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Full text of "Catalogue of small fruits, &c. : select strawberries"

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Historic, archived document 

Do not assume content reflects current 
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Library, U.S. Departuent of Agriculture, 
\W shing gton, D. Gs 

August, 1862—483th Edition. 

Hinman Gardens and Aurseries. 

(Founded, 1782.) 


_————-_ 6 + o—_—_—_——_ 


4a All orders are labeled and packed in a superior manner. Strawberry 
Plants can be packed so as to be sent safely at any season. Parcels can e 
sent by Mail, if desired, at 16 cts. perlb. If purchasers do not specify, 
send by Express. No less than a dozen are sold of any variety, unless oth 
wise stated in the Catalogue. Persons ordering will please specify the Editio: 
of the Catalogue. Terms, Cash with the order, oy collected by Express, 0 
ga= Our Catalogues of Fruit and Ornamental -Trees, Shrubs, Plants, 
Grapes, Bulbous Roots, Pwonies, Green House Plants, Seeds, &e., will 
_ sent to applicants who. inclose stamps. Also, the W holesale Cataloguga [9 
Nurseries. ae we nn engage | * 
The 250 varieties embraced in our entire collection of STRAWBERRIES, including the 
Newest Foreign Varieties, are fully described in communications from Wm. R. Prince, 
in the Patent Office Report for 1861, and in various periodicals. Full descriptions of the 
majority of them will also be found in Our previous Strawberry Catalogues, and we, 
therefore, omit them here, except of the New Varieties. Our present collection hag 

been carefully selected from all that have been brought to notice in this country and in q 
Europe. The public taste has become so awakened to the appreciation of the sw eet,. ( 
high-flavored and perfumed varieties of the Strawberry, that such berries as the Wilson, =" 
Austin, and the comparatively sour or insipid seedlings grown therefrom, will scarcely: ES 
be toler ated hereafter. The only seedlings exhibited the two past seasons, possessing. RG 
sweetness, high flavor and perfume, were grown by Prof. Huntsman, Mr. Heins and our- wal 
selves. The majority of the others exhibited were seedlings of the Wilson and Austin, \ 
and too acid. We offer a few of our New Seedlings, with descriptions, and we guarantee i. 

every one of them to be at least equal to any other new seedlings that are offered. We. 
have above 1,000,more under probation, to select from hereafter. Of the following as-- 
sortment, 50 of the most splendid varietics; ; designated by an asterisk (##§ were origin-- 
ated in our own Nurseries, and selected from thousands of seedlingS during the past 
twenty years. Many varieties are now offered for sale for the first time. The American « 
Varieties possess the advantage of great hardihood and productiveness, and are suitable 

for field culture. Hermaphrodite Varieties should be grown in rows or hills, but Pistil- 
lates may. be allowed ‘to cover the entire ground. The latter will require one- -tenth of. 



5) 5 


Hermaphrodites to fertilize them, which can be grown inseparate proximate beds. Asa 
positive fact, based on physical structure, the Pistillate Varieties of any family will 
produce 50 per cent. more fruit per acre than Hermaphrodites. H. denotes Hermaphro- 
dites ; P., Pistillates. The best periods for planting are March and April, and August to 
November. We puddle the roots, and don’t lose one per cent. In field cutture, when 
planted in rows 2 by 214 feet, it requires 9,000 plants toan acre. We invite all amateurs 
to inspect our collection at the fruiting season, it being the most extensive one in 
existence. They can then judge as to all points, whereas the exhibitions of selected 
berries are deceptive and do not give the full knowledge desired. We grow our Straw- 
berries for the increase of plants, and without forcing the size of the berries. We refer 
to Prof. Huntsman, the most intelligent of all our amateurs, as to the great superiority 
of our collection over all others, and to its precise SECU OF 

N. B.—For 50 plants of any var iety the price will be 214 times the price named for a 


1. Abington, H (Kohl), large, obovate, crimson, firm, | 7 
MULCH WAUME NAV OR: oar. holed sii. we Oe Geno one 2 00 

2. American Queen, P (Huntsman), very large, 
regular cone, splendid, good flavor, productive. |1 00/4 00) 

3. “Angelique, new, large, conical, bright scarlet, o 
juicy, excellent ; plant vigorous, productive...|3 00 | : 

es ATA AUNS Ras nat 2d ae Sos de ok eee ...-{1 00:4 00/12 06 

5. * Asa Gray (Lilinoiensis), a native varletyes sos. < 50/2 0! 

6. “Augustine, P, new, very large, conical, light 
scarlet, splendid, good flavor, exceedingly pro- 
RIUICHIVER Eric cna. wctiec Setetcee sean beets coal 3 00 | 

7. Austin, Shaker (lowensis), H, 35 for $1........ | 50l1 50)15 00 

SB; Baltimore:ocarlet,, Bicester ae | 25)1 00) 5 00 

9. Baraboo, H and P (Illinoiensis), native ‘of Wis- | 
consin . eA PuS Hae meee pe Poe Gee ae: tara es  50)2 00; 

Bartlett, H., , rejected, unproductive 3. . nines Seria | 
10. Bayne’s Favorite Scarlet, H, very, early, fine 

for market... ees Ae ah oh ae 50\2 00/10 00 

igh flavor; plant vigorous. . Seen,» 2 00 
12. *Benicea, P, new , very large, obtuse cone, crimson ; 
flesh white, firm, sweet, tine flavor, very esti- 
mable ; plant vigorous, productive we os eee eae 3 00 
13. “Bersilla, H, early, very large, bright scarlet, 
rounded or obovate, good flavor, must be grown 

IORrOWwSs OLDS os lee osc. cei eal bs cs ioe ll OO 
14. Boston Pine, H, must be grown in hills..... ...| 25)1 00) 5 00 
15. Burr's Aromatic (Burr’s “Pine), P mA Se ie ee = 25/1 00} 5 00. 
16. Coppock, P, valuable for market........ eae ore 38/1 00) 7 00 
17. Crimson Cone, P, crowhwor market. 70% i. ae cue 25} 75) 5 00 
18. Cutter’s Seedling, H, valuable for market.......| 35/1 50) 7 00 

19. *Diadem, P (Iowensis), highly estimable for mar-! ’ 
* “ket. This and many other Pistillates produce 
fifty per cent. more than Wilson, and two and 
a half times as many as Triomphe de Gand.. es 


ip.doz/p.100] p.10c0 
5 cts.|$ cts. |3 cts. 
20. Downer’s Prolific, H (Illinoiensis).... ........ 35)1 50) 7 00 

