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ISSN 0892-0761 

Volume 24 


Number 2 


Catesbeicina is published twice a year by the Virginia Herpetological Society. 
Membership is open to all individuals interesled in the study of amphibians and 
reptiles and includes a subscription to Catesbeiana , two newsletters, and admission 
to all meetings. Annual dues for regular membership are $15.00 (see application 
form on last page for other membership categories). Payments received after 
September 1 of any given year will apply to membership for the following calendar 
year. Dues are payable to: Dr. Paul Sattler, VMS Secretary/Treasurer. Department 
of Biology, Liberty University, 1971 University Blvd., Lynchburg, VA 24502. 


Herpetological artwork is welcomed for publication in Catesbeiana. If the 
artwork has been published elsewhere, we will need to obtain copyright before it 
can be used in an issue. We need drawings and encourage members to send us 
anything appropriate, especially their own work. 


The principal function of Catesbeiana is to publish observations and original 
research about Virginia herpetology. Rarely will articles be reprinted in 
Catesbeiana after they have been published elsewhere. All correspondence relative 
to the suitability of manuscripts or other editorial matters should be directed to 
Dr. Steven M. Roble, Editor, Catesbeiana. Virginia Department of Conservation 
and Recreation, Division of Natural Heritage, 217 Governor Street. Richmond. VA 

Major Papers 

Manuscripts submitted for publication should be typewritten (double-spaced) 
on good quality 8'/2 by 11 inch paper, with adequate margins. Consult the style of 
articles in this issue for additional information, including the appropriate format for 
literature citations. The metric system should be used for reporting all types of 
measurement data. Computer diskettes (Word or WordPerfect format) are desired 
for longer papers. Submissions concerning the herpetofauna of selected areas, such 
as a park, city or county, should be prepared in article rather than field note format. 
Articles will be refereed by the editor and one or more qualified reviewers. All 
changes must be approved by the author before publication; therefore, manuscripts 
must be received by the editor before March 1 and September 1 to be considered 
for publication in the spring and fall issue, respectively, of Catesbeiana. Reprints 
of articles are not available, but authors may reprint their own articles to meet 
professional needs. 

(Editorial policy continued on inside back cover) 


Bulletin of the Virginia Herpetological Society 

Volume 24_Fall 2004_No. 2 


Herpetofaunal Biodiversity of the Rice Center for Environmental 
Life Sciences, Charles City County, Virginia 

Jason D. Gibson and Paul Saltier.47 

First Records of Four Anurans from Essex County, Virginia 

Connie Grimm.59 

Comments on the Northern Range Limit of Plethodon welleri Walker 
Steven M. Roble.64 

Field Notes.70 

President's Comer.80 

Minutes of the Spring 2004 VHS Meeting.82 

VHS Field Study Grants.85 

Treasurer's Report.86 

Fall 2004 Meeting Notice.87 

2004 Membership List.89 

Next Meeting 

October 2, 2004 
Virginia Living Museum 
Newport News, Virginia 
See page 87 for details 


CATES B El AN A 2004, 24(2) 

Cope's Gray Treefrog (Hyla chrysoscelis ) 
Drawing by Vincent Passaro 


Herpetofaunal Biodiversity of the Rice Center for 
Environmental Life Sciences, Charles City County, Virginia 

Jason D. Gibson 
Galileo Magnet High School 
Danville, Virginia 24541 

Paul Sattler 

Department of Biology 
Libeity University 
Lynchburg, Virginia 24502 


The third annual Virginia BioBlitz was held on 12-13 June 2004 at 
Virginia Commonwealth University’s Inger and Walter Rice Center for 
Environmental Life Sciences in Charles City County. This annual event is 
held to document the diversity of flora and fauna in a different region of 
Virginia. The BioBlitz is co-sponsored by many regional natural history 
societies, universities, and state game and conservation departments. The 
Rice Center is located approximately 25 km southeast of Richmond along 
the north side of the James River between the Shirley and Berkeley 
plantations, south of State Route 5. The property consists of 140 ha (343 
acres) of land and a 28 ha (70 acre) man-made lake named Lake Charles. 
The land component includes many varied habitats such as upland 
hardwood forest, vernal pools, ephemeral streams, an abandoned 
swimming pool, abandoned cabins and trailers, pine plantations, a tidal 
shoreline and stream, a freshwater stream, and open grassy areas. The 
tidal change of the James River at the Rice Center can be as much as one 
meter. The upland hardwood forests are characterized by white oak, 
southern red oak, black oak, tulip poplar, mockemul hickory, and 
sycamore. The subcanopy is dominated by American holly, sweet gum. 
and American beech. A tidal stream, Kimages Creek, was dammed at its 
mouth to create Lake Charles. The elevation of the Rice Center ranges 
from 1 m (3 ft) to nearly 14 m (45 ft) above sea level. The soils are well 
drained and composed of Coastal Plain sediments. A full review of 
cultural and ecological descriptions of the property can be found in the 
Rice Center Site Development Plan (Virginia Commonwealth University, 
2002 ). 

Catesbeiana 2004 , 24 ( 2 ): 47-58 47 

CATESBE1ANA 2004, 24(2) 

Study Sites 

The following sites were examined for amphibians and reptiles during the 
BioBlitz survey. Numbers refer to the areas indicated on Figure 1. 

Site 1: Bluffs overlooking finger-like eastern spur of Lake Charles, beech, 
pine and laurels predominating. 

Site 2: Hillsides east of Lake Charles, hardwood deciduous forest. 

Site 3: Earthen dam to Lake Charles, spillway and surrounding areas. 

Site 4: Shoreline of James River just west of Lake Charles. 

Site 5: Abandoned cement sw imming pool from former Camp Weyanoke, 
1-3 m deep with a substrate of mud and leaf litter. 

Site 6: Deciduous/pine forests around Rice Center buildings. 

Site 7: Flooded portion of soybean field west of Lake Charles. 

Site 8: Bluffs overlooking northwest end of Lake Charles. Many large 
trees were down as a result of Hurricane Isabel in the fall of 2003. 

Site 9: Kimages Creek and lowlands feeding the north end of Lake 

Site 10: Mixed deciduous and pine forest with vernal pools along the 
eastern border. 

Materials and Methods 

The 2004 BioBlitz survey was conducted over a 30-hr period that 
extended from 0900 h on 12 June until 1500 h on 13 June. One team of 19 
people (Jason Gibson/leader, Jennifer Ciminelli, David Dawson, Mark 
Gibson, Chris Hobson, Paul Leduc, Amy Martin, Paul Sattler. Janet 
Siddle, Rachel Smith, David and Wes Van Gelder. Susan Watson, John 
White family, Greg Woody, and Sarah Zuckoff) sampled the above-listed 
sites for amphibians and reptiles. Terrestrial species were sought by 
overturning rocks, logs, leaf litter, bark, trash piles, sphagnum moss mats, 
and by hand capturing animals that were visually encountered. 
Binoculars were used to view turtles basking on logs in Lake Charles. 
Male anurans were detected by listening for vocalizations during the day 
and at night. Digital recordings were made of notable species. Aquatic- 
species were captured by dipnetting, seining, and setting baited (sardines) 
turtle traps (5 hoop traps were set in various locations including the 
abandoned swimming pool 111. Lake Charles |2J, Kimages Creek 111, and 
the spillway of the dam at the south end of Lake Charles (IJ). Visual 


Fig. 1. Map of Rice Center property. 

Rice Center Herpetofauna 


CATESBE1ANA 2004, 24(2) 

identifications were made of all animals captured and were agreed upon 
by at least two members of the team. Each specimen found was recorded, 
photographed (if determined to be a county record or if it had an unusual 
injury), observed for unusual behavior, and inspected for mutations or 
injuries. Voucher specimens were taken to the Liberty University 
Museum of Natural History for proper preservation, documentation, and 


Fifty-three species of reptiles and amphibians are known to inhabit 
Charles City County (Mitchell and Reay, 1999). During this survey only 
29 species of reptiles and amphibians were found, including 13 species of 
amphibians (three salamanders and 10 anurans) and 16 species of reptiles 
(seven turtles, three lizards, and six snakes). Two observations of female 
nest attendance behavior in Eumeces fasciatus extend the recorded dates 
for this behavior in Virginia. An annotated checklist of the species found 
during the survey appears below. Numbers after the species names 
correspond to sampling sites listed above and shown on the map (Fig. 1). 

Annotated Checklist 


1. Ambystoma maculatum (Spotted salamander), 10 

Spotted salamander larvae were found in the remains of several drying 
vernal pools along Kimages Road bordering the eastern property line of 
the Rice Center. Ambystoma maculatum is probably common in the area 
and likely to be found earlier in the spring when the vernal pools are full 
and active. 

2. Notophthalmus viridescens viridescens (Red-spotted newt), 5, 9, 10 

The Red-spotted newt was found in moderate abundance throughout the 
property. Several adults were found in wetlands on the west side of Lake 
Charles, several efts were found in the woodlands along Kimages Road, 
and numerous larvae and a few adults were found in the swimming pool, 
which functioned like a vernal pool. 


Rice Center Herpetofauna 

3. Plethodon chlorobryonis (Atlantic coast slimy salamander), 8 

Despite extensive searching, only a single specimen (LUNHM 587) was 
uncovered under a log in the woodlands northwest of Lake Charles. 
There had been considerable rain within 24 hours of the survey, so the 
ground was not particularly dry. We would, therefore, classify Plethodon 
chlorobryonis as rare at this site. 

4. Acris crepitans crepitans (Eastern cricket frog), 3, 7, 8, 9 

The cricket frog was abundant at the Rice Center, being found in most of 
the suitable habitats. Adults were observed along the margins of streams 
and ponds. A small chorus of calling males was heard on the edge of a 
soybean field just west of the entrance driveway on the west side of Lake 

5. Bufo americanus (American toad), 2 

Two American toads were observed in the woodlands on the eastern side 
of Lake Charles. Because Fowler’s toad was much more abundant both 
here and elsewhere, it was obvious that Bufo americanus was in the 
minority at this site, and classified as scarce. 

