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THE  l^^dl 

antie  cer- 

Ronald  Nelson,  editor 

Richard  S.  Johnson,  business  manager 

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ORTH        CARO 



I'rrsiiit'iit  of  the  University 

In  the  Held  of  college  yearbooks  there  is  an  unwritten  law  eonccrning  Dedications.  It 
advises  that  an  annual  ne\er  be  dedicated  to  a  new  president  until  he  has  had  tune  to  pro\-e 
hiniselt.  In  its  last  two  issues,  the  ("ii antici  i  i  u  has  respected  this  custom.  .And  this  19.^2 
edition  is  no  exception. 

Dr.  .A.  I  lollis  Edens  came  to  Duke  toward  the  end  of  the  I94S-49  academic  year,  at  a  time 
when  he  was  vitall\'  needed.  He  came  to  us  at  the  mid-point  of  his  career — a  career  marked 
by  success  and  characterized  by  a  meteoric  rise  from  the  obscurit)-  of  the  Tennessee  moun- 
tains, through  various  positions  in  i'.mory  Uni\ersity  and  the  L'niversit\'  System  of  (ieorgia, 
to  a  high  place  in  the  educational  circles  of  the  South  and  the  nation. 

His  first  two  years  as  President  of  Duke  were  spent  largeh'  in  putting  over  the  top  the 
Universit\'  Development  Oampaign,  which  .sought  SS, 650,000  for  ■"Brains,  Books  then 
Bricks."  At  the  same  tune  he  was  orientatnig  hunselt  in  his  new   job  and  making  new   friends. 

Since  the  successful  completion  of  this  huge  drive.  Dr.  Idens  has  this  year  turned  his  full 
artenrions  to  the  pursuit  of  his  primary  interest,  w  hich  "has  alwaxs  been  with  the  students 
and  their  tacult),  "  and  of  his  desire  "to  know   as  main'  of  them  pcrsonalK'  as  possil)le." 

Wc  dedicate  this  \9'>1  (jiamkii  lu  to  President  Edens  in  recognition  of  all  that  he  has 
done  and  w  ill  continue  to  do  in  the  best  interests  of  the  Univcrsit\ .  But  more  than  that,  we 
dedicate  it  to  hiin  with  rhe  know  kdue  that  he  is  indeed  a  F^resideiit  tor  and  of  the  students. 


\\  irhout  an)'  desire  to  pat  ourselves  on  the  back,  nor  an\'  danger  of  sutiering  from  swelled 
heads,  we,  the  staff  of  this  1952  Chanticleer,  feel  that  \-ou,  the  rest  ot  students,  have  taken 
more  interest  in  this  book  this  year  than  in  the  past.  We  do  not  suffer  from  the  delusion  that 
your  attitude  is  one  of  eager  anticipation,  but  that  it  is  rather  one  of  curiosity.  You  have  seen 
us  running  around  taking  pictures  ot  you,  compiling  information  about  you,  and  generally 
getting  the  lowdown  on  \ou,  for  more  than  one  semester.  With  some  of  the  things  we  have 
done  \\  ith  you  and  to  you,  \'ou  shared  little  sxnipathy.  But  in  general  \ou  have  gone  along 
with  us,  either  out  of  bhnd  faith,  or  more  probably  because  there  wasn't  anything  else  \ou 
could  do.  But  these  changes  that  have  aroused  >'our  curiosity  during  the  year,  and  the  many 
others  of  which  \ou  are  just  now  learning — these  changes  have  been  brought  about  for  a 
very  definite  purpose. 

We  feel  that  the  Chanticleer  should  tell  a  story — a  story  of  you  and  of  Duke  during  one 
year.  There  are  many  ways  of  going  about  this,  but  few  of  them  would  result  in  anything 
but  a  mere  pictorial  directory.  We  therefore  approached  the  problem  with  the  idea  of  setting 
up  a  relationship  between  the  school  and  its  students,  between  the  place  and  the  people, 
between  Duke  and  }'ou.  This  we 
continued  throughout  every  phase 
of  campus  life,  attempting  alwa\'s 
to  show  just  what  you  did  and 
where  you  did  it. 

We  want  this  1952  Chanticleer 
to  be  a  book  that  you  will  read 
and  look  at  from  cover  to  cover, 
not  merely  refer  to  from  time  to 
time.  We  want  you  to  read  it 
from  page  one,  and  what's  more 
important,  we  want  you  to  enjoy 
it,  because  it  is  completely  and 
wholeheartedK'  for  and  about  \ou. 


Catile  of 

glbminigtration  Puilbings 

Administration  and  l.ast  Duke 

West  Administration 
F.ast  Administration 
Woman's  K.A.C. 
Woman's  (>lcc  ("luh 

TLibtval  ^vti  JSuilbingsf 

Astiur\',  C'arr.  Divinity,  Gray,  and  Social  Science 

Student  and  Faculty  Life 

Kappa  C-hi 


Concert  Band,  .Madri|;al  Chorus,  Chamber  and  Symphony  Orchestras 
Music  Study  C^kib 
Sigma  Delta  Pi 
Tau  Psi  Omega 
Alpha  Kappa  Psi 
Naval  RO'IC 
Air  Force  ROTC 
Delta  Phi  Alpha 





Science  PuiltJiitgs 

Physics,   Chemistry,   Biology,   Bivins,   and   Fast  Science 

Student  and  Faculty  Life 
Pre-.\ledical  Society 
Pi  Mu  I'psilon 
Mu  Sigma 

(Engineering  ISuilbing 

Student  and  Faculty  Lite 




Order  of  St.  Patrick 

Pi  Tau  Sigma 

Tau  Beta  Pi 



Nurses  Student  Life 
Santa  Filomena 


Student  Religious  (Council  and  Croups 

( !hapel  <  hoir  and  Men's  Glee  Club 

Red  Iriars 

Omicroii  Delta  Kappa 


Student  and  Faculty  Life 

Alumni  Dei>artiiient 

Men's  Studem  (  lovernnunr  anil  judicial  Board 



( !hanticleer 



Who's  W  ho 

Duke  Independent  .Society 

Women's  Student  {iovcrnnienr  .\<u\  Board 
Stiulent  (Coordinate  Board 
Social  Standards 































Page,  Woman's  Audiroriutn,  and  Branson 

Student  and  Faculty  Lite 

Student  Korurn 

Pill  Kapp.i  Delta 

White  Dueliv 



Pan-American  Club 

riieta  Alpha  Phi 

Duke  Players 

Hoot    n'  Horn 


Student  and  Faculty  Lite 
Phi  Beta  Kappa 
Bench  and  Bar 


joe  C'ollege 
Student  Life 
Mens  F.A.C. 
Beta  Omega  Sigma 
Phi  Fta  Sigma 

Jfraternitp  (Quab 

Inter- Fraternity  Council 

Pan-Hellenic  Council 
East  Campus  Dope  Shop 

atljlcttc  ^lant 

Freshman  Gym  Classes 

X'arsity  "D"  Club 









\\  restling 

Ooss  C^ountry 


Intramural  Sports 

Shoe  and  Slipper  Club 

©Lloman'S  <gpmnagium 

\\omen's  Sports 
Xereidian  Club 
Modern  Dance  Club 
Delta  Phi  Rho  Alpha 
W.A.A.  Board 
Ciym  Dances 

Duke  Cavaliers 
Coed  Ball  and  Chanticleer  Beauty  Queens 


Student  and  Faculty  Life 

Classes  anb  Biccctorp 























Kast  l)ul<c  IS  rlic  ncrxc  center  ot  rlie  Woincn's 
College.  1  ieie  the  Ailininisrrarioii  w  heels  ertecrively 
;;iid  ettieienrly  operate  a  complex  macliine.  I  lie  work  is  accomplished  by  a  scaled  division 
of  labor.  1  he  deans,  the  start,  the  college  orticials  each  have  a  job  to  do.  From  their  ortices 
come  contributions,  parts  to  the  whole.  The  ofiices,  the  tiles,  the  records  in  this  well- 
regulated  workshop  are  all  tools  to  create  the  niechaiiisni.  The  people  at  the  master  controls 
.see  that  the  various  parts  gear  in  together,  act  in  harmony  with  the  whole,  it  is  a  compli- 
cated nerve  center,  l)ut  an  ordered  one.  I'.vcry  activity  on  I'.ast  ("ampus  stimulates  it  and 
brings  forth  a  response.  It  is  above,  into,  and  encircling  every  phase  of  the  Women's  (College. 

Sandwiched  between  rhe  W'esr  Campus  Union  anti 
Page  Auditoriiini  is  the  center  ot  the  L'ni\ersif\' 
Administration,  ('ommonly  ami  erroneously  called  the 
Administration  Building,  it  is  aetual!\  a  part  ot  the 
two  buildings  that  enclose  it,  a  connecting  link  be- 
tween them.  Compactness  docs  nor  inter  inadequacy 
of  organization  or  action,  how  e\er.  This  three  story 
corridor  houses  much  ot  Duke's  mternal  workings.  It  is 
the  supreme  lieadquarters  ot  rhe  Uni\'ersit\'.  Within  its 
walls  sit  the  rulers,  the  planners  of  Duke,  the  power 
and  rhe  mind  ot  this  community. 

When  rhe  new  .Admuiistration  Building  is  completed, 
there  will  he  ample  room  to  spread  out  and  increase 
rhe  mechanism  ot  administration.  The  deans  and 
University  officials  will  claim  a  building  and  offices 
equal  ro  their  importance.  Into  the  discarded  step- 
child will  move  rhe  publications,  student  offices,  and 
recreation  facilities.  It  will  go  track  to  the  students. 
The  new  building  therefore  enlists  the  interest  of  all. 

DESK  OF  Vice-President  Charle.s  Jordan  is  evidence  of 
complex    work    involved    in    University    administration. 


^dminisftration  ^uilbins 

PRESIDENT   OF   THE   UNIVEKSITV    Dr.   A.   HoUis   Edens   has   directed 
much  time  and  effort  to  successful  completion  of  development  campaign. 


Uiiiversitv  hecids 


inniplexities  of 

I  he  Duke  student  is  held  in  the 
pdweiKil  hand  of  the  administra- 
tion. He  must  go  to  It  to  pav  his 
bills,  to  register  activities,  to  obtain 
sanction  tor  his  acts,  to  learn 
whether  he  is  passing  or  tailing. 
The  administration  is  the  authority 
in  all  matters.  It  seeks  and  wel- 
comes our  suggestions,  our  ideas, 
but  III  the  final  anah  sis,  it  passes 
the  judgment  and  the  student  must 
accept  It  and  submit  to  it. 

I  he  administration  realizes  we 
are  mature  individuals,  however. 
It  has  encouraged  the  development 
oi  student  government.  It  has  eased 
a  lot  of  the  responsibilit\  and  initi- 
ati\e   onto   our    shoulders,    and    is 


f  .#. 

=  V^    Li 



liciiulle  Vcirious 

willing  to  gradiuill)  surrender  more 
when  we  ha\e  pro\en  ourseKes 
cap;ible  ot  aceepring  rrusr  and 
carr\  ing  our  obligations. 

The  administration  seeks  to  ac- 
quire better  understanding  between 
the  three  levels — administration, 
hieult\ ,  and  students.  Perhaps  the 
onl\  thing  that  increases  the  gap 
between  us  and  the  faculty  is 
the  tact  that  rhe>-  have  obtained 
an  inestimable  amount  ot  knowl- 
edge in  their  indn  idual  fields. 
They  arc  experts;  we  arc  onl\ 
beginning  to  impertecth-  grasp  the 
whole  situation.  And  yet  they  in- 
vite our  friendship.  The\-  hax'c 
man\-  interests  outside  the  confin- 
ing classroom  and  stud\;  many 
interests  that  we  hold  in  common 
with  them.  A  relationship  is  es- 
tablished that  is  mutual  admiration 
and  friendship. 

Our  relations  with  the  adminis- 
tration   usuallv    consist    of    man\- 

iletailcd  duties  that  we  think  of  as 
necessary  red  tape.  We  stand  in 
long  lines  to  register,  to  sign  up  for 
rooms,  to  pa\'  our  registration  fees. 
These  are  just  surface  relations, 
howe\er.  They  don't  show  the 
countless  opportunities  ot  estab- 
lishing close  relationships  w  ith  the 

I'.ncouraging  better  studcnt-facul- 
t\'  relations,  the  administration 
a[ipro\es  the  \-arious  committees 
set  up  to  talk  things  out  with 
facult\-  and  administration.  When 
the  problems  of  the  honor  sys- 
tem and  the  cur  s\'stem  came 
up,  the  administration  invited  dis- 
cussion and  examination  of  all 
sides  of  the  questions.  Students, 
faculty,  and  administration  met  on 
common  ground  and  tried  to  reach 
some  reasonable  conclusion. 

Too  often  we  think  ot  the  ad- 
ministration as  the  ruling,  un- 
changing order  of  this  communitv  . 
True,  the\-  have  the  authority  and 
the  power,  but  they  don't  exhibit 
this  autocratically.  They  respond 
to  reason,  to  increased  knowledge 
of  a  problem.  The  administration 
officials  know  that  the  secret  of 
not  breaking  is  to  bend  with  the 
wind  when  it  is  tound  to  be  reason- 
able and  right. 

CHARLES  E.  JORDAN  is  Vice-Presi- 
dent in  the  Public  Relations  Division 
and     Secretary     of    the     University. 

PAUL  M.  GROSS,  Vice-President  in 
the  Educational  Division,  is  well- 
Itnown      in      the      scientific      world. 

Chancellor,  has  been  Dean  of  Trin- 
ity   and    University    Vice-President. 

CHARLES  B.  xMARKHAM,  Treasurer 
of  the  University,  works  behind 
the    scenes    directing    the    finances. 

ALFRED  S.  BROWER,  University 
Business  Manager  and  Comptroller, 
supervises      business     organizations. 


rnwEiss  CON, .MED 




Alrliough  you  iiikiy  no:  always 
adiiiir  ir,  rhc  feeling  that  you're 
not  enrireh-  left  to  your  own  de- 
vices, that  there  are  five  men  who 
stand  constant!)'  at  >'our  disposal 
when  \ou  need  them,  is  a  reas- 
suring one.  VV'hen  you  ha\e  a 
problem  that  needs  soKing,  \ou 
can  be  sure  that  their  time  is  yours. 
On  the  other  hand,  when  \ou  get 
into  some  scrape  that  you'd  rather 
nor  have  them  know  about,  the}' 
arc  almost  sure  to  send  you  a 

T  hese  men  are  important  to  you, 
for  their  job  is  to  aid  you  in  \()ur 
job — the  business  ot  acquiring  an 
education.  They  were  all  students 
themselves  once,  and  they  have 
a  pretty  good  idea  about  how  the 
student  mind  works.  At  the  same 
time,  the\'  know  riie  channels  and 
intricacies  oi  administration.  They 
know  what  should  be  done,  and 
they  know  how  to  go  about  doing 
it.  They  exist  for  a  reason,  and 
that  reason  is  \-ou. 


HERBERT  J.  HERRING,  Dean  of 
Trinity  College,  is  general  supervisor 
of    work    done    by    Administration. 

ROBERT  B.  COX  is  Dean  of  Under- 
graduate Men.  His  advice  is  sought 
by     all     the     upperclass     students. 

ALAN  K.  MANCHESTER,  Dean  of 
I'ndergraduate  Studies,  is  at  present 
on  leave  working  in  South  America. 

JAMES  M.  SLAY,  an  important  link 
in  Duke's  chain  of  command,  is  tlie 
Assistant    Dean    of    Trinity    College. 

WILLIAM  ARCHIE.  Assistant  Dean 
in  charge  of  Freshman  Instruction, 
helps    frosh    with    course    problems. 


€agt  IBnkt  building 

ROBERTA  F.  BRINKLEY,  Dean  of  Woman's  Col- 
lege, teaches  English  Lit.  She  received  her  A.B. 
from  Agnes  Scott  College,  her  Ph.D.  from  Yale. 



MARY  GRACE  WILSON  is  Dean  of 
Hesittence.  One  of  her  jobs  is  to  ap- 
prove   all    campus    social    functions. 

From  rhe  bustling  offices  ot 
I'^asr  Duke  Building,  fixe  deans  and 
numerous  staffs  direct  the  goings 
on  of  the  Woman's  College,  with 
its  thousand  coeds,  from  the  time 
)ou'rc  interviewed  as  a  high  school 

freshman  'till  the  time  you  emerge 
as  a  graduate,  these  women  advise 
you,  help  you,  and  keep  tabs  on 
you.  Together  with  the  house 
councilors,  they  constitute  the  pow- 
ers that  be  on  East. 

ELLEN  H.  HUCKABEE,  Associate 
Dean  of  Undergraduate  Instruction, 
received  A.B.  and  M.A.  from  Duke. 

MARIANNA  E.  JENKINS,  Associate 
Dean  of  Undergraduate  Instruction, 
is    also    assistant    professor    of    art. 

of  Committee  on  Admissions,  is  a 
Duke  grad,  has  been  here  since  1930. 




Sixty  uppeiTlciss  women 
uide  frosh  vici 


With  a  u  inning  smile  she  greets  you  on  your  arrnal 
at  DuUc,  eager  to  unload  the  ear,  show  you  your  new 
room,  and  introduee  you  to  )our  roommate  and 
House  ("ounselor.  At  once  she  assumes  rcsponsibilit\ 
for  you  and  makes  you  feci  at  home.  She  is  tricnd, 
mother,  and  big  sister  eombined,  to  consult  throughout 
the  whole  year — she  is  your  F.A.(>. 

F.A.C.  CHAIRMAN  Molly  Bixby  confers  with  two  fresh- 
men. Molly  has  been  elected  to  Who's  Who,  is  a  Phi  Beta 
Kappa,    and    has   been    a    Chanticleer    Beauty    candidate. 

WOMEN'S  F.A.C,  ijroiipcd  Ixsiclr  slaliic  ol  Wash  Diikc, 
left  row  standing,  left  to  riRht,  P.  Koberts,  l'..  Weber,  A. 
Price,  I).  Tiittic,  S.  (ierber,  H.  Kaiitrman,  K.  Rae,  A, 
Goldthwaite,  N.  Miller.  Ridht  row  standing,  left  to  right, 
II.   Dictz,  M.   Watkins,   P.   Cohan,   C.   Spikes,   N.   Nichols, 

A.  Taylor,  K.  .MiKtMlcv,  .M.  Ciiiistanline,  A.  Faulkner,  P. 
Francis,  M.  Jacobs,  iM.  Riiiis.  Ji.  Hall,  B.  Evans,  P.  Mood, 
M.  Bi.\bv.  Seated  in  forcKroiind.  left  to  right,  Schwcistris, 
N.  Ilurs't,  .1.  C.reene,  M.  Early,  I).  .Fenkins.  II.  Bryant. 
,1.  Ziegler,  J.   Clark,  J.   Burcham.   L.  Taylor,   C.   Quarck. 


WomaiKs  Glee  Olub  provides 
singers  for  (Ihcipel  (Jlioir 

It  you  pass  I.ast  Duke  on  lucsday  evening,  \ou 
will  probably  hear  srrams  ot  music  as  a  hundred 
talented  )Oung  women  raise  their  voices  in  harmony. 
The}'  arc  glad  to  sec  the  Men's  Glee  Club  go  on 
tour  because  then  the\-  can  sing  in  the  Sunda)^  C-hapcl 
ser\ice.  1  he\'  also  form  the  Living  C^hristmas  Tree 
and  a  selected  tew  )oin  the  men  for  the  presentation 
of  Handel's  Messiah. 

MRS.  J.  FOSTER  BARNES  directs  the  Woman's  Glee 
Club.  Mrs.  Barnes  has  led  the  Glee  Club  for  twenty-seven 
years.  She  trains  students  for  Chapel  Choir  and  solo  parts. 

The  Cdcc  Club  is,  in  Mrs.  Barnes'  words,  "a 
training  ground."  New  members  sing  out  w  ith  might 
and  main,  hoping  they  will  be  discovered  and  Mrs. 
Barnes  will  open  w  ide  the  gates  to  the  Choir,  Hoof 
'n'  Horn  productions,  or  the  1  riple  Trio.  The  girls 
in  the  club  are  usualh'  there  for  the  pure  enjoyment 
of  singing  in  a  group,  and  if  you're  lucky  enough  to 
be  in  it,  you  will  listen  to  the  "tweet"  of  Mrs.  Barnes' 
familiar  whistle,  signaling  the  time  to  stop  chattering 
and  get  down  to  business. 




•1'.-'  j.Vv' 






7^    ^ 

-^,    r 


Hifaeral  ^rtsi 

The  haunt  n\  the  patrons  of  the  finer  things  of 
life,  Asbury  is  set  apart  trom  the  main  quadrangle 
of  F'last  eanipus.  Headquarters  of  the  Aesthetics,  Art,  and  Music  Departments,  this  graceful 
old  building  is  a  s\-mbol  ot  the  tine  arts.  Two  ot  the  thousands  of  feet  that  daily  cross  the 
doorsill  may  be  those  of  a  future  Picasso  or  of  an  aspiring  young  Toscanini.  In  the  classrooms 
are  piles  of  frayed  scores  and  even  more  frayed  instrument  cases. 

Trills  and  arpeggios  echo  through  the  listening  halls,  in  spite  of  the  soundproof  practice 
rooms  in  the  basement.  I*',nfhralled  students  cluster  around  a  phonograph,  listening  to 
records  from  the  extensive  music  library.  Pictures  are  displayed  on  the  walls.  Here  Duke 
endeavors  to  train  talent  m  the  line  arts,  and  here  it  dispia\s  the  fruits  of  its  endeavors. 

1  hc\'  ()ccup\  the  workiiiii  minutes  ot  our  lives  ;it 
Duke.  In  then'  elassroonis  we  learn  the  aeeunuilated 
knowledge  ot  the  ages.  West  Duke,  Ciarr,  Social 
Science,  Divinitx ,  and  ( ua\-,  are  signposts  along  our 
road  to  wisdom.  .Across  from  its  twin.  West  Duke 
in  all  Its  gray  brick  splendor  guards  the  entrance  to 
the  Women's  C^ampus.  ("arr  bustles  with  activit\'  when 
the  bell  rings  between  classes;  its  halls  arc  polished 
b\'  a  multitude  of  feet  every  da>'.  On  West,  next  to 
the  new,  rapidl\-  rising  administration  building  is 
tune  honored  Social  Science,  where  classes  are  carried 
on  in  a  battle  with  carpenters  and  bulldozers  tor  su- 
premac)'  ot  the  sound  waves.  Ibgether,  Divinirv'  and 
drax'  are  cin  the  right  ot  the  ('hapel,  sometimes 
resting  beneath  its  shadow.  These  are  Duke's  centers 
ot   Liberal    .Arts,   her  strongholds   ot  the   humanities. 

WEST  DUKE  on  East  Campus  contains  classrooms,  offices 
for  English,  philosophy,  history,  psychology  departments. 



"       4 











"'          ' ":    " —        ""     ■             -     -       - 

■  -  •  _-j 


CARR  BUILDING,  East  Campus,  contains  classrooms  for 
liberal    arts    courses,    offices    for    language    departments. 

SOCIAL  SCIENCE,  predecessor  to  new  Physics  Building, 
holds  economics  and  sociology  departments,  ROTC  units. 



Libeicil  Arts  expose  us  to 
ideas  ami  ideals  of  world 

Life  is  built  on  dreams  and  hopes.  Ir  is  built  on  the 
ideals  that  spring  from  the  seeds  of  thought.  The 
thoughts  of  men  living  now — or  ten,  or  thirt)',  or 
three  hundred  years  ago.  Ir  is  built  on  the  ideals  of 
men  that  beUeved  in  a  god,  men  that  believed  in  an 
idea.  It  is  the  realization  of  one's  own  thoughts  and 
one's  own  ideals.  It  is  the  acceptance  or  rejection  of 
new  and  contradictory  ideals. 

When  students  come  to  college  many  of  them  atv- 
able,  for  the  first  time,  to  throw  off  the  swaddling- 
clothcd  ideals  that  have  bound  them  since  they  were 
born.  They  learn  the  meaning  of  the  word  "think," 
and  the\-  begin  to  look  tor  the  whys  and  wherefores 
of  their  own  objectives  and  ideals,  and  they  find  out 
why  others  differ  from  them.  Through  literature, 
and  through  philosophy  and  religion  the\'  can  see 
where  some  of  their  ideals  originated  and  why  the\- 
originated.  They  learn  the  meanings  behind  their  ow  n 
beliefs  and  those  of  others.  They  learn  to  understand 
and  to  tolerate,  to  accept  and  reject  according  to  their 
ov\n  interpretation  of  knowledge. 

RADIO   BROADCASTING   class,  under   Professor   Weth- 
erby  (right),  gets  experience  before  the  mike  in  WDBS. 

COLLEGIATE   COUPLE   further   their  liberal    education 
in  Chinese  Room  on  second  floor  of  East  Campus  Library. 

DEPARTMENT    CHAIRMEN     (from    left):    C.    Vollmer, 
Professor  of  German;  R.  S.  Rankin,  Professor  of  Political 

Science;  B.  R.  Jordan,  Professor  of  Romance  Languages; 
K.     E.     Gilbert,     Professor     of     Aesthetics,     Art,     Music. 

FOR    EXAMINATION    in    Economic    Geography 
course,  Dr.  Lemert  distributes  maps  to  students. 

PROFESSOR-STUDENT  conference  in  the  office 
of  Dr.  Cartwright,  Education  Department  Head. 

STUDENT  ARTISTS  develop  their  talents  and  at  the  same  time 
apply  theories  of  form  and  color  which  are  stressed  in  art  classes. 

DEPARTMENT  CHAIRMEN  (from  left):  E.  H.  Lehrman,        sen,  Professor  of  Sociology:  Calvin  B.  Hoover,  Professor 
Instructor  of  Russian  (acting  chairman);  Howard  E.  Jen-        of   Economics;   G.    R.    Negley,    Professor   of    Philosophy. 

lliiiWilP-«w^  M 



DEPARTMENT    CHAIRMEN    (left    to    right):    Hiram    E.         fessor  of  Education;  James  N.  Truesdalc,   Assistant   Pro- 
Myers,  Professor  of  Religion;  William  H.  Cartwright,  Pro-         fessor  of  Greelt;  William  T.  LaPrade,  Professor  of  History. 



STUDENTS  GATHER  around  Air  Force  ROTC  bulletin 
board  to  learn  latest  dope.  Offices  of  both  Naval  and  Air 
Force  ROTC  Units  are  located  in  Social  Science  Building. 

RECORD  LIBRARY  in  basement  of  Asbury  Building  on 
East  Campus  is  primarily  for  students  taking  music 
courses,  but  use  of  the  valuable  collection  is  open  to  all. 

The\-  learn  the  sickness  of  dogmatism  and  the 
beauty  of  the  active  mind.  They  learn  their  own 
capacities  for  appreciating  and  comprehending  the 
natural  beauties  and  those  born  ot  the  human  minds 
They  learn  to  take  the  core  of  lite — that  stuff  which 
\\ill  give  realitv'  to  their  dreams — and  build  on  it. 

A  line  of  poetry,  a  stroke  of  an  artist's  brush,  a 
theme  ot  a  s\mphon\-,  or  the  thoughts  ot  men  who 
lived  and  died  searching  for  an  ideal,  may  drop  like 
a  seed  in  the  student's  mind,  take  root  there,  grow 
and  flower.  Some  da\'  it  might,  in  turn,  be  written 
down — another     plank     on     the     platform     ot     lite. 

INTER-CAMPUS  bus  waits  for  last  East-bound  students 
to  crowd  aboard  between  classes  on  typical   rainy  day. 

DEPARTMENT    CHAIRMEN     (from    left):    Dr.    Irving. 
Professor    of    English;    Dr.    Rogers,    Professor    of    Latin. 



RARE    SNOWFALL    was   more    trouble    than    fun    when 
students  had  to  plough  through  melting  slush  to  classes. 

SHORTCUTS  of  students  on  way  to  class  show  up  when 
storm  blankets  campus  with  first  snow  in  many  a  year. 

AiTiK  i;i(;irr-TEN  classes  ( oids  stkkaai  ACROSS  east  «  A\;t'is  to  rosx  oiiiCE  and  dope  shop. 



Bibinitp  iSuilbing 


A  rommon  IxmkI  of  fellnwslii|)  <iihI 
service  jniiis   Iwippci  Ohi  nienihers 

D.U.'s  Zeni  chapter  of  Kappa 
{'hi,  national  prc-ministcrial  tra- 
tcrnit\',  meets  weekly  to  hear 
speakers,  laymen  or  preachers,  with 
the  aims  of  getting  to  know  each 
other,  developing  a  spirit  ot  broth- 
erhood, and  better  understanding 
their    dedication    to    religion    and 

service.  Kight\'  students  are  eligible 
for  the  honorary  led  by  Henry 
('lark  as  president.  They  entertain 
dates  at  square  dances  and  cabin 
parties.  Since  last  >ear  the  fra- 
ternity has  especially  worked  to 
start  other  chapters  of  the  re- 
ligious organization. 

KAPPA  CHI  affords  divinity  students 
chance  to  make  practice  sermons, 
using    the    pulpit    in    York    Chapel. 

KAPPA  CHI  MEMBERS,  on  floor, 
left  to  right,  H.  Long,  L.  Bissette, 
C.  Edwards,  C.  Baggs,  B.  Barker,  J. 
Holt  (kneeling).  On  chairs  and  sofas 
L.  Rath,  M.  Nehrig,  B.  Boylston,  R. 

Starke,  H.  Creech,  B.  Lambert,  H. 
Clark,  Dr.  Bradley,  M.  Torgeson. 
On  Sofa,  J.  Hardison,  J.  Best,  G. 
Henry,  J.  Eckles,  D.  Millholland 
(sitting  on  arm).  Standing  and  sitting 

in  back,  R.  Kayler,  A.  Pope,  P.  Huff- 
ington,  E.  Honk,  B.  Jones,  M.  Low- 
dermilk,  J.  Sutton,  F.  Fike,  T.  Hoff- 
man, J.  Bryant,  S.  Brown,  D.  Beatty, 
R.    Gilbert,     P.    O'Shoe,    T.     King. 


CONCERT  BAND  during  practice. 
Flutes,  J.  Craigue,  P.  Newcoitib. 
Oboes,  Ann  Wahl.  Clarinets,  Dr. 
Stinespring,    S.    Lebauer,    E.    Moore, 

Orchestra  concert,   Mrs.   Julia  Muel- 

W.  Anderson,  S.  Rossell,  G.  Perkins, 
N.  Saunders.  Alto  Sax,  D.  Berry,  B. 
Britton.  Tenor  Sax,  P.  Callahan. 
Horn,  M.  Stiles.    Cornet,  D.  Taylor, 

ler,     assistant     professor     of    music, 
plays  Bach's  Violin  Concerto  No.  2. 

.1.    Wilhite.     Trombone,    J.    Hail,    D. 
Trevarthen,    K.    Johnson.     Baritone, 

C.  McClellan.      Bass,    J.    Brubaker, 

D.  Stewart.    Percussion,  D.  Roberts. 


Severcil  ,i>nm|)s 
oppoi  tunity  to 

^sburp  Puilbing 

MADRIGAL  CHORUS  singing  Carols 
in  Chapel  are,  first  row  left  to  right, 
Pam  Cherry,  Jacltie  Hanna,  Barbara 
Gould,  Kathy  VVike,  Bill  Higgins,  and 

Carl  Laggersell.  Second  row.  Beryl 
Roberts,  Virginia  Lee,  Grimes 
Slaughter,  and  Bill  Mallard.  Third 
row,    Art    O'Steen,    Horace    Smith, 

Jean  Burcham,  Jay  McCarter,  Ann 
Holbeck.  Fourth  row,  Bobby  Mc- 
Kimsey,  Bob  McKencie,  Nancy  May 
Hurst,  Sue  Stiles,  Lorraine  Johnson. 


J5ive  students  cin 
(lisplciy  tcilents 

Let  us  suppose  that  we  ha\e 
gathered  in  a  great  room  tour  ot 
Duke  University's  outstanding 
musical  organizations,  where  we 
can  find  out  what  makes  them 
tick  and  a  httle  of  what  they  ac- 
comphshed  this  past  year. 

The  first  corner  is  full  ot  man\- 
weird  and  wondertul  noises,  tor 
here  is  the  Cx)ncert  Band,  composed 
of  extroverts  with  strong  eardrums 
among  the  student  musicians.  Al- 
though forced  into  retirement  l)\ 
the  marching  band  during  the  foot- 
ball  season,   the   rest  of  the   \ear 

they  blast  forth  in  all  their  glory 
under  the  direction  of  Mr.  Paul 
Br\an  in  lawn  concerts,  a  formal 
concert,  and  a  Sunday  night  smg. 

.\  rather  unusual  sound  is  com- 
ing from  the  next  corner,  where, 
giving  vent  to  their  creative  urge 
in  a  strong  vocal  manner,  the 
members  of  the  Madrigal  ('horus 
are  located.  They  sing,  not  to 
please  an\-  audience,  not  for  ap- 
plause or  praise,  bur  rather  be- 
cause they  en)o\'  singing,  and 
i]uire  frankK-  don't  care  whether 
sou    like    what   the\-    sintr   or    not. 



W.  Zerby,  J.  Mueller,  F.  Bartholdt, 
S.  Wanzer,   W.   Morris,   E.   Girardet, 

O.  Lewis,  L.  Duke,  J.  Zener,  D.  Bone. 
Viola,  S.  Guise,  B.  Clausson,  K. 
Zener.    Cello,  E.  Peschel,  T.   Foard. 

Bass,  V.  Bryan.  Flute,  E.  Stillwell, 
E.  Durham.  Oboe,  J.  Glauner,  N. 
Andrews.   Clarinet,  S.  LeBauer.  Bas- 



In  the  rhirtl  conuT  \\c  sec  rhe 
Duke  S\niph()ny  Orchestra,  a  top- 
flight s\mphonic  group  whicli  af- 
fords the  students  and  taculr\-  an 
opportunity  to  saw  or  blow  away 
to  rhcH"  heart's  conrenr.  1  his  year 
their  schedule  was  so  lull  with 
tour  concerts  that  the  conductor, 
Mian  11.  Bone,  had  to  increase 
rehearsals  from  once  to  twice  a 
week.  I  he  trend  towards  reliance 
more  on  student  tlian  faculty  talent 
is  represented  hy  the  tact  that  this 
year  the  conccrtmaster  was  a 
student,  William  Zerhy,  who  also 
doubled  as  conccrtmaster  of  the 
('hamber  Orchestra. 

1  his    setiate    orchestra,    located 

in  the  last  corner,  contains  the 
best  and  only  the  best  of  the 
string  players  from  the  Symphony 
Orchestra.  Dr.  Bone,  as  it  he 
weren't  already  busy  enough,  con- 
ducts this  orchestra,  too.  Here 
superior  players  ma\'  congregate 
to  displa\'  their  \irruoso  abilities. 
WbrtI  sprcati  this  \ear  how  good 
they  realh'  are,  with  the  result 
that  late-comers  to  their  January 
aiui  May  concerts  had  to  be  expert 
wall  climbers  to  find  room. 

Put  all  these  people  together  and 
thc\  make  quiri.-  a  ilin,  but  c\er\  - 
bod\  's  hap|)y,  inchuling  the  au- 
ilicnces  that  hear  these  talentetl 
groups  perform  m  their  individual 



soon,  B.  Lee.  Horn,  J.  Cox,  W. 
DeTurk,  B.  Black,  M.  Stiles.  Trum- 
pet, S.  Cox,  D.  Tavlor.    G.  Tolleson. 

THREE  OF  the  Music  Department 
directors  are  Mrs.  Lloyd  B.  Seville, 
Allan  Bone,   (left),  and  Paul  Bryan. 

Here  they  are  shown  in  Asbury 
Building  about  to  make  a  recording 
of    a    clarinet    solo    by    Mr.    Bone. 


■    •■.sy.-r-Tct' 


I!  / 

HUm  liROW 

Music  Study  VAuh  sponsors  student 
reritcds,  cuitdyzes  musiicd  store 

Tlic)-  have  a  keen  interest  in 
miisie.  They  provide  a  receptive 
audience  tor  talented  students,  fac- 
ulty' members,  and  townspeople 
who   <j;i\e   substance   to   their   cre- 

atne  abiht\'.  Before  each  concert, 
some  member  ot  the  group  anal\'zes 
and  interprets  the  form,  style,  and 
meaning  ot  the  work  they  arc  al)out 
to   hear.    In   this   w  a\',    the   Music 

Stud\-  (iroup  increase  their  knowl- 
edge ot  music  and  its  varied 
torms-  opera,  piano  works,  voice 
numbers,  chamber  music,  and  or- 
chestral accomplishments. 

These  music  enthusiasts  gain 
great  enjoyment  trom  their  bi- 
weekly meetings.  rhe\-  like  to 
share  their  pleasure  with  the  entire 
universitN'  community  by  l)ringing 
to  this  campus  one  of  the  maestros 
on  the  concert  series.  Proud  of  the 
budding  and  de\eloping  talent  w  ith- 
in  our  midst,  the  club  presents  in 
annual  recital  the  girl  of  the  \ear 
who  has  shown  the  most  out 
outstanding   proficiency    in    music. 

MrSIC  STUDY  CM'i:  members 
seated,  first  row,  left  t(»  right,  Ann 
House,  .Sue  Smith,  Rita  McKerlcy, 
Miss    Evelyn    Barnes,    Peggy    Lucas. 

.\t  piaiii)  are  Sylvia  I'aelmta.  (left), 
lAU  (ioode.  Second  row,  left  to  right, 
Beryl  Roberts,  Diane  Vanderhoof, 
Marge    Skorvaga,    Margaret    llodges, 

Nancy  Skinner.  Ann  Tatuni,  Ruth 
Hughes.  Aloreau  .?ansky.  Page  W'il- 
mer,  Marcia  Parker,  Grace  Sale, 
I.,ois  Hooker,  Ann  Price,  Pam  Cherry. 


Carr  ?Puilbing 


Si^nici  lleltci  V\  hnnnis  tn|)  Spcinish  students 

"Buenos  Dias,  aminos  1"  is  rhc 
grccriny  ot  rhc  Sigma  Delta  Pi's. 
These  arc  rhc  people  who  can 
answer  yes  to  rhc  question  "I  lahl.i 
usred  Espanolr"  They  ha\  e  gone 
beyond  rhc  srilted  classroom  style 
to  carry  on  meetings  in  hairing  bur 
cnthusiasrie    Spanish.     (Jaining    a 

berrer  idea  ot  Spanish  eusroms  and 
rradirions,  rhey  have  been  able  ro 
add  a  bir  of  Spanish  color  to  rhc 
Duke  campus.  The  Union  is  rrans- 
tormcd  inro  a  bir  of  old  Spain  w  hen 
rhcy  gad)-  participate  in  lively  tolk 
dances  and  games. 

At  ("hristmas  thc\-  break  piiiaras 

ar  a  parr\  celebraring  La  Navidad 
in  the  Spanish  style.  In  rhc  spring 
rhese  Sigma  Delta  Pi's  forger 
American  life  and  ideas  ami  lose 
rhcmsch'cs  in  rhc  good  spirirs  and 
merrimenr  ot  a  rypical  S[>anish 
fiesra.  "Hasra  La  V'isral"  if  \<)u 
don'r  undcrsrand,  attend  a  meeting. 

SIGMA  DELTA  PI,  left  to  right,  be- 
ginning at  bottom  row,  M.  Crawford, 
President.  N.  Fairley,  Dr.  Castellano. 
Second   row,   P.   Bowen,   R.    Hughes. 

Third  row,  A.  Milford,  B.  Levenson, 

J.  Sage.  Fourth  row,  C  Belland,  N. 
Northington,  S.  Faber.  Fifth  row, 
J.     Kitch,     G.     Jones,     B.     Kyle,     G. 

Strangeland,  W.  Broom.  Standing, 
left  to  right,  J.  Bonninson,  C.  Harris, 
D.  Ware.  Up  stairs,  B.  A.  Young,  S. 
Smiseth,    N.    Harris,    and    C    Power. 



Common  interests  in  Frenrh 
join  Tcin  l\si  Omega  members 

To  those  students  mired  deep  in  French  1-2  elasses, 
the  members  of  Tau  Psi  Omega  are  en\ied  beings. 
These  lucky  people,  having  long  ago  mastered  such 
details  as  when  to  use  de and  when  to  use  liit.  all  de\elop 
nasal  twangs  during  their  hi-nionrhK"  meetings  and 
leave  the  Knglish  language  behind.  Monday  nights 
they  occup\-  their  own  table  in  the  Union.  With  the 
department  of  Romance  languages  they  sponsor  a 
i'rench  play,  cJi  Fiw/aiis,  lutiircUcinciit.  Tau  Psi  Omega 
also  holds  open  houses  for  prospecti\e  members.  Ihe 
society  has  a  claim  to  fame  in  being  the  first  chapter 
of  a  national  organization  which  was  founded  here 
m     193.S     by     the    ad\isors.     Dr.     and     .Mrs.     Dow. 

TAU  PSI  OMEGA  MK.MBKKS  on  .staircase  in  Carr  Build- 
ing are,  sitting  up  stairs  from  bottom,  Ilorton  Kennedy. 
B.  K.  Sims  (left),  Bernie  Shepherd,  Henry  Clark,  Phyllis 
Guigow.     Standing    up    stairs    from    bottom,    Jane    IVIc- 

Kinncy,  .Man  Ilillett,  Harry  iMetropol,  Sid  Smith,  Ronald 
Swart/.,  Kd  llouk,  Georsc  Pepper,  Carlton  I'pchurch. 
Standing  down  stairs  from  top  left,  Frances  Hauser, 
•lim  Best,  Grace  Powell,  Eleanor  l>ake,  Charlie  Glanzer. 


MEMBERS  ARE,  row  at  left,  left  to  right,  D.  Ware,  D. 
Bauman,  K.  Watson,  A.  Harper,  M.  Sack,  B.  Buchanan, 
E.  Edwards.  Second  row,  E.  Boyd,  R.  Howell,  M.  Roanian, 
H.  Aronberg,  T.  McLoney,  J.  Rivera,  P.  Stuart.  Third 
row,  J.  Niderniaier,  H.  Bass,  A.  Robinson,  B.  Wagner,  R. 

MacLemore,  C.  Dickey,  R.  Ertley.  Fourth  row,  B.  Wer- 
ber,  R.  Harrison,  D.  Pischell,  G.  Hurst,  R.  Nesslinger,  B. 
Reyle,  B.  Schaffer.  Fifth  row,  K.  Kreider,  T.  Lester,  D. 
Kinie,  G.  Brooks,  B.  Patty,  W.  Manegan.  Standing,  D. 
Lowenthal,  M.  Merritt,  M.  Reed,  B.  Baehr,  R.  Richardson. 


Alplici  lici|)|)ci  Psi  delves  in 
industry  cind  liiiih  fiiicince 

"Gcnrlemen,  ronighr  w  c  arc  honored  to  have  as 
our  guest  speaker  Air.  {ink)'  \V  hite,  president  ot 
the  Whitehall  Furniture  Conipan\  .  Mr.  White  will 
address   us   on   the   problems   ol   starting   a    business, 

the  management  of  finances,  the  skills  needed,  labor 
relations,  and  the  necessary  market."  Thus  begins  a 
meeting  of  Alpha  Kappa  Psi,  the  professional  business 
frarernif\-  on  campus.  When  they  arc  in  serious 
moods,  the\'  tour  leading  businesses,  show  industrial 
mo\ies,  and  entertain  eminent  speakers.  When  thc\' 
are  our  to  have  a  good  time,  the\-  hold  dances  and  din- 
ners to  impress  the  fair  sex  and  stag  parties  to  impress 


PROFESSOR  OF  NAVAL  SCIENCE  Captain  John  M.  Ocker  and  Lieu- 
tenant Commander  R.  B.  Harrell,  Executive  Officer,  head  the  unit. 



FOR  COMMODORE  CLUB  DANCE,  highspot  of  social  calendar,  mid- 
shipmen wear  dress  blues.  Navy  queen  is  crowned  during  intermission. 

While  working 

decree,  Nl\()TC 

cilso  prepcirerl 

I'or  h\c  hovirs  a  \\  cxk  xou'rc  in 
rhc  Navy.  Your  rank  is  iiiidship- 
nvan,  nor  quire  an  officer  and  nor 
(luire  an  eniisrcd  man.  You're  m 
rile  learning-  srage,  and  tor  tliose 
five  hours  \()U  leain  about  the 

Three  ot  those  hours  are  spent 
in  the  classroom,  ^ou  navigate  on 
ilr\  land,  read  about  weap^ins, 
stud\  damage  control  diagrams, 
look  at  pictures  ot  machinery, 
watch  nunies  on  seamanship. 
^ou"re  exposed  to  a  lot,  and  xou 
absorb  more  than  nou  are  some- 
rimes    inclmed    to   think. 




towcird  re<>iil(ir 
iniclshipnieii  cite 
for  toiiiniission 

For  the  other  two  hours  >ou 
drill,  hiindlc  a  rifle,  manual  ot 
arms,  cadence  count.  \bur  outfit 
gets  to  look  prett)'  snappy,  and 
you  put  on  a  dress  parade.  When 
the  weather  is  bad  you  go  inside. 
^bu  handle  equipment,  get  a  little 
closer  look  at  the  real  thing. 

It  all  fits  together.  Youre  not  a 
trade  school  boy,  nor  are  \ou  a 
ninety-day  wonder.  Youre  far  from 
knowing  it  all,  but  \'ou've  got  an 
idea  ot  what  it's  like,  and  what 
comes  later  will  be  easier. 

BATTALION   STAFF,  left  to  right,   R.   Nelson,   Major  J.   C.   Fetters, 
J.  Engberg,  R.  Pippel,  Bat.  Com.  O.  Dleffenbach,  C.  Cooke,  A.  Raywid. 

RIFLE  DEMONSTRATION  is  given  in  naval  science  lecture  by  Sgt. 
Saunders.     He  shows   freshmen   the   steps   in   breaking   down   a   rifle. 


LEARNING  BY   doing,  Dick   Farqu- 
har  takes  readings   in   engine   room. 


ABOARD     WISCONSIN.     Bob     Mt- 
Geough  stands  watch  in  engine  room. 



KWAV   .\T  S 
sends     out     a 

EA  Otto  Dieffen- 
blinker    signal. 

TED  GARDINER  controls  the  steam 
pressure    in    fircroom    of    Wisconsin. 


NAVAL  HOTO  continued 

In  the  summer  eomes  the  real  taste. 
Voii  live  in,  handle,  operate,  see  first 
hand,  the  things  you've  been  sfud\"ing 
about  from  books  and  films. 

.As  a  sophomore  or  senior  regular 
you  go  to  sea  for  eight  weeks,  wear  a 
uniform,  vi.sit  foreign  ports.  You  be- 
come a  going  part  of  a  going  Navy. 
A  mistake  costs  you  ten  and  two,  but 
it's  a  lesson  well  learned,  and  \ou 
won't  forget  it  when  a  little  more  is  at 
stake  than  demerits. 

As  a  junior  regular  you  hit  Pensaeola 
and  Little  Creek  for  a  good  look  at 
Naval  fl>ing  and  the  amphibs.  You  put 
in  a  couple  of  hours  in  the  air,  make  a 
couple  ot  landings  on  the  beach,  watch 
a  shore  bombardment,  and  sec  how  a 
pilot  is  trained. 

As  a  senior  contract  you  make  your 
first  cruise,  usually  to  Gitmo.  You're 
a  little  fouled  up,  but  it  doesn't  take 
long  to  get  squared  awa>',  and  you 
soon  know  what  the  regulars  ha\'e 
been  talking  about. 

It's  first  hand  experience,  and  it 
sure  helps  out  w  hen  \ou  graduate  with 
that  Ensign's  stripe. 


*#9    7  -n 

DUKE  CONTINGENT  works  out  the 
position  of  U.S.S.  Albany  as  ship  heads 
south  enroute  to  Cuba  from  Rotterdam. 

DUKE  JUNIORS  are  taken  on  a  tour  of  the  Navy's  various  landing 
craft  at  the  docks  in  Little  Creek.  Here  they  are  shown  a  five-inch 
rocket  launcher.    This  ship  is  used  for  support  of  landing  operations. 

IN  EDINBURGH,  Jack  Lasseter  seems  to 
have  found  something  he  likes  in  one 
of    the    numerous    shops    selling    plaids. 

ON  NORFOLK  tour  two 
Duke  midshipmen  in- 
spect one  of  the  hangars. 

LETTER  WRITING  is  one  of  the  main  pastimes  for  the  men  at  Little 
Creek.  While  there,  the  future  officers  study  the  tactics  of  Navy 
amphibs.    A  four  day  cruise  with  simulated  landing  climaxes  stay. 


TOP   STUDENT  BRASS   of  the   Unit — the  Wing   Commander,   his   Staff   Offi- 
cers, and  the  Group  Commanders — assemble  in  the  Air  Force  Cadet  Room. 


Air   Forte   ROTC  students  ticiiii    for 
reserve  roniniission  upon  jjrciducition 

Now  completing  its  third  \car 
on  the  Duke  campus,  the  Reserve 
Officers  I  raining  (^orps  of  the 
United  States  Air  Force  has  shown 
phenomenal  growth.  The  original 
group  ot  forty  students  has  now 
swelled  to  six-hundred  and  fitty. 
The  first  S(]uadr()n  has  nuihiplied 
lo  a  present  total  ot  sixteen. 

During  their  tour  years  in 
college,  the  Al  RO'IC'  menihers 
undergo  an  e\tensi\e  training  pro- 
gram. W  hile  rresl'.meii,  the\-  stud\- 
|i()litieal  geography  as  well  as  the 
customar\-  tlrill.  A  scries  of  gen- 
eral aviation  courses — air  naviga- 
tion, acrodynanucs,  meteorology 

is  given  to  the  sophomores. 
During  their  junior  and  senior 
\ears,  the  men  usual!}-  speeiali/,e 
m  .some  advanced  field.  During 
the  course  ot  this  tour  year  period 
the  cadets  gain  a  basic  knowledge 
of  air  science  and  learn  much  in 
the  areas  of  leadership  aiul  re- 

A  particular  aspect  ot  the  Air 
Force  program  is  the  staging  ot 
special  aerial  flights,  tor  not  all 
the  intormatioii  can  he  learneil  in 
class.  Both  aerial  photograplu'  and 
aerial  na\igation,  necessary  aspects 
of  ll\  ing  education,  arc  concen- 
trated upon  during  the  \  ear. 

AN  INTEGRAL  PART  of  .Air  Force 
Unit,  the  color  guard  merits  respect. 

complete  uniforms  is  a  long  and 
tedious  process.   Here  in  the  supply 


room  Bob  Jones  outfits  a  freshman 
cadet  with  all  of  the  necessary  gear. 
Every  man  receives  a  complete  issue, 

DUKESTERS  FIND  practical  appli- 
cation for  their  classroom  instruction 
as  they  map  plans  for  a  training  hop 

from  Fort  Bragg's  Pope  Air  Force 
Base.  Students  and  officers  agree  that 
there  is  no  substitute  for  experience. 




THE     COMPLEXITIES     of     modern 
radio    communication   are   explained 

to   some   of   Dnke's   air   cadets   as   a 
part  of  their  summer  camp  training. 


Aside  from  the  srrietly  edu- 
cational eiiniculiini  of  the 
AFROK^,  a  diverse  number  ot 
activities  adds  variety  to  the  pro- 
gram. Designed  to  recognize  and 
develop  leadership  and  co-operation 
among  the  members,  the  .Arnold 
Air  Society  is  a  national  club 
constituting  an  important  aspect  of 
the  AFROK".  Through    a   series 

of  riflery  contests  the  unit's  rifle 
team  is  selected  and  competes  in 
national  matches.  While  to  add 
pureK'  social  life,  the  Air  Force 
('lub  provides  many  forms  ot 
recreation.  The  Air  Force  Ball, 
held  once  a  year,  and  a  whole  year 
of  RO'FC"  life  attain  a  new  cli 
max  as  the  queen  is  crowned 
amid  a  crowd  ot  Air  Force  blue- 


BULL'S  EYES  and  mar  misses  are 
inspected  by  Duke  sharpshooters. 
All  cadets  get  experience  on  range. 

DUKE'S  PRESIDENT  partakes  of 
Air  Force  chow  while  visiting  the 
summer  camp  at  Robbins  Field,  Ga, 

ARRAYED  in  impressive  flying  uni- 
form. Herb  Murphy  prepares  to  go 
aloft   for   aerial   view   of   Carolinas. 




ON  THE  READY  RAMP  at  Pope  Air 

Force     Base,     cadets     check     safety 
chutes    before    boarding    the    C-47. 


today's     global     air     war     are     ex- 
plained to  future  air  force  officers. 

AROTC  cadets  receive  extensive  in- 
struction on  airfield  administration 
basic  military  service  indoctrination. 


MEMBERS  are,  front  row  sitting  left 
to  right,  Morse,  Fisher,  Zilkowski, 
Zanner.  Second  row  sitting,  Geh- 
weiler,    Howard,    Kace.     Third    row 

sitting,  Pachuta,  Fritz,  Wilson.  Stand- 
ing from  left.  Van  Villiard,  Dawson, 
Hager,  Collins,  Rogers,  Dr.  Vollmer, 
Harter,    Roseborough,    Spunde,   Lee. 


Deltii  I'hi  Alpha:  Honniviry 

Delta  Phi  Alpha  the  fatherland 
atmosphere  w  ith  e\er\thing  but 
German  beer.  The  waltzes,  lieder, 
folk  dances,  and  often  a  pianist  of 
unsurpassable  Rathskeller  style 
lend  an  aura  ot  Old  World  eharni 
to  the  Wanderlust  ot  those  tort\" 
students  who  meet  together  in 
the  Ciernian  honorary  traternity. 
I'.xehange  students  from  (lerman- 
speaking  nations  are  box-ofHce  ar- 
traetions,  often  bringing  direcrh'  to 
our  misplaeed  (iothic  the  genuine 
touch  of  European  culture.  Delta 
Phi  Alpha  collects  individuals  who 
ha\  e  more  than  a  casual  interest  in 
the  language,  literature,  and  cus- 
toms of  a  currentK-  vital  parr  of 
Western  civilization. 




This  year's  graduating  seniors  saw  rlic  erection 
of  the  newest  building  on  the  campus.  M\en  though 
young  in  years,  the  Physics  Building  has  matured  quickly  and  has  already  achieved  goals 
in  the  scientific  realm.  It  is  only  proper  that  this  building  is  modern  and  up-to-date;  wirh- 
in  it  work  the  great  minds  of  physicists  who  need  the  latest  equipment.  Looking  at  it 
from  the  outside,  one  can  not  guess  that  this  calm  brick  building  is  a  dynamic  one.  I  lere 
the  secrets  of  the  universe  are  being  explored  and  the  relation  of  matter  and  energy  is 
being  clarified.  After  the  \^andergraff  accelerator  to  be  used  in  nuclear  research  has  been 
installed,  this  building  will  be  an  important  center  of  scientific  research  and  discovery, 

It  stands  near  the  Hospital.  If  belongs  there;  it  is 
closeK-  allied  to  it  in  its  field  of  work  and  in  its  interests. 
It  is  the  ('hemistry  Building.  Up  its  wide  front  steps 
and  through  its  massive  doors  pass  man\-  future 
eheniists  and  doetors.  There  in  its  leeture  rooms  and 
in  its  laboratories  students  find  out  it  the\'  ean  grasp 
the  meaning  of  organic  and  qualitative  anaKsis  and 
if  they  are  qualified  to  continue  in  the  pursuit  of 
science.  Within  its  rooms  many  catch  the  light,  the 
inspiration  of  science;  man\-  leave  this  building  \\  ith 
determination  to  delve  further  into  the  mysteries  of 
the  test  tube  or  to  use  human  beings  as  their  labora- 
tory. Therefore  this  building  is  a  testing  ground;  it 
ean  also  be  a  stepping  stone. 

Biology  is  the  study  of  life,  and  in  the  building 
tle\()ted  to  it  the  Zoolog\'  and  the  Botany  departments 
hold  sway  over  the  minds  of  its  students.  One  ob- 
serves, experiments,  draws  conclusions  about  the 
animal  world;  the  other  centers  its  attention  upon  the 
plant  kingdom.  It  too  is  close  to  the  Hospital,  and 
faces  the  (Chemistry  Building  across  the  Quadrangle. 
The  three  of  them  form  a  center  of  science. 

On  I'.asr  Campus,  the  Science  Building  houses 
classrooms,  laboratories,  and  leeture  room  for  four 
branches  of  science  zoology,  botany,  geology,  and 
ps\ehology.  T  his  building  is  a  busy  place  all  day  for 
fioth  coeds  and  the  men.  Also  on  Kast  is  Bixans, 
headquarters  of  the  Psychology  Department.  Within 
its  brick  walls  experts  study  and  experiment  with 
the  human  mind  and  its  behavior.  These  fine  buildings 
represent  the  students'  almost  limitless  opportunities 
to  pursue  the  complicated  study  of  the  natural  sciences. 

CHEMISTRY  BUILDING,  located  at  the  north  end  of 
men's  campu.s,  houses  labs,  lecture  rooms,  and  a  fortune 
in  scientific  equipment  for  the  many  chemistry  courses. 

SCIENCE  BUILDING  on  East  Campus  has  laboratories, 
lecture  halls  for  most  of  women's  science  courses,  faculty 
offices.   Headquarters  for  Geology  Dept.  are  located  there. 

BIOLOGY  BUILDING,  situated  on  West  Campus  Main 
Quadrangle,  provides  a  large  lecture  hall,  classrooms, 
laboratories,  and  offices  for  Zoology,  Botany  Departments, 

BIVANS  BUILDING  on  East  Campus  is  headquarters  for 
Psychology  Department.  It  contains,  besides  classrooms 
and   offices,   a   nursery   school    run   by   the   department. 




Science  nicijors  seek  the  tcini>il)le 

IRVING  E.  GRAY,  head  of  Zoology, 
examines  beetle  under  a  microscope. 

The  scarred  tables  in  the  labora- 
tories are  diaries  of  students  that 
have  gone  before.  Many  arc  the 
l)roken  test  tubes  and  the  shattered 
flasks.  In  the  same  manner  the 
mistaken  ideas  and  suppositions  of 
the  ancients  are  being  torn  apart 
b\    the  scientists  ot  today. 

These  young,  scientific  minds 
are  forever  searching,  testing,  ques- 

tioning. Eagerly  rhe\'  learn  the 
prnieiples;  eagerly  the\-  pur  rheni 
to  the  test. 

Theirs  are  the  acid  stained  fin- 
gers, the  aprons  with  holes;  theirs 
are  the  squinted  e\es  and  rhc 
rounded  shoulders.  But  they  don't 
mind  spending  long  hours  in  the 
laboratories;  for  theirs  also  is  the 
thrill  when  a  successful  experiment 
is  concluded. 

WALTER    M.    NIELSEN    is   head    of 
the   expanding   Physics   Department. 

H.  L.  BLOMQUIST,  Botany   Depart- 
ment head,  works  in  the  laboratory. 

.JOHN     GERGEN.     head     of    .Mathe- 
matics,   has    been    here    since    1936. 







i;.     W.     HERRY     worked     in     Peru 
as    part    of    geologiral     hackitroimd. 

.1.    II.    SAVI.OK.    Iit-ad    (il    Chemistry 
Department,     received     Duke     Ph.D. 

E.     11.     HODNICK.     of     Psychology 
Department,     came     here     in     1949. 



(ON  :  i\i  I  1) 

1  hc\'  arc  those  w  ho  unravel  tlic 
sccrcrs  ot  the  test  tuhe,  the  atom 
smasher,  the  human  mind.  1  hey 
are  rhosc  who  stud\  l.instein, 
Newton,  and  Boyle.  Ihey  are 
those  who  hope  someda\'  to  hit 
upon  some  new,  earth-shattering 
seientihc  disco\ery.  I  he\'  arc  rhosc 
who  li\e.  move,  and  ha\e  then- 
being  in  a  world  ot  law  s  ot  nature, 
of  theories  ot  energy  and  matter, 
ot  relativity,  and  ot  extra-sensory 
perception.  The\-  are  the  students 
ot  seienee. 

IN  ZOOLOGY  LAB,  students  learn  bone  arrangement  by  studying  skeleton 
of  the  cat.   In  these  courses,  books  and  practical  work  supplement  each  other. 

COMPARATIVE    ANATOMY,    required    course    for    pre- 
med   and   zo   majors,    involves   dissection    of    organisms. 

IN    PSYCHOLOGY    LAB,    differences    in    frequency    of 
waves  produced  on  oscillograph  by  oscillator  are  shown. 



JgioloQp  puilbing 


IVe  Meds  pciol  their  kii(ivvledi»e  to  j>ciiii  Mediicil  scIkhiI 

Practically  l\li\-  person  at  Duke 
thinks  that  lie  is  taking  tiic  toughest 
course  that  the  University  offers, 
from  tile  engineer  to  the  business 
major,  and  the  pre-med  is  no 
exception.  Long  hours  in  labora- 
tories with  a  tough  schedule  give 
some  justification  to  their  opinion. 
CertainK-    the    tact    that    22,000 

medical  undergraduates  appK'  for 
only  7,000  available  places  hi  the 
nation's  med  schools  is  no  comfort 
to  the  Pre-med. 

Their  chief  problem  is  getting 
in  medical  school,  and  it  was  par- 
tialK'  to  help  solve  this  problem 
that  the  Duke  Prc-Medical  Society 
was   organized.    Meeting   twice   a 

month,  the  soeietx'  jiresents  man\' 
pliases  ot  medicine  ro  the  pre-meds 
to  help  them  in  selecting  their 
future  field.  It  also  is  concerned 
with  establishing  a  closer  relation- 
ship between  the  A  led  School 
facility  and  undergraduates.  All 
of  these  things  help  the  pre-med 
student   in   a   tough,    uphill    battle. 

PRE-MEDS  are,  first  row,  left  to 
right,  James  Richmond,  Shirley  Mar- 
kee  (on  table),  Herbert  Johnson, 
Jacqueline     Ford,     Alan     Whanger. 

Left  row,  behind,  Fred  Gachet,  Colon 
Wilson,  Ray  Hall,  Norman  Rosen- 
baiim.  Right  row,  Carolyn  Whitley, 
Grace    Bennett,    Alfred    Saieed,    Ed 

Farrell,  Staee  Stathacos,  Donald 
Keller,  Hugh  Croxton,  Sally  Kale, 
Oliver  Jones,  Roy  Hilliard,  Bill 
Geiger,  Richie  Meyer,  Curtis  Freund. 

.^.        ^ 





Pi  Mil  Epsihin  constitutes  top  honor 

I-'or  those  who  delight  in  inte- 
gration and  dirterentration  and  to 
whom  the  eurve  y=c''-  is  a  sight 
ot  heautx',  there  was  founded  at 
Duke  in  1932  the  loeal  ehapter  of 
Pi  Mu  Kpsilon.  It  imaginary  num- 

bers intrigue  \()u  and  \'ou  know- 
that  1  lorner's  method  isn't  the 
manner  h\-  whieh  jaek  pieks  his 
toreeasts,  this  is  the  ehih  tor  you. 
Membership  rei]uirements  are  a 
B  a\erase  through  intetiral  ealculus 

^fjpSics  Puilbing 

phis  an  overall  li  average.  lo  reach 
integral  you  start  out  w  ith  algebra. 
Da/ed  a  little  by  this  course,  \ou 
stumble  into  trigonometry.  Ihcn 
you  stagger  through  analytic  geom- 
etry into  ditierenrial  calculus.  .After 
this  course  is  finished  w  ith  you,  you 
finally  come  to  integral. 

Meeting  tour  or  tive  times  a 
year  inehiding  initiations,  the  mem- 
bers of  the  society  hear  speakers  on 
mathematical  subjects  and  settle 
such  (]uestions  as  the  shortest  path 
tor  a  cow  who  wants  to  get  a 
drink  at  the  river  and  then  go 
straight  to  its  barn.  Ah,  yes,  math 
can  indeed  be  tun. 

PI  MU  EPSILON  members  in  a  class 
room  of  the  new  Physics  Building 
are,  back  row  left  to  right,  Al  Erwin, 
Don    McGiehan,    Dr,    Dressel,    Bob 

Price,  Patsy  Roberts,  De  Tuttle,  Uave 
Johnson,  Bruce  King,  Tom  Cole, 
Lyle  Conner.  Second  row,  Eleanor 
Lake,  Roysten  Tucker,  Doug  Climen- 

son.  Luther  Barnhart,  Don  Rutter, 
Gil  Sward.  Front  row,  Emily  West, 
Bill  Chapman,  Bill  Wright,  Bob  Gor- 
ham.   Bill   Harkins,  Gene  Bernstein. 


i^ibtng  Puilbtng 


Psyth  nicij(H  s  recuii  top  in 
Mil  Sij>ni<i  iiienibersliip 

"Freud  is  a  genius"  .  .  .  "Freud  is  not  a  genius"  .  .  . 
No,  not  a  report  on  the  Kinsey  Report  but  a  meeting 
oi  Mu  Sigma — the  psycholog)'  honorar)'.  Where  else 
would  sueh  an  argument  take  place?  This  select  group, 
"responding"  to  intellectual  "stimulation,"  haggles  the 
theories  of  their  favorite  psychologist.  Sometimes, 
ho\\e\cr,  they  have  been  known  to  descend  to  the 
ink  blot  and  studio  couch  level  where  they  psycho- 
analw.e   each   other. 

PSYCHOLOGY     Club    members,    in    East     Science    lab,         rats.  (From  left),  John  Barry,  Pat  Webb,  Frank  Barranco, 
examine  "activity  box"  used  for  experiments  with  white         Bob  Davis   (president),  Minii  Wannaniaker,   Al  Temple. 



Second  onI\-   ro   rhc   Hospital    in   size,    rhc   Engi- 
.  neering  Building  is  somewhat  apart  from  the  main 

University  quadrangle,  bur  >'ct  within  the  shadow  of  the  Chapel.  Built  of  Colonial-style 
architecture  because  of  its  great  adaptability  to  the  functional  requirements  of  engineering 
instruction,  the  red  brick,  symmetrical  building  belies  the  bustling  dynamic  activity  which 
IS  always  going  on  inside.  Here  in  modern,  pastel  colored  classrooms,  brilliantly' flooded 
with  fluorescent  lighting,  the  engineers  work  under  ideal  conditions.  A  model  steam  plant 
and  a  high  voltage  lab  provide  rhc  students  with  some  necessary  practical  experience. 
Built  in  the  form  of  an  'E,'  the  building  is  divided  into  three  parts  with  the  civil  engineering 
in    the    middle,    the    electrical    in    the    west    wing,    and    the    mechanical    in    the    cast. 


Duke's  Slide  Rule  (Ihculies 
cMT  ci  riciss  untu  theuiselves 

DR.  WILLIAM  H.  HALL.  Dean  of  Engineering  College, 
took  Engineering  Degrees  at  Duke,  Michigan,  Wisconsin. 

1  here  hadn't  hcLii  nian\'  worries  \\  hen  you  letr 
home  ro  enter  Duke;  you  were  going  to  he  an  engineer. 
It  was  as  simple  as  that.  After  the  first  tew  weeks 
that  contidenee  had  slowly  dwindled,  and  there  was 
little  douht  that  \()u  had  a  long  road  ahead.  Nine- 
teen and  twenty  hours  e\ery  semester,  long  labs 
with  their  endlcs.s  reports,  and  tedious  homework 
kept  >ou  busier  than  some  ot  the  more  fortunate 
Trinity  ('ollege  students.  By  the  end  of  the  first 
semester,  the  ranks  of  the  engineering  students  w  ere 
considerably  thinned;  some  changed  their  majors; 
others   faded  out  ot   school. 

B\'  the  beginning  ot  \our  sophomore  \'ear  \ou  were 
beginning  to  become  adjusted  to  the  exacting  work. 
1  here  was  a  feeling  of  belonging  as  you  decided  w  hat 
branch  of  engineering  you  would  pursue:  mechanical, 
electrical,  or  civil.  Your  classmates  became  more 
distinct  and  in  time  were  your  closest  friends.  E\'ery- 
thing  \ou  liid  had  some  relation  ro  sour  work,  ^()u 
began  to  take  pride  in  being  a  part  ot  the  I'.ngineering 
(ollege.  I'.xerything  that  happened  to  you  was  con- 
nected with  the  I'-ngineering  HLiilding.  It  became  a 
second  home,  for  \ou  had  \our  own  magazine,  class 
officers,  societies,  social  organizations,  and  honoranes. 


iHPlSKSS"''""  ■■■« 





H.  C.  BIRD,  head  of  Civil  Engineer- 
ing, has  taught  at  Duke  since  1926. 

R.  S.  WILIillR  supervises  the  depart- 
ment    of     Mechanical     Engineering. 

W.  J.   SEELEY.  Electrical   Engineer- 
ing   Chairman,    is    a    sonar    expert. 


As  ;i  coiiscRiitious  cngiiKcr  you  spent  imicli  of 
your  rinic  working,  and  rlic  work  was  of  a  type  that 
encouraged  indi\idual  initiati\e  while  making  team- 
work necessary  at  flic  same  time.  In  the  junior  and 
senior  years  most  courses  were  taken  in  one  building 
with  one  group  ot  instructors,  which  tended  to  make 
you  more  familiar  with  instructors.  Wf)nder  ot  won- 
ders, e\  en  the  lessons  seemed  to  become  easier  as  you 
del\  eil  further  and  further  into  your  chosen  profession. 
More  often  than  not  the  case  wasn't  that  the  lessons 
had  become  easier,  bur  that  \()u  had  learned  what  it 
meant  to  really  stud\'  and  to  think,  ^'ou  were  absorbing 
something  called  education. 

ENGINEERING  ALUMNI  register  in  Engineering  Build- 
ing   on    Homecoming    before    revisiting    familiar    haunts. 







CUTAWAY  MODEL  of  an  eight  cylinder  Oldsmobile  recipro- 
cating gasoline  engine  is  examined  by  mechanical  engineers. 

TEST   DATA   of   centrifugal    pump   is   checked   by   Professor 
Wilbur  with  the  help  of  five  mechanical  engineering  students. 

Ilicii  111  till.'  spring  ot  your  senior  year  you  touiul  your 
whole  career  at  sraUe.  Inrer\'ie\\  followed  inter\iew. 
Your  sroin;ieh  (iui\ered  ;is  \()u  waited  tor  each  one,  tor 
your  future  job  depended  upon  tiie  impression  nou  made 
with  the  prospective  employers.  Soon,  howeser,  it  was 
o\er  and  xou  lookeil  forward  to  putting  what  xou  had 
learned  to  work  tor  pa\  .  ^ollr  engineer's  lite  had  lieen 
hard  work  hut  seareeK  horedom.  When  :r  was  .ill  o\er, 
howe\'er,  and  ilipiomas  handed  out,  \'ou  eould  s.n  ,  "it 
wasn't  easy,  hut  it  w  as  worth  it." 

ELECTRIC   OUTPITT  of  .steam   turbine- 
operated  generator  is  checked   by   IVIE's. 





ov  I  iNi'i-n 

ELECTRONIC    weighing    device    at  WIRE     RECORDER    DEMONSTRATED     TO     ENGINEERS'     SHOW     VISITORS 

traded  many  spectators  at  the  show. 




OIL-FIRED     boiler     provides    steam     for     miniature 
power   plant   in   mechanical    engineering    laboratory. 

Tile  first  Engineers'  Show  was 
held  in  1926  in  the  basement  of 
Ashuiy  and  consisted  of  three 
electric  machines,  a  switchboard, 
and  se\ei'al  testing  instriinients.  T()- 
day  the  laigineers'  Show  has  grown 
into  a  tv\o-da\'  open-house  with 
thousands  of  visitors. 

1  his  year  the  Mechanical  Kngi- 
neering  Department  leatured  a  nun- 
iature  power  plant,  diesel 
automotive  internal  combustion  en- 
gines, cut-awa\-  engines,  and  a 
ram-jet.  The  Civil  Engineering 
Department  provideil  a  demon- 
stration ot  highway  construction, 
complete  w  ith  models  and  pictures 
showing  the  process  of  road  builii- 
mg.  I  he  I'.lectrical  I'.ngineering  De- 
partment showed  an  electrical 
house  of  magic  w  ith  an  aluminum 
ring  floating  in  mid-air  and  a  prox- 
imity switch  that  set  off  an  alarm 
when  a  spectator  afiproaehed  if. 



ENGINEERS'   WIVES   enjoy    electronic   cuisine    while 
they  operate  concession  stand  at  Engineers'  Exhibition. 


Student  bmnch  of  A.S.H.E. 
helps  the  civil  engineer 
i>ciin  knowledge  of  field 

Since  1933  there  has  been  a  chapter  of  the  American 
Society  of  Civil  Engineers  on  the  Duke  campus.  Each 
year  a  field  trip  is  made,  and  Buggs  Island  Dam, 
Virginia,  was  visited  by  this  year's  group.  Additional 
trips  included  the  Du  Pont  Kinston  Plant  and  Duke 
Power's  Dan  River  Steam  Plant.  The  student  societ\- 
invites  representative  speakers  from  their  field  to 
address  them,  to  round  (Hit  the  program. 

A.S.C.E.  MEIVIBKRS  in  lab  are,  clockwise  around  table, 
T.  Kennedy  (holding  slide  rule),  E.  Gilbert,  J.  Mendez, 
S.  Westervelt,  J.  Cranwell,  C.  Dickerson,  G.  Gerber,  W.  H. 
Grove,  B.  McRae,  B.  Perry,  F.  Nelson,  M.  F.  Reed,  D. 

Bower,  D.  Cote,  and  C.  Sleeker.  Standing  around  the 
back,  left  to  right,  T.  Eure,  B.  Shipp,  V.  Ilamnicrberg, 
W.  F.  Stevlingson,  (".  VV.  Brown,  C.  Lyon,  J.  Hall,  D. 
Strain,  F.  Katzinski,  B.  Stout,  B.  Schmidt,  and  J.  Shipley. 


A.I.E.E.  MEMBERS  in  an  electrical  engineering  lab  are, 
left  to  right,  Kenneth  Gross,  Scott  McEvven,  Bill  Collins, 
Norman  Bolton,  Lee  Brackwell,  Joe  Hail,  Emmett  Bat- 
ten (back),  Professor  Otto  Meier,  Professor  H.  A.  Owen, 

Dan  Proctor,  Frank  Peake  (forward),  Clyde  Whitley 
(back),  Ralph  Seeley  (seated),  and  Edward  Joyner 
(seated  at  the  end  of  the  line).  Sitting  in  foreground  on 
the  generator  are,  Kenneth  Lloyd  (left),  and  Page  Butt. 


A.I.E.E.  enlists  students 

of  electrical  engineering 

The  Duke  University  student  branch  of  the  Ameri- 
can Institute  of  Electrical  Engineers  was  established 
in  1927  by  Professor  W.  J.  Seeley  of  the  Engineering 
College.  Its  primary  purpose  is  to  keep  its  members 
informed  about  current  developments  in  the  field  ot 
electrical  engineering.  Practical  applications  of  class- 
room theory  arc  found  on  the  inspection  trips  taken 
by  the  society. 

At  the  meetings  student  and  professional  speakers 
are  provided  with  an  opportunity  to  discuss  subjects 
pertaining  to  electrical  engineering.  These  meetings 
stimulate  close  relations  between  the  students  and 
practicing  engineers.  The  fact  that  the  Durham  Engi- 
neers' C'lub  annuall\-  sponsors  an  inspection  trip  to 
Buggs  Island  for  the  A.I.E.E.  members  is  proot  ot 
this  relationship. 

Highlights  of  the  year  included  the  tall  meeting  of 
the  North  ("arolina  section  of  the  A.I.E.E.,  which  was 
held  at  Duke  University,  and  a  social  function  in  the 
spring  semester. 









ASME  MEMBERS,  front  to  back,  from  extreme  left,  John 
Watkins,  Fred  Van  Ilasselt,  Ray  Holland,  Hubie  Davis, 
Ken  Johnson,  George  Detwiler,  Harrilla  Coppala.  Stand- 
ing across  back,  left  to  right,  are,  Phil  McMullan,  Otto 
Dieffenbach,  Chester  Hwang,  Wallace  Shelby,  Van  Ken- 

yon,  Ken  Probert,  Walter  Wise,  and  Glenn  Marlin.  In 
the  center  foreground,  back  row  from  left  to  right,  are 
Mac  Murray,  Bob  Walker,  Pete  Pctruchik,  Jim  Barrett, 
and  Lyie  Connor.  In  the  front  row,  from  left  to  right, 
are   Preston  Tracy,   Jack   Anderson,  and   Frank    Harvey. 

LOliS  {i  COfiS 

A.S.M.E.  niemhers  see  dciss 
nnnu  them ies  in  piiUtite 

\\'h;ir  will  ir  he  like  ro  push  cnir  shJc-nilcs  and 
•,ippl\'  our  "ciigiiiceniig  iudgciiK'iir"'  t>ir  .1  \\\\  cheek - 
One  ot  the  aims  ot  the  stiuienr  hraneh  ot  the  \ 
S()eier\'  ot  Meehanieal  I'.ngineers  is  ro  help  the  nieni- 
li(.i"s  answ  (.r  rhai  i]uesiion.  Insfieerion  programs  ac- 
i]uainr  rlie  M.l'l.'s  w  ith  ihe  pr.ieneal  side  ot  engineering. 
( "omperirion  was  keen  among  rhe  iiKanhers  who 
prese'iued  reehnie.d  p.ipers.  1  he  spe.dser  r.dsing  io|i 
honors    represented    Diiki.-    at    tile    n.gion.d    meeting. 



Order  of  St.  I\itr  i(  k  menihers  <ii  e 
t(i|)  men  in  (;nllej>e  of  En|;iiieerinj 

The  Older  of  Saint  Patrick 
fakes  its  name  troni  the  Patron 
Saint  ot  I'.ngineering.  Aeeording  to 
popular  heUet  St.  Patrick  "droxe 
the  snakes  out  ot  Ireland,"  but 
the  engineers  claim  this  intcrpreta- 


tion  ot  the  legend  to  lie  tallacious 
and  that  the  true  account  reads, 
"St.  Patrick  drove  stakes  in  Ire- 
land, "  thus  making  St.  Pat  a  civil 
engineer.  On  St.  Patrick's  Day 
and  other  occasions  the  members  of 

the  Order  wear  bright  green  bow 
tics  in  commemoration  of  St.  Pat, 
the  first  engineer. 

The  Duke  (Chapter  of  The  Order 
ot  St.  Patrick  was  established  in 
June  1945,  and  the  Duke  Chapter 
nationalized  the  Oitler  in  March 
19^1.  The  Order  of  St.  Patrick 
chooses  its  members  trom  the 
junior  and  senior  classes  on  the 
basis  ot  leadership,  integrity,  and 
contributions  made  to  fellow  stu- 
dents and  to  the  College.  1  he  pur- 
pose ot  the  organization  is  to  recog- 
nize and  encourage  competent  lead- 
ership in  the  ( "ollegc  ot  Pnginecring. 

ing in  the  library.  Seated  clock- 
wise  from   the   right,    Lyle   Connor, 

Chester  Hwang,  Pete  Petruchik, 
Ken  Johnson,  Dan  Proctor,  Robert 
Walker.      Charles      Fishburne,      Phil 

IMcMullan,  Hiibic  Davis,  George  Det- 
wiler.  Standing,  Ray  Holland,  Glen 
Marlin,  Jack  Anderson,  Herbert  Lee. 


PI  TAU  SIGMA  MEMBERS  are,  left 
group  clockwise  starting  at  left,  G. 
Detwiler    (kneeling),  M.   Murray,  J. 

Anderson,  R.  Holland,  V.  Kenyon, 
W.  Wise,  H.  Coppala,  J.  Barrett 
(kneeling),    and    C.    Hwang.     Right 

group,  from  left,  P.  MciMullan,  F. 
Harvey,  C.  D.  Fulton,  O.  Dieffenbach, 
G.    Fishburne,    L.    Connor    (sitting). 


Top  I  cinkinji  ME's 

enjoy  menil)ershi|) 

in  V\  TcKi  Siiinici 

Twice  each  )'ear  Pi  Tan  Sitinia 
selects  a  few  of  rlic  ourstanding 
men  in  the  junior  ami  senior  nie- 
ehanieal  engineermt;  classes  to  be- 
come  candidates  tor  nicnihership 
in  the  national  honorary. 

hi  the  selection  ot  members 
emphasis  is  nor  only  placed  on  high 
scholastic   atrainmeiii.    hut    eiiai'ac- 

ter,  citi'/.enship,  personality,  and 
professional  interest  are  considered 
as  well. 

Pi  liiu  Sigma  also  aw  ards  a  prize 
to  the  outstanding  sophomore  of 
the  previous  \-ear,  serving  not 
oiiK  to  recognize  his  exceptional 
work,  hut  also  encouraging  others 
to    strne    for    hiuher    aehiexemeiit. 



Tau  IWtci  Pi  nienibers  stcind  hii^h  in 
dciss,  le<i(l  ill  outside  <ittivities 

The  primary  requisite  for  ad- 
mission into  Tail  Beta  Pi,  national 
engineering  iionorarv  soeier\',  is 
distinguished  scholarship;  bur  after 
the  scholastic  requirements  ha\e 
been  fulfilled,  the  final  selection  is 
based  on  integrit\',  breadth  of 
interest  both  inside  and  outside  of 
engineering,   adaptability,   and   un- 

selfish activity.  Tau  Beta  Pi  feels 
that  integrity  of  character  trans- 
cends in  importance  scholarship, 
acn\ir\',  and  e\'er\'  other  qualifica- 
tion. Under  integrity  is  included 
honor  and  high  standards  of  truth 
and  justice. 

Tau  Beta  Pi,  although  an  honor- 
ary  society,   does   not   choose   to 

exist  solely  for  recognition  of 
scholastic  achievement,  rather,  it 
feels  that  it  must  perform  some 
service  to  its  Alma  Mater.  .Vt 
Duke  University,  Tui  Beta  Pi 
takes  an  active  interest  in  the 
affairs  of  the  ("f)llege  of  I'.ngineer- 
ing.  It  sponsors  a  student-pro fes.sor 
raring  poll,  recognizes  outstanding 
juniors,  and  co-sponsors  slide  rule 

The  highlights  of  the  year  are 
aKva\s  the  initiation  banquets  w  lien 
the  new  initiates  are  introduceil  and 
the  prize  winning  pledge  essa\  is 
read.  The  winner  of  tiie  fall  con- 
test was  one  of  Tau  Beta  Pi's 
junior  honor  students,  Douglas 

TAU  BETA   PI  MEMBERS   in  class 
room  are.  from  left  to  right,  T.  Ken- 

nedy, B.  Wright,  R.  Neal,  C.  Stecker, 
D.  Clinienson,  J.  Barrett,  F.  Harvey, 

C.  Hwang,  E.  Shain,  E.  Ballard,  K. 
Lloyd,  H.  Coppala,  and  C.  Fishburne. 



J)ukEiii>ineer  is  qucirterly  publiidtioii 

I  Ik-  hilhicx  rluu  (.numbers  arc 
unable  ro  write  well  cerraiiiiy 
ix-cexes  no  .sup|ic)rt  Iroin  the 
Di/klu/iii/nrr.  This  senii-tcchnical 
numa/.inc   that    is    written    i)\-    and 

tor  tile  enL;ineenng  students  ranks 
as  the  best  magazine  oi  its  kind 
in  tile  stare.  Published  (luarterlv. 
It  is  ot  interest  to  treshnien. 
upperelassinen,  and  alumni. 

EDITOR  OF  DukEngiiH-cr,  Ralph 
Seeley,  is  .secretary  of  Religious 
Council,   a   member   of    St.    Patrick. 



f- . 