Dutchess is Wilson’s Albany. | 

21. Harly Scarle,, H, entirely superseded by No. 10 | 
REC CEy POEEe io eet ae ae Nid a's: aes ald wae’. Hos 25| 75) 5 00 
22. Eclipse, Crimson, P early, showy market berry.| 25/1 00) 7 00 
23. Elizabeth, P, seedling of: burrs Pine: Ws 5 ak 50 2 00:10 00 

24. *Ernestine, P, new, very large, long cone with 
neck, licht scwlet ; flesh scarlet, very juicy, 
sprightly, fine flavor ; plant vigorous, very pro- 
ductive. Second only to Eureka............. 3 00| 

25. *“Bugene, H, late, rather large, conical with neck, 
crimson, very ‘sweet, greatly productive, small 

; RC A SES kg SSS ool awe thee te ee 1 00/4 00 

26. *Hureka, P, new, large, regular cone, light scarlet, 
beautiful, firm, sweet, very juicy, high flavor, 
excellent ; plant very vigorous, hardy, and ex- 
ceedingly productive, the highest in quality 
from the six North American species, $3 for six.|5 

27. *“Excelsa, P, very large, sweet, peculiar flavor, | 
TRIO CR coos coe Rhcpard i>... ads ag bee 1 00/4 00/12. 00 

Excelsior, see Deptford White. e 


28. Fillmore, P, large, showy, no sweetness or| | $ 
PAN ODOT eas MAING” tk, SE dueea. es ph Shap Acedia 35)1 50/7 
29. FPleming, a Pennsylvania seedling, from McAvoy’s 
30. “Florence, H, very large, splendid, fine flavor. 50/1 25/10. 00 
31, “Fontenelle, Pp, new, very large, rounded, light = 
scarlet, juicy, fine flavor ; plant vigorous, pro- Y 
ES SS ee RR EG ree pee 13 00 ; 
32. *Fortunatus, P, large, fine sprightly flavor, very a 
TOES sic he oc Ee, Bubdan, < ducibaktg «eset, coe oe AS 1 00/4 00/12 90 
_ 33.  Fragarialucida of California. Four plants for 
50 cents. 
34. “Fragrant Scarlet, P, high flavor............... 50/1 25/10 00 
35. Gen. McClellan, H’ (Brill), closely resembles| 
Teomeworth Ss Prolific.) jets. ie. Sepak oss 50 
36. Gen, Garibaldi, H (Burgess).................. 4 00 
Ole et GOU EL ( BUYEESS));. wtacs o.s.0 os ire ewes oe 4 00 es 
38. Gen. Lyon and Little Monitor (Burgess). $2 4 
for a plant of each. 7 
N.B. The four last named are at Mr. Burgess’ | 
39. *Globose Scarlet, P (Iowensis)................ 25/1 00) 5 00 
40. Heins’ Large White Pine, H, white, rosy tinge. 
41. Heins’ Cherry Pine, H. 
42. “Heroine, P, large, sweet, fine flavor... «OOF OO 00_. 
43. Hooker, He oA ek oe cs Se wales « 25) Tgi4g, 00 ® 
44. Hovey, P, Valuable Tori Market. a.6302) oe Seek 25| 75| 5 o~* 
45, Hudson's Bay, H, true, from sixty-four degrees 
BeBe fe R nar org 5 Rakai aly, oe. Sig dl see we Sees ate | 8811 50! 7 00 

4 , 

:p.dozip.200; Ky 1000 

'$ cts. a cts./$ cts. 

‘46. Hudson's Bay, P, true, from sixty-four degrees 

Worth 2). 2 Ses Saeco ree 38 sol 7 00 
N.B. The variety usually sold under the last 
two names is the Mulberry. | | 

47. Huntsman’s*Pistillate, Poo. 2S RS 25, 75) 5 00 

‘48. MTllinois Globose, P, medium, round, crimson, | 
acidulatele ..6. 5)... 80 3 oo. Se 38,1 50,10 00 

9: -=Imperial, Gemson, P 226). oi eee } 25/1 00; 7 00 
50. imperial -Searlet. Posi te. See | 25} 75) 5 00 
51. Iowa or Washington, H.................... .| 25) 75) 5 00 
52. <-Jenny. Gama@eebe ie 2 22 eee S| | 25/1 00) 5 00 
-58. ladies’ Favorite (Ladies’ Pine), P, Panels | 

GREW OFS er Ae gst ec oa, Re TE | 25/1 00) 5.00 

54. Ladies’ Aromatic, P, new, an enlarged seedling! | 

of the preceding, exquisite flavor 2Staesis £ ‘1 00; 

-55. Lady Finger (American), must be grown in| 
Alls SY Sees 2s ke sd Sak 5 Se eee | 25)1 00) 5 CO 
-56. *Lawrencea, P, large, sweet, fine flavor......... iL 00/4 00/12 00 

-57. Le Baron Pine, H, very large, conical, cry | 
sweet, delicious flavor.......................| SO! 50} 7 00 

.58.  Lennig’s White Pineapple, H, white, with rosy) | 

tinge, beautiful, very large, rounded, buttery, | | 

high flavor, excellent ; plant very hardy and| 

: vigorous. ‘Albion is a SyHOnyRY 02 ois ees '2 00 | 

59. Longworth’s Prolific, H (Iowensis), every! 
flower perfestsa: fruit . £2 aie o. 2. oe ee 25}1 00) 5 00 

60. *Malvina, P, a splendid seedling of the Hovey, 

7 Same sine, bus Carlier: 2425 J2ee oats Se UPS se | 25/1 00) 7 00 
-61. May Queen, American, P.................00- | 388)1 5010 00 
62. McAvoy’s No. 1, often called Extra Red, 

(EG WENSIS) See ag wok es ee ee ee ee 25/1 00) 5 00 
ms. . McAvoy'’s Superior?! Asi Sa 25} 75 5 00 
‘64. Mead’s Seedling, grown by Peter B. Mead,| 
editor, light scarlet. | 
65. “Melanie, P. (lowensis) Gee. 12 = Oe al 00/12 00 
‘66. Minerva, H, valuable for market.............. | 50/3 00/12 00 
‘67. Mulberry, H & P, is Hudson of Cincinnati and} 
elsewheres. 65,5. s 5:7 «Sees is: SN eon 25\1 00} 5 00 
‘68. Newark Prolific (Brill), late, good flavor......| 50/2 50. 
69. Newland or Chilian, H, belongs to the Vir- 
giniana family: 22 [Soe eee 22. Cag. Wee ice eee 25)1 00) 5 00 
70. Ophelia, H, large, splendid; a seedling of Scarlet 
Magnate, and its best fertilizer............... 50/2 50/12 00 
71. Orange Prolific, P (Iowensis)...............0.. | 2511 00} 5 00 
Osband's SUEDE Rejected. 
: ew, arge, obovate, bright 
scarlet, beautiful, very juicy, acidulate, good 
flavor, rather late ; plant vigorous, productive. . 2 00 
73. *Perfumed Cone, P, medium size, exquisite flavor.!1 00|4 00/12 00 

p.doz{p.100|p. 1006 
Bcts./3cts.|$ cts. 