6. Bufo fowleri (Fowler’s toad), 2, 7, 8, 10 

Fowler's toad was abundant over most terrestrial habitats at the Rice 
Center, including both the east and west sides of Lake Charles. Adults 
were abundant in the understory throughout the forested habitats. A small 
chorus was observed on the edge of a soybean field, calling along with 
Hyla chrysoscelis, Gastrophryne carolinensis , and Acris crepitans. 

7. Gastrophryne carolinensis (Eastern narrow-mouthed toad), 7 

A small chorus of about a half-dozen males was heard calling from a 
Hooded area at the edge of a soybean field. Most of the males were 
calling from grassy clumps at the edge of the water, but at least two were 
calling from a floating position in more open water. Two specimens were 
collected (LUNHM 576 & 577). 


CATESBEIANA 2004 , 24 ( 2 ) 

8. Hyla chrysoscelis (Cope’s gray treefrog), 3, 5, 7, 10 

Gray treefrogs were abundant throughout the Rice Center. Because of the 
recent rains and humid air, isolated males were heard calling in almost all 
forested habitats throughout the day. Sizable choruses were heard at night 
from the abandoned swimming pool, the shallows at the Lake Charles 
dam, and the flooded soybean field on the western side of the property. 
One male was found under the loose bark of a tree along Kimages Road. 

9. Hyla cinerea (Green treefrog), 3 

A chorus of green treefrogs was heard the evening of June 11 during a 
rainstorm, in the shallows at the Lake Charles dam. None were observed 
or heard at any time during the actual BioBlitz survey. 

10. Rana catesbeiana (American bullfrog), 4 

Bullfrogs must occur in Lake Charles, but they were not observed there 
on the few survey attempts by the herpetology group. A single adult was 
captured along with a black racer which was in the process of consuming 
it, from the west side of Lake Charles, the exact location not recorded. 

11. Rana clamitans melanota (Northern green frog), 2, 9 

Green frogs were not uncommon in the wetlands surrounding Lake 
Charles. Numerous individuals (five captures) were recorded from the 
lake's dam, and two males were heard calling from a pond-like habitat 
formed by Kimages Creek flowing into the lake from the north. 

12. Rana palustris (Pickerel frog), 5 

Pickerel frogs are probably more abundant in the area than recorded 
during the survey. Metamorphosing larvae were captured at the 
swimming pool in fair numbers (6-12). 


Rice Center Herpetofauna 

13. Rana sphenocephala (Southern leopard frog), 3, 9 

Leopard frogs probably occur throughout Lake Charles. They were 
observed at the large inlet on the western side of the lake, and from the 
pond-like wetland at the north end of the lake. 


14. Chelydra serpentina serpentina (Eastern snapping turtle), 5 

A large snapping turtle was observed by the BioBlitz fish survey team in 
the swimming pool to the west of Lake Charles. Chelydra serpentina 
must also occur in the lake itself, but we failed to capture any in our traps. 

15. Chrysemys picta picta (Eastern painted turtle), 9 

Painted turtles probably occur throughout Lake Charles, however we 
observed and trapped only one (LUNHM 587) from the pond-like habitat 
formed by Kimages Creek at the northern end of the lake. 

16. Kinosternon subrubrum subrubrum (Eastern mud turtle), 4 

The shell of an adult was found along the bluffs overlooking the James 
River just south of the camping area by the dam. No live mud turtles were 
captured or trapped during the survey. 

17. Pseudemys concinna (River cooter), 3 

One juvenile turtle tentatively identified as a river cooter was netted by 
hand thanks to the incredibly long reach of Dave Van Gelder from the 
outflow of the Lake Charles dam. Identification was confirmed by Chris 
Hobson (Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation). 

18. Sternotherus odoratus (Eastern musk turtle) 

The BioBlitz fish survey team brought in the shell from a dead musk 
turtle, presumably from Lake Charles. No live musk turtles were captured 
or trapped during the survey. 


CATES BE!AN A 2004, 24(2) 

19. Terrapene Carolina Carolina (Eastern box turtle), 8, 10 

Box turtles are rather common at the Rice Center. Adults were observed 
on both sides of Lake Charles. At least one road-killed specimen was 
observed on the private road leading west from the end of Kimages Road. 

20. Trachemys scripta elegans (Red-eared slider), 1 , 5 

Red-eared sliders have been introduced into Lake Charles at some time in 
the past. Several were observed from a distance in the eastern spur of the 
lake floating at the surface. A male (LUNHM 584) was captured in the 
swimming pool, where it must have fallen in and been unable to escape 
the vertical walls. Traps near the dam and on the western shore of Lake 
Charles also yielded adults (LUNHM 585). 

21. Eumecesfasciatus (Five-lined skink), 2 

Five-lined skinks were observed in the woods on the eastern shore of 
Lake Charles. A gravid female and two females, each with a nest of 9 
eggs, were also captured and identified. Scale analysis confirmed the 
identity of Eumeces fasciatus , rather than E. inexpectatus or E.laticeps. 
Mitchell (1994) reported that females attending nests have been 
documented in Virginia between 16 June and 26 July. This report of 12 
June extends the early date by four days. The observation of a gravid 
female from the same area as nesting females suggests that the nests were 
probably recent. 

22. Scincella lateralis (Little brown skink), 2, 3, 4, 6 

Little brown skinks were found at four sites at the Rice Center. Near the 
dam of Lake Charles, one adult was found under driftwood on the 
wooded shore of the James River. A second adult was reported from an 
abandoned house trailer in the woods on the western side of Lake Charles. 
The BioBlitz dragonfly survey team (led by Steve Roble) captured and 
photographed one adult near the camping area and also observed at least 
two others in the forested hillsides east of Lake Charles. 


Rice Center Herpetofauna 

23. Sceloporus undulatus (Northern fence swift), 4 

A single adult was observed just below the bluffs overlooking the James 
River on the western side of Lake Charles. 

24. Agkistrodon contortrix mokasen (Northern copperhead), 5 

A small (total length ca. 0.3 m) copperhead was observed crossing the 
road between a woodlot and a grassy meadow near the abandoned 
swimming pool. The specimen was captured and released farther from the 
heavily populated camping area. 

25. Carphophis amoenus amoenus (Eastern wormsnake), 2 

Although expected in larger numbers, only two adult wormsnakes were 
captured from under logs in a forested area east of Lake Charles. 

26. Coluber constrictor constrictor (Northern black racer), 2, 4 

Two black racers were recorded during the survey. One was captured 
while in the process of trying to consume a bullfrog (and would have 
done so if not interrupted) from the camping area near the dam. A second 
specimen was observed from the wooded area east of Lake Charles. 

27. Elaphe obsoleta obsoleta (Black ratsnake), 6 

Two black ratsnakes were observed inside abandoned house trailers in the 
woods opposite the Rice Center main buildings on the west side of Lake 

28. Nerodia sipedon sipedon (Northern watersnake), 3 

Several watersnakes were observed in the outflow spillway from Lake 
Charles at the dam. One was captured and identified as Nerodia sipedon :; 
it was an adult approaching one meter in total length. 


CATESBEIANA 2004 , 24 ( 2 ) 

29. Storeria dekayi dekayi (Northern brownsnake), 1 

One adult brownsnake was captured in the woods on the east side of Lake 
Charles. It was found in typical habitat under a log. 


Despite more than 30 hours of surveying with many varied collecting 
techniques, the scarcity of salamander species collected is quite puzzling. 
Conditions and habitat seemed optimal for salamanders. Rain occurred 
the night prior to the start of the survey. Of nine species known from the 
county, we only collected three. At least eight species of salamanders are 
found in surrounding counties but have not yet been documented in 
Charles City County (Table I). Future biological inventories of this area 
could greatly increase the known salamanders for this area. 

Ten of 15 species of anurans known from Charles City County were 
found during this survey. The species not collected breed in early spring. 
Future surveys of this area should focus on collecting during all seasons 
to fully document the anurans that inhabit this area. Mitchell and Reay 
(1999) documented seven additional species of anurans in counties that 
adjoin Charles City County (Table 1). 

All of the turtles known for this area with the exception of Kinostemon 
haurii and Clemmys guttata were recorded during the BioBlitz survey. 
Malaclemys terrapin likely inhabits the tidal waters of the James River 
but our sampling techniques did not allow for its capture. The literature 
on the status of Trachemys scripta in this county is confusing. Mitchell 
(1994) reported an introduced record of Trachemys scripta elegans from 
Charles City County but Mitchell & Reay (1999) did not report any of the 
various subspecies. Both of the voucher specimens collected during the 
BioBlitz were Trachemys scripta elegans. An important observation that 
may spawn future research interests in this area is that all of the turtles 
that were caught in Lake Charles exhibited some kind of shell injury or 
deformity. This may be a coincidence due to the low' numbers captured. 
Before the creation of Lake Charles, a tidal creek flowed in this area. 
With its proximity to Hopewell, it is possible that pollution trapped in the 
sediments might affect the development and health of turtles today. 


Rice Center Herpetofauna 

Three of five species of lizards and six of 17 species of snakes known 
from Charles City County were found during the BioBlitz. A cold weather 
front that arrived the night before the survey may have substantially 
decreased the number of active lizards and snakes. It was odd to not find 
common species like Diadophis punctatus and Heterodon platirhinos 
despite the proper habitats and large numbers of toads. Mitchell & Reay 
(1999) reported three species of lizards and seven species of snakes in 
surrounding counties that have not been documented for Charles City 
County (Table 1). 