"Medical  Miracles'  rhe\  call  rhe  Duke  Hospital 
and  Medical  School.  And  miracles  they  are,  too, 
plan.  la\our.  and  achievement.  Standing  at  the  north  end  ot  west  campus,  this  huge, 
rambling  building  with  its  maze  of  contusing  corridors  was  built  with  a  specific  purpose 
in  mind — to  be  a  great  center  in  rhe  South  that  would  meet  the  medical,  rhe  scientific 
needs  of  the  state  and  the  nation.  Through  its  doors  have  gone  many  people  to  their  hundred 
destinies.  Some  to  sec  their  new-born  sons,  some  to  sec  their  d\ing  mothers,  some  to  seek 
ad\ice  from  renowned  specialists,  some  to  try  to  solve  the  mysteries  of  science  in  the  re- 
search laboratories.  The  hospital  has  seen  life  ended,  life  begun,  life  improved,  life  prolonged 


Nurses  live,  work,  plciy  in 
shcitlow  of  their  profession 

Six  a. 111.  risings;  eight  tiill  hours  ot  running;  count- 
less diapers  to  he  changed;  the  sleepless  da\'s  after 
night  duty — it  isn't  all  the  glamorous  vision  it  once 
was.  But,  when  the  student  days  are  over  and  you 
stand  all  in  white,  the  three  years  of  tears  and  joys 
flash  before  your  eyes. 

The  stone  building  rising  above  the  frees  .  .  .  that 
first  walk  into  Baker  House  .  .  .  the  swishing  starched 
aprons  of  the  envied  upperclassmen  ...  up  the  steps 
to  meet  a  roommate  w  ho,  thank  goodness,  says  "you 
all"  instead  of  "youse"  .  .  .  singing  in  the  bathtubs  .  .  . 
night  nurse  signs  with  their  grave  warnings  of  "Quiet — 
or  else"  .  .  .  the  stack  of  books  .  .  .  the  handsome 
figure  in  white— the  legendary  intern  .  .  .  Mary 
Chase  in  Nursing  Arts  who  resisted  every   attempt 

FLORENCE  WILSON,  Dean  of  the  Duke  Nursing 
School,  assumed  her  duties  here  in  1946  follow- 
ing much  experience  in  nursing  administration. 

to  be  made  more  comfortable  .  .  .  that  proud  first  da\' 
in  new  blue  and  white  and  the  disillusionment  that 
soon  followed  when  we  discovered  that  thermometers 
are  not  sterilized  by  boiling. 


clockwise  around  the 
table  beginning  with  the 
girl  standing:  R.  McCas- 
kill,  E.  Kline,  ,T.  Den- 
ning, S.  Ezzell,  C.  Ogle, 
N.  McKelvy,  M.  Sheretz, 
rtl.  Faceniin,  P.  Reece, 
P.      Mertz,      G.      Payne. 

NURSES'  STUDENT  GOVERNMENT,  seated  at  table 
from  left,  are  S.  Shellenberg,  Miss  Ingles,  J.  Mathews, 
P.  Mertz,  P.  Rogers,  M.  Miller,  J.   Kelbert,   F.   Cobb,   P. 

Reece.  On  couch  are  K.  Neilson,  M.  Edwards,  A.  Clark, 
Miss  Carter.  Back  row,  J.  Denning,  M.  Lyon,  B.  Laeson,  N. 
Mahoffee,  N.  Reynolds,  R.  McCaskill,  J.  Smith,  J.  Miller. 

Getting  lost  with  a  paricnr  while  cnrourc  ro  the 
mysterious  operating  room  .  .  .  exams  .  .  .  l)ones, 
museles,  nerves,  grains,  and  grams,  ehcmieal  reaerions, 
procedures,  all  a  hopeless  jumble  in  fifty  brains  .  .  .  the 
endless  summer  .  .  .  evening  and  night  dut\'  stretehing 
on  .  .  .  tired  feet,  varicosities  .  .  .  September  finally 
comes  bringing  special  services  .  .  .  precipitations  in 
Kmcrgeney  .  .  .  "The  Case  of  the  Missing  Meatus" 
in  urology  clinic  .  .  .  The  Diet  Kitchen  with  all  its 
glorious  rice  .  .  .  then  to  the  world  ot  green,  the  smell 
of  ether,  the  great  operating  room  .  .  .  the  eternal  test 
of  good  humor  .  .  .  that  first  reprimand,  "You're  the 
worst  student  nurse  ot  all"  .  .  .  plastic  surgery  set 
ro  Dr.  Pickrcll's  music  .  .  .  acquiring  the  knowledge 
of  mo\'ing  Dr.  Wbodhail's  srool  with  one  hand, 
adjusting  the  lights  with  the  other,  and  pumping  up 
the  table  w  irh  your  foot  while  dodging  bloody  sponges. 

NURSES'  QUEEN,  Joyce  Mouillesseaux,  Glen  Rock, 

N.  J.,  was  crowned  at   Nurses'   Christmas  Formal. 



c:()N  nNLKl) 

PREPARATIONS  lor  Halloween 
are  made  by  nurses,  who  are  cutting 
pumpkins  and  cats  out  of  cardboard. 


A  bad  case  ot  ultra  xiolcr  sunburn 
and  crossed  eyes  from  threading 
F.I.N.'s  .  .  .  cabin  parties,  the  pins 
and  serenades,  and  the  parking  lot 
where  many  futures  arc  planned 
under  the  watchful  eye  ot  "Harry" 
.  .  .  the  puppies  med  students 
deliver  and  dump  on  us  to  find 
homes  for  .  .  .  contemplated 
suicide  and  homicide  .  .  .  penicillin 
and  shrieks. 

KEEPING       RECORD       of       baby's 
weight  is  a  part  of  nurses'  training. 

COOKING  LABS  are  conducted  to 
teach  the  freshmen  nurses  to  pre- 
pare   special    diets    for    hospital    pa- 

tients. Here  two  student  nurses  with 
their  instructor  measure  and  stir  ac- 
cording to  the  required  specifications. 


UN  riM.i:i) 


TIME  m\\ 


Our  Senior  Year  .  .  .  supcrioriry 
complexes  when  the  trcshnien  ar- 
ri\e  .  .  .  babies  and  bottles  .  .  . 
grubb\'  urchins,  sweet  angels  in 
hospital  gowns  .  .  .  the  joy  when  a 
child  cries  for  \ou  instead  of 
"Alommy"  .  .  .  tond  tarewells  to 
ke\s  and  the  T\'  set—  and  on  to 
C).  B.  .  .  .  "He  is  indeed  a  wonder- 
ful doctor  who  also  saves  the 
lather"  .  .  .  the  thrill  of  the  first 
cr\-  .  .  .  the  heartbreak  that  comes 
with  the  stillborn  .  .  .  the  eclamp- 
tics on  Prevost  .  .  .  graduation  and 
June  weddings  .  .  .  X"s  on  the 
calendars  and  September  is  here 
.  .  .  the  threat  that  no  Duke  nurse 
has  ever  failed  State  Boards.  1  he 
student's  life  is  o\er  .  ,  .  man\' 
memories  can  he  written.  man\' 
mistakes  laughed  at.  \M-  learned 
tlie  profession  of  nursing,  hut  more 
important  we  gained  a  tleepcr 
indersranding   of    life    and    peojile. 

iors, right,  from  front,  Kohlmeier, 
Coble,     Page,     Champion.      Juniors, 

left,  from  front,  Roman,  Johnson, 
Kime,  Marchman,  Elmore.  Freshman, 
back.  Bates,  Barnes,  Kelly,  Amburn. 

MO.NDAY  NIGHT  activities  in 
Baker  House  diet  kitchen  include 
doing   week's    washing,   ironing. 

FORMAL  AFFAIR  of  note  is  the  Nurses' 
Christmas  dance.  Clever  decorations  and 
large  turnout  resulted  in  a  pleasant  evening. 

BAKER  HOUSE  nurses  converse 
while  doing  odd  jobs.  One  is 
"setting  up"  uniform  before  bed. 

SANTA  FILOAinNA  members 
gather  around  flickering  Florence 
Nightingale  lamp,  s\mbol  of  the 
honorary  nursing  society.   Clock- 

wise,  beginning  at  the  left  fore- 
ground, Argyle  Clarke,  Betty 
Gutierrez,  Phyllis  Alerrz,  Joann 
Kelbert,    Betty    Presses    (seated), 

Rachel  McCaskill,  Georgia  Pa\ne, 
Aliidred  Miller.  Santa  Filomena  is 
highest  honor  a  nurse  can  win,  its  pin 
the  only  jewelry  a  nurse  can  wear. 


''     'W;'. 



\'isirors   to   rhc   campus   see  and   admire   ir   first. 

Phorogr;iphcrs  shoot  it  from  cvcr\-  conceivable 
angle.  Snnkiirs  live  their  dail\-  lives  in  its  shadow,  .\lumni  remember  it  alter  all  else  has 
faded  a\va\'.  Irs  very  size  commands  respect.  Its  beaut\-  inspires  awe. 

The  campus  centers  around  it,  as  should  our  lives  center  around  religion.  The  classroom 
stands  close  b\-  it,  as  does  learning  stand  close  to  religion.  It  is  built  on  rock  -solid,  im- 
movable, irresistible,  it  is  both  a  challenge  and  a  haven.  It  is  a  symbol  of  something  that  we 
feel  inside  but  do  not  know  how  to  express.  It  is  a  symliol  of  man  reaching  up  for  .something 
above  and  greater  than  himself.     It  is  the  symbol  of  Duke.      Indeed,  the  Chapel  is  Duke. 

The  carillon  chmics  our  on  Siinda\-  mornings. 
1  he  huge  car\cd  doors  arc  open,  \oicing  an  in\  irarion. 
Bo\s  wait  on  the  srcps  tor  rhcu"  dares;  on  sreps  rhar 
have  been  hollowed  our  b\-  rhe  passage  ot  man\-  tecr. 
Inside,  rhe  ('hapel  is  barbed  in  warm  tones  ot  color. 
Sunlight  strikes  the  stained  glass  windows  and  sitrs 
through,  torming  patterned  tapestries  on  the  gray 
stone  walls.  The  pews  arc  cool  and  smooth.  The 
choir,  in  black  and  white,  lift  their  voices  as  the  organ 
tills  the  arches  w  ith  its  booming  tones.  The  minister 
commands  attention  and  reception.  His  words  strike 
deep  and  lodge  there.  Attcrwards,  the  chimes  sound 
three  times  in  the  quietness.  There  is  a  majest\'  present, 
a  spirit  ot  re\erencc.  This  is  Sunda\'  in  the  (Chapel. 
This  is  Sundav'  morning  at  Duke. 

The  C^.hapel  is  a  landmark.  It  is  a  signpost;  a  guide. 
It  looks  out  over  the  buildings  and  campuses  ot  Duke, 
over  the  tobacco  factories  of  Durham,  and  sees  all. 
It  seems  omniscient  and  omnipotent. 

.-\t  night,  spotlights  create  light  out  ot  darkness. 
Sometimes  its  reflection  is  thrown  up  against  the 
clouds,  traming  a  ghost  chapel. 

In  spring  and  summer,  the  quadrangle  is  covered 
with  groups  ot  students  and  visitors  listening  to  the 
songs  ot  the  bells.  The  Chapel  comes  alive.  It  seems 
to  breathe  and  speak.  1  he  bells  arc  tongues  speaking 
many  languages  and  are  understood  by  all  who  come, 
regardless  ot  race  or  nationality.  It  reaches  out  and 
touches  eyes,  ears,  mind,  and  heart.  It  lea\es  an  im- 
pression that  is  not  soon  forgotten.  It  seems  to  realize 
human  needs,  and  fills  the  empty  spaces  in  our  lives. 
This  is  the  Duke  C^hapel.  It  is  indeed  a  living  thing. 

THREE  FIGURES  at  right  of  the  Chapel  entrance  are 
Thomas  Jefferson,  Robert  E.  Lee,  and  Sidney  Lanier, 
representing:  Statesmen,  Soldier,  and  Poet  of  the  South. 


RELIGIOUS  COUNCIL,  first  row,  C. 
Castle,  P.  Leake,  B.  A.  Young,  W. 
Werber   (standing).    Second  row,  T. 

Ennis,  T.  Pollock,  S.  Brown.  Third 
row,  (standing),  J.  Cannon,  C.  Camp- 
bell, (seated),  H.  Clark,  N.  Mahafee. 



Uelij>i(uis,  sorifil 
life  cue  (oiiibined 

The  Srudcnr  Religious  ("(umcil 
coordinates  the  program  ot  the 
student  rehgious  organizations  and 
carries  on  projects  of  interest  to  all 
the  groups.  The  C'ouncil  sponsors 
projects  like  the  International 
Tea,  Interdenominational  meetings. 
Leadership  Training  (Conference, 
World  I)a>-  of  Pra>er,  Brotherhood 
I)a\  Observation,  and  X'esper  serv- 
ices. The  membership,  which  con- 
sists of  the  presidents  ot  all 
religious  organizations  and  eight 
mcmbers-at-lartre,   meets   nxinthlv. 

YORK    BIBLE    CLASS    pictured    during    regular 
Sunday    morning    meeting    in    Union    Ballroom. 

EDCJE.MONT     Community     Center     receives 
much  of  money  collected  at  Chapel  Services. 

wl^m    ^^^flf   .^^m      ~Wm      ^  ^^^H 

-vW       ' 


mmm  %y 

V"  ^ 

Anioni;  the  acri\itics  ot  the  I?aprisr  Studcnr  Union  arc 
intercollegiate  and  inter-racial  nieerings.  At  retreats  at 
Ridgecrest  each  fall,  plans  are  formed  and  BSU  members 
are  spirirually  enriched.  Delegates  to  the  regional  con- 
ference share  ideas  with  representatives  of  other  Baptist 

The  Methodist  Student  Fel- 
lowship meets  Sunday  mornings 
to  discuss  the  Christian  faith 
and  related  problems,  Sundav 
nights  for  a  meditation  hour, 
and  Tuesday  nights  for  a  get- 
acquainted  "Chat  'n  ('hew."" 
MSF  members  also  lend  a  hand 
in  many  fields  of  service  and 
set  aside  times  strietl)-  for  fun. 



The  aim  of  the  Lii- 
rlieran  Student  Associ- 
ation is  to  conserve  the 
religious  life  of  the 
students  in  the  educa- 
tional institutions  of 
tile  eliurch  and  other 

Besides  meeting  every 
w  eek  in  thcKastC'ampus 
("hapel,  these  Luther- 
ans conduct  Student 
Sunday  at  St.  Paul's 
1  .utheran  Church  in 
Durham.  1  hey  meet 
1  .utheran  students  of 
other  colleges  at  a  Tri- 
State  Picnic  evcr\'  year. 
Their  publication  an- 
nounces the  schedule  of 
meetings  and  group  ae- 
ri\  iries. 

W_    .:.^.-'-'-^ 

— -a 


■  % 




.  -^ 


Alccting  every  Simda\'  night  tor  a  worship 
hour  and  e\cr\-  Wednesday  tor  supper  and  an 
intornial  meetuig,  rhe  Westminster  I'ellowship 
ofters  Prcsb\rerian  studenrs  tellovvship,  re- 
ligious inspiration,  and  opportunities  for  ser\- 
ice.  The  Supper  Club  programs  arc  student  led 
and  inckide  discussions  ot  current  Christian 
problems  and  social  acrnity.  1  here  are  man\' 
opportunities  tor  social  service  work,  such  as 
giving  parties  at  the  Durham  Day  Nurser\-, 
visiting  at  Camp  Burner,  and  teaching  Sunda)' 
School   at   the   Spastic   Hospital. 

The  Canterbury  (^lub  participates  in  the  w  ider  phases  of 
rhe  campus-wide  program,  particularly  through  social  services. 
These  Episcopalians  go  to  intercollegiate  and  state  conferences 
besides  carrying  on  a  tull  calendar  of  worship  and  social 
events  on  campus.  They  also  seek  to  follow  the  national 
program  of  the  Episcopal  ('hurch,  and  take  retreats  for  problem 
solving  and  fellowship. 

Every  Sunday  morning  the  C'anterbury  C^lub  holds  a  com- 
munion ser\ice  in  the 
Memorial  ('hapel  in- 
side the  University 
("hapel.  During  the 
Lenten  season,  there  is 
a  communion  ser\ice 
every  Wednesday  morn- 
ing in  the  East  (Campus 

IN  (iOn  WE  TRUST 


Not  only  snident  and  graduate  nurses  but  other  hospital  personnel 
and  also  patients,  often  in  wheel  chairs  and  sometimes  on  stretchers, 
attend  the  School  of  Nursing  vesper  services  conducted  every  Thursday 
night.  Led  and  accompanied  by  student  nurses,  the  Nurses'  ('-hoir 
pro\ides  special  music  for  these  iirngrams. 

I'.\ery  other  Sunday  night  a  group  ot 
taculf\  and  students  meet  tor  dinner 
anil  a  program.  Ihey  torm  the  Duke 
UTiitarian  fellowship.  Dr.  Rhnic  and 
Dr.  l-'hillip  llandler  ha\e  been  among 
the  speakers  that  ha\e  been  inxired  to 
address  them.  .-\  group  ot  liberal 
rhinkers,  the  Unitarians  ha\  e  included 
111  rheir  discussion  programs  the  topics 
'"!  lumanitarianism,  "I  iumanism,"  and 
'  .Mcoholism." 

The  Newman  Club  seeks  to  provide  an  environment 
of  Catholie  eulture  for  the  students  who  ha\e  eoinc  from 
Cathohe  homes  into  a  Protestant  University'.  Since  the 
program  emphasizes  fellowship  with  the  other  Catholics 
on  the  campus  and  w  ith  the  sponsor,  Father  Francis  Smith, 
and  stresses  the  importance  of  religion's  permeating 
e\'ery  Catholic's  life,  membership  is  steadily  increasing. 
Coordinating  its  religious  and  social  program  with  that  of 
the  University,  the  Newman  Club  helps  Catholics  keep 
close  to  their  Church  while  enriching  their  Duke  life. 

The  name  of  thi' 
Jew  ish  religious  organi- 
zation on  campus,  the 
Hillel  ("lub,  is  some- 
what misleading;  tor  it 
is  not  a  club  in  the 
strict  sense  of  the  word. 
The  primary  emphasis 
of  the  group  is  on  the 
Frida\'  night  religious 
ser\ices;  however,  the 
social  and  cultural  life 
is  not  neglected  b\'  the 
group,  w  hich  is  made  up 
ot  nearly  all  the  Jew  ish 
students  on   campus. 












Men's  (ilee  Oliih,  Ohnir  set  Chtipel 
reverbercitiii<>  from  top  to  bottom 

I  hc\'  sing  at  the  drop  ot  a  hat. 
It  doesn't  matter  where  or  when 
— singh',  m  twos  or  three's,  or 
more.  Thc\'  like  to  sing;  it  eomes 
as  naturally  as  does  breathing  to 
you  and  me.  And  never  do  the\' 
sing  as  they  do  when  they're  all 
together,  when  to  the  last  man 
they're  respondmg  to  Bishop's 
cvcr\'  gesture.  In  the  spring,  when 
they  are  nearest  to  perfection,  they 
go  on  four,  appearing  in  concerts, 
on  the  radio,  on  television.  Florida, 

New  \'ork — the  nation  hears  them 
and  approxes.  All  of  Duke  tunes 
in,  senses  a  twinge  ot  pride,  and 
sa\s,   "That's  our  Glee  C'lub." 

On  Wednesda\'  night  the\'  gather 
with  the  girls  in  the  Chapel  to 
practice  for  the  Sunda)'  morning 
service,  lor  the  presentation  ot 
the  Messiah  and  the  Redemption. 
The  music  swells,  the  walls  re- 
verberate. It's  something  to  hear. 
In     a     special     wa\'     the\'     honor 

J.  FOSTER  B.-^RNES  marks  twenty- 
fifth  year  as  Director  of  Glee  Club. 


drix  plays  at  services 

Bishop's  twenty-tilth  year. 

Mildred  Hen- 
and  concerts. 



Secret  Order  of  Red  Friars  taps  the 
seven  outstanding  men  on  the  campus 


Oniinon  Deltci  V\i\])\m  linnors  men  who  combine 
lecidership  with  hi<>h  scholastic  cihihties 

MEMBERS  OF  ODK  sitting  on  the 
Chapel  steps  are  from  left  to  right, 
front     row:     Jim     Pollock,     Chester 

Hwang,  Denny  Rusinow,  Dick  Blair, 
Carl  James,  Bob  Price.  Back  row: 
Lee  Noel,  Dick  Rucker,  Dick  Crow- 


der.  Bob  Windom,  Otto  Dieffenbach. 
Standing  in  back  are  Malcolm  Craw- 
ford, Al  Raywid  and  George  Grune. 






%  ■  iri  •-!,  .T  •••i^T 

tubent  ^niong 

Its  red  brick  and  round  white  columns  make  the 
East  Campus  Union  look  like  a  Southern  mansion 
in  all  its  prc-(^ivil  War  splendor.  It  faces  its  twin,  the  library,  across  a  rounded  quadrangle, 
and  completes  the  perfect  symmetry  and  poise  of  the  Woman's  Campus.  Long  before  the 
sun  rises  behind  it  in  the  I'.astern  sky,  the  lights  in  the  kitchen  flash  on  and  a  rattle  of  pots 
and  pans  indicates  that  breakfast  is  being  prepared  to  feed  hungry  Duke  coeds  before 
they  run  to  8:10's.  All  day  and  into  the  night  there  is  a  constant  hum  of  activity  in  the 
two  identical  dining  halls,  w  irh  cafeteria-style  counters  and  rows  of  wooden  tables.  For 
sororit\'  pledge  dances  several  times  a  year,  the  lobby  is  transformed  into  a  beautiful  dream- 
land. 1  hen  strains  of  soft  music  fill  the  air,  silencing  the  usual  clatter  of  silver  and  plates. 

Dominating  one  side  of  the  main 
quadrangle  on  West,  the  Union  is 
perhaps  the  most  frequented  build- 
ing of  all.  Following  the  Gothie 
plan  of  the  Men's  eampus,  this 
strueture  looks  like  it  was  ereated 
out  ot  a  heap  oi  gra\'  stones  by 
more  than  human  ingenuity  and 
ability.  Battlements  adorn  the  top 
of  the  sturdy  tower  as  if  the  build- 
ing were  placed  in  its  central 
location  more  for  the  protection  of 
the  students  in  times  of  feudal 
warfare  than  for  their  use  and 
enjoyment  in  twentieth  century 
America.  The  walls  that  support 
the  searching  tendrils  of  shiny 
green  ivy  enclose  an  almost  inde- 
pendent community  that  is  in  the 
middle  of  Duke  life,  a  part  of  it, 
yet  aloof  from  it.  The  first  place 
everyone  goes  in  the  morning  and 
the  last  stop  made  at  night  before 
going  to  the  dorm  is  the  P.O.  The 
Barber  Shop,  the  Book  Store,  and 
the  University  branch  of  the  bank 
give  Duke  students  a  shopping 
center  all  their  own.  Jammed  with 
people  every  time  of  the  day  or 
night,  the  Dope  Shop  is  like  Grand 
Central  Station  on  a  holida\'.  For 
the  famished,  there  are  the  paneled 
University  Dining  Halls,  the  Oak 
Room,  and  the  Snack  Bar.  Many 
student  activities  originate  in  the 
offices  of  Miss  Garrard  and  Miss 
Pemberton.  The  Union  is  indeed 
the  center  of  much  campus  activit>'. 

MASSIVE  GOTHIC  TOWER  forms  most  prominent  corner  of  men's  Stu- 
dent Union.    The  huge  building  is  situated  on  the  left  of  the  Chapel. 

FACULTY  APARTMENTS,  to  right  of  arch 
contains    club     rooms    for    several     groups. 

HHs     DUKE  urntrnj^^oS 









EARLY  MORNING  is  busy  time  in 
West  Dope  Shop.  Students  stop  be- 
tween   classes    to    make    purchases. 

SUPPI.Ii:S  COl'NTKR  of  dope  shop 
keeps  students  in  pencils,  paper,  and 
other  items  of   educational   process. 

NECESSITIKS  and  luxuries,  candy, 
cigarettes,  magazines,  etc.,  are  sold 
at    notions    counter    of    dope    shop. 






Student  cictivities  center 
cibout  Ecist  cuul  West  Unions 

Where  do  rhc  majority  of  Campus  activities  center? 
What  is  the  only  place  where  you  can  get  a  haircut 
and  a  soda  simultaneously;  the  only  building  through 
which  nearly  everyone  passes  at  least  once  a  day? 
Obviously  the  ansv\'er  is  the  Union. 

Headquarters  of  communications  and  publications, 
gathering  place  for  groups  and  committees,  resting 
place  for  momentarily  unoccupied  individuals,  social 
center  for  dances,  site  for  lectures,  haven  for  the 
hungry — in  some  way  these  buildings  constitute  a 
part  ot  the  daih'  lite  of  us  all. 

On  East,  the  main  function  of  the  Union  is  to 
furnish  food  for  famished  females.  The  lobby  serves 
any  purpose  from  being  a  place  to  sip  after-dinner 
coffee  and  discuss  the  latest  gossip,  to  a  meeting  place 
for  committees  and  discussion  groups. 

RUSH  BREAKFAST  of  milk  and  roll 
in  West  dope  shop  between  classes  is 
daily    procedure    of    many    students. 

IN  THE  UNION'S  CAFETERIAS,  students  enjoyed  Thanksgiving  in  an  atmos- 
phere of  candles  and  tablecloths  provided  for  the  occasion.  Despite  all-out 
efforts  of  the  staff,  it  lacked  one  ingredient  to  make  it  a  real  holiday — home. 





DUKE'S  BOOKSTORE  is  besieged  eacli  semester  by  well- 
intentioned  students  purchasing  new  tools  of  the  trade. 


VM'st's  Union,  on  rlic  orlicr  h;uul.  lias  atrracrions 

vvL-n  for  rhosc  pliirocrars  w  ho  arc  ahlo  ro  drwc  dow  n- 

tiiwn  for  iluii'  iiaais.  lor  w  har  holds  more  fascination 

than   the   post  office  and   ilic   lio|ic   that   soinc<.ia\    that 

iitic    ho\    will    contain    something    besides    gatheniiL; 

lust-    I. lie's    truial   necessities   arc   con\cniently    pro- 

ided    under   this    roof    also:    cigarettes,    soap,    candw 

icncils,    alarm    clocks,    the    thousand    and    one    small 

iiii    \iial   ihiiiiis      the   L'nion   has   them   all. 

■  ^  A^l<r  ^^KiS^^H 

1                ^r^r..<f^ 

THANKSGIVING    DINNER    by    candlelight 
presents   an   appetizing   array    of   delicacies. 

COIN  TELEPHONES  by  the  Dope  Shop  are  in  constant  demand.    Lo-         POST  OFFICE  LINES  are  common,  since  it 
cation  is  convenient  except  for  ever-playing  juke  box  blaring  nearby.         is  easily  the  most  frequented  spot  on  campus. 

COEDS  MOVING  through  East  Union  cafeteria  are  served 
noon   meal.     Raincoats   reveal   typical   rainy   school    day. 


The  very  grcgarioiisncss  of  man  accounts  for  a 
great  part  ot  the  Union's  population.  Duke's  Student 
Unions  are  the  most  frequented  four  w  alls  on  campus. 
\'otes  are  cast  there,  mone\'  drawn  out  and  deposited, 
newspapers  and  magazines  bought,  telegrams  received, 
stomachs  filled,  hair  cut.  .All  shapes,  sizes,  and  varieties 
of  notices  and  announcements  are  posted  there  w  ith 
complete  confidence  that  the\'  will  be  read  by  each 
and  everv  individual  ever\-  da\-. 

4          ^^^ 






J.     MP.  J 


















ON  SUNDAYS,  students  settle  in  Union  lobby 
to  read  news  and  funnies.  Sunday  papers 
come  in  from  all   over  the   East  and   North. 

(  <)i:i).S  H1:LAX  with  coffee  and  lisarettes  in 
overstuffed  easy  chairs  of  Kast  Campus  Union 
lobby.  This  is  a  common  practice  after  dinner. 

STUDENT  LAUNDRYMAN  climbs  long  steps  Iroin  Diik.  1  .iiiiulis. 
located  in  sub-basement  of  West  Campus  Union.  Pick-up  and  de- 
livery service  is  supplied  to  both  campuses  for  student's  convenience. 

FACULTY  CLl'B  holds  a  banquet  in  West  Campus  Union 
Dining  Room.  This  is  an  annual  affair  which  generally 
takes  place  before  the  beginning  of  Christmas  vacation. 

BRANCH  BANK  is  one  of  Men's  Union's  many  facilities 
for  convenience  of  students.  A  busy  spot  at  almost  any 
hour,  it  is  especially  crowded  before  and  after  weekends. 


"•<^»Av  , 




*    ^      r  • ' 





Alumni  Dept.  keeps  tcibs  on  j^mds 

You  graduating  seniors  had  better 
watch  out  or  the  Akimni  Depart- 
ment workers  will  get  \"ou.  Near 
the  end  of  the  year  they  send  you 
the  Aliimrii  Register  free  for  a  few 
issues,  and  before  \ou  know  what's 
happened,  \ouve  subscribed  and 
>ou're  hooked.  However,  even  if 
you    resist    this    subtle    bait,    vou 

can't  evade  the  requests  for  money. 
After  all,  the  Alumni  Department 
was  instrumental  in  making  a 
success  of  the  Duke  Development 
Campaign.  Soon  the  engineers  ot 
this  little  plot,  Mr.  (Charles  .A. 
Dukes  and  his  assistant.  Miss  Anne 
Garrard,  will  have  you  back  for 
Homecoming  as  full-fledged  alumni . 

ALUMNI  AFFAIRS  are  handled  in 
Union  offices  by  Director  Charles 
Dukes  and  assistant   Anne   Garrard. 




MEN'S  S.G.A..  front  row  left  to  right:  T.  Dulin,  B.  Black- 
ard  (kneeling),  G.  Gerber,  D.  Singletary,  P.  Ronca,  L. 
Conner     (kneeling),    B.    Marshall,    A.     Santamaria,    B. 

Stubbs.  A.  Raywid,  B.  Younts,  J.  Chapel,  L.  Wycoff 
(kneeling),  G.  Marsden,  D.  Beaty,  J.  True,  R.  Fesperman, 
V.   Ciminelio    (kneeling),   H.  Yancy.    Back   row,   left   to 


Men's  Slutleiit  (iciverniiieiit  diul  its  three  year  old  off 
spr  in<»,  Ju(li(  i<il  llocird,  exetute  will  of  student  body 

PRESIDKNT  AND  (  IIAIKAIAN,  Al  Knywid,  left,  of  MSGA 
and    George    Grune    of    Judicial    Board    discuss    problem. 

The  Men's  Student  (iovcrnmcnt  Association  with 
renewed  vitjor  and  finaneial  resources  began  to  resume 
the  ascendancy  over  campus  artairs  that  it  tormerly 
occupied  lietore  tlie  war.  1  heir  most  notable  ac- 
comphshment  l)rought  "America's  Ibwn  Meeting  ot 
the  Air"  to  Page  Auditorium.  Senator  Robert  Tatt 
and  John  Scott  of  Time  magazine  also  appeared  here 
through  their  etforts.  M.S.(i.A.  with  W'.S.CJ.A. 
sponsored  a  low  n  Meeting  to  air  opinions  on  student 
gtnernment.  an  lionor  swstem,  and  the  cut  system. 
M.S.(i.A.  met  with  \ar\ing  degrees  ot  success 
attempting  to  obtain  students'  unlimited  cuts  and  to 
keep  tile  librar\  opi-ii  on  Sunda\  nights.  1  he  other 
liiir  ot  M.S.Ci. A.,  the  Judicial  Board,  made  recom- 
mendations for  punisiimg  violators  ot  University 


right:  M.  Brenner,  H.  Carter,  R.  McLeod,  A.  Nial  D 
bpofford,  D.  Germino,  J.  Farrington  (rear),  D.  Hanner, 
D.  Watov   (rear),  C.  Hwang,  B.  Bush,  N.   Crawford    G 

Lynch,  B.  Werber,  V.  Smith  (behind  chair),  F.  Brooks 
L.  Myers  (rear),  D.  Bauman,  F.  Parker,  V.  Anderson' 
J.  Neely,  J.  Reynolds  (rear),  J.  Carter.  S.  Franks  (rear)' 

MEN'S  JUDICIAL  BOARD  seated  around  conference 
table  are,  left  to  right:  Dick  Sommers,  Dick  Farquhar 
uante  Germino.  Chairman  George  Grune,  George  Lynch, 

Tom  Sanders,  Ed  Wallace,  and  Lee  Noel.  The  Judicial 
Board  tries  cases  involving  students.  The  object  is  to 
study  the  campus  problems  and  dole  out  fair  penalties. 




SENIOR  "Y"  CABINET,  seated 
clockwise  beginning  at  left  end:  Ted 
Thomas,    Tom    Bowles     (Secretary), 

"Y"  PRESIDENT  Bob  Windom 
stands  in  archway  under  office  sign. 

Walt  Adams,  "Doc"  McClelland,  Bob 
Younts,  Tom  Cole,  Henry  Clark,  Bill 
Dean,    Frank    Lang,    Nolan    Rogers, 

Dick  Riley,  Bob  Windom  (President, 
standing),  Ray  Ammeran  (Treas- 
urer), John   Carey    (Vice-President). 

"Y"  MEN  SELL  DRINKS  to  frosh  in  Dope  Shop.    A  large  number  of  upper- 
classmen  return  to  campus  each   year  to   help  freshman   during   orientation. 


Y.M.O.A.  serves  the  tcimpiis 

(ictrinti  the  jump  on  everybody  else,  rlie  Senior 
"V"  Men  seranihled  all  over  West  Campus,  holding 
suitcases  and  answering  questions  for  the  incoming 
freshmen  during  orientation  week.  Thanksgixing 
weekend  just  wouldn't  have  been  the  same  without  the 
"Y"  sponsored  wheelbarrow  race  and  especially  the 
('hapel  service.  They  also  sponsored  a  Dungaree 
Jamboree,  Mother's  Day  Chapel  program,  visits  at 
the  hospital,  campus  tours,  and  projects  at  Edgemont. 

The  sophomore  "Y  "  cabinet,  put  on  a  talent  show, 
sponsored  a  bridge  tournament  and  a  lost-and-found 
bureau,  hnind  homes  in  which  the  foreign  students 
could  sta\'  durmg  Christmas  vacation,  and  sent  C'hrist- 
mas  cards  to  the  maids  and  janitors  on  West.  Last  but 
not  least,  the  freshman  "Y"  cabinet  helped  out  on 
numerous  occasions  in  furthering  the  work  of  the  "Y". 

SOPHOMORE  "Y"  CABINET  holds  a  meeting  in  Y.M.C.A. 
office  on  second  floor  Union.  They  are,  seated  around 
the    table    from    left,    Rowe    Fesperman,    Bill    Hargraves. 

FROSH  CABINET,  back,  left  to  right,  C.  Seager,  M.  Wil- 
liams, L.  Wyckoff,  B.  Ulrick,  M.  Keeman,  D.  Trimper,  P. 
Miller,  L.  Myers.  Front,  L.  Barnhardt,  B.  Fisher,  J. 
Clemente,    B.    Blackard,    J.    Hagan,    B.    Barrett    (front). 

Ben  Bigeston,  John  Reed,  Bill  Bartlett,  Don  Rosenkranz, 
Don  Beatty,  Doc  McCellan,  Burke  Healy,  Bob  Smith,  Tom 
Taylor,   Jack   Johnston,    Ken    Orr,   and    Dick    Sineletary. 

HI       A 


.                     —     .    .          ' 





PUBLICATIONS  BOARD,  clockwise  K.  Weatherspoon,  M.  Crawford,  D.  dan,  Dean  Herring,  B.  Spivey,  N. 
around  table,  beginning  in  fore-  Rusinow,  R.  Winters,  R.  Seely,  D.  Harris,  P.  Perry,  G.  Grune,  D.  John- 
ground,   C  .   B.   Markham,   R.   Nelson,         Gould,  J.  Young,  G.  Kinney,  B.  Jor-         son,     Mrs.     Cheek,     N.      Hennessee. 



(ihciiUicleer,  Artlii>e  ciiul  Ohnmitle 
Hood  idinpus  vvitli  reddiii^;  in<itei  i<il 

G.  C.  HENRICKSEN,  Assistant  Busi- 
ness Manager  and  Assistant  Comp- 
troller,   is    adviser    for    publications. 


"PUB  ROW"  JANITOR  rests  before  undertaking  task  of 
sweeping   littered   floor   of   Chanticleer    Editorial    Office. 

Pub  Row — home  ot  Duke's  printed  word.  There 
rhe  srarts  ot  three  puhhcations  strive  to  please  the 
world's  toughest  critie — the  student.  On  an  annual, 
quarterh',  and  weekly  basis,  they  write  about  him 
and  for  him,  play  up  to  him  and  play  down  to  him, 
shoot  pictures  ot  him,  interest  him,  and  bore  him. 
The  result:  at  Duke  nearh'  ever\one  reads  the  Chan- 
Tici.Fi-K,  the  CInri/iicle,  and  the  Archive. 



cleer office  are,  left  to  right:  Tina 
White,    Coed    Editor;    Jane    Gleason, 

Associate  Editor;  Shorty  Hollyfleld, 
head  photography  director;  and 
Bob    Spivey,    the    Assistant    Editor. 


Oliciiitiiieer  tells  story  of  Uuke 

BUSINESS  STAFF,  left  to  right,  are 
Jerry    Cates,    ass't.    bus.    mgr.;    Ann 

Tatum,  coed  bus.  mgr.;  Dick  Johnson, 
bus.  mgr.;  and  Ed  Wallace,  adv.  mgr. 

VARIOUS  STAFFS  of  the  Chanti- 
cleer pose  on  the  lawn  in  back  of 
Pub  Row  along  with  the  equipment 

Once  a  Near  rhc  (■iiwiicaiiu 
crow  s  out  a  record  of  rhc  college 
Near.  All  \  ear  long,  writers,  pho- 
tographers, and  all  the  other  people 
who  help  to  put  together  such  a 
hook  work  frantically,  ('oinpleted 
assignments  form  the  imposing 
stack  that  describes  varied  aspects 
of  college  life.  The  clicking  ot 
t\  pew  riters,  fluttering  ot  papers, 
and  murmuring  of  voices  eonsranth' 
rill  the  room. 

While  the  editorial  stall"  molds 
material  into  finished  torm.  the 
luisiness  staff  works  with  dollars 
and  cents.  On  hotli  stalls,  excite- 
ment and  activitv'  grow  as  the 
deadline  approaches.  The  com- 
pleted annual  represents  the  labor 
of  these  students  and  the  daiK 
hfe   of  everv    student    on    campus. 

and  materials  used  for  their  specific 
jobs.  From  left  to  right,  the  editorial 
office    staff    with    a    typewriter,    the 

copy,  caption,  and  sub-head  staffs 
with  sheafs  of  copy,  the  art  editor, 
the   photo   directing  and   scheduling 

staffs  with  a  picture  schedule,  the 
photographers  with  cameras,  and  the 
business  staff   at   the   extreme   right. 

CHANTICLEER  EDITOR  Ronny  Nelson  frowns  over  work 
and  clamps  down  harder  on  bent  paper  clip  between  teeth. 

BUSINESS  MANAGER  Dick  Johnson  keeps  the  Chanti- 
cleer accounts  in  order,  sells  ads,  and  bills  advertisers. 




ALL  THE  NEWS  . . . 

Weekly  (ilirnnitle  keeps  the 
(Viiiipus  iiifdi  med  of  iLself 

K\cr\-  I'Viday  nitrhr  the  ('.iiroiiiclc 
appears.  No  iiiarrcr  whar  the  re- 
ception, conipliinentar\  or  dispar- 
aging, the  Chroiiiilc  is  more  w  ideK* 
read  than  an\  other  campus  publi- 
cation. I.ittle  does  the  average 
student  reader  reah/e  the  work  that 
goes  to  make  up  his  w  eekl\-  new  s- 
papcr.  .Assignments  are  handed  out 

at  the  hrsr  ot  the  \\  eek.  1  lien  all 
da\-  and  most  ot"  the  night  on 
Wedncsda\-  the  paper  is  liiuTiedN' 
assembled,  la\out  planned,  and  Copl- 
and heads  written.  I  hur.sday  the 
printer  goes  to  work  and  finalK'  on 
Frida\'  the  (Jirai/iclr  is  circulated 
and  tor  a  tew  short  hours  holds  the 

now  supervises  large  staff,  writes 
editorials     amid     a     confused     rush. 



CHRONICLE  BUSINESS  STAFF  are,  left  to  right:  Sam  Northrup,  Adver- 
tising Manager;  Ray  Ammerinan,  Advertising  Manager;  Carol  Tiller,  Coed 
Assistant    Business    Manager,    Frank    Lang    Assistant    Business    Manager. 

CIRCULATION  STAFF  members  Dave 
Brown,  Marge  Skorvaga,  Henry  Per- 
kins, left  to  right;  Bill  Woolard,  standing. 

Malcolm  Crawford  directs  adver- 
tising,    circulation,     book-balancing. 

CHRONICLE   HIGHER-UPS  are,  left  to  right.   Steve   Franks,   Mary   Flanders, 
Charlie    Dilts,    Nick     Hennessee,     Laura     Ann     Vendig,     and     Phil     Fullerton. 


WELL  UEAI)  coNMs.Eu 

EDITOR  AND  BUSINESS  Manager,  (itoiKe  Giune,  right, 
and    Jim    Young,    discuss    important    Archive    business. 

EDITORIAL  STAFF  are   Sue   McMullen,  standing;   Joan 
Mader,  John  Carter,  and  Ruth  Rae,  seated  left  to  right. 


Archive  ciffnrds  crecitive 
writers  ihciiue  tn  (levelop 

The  Archive  office  is  found  behind  the  quietest 
door  on  Pub  Row.  The  door  is  seldom  found  open, 
or  even  unlocked,  but  by  some  strange  and  inexplain- 
able  phenomena,  the  "South's  oldest  literary  publica- 
tion" has  never  missed  an  issue.  This  \ear,  in  order  to 
arouse  more  interest  and  to  cultnate  literary  and 
artistic  talent,  the  Archkr  has  tried  to  reach  further 
afield,  asking  faculty  as  well  as  students  to  contribute 
their  work.  It  has  used  a  more  \aried  la\-out  to  make 
it  more  e)c-appealing.  1  he  choice  of  articles,  short 
stories,  and  poetr\-  has  also  shown  a  further  reaching 
editoral  policy.  The  goal  has  not  onl\  been  to  appeal 
to  more  readers,  but  also  to  appeal  to  more  contributors 
b\'  running  from  light  humerous  short  stories  to 
intellectual  rjsearch.  The  most  important  function  is 
to  serve  as  an  incubator  for  Noung  talent. 

HISINESS  ST.MF  members  are,  left  to  right,  Don  Gould, 
Jim    Atkinson,    Jim    Vann,    Fat    Aliller,    and    Ed    Bouhl. 


FRESHMEN  PHOTOGRAPHERS  Stan  Virden  (left)  and 
Andy  Pickens  decide  correct  focus  of  negative  in  enlarger. 


You've  stood  for  hours  waiting  in  the  cold,  \ou"ve 
sullenly  gaped  at  the  camera,  but  strangely  enough 
the  final  picture  in  the  \'ear  book  usually  more  than 
satisfies  you.  The  Ch.anticlker  photographer  had  done 
a  good  job  of  clicking  the  shutter  and  developing  the 
print.  The  darkroom  on  Pub  Row  had  more  than  done 
its  share  to  produce  your  annual. 








'    i 



^-^jjl^^  ^ 


WHO'S  WHO  members  are,  seated 
clockwise  from  girl  in  foreground, 
A.  Crews,  F.  ('obb,  L.  Noel,  K.  Rich- 
ards, T.  Stevens,  on  sofa,  C.  Hwang, 
H.  Pollock,  H.  Poss,  R.  Dannenberg, 
S.  McIVluUen,  D.  Blair,  D.  Crowder, 

R.  Nelson,  seated  center.  Second 
row  seated,  left  to  right,  J.  Gibson, 
P.  Pnrviance,  N.  Fairley,  A.  You- 
mans,  R.  Seely,  ,1.  Ingwerson,  P. 
Cherry,  J.  Cannon,  forward,  M. 
Crawford,  D.  Rusinow,  back,  M.  Bix- 


Who's  Who  j>ives  rero<;iiilion 
for  noteworthy  cK  hievement 


by,  forward,  B.  Windom.  O.  Dieffen- 
bach,  back,  J.  McAfee,  B.  Price. 
Standing,  back  row,  C.  Fishburne, 
H.  Davis,  J.  Pollock,  A.  Raywid,  D. 
Rucker,  N.  Hcnnessee,  A.  Pearson, 
W.    Howard,    E.    Ballard,    G.    Grune. 

ThcN'  ncNLT  tier  roycrlKT.  1  lu\' 
iu'\cr  do  ;iii\rhing  as  a  uroiip. 
Tluii-  iiucrcsts  arc  w  idcK  scpa- 
rarcd.  I'licx  ha\  e  Inir  one  tiling  in 
common;  rlic\  all  head  some  or- 
ganization on  campus.  Conse- 
qiicntlv  fhc\  "ve  liccn  ciioseii  tor 
the    college    bo\ 's     Who's     Who. 



lliike  liulepeiulent  Society  has  nuule 
impnrtcint  strides  during  the  yecir 

Fifty-nine  men  on  \M-st  Campus 
form  the  Duke  Independent  So- 
ciety. The  group  aims  at  that  much 
desired  high  scholastic  average,  at 
the  same  time  encouraging  mem- 
bers to  participate  in  campus  ac- 
tix'ities.     While     thus     trxinff     to 

achiexe  ultimate  good  on  campus, 
D.l.S.  manages  to  take  time  out 
for  social  functions.  Even  athletes 
ha\e  a  chance  to  shine  when 
intramurals  begin.  Another  group 
takes  its  place  in  the  ranks  of 
Duke  orsani/ations. 

CABIN  PARTIES  at  Crabtree  State 
Park  are  one  of  the  favorite  function.s 
on  the  social  calendar  of  this  group. 



(East  Union  ©uilbins 

JUDICIAL  BOARD  IMKMUKKS,  seated  haek- 
ground  to  foreRround,  Jo  InRwcrson  (chair- 
man), T.   Stephens,   Marge   Pettit,   Lib   Cole- 

man, Jo  Weedoii,  Jan  MeKee,  Kmmy  Peter- 
son, Pru  IVIorey,  Nancy  Fairley,  Bernie  Leven- 
son,    Margaret    Richardson,    Joyce    McAfee. 

WOMEN'S  STUDENT  GOVERNMENT,  standing  left  to 
right,  Jo  Ingwerson,  Ann  Gunderson,  Bunny  Noble,  Jane 
Bolnieier,  Blair  Bowers,  Nancy  Runyan,  Mary  Bryson, 
Audrey  Earle.    Seated  around  table,   left  to  right:   Ann 


W.S.G.A.  rules  Ecist  Ccimpiis 

The  steering  w  heel  of  all  East  Campus  acrivirics, 
W.S.G.A.  is  the  sounding  board  for  new  ideas  and 
pet  complaints.  Through  the  work  of  Council  and  its 
auxiliaries,  the  co-ordinated  machinery  of  student 
activities  is  efficient.  The  reorganized  Judicial  Board 
amends  and  modernizes  the  rules,  pushes  the  estab- 
lishment ot  an  academic  honor  swstem,  and  handles 
trial  procedures.  Both  strive  for  a  greater  degree  of 
student  government. 

Hammond,  Ann  Crews,  Susan  Pickens,  Dottie  Platte, 
Barbara  Seaberg,  Fay  Cobb  (Vice-President),  Izzy  Young, 
Molly  Bixby,  Kay  Richards,  JoAnne  Cannon,  Peppy 
Clements.    Sitting  in  front  of  table  is  T.  Stevens  (Pres.). 

CHIEF  EXECUTIVES  of  Woman's  Student  Government 
and  Judicial  Board,  T.  Stevens  (left)  and  Jo  Ingwerson. 

Nancy  Runyan,  right,  passes  job  on 
to    Leiia    Harmon    tor    spring    term. 

head  Pam  Cherry  works  for  good  re- 
lations between  students  and  faculty. 

WAYS  c^- 

S(Kicil  Stcindcinis 
(;(MM(lin<ite  hocird 


members,  from  bottom  up  steps. 
Margaret  Kennedy,  Bernie  Shepherd, 
Jane  Rutherford.  Mary  Sargent,  Pat 

Purviance,  Jean  Nowell.  Marty  Mil- 
ler, Margaret  Hodges.  Jane  Lindsay. 
Junior  Thomas.  Dotlie  Platte. 
Pamela  Cherry  (Chairman  of  Board). 



in  the  lobby  of  the  East  Campus 
Union  are,  across  back  from  left,  N. 
Barrows,  E.  Weber,  P.  Yancey,  F. 
Rogers,   P.   Hinson,   H.   Kaufman,   L. 

Harmon,  Y.  Schweistriss,  C.  Hill,  N. 
Runyon,  A.  Watchman,  H.  Foppert, 
J.  Perry,  S.  Couch.  D.  Turner,  M. 
Black.  Sitting  on  couch  in  middle 
background,   S.   Perkins,   A.   Henson, 

N.  Hobbs,  A.  Goldthwaite.  K. 
Richardson,  J.  Burcham,  M.  Nelson, 
J.  Crowell.  Sitting  across  front,  B. 
Hedricks,  T.  Moehler,  J.  Hull,  R.  Col- 
linson,  P.  Rose,  P.  Mood,  M.  Bowman. 


and  the  Student 
liuide  East's  momle 

Wbrking  side  by  side  with 
W.S.G.A.,  Social  Srandards  and 
Co-ordinate  Board  do  rhcir  best  to 
keep  I'.ast  C'ampus  on  an  even  keel. 
While  Social  Standards  does  its 
best  to  establish  good  relations 
among  the  students.  Co-ordinate 
Board  acts  as  an  intermediary  be- 
tween   students    and    the    faculty. 

"Keep  off  the  grass!""  "What, 
nf)  hose.'""  Familiar  big  words  of 
the  Social  Standards  Committee  as 

they  make  e\'ery  attempt  to  make 
I'^asf  the  epitome  oi  good  taste. 
The  members  arc  constantK'  on  the 
run — planning  social  functions  and 
publishing  two  hooks  a  year — 
"lt"s  Nf)f  in  the  Handbook'"  for 
freshmen,  and  the  Duke  calendar. 
Co-ordinate  Boird  tries  to  find 
a  common  meeting  ground  tor 
students  and  faculty.  The  big  issue 
this  year,  the  cut  system,  has  aroused 
much   interest  and   speculation. 


YW  SENIOR  CABINET  members, 
standing  from  left  to  right,  Ann 
Ritch,  Anne  Covington,  Pat  Sommer- 

dahl,  Barbara  Lane.  Sitting,  Mary 
Lib  Coffee,  Barbara  Murray,  seated 
in   chair,   Audrey   Earle,   Betty   Ann 

Young,  Miss  Sampley,  Tess  Pollock, 
Dottie  Horton,  Norma  Revels,  Mar- 
tha Ann  Fritz.   On  floor,  Lois  College. 


AT  HOME  hcirkens  to  socifil  (cillinii 

When  you,  the  Freshman, 
jumped  off  the  train,  a  Y  girl  was 
u  aiting  ro  rake  you  to  your  dorm 
and  make  \ou  tcel  ar  home.  During 
the  follf)\\  ing  week,  the  \  spon- 
sored open  iiouses  and  an  exehange 
dinner  ro  help  you  meet  the  tresh- 
men  from  West.  Your  contact  w  irh 
rhe  ^  (IkI  not  liuI  after  I'Veshinen 
Week.  You  soon  learned  that  there 
is  a  place  for  everyone  in  the 
activities  ot  rhe  ^.  l\riiaps  nou 
decided  your  field  of  ser\-ice  was 
at    I''dgemotit    or    in    rhe    Durham 

Day  Nursery.  You  experienced  the 
true  Christmas  feeling  by  making 
to\s  for  need\'  children,  in  rhe 
spring  your  morher  w  as  introduced 
to  Duke  life  through  rhe  ^-spoIl- 
sored  Mother-Daughter  weekend. 
You  discovered  that  the  Y  was 
active  all  through  the  year,  working 
hard  and  unselhshK'  on  an  almosr 
hmirless  number  of  worrhy  and 
deser\-ing  projeers  lioth  in  row  n 
and  on  rhe  campus.  Indeeil  the  ^ 
rehgiousK  l)elie\es  ni  begiiinuig 
ehanr\  ar  home. 


FRESHMAN  "Y"  COUNCIL,  standing  right:  Molly  Meffert,  Beverly  Roulain,  Valerie  Peene, 
Nelda  Stanley,  Margaret  Jackson.  Seated:  Ann  Wall,  LaVern  Olney,  Carolyn  Nuite.  Standing 
right:  Helen  Poe,  Alex  Thacker,  Judy  Meyer,  Frances  Wilson.    Seated  left:  Joan  Lee,  Ann  Riteh. 


"YW"  PRESIDENT  Tess  Hough,  Phi 
Kappa  Delta  and  White  Duchy,  was 
voted  1951  Sweetheart  of  Sigma  Chi. 




Ir  takes  xoiir  bixarli  auu\  rhc  first  time  you  sec 
it  up  the  Quadrangle  on  Ivast.  Everything  points 
to  it.  The  other  buildings  lead  your  e\  e  to  it.  It  is  the  first  building  you  recognize  when 
\<)U  come  back  for  class  reunions.  A  symlx)!  of  the  (leorgian  architecture  predominate 
f)n  the  Women's  ('ampus,  it  is  beautiful  in  its  symmetr\-  of  design,  its  brick,  its  white 
columns,  its  graceful  rotunda.  Framed  with  white  snow  and  dark  naked  trees  in  winter,  the 
auditorium  is  even  lovelier  m  the  spring  when  the  sk\  is  cobalt  and  the  trees  are  abla/.e 
with  blossoms  and  new  green  leaves.  The  doors  are  open  wide  whenever  there  is  an  as- 
sembl\-,  a  sing,  or  a  speaker.  .-\t  night  the  lights  Hash  on,  beckoning  students,  faculty,  and 
tow  nspeople  to  take  part  in  its  activities.  Its  w  ide  stone  steps  have  felt  many  hurr>ing  feet. 

Over  on  West,  in  a  building  of  Clorhic  architccrurc 
set  in  the  middle  of  a  cluster  of  buildings  that  re- 
semble a  medieval  feudal  easrle,  the  important  voices 
of  the  Men's  C'ampus  and  of  the  nation  are  hearil. 
Page  Auditorium  has  pla\  ed  host  to  Senator  Bob 
Taft,  Patrice  Munsel,  and  the  I'irst  Piano  Quartet, 
among  others.  Banners  strung  across  the  tront  door- 
way have  announced  the  Hoof  'n'  Horn  Shows  and 
the  Duke  Pla>ers'  productions.  I'',ver\^  \\'ednesda\"  and 
Sarurda\'  nights  there  are  long  lines  in  front  ot  the 
box  office  waiting  to  see  Quadrangle  movies.  In  the 
spring  the  walls  resound  with  rhe  deep,  mellow 
harmonies  of  rhe  Duke  Cilee  Club,  giving  a  premiere 
showing  Ix'fore  starting  on  their  nation-wide  tour. 
The  feet  of  many  people  of  man\-  groups  on  campus 
have   worn   the   stone  threshold   smooth   and   cur\ed. 

Headquarters  of  Duke  Players,  Branson  Building 
is  liehind  Alspaugh  on  East.  For  its  productions, 
Branson  has  a  special  theater-in-the-round. 

These  three  auditoriums — Women's,  Page,  and 
Branson — are  indeed  the  \oice  bo.\  of  Duke.  On  their 
stages  vital  problems  of  rhe  work  and  of  the  two 
campuses  are  discussed  and  decided,  cultural  programs 
are  presented  to  enrich  life  and  to  gi\e  pleasure,  and 
students  prepare  for  their  future  life  in  a  democracy 
through    their    participation    in    student    government. 

BRANSON  BUILDING,  small  theatre  and  workshop  for 
the  Duke  Players,  is  newest  building  on  East.  Most  of 
their    plays    are    done    in    this    "Theatre-in-the-round." 





SUNDAY  NIGHT  SING  is  MC'd  by  Dot  Jenkins,  Jarvis 
songleader.   Hymn  opens  singing,  ends  with  Alma  Mater. 


Duke's  three  stciijes  meet 
Ycirietv  of  student  needs 

IN  ANNUAL  FACULTY  sing,  Student  Activities  Adviser 
Fearing  goes  through  some  amusing  antics  with  his  fiddle. 

Man>'  arc  rhc  rimes  you  h;i\c  sunk  hack  inro  rlic 
deep  leather  sears  ot  the  audiroriuiii  on  I'lasr  and 
lia\  c  raken  our  your  knirring  needles  and  wool.  As 
you  clicked  away  on  riie  arg\'les  you  had  promised 
Bill  last  ('hrisrmas,  you  lisrened  w  irh  one  car  ro  rhc 
presidenr  ot  VV.S.CI.A.  give  rcporrs  and  open  dis- 
cussion on  such  problems  as  rhc  cur  sysrem,  rhe 
W'DBS  rransmirrer  on  I'.asr,  and  aid  ro  lidgemonr. 
You  w  arched  rhe  whire  hooded  figure  wind  through 
rhe  row  s  and  rap  rhe  new  members  ot  Whire  I)uch\'. 
livery  Sunda\'  nighr  >(ni  and  \our  date  ended  up  rhe 
weekend  ar  rhc  Sing.  Vou  wenr  ro  rhe  lecrures  fully 
inrendmg  ro  eounr  the  squares  in  rhe  domed  ceiling, 
bur  rhe  speakers  were  so  interesting,  and  their  topics 
were  all  on  such  subjects  you  knew  you  should  be 
well-informed  about,  that  you  forgot  about  ever\thing 
but  listening  to  them. 

^bu  bought  tickets  for  the  concert  series  in  Page 

and  escorted  your  dare  down  ro  rhe  fifth  row  ccnrer 
where  you  could  warch  the  ballet  and  the  I'irst  Piano 
()uartet.  You  went  out  for  a  smoke  during  intermission 
and  talked  with  professors  and  friends  who  looked 
considerably  differeiir  from  the  way  you  remembered 
them  in  your  8:10  class.  You  went  backstage  after  the 
performances  and  met  Patrice  Munsel  and  I'Vederic 
(I'ulda.  Somehow  you  felt  pri\ileged  to  be  able  ro 
speak  ro  rheiu  as  if  rhe\'  were  old  friends. 

On  l)orh  campuses  rhe  h'reslimeii  hurried  to  class 
meetings  every  week.  As  the  presidents  pounded 
their  gavels,  a  hush  sctrled  over  the  group  who  listened 
intently  to  the  rules  and  ways  of  doing  things  at 
Duke.  Ihey  heard  the  whys  and  wherefores  of  sorori- 
ties and  fraternities  and  the  honor  system.  They  were 
advised  to  wear  their  dinks  and  bows,  to  learn  the 
traditions,  and  to  ger  rheir  re(]uiremenrs  oft.  The)' 
became  a  part  of  Duke  almost  without  realizing  it. 





PHI  KAPPA  DELTAS,  wearing  traditional  white, 
mount  names  of  newly-elected  women  as  they  are 
tapped     in     front     of     Woman's     College     Auditorium. 

HOOF  'N'  HORN  orchestra  practices  take  up  many  long 
hours  before  the  music  and  acting  are  integrated  into 
a  perfect  unit  and  the  show  is  ready  for  opening  night. 




Il  >5 


'*  *..^ 

ly^oman's  ^ubitoriuni 


Forum  spoiisors  specikers 

l'';ich  \ear  rhc  Student  Forum 
committee  brings  leading  person- 
alities to  the  campus.  Students 
choose  the  ones  ro  be  in\ited  from 
a  long  mimeographed  list  sub- 
mitred  b}'  the  committee  each 
spring.  Students  pa\'  tor  them, 
entertain  them  afterwards,  and 
meet  them  at  the  informal  re- 
ceptions. Students  make  up  the 
main  part  ot  the  audience,  although 
a  large  group  of  townspeople  and 
professors  also  attend. 

There  wasn't  even  "standing 
room  only"  when  Sir  Bertrand 
Russell,  seventy-nine-year-old  Eng- 
lish earl,  scientist,  author,  and 
philosopher  came  in  the  fall.  The 
1950  Nobel  Prize  for  Literature 
winner  had  students,  townpeople, 
and  professors  practicalK'  perching 
on  the  stage  to  hear  him. 

The  educational  program  at 
Duke  is  supplemented  by  these 
speakers  from  all  over  the  world. 
They  represent  varied  fields  of 
interest  and  are  experts  in  their 
realms.  The  topics  studied  in  the 
classroom  take  on  new  meaning 
when  discussed  b\'  leading  per- 
sonalities and  authorities.  Duke 
students  put  aside  books  and  forget 
e.xtra-curricular  activities  for  an 
evening  of  enlightenment  and  en- 
joyment with  renowned  speakers 
such  as  Pearl  Buck,  Emily  Kim- 
brough,    and    Carl    Sandburg. 

SPEAKER  AND  CHAIRMAN,  Lord  Bertrand  Russell  and 
Helen  Eklund,  chat  during  a  reception  following  the  British 
philosopher's  lecture.  Student  Forum  sponsored  I-ord  Russell. 


left:  Helen 

FORUM,  clockwise  from 
Eklund,  Pat  Frances,  Sue 

McMulIen,  Joan   Oliver,   Holly   Har- 
tung,    Pat    Purviance,    Lynn    Taylor. 


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I'hi  lici|)|)ci  Deltci  cU'knnwle(lj>es  lecidership  ciiul 
srhnlcistir  <ichievement  cimoiii*  the  Duke  coeds 


PHI  KAPPA  DELTA.  Sealed  clock- 
wise bcKinniiiK  with  girl  in  left  fore- 
ground are  Sue  IMcIVIullon,  Molly 
Bixby,    Nancy    Fairley,    Ann    Ham- 

mond, Sue  Pickens,  Margaret  Con- 
stantine,  Pamela  Cherry,  Jo  Weedon, 
Connie  Castle,  Blair  Bowers,  Bunny 
Noble,    Joyce    MacAffee,     Pat    Pur- 


viance.  Fay  Cobb.  Standing  in 
back  are  Nancy  Runyon,  Pat  Fran- 
cis, Joanne  Cannon,  Joan  Ingwer- 
son,    Nancy    Peeler,    Jackie    Lewis. 


White  Dmhy  tcips  Ecisfs  outstciiulino 
seven  with  solemn,  niystii  reremnny 

Tess  Pollock 

IVY,  from  top 
M.  Parker,  B. 

,  I).  Klall 
Lane,  J 

ner,  B.  Black,      Skorvaga,    M.     Klannery,    A.    Ritch, 
Crunibley,  M.     M.   Kennedy,  Mrs.   White,   S.   Demo- 

resf,     A.    Olin, 

N.     Northington,    N. 
and  V.  Roseboroug:h. 


SANDALS,    first    row,    left    to    right. 

ond  row,  A.  Rich,  F.  Schneiderwind, 

P.    Sommerdahl,    C.    Westbrook,    M. 

M.  Nelson,  S.  Stanback,  A.  Johnson,        B.  Roberts,  J.  Dominick,  P.  Collins.         Robinson,     L.     Muse,     J.     Thomas, 

(Vice-Pres.),  C.  Power  (Pres.).    Sec- 

Third  row,  A.  MacDonald,  A.  Earle,        M.     Bryson,     J.     Smith,     J.     Ruffin. 


Ivy  and  ScHkIciIs  honor  srholcjrship, 
leadership  anion<>  first  year  coeds 

Before  the  collegiate  spirit  fa- 
tally infects  treshnian  girls,  ivy 
tries  to  indoctrinate  them  w  ith  the 
gospel  of  intellectual  curiosity. 
Freshmen  who  squeeze  a  2.25 
average  the  first  semester,  or  make 
that  average  b\-  the  end  of  the 
year,   are   initiated   into    Ivy. 

Sandals  are  potential  leaders  ot 
the  rising  sophomore  class.  The\- 
assist  in  orientation  week,  check 
roll  in  assemblies,  and  act  as 
hostesses  in  the  Ark.  IX-pendability 
and  versatilit\-  are  touchstones  to 
Sandals"  success. 



Pcin  Anieritcin  V,\ul)  (ements  relcitinns 

To  achieve  berrer  rclarions  with  esrabhshed.  The  chapter  at  Duke 
our  neighbors  down  South  America  seeks  to  arrive  at  a  better  under- 
\\a\,  the  Pan-American  Club  was        standing  of  South  Americans,  their 

culture,  and  their  way  of  life 
through  meetings  conducted  en- 
tirei)'  "en  espaiial."' 

The  club,  under  the  guidance  ot 
their  ad\'iser.  Senior  Torre,  is 
launching  a  cultural  program  ot  no 
small  size,  including  colortul  movies 
obtained  from  the  Pan-American 
Union  in  W^ashingron.  Additional 
members  are  invited.  The  club 
welcomes  suggestions  and  ideas  tor 
new  and  varied  programs  in  keep- 
ing w  irh  their  Pan-American  theme. 

Standing  on  stairs,  left  to  right: 
Enrique  Lavie,  Roberto  Vazquez,  R. 
Mendez,   Sande   Perlov,   Rafael    Her- 

nandez, Miguel  Castillo,  Hector 
Osorio.  Sitting  in  middle:  Anna  Ma- 
rie Ferber,  front,  Sara  Reece.  Sitting 
down  steps  along  rail:  Hugo  Olivera, 

Patricia  Brown,  Rafael  Garcia, 
Oscar  Salazar,  Rafael  Riqueses. 
Standing  right:  Miguel  Herrero, 
Charles  Lienza,  Gabriel   de  Obarrio. 


THETA  ALPHA  PHI  members  meeting  in  Branson,  new  Dramatics  building,  are  up  stairs  from 
left:  Bud  Gibson,  Bob  Grahl,  Mr.  Kenneth  Reardon,  Buck  Roberts,  Laurie  Vendig,  Sigrid  Nordwall. 


For  Duke  tliespicins,  Thetci  Alpha  Phi 

Besides  other  activities,  Tlicta 
Alpha  Phi  is  trying  something 
different  this  \ear  in  the  way  of 
dramatic  pla\reading,  similar  to 
that  done  professionally  l)\-  the 
Drama  c]uarret.  Duke  has  the  only 
chapter  in  North  (^arohna.  It  was 
founded  here  in  1928,  six  years 
after  its  organization  at  the  Uni- 
versit\'  of  Chicago. 




I  hike  MIciyers  set  the  icimpus  stcij»e 


:^       ^. 

Some  sruik-nts  sir  ;iiui  lirLam  of 
rhc  rime  rlic\'  can  be  srars  oveniiglir 
on  rhe  (irear  VVhire  Way.  Orhers 

do  somerliintr  ahour  ir.  I  he\'  ger 
out  .iiui  I'oll  up  their  sleeves, 
ile\  elopiiii;  theif  talents  with  rhe 
I)uke  Phuers.  Aeiors  and  aerresses 

in    face   of   player   awaiting   cue. 

experience  firsr  niulir  rhrills  and 
chills  in  tronr  ot  rhe  aiaring  foot- 
lighrs  and  expeeranr  audiences. 
iJacksrage  all  is  contusion  as  make- 
up is  detrh'  applied,  cosnimes  arc 
changed,  props  arc  grabbed  up, 
lighrs  are  dimmed  or  raised,  and 
rhe  promprer  whispers  in  loud 
rones.  The  play  is  rhe  rhing!  .And 
evcr\<)ne  plays  his  parr. 

During  rhe  rhrce  maior  pro- 
ducrions,  rhere  w  ei'c  some  meidenrs 
rhar  will  ne\er  he  torgorren.  Buck 
Robcrr's  punch  line  in  "Room 
Service"  ot"  "Thar's  all  righr,  all 
all  riglu,  all  nghricl"  .  .  .  Denny 
Rusinow's  tame  as  a  i]uiek-changc 
arrisr  in  "  1  weltrh  Night"  .  .  .  rhe 
almosr  taral  plunge  during  rhe  mock 
duel  herween  Hob  ( irahl  and  l.aiiric 
\  endig.  Bur  alw  a\  s,  in  the  rrue  spirir 
ot  the  boards,  the  pla\-  goes  on. 


BOARD  OF  DIRECTORS  in  Branson  are,  left  to  right: 
P.  Collins,  President  H.  Gibson,  M.  L.  Sattele,  D.  Marks, 
O.  Humphries,  G.  Stangeland,  D.  Tuttle,  L.  A.  Vendig. 

MAKE  UP  artists  busy  in  dressing  room.    This  delicate 
process  always  begins  at   least  an   hour   before  curtain. 




H(M)f  n  Horn  Oliib  presents 
semi  (innu(il  nuisiitil  comedy 

MAKE-UP  IS  RUBBED  IN  at  last  minute  while 
chaos  reigns  before  spring  Hoof  'n'  Horn  show. 

There  is  an  electric  stillness  permeating  every  inch 
of  the  backstage.  A  quiet  menacing  terror  creeps 
through  the  backs  ot  people's  minds.  The  questioning 
doubt  of  preparedness  challenges  e\ery  organ  of  the 
machine.  Will  the  weeks  of  rehearsals,  construction, 
and  creati\'e  talents  mesh  themsehes  into  a  smooth 
working  organism  w  ith  every  part  doing  its  appointed 
job  on  "cue"? 

It  all  started  three  months  before — that  is,  when 
the  Executive  ("ouncil  met  and  chose  the  Script  to 
be  used  for  the  sliow  .  I  hen  plans  rolled  into  being. 
Students  w  rote  and  submitted  songs  and  their  wedded 
lyrics.  Students  designed  sets,  costumes,  and  lighting 
effects.  Page  Auditorium  surged  with  activitw 

I'.veryone  was  an  individual  and  doing  an  indnidual 
job.  If  was  there  and  he  had  a  deadline  to  meet.  Every 
now  and  then  a  \-oiee  would  be  heard  rising  above  the 
multitude  pleading  tor  the  eternal  "Quiet."  .-Xs  the 
deadline  approached,  temperaments  would  sometimes 
show  their  ugly  faces.  1  ime  has  suddenly  run  out  and 
there  is  no  longer  an  opportunity  to  go  over  and 
polish  ainthing.  T  his  is  it. 

Now  there  is  no  longer  time  for  \ou  to  think. 
T  he  curtain  has  gone  up  and  )ou  alone  face  \our 
roommates,  friends,  and  teachers  combined  to  make 
rhe  most  critical  audience  possible. 

I  lere  is  the  challenge  and  to  f;ice  it  a  battery  ot  tech- 
nicians and  perlormcrs  must  rise  from  the  ranks  of 
amateurs   and   strive   to  meet   professional    standards 
The  Hoof  "n"  1  lorn  show   is  on. 

^agc  iSubitorium 

LIGHTING  TECHNICIAN  John  Hunger  controls  projec- 
tion booth  arc  light.    Ear  phones  connect  him  backstage. 

EXECUTIVE    COUNCIL   governing   body   of 
Hoof  'n'  Horn,  watches  rehearsal  of  fall  show. 

CAVEMAN  act  appeared 
in  "Lovin'  Time,"  1949 
spring  show,  was  re- 
vived as  part  of  "Hulla- 
baloo," this  year's  revue. 



^  ^ 


^>*l-  .iJ^'H 

.1- "    .  *iij   r» 


1  ,;uidm;irl<s  on  lx)rh  campuses,  rhc  libraries  arc 
rhc  brain  and  rhouglir  channels  oi  Duke.  Inro 
these  buildings  flow  rhe  ideas  of  the  greatest  thinkers  of  all  rime.  Scientific  discoveries, 
sociological  research,  and  philosophical  reasoning  of  men  who  w  ere  expert  in  their  field, 
have  been  put  down  on  paper  and  have  been  preserved  for  all  mankind.  Those  who  are 
curious  or  interested  have  only  to  finger  through  the  card  catalogue  to  find  complete  ref- 
erence material  on  every  subject.  The  stimuli  are  there;  one  has  only  to  rcsjiond  to  them. 
Through  rhe  long,  dark  corridors,  among  the  tow  ering  rows  of  stacks,  the  student  seeking 
know  ledge  can  wander  at  will,  absorbed  in  a  world  ot  wisdom  condensed  in  words  on  paper. 

1  he  lil)r;ir\'  rower  on  West  rises  trom  the  two 
spread  wings  and  looks  our  oxer  tlie  elassrooms 
surrounding  ir.  Behind  the  tiny  w  iiuiow  s  at  the  \er\- 
top  arc  ortices  ot  protcssors  who  courageously  chinb 
the  steep  stairs  nian\'  rimes  each  da\'. 

I  he  arched  srone  door\\a\'  leads  inro  a  large,  high- 
ccilingcd  room  w  irh  a  divided  srone  staircase.  Here 
tlie  maze  ot  corridors  con\erge;  it  is  a  starting  point 
where  one  can  get  his  bearing  before  he  plunges  into 
the  stacks,  or  goes  down  the  srcps  ro  rhe  newspaper 
hies,  or  Iniries  himself  in  the  reference  room,  or  opens 
his  book  in  rhe  undergraduare  reading  room. 

A  eonrrasr  ro  rhe  Gorhic  archirecrurc  of  rhe  library 
on  West,  rhe  Women's  library  is  a  s\'mphon\-  of  red 
brick  and  whirc  column.  The  sun  sinks  behind  ir 
every  evening,  ourlining  ir  sharply  againsr  the  West- 
ern sky.  As  the  shadows  lengrhen,  the  lights  flicker 
on.  The  building  looks  like  a  triendK'  southern  mansion 
with  irs  bright  windows  shining  against  the  darkness. 
The  porch  lights  burn  unril  ten  o'clock.  When  the\' 
arc  turned  off  and  the  gong  booms,  telling  ever\one 
it  is  rime  to  leave,  the  long  w  indows  darken  and  the 
marble  corridors  serrle  inro  empry,  expecranr  stillness. 

RARE  BOOK  ROOM  is  one  of  newest  and  most  beautiful 
additions  to  West  Library.  Besides  plush  furnishings,  it 
contains  a  huge  and  valuable  collection  of  rare  books. 


LOFTY  LIBRARY  OFFICES  accommodate  many  professors.    Here  Dr.  Han- 
son  of   the   Political    Science   department   formulates   lectures,    assignments. 

MAIN  DESK  of  East  Campus  Library  encloses  entrances  to  stacks,  to  which 
students  have  free  access.   This  is  a  branch  of  main  library  on  other  campus. 




When  the  dorms  have  raised 
their  usual  hum  ot  eontusion  to  a 
deafening  roar  and  that  term  paper 
has  to  be  handed  in  next  Tuesda\', 
you  ha\'e  taken  oti  to  the  Kasr 
("ampus  library.  \bu  either  biUMed 
yourselt  in  the  Tomb.s  or  you 
settled  down  in  a  comfortable 
armchair  in  the  (Chinese  Room. 
Pausing  tor  a  drink  ni  water,  you 
glanced  into  the  adjoining  room  to 
see  whose  paintings  were  on  ex- 
hibit. Atter  you  had  searched  for 
hours  in  the  stacks  for  a  book  on 
witchcraft  in  New  England,  \ou 
finally  asked  the  librarian's  help. 
Every  time  the  print  started  to 
sw  im  before  your  eyes,  you  went 
out  on  the  steps  to  rake  a  break 
and  smoke  a  cigarette.  The  library 
is  more  than  a  ha\X'n  for  the 
studious;  it  is  a  meeting  place  for 
the  .socially  minded. 

You  walked  by  the  library  on 
West  nian\-  times  each  da\',  going 
to  classes,  to  lab,  to  R.O.T.Cl.,  to 
tlie  hosiiital.  Sooner  or  later  you 
were  forced  to  see  how  it  looked 
on  the  inside,  whether  to  do  a 
paper,  research  work,  outside  read- 
ing—or just  to  look  for  someone. 
^ou  found  some  students  working 
earnestU ,  but  many  had  \ielded  to 
temptation  and  had  lowered  their 
1 1  reel  heads  onto  arms  crossed  over 
dust\  reference  books.  \\  hen  you 
finalK  con(]uered  the  endless  ref- 
erence material,  \ou  looked  at 
\our  masterpiece  with   pride. 

ACROSS  CIRCULATION  DESK  on  second  floor  of  West  Campus  li-         MICROFILM    VIEWER    provides    means    to 
brary  pass  all  books  to  and  from  stacks,  which  students  may  not  enter.        study    old    newsprint    and    other    material. 


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llii  IWtci  li<i|)|)ci  honors  !.(.). 

MEMBERS  ELECTED  to  Beta  of  North  Carolina  Chapter 
of  Phi  Beta  Kappa  in  the  Rare  Book  Room  are.  clockwise 
around  tables  at  right,  from  front,  E.  Ballard,  J.  McAfee, 
J.  Mathes,  J.  Hilton,  D.  Nylen,  B.  Butler,  L.  Noel,  V. 
Quarck.  On  right  couch,  left  to  right,  N.  Fairley,  N. 
Peeler,  B.  Bowers.  Sitting  in  front,  E.  West  (left),  B. 
Price.  Middleground  left  to  right,  C.  Folk  (on  table),  D. 
Germino,  D.  Dannenberg,  A.  VVhanger.  Standing  in  front 
of  fireplace,  A.  Price,  H.  Metropol,  D.  Kime,  J.  Humphries, 
J.  Mader,  W.  Howard.  On  left  couch,  left  to  right,  S. 
McMuUen,  B.  A.  Young,  A.  Goode.  Sitting  at  left,  T. 
Kennedy,  P.  Pepper,  P.  Hardin,  A.  Hammond,  J.  An- 
drews, C.  Tiller.  Standing  at  left  rear,  I).  Montgomery, 
B.  Padgett.  Absent  from  picture.  Dr.  W.  Stinespring,  Dr. 
J.  Cannon,  Dr.  P.  Kramer,  Dr.  T.  Ropp,  D.  Rusinow,  T. 
Bannister,  L.  Colledge,  P.  Purviance,  J.  Oliver,  J.  Gar- 
lington,  C.  Merwarth,  R.  Thomas.  M.  McClure,  A.  B. 
Pearson,  D.  Bodenjamer,  M.  Bixhy,  H.  Simon,  J.  Hail, 
A.  Conti.  T.  Cooper,  G.  Baker,  A.  Robinson,  J.  Cannon, 
.1.  Maddox,  T.  Sanders.  R.  Mosely,  Mrs.  J.  Kilcher,  A. 
Bovd.    M.    Brown,    Mrs.   N.    Sullivan,   L.    May,    S.    Scott. 



Bench  and  Bar  keeps  pre  laws  busy 

Duke's  prc-lcgal  society.  Bench 
and  Bar,  is  open  to  undergraduates 
who  are  interested  in  studying  law. 
As  a  service  to  the  students,  many 
informed  speakers  are  presented 
to  tell  inside  facts  about  the  law. 
By  sponsoring  a  series  of  mock 
trials,  the  organization  helps  to 
prepare  men  for  entrance  into  Law 
School   and   their  profession. 

MEMBERS  are  Dr.  Bradway,  Thomp- 
son, Lutton,  Vanderberg,  Sapiro, 
Ingersol,  Featherston,  Dalton,  Whip- 

ple, Warner,  Hoffman,  Stewart,  True,  Wallace,  Rubincamp,  McPhail, 
Schimniel,  Rogers,  West,  Maxwell,  Blades,  Getz,  Moss,  Pollock,  Burka, 
Levy,     Rich,     Kuritsky,     Bradshaw,         Zimmerman,    Akins,    and    Levenson. 





They  arc  spread  our  like  parrs  of  a  Inigc  casrle 
in  medieval  rimes.  To  rhc  casual  observer  rhcy 
look  cold  and  unfriendly,  wirh  rheir  narrow,  slit-like  windows  that  admit  onh'  a  tew  ra\s 
of  light.  One  imagines  that  inside  all  is  darkness — dim  rooms  and  confining  corridors. 
Bur  rhis  is  only  a  half-rrurh,  a  misinrerprerarion.  In  rhese  buildings  are  acrive,  moving, 
living  human  beings  rhar  push  the  shadows  inro  rhe  corners  wirh  counrless  lamps  ot  all 
descriprion.  The  walls  are  far  from  cold-looking  nor  are  rhe  rooms  unfriendly  wirh  clothes 
strew  n  ()\er  chair  and  bed,  books  and  uke  sharing  space  on  a  littered  desk,  cigarettes  and 
coke  bottles  on  the  floor.  These  buildings  have  a  life  all  their  own  that  has  to  be  fully 
experienced  to  understand  their  real  vitality  and  warmth.  They  are  the  Men's  Dormitories. 

Through  the  large  Ciothic  arclics  leading  iiiro  the 
I'rcshman  Quadrangle  have  passed  many  who  were 
eoming  to  Duke  tor  the  first  time.  The\-  saw  before 
tliem  buildings  carved  majestiealK'  out  ot  gray  stone 
and  topped  with  peaked  roots  and  rowers.  1  he\' 
walked  along  paths  that  had  been  hollowed  into 
grooves  b\'  the  feet  ot  many  that  had  passed  rhar  w  a\ 
before,  grooves  that  would  eateh  and  hokl  rlie  water 
w  hen  it  rained.  1  he  grassy  quadrangle  would  soon 
be  ablaze  with  dots  ot  blue  the  I'reshnien  dmks. 
It  would  soon  come  alive  and  resound  with  the  noise 
of  bouncing  basketballs,  breaking  coke  l)ottles,  and 
hanging  firecrackers. 

On  East  in  a  more  gentle,  subdued  atmosphere  the 
Women's  dormitories  cluster  in  two  orderl\-  rows 
between  the  auditorium  and  the  statue  of  Washington 
Duke.  Landscaped  with  shrubs  and  hedges,  these 
buildings  torm  a  contrast  to  the  style  and  plan  of  the 
(lothie  dormitories  ot  the  men.  The  brick  and  white 
columned  structures  seem  to  agree  to  the  timeless 
theor\'  that  Southern  women  are  gracious,  hospitable, 
lovely.  While  the  Gothic  archirectured  West  Campus 
fits  the  aggressive,  dominant  characteristics  of  men, 
the  gracetui  Georgian  scheme  of  East's  dormitories 
seeks  to  mirror  the  tcminine  nature  of  their  residents. 

FRESHMAN  QUADRANGLE  as  seen  through  Gothic 
arch  from  the  main  campus.  The  quad  is  the  scene  of 
many  freshman  uprisings  directed  against  upperclassmen. 


TYPICAL  Joe  College  couple  Dick 
Hopper  and  pin-up  Barbara  Seaberg 
watch  Friday's  field  events  on  East. 

Joe  C'ollcgc  Weekend!  What 
does  this  mean  to  you?  The  vim, 
vigor,  and  vitality  of  college  life 
plus  the  color  and  gaiety  of  spring 
all  rolled  into  one  wondertul  week 
end.  The  dormant  spirit  ot  dear  ol' 
Duke  comes  to  life  as  the  students 
go  all  out  for  fun.  If  the  outside 
world  ever  had  an  idea  of  college 
life,  it  is  depicted  in  Joe  College 

In  '51,  Hoof  'n'  Horn  started 
the  ball  rolling  with  their  hilarious 
production,  Belles  ivui  Ballots.  En- 
thusiasm reached  its  peak  on  Friday 
afternoon,  as  students  converged 
en  ffiasse  on  East  for  a  field  day  to 
end  all  field  days.  The  atmosphere 
became  vibrant!  (xK'ds  clad  in 
skirts  and  blouses  that  put  the 
rainbow  to  shame,  men  wearing 
white  bucks,  shorts,  straw  hats, 
and  plaid  \ests  the  stage  was  set. 
Contests  of  all  kinds,  followed  b\  a 
picnic  supper  on  the  "sacred"  grass 
and  the  Shoe  'n'  Slipper  dance  com- 
pleted a  perfect  da\-.  West  (Campus 
had  its  turn  Saturday  as  the  students 
Hocked  to  bo.x  lunches,  a  lawn 
concert,  and  varsity  lacrosse,  track, 
ami  baseball,  i'ormal  dress  re- 
placed "casual"  clothes  that  night, 
as  Duke's  greatest  weekend  drew 
to  a  clima.x. 