74. “Primate, H, every flower perfects a fruit........ 
76, *Prince’s Climax Jowa, P....25... 02.626. . b.. 
76. *Prince’s Large Climax, P, splendid, excellent 
BAVOr: Fry DIOGHOUINe. wags 5 nis ie wee se ws 0d 
77. *Prince’s Scarlet Excelsior, P................ 
78. *Prince’s Late Globe, P (Iowensis), large, bright 

scarlet, acidulate, ripening ten days after the 
“main crop; very valuable as a late market 
DOE EY, «6-3: eles Se eg o> 0) 345 Sed sn nae. Ee eee 
ame Rrineeps Po new, very large, long cone, dark 

crimson ; flesh scarlet, sweet, fine flower, very 

estimable ; plant vigorous, productive......... 
eM Ei aid cl s.ovkie 0.0, «a nvicre 0.52 es linea Stan « 
BR INIA CHERCAS AER ce wn a weedeat «qs 05.2, 0a/ee wee 
Pyramidal Chilian, see Newland. 
Met MORAG UMD ELT «5%, baked bakes baie 'y « 00) dom, Walladeve Simi 
83. Regina, P, a female seedling of Longworth’s Pro- 
lific, much resembling the parent............. 
84. “Rosina, H, new, large, round, light scarlet, sweet, 
% HUE ROUICHA, 2. 50 wb cllb eles cece welds veath. 
84}. Russell’s Prolific (Iowensis), P, very large, conical 
or ovate, bright scarlet, good flavor, apt to be hol- 
low, productive ($8 for six)..........0.+2 - 06: 
85. *Seraphine, P (Iowensis), monstrous, splendid, | 
pleasant flavor, very productive.............. 
86. “Sempronia, H, monstrous, obtuse cone, bright! 
deep scarlet ; flesh white, sweet, good flavor, | 
a remarkable berry ; plant very vigorous, tall 
broad foliage, productive. ............c0eee ee: 
87. “Scarlet Magnate, P, the heaviest, and most solid) 
berry for market carriage, bright scarlet; an) 
admirable market fruit, surpassing Hovey 
and all other market berries.................. 
88. Scarlet Melting, P, a good family berry, too 
See, UEIEOURSICT ss oa sk toe. ow ode of Mra 
89. “Scarlet Prize, H, large, splendid, obovate, bright 
Srarlet. mime UAGOI yoo. ee ss ewe Stamme e wie ales 
90. Scarlet Virginian, round fruit....... ........ 
9b. Scarlet Virginian. ‘oblong fruit... ).05 oy... 
92. “Sultana, H, very large, sweet, fine flavor, pro- 
CGI eras rn ee et so toes Shae & 
921. Stewart, H (lowensis), esteemed for market in| 
Maryland, where nine-tenths are of this variety. 
93. Suprema, P (Iowensis), large, sprightly flavor, 
Welw Prodmen wens <x Serra imeee ae eet se ee 
94. *Trevirana, P, large, sprightly flavor, estimable. 
95. “Triumph, H, large, very early................ 
96. Triumphant Scarlet (Iowensis), H........... 


2 00 4 

5 | 


1 00 



00/4 00}12 00 

4 00/12 00: 
5|1 00; 7 00 
251 00) 5 00 


00/4 00/12 00 
25)1 00 
38|2 OC 
00|4 00}12 00: 

50/2 00/12 00: 

1 00/4 00)12 00: 

75/3 00/12 00: 
50/2 50} 7 00: 
75!3 00 


p.doz!p. 100} p.1000 
$cts.|3 cts.) $ cts. 

97. *Triumvirate (Iowensis), H..................- 1 00)\4 00) 
98. Valencia, H, large, good flavor, valuable...... 1 00)4 00; 
99. Victory (Iowensis), large, good flavor..........|2 00 
100. *WVictorine (Iowensis), H, esteemed for market.. .|1 eo 
101. Voorhis, H, medium, good flavor.............. 25/1 00) 
102. Ward’s Favorite, P....... a? ta 351 50 7 00 
103. *Waverly, very large, good flavor, estimable....| 50)2 00 10 00 

104. “Welcome, H, new, large, excellent flavor, very 
productive, earliest and most valuable market 
berry, destined to supersede all other early va=| 

TICLIOS Sete 2 eco ate CS. chs + Se een oe te eRe -. 5 00/25 00 

105. Westchester, large, crimson, obtuse cone..... | 251 0 
106. = AWalson’s Aibany, Gc eases. eeene ek ete 25! 75° 3 50 
_— — eee Se p.dozjp.100 
English, French, and Belgian Varieties. 3 cts. |$ cts, 

These are all of the Pine family (Fragaria Grandiflora) up to No. 185, 
and the most of them are of Belgian origin, and of a much more 
hardy character than the English varieties which have been here- 
tofore introduced and discarded. They produce large and beauvti- 
ful berries, mostly with white flesh, and are remarkable for their 
sweetness, exquisite flavor and perfume, with but two or three ex- | 
ceptions. The Triomphe de Gand has become most generally known, 
but there are numerous varieties greatly superior to it in sweetness 
and flavor. Being of Tropical parentage, the Pine family require 
a warm location, a strong, rich soil, and to be cultivated in rows 
or stools, and kept free from runners. As they combine large j 
size and delicious flavor, they are well worthy the special attention 
of amateurs. All these are Hermaphrodites. 