Much work remains to be done at the Rice Center property and Charles 
City County. Future plans to make a world-class research facility at this 
site should allow this area to be one of the best-researched and known in 
Virginia. Fully documenting the biodiversity of the land surrounding the 
research facilities should be a top priority. Once a complete catalogue of 
species is known, many avenues of research can be undertaken by 
undergraduate and graduate students. Much remains to be learned about 
the reptiles and amphibians of Virginia. Potential research projects would 
include long-term phenological and reproductive success studies that can 
determine the health of the local ecosystem. Range extensions for many 
species may be found on this or surrounding properties. The Rice Center 
and Lake Charles could provide an important wildlife refuge if 
development in Virginia, and the Richmond area continues. In addition to 
taxonomic surveys such as this, basic quantitative studies on the soils and 
water quality should be conducted to establish baseline chemical levels 
for future comparisons. Other research could focus on long-term 
population monitoring, reproductive biology, physiology, home ranges, 
and development of new equipment or sampling techniques. 


We thank Steve Roble for editorial comments which improved this 


CATESBEIANA 2(X)4, 24(2) 

Literature Cited 

Mitchell, J. C. 1994. The Reptiles of Virginia. Smithsonian Institution 
Press, Washington, DC. 352 pp. 

Mitchell, J. C., and K. K. Reay. 1999. Atlas of Amphibians and Reptiles 
in Virginia. Special Publication Number 1, Virginia Department of Game 
and Inland Fisheries, Richmond, VA. 122 pp. 

Virginia Commonwealth University. 2002. Site Development Plan for the 
Inger and Walter Rice Center for Environmental Life Sciences. 36 pp. 

Table 1. List of reptiles and amphibians found in counties adjoining 
Charles City County but not yet recorded from that county. 



Am by stoma mabeei 

Malaclemys terrapin 

Amphiuma means 

Aspidoscelis (-Cnemidophorus) 
sexline at us 

Desmognathus auriculatus 

Eurycea guttolineata 

Eumeces laticeps 

PIethodon cyl indraceus 

Ophisaurus attenuatus 

Pseudotriton ruber 

Agkistrodon piscivorus 

Siren intermedia 

Elaphe guttata 

Stereochilius marginatus 

Farancia abacura 

Acris gryllus 

Farancia erytrogramma 

Bufo terrestris 

Regina septemvittata 

Bufo quercicus 

Hyla g ratios a 

Hyla squirella 

Hyla versicolor 

Pseud acris ocularis 


First Records of Four Anurans 
from Essex County, Virginia 

Connie Grimm 
4303 Cappahosic Road 
Gloucester, Virginia 23061 


Essex County is located in the upper Coastal Plain physiographic region 
of Virginia, approximately 160 km (LOO mi) south of Washington, D.C. 
and 72 km (45 mi) northeast of Richmond. The total land area of the 
county is 678 km', of which nearly two-thirds (63%) is forested and one- 
third (33.7%) is devoted to agriculture (Essex County website). 

Five frog species that represent new county records were found during the 
Essex County survey of the Virginia Frog and Toad Call Surveys 
(Grimm, 2004; this paper). These surveys are part of the North American 
Amphibian Monitoring Program (NAAMP). The Essex County survey 
route is situated in the southwestern part of the county, an area 
characterized by habitats such as swamps, small streams, farm ponds, and 
vernal pools. 

. Survey Sites 

Tappahannock is the closest town to the survey route. It is located along 
U.S. Route 17, about 11 km (6.7 mi) north of the intersection with County 
Route 607 (Upright Road). The site numbers below correspond to the 
sampling stations of the Essex County Frog and Toad Call Survey Route. 

White Marsh Swamp 

This site is on County Route 607, 1.4 km southwest of U.S. Route 17 (at 
Ozeana) and is a small finger of White Marsh Swamp. The area 
immediately surrounding the swamp is characterized by mixed hardwoods 
of sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua), silver maple (Acer saccharinum), 
white oak ( Quercus alba), and river birch ( Betula occidentalis ) plus an 
occasional loblolly pine ( Pimis taeda). 

Catesbeiana 2004 , 24 ( 2 ): 59-63 59 

CA TESBEIANA 2004 , 24 ( 2 ) 

Site 3 

Site 3 is on County Route 607, 1.3 km southwest from the White Marsh 
Swamp site. It is an area of flooded woods that partially dries during the 
late summer months. The surrounding woodlands consist of sweetgum. 
silver maple, willow oak (Quercus phellos), red oak ( Q . rubra), and post 
oak ( Q . stellata). 

Site 6 

Site 6 is a farm pond located 4.2 km southeast of the intersection of 
county routes 607 and 684 (Howerton Road). It is surrounded by 
agricultural fields and kept mowed to the edges. There are emergent water 
lilies (Nymphaea odoraia) on the side of the pond closest to the road. 

Site 8 

Site 8 is a farm pond undergoing succession along County Route 719, 1.3 
km southeast of the intersection with County Route 604. Emergent plants 
are cattail (Typha angustifolia ), pickerel weed (Pontederia cordata), and 
southern willow (Salix caroliniana). It is surrounded by a small band of 
trees consisting of sweetgum, yellow poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera ), and 
American sycamore (Platanus occidentals) trees. Outside the small band 
of trees are agricultural fields. 

Materials and Methods 

The data contained in this paper are from Virginia Frog and Toad Surveys 
conducted between 2 July 2003 and 16 June 2004. Anuran species were 
identified by vocalizations. Digital recordings from the White Marsh 
Swamp site will be deposited in the VHS archives to document the 
populations in Essex County. 


The four species discussed below are documented from Essex County for 
the first time. Previously, I reported Gastrophryne carolinensis as new for 
this county (Grimm, 2004). 


Essex County Anurans 

1. Acris crepitans crepitans (Eastern Cricket Frog) 

White Marsh Swamp, 6, 8 

Cricket frogs were heard at three of the four study sites. At 2128 h on 2 
July 2003 the temperature was 22.2° C and there was a slight drizzle 
* throughout the survey. At the White Marsh Swamp site a full chorus was 
heard (continuous and overlapping calls). A digital recording was made. 

, An hour later a full chorus also was heard at site 6. Full choruses were 
heard again at site 6 at 2215 h on 8 May 2004 (13.9°C; partly cloudy ) and 
at 2224 h on 16 June 2004 (25° C; slight drizzle). At 2248 h on the latter 
date, calls of individuals with some overlapping were heard at site 8. 

2. Hyla femoralis (Pine Woods Treefrog) 

White Marsh Swamp. 3 

Upon arrival at the White Marsh Swamp site on 2 July 2003, we 
immediately heard the Morse code calls of one Hyla femoralis in addition 
to many cricket frogs. A digital recording of this male was obtained. 1 
returned to this site Five nights later and made more recordings, but failed 
to obtain a photograph or voucher specimen. On that night I heard 
approximately six H. femoralis calling. Five near the edges of the swamp 
and one from high up in an emergent tree, indicating the presence of a 
small but perhaps viable breeding colony. Concurrently calling that night 
were a few Hyla chrysoscelis and several Rana clamitans melanota. On 
16 June 2004 at 2135 h (26° C; cloudy and overcast with a slight drizzle), 
individual calls of H. femoralis could be distinguished at the White Marsh 
Swamp site, but there was some overlapping of calls. When I reached site 
3 at 2147 h that same night, it became apparent that two males of H. 
femoralis were calling even though this species had not been heard there 
during the previous year’s surveys. 

. 3. Rana clamitans melanota (Northern Green Frog) 

White Marsh Swamp, 3, 6, 8 

Green frogs were present at all four study sites. Several males were heard 
at site 6 at 2222 h on 2 July 2003 (22.2° C; light drizzle). At 2252 h 
several individuals also were calling at site 8. On 7 July 2003 several 
calling green frogs were recorded at the White Marsh Swamp site along 
with Hyla femoralis. Several green frogs were heard on the night of 


CATES BE!AN A 2004, 24 (2) 

8 May 2004 (13.3° C; cloudy) at each of three sites: White Marsh Swamp, 
site 6, and site 8. At 2147 h on 16 June 2004, the temperature was 26.1° C 
and there was a slight drizzle falling during the survey. Several 
individuals were heard calling at site 3 with some overlapping of calls. 
Stops at sites 6 and 8 during the next hour revealed the presence of 
several calling males at both sites. 

4. Rana sphenocephala (Southern Leopard Frog) 

White Marsh Swamp, 6, 8 

Leopard frogs were heard at three of the four study sites. On 6 March 
2004 at 0956 h, the temperature was 8.9° C, the sky was partly cloudy, 
and there was a slight breeze. At the White Marsh Swamp site, I recorded 
the somewhat aberrant call of a Rana sphenocephla. It sounded like a 
deep rumbling hum with a barely discernible chuckling note 
accompanying only some of the calls. The call was identified by Steve 
Roble. Concurrently calling was a full chorus of Pseudacris crucifer. At 
2052 h the temperature at site 6 was 7.8° C and there were a few males 
calling. Several leopard frogs also were calling (some overlapping of 
calls) at site 8 at 2113 h( 10° C). 


Even though Acris crepitans crepitans , Rana clamitans melanota, and 
Rana sphenocephala are common frogs throughout eastern Virginia, 
Mitchell and Reay (1999) did not note any voucher specimens or records 
for Essex County. The lack of data for these frogs is probably due to 
sampling artifact from previous surveys because they appear to be 
abundant in this part of Virginia. 

Documentation of Hyla fernoralis in Essex County extends its known 
distribution slightly north and east of previous records in King and Queen 
County (Mitchell and Reay, 1999). When I First set up my survey route in 
the fall of 2001, the White Marsh Swamp site was dry. I found it dry 
again when I conducted a daytime inspection of the route on 15 July 
2002. I first discovered the presence of Hyla fernoralis in the White 
Marsh Swamp site on 2 July 2003 while running my Virginia Frog and 
Toad Call Survey Route with one of my students. The White Marsh 
Swamp site is not an official part of the survey but was a site that I had 


Essex County Anurans 

occasionally monitored. It would be interesting to monitor connected 
waterways in future years to determine if the frog has a more northern 

Literature Cited 

Essex County. Essex County, Virginia: A Community Profile. stat.htm 

Grimm, C. 2004. Field Notes: Gostrophryne carolinensis. Catesbeiana 24: 

Mitchell, J. C., and K. K. Reay. 1999. Atlas of Amphibians and Reptiles 
in Virginia. Special Publication Number 1, Virginia Department of Game 
and Inland Fisheries, Richmond, VA. 122 pp. 