Revived  tradition  is  wild  success 





..-%■    ^^,  i*i 


■,fr->ai^prv'^.  .- ^:?«*'f«f^v    -r^  ^ 







MILK    DRINKING    contest,    featuring    participants    with  SLAPHAPPY   JOE   COLLEGERS   obliterate   Wasliington 

rolled-up  pants  and  bottles  with  nipples,  was  a  field  event.  Duke's   statue.     Girls   in   peasant    blouses   add    glamour. 


IN  FRESHMAN  DOK.^IS  wrestling  is  common  torm  of 
exercise  and  entertainment.  No  one  thinks  it  the  least 
unusual,  or  bothers  to  give  it  more  than  casual  interest. 

Dl'Ki:  KOOAIS  arc  not  nolcil  lor  ;;i.uiiiiis  h\inR  or  great 
amount  of  closet  space;  but  students  hnd  room  to  study, 
write    letters,    or    relax    after    East    closes    its    doors. 











In  Efist  and  West  dormitories 
there's  seldom  a  dull  moment 

You  arc  part  ot  an  acti\c,  moving, 
living  communir}'.  ¥xcn  though  you 
gripe  about  it  and  wish  for  peace 
and  quiet,  \'ou  grudgingly  admit 
\ou   wouldn't   give   it   up   for   the 

world.  Sure,  the  days  are  crammed 
with  history,  air  science,  chemis- 
try; but  the  minutes  you'll  re- 
member longest  are  those  spent 
with  the  guys  next  door. 

DORMITORY  LIFE  on  East  includes 
satiation  of  appetites  in  first  floor 
kichens,    evidenced    in    icebox    raid. 

WHEELBARROW  RACE  competitor  edges  past  opponent 
on  Myrtle  Drive  in  annual  Thanksgiving  Day  event  which 
concurs  with  football   between  Duke  and   U.N.C.   fresh. 

DUNKING  SCENE  is  periodically  enacted  at  the  fish 
pond  behind  Page.  Here  Lambda  Chi  President  Clif  Cooke 
is  tossed  in  by  playful  brothers,  despite  cold  weather. 



There  will  always  be  memories. 
For  the  l)oys,  thc\-  ma\'  be  of  rhc 
countless  bull  sessions  .  .  .  rhc 
night  \'our  roommate  came  in  and 
couldn't  make  an\l)od\  believe  he 
was  pinned  .  .  .  the  time  some  ot 
\ou  moved  the  bed,  the  clothes, 
all  the  belongings  of  your  fraternity 
brother  out  into  the  quadrangle  .  .  . 
the  poker  games  .  .  .  the  hours 
spent  watching  television  or  listen- 
mg  to  records. 

The  girls  ha\e  memories  like 
the  one  of  the  two  candles  terming 
a  frame  ot  light  around  the  girl  in 
the  window  while  a  fraternity 
serenades  trom  below  .  .  .  the 
coat  on  the  chair  warning  in- 
truders to  knock  first  on  the  side- 
parlor  door  .  .  .  the  aroma  ot  hot 
coffee  and  rolls  in  the  kitchen  on 
Sunday  mornings  .  .  .  the  presi- 
dent's gavel  tapping  the  parlor 
door  for  order  as  you  squirmed 
through   house    meeting. 

LEISURE  TIME  in  the  East  Cam- 
pus dormitories  is  spent  in  a 
variety  of  ways.  Bridge  games 
on  the  floor  (top),  and  just  plain 
goofing  off  and  lolling  around 
(bottom),  are  time-honored  fa- 
vorites with  these  Pegram  girls. 




llppertlciss  F.A.(J/s  stcu  t 
fi  eslinien  off  on  ri<>ht  foot 

To  help  the  new  freshman  to 
start  off  properly  at  Duke  is  the 
duty  of  each  member  of  the  Fresh- 
man Advisory  Council.  Smce  the 
F.A.C.  man  has  done  everything 
that  the  freshman  will  do,  he  is 
able  to  assist  with  problems,  work, 

and  decisions.  1  he  things  that 
bother  freshmen  are  "old  stuti" 
to  him,  so  because  of  his  experience, 
the  P.A.C.  man  helps  the  new- 
comers during  his  first  term  at 
college.  B\'  the  end  ot  the  semes- 
ter, he  is  a  friend  and  advisor. 


LEE     NOEL,     chairman     of     Men's 
F.A.C.  stops  to  chat  with   freshmen. 

BETA  OMEGA  SIGMA  members  in 
Freshman  Quadrangle  are,  standing 
left    to    right,    Duane    Wolfe    (presi- 

dent), Pete  Shiflet,  Paul  Conway,  Joe 
Holt,  Jack  Johnston,  and  Tom  Tay- 
lor.      Second      row,      sitting,      Pete 


m^  .111(1  Phi  Et.i  Si<>in<i  Iniiil 
fntsli  lotidci's  and  siliiiliirs 

Goubert,  Don  Koevino,  Lee  Edwards, 
Fred  James,  and  I\Iel  Kuritsky. 
Paul  Parker  and  Bill  Duke  in  front. 

Leaders  on  West  ("aiiipus,  recog- 
nized as  being  active  participants 
in  Ireshnien  activities,  successtully 
sliouldering  responsihdities  as 
sophomores  these  are  the  BOS 
men.  TheN  were  picked  because 
the\-  show  ed  rlieir  leadership  abihrv 
and  depeiuiibihr\  in  the  various 
activities  the\'  entered  during  tiieir 
Freshmen  \ear. 


1  hc\'  arc  rhc  boys  w  ln)  carry  out 
the  various  duties  that  make  rhc 
Unucrsiry  run  smoothl)',  who 
stage  rhc  diftcrcnt  social  functions 
that  add  jest  to  Duke  hfe,  and  who 
maintain  Duke  spirir  and  enthusi- 
asm at  a  high  pitch.  Srarring  the 
whirl  ot  Duke  dances,  BOS  joined 
forces  with  their  sister  organiza- 
tion. Sandals,  and  sponsored  a 
semi-formal  in  September.  An- 
other accomplishment  was  the 
decorated  goalposts  at  each  home 
game.  BOS  super\iscd  the  tower- 
ing Freshman  bonfire  before  the 
Carolina  game  and  escorted  the 
judges  for  the  Homecoming  dis- 

Some  people  hoard  money,  others 
hoard  old  guns,  but  these  boys 
hoard  A's,  while  making  their 
classmates  turn  green  with  cnxw 
With  the  definite  scholarship  goal 
of  a  national  honorary  to  strive 
for,  these  first  year  Whiz  Kids 
have  rolled  up  their  sleeves  and 
buckled  down  to  work,  taking 
quizzes  and  term  papers  in  their 
stride.  To  other  Freshmen  strug- 
gling to  make  their  average,  those 
who  have  attained  Phi  Eta  Sigma 
are    a    beacon    of    cncouraeement. 

PHI  ETA  SIGMA  members  in 
frosh  quad.  Joe  Holt,  kneeling. 
First  row,  G.  Gerber,  R.  Ware, 
R.  Singletary.  Second  row,  R.  L. 
Patrick,  D.  Givens,  D.  Beaty. 
Third  row,  W.  Jennings,  W. 
Green.  Fourth  row,  C.  Mc- 
Cracken,  M.  Kuritzky,  T.  Farrell, 
D.  Chestnut,  M.  Magow,  P.  Stew- 
art, H.  Perkins,  R.  Bradshaw,  J. 
Johnston,  J.  Farber,  S.  LeBauer. 


■f.',  *,^' 


jfraternitp  ©uab 

It's  just  one  of  the  many  quadrangles  that  niikc 
up  West  Campus.  Secmingl\-  it  is  no  different  from 
the  rest  of  the  eanipus,  if  anything  less  desiring  of  our  attention  because  it  seems  to  be 
shunted  a\va\-  from  the  main  quadrangle.  It  looks  much  like  the  treshman  quadrangle  except 
for  neon  signs  that  shine  forth  at  night,  l-'ight  fraternities  live  in  the  quadrangle.  For  them 
the  quadrangle  is  the  center  of  the  campus;  for  them  its  chapter  rooms  make  up  the  real 
life  of  college;  for  them  this  plot  of  ground  about  one  hundred  feet  square  with  chains 
protecting  the  grass  outranks  even  Duke  Ciardens.  Inconspicuous  though  it  is,  tor  .some 
not  even  the  ("hapcl,  the  stadium,  or  the  Union  will  hold  more  significance  than  fraternity 
uadrangle  because  of  the  memories  which  it  will  evoke  as  a  symbol  of  fraternity  life. 

I.  F.  v..  (ilVES  NEEDED 

The  Inrcr-Frarcrnit)'  ('oiincil  is  rhc  power  among 
rhe  trarernirics  at  Duke  Uni\'crsir\'.  I'.ach  of  the 
nineteen  fraternities  on  eanipiis  has  representation  on 
the  eouncil.  1  hese  representarues  meet  as  a  hod\'  to 
govern  rhe  aetions  ot  the  fraternities. 

Besides  outlawing  off  eampus  contact  with  freshmen, 
the  Inter-I- rarernity  ("ouneil  sets  regulations  for 
rushing  and  hmits  treshman-fraterniry  relationship. 
Open  Houses  are  held  in  each  section  and  in  this  way 
freshmen  meet  the  traternit\'  men  to  see  what  will  be 
offered  them.  The  council  strongh'  enforces  its  regu- 
lations, but  it  also  sponsors  "(ireek  Week"  in  order 
to  help  rhc  freshmen  to  get  to  know  each  other  better. 
When  it  becomes  necessary,  the  Inter-Fraternity 
C'ouncil  punishes  fraternities  which  have  violated  the 
laws  set  down.  The  organization,  howexer,  always 
works    to    improve    the    fraternity    system    at    Duke. 

INTER-FRATERNITY   COUNCIL  President  Jim   Pollock 
presides  over  meetings,  judges  violators  of  rushing  rules. 

I.F.C.  MEMBERS  are,  back  left  to  right,  R.  Nesslinger,  B. 
Wollard,  B.  Maddox,  C.  Cooke,  D.  McClellan,  C.  Harris, 
D.  Hogue,  E.  Thompson,  T.  Henderson,  B.  Anderson,  J. 
O'Donnell,  B.  Johnson,  C.  Folk,  R.   Stevens,  B.   Ford,  J. 

Self.  Across  front,  J.  Neeley,  J.  Turner,  B.  Green,  J.  Reed, 
D.  Kime,  B.  Goldwasser,  D.  Rucker,  B.  Stubbs,  D.  Mont- 
gomery, J.  Pollock.  Across  middle,  R.  Smith,  D.  Reilly, 
S.  Jones,  J.  Miller,  L.  Greenberg,   C.   Ring,  J.  Thomas. 



AT  CHRISTMAS  PARTY  in  chapter  room  for  under- 
privileged children  from  Edgemont,  brothers  were  kept 
busy  protecting  furnishings,  not  to  mention  life  and  limb. 

ATO  PRESIDENT  Dick  Hopper,  from  El  Toro,  Cal., 
is  a  senior  majoring  in  history.  He  sings  in  the  glee 
club   and   choir  and   was  an   F.A.C.   for   two   years. 

HOMECOIMINO  DANCE,  an  annual  ATO  affair  honoring  fraternity  alumni,  took  place  in 
the  Wash.  Duke  Ballroom.  Brothers  and  guests  at  this  informal  affair,  held  Saturday  eve- 
ning after  game   with   University   of  Virginia,  danced   to  music   by   the   Duke  Ambassadors. 


[^^   *-. 


ATO's  in  the  West  Campus  Union  lobb)-.  Group 
in  foreground,  clockwise  starting  at  left,  officers: 
John  Carey,  Martin  Williams,  Dick  Hopper  (presi- 
dent). Jack  \'ilas.  Ken  Orr,  John  Enandcr,  and  Ed 
U'allace.  Around  outside  back  starting  at  left:  George 
Bell,  Scott  James,  Herb  Smith,  Bill  Williams,  Jack 
Johnston,    Bill    Bartlett,    Dick    Linden,    Tom    Perry, 

John  McGaughe\ ,  Dick  Woodfield,  Stu  Speiman,  Bill 
Dean,  Arnie  Kobzina,  Al  Powell,  Frank  Nichols, 
Bill  DeMidowitz,  Bob  V^anDcventcr,  and  H>'pc 
Larson.  Around  table  starting  at  left:  Bobby  Howard, 
John  Hall,  Russ  Price,  John  Tolley,  Otto  Dieffenbach, 
Henr\-  Richardson,  Malcolm  Crawford,  Bob  Little, 
Jack  Hamilton,  Joe  Gilbert,  and  Ray  Ammerman. 



BETAS  and  dates  entertain  underprivileged  children  from 
Edgemont  Community  Center.  Christmas  parties  of  this 
nature  prevail   throughout   the   Duke   fraternity   system. 

BETA  PRESIDENT  C.  P.  Deal,  senior  pre-niedical 
student,  is  a  member  of  Red  Friars,  Chairman  of  the 
Pep  Board.   His  home  is  in  Charlotte,  North  Carolina. 

HALLOWEEN  PARTY  took  place  in  Chapter  Room,  decorated  especially  for  the  occasion 
with  straw  covering  the  floor  and  cornstalks  standing  against  the  windows.  After  cider  and 
doughnut  feast,  the  brothers  and  their  dates  moved  in  a  group  to  Homecoming  Pep  Rally. 


Betas  gathered  in  the  University  House  are,  down 
left  side  of  stairs  from  top,  ("hack  Sehuck,  Da\e 
Tuthill,  Bob  Ma>er,  Joe  Ross,  Ronnie  W'lngertcr, 
John  Reed,  Bruce  Re\le,  Sparky  Farquhar,  Joe  Duys, 
Jim  VVhitescarver,  Charlie  W'litkins,  and  Zack  Pieph- 
oft.  Down  middle  of  stairs  from  top,  Red  Dunn,  Dick 
Tiiylor,  Ed  Seaton,  Fred  Schwarz,  Boh  Ciorham,  Lou 
Randlcand  Ray  Hahn.  Down  right  side  of  stairs  from 
top.  Bob  Pritchard,  Bud  Schaeticr,  Bill  Br\ant, 
Wright  Hugus,  Bud  Short,  and  Bill  Anderson.  Standing 
at  right  rear,  left  to  right,  Stan  (lollycr,  Cius  Wackcr, 
and  Joe   AlcCIain.  Sitting   under  stairs,  right  to  left. 

Tommy  Dulin,  Chuck  Bazemore,  Don  Jones,  Chuck 
Novak,  Ra\-  Allison,  Jim  Hollowell,  John  Gibbons 
(standing  at  post),  Sam  Hooper,  Kim  Borchardt, 
Doug  SmilcN ,  and  Bill  Schaffcr.  In  front  at  right, 
left  to  right,  Dick  iJauman,  I'.d  Kitlowski,  and  David 
Johnson.  First  row  sitting,  left  to  right,  Tom  Todd, 
(".  P.  Deal,  Ccnc  James,  Tad  Alexander,  Oris  Zaverr- 
nik,  Walt  Adams,  Fom  Bowles,  Joe  Plater,  and  Ncal 
McNamara.  Second  row  sitting,  left  to  right.  Jack 
Kistler,  (^lewell  Howell,  John  Gehweiler,  Ken  Der- 
rick, Lou  Rose,  i'A  iMcLellan,  Dewey  Clrecr,  Cieorge 
(Jerber,  Lee  Johnston,  and  Frank  Rankin. 

Delta  Sigma  Phi's  on  rlic  steps  of  the  (Chemistry 
Building  are,  first  row,  seated  left  to  right,  IVank 
Riittv',  K.  O.  Peek,  Toniniy  (Irawtord  ((Corresponding 
Secretary),  Art  Rowe  (President),  Bill  Sanders  (Re- 
cording Secrctar)).  Second  row    are  Rom  Hurst,  Jim 

Cederstrom,  Bill  Ventz,  John  Turner,  Dick  Streeter. 
Standing  in  last  row  are  VVinfted  Herring,  Bill 
Roberts,  Bob  Hall,  Jerr}'  Kintz,  Bob  Ciunn,  I.dward 
Ashdowne,  Gene  Keever,  Bob  V.  Hall,  Ted  Williams 
(Vice-President),  Homer  Bass  (Treasurer). 








DELTA  SIG  PRESIDENT  Art  Rowe  is  a  junior  pre- 
med  student  from  Nutley,  New  Jersey.  A  wrestler 
for  three  years,  this  year  he's  captain  of  the  team. 

PLAYERS  AND  KIBITZERS  rejoice  over  acquisition  of 
no  trump  hands  as  both  teams  begin  bidding  grand  slams. 
Interest  in  bridge  runs  high  at  fraternity   open  houses. 

ENERGETIC  DELTA  SIG  extolls  fraternity's  virtues  to  attentive  freshmen  during  spring 
open  house.  Although  usually  overcrowded,  these  rushing  functions  afford  one  of  few 
opportunities  for  freshmen  to  associate  with  fraternity  men  on  a  social  basis  before  pledging. 




•  -^^^^^tpft^jv- 




Delta  T.ui  Dclni  members,  from  extreme  right 
cloekwise  around  chair,  officers,  Pcrr)-  Stewart,  Pete 
Wildrop,  Phil  Alurkert,  Mill  Seotr,  Dick  Kime  (Presi- 
dent). Right  to  haekgrouinl,  Kussell  Holder,  joe 
Shipley,  Dick  Resnick,  (Charles  (IooIcn',  I'.d  l5o\  d 
(sitting),  Jim  lulton,  I5ert  Uragg  (sitting),  Joe  Nider- 
maier,  Warren  I.eibtricd.  Seated  front,  lett  to  right, 
Bill  (ineliert,  Barry  Home,  Dan  (lore.  From  left 
across  middle,  sifting,  Dean  Patr\ ,  ( ieorgc  Fcsperman, 

Steve  Karpman,  Roger  Turner,  Dick  Phillips  (behind). 
Bill  iiogarr,  1  larry  Duft  (at  piano),  Don  Richardson, 
Del -eon  Stokes,  Bob  Hathaw  a\\  Bud  McAnerney, 
Paul  Ronca,  jeri\  ("lora,  .\rt  1  lolmes,  Doug  Kenne- 
more.    Bill    Rogers.    Irom    lett    across   back,    standing. 

(  ieorue     iree/e,      I 


roiiler,    l,lo\d    l.iatti. 


( ireeiie,  Ralph  W  idiier,  Jim  ('ranwell.  Bob  Johnson, 
Dan  Bennett,  John  Barry,  Bill  Rudge,  l()ni  I  o\\  ler 



DELT  PRESIDENT  Dick  Kime,  senior  from  Scars- 
dale,  N.  Y.,  majoring  in  business  administration,  has 
been  elected  to  Phi  Beta  Kappa  and  Alpha  Kappa  Psi. 

RUSHING  OPEN  HOUSES  with  usual  questions  of 
"Where  are  you  from?"  and  "What  are  ya  majorin'  in?" 
are  a  must  on  the  list  of  social  events  for  all   brothers. 

DINNER-DANCE  is  held  by  Delta  Tau  Delta  in  ballroom  above  Harvey's  cafeteria.  Crown- 
ing of  Delt  Queen,  Faye  Evans,  by  President,  Bob  Silkett  during  the  dance  intermission  was 
a  main  attraction  of  this  annual  spring  affair  which  climaxes  year's  activities  for  the  Belts. 



FRESHMEN  FADE  into  background  as  KA's  shower  their 
personalities  on  the  girls  during  rushing  open  house. 
Coed's  smile  is  calculated  to  draw  new  members  into  fold. 

KA  PRESIDENT  Clay  Ring.  Business  Administration 
major  from  Kernersville,  N.  C,  has  been  on  Dean's 
List,   was  a   representative  to   Student   Government. 

IVIl'SIC  FILLS  the  air  at  the  SAIC-K.A  formal  as  brolhcis  Iroiii  the  latter  fraternity  engage 
in  an  impromptu  song  recital.  Affairs  of  this  nature  indicate  an  improved  spirit  of  inter- 
fraternity  co-operation.    The  Washington  Duke  Ballroom  was  scene  of  this  December  dance. 


Kappa  Alpha  members  are,  sitting  on  rear  wall 
left  to  right,  Tank  Lawrence,  Whit  Smith,  Pete  Hull, 
Joe  Hardison,  Bill  McGuinn,  Bob  Siidduth,  Bill  Grigg, 
Pete  McGamy,  Gene  Partain,  Henr)'  Dickman,  Ben 
Grumpier,  Alan  Bane,  Al  Goggeshall,  Bob  Bennett, 
Bob  Michael,  Bob  Garret,  Bob  Burrow  s,  Doug  Mont- 
gomery, Fred  Farmer,  John  Dunson,  Will  Hancs,  Bob 
Midgette.  Beneath  rear  wall  are  Buddy  Reid,  Jerry 
Gates,  Paul  Gain,  Gus  Williams,  Rufus  Ratsford, 
Henry    Boshmer,   Jim    Logan,   Jim    Ghamblcn,   Jack 

Ghrist\',  Jim  Rcdw  ine.  Bill  Farncst,  Dick  Growder, 
Bob  Winslow,  John  Engberg,  Dick  Sharp.  Kneeling 
foreground,  Joe  Baldwin,  Buck  Knotts,  A.  B.  Pearson, 
Jim  Goblc,  Dick  Lattimer,  Bob  Penter.  Along  front 
wall  are  Perry  Tucker,  Byrd  Looper,  (HaN*  Ring, 
Bruce  Glenn,  Bill  Bla\lock  (in  front),  Art  Loub,  Da\e 
Ivy,  Pete  Leventis,  John  Neel\-,  Earl  Crow,  Ralph 
Paris,  Larry  Bauman,  Gharlie  Smith,  Don  Robertson, 
Duane  Wblfe,  Fuller  Glass,  Gharlie  Tomlinson,  Irvin 



PULCHRITUDE  AND  POTENTIAL  pledges  abound  at 
an  open  house.  Brothers  and  freshmen  find  common  de- 
nominator in  co-eds  who  testify  to  lodge's  social  status. 

KAPPA  SIG  PRESIDENT  Tom  Henderson,  geology 
major  whose  home  is  in  Charlotte,  North  Carolina,  is 
a   member   of   Delta   Phi   Alpha,    German   honorary. 

FRATERNITY  SONGS  are  important  part  of  rushing  program,  and  during  rusli  season  fra- 
ternity men  put  much  effort  into  polishing  up  appropriate  numbers,  singing  of  which  is 
always  carried  off  with  great  gusto.    Here  Kappa   Sigs  pause   briefly   to  puff  giant   cigars. 


Kappa  Sigs  arc,  kneeling  left  to  right,  IVank  1  ,ang 
(Scerctary),  Bob  Simpson  (Vice-Prcsidcnr),  Ralph 
MeClannan  (Treasurer),  Ncwr  Tsangaris  (Al.  ('..), 
Tom  Henderson  (President).  Standing  in  middle-ground 
are  (Clarence  Bailey,  Bob  1  rebus,  Joek  Hodgin, 
Wavne  Cunningham,  Jim  ililron,  Jim  Bradt,  Pete 
Coubert.  Seated  front  to  baek  are  Carson  Dalton, 
Dean   Good,    Ciordon   Smith,   Conrad    MeNair,    Bob 

I'inberg,  I'.l  Torre,  Charlie  VV'ra\',  Wood\'  Pieree, 
Jim  Atkins,  Bill  Dalron.  Standing  along  beneh  are 
C'harles  Brown,  John  I  rueloxe,  Buek  Steele,  I).)n 
Brown,  Jun  lurber,  John  Ost,  Bob  ('oleman,  Cla\t 
1  laniin,  Mar\in  Deeker,  (ieorge  I'ox,  Diek  Johnson. 
Standing  in  baek  are  Joe  Bowen,  Tom  (jvvyn,  Joe 
I  leak'.  Hank  Kistler,  Joe  Lewis,  Tom  Buekcle\',  I)i/ 
Davis,    Bob    VMimaTi,    Don    Rovegno,    l.d    Svvanson. 

In  Union  l()bb\-.  Lambda  ("Hi's  arc,  hack  row 
left,  left  to  righr,  Stan  Chaplain,  Dick  Nelson,  Kim 
Watson,  Skip  Aloorc,  Jim  Price,  Davy  Crockett,  Zene 
Sikes,  Bill  Maddox,  Fritz  Wile,  Ahron  Reed,  Lee 
Barnes,  Bill  iMcllin.  Front  row,  Frank  Webb,  Bill 
Thomas,  And\-  Nial,  Bob  Diifort,  Bob  Brannon, 
Bob  Zimmerman,  Ed  Nixon,  Jim  Wil\%  Sru  \aughn 
(kneeling),  Paul  Dodge,  Dean  Mason,  Sheldon  Wester- 
velt,  Dennv  O'Donovan,  Bobby  Williams,  Jack 
Collins,    Bob    Ahicscr,    Kirv    Pearson,    Gene    Lens 

(kneeling),  Dick  Ware,  Slim  1  insle\'.  Officers  clock- 
wise around  table  starting  ietr  are  ('lit  Cooke  (Presi- 
dent), Doc  Lassiter  (Secretary),  Ronnie  Simpson 
(Treasurer),  Sandy  AlcGeough  (Social  Chairman), 
Ken  Kreider  (Ritualist),  Ed  Higgins  (Rush  ('hairman). 
Standing  behind  sota  at  right,  left  to  right.  Bill  1  lolmes, 
Pete  Shiflet,  Drayton  Justice,  Dick  C.ahill.  Seated  on 
sofo  at  right,  left  to  right,  George  Becher,  Dick 
Field.  John  Nesson,  Da\e  Adams.  On  floor,  back 
to  front.  Bill  Hames,   John  Law  ther,   Ronn\-  Nelson. 


LAMBDA  CHI  PRESIDENT  Cllf  Cooke,  political 
science  major  from  Danvers,  Mass.,  served  as  business 
manager  of  Hoof  'n'  Horn  and  works  on  WDBS  staff. 

LAMBDA  CHI  SCKAPBOOK  attracts  attention  of  fresh- 
man and  coeds  during  rush  function,  while  brothers  who 
have  seen  it  all  before  find  photographer  more  interesting. 

CAUGHT  BY  THE  CA.MERA  during  brief  period  of  inactivity,  Edgemont  children,  tem- 
porarily tamed  by  coeds,  reveal  deceiving  expressions  of  innocence.  Annual  Christmas 
parties  give  brothers  a  workout  and  turn  chapter  rooms  into  scenes  of  confusion  and  bedlam. 


ki-3  i  At  B 

S-^*««*       j.^ 

Phi  Dclts  on  (Chapel  srcps  arc,  sirring  on  wall 
Icfr  rf)  righr,  Barr  lindgcs,  Dick  (/arson.  Buz  (.ardo/.a, 
IjiII  I  laskins,  I  Iarr\  Howard,  Ktn  O'Brien,  I),  j. 
O'Dcll.  Sranding  at  Ictr,  Ken  McQueen,  Norm 
Sclicllcngcr,  Pcrc  Johnson,  lloward  Fox,  Bobby  (iu\', 
Jack  Oirrcn,  Nick  Bilr/,  Dick  Riclly,  Ted  Zieglcr. 
Sranding  in  tronr  of  wall,  Jerry  W'ilkins,  Sam  Srevens, 
Max  liarnhardr,  Jmimy  Spencer,  Jnhnin    Poppenlieig. 

Sirring  on  rop  step,  Ray  (ireen,  Les  Newrneisrer,  Joe 
Ra\ ,  Budd\  1  lorron.  Bob  Burrcll,  Charlie  Levcrgood, 
John  ('arlron,  ( i:ll  Sword.  Second  row,  Glen  Green, 
I  lomcr  I  kuik\ ,  Bill  Johnston,  John  (/arnahan,  ("buck 
1  lammerl)urg.  Third  row,  \'ic  Hobby,  Jack  Miller, 
Sherty  Jones,  Glen  Wild,  (ierald  Mo/ingo.  Ot- 
ricers  ar  righr,  Tom  hiinr,  Lee  Noel,  Joe  Selt  (Presi- 
dent),  (  ieorge   Pa\lotl,  Jnn   Watkms. 



PHI  DELT  PRESIDENT  Joe  Self  is  from  Greens- 
boro, North  Carolina.  A  football  player,  he  has  held 
membership  in  the  Varsity  "D"  Club  for  three  years. 

TUXEDO-CLAD  SANTA  makes  Yultide  presentation  to 
brother  Lee  Noel  at  annual  Phi  Delt  Christmas  dance  in 
Washington   Duke   Ballroom.    Others   await   their  turns. 


HUNGRY  PHI  DELT  pauses  in  his  rushing  lecture  while  he  accepts  refreshment  from  white- 
coated  brother.  Many  freshmen  omit  their  regular  evening  meal  before  rush  functions  and 
take  nourishment   from   numerous  fraternities  they   are   required   to   visit   during  rushing. 



BROTHER  DISPLAYS  piano  talent  as  he  entertains  coeds 
and  freshmen  at  Sunday  rush  function.  Singing  of  Phi 
Psi  songs  also  added  to  the  informality  of  the  occasion. 

PHI  PSI  PRESIDENT  Chris  Folk,  education  major, 
is  treasurer  of  KDP,  member  of  Phi  Beta  Kappa  and 
Chronicle  Staff.    His  home  town  is   Charlotte,   N.   C. 

SQUARE  DANCE  was  an  important  fall  function  for  the  Phi  Psis  and  dates.  Those  attend- 
ing, of  course,  dressed  in  typical  costumes  of  blue  jeans  and  plaid  wool  shirts,  and  some 
brought  straw  hats  and  plunked  on  ukeleles  or  banjos  to  give  the  occasion  more  atmosphere. 


;\-:v'-   M: 

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Phi  Kappa  Psi's  assembled  at  the  circle  on  West 
Campus.  Seated  on  the  curb  from  left  to  right  arc 
George  L\nch,  Hubi  Davis,  Bob  F-isher,  Don  Chcsnut 
(C^orresponding  Secretary),  Knox  Price  (\^ice-Presi- 
dent),  Chris  Folk  (President),  Dave  Elder  (Recording 
Secretarx),  and  Al  Robinson  (Treasurer).  Kneeling  at 
the  right  are  Fred  Lautcr,  Bill  Jennings,  and  .\! 
Wlianger.  Standing  in  front  row,  left  to  right,  are 
Carl  Sheffield,  I  lerni  Taylor,  Ed  Dewan,  Ken  Johnson 

Bill  Howe,  and  Jim  lice.  Second  row  standing  are 
Wade  St.  (^lair,  Francis  Farley,  Vince  .\nderson, 
C!corge  (Toombs,  Bob  Bird,  Bill  Patty,  VVes  Haskell, 
and  Bill  Duke.  Sitting  on  wall  arc  Will  Schuster; 
Bill  Zollars,  Bob  Jordan,  Jim  Weiss,  Chdc  Whitle\-, 
Bob  Brown,  Bob  CIreeson,  and  Corr  Smith.  Standing  on 
wall  are  Ra\  Hall,  Pope  Lee,  Russ  Stephens,  Jim 
Eonglex ,  Brad  Barker,  Barry  \M'lchman,  Jim  Parrish, 
and  BUI  Baker. 



COEDS  AND  FRESHMEN  are  main  attractions  at  Phi 
Kappa  Sig^ma  rushing  open  house.  Here  brothers  combine 
talents  with  those  of  the  weaker  sex   to  convince  frosh. 

PHI  KAP  PRESIDENT  Bill  W  oolard,  Angier  Duke 
Scholar  and  pre-Iegal  student,  is  from  Bath,  North 
Carolina.   He  also  serves  as  Chronicle  Office  Manager. 

MitLIDAY  DANCE  at  Forest  Hills  Country  Club  was  given  to  usher  in  yuletide  season. 
After  beginning  the  evening  at  various  Durham  dinner  spots,  the  brothers  merged  at  the 
club  and  danced  to  music  of  .Tohnny  Olson's  orchestra.  Decorations  enhanced  Christmas  spirit. 


Phi  Kappa  Sigmas  in  Union  liallrooni,  across  front, 
left  ro  righr,  arc  joe  I.incbcrgcr,  I^on  Srauficr,  (ircg 
Raimondo,  Hcnr\'  Hoc\-,  Joe  Holt,  Alfred  Saieed, 
Bruce  King,  William  (Jatcvvood.  Sitting  left  side  are 
C^harlie  Pitts,  C'harlie  Wiseman,  Bill  (".ollins,  Terr\- 
Hanncr,  Dick  Hunter,  Budd\'  Bynum.  Standing  on 
left  side  are  "Doc"  AleC^lcllan,  Rufus  Stark.  vSeared 
at  table  are  Richard  Hanncr  (Vice-President),  Bill 
Wbolard   (President),   Tom  Taylor   (Vice-President), 

('harles  Hite  (Secretary).  Standing  around  table  arc 
jini  \ann  (Sergcant-at-Arms),  Tom  (lole  (Pledge 
Alasrer),  Tom  Keller  (Treasurer),  Verger  (Clifton 
(Secretar\).  Kneeling  in  front  ot  table  is  Bill  Wetmore. 
Standing  along  right  side  are  Bob  Vounts,  Ja)'  (ialoway, 
Cieorge  Taylor,  ikn  Boylston,  Jerry  C'allcson,  Bob 
Smith,  Dante  (Jermino,  Fred  Brooks.  Sirring  on  right 
side  are  Don  (/alleson,  Don  Strictland,  Jack  I'.vans, 
Cieorge  (>ad\-,  Pete  Raby,  Bill  Kldredge. 







Fi  Kappa  Alpha's  arc,  first  row,  sirring  on  steps 
Ict'r  ro  right,  Richard  Sykcs,  C^.harlcs  Schrincr,  Ja\- 
Woodard,  Hugh  Ooxton.  Second  row ,  Harvc\'  Ham- 
rick,  Wcs  Hcrndon,  Kim  Redlack,  John  Rockwood. 
Ihird  row,  luistacc  Stathacos,  Dick  Allison,  Chris 
I  larns,  Jim  Richmond.  Fourth  row ,  Frank  B\'crs, 
Hill    Wcuilich,    Ron    Taxlor,    John    Thaubald,   Charlie 

Watson.  Standing  against  pillar  are  I>a\e  Hogue, 
Don  Martin,  Boh  Wagner.  Sitting  on  pillar  and  wall 
arc  James  Armstrong  (President),  Alickex'  Alac- 
Millian,  Ron  Spanglcr,  Phil  Evans,  Dick  Buckley, 
Bill  Bell,  Don  McGiehan,  Bill  Painter.  Standing  in  hack 
arc  Wally  Wallace,  Al  \M"lcome,  Don  Spofiord,  Jean 
l.uck,   .Andv   Pickens,   Bob  Miller,    |im   Hall. 





.-   -v 

\    >. 



PIKA  PRESIDENT  Christie  Harris,  Ec  major  from 
Washington,  D.  C,  is  member  of  Sigma  Delta  Pi,  has 
been  Dean's  List.    He  is  a  transfer  from  Maryland. 

NATIONAL  AWARDS  for  Chapter  Proficiency  and 
Scholarship  are  presented  to  President  Chris  Harris  by 
National    Vice-President    at    50th    Anniversary    Dinner. 

BROTHERS  AND  DATES  at  Christmas  Party  held  in  chapter  room  in  fraternity  quadrangle. 
Each  couple  got  a  small  present  for  another  couple,  and  Wally  Wallace  made  an  appearance 
as  Santa   Claus,  handing  out  presents.    Group  singing  of  carols  rounded  out  pleasant  day. 


^  I  ^ 




Pi  Kappa  Plii's  on  Chapel  steps  arc,  first  row  left 
to  right.  Bill  Cross  (Treasurer),  Dick  Bedell  (Secre- 
tar\),  Luke  I  lyman  (President),  Jim  Ritch  (("haplain), 
Dick  Bushman  (Warden),  Cleorge  Hussey  (Historian). 
Seeonii  row,  ritiht  to  left,  i^ete  l.antlau,  Carl  Weber, 
Bob  Burnstem,  Don  1  lovvell,  John  Bell.  Third  row, 
sitting  left  to  right.  Bill  ('urry.  Bob  Johnson,  Ritche 
Baur,  Marshall  Reed,  Bob  Spi\e)',  Fred  Clark,  Buck 

Roberts,  Yates  (^lark,  Nick  Hennessee.  Fourth  row  , 
sitting  Ictt  to  right.  Tarry  ('litton,  Walt  W  ilson,  .\1 
F.rwin,  (leorge  Potter,  Don  ("astor,  Jim  Bled.soc. 
Back  row,  sitting  left  to  right,  Dave  (iib.son.  Brad 
Craig,  ("huek  ("ollins.  Jack  (iilliland.  Bob  1  lorner. 
Rear,  left  to  right,  Cieorge  Binda,  .\lton  CAimmings, 
Dick  Rucker,  1  Iarr\  Bernard,  I'orest  Nelson,  I'red 
Kat/.inski,  Robert  Te\  ine. 



PI  KAP  PRESIDENT  Dick  Rucker,  botany  major 
from  Bristol,  Tenn.,  is  Intramural  manager  and 
F.A.C.  He  has  been  elected  to  ODK  and  Who's  Who. 

SEVERAL  BROTHERS  and  dates  relax  in  small  group  by 
the  radio  to  listen  to  Sunday  afternoon  program  of  music 
during  an  interval  between  freshman  open  house  periods. 

BEEHIVE  ATMOSPHERE  prevails  at  Pi  Kap  open  house  as  brothers  entertain  coeds  from 
East.  Occasion  for  get  together  was  the  approaching  Yuletide  season  and  the  necessity  for 
polishing  up  party  tactics.    Cheerful  countenances  testify  that  East  and  West  can  get  along. 



CHRISTMAS  PARTY  for  kids  from  Durham  was 
thrown  in  Ark  on  East  by  SAE's  and  Kappa's.  Don 
Gould  dressed  as  Santa  Claus,  gave  each  child  a  present. 

SAE  PRESIDENT  Ed  Korbel.  from  Douglaston, 
Long  Island,  is  majoring  in  mechanical  engineering. 
He  is  a  member  of  ASME  and  is  on  the  Dean's  List. 

CHRISTiMAS  FORiAIAL.  a  gala  affair  given  jointly  with  Kappa  .Alpha  in  ballroom  of  the 
Washington  Duke  Hotel,  took  place  the  Friday  evening  before  Christmas  vacation  began. 
Members  of  two  fraternities  and  their  dates  danced  to  music  provided  by  Duke  Cavaliers. 


SAE's  on  steps  beside  Chapel  arc,  sirring  on  back 
wall  letr  ro  righr.  Bud  Baker,  (lii  Smirh,  Dud  Hager, 
Bill  Hollenbeck,  George  Fisher,  Bob  Meek,  Larry- 
Stark,  Bob  VVindom,  Tom  Samson,  Tob\-  Kra\er, 
Fred  Else,  Bud  Robinson,  Bob  Booth,  Carl  Dickev, 
Walt  Bates,  Bruce  Brow  n.  Bob  Hanson,  Hugo  Cum- 
mins, Dan  Peacock.  Standing  on  wall  at  righr  rear, 
Rand\  Fox,  Don  Ciould,  Bruce  Benson,  Paul  ('()n\\a\", 
Howard  Pirr,  Jim  Brown.  Si.v  officers  in  foreground, 
Tom  Miller,  John  Low  ndes,  Wood\'  Howard,  Ed  Kor- 
bel  (president),  Dick  Fahrquar,  (ienc  Stewart.  Stand- 

ing on  steps  close  to  rear  wall.  Bill  Joyce,  John  Carroll^ 
Bob  Bickel,  Dick  Hoppe,  Bill  Lowndes,  Ra\-  I'rol- 
linger,  Bruce  M\'lrea,  Bob  Alaplcton,  Dicky  Richard- 
son, Dick  Kramme,  Al  Lynch,  .Ashton  Ciriffin.  Middle 
row  on  steps,  Tom  Naomi,  Dick  Wise,  Dick  Cilaze, 
Frank  W  ideman,  Dick  Jackson,  Jim  Young,  Perdx' 
Spell.  Iront  row  on  step.  Nails  McLean,  (ieort 
Edwards,  Dick  Johnson,  Dave  Lerps,  Earl  I  lannel, 
O'Neal  Humphries,  Dick  Stark.  Sitting  on  front  wall, 
Don  Bafford,  Don  Rurter,  Fredd\- James,  Ted  1  homas, 
Jim  Stotrlar,  Dick  Bollinger. 


FRESHMEN  MEET  brothers  of  Sigma  Chi  at  Friday  eve- 
ning rush  function.  Here  amid  glad  hands  and  usual  chat- 
ter,   freshmen    and    brothers    get    to    know    each    other. 

SIGMA  CHI  PRESIDENT  Bob  Anderson  is  Political 
Science  major  from  Wheeling,  W.  Va.  He  has  played 
with    Ambassadors,    Concert    and    Marching    Bands. 

SUNDAY  RUSHING  function  is  only  one  at  «  hii  h  women  may  assist  in  pciMiadiiig  fresh- 
men to  'shake  up. '"  Here  the  brothers  and  their  attractive  dates  stand  at  Sigma  (hi  entrance 
to  give  wide  smiles  and  hearty  greetings  to  frosh  arriving  for  invitational  afternoon  affair. 


Sigma  C'hi's  arc,  tirsr  row,  Ictr  torcgrouiul,  k-tt  ro 
rigiir,  Burku  f  lcal\ ,  Bill  Domiiiian,  Dick  I  larrison. 
Hoi)  ("handler,  llousroii  Ahuidox.  Second  row,  1  lugh 
Yoiiiil;,  Dick  Bixby,  Dick  Palatine.  Third  row,  Charles 
Barr,  Dave  Hursr,  (larl  Bonin,  (iordon  ("lapp,  Warren 
Kurzrock,  Jack  P\  le,  IVank  Murph\-,  Frank  Wilson, 
Archie  lairlcN,  Ra\  Haislip.  I'onrrh  row.  Bill  Lucas, 
Ra\"  Hooker,  Jack  AlcCiuirc,  Da\e  Delong,  Henry 
Yanc\',  Bill  Robinson,  Jerry  Boddin,  l.loyd  ("aiidle. 
Bill  Neal,  Bill  Barnes,  Bill  1  lolsrein.  I'ifrh  row,  at 
right,  Eldon  Spearman,  Jesse  Beal,  Henry  ("lark, 
jack  Brown,   Bill  Port,  Henr\-  Mostellar.  Sixth  row. 

beginning  at  back  on  letr,  John  I'erguson,  \  low  ard 
Barwick,  Ed  Edwards,  Jim  Taylor,  Bruce  Baldwin, 
Bob  Eeake,  Dick  Meade,  Walt  Smith,  l.ou  Tepe,  Don 
Alitchell  (Secretary),  Bill  Easterling,  Dick  Foster 
(I'reasurer,  leaning  against  wall),  Bob  Anderson 
(President),  Ken  Alcnken  (Vice-President),  Dick 
Sommers,  l-linr  I.iddon  (leaning  against  wall),  Jim 
I'.arnhardf,  Hunt  Ricker,  Sam  Northrup,  (ialvin  Hol- 
land, Tom  Jordan,  Bob  Buchanan,  Kes  Deimling. 
(irouped  on  stairs,  left  to  right.  Bill  Werber  (sitting), 
('ourt  Nelson,  Ibmm\'  Peters  (front),  led  Ihomas, 
Alal  Findsrrom,  Bud  (irecne. 

Sigma  Nus  in  froiir  of  rhcir  sccrion,  first  row  left 
to  right,  arc  Jack  Rockwell,  (iu\-  Miller,  Charlie 
Dickenson,  Jim  Oane,  Dave  ("arson,  Dick  Hubbs, 
Joe  Hail,  B\ron  Kord  (President,  seated).  Bob  Grillo, 
Mel   Hollandsworth,   Doug  Shafforth,   Ashb\-   L-uger, 

Don  Shafiorth,  Durham,  Ron  Sidcnham.  In  the 
back  row  are  Jerr\  I'uller,  (ieorge  Dawson,  lorn 
("astiglia,  Don  l,\nn.  Bill  McRae.  Don  Miehalek, 
Krnie  Cilberr,  Herb  Frymark,  Diek  I  lood.  Bill 
Wright,  Fete  Burlmghoti. 


SIGMA  NU  PRESIDENT  Byron  Ford,  chem  major 
from  Alexander  City,  Alabama,  is  a  member  of 
the    Marching:    Band,    Chronicle    and    Archive    staffs. 

DURHAM'S  EXCITING  radio  stations  stand  ready  to  sup- 
ply added  entertainment  at  Sigma  Nu  open  house.  Here 
Dukesters  ponder  advisability  of  tuning  in  a  local  station. 

SIGMA  NU'S  anticipate  end  of  classes  and  start  of  the  Christmas  holidays  with  a  small  party 
in  their  chapter  room.  Fraternity  songs  and  Christmas  carols  got  all  of  the  brothers  into 
the  right  frame  of  mind  to  forget  their  studies  and  travel  home  for  the  ten  day  vacation. 


Signni  Phi  I'.psilons  grouped  on  steps  at  ktr  siiic  ot 
rlu-  ("hapcl,  first  row,  from  left  to  riglir,  arc  Rohcrt 
W'hitL-,  Lewis  jVlaus,  Don  Delaski,  (iene  Bondurant, 
Frank  Barranco  (President),  Hdjogner,  Viro  Cimnello, 
Rodnc\'    Riker,     Br\'ce    Douglas    and     led    Cllitton. 

Second  row,  seated  on  steps,  Ton\-  I -cggio,  Art  Judd. 
Third  row,  jiinniN  Metropol,  Marry  Metropoi.  I'ourrh 
row,  I5ol)  White,  Nell  Andon.  Standing  in  the  last 
row  arc  John  I.itrlepurge,  Newell  Yaple,  Jim  Bo/./elli, 
(  ieorge  Delhos  and  Joe  1  luinphrx  . 



CYKrL'STVS."  '■.•^— —- 


SIG  EP  PRESIDENT  Ralph  Nesslinger,  Staten  Island, 
New  York,  is  following  an  economics  major.  He  is 
member    of    Alpha    Kappa    Psi,    business    fraternity. 

JAM  SESSION  by  three  of  brothers  entertains  freshmen 
during  rushing.  Ted  Clifton  directs  and  Vito  Ciminello 
stands  back  while  Tony  Leggio  lets  go  with  drum  solo. 

GETTING  DOWN  to  serious  bridge  playing,  the  the  Sig  Ep's  demonstrate  their  mental  abili- 
ties to  dates  and  freshmen.  Since  ali  fraternities  have  limited  open  house  facilities,  card 
playing  rates  as  a  favorite  pastime  and  supplements  general  conversation  on  affairs  of  day. 



DANCING  AND  DINNER  are  the  main  attractions  at  this 
Dinner  Dance  held  by  chapter  at  Durham's  popular  eat- 
ing spot,  The  Lamppost.    Dancing  was  to  recorded  music. 

THETA  CHI  PRESIDENT  Dick  Claxton  is  from 
Pittsburg,  Pennsylvania.  He  plays  in  Marching  Band 
and   is  the   Squadron   Sergeant   of   his   AROTC    unit. 

PREPARING  for  lull  evening,  Duke's  Theta  Chi's  await  the  main  course  during  a  dinner 
at  The  Lamppost  on  Chapel  Hill  St.  Subsequently,  the  brothers  and  their  dates  adjourned 
to  basement  of  establishment  where  evening  hours  were  spent  tripping  the  light  fantastic. 







Thcra  Chi  members  in  Union  Lobby  arc,  left  row, 
left  ro  right,  Dick.  Claxton  (President),  Walt  Stradley, 
Chuck  Gilmore,  Keith  Sharp,  Ben  Feather,  AI  Sunfield, 
Bob    Ferrell,    Burr    Osborne,    Narvel    Crawford,    Km 

Thompson,  John  Rutherford,  Charlie  KefFer.  Middle 
row,  Sam  Hicks,  John  Clontz,  Ra\'  Behnke,  Jerry 
Thomas.  Front  right,  Lyle  Conner,  Dick  Thomas, 
Bob  Rutherford,  Gordon  (irove. 



ZBT  CHAPTER  ROOM  takes  on  oriental  atmosphere  as 
brothers  and  dates  combine  to  offer  potential  pledges 
something  new  in  rushing.    The  bamboo  was  imported. 

ZBT  PRESIDENT  Bob  Goldwasser,  of  Bronx,  New 
York,  is  majoring  in  economics.  Last  year  he  served 
as    secretary     of     both     Hillel     and     his    fraternity. 

SMILING  ZBT'S  gather  for  informal  rogues  gallery  photo  with  rushees  during  stag  party. 
Smoke  filled  chapter  rooms,  tall  tales,  glowing  descriptions  of  fraternity  life  characterize 
Duke's  freshman  open   houses.    Light  refreshments  and  singing  lend  added  fraternal  flavor. 


ZBT  members,  first  row,  Icfr  ro  right.  Bob  Gctz 
(Secretary),  Bob  Cioldwasscr  (President),  Henry  Poss 
(Vice-President),  Marty  Sack  (Treasurer).  Left  side, 
sitting  left  to  right,  Marty  Weil,  C^ary  (Goldstein,  Bob 
Tamis,  (George  Pepper,  Ed  Brown.  Standing  behind 
sota,  Dick  Danncnbcrg,  Herman  Cireenglass,  AI  Max. 
Standing    in    back,   John    Rosenberg,    Ron    Schwartz, 

Stii  Cireenwald,  .\1  Hollet,  Mel  Kiiritzky.  Center, 
left  to  right,  Bob  Botnick,  (Sene  Bernstein,  Jerry 
Magidoft  (at  piano),  Hank  Aronberg,  Sam  O'Mansky, 
Dick  Watoy,  Boris  O'Mansky,  C.harlie  Glanzer 
(rear  sitting).  Miles  Scheffer  (front  sitting),  Don 
Lowenthal  (rear  sitting).  Bob  Roseiifield,  Paul  Dia- 
mond, Marty  Roaman. 




Tail  Epsilon,  newest  addition  to  Duke's  fraternity 
s\stein,  holds  meetings  in  the  Union  ballroom. 
Alemhers  are,  front  row,  left  to  right,  Harold  (ioldstein 
(president,  at  table),  Ronald  Pabin,  Jaek  Marks,  Buddy 
Bcrncv,   Riehic  Mc\ers,   Bob  Fricdlander,   and  Fred 

Shabel.  Seeomi  row,  iiob  Seheman,  Larry  (ireenberg, 
Alcycr  (iarber,  Angelo  Santamaria,  Jaek  Bon  hn,  Don 
Roseneranz,  Nolan  Rogers,  Joe  Zimmerman,  ('harlie 
Stem,  Diek  Kaloostian,  Bill  (ioodman,  Arthur  Klein, 
Bill  Geiger,  Lewis  Kaye. 

?  Tu-iissBiBicaie," 





TAU  EP  PRESIDENT  Harold  Goldstein  is  an  ec 
major  from  Atlanta,  Georgia.  He  was  one  of  those 
working  hardest  to  establish  Tau  Ep  chapter  at  Duke. 

BROTHERS  ARE  entertained  by  Carolina  Tau  Epsilon 
Phi's  with  Spring  House  party  at  Chapel  Hill  fraternity 
house.   UNC  chapter  helped  to  found  new  colony  at  Duke. 

TAU  EPS  AND  DATES  at  Shoe  and  Slipper  dance  are,  left  to  right.  Bill  Cieiger  with  Gippie 
Melton,  Jerry  Levine  with  Cookie  Cohen,  Harold  Goldstein  with  Jean  Stein,  and  Nolan 
Rogers  with  Janet  Kaminsky.   At  the  time,  these  men  were  working  to  establish  Tau  Epsilon. 




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- 11 


Ban#cl  llouge 


A  flagstone  walU  leads  ro  one  of  the  busiest 
spots  on  East — the  Pan  Hel  House.  Not  onl\-  is 
this  brick  building  the  home  often  sororities,  but  it  is  the  center  of  everyone's  lite  on  campus, 
housing  the  Dope  Shop,  the  Post  Office,  the  Devil's  Den,  and  Store.  At  all  hours  of  the 
day,  girls  run  in  and  out,  looking  in  at  the  P.O.,  stopping  for  a  coke.  Late  in  the  afternoon, 
rile  front  door  deeply  inset  under  the  pagoda-like  roof  and  framed  by  lattice  work  is  being 
constantK'  opened  and  shut  as  girls  hurry  to  .sorority  meetings,  quickl\-  glancing  at  the 
notices  posted  on  it. 

The  other  two  sororities  iia\e  their  rooms  in  Mordccai  House,  whose  sloping  roof 
can  be  seen  among  the  pines  off  to  the  north  of  the  Pan  Hel  House  close  to  the  Infirmary. 


A  sorority  system  in  which  there  was  a  girl  for 
every  sorority  and  a  sororir\'  for  evcr\'  girl  would 
be  the  ideal  ot  ever\'  Pan-Hellenic  group,  li)  strixe 
tor  this  t)pe  ot  relationship  is  the  nexer-ending  tasU 
ot  the  Pan-Hel  ('ouncil   at  Duke. 

This  year  w  hen  there  has  been  so  much  questioning 
of  the  values  ot  sororities,  there  has  been  a  good  deal 
of  house  cleaning  in  each  sorority  chapter.  Through 
the  guidance  ot  Pan-Hel  C'ouncil  (to  which  bod\ 
each  sorority  sends  two  representatives)  each  sororit>- 
has  been  able  to  see  its  relative  merits  in  its  relations 
with  its  members,  with  other  sororities,  with  non- 
Creeks,  and  with  the  Administration.  Whether  an\' 
answer  to  the  problem  ot  abolishing  or  retaining 
sororities  is  torthcoming  in  the  near  tuturc,  remains 
to  be  seen.  Meanwhile  the  subject  is  being  explored 
and  discussed  in  committees. 

PAN-HEL    PRESIDENT    Becca    Woollen    presides    over 
meeting  of  sorority  representatives,  is  herself  a  Tri-Delt. 

PAN-HEL  COUNCIL  members  in  Pan-Hel  House  are, 
first  row,  from  left  to  right,  Becca  Woollen  (President, 
seated  in  chair),  Dady  Zanner,  Ginny  Courtney.  Mary 
Margaret  Marsh,  Mac  Christian,  Lee  McGill,  Emmy 
Weber,    Louisa    May,    Eve    Vance,    Polly    Winters,    Joan 

Gilliam  (seated  in  chair),  Dora  Davenport.  Second  row, 
right  to  left,  Joan  Greene,  Jane  Waltz,  Ann  Efiand,  Dee 
Urban,  Suzie  Parker,  Yvonne  Schweistris  (seated).  On 
sofa,  Peyton  Clements,  Mayes  Beal,  Bev  Moser,  Ginny 
Jones,    Carol    Bohlin,    and    seated    at    end.    Sue    Smith. 




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REGULAR  MEETINGS,  held  every  Thursday  afternoon 
at  five,  find  Alpha  Chi's  assembled  in  their  chapter  room 
in  Mordecai  House  to  take  care  of  important  business. 

ALPHA  CHI  PRESIDENT  Sigrid  Nordwall  is  active 
in  YWCA,  Duke  Debate  Council,  Theta  Alpha  Phi  and 
Duke  Playeds,  where  she  was  Coed  Business  manager. 

ALPHA  CHI  PLEDGES  are,  first  row  seated  on  floor  left  to  right,  Carroll  Cass,  .lanet  Peksa, 
Kathy  Dykes,  IVIike  Ehrgott.  Second  row,  Barbara  Stott,  Nadine  Lyon.  Martha  Curlee, 
Janet   Craigne,   Debbie   Berry    (standing),    Sandy    Carter,    Helen    Holzapfel,    Peg   Deuschle. 







Alpha  C.h\  Omegas  in  front  ot  Moreiccai  House 
arc,  standing  at  left,  Margaret  Bishop  and  Anne 
Holbeek.  Row  next  to  raihng,  sitting  top  to  bottom, 
Dora  Davenport,  Elaine  C-oe,  Titi  Lefebvre,  Joyce 
Bevan,  Barbara  Hartcr,  Nancy  Clarke,  Dady  Zanner. 
Row  standing  in  middle,  Fran  McBride,  Lee  Philhps, 

Mary  Ellen  VVhitmore,  Jike  Miliis,  Bett\-  Eassiter, 
Mar\'  Jane  Miirra\'.  East  row  standing,  Bobbie  Harris, 
Bobsie  Derrick,  Nancy  Skinner,  Anne  House,  ("lock- 
wise  beginning  with  the  girl  on  the  right,  Patty  Finter, 
Peggy  Speas,  Patsy  Roberts,  De  Tutric,  and  Sigrid 
Nordwall  (President). 



BREAKFAST  AT  THE  IVY  ROOM  is  about  to  be  enjoyed 
by  sisters.  They  smile  for  photographer  while  waiting 
for   their   meal,   a   combination   of    breakfast    and   lunch. 

ADPI  PRESIDENT  Ann  Goode  was  this  year's 
Chanticleer  Beauty  Queen.  That  she  is  capable  as 
well  as  beautiful  is  shown  by  her  Phi  Bete  grades. 

ADPI  PLEDGES  are,  first  row  left  to  right,  seated  on  floor,  C.  Clark,  S.  Dalton,  C.  Couch, 
T.  Redwine,  .1.  Greene,  M.  VValdrop.  Second  row.  C.  .loincr,  I\l.  Williamson,  C.  Hill,  T. 
Bowles,   N.  Tatum,   E.   RufTin,   V.   Stedman,   G.    Bolton,    P.    Barber,   V.    Herring.   J.    Roberts. 


ADFi  members  on  rhc  srcps  ot  rhc  W'omans  Union 
arc,  rirsr  row  sirring,  Ictr  ro  righr,  li.  J.  Lord,  Dec 
lurncr,  Izzy  Switt,  I5crnic  Shepherd,  Ann  (ioode 
(president).  Second  row,  Mary  Hardison,  Susie  Slate, 
Lelia  Parker,  Shirlex"  Johnson,  Barbara  Russell.  Third 
row,    X'irsinia    Lee,    Biddv    Averv,    Nancv    Procter, 

|inn\  ("ourtnc\-,  Fran  Lanon,  Alice  Harlec,  Nancy 
Hobbs,  JoNce  McAfee,  Yvonne  Schweistris.  Fifth  row, 
Jo  l"ox,  Ann  Ritch,  Patsy  O'Ciarra,  Bett\  Jane  Wilson, 
ShirlcN-  LFiIl,  Ilclen  Br\  an.  Standing,  Nancy  Russell, 
Page  Huckabce,  Mar\-  .Alice  Longcrier,  Jo  .\nn 
Miller,  Rachel  Or/.art,  I'.llcn  Llarmon,   .Ann  ("unard. 

Bett\-  Atkinson,  .\nn  Piles,  Ann  Crews.  Fourth  row,      Julia  McCutchin,   Lois   VValdrop,  and   .\urelia  (ira\-- 

Members  ot  Alpha  Epsilon  Phi  on  the  steps  of  the 
East  ('anipus    Union   are,    from   left   to   right,    Ruth 

Kosterhfz,  Bernie  Levenson,  Bevcrlv  Moshcr  (presi- 
dent), Roberta  Uretski,  and  Sallv  Gordman. 


AEPHI  PRESIDENT  Bev  Moser,  education  major 
living  in  Bassett  House,  is  a  senior  from  Baltimore, 
Maryland.    She  was  on  Dean's  List  her  junior  year. 

MEETINGS  in  sorority  room  of  Faculty  Apartments 
Building  are  infrequent,  since  AEPhi  is  partially  inactive. 
Despite   present   status,   the   sorority    expects   to   return. 









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FIVE  MEMBERS  of  Alpha  Epsilon  Phi  meet  in  the  Red  Room  of  the  East  Campus  Dope  Shop. 
Duke's  chapter  of  the  national  Jewish  sorority  is  at  present  in  a  somewhat  inactive  status. 
However  members  continue  to  meet  in  order  to  keep  up  interest  in  the  Greek-letter  group. 







J  0 








Alpha    Pill's   hcsuie  ( "arr   Building  arc,    fronr   right       Margaret    Knight,    Ann    1  laniniond.    ('onnic    Castle, 
eft   to   right,  Joan   ("rowcll    (Treasurer),    Ann       Seated   along   wall,    beginning   lett,    Margie    Dollens 

Davis  (Seeretar\),  Plnl  Dodson  (President),  Ann 
1  Icim,  Pat  V\hital<er  (Vice-President),  Mart\-  VVatkins 
(Vice-President).  Sitting  up  steps  to  right,  foreground 
to  background,  Rita  McKerley,  Susie  Parker,  Barbara 
Burrows,  Joyce  Hoffman  (right).  Sitting  up  steps  to 
left,    front   to   hack:    Shirle\-    Riegel,     Page    Wilnier, 

I)od\-  Drew,  Bev  Boyle,  Marg  ('artw  right,  \m\ 
(/ause\.  lop  row,  I.ucy  Gay  I, yon,  .\nn  Hawk,  .\vis 
Watchman,  lata  Diemel,  Rosie  Pierce,  Sue  Baldwin, 
Billie  Stubbins,  Bobbie  Ireland,  .\  upper  middle 
from  left,  Bobbie  W'lodw orth,  Beck\-  W'ilson,  Marihn 
Kimball,  Janet  Brokenshire,  (Jrace  Sale. 



ALPHA  PHI  PRESIDENT  Phylis  Dodson  has  worked 
on  the  Chronicle  and  Duke  Players  during  four 
years  at  Duke,  also  maintained  Dean's  List  average. 

PLEDGE  DANCE  took  place  in  East  Campus  Union  and 
featured  presentation  of  the  pledges,  soon  to  be  initiated, 
at   intermission.    Phi's   engaged   Ambassadors   for   music. 

PLEDGE  CLASS  is,  first  row,  left  to  right.  Rose  Smith,  Emily  Hardy,  Lib  Schuman,  Joan 
Hill,  Kay  Kerr,  Ann  Heater,  iMary  Jane  Cuici,  Ann  Stewart.  Second  row,  Mary  Sargent,  Janet 
Hitchcock,  Barbara   Freeman,  Judy   Meyer,   Patricia  Burrows,  Jane  Bemus,  Judy   Murdock. 



WEEKLY  MEETING  of  Tii-Delts,  typical  of  all  such 
sorority  get-togethers  in  the  Pan-Hel  House,  takes  on 
aspects  of  a  social  event  as  well  as  a  lodge  business  session. 

TRI-DELT  PRESIDENT  Kitty  Brittain  transferred 
to  Duke  from  Florida  State.  At  Duke  she  has  served 
on    House    Council    and    worked    in    Hoof    'n'    Horn. 

PLEDGES  are,  first  row,  left  to  right.  L.  Olney,  N.  Hendrix,  .1.  Aneshansel,  G.  Brown.  M. 
Ludwick,  .M.  Wannamaker,  D.  Bovie,  C.  Patrick.  Second  row,  C.  Anderson,  D.  Howe,  L. 
Elliston.   S.   Asburv.   B.   Northington,   J.   M.   Claron,  B.  Corbeels,  B.  Lehman,  A.  McGinisey. 









Tri  Delrs  gathered  in  the  Union  are,  foreground, 
Kitty  Brittain  (President,  right),  Pat  Mackie  (Treas- 
urer, left) .  Seated  on  table,  foreground  to  background, 
Pauli  Mood,  Alice  Matheson,  Jennellc  Smith.  Seated 
on  couch,  left  to  right.  Dot  Jenkins,  Mar\-  Benson, 
Barbara  Hall.  Clockwise  on  floor,  beginning  at  left, 
Pat  Raney,  Mary  Lou  Jacobs,  Natalie  Zwick,   Nan 

Tignor,  Philys  Matheson.  At  right,  foreground  to 
background.  Pat  Carter  (Secretary),  Jud\-  Kendall 
(left),  Nick\-  Knickerbocker  (right),  Alice  Kneeler 
(right),  Nancy  McCrary,  Julie  Hamilton  (standing), 
BeverK-  Brenneman,  Becca  \Abollen  (left),  Bctt\' 
McDowell  (right),  Dec  Urban  (left),  Sharon  Dienstl, 
Kay  Richards,  Josie  Miller. 



DG  VOLLEYBALL  team  members  get  advice  and  en- 
couragement between  halves  of  preliminary  game  in 
intersorority  tournament  from  sisters  sitting  on  sidelines. 

DG  PRESIDENT  Marianne  Hollingsworth,  senior 
sociology  major  from  Norfolk,  Va.,  is  on  Jarvis  House 
Council  and  a  member  of  Hoof  'n'  Horn  and  F.A.C. 

DELTA  GAMMA  PLEDGES,  first  row,  seated  on  lloor.  from  left  to  right,  C.  Hibbler,  B. 
Ferndale,  .f.  Harrill,  V.  Lauck,  E.  Elder,  E.  Verbyla.  M.  Mcffert.  Second  row,  S.  Morris,  N. 
Newell,  R.  Blundin,  H.  Mavbcn,  P.  Smith,  B.  Newberry.  S.  Anderson,  A.  White,  F.  VVaterfield. 


DCj's  on  steps  of  E;isr  Duke.  Row  at  left  back  to 
front,  Liz  Hart,  Sue  Beck,  Jane  Waltz,  Sally  Vokoun. 
Row  second  trom  lett,  Marie  McC'lure,  Nancy 
Anderson,  Phy!  Palmer,  Pat  Pur\iance,  Bcts}'  Peter- 
son. Row  third  trom  lett,  Doris  Blattner,  Ann  Efland, 
Frances    Waterheld,    Babs   Alotiif.   Row    tourth   trom 

left,  Juanita  Dixon,  jini  Kumey,  I'Vankie  Sharpe, 
Carroll  Tiller,  Barbara  l.ane,  (lathy  l.dens,  Pat  Som- 
merdahl,  Bett\'  Arrants.  Row  across  back.  Nan 
Cannell,  Pris  McKelvey,  Louise  John,  Claire  Frank, 
Abbie  Fades,  Marianne  Hollingsworth  (President), 
Pat  Pepper,  Carol  Mills,  Joey  Roberts. 

Thcra  members  in  the  Union  Lobb\-  arc,  left  row, 
foreground  to  background,  Lee  McGill,  Nanc\-  Smirh, 
MickcN-  Flannery,  Bev  Brown.  Standing,  left  to  right, 
Franeie  Rogers,  Joanne  ('annon.  Carrel  Power, 
Audrcv  Earle,  Joan  Cuimmels,  Linda  Watkins.  Back, 
left  to  right,  sitting,  Molly  Bixby,  Joan  Grover,  i\Ltr\ 
Glenn    Reams,    B.    D.    Dabnc\-,   Jan    McKee,    i\lar\- 

Flannery,  Maggie  Constantinc,  Ann  Schuster,  Alice 
Jean  Youmans,  Janice  Cresap.  Clockwise,  right  corner. 
Nancv  Nichols,  Barbara  Cline,  Salh'  Stanback,  Helen 
Foppert.  Clockwise,  front  and  floor,  Nancy  Barrows 
(Treasurer),  Betty  Ronton  (President),  ALarilyn 
Black,  Mary  Lib  Coffee,  Connie  Wise,  Fa\c  C^obb, 
Ann    Gunderson,    Barbara    Snyder    (Vice-President). 







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THETA  PRESIDENT  Betty  Routon,  senior  sociology 
major  from  Miami,  and  a  member  of  Hoof  'n'  Horn, 
has   served   on   F.A.C.   and   Pegram    House    Council. 

WEDDING  SHOWER  is  held  for  Margie  Arthur  by  so- 
rority sisters  in  Theta  room  of  Pan-Hel  House.  Such 
events  are  common  among  sororities  at  Christmas  time. 

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THETA  PLEDGES,  front,  from  left,  Sally  Jenkins,  Trisha  Brown,  Gail  McGiehan,  Judy  La- 
Fever,  Liz  Murdock.  Back,  left  to  right,  Kim  Barrows,  Meb  Benton,  Judy  Clark,  Jane 
Rutherford,  Marilyn  McKeeman,  Anne  Hinson,  Cynie  Impey,  Sue  Brooks,  Dorie  Sherbano. 


KD's  on  rhc  srcps  herwccii  j;ir\  is  ;uul  (";iit  -.irc, 
hack  row  ktr  ro  riijhr,  Nell  Jones,  \'alene  Snook, 
Marie  Anne  Scheller,  Ann  ( iore,  Ann  ( "ovingron, 
Ruth  Wills,  l5ol)l)ie  Jean  Slater,  and  Dottie  1  lorton. 
On  ledge  at  left,  Pruily  lodd.  Dinky  Onrcher,  and 
Joyce      Domini  k.      front,     Becky      Alo.ser, 

I'.ve  X'anee,  Margaret  Kenned\ ,  Martha  Wbolery, 
Ann  Norris,  (iwen  Weeks,  and  Iktty  Jo  I  ledricks. 
Second  row  Nancy  (!u\',  Jo  ('laire  ("ruinhK-,  ('arlo\n 
Moore,  Susie  Spatola,  and  Marie  Brown  (President). 
Sitting  on  upper  steps.  Patsy  1  linson,  ls.a\-  Ri/./.onico, 
Pat  droves,  Jcri  Jahn,  and  (^arol  Evans  (right  ledge). 



KD  PRESIDENT  Marie  Brown,  a  Dean's  List  student, 
has  been  in  Hoof  'n'  Horn  and  Nereidian  Club,  and 
sung  in  the  Woman's  Glee  Club  and  the  Chapel  Choir. 

CHRISTMAS  COMES  early  as  fraternities  and  sororities 
hold  parties  for  Durham's  underprivileged  children.  Here 
Kappa   Delts   watch   as    Santa   opens   his   popular    pack. 

KD  PLEDGES,  first  row,  from  left,  Joan  Brown,  Jean  Adams,  Jacie  Barger,  Peggy  Keels,  Joyce 
Kee,  Carolyn  Washburn,  Diane  Evans.  Second  row,  Becky  Hatcher,  Ann  Sperry,  Bette  Crain, 
Betsy  Brittain,  Marion  Blanton,  Frances  Branhma,  Polly  Pope,  Sadie  Foy,  LaNell  Edwards, 
Helen  Hedges,  Nina  Abrahams,  Sue  White,  Jean   Kramer,   Bev  Rowlain,  Nancy   Saunders. 



FORMAL  RUSHING  creates  scenes  of  hectic  confusion 
and  unending  chatter.  In  Pan-Hel  House  Kappa's  strive 
to  impress  fresh,  and  try  to  decide  which  ones  to  pledge. 

KAPPA  PRESIDENT  Bobby  Jones  has  been  Busi- 
ness Manager  of  the  Women's  Handbook  and  a 
member    of    Duke    Players    and     Social     Standards. 

KAPPA  PLEDGE  Class  are,  first  row.  from  left.  Nancy  Ming.  Ginny  Hillman,  Kathy  LeStour- 
geon,  .lody  Oldberg,  Sally  Bullard.  Second  row,  Brooke  Tucker,  Jo  Arnold,  Poky  Allen, 
Lctty   Lauffer,   Peggy   Brown,    Deedee   Dundas,  Jackie  Burghard.  Jane  Towns,   Ann   Larian. 


Kappa's  gathered  in  front  of  the  Woman's  College 
auditorium  are  first  row,  left  to  right,  Adele  Woodall^ 
Joan  Zeigler,  Ja\'  McC^artcr,  Kdith  Laucr,  Rosie 
Dundas,  Suzie  Perkins,  Salh'  Stockdale,  Mar\'  Atin 
Bullard,  and  Claire  Zipplies.  Second  row,  Mary 
Weigle,  Ann  Allen,  Fran  Schneidewind,  Junior  1  honi- 
as,  Nancy  Harris,  Claire  Weidenham,  Mart)'  Miller, 

Carolyn  Chester,  Joan  Mader,  Bobby  Jones  (Presi- 
dent), and  Jane  Lindsay.  Third  row,  lzz\'  ^()ung,  Nan 
Alyea,  Emm\  Weber,  Jo  Ingwerson,  Dotty  Platte, 
Pat  Collins,  Shirley  Williams,  Jane  Ruffin,  Joan 
Pringle,  Jane  X'alentyne,  Alice  Coldthwaite,  Mary 
()fle\-,  Barbara  Blades,  Ann  Nolen,  Bett\  Ann  Brooks, 
and  Ann  LeStourgeon. 



PKK-HOLIDAY  TEA  for  local  Phi  Mu  alumnae  took 
place  in  the  Pan-Hel  House  before  Christmas  vacation. 
President  Happy  Parker  handled  the  ladle  at  punch  bowl. 

PHI  MU  PRESIDENT  Happy  Parker  has  varied  her 
activities  during:  her  four  years.  She  has  been  in  Hoof 
'n'     Horn,     Y.W.C.A.,     W.A.A.,     and     Duke     Players. 

PHI  !\III  PLEDGES  are,  in  front  row,  V.  Kneedlcr,  P.  Ohmes,  A.  Wall.  D.  Clegg,  S.  Hildrefh. 
B.  VVorthington,  N.  McPherson,  P.  Hensler.  Seated,  P.  Watson,  J.  Davis,  E.  Quillen,  A.  Mc- 
Call,   V.   Alberts,   C.   Walker.     Back,   A.   Furlow,   C.   Snow,  J.   Head,   S.   Halton,  G.   Smith. 


PHI  MU'S  gathered  in  the  Dope  Shop  are,  fore- 
ground tal)le,  elockwisc,  beginning  with  the  girl  at 
the  Ictt,  Mary  Lou  Sattcle,  Marge  larnuni,  Happ>' 
Parker  (President),  Pegg\-  Boiinian,  Susan  Styles. 
Seeond  table  at  lett,  eloekwise  troin  extreme  left. 
Sue  McMullen,  Ruth  (x)llinson.  Sherry  I'lnburg. 
Third  table  at  lett,  eloekwise,  beginning  at  the  lett, 
Mae    ("hristian,    Kitt\-    Smith,    Mary    Ellen    Street, 

Martha  (iudlor.  Rear  table  at  lett,  Nancy  Turtle, 
lett,  jaekie  1  lanna,  right.  Second  table  on  right,  eloek- 
wise, beginning  at  left,  Mareia  Parker,  Leonard 
Lee,  Betty  1  rentman.  Penny  Jarrell.  1  bird  table  at 
right,  counterclockwise,  beginning  extreme  right, 
Llaine  /immerman.  Norma  Revels,  R.uth  l.osett. 
Mays  Beal,  Jane  Kerbeck.  lable  in  extreme  rear, 
clockwise,   Tina    White,    Nanc\    Ruos,    Pat    Morris. 

i  ■.. ' 

'  -M 



■A   '/■ 

Pi  Phi  Members  seated  in  front  left  to  right,  Lyn 
Stokes,  Ann  McDonald,  Ann  Lundberg,  Pat  Rose, 
Sally  Cicrber,  Mimi  Lefflcr  (President).  Center  group 
left  to  right,  Trish  Moeller,  Bets\  K\!e,  Helen 
Holle\-,  Barbara  DeLapp,  Fran  Larinoa,  Peggy  Yanc\-, 
Pe\t()ii    ("iemenrs,    Jinnv    Bush,    Margaret    Ware,   Jo 

Holloway.  Standing  on  left,  ftont  to  back,  Barbara 
Seaberg,  Mary  Br>son,  SalK'  Brown,  Nanc\-  I'airle\-, 
Munda  Law,  Patti  C.ohan.  Standing  in  back  left  to 
right,  Mary  Margaret  Marsh,  Ann  Tinlor.  Standing 
on  right,  left  to  right.  Ginger  Smith,  Molly  Nelson, 
Ann  Blight,  Sally  Johnson. 


^l^fe^^^^^^^l^^L    '*'  ^^^^^^^HV^^HHp 


^9^V     ^F  V' 


PI  PHI  PRESIDENT  Minii  Leffler,  senior  English 
major  from  IMiami,  Fla.,  is  a  member  of  Hoof  'n' 
Horn,  was  on  Bassett  Council  and  Y.W.C.A.  Council. 

VERSATILE  PI  PHI'S  divide  attention  between  sorority 
affairs  and  other  activities  during  weekly  meeting  in  Pan 
Hel.     Note   cheerful    grin   of   greeting   for    photographer. 

PI  PHI  PLEDGES  are,  first  row  seated  on  floor  from  left  to  right,  S.  Rutland,  P.  Morgan,  J. 
Norton,  P.  Clements,  V.  Woolley,  and  B.  Glass.  Second  row,  R.  VVescott,  L.  Hoppe,  M.  Crowe, 
B.  Wood  (standing).  K.  Cohen,  F.  Raines,  S.  Duiguid,  K.  Curry,  A.  Johnston,  and  M.  Erwin. 


On  the  steps  of  West  Duke  IJuildingon  Ivasr  (laiiipus, 
Siuma  Kappa  meml)ers  are,  sitting  first  row  Ictr,  top 
ro  bottom,  .\lar\'  Lib  Wbresiiani,  Elaine  Popp,  Ann 
Schuford,  Polly  Winters,  and  Clarol  I.aubenheinier. 
Seeond  row,  Peggy  Howard,  Jane  Bolmeier,  Mar- 
garet VVatkins,  ('onnie  I'ord,  jane  ('iininiins,  anil 
Sliirlcv    Markee.     Third     row,     |une    Hrantle\ ,    Ann 

Price,  Betty  McCoy,  Diane  \^andcrhoot,  Ann  Miltord, 
Joan  (^or/ert,  and  Wilnia  Broome.  I'onrrh  row,  Mary 
1  .ou  Stevens,  Berr\'  Ann  Smith,  Juanita  MeCiee  (Presi- 
dent), l.ois  College,  and  Sue  Smiseth  (last  two  stand- 
ing). Standing  aeross  top,  left  to  right,  Plnllis  (!uigou. 
("arol  Bohlin,  Mable  Ruth  Nease,  lab  ( ioode,  S\lvia 
Paehuta,  Ann  Burton,  Pats\-  Wooten,  and  Pat  Parham. 



SIGMA  KAPPA  PRESIDENT  Juanita  McGee,  mathe- 
matics major  living  in  Aycock,  is  recording  secretary 
for  Hoof  'n'  Horn.    Her  liome  is  in  Mt.  Airy,  N.  C. 

FORMAL  DANCE  in  honor  of  the  pledge  class  was  held  in 
the  lobby  of  the  Woman's  Union.  During  intermission,  the 
pledges  were  presented  through  a   Sigma   Kappa  heart. 

SIGMA  KAPPA  PLEDGES  are,  first  row  seated  left  to  right,  Pat  Sehuford,  Rebecca  Yost, 
Gloria  Chriss,  Ann  Johnson.  Second  row,  Joan  King,  Margery  Styles,  Jane  O'Neal,  Dottie 
Secrest,  Nancv  Day,  Eleanor  Moorehead.  Dot   McCaleb,   Sally   Truitt,   and   Martha   McRae. 



PEACEFUL  PRELUDE  to  the  holiday  season  is  Zeta 
Christmas  party  in  Pan-Hel  House.  Sisters  seek  to  express 
g^ratitude    to    donors    of    stuffed    animals    and    lollipops. 

ZETA  PRESIDENT  Ginny  Harris,  from  Summit, 
N.  J.,  is  active  in  campus  organizations,  including 
Hoof     'n'     Horn,     Glee     Club,     Publications     Board. 

ZETA  PLEDGE  CLASS  is,  first  row  left  to  right,  Burrell,  Jackson,  Korncgy,  Downs,  Almund. 
Second  row,  Peters,  VVithrow,  Maxwell,  Eaton,  Read,  Henrichsen,  Rome.  Third  row.  Back- 
man,    Wright,    Nicholson,    Shacker,    Trainer,    Meyers,    Ciinn,    Eorbes,    Fcrrell.    and    Duncan. 


Zcra  Tau  Alpha's  on  the  East  Union  steps  arc, 
first  row,  center,  left  to  right,  Sara  Nell  Maness, 
Jeanne  Trudeau,  Lou  Blackard,  i\1and\-  Bowman. 
Clockwise  around  the  center,  beginning  with  the 
girl  at  left,  Ginny  Jones,  Rody  Deane,  Ginger  Triska, 
Jean  Bradley,  Bunny  Noble.  Second  row  at  right, 
seated,  Cathy  Redgrave,  Alice  Hurst,  Becky  Thomp- 

son, Joan  VV'hite-Spunner.  Second  row  at  lek,  Ruth 
Ann  Fisher  (Vice-President),  B.  K.  Sims  (Treas- 
urer), Sue  Wallace,  Ruth  C^lark.  Standing,  left  to  right, 
Ginny  Harris  (President),  Janet  Sweeney,  Connie 
.\ldridge,  Carol  Smedley  (standing  b\-  pillar),  Tess 
Pollock,  Betty  Bruce  (standing  by  pillar),  Kir  Ravencl, 
Betsy    Thompson,    Sandra    Faber,    Laura    Duncan. 


SMALL    COUNTER    in    Devils'    Den    serves    soft    drinks 
with  fancy  names,  like  Blue  Devil  Cocktail,  Lime  Rickey. 


East  Dope  Sliop  is  renter 
of  supply  cHul  (liversinn 

It  is  the  most  dcnsclx"  iiopuhitcd  spnt  on  Ivast. 
Vou  spend  more  ni  your  waking  hours  there  than 
anywhere  else.  You  see  \our  triends  there,  you  read 
the  eampus  news  there,  you  relax  there.  You  drop 
In-  after  each  class,  after  each  actixity,  asking  ('larencc 
if  the  last  mail  has  heen  put  up.  You  stop  tor  a  quick 
coke,  a  smoke,  and  a  chat  after  dis[K)sing  ot  your  two 
week's  wash  in  the  Launderette.  \(n\  pick  up  soap, 
kleenex,  and  toothbrush  for  your  roommate,  a  birth- 
day card  for  your  sister,  and  a  magazine  for  yourself. 
^ou  watch  T\',  dance  w  ith  your  date,  and  listen  to 
WDBS  broadcasting  from  the  Devils  Den. 

:\n  oasis  for  the  thirsty,  a  haven  for  the  hungry,  a 
Mecca  for  all  those  seeking  companionship  —this  is 
the  l.ast  Oampus  Dope  Shop. 

SLEF:PV  coeds,  unable  to  get  up  for  breakfast  in 
I'nion.    crowd    Dope    Shop    after    first    period    class. 




university'  . 

,        5TQRM  : 


BROADCAST    from    Devil's    Den    is 
Popular  Friday  night  entertainment. 

WOMAN'S     COLLEGE    STORE    carries 
merchandise  to  fill  all  needs  of  the  coeds. 

NEWS   from    outside    world   gets 
full   attention   from   East   coeds. 



wmUt  $lant 

For  the  grearer  parr  of  cvcr\-  year,  Dukes  huge 
foorball  sradiuni  collcers  dusr.  Ir  lies  exposed  ro 
the  elements,  a  grear  empr\'  hole  in  the  earth.  With  the  exeeption  of  a  few  ground  keepers, 
no  one  goes  near  it  for  months  at  a  time.  People  don't  come  to  look  at  it  or  take  pictures 
of  ir.  It  has  no  aesthetic  beauty,  like  the  C^hapcl,  nor  any  continual  and  constant  use,  like 
the  Union.  It  has  only  a  single  purpose  in  existing,  and  that  only  in  season. 

But  in  the  fall  the  stadium  has  its  da\'.  Then  people  come  from  far  and  wide  to  fill  its 
rows  and  rows  of  wooden  benches  and  make  its  walls  reverberate  with  the  sounds  ot  their 
voices,  lor  a  short  while  it  is  the  center  of  attention  on  campus.  Duke's  most  indispensable 
Structure.  For  a  short  time  it  fulfills  its  single  purpose,  and  then  it  is  left  to  itself  once  more. 