181. Ambrosia (Nichoison), very large, glossy crimson, very 
: sweet, miulbenrty. Saver in. svi. See atet os eae gee 
132, Auguste Rietmeyer (Jonghe), very large, ovate, ver- | 
milion ; flesh salmon, exquisitely sweet. $2 for four 

133. Beauty of England (Frewin), very large, oblong, com- 
pressed, glossy crimson, sweet, perfumed............ 1 00) 
134. Bicton White Pine, genuine....................... 50 
135. Bonté de St. Julien (Carre), large, vermilion, sweet, 

pertumed: 32,7 ai ky eee 666 wa een bE eee eee 50 
136. Caroline, Red or Old Fine, highest flavor, poor bearer|1 00 
137. Caroline, Rosy White. $1 for four. 
138. Carolina Superba (Kitley) .....................0.5 75 
139. Countess de Beaumont (Lorio), large, bright glossy 

red, rosy flesh, sweet, high flavor. $2 for four. 
140. Crimson Queen ; (Myatt)... o2<. 2 oseewesins 26 eee 50) 
141. Delices du Palais: (Nicaisse), round, glossy crimson, 

sweet, extremely perfumed, delicious. $2 for four. | 
142. Deptford, White or Excelsior, white with blush tinge, | 

long cone; variable form: «3:13 53. Sons aba ees 50, 
143. Doctor Karl Koch (Jonghe), large, oblong, bright 

orange scarlet; flesh rosy, sweet, high flavor, excel- | 

lent. $2 for four. 



$ cts. |$ cts. 
Duc de Malakoff (Gloede), monstrous 50 

‘Duke of Cambridge (Stewart & Neilson), splendid, 

large, conical, bright scarlet ; flesh rosy white, sweet, 
‘high flavor. "$3 for six. 

Eleanor (Myatt), one of best late. 
Chili. $2 for four. 

Emily (Myatt), large, bright rosy ; flesh white, sweet, 
slightly acidulate. Hybridized with the Chili. $2 
for four. 

Emma (Jonghe), large, obovate, glossy crimson, splen- 
did; flesh rosy white, delicate, sweet, perfumed. $2 

Hybridized with the 

- for four. 
. Empress Hugenie (Kneveit), 

monstrous, deep crimson, 
ovate or coxcomb ; flesh red, very sweet, exquisite 
PUNE RS bs Lae gL dee a unre a clates a genes oaks tends 2 00 

Filbert Pine (Myatt), large, oblong, red; flesh white, 

SUMCPIOEMIANOE i... ods atest occ e tasle beet re wee 75) . 
Frogmore Late Pine (Ingram), superior to all other * 
late strawberries ; monstrous, conical, brilliant crim-| + 
son, very beautiful ; flesh very juicy, rich, and per- s 
fumed. $3 for six. — 

Garibaldi (Nicholson), very large, oval, bright red, f 
sweet, very juicy, high flavor, excellent. $2 per pair. 7 4 
Goliath (Kitley), large, obtuse cone.................. 35| © 
Imperatrice Eugenie (Gauthier), large, conical, glossy ‘ 
roseate ; flesh rosy white, sweet, perfumed. $1.50 . 
per pair. ha 
Jucunda (Salter), genuine, rare: ......... eee e eee ees 75 4 

Jung Bahadoor (Nicholson), large, obovate, crimson ; 
flesh rosy, sweet, delicious. $2 for four. 
Lia Constante (Jonghe), regular cone, large, beautiful, 

bright glossy red; flesh rosy white, sweet, exquisite 

& : 
TBO ae R ee ee hes SON. Pees IST Cee, 1 004 00 
Lia Delicieuse (Lorio), large, orange scarlet, yellow | 
TSerNe TS a nN ei ees on ES NS ee Se oy 75 
La Grosse Sucrée (Jonghe), large, oblong, crimson ; : 
flesh white, sweet, highly perfumed, late. $2 per 
pair, =x, 
La Reine (Jonghe), large, oblong, rosy white; flesh é 
white, sweet, perfumed. $2 for four. ie 
N. B.—La Reine, scarlet, is spurious. : 
La Sultane (Nicaisse), large, conical, magnificent, vivid Ps 
scarlet ; flesh white, sweet, highly perfumed........ 2 00 

Ladies’ Finger, English, very oblong, scarlet ; flesh 
sweet, good flavor. $1 for four. 

Lorio (Lorio), large, scarlet, oblong, compressed ; flesh 
rosy, very sweet, perfumed. $2 for four. 

Lucas (Jonghe), an improved seedling of La Constante, 
of remarkable character, very large, oval or round,! 

8 3 
$ cts.| $ cts 
beautiful form, glossy crimson ; flesh rosy white, juicy, 
sweet, extremely rich ; splendid foliage. $38 for six. 

164. Margueritte (Lebreton) monstrous, fine oblong form, 

bright glossy red; flesh bright orange, sweet, high 

flavor, very estimable cag... ch ee Se ee 2 00 

May Queen, worthless. ejected. 

165. Mrs. D. Neilson (Stewart & Neilson), variable form, 

large, orange scarlet; white flesh, high flavor, very 

late. $2 for four. 
166. Napoleon III. (Gloede), large, round or compressed, 

bright rosy ; flesh white, sweet, high flavor, late. $2 

per pair. = 
167. Orb (Nicholson), very large, fine form, baa roseate ; 4 

flesh yellow, buttery, sweet, exquisite. $2 per pair. | 
168. Ornement des Tables (Soupert), large, orange scarlet, ; 

splendid, very sweet, delicious perfume. $2 for four. | 
169. Oscar (Bradley), large, conical or coxcomb, glossy 

crimson, very sweet, exquisite aroma; plant vigorous..| 75/4 00 
170. Prince Alfred (Stewart & Neilson), ’ monstrous, ver- 

milion, white flesh, very sweet, perfumed, greatly 

esteemed ; hybridized with the Chili. $2 per pair, 
171. Prince Arthur (Ingram), large, glossy, orange scarlet, 

fine oval form; flesh white, sweet, pleasantly acidu- 

late, ripens early. $2 for four. 
172. Princess Frederick William (Niven), a very fine| 

Ee SPO Ga DE Lae ORL RAT SES) [1 00 
2%. Prince Imperial..(Graindorge) ..... 5. 5./.0.. >. -voseen 75 
173. Princesse Royale (Pelvilain), large, highly esteemed 

at, Paris: fOr, PrOSCLVES a cg \. «siecle 4 eee ee 1 00 
174. Quinquefolia, or Five-Leaved (Myait), large, Toseate, | 

sweet, tine, Havory lates), 35 -..s:.15,<some ee aaa Cale 75 
175. River’s Eliza, large, round, scarlet, excellent......... 85;1 50 
176. Robert Trail (Jonghe), monstrous, brilliant scarlet, con- 

ical, fleshrosy, sweet, juicy, exquisite, late. $2 per pair. 
177. Royal Victoria (Stewart & Neilson), large, round, 

scarlet ; flesh white, sweet, perfumed................ 1 00 
178. Scarlet Rock, large, round, very sweet, delicious,|1 00 
179. Salmon or Buff, irregular form, white flesh, fine flavor,|1 00 
180. Triomphe de Gand, character well known, inferior 

to many other Pine varieties, being deficient in 

sweetness and perfume. Per 1000, $7; larger quan- 

tities. atlower,cates .\. ccm. < « ssoc8 apts oe. | ee 40|1 00 
181. Turner’s Pine, large, scarlet, excellent flavor. $1 

per pair. 
182. Wicomtesse Hericart (Jamin), large, excellent....... 35/1 50 
183. Wellington (Scotch), medium size, good.............. 35 
184. Wizard of the North (Robertson), very large, crimson, 

00d Mav Or. jie. ssw sis» os Uae BEA Gale See ee | 75 
185. Wonderful (Jeyes), very large, roseate, fine flavor... . | 60 

All these but one are Hermaphrodite. 

