

Total length 110 millim. 

Athi River, E. Africa.—-Type in Berlin Museum. 


Forsk. Deser. Anim. p. 74 (1775); Mareusen, Mém. Ac. St. Pétersb. (7) vii. 
1864, no. 4, p. 114; Bouleng. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1898, p. 817 ; Hilgend. Zool. 
Jahrb., Syst. xxii. 1905, p. 418 ; Pappenh. Mitth. Zool. Mus. Berl. iii. 1907, 
p- 362; Bouleng. Fish. Nile, p. 61, pl. xii. fig. 1 (1907). 

Mormyrus oxyrhynchus, 1. Geottr. Descr. Egypte, Poiss. i. p. 270, pl. vi. fig. 1 
(1829) ; Joannis, Mag. Zool. 1835, iii. pl. xiii. ; Cuv. & Val. Hist. Poiss. xix. 
p. 242 (1846) ; Giinth. Cat. Fish. vi. p. 216 (1866), and Petherick’s Trav. 
ii. p. 253 (1869) ; Hilgend. Sitzb. Ges. nat. Fr. Berl. 1888, p. 78. 

Mormyrus bachiqua, Cuv. & Val. t. ¢. p. 248. 

Serophicephalus kannume, Riipp. Verz. Mus. Senckenb. iv. p. 27 (1852). 

? Mormyrus hildebrandti, Peters, Sitzb. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berl. 1882, p. 73. 

Depth of body 34 to 4% times in total length, length of head 4 to 5 
times. Upper profile of head descending in a straight line or a more 
or less strong curve; snout much produced, about as long as postocular 
part of head in the adult, its length 14 (young) to 3 times its least 
depth; mouth very small, with thick lips; teeth notched, 5 or 7 in 
upper jaw, 8 or 10 in lower; eye small, its diameter 13 to 2} times 
in interorbital width. Dorsal 57-75, originating above or slightly in 
advance of base of ventral, 34—-4# times as long as anal. Anal 18-21, 



originating at equal distance from base of pectoral and from base of 


3 length of head. Caudal with obtusely pointed lobes. 
13 to 2 times as long as deep, $ to 3 length of head. 

Fig. 112. 

Pectoral obtusely pointed, % to # length of head, ventral about 

Caudal peduncle 
80-115 scales in 



lateral line, 

between dorsal and anal, 26 to 30 round caudal peduncle. 

Mormyrus khannne. 

Lower Nile (fF. N.). 4. 

olive above, white beneath. 
Total length 50U millim. 
Lower Nile to Lake Victoria. 

1-3. Ad. & her. 
4, Yo. 

5-6. Ad. & yg. 
7. Ad. 

8. Skel. 

9, Skel. 

10-14. Ad. 

15. Ad. 

16-17, 18-21. Hgr. & yg. 
22-27, Ad. & her. 
28-29. Ad. 
30-34. Ad. & hgr. 
35-36. Hgr. 
37-42. Ad. & hgr. 

43. Her. 
44. Ad. 
45-46. Her. 
47-48. Yu. 
49, Ad. 

Lower Nile. 


Rosetta Nile. 
Nile at Cairo. 
Near Cairo. 
Beni Souef, Lower Nile. 

Sanhur, near Beni Souef. 

Between Beni Souef and 

Akhmim, Lower Nile. 

Girgeh, rm 


Near Luxor. 

Wady Halfa. 

in transverse series on body, 39-42 in transverse series 

Brownish or 

J. Petherick, Esq. (C.). 
Dr. Riippell (C.). 

Rev. O. P. Cambridge (P.). 
E. Lort Phillips, Esq. (P.). 
Dr. Riippell (C.). 

J. Petherick, Esq. (C.). 

L. Loat, Esq. (C.). 

Dr. F. Werner (P.). 

Capt. S. Flower (P.). 

L. Loat, Esq. (C.). 



80-50. Ad. & hgr. Assuan. L. Loat, Esq. (C.). 
60-64. Ye. Khartum. J. Petherick, Esq. (C.). 
65-66. Ad. Wad Medine, Blue Nile. L. Loat, Esq. (C.). 

67. Her. Rosaires, p Capt. S. Flower (P.). 
68-70. Her. & vg. Lake Victoria. Sir H. H. Jobnston (P.). 
71. Her. As C. W. Hobley, Esq. (P.). 
72-74. Ad. Lake Victoria, near Mr. BE. Degen (C.). 


The following specimen, with only 51 rays in the dorsal fin, is referred 
with doubt to this species :— 
75. Yg. Wabbi R. (Webi Shebeli Prof. O. Neumann and 

System). Baron C. y. Erlanger (C.). 

The likewise East African M/. hildebrandt’, Peters, from the Athi 
River, is stated to have 63 rays in the dorsal, and 24 scales round the 
caudal peduncle. 

Mormyrus nacra, Cuv. & Val. t.c. p. 257, is founded on a coloured 
sketch of a fish apparently identical with W/. kannume. 


Linn., Hasselg. Iter Paleest. p. 398 (1757); Cuv. & Val. Hist. Poiss. xix. p. 227 
(1846) ; Marcusen, Mém. Ac. St. Pétersb. (7) vil. 1864, no. 4, p. 120; 
Giinth. Cat. Fish. vi. p. 215 (1866), and Petherick’s Trav. ii. p. 253 (1869) ; 
Bouleng. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1898, p. 815, Poiss. Bass Congo, p. 113 (1901), and 
Fish Nile, p. 66, pl. xii. fig. 2 (1907). 

Mormyrus longipinnis, Riipp. Fortsetz. Beschr. n. Fische Nil, p. 7, pl. i. fig. 2 

Scrophicephalus longipinnis, Swains. Nat. Hist. Fish. i. p. 309 (1838). 

Mormyrus geofroyi (non C. & V.), Giinth. tt. ec. pp. 216, 253. 

Mormyrus longirostris, part., Bouleng. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1898, p. 817. 

Depth of body 52 to 5 times in total length, length of head 4 to 

5 times. Upper profile of head descending in a straight line or feeble 

curve; snout produced, about as long as postocular part of head in 

adult, its length 2 (young) to 4 times its least depth ; mouth very small, 
with thick lips; teeth notched, 5 to 9 in upper jaw, 8 or 10 in lower; 
eye moderate, its diameter 14 (young) to 24 times in interorbital 
width. Dorsal 76-90, originating well in advance of base of ventral, 

5 to 7 times as long as anal, 13 to 12 times as long as its distance from 

end of snout. Anal 18-21, originating at nearly equal distance from 

base of pectoral and from base of caudal. Pectoral obtusely pointed, 

2 to @ length of head, ventral } to } length of head. Caudal with 



pointed lobes, densely scaled. Caudal peduncle 14 to 2 times as long as 
deep, 5 to 3 length of head. 100-130 scales in lateral line, oe in 
transverse series on body, 38-45 in transverse series between dorsal and 
anal, 26 to 30 round caudal peduncle. Olive above, whitish below. 
Total length 520 millim. 
Lower Nile to Bahr-el-Gebel. 

Mormyrus caschive. 

Khartum (fF. N.). 4. 

1-3, 4. (Types of Lower Nile. Dr. Riippell (C.). 
M. longipinnis.) 

5-6. Her. & yg. cr 

7-9. Her. & yg. Nile at Cairo. Capt. S. Flower (P.). 
10, 11. Ad. & her. Nile near Cairo. L. Loat, Esq. (C.). 
12. Ad. Beni Souef, Lower Nile. ni 
13-14, Ad. & her. Between Beni Souef and Biba. a 
15. Skel. a ~ rN 
16. Ad. Biba, Lower Nile. 5 
17. Her. Lahun, Babr-el-Yusef. 3 
18-21. Yg. Near Luxor. 4 
22-23. Ad. Khartum. J. Petherick, Esq. (C.). 
24. Her. Nur-ed-Daim, White Nile. LL. Loat, Esq. (C.). 
25-28. Her. Fashoda, White Nile. Fe 
29, Ad. Mouth of Lake No, White Nile. 33 

Centriscus niloticus, Bloch-Schneid. Syst. p. 113, pl. xxx. fig. 1 (1801). 
Mormyrus geoffroyi, Cuv. & Val. Hist. Poiss. xix. p. 240 (1846). 
Mormyrus niloticus, Bouleng. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1898, p. 816, and Fish. Nile, p. 68, 
pl. xi. fig. 2 (1907). 
Depth of body less than the length of head, 4} to 5% times in total 
length. Head about once and § as long as deep; snout nearly as long 


as postocular part of head, straight, prolonged in the axis of the body, 
tubiform, with slightly concave upper profile; mouth very small, lower 
jaw slightly projecting; 7 or 9 teeth in upper jaw, 10 in lower; eye 
moderate, 4 or 5 times in length of snout, } interorbital width. Dorsal 
§3-90, originating well in advance of ventrals, about 6 times as long as 
anal, and once and } as long as its distance from end of snout. Anal 
17-18, nearer base of ventral than base of caudal. Pectoral pointed, as 

Mormyrus niloticus. 
Lower Nile (F. N.). 4. 

long as head without snout, not reaching ventral. Candal densely 
scaled, with pointed lobes. Caudal peduncle nearly twice as long as 

deep. 110-120 scales in lateral line, — in transverse series on body, 
— in transverse series between dorsal and anal, 28-30 round caudal 
peduncle. Brown above, whitish beneath. 

Total length 460 millim. 

Lower Nile, Bahr-el-Gebel. 

pea: Between Beni Souef and Biba, L. Loat, Esq. (C.). 
Lower Nile. 
2, ENd: Wadelai, Bahr-el-Gebel. J.S. Budgett, Msq. (P.). 

Pellegr. Bull. Mus. Paris, 1903, p. 327. 

Depth of body 4} times in total length, length of head 4 times. 
Upper profile of head strongly curved; snout produced, tubiform, about 
as long as postocular part of head; mouth small; teeth notched ; eye 
3 times in length of snout, once and } in interorbital width. Dorsal 77, 
originating in advance of ventrals, 7 times as long as anal. Anal 17, 
originating at equal distance from base of pectoral and from base of 
caudal, Pectoral pointed, % length of head. Cauda! covered with 


scales. Caudal peduncle a little more than once and } as long as deep, 
its length a little less than } that of head. 130 scales in lateral line, 

OF) 2 : i 
3y in transverse series on body, 24 round caudal peduncle. Slate-grey 
above, white beneath. 

Total length 560 millim. 

Uelle River, Congo.—Type in Paris Museum. 


Peters, Mon. Berl. Ac. 185%, p. 275; Giinth, Cat. Fish. vi. p. 216 (1866) ; 
Peters, Reise Mossamb. iv. p. 83, pl. xvi. fig. 2 (1868); Bouleng. shes 
Zool. Soc. xvii. 1906, p. 546; Pappenh. Mitth. Zool. Mus. Berl. iii. 1907, 
p- 362. 

Mormyrus mucupe, Peters, tt. cc. pp. 279, 87, pl. xvi. fig. 1; Giinth. t. ec. p. 215. 

Mormyrus longirostris, part., Bouleng. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1898, p. 817, and Poiss. 
Bass. Congo, p. 112 (1901). 

Depth of body 32 to 5 times in total length, length of head 33 to 43 
times. Head 14 to 12 times as long as deep, with curved or nearly 
straight descending upper profile ; snout produced, as long as or a little 
shorter than postocular part of head, its length 2 to 34 times its least 

depth; mouth very small, lower jaw slightly projecting ; teeth small, 

RAR sate 
ee R ANA iy 
nny SN ANN 
‘ real 

Mormyrus longirostris. 

Type, after Peters (Reise Mossamb.). 4. 

notched, 5 or 7 in upper jaw, 8 to 12 in lower; eye moderate, 
its diameter about 14 times in interorbital width. Dorsal 65-78, 
originating in advance of ventral, 4 to 53 times as long as anal, 12 to 14 
times as long as its distance from end of snout. Anal 17-19, originating 
at nearly equal distance from base of pectoral and from of base caudal. 
Pectoral obtusely pointed, } to } length of head, ventral 3 to 4. Caudal 


with rounded or obtusely pointed lobes, densely scaled. Caudal peduncle 
13 to 2 times as long as deep, 2? to } length of head. 85-100 scales 
in lateral line, = in transverse series on the body, 40-50 in transverse 
series between dorsal and anal, 22-28 round caudal peduncle. Olive 
above, whitish below. 

Total length 550 millim. 

Zambesi, Lakes Nyassa, Mweru, and ‘Tanganyika.—Types in Berlin 


1. Ad. Chiromo, Shiré R. C. B. C. Storey, Esq. (P.). 
923. Ad! L. Nyassa. Capt. E. L. Rhoades (P.). 
4. Ad., skin. L. Mweru. Sir A. Sharpe (P.). 

5. Ad. Sumbu, L. Tanganyika. Dr. W. A. Cunnington ((.), 


Cuy. & Val. Hist. Poiss. xix. p. 248, pl. eeecelxix. (1846) ; Bouleng. Proc. Zool. 

Soc. 1898, p. 816. 
Mormyrus jubelini, Cuy. & Val. t. c. p. 252 ; Bouleng. |. ¢. 
Mormyrus oxyrhynchus (non Geoffr.), Schilth. Tijdschr. Nederl. Dierk. Ver. (2) 

iii, 1891, p. 84. 
Mormyrus longirostris, part., Bouleng. Proc. Zool. Soe. 1898, p. 887, and Poiss. 

Bass. Congo, p. 112 (1901). 

Depth of body 5} to 55 times in total length, length of head 44 to 

5 times. Upper profile of head descending in a straight line or feeble 
curve; snout produced, about as long as postocular part of head, its 
length 2 (young) to 3 times its least depth; mouth very small, with 
thick lips; teeth notched or truncate, 5 or 7 in upper jaw, 6 to 10 in 
lower ; eye moderate, its diameter 1% to 2 times in interorbital width. 
Dorsal 78-91, originating considerably in advance of base of ventrals, 
5 to 64 times as long as anal. Anal 18-20, originating at nearly equal 
distance from base of pectoral and from base of caudal. Pectoral 
obtusely pointed, about 3 length of head; ventral about } length of 
head. Caudal densely scaled, with obtusely pointed lobes. Caudal 
peduncle 2 to 25 times as long as deep, 5 to 2 length of head. 105-118 

in transverse series on body, 35-40 in trans- 

scales in lateral line, ee 
verse series between dorsa] and anal, 20-22 round caudal peduncle, 
Olive or purplish brown above, white beneath. 

Total length 460 millim. 

Senegal to Congo and Chad Buasin.—Types, in Paris Museum, 


1-2. Ad. & her. 


St. Louis, Senegal. 


M. P. Delhez (C.). 

3-10. Hgr. & yg. Kaédi, a Le 
11-12. Ad. Gambia. J.S. Budgett, Hsq. (P.). 

3. Ad. 
14-15. Ad. 
16. Her. 

Mureji, Upper Niger. 
Jebba, o3 
Benue R., N. of Ibi. 

Capt. G. F. Abadie (P.). 
H. L. Norton Traill, Esq. 

17. Her. R. Shari at Maidugari. Capt. G. B. Gosling (P.). 

18. Her. Gaboon. 

MS). Wee Lower Congo. M. A. Greshoff (C.); 
Utrecht University (I.). 

20. Yg. Monsembe, Upper Congo. — Rey. J. H. Weeks (C.). 

Bouleng. Ann. Mus. Congo, Zool. i. 1898, p. 16, pl. viii. fig. 2, Proe. Zool. Soe. 
1898, p. 818, and Poiss. Bass. Congo, p. 114 (1901). 

Depth of body 4} to 45 times in total length, length of head 32 to 
34 times. Upper profile of head descending in a curve; snout much 
produced, trunk-like, a little longer than postocular part of the head, its 
length 34 to 44 times its least depth; mouth very small, lower jaw 
slightly projecting, with thick lips; teeth notched, 5 or 7 in upper jaw, 

Fig. 116. 


Mormyrus proboscirostis, 

Type (A. M.C.). 4. 


12 or 14 in lower; eye small, its diameter 5} to 7} times in length 
of snout, twice in interorbital width. Dorsal 75-82, originating well 
in advance of base of ventral, nearly 5 times as long as anal, once 

Anal 19-20, 

originating at equal distance from base of pectoral and from base 

and 4 as long as its distance from end of snout. 


of caudal. Pectoral obtusely pointed, nearly 4 length of head, ventral 
4 length of head. Caudal densely scaled, with rounded lobes. Caudal 
peduncle 14 to 2 times as long as deep, § or less than 3 length of head. 
95-100 scales in lateral line, =e in transverse series on body, 32-36 in 
transverse series between dorsal and anal, 18-20 round caudal peduncle. 
Pinkish or brown, sometimes with a broad bluish-grey stripe extending 
along each side of the body and tail. 

Total length 570 millim. 

Upper Congo.—Type in Congo Museum, ‘Tervueren. 

1. Ad. Upper Congo. Brussels University. 

Gill, Proc. Ac. Philad. 1862, p. 443; Giinth. Cat. Fish. vi. p. 2 
Bouleng. Proc. Zool. Soe. 1898, p. 819, and Fish. Nile, p. 70 (190 
Phagrus, Marcusen, Mém. Ac. St Pétersb. (7) vii. 1864, no. 4, p. 111. 

(1866) ; 


Teeth in jaws small, notched, few (3-5 in the upper jaw, 5-6 in the 
lower); parasphenoid and tongue with a pavement of large spheroid 
teeth ; mouth terminal, below the level of the eyes. Nostrils moderately 
far apart, remote from the eye. Body elongate; ventrals much nearer 
pectorals than anal. Dorsal very short (12-15 rays); anal very long. 
Vertebree 55-59 (15-16 + 4-6 + 35-58). 


Kaschoué, Sonnini, Voy. Egypte, pl. xxi. fiy. 3 (1799). 

Mormyrus bebe, Lacep. Hist. Poiss. v. p. 619 (1803). 

Mormyrus dorsalis, 1. Geoftr. Descr. Egypte, Poiss. p. 276, pl. viii. figs. 1 & 2 
(1827); Cuy. & Val. Hist. Poiss. xix. p. 271 (1846). 

Phagrus dorsalis, Marcus. 1. ¢. p. 142. 

Hyperopisus dorsalis, Gimth. Oat. Fish. vi. p. 222 (1866); Steind. Sitzb. Ak. 
Wien, 1xi. i. 1870, p. 554, pl. iv. fig. 2. 

Hy piropisus occidentalis, Giinth. t. e. p. 223. 

Hyperopisus bebe, Bouleng. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1898, p. 820, and Fish. Nile, p. 70, 
pl. v. fig. 2 (1907). 

? Hyperopisus tenuicauda, Pellegr. Bull. Mus. Paris, 1904, p. 312. 

Depth of body 3% to 54 times in total length, length of head 4% to 
5% times. Head a little longer than deep, with strongly curved upper 
profile; snout 2 to 3 as long as postorbital part of head; eye moderate, 
its diameter about 4 length of snout; width of mouth or § length 
of head. Dorsal 12-16, 24 to 34 times as far from head as from 
caudal. Anal 58-68, originating at equal distance from end of snout 


and from root of caudal, or a little nearer latter. Pectoral obtusely 
pointed, 3? to ¢ length of head, ventral 4 to 2. Caudal scaled, with 
obtusely pointed lobes. Caudal peduncle 2 to 22 times as long as deep, 

Fig. 117. 

HHyperopisus bebe. 
Lower Nile (1°. N.). 


nearly $ to 3 length of head. 93-120 scales in lateral line, a in 

transverse series on body, = in transverse series between dorsal and 
anal, 20 (rarely 18 or 22) round caudal peduncle. Plumbeous or olive 
above, silvery beneath. 

Total length 460 millim. 

Lower Nile to Blue Nile and Bahr-el-Gebel, Chad Basin, Senegal, 
Gambia, Niger.—Type in Paris Museum. 

1-4. Ad. & her. Lower Nile. 8. 8. Allen, Esq. (P.). 

5. Ad. Barrage N. of Cairo. L. Loat, Esq. (C.). 

6-7. Ad. Beni Souef, Lower Nile. ws 

8-9. Ad. Between Beni Souef and Biba. s 
10-17. Her. & yg. Near Luxor. 0 
18-19. Ad. & yg. Khartum. J. Petherick, Esq. (C.). 
20. Skel. a 5 
21. Ad. Wad Medine, Blue Nile. L. Loat, Esq. (C.). 
22-24, Ad. & her. Jebelain, White Nile. ¥ 
25-26. Ad. & her. Fashoda, = a 
27-31. Ad. & her. Tewfikyeh, ,, ut 
32. Ad. Kerro, Bahr-el-Gebel. a 
33. Ad. Gondokoro, _,, 3 
34. Ad. Wadelai, J. 8. Budgett, Esq. (P.). 
35. Ad. R. Shari at Maidugari. Japt. G. B. Gosling (P.). 
36-38. Ad. & yg. St. Louis, Senegal. Mr. P. Delhez (C.). 
39-41. Her. Kaédi, 3 
42-15. Ad. Gambia. J.S. Budgett, Esq. (P.). 

46. Ad. Lokoja, Upper Niger. ” 


47. Ad. Jebba, Upper Niger. Capt. G. I. Abadie (P.). 
458. Hor. Abo, Lower Niger. Dr. W. J. Ansorge (C.). 
49. Ad. (Type of Niger. Mr. J.T. Dalton (C.). 

Hi. occidentalis.) 

Cuy. R. An. 2nd ed. ii. p. 357 (1829); Giinth. Cat. Fish. vi. p. 225 (1866) ; 
Bouleng. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1898, p. 821, and Fish, Nile, p. 74 (1907). 

‘Teeth forming a single complete series on the entire edge of 
both jaws (14 in the upper, 24-28 in the lower), with compressed, 
pointed, truncated, or slightly notched crowns finely serrated on the 
sides ; palate and tongue toothless ; mouth wide, terminal. Nostrils far 
apart, remote from the eye. Body much elongate, the tail gradually 
attenuated into a point. Dorsal occupying the whole length of the 
body; anal, ventral, and caudal fins absent. Vertebre 114-120 
(45-47 ++67-75). Air-bladder cellular, lung-like. 

Tropical Africa, north of the Equator. 


Cuv. l. c.; Rifaud, Voy. Egypte, pl. 138 bis (1830); Hrdl, Abh. Bayer. Ak. v. 
1847, p. 209, pl. v.; Heckel, Denkschr. Ak. Wien, vi. 1854, p. 11, pl. 1; 
Hyrtl, Denkschr. Ak. Wien, xii. 1856, p. 1, pls. i-iv. ; Giinth. Cat. Fish. vi. 
p- 225 (1866); Steind. Sitzb. Ak. Wien, Ixi. i. 1870, p. 556 ; Budgett, Tr. 
Zool. Soe. xvi. 1901, p. 126, pl. xi. figs. 4 & 5; Bouleng. ll. ce. pl. xiii. 

Depth of body 7 to 10% times in total length, length of head 53 to 6? 

Fig. 118. 

Gymnarchus niloticus. 

White Nile (if. N.). 


times. Head 2 to 24 times as long as deep; snout rounded, scarcely 
projecting beyond the lower jaw ; eye very small; a strong fold of the 


skin connects the gill-openings across the isthmus. Dorsal 185-230. 
Pectoral rounded, + to 7 length of head. Scales very small, largest 
along the middle of the side. Olive or brown above, whitish beneath, 
end of tail blackish. 

Total length 1070 millim. 

Upper Nile to Bahr-el-Ghazal, Lake Rudolf, Chad Basin, Senegal, 
Gambia, Niger.—Type in Paris Museum. 

1. Ad. Upper Nile. J. Petherick, Esq. (C.). 
2. Ad. Kawa, White Nile. L. Loat, Esq. (C.). 
3-6. Her. Fashoda, __,, fe 
do Ald, Polkom, Baro R. (Sobat). Mr. P. C. Zaphiro (C.) ; 
8. Head of ad. Bahr-el-Ghazal. Capt. 8. Flower (P.). 
9, Ad. Galeba, Lake Rudolf. Mr. P. C. Zaphiro (C.) ; 
10. Ad. R. Shari at Maidugari. Capt. G. B. Gosling (P.). 
11-14. Ad. & her. Kaédi, Senegal. M. P. Delhiez (C.). 
15. Skel. Lagos. Sir A. Moloney (P.). 
16. Yg. Oguta, Lower Niger. Dr. W. J. Ansorge (C.). 
17-18. Ye. Assay, me J.S. Budgett, Esq. (P.). 
19, 20. Ad., stuffed Niger. Mr. J. T. Dalton (C.). 
(skull separate). 
21. Her. o 35 
29-23. Yo. West Africa. 


Margin of the upper jaw formed by the premaxillaries and the 
maxillaries, the latter the more developed; parietal bones separating 
the supraoccipital from the frontals; a large hole on each side of the 
skull, between the squamosal, the exoccipital, and the epiotic; sym- 
plectic present ; no suboperculum ; interoperculum small, hidden under 
the preoperculum. No pharyngeal teeth. Ribs sessile; accessory 
bones (adpleurals) attached to the extremity of the anterior ribs, with 
which they may be fused, and embraced by ossifications forming a 
double ventral serrature ; preecaudal vertebre with transverse processes 
in front of the ribs. Pectoral fins folding against the sides of the body. 
Air-bladder communicating with the ear. No oviducts. 

Fresh and brackish waters of S.K. Asia and Tropical Africa. 

Two genera :— 

Dursieuan present aes) 6 | | ee | Le Votopterus, lhacep\, p. 146. 
Notdorenlaninii Geer hst C7! SOOT RTs Zi Nenonystus? Gthrsp. 14% 
VoL. I. L 


Lacep. Hist. Poiss. ii. p. 189 (1800), part. ; Cuv. & Val. Hist. Poiss. xxi. p. 119 
(1848) ; Giinth. Cat. Fish. vii. p. 478 (1868) ; Bouleng. Poiss. Bass. Congo, 
p- 117 (1901). 

Body elongate and very strongly compressed, attenuate behind, the 
vent far forward; scales small and cycloid; lateral line distinct; a 
double ventral serrature. Mouth large, with small teeth cn the pre- 
maxillaries and maxillaries; teeth on vomer, palatines, pterygoids, and 
tongue. Bones of the head cavernous ; anterior nostril with a tentacle, 
the posterior near the eye. 6-9 branchiostegal rays. A short dorsal 
fin, in the middle of the body. Anal fin very long, confluent with the 
small caudal. Ventral fins rudimentary or absent. Air-bladder very 
large, with several divisions, forked in front and behind. 

S.E. Asia and Tropical Africa. 

Giinth. Cat. Fish. vii. p. 480 (1868) ; Steind. Notes Leyd. Mus. xvi. 1894, p. 83 ; 
Bouleng. Poiss. Bass. Congo, p. 117 (1901). 
Depth of body 43 to 54 times in total length, length of head 5 to 6 
times. Upper profile of head slightly concave; snout as long as or a 
little longer or a little shorter than eye, the diameter of which is 

Notopterus afer. 

Type. 2. 

41 to 64 times in length of head, 1} to 14 times in interocular width ; 
nasal tentacle truncate, 2 or 4 diameter of eye; maxillary extending to 
below posterior border of eye; lower border of preeoperculum denticu- 
late. Gill-membrane rather deeply notched; 7 branchiostegal rays. 
Gill-rakers long, 8 or 9 on lower part of anterior arch. Dorsal 6-7. 
Anal 113-130 (caudal rays included), Pectoral # to $ length of head. 

Ventrals absent. Ventral serrature formed of 35-40 pairs of spines. 


Lateral line 130-165. Olive-grey to blackish, with more or less distinct 
darker spots or marblings, sometimes enclosing lighter roundish spots on 
the body or on the anal fin. 

Total length 570 millim. 

Gambia to Congo. 

1-2. Ad. Gambia. J.S. Budgett, Esq. (P.). 
3-4. Her., types. Sierra Leone. 
5. Ad., type. Niger. A. Murray, Esq. (P.). 
6. Hgr., type. A Mr. J. T. Dalton (C.). 
7-8. Hegr., skins, types. a 3 
9-10. Yg. Oguta, Lower Niger. Dr. W. J. Ansorge (C.). 
11. Ad. Sapelle, es ss 
12. Her. = 3 Mr. J. D. Hamlyn (C.) ; 
Hon. W. Rothschild (P.). 
13. Ad. Old Calabar. Miss Kingsley (C.). 
14. Skel. we Ps 
15. Ad. Ibali, L. Leopold II., Congo. M. P. Delhez (C.). 

Giinth. Cat. Fish. vii. p. 479 (1868) ; Bouleng. Poiss. Bass. Congo, p. 118 (1901), 
and Fish. Nile, p. 80 (1907). 
Differing from the preceding in the absence of dorsal fin and the 
presence of only 3 branchiostegal rays. 
A single species. 

Notopterus nigri, Giinth. Cat. Fish. vii. p. £81 (1868). 
Notopterus (Xenomystus) nili, Steind. Sitzb. Ak. Wien, Ixxxiii. 1. 1881, p. 196, 
pl. iv. fig. 2. 
Votopterus (Xenomystus) nigri, Steind. Notes Leyd. Mus. xvi. 1894, p. 85. 
Xenomystus nigri, Bouleng. Poiss. Bass, Congo, p. 118 (1901); Werner, Sitzb. Ak. 
Wien, exv. i. 1906, p. 1124 ; Bouleng. Fish. Nile, p. 80, pl. xv. fig. 1 (1907). 
Depth of body 43 to 4 times in total length, length of head 6 to 72 
times. Snout very short, shorter than eye, the diameter of which is 
3 to 34 times in length of head and equals or nearly equals interocular 
width ; mouth extending to below anterior third or centre of eye; 
nasal tentacle long and attenuate, 3? to 3 diameter of eye; preorbital, 
suborbitals, preeoperculum, and mandible with the edge strongly 
serrated; preoperculum with a serrated ridge, parallel with the lower 
border. Gill-membranes extending without a notch across the isthmus. 
Gill-rakers very short, tubercular, 9 to 11 on lower part of anterior arch. 


Anal 108-130 (including caudal). 



Total length 200 millim. 
Bahr-el-Gebel and Bahr-el-Zeraf, Chad Basin, Liberia, Niger, Gaboon, 


Ventral serrature formed of 26-50 pairs of spines. 


Pectoral as long as head or a little 

Lateral line 

Brownish, uniform or with fine darker longitudinal streaks. 

Xenomystus nigqri. 
Bahr-el-Gebel (I. N.). 


1. Her. Gondokoro, Bahr-el-Gebel. © Dr. F. Werner (P.). 
2-5. Ad. Fort Lamy, Shari R. Capt. G. B. Gosling (P.). 
6. Type. Niger. Mr. L. Fraser (C.). 
feel: Gaboon. KR. B. N. Walker, Esq. (P.). 
8. Her. Kondo-Kondo, Ogowe. Miss Kingsley (C.). 
9-10. Ad. & her. Lambarene, ss Dr. W. J. Ansorge (C.). 

Wil, Jakare. Bangala Country, Congo. M. De Meuse (C.). 

12. Her. Kondue, Lower Congo. M. Luja (C.). 

13, Aldl, Kutu, L. Leopold II., Congo. M. P. Delhez (C.). 

14. Skel. be 5 f 

15. Her. Ibali, ze i 5 

16-17. Ad. Monsembe, Upper Congo. Rey. J. H. Weeks (P.). 

18. Ad. Upper Congo. Brussels University. 

IGE Ane Banzyville, Ubanghi. Capt. Royaux (C.). 


Margin of the upper jaw formed by the premaxillaries and the 

maxillaries, the latter the more developed; nasal bones large and in 
contact with each other; parietal bones separating the supraoccipital 
from the frontals ; suboperculum much reduced and entirely or partially 
concealed under the przoperculum. No pharyngeal teeth. Ribs 
inserted on the strong parapophyses; epipleurals, no epineurals. 
Pectoral fins low down, folding against the belly. Head scaleless, the 


thin skin confluent with the bones ; body covered with large bony scales, 
composed of pieces like mosaic. No oviducts. 
Fresh waters of South America, Australia, the Malay Archipelago, 

and Africa. 

Sudis (non Rafin.), part., Cuv. Regne Anim. i. p. 180 (1817). 
Heterotis (Ehrenb.), Cuv. & Val. Hist. Poiss. xix. p. 465 (1846); Giinth. Cat. 
Fish. vii. p. 380 (1868) ; Bouleng. Fish. Nile, p. 83 (1907). 
Felicobranchus, Hyrtl, Denkschr. Ak. Wien, viii. 1854, p. 86. 

Mouth moderate, with small conical teeth forming a single series in 
the premaxillaries, maxillaries, and dentaries ; groups of villiform teeth 
on the entopterygoids and on the tongue. Branchiostegal rays 7 or 8. 
Body strongly compressed. Dorsal and anal fins equally developed, on 
the caudal region of the body, elongate and narrowly separated from the 
small caudal; ventral fins nearer end of snout than caudal fin, with 
6 rays. Vertebre 27-+4+42-43. <Air-bladder cellular, lodged in the 
closed hemal arches of the caudal vertebre. Fourth branchial arth 
with an accessory breathing-organ. 

A single species. 


Sudis niloticus (Ehrenb.), Cuv. Régne Anim. 2nd ed. i. p. 328 (1829) ; Riipp. 
Beschr. n. Fische Nil, p. 10, pl. iii. fig. 2 (1829). 

Saudis adansonii, Cuy. |. ec. 

Garafche, Rifaud, Voy. Egypte, pl. exe. (1830). 

Heterotis ehrenbergii, Cuv. & Val. Hist. Poiss. xix. p. 469, pls. ececelxxxiii. & 
ceceelxxxiv. (1846); Hyrtl, Denkschr. Ak. Wien, viii. 1854, p. 73, pls. iii. 

Heterotis adansonii, Cuv. & Val. t. c. p. 478. 

Heterotis niloticus, Giinth. Cat. Fish. vii. p. 380 (1868), and Petherick’s Trav. ii. 
p- 266 (1869) ; Steind. Sitzb, Ak. Wien, lxi. i. 1870, p. 565, pl. viii. fig. 2 ; 
Hempr. & Ehrenb. Symb. Phys., Zool. pl. i., and Zoot. pls. viii. & ix. (1899) ; 
Budvett, Tr. Zool. Soc. xvi. 1901, p. 128, pl. xi. figs. 6 & 7; Bouleng. Fish. 
Nile, p. 84, pl. xiv. (1907). 

Depth of body 34 to 4% times in total length, length of head 
34 to 43 times. Head short and thick, convex above, its upper surface 
and sides rugose, granulate in the adult, with large sensory pits; snout 
short, rounded, 32 to 5 times in length of head; eye perfectly lateral, 
its diameter 53 to 8 times in length of head and 2 to 5} times in 
interorbital width ; mouth with thick lips, straight and transverse in 


front, obliqnely bent on the sides, nearly square when fully open, 
extending to below anterior border of eye or a little beyond; a very 
large dermal flap borders tbe gill-cover. Gill-rakers long and slender, 
closely set. Dorsal 32-37, beginning a little further back than the 

Fig. 121. 

FHeterotis niloticus. 

White Nile (F..N.). 2. 

anal; latter 34 to 39. Pectoral obtusely pointed, 2 to 3 length of 
head. Ventral 4 to 3 length of head. Caudal short, rounded. Caudal 

a oe 
peduncle very short. Scales more or less rugose, 32-38 in lateral line, 2 

in transverse series on body in front of ventral, 2 between origin of dorsal 
and anal. Lateral line extending in a straight line from above gill- 
cover to middle of caudal peduncle ; the canals tubular in the young, 
deep grooves in the adult. Brown, grey, or olive; young with dorsal and 
anal marked with rather indistinct longitudinal streaks, and a round 
dark spot on each of the scales cf the caudal region of the body. 

Total length 800 millim. 

Tropical Africa north of the Equator.—Type in Berlin Museum. 

1. Ad. Nile. 

2-3. Ad. El Kirbekan, near Korti, L. Loat, Esq. (C.). 
Upper Niie. 

4. Skel. Khartum. J. Petherick, Esq. (C.). 

5, 6-9. Ad. &hgr. Fashoda, White Nile. L. Loat, Esq. (C.). 

10. Her. White Nile, lat. 9°. J. Petherick, Esq. (C.). 

11. Ad. Gabt-el-Megahid, between Capt. 8. Flower (P.). 

Sobat and Bahr-el-Zeraf, 


12. Ad. Galeba, Lake Rudolf, Mr. P. C. Zaphivo (C.) ; 
13. Skull. Shari River. Capt. G. B. Gosling (P.). 
14,15. Ad. & hgr. St. Louis, Senegal. M. P. Delhez (C.). 
16. Ad. Gambia. J. 58. Budgett, Esq. (P.). 
17. Her. Niger. Mr. J. T. Dalton (C.). 
18. Ad. bs W. A. Forbes, Esq. (P.). 
19-20. Yg. Assay, Lower Niger. J. S. Budgett, Hsq. (P.). 
21. Yg. Benue R., N. of Ibi. H. L. Norton Traill, Esq. 


Margin of the upper jaw formed by the single premaxillary and the 
maxillaries, the former very small; nasal bones large but not in contact 
with each other; parietal bones separating the supraoccipital from the 
frontals ; preoperculum and suboperculum absent. Ribs inserted on 
the strong parapophyses ; epipleurals, no epineurals. Pectoral fin low 
down, folding against the belly; mesocoracoid arch slender, strongly 
curved, meeting its fellow on the median line. Ventral fin with 7 rays, 
immediately behind pectorals. 

A single genus. 


Peters, Mon. Berl. Ac. 1876, p. 195 ; Bouleng. Poiss. Bass. Congo, p. 12i (1901). 

Body moderately elongate, compressed, the back, as well as the head, 
flattened, keeled below; scales large; lateral line distinct, canals straight 
and simple. Mouth large, with small sharp teeth; similar teeth on the 
palate (vomer, palatines, pterygoids) and on the tongue. Nostrils widely 
separated, the posterior large and close to the eye. A very short dorsal 
fin; anal fin longer and inserted further forward. Pectoral fin very 
large, the lower ray adnate to a fleshy process. Vertebre 16414. 

A single species. 

Peters, t. c. p. 196, pl. —; Bouleng. ]. c.; Popta, Notes Leyd. Mus. xxiii. 1902, 
p- 111. 

Depth of body 34 to 5% times in total length, length of head 4 to 44 
times. Snout shorter than eye, the diameter of which is 34 times in 
length of head, 1} times in interocular width; mouth very oblique, 
directed upwards, extending beyond posterior border of eye. Dorsal 6, 


above last rays of anal, 54 to 4 times as distant from head as from caudal ; 
third ray nearly as long as head. Anal 9-14, sometimes divided into 
two by a notch, posterior rays shortest. Pectoral 2 to 4 total length, 
formed of 8 rays, first longest and strong. First 4 ventral rays more or 
less produced, sometimes reaching caudal. Caudal pointed, median rays 
nearly twice as long as head. Caudal peduncle as long as deep. 28-30 

: ~ngsit : : : 
scales in lateral line, 5 in transverse series, 22 or 23 between occiput 

Pantodon buchholzi. 

Upper Congo. 

and dorsal. Olive above, yellow or silvery beneath, more or less tinged 
with carmine; a few blackish dots on the body; sometimes dark bands 
across the back; fins pink, with small, round, purplish-brown spots, 
forming cross-bands on the pectorals, which are dark purple on the 
inner side and towards the end; dark bars across the lower jaw. 

Total length 95 millim. 

Niger, Old Calabar, Cameroon, Congo.—Type in Berlin Museum. 

1. Ad. Brass, Lower Niger. N. Burrows, Esq. (P.). 

2. Ad. Assay, A J.S. Budgett, Esq. (P.). 
3-4. Ad. & her. Old Calabar. D. G. Rutherford, Esq. (C.). 
5. Skel. 


6. One of the types. Victoria R., Cameroon. Dr. Buchholz (C.); 
Berlin Museum (H.). 

7-8. Her. Cameroon. 
9-10. Ad. Monsembe, Upper Rev. J. H. Weeks (P.). 

11. Ad. Banzyville, Ubanghi. Capt. Royaux (C.). 




Fam. 6. CLUPEID. 

Margin of the upper jaw formed by the premaxillaries and the 
maxillaries ; supraoccipital bone in contact with the frontals ; opercular 
bones well developed. Ribs mostly sessile, inserted behind parapo- 
physes; intermuscular bones (epineurals, epipleurals, adpleurals) usually 
numerous. Pectoral fins low down, folding against the belly; post- 
clavicle applied to outer side of clavicle. Air-bladder communicating 
with the ear (except in the Chanine, which should perhaps stand as a 
distinct family). 

Synopsis of the Genera. 
I. Ciurrerya.— Mouth large ; belly keeled, serrated; no lateral line;  gill- 
membranes deeply notched ; ventrals with 6 to 9 rays. 
A. Dorsal originating above ventrals ; anal with less than 30 rays. 
Teeth extremely small or absent . . . . . « 1. Clupea, L., p. 153. 
Teeth moderate or large . . .. =. =. =. . 2. Pellonula, Gthr., p. 155. 
B. Dorsal opposite to the space between ventrals and anal. 
Canine teeth present; anal with less than 30 rays. 3. Odazothrissa, Blgr., p. 160. 
Teeth small ; anal with less than 30 rays . . . 4. Microthrissa, Blgr., p. 161. 
Teeth very small ; anal with more than 30 rays. 5. Ilisha, Gray, p. 162. 
IJ. Coanin2.—Mouth small, toothless; belly 
rounded ; lateral line present;  gill- 
membranes entirely united ; ventrals with 

WKoreh2irays cy vuiesnicicn es 6) +10. Chanos, Wacep:,.p» 164. 

Linn. Syst. Nat. i. p. 522 (1766), part.; Giinth. Cat. Fish. vii. p. 412 (1886) ; 
Bouleng. Fish. Nile, p. 89 (1907). 
Alosa, Cuv. Régne Anim. 2nd ed. ii. p. 319 (1829). 

Mouth moderate or large; teeth small or absent; maxillary formed 
of three pieces. Branchiostegal rays 6 to 10. Body compressed, with 
an abdominal serrature formed of bony scutes; scales moderate or large ; 
no lateral line. Dorsal fin short, opposite to the ventrals and anterior 
to the anal, which is more elongate. Ventrals with 6-9 rays. Vertebre 

Of almost cosmopolitan marine distribution. One anagamous species 
in North Africa. 



Clupea alosa, Linn. in Hasselq. Reise Palst. p- 430 (1762), and Syst. Nat. i. 
p- 523 (1766), part. 

Clupea sprattus (non Linn.), Sonnini, Trav. Egypt, p. 416, pl. xvi. fig. 4 (1800). 

Clupea nilotica, I. Geoftr. Deser. Egypte, Poiss. p: 286, pl. x. fig. 1 (1827). 

Clupea jinta, Cuv. Régne Anim. ii. 2nd ed. p. 320 (1829) ; Giinth. Cat. Fish. vii. 
p- 435 (1868), and Petherick’s Trav. ii. p. 264 (1869) ; Vincig. Ann. Mus. 
Genova, xx. 1884, p. 443 ; Bouleng. Fish. Nile, p. 89, pl. xv. fig. 2 (1907). 

Alosa finta, Riipp. Beschr. n. Fische Nil, p. 5 (1829). 

Alausa vulgaris, part., Cuv. & Val. Hist. Poiss. xx. p- 391 (1847). 

Body strongly compressed, its depth 32 to 32 times in total length; 
length of head 33 to 5 times. Top of head somewhat concave, the 
concavity bordered by two oblique ridges converging on the occiput; 
snout short, as long as eye in young, a little longer in adult; eye with 
a very distinct transparent lid in front and behind; diameter of eye 5 
(young) to 62 times in length of head, equal to interorbital width 
in young, about 3 that width in adult; mouth large, oblique; upper 

Fig. 123. 

Clupea finta. 
Nile (Ff. N.). 


jaw notched in the middle, lower jaw slightly projecting, with small 
teeth in young, toothless in adult; maxillary large, extending to below 
posterior third of eye in young, to below posterior border of eye or 
a little beyond in adult; operculum with radiating strize descending 
towards the suboperculum. Gill-rakers slender, 20-25 on lower part 
of anterior arch, the longest measuring } to # diameter of eye. Dorsal 
small, 17-20, originating nearer end of snout than root of caudal. Anal 
low, 21-24, originating a little nearer base of ventral than root of 

* The quotations in the synonymy refer only to African, specimens. 



caudal. Pectoral pointed, 2 to § length of head; a scaly pointed 
appendage above its base. Ventral small, a little behind vertical of 
origin of dorsal, also with a scaly appendage above its base. Caudal 
deeply forked, with pointed lobes, the lower often a little longer than 
the upper. Caudal peduncle a little longer than deep. Scales smooth 
and thin, deciduous, 58-64 in longitudinal series, 18—20 in transverse 
series ; 19-21 bony keeled scutes between isthmus and ventral, 13-15 
between latter and vent. Back greenish or bluish, steel-colour, sides 
and belly silvery white; a blackish spot behind the upper part of 
the gill-cover, sometimes followed by a series of four or five smaller 
spots on the body; fins whitish or greyish, the caudal fin often edged 
with blackish. 

Total length 360 millim. 

Coasts of Europe from the North Sea to the Mediterranean, breeding 
in fresh water. Ascending the rivers of North Africa. 

1-2. Ad. Algeria. Sir L. Playfair (P.). 
3. Yg. Bahr-el-Tawilah, near Lake L. Loat, Esq. (C.). 
4-7. Yo. Samannud, Damietta Nile. 5 
8-9. Her. & vg. Rosetta Nile, near Barrage. 5% 
10. Her. Cairo. » 
11-13. Yg. Near Cairo. E, 
14. Ad. Birket Karun, Fayum. % 
15-16. Ad. Nile. Rey. O. P. Cambridge (P.). 

Giinth. Cat. Fish. vii. p. 452 (1868); Bouleng. Poiss. Bass. Congo, p. 124 

Mouth moderate or large ; sharp, unequal conical teeth in each jaw, 
with strongly enlarged ones at least in the lower jaw ; minute teeth on 
the maxillary; conical teeth on the palatines and on the tongue; 
maxillary formed of two pieces. Branchiostegal rays 6. Body strongly 
compressed, with an abdominal serrature formed of bony scutes ; scales 
moderate; no lateral line. Dorsal fin-short, originating above ventrals ; 
anal moderately elongate, with less than 20 rays. Ventrals with 8 or 9 
rays. Vertebre 46, 

Fresh waters of Tropical Africa. 


Synopsis of the Species. 

I. Dorsal 15-17, originating at equal distance from end of snout and from base 
of caudal, or a little nearer the latter ; lower jaw projecting beyond the 

Depth of body not more than 4 times in total 

length; keeled ventral scutes 13-15 + 9-10 ; 

anal originating a short distance behind 

veriicaluofdorsal lina eal Miia ool. ile, J. vorant Gio apse laas 
Depth of body 42-5} times in total length ; 

keeled ventral scutes 19-20 + 10-11 ; anal 

originating a long way behind dorsal . . 2. P. miodon, Blgr., p. 157. 

Il. Dorsal 13-14, originating much nearer end of snout than base of caudal ; 
upper jaw projecting beyond the lower; anal originating a long way 
behind dorsal. 

Snout obtusely pointed; keeled ventral scutes 
12-13+10 . NOHO! Te aeay 
Snout acutely pointed; keeled ventral scutes 

12> V3 2 ee eee ch lene Peuenelll eiteuteleuacutenost7s7s, bloT:,) paploos 

3. P. obtusirostris, Blgr., p. 158. 


Giinth. Cat. Fish. vii. p. 452 (1868); Steind. Sitzb. Ak. Wien, Ixi. i, 1870, 
p- 970, pl. vii. fig. 3; Perugia, Ann. Mus. Genova, (2) x. 1891, p. 977; 
Steind. Notes Leyd. Mus. xvi. 1894, p. 83; Bouleng. Poiss. Bass. Congo, 
p- 125 (1901). 

Pellonula modesta, J. G. Fisch. Jahrb. Hamb. Wiss. Anst. ii. 1885, p. 75. 

Depth of body 3% to 4 times in total length, length of head 3} to 4 
times. Snout pointed, as long as eye, which is 3 to 34 times in length 
of head, 1} to 12 times interorbital width ; a well-developed adipose 

Pellonula vorax. 

Senegal, after Steindachner (l. c.). 8. 

eyelid; chin projecting beyond snout; maxillary extending to below 
anterior border of eye or a little beyond; strongly enlarged teeth in 
both jaws in the adult. Gill-rakers long and slender, 27-30 on lower 


part of anterior arch. Dorsal 15-17, originating at equal distance from 
end of snout and from root of caudal. Anal 17-19, originating 
immediately behind or a short distance behind vertical of dorsal. 
Pectoral about 2 length of head, not reaching ventral. Caudal deeply 
forked, with pointed lobes. Caudal peduncle as long as deep. 42-46 
scales in longitudinal series, 13-14 in transverse series; 13-15 keeled 
scutes between isthmus and ventrals, 9-10 between ventrals and anal. 

Golden, with a silvery lateral band; young speckled with black. 
Total length 120 millim. 

Senegal to Congo. 

1. Ad., type. 
2. Hgr., type. 
3-5. Her. 
6-9. Ad. & yg. 
10-12. Her. 
13. Ad. 

14-16. Her. 
17. Ad. 
18. Ad. 
19. Ad. 

20-23. Ye. 

30. Skel. 
31. Ad., type. 

W. Africa. 


Jebba, Upper Niger. 
Agberi, Lower Niger. 
Old Calabar. 

Benito River. 

Boma, Lower Congo. 
Vivi, » 

Bikoro, L. Tumba, Upper 

Coquilhatville, | Upper 

Monsembe, Upper Congo. 

Stanley Falls. 



Mr. L. Fraser (C.). 

Dr. C. Christy (C.). 
Dr. W. J. Ansorge (C.). 
Miss Kingsley (C.). 
Dr. Jackson (C.); 

Hon. W. Rothschild (P.). 
G. L. Bates, Esq. (C.). 

J. J. Monteiro, Esq. (C.). 
Capt. Bove (C.); 

Genoa Museum (P.). 
M. P. Delhez (C.). 


Rev. J. H. Weeks (C.). 
Rey. W. H. Bentley (C.). 

Dr. A. Giinther (P.). 


Bouleng. Tr. Zool. Soe. xvii. 1906, p. 546, pl. xxx. fig. 2. 

Depth of body 42 to 5} times in total length, length of head 32 to 4 
times. Snout obtusely pointed, as long as eye, which is 34 to 5} times 
in length of head and equals 1} to 12 times interorbital width ; chin 
projecting beyond the snout; maxillary extending to below anterior 
border or anterior fourth of eye; teeth small, the larger confined to 
anterior extremity of mandible. Gill-rakers long and slender, closely 
set, 35-40 on lower part of anterior arch. Dorsal 15-16, equally 
distant from centre or posterior border of eye and from root of caudal; 

158 CLUPEID#. 

longest rays about 3 length of head. Anal 16-17, a long way behind 
dorsal, nearer root of caudal than base of ventrals. Pectoral 2 length 
of head, widely separated from ventral. Ventral below anterior third 
or middle of dorsal. Caudal deeply forked, with pointed lobes. Caudal 
peduncle ]} to 13 times as long as deep. 45-48 scales in longitudinal 

Pellonula miodon. 

Type (Tr. Z. Soc. 1906). 

series, 14 in transverse series; 19-20 keeled scutes between isthmus 
and ventrals, 10-11 between ventrals and anal. Olive above, silvery 
below ; an indistinct blue lateral band ; dorsal and caudal greyish. 
Total length 140 millim. 
Lake Tanganyika. 

1-4. Ad. & her., types. Ndanvie. Dr. W. A. Cunnington (C.). 
5. Ad., type. Tembwi. +5 
6. Ad., ,, Vua. be 
7-11. Yg., types. Mbete. - 
ZEON Ot se Niamkolo Island. is 
22-23. Ad., .,, Kasakalewa. B 


Depth of body equal to length of head, 44 or 43 times in total length. 
Snout obtusely pointed, projecting very slightly beyond lower jaw, not 
quite as long as eye, which is 3 times in length of head and slightly 
exceeds interorbital width ; adipose eyelid feebly developed; maxillary 
extending to below anterior third of eye; no strongly enlarged teeth. 
Gill-rakers slender, shorter than brachial filaments, about 15 on lower 
part of anterior arch. Dorsal 13, originating slightly m advance of 
ventrals, much nearer end of snout than base of caudal. Anal 17-18, 
twice as distant from base of ventral as from caudal, and originating a 


long way behind vertical of dorsal. Pectoral 2 to 3 length of head, 
not reaching ventral. Caudal forked, with pointed lobes. Caudal 
peduncle once and 4 as long as deep. 42-44 scales in longitudinal 
series, 10 in transverse series; 12-13 keeled scutes between isthmus 

Pellonula obtusirostris. 


and ventrals, 10 between ventrals and anal. Body yellowish, head and 
a broad lateral band silvery. 

Total length 72 millim. 

Upper Congo. 
1-2. Types. Aruwimi R. R. B. Woosnam, Esq. (C.); 

Ruwenzori Expedition. 

Bouleng. Ann. Mus. Congo, Zool. i. p. 63, pl. xxxv. fig. 7 (1899), and Poiss. Bass. 
Congo, p. 126 (1901). 

Depth of body 4 to 45 times in total length, length of head 33 to 4 
times. Snout acutely pointed, projecting slightly beyond lower jaw, as 
long as eye, which is 3 times in length of head and slightly exceeds 
interorbital width ; a well-developed adipose lid; maxillary extending a 
little beyond anterior border of eye; teeth unequal in size, none very 
strongly enlarged. Gill-rakers slender, much shorter than branchial 
filaments, about 25 on lower part of anterior arch. Dorsal 13-14, 
originating above first ray of ventral, much nearer end of snout than 
base of caudal. Anal 17-18, nearly twice as distant from base of 
ventral as from caudal, and originating a long way behind vertical of 
dorsal. Pectoral 3 to 3 length of head, not reaching ventral. Caudal 
forked, with pointed lobes. Caudal peduncle a little longer than deep. 
40—42 scales in longitudinal series, 10 in transverse series; 12-13 keeled 
scutes between isthmus and ventrals, 12 between ventrals and anal. 


Olive above, white beneath, with a silvery lateral band; sometimes a 
large dark spot on gill-cover and scapular region and another at base of 

Total length 75 millim. 

Upper Congo.—Types in Congo Museum, Tervueren. 

Fig. 197. 


Pellonula acutirostris. 

Type(A.M.C.). 3. 
1. One of the types. Coquilhatville, Upper Congo. M. P. Delhez (C.). 
2-3. Ad. Upper Congo. Brussels University. 
4. Ad. Banzyville, Ubanghi. Capt. Royaux (C.). 

Bouleng. Ann. Mus. Congo, Zool. i. p. 64 (1899), and Poiss. Bass. Congo, p. 127 

Mouth large; sharp conical teeth in each jaw, with a large canine- 
like tooth on each side, directed backwards; minute teeth on the 
maxillary ; conical teeth on the palatines and on the tongue ; maxillary 
formed of two pieces. Branchiostegal rays 7. Body strongly compressed, 
with an abdominal serrature formed of bony scutes; scales moderate ; 
no lateral line. Dorsal fin short, behind vertical of ventrals ; anal rather 
long, with 21 or 22 rays. Ventrals with 9 rays. 


Bouleng. ll. ce. pp. 64, 128, pl. xxxi. fig. 1. 

Depth of body equal to or a little less than length of head, 34 to 4 
times in total length. Suout rounded, 4 length of head, equal to 
diameter of eye, which is greater than interorbital width ; chin projecting 
strongly beyond the snout ; maxillary extending to below centre of eye. 
Gill-rakers much shorter than gill-filaments, 18-20 on lower part of 
anterior arch. Dorsal 16-17, originating immediately behind vertical 
of base of ventrals, at equal distance from end of snout and from caudal. 


Anal 21-22. Pectoral 2 length of head, not reaching ventral. Caudal 
deeply forked, with pointed lobes. Caudal peduncle a little longer than 
deep. 44-46 scales in longitudinal series, 14 in transverse series; 17— 

Odusxothrissa losera. 

Type (A. M.C.). #. 

18 keeled scutes between isthmus and ventrals, 9-10 between ventrals 

and anal. Olive-brown above, white beneath; a more or less distinct 
silvery lateral band. 

Total length 160 millim. 
Upper Congo.—ypes in Congo Museum, Tervueren. 
1. One of the types. Coquilhatville. M. P. Delhez (C.). 

2. Ad. Banzyville, Ubanghi. Capt. Royaux (C.). 

Bouleng. Ann. Mus. Congo, Zool. ii. p. 26 (1902). 

Mouth moderately large, with a series of sharp conical teeth in each 
jaw; maxillary toothless, formed of two pieces; small teeth on the 
palatines, none on the tongue. Branchiostegal rays 6. Body strongly 
compressed, with an abdominal serrature formed of bony scutes; scales 
moderate; no lateral line. Dorsal fin short, behind vertical of ventrals ; 
anal rather long, with 23 to 25 rays. Ventrals with 9 rays. 


Bouleng. |. c. pl. viii. fig. 1. 

Depth of body 3 to 34 times in total length, length of head 34 to 4 
times. Snout rounded, shorter than eye, which is 3 to 33 times in length 

of head and a little greater than interorbital width ; jaws equal in front; 
VOL. 1. * M 


maxillary rather narrow, extending scarcely beyoud anterior border of 
eye. Gill-rakers long and slender, about 20 on lower part of anterior 
arch. Dorsal 13, last ray above first of anal, longest ray ¢ length of 
head. Anal 23-25. Pectoral rather more than } length of head, nearly 

Microthrissa royauat. 

Type (A. M. C.). 

reaching ventral. Caudal deeply forked, with pointed lobes. Caudal 
peduncle nearly as long as deep. 38 scales in longitudinal series, 12 in 
transverse series; 13 keeled scutes between isthmus and ventrals, 6-7 
between ventrals and anal. Brownish, with a rather indistinct silvery 
lateral band. 

Total length 65 millim. 

Ubanghi.—Types in Congo Museum, Tervueren. 