Duke's  two  gyms  arc  both  like  and  unlike  rhe  gianr 
stadium  rhar  is  just  down  rhe  hill  tmm  them.  I'Or  a 
part  of  the  year  at  least  the\  have  all  the  glamor  aiui 
excitement  riiat  rhe  stadium  possesses  during  rhe 
football  season.  Perhaps  rhe  t]uanrit\  ot  mass  h\  steria 
is  not  as  great,  but  the  iiualit\-  is  just  the  same.  Wres- 
tling, swimming,  and  gymnastic  meets  in  the  Old  (i\ni 
and  basketball  in  the  indoor  Stadium  ha\  e  their  share 
of  spectator  enthusiasm  as  football  does.  Here  is  their 

But  there  is  a  difierence  between  rhe  g\ins  and  rhe 
stadium.  I'Or  nine  months  the  stadium  is  empt\'  sa\  e 
tor  mtrequeiir  track  meets;  tor  se\en  daws  a  week 
e\'er\'  week  in  rhe  school  \ear  the  g\'ms  are  ali\c 
with  students  engaged  in  c\'ery  kind  ot  indoor  athletics. 
The  g>'ms  become  a  part  ot  every  student's  life  be- 
fore he  leaves.  For  two  years  he  is  required  to  go  to 
the  gym  to  take  physical  education,  but  atrer  rhar  a 
majority  ot  them  come  ot  their  own  tree  will. 

Onh'  the  Duke  C^hapcl  outshines  the  Indoor  Stadium 
in  its  impressivcncss.  Tier  after  tier  of  seats  are 
jammed  with  shouting  spectators  at  rhe  iilue  Devil 
basketball  games.  Its  massive  size,  the  conflu.x  of 
9,000  people,  the  din  of  sound  reverberating  as  Duke 
scores  make  the  Indoor  Stadium  rixal  the  tootball 
stadium  in  glamor  and  panorama. 

Less  spectacular  than  the  New  G}m,  but  more 
diversified  in  its  athletic  equipment  is  the  Old  Clym. 
Two  basketball  courts,  gymnastic  equipment,  wrestling 
pit,  swimming  pool,  varsity  dressing  rooms,  intramural 
headquarters,  and  P.E.  equipment  arc  housed  in  this 
building.  Beside  the  gyms  are  the  tennis  and  handball 
courts  that  round  out  Duke's  fine  athletic  plant. 

NEW  GYMNASIUM  houses  immense  indoor  stadium  in 
constant  use  for  sport  events,  dances,  and  on  various  other 
occasions.    It  also  contains  apparatus  rooms  and  armory. 

OLD  GYMNASIUM  is  scene  of  great  activity  during  win- 
ter months.  Here  physical  ed  classes  and  intramural 
basketball  games  are  held  along  with  gym  team  practice. 



Frosli  tcike  toinpulsory  P.E. 

PHYSICAL   EDUCATION   and   Athletics   Director   Eddie 
Cameron  is  assistant  coach,  was  once  head  of  football. 

From  the  first  diiy  Freshmen 
enter  UuUe,  the)'  hear  stories  about 
the  physical  strength  test  which 
rhey  are  required  to  take.  Upper- 
classmen  seem  to  derive  pleasure 
in  building  tall  tales  about  the 
coming  ordeal. 

"Hey,  Joe,  that  P.E.  test  is 
really  going  to  be  rugged." 

"Yep,  Joe,  it's  no  picnic." 

"What  do  rhey  make  us  do,  \ou 

"Oh,  just  a  couple  hundred  dips 

on    the    parallel    bars,    the    broad 

jump,  rapid  sit-ups,  and  running— 

.,  .  ,,  FRESHMEN    LEARN    manly    art    of         IN  APPARATUS  CLASS,  frosh  work 

all  in  two  mmures.  self    defense     with    help    of    masks.         on     bars,     are     graded     on     ability. 





"Vcp,  Joe,  you  have  to  do  that 
so  thc\-  can  classit)-  you  into  A, 
B,  or  C^  gym  classes." 

"That  doesn't  sound  so  bad." 

"That's  what  \<)u  think.  Just 
\\  ait  and  sec." 

Pale  hut  confident,  the  I'reshnien 
went  to  the  gym.  The)-  left  still 
pale,  but  no  longer  confident.  Sore 
and  tired  muscles  in  their  stomachs, 
arms,  and  legs  caused  them  to 
walk  slow  ly  back  to  Kilgo  Quad- 
rangle and  the  welcomed   sack. 

CHOOSE-UP  BASKETBALL  GAMES  are  played  by  sophomore  physical  edu- 
cation classes.  Required  to  take  gym,  sophomores  are  allowed  choice  of  sports. 




W'  IS  FOR  THE  . 

Duke's  citliletes  dre 
Varsity  'W  Oluh  memhers 

Twice  c\cry  year  the  Duke 
(/ampus  is  dotted  w  ith  men  going 
to  classes  in  attire  that  would  be 
more  fitting  for  the  athletic  field. 

All  ot  this  is  a  part  ot  the  initi- 
ation ot  new  members  into  tlie 
\'arsit\'  I)  Club,  an  organization  of 
Duke  lettermen. 

This  year  their  most  important 
project  was  an  overwhelming  suc- 
cess; tor  the  Red  Ctoss  Blood 
Drive,  which  they  sponsored, 
brought  a  record  total  ot  602  pmts 
ot  blood  for  Korea.  Last  spring 
they  sponsored  the  first  Blue- 
White  game  between  Billy  C-ox's 

All  Stars  and  Coach  AUurax  "s  first 
Diike  team.  Reception  ot  visiting 
teams  by  \'arsity  D  members  and 
visits  to  Edgemont  ('omnuinit\' 
Center  were  also  a  part  ot  their 

The  \'arsiry  D  Club  extends  the 
honor  of  membership  to  lettermen 
in  all  sports,  and  all  sports  are 
represented.  It  cuts  through  frater- 
nit\  lines  and  class  seniorit\',  bring- 
ing together  men  with  common 
interests — a  love  of  sports.  The 
finest  witness  to  its  power  tor 
achie\ement  was  rheir  selling  ot 
more  tickets  to  the  CJerr\-  (ierard 
Memorial  Game  than  an\'  other 
organization  on  campus. 

Bradley.  Front  row,  left  to  right,  Al 
Gorham,  Norm  Schellinger,  Tank 
Lawrence,  Mai  Lindstrom,  Bob  Mar- 

shall, Bob  Burrell,  Henry  Poss,  Bill 
Werber,  Charlie  Tomlinson,  ,Ierry 
Cates,  A.  B.  Pearson,  Stii  Vaughn. 
Back    row,   .lohn   Tate,    Ditk    Meade, 

Bill  Robinson,  Dick  Baiiman,  Char- 
lie Dilts,  Nolan  Rogers,  Bill  Ander- 
son, Otis  Zavertnick,  Dick  Sykes, 
Bob     Painter,     and     Bill     Schafler, 



Fonthcill  is  <i  lnn.i>,  toii^li  ijriiul 

Separating  the  men  troni  the 
boys — that's  quite  a  job  considering 
both  the  quantity  and  quaht\-  ot 
muscle  and  brawn  that  turns  our 
tor  toorball  practice  each  year. 
But  that's  the  problem  facing  head 
coach   Bill   Murra\    and   his    srati. 

Under  the  watchful  e\es  of 
Coach  Murrax-  and  his  assistants 
the  men  have  to  be  broken  down 
as  indi\iduals  and  blended  into  a 
team.  It  is  the  job  of  coaches 
Dumpy  Hagier,  Hershall  Caldwell, 
and  Carmen  Falcone  to  develope 
the  defensive  team,  while  the  ef- 
fensive  backfield  is  capably  directed 
by  Duke's  former  All-American 
great  "Ace  "  Parker.  Tom  O'Boyle 
and  Marty  Pierson  weld  the  of- 
fensive line  into  a  cohesive  unit. 
Bob  ('ox  and  Al  Johns  develop 
ne.xt  years  stars  for  the  Big  Blue. 

The  endless  work  of  these  men 
enables  the  machine  to  function 
smoothly.  It  is  their  job  to  review 
their  opponents  for  the  coming 
year,  picking  out  weaknesses  and 
developing  new  plays,  any  one  of 
which  might  prove  to  be  a  game 
winning  factor.  All  these  things 
plus  countless  others  go  into  putting 
a  team  on   the  field  on  Saturday. 

These  were  the  forces  behind 
our  19.^1  Blue  Devils.  They  are 
only  half  of  the  story.  The  players 
themselves  make  up  the  other  half. 

DURING  PRACTICE  drill,  a  lineman 
charges  into  blocking  dummy  while 
Coach    Murray    looks    for    weakness. 

CO.^CH  BILL  .Ml  KK.AV  muvi-sn  ,n- 
tire   squad   as   they    loosen    up   with 

calisthenics.     The    19.51    season    was 
Murray's  first  as  Duke  football  coach. 





OUT  OF  THE  Tl'NNEL  amidst  the  roar  of  the 
crowd  comes  the  Big  Blue  to  talte  the  field.  The 
tunnel  runs  under  stadium  to  locker  room  in  gym. 

SPRING  PRACTICE  with  its  calisthenics  and  wind  sprints  are  not 
the  most  looked  forward  to  part  of  a  Duke  gridster's  career,  but 
the  winter  kinks  must  be  ironed  out,  and  early  spring  is  the  time. 


ASSISTAN  I  ((>  A(  lli:s  (luiiiin  piM.tici-  :iic,  Icll  to  risht,  O'Boylc  (offensive 
line),  Parker  (offensive  backfield),  Caldwell  and  Hagler  (defensive  line).  Pier- 
son  (offensive  line),  Cox  (freshman  coach),  and  Falcone  (defensive  backfield). 

The  men  composing  the 
have  to  return  to  school  in  the 
tall  weeks  ahead  of  the  regular 
students  to  begin  practice.  This 
tough  grind  is  made  e\en  more 
difficult  by  the  start  of  classes. 

("onsidering  the  afternoons  spent 
in  practice,  the  evening  blackboard 
drills  and  the  normal  load  ot  school 
work,  it  is  no  wonder  that  onl\' 
the  men   come   throuuii. 

SQUAD  (right),  left  to  right,  bot- 
tom to  top,  Looper,  Tepe,  Caudle, 
Barger,  Paschal,  Knotts,  Bovin, 
McCoy,  Bacaniba,  Keziah,  Hands, 
Lawrence,  Thomas  (standing). 
Lea,  Horton,  Carey,  Holben,  Tor- 
rance, Campbell,  H.  Kistler,  Had- 
ley,  Edwards,  J.  Kistler,  Grant, 
Uladdox,  Haslap,  Meadows,  Con- 
noir.  Leach,  Cole,  McKeiMian, 
Adams,  Skodzinski,  Midhiff, 
Whitley,  Berger,  Lutz  (stand- 
ing), Bayless,  T.  Moon,  Eberdt, 
Anderson,  Mason,  Pitt,  Lerps, 
T.  Miller,  C.  Moon,  Burrows, 
Gleason  (standing),  Mozingo, 
F"ields,  Niven,  Lumniers,  Schilfli, 
Rambo,  Eller,  Gwinn,  Dubosky, 
Humphrey,  P.  Miller,  Palmer, 
Richardson,  R.  Smith,  W.  Smith, 
C.  Smith  (standing),  Redivini 
(standing),  Greene,  Siler,  Hurst. 



i<  • 



A     -^  -■ 




South  (icHnliiici  bows  to 
Bi.i>  Blue  iu  Oolumhia 

W  irh  ;i  brilliant  cxhihirion  of 
"split-T"  magic.  Duke's  Blue 
Devils  roared  to  a  34-6  win  over 
South  ("arolina  in  rhe  season's 
opener.  Led  by  treshinan  Jerr\- 
Barger,  rhe  Dukes  performed  mag- 
nifieently  under  rhe  guidance  of 
their  new  coach.  The  Duke  de- 
fense was  superb  as  it  held  Clame- 
cock  star  Wadiak  to  only  26  yards. 
Offensive  pla\'  was  dominated  by 
Charlie  Smith  and  Piney  F'ields, 
each  scoring  t\\  ice. 

THE      MOVIE      STRIP:      S.      C. 

quarterback  takes  snap  from 
center(l),  fakes  handoiT  and 
fades  back(2)  to  pass(3).  Re- 
ceiver, back  of  Duke  safety  man, 
is  waiting  for  ball  in  clear(4) 
when  Bickel  makes  spectacular 
one-handed  interception(5).  He 
turns(6)  and  starts  down  field(7), 
running  into  host  of  South  Caro- 
lina tacklers  after  ten-yard  gain. 


WSITDRS34  °"'"'" 




SOMI  Its  HOLDS  AS  GREEN  SI'lll  S    fill    irnKiilTS  AITI  K  A   lOl  (  IIDOWN  A(iAINST  S.  C. 








With  the  help  oi  a  41  yard  punr  rcrurii  by  sak-ryiiian 
Grunc  the  Blue  Devils  hung  up  rheir  second  vicrory  of 
the  young  season.  The  Devils  held  a  7-0  firsr  quarter 
advantage,  but  b}-  halftime  the  Panthers  had  gone 
ahead  14-13.  With  five  minutes  left  in  the  game  Grune 
hauled  in  a  Pitt  punt  and  raced  to  the  26.  i-our  plays 
later  ('harlie  Smith  drove  in  to  the  end  zone  tor  the 
clincher.  The  Duke  defense  stopped  a  Pirr  drive  ro 
insure  the  Devils  19-14  win. 

THE  MOVIE  STRIP:  Late  in  game,  with  Duke 
trailing  14-13,  Pitt  punts(l).  George  Grune  takes 
kick  on  own  32-yard  line(2),  heads  for  side- 
line(3),  thread.s  his  way  downfield  aided  by 
beautiful  biocking(4),  cuts  back  at  35(5),  tackled 
(6)  after  45-yard  run  that  sets  up  winning  T.D. 



Duke's  dreams  ot  national  foot- 
ball glory  were  shattered  by  a 
powerful  Tennessee  team  that  fol- 
lowed a  familiar  pattern — waitintr 
tor  the  opponent's  mistakes  and 
then  exploding  for  touchdowns. 
The  \'ols  did  it  four  times,  once 
in  each  quarter,  to  win  by  a  26-0 
score.  After  two  consecutive  wins 
the  inexperience  of  the  Blue  Devils 
with  the  "split-T"  finally  caught 
up  with  them.  Seven  fumbles  and 
tweKe  penalties  were  enough  to 
halt  any  oflFensi\e  threats  that  Duke 
could  make. 

Besides  the  Tennessee  scoring, 
riie  game  was  a  nightmare  of 
otfensixe  sputtering  for  both  reams. 
.All  in  all  there  were  twent\-  penal- 
ties and  eleven  fumbles  that  could 
nor  be  entirch'  attributed  to  the 
rugged  defensi\e  play.  Tennessee 
onl\'  made  one  more  first  down 
than  Duke,  but  the  stor>'  of  the 
game  was  Duke's  mistakes  and 
Tennessee's  capitalizing  on  them. 
The  Blue  Devils  sufiered  a  serious 
blow  when  (icne  Brooks,  senior 
end,  broke  his  arm  and  was  side- 
lined for  the  rest  of  the  season. 

VISITORS       0 

THE  MOVIE  STRIP:  Tenn.  lines  up  in  single 
wing(l).  Fullback  takes  snap,  fakes  to  left 
half(2).  Play  appears  headed  for  left  side,  but 
left  end  pulls  out  of  line(3),  takes  handoff  on  end 
around(4).  But  Bickel  sees  through  play (5)  and 
brings  runner  dovvn(G),  throwing  Tenn.  for  loss. 





Duke  escapes  near  upset  at  licuids  of  State 

THE  MOVIE  STRIP:  Ball  is 
snapped  to  quarterback  Bar- 
Ker<l),  who  hands  off  to  Red 
Smith(2).  He  runs  into  a 
swarm  of  State  tacklers  and 
seems  about  to  be  smeared 
(3)  when  he  reverses  field 
and  breaks  into  clear(4), 
races  around  last  tackler(5), 
and    scores    standing    up(6). 



For  fifty-seven  minutes  it  looked  as  if  State's 
Wolfpack  would  pull  one  ot  the  biggest  upsets  of  the 
year.  They  had  come  from  behind  a  13-0  deficit  to 
lead  the  Duke  Blue  l)e\ils  2 1-20  in  the  waning  moments 
of  the  fourth  period,  but  Duke's  superior  running 
game  and  a  couple  ot  Smiths  were  not  to  be  denied. 
With  three  minutes  left  C'harlie  Smith  plunged  over 
for  the  winning  touchdown,  his  second  ot  the  da\'. 
"Red"  Smith  and  Jack  Kistler  accounted  for  the 
other  scores  in  the  27-21  \icrory. 


-DUKE     2  7 

O  r,  n.  r.    QOWN 




Blue  civcilciiulie  hits  VPI 

Scoring  four  times  in  the  first 
period,  the  Blue  Devils  blasted 
\^irginia  Tech's  impotent  Gobblers 
5  5-6.  Charlie  Smith  and  Pine\- 
Fields  provided  the  offensive  thrills 
for  the  Devils  by  scoring  five  TD's 
between  them.  Smith  scored  twice, 
one  on  an  S4  \ard  gallop,  and  lield 
tallied  three.  The  remaining  three 
scores  were  registered  by  Barger, 
Kistler,  and  ("audle  as  the  Devils' 
"split-T"  gained  at  will  against  the 
inexperienced  Clobbler  line. 

The  Duke  defense  stopped  the 
Techmen  cold.  The  Gobblers  were 
able  to  gain  only  52  yards,  had 
eight  passes  intercepted,  and  lost 
the  ball  h\e  times  on  tumbles.  1  he 
game  provideil  the  l)e\:ls  with 
little  more  than  a   brisk  workout. 

THE  MOVIE  STRIP:  Ball  is 
snapped  to  Barger  who  lakes 
h;'.iHlofl'<  1 ),  fakes  pitchoiit  to 
Kistler(2),  and  runs  into  taek- 
lers(3).  Goinf;  down,  he  laterals 
to  Smith(4)  who  heads  down- 
field(5).  eiits  to  midlield((i). 
breaks  into  elear(7),  scores(8) 
after  spectaeular  S.'j-yard  sprint. 




Vii  «»inici  Ccivciliers  throw  cnltl  Wciter 
oil  spirited  Homecominj*  festivities 

In  a  nightmarish  tourth  quarter 
Duke's  hope  for  Homeeoming  suc- 
cess was  shattered  b\-  an  inspired 
V'irginia  eleven.  Ihe  Devils  were 
in  complete  command  tor  the  first 
two  quarters  and  enjoyed  a  7-0 
halftimc  advantage.  Niven  had 
plunged  over  from  the  one  to  put 
the  Big  Blue  out  tront. 

The   Cavaliers    crossed    the    50 

only  twice  during  the  first  halt,  but 
the  second  half  was  a  different 
story.  The  Virginians  nailed  Char- 
lie Smith  behind  the  Duke  goal  for 
their  first  two  points.  In  the  next 
eight  minutes  they  scored  tour 
TD's  and  ran  their  total  to  thirty. 
The  Duke's  stopped  a  fifth  Vir- 
ginia drive,  but  the  Cavaliers  won 
it  handily  bv  a  30-7  score. 

"  DUKE 

takes  snap  as  Fields  and  Kistler 
head  around  left  end(l).  Barger 
pitches  out  to  Fields(2)  who  cuts 
down  field  in  back  of  Kistler(3). 
He  breaks  into  clear(4),  but  is 
unable  to  shake  off  the  last  Vir- 
ginia tackler(5),  and  is  brought 
down    after    thirty     yard    gain. 

iSi^'  %- 

THE  MOVIE  STRIP:  With  one  minute  left  to  play  in  the 
first  half,  Duke  lines  up  on  the  Tech  ten(l).  Barker 
pitches  out  to  Worth  Lutz,  No.  17(2),  who  fakes  a  run 
and  then  cocks  his  arm  to  pass(3),  Earon,  No.  80,  having 


in  % 

m.0  -    '»-'      v^ 


broken  into  the  clear.  Earon  waits  with  outstretched 
arms  for  the  pass  on  the  three(4),  gathers  in  the  ball  just 
as  he  is  hit  by  Tech  tackler(5),  and  lunges  over  the  goal 
line(6)  for  the  touchdown  that  puts  Duke  into  the  lead. 


Blue  Devils  battle  Georgia 
Tech  to  two  toiiclulown  draw 

The  Blue  Devils  made  up  for  their  loss  to  Virginia 
by  breaking  powerful  Georgia  Tech's  six  game  win 
streak.  The  Duke  defense  turned  in  their  finest  game 
of  the  season  as  the)'  allowed  the  Techman  to  cross 
the  50  only  once  during  the  first  half 

Freshman  Worth  Lutz  provided  the  offensive  fire- 
works for  the  Devils.  After  safetyman  Grune  ran 
back  an  intercepted  pass  to  the  Tech  eleven,  Lutz 
faded   back   and   tossed   a   TD   pass   to   Earon.   The 

^cllo\\  jackets  tied  it  at  7-7  in  the  third  quarter  and 
went  ahead  14-7  on  a  run-back  of  a  blocked  punt. 
Another  interception,  this  rime  by  Hagcr,  set  up 
Duke's  ticing  TD.  Lutz  lugged  it  over  from  the  two 
and  (ireen  added  the  extra  point  to  turnish  the  onl\- 
blot  on  Tech's  record. 


V  #r% 



Demon  Deacons  stave  off 
rally  to  preserve  margin 


"  DUKE      I  2t 

-  DOWN 

YDS  T°  GO 

The  Deacons  of  Wake  Forest 
punched  across  three  second  period 
scores  and  then  hung  on  desperateh' 
to  fight  off  a  second  half  rally  by 
the  Blue  Devils  to  win  19-13. 
Neither  team  showed  any  offensive 
spark  until  the  Deacons  recovered 
two  De\il  tumbles  and  turned 
both  into  scores.  Another  tally 
gave  the  Baptists  a  19-0  lead  at 

The  Devils  came  surging  back 
after  intermission.  Lutz  passed  to 
"Red"  Smith  for  the  first  Duke 
score  and  Barger  dove  over  for  the 
second.  Kistler  and  Smith  led  the 
Duke  attack  as  they  ran  up  halt 
of  Duke's  total  yardage. 

gets  balKl),  hands  off  to 
Kistler  going  thru  center(2), 
and  then  fakes  handofT  to 
Smith(3).  Kistler  breaks 
thru  hole  in  center(4),  and 
into  secondary (5),  races  past 
tacklers(6),  almost  gets  away 
(7),  and  is  pulled  down  on 
three(8)   after  25  yard  gain. 





Willicim  &  Mciiy  gets  one  point  win 

I'Or  rlic  second  sri-.iighr  week 
the  Devils  lacked  a  first  half 
scoring  punch.  Two  Indian  inter- 
ceptions stopped  lK)th  Duke  scoring 
threats  inside  the  W.  &:  i\l.  ten,  and 
forcetl  tile  Dexils  to  retire  at  half- 
time  fourteen  points  hehnid. 

With  Lloyd  C handle  leading  tlie 
Duke  attack  the  Blue  Devils  ground 

out  two  markers,  one  in  the  third 
stanza  and  one  in  the  fourth.  C/audle 
tallied  both  Duke  scores  but  Ray 
(ireen's  second  placement  was 
wide.  Duke  dro\e  fort\'  \ards  to 
the  Indian  se\en  before  a  costly 
fumble  killed  Mine  Devil  chances. 
Duke  led  in  statistics  but  the 
Indians   pocketed   the   win. 


THE  MOVIE  STRIP:  Freshman 
quarterbark  Barger  takes  ball 
from  ceiiter(l)  and  hands  oft'  to 
Red  Smith,  headed  around  left 
cnd(2).  Smith  hands  oft'  to  Cau- 
dle on  wing(3)  who  circles  on 
deep  reverse(4),  cuts  in  beliind 
good  blocking(5),  tries  to  evade 
tackier (6)  who  pushes  him  out 
of    bounds    after    ten-yard    gain. 


9    ' 


THE  MOVIE  STRIP:  Barger  fakes  to 
Candled ),  pitches  out  to  Red  Smith 
(2),  who  eludes  tacklers  on  thirty- 
fiveO)  and  t\venty(4),  is  thrown  off 
balance  on  ten(5).  and  conies  down 
on  two  after  brilliant  forty  yard  run. 





5  •10 

{"  DUKE      I  9^ 
^VISITORS     7m 

»  ®  o  o  DOWN 

YDS  TO  GO . 


Joyous  student  body  «»oes  wild  as 
]\vJ,  Rlue  bids  (wuoliuci  (lood  Nii^bt 

The  Tlirhccls  of  U.N.C.  were 
handed  their  eighth  setback  of  the 
year  when  the\-  met  the  Blue 
Devils  in  the  season's  finale.  Duke 
jumped  to  an  easy  6-0  lead  hut 
saw  it  \anish  as  the  Tarheels  went 
ahead  7-6  in  the  third  quarter. 
Their  lead  was   short-lived  as  the 

Devils  came  roaring  l)ack  and  in 
thirteen  pla\'s  were  ahead  again 
by  a  13-7  count. 

The  Duke  defense  stopped  Oaro- 
iina's  last  drive  on  the  Devils' 
18.  From  there  the  Dukes  marched 
82  yards  for  their  final  score 
of   the    season    and    a    19-7    win. 



-'  -'-^ 



BLUE  DEVIL  MASCOTS  abandon  pitchforks  to 
caper  on  goalpost  at  half,  delighting  all  onlookers. 


WHAT  A  TEA  in 

Fontbcill  (Iciy  is  tcirnivcil  dciy 

CARD  TRICKS  HIGHLIGHTED  home  games  throughout  the  season.    Here 
Duke  students  remind  UNC  of  victory  bell  status  by  spelling  out,  "It's  ours." 

Protiranisl  S()u\ciiir  programs! 
Pcnii.iiirsI  Pc;in-u-u-rs!  ( icr  'cm 
herd  All  is  panorama  and  pande- 
monium. The  thrill  of  seeing  the 
ream  make  a  score,  the  cheers,  th 
card  rrieks,  the  amies  ot  the  Blue 
l)e\ils,  the  stirring  beat  ot  the 
Marching  Hand,  the  \  ivaeit\-  ot 
the  cheerleailers  all  are  a  part  ot 
the  eolortul  pageant  that  is  college 
loofhall  at   Duke. 




CHEERLEADERS    and    Blue    Devils        tographer.    Their  appearance  before 
relax  momentarily  to  pose  for  pho-        stands    sparks    cheers    and    singing. 






IN  ()(;n)iiEn 


1  lomccdninig  acrivir\- 
1\-  ccnrcrs  ;in)uiKl  the  toorliall  yaiiiL- 
ami  naruralK'  the  I  Idiiiccoming 
Dance  thar  iiii^lu.  It  is  the  rmic  ot 
rlic  \eai"  when  alunini  rcrurn  to 
,sui"\cy  rlu-  campus. 

I*"rid;i\'    niiiiu    West    sounds    lilvc 

a  i;ianr  carpcntrx  shop  as  the 
Irarcrnirics  tranticalK  rr\'  ro  hnish 
their  liisphus  in  tinic.  1  he  game 
w  irh  irs  specracular  halt-time  show, 
the  (]ueen,  the  [varade,  the  dance 
that  night  all  eomhitie  tor  tiie 
lim  week  end  tor  the  ahimni. 



LAST  MINUTE  CHAOS  on  Friday  afternoon  in  Craven  Quad  typifies  canipus- 
wide  Homecoming  preparation.    Blue   Devil,   Virginia   Cavelier   form   theme. 

HOMECOMING  QUEEN  Ruth  Fisher  is  crowned  by  William  Werber,  President 
of  Alumni  Association  at  half  of  Virginia  game,   weekend's   feature   event. 

PEP    RALLY    on    Friday    night    was 
part  of  show   for  returning  alumni. 

--£      CLAD  HAND 

■■■  'a  THE 

^;     :awvAuERs 

^  «aWi:! 

FARM  SCENE  of  Lambda  Chi's  won 
first  in  Homecoming  display  contest. 

CLIF  COOKE  (right)  accepts  trophy 
for    Lambda    Chi's    winning    display. 

m^   •  '^^^m'--':'^.'''^^ 



All  Ameritcin  (irocit  leculs 
Blue  Devils  to  proniineiue 

Starting  their  second  \'ear  under  the  direction  ot 
Coach  Hal  Bradley  the  Blue  Devils  roared  to  an  S5-48 
win  over  the  Temply  Owls  in  the  season's  opener. 
Temple's  Mikvy  was  held  to  17  points  while  Groat 
poured  in  3  3  in  the  game  billed  as  the  "Battle  ot  the 
All-Americans.  "  The  Temple  game  showed  the  balance 
of  the  Devils  as  two  other  Dukesters  hit  double 

.\tter  the  Temple  victory  the  Blue  Devds  invaded 
Hanes  Hosiery  and  brought  back  a  78-68  win.  Groat 
was  high  again  with  26  and  Janicki  and  D'Emilio 
followed  with  13  and  11  respectively. 

Back  in  the  Indoor  Stadium  the  Devils  met  and 
defeated  Bradley  and  C'arolina.  The  Braves  were 
humbled  87-69  while  the  Tarheels  were  toppled  77-.^9 
in  the  Jerry  Gerard  Memorial  Game.  Groat  poured 
in  25  points  against  the  Braves.  The  scoring  balance 
of  the  Devils  showed  itselt  again  in  the  Carolina  game 
as  (iroat,  Janicki,  D'Emilio,  and  Cilasow  all  hit  the 
two  figure  column. 

The  Devils  first  defeat  came  in  their  first  official 
conference  game.  Kurman  upset  the  Blue  Devils  7  3-72 
on  a  free  throw  in  the  last  seconds  of  play.  Crowder 
led  the  Devils  with  16  markers. 

The  Devils  took  revenge  on  the  Kcydets  of  \'.M.I. 
for  their  loss  to  Furman.  The  Dukesters  burned  the 
nets  for  102  points— the  highest  point  total  any  Devil 
team  ever  scored  in  one  game.  The  Kcydets  were 
w  a\'  behind  w  ith  onl\'  4.'>. 

Davidson  was  next  on  the  list  and  the  Devils  won 
it  88-49.  it  was  the  second  league  win  for  the  Blue 
Devils  as  Groat  scored  24  and  Janicki  hit  for  17. 

The  Blue  Devils  broke  even  on  their  first  trip  north. 
Cieorge  Washington  was  handed  a  98-76  loss  as  Groat 
led  with  ?2.  This  ran  his  sea.son  average  to  25.4  points 
per  game. 


IN  DRESSING  ROOM,  Coach  Bradley  and  Dick  Groat  talk 
after  85-48  victory  over  Temple.    Groat  scored  33  points. 

BASKETBALL    COACH    Harold    Bradley    and    Manager 
Dave    Johnson    watch    players    in    afternoon    practice. 

BASKETBALL  SQUAD  sets  to  shoot.    Left  to  right  are 
Bernie  Janicki,  Kes  Deimling,  Carl  Glasow,  Fred  Shabel, 

Dick  Latimer,  Dick  Johnson,  Dick  Groat,  Rudy  D'Emilio, 
Bill   Fleming,   Dick   Crowder,   Marv   Decker,   Rudy   Lacy. 





■>:,■':  ■      j 

^  in  4b  (4 





^ft'%  '^^^^i 




JUMP  BALL  between  Groat  and  State  player 
during  action-packed,  double-overtime  game. 

DICK    GROAT   shoots   from    atop   shoul- 
ders of  a  Bradley  player  who  got  in  way. 

West  Virginia's  Mounraineeis. 
however,  turned  back  the  Big 
Mine  95-74.  Croar  was  rhe  onh' 
consisrcnr  scorer  for  rhe  l)e\'ils; 
he  hir  h)r  24.  D'Emilio  was  next 
tor  Duke  bur  scored  onK   9  points. 

On  the  27th  of  December  the 
lihie  Devils  met  (lokimbia  in  the 
first  round  of  the  Dixie  ("lassie. 
1  he  ('okimbians  handed  the  Devils 
their  third  loss  of  the  year  66-5H. 
Wake  P'orcst  fell  to  the  Big  Blue 
79-74  in  the  second  round.  Ciroat 
set  a  new  record  tor  points  m  one 
game  tor  the  Classic — he  scored 
v5  against  the  Deacons.  Duke  lost 
to  Southern  (California  in  the  eon- 
.solation  tilt  87-69. 

High  scoring  PennsyKania  was 
hmited  to  52  points  as  Duke  won 
62-52.  (itoat  and  D'I'.milio  scored 
all  ot  Dukes  pomts  in  the  fourth 
period.  Groat  had  a  total  ot  22 
while  D'Kmilio  hit  for  19. 

Duke  met  State  atter  the  Penn 
encounter.  The  game  w  as  a  typical 
Duke-State  thriller  and  with  rhe 
usual  outcome.  The  Woltpack  won 
in  a  double  overtime  72-70.  Janieki 
pushed  the  game  into  overtune 
when  his  desperation  shot  from 
center     coiu-t     tied     ic     at     64-64. 

TEIVIPLE    GAME   featured   duel    be-        guarded    by    Temple    men.     Center,        dling.     Right,    Groat    goes    off    floor 
tween  two  stars.  Left,  Groat  is  closely  MIkvy   shows   some   fancy    ball    ban-         for  one  of  his  brilliant  lay-up  shots. 

As  the  \earbook  goes  ro  press 
rhc  Devils  have  run  up  an  1 1  game 
w  in  streak  sinee  the  loss  to  State. 
N.Y.U.  was  the  next  Blue  Devil 
victim.  The  X'iolets  were  handeil 
a  74-72  setback  in  the  (iartlen. 
The  Second    Temple  game  proxed 

no  closer  than  the  first  as  the 
Devils  won  it  H6-65  in  Philadelphia. 
With  exams  over  the  liiue  Devils 
rurned  their  arrentioii  to  eonterenee 
toes.  Wake  Forest  was  again  turned 
hack,  this  time  90-69.  The  lar- 
lieeis  were  defeated  tor  the  second 

time  this  season  1)\'  a  73-66  score. 
The  Duke's  then  handed  (Jeorgc 
Washington  an  89-66  loss.  All 
American  Dick  ( iroar  hrnlci.-  his 
own  Duke  Stadium  scoring  record 
by  pouring  in  46  points  as  he  hit 
trom  every  angle. 

BRADLEY   GAME   action   as   Groat 
fakes  a  Bradley  man  and  gets  his  shot 

away  (left),  Crowder  (middle)  fights 
for   ball  as  Deimling  looks  on.    Ja- 

nicki  and  another  Duke  man   (right) 
go   for   a    tip-in   against   one    Brave. 

BILL  FLEMING  (left)  goes  high  for 
rebound  in  first  State  game.    Center 

photo  shows  the  hard  fought  action 
in  game  that  was  close  all  the  way. 

Groat     is     fouled     (right)     by     Mel 
Thompson  as  he  drives  in  for  a  layup. 

BASKETBALL  continued 

William  and  Mary's  Indians 
were  beaten  in  a  close  one  68-62. 
The  Indians  held  a  14  point  lead 
going  into  the  fourth  stanza  but 
the  Duke's  rallied.  Groat  hit  tor 
12  in  the  final  period,  half  of  his 
total  for  the  entire  game,  and 
Duke  won  it  going  away. 

Duke  turned  back  Nav\  in  a 
thriller  before  the  second  State 
game.  The  Blue  Devils  turned 
back  the  Middies  70-68  in  an 
overtime  encounter.  Duke  handed 
State  their  first  conference  defeat 

at  home  in  46  straight  tilts.  The 
Wolfpack  fell  71-58  before  the 
fast  breaking  Blue  Devils. 

The  Duke  win  streak  was  ex- 
tended to  1 1  w  ins  with  victories 
over  Mar\land,  Wake  Forest,  and 
South  Carolina.  The  Terrapins  lost 
56-51  in  the  lowest  scoring  game 
of  the  season.  Fitt\-six  fouls  w ere 
called  in  the  Wake  Forest  tilt,  26 
against  the  Blue  Devils,  as  the 
Dukes  took  it  87-62.  Groat  hit 
for  40  points  in  the  South  Carolina 
game.  It  was  Duke's  11th  straight 

win  and  the  96-82  victory  clinched 
a  birth  in  the  Southern  Conference 
playorts  in  Raleigh. 

This  year's  team  has  performed 
superbly  under  the  able  direction 
of  Coach  Bradley.  Besides  the 
consistent  accuracy  of  Groat,  Ja- 
nieki,  and  D'Fmilio,  the  rebounding 
of  Fleming  and  Oowder  and  the 
fine  play  of  Deimling,  (ilasow, 
Latimer,  and  Johnson  have  all 
contributed  to  the  team's  excellent 
record.  Lacey,  Deckcrt,  and  Shabel 
also  pla\ed  well. 

EXPRESSIONS  on  faces  of  Blue   Devils  during  actual   play  provide  clues  to  their  thoughts  and  reactions.    Left  to 
right,    Rudy     D'Emilio     (guard),     Dick     Groat     (guard),     Kes    Deimling     (forward),    and   Bernie   Janicki    (forward). 




\\  irh  rhc  courage  ot  his  con- 
victions, a  boundless  supply  of 
energy,  a  powerful  set  of  vocal 
cords,  and  an  almost  complete 
lack  of  self-consciousness,  the  Duke 
student  faithfully  made  his  \va\'  to 
the    Indoor    Stadium    and    heartiK' 

cheered  on  his  team.  W  hen  the\' 
won  he  was  happy,  when  they  lost, 
down  cast,  when  thc\-  were 
cheated,  indignant,  when  they 
snatched  a  close  one,  delirious. 
But  every  action  was  sincere,  and 
his  face  alwaws  showed  it. 

FACES  of  students  at  basketball 
game,  blown  up  from  the  two  crowd 
shots  at  top  of  the  page,  show  close 
up  the  various  emotions  and  attitudes 
caused  by  the  game,  the  referee's 
decisions  and  presence  of  a  camera. 



PRE-GAME     batting     practice     finds 
Johnny  Carroll  poised  for  long  drive. 



Duke  bcisebcillers 
set  season  record 

Opening  the  season  with  two 
impressive  wins  ()\er  Indiana, 
Duke's  hasebaliers  displaced  the 
power  that  v\as  to  bring  them  the 
I^ig  I'our  and  Southern  Conference 
championships.  Tiie  Bhie  Devils 
slugged  their  \\a\'  to  a  season 
record  of  !>  wins  against  S  losses 
includmg  1  1  Southern  ('onference 
victories  against  6  defeats.  Short- 
stop ( Iroat  placed  on  the  ("ollege 
Coaches  Association  first  team 
Ail-American  while  Bill  VVerber 
was  placed  on  the  thinl  team.  They 
were  the  onl\  phners  in  the 
Southern  Conference  to  receive 
mention  and  both  recei\'ed  berths 
on  the  Conference's  mythical  nine. 

first  row  left  to  right,  pitchers  Buddy 
White,    Bill    Ward,    .loc    Lewis,    Bob 

Davis,  George  Carver.  Seated  right 
foreground  are  catchers  Jack  Mc- 
Guire,   Boh   Bensinger,    Dick    Denny. 






1  i  J 


•  .                                      I 

Bi;    n^ 

I.'      ..■H^      f. 


Kneeling  left  to  right  in  center,  sec- 
ond row,  are  Coach  Jack  Coombs, 
Batboy,  Manager  Jack  Emgee.  Kneel- 

ing behind  catchers  are  infielders 
Dewey  Myers,  Tom  Powers,  Bill 
Bergeron.   Dick    Groat,   Bill    Werber. 

Standing  in  back  are  outfielders  Lou 
Klien,  Jack  Brown,  Bill  Joyce,  Dick 
Johnson,  John  Carroll,  Bill  Robinson. 




PI'K  lll.\(.  SI  All  nuiinstays  are  Bob  Davis,  left, 
and  Joe  Lewis.  These  men  shutout  Maryland, 
Clemson  in  semi-finals,  finals  of  S.  C.  tournament. 

COACH  .FACK  COOMBS,  one  of  the  best  in  college  circles,  gives 
advice  to  sonic  of  his  team.  His  Major  League  record  proves  his 
own  pitching  prowess,  and  he  holds  World  Series  shutout  record. 



Leading  Duke's  power  at  rlie  plate  was  douMe 
All-Anienean  Diek  (iroat.  (Iroar  eiuied  the  season 
with  a  batting  average  of  .3S6  ciosel\'  followed  1)\ 
W'erber,  Bergeron,  Clihhons,  Joiinson,  and  Powers, 
who  all  batted  above  .>()().  Powers  rook  the  honors  in 
the  Southern  Conterenee  batting  raee,  leading  the 
league  with  a  hefr\-  .417.  The  overall  team  average  was 
a  healthy   .299,  one  of  the  finest  in  the  eonfercncc. 

Lewis  and  l)a\is  finished  the  season  in  the  one  two 
positions  ot  the  eonterenee  pitehing  raee  w  ith  reeords 
of  4-2  and  2-1  respeeti\ely.  Lewis,  ealled  the  "Big 
Four's  Top  Right-hander,"  blasted  Wake  Forest  three 
times  while  eonipiling  a  season  record  ot  7  wins  and 
3  losses.  Davis,  w  ho  ended  the  season  with  5-2  record, 
shut  out  ("lemson  5-0  to  bring  the  Devils  the  Southern 
Conference  title.  The  1951  season  was  a  fitting  climax 
to  Coach  Coomb's  23rd  year  as  mentor  and  brought 
him  the  Conference's  "Coach  ot  the  Year"  award. 



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S.  C.  CHAMPIONSHIP  trophy  clutched  by  Whitey  Davi.s 
as  he   is  carried   off   diamond   after   winning   final    game. 



TRACK  SQUAD  standing  left  to  right  in  front  are  dis- 
tance men  J.  Chamberlain,  A.  Loub,  R.  Marshall,  T. 
Sanders.  At  pit  left  are  C.  James,  discus;  T.  Lawrence, 
shotput;   G.   Bell,   R.   Bates,   Javelin.     Standing   at   center 



Trdrknion  Iicive  liond  so<ison 

are  R.  Jones,  Coach  R.  Lewis,  B.  Grisso,  Coach  R.  Cham- 
bers. At  hurdles  back  arc  hurdlers  T.  Reeves,  J.  Tate, 
sprinters  H.  Bullock,  R.  Sykes,  P.  Field,  W.  Anderson, 
C.    Varellan.     At    rear,    F.    Nichols,   J.    Cates,   J.    Connor. 

The  Duke  rnick  ream,  coached  by  former  rrack 
srar  "Red"  Lewis  and  caprained  by  Biidd\  (, 
ran  up  a  sea.son  reeonl  ot  tour  w  in.s,  rwo,  and 
one  rie.  1  he  I5hie  Devils  lost  onl\  to  stront;  reams  from 
Na\'\'  ami  Norrh  ("arohna  and  came  up  w  irh  an  un- 
usual rie  of  65 '2-65,' 2  ^^  ith  l-'rineeron.  1  he  Duke 
cindernien  won  ox'cr  Mianu  7  3-5 1,  blasred  I'lorida 
Srare  103-28,  downed  N.  C.  Scare  9>-?l.  and  ropjiled 
X'irginia  ''1-40.  \\  ith  I'ields  and  Reeves  taking  Hrsr 
places  in  rhe  220  dash  and   low    hurdles  and  ("onner 



placing  first  in  the  pole  \aiilr,  the  Blue  Devil  harriers 
tied  Maryland  tor  the  conference  title. 

The  Devils  completed  one  of  their  most  successful 
southern  trips  in  years.  Besides  defeating  Miami  and 
F"lorida  State  the  Devils  captured  four  of  the  five 
featured  rela\s  in  the  Morida  Relays  during  their 
southern  swing.  Henry  Poss,  one  of  Duke's  best 
dashmen  in  \ears,  won  first  places  in  the  100  yard 
dash  and  the  broad  |ump. 

CAUGHT  BY  CAMERA  as  he  sails  over  the  bar. 
Johnny  Conner,  Duke's  All-American  diver,  reveals 
track  talents  to  interested  teammates  and  spectators. 



LACROSSE  TEAM  relaxing  before  game  with  Johns 
Hopkins.  Seated  left  are  midfielders  S.  Moore,  J.  White- 
scarver,  D.  Peacock,  T.  Darkis,  O.  Dieflenbach,  F.  Eisen- 

brandt,  D.  Clausen,  C.  Graves.  Kneeling  back  are 
attackmen  G.  Corrigan,  A.  Santamaria,  H.  Hanson,  R. 
Boyce,  B.  Cottman,  and  goalies  D.  Tournquist,  D.  Bafford, 


Jdliiis  Hopkins,  N<ivy  <imon<>  victims 
(if  liii»lily  suaessful  Duke  stitknien 

'  ''^^  ^A^^hP^H 


i^  li 







Sporting  wins  over  nian\-  ot  rhc 
srrongcsr  rcam.s  in  the  nation  ("oacii 
Jack  Pcr.son's  1951  Lacrosse  team 
ended  the  season  w  ith  a  6-2  record, 
one  of  rheir  best  in  many  years.  I  he 
Bhie  Dexiis  tought  then-  w  ay  to  the 
riinner-iip  slot  ot  the  Dixie  cham- 
pionship and  were  ranked  with 
Virginia  as  the  number  two  ream 
tor  the  national  championship.  The 
Duke  stickmcn  boasted  two  of"  the 
best  detensemcn  in  the  counrr\  in 
all- Americans  ("harhc  (jiltalhn  and 
Bob  Bickel.  The  stellar  pertorm- 
ance  ot  Rod  Boyce  and  I- red 
I'jsenbrandt,  2nd  ream  All- Ameri- 
cans, enabled  the  Blue  Devils  to 
dow  n  such  hii;hl\  -ranked  teams  as 
Johns  1  lopkins  and  Na\\\ 

CLOSING  IN  for  kill.  Blue  Devil 
lacrossenicn  put  Indian  sign 
on     Washington     College    rivals. 


Mascot  S.  Persons.  Sealed  right  are  defensemen  N.  Rog- 
ers, L.  Stark,  B.  Clemson,  R.  Bickel,  J.  Loane,  C.  Gil- 
fallin.   Standing,  Coach  Jack  Persons,  Trainer  J.  Dunson. 

Coach  Person's  charges  opened 
rhe  season  wirh  a  14-3  attack  on 
Lehigh  University  and  followed  up 
with  a  14-6  win  over  Williams. 
The  Devils  then  traveled  to  Lexing- 
ton, \\i.,  there  swamping  the  hap- 
less Generals  of  Washington  and 
Lee.  The  Blue  Devils  edged  our  a 
strong  Washington  C^ollege  team 
6-5  and  blasted  a  powerful  Nav\' 
squad  1  7-6  for  rhe  4th  and  5th  w  ins 
ot  the  \car.  Duke  made  it  seven 
straight  in  turning  back  a  favored 
Johns  Hopkins,  9-7.  Cioalie  Don 
Baftord  was  credited  with  18  saves 
as  the  Blue  Devils  bested  Hopkins 
for  the  first  time  in  the  historv  of 
the  school.  The  Blue  Devils  tasted 
their  first  defeat  at  the  hands  of 
Virginia  b\-  a  close  10-11  score 
and  dropped  the  last  game  to 
semi-pro  Alt.  \Mishington. 

DETERMINED    l>l  KKSTi:i{    thaiij.-s    lai  r()>sf  man    cl    Washington    (ollfj;e    in 
attempt  to  boost  Duke's  lead.  Popular  with  spectators,  games  has  many  thrills. 




Netmen  enjoy  best  sedsnii  siiue  I9.")4 

1  he  Duke  Uni\'crsit\'  tennis 
team  ot  1951  successfully  dealt 
with  one  ot  their  most  difficult 
schedules  and  finished  their  best 
season  since  19  34  with  an  im- 
pressive   1 3-2   record. 

In  compiling  their  thirteen  wins 
the  Duke  netmen  downed  such 
national  tennis  powers  as  Michigan 
State,     Florida    Univcrsit\-,    Dart- 

mouth,    Michigan,     \\  illiam     and 
Mary,  and  X'irginia. 

Along  with  Captain  Ross  the 
Blue  Devils  were  backed  b\-  the 
steady  play  of  sophomores  Kcsron 
Deimling  and  Norm  Schellenger; 
seniors  Hal  l-ipton  and  Jack  War- 
math  and  John  Taple\-,  the  latter 
going  undeteated  m  fourteen 
straight  matches. 

TENNIS  STALWART  John  Ross  cap- 
tained netmen  thru  successful  season. 

TENNIS  TEAM,  kneeling  front,  left  to  right.  Coach  J.  Hendrix,  Manager  R. 
Penter,  Coach  R.  Cox.  Standing  left,  J.  Tapley,  J.  VVarmath,  Captain  J. 
Ross,    F.    Carloss.     Around    net,    K.    Deimling,    IS'.    Schellenger,    H.    Lipton. 



(idlfers  hcive  irmp  perfert  secison 

Building  rhcir  tL-am  around  a 
nucleus  ot  rcna-nuit;  \crcrans,  the 
1951  linksnicn  dnixc,  chipped,  and 
purred  rheir  \\a\'  ro  rhe  Southern 
(Conference  (iolf  Championship  tor 
rhe  I  Uh  rime  in  the  last  sixteen 
\ears.  Led  l)\  co-caprains  Lou  Mc- 
Lennan   and    Mike    Souchak,    rhe 

Devils  racked  up  an  impressive 
srruit;  of  14  srraighr  wins  before 
dropping  a  rhnller  to  North  (/aro- 
lina  14-1  v  ('oach  Hagler's  linksters 
swept  aside  all  comers  and  rode 
into  the  Southern  ("onterence  cham- 
pionship 3  3  strokes  ahead  ot  the 
nearest  team. 

GOLF      COACH      "Dumpy"      Hagler 
stands  by  trophies  his  teams  have  won. 

GOLF  TEAM  on  the  practice  green 
at  the  Hope  Valley  Country  Club 
are,    left    to    right,    Mike    Souchak, 

Henry  Clark,  George  Toms,  Dick 
Foster,  Lou  McLennan,  Jim  Pollock, 
Paul  Hardin.  The  team,  co-captained 

by  Souchak  and  McLennan,  dropped 
only  one  match  last  year  and  won  the 
Southern  Conference  Championship. 




Tciiikmen  bocist  tr  iuinphtint  secison 

1  he  Blue  Devil  swimming  ream 
opened  their  season  wirh  a  smash- 
ing vicror\'  over  William  and  Mar\- 
and  eontinucd  in  rheir  winning 
ways  in  seven  ot  their  next  eight 
encounters.  North  (Carolina,  which 
is  undefeated  in  three  years  of 
dual  competition,  provided  the  only 

SWIMMING  SQUAD  at  the  Duke 
pool  are,  left  to  right  on  board.  Bill 
Mellin,  Jack  Roberts,  Dave  Dewitt, 
Harry  VVarlick,  Dick  Baunian,  and 
Tom  Todd.  In  water,  back  to  front, 
Roy  Hudson,  Larry  Taishoif,  and  Wes 

defeat,  but  Duke  still  had  a  meet 
with  N.  C.  State  when  the  year- 
hook  went  to  press.  Coach  Jack 
Persons"  charges  scored  impressive 
victories  over  Georgia  Tech, 
X'.Al.l.,  and  \'.P.I.,  with  team 
captain  W'hitey  Mellin  setting  a 
new     record    tor    the    Duke    poo 

Haskell.  Sitting  and  standing,  clock- 
wise from  left.  Bond  Sandoe,  Bucky 
Clemson,  Ron  Walske.  Bob  Ulrick, 
Ted  Beachem,  Bill  Fuller,  George 
Pressly,  and  Stu  Vaughn.  In  center  of 
group,  kneeling,  Mgr.  Bill  Jennings. 

FREESTYLER  displays  perfect  form 
in  turning  head  to  take  breath  of  air. 

TEAM  MEMBERS  take  off  from  side 
of  the  pool  in  shallow  racing  dive. 


WRESTLING  TEAM  ON  MAT  are,  outside  ring  clockwise 
from  left  front,  Malone,  Hobby,  Coach  Harrison,  Wagner, 
Dieffenbach.  Campbell,  Raimondo,  Gross,  Galloway,  Fore- 

man, Garbo,  Alexander,  and  Levine.  Inside  ring,  clock- 
wise from  man  lying  down,  Weber,  Kraeuter,  Buckheit, 
Falcone,  Randall,  Burrel.    In  center,  kneeling.  Art  Rowe. 


Coach  Carmen  Falcone's  Duke  wrestling  team  ap- 
peared to  he  heading  for  a  successful  season  as  the 
yearbook  went  to  press,  i-ed  by  (ireg  Raimondo, 
Otto  Dieffenbach,  Phil  Accardo,  Bob  Alaione,  and 
Freshman  F-red  (/ampbell,  the  Blue  Devil  wrestlers 
took  earl\-  season  wins  over  N.  C.  State  and  Davidson. 

They  bowed  to  stronger  teams  from  Navy,  Alary- 
land,  and  Washington  and  Lee.  Since  the  team  will 
lose  only  one  man  by  June's  graduation,  prospects 
are  good  tor  next  year. 



CROSS  COlNTltV  team  workins  out 
on  trail  through  Duke  Forest.   Left  to 

rifjlil.     (  aptain     liob     Marshall,     Jim 
Farber,  Bob  Burrell,  John  Tate,  Alec 

Byron,    U'i<'k    Thompson,    D.m     IJiis 
sell,   Tom   Sanders,   Greg   Kainiondo. 


Duke  Hcinieis  suffer  ruuiih  sedsou 

Atrcr  a  promising  srarr 
Icnncs.scc's  fine  team,  ro  w  lioiii 
riles  lost  by  the  elose  seore  of 
26- K),  the  i^Iue  l)e\il  eross  eoun- 
tr\iiien  lost  1)\  somewhat  wider 
maririns  to  N.  (".  State,  North 
(  aroliiia,  aiiii  ,\Iar\lanil.  A  toiirth 

plaee  in  the  Southern  ('onterenee 
meet  finished  their  season.  Pros- 
peers  tor  the  eoming  season  look 
.somewhat  brighter  with  Hob  Mar- 
shall, last  year's  eaptain,  and  John 
Tate,  eaptain  elect,  returning,  ahmg 
\\  nil     three     other     iertermen. 

CROSS   COl'NTRY   TKAM    captain    Bob    Marshall    (left) 
and  Coach  "Red"  Lewis  talk   before  one  of   home  meets. 



Rooters  plcite  second  in  ronferenie 


Sporting  a  record  of  hw  w  ms 
against  two  losses,  (x)aeh  Jim 
HI\  's  soccer  charges  completed  one 
ot  their  most  successtui  season  in 
years.  The  Devils  came  our  second 
in  the  eonterence  after  dropping  the 

championship  game  to  Maryland  in 
a  real  thriller  >-2. 

Standouts  on  the  team  were 
numerous  as  ri\e  ot  the  Blue  l)e\il 
hooters  received  places  on  the 
AII-( -onterence  team. 

/KiJK.A-i.iKi;  s()(  (  i:i;.\ii;.\  of  Duke 
and  Virginia  clash  on  autumn  after- 
noon as   Devils  down   Cavaliers   5-2. 

SOCCER  TEAM  before  deciding 
game.  Seated  in  foreground  are  line- 
men R.  Finberg,  H.  Lavie,  W.  Schaef- 
fer,  D.  Knickerbocker,  J.  Riquezes, 
D.    Strauch.    M.    Castillo,    M.    Lind- 

strom,  J.  Deys.  Standing  at  left  rear 
are  fullbacks  VV.  Holstein,  K.  Men- 
ken, R.  Rabin,  D.  Montgomery. 
Seated  in  center  are  halfbacks  R. 
Gorham,   F.  James,   C.   Bazemore,   S. 

Farquhar,  W.  Cunningham,  J.  New- 
bill,  P.  Van  Blarcom.  Standing 
center  are  goalies  J.  Ost,  O.  Zavert- 
nik.  C.  Glanzer.  Standing  right  R. 
Getz,     Coach     Jim     Ely,     A.     Gray. 



SIGMA   CHI'S,   KA'S   tangle   tentacles   in   vital    game   at 
Duke    gym.     KA'S    returned    to    dormitory    victorious. 








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l           '  1 

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CHEMISTS  LAY  ASIDE  test  tubes  to  display  their  ath- 
letic prowess  to  Betas,  who  failed  to  find  proper  formula. 



Tntianuiicils  provide  spoF t  fur  cill 

Duke's  intramural  sports  pro- 
gram, one  ot  the  best  in  any  oi  the 
leading  unixcrsities,  otters  partici- 
pation in  a  wide  variety  of  athletics, 
ranging  trom  toothail  to  badminton. 

The  SAE's  walked  off  with  last 
\ear's  universit\'  basketball  cham- 
pionship. The  Sigma  ("hi's  pro- 
duced three  teams  which  copped 
division  titles,  but  all  were  dcteatcd 
in  the  playoffs.  Pi  Kappa  Phi's 
Bob  Spivey  won  the  spring  tennis 
championship  by  defeating  inde- 
pendent Norm  Rosenbaum.  Spivey 
then  teamed  with  Rosenbaum  and 
won  the  doubles  title.  In  the  hand- 
ball championship,  Dclt  ('.  Dutt- 
weiler  defeated  Farinclla  for  the 
singles  title  and  then  the  two 
teamed  up  to  win  the  doubles 
crown.  The  KA's   won   the  cross 

country  ream  championship.  Inde- 
pendent kreuter  won  the  indnidual 
e\ent  with  a  time  of  9:12  and 
K.A  Loub  placed  second.  Sigma 
(lii's  ".A"  team  won  the  volleyball 
and  the  SAE's  took  the  softball 

The  KA's  took  the  track  title, 
Sigma  ('hi  Bill  Robinson  won  the 
horseshoe  crown,  and  KA  Ralph 
Paris  took  the  badminton  cham- 
pionship to  round  out  last  spring's 
intramural  schedule.  Both  the  Sen- 
hauser  Award  and  the  High  Point 
Trophy  were  won  b\'  Pi  Kappa 
Bob  Spivey. 

The  KA's  "A"  team  came  out 
on  top  in  the  football  competition. 
Bob  Barfield  upset  last  year's 
champion  to  win  the  fall  tennis 
tournament.  Couthlehurst  and  Hurl- 
bcrt  won  the  doubles. 



POISED  lor  action,  Betas  unsuccess- 
fully engage  an  IM  Chemistry  team. 

for  the  fence,  cheered  on  by  team- 
mates  during   an    IM    softball    game. 

S.  AND  S.  PRESIDENT  Bob  Zimmerman  (left)  and  Band 
leader  Ray  McKinley  join  in  a  duet  at  weekend's  dance 



Shoe  and  Slipper  sponsors 
semi  annnal  dance  weekend 

With  a  huge  cover  stretched  from  the  balcony  across 
the  entire  floor,  the  hghts  turned  down  low,  and 
shuffling  feet  dancing  time  to  good  music,  the  cavernous 
indoor  stadium  takes  on  an  enchanting  aspect.  The 
floor  is  crowded,  for  this  is  one  of  the  few  afi'airs  that 
brings  out  the  students  in  mass.  Some  arrive  at  the 
beginning,  others  come  later  on,  but  almost  no  one 
fails  to  put  in  an  appearance  at  some  time  during  the 

It  is  one  of  the  dances  of  the  Shoe  and  Slipper 
weekend,  a  highlight  of  the  semester,  when  a  top 
name  band  comes  to  the  campus  and  the  students  get 
a  chance  to  dance  to  the  best. 

SHOE  AND  SLIPPER  Club,  seated,  Joe  Kennedy,  Gerry 
Boden,  Duane  Wolfe,  Bob  Hall,  Harvey  Hammerick,  Dick 
Taylor,   Stanley   Cannon,   Dave   Gibson,   Bud   Baker,   Ed 

TYPICAL  JOE  ( OLLEGE  couple  Barbara  Seaberg  and 
Dick  Hopper  talk  with  bandleader  Les  Brown,  returning 
Duke   alumnus,   during    intermission    of    informal    dance. 


Higgins,  Jim  Earnhardt,  Ray  Garra,  Ritchie  Baur.  Bill 
Thomas,  Gene  Arnold,  Chuck  Howard,  Bob  Zimmer- 
man.   Standing,  Rufe  Scharges,  Walt  Blizzard,  Don  Sha- 

froth,  Bob  Bloom,  John  Farrington,  Joe  Reynolds.  Miles 
Schaeffer,  Kim  Watson,  Al  Max,  Paul  Conway,  Bob  Black, 
Jean  Luck,  Frank  Barranco,  Ed  Joyner,  John  Carnahan. 

DUKESTERS  CROWD  BANDSTAND  every  time  one  of 
Les  Brown's  soloists  began  to  play.  Here  saxaphonist  lets 
go  and  dancers  abandon  floor  to  get  a  better  view  of  band. 

TAKING  TIME  OUT  from  dancing  and  romancing,  Duke- 
sters  gather  about  Les  Brown's  bandstand  for  closer  view 
of  number  performed   by  ex-Duke  man's  famous   band. 


musk;  MAESTIU) 


BIG  NAME  BAND  for  Shoe  and  Slipper's  Fall  weekend  was  Ray 
McKinley's  orchestra.    He  played  two  dances  and  gave  a  concert. 

DREAMY  COUPLE  at  S.  and   S.  Spring  Formal 
find  Les  Brown's  music  and  each  other  enjoyable. 

SINGING    CIRCLES    are    a    popular    custom    among    fraternities 
during    intermissions.     S.    and    S.    dances    find    all    represented. 


Wjft  , 




^^Bj^^^^^^^m^t  T^i^^yyw^ 


omang'  #pm 


It's  not  an  attractive  building.  In  fact,  some  might 
call  it  iigl\-,  with  its  bold,  weather-beaten  brick 
walls  and  strangely  large  windows.  Not  until  \ou  walk  around  to  the  front  of  it  do 
you  see  any  resemblance  to  symmetry  or  art.  Then  the  long  stone  steps  and  white  columns 
framing  the  three  tall  doors  begin  to  reconcile  you.  You  look  at  it  as  a  part  of  the  stately 
trees  and  well-kept  grounds  that  surround  it,  and  \ou  begin  to  like  what  you  see.  Wm 
remember  that  it  is  .sometimes  a  blaze  of  purple  when  the  wisteria  on  the  tennis  court 
fences  is  in  bloom.  And  when  you  thmk  of  the  dances,  the  basketball  games,  the  swims, 
the  pageants  and  shows  that  are  held  within  the  walls  of  this  gym,  its  ugliness  is  forgotten. 



Coeds  keep  their 
by  |)<irti(i|)citinn 

Your  raincoat  Hew  open  as  nou 
kicked  up  \our  heels  and  raced  for 
rhc  g\-ni.  Ala\hc  you  were  hire  for 
your  regular  PE  class  or  Pegasus 
rryour,  bur  whatever  was  awaiting 
y<^u,  books  and  quizzes  would  be 
forgotten  \\  hile  you  exercised  your 
muscles  instead  of  your  brain  tor 
a\\  hile. 

You  tound  that  you  achie\ed 
better  and  more  lasting  results  it 
\ou  used  pent-up  energy  in  a  good 
workout  than  it  you  tried  tirtul 
dieting.  Your  waisthnc  trimmed 
down  and  you  telt  more  like  tack- 
ling that  math  problem  after  a  sw  im 
or  a  Modern  Dance  rehearsal. 

COED     GOLFERS     practice    duriii); 

gym  class  on  East's  abbreviated,  ill- 
cared  for  one-hole  course  near  South- 

nate.  (iirls  imist  lake  I'liys.  Kd. 
twice  a  week  throuKh  junior  year, 
can  pick  course  after  one  semester. 

MISS  JITLIA  GROUT,  head  of  De- 
partment of  Physical  Kducation, 
directs  some  non-academic  pursuits. 



Hi^ures  in  slicipe 
in  nicuiy  sports 

Voii  glowed  with  pride  attcr 
helping  your  dorm  or  sorority  w  in 
the  enp  in  the  basketball  tourna- 
menr.  As  you  played  against  Caro- 
lina coeds  in  the  hocke)'  game,  >c)u 
felt  a  certain  school  pride  and  spirir. 
When  you  shook  the  iiand  ot  your 
opponent  after  winning  the  singles 
tennis  tournament,  you  felt  like  a 
champ  indeed. 

You  soon  realized  that  athletics 
made  your  life  fuller  and  more 
complete.  You  started  taking  ad- 
vantage ot  the  nights  the  bowling 
alley  was  open  and  practiced  for 
precision.    You    began    to    take    a 

break  at  rive  o'clock  and  work  up 
an  appetite  by  raking  a  quick 
swim.  You  participated  in  Duke's 
Pla\-  l)a\-  against  reams  from  other 
women's  colleges.  \'ou  helped  make 
\()ur  dorm's  kite  and  flew  it  on 
Joe  ("ollege  Day.  You  rode  every 
Sunday  morning  at  8:00  to  perfect 
the  drill  for  the  Pegasus  Horse 
Show  . 

You  found  a  whole  new  world 
of  excitement  and  enjoyment  that 
was  only  waiting  for  you  to  look 
for  it.  There  was  the  thrill  of 
seeing  your  arrows  hit  the  bullse>'e 
three  times  in  a  row.  There  was 
the  feeling  of  accomplishment  when 
you  made  a  strike  and  watched  the 
tenpins  fall.  There  was  the  time 
when  you  sunk  that  putt  for  a  par. 
There  was  the  feeling  of  adventure 
as  you  cantered  dow  n  the  dirt  road 
stretching  before  you.  There  was 
the  elation  of  executing  a  perfect 
back  dolphin.  These  were  all  mo- 
ments you  will  always  remember 
with  a  certain  tingling  feeling. 

SWIMMING  MEETS  among  East  Campus  houses  feature  keen  competition, 
much  splashing  of  water.    Here  two  girls  battle  for  first  place  in  backstroke. 



NEREIDIAN  CLUB.  Standing  in 
water,  front,  M.  Waldrop,  M.  Wil- 
liamson, middle,  .1.  McClaron,  A. 
Kelly,  M.  Russell,  J.  Duncan,  S. 
Asbury,  C.  Washburn,  J.  Burghard, 
A.     Lerian,     rear.     M.     Wescott,     K. 

Cohan.  Sitting  and  kneeling  around 
edge  of  pool,  I.  Swift,  J.  Clark,  M. 
Brown,  P.  Cohan,  N.  Brusard,  G. 
Bush,  S.  Duiguid,  J.  GuUedge,  E. 
Hardee,  L.  Hooker,  J.  Romans,  J. 
Gilliam,    A.    Brown,    N.    Miller,    C. 

Ogle,  M.  Stevens,  M.  Woolery. 
Standing  around  the  back,  J. 
Crumbley,  R.  Wescott,  J.  Greene, 
J.  Greene,  B.  Larson,  F.  Schneider- 
wind,  H.  Hartung,  J.  Miller, 
C.       Power,       and       N.       Lipscomb. 


After  .strict  tryouts,  the  select 
members  of  rhc  Nercidiaii  C'lub 
begin  at  once  to  plan  and  practice 
their  spring  Nereidian  Show.  Some- 
how it  is  figured  our  how  to  keep 
heads,  arms,  and  feet  from  colliding 
to  execute  a  number.  On  the  night 
of  the  show  the  \\  arer  is  shattered 
into  a  million  \\a\es  as  members 
carry  our  their  water   l)allet. 

Originality,  self-expression,  and 
lithe  bod\-  movement  are  wrapped 
up  in  eaeii  member  ot  the  Modern 
Dance  C  lub.  (^imposing  their  own 
dances  and  designing  all  the  sccncrv 
and  sets,  this  team  stages  a  Modern 
Dance  Recital  in  the  spring.  Leaps, 
falls,  and  turns  are  executed,  fitting 
into  a  beautiful  whole. 


THE  MODERN  DANCE  CLUB  is  formed  around  an  interest  in  modern  forms  of  dance,  development  of  skill  study  of 
choreography.  The  Club  presents  a  feature  each  spring.  Members,  foreground  around  to  right,  are,  Alice  Matheson 
Cissie  Murray,  Yvonne  Schweisteris,  Junior  Thomas,  Janet  Kaminsky,  Julie  Hamilton,  Pam  Cherry,  Marge  Brunhoff' 

PERFECT  BALANCE  displayed  by  Miss  Williams,  mod- 
ern dance  instructor,  in  executing  inverted  arabesque. 

MODERN   BALLET  artist  arches  in  graceful   pose 
displaying    a    difficult    study    in    perfect    balance. 



WAA  BOARD  members,  left,  clock- 
wise, beginning  with  girl  in  fore- 
ground,  J.   Bevin,   P.   Wilmer,    Mrs. 

DELTA  PHI  RHO  ALPHA  members,  seated  front  to  back  are,  Nancy  Peeler, 
Carolyn  Whitley,  Sarah  Kale,  .Joan  Gummels,  Dot  McC'lean,  Kay  Rezzonico, 
Linn  Taylor,  siigie  Michael,  T.  Stevens.    Standing  is  Babs   Hall,   President. 

COED  FENCER  carries  foil  and  mask 
as  she  prepares  to  meet  opponent  in 
physical     education     fencing     bout. 


Newcomber,  F.  Schneiderwind,  C. 
Whitley,  J.  Crumbley.  Right,  first 
row,    B.    Wilson,     M.    Kennedy,    J. 

Gummels,  R.  Cozart,  J.  Gilliam. 
Second  row,  G.  Bennett,  E.  Zimmer- 
man, S.  Kale,  W.  Broome,  J.  Trudeau, 

A.  Brown,  E.  West,  L.  May,  Last  row, 
F.  McBride  (by  door),  M.  Stevens,  H. 
Hartung,    T.    Haller,    N.    Lipscomb. 


SUGIE  MICHAEL.  Baltimore  junior 
and  Pi  Beta  Phi,  serves  as  president 
of     Woman's     Athletic     Association. 

She  s\\  inis;  she  dances;  she  rides; 
she  runs;  she  does  almost  every- 
thing that  young  ladies  do  in  the 
way  of  athletics.  In  fact,  the  Duke 
coed  is  a  pretty  active  girl.  Maybe 
she  doesn't  turn  down  a  date  in 
tavor  ni  tossing  around  the  medi- 
cine ball,  but  she  likes  sports  and 
finds  time  tor  them. 

And  for  the  sake  ot  organization, 
she  has  a  Women's  Athletic  Asso- 
ciation. This  W.A.A.  does  the 
planning,    keeps    the    ball    rolling, 

and  makes  the  av\ards  to  the 
winners.  It  draws  up  the  schedules, 
pitting  .sorority  against  .sororit\-; 
house  against  house;  girl  against 

.And  just  as  in  everything  else, 
there  are  a  few  who  find  in  sports 
their  natural  element.  They  take 
to  it  quickly;  cxcell  in  it  easily. 
Delta  Phi  Rho  Alpha  is  for  them. 
The\-  are  the  leaders  on  the  Ivast 
('ampus  sports  scene,  and  they 
radiate  vim  and  vitality. 




Dciiues  on  Scirurdciy  nij>ht  ciie  ci  I  hike  ticidition,  fe<iture 
<in  nrdiestrci  ciiul  often  a  becuity  (|neen 

A  scene  of  consranr  ;icrivir\' 
during  tiie  hours  and  da\s  oi  the 
week,  the  VVoniens  ( iyni  puts  on 
a  new  face  on  lrida\'  ami  Saturda\' 

nights.  The  shouts  and  loud  foot- 
steps of  aeti\  e,  energetic  girls  fade 
a\\a\  .  in  iheu-  piaee  are  flie  gentle 
melodies   ot    dance    music   and    tiie 


soft  siiudling  ot  teet  gliding  across 
rile  floor.  I'reshmen  mixer,  BOS- 
Sandais,  C'oed  Bali  have  trans- 
lormed  tiie  u\  in  into  a  dreamland. 


Thc\'  arc  a  popular  dance  band 
on  rhc  campuses:  Duke,  Stare,  and 
('arolina  acclaim  rhem.  I  hc\'  ap- 
peared before  Kay  Kyser  at  the 
Pan  Hel  Benefit  Show  gi\en  in 
Chapel  Hill.  On  New  Year's  I'.vc 
rhc\  pla\ed  over  a  national  hook- 
up trom  Roanoke,  \'a.,  on  the 
program,  "New  Year's  Dancing 
Party."  At  Duke  they  pla\-  tor  a 
great  number  ot  sorority,  tra- 
rernity,  and  campus-wide  dances. 
The)'  are  noted  tor  their  unusual 
and  melodious  arrangements  and 
their  solo  Jiumbcrs.  Bill  B\crs,  their 

competent  leader,  founded  the  band 
in  194S,  when  he  organized  a  group 
ot  thirteen  boys  and  a  girl  xocalist. 

.At  that  time,  the  competition 
was  tough.  It  was  the  new  and 
unknown  struggling  against  the  old 
and  entrenched.  But  the\'  played 
well.  They  pla\ed  w  hat  the  student 
wanted,  the  wa\'  the  student  want- 
ed  it  played. 

(Iradualh-  the\-  caught  on,  gain- 
ing popularit\-  and  demand.  Their 
reputation  grew  until  today  the 
b\\\ord  for  good  music  on  the 
campus   is   the   Duke  Cavaliers. 

BILLY  BYERS,  a  senior,  is  originator 
and    leader    of   the    Duke    Cavaliers. 





Beciuty  Queen  reii^ns  cit  Ooed 
]\i\\\  on  Eve  of  Thcinksiiivinij 

C'andy  cane  in\  irarions  an- 
nounced rhc  (locd  Ball  on  Thanks- 
giving I'.vc.  Twisting  the  usual 
order  ot  things  around  a  bit,  the 
girls  this  time  were  the  ones  to 
fake  the  initiati\e  atid  issue  the 
bids.  ("uriosit\'  antl  suspense  were 
at  a  high  pitch  as  the  troliekers 
entered  the  door  and  saw  the 
pictures  oi  all  the  candidates  tor 
("fi AN  iK.i.i  i-K    BeautN     Queen    dis- 

pla\eil  around  the  lol)b\-.  Anioiit; 
gingerbread  men,  lollipops,  and 
other  inhabitants  ot  the  candy 
kingdom,  the  ro\al  guests  danced 
to  the  soft  music  of  the  (/avalicrs. 
I  hen  all  eyes  turned  towards 
the  throne  as  the  iiueen  and  her 
loveK  court  w  ere  escorted  through 
the  throng.  I'or  the  rest  ot  tin.' 
dance  she  reigned  as  the  most 
iK-autitul  i)t  them  ail. 


JON  WHITCOAIB.  widely  known 
magazine  illustrator,  selected  Chanti- 
cleer  Beauty    Queen   and   her   court. 


CROWNING  of  Chanticleer  Queen 
Ann  Goode  by  Business  Manager 
Johnson   took   place   at   intermission. 

QUEEN  ANN  GOODE  is  escorted  toward  throne  and  crowning  ceremony  by 
date  and  pin-up  Red  Dunne.  At  intermission  of  Coed  Ball,  couples  form  an 
aisle  from  door  to  throne  through  which  members  of  court  precede  winner. 





Kappa  Alpha  'I'ht'ta 


n  Beta  Phi 

THEHE'S  \U)1\E  TO 



What's  in  a  beauty  queen  con- 
test? Although  most  of  us  would 
consider  beautiful  girls  as  the  prime 
requisite,  to  the  editors  ot  the 
Chanticleer  this  is  the  least  ot 
the  worries.  To  them  the  first  and 
most  important  problem  is  selecting 
a  judge.  Then  the  field  has  to 
be  chosen  and  narrowed  down, 
pictures  made,  balloting  conducted. 
Einalh'  its  the  judge's  turn.  He 
says,  "1  his  is  it,  "  and  everything's 
ready  tor  the  (xied  Ball.  On 
Thanksgiving  Eve  the  well-kept 
secret  is  announced  and  the  w  inner 
crowned.  This  is  the  climax,  the 
end  result  of  all  that  has  gone 
before.  Glory  and  admiration  are 
hers.  It  is  her  moment. 


Zeta  iaii  Alpha 






Pi  Beta  Flu 


Pi  Beta  Phi 


Kappa  Alpha  Theta 


Pi  Beta  Phi 


.  iiM  i:i) 

^\/  ^^^ 

Delta  Delta  Delta 


Delta  Delta  Delta 

Zeta  Tan  AlpJia 

BEAUTY  NOMINEES  (right),  remaining 
finalists  for  Beauty  Queen  and  Court,  pose 
in  Blue  Room  of  East  Duke.  They  are,  from 
foreground  clockwise,  Vicky  Stedman,  Faye 
Mitchell,  Molly  Bixby,  Yvonne  Schweistriss, 
Jan  Cresap,  Nancy  Hendrix,  and  Shirley  Hall. 

s     1. ^^" 

11    11 

Durham,  the  cir\-  rhvu  tobacco  built  .  .  .  the  city 
where  the  sun  has  to  fight  to  cut  through  the  to- 
bacco smoke  ...  the  Home  of  Chesterfields  .  .  .  advertised  as  the  city  of  Exciting  Stores 
.  .  .  Duke  Pf)\\er  buses  shuttling  back  and  forth  betw een  campuses  and  town  .  .  .  electrical 
wires  running  along  the  streets,  into  every  home  showing  the  handiwork  of  an  electrical 
power  magnate.  .  .  .  tall  office  buildings,  black  smokestacks,  squat  cigarette  factories 
making  Durham  stand  out  against  the  sk>-  .  .  .  Hope  \alle\-,  with  lovely  homes  and  well- 
kept  lawns  .  .  .  factory  workers  walking  down  the  street,  talking  a  language  all  their  own  .  .  . 
Five    Points    with    its    never   endmg    lines   of  traffic    .    .    .    ail    this    is    part   ot    Durham. 

Busw  actixc,  alwius  nioxing,  Durham  licconics  our 
second  Imnic.  1  he  churches  m  row  n  open  their  doors 
wide  and  in\  ire  us  to  worship  with  them;  I'.dgemont 
and  the  I3urham  Day  Nurser\  otier  invaluable  ex- 
perience of  working  with  children  wiiile  providing 
opportunities  for  service;  the  stores  acquaint  the 
Freshmen  with  their  merchandise  on  Duke-Durh;un 
Da\';  the  tactories  welcome  tours  through  their 

Durham  is  countless  railroad  tracks.  Some  are 
abandoned,  with  bo.xcars  sitting  on  them  that  look 
like  they  haven't  been  used  since  the  tracks  were 
laid.  Trains  running  by  East  C'ampus  interrupt  classes 
and  iar  windows  in  Southgate.  Durham  is  the  fa- 
miliar orange  and  black  buses,  too.  ThcN'  take  us 
to  Five  Points,  the  movies,  shopping.  Policemen  try 
to  keep  traffic  moving  the  right  wa\-  around  the  circle 
and  motion  pedestrians  across  when  the  light  flashes. 

The  landmark  in  Durham  is  the  Wash.  Duke.  We 
get  our  bearings  by  it,  use  it  in  giving  directions, 
judge  the  location  of  stores,  movies,  restaurants  by 
their  distance  from  it.  It  is  the  center  of  our  relations 
with  Durham.  Our  parents  stay  there,  our  plane 
reservations  are  made  there,  our  dates  are  entertained 
there  in  the  Ta\ern. 

Durham  is  the  people  that  make  it  up.  Ihcre  are 
the  factor}-  workers;  there  are  the  busy  housewives 
at  the  Super  Market;  there  arc  the  motley  groups 
of  people  that  ride  the  buses  with  us.  There  are  the 
residents  of  Durham  that  come  out  to  the  Saddle 
C'lub  or  to  Miller's  and  dance  to  the  juke  bo.x.  These 
are  all  a  part  of  Durham — our  home  away  from  home 
for  four  vears. 

WASH  DUKE  HOTEL,  with  its  tavern,  news-and-novelty 
stand,  comfortable  lobby,  and  tailor  shop,  is  favorite  haunt 
of  students.    It  stands  on  the  windiest  corner  in  Durham. 

HIGHLY  PATRONIZED  by  students  is  Sawyer  &  Moore 
drug  and  variety  store  near  East  Campus.  Counters  dis- 
playing everything  from  soup  to  nuts  make  it  popular. 



The  VAXy  of  Exiitinj>  Stores  is  home 
for  profs,  plciyj^rouiul  for  students 



\(n\  were  a  part  ot  Durham  the 
iiiinurc  you  .stepped  oft  the  plane 
that  flew  \ou  in  from  New  Jersey 
or  the  train  that  brought  you  trom 
Mianu.  \ou're  no  longer  a  re.sident 
of  Chicago  or  Greensboro — you're 
even  counted  in  the  Durham  census. 

The  first  memories  \ou  ha\e  ot 
Durham  are  probably  a  cluster  ot 
large  square  buildings  wrapped  in 
smoke  and  tog.  When  the  sun 
finally  pierced  the  haze,  \ou  dis- 
tinguished Chesterfield  and  Lucky 
Strike  tacrories.  stores,  and  Krwin 
Mills.  It  you  dro\e  your  car,  you 
probat)l\'  got  lost  at  Five  Points 
and  worried  the  Durham  Police 
Force.  And  it's  a  sate  bet  that  it's 
taken  all  \ear  to  figure  our  that 
West  Campus  is  in  the  direction  of 
the  Blue  Fight  and  that  the  road 
trom  Fast  to  West  goes  underneath 
the  main  highway. 

The  first  triends  \ou  made  w  ere 
probabh'  at  Bailey's  and  the  Blue 
Fight.  F\'ery  time  \<)u  took  a 
break  from  the  books,  you  headed 
to  those  all-time  fa\'orites.  \ou 
soon  tound  our  where  you  could 
rent  a  tux  and  who  eould  press 
your  suit  the  tastest,  where  \ou 
could  buy  a  corsage  the  cheap- 
est, and  which  newsstand  sold 
your  home  tow  n  paper. 

It  didn't  rake  long  to  find  your 
way  around  Durham  streets,  and 
you  soon  knew  all  the  shortcuts 
to  ('ole's  and  the  ('hili  House. 
^ou  learned  w  hich  side  ot  the  I5art- 
lett  I  louse  to  sit  on  and  w  hat  to  or- 
der w  hen  your  dare  w  anted  steak  or 
lobster.  \bu  searched  till  you  tound 
where  \  on  could  bu\'  good  S.90 
club  steak  tor  lunch  and  the  best 
tried  chicken  on  Sundays.  Some- 
how you  kept  it  a  secret  where 
\()u  could  get  (]uick  ser\  ice  alter 
the  dances  on  Shoe  and  Slipper 
weekends  and  where  your  import- 
ed date  coukl  sta\'  our  the  latest. 


PHOTOGRAPHY    AND     FAMILY,     rather     than     eco- 
nomics,    occupy     much     of     Dr.     Saville's     time     outside 

of    the    classroom.      .At    left,    he   and    his   wife   entertain 
the    two     children.      At     right,     he     photographs     them. 

MONSIEUR    AND     MADAME     DOW     of     the     French 
Department     spend     Sunday     afternoon     at     home.     At 

FEATURED  FLICS  can  be  seen  at  Durham's  modernistic 
Center    cinema,    popular    despite    its    block-long    lines. 

/Sews  P        'V^'ofSp?^ 

'  NEWS  ^  -  CORINNE  CALVft 



left,  Dr.  Dow    puts    a    record    on    the  phonograph  while 
his    wife    reads.     At    right,    he    strokes    their    dog    Kelb. 

FAMOUS  FOR  STEAKS  and  popular  as  a  Saturday  night 
rendezvous,  Hartman's  holds  high  appeal  in  Duke  circles. 



-.■>>-■■■■  ■, 



JAM  SESSIONS,  featuring  Dixieland  Jazz  Combo  and  some  fast  jitterbiigging, 
shook  the  rafters  at  Turnage's  on  Saturday  afternoons  of  spring  semester. 