Notre.—There is not one plant of the true Chili varieties for sale by any other nursery in 
the Union. 

210. Chili Crimson, the original, monstrous, variable form, pleasantly 
acidulated flavor. For four, $1. 

211. Chili Bright Roseate, verylarge. Per pair, $2. 

212. Chili Pale Orange, monstrous. For four, $2. 

213. Chili Orange. Per pair, $1.50. 

214. Chili Rosy Orange, very large, perfumed, exquisite. Per 

. @ > pair, 1.50. 

215. Chili Large Vermilion, monstrous, beautiful. For four, $1.50. 

216. Chili Bright Red. For four, $2. 

217. Chili Brilliant Rosy, large, round, excellent. For four, $2. 

218. Chili Monstrous Vermilion, splendid, sweet, exquisite. Per 
pair, $2. . 

219. Huntsman, P, hybrid, light scarlet, conical. Per dozen, $1. 

220. Suprema, extra size, light scarlet, sweet, delicious. For 
four, $1. 

221. Vilmorin, very large, crimson, exquisite flavor. For four, $1. 

p.doz| p.100 
$ cts.|$ cts. 



This class possesses a high musk flavor, for which they are greatly =, 
esteemed. It is called, ‘‘The Real Amateurs’ Strawberry.’ 
All are Hermaphrodites except one Male or Staminate, which 
should be planted with any that are defective in stamens, ip 
the proportion of one to ten. 

231. Belle Bordelaise, exceedingly productive, excellent , 
flavor, produces an autumnal crop, if irrigated....... 50|2 00 
232. Bijou des Praises, most exquisite flavor............. 1 00) 
233. Monstrous Hautbois, large, round, red, makes few ae 
runners. $1 for six. , + 
SPE | MMUCALOY :, RACRTA TE MEREERS 17 le ols: Hulls Sale» =" s\gupbbbiile @ Wale wodgkidue, a5. 50/2 00° 
235. Myatt’s Fertilized, late, high flavor, few runners..... 75| a 
Zou.) se kemene etettbold.. large actee. Scceeaay vets e's ¢« obs 25 75 
These are all perfect Hermaphrodites, the berries are small, with a a | 
peculiar flavor ; they are profuse bearers. and much esteemed. z “ 
241. Huropean Red Wood, or Alpine Wood. Per 1000, a 
So DO OTS Soe eoas, RES 2 oa. ees: 25, 7S 
242. European White Wood. Per 1000, $4............ 25| 72 
248. Montreuil Red Wood, largest.................0.5: 50|2. Ces 
244. Green Alpine, or Collina, musk flavor, excellent..... 50/2 OOGRRaamn 
245. Bargemon Blush Alpine, aromatic flavor........... 50/2 00 3 
246. Green Pineapple, juicy, musk flavor, delicious....... 38)1 50 ie 

10 : 
p.doz]p. 100/p. 1000 
$ cts. |$ cts.|$ cts. 
These belong to the same family as the European Wood, and 
the fruit is similar in size and flavor, but theseare ever- 
bearing. All are perfect Hermaphrodites. 

Alpine Monthly Red .............20eeee00e- 25| 75| 4 00 
Alpine Monthly White....................:| 25] 75} 4 00 

Gilbert’s Large Brown. $1 for six. 
Gloire du Nord, $1 for six. 

La Meudonaise, lettuce leaved, large red.. 
Perpetuel de Poitou, red. $1 for six 
Reine des Quatre Saisons, red. $1 for six...: 

Versailles, large, estimable....................|L 00 
Alpine Monthly Red Bush......... weeee---| 5012 00/08 me 
Alpine Monthly White Bush............. 50/2 00 
Indica or Yellow Flowering, very ornamental. 
Four plants for 25 cts. 

A Wholesale Catalogue will be sent to Nurseries. By the 1,000 or 10,000, the price 
for standard varieties, assorted, will be $4 to $5 per 1,000. 

Assortments.—For $10 we will supply 100 plants each of as many kinds as amount, by 
this Catalogue’s prices, to $12. 

For $20, we will supply 100 plants each of as many leading kinds as amount, per 
Catalogue, to $25. 

Any assortments offered by other venders for $5 and $10, up to $50 and $100, we will 
supply for the same amount, and will add 10 per cent. in fine plants gratis, but purchasers 
can make much better Selections from our most extensive Collection. 

The permanent rule will be, in regard to this and all other Fruits, to price them as low 
and often lower than ovtainable elsewhere. 
~The rejected varieties of Strawberries have been mostly published in the Pomological 
Reports , and in the Gardener’s Monthly, and they include the following : 

Athlete, Fillbasket, Nimrod, 
_ Admiral Dundas, General Havelock, Omer Pasha, 
Black Prince, -Genesee, Ohio Mammoth, 
Brighton Pine, Honneur de Belgique, Peabody, 
British Queen, Ingram’s Prince of Wales, Prince of Wales, 
Brook’s Prolific, Jenney’s Seedling, Pennsylvanica, 
Captain Cook, La Challonaise, Reine Hortense, 
Charlton’s Prolific, La Perle, Rival Hudson, 
Cole’s Prolific, Myatt’s Surprise, Richardson’s Cambridge, 
_ Cuthill’s Black Prinee, Madame Louesse, Sir Charles Napier, 
- Delice d’Automne, Monroe Scarlet, Sir Harry, 
Duc de Brabant, Moyamensing, Scott’s Seedling, 
Dundee, Magnum Bonum, Swainstone, 
Eccellente, Nicholson’s May Queen and Trollope’s Victoria, 
Elton, Superb, Walker, 

Willey: 5. 


each.{p. doz. !p. 100. 