1. One of the types. Banzyville. Capt. Royaux (C.). 

Platygaster (non Latr.), Swains. Nat. Hist. ii. p. 294 (1839). 
Ilisha, Gray, in Richards, Ichth. China, p. 306 (1846); Bleek. Atl. Ichth. vi. 
p- 116 (1872). 
Pellona, Cuy. & Val. Hist. Poiss. xx. p. 300 (1847) ; Giinth. Cat. Fish. vii. p. 454 

Mouth moderately large, with minute teeth; small teeth on the 
palatines, pterygoids, and tongue; maxillary formed of 2 or 3 pieces. 
Branchiostegal rays 6. Body strongly compressed, with an abdominal 
serrature formed of bony scutes; scales moderate or small; no lateral 
line. Dorsal fin short, behind vertical of ventrals ; anal iong, with more 
than 30 rays. Ventrals very small, with 6 to 8 rays. Vertebrie 46 *. 

Tropical Atlantic and Indian Oceans, some species entering fresh 

* Tu 1. motius. 


ILISHA. 163 

Platygaster indicus, Swains. 1. ¢. 
Pellona ditchoa, Guy. & Val. t. c. p. 313; Playf. & Giinth. Fish. Zanz. p. 122 
(1866) ; Giinth. t. c. p. 455. 
Ilisha indica, Bleek. op. cit. p. 118, pl. eclix. fig. 4. 
Pellona indica, Day, Fish. Ind. p. 644, pl. elxiv. fig. 4 (1878). 

Depth of body 23 to 2# times in total length, length of head 33 to 4 
times. Snout short, chin projecting; eye very large, about 24 times in 
length of head aud double interorbital width ; a well-developed adipose 
eyelid; maxillary extending to below anterior third of eye. Gill-rakers 
long and slender, 24—28 on lower part of anterior arch. Dorsal 16-18, 
originating at equal distance from end of snout and from root of caudal 
or a little nearer former. Anal 37-39, originating just behind vertical 

Fig. 130. 

dlisha indica. 

After Day (fish. Ind.). 2. 

of last ray of dorsal. Pectoral about 3 length of head. Caudal deeply 
forked, with pointed lobes. Caudal peduncle as long as deep. 43-45 
scales in longitudinal series, 13-14 in transverse series; 18-19 keeled 
scutes between isthmus and ventrals, 8-9 between ventrals and anal. 
Silvery or golden, bluish on the back. 

Total length 150 millim. 

East coast of Africa io Malay Archipelago, entering rivers. 
1-2. Skins. Kingari R, Sir L. Playfair (C.). 
3. Ad. Zanzibar. , 


164 CLUPEID&. 

Lacep. Hist. Poiss. v. p. 395 (1803) ; Giinth. Cat. Fish. vii. p. 473 (1868); Bleek 
Adlas Ichth. vi. p. 81 (1872). 
Lutodeira (van Hasselt), Riipp. Fische R. Meer. p. 17 (1828). 
Scoliostomus, Riipp. 1. e. 

Mouth small; no teeth; maxillary rather small. Hye entirely covered 
‘by a transparent adipose lid. Gill-membranes entirely united, but free 
from the isthmus; branchiostegal rays 4. Body compressed, belly 
rounded ; scales small, longitudinally striated; lateral line present, with 
straight, simple tubules. Dorsal fin above the ventrals, longer than the 
anal, these fins folding in a scaly sheath. Ventral fins with 11 or 12 
rays. A scaly process above the base of the pectoral, and another above 
the ventral. Vertebre 43-44. Air-bladder with a constriction. An 
accessory branchial organ. 

Indian and Tropical Pacific Oceans, often occurring in fresh waters. 


Mugil chanos, Forskal, Deser. Anim. p. 74 (1775). 

Mugil salmoneus (Forst.), Bloch-Schneid. Syst. Ichth. p. 421 (1801); Forst. Deser. 
Anim. p. 299 (1844). 

Chanos arabicus, Lacep. Hist. Poiss. v. p. 396 (1803) ; Cuv. & Val. Hist. Pois. xix. 
p. 187 (1846). 

Lutodeira chanos, Riipp. Fische R. Meer. p. 18 (1828). 

Lutodeira salmonea, Richards. Zool. Ereb. & Terr., Ichth. p. 58, pl. xxxvi. figs. 1 
& 2 (1846). 

Chanos mento, Cuv. & Val. t. c. p. 191. 

Chanos chloropterus, Cuy. & Val. t. c. p. 195. 

Chanos nuchalis, Cuv. & Val. t. c. p. 196. 

Chanos lubina, Cuv. & Val. t. ec. p. 199, pl. eececl xvii. 

Chanos salmoneus, Cuv. & Val. t. c. p. 201; Giinth. Cat. Fish. vii. p. 473 (1868) ; 
Bleek. Atlas Ichth. vi. p. 81, pl. cclxxii. fig. 4 (1872); Day, Fish. Ind. p. 651, 
pl. elxvi. fig. 2 (1878). 

Chanos mossambicus, Peters, Mon. Berl. Ac. 1852, p. 684, and Reise Mossamb. iv. 
p- 93, pl. xx. fig. 1 (1868). 

Chanos chanos, Klunz. Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien, xxi. 1871, p. 605. 

Depth of body 34 to 32 times in total length, length of head 3} to 4 
times. Snout rounded, about as Jong as eye, which is 35 to 4 times in 
length of head ; interorbital region flat, its width 1 to 14 times diameter 
of eye; width of mouth less than length of snout. Gill-rakers 
very closely set and extremely numerous, shorter than gill-lamelle. 


Dorsal 13-17, equally distant from occiput and from base of caudal. Anal 
10-11. Pectoral 2 to 3 length of head, widely separated from ventral. 
Caudal deeply forked, with long pointed lobes. Caudal peduncle about 



Chanos salmoneus. 

Mozambique, after Peters(Reise Mossamb.). 2. 
once and 3 as long as deep. Scales 79-90 es 12-14 between lateral 
line and scaly process at base of ventral. Silvery, bluish on the back. 
Total length 550 millim.—Grows to 1 metre or more. 
East coast of Africa to Polynesia. 

1. Hgr., stffd. Red Sea. Dr. Riippell. 

2. Ad., stffd. Zanzibar. Sir L. Playfair (C.). 
3. Yo. By Sir J. Kirk (P.). 

4, Her. Seychelles. Sir L. Playfair (P.). 
5-7. Ye. Rodriguez, in fresh water. G. Gulliver, Esq. (P.). 


Margin of the upper jaw formed by the premaxillaries and the 
maxillaries; supraoccipital bone in contact with the frontals ; opercular 
bones well developed. Ribs sessile, parapophyses very short or absent ; 
epineurals, sometimes also epipleurals, present. Pectoral fins low down, 
folding against the belly. An adipose dorsal fin. Oviducts rudimentary 
or absent. . 

Marine and fresh-water Fishes, mostly from the Temperate and Arctic 
zones of the Northern Hemisphere. 


1. SALMO. 

Artedi, Gen. Pisce. p. 11 (1738); Cuv. & Val. Hist. Poiss. xxi. p. 166 (1848) 5 
Giinth. Cat. Fish. vi. p. 2 (1866). 

Salvelinus, Richards. Faun. Bor.-Am. iii. p. 169 (1836). 

Fario, Cuv. & Val. t. c. p. 277. 

Salar, Cuv. & Val. t. c. p. 314. 

Umbla, Rapp, Fische Bodensee, p. 32 (1854). 

Oncorhynchus, Suckley, Ann. Lyc. N. Y. 1861, p. 312; Giinth. t. c. p. 155. 

Fypsifario, Gill, Proc. Ac. Philad. 1862, p. 330. 

Trutta, Siebold, Siisswasserf. Mitt. Eur. p. 280 (1863). 

Hlucho, Giinth. t. c. p. 125. 

Cristivomer, Jord. Man. Vert. E. U.S. 2nd ed. p. 356 (1878). 

Mouth large, with strong dentition. 10 to 15 branchiostegal rays. 
Dorsal fin moderately large, opposite or nearly opposite to ventrals. 
9 or 10 ventral rays. Scales small or very small. 

Cold and temperate parts of Northern Hemisphere. 

Linn. Syst. Nat. i. p. 509 (1766). 

The North-African Trout belongs to a variety (scarcely distinct from 
the var. fario, L., of Europe) of which the following is the synonymy :— 
Salar macrostigma, A. Dumér. C. R. Ac. Sci. xiii. 1558, p. 160, and Rev. et Mag. 
Zool. 1858, p. 396, pl. x. 

Salmo lepasseti, Zill, Ann. Sci. Nat. (4) ix. 1858, p. 128. 

Salmo macrostigma, Giinth. Cat. Fish. vi. p. 76 (1866); Vincig. Boll. Agrar. 
Roma, xviii. 1896, p. 107; Bouleng. Ann. & Mag. N. H. (7) viii. 1901, 
p- 108. 

Salmo fario, var. macrostigma, Bouleng. Ann. & Mag. N. H. (6) xviii. 1896, 
p. 152. 

Depth of body 33 to 44 times in total length, length of head 44 to 43 
times. Hye 33 (young) to 42 times in length of head; maxillary 
extending to below posterior third of eye in young, to below posterior 
border of eye or a little beyond in adult; vomerine teeth forming a 
double, zigzag row. 10-12 gill-rakers on lower part of anterior arch. 
Dorsal IV 9-10. Anal III 8-10. 95-128 scales in lateral line, 14-16 
in an oblique series between adipose fin and lateral line. Caudal 
deeply notched in the young, truncate or feebly notched in the adult. 
Caudal peduncle 14 to 1% times as long as deep. Olive-brown above, 
shading to golden yellow or yellowish white beneath; a series of 9 to 


12 vertically oval, large, blackish spots (parr-marks) on each side in the 
young, more or less distinct traces of these persisting in the adult ; small 
black and red spots on the back and sides, sometimes encircled with 
whitish or bluish; a large round black spot on the operculum ; dorsal 

Salo trutta, var. macrostigma., 

Type, after A. Duméril (Rev. Mag. Zool. 1858). 3. 

spotted with black; dorsal and anal with a dark and light anterior 

Total length 290 millim. 

Hill-stream of Algeria (Kabylia) and Morocco ; Sicily, Sardinia, Asia 
Minor, and Northern Persia.—Type in Paris Museum. 

1-3. Her. Algeria. Dr. Schimper (P.). 
4-5, Ad. & yg. Near Tangier. 
6-14. Ad. & her. Martun R., near Tetuan. C. A. Payton, Esq. (P.). 

A second species, Salmo trideus, Gibb., from the western parts of 
North America, has been introduced in South and East Africa. 


Mouth very protractile, bordered by the very slender premaxillaries, 
maxillaries, and dentaries; supraoccipital in contact with the frontals, 
widely separating the small parietals ; operculum and suboperculum well 
developed ; praeoperculum small; interoperculum enormous, covering 
the gular region and overlapping its fellow; symplectic absent. No 
pharyngeal teeth. Ribs stout, sessile, nearly completely encircling the 
body ; slender epineurals, no epipleurals. Pectoral fin inserted low 
down. No postclavicle. 

A single genus. 


Bouleng. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1901, i. p. 6. 

Body elongate, subcylindrical, covered with large striated scales ; 
lateral line complete, tubes straight. Head strongly ossified, covered 
with thin skin; mouth small, proboscidiform, capable of being thrust 
forward, retractile into a depression on the upper surface of the snout; 
no teeth, except a conical tooth on each dentary, near the symphysis ; 
a single narial orifice, preceded by a barbel. Gill-openings narrow, 
restricted to the sides; 8 branchiostegal rays; no pseudobranchie. 
Dorsal short, opposite to the space between ventrals and anal; latter 
short. Ventrals far back, with 6 rays. Vertebre: 34 (26+8). Air-bladder 
very large, extending as far back as the anal fin. 

Niger, Congo. 


Bouleng. 1. ¢. pl. ii., and Ann. Mus. Congo, Zool. ii. p. 22 (1902) ; Ridewood, 
Journ. Jinn. See., Zool. xxix. 1905, p. 277. 

Depth of body 5 to 6 times in total length, length of head 64 to 73 
times. Head depressed, with very broad, slightly convex interorbital 

Fig. 133. 

Phractoleemus ansorgti. 

Type. 3. 

region; eye small, lateral, 44 to 54 times in length of head, 5 to 34 times 
in interorbital width ; nasal barbel nearly 4 length of head. Dorsal 6, 
first four rays simple, the others usually bifid, originating at equal 
distance from head and from root of caudal ; second ray longest, 14 times 
length of head. Anal §, similar to dorsal, but rays shorter. Pectoral 


rounded, a little shorter than head, as long as ventral, which is equally 
distant from head and from anal. Caudal rounded. Caudal peduncle 
compressed, nearly as long as deep, as long as head. Scales 35-40 = : 
on the caudal region the scales of the lateral line and those of the series 
above it may bear a central tubercle. Uniform olive-grey. 

Total length 150 millim. 

Lower Niger, Upper Congo. 
1-3. Ad., hgr., Mouth of Ethiope River, Niger Delta. Dr. W. J. Ansorge (P.). 

& yg, types. 

4, Skel. re _ » 
5. Ad. Monsembe, Upper Congo. Rey. J. H. Weeks (P.). 

Fam. 9. KNERIID/. 

Margin of the upper jaw formed by the premaxillaries; mouth not 
protractile, inferior, toothless; supraoccipital widely separating the 
very small parietals; opercular bones well developed; symplectic 
present. Gill-opening very narrow. Body scaly. Ribs sessile. Pectoral 
fin inserted low down, folding like the ventrals. 

Two genera, if Xenopomatichthys be referred to this family rather 
than to the Cyprinide, in which it has been provisionally placed by 
its describer. 

Steind. Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien, xvi. 1866, p. 769; Giinth. Cat. Fish. vii. 
p. 372 (1868). 

Mouth rather small and toothless, inferior, transverse, sharp-edged. 
Gill-opening very narrow, lateral; 3 branchiostegal rays. Body elon- 
gate, cylindrical or slightly depressed, covered with very small, finely 
striated scales. Dorsal and anal fins short, the former above or behind 
vertical of ventrals, which have 9 rays. Vertebre 40 (26+14)*. Air- 
bladder long and slender, extending along the whole precaudal part of 
the body. Intestinal tract very long, with several convolutions. 

Tropical Africa. 

Synopsis of the Species. 
Dorsal behind vertical of base of ventral; head 23 
times as long as broad, 53-6 times in total length; 

snout 4 as long as postocular part of head ; eye [p. 170. 
lateral, 3-33 times in length of head. . . . . 1. K. angolensis, Stdr., 

* The osteological characters are taken from a skeleton of A. cameronensis. 


Dorsal above base of ventral ; head twice as long as 
broad, 6 times in total length ; snout 3 as long 
as postocular part of head; eye lateral, 43-5 
times in length of head . ara 2. K. spekit, Gthr., p. 171. 

Dorsal above base of ventral ; head about 14 times as 

long as broad, 43-5 times in total length ; snout 

as long as postocular part of head; eye supero- bipedal 

lateral, 4J—5 times in length of head. . . . . 3. K. cameronensis, Bler., 

Steind. Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien, xvi. 1866, p. 770, pl. xvii. fig. 1; Giinth. Cat. 
Fish. vii. p. 372 (1868). 

Body cylindrical in front, its depth 64 to 7 times in total length. 
Head deeper than broad, twice and 4 as long as broad, its length 5} to 6 
times in total length; snout half as long as postorbital part of head, 
with spine-like tubercles in the male; eye lateral, well visible from 
below, 3 to 34 times in length of head; interorbital width 2 length of 
head. Dorsal II 8, originating behind vertical of base of ventrals and 
at equal distance from eye and from root of caudal, longest ray nearly 

Kneria angolensis. 

Bange Ngola. 

as long as head. Anal III 9, equally distant from root of ventrals and 
from root of caudal. Pectoral 2 length of head. Caudal deeply forked, 
with pointed lobes. Caudal peduncle twice and 4 as long as deep. 
95-100 scales in lateral line. Yellowish to dark brown above, whitish 
beneath ; a lateral series of black dots; a black dot at base of ventral 
and usually two at base of anal. 

Total length 90 millim. 

Angola.—Type in Vienna Museum. 

1-2. Her. Bange Ngola. Dr, W. J. Ansorge (C.). 


Giinth. Cat. Fish. vii. p. 372 (1868). 

Body cylindrical in front, its depth 7 times in total length. Head as 
broad as deep, twice as long as broad, its length 6 times in total length; 
snout } length of postocular part of head ; eye lateral, just visible from 
below, 44 to 5 times in length of head ; interorbital width 2? length of 
head. Dorsal II &, originating above ventrals and at equal distance 

Fig. 135. 

Kneria spekit. 

from anterior border or centre of eye and from root of caudal, longest 
ray 2 length of head. Anal III 6, a little nearer root of caudal than 
root of ventrals. Pectoral a little shorter than head. Caudal deeply 
forked. Caudal peduncle nearly twice as long as deep. 100-105 scales 
in lateral line. Uniform brownish, the lateral line darker. 

Total length 55 millim. 

German East Africa. 

1-3. Types. Uzaramo, between the coast and Usagara. Capt. Speke (P.). 


Body a little depressed in front, its depth 7 to 9 times in total length. 
Head broader than deep, about once and } as long as broad, its length 

Kneria cameronensis. 


41 to 5 times in total length; snout as long as postocular part of head ; 
eye supero-lateral, 44 to 5 times in length of head; interorbital width 



3 length of head. Dorsal IL 8, originating above ventrals and at equal 
distance from eye and from root of caudal, longest ray about 2 length of 
head. Anal III 6, twice as distant from root of ventrals as from root 
of caudal. Pectoral as long as head. Caudal deeply forked, with 
pointed lobes. Caudal peduncle about once and # as long as deep. 
90-102 scales in lateral line. Yellowish olive above, spotted or marbled 
with brown, pale yellow below ; a brown lateral band; a black dot at 
base of ventral; caudal spotted with black, the lower lobe sometimes 
nearly entirely black. 

Total length 75 millim. 

South Cameroon. 

1-8. Ad. & hgr., types. Ja River (Congo System). G. L. Bates, Esq. (C.). 
9. Skel. 

29 2 bb) 
The following genus is provisionally referred to this family :— 

Xenopomichthys, Pellegr. Bull. Mus. Paris, xi. 1905, p. 145. 

Mouth small and toothless, inferior, transverse, sharp-edged. Gill- 
opening very narrow, lateral; outer surface of operculum bearing a 
cup-shaped apparatus. Body moderately elongate, covered with small 
scales. Dorsal and anal fins short, the former slightly behind vertical 
of ventrals, which have 8 rays. Intestinal canal very long, forming 
numerous convolutions. 


Xenopomichthys auriculatus, Pellegr. t.c. p. 146. 

Depth of body equal to length of head, 44 times in total length. 
Snout rounded, nearly as long as eye, which is perfectly lateral, 3 times 
in length of head, and 14 times in interorbital width; width of mouth 
equal to diameter of eye. Dorsal II 8, originating at equal distance 
from end of snout and from root of caudal. Anal II 6-7. Pectoral 
with 15 rays. Caudal deeply notched. Caudal peduncle half as long as 
deep. 60-65 scales in lateral line, about 12 between lateral line and 
ventral. Yellowish grey, with a darker lateral band; minute black dots 
at the base of the dorsal, anal, and ventral fins. 

Total length 47 millim. 

Muza River.—Types in Paris Museum. 



Fam. 10. CROMERIID. 

Margin of the upper jaw formed by the premaxillaries and the 
maxillaries; mouth not protractile, inferior, toothless ; supraoccipital 
large and widely separating the very small parietals; opercular bones 
well developed ; symplectic absent. Gill-opening very narrow. Body 
naked. Ribs sessile. Pectoral fin inserted low down, folding like the 
ventrals. No postclavicle. 

A single genus. 


Bouleng. Ann. & Mag. N. H. (7) viii. 1901, p. 445, and Fish. Nile, p. 93 (1907). 

Mouth small and toothless, inferior. Giull-opening very narrow, 
lateral; 3 branchiostegal rays. Body elongate, compressed. Dorsal 
and anal fins short, on the caudal portion of the body. Vertebre 42-45 
(28-30+14-15). Air-bladder long and slender, extending along the 
whole precaudal part of the body. 

White Nile. 

Bouleng. ll. ec. pp. 445, 94, pl. xiv. fig. 3; Swinnerton, Zool. Jahrb., Anat. xviii. 
1903, p. 58, figs. 

Depth of body 63 to 8 times in total length, length of head 5 to 6 
times. Snout rounded, projecting strongly beyond mouth, the width 
of which is about 6 times in length of head; diameter of eye about 
5 times in length of head. Dorsal 9-10, 3 cr 4 rays rudimentary, 

Fig. 1387. 

Cromeria nilotica. 
Type. x2. 

5 branched, opposite to the space between ventrals and anal, about 
twice as distant from end of snout as from base of caudal; longest 
rays 2 to # length of head. Anal 9-10, 3 or 4 rays rudimentary, 
5 branched, similar to the dorsal, nearly equally distant from ventrals 

and from base of caudal. Pectoral # or $ as long as head, longer than 


ventral. Caudal forked, with a deep crescentic notch, the lobes 
pointed. Caudal peduncle 13 to 13 times as long as deep, with a 
fold of skin above and below, extending from caudal nearly to dorsal 
and anal fins. Colourless, except a bright yellow stripe dotted with 
black along the dorsal line and the lower edge of the caudal peduncle, 
and a blackish line along each side of the caudal peduncle. 

Total length 32 millim. 

White Nile. 
1-6. Types. Fashoda. L. Loat, Esq. (C.). 
7-13. Types. Lake No. Bs 


Air-bladder, if well developed, communicating with the digestive 
tract by a duct. Pectoral arch suspended from the skull; mesocoraccid 
arch present. Fins without spines, or dorsal and pectoral with a single 
spine formed by the ossification of an articulated ray. The four anterior 
vertebree strongly modified, often co-ossified and bearing a chain of 
small bones (so-called Weberian ossicles) connecting the air-bladder 
with the ear. 

Synopsis of the Families. 

Mouth not protractile, usuaily toothed; pharyngeal bones 
normal; body usually scaly; an adipose dorsal fin 

Often present oy ca meee Ne eo) eee 1 CHAR ACTNID ATs 
Mouth more or less protractile, toothless ; lower pharyngeal 
bones large, falciform ; no adipose dorsal fin. . . . . 2. CYPRINID®. 

Mouth not protractile, usually toothed; pharyngeal bones 
normal; body naked or with bony scutes; an adipose 
dorsal fin often present. . . ... ... . . . 8. SILURIDA. 


Mouth non-protractile, usually bordered by the premaxillaries and 
the maxillaries, rarely by the premavillaries only; jaws toothed *. 
Parietal bones united in a sagittal suture or separated by a fontanelle ; 
opercular bones well developed; symplectic present. Pharyngeal bones 
normal, with small teeth. Branchiostegal rays few (8 to 5). Ribs 
mostly sessile; no parapophyses in the thoracic region; epipleurals 

* Dxceptions in America. 


and epineurals mostly free, floating. Pectoral fins inserted very low 
down, folding like the ventrals, which are formed of 10 to 13 rays. 
Body covered with scales *, An adipose dorsal fin often present. 

Fresh waters of Central and South America and Africa. 

Synopsis of the Genera. 

I. Hyprocyoninz.—Dentition powerful ; upper jaw immoyable or slightly 
movable; maxillaries well developed, bordering the mouth; gill-membranes 
free or very narrowly attached to isthmus; scales not ciliated ; lateral line 
nearer ventral than dorsal outline. 

A. Teeth unicuspid. 
Teeth very numerous, unequal, conical, in two 

series ; dorsal fin well behind ventrals . 1. Sarcodaces, Gthr., p. 177. 
Teeth not very numerous, compressed, uni- 

serial ; dorsal fin above ventrals . . . 2. Hydrocyon, Cuvy., p. 179. 

B. Teeth pluricuspid, in 2 or 3 series in the upper jaw. 
1. A pair of conical teeth behind the pluricuspid teeth of the lower jaw. 
Teeth in 3 series in the upper jaw, the inner 
with more or less molariform excavated 
crowns; dorsal fin originating in advance 
ClaveuLraise ey ee te nse st ett hls da niCOncineopss Cuullie, 1s). 
Teeth in 2 series in the upper jaw, the inner 
with obliquely truncated or molariform 
excavated crowns ; dorsal fin originating 
above or behind ventrals. . . . . . 4. Alestes, M. & T., p. 190. 
Teeth in 2 series in the upper jaw, Loth simply 
compressed, the front side not concave ; 
dorsal fin originating above or behind 
EMUCAISIs Fol a eis c)) ol iene COMuecralestessm ol ore aaa = 
2. No conical teeth in the lower jaw. 
Teeth in 2 series in the upper jaw, both simply 
compressed ; dorsal fin originating above 
or behind ventrals . . . . . . . . 6. Petersius, Hilg., p. 231. 

Il. IcurHyosorin“2.—Dentition various ; upper jaw freely movable upwards ; 
maxillaries much reduced ; gill-membranes free or narrowly attached to 
isthmus ; scales ciliated ; lateral line along the middle of the side, 

A. Two series of teeth in each jaw ; dorsal fin above ventrals. 
Teeth equal ; snout rounded ; a naked space 

between the suborbitals and ‘the pre- 

operculum ; scales small; a scaly process 

at the base of the ventral . . . . . 1%. Hugnathichthys, Bler., p. 241. 

* Exceptions in America. 


Anterior teeth larger; snout pointed; a naked 

space between the suborbitals and the 

preoperculum; scales small; a_ scaly 

process at the base of the ventral . . . 8. Paraphago, Blgr., p. 244. 

Canine teeth in front ; a naked space between 

the suborbitals and the preoperculum ; 

scales small; a scaly process at the base 

of theiventraly 2) pe sus ioc ve yy 1. Mesovorus.elve legis tos 

Anterior teeth a little larger ; snout narrow ; 

cheek entirely mailed ; scales large, hard; 

no scaly process at the base of the 

WEN Go 6 do > 6 6 6 oh cg MOS V2 Cxiney jos 2G. 

B. A single series of teeth in each jaw, with or without cardiform teeth 
behind them; canine teeth in front; dorsal fin behind vertical of ventrals ; 
cheek naked ; scales small; a scaly process at the base of the ventral. 

A single series of teeth. . . . . . . . JL. Neoborus, Blyr., p. 249. 
Cardiform teeth on the inner side of the jaws . 12. Ichthyoborus, Gthr., p. 251. 
C. Teeth very small, bicuspid, in a single series, which is widely interrupted 
in the middle in the upper jaw ; dorsal fin above ventrals. 
13. Hemistichodus, Pellegr., p. 253. 
III. Disticnopontin#.—Teeth small, notched or bicuspid; upper jaw im- 
movable or but slightly movable ; maxillary well developed; scales 
ciliated ; lateral line along the middle of the side. 
4A. Gill-membranes free from isthmus. 
Small teeth at the base of the maxillary ; 

lateral line complete or incomplete . . 14. Nunnethiops, Gthr., p. 254. 
No teeth on the maxillary; lateral line in- 

complete or absent. . . . . . . . 15. Neolebias, Stdr., p. 256. 

B. Gill-membranes attached to isthmus. 
No teeth on the maxillary ; suborbitals large, 
protecting the cheek ; dorsal with 16-27 

TS! Go 'b. v6 (0) i . . 16. Mistichodus, M. & T., p. 258. 
No teeth on the maxillary ; (ale riseals ia ge ; 
dorsal with 12-15 rays . . . 17. Nannocharax, Gthr., p. 279. 

Small teeth at the base of the GURT eae 
suborbitals narrow; dorsal with 20-22 
TiN Sh lee Cl abba MOM Otic (Su omc uhquiish Xcandnnewe, Ciiltlias fe ZS 

LV. Crrmarininz.—Minute ciliiform teeth inserted on the lips ; maxillary very 
small ; gill-membranes free from isthmus ; lateral line along the middle of 
the side. 

Scales strongly denticulated . . . . . . 19. Citharidium, Blgr., p. 289. 
Scalesicycloid 6 ss ss) ne 20 Cathaminus, Cuy., p. 290. 

SARCODAGES. 9 jyrnyiiet » - 17Q2 tii 

VE LAY (e* C ' : 
1 ‘ 

Xiphorhamphus, part., Miill. & Trosch. Hor. Ichthyol. i. p. 17 (1845). 

Xiphorhynchus, part., Cuv. & Val. Hist. Poiss. xxii. p. 336 (1849). 

Hydrocyonoides, Casteln. Mém. Poiss. Afr. Austr. p. 66 (1861). 

Sarcodaces, Giinth. Cat, Fish. v. p. 352 (1864) ; Bouleng. Poiss. Bass. Congo, 
p- 138 (1901). 

Snout elongate; mouth very large, with pointed teeth intermixed 
with large canines; two series of teeth in the lower jaw, the outer with 
canines; premaxillaries immovable, with a posterior process bearing 
small teeth, between the maxillary and the palatine; maxillary long, 
toothed, slipping under the pri- and suborbitals. Cheek covered by 
the large suborbitals ; nostrils near the eye, close together, separated 
by a valvular flap; gill-membranes free from the isthmus; 4 branchio- 
stegal rays. Body elongate, compressed ; belly rounded. Scales 
moderately large, not ciliated ; lateral line nearer the ventral than the 
dorsal outline; a scaly process at the base of the ventral fin, Dorsal 
fin with 9 rays, well behind the vertical of the ventrals; anal with 
12 rays; a small adipose dorsal fin. Vertebrie 44 (28+ 16). 

Tropical Africa. 


Salmo odoé, Bloch, Ausl. Fische, viii. p. 122, pl. eeelxxxvi. (1794). 

Niphorhamphus odoé, Miill. & Trosch. op. eit. p. 18. 

Niphorhynchus odoé, Cuv. & Val. t. c. p. 345. 

Hydrocyonoides cuvieri, Casteln. |. c. 

Sareodaces odoé, Giinth. 1. ¢., and Ann. & Mag. N. H. (3) xx. 1867, p, 114; 
Sauv. Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 1882, p. 319; Steind. Notes Leyd. Mus. xvi. 
1894, p. 63; Bouleng. |.c.; Pellegr. Bull. Mus. Paris, 1904, p. 310. 

Sarcodaces odoé, var. microlepis, Bouleng. t.¢. p. 139. 

Depth of body 43 to 53 times in total length, length of head 3 to 34 
times. Head 25 to 23 times as long as broad, flat above, with straight 
upper profile ; bones of head rugose and striated ; preemaxillary part of 
snout narrowed, rounded, projecting beyond lower jaw; eye lateral, 
subinferior, 2 to 25 times in length of snout, 5 to 7 times in length of 
head, 13 to 25 times in interorbital width ; maxillary extending to 
below posterior border of eye or a little beyond; a triangular dermal 
fold on each side of the lower jaw, covering a notch between pre- 
maxillary and maxillary bones. Gill-rakers long and slender, 12-14 
on lower part of anterior arch. Dorsal II 7, above space between 
ventrals and anal, 25 to 3 times as distant from end of snout as from 

VOL. I. N 


root of caudal, longest ray 2 to 3 length of head. Anal II 9. Pectoral 
pointed, $ to 2 length of head, not reaching ventral. Caudal forked, 
with pointed lobes. Caudal peduncle a little longer than deep. Scales 
rather rugose, 49-58 a 3 or 4 between lateral line and scaly process 

at base of ventral. Brown or olive above, silvery beneath ; young with 

Sarcodaces odoé. 

Senegal. 3. 

rather indistinct dark cross-bars above the lateral line, and a small 
black spot behind the head; fins grey or blackish, dorsal, anal, and 
caudal often with small round darker spots between the rays; adipose 
fin black, orange at the base. 

Total length 330 millim. 

Rivers of West Africa, Shari, Congo, Zambesi, Lake Ngami.—Type 
in Berlin Museum. 

1-2. Ad. St. Louis, Senegal. M. P. Delhez (C.). 
3. Ad. Gambia. J.8S. Budgett, Esq. (P.). 
4-5. Ad. Lagos. H. IT. Ussher, Esq. (P.). 
6. Ad. Nyankoma, Gold Coast. R. B. N. Walker, Esq. (P.). 
(Ad. Niger. Mr. J. T. Dalton (C.). 
8. Skull. i rn 
9-11. Yg. Sapelle, Lower Niger. Dr. W. J. Ansorge (C.). 
12. Yg. Agberi, ¥ 5 
13. Ad. Benue R., N. of Ibi. H.L. Norton Traill, Esq. (C.). 
14. Yg. Ja R., 8. Cameroon, G. L. Bates, Esq. (C.). 
15. Ad. Benito R. a 
16. Ad. Ogowe R. Miss Kingsley (C.). 
17. Her. Talagouga, Ogowe. 

18. Her. Eloby, Gaboon. 


19. Skel. Sette Cama, Gaboon. 

20. Ad. Gaboon. R. B. N. Walker, Esq. (P.). 

21,22. Her. & yg. eo 

23-25. Ad. &hgr. Ibali, L. Leopold II., Upper M. P. Delhez (C.). 

26-27. Her. Bolobo, Upper Congo. Rey. G. Grenfell (P.). 

28. Ad. Monsembe, a Rey. J. H. Weeks (C.). 

29, Ad. Stanley Falls. Rev. W. H. Bentley (C.). 

30. Yg. Banzyville, Ubanghi. Capt. Royaux (C.). 

31-32. Ad. Kafue R., Upper Zambesi. T. Codrington, Esq. (P.). 

33. Ad., skin. Botolette R., nr. L. Ngami. R. Ward, Esq. (P.). 


Hydrocinus, part., Cuv. Regne Anim. ii. p. 167 (1817). 

Hydvoeyon, Cuv. Mém. Mus. Paris, v. 1819, p. 353; Cuv. & Val. Hist. Poiss. 
xxii. p. 309 (1849) ; Giinth. Cat. Fish. v. p. 350 (1864) ; Bouleng. Poiss. 
Bass. Congo, p. 140 (1901), and Fish. Nile, p. 98 (1907). 

Snout rather elongate; mouth large, with very strong, pointed, more 
or less compressed, sharp-edged teeth, wide apart and forming a single 
series; premaxillary bones slightly movable vertically; maxillary 
toothless, moderately large, and slipping under the preorbital. Cheek 
covered by the large suborbitals; nostrils near the eye, close together, 
separated by a valvular flap; gill-membranes free from the isthmus ; 
4 branchiostegal rays. Body elongate, compressed; belly rounded. 
Scales moderately large, not ciliated; lateral line nearer the ventral 
than the dorsal outline; a scaly process at the base of the ventral fin. 
Dorsal fin with 10 or 11 rays, above the ventrals; anal with 15 to 
18 rays ; a small adipose dorsal fin. 

Part of the eye, in front and behind, covered by an adipose lid. 
Tubules of lateral line straight and short; most of them emit a short 
spur, directed downwards, or a few scales here and there having the 
spur directed upwards. Fins more or less falcate; ventral rays 10. 
Vertebre 49-52 (51-34-+ 17-18). 

Nile and Tropical Africa. 

Synopsis of the Species. 
I. 2 series of scales between lateral line and scaly process at base of ventral. 

mi gi apxe . . 
Se. 48-54 '=*; dorsal originating in advancé of 

ventral; depth of body 4-54 times in total 
denptlen Gagey-O -0)- 2 aionueae lafwals LH. forskali, Cuy., p. 180. 



Se. 44-48 72%. dorsal originating above or 

42-55 5x ; 
slightly in advance of ventral ; ; depth of body 
34-4} times in totallength. . . . . . . 2. H. lineatus, Blkr., p. 182. 

Se. 56-57 oe ; dorsal not originating in advance of 
ventral ; depth of body 4-41 times in_ total 
ayes, "Soy gh eo, (on ankd oie oy ay Bide G cing, Bler., p. 184. 
Il. 3 series of scales between lateral line and sealy process at base of ventral ; 
dorsal not originating in advance of ventral. 
Sc. 54-58 2 aon depth of body 32-43 times in 
total length ; eye 55 times in length of head 
anjaduliye ieee fe 2) eee. 0e7. goliath, isla ee emlods 
Se. 47-54 —- depth of body 31-42 times in total 
length > eye 74 times in length of head in 

EXGLING “Zig oS) SGN a (oe) OS 18) 50, Wo bis 0 Ooi leG pane, Criliin., jp, IS 


Salmo dentex (non Hasselq.), Forskal, Descr. Anim. pp. siii & 66 (1775). 

Characinus dentex, Geottr. Descr. Egypte, Poiss. p. 49, pl. iv. fig. 1 (1809). 

Eydrocyon forskalu, Cuy. Mém. Mus. v. 1819, p. 354, pl. xxviii. fig. 1; Mill. & 
Trosch. Horee Ichthyol. i. p. 11, pl. iii. fig. 6 (1845); Giinth. Cat. Fish. v. 
p- 351 (1864), and Petherick’s Tray. ii. p. 244 (1869) ; Steind. Sitzb. Ak. 
Wien, Ixi. i. 1870, p. 547; Vincig. Ann. Mus. Genova, xxxvii. 1896, p. 29, 
and xxxix. 1898, p. 258; Bouleng. Fish. Nile, p. 100, pl. xvi. fig. 1 & pl. xvii. 
fig. 1 (1907). 

Hydrocyon dentex, Riipp. Beschr. n. Fische Nil, p. 5 (1829). 

Hydrocyon forskalii, part., Cuv. & Val. Hist. Poiss. xxii. p. 309 (1849); Peters, 
Reise Mossamb. iv. p. 69 (1868). 

Depth of body 4 to 53 times in total length, length of head 4 to 5 
times. Head 2 to 23 ‘lines as long as broad; snout 4 to 4 length 
of head; diameter of eye 4 (young) to 63 times in length of head, 
interorbital width 5 to 4 times; mouth extending to below nostrils, 
maxillary bone to below Daemon border or centre of eye; 5 or 6 
large teeth in upper jaw and 4 or 45 in lower; suborbital and opercular 
bones smooth or feebly striated. Gules much shorter than gill- 
tilamenis, § to 10 on lower part of anterior arch. Dorsal II 8, equally 
distant from end of snout, nostrils, or eye, and from root of caudal, 
originating in front of ventral ; second simple ray longest, { to 14 times 
length of head. Anal III 11-13, third simple ray longest, } to } length 
of head. Pectoral fix about } length of head. Ventral as long as or 
shorter than pectoral, below middle of dorsal. Caudal deeply forked, 
with long, pointed pier Caudal peduncle 13 to 2 times as long as 
deep, Scales 48-54 ;7 ** 8 between lateral line and ventral, 2 between 


lateral line and scaly process at base of ventral. Back grey, brown, or 
olive-green, sides and belly silvery white ; more or less distinct longitu- 
dinal rows of blackish spots, often confluent into streaks, run along the 
series of scales above the lateral line, and, exceptionally, also along 
the series bordering the lateral line below; these spots or streaks 
entirely absent in very young specimens; dorsal fin and upper lobe of 

Hydrocyon forskalii. 
Upper Nile (F. N.). 4. 

caudal yellowish or grey, often blackish towards the end; adipose fin 
grey or whitish, rarely with a black spot; ventral and anal, sometimes 
also pectorals, tinged with pink or pale orange ; lower lobe of caudal 
bright red. 

Total length 450 millim.—Grows to nearly 1 metre. 

Lower Nile to Blue Nile and Lake Albert; Lakes Rudolf and 
Gandjule (Margherita); Senegal, Niger.—Type in Paris Museum. 

1. Her. Hgypt. Dr. Riippell! (C.). 
2. Her. Lower Nile. J. Petherick, sq. (C.). 
3. Skel. i 8. 8. Allen, Esq. (P.). 
4, Her. Lake Edkou. L. Loat, Esq. (C.). 
5. Hgr. Damietta Nile. 5 
6, 7,8. Ad., hgr., Near Cairo. 
& yg. 
9. Skel. * ed 
10. Ad. Wasta, Lower Nile. e 
11-16. Her. & yg. Beni Souef, Lower Nile. ee 
17. Ad. Sanhur, near Beni Souef. ro 
18. Her. Bahr Selah, Fayum. m 
19-20. Hgr. Between Assiut and Abu Tig, i 
Lower Nile. 
21-30. Her. & yg. Near Luxor. 8. 
31-39. Ye. Between Luxor and Assuan. “ 

40-43. Her. Assuan, 5 

4u. Ad. 
47-48. A d e 

49-50. Ad. & her. 


52-54. Ad. & her. 
55-58. Ad. & her. 

He Wis 
60. Yg. 
61. Ad. 
62. Ad. 

63-64. Ad. 

65. Head of ad. 
66. Ad. 

67-68. Her. 

69-74. Ad. & her. 

75. Her. 

76-78. Ad. & yg. 
79. Skull. 

80. Ad. 

81. Ad. 

82-83. Ad. & hgr. 

84. Skull. 
5. Her. 



Abu Hoor, Upper Nile. 
Mirrwau, e 

Korosko, 5 

Tbrim, ss 

Fergunt, 3 

Near Wady Halfa. 

Kosheh, Upper Nile. 


Rosaires, Blue Nile. 

Wad Medine, Blue Nile. 

Jebelain, White Nile. 

Mouth of Lake No, White 

Gondokoro, Bahr-el-Gebel. 

Fajao, Victoria Nile. 

Buiyaba, Lake Albert. 

Lake Gandjule (Margherita). 

” > 

St. Louis, Senegal. 

3” 3° 

Kurguel, near Matam, Senegal. 


Jebba, Upper Niger. 


99 39 
Assay, Lower Niger. 

L. Loat, Hsq. (C.). 

J. Petherick, Esq. (C.). 
Capt. S. Flower (P.). 
L. Loat, Esq. (C.). 


J.S. Budgett, Esq. (P.). 

Prof. O. Neumann (C.). 
Mr. P. C. Zaphiro (C.) ; 
W.N. McMillan, Esq. (P.). 
M. P. Delhez (C.). 

W. A. Forbes, Esq. (P.). 
Dr. C. Christy (P.). 

Capt. G. F. Abadie (P.). 
Dr. W. J. Ansorge (C.). 


? Hydrocynus vittatus, Casteln. Mém. Poiss. Afr. Austr. p. 65 (1861). 

Hydrocyon lineatus, Bleek. Nat. Verh. Ver. Haarl. xviii. 1862, no. 2, p. 125 ; 
Giinth. Cat. Fish. y. p. 352 (1864); M. Web. Zool. Jahrb., Syst. x. 1897, 
p- 155 ; Bouleng. Poiss. Bass. Congo, p. 143 (1901) ; Werner, Sitzb. Ak. Wien, 
exv. 1. 1906, p. 1126 ; Bouleng. Fish. Nile, p. 104, pl. xvii. fig. 2 (1907). 
Hydrocyon forskalii, part., Peters, Reise Mossamb. iv. p. 69 (1868). 
Hydrocyon forskalii (non Cuy.), Steind. Notes Leyd. Mus. xvi. 1894, p. 62. 
Depth of body 34 to 44 times in total length, length of head 33 to 
4% times. Dorsal II 8-9, originating above or slightly in advance of 

ventral. Anal III 10-13. Caudal peduncle 14 to 13 times as long 
as deep. Scales 44-48 ae Otherwise as in H. forskalii. Black 

longitudinal streaks more strongly marked and extending to the series 
of scales below the lateral line; adipose dorsal with a deep black spot. 


Total length 420 millim. 
From the White and Blue Niles and the Niger to Lake Ngami(?) 
and the Limpopo River. 

Fig. 140. 


1. Ad. 
2-3. Ad. & hgr. 

4-7. Ad. & hgr. 

8-10. Ad. & yg. 
11. Yg. 

. Ad. 

18-20. Ad.,hgr.,& yg. 

21, 22. Yg. 
23-25. Ad. & her. 
26. Her. 

27. Yg. 

28. Ad. 

29. Ad. 

30. Head only. 
31, 32. Ad. 

33-39, Ad.,hgr.,& yg. 

40, 41. Ad., skins. 
42-43, Ad. 

Hydrocyon lineatus. 

White Nile (F. N.). 


Ashmed Aga, White Nile. 
Polkom, Baro R. (Sobat). 

Mouth of Lake No, White Nile. 
Gondokoro, Bahr-el-Gebel. 
Wad Medine, Blue Nile. 

R. Offin, Gold Coast. 

Nyankoma, _,, 

Benue R., north of Ibi. 

Kwango R. (Congo System) 
at Fort Don Carlos, Angola. 

Leopeldville, Congo. 

Lake Obeke, Upper Congo. 

Bolobo, Upper Congo. 

New Antwerp, Upper Congo. 

Stanley Falls. 

Banzyville, Ubanghi. 

Lake Tanganyika. 

Kaiti es 

Jake Mweru. 

Lake Bangwelu. 

Upper Zambesi, above Victoria 

Unguezi, Shire R. 


L. Loat, Esq. (C.). 

Mr. P. C. Zaphiro (C.); 
W.N.MeMillan, Esq.(P.). 

L. Loat, Esq. (C.). 


Mr. J. T. Dalton (C.). 

lt. B. N. Walker, Esq. (P.). 

R. B. N. Walker, Esq. (C.); 
Dr, A. Giinther (P.). 

H.L. Norton Traill,Esq.(C.). 

Dr. W. J. Ansorge (C.). 

M. P. Delhez (C.). 

Rev. G. Grenfell (C.). 
Capt. Wilverth (C.). 

Rey. W. H. Bentley (C.). 
Capt. Royaux (C.). 

Prof. J. E. S. Moore (C.). 
Dr. W. A. Cunnington (C.). 
Sir A. Sharpe (P.). 

F. H. Melland, Esq. (P.). 
T. Codrington, Esq. (P.). 

Dr. C. Livingstone (P.). 
R. MacDonald, Esq. (P.). 


LHydrocyon vittatus (non Casteln.), Bouleng. Ann. Mus. Congo, Zool. i. p. 24; 
pl. x. fig. 2 (1898), and Poiss. Bass. Congo, p. 142 (1901). 
Hydrocyon vittiger, Bouleng. Fish. Nile, p. 106 (1907). 

Depth of body equal to length of head, 4 to 44 times in total Jength. 
Head 23 to 23 times as long as broad; snout 14 to 1$ times diameter 
of eye, which is 34 to 4 times in length of head and nearly equals 
interorbital width; mouth extending to below anterior third of eye; 
5 large teeth in upper jaw, 4 in lower. Dorsal II 8, originating above 
ventral. Anal III 14. Pectoral 2 to # length of head. Caudal deeply 

Hydrocyon vittiger. 
Type (A. M.C.). 2. 

forked, with long, pointed lobes. Caudal peduncle twice as long as 
deep. Scales 56-57 oe 2 between lateral line and scaly process at base 
of ventral. Olive-brown above, whitish beneath ; a blackish band along 
the body on the second and third series of scales above lateral line as 
far as adipose fin, where it drops one scale lower down; adipose fin 
black ; caudal edged with blackish. 

Total length 340 millim. 

Congo.—Types in Congo Museum, Tervueren. 

1. One of the types. Manyanga. Capt. Wilverth (C.). 


Bouleng. Ann. Mus. Congo, Zool. i. p. 23, pl. xi. (1898), and Poiss. Bass. Congo, 
p. 141 (1901). 

Depth of body 33 to 43 times in total length, length of head 34 to 


4} times. Head 13 to 24 times as long as broad; snout 14 to 2 times 
diameter of eye, which is 44 to 53 times in length of head and 13 to 23 
times in interorbital width ; mouth extending to below anterior border 
of eye, maxillary to below centre of eye; 5 large teeth in upper jaw, 
4 in lower; suborbital and opercular bones rather strongly striated. 
Gill-rakers very short, 10-12 on lower part of anterior arch. Dorsal 
II 8-9, originating above ventral, at equal distance from end of snout 
and from caudal, or a little nearer latter. Anal III 13-16, originating 
at equal distance from base of ventral and from caudal. Pectoral as 

Hydrocyon goliath. 
Type (A. M.C.). 1. 

long as ventral, to $ length of head. Caudal deeply forked, with 
pointed lobes. Caudal peduncle once and } as long as deep. Scales 
54-58 a, 3 between lateral line and scaly process at base of ventral. 
Olive-brown above, silvery white on the sides and beneath; more or 
less distinct dark lines along the series of scales above lateral line ; 
these lines absent in the young; dorsal yellow or red; adipose fin 
black; caudal edged with blackish, lower lobe red. 

Total length 1 metre or more. 

Congo.—Types in Congo Museum, Tervueren. 

1. One of the types. Manyanga. Capt. Wilverth (C.). 

2. One of the types. New Antwerp. a 

3, 4. Ad. & her. Monsembe. Rey. J. H. Weeks (P.). 
-6. Yg. Bolobo. Rey. G. Grenfell (C.). 

7. Ad. Upper Congo. Brussels University. 



Hydrocyon forskalii, part., Cuv. & Val. Hist. Poiss. xxii. p. 309 (1849) ; Peters, 
Reise Mossamb. iv. p. 69 (1868). 

Hydrocyon brevis, Giinth. Cat. Fish. v. p. 351 (1864), and Petherick’s Trav. ii. 
p. 245, pl. iii. fig. A (1869) ; Steind. Sitz. Ak. Wien, Ixi. i. 1870, p. 547; 
Bouleng. Fish. Nile, p. 107, pl. xvi. fig. 2 (1907). 

Depth of body 34 to 44 times in total length, length of head 33 to 45 
times. Head 2 to 22 times as long as broad; snout ? to $ length of 
head; diameter of eye 4 (young) to 74 times in length of head, inter- 
orbital width 3 to 33 times; suborbital and opercular bones more or less 
distinctly striated ; mouth extending to below nostrils or anterior border 
of eye, maxillary bone to below centre or posterior border of eye; 4 or 0 
large teeth in upper jaw and 3 or 4 in lower. Gill-rakers short, 7 to 9 

Hydrocyon brevis. 
Type (F.N.). 3. 

on lower part of anterior arch. Dorsal II §, equally distant from eye and 
from root of caudal, or a little nearer latter; second simple ray or first 
branched ray longest, } to nearly once length of head. Anal III 11-15 
(exceptionally 15), longest ray 2 to 2 the Jength of head. Pectoral 
3 to # length of head. Ventral fin a little shorter than pectoral, below 
anterior half of dorsal. Caudal deeply forked, with long, pointed 

lobes. Caudal peduncle 12 to 13 times as long as deep. Scales 47-54 
tion very similar to that of H. forskalii; longitudinal dark streaks or 
series of spots, more or less distinct in adult specimens, usually confined 

3 between lateral line and scaly process at base of ventral. Colora- 


to the region above the lateral line ; a black spot sometimes present on 
adipose fin, 

Total length 480 millim. 

Lower Nile to White Nile, Chad Basin, Senegal, Gambia. 

1-2. Ad. & her. Lower Nile. > J. Petherick, Nsq. (C ). 
3-12, 13-22, 23-30. Ugr. Near Luxor. L. Loat, Esq. (C.). 
& yg. 

31. Skel. 4 5 
32-34. Types. Khartum. J. Petherick, Esq. (C.). 
35. Ad. Lake Chad. Capt. G. B. Gosling (P.). 
36. Ad. Shari R. at Maidugari. : 
37. Ad. Matam, Senegal. M. P. Delhez (C.). 
38-42, Ad. & hgr. McCarthy I., Gambia. J. 8. Budgett, Esq. (P.). 


Giinth. Ann. & Mag. N. H. (4) xii. 1873, p. 143; Bouleng. Poiss. Bass. Congo, 
p. 145 (1901). 

Snout short ; mouth moderately large ; preemaxillaries immovable, with 
3 series of large pluricuspid teeth, those of the inner series with hollowed- 
out, tubercular crowns; maxillary large, toothless; a series of large, 
compressed, pluricuspid teeth in the lower jaw, with a pair of conical 
teeth behind them. Cheek covered by the large suborbitals ; nostrils 
near the eye, close together, separated by a valvular flap ; gill-membranes 
free from isthmus; 3 branchiostegal rays. Body moderately elongate, 
compressed ; belly rounded. Scales moderately large, not ciliated ; 
lateral line nearer the ventral than the dorsal outline ; a scaly process at 
the base of the ventral fin. Dorsal fin with 10 rays, originating in 
advance of ventrals ; anal with 20-23 rays; a small adipose dorsal fin. 
Vertebree 38 (19-+19). 

Tropical Africa. 

Two species :— 

Head longer than deep ; longest rays of dorsal 

not or but little longer than head; 64 series 

of scales above lateral line . . . . . » 1. B. microstoma, Gthr., p. 188. 
Head as long as deep; some of the rays of dorsal 

much prolonged ; 7} series of scales above 

PEC hs st 5.) We ay oe eee yscurin Bler. «ps 18o: 


Giinth. Ann. & Mag. N. H. (4) sii. 1873, p. 143; Bouleng. Ann. Mus. Congo, 
Zool. i. p. 82, pl. xxxvii. fig. 1 (1899), and Poiss. Bass. Congo, p. 145 (1901). 
Brachyalestes mocquardianus, Thominot, Bull. Soc. Philom. (7) x. 1886, p. 167. 
Bryconethiops boulengeri, Pellegr. Bull. Mus. Paris, 1900, p. 101. 

Depth of body 2% to 34 times in total length, length of head 3 to 32 
times. Head a little longer than deep, 1 to 2 times as long as broad; 
snout broad, rounded, as long or a little shorter than eye, which is 24 to 
34 times in length of head; adipose eyelid much developed ; interorbital 

width 2 to 2} times in length of head; maxillary extending to below 

anterior border of eye or not quite so far; 14 teeth (°) in upper jaw, 

8 or 10 (&8) in lower; lower border of second suborbital as long or a 

little longer than diameter of eye. Gill-rakers slender, shorter than 

gill-fringes, 15-17 on lower part of anterior arch. Dorsal IT 8, nearer 

occiput than adipose fin, its fifth ray above first of ventral; longest ray 
not longer than head. Anal II1 17-20. Pectoral 3 to # length of head, 

Fig. 144. 

Bryconethiops microstoma, var. boulengert. 

Congo (A. M.C.). 4. 

not reaching ventral. Caudal forked, with long pointed lobes. Caudal 
peduncle 1} to 132 times as long as deep. Scales 35-40 ip 3 between 

lateral line and root of ventral. Silvery, back olive or dark blue, with 
a dark vertical bar on each side above the pectoral, or (var. boulengert) 


with an interrupted black lateral band above the lateral line ; dorsal often 
blackish between the rays; ventrals and caudal sometimes partly black. 
Total length 176 millim. 
Cameroon, Gaboon, Congo. 

1, 2-3,4-8. Ad. Kribi R., 8S. Cameroon. G. L. Bates, Esq. (C.). 
& her. 

9-10. Ad. Ja R. (Congo System). 5 
11-12. Types. Boma, Lower Congo. J. J. Monteiro, Esq. (C.). 
13. Skel. Stanley Pool. M. A. Greshoff (C.). 
14. Ad. Coquilhatville, Upper Congo. M. P. Delhez (C.). 
15. Ad. Ibali, Lake Leopold II., U. Congo. p 
16-17. Ad. Monsembe, Upper Congo. Rev. J. H. Weeks (P.). 
18. Her. Lindi R., 55 M. M. Storms (C.) ; 

Brussels Museum (f.). 

HG, Jakenr, Uerre R., “ M. De Bauw (C.). 
20. Ad. Aruwimi R., s R. B. Woosnam, Esq. (C.); 

Ruwenzori Expedition. 

Bouleng. Ain. Mus. Congo, Zool. i. p. 82, pl. xxxvii. fig. 2, and Poiss. Bass. Congo, 
p. 147 (1901). 
Depth of body 2% times in total length, length of head nearly 4 times. 
Head as long as deep, once and 3 as Jong as broad; snout shorter than 
eye, Which is 5 times in length of head and equals interorbital width ; 

Bryconethiops yseuxi. 
Type (A. M.C.). 4. 

adipose eyelid much developed ; maxillary extending to below anterior 
border of eye ; teeth as in the preceding. Gill-rakers short, 12 on lower 
part of anterior arch. Dorsal II 8, at equal distance from end of snout 
and from adipose fin, its fourth ray above first of ventral ; some of the rays 


much produced, the longest more than half total length. Anal II1 20. 
Pectoral as long as ventral. Caudal forked, with pointed lobes. Caudal 
peduncle a little longer than deep. Scales 38 a 3 between lateral line 
and root of ventral. Brownish above, yellowish beneath ; extremity of 
dorsal and ventral and edge of anal and caudal blackish. 

Total length 80 millim. 

Upper Congo. 
1. Type. Upper Congo. Brussels University. 


Myletes, part., Cuv. Mém. Mus. iv. 1818, p. 444. 

Alestes, part., Miill. & Trosch. Hor. Ichthyol. i. p. 12 (1846). 

Alestes, Cuv. & Val. Hist. Poiss. xxii. p. 179 (1849) ; Giinth. Cat. Fish. v. p. 312 
(1864); Bouleng. Poiss. Bass. Congo, p. 148 (1901), and Fish. Nile, p. 110 

Brycinus, Cuv. & Val. t. c. p. 157. 

Brachyalestes, purt., Giinth. t. e. p. 314. 

Snout short ; mouth moderately large ; preemaxillary bones not movable, 
with two series of strong teeth few in number, the outer compressed and 
tri- or quinquecuspid, the inner with molar-like, obliquely truncate or 
excavated crowns, each armed with several pointed tubercles ; mandibular 
teeth in two series, the outer composed of several pluricuspid teeth, the 
inner of a pair of conical teeth; maxillary bone toothless, moderately 
large. Cheek covered by the large suborbitals; nostrils near the eye, 
close together, separated by a valvular flap; gill-membranes free from 
the isthmus; 4 branchiostegal rays. Body more or less elongate and 
compressed; belly rounded. Scales moderate or large, not ciliated ; 
lateral line nearer the ventral than the dorsal outline; a scaly process at 
the base of the ventral fin. Dorsal fin with 9 to 11 rays, above or behind 
the vertical of the ventrals; anal fin with 13 to 30 rays; a small adipose 
dorsal fin. Vertebre 37-51. 