All  ar  once  you  found  out  rhar 
the  professors  w  ercn't  so  bad  after 
tlie\'  folded  up  their  lecture  notes 
and  that  the\'  were  realK'  human 
beings  when  \<)u  spoke  to  them 
at  student-hicult\-  cotiees.  But  the 
times  \'ou  realK'  got  to  know  them 
were  when  \ou  visited  them  :n 
ilieu'  iiomes.  ^ou  caught  xourselt 
listening  to  w  hat  they  were  sa\ing 
and  enjoying  the  hours  spent  with 
them  insteail  ol  cheeking  xour 
w  arch  e\er\'  two  minutes,  ^oll 
realized  that  the\  knew  what  they 
were  talking  about  and  that  the 
Uni\ersit\  hadn't  nnule  a  mistake 
when   the\    [nit  them  on  the  staff. 

lUIOhS  AHE  AWAY  ,osms.,,. 


DR.  AND  MRS.  BEVINGTON,  associate  and  assistant  professors  in  the  Englisii 
Dept.,  spend  Sunday  afternoon  catching  up  on  correspondence  and   reading. 


X'isiring  \our  professors  and  the 
taiiiih"  ot  the  guy  down  the  hall 
made  you  w  ake  up  to  the  tact  that 
there  were  some  prett\-  nice  people 
in  Durham.  There  were  the  same 
sorts  of  things  going  on  that  \ou 
were  interested  in  hack  home. 
You  began  not  to  bur\-  yourself  in 
\our  home  town  newspaper  all  the 
time,  but  to  glance  at  the  Durham 
Siiii  and  Moni'uiii,  Herald  too.  ^()u 
learned  where  every  theater  in 
town  was,  and  there  were  tew 
good  movies  )ou  missed.  \bu  know 
vour  way  around  Durham  you 
arc  a  part  ot  it. 

FAVORITE  HAUNT  of  Dukesters  seeking  escape  from  Gothic  and  Georgian 
atmosphere  is  the  crowded  Saddle  Club.    Couples  sway  to  juke  box's  tunes. 

t  y^*'|*^'  ,^r^ 

1  LA(i   RAISING   loremonies  on  both  campuses  mark  ofticial  opening  of  school.  Men's  and  wom- 
en's senior  class  presidents  preside,  while  NROTC  students  and  University  officials  also  take  part. 


(Ihcintideer  presents  persoricilizeri, 

iiulividucilized,  picture  directory 

of  the  students  of  Duke  University 

CLASS  OFFICERS  (left)  are,  left 
to  right,  President,  Vice-President, 
Secretary,  Treasurer.  Top  row  fresh- 
men men,  R.  Ruda,  G.  Greene,  R. 
Ulrich.  Freshmen  women,  D.  Boyle, 
G.  McGiehan,  J.  Oldberg,  J.  LeFever. 
Sophomore  men,  P.  Parker,  R.  Brad- 
shaw,  C.  McCracken,  R.  Hoppe.  J. 
Reed  (ath.  rep.).  Sophomore  women, 
F.  Schneiddewind,  S.  Perkins,  P. 
Moeller,  J.  Smith.  Junior  men,  R. 
Sommers,  R.  Reilly,  W.  Dean,  R.  Be- 
dell. Junior  women,  M.  Weigel,  G. 
Smith,  B.  Shepherd,  B.  Brooks.  Sen- 
ior men,  R.  Crowder,  A.  B.  Pearson, 
R.  Gorham.  Senior  women,  C.  Quark, 
M.  M.  Marsh,  C.  Spikes,  A.  Youmans. 

GOON  DAY  finds  first-year  coeds  dressed  in  jeans  and 
bows    performing     duties    specified    by    superior    sophs. 

FRESHMEN  PARADE  in  chainlike  fashion  around  bonfire 
which  was  set  off  Carolina  game  eve  during  Pep  Rally. 

^'  .%%^ 


Fmt  rov;,  left  to  right: 

ALLEN,  CHARLES,  JR..  Econoimcs.  Sailing  Team; 
Dean's  List  3. 

ALLEN,  CHARLOTl  !•:  AL\RGUERn  E,  ExgUsh. 

ALLEN,  I.  DAVrON,  Pre-Med.  ^\.  .\LS.C;.A.;  Glee 
Club  1;  Prc-.\lcd.  Society  4;  \arsitv  "D"  Club  1,  2.  3,  4; 
Basketball  I,  2,  3,  4. 

ALLISON,  RAYMOND  DEAN,  Buwu-ss  Adniunstratwii. 
Bwn.  Al.S.G.A.  I;  Intcr-Erat.  Council  2;  Dean's  List  3. 

AIXISON,  RONALD  EUGENE,  Pre-Med.  A*A.  Chnw- 
icle  I;  Freshman   Track;  Dean's  List  2,  3. 

ANDI'.RSON,  JACK  CATHI'-V,  Mecliamcal  Fjiaim-ru/fi. 
HTl.   Engineers'  Club  3,  4;   A.S..VLE.   3,  4. 

Second  roiv: 

ANDERSON,  NANCY  INEZ,  Sncmlogx.  AT.  Chromclc  I; 
Duke  Players  1;  Dean's  l,ist  2,  3. 

ANDERSON,  ROBI'RT  EUGENE,  PolituM  Sannr.  ^.V, 
Pres.  4.  Duke  Ambassadors  1,  2,  3,  4;  Marching  Bind 
1,2;  Concert  Band  1,2;  lnter-P>at.  (Council  4. 

ANDERSON,  SAMUEL  GOBl'R,  Chcmntry. 

ANl^REWS,  jANl'.  RAINE,  Englhh.  T4'Q,  M:^,  Ivy. 
Archive  3;  Duke  'n  Duchess-  3;  Glee  Club  1;  Duke 
Players  1,2,  3,  4;  Dean's  List  1,  2,  3. 

ARRANTS,  BETIA'  ROSS,  Eh-iucutarv  Ed.  AT.  Duke 
Players  1;  Dean's  List  2,  3. 

ARTHUR,  MARJORIJ'  SPEER,  English.  KAH.  Chan- 
MCLKKR  1,  3;  Hoof 'n'  Horn  1,  2. 

Third  row: 

BAI'.HR,  BRUCE  F.,  Ecoiiomics  (H/is.  Ad.).  I'X,  ARM". 
Glee  Club  2. 

BAFFORD,  EDWARD  DONALD,  Economics.  ^.\V.. 
Football  I,  2,  3,  4;  Lacrosse  1,  2,  3,  4. 

BALL,  V\ALTF.R  HI'.RBI'.R  1,  E,i<i,lish.  Choir  4;  Glee 
Club  1,  2,  3,  4. 

BALLARD,  CATHI'.RINE  ANNE,  Sociology.  House 
C:ouncil  4;  Choir  I,  2,  3,  4;  (dee  Club  1,2,  ?,  4;\V.A.A. 
Bd.  2,  3. 

BALLARD,  WILLIAM  ED,  .\hrh.wn\il  Eiiiiiiurriiii^. 
'I>A(-);  TBII,  President;  IIT:^.  Football;  A.S.M.l".  4; 
Engineers'  (^lub   3,  4;    Dean's   List  2,   3. 

BANE,  ALI^AN,  Bimtiess  Adimmstratioii.  KA.  \..\1.C;.A. 
(Council  I,  2. 

Fourth  roiv: 

BAPIISFL  l.D\\.\RD  J()Si:Pil,  Business  Adunm^lr.Utoii. 
\  loof  'n'  1  lorn;  Bench  and  Bar. 

BARBER,  Bl   ri^-   jFAN,  Reli^^wii.  KA.  Choir  ?.  4;  (dee 
Club  3,  4;  Hoof "n"  Horn  3,  4. 

BARFllTD,  \IC10R  \\ARR1:N,  Business  Administration. 


.\l.S.(i.A.  2;  Chronicle  1;  Marchmg  Band  2,  3,  4;  Con- 
cert Band  2.  3.  4;  Inter-Frat.  (Council  i;  WDBS  3.  4; 
Shoe  and  Slipper  (Council  2,  3.  4. 

BARRE'IT.  ALFR1:DJA.\1IvS.  JR.,  Meckwical  Engineering. 
DitkEngineer  ^  4;  Marching  Band  2,  3,  4;  Concert 
Band  2.  3.  4;  Engmeer's  Club  3,  4;  A.S.M.E.  2,  3,  4; 
Dean's  List  3. 

/•';////  row: 

BARTAK,  HELEN  ELIZABETH,  Spanish.  lAll.  Choir 
4;  Glee  Club  :!.  4;  Dean's  List  I,  2,  3. 

BARR\',    I'.ARNLSF    HARRW    Mechanical    Engineering. 
I'AE.  A.S.iNLE.  4;  Lacro,s,se  1,  2,  3,  4. 

BARWICK,  HOWARD  EUGENE,  Pre-Eaw.  I.\.  Duke 
'//'  Duchess  1,  2,  3. 

BATES,   ROBERT  KENNETH,    Business  .-idniini^tration. 
— .\.   Ireshmen  Football;   W  restling;    Erack. 

BATTEN,    EMMF:TT   LEGRAY,    Electrical   Engineering. 
Engineers'  Club  4;  A.S.E.E.  2;  Hoof  n'  Horn  1. 

BEAL,  JESSE  C,  Accounting. 

Sixth  row: 

BECHER,  (JEORGE  DA\ID,  JR..  Pre-Med.  .\.\A. 

BECK,  CHARLES  EDWARD.  JR..  /-.'//((//.v//.  I'N.  E.A.C. 
3;  Hoot  'n'  Horn  4;  Shoe  and  Slipper  Council  2,  3; 
Baseball  I. 

BENNETT,  DANIEL  R.,   Business  Administration.  A  TA. 

BERNER,  CARLINi:,  History.  A^l'. 

Bl  RRY,  MAXWI'Ll.  K.,  English.  Duke  PKners  3,  4; 
Dean's  List  3,  4. 

BESF,  LEE  JAMES,  Pir-Mmistenal.  BHil.  ITli;  KX. 
Hoot  'n'  Horn  2;  Duke  Debate  ("ouncil  ';  Dean's  List 
2,  3,  4. 

Seventh  row: 

BI'ETI'.R,  i'.DWIN  WARD.  Pre-legal.  I-\i:.  Chronicle  2; 
Archive  2,  3;  President  of  Duke  Sailing  ("lub  4. 

BIXBN',  MOLLY,  Sociology.  KAH,  <I>KA,  Ivv.  W.S.G.A. 
4;  House  Council  3;  (iiee  Club  1;  .Marshal  ';  F.A.C. 
3,  4;  Pegasus  I.  i;  Dean's  List  1,  2,  3. 

BI-ACK\\  1  LL.  LJ'.ROY  i'.RLlNSON,  JR..  Electrical  En- 
gineering, i'ngineers'  ('lub  i.  4;    \.l.l".l'.  '.  4. 

BLACKWJ'.LL,  I.UCA    M.,    \Lirh.  Deans  List  1. 

BI.ALOCK.  WILLIAM  SHAW,  Pre-l.e^al.  KA.  F.A.C.; 
Bench  and  Bar;    \arsir\    "D"  Club;   I'ootball   1.  2.   3,  4. 

BLANCK,  CHARLES  KENNI  111.  Pre-Med.  KI.  Choir 
I;  Glee  Club  I. 





a  ia 

^  i.h  Cl    ii 



First  roil',  left  to  right: 

BODKNHAMF.R,  1)A\11)  I.F.E,  Accoiiiitiin>.  'I>BK.  Dean's 
List  2,  3. 

BOHI.IN,  CAROL,  Mathcnmtia.  I'K.  P;in-1  LI  Council 
\  4. 

BOLLMAN,  .\L\RGARET  LOIS,  Soaolo^iy.  <1>.\L 

BOLMLILR,  HAZEL  JANE,  An.  1;K.  W.S.CLA.  4; 
VA\-.C.A.  1. 

BOLTON,  NORALAN  ARTHUR,  EIntncal  Eiiy,mirrwv.. 
Choir  2;  (;kc  C:iul)  1;  l-nginccrs'  Club  >\  A.LE.l'..  ii; 
Hoof 'n'  Horn   1;   WDBS  (Council   3,  Station  Manager. 

BOVVEX,  PHOEBE  AL\Y,  -S>r///A7/.  Aa>,  ^l^XU.  Chanti- 
cleer 3;  Music  Study  Club  2,  3;  Glee  Club  1,2;  Pegasus 
3,  4;  Handbook  3,  4;  Dean's  List  1,  2,  3,  4. 

Second  roil': 

BOWERS,  i\L\RJORIE  NAOMI,  Kduc.ition.  Duke  Play- 
ers 3,  4. 

BOWERS,  AL\RY  BLAIR,  Zoolo^x.  HME,  Ivy.  W.S.G.A. 
4;  House  Council  2,  3,  4;  W.A.A.  Bd.  3. 

BRACKETT,  EDWIN  HAROLD,  Mcithematia. 

BRANTLEY,  JUNE  CAROLlNi,,   Sociolotiy.   I'K.   Glee 
Club  1;  Pegasus  3,  4. 

BRAUN,     AL\RGARET,     Xnrsinf^    Education.    Nursing 
Education  Club  1 . 

BRENNE,\L\N,  BE\'ERLY  ANN,  Enfilisii.  AAA.  House 
Council  4;  Dean's  List  2. 

Third  row: 

BRIDGES,  EDWIN  BURKE,  Economics.  <i>M-).  Glee 
Club  3,  4. 

BRITTAIN,  CATHERINE,  Elementary  Education.  AAA, 
President.  Hoof  'n'  Horn  2,  House  Council  3. 

BROKENSHIRE,  MELMN  ROYAL,  JR.,  Political  Science. 
K— .  Chronicle  1,  2;  Archive  1,  2;  Symphony  Orchestra  2; 
.Marching  Band  3,  4;  Concert  Band  4;  Hoof  'n'  Horn  3,  4. 

BROOKS,  EUGENE  CLYDE,  III,  Fre-U^al.  KA.  Varsity 
"D"  Club  3,  4;  Freshman  Basketball  I;  Football  1,  2,  3,  4. 

BROOKS,  GEORGE  HARRIS,  III,  Business  Admimstra- 
tioii.  AKI".  Marching  Band  1,  2;  Concert  Band  1,  2; 
Dean's  List  3. 

BROOME,  WILAL\  FRANCES,  Education.  XK,  Secretary. 
Ch.anticleer  4;  W.A.A.  Bd.  4;  Dean's  List  2,  3. 

Fourth  roiv: 

BROWN,  JACK  CRAWFORD,  hr-Leaal.  I.X.  Baseball 
3,  4. 

BROWN,  MARION  LOUISE,  .Spanish.  KA,  ^Ml. 
House  Council  4;  Nereidian  2,   3;   Dean's  List   I,  2,   3. 

BROWN,  NORAL\  .MARIE,  Socwlov.y.  KA,  President. 
Choir  L  2;  Glee  Club  \,  2;  Hoof 'n'  Horn  1,  2;  Nereidian 
3,  4;  Dean's  List  2,  3. 

BROWN.  SA.MUEL  HOYT,  Philosophy.  KX.  Duke  Debate 
Council  1;  Gymnastics  3;  Dean's  List  \. 

BROWDER,  LES  D.,  Political  Science. 

BRYANT,  HELEN  CANTRELL,  English.  AAII.  Student 
Coord.    Bil.    ^;    House    Council    4;    Chronicle    I;    F.A.C. 

/•'/////  row: 

BUCHANAN,  ROBERT  R.,  Business  Administration. 
i!X,  A<I>A,  AK4".  CiLvmicLEER  1;  Archive  I,  2;  Dean's 
List  2,  3. 

BURCHA.NL  JI'.AN  .\RV\{\JR,  Elementary  Education. 
Social  Standards  3,  4;  House  (Council  3,  4;  Madrigal 
Chorus  1,  2,  3,  4;  Town  Girl's  Club  1,2,  3,  4;  F.A.C. 
3,  4;  Dean's  3,  4. 

BUSCHMAN,  RICHARD  A.,  Ecowmncs.  IIK'I'. 

BUTLER,  WILLIAM  WARREN,  Philosophy.  X*,  «I'BK, 
T^Q,  KX.  Archive  1;  Dean's  List  1,  2,  3,  4. 

BUTRY.\L  ROBI'RT  E.ORL,  Pre-Law.  Choir  I,  2,  3; 
(ileeClub  I,  2,  3,  4. 

BUTT,  S.  PAGE.,  JR.,  Electrical  Engineering.  ^'\A..  Puke 
'n  Duchess  2,  3;  Glee  (]lub  2,  3;  l.ntrineers'  (^lub  I,  3,  4; 
A.l.E.E.  3,  4. 

,S';.v///  row: 

BYERS,  BILL  MAGNESS,  Business  Administration.  IIK<1>, 
AK1^  Hoof 'n'  Horn;  Cavaliers. 

CANNON,  JO  ANNi:,  Sociology.  KAM,  ^2\\\,  <I)KA, 
White  Duchy,  Sandals.  W.S.Cj.A.  4;  Student  (^oord.  Bd. 
2,  3;  House  Council  2,  3,  4;  CHANiicn.EEK  1;  Pegasus  I; 
Marshal  3;  F.A.C.  3;  Dean's  List  I,  2,  3. 

CANNON,  SAMUEL  E.,  English. 

CARTER,  PATRICIA  JEAN,  Political  Science.  AAA. 
Music  Study  Club  1,  2,  3,  4;  Duke  Players  1,2;  Duke 
Debate  Council  1,  2,  3,  4;  Dean's  List  2,  3,  4. 

CASSEL,  NANCY  ANNE,  Music  Education.  <^M.  Choir, 
2,  3;  Glee  Club  1,  2,  3;  Hoof 'n'  Horn  2. 

CASTLE,  CONSTANCE  HELENE,  Elementary  Education. 
A*,  'tKA,  Sandals.  YW.C.A.  Council  I,  2,  3;  House 
Council  3;  Symphony  Orchestra  1,  2,  3,  4;  Chamber 
Orchestra  2,  3;  F.A.C.  3;  Dean's  List  1,  2,  3. 

Seventh  row: 

CA\^ALIERE,  BENJAMIN  ALBERT,  Business  Admin- 
istration. Baseball  I,  2,  3,  4. 

CHAPPI'.LL,  WILLIAM  HENRY,  Electrical  Engineering. 
Duke  '//'  Duchess  1,  2,  3,  4;  Music  Study  Club  1,  2,  3,  4; 
Engineers'  Club  2,  3,  4;  A.l.E.E.  2,  3,  4;  Hoof  'n'  Horn 

2,  3. 

CHERRY,  JULIA  PAMELA,  English.  O'KA,  White 
Duchy.  WS.G.A.  3;  Student  Coord.  Bd.  I,  3,  4;  Music 
Study  Club  3,  4;  Madrigal  Chorus  \,  2,  3,  4;  .Modern 
Dance  Club  L  2,  3,  4;  .Mar.shal  3;  Duke  Players  3,  4; 
Town  Cjirls'  Club  3;  Deans  List. 

Chanticleer  1,  2. 

CHRISTIAN,  MARY  ANN,  Sociology.  <I>.\L  House  Coun- 
cil 3,  4;  Chanticleer  1;  Pan-Hel  Council  3,  4;  F..A.C.  4. 

CHRITTON,  JOHN  E.,  Business.  ^10. 




First  rov:.  left  tit  rli^lit: 

CLARK.      JONATHAN      >  AIlS,      Socioloi-y.      IlK'I'. 

Y.M.(;.A."  ('(Hincil    1.    2;    Xhirchini;    I5;ind    1;    Suiiiimini; 

1,  2. 
CLARK,  RU  1"H  DUVALL,  Art  History.  Zl  A.  Cliroiiick 

1;  House  Council  ?;  Dean's  List  3. 

CLEMSON,  BUCKV,  I'rf-.Med.  ATii,  BOX,  4>H1.  Hoot" 
'n'  Horn  2,  3,  4;  Y.M.C.A.  Council  3,  4;  Shoe  and  Slipper 
Council  3;  ALS.G.A.  I;  \'arsiry  "D"  Club  4;  Lacrosse 
1,2,  3,  4;  Swimming  1,  2,  3,  4. 

CLIFTON,  YI.R(;KR  HLNL,  rre-Li-finl.  ^K!;:.  Hoof 
'n'  Horn  2,  3;  LF.C.  2;  Chronicle  2,  3;  Archive  2,  3; 
Duke  'w'  Duchess  2,  3;  Dean's  List  2,  3. 

CLINK,  BARBARA  ANNF.,  Elementary  pAiucation.  KAO. 

COBB,  FAY  ANN,  English.  KA(-).  White  Duchv;  Sandals; 
<^KA.  Chanticleer'  1,  2;  W'.S.G.A.  3,  4;  Alarshal  3; 
Class  President  2;  Dean's  List  2,  3,  4. 

Second  rozv: 

COBLF,  JAMFS  HFRBFR'F,  Fre-Legal.  KA.  Baseball  I,  2. 

COCHRAN,  NORMAN  B.,  Business  Administration. 
KH.  Chronicle  1;  Archive  1;  Dean's  List  2. 

Hi;*.  President  4;  F.A.C.  3;  Choir  2,  3,  4;  Glee  Club 
1,  2,  3,  4;  House  Council  3,  4;  Social  Standards  3;  Ju- 
dicial Board  4. 

CXOLLEDGE,  LOIS  JUNE,  Elevientary  Education.  SK,  Ivy. 
Y.\MC..\.  Council  4;  Duke  'n  Duchess  1 ;  Duke  Players  1 ; 
Pegasus  1,  3,  4;  (Canterbury  (Club  4;  Dean's  List  L  2,  3. 

COLLINS,  HOWARD  WILLIAM,  Electrical  Enouieerum. 

iik:i:.  ms.(;.a.  3;  a.i.e.e.  3,4. 

COLLINS,  \\'ILLIAM  (JEORGE,  Electrical  Eni!,ineerini!,. 
A.I.E.E.  4. 

Third  rov:: 

COLLINSON,  RUTH  ELEANOR,  Science  Education. 
<1)M.  Social  Standards  4;  Hoof  'n'  Horn  3;  (Choir  2; 
(;ice  Club    i,   2;    Pan-Hel  Adviser   3. 

CONAVVA\\  JACK   RL'SSI'LL,   Che/nistry.   TIKA. 

KAB,  fI>KA,  Sandals.  Chronicle  1;  Student  Coord.  Bd. 
1,  2;  F.A.C.  4;  House  Council  4;  Dean's  List  2,   3. 

COOK!-:,  CLIFTON  NOM.S,  I'olitical  Science.  AXA, 
President  4;  OAH.  (Chan  hci-EER  2;  Archive  1;  Hoof 
'n'  Horn  2,  3,  4;  WDBS  3,  4;  Y.M.C.A.  Council  1,  2; 
Intcr-Frat.  Council  4. 

chanical Eni^ineerinii.  M.S.(i.A.  4;  j'.ngineers'  Club  2,4; 
A.S.M.E.  i,  3,  4. 

CORN,  DONN  1:DV\  ARD,  Philosophy.  K.X.  Glee  Club 
3;  President  of  Student  Religious  (Council  4,  Dean's  3,  4. 

Fourth  row: 

CORRIGAN,  i:U(iENi:  FRANCIS,  flistorx.  ^.\V.  \arsirv 

D"  (Club  2,  3,  4;  Lacrosse  1,  2,  3,  4. 
(CO'IE,    DANIICI.   NAR(CISS1'.,    Civil   En^inecnn^^.    A  lA. 
A.S.C.F.  2,  ^  4. 

COURTNEY,  \'IRGINIA  ANN,  Sociology.  AAH.  House 
Council  4;  Chanticleer  I;  Pan-Hel  Council  3,  4. 

(CRANi:,  JAMES  lOE.WAR,  Pre-Med.  XN. 

CRAWFORD,  .MALCOLM  FRANCIS,  Political  Science. 
ATU.  BLiiC.  OAK,  lAO,  Red  Friars.  .VLS.G.A.  1; 
Y..\LC.A.  Council  1,  2,  3;  Publications  Board  3,  4; 
Chanticleer  \,  2;  Chronicle  1,  2,  3,  4;  Duke  'n'  Duchess  1 ; 
Marshal  2,  3;  F.A.C.  2,  3;  Cheerleaders  3;  Treasurer  of 
Sophomore  (Class;  Dean's  List  2,  3. 

(CRAWFORD,  NAR\-i:L  L\MES,  History.  (-)X.  KX. 
M.S.(;.A.  4;  Dean's  List  ^'4. 

Fifth  row: 

CREWS,  ANN,  English.  AAH,  White  Duchy;  Sandals. 
W.S.G.A.  4;  Social  Standards  3;  House  (Council  2,  3,  4; 
Choir  L  2,  3,  4;  Glee  Ckib  1,  2,  3,  4;  Marshal  3;  F.A.C.  3. 

CROSS,  WILLIAM  H.,  Accoicnting.  HKO).  Dean's  List  3. 

CRO\\DER,  RICHARD  |OSEPH,  Pre-.\iinisterial.  KA, 
OAK,  KX,  Red  Friars.  M.S.G.A.  3,  4;  F.A.C.  2,  3; 
Varsity  "D"  Club  3,  4;  Basketball  2,  3,  4;  President  of 
Senior  Class. 

CROW,  BARBARA  ANNE,  Sociology.  Duke  Pla>ers 
1,  2,  3;  Dean's  List  3. 

CROWE,  ANN  GLENN,  Philosophy. 

Y.W.C.A.  Council  2;  Social  Standards  2,  3;  House 
(Council  3,  4;  Chronicle  I,  2;  Pan-Hel  (Council  3,  4. 

.S';.v///  row: 

DAINE,  DONN  DAXID,  Prc-.\lcd.  A4)A,  AldC.  l^oof 
'n'  Horn  4;  Duke  Players  2,  3,  4;  Pre-Med.  Society 
2,  3,  4;  Dean's  List  3,  4. 


<^BK,  (IjHI,  bus.  Y.ALC.A.  Council  1,  2,  E.A.(C. 
2,  3,  4;  Bench  and  Bar  1,  2;  Dean's  List  1,  2.  ^  4. 

I)A\1S,  ALDA  }E AN,  Education.  ZTA. 

DA\IS,  HUBI'.R'F  \1N(CENT,  JR.,  Mechanical  Engineer- 
ing. <I>K'r.  Chronicle  1;  Duke  '//'  Duchess  1,  2;  Inter- 
Frat.  (Council  1,  2,  i,  4;  fCnirineers'  (Club  1,2,  v  4; 
A.S.ALE.  1,  2,  3,4;  Ba.seball  T. 

DAN'IS,   KATHARINE  ANNE,  Sociology.  ZTA.   Alusic 

Stud\'  (Club  3;  Cham ici  I  I'R  2;  D^-an's  List  2. 

Seventh  row: 

DAN'IS,  ROBICR'F  LOUIS,  Psychology.  MX.  President  4. 
Dean's  List  3. 

1)1  AL.  C.  PIN(CKNi:V,  |R.,  Pre-Med.  BHII,  President; 
BUIC,  AIX,  Red  Friars.  .Al.S.G.A.  ';  Chronicle  1;  Cii\n- 
iiciEi'.R  2;  Intcr-Frat.  Council  v  4. 

1)1  IMI.L,  (CARAlELllA  RU  III.  French.  A'h,  IM'LJ. 
Chronicle  1,  2;   Duke  Players   1,  2;   Dean's  List  2. 

DELONG,  DA\'ID,  Economics.  XX.  Soccer. 

DfWllDOWTFZ,  \\"11.I.1A\1  P.,  Business  Administration. 

DINNV,  GEORGE  RICHARD,  English.  ClCN.  Chronicle 
I;  Marching  Band  1;  Concert  Band  I;  \'arsit\  "D"  ( 'liib 
4;  Bascbairi,  2,  3,  4;  Dean's  List  2. 






^  -§  S-  ^ 






4.     / 

^'^       n) 


N  llNUF.l) 

l-'irst  nnv.  lift  to  nulit: 

1)1  PP,  Hi  1  IV  l.OU.  Firiuh.  1  Tl".  Ch.-ir  1.  >,  4;  (ike 
Club  2,   \  4;  I  loot' 'ii'  Horn  ';  I)l;iii's  I.isr  2,  ',  4. 

1)I'.S\'I:RMM'.,  KKWi'lll  Fl   riR,  luw/o,;ms. 

Dl'.TWlLI'.R,  GI-.ORCI'.  1).,  Makvmal  En^iiurriin-.  Order 
of  Sr.  Patrick.  C.hroiinic  1;  DiikEiiii_uiirr  1,  2,  i,  4;  I'n- 
uinccrs'  Club  ^,  4;  A.S.M.i'.  \  4;  l)(.;ui's  List  2,  3. 

Dll.l'lF.NBACH,  OTTO  \\i  A\l  R,  |R.,  Malhviloi/ 
E/iiiiiiirriiiii.  A  TU,  <^H:L:,  TBIl,  \iLl^,  UV^.  Choir  4; 
(ilcc  Club  2;  Knginccrs'  Club  4;  A.S.M.I'.  i;  Hoot'  "n' 
Horn  2;  \'arsit\'  "D"  C'lub  :;  \\  rcstling  I,  2,  ^,  4;  La- 
crosse 1,  2,  3,  4;  Dean's  List  3. 

DILLON,  THO.\L\S  PAI  RICK,  «//v///nv  .-himiiiistnitirw. 
\'arsit\-  "D"  Club  1;  Swimming  1. 

DILTS,  CHARLI'S  ROBI'RI",  Biisii/rs^  Admuw^tratwii. 
CJimniclc  2,  .3,  4. 

Second  row: 

DIXON.  AL'I'A  JUANITA,  FJiuatwti.  AT.  Duke  '//' 
Diicliess  2,  3. 

DODGK,  JACQUFLINi:  RANKIN,  Hiswrx.  HA*.  Gkc 
Club  2;  Hoof 'n'  Horn  2,  ^.;  Duke  Players  2,  ^  4. 

DODSON,  PHYLIS  PA  I RICIA,  l'oli/'u\il  Sne/ice.  A*, 
President;  ^lU.  Ivv.  Cbroimie  1,  2,  3,  4;  Duke  Players 
I,  2,  >,  4;  Dean's  List  ],  2,  v  4. 

DOHNER,  DONALD  C,  Chemistry.  ^X,  <\>H^. 

D()NA\'AN,  JA.MFS  JOSKPH,  JR.,  Hiiiilish.  BWII. 
Chronicle  1 ;  Duke  Plaxers  I . 

DOUROS,  JOHN  D.,  JR.,  I're-Med.  Hoof   n"  Horn  ^  4. 

'Third  roiv: 

DOWNING,    \MLLIA.\1     lHO.\L\S,    Eiiiilish.    <t>M-). 
F.A.C.  3,  4;  Basketball  1,  2,  3. 



strv.  Dean's  List  3. 

DUNCAN,  LAURA,  English.  Z'I'A.  .-irchive  1;  Hoof  'n" 
Horn  2;  Dean's  List. 

DUNNK,  WALTI.R  \INCLNT,  Econoimcs.  B(-)n. 
ALS.G.A.  2;  Chronicle  I,  2;  Soccer  1,  2,  3,  4;  ,\Larshal  2; 
F.A.C.  3;  WDBS  Council   3;   \arsity  "D"  Club  3. 

DUNSON,  JOHN  CLARK,  Business  Adnnnistnmw.  KA. 
Ch.^nticleer  2;  Archive  1;    Dean's  List   3,  4. 

DURHA.\L  LEE  B.,  Fre-Lcra:  ^l.'S.  ALS.G.A.  2;  Hoof 
"n'  Horn  I. 

Fourth  rozc: 

EARLY,  .\LARY  LAW'S,  Sociology.  Y.W'.C.A.  Council  1; 
House  Council  3,  4;  F.A.C.  3,  4;  WL\.\.  Bd.  3;  Dean's 
List  2.  3,  4. 

Engineering.  UWE.  A.S.NLF.. 

I  DWARDS.  CLAUDE  I  AI'.REIT,  JR.,  Economics.  I.X, 

I  KLUND,  HILI'.N  \\.\\\  Economics.  KAW.  Student 
l'"oruni  4;  Social  Standards  3;  House  ("oiineil  3;  Ciiwn- 
ci.KKU  1,  2,  3;  Pan-Hel  Council  3;  l'..A.C.  3;  Dean's 
List  ?,  4. 

I'LLINGI'ON,  WILLIAM  'FF^O^L\S,  Fre-Med.  Hoof 
'n'   I  lorn    3,  4;    Duke   Players    3,  4;    Pre-Med.  Society 

1,  2,  ^  4. 

I'NGBI'.RG,  JOHN  PIERSON,  Fre-La^.il.  KA. 

/•';////  roiv: 

I'PPS.  CHARI.II    I..,  Cenenrl. 

I'.URi:,  IHOMAS  DUNCAN,  Cn-il  En'iiueenug.  I'.niri- 
neer's  Club  2,  3;  A.S.C.E.  2,  3,  4. 

EA'ANS,  V.WV.  DI'.AN,  Edumtion. 

KAHER,  SANDRA  SUZANNE.,  F.ducaiiou.  ZI'A,  1:AI1, 
KA<1>.  ( jiAMici  KF'R  1,  2;  Hoof  'n'  Horn  I,  2,  3,  4; 
Duke  Players  I,  2;  Dean's  List  2. 

EAIRLIA,  NANC^  ELIZABETH,  Education.  IIB'^, 
iJAII,  'I>BK,  <I>KA,  KAIL  Ivy.  W^.S.G.A.  4;  House  Coun- 
cil 3,  4;  Chronicle  1,  2;  Marshal  3;  F.A.C.  3;  Hoof  'n' 
Horn  I ;  Eoriegn  Student  Adviser  3;  Dean's  List  1,2,  3,  4. 

Legal.  *K>r. 

Sixth  rove: 

EARMI'.R,  .\.  .ALX'IN,  Economics  and  Business  .-Idministra- 

EARNHAM,  .MARJORIE  ARLENE,  Sociology.  'I'M. 
House  ('ouneil  3,  4;  Choir  1,  2,  3,  4;  Glee  Club  1,  2,  3,  4; 
Hoof 'n'  Horn  2,  3;  Duke  Players  1,  2;  F.A.C.  3;  Dean's 
Li  .St  3. 

FARQUHAR,  RICHARD  LEWIS,  English.  ^.W..  |u- 
dicial  Board  3,  4;  F.A.C.  3,  4;  Dean's  List  2,   v 

FEATHER,  BEN,  Fsychology.  0X,  .Mi:.  Chronicle  3,  4; 
Concert  Band  2;  Dean's  List  4. 

EINBERC^,  ROBI'.RT  LOUIS,  Folitical  Science.  Kl\ 
\'arsit\'  "D"  Club  3,  4;  Soccer  1,2,  3,  4. 

EISHBURNE,  CHARLP5  CARROL,  .Mechanical  Engi- 
neering. TBIL  EITI,  Order  of  St.  Patrick.  Engineers' 
Club  2,  4,  Chairman;  A.S..M.E.  2,  3,  4. 

.Seventh  row: 

EISHI  R,   W  ILI.IAM   PRESCO'FT,  Economics.  :lS. 

FLANDERS,  AL\RV  A.,  History.  House  Council  1; 
Chronicle  3,  4;  Music  Study  Club  2,  3,  4;  Duke  Players 
2,  3,  4. 

FLINT,  THOMAS  L.,  Fre-Law.  <I>A(-). 

FOLK,  C:HRIS  E\'ANS,  Secondary  Education.  '^K»^^ 
President;  4)BK,  'I>H1\  BLil,  KAIL  Chronicle  \,  2; 
Duke  'n'  Duchess  2,  3;  F..A.C.  2,  3;  Inter-Frat.  Council 
4;  Dean's  List  1,  2,  3,  4. 

FORBES,  GORDON  .\1.,  English.  Et)otball   1. 

FORD,  JOHN  BYRON,  Chemistry.  I'N,  President.  Chron- 
icle 1;  Archive  1;  Marching  Hand  2.  3,  Pegram  Chemistr)' 
Club  2,  3,  4. 



First  row: 

FOX,  JOHN  HOWARD,  Bimims  Adminhtrat'wn.  4>A(-). 

FRANCIS,  PA  IRICIA  ANN,  FJucatwn.  Zl  A.  V.WXIA. 
Council  3;  Student  Forum  4;  House  Council  3,  4;  Chan- 
ticleer 2;  F.A.C.  4;  Hoof  "n'  Horn  2,  3,  4;  Duke  Phivcrs 
2,  3,  4. 

FRANKS,  STKPHKN  FIELD,  rr,-L'K,iI.  M.S.C.A.  4; 
Chamici.eek  3;  Chronicle  1,  2,  3,  4;  /My  'li  landless  2. 

FRITZ,  MARTHA  ANNF,  Reli^wii.  Y.W.C.A.  Council 
4;  Choir  2,  3;  Glee  Club  2,  3;  Deans  List  2,  3. 

GARDINFR,  THLODORi:  1)A\11).  Vrc-Mi-d.  Deans 
List  3. 

G-\RMON,  Bl-.'FFV  Ll'.L,  Sinsiiiii  Edmatioii.  Nursing 
lui.  Club  4. 

Second  row: 

GASK.IN,  LILLIAN  Rl'.BLCCA,  English. 

GASTON,  HARLIA'  BLACK,  JR.,  Pre-Legal.  ATLi. 
F.A.C.  3,  4;  Hoof 'n'  Horn  K  2,  3. 

Prc-.Med.  Society  3;  Dean's  List  2. 

Gl'.RBl.R,  SARA  KATHRYN,  Edi/Mtwii.  UB<\>.  House 
Council  3,  4;  Chantici.eku  I ;  Hoof  'n'  Horn  2,  3,  4; 
F.A.C.  4. 

GIBBS,  RAFFORD  FRANK,  Frc-Mcd.  Student  Coord. 
Bd.  4;  C:hoir  L  2;  Glee  Club  L  2,  3;  Hoof  'n"  Horn  3; 
X'arsity  "D"  C:iub  3,  4;  Cheerleaders  2,  3,  4;  Baseball  1. 

GIBBS,  ROBI'.RT  CX)LKMAN,  History.  Duke  Players 
\,  2,  3;  Dean's  List  3. 

I'hnd  roiv: 

GLENNll.  JOHN  RAYMOND,  f,V«w/. 

GLAZL,  RICHARD,  r,V//nj/.  2AE. 

GOBBl'L,  LL'FHLR  RUSSELL,  I'  Sciemr.  <J'HS, 
I  M'Li.  Choir  L  2,  3,  4;  (ilee  Club  1,  2,  3,  4;  Xarsity 
"D"  C:iul)  3,  4;  Dean's  2,  3. 

(iOFBlRI,  HI  RBLR  I  WILLIAM,  |R.,  Frr-.Mrd.  ATA. 
Swimming  1;  ,\1.S.(..A.  2,  \  4;  \.\\.C..\.  CVnineil  1,  2; 
Chronicle  1;  (dee  Club  2,  3;  F.A.C.  2;  Pre-Med.  Soeiet>' 
2,  3,  4;  Dean's  List  1,  2. 

GOLDSI  FIN,  (iARRY  ARNOld),  hr-Mrd.  ZB  F.  Chron- 
icle 1,  2,  3,  4;  Swimming  1;  (ixinnasncs  1. 

GOLDSIONl',,  ROSLYN  B.,  Education. 

I'r/iirth  rou': 

(■OI.DWASSIR,  MAXW'l'LL  ROBl.RF,  Economics. 
ZB  I  ,  President  4.  Inter-Frat.  Council  4;  Duke  Player.s 
1;  Dean's  3. 

GOODI',  IANT:  ANN,  Education.  AAli,  President  4; 
KAII,  1"A'I>.  Chantic.i.kik  I;  Hoof  'n'  Horn  1,  2,  3; 
Duke  Players  1. 

GORIFWL  ALDFN  BURR,  JR.,  Mathematics.  BHJl, 
IIMI,  'I'Hl,  BUi;.  F.A.C.  2,  3,  4;  \arsity  "D"  C:iub 
3,  4;  Soccer  I,  2,  3,  4;  Dean's  List  2,  3,  4. 

C;RAHL,  bobby  Howard,  I'olitical  Science.  i1'Hl\ 
BLii:,  (-)A<1>.  Cii\nik:m-kk  I;  Hoof 'n'  Horn  1.  2,  3,  4, 
Duke  Players  1,  2,  3,  4;  Dean's  List  2,  3. 

GRAXI'.  ALI'.XANDER,  Business  Administration. 

i.RW.  NINA  FLIZABFTFL  En^ilish. 

Fifth  row: 

(;RI'.I:N1-.,  IOAN  S.,  rolitical  Science.  A<!>.  House  Council 
3,  4;  F.A".C:.  4;  Pan-Hel  Council  3,  4;  Hoof  'n'  Horn  2; 
Nereidian  2,  3,  4;  Cheerleaders  3,  4;  Dean's  List  1. 

GRIGG,  MARXIN  ATKIN.  |R.,  Buuness  Adnnm<iratwn. 
Bench   n'  Bar  L  2. 

GRUNE,  GEORGE  \'INCENT,  English -Pre-Lcial. 
ATU,  OAK.  M.S.G.A.  2,  3.  4;  Publications  Bd.  4; 
Archive  2,  3,  4;  X'arsity  "D"  Club  4;  Football  K  2,  3,  4; 
Judicial  Board  3,  4. 

GUENTHNI'.R,  RUIH  I'Xl'LXN,  Xursing  Education. 
Town  Ciirls"  Club. 

GUEST,  FLOYD  EMORX',  JR.,  Accountancy. 

.Xlusic  Study  Club  2;  Choir  2.  v  4;  Glee  Club  I,  2,  ?,  4; 
Dean's  List  2,  3. 

Sixth  row: 

GULLEDGE,  JANI'  BAll.lX,  Elen/entarx  Education. 
AAn.  Nereidian  3,  4. 

HAGFR,  DUDLEY  PIF.RCF,  I'olitical  Science.  ^Al.. 
X'arsity  "D"  Club;   Football    1,   2,    v  4. 

HAGER,  GERALD  LEONARD.  hr-Med.  Ml'.  Pre-Med 
SocietN'  3,  4. 

HAHN,  RAY.XION  Jl  NKIN,  Pre-Legal.  BWlI. 

HAIL,  JOI',  jAMI'S,  |R.,  Electrical  Engineering.  :l\, 
nME,  *BK;  FBH.  Y:.\LC.A.  Council  1,  2;  F.A.C.  4; 
Engineers'  Club  I,  4;  A.I.E.F.  3,  4;  Dean's  List  2,   v  4. 

HALL,  BARBARA  ELOISE,  Physical  Education.  AAA, 
A'I'PA.  House  Council  4;  F.A.C.  4;  XV.A.A.  Bd.  2.  ^, 
Dean's  List  2,  3. 

Seventh  row: 

FF-XLL,  JOHN  X\'.,  Civil  Engineering.  ATQ.  DiikEngineer 
3;  Choir  1,  2,  3,  4;  (dee  Club  1,  2,  3,  4;  A.S.C.F..  3,  4; 
Hoof 'n'  Horn  2,  4;  Dean's  List  3. 

HALL,  ROBFRl    RllFT  F,  Business  Administration.  Al^'lv 

HAMMOND,  ANN  PHIFFR,  Sociology.  A<l'.  <I'KA. 
W'.S.(i..-X.  3,  4;  Social  Standards  2;  House  ("ouncil 
I,  2,  ?,  4;  (dee  Club  2;  F.A.C.  3;  Dean's  ?.  4. 

HANNA.  ANN  JAC()UI.L1N1'.  Mu^ic  Fheory.  <I'M. 
Madrigal  ('horus  4;  1  loof  'n'  I  lorn  \  4. 

HAN.SON,  WILLIWI  KOBIKl,  Economics.  XAI  .  La- 
crosse 1,2,  i.  4. 

HARDIN,  PAUL.  Ill,  KA.  -l'i5K.  'I'Hl. 
M.S.G.A.  3;  Choir  1,  (dee  Club  1;  Golf  I.  2.  ?;  Dean's 
List    1,  2,  3. 


--.V  _!». 


"-^  (9 


iii^  T^. 




First  mii\  left  to  rii^lit: 

HARMON,  I.KIJA  ANN,  .SwwfciiV.  KM-).  Social  Scand- 
ard.s  4;  ( ilcc  C-liib  2;  I  Idof  'n"  I  lorn  i,  4. 

HARRIS,  C:HRIS1'1I:  CUS,  /•.Vwwwio-.  HKA,  IrL-asurcr 
1,  President  4;  XAII.  Inrcr-l'rat.  Council  4;  Dean's 
List  2. 

HARRIS,  MARY  I'lJZABI'.TH,  Folitiail  Science.  House 
(Council  2;  Publications  Hd.  4;  Chronicle  1,  2.  .\  4;  Archive 
2;  Cilcc  Club  I;  Chanhcleer  3,  4;  Hoof  'n'  Horn  3. 

HARRIS,  NANCY  Jl'.AN,  Polmcal  Science.  KKT,  ^\\\, 
\\-\.  Publications  Bd.  4;  Chan  ric.i  I  i-u  2,  3,  4;  Music 
Study  Club  2,  3,  4;  (ilee  Club  1,  2,   i,  4;  Dean's  List. 

HARRIS.  \1RC;1N1A  LI'l',  Env,lish.  ZTA,  President  4. 
House  C^ouncil  1;  Publications  Bd.  3;  Glee  Club  1,  2; 
Hoof 'n'  Horn  1;  Dean's  List  3. 

fL\RRlS()N,  ROSCOi:  FRANKLIN,  |R.,  Accounting. 
AK4'.  CleeClub  3. 

Seanid  roiv: 

HARSCHLID.  NANCY  FULLER,  Ps-ychology.  Glee  Club 
3;  Hoof 'n"  Horn  3;  Duke  Players  4;  Dean's  List  3. 

Student  Forum  1 ;  Pan-He!  Council  1 ;  Hoof  'n"  Horn  1 ; 
Nereidian  4;  W.A.A.  Bd.  1;  Dean's  List  2. 

HAR\'EY,  FRANK  HFRBI-.RT,  Mechanical  Engineering. 
YVYZ.  DiikEngineer  1;  Fnginecrs'  Club  3;  A.S.M.E.  2; 
Dean's  List  \. 



HFDRICK,  BETTY  JO,  Sociology.  KA.  "W'.S.G.A.  4;  Social 
Standards  2,  3,  4;  House  Council  3,  4;  Chronicle  2,  3; 
Choir  2,  3,  4;  Glee  Club  2,  3;  Hoof  'n'  Horn  2,  3. 

Third  row: 

HEINKE,  BETTY  JEAN,  English.  AAR.  Social  Standards 

2,  3;  Modern  Dance  Club  3,  4;  Pan-Hel  Council  2,  3; 
Hoof  'n'  Horn  I;  Cheerleaders  3,  4;  Chanticleer  1; 
Secretary  of  Class  1;  Dean's  List  2,  3. 

President;  <I>KS,  A<i>A.  Chronicle  I;  DukEngineer  1,  2; 
Inter-Frat.  Council  2,  4;  Engineers"  Club  1,  2;  Irack  1; 
Dean's  List  3. 

HENNESSEE,  M.  NIXON,  III.,  General.  HK*,  BQ1\ 
Chronicle  1,  2,  3,  4;  Publications  Bd.  3,  4;  .Marshal  3; 
F.A.C.  3,  4;  Dean's  List  1,  2. 

HESLIN,    JOHN    THOMAS,    Psychology    and    Sociology. 

HIGGINS,  WILLIAM  AR'IHUR,  Sociology.  KX.  Choir 
3;   Madrigal  Chorus  4;   Hoof  'n'  Horn  2. 

HILKER,  JOHN  HA.MILTON,  Economics.  Choir   1,  2, 

3,  4;  Glee  Club  I,  2,  3,  4. 

Fourth  row: 

HILTON,  JAMES  LEE,  Botany.  K:^.  Dean's  List  1,  2,  3. 

Glee  Club  1;  F.A.C.  3,4. 

H0LLI:NBI;CK,  WILLIAM  CHARLI-S,  Political  Science. 
SAI'"..  Chronicle. 

I  lOLLlNGSW'ORI'tL  MARIANNE,  Sociology.  \\\  Presi- 
dent.  Council  2,  3,  4;  F.A.C.  3;  Pan-I  lel  C^ouncil  3; 
Hoof 'n'  Horn  2;  Dean's  List  1. 

HOOKER,  ALFRED  I'RANK,  |R.,  Ihisiness  .Administra- 
tion. .Mil.  Football   1;  Golf  1. 

HOOKER,  RAYAIOND  BRK;H'I,  JR.,  English.  1\\. 
Duke  '//'  Duchess  3;  Hoof  'n'  Horn  3,  4;  Duke  Players  4. 

/•';////  row: 

HOPPI'R,  RICHARD  FRANCIS,  History.  AFU,  Presi- 
dent 4.  Choir  1,  2,  3,  4;  Glee  Club  1,  2,  3;  F.A.C.  2,  3; 
Inter-l'rat.  Council  3;  Engineers'  Club  1,  2;  Hoof  'n' 
Horn  2;  Dean's  List  3. 

HORNER,  FRANK  BURKE,  General.  Kl'. 

HOUGH,  HKTER  VAN  METRE,  Political  Science. 
ZTA,  <I)KA,  A<I>A,  VVhite  Duchy.  Y.W.C. A.  Council 
3,  4;  Pan-Hel  Council  3;  Duke  Players  2;  Dean's  List  2. 

HOUSE,  ANNE  ELIZABETH,  Education.  .\XL1.  Music 
Study  Club  2,  3,  4;  Glee  Club  2;  Duke  Players  I,  2,  3,  4; 
Dean's  List  3. 

HOWARD,  I.  WOODFORD,  JR.,  General.  ilAE,  SAO, 
<I>BK,  <i)Hi:.  M.S.G.A.3;  F.A.C.  4;  Dean's  List  2,  3,  4. 

HOWARD,  MICHAEL  ROSS,  English.  KX,  fc)A4>. 
Chronicle  1,  2;  Duke  Players  \,  2,  3,  4. 

Sixth  row: 

M.S.G.A.  1,  2,  3;  F.A.C.  2. 

HOWELL,   CLEWELL,  JR.,   Political  Science.   BHII. 

HOWSE,  RALPH  MELVIN,  Pre-.Med.  OKA.  Prc-,\lcd. 

Society  2. 

Treasurer;  TTQ.  Choir  1,  2,  3;  Glee  Club  1,  2,  3; 
Dean's  List  3,  4. 

HUDSON,  ROBERT  CLARENCE,  Secondary  Education. 
Glee  Club  I;  Dean's  List  3. 

HUGUS,  WRIGHT,  JR.,  General.  BQIl.  Tennis  L 

Seventh  row: 

HUMPHRIES,  JOHN  O'NEAL,  Pre-.Med.  :^AI',.  Chronicle 
1,  2,  3;  Hoof  'n'  Horn  3;  Duke  Players  2,  3;  Pre-.Med. 
Society  2,  3. 

HURST,  ROBERT  GRANT,  Business  .Administration. 
AKT.  Duke  Players  3,  4;  Engineers'  Club  1. 

HWANG,  CHESTER  F.,  Mechanical  Engineering.  TBO, 
riT—.  .NLS.G.A.  4;  DukEngineer  3;  Engineers'  Club 
3,  4;  A.S..\LE.  2,  3,  4;  Dean's  List  2,  3. 

HYMAN,  LEWIS  B.,  JR.,  Economics.  IIK<I>. 

INGHAM,  OLIN  H.,  History. 

INCiWFRSFN,  JOAN,  .\hisic.  KKF,  (I>KA,  White 
Duchy;  Sandals.  W.S.Ci.A.  L  3,  4;  Student  Coord.  Bd. 
2;  House  C^ouncil  2;  Choir  2,  3;  Glee  Club  1,  2,  3; 
Marshal  3;  Hoot  'n'  Horn  2;  Dean's  List  2,  3. 




First  rozv,  left  to  right: 


I\'i:V,  DA\'ID  MIDUI.KTON,  Yiminess  Adniinhtratioii. 
KA.  Y.M.C.A.  Council  3;  F.A.C.  3. 

JAMIS,  C:ARL  C,  General.  *A0.  F.A.C.  3;  Varsitv  "D" 
Club  1,  2,  3,  4;  Football  1,  2,  3,  4;  Track  1,  2.  3,  4; 
\'icc-Presidcnt  of  Senior  Class. 


lOHNSON,  I)A\'1D  DOWDKLL.  (iem-ral.  BHO,  HME. 
F.A.C.   3;   \'arsity  "D"  Club  4;   Ucan's  List   1.  2. 

JOHNSON,  Kl'NNETH  RAYMOND,  Alechanical  Engi- 
iieering.  'i'K^V .  DiikEngineer  2;  Diikt  'ii'  Duchess  2,  3; 
Marciunu  Band  1,  2,  3,  4;  Concert  Band  1,  2,  3,  4; 
Engineers'  C:iub  1.  2,  3,  4;  A.S.M.E.  2,  3,  4;  Dean's 
List  3. 

Second  row: 

JOHNSON,  PI'.TER  GRAYSON,  Business  .Admunstraiwii. 

JOHNSON,  RICHARD  S.,  Business  Adnnnistratwn.  ALU. 
M.S.G.A.  1;  Publications  Bd.  4;  Chanticleer  1,  2, 
3,  4;  F.A.C.  3;  Hoof  'n'  Horn  2,  3;  Dean's  List  2. 

JOHNSTON,  \\  ILLIAM  DA\ID,  Economics.  <i)A0. 

JONI.S,  BARBARA  LOUISl".,  Business  Administration. 
KKF,  President  4;  Social  Standards,  3;  House  Council 
3;  Chanticleer  1,  2;  Chronicle  1,2;  Duke  Players  1,  2; 
Dean's  List  2,  3,  4. 

JORDAN,  BOB,  Business  Administration.  <I>K'r.  Publi- 
cations Bd.  4;  Chronicle  2,  3,  4;  Archive  3,  4;  Duke  'n' 
Duchess  2,  3;  Choir  1,2,  3,  4;  Glee  C:iub  1,  2,  3,  4; 
Marshal  3;  Hoof  "n"  Horn  3,  4;  Soccer  1,  2,  3. 

J()^■C:l•.,  WILLIAM  OEDEN,  Business  Adnninstratioii. 
i:AE.  F.A.C;  Baseball  I,  2,  3,  4. 

Third  row: 

JOYNER,  EDWARD  MADISON,  Electrical  Engineering. 
i;<I>E.  Chronicle  1;  DukFj^ineer  2;  Engineers'  Club  1,  2; 
A.I.E.E.  4;  WBDS  Council  3,  4;   Dean's  1. 

JL'DD,  ARTHUR  WILLIAM,  Political  Science.  I*E, 
Freasurer.  Gkv  Club  2,  3;  F.A.C.  4;  WDBS  3;  Dean's  2. 

KALIA'AS,  BILL  ARESTI'.DES,  Business  Adnnmstration. 
AX  A. 

KAYLI.R,  RALPH  EARL,  I're-Ministerial.  KX. 

KEFFER,  CHARLIE,   History.   HX.    Dean's   List   3. 

KI'.LLY,  S.XLLY  PF.RRY,  Education.  KA.  Hoof 'n'  Horn 
2,  3,  4;  Duke  Players  2,  3;  Dean's  List  4. 

Fourth  row: 

KENNI'.DY,  HORTON  PARMELEi:,  JR.,  Political  Science. 
<I>K»r,   I  MLJ,  President. 

KENNI'.DY,  JOSi;PII  lATRl.I  I,  JR.,  Mechanical  Engi- 
veering.  Chronicle  4;  Engineers'  C^lub  1,  2,  3;  A.S.M.I-'. 
3,  4;  Town  Boys'  Club  1,  2,  3,  4. 

Kl'NNl'DY,  IHEODORi:  C.,  CivU  Eiiv.ineerum.  Engi- 
neers' Club  1,  2;  A.S.C.E.  2,   3,  4;   Dean's  2,   3. 

Ki.NF,  HORACE  SMiril,  Pir-Mrd.  IlK'I'.  Pre-Med. 
Society  2. 

KEXIAH,  SANFORD,  PF.RRY,  Pre-Law.  AK^I'.  Airhivt 
2;  Choir  1;  Glee  Club  1;  Dean's  3. 

KIGER,   WILLIE  MAXW  ELL,  Historx.  Bench  and   Bar 
1.  2.  ^. 

Fifth  row: 

KIME,  RICHARD  CHARLES,  Business  .'Idmwist ration. 
ATA,  President  4;  <t>H:i:,  AKT.  Inter-Frat.  Council 
4;  Wrestling  L  2,  3,  4.  Dean's  List  2,  3,  4. 

KING,  A.  Bruce,  Chemistry.  $KI,  Trea.surer  2,  ^;  Il.MF.. 
Inter-Frat.  Council  2;  Pegram  Cheniisrr\'  Club  2,  3,  4; 
Dean's  List  1,  2. 

KINNEY,  \1RG1NIA  MARIE,  English.  AT.  Publications 
Bd.  4;  Glee  Club  1,  2;  Music  Study  Club  1;  Duke  'n 
Duchess  2;  C.Jironicle  1,  2,  3,  4;  Chaniiclekr  1;  Hoot 
'n'  Horn  2,  3;  Dean's  List. 


KOBZINA,  ARNOLD  JAMES,  Accounting.  ATL2.  Choir 
1,  2;  Glee  Club  1,  2;  Hoof 'n'  Horn  2;  Dean's  List  2,  3. 

KOHL,  MARGARET  X'ALERIE,  Nursing  Education. 
Nursing  Education  C>lub;  Deans  List  2,  4. 

Sixth  row: 

KORBI'.L,  EDV\'ARD  JOSEPH,  JR.,  .Mechanical  Engineer- 
ing. iJAE,  President.  Chronicle  1,  2;  .Archive  1,2;  Inter- 
Frat.  Council  4;  A.S.ALI".  3,  4;   Dean's  List  3,  4. 

KRAYER,  ALFRI':D  CARL,  JR.,  Business  Administration. 

KRI'.IDI'.R,  KENNI-TH  RICHARD,  Business  Admimstra- 
tion.  AXA,  AK^".  Choir  1,  2,  3,  4;  (dee  Club  I,  2,  3,  4; 
F.A.C.  4;  Hoof 'n'  Horn  3;  Dean's  List  1,  2. 

KUNKIE,  HAROLD  WALLAU,  Political  Science.  Hoof 
'n'  Horn  4;  Duke  Players  2,  3,  4;  Dean's  List  2,  3,  4. 

KURZROCK,  WARREN  WALTER,  .Accountunr.  ^\. 
Basketball  1,  2. 

LAMBERT,  (MRS.)  SARAH  SHAW,  Sociology.  AT. 
Chanticleer  3;  Dean's  List  3. 

Seventh  row: 

LANG,  FRANK  AITXANDFR,  JR.,  Pre-Mcd.  K)^. 
Y'.M.C.A.  C'ouncil  2,  4;  Chronicle  2,  .^  4;  Duke  'if  Duchess 
2;  S\niphonv  Orchestra  2,  3,  4;  .Marching  Band  I; 
Concert  Band  2,  3;  F.A.C.  4;  Pre-Med.  .SocietN  3,  4; 
Dean's  List  1,3. 

LASSI-TER,   JACK    KINNEY,    Education.    KA.    F.A.C. 

2,  3,  4;  Varsity  "D"  (^lub  4;  Basketball  3;    IVack  3,  4; 

Dean's  List. 
LASSITER,    l-LI/.ABEIH    luSTELLE,    English.    AX<>.  (Council   ',  4;  ('hoir  2,   3,  4;  Glee  Club  2,   3,  4; 

F..\.('.  4;  Hdof   n'  Horn  2,  3;  Dean's  List  2,  3,  4. 

LA'EIMFR,  RICHARD  LET,  Business  Admimstration.  KA, 
\'ice-President.  F.A.C.  2,  \arsitv  "D"  Club  3,  4; 
Basketball  1,  2,  \  4;  Baseball  1. 

LAL'BI  NHl  IMl  R,  CAROL  JEAN,  Political  Science.  IlK. 


.■rs  2,  1,  4;  Chronicle  1,  2. 

LALl'.R,  1  1)1111  ANNE,  Botany.  KKP.  Dean's  List  3. 


.^^■'^ift      r  ^ 




i^   4. 



•*.  i 

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i^^'i    ^ 


L     ^r^ 



I'lrat  roii;  lij'l  to  riglit: 

LAUTER,  FRED  MAR  I  IN,  (uiicral.  'l-KT.  Choir 
1,  2,  3,  4;  Glee  Club  1,  2,  i,  4;  Diikr  'ii'  DiiiiifSf  2;  Cii  \n- 
ncLF.ER  1,  2;  F.A.C.  2,  3;  Intcr-Frat.  CAHincii  2;  Swim- 

LAW,  ROSAMUND  H.,  Bot,viy.  IIIM'. 


l.i:i:,  H1:RB1:R'F  martin,  I-:i,rtru\il  Eii^-'uurnin^.  Duk- 
En\i,ineer  2;  Clec  Club  1;  I'lmincers'  ('lub  4;  A.l.F.l'.  3; 
Order  of  St.  Patrick  2. 

l.FF,  POPF  MATTHEWS,  hr-.\lcd.  <l'K'i;,  A>1>.\, 
dent  3,  4.  Glee  Club  2;  Pegram  (-liemistry  Club  2; 
Dean's  List  3. 

LIFFLFR,  ,\L\Y  MAR'FIN,  Eiiii^Ush.  1115*,  President  4. 
Y.W'.C.A.  Council  2;  House  Council  1,3;  Hoof 'n'  Horn 
1,  2,  '\  4. 

Second  row: 

LESTER,  KENNEY  THOi\L\S,  Acmtntuifi.  ARiL.  (Mec 
Club  3,  4;  Choir  3,  4;  Dean's  List  3,  4. 

Chanticleer  4;  Dean's  List  3. 

LEWIS,  JACQUELIN  ANN,  Hntnrx.  Student  Coord. 
Bd.  4;  Chwmcle  2,  3;  Hoof 'n'  Horn  2,  3,  4;  Duke  Plavers 

2,  3,4. 

LINDSAY,  JANE  BENHAM,  Accounting.  KKF.  Student 
Coord.  Bd.  3,  4;  Archive  3,  4;  Ch.antici.eer  2,  3;  Hoof 
'n"  Horn  3,  4;  Nercidian  2,  3,  4;  Dean's  List  2,  3. 

LINN,  BRUCE  OSCAR,  Chcnnstry.  Pre-Med.  Society  4; 
Dean's  List  3,  5,  6. 

LINDSTROM,  MALCOLM  STUARF,  Econonna.  \'ars- 
ity  "D"  Club  2,  3,  4;  Soccer  1,  2,  3,  4. 

Third  row. 

LLENZA,  CHARLES  FEDERICO,  Pre-Med.  *:;:A.  Glee 
Club  2,  4;  Pre-Med  Society  2,  3;  Club  Panamericana 
1,  2,  3,  4;  International  Club  2,  3,  4. 

LLOYD,  KENNETH  EARL  COOPl.R,  Electru.d  En(>i- 
neering.  TBO.  A.l.F.l".  2,  3,  4;  F.ngineers'  C^lub  1,  2, 
3,  4;  Dean's  List  3. 

LOBELL,  MARCIA  JOAN,  Socioloi!,y.  AAA.  Hoof  'n' 
Horn  2,  3,  4. 

LOFT,  JOHN  EDWIN,  Econonncs:  ^\.  M.S.Ci.A.  2,  3; 
DnkEiii!_ineer  2;  Engineers"  C'lub  1,  2;  A. S. ('.]'".  2. 

LOUB,  ARTHUR  FREDERICX,  A'rw/w/z/o.  K A.  Wrestl- 
ing 1;  Track  1,  2,  3,  4;  Cross  Country  4;  \'arsir\-  "D" 
Club  2,  3,  4. 

LOWDER.MILK,  .MAX  k.,  Sucwloi^y.  kX.  Deans  List  3. 

Eoiirth  roir: 

Administration.  ZBT,  AkM",  Treasurer  4;  (ilee  Ckib 
1,  2,  3;  Dean"s  List  2,  3. 

LUCAS,  W  ILLIAM  REED,  Economics.  ^2\. 

LUF,l)l'".C:kl".,  AMANDA  C.,  Sursmv.  Education.  Helen 
Nahni  Nursing  (^liib. 

LU(;AR,  ASHBY  G.,  jr.,  Accounting.  IN. 

LUNDBI'.RG,  ANN  EL1ZABI",TH,<h.  ^IB'^.  House 
Council  2;  W.A..\.  Bd.  2;  Duke  Players  3;  Cii an  ric:i,EER 
I,  2;  Dean's  List  3. 

LUl'FON,  (.I.RALD  CLARk,  Economics.  HkA.  C]lec 
('lub  4;  Engineers'  Club  1;  Bench  and  Bar  4;  Dean's 
List  2. 

/•'/////  row: 

LYNCH,  GEOR(;i".  COTCHETT,  Ere-Eciial.  'I'k'F. 
M.S.G.A.  2,  3,  4;  Y.M.C.A.  Council;  Marshal  3;  Duke 
Players  I,  2;  WDBS  Council;  Dcan"s  List  1,  3. 

L\C)N,  JOYCE  ELAINE,  Ekmcntarv  Education.  Glee 
Club  1,"2,  3,  4. 

McAFl';!",,  JOYCI".  M0NT(]0M1:RY,  Mathematics.  A  AH, 
nME,  <FBk,  <FkA,  Sandals;  Ivy.  W.S.G.A.  3,  4;  House 
Council  2,  3,  4;  C:hoir  1,  2,  3,  4;  Glee  Club  I,  2;  Marshal 
3;  W.A.A.  Bd.  2;  Dean's  List  2,  3. 

McARTHUR,  RAY  FRANCIS,  Sociohgy.  li)\vn  Boys' 
Club;  Dean's  List  3. 

McBRIDF,  (MRS.)  ELSA  TICE,  Sociology.  Ivy.  Dean's  2. 

McCAIN,  WILLIAM  WARREN,  I'olitical  Science,  k:^. 
Choir  3;  (^ lee  Club  3. 

Si.xth  row: 

McCLANNAN,  RALPH  LESLIE,  Sociology,  kl. 

McCLURE,  MARIE  PRICE,  Botany.  AF,  Ivy.  Chronicle 
1,2;  Duke  Players  I,  2;  Dean's  2,  3. 

McGEE,  JUANITA  BLAINE,  Mathematics.  :^k.  President 
4.  Hoot  'n"  Horn  3,  4. 

McGEOUGH,  ROBERT  SAUNDERS,  Economics.  .\XA. 
Wrestlins;  1,  2;  Glee  Club  1,  2;  F.A.C.  4;  CHANticiEER 


McGUIRE,  JOHN  JOSEPH,  Economics.  IX.  Ba.seball  1,3. 

MckEE,  JANET  FAYE,  English.  kAW.  W.S.G.A.  4; 
House  Council  2,  3,  4;  Chanticleer  2,  3;  Chronicle  1; 
Music  Study  Club  1,  2,  3;  Hoof  'n'  Horn  2,  3. 

Seventh  row: 

Mckl".F\'f",R,  I'ARLF,  ALI'XANDF.R,  Business  Admini- 
stration, kl'.  Chronicle  1,  2;  Dean"s  List  3. 

M(kl  NZll'.,  CLAUDE  FLEATUS,  Pre-Eegal.  Hoof  "n" 
Horn  2,  4;  Duke  Players  2;  Bench  and  Bar  4;  Duke 
Debate  Council  4;  Chanticleer  1. 

.Mc.kERLEY,  RITA  ADELE,  Chemistry.  A*.  Hf)use 
Council  I,  4;  Music  Study  Club  2,  3,  4;  F.A.C.  4. 

A4cLEAN,  ROBERT  DA\li:)SON,  Political  Science.  I'AE. 
Choir  4;  Glee  Club  4;  F.A.C.  2;  Bench  and  Bar  1; 
Varsity  "D"  Club  3,  4. 

McLEMORE,  RALPH  SlUARl,  .-iccounting.  Ak4\ 
Marching  Band  2,  3,  4. 

McLON1:Y,  FHORNE  clay,  Business  Administration. 
Archive  2. 



First  roiv,  left  to  ri^ht: 

.\lc:MILLAN,  MARK,  Ciiil  Eiii^iiieenin^.  IlKA.  Ilnginccrs" 
Club  1;  A.S.C.i:.  2,   3,  4;   Dean's  l.isr  4. 

McMULLAN,  PHILIP  SIDNKV,  JR.,  Mnhaimal  Kii^i- 
neeriiiii.  I  I'll,  PrcsidL-nt.  DiikEii^iiurr  2,  3;  Choir  3; 
GIcc  Club  3;  Knginccrs'  Club  1,  2,  3,  4;  A.S.M.K.  2,  3,  4; 
Swimming  1 . 

i\k:MUl.l.i:N,  SUI-  CARROLL,  F.iiiilish.  <1).\L  <^BK, 
(tKA,  I'l'Li,  Sandals;  Ivv.  Student  I'orum  4;  House 
Couneil  4;  Choir  1,  2,  3,  4;  Glee  Club  I,  2,  3,  4;  Hoof 
'n'  Horn  3,  4;  Duke  Plavers  3;  Marshal  3;  Chanticleer 
2,  3,  4;  Dean's  List  1,  2^  3,  4. 

McNAIR,  BARRY,  Pn-.\Ud.  Hoot"  "n"  Horn  4;  Pre-Med. 
Society'  4. 

McNAIR,  CONRAD  BUCHANAN,  (lennal.  Kl!. 

McNAMARA,  THOMAS  NEAL,  /W;r;<.r/  Sacmr.  BWIL 
\'arsit\-  "D"  ("lub  2,  3,  4;  Swimming  1;  Soccer. 

Second  roiv: 

McRAL,  WILLIAM  DA\'IS,  Civil  Eini,iiin'yin^>.  '^H. 
Lngineers'  Club   1,  2;   A.S.C.L.  2,   3,  4;   Dean's  List  3. 

MADDO.X,  HOLSION  NOBLK,  AixoiiiitiiiM..  X\,  <t>BK, 
ART.  Deans  1,  2,  3. 

i\L-\DLR,  JOAN  MAXINL,  Politml  Sacmr.  KKL.  House 
Council  1;  Chanticleer  1,  2,  3,  4;  Archive  2,  3,  4; 
Dean's  List  2,  3,  4. 

MALAC,   (.MRS.)   MARIAN  BARTAK,  l-remli. 

MALONi:,    ROBl'Rl'   \\'.,    Chciimtry.    HMl'..    Wrestling 

I,  2,  3,  4. 

MALYNIAK,    |()SI',P11,  I'olitical  Science. 

Third  row: 

MARLIN,  C;L1''NN  A.,  Mechanical  Einiiiicerii/<i.  Order  of 
St.  Patrick.  M.S.G.A.  4;  Student  Coord.  Bd.  4;  Did-- 
Eiifii/ieer  2,   3,  4;  Lngineers'  Club  2,  3,  4;   A.S.ALL.  4_ 

MARPLi:,  TOM  PANKI:Y,  Electrical  Eiiaii/eeriuii.  Diik- 
Engiiieer  3,  4;  Engineers'  Club  I,  2,  3,  4;  A.I.!'..!':.  2,  3,  4. 

MARSH,  \\.\K\  ALJ^RC.ARIT,  (leiieral.  IlB'f'.  Pan- 
Hel  Council  4;  Hoof  'n'  Horn  1,  2,  3,  4;  Secretary  of 
Senior  (>lass. 

MARSHALL,  ROBLR'L  LDW  ARD,  I'svcholoiiv. 
M.S.Ci.A.  3;  Duke  Debate  Clouncil  3;  Lrack  I,  2,  3,  4; 
C]ross  C()untr>'  2,  3,  4;  \'arsity  "D"  ('lub  1,2,  3,  Presi- 
dent 4. 

\\.\\\  LOUISI',  SIMPSON,  Psychology.  KAH.  Chronicle 
1;  Pan-IIel  Council  4;  W.A.A.  Bd.  4;  Lreasurer  of 
Ireshman  (ilass;  Dean's  List  2,  3. 

MI'.AD,  D.  RICHARD,  |R.,  Business  Administration.  i:X. 
ALS.C.A.  2;  Soccer  L  2,  ^  4;  X'arsity  "D"  Club  2,  3,  4. 
Dean's  List  2,  3. 

Fourth  row: 

MI'.NKI'N,  KI.NNI'.III  .WDRLWS,  Economics.  IX, 
AKM'.  L.A.C.  Hoof  n'  Horn  3,  4;  Duke  Pla\ers  I,  2; 
X'arsity  "D"  Club   \  4,  Soccer   1,  2,  3,  4. 

.\1I  RRriL,  M1.R\'1N  I  RANK,  «//v///,vv  Administration. 
AK T,  Nice-President. 

MIDCil.  I  1 1.  ROBERT  BRYANT,  Political  Science.  KA. 

.MILLER,  DAXID  ED.MOND,  Pre-Med.  Choir  1,  2,  3,  4; 
(dee  Club  L  2,  3,  4;  .Marching  Band  1,2,  3,  4;  Concert 
Band  1,  2,  3,  4;  Pre-Med.  Societv  2,  3,  4;  Dean's  List 
1,2,  3 , 

MILLER,  NEAL  DONALD,  Education.  Choir  4;  Clee 
Club  4. 

MILLER,  ROBERE  ALLEN,  Pre-Med.  IIKA,  Nice- 
President  2. 

Fifth  row: 

MILLIS,  JILL  RAi:,  Art  History.  AXL2. 

MILLS,  CAROL  READING,  .Mathematics.  Al'.  (dee 
Club  1,  2,  3. 

MHCHELL,  BILLY  P.,  Pre-.\led.  Marchmg  Band  2,  3,  4; 
Duke  Players  3;  Prc-Mcd.  Society  4;  (iym  Team  2,  3. 

MITCHELL,  DONALD  NN  ALCUTT,  Economics.  1\. 

MOSER,  MARILYN  BI  NI-.RLY,  Education.  AEiI>,  Presi- 
dent 4.  Pan-Hel  Council  3,  4;   Dean's  List  3. 

MORI  A,  PRUDENCE,  Education.  A*.  NN'.S.G.A.  4; 
House  C>)uncil  4;  Chaniicleer  1;  E.A.(".  3;  NN'.A..A. 
Bd.    3;    Eield   Hockev;    Dean's   List  4. 

Sixth  row: 

MUELLER,  JOHN  GEORGE,  Pre-.Med.  :^AE. 

MOSTELLAR,  HENRY  CURTIS,  JR.,  Chemistry.  ^X, 
BUS.  Y.M.C.A.  Council  2;  Archive  1;  Symphony 
Orchestra  1,  2,  3;  Marching  Band  1,  2,  3;  Concert 
Band  1 ;  Dean's  List  1. 

MUNIES,  RICHARD  E.ARL,  Business  Administration. 
«EKM',  AKT.  Dean's  List  3. 

MURPHY,  LANNRENCE  THOMAS,  .-iccountmo.  X'I>, 
President  4.    .Nl.S.(;..\.    3;    Inter-Erat.   Council   4. 

MURRAY,  B.NRBARA  .NIURIEL,  Socioloiir.  Y.NN.C.A. 
4;  Music  Stud>-  Club  1,  2;  (^lee  Club  1;  Duke  Debate 
Council  3,  4;  IJcan's  List. 

MURRAY,  MALCOL.Nl  (.IBSON,  JR.,  .Mechanical  En- 
fiineerini^.  DiikEntiinecr  I,  2,  3,  4;  i-'.ngineers'  C^lub  1,  2, 
4;  A.S.JvI.E.  2,  \  4;  Dean's  List  ',  4. 

.Seventh  row: 

iNlURRAY,  MAKN  lANE,  ZooloiiX.  Duke  Players  1,  2, 
3,  4;  Pre-Med.  Society  1,2. 

MYAI  I,  Run  I  ARl.I  Ni:,  Sociolos>\.  Choir  2;  Glee 
Club  1,  2,  4. 

MM  RS,  DUANE.  \N.,  Education.  Baseball   I.  2,  3. 

NI  AL,  RALPH  |()IIN,  Electrical  Env.inccrin\i,.  EBII. 
E.ngineers'  Club  i,  2,  !,  4;  A.I.h'..E.  1,  2,  \  4,  Dean's 
List  3. 

Choir  I,  2,   !,4;  Glee  Club  1,  2,  3,4;  I  loof 'n'  Morn  ?,  4. 

NELSON,  RONALD  PRl  SCO  1  I ,  Env^lish.  \\.\.  W'hos 
W'lio.  Publications  Bd.  4;  C.ii  wi  ici  i  i  u.  Editor. 



CX)N  I  INUKl) 

First  ro-j.\  h-ft  to  rii^lit: 

Nl'SSLlNGER,  RALPH,  Eawonna.  l''I'l',  PrskIciu; 
AK4".  Duke  '//'  Duchess  1,  2;  liin.r-lM-;ir.  ('(iuni.-il  4; 
Duke  Players  1,  2. 


N'arsiry  "IT"  Club  2,  ^  4;  TraeU  I,  2,  \  4. 

N1DKR.\L\11'.R,  K)i:  M.,  Biisiiwss  Adiininstratimi.  A  lA. 
<I)Hi;,  AK4'.  "Marching  Band  I,  2,  3;  Concert  Hand 
L  2;  Dean's  List  2,  3. 

NLXON,  LDW'ARD  C:AL\  I  R  I,  (.cohiiy.  \\A.  I  rack 
1;  I'.nsiineers"  C-lub  1;  Dean's  List  >. 

NOBl.l',  BARBARA  ANN,  I'olitual  Scinia:  Z  1  A,  <1>KA, 
Sandals.  W'.SXJ.A.  4;  House  C-ouncil  2,  y;  CHANticiKKU 
1;  F.A.C.  3;  Duke  Players  I;  Hockey  Clul)  2;  Dean's 
List  3. 

NOLL,  'U'lLLIAM  LEE,  Ecoiwmus.  'I'AH,  OAK,  *BK, 
<^Hi],  Red  Friars.  Chaxticiijk  1,  2;  F.A.C.  2,  3,  4; 
Dean's  List  1,2,  3,4. 

Second  row: 

NORDWALL,  SIGRID  ANN,  PoUtical  Science.  AXU, 
President  4;  (-)A<J>,  Secretary  3.  V.W.C.A.  1,  2,  3,  4; 
Duke  Debate  Council  3,  4;   Duke  Players   1,  2,   3,  4. 

NORTON,  DUDLEY  ,\L\RSHAL1.,  Economics.  Baseball 

NORTON,  AL\LCOLM  DUDLl'V,  Ecommucs. 

NVLI-.N,  DA\'ID  W'ALKl'R,  Business  Administration. 
X4),  Freasurer  2,  \'ice-President  3.  Y.M.C.A.  Council 
2;  Chronicle  1,  2;  Inter-Frat.  Council  2,  3;  Dean's  List  1,  2. 

OBARRIO,  CABRll'.L,  Economics.  Club  Panamcri- 
cana  1,  2,  3,  4. 

0LI\TR,  JOAN  HOWARD,  English.  AAA.  Student 
Forum  4;  Chronicle  1,  2,  4;  .-irchive  2,  3;  1*.A.(L  4; 
Dean's  List  2,  3,  4. 

Third  roiv: 

O'.MANSKV,  SA.MUEL  ISAAC,  Pre-.\led.  ZBT.  Pre- 
.\led.  Society  3,  4;  Dean's  List  3. 

OR.\L\ND,  WILLLAM  LEON,  Zooloiry. 

OSBORNE,  "WILLIAM  N.,  Zoolo^^y. 

O'STEFN,  ARTHUR  AL\R10N,  General.  Y.ALC.A. 
Council  1,  2;  Glee  Club  1,  2,  3,  4;  Madrigal  Chorus 
3,  4;  Duke  Players  3,  4. 

PALMORE,  ERD,\L\N  BALLAGH,  Socwlo<o'.  Btii]. 
Choir  1,  2,  3,  4;  Glee  Club  1,  2,  3;  Duke  Players  1,  2; 
WDBS  Council  3;  Duke  Debate  Council  I,  2,  3,  4; 
Dean's  List  1,  2,  3,  4. 

PAPPAS,  NANCY  LEE,  Political  Science.  .Music  Study 
Club  2;  Duke  Players  3,  4. 

Fourth  roiv: 

PARISH,  JA.MFS  DONALD,  Political  Science.  <i'K.4'. 
Marching  Band  3. 

PARKER,  HAPPY,  English.  <t>\\.  President;  T^'Ll. 
YW'.C.A.  Council  2;  House  Council  I;  Ch.anticleer 
2;  Hoof  'n'  Horn  4;  Duke  Players  4;  W.A.A.  Bd.  1; 
Dean's  List  1. 

PAR  FAIN,  EUGENE  GAR  I  FY,  Pre-l.aii:  KA. 

PAVLOFF,  (;i''.OR(.l\  Electrical  lumineerin^.  -I'AH,  Hlii:. 
M.S.(;.A.  2,  3;  Publications  BJ.  s  DukE/itri/ieer  1,  2,  3; 
F.A.C.  3,  4;  Engineers'  Club  I,  2,  3,  4;  A.I.1'',.I':.  4; 
l''oorball    1;    Wrestling   1;   Class  President  2,   3. 

PI'.ACOCK,  JAMi:S  DANII'.L,  Political  Science.  i:AI'. 
Lacrosse  I,  2,  3,  4. 

Pl'ARCI  ,   ARIIIUR  J.,  //;v/ryM. 

/•';////  roiv: 

Pl'ARSON,  ALDFN  BRYAN,  JR.,  Economics.  KA, 
'I'BK,  'hHl.  .NLS.G.A.  3;  Football  1,  2,  3,  4;  Irack  I; 
\'arsit\-  "D  "  (^lub  3,  4;  Secretary  ot  Class  2,  4;  President 
of  Class  3;  Dean's  List  L  2,  3. 

P1:IL1:R,  nancy  WHIFI'.NI'.R,  Phvsieal  Education. 
'I'BK,  <1>KA,  A<FPA,  Sandals,  Ivy.  YV\'.C.A.  Council 
4;  Social  Standards  2;  House  Council  3;  C.han  rici.KKR 
4;  Glee  Club  1,  2;  F.A.C.  3;  W.A.A.  Bd.  3,  4;  Dean's 

List  I,  2,  3. 

PENFI'.A,  ROBI'RT  ALLAN,  Business  Administration. 
KA.  \'arsit>'  "D"  C>lub;  Tennis  \  4;  Dean's  List  3. 

PIPPI'.R,  Gl'.ORGi:,  Pre-.Med.  ZB  I  ,  1  TLi.  President; 
Mi:.  Dean's  List  1,  3. 

PI'.PPI'.R,  PATRICIA,  Historv.  M\  M^.  Music  Study 
Club  2,  3;  Glee  Club  I,  2;  Dean's  List  1,  2,  3,  4. 

PI'TI'.RSI'N,  I'.MILY  lANI-:,  Elementary  Education.  KKF. 
W.S.G.A.  4;  House"Council  3,  4;  Choir  3;  (ilee  Club 
I,  2,  3;  F.A.C.  3;  Dean's  List  3. 

Si.xth  row: 

PI'TRUCHIK,  PETI'.R,  Mechanical  Enfiineerinfi.  I'ngineers' 
Club  L  3,  4;  A.S.M.E.  3,  4;  D/ikEnQ,ineer  2,  3,  4;  Senior 
Class  Treasurer. 

PETTIT,  MARJORIE  ANN,  Primary  Education.  AT. 
W.S.G.A.  4;   Secretary  of  Class   3;    Dean's   3. 

PICKENS,  MARY  SUSAN,  English.  KA,  *KA,  Sandals. 
W.S.G.A.  2,  4;  House  Council  3,  4;  Choir  1,  2,  3,  4; 
Glee  Club  1,  2,  3,  4;  Marshal  3;  F.A.C.  3;  Hoof  'n' 
Horn  1,  2,  3;  Dean's  List  3. 

PII'.PHOFF,  ZACHARY  TAYLOR,  JR.,  English.  BHll, 
\'ice-President.  Choir  1,  2,  3;  Glee  Club  1,  2,  3;  Dean's 
List  I,  2. 


PISCHI:L,  RICHARD  ANTOW,  Business  Admim^tratwn. 
AK4'",  TTQ.  Chronicle  1;  Duke  Players  1,  2,  3,  4. 