Pine Woods Treefrog (Hyla femoral is) 
Drawing by Susan Home Watson 


Comments on the Northern Range Limit 
of Piet hod on welleri Walker 

Steven M. Roble 

Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation 
Division of Natural Heritage 
217 Governor Street 
Richmond, Virginia 23219 

Weller's salamander (Plethodon welleri ) is endemic to the higher 
elevations of the Appalachian Mountains, occupying a narrow range that 
is restricted to southwestern Virginia, northwestern North Carolina, and 
extreme northeastern Tennessee (Thurow, 1964; Highton, 1971; Conant 
and Collins, 1998; Petranka, 1998). The species is strongly associated 
with red spruce (Picea rubens ) and Fraser fir (Abies fraseri) forests above 
1500 m (ca. 5000 ft), but has been taken as low as 700 m (2300 ft) in 
Tennessee (Organ, I960; Thurow, 1963; Petranka, 1998). The range and 
habitat of the pygmy salamander (Desmognathus wrighti) in Virginia 
closely match those of Weller’s salamander (Pague, 1984). Both species 
are currently classified as Species of Special Concern by the Virginia 
Department of Game and Inland Fisheries (VDGLF) and P. welleri also is 
regarded as a Sensitive Species by the George Washington and Jefferson 
National Forests (F. Huber, pers. comm.). 

Walker (1934) first reported P. welleri from Virginia, documenting it on 
Whitetop (= While Top) Mountain. Hoffman and Kleinpeter (1948) 
subsequently found P. welleri (in greater abundance) on nearby Mount 
Rogers, the highest peak in the state. Organ (1960) conducted extensive 
life history and ecological studies of the P. welleri population in the 
Whitetop-Mount Rogers area and reported that this species occupies 
elevations ranging from 1341 m (4400 ft) to the summit of Mount Rogers 
(1746 m, or 5729 ft). His surveys of this species in that area have 
continued to the present day (J. Organ, pers. comm.). Pague (1984) 
provided the most recent detailed discussion of the range of P. welleri in 
Virginia, stating that this species is known only from the higher elevations 
of Whitetop Mountain, Mount Rogers, and Pine Mountain (a new record), 
all of which lie within the Mount Rogers National Recreation Area. The 
species accounts for P. welleri authored by Krakauer (1979), Tobey 
(1985), Pague and Mitchell (1987), and Pague (1991) provided little, if 
any, new information regarding the distribution of this species in Virginia. 

Catesbeiana 2004 , 24 ( 2 ): 64-69 64 

Plethodon welleri 

During the 1980s, Dr. James Organ (in litt.) discovered a population of 
P. welleri inhabiting the upper 76 m (250 ft) of Beech Mountain in 
Washington County (ca. 1.8 km W of Whitetop Mtn.), but failed to find it 
near the summit of Bluff Mountain in Grayson County. He also found this 
species in a beech (Fagits grandifolia ) forest on Pond Mountain in Ashe 
County, North Carolina, just below the Virginia state line (Fig. 1). 

The most recent publication concerning the distribution of P. welleri in 
Virginia is the herpetological atlas compiled by Mitchell and Reay 
(1999). These authors plotted a new record for P. welleri in extreme 
northwestern Smyth County (vicinity of Big Tumbling Creek Falls), a 
range extension of approximately 37-38 km (23-24 mi) NNW from both 
Whitetop Mountain and Mount Rogers, and a supposed new northern 
range limit for the species. The locality was plotted in the atlas as a 
“VDGIF collection permit report" rather than as a voucher specimen 
record. In my review (Roble, 1999) of the atlas, l suggested that this 
record was the single most significant new distributional record in the 
entire atlas. However, 1 noted a discrepancy between the plotted site and 
Hayters Gap (ca. 15 km to the west on Clinch Mountain along State Route 
80 at the Russell-Washington county line; a town by the same name 
occurs farther south in Washington County at a much lower elevation), 
the locality mentioned in the accompanying text for P. welleri. I also 
noted that Pinder and Greenlee’s (1999) summary of the Virginia 
Herpetological Society’s 1998 spring survey of the Clinch Mountain 
Wildlife Management Area (location corresponds to the new atlas dot for 
P. welleri) did not mention P. welleri (however, VHS members did not 
survey the higher elevations of this property, although others have JR. 
Highton, pers. comm.; R. Hoffman, pers. comm.|). 

Mitchell and Reay (1999) attributed the Hayters Gap record of P. welleri 
to Dr. Richard Highton, the leading authority on the genus Plethodon 
(e.g., Highton, 1971, 1995; Highton and Peabody, 2000; Highton et al., 
1989), thus lending much credibility to the record. He has sampled for 
Plethodon species in the Hayters Gap area, but disavowed any knowledge 
of the P. welleri record when I contacted him for details (R. Highton, 
pers. comm.). A subsequent inquiry of the VDGIF data management staff 
revealed that the record was actually reported by an out-of-state student 
under a VDGIF collection permit (K. Reay, pers. comm.). Apparently 
none of the 12 reported specimens of “ Plethodon welleri" found on 25 


CATESBEIANA 2004 , 24 ( 2 ) 

May 1997 was retained and the student subsequently retracted the 
identifications when queried about the report (K. Reay, pers. comm.). 

Unfortunately, this dubious record of P. welleri from “Hayters Gap" has 
already been perpetuated in the popular literature (Fergus, 2003). This 
example underscores the importance of collecting and preserving voucher 
specimens (and having experts verify their identification) when 
documenting significant range extensions or other important distributional 
records. It should also serve as a note of caution to natural resource 
agencies and managers to more carefully scrutinize unvouchered reports 
or sightings before entering such records into their computer databases. 
In the absence of future discoveries of P. welleri on the Clinch Mountain 
Wildlife Management Area, Hayters Gap, or elsewhere in Virginia, the 
distribution of this species in the state (and its northern range limit) 
should be regarded as confined to the higher elevations of the Whitetop- 
Mount Rogers region (Organ, 1960; Pague, 1984). 

Fig. 1. Distribution of Plethodon welleri in Virginia and adjacent North 
Carolina (other North Carolina and Tennessee localities are not shown; 
see Thurow, 1956, 1964; Highton, 1971). 


Plethodon welleri 


Karen Reay provided information regarding the VDGIF permit collection 
report of Plethodon welleri . I thank Drs. Richard Highton, Richard 
Hoffman, and James Organ for reviewing a draft of this manuscript 
(minus the map). Dr. Organ also kindly allowed me to include his 
previously unpublished records of P. welleri from Beech Mountain 
(Virginia) and Pond Mountain (North Carolina) in this paper. 

Literature Cited 

Conant, R., and J. T. Collins. 1998. A Field Guide to Reptiles and 
Amphibians. Eastern and Central North America. Third Edition, 
Expanded. Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, MA. 616 pp. 

Fergus, C. 2(X)3. Wildlife of Virginia and Maryland and Washington, 
D.C. Stackpole Books, Mechanicsburg, PA. 474 pp. 

Highton, R. 1971. Distributional interactions among eastern North 
American salamanders of the genus Plethodon. Pp. 139-188 in P. C. Holt, 
R. A. Paterson, and J. P. Hubbard (eds.). The Distributional History of the 
Biota of the Southern Appalachians. Part III: Vertebrates. Research 
Division Monograph 4, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State 
University, Blacksburg, VA. 

Highton, R. 1995. Speciation in eastern North American salamanders of 
the genus Plethodon. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 26: 

Highton, R., G. H. Malta, and L. R. Maxson. 1989. Biochemical evolution 
in the slimy salamanders of the Plethodon glutinosus complex in eastern 
United States. Illinois Biological Monographs 57: 1-153. 

Highton, R. and Peabody, R. 2000. Geographic protein variation and 
speciation in salamanders of the Plethodon jordani and Plethodon 
glutinosus complexes in the southern Appalachian Mountains with the 
description of four new species. Pp. 31-93 in R. C. Bruce, R. G. Jaeger, 
and L. D. Houck (eds.). The Biology of Plethodontid Salamanders. 
Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers. New York, NY. 


CA TESBEIANA 2(X)4, 24 (2) 

Hoffman, R. L., and H. L. Kleinpeter. 1948. A collection of salamanders 
from Mount Rogers, Virginia. Journal of the Washington Academy of 
Science 38: 106-108. 

Krakauer, T. 1979. Weller's salamander, Plethodon welleri. Pp. 386-387 
in D. W. Linzey (ed.). Proceedings of the Symposium on Endangered and 
Threatened Plants and Animals of Virginia. Center for Environmental 
Studies, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, 

Mitchell, J. C., and K. K. Reay. 1999. Atlas of Amphibians and Reptiles 
in Virginia. Special Publication Number 1, Virginia Department of Game 
and Inland Fisheries, Richmond, VA. 122 pp. 

Organ, J. A. 1960. Studies on the life history of the salamander, 
Plethodon welleri. Copeia 1960: 287-297. 

Pague, C. A. 1984. Notes on the local distribution of Desmognathus 
wrighti and Plethodon welleri in Virginia. Catesbeiana 4: 10-11. 

Pague, C. A. 1991. Weller's salamander, Plethodon welleri Walker. Pp. 
442-443 in K. Terwilliger (coordinator). Virginia's Endangered Species. 
McDonald and Woodward Publishing Co., Blacksburg, VA. 

Pague, C. A., and J. C. Mitchell. 1987. The status of amphibians in 
Virginia. Virginia Journal of Science 38: 304-318. 

Petranka, J. W. 1998. Salamanders of the United States and Canada. 
Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, DC. 587 pp. 