Synopsis of the Species. 
I. Seales 39-50 63-93 



~3 x 

A. Dorsal originating behind vertical of base of yentrals ; scales 44-51 
depth of body 33 to 5} times in total length. 
A, 22-26 ; gill-rakers 20-26 on lower part 
of anterior arch ; dorsal originating just 
behind vertical of last ray of ventral . 1. A. dentew, L., p. 193. 


A. 25-30; gill-rakers 30-38 on lower part 
of anterior arch; dorsal equidistant 
from vertical of last ray of ventral and 
first ray of anal, or a little nearer 
II NG ese bo ae aa He elethena nee dlamiin, ja, MOSS 

06 6 y 63 
B. Dorsal originating above ventrals ; scales 39- 45 

; gill-rakers 17-20 
on lower part of anterior arch. 
A, 20-23; depth of body 33-43 times in 
total length ; interorbital width 3-3} 
times in length of head . . . . 3. A. macrophthalmus, Gthr., p. 197. 
A. 18-19; depth of body 33-4 times in 
total length ; interorbital width 2-22 

times in length of head . . . . . 4. A. hebrechtsii, Blgr., p. 198. 
IL. Scales 32-36 $. 

A. Dorsal originating behind vertical of base of ventrals; depth of body 
33-3 times in total length. 
A. 23; a much developed adipose eyelid ; 
gill-rakers 58 on lower part of ante- 
POP EVEN 15 lol B . 5. A. stuhlmanni, Pfeff., p. 199. 
A. 19-20; adipose ore cash ievelspeds 
gill-rakers 17-18 on lower part of an- 
Lewomracel neg) munNh-ch- Re omits 0+ Aysadlerd sBlor in. 200- 

B. Dorsal originating above base of ventrals ; depth of body not more than 
3 times in total length. 
A. 26-28 ; head a little longer than deep ; 
interorbital width not 3 times in length 
of heardtawe tn eee se : . 17. A, tholloni, Pellegr., p. 201. 
A, 22-24; head as long as chee ; at 
orbital width 3 times in length of head. 8. A. intermedius, Bler., p. 201. 
III. Scales 21-33 33 
A. Dorsal originating above or immediately behind vertical of base of ventrals. 
1. 54 series of scales above lateral line. 
a. Dorsal originating above base of ventrals. 
A. 22-24; Se. 24-29; gill-rakers 12-14 on 
lower part of anterior arch . . . . 9. A. longipinnis, Gthr., p: 202. 
A. 18-19 ; Se. 30-33 ; gill-rakers 20-27 on 
lower part of anterior arch; inter- 
orbital width 3 times in length of head. 11. A. lateralis, Blgr., p. 204. 
A. 14-18 ; Se. 26-33; gill-rakers 16-20 on 
lower part of anterior arch; inter- 
orbital width not 3 times in length of 
Header 7) eeeAnarec, Rupp. p. 205: 


$226) eRe ; 
oe 2O=29) Fee eee Gee) bch 2e An nhodopleuna Blom: 

. 15-16 ; Se. 28-29; depth of body 33-4 

. 16-18 ; Se. 21-23 ; depth of body 23-3 


b. Dorsal behind vertical of base of ventrals. 
21-23 ; Sc. 25-28; gill-rakers 12-13 on 
lower part of anterior arch; eye as 
long as postocular part of head . . . 10. A. chaperi, Sauv., p. 203. 

. 19-21; Se. 25-27; gill-rakers 18-20 on 

lower part of anterior arch; eye 
shorter than postocular part of head . 13. A. affinis, Gthr., p. 208. 
2. 43 series of scales above lateral line. 
a. Interorbital width at least twice in length of head ; A. 15-20. 
a. Dorsal originating above middle or last rays of ventrals ; gill-rakers 
16-20 on lower part of anterior arch. 

. 17-19; Se. 23-29; interorbital width 

21-22 times in length of head . . . 14. A. imberi, Peters, p. 209. 

.17; Se. 30; interorbital width nearly 

3 times in length of head. . . . . 15. A. humilis, Bler., p. 211. 

. 15-16 ; Se. 24-25; interorbital width 

21 to 2} times in length of head. . . 16. A. hkingsleye, Gthr., p. 212. 

8. Dorsal entirely behind vertical of base of ventrals; giil-rakers 20-26 
on lower part of anterior arch. 

. 15-17; Se. 27-29; interorbital width 

2-24 times in length of head . . . 17. A. bimaculatus, Bler., p. 213. 

. 18-20; Se. 23-26; interorbital width 

2-21 times in length of head . . . 18. A. twniurus, Gthr., p. 214. 

. 16-18; Se. 24-27; interorbital width 

22-3 times in length of heal . . . 19. A. opisthotenia, Blgr., p. 215. 
b. Interorbital width once and % in length of head. 

SUB Sc222 20 Aa poopie weelleoy: pa2ikG: 

B. Dorsal fin well behind vertical of base of ventrals, originating much nearer 
caudal than end of snout; 44 series of scales above lateral line. 
1. Distance between end of snout and occiput much greater than width of 
head ; depth of body 34-41 times in total length; A. 15-17. 
; ee . 2L. A. macrolepidotus, Cuv., p. 217. 

2. Distance between end of snout and occiput not or but little greater than 
width of head in the adult. 

. 13-14; Se. 23-27; depth of body 34-4 


times in totallength . . . . 3. A. grandisquamis, Blgr., p. 220. 

times in total length . 24, A. batesii, Blgr., p. 221. 


times in totallength . . . . . . 25. A. brevis, Blgr., p. 222. 



Salmo dentea, Linn. in Hasselq. Reise Palzest. p. 395 (1757). 

Salmo dentex, part., Linn. Syst. Nat. i. p. 531 (1766). 

Characinus niloticus, Geoftr. Descr. Egypte, Poiss. p. 50, pl. iv. fig. 2 (1809). 

Myletes hasselquistii, Cuv. Mém. Mus. iv. 1818, p. 449, pl. xxi. fig. 2. 

Alestes dentex, Mill. & Trosch. Hor. Ichth. i. p. 13, pl. ii. fig. 6 (1845) ; Heckel, 
Russegger’s Reise Egypt. iii. p. 307, pl. xxi. fig. 2 (1849); Giinth. Cat. Fish. 
v. p. 312 (1864), and Petherick’s Trav. ii. p. 242 (1869); Bouleng. Ann. & 
Mag. N. H. (7) viii. 1901, p. 488; Werner, Sitz. Ak. Wien, exvi. i. 1906, 
p- 1127; Bouleng. Fish. Nile, p. 113, pl. xviii. fig. 1 (1907). 

Alestes hasselquistit, Cuy. & Val. Hist. Poiss. xxii. p. 180 (1849). 

Alestes sethente, Cuv. & Val. t.c. p. 190; Giinth. t. c. p. 313 ; Steind. Sitzb. Ak. 
Wien, Ixi. i. 1870, p. 541. 

Myletes dentex, Kigenm. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. xxxiii. 1907, p. 29. 

Depth of body 32 to 42 times in total length, length of head 4} to 

6 times. Head 1? to 23 times as long as broad, 1} to 1} times as long as 

deep; snout not projecting beyond lower lip, as long as or slightly longer 

than eye; eye lateral, its diameter 5} (young) to 44 times in length of 

Fig. 146. 

Alestes diniex, 

Lower Nile (I’. N.). 4. 

head ; adipose eyelid well developed; interorbital region very convex, 
its width 23 to 3 times in length of head; maxillary not reaching to below 
anterior border of eye; 14 teeth (3) in upper jaw, 10 (5) in lower; lower 
border cf second suborbital longer than diameter of eye in adult. Gill- 
-rakers rather Icng and slender, 20-26 on lower part of anterior arch. 
Dorsal Il 8, beginning just behind vertical of base of ventrals, equally 
distant from eye and from root of caudal, or slightly nearer latter; first 

VOL. I. Oo 


branched ray longest, as long as or a little longer than head. Anal III 
19-23 (usually 20-22). 
Caudal deeply forked, lobes pointed. Caudal peduncle 14 to 14 times as 
Scales with fine granulations and feeble radiating canals, 

Pectoral as Jong as or a little shorter than head. 

long as deep. 
44-51, ae 2 or 24 between lateral line and root of ventral. 
back dark grey or dark green; a more or less distinct darker band may 
extend along each side of the back; lower lobe of caudal bright red. 

Total length 400 millim. 


Lower Nile to Lake Albert; Lake Rudolf; Chad Basin; Senegal, 

Gambia, Niger. 
1-6. Her. & yg. 

7. Skel. 

8, 9,10-12. Her. 
& yg. 

13. Ad. 

14. Ad. 

15. Yg. 

16-19. Ad. & yg. 

20. Yg. 

21-23. Ad. &her. 

24, Skel. 

25-29. Her. 

30-32. Her. 

33-36. Ad. 

37-49, 40. Ad. & 

4). Ad. 

42, Ad. 

43. Ad. 

44-48, Yo, 

49-53. Yg. 

54. Ad. 

55-57. Ad.& yg. 

58-59. Ad. 

60. Ad. 

61. Her. 

Near Ghet-el-Nassara, Lake 
Lower Nile. 

Near Cairo. 

Giza, near Cairo. 
Birket Karun, Fayum. 
Babr Tamiyeb, __,, 
Near Luxor. 

Belanya, Upper Nile. 


Polkom, Baro R. (Sobat). 

Mouth of L. No, White Nile. 

Gondokoro, Bahr-el-Gebel. 

Fajao, Victoria Nile. 
Butyaba, Lake Albert. 
Lake Chad. 

St. Louis, Senegal. 
Kaédi, s 

Jebba, Upper Niger. 
Lokoja, Ay 
Benue R., north of Ibi. 

L. Loat, Esq. (C.). 

Dr. Riippell (C.). 
L. Loat, Esq. (C.). 

J. Petherick, Esq. (C.). 
L. Loat, Esq. (C.). 
Mr. P. C. Zaphiro (C.) ; 
W.N. McMillan, Esq. (P.). 
L. Loat, Esq. (C.). 

J. 8. Budgett, Esq. (P.). 

Capt. G. B. Gosling (P.). 
M. P. Delhez (C.). 

Lord Derby (P.). 

J. S. Budgett, Esq. (P.). 
Dr. C. Christy (P.). 

J. 8. Budgett, Esq.i(P.). 
H.L. Norton Traill, Esq. (C.). 



Salmo niloticus (non Hasselq.), Linn. Syst. Nat. i. p. 514 (1766). 

Salmo dentex, part., Linn. t. c. p. 531. 

Myletes baremose, Joannis, Mag. Zool. 1835, iii. pl. vi. 

Myletes hasselquistii (non Cuv.), Guérin, Icon. R. An., Poiss. pl. lvi. fig. 1 (1844). 

Alestes kotschyi, Heckel, Russegger’s Reise Egypt. iii. p. 308, pl. xxi. fig. 3 (1849) ; 
Giinth. Cat. Fish. v. p. 313 (1864), and Petherick’s Trav. ii. p. 242 (1869) ; 
Steind. Sitzb. Ak. Wien, Ixi. i. 1870, p. 543 ; Vincig. Ann. Mus. Genova, (2) 
xix. 1898, p. 257. 

Alestes wytsi, Steind. t. c. p. 542, pl. ii. fig. 1. 

Alestes baremose, Bouleng. Ann. & Mag. N. H. (7) viii. 1901, p. 488; Werner, 
Sitzb. Ak. Wien, cxv. i. 1906, p. 1126 ; Bouleng. Fish. Nile, p. 117, pl. xviii. 
fig. 2 (1907). 

Alestes splendens, Werner, t. c. p. 1127. 

Depth of body 32 to 5} times in total length, length of head 4 to 53 
times. Head 2 to 24 times as long as broad, 1} to 12 times as long as 
deep; snout rounded, as long as eye (shorter in young); eye lateral, 
its diameter 3 (young) to 4 times in length of head; adipose eyelid 
well developed ; interorbital region very convex, its width 23 to 34 times 

Alestes baremose. 
Lower Nile (F. N.). 3. 

in length of head; maxillary not reaching to below anterior border 
of eye; 14 teeth (2) in upper jaw, 10 () in lower; lower border of 
second suborbital longer than eye in adult. Gill-rakers rather long 
and slender, closely set, 30-38 on lower part of anterior arch. Dorsal 
Il 8, equidistant from vertical of last ray of ventral and first of anal, or 
a little nearer latter, equally distant from eye or occiput and from root 
of caudal; first branched ray longest, as long as or a little longer or a 


little sherter than head. 
head and usually longer in adult. 

radiating canals, 45-50 




91 9 

Coloration same as in A. dentex. 

Total length 310 millim. 
Nile, Blue and White Niles, Lake Rudolf, Chad Basin, Senegal, 

Gambia, Niger. 

1-3. Her. 
4. Ad. 
5. Skel. 
6-9, Ad. 
10. Yg. 

11. Skel. 
12. Her. 
13-24, Ad. & her. 

25-26. Her. & yg. 
27-31. Her. & yg. 

32. Skel. 

33-34. Her. & yg. 

35-42. Yo. 

43, Skel. 

44-55. Her. & yg. 

56-58. Her. 

59-64. Ad., hegr., 
& yg. 

65-66. Her. 

67. Her. 

68. Ad. 

69-73. Ad. & her. 

74. Her. 

75. Yg. 

76. Hgr. 

77. Ad. 

78-80. Ad. & her. 
81. Ad. 
82. Yg. 
83-86. Ad. & hgr. 


Lower Nile. 
Near Ghet-el-Nassara, 

L. Menzaleh. 


Samannud, Damietta Nile. 
Rosetta Nile, near Barrage. 

Beni Souef, Lower Nile. 
” bb) 

Between Assiut and Abu Tig. 

Near Luxor. 


Between Luxor and Assuan. 

Derau, Lower Nile. 

Derr, Upper Nile. 

Near Wady Halfa. 

Kosheh, Upper Nile. 



Wad Medine, Blue Nile. 

Betweeen Khartum and 

Mouth of Lake No, White 

Gondokoro, Bahr-el-Gebel. 

Lake Chad. 

Fort Lamy, Shari R. 

Kaédi, Senegal. 

Anal IIT 22-27, its base at least as long as 
Pectoral as long as or a little shorter 
than head. Caudal deeply forked, lobes pointed. 
to 2 times as long as deep. 

Caudal peduncle 1} 

Scales with fine granulations and feeble 
13 or 2 between lateral line and root of 

Sir J. Burton (P.). 

Rey. O. P. Cambridge (P.). 
Dr. Riippell (C.). 

J. Petherick, Esq. (C.). 

L. Loat, Esq. (C.). 

J. Petherick, Esq. (C.). 
L. Loat, Esq. (C.). 

Mr. P. C. Zaphiro (C.) ; 

W.N. McMillan, Esq. (P.). 
L. Loat, Esq. (€.). 


Capt. G. B. Gosling (P.). 

M. P. Delhez (C ). 


87-88. Her. Gambia. Sir A. Moloney (P.). 

89. Ad. . J. 8. Budgett, Esq. (P.). 
90. Ad. Jebba, Upper Niger. Capt. G. F. Abadie (P.). 
91-92. Yg. " bs Dr. C. Christy (P.). 


Giinth. Ann. & Mag. N. H. (3) xx. 1867, p. 113; Boulenger, Tr. Zool. Soc. xv. 
1898, p. 25; Pellegr. Bull. Mus. Paris, 1900, p. 177 ; Boulenger, Poiss. Bass. 
Congo, p. 151 (1901). 

Depth of body 3} to 44 times in total length, length of head 4% to 

5 times. Head 2 to 2} times as long as broad, 14 to 14 as long as deep ; 

snout as long as or a little shorter than eye, which is lateral and 3 to 3} 

times in length of head; adipose eyelid well developed ; interorbital 

region convex, its width 3 to 33 times in length of head; maxillary not 

Alestes macrophthalmus. 

Type. ae 

extending to below anterior border of eye; 14-18 (=) teeth in upper 

jaw, 10 (5) in lower; lower border of second suborbital as long as eye. 
Gill-rakers long and slender, 17-20 on lower part of anterior arch. 
Dorsal II 8, originating above ventral, at equal distance from end of 
snout and from caudal, longest ray equal to or a little less than length 
of head. Anal III 17-20. Pectoral 3 to once length of head, not 
reaching ventral. Caudal forked, with long pointed lobes. Caudal 
peduncle 14 to 14 times as long as deep. Scales without anastomosing 

canals, 89-45 ae. 2 between lateral line and root of ventral. Silvery, 



bluish or greenish on the back; pectoral and ventral fins sometimes 


Total length 460 millim. 
Gaboon, Congo, Lake Tanganyika, Lake Mweru, Lake Bangwelu. 

1. Type. 
2. Ad. 
3. Ad. 




10-12. Ad. & her. 
13. Skel. 

14. Skin. 

15. Her. 

16-17. Her. 

p. 152 (1901). 


Tulagouga, Ogowe. 

Ja River (Congo System), 
S. Cameroon. 

Tturi River (Aruwimi), 
near Iruma. 

Lake Tanganyika. 

Kalambo, Lake Tanganyika. 

Kituta, - 

Mtondwe Bay, L. Tangan- 

Niamkolo, L. Tanganyika. 


Lake Mweru. 


Lake Bangwelu. 

Miss Kingsley (C.). 
G. L. Bates, Esq. (C.). 

R. B. Woosnam, Esq. (C.) ; 
Ruwenzori Expedition. 

Prof. J. E. 8. Moore (C.). 

Dr. W. A. Cunnington (C.). 



Sir A. Sharpe (P.). 
Capt. Lemaire (C.). 
F. H. Melland, Esq. (P.). 

Bouleng. Ann. Mus. Congo, Zool. i. p. 29, pl. xv. (1898), and Poiss. Bass. Congo, 

Fig. 149. 


Alestes liebrechtsii. 

Type (A. M.C.). 4. 

Depth of body 5} to 4 times in total length, length of head 44 to 5 


Head 14 to 2 times as long as broad, a little longer than deep ; 

snout as long as eye, which is lateral and 54 times in length of head ; 


adipose eyelid well developed ; interorbital region convex, 2 to 23 times 
in length of head; maxillary not extending to below anterior border of 
eye; 14 teeth (8) in upper jaw, 10 (5) in lower. Gill-rakers shorter 
than gill-lamelle, 17-20 on lower part of anterior arch. Dorsal III 8, 
originating above ventral, at equal distance from end of snout and from 
caudal, longest ray as long as head. Anal ILL 15-16. Pectoral nearly 
as long as head. Caudal forked, with long pointed lobes. Caudal 
peduncle a little longer than deep. Scales without anastomosing canals, 
39-41 3p 2 between lateral line and root of ventral. Silvery, back 
olive ; scales of upper half of body black-edged and with one or several 
dark spots; pectorals sometimes blackish ; caudal red. 

Total length 400 millim. 

Upper Congo.—Types in Congo Museum, ‘Tervueren. 

1. One of the types. Upoto. Capt. Wilverth (C.). 

2. Ad. Monsembe. Rev. J. H. Weeks (P.). 
3. Hgr. Coquilhatville. M. P. Delhez (C.). 

4, Her. Leopoidville. f 

Pfeff. Thierw. O.-Afr., Fische, p. 44 (1896). 

Depth of body 3} times in total length, length of head 4 times. 
Head twice as long as broad, a little longer than deep; snout as lovg 
as eye, which is lateral and 4 times in length of head; adipose eyelid 
much developed; interorbital region convex, its width 3 times in length 
of head; 16 teeth (3) in upper jaw, 10 6) in lower; lower border of 
second suborbital longer than eye. Gill-rakers long and slender, very 
closely set, 58 on lower part of anterior arch. Dorsal II 8, just behind 
vertical of base of ventrals, equally distant from occiput and from 
caudal, longest ray a little shorter than head. Anal III 20. Pectoral 
a little shorter than head, not reaching ventral. Caudal deeply forked. 
Caudal peduncle as long as deep. Scales with radiating canals, 36 a 
14 between lateral line and root of ventral. Uniform silvery ; caudal 

Total length 160 millim. 

Kingani River, German East Africa.—Described from the type 
specimen in the Berlin Museum. 



Bouleng. Ann. & Mag. N. H. (7) xvii. 1906, p. 485 ; Steind. Ann. Hofmus. Wien, 
xxi. 1906, p. 151; Bouleng. Fish. Nile, p. 121, fig. (1907). 

Depth of body 34 to 33 times in total length, length of head 4 times 
or a little less. Head twice as long as broad, slightly longer than deep ; 
snout a Jittle shorter than eye, which is lateral and 3 to 34 times in 
length of head; adipose eyelid feebly developed; interorbital region 
convex, its width 23 times in length of head; 16 teeth @) in upper jaw, 

10 (8) in lower; lower border of second suborbital as long as eye. 

Fig, 150. 

Alestes sadleri. 
Type (F. N.). 

Gill-rakers long and slender, 17-18 on lower part of anterior arch. 
Dorsal II 8, just behind vertical of base of ventrals, equally distant from 
occipnt and from caudal, longest ray as long as or a little shorter than 
head. Anal III 16-17. Pectoral as long as head, not reaching ventral. 
Caudal deeply forked, lobes obtusely pointed. Caudal peduncle barely 
1$ times as long as deep. Scales with radiating and arborescent or 
anastomosing canals, 33 a 2 between lateral line and root of ventral. 
Steel-blue above, silvery white below; a more or less distinct dark 
lateral band; a black blotch on caudal peduncle, extending on middle 
rays of caudal fin. 

Total length 94 millim. 

lake Victoria. 

1-2 Types. Entebbe. Mr. E, Degen (C.). 



Pellegr. Bull. Mus. Paris, 1901, p. 329. 

Depth of body a little less than 3 times in total length, length of head 
4 times. Head a little longer than deep; snout shorter than eye, which 
is 2} times in length of head; adipose eyelid feebly developed ; inter- 
orbital width a little greater than diameter of eye; maxillary hardly 
reaching to below anterior border of eye; 14 teeth (°) in upper jaw, 
10 () in lower. Dorsal II 8, originating above base of ventrals, at 
equal distance from end of snout and from caudal. Anal II 24-26. 
Pectoral nearly reaching base of ventral. Caudal forked. Scales 32 3 
2 between lateral line and root of ventral. Silvery, back bluish. 

Yotal length 105 millim. 

French Congo.—Types in Paris Museum. 

Bouleng. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1903, i. p. 22, pl. i. fig. 1. 

Depth of body 3 times in total length, length of head 4 times. Head 
twice as long as broad, as long as deep; snout shorter than eye ; latter 
24 to 23 times in length of head; adipose eyelid indistinct ; interorbital 

Fig, 151. 

Alestes intermedius. 

Type (P. Z.S. 1993). 4. 

width 4 length of head; maxillary not extending quite to below anterior 
border of eye; 14 teeth (3) in upper jaw, 10 (5) in lower; length of 
lower border of second suborbital less than diameter of eye. Gill- 
rakers moderately elongate, 12-13 on lower part of anterior arch. 
Dorsal Il 8, above base of ventrals, originating a little nearer end of 


snout than caudal, middle branched rays much produced (14 to 1% times 
as long as head) in males. Anal III] 19-21. Pectoral shorter than 
head, not reaching ventral; latter produced into a long filament in 
males, Caudal forked. Caudal peduncle a little longer than deep. 
Scales with radiating and arborescent or anastomosing canals, 33-35 oP 

2 between lateral line and ventral. Silvery; a large black spot on the 
caudal peduncle and on the median rays of the caudal; latter yellow, 
blackish at the end ; dorsal black and red in the male. 

Total length $5 millim. 

South Cameroon, Gaboon. 

1-3. Types. Kribi River. G. L. Bates, Esq. (C.). 
4-5. Ad. " ” 
6. Hgr. Ombrokua, Ogowe. Dr. W. J. Ansorge (C.). 

Brachyalestes longipinnis, Giinth. Cat. Fish. v. p. 815 (1864). 
Alestes longipinnis, Steind. Notes Leyd. Mus. xvi. 1894, p. 64; Bouleng. Poiss. 
Bass. Congo, p. 150 (1901); Pellegr. Bull. Soc. Philom. (9) ix. 1907, p. 21. 
Alestes longipinnis, part., Giinth. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1902, ii. p. 338. 

Fig. 152. 

Alestes longipinnis. 


Depth of body 2% to 3 times in total length, length of head 32 to 4 
times. Head about twice as long as broad, as long as deep; snout a 
little shorter than eye, which is lateral and 2% to 3} times in length of 
head; adipose eyelid scarcely developed; interorbital region convex, its 


width about 24 times in length of head; maxillary not quite extending 
to below anterior burder of eye; 14 teeth (5) in upper jaw, 8 or 10 Ee 
in lower ; lower border of second suborbital as long as eye. Gill-rakers 
moderately long, 12-14 on lower part of anterior arch. Dorsal II 8, 
originating above first or middle rays of ventral, at equal distance from 
end of snout and from caudal, or a little nearer former, some of the rays 
produced in males, longer than head. Anal III 19-21. Pectoral ? to 
+ length of head, not reaching ventral, the outer branched ray of which 
is produced in males. Caudal forked, with pointed lobes. Caudal 
peduncle a little longer than deep. Scales with radiating and arborescent 

or anastomosing canals, 24—29 on 2 between lateral line and root of 

ventral. Silvery, back brown or olive; a black band on caudal peduncle, 
extending on caudal fin; vertical black lines sometimes present on the 
body ; dorsal and caudal yellow in females, red in males. 

Total length 110 millim. 

Sierra Leone to Congo. 

1-5. Types. Sierra Leone. 

6. Skel. ” 
7-16. Ad. & hgr. Freetown, Sierra Leone. R. Dinzey, Esq. (P.). 
17. Skel. 

18-19. Ad. Sapelle, Lower Niger. Dr. W. J. Ansorge (C.). 
20-22, 23-24. Ad. Kribi R., 8S. Cameroon. G. L. Bates, Esq. (C.). 
25-29. Ad. & hgr. Benito R. ss 

30-36. Hgr. Ogowe R. Miss Kingsley (C.). 
37-38. Ad. Sette Cama, Gaboon. 

39. Ad. Stanley Falls. Rey. W. H. Bentley (C.). 

Sauv. Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 1882, p. 320, pl. v. fig. 3. 
Alestes longipinnis, part., Giinth. Proc. Zool. Soc, 1902, ii, p. 338. 

Depth of body 22 to 34 times in total length, length of head 34 to 4 
times. Head twice as long as broad, as long as deep; snout shorter 
than eye, which is lateral and 24 to 24 times in length of head; inter- 
orbital region convex, its width 24 to 23 times in length of head ; 
maxillary extending to below anterior border of eye; 14 teeth (2) in 
upper jaw, 10 (5) in lower; lower border of second suborbital as long as 
or a little shorter than eye. Gill-rakers moderately long, 12-13 on 
lower part of anterior arch. Dorsal II 8, originating just behind vertical 


of base of ventral, a little nearer caudal than end of snout; longest ray 
as long as or a little shorter than head. Anal III 18-20. Pectoral ¢ 
to $ length of head, reaching or nearly reaching ventral. Caudal 
forked. Caudal peduncle a little longer than deep. Scales with 

. . ° 1 
radiating and arborescent or anastomosing canals, 25-28 a 2 between 

Alestes chapert. 
Type, after Sauvage (Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 1882). 

lateral line and root of ventral. Silvery, back olive; a black band on 
caudal peduncle, extending on caudal fin; dorsal and caudal red. 

Total length 90 millim. 

Gold Coast to Benin.—Types in Paris Museum. 

1-5. Types. Assini, Gold Coast. M. M. Chaper (C.) ; 
Paris Museum (E.). 

6. Ad. Kotchwah R., Gold Coast. RR. B. N. Walker, Esq. (C.) ; 
Dr. A. Giinther (P.). 

7. Ad. Akropon, Gold Coast. R. B. N. Walker, Esq. (C.) ; 
Dr. A. Giinther (P.). 

8. Ad. Ethiope R. at Kwale. R. D. Gardner, Esq. (P.). 

Bouleng. Ann. Mus. Congo, Zool. i. p. 130, pl. xlviii. fig. 2 (1900), and Poiss. 
Bass. Congo, p. 153 (1901). 
Alestes natalensis, Bouleng. Ann. & Mag. N. H. (7) xiv. 1904, p. 155. 
Depth of body equal to length of head, 5} to 44 times in total length. 
Head twice as long as broad, a little longer than deep; snout shorter 
than eye, which is lateral and 3 times in length of head; adipose eyelid 


feebly developed; interorbital region moderately convex, its width 
3 times in length of head; maxillary not reaching to below anterior 
border of eye; 16 teeth (3) in upper jaw, 10 G) in lower; lower border 
of second suborbital as long as eye. Gill-rakers long and slender, 
20-27 on lower part of anterior arch. Dorsal II-III 8, originating 
above base of ventrals, at equal distance from end of snout and from 
caudal, longest ray nearly as long as head. Anal III-IV 15-16. 
Pectoral # length of head, not reaching ventral. Caudal deeply forked. 
Caudal peduncle 14 to 13 times as long as deep. Scales without 

Fig. 154. 

Alestes lateralis. 
Type (A. M.C.). 4. 

arborescent or anastomosing canals, 30-33 a 2 between lateral line and 
root of ventral. Silvery, darker on the back ; a blackish lateral band, 
extending to median rays of caudal. 

Total length 120 millim. 

Katanga (Lake Dilolo), Zambesi, Zululand, Natal.—Types in Congo 
Museum, Tervueren. 

1. One of the types. Lake Dilolo, Katanga. Capt. Lemaire (C.). 
2-4. Ad. Kafue R., Upper Zambesi. —‘T’. Codrington, Esq. (P.). 
5-6. Ad. Hlcheleselwane, Zululand. Dr. E. Warren (P.). 
7. Ad., type of Natal. J. F. Quekett, Esq, (P.). 

A, natalensis. 

Myletes nurse, Riipp. Fortsetz. Beschr. Fische Nil, p. 12, pl. ii. fig. 5 (1832). 

Myletes guile, Joannis, Mag. Zool. 1835, iii. pl. ix. 

Alestes nurse, Miill. & Trosch. Hor. Ichthyol. i. p. 13 (1845) ; Cuv. & Val. Hist. 
Poiss. xxii. p. 188 (1849); Giinth. Petherick’s Tray. ii. p. 343 (1869) ; 
Steind. Sitzb. Ak. Wien, Ixi. i. 1870, p. 544; Bouleng. Ann. & Mag. N. H. 
(7) viii. 1901, p. 488; Linnb. Ann, & Mag. N. H. (7) xii. 1903, p. 37; 


Werner, Sitzb. Ak. Wien, exv. i. 1906, p. 1127; Bouleng. Fish. Nile, p. 122, 
pl. xix. figs. 1 & 2 (1907). 

Chaleeus guile, Cuv. & Val. t. ¢. p. 255. 

Brachyalestes nurse, Giinth. Cat. Fish. vy. p. 314 (1864) ; Fowler, Proc. Ac. Philad. 
1906, p. 444, fig. 

Brachyalestes ruppelli, Ginth. t. c. p. 315 ; Pfeff. Thierw. O.-Afr., Fische, p. 43 

Alestes leuciseus, Giinth. Ann. & Mag. N. H. (3) xx. 1867, p. 114. 

Alestes ruppelli, Giinth. Petherick’s Tray. ii. p. 343 ; Vincig. Ann. Mus. Genova, 
xxxix. 1898, p. 257. 

Alestes senegalensis, Steind. t. c. p. 545, pl. ii. fig. 2. 

Brycinus nurse, Higenm. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. xxxiii. 1907, p. 29. 

Depth of body 24 to 3% times in total length, length of head 3} 
(young) to 42 times. Head 12 to 2 times as long as broad, as long as 
deep ora little longer; snout rounded, not longer than eye, which is 
lateral and 24 (young) to 4 times in length of head ; interorbital region 
moderately convex, its width 24 to 22 times in length of head ; maxillary 
not reaching to below anterior border of eye; 14 or 16 teeth (&) in 

upper jaw, 10 (5) in lower; lower border of second suborbital longer 

Fig. 155. 

Alestes nurse. 
Blue Nile (F. N.). 2: 

than eye in adult. Gill-rakers moderately long, 16-20 on lower part 
of anterior arch, Dorsal II 8 (rarely 7), originating above base of 
ventrals, its base equally distant from centre or posterior border of eye 
and from root of caudal; longest ray as long as or a little shorter than 
head, Anal III 11-15 (rarely 16). Pectoral a little shorter than head. 
Caudal deeply forked, lobes pointed. Caudal peduncle 1 to 14 times 
as long as deep. Scales with radiating and more or less distinct 


a 2 between lateral line and 
root of ventral. Silvery or pale golden, dark grey or brown on the 
back ; sometimes a blackish spot above lateral line, behind gill-opening, 
and another on caudal peduncle, sometimes extending as a streak along 
median rays of caudal ; dorsal greyish, usually with a little pink or red ; 
ventrals and anal white or yellow, usually with a band of red; caudal 
red, orange, or yellow, the base and the edge blackish. 

Total length 230 millim. 

Lower Nile to Lake Victoria, Lake Rudolf, Chad Basin, West Africa 


Type in Senckenberg Museum, Frank- 

arborescent or anastomosing canals, 26-33 

from the Senegal to Cameroon. 

fort (M.). 
1. Her. 

2-7, 8-15. Her. & ye. 

16-25. Her. & yg. 

26-35. Ad., hgr., & 

36. Ad. 

37-40. Her. 

41-43. Ad., hgr., 
& yg. 

44, 45-47. Ad., her., 
& yg. 

48-49. Ad. 

50-54. Ad. & hgr. 
55-57. Ad., types of 
A, ruppellit. 

58. Skel. 
59. Ad. 
60-63. Ad. 
64-66. Her. 
67-68. Her. 

69. Ad. 
70. Her. 
71-77, Ad. 

78. Ad. 

79-83. Ad. & hgr. 
84, Ad. 

85-89. Ad. 
90-91. Ad.- 

Girgeh, Lower Nile. 

Near Luxor. 

Between Luxor and Assuan. 


Between Assuan and Shellal. 

Derr, Upper Nile. 
Anebi, nn 

Wady Halfa. 

Upper Nile. 


Wad Medine, Blue Nile. 
Rosaires, 5 
” 9 
Between Khartum and 
Sobat R. 
Jebelain, White Nile. 

Gharb-el-Aish, White Nile. 

Polkom, Baro R. (Sobat). 

Mouth of Lake No, White 

Gondokoro, Bahr-el-Gebel. 

Lake Victoria. 

Entebbe, Lake Victoria. 

Bunjako, a 

L. Loat, Esq. (C.). 

J. Petherick, Esq. (C.). 


L. Loat, Esq. (C.). 

Capt. S. Flower (P.). 

Mr. P. C. Zaphiro (C.) ; 
W.N. MeMillan, Esq. (P.). 

L. Loat, Esq. (C.). 

Mr. P. C. Zaphiro (C.) ; 
W.N. MeMillan, Esq. (P.). 
L. Loat, Esq. (C.). 

Col. Delmé Radcliffe (P.), 
Mr. E. Degen (C.). 


92. Her. Yo R., Lake Chad. Capt. G. B. Gosling (P.). 
93-94. Two of the Senegal. 
types of A. senegalensis. 
95-99, 100-101. Hgr. St. Louis, Senegal. M. P. Delhez (C.). 
& yg. 
102-105, 106-113. — Kaédi, 
Her. & yg. 

99 ” 

114. Ad. Matam, a St hes 
115-119. Ad. Gambia. J. 8. Budgett, Esq. (P.). 
120. Ad. Nyankoma, Gold Coast. R. B. N. Walker, Esq. (C.); 
Dr. A. Giinther (P.). 
121. Ad. Mureji, Upper Niger. J. 8S. Budgett, Esq. (P.). 
122. Her. Jebba, 5 Capt. G. F. Abadie (P.). 
123-128. Her. & yg. 3 a3 Dr. C. Christy (P.). 
129-132. Her.& yg. Agberi, Lower Niger. Dr. W. J. Ansorge (C.). 
133-134. Yg., types Niger. Mr. J. T. Dalton (C.). 
of A. leuciscus. 
135. Ad. Benue R., N. of Ibi. H.L. Norton Traill, Esq. (C.). 
136. Her. Warri, Old Calabar. Miss Kingsley (C.). 
137. Ad. Eg Wanga, _,, ‘, 
138. Yg. Old Calabar. Dr. Jackson (C.) ; 
Hon. W. Rothschild (P.). 
139. Ad. Meme R., Cameroon. G. Linnell (C.) ; 

Prof, E. Lénnberg (P.). 

Giinth. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1894, p. 90; Vincig. Ann. Mus. Genova, (2) xvii, 1896, 
p- 28, and 1897, p. 355. 
Alestes imberi (non Peters), Vincig. op. cit. xv. 1895, p. 28. 
Brachyalestes affinis, Fowler, Proc. Ac. Philad. 1906, p. 445, fig. 

Depth of body 3 to 34 times in total length, length of head 33 to 4 
times. Head 13 to 2 times as long as broad, as long as deep or slightly 
longer; snout rounded, not longer than eye, which is lateral and 3 to 
35 times in length of head ; interorbital region feebly convex, its width 
2% to 25 times in length of head; maxillary not quite reaching to below 
anterior border of eye; 16 teeth (5) in upper jaw, 10 (3) in lower ; 
lower border of second suborbital longer than eye. Gill-rakers mode- 
rately long, 18-20 on lower part of anterior arch. Dorsal II 8, 
originating behind vertical of base of ventral, at equal distance from eye 
or from nostril and from caudal, longest ray a little shorter than head. 

Anal III 16-18. Pectoral a little shorter than head, reaching ventral. 


Caudal deeply forked, lobes pointed. Caudal peduncle a little longer 
than deep. Scales with radiating and anastomosing canals, 25-27 op 
2 between lateral line and root of ventral. Silvery, brownish on the 
back ; a more or less distinct dark spot above the lateral line, behind the 

Total length 140 millim. 

Webi Shebeli to Tana, East Africa. 

Fig. 156. 

Alestes affinis . 

1-3. Types. Merifano, Tana R. Prof. J. W. Gregory (P.). 
4, Ad. Webi Shebeli. Dr. Donaldson Smith (C.). 
5-6. Ad. Wabbi R. Prof. O. Neumann (C.). 
7. Ad. Ganana R. Capt. V. Bottego (C.) ; 

Genoa Museum (P.). 
8. Ad. Auata R. 3 

Peters, Mon. Berl. Ac. 1852, p. 276, and Reise Mossamb. iv. p. 66, pl. xii. fig. 3 
Brachyalestes imberi, Giinth. Cat. Fish. y. p. 316 (1864); Pfeff. Thierw. O.-Afr., 
Fische, p. 43 (1896). 
Alestes fuchsii, Bouleng. Ann. Mus, Congo, Zool. i. p. 83, pl. xxxvi. fig. 1 (1899). 
Alestes lemairii, Bouleng. ll. cc. pp. 84, 154, fig. 2. 
? Alestes fuchsii, var. teniata, Pellegr, Bull. Mus. Paris, 1903, p. 328. 

Depth of body 23 to 5} times in total length, length of head 3} to 
4% times. Head 1% to 2 times as long as broad, as long as deep or a 
little longer ; snout as long as or a little shorter than diameter of eye, 

VOL. I. x 


which is lateral and 3 to 34 times in length of head; adipose eyelid feebly 
developed ; interorbital region feebly convex, its width 2+ to 23 times 
in length of head ; maxillary not extending to below anterior border of 
eye; 16 teeth @) in upper jaw, 10 (5) in lower; lower border of 
second suborbital as long as or longer than eye. Gill-rakers moderately 
long, 16-20 on lower part of anterior arch. “ Dorsal II 8, originating 
above middle or last ray of ventral, at equal distance from end of snout 
and from caudal, or a little nearer latter; Jongest ray as long as or a 
little shorter than head. Anal I[-III] 14-16. Pectoral 2 to 3 length 
of head, not reaching ventral. Caudal forked, with pointed lobes. 
Caudal peduncle 1 to 14 times as long as deep. Scales with radiating 
and arborescent or anastomosing canals, 23-29 eS 14-2 between lateral 
line and root of caudal. Silvery, back olive or bluish; a dark spot 
often present behind the head, above the lateral line; a large black 
blotch on the caudal peduncle. 

Total length 195 millim. 

From the Congo and Rovuma to the Quanza and Limpopo.—Types 

in Berlir Museum. 

Fie. 137. 

Alestes imberi. 
Type of A. fuchsii (A. M. C.).  F 

Pelion: Bange Ngola, Angola. Dr. W. J. Ansorge (C.). 
2, Har. Stanley Pool. M. A. Greshoft (C.) ; 

Utrecht University (E.). 
3. Type of A fuchsii. Wutu, L. Leopold IT., M. P. Delhez (C.), 

ie ae 
Upper Congo. 

4-5, Hor. 

6-9. Ad. & her. 
10-12. Ad. & hgr. 
13. Ad. 

14, Agr. 
15. Ad. 

16. Type of A. lemarrii. 

17-20. Ad. & yg. 

33. Ad. 
34-37. Ad. & her. 

Depth of body 3} times in total length, length of head 4 times. 


Bolobo, Upper Congo. 

Monsembe, _ ,, 

Upper Congo. 

Near Irumu, Ituri R., 
Upper Congo. 

Rovuma R. 

Lake Bangwelu. 

Lake Mweru. 

Between Kondowe and 
Karonga, L. Nyassa. 

Upper Shiré R. 

Chiromo, Shiré R. 


Zambesi above Victoria 

Beira, Portuguese 
KK. Africa. 

Makabusi R. 

Salisbury, Mashonaland. 



Inkomati R., near 
Komati Poort, E. 


Rey. G. Grenfell (P.). 

Rev. J. H. Weeks (P.). 

Brussels University. 

R. B Woosnam, Esq. (C.); 
Ruwenzori Expedition. 

Sir J. Kirk (P.). 

F. H. Melland, Esq. (P.). 

Capt. Lemaire (C.). 

Sir H. H. Johnston (P.). 

C. B. C. Storey, Esq. (P.). 
Prof. W. Peters (P.). 
T. Codrington, Esq. (P.). 

Mr. C. Grant (C.); 
C. D. Rudd, Esq. (a): 
J. ff. Darling, Esq. (P.). 

Dr. J. D. F. Gilchrist (P.). 
Major G. H. Bruce (P.). 

Bouleng. Ann. & Mag. N. H. (7) xv. 1905, p. 458. 


25 times as long as broad, a little longer than deep; snout shorter than 

Fig. 158. 

Alestes humilis. 


eye, which is lateral and 2} times in length of head; adipose eyelid 
feebly developed ; interorbital region conyex, its width nearly 3 times in 

Pp 2 


length of head; maxillary not quite extending to below anterior horder 
of eye; 16 teeth &) in upper jaw, 10 (S) in lower; length of lower 
border of second suborbital equalling diameter of eye.  Gill-rakers 
moderately long, 20 on lower part of anterior arch. Dorsal II 7, 
originating above base of ventrals and at equal distance from anterior 
border of eye and from root of caudal, longest ray as long as head. 
Anal III 14. Pectoral a little shorter than head, nearly reaching 
ventral. Caudal forked. Caudal peduncle twice as long as deep. 
Scales without anastomosing canals, 30 3 2 between lateral line and 
root of ventral. Olive above, silvery beneath ; a black spot on caudal 
peduncle, extending on median rays of caudal. 

Total length 70 millim. 

Quanza River, Angola. 
1. Type. Quanza River. Dr. W. J. Ansorge (C ). 

Giinth. Ann. & Mag. N. H. (6) xvii. 1896, p. 279, pl. xv. fig. B. 
Depth of body 3 to 34 times in total length, length of head 
34 to 3% times. Head 12 to 2 times as long as broad, a little longer 

Fig. 159. 

Alestes kingsleyee. 

than deep; snout as long as or a little shorter than eye, which 
is lateral and 3 to 34 times in length of head; adipose eyelid 
scarcely distinct; interorbital region feebly convex, its width 24 to 
25 times in length of head; maxillary not extending quite to below 
anterior bordér of éye; 16 teeth (2) in upper jaw, 10 (5) in lower ; 


lower border of second suborbital as long aseye. Gill-rakers moderately 
long, 16-18 on lower part of anterior arch. Dorsal II 8, originating 
above middle of base of ventral, at equal distance from end of snout and 
from caudal, or a little nearer latter; longest ray shorter than head. 
Anal III 12-13. Pectoral ? to $ length of head, not reaching ventral. 
Caudal forked, with pointed lobes. Caudal peduncle 1} to 13 times as 
long as deep. Scales with radiating and arborescent or anastomosing 
canals, 24—25 zs, 2 between lateral line and root of ventral. Silvery, back 
brownish; a more or less distinct dark spot behind the head, above the 
lateral line, and a black band on the side of the caudal part of the 
body, extending on the middle caudal rays. 

Total length 100 millim. 

Ogowe River, Congo. 

1-4. Types. Ogowe. Miss Kingsley (C.). 
5. Her. Ombrokua, Ogowe. Dr. W. J. Ansorge (C.). 
6-7. Ye. Kondue, Lower Congo. M. Luja (C.). 

Bouleng. Ann. Mus. Congo, Zool. i. p. 85, pl. xxxvi. fig. 8 (1899), and Poiss. Bass. 
Congo, p. 157 (1901). 
Depth of body 34 to 5? times in total length, length of head 3} to 
33 times. Head twice as long as broad, a little longer than deep; 

Fig. 160. 

Alestes bimaculatus. 

Type (A. M.C.). 2. 
snout as long as or a little shorter than eye, which is lateral and 3 to 
34 times in length of head; no adipose eyelid ; interorbital region feebly 
convex, 2 to 2} times in length of head; maxillary not reaching anterior 


border of eye; 16 teeth (3) in upper jaw, 10 e) in lower; lower 
border of second suborbital a little longer than eye. Gill-rakers long 
and slender, a little shorter than gill-filaments, 22-26 on lower part 
of anterior arch. Dorsal II 8, originating immediately behind vertical of 
base of ventral, nearer caudal than end of snout, longest ray ? length of 
head. Anal III 12-14. Pectoral $ to # length of head, not reaching 
ventral. Caudal forked, with rounded lobes. Caudal peduncle a little 
longer than deep. Scales with radiating and anastomosing canals, 
27-29 Ea 2 between lateral line and root of caudal. Dark green 
above, silvery beneath; two large round black spots on each side, 
the first between lateral line and last rays of dorsal, the second at 
base of caudal. 

Total length 140 millim. 
Upper Congo.—Types in Congo Museum, Tervueren. 

1-2 Types. Kutu, Lake Leopold II. M. P. Delhez (C.), 


Giinth. Ann. & Mag. N. H. (3) xx. 1867, p. 113; Bouleng. Poiss. Bass. Congo, 
p- 156 (1901) ; Pellegr. Bull. Soc. Philom. (9) ix. 1907, p. 22, fig. 

Fig. 161. 

Alestes teniurus, 


Depth of body 23 to 2% times in total length, length of head 4 to 
4+ times. Head 1} to 2 times as long as broad, as long as deep or 


slightly longer; snout as long as or a little shorter than eye, which 
is lateral and 22 to 3} times in length of head; adipose hee scarcely 
distinct ; interorbital region feebly convex, its width 2 to 2} times in 
length of head; maxillary not extending to below anterior border of 
eye; 16 teeth (=) in upper jaw, 10 ®&) in lower; lower border of 
second suborbital as long as eye. Gill-rakers rather long, 25-28 on 
lower part of anterior arch. Dorsal 11 8, originating immediately 
behind vertical of base of ventral, a little nearer caudal than end 
of snout; longest ray as long as head or a little longer. Anal III 
15-17. Pectoral # length of head, reaching base of ventral. Caudal 
forked, with weinted lobes. Caudal peduncle as long as deep or a 
little longer. Scales with radiating and anastomosing canals, 23-25 ; a 
2 between lateral line and root of caudal. Silvery, brownish on tlie 
back; a black streak along each side of the caudal part of the body, 
extending on middie rays of caudal fin. 

Total length 150 millim. 

Gaboon, South Cameroon. 
1. Type. Gaboon. 
9-4, Ad. Kribi R., S. Cameroon. G. L. Bates, Esq. (C.). 

Bouleng. Proe. Zovl. Soc. 1903, i. p. 22, pl. i. fig. 2. 

Depth of body 3 to 3% times in total length, length of head 4: or 
42 times. Head 1? to 2 times as long as broad, a little ash than 
deep ; snout a little shorter than eye, which is lateral and 2? or 3 times 
in length of head; anne eyelid very feebly developed ; interorbital 
region convex, its width 7 or nearly $ length of head; maxillary not 
extending ute to below anterior border of eye; 16 teeth (3) in upper 
jaw, 10 (5 5) j in lower; length of lower border of second suborbital equal 
to diameter of eye. Gill-rakers moderately elongate, closely set, 20 to 
23 on lower part of anterior arch. Dorsal I 8, originating just behind 
vertical of base of ventrals, a little nearer caudal than end of snout, 
longest ray a little shorter than head. Anal IJ] 13-15. Pectoral as 
long as head, reaching ventral or nearly as far. Caudal forked. Caudal 
peduncle as long as deep. Scales with radiating and anastomosing 
canals, 24-27 3, 2 between lateral line and ventral. Silvery, brownish 
on the back ; a black humeral spot and a black lateral band, commencing 


under the dorsal and extending on the median rays of the caudal ; dorsal, 
caudal, and ventral fins lemon-yellow. 

Alestes opisthotenia. 

Type (P. Z. 8. 1903). 

Total length 150 millim. 
South Cameroon. 

1-4. Types. Kribi River. G. L. Bates, Hsq. (C.). 
5-7. Ad. & hgr. “a i 
8. Skel. 5 RA 
9. Ad. Mvile River. i, 
10-12. Ad. Ja River at Bitye. 

Pellegr. Bull. Mus. Paris, 1906, p. 367. 

Depth of body 3 times in total length, length of head 32 times. 
Head a little longer than deep, its length to occiput equal to its width ; 
snout a little longer than eye, 34 times in length of head; adipose 
eyelid rudimentary ; interorbital width 2 length of head; maxillary not 
extending to below anterior border of eye; 16 teeth CG) in upper jaw ; 
length of lower border of second suborbital equal to diameter of eye. 
Gill-rakers rather short, 15 on lower part of anterior arch. Dorsal II 8, 
originating above last rays of ventral, nearer occiput than caudal. 
Adipose fin absent in the unique specimen. Anal III i0. Pectoral 
not reaching ventral. Caudal peduncle about as long as deep. Scales 
22 =) 14 between lateral line and root of ventral. Brownish above, 
golden yellow on the sides and beneath, each scale edged with purplish ; 
fin greyish. 

Total length 190 millim. 

Congo.—Type in Paris Museum, 



Brycinus macrolepidotus, Cuv. & Val. Hist. Poiss. xxii. p. 157, pl. ceccecxxxix. 

Alestes macrolepidotus, Bilharz, Sitzb. Ak. Wien, ix. 1852, p. 469, pl. xxxvil. ; 
Kner, Denkschr. Ak. Wien, xviii. 1860, p. 19 ; Gunth. Cat. Fish. v. p. 313 
(1864), and Petherick’s Trav. ii. p. 242 (1869) ; Steind. Sitzb. Ak. Wien, 1x1. 
i, 1870, p. 540, pl. i.; Werner, Sitzb. Ak. Wien, cxv. i. 1906, p. 1128; 
Bouleng. Fish. Nile, p. 127, pl. xx. (1907). 

Alestes macrolepidotus, part., Bouleng. Poiss. Bass. Congo, p. 158 (1901). 

Depth of body 34 to 44 times in total length, length of head 3} to 
4% times. Head much flattened above, 1} to 2 times as long as broad, 
14 to 14 times as long as deep, its width considerably greater than its 
length to occiput ; snout rounded and about as long as eye in young, more 

Fig. 163. 

Alestes macrolepidotus. 

Blue Nile (F. N.). 4. 

pointed, projecting beyond lower lip, and 1} to 2 times as long as eye in 
adult ; eye infero-lateral, not or scarcely visible from above, well visible 
from beneath, its diameter 3 (young) to 5} times in length of head ; 
adipose eyelid scarcely developed; interorbital width 2 to 23 times in 
length of head; maxillary not reaching to below anterior border of eye ; 
16 to 20 teeth (sau) in upper jaw, 8 or 10 e&) in lower ; lower border 
of second suborbital as long as or a little longer than diameter of eye. 
Gill-rakers thin and moderately long, 1S—22 on lower part of anterior 
arch. Dorsal II 8 (rarely 7), above middle of space between ventrals 
and anal, considerably nearer caudal than occiput; first branched 
ray longest, 2 to £ length of head. Anal III 12-14. Pectoral as 
long as head or a little shorter, sometimes nearly reaching ventral. 


Caudal deeply forked, lobes pointed, lower usually a little longer than 
upper. Caudal peduncle | to 1$ times as long as deep. 

° ‘ 43 x 
numerous anastomosing canals, 22—26 pai | Or 2 between lateral line 

Scales with 

and root of ventral. Brown or olive above, the scales with a darker 
edge, silvery white or pinkish beneath and on the cheeks ; a pink band 
often extends along the side, from the cheek to above the anal fin; 
some specimens with interrupted dark brown bands along the sides; fins 
pink or orange, the caudal often edged with grey and blackish. Young 

usually with a blackish spot on each side of the caudal peduncle, and 

another on the shoulder. 
Total length 420 millim. 
Upper Nile, Blue Nile, White Nile, Bahr-el-Gebel, Omo, Senegai, 

Niger, Congo.—Type in Paris Museum. 

1. Ad. Nile. Dr. Riippell (P.). 
2. Ad. Kosheh, Upper Nile. L. Loat, Esq. (C.). 
3. Her. Khartum. J. Petherick, Esq. (C.). 
4, Her. Wad Medine, Blue Nile. L. Loat, Esq. (C.). 
5-9, 10-11. Ad Rosaires, s i 
& yg. 
12. Skel 

13215; 16230. Ad). 

her., & yg. 

31. Ad. 

32-33. Her. & yg. 

34. Ad. 


Gondokoro, Bahr-el-Gebel. 

Fajao, Victoria Nile. 
Omo R. 
Cojeb R., Omo. 

Jebba, Upper Niger. 



J.S. Budgett, Esq. (P.). 

Prof. O. Neumann (C.). 

Mr. P. C. Zaphiro (C.) ; 
W.N. McMillan, Esq. (P.). 

Dr. C. Christy (P.). 

35-36. Ad 

37. Skel $5 45 Capt. G. F. Abadie (P.). 
38. Ad. Mureji, _,, J. 8. Budgett, Esq. (P.). 
39-44. Yg Agberi, Lower Niger. Dr. W. J. Ansorge (C.). 
45. Skel Niger. 

46-47. Ad. 

48-53. Hor. & yg. 

54. Yg. 

Benue R., N. of Ibi. 
Old Calabar. 

Leopoldville, Congo. 

H. L. Norton Traill, Esq. (C.). 

Miss Kingsley (C.). 

Drs. Dutton, Christy, & Todd 


Alestes macrolepidotus (non C. & V.), Bouleng. Tr. Zool. Soc. xv. 1898, p. 25. 

Alestes macrolepidotus, part., Bouleng. Poiss. Bass. Congo, p. 158 (1901). 

Alestes rhodopleura, Bouleng, Tr. Zool. Soc. xvii 1906, p. 547, pl. xxx. fig. 3. 

Depth of body 4 times in total length, length of head 4 to 43 times. 


Head nearly twice as long as broad, longer than deep, its width much 
less than its length to occiput; snout feebly projecting beyond lower jaw, 
once and 3 diameter of eye, which is 4 times in length of head; adipose 
eyelid feebly developed; interorbital width nearly half length of head ; 
maxillary not extending to below anterior border of eye; 18 teeth a) 
in upper jaw, 10 6 in lower ; lower border of second suborbital as long 
as or a little longer than eye. Gill-rakers moderately long, 18-19 on 
lower part of anterior arch. Dorsal II 8, considerably behind vertical 
of base of ventrals, originating much nearer caudal than end of snout, 
longest ray about 3 length of head. Anal III 12-13. Pectoral as long 

Fig. 164. 

Alestes rhodopleura. 
Type (Tr. Z. 8.1906). 4. 

as head, not reaching ventral. Caudal forked. Caudal peduncle 13 to 
2 times as long as deep. Scales with numerous anastomosing canals, 
28-29 a 1 between lateral line and root of ventral. Olive-green above, 
silvery below, with an ill-defined pink band along each side; a large 
blackish blotch on caudal peduncle at root of caudal. 

Total length 300 millim. 

Lake ‘Tanganyika. 

eplbype: Tanganyika. Prof. J. H. 8. Moore (C.). 
2. Type. Nyamkolo. Dr. W. A. Cunnington (C.). 
3. Type. Mtondwe Bay. 3 

4-5. Types. Lofu. A 


Bouleng. Ann. Mus. Congo, Zool. i. p. 85, pl. xxxv. fig. 3 (1899), and Poiss. Bass. 
Congo, p. 159 (1901). 

Depth of body 34 to 4 times in total length, length of head 33 to 44 
times. Head 1$ to 13 times as long as broad, a little longer than deep, 
its width a little less than its length to occiput in the adult; snout 
feebly projecting beyond lower jaw, as long as or a little longer than 
eye, which is infero-lateral and 3 to 4 times in length of head ; adipose 
eyelid very feebly developed ; interorbital region feebly convex, } to 2 
length of head; maxillary far from reaching anterior border of eye; 16 
or 18 (=) teeth in upper jaw, 10 6) in lower ; lower border of second 
suborbital as long as or a little longer than eye. Gill-rakers moderately 
long, 15-16 on lower part of anterior arch. Dorsal II 8, opposite 

Fig. 165. 

Alestes grandisquamis. 

Type (A. M.C.)*. 2. 

middle of space between ventrals and anal, much nearer caudal than 

occiput, its longest ray § to 2? length of head. Anal III 10-11. 

Pectoral a little shorter than head, not reaching ventral, Caudal forked. 