Seventh  row: 

PII  .MAN,  JOHN  MATHEWS,  Pre-.Med.  Pre-Med.  So- 
ciety 2,  3,  4;  Football  1. 

PLIMPTON,  HOLLIS  WINSLO^^',  JR.,  Education. 
Pegrani  Cheinistr\'  Club  4. 

PLUMB,  ANNE  ELIZABETH,  Zoology.  Music  Study 
Club  2;  Choir  2;  Glee  Club  2,  3. 

cl)HS,  BQ^,  Red  Friars.  Y.M.C.A.  Council  1,  2;  Chron- 
icle 1;  F.A.C.  2,  3;  Inter-Frat.  Council  2,  3,  4;  \arsity 
"D"  Club  3,  4;  Golf  1,  2,  3,  4;  Dean's  2. 

POOL!'.,  I'AT'.LYN  CONNFLL'S",  Education.  Glee  Club 
I,  2,  3. 

POSS,  HENR>'  MAURICI-,  (ieneral.  ZB  F,  <I>H1'.  Chron- 
icle 1;  F.A.C.  3,  4;  Inter-Frat.  Council   3;  \'arsir\'  "D" 
Club  3,  4;  Track   I,  2,  3,  4;  Dean's  List  1.  2,  3.  ' 



/•';>.i7  w-ti',  /(//  lo  rifilit: 

POW'KIJ,,  GRACE  AlARIi:,  Chrnihtry.  VTil.  \icc- 
Prcsidcnr  4. 

PRICI".,  ANN  Xl.MKNA,  SmwIoKy.  IK,  lv\.  House  Coun- 
cil 4;  Chroiiiclf  1,  2,  3,  4;  Music  Stud\'  (-iub  i,  4;  (ilec 
Club  1,  2,  3;  K.A.C.  4;  Dean's  List. 

FRlCi:,  ROBl'.RT  Mc:C()LLUM,  |R..  Mathnrntus.  <1)A(-). 
IIMi;,  fl'BK,  <t>H:^.  Chwiiklc  4;  K.A.C.  3;  Narsirv 
'ir'Club4;  Deans  I,  2,  3,  4. 

PRICK,  \\1LLL\M  KNOX,  |R.,  Soci/Mv.  <1'KM'. 
M.S.(^..A.  2,  '.  4;  Marshal  3;  K.A.C.  3. 

l-'jii^iiuvrimi.  B(~)U.  Al.S.Ci.A.  2,  3;  Kngineers'  Club  I; 
A.l.l'.K.  V,  4. 

PROBKRI,  KI:NNETH  DKNTON,  EiifiiiiiYruig. 

Second  row: 

PROCTOR,  DAN  MOORE,  Electrical  Ens.iiiirriiii>.  1  ngi- 
neer.s'  Club  1,  2,  3,  4;  A.I.E.E.  2,  3,  4. 

<I>KA,  President;  Sandals,  Ivy.  Student  (>oord.  Bd.  4; 
House  Council  1,  2;  Music  Study  Club  2;  Marshal  3; 
K.A.C.  3;  Dean's  List  1,  2,  3,  4. 

QUARCK,  URSULA  CAROLA,  Chenmtry.  Iv>-.  Student 
C]oord.  Bd.  3;  House  Council  4;  Hoof 'n'  Horn  I,  2,  3; 
K.A.C.  4;  Treasurer  of  Senior  Class;  Dean's  List  2,  3,  4. 

RANKIN,  KRANK  LAKAYETTi:,  IR.,  Prc-Mcd.  B(-)1I. 
Choir  3;  (ilee  Club  3,  4. 

READ,  ROBKR  I    MEDNEL,  Zoology. 

Ri  I  I),  \nRON  GEORGI'.,  II,  Ecoiwmm.  .\\A,  AK4", 
President  3. 

I'liird  row: 

RI'.ID,  CELIA  M.,  I'olitiail  Scinur.  Hoof  "n'  Horn  2,  3; 
Dean's  List  3. 

RK.INHAR'K,  L\NET,  Sociologv.  Y.W'.C.A.  Council  1; 
Duke  Players  I;  Pegasus  I,  2,  3,  4;  W.A.A.  Bd.  3; 
Dean's  List  2,  3. 

RI'INSCH,  UTE  A{;NI:S  GISITA,  Ecnnonius.  Deans 
List  3. 

REYLi:,  BRUCE  WILLIAM,  Ecnimiiiia.  BhU,  AKT. 
K.A.C.  4;  Bench  and  Bar  I,  2. 

RK.YNOI.DS,  jOSKPH  CHARLI'S,  Uutorx.  M.S.G.A.  4; 
Choir  3;  Gle-e  Club  1,  2,  3. 

RI'.'/ZONICO,  L.  KAY,  Phymal  Edmatuw.  KA,  A'hPA. 
Student  Coord.  Bd.  4;  Pan-i  lei  (Council  4;  Duke  Players 
I;  Nereidian  3,  4;  W.A.A.  Bd.  2,  3;  C:heerleaders  .3,  4; 
Nice-President  ot  Sopliomore  Class. 

Eon  rill  row: 

RICHARDS,  DONALD  BOM),  Ecom/ms.  M.S.G.A. 
3,  4;  I'.ngineers'  Club  2;  A.I.K.I'..  2. 

RICHARDS,  KAIHRVN  |()AN,  English.  AAA,  <I>KA, 
Sandals.  W.S.G.A.  4,  D/dr  'if  Diichrss  I;  I'.A.C.  3; 
Marshal  ';  \'iee-Presidi.iit  ol  |unior  ("lass;  Dean's  2,  3. 

RICHARD.SON,  MAR(iARI.  I  CA'I  HKRINI  ,  EdiicMwi,. 
ilK.  W.S.Ci.A.  4;  Social  Standards  4;  ("iiAMiciriu  3; 
(ilee  Club  1,  2,  3,  4;  I'uture    Teachers  of  .America  4. 

RICHARDSON,  R()\  (JK.RALl),  Hnsmcs'^  Adimm'^tratwii. 
.AKT,  Secretar\-.  Choir  \,  2,  i,  4;  (dee  Club  I,  2.  ^  4; 
.Marching  Band  2,  3,  4. 


RING,  CLAY  \-ANCI  ,  JR..  «//v;//m  Administration. 
KA,  President;  .NLS.G.A.  2;  Inter-Krat.  (-ouncil  1; 
Dean's  List  \. 

Fifth  row: 

ROBERTS,  CHARLI'S  BUCK,  Political  Scirmr.  IIK<h; 
W.-N*,  Treasurer.  Hoof  'n'  Horn  2,  \  4,  Duke  Pla\ers 
2,  3,  4;  Town  Boys'  Club  2,  3,  4;   Dean's  List  2. 

ROBERTS,  JOANNi:,  .Sociology.  Al\  Mi:.  Chromclr  I,  2; 
Pegasus  4;  Dean's  List  3. 

ROBERTS,  PATRICIA  CAl  HI.RINi:,  .Mathematic^-.Wil, 
IIME,  Ivy.  House  Council  2,  3,  4;  K.A.C.  3,  4;  Duke 
Players  2;  Dean's  List  2,  3,  4. 

ROBINSON,  ALBKRT  DONALD.  Ecom/mcs.  <I>K»r, 
Treasurer   3,  4;    'I'BK,   <M1I,   AKT.   /Mr  '//'   Duchess- 

2,  3;  Choir  2,  3,  4;  Glee  Club  2,  3,  4;  Dean's  List  1,  2, 

3,  4. 

ROGKRS,  ROBKRT  TAYLOR,  .Mathematics.  Choir  1,  2, 
3,  4;  Glee  Club  I,  2,  3,  4. 

ROGERS,  WILLIAM  HENR^■,  H/isuicss  Admimstratioii. 
Town  Boys'  Club. 

Sixth  row: 

ROGI'RS,    WILLIA.M    PLU.NLMER,    Economics.    ATA. 
Glee  Club  2;  Wrestling  2,  3,  4. 

RONCA,  PAUL  CRANE,  hr-Mcd.  A  TA.  M.S.G.A.  3, 
4;  Wrestling  2,  3,  4;  Dean's  List  3. 

ROOKER,   MARY   ALICE,   Political  Science.   Dean's   List 
2,  3. 

ROSI',,    1X)UIS    LANGEORD,    JR.,    Ecowmncs.    BWIL 
Duke  'w'  Duchess  \,  2. 

ROSE,  PATRICIA  ANN,  Enf^lish.  nB<l>.  Social  Standards 

4;   House  Council   4;    Nereidian    I,   2,    v  4;    Dean's   List 
2,  3,  4. 

ROSS,  JOSI'.PH  GE0R(;T.  jr.,  English.  BWO. 

Seventh  row: 

ROUKON,  BETTY,  Sociology.  KA«,  President.  House 
Council  3;   K.A.C.   3;   Hoof  'n'  Horn  2,   3,  4. 

RUCKI'.R,  RICHARD  CARLTON,  Botaii\.  I1K«I',  Presi- 
dent 4.  K..A.C.  3;  Inter-I'rar.  Council  2,  \  4;  Dean's 
List  2. 

RUNYAN,  NANCY  LOUISI.  Sociology.  KA(-),  <|>KA. 
VV.S.(;.A.  4;  Social  Standards  2,  4;  Choir  1,  2,  v  4; 
(dee  Club  1,  2,  ?.  4;  Triple  Trio  i;  Hoof 'n'  Horn  1; 
Duke  Pla\ers  I;  Secretarx  ot  Sophomore  Class,  Deui's  2,  3,  4. 

RUOS,  NANCY  LT.I'.,  Elementary  Education.  'I'M.  I  louse 
Council  4;  I''..-\.C.  4;  Hoof 'n'  Horn  3,  4;  Duke  PLners 

RUSINOW  .  1)1  NNISON  I.,  (.ciicral.  IIK'I',  OAK,  'TBK, 
'Mil,  Red  Tnars.  Chronicle  1,  2,  3,  4;  Duke  Pla\ers 
1,2,  \  4;  Deans  List  I,  2.  ?.  4. 

RUSSKLL.  11  1/  \BTTII  CRAIG.  Sociology.  Ciivmkiiir 
3,  4. 


^1    rif 



j^  .^llm 





•>  «^ 


2S   ^ 

-.^  <• 

t-.l  tf  f   V     tf  if  fH 

P-    ^    ^' 


First  raVi.',  left  to  ri^ht: 

RUSSKLL,  PKC.GY  ANN,  Soaolov,\.  ^2K.  Music  Sruds' 
Club  1,  2;  CIccClul)  I,  :. 

RUTHIRKORI),  |C)HN  MAlllR,  )R.,  Cliciimtrx. 
(-)X,  •\>\\'^,  «1>AV.  Chmiiick  3;  F.A.C.  3,  4;  Cymk-.ina  1; 
(!\mnasric,s  ?,  4;  l)c;in's  List  1,2,  3. 

RU  IHi'RKORI),  ROBl-RT  OWKN,  I'livsia.  (-).\,  I'll:::. 
Duke-  PLners  1,  2;  \\  DBS  2,  >;  Pnsidcnt  of  C::inrcrlniry 
C:1li1)  \  4;  Dciin's  i.isr  2. 

SAIKKI),  AM'RI'.l)  I'.ARl.,  Pir-Mcd.  'i'KX.  Pa-\lal. 
SociLtN'  1,  2,  3;  Duke  Debate  Council  1,  2;  Pegrani 
Chemistry  C:iul)  1,  2,  3;  Dean's  List  1,2,  3. 

SANDI'RS,  rOAI  (iRlKFlN,  Hhton.  <1)H^,  K.\,  I  KA, 
President  4;  H:^*.  Y.M.C.A.  Council  2;  K.A.C.  2; 
Duke  Debate  Council  1,  2,  3;  X'arsirv  "D"  Club  2,  3; 
Track  1,  2,  3;  Cross-Countr\'  1,  2,  i;  Secretary  of 
Debate  Council;  \'ice-Presidenr  of  Methodist  Student 
Fellowship;  Dean's  List  I,  2,  3. 

SARAZFN,   JOHN    CARL,    Imit.    AXA.    Chantkiffk 

2,  3;  Chronicle  2,  3;  Duke  '«'  Duchess  3;  Bench  and  Bar  4; 
Wrestling  1,  2;  Frat.  Social  Chairman;  Duke  Bar  As- 
sociation, Duke  Mying  Club;  Dean's  l>ist  3,  4. 

Second  roir: 

SASSF.R  LOUIS  L.,  General.  KA.  Dean's  List  2,   3. 

SATTFLF,   ALARY  LOU,   Eni^lish.   <^^L  (]lec  Club   1; 
Duke  Players  1,  2,  3,  4. 

SA\rn",  HI'RBl'.R'i;  Law.  Chronule  3;   Marching  Band 
1,  2.  3;  Bench  and  Bar  1,  2,  3. 

SCALISE,    VINCENT   JOSEPH,    Pre-Med.    .Archive    4; 
Pre-Med  Societ>'  4. 

SCHAEFI;R,  NORB  F.,  jr.,  Kcononms.  BHIL 

SCH00NMAKF;:R,  FRED  WALTER,  Business  Adminis- 
tration. (I>A(-).  Football  and  Track. 

Third  voir: 

SCHULZ,    IRI-Ni:    iMARIE,    Sociology.    Ch.anticleer    4, 

SCHWARTZ,  FRED  KIPP.  Business  Administration. 
B(-)n.  DiikEngineer  1,  2;  Engineers'  Club  1,  2;  A.S.M.E. 
2;  Secretary  of  Class  2. 

SCOTT,  SAMUEL  GRAY,  Sociology.  <^BK,  K.\,    IKA, 

President  3.  M.S.G..-\.  2;  Marching  Band  1,  2,  3;  Duke 
Debate  Council  1,  2,  3,  4;  State  Student  Legislature 
2,  3,  4;  Vice-President  of  Debate  Council  4;  Dean's 
List  2,  3,  4. 

SCOTT,  WILLIAM  C,  English.  A  I  A.  F.A.C.  4. 

SELF,  JOSI-.PH  MORRISON,  General.  <I'A(-),  President  4 
.\LS.G.A.  2,  3;  F.A.C.  3;  Inter-Frat.  Council  4;  \arsitv 
"D"  Club  3,4;  Football  I,  2,  3,  4. 

SEELEY,  RALPH  MARION,  JR.,  Electrical  Engineering. 
M.S.G.A.  2;  DiikEngineer  2,  3,  4;  Engineers'  Club  1,  3, 
4;  A.I.E.E.  2,  3,  4;  Secretary  of  Student  Religious 
Council   3,  4;   Order  of  St.   Patrick  4;   Dean's  List  2. 

Fourth  rozi': 

SHARPi;,    KI-IFH    Y,    Political  Science.   (-)\.   Chronicle    1. 

SHAW  ,   BARBARA  JANE,  Xursing  Education. 

SHI'LBY,  WALLACE  Mc-.DOVVl-.LL,  Engineering.  Diik- 
Eng^ineer  2,  3;  Glee  Club  2;  I'lngincers'  Club  1,  2,  3,  4; 
A.S.M.E.  2,  3,  4. 

SIIIPLI'A-,    |()i:    AL,    Civil   Engineering.    A  lA.    A.S.C.E. 

2,  \  4. 

SHULL,  JOSEPH  ROGER,  English.  .\\A,  «I>I  II',  B^i:. 
Duke  Ambassadors  I,  2,  3,  4;  Symphony  Orchestra 
I,  2;  Marching  Band;  Concert  Band  1,  2,  3,  4;  Hoof 
'n'  Horn  1,  2,  3,  4. 

SllUSll.R,  CHARLES  WILLARD,  Pre-Med.  <I'K'r. 
Pre-Med.   Society    I;    Pegram   Chemistr\'  C:iub    1. 

SIMPSON,  ROBI'R'F  TRUI'SDALE,  Greek.  Kl',  \ice- 
Presiilenr.    Marching   Band;    Concert   Band;    Baseball    1. 

SIAIPSON,  RONALD  AHNCENI",  .Accounting.  .\.XA, 
Treasurer  3,  4.  Tennis  1,  2,  3,  4;  X'arsity  "D"  Club  4; 
Dean's  List  3. 

S1A1S,  BETTY  KATHLEEN,  French.  Z  TA,  Treasurer  3; 
VTil.  Hockev  Club;  Pegasus  I,  2,  3;  Hoof  'n'  Horn 
1,2,  3;  \\:A.A.  Bd.  3. 

SAllSI'TH,  ALBI:RTA  A4AL1,  Economics.  ILK,  Nice- 
President.  Choir  1,  2,  3,  4;  Glee  Club  1,  2,  3,  4;  House 
Council  3;  Duke  Players  1,  2,  3,  4;  Dean's  List  1,  2,  3,  4. 

SAllTH,  FRANCF.S  SUI'„  Sociology.  ZTA,  I'lTli.  Music 
Study  Club  2,  3,  4;  Pan-Hcl  Council  4;  Hoof  'n'  Horn 
2,  3,  4;  Chanticleer  1,  2;  Dean's  List  1,   3. 

SAIITH,    LOUIS    DALE,    Business    Administration. 

Sixtli  row: 


SNYDER,  BARBARA,  English.  KAH,  \ice-President. 
W.S.G.A.  3;  Social  Standards  2;  Chronicle  1;  Alusic 
Study  Club  2;  F.A.C.   3;   Dean's  List  2,  3. 

SNYDI'.R,  BRUCE  LOUIS,  Economics.  Suimming  Team  3. 

SNYDI'R,  HARRY  M.,  History. 

SP ANGLER,  RONALD  T,  JR.,  Pre-.\led.  IlkA.  Pre-Akd. 
Society  2,  3;  Cross  Country  1,  2,  3;  Track  1,2. 

SPEAS,  MARGARET  ALSPAUGH,  Political  Science. 
AXU.  House  Council  3,  4;  Glee  Club  1,  2,  3;  Hoof 
'n'  Horn  2,  3,  4;  Duke  Plavers  1,  2,  3,  4. 

■Seventh  row: 

SPIKI-.S,  CAAULLA  WATTS,  Education.  KA,  \ice- 
President.  Social  Standards  2;  House  C:ouncil  4;  Choir 
1;  Glee  Club  1;  F.A.C.  4;  Pan-Hel  Council  2,  3;  A'ice- 
President  of  Senior  Class;  Dean's  List  3. 

SPRING,  KATHERINE  ANN,  Elementary  Education. 
Dean's  List  3. 

STAUTS,  LESTER  JOHN,  IR.,  Pre-.\led.  Choir  I,  2; 
Glee  Club  1,  2;  Duke  Players  \.  2. 

ST.  CLAIR,  CHARLi:S  WADi:,  General.  <J)K4".  Duke 
'if  Duchess  2;  Choir  3,  4;  Glee  Club  3,  4;  Shoe  and 
Slipper  Council  2,  3. 

STECKI;R,  CLAUDE  EARL,  Civil  Engineering..  Diik- 
Engineer 3,  4;  A.S.C.E.  2,  3.  4;  Photograph)-  Club  4; 
Secretary,  Treasurer  of  A.S.C.E.  Dean's  List  3,  4. 

STEI'.Li:,  BABB^•l:  CAR0L'\;N,  Political  Science.  Duke 
Players  3;  Alembership  Chairman  of  Westminster 
Fellowship;  Dean's  List  3. 




First  rou;  left  to  right: 

STE\'1:NS,  THELMA  CHLOI'.  I'oHtioil  Sarmr.  A<t>PA, 
White  Duchy,  Sandals.  W'.S.C.A.  2,  4;  YA\'.C.A. 
Council  I;  .Nhisic  Studv  (^lub  3;  Modern  Dance  Club 
2,  3;  Pan-Hel  Council  3;  W.A.A.  Bd.  1;  President  of 
Junior  Class;  Assistant  Treasurer  of  S.G.A.;  President 
of  S.G.A.;  Dean's  List. 

giiiecruiii,.  Engineers'  Club   1,  2,  3;  A.S.C".!..   1,  2,   3,  4 

STILLVV'ELL,  H.  Daniel,  hr-Forestry.  (Hee  Club  3; 
Deans  List  3. 

STOKE.S,  ,\L-\R1LYN  V.,  Education.  XW,^.  Clec  Club 
1,  2;  Hoof  "n"  Horn  2,  3;  Chanticleer  3. 

STOKI'S,  \\1LLL\M  AL\'IS,  Enfiineeriiig.  KA.  Engi- 
neers" Club  1,  2,  3;  A.S.C.E.  1,  2,  3,  4. 

STONE,  MAY  SLOAN,  Sociology.  House  Council  2,  3,  4; 
Glee  Club  1,  2;  F.A.C.  3;  Hoof 'n'  Horn  2,  3,  4;  Chan- 
ticleer 3,  4. 

Second  row: 

KAn.  Archive  1,  2;  Cavaliers  1,  2,  3,  4;  Dean's  List  2,  3. 

STRADLl'Y,  WALTER  McNUlT,  History.  WX,  K\. 
Glee  Club  3,  4;  Bench  and  Bar  L  2,  3;  Dean's  List  3,  4. 

STRAIN,  DELBERT  EARL,  Civil  Engineering.  Engineers' 
Club  1,  2,  3,4;  A.S.C.E.  1,  2,  3,4. 

SUTTON,  SARA  JEAN,  English.  Music  Stud>-  Club 
1,2;  Dean's  List. 

SWANSON,  EDWARD  N.,  Political  Science.  KS.  M.S.G.A. 
3;  Chronicle  2;  Duke  'w'  Duchess  2;  Glee  Club  2;  F.A.C. 
3,  4;  Hoof 'n'  Horn  3,  4. 

TAMIS,  ROBERT  HOWARD,  Zoology.  ZBT  Pre-Med. 
Society  2,  3,  4. 

Third  row: 

TATUM,  ANNE  LOW,  Sociology.  Y.W.C.A.  Council  1; 
Chanticleer  2,  3,  4;  Music  Studv  Club  2,  3,  4;  Glee 
Club  1,  2;  Hoof 'n' Horn  2,  3,  4. 

TAYLOR,  ANN,  Zoologx.  IIB<1'.  Social  Standards  2; 
House  Council  4;  C'hoir  !,  2,  3,  4;  Glee  Club  1,2,  3,  4; 
F.A.C.  4. 

TAYLOR,  ELINORE  DANNENBERG,  /•;«i;//.v//.  A<i)PA. 
Student  Forum  4;  House  Council  4;  F.A.C.  4;  Dean's 
List  3. 

TAYLOR,  lOLA  HARDY,  Zoology.  Music  Study  Club; 
Choir;  (jlce  Club. 

'lAYLOK,  lAMIvS  CHARLl'S,  Mechanical  Ens.inecring. 
i:.\.  DukFJu^uurr  1,  2,  3,  4;  Duke  '//'  Duchess  3;  A.S.ALI'.. 

2,  3,  4. 

TAYLOR,  MORRIS  RAY,  General  (Sociology). 

Fourth  row: 

TERRELL,   ROBERT  LIAV  IS,   English.   H.\.   \1.S.G..\. 
3 ;  Chronicle  1 . 

THO.VLAS,  RICHARD  FRANK,  |R.,  I'hysics.  r-)X,  IIME, 

'^BK,  <i>iii;. 

Y.M.C.A.  Council  1,  2,  4;  Glee  Club  3.  4;  Marshal  3; 
F.A.C.  2,  3. 

THOMPSON,  ALICE  Jl.AN.  Fine  .-irts.  T  Vil.  \\  DBS 
Council  3;  Duke  Players  I,  4;  Hoof  'n'  Horn  2,  3,  4; 
Madrigal  Chorus  2;  Glee  Club  2,  3,  4;  Choir  2.  3,  4; 
Music  Study  2,  3,  4;  Duke  '«'  Duches<:  1,  2;  Chronicle 
1,  2;  (jiAMicLEER  1,  2;  Dean's  List  ^,  4. 

TILLER,  L.  CARROLL,  .-iccountmg.  AT,  lv\.  House 
Council  3;  Chronicle  3,  4;   Dean's  List   I,  2,   v  4. 

'TILL.\L\N,  ROY  DAX'IS,  Bii^iiir<^  Adwiniitration. 

Fifth  row: 

TOLLEFSEN,  ROBERT,  .Mechanical  Engineering.  Chan- 
ticleer 3;  A.S.M.E.  1. 

TOMLINSON,  CHARLES  JOHN,  Mathematics.  KA. 
Engineers'  Club  1,  2;  \'arsity  "D"  ('lub  3,  4;  Cross 
Country  1,2;  Track  1,  2. 

TRACEY,  PREi>TON  JOSEPH,  .Mechanical  Engineering. 
l-.ngincers'  Club  2;  A.S..\LE.  2;  Senior  (]lass  Secretary. 

TRACY,  MARIAN  I'.LEANOR,  Psychology,  (dec  Club 
1;   Hoof  'n'   Horn  2,   3;   Dean's  List. 

TSANGARIS,  NI'.OEYTOS  THl-.ODORE,  Chcmistrx  and 
Pre-Med.  KiJ.  M.S.CIA.  2;  Symphony  Orchestra  4; 
Marching  Band  I;  Concert  Band  1,  2,  3,  4;  Inter-Frat. 
Council  3;  Dean's  List  1. 

TUCKER,  PERRY  ALAN,  Business  Ad/mnistr.ition.  KA. 
Football  1,  2,  3,  4;  Dean's  List  1. 

,S'/.v//;  row: 

TUTHILL,  DAVID  FOSTER,  Economics.  BHll.  Soccer 

2,  3;  Chronicle  1. 

TUTTLE,  DELOSSIE  DT.AN,  .Mathematics.  AXU,  UMl  . 
House  Council  1,  4;  F.A.C.  4;  Duke  Players  1,  2,  >,  4; 
Dean's  List  1,2,  3. 

TUTTLE,  NANCY  SARAH,  Elementary  Education.  '1>.\1. 

T>  AlOSKO,  DONALD  MICHAEL,  Ilistory. 

\'ANCi:,  I  AT,  IRI'.NE,  Political  Science.  KA.  Hoof  n" 
Horn  3;  Pegasus   1,  3,  4;  Dean's  List  2. 

X'ANDERNOOT,  THl'.ODORE  }OHS,  Sociology.  a:^<I', 
\'ice-President.  Soccer    I,   2;    Dean's   List   3. 

Seventh  row: 

\II..\S,  JOHN  M.,  Business  .Administration.  A  TLi.  Choir 
1,  2,  3,  4;  (71ee  Club  1,  2,  3,  4;  Hoof 'n'  Horn  1,  2. 

WAGNl'.R,  ROBI'RT  CHARLES,  .Accounting.  XK'T. 
Soccer   2;    Wrestling    1,    Dean's   List    3. 

WA(;NER,  ROBERT  W  ILI.IAM,  Socwlo^^x.  UK  A,  Ml. 
M.S.G.A.  2;   Y.M.C.A.  Council  2;    Dean's   List  2. 

WAIIL,    .\TAR|()RII'.    ANN,    Chemislrx.   Council 

3,  4;  (ilee  Club  1.  2;  Concert  Band  1,  2,  ^  4;  F.A.C.  3; 
Duke  Players  1,2,  3. 

WALKTR,  ROBIRT  |()HNST()NT,  Mechanical  Engi- 
neering. Order  of  St.  "Patrick,  \ollevball;  A.S.M.T.  4; 
I'"ngineers'  Club  4,   (^hoir  2;   (ilee  Club  2. 

W'ATiy.,  lANT.  CAROL,  Sncioloi^y.  AT.  Fan-1  kl  Council 
4;  Pega.sus  1,  2,  3. 





^   J 






First  rmc.  left  to  r'niht: 

WARD,  WILLIAM  MIL  ION,  Ihmm-n  .Llwiiii^tnuuw. 
Baseball  :,  o,  4. 

WARLICK,  C:nARLi:S  IllN'RV,  Muhr/iutus.  Choir 
3,  4;   (ilcc  Club  3,  4. 

WARRKN,  HAROLD  II.ACK,  JR.,  History.  -1>A(-). 
Chroiikle  \,  2;  Hoot  "n"  Horn  i,  4. 

WATKINS,  CHARLKS  I'L'Cl'Ni:,  |R.,  Pr,--Mni.  BWO. 
.\LS.C;.A.  L  2. 

WA  TKIXS,  JOHN  K.,  JR.,  MnLviuM  Eimimrruii^. 

WATKINS,  NANCY  TH().\L\S,  Miiw.  Choir,  L  2,  5; 
(^Icc  Club  L  2,  .?;  Madrieai  Chorus  1,  2,  ^  4;  Hoof  "n" 
Horn  !,  4;  Duke  Players  4. 

Stroud  miv: 

WKBB,     FRANK    MAURY,    Chr/mstrx.     AXA.    C:hoir 

1,  2.  ?,  4;  Glee  Club  1,  2,  >,  4;  I  loot"  'n'  Horn  ?. 

WIBB,  PATRICIA  ANN,  Soaolofiv.  \\^.  Duke  Plavers 

2,  ^  4. 

WELDON,  JOSEPHINE  DAVIS,  Eiiiilhh.  4)M,  <I)KA, 
HA*.  \\'.S.G.A.  4;  House  Couneil  2;  Duke  Players  4; 
Dean's  List  2. 

Chanticleer  2,  3;  Chronicle  };  Arcliiir  1;  Pan-He! 
Council   2,   3;   Hoof  'n'  Horn   3. 

WLIDLICH,  WILLIAM  R.,  Chemistry.  HKA,  nMI',, 
(I>H1\  Choir  2,  3,  4;  Glee  Club  I,  2;  Track  1,  2. 

\\T.1D.\L\N,  FRANK  CROSS,  Bimness  Adniimstration. 
1:AE,  \'icc-President;  BLii].  Duke  'ii'  Duchess  1,  2; 
Inrer-Frat.  Council  3. 

Third  roic: 

WEIMANN,  ROBERT  BRUCE,  Pre-.\[ed.  KI.  M.S.G.A. 

WEISS,  JA.MES  OWEN,  Chemistry.  <l'K4',  BUil.  Chronicle 
1,  2;  Diihe  'if  Duchess  2,  3;  \hirchint;  Band  L  2;  Concert 
Band  1;  Pegram  Chemistr\'  C^lub  4;   Dean's  List  3,  4. 

WELLS,  ALLISON  DEANS,  Education.   Dean's  List  4. 

WERTMAN,  JAY  CALMN,  AVn/wij  Education.  Dean's 
List  3. 

WEST,  EMILY,  Physics.  OMi:,  *BK,  A<1>A,  Ivy,  i:ril\ 
Secretary  4.  W.A.A.  Bd.  3,  4;  Dean's  List  1,  2,  3,  4. 

WTTMORE,  WILLIAM  STRATTON,  English.  <t>Ki;, 
Archive  3,  4;  Duke  Players  1,  2. 

Fourth  rov): 

WHANGER,  ALAN  DUANE,  Pre-Med.  <1>K4',  4>BK, 
(^H11.  Chronicle  1;  Duke  'n  Duchess  3;  (ilee  C^lub  3; 
Pre- .Med.  Society  2,  3,  4;  Dean's  2,  3,  4. 

WHI'EAKER,  PATRICIA  ANN,  English.  A*.  Choir 
1,  2,  3,  4;  Glee  Club  1,  2,  3,  4;  Dean's  List  3. 

WHITAKER,  MARY  McCALL,  History.  Nereidian  2,  3, 
4;  Pegasus  2,  3. 

WlllTl.l'Y,  CLYDE  THOMAS,  Electrical  Engineering. 
■I'k'l".  nuk-Engineer  1;  Duke  '//  Duchess  2,  3;  A.1.I',.I'..  4; 

Ijigineers'  (^lub  1,3,  4. 

W  IDNER,  RALPH  RANDLOPH,  English.  A  lA. 
Y.M.C.A.  Council  1,  2,  3;  Choir  1,  2;  (;iee  Club  I,  2; 
I'.A.C.    n   WDBS  Council   3,  4;   Dean's  List  3. 

W  ILD,  CiLI'.NN  AMOS,  Pre-.\led.  <I>A(-).  Concert  Band 
3;  F.A.C.  4;  Varsity  "D"  Club  2,  3,  4;  Football  1,  2,  3,  4. 

WILKINS,  BURLI'ICiH  TAYLOR,  History.  Dean's  List. 

W  ILLIAMS,  CHARLES  AYRI'S,  |R.,  Economics.  I'AI',, 
AKif",  \M1^.  ,\LS.(;.A.  1;  Chronicfe  1;  Archive  I;  I-.A.C. 
2;  Swimming  1;  Baseball  1. 

WILLIAMS,  I'ARL  LF.ROY,  Pre-Med.  KA,  <l>Hi:. 
Y.M.C.A.  2. 

WILLIAMS,  JOHN  C:HARLF,S,  Business  Administration. 

WILLIAMS,    (MRS.)    KAY  JOHN,   English.   A  I'. 

WILLS,  BRUCE  BA.XTI'.R,  JR.,  Pre-Med.  A'I>A.  Chronicle 
1;  Pre-Med.  Society  2,  4;  Duke  Debate  Council  2,  3,  4; 
Pegram  Chemistr\-  C-lub  2,  3;  Dean's  List  1,  2,  3. 

Sixtli  row: 

WILLS,  RUTH  VINES,  Mathematics.  KA.  YW.C.A.  3,  4. 

WILSON,  JI:NN1<:T  ,\L\E,  Xursing  Education.  Nursing 
Ixlucation  Club,  President;   Dean's  List  2,   3,  4. 

WILSON,  PADDY  ANN,  Music.  AXQ.  Chan nci.EER  I ; 
Music  Study  Club  1;  Choir  3;  Glee  Club  3;  Madrigal 
Chorus  3;  Dean's  List  3. 

BUi:.  M.S.G.A.  1;  Y.M.C.A.  Council  1,  2,  3,  4;  Chronicle 

1,  2;  F.A.C.  2,  3;  Dean's  List  3. 

WINTl'.RS,  RALPH  M.,  JR.,  .Mechanical  Engineering. 
ATil.  Publications  Bd.  4;  Hoof  'n'  Horn  2;  Duke  '«' 
Duchess  2;  Engineers'  C^lub  4;  A.S.M.E.  4;  DukEngineer 

2,  3,  4. 

WlSi:,  W  ALEI'.R  ROBF.R  ESON,  ,l/ff/M///ra/  Engineering. 
Engineers'  (-lub;  A.S.ALI*..,  Dean's  List  3. 

.Seventh  row: 

Wrmi.RS,  C:HRIST0PHI:R,  General.  <I'A(-).  Swimming 
1,  4. 

WOODALL,  ADELI'.  DA\'IS,  Political  Science.  KKF. 
CnANrici.F.Ei<  1,  2;  Hoof  'n'  Horn  2. 

\V00LI:N,  REBI.CCA  ,MI:GINLEY,  Accounting.  AAA. 
House  Council  2,  3;  .Music  Studv  Club  2;  Glee  CAub 
1,2;  W.A.A.  Bd.  3;  Pan-Hel  Council  3,  4;  F.A.C.  3; 
Dean's  List  3. 

WOOTEN,  PATSY  |ONF.S,  Education.  IK.  Hoof  'n' 
Horn  3,  4;  Duke  Players  3,  4. 

WRK;HT,  MARY  ELIZABETH,  English.  KAH.  (ilee 
C'lub  2;  ("haniici.kkr  1;  Hoot  'n'  Horn  1,  2. 

WYNNE,  ClEORCil-;  JEFFREY,  .Mathematics. 




First  mi;  left  to  ri\i,ht: 

YEAGER,  lESSIE  FRANCES,  Eduatlon.  AXQ.  Y.W.C.  A. 
Council  1,2. 

YEATES,  CLARENCl'.  OWEN,  Bitsbms  Admiiintratwn. 
ATQ.  Hoof  'n'  Horn  2. 

YOU.MANS,     ALICI',     )EAN,     Prjlitical    Science.    KAC-), 
Sandals.  W.S.CJ.A.  2,  3;' Student  Coord.  Bd.  2;  Marshal  3. 

YOUNG,  ALV'IN  MARTIN,  Kcoiwimcs. 

YOUNG,  BETTIE  ANNE,  English.  TYk,  Sandals;  Ivv. 
Y.W.C. A.  Council  2,  3;  House  Council  3;  Archive  1; 
F.A.C.  3;  Deans  1,  2,  3. 

Second  roiv: 

YOUNG  ISABFLLE  MARY,  English.  KKP,  \\'.S.G.A. 
4;  Social  Standards  2,  3;  House  Council  4;  Sympiion\ 
Orchestra  1;  Concert  Band  1;  Pan-Hel  Council  3;  \\'..\.A. 
Bd.  1,  2,  3. 

^'OUNG,  JAMi:S  FRANK,  Pre-Laxv.  lAF,  Biii:.  Publi- 
cations Bd.  4;  Chronicle  1;  .Archive  1,  i,  4;  Ch.antku.kkk 
1;  F.A.C.  2;  Hoof  "n'  Horn  1. 

ZA\'F,R'FN1K,  OFIS  \'FRNON,  Chemistry.  BHll.  Chron- 
icle I,  2;  Duke  Players  1,  2;  \arsity  "D"  C:iub  2,  3,  4; 
Soccer  1,  2,  3,  4. 

ZlF.GLl'.R,  JOAN  SUNDELIUS,  Education.  KKF. 
Council   1;  Glee  Club  2;   F.A.C.   1;   WDBS  Council    1. 

/IPPIJFS,  CLAIRF,  Education.  KKF.  Hoof  'n'  Horn   3. 

ZIMMERMAN,  ROBER I  TR.^CY,  English.  \\.\. 
Duke  Debate  C'ouncil  1,  2,  3,  4;  Shoe  n'  Slipper  (xnincil 
I,  2,  3,  President  4;  Joe  ('ollege  (^oinm.  (limn.  4; 
Steering  Bd.  C^hmn.  4. 



First  roii;  left  to  ri^lit: 

ACCARIX),  Philip  I.,  Kappa  Sicma;  ADAMS,  Walter  I..,  Beta  llieta  Pi;  AK1\,  lane  M.;  Al.DRlDCil:,,  Cornelia  B., 
Zm  lau  Alpha;  Al.l.XANDlRr  Frank  H.,  Beta  Iheta  Pi;  ALEXANDER,  Lester  F.;  AFLFN,  Laura  Lee;  ALLISON, 
Harry  R.,  Pi  Kappa  Alpha. 

Second  io\i': 

ALYl'.A,  Naney  A.,  Kappa  Kappa  Camma;  AMMI:R,\L\N,  Raymond  P..  Alpha  lau  Omeya;  ANDFRSON,  William  H., 
Beta  Iheta  Pi;  A\IX)N,  Neil  C,  Sicma  Phi  i'psilcn;  ARDI'/'ONl',  Riehard  \1.;  ARMSIRONCi,  lames  C,  Pi  Kappa 
Alpha;  ARONBFRCi,  I  larokl,  Zeta  Beta   lau;  A  I  KINS,  James  1 1.,  Kappa  Sigma. 

I'liini  rozi': 

A'l  KINSON,  lames  C;  A  IKINSON,  |ane  C;  BARON,  \larv  Anne;  BALDW  IN,  |oseph  L.,  Kappa  Alpha;  BARDFN, 

Lawrence  I  .;  BARN I'S,  John  II.;  BARROWS,  Naney  \\.,  Kappa  Alpha   Iheta;  BARR^,  John  L.,  Delta    Ian  Delta. 

Foiirtli  row: 

BASS,  Robert  H.,  Delta  Siunia  Phi;  BAU.\L\N,  S.  Richard,  Beta  llieta  Pi;  BAL'R,  Ritchie  IL,  Pi  Kappa  Phi;  BAYLIN, 
Jack  L.;  BI:AL,  Mays  C,  Phi  .\lu;  BFDFLL,  Richard  F.,  Pi  Kappa  Phi;  BFLLFRSFN,  Rita  C;  BFNDA,  Ueorge  M.,  Pi 
Kappa  Phi. 

Fifth  roil': 

BFNNFT,  Orace  R.;  BFNSON,  Bruce  W.,  Sigma  Alpha  Fpsilon;  BFRDlNCi,  Anne  C;  BI'.RGFR,  Robert  B.,  Phi  Delta 
Iheta;  Bl'RNARl),  Harold,  Pi  Kappa  Phi;  BFRNSFldN,  luigcne  M.,  Zeta  Beta  Tau;  BISHOP,  Margaret  Jean,  Alpha 
Chi  Omega;  BISHOP,  William  W. 

Six  til  roiv: 

BIXBV,  Richard  G.,  Sigma  Chi;  BLANKS,  Marguerite;  BLIGHT,  |ane  Ann,  Pi  Beta  Phi;  Bl. IZARD,  Walter,  Phi 
Kappa  Sicma;  BOCiARl",  William  H..  Delta  Tau  Delta;  BOHN,  Mar\  I.ueile;  BOI.MI  II  R,  Barbara  |.,  Siuma  Kappa; 
B()NlN,Y;arl  J.;  BO  1  NICK,  Robert  Stanley,  Zeta  Beta   Tau. 

•rS  ^  ^  ^  -'^ 




First  row: 

BOURNi:,  P.  Barrv,  Delta  Tau  Delta;  BOULDIN,  Gene  K.;  BOWLI'.S.  Lawrence  T,  Beta  Theta  Pi;  BOVLK,  Beverly 
Ka\,  Alpha  Phi;  BOVSWORTH,  Rannine,  '/era  Tui  Alpha;  BRICJSTOCKi:,  loin  1).,  Phi  Mu;  BROKKXSHIRi:,  lanet  D'., 
Alpha  Phi;  BROOKS,  I'.lizaheth  Ann,  Kappa  Kappa  Ciamma;  BROOKS,  Freilenek  Phillips,  Phi  Kappa  Sigma;  BROOKS, 
Thomas  I).,  Delta  Tau  Delta. 

Second  row: 

BROOM  Phillip  U'.;  BROWN,  Caroline  C;  BRUCF,  Bettv  L.,  Zeta  Tau  Alpha;  BUCKl.IV,  Thomas  T;  BURRFI.L, 
Robert  (..,  Phi  Delta  Iheta;  BUSCHMAN,  Theodore  W.,  Pi  Kappa  Phi;  BUSH,  Bohhv  W'.,  Phi  Kappa  Smma;  BVNUM, 
Frank  Bundy,  Phi  Kappa  Sigma;  CAMPBI'FL,  Carolyn  S.;  CAMPBFLL,  Mary  M. 

Third  row: 

CANNFLL,  Nancy  Jean,  Delta  Gamma;  CANNON,  Stanley  J.;  CARDO/.O,  Joseph  I..,  Phi  Delta  Theta;  CARFY, 
|ohn  Jesse,  Alpha  Tau  Omega;  CARMICHAFL,  Marcia  L.,  Kappa  Alpha  Iheta;  CARR,  Mitta  (_i.,  Delta  (iamma; 
"CARSON,  David  G.,  Sigma  Nu;  CARTFR,  John  H.;  CARTFR,  Katherine  R.;  CARTVVRIGHT,  Margaret  F.,  Alpha  Phi. 

Fourth  row: 

CAR\M:R,  George  W.;  GATES,  BilK  Reeves;  CATFS,  Jerry  H.,  Kappa  Alpha;  CAUDLF,  Lloyd  C,  Sigma  Chi;  CA\'SFY, 
Ann  I'.lizabeth,  Alpha  Phi;  CHAMBFRLAIN,  Wallace  |.,  Kappa  Alpha;  CHAPMAN,  William  F.;  CHAPPFLL,  James  D.; 
CLARK,  C.  Fred,  Pi  Kappa  Phi;  CLARK,  Henry  B.,  Sigma  Chi. 

/■;/>//  row: 

CLAITFRBUCK,  Ronald  D.;  CLAXTON,  Richard  A.,  Theta  Chi;  CLAY,  Jane  E.,  Alpha  Chi  Omega;  CLFMFNTS, 
Pevton,  Pi  Beta  Phi;  CLIFTON,  Theodore  F„  Sigma  Phi  Fpsilon;  CLIMFNSON,  William  D.;  COHAN,  .\L  Patricia, 
Pi  Beta  Phi;  COHOON,  Patricia  J.;  COLi:,  Thomas  T.,  Phi  Kappa  Sigma;  CONNOR,  Lyie  B.,  Theta  Chi. 

S'lxtli  row: 

C;()()Ki:,  .Ma.xwell  F.;  CORZFTT,  Joan,  Sigma  Kappa;  COUCH,  Sallv  L.,  Pi  Beta  Phi;  GRADY,  George  A.,  Phi  Kappa 
Sigma;  CRAIC],  J.  Brad,  Pi  Kappa  Phi;  CRAWFORD,  Tommv  York,  Delta  Sigma  Phi;  CROWFLL,  |oan  Lovelace,  Alpha 
Phi;  CROXTON,  Hugh  B.,  Pi  Kappa  Alpha;  CRUMPLFR,  Benton  F.,  Kappa  Alpha;  CRUTCHFR,  Frances  D.,  Kappa 

Scvfiith  row: 

CUMMINGS,  Alton  T,  Pi  Kappa  Phi;  CURLFF,  Geraldine  T;  DARKIS,  Thomas  M.;  DARLING,  Glenn  A.;  Phi  Delta 
Theta;  DAX'IS,  Ann,  Alpha  Phi;  DAWSON,  Mary  H.;  DAY,  Jerry  Donald;  DFAN,  W^illiam  Howard,  Alpha  Tau  Omega; 
Di  PASS,  Nancy  Witherspoon,  Kappa  Kappa  Ciamma;  DFWAN,  Fdmond  .\L,  Phi  Kappa  Psi. 

Eiii^bth  row: 

DI'Y  ION,  Ann  W.,  Kappa  Delta;  DIAMOND,  Paul  H.,  Zeta  Beta  Tui;  DICKI'Y,  Carl  O.,  Sigma  Alpha  Fpsilon;  DIFTZ, 
I  lame  L.  Alpha  Fpsilon  Phi;  DIXINI',  I'linor  F.,  Phi  Mu;  DOIXiF,  Paul  (i.,  Laml.da  Chi  Alpha;  DOHNI-R,  Patsv  M., 
Delta  Delta  Delta;  DOLLFNS,  Mar)orie  L„  Alpha  Phi;  DONIGAN,  W  illiam  L.,  Sigma  Clhi,  DOWDY,  Patricia  A.,  Alpha 
Chi  Omega. 

Ninth  row: 

DOWNFS,  Mary  I',.,  Pi  Beta  Phi;  DRI'W',  Dora  A.,  Alpha  Phi;  DUFORT,  Robert  H.,  Lambda  Chi  Alpha; 
DUFF,  Harrv  W„  Delta  Tau  Delta;  DUNCAN,  Franklin  P.;  DUNN,  Margaret  G.;  I'.ARNl'.S'F,  William  L.,  Kappa  Alpha; 
FARNHARDI,  Wiley  J.  P.,  Sigma  Chi;  FASI  FRLINC;,  William  I'...  Sigma  Chi;  I'AFON,  Leslie  A.,  Alpha  Phi. 

I'n/lh  row: 

I  DWARDS,  Georfrev  B.,  Sigma  Alpha  l.psilon;   I'.DWARDS,  M.  La  Nelle,  Kappa  Delta;   I'FLAND,  Margie  A.,  Delta 

Gamma;  ITDI'R,  Mary  L.,  Delta  (iamma;  I'l.DFR,    I'.  David,  Phi  Kappa  Psi;  !•  LDRIDC  il',  William  B.,  Phi  Kappa  Sigma; 

V.\.\:\\  Elizabeth  J.,  Sigma  Kappa;   J'RVVIN,  Albert  R.,  Pi  Kappa  Phi,   lAWNS,  Barbara  L.,   I AANS,  Carol  A.,  Kappa 


Eleventh  row: 

EVANS,  Diane  M.;  I'VANS,  Phillip  W.,  Pi  Kappa  Alpha;  FANSLI'R,  Richard  l'..;  FAR(:)UIIAR,  William  !•..,  Beta  Theta 
Pi'  FARRIN(il()N,  John  K.;  FAULKNER,  Ann  F.,  Phi  Mu;  FIELD,  Richard  W.,  Lambda  Chi  Alpha;  FFR(iUS()N, 
John  B.,  Sigma  Chi;  EFRRI'.LL,  Ann  (i.;  FII'LD,  Herbert  C.,  Alpha    iau  Omega. 

I'wflflh  row: 

FINBFRCi,  Sherri  M.,  Phi  Mu;  FINCH,  Broun  I.,  FINLIA,  l-arl  B.;  FIN  IIR,  Parrv  P.,  Alpha  Clu  Omega;  EISHI'.R, 
Fmilv  M.;  I-'ISHI'.R,  Margaret  A.,  Delta  Gamim;  MSIIIR,  Robert  W.,  Phi  Kappa  Psi;  I'ISIll  R,  Ruth  Aniie,  /era  Lui 
Alpha;   FLANNI'.RY,   X'irginia,  Kappa   Alpha    Iheta;   FOSIIK,  Richard  S.,  Sigma  C:hi. 




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(•j  -^  W         r  ■*» , 

JUNIOhS     <X.NnNL>» 

First  roiv:  Ccnird  S.,  I-anibd;!  Chi  Alpha,  FOX,  ( icow  C,  Kapp.i  Simiia;  I'OX.  Randolph  \'.,  Sigm.i  Alpha 
Ipsilon;  1  Rl.DRlCKS,  Richard  N.;  FRIi  MAN,  Francis;  (iAC;!,,  (ia.ston  IF;  (iAFFOW  AY,  Barbara  ].■  CARRI','!  F, 
John  W.,  Pi  Kappa  Alpha;  CJATKUOOl),  Willard  IF,  Fhi  Kappa  Sigma;  (iFHVVF.IFi'.R,  John  A.,  Beta"  Ihcta  Fi. 

Second  roii:: 

GEIGKR,  William  H.,  lau  F.psilon;  (JFR.MINO,  Danrc  F.,  Phi  Kappa  Sigma;  (iF  17,  Robert  S.,  Zera  Beta  Fan;  CIFBFRT, 
loscph  C,  Alpha  Tau  Omega;  GILFF-VM,  |oan.  Kappa  Delta;  (M.ASS,  Nina  R.;  CFFASON,  |anc  F.;  Cil.FNN,  Bruce  CF, 
kappa  Alpha;  GLFNN,  James  H.;  GFUCK,  Alorton  C, 

Third  roiv: 

GOFIX\F\N,  Sailv  A.,  Alpha  I'psilon  Phi;  GOFDSII  IN,  Harold  AF,  Fan  F.psilon;  (iOFDTHWAITK,  Alice  H.,  Kappa 
Kappa  Gamma;  GORI",  Dorcas  A.,  Delta  Delta  Delta;  G()RRFI,F,  Robert  P.,  Kappa  Alpha;  GO'IW'AFS,  Kathr\n  F.; 
(iOL'FD,  Donald  \V'.,  Sigma  Alpha  I'psilon;  GRAIIAAF  Alice  \'.,  Kappa  Kappa  (iamma;  (iRANT,  Fruett  Allen,  Kappa 
Alpha;  (;RA\'ES,  Charles  F. 

Fourth  roir: 

GRFFNBFRG,  Allen;  GRFENBFRCF  Farrv,  Tau  Fpsilon;  GREENE,  John  C;  Delta  Tau  Delta,  (iRINAKER,  Arnc  J., 
Delta  Sigma  Phi;  GROOME,  Par,  Kappa  Delta;  GRO\'E,  Gordon  V.,  Theta  Chi;  C;R0\M  R,  Joan  F.,  Kappa  Alpha  'Fheta; 
GU.MMl.FS,Joan,  Kappa  Alpha  Ihcta;  GUNDFRSON,  Ann  K.,  Kappa  Alpha  Fheta;  HAFF,  jamcs  S.  Jr.,  Pi  Kappa  Alpha. 

Fifth  roiv: 

HALF,  Robert  \'.,  Delta  Sigma  Phi;  HAMMERBERG,  Charles  AF,  Phi  Delta  Fheta;  HANES,  William  P.,  Kappa  Alpha; 
HANNER.  Richard  R.,  Phi  Kappa  Sigma;  HANNFR,  Terence  F.,  Phi  Kappa  Sigma;  HANSBARGl'.R,  Father  C; 
HARDISON,  Marv  A.,  Alpha  Delta  Pi;  HARTFR,  Barbara  A.,  Alpha  Chi  Omega;  HASSFFR,  William  F.,  Phi  Kappa  Psi; 
HATHA\\AV,  Robert  G.,  Delta  Tau  Delta. 

Sixth  roiv: 

HAYES,  Daniel  M.;  HECKERT,  Richard  F,  Theta  Chi;  HFIM,  Clara  A.,  Alpha  Phi;  HENNESSEY,  I'.llcn,  Kappa  Delta; 
HERNDON,  William  W.,  Pi  Kappa  Alpha;  HICKS,  Samuel  A.,  Theta  Chi;  HIGCHNS,  Edward  A.,  Lambda  Chi  Alpha; 
HILL,  Boyd  H.,  Phi  Kappa  Psi;  HILLIARD,  Roy,  C;  HILLAIAN,  Nancy  J.,  Kappa  Kappa  Gamma. 

Seventh  roiv: 

HINSON,  Patsv  T,  Kappa  Delta;  HITE,  Charles  F.,  Phi  Kappa  Sigma;  HOBBS,  Nancy  AF,  Alpha  Delta  Pu  HOBB^', 
Lovic  W.,  Phi  Delta  Fheta;  HODGES,  Alargerct;  HODGIN,  |ohn.  Kappa  Sigma;  HOEY,  Henrv  F.,  Phi  Kappa  Sigma; 
HOFFAL\N,  Joyce  A.,  Alpha  Phi;  HOFFMAN,  Theodore  S.;  HOGUE,  David  G.,  Pi  Kappa  Alpha. 

Eighth  row: 

HOLBFCK.  Anne  AF,  Alpha  Chi  Omega;  HOLBROOK,  Limes  E.;  HOFDFR,  Howard  I',.;  HOLLETT,  Alan  AL,  Zcta 
Beta  Tau;  HOLLIFIELD,  Alary  A.;  HOLLOWAY,  lo,  Pi  Beta  Phi;  HOLLOWTTL,  James  C,  Beta  Theta  Pi;  HOLTON, 
Mary-Marie;  HOOKER,  Grace  L.;  HORNER,  Robert  B.,  Pi  Kappa  Phi. 

Sinth  roiv: 

HORTON,  Lawrence  D.;  HOWARD,  Clarence  E.;  HOWARD,  Peggv  A.,  Sigma  Kappa;  HOWE,  Bobbv  F.;  HOWELL, 
Don  S.,  Pi  Kappa  Phi;  HOWELL,  I'ugene  D.,  Phi  Delta  Theta;  HOWELL,  Rav  R.;  HUCKABEE,  Page  I).,  Alpha  Delta 
Pi;  HUGHES,  Ruth  H.;  HULL,  Judith  E.,  Phi  Alu. 

Tenth  roiv: 

HULL,  Robert  AT,  Kappa  Alpha;  HULSE,  Irene,  Alpha  F.psilon  Phi;  HUA1PHRII':S,  John,  Sigma  Alpha  I'.psilon;  HURST, 
David  E.,  Sigma  Chi;  HURST,  Lawrence  R.,  Delta  Sigma  Phi;  HURST,  Nancy  AL;"HUSSFY,  Ckorge  F.,  Pi  Kappa  Phi; 
JACKSON,  Helen  L.;  JACKSON,  Nelson  P.;  JACOBS,  Alary  L.,  Delta  Delta  Delta. 

Eleventh  row: 

JAHN,  Jeri,  Kappa  Delta;  JAAIES,  Charles  H.;  JAAIFS,  W.  Scott,  Alpha  Tau  Omega;  |ENKINS.  Dororhv,  Delta  Delta 
Delta;  JOHN,  Louise  R.,  Delta  (iamma;  JOHNSON,  Henry  A.,  Kappa  Alpha;  JOHNSON,  Richard  A.;  Sigma  Alpha 
Epsilon;  J0NF:S,  Charles  S.,  Phi  Delta  Theta;  JONES,  Ginny,  Zeta  Tau  Alpha;  JORDAN,  Alargaret,  Zcta  Tau  Alpha. 

Twelfth  row: 

jORDON,  Terrell  F.,  Beta  Theta  Pi;  KALE,  Sarah  D.;  KATZINSKI,  I'mil  I'.,  Pi  Kappa  Phi;  KAUFFA1AN,  Holly  C, 
"Kappa  Kappa  Gamma;  KELLER,  Thomas  F.,  [^hi  Kappa  Smma;  KENNED^',  K.  Doyle;  KENNEMORE,  Douglas  E., 
Delta  Tau  Delta;  KF5LER,  William  E.;  KIAIAIFF,  Ruth;  KING,  Alice. 




First  roll;  left  to  right: 

KING.  Joseph  K.,  Pi  Kappa  Alpha;  KIXTZ,  George  J.,  Delta  Sigma  Phi;  KIRKMAN,  Shirley  F..;  KNABF, 
lohn  R.;  KNIGHT,  Coffield;  KN'OTTS,  Clarence  C..  Ir.,  Kappa  Alpha;  KNOWLlvS,  Francis,  Ir.,  Lambda  Chi  Alpha; 
kOONS,  Jean    T,  Phi  Mu;  KOSTFRI.i  17.,  Rurh,  Alpha  I'psilon  Phi;  KRAMMl'.,  (k^ald  A.,  Sigma  Alpha  Fpsilon. 

Second  miv: 

FACKFV,  Dixon  A.,  |r.;  LAKE,  Fleanor  B.;  LARSFN,  Hvpe  P.,  Alpha  lau  Ometro;  I.ASSI  1  KR,  Wrnon  C,  jr..  Lambda 
Chi  Alpha;  LAUCK.'\'irginia;  LAL'RI  R.  Donald  C.,  Sigma  Nii;  LAW  RIA'CF,  James  I).,  Kappa  Alpha;  I.AWRFNCF, 
Leone,  Kappa  Kappa  Ciamma;  LLA,  \  irginia  R.,  Alpha  Delta  Pi;  Lenox,  George  A.,  Sigma  Chi. 

Third  row: 

LFRPS,  David  A.,  Siema  Alpha  Fpsilon;  LF\"F\SON,  Bernice,  Alpha  Fpsilon  Phi;  LI'AI'RCiOOD,  Charles  C.,  Phi  Delta 
Theta;  LlPSCOMB.^Nell  L;  LOANF.  jabez  W.;  LOXCi,  Sherman  I'..,  |r.;  LONGCRIFR,  Marv  A.,  Alpha  Delta  Pi; 
I.OXGX,  Frances  K.,  Alpha  Delta  Pi;  l.OWXDI'S,  John  F.,  Sigma  Alpha  I'.psilon;  LUCAS,  Peggy  M. 

Fourth  roil': 

LUCK,  lean  .\L,  Pi  Kappa  Alpha;  LYON,  Carlos  AL,  Alpha  Tau  Omega,  LYOX,  Lucv  G.,  Aljiha  Phi; 
McADAMS,  J.  Richard;  McCARTFR,  Joan  A.,  Kappa  Kappa  (iamma;  McCOXXFLL,  Manan  !..;  .\lc:C()V,  Betty  J., 
Sigma  Kappa;  McGlFHAN,  Donn;  McGlLL,  Lelia  A.,  Kappa  Alpha  Theta;  McKFL\'FV,  Priscilla  K,,  Delta  Gamma' 

Fifth  roiv: 

McKIXNFV,  jane  F.;  Alc.RAF,  Martha  K.;  MACKIF,  Patricia  |.,  Delta  Delta  Delta;  MARKEE,  Shirlev  |.,  Sigma  Kappa; 
MARKS,  Dennis  (J.;  AL\R'FIX,  Donald  F.,  Pi  Kappa  Alpha;  AlASSFV,  Hcnrv  R.;  .MASSEY,  |ames  A.,  |r.;  MASSIF, 
Alary  A.,  Alpha  Chi  Omega;  AL-\THi:SON,  Alice  S.,  Delta  Delta  Delta. 

Sixth  roiv: 

Ml'.LLlX,  William  D.,  Lambda  Chi  Alpha;  AIFRRITT,  Alargie;  AIF'IROPOL,  Harrv  |.,  Smma  Phi  Fpsilon;  AIICHAFL, 
Robert  F.,  Kappa  Alpha;  AllLFORD,  Dolores  A.,  Sigma  Kappa;  AllLLFR,  A.  Stanley;  AllLLFR,  Xancv  |.,  Alpha  Delta 
Pi;  AlOX  FGOMFRY,  Douglas  G.,  Kappa  Alpha;  AlOOD,  Florence  F.,  Delta  Delta  Delta;  AlOORl',,  I'llis  \\'.,  Lambda 
Chi  Alpha. 

Seven  til  row: 

AIORRIS,  Patricia  B.,  Phi  Alu;  AIORRISON,  Norton  H.;  MORSF,  Fheodore;  AIOSI'.LFY,  Robert  (i..  Pi  Kappa  Alpha; 
MOZIXGO,  Gerald,  Phi  Delta  Theta;  AlURKFTT,  Philip  T,  Delta  Tau  Delta;  AIURPHY,  Herbert  |.;  MYLRI", A,  Bruce 
W'.,  Sigma  Alpha  I'.psilon;  NI'.LSON,  Forrest  I'..,  Pi  Kappa  Phi;  NFUAIFIS  Fl'.R,  Leslie  L.,  Phi  Delta    I  beta. 

Eif^hth  roii\- 

XFWLAXD.  Marv  |.,  Kappa  Kappa  Gamma;  MAL,  George  A.,  Lambda  Chi  Alpha;  NICHOLS,  Nanev  I'..  Kappa  Alpha 
Theta;  NORDHAAl",  Robert;  XOR  I  HROP,  Sam,  Sigma  Chi;  XOWFLL,  Jean  AL;  O'BRIFX,  |av;  ODOXXFLL, 
Jon  P.,  Sigma  Phi  I  psilon;  OS  i ,  John  W.,  Kappa  Sigma;  PADGETT,  Robert  L. 

Xinth  row: 

PAINTER,  Billy  F.,  Pi  Kappa  Alpha;  PARHAAL  Patricia  B.,  Sigma  Kappa;  PARKI'.R,  Suzanne,  Alpha  Phi;  PAFFERSOX, 
lames  T.,  Sigma  Chi;  PATTOX,  Charles  'F.;  PA'ITY,  Dean  W'.,  Delta  lau  Delta;  PI'.CK,  Kenneth  O.,  Delta  Si-ma  Phi; 
"PFRR^,  Polly,  PHILLIPS,  I'.lizabeth  L.,  Alpha  Chi  Omega;  PII'.RRY,  Robert  F. 

Tenth  row: 

PLA'I'FI'.,  Dorothv  .A.,  Kappa  Kappa  (iamma;  POPP,  I'laine,  Smnia  Kappa;  PRIXCiLF,  |oan.  Kappa  Kappa  Gamma; 
QUARI  FRMAX,' Ann;  RAIDL,  Herbert;  RAIFORD,  William  P..  |r.;  RAMBO,  lames  W.",  Phi  Kappa  Siuma;  RANEY, 
Patricia,  Delta  Delta  Delta;  Rl  AAIS,  Alary  (.lenn.  Kappa  Alpha    I  beta;  Rl  ILIA',  Richard  C.,  Phi  Delta    I  beta. 

Eleventh  row: 

Ri'.ZXICK,  Richard  A.,  Delta  Tau  Delta;  RICHMOXD,  [ames  B.,  Pi  Kappa  Alpha;  RICKIR,  Hunt  X.,  Sii;ma 
Chi;  RII(,LI-„  Shirlev,  Alpha  Phi;  RISI,  Alonroe  I).,  RIICH,  James  I'.,  jr..  Pi  Kappa  Phi;  KOBIXSOX,  Harriet; 
ROBIXSOX,  Alary  A.;  ROBINSOX,  William  G.,  Sigma  Chi,   ROCK\\()()l),  J.-hn.  Jr.,  Pi  Kappa  Phi. 

'Fwelj'lh  row: 

ROGERS,  Xolan  IF;  ROSENBAUA1,  Laurel  |.,  ROSFXBAUAL  Xorman  M.;  ROSI'XBI'.RG,  |ohn,  /era  Beta  Fui; 
ROSI MUXD,  Robert  A.;  ROUGH  FOX,  Ralph  I  .;  ROWl'.  Arrhur  W..  IKlta  Siunu  Phi;  RUMl  R,  Rilph  R.,  |r.; 
R^  AN,  Patricia;  SAGE,  June  C,  Alpha  Chi  Omega. 




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:  i 

i  ^^$.Si 

lllNIOhS     CONl.NUKU 

First  roiv,  left  to  right: 

SANTAMARIA.  Anacio  R.,  Tau  I'.psilon;  SAL'NDI'RS,  \  irginia  S.;  SCMAIIIR,  William  R.,  Bm  Thcta  Pi; 
SCHAFROI  H,  Donald  .\1.,  Siuma  \u;  SCI  lAl  ROll  I,  Douulas  W.,  Sigma  \u;  SCI  II.KFl'R,  Miks  H.,  /eta  Hera  Tau; 
SCHI'.I.LI'NCl  R,  Norman  I).'  Phi  Dcira  lluta;  SCI  111  HI  R,  Richard  \I.;  SCHMIDI,  Roland;  SCIIUSIIR,  Ann  P., 
Kappa  Alpha   1  hcra. 

Smiiid  roil': 

SCHWARIZ,  Ronald  \1.,  Zeta  IVta  lau;  SCI  IWI.IS  IRIS.  I.a/.crrc  ^..  Alpha  Delta  Pi;  SI'.ABI'.RC,  Barbara  (i..  Pi  Ikta 
Phi;  SI-.AION,  losqih  R.,  |r..  Beta  I  lura  Pi;  SI  LF,  L.  Margaret;  SIIIAIA,  CIvdc  N.;  SHi'.PMI'.RD,  Bcrnicc,  Alpha 
Delta  Pi;  SHUFi'.LI,  Charles  I'..;  SHL'FORD,  Anne,  Sigma  Kappa;  SIIX il,!.,  Betty  I,. 

Third  rozv: 

SIKFS,  l.vndon  ().;  SMI  111,  Ciinger,  Pi  Beta  Phi;  SMIIII,  Laura  I..;  SMlIll,  Sidney  R.,  |r.;  SMI  Hi,  V.  Coiirtlandt, 
Phi  Kappa  Psi,  SMIIH,  W  hitman  i'..,  |r..  Kappa  Alpha;  SNOOK.  \'alerie  i'...  Kappa  Delta;  SCJMMI'.RS,  Richard  L.,  Sigma 
Chi;  SPi'ARMAN,  C:ecil  i:.,  Sigma  Chi;  SPI'NCI'.R,  James  ^■.,  Phi  Delta   Theta. 

Fourth  rou:: 

SPI\i:V,  Robert  A.,  Pi  Kappa  Phi;  SPOI'FORD,  Donald  I",.,  Pi  Kappa  Alpha;  SPLNDI',,  Ingrida;  STAIii,,  Fredrick  A.; 
S'lRANCI-I.AM),  (ireta  S.;  STARK.  Lawrence  \\'.,  Smma  Alpha  I  psilon;  SI  ARK,  Richard  A.,  Sigma  Alpha  I'.psilon, 
S'FARK,  Rutiis  II.,  Phi  Kappa  Sigma;  STARNI'.S,  William  B.;  SI  A'FHACL'S,  l.ustace  J.,  Pi  Kappa  Alpha. 

/•';////  roiv: 

STF:\'ENS,  Mary  L.,  Sisma  Kappa;  S'FILI'.S,  Susan  (i..  Phi  .\Iu;  STOCKDAI.I',  Susan  I"..  Kappa  Kappa  Camma;  SFOUI', 
luivyard  B.;  STRAUCH,  I3avid  M.;  SIRFETI'.R,  Richard  N.,  Delta  Sigma  Phi;  SI  RICKLAND,  DonM  B.,  Phi  Kappa 
Sigma;  STUART,  Eugene  V\'.,  Jr.,  Sigma  Alpha  I'.psilon;  STUBBINS,  Billie  J.,  Alpha  Phi;  STUBBS,  Robert  VV.,  Sigma  Nu. 

5V.V///  row: 

SUTTON,  John  II.,  |r.;  SUTTON,  Rachel  AL;  SXARIA'IK,  |an  L.;  SW'AIN,  |oe  ().,  Pi  Kappa  Alpha;  SWARD, 
Gilbert  L.,  Phi  Delta  Iheta;  SWIFT,  Isabelle  B.,  Alpha  Delta  Pi;  SWINC,'  Mervin,  |r.,  Siunv.i  Phi  I'.psil.m; 
SVKI'S,  Richard  L.,  Pi  Kappa  Alpha;  TALI'.,  John  B.;   I  AYLOR,  David  W. 

Seventh  row: 

TAYLOR,  George  F.,  jr..  Phi  Kappa  Smma;  THOMPSON,  Betsy  K.,  Zeta  lau  Alpha;  I  ICF,  |ames  R.,  Phi  Kappa  Psi; 
TIC;N0R,  Nan  K.,  Delta  Delta  Delta;  FOLLI.SON,  George  C.;' TARGI'.RSI'.N,  .Mathias  S.,  j"r.;  LRAINER,  lina  A.; 
TRENTMAN,  Betty,  Phi  Mu;    FUCKER,  Roystcr  M.;  TURNER,  Florence  D.,  Alpha  Delta  Pi. 

Eii(hth  row: 

TURNER,  John  C,  Delta  Sigma  Phi;  UNDER W0013.  Roland  H.;  UPCHURCH,  Carlton  I'..;  \'ANBILLIARI),  Alicia  P.' 
Alpha  Chi  Omciia;  X'ANDFXT'.N TER,  Robert  R.,  Alpha  Tau  Omega;  \'ANN,  James  E.,  Phi  Kappa  Sigma;  X'ARNI  R- 
Robert  M.;  X'AUCIHAN,  Marilyn  F.;  X'AUGHN,  Stuart  H.,  Lambda  Chi  Alpha;  \'ENDI(^,  Laune  Ann. 

Xiiith  row: 

\()KOUN,  Sallv  A.,  Delta  Gamma;  WACKER,  H.,  Beta  Theta  Pi;  WALDROP,  Lois  Z.,  Alpha  Delta 
Pi;  WALL.-\CE,  Alston  A.,  Pi  Kappa  Alpha;  WALLACE,  i.dward  ().,  Alpha  lau  Ome^a;  WANNA.\L\KER,  .\limi  I..; 
W  ARLICK,  Harry  F.;  WATCHMAN,  Avis  R.,  Alpha  Phi;  U  ATERFIELD,  Frances^M.,  Delta  Gamma;  WATKINS, 
.Martha  J.,  Alpha  Phi. 

Tenth  row: 

WATKINS,  .Martha  L.;  WA'FSON,  Charles  S.,  Pi  Kappa  Alpha;  W  l-.BI  R,  Emmy,  Kappa  Kappa  Gamma;  W  l.l'.KS, 
Ethel  G.,  Kappa  Delta;  WI'.EKS,  Thomas  V\'.;  WEIGI'.L,  Mary,  Kappa  Kappa  Ciamma;  WI-.RBFR,  William  W'.,  Sisrma 
Chi;  WI'ST.  leanne  .M..  Kappa  Delta;  WIvS'lXX)!"]",  MariKn  |.,  Pi  Beta  Phi;  WI.Sll'.RXI.LI  ,  Sheklon,  Lambda 'Chi 

Eh'irnth  row: 

VX'HITE,  Chri.stina  K..  Phi  Mu;  WHFFLFV,  N.  Carohn;  WICHALAN.  Ann  I  ..  Delta  Gamma,  W  IKI  ,  C:atherinc  S.; 
WILBANKS,  George  I).,  jr..  Alpha  lau  Omega;  W  ILLIA.MS,  Edward  L.,  Delta  Sigma  Phi;  WILSON,  Carroll  \'.; 
\\ILSON,  Colon  H.,  Jr.;  \VILSON,  Walter  Q.,  Pi  Kappa  Phi;  WINFII'LD,  Gordon  E.,  Jr.,  Sigma  Chi. 

Twelfth  row: 

WINSLOW.  W  illiam  T.  Kappa  Alpha,  W  IN  I  I.RS,  Polly,  Sigma  Kappa;  WOOI.ARD,  William  I...  Phi  Kappa  Sicma; 
WOOLERV,  .Martha  B.,  Kappa  Delta;  WORRI-.LL,  Margaret  Ci.,  Pi  Beta  Phi;  WRIGH  I ,  William  W.  Phi  Kappa>si; 
YOUNTS,  Robert  W.,  Phi  Kappa  Siema;  ZANNI'R,  (ieneieve  E.,  Alpha  Chi  Omeiia;  ZI'.RBY,  William  i:.,  Sigma  Nu; 
ZIMTBAUAL  William  E. 



hirst  ro\i\  left  to  right: 

ADAMS,  |ohn  D.,  Lambda  Chi  Alpha;  AKINS,  |ohn  V..,  ALI'.XAXDI'R,  Hobart  I..;  ALIJ'.N,  Ann,  Kappa  Kappa  Camma; 
ALl.l.N,  Bcttv  Jean;  ANUKRSON,  Hcnschcl  \\.  Phi  Kappa  Psi;  ANDI  RSON,  Robert;  ASHUOW  N,  Charles  I...  Delta 
Sigma  Phi;  ATKINSON,  Bertie  H.,  Alpha  Delta  Pi;  A\l  RY,  Xir^rinia  J.,  Alpha  Delta  Pi. 

Second  roii: 

BALDWIN,  Suzanne,  Alpha  Phi;  BAILKV,  Clarence  A.,  Kappa  Sigma;  BANNON,  Peter  |.;  HARK!  R,  Bradley  S.,  Phi 
Kappa  Psi;  BARNI'S,  Lee  C,  Lambda  Chi  Alpha;  BARNFS,  William  H.,  Sinma  C:hi;  BARNHARDT,  Max  L.,  Phi  Delta 
I'liera;  BARNHILL,  Lamuel  I'..;  BARR,  Charles  R.,  Sigma  Chi;  BLACHAM,    led  K.,  Alpha  lau  Omega. 

Third  roii-: 

BLANK,  ,\hirger\-;  BEASLEY,  |ohn  A.;  BLAl  Y,  Fred  D.;  BECK,  Suzanne  |.,  Delta  (iamma;  BEHNK!-,  Ra\ni(md  (i.. 
Theta  Chi;  Bi'LL,  H.  BradlV.rd;  Bl.LLAND,  Charlotte  1).;  Bl'.ML'S,  [ane  L.;  BENNETT,  Robert  \1.,  Kappa 
Alpha;  BENSON,  Mary  T,  Delta  Delta  Delta. 

Fourth  roic: 

BI'.RLINCJHOCH,  Peter,  Smnva  Nu;  BEX'AN,  jovce  Ann,  Alpha  C:hi  Omega;  Bll  HE,  Erederick  R.;  BILIZ,  Carl  N., 
Phi  Delta  Ihera;  BlSSLE'llC  Lester  C;  BLACK,  Elizabeth  C!;.  BLACK,  Marilvn  !„  Kappa  Alpha  Eheta;  BLACKARD, 
Louise  C,  '/eta    lau  Alpha;   BLACKLI'A',  Shem  K.,  Pi  Kappa  Alpha;  BLACKWI'.LL,  Lelia  A. 

/■';/'///  r/yi.v: 

BLADES,  Barbara  A.,  Kappa  Kappa  Camma;  BLATTNER,  Doris  E.,  Delta  Gamma;  BOATWRICHE,  Erank  B.;  BOEING, 
EloNd  ).;  BONDURANT,  Wesley  C,  Sigma  Phi  Epsilon;  BONNESEN,  Janet  L.,  Sigma  Kappa;  BORCHARDT, 
Charles  R.,  Beta  I  heta  Pi;  BOSHAMIR,  l1enr\  C.,  Kappa  Alpha;  BOWMAN,  Dorothy  W'.,  /.eta  lau  Alpha,  BOYD, 
i:d\\  in  C,  Delta   lau  Delta. 

Sixth  row: 

BOYLSTON,  Beniamm  C:.,  Phi  Kappa  Sigma;  BRADLEY,  jean,  /eta  lau  Alpha;  BRADSHAW  ,  Robert  W'.;  BRADE, 
James  L.,  Kappa  Sigma;  BRANNON,  Robert  i\L,  Lambda  Chi  Alpha;  BRENNAN,  David  R.,  Lambda  Chi  Alpha; 
BROUSSARD,  Nancy  \'.;  BROWN,  Ann  B.,  Delta  Delta  Delta;  BROW  N,  Beverly  H.,  Kappa  Alpha  Iheta;  BROWN, 
(Charles  S.,  Kappa  Sigma. 

Seiriitb  row: 

BROWN,  David  C,  Sigma  Nu;  BROWN,  Donald  G.;  BROWN,  |ovce;  BROWN,  Robert  \1.,  Phi  Kappa  Psi; 
BRUNHOEE,  Ahinorie  J.,  Pi  Beta  Phi;  BRYANT,  William  E.,  Beta  Thera'Pi;  BRYSON,  Mary  C,  Pi  Beta  Phi;  BLCKLl  A'. 
Richard  R.,  Pi  Kappa  Alpha;  BULLARD,  Mary  Ann,  Kappa  Kappa  Clamma;  BURKl',,  Catherine  R. 

Eighth  row: 

BURROUS,  Barbara  A.,  Alpha  Phi;  BUR  EON,  Ann  M.,  Sigma  Kappa;  BUSH,  \irginia  A.,  Pi  Beta  Phi;  BM  RS.  1  rank; 
CALKINS,  Dorothy  C;  CAIN,  Paul  R.,  Kappa  Alpha;  CAR'El.R,  |anc  A.;  CASTIGLIA,  1  homas  B.,  Sigma  Nu; 
CA  I  HEY,  Betty;  CAVINESS,  Jeve. 

Ninth  row: 

CEDI'RS'ERO,\L  lames  C,  Delta  Sigma  Phi,  CHAPLIN,  Stanle\  W.,  Lambda  Chi  Alpha;  CHAP.NLAN,  l.dwin  C; 
CEEXPPl  LL,  Betty  R.;  (T^I,S•1NU  1 ,  Donald  B.,  Phi  Kappa  Psi;  CI  iURCHlLL,  Patty  Lou;  CLAPP,  Gordon  W.;  CLARK, 
JANICE,  Delta  Gamma;  CLARK,  Joyce,  Delta  (iamma;  CLARKI',,  Nancy,  Alpha  Chi  Omega. 

'I'cntli  row: 

CLII'  ION,  Larry  C,  Pi  Kappa  Phi;  CLONE/,  |ohn;  COI'.,  I'laine  AL,  Alpha  Chi  Omega;  COEEII',  Mar\'  i'lizabeth. 
Kappa  Al[iha  Eheta;  COGGI.SilALL,  Albert  P.,  Kappa  Alpha;  COLLINS,  llarlev  (,.;  CfOl.I.lNS,  John  |.,  Lambda  Chi 
Alpha;  COLLINS,  Patricia  R.,  Kappa  Kappa  Gamma;  C:OLLYI'.R,  G.  Stanle\ ,  Beta  Eheta  Pi;  C{)N\\  AX,  Paul  B..  Sigma 
Alpha  l',()silnn. 

Eleventh  row: 

COOI.i'A'  Charles  LE,  Delta  Tau  Delta;  COPILAND,  A.  Ann;  CORDI'S,  \\illiam  E.;  CO\'IN(ri()N,  Ann  P..  Kappa 
Delta;  COX,  jerry  V'.,  Sigma  Nu;  CO/AR  1  ,  Rachel  S„  Alpha  Delta  Pi,  CRANW  I'LL,  James  1..,  Delta  lau  Delta,  CRESAP, 
Janice  B„  K.ippaAlpha    I  heta;  CRirCHI  R,   Anna   I  .;   CROCKl   T  I  ,   David   I.,   Lambda  Chi   Alpha. 

Twelfth  row: 

CRONCi:,  Paul  C;  CROW  ,  Earl  P.,  Kajipa  Alpha;  CRUMBIJ'.Y,  Jo  Claire,  Kappa  Delta;  CX'MMING,  |ane  C.,  Sigma 
Kappa;  CURREN,  Mary  L.;  CURRY,  Robert  W.,  Pi  Kappa  Eheta;  CZY/,  Raymond  W.;  DAL  EON,  William  I,.,  Kappa 
Sigma;   DARLINCi,  Lee  W.,  Phi   Delta    I  heta;   DAXI'.NPOR  I  ,  Dorothy  I  .,  Alpha  Chi  Omega. 


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2  Hf  i*.'y>  ^ 


First  mzi-: 

DW'IS  Norman  W.;  1)\\\'S()\,  (a-orjic  H.,  Simiui  Xii;  DFCKI'R,  Marvin  C,  Kappa  Sigma;  Did.APP,  Barbara  R.,  Pi 
Beta  Phi;  D'I'MIMO,  Riaiolpii  |.;  DI.MORI'.S  r,  Sailic  |.;  DI'.RRICK,  Barbara  A.,  Alpha  C:hi  Omega;  DI-.RRICK, 
Kenneth  C,  Beta  Theta  Pi;  DICKI'NSON,  Charles  i''..,  Sigma  Nu;  DICKMAN,  Henr\  J.,  Kappa  Alpha. 

Second  nnv: 

DII'NSn.,  Sharon  Rae,  Delta  Delta  Delta;  DOANI'.  Rosamond  1'.,  Zeta  laii  Alpha;  DOMINIK,  Joyce  M.,  Kappa  Delta; 
DOUCa.AS,  Brvce-,  Sisma  Phi  I  psilon;  DOWNS,  Constance-  A.;  DRAKI',,  |anet  M.;  DRAKE,  Marcia  R.,  Kappa  Delta, 
DRII'SI  1.1.,  Charles  C.;   DUDl.KV,  Dorothy  A.;  DUKl'.,  D;ivis  W.,  Phi  Kappa  Psi. 

7  7/ in/  roii'; 

DL'l.lN  Thomas  1..,  Beta  Theta  Pi;  DL MON  T,  Nancv  R.,  .Alpha  Chi  Omeija;  DL'NDl'.S,  Rosemary,  Kappa  Kappa  Gamma; 
DUSSAL'TT,  Aelnenne,  Phi  ,\lu;  DL'  TOIT,  Auelrey;  DUT  TON,  Ruth  C.;  DU^S,  Jospeh  C,  Beta  Theta  Pi,  I.ADI'.S, 
.Abigail,   Delta  Camma;   I'.ARTl',,   Audrey,  Kappa  .Alpha    Theta;   I'.DI'.NS,  Catherine   \V.,   Delta  Camma. 

i'diirth  nnv: 

KDW'ARDS,  Willard  1...  Sigma  Nu;  I:N1'.I.0V\',  Michael  J.;  KVANS,  Jack  C,  Phi  Kappa  Sigma;  TAlRl.i:\',  Archie  H., 
Siumia  Chi;  TT.SPIRMAN, 'Cieorge  M.,  Delta  Tau  Delta;  FINKFLSTKIN,  Nathan;  FISCHI'R,  Cieorge  T,  Sigma  Alpha 
I'psilon;   FISHI'R,  TIbert  T.,  Jr.,  Sigma  C:hi;  FLANNTRV,  Mary  F.,  Kappa  Alpha    Theta;  FTIN  FOM,  Frances,  Kappa 

Alpha    Fheta. 

l-'ifth  mzv: 

FLORA,  jerrv  T.,  Delta  Tau  Delta;  FOGLF,  H.  LaRue;  FOPPFRT,  Helen  B.,  Kappa  Alpha  Fheta;  I'ORBUS. 
Martha  C,"  Delta  (iamma;  FORD,  Constance  B.,  Sigma  Kappa;  FOWI.FR,  John  1".,  Ir.,  Delta  Tau  Delta;  F()\,  jo.  Alpha 
Delta  Pi;  FRANK,  Claire  F.,  Delta  Camma;  FRI.F.ZF,  George  K.,  Delta  lau  Delta;  FRFUND,  Curtis. 