Pinder, M. J., and R. S. Greenlee. 1999. Reptile and amphibian survey of 
the Clinch Mountain Wildlife Management Area. Catesbeiana 19: 19-31. 

Roble, S. M. 1999. (Review of] Atlas of Amphibians and Reptiles in 
Virginia by Joseph C. Mitchell and Karen K. Reay. Banisteria 14: 49-54. 

Thurow, G. R. 1956. A new subspecies of Plethodon welleri , with notes 
on other members of the genus. American Midland Naturalist 55: 343- 


Plethodon welleri 

Thurow, G. R. 1963. Taxonomic and ecological notes on the salamander, 
Plethodon welleri. University of Kansas Science Bulletin 44: 87-108. 

Thurow, G. R. 1964. Plethodon welleri. Catalogue of American 
Amphibians and Reptiles 12.1-12.2. 

Tobey, F. J. 1985. Virginia's Amphibians and Reptiles, a Distributional 
Survey. Virginia Herpetological Society. Purcellville, VA. 114 pp. 

Walker, C. F. 1934. Plethodon welleri at White Top Mountain, Virginia. 
Copeia 1934: 190. 

Virginia Herpetological Atlases available on VHS Website 

Earlier this fall, VHS webmaster John White proposed to include the 
herpetological atlases of Tobey (1985) and Mitchell and Reay (1999) on 
the society’s website. The Tobey atlas has been out of print for many 
years and thus unavailable to most current members of the society until 
now. Permission was sought and granted to scan copies of both atlases 
and they are now available (as downloadable pdf files) on the VHS 
website: . Thanks to John White, Paul Sattler, 
Frank Tobey, Kathy Graham, and Lynda Richardson for their 
contributions to this important project. 


Tobey, F. J. 1985. Virginia’s Amphibians and Reptiles, A Distributional 
Survey. Virginia Herpetological Society, Purcellville, VA. 114 pp. 

Mitchell, J. C, and K. K. Reay. 1999. Atlas of Amphibians and Reptiles 
in Virginia. Special Publication Number 1, Virginia Department of Game 
and Inland Fisheries, Richmond, VA. 122 pp. 



Eumeces anthracinus (Coal Skink). VA: Franklin Co., ca. 1.5 km E jet. 
VA Rt. 116 and Co. Rt. 678. 27-28 June 2004. Jackie, Arielle, and Kali 

On 27 June 2004 at 1730 h, an adult coal skink was found in a field 
underneath a log at the base of an abandoned pile of firewood. The next 
day another individual was discovered approximately 9 m from the pile 
resting beneath a discarded piece of tin. Both observations were made on 
private land belonging to The Roanoke Rifle and Revolver Club. 
According to Mitchell (1994. The Reptiles of Virginia. Smithsonian 
Institution Press, Washington, DC. 352 pp.), Mitchell and Reay (1999. 
Atlas of Amphibians and Reptiles in Virginia Special Publication 
Number 1, Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries, 
Richmond, VA. 122 pp.), and Tobey (1985. Virginia’s Amphibians and 
Reptiles, A Distributional Survey. Virginia Herpetological Society, 
Purcellville, VA. 114 pp.), Eumeces anthracinus has not been previously 
recorded from Franklin County. Digital photographs were submitted to 
the VHS for archiving after confirmation by Steve Roble, Richard 
Hoffman, and Joe Mitchell. 


1550 Shannon Street 
Roanoke, Virginia 24014 

Eumeces anthracinus from Franklin County, Virginia. 
Catesbeiana 2004, 24(2): 70-79 70 

Field Notes 

Ileterodon platirhinos (Eastern Hognose Snake). VA: Campbell Co., 
Melrose, 37° 02.768” N, 79° 03.006” W. 6 June 2004. David L. Dawson. 

On 6 June 2004 at 1645 h, a gravid female eastern hognose snake was 
found beside the southern railroad tracks at an elevation of 126 m. The 
temperature was approximately 22° C. This section of track is an 
embankment bordered on the south by the Staunton (Roanoke) River 
which is about 17 m north of the tracks. The north side also has a vernal 
marsh and hardwood forest. The snake had a total length of approximately 
one meter and was of the black or melanistic form. She subsequently laid 
34 eggs in captivity. This specimen is the first record for Campbell 
County according to Mitchell (1994. The Reptiles of Virginia. 
Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, DC. 352 pp.), Mitchell and 
Reay (1999. Atlas of Amphibians and Reptiles in Virginia. Special 
Publication Number 1, Virginia Department of Game and Inland 
Fisheries, Richmond, VA. 122 pp.) and Linzey and Clifford (1981 11995 
printing]. Snakes of Virginia. The University Press of Virginia, 
Charlottesville, VA. 173 pp.). Digital photographs were submitted to the 
VHS for archiving. 


1184 Melrose Road 
Gladys, Virginia 24554 

Ijimpropeltis getula getula (Eastern Kingsnake). VA: Chesterfield Co., 
Virginia State University Campus, old greenhouse, south wing. 11 May 
2004. Jonathan D. Jeffreys; VA: Chesterfield Co., VA Rt. 10 at 
Appomattox River. 15 May 2004. Jonathan D. Jeffreys. 

On 11 May 2004 at approximately 0930 h, a female eastern kingsnake 
was found crawling across the concrete floor of the south wing of the old 
greenhouse on the Virginia State University (VSIJ) campus. This wing of 
the greenhouse is used by agricultural education personnel for cultivating 
various species of plants. Upon my approach, the specimen demonstrated 
nominal defense posturing while “rattling” its tail and releasing copious 
amounts of musk. Once captured, however, the specimen became quite 
docile and remained so throughout processing. Snout-vent length was 660 
mm, tail length was 100 mm, and the weight was 98.9 g. Air temperature 


CATESBElANA 2(X)4, 24(2) 

in the greenhouse was approximately 26° C. The specimen was released 
back into the undeveloped wooded area below the greenhouse on the 
VSU campus. Four days later I noted a second, much larger male 
specimen DOR on State Rt. 10, westbound, just after crossing the 
Hardaway Marks Bridge over the Appomattox River into Chesterfield 
County. These are the first documented records for this species in 
Chesterfield County (Mitchell, J. C. 1994. The Reptiles of Virginia. 
Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, DC. 352 pp.; Mitchell, J. C, 
and K. K. Reay. 1999. Atlas of Amphibians and Reptiles in Virginia. 
Special Publication Number 1, Virginia Department of Game and Inland 
Fisheries, Richmond, VA. 122 pp.). Photographs were obtained of both 
specimens and copies have been deposited in the VHS archives. 


P.O. Box 96 

Hopewell, Virginia 23860 

Opheodrys vernalis (Smooth Grecnsnake). VA: Bland Co., VA Rt. 52, 
330 m S junction Forest Road 282 [IJTM 0488332 4109822 (NAD83)]. 
27-29 August 2004. A. A. Roberts and J. D. Tickle. 

On 27 August 2004 at 1800 h, Jerry Tickle captured a smooth greensnake 
in a mowed yard on the south-facing crest of Brushy Mountain at 
approximately 885 m elevation. The yard is bounded on three sides by 
mixed forest and on the fourth by State Route 52. The snake was 
identified and photographed on 29 August by Amy Roberts. Its total 
length was 46 cm, with a nearly healed superficial injury about 1 cm long, 
located approximately 21 cm from the tip of the snout. 

This is the first verified record for smooth greensnakes from Bland 
County according to Mitchell (1994. The Reptiles of Virginia. 
Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, DC. 352 pp.) and Mitchell 
and Reay (1999. Atlas of Amphibians and Reptiles in Virginia. Special 
Publication Number I, Virginia Department of Game and Inland 
Fisheries, Richmond, VA. 122 pp.) and the westernmost known location 
for the species in Virginia. Tobey (1985. Virginia’s Amphibians and 
Reptiles, A Distributional Survey. Virginia Herpetological Society, 
Purcellville, VA. 114 pp.) plotted an unvouchered record from east of 


Field Notes 

Mechanicsburg in Bland County (Mitchell, op. cit). According to Green 
and Pauley (1987. Amphibians and Reptiles in West Virginia. University 
of Pittsburgh Press, Pittsburgh, PA. 241 pp.), the smooth greensnake 
occurs in Greenbrier, Raleigh, and Wyoming counties, among others. 
These three counties are separated from Bland County by one or more 
counties for which there are no vouchered records for this species. Digital 
photographs were submitted to the VHS for archiving. 


Route 1, Box 195 
Bland, Virginia 24315 


Department of Biology 
Virginia Tech 

Blacksburg, Virginia 24061 

Pseiidemys rubriventris (Northern Red-Bellied Cooter). VA: Prince 
George Co., VA Rt. 156, 1.1 km S jet. VA Rt. 10. 27 June 2004. 

Jonathan D. Jeffreys and Robert E. Jeffreys, IV. 

On 27 June 2004 at approximately 1715 h, a male northern red-bellied 
cooter was found lying on its dorsum in the northbound lane on State 
Route 156 (Jordan Point Road) approximately 1.1 km (0.7 mi) south of 
State Route 10 (James River Drive) in Prince George County. The 
specimen showed no external signs of trauma except for a slightly bent 
claw on its right, front third toe. Presumably the victim of highway traffic, 
the specimen demonstrated nominal offensive behaviors upon approach 
and capture. There is a narrow creek (Billy Creek) running east/west 
approximately 6 m north of this specimen's location. Billy Creek lies in 
heavy mixed hardwood and deciduous forest and empties into the James 
River east of Jordan Point. The specimen was found approximately 1.9 
km (1.2 mi) south of the James River at Jordan Point. Tobey (1985. 
Virginia's Amphibians and Reptiles, A Distributional Survey. Virginia 
Herpetological Society, Purcellville, VA. 114 pp.) plotted an unvouchered 
record from Jordan Point (Mitchell, J. C. 1994. The Reptiles of Virginia. 
Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, DC. 352 pp.). Although there 
is a record of P. rubriventris for the City of Hopewell (Mitchell, J. C., and 
K. K. Reay. 1999. Atlas of Amphibians and Reptiles in Virginia. Special 
Publication Number 1, Virginia Department of Game and Inland 
Fisheries, Richmond, VA. 122 pp.; Mitchell, op. cit.), this specimen 
documents its occurrence within the formal boundaries of Prince George 


CATESBEIANA 2004, 24(2) 

County. The specimen was photographed and released along the edge of 
Billy Creek. Color photographs have been deposited in the VHS archives. 