Caudal peduncle scarcely longer than deep. Scales with numerous 

anastomosing canals, 23-27 9, j, 1 or 2 between lateral line and root of 

* The adipose fin was inadvertently left out by the artist in the original figure. 


ventral. Olive-brown above, silvery beneath, often tinged with pink ; 
a more or less distinct blackish blotch at base of caudal. 
Total length 260 millim. 

Congo, Lake Bangwelo.—Types in Congo Museum, Tervueren. 

1. Type. Lower Congo. M. I. Hens (C.). 

2. Type. Ibali, Lake Leopold IT. M. P. Delhez (C.). 

Bly SCs 3olobo, Upper Congo. Rev. G. Grenfell (P.). 

4. Ad.* Monsembe, __,, Rey. J. H. Weeks (P.). 

Dee Ads Near Irumu, Ituri R. R. B. Woosnam, Esq. (C.); 
Ruwenzori Expedition. 

6. Ad. Lake Bangwelu. F. H. Melland, Esq. (P.). 

Bouleng. Ann. & Mag. N. H. (7) xii. 1993, p. 435. 

Depth of body 34 to 4 times in total length, length of head 4 to 43 
times. Head 1% to 2 times as long as broad, longer than deep, distance 
between end of snout and occiput not or but slightly exceeding width of 
head ; snout as long as or longer than diameter of eye, which is 3 to 4 

Alestes batesit. 
Type. 3. 

times in length of head; adipose eyelid indistinct ; interorbital width 
about half length of head; maxillary not extending to below anterior 

2 : 
border of eye; 16 teeth (5 or a) in upper jaw, 10 6) in lower; 
length of lower border of second suborbital equalling or exceeding 

* The ventral fins are entirely absent in this specimen. 


diameter of eye. Gill-rakers rather long, 16-18 on lower part of 
anterior arch. Dorsal Il 7-8, well behind vertical of base of ventrals, 
originating much nearer root of caudal than end of snout, longest ray % 
to # length of head. Anal II] 12-15, Pectoral shorter than head, not 
reaching ventral. Caudal forked. Caudal peduncle 14 to 14 times as 
long as deep. Scales with numerous anastomosing canals, 28-29 ae 
2 between lateral line and ventral. Olive-brown above and on the 
sides, whitish beneath ; a large round black spot on the caudal peduncle, 
at the base of the caudal fin; fins greyish, or blackish at the end. 
Total length 250 millim. 

South Cameroon. 

1-3. Types. Kribi River at Erulen. G. li. Bates, Esq. (C.). 
4-5. Ad. ee m x 
6. Yo. Campo River. 4 

Bouleng. Ann. & Mag. N. H. (7) xii. 1903, p. 594. 
? Alestes macrolepidotus, Steind. Notes Leyd. Mus. xvi. 1894, p. 63. 

Depth of body 23 to 3 times in total length, length of head 32 to 44 
times. Head 13 to 1} times as long as broad, 14 to 14 times as long 
as deep; distance between end of snout and occiput not or but slightly 
exceeding width of head; snout scarcely projecting beyond lower jaw, 
1 to 14 times as long as eye; eye lateral, visible from above and from 
below, its diameter 3 to 4% times in length of head; adipose eyelid 
scarcely developed ; interorbital width } length of head; maxillary not 

reaching to below anterior border of eye; 18 or 20 teeth i in upper 

jaw, 10 (5) in lower; lower border of second suborbital as long as or 
longer than diameter of eye. Gill-rakers rather short and thin, 18 to 20 
on lower part of anterior arch. Dorsal II 8, above middle of space 
between ventrals and anal, considerably nearer caudal than occiput ; first 
branched ray longest, ? to ¢ length of head. Anal III 13-15, pointed 
in front, third simple ray longest, # to # length of head. Pectoral 
nearly as long as head, reaching or nearly reaching ventral. Caudal 
deeply forked. Caudal peduncle not longer than deep. Scales with 
numerous anastomosing canals, 21—23 3, 1 or 14 between lateral line 
and root of ventral. Uniform brownish above, silvery white below. 

Total length 225 millim. 

Lagos, Gold Coast, Liberia (?). 



Fig. 167. 

Alestes brevis. 
Type 2. 
1. Type. Lagos. H. T. Ussher, Esq. (P.). 
2-5. Types. Gold Coast. R. B. N. Walker, Esq. (C.) ; 
Dr. A. Giinther (P.). 

Brachyalestes, part., Giinth. Cat. Fish. v. p. 314 (1864). 
Micralestes, Bouleng. Ann. Mus. Congo, Zool. i. p. 87 (1899), Poiss. Bass. Conyo, 
p. 160 (1901), and Fish. Nile, p. 131 (1907). 
Phenacogrammus, Higenm. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. xxxiii. 1907, p. 30. 

Dwarfed Alestes, with the teeth simply compressed, the outer 
premaxillary small and tricuspid, the inner premaxillary and the 
mandibular quinque- or septemcuspid *, 

Vertebree 54-37. 

Nile and Tropical Africa, 

Synopsis of the Species. 
I. Dorsal originating above base of ventral ; Anal 17-19; depth of body 3 to 
32 times in total length. 
Dorsal originating a little nearer caudal than 
end of snout; Sc. 23-28 . . . . . . I. M, acutidens, Peters, p. 224. 

* The inner mandibular teeth are sometimes so small as to be easily overlooked, such 
cases establishing a complete’ passage between Micralestcs and Petersius. 


Dorsal originating at equal distance from end 
of snout and from caudal ; Sc. 22-24 . 2. M. stormsi, Blgr., p. 225. 

Il. Dorsal originating immediately behind vertical of base of ventral. 
A. Anal 18-22. 
1. Lateral line complete ; Anal 19-22 

Depth of body 33-4 times in total length ; 

Se 27-309. eee eyes eb oy UM huniis ican eee be 
Depth of body 22~3 times in total length ; 

ScwZ5=25 iam piers . . . . 4 ML holargyreus, Gthr., p. 227. 

. Lateral line saooaieeel lost on the posterior part of the body ; depth of 
body 22-3 times in total length. 

A. 18-19; Se. 25-27; pectoral not reaching 

ventral.) 01) Memes ee Mer ee Memnorcenta, IDlon.. 42208 
A. 21-22; Se. 21-23; pectoral reaching 
ventrally cuits | clei in On elenentennuptus blero oo). 

B. Anal 26-28. 
Depth of body 21-2} times in total length ; 
Ses PBEM Gg 36 6 8 6 6 8 8g oo lo AVE Cllios, lbllesis, joy, ARO): 


Alesies acutidens, Peters, Mon. Berl. Ak. 1852, p. 276, and Reise Mossamb. iy. 
p. 64, pl. xii. fig. 2 (1868). 

Brachyalestes acutidens, Giinth. Cat. Fish. v. p. 316 (1864). 

Micralestes acutidens, Bouleng. Ann. Mus. Congo, Zool. i. p. 87 (1899), and Proe. 
Zool. Soe. 1903, ii. p. 329 ; Werner, Sitzb. Ak. Wien, exv. i. 1906, p. 1128 ; 
Bouleng. Fish. Nile, p. 131, pl. xix. figs. 3 & 4 (1907), 

Depth of body 3 to 52 times in total length, length of head 34 to 4+ 
times. Head 2 to 24 times as long as broad, a little longer sha deep ; 
snout shorter than eye, which is lateral and 24 to 3 times in length 
of head, and equal to interorbital width; maxillary extending nearly 
to below anterior border of eye; 14 teeth (8) in upper jaw, 10 (5) in 
lower; lower border of second suborbital not longer than eye. Gill- 
rakers short, 12-15 on lower part of anterior arch. Dorsal II 8, 
originating aboye base of ventrals, at equal distance from centre or 
posterior border of eye and from caudal; longest ray as long as or a 
little shorter than head. Anal III 14-16. Pectoral as long as or a 
little shorter than head, not reaching ventral. Caudal deeply forked, 
lobes pointed. Caudal peduncle as Jong as deep or slightly longer than 
deep. Scales 23-28 sip 14 or 2 between lateral line and root of 
caudal. Yellowish with a broad silvery lateral band, often edged with 




blackish ; fins white, transparent, the dorsal often with a blackish spot 

at the tip. 

Total length 65 millim. 
Nile, Omo, Niger, Congo, Zambesi, and Limpopo.—Types in Berlin 


Fig. 168. 

1, Ad. 

2. Skel. 

3-12. Ad. & hgr. 

14. Ad. 

15-16. Yg. 
17-18. Hor. 
19-33. Ad., hgr., 

& yg. 

34-53. Her. & ye. 

54-55. Ad. 

56-84, Ad. & her. 

85-86. Ad. 
87. Ad. 
88-89. Ad. 

90-91. Two of the 

92-94. Ad. 

diameter of which equals interorbital width and is contained 23 to 3 

VOL, I, 

Micralestes acutidens. 

Male and female. 
White Nile (F. N.). 

Near Luxor. 


Between Luxor and Assuan. 


Wady Halfa. 
Fashoda, White Nile. 
Lake No, 3 

Gondokoro, Bahr-el-Gebel. 
Omo R. 

Jebba, Upper Niger. 
Agberi, Lower Niger. 
Banzyville, Ubanghi. 
Aruwimi River. 


Inkomati R., near Komati 
Poort, Transvaal, 

L. Loat, Esq. (C.). 

Prof. O. Neumann (C.). 

Dr. C. Christy (P.). 

Dr. W. J. Ansorge (C.). 

Capt. Royaux (C.). 

R. B. Woosnam, Esq. (C.); 
Ruwenzori Expedition. 

Prof. W. Peters (P.). 

Major G. EB. Bruce (P.). 

Bouleng. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1902, i. p. 265, pl. xxviii. figs. 1 & 2. 

Depth of body 34 times in total length, length of head 4 times. Head 
longer than deep, twice as long as broad; snout shorter than eye, the 





times in length of head; maxillary extending to below anterior border 
of eye; 16 teeth (2) in upper jaw, 10 () in lower. Gill-rakers short, 
12 or 13 on lower part of anterior arch. Dorsal II 8, originating above 
base of ventrals, at equal distance from tip of snout and from caudal, 
longest ray about 2? length of head. Anal III 15-16. Pectoral # or 
length of head. Caudal forked, with pointed lobes. Caudal peduncle 
as long as deep. Scales 22-24 a, 2 between lateral line and root of 
ventral. Brownish above, white beneath, with a silvery lateral band. 

Total length 75 millim. 

Upper Congo (Lindi River).—Types in Brussels Museum. 

Fig. 169. 

Micralestes stormst. 

Type (P. Z. S. 1902). 

1-4. Types. Lindi R. M. M. Storms (C.) ; 

Brussels Museum (P.). 

Bouleng. Ann. Mus. Congo, Zool. i. p. 87, pl. xxxvi. fig. 4 (1899), and Poiss. 
Bass. Congo, p. 161 (1901). 

Depth of body equal to or slightly greater than length of head, 33 to 
4 times in total length. Head twice as long as broad, longer than deep ; 
snout a little shorter than eye, which is 24 to 2% times in length of head 
and nearly equals interorbital width; maxillary extending nearly to 
below anterior border of eye; 14 teeth () in upper jaw, 10 (3) in lower. 
Gill-rakers short, 14-15 on lower part of anterior arch. Dorsal II 8, 
originating immediately behind vertical of base of ventrals, a little 
nearer caudal than end of snout, longest ray # length of head. Anal 
IIl 16-19. Pectoral a little shorter than head, reaching or nearly 
reaching base of yentral. Caudal deeply forked, lobes pointed. Caudal 


peduncle a little longer than deep. Scales 27-30 ap 2 between lateral 

line and root of ventral. Olive above, whitish beneath ; a silvery lateral 
band; anal and caudal whitish or bluish grey, the latter with an orange 
spot on each lobe. 

‘Total length 75 millim. 

Congo,.—Type in Congo Museum, Tervueren. 

Micralestes humilis. 
Type (A. M. C.). 

1-3. Ad. & hgr. Kinshassa, Stanley Pool. M. A. Greshoff (C.); 
Utrecht University (1.), 
4-15, Ad. Ja R. (Congo System) at G. I. Bates, Esq. (C.). 
Bitye, 8. Cameroon. 
16. Skel. op ” »” » 


Alestes holargyreus, Giinth. Ann. & Mag. N. H. (4) xii. 1873, p, 144. 

Alestes brevipinnis, Perugia, Ann. Mus. Genova, (2) x. 1891, p. 975. 

Micralestes holargyreus, Bouleng. Ann. Mus. Congo, Zool. i. p. 87 (1899), atid 
Poiss. Bass. Congo, p. 162 (1901). 

Depth of body 2% to 3 times in total length, length of head 34 to 4 
times. Head twice as long as broad, a little longer than deep; snout 
shorter than eye, which is 23 to 3 times in length of head ; interorbital 
width 4 to 2 length of head; maxillary extending to below anterior 
border of eye; 14 teeth (2) in upper jaw, 10 (2) in lower. Gill-rakers 
short, 12-13 on lower part of anterior arch. Dorsal II-IiI 8, originating 
immediately behind vertical of base of ventrals, a little nearer caudal 
than end of snout, longest ray 4 to # length of head. Anal III 17-19. 
Pectoral a little shorter than head, reaching or nearly reaching ventral. 
Caudal forked, with pointed lobe. Caudal peduncle a little longer than 



deep. Scales 23-25 3b 2 between lateral line and root of ventral. Olive 
or bluish above, whitish beneath ; a silvery lateral band ; fins greyish. 
Total length 70 millim. 
Lower Congo. 

Meralestes holargyreus. 

1-5. Types. Boma. J.J. Monteiro, Esq. (C.). 
6. Ad. 35 M. P. Delhez (C.). 


Depth of body 23 to 5 times in total length, length of head 4 times. 
Head twice as long as broad, a little longer than deep; snout much 
shorter than eye, which is 24 times in length of head and equals inter- 

Micralestes urotenia. 


orbital width; maxillary extending to below anterior border of eye; 
12 teeth (4) in upper jaw, 10 ( =) in lower. Gill-rakers short, about 12 
on lower part of anterior arch. Dorsal II 8, originating immediately 


behind vertical of base of ventrals, a little nearer caudal than end of 
snout, anterior branched rays produced, much longer than head. Anal 
Tif 15-16. Pectoral as long as or slightly shorter than head, not 
reaching base of ventral. Caudal forked, lobes pointed. Caudal 
peduncle a little longer than deep. Scales 25-27 a 2 between 
lateral line and root of ventral; lateral line incomplete, confined to 
10-16 scales. Reddish, silvery below; a blackish streak on each side 
of the caudal part of the body, extending on median rays of caudal fin. 

Total length 70 millim. 

South Cameroon. 

1-4. Types. Kribi R. at Efulen. G. L. Bates, Esq. (C.). 

Bouleng. Ann. Mus. Congo, Zool. i. p. 88, pl. xxxvi. fig. 6 (1899), and Poiss. 
Bass. Congo, p. 164 (1901). 

Depth of body 3 times in total length, length of head 33 to 33 times. 
Head twice as long as broad, a little longer than deep; snout much 
shorter than eye, which is 23 times in length of head and equals inter- 
orbital width ; maxillary extending to below anterior border of eye; 
12 teeth (=) in upper jaw, 10 (5) in lower. Gill-rakers short, about 12 
on lower part of anterior arch. Dorsal II 8, originating immediately 
behind vertical of base of ventrals, a little nearer caudal than end of snout, 
longest ray as long as head. Anal IV 17-18. Pectoral # length of 

Fig. 173. 

Micralestes tnterruptus, 

Type (A. M. C.). 

head, reaching base of ventral. Caudal forked, lobes pointed. Caudal 
oe 2 between lateral line 
series and root of ventral; lateral line incomplete, confined to 7—J0 
scales. Reddish, with a silvery lateral band. 

Total length 45 millim. 

Upper Congo (Stanley Pool).—Types in Congo Museum, Tervueren. 

1-2. Types. Stanley Pool. M. P. Delhez (C.). 

peduncle as long as deep. Scales 21-23 


Bouleng. Ann. Mus. Congo, Zool. i. p. 88, pl. xxxvi. fig. 5 (1899), and Poiss. Bass. 
Congo, p. 163 (1901). , 

Depth of body 24 to 24 times in total length, length of head 33 to 
32 times. Head twice as long as broad, longer than deep; snout much 
shorter than eye, which is 2 to 21 times in Jength of head ; interorbital 
width about 3 times in length of head; maxillary hardly reaching to 
below anterior border of eye; 12-14 teeth (=a) in upper jaw,-10 (5) in 
lower. Gill-rakers rather long, about 12 on lower part of anterior arch. 
Dorsal II 8, originating immediately behind vertical of base of ventrals, 
at equal distance from end of snout and from caudal, longest ray as long 

Micralestes altus. 

Type (A. M. C.). 

ashead. Anal III 23-25. Pectorala little shorter than head, extending 
a little beyond origin of ventral. Caudal forked, lobes pointed. Caudal 
peduncle as long as deep. Scales 23-26 a 2 between lateral line and 
root of ventral. Silvery, back olive, scales dark-edged ; a large rounded 
black spot on the caudal peduncle and the median caudal rays; adipose 
fin blacixish. 

Total length 65 millim. 

Upper Congo (Lake Tumba, Lindi R., and Ubanghi).—Types in 
Congo Museum, Tervueren. 
1-2. Types. Bikoro, L. Tumba. M. P. Delhez (C.). 

3-4, Ad. Lindi R. M. M. Storms (C.) ; 
Brussels Museum (P.). 

5. Ad. Banzyville, Ubanghi. Capt. Royaux (C.). 



Hilgend. Sitzb. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berl. 1894, p. 172; Bouleng. Poiss. Bass. Congo, 
p. 165 (1901). 
Characters of Micralestes, but distinguished by the absence of the 
pair of conical teeth behind the mandibular series. Wertebre 36-37 *. 
Tropical Africa. 
Synopsis of the Species. 
I. Anterior premaxillary teeth alternating with the posterior, 
A. D. 10-11; A. 19-26. 

a. A. 23-26 ; depth of body 3-3 times in total length. 

i tome Jaw projecting beyond upper . 1. P. modestus, Blgr., p. 232. 

Cs} 00 



ai 3 lower jaw not projecting beyond 
UDOT ele lle) tee a ne 72) ugerdont, Bl git ps 2o2 
b. A. 19-22. 
Se. 330 ; diameter of eye 34 times in length of 
head; sone of body 22 times in total length. 3. P. conserialis, Hilg., p. 233. 
Sc. 35-36 © rel 3 
length of head; depth of body 33-4 times 
in-total length =) =) ).). . » . . . 4. P. tangensis, Lonnb., p. 234. 
. Se. 28-31 ve A, 22-24, 
at of body 34-33 times in total length ; 
teeth with very long median cusp . . . 5. P. leopoldianus, Blgr., p. 235. 
Depth of body 3 times in total length. . . . 6. P. brumpti, Pellegr., p. 235. 
Depth of body 23- 2 tittigs in totaliength . . 7. P. caudalis, Bler., p. 236. 

diameter of eye 24-22 times in 

3. Se. 24-26 * 3 ; lateral line incomplete. 
A. 20; depth of body 23-23 times in totallength. 8. P. pulcher, Blgr., p. 237. 
A. 21-22 ; depth of body ie times in total 
heaven, 6 oo) oo bo 100, 6, 0 Bo 27 woaen, ler. io, ABU 
B. D. 12; A. 14; Sc. 28-30 . 10. P. spilopterus, Blgr., p. 239. 


Il. poten ior premaxillary teeth Se tne to the posterior. 
Se. 29-30 ai A. 20-21; depth of body 4 times 
in ae Tene threy oop ie > op 6 6 co ll, J%, mmesnamm, Wein jy BBL 
c. 24-97 © 2 a AG 224 : ae of body 3-34 

times intotallength . . . . . . . . 12. P. occidentalis, Gthr., p. 249. 

* he type of the genus, P. conserialis, differs from allits congeners by its large size as 
well as by the complete closing up of the parietal fontanelle. 



Pouleng. Ann. Mus. Congo, Zool. i. p. 72, pl. xxxvii. fig. 6 (1899), and Poiss. Bass. 
Congo, p. 169 (1901). 

Depth of body 34 times in total length, length of head 4 times. Head 
hardly longer than deep, with straight upper profile ; lower jaw projecting 
beyond upper; snout shorter than eye, which is 24 times in length of 
head and equals interorbital width; maxillary extending to below 
anterior border of eye; outer premaxillary teeth 4, alternating with 
those of the inner row, 8 in number; 8 teeth in lower jaw. Gill-rakers 

Petersius modestus. 

Type (A. M.C.). 4. 

moderately Jong, about 12 on lower part of anterior arch. Dorsal II 8, 
originating above last ray of ventral, at equal distance from eye and from 
caudal, longest ray as long as head. Anal III 20. Pectoral a little 
shorter than head, not quite reaching ventral. Caudal forked, with 
pointed lobes. Caudal peduncle a little longer than deep. Scales 
40) se, 2 between lateral line and root of ventral. Silvery, back olive; 
fins pale yellow, adipose dorsal orange. 

Total length 65 millim. 

Upper Congo (lake Leopold II.).— Type in Congo Museum, 


Bouleng. Ann. Mus. Congo, Zool. i. p. 91, pl. xxxvii. fig. 5 (1899), and Poiss. Bass. 
Congo, p. 168 (1901) ; Pellegr. Bull. Soc. Philom. (9) ix. 1907, p. 23, fig. 
Depth of body 3 to 34 times in total length, length of head 33 to 
32 times. Head hardly longer than deep, with slightly concave upper 
profile ; lower jaw not projeciing beyond upper; snout shorter than eye, 
which is 24 to 8 times in length of head and equals interorbital width ; 
maxillary extending to below anterior border of eye; outer preemaxillary 
teeth 4, alternating with those of the inner row, 8 in number; 8 teeth 


in lower jaw. Gill-rakers short, 15 or 16 on lower part of anterior arch. 
Dorsal II 8, originating above base of ventral, at equal distance from 
end of snout and from caudal; some of the rays produced into long 
filaments in males. Anal III 20-23. Pectoral # to ? length of head, 

Fig. 176, 

ror ee as 
en ok 
S \ 

Peterswus hilgendorfi. 
Type (A. M.C.). 4. 

neatly reaching ventral. Caudal forked. Caudal peduncle hardly 
longer than deep. Scales 35-36 ff 2 between lateral line and root of 
ventral. Dark brown above, silvery beneath; a dark lateral band on 
posterior two-thirds of bedy; a vertical black bar above pectoral; fins 

Total length 100 millim. 

Upper Congo (Lake Leopold IJ. and Alima River), Ogowe.— 

Types in Congo Museum, ‘Tervueren. 

1-2. Types. Kutu, L. Leopold II. M. P. Delhez (C.). 
oA, Types. Thali, ” 39 
5-6. Hgr. Gaboon. 

Hilgend. Sitzb. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berl. 1894, p. 173; Pfeff. Thierw. O.-Afr., 
Fische, p. 44 (1896). 

Depth of body 2? times in total length, length of head nearly 4 times. 
Head a little longer than deep, upper profile concave; lower jaw 
projecting beyond upper; snout a little shorter than eye, which is 
34 times in length of head and equals interorbital width; maxillary 
extending to below anterior border of eye; outer premaxillary teeth 4, 
almost on a line with and alternating with those of the inner row, 8 in 
number; § teeth in lower jaw. Gill-rakers rather short, 1S on lower 


part of anterior arch. Dorsal II 8, originating just behind vertical of 
root of ventral, at equal distance from anterior border of eye and from 
caudal, longest ray a little shorter than head. Anal III 19. Pectoral 
as long as head, reaching ventral. Caudal forked. Caudal peduncle 
as long asdeep. Scales 33 ip 2 between lateral line and root of ventral. 
Silvery, back greyish green; a large black spot on caudal peduncle, 
extending on median rays of latter; anterior border of dorsal and 
posterior part of caudal blackish. 

Total length 145 millim. 

Kingani River, German East Aftica.—Described from the type in 
the Berlin Museum. 

Lénnb, in Sjistedt, Kilimandj.-Meru Exped., Fish. p. 2 (1907). 

Depth of body 3? to 4 times in total length, length of head 4 to 4} 
times. Head twice as long as broad, considerably longer than deep ; 
lower jaw projecting slightly beyond snout; snout shorter than eye, 
which is 24 to 2? times in length of head; interorbital width 23 times 
in length of head; maxillary extending to below anterior border of eye ; 
outer premaxillary teeth 4, alternating with these of inner row, 8 in 
number; 8 teeth in lower jaw. Gill-rakers short, 16-17 on lower part 
of anterior arch. Dorsal IJ 8, originating behind vertical of base of 

Petersius tangensis. 

ventral, at equal distance from anterior border of eye and from caudal. 
Adipose fin very small, Anal IIlI 16-17. Pectoral a little shorter than 
head, not quite reaching ventral. Caudal deeply forked. Caudal 
peduncle about 13 times as long as deep. Scales 35-36 os 24 or 3 
between lateral line and root of ventral. Silvery, back olivaceous; a 
darker silvery lateral band. 

Total length 57 millim. 


Tanga River, Usambara, German East Africa.—Types in Stockholm 

1-2. Two of the types. Tanga. Prof. Sjéstedt (C.) ; 
Prof. E. Lénnberg (P.). 

Bouleng. Ann. Mus. Congo, Zool. i. p. 90, pl. xxxvii. fig. 4 (1899), and Poiss. Bass. 
Congo, p. 166 (1901). 

Depth of body equal to length of head, 34 to 5% times in total length. 
Head longer than deep, with straight upper profile ; lower jaw projecting 
beyond upper; snout shorter than eye, which is 3 times, or a little less, 
in length of head and equals interorbital width; maxillary extending to 
below anterior border of eye; outer premaxillary teeth 4, almost on a 
line with and alternating with the inner, 8 in number; 8 teeth in lower 
jaw. Gill-rakers long and closely set, 25-30 on lower part of anterior 


Fig. 178. 

Petersius leopoldianus. 
Type (A. M.C.). 4. 
arch. Dorsal IL 8, originating above base of ventral, at equal distance 
from end of snout and from caudal, longest ray nearly as long as head. 
Anal III 19-20. Pectoral ? to % length of head, not reaching ventral. 
Caudal forked, with pointed lobes. Caudal peduncle a little longer than 
deep. Scales 30-31 as 2 between lateral line and root of ventral. Olive- 
grey above, silvery beneath, with a dark lateral band. 
Total length 90 millim. 
Upper Congo (Lake Leopold II.).— Types in Congo Museum, 

1-3. Types. Kutu, L. Leopold II. M. P. Delhez (C.). 
4. Skel. ” ” 1) 

Pellegr. Bull. Mus. Paris, 1906, p. 368. 
Form and coloration as in P. leapoldianus, but depth of body ouly 


3 times in total length, and only 14 gill-rakers on lower part of anterior 
arch. Anal 22. 28 scales in lateral line. 

Total length 56 millim. 

Abba River, affluent of Uelle, Congo.—Type in Paris Museum. 


Bouleng. Ann. Mus. Congo, Zool. i. p. 89, pl. xxxvii. fig. 3 (1899), and Poiss. Bass. 
Congo, p. 165 (1901). 

Depth of body 24 to 24 times in total length, length of head 3$ to 
4 times. Head as long as deep, with slightly concave upper profile ; 

Fig. 179. 

Petersius caudatis. 

Type (A.M. C.). 4. 

lower jaw projeeting beyond upper; snout much shorter than eye, which 
is 21 to 23 times in length of head and equals interorbital width; 
maxillary extending to below anterior border of eye ; outer premaxillary 
teeth 4, alternating with the inner, 8 in number; 8 teeth in lower jaw. 
Gill-rakers rather long, 16-18 on lower part of anteriorarch. Dorsal II 8, 
originating immediately behind vertical of base of ventral, at equal 
distance from end of snout and from caudal, longest ray as long as head. 
Anal III-IV 19-20. Pectoral a little shorter than head, reaching or 
nearly reaching ventral. Caudal forked, with pointed lobes. Caudal 
peduncle as long as deep. Scales 29-30 2, 2 between lateral line and 
root of ventral. Reddish, with a silvery lateral band, which becomes 
blackish on the caudal peduncle and extends as a black band on the 
caudal fin. 
Lower Congo.—Types in Congo Museum, Tervueren. 

1-2. Two of the types. Boma. M. P. Delhez (C.). 
3. One of the types of Congo. R. College of Surgeons (P.). 

Alestes longipinnis. 





Depth of body 22 to 22 times in total length, length of head 35 to 3% 
times. Head 2} to 24 times as long as broad, with slightly concave 
upper profile ; jaws equal in front; snout 4 diameter of eye, which equals 
postorbital part of head; interorbital width 3 times in length of head ; 
maxillary extending to below anterior border of eye; outer preemaxillary 
teeth 4, alternating with those of the inner row, 8 in number; 8 teeth 
in lower jaw. Gill-rakers short, 12-13 on lower part of anterior arch. 
Dorsal II 8, originating just behind vertical of base of ventrals, at equal 
distance from nostrils and from caudal, longest ray as long as or longer 

Petersius pulcher. 


than head. Adipose fin small. Anal IIL 17. Pectoral nearly as long 
as head, reaching ventral. Caudal forked. Caudal peduncle as long as 
deep. Scales 24—25 a 2 between lateral line and ventral; lateral line 
incomplete, not extending beyond 6th to 9th scale. Greenish yellow on 
the back, silvery below, tinged with orange on the caudal part of the 
body; a vertically oval black spot above the shoulder; a broad black 
band on the side of the tail, continued on median rays of caudal; fins 
greyish, more or less tinged with orange ; ventral fin black at the tip, 
anal finely edged with black. 

Total length 55 millim. 

South Cameroon. 
1-2. Types. Ja River (Congo System) at Bitye. G. L. Bates, Esq. (C.). 

Bouleng. Ann. & Mag. N. H. (7) xii. 1903, p. 436. 

Depth of body 24 to 24 times in total length, length of head 4 
times. Head as long as deep, twice as long as broad, with slightly 


concave upper profile; lower jaw projecting beyond upper; snout 
shorter than eye, which is 24 to 2? times in length of head; inter- 
orbital width 23 times in length of head; maxillary extending to 
below anterior border of eye; outer premaxillary teeth 4, alter- 
nating with those of the inner row, 8 in number; 8 teeth in lower 
jaw. Gill-rakers short, 12-15 on lower part of anterior arch. Dorsal 
II §, originating just behind vertical of base of ventrals, at equal 
distance from nostrils and from caudal, longest ray longer than head. 

Fig. 181, 

Petersius major. 


Adipose fin large, its depth at least } length of head. Anal III 18-19. 
Pectoral a little shorter than head, not quite reaching ventral. Caudal 
forked. Caudal peduncle a little longer than deep. Scales 24-26 ah 2 
between lateral line and ventral; lateral line incomplete, not extending 
beyond 11th to 15th scale. Silvery, yellowish on the back; a small 
black spot often present above the shoulder; a black band on the side 
of the tail, continued on median rays of caudal; dorsal fin greyish, 
with a band of orange-red ; ventral fin black at the tip ; base of anal and 
caudal orange in males, yellow in females. 

Total length 85 millim. 

South Cameroon. 

1-2. Types. Ja River (Congo System) at Bitye, G. L. Bates, Hsq. (C.). 
3, Ad. 5 9 
4, Ad. Kribi River at Efulen, 0 
5-11. Ad. Nyong River. : 

Ay, Skel. or) ” 



Depth of body equal to length of head, 34 times in total length. 
Head longer than deep; jaws equal; diameter of eye greater than 
length of snout, 3 times in length of head; maxillary extending to 
below anterior border of eye; 18 teeth je) in upper jaw, 10 in lower, 
outer premaxillaries alternating with inner. Gill-rakers short, 10 on 
lower part of anterior arch. Dorsal II 10, originating above ventrals, 
at equal distance from anterior border of eye and from caudal, 

Fig. 182. 

Petersius spilopterus. 


longest ray shorter than head. Anal II 11. Pectoral 3 length 
of head, not reaching ventral. Caudal forked. Caudal peduncle 
a little longer than deep. Scales in lateral line 28-30 a, 2 between 
lateral line and ventral; scales above lateral line very much larger. 
Brown above, silvery white below; a dark, light-edged lateral band, 
extending from the eye to the caudal; dorsal fin with a large black 
spot, anal with blackish longitudinal streaks. 

Total length 60 millim. 

Mouths of Niger and Lagos Coast. 
1-2. Types. Mouths of Niger. Hr. P. Arnold (P.). 
3. Type. Creek at Atijéré, 80 miles EH. of Lagos. Major G. E. Bruce (P.). 

Bouleng. Ann. & Mag. N. H. (7) xx. 1907, p. 487. 

Depth of body equal to length of head, 4 timesin total length. Head 
longer than deep, with convex upper profile ; lower jaw projecting slightly 
beyond upper; diameter of eye equal to length of snout, 3 times in length 
of head; maxillary not extending to below antericr border of eye; 
14 teeth (3) in upper jaw, 8 in lower; inner premaxillary teeth inserted 
directly behind the outer. Giull-rakers short, 12 on lower part of anterior 
arch. Dorsal III 8, originating above base of ventrals and at equal 
distance from end of snout and from caudal; longest ray about ? length 
of head. Anal III 17-18. Pectoral shorter than head, not reaching 


ventral. Caudal peduncle as long as deep. Scales 29-30 = 2 between 
lateral line and ventral. No markings, except a silvery lateral band, 
which is black-edged above. 

Petersius woosnant. 

Total length 70 millim. 
Upper Congo (Aruwimi). 
1-2. Types. Aruwimi River. R. B. Woosnam, Hsq. (C.) ; 

Ruwenzori Expedition. 

Giinth. Proe. Zool. Soc. 1899, p. 731, pl. xlv. fig. B. 
Depth of body 3 to 34 times in total length, length of head 3$ to 
4 times. Head as long as deep, with nearly straight upper profile; 
jaws equal in front; snout much shorter than eye, which is 25 to 22 
times in length of head and equals interorbital width; maxillary 

Petersius occidentalis. 
Type, after Giinther (P. Z.S. 1899), 

extending to below anterior border of eye; 14 teeth (2) in upper jaw, 
8 in lower; inner praemaxillary teeth inserted directly behind the outer. 
Gill-rakers short, 12 ot 13 on lower part of anterior arch. Dorsal III 8, 
originating immediately behind vertical of base of ventral, and at equal 

distance from end of snout and from caudal; longest ray # to + length 

of head, Anal ITT 18-21. Pectoral shorter than head, not reaching 


ventral. Candal peduncle a little longer than deep. Scales 24—27 2, 13 
or 2 between lateral line and root of ventral; lateral line sometimes 
ending on caudal peduncle before reaching caudal fin. Silvery, with a 
more or less distinct darker lateral band; dorsal grey to blackish with 
a broad yellow transverse bar; caudal edged with grey. 
Total length 65 millim. 
Gold Coast. 
1-5. Types. Kotchwah River. R. 

N. Walker, Esq. (P.). 
6-15. Ad. & her. Akropon. d 

N. Walker, Esq. (C.) ; 
Dr. A. Giinther (P.). 

16-25. Ad. & her. Infoan. R. B. N. Walker, Hsq. (C.) ; 
Dr. A. Giinther (P.). 


Bouleng. Ann, Mus. Congo, Zool. i. p. 25 (1898), and Poiss. Bass. Congo, p. 170 

Snout moderately elongate, rounded; mouth large; jaws massive, 
upper movable upwards; maxillary very small, hidden under the 
preorbital when the mouth is closed; praemaxillary and dentary with 
two series of teeth, the outer large, subequal, compressed, bicuspid, the 
inner very small, compressed, obtuse, the two series separated by a con- 
siderable space. Cheek partly naked; nostrils near the eye, close 
together, separated by a valvular flap ; gill-membranes free from isthmus. 
Body elongate, compressed. Scales small, strongly ciliated ; lateral line 
straight, along the middle of the side; a scaly process at base of ventral. 
Dorsal fin with 11 to 18 rays, above the ventrals; anal with 12 or 13 
rays; adipose dorsal fin small. Vertebrae 55 (33422). 


‘Two species :— 


D. 17-18 ; Sc. 95-107 F55e + + tte OCU. Fe. eetveldii, Bigr., p. 241. 
D_11-14 ; Se. 68-71 == sos ee ey 6 2. KH. macroterolepis, Blgr., p. 243. 

Bouleng. Ann. Mus. Congo, Zool. i. p. 26, pl. xii. (1898), and Poiss. Bass. Congo, 
p. 170 (1901). 
Depth of body 4 to 5 times in total length, lengtin of head 32 to 
41 times, Head 2 to 24 times as long as broad, 14 to 1? times as long 
VOL, 1, K 


as deep; snout 14 to 1} times diameter of eye, which is 34 (young) to 
5 times in length of head, and 1 to 14 times in interorbital width ; upper 
jaw extending to below centre of eye; 12 to 14 teeth on each side in 
the outer series of both jaws; naked space on cheek about half width of 
suborbitals. Gill-rakers very small. Dorsal IV 13-14, originating a 
little in advance of ventrals, situated at equal distance from centre or 
posterior border of eye and from caudal. Base of adipose fin covered 
with scales. Anal III 9-10. Pectoral a little shorter than ventral 
and but little more than half length of head. Caudal forked, nearly 

Fig. 185. 

Hugnathichthys cetveldir. 
Type (A. M.C.). 4. 

entirely covered with very small scales, upper lobe longer and pointed, 
lower rounded. Caudal peduncle twice as long as deep. Scales 

95-107 ip 9-10 between lateral line and root of ventral. Yellowish, 
olive on the back, with large round or rhomboidal blackish spots 
arranged quincuncially ; fins orange; 4 or 5 black streaks_across the 
dorsal; a black spot on the adipose fin; a black streak on the middle 
rays, and 2 to 4 oblique ones on each lobe of the caudal. 

‘Total length 290 millim. 

Congo.—Types in Congo Museum, Tervueren. 
\-2. Types. Leopoldville. Capt. Wilverth (C.). 
Zain Stanley Pool. M. De Meuse ((.). 


A. Yo. Bolobo, Upper Congo. Rev. G. Grenfell (P.). 
Ds Skull. Liranga, 5 M. P. Delhez (C.). 

6. Her. Monsembe, ., Rey. J. H. Weeks (P.). 
7. Skel. be . x 

8. Ad. Upper Congo. Brussels University. 

Bouleng. Ann. Mus. Congo, Zool. i. p. 75, pl. xxxiv. fig. 1 (1899), and Poiss. Bass. 
Congo, p. 172 (1901). 

Depth of body 44 to 4? times in total length, length of head 3} times. 
Head 2 to 24 times as long as broad, 14 to 1% times as long as deep; 
snout 1} to 12 times diameter of eye, which is 4 to 5 times in length of 
head and 1 to 1} times in interorbital width; upper jaw extending to 
below centre of eye; naked space on cheek about } width of preeorbital. 

Fig. 186, 

Eugnathichthys macroterolepis. 
Type (A. M. C.). 
Dorsal III 8-11, originating a little in advance of ventrals. Anal III 9. 
Scales 68-71 = 6 or 7 between lateral line and root of ventral. 
Otherwise as in the preceding. A median dorsal and a lateral series of 
large black spots, the latter alternating with the former and forming 
vertical bars; 5 black streaks across the dorsal, 2 to 4 on each caudal 
Total length 145 millim. 

1. Type. Loango, Lower Congo. M. De Meuse (C.). 
A, Wee, Stanley Pool. M. A. Greshoft (C.); 
Utrecht University (£.). 
3. Her. Banzyville, Ubavghi. Capt. Royaux (C.). 
4. Hor. Uerre, M. De Bauw (C.). 



Bouleng. Ann. Mus. Congo, Zool. i. p. 76 (1899), and Poiss. Bass. Congo, p. 173, 

Snout moderately elongate, pointed; mouth large; jaws massive, the 
upper movable upwards; maxillary very small, not hidden under the 
preorbital when the mouth is closed; premaxillary and dentary with 
two series of teeth, the outer strong, compressed, bi- or tricuspid, the 
anterior larger, the inner small, sharply pointed, the two series separated 
by a considerable space. Cheek nearly entirely covered by the sub- 
orbitals; nostrils near the eye, close together, separated by a valvular 
flap; gill-membranes narrowly united to isthmus. Body elongate, 
compressed. Scales small, strongly ciliated ; lateral line straight, along 
the middle of the side; no scaly process at base of ventral. Dorsal fin 
with 15 rays, above the ventrals; anal with 13 or 14 rays; adipose 
dorsal fin small. 


Bouleng. Ann. Mus. Congo, Zool. i. p. 76, pl. xxxiv. fig. 2 (1899), and Poiss. Bass. 
Congo, p. 174 (1901). 

Depth of body 53 to 6 times in total length, length of head 34 to 33 
times. Head 3 times as long as broad, rugose above; snout once and 
% diameter of eye, which is 43 to 5 times in length of head and equals 
interorbital width; mouth extending to below anterior third of eye ; 



Paraphago rostratus. 

Type (A. M. C.), 

15 or 16 teeth on each side in the outer series of both jaws. Gill- 
rakers very small, rudimentary. Dorsal III 12, originating a little in 
advance of yentrals, at equal distance from end of snout and from caudal, 


longest ray half length of head. Anal IJI 10-11. Pectoral shorter 
than ventral, hardly 2 length of head. Caudal forked, with obtusely 
pointed lobes. Caudal peduncle nearly 3 times as long as deep. Scales 
87-90 ao 9 between lateral line and root of ventral. Olive above, 
whitish beneath; a median and two lateral series of black spots, the 
lower forming vertical bars across the lateral line; three more or less 
regular black streaks across the dorsal; a black spot on the adipose fin ; 
a black streak on the middle rays, and three oblique ones on each lobe 
of the caudal. 

Total length 130 millim. 

Upper Congo (Lake Leopold I1.).—Types in Congo Museum, 
1. One of the types. Kutu, L. Leopold II. M. P. Delhez (C ). 


Pellegr. Bull. Mus. Paris, 1900, p. 178 ; Bouleng. Poiss. Bass. Congo, p. 175 (1901). 

Snout elongate, pointed; mouth large; upper jaw moyable upwards ; 
maxillary very small, hidden under the preorbital when the mouth is 
closed; preemaxillary and dentary with two series of teeth, the outer 
strong, compressed, pointed, the point directed backwards, with or 
without a secondary cusp, the anterior large, canine-like ; teeth of inner 
series very small. Greater part of cheek covered by the suborbitals ; 
nostrils near the eye, close together, separated by a valvular flap ; gill- 
membranes narrowly united to isthmus. Body elongate, compressed. 
Scales small, strongly ciliated; lateral line straight, along the middle of 
the side ; a small scaly process at base of ventral. Dorsal with 18 rays, 
above the ventrals; anal with 14 rays; adipose dorsal fin small. 



Pellegr. I. c.; Bouleng. 1. e. 

Depth of body 4 times in total length, length of head 3 times. Head 
3 times as long as broad; snout twice as long as eye, which is 44 times 
in length of head and exceeds interorbital width; mouth extending to 
below anterior border of eye; 29 or 30 small teeth on each side anda 
pair of canines in front of each jaw, the canines of the lower jaw 
separated by a pair of small teeth; naked part of cheek half width of 
suborbital. Gill-rakers short, 17 on lower part of anterior arch. 


Dorsal IV 14, originating well in advance of ventral and at equal 
distance from end of snout and from caudal, longest ray 4 length of 
head. Anal III 11. Pectoral nearly $ length of head, a little longer 
than ventral. Caudal covered with small scales, deeply forked, lobes 
rounded. Caudal peduncle once and 4 as long as deep. Scales 96 
12 between lateral line and root of ventral. Brownish, with traces of 
two alternating series of large dark spots on each side, those of the 
lower series about 10 in number and on the lateral line ; fins greyish. 
Total length 250 millim. 

Alima River, Upper Congo —Type, in Paris Museum, examined. 

10. PHAGO. 
Giinth. Ann. & Mag. N. H. (3) xv. 1865, p. 209; Bouleng. Poiss. Bass. Congo, 
p. 177 (1901). 

Snout long and narrow; mouth large; jaws beak-like, upper movable 
upwards; maxillary very small; premaxillary and dentary with two 
series of teeth, the outer strong, compressed, bicuspid, the anterior 
upper larger, the inner very small and conical, the two series separated 
by a considerable interspace. Cheek entirely covered by the sub- 
orbitals ; nostrils near the eye, close together, separated by a valvular 
flap; gill-membranes narrowly united to isthmus. Body elongate, feebly 
compressed. Scales large, hard, rugose, strongly ciliated; lateral line 
straight, along the middle of the side; no scaly process at base of 
ventral. Dorsal fin with 12 or 13 rays, above the ventrals; anal with 
10 to 12 rays ; adipose dorsal fin very small. Vertebra 44 (20 +24), 

Congo, Niger. 

Synopsis of the Species. 
Snout longer than postocular part of head ; 
x 13 
Se. 47 3p 1 between dorsal fin and lateral 

line series, 6 round caudal peduncle . . . 1. P. loricatus, Gthr., p. 247. 
Snout longer than postocular part of head ; 

; 1% : 

Se. 47 3:, 2 between dorsal fin and lateral 

line series, 6 round caudal peduncle . . . 2. P. intermedius, Blgr., p. 247. 
Snout shorter than postocular part of head ; 

Sc. 42-45 39 2 bety;een dorsal fin and lateral 


line series, & round candal peduncle . P.boulengert,Schilth., p. 248. 

PHAGO. 247 

Giinth. Ann. & Mag. N. H. (3) xv. 1865, p. 210, pl. v. 

Depth of body 9 times in total length, length of head 4 times. Head 
34 times as long as broad; snout a little longer than postorbital part of 
head, 24 times diameter of eye, which is 53 times in length of head and 
nearly equals interorbital width; mouth extending nearly to anterior 
border of eye; 19 teeth on each side in outer series in each jaw, the 
first upper a small canine ; bones of the head granulated and striated. 
Gill-rakers very short, rudimentary. Dorsal III 9, originating above 
last ray of ventral, slightly nearer end of snout than caudal, longest ray 
not quite half length cf head. Anal III 8. Pectoral 2 length of head, 

Fig. 188. 

Phayo loricatus. 
Type, after Giinther (Ann. & Mag. N. H. 1865). 
a little shorter than ventral. Caudal forked, with pointed lobes. 
Caudal peduncle 7 times as long as deep. Scales 47 Ee a single series 
of scales between dorsal fin and lateral line series, 6 round caudal 
peduncle. Pale brownish; dorsal with two horizontal dark streaks; 


oblique dark streaks across each lobe of caudal.. 
Total length 110 millim. 

1. Type. Niger. Mr. J. T. Dalton (C.). 

Bouleng. Ann. Mus. Congo, Zool. i. p. 77, pl. xxxiv. fig. 3 (1899), and Poiss. Bass. 
Congo, p. 178 (1901). 

Depth of body 6 times in total length, length of head 53 times. 
Head 34 times as long as broad; snout a little longer than postocular 
part of head, 2% times diameter of eye, which is 6% times in length of 
head and 1% times in interorbital width ; mouth extending to anterior 
border of eye; 22 teeth on each side of upper jaw. Dorsal IV 8, 


originating above first ray of ventral, at equal distance from end of snout 
and from caudal. Anal III 9. Caudal with rounded lobes. Caudal 

Fig. 189. 

Phago intermedius, 

Type (A. M. C.). 

peduncle 5 times as long as deep. Scales obtusely keeled, 47 aD 

2 between dorsal fin and Jateral line series, 6 round caudal peduncle. 
No markings (specimen bleached). 

Total length 140 millim. 

Congo (Stanley Pool).—Yype in Congo Museum, Tervueren. 

Schilthuis, Tijdschr. Ned. Dierk. Ver. (2) iii. 1891, p. 90 ; Bouleng. Poiss. Bass. 
Congo, p. 177 (1901). 
Depth of body 6 to 7 times in total length, length of head 33 to 4 
times. Head 22 to 3 times as long as broad; snout as long as or a 

Phago boulengert. 


little shorter than pestocular part of head, 14 to 1? times diameter of 
eye, which is 4 to 44 times in length of head and equals interorbital 
width ; mouth extending to below anterior fourth of eye; 17-19 teeth 
on each side of upper jaw. Dorsal IJI 9-10, originating above first ray 


of ventral, nearer end of snout than caudal. Anal II] 7-8. Pectoral a 
little more than 2 or nearly 4 length of head. Caudal with pointed 

lobes. Caudal peduncle 5 to 6 times as long as deep. Scales obtusely 
keeled, 42-45 i, 2 between dorsal fin and lateral line series, 8 round 
caudal peduncle. Brown above, whitish beneath, often with alternating 
darker spots on the back and sides, or with a dark lateral band ; dorsal 
and caudal orange or salmon-pink, usually with black bands, disposed 
horizontally on the former, obliquely on each lobe of the latter; paired 
fins and anal yellow or blackish. 

Total length 160 willim. 

Upper Congo. 

1. Type. Kinshassa, Stanley Pool. M. A. Greshoff (C.) ; 
Utrecht University (H.). 

2. Ad. Leopoldville, 5 Capt. Wilverth (C.). 

3. Skel. - bs 

4. Ad. Bangala Province. M. De Meuse (C.). 

5. Ad. Trebu. M. P. Delhez (C.). 

6. Ad. Kutu, Lake Leopold IT. a3 

7,8. Ad. & yg. | Monsembe. Rev. J. H. Weeks (P.). 

9. Ad. Stanley Falls. Rey. W. H. Bentley (C.). 


Bouleng. Ann. Mus. Congo, Zool. i. p.78 (1899), and Poiss. Bass. Congo, p. 179(1901), 

Snout long and narrow, pointed; mouth large; upper jaw movable 
upwards ; maxillary very small, hidden under the preorbital when the 
mouth is closed; preemaxillary and dentary with a single series of teeth, 
the anterior large and canine-like, the laterals pointed, compressed, the 
point directed backwards, some with a small secondary cusp. Cheek 
partly naked ; nostrils near the eye, close together, separated by a valvular 
flap; gill-membranes narrowly united to isthmus. Body elongate, 
compressed. Scales small, strongly ciliated; lateral line straight, along 
the middle of the side; a scaly process at base of ventral. Dorsal fin 
with 16 to 18 rays, behind vertical of base of ventrals; anal with 15 to 
19 rays ; adipose dorsal fin small. Vertebrve 43 (24+19). 

Congo, Casamanza River, 

Two species :— 
Dorsal originating well behind vertical of 

base of ventral ; Sc. 98-110 ae . 1, WY. ornatus, Blgr., p. 250. 

Dorsal originating immediately behind 
vertical of base of ventral; Sc. 90 = 2. N. guadrilineatus, Pellegr., p. 251. 


Bouleng. Ann. Mus. Congo, Zool. i. p. 78, pl. xxxiv. fig. 4 (1899), and Poiss. 
Bass. Congo, p. 180 (1901). 

Depth of body 53 to 63 times in total length, length of head 3} to 33 
times. Head 3} to 4 times as long as broad, 2 to 2} times as long as 
deep, flat above; snout as long as or a little longer than postocular part 
of head ; eye 5 to 5} times in length of head, equal to or a little greater 
than interorbital width ; upper jaw not quite extending to below anterior 
border of eye; 29-34 small teeth on each side in upper jaw, 22-27 in 
lower; 2 canines at extremity of upper jaw and 8 at extremity of lower ; 
naked part of cheek double the width of suborbitals. Gill-rakers very 
small, almost rudimentary. Dorsal III 13-15, originating a little behind 
vertical of base of ventral, longest ray hardly ? length of head. Anal 
I-IV 14-15. Pectoral shorter than ventral, not half length of head. 
Caudal forked, with rounded lobes, nearly entirely covered with small 

Vig. 191. 

Neoborus ornatus. 

Type (A. M. C.). 3. 

scales. Caudal peduncle twice as long as deep. Scales 98-110 = 8 or 
9 between lateral line and root of ventral. Purplish grey above, silvery 
or greenish on the sides; three olive bands along the side, the median 
widest, along the lateral line; dorsal orange or grey ; caudal orange, 
with 6 or 7 more or less regular longitudinal black stripes. 

Total length 180 millim. 

Upper Congo.—Type in Congo Museum, Tervueren. 

1. One of the types. Kutu, L. Leopold II. M. P. Delhez (€.). 

2. Skel. Bikoro, Upper Congo. ” 

3. Ad. Monsembe, _,, Rev. J. H. Weeks (P.). 

Her. Upper Congo. Brussels University. 



Pellegr. Bull. Mus. Paris, 1904, p. 219. 

Distinguished from the preceding by the larger eye, 4 times in length 
of head, fewer teeth (21 above and 17-18 below, on each side), the 
dorsal originating immediately behind vertical of base of ventral, fewer 
anal rays (15), and larger scales, 90 a Pale yellow, with 4 parallel 
black stripes on each side; caudal bright yellow, each lobe with the tip 
and two cross-bars black; dorsal greyish, with the upper part of the 
anterior rays darker. 

Total length 117 millim. 

Casamanza River, Portuguese Guinea.—Type in Paris Museum. 

Giinth, Cat. Fish. v. p. 362 (1864); Bouleng. Fish. Nile, p. 134 (1907). 

Snout long and narrow, pointed; mouth large; upper jaw movable 
upwards; maxillary very small; premaxillary and dentary with strong 
canine teeth in front, a series of small, compressed, more or less distinctly 
bicuspid teeth directed backwards on each side, and numerous minute, 
cardiform teeth on their inner surface. Cheek partly naked; nostrils 
near the eye, close together, separated by a valvular flap; gill-membranes 
narrowly attached to isthmus. Body elongate, compressed. Scales 
smull, strongly ciliated; lateral line straight, along the middle of the 
side ; a scaly process at base of ventral. Dorsal fin with 15 to 17 rays, 
behind vertical of base of ventrals; anal with 14 to 17 rays; adipose fin 
small. Vertebre 47 (29-+-18),. 

Nile and Chad Basins. 

Characinus besse, Joannis, Mag. de Zool. 1835, iv. pl. x. 
Ichthyoborus microlepis, Giinth, Cat. Fish. v. p. 863 (1864), and Petherick’s Trav. 
ii. p. 249, pl. ii. fiz. A (1869). 
Tchthyoborus besse, Giinth. opp. citt. pp. 364, 250; Bouleng. Fish. Nile, p. 134, 
pl. xxi. figs. 1 & 2 (1907). 

Depth of body 44 to 54 times in total length, length of head 34 to 4 
times. Head 3 to 34 times as long as broad, flat above; snout a little 
shorter than postocular part of head, 14 to 2 times as long as eye, which 
is 43 (young) to 6 times in length of head and % to once interorbital 
width; upper jaw extending nearly to below anterior border of eye; 


17-20 teeth on each side in upper jaw, 14-16 in lower; 2 canines at 


extremity of upper jaw and 3 at extremity of lower; naked part of cheek 
about double the width of suborbital ; upper surface of head rugose with 
fine strie. Gill-rakers extremely short, rudimentary. Dorsal III 12-14, 
originating immediately behind vertical of base of ventrals, equally 
distant from occiput and from caudal, longest ray 2 to 2 length of head. 

Fic. 19g, Anal III 11-14. Pectoral about 4 length of head, as long 
: as ventral. Caudal nearly entirely covered with small scales, 
deeply forked, lobes rounded or obtusely pointed. Caudal 
peduncle 12 to 2 times as longas deep. Scales 91-112 _ 
10-12 between lateral line and root of ventral. Silvery, 
back pale olive ; a greenish golden streak above lateral line ; 
blackish spots and marblings sometimes present on back and 
sides; fins whitish, except the caudal, which is pale yellow 
with more or less numerous black spots. 

Lchthyoborus besse. 
White Nile (F.N.). 3. 

Total length 190 millim. 
Lower Nile to White Nile; Chad Basin.—Types in Paris Museum. 

1-2. Types of Khartum. J. Petherick, Esq. (P.). 
I. microlepis. 

3. Ad. 3 A. L. Butler, Esq. (P.). 

4—6, Ad. Between Khartum and Mr. P. C. Zaphiro (C.) ; 
Sobat. W.N. MeMillan, Esq. (P.). 

7. Ad. Goz Abu Gumah, L. Loat, Esq. (C.). 
White Nile. 

8. Ad. North of Kaka, White Nile. » 

9-23, 24. Ad.&hgr. Fashoda, a ng 

25. Skel. 5 y* » 


26-27. Ad. Polkom, Baro R. (Sobat). Mr. P. C. Zaphiro (C.) ; 
W.N. McMillan, Esq. (P.) 
28. Ad. Mouth of Lake No, L. Loat, Esq. (C.). 
White Nile. 
29. Her. Lake No, White Nile. Hs 
80. Ad. Fort Lamy, Shari River. Capt. G. B. Gosling (P.). 

Pellegr. Bull. Mus. Paris, 1900, p. 352. 

Snout moderately long; mouth large, both jaws freely movable 
vertically, the lower overlapping the upper on the sides; pharyngeal 
orifice much restricted ; maxillary fused with premaxillary ; upper jaw 
toothless in front ; sides of upper jaw bent inwards posteriorly, abutting 
against a large process of the mandible; teeth on sides of upper jaw and 
in lower forming a single series, very small, closely set, with bicuspid 
crowns with long slender shafts. Cheek covered by the suborbitals ; 
nostrils on upper surface of snout, at a short distance from the eye, close 
together, separated by a valvular flap; gill-membranes free from isthmus. 
Body elongate, compressed. Scales small, strongly ciliated; lateral line 
straight, along the middle of the side ; a scaly process at base of ventral. 
Dorsal with 13 to 15 rays, above ventrals; anal with 11 or 12 rays; 
adipose fin small. 


Pellegr. I. ¢., and Bull. Soc. Philom. (9) ix. 1907, p. 24, pl. i. fig. 1. 

Fig. 198. 

Hemistichodus vaillanti, with enlarged view of open mouth. 