CURRANTS. $cts./$ cts.|/$ cts. 
AERO Gr AAITRELOT oe aes aR ae he «Sea stow 38 
TGA AR Se RE Oo cated is ate ow Mame ees 12; 75} 3 50 
Black<Na plestrOoden sla 5. /..< piece. 0is «areca ieee} 15] 1 00; 4 00 
Black Bangup, largest black... i ccc cancer cae vaevens 25| 2 50 
Brown or Yellow-fruited Black... 2.2.00... eneeceees 18} 1 50 
CHAD PERCH Arle hel. 055, <f6,0nio oR 2 ee eleh «8's 2 15] 1 25, 5 50 
Olierr enna Gl, TEES. hay cn 5: Soins oid ~ sca cennrt bare =< nray Rie! Vin | 25) 2 00/6 to8 
PIAS Br PMT DALANIG WVU LEG wraie.s.s..+.bocegnin 0.0 niet Eisler 38) 3 50| 
Wertile dl! Anigeta ery Large ibe vis ace- = soejn.ore,0id.r vi0.,0.0,0:+ 15| 1 50/10 00 
HOST OEE OSE ATR EIEN ois, waist scncaieys 5 ioc swe. ¥'Glep Meagan ep a eid & o Ble | 20 1376 
Gloire des Sablons, white striped red... 2... 0. c cece eee 50) 4 50 
clthige Mth eee ee ee eR 5” 30) 3 50 
Eri O ULC NG OURO) hte alos 0 ioidia ng ojales enn oe op0.c rar aly eels 30) 3 50 
He yrds 2 5 (Rr rn ge 25) 2 50 
Knight's Large Red, one of largest ........000eeesseees 18; 2 00 
Meare Da eh feeveleie? eed oS hy sce) occa o wim 'e's aiahe Ble dle MA: - 18] 1 75 
ee Ervinige oeenin eS ele is Sa SR eae a. «sin tire needs 15) 1 50) 
Beane Gamened Wed Tutohy. «. ...,<nic'd asec cccsespccsin silane’ 18) 1 50 
Wagiinig Bom radegie se nic hes dot onto oe eae. 15) 1 00 
Missouri Yellow-flowering....... Ss 5 Oke pe he 20) 2 25) 
Missourl Mellow-frnited. . sabi Seeks «wile nat, fa ' | 88) 3 50 
Ps our Goldatruited sy.) un.5 Sawa wanes ana eine oeiee 50) 4 50 
PERC ETRE Pitot u's wes «5 wm ne vin sca aioe Sale 380) 2 00 
Pea RMAC EEE 0S, ahi cite Oa calla aes 0 1 00/10 00 
SIO ON eh a ees bila chin soln bay eR Gal els Oy 12) 75) 30 
BU Ge a obi core Lin vo PUA SAA SS OE 20) 2 00 
Red Gomdoriey tes: fos ce et oY Sas ss ghee 20) 2 00 
Hed Pramencetdi lich, 2 2000. oS occ ce oa ba de eek wae 30} 2 50 
Shortt hunched Hed Dutch so... oo dele. eka ewes 15) 1 25 
PR CRRTO TONDO Pie Oe ke OE Ee As co ci Re oidiga sa le 20) 2 25 
Wemieguted Dea VEU, TEE s wo. «can gn clad evs aed bas a4 25 
Versailles or Caucase, largest of red8......0..00e cece ees 80) 2 00/12 00 
Victoria, Goliath, or Houghton Castle....... 18) 1 25 
White Dutch, White Antwerp, or Clinton. ..isl..ia% is: 12) 1 00 
White Grape or Transparent White ...............05. 20; 1 50 
uhG DISA 0) Vg oe Rs» AR Na as Sai 25) 2 00 
Nee MOOI coe Re re ee Ie, com Ue sox ae emain ae aes 25) 2 00 
Wihite: Provence laryert of all 0202S A Pe athe 25| 2 50 
Wilmot’s Red Grapes: ie. ih CI. ME 18| 1 50 
doz. |p. 100. 

RASPBERRIES, don. jp. 100.| 
PORE Bee OPPS PAV OY I 6 do C s)asighera of wide. ¢ a's Tvinte = eedw ates 25} 1 00} 9 06 
American Pur ple Cane, fine for apes PMs Spores ctr eee ay 1 00; 6 00/40 00 
Amenean, Wollow. Cap eg «ele ces eR Pe oh ale PERS 1 50 
Black Gapy Pmaproved... Spat sc Croke. oe Oe ARRAN A. 50} 2 50/20 00 

N. B. The three above make roots from ends of shoots. | 

Bagley’s Perpetual, autumn-bearing.... cee ceeeees PRA, 

5: 3 00'25 00 


Yellow Antwerp 

[P- Goze 100) iD. 1000 

ie cts. he cts. e cts. 
Belle de Fontenay, aulumn-bearing........ccc eee e ee eee 1 00 3 00°25 00 
Brentford Red Antwerp, large, very hardy.............- 1 50;10 00; 
Brnkle’s Oraneve 7 gee. .ctees a5 2 CoE RO eee |. For 3 00; 20 00 
Californian Salmon Berry... 0s si. = os oe wes sock new ne 6 00 7 
Catawissa, -autimn-bearing . ... ceteee. «2 ws 5 a Sees Eves See 2 50/15 00} 
Cope, tight reds=largest. 0f Gll..<2. Nagrt «ss oe =~ meeckt ot Sato a 12 50} 
Coral Cluster, excellent, very hardy..........-.0-+--000- 100) 4 00 
CretansRed, long ag Gearing 2 Sis Oa 6 Se Bak = we eee ee 1 00 6 00 
Cushing, crimson, twice bearing...........-+++0+-+++---{L 00) 5 00) 
Pastolt, venyZangeren 2 nek Can eat ae pres hae eee | 75) 3 00/20 00 
Fillbasket, Northumberland ................2-.0000- 1 50) 
Franconia, large;-crimson, hardy... ......0.--5-o2 ees | 75) 3 00/25 00 
Wren twice Domed S55 5 o732 Soaps ai. sn ots OnE ee | 50} 2 00) 
-_ French (Brinekie), cramson. <... .5 3-2 nee ees reas oe 1 50 8 00; 
Globose Antwerp, very large red, hardy .......+++...+5. 2 00/10 00/60 00 
Hormeb tageged - nos eee os nos ee ‘1 5 00/40 00 
Hudson River Red Antwerp, for markd...........+++-- | 50) 2 00/12 00 
RHIC TING TATGE WOU 55... 7. esos ante cse te ee . 1 00; 5 00 
ar land. 7a | O00 NOV AY 22 ic aes aja. areas a RE 75) 2 50|20 00 
Knevett’s Giant, CAT Ge: CEPT Che TS Foss ts eee | 75) 3 00/20 00 
Merveille Quatre Saisons, erimson, autumn-bearing.......! 75) 3 00/25 00 
Merveille Quatre Saisons, yellow, “aulumn- bearing........ 6 Bs | 
rain Black Cap ilale..2.2, cain ites dda Ses Me eee | 7d) 4 00/30 00 
Bhio Twice Bearing, large black. 2. 7. csee ewes nee 1 50; | 
Red Antwerp, r,s 50| 2 00.15 00 
Red American Cluster, very hardy .......0+.2+.++-+++., 75! 8 00/25 00 
River’s Large Monthly, avtumn-bearing........00.00++- | 7d, 3 00/25 00 
Bouchette, Mrench variety... oa:.. 0 ayes eee 1 50) 
RORY GTS *2 ate Sens Fe nn ace wees oe ae ee (1 00) 4 00) 
BAUNGETER Re eee Ss as eee a = oa SRE ‘1 50) 
PAUSED. LAtGe) WELD TCO nGe 7. oS) Shon ocx asians ee 1 50) 
White Smooth Cane, almost spineless... .....000..000e {2 0012 00 
Wilder, NIL DG: 25 eos aS saiers Ain wae 4 00 7 00 