I thank Dr. Joe Mitchell for help in positively identifying this specimen. 


P.O. Box 96 

Hopewell, Virginia 23860 

Clemmys guttata (Spotted Turtle). VA: Cumberland Co., Appomattox 
River, ca. 1 km E (downstream) Co. Rt. 621. 30 June 2004. Stephen, 
Rob, and James Ritchie. 

On 30 June 2004, a mostly sunny day, my dad, brother, and I were 
canoeing the Appomattox River between Cumberland and Powhatan 
counties. At about 1330 h, I noticed movement on a fallen tree leaning 
into the river. Upon closer approach, I observed a turtle moving with 
peculiar deliberation towards the Cumberland County bank of the river. It 
walked down the log and onto the shore, and then attempted to climb the 
bank. To my surprise it never tried to dive into the river, which was fairly 
swift and deep at this point. We paddled over and I captured it. The turtle 
was a male Clemmys guttata that looked very aged. Mitchell (1994. The 
Reptiles of Virginia. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, DC. 352 
pp.) did not report the spotted turtle from Cumberland or Powhatan 
counties, but there is an unvouchered record for Amelia County to the 
southeast and several records for the eastern portion of Goochland County 
to the northeast. The Appomattox River is not typical habitat for spotted 
turtles, leaving open the possible interpretation that this specimen was 
either a release or escaped pet. Arguing against a release is the fact that 
the area was so isolated. If natural, this record would extend the western 
range by one county farther into the Piedmont. I believe the turtle was 
pursuing tadpoles which were abundant in vernal pools along the river. 
The turtle was released at its capture site. Digital photographs were 
submitted to the VHS for archiving. 


1011 Clementown Road 
Powhatan, Virginia 23139 


Field Notes 

Terrapene Carolina Carolina (Eastern Box Turtle). VA: Henrico Co., 
Richmond National Battlefield Park, Malvern Hill unit. 3.9 km SW 
Glendale (37° 24' 58.88” N, 77° 15’ 28.47" W). 12 June 2004. C. Todd 
George I. 

Kyphosis has been reported for several species of emydid turtles such as 
painted turtles ( Chrysemys picta ), snapping turtles ( Chelydra serpentina), 
and stinkpots ( Stemotherns odoratus) (Necker, W. L. 1940. Hump¬ 
backed turtles. Chicago Naturalist 3: 62; Nixon, C. W., and H. M. Smith. 
1949. The occurrence of kyphosis in turtles. Turtox News 27: 1-2) but not 
for the eastern box turtle (Ernst, C. H. et al. 1994. Turtles of the United 
States and Canada. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, DC. 578 
pp.; Mitchell, J. C. 1994. The Reptiles of Virginia. Smithsonian 
Institution Press, Washington, DC. 352 pp.; Dodd, C. K. 2001. North 
American Box Turtles, A Natural History. University of Oklahoma Press, 
Norman, OK. 231 pp.). An adult female T. Carolina (119.3 mm carapace 
length, 374 g) with moderate kyphosis was found in the Malvern Hill unit 
of the Richmond National Battlefield Park on 12 June 2004 in mixed 
hardwood and pine forest near a beaver-maintained pond. The anterior 
right pleural region of the carapace was elevated on the dorsal portion of 
the first and anterior part of the second pleural scutes (Fig. 1). No other 
part of the shell architecture was apparently affected. Despite the mild 
abnormality, this female has been able to grow steadily since birth, as 
evidenced by the many lines of arrested growth. Of 19 eastern box turtles 
documented for the Malvern Hill unit of the Richmond National 
Battlefield Park system, only this one individual exhibited any form of 
kyphosis or shell anomaly. The rarity of abnormalities in T. Carolina 
should inspire others to photograph, measure, and report all examples 
observed anywhere in its range. 


Department of Biology 
University of Richmond 
Richmond, Virginia 23173 


8720 Higgonbothom Place 
Richmond, Virginia 23229 


CATESBE1ANA 2004, 24(2) 

Fig. 1. Kyphotic Terrapene Carolina female from 
Henrico County, Virginia. Photo by Todd Georgel. 

Terrapene Carolina Carolina (Eastern Box Turtle) and Rana palustris 
(Pickerel Frog). VA: Henrico Co., Richmond National Battlefield Park, 
Malvern Hill unit. 3.7 km NW Granville (37° 24' 48.60" N, 77° 15’ 10.25" 
W). 21 May 2004. C. Todd Georgel. 

An adult female Terrapene Carolina (106.4 mm carapace length, 250 g) 
was observed feeding on an adult Rana palustris in mixed hardwoods 
adjacent to a stream on 21 May 2004 (Fig. I). The weather was cloudy 
with an air temperature of 27° C. The turtle had apparently eaten several 
pieces of the frog because only one rear leg remained intact and some of 
the internal organs were strewn under the remaining bones and attached 
flesh. The muscle masses of the rear limb remaining showed little 
decomposition, whereas some of the flesh on several of the bones looked 
like they had been exposed to the weather. It thus appears that the frog 
had died or was killed before being found by the turtle. Eastern box turtles 
are known to eat fresh meat and frogs on occasion (Mitchell, J. C. 1994. 
The Reptiles of Virginia. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, DC. 
352 pp.). Consumption of various vertebrate carrion, including 
amphibians (no specific species noted), has been reported by Ernst et al. 


Field Notes 

(1994. Turtles of the United States and Canada. Smithsonian Institution 
Press, Washington, DC. 578 pp.) and Dodd (2001. North American Box 
Turtles, A Natural History. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, OK. 
231 pp.). Consumption of the skin suggests that eastern box turtles are 
able to tolerate the toxins in pickerel frog skin glands. Pickerel frog skin 
contains toxic glandular secretions that are known to kill other species of 
frogs (Wright, A. H., and A. A. Wright. 1949. Handbook of Frogs and 
Toads of the United States and Canada. Cornell University Press, Ithaca, 
NY. 1,105 pp.). Such effects are known to occur when R. palustris is 
included in the same collecting container during transport (JCM, pers. 
obs.). In this observation, the frog’s skin gland toxins would likely still 
have been active for some time following death. Thus, it is of interest to 
know whether box turtles can detoxify the chemicals in this frog or 
tolerate their effects like those in the poisonous mushrooms that they are 
known to eat (Dodd, op. cit.). 


Department of Biology 
University of Richmond 
Richmond, Virginia 23173 

Fig. 1. Terrapene Carolina female consuming remains 
of an adult Rana palustris. Photo by Todd Georgel. 


8720 Higgonbothom Place 
Richmond, Virginia 23229 


CATESBE1ANA 2(X)4, 24(2) 

Trachemys scripta scripta (Yellow-bellied Slider). VA: Dinwiddie Co., 
Co. Rt. 608 (Johnson Road), 1.3 km (0.8 mi) S jet. Flank Road. 9 June 
2004. Jonathan D. Jeffreys. 

On 9 June 2004 at approximately 1120 h, a female yellow-bellied slider 
was found crossing Co. Rt. 608 (Johnson Road) and heading towards a 
heavily wooded area to the east. The wooded area is comprised of mixed 
pine and deciduous forest and lies opposite the road from a private 
condominium complex that contains a manmade pond. The turtle had 
possibly recently mated at this pond. Air temperature was approximately 
35° C. Weather was dry and approximately 20% overcast. The specimen 
was photographed and released at the site of capture. This specimen 
represents the first vouchered record for Trachemys scripta scripta from 
Dinwiddie County, although Roble et al. (2003. Records of amphibians 
and reptiles from Fort Pickett, Virginia. Catesbeiana 23: 35-60) reported a 
sight record from Twin Lakes in the Dinwiddie County portion of the Fort 
Pickett Military Reservation. Color photographs have been deposited in 
the VHS archives. 


P.O. Box 96 

Hopewell, Virginia 23860 

Rana palustris (Pickerel Frog). VA: King George Co., Caledon Natural 
Area. 14 July 2004. John M. Orr and Maria E. Orr. 

On 14 July 2004 at approximately 1130 h, a pickerel frog was observed 
beside a small stream along the Laurel Glen Trail in Caledon Natural 
Area. Many anurans, including other pickerel frogs, were seen on the 
trails that same day, especially around the boardwalk on the Laurel Glen 
Trail. Air temperature and humidity were high, and a thunderstorm moved 
through the county that afternoon. 

This is the first vouchered record of Rana palustris from King George 
County although Hill and Pierson (1986. The herpetofauna of Caledon 
State Park, Virginia. Catesbeiana 6: 11-17) reported observing this 
species at Jones Pond in Caledon State Park (= Caledon Natural Area). 
The pickerel frog was not found during a survey of the nearby Naval 


Field Notes 

Surface Warfare Center (Buhlmann, K. A., and J. C. Mitchell. 1997. 
Ecological notes on the amphibians and reptiles of the Naval Surface 
Warfare Center, Dahlgren Laboratory, King George County, Virginia. 
Banisteria 9: 45-50). It is also not recorded for King George County by 
Mitchell and Reay (1999. Atlas of Amphibians and Reptiles in Virginia. 
Special Publication Number 1, Virginia Department of Game and Inland 
Fisheries, Richmond VA. 122 pp.) or Tobey (1985. Virginia’s 
Amphibians and Reptiles, A Distributional Survey. Virginia 
Herpetological Society, Purcellville, VA. 114 pp.). A digital photograph 
has been submitted to the VHS for archiving. 