Depth of body 47 to 57 times in total length, length of head 32 to 44 
times. Snout rounded, flat above, projecting beyond lower jaw, as long 
as eye, which is 3 to 33 times in length of head and nearly equals 


interorbital width; mouth extending to below anterior border of eye; 
about 30-34 teeth on each side in each jaw. Gill-rakers very short. 
Dorsal III 10-12, originating at equal distance from end of snout and 
from caudal, longest ray 3 length of head. Anal III 8-9. Pectoral 
shorter than ventral, half length of head. Caudal forked, with pointed 
lobes, half covered with scales. Caudal peduncle 2 to 23 times as long 
as deep. Scales 70-80 =, 6 or 7 between lateral line and root of 
ventral. Silvery, brownish on the back; a blackish spot at the tip of 
the dorsal fin and one or two on each caudal lobe. 

Total length 97 millim. 

Ogowe River.—Type, in Paris Museum, examined. 
1. Her. Ngomo, Rey. H. Haug (C.) ; 

Paris Museum (E.). 

Giinth. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1871, p. 669 ; Bouleng. Poiss. Bass. Congo, p. 182 (1901), 
and Fish. Nile, p. 137 (1907). 

Mouth tather small, each jaw with two series of small, notched, 
bicuspid teeth; a few small teeth at the base of the maxillary bone. 
Cheek covered by the suborbitals; nostrils close together, separated by 
a valvular flap; gill-membranes free from the isthmus. Body moderately 
elongate, strongly compressed; belly rounded. Scales rather large, 
with strongly ciliated border; lateral line, if distinct, equally distant 
from the dorsal and the ventral outline; a scaly process at the base of 
the ventral. Dorsal fin with 13 to 15 rays, above the ventrals; anal 
fin with 10 rays; a very small adipose dorsal fin. Vertebre 33 

Tropical Africa. 


Giinth. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1871, p. 670, pl. Ixv. fig. ©; Sauv. Bull. Soc. Zool. 
France, 1882, p. 321; Vaill. Bull. Soc. Philom. (8) v. 1893, p. 13; Bouleng. 
Poiss. Bass. Congo, p. 182 (1901) ; Lénnb. Ann. & Mag. N. H. (7) xii. 1902, 
p: 38; Werner, Sitzb. Ak. Wien, exv. i. 1906, p. 1129 ; Bouleng, Fish. Nile, 
p. 137, pl. xxi. fig. 3 (1907). 

Depth of body 23 to 33 times in total length, length of head 3} to 4 
times. Head about twice as long as broad, a little longer than deep, its 
upper surface rugose in the adult; snout rounded, shorter than eye, 




which is 24 to 3 times in length of head; interorbital width a little 
greater than diameter of eye; mouth terminal; maxillary extending to 
below anterior border of eye; 22 to 30 teeth in outer premaxillary 
series. Gill-rakers short, 10 to 12 on lower part of anterior arch. 
Dorsal III 10-12, originating a little in advance of ventrals, its distance 
from eye equal to its distance from caudal; longest ray nearly equal to 

Fig. 194. 

Nanneethiops uniteniatus. 

Type (F. N.). 

length of head. Anal III 7. Pectoral about 2 length of head, shorter 
than ventral. Caudal forked, with pointed lobes. Caudal peduncle as 
long as deep. Scales 32-36 a3 4 between lateral line and base of 
ventral; lateral line sometimes restricted to a few of the anterior 
scales. Olive-brown above, yellowish beneath; a black lateral streak, 
sometimes narrowly edged with silvery, from eye to median rays of 
caudal ; a blackish spot at tip of dorsal. 

Total length 62 millim. 

White Nile and Bahr-el-Gebel, Gold Coast, Niger, Cameroon, Gaboon, 

tl Se Fashoda, White Nile. L. Loat, Esq. (C.). 
2-4. Yg. Lake No, ” » 
5-6. Hgr. Assini, Gold Coast. M. Chaper (C.); 
Paris Museum (E.), 
7. Ad. Abo, Lower Niger. Dr. W. J. Ansorge (C.). 
8. Ad. Ja R. at Bitye, 8. Cameroon. G. L. Bates, Esq. (C.). 
9-14. Types. Gaboon. 
15. Ad. Lambarene, Ogowe. Dr. W. J. Ansorge (C.), 
16-17. Ad. Sette Cama, Gaboon, 

18. Skel. 

» ” 


Steind. Notes Levd. Mus. xvi. 1894, p. 78; Bouleng. Poiss. Bass. Congo, p. 183 

Barely separable from the preceding by the absence of teeth on the 
maxillary bone. Lateral line absent or reduced to a few anterior 
tubules. Adipose fin minute or absent. Vertebre 31 (184-13). 

Liberia to Congo. 

‘Two species :— 

Depth of body 23-34 times in total length ; 

10 series ot scales between dorsal and 

veritral 20h) eieics) ale Sha MEMBER irr fasclatus, Stdt.sD.s 200. 
Depth of body 33-4 times in total length ; 

9 series of scales between dorsal and 

ventral =) 3) 5) ae 4) 0) ee «LV ae relineaius, lor. a parzont 

Steind. |. c. pl. iv. figs. 3 & 4. 

Depth of body 23 to 34 times in total length, length of head 3 to 34 
times. Head twice as long as broad, slightly longer than deep, its 
upper surface rugose in the adult; snout rounded, much shorter than 
eye, which is 24 to 3 times in length of head and equals interorbital 
width; mouth terminal; maxillary extending to below anterior border 
or anterior third of eye; 20 to 26 teeth in outer premaxillary series. 

Fig. 195. 

Neolebius unifaseratus. 

Ja River. 

Gill-rakers short, about 10 on lower part of anterior arch. Dorsal 
III-IV 7-8, originating above ventral, at equal distance from end of 
snout and from caudal; longest ray # to $ length of head. Anal III 
6-7. Pectoral about # length of head, as long as ventral. Caudal 
forked, with pointed lobes. Caudal peduncle as long as deep or a 


little longer. Scales 32-36 in longitudinal series, 12 in transverse series, 
10 between dorsal and ventral ; lateral line, if at all developed, restricted 
to 4 to 8 scales. Back pale brown; a blackish lateral band, edged 
above with yellow, extends from the eye to the base of the caudal ; 
the parts below the lateral band uniform yellow; base of caudal 
‘Votal length 45 millim. 
Liberia, South Cameroon, Gaboon.—Types in Leyden Museum. 
1. One of the types. Robertsfort, Liberia. Leyden Museum (F.). 
2-14. Ad. & her. Ja R. (Congo System) at G. L. Bates, Esq. (C.). 
Bitye, S. Cameroon. 

15. Skel. A ss ‘ 
16-25. Ad. & her. Nyong R., 8. Cameroon. 55 
26-27. Ad. Abanga R., Ogowe. Dr. W. J. Ansorge (C.). 

Bouleng. Ann. Mas. Congo, Zool. i. p. 114 (1899), and Poiss. Bass. Congo, p. 184 
Depth of body equal to length of head, 52 to 4 times in total length. 
Diameter of eye 24 to 23 times in length of head. Dorsal III 9-10. 
Anal Til 7. 33-34 scales in longitudinal series, 11 in transverse series, 

Fig. 196. 

Neolebias trilineatus. 
Type. x 2. 

9 between dorsal and ventral. Otherwise asin the preceding. Yellow, 
with three black lines on each side of the body, separated by silvery 
white bands; a round black spot, edged with white, on caudal peduncle, 
at base of caudal fin. 
Total length 30 millim. 
Congo (Stanley Pool).—Types in Cengo Museum, Tervueren. 
1-2. Two of the types. Dolo, Stanley Pool. M. P, Delhez (C.). 
VOL. I. 8 



Mill. & Trosch. Hor. Ichthyol. i. p. 12 (1845); Cuv. & Val. Hist. Poiss. xxii. 
p. 172 (1849) ; Giinth. Cat. Fish. v. p. 359 (1864); Bouleng. Poiss. Bass. 
Congo, p. 185 (1901), and Fish. Nile, p. 139 (1907). 

Snout moderate or short; mouth small, inferior or subinferior, with 
small bicuspid teeth, usually forming two series in each jaw; maxillary 
toothless, moderately large. Cheek covered by the suborbitals; nostrils 
close together, separated by a valvular flap; gill-membranes attached to 
isthmus. Body short or moderately elongate, strongly compressed. 
Scales moderate or small, strongly ciliated; lateral line straight. equally 
distant from the dorsal] and the ventral outlines, or nearer the former ; 
a scaly process at base of ventral fin. Dorsal fin with 16 to 27 rays, 
above the ventrals; anal fin with 11 to 21 rays; a small or moderately 
large adipose dorsal fin. Vertebra 41—51 (26—-33-+-15-18),. 

Small scales cover the whole or the greater part of the caudal and 
adipose fins. 

Nile and Tropical Africa. 

Synopsis of the Species. 

x a7 x7 7-9 

I. Seales 37-57 5 3 
A. Base of anal at least as long as that of dorsal, which equals its distance 

D. 16-20; snout broad or feebly compressed. 

from adipose fin ; lobes of caudal short and rounded. 
A. 19-21; Se. 37-39 s 7 between lateral line 
emyel \remnrlls 95 “gemoeta Bi uo 6 0 5 dh JDL Giyumsg; Chie, jos 20; 
A, 21-22; Sc. 40-42 *.., 
line’and ventral, 3 Ciuc Cue ales iS lor ty. 2 Olle. 
B. Base of anal shorter than that of dorsal. 

A. 16; Se. 45 a 8 between lateral line and 

9 between lateral 

ventral ; lobes of caudal rounded . . . 3. PD. noboli, Blgr., p. 262. 
A. 14-16; Se. 38-46 6-8 6_7 between lateral 
line and ventral ; lobes of caudal pointed. 4. D. notospilus, Gthr., p. 262. 

A. 12-13; Se. 53-57 _8_ 6 between lateral 

line and ventral ; lobes of caudal obtusely [p. 264. 
pombed sn) ys I Re aa Rena posvomaruismrelleory 
II. Scales 60-110 ——.. 

A. Snout deeper than long, broad or feebly compressed. 

1. Seales 60-85 — 9-14 between lateral line and ventral. 

a. Di W619"; AL LL. 





68-75 _—s 7-8 between lateral line and 
ventral . 4 : 
b. D. 22-27; A. 13-16. 

«. Interorbital width 14 to 13 times 
68=75 i 13-14 between lateral line and 
ventral; caudal ee much deeper 
than long 

. 60-66 10- EGG) aaa en iit line sig 

ventral; caudal Sata, much deeper 

than lon 2 

13 14 
68-77 oe 10 Belo lateral line and 

ventral ; caudal peduncle as long as deep. 

6. D. maculatus, Blgr., p. 264. 

length of snout in adult. 

7. D. petersii, Pleft., p. 265. 

8. D. antonii, Schilth., p. 266. 

9. D. atroventralis, Blgr., p. 267. 

8. Interorbital width equal to or slightly greater than length of snout. 

» 67-70 a 11-12 between lateral line and 

ventral ; base of dorsal twice as long as 
its distance from adipose fin ; maxillarv 
not extending to below nostrils 

. 66-78 115 10-11 between lateral line and 

ventral ; base of dorsal not twice as long 

as its distance from adipose fin; maxillary 
extending to below nostrils 
75-85 ao 11-12 between lateral line and 

ventral ; base of dorsal not twice as long 
as its distance from adipose fin ; maxillary 
extending to below nostrils 

10. D.mossambicus, Peters, p. 268. 

. Ll. D. fasciolatus, Blgr., p. 270. 

. 12. D. engycephalus, Gthy., p. 271. 

. Seales 80-110 = 13-20 between lateral line and root of ventral ; 


A. 13-15 ; aoa width much 

. 20-23; Sc. 80-91 17-20 18-90 between 

oa 20 , 
lateral line and ventral . 

22-26; Se. 90-110 © 2 15-18 peel 

lateral line and ventr Eifiy 

29-24; Sc. 83-98 jon, 13-15 Bed 

lateral line and ventral. . . . 

B. Snout deeper than long, strongly compr 

Fe Elza 14-16 
24-25; A. 12-14; Se. 60-68 To 11 

between lateral line and ventral . 

C. Snout longer than deep, not compressed. 

Peo Gea Ney Sc. 70-85 9s IS 
- 17. D. lusosso, Schilth., p. 277 

between lateral line and ventral . 

greater than length of snout. 

. 13. D. brevipinnis, Gthr., p. 272 
. 14. D. niloticus, L,, p. 273. 

- 15. D. rostratus, Gthr., p. 275. 


. 16. D. sexfasciatus, Blgr., p. 276. 




Giinth. Ann. & Mag. N. H. (4) xii. 1873. p. 144; Bouleng. Poiss. Bass. Congo, 
p. 187 (1901). 
Distichodus abbreviatus, Peters, Mon. Berl. Ac. 1876, p. 845. 

Depth of body 2 to 2% times in total length, length of head 34 to 4 
times. Head as long as deep or a little deeper than long, 1? to 2 times 
as long as broad; snout not compressed, as long as eye, which is 3 times 
in length of head ; interorbital width 2 to 24 times in length of head ; 
maxillary extending to below nostrils; teeth in two series in each jaw, 
outer series containing 20 teeth. Dorsal 16 (4 unbranched), equally 

Distichodus affinis. 
Lower Congo. +. 

distant from head and from caudal, its base equalling its distance from 
the small adipose fin. Anal 19-21 (3 unbranched), its base longer 
than that of dorsal. Pectoral ? length of head. Caudal forked, with 
short rounded lobes. Caudal peduncle deeper than long. Scales 
37-39 4 7 between lateral line and root of ventral. Silvery, back 
olive-brown; anterior border of dorsal blackish. 

Total length 120 millim. 

1. Yg., type. Boma, Lower Congo. J. J. Bianconi, Esq. (C.). 
2, Her. *, ni Capt. Wilverth (C.). 
Bh Wie. s - M. P. Delhez (C.). 

4, Ad. Lower Congo. M. I’. Hens (C.). 



Bouleng. Ann. Mus. Congo, Zool. i. p. 80, pl. xxxv. fig. 1 (1899), and Poiss. Bass. 
Congo, p. 188 (1901) ; Pellegr. Bull. Mus. Paris, 1904, p. 311. 

Depth of body 2 to 24 times in total length, length of head 4 to 44 
times. Head a little deeper than long, twice as long as broad; snout 
broad, truncate, as long as or a little longer than eye, 5 times in length 
of head ; interorbital width half length of head, 14 to nearly 2 times 
diameter of eye; maxillary extending to below nostrils; teeth in two 
Series in each jaw, outer series containing 18-22 teeth. Dorsal 17-18 

Distichodus allus. 

TypeyCAn Misa) s ess 

(4 unbranched), equally distant from eye and from caudal, its base 
equalling its distance from the small adipose fin. Anal 21-22 
(8 unbranched), nearly entirely covered with scales, its base as long as 
that of dorsal. Pectoral # to ? length of head. Caudal forked, with 
rounded lobes. Caudal peduucle a little deeper than long. Scales 
40-42 — 9 between lateral line and root of ventral. Bronzy brown, 
each scale with a golden spot; lower surface of head and pectoral 
region whitish; fins blackish grey, caudal edged with pink. 
Total length 180 millim, 


Upper Congo (Lake Leopold II. and Alima River), Shari River.— 
Type in Congo Museum, Tervueren. 

1. One of the types. — Ibali, Lake Leopold IT. M. P. Delhez (C.). 

Bouleng. Ann. Mus. Congo, Zool. i. p. 81, pl. xxxv. fig. 2 (1899), and Poiss. Bass. 
Congo, p. 189 (1901). 

Depth of body 2% times in total length, length of head 54 times. 
Head a little longer than deep; snout broad and rounded, a little 
shorter than eye, which is 3 times in length of head ; interorbital width 
25 times in length of head; maxillary extending to below nostrils; 
teeth in two series in each jaw, outer series containing 16-18 teeth. 
Dorsal 20 (4 unbranched), a little nearer head than caudal, its base 
134 times its distance from adipose fin, which is small. Anal 16 (3 un- 

Distichodus noboli. 

Type (A. M. C.). 

branched), Pectoral # length of head. Caudal forked, with rounded 
lobes. Caudal peduncle a little deeper than long. Scales 45 -. 8 
between lateral line and root of ventral. Olive above, silvery beneath ; 
dorsal red, with a large black blotch covering its anterior third; ventral, 
anal, and caudal red ; a round black spot at root of caudal. 

Total length 60 millim. 

Upper Congo (Lake Leopold II.).—Type in Congo Museum, 


Ginth. Ann. & Mag. N. H. (3) xx. 1867, p. 114; Bouleng. Poiss. Bass. Congo, 
p. 186 (1901). 
Depth of body 2 to 24 times in total length, length of head 3% to 43 
times. Head as long as deep, 1% to 2 times as long as broad; snout 


feebly compressed, as long as or a little longer than eye, which is 3 to 4 
times in length of head ; interorbital width 24 to 22 times in length of 
head; maxillary extending to below nostrils; teeth in two series in each 
jaw, outer series containing 16-20 teeth. Dorsal 16-20 (4-5 un- 
branched), equally distant from head and from caudal, or a little nearer 
former, its base equalling its distance from adipose fin, which is small. 
Anal 14-16 (3 unbranched), its base covered with scales and shorter 
than that of dorsal. Pectoral # to 4 length of head. Caudal deeply 

Vig. 200. 

Distichodus notospilus. 


forked, with pointed lobes, Caudal peduncle as long as deep. Scales 
538-46 = 6-7 between lateral line and root of ventral. Silvery, back 
brown; a large black blotch or oblique band on dorsal (between 4th to 
11th or 12th rays); a more or less distinct round blackish spot at base 
of caudal. 

Total length 195 millim. 

South Cameroon to Congo. 

1-4, 5-6. Ad. & her. — Kribi R., 8. Cameroon. G. L. Bates, Esq. (C.). 

7. Skel. 5 Ae a 

8. Her. Ja R. (Congo System) at BS 

Bitye, 8. Cameroon, 

9-11. Types. Gaboon. 
12-14. Ad. & her. Lambarene, Ogowe. Miss Kingsley (C.). 
15-16. Ad. Komadekke _,, Dr. W. J. Ansorge (C.). 
17-18. Her. Sette Cama, Gaboon. 

19. Ye. Monsembe, Upper Congo. Rev. J. H. Weeks (P.). 


Pellegr. Bull. Mus. Paris, 1900, p. 351. 

Depth of body 3 times in total length, length of head 43 times. 
Head a little longer than deep; snout feebly compressed, a little less 
than half length of head, strongly projecting beyond the mouth; eye 
3 to 4 times in length of head, interorbital width 24 times; maxillary 
extending to below nostrils; two series of teeth in each jaw, inner very 
feebly developed, outer series containing 18-20 teeth. Dorsal 18-19 
(4 unbranched), originating at equal distance from head and from caudal. 
Anal 12-13 (4 unbranched). Pectoral nearly as long as head. Caudal 
forked, with obtusely pointed lobes. Scales 63-57 — 6 between lateral 
line and root of caudal. Brown above, whitish beneath, with 15-17 
dark vertical bands extending to the ventral region; a rather indistinct 
dark spot at base of caudal. 

Total length 140 millim. 

Ogowe.—Types, in Paris Museum, examined. 


Bouleng. Ann. Mus. Congo, Zool. i. p. 27, pl. xiii. fig. 1 (1898), and Poiss. Bass. 
Congo, p. 190 (1901). 

Fig. 201. 

Distichodus maculatus. 

Type (A. M.C.) 3. 

Depth of body 3 to 34 times in total length, length of head 43 to 6 
times. Head a little longer than deep, twice as long as broad; snout 


rounded, not compressed, projecting strongly beyond mouth, as long as 
or a little longer than eye, which is 3 to 34 times in length of head and 
2 to 24 times in interorbital width; maxillary extending to below 
nostrils; teeth in two series in each jaw, outer series containing 22-24 
teeth. Dorsal 16-19 (3-4 unbranched), equally distant from eye and 
from caudal, its base equal to or a little less than its distance from 
adipose fin. Anal 11 (3 unbranched), its base much shorter than that 
of dorsal. Pectoral % to 3 length of head. Caudal forked, upper lobe 
pointed, lower rounded. Caudal peduncle as long as deep or slightly 
deeper than long. Scales 68-75 ae 7-8 between lateral line and root 
of ventral. Olive above, whitish beneath; sides with large blackish 
round spots forming rather irregular oblique series across the body, 
5 or 6 spots in each; small dark spots on dorsal. 

Total length 310 millim. 

Congo (Manyanga, Stanley Pool, Uerre), Lake Bangwelu.—Type in 
Congo Museum, Tervueren. 
1. Her. Lake Bangwelu. F. H. Melland, Esq. (P.). 

Preff. Thierw. O.-Afr., Fische, p. 41 (1896). 
Fig. 202. 

Distichodus petersii. 


Depth of body 2% to barely 2} times in total length, length of head 
3% times. Head a little longer than deep, twice as long as broad; 


snout rounded, not compressed, projecting little beyond mouth, as long 
as eye, which is 34 times in length of head and about 14 times in inter- 
orbital width; maxillary extending to below nostrils; teeth in two 
series in each jaw, outer series containing 22-24 teeth. Dorsal 22 
(4-5 unbranched), equally distant from occiput and from caudal, its 
base 23 times its distance from adipose fin. Ana] 16 (3-4 unbranched). 
Pectoral $ length of head. Caudal forked, lobes obtusely pointed. 
Caudal peduncle much deeper than long. Scales 68-75 = 13-14 
between lateral line and root of ventral. Silvery, back darker ; a dark 
spot on the lateral Ime above the pectoral; dorsal with small dark 

Total length 115 millim. 

Kingani River, East Africa.—Types in Berlin and Hamburg 
1. One of the types. Kingani R. Dr. Stuhlmann (C.) ; 

Berlin Museum (#.). 


Schilthuis, Tijdschr. Nederl. Dierk. Ver. (2) iii. 1891, p. 89 ; Bouleng. Ann. Mus. 
Congo, p. 191 (1901). 

Fig. 203 

Distichodus antonit. 

Upper Congo. 4. 

Depth of body 23 to 23 times in total length, length of head 34 to 44 
times. Head about as long as deep, 13 to 2 times as long as broad; 


snout not compressed, projecting a little beyond mouth, 14 to 13 times 
as long as eye, which is 34 (young) to 54 times in length of head ; inter- 
orbital width 14 to 14 times length of snout, about 3 length of head ; 
maxillary not extending quite to below nostrils ; teeth in two series in 
each jaw, outer series containing 16 (young) to 26 teeth. Dorsal 22-25 
(4-6 unbranched), equally distant from head and from caudal, or a little 
nearer latter. Adipose fin moderately large, separated from dorsal by a 
space equal to 2 to 4 base of latter. Anal 13-15 (3-4 unbranched), its 
base much shorter than that of dorsal. Pectoral # to + length of head, 
as long as ventral or a little longer. Caudal forked, lobes rounded. 
Caudal peduncle much longer than deep. Scales 60—66 = 9-10 
between lateral line and root of ventral. Brown or olive above, whitish 
beneath ; 10 to 14 mcre or less distinct dark vertical bars, disappearing 
with age ; dorsal with numerous black dots. 
Total length 550 millim. 

1. Ad. Cataracts of Manyanga. Capt. Wilverth (C.). 
2. Yg., type. Kinshassa, Stanley Pool. M. A. Greshoff (C.) ; 
Utrecht University (E.). 

3-4. Yo. Kutu, L. Leopold II. M, P. Delhez (C.). 

5, 6. Ad. & yg. Monsembe, Upper Congo. Rev. J. H. Weeks (P.). 

7. Ad. New Antwerp, ,, Capt. Wilverth (C.). 
8-10. Ad. & her. Upper Congo. Brussels University. 

Bouleng. Ann. Mus. Congo, Zool. i. p. 28, pl. xiii. fig. 2 (1898), and Poiss. Bass. 
Congo, p. 192 (1901). 

Depth of body 24 to 23 times in total length, length of head 3% to 43 
times. Head as long as deep or a little longer, about twice as long as 
broad; snout not compressed, projecting strongly beyond mouth, as long 
as eye in the young, twice as long in the adult; eye 3% (young) to 
5 times in length of head; interorbital width 1 to 14 times length of 
snout, 2 length of head; maxillary extending to below nostrils or not 
quite so far; teeth in two series in each jaw, outer series containing 20 
(young) to 36 teeth. Dorsal 22—24 (4-5 unbranched), equally distant 
irom head and from caudal. Adipose fin small, separated from dorsal 
by a space equal to 4 to 3 base of latter. Anal 13-15 (3-4 unbranched), 
its base much shorter than that of dorsal. Pectoral 2 to ? length of 
head, Caudal forked, with rounded or obtusely pointed lobes. Caudal 


peduncle as long as deep. Scales 68-77 ei 10 between lateral line 

and root of ventral. Young greyish or purplish brown above, white 

Fig. 204. 

Distichodus atroventralis. 

Type (A. M.C.). 

below, with 6 to 9 continuous or interrupted dark vertical bars; dorsal 
with black dots; ventrals black or blackish; pectoral usually blackish 
at the end; adult uniform brown. 

Total length 420 millim. 

Congo.—Types in Congo Museum, Tervueren. 

IB Askege, Matadi, Lower Congo. M. P. Delhez (C.). 
2. Yg. Boma, Lower Congo. Capt. Wilverth (C.). 
3. Yg., one of the Lake Bayari, _,, M. A. Greshoff (C.) ; 
types. Utrecht University (E.). 
4, Ad. Dolo, Stanley Pool. M. P. Delhez (C.). 
5. Yg. Bikoro, Lake Tumba, Upper 5 
6. Her. Kutu, Lake Leopold I1., Upper ee 
demitions Upper Congo. Brussels University. 

Peters, Mon. Berl. Ac. 1852, p. 275, and Reise Mossamb. iv. p. 71, pl. xii. fig. 1 
(1868) ; Bouleng. Ann. & Mag. N. H. (7) viii. 1901, p. 513. 
Distichodus schenga, Peters, ll. ce. pp. 276, 74, pl. xiii. fig. 2. 
Diistichodus macrolepis, Giinth. Cat. Fish. v. p. 362 (1864). 

Depth of body 22 to 3 times in total length, length of head 33 to 4} 
times. Head longer than deep, 2 to 24 times as long as broad; snout 
feebly compressed, rounded, but little shorter than postocular part of 
head, about 14 diameters of eye, which is 4 to 44 times in length of head ; 


interorbital width 25 to 3 times in length of head; maxillary not 
extending to below nostrils; teeth in one or two series in each jaw, 
those of the inner series, if present, very small; 14-15 teeth in outer 
series. Dorsal 25-27 (4 unbranched), equally distant from occiput and 
from caudal, its base twice as long as its distance from adipose fin. 
Anal 14-16 (4 unbranched), its base much shorter than that of dorsal. 

Distichodus mossambicus. 

Type, after Peters (Reise Mossamb.). 4. 

Pectoral shorter than head. Caudal forked, with obtusely pointed lobes. 
Caudal peduncle deeper than long. Scales 67-70 a 11 or 12 between 
lateral line and root of caudal. Silvery, olive-brown on the back ; 6 or 
7 very indistinct dark bars on the body, not extending much below 
lateral line; dorsal with dark dots. 

Total length 300 millim. 

Zambesi.—Types in Berlin Museum. 

1-2. Ad., skins. Shiré River. Dr. C. Livingstone (P.). 
3. Ad., skin, type of a Sir J. Kirk (P.). 

D. macrolepis. 
4, Ad. Loangwa River, S. A. Neave, Esq, (P.). 

N.W. Rhodesia. 


Bouleng. Ann. Mus. Congo, Zool. i. p. 27, pl. xiv. (1898), and Poiss. Bass. Congo, 
p- 193 (1901). 

Depth of body 22 to 3 times in total length, length of head 4 to 5 
times. Head as long as deep or a little longer, about twice as long as 
broad; snout feebly compressed, rounded, strongly projecting beyond 
mouth, 4 to 2 length of head, equal to interorbital width; eye 14 to 
1} times in length of snout, 34 to 44 times in length of head; maxillary 
extending to below nostrils; teeth in two series in each jaw, 20 to 30 in 
outer series. Dorsal 25-27 (4-5 unbranched), a little nearer head 

Distichodus fasciolatus. 

Type (A.M.C.). 4. 

than caudal, its base not twice as long as its distance from adipose fin. 
Anal 14-16 (3-4 unbranched), its base much shorter than that of 
anal. Pectoral 2 to 2 length of head. Caudal forked, upper lobe longer 
and pointed, lower rounded or obtusely pointed. Caudal peduncle as 
long as deep or a little longer. Scales 68-78 ees 10-11 between lateral 
line and root of ventral. Brown, silvery white beneath, with 18 to 20 
dark vertical bars; young with a dark brown spot above the pectoral 
and another at root of caudal ; dorsal with small blackish spots. 
Total length 320 millim. 
Congo.—Types in Congo Museum, Tervueren. 
1, Ad., type. Boma, Lower Congo. Capt. Wilverth (C.). 
2. Ad., type. Cataracts of Manyanga. % 


3-4. Yg., types. Stanley Pool. M. A. Greshoft (C.) ; 
Utrecht University (E.). 
5. Skel. Bolobo, Upper Congo. Rey. G. Grenfell (P.). 
6. Her., type. Monsembe, ~ Rev. J. H. Weeks (P.). 
7. Ad. ES a BA 
8-10. Hyr. & yg. Upper Congo, Brussels University. 
ibe We Lindi River, Upper Congo. M. M. Storms (C.) ; 
Brussels Museum (P.). 
12. Ad. Banzyville, Ubanghi. Capt. Royaux (C.). 


Giinth. Cat. Fish. v. p. 361 (1864), and Petherick’s Trav. ii. p. 247 (1869) ; 
Bouleng. Ann. & Mag. N. H. (7) viii. 1901, p. 513 ; Werner, Sitzb. Ak. 
Wien, cxy. i. 1906, p. 1129; Bouleng. Fish. Nile, p. 148, pl. xxiv. fig. 2 

Distichodus toutee’, Pellegr. Bull. Soc. Zool. France, xxxi. 1906, p- 109. 

Depth of body 22 to 3 times in total length, length of head 4 to 5 
times. Head but little longer than deep, 2 to 24 times as long as broad ; 

Distichcdus engycephalus. 
Ty melee IN|.) 


snout feebly compressed, projecting very strongly beyond the mouth, its 
length equal to, or slightly less than, interorbital width ; eye 3 (young) to 
5 times in length of head, interorbital width 24 to 33 times; maxillary 
extending to below nostrils ; teeth in two series in each jaw, outer series 
containing 18-22, Gill-rakers short, 15-18 on lower part of anterior 


arch. Dorsal 23-25 (4-5 unbranched), equally distant from occiput 
and from caudal. Adipose fin small, equally distant from rayed 
dorsal and from caudal. Anal 13-14 (3-4 unbranched), its base much 
shorter than that of dorsal. Pectoral 2 to $ length of head. Caudal 
forked, with acutely pointed lobes. Caudal peduncle as long as deep or 
a little deeper. Scales 75-85 ms ae 11-12 between lateral line and root 
of ventral. Brown above, silvery white below; sides with numerous 
round dark spots, disposed irregularly ; dorsal with more or less distinct 
dark spots, which may form transverse series; young with a round dark 
spot at root of caudal. 

Total length 270 millim. 

Nile, Blue Nile, Bahr-el-Gebel, Niger. 

1. Ad. Cairo. _L. Loat, Esq. (C.). 

25 Nig. Kosheh, Upper Nile. 5 

3-4. Hgr., types. Khartum. J. Petherick, Hsq. (C.). 
5. Yg. Wad Medine, Blue Nile. L. Loat, Esq. (C.). 

6. Yg. Abo, Lower Niger. Dr. W. J. Ansorge (C.). 
Nios Agberi, 33 59 


Giinth. Cat. Fish. v. p. 360 (1864), and Petherick’s Trav. ii. p. 247, pl. iii. fig. C 
(1869) ; Steind. Sitzb. Ak. Wien, Ixi. i. 1870, p. 547, pl. iii. fig. 1 ; Bouleng. 
Ann. & Mag. N. H. (7) viii. 1901, p. 513, and Fish. Nile, p. 146, pl. xxiv. 
fig. 1 (1907). 

Depth of body 22 to 3 times in total length, length of head 8 to 4 
times. Head as long as or a little longer than deep, 14 to 2 times 
as long as broad; snout broad, rounded, slightly projecting beyond 
mouth, its length about 7 to 4 that of head; eye 5 (young) to 6 times 
in length of head, eG width twice or a little more; width of 
mouth 3 or 4 times in length of head ; teeth in two series, outer containing 
20 (young) to 384; maxillary extending to below nostrils ; upper surface of 
head with feeble striz. Gill-rakers short, 14-16 on lower part of anterior 
arch. Dorsal 20-23 (4-6 unbranched), equally distant from occiput 
and from caudal; longest rays # to 2 length of head. Adipose fin 
rather large, its base as long as or a little shorter than its distance from 
dorsal. Anal 13-15 (3-4 unbranched), its base much shorter than 
that of dorsal. Pectoral # to 3 length of head, as long as or slightly 
shorter than ventral. Caudal forked, with short rounded lobes. Caudal 

peduncle usually deeper than long. Scales 80-91 : a 18-20 between 


lateral line and root of ventral. Olive or dark grey above, white beneath, 
the sides with large round dark spots forming four or five irregular 

Fig. 208. 

Distichodus brevipinnis. 
Wihite Nile(F.N.). 3 


longitudinal series; fins greyish, except the pectoral, which is whitish ; 
dorsal spotted with black; ventrals and anal sometimes blackish. 

Total length 220 millim. 

White Nile, Chad Basin, Senegal, Niger. 

1-3. Types. Khartum. J. Petherick, Esq. (C.). 

4-5. Her. Fashoda, White Nile. L. Loat, Esq. (C.). 

6. Yg. Yo River, Lake Chad. Capt. G. B. Gosling (P.). 

7-8. Hgr. Kaédi, Senegal. M. P. Delhez (C.). 

9. Ad., head & tail. Jebba, Upper Niger. Japt. G. I. Abadie (P.). 
10-11. Yg. Agberi, Lower Niger. Dr. W. J. Ansorge (C.). 

12. Yg. Assay, bs J.S. Budgett, Esq. (P.). 
13-14. Her. Benue River, N. of Ibi. HH. L. Norton Traill, Esq. (C.). 


Salmo niloticus, part., Linn. in Hasselq. Reise Pala-t. p. 422 (1762). 

Salmo egyptiacus, part., Gmel. Syst. Nat. i. p. 1386 (1788). 

Characinus nefasch, part., Lacep. Hist. Poiss. v. p. 274 (1803) ; Geoffr. Descr. 
Egypte, Poiss. p. 44 (1809). 

Citharinus nefusch, part., Riipp. Beschr. n. Fische Nil, p. 5 (1829). 

Distichodus niloticus, Miill. & Trosch. Hor. Ichthyol. i. p. 12, pl. i. fig. 3 (1845) ; 
Giinth. Cat. Fish. v. p. 360 (1864), and Petherick’s Tray. ii. p. 246 (1869) ; 

VOL. I. 1, 


Bouleng. Ann. & Mag: N. H. (7) viii. 1901, p: 513; and Fish; Nile, p.: 141, 

pl. xxii. & pl. xxiii. fig. 1 (1907). 
Distichodus nefasch, part., Cuv. & Val. Hist. Poiss. xxii. p. 175 (1849). 
Distichodus rodolphi, Giinth. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1896, p. 223; Vincig. Ann. Mus. 

Genova, (2) xix. 1898, p. 258 ; Fowler, Proc. Ac. Philad. 1906, p. 467, fig. 

Depth of body 23 to 3% times in total length, length of head 31 (young) 

to dg times. Head 13 to 14 times as long as deep, 13 to 24 times as 
long as broad; snout rounded, somewhat depressed, projecting more or 
less beyond mouth, its length Jess than interorbital width ; diameter of 
eye 3 (young) to 6 times in length of head, interorbital width 24 to 3 
times; width of mouth 33 to 42 times in length of head; teeth in two 
series in each jaw, outer series containing 24 (young) to 36; maxillary 
extending to below nostrils ; upper surface of head and opercle more or 
less rugose with radiating strie. Gill-rakers short, 17-20 on lower part 
of anterior arch. Dorsal 22-26 (3-6 unbranched), equally distant from 
occiput and from caudal fin, or a little nearer the former; longest rays 

Fig. 209. 

Iistithodus niloticus. 
Lower Nile (I’. N.). 3. 

3 to $ length of head. Adipose fin small, nearly equally distant from 

dorsal and from caudal. Anal 13-15 (3-4 unbranched), its base much 
shorter than that of anal. Pectoral 3 to length of head, as long as or 
slightly shorter than ventral. Catidal forked, with roundéd lobes. 
Caudal peduncle as long as déep or slightly déépér than long. Scaleés 
90-110 a 15-18 between lateral line and root of ventral. Purplish 
grey above, silvery white below; young with 10-13 vertical dark bars 
on the body, a round blackish spot above the pectoral fin, on or below 

the lateral line, dnd another at the base of the caudal fin ; these markings 


disappearing gradually with age ; vertical fins greyish, sometimes blackish 
at the edge, the dorsal with numerous small round darker spots. 

Total length 700 millim. 

Nile, White Nile, Lake Rudolf: 

ils ANGE Nile. Dr. Riippell (€.). 
2,3-4. Ad. & yg. — Lower Nile. J. Petherick, Esq: (C.). 
5. Ad. Beni Souef, Lower Nile. L. Loat, Esq. (C.). 
6. Yg. Near Luxor. is 
Mig. Between Luxor and Assuan. 9 
8-14. Ad: & yg. White Nile. J. Petlierick, Esq. (C.). 
15. Skel. $5 33 
16. Her. Jebelain, White Nile. L. Loat, Esq. (C.). 
17-23. Hgr. & yg. Fashoda, Fe 55 
24. Ad. Mouth of Lake No, White 
25s NIE. Lake No, White Nile. 3 
26. Yg., typeof D.  Laké Rudolf. Dr. Donaldson Smith (C.). 


Salmo “iloticus, part., Linn. in Hasselq. Reise Palest. p. £22 (1762). 

Salmo egyptiacus, part., Gmel. Syst. Nat. i. p. 1386 (1788). 

Characinus nefasch, part., Lacep. Hist. Poiss. v. p. 274 (1803) ; Geoff. Desér. 
Egypte, Poiss. p. 44, pl. v. fig. 1 (1809). 

Citharinus nefasch, part., Riipp. Beschr. n. Fische Nil, p. 5 (1829). 

Distichodus nefasch, part., Cuy. & Val. Hist. Poiss. xxii. p. 175 (1849). 

Distichodus rostratus; Giinth. Cat. Fish: v. p: 360 (1864), and Petherick’s Trav. ii. 
p: 246, pl. iii: fig. B (1869) ; Bouleng. Ann. & Mag. N. H. (7) viii. 1901, 
p- 513, and Fish. Nile, p. 143, pl. xxii. fig. 2 (1907). 

Distichodus martini, Steind. Sitzb. Ak. Wien, Ixi. i. 1870, p. 549, pl. iii. fig. 2. 

Very nearly related to the preceding, differing only in the somewhat 

latger scales, 83-98 oes 13-15 between lateral line and ventral. 

Coloration also the same. 
Total length 620 millim. 
Lower Nile to Victoria Nile; Lake Chad, Senegal, Niger. 

1. Type. Lowe# Nile. J. Petherick, Esq. (C.). 
2. ¥g: Beni Souef, Lower Nilé. li. Loat, Esq. (C.). 

3-4. Her. & yg. Near Luxor. Be 

5. Yg. Kosheh, Upper Nile. 2 

6. Her. Gondokoro, Bahr-el-Gebel. F? 

7. Head of ad. Fajao, Victoria Nile. J58. Budgett, Esq. (B.). 
8. Her. Lake Chad. Capt. G. B. Gaslitig (P.). 



Distichodus rostratus. 
Type (I. N.). 2. 

9. Ad. St. Louis, Senegal. M. P. Delhez (C.). 
10, Type, stuffed. Niger. Mr. J. T. Dalton (C.). 
11. Ad. 45 W. A. Forbes, Esq. (P.). 
12. Yg. Jebba, Upper Niger. Capt. G. F. Abadie (P.). 
13. Hgr. Mureji, ‘3 J. 8. Budgett, Esq. (P.). 
14-15. Yg. Abo, Lower Niger. Dr. W. J. Ansorge ((.). 
16-25. Yq. Agberi. 5 3 
26. Her. Benue River, N. of Ibi. H. L. Norton Traill, Bsq. (C.). 

Bouleng. Ann. & Mag. N. H. (6) xx. 1897, p. 425, and Poiss. Bass. Congo, p. 194 

Depth of body 24 to 24 times in total length, length of head 34 to 
4 times. Head as long as deep, 2 to 24 times as long as broad ; snout 
strongly compressed, deeper than long, truncate at the end and scarcely 
projecting beyond mouth, its length equal to or slightly greater than 
interorbital width and 12 to 2 times diameter of eye, which is 4 to 5 times 
in length of head; maxillary extending to below nostrils; teeth in two 
series in each jaw, 12 to 14 in outer series. Dorsal 24-25 (5 unbranched), 
equally distant from head and from caudal, separated from adipose by a 
space equal to ; to # its base. Anal 12-14 (8-4 unbranched), its base 
much shorter than that of dorsal. Pectoral # to % length of head. 
Caudal forked, lobes rounded. Caudal peduncle a little deeper than 

long. Scales 60-68 a 11 between lateral line and root of ventral, 


Red or reddish brown, belly silvery white; 6 or 7 broad blackish 
vertical bars on the body. 

Total length 210 millim. 


Vig. 211. 

“y VA 

iy if, y, 

Distichodus sexfasciatus. 

New Antwerp. 2 

1. Ad. Leopoldville, Stanley Pool. Capt. Wilverth (C.). 

2. Ad. Coquilhatville, Upper Congo. M. P. Delhez (C.). 

3. Hgr. Kutu, Lake Leopold II. i 

4, Ad. New Antwerp, Upper Congo. Capt. Wilverth (C.). 

5. Her. Monsembe, % Rev. J. H. Weeks (P.). 
6. Hgr. Upper Congo. Brussels University. 

7. Type. Stanley Halls. Rey. W. H. Bentley (C.). 

Schilthuis, Tijdschr. Ned. Dierk. Ver. (2) iii. 1891, p. 90 ; Bouleng. Poiss. Bass. 
Congo, p. 195 (1901). 

Distichodus leptorhynchus, Bouleng. Ann. & Mag. N. H. (6) xx. 1897, p. 428. 

Depth of body 24 to 3} times in total length, length of head 3 to 
3% times. Head 1} to 14 times as long as deep, 24 to 3 times as long as 
broad; snout rounded, not compressed, longer than deep, its length greater 
than interorbital width, 14 to 2} diameters of eye, which is 4 to 6 times 


in length of head; maxillary not extending to below nostrils; 12-18 
teeth in each jaw, inner teeth very small or absent. Dorsal 25-26 
(4-5 unbranched), equally distant from head and from caudal, separated 
from adipose fin by a space equal to 4 to 2? its base. Anal 13-14 
(8-4 unbranched), its base much shorter than that of dorsal. Pectoral 
3 to 3 length of head. Caudal forked, lobes rounded. Caudal peduncle 

Fig. 212. 







Distichodus lusosso. 

Type. 2. 

as long as deep or a little deeper than long. Scales 70-85 ee 11-15 
between lateral line and root of ventral. Orange or red, with 6 to 8 
blackish bands across the body; dorsal dotted with blackish in the 

‘Total length 380 millim. 


1-2. Ad. & her. 
as Hgr., type. 

4-5. Yg. 
6,7. Ad. & yg. 
‘8. Skel. 
9. ¥g., ype of 
D. leplorhynghys. 
19-11. Hgr.& yg. 

Cataracts of Manyanga. 
Kinshassa, Stanley Pool. 

Leopoldyille, Stanley Pool. 
Monsembe, Upper Congo. 

3) ” 

Stanley Falls. 

Banzyville, Uhanghi. 

Capt. Wilverth (C.). 

M. A. Greshoft (C.) ; 
Utrecht University (H.). 

Capt. Wilverth (C.). 

Rev. J. H. Wecks (P.). 


Rey. W. H. Bentley (€.). 

Capt. Royaux (C.). 


Giinth. Ann. & Mag. N. H. (3) xx. 1867, p. 112; Bouleng. Poiss. Bass. Congo, 
p- 196 (1901), and Fish. Nile, p. 150 (1907). 

Snout short; mouth very small, inferior, each jaw with a single series 
of small, notched, bicuspid teeth; maxillary toothless, moderately large. 
Cheek covered by the suborbitals; nostrils close together, near the eye, 
separated by a valvular flap; gill-membranes free on the sides only. 
Body more or less elongate, cylindrical or compressed. Scales small, 
strongly ciliated ; lateral line straight, equally distant from the dorsal 
and the ventral outlines; a scaly process at base of ventral fin. Dorsal 
fin with 12 to 15 rays, above the ventrals ; anal fin with 10 or 11 rays; 
a small adipose dorsal fin. Vertebra 43-44 (21-224 22.) 

Nile and ‘Tropical Africa. 

Synopsis of the Species. 

I, Dorsal originating above ventrals, with 9 to 11 branched rays. 
A. Lateral line complete. 
1. Not more than 50 scales in lateral line, 44 or 5 in transverse series 
above lateral line ; length of head 33 to 44 times in total length. 
Head deeper than broad ; depth of body 44 
to 5 times in total length; pectoral as 
long as head, eee beyond root of 

ventral ; Se, 37-38 | be : . 1. XN. brevis, Bigr., p. 280. 

Head deeper than broad ; oo of oe 32 to 
4} times in total length ; pectoral much 
shorter than head, Be reaching reot of 

ventral; Se. 38-40 2 3 do : . 2. WV. parvus, Peilegr., p. 281. 

Head not deeper than broad ; cn of ae 
9 to 5% times in total length ; pectoral 

as long as head, extending beyond root of 

ventral ; Se. 42-49 @m co et 8 N, fasciatus, Gthr., p. 281. 

2. 47 scales or more in lateral line, 54 or 6 in transverse series above lateral 
line ; length of head 4 to 5 times in total length. 
Head deeper than broad; depth of body 5 to 
53 times in total length 5 pectoral as long 
as head or slightly shorter, extending a 

little beyond origin of ventral; Se. 47-55 

5t -6 ’ 
Care ieweersiow T | srtsaea ihe A. NM, intermedius, Blgr., ps 282. 


Head not deeper than broad ; depth of body 

5 to 6 times in total length; pectoral 

shorter than head ; Se. 50-55 a . . . 5. MN. niloticus, Joann., p. 283. 
Head not deeper than broad; depth of body 

63 to 7} times in total length ; pectoral 

shorter than head ; Se. 52-57 2 . . . 6. N. elongatus, Blgr., p. 284. 

B. Latera] line incomplete, reduced to a few tubules ; Sc. 50 Bs length of 

head 8 times in total length . . . 7. N. ocellicauda, Blgr., p. 289. 

II. Dorsal originating well in advance of ventrals, with 11 or 12 branched rays ; 
head deeper than broad, 4 to 44 times in total length; depth of body 
43 to 5 times in total length; pectoral shorter than head. 

Se. 48-49 a iy ae ne en Oe ite tas DICT... 200. 
Se. 525 A a uevari i iiatas Pelee nsppaoeo: 

Bouleng. Ann. Mus. Congo, Zool. ii. p. 27, pl. viii. fig. 2 (1902). 

Depth of body 44 to 5 times in total length, length of head 4 times. 
Head deeper than broad; snout as long as eye, which is a little more 
than 3 times in length of head and equals interorbital width. Dorsal 
III 10, originating above base of ventral, situated a little nearer end of 
snout than caudal, longest ray equal to ora little greater than length 
of head. Anal III 6. Pectoral as long as head, extending beyond root 

Nurnocharax brevis. 

Type (A. M. C.). 

of ventral. Caudal forked, with pointed lobes. Caudal peduncle twice 
as long as deep. Scales 37-38 a 4 between lateral line and root of 
ventral. Olive above, yellowish beneath; 5 large brown spots across 
the back, and two bars of the same colour on the caudal peduncle; 
a series of dark spots on each side; a black spot at base of caudal fin 
and a blackish spot or bar across each lobe of the latter. 

Total length 46 millim. 

Upper Congo.—Type in Congo Museum, ‘Tervueren. 


1. One of the types. Banzyville, Ubanghi. Capt. Royaux (C.). 
2. Ad. Lindi River. — M. M. Storms (C.) ; 

Brussels Museum (P.). 

Pellegr. Bull. Mus. Paris, 1906, p. 469, and Bull. Soc. Philom. (9) ix. 1907, p. 25. 

Depth of body 33 to 41 times in total length, length of head 32 to 
4 times. Head deeper than broad; snout a little shorter than eye, 
which is about 3 times in length of head and exceeds interorbital width. 
Dorsal III 10-11, originating above base of ventral, situated a little 
nearer caudal than end of snout, longest ray equal to length of head. 
Anal III 8-9. Pectoral § length of head, not reaching root of ventral. 

Nannocharaw parvus. 

Type. x. 

Caudal forked, with pointed lobes. Caudal peduncle a little longer 
than deep. Scales 38-40 ais 4 between lateral line and root of ventral. 
Olive-brown above, yellowish white beneath; a black lateral band, 
extending from snout to median rays of caudal. 

Total length 40 millim. 

Ogowe and Ubanghi.—Types in Paris Museum. 
1. One of the types. Ngomo, Ogowe. Rey. H. Haug (C.) ; 

Paris Museum (H.). 

Ginth. Ann. & Mag. N. H. (3) xx. 1867, p. 112, pl. iii. fig. A; Bouleng. Poiss. 
Bass. Congo, p. 196 (1901). 

Depth of body 5 to 54 times in total length, length of head 33 to 44 
times. Head as broad as deep; snout about as long as eye, which is a 
little more than 8 times in length of head and equals or a little exceeds 
interorbital width. Dorsal III 9-10, originating above base of ventral, 
situated at equal distance from end of snout and from caudal, longest 
ray as long as head. Anal III 7-8. Pectoral as long as head, extending 


beyond root of ventral. Caudal forked, with pointed lobes. Caudal 
peduncle 2 to 24 times as long as deep. Scales 42-49 ieap 4 between 

lateral line and root of ventral. Yellowish, with 8 to 10 brown bars 

Fig. 215. 

Nannocharax fasciatus. 
Type, after Giinther (J. c.). 

across the back, more or less confluent with similar bars on the sides of 
the body; these bars sometimes very irregular; 2 or 5 brown bars 
across the dorsal, one on the ventral, and one on the anal; a brown spot 
at the base of the caudal and one or two brown bars across each lobe of 
this fin. 

Total length 75 millim. 

Gold Coast to Congo. 

1-5. Ad. & her. Akropong, Gold Coast. R. B. N. Walker, Esq. (C.) 5 
Dr. A. Giinther (P.). 
6-7, 8-10. Ad. Kribi R., 8. Cameroon. G. L. Bates, Esq. (C.). 
11. Type. Gaboon. 

Bouleng. Ann. & Mag. N. H. (7) xii. 1903, p. 437. 

Depth of body 5 to 53 times in total length, length of head 44 to 
4; times. Head deeper than broad ; snout as long as or a little shorter 
than eye, which is 3 to 53 times in length of head and equals or slightly 
exceeds interorbital width. Dorsal III 10-11, otiginating above base 
of ventral, situated nearer end of snout than caudal, longest ray as 
long as head. Anal III 7-8. Pectoral as long as head or slightly 
shorter, reaching a little beyond origin of yentral, Caudal forked, with 
sharply pointed lobes. Caudal peduncle twice as long as deep, Scales 
47-55 aon 5 between lateral line and root of ventral. Yellowish, with 
10 to 13 brown cross-bars, which are darker on the sides; these bars 
sometimes irregular or broken up into spots; a dark blotch at the base 


of the caudal, which is traversed by a greyish bar; dorsal with small 
dark spots forming transverse series. 

Nannocharaz intermedius. 

Total length 65 millim. 
South Cameroon. 
1-4. Types. Kribi River. G. L. Bates, Esq. (C.). 
5. Ad. Nyong River. 54 
6-16. Ad. & her. Ja River at Bitye. rH 


Coregonus niloticus, Joannis, Mag. Zool. 1835, iv. pl. vii. 

Nannocharax niloticus, Ginth. Ann. & Mag. N.H. (3) xx. 1867, p. 113; Bouleng. 
Poiss. Bass. Congo, p. 198 (1901) ; Werner, Sitzb. Ak. Wien, cxy. i. 1906, 
p- 1129, pl. iii. fig, 10 ; Bouleng. Fish. Nile, p. 150, pl. xxi. fig. 4 (1907). 

? Nannocharag niloticus, var, lateralis, Werner, t. c. p. 1130, pl. iii. fig. 1. 

Depth of bedy 5 to 6 times in total length, length of head 4 to 5 times. 
Head as deep as broad; snout nearly as long as or a little shorter than eye, 
which is 3 times or nearly 3 times in length of head; interorbital width 
slightly less than diameter of eye. Dorsal III 9-10, originating above 
base of ventrals, situated at equal distance from end of snout and from 
caudal or a little nearer former, longest ray ? to once length of head. 
Anal III 7-8. Pectoral shorter than head, not reaching, or just 
reaching, root of ventra]. Caudal forked, lobes acutely pointed. Caudal 
peduncle 2 to 2} times as long as deep. Scales 50-55 7, 5 between 
lateral line and root of ventral. Pale olive above, white below; a 
silvery lateral streak just below lateral line; 8 to 12 brown bars across 
the back, and a series of 6 to 8 round, oval, or square, more or less 
distinct brown spots along lateral line; small vertical bars sometimes 
present below lateral line ; a small dark spot on base of caudal; three 


more or less distinct longitudinal dark streaks on the snout; fins white, 
dorsal sometimes dusky. 

Total length 52 millim. 

Lower Nile to Blue Nile and Bahr-el-Gebel. 

Nannocharax niloticus. 

White Nile (F. N.). 

1. Ad. Beni Souef, Lower Nile. L. Loat, Esq. (C.). 

2-31. Ad. & hgr. Near Luxor. 44 
32. Skel. ss 3 
33. Ad. Assuan. Fe 
34-35. Ad. Rosaires, Blue Nile. Capt. 8. Flower (P.). 
36-37. Ad. Kaka, White Nile. L. Loat, Esq. (C.). 
38-47, 48-67, 68-87. Gondokoro, Bahr-el-Gebel. A 

Ad. & her. 


Bouleng. Ann. Mus. Congo, Zool. i. p. 131, pl. xlviii. fig. 3 (1900), and Poiss. 
Bass. Congo, p. 197 (1901). 

Depth of body 64 to 74 times in total length, length of head 45 to 
5 times. Body cylindrical. Head as broad as deep; snout as long as 
eye, which isa little more than 3 times in length of head and equals 

Fig. 218. 

Nannocharav clongatus. 

Type (A. M. C.). 

interorbital width. Dorsal 111 10, originating above base of ventral, 
situated nearer end of snout than caudal, longest ray as long as head. 
Anal IIL 7. Pectoral a little shorter than head, reaching origin of 
ventral. Caudal forked, with pointed lobes. Caudal pedun¢le 2 to 


2+ times as long as deep. Scales 52-57 ts 4-5 between lateral line 
and root of ventral. Yellowish, with 8 or 9 brown bars across the back, 
alternating with a series of more or less distinct large dark spots on 
each side of the body, on the lateral line; a small brown spot between 
the anterior rays of the dorsal, a larger one at the base of the caudal, 
and one or two small ones on each lobe of this fin. 

Total length 68 millim. 

Upper Congo.—Types in Congo Museum, Tervueren. 
1-2. Two of the types. Between New Antwerp and Major Weyns (C.). 

Stanley Falls. 
3. Ad. Lindi River. M. M. Storms (C.) ; 
Brussels Museum (P.). 

Bouleng. Ann. & Mag. N. H. (7) xx. 1907, p. 485. 

Depth of body 44 to 5 times in total length, length of head 4 times. 
Head twice as long as broad, deeper than broad; snout rounded, feebly 
projecting, a little shorter than eye, which equals length of postorbital 
part of head and interorbital width. Gill-rakers short and few. 
Dorsal III 9-10, originating above root of ventrals, equally distant from 
eye and from root of caudal; longest ray about # length of head. 
Anal III 9. Pectoral much shorter than head, not reaching root of 

Nannocharaz ocellicauda. 

Type. x3. 

ventral. Lobes of caudal acutely pointed. Caudal peduncle once and 
4 as long as deep. Scales 50 of 5 between lateral line series and root 
of ventral; lateral line incomplete, reduced to a few tubules. Yellowish 
in spirit, with a large black, light-edged ocellus at the root of the 
caudal fin; vertical fins greyish, dorsal black-edged in front. 

Total length 56 millim. 

South Cameroon. 
1-2. Types. Ja River (Congo System), G. LL, Bates, Baq, (C.). 



Bouleng. Ann. Mus. Congo, Zool. ii. p. 28, pl. viii. fig. 3 (1902). 

Depth of body 42 to 5 times in total length, length of head 4 times. 
Head deeper than broad; snout as long as eye, which is 33 times in 
length of head and equals interorbital width. Dorsal I{I 11-12, 
originating well in advance of ventrals, situated at equal distance from 
end of snout and from caudal, longest ray # length of head. Anal III 8. 
Pectoral a little shorter than head, not reaching ventral. Caudal 

Narnocharad tenia. 
Typé (A. M: ©.). 

forked, with pointed iebes. Caudal peduncle nearly twice as long as 
deep: Scales 48-49 a 5 between lateral Hne and root of caudal. 
Yellowish, with about 10 brown eross-bars on the back and sides : 
a greyish lateral band from end of snout to caudal; a blackish spot at 
base of caudal, another, smaller, on each lobe of this fin, and a blackish 
line along the ventral. 

Total length 60 millim. 

Ubanghi.—Type in Congo Museum, Tervueren. 

1. One of the types. Banzyville. Capt. Royaux (C.). 

Pellegr. Bull. Mus. Paris, 1904, p. 220. 