75! 2 00)15 00 
1 00; 5 00/385 00 

. - Raspberries in ncbeeeaeee —For $5 we will supply 200 plants, 50 
each, of any of the following numbered as they stand: Nos. 5, 12, 15, 
17, 22, 24, and 40, and for $10 we will supply 50 each of these seven 

numbers, and also 50 of No. 6. 


fee 6. «Houghton Seedling. red..........20..2 5005-8 
> Houghton Seedling, larger sized plants........ 
Houghton Purple and Crimson...........-. 
American Seedling: %.«...cis.ce js hee a 


eee eee 

|p.doz!p. 100 
Bots. $ 
Poster'a Beselinkgs Prk. a TE, 2 00) 

Mountain Seedling (Shaker)..................-.--- iF 50; 10 

Finest English, Red, Yellow, Green and White, 100 pre- | 
mium named varieties, each 12 to 15 cents. Dozen, $1.50. | 
Extra sized plants, $2 per dozen. 

Varieties.—Cheshire Lad, Coronation, Crown Bob, Em- 
peror, Glenton Green, Huntsman, Ironmonger, Overall, | 
Prince Regent, Victory, Warrington, Wellesear | 
Whitesmith, &c. 

c p.doz| p.100 jp. 1000 
$ cts.| $ cts. $ 

Alpine, climbing, in clusters.................. 2 50 
Dorchester, early, oblong, rich flavor......... 75) 3 50 
New Rochelle, or Lawton, large, excellent... | 75) 3 50 
Newman's Thornless, worthless............. 
Large Dewberry, sweet, estimable........... | 75} 8 00) 
Mulberry, oblong, black, sweet............... 1 00) 4 00 
White or Bronze, very productive............ 1 00; 4 00 
Parsley-leaved Prolific (Cut leaved), late, pro- | 

UR OCP raed ole o Math ook o wren woes cy as 3 00/20 00 
Crystal White, fine flavor................... 3 00 
PIPE MY BIG rn. ni ciocn asso s2cne e saus ss 3 00 


Whortleberry, Black, Blue, White, and others.... 
Ditto, per 100, $10. 
Red Fruited Berberry 
Purple Fruited do. 
White or Yellow do. 
Sweet or Dulcis do. 
Purple-leaved NS ics Cidade 05 eM ns wna ov ke 
Cranberry, Round, for low land; Ditto, Bugle or 
Bell, for upland—prices of both, 1,000 for $4; 5,000 
for $18 ; 10,000 for $28. 

Ow a elle ‘sia © ab eye 6, e's nen Oe 2s) Chee 

ot, 0.8 eb Oe © wis p 6 .a. 2) a 8 (a8 B5\m o. One) @ 4 

ene,0..0 dhe © e.0,08 © 8 » 0 'S\n Sievere) 6) Gis 6 S50 

ais) ee e's a 6 oO 6 0 6.9 Mis) ene ale 6 oS ele sR 

To those not acquainted with the best Varieties, we offer to select for 
$10 the following : 
Grapes, one each of four fine varieties. 
Raspberries, 100 assorted, of four fine varieties. 
Currants, 30 of four fine varieties. 
Gooseberries, 12 of three fine varieties. 
Blackberries, 12 Dorchester or New Rochelle, 
Strawberries, 200 of four fine varieties, 
Rhubarb, eight Linnzus or Victoria, 



The General Catalogue of these will be sent to applicants. The trees 

are large and vigorous, suitable for transplanting successfully. . 

Apples, Standards selected for Orchards, well formed, 20 to 
25 cts.; per 100, $14. 
Apples, smaller sizes, $10 to $12. 
Apples, Dwarfs for Gardens, 25 cents. 
Extra sized, 35 cents to 50 cents. 
Pears, Be gas selected for Orchards, on Pear stock, 2 to 
3 years, 50 cents; per 100, $35 to $40. 
‘¢ Dwarts on Quince, 2 to 8 years ; finest trees, 50 cents ; 
per 100, $35. Second-size, 30 cents ; per 100, $25. 
Pears of both classes, of Extra Large Bearing size, 75 cents and 
upwards. - 

N. B.—Some hundreds Extra Standards, 8 years grafted, $1.50 each. 

CHERRIES—104 Varieties. 
Standards, selected trees, 2 to 3 years, 40 to 50 cts. 
Dwarfs, selected trees, 2 to 8 years, 40 to 50 cts. 

Both the above at reduced rates by the hundred. 

PLUMS—1I16 Varieties. 
tandards, selected trees, 2 years, 50 cts. 
- ‘* 3 to 4 years, 75 cts. 
Dwarfs, for siaeey 50 cts. 

Prices reduced by the hundred. 

PEACHES—200 Varieties. 
Finest selected trees, 15 to 25 cts. Per 100, S10. 
‘ft ae ‘* on Plum stock, 50 cts. 
Splendid double flowering, 7 varieties, 25 to 50 cts. 

NECTARINES—14 Varieties. 
On Peach stock, 380 cts. On Plum, 80 cts. 

APRICOTS—26 Varieties. 
On Peach stock, 33 cts. On Plum, 40 cts. 