Sixth  roii-: 

FRYMARK,  Herbert  F.,  Sitima  Nu;  FULGINITI,  Salvatorc  A.;  FUFTl.R,  Gerald  V\'.,  Sigma  Nu;  (;AB1.F,R, 
1  Richard;  (iACHFT,  Fred' S.,  |r.;  C,AFTO\\'AY,  |im  D.,  Phi  K;ippa  Sigma;  (ii'.RBJ-.R,  (ieorge  C:.,  Beta  Fheta 
Pi;  Cill.Bl'RT,  I'rnest  P.,  Jr.,  Sigma"  Nu;  GILFILAND,  jack  K.,  Pi  Kappa  Phi;  GTANZl'R,  C:harles  I'..,  Zeta  Beta   lau. 

Seventh  raw: 

GODARD,  Mary  G.;  GOLDBI'RG,  Alma  N.;  GOOD,  Louis  D.,  Kappa  Sigma;  GOODF,  Flizabeth  A.,  Sigma  Kappa; 
GOODMAN,  William  F.,  Tau  Fpsilon;  G0UBF:RT,  Peter  A.,  Kappa  Sigma;  GOULD,  Barbara  L.,  Delta  Delta  Delta; 
GRANT,  Sally  J.;  GRAY,  Aurelia  F.,  Alpha  Delta  Pi;  GRAY,  Nancy  J.,  Kappa  Delta. 

Eighth  row: 

GREEN,  Winship  1.,  |r.,  Siema  Chi;  (JREENE,  Walter  E.;  GREENGLASS.  Herman  A.;  GREF.SON,  Robert  W.,  Phi 
Kappa  Psi;  GRFSHA.Nl,  Barbara  A.;  GRIFFIN,  Ashton  T,  HI,  Sigma  Alpha  I'.psilon;  (JRIGG,  William  H.,  Kappa 
Alpha;  CiUlLLOl ,  Martha  F.,  Phi  Mu;  GUION,  John  W.;  GULLEDC;F.,  James  L. 

\inth  row: 

GUY,  Robert  W.,  Phi  Delta  Fheta;  IIADLI'.Y,  Hunter  B.,  Phi  Delta  Theta;  HAMFS,  William  AT,  Jr.,  Lambeia  Chi  Alpha; 
HAMILTON,  Juhe  H.,  Delta  Delta  Delta;  HAAIRICK,  Harvey  B.,  Pi  Kappa  Alpha;  HANDFLMAN,  Allan  J.;  HANNA, 
Roger  L.;  HANNFL,  Earle  Y;  HARDON,  Clayton  T.,  Kappa  Sigma;  HARCil'F'F,  Fhomas  G. 

'/('////;  row: 

HARGRA\FS,  William  P.,  jr..  Kappa  Sigma;  HARLLl.I',  Alice  S.,  Alpha  Delta  Pi;  HARAION,  Lou  F.,  Alpha  Delta 
Pi;  1  TARPl.R,  Andrew  N.,  Jr.;"  HARRIS,  Barbara  A.,  Alpha  Chi  Omega;  HART,  I'.lizabeth  H.,  Delta  Gamma,  H.ASSINGER, 
Mar\  J.;  HAWK,  Margaret  A.,  Alpha  Phi;  HAYES,  Margaret  B.;  HEALY,  Burke,  Sigma  Chi. 

Eleventh  row: 

HEALY,  loseph  H.,  Kappa  Sigma;  HI'.RRlN(i,  W  ilborn  M.,  Delta  Sigma  Phi;  HIBBLFR,  Charlotte  \'.;  H1I:STI;R,  Caro- 
line AT;  HlGCilNS,  Deborah  R.,  Delta  (iamma;  HILL,  Alargaret  R.;  HFFF,  Eddie  D.;  HOHLSTEIN,  William  K.,  Sigma 
Chi;  HOLDER,  Russell  (i.,  Jr.,  Delta    lau  Delta;  HOLLAND,  Roy  \'.,  Sigma  Chi. 

Twelfth  row: 

HOLLEY,  Helen,  Pi  Beta  Phi,  HOl.LOMAN,  Richard  \.;  HOLLOW  A'*,  Margaret  F.;  HOLMES,  Arthur  J.;  Delta 
Fau  Delta;  HOLT,  |oseph  W.,  Phi  Kappa  Sigma;  HOLT,  Roy  R.;  HONAKER,  Robert  W.;  HOOD,  Richard  B.,  Sigma 
Nu;  HOOPER,  Sam"T.,  Beta   Fheta  Pi;  HOPKINS,  Alarie  D.  ' 



HOPPl"  Kichard  1).,  Sigma  Alpha  I'.psilon;  HORION,  Dottic  B..  Kappa  IXlra;  MORION,  Jaiiius  C,  Phi  IXlra  Ilicra; 
HU1)S()N  Milton  L.;  HL'N  1,  Sara  1).;  IIL'N  liR,  Richanl  1...  Phi  Kappa  Siuriia;  MARS  I,  \lar\  A.,  /era  lau  Alpha; 
HURT,  lo'hn  \\.;  IRKLANU,  Barbara  A.,  Alpha  Phi;  JACK,  Bernard  R.,  Phi  Iklta    1  hcta. 

Second  roiv: 

UMI'S  Frcdric  R  Siema  .\lpha  I'psilon;  [ANICKI,  Bcrnic;  |A\SKV,  Morcau;  |.\RRI.I,1.,  Penelope  H..  Phi 
■\lu  II  \N'l\(iS  William  H.,  |r.;  |()1  INSON.  lames  R..  |r.;  |()H\S()N,  Rannc  A.,  Pi  Beta  Phi;  JOHNSON,  Rebecca  A., 
Uelta"  Delta  Delta";  JOHNSON;  Shi"rle\  J.,  Alph.i  Delta  Pi;  JOHNSTON,  Ailene  \1.,  Pi  Beta  Phi. 

Third  nir: 

lONIS  John  D  Jr  Beta  Theta  Pi;  |ONi:S,  Nell  P.,  Kappa  Delta;  JONT'.S,  Sue  1).;  |()RDON,  Thomas  I).,  Sitrma  Chi; 
JUSTUS,  Drayton  'r..  Lambda  Chi  Alpha;  KA.MINSKY,  Janet  A.;  KARPMAN,  Steve  B.,  Delta  lau  Delta; 
KAYK,    Lewis   A.,    Tau    l.psilon;    KKLVLR,  I'.ugcnc  R.,  Delta  Sigma  Phi;  Kl.l  1  H,  Carole  \1. 

Foil  III/  row: 

KI'NDAI  I  ludirh  H  Delta  Delta  Delta;  Kh'.NNARD,  Anne  E.,  Alpha  Delta  Pi;  KENNEDY,  Frednek  |.;  Kl'.NNEDY, 
Maruaret  h".,"  Kappa  Delta;  KIRBICK,  jane  R.,  Phi  Mu;  KETNER,  Alice  C,  Kappa  Delta;  KIMBALL.  Marilvn  C., 
Alpha  Phi;  KINC,  Carl  H.,  Jr.,  KIN(.;  James  E.;  KISLI^ER,  John  I).,  Beta  Eheta  Pi. 

Fifth  row: 

KNT'l'CI'  Alice  \'  Delta  Delta  Delta;  KNICKl.RBACKI.R,  Fav  A.,  Delta  Delta  Delta;  KNIGHTS,  Margaret,  Alpha 
Phi  KRFIDI'R  lean  E  ;  KURIIZKY,  Melvvn  R.,  Zeta  Beta  Tau;  KYLl",,  Frances  E.,  Pi  Beta  Phi;  LANDON,  Jiji  E.; 
LANi:,  Barbara,'  Delta  Camma;  LARRINOA,  Franeine  I.,  Pi  Beta  Phi;  LAW'LF.R,  Robert  A. 

Sixth  row: 

1  AWRI-NCI",  Margaret  P.;  LkBAUI'R,  Sidney  I.;  LEE,  Marv  L.,  Phi  Mu;  LEEEBX'Ri:,  Harriet  .\L,  Alpha  Chi  Omega; 
Li'lBFRli'.i:),  U'arren  P.,  Delta  Tau  Delta;  LENNON,  Frances  K.;  LIAENI  IS,  Peter  J.,  Kappa  Alpha;  LI  \IN,  Paula  J.; 
Li'AVIS,  Thomas  M.;  LITTLE,  Robert  W.,  Alpha  Tau  Omega. 

Seventh  row: 

I,LOYD  lames  R.;  LOVETT,  Ruth,  Phi  Mu;  LOWE,  William  I'.;  LUCAS,  Charlev  1 1.;  LUP  EON,  J;mies  H.,Jr.;  LYNN, 
CIIARLFS,  (i.,  jr.,  Sigma  Nu;  MacLI.AHOSI',,  I'.lizabeth  J.,  Zeta  Tiu  Alpha;  M<  BRIDI.  I'ranees  I'.,  Alpha  Chi  Omega; 
McCLITLAN,  ALirion  M.,  Phi  Kappa  Sigma;  McCOLLOM,  Ciloria. 

Fiflhth  row: 

McC^RACKFN  Clavton  11.,  Jr.;  MoCRARY,  Nancy  AL,  Delta  Delta  Delta,  .McDONALD,  Anne,  Pi  Beta  Phi; 
M(  DOW  I  1  i,  Betty  \  Delta  Delta  Delta;  McCiARRY,  Peter  M.,  Kappa  Alpha;  McCARCHEY,  John  I  ..  Alpha  lau 
Omega;  .\1(;(^RAW',  Wesley  A.,  Jr.;  McKEEMAN,  Marilyn.  Kappa  Alpha  Theta;  M(  KI'lA'Ii:,  Mary;  M(  Ll'l.LAN, 
Ci.  I'dward,  Beta   Theta  Pi. 

Ninth  row: 

McMII  IAN  Robert  C.;  McRON,  William  1)„  jr.,  Phi  Delta  Theta;  MADDOX,  William  N.,  Jr.,  TanilKia  Chi  Alpha; 
McCAW  MfloF  •  MALONI'.John  W.;  MANESS,  Sara  N.,  Zeta  Tiu  Alpha;  \1  \RKS,  Jack  IT,  Tin  Ipsilon;  M  ARI.OW  l\ 
Harriet  B.;  VIARSDEN,  Ceorge  W.;  MARSHALL,  Mildred  M. 

'/(■/////  row: 

\1  \SON  Dean  T  Lambda  Chi  Alpha;  M.ATHI'SON,  Philys  B.,  Delta  Delta  Delta;  MA  THIFS,  Blair  IT;  MA  TTIITW'S, 
David  R.;'  MATIIII  \\S,  Robert  1..;  MAX,  Al  A.,  Zeta  Beta  lau;  MAXW  I  TT,  Naney  M.;  .MIADOWS,  Edward  A.; 
MEEK,  Charles  R.,  Sigma  Alpha  I  psilon;  Ml'.TROPOT,  Jimmy  J.,  Sigma  Phi  I  psiloii. 

Eleventh  row: 

MEYER  Richard  A.,  Tau  Epsilon;  MII.Ll.NSON,  lock;  MILLER,  F.,  Sigma  Nu;  MII.LIR,  Joanne,  Alpha  Delta 
Pi-  Mil  i  IR  lohn  H  Phi  Delta  Theta;  MILLIR,  josie.  Delta  Delta  Delta;  Mil.Ll'R,  Martha  J.,  Kappa  Kappa  ( iamma; 
m'iLLER,  MitWl  B.,  .MII.I.IIOI.LANI),  Donald  \V.;  AllTCHi:!,!,,  Fay  B.,  Kappa  Alpha  Theta. 

Twelfth  row: 

MOl'i  LI  R  Patricia  A  Pi  Bet.i  Phi;  MOliITT,  Babs,  Delta  (l.imma;  MOORI',  CaroLn  \'.,  Kappi  Delta;  AlOORI', 
Ted-  MORAN,  (ieorg'e  (i.;  MORTON,  |aek;  MUESER,  Robert  R.,  Tanibda  Chi  \lpha;  MUTTI-N,  Eugene  C; 
MURDOCK,  Judith;  MURPHY,  Nancy  L. 




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Fint  nnv,  left  to  rii^lit: 

MURRAY,  lames  P.;  MUSI",  I'li/.alKth  C,  Zm  Tan  Alpha,  \A()\II,  I'hoiiia.s,  Jr.,  Sigma  Alpha  I'.psilon;  \AS11, 
Carol  H.,  Alpha  Chi  Omega;  NKAL,  Consranw  N.;  M'.AL,  W  illiain  W'.,  |r.,  Smnii  Chi;  NEASE,  Mabjl  R.,  Sigmi  Kappa; 
NKKLV,  John  S.,  Kappa  Alpha;  NKHRK,.  1  larrv  M.;  NKI.SON,  MhIIk  I  .,  Pi  Mm  Phi. 

Smiihi  nni': 

Nl'.SSI  N,  XculI!  |.,  Ir.,  Lambda  Chi  Alpha;  Ncuhaus,  Irancis  C.;  NOl.l'.N,  Ann  T,  Kappa  Kappa  (iamma;  NORRIS, 
Ann  R.,  Kappa  l)clra;"\()R  I  1  ll\(  i  ION,  Nancv  C.,  IXlra  Delta  IXlra;  N()\'AK,  Charles  R.,  Hera  1  hera  Pi;  O'HRII'.N, 
\aney  H.;  ()IX)M,   \liklred  I..,  ( )l  I II .HICK,  Avis  A.;  O'CARA,  Parricia  Al.,  Alpha  Delta  Pi. 

I'li'ird  yon: 

OI.IN,  Alette  1..;  O'MANSKN  ,  Huns  1,.,  /eta  Beta  lau;  ( )M  )I',RI)()NC,  |ohn  C.;  ORR,  Kenneth  B„  Alpha  lau  Omega; 
OSHORM-,  Frances  A.;  0SI50RM\  I  leher  H.,  Iheta  C:hi;  OTl.KV,  Marv  !.,  Kappa  Kappa  (iamma;  PACHUIA, 
Sylvia  A.,  Sigma  Kappa;  PACii:,  Nina  I'..;  PALATINI',,  Richard  L.,  Sigma  Chi. 

I'm  I  r  til  roiv: 

PALMLR,  Ph\llis  M.,  Delta  fiamma;  PARKI'R,  Leiia  C.,  Alpha  Delta  Pi;  PARKI'R,  \1arcia  A.,  Phi  Mu;  PARKI'.R, 
PAUL  C.,  Phi  Kappa  Si-ma;  PARR,  Bohhv  L.;  PASCHAL,  Jerrv  1).,  Kappa  Alpha;  PA  I  RK:K,  Roman  L.;  PA  ISCI  I, 
Arthur  \„  Jr.;  PA  I  I  A,  William  II.,  Phi  Kappa  Psi;  PERKINS,  Henry    I'.,  Jr. 

Fifth  roiv: 

PIRKINS,  Susan  H.,  Kappa  Kappa  Ciamma;  PI'RLOV,  Alexander  S.;  PI'I  IRS,  Avilda  C;  PITERS,  Thomas,  Sigma 
Chi;  Pl.n.RSON,  Elizabeth  A.,  Delta  (iamma;  PIl'.RCE,  Rose  ;\L,  Alpha  Phi;  PII'I'S,  Charles  ().,  Jr.,  Phi  Kappa  Sitrmi; 
PLATER,  Joseph  R.,  Beta  Thcta  Pi;  POPE,  Thoma.s  A.;  POWl'.R,  Carrel  A.,  Kappa  Alpha    I'heta. 

.S';.v//;  Wu.'; 

PROCTOR,  Xancv  |.,  Alpha  Delta  Pi;  PROCiLER,  1  homas  H.,  Delta  Tau  Delta;  PM.i:,  lack  L.,  Sigma  Chi;  PYLES. 
Dorothy  A.,  Alpha  Delta  Pi;  R.\\i\\  Claude  L.,  |r..  Phi  Kappa  Smnia;  RANDLI',,  Louis  I-.,  |r.,  I5eta  I'heta  Pi;  RANDOI.PI  I, 
Hilda  A.,  Delta  Delta  Delta;  RANTXLL,  Katharine  P.,  Zeta  'lau  Alpha,  RAY,  Joe  B.,  Phi  Delta  Iheta,  RI.I)(.RA\'L, 
Catherine  J.,  Zeta  lau  .\lpha. 

Seventh  roii': 

REDLACK,  Charles  K.,  Pi  Kappa  Alpha;  RI'.DW'INE,  James  D.,  |r..  Kappa  Alpha;  Rl'.I'D,  |ohn  A.,  Beta  Thcta  Pi;  REI"5E, 
Sarah  A.;  REMTS,  Norma,  Phi  Mu;  RICHARDSON,  Donald  |.,' Delta  Tau  Delta;  RIPPI.R,  Raymond  |.;  Pi  Kappa  Alpha, 
Rl  LCH,  Julia  A.,  Alpha  Delta  Pi;  ROA.\L\N,  .Martin,  Zeta  Beta   Tau;  ROBIRSON,  Don  C,  Kappa  Alpha. 

FinJith  nni': 

ROBI  RES,  Sue  B.,  Pi  Beta  Phi;  ROBI  RIS,  William  C,  |r..  Delta  Sigma  Phi;  ROBINSON,  .VLary  Lee;  ROIK.I'.RS, 
Eranees  L.,  Kappa  Alpha  Iheta;  ROSIN,  Robert  I.;  R()SI',NEI'.LD,  Robert  L.;  Zeta  Beta  Tau;  ROSI'NKRANZ, 
Donald  I.,  lau  Epsilon,  RO  I  H,  Alfred  D.;  RUFEIN,  Jane  B.,  Kappa  Kappa  (iamma;  RUETY,  Eranklin  (i.,  Jr.,  Delta 
Sigma  Phi. 

Sinth  ro'ii:: 

RUSSELL,  Barbara,  Alpha  Delta  Pi;  RUSSITL,  Nancy  A.,  Alpha  Delta  Pi;  RUTLAND,  Suzanne,  Pi  Beta  Phi;  SALE, 
Crace  \N'.,  Alpha  Phi;  SA.MS,  Charles  M.;  SANDERS,  Robert  R.;  SANSON,  Thomas  H.,  Sigma  Alpha  Epsilon;  SCHI'.LLI  R, 
.Marie  A.,  Kappa  Delta;  SCH.MIIT',  Evelyn;  SCH.MOELLER,  Mary  R. 

Tenth  roir: 

SC;HNEIDE\VIND,  Frances,  Kappa  Kappa  (iamma;  SCHREINI'.R,  Charles  W.,  Jr.,  Pi  Kappa  Alpha;  SCHUCH, 
Charles  W.,  Beta  Thcta  Pi;  SI:c:RI'.S  I ,  Dorothy  I',.;  SEMON,  W  illiam  P.;  Sl',^  FEERT,  Mary  |.;  SHAEEI'.R,  Fred  W'.; 
SHARPE,  Erankic  L.,  Delta  (iamma;  SHAW,  Charles  P.,  Jr.;  SHl'.EHAN,  John  C. 

Elei'enth  ro\i:: 

SHEFFIELD,  Karl  S.,  Phi  Kappa  Psi;  SHIFLET,  Herbert  B.,  Jr.,  Lambda  C:hi  Alpha;  SHIN(iLEI ON,  Hu-h  .\L; 
SINGLETARY,  Richard  L.,  Alpha  lau  Omeua;  SKINNI'.R,  Nancv  K.,  Alpha  Chi  Omesa;  SKORX'ACiA,  .Margaret  A.; 
SLATE,  Suzanne,  Alpha  Delta  Pi,  SLA  11  R,'Bol)bye  J.,  Kappa  Delta;  S.MI'DI.IA,  Carol  L.,  Zeta  lau  Alpha;  SMILEY, 
Douglas  F.,  Beta  I'heta  Pi. 

'Furl/ til  ron-: 

S.MIl'H,  Betty  A.,  Sicma  Kappa;  SMI  III,  P.obbv  W.;  SMIIH,  Clatlunne  L.,  Phi  .Mu;  SMI  I'll,  leiiell  A..  Delta  Delta 
Delta;  S.MI  FH,  .Mary^B.;  S.Mll  1 1.  Nancy  L.;  SMI  EH,  Robert  L.,  Phi  Kappa  Sigm.i;  SMFl'H,  Suzanne;  SOMMARDAHL, 
Patricia  L.,  Delta  Gamma,  S  1  ANB.-\CK,  Sally  A.,  Kappa  Alpha  I  heta. 


SOrHOMOnES    coNnsLKr, 

hint  rozi\  li-ft  to  riaht: 

STAUI'KKR,  Ronakl  H.,  Phi  Kappa  Smnia;  SrF-.PHKNS.  Russell  I'.,  |r..  Phi  Kappa  Psi;  SI  KPHl'.NS,  Sammv  C,  Jr.,  Phi 
IXIta  Thm;  S  rr.WAR  I ,  Pcrrv  M.,  l)cita  lau  IXira;  S  lOKI.S,  IXLom  I,.,  Delta  lau  IXlra;  S'lONK,  Aibcrr  i:.;  STOTT, 
Mary  B.;  S  rRl'.l'.r,  Alary  l.lkn,  Phi  Mii;  SUDDL'  IH,  Robert  I..,  Kappa  Alpha;  SUMM.R,  Lew  I',.,  Jr. 

Second  row. 

SLNini.l).  Alfred  T,  The-ta  Chi;  SWI'.I'.NI.Y.  lane-t  F...  Ze-ra  Tau  Alpha;  S\\'OPF.,  Sidne\-  M.,  |r.;  SYKF.S,  Zenas  .M„  )r„ 
Lambda  C:hi  Alpha;  lABOR,  1  homas  l"..;  FARLI-.'LOX,  Robert  W.;  LAI  U.\l,  Nanev  A.,  Alpha  Delta  Pi;  1  AYL(")R, 
George  R.,  Hera    Iheta  Pi;  TAYLOR,  Ronald  W.,  Pi  Kappa  Alpha;    FAYLOR,    Ihomas  S.,  Phi  Kappa  Sigma. 

Third  roiv: 

IHAUBALD,  IdNvard  |.,  Pi  Kappa  Alpha;  THOMAS,  Fdwin  R.,  jr.,  SiLnna  Alpha  F.psilon;  THOMAS,  Jcrrv  F.,  Thm 
C:hi;  THOMAS,  Robert  \\..  Lambda  Chi  Alpha;  THOMPSON,  Inurson  M.,  jr.,  Lhera  Chi;  THOMPSON,  Rebtkah  j., 
Ztta  lau  Alpha;  LODD,  C:iara  P.,  Kappa  Delta,  LOCASAKl,  Shinobu;  LOLLl'.Y,  John  A.,  Alpha  Tau  Omega; 
TOVVFRS,  Sally  A. 

Toiirth  rozv: 

TRISKA,  Margit,  Zcta  Tau  Alpha;  TROLLINGER,  Raymond  R.,  Sigma  Alpha  i'.psilon;  FRUDFAU,  Jeanne  T.,  Zeta 
Tau  Alpha;  1  L'RNI'R,  Roger  L,  Delta  Tau  Delta;  URi'TSKY,  Roberta  L.,  Alpha  I'.psilon  Phi;  \'ALLF.NTYNF,  |ane. 
Kappa  Kappa  (iamma;  X'ANDF.RHOOF,  Diane  1'..,  Sigma  Kappa;  X'ANSICKLFR,  (iail  T.,  Delta  Delta  Delta;  \LILF., 
Frederiek  X.,  Jr.;  \1CK,  Charles  B. 

Fifth  row: 

VVADDFLL,  Oliver  W.;  WAGONER,  lona  P.;  WALDROP,  Peter  N.,  Delta  Tau  Delta;  WALLACE,  Susan,  Zeta  Tau 
Alpha;  WARi:,  Margaret  \;,  Pi  Beta  Phi;  WARE,  Riehard  M.,  Lambda  Chi  Alpha;  W.\SHBORN,  Carolyn  B.;  \\\\TFRS, 
James  L.,  Phi  Delta    1  beta;  WAFKINS,  Linda  J.,  Kappa  Alpha   Iheta;  W.\  I  KINS,  .Margaret  L.,  Sigma  Kappa. 

Sixth  roiv: 

WATSON,  J.  Kimball,  Lambda  Chi  Alpha;  \\'FIL,  Martin  L.,  Zeta  Beta  lau;  W  I'.LLONS,  W  illiam  H.;  W  I'RBACK, 
John  A.;  WFSl  BROOK,  Carolyn,  Alpha  Delta  Pi;  WHl  I  E-SPUNNER,  Joan  I.,  Zeta  Tau  Alpha;  WHLFMORE,  Marv  I',., 
Alpha  Chi  Omega;  W  ILHIl  I'.lames  (;.;  W  ILKINS,  Willis  j.,  |r..  Phi  Delta  Theta;  W  ILLARD,  Helen  F.,  Pi  Beta  Phi. 

WILLIAMS,  Robert  IL,  Lambda  Chi  Alpha;  WILLIAMS,  Shirley  A.,  Kappa  Kappa  Gamma;  WILLOUC^BY,  Laura  \' 
Phi  Mu;  W  ILMI.R,  Florence  P.,  Alpha  Phi;  W  ILSON,  AnneS.;  WILSON,  Barbara  ,\L;  WILSON,  Bette  |.,  Alpha  Delt 
Pi;  VMLSON,  Frank  T;  \\  ILSON,  Marv  R.,  Alpha  Phi;  WILSON,  Norman  ]. 

Eighth  roiv: 

WILSON,  Ronald  L.;  W  INGFR  1  LR,  Ronald  E.,  Beta  Iheta  Pi;  WISE,  Con.staiice  A.,  Kappa  Alpha  Iheta; 
W  ISi:,  Riehard  F.,  Sigma  Alpha  I'.psilon;  \VISE,\L\N,  Charles  I'..,  Phi  Kappa  Sigma;  WOODARD,  \.\\  W.,  Pi  Kappa 
Alpha  WOODS;  Barbara  A.;  WOODS,  Marie  E.,  Pi  Beta  Phi;  WOODWOR  I'll,  Barb.ira  A.,  Alpha  Phi;  WORSIIAM, 
Mary  E.,  Sigma  Kappa. 

Siiilh  roiv: 

WRlGlll,  William  IF,  Siuma  \u;  YANCV,  Henrv  A.,  |r.,  Siuma  Chi,  ^  ANCV,  .Margaret  IF,  Pi  Beta  Phi;  YAPLE, 
Newell  IF,  Siunia  Phi  l.psilon;  YI'.LAC:A,  Mike;  VI'.NGSI,  William  C:.,  Delta  Sigma  Phi;  ZLMMERMAN,  Elaine  E., 
Phi  Mu;  ZOLI.ARS,  William  B.,  Phi  Kappa  Psi;  ZWKlv,  Natalie  \'.,  Delta  Delta  Delta. 


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A        ^ 


first  mii\  Iff!  to  nulit: 

ABRAHAMS,  Nina  K.,  ACKI  RMAN,  Barclav  M.;  ADAMS,  Baron  B.,  |r.;  ADAMS,  Niruinia  A.;  ALBl.R  I',  Karl  \.- 
ALBI'RIS,  Irhcl  \'.;  Al.DRlDCI,  I'ad  C;  AU'.XANDI.R,  kan  B.;  ALI.XANDI.R,  Ihomas  J.;  ALIJ.N,  Julia  A.; 
ALU  V,  Cratv  W;  ALMOND,  1  kkn  S. 

Second  mir: 

ANDKRSON,  Caroline  R.;  AND!  RS')N,  Kdwaai  K.;  ANDIRSON,  John  L.;  ANDKRSON,  Robert  S.;  ANDIRSON, 
Sallv  P.;  ANrSHANSi  L,  jane  L.;  ARI'NA,  Marv  |o,  ARNOLD",  Mary  J.;  AR I  HL'R,  William  P.;  ASBL'RV, 
Norkn  C;  BAkI  R,  Charks'C;  BAKI  R,  Paul  W. 

I'hird  roil-: 

BALLARD,  Clanta  L.;  BARB,  1  homas  S.;  BARBLR,  Marjiarct  V.\  BARC.IR,  Jane  C,  BARNHARD  I ,  Luther  i;.; 
BARKLR.  Onis  C,  jr.;  BARNARD,  W  illiam  R,;  BARNKS,  Rollin  M.;  BARNKT'L,  Oliver  L;  BARRL  1  I ,  W  illiam  R.; 
BARROWS,  Kimherly  R.;  BAR  LON,  Cecil  C. 

Four  til  roii\- 

BARLNLR,  Serh  D.;  BAL  I  R,  Bruce  1.;  BA\  I.R,  lames  A.;  BAXLl.V,  W  illiam  A.;  BAMJ.SS,  ih<Hms  (,.,  |r.;  Bl  R(,l  R, 
Robert;  BI'.CKLTL,  Ralph  L.;  BLCKMAN,  Kendall  \L,  |r,;  BLCKMAN,  Marjorie  A.;  BLLL,  |<ihn  IL;  BLLL,  IJizabeth 
C,  Bl'NTON,  Maty  L. 

Fifth  row: 

BKRNSTKIN,  Lee;  BKRNTKIN,  Robert  1..;  BI'RRll'.R,  Paul  R.;  Bl  ,RR^  ,  Deborah;  BKVAN,  |oin  S,;  Bl  A  I  RID;  il'., 
David  .\L;  BITZLR,  Carl  W.;  BLACK,  Forrest  R.;  BLACKARD,  William  (,.;  BLACK.\L\N,  |ohn  C.;  BLADI'.S, 
Lemuel  S.,  Ill;  BLAVLON,  Marion  L. 

,S';.v//;  rozv: 

BLOMQUIST,  Bettv;  BLOOM,  Robert  H.;  BLUNDIN,  Roscmarie  A,;  BOARDMAN,  Robert  R.;  BOARD.\L\N, 
William  H.;  BOLStiR,  Dennis  R.;  BOLTON,  Glvn  S.;  BOONL,  Donald  H.;  BOWLLR,  Llizabeth  A.;  BOWI.IS, 
Iresea;  BOYLL,  Dial  C;  BRAMHA.NL  Frances  N. 

Seventh  rou:: 

BRANNON,  Annette  L.;  BRAY,  Lugcne  I",.;  BRFTT,  |oan  K.;  BRi'.W'I-R,  Richard  A.;  BRl'Wi'R.  Si  IL;  BRICI.,  Anton 
.\L;  BRITT,  jov  W.;  BRIIIAIN,  Fli-Aibeth  AL;  BRITTON,  William  .\L;  BROOKS,  Susan  R.;  BROW  N,  David  C.; 
BROWN,  Dennison. 

Fiiihth  roir: 

BROWN,  loan  P.;  BROWN,  Joan  R.;  BROWN.  Marv  ,\L;  BROWN,  Patricia  A.;  BROWN,  Virginia;  BROW  NINCi, 
Henrv  D.;  BROW  NING,  Robert  <\L;  BRUBAKFR,  Joseph  D.,  Jr.;  BRYAN,  David  B.;  Bryan,  James  L.;  BUCHI.IT, 
William  A.;  BUYING,  Muriel  J. 

Xiiith  row: 

BUCX^,,  Bettv  B.;  BUKOWITZ,  Moritz;  BULLARD,  Sarah  C;  BUOHL,  Fdward  A.;  BURCKLL,  Robert  C; 
BURC.HARD,  |acqueline;  BURKI.,  Leonard  W.;  BURKF,  Joseph  H.;  BURKHOLDI.R,  Peter  C;  BURR,  Peter  S.; 
BURRLLL,  JoAnn;  BURRUS,  Patricia  S. 

leiith  row: 

BURTA.\L\NTK,  Santiasio;  BYFRS,  Frank  M.;  CALDWFLL,  John  W.;  CALKINS,  Flizabeth  D.;  CALLAHAN,  (leorge 
S.;  CALLAHAN,  Paul  X.;  CANNON,  Robert  L.;  CARLTON,  Joseph  L.;  CARTFR,  Charles  T;  CARUTHI'.RS,  Peggy 
J.;  CASHWFLL,  Barbara  L.;  CASSID^',  Samuel  M. 

Eleventh  row: 

CASTILLO,  Miguel;  CASF,  Laurence  F.;  CASS,  Carroll;  CAFFS,  Dalton  R.;  C:ALF1LLD,  Hubert  I,.;  CARINFSS, 
Lewis  L.;  CHANDLFR,  Robert  M.,  Jr.;  CHAMBFRS,  Robert  M.;  CHAPIN,  Lee  W;  CHAPPI'.LL,  William  H.; 
CHATTIN,  Carol  A.;  CHII/I ON,  Scott  W. 

Fwelfth  row: 

CHRISTIAN,  W  ilham  S.;  CHRIS'IIF,  John  N.,  Jr.;  CHRONAKI,  Bessie;  CIUCI,  Marv  |anet;  CLARK,  Catherine  B.; 
CLARKF,  Jiidv  L.;  CLARY,  lames  B.;  CLAYTON,  Robert  H.;  CLEGG,  Doroths  L.;  CLFGG,  AFarv  Ann;  CLFMFNTS, 
Fdith  P.;  CLEMENTS,  Joe,  lU. 

Thirteenth  row: 

CLONTZ.  John  .\L;  COHAN,  Kathenne  R.;  COLE,  W  ilhs  II, ;  COLLINS,  Charles  R.;  COLLINS,  Harold  A.; 
COMPTON,  Kenneth  B.;  CONNER,  Idizabcth  D.;  COOK,  lames,  Jr.;  COOKE,  Wakna  D.;  CORBFIT.S,  Barbara  1..; 
CORLEY.  Jack  L.;  COUCH,  Carolyn  O. 

Fourteenth  row: 

COULTHURST,  Laurence  |.,  |r.;  COURIE,  Nkuince  N.;  COXE,  |ames  ().;  COYLI',,  |oseph,  IF;  CRAIGUF,  |aner 
L.;  GRAIN,  Bette  T;  CRA\"\  FORD,  Frederick  R.;  CRESSON.  David  IF;  CRIPPI  N,  Barbara  Ann;  CRISS,  Gloria  |.; 
CRFI  Z,  Dak  C;  CROLL,  John,  Jr. 



Pint  roii;  left  to  riiiht: 

CROU'DF.R  Hillv  I..;  CROWK,  Marujar  \1.;  CUI.HRI  TH.  Carolvn  K.;  CL'MMINCiS,  William  F.;  CURl.l  K. 
Martha  A.;  CURRY,  Katharine;  DAII.I'V,  Richard  I)..  DAl.lON,  Frank  P.;  DAl.l ON,  Sallv  (i.;  DARK.  Ralph  \1.,  jr.; 
DA\IS,  Harry  C;  DA\1S,  Judith  A. 

Second  row: 

DAVIS  Robert  B.;  DAY,  Nancv  L.;  DiBORDI'.  Shclbv  I.,  |r.;  ni(X)RD()\'A,  Peter;  DFXISOX,  Richard  1..; 
DFUSCHLF,  Margaret  B.;  DeVVITF,  David  P.;  DiCKIXSONf;  Walter;  DISPI- NZll'RF,  Carl  J.;  DIUCiUlD,  Stephanie; 
DIXON,  John  i:.;  DOCK,  Lois  J. 

Third  roiv: 

DODD  Claude  S.;  |r.;  DRO'/DOWSKl,  Fred;  DUFFY,  Marvrae;  DULA,  Sara  ).;  DUMAS.  Frnest  .\L;  DUNCAN, 
Margaret  C.;  DUNDFS,  Deirdre  C;  DUNN,  Marv  F.;  DYKl.S,  Kathrvn  1..;  FADDY,  Wildon  B.;  FAFON, 
Joanne  D.;  FASON.  I'Juood  R. 

Fourth  row: 

FDW  ARDS  Carl  N.;  FHRGOTT,  Ann  B.;  FLDFR,  Flizabeth  C;  FLLlNCrFON,  |ohn  1).;  Fl.FlSFON.  l.ura  D.; 
FUSTON,  Alan  C.;  FRICKSFN,  Fmil  P.;  FRW  IN,  AFartha;  F\'ANS,  James  M.;  FVFRHARl ,  Wade  H.,  Jr.;  FARY, 
Ernest  F.,  Jr.;  FINCH.  I"mily  C. 

Fifth  n.w: 

FINCH!  R  loan  I.;  FINN,  Rodnev  H.;  FISCHI'.R,  David  |.;  FISHI'.R,  Samuel  |..  |r.;  FORBl'S,  Alexander  C;  FORBI'.S, 
Wilhelmina  A.;  FORD,  Harry  M.;' FORD,  Jacqueline  M.;  FORFMAN,  Clav  B.,  jr.;  FOX,  |oan  L.;  FOY,  Sadie;  FRANK, 
Judy  F. 

Sixth  row: 

FRANKLIN  Paul  D.;  FRFEMAN,  Barbara  R.;  FRIFDMAN.  David  A.;  FULCHI'.R,  |ohn  R.;  FULLFR.  W  illiam  \1.; 
FULLTON,  lames  M.,  |r.;  FURLOW  ,  Alma  C;  FURLOW.  Mary  B.;  (i.ARCLA,  John  P.;  GARRA.  Ray  H.;  (iARROU, 
Thomas  M.;  GASKIN, "Dorothy  F. 

Seventh  row: 

GASFON  Joanne  S.;  CiATFS,  Herbert  S.;  CATLING,  Willard  I.,  |r.;  GFISSLFR,  William  P.;  GIBSON,  David  P.; 
(^il.LlAM"  "Key  W.;  GINGHF.R,  Alta,  A.;  GIST.  Charles  R.;  GLASS,  Beverlev;  GLASSMIRF.  Sarah  S.;CiLOSSON. 
James  (i.,  Jr.;  GODFRFY,  Banks  ().,  Jr. 

Eighth  row: 

GOFORTH,  Marcus  H.;  GOOCH,  Fdwin  J.;  (;ORHA.\L  Perry  G.;  GRAY,  William  L.,  Ill;  (iRI'FN,  Frank;  GRI.FNF, 
Glenn  !..,  |r.;  GRI'.FNF,  Jane  K.;  CIRFFNLFAF.  Donald  |.;  GROSl',,  Favette  P.;  GROSS.  Wax  B.;  GRUBI'R.  Ira  D.; 
(iRUMH.AUS,  Peter  D. 

Xii/li/  row: 

(iUARDIA  \ineenr  de  la  T;  GUNN,  Robert  M.;  GWINN,  Bvron  C,;  HACKI'IF.  Robert  N.;  HACIAN,  Jack  D.; 
HAIL  Jack  L;  IIALTON,  Shirlev;  HAMBRICK,  Herman  C.,  |r.;  HAMILFON,  l.dward  A.;  HANCX)CK, 
Donald  T,  Jr.;  HANDLFY,  June  J.;  HANSEN,  Billy  M. 

'Feiith  row: 

11  ANSI  N  RoHK  IF,  HANSIN-PRUSS.  Harold  R.;  HARDY.  Imilv;  HARGRANF.  Charles  C;  HARPIR,  Lvie  F.; 
HARRILL  luha  A.;  HARRINGFON,  Michael  H.;  HARRIS,  Barry  C.;  HARRISON,  Douglas  C.;  IIAR  I  ,  Norman  J.; 
HART,  Sarah  I.;  I  lAFCHI'R,  Rebecca  A. 

Elevetith  row: 

HAUP  I  lerrv  R  ILW'FRTY,  James  T;  HI'AD.  |ane  I.;  HFALY.  Lou  IF;  HI'A  FHI'R,  Barbara  A.;  I  DGI  S.  Helen  B.; 
HI  1)1,  (Anrhia  (,.;  Ill  AlPFRLFY,  Alartha  A.;  HFNRKIHSEN,  Elizabeth  A.,  1 II  NRY,  Sandra;  HFNSLIR,  Patricia  !..; 
HENSON,  Lillian  A. 

'Fwelfth  row: 

HI  RRING  I.  Furman,  |r.;  HFRRiNG,  \irmnia  I.;  HI  I  ILEMAN,  Kalman  R..  IllCkSON.  l.ula  |.,  IIIGGS,  Jake  K.; 
HILDRFI  H",  Shirlev  A.";  FULL,  Carolvn  I  .;'HILL.  |oan  B.;  HILLALAN,  \irginia  Al.;  HINI  S.  Oscar  I.;  Hri(:HC:OCK, 
Janet  K.;  I  lOCIIRI  11  I  R,  Peter  F. 

Thirtcentli  row: 

HOFI'MAN  Bertv  I..,  HOFFMANN,  James  R.;  HOI'IAFAN.  Paul  S.;  IIOKL  Carol  A.,  HOI  MIS.  Richard  L.; 
HOI  MIS  Robert  I.;  HOLIIIILD,  foAnn;  IIOL  I  .  Helen  C;  I  lOI  1  ON.  \nn  C.;  IIOI/\PIII..  Helen  1..; 
HONIACUI  I,  Ava  1...  Jr..  IIOPPU  l.-uira  Al. 

Fourier  nth  row: 

HORAN  |ohn  I..  HOULIHAN,  Gerv  C.;  HOUSI'R,  Pantha  \.;  HOWARD,  Charles  W.;  HOWE,  Lucile  D.; 
HUFFING  ION,  Paul  !■.,  |r.;  HUGIIFS,  Rex  I'.;  HUAIMI'L.  |ohn  K.;  IlLMMI  I..  Leslie  R.;  HUMPHRI' YS,  (L-orge  R.; 
HUNGER,  John  AL;  HUNFLI'Y,  William,  B. 


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FRESH (VIEN  continued 

/■'/r.f?  roii',  left  to  rii!,ht: 

HLRIBl'RI,    huiKs  C;   HUSTON,    lorn,  |r.;    IMPFY,  Cvnthi-.i;  INC^l'RSOl.L,  M.;    IRX'INK,   Marpircr  R 
lACKSON.   Maroaar   A.;    lACKSON,   Ricli;ird   I)..    |r.;    lACOBSON,   Arkiic   M.;  JAKFl'.,   Burton  H.;  Jl'.FFIRSON- 
l.ydia  1).;  Jenkins,  Sarah  W.,  JINM'  I   li',  Williani  S. 

Second  niv: 

IFX,  Fdward  R.;  JOHNSON,  Alhin  W.,  |OI  INSON,  Ann  P.;  |()HNS()N,  \hm  h\.-  |()HNS()N,  Lewis  C;  |OHNS()N 
l.orraine    |.;     |OHNSON,    Paul    A.;     |()1  INSON,    Randall     1.;     |()l  INSON,    Walter    C;    JOHNS  ION,  'Charles    F  ■' 
JOHNSI  ONF,  (leorge.  111;  JOINI'R,  I  nnly  C:. 

lliird  nrcj: 

JONFS,  Bettv  B.;  |ONl  S,  Oliver  I..,  |ONFS,  Riehard  B.;  KADIS,  I  larold  !,.;  KAFF.  |anie  I).;  KAUF\F\N  Arthur- 
KAY,  Frank  A.;  KFI\  Flora  J.;  Kl'.FFS,  Margaret  U'.;  KI'I'.NAN,  Michael  I-..;  KlJiOl'.,  Robert  I).;  KIIFFI'.R,  Brooks  1". 

Fail  nil  nnv: 

KFFFY.  Marv  G.;  KFNNARI),  Robert  I).;  KFNNFDY,  David  ,\F;  KFRNODFI',  Sara  R.;  KIRR,  Dana  Kay    Kll  I  FN 
Richard   B.,    jr.;   KlN(i,    |oan  IF;    KINO,  Norwood  J.;   KFI'A'ANSKV,  Richard;   KNFI.DFI'.R,  Cornelia  H;   KOI  ZF' 
lorn  H.;  K()RNFGAY,  ,\larrha  K. 

Fifth  roiv: 

KRAMFR,  jean  ].■  KRAAFMI,,  Dick  (i.;  KRAUS,  Richard  F;  FRFU'FZI'R,  Richard  ,\F;  KUHNFRT  Frederick  |- 
FAMFI' Y,  Floward  F.,  |r.;  FAMMI'.Y,  Franklin  I',.,  Jr.;  LANDAU,  Peter  i:.;  LANF,  Daniel;  LARSI'.N,  |ohn  !..;  1,  \S1  II'r' 
Howard  R.;  LASSFFI'R,  Faith  IF 

Sixth  roiv: 

LAUFFFR,  Lettv  W.;  LAW  RFNCI',,  George  B.  .\L,  |r.;  LFAKF,  Robert  C;  LFCLFRCZ,  Robert  F.;  LFF  lames  \1  • 
LEF,  Josephine  A.;  LFF,  William  C;  LFFAPHON,  Don;  LeFFM'.R,  Judith  F.;  LEHMAN,  Barbara  J.;"  Fl  RD\ 
Elizabeth  A.;  Le  STOURGFON,  Kathrvn  F. 

Seventh  row: 

I.IAINF,  Robert  1.;  IJAY,  Ahitthew  |.;  LEWIS,  Ronald  A.;  LIGHTNI'.R,  Iheodore  AL;  LINDSAY  Roduer- 
LINFBFRGFR,  joe  C;.;  LIN'FHICUM  \\'illiam  F.;  LITTLEPAGE,  John  AL,  Jr.;  LLOYD,  Laurence  W'  Jr  LONg' 
i'dith  B.;  LONG",  Harry  G.,  Jr.;  LUCAS,  Andrew  J.,  Jr. 

Fiiihth  roiv: 

LUDWICK,  Alartha  L.;  LYON,  Janice  N.;  McCALEB,  Dorothy  U.;  AlcCALL,  Ann  E.;  AlcCLARAN  Joyce; 
McCLELLAN,  Charles  P.;  AkCLURi:,  |ane;  McCONNELL,  Owen  L.;  McDOUGLE,  Ann  S.;  McGIEHAN  Gail  C  ; 
AlcJLMSEY,  Ann  G.;  AlcKAY,  Sherry  A. 

\inth  roiv: 

McKAY,  VVilev  C;  AlcKENZlE,  |crry  F.;  McNALLY,  James;  AlcNEELY,  Homer  A.;  McPHAIL,  John  C;  • 
AlcPHlRSON,  \ancv  H.;  McRAF,  Cameron  S.;  McSU'RELY,  Alarian;  A1ABEN,  Elizabeth  Havnic;  A1ABRY  Wm 
Franklin;  AlvcFWEX,  John  R.;  Al^cLI'.OD,  Ronald  C. 

Tenth  roiv: 

MACOAIBER,  Sallv  A.;  A1ALLARD,  Barbara;  MANOS,  Connie  L.;  A1ARETT,  William  W.;  MARTIN  Samuel  K  • 
ALARTIN,  S.  A'ictor;  ALARTZ,  Charles  T;  MASSARO,  Al  D.;  AlATHESON,  Malcolm  R.;  AlAUS  Billie  \  ' 
ALAX\\FLL,  BerniceJ.;  AIAXWFFL,  Daniel  H. 

Fleirnth  roiv: 

ALAXWELL,  Donald;  ALAXWELL,  Richard;  MAYNOR,  Thomas  C;  AIITFERT,  Molly  L.;  A4ERRITT,  Bard  Albert- 
AIFYFR,  ludirh  E.;  AlICHAEFS,  Edwin  S.;  A11LLER,  Charles  S.;  A11LLER,  Thomas  R.;  AlIFFI'R,  Willi;im  P  MIFSAP 
James  H.;"  AlILTON,  Hugh  AL 

'Fivel/th  roiv: 

AUNG,  Nancy  T;  MINNIS,  James  M.;  MOODY,  Willard  A.;  A100RE,  Donald  D.;  MOORE,  Edith  A.;  MOORHEAD, 
Eleanor  A.;  AlORAN,  Pete  R.;  AlORGAN,  |anc  F.;  A10RGAN,  AL  Patricia;  AIORRIS,  Sarah  A.;  AIOSS  William  R  • 
AIOWI'RY,  Alfred  L. 

Fhirteenth  roiv: 

A1ULL,  Sarah  F.;  AlURDOCK,  Elizabeth  A.;  MUTTER,  Robert  L.;  AIYERS,  Alonzo  H.;  MYERS,  Ann  A  ;  MYERS 
Charles  E.;  AIYERS,  leanne  K.;  NAWROCKI,  A'ictor  A.;  NI-'SBHT ,  lohn  C.;  NFWBI-RRY,  Bettv  Bovd;  NIWBIFL' 
James  W.;  NFWCO.VlB,  Alargaret  B.  "  .        .  , 

Fourteenth  roiv: 

NEWELL,  Nell  B.;  NEW  ELL,  Thomas  D.;  NEWTTN,  Eva  J.;  NICHOLS,  Crcisrhton  R.;  NICHOLSON,  Carole  R.; 
NORTHINGTON,  Bettv  P.;  NORTON,  Ran  F.;  NORWOOD,  Furie  L.;  NOWLIN,  John  B.;  NUITF,  Carolvn  C- 
ODFLL,  Davis  J.;  OHAlES,  Patricia  B. 




/■';'  rst  roil-,  left  to  right: 

()LDBI:R(>,  Joan  A.;  OLDS,  Ray  M.;  OI.IXT.  Iiilian  C;  OLNTV,  I.a\crn;  O'XF.Al..  Manjaar  |.;  O'SHFK, 
Patrick  C;  OTT,  Louis  J.;  ()  IK),  Ronnv  C;  OU TCALT,  Richard  F.;  C)\"F.R1()\,  Joseph  L.;  PARKFRSbN,  |ohn  B.; 

Second  roiv: 

PATRIC:K,  Doris  C,  PALl.IN.  I'duard  \\.;  PAX  FOX,  Ronald  I).;  PFFM',  \alcric;  Pl'I.F,  Allan  B.;  PFNSA.  Here; 
PFRKINS,  David  B.;  PI  RKINS,  (iordon;  PFRKINS,  W  illiam  C,  PIRRV,  Jane  S.;  PFFROS,  William  C;  PHILLIPS, 
Robert  L. 

lliird  roiv: 

PICKFXS,  Robert  A.;  Pll  RSOX,  |av  T.;  PII'RSOX.  Richard  R.;  PILLOW,  X'irginia  Q.;  PIXCRFF,  Charles  H.; 
PLU,\F\1FR.  Karhrvn;  POF,  Helen  ,\iae;  POLLOCK,  Arnold  FL;  POOLF,  I.  Talmage;  POPF,  Pauline  (..;  POPPFXBFRC, 
John  R.;  POR  1  FR,  (korge  H. 

Fourth  roil-: 

POSTAL^,  Herman;  PO'FFFR,  I'ric  D.;  POW  ILL,  Marv  Ann;  PRFSSLV,  Ceorge  B.,  PRICF,  F.  Revnolds,  PRICi:, 
Gradv  F.;  PRl  ICHARD,  Paul  W.;  PU.MPHRF.V,  Robert  E.;  PURDV,  Joan  F.;  PVATT,  KeJir  D.;  QUILLARD, 
Francis  F.;  QL'ILLIX,  Helen  D. 

Fiftli  roiv: 

RACKLFY,  Charles  E.;  RAIFORD,  Hcttic  Lou;  RAIXF5.  Frances  F.;  RAMSEUR,  Marv  M.,  RAXSOM,  lames  R.; 
RATH,  Lisle  F.;  RIIAD,  Sallv  Houston;  REAVF5,  William  S.;  REDWINE  ,  Margaret  A.;  REINER,  Henry  C;  REXICK, 
Jean;  RHI'. IXLAXDFR,  Robert  H. 

Sixth  roiv: 

RICE,  Rilla  AL;  RICHTER.  Fred  W.;  RIDCFWAV,  Herbert  L.;  RlXCi,  William  X.;  Rl  ICH,  Fhziberh  A.;  ROBFR  IS 
Donald   A.;    ROBI  RFS,   Harrv   (i.;    ROBFRIS,    |ane  F.;   ROBERTS,  John  D.;   ROBINSOX,   Alanorie   I'..;    ROEHAl. 
Xancy  C;  ROLLIXS,  Jesse  E.,  Jr. 

Seventh  roiv: 

ROSE,  Robert  K.;  ROSSELL,  Spencer  (i.,  |r.;  ROWLAIN,  Beverlv  ].;  RUBENCAAIP,  William  L.,  |r.;  RUEFIX, 
Eleanor  R.;  RUTHl'RFORD,  Alary  |ane;  SAAIS,  Warren  N.;  SANCHEZ,"  |oe,  |r.;  SANDOE,  Lester  B.;  SAPIRO,  Alan  I  .; 
SARCFX  !',  Eaton  1).;  SARCi EXT, "Alary  H. 

Eighth  roiv: 

SAUNDERS,  Nancy  F.;  SCHAR(;ES,  Horace  F.;  SCHEIE,  Charles  P.;  SCHIMA1EL,  David  AL;  SCHMI  F/.-\LAXCV, 
Helga  L.;  SCHXEIDER,  lohn  A.;  SCHULTZ,  i'milv;  SCOFF,  Donald  F.;  SCOTF,  Alichael;  SCRLCiCS,  Larrv  l"..; 
SEACER,  Charles  I-.;  SFB"AS  FIAN,  Richard  A.,  Jr. 

Xij/th  roiv: 

SEFLEV,  X;mcy  C;  SHAEFI.R,  Frank  L.;  SHI'RBAXO,  Doris  AL;  SHERRILL,  Fommv  C.,  SHFMCIIICK,  Alichael  IL; 
SHIXCil,EFOX,  Rcxidv  X.;  SHIPPI.F,  Hamilton,  SHINELL,  (kivl  W.;  SHUEORD,  Patsv;  SHUAIAX,  Mary  F.;  SIIXiFL, 
AlartinR.;  SIEGER,  James  J. 

lentil  roiv: 

SIILOFF  Auizust  |.,  |r.;  SIALMOXS,  Willi;im  P.;  SKIFF,  Earl  |.;  SLATER,  Charles  E.;  SMITH,  Bettv  W.;  SAIITH, 
Charles  I.;  SAll  I  "H,  "Charles  I  homas;  SAll  IH,  Douglas  R.;  SAIIIH,  George  P.;  SAIITH,  (korgia  AL;  SAIFEH, 
Peggy  (i.;  SAIFIH,  Sue. 

Eleventh  roiv: 

SMI'FH,  William  E.;  SNOW,  Frances  C.;  SXVDI'R,  Charles  B.;  SXM)I:R,  |erry;  SPI'RRV,  Anne  M.;  SFAXLIA', 
Xelda  J.;  SI  AXTOX,  Frank  W..  Ill;  SI  I'DM.AX,  \ietoria  E.;  SFIXiXER,  Donald  L.;  S  II'.PHI'.XSOX.  Edward  \".; 
STEPHENSON,  Samuel  S.;  SI  I  AI.NS,  David  II. 

Twelfth  row: 

STEWAR'E,  Anne  E.;  SI  E.V\  AR  I ,  Burton  (L,  |r.;  STEW  ARE,  I .  Dick;  S  FEW  AR  I,  Alar^  W.,  SII  \\  ARI, 
Patricia  A.;  SI  IFFIT.,  Jules  N.;  SI  ILI  S,  Alanorie"  I.;  SCOTF,  Barbara  |.;  S  I  RI'.irE,  Lockxxo.xl  1).,  S  ERZI'.FI'I.SKI, 
George   F.;  SIVROX,  Catherine  J.;  SL'DI.  Paul  J. 

Thirteenth  roiv: 

SU(;ER,  Dick;  SL'LLIXAX,  Raymond  C.;  SL'AIAIFRROW,  Xorma  C.;  SL'XDERAIAX,  Dee  W.,  SI'  II  A,  I  lihu  S., 
SU'F'FON,  David  B.;  I  AEEL, '  Stantme  W.;  I  A(  K  il  RSI  LL,  Carl  W.,  I  AISHOFF.  Laurence  15.,  IllACKIR. 
Alexandra  I..;    I  HACKER,  Henry  1..;   1  HOA1AS,  W  illiam  A. 

Fourteenth  row: 

THOMPSON,  Albert  C,  Jr.;  EHOMPSON,  Herrick  S.;  IIIORXE,  Larry  (i.;  FODD,  lom;  FOLER,  James  R.; 
TOWXS,  Jane  A.;  FRIAIPER.  Dan,  l\';  I  Rl'FI  I .  Sarah  I  .,  IT'CKIR.  Daniel  \1.;  I  L'CKI  R,  Donald  IF;  FCCKER, 
Eleanor  B.;   ILRXER,  Harold  I . 



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First  ro-Li\  left  to  /-/.t;///.- 

UKI.ANI),  Tora;  Ul.RICH.  RclKtr  I..;  UNDKRHll.!,.  W'.ilar  S.;  UZZFI.L,  Can.lvn  C;  \A\  BLARCOM,  Pcrcr  P.; 
\AN  M  SS,  Richard  A,;  \  AN  ORDl-R,  |(ihn  A.;  \ASS,  l.vcrm  R.,  |r.;  NI'RHVl.A,  I  laiiK-  \'.;  \'l\'l\  Rohcrr;  X'IRDKN, 
l-rank  S.;  \ ODIC.KA,  Ralph  I'.. 

Second  row: 

\()I:(;TI. FN,  Robert  S.,  |r.;  W  A(  iCONI'R,  ( .ilhert  P.;  W  AC.NI'.R,  William  C,  11;  W'AI. DROP,  Marv  Ann;  WAI.KKR, 
Carol  k.;  W  ALL,  Ann  S.";  W  Al.ll  RS,  |atk  !■.;  W  ARMA  IH,  Hill  1.,  W  A  ICIIMAN,  William  S.;  W  A'lSON,  |ohn  II.; 
WAISON,  Phyllis  J.;  WA  I W OOD,  Lynn  Al. 

Third  row. 

WAY,  Maxwell  M.;  W  LBH,  1  hzahcth  A.;  WI'HR,  lAan  L,;  Wl  HI  R,  Carl  !!.;  W'l  IL,  Ahirrav  H.,  WI.ISS,  ( Icrakl  1'.; 
WKLl),  Louis  AL,  jr.;  W  I'SHI'.RRV,  |amcs  P.,  jr.;  WIS  I,  Lon  H.;  \V1<:S  TCX)  T  I,  Ruth  I,.;  WHIPPLI.,  (iavlord  C, 
Jr.;  WHII  AKI'.R,  l)onald  R. 

Fourth  roiv: 

WmrK,  Aunts  I).;  WHII  I',  Alvvn  \\.,  |r.;  WHiri:,  ikttv  S.;  WHIILOCK,  Douglas,  II.;  Will  I  H,!),  D'l'.src  C; 
Wll.M  R,  Karl  1..;  W  KIFII'.LD,  Irncsr  (i.",  |r.;  WILKINSON,  |nc  1 1.;  WILLIAMS,  (Irate  I  .;  W  ILI.IAMS,  I/aura  A.; 
WILLIAAIS,  Alax  R.;  W  ILLIA.MSON,  ALiry  .Marrin. 

Fifth  ron: 

WILSON,  Anne  l..;  WILSON,  Frances  AL;  WILSON,  Alilner  H.,  Ill;  WILSON,  Owen  C,  WILSON;  Richard  IL,  |r.; 
WINN,  lane  AL;  WINTFR,  Fhorne  S.,  Ill;  WITHROW,  |oAnne;  WFF'FCOFF,  Richard  K.;  VVOLDIN,  William's.; 
WOLF,  Alorris  IL;  WOODHL'RV,  Oerard  F.;  WOODLIFF,  Ouy  F.,  Jr. 

Sixth  row: 

WOOLFV,  \-in.inia  C;  WOOTi'N,  \\illiam  L;  WORTHINGTON,  Barbara  A.;  WORIHY,  Willerr  ].-,  WRAV, 
Charles  W..  |r.;  \\  RICH  1  ,  llizabeth  A.;  WYCKOFF,  Fduard  L.,  |r.;  YANCFY,  Robert  S.;  YOS  1,  Frha  R.;  ^  OUNCi, 
David  B.;  ^OL■N(i,  Dovne  j.;  YOUNC,  William  AL;  ZIM  IBAUM,  Marv  .\L 





First  row: 

BA(;\V1.LL.  ROBINA  N. 

BlZZtl.L,  BinSY  B. 



CLARKI".,  AR(;\'1J".  K.,  .S'j«/j  Filonn'iia.  Student  ('ouiicii 
2,  3. 

coBLK,  jovc:k 

Nurses    Student 

Fourth  row: 

MAHAl  FI'.V,  NORA  i:. 


MI'.RIZ,    PHVLIS    J.,    &wr,(    Filomcna. 
(lovcrnnKiit  2,  ?;  Choir  1. 

MILLKR,  MILDRI;D  B.,  Santa  Filoiiifiia.  Student  Covcrn- 
iiKiit  >\  (]lass  I  teas u re r  I;  (]lass  Presiikiit  2;  (ilcc 
C:iul)  1;  .S'/xr/j/  Chart  1,2. 

NIELSON,  KARKN  C,  Nurses  Choir  I ;  Class  President  1 . 


Second  row: 




FRY,  JoANNE,  <i)M.  Glee  Club  1,  Chureh  Board  3 


GUTII'RRI.Z,  BI-.TTY  M.,  Santa  FUoniena 

Fifth  row: 





PROSSER,  BI-:TT\'  F.,  Santa  FUoniena. 

RI-ECE  PATRICIA  A.,  A<l>A.  Student  Governrricnt  3; 
Hoof  'n"  Horn  1,  2;  Duke  Players  1;  Honor  C^ouncil; 
Sr.  Representative. 

Third  row: 


KELBERT,  JOANN,  Santa  FUoniena. 



McCASKILL,  M\RY  RACHEL,  Santa  FUoniena.  Student 
Government  3;  Nurses  ("hoir  2;  President  Honor  (Council 
3;  Secretary  Class  2. 

McMillan,  h.  jane 

Sixth  row: 

RODGERS,    PATRICIA    E.,   Student   (Government   2,    3; 
Social   Standards    3. 

SMITH,  JESSIE  R.,  HA4>.  Social  Standards  2;  Chami- 
CLEER  3;  Duke  Players  2,  3. 



FAPLEY,  SALLIE  A.,  Sandals. 


Seventh  row: 

\'OGEL,  KATHRYN  M.,  Nereidian  2, 3;  Student  (Jovern- 





]m\{]\\  INIIUSES 

^    IJ 


First  roiv,  Ifft  tn  riiilit: 

BI-AIX)CK,  Doris  |.;  BOUND,  Mar- 
garet Sue;  BRif  1,  Mattic  H.; 
BRUNSON,  Norma;  BURCil'.SS, 
Bcttv  B.;  COBB,  IVanccs,  I.;  CO- 
l.r.NDA,  Carolyns. 

Si-aiiid  nir: 

DANII'.l.S,  1..  \irginia;  DA\  IS, 
l.lsicC.;  DrrS,  Dons  |.;  DI,NNIN(;, 
Icrrc  M.;  I'.DVNARIJS,  Mary  R.; 
II.AIORI.,  Anne;  K/ZILL,  Lillian  S. 

FL'I,1J:R,     l.lizalK-rh 
WOOD,     1/aura     M.: 
kan  I..;  HAMFI'ON. 

A.;     C^ATK- 



Tliird  rote: 


Bfttv    lane; 

Marv     A.;     II.ORA, 
FOS  Ti  R,    \irginia    !..; 

i'liiirth  rim-: 

IIARPIR,  Barbara  A.;  IIAYNKS, 
Shirkv  1..;  HOOKI'R,  Rowcna  A.; 
lli/al)crh  1..;  lON'I'.S,  Maruarct  I',.; 
KIMi:,  Mary  L. 

/•'(/'///  riiiv: 

l,AMOND,  Marv  W.;  LARSON, 
Bcttv  I.;  MARSILNLAN,  Marv  L.; 
MILLI'R,  loan  F.;  MOUILLKS- 
SFAUX,  lovcc-;  OZANNi:,  Dorothv 
.\L;   PRUn  L,  Mildred   \L 


Sixth  row: 

RKYNOLDS,  Norma  11.,  RICH- 
Ciwcndohn  L.;  RO".\L\NO,  loanna 
P.;  SARRAI  I.  Ann  I.,  SCI  II'.L- 
l.ONBIRC.  .Shirky  A.,  SMIIH, 
l.unici.'  ,\1. 

Seventh  rnw: 

SMIIH,  janer  H.;  URDANI'.TA, 
Maria  !..;  \AS1L\\\,  Rannc;  WAT- 
LlNCi  FON,  Ida  .\L;'  WILLLAMS, 
Bcttic  F;  WOODW  ARI),  M;irv  K.; 
WRKilli,  Nancv  1..,  ^()UNG. 
Phvllis  W. 


First  mzc,  left  to  rinlit: 


Marv      !■■. 
A  Math  I-'.; 

loscphinc   B. 


l.orL-nc      R.; 

N.  Anne; 

BI:SS1.I:R,   M.  Christine; 
Cvnthia    A.;    BOOKI  R, 

Stroud  rozc: 

BOVARD,  Marv  1,.;  BRUCl'.,  Dor- 
othy I.;  CONANT.  Svlvia  I..;  CON- 
RAl),  Maruarct  R.;  COPl'NHAXl'R, 
Ehzabcth  ^  \\'.;  DUCKWORIM. 
Nancv  I,.;  KARNHARDl,  Wanda 
A.;  HAOUSI',  Martha  L. 

Third  roll-: 

HOW  ARI),  I  Inivnce  K.;  MUX,  1  ula 
K.;  lORDW,  Ins  I..;  lUSIICl,, 
Kimcnia;  KIl.lA,  I'li/abcth  A.;  Kll.- 
LV,  Marv  A.;  KOISY,  I.ucv  |.; 
I.l'UMAN,  Billic. 

l-'oiirth  roiv: 

I.VON,  Marv  I.;  McKI'lAIA, 
Nancv  I',.;  XlAR  1  IN,  Bcttvc  |.; 
MAirHKWS,  limmic  1.;  MOR- 
RISON, l.aiira  A.;  MOSKLI'V,  jac- 
(liKJin  A.;  (KiU:,  Carol  A.;  RACI., 
Anne-  I). 

RRL'I  1  I 

Joan  i:.;  RI'.i'A'I'S,  IVgfjy 

A.;  SHI  RI'.IZ,  Margarita  P.;  SIM- 
MONS, Ida  R.;  SIMMONS,  Lillian 
i:.;  SIAUB,  Dorothy  A.;  SULLI- 
VAN, Rosalie  P. 

Sixth  row: 

TODD,  iVggv  J.;  TOPFINC,  Phvlis 
P.;  \AU(iliN,  Bcttv  I.;  WADi:, 
juha  M.;  W  AILINCiTON,  Jane 
".\L;  WnHIRS,  Rebecca  A.; 
W  RICH  I,  Bcttv  W. 




(.'oed  Editor 

Editorial  St.ift 




Assistiint  Editor 


Associate  Editor 


Head  Plwtoj^rapher 






Mavafrinir,  Editor 


Head  Photography  Director 


I ii.RMAN  (;rei:nglass 






\ROTC  Representative 




Copy  Editors 


Student  Directory 


Engineers'  Representative 

Nurses'  Representative 

(ienercil  Stciff 




)ld  Pollock 

Marrha  (iuillot 

Sue  McMull 


Norm  Rosenhauni 



Julia  Ann  I  larrell 
Pcgoy  Irbine 


Robcrr  McCicough 
Ann  Schuster 
Ann  Wichnvan 
Chf Cooke 


Jaee\'  Bargcr 
Dons  Blattner 
Judy  Davis 
Ann  1  iolron 


Dody  Drew 
Lura  I'lliston 
C'arol  Evans 
Ann  I'orbes 
Ra\   ( iarra 

Jeri  Jahn 
Jean  Koons 
Jud\-  Me\er 
LaW^n  ()lne\- 
Jane  Perr\- 
leen\-  Redw  ine 

Pete  Landau 



Mary  I'.llen  Srreer 


Shirley  ALirkee 

Bob  Gul ledge 

i'Van  Warerfield 

Ed  Nayor 

Marcia  Parker 


(J  rover 

Belli  \\el)l) 




Asst.  Bus.  Manager 

lUisiiiess  Stciff 

Business  Manager 


Adv.  .Manager 

Coed  Bus.  Manager 

Barbara  Evans 
Gloria  McCollum 
Emily  Schultz 
Irene  Schulz 
Oarol  Hiester 
Sue  VV'hite 
Wilma  Broome 
Joan  Brown 

(ienenil  Staff 

Barbara  Woods 
Kay  Charter 
Suzic  Parker 
Ber/.  Russell 
Pris  McKelvey 
Betty  McCoy 
Anne  Tatum 
Terry  Haller 
Virginia  Herring 

Joan  Gummels 
Forrest  Black 
Pat  C'ohoon 
May  Stone 
Gail  van  Sickler 
Virginia  Bush 
Jane  McKinney 
Jean  Norton 

AdvertisiniS  Staff 

Vvcd  Shaffer 
Robert  Guy 
John  Tolley 
Arnold  Seesholts 

Ken  Orr 
Bob  Little 
Dave  Crockett 
Joan  Gummels 




Abrahams,   Nina.  "55 17   West    Princeton.   Lynchburg,   Va. 

Adams.  Virginia  Jean,  '55 706  Elk  Speer  Street,  Flkin,  N.  C. 

Akin,    Jane,    '53 La    Feria,    Texas 

Alberts.   Vivian.   '55 140   Brewer   Ave..   Suffolk,    Va. 

Aldridge,    Cornelia.    '53 Wayne,     Pa. 

Alexander,   Jean,   '55 324    Ridgewood  Ave..   Charlotte.   N.   C. 

Allen.   Ann.   '54 7910  Chicago  Avenue.   River   Forest.   111. 

Allen.    Jean.    '54 1035    College    Street.    Macon.    Ga. 

Allen.  Charlotte   Marguerite.   '52 

489    Mellview   Ave..   S.W..    Atlanta.   Ga. 

Allen.    Julia.    '55 216    Sixth    Street.    Smithtield.    N.    C. 

Allen,   l.aura   Lee.  '53 704  Tweed   Ave.,   Cincinnati    26.   Ohio 

Allen.  Grace  Virginia.  '55 328  Georgia  Ave..  Burlington.  N.  C. 

Almand.  Helen  Spratley.  '55.  20  Putnam  Drive,  N.W..  Atlanta.  Ga. 

Alyea.  Nancy  Anderson,  '53 Hope   Valley.   Durham.  N.  C. 

Anderson,  Caroline.  "55 37   E.   Victory   Dr..   Savannah.  Ga. 

Anderson.    Nancy.    '52 181    Garfield    Ave..    Elmhurst.    HI. 

Anderson.  Sally  Porter.  '55.2118  St.  Johns  Ave..  Jacksonville.  Fla. 

Andrews,  Jane  Raine.  '52 224  West   Elm  St..  Graham.  N.  C. 

Aneshansel.  Jane  Louise,  '55. .2961   Fischer  Ave..  Cincinnati.  Ohio 

Arena.   Mary  Jo.  '55 1917  Club   Blvd..   Durham.   N.  C. 

Arnold.  Mary  Josephine.  '55. .365  Lexington  Road.  Richmond.  Va. 

Arrants.   Betty   Ross.   '52 173   Green   St..   Athens.   Tenn. 

Arthur.    Marge.    '52 21    Cedarbrook    Ave..    Brigeton.    N.    J. 

Asbury.  Norlen  Gaile,  '55 4284  South  35th  .St..  Arlington.  Va. 

Atkinson.    Bettie   Helen,  '54 294  Carbia   Ave..    Macon.   Ga. 

Atkinson.   Jane   Cary.    '53 Burnette    Ave..    Enfield.    N.    C. 

Avery.    Virginia.    "54 209    Prince    St..    Alexandria.    Va. 

Bacon.   Mary   Anne.  '53 Newfield  St..   Middletown.   Conn. 

Baldwin,  Suzanne.  '54 2908  Dellwood  Circle.  Lynchburg.  Va. 

Ballard.    Catherine    Anne.    '52 Owings    Mills.    Md. 

Ballard.  Clarita  Lee.  '55   2854  Edwards  Ave.  S..  St.  Petersburg.  Fla. 
Barber.    Margaret    Foreman.    '55 

617   Llewellyn   PI..  Charlotte.   N.  C. 

Barber.   Betty  Jean.   "52 4210  1  renholm    Rd..   Columbia.   S.   C. 

Barger.  Jane.   '55 7   Seneca    Place.   Upper   Montclair.   N.   J. 

Barker.  Pansy  Marie,  '52. ...403  E.  Markham  Ave..  Durham,  N.  C. 

Barnhardt.  Anne.  '52 702  Cobb  St..  Durham.  N.  C. 

Barrows.   Kim.  '55 344  Jefferson   Rd..  Webster  Groves.   Mo. 

Barrows.  Nancy  W.   '53 6083  Dryden  Ave..  Cincinnati  13.  Ohio 

Bartak.  Helen  Elizabeth,  '52..820  Wilkerson  Ave..  Durham.  N.  C. 

Beal.   Mays  Caroline.  '53 606   Lee  St..   Gastonia.   N.  C. 

Beane.  Margery.  '54 227  Kensington  Rd..  Greensboro.  N.  C. 

Beck.  Suzanne  Joyce,  '54 5970  Clark  .Stale  Rd..  Gahanna.  Ohio 

Beckman.   Marjorie  Anne,   '55 

177    Roxbury    Rd..   Garden   City.   N.    Y. 

Bell.   Elizabeth  Gilbert.  '55 104   Marsh   St..   Beaufort.   N.  C. 

Belland.  Charlotte  Ethel.  '54 728  N.E.  72nd  St..  Miami.  Fla. 

Bemus.  Jane   Elizabeth.  '54 Faculty   Apts..   Durham.   N.   C. 

Benson.    Mary  Thornton.   '54 223   Vance   St..   Sanford     N.   C. 

Benton.    Mary    Elizabeth.    '55 Portland    Rd.,    Saco.    Maine 

Berding,   Anne   Catherine.    '53 

3111    Foxhall    Rd..   N.W..   Washington.   D.  C. 

Berncr.    Carlene.    '52 Clewiston.    Fla. 

Berry.  Deborah.  "55 6116  S.W.  47th  St..  Miami.  Fla. 

Bevan.   Joyce   Ann.   '52 414   Eight   St.,   Ocean   City.   N.   J. 

Bevan.  Joan  Sandra.  '55 Post  Ordnance  Office.  Fort  F.ustis.  Va. 

Bishop.    Margaret    Jean.    '53 

1730   Beach   Dr..  N.E..  St.   Petersburg.   Fla. 

Bixby.  Mary  Louise.  '52 1X510  Bretlon  Dr..  Detroit  23.  Mich. 

Black.  Betty  Gregg.  '54 219  E.   Michigan  Ave..  DeLand.   Fla. 

Black.    Marilyn   E.,   '54 Murray    Hill    Rd..    Baltimore.    Md. 

Blackaril.  Louise  Cornelia.  '54    1151    Holston  Ave..  Briston.  Tenn. 

Blackwell.    Alice.    '54 Ruffin,    N.    C. 

Blackwell.   Lucy    M.,  '52 Greiss,   N.   C. 

Blades.    Barbara    Ann,   '54 

5806  Three  Chapt   Rd..   Richmond  26.  Va. 
Blanks.   Marguerite.   '53 

1221    Willow    Branch    Ave..    Jacksonville    5.    Fla. 

Blanlon.   Marion   E..  '55 2251    Selwyn   Ave..  Charlotte.  N.   C. 

Blattner.   Doris.  '54 104   Hanover   Rd..    Mt.    Lakes.   N.   J, 

Blight.  Jane  A..  '53   26105  Dundee  Rd..  Huntington  Woods.  Mich. 

Bloomquist.   Betty.  '55 922   Demirues   St..   Durham.   N.   (  . 

Blundin.  Rosemarie,  '55 56  North  Main  St..  Flemington.  N.  J. 

Bohlin,   (  aiol.   '52 85    Hillcrest    Rd..   Needham    92.    Mass. 

Bohn,    Mary.    '53 204    Beall    St..    Lenoir.    N.    C. 

Bollman.  Margaret  Lois,  '52 1  13  East  Main  St..  Adamstown.  Pa. 

Bolmeier.  Barbara  Joan.  '53 217  Faculty  Apis..  Durham.  N.  C. 

Bolmeier.  Hazel  Jane.  '52 217  Faculty  Apts..  Durham.  N.  C. 

Bolton,   Glyn,   '55 407    Prado,    Lakeland,    Fla. 

Bonnesen.    Janet.    '54 36    Lowell    Ave..    Summit.    N.    J. 

Bonneville.  Joanne.  '54 124  E.  Leiand  St..  Chevy  Chase.  Md. 

Bowen.  Phoebe.  "52 1516  S.  Peninsula  Dr..  Daytona  Beach.  Fla. 

Bowers.  Charlotte.   "54 1118   Seventh   Ave..    Bristol.   Tenn. 

Bowers.   Marjorie  Naomi,  '52 Box  54,   Morganton,  N.  C. 

Bowers.    Blair.   "52 Jackson.   N.   C. 

Bowler.    Betsy.   '55 1159   Cherry    St..    Winnetka.    111. 

Bowles.  Mary  Tresca.  '55 1400  Shepherd  St..  Durham.  N.  C. 

Bowman.    Dorothy    Willard,    '54 Enniskillen.    Easton.    Md. 

Boyle.    Beverlv.    "53 8020    Daytona    Dr..    Clayton.    Mo. 

Boyle.    Dial   Gray.   '55 2404    Mellonville    Ave..    Sanford.    Fla. 

Boysworth.  Jeannine.  '53. .726  Montgomery  Ave..  Albemarle.  N.  C. 

Bradley.    Jean.    '54 834    High    St..    Burlington.    N.    C. 

Bramhan.  Frances  N.,  "55.. .30  South  Shaw  Lane.  Ft.  Thomas,  Ky. 
Brannon.  Annette  Laetitia.  '55.. .208  Pineview  Rd..  Durham,  N.  C. 

Brantley.   June.   "52 643    Mahaley  Ave..   Salisbury.   N.  C. 

Braun.   Margaret   M.  K.,  '52 Jacksonville,   Fla. 

Brenneman.    Beverly,    '52 34   Colonial    Dr..    McKeesport.    Pa. 

Brett.    Joan.    '55 369    Wilbraham    Rd..    Sprin^ficld.    Mass. 

Brigstocke.    Joan,    '53 R.    D.    No.    1.    Dover.    Pa. 

Britt.   Joy   Wood.   '55 809   Watts   St..    Durham.   N.   C. 

Brittain.    Kitty.    "52 717   N.    Adams    St..   Tallahassee,    Fla. 

Brittain.   Betsy,  '55 254   Maple  St..   Brevard.   N.   C. 

Brokenshire.  Janet,  '53 123   S.    16th  St..   Allentown.   Pa. 

Brooks.  Elizabeth  Ann.  '53. .26  Coligni  Ave..  New  Rochelle.  N.  Y. 

Brooks.  Susan  Ruth.  '55 1011  Southwood  Dr..  Durham.  N.  C. 

Broome.   Wilma   Frances,   "52 White    Plains,   N.   C. 

Brown.  Caroline.  '53 Box   105,  Roanoke  Rapids.  N.  C. 

Broussard.  Nancy  Virginia.  '54 

1  1  1    Claiborne   St.,   St.    Martinville.    La. 

Brown.  Ann  Baldwin.  '54 317  Crescent  Court.  Louisville  6.  Ky. 

Brown.   Beverly,  "54 1112  Steele  Blvd..    Baton   Rouge,  La. 

Brown.    Joan    P..    '55 Blacksville.    S.    C. 

Brown.   Joan   Ruth,   '55 104   Old   Oak   Rd..   Newark.   Del. 

Brown.   Joyce.   '54 Box   32.    Hillsboro.   N.   C. 

Brown.    Virginia,    '55 Box    506.    Albemarle,    N.    C. 

Brown.  Marion.  '52 3066  DeLancey  Rd..  Niagara  Falls.  N.  Y. 

Brown.  N.   Marie,  '52 244   Prescott   Ave..   Scranton.   Pa. 

Brown.   Patricia  Ann,  '55 2202   Minor  St..   Alexandria.   Va. 

Brown.   .Sally    M..   '53 Rutherford.    N.   J. 

Brown.    Peggy.   '55 1131    Dove    Rd..    Louisville.    Kv. 

Bruce,     Betty,    '53 2026    Diana    Dr..     Palatka.     Fla. 

Brunhoff.   Marjorie,  '54 547   Palm  Trail.  Delrav   Beach,   Fla. 

Bryant.    Helen    C,    '52 Box    70S.    Winston-Salem.    N.    C. 

Bryson.    Mary.   "54 1023   Sycamore   St..   Durham.   N.   C. 

Buesing.    Muriel   Jane.   '55 Maren.go.    111. 

Bugg.   Betty   Blackwell,  '55 

607  Forest   Hills  Dr..  Wilmington.  N.  C. 
Bullard.  Mary  Ann,  '54       2208  Sherwood  Ave..  Charlotte.  N.  C. 

Bullard.  .Sally.  '55 2208  Sherwood  Ave..  Charlotte.  N.  C. 

Burcham.  Jean  Arthur.  "52 118  S.  Driver  Ave.,  Durham.  N.  C. 

Burghard.  Jackie.  "55  504  S.W.   18th  St..  Ft.  Lauderdale.  Fla. 

Burke.  Catherine  Regina.  "54.  9  Plymouth  Circle.  Asheville.  N.  C. 

Burrell.  Jo  Ann.  "55 342  Montgomery  Ave..  .Albemarle.  N.  C. 

Burrous.    Barbara.   '54 Genesee.    Pa. 

Burrus.    Patricia,   '55 

3150    lenn\son    St..    N.W..    Washington.    D.    C. 

Burton.    Ann    M.,    '54 2280    Edison    Ave..    Detroit.    Mich. 

Bush.  Ginny.  '54 5007   Noyes  Ave..  Charleston.   W.   Va. 

Calkins.  Dorothy  Coyncr.  "54       33  Maxwell  Rd..  Richmond.  Va. 
Calkins.  Elizabeth  Dixon,  "55     .445  Rivissicle  Dr..  New  York  City 

Campbell.   C  arolyn.   "53 Box   332,   Summersvillc.   \\  .    Va. 

Campbell.   Mary   Milton.   '53 

Faculty  Apts.,  Durham,  N.  C.  Newton.  N.  C. 

Cannell.  Nancy.  '53  16709  Kenyon  Rd..  Shaker  Heights.  Ohio 

Cannon.   Jo   Anne.   '52 

APO  206A,  c/o  Postmaster,  New  York.  N.  Y. 
Carmichael.  Marcia  L.,  "53. ...Box  227,  "The  Cove,"  Gloucester.  Va. 

Carr.    Mitta    G..    '53 Oxford,    N.    C. 

Carter.  Jane  Aileen.  '54 P.  O.  Box  713.  Morganton.  N.  C. 

Carter.    Kathcrine    R..   '53 Box    27.    Maxton.    N.    C. 

Carter.   Patricia   J..  '52 2413   Oak    Place.   Ciulfport.    Miss. 

Cartwright.  Margaret  E.,  '53. .576  West  Woodland.  Fcrndale.  Mich. 

Caruthcrs.   Peggy  Jane,  '55 Route   No.   2.    Hillsboro.   N.  C. 

Cashwcll.  Barbara,  '55 2601   W.  Market  St..  tirecnsboro,  N.  C. 

Cass.   Carroll,   '55 725   Gales   Ave..   Winston-Salem.    N.   C. 

Cassel,  Nancy,  '52 402  Summit  Ave..  Fairlawn,  N.  J. 

Castle.    Connie.    '52 72    S.    Brood    St..    Hillsdale.    Mich. 

Cather.  Carolyn  Curtis,   '55 7    Patch    Rd..    Ft.    Monroe.   Va. 

Cathey,    Betty.   '54 405   S.   Fayetteville   Ave.,   Dunn.   N.   C, 


Causey,    Ann.   '53 5616   Wilson   Lane,    Bethesda,    Md. 

Caviness.    Veve,   '54 Lillington,    N.    C. 

Chappell.    Belly,    '54 Woodland    Ave.,    Hertford.    N.   C. 

Challin.  Carol.  "55 429  N.   26lh  Ave.,   Hollywood.   Fla. 

Cherry,  Julia  Pamela,  '52.. 1415  Pennsylvania  Ave.,  Durham,  N.  C. 

Chester,     Carolyn,     '52 Soulhern     Pines,     N.     C. 