Depth of body nearly equal to length of head, 44 times in total length. 
Head once and 4 as long as deep; snout slightly shorter than eye, 
which is hardiy 3 times in length of head and a little exceeds inter- 
orbital width. Dorsal III 12, originating in advance of ventrals, a little 
nearer end of snout than caudal, longest ray as long as head. Anal III 8. 
Pectoral 2 length of head, not reaching ventral. Caudal forked. Caudal 

7% 6 between lateral line 

peduncle a little longer than deep. Scales 52 oy 


and root of ventral. Greyish, scales on back edged with darker; a 
broad dark lateral band, from the upper part of the gill-cover to the 
caudal; a black dot on the upper part of the front of the dorsal. 

Total length 54 millim. 

Casamanza River, Portuguese Guinea.—Type in Paris Museum. 

Giinth. Ann. & Mag. N. H. (3) xx. 1867, p. 114; Bouleng. Poiss. Bass. Congo, 
p- 198 (1901). 

Snout short ; mouth wide, terminal; teeth very small, bicuspid, in two 
series in the preemaxillaries, in three in the lower jaw, in one at the base 
of the maxillary, which is moderately large. Cheek partly naked ; nostrils 
close together, separated by a valvular flap; gill-membranes free from 
isthmus. Body rather short, strongly compressed. Scales small, strongly 
ciliated; lateral line straight, following the middle of the side; a scaly 
process at base of ventral fin. Dorsal fin with 20 to 22 rays, above the 
ventrals; anal with 14 to 16 rays; a small adipose dorsal fin, 

South Cameroon to Congo. 

Two species :— 

Dorsal originating a little in advance of ventrals . 1. X. spilurus, Gthr., p. 287. 
Dorsal originating above ventrals. . . . . . 2. X. crassus, Pellegr., p- 288. 

Giinth. 1. c. pl. iii. fig. B; Bouleng. op. c. p. 200. 

Depth of body 24 to 34 times in total length, length of head 3 to 4 
times. Head broad and flat above, raised at the occiput ; snout nearly 
twice as broad as long, as long as or 4 little shorter than eye, Which is 
lateral and 22 (young) to 4 times in length of head; interorbital width 
2 to 3 times in length of head; maxillary extending to below anterior 
border of eye. Gill-rakers rather long, slender, 10-13 on lower part of 
anterior arch. Dorsal 20-22 (4-5 unbranched); originatitig 4 little in 
advance of ventrals, longest rays # to $ length of head. Adipose fin 
scaly at base. Anal 14-16 (4 unbranched). Pectoral 2 to 2 length of 
head. Caudal forked, with long, pointed lobes. Caudal peduncle 
nearly as long as deep. Scales 68-77 tee 10-12 between lateral line 
and ventral. Silvery, greenish or blackisl olive above; young with 


numerous narrow vertical dark bars and a large blackish spot on caudal 
peduncle, at base of caudal fin. . 

Fig. 221. 

Xenocharax spilurus. 

Type, after Giinther (Ann. Mag. N. H. 1867). 

Total length 260 millim. 
South Cameroon, Gaboon, Congo. 

1-3. Ad. & hgr. Kribi River, S. Cameroon. G. L. Bates, Hsq. (C.). 
4-5. Types. Gaboon. 
6-9. Hgr.& yg.  Talagouga, Ogowe. Miss Kingsley. (C.). 
10. Ad. Komadekke, __,, Dr. W. J. Ansorge (C.). 
11. Ad. Ibali, L. Leopold II., Upper Congo. M. P. Delhez (C.). 
12. Ad. Kutu, ” ” ” 
13-14. Hgr. & yg. Bikoro, Lake Tumba, $3 > 
15. Skel. ” ”» ” ” 
16,17. Ad. & hgr. _Monsembe, Upper Congo. Rey. J. H. Weeks (P.). 

Pellegr. Bull. Mus. Paris, 1900, p. 100. 

Very closely allied to the preceding, but depth of body not quite 
24 times in total length, dorsal originating above ventrals, and a large 
black spot on anterior part of dorsal. 

Total length 209 millim. 

Upper Congo (Alima River),——Type in Paris Museum. 


Bouleng. Ann. & Mag. N. H. (7) ix. 1902, p. 141. 

Snout short; mouth wide, terminal, with a marginal series of very 
minute pointed teeth; maxillary very small, toothless. Cheek partly 
naked; nostrils close together, separated by a valvular flap; gill- 
membranes free from isthmus. Body short, strongly compressed. 
Scales moderately large, strongly denticulate; lateral line straight, 
nearer the dorsal than the ventral outline ;-a scaly process at base of 
ventral fin. Dorsal fin with 17-18 rays, above the ventrals ; anal with 
20-21 rays; a rather large adipose dorsal fin. 


Bouleng. |. ¢. pl. iii. 

Depth of body twice in total length, length of head 3 times. Head 
twice as long as broad, flattened above, raised at the occiput; snout 

Citharidium ansorgti. 

Type (Ann. & Mag. N. H. 1902). 3. 

twice as broad as long, not projecting beyond lower jaw, as long as eye, 
which is infero-lateral, 33 to 4 times in length of head and 2 to 24 times, 

VOL. I. U 


in interorbital width ; a narrow adipose lid in front of and behind the 
eye. Gill-rakers very short, closely set. Dorsal 17-18 (4 unbranched), 
originating at equal distance from end of snout and from caudal, pointed, 
longest ray nearly as long as head. Adipose fin scaly, as long as its 
distance from dorsal. Anal 20-21 (3 unbranched), pointed in front. 
Pectoral half length of head, shorter than ventral. Caudal forked, with 
pointed lobes. Caudal peduncle a little deeper than long. Scales 41 a 
12 between lateral line and root of ventral, each scale bearing 6-10 
raised lines ending in a spine. Brown above, bright yellow beneath ; 
an oblique blackish band from in front of the dorsal to the base of the 
ventral; upper surface of head and opercular fold black; pectorals 
yellow, ventrals black; dorsal, anal, and caudal grey at the base, black 
at the end. 

Total length 130 millim. 

Lower Niger. 
1. Type. Lake Oguta. Dr. W. J. Ansorge (P.). 
2. Yg. Abo. 59 (C.). 


Cuv. Régne Anim. ii. p. 168 (1817), part.; Cuv. & Val. Hist. Poiss. xxii. p. 94 
(1849), part.; Mill. & Trosch. Hor. Ichthyol. iii. p. 8 (1845); Giinth. Cat. 
Fish. v. p. 302 (1864); Bouleng. Poiss. Bass. Congo, p. 201 (1901), and 
Fish. Nile, p. 152 (1907). 

Snout short; mouth wide, straight, terminal or subinferior, with 
minute pointed teeth inserted on the labial margin; maxillary small, 
toothless. Cheek partly naked; nostrils close together, separated by a 
valvular flap; gill-membranes free from isthmus. Body short, very 
strongly compressed. Scales moderate or small, not denticulate ; lateral 
line straight, equally distant from the dorsal and the ventral outlines, 
or nearer the former; a scaly process at base of ventral fin. Dorsal 
fin with 17-23 rays, above or behind the vertical of the ventrals; anal 
with 20-31 rays; a small or rather large adipose dorsal fin. Vertebree 
49-44 (24-25418-19). 

Small scales cover the adipose fin, at least at the base. An accessory 
branchial ergan, behind the fourth gill. 

Nile and Tropical Africa, 


Synopsis of the Species. 
I. Base of adipose fin shorter than its distance from the dorsal ; Dorsal 17-21 ; 
Anal 25-31. 
Se. 77-90 2025? 

ventral ; dorsal originating behind vertical of 

17-21 between lateral line and 

base of ventral ; snout projecting a little be- 

yond lower jaw... . 1. C. citharus, Geoftr., p. 291. 

Sc. 60-66 = 13-14 between lateral line and 
ventral; dorsal originating above last ray of 
ventral; snout projecting a little beyond 

HOMyer) Jan iyo yeaa Ate eaten nies) 26) Oolcongicus: Blox: \psi2 93s 

~ pp 13-14 

Se. 55-60 16-18? 
root of ventral; dorsal originating above last 
ray of ventral; snout not projecting beyond 


OOP TOWS wo to iB WoO PERS Volo Ve ls: Boe Outmnaaalg ns, Blzr., p. 294. 

10-12 between lateral line and 

II. Base of adipose fin at least nearly as long as its distance from the dorsal ; 
Dorsal 20-23 ; Anal 20-27. 

Se. 63-71 i 14-16 between lateral line and 

root of ventral; dorsal originating just be- 

hind vertical of base of ventral ; snout pro- 

jecting a little beyond lower Jaw . . . . 4. C. latus, M. & T., p: 295. 
Se. 538-59 = 10-12 between lateral line and 

root of ventral; dorsal originating above base 

of ventral ; snout projecting rather strongly 

beyond lower jaw . - - - - ..-. ~ 5. C. gibbosus, Blgr., p. 297. 


Serrasalmus citharus, Geoftr. Deser. Egypte, Poiss. p. 40, pl. v. figs. 2 & 3 (1809). 

Citharinus geofroyt, Cuy. Regne Anim. 2nd ed. ii. p. 313 (1829); Mill. & Trosch. 
Hor. Ichthyol. i. p. 9 (1845); Cuv. & Val. Hist. Poiss. xxii. p. 95 (1849) ; 
Giinth. Cat. Fish. v. p. 302 (1864), and Petherick’s Trav. ii. p. 240 (1869) ; 
Steind. Sitzb. Ak. Wien, Ixi. i. 1870, p. 538; Bouleng. Ann. Mus. Congo, 
Zool. i. p. 93 (1899). 

Distichodus marnoi, Steind. Sitzb. Ak. Wien, Ixxxiii. i. 1881, p. 200. 

Citharinus citharus, Bouleng. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1905, i. p. 151; Fowler, Proc. Ac. 
Philad. 1906, p. 319 ; Bouleng. Fish. Nile, p. 153, pl. xxv. (1907). 

Depth of body 1% to 23 times in total length, length of head 3 to 4 
times. Head 2 to 24 times as long as broad, upper profile deeply con- 
cave ; snout short, 12 to 2 times as broad as long, a little longer than 
eye in adult, a little shorter in young, projecting slightly beyond mouth ; 



eye 34 (young) to 6 times in length of head; a narrow adipose lid in 
front of and behind eye; interorbital width 2% to 24 times in length of 
head. Gill-rakers short, fine, closely set, about 50 on lower part of 
anterior arch. Dorsal 17-20 (3-5 unbranched), originating behind 
vertical of base of ventral and nearer caudal than end of snout; anterior 
branched rays more or less produced, often longer than head. Adipose 
fin moderately large, its base } to ¢ its distance from dorsal. Anal 
25-31 (3-4 unbranched); anterior rays forming a produced, pointed 
lobe, measuring } to % length of head. Pectoral 2 to } length of 
head, reaching, or nearly reaching, ventral. Caudal deeply forked, with 

Citharinus citharus. . 
Lower Nile (F. N.). 3. 

pointed lobes. Caudal peduncle as long as deep or slightly deeper than 
long. Scales 77-90 — 17-21 between lateral line and: root of vertral. 
Silvery, the back greenish or purplish grey; pectoral white, other fins 
grey, usually with some bright red onthe ventral, the anal, and the lower 
lobe of the caudal; adipose fin sometimes edged with black ; young often 
with dark longitudinal lines running between the series of scales > 

Total length 480 millim. ? , 

Lower Nile to Blue Nile and White Nile, Chad Basin, Senegal, 

Gambia, Niger.—Type in Paris Museum. 
5) D oy 

1. Her Lower Nile. Dr. Riippell (C.). 
2. Her Near Cairo. Capt. S. Flower (P.). 
3. Ad. Biba, Lower Nile. L. Loat, Esq. (C.). 
4. Ad. Near Island of Arko, Upper FA 
5-6. Ad. & yg Khartum. J. Petherick, Esq. (C.).! 
7. Skel ae a 
8-10. Yg Wad Medine, Blue Nile. IL, Loat, Esq. (C.). 
11-16. Yu Mangara, White Nile. “5 
Li pice Jebelain, a eh 
18. Her. Mouth of Lake No, White . 

19-24. Her. & yg. 

25-26. Yg. 

27-28. Ad. & hgr. 

29-31. Ad. & yg. 
32. Ad. 

lake No, White Nile, 
Yo R., Lake Chad. 
St. Louis, Senegal. 

Agberi, Lower Niger. 

Capt. G. B. Gosling (P.). 
M. P. Delhez (C.). 
J. 8. Budgett, Esq. (P.). 
Lord Derby (P.). 

33-42. Yg. Dr. W. J. Ansorge (C.). 

43. Yg. Assay, iy J. 8. Budgett, Esq. (P.). 
44,45. Ad. &hgr. Niger. Mr. J.T. Dalton (C.). 

46. Ad. es W. A. Forbes, Esq. (P.). 

47, Skull. i Gs 

48. Yo. Benue R., North of Ibi. H. L. Norton Traill, Esq. (C.). 


Bouleng. Ann. & Mag. N. H. (6) xx. 1897, p. 424, and Poiss. Bass. Congo, p. 202 

Depth of body 1% to 2 times in total length, length of head 3 to 33 


Head twice as long as broad, upper profile feebly concave ; 

snout short, not twice as broad as long, a little longer than eye in adult, 
projecting slightly beyond mouth; eye 35 (young) to 5 times in length 
of head; a narrow adipose lid in front of and behind eye; interorbital 
width ? to > length of head. Gill-rakers extremely short, 30~40 on 
lower part of anterior arch. Dorsal 18-21 (4-5 unbranched), originating 
aboye last ray of ventral, falciform, anterior rays produced, at least as 
long as head. Adipose fin not or but little longer than deep, its base 
% to} its distance from dorsal. Anal 25-30 (3 unbranched), pointed, 
anterior rays produced. Pectoral ¢ to 3 length of head, reaching ventral. 
Caudal deeply forked. Caudal peduncle a little longer thandeep. Scales 


60-66 Set 13-14 between lateral line and root of ventral. Silvery, 
bluish grey on the back. 

Total length 390 millim. 


Fig. 224. 

Citharuus congicus. 

Type. 2. 
1. Type. Stanley Falls. Rev. W. H. Bentley (C.). 
2, 3. Ad. Monsembe, Upper Congo. Rev. J. H. Weeks (P.). 
4. Hgr. Bolobo, 3 Rey. G. Grenfell (P.). 

Bouleng. Ann. Mus. Congo, Zool. i. p. 93, pl. xxxviii. (1899), and Poiss. Bass. 
Congo, p. 203 (1901). 

Depth of body 2 to 23 times in total length, length of head 3 to 4 
times. Head abvut twice as long as broad, upper profile feebly concave ; 
snout short, broadly truncate, twice as broad as long, as long as or a 
little shorter than eye, not projecting beyond lower jaw; eye 3} (young) 
to 5 times in length of head ; a narrow adipose lid in front of and behind 
eye; interorbital width about half length of head. Gill-rakers very 
short, about 50 on lower part of anterior arch. Dorsal 17-19 (4—5 un- 
branched), originating above last ray of ventral, falciform, anterior rays 


at least as long as head. Adipose fin much longer than deep, its base 
3 to } its distance from dorsal. Anal 25-29 (3-4 unbranched), 
pointed, anterior rays produced. Pectoral about 2 length of head, 

reaching, or nearly reaching, ventral. Caudal forked. Caudal peduncle 

Citharinus macrolepis. 

Type (A. M.C.).  Z. 

as long as deep or a little longer. Scales 55-60 ee 10-12 between 
lateral line and root of ventral. Silvery, bluish grey on the back. 
Total length 750 millim. 

Congo.—Types in Congo Museum, Tervueren. 

1. Hgr., one of the types. Boma, Lower Congo. M. P. Delhez (C.). 
2. Ad., 9 Jataracts of Manyanga. Capt. Wilverth (C.). 
3, 4. Ad. Monsemnbe, Upper Congo. Rev. J. H. Weeks (P.). 


Mill. & Trosch. Hor. Ichthyol. i. p. 9 (1845); Steind. Sitz. Ak. Wien, Ixi. i. 1870, 
p- 539; Pfeff. Thierw. O.-Afr., Fische, p. 42 (1896); Bouleng. Ann. Mus. 
Congo, Zool. i. p. 93 (1899), and Fish. Nile, p. 156, pl. xxvi. (1907). 

Depth of body 12 to 2 times in total length, length of head 34 to 4 
times. Head 1% to 2 times as long as broad, its upper profile more or 
less concave; snout as long as or slightly longer than eye in adult, 
shorter in young, projecting slightly bevond mouth; diameter of eye 
33 (young) to 44 times in length of head; a narrow adipose lid in front 
of and behind eye; interorbital width 2+ to 24 times in length of ‘head. 


Gill-rakers short, fine; closely set, 60-80 on lower part of anterior 
arch. Dorsal 20-22 (4-5 unbranched), originating behind vertical of 
base of ventral and nearer caudal than end of snout; anterior branched 
rays more or less produced, as long as or longer than head. Adipose 
fin rather large, its base 14 to 24 times its distance from dorsal. 
Anal 23-26 (38-4 unbranched); anterior rays forming a produced, 
pointed lobe, measuring } to 3 length of head. Pectoral 3 tu } length 

Catharinus latus. 

Gondokoro (F. N.). 3. 

of head, reaching, or not quite reaching, base of ventral, Caudal 
deeply forked, with pointed lobes. Caudal peduncle deeper than long. 

Scales 63-71 = 14-16 between lateral line and root of ventral. Grey 
above, silvery white below; horizontal dark grey lines may run between 
the series of scales; some reddish or orange may be present on the 
ventral, anal, and caudal fins. 

Total length 420 millim. 

Lower Nile to Bahr-el-Gebel, Senegal, Niger, Old Calabar, Kingani 

River (East Africa).—Type in Berlin Museum. 


1-3. Hgr. & yg. Beni Souef, Lower Nile. L. Loat, Esq. (C.). 

4-5. Yg. Mangara, Upper Nile. el yy 

6. Skel. . xf uy Fy 

7-9. Ad. & yg. Gondokoro, Bahr-el-Gebel. yy 
10. Yg. Kaédi, Senegal. M. P. Delhez (C.). 
Ji. Ad. Lokoja, Upper Niger. J. 8. Budgett, Esq. (P.). 
12-13. Ad. Niger. Mr. J. T. Dalton (C.). 
14, Ye. Benue R., North of Ibi. H. 1. Norton Traill, Esq.(C.). 
15. Yg. Old Calabar. Dr. Jackson (C.) ; 

Hon. W. Rothschild (P.). 


Bouleng. Ann. Mus. Congo, Zool. i. p. 94, pl. xxxix. (1899), and Poiss. Bass. 
Congo, p. 204 (1901). : 

Depth of body 13 to 2 times in total length, length of head 34 to 4 
times. Head about twice as long as broad, upper profile more or less 

Fig. 227. 

Citharinus gibbosus. 

Type (A. M. C.). 3. 

concave, nape strongly raised in adult ; snout short, not twice as broad 
as long, as long as or a little longer than eye, its anterior outline 


forming an open angle, and projecting rather strongly beyond the 
mouth; eye 3 (young) to 4} times in length of head; adipose eyelid 
barely distinct ; interorbital width half, or less than half, length of head. 
Gill-rakers very short and fine, 65-75 on lower part of anterior arch. 
Dorsal 20-23 (4-5 unbranched), originating above base of ventral, 
anterior branched rays produced, longer than head. Adipose fin much 
longer than deep, its base nearly as long as or longer than its distance 
from dorsal. Anal 22-27 (3-4 unbranched). Pectoral 2 to ? length of 
head, not reaching ventral. Caudal forked. Caudal peduncle deeper 
than long. Scales 53-59 — 10-12 between lateral line and root of 
ventral. Silvery, bluish grey on the back, with darker lines between 
the series of scales. 

Total length 520 millim. 

Congo, Lake Tanganyika.—Types in Congo Museum, ervueren. 

1. Yg., one of the types. Banana, Lower Congo. Capt. Wilverth (C.). 
2. Vg. Loango, ,, a M. De Meuse (U.). 
3. Hgr., one of the types. Stanley Pool. M. P. Delhez (C.). 
4, 5-6. Ad. & yg. Monsembe, Upper Congo. Rev. J. H. Weeks (C.). 
7. Ad. Upper Congo. Brussels University. 
8. Yg. Uerre River. M. De Bauw (C.). 
9-11. Ad. & her. Near Kalambo, L. Tangan- Prof. J. E. 8. Moore (C.). 
12. Ad. Niamkolo, L. Tanganyika. Dr. W.A.Cunnington(C.). 


Mouth usually more or less protractile, toothless, bordered by the 
premaxillaries and the maxillaries, or, more frequently, by the pre- 
maxillaries only. Parietal bones united in a sagittal suture, or separated 
by a fontanelle; opercular bones well developed; symplectic present. 
Lower pharyngeal bones falciform, subparallel to the branchial arches, 
provided with teeth arranged in one, two, or three series, and often 
remarkably specialised. Ribs mostly sessile; no parapophyses in the 
thoracic region; epipleurals and epineurals, mostly free, floating. 
Pectoral fins inserted very low down, folding like the ventrals. Body 
naked or scaly. No adipose dorsal fin. 

Brain-case produced forward to the nasal capsule. Branchiostegal 
rays reduced to three; branchiostegal membrane usually more or less 
extensively grown to the isthmus. 

Fresh waters of Europe, Asia, Africa, and North and Central America. 



Synopsis of the Genera. 

I. Cyprisixx. Barbels not more than two pairs, if present; pharyngeal teeth 
large, in small number, working against a sclerous plate attached to a 
ventral process of the basioccipital, which extends under the anterior 
vertebree ; air-bladder usually large and divided into an anterior and a 
posterior chamber, not surrounded by a bony capsule. 

A. Anal with not more than 7 branched rays. 
1. Suborbitals narrow, not covering the cheek ; lateral line ranning along 
the middle, or nearly the middle, of the side of the caudal region of the 


Mouth inferior, with much-developed lips 
forming a sort of sucker and furnished on 
the inner side with a sharp cutting-edge 
covered with a horny sheath; dorsal fin 
originating well in advance of the ventrals . 

Mouth inferior; a more or less developed 
suctorial disk on the chin, usually bordered 
by the lower labial fold; gill-openings 
restricted to the sides; dorsal fin origi- 
nating well in advance of the ventrals . 

Mouth inferior, without lips, the lower jaw 
completely exposed and showing a sharp 
cutting-edge covered with a horny sheath ; 
dorsal fin originating above or a little in 
advance of the ventrals . 6c 

Mouth terminal or inferior, with more or less 
developed lips, with or without a sharp 
edge ; dorsal fin originating above or a 
little behind or a little in advance of the 
ventrals . ails ho. Herne 

2. Suborbitals large, covering the cheek 

1. Labeo, Cuyv., p. 300. 

2. Discognathus, Heck., p. 343. 


3. Varicorhinus, Riipp., p. 92. 

4. Barbus, Cuv.* 
; lateral line running along the 

lower part of the caudal region of the body. 

Mouth terminal, lower jaw prominent ; dorsal 
fin behind the ventrals . 

5. Rasbora, Blkr. 

B. Anal with 8 or more branched rays ; mouth terminal. 
1. Suborbitals narrow, not covering the cheek. 

Dorsal fin above or behind the ventrals ; anal 
with 8 to 14 branched rays 
2. Suborbitals large, covering the cheek. 

6. Leuciscus, Cuv. 

a. Anal with 8 or 9 branched rays; lateral line in the middle of the 

caudal peduncle. 
Dorsal fin above the ventrals. 

7. Leptocypris, Blgr. 

* This and the following genera will be dealt with in the second volume. 

300 CYPRINID %. 

b. Anal with 10 or more branched rays; lateral line on lower part of 
caudal peduncle. 
Dorsal fin originating in advance of the origin 
of the anal; belly, in front of the ventrals, 
rounded’; uations Robert. . . & Barilius, Ham. Buch. 

Dorsal fin originating above or a little behind 
the origin of the anal; belly, in front of : 
the ventrals, rounded . . . . . . 9. Neobola, Vincig. 
Dorsal fin originating behind the origin of the 
anal ; belly keeled between the very large 
pectoral firisstyq.. i 5- Gi) <. cil-LetotLO pe OGhelethzops, Blox. 
II. Cosrrinm. Barbels three pairs or more; pharyngeal teeth small; anterior 
part of the air-bladder divided into a right and left chamber, separated by 
a constriction and enclosed in a bony capsule, the posterior part free or 
absent; scales minute or absent. 
Three pairs of barbels, none at the lower jaw ; 
dorsal fin opposite to the ventrals . . . 11. Nemachilus, Van Hass. 

1. LABEO. 

Cuv. Réegne Anim, ii. p. 194 (1817); Cuv. & Val. Hist. Poiss. xvi. p. 335 
(1842) ; Heckel, Russegger’s Reise, ii. p. 1024 (1848) ; Giinth. Cat. Fish. vii. 
p. 45 (1868); Bouleng. Poiss. Bass. Congo, p. 209 (1901), and Fish. Nile, 
p. 160 (1907). 

Abrostomus, A. Smith, Ill. Zool. 8. Africa, Fish. (1841). 

Tylognathus, Heckel, t. c. p. 1027; Giinth. t. c. p. €2. 

Rohitichthys, Bleek. Atlas Ichth. iii. p. 25 (1863). 

Body more or less compressed, covered with small, moderate, or large 
scales. Lateral line nearly equally distant from the back and from the 
belly or a little nearer the latter. Mouth moderate or large, protractile, 
inferior, with more or less developed lips forming a sort of sucker and 
furnished on the inner side with a sharp cutting-edge covered with a 
horny layer; barbels present or absent. Suborbitals not covering the 
cheek. Dorsal with 11 to 26 rays, 8 to 23 of which are branched, 
originating in advance of the ventrals. Anal short, with 7 or 8 rays. 
A scaly process at the base of the ventrals. Pharyngeal teeth in three 
series (3, 3, 5—8, 3, 3), with the crowns spoon-shaped and close together. 

Southern Asia and Africa, 


LABEO. 301 

Synopsis of the Species. 
I. Barbels absent, or one on each side, often very small and hidden under the 
folds at the side of the mouth. 

A. Inner surface of lips not bearing transverse plice*; eyes perfectly 
lateral, visible from above and from below ; snout hardly as long as, or 
shorter than, postocular part of head. 

1. Dorsal with 12-17 branched rays; Se. 40-45 = 

III 14-17, upper edge usually concave ; 

Se. 41-45 grigy 5-6, 18-22t . . . . 1. L. niloticus, Forsk, p. 304. 


D. III 12-14, upper edge straight or convex ; 
Sc. 40-44 #45, 16-20 . . . . . 2. L. horie, Heck., p. 306. 
2. Dorsal with 11-15 branched rays, longest ray much longer than head ; 

Se. 36-40 pai. 

D. I] 12-15, upper edge straight or convex ; 


Se. 37-40 gi *, 4,16; depth of body 31- 

4 times in total length up sae UZ. senegalensis, Cr WaV., p. 008. 
D. ILI-IV 11-13, upper edge convex; Se. 

36-39 Ip 34-44, 16-18; depth of body 

3-31 times in totallength. . . . . . 4. ZL. altivelis, Peters, p. 309. 
D. III 12, falciform, upper edge concave ; 

Se. 36 3 34, 16; depth of body 3 times 

in,total length 7). 4 - 5. L. weeksit, Bler., p. 310. 
3. Dorsal with 9-12 seta rays, iaraest ray not much longer than head; 

Se. 36-41 BIBL 
a. Depth of body 3-34 times in total length ; caudal peduncle as long as 
deep or deeper than long. 
D. HI 9-12, upper edge not or but feebly 

notched ; Sc. 36-37 sop 3, 16-18. . . 6. L. lineatus, Blgr., p. 311. 
D. IIl 11-12, upper edge notched ; Se. 38- 
39°F, 5, 18 MPa ie in vahtig 2s li. poses Stdn pal: 
6. Depth of body 34-44 times in total length ; caudal peduncle 1} to 14 

times as long as deep. 

D. IIL-10-12, upper edge notched; Se. 38- 

40 gers 4-5, 16-18... . . . . «8. ZL. mesops, Gthr., p. 313. 
1D DU a By upper edge notched; Se. 40- 

41 = a dialer) 5 n T6l alc io Me eb wince leila dys nies 

* These plice, formed of coufluent papilla, must not be confounded wn ‘the ridge of 
the mouth proper, with which, when present, they run parallel. 

+ The figures following those of the transverse series refer to the number of scales 
between lateral line and yentral fin and round caudal peduncle. 


B. Inner surface of lips bearing transyerse plicee formed by series of papillz. 
1. Eyes perfectly lateral, visible from above and from below, or nearly 
perfectly lateral. 
a. Dorsal fin with straight or convex upper edge (or slightly concave in 
the young). 
a. No barbel. 
D. III 12-13; Se. 36-38 ge 


,4, 16; caudal 
peduncle nearly twice as deep as long. . 10. L. velifer, Blgr., p. 815. 
B.A small barbel. 
D. III 12-13; Se. 37° re a 4, 16; caudal peduncle 
much deeper than Jong. Sims . . Ll. LZ, longipinnis, Blgr., p. 316. 
D, IIT 11-14; Se. 36-40 5 = a 4-5}, 16-18 ; 
caudal peduncle as long as deep or a little 

| bol 


deeper thanlong. . . . .. . . . 12. EL. coubie, Riipp., p. 317. 
D. IV 11; Se. 38-39 2 , 44, 163 caudal 
peduncle as long as “iB » » . . . . 13. L. congoro, Peters, p. 319. 


6. Dorsal with concave upper edge. 
a. Depth of body es 4 times in total length. 
D. IIL 11-12; Se. 39-40 gto, 5, 16-18; 
diameter of eye 23-3 times in interorbital 
WKN 96 6g os . . . . 14. LZ. neumanni, Bler., p. 320. 
D. III 10-11; Se. 35-37 BM a 16; diameter 
of eye not twice in interorbital width . . 15. L. gregorii, Gthr., p. 321. 
B. Depth of body at least 4 times in total length. 
D. III 10; Se. 86-39 bp 4d, 16-20 ; diameter 
of eye 2} times in interorbital width . . 16. L. darlingi, Blgr., p. 321. 
D. IIL 9-10; Se. 38-39 7%, 43-5, 16-18; 
diameter of eye at least 3 times in inter- 
orbital width . . . . . .. . . . 17. ZL. victorianus, Bler., p. 322. 

2. Eyes supero-lateral, entirely or nearly entirely visible from above. 

a. Dorsal with straight or convex or slightly concave upper edge; 

caudal peduncle not longer than deep. [p. 323. 

D.1V 10; Se. 365,416. . . . . . . 18 L. fuelleborni, Hilg. & Papp. 

D. III-1V 9-11; Se. 32-34%, 3,12... 19. L. brachypoma, Gthr., p. 324, 

D. IIL 10; Se. 38-39 7b 4, ee 18 . . . 20. ZL. macrostoma, Blgr., p. 325. 

b. Dorsal with concave upper edge, with 11 or 12 branched rays; caudal 

peduncle as long as deep, 
Se. 35-38 a, AGL Giuaea tehsil tore aud mle Clemency clon menusmDloTApeo2O. 
ec. Dorsal with concave upper edge, with 8-11 branched rays. 
a. 20-22 scales round caudal peduncle. 


IL 11; Se. 39 4 93-102 102? 5, 20; caudal peduncle 
ae ae lone) a) see een Cer OCU OU II1S; DIgtempeoe 

LABEO. 305 

D. HI 10; Se. 39%, 4, 22; caudal peduncle 
longer than eon sles pane ate . . 23. L. kirkii, Blgr., p. 328. 
B. 16-18 scales round ee peduncle. 
* Caudal peduncle longer than deep. 
D. III 9-11; diameter of eye 53-8 times 

in length of head ; Sc. 38-42 Saale Ay. 

137 “e 
IGS) ae . 24. L. forskalii, Riipp., p. 329. 
D. III 8-10; sharma of ae 4 i. 7 times in 
length of head; Se. 35-39 ; = 3-4, 

C= ISMeenee ey ae renee naNe on Ucylunaricus betersap,aolle 

** Caudal peduncle as long as deep or little deeper than long ; 

D. III 10; Se. 37-39 4, 16. 
Diameter of eye 7 times in length of head in 
adult; snout pointed, ending in a turned- 
up appendage. . . . 7 es 20. 2. nasus, Blor, ps doo 

Diameter of eye 4-5} times in iepath of head ; 
snout obtusely pointed. . . . . . . 27. L. greenii, Blgr., p. 334. 
y. 12 scales round caudal peduncle ; D. III 10 (rarely 9 or te 
* Caudal peduncle 14-12 times as long as deep; Sc. 34- 39 4 Gi Be 
Head 14 times as long as broad; 4 series of P 
scales between lateral line and ventral. . 28. L. lukule, Blgr., p. 335. 
Head 1]-1} times as long as broad ; 3 series of 
scales between lateral line and ventral. . 29. L. annectens, Bler., p. 336. 
** Caudal peduncle not or but slightly longer than deep; Se. 33- 
35 ar up 24-3, 12, 
Longest ray of dorsal 13-1? times as long as 
head; diameter of eye 23-3 times in inter- 
Orbital) widths di ieie en) ya ay ot a0e i. chamensis, Pellegr.) p. 331. 
Longest ray of dorsal as long as or a little 
shorter than head; diameter of eye 13-2 
times in interorbital width. . . . . . 31. LZ. parvus, Blgr., p. 337, 
Longest ray of dorsal as long as or a little 
longer than head ; diameter of eye 1}-14 
times in interorbital width. . . . . . 32. L, obscurus, Pellegr., p. 338. 

II. Two barbels on each side ; dorsal with concave upper edge. 
A. Eyes perfectly lateral, or nearly perfectly lateral; barbels not longer 
than eye. 
D. III 8-10; Se. 58-65 ben rnp 9-10, 30-34 . 33. L. umbratus, A. Smith, p. 339. 
D. IV 10-11; Se. 44-50 reeite 6-7, 20-24 . 34. L. capensis, A. Smith, p. 349. 
D.1V 10; Sc 362%,4,16. . . . . . . 35, L. ansorgii, Blgr., p. 341. 
B. Eyes supero- qatcrall, vee bels longer than eye in the adult. 
D. If 10-11; Se. 40-41 ot Tee 6, 20-22 . . 36. L. barbatus, Blgr., p. 342. 


Cyprinus niloticus, Forskal, Descr. Anim. p. 71 (1775); Geoffr. Descr. Egypte, 
Poiss. pl. ix. fig. 2 (1809). 

Labeo niloticus, I. Geoffr. op. cit. p. 282 (1827); Vincig. Ann. Mus. Genova, 
xxxix, 1898, p. 259; Bouleng. Fish. Nile, p. 163, pl. xxvii. fig. 1 (1907). 
Labeo niloticus, part., Cuv. & Val. Hist. Poiss. xvi. p. 338 (1842); Giinth. Cat. 

Fish. vii. p. 47 (1868), and Petherick’s Trav. ii. p. 259 (1869). 

Labeo vulgaris, Heckel, Russegger’s Reise Egypt. iii. p. 303, pl. xx. fig. 3 (1846). 

Body strongly compressed, its depth 3} (adult) to 43 times (young) 
in total length. Head nearly 5 to 54 times in total length in adult, 
4 to 41 times in young, its width 2 to 3 its length; snout broadly 
rounded; eye nearer end of snout than posterior border of head, 
perfectly lateral, 43 to 6 times in length of head in adult, 3 to 4 times 
in young; interorbital width 4 to 2 length of head; width of mouth, 

Fig. 228, 

Labeo niloticus. 

Nile Delta (FP. N.). 4. 

with lips, 23 to 4 times in length of head; both lips with several rows 
of rounded or subconical papillwe, those of the outer row forming a 
distinct fringe; edge of rostral flap entire; a minute barbel, more or 
less hidden under folds of skin; tubercles on the snout, or their pore- 
like scars, numerous but very small. Dorsal IIL 14-17, equally distant 
from nostrils or end of snout and from caudal, upper edge usually 
more or less distinctly concave, rarely straight or slightly convex, last 

LABBO. 305 

simple ray and first branched ray usually longest and as long as or 
longer than head. Anal III 5, not reaching root of caudal. Pectoral 
nearly as long as or a little longer than head, not reaching ventral, the 
first ray of which falls below 6th or 7th branched ray of dorsal. Caudal 
deeply emarginate, crescentic when fully spread out. Caudal peduncle 
but little longer than deep in adult, 14 to 1} times as long as deep in 

~ gt-92 


young. Scales 41-45 = 79:, 5-6 between lateral line and root of ventral, 
18-22 (usually 20) round caudal peduncle. Greyish, brownish, olive, 
or steel-blue above, silvery white beneath; a more or less distinct dark 
bar behind the gill-opening; ill-defined dark longitudinal lines may run 
between the series of scales below the lateral line. 

Total length 470 millim. 

Nile, Blue Nile, White Nile, Lake Stephanie (Sagan River), Omo. 

1-6, 7-20. Ad. hgr., Lower Nile. J. Petherick, Esq. (C.). 
& yg. 

21, 22. Skels. 3 * 

23-26. Yo. Near Ghet-el-Nassara, L. Loat, Esq. (C.). 
L. Menzaleh. 

27-30. Ye. Bahr-el-Tavilah, L. Men- 

31-39. Ad. & her. Samannud, Damietta Nile. 

40. Ad. Lake Edku. ie 

41, 42. Skels. Lower Nile. ,. 

43-47. Ad. & yg. Rosetta Nile, near Barrage. 

48. Ad. Nile at Cairo. 

49-51. Ye. Canal near Cairo. 

52-55. Her. & yg. Beni Souef, Lower Nile. 4 

56-57. Her. Birket Karun, Fayum. 

58. Her. Bahr Selah, Bs 

Se). We. Between Abu Tig and Assiut, 

Lower Nile. 
60, 61-77. Her. & yg. Near Luxor. 

78-97. Yg. Between Luxor and Assuan. 

98-105. Her. & yg. Assuan. 

106-115. Yg. Near Assuan. 

116. Ad. Korosko, Upper Nile. 

I Migs Derr, a 

118. Ad. Ibrim, Fr 

119-120. Ad. Anebi, F 

121. Ad. Wady Halfa, ,, x 
122. Ad. Kosheh, Ps 

VOL. L. x 


123, 124. Ad. & yg. Khartum. J. Petherick, Esq. (C.). 

125-130. Yg. Wad Medine, Blue Nile. L. Loat, Esq. (C.). 

131. Ye. Rosaires, a Capt. S. Flower (P.). 

132-134. Her. Sagan R. at Wando, Mr. P. C. Zaphiro (C.) ; 
2800 ft. W.N. McMillan, Esq.(P.). 

135-136, Ad. Ergino R. (Omo) at Malo, me 

3000 ft. 

Chondrostoma dembensis (non Riipp.), Cuv. & Val. Hist. Poiss. xvii. p. 398 (1844). 
Labeo horie, Heckel. Russegger’s Reise Egypt. iii. p. 304, pl. xxi. fig. 1 (1846) ; 
Bouleng, Fish. Nile, p. 167, pl. xxviii. & pl. xxxi. fig. 1 (1907). 
Labeo niloticus, part., Giinth. Cat. Fish. vii. p. 47 (1868), and Petherick’s Tray. 
ii. p. 259 (1869). 
Body strongly compressed, its depth 33 to 4 times in total length. 
Head 5 to 53 times in total length in adult, 4 to 5 times in young, its 


Labeo horie. 
Upper Nile (F.N.). 3. 

width 2 to # its length; snout broadly rounded, about 4 length of head ; 
eye nearly perfectly lateral, 5 to 53 times in length of head in adult, 
3 to 4 times in young; interorbital width 4 to 2 length of head; width 
of mouth, with lips, 24 to 3 times in length of head; both lips with 
several rows of papille, those of outer row long and conical and 
forming a strong fringe on upper lip; edge of rostral flap entire; a 
minute barbel hidden under folds of skin; tubercles on snout, or their 
pore-like scars, very small or absent. Dorsal III 12-14 (usually 13), 
equally distant from anterior border or centre of eye and from caudal, 

LABEO. 307 

its upper edge straight or slightly convex, anterior branched rays 
longest, always longer, and often much longer, than head. Anal ILL 5, 
often reaching root of caudal. Pectoral nearly as long as or a little 
longer than head, not reaching ventral, the first ray of which falls below 
4th or 5th branched ray of dorsal. Caudal deeply emarginate, crescentic 
when fully spread out. Caudal peduncle not or but slightly longer than 
deep. Scales 40-44 ap 4—5 between lateral line and root of ventral, 
16-18 (rarely 20) round caudal peduncle. Greyish, olive, greenish 
brown, or steel-blue above, pale golden or silvery beneath ; ill-defined, 
dark longitudinal lines sometimes present, running between the series 
of scales; young with a more or less distinct, always ill-defined, round 
dark spot on the side, involving the series of scales bearing the lateral 
line, above the pectoral fin. 
. Total length 570 millim. 
Nile, Blue Nile, White Nile, Lake Albert.—Types in Vienna Museum. 

1-3. Ad. & yg. Lower Nile. J. Petherick, Hsq. (C.). 

4-6. Yg. Near Ghet-cl-Nassara, L. Loat, Esq. (C.). 
L. Menzaleh. 

Cis: dalam Samannud, Damietta Nile. - 
8-9. Her. Rosetta Nile, near Barrage. is 

10. Skel. se Pe a 
Tl, Ges Barrage N. of Cairo. “3 

125 Vier Near Cairo. ci 

13-15. Ad. & yg. Beni Souef, Lower Nile. 

16. Ad. Bahr Selah, Fayum. a 

17. Ad. Between Assiut-and Abu Tig, - 

Lower Nile. 

18-19. Ye. Near Luxor. Be 
20-21. Ad. Ibrim, Upper Nile. A 
22. Hor. Upper Nile. J. Petherick, Esq. (C.). 
23, 24-25. Ad., hgr., Khartum. ay 

& yg. 

26. Her. Omdurman. LL, Loat, Hsq. (C.). 
2 elon, Wad Medine, Blue Nile. a 
28. Her. Fashoda, White Nile. 

29-34. Her. & yg. Polkom, Baro R. (Sobat). Mr. P. C. Zaphiro (C.) ; 
W.N. McMillan, Esq.(P.). 

35, Ad. Mouth of Lake No, White L, Loat, Esq. (C.). 
36, Ad. Butyaba, Lake Albert. J. 8. Budgett, Esq. (P.). 




Cuy. & Val. Hist. Poiss. xvi. p. 346, pl. ececlxxxvi. (1842) ; Steind. Sitzb. Ak. 
Wien, lxi. 1870, p. 560, pl. vi. & pl. viii. fig. 1 ; Bouleng. Fish. Nile, p. 169 

Extremely closely related to the preceding, differing only in the 
larger scales, of which there are 37-40 (usuaily 38-39) in the lateral 

; 51-6) . ! : ‘ 
line, and “g, mM transverse series; 4 series of scales between lateral 

Labeo senegalensis. 
Senegal, after Steindachner (d. c.).  }. 

line and root of ventral, 16 rownd caudal peduncle. 12-15 branched 
rays in dorsal. 

Total length 500 millim. 

Senegal, Gambia, Niger, Chad Basin.—Type in Paris Museum. 

PACE St. Louis, Senegal. M. P. Delhez (C.). 

2-10. Ad.,her.,& yg. Kaédi, i = 
11. Ad. Gambia. J.8. Budgett, Hsq. (P.). 
12. Her. Lokoja, Upper Niger. ms 
13-14. Yg. Abo, Lower Niger. Dr. W. J. Ansorge (C.). 
15-16. Her. Benue R., N. of Ibi. H.L. Norton Traiil, Esq. (C.). 
17,18. Ad. Lake Chad. Capt. G. B. Gosling (P.). 

19-205 Mier Fort Lamy, Shari R. 


LABEO. 309 

Peters, Mon. Berl. Ac. 1852, p. 683, and Reise Mossamb. iv. p. 43, pl. viii. 
Labeo coubie, part., Giinth. Cat. Fish. vii. p. 48 (1868). 

Body strongly compressed, its depth 3 to 34 times in total length. 
Head 13 to 13 times as long as broad, 44 to 5 times in total length ; 
snout rounded, moderately prominent; eye perfectly lateral, in middle 
of head, 4 to 6 times ia length of head; interorbital width 4 to 2 length 
of head; width of mouth, with lips, 24 to 5 times in length of head ; 
both lips with several rows of papilla, those of the outer row large and 
subconical, forming a strong fringe; edge of rostral flap entire; a 
minute barbel, hidden under folds of skin; tubercles on snout very 

Labeo allivelis, 

Type, after Peters (Reise Mossamb.). 


small or absent. Dorsal II-LV 11-138, equally distant from head or 
eye and from caudal, its upper edge convex, longest rays 13 to 24 times 
length of head. Anal III 5, reaching, or nearly reaching, root of caudal. 
Pectoral as long as head or slightly shorter, not reaching ventral, 
the first ray of which falls below 3rd or 4th branched ray of dorsal. 
Caudal deeply emarginate, crescentic. Caudal peduncle as long as deep 

or a little deeper than long. Scales 36-39 Be 34-44 between lateral 
Hne and root of ventral, 16-18 round caudal peduncle. Olive above, 
yellowish beneath, with or without pink streaks along the series of 
scales; fins grey. 

Total length 400 millim. 

Zambesi, Lake Nyassa, Lake Bangwelu.—Type in Berlin Museum. 

1-3. Yg. Tete, Zambesi. Mr. C. Grant (C.); 
C. D. Rudd, Esq. (P.). 
4. Ad. Chiromo, Shiré R. R. MacDonald, Esq. (P.). 
5-7. Ad. & her. 3 i C. B. C. Storey, Esq. (P.). 
8,9. Ad., skins. Shiré R. Sir J. Kirk (P.). 
10-13. Her. Lake Bangwelu. F. H. Melland, Hsq. (P.). 

5. LABEO WEEKSII, sp. n. 

Body strongly compressed, its depth 3 times in total length. Head 
45 times in total length, its width 2 its length; snout rounded ; 

Labeo weeksit. 

Type. ¢. 

eye perfectly lateral, in middle of head, 54 times in length of head, 
13 times in interorbital width; width of mouth, with lips, 23 times in 
length of head; both lips with several rows of conical papilla, the outer 
forming a strong fringe; edge of rostral flap entire; a minute barbel, 
partly hidden under folds of skin; scars of small tubercles on the 
snout. Dorsal III 12, equally distant from occiput and from caudal, 

LABEO. 311 

notched, falciform, last unbranched ray and first branched ray twice 
length of head. Anal IIf 5, reaching root of caudal. Pectoral as long 
as head, not reaching ventral, the first ray of which falls below second 
branched ray of dorsal. Caudal notched, crescentic. Caudal peduncle 
slightly deeper than long. Scales 36 a 33 between lateral line and 
root of ventral, 16 round caudal peduncle. Yellowish, with dark brown 
lines running between the series of scales. 

Total length 225 millim. 

Upper Congo. 
1. Type. Monsemhe. Rev. J. H. Weeks (P.). 

Bouleng. Ann. Mus. Congo, Zool. i. p. 34, pl. xviii. (1898), and Poiss. Bass. Congo, 
p- 213 (1901). 
Body strongly compressed, its depth 5 to 53 times in total length. 
Head 4 to 5 times in total length, its width about 3 its length; snout 
rounded ; eye perfectly lateral, in middle of head or a little nearer 

Labo lineatus. 
Type (A. M.C.). 4. 

posterior border, 54 (young) to 6 times in length of head, 2 to 44 times 
in interorbital width; width of mouth, with lips, 22 to 3 times in 
length of head; both lips with several rows of conical papillie, the outer 
forming a fringe; edge of rostral flap entire or feebly denticulate ; a 
minute barbel, more or less hidden under folds of skin; tubercles on 
snout, or their pore-like scars, small, if present. Dorsal LT Oe. 

equally distant from snout or eye and from caudal, upper edge not or 


but feebly notched, usually a little convex, longest ray as long as or a 
little longer than head. Anal II-III 5, reaching, or nearly reaching, 
root of caudal. Pectoral nearly as long as head, not reaching ventral, 
the first ray of which falls below 2nd, 3rd, or 4th branched ray of 
dorsal. Caudal emarginate, crescentic. Caudal peduncle deeper than 
long. Scales 36-37 ease 3 between lateral line and root of ventral, 
16-18 round caudal peduncle. Body striped with dark green and pink, 
the pink occupying the middle of each scale; belly white; fins olive ; 
young with sharply defined dark longitudinal lines on the body and a 
large black spot at the base of the caudal fin. 
Total length 650 millim. 

Congo.—Types in Congo Museum, Tervueren. 

1. Ad., one of the Matadi, Lower Congo. Capt. Wilverth (C.). 
2-3. Ad. & yg. Boma, 58 M. P. Delhez (C.). 
4. Yg., one of the New Antwerp, Upper Capt. Wilverth (C.). 
types. Congo. 
5,6-7,8. Ad.& yg. Monsembe, Upper Congo. Rey. J. H. Weeks (P.). 
9, Ad., one of the Stanley Falls. Rey. W. H. Bentley (C.). 
10. Yg Upper Congo. Brussels University. 
ils Wee. Banzyville, Ubanghi. Capt. Royaux (C.). 
12. Her. Kwango R., at Fort Don Dr. W. J. Ansorge (C.). 

Carlos I., Angola. 

Steind. Sitzb. Ak. Wien, ciii. i. 1894, p. 457, pl. v. fig. 1. 

Body strongly compressed, its depth 3 to 34 times in total length. 
Head 44 to 5 times in total length, its width about 3 its length; snout 
rounded ; eye perfectly lateral, in middle of head, 4 to 44 times in 
jength of head, about 4 interorbital width; width of mouth, with lips, 
3 times in length of head; both lips with several rows of conical papill, 
the outer forming a fringe; edge of rostral flap entire; a minute barbel, 
more or Jess hidden under folds of skin; small tubercles on the snout. 
Dorsal JIT 11-12, equally distant from anterior border or centre of eye and 
from caudal, notched, longest ray a little longer than head. Anal III 5, 
nearly reaching root of caudal. Pectoral as long as head, not reaching 
ventral, the first ray of which falls below Srd or 4th branched ray of 
dorsal. Caudal deeply notched, crescentic. Caudal peduncle as long 


LABEO. ol 


as deep. Scales 38-39 -:, 5 between lateral line and root of ventral, 


18 round caudal peduncle. Grey above, silvery white beneath. 
Total length 300 millim. 
Limpopo System.—Type in Vienna Museum. 

Labeo rose. 
Type, after Steindachner (J. c.). 2. 
1-2. Ad. Klein Letaba R., tributary of Mr. C. Grant (C.); 
Olifant R., Transvaal. C. D. Rudd, Esq. (P.). 

Giinth. Cat. Fish. vii. p. 51 (1868). 
Labeo coubie, part., Giinth. t. ce. p. 48. 

Body strongly compressed, its depth 34 to 44 times in total length. 
Head 4 to 5 times in total length, its width 3 its length; snout rounded ; 
eye perfectly lateral, in middle of head, 44 to 5 times in length of head; 
interorbital width 2 length of head; width of mouth, with lips, 24 to 38 
times in length of head; both lips with several rows of papille, those 
of the outer row conical and forming a fringe; edge of rostral flap 
entire ; a minute barbel hidden under folds of skin; tubercles on snout 
small. Dorsal [11 10-12, equally distant from centre or anterior 
border of eye and from caudal, notched, longest ray as long as head. 
Anal ILI 4, not reaching caudal. Pectoral as long as head, not reaching 
ventral, the first ray of which falls below 4th or 5th ray of dorsal. 
Caudal emarginate, crescentic. Caudal peduncle 14 times as long as 

deep. Scales 58-40 ap 4—5 between lateral line and root of caudal, 
16-18 round caudal peduncle. Olive-brown above, lighter beneath. 
Total length 590 miilim. 
Lake Nyassa and Shiré River. 

1. Skin, type. Pomolombe Lake, near Sir J. Kirk (P.). 
Lake Nyassa. 
2. Ad., skin. Shiré River. Dr. C. Livingstone (C.). 
3. Yo., skin. iM Sir J. Kirk (P.). 
4. Ad., skin. Upper Shiré River. A. Whyte, Esq. (C.); 
Sir H. H. Jobnston (P.). 
5-6. Ad. 4 o Dr. Perey Randall (C.) ; 
Sir H. H. Johnston (P.). 
7. Ad. Lake Nyassa. Prof. J. E. 8. Moore (C ). 
8. Ad. 4 Capt. H. 1. Rhoades (P.). 


Bouleng. Ann. & Mag. N. H. (7) xix. 1907, p. 392. 
Body strongly compressed, its depth 3% to 44 times in total length. 
Head 43 to 4} times in total length; snout rounded, } length of head ; 

Fig. 235. 

Labeo ruddi. 
Dwaars R. 3. 

eye perfectly lateral, 44 to 5 times in length of head; interorbital width 
4 length of head; width of mouth, with lips, 53 times in length of 
head ; both lips with a fringe of conical papillae; edge of rostral flap 
entire ; barbels absent or very minute ; tubercles on snout small and 
few, if present. Dorsal III 9-10, equally distant from anterior border 
of eye and from caudal, upper edge concave, longest ray as long as or a 
little longer than head. Anal III 5, not reaching caudal. Pectoral a 

LABEO. 515 

little shorter than head, not reaching ventral, which is inserted below 
middle of dorsal. Caudal deeply notched, crescentic. Caudal peduncle 
1} to 13 times as long as deep. Scales 40-41 ae 4—5 between lateral 
line and ventral, 18-22 round caudal peduncle. Dark olive-brown 
above, whitish beneath. 

Total length 260 millim. 

Limpopo System. 

1-4. Types. Klein Letaba, tributary of Mr. C. Grant (C.) ; 
Olifant R., Transvaal. C. D. Rudd, Esq. (P.). 
5. Ad. Dwaars R., Transvaal. Dr. J. D. F. Gilchrist (P.). 

Bouleng. Ann. Mus. Congo, Zool. i. p. 34, pl. xvi. (1898), and Poiss. Bass. Congo, 
p- 211 (1901). 
Body strongly compressed, its depth 23 to 22 times in total length. 
Head 4 to 43 times in total length, nearly as broad as long ; snout broad, 
rounded ; eye perfectly lateral, in middle of head, 42 to 5 times in length 

Fig. 236. 

Labeo velifer. 
Type (A.M.C.). 4. 

of head, 4 to 44 times in interorbital width ; width of mouth, with lips, 
nearly half length of head; lips with plicee on inner surface, upper 
entire, lower with papille forming a fringe; edge of rostral flap 
denticulate ; no barbel; snout with numerous tubercles. Dorsal ILI 
12-13, equally distant from head and from caudal, very convex, longest 
rays much longer than head. Anal II 5, extending much beyond root 

316 CYPRINID &. 

of caudal. Pectoral as long as head, reaching or narrowly separated 
from ventral, the first ray of which falls below 2nd or 3rd branched 
ray of dorsal, Caudal notched. Caudal peduncle nearly twice as deep 
as long. Scales 36-38 ae 4 between lateral line and root of ventral, 
16 round caudal peduncle. ~ Olive-brown, 

Total length 420 millim. 

Congo.—Types in Congo Museum, Tervueren. 
. One of the types. | New Antwerp, Upper Congo. Capt. Wilverth (C.). 
Ad. Monsembe, “ Rey. J. H. Weeks (P.). 

bo FH 

Bouleng. Ann. Mus. Congo, Zool. i. p. 33, pl. xvii. fig. 1 (1898), and Poiss. Bass. 
Congo, p. 212 (1901). 
Body strongly compressed, its depth 23 to nearly 3 times in total 
length. Head 4 times in total length, 2 as broad as long; snout broad, 

Fig. 237. 

Labeo longipinnis. 

Type (A. M.C.). 3. 

rounded ; eye perfectly lateral, in middle of head, 43 to 5 times in 
length of head, 34 to 4 times in interorbital width; width of mouth, 
with lips, nearly twice in length of head; lips with plice on inner 
surface, upper entire, lower bordered by a series of conical papille ; 
edge of rostral flap denticulate; a small barbel hidden under folds of 
skin; snout with numerous tabercles. Dorsal IIL 12-13, equally 


distant from occiput and from candal, convex, longest rays much longer 
than head. Anal II 5, extending much beyond root of caudal. Pectoral 
as long as head, reaching ventral, the first ray of which falls under 3rd 
or 4th branched ray of dorsal. Caudal notched, crescentic. Caudal 
pe 4 between lateral line and 
root of ventral, 16 round caudal peduncle. Dark purple, scales edged 
with dark green. 

Total length 170 millim. 

Upper Congo.—Type in Congo Museum, Tervueren. 

peduncle deeper than long. Scales 37 


Riipp. Fortsetz. Beschr. n. Fische Nil, p. 11, pl. ii. fig. 1 (1832); Cuv. & Val. 
Hist. Poiss. xvi. p. 344 (1843) ; Bouleng. Fish. Nile, p. 170, pls. xxix., xxx., 
& xxxi. fig. 2 (1907). 

Labeo niloticus, part., Cuv. & Val. t. c. p. 338. 

Labeo seltt, Cuv. & Val. t. c. p. 345; Steind. Sitzb. Ak. Wien, Ixi. i, 1870, 
p- 562, pl. vii. fig. 1. 

Labeo niloticus, Heckel, Russegger’s Reise Egypt. i. p. 300, pl. xx. fig. 1 (1846) ; 
Peters, Reise Mossamb. iv. p. 46 (1868). 

Labeo coubie, part., Giinth. Cat. Fish. vii. p. 48 (1868), and Petherick’s Trav. ii. 
p- 260 (1869). 

? Labeo steindachneri, Pfeft. Thierw. O.-Afr., Fische, p. 51 (1896). 

Fig. 238. 

Labeo coubie. 

Upper Nile (F. N.). 4. 