ALMONDS—9 Varieties, 
Fruit bearing, 6 varieties, 37 cts. 
Common Sweet Almond, 25 cts. 
Ornamental double flowering,*3 varieties, 25 to 50 ets. 

QUINCES—11 Varieties. - 
Orange or Apple, 20 cts. 
Rea’s Mammoth, 50 cts. 
Other fine varieties, 25 to 38 cts. 


eacii ;per doz. 
cts. $ cts. 
P'igt, 4UMNS Varieties hs okey ecules «fos eee 35 3 50 
Pomegranates, Red, White and Yellow, 13 fine 
wammeneds oe ikUibs.42 se. Cee cok tee » ce 50 to 75|5 to 7 
Ditto, double Scarlet, White, Yellow, and varie- 
gated We aM sett tick MS aie oS he ON G0 '75to100 6 00 . 
Persimmon, or American Medlar, ............... \25 2 50 
Dutch Medlar, A VERIAVIES, «PRG? fos oe beac nae be \50 4 50 
Olive, finest bearing Wesetettes aes. .cic ui aati ab 150 
WENCGLY SRA DAW 00 °C 2AE «a 25e' sr alain © b's Mota Tale ph 150 

‘The New Catalogue of Grapes is now ready, and comprises every im- 
portant Native and Foreign variety, and at very moderate rates. The 
Native vines are mostly strong layers and cuttings grown in the open 
air, and not tender pot-grown plants. 


p. doz.| p. 100 
2 $ cts. $ ct 
Asparagus, Giant and Large German, 2 to3 years. | Gh 

Per 100, 75 cts. Per 1000, $5 to $6. 
Chinese Yam or Dioscorea 

Re HANG i Se. tS . Oo ee heme fee » Sel, See 
OST SNE TS 9 2, Se ie Ne 2 00 
RTE WORE Ne os a tai oi Sl. a8 ae agains o's o SS 1 2 
eT RPRR CGN isi, 2 dase Siveieice ok Ch sc ack Tee dL 
AROS, on sai JO, ee rea og «ort cia, i 4 
MIG ie Ms i a nye ARs oc ake Oe he tes 2 
Rhubarb, Colossal and Prince Albert .............. 2 
Marly. Crimson .| 05.4.2. 2 b) 5 uplpate wh One at oee 2 
i Hawkes’ Champaigne. .... 0.0. cs ances eee 2 
ar iemeens (Myatt:s) <%.'. .. +». ppainess ass «woe 1 
as Magnum Bonum and Prince of Wales ....} 2 
ad ROW Rl AMDOL bs 406 Pee... segues aes aoe « | 2 
x Scamet monparcil wile, oc cale cs eels od xscee | 2 
¥§ Victoriaamd Giants -.. Peco oes cn ae | 
= per 100 
3 cents. 
MAltheas, several varieties... ...... 2.0... couseeceades 10 00 
GetOr vitce, one to tworfeet: o.oo... . . .... s'aae Oke 6 to 10 
Ce SE TOTN oy i et a,“  s) , Ae 2 00 
. Ae Mareen wise ie tnee ee. . als We cau. a0! « 
LEE S TERE TSE| od SARIS | eg mR 10 00 
arf Box, per yard, 18 to 25 cents. 

onymous— Strawberry 2 an = yu al: Rela ge 10 00 

MMOCIE SSPTUCO Sao oe ccc ks co codae cee’ 10 00 


16 ‘ 
iper 100.{per 1000. 
cents.{$ cents. 

Honeysuckles, Upright.o25. 2Po 2 ae... ‘16 00 
Honey. LOcuSt, ene year. tsi as oc. ee = | 5 00 
ewobo ‘threes years oo: ae ae > {10 told 
Locust— Rebnua, one.¥cai-ri << 48h Bh sided se ete 5 00 
a two and-ghree FSArese. @ in tae . 15 to 30 
Tilac, Red and Purple.......... We ae 2. Ali) 60 
Osage Orange—Maclura...... Sop See a Sa | 2 00. \6 to 10 
Pyrtis JapOmiea noha 0. si. nadteees uzow ee Beene ge (10 to 18 
Privebiic Ben eee oki Pe Lae ee ee - 8 00 
Red Cedar, three to four feet.....:................:| 12 00 
Spireeas, asserted............. wis EN Hey ocovalnie Sultbietat le ND 
Syemea, asserked. 5a... 5 se 20M eS ee ae. ee | 10 00 
Vinca, Running Myrtle, i SAME eae wee | 6 00 ‘ 
ae Various Flowering Shrubs, 50 varieties for massing) 
ee SY Bg es C2 ape ee © eC Na Sa cee ' 10 00 ; 
Evergreen Trees, a collection of 12 trees, comprising 8 kinds...) 5 00 
@verereen Shrubs, 12 of 8 fine kinds... 22... 6... ee ee eee 4 50 
paeciduous Trees, 125 of assorted yartesies.¢2:. o> i. Seay, ee 7 00 
es Ag Se aig ere os Oe ee | 4 00 
Flowering Shrubs, 50 of assorted varieties Ee am Stn 9 ie cae | 8 50 
25 Rieter ee Rs a | 4 50 
: S ge 12 st ORs 3 Boa «356 > + ey 3 00 
Racers *¢~ "100 of 50 assorted varieties 2. 2. W024 fone 
_ Vines and Creepers, 12 different varieties.................. ..! 2 50 

All are on their own roots, and none of the budded class which die ont 
: so speedily. Each one will bea distinct variety, and correctly 

Per doz. varieties. 

Summer Roses, Damask, Hybrid China, and Scotch, each» 

* class per dazen 232% Bi abe viene ae . $2 00 

ug’ -% Hybrid Bourbon, Provence, Damask, and 
A : Gallica or French, each class......... 3 00 
; Black oo oe. ss. aes CA eee 4 50 
PS Striped, Variegated, and Mottled....... 5 00 
~ Climbing Roses, Prairie, Multiflora, and Ayrshire, each. . 3 00° 
yy Noisette and Bourbon Roses, each................0:. 3 00 
Mioss: HRases 5 en ck obs Ue ee - ohn ae ee 5 00 to 6 00 
ellow Roses, Persian, Harrison and Scotch........... 4 50 
ite Roses, 6 varieties, 2each.. 025 2..4 8... t kt. oe 4 00 
Hybrid and Damask Perpetuals..................-. 4 50 
Chinese Daily, or Everblooming...................... 2 50 to3 00 
* Chinese Tea (Everblooming).....................-5+-- 3 00 to 5.00 
100 Roses, comprising many classes, 2 or 3 of each variety, 18 00 
50 Roses, wr, 19 00