4030 N. Washington Boulevard #3 
Arlington, Virginia 22201 

Gastrophryne Caroline nsis (Eastern Narrow-mouthed Toad). VA: 

Sussex Co., VA Rt. 35, 10678 Jerusalem Plank Road. 12 June 2003. 
Jonathan D. Jeffreys and Christian A. d’Orgeix. 

On 12 June 2003 at approximately 2137 h, and during intermittent light 
rainfall, a female eastern narrow-mouthed toad was found motionless in a 
water puddle on a dirt access road adjacent to a newly planted peanut 
Field and deciduous forest. Surrounding substrate was sandy soil. Air 
temperature was approximately 26° C and the water temperature in the 
puddle was approximately 25° C. This is the first documented record for 
this species in Sussex County (Mitchell, J.C., and K.K. Reay. 1999. Atlas 
of Amphibians and Reptiles in Virginia. Special Publication Number 1, 
Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries, Richmond, VA. 122 
pp.). The specimen was released at the site of capture. A color photograph 
has been deposited in the VHS archives. 


P.O. Box 96 

Hopewell, Virginia 23860 


President's Corner 

We are looking forward to a great VHS Fall Meeting on October 2 nd at the 
newly remodeled and fantastic Virginia Living Museum in Newport 
News. Our Vice President Kory Steele is coordinating the Educator's 
Workshop, the VLM tour, and overall facilities for the meeting. Kory can 
be contacted at I'll be coordinating 
lunch, the VHS business meeting, and the afternoon presentations. Please 
contact me at if you have suggested agenda items for the 
fall business meeting or other questions concerning the October 2 nd 
events. Barring one of our weekly hurricane remnants migrating through 
the state, we hope to have a great turnout of VHS members and science 

At our fall business meetings, an annual topic for discussion and decision 
is the location and timing for the following Spring Meeting and Survey. 
We have a good offer on the table for 2005 (details at the meeting), but 
other proposals are welcome, both for the coming spring and beyond. If 
you have a grand idea for our spring gathering, please do a little 
homework to help the decision-making process. Selection considerations 

1. Is the county/region in need of herp survey? 

2. What are the “featured species” and when is the best seasonal 
time to do the survey? 

3. Are accessible and desirable survey location(s) available? 

4. Is there an adequate meeting and headquarters site? 

5. Are lodging/camping facilities available nearby? 

We had a productive spring business meeting and an interesting herp 
survey in Halifax County on May 21-23. Thanks go to VHS members 
Mike Hayslett and Jerry Craig for their work in planning, scouting, and 
coordinating the survey at “The Cove”. Thanks also to all of those who 
participated in the survey and to the Ward Burton Wildlife Foundation for 
inviting us to their wonderful refuge. Twenty-four herp species were 
recorded - four salamanders (1 county record), eight anurans (2), three 
turtles (1), three lizards, and six snakes (1). Mike and Jerry will publish 
the complete findings in an upcoming issue of Catesbeiana. We also 
made fairly extensive use of GPS receivers in combination with electronic 
topographic mapping programs. 


President's Comer 

Another agenda item for the upcoming business meeting is the report 
from the VHS Publications Committee. Jason Gibson, our immediate 
past-president, is chairman. The committee has been conducting a review 
of several publication-related issues, with recommendations to be brought 
forward to the Society. Issues relating to the VHS archives (locations, 
storage technologies, etc.) and to vouchering standards are on the 
committee’s agenda. Suggestions related to Catesbeiana , the VHS 
Newsletter, and to the VHS website are also under review. Contact Jason 
at to provide your input. 

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank our publications people for their 
outstanding and dedicated work on behalf of the Society: Catesbeiana 
editor Steve Roble, VHS webmaster John White, and VHS Newsletter 
editor Shelly Miller (along with her temporary substitute Susan Watson). 
The reason that Shelly has a substitute editor is that she gave birth to a 
baby girl during the VHS spring survey weekend, although fortunately in 
a hospital instead of at “The Cove”. Congratulations Shelly and Dean! 

Mike Clifford [mjc4h@vt.eduJ 
VHS President 


Membership in the VHS is on a calendar year basis (expires annually on 
December 31). Please consider renewing your membership for 2005 now 
(or at least before January 1) to save our treasurer the time and expense 
needed to mail you a renewal notice. See the last page of this bulletin for 
the membership application/renewal form. Save postage by paying your 
dues at the Fall Meeting if you are planning to attend this exciting event. 

If you would like to start receiving the VHS Newsletter via email rather 
than as a printed copy, please contact Shelly Miller at Also, if you already receive the 
newsletter via email but your address has changed, please provide your 
new address to Shelly. Please send any appropriate materials for inclusion 
in the newsletter to Shelly Miller, Virginia Herpetological Society, I7CX) 
Blakemore Road, Richmond, VA 23225, or via email to the address 
above. Many members were notified via email that the July 2004 
newsletter was available on-line (for the first time) at the VHS website. 


Minutes of VMS Meeting 

May 21,2004 

Staunton River State Park/ 

Ward Burton Wildlife Foundation 

Mike Clifford opened the meeting at 7:05 PM at Staunton River State 
Park with 24 members and guests in attendance. After everyone 
introduced themselves, Mike brought up the suggestion that future 
meetings should include some type of preregistration to determine at least 
how many members might be expected at any meeting. The various 
Reports were then requested. 

Paul Sattler gave the Secretary/Treasurer’s Report. The minutes of the 
Fall 2003 meeting were published in Catesbeiana 24(1). The Treasurer’s 
Report as of April 2004 was also published in Catesbeiana 24(1). After 
payment of costs for Catesbeiana 24(1) and a few incidental costs for the 
Spring meeting such as pavilion rental and the collection permit, the 
checking account currently has a balance of approximately $6,000. The 
treasury is in good standing. 

Jason Gibson gave a brief Report for the new Publications Committee. 
He reported that the committee would soon visit the Virginia Museum of 
Natural History to determine the condition of the herpetological collection 
and the VHS archives. The Committee will also ask similar organizations 
what they do with their archives. There was considerable discussion as to 
where a complete set of the VHS publications could be housed. The 
Committee will look into whether an accessible library can be identified 
to commit to housing and maintaining these publications. 

Steve Roble gave the Catesbeiana Report. In response to previous 
concerns over the difficulty of producing lead articles, the two major 
articles needed each year could be provided by the results of the VHS 
Spring Survey and the BioBlitz results, provided the BioBlitz continues 
into the future. Steve mentioned that he is in need of new artwork. He 
would like to produce a 25-year index for Catesbeiana with members of 
the Publications Committee. The amount of effort needed to produce the 
index would depend on the level of detail included in it. 

Susan Watson gave the Newsletter Report for Shelly Miller, who was 
giving birth to a new daughter. Best wishes were passed on to Shelly's 
family. Susan will be doing the next newsletter, which is due out in July. 


Spring Meeting Minutes 

John White sent in a written Website Report because he could not attend 
the meeting. Mike Clifford mentioned that the Site must be generating 
considerable interest, judging from the number of emails he is receiving. 
John is working on a new section for herp identification, focusing on how 
to differentiate easily confused species. Kory Steele volunteered to help 
answer questions of herp identification. John was asking for donations for 
the few species for which the website still lacks pictures. 

A list of species for which the website lacks a photo of the adult includes: 
Pseudacris brachyphona, Pseudcicris brimleyi, Pseudacris feriarum 
kalmi, Aneides aeneus, Desmognathus auriculatus, Desmognathus 
marmoratus, Desmognathus orestes, Desmognathus welteri, Gyrinophilus 
porphyriticus danielsi, Necturus maculosus, Necturus punctatus, 
Plethodon chlorobryonis, Plethodon kentucki, Plethodon punctatus, 
Plethodon shenandoah, Plethodon ventralis, Plethodon wehrlei. 
Pseudotriton montamis diasticus. Pseudotriton ruber nitidus, Siren 
intermedia, Eumeces inexpectatus, Farancia abacura, Farancia 
erytrogramma, Regina rigida, Virginia valeriae pulchra, Dennochelys 
coriacea, Eretmochelys imbricata, Graptemys geographica, Lepidochelys 
kenipi, Stemotherus minor peltifer, Trachemys scripta scripta, and 
Trachemys scripta troosti. 

John asked for permission to place additional Catesbeiana articles on the 
website. The Publications Committee was asked to make a 
recommendation on how soon after publication articles should be posted. 
There is a contlict between wanting the most recent information on the 
websn- and this being a deterrent for individuals paying dues to receive 
the same information. John asked the VHS to consider renewing the 
sponsorship of the rattlesnake exhibit at the Luray Zoo. It was moved, 
seconded, and approved to donate $100 to continue this sponsorship for 
another two years. John also asked if nature centers could be given a free 
membership, perhaps for a short time period, to work on increasing VHS 
visibility and future membership. There was considerable discussion over 
how many nature centers there are, how broadly to define the term, and 
how much it would cost. The Education Committee was asked to review 
the concept, develop a list of nature centers and related facilities, and 
bring a recommendation to a future meeting. The Education Committee 
lacked a Chair. Mike Hayslett was nominated and accepted the lead role 


CA TESBEIANA 2(X)4, 24 (2) 

for the committee. He will begin developing a list of nature centers and 
related facilities. 

The office of Vice President (currently Kory Steele) was given the Chair 
of the Fall Meeting Committee. Kory will begin pulling together a list of 
presentations, and will coordinate the facilities and the teacher workshop 
for the Fall 2004 Meeting. 

Mike Clifford said that he had come across references to a Membership 
Committee in past minutes, but could find no recent mention. Jerry Craig 
said that in all of the other organizations he was associated with, the Vice 
President always headed up the Membership Committee. Kory Steele 
agreed to accept this responsibility. 