Body strongly compressed, its depth 3 to 3g times in total length. 
Head 4 to 49 times in total length in adult, 3 to 4 times in young, its 
width 8 to $ its length; snout rounded, often more or less swollen, 2 to 


4 length of head, at least as long as and often longer than postocular 
part of head; eye nearly perfectly lateral, 44 to 7 times in length of 
head in adult, 5 to 4 times in young; interorbital width 4 to 4 length 
of head; width of mouth, with lips, 2 to 3 times in length of head; 
lips not distinctly fringed on the edge, with small papille forming 
transverse plicee on inner side; rostral flap large, completely detached 
at the sides, its edge entire or feebly denticulate; a minute barbel, 
usually hidden under folds of skin; tubercles on the snout, or their 
crater-like scars, much developed in adult. Dorsal ITI 12+13 (rarely 
11 or 14), equally distant from anterior or posterior border of the eye 
and caudal, its upper edge straight or more or less convex in adult, 
straight or slightly concave in young; except in very young specimens, 
longest rays more or less exceeding length of head. Anal IIL 4, 
reaching root of caudal, or beyond. Pectoral nearly as long as or a 
little longer than head, not reaching ventral, the first ray of which falls 
below 4th or 5th branched ray of dorsal. Caudal deeply emarginate, 
crescentic when fully spread out. Caudal peduncle as long as deep or 
a little deeper than long. Scales 36-40 ae 4-5% between lateral line 
and root of ventral, 16-18 round caudal peduncle. Brown or brownish 
olive above, the scales often darker at the base, with or without a very 
indistinct darker lateral band; young often with dark longitudinal lines 
running between the series of scales, and constantly with a large round 
dark blotch on the caudal peduncle. 

Total length 450 millim. 

Lower Nile to Victoria Nile ; Senegal to Old Calabar ; Kingani R. (?).— 
Types in Senckenberg Museum, Frankfort (M.). 

1. One of the types. Cairo. Dr. Riippell (C.). 

2. Her. Beni Souef, Lower Nile. LL. Loat, Esq. (C.). 

Bh, Oa Near Luxor. f 

4—5, Ye. Assuan, ‘3 

6. Ad. Abu Hoor, Upper Nile. ‘s 

7-13. Ad., hgr., & yg. Near Kosheh, _,, 

14. Skel. 9 ds 7 
15, Ad. Hannek, Third Cataract. i 
16-23. Hor. & yg. Khartum. J. Petherick, Haq. (C.). 
24, Her. Sennar, Blue Nile. L. Loat, Esq. (C.). 
25. Yg. Mouth of Lake No, White i 


26. Her. Gondokoro, Bahr-el-Gebel, J. Petherick, Esq. (C.), 

el, ery ip rf L. Loat, Esq. (0.). 

LABEO. 319 

28. Ad. Fajao, Victoria Nile. J.S. Budgeit, Esq. (P.). 
29-31. Ad. & yg. McCarthy Id., Gambia. A 

32. Yg. Jebba, Upper Niger. Dr. C. Christy (P.). 

33. Ad. Mureji, al J. 8. Budgett, Hsq. (P.). 
34-35. Ye. Abo, Lower Niger. Dr. W. J. Ansorge (C.). 
36-41. Ye. Agberi, 4A 

42-44. Hor. & yg. Benue R., N. of Ibi. H. L. Norton Traill, Esq. (C.). 
45-46. Her. Wari, Old Calabar. Miss Kingsley (C.). 

Peters, Mon. Berl. Ac. 1852, p. 683, and Reise Mossamb. iv. p. 45, pl. ix. (1868). 
General proportions and structure of mouth as in LZ. coubie. Dorsal 

IV 11, longest rays about once and 34 length of head. Scales 88-39 ae 

Labeo congoro. 
Type, after Peters (Reise Mossamb.). + 


43 between lateral line and root of caudal, 16 round caudal peduncle. 
Golden above, darker on the back, silvery white beneath; dorsal bluish 
black, anal and caudal reddish black. 

Total length 330 millim. 

Zambesi.—Types in Berlin Museum. 


Bouleng. Proce. Zool. Soc. 1903, ii. p. 329, pl. xxix. 

Body strongly compressed, its depth 54 to 52 times in total length. 
Head 43 to 42 times in total length, 14 to 14 times as long as broad ; 
snout rounded, its length 2 to a little less than 4 that of head; eye 
perfectly lateral, 44 to 53 foe in length of head ; ” interorbital width 4 
length of head ; width of mouth, with lips, 2 to 4 length of head ; ing 
with small papille forming transverse plice; lower lip with a fringe 
of conical papille ; rostral flap large, with denticulate edge; a minute 
barbel in the corner of the mouth, hidden under folds of skin. Dorsal 

Fig. 240. 


Labeo neumanni. 
Type (P. Z.S8. 1903). 4. 

II 11-12, a little nearer end of snout than caudal, its upper edge 
concave, longest ray as long as or slightly longer than head. Anal 
Ill 5, reaching or nearly reaching root of caudal. Pectoral as long 
as or a little longer than head, not quite reaching ventral, the first 
ray of which falls below 4th or 5th branched ray of dorsal. Caudal 
deeply emarginate, crescentic when fully spread ma Caudal peduncle 

14 to 1% times as long as deep. Scales 59-40 5 between lateral 

ie iy 
line and root of ventral, 16-18 round caudal peduncle. Olive above, 

whitish beneath ; fins greyish. 

LABEO. 321 

Total length 320 millim. 
Modjo and Wabbi Rivers (Webi Shebeli), S. Ethiopia. 
1-2. Types. Modje R. Prof. O. Neumann and 
Baron C. von Erlanger (C.). 

Giinth. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1894, p, 90, pl. x. fig. B. 
Labeo bottegi, Vincig. Ann. Mus. Genova, (2) xvii. 1897, p. 358. 

Body strongly compressed, its depth 3} to 3} times in total length. 
Head 4 to 4+ times in total length, 14 times as long as broad; 
snout obliquely truncate, strongly projecting; eye perfectly lateral, 
in middle of head, 5 to 3% times in length of head, 1} to 12 times 
in interorbital width ; lips with small papille forming transverse 
plice ; lower lip with a fringe of conical papill ; rostral flap with 
entire edge; a small barbel, hidden in folds of skin; small tubercles on 
snout. Dorsal III 10-11, equally distant from centre or anterior border 
of eye and from caudal, upper edge concave, longest ray as long as head. 
Anal III 6, reaching root of caudal. Pectoral as long as head, not 
reaching ventral, the first ray of which falls below 5th branched ray of 

dorsal. Caudal deeply notched, crescentic. Caudal peduncle slightly 



of ventral, 16 round caudal peduncle. Silvery, brownish on the back. 
Total length 125 millim. 

Tana and Rovuma Rivers, East Africa. 

longer than deep. Scales 35-37 4 between lateral line and root 

1. Type. Tana R. at Merifano. Prof. J. W. Gregory (P.). 
Bs) VCC Rovuma R. Sir J. Kirk (P.). 

Bouleng. Proc, Zool. Soe. 1902, ii, p. 13, pl. ii. fig. 1. 

Body strongly compressed, its depth nearly equal to length of head 
and contained 4 times in total length. Head 14 times as long as 
broad ; snout rounded, strongly projecting beyond mouth, with scars of 
small tubercles; eye nearly perfectly lateral, in middle of head, its 
diameter 44 times in length of head, 24 times in width of interorbital 
region, which is flat; width of mouth, with lips, 3 that of head; rostral 
flap and anterior border of lip not denticulated ; lower lip with a series 
of papille forming a denticulation; inner surface of lip with numerous 
transverse plicee, formed of closely-set obtuse papille; a minute 
barbel, hidden in folds at side of mouth. Dorsal If 10, with strougly 

VOL. I. x 


notched upper border, equally distant from nostril or end of snout and 
from caudal; longest ray equal to or exceeding length of head. Anal 
II 5, longest ray nearly as long as the head and reaching root of 
caudal. Pectoral as long as head, not reaching ventral. Ventral 
nearly reaching vent, first ray falling under 7th of dorsal. Caudal 
deeply forked. Caudal peduncle scarcely longer than deep. Scales 

Labeo darlingi. 
Type (P. Z.S. 1902). 2. 

36-39 = 4—5 between the lateral line and root of ventral, 16-20 round 
candal peduncle. Olive-brown above, whitish beneath ; fins dark. 

Total length 160 millim. 

Zambesi (Mazoe River) and Limpopo (Olifants River) Systems. 

1. Type. Mazoe R., near Salisbury, J. ff. Darling, Esq. (P.). 

Ds NYicr ” 2 ” 

3. Ad. Klein Letaba (affluent of Mr. C. Grant (C.) ; 
Olifants R.), Transvaal. C. D. Rudd, Esq. (P.). 

Labeo forskalii (non Riipp.), Hilgend. Sitzb. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berl. 1888, p. 78. 
Labeo victorianus, Bouleng. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1901, ii. p. 159, and Fish. Nile, p. 174, 
pl. xxxii. fig. 1 (1907). 

Body compressed, its depth equal to or a little greater than length of 
head, 4 to 4% times in total length. Head about 13 to 1% times as 
long as broad; snout rounded, with small horny warts in the adult, its 
length about 4 to 2 that of head; eye perfectly lateral, in middle or 
a little anterior to middle of head, 5 (young) to 6% times in length of 
head; interorbital width 4 to # length of head ; width of mouth about 4 
to 2 length of head; lips not distinctly fringed on the edge with small 

LABEO. 323 

papillae forming transverse plice on inner side; rostral flap moderately 
large, with entire edge ; a minute barbel, hidden under folds of skin. 
Dorsal III 9-10, eqnally distant from end of snout and from caudal, or a 
little nearer latter, upper edge strongly concave, last simple ray longest 
and nearly as long as head. Anal III 6, not reaching root of caudal. 
Pectoral nearly as long as ora little shorter than head, not reaching 

Labeo victorianus. 

Type (F.N.). 3. 

ventral, the first ray of which falls below 4th or 5th branched ray of 
dorsal. Caudal deeply emarginate, crescentic when fully spread out. 
Caudal peduncle about once and 3 as long as deep. Scales 38-39 aor 
44-6 between lateral line and root of ventral, 16-18 round caudal 
peduncle. Olive or dark steel-grey above, whitish beneath ; fins greyish, 
dorsal sometimes yellow at the base, dorsal, anal, and ventral sometimes 
tinged with orange ; a more or less distinct black spot behind the upper 
part of the gill-cover. 

Total length 525 millim. 

Lake Victoria. 

1-3. Types. Lake Victoria. Sir H. H. Johnston (P.). 
4. Ad. Near Entebbe. Mrs. E. A. Minchin (P.). 
5. Ad. Hntebbe. Mr. KE. Degen (C.). 

6. Ad. Kimmi Id. 53 

7-13. Ad., her, & ye. Bunjako. iE 

Labeo victorianus fuelleborm, Hilgend. & Pappenh. Sitz. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berl. 
1903, p. 268. 
Labeo fuelleborni, Bouleng. Ann. & Mag. N. H. (7) xvi. 1905, p. 42. 
Stated to difer from LZ. victorianus in the following points :—Head 



not quite once and 4 as long as broad; eye more supero-lateral ; width 

of mouth 3} length of head. Dorsal with straight upper edge. Caudal 
root of ventral. Olive, scales with dark edges forming a network; a 
dark spot behind the gill-opening ; dorsal blackish. 

Total length 300 millim. 

Lake Rukwa.—Type in Berlin Museum. 

peduncle not longer than deep. Scales 36 4, 4 between lateral line and 


Giinth. Cat. Fish. vii. p- 50 (1866) ; Bouleng. Ann. & Mag. N. H. (7) xii. 1903, 
p. 261. 
Labeo walkeri, Giinth. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1902, ii. p. 338, pl. xxxiii. 
Body strongly compressed, its depth 3 to 33 times in total length. 
Head 4 to 44 times in total length, 13 to 12 times as long as broad; 

Fig. 243. 

Labeo brachypoma. 
Type of L. walkert, after Giinther (P. Z.8. 1902). 4. 

snout rounded, slightly projecting ; eye supero-lateral, in second half of 
head, 4 to 5 times in length of head, 2 to 24 times in interorbital width ; 
width of mouth, with lips, 4 to 2 length of head; lips feebly fringed, 
with transverse plice on inner side; rostral flap entire ; a small barbel, 
hidden in folds of skin ; snout with large tubercles. Dorsal III-IV 9-11, 
equally distant from centre of eye or nostrils and from caudal, upper edge 

straight or convex. longest ray 14 to 14 times length of head, Anal 

LABEO. 320 

I1 5, reaching root of caudal. Pectoral as long as or slightly longer than 
head, not reaching ventral, the first ray of which falls below 3rd or 4th 
branched ray of dorsal. Caudal deeply notched, crescentic when fully 
spread out. Caudal peduncle as long as deep or slightly deeper than 
long. Scales 32-34 a 3 between lateral line and root of caudal, 12 round 
caudal peduncle. Dark olive-brown, lighter beneath. 

Total length 290 millim. 

Lagos, Gold Coast. 

1-3. Ad. & hgr., types. Lagos. H. T. Ussher, Esq. (C.). 
4-6. Her. & yg., types Nyankoma, Gold Coast. R.B. N. Walker, Esq. (C.) ; 
of L. walkeri. Dr. A. Giinther (P.). 

Bouleng. Ann. Mus. Congo, Zool. i. p. 36, pl. xix. fig. 1 (1898), and Poiss. Bass. 
Congo, p. 216 (1901). 
Body strongly compressed, its depth 33 to 4} times in total length. 
Head 4 to 43 times in total length, its width 3 its length; snout rather 

Labeo macrostoma. 

Type (A. M.C.). 2. 

pointed, very prominent, swollen at the end in adult ; eye supero-lateral, 
in second half of head, 4 (young) to 6 times in length of head, 2 to 
4 times in interorbital width; width of mouth, with lips, 1} to 2 times 
in length of head; upper lip entire, lower fringed with small papilla, 
both with transverse plice on inner surface; edge of rostral flap denti- 
culate; a minute barbel hidden under folds of skin; snout of adult 
nearly entirely covered with spinose tubercles, Dorsal III 10, a little 


nearer caudal than end of snout, upper edge not or but feebly notched 
in adult, more distinctly in young, longest rays as long as or longer than 
head. Anal IL 5, extending beyond root of caudal. Pectoral as long as 
head, not reaching ventral, the first ray of which is below $th or 10th 
ray of dorsal. Caudal deeply forked. Caudal peduncle nearly as long 
as deep. Scales 38-59 eas 4 between lateral line and root of ventral, 
16-18 round caudai peduncle. Brown or dark purplish above, the scales 
edged with green; dorsal and anal pink, pectorals and ventrals dark 
purple, caudal pale yellow at the base, pink at the end. 
Total length 590 millim. 

Congo.—Types in Congo Museum, Tervueren. 

1. Ad., one of the Matadi, Lower Congo. Capt. Wilwerth (C.). 
2. Her. Cataracts of Yelala, near M. P. Delhez (C.). 
3-5. Ad. & yg. Kwango R. at Fort Don Dr. W. J. Ansorge (C.). 

Carlos I., Angola. 

Bouleng. Ann. Mus. Congo, Zool. i. p. 98, pl. xl. fig. 1 (1899), and Poiss. Bass. 
Congo, p. 214 (1901). 
Labeo cyclorhynchus, var. variegata, Pellegr. Bull. Mus. Paris, 1901, p. 332. 

Body strongly compressed, its depth 3 to 84 times in total length. 
Head 3% to 4 times in total length, 13 to 12 times as long as broad; 
snout broad and rounded, projecting very little beyond mouth; eye 
supero-lateral, in middle of head, 3 (young) to 44 times in length of 
head, 14 to 24 times in interorbital width; width of mouth, with lips, 
14 times in length of head ; lips feebly fringed, with feeble plicee on the 
inner surface ; rostral flap feebly denticulate; a small barbel, nearly 
hidden in folds of skin; small tubercles on sides of snout. Dorsal 111 
11-12, equally distant from eye and from caudal, upper border concave, 
longest ray 1$ times length of head. Anal III 5, reaching root of 
caudal. Pectoral not reaching ventral, the first ray of which falls below 
4th branched ray of dorsal. Caudal deeply notched, crescentic. Caudal 
peduncle as long as deep. Scales 35-38 ee 4 between lateral line and 
root of caudal, 16 round caudal peduncle. Dark brown above, greyish 
beneath, each scale with a crimson spot; vertical fins dark grey. Young 

LABKO. | 327 

yellowish, with dark brown spots and marblings, and with black markings 

on the fins. 

Vig. 245. 

Labeo cyclorhynchus. 
Type (A. M. C.). 2. 

otal Jength 160 millim. 
Upper Congo.—Type in Congo Museum, Tervueren. 

1-3. Yg. Monsembe. Rev. J. H. Weeks (P.). 

Labeo faleifer (non C. & V.), Bouleng. Ann. Mus. Congo, Zool. i. p. 35, pl. xvil. 
fig. 2 (1898), and Poiss. Bass. Congo, p. 215 (1901). 
Labheo falcipinnis, Bouleng. Ann. & Mag. N. H. (7) xii. 1903, p. 360, 

Body strongly compressed, its depth 8 to 4 times im total length. 
Head 4 times in total length, its width 3 its length; snout rounded, 
a little swollen at the end; eye in second half of head, supero-lateral, 
4 to 5 times in length of head, 23 to 3 times in interorbital width ; width 
of mouth, with lips, 2 or length cf head; lips with a marginal fringe 
of papille, and with transverse plice on inner surface; edge of rostral 
flap strongly denticulate ; a small barbel hidden under folds of skin ; 
large spinose tubercles on snout. Dorsal LI 11, falciform, equally 
distant from anterior border of eye and from caudal, longest ray 12 times 
length of head. Anal III 5, reaching beyond root of caudal. Pectoral 
as long as head, not quite reaching ventral, the first ray of which is below 


9th of dorsal. Caudal deeply notched. Caudal peduncle deeper than 

long. Scales 39 poe 5 between lateral line and root of ventral, 20 round 
= 3 2 

caudal peduncle. Uniform brownish above, whitish beneath. 

Fig. 246. 

Labeo fulcipinnis. 
Type (A.M.C.). i. 
Total length 460 millim. 
Congo.—Types in Congo Museum, Tervueren. 
1. One of the types. | New Antwerp, Upper Congo. Capt. Wilverth (C.). 
2. Ad. Monsembe, Hi Rey. J. H. Weeks (P.). 


Labeo forskalii, part., Giinth. Cat. Fish. vii. p. 50 (1868), 
Labeo kirkii, Bouleng. Ann. & Mag. N. H. (7) xii. 1903, p. 360. 

Body moderately compressed, its depth equal to length of head and 
4 times in total length. Head 4% as broad as long; snout obtusely 
pointed, strongly projecting, with a strong curved transverse groove 
above, its length 4 that of head; eye supero-lateral, 6 times in length of 
head, 24 times in interorbital width ; width of mouth, with lips, ? length 
of bead; lips strongly developed, upper straight-edged, lower expanded 
and bordered in frovt by a fringe of papillz, the posterior border 
festooned; inner surface of lips with small papille forming numerous 
transverse plice ; rostral flap large, with denticulate edge; snout with 
crater-like scars of large tubercles. Dorsal III 10, equally distant from 
nostrils and from caudal, upper edge concave, longest ray a little longer 

LABEO, 329 

than head. Anal II] 4, nearly reaching root of caudal. Pectoral as 
long as head, not reaching ventral, the first ray of which falls below 4th 
branched ray of dorsal. Caudal deeply emarginate. Caudal peduncle 

Fig. 247. 

Type. 2. 

a little longer than deep. Scales 39 as 4 between lateral line and root 
of ventral, 22 round caudal peduncle. Dark brown above, lighter 

Total length 240 millim. 

Rovuma River, East Africa. 
1. Type. Rovuma R. Sir J. Kirk (P.). 

Cyprinus niloticus, var. b, Forskal, Deser. Anim. p. 71 (1775). 
Labeo forskalii, Riipp. Mus. Senckenb. ii. p. 18, pl. ili. fig. 1 (1835) ; Cuv. & Val. 
Hist. Poiss. xvi. p. 343 (1842) ; Heckel, Russegger’s Reise Egypt. iii. p. 301, 
pl. xx. fig. 2 (1846) ; Bouleng. Fish. Nile, p. 176, pl. xxvii. fig. 2 & pl. xxxi. 
fig. 3 (1907). 
Labeo forskalii, part., Giinth. Cat. Fish. vii. p.50 (1868), and Petherick’s Trav. ii. 
p. 260 (1869). 
Body more or less compressed, its depth 34 to 44 times in total length. 
Head 4 to 5 times in total length, its width 3 to # its length; snout 
rounded, strongly projecting, more or less swollen, often with a more or 

less distinct curved transverse groove above, its length about half, or a 


little more than half, length of head; eye small, supero-lateral, 54 to 8 
times in length of head (4 or 5 times in very young) ; interorbital width 
= to 5 length of head; width of mouth 2 to 2 length of head; lips 
strongly developed, upper straight-edged, lower more or less expanded 
and bordered in front by a fringe of papille, the posterior border being 
more or less distincily festooned ; inner surface of lips with small papille 
forming numerous transverse plice; rostral flap large, completely 
Fig. 248. 

Labeo forskali. 
Upper Nile (¥.N.). 3. 

detached at the sides, its edge entire or more or less distinctly festooned ; 
a minute barbel, concealed under folds of skin; horny tubercles on the 
snout, or their crater-like scars, much developed in adult, more so in 
males than in females. Dorsal III 10 (rarely 9 or 11) rays, equally 
distant from end of snout or nostrils and from caudal, upper edge concave, 
last simple ray and first branched ray more or less produced in males ; 
except in very young and certain female specimens, longest rays more or 
less considerably exceeding length of head. Anal IIL 5, shorter than 
head, often reaching root of caudal. Pectoral nearly as long as 
head, not reaching ventral, the first ray of which falls below 4th or 5th 
branched ray of dorsal. Caudal deeply emarginate, crescentic when 
fully spread out. Caudal peduncle 14 to 14 times as long as deep. 


Scales 88-42 43 


(rarely 18) round caudal peduncle. Dark olive ahove and on the sides, 


, 4—5 between lateral line and root of ventral, 16 


white beneath; scales on the sides often pink in the centre; fins dark 
grey, first ray of pectoral, ventral, and anal often yellowish. 

Total Jength 360 millim. 

Lower Nile to upper tributaries of Blue Nile. 

LABEO. 331 

1-4, Ad. & her. Lower Nile. S.§. Allen, Esq. (P.). 
5-9. Ad. Near Samannud, Damietta L. Loat, Esq. (C.). 


10-12. Yg. Rosetta Nile, near Barrage. a 

13-14. Ad. Near Cairo. » 

15. Her. Wasta, Lower Nile. oy 

LG=23-) Vion Near Luxor. » 

24, Ad. Assuan. » 

25-27, Ad. Korosko, Upper Nile. .: 

28-37. Ad. & her. Wady Halla. . 

38. Hor. Kosheh, Upper Nile. 9 

39. Ad. Near Hannek, Third Cataract. » 

40. Ad. Khartam. J. Petherick, Esq. (C.). 

41. Skel. 35 » 

42. Yo. Wad Medine, Blue Nile. L. Loat, Esq. (C ). 

43, 44-63. Ad. & yg. Rosaires, a ” 

64-66. Ad. & her. Didessa R. (Blue Nile), Guma, Mr. P. C. Zaphiro (C.) ; 
1500 ft. W.N. McMillan, Esq. (P.). 

67-68. Ad. Juju R., affluent of Didessa Mr. P. C. Zapbiro (C.) ; 
R., Guma, 2000 ft. W.N. McMillan, Esq. (P.). 


Peters, Mon. Berl. Ac. 1852, p. 684, and Reise Mossamb. iv. p. 47, pl. x. fig. 1 
(1868) ; Bouleng. Ann. & Mag. N. H. (7) xii. 1903, p. 361, Proc. Zool. Soc. 
1903, ii. p. 830, and Tr. Zool. Soc. xvii. 1906, p. 548. 

Tylognathus cantini, Sauv. Bull. Soc. Philom. (7) vi. 1882, p. 175; Vincig. Ann. 
Mus. Genova, (2) xv. 1895, p. 50, & xix. 1898, p. 259. 

Tylognathus montanus, Giinth. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1889, p. 71, pl. viii. fig. B. 

Labeo forskalit, part., Pteff. Thierw. O.-Afr., Fische, p. 49 (1896) ; Hilgend. Zool. 
Jahrb., Syst. xxii. 1905, p. 413. 

Labeo montanus, Pfeff. t. c. p. 52. 

? Labeo mesops (non Giinth.), Vincig. op. cit. (2) xvii. 1897, p. 361. 

Very closely allicd to and barely separable from L. forskalii. 

Body feebly compressed, 4 to 42 times in total length. Head 4 to 
4? times in total length, its width 3 to 3 its length, as in L. forskalii, but 
eye larger, 4 to 7 times in length of head. Dorsal III 8-10, longest ray 
usually longer, often much longer, than head, sometimes as much as twice 

Fe : 9= 9q 5a-be : 
aslong. Anal JIT 5. Scales 35-59 @—%, 3~4 between lateral line and 
2 Py 

root of ventral, 16-18 round caudal peduncle. Dark olive above and on 
the sides, white beneath; cauda! often with the upper and lower edges 

Total length 400 millim. 



Abyssinia, East Africa to the Zambesi, Lakes Tanganyika and 
Nyassa.—Type in Berlin Museum. 

Fig. 249. 

1-3. Her. 

4, Skel. 
5. Hgr. 

6-8. Ad. & her. 
9-10. Ad. 
11-12. Ad. 

13, Ad. 

14-16, Ad. 

17. Ad. 
18-19. Ad. 

20. Ad. 

21-23, Ad. & hgr. 

24-26, Ad. 
27-29. Ad. & hgr. 

Labeo cylindricus. 
Type, after Peters (Reise Mossamb.). 

Jerrer Rt. (Webi Shebeli), 

near Harrar. 
re) ” bb) 
Modjo R. (Webi Shebeli). 

Zeissi R. (L. Abaia), 
3000 ft. 

L. Gandjule (Margherita), 
3000 ft. 

Ganda R. (li. Gandjule), 
3000 ft. 

Sagan R. at Wondo, 
2800 ft. 

Delbena JR. (Sagan), 
3200 ft. 

Gato R. (Sagan), 3700 ft. 

Zuja R. (L. Stephanie), 
4200 ft. 

Barja R. (L. Stephanie), 
4250 ft. 

Omo R. at Kullo, 2000 ft. 

Ergino R.(Omo), 3000 ft. 

Zendo R. (Omo), 4500 Ft. 


Mr. E. Degen (C.). 


Prof. O. Neumann and 

Baron C. von Erlanger (C.). 

Mr. P. C. Zaphiro (C.); 

W.N. MeMillan, Esq. (P.). 


30-33. Her. 
34-35. Ad. 

36-38, 39. Ad. & her. 

40. Her., type of 
T. montanus. 

41-42. Yo. 

43-44. Ad. 
45-46. Ad. 
47. Ad. 


L. Baringo. 
Niro - Narock System, 

Lorian Swamp. 

Mathoiya R. (Tana), 
4000 ft. 

Lumi R., EK. of Kili- 

Utinta, L. Tanganyika. 

L. Nyassa. 

Upper Zambesi, above 
Victoria Falls. 



Sir H. H. Johnston (P.). 
S. L. Hinde, Esq. (P.). 

F. J. Jackson, Esq. (P.). 
A. B. Percival, Esq. (C.). 
Dr. W. A. Cunnington(C.). 

Capt. E. L. Rhoades (P.). 
T. Codrington, Esq. (P.). 

Bouieng. Ann. Mus. Congo, Zool. i. p. 99, pl. xl. fig. 2 (1899), and Poiss. Bass. 
Congo, p. 218 (1901). 
Body feebly compressed, its depth 43 times in total length. Head a 
little longer than broad, 44 times in total length ; snout pointed, very 

Labeo nasus. 

Type (A. M. C.). 

prominent, ending in a small transverse, slightly turned up appendage ; 
eye supero-lateral, in second half of head, 5(young) to 7 times in length 
of head, 33 times in interorbital width; width of mouth, with lips, 
3 length of head; lips with feeble transverse plice on inner surface, with 
feebly denticulate edge; rostral flap entire; a minute barbel, hidden in 
folds of skin; snout with large tubercles. 
caudal fin than end of snout, deeply emarginate, longest ray as long as 

Dorsal IIT 10, a little nearer 


head. Anal II 5, reaching root of caudal. Pectoral hardly as long as 
head, not reaching ventral, the first ray of which is below 7th of dorsal. 
Caudal deeply notched, crescentic when fully spread out. Caudal 
peduncle nearly as long as deep. Scales 38-39 a, 4 between lateral 
Jine and root of ventral, 16 round caudal peduncle. Purplish above, 
lighter beneath ; scales edged with yellow. 

Total length 190 millim. 

Congo.—Type in Congo Museum, Tervueren. 
1. Yy., one of the types. Matadi, Lower Congo. Capt. Wilverth (C.). 
pie. Stanley Pool. M. De Meuse (C.). 


Bouleng. Ann. Mus. Congo, Zool. ii. p. 29, pl. viii. fig. 4 (1902). 
Body feebly compressed, its depth 5 to 5% times in total length. 
Head 4 to 44 times in total length, its width % to } its length; snout 
obtusely pointed, very prominent ; eye supero-lateral, in second half of 


head, 4 (young) to 54 times in length of head, 2 to 3 times in inter- 

Labeo greenit 
Type (A. M.C.). 2. 

orbital width ; width of mouth, with lips, a little more than half length 
of head ; uppet lip entire, lower very feebly fringed, both with transverse 
plicee on the inner surface; rostral flap very feebly denticulate ; a minute 
barbel, hidden in folds of skin; snout nearly entirely covered with large 
spinose tubercles in adult. Dorsal IIT 10, a little nearer caudal than 
end of snout, notched, longest ray 14 to 1% times length of head. 

LABEO. 339 

Anal II 5, reaching root of caudal. Pectoral nearly as long as head, not 
reaching ventral, the first ray of which falls below 5th or 6th ray 
of dorsal. Caudal with deep angular notch. Caudal peduncle as long 
as deep. Scales 37-38 ae 4 between lateral line and root of ventral, 
16 round caudal peduncle. Dark olive, belly white ; a large black spot 
on caudal peduncle; caudal blackish, with the lower edge whitish. 

Total length 270 millim. 

Upper Congo and Ubanghi.—Type in Congo Museum, Tervueren. 

1. Her., one of the Bolobo, Upper Congo. Rey. G. Grenfell (P.). 
2-3. Her. € yg. Lindi River. M. M. Storms (C.) ; 

Brussels Museum (4.). 

Bouleng. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1902, i. p. 235, pl. xxiii. 

Body compressed, its depth nearly 4 times in total length. Head 43 
times in total length, 1} times as long as broad; snout obtusely 

Labeo lukule. 
Type (P. Z. 8.1902), 2. 

pointed, strongly projecting ; eye supero-lateral, in second half of head, 
6 times in length of head, 2} in interorbital width; width of mouth, 
with lips, half length of head; rostral flap and anterior border of lip 
not denticulated ; posterior border of lip denticulated; inner surface of 
lips with numerous feeble, transverse plice; a minute barbel, hidden 
in felds at sides of mouth; snout covered with large tubercles. Dorsal 


III 10, a little nearer root of caudal than end of snout, notched, 
longest ray as long as head. Anal II 5. Pectoral as long as head, 
not reaching base of ventral, the first ray of which falls under 4th 
branched ray of dorsal. Caudal deeply forked. Caudal peduncle 13 
times as long as deep. Scales 35 7, 4 between lateral line and root 
of ventral, 12 round caudal peduncle. Dark olive, belly whitish. 

Total length 250 millim. 

Lukula River, Upper Congo.—Type in Brussels Museum. 

Bouleng. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1903, i. p. 23, pl. ii. fig. 1. 

Body moderately compressed, its depth nearly equal to length of head, 
43 to 5 times in total length. Head 1} to 14 times as long as broad ; 
snout rounded or rather pointed, strongly projecting beyond mouth ; 
eye supero-lateral, in second half of head, 5 to 7 times in length of head, 
24 to 34 times in interorbital width; width of mouth, with lips, 3 to 
2 length of head; rostral flap and posterior border of lip feebly 

Fie, 253. 

Labeo annecténs. 

Sype (P. Z. 8. 1908). 3. 

denticulated ; inner surface of lips with numerous feeble, transverse 
plicee; a small barbel hidden in folds of skin; snout with numerous 
tubercles. Dorsal 111 10 (rarely 9 or 11), equally distant from end of 
snout and from caudal, strongly notched; longest ray equal to length of 
head or a little longer. Anal IL 5; longest ray 4 length of head. 
Pectoral as long as or a little shorter than head, not reaching yentral, 


the first ray of which falls under 5th or 6th branched ray of dorsal. 
Caudal deeply forked. Caudal peduncle 14 to 12 times as long as deep. 
Scales 34—39 sei 3 between lateral line and root of ventral, 12 round 
caudal peduncle. Olive above, whitish beneath, with or without a rather 
indistinct darker lateral band; fins greyish, tinged with orange or red 
in life. 

Total length 260 millim. 

South Cameroon, Gaboon. 

1-2, Ad. & hgr., Kribi R. at Efulen, 8. Cameroon. G. I. Bates, Esq. (C.). 

3-6. Ad. & her, sy 3 0 op 
7-9. Ad. Ja R. (Congo System) at - 
Bitye, S. Cameroon. 
10-12. Ad. & yg. Libi R. (Congo System), _ 
S. Cameroon. 
13. Ad. Komadekke, Ogowe. Dr. W. J. Ansorge (C.). 


Pellegr. Bull. Mus. Paris, 1904, p. 311. 
Lateo parvus (non Bouleng.), Steind. Ann. Hofmus. Wien, xxi. 1906, p. 154. 

Depth of body equal to length of head, 4 times in total length. Head 
once and 4 as long as broad; snout very prominent, with numerous 
tubercles ; eye supero-lateral, in second half of head, 6 times in length 
of head, 23 or 3 times in interorbital width ; inner surface of lips with 
numerous transverse plicee; a minute barbel, hidden in the folds at side 
of mouth. Dorsal Il 10, falciform, deeply notched, anterior rays 
extremely prolonged, 12 or 12 times length of head. Anal II 5. 
Pectoral a little shorter than head, not reaching ventral. Caudal forked, 
with pointed lobes, Caudal peduncle a little longer than deep. Svales 

34 © 


5 between lateral line and root of ventral, 12 round caudal 
peduncle. Olive-brown, lighter beneath. 

Total length 500 millim. 

Shari River (type in Paris Museum), Cameroon. 

Bouleng. Ann. Mus. Congo, Zool. ii. p. 30, pl. viii. fig, 5 (1902). 

Body feebly compressed, its depth equal to or a little greater than 
length of head, 4 or 5 times in total length. Head 14 to 14 times as 
long as broad; snout rounded or obtusely pointed, very pominent, with 

Vion We % 


large spiny tubercles in the male; eye supero-lateral, nearer gill-opening 
than end of snout, 4 times in length of head, 14 to 2 times in inter- 
orbital width; width of mouth, with lips, 2 to 24 times in length of 
head; rostral flap not denticulated ; lower lip with very feebly denticu- 
lated edge, inner surface with numerous transverse plice; a small 
barbel, hidden in the folds at side of mouth. Dorsal III 10, notched, 

Labeo parvus. 

Type (A.M.C.). 4. 

longest ray as long as or a little shorter than head. Anal III 5, not 
reaching root of caudal. Pectoral a little shorter than head, not 
reaching ventral, which is below middle of dorsal. Caudal deeply 
forked, with acutely pointed lobes. Caudal peduncle as long as deep, 
or a little longer. Scales 33-35 a 23-3 between lateral line and 
ventral, 12 round caudal peduncle. Olive above, yellowish beneath, 
each scale on the upper parts sometimes with a blackish spot; lips and 
paired fins blackish in the males. 

Total length 130 millim. 

Congo.—Types in Congo Museum, Tervueren. 

1-2. Two cf the types. Banzyville, Ubanghi. Capt. Royaux (C.). 

3. Ad. Aruwimi R. R. B. Woosnam, Esq. (C.) ; 
Ruwenzori Expedition. 

4, Ad. Lindi R. M. M. Storms (C.); 
Brussels Museum (E.). 

5-%. Yg. Bange Ngola, Angola. Dr. W. J. Ansorge ((.). 

Pellegr. Bull. Mus. Paris, 1908, p. 204, and Bull. Soc. Philom. (9) x. 1908, 
p- 126, fig. 
Depth of body equal to or a little Jess than length of head, 4 to 4} 
times in total length. ead 14 to 1% times as long as broad; snout 

LABEO. 339 

rounded, very prominent, with large spiny tubercles; eye supero-lateral, 
nearly in middle of length of head, 3 (young) to 43 times in length of 
head, 14 to 14 times in interorbital width: width of mouth, with lips, 
2% to 24 times in length of head; inner surface of lips with numerous 
transverse plicee ; a small barbel, hidden in the folds at side of mouth. 
Dorsal III] 9-10, strongly notched, longest ray as long as or a little 
longer than head. Anal IL 5, not reaching root of caudal. Pectoral 
as long as or a little shorter than head, not reaching ventral. Caudal 
peduncle a little longer than deep. Scales 33-35 ae 3 between lateral 
line and ventral, 12 round caudal peduncle. Blackish brown above and 
beneath, the caudal fin tinged with reddish. 

Total length 160 millim. 

Great Falls of Koukouré River, French Guinea.—Types in Paris 

Abrostomus umbratus, A. Smith, Ill. Zool. S. Afr., Fish. pl. xii, fig. 1 (1841) ; 
Steind. Sitzb. Ak. Wien, cili. i. 1894, p. 454, pl. iv. fig. 1. 

Labeo cafer, Castein. Mém. Poiss. Afr. Austr. p. 60 (1861). 
Labeo sicheli, Casteln. 1. e. 
Labeo umbratus, Bouleny. Ann. & Mag. N. H. (7) xii. 1903, p. 362. 

Body strongly compressed, its depth equal to length of head and 
4 to 5 times in total length. Head 14 to 13 times as long as broad; 

Fig. 255. 

Labeo umbratus. 
Great Fish River. 3. 

snout rounded, feebly prominent, shorter than postocular part of head; 
eye lateral, 5 to 7 times in length of head; interorbital width 3 length 
Z 2 


340 CYPRINID 4. 

of head ; width of mouth, with lips, about 4 length of head; lips rather 
feebly developed, with rounded or conical papille forming a fringe ; 
rostral flap indistinct; two barbels on each side, anterior very short, 
posterior shorter than or barely as long as eye. Dorsal III 8-10, 
equally distant from nostrils or eye and from caudal, emarginate, longest 
ray a little shorter than head. Anal III 5, not reaching root of caudal. 
Pectoral # to # length of head, not reaching ventral, which is below 
middle of dorsal. Caudal forked, with long pointed lobes. Caudal 

peduncle 1$ to 2 times as long as deep. Scales 58-65 ibe 9-10 
between lateral line and root of ventral, 30-34 round caudal peduncle. 
Brown above, yellowish beneath, or yellowish marbled with brown. 
Total length 310 millim. 
Orange River System and Rivers of Southern Watershed of Cape 

1. Hgr. Grobelaars R., Cape Colony. Dr. J. D. F. Gilchrist (P.). 
2. Her. Gamka R. at Prince Albert, Cape 3 

3-4. Her. Great Fish R., Cradok Division, SS. African Museum. 

Cape Colony. 
5-6. Ad.& hgr. Vredefort Road, Orange River Capt. Barrett Hamilton (P.). 

Abrostomus capensis, A. Smith, Ill. Zool. S. Afr., Fish. pl. xii. fig. 2 (1841). 
Labeo tenuirostris, Steind. Sitzb. Ak. Wien, citi. i. 1894, p. 459, pl. v. fig. 2. 
Labeo capensis, Bouleng. Ann. & Mag. N. H. (7) xii. 1903, p. 362. 

Body strongly compressed, its depth 32 to 44 times in total length. 
Head 14 to 13 times as long as broad, 44 to 5 times in total length; 
snout rounded, very prominent, as long as or a little longer than post- 
ocular part of head; eye lateral, 4 to 63 times in length of head; 
interorbital width $ length cf head; width of mouth, with lips, about 4 
length of head; lips rather feebly developed, with rounded or conical 
papille forming a fringe; rostral flap fringed ; two short barbels on each 
side, equal, or anterior the longer, as long as or shorter than eye. Dorsal 
JV 10-11, equally distant from eye and from caudal, emarginate, longest 
ray as long as or a little shorter than head, Anal III 5, reaching, or 
nearly reaching, root of caudal. Pectoral as long as or a little shorter 
than head, not reaching ventral, which is below middle or posterior half 
of dorsal, Caudal forked, with long pointed lobes. Caudal peduncle 

LABEO, 34] 
14 to 12 times as long as deep. Scales 44-50 we 6-7 between 
lateral line and reot of ventral, 20-24 round caudal peduncle. Grey 
above, silvery white beneath. 
Total length 520 millim. 
Orange and Limpopo River Systems (Rivers of Cape Colony, according 
to A. Smith). 
Fig. 256. 

Labeo capensis. 
Type of L. tenuirostris, after Steindachner (1. ¢.). 4. 

1. Her. Cape Colony. 8. African Museum. 
2. Ad. Zak R., trib. of Orange R. Dr. J. D. F. Gilchrist (P.), 
3-4. Ad. Town Reservoir, Kimberley. 55 
5-12. Ad. &  Vredefort Road, Orange River Capt. Barrett Hamilton (P.). 
her. Colony. 
13. Skel. Vredefort Road. “f 
14. Ad. Mooi R. at Potchefstroom, 8. African Museum. 


Bouleng. Ann. & Mag. N. H. (7) xx, 1907, p. 108. 

Body strongly compressed, its depth equal to length of head and 
4 times in total length. Head once and 3} as long as broad; snout 
broad, truncate, feebly projecting ; eye nearly perfectly lateral, 4 times 
in length of head and once and # in interorbital width; width of mouth, 
with lips, about half that of head; rostral flap not denticulated; lips 
bordered with rounded papille, their inner surface with numerous 


transverse plicas; two barbels on each side, anterior 4, posterior { 
diameter of eye ; snout with conical horny tubercles. Dorsal IV 10, 
with concave upper border, a little nearer caudal than end of snout, 

longest ray slightly longer than head. Anal III 5, nearly reaching root 

Labeo ansorgit. 


of caudal. Pectoral nearly as long as head, not reaching ventral, which 
is below middle of dorsal. Caudal deeply forked, with acutely pointed 
lobes. Caudal peduncle slightly longer than deep. Scales 36 a 
4 between lateral line and root of ventral, 16 round caudal peduncle. 
Silvery, back brownish. 

Total length 65 millim. 

1. Type. Swamps at Dongwenna, Mossamedes. Dr. W. J. Ansorge (C.). 
2, Yp." Cabro Negro. Dr. Welwitsch (P.). 

Bouleng. Ann. Mus. Congo, Zool. i. p. 36, pl. xix. fig. 2 (1898), and Poiss. Bass. 
Congo, p. 218 (1901). 

Body strongly compressed, its depth 34 to 32 times in total length. 
Head 11 to 14 times as long as broad, 4 to d times in total length ; 
snout rounded, very prominent, slightly longer than postocular part of 
head; eye supero-lateral, 33 (young) to 8 times in length of head, 14 to 
4 times in interorbital width ; width of snout, with lips, 2 to 4 length 
of head ; lips with transverse plice on inner surface, upper entire, lower 
fringed with conical papill ; rostral flap with denticulate edge; two 
much developed barbels on each side, much longer than eye in adult, 

* This specimen, in bad condition, was referred by Giinther to Z. senegalensis, 


about as long as eye in young; small tubercles on end of snout. Dorsal 
IIT 10-11, nearly equally distant from end of snout and from caudal, 
emarginate, longest ray a little longer than head. Anal II 5, not 
extending beyond root of caudal. Pectoral as long as head, not reaching 

Fig. 258. 

Labeo barbatus. 
Type (A. M.C.). 2. 

ventral, the first ray of which is below 7th or 8th of dorsal. Caudal 
with deep angular notch. Caudal peduncle as long as deep. Scales 
40—4] Seat» 6 between lateral line and root of ventral, 20-22 round 
caudal peduncle. Purplish above, yellowish white beneath, the dorsal 
scales edged with darker; dorsal pale yellow; young with a large 
blackish spot on caudal peduncle. 

Total length 500 millim. 

Lower Congo.—Types in Congo Museum, Tervueren. 

1. Her., one of the types. Boma. Capt. Wilverth (C.). 
2-3. Ad. & yg. ¥ M. P. Delhez (C.). 
4. Yg. Bangala Country. M. De Meuse (C.). 

Heckel, Russegger’s Reise, i. pt. ii. p. 1027 (1843); Giinth, Cat. Fish. vii. p. 68 
(1868) ; Bouleng. Fish. Nile, p. 180 (1907). 

Body moderately or feebly compressed, covered with moderately large 
scales. Lateral line equally distant from the back and from the belly. 
Mouth inferior, transverse, crescent-shaped, protractile, sharp-edged, 
with more or less developed hps; a more or less developed suctorial 



disk on the chin, usually bordered by the lower labial fold; one or two 

barbels on each side. 
openings restricted to the sides. 

of which are branched, originating in advance of the ventrals. 
Pectoral fins horizontal. 
Pharyngeal teeth in three series (2 or 3, 3 or 4, 
or 2), with hooked, spoon-shaped crowns. 

short, with 7 rays. 
base of the ventra! fins. 
4 or 5—5 or 4, 4 or 3, 3 

Suborbitals not covering the cheek. 
Dorsal fin with 9 to 11 rays, 7 or 8 


Anal fin 
A scaly process at the 

Southern Asia and North-east Africa. 

Synopsis of the Species. 

I. Pupil of the eye in the second half of the head; barbels not more than } 

diameter of eye ; ventrals below posterior half of dorsal ; 

Snout projecting strongly beyond mouth, 
the width of which is less than } length 
of head; upper lip well developed, 
with a series of papillee forming a 

Snout projecting feebly ee ona sradinie 
the width of which equals } length of 
head ; 
not fringed . 

upper lip scarcely Gales 

Lat. 1. 37-40. 

1. D. dembeensis, Riipp., p. 345. 

. D, johnstonii, Blgr., p. 346. 

II. Pupil of the eye in the middle, or anterior to the middle, of the length of the 


A. Mental disk well developed, with free posterior border. 

1. Eye lateral, visible from below. 
Barbels 2 diameter of eye ; ventrals below 
posterior half caudal 
peduncle as long as deep; Lat. 1. 
35-38 aha Reet st eG 
Barbels % to 4 diameter of eye; ventrals 
below middle of dorsal; caudal 
peduncle 13 to 12 times as long as 
deep ; Lat. 1. 38-40 . 

of dorsal ; 

2. Eye supero-lateral, not visible from below ; 

3. D. vinciquerre, Blgr., p. 347. 

4. D. makiensis, Blgr., p. 348. 
barbels 4 to # diameter of 

eye; caudal peduncle 1} to 1} times as long as deep. 

Lat. |. 33-38; ventrals below fosterior 
half of dorsal 

Lat. 1]. 38-42 ; ventrals ie Srl of 
dorsal . 

5. D. blanfordii, Blgr., p. 349. 

6. D. hindi, Blgr., p. 350. 

B. Mental disk very indistinct, or reduced to a mere pad, without free 

posterior border ; barbels 4 to 2 

iidiameten of eye; Lat. 1. 37-42. 

© D. quadrimaculatus, Riipp., p. 351. 


Chondrostoma dembeensis, Riipp. Mus. Senckenb. ii. p. 16, pl. ii. fig. 4 (1837). 
Gymnostomus ? dembeensis, Heckel, Russegger’s Reise Egypt. iii. p. 329 (1846). 
Discognathus dembeensis, Bouleng. Ann. & Mag. N. H. (7) xi. 1903, p. 54, and 
Fish. Nile, p. 181, pl. xlviii. fig. 1 (1907). 
? Discognathus rothschildi, Pellegr. Bull. Mus. Paris, 1905, p. 291. 

Body feebly compressed, its depth 42 to 64 times in total length. 
Head moderately depressed, 14 to 14 times as long as broad, its length 
41 to 5 times in total }ength; snout rounded, interorbital region nearly 
flat ; eye supero-lateral, in second half of head, its diameter 4 (young) 
to 7 times in length of head and about 2 to 3 times in interorbital 
width; width of mouth 2 to 4 length of head; lips covered with 
granular papille, the upper well developed, bordered by large papille 

Discognathus dembeensis. 

Lake Tsana (F. N.). 

forming a fringe; lower lip forming a fold embracing a mental disk, 
which is broader than long; 2 small barbels on each side, not measuring 
more than 4 diameter of eye; snout of breeding males studded with 
numerous conical horny tubercles. Dorsal III 7, equally distant from 
nostrils or anterior border of eye and from caudal, emarginate, longest 
ray as long as ora little shorter than head. Anal II 5. Pectoral as 
long as or a little shorter than head, widely separated from ventral, 
which is situated below posterior half of dorsal. Caudal deeply 
emarginate. Caudal peduncle 13 to 14 times as long as deep. 
Scales 36-40 eee between lateral line and root of the ventral, 
16-18 round caudal peduncle. Olive-green or brown above, yellowish 
beneath ; a series of round black spots on the dorsal near its base. 
Total length 160 millim. 


Lake Tsana and upper tributaries of Blue Nile; Omo River; 
Kilimandjaro.—Types in Senckenberg Museum, Frankfort (M.). 

1-3. Ad. & her. Bahardar, Lake Tsana. Mr. EH. Degen (C.). 
4-7, Ad. Matti R., affluent of Gudar R. Mr. P. ©. Zapbiro (C.) ; 
~ (Blue Nile). W. N. McMillan (P.). 
8. Skel. #3 s 5 i 
9, Ad. Didessa R. (Blue Nile), 1500 ft. 5 
10-11. Ad. Juju R., affluent of Didessa R., s) 
2000 ft. 
12-17. Ad. Gibe R. (Omo), 2800 ft. i 
18-19. Ad. & hgr. Nairobi R., Kilimandjaro, A. B. Percival, Esy. (C.). 
6500 ft. 

Bouleng. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1901, ii. p. 159, and Fish. Nile, p. 184, pl. xxxii. fig. 2 

Body feebly compressed, its depth equal to length of head and 5 times 
in total length. Head moderately depressed, 14 to 14 times as long as 
broad, with rounded, feebly projecting snout and nearly flat interorbital 
region ; eye supero-lateral, in second half of head, its diameter 42 times 
in length of head. 24 times in interorbital width; width of mouth 
3 length of head; upper lip feebly developed, not fringed; lower lip 

Discognathus johnstonii. 

Type (F.N.). 4. 

embracing a mentai disk, which is much broader than long; 2 minute 
barbels on each side, not measuring 4 diameter of eye. Dorsal III 7, 
equally distant from nostrils and from caudal; longest ray } length of 
head. AnallII 5. Pectoral 4 length of head, widely separated from 
ventral, which is situated below posterior half of dorsal. Caudal deeply 
emarginate. Caudal peduncle 14 times as long as deep. Scales 
37-38 a 4 between lateral line and root of ventral, 16 round caudal 


peduncle. Upper parts and fins blackish olive ; lips, gular and pectoral 
regions yellowish white, belly brown; two round deep black spots on 
the dorsal fin, in the middle of its base. 

Total length 110 millim. 

Lake Victoria and Nairobi River, Kilimandjaro. 

1. Type. Lake Victoria. Mr. W. G. Doggett (C.) ; 
Sir H. H. Johnston (P.). 
2, Ad. Nairobi R., Kilimandjaro, 6500 ft. A. B, Percival, Esq. (C.). 

Bouleng. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1901, ii. p. 160, and Fish. Nile, p. 185, pl. xxxi. fig. 4 

Body feebly compressed, its depth 43 to 5} times in total length. 
Head moderately depressed, once and 4 as long as broad, } total length ; 
snout rounded, interorbital region nearly flat, its width not quite half 
length of head; eye lateral, but better visible from above than from 
below, in middle of head, 3} times in length of head and once and 3 in 
interorbital width; width of mouth about 4+ length of head; upper 
lip well developed, bordered by papille forming a fringe; lower lip 
embracing a mental disk, which is about as long as broad; two barbels 
on each side, measuring 2 diameter of eye. Dorsal III 7, equally 
distant from centre or posterior border of eye and from caudal; first 

Fig. 261. 

Discognathus vinciguerre. 

Type (F. N.). 

branched ray longest, as long as head. Anal Il 5. Pectoral nearly as 
long as head, widely separated from ventral, which is situated below 
posterior half of dorsal. Caudal deeply emarginate. Caudal peduncle 
as long as deep. Scales 35-38 3p 3-34 between lateral line and root of 
ventral, 16 round caudal peduncle. Yellowish, the scales on the back 
and sides finely speckled with brown, especially towards the border ; 
a dark brown rhomboidal spot or vertical bar on the caudal peduncle 


near the base of the caudal, and a more or less distinct dark bar on the 
base of the fin; fins whitish, transparent. 

Total length 43 millim. 

Upper Nile and White Nile. 
1-5. Types. Near Kermeh, 3rd Cataract. L. Loat. sq. (C.). 
6. Hgr. Kaka, White Nile. 


Bouleng. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1903, ii. p. 330, pl. xxxi. fig. 1. 

Body feebly compressed, its depth 5 to 6 times in total length. Head 
as broad as deep, 14 times as long as broad, + to 4 total length; snout 
rounded, projecting beyond mouth ; interorbital region convex, its width 
not quite 4 length of head; eye lateral, but better visible from above 
than from below, in middle of length of head, its diameter 4 to 5} times 

af o. 
! & 
4 N 
f/ 5 
i \ 
ype aa 
Ay “eo 
M4 * 

Discognathus makiensis. 
Type (P. Z. 8. 1908). 4. 

in length of head and 2 to 24 times in interorbital width; width of 
mouth not quite 3 length of head; upper lip well developed, not 
fringed ; lower lip embracing a mental disk which is broader than long ; 
2 barbels on each side, measuring 3 to + diameter of eye. Dorsal III 7, 
equally distant from end of snout or nostrils and from caudal; longest 
ray a little longer than head. Anal I] 5. Pectoral as long as or slightly 
longer than head, not reaching ventral, which is situated below middle 
of dorsal. Caudal deeply emarginate. Caudal peduncle 14 to 1? times 
as long as deep. Scales 38-40 e 34-4 between lateral line and ventral, 

16 round caudal peduncle. Olive above, white beneath. 
Total length 80 millim. 

Maki River, running into L. Zwai. 

1-2. Types. Maki R. Prot. O. Neumann (C.), 



Discognathus lamta (non Ham. Buch.), Blanf. Geol. Zool. Abyssin. p. 460 (1870) ; 
Vincig. Ann. Mus. Genova, xviii. 1883, p. 695. 

Discognathus blanfordii, Bouleng. Proc. Zool. Soe. 1901, ii. p. 160, and 1903, ii. 
p- 330, pl. xxxi. fig. 2. 

Body very feebly compressed, its depth 4 to 54 times in total length. 
Head scarcely depressed, 1} to 1} times as long as broad, its length 
4+ to 4} times ia total length; snout rounded, projecting strongly 
beyond mouth ; interorbital region flat, its width 4, or a little more 
than }, length of head; eye supero-lateral or nearly lateral, but not 
visible from below, in middle, or anterior to middle, of length of head, 
its diameter 4 (young) to 5} times in length of head, 2 to 2} times in 
interorbital width; width of mouth (with lips) about 4 length of head ; 

upper lip well developed, feebly fringed ; lower lip surrounding a mental 

Fig. 268. 

Discognathus blanfordiz. 
Gadschimboda R. (P. Z. 8. 1903). 4. 

disk which is broader than long; 2 barbels on each side, measuring 
4 to ¢ diameter of eye; snout of breeding males with conical horny 
tubercles. Dorsal III 7, equally distant from anterior border of eye 
or occiput and from caudal; longest ray as long as or slightly shorter 
than head. Anal II 5. Pectoral as long as head, not reaching ventral, 
which is situated below second half of dorsal. Caudal deeply emar- 
ginate. Caudal peduncle 1} to J} times as long as deep. Scales 
33-38 — 3-4 between lateral line and root of ventral, 16 round 
caudal peduncle. Olive-brown to blackish above, whitish beneath ; 
usually a few black spots at the base of the dorsal fin. 

Total length 115 millim. 

Eastern watershed of Abyssinia, Erythrea. 

1-5. Her. &yg., types. Suru, Abyssinia. Dr. W. T. Blanford (P.). 

6. Hgr., types. f, of W. Jesse, Hsq. (P.). 


7-15. Ad. & yg. Chaffé - Dousa, high Mr. E. Degen (C.). 
Plateau of Abyssinia. 
16-25. Ad., her., & yg. Jerrer R. near Harrar. 


26. Skel. a £ hs 

27-29. Ad. & yg. Gadschimboda R. Prof. O. Neumann and 
(Hawash). Baron C. von Erlanger (C.). 

30-37. Hgr. &yg., types. Abyssinia. Marquis G. Doria (P.). 

38-42. Hgr. & yg., types. Amba, near Massowa. W. Jesse, Esq. (C.) ; 

Dr. W. T. Blanford (P.). 
43-49. Her. & yg., types. Near Massowa. W. Jesse, Hsq. (P.). 

Bouleng. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1905, i. p. 62, pl. vii. fig. 1. 

Body feebly compressed, its depth 5 to 54 times in total length. 
Head broader than deep, 14 to 14 times as long as broad ; snout rounded, 
projecting very strongly beyond mouth; interorbital region flat, its 
width not quite 4 length of head; eye supero-lateral, not visible from 
below, in middle of length of head, its diameter 4 (young) to 5 times in 
length of head and 2 to 24 times in interorbital width ; width of mouth 
about 7 length of head; upper lip well developed, fringed; lower lip 
surrounding a mental disk which is broader than long; 2 barbels on 

Fig. 264. 
WEE aN a: 
New \ Lem) 
o\ SES \\ 
a ee 
We : pa 
| aN \ 
{ ge Se 
—— = 1 
Ao aioe =. y x 
G > Gr, RS 
SZ be ne wh ey 

Discognathus hindii. 
Type (P. Z. 8. 1905). 4. 
each side, measuring 4 to % diameter of eye. Dorsal II 7, equally 
distant from centre or anterior border of eye and from caudal; longest 
ray as long as head or a little shorter. Anal II 5. Pectoral nearly as 
long as head, not reaching ventral, which is situated below middle of 
dorsal. Caudal deeply emarginate, as longas head. Caudal peduncle 14 to 
14 times as long as deep. Scales 38-42 7a 34-4 between lateral line and 
ventral, 16 round caudal peduncle. Dark olive above, whitish beneath ; 
usually a few black spots on the base of the dorsal fin; young with 


a more or less distinct yellowish, dark-edged bar at the root of the 
caudal fin. 

‘Total length 70 millim. 

Nyiro River (Lorian Swamp), Kenya District, Kast Africa. 

1-20. Types. Nyiro R., 7000 ft. S. L. Hinde, Esq. (P.). 

Gobio quadrimaculatus, Riipp. Mus. Seckenb. ii. p. 22, pl. iii. fig. 3 (1837). 
? Gobio hirticeps, Riipp. t. c. p. 28, pl. ili. fig. 4. 
? Discognathus hirticeps, Heckel, Russegger’s Reise Egypt. iii. p. 329 (1846). 
Discognathus quadrimaculatus, Heckel, 1. c. ; Bouleng. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1903, il. 
p- 330, and Fish. Nile, p. 186, pl. xxxi. fig. 5 (1907). 
Barbus quadrimaculatus, Giinth. Cat. Fish. vii, p. 98 (1868). 
Discognathus chiarinii, Vincig. Ann. Mus. Genova, xviii. 1883, p. 696, fig., and 
xxix. 1898, p. 259. 
Crossochilus quadrimaculatus, Bouleng. Ann. & Mag. N. H. (7) x. 1902, p. 422. 
Body feebly compressed, its depth equal to or a little less than length 
of head, which is contained 4 to 5 times in total length. Head slightly 
depressed, 14 to 12 times as long as broad, with rounded snout and 
nearly flat interorbital region ; eye supero-lateral, in middle of length of 
head, its diameter 4 (young) to 6 times in length of head, 12 to 23 times 

Fig. 265. 

Discognathus quadrimaculatus. 
Lake Tsana(F.N.). #. 

in interorbital width; width of mouth nearly 4 length of head; upper 
lip well developed, bordered by papille forming a fringe; lower lip 
usually confined to the sides, the mental disk merely indicated by a 
swelling of the integument; this disk, which may be very indistinct, not 
broader than long, without or with a very feeble free border; 2 barbels 
on each side, measuring 4 to $ diameter of eye. Dorsal II-III 7, 
equally distant from centre or posterior border of eye and from caudal ; 
longest ray a little shorter than head. Anal II 5. Pectoral as long as 



or a little shorter than head, widely separated from ventral, which is 
situated below posterior half of dorsal. Caudal deeply emarginate. 
Caudal peduncle about 1} times as long as deep. Scales 37-42 = 3-4 
between lateral line and root of ventral, 16-18 round caudal peduncle. 
Brown or olive, somewhat lighter below, lower surface of head yellowish ; 
usually a small black spot behind the gill-opening; a more or less 
distinct dark spot or blotch on the caudal peduncle, separated from the 
caudal fin by a yellowish bar; fins dusky, the dorsal lighter at the base, 
which usually bears two to four black spots. 

Total length 118 millim. 

Lake T’sana, Lake Arsadé, Lake Zwai, upper tributaries of Hawash 
River.—Types in Senckenberg Museum, Frankfort (M._). 

1-13. Ad.,hgr.,& yg. Bahardar, Lake Tsana. Mr. H. Degen (C.}. 

14-21. Ad., her, & yg. Zegi, 
22. Skel. 

39 ” 

23-25. Yg., types of Lake Arsadé, Adda Marquis O. Antinori (C.) ; 
D. chiarinii. Gallaland. Genoa Museum (P.). 
26-35. Ad. & hgr. Lake Zwai. Mr. P. C. Zaphiro (C.) ; 
W.N. McMillan, Esq. (P.). 
36. Her. Akaki R., Hawash. Ae 
37-38. Her. & yg. Suksuk R.,  ,, Prof. O. Neumann and 

Baron C. von Erlanger (C.). 

Riipp. Mus. Senckenb. ii. p. 21 (1837) ; Bouleng. Fish. Nile, p. 190 (1907). 
Capoéta, part., Cuv. & Val. Hist. Poiss. xvi. p. 278 (1842) ; Giinth. Cat. Fish. vii 
p- 77 (1868) ; Bouleng. Poiss. Bass. Congo, p. 220 (1901). 
Chondrostoma, part., Cuv. & Val. op. cit. xvii. p. 381 (1844). 
Dillonia, Heckel, Russegger’s Reise Eeypt. iii. p. 285 (1846). 
Gymnostemus, part., Heckel, t. c. p. 287. 
Onychostoma, Giiath. Ann. Mus. Zool. St. Petersb. 1896, p. 211. 
Pierocapetta, Giinth. Novit. Zool. ix. 1902, p. 446. 

Body strongly compressed, covered with small, moderate, or large 
scales. Lateral line nearer the belly than the back, but running along 
the middle of the caudal peduncle. Mouth large, inferior, transverse, 
feebly protractile, without lips, the upper jaw partly covered by a rostral 
fold, the lower completely exposed and showing a sharp cutting-edge 
covered with a horny sheath; barbels present or absent. Suborbitals 
not covering the cheek. Dorsal fin with or without ossified ray, with 
11 to 14 rays, 8 to 11 of which are branched, Anal fin short, with 7 ot 


8 rays. Pharyngeal teeth in three series (2, 3, 4 or 5—8d or 4, 3, 2), 
with spoon-shaped crowns, which may be close together as in Labeo or 
more wide apart as in Barbus. 

South-western and Central Asia, Africa. 

Synopsis of the Species. 
I. Less than 40 scales in the lateral line; last simple ray of dorsal strong and 
A. Two pairs of barbels. 
D. IV 9; Se. 29 = caudal peduncle as long 
as deep; ventral below anterior soft rays 
CeCe § 6 G96 oe Be ohh on Me Maan Blamed. Bae, 
IDI Os Se, ail re caudal peduncle twice 
as long as deep ; ventral below middle 
Obidonaimee 3 ie pA ek. Bok 2. IV onuci Blom nAs 
B. One pair of barbels ; dorsal originating in advance of ventrals. 
IDS TAY ails Ste, ail e caudal peduncle 14 
times as long as deeply Roy On Vie connieris Straps Ooor 
D.1V 95 Se. 30-35 F-; 

~; caudal peduncle 
13-2 times as long as deep . . . . 4. V. beso, Riipp., p. 356. 

TI. More than 40 scales in the lateral line ; one pair of barbels. 
D. IV 10-11, originating in advance of 
ventrals, last simple ray slender and 
flexible ; Se. 43-46 ie at ss ss). Os Valinanoccaniis. Gio poore 
D. IV 8-9, originating above ventrals, last 
simple ray very strong and_ ossified ; 
133-143 a 

S105 (70) See eee Ec 

Ve he . DAR 
[43-152 . tanganiee, Blgr., p. 358. 

Bouleng. Ann. & Mag. N. H. (7) xvii. 1906, p. 111. 

Depth ot body twice and 2 in total length, length of head 5 times. 
Snout rounded, broader than long, } length of head; eye supero- 
lateral, its diameter 54 times in length of head, twice in interorbital 
width ; mouth wide, curved, its width 2 length of head; two barbels on 
each ase anterior $ diameter of eye, posterior as long as eye. Dorsal 
1V 9, equally distant from eye and from caudal, last simple ray strong, 
bony, not serrated, shorter than head; border of fin convex; longest 

VOL. 1. 2A 


soft rays as longas head. Anal III 5, reaching root of caudal. Pectoral 
pointed, as long as head, not reaching ventral, which is situated below 
anterior soft rays of dorsal. Caudal peduncle as long as deep. Scales 29 2 

2 between lateral line and root of ventral, 12 round caudal peduncle. 

Varicorhinus ansorgii. 
Type. 2° 

Pale mauve above, scales edged with bluish grey, greyish white beneath ; 
fins all pale mauve, with dark mauve strie. 

Total length 300 millim. 

Kwango R. (Congo System), Angola. 
1. Type. Kwango R. at Fort Don Carles, Angola. Dr. W. J. Ansorge (C.). 

Bouleng. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1907, p. 310, pl. xix. 

Depth of body 32 times in total length, length of head 44 times. 
Snout rounded, broader than long, 4 length of head; eye lateral, 
4% times in length of head, twice in interorbital width; no conical 
tubercles on the head; mouth feebly curved, its width 3 times in length 
of head ; two barbels on each side, anterior 4 diameter of eye, posterior 
as long as eye. Dorsal IV 9, last simple ray strong, bony, not serrated, 
its rigid part % length of head; border of fin concave; longest ray a 


little shorter than head. Anal III 5, not reaching root of caudal. 
Pectoral a little shorter than head, not reaching ventral, which is 
inserted below middle of dorsal. Caudal deeply forked, with pointed 

Vig. 267. 

Varicorhinus bructi. 

Type (P. Z. 8. 1907). 2. 

lobes. Caudal peduncle twice as longas deep. Scales 31 im 23 between 
lateral line and ventral, 12 round caudal peduncle. Back muddy brown, 
belly white, fins grey. 

Total length 170 millim. 

Klein Olifant River, Transvaal. 
1, Type. Klein Olifant R. Major G. E. Bruce (P.). 

Steind. Ann. Hofmus. Wien, xxi. 1907, p. 152 *. 

Depth of body 5 times in total length, length of head a little more 
than 4 times. Snout rounded, a little broader than long, a little less 
than } length of head; eye supero-lateral, 43 times in length of head, 
slightly less than orbital width; mouth scarcely curved, its width 
2} times in length of head; a minute barbel. Dorsal IV 11, last simple 
ray very strong, bony, not serrated, a little longer than head ; border of 
fin strongly concave. Anal III 5, not reaching root of caudal. Pectoral 
a little shorter than head, not reaching ventral, which is inserted below 

* This paper bears the date 1906, but as allusion is made to V. bructi, the description 
of which did not appear until late in August 1907, its publication must be of a later 



middle of dorsal. Caudal deeply forked. Caudal peduncle once and } 
as long as deep. Scales 31 ze, 2+ between lateral line and ventral, 
12 round caudal peduncle. Dark brown above, yellow beneath. 

Total length 180 millim. 

Nyong River District, South Cameroon.—Types in Vienna Museum, 


Varicorhinus beso, Riipp. Mus. Senckenb. ii. p. 21, pl. iii. fig. 2 (1837) ; Bouleng. 
Ann. & Mag. N. H. (7) x. 1902, p. 422, and Fish. Nile, p. 191, pl. xxxiii. 

Chondrostoma dillonti, Cay. & Val. Hist. Poiss. xvii. p. 404 (1844). 

Labeo varicorhinus, Cay. & Val. t. c. p. 491. 

Dillonia dillonii, Heckel, Russegger’s Reis. Egypt. iii. p. 285 (1846) ; Vincig. 
Ann. Mus. Genova, xviii. 1883, p. 699. 

Dillonia abyssinica, Heckel, t. ec. p. 829. 

Systomus beso, Heckel, t. ¢. p. 328. 

Capoéta dillonii, Giinth. Cat. Fish. vii. p. 81 (1868) ; Blanf. Geol. Zool. Abyssin. 
p. 460 (1870). 

Barbus beso, Giinth. t. c. p. 148. 

Capoéta beso, Pellegr. Bull. Mus. Paris, 1905, p. 291. 

Depth of body 3 to 34 times in total length, length of head 4 to 5 
times. Snout broad, swollen, its length 23 to 34 times in length of 
head ; eye supero-lateral, its diameter 4 (young) to 6 times in length of 

Varicorhinus beso. 

Lake Tsana (F. N.). 4. 

head ; interorbital region convex, its width 2 to 2} times in length of 
head; mouth wide, its width as great as or a little greater than inter 


orbital width ; a minute barbel at angle of mouth; horny conical or 
subconical tubercles in 2 or 3 series round snout and below eye, the 
largest on the sides. Dorsal IV 9-10, nearer occiput than root of 
caudal, originating a little in advance of ventrals, border not or but 
slightly emarginate, sometimes even slightly convex; last simple ray 
very strong, bony, smooth, more or less curved, its ven part usually as 
long as or a little shorter than head in young, 3 to # length of head in 
adult. Anal III 5, longest ray a little shorter than head. Pectoral 
nearly as leng as head, not reaching ventral. Caudal deeply forked. 
Caudal peduncle 1% to 2 times as long as deep. Scales 30-35 - a 2-3 
between lateral line and ventral, 12 round caudal peduncle. Grey or 
green above, base of scales blue, yellowish below ; fins bluish or pinkish 

Total length 360 millim. 

Lake Tsana and rivers of Abyssinia (Blue Nile and Hawash Systems).— 
Type in Senckenberg Museum, Frankfort (M.). 

1-6, Ad. Zegi, Lake Tsana. Mr. E. Degen (C.). 

7. Skel. Fe Fr 

8-14. Ad., her, & Bahardar, italee Tsana. PA 

15-19. Ad. & hgr. Metti R., affluent of Gudar R., Mr. P. C. Zaphiro (C.); 
3500 ft. W.N. McMillan, Esq.(P.). 
20. Her. Didessa R., Guma, 1500 ft. 5 
21. Ad. Juju R., affluent of Didessa Q., 
2000 ft. 

22k ao Urgessa R., Limmu, 2300 ft. 4 
23-27. Ad. &hgr. HursoR., Upper Adal, 2000 ft. Mr. BE. Degen (C.), 
28. i Marmasa, Gota R., affluent of a 

Hawash R., 1500 ft. 
29-32. Ad. & her. Ze Kuala, Hawash R., 4100 ft. Mr. P. C. Zaphiro (C.) ; 
W.N. MeMillan, Esq. (P.). 

Pterocapoéta maroccana, Giinth. Nov. Zool. ix. 1902 ms 446, pl. xxii. 
Varicorhinus maroccanus, Bouleng. Ann. & Mag. N. H. (7) xvi. 1905, p. 43. 

Depth of body 53 to 44 times in total length, length of head 4 to 42 
times. Snout rounded, much broader than long, its length 4 to 2 length 
of head; eye supero-lateral or nearly lateral, its diameter 4 (moun) to 
6 times in length of head, 2 to 5 times in interorbital width; mouth 

wide, curved, its width 4 to 2 length of head; a minute barbel, hidden 


in the folds at side of mouth; adult with large bony tubercles on 
side of snout and below eye. Dorsal IV 10-11, about equally distant 
from end of snout and from caudal, last simple ray slender, flexible, as 
long as or a little longer than head; border of fin emarginate. Anal 
III 5, reaching, or nearly reaching, root of caudal. Pectoral longer than 

Fig. 269. 

Varicorhinus maroccanus. 

Type, after Giinther (1. ¢.). 4. 

head, sometimes reaching ventral, which is inserted below middle of 
dorsal. Caudal deeply forked. Caudal peduncle 12 to 2 times as long 
as deep. Scales 43-46 oe 4-5 between lateral line and root of 
ventral, 16 round caudal peduncle. Brown above, whitish beneath. 

Total length 390 millim. 

1-2. Her. & yg, Oum Erbiah, near Mazagan. = Mr. I’. W. Riggenbach (C.). 
3. Ad. 33 x 3 
4. Yg., type. R. Talmist. Fe 


Capotta tanganice, Bouleng. Ann. & Mag. N. H. (7) vi. 1900, p. 478, Poiss. Bass. 
Congo, p. 220 (1901), and Tr. Zool. Soc. xvi. 1901, p. 143, pl. xii. fig. 1. 
Varicorlinus tanganica, Bouleng. Ann. & Mag. N. H. (7) xvi. 1905, p. 43, and 

Tr. Zool. Soc. xvii. 1206, p. 549. 

Depth of body 32 to 4 times in total length, length of head 42 to 5 
times. Snout rounded, broader than long, 84 to 4 times in length of 
head ; eye perfectly lateral, 23 to 3} times in length of head, 11 to neariy 
= times in interorbital width; mouth feebly curved, its width 2 that 



of head; a minute barbel, hidden in folds at side of mouth. Dorsal 
IV 8-9, equally distant from anterior or posterior border of eye and 
from caudal, last simple ray very strong, bony, smooth, nearly as long as 
head; border of fin emarginate. Anal III 5, not reaching caudal. 
Pectoral as long as head, not reaching ventral, which is below anterior 
rays of dorsal. Caudal deeply forked. Caudal peduncle twice as long 

Fig. 270. 

Varicorhinus tanganice. 

Type (Tr. Z. 8.1901). 4 


ventral, 32-34 round caudal peduncle. Olive above, each scale darker 
at the base, silvery white beneath. 

Total length 320 millim. 

Lake Tanganyika. 

as deep. Scales 64-70 9-10 between lateral line and root of 

1-2. Types. North end of L. Tanganyika. Prof. J. E. 8. Moore (C.). 
3. Skel. is Ps 3 
4-5, Her. Niamkolo. Dr. W. A. Cunnington (C.). 

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abadii (Gnathonemus), 118. 

abbreviatus (Mormyrops), 110. 

x (Mormyrus), 110. 
Abrostomus, 300. 

op capensis, 340. 

5 umbratus, 339. 
abyssinica (Dillonia), 356. 
acutidens (Alestes), 224. 

3 (Brachyalestes), 224. 

Pr (Micralestes), 224. 
acutirostris (Pellonula), 159. 
adansonii (Heterotis), 149. 

o¢ (Sudis), 149. 
adspersus (Marcusenius), 70. 

” (Mormyrus), 70. 
zgyptiacus (Salmo), 273, 275. 
zthiopicus (Protopterus), 21. 
afer (Notopterus), 146. 
affinis (Alestes), 208. 

» (Brachyalestes), 208. 

» (Distichodus), 260. 

», (Mormyrus), 88. 

» (Petrocephalus), 88. 
agnus (Mormyrus), 128. 
Alausa vulgaris, 154. 
Alestes, 190. 

»  acutidens, 224. 

»  affinis, 208. 
baremose, 195. 

»  batesii, 221. 

»  bimaculatus, 213. 
brevipinnis, 227. 

;, brevis, 222. 

»  chaperi, 203. 

»  dentex, 193. 

»  fuchsii, 209. 

»  grandisquamis, 220. 

» hasselquistii, 193, 195. 

» holargyreus, 227. 
* humilis, 211. 


Alestes imberi, 208, 209. 
> intermedius, 201. 
- kingsleye, 212. 
» kotschyi, 195. 
» lateralis, 204. 
>  lemairii, 209. 
»  leuciscus, 206. 
* liebrechtsii, 198. 
»  longipinnis, 202, 203, 236. 

»  macrolepidotus, 217, 218, 222. 

»  macrophthalmus, 197. 
» natalensis, 204. 
7 nurse, 205. 
pe opisthotenia, 215. 
»  popte, 216. 
is rhodoepleura, 218. 
»  vuppellu, 206. 
>  sadleri, 200. 
» senegalensis, 206. 
5 sethente, 193. 
»  splendens, 195. 
>»  stuhlmanni, 199. 
Be teeniurus, 214. 
5 tholloni, 201. 
ms wytsi, 195. 

Alosa, 153. 

» finta, 154. 
alosa (Clupea), 154. 
altivelis (Labeo), 309. 
altus (Distichodus), 261. 

» (Micralestes), 230. 
amblystoma (Mormyrus), 52. 
amphibia (Rhinocryptis), 20. 
amphibius (Protopterus), 20. 
anchietze (Mormyrus), 129. 
angolensis (Gnathonemus), 109. 

s (Kneria), 170. 
anguilliformis (Protopterus), 20. 
anguilloides (Marcusenius), 34. 

Ee (Mormyrops), 34. 


anguilloides (Mormyrus), 34. 
anna-carolina (Mugilomorus), 25. 
annectens (Labeo), 336. 
(Lepidosiren), 20, 21. 

sy (Protopterus), 20, 21. 
ansorgii (Citharidium), 289. 

»  (Labeo), 341. 

», (Mareusenius), 72. 

,  (Petrocephalus), 51. 

»  (Phractoleemus), 168. 

»,  (Varteorhinus), 253. 
antonii (Distichodus), 266. 
apalike (Elops), 28. 
arabicus (Chanos), 164. 
Argentina carolina, 25. 

a machnata, 25. 
arnaudi (Lepidosiren), 21. 

ie (Polypterus), 14. 
atroventralis (Distichodus), 267. 
attenuatus (Mormyrops), 45. 


auriculatus (Xenopomatichthys), 172. 

bachiqua (Mormyrus), 134. 
ballayi (Petrocephalus), 52. 
bane (Mormyrus), 48. 

», (Petrocephalus), 48. 
barbatus (Labeo), 342. 
Barbus beso, 356. 

»  qguadrimaculatus, 251. 
baremose (Alestes), 195. 

“A (Myletes), 195. 
batesii (Alestes), 221. 

,, (Mareusenius), 72. 
bebe (Hyperopisus), 142. 

», (Mormyrus), 142. 
bentleyi (Gnathonemus), 103. 

,,  (Mormyrus), 103. 
beso (Barbus), 356. 
(Capoéta), 356. 
(Systomus), 356. 

,, (Varicorhinus), 356. 
besse (Characinus), 251. 
(Ichthyeborus), 251. 




bichir (Polypterus), 6, 10, 14, 16. 

bimaculatus (Alestes), 213. 
blanfordii (Discognathus), 349. 
boulengeri (Bryconzethiops), 188. 
(Mormyrops), 40. 

Pa (Phago), 248. 
bovei (Mormyrus), 54. 



bovei (Petrocephalus), 54. 
bozasi (Mormyrus), 138. 
brachistius (Mareusenius), 67. 
Brachyalestes, 190, 223. 

i aeutidens, 22-4. 

a affinis, 208. 

A imberi, 209. 

3 longipinnis, 202. 

a mocquardianus, 188. 
oy nurse, 206. 

5 ruppellii, 206. 

brachyistius (Marcusenius), 65, 67. 
“5 (Mormyrops), 67. 
brachypoma (Labeo), 324. 
breviceps (Mormyrops), 36. 
brevipinnis (Alestes), 227. 
% (Distichodus), 272. 
brevis (Alestes), 222. 

», (Hydrocyon), 186. 

5, (Nannocharax), 280. 
brucii (Varicorhinus), 354. 
brumpti (Petersius), 235. 
bruyerii (Gnathonemus), 104. 
Bryeinus, 190. 

“5 macrolepidotus, 217. 
3 nurse, 206. 
Bryconethiops, 187. 
sp boulengeri, 188. 
ip microstoma, 188. 
Fe yseuxi, 189. 
buchholzi (Pantodon), 151. 
budgetti (Marcusenius), 83. 
biittikoferi (Polypterus), 16. 

caballus (Mormyrus), 132. 

cabre (Marcusenius), 65. 

cafer (Labeo), 339. 

calabarieus (Calamichthys), 18. 
oF (Erpetoichthys), 18. 

Calamichtbys, 17. 

5 calabaricus, 18. 
cameronensis (Kneria), 171. 
Campylomormyrus, 94. 
elephas, 120. 

i tamandua, 118. 
cantini (Lylognathus), 331. 
capensis (Abrostomus), 340. 
(Elops), 28. 
»  (Labeo), 340. 
Capoéta, 352. 



Capoéta beso, 356. 
»  dilloni, 356. 
»  tanganice, 308. 
Carcharias, 2. 
Ma zambesensis, 2. 
Carchariide, 1. 
carolina (Argentina), 25. 
easchive (Mormyrus), 128, 136. 
castor (Hippopotamyrus), 77. 
>, (Mareusenius), 77. 
catostoma (Mormyrus), 52, 57. 
3 (Petrocephalus), 56, 57. 
caudalis (Petersius), 236. 
Centriscus niloticus, 137. 
Chalceus guile, 206. 
Chanine, 153. 
Chanos, 164. 
» arabicus, 164. 
5  chanos, 164. 
»  Chloropterus, 164. 
;  Inbina, 164, 
» mento, 164. 
» mossambicus, 164. 
,  nuchalis, 164. 
» salmoneus, 164. 
chanos (Chanos), 164. 
»  (Lutodeira), 164. 
» (Mugil), 164. 
chaperi (Alestes), 203. 
Characinide, 174. 
Characinus besse, 251. 
PR dentex, 180. 
35 nefasch, 273, 275. 
vi niloticus, 193. 
chariensis (Labeo), 337. 
chiarinii (Discognathus), 351. 
chloropterus (Chanos), 164. 
Chondrostoma, 352. 

3 dembensis, 306, 345. 
i dillonii, 356. 
Citharidium, 289. 
s ansorgii, 289. 

Citharinine, 176. 
Citharinus, 290. 
5 citharus, 291. 

_ congicus, 293. 
Fe geoffroyi, 291. 
fs aibbosus, 297. 
Pr datus, 295. 

ro macrolepis, 294. 

citharus (Citharinus), 291. 

INDEX. ; 563 

citharus (Serrasalmus), 291. 
Cladistia, 4. 
Clupea, 153. 

3 valosa dat 

»  ¢yprinoides, 28. 

» finta, 154. 

>  Milotiea, 154. 

»  Ssprattus, 154. 
Clupeide, 153. 

Clupeine, 153. 

cobitiformis (Mormyrus), 59. 
Cobitine, 300. 

congicus (Citharinus), 233. 

3 (Elops), 26. 

a (Polypterus), 9. 
congoro (Labeo), 319. 
conseriaiis (Petersius), 233. 
Coregonus niloticus, 283. 
corneti (Stomatorhinus), 90. 
coubie (Labeo), 309, 313, 317. 
erassus (Xenocharax), 288. 
Cristivomer, 166. 
crocodilus (Mesoborus), 245. 
Cromeria, 173. 

a nilotica, 173. 
Cromeriid, 173. 
Crossochilus quadrimaculatus, 351. 
Crossopterygii, 4. 
cundinga (Cyprinodon), 28. 

& (Elops), 28. 

curtifilis (Megalops), 28. 
curtus (Mormyrops), 41. 
curvifrons (Mermyrus), 132. 
curvirostris (Gnathonemus), 123. 
cuvieri (Hydrocyonoides), 177. 
cyclorhynchus (Labeo), 326. 
cylindricus (Labeo), 331. 
Cyprinide, 298. 
Cyprinine, 299. 
Cyprinodon eundinga, 28. 
cyprinoides (Clupea), 28. 

eS (Hlops), 28. 

FA (Gnathonemus), 110. 
3 (Megalops), 28. 

7 (Mormyrops), 110. 
3 (Mormyrus), 48, 49, 110. 
Cyprinus niloticus, 394, 329. 

darlingi (Labeo), 32). 
degeni (Petrocephalus), 58. 


dejoannis (Petroeephalus), 48. 
delhezi (Polypterus), 13. 
deliciosus (Mormyrops), 32. 
»  (Mormyrus), 32. 
,  (Oxyrhynehus), 32. 
dembeensis (Chondrostoma), 345. 
5 (Discognathus), 3-45. 
(Gymnostomus), 345. 
dembensis (Chondrostoma), 306. 
dendera (Mormyrus), 34. 
dentex (Alestes), 193. 
»  (Characimus), 180. 
»  (Hydroeyon), 180. 
»  (Myletes), 193. 
» (Salmo), 180, 193, 195. 
dequesne (Mormyrus), 48. 
He (Petrocephalus), 48. 
Dillonia, 352. 
. abyssinica, 356. 
dillonii, 356. 
dillonti (Capoéta), 356. 
»  (Chondrestoma), 356. 
>  (Dillonia), 356, 
dimidiatus (Nannocharax), 286. 
Dipneusti, 18. 
Discognathus, 345. 

ts blanfordii, 349 
A ehiarinii, 351. 
a dembeensis, 345. 

hindi, 350. 
hirticeps, 351. 
johnstonii, 346. 
lamta, 349. 

s makiensis, 348. 

a quadrimaculatus, 351. 

és rothschildi, 345. 

a vineiguerre, 347, 
discorhynehus (Marcusenius), oh 

3 (Mormyrus), 81, $2. 

Distichodontine, 176. 
Distichodus, 258. 

affinis, 260. 
altus, 261. 

BN antonil, 266. 

Ba atroventralis, 267 

Me brevipinnis, 272. 
engycephalus, 271. 
rs fasciolatus, 270. 

5 hypostomatus, 264. 
os leptorhynchus, 277. 

lusosso, 277. 



Distichodus macrolepis, 268. 
i. maculatus, 264. 
eS marnoi, 291. 
us martini, 275. 
ee mossambicus, 268. 
5 nefasch, 274, 275. 
Fe niloticus, 273. 
35 noboli, 262. 
$s notespilus, 262. 
5 petersil, 265. 
a rodolphi, 274. 
a rostratus, 275. 
9 schenga, 268. 
p sexfasciatus, 276. 

touteei, 271. 
aitenion (Pellona), 163. 
dolloi (Protopterus), 22. 
donnyi (Genyomyrus), 125. 
dorsalis (Hyperopisus), 142. 
»  (Mormyrus), 142. 
»  (Phagrus), 142. 

eetveldii (Eugnathichthys), 241. 
ehrenbergii (Heterotis), 149. 
59 (Mormyrus), 48, 
_ (Petrocephalus), 48. 
elephas (Campylomormyrus), 120. 
» (Gnathonemus), 120. 
elongatus (Mormyrops), 110. 
AN (Mormyrus), 110. 
% (Nannocharax), 284. 
Elopide, 24. 
Elops, 25. 
»  apalike, 28. 
» capensis, 25. 
»  congicus, 26. 
»  cundinga, 28. 
»  ¢yprinoides, 28. 
5 indicus, 25. 
»  Imermis, 25. 
»  Jacerta, 26. 
machnata, 25. 
99 eae 2d. 
saurus, 25. 
snaltehone (Polypterus), 10. 
engycephalus (Distichodus), 2 
engystoma (Mormyrops), 56. 
Erpetoichthys, 17. 
Pe ealabaricus, 18. 
Eugnathiebthys, 241. 

o7 Fall 

Eugnathichthys eetveldii, 241. 
” macroterolepis, 243. 

falcifer (Labeo), 327. 
falcipinnis (Labeo), 327. 
Fario, 166. 
fario (Salmo), 166. 
fasciatus (Nannocharax), 281. 
fasciolatus (Distichodus), 270. 
filamentosus (Megalops), 28. 
finta (Alosa), 154. 

» (Clupea), 154. 
forskalii (Hydrocyon), 180, 182, 186. 

»  (Labeo), 328, 329, 331. 

friteli (Gnathonemus), 103. 
fuchsii (Alestes), 209. 
fuelleborni (Labeo), 323. 
furcidens (Mormyrops), 46. 

Genyomyrus, 125. 
* donnyi, 125. 

geoffroyi (Citharinus), 291. 

5 (Mormyrus), 136, 137. 
gibbosus (Citharinus), 297. 
gilli (Gnathonemus), 114. 
gliroides (Mormyrus), 58. 

a8 (Petrocephalus), 58. 
Gnathonemus, 94. 

33 abadii, 118. 
% angolensis, 109. 
i bentleyi, 103. 

bruyerii, 105. 
curvirostris, 123. 
cyprinoides, 110. 
elephas, 120. 

i friteli, 103. 
a gilli, 114. 
on greshoffi, 117. 

ibis, 122. 
kutuensis, 115. 

55 lambouri, 97. 

3 leopoldianus, 102. 

“f) livingstonii, 10-4. 

5 longibarbis, 100. 

5 macrolepidotus, 112. 
5 mento, 106. 

op mirus, 119. 

Fe monteiri, 105. 



Gnathonemus moorii, 96. 

Ne niger, LOL. 

Pr numenius, 124. 

5 petersii, 99. 

“4 pictus, 113. 

7 thynchophorns, 121. 

s3 schilthuisiz, 98. 

% senegalensis, 108. 

Be stanleyanus, 107. 

PS tamandua, 118. 

5 ussheri, 116. 

Gobio hirticeps, 351. 

» quadrimaculatus, 351. 
goliath (Hydrocyon), 184. 
grandisquamis (Alestes), 220. 

7 (Mormyrus), 96. 
greenii (Labeo), 334. 
gregorii (Labeo), 321. 
eresholh (Gnathonemus), 117. 
5 (Mormyrus), 117. 
guentheri (Mormyrus), 128. 
guile (Chaleeus), 206. 

» (Myletes), 205. 
Gymnarchine, 30. 
Gymnuarchus, 144. 

a niloticus, 144. 
Gymnostomus, 352. 

ss dembeensis, 345. 

harringtoni (Marcusenius), 78. 
hasselquistii (Alestes), 193, 195. 
5 (Mormyrus), 128. 
= (Myletes), 193. 
Helicobranchus, 149. 
Hemistichodus, 253. 
3 vaillanti, 253. 
henryi (Isichthys), 49. 
» (Mormyrops), 59. 
»  (Mormyrus), 59. 
herse (Mormyrus), 128. 
Heteromormyrus, 60. 
Heterotis, 149. 

53 adansonii, 149. 
3 ehrenbergii, 149. 
niloticus, 149. 

hildebrandti (Mormyrus), 136, 
hilgendorfi (Petersius), 232. 
hindii (Discognathus), 350, 
Hippopotamyrus, 60, 
3 castor, 77. 

566 INDEX. 
hirticeps (Discognathus), 351. | Isichthys henryi, 59. 
2 (Gobio), 851. | isidori (Marcusenius), 75. 
holargyreus (Alestes), 227. » (Mormyrus), 75. 
A (Micralestes), 227. » (Petrocephalus), 75. 

horie (Labeo), 306. 
Hucho, 166. 

humilior (Stomatorhinus), 89. joannisii (Mormyrus), 48. 
humilis (Alestes), 211. johnstonti (Discoguathus), 346. 
»  (Micralestes), 226. | jubelini (Mormyrus), 140. 
Hydrocynus, 179. 
Hy droeyon, 179. | 
“ brevis, 186. | kannume (Mormyrus), 134. 
$5 dentex, 180. 5 (Scrophicephalus), 134. 
09 forskalti, 180, 182, 186. |  keatingii (Petrocephalus), 55. 
5 goliath, 154. |  kingsleyae (Alestes), 212. 
es hineatus, 182, | 5 (Mareasenius), 65. 
= vittatus, 182, 184. or (Mormyrus), 65. 
* vittiger, 184. | kirkii (Labeo), 328, 
Hydroeyonine, 175. Kneria, 169. 
Hydrocyonoides, 177. » angolensis, 170. 
0 euviert, 177. | ; cameronensis, 171. 
Hyperopisus, 142. »  spekii, 171. 
a bebe, 142. Kneriide, 169. 
&9 dorsalis, 142. kotschyi (Alestes), 195. 
” occidentalis, 142. | kundinga (Mezalops), 28. 
5 tenuieauda, 142. | kutuensis (Gnathonemus), 115. 

hy postomatus (Distichodus), 264. 
Hypotremi, 3. 

Hypsifario, 166. Labeo, 300. 

»  altivelis, 309. 

»  annectens, 336. 
ibis (Gnathonemus)}, 122. »  ansorgti, d41. 
Ichthyoborine, 175. 

> barbatus, 342. 
Ichthyoborus, 251. ,  brachypoma, 324. 

% besse, 251. | eafer, 339. 
3 microlepis, 254. | 
Tisha, 162. »  ¢hariensis, 337. 
> indica, 163. +  congoro, 319. 
imberi (Alestes), 208, 209. »  coubie, 309, 313, 317. 
», (Brachyalestes), 209. 
indiea (Llisha), 163. 

» capensis, 340. 

>  eyclorhynchus, 326. 
»  eylindricus, 331. 

»  (Pellona), 163. »  darlingi, 321. 
indicus (Elops), 25. | »  talcifer, 327. 

»  (Megalops), 28. 

»  (Platygaster), 163. 
inermis (Elops), 25. 
intermedius (Alestes), 201. 

, faleipinnis, 327. 

»  forskalii, 328, 329, 531. 
,,  fuelleborni, 323. 

>»  greenil, dd4. 

: | cane 
+ (Nannocharax), 282. »  gregort, 321. 
+ (Phago), 247. » horie, 306. 

interruptus (Micralestes), 229. 
Isichthys, 59. 

kirkii, 328. 

ere Yn 
» lineatus, 311. 

Labeo longipinnis, 316. 

»  lukule, 335. 

»  macrostoma, 329. 

»  mesops, 313, 331. 

»  montanus, 331. 
nasus, 333. 

»  neumanni, 320. 
niloticus, 304, 306. 317. 
»  obscurus, 333. 
parvus, 337. 

» rose, 312. 

ruddi, 314. 

selti, 317. 
senegalensis, 308. 

»  sicheli, 339. 
steindachneri, 317. 
tenuirostris, 340. 
umbratus, 339. 

»  varicorhinus, 356. 
velifer, 315. 
Victorianus, 322, 323. 
vulgaris, 304. 
walkeri, 324. 

»  weeksii, 310. 
labiatus (Mormyrops), 110. 

i (Mormyrus), 110. 
lacerda (Mormyrus), 128. 
lacerta (Elops), 26. 
lambouri (Gnathonemus), 97. 
lamta (Discognathus), 349. 
lapradii (Polypterus), 7. 
lateralis (Alestes), 204. 

»  (Nannocharax), 283. 
latus (Citharinus), 295. 
lemairii (Alestes), 209. 
leopoldianus (Gnathonemus), 102, 

oo (Petersius), 235. 
lepasseti (Salmo), 166. 
Lepidosiren annectens, 20, 21. 

3 arnaudii, 21, 
Lepidosirenidex, 19. 
leptorhynchus (Distichodus), 277. 
lepturus (Mormyrus), 96. 
leuciscus (Alestes), 206. 
lhuysii (Marcusenius), 70. 

» (Mormyrus), 70. 
liberiensis (Mormyrus), 67. 
liebrechtsii (Alestes), 198. 
lineatus (Hydroeyon), 182. 

i (Labeo), 311. 
lineolatus (Mormyrops), 42. 


livingstonii (Gnathonemus), 104. 
Jongianalis (Marcusenius), 69. 
longibarbis (Gnathonemus), 100. 

a (Mormyrus), 100. 
longipes (Mormyrops), 35. 

3 (Mormyrus), 35, 
longipinnis (Alestes), 202, 203, 236. 

3 (Brachyalestes), 202. 

a (Labeo), 316. 

. (Mormyrus), 136. 

9 (Serophicephalus), 136. 
Jongirestris (Mormyrus), 136, 139, 140. 
loricatus (Phago), 247. 
losera (Odaxothrissa), 160. 
lubina (Chanos), 164. 

Jukulw (Labeo), 335. 
lusosso (Distichodus), 277. 
Lutodeira, 164. 

chanos, 164. 
salmonea, 164. 



machnata (Argentina), 25. 
2% (Eleps), 25. 
macroden (Myomyrus), 93. 




macrolepidotus (Alestes), 217, 218, 222. 

(Brycinus), 217. 
(Gnathonemus), 112. 
(Mormyrops), 112. 
5 (Mormyrus), 112. 
macrolepis (Citharinus), 294, 

% (Distichodus), 268. 
macrophthalmus (Alestes), 197. 
(Megalops), 28. 

i (Mormyrus), 130. 
macrops (Marcusenius), 84. 
macropterus (Megalops), 28. 
macrostoma (Labeo), 325. 
macrostigma (Salar). 166. 

A (Salmo), 166. 
macroterolepis (Eugnathichthys), 243. 
maculatus (Distichodus), 264. 
inajor (Petersius), 237. 
makiensis (Discognathus), 348. 
Malacopterygil, 23. 
marcliei (Mormyrus), 64. 

», (Petrocephalus), 6+. 
marebii (Marcusenius), 64, 
Marcusenius, 60. 
adspersus, 70. 
anguilloides, 34. 
ansorgil, 73. 









Mutreusenius batesii, 72. 

us brachyistius, 65, 67. 
a budgetti, 83. 

ue eabree, 65, 

- castor, 77. 

“4 discorhynchus, 81. 
i harringtoni, 78. 
‘s isidori, 75. 

5 kingsleye, 65. 

3 Ibuysii, 70. 

# longianalis, 69. 

a macrops, 84. 

o5 marehii, 64. 

oA nigricans, 75. 

S nigripinnis, 63. 

ca pauciradiatus, 74. 
cs petherici, 82. 

=D plagiostoma, 80. 
x psittacus, 85. 

fe pulverulentus, 63. 
ie sphecodes, 66. 

mn tanganicanus, 81. 
He tumifrons, 79. 

Bs weeksii, 71. 

Ph wilverthi, 86. 

marix (Mormyrops), 44. 

» (Mormyrus), 44. 
marnoi (Distichodus), 291. 
maroccana (Pterocapoéta), 357. 
maroccanus (Varicorhinus), 357. 
martini (Distichodus), 275. 
masuianus (Mormyrops), 38. 
Megalops, 27. 

be eurtifilis, 28. 

Ms cyprinoides, 28. 

a filamentosus, 28. 

5 indicus, 28. 

5s kundinga, 28. 

90 macrophthalmus, 28. 
a macropterus, 28. 

s oligolepis, 28. 

5 setipinnis, 28. 
mento (Chanos), 164. 

» (Gnathonemus), 106. 
» (Mormyrus), 106. 
Mesoborus, 245. 

a crocodilus, 245. 
mesops {Labeo), 313, 331. 
Micralestes, 223. 

#5 aeutidens, 224. 

55 altus, 230. 


Micralestes holargyreus, 227. 

e humilis, 226. 

re interruptus, 229. 
sy stormsi, 225. 

mA urotenia, 228. 

microcephalus (Mormyrus), 67. 
inicrolepidotus (Ichthyoborus), 251. 
microlepis (Sarcodaces), 177. 
microps (Stomatorhinus), 92. 
microstoma (Bryconethiops), 188. 

0 (Mormyrops), 44. 
Microthrissa, 161. 

5 royauxi, 161. 
miodon (Pellonula), 157. 
mirus (Gnathonemus), 119. 
mocquardianus (Brachyalestes), 188. 
modesta (Pellonula), 156. 
modestus (Petersius), 232, 
montanus (Labeo), 331. 

5 (Tylognathus), 331. 
monteiri (Gnathonemus), 105. 
»  (Mormyrus), 105. 
moorii (Gnathonemus), 96. 
» (Mormyrus), 96. 

Mormyride, 29. 
Mormyrine, 29. 
Mormyrodes, 126. 
Mormyrops, 30, 59, 94. 

op anguilloides, 34. 
5 attenuatus, 45. 
my boulengeri, 40. 
a breviceps, 36. 

ad curtus, 41. 

5 deliciosus, 32. 

0 engystoma, 36. 
x furcidens, 46. 

” henryi, 59. 

0 lineolatus, 42. 
a longiceps, 35. 

9 marie, 44, 

” masuianus, 33. 
35 microstoma, 44. 
3 nigricans, 43. 

56 parvus, 37. 

5 sirenoides, 39. 
0 tuckeyi, 32. 

Bs vaillanti, 43. 

. zambanenje, 32. 
mY zanclirostris, 40. 

Mormyrus, 30, 47, 60, 94, 126. 
mA adspersus, 70. 

Mormyrus aftinis, 88. 


agnus, 128. 
amblystoma, 52. 
anchiete, 129. 
anguilloides, 34. 
bachiqua, 134. 
bane, 48. 

bebe, 142. 

bovei, 54. 

bozasi, 138. 
brachyistius, 67. 
caballus, 132. 
caschive, 128, 136. 
catostoma, 52, 57. 
cobitiformis, 59. 
curvifrons, 132. 
cyprinoides, 48, 49. 
deliciosus, 32. 
dendera, 34. 
dequesne, 48. 
discorhynchus, 81, 82. 
dorsalis, 142. 
ehrenbergii, 48. 
geoffroyi, 136, 137. 
gliroides, 58. 
grandisquamis, 96. 
greshoffi, 117. 
guentheri, 128. 
hasselquistii, 128. 
henryi, 59. 

herse, 128. 
hildebrandti, 136. 
isidori, 75. 
joannisi, 48. 
jubelini, 140. 
kannume, 134. 
kingsleyz, 65. 
lacerda, 128. 
lepturus, 96. 
liberiensis, 67. 
lhuysii, 70. 
longiceps, 35. 
longipinnis, 136. 
longirostris, 136, 139, 140. 
macrophthalmus, 130. 
marchei, 64. 
marie, 44. 
microcephalus, 67. 
moorii, 96. 
mucupe, 139. 
nacra, 136, 


Mormyrus niloticus, 137. 
3 ovis, 131. 

a pauciradiatus, 74. 

3 proboscirostris, 141. 
0 psittacus, 85. 

35 rume, 140. 

, sauvagil, 49. 

Fr simus, 53. 

< sphecodes, 66. 
swanenburgi, 32. 

a tamandua, 118. 
i tapirus, 133. 

a tenuicauda, 43. 
‘i tenuirostris, 134. 
+" tuckeyi, 32. 

ae ussheri, 116. 

s walkeri, 88. 

B zambanenje, 32. 

x zanclirostris, 40. 
mossambicus (Chanos), 164. 

2 (Distichodus), 268. 
mucupe (Mormyrus), 139. 
Mugil chanos, 164. 

5, salmoneus, 164. 
Mugilomorus anna-carolina, 25. 
Myletes, 190. 
baremose, 195. 

»  dentex, 193. 

» guile, 205. 
hasselquistii, 193. 

s nurse, 205. 
Myomyrus, 92. 

a macrodon, 93. 

nacra (Mormyrus), 136. 
Nanneethiops, 254. 

i uniteniatus, 254. 
Nannocharax, 279. 
brevis, 280. 
dimidiatus, 286. 
elongatus, 284. 
fasciatus, 281. 
intermedius, 282. 
niloticus, 283. 
ocellicauda, 285. 
parvus, 281. 

a tenia, 286. 
nasus (Labeo), 333. 
natalensis (Alestes), 204. 

oxyrhynchus, 134, 140. 



nefasch (Characinus), 273, 


»  (Distichodus), 274, 275. 

Neoborus, 249. 

p ornatus, 250. 

y quadrilineatus, 251. 
Neolebias, 256. 

a trilineatus, 257. 

5 unifasciatus, 256. 

neumanni (Labeo), 320. 
niger (Gnathonemus), 101. 
» (Mormyrus), 101. 
nigri (Notopterus), 147. 
» (Xenomystus), 147. 
nigricans (Marcusenius), 75. 
(Mormyrops), 43. 
nigripinnis (Marecusenius), 63. 
nili (Notopterus), 147. 
», (Xenomystus), 147. 
nilotica (Clupea), 154. 
»  (Cromeria), 173. 
niloticus (Centriscus), 137. 
5 (Characinus), 192. 
» (Coregonus), 283. 
» (Cyprinus), 304, 329. 
+  (Distichodus), 273. 
>»  (Gymnarchus), 144. 
A (Heterotis), 149. 

»  (Labeo), 304, 306, 317. 

» (Mormyrus), 137. 

»  (Nannocharax), 283. 

» (Salmo), 273, 278. 

53 (Sudis), 149. 
noboli (Distichodus), 262. 
Notopteride, 145. 
Notopterus, 146. 

5 afer, 146. 
notospilus (Distichodus), 262. 
nuchalis (Chanos), 164. 
numenius (Gnathonemus), 124. 
nurse (Alestes), 205. 

», (Brachyalestes), 206. 
»  (Brycinus), 206. 
», (Myletes), 205. 

obseurus (Labeo), 338. 
obtusirostris (Pellonula), 158. 

occidentalis (Hyperopisus), 142. 

% (Petersius), 240. 
ocellicauda (Nannocharax), 285. 
Odaxothrissa, 160. 

Bs losera, 160. 



odoé (Salmo), 177. 

» (Sarcodaces), 177. 

5, (Xiphorhamphus), 177. 

»,» (Xiphorhynchus), 177. 
oligolepis (Megalops), 2%. 
Oncorhynchus, 166. 
Onychostoma, 352. 
opisthotenia (Alestes), 215. 
ornatipinnis (Polypterus), 12. 
ornatus (Neoborus), 250. 
Ostariophysi, 174. 
Osteoglosside, 148. 
ovis (Mormyrus), 131. 
Oxymormyrus, 30. 
Oxyrhynchus deliciosus, 32. 

oxyrhynchus (Mormyrus), 134, 140. 

palmas (Polypterus), 16. 
Pantodon, 151. 

5 buebholzi, 151. 
Pantodontide, 151. 
Paraphago, 244. 

5 rostratus, 244. 
parvus (Labeo), 337. 

», (Mormyrops), 37. 

»  (Nannocharax), 281. 
pauciradiatus (Marcusenius), 7-4. 

+ (Mormyrus), 74. 

Pellona, 162. 

>  ditchoa, 163. 

» indica, 163. 
Pellonula, 155. 

ns acutirostris, 159. 

ss miodon, 157. 

as modesta, 156. 

a obtusirostris, 158. 

p vorax, 156. 
perroteti (Pristis), 3. 
petersii (Distichodus), 265. 

»  (Gnathonemus), 99. 
» (Mormyrus), 99, 100. 
Petersius, 231. 

, + 02> 
5 brumpti, 235. 
“p caudalis, 256. 
3 conserialis, 233. 
: EGY) 
+5 hilgendorfi, 22. 

leopoldianus, 235. 
major, 237. 
modestus, 252. 
occidentalis, 240. 

Petersius pulcher, 237. 

Fr spilopterus, 239. 

a tangensis, 234. 

3 woosnami, 239, 
petherici (Mareusenius), 82. 
Petrocephalus, 47, 60. 
affinis, 88, 
ansorgil, 51. 

a3 ballayi, 52. 

bane, 48. 

An bovei, 54. 

% catostoma, 56, 57. 
re degeni, 58. 

"3 dejoannisi, 48. 

Be dequesne, 48. 

* ehrenbergii, 48. 
Ae gliroides, 58. 

a isidori, 75. 

és keatingii, 55. 

x marchei, 64, 

5 pictus, 113, A 
ms sauvagu, 49, 

5 simus, 53. 

5 stuhlmanni, 56. 

Phago, 246, 
boulengeri, 248. 

» intermedius, 247. 

»  Joricatus, 247. 
Phagrus, 142. 

“ dorsalis, 142. 
Phenacograumus, 223. 
Phractolemide, 167. 
Phractolemus, 168. 

0 ansorgii, 168, 
pictus (Guathonemus), 113. 

»  (Petrocephalus), 113. 
plagiostoma (Marcusenius), 80. 
Plagiostomi, 1. 

Platygaster, 162. 

a indicus, 163. 
Pleurotremi, 1. 
polylepis (Stomatorhinus), 91. 
Polypteride, 4. 
Polypterus, 5. 

6 arnaudii, 14. 
bichir, 6, 10, 14, 16. 
biittikoferi, 16. 


=~ congicus, 9. 
33 delhezi, 13. 
ss endlicheri, 10, 

- lapradii, 7. 




Polypterus ornatipinnis, 12. 
30 palmas, 16. 
retropinnis, 17. 

senegalensis, 10, 14. 
Fe senegalus, 14. 
oA weeksii, 11. 

poptee (Alestes), 216. 
Pristide, 3. 
Pristis, 3. 

» perroteti, 3. 
proboscirostris (Mormyrus), 141. 
Protomelus, 19. 

Protopterus, 19. 
zthiopicus, 21. 

3 amphibius, 20. 

35 anguilliformis, 20. 
fe annectens, 20, 21. 
5 dolloi, 22. 

a rhinocryptis, 20. 

psittacus (Marcusenius), 85. 
(Mormyrus), 85. 
Pterocapoéta, 352. 

a maroccana, 357. 
pulcker (Petersius), 237. 
pulverulentus (Marcusenius), 63. 
puncticulatus (Stomatorhinus), 88. 
purpurascens (Elops), 25. 

quadrimaculatus (Barbus), 351. 
(Crossochilus), 351. 
(Discognathus), 351. 
$p (Gobio), 351. 
quadrilineatus (Neoborus), 251. 



retropinnis (Polypterus), 17. 
ithinoeryptis, 19. 

a amphibia, 20. 
rhinocryptis (Protopterus), 20. 
rhodopleura (Alestes), 218. 
rhynchophorus (Gnathonemus), 121. 
rodolphi (Distichodus), 274. 
Rohitichthys, 300. 
rose (Labeo), 312. 
rostratus (Distichodus), 275. 

53 (Paraphago), 244. 
rothschildi (Discognathus), 345, 
royauxi (Microthrissa), 161. 
ruddi (Labeo), 314. 
rume (Mormyrus), 140. 


ruppellii (Alestes), 206. 
»  (Brachyalestes), 206. 

sadleri (Alestes), 200. 
salahie (Mormyrus), 110. 
Salar, 166. 

»» Mmacrostigma, 166. 
Salmo, 166. 

»  egyptiacus, 273, 275. 

»  dentex, 180, 193, 195. 

»  fario, 166. 

» lepasseti, 166. 

» macrostigma, 166. 

» niloticus, 273, 275. 

5  odoé, 177. 

» . trutta, 166. 
salmonea (Lutodeira), 164. 
salmoneus (Chanos), 164. 

i (Mugil), 164. 
Salmonide, 165. 
Salvelinus, 166. 
Sarcodaces, 177. 

% microlepis, 177. 

a odoé, 177. 
saurus (Elops), 25. 
sauvagii (Mormyrus), 49. 

»  (Petrocephalus), 49. 
schenga (Distichodus), 268. 
schilthuisia (Gnathonemus), 98. 
Scoliostomus, 164. 
Scrophicephalus, 126. 

a kannume, 134. 
Es longipinnis, 136. 
Selachii, 1. 
selti (Labeo), 317. 
senegalensis (Alestes), 206. 

5 (Gnathonemus), 107, 108. 

op (Labeo), 308. 

45 (Mormyrus), 108. 

eB (Polypterus), 10, 14. 
senegalus (Polypterus), 14. 
Serrasalmus citharus, 291. 
sethente (Alestes), 193. 
setipinnis (Megalops), 28. 
sexfasciatus (Distichodus), 276. 
sicheli (Labeo), 339. 
simus (Mormyrus), 53. 

» (Petrocephalus), 53. 

sirenoides (Mormyrops), 39. 
Solenomormyrus, 126. 


spekii (Kneria), 171. 
sphecodes (Marcusenius), 66. 
33 (Mormyrus), 66. 
sphekodes (Mormyrops), 66. 
spilopterus (Petersius), 239. 
spilurus (Xenocharax), 287. 
splendens (Alestes), 195. 
sprattus (Clupea), 154. 
stanleyanus (Gnathonemus), 107. 
5 (Mormyrus), 107, 
steindachneri (Labeo), 317. 
Stomatorhinus, 87. 

if corneti, 90. 

35 humilior, 89. 

5 microps, 92. 

5 polylepis, 91. 

5 puncticulatus, 88. 
i: walkeri, 88. 

stormsi (Micralestes), 225. 
stuhlmanni (Alestes), 199. 
" (Petrocephalus), 56. 

Sudis, 149. 

», adansonii, 149. 

5, miloticus, 149. 
swanenburgi (Mormyrus), 32. 
Systomus beso, 356. 

tamandua (Campylomormyrus), 118. 

i (Gnathonemus), 118. 

(Mormyrus), 118. 
tanganice (Capoéta), 358. 

a (Varicorhinus), 358. 
tanganicanus (Marcusenius), 81. 
tangensis (Petersius), 235. 
teenia (Nannocharax), 286. 
teeniata (Alestes), 209. 
teniurus (Alestes), 214. 
tapirus (Mormyrus), 133. 
Tarpon, 27. 

Teleostei, 23. 
Teleostomi, 4. 
tenuicauda (Hyperopisus), 142. 

3 (Mormyrus), 53. 
tenuirostris (Labeo), 340. 

o (Mormyrus), 134. 
tholloni (Alestes), 201. 
tornieri (Varicorhinus), 335, 
touteei (Distichodus), 271. 
trilineatus (Neolebias), 257. 

Trutta, 166. 
trutta (Salmo), 166. 
tuckeyi (Mormyrops), 32. 

»  (Mormyrus), 32. 
tumifrons (Mareusenius), 79. 
Tylognathus, 300. 

es cantini, 331. 
montanus, 3351. 

Umbla, 166. 
umbratus (Abrostomus), 339. 

5 (Labeo), 339. 
unifasciatus (Neolebias), 256. 
unitzniatus (Nannethiops), 254. 
urotenia (Micralestes), 228. 
ussheri (Gnathonemus), 116. 

» (Mormyrus), 116. 

vaillanti (Hemistichodus), 253. 
», (Mormyrops), 43. 
Varicorhinus, 352. 
94 ansorgii, 353. 

om beso, 356. 

= brucii, 354. 

a maroccanus, 357. 
5 tanganice, 358. 
Pa tornieri, 355. 

varicorhinus (Labeo), 356. 
variegata (Labeo), 326, 
velifer (Labeo), 315. 
victorianus (Labeo’, 322, 323. 

vinciguerree (Discognathus), 347. 

vittatus (Hydrocyon), 182, 184. 
vittiger (Hydrocyon), 184. 
vorax (Pellonula), 156. 



vulgaris (Alausa), 154. 
», (Labeo), 304. 

walkeri (Labeo), 324. 

»  (Mormyrus), 88. 

»  (Stomatorhinus), 88. 
weeksii (Labeo), 310. 

» (Marcusenius), 71. 

», (Polypterus), 11. 
wilverthi (Marecusenius), 86. 
woosnami (Petersius), 239. 
wytsi (Alestes), 195. 

Xenocharax, 287. 

5 crassus, 288, 

“s spilurus, 287. 
Xenomystus, 147. 

a nigri, 147. 

5 nili, 147. 
Xenopomatichthys, 172. 
- auriculatus, 172. 
Xenopomichthys, 172. 
Xiphorhamphus, 177. 

we odoé, 177. 
Xiphorhynchus, 177. 
69 odoé, 177. 

yseuxi (Bryconzethiops), 189. 

zambanenje (Mormyrops), 32. 
sl (Mormyrus), 32. 

zambesensis (Carcharias), 2. 

zanclirostris (Mormyrops), 40. 
* (Mormyrus), 40. 


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