New Business: 

The VHS had received a request to place an advertisement in one or more 
of our publications. The Executive Committee had discussed the issue of 
paid advertisements and was not in favor of it, but wanted it discussed by 
lhe membership. After a brief discussion, it was moved, seconded, and 
voted to not accept any form of advertisement in any of the VHS 

Mike Clifford raised the question as to who would write up the results of 
the Spring 2004 Survey. It was suggested that the first opportunity go to 
the individual(s) who coordinated each survey, in this case Mike Hayslett. 
and Jerry Craig. Mike and Jerry accepted the offer and will work on the 
draft for Catesbeiana . 

The Fall 2004 Meeting site was the next agenda item. The Virginia Living 
Museum in Newport News was suggested. Kory Steele said they had 
good facilities and have a staff that is accustomed to giving educational 
presentations. Kory was asked to look into obtaining materials for the 
auction/raffle; it was mentioned that the SSAR would usually donate 
some books if the President of the VHS signed the request. It was asked 
whether the workshop was advertised to a wider audience than just 
teachers, and the answer was given that it was. Kory was also asked to 
look into the possibility of having a lunch provided on-site so that officers 
and presenters would not have to find time to leave the facility. Mike 


Spring Meeting Minutes 

Hayslett offered to do a snake presentation oriented towards youth. It was 
suggested that the sponsors/hosts begin to keep a list of responsibilities or 
duties that they could pass on to future hosts to save them the trouble later 


The 2004 BioBlitz was announced for the VCU Rice Center at Lake 
Charles during the weekend of June I2 lh . There is information available 
on the VHS website concerning the location and details. One or more 
sites on the Potomac River are likely to be used for the 2005 BioBlitz. 

The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 PM for a break before Jason Gibson 
gave a slide presentation on the herps likely to be found at the Ward 
Burton Wildlife Foundation at “The Cove". 

Paul Sattler 

VHS Secretary/Treasurer 

Guidelines for VHS Field-Study Grants 

The purpose of Field-study Grants from the Virginia Herpetological 
Society is to stimulate and encourage herpetological research in Virginia. 
These Grants will be in variable amounts up to $200.00 and are available 
to VHS members who do not have access to other sources of funding, 
such as institutions of higher learning and government grants. 

Grant requests should include a description of the proposed research, or in 
the case of surveys the extent of the geographic area to be surveyed, and 
the methods which are to be used. A rough budget would be helpful. A 
brief justification of the importance of the work in contributing to the 
knowledge of Virginia's herpetofauna, citing standard works (e.g., 
Mitchell, J. C. 1994. The Reptiles of Virginia. Smithsonian Institution 
Press, Washington, DC. 352 pp.; Mitchell, J. C. and K. K. Reay. 1999. 
Atlas of Amphibians and Reptiles in Virginia. Special Publication No. I, 
Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries, Richmond, VA. 122 
pp.; and Tobey, F. J. 1985. Virginia's Amphibians and Reptiles, A 
Distributional Survey. Virginia Herpetological Society, Purcellville, VA. 
114 pp.) should be included. The results of all funded surveys must be 
submitted in manuscript form for publication in Cate she i ana. 


CATESBE1ANA 2004 , 24 ( 2 ) 

Grant requests will be received by the current President until March 15 of 
each year. The President will then send copies to Executive Committee 
members by the end of March, and a Committee vote will be scheduled 
sometime during the annual Spring meeting. The Executive Committee 
will first determine that funds are available, and then that the Grant 
request is worthy of funding. A majority ruling is required for both votes. 
When a grant is approved, the Secretary/Treasurer will so inform the 
recipient, send a check for the amount determined by the Committee, and 
inform the recipient of the requirement to publish the results in 

Virginia Herpetological Society 
Treasurer’s Report 
September 2004 

Previous Checking Balance April 2004 



May Dues 
June Dues 
July Dues 

$ 80.00 
$ 45.00 
$ 95.00 

August Dues 

Total Receipts 



Catesbeiana 24( 1) 

Spring Meeting Costs 

Spring Meeting Collection Permit 

Luray Zoo Sponsorship 

Scanning costs for Tobey atlas 

Scanning costs for Mitchell and Reay atlas 

July 2004 Newsletter 

$ 47.03 
$ 40.00 
$ 64.74 
$ 86.30 

Total Disbursements 


Balance on Hand September 2004 


Paul Sattler 

VHS Secretary/Treasurer 



The VHS will hold its fall meeting on Saturday, October 2, 2004 at the 
Virginia Living Museum in Newport News. The meeting will include a 
teacher workshop, business meeting, paper session, silent auction, and 
photo contest. Please bring any books, posters, or other items related to 
herpetology that you would like to donate to the silent auction. Also bring 
your best hcrp-related photo. Presentations will include a radio telemetry 
study of eastern cottonmouths, reptiles and amphibians of the U.S. Army 
Transportation Center, DGLF’s Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation 
Strategy, and an update concerning the Virginia Fish and Wildlife 
Information Service (VAFWIS). 

Mike Clifford, Bonnie Keller, Amy Martin, and Mike Hayslett will 
conduct this year’s teacher workshop. During this four-hour workshop, 
teachers will have the opportunity to learn what amphibians and reptiles 
live in Virginia, reptile and amphibian identification, captive care and 
handling of these animals, and obtain an introduction to the online 
database of the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries. Area 
teachers have already been contacted about this workshop. For more 
information about the workshop contact VHS Vice President Kory Steele 
at kory. steele @ valivingmuseum. org. 

Important : Only teachers registered for the workshop and VHS 
members attending the meeting will be admitted to the museum free of 
charge. Other family members and all quests must pay the applicahle 
museum admission fee unless you have a family membership to the 
VHS. The admission fee is $11.00 for adults and $8.(X) for children (ages 

Meeting Schedule 

8:00 am - 12:00 noon 
12:00 noon 
1:00 pm 
2:00 pm 

3:30 pm 

Educational workshop for teachers 
Lunch (sandwiches, etc.) 

Business meeting 

Paper Sessions 

Silent auction 

Photo contest winners 

Tour of Virginia Living Museum 


CATESBElANA 2004, 24 (2) 

VHS Business Meeting 

Agenda items include: 

- selection of the Spring Meeting/Survey location and date 

- Publications Committee report, discussion, and possible decisions 

- other Committee reports ( Catesbeiana , Newsletter, website, etc.) 

Directions to Virginia Living Museum 

From Williamsburg take 1-64 east to exit 258-A. 

From Norfolk or Virginia Beach take 1-64 west to exit 258-A. 

Take Route 17/J. Clyde Morris Boulevard for about 2 miles. 

Continue straight on J. Clyde Morris Blvd. crossing Jefferson Avenue (Rt. 
143). Turn left at the next traffic light. Fire station is on the right. 

Virginia Living Museum 

524 J. Clyde Morris Blvd. (757) 595-1900 

Newport News, VA 23601 httr>:// 



I wish to _initiate_renew membership in the Virginia 

Herpetological Society for the year_2004_2005_2006. 

Name _ 

email address: 


Dues Category: _Regular ($ 15.00) 

_Family ($20.00) 

_Under 18 ($8.00) 

_Life ($225.00) 

Interests: _Amphibians _Reptiles 

_Distribution _Research 

_Captive Husbandry 



Make checks payable to the Virginia Herpetological Society and send to: 
Dr. Paul Sattler, VHS Secretary/Treasurer, Department of Biology, 
Liberty University, 1971 University Blvd., Lynchburg, VA 24502 

Visit the VHS web site at: 

Field Notes 

The field notes section of Catesbeiana provides a means for publishing 
natural history information on Virginia’s amphibians and reptiles that does not lend 
itself to full-length articles. Observations on geographic distribution, ecology, 
reproduction, phenology, behavior, and other topics are welcomed. Field Notes 
will usually concern a single species. The format of the reports is: scientific name 
(followed by common name in parentheses), state abbreviation (VA), county and 
location, date(s) of observation, observer(s), data, and observations. The name(s) 
and address(es) of the author(s) should appear one line below the report. Consult 
the editor if your information does not readily fit this format. All field notes must 
include a brief statement explaining the significance of the record (e g., new 
county record) or observation (e.g., unusual or rarely observed behavior, 
extremely early or late seasonal record, abnormal coloration, etc.). Submissions 
that fail to include this information are subject to rejection. Relevant literature 
should be cited in the body of the text (see Field Notes in this issue for proper 
format). All submissions will be reviewed by the editor (and one other person if 
deemed necessary) and revised as needed pending consultation with the author(s). 

If the field note contains information on a new county (or state) record, 
verification is required in the form of a voucher specimen deposited in a 
permanent museum (e.g.. Virginia Museum of Natural History) or a photograph 
(print, slide, or digital image) or recording (cassette tape or digital recording of 
anuran calls) deposited in the archives of the Virginia Herpetologiea! Society. 
Photographs and recordings should be sent to the editor for verification and 
archiving purposes; the identity of voucher specimens must be confirmed by a 
museum curator or other qualified person. Include the specimen number if it has 
been catalogued. Prospective authors of distribution reports should consult Mitchell 
and Reay (1999. Atlas of Amphibians and Reptiles in Virginia), Mitchell (1994. 
The Reptiles of Virginia), and Tobey (1985. Virginia's Amphibians and Reptiles: A 
Distributional Survey) [both atlases are available on-line on the VIIS website| 
as well as other recent literature to determine if they may have a new county record. 
New distribution records from large cities that formerly constituted counties 
(Chesapeake, Hampton, Newport News, Suffolk, and Virginia Reach) arc 
acceptable, but records from smaller cities located within the boundaries of an 
adjoining county will only be published if the species has not been recorded from 
that county. Species identification for observational records (e.g., behavior) should 
be verified by a second person whenever possible. 


High contrast photographs (prints, slides, or digital images) of amphibians 
and reptiles will be considered for publication if they are of good quality and are 
relevant to an accompanying article or field note. Prints should be on glossy paper 
and no larger than 5x7 inches. Published photographs will be deposited in the 
archives of the Virginia Herpetological Society.