Christian.  Mary'.'Xnn.  '52 122  W.  Trinily  .^ve..  Durham.  N.  C. 

Churchill,    Paliv    I  ou.   "54 Pruencne.    Marie.    Hawaii 

Ciuci.  Mary  .lane,  '55 40  Chestnut  St..  Rockville  Centre,  N.  Y. 

Clark.    Catherine,   '55 407    Holly    St..    Grecnyille.    N.    C. 

Clark.    Janice.    '54 1  SOX    Korcst    Rd..    Durham.    N.    C. 

Clark.  Joyce,  '54 1808   Forest   Rd..   Durham,   N.  C. 

Clark.    Ruth,   '52 812   St.    Patrick   St.,  Tarboro,   N.   C. 

Clarke,    Judy,    '55 Bo.\    604.'(,    West    Palm    Beach.    Fla. 

Clarke.  Nancy,  '54 Pinecrest.   S.   Station   St..   Duxbury.    Mass. 

Clay.  Jane  E.,  '53 558  E.  Grant  Ave..  Rosclle  Park.  N.  J. 

Clegg.    Dot.   '55 ?■??•   W.    Front   St..    Burlington.   N.   C. 

Clegg,    Mary   Ann.   '55 Ml.    Holly.    N.   C. 

Clements.  Edith  Peppier,  '55 140  Pinecrest  Rd,.  Durham.  N.  C. 

Clements.   Peyton.  '53 140   Pinecrest   Rd..   Durham.   N.  C. 

Cline.    Barbara    Anne,    '52 1623    Boiling    Ave..    Norfolk.    Va, 

Cline,    Virginia,    '52 36    Penn.    Ave..    Canton,    N.    C. 

Cobb.   Fay.  '52 235   Grand    Blvd..   Park    Ridge.   111. 

Coe.    Elaine    M.,    "54 Station    Ave..    Langhorne.    Pa. 

Coffee,    Mary    Lib,    '54 118    Oak    Lane,   Cranford,    N.    J. 

Cohan.     Katie,     '55 1536     Burbank     Rd..    Wooster,     Ohio 

Cohan.    Patte.   '53 1536    Burbank    Rd.,    Wooster.    Ohio 

Cohoon.  Patricia.  '53 Box  65.  Columbia.  N.  C. 

Coleman.  Mary  Elizabeth,  '52 106  Bracewell  Ave..  Dothan.  Ala. 

Colledee.   Lois.   '52 Route   No.    1.   Winston-Salem.   N.   C. 

Collins^   Patricia,  '54 612  S.   Broad  St..  Thomasville.  Ga. 

Collinson.    Ruth    E.,   '52. ...512    Davidson   Ave.,   Connellsville.    Pa. 

Conner.  Darlene.  '55 5386  Allan  Rd.,  Washington   16.  D.  C. 

Constantine,    Margaret    L.,    '52 723    Main    St..    Racine.    Wise. 

Cooke.  Walena.  "55 .1867  N.  Center  St..   Hickory.  N.  C. 

Copeland.  .A.  .Ann,  '54 203   Underwood  Ave..  Greenshurg.  Pa. 

Corbeels.   Barbara,  '55 425  Avalon   Rd..  Winston-.Salem.  N.  C. 

Corzett,   Joan.    '53 3615    S.    Taylor   St..    Arlington    6.    Va. 

Couch,  Carolyn  O'Dell,  '55 1313  Gregson,   Diuham,  N.  C. 

Couch.  Sally,' '53  Rocky   Ridge   Rd..  Chapel   Hill.  N.  C. 

Courtney.  Virginia  .Ann.  "52....315  Woodside  Place.  Lenoir.  N.  C. 
Covington.  Anne  Paschall,  '54. 110  Mason  Croft  Dr..  Sumter.  S.  C. 

Cozart,    Rachel    Stedman,    '54 Fuquay    Springs.    N.    C. 

Craigue.    Janet.    '55 Mendenhall,    Pa. 

Grain.    Bette,    '55 2411    Club    Blvd.,    Durham.    N.    C. 

Cresap.  Janice,  '54 821    E.  Di  Lido  Dr..  Miami   Beach.  Fla. 

Crews,    Ann,    '52 Country    Club    Rd.,    Winston-Salem,    N.    C. 

Crippen.  Barbara  Ann,  '55 87  Joyce  Rd..  Tenafly,  N.  J. 

Criss,    Gloria    Janet,    '55 9    THE    NECK.    Manhasset,    N.    Y. 

Critcher.   Anna   Edna,   '54.. 1210    Broad   St..    Durham,   N.   C, 

Croyy.    Barbara.   '52 12   N.    Kinsington    Rd..    Asheville,   N.   C. 

Crowe,   Ann   Glenn,  '52 Anniston.   Ala. 

Crowe.   Margaret.  "55 315  Orange  St.,  Wilmington,  N.  C. 

Crowell.   Joan   Lovelace,  '53 Hilltop   Farms.    Enka.   N.   C. 

Crumbley.  Jo  Claire,  '54.... 1521  Providence  Dr..  Charlotte  7,  N.  C. 

Crutcher.    Frances,    '53 703    E.    45th    St.,    Savannah.    Ga. 

Culbreth.  Carolyn  Elizabeth,  '55. ...1010  Edith  St.,  Durham,  N.  C, 

Cummine,  Jane  C.   "54 451    E.  College  St..  Griffin,  Ga. 

Cunningham,    Betty    Ruth.    '52 

2380   Maplewood    Ave..   Winston-Salem   7,   N.   C. 

Curlee.  Geraldine  Teresa,  '53 - Marshvillc.  N.  C. 

Curlee.  Martha.  '55 Erwin  Heights,  Thomasville,  N.  C. 

Curren.   Mary  Louise,  '54 American   Embassy,  Cairo.   Egypt 

Curry.  Katharine,  '55. .3079  Ordway  St..  N.W.,  Washington  8,  D.  C. 

Dabney.    Elizabeth,    "53 430    W.    Third    St..    Lexington.    Ky. 

Dalton.  Sally  Gossett,  "55 1543  Queens  Rd.,  Charlotte,  N.  C, 

Davenport,    Dorothy,   '54 

c/o  Col.  H.  A.  Davenport,  PM  Div.  Eucom, 
APO  403.  c/o  Postmaster.  New  York,  N.  Y. 

Davis,  Alda  Jean,  '52 1  16  E.  Mountain.  Kings  Mountain,  N.  C. 

Davis,    Ann,   '53 301    Madison    Ave..    Olean,    New    York 

Davis,  Judith  A.,  '55 1394  Terrace  Dr..  Pittsburgh   28,   Pa. 

Davis.  Nancy,  "52 399  Heywood  Ave..  Orange.  N.  J. 

Davis,  Margaret,  "52 212  Patrick  St..  Leaksville.  N.  C. 

Dayyson,  Mary,  '53 203   Hillside  Ave.,  Fayetteville,  N.  C. 

Day,  Nancy  Lee,  '55 304  Karen  St.,  S,  Charleston  3,  W.  Va. 

Deimel,   Carmelita,  '52 

4414  Macomb  St.,  N.W.,  Washington,   D.  C. 

DeLapp,  Barbara  Rose,  '54 109  Chestnut  St.,  Lexin,?ton,  N.  C. 

Demorest,    Sallie,    '54 138    W.    33rd    St.,   Jacksonville,    Fla. 

DePass.  Nancy  Witherspoon,  "53 Jordan  Ave.,  Camden,  S,  C. 

Depp.  Betty  Lou.  '52 1921  Virginia  Rd.,  Winston-Salem,  N.  C. 

Derrick.   Barbara,  "54 

4215   Chesapeake   St..  N.W..   Washington    16.   D.   C. 

Deuschle.   Peggy,  '55 222   Fairfax  Dr.,  Winston-Salem,  N.  C. 

Deutsch,    Marietta    Louise,    '54 Asheville,    N.    C, 

Deyton,   Ann,   '53 568    E.    Main   St,,    Brevard,    N.   C. 

Dienstl,  Sharon  Roe.  '54  ...1263  California  Rd.,  Tuckahoe  7,  N.  Y. 

Dietz,  Hattie  1..,  '53 110  Elizabeth  St.,  Covington,  Ga. 

Diuguid.  Stephanie,  '55 559  Antlers  Dr..  Rochester  18.  N.  Y. 

Divine,    llinor.   "53 1422   Watauga   St..    Kingsport.   Tenn. 

Dixon.   Alta  Juanita.  '52 Box    142,   Elm  City,  N.  C. 

Doane.   Rosamond   F.,  '54 215  E.  Ninth  St.,   Plainfield,  N.  J. 

Dock.    Lois   J.,   '55 6081    Belleair   PI.,   Cincinnati    24,   Ohio 

Dodge,   Jackie,   '52 1737   Waverland    Dr..    Macon,   Ga. 

Dodson,   Phylis,  '52 

4001    Morrison  .St..  N.W.,  Washington    15.   D.  C. 

Dohner.   Palsy   McCain,  "53 Ashehoro,  N.  C. 

Dollens.    Marjorie   Lou,   '53 

340  S.  Cottage   Hill   Ave.,   Elmhurst.    111. 

Dominik.  Joyce.   '54 431    Wisner   Ave..   Park    Ridge,   HI. 

Dowdy.  Patricia  Ann,  '53 1206  Holloway  St..  Durham.  N.  C. 

Downes.   l.ibby,  '53 1018   24th   St.,  N.E..  Canton.  Ohio 

Downs.   Connie,   '54 II    lidgewood    Rd..    Lexington.    Mass. 

Drake.   Janet,  '54 62   Sheffield    Rd..   Newtonville.    Mass. 

Drake.  Marcia  Randolph.  '54 237  S.  Elm  St..  Asheboro.  N.  C. 

Drew.    Dody,   '53 438   Park    Rd.,   Webster  Groves.    Mo. 

Dudley,    Dottie,   "54 404   W.    View,    Lenoir,    N.    C. 

Duffy,   Maryrae,  '55 59   Berkley  Ave.,   I.ansdowne.   Pa. 

Dula.  Sarah  Josephine,  '55 1619  Avondale  Dr..  Durham.  N.  C. 

DuMont,  Nancy,  '54 163   Brulon  Rd..  Ciarden  City.  N.  Y. 

Duncan,  Laura,    52 714  S.  Candler  St..  Decatur.  Ga, 

Duncan,    Margaret   C.   '55 105    Polk    St..    Raleigh.    N.    C. 

Dundas.    Deirdre.   '55 Box   605,   .Southern    Pines.    N.   C. 

DiMidas.  Rosemary,  '54 610  Valley  Rd.,  Southern   Pines.  N.  C. 

Dunham.    Beth,   '53 20   K.   .St.   Clair   St..   Warren.   Pa, 

Dunn,  Margaret,  '53 211   New  St.,  New  Bern,  N.  C, 

Dunn,     Mary,     '55 2818     N.     24th     St..     Arlington,     Va, 

Dussault,   Adrienne,   '54.   2330   S.    Meade   St..   Arlington.    Va. 

Dutoit.  Audrey,  "54 4040  Bronx   Blvd.,  New   York   66,  N.  Y. 

Dutton.    Ruth.   "54 109   Jarvis.   Sparta.   N,   C. 

Dyres,    Kathy,    '55 707    Dewey    Ave.,    St.    Marys,    W.    Va, 

Eades,    Abigail,    '54 12    Kingsbury    PI.,    St.    Louis    12,    Mo. 

Earle,  Audrey,  '54 

Quarters   "Eye,"   Naval    War   College,    Newport,    R.    1. 

Early,    Mary    Laws,    '52 2042    Mango    PI..    Jacksonville.    Fla. 

Eaton,  Joanne  Duff,  '55 736   Park   PI.,   W.   Palm    Beach.   Fla. 

Eaton,  Leslie  Alice,  '53.. 142  White  Plains  Rd..   Bronxville.  N.  Y. 

Edens.     Catherine     Ward,    '54 Rowland,     N.     C. 

Edwards.  Mayme.  '53 1201  Evergreen  Ave.,  Goldsboro.  N.  C. 

Efland,    Margie    Ann,    '53 Efland,    N.    C. 

Egan,  Louise  Caroline.  '53 Union.  N.  J. 

Ehrgolt.    Ann,    '55 Hagy's    Mill    Rd..    Philadelphia    28,    Pa, 

Ekiund,  Helen  Mae,  "52 364  E.  Broadway.  Winona.  Minn. 

Elder.    Elizabeth,   "55 1722   Charlotte    Rd.,   Albemarle,    N.   C. 

Elder,    Mary,    '53 1722   Charlotte    Rd.,    Albemarle,   N.   C. 

Eley,   Betty,  "53 Queen   Anne.    Md, 

Elliston,  Lura,  "55 2413  Madford  Ct.  E..  Fort  Worth,  Tex. 

Erwin,   Martha,   "55 

2818  Chelsea  Circle,   Hope   Valley,   Durham,   N.  C. 

Evans,  Barbara  Lee,  "53 10  S.  Crescent  St..  Maplewood.  N.  J. 

Evans.  Carol  A..  "53 325  Evergreen  Rd.,  Jenkintown.  Pa. 

Evans,    Diane,    "53 45    E.    55th    St.,    .Savannah,    Ga. 

Evans,    Faye    Dean,    '52 Rt.    4,    Lexington,    N.    C, 

Faber,  Sandra,  '52 1296  Seminole  Dr..  Fort  Lauderdale,  Fla. 

Fairley,  Nancy,   '52 2108   Reaves   Dr.,   Raleigh,   N.   C. 

Farnham.   Marjorie  Arlene,  '52 

131   Farnham  Ave..  New  Haven.  Conn. 

Faulkner.  Ann,  "53 1611    Yorkshire,   Birmingham.  Mich. 

Ferrell,  Ann  Gamble,  '53 602    Buchanan   Rd..   Durham.   N.  C. 

Finch,    Emily    Cooper,    '55 Thomasville,    N.    C. 

Fincher,   Joan    Iris.   '55 1    Terrace   Dr.,   Canton,   N.   C. 

Finter,   Patty  Preston,  '53 

3400  MacComb  St..  N.W..  Washington,  D.  C. 

Fisher,  Emily,  '53  3134  Sussex   Rd..   Raleigh.  N.  C. 

Fisher.   Margaret.  '53 6  Woodside  Park.   Pleasant   Ridge,  Mich. 

Fisher.   Ruth  Anne.  '53 1913   Reid  .St.,   Raleigh.   N.  C. 

Flanders.  Mary  A.,  '52 North  Weare,  N.  H. 

Flannery.  Mary,  '54 3701   Durango  Ave.,  Coral  Gables.  Fla. 

Flannery.   Mickey.  '53. ...3701    Durango   Ave.,  Coral   Gables,   Fla, 

Flintom,   Frances,  '54 Providence  Rd..  Charlotte.   N.  C. 

Fogle.    H.    La    Rue,   '54 Walkersville.    Md. 

Foppert.  Helen  B..  '54 1803  Erlen  Rd.,  Philadelphia  26.  Pa. 

Forbes.   Ann,   '55 240  N.   27th   St.,   Camp    Hill,    Pa. 

Forbus,  Martha  Caroline,  '54 

3309  Devon   Rd..   Hope  Valley.   Durham.  N.  C. 

Ford.  Constance.   '54 15   Cheswick   Rd.,  Auburndale,   Mass, 

Ford,  Jacqueline,  "55 65  E.  96th  St..  New  York  28.  N.  Y, 

Fox,   Joan,   "55 2813    Oak    St.,    Evansville.    Ind. 

Fox,  Jo.   "53 1011    E.    Main   St..   Albemarle,   N.   C. 

Fov,  Sadie,  "55 448  N.   Main   St..   Mt.  Airy.  N.  C. 

Francis.   Pat.  '52 3413    Forest   Hill   Ave..   Roanoke.   Va. 

Frank.   Claire.  "54 253   Willow   St..    Mount   Airy,   N.  C. 

Frank.  Judy,  '55 62  Park.  Terrace  W.,  New  York,  N,  Y. 


Freeman.    Barbara,   '55 

3350   Runnymede   Place,   N.W.,   Washington,   D.   C. 

Fritz.    Martha   Anne.   "52 Walkcrtoun.    N.   C. 

Furlow.  Alma,  '55 21   Fair  Oaks,  St.  Louis    17,   Mo. 

Furlow,   Beverly,  "55 234  W.   Brow   Rd..   lookout   Mt..  Tenn. 

Galloway.   Barbara.   '53 1    Hibiscus  Ave..   Savannah.   Ga. 

Garber.  Anna   Baker  Wiggins,  '52 Hartsdale,  N.  Y. 

Garmon.    Betty    Lee.    '53 Charlotte.    N.    C. 

Gaskin.   Dorothv.  '55 265   N.   3rd  St..   Albemarle.   N.   C. 

Gaskin.    Lillian.   '52 265   N.    3rd   St..   Albemarle.   N.   C. 

Gaston.  Joanne.  '55 112  S.  Central  Ave..  Belmont.  N.  C, 

Gatsch.  Marie,  '53 Box  470,  Gilford  Pk..  Toms  River.  N.  J. 

Gerbcr.  Sally.  '52 2353   S.   Nash   St..   Arlington.   Va. 

Gilliam,    loan.  "53 131    Villanova   Rd..  Oak   Ridge.  Tenn. 

Ginghcr.   Alta.   '55 1944    Fremont    Rd..   Columbus.   Ohio 

Glass.  Beverley.  '55 905  Nashville  Ave..  New  Orleans,  La. 

Glass.    Nina    Ruth.    '53 Kannapolis.    N.    C. 

Glassmire.  Suzanne.  '55    .3045  Albemarle  Ave..  Drexel   Hill.   Pa. 

Gleason.    Jane.    '53 Eau    Gallie.    Fla. 

Godard.   Mary  Grace.  '54 329   Mimosa   Dr..   Decatur.  Ga. 

Goldberg.  Norma.  '54. ...2423  Gen.  Pershing  St..  New  Orleans.  La. 

Goldman.  Sally.  '53 327  Hillcresl.  Burlington.  N.  C. 

Goldthwaite.   Alice.   '53 210    Berkley    Rd..    Indianapolis.   Ind. 

Goode.  Klizabeth  Anne,  '54 47  N.  Main  St.,  Cliffside,  N.  C. 

Goode.   Jane   Ann.   '52 Box   265.    lincolnton.   N.   C. 

Gore.    Dorcas.   '53 Magnolia    St..    Raeford.    N.    C. 

Gotwals.  Kathryn   Lee,  '53.. ..6669  Wayne  Ave..   Philadelphia.   Pa. 

Gouth.    Barbara    Lynn.   '54 7931    Delmar,   St.    Louis.    Mo. 

Graham.    Alice.    '53 Enfield.    N.    C. 

Grant.  Sallv.  '54  Mad  River  Rd..  R.R.  No.  7.  Dayton  9.  Ohio 
Gray.  Aurelia   Elizabeth,   '54 

I3X   N.   Cherry   .St..   Winston-Salem.   N.   C. 

Gray.  Nancy  Jean,  '54 13   Fisher  Ferry,  Thomasville,  N.  C. 

Gray.   Nina.   '52 Green   St..    Robersonville,   N.   C. 

Greene.  Jane  Kathryn,  '55 1002  Capri  St..  Coral  Gables.  Fla. 

Greene.  Joan.  '52 1002  Capri  St.,  Coral  Gables,   Fla. 

Gresham.  Barbara.  '54 235  S.   Mcintosh  St..  FIberton.  Ga. 

Groome.    Pat.   '53 203    Edgedale    Dr..    High    Point.   N.   C. 

Grover.  Joan.  '53 137  Elm  St..  Northampton.   Mass. 

Groves.  Patricia.  '54 16  Burnett  Terrace.  West  Orange.  N.  J. 

Guigou.   Phyllis  Lillian.  '52 Box  303.   Valdese.   N.   C. 

Guillot.   Martha   Elizabeth.  '54 182   I.amont   Dr..   Decatur,   Ga. 

Gulledge.  Jane.  '52 219  N.   4th   St..   Albemarle    N.  C. 

Gummels.  Joan.  "53  718  Florence  Ave.,  Webster  Groves  19,  Mo. 
Gunderson.  Ann.  '53  91    Lafayette  Ave..   East  Orage.  N.  J. 

Haggard.    Alice    Ann.    '52 East    Point.    Ga. 

Hall.    Barbara,    "52 10    Dimbarton    Rd..    Quiney.    Mass. 

Hall.  Shirley.  '54 1905    Brighton   Rd..   Roanoke.   Va. 

Haller  .  Terry.  '54 507  W.  Chesapeake  Ave..  Towson  4.  Md. 

Hallelt,  Sarah  Louise,  '52 2021    WaWa  Ave..   Durham.  N.  C. 

Halton.    Shirley,    '55 35    Coleman    Terrace,   Tcnafly,    N.    J. 

Hamblen.  Agnes  Crowell,  '53.  810  E.  Forest  Hills.  Durham.  N.  C. 

Hamilton.  Julie,  '54 130  E.  End  Ave..  New  York.  N.  Y. 

Hammond.  Ann  Phifer.  '52  2017  Matheson  Ave..  Charlotte.  N.  C. 
Handley.  June  J.  J..  '55  1312  Park  Ave..  "A."  Goldsboro.  N.  C. 
Hanna.  Ann  Jacqueline.  '52... .7 1 5  Carolina  Ave..  Norfolk  8.  Va. 

Hardison.    Mary    Adele,    '53 Wadesboro.    N.    C. 

Hardy,   Emily,   '55 4720  Three   Mile   Dr..   Detroit.    Mich. 

Hardee.   Alice   '54 301     14th    Ave.    Palmetto    Fla. 

Harmon    l.elia    Ann.   '52 249    Lincoln    Dr..    Sarasota.    Fla. 

Harmon.  Lou.  '54 249  Lincoln  Dr..  Sarasota.  Fla. 

Harrill.    lulia  Anne.   '55 1607    Iredell    Dr..   Raleigh.   N.   C. 

Harris.    Ann    Heath.   '54 Box    282.    Denmark.    S.    C. 

Harris.  Barbara  Anne.  '54  .826  Jersey  Ave..  Winston-Salem.  N.  C. 
Harris,    Mary    Elizabeth,   '52 

826  Jersey   Ave..   Winston-Salem.   N.  C. 

Harris.  Nancy  Jean.  '52 2326  Barringlon  Dr..  Toledo  6.  Ohio 

Harris,  Virginia  Lee,  '52 

Apt.  D-5.  New  England  Ave..  Summit.  N.  J. 
Harschcid.  Nancy  Fuller.  '52. ...493  I   N.   12th  .St..  Philadelphia.  Pa. 

Hart.   Elizabeth.   '54 R.   F.   D.   No.    1.   Durham.   N.   C. 

Hart.    Sarah.    '55 4648    Kerle    St..    Jacksonville.    Fla. 

Harter.    Barbara    Alice.    '53 

5010  Reno  Rd..  N.W..  Washington  X.  D.  C. 

Hartung.    Holly.   '52 50   Everett    St..   Newport.    R.    1. 

Hassinger.    Jane.    '54 1732    Holston    Dr..    Bristol.    Tenn. 

Hatcher.    Becky.    55 404   Clay   St..    Hamlet.   N.   C. 

Hauscr.  Frances  Marguirette.  '52 1020  Rosehill.  Durham,  N.  C. 

Hawk,  Anne.   '54 24301   Cedar  Rd..  Cleveland   24.  Ohio 

Hayes.   Margaret   B.,  "54 Chapel   Hill.   N.  C. 

Head.  Jane.  '55 3727  Vermont   Rd..  N.E..   Atlanta.  Ga. 

Heater.    Ann.    '55 228    Dry    Ave..    Cary.    N.    C. 

Hedges.  Helen  Beth.  '55  625  Alhambra  (  ircle.  Coral  dales.  Fla. 
Hedrick.  Betty  Jo.  '52  605  Chestnut  St..   High   Point.  N.  C. 

Hege.  Cynthia  Gail,  '55 629  S.    Main   St.,  Salisbury.  N.   C. 

Heim.   Ann.   '53 725    Broad   St..    Montroussville.    Pa. 

Heinke,    Betty.   "52 498    N.W.    23rd    Ave..    Miami.    Fla. 

Hemperley.  Martha  Ann.  '55 407  S.  Main  St..  East  Point.  Ga. 

Hendrix.   Nancy.   '55 144    Pinecrest    Rd..    Durham.   N.   C. 

Hcnkel.  Barbara  Davidson.  '52 Columbus.  Ga. 

Hennessey.   Ellen.   '53 70  46th  St..   Weehawken,   N.   J. 

Henrichsen.     Bunna.    '55 Springfield.    Tenn. 

Henry.  Sandra.  '55 2615   Briarcliff  Ave..  Cincinnati.  Ohio 

Hcnsler.  Patricia.  '55 352   Barnard  Ave..  Woodmere.  N.  Y. 

Henson.   Ann.   '55 12  Chatham   Rd..   N.W..   Atlanta.  Ga. 

Herring.   Virginia.   '55 2010   Mvrtle   Dr..   Durham.  N.   C. 

Hibbler.  Charlotte.  '54 Aladdin   Rd..   Lookout   Mt..  Tenn. 

Hickson.   Jane.   '55 

5516   Broad    Branch   Rd..   N.W..   Washington    15.   D.   C 

Hiester.  Caroline  M.,  '54 131   Gypsy  Lanes.  Wvnnewood.  Pa. 

Higgins,   Debbie.   '54 .1208   Yale   PI..   Charlotte.   N.   C. 

Hildreth.  Shirley  Anne.  '55. .76  Ellington  St..  Longmeadow  6.  Mass. 
Hill.  Carolyn   Earle.  '55 

402   Meadowbrook  Terrace.  Greensboro.   N.   C. 

Hill.  Joan  B..  '55.   151  Cathedral  Ave..  Hempstead.  L.  I..  N.  Y. 

Hill.    Margaret.    '54 505    Ruston    Ave..    Evansville.    Ind. 

Hillman.   Nancy  Jane.   '53 Spicer   Rd..   Westport.   Conn. 

Hillman.    Ciinny.    '55 Spicer    Rd..    Westport.    Conn. 

Hinson.  Palsy.  '53 3000  Country  Club  Dr..  Charlotte.  N.  C. 

Hitchcock.  Janet  K..  '55 1340  Susquehanna  Ave..  Sunbury.  Pa. 

Hobbs.  Nancy.  '53 803  Sycamore  St..  Rocky  Mount.  N.  C. 

Hodges.    Margaret.   '53 2207   San   Antonio   St..    Austin.   Tex. 

Hoffman.    Betty   Lou.   '55 W.    Main   St..    Landisville.    Pa. 

Hoffman.  Jovce  Ann,  '53 1251    Market  St..  Sunburv.  Pa. 

Hoke.  Carol.  '55 700  East  Crawford.  Edensburg.  Pa. 

Holheck.  Anne.  '53 16  Summit   Rd..  Clifton.  N.  J. 

Holifield.  Jo  Anne.  '55  ...2606  Cameron  Mills  Rd..  Alexandria.  Va. 

Hollev.   Helen.   "54 260   El   Pueblo  Way.   Palm    Beach.   Fla. 

Hollifield,   Mary  Alice.  '53 354   Broad  -St..   Brevard.  N.  C. 

Hollingsworth.  Marianne.  '52 1508  Trouville  Ave..  Norfolk.  Va. 

Holloway.     Jo.     '53 Smithfield.     Va. 

Holloway.  Margaret  Frances.  '54. ...300  Swift  Ave.,  Durham,  N.  C. 

Holt.   Kacky.   '55 2131    Wright   Ave..   Greensboro.   N.   C. 

Holton.  Ann  Coffeen.  '55 

4820   Drummond   Ave..  Chevy  Chase.   Md. 

Holton.    Mary-Maria.    '53 College    St..    Louisburg.   N.    C. 

Holzapfel.    Helen.  '55 50  Norfolk   St..   Springfield   9.   Mass. 

Hooker.   Lois.  '53 2201    Cherokee   Dr..   Waycross.  Ga. 

Hopkins.    Marie   de    Bruyn    Kops.   '54 

2227   Radcliffe  Ave..  Charlotte.   N.  C. 
Hoppe.   Laura   Margaret.   '55 

184  Peachtree   Battle  Ave..  Atlanta.  Ga. 

Horton.    Dottie.    '54 75    Grove    St..    Concord,    N.    C. 

Hough.  HesterVan  Metre.  '52 

2112  Woodland  Ave..  Fort  Mvers.  Fla. 

House.  Anne  Elizabeth.  '52... Bethel.  N.  C. 

Houser.     Pantha     Vashti.     '55 Leicester.     N.     C. 

Howard.   Peggy  Ann.  '53 R.F.D.  No.  2.  Williamsport.   Md. 

Howe.  Dixie.  ■55....CinC  Lant  Fleet  Hg.  Naval  Base.  Norfolk.  Va. 

Huckabce.   Page,  '53 915   Pee   Dee   Ave..   Albemarle.   N.  C. 

HuKhes.   Ruth   Hundley.   '53 Box    113.    Randleman.   N.   C. 

Hull.    Judy.    '53 2502    Roswell    Ave..    Charlotte.    N.    C. 

Hulse.   Irene.   '53 110  W.   96th   St..   New   York   25.   N.   Y. 

Hunt.  Dara  Dewey.  '54  .1501  E.  Mulberrv  St..  Cioldsboro.  N.  C. 

Hurst.  Alice.  '54 4330  Reno  Rd..  N.W..  Washington  8.  D.  C. 

Hurst.    Nancy.    '53 Box    222.    Winchester.    Va. 

Impey.  Cynthia.  '55 133   Hampton   Rd..  Ciarden  City.  N.   Y. 

ingwersen.   Joan.   '52 509   S.    Main   St..    Middletown.   Ohio 

Ireland.    Barbara,    '54 Box    25,    Hamptonville.    N.    C. 

Irvine.  Margaret  Rutledge.  '55 114  Clinton  St..  Brooklyn.  N.  Y. 

Jackson.   Louise.   '53 1481    Belvedere   Ave..   Jacksonville.   Fla. 

Jackson.  Margaret  Ann.  '55....  102  N.  Ash  .St..  Elizabeth  City.  N.  C. 

Jacobs.    Mary    Lou.    '53 Tacoma    Rd..    Lexington.    Ky. 

Jacobson.   Arlene   Myra.  '55 1510  Sanford   Ave..   Sanford.   Fla. 

Jahn.  Jeri.  '53 15   Bournadale   Rd.  N..   Manhasset.  N.   Y. 

Jansky.  Moreaii,  '54 57  Silverton  Ave..  Little  Silver.  N.  J. 

Jarrell.  Penelope  Hampton.  '54 939  Park  Ave..  Rock  Hill.  S.  C. 

Jefferson.  1  ydia  Drucilla.  '55 1502  Kenan  .St..  Wilson,  N.  C. 

Jenkins.    Dorothy,    '53 Aulander.    N.    C. 

Jenkins,  Sally.  '55 Twin  Oaks  Rd..  R.  D.  2.  Somerville.  N.  J. 

John.    Louise.   '53 605   W.   Sullivan   St..   Olcan.   N.    Y. 

lohnson.    Ann    Parker.    '55 Kerr.    N.    C. 

Johnson.  Jean  Anne.  '54 4211   Club  Dr..  N.E..  .Atlanta.  Ga. 

lohnson.  Lorraine  J..  '55 919  N.   12th  .Ave..  Pensacola.  Fla. 

Johnson.  Rebecca  Ann.  '54 402  .Steele  St.,  High  Point,  N.  C. 

Johnson.  Shirley  Jane.  '54  .504  N.  General  I  ee  Ave..  Dunn,  N.  C. 

Johnston.  Aileen.  '54 II   N.  Kensington   Rd..   .Asheville.  N.  C. 

Joiner.  Carole.   '55 335    Buford    PI..    Macon.   Cia. 

Jones.   Barbara   Louise,  '52.... 19  Seminole   .Ave..  Catonsville.   Md. 

Jones.    Betty.   '55 2100  Queens   Rd.   W..  Charlotte.   N.   C. 

Jones.  Marilyn.  '54 2()50A  Spring  Hill  Ave..  Mobile.  Ala. 

Jones.    Nell.    '54 1926    Overhill    Rd..    Charlotte.    N.    C. 

loncs.   Sue   Dolores,   '54 318   W.   Sixth   St..   Ciasionia.   N.   C. 

Jones.  Ginny.  '53 38  Ardmore  PI..  Buffalo  13.  N.  Y 


Jordan,  Margaret  Stephens.  '5? 

Reconqiiista   314,   Biiono-i   Aires,   Argentina 

Kale,    Janie,    '.^s 412    Central    Ave.,    Kannapolis,    N.    C. 

Kale.  Sarah   Dean,  '53 412   Central   Ave.,   Kannapolis,   N.  C. 

Kaminsky,  Janet.   '54 6   Washington    Ave..   Savannah.   Ga. 

Kauffman,  Holiday,  '5.3 10}   Maple  Ave..  Lancaster.  Ky. 

Kee,   Joyce,    '5.'5 2401    Westfield    Rd.,    Charlotte,    N.    C, 

Keels,   Peggy,  '.'55 McColl,   S,   C. 

Keith.  Carole  Marion,  '54 1603  Carlisle  Rd,,  Greenshoro.  N.  C, 

Kelly,  Mar\   George,  '51 Box  277,  1  illinglon,  N.  C. 

Kelly.  SalK   Perry,  '52 2931   Hydrangea  PI.,  Wilmington,  N.  C. 

Kendall,   Judy,   '54 2908    Elma    PI,    Middletown,   Ohio 

Kennard,  Anne  Eloise,  '54 1312  24th  St.  S..  Arlington  2.  Va. 

Kennedy.  Margaret,  "54. ...1525  Queen's   Rd.  W..  Charlotte.  N.  C. 

Kennedy.  Jessie  C.  '54 3109  Chapel  Hill   Rd..  Durham.  N.  C. 

Kerbeck.  Jane  Rachel,  '54  .70  Monte  Vista  Ave..  RIdgewood,  N.  J. 

Kernodle.  Sara  Rebecca,  '55 Rt.  No.  I.  Elon  C  ollege,  N.  C. 

Kerr.    Dana    Kay.    '55 327    Chestnut    St..    Nutley,    N.    J. 

Ketner,  .Mice,   '54 Washington   Ln..  Concord.   N.   C. 

Kilcher.  Jo  .Ann    Beacheley.  '52 Hagerstown.    Md. 

Kimball,  Marolyn,  '54 419  Washington  St„  Boonton,  N.  J. 

Kimniel,  Ruth  Louise,  '53 433  S.  Walnut  St„  Milford,  Del. 

King.   .Alice   Campbell,   '53 

1  1   Cedarcliff  Rd.,   Biltmore   Forest,    Biltmore,  N,  C, 

King,    Joan    Houston,    '55 Preston,    Oriente,    Cuba 

Kinney,  Virainia,  '52 6604  Dalzell  PI..  Pittsburgh   17,  Pa, 

Kirkm'an,  Shirley  Elizabeth,  '53. .902  Sunset  Dr.,  High  Point,  N,  C, 

Kneece,  Alice,  '54 603   E,  Main,  Chesterfield,  S.  C. 

Kneedler,  Cornelia,  '55 Davidson,  N,  C. 

Knickerbocker,  Fay,  '54 331  E.  Washington  St.,  Gainesville.  Ga. 

Knights.   Margaret,  '54 41   Overlook  Dr..  Golf,   III. 

Kohl.   Margaret   V..  '52 Easton.   Pa. 

Koons,    Jean,    '53 Newton,    N.    J. 

Kornegay.  Martha.  '55 907  E.  Walnut  St.,  Goldsboro.  N.  C. 

Kosterlitz.  Ruth.  '53 640  Stuyvesant  Ave..  Irvington.  N.  J. 

Kramer,  Jean,  '55 2251   Cranford   Rd..  Durham.  N.  C. 

Kreider.  Jean,  '54 2617   Aurelia   Pl„   Ft.   Lauderdale,   Fla, 

Kyle,    Frances    Elizabeth,    '54 Colorado    Springs,    Colo, 

Lake,  Eleanor  Betty,  '53 926  Henley  Pl„  Charlotte,  N,  C, 

Lambert,  Sarah  S„  '52 High   Point,  N.  C. 

Lane.    Barbara,   '54 S,    Front    St.,   Georgetown,    Del, 

Landon,  Kathleen  Elspeth,  '54. 15  14  Edgevale  Rd„  Durham,  N.  C, 
Lanigan,  Dorothy  Elizabeth,  '54 

6685   Barnaby   St..   Washington    15.   D.   C. 

Larrinoa.    Francine,    '54 Bo.\    110,    Havana,   Cuba 

Lassiter,  Betty,  '52 1818  Robinhood  Rd..  Winston-Salem.  N.  C. 

Lassiter,  Faith  H.,  '55 219   Hawthorne   Rd„   Raleigh,  N.  C. 

Laubenheimer.  Carol-Jean,   '52 

Bay  PI.  and  Forest  Dr..  Huntington,  N,  Y. 

Lauck,  Virginia,  '54 33   Reynal   Rd..  White   Plains.  N.   Y. 

Lauer,  Edith  A,,  '52 12  Jefferson  Ave,,  Evansville,  Ind. 

Lauffer.    Letty,    '55 3945     Rushland,    Toledo,    Ohio 

Law,  Rosamund,  '52 1528  Bedford  Rd.,  Charleston,  W,  Va, 

Lawrence,  Leone  E.,  '53 674  Leno.x  Rd..  Glen  Ellyn.  III. 

Lawrence,  Margaret,  '54 411   W.  Lenoir  Ave..  Kinston.  N.  C. 

Lea.  Virginia  Ramsay.  '53. ...800  Tarboro  St..  Rockv  Mount.  N.  C. 

Lee,   Jo   Anne,   "55 811    3rd    St.,    Durham,    N,   C, 

Lee,  Leonard,   '54 1234   Jackson   Spring   Rd,,   Macon,   Ga. 

Lefebvre,  Harriet   Marguerite.   '54 

101   Gabriel   Ave..   S.  Charleston,   W.   Va. 

LeFever,  Judith  E..  '55 2902  Yorkshire  Rd.,  Columbus,  Ohio 

Leffler,   May   M..  '52 1625   S.   Bayshore   Dr..   Miami.   Fla. 

Lehman,  Barbara  Jeanne,  '55 618  Valley  Dr.,  Maumee.  Ohio 

Lennon.    Knight.    '54 121    Church    St..    Fairmont.    N.    C. 

Lerda.   Betsy,  '55 10  Orange  Ave..  Cranford.  N.  J. 

Lerian.   Ann.   '55 Riverview    Rd..   Round   Bay,    Md. 

LeStourgeon,  Ann,  '52 214  Hempstead  PI.,  Charlotte,  N.  C. 

LeStourgeon,   Kathryn   Fontaine,  '55 

214   Hempstead    PI.,   Charlotte,   N.   C. 

Levenson,  Bernice,  '53 425   Mitchell  Ave..  Salisbury.  N.  C. 

Levin.    Paula    Jane,    '54 Box    339,    Fishkill,    N,    Y. 

Lewis,  Jacquelin,  '52 67  Lenox  Ave.,  East  Orange,  N,  J. 

Lindsay,  Jane  Benham,  '52 2624  Barrington  Dr,,  Toledo,  Ohio 

Lipscomb,  Nell  Imogene,  '53 

1825  N.  3rd  St..  Jacksonville  Beach,  Fla. 

Lobell.  Joan.  '52 1412  Summit   .Ave..   Fayetteville.  N.  C. 

Long.   Edith   Black,  '55 State    Hospital,   Goldsboro,   N.   C. 

Longcrier,    Mary   Alice,   '53 Box    232,    Saxapahaw,    N.    C. 

Lonon.  Frances.  '53 500  Pollock  St..  Kinston.  N.  C. 

Lord,  Elizabeth  Eugenia,  '52 3658  Oak  St.,  Jacksonville,  Fla. 

Lovett.   Ruth,   '54 20   Euetace   Dr..   Dixon.   111. 

Lucas.    Peggy    M.,   '53 Box   453,    Burgaw,   N.   C. 

Ludwick.  Martha.  '55 457  Old  Farm  Rd„  Pittsburgh  34,  Pa. 

Luedecke.  Amanda  C,  '52 Jersey  City.  N.  J. 

Lundberg.  .Ann  Elizabeth.  '52 

31710  Glencoe  Dr..  Birmingham.   Mich. 

Lyon,  Nadinc,  '55 60  Lemon  St.,  St.  Augustine,  Fla. 

Lyon,    Elaine,   '52 60   Lemon    St.,   St.    Augustine.    Fla, 

Lyon,   Lucy  Gay,   '53 406    Myrtle  Ave..   Starksville,    Miss. 

Maben,    Haynie,   '55 306    Va,    Ave,.   Crewe.    Va. 

Mackie.    Pat.    '53 308    Dick    Ave.,    Hamilton.    Ohio 

MacLehosc,  Betty  Jean,  '54 233  Mountain  Ave..  Summit.  N.  J. 

Macomber.  Sally.  '55 85  Andover  Rd..  Rockville  Centre.  N.  Y. 

Mader.  Joan  Maxine.  '52 527  N.E,  56th  St..  Miami  37.  Fla. 

Malac.  Marian  B..  '52 820  Wilkcrson  Ave..  Durham.  N.  C. 

Mallard,    Barbara,  '55 606  W.    115   St..  New   York   25.  N.   Y. 

Maness.  Sara  Nell,  '54 1918  Granville  Rd..  Greensboro.  N.  C. 

Markee.  Shirley.  '53 1015   Demerius  St..   Durham.  N.  C. 

Marlowe.  Harriet.  '54 Route  No.  3.  Box  2A,  Whiteville,  N,  C, 

Marsh,  Mary  Margaret,  '52    .103  Columbia  Ave,,  Swarlhmore,  Pa, 

Marshall,    Kitty    Maurine,   '54 Walkertown,    N,   C, 

Massie,  Mary  Ann,  '53 202  Haywood  St,,  Waynesville,  N.  C. 

Matheson.    Alice   Sutlon,   '53 Box    215,    Raeford,   N.   C, 

Malhcson,   Philvs,  '54 331    7th  St„  N,E.,   Hickory,   N,  C. 

Maus.    Billie.    '.S5 315    W.    Market    St..    Reidsville.    N.   C. 

Maxwell.  June.  '55 1295  Oxford   Rd..  N.F..  Atlanta.  Ga. 

Maxwell.   Nancy   Margurcte,   "54 3408    Palonira.   Tampa.    Fla. 

May,    Louisa,   '52 101    May   Court,    Burlington,    N.   C. 

McAfee,  Joyce,  '52 1281   S.  Jackson  Spring  Rd..  Macon.  Ga. 

McBride,  Frances,  '54 972  Woodland  Ave..  Plainfield.  N.  J. 

McCaleb.    Dorothy   Umstead.   '55 

316  St.  Andrew  St..   Petersburg.   Va. 

McCall.    Ann,    '55 3941    Gatlin    Ave..    Ashland.    Ky. 

McCarter.  Joan   Adele.  '53 910   Park    Ave..   River   Forest.   111. 

McCauley.  Margaret  Ellen,  '54.414  Milton  Ave..  Durham.  N.  C. 

McClaran.  Joyce.  '55 2110  Sherwood.    Toledo.  Ohio 

MeClure.  Jane.   '55 2126   Loxlev   Rd..  Toledo.  Ohio 

McClure.   Marie,  '52 27  South   Dr..   Valley  Stream,  N,   Y. 

McCollum.  Gloria,   '54 Box   397.    Fairmont.   N.   C. 

McConnell.    Marion,  '54  3799   Vermont    Rd..   N.E..   Atlanta.   Ga. 

McCoy.    Betty    June.    '53 R.F.D.    No.    3.    Alliance.    Ohio 

McCrary.    Nancy.    '54 .806    Tavlor    St..    Bristol.    Tenn. 

McCutcheon,   Julia,   '54 507   Watts   St..   Durham,   N,   C, 

McDonald,   Anne,   "54 1905    McDonald    Ln,    Raleigh,   N.   C, 

McDougle,   Ann,  '55 1820   Sterling   Rd..   Charlotte,   N.   C, 

McDowell,     Betty,    '54 Box     116,     Shellon,     S.    C, 

McGee,    Juanita,    '52 Rt.     I.     Mt.     Airy.    N.    C. 

McGiehan.    Gail,    '55 Hartsdale    Acres,    Hartsdalc,    N.    Y. 

McGill.   Lee.    '53 Southern    Blvd.,    Chatham.    N.    J. 

McJimsey.   Ann.   '55 3207    N.    19th    St..   Arlington,    Va. 

McKay.  Sherry.  '55 312   Pinecrest  Dr..   Fayetteville,  N.  C. 

McKee,  Janet  Faye,  '52 1308  S,  Ceyn  Rd.,  Kirkwood  22,  Mo, 

McKeeman,  Marilyn,  '54 1615  Ardmore  Ave,,  Fort  Wayne,  Ind, 

McKelvey,   Priscilla,  '53 405   Perry  Ave..  Greenshurg.   Pa. 

McKelvie.  Mary.  '54 .616  E.  Kings  St..  Kings  Mountain.  N.  C. 

McKerley,  Rita  Adele,  '52-1411    Miller  St..  Winston-Salem.  N.  C. 

McKinney.  Jane.  '53  901  Carolina  Ve.,  Winston-Salem.  N.  C. 

Mcl.ain.   Dorothy   Fisher,   '52 Columbia   City,    Md. 

McMullen,  Sue  Carrol.  '52.  17585  Muirland  Ave..  Detroit  21.  Mich. 

McPherson.  Nancy  H..  '55 1404  W.  Harden  St..  Graham.  N.  C. 

McRae.  Martha  Kate.  '53. .2165  Rosemont  Dr..  Mont,i?omery  6.  Ala. 

McSurelv,  Marion,  '55 4626  Carlyn  Spring  Rd.,  Arlington,  Va, 

Meffert,'  Molly,   '55 

2610  Country   Club   Parkway,   Cedar    Rapids,    la, 

Merritt,  Margie,  '53 Fasley,  S,  C. 

Meyer,  Judith  Eleanor,  '55 9522  Lawndale,   Evanston,   111. 

Michael.  Doris  Hall.  '53 7102  Rich  Hill  Rd..  Baltimore  12.  Md. 

Miles.  Jane  Cynthia.  '53 206  Second  Ave..  Durham.  N.  C. 

Milford,  Ann,  '53  .1336  Missouri  Ave,,  N,W.,  Washington  1  I,  D,  C, 

Miller,  Josie,  '54 2692  Scarborough  Rd..  Cleveland  Hts..  Ohio 

Miller.    Marty,   '54 903    Aiken    Ave..    Peoria,    III. 

Miller.  Joanne,  '54 920  Algaringo  Ave.,  Coral  Gables,   Fla. 

Miller.  N:'.ncy  June,  '53 920  Algaringo  Ave..  Coral  Gables.  Fla. 

Milligan.  Patricia  Anne.  '54. 106  S.  Frontenac  Ave..  Margate,  N,  J, 

Millis,    Jill,    '52 5802    Cleves    Ln..    Washington     16.    D.    C. 

Mills.  Carol  R..  '52 371  N,  Oraton  Pkwy..  East  Orange.  N.  J. 

Ming,  Nancy,  '55 1550  North  State  Pkwy.,  Chicago   10.  111. 

Mitchell.  Fay  Bond,  '54. ..Fair  Hills  Farm.  Rt.  I.  Matthews.  N.  (  . 
Mittleman.  Judith. .'54 

19231    Lomond    Blvd..   Shaker   Heights.   Ohio 

Moeller.  Patricia.  '54 1711  Queens  Road  W..  Charlotte.  N.  C, 

Moffitt,  Babs,  '54 463  S,  McCadden  Pl„  Los  Angeles  5,  Calif. 

Mood,   Florence,  '53 U,  S,   A. 

Moore,   Carolyn,   '54 702   N.   Morgan   St.,  Shelby.   N.   C. 

Moore.    Edith   Ann.   '54 1516   E.    Main.    Murfreesboro.   Tenn. 

Moorhead.  Eleanor  Alice.  '55  .20  Glen  Oaks  .Ave..  Summit.  N.  J. 

Morey.  Prudence,  '52 90  N.  Hancock  St.,  Lexington,  Mass. 

Morgan.   Jane,    '55 Bailey.    N.   C. 

Morgan,    Pat,   '55 4205   S,   6th   St.,   Arlington.    Va. 

Morris.  Patricia  Blount,  '53 72  Front  St.,  Hertford,  N.  C, 

Morris,   Sarah,   '55 49   Plymouth   Circle,   Asheville,   N.   C, 

Moser,    Beverly,   '52 3404   Copley   Rd,.    Baltimore    15,    Md. 

Moser,  Rebecca  Boone,  '52     501   Spurrier  Apis..  Gastonia,  N,  C. 


Mueller.  Constance  Elizabeth.  '55 

614    Kingston    Rd.,    Baltimore    12,    Md. 

Mull.   Frances.   '55 909  Trenton   St..    High    Point.   N.   C. 

Murchie.  Muriel  E..  "53.  ..343  Jackman  Ave..  Bridgeport  4.  Conn. 
Murdock,   Elizabeth  Allen,  '55 

1013   Monmouth   Ave..   Durham.   N.  C. 

Murdock.  Judith  C,  "54 1006  Gloria  Ave..  Durham.  N.  C. 

Murphy.    Nancy.    '54 531     laurel    ,'\vc..    Wilmette.    111. 

Murray.    Barbara.   "52 47    Heights    Rd..    Ridgeuood.    N.    J. 

Murray.  Marilyn.  "54 Powe  Apt.  4.  Watts  St..  Durham.  N.  C  . 

Murray.   Mary   Jane.  '52 610  S.    Rome   Ave..  Tampa.   Fla. 

Muse.   Elizabeth  Chadwick.   '54. ...Church   St..   Williamston.   N.   C. 

Myatt.  Ruth  Arlene.  '52 1016   Urban   Ave..   Durham.  N.  C. 

Myers.  Ann  Adelle.  '5.'^  3154  Mckinley  St..  Washington  15.  D.  C. 
Myers.  Jeanne.  '55  3051    Daytona  Ave..  Cincinnati    11.  Ohio 

Nash.  Carol   H.,   '54 615    S.    Bowman    Ave.,    Merion.   Pa. 

Neal.  Constance  Jane.  '54  .3815  .Sedgewood  Circle.  Charlotte.  N.  C. 

Nease.   Mabel   Ruth.  "54 1100  Queens   Rd..  Charlotte.   N.   C. 

Nelson.   Mollie.  '54 1971    Cambridge    Blvd..  Columbus.   Ohio 

Newberry.  Betty  Boyd.  '55. .2320  Fort  Bragg  Rd..  Fayetteville.  N.  C. 

Newcomb.   Margaret.  '55 8   Chestnut   Dr..   Huntington.   W.   Va. 

Newell.    Nell    B..   '55 1407    Hillsboro    St..    Raleigh.    N.   C. 

Newhind.   Mary  Jane.  '53 Box  589.   Brevard.  N.  C. 

Newlin.   Joan.    '55 Guilford    College.    N.    C. 

Nichols.   Nan.   '53.   16210  Oakhill    Rd..    Fast   Cleveland.   Ohio 

Nicholson.   Carole    R.,    '55 514    ,S.    Broad.    Burlington.    N.    C. 

Noble.    Barbara,    '52 1432    Hillside    Rd..    Wynnewood.    Pa. 

Nolen.  Ann    P..  '54 .2208   10th  ,St.  N.W..   Roanoke.  Va. 

Nordwall.  Sigrid  Ann.  '52 36  Mayhew  Ave.,  l.archmont.  N.  \. 

Norris.  Ann.  '54 2733   Anderson   Dr..  Raleigh.  N.  C. 

Northington.  Betty  Page.  '55.  .2148  Malvern  Rd..  Charlotte,  N.  C. 
Norlhington.    Nancv    Clark.    '54 

2148   Malvern    Rd..   Charlotte.   N.   C. 
Norton.  Jean  Ferguson.  '55        2129  Cowper   Dr..   Raleigh.  N.   C. 

Nowell.   Jean.    '53 187    Buford    PI..    Macon.   Ga. 

Nuite.    Carolyn.    '55 Wedgefield.    S.    C. 

O'Brien.   Jay,   '53 387   Prospect    St..   Northampton.    Mass. 

O'Brien.    Nancy,    "54 543    Main    St..    Hamlet.    N.    C. 

Odom,    Mildred    Lytch.    '54 Box     102.    Gibson.    N.    C. 

Oehlbeck.  Avis  Ann.  '54 227  Riverside   Dr..   Morganton.  N.  C. 

O'Gara.    Palsy.    '54 816    Johns    Rd..    Augusta.    Ga. 

Ohmes.   Patricia,  '55 139  Glenwood   Rd..   Ridgewood.  N.   J. 

Oldberg.    Jody.    '55 566    Ash    St..    Winnetka.    111. 

Olin.    Alette.    '54 63    Charlotte    PI..     Hartsdale.    N.    Y. 

Oliver.   Joan    Howard,   '52.  .62    Pine    Plain    Rd..   Wellesley.    Mass. 

OIney.    LaVern.    '55 4032    Glenwick.    Dallas.    Tex. 

O'Neal.   Jane.   '55 St.   Augustine.   Fla. 

O'Neil.  Nancy.  '54 Twin   Castle  Apts..   Winston-Salem.   N.   C. 

Osborne.     Frances    Ann.     '54 Box     267.     Hayti.     Mo. 

Otley.  Mary  Ella.  '54  23  Windsor  PI..  Upper  Montclair.  N.  J. 

Pachuta.  .Sylvia  Ann.  '54 149  S.  Oak  .St.,   Mt.  Carmel.  Pa. 

Page.   Nina    Elizabeth,   '54 Box    55,    Yanceyville,   N.    C. 

Palmer.    Phyllis    M..    '54 Coral    Gables.    Fla. 

Pappas.    Nancy    Lee,    '52 Fredericksburg.    Va. 

Parham.    Pat.   '53 3940  Cote   Des   Neiges.    Montreal.   Can. 

Parker,  Happy,  '52 10  Ferndale  Rd..  Madison.  N.  J. 

Parker.  Suzanne.  '53 1848  Coronado  Ave..  Youngstown.  Ohio 

Parker,    l.elia    C.    '54 130    Edwin    PI..    Asheville.    N.    C. 

Parker.    Marcia,    "54 4510   S.    34th    St..    Arlington.    Va. 

Paschall.  Beth.  '55 804  Fifth  Ave.,  W..   Hendersonville.  N.  C. 

Patrick.    Carolyn.    '55 Box    70.    Sanford.    Fla. 

Pearce.    Margaret.    '54 611     Percy    St..    Greensboro.    N.    C. 

Peeler,    Nancy,    '52 Lake    Dr..    Salisbury.    N.    C. 

Peene.  Valerie,  '55 3603  Alhambra  Circle.  Coral  Gables.  Fla. 

Peksa,  Janet,  '55 8519  Glenview  Ave.,  Takoma   Park.   Md. 

Pepper,    Patricia,   '52 Qtrs.    No.    1,    Parris    Island.   S.   C. 

Perkins.  Susan   Havard.   '54 825   S.  Central.   Clayton   5.    Mo. 

Perry.  Jane.  '55 2040  Upper  Chelsea   Rd..  Columbus.  Ohio 

Perry,  Polly,  '53. 1728  Ocean  Dunes  Terrace.  Daytona  Beach.  Fla. 

Peters.    Avilda    Carver.    '54 Lee    Heights.    Bristol.    Va. 

Petersen,    Emily.   '52 20   Courtlandl    PI..    Houston.   Tex. 

Peterson.    Betsy,   "54 N.    Broad   St..    Penns   Grove.   N.    J. 

Petlil.  Marjorie.  '52 St.  Elizabeth's  Hosp..  Washington  20.  D.  (  . 

Phillips.    Ice.   '53 1412    W.    Markham    Ave..    Durham.    N.    C. 

Pickens.  Mary  Susan,  '52 2134  Cowper  Dr..   Raleigh.  N.  C. 

Pierce,   Rose    Marie,   '54 1314   York    Rd.,  Gaslonia.   N.   C. 

Pillow.  Virginia,  '55 127  Ruskin   Rd..  Fggerlsville  21.  N.  Y. 

Platte.   Dottie.  '53 118  Gates   Ave..   Montclair.  N.  J. 

Plumb.    Belli.    '52 301     E.    59lh    St..    Savannah.    Ga. 

Plummer.  Kalhryn.  '55. ...8618  Evergreen  PL,  Philadelphia    18.  Pa. 

Poe.  Helen   Mae,  '55 Appomallox,  Va. 

Poole.   Evelyn.   '52 727  N.  Garnell   Si..    Henderson.   N.  C. 

Pope.  Pauline  Griffin,  '55 410  S.  King  Ave..  Dunn.  N.  C. 

Popp.    Elaine.   '53 328    E.   Snyder   Ave.,    l.ansford.    Pa. 

Powell,   Grace,    '52 29    Ellis    St.,    Augusta,   Ga. 

Powell.  Mary  Ann,  '55 2107  St.  Mary's  St..  Raleigh.  N.  C. 

Power.    Carrel,    "54 1425    Cadiz.    Coral    Gables.    Fla. 

Price.   Ann.    '52 7   N.    Main    St..    Lambertville.    N.    J. 

Pringle.   Joan.   '53 217    S.    D   St..    Lake   Worth.    Fla. 

Proclor.   Nancy.   '54 209    Hillcresi    Rd..    Raleigh.    N.   C. 

Purdy.  Joan  Frieda.  '55 106  E.  Linden  .\\e..  Englewood.  N.  J. 

Purviance.  Patricia  Corrine,  '52  .332  Crestview  Ave..  .Xkron.  Ohio 
Pyles.  Dorothy  Anne.  '54...  1320  S.  St..  S.E..  Washington  20.  D.  C. 

Quarck.  Carol.  '52 2  Richards  Rd..  Port  Washington.  N.  Y. 

Quarlerman.   Ann.   '53 Box   4726.   Jacksonville,    Fla. 

Quillin.    Helen.    '55 912    Hay    St..    Fayetteville.    N.    C. 

Rae.    Rulhie.   '53 283    Boulevard.   Scarsdale.    N.    Y. 

Raiford.  Heltie  Louise.  '55. .200  S.  Chapman  St..  Greensboro,  N.  C. 
Raines.  Frances  Elizabeth.  '55 

Central    Hershey.    Prov.   de    Havana.    Cuba 
Ramseur,  Mary  Madison,   '55 

206  N.  Cedar  St..  Lincolnton.  N.  C. 
Randolph.  Hillda  Anthony,  '54    131  1   Donald  St..  Jacksonville.  Fla. 

Ranev.    Patricia.   '53 2095    West    Blvd..   Cleveland   2.   Ohio 

Ravenel.   Kit.  '54 106   Fisher   Park  Circle.  Greensboro.   N.   C. 

Read.  Sally  Houston,  '55.... 3970  Vermont  Rd..  N.E..  Atlanta.  Ga. 

Reams.    Mary   Glenn.   '53 4351    Indian    Rd..   Toledo.   Ohio 

Redgrave.   Catherine   Jane.   '54 

2677   Ellwood   Dr..   N.E..   Atlanta.   Ga. 
Redwine.   Margaret   Anne.  '55.   .6  Williams   St..   Lexington.  N.   C. 

Reese.  Sarah  .Anne,  '54 901    E.  Trinity  Ave..  Durham.  N.  C. 

Reid.   Celia.   "52 42   Carrera   St.,   St.   Augustine.   Fla. 

Reinhart.   Janet,   '52 26   Crescent    Rd..    Larchmont.    N.    Y. 

Reinsch.    Ute    Agnes,    '52 

21   Brettnacher  Str..   Berlin-Zehlendorf.  Germany 

Renick.    Jean.    '55 R.F.D.    No.    I.    Williamsburg.    Va. 

Revels.    Norma,   '54 106    Valencia    Rd..   Cocoa.    Fla. 

Rezzonico.  Kay,  '52 1183    Bridge  Rd..  Charleston.  W.  Va. 

Rhine.  Elizabeth  Ellen.  '54 908  Club  Blvd..  Durham.  N.  C. 

Rice.   Rilla.  '55 2521    Woodland   Ave..   Ashland.   Ky. 

Richards.   Kathryn.   '52 Latches   Lane   Apts..    Merion.    Pa. 

Richardson.  Margaret  C,  '52. .Rt.  6.  Patterson  Rd..  Durham.  N.  C. 

Ridener.    Vivien.   '52 Williamsburg.    Ky. 

Riegle.   Shirley.   "53 1214   Ruger   PI..    Daytona    Beach.   Fla. 

Rigsbee.  .Ann  Monroe,  '54 207  Norwood  Circle.  Durham.  N.  C. 

Ritch.    Anne.    '55 1500    Lynway    Dr..    Charlotte.    N.    C. 

Ritch.   Julia   Ann.    '54 .1427    E.    7th   St.,   Charlotte.    N.    C. 

Roberts.   Jane,    '55 919    Norwood    St..    Fayetteville.    N.    C. 

Roberts.  Joanne.  '52 363  Delaware  Rd..   Kenmore    17.  N.   V. 

Roberts.   Patricia.  '52 Winchester   House.   Scarsdale.  N.   Y. 

Roberts.    Beryl.   '54 138    Brevard    Rd..    Asheville.   N.    C. 

Robinson.   Harriet.  '53 1324   Billmore  Dr..  Charlotte.  N.  C. 

Robinson.    Marjorie,  '55 

52-25    Redfield    .St..    Douglaston.    I..    1..    N.    Y. 

Robinson.  Mary  Ann.  '53 98  Kimberly  Ave..  Asheville.  N.  C. 

Robinson.  Mary  Lee.  '54 3510  Granada.  Coral  Gables.  Fla. 

Rodgers.    Francie.    '54 

No.   1    Beacon  Hill.  R.  R.  No.   1.  Box   179.  Creve  Coeur,  Mo. 

Roehm.  Nancy.  '55 .....80  Rodney   PI.,   Rockville  Center.  N.   Y. 

Rooker.    Mary   /Mice,   '52 Warrenton.   N.   C. 

Rose.   Patricia.   '52 2115    Hanover  Ave..   Allentown.   Pa. 

Roseborough.   Virginia.  '54 423  Sans  Souci   PI.,   Del  and.   Fla. 

Rosenbaum.   Laurel   Janet,   '53 Worth.    HI. 

Ronton.    Betty,    '52 10601     N.E.    6th    Ave..    Miami.    Fla. 

Rowlain.    Beverly   Jean.   '55 

Myron   Manor  Apts.,  Bldg.  5A,  Apt.  A2.  Columbia.  S.  C. 

Ruffin.     Eleanor    R..    '55 Norfolk.    Va. 

Ruffin.   Jane   Byrd,   '54 816   Anderson   St..    Durham.    N.   C. 

Runyan.  Nancy,  '52 3617  Jocelyn  St..  N.W..  Washington.  D.  C 

Ruos.    Nancy    Lee,    '52 Bridgeville,    Del. 

Russell.   Barbara,  '54 605   E.  Tenth  St..  Greenville.   N.  C. 

Russell.    Elizabeth    C.    "52 

201    Alexander    .Ave..    Upper    Montclair.    N.    J. 

Russell.    Kalhryne   D.,   '52 St.    Louis.    Mo. 

Russell.  Nancv.  '54 11   Southgate  Ave..  Annapolis.   Md. 

Russell.    Peggv.    '52 811    Arbordale.    Hich    Point.    N.   C. 

Rutherford.  Jane.  '55... 124  E.  Geo.  Mason  Rd..  Falls  (  hurch.  Va. 

Rutland.   Suzanne.   '54 33    Highland    Dr..   Willoughby.   Ohio 

R\an,   Patricia,  '53 4621   DrumnTond  Ave..  Chevy  Chase,  Md. 

Sage,   June  Carol,   '53 R.F.D.   No.    3.    Plainfield.   N.    J. 

Sale.  Grace  W..  '54 122  Sheridan  Circle.  Charleston.   W.   Va. 

Sargent,   Mary,  "55 R.   D.   3.   Box  4,  Sewickley,    Pa. 

Sattele.    Mary   Lou,    '53 3031    E.    Erie    Ave..    Lorain.    Ohio 

Saunders.    Nancy.    '55 Boissevain.    Va. 

Saundeis.  Virginia,  '53 505  E.  State  .St..  High   Point.  N.  C. 

Scheller.  Marie  Anne.  '54 1101   Johnson  St..  Cireciiville.  N.  C. 

Schmitt.  Evelyn.  '54      721-C  Larchmont  .'Xcres.  l.archmont.  N.  Y. 
Schmitz.    Mancy-Helga    Louise,    '55 

Manadale    Farm,   Nokesville.    Va. 
.Schmoellcr.  M.iry,  '54 720  Grove  St..  Alton,  111. 


Schneiddewind.   Frances.   "54 

115   Lorraine  Ave..  Upper   Monlclair.  N.  J. 
Schultz.    Emily.   '55  9    MJddleton    (  (..    Baltimore    12.    Md. 

Schiilz.  Irene  Marie.  '52 161   Alexander  PI.,  Winter  Park.  Fla. 

Schuster.   Ann    Prescott.   '53. .456   N.    lav  lor.    Kirkwood    22.    Mo. 

Schweistris.  Yvonne.  '53 ISiy  Rolling  Rd..  Cireenshoro,  N.  C. 

Seaberg.  Barbara,  '53 39  Creston  Ave..  Tenafiy.  N.  J. 

Secrest.    Dorothy,    '54 l.illington,    N.    C. 

Seelev.  Nancy  C,  '55 Candor,  N.  Y. 

Self.   Leah.  '53 308  S.  Evergreen  Ave..  Siler  City.  N.  C. 

Seyffert.  Mary  Jane,  '54 154  Alleghany  Rd.,  Hampton,  Va. 

Sharpe.    Frankie.    '54 Elm    (  itv.    N.    C. 

Shaw.    Barbara    Jane.    '52 Nntlev.    N.    J. 

Shepherd.    Bernie,    '53 5503    Alson    Dr.,    Norfolk,    Va. 

Sherbano.   Dorie,  "55 95  Lakeside   PI..   Highland   Park.   111. 

Shivell.  Gayl.   '55 981    F.   Glen    Ave..    Ridseway.   N.   J. 

Shiiford.  ,^nne.  '53 II  E.  Sunrise  Ave..  Thomasville,  N.  C. 

Shuford.   Patsy.  '55 II    E.  Sunrise   Ave..  Thomasville.   N.  C. 

Shuman.  Marv  Elisabeth.  '55 108  Woods  St..  Darlington.  S.  C. 

Siegle.   Betty   Lou.  '53 Rt.   No.    1.  Springfield.   Va. 

Sims.    Betty   K..   '53 Route   5,    Box   813,   Orlando,   Fla. 

Skinner.   Nancy,   Kathryn,   "54 Box    536,   Zephyrhills,    Fla. 

Skorvaga,    Margaret    Ann,    '54 

117   Oakwood    Rd..   Charleston,    W.    Va. 

Slate.  Suzanne.  '54 917   Rotary   Dr..   High    Point.   N.  C. 

Slater,    Bobbye   Jean,   '54 

214  Woodlawn   Ave,,  North  Augusta,  S.  C. 

Sloan.  Nancy  Ann.  '54 48  Woodlawn  Ave..  Wilmington.  N.  C. 

Smedley,  Carol,  '54 2830  Winthrop  Rd..  Shaker  Heights,  Ohio 

Smiseth,   Alberta   Mali.   '52 

2186  Coffee   Pot   Dr.,  St.   Petersburg.   Fla. 

.Smith.    Betty   Williams,  '55 Wallace,   N.   C. 

Smith.  Bonnie  Joyce,  '54 518  E.  Trinity  Ave..  Durham.  N.  C. 

Smith.    Kitty.   '54 400    Pitt   .St..   Greenville.   N.   C. 

Smith,  Betty  Anne,  '54 1511   Virginia  St..  Charleston.  W.  Va. 

Smith.  Frances  Sue.  "52 145   Morningside  Rd..  Verona.  N.  J. 

Smith.   Georgia.   '55 211    E.   Avondale.   Greensboro.   N.   C. 

Smith.    Jenell,    "54 Box    5,    Ortega    Sta.,   Jacksonville,    Fla. 

Smith.    LaRose.    "53 Beaufort.    S.    C. 

Smith,  Marv  Blair,  "54 800  Cypress  St.,  Greensboro,  N.  C. 

Smith.  Nancv  Lee.  "54 610  E.  Main  St..  Washington.  N.  C. 

Smith.  Peggy  Graham,  "55    .1618  Canterbury  Rd..  Raleigh.  N.  C. 

Smith.    Suzanne.    "55 130   Glenn    Circle.    Decatur.   Ga. 

Smith,   Suzanne,   "54 .22   E,   38th   St..   Savannah.   Ga. 

Smith,   Virginia   Eleanor.   "53 

82  S.   Ardmore   Rd..  Columbus.  Ohio 

Snook.   Valerie,   "53 1332   Townes    Rd..   Charlotte.   N.    C. 

Snow.    Cater.    "55 165    Calloway    St..    Macon.    Ga. 

Snyder.  Barbara.  '52 9  Intervale  Roslyn   Estates.  I  .   L.  N.   Y. 

Sommardhl.  Patricia  Lee.  '54. ...2661  Cornwallis  Ave.,  Roanoke,  Va. 

Spatola,  Suzanne.  '54 421    Montgomery  Ave..   Merion.   Pa. 

Speas.  Mar.i;aret.  "52 84  Woodward  Ave..  .'Ksheville.  N.  C. 

Sperry.  Anne   Marie,  '55 827   Highland  Ave..  Westfield.  N.  J. 

Spikes,   Camilla,   "52 1116   Aycock    St..    Burlington.   N.   C. 

Spring,   Ann.   '52 208    Willow    Ln..    Decatur.    Ga. 

Spunda.  Ingrida.  '53. J.  B.  Sanatorium  St..  Waverly  Hills.  Ky. 

Stanback.  Sally  Ann.  "54 1053  S.W.  2nd  .St..   Miami.  Fla. 

.Strangeland.  Greta  Sonia.  "53 244  68th  St..  Brooklyn.  N.  Y. 

Stanley.    Nelda   Jeune.    "55 Fayette.    Ala. 

Stedman.   Vicki.  '55 1403   Elm   St..   Lumberton.   N.   C. 

Steele.  Bobbye  Carolyn,  "52 211   E.  "C""  St..  Kannapolis,  N.  C. 

Stewart.  Anne  English.  "55 515  N.  Oakland  St..  Arlington.  Va. 

Stewart.   Mary,  "55 1132  Queens   Rd.   W..  Charlotte.  N.  C. 

Stewart.   Ann.   "55 P.   O.    Box    122,   Hendersonville,   N,   C, 

Stevens,  Mary  Lou,  "53 48  Highfield  Rd..  Bloomfield.  N.  J. 

Stevens,  Thelma,  '52 4244    Baltic   St..   Jacksonville.   Fla. 

Stiles.   Marjorie  Irene,  '55 106   Prospect  St..  Summit,  N.  J. 

Stiles,  Susan  Gay,  '53 3081    Maple  Dr„  N.E.,  Atlanta,  Ga. 

Stockdale.  Sally.  '53 559  Evanswood  PI..  Cincinnati  20.  Ohio 

Stokes.   Marilyn   V.,   '52 15   Judson   .St..   Canton.   N.   Y. 

Stone.   May.  '52 Rhamkatte   Rd..   Raleigh.   N.   C. 

Stott.  Barbara.  '55 1709  W.   Market  St.,  Greensboro.  N.  C. 

Stott.    Mary    Belle.    '54 Route    No.    1.    Kittrell.    N.    C. 

Street.   Maryellen.  '54 Newton   Rd..   Woodbridge.   Conn. 

Strickland.   Anne.  '53 Richland.   Ga. 

Stubbins.  Billie  Jeanne.  '53 Rio  de  la  Plata  21.  Mexico  5,  D.  F. 

Styron.  Catherine  Joyce 2106  Wilson   St..  Durham.  N.  C. 

Summerrow.    Norma    Cynthia.    "55 

1103    S.    Belvedere   Ave..   Gastonia.   N.   C. 
Sutton.  Marie.  "53. .803  S.  Lumina  Ave.,  Wrightsville  Beach,  N.  C. 

Sutton.    Sara    Jean.    "52 Cullowhee.    N.    C. 

Sweeney,   Janet,    "54 2226    N.W.    5th    PI..    Gainesville.    Fla. 

Swift,  Isabelle  Boyd,  "53 1762  San  Marco,  Jacksonville,  Fla. 

Tatum.  Anne  Low.  "52. 607    Mitchell   Ave..   Salisbury,   N,   C, 

Tatum,   Nancy   Ann,   "54 3118    Peachtree    Dr,,    Atlanta,   Ga. 

Taylor.  Elinore.  '52 Washington   Blvd..   Huntington.  W.  Va. 

Taylor,    lola    Hardy,   '52 223    New    St.,    New    Bern,    N,    C, 

Taylor,    Ann.    '52 

125  Abbeyville  Rd„  Apt.  CM.  Pittsburgh  28.  Pa, 
Thacker,  Alexandria,  '55  2027  Pinewood  Circle,  Charlotte,  N,  C, 
Thomas,    l-mma    Lewis,   '54 

1878   Louden    Heights,  Charleston,   W,   Va. 
Thompson.   Aliccjean.   '52 

14168  Greenview  Rd.,  Detroit   23,   Mich, 

Thompson,  Betsy  King,  '53 806  3rd  St.,  Durham,  N,  C. 

Thompson,    Beckv    Jane,    '54 Winfree    St.,   Chester.    Va. 

Thompson.  Ann  Shively,  '54 6227  "York  Rd..  Baltimore  12.  Md. 

Tignor.  Nan  K.,  "53 120  Hampton  Rds.  Ave..  Hampton.  Va. 

Tiller.  I  iicy  Carroll.  '52  928   Union  St..   Brunswick.  Ga. 

Todd,  Prudence,  "54 100  Magnolia  .Ave.,  Fayetteville.  N.  C, 

Powers,  Sally,  "54 3500   Richmond   St..  Jacksonville.  Fla. 

Towns.  Jane  Anne,  '55 634  Wilson  Rd.,  N.W..  Atlanta.  Ga. 

Tracy,   Eleanor,   "52 Treasure    Island.    Osprey,    Fla. 

Trainer.    Tina.    '53 Box    948.    Buena    Vista,    Va. 

Trentman.  Betty  Denne,  '53 2500  Anderson  Dr..  Raleigh.  N.  C. 

Triska.   Margit.  '54 91    Nassau   Ave..   Manhasset,   N.   Y. 

Triideau.  Jeanne.  '54 State  Hospital.  Kintjs  Park.  L.  I..  N.  Y. 

Truitl.  Sarah   Flizabeth,  '55 316   F.   Vine  St..  Oxford.  Ohio 

Tucker.    Brooke,   "55 S.   Shore    Dr.,    Harbor    Beach,    Mich, 

Turner,  Dee,  "53 238  Halcyon   Ave..  Winston-Salem,  N.  C. 

Tuttle.  DeLassie  D.,  '52 

Maplewood  Terrace.  R.  D.  No.  7,  Box  50,  Cireensburg,  Pa, 
Tuttle,  Nancy  S.,  '52 819   Buchanan   Blvd..   Durham.  N.  C. 

Ueland.   Tora.    "55 

Box  32,  R.F,D.  No.   I.  Nutswamp  Rd..  Red   Bank.  N,  J. 

Urban.    Dee,    "53 915    Fdgewood    Ave.,    Ashland,    Ky. 

Uretsky,  Roberta,  "54 3340  Bainbridge  Ave.,   Bronx,  N.  Y. 

Uzzell.  Carolyn  Cannaday,  '55 808  W,  Lee  St.,  Wilson,  N,  C. 

Vallentyne,  Jane,  '54 1006  Forest  Ave.,  Oak   Park,   111. 

Van   Billiard.  Alicia   P.,  '53.   .1312  W.  North  .St..   Bethlehem.   Pa. 

Vance,  Fvaline,  "52 4520  Santa   Maria,  Coral  Gables,  Fla. 

Vanderhoof.   Diane,   '54 110   Terrace    Dr..   Toccoa.   Ga. 

Van  Sicklcr.  Gail.  '54 5208  38th  St..  N.W..  Washington.  N.  C, 

Vaughan.  Marilyn.  '53 109  Powers  St..  Needham  92.  Mass. 

Vendig.  Laurie.  Ann,  '53 863  S.  Palm  Ave..  Sarasota,  Fla. 

Verbyla,   Elaine,   "55 205    Bcall   St..   Lenoir.   N.  C. 

Vokoun.   Sally   Arlene,  '53 17881    Lake   Rd..  Cleveland,   Ohio 

Wagoner,    lona    Patricia,    '54 Rt.    2.    Elon    College,    N.    C, 

Wahl,  Marjorie  Ann,  '52 103  Dellwood  Dr..  Thomasville.  Ga. 

Waldrop.     Mary    Ann.    '55 lOth     .St..    Greenville.    N.    C. 

Waldrop.   Lois,   '53 950   E.    lOth   St..   Greenville.   N.   C. 

Walker.   Carol,   '55 2625   Central    Parkway,    Ashland,    Ky, 

Wall,    Ann.   '55 Wal'kertown.    N.    C. 

Wallace,   Susan,   '54 314   Fourth   St.,   Wrightsville,    Pa. 

Waltz.  Jane.  "52 5  Clearview  Terrace,  West  Orange,  N.  J. 

Wannamaker.  Mimi.  '53 Orangeburg.  S,  C, 

Ware,    Margaret    Virginia,   '54 

3402   Piedmont   Rd.,   N.E.,   Atlanta,   Ga, 

Washburn,  Carolyn  B,,  '54 313  S.  Washington  St.,  Shelby,  N,  C, 

Watchman,   Avis    Rand.   '53 

1275   Pennington   Rd..  West  Englcwood.  N.  J. 

Waterfield.   Frances.  '53 905   Kinnaird   Ave..   Ft.  Wayne.   Ind. 

Watkins.    Linda,   '54 219   Locust   Ave..   Fairmont.   W.   Va. 

Watkins.  Margaret  Louise,  '54 

2124   Beverly   Dr..  Charlotte.   N.   C. 
Watkins,    Martha    J..    "53 

420   McKinley   Rd..   Grosse    Pointe   Farms,    Mich. 

Watkins,    Nancy.    "52 310    Broad    St..    Oxford.    N.    C. 

Watkins.  Martha  L.,  "53 539  Primrose  Way,  Louisville  6,  Ky. 

Watson.    Phyllis.   '55 Box    207.    Anderson,    S.    C. 

Webb.  Elizabeth  Arnold.  '55 Box  246.  La  Grange,  N.  C. 

Webb.  Patricia  Ann.  '52 1503  Front  St..  Beaufort.  N.  C. 

Weber.   Emmy.   '53 4   Upper   Padue.   St.   Louis,   Mo. 

Wecdon.    Betty   Joyce.   '54 P.   O.    Box   58.    Hollywood,    Fla. 

Weedon.   Josephine.    '52 21    Chestnut    St..   Jamestown.    N.    Y. 

Weeks.  Ethel  Gwendolyn.  '53         2321  E.  5th  St..  Charlotte.  N.  C. 

Weidenhan.  M.  Clare.  '52 118  W.  Melrose  Ave..  Baltimore.  Md. 

Weigel.   Mary.  "53 19164   Henry   Rd..  Cleveland   26.   Ohio 

West.    Emily.    '52 Box    578.    Fort    Lauderdale.    Fla. 

West,  Jeanne.  '53 1316   Biltmore   Dr.,  Charlotte,   N,  C. 

Westbrook.  Carolyn,  '54 208  S.  Orange  Ave..  Dunn,  N.  C. 

Westcott,  Marilyn  J,.  '53 15  Woodhill  Rd..  Tenafiy.  N.  J. 

Westcott.   Ruth    F..   '55 15   Woodhill   Rd..   Tenafiy.   N.   J. 

Westrick.    Kathryn.    '54 Canton.    Ohio 

Whitaker.   Marv   McGall,  '52 Washington,  D.  C. 

Whitakcr.    Patricia    A..    '52 

2126  Yorktown   Rd..  N.W..  Wa.shington    12.  D.  C. 
White,    Agnes    Dean,   '55 

10110  Ft.  Caroline  Rd.  Rt.   I,  Box  272W,  Jacksonville  7,  Fla, 

White,  Bettv  Sue,  "55 457  S,  Union  St..  Concord.  N.  C. 

White.    Christina.    '53 102    Circle    Ct..    Morganton,    N.    C 

White-Spunner,  Joan,  "54 172  W,  Steuben  St.,  Pittsburgh  5,  Pa 

Whitley,  N.  C  arolyn,  "53 Aurora,  N.  C. 


Whitmore.   Mary   Ellen.  '54 39   Hawthorne   Rd..   Salem.   Va. 

Whitled.   D'Este.  '55 4856   Yorktown    Blvd..   Arlington.   Va. 

Wichman.    Ann.   '53 826   W.    Lexington.    Ft.    Wayne.    Ind. 

Wike.  Catherine  .Shirley,  '53. .1503  Queen  Ann  In..  New  Bern.  N.  C. 

Willard.  Helen.  '54 1700  St.   Mary's  St..   Raleigh.  N.  C. 

Williams.   Cirace    E.,   '55 1213    Roxhoro   St..    Durham.    N.    C. 

Williams.  Laura  Ann,  '55 Route  5.  Box  870.  Charlotte.  N.  C. 

Williams.  Shirley  A.,  '54 7209   Hampden   Ln..   B.-thesda.   Md. 

Williamson.   Mary   Martin,  '55 

518   Hermitage   Rd..   Charlotte.    N.   C. 

Willouchby.  Laura,  '54 319  Poindexter  St..  Jackson.   Miss. 

Wills.    Ruth.   '52 525    Elm    St..    Erwin.   Tenn. 

Wilmer.    Page.   '54 Chestertown.    Md. 

Wilson.  Anne  Elizabeth,  '55 44  Fisher  Ave..  Tuckahoe.  N.  Y. 

Wilson.  .Anne  Sanders,  '54 202  S.  Church  St..  Monroe.  N.  C. 

Wilson.    Barb.ira.    "54 Ro.e    Hill.    N.    C. 

Wilson.   Betty  Jane,   '54 409  3 1st  St.  W..   Bradenton.   Fla. 

Wilson.  Frances.  '55 500  Oak  Grove   Rd,.  Norfolk.  Va. 

Wilson.   Paddy   Ann,   '52 College   Ave.,   Washington.   N.   C. 

Wilson.  Becky.  '54 510  Buchanon  Blvd..  Durham.  N.  C. 

Winn.  Jane   McConnell,  '55 

5012   Ventnor   Rd..   Washington    16.   D.   C. 

Winters.   Polly.  '53 831    Foxon    Parkway.   Williamsport.   Pa. 

Wise.  Connie.  '54 780  Lake   Howard   Dr..   Winter   Haven.   Fla. 

Wilhrow,   Jo   Anne.   "55 716   Greenwood    Ave..   Wilmette.    111. 

Woodall.    Adele    Davis.    '52 Guntersville.    Ala. 

Woods,  Barbara  Anne.  '54 26  Laurel  Ave..  Arlington.  N.  J. 

Woods,    Bette.   '54 Park   View    Ln..   Wheeling.   W.   Va. 

Woodworth.  Barbara  Ann.  '54  .306  East.   E.  Street.  Erwin.  N.  C. 

Woolery.   Martha,  '53 2017   Glenwood   Ave..   Raleigh.  N.  C. 

Woollen.   Rebecca   M..  '52 Washington  Apts.,   Baltimore.   Md. 

Woolley.  Virginia  Claire,  '55. .800  Palermo  Ave..  Coral  Gables.  Fla. 

Wooten.   Patsv.  '52 Kinston.   N.   C. 

Worrell.  Margaret  G..  "53 259  Queens  Ln.,  Palm  Beach.  Fla. 

Worsham.    Mary   Elizabeth.   '54 Box    13,    Ruffin.   N.   C. 

Worthington.    Barbara,   '55 Box    54.    Winterville.    N.    C. 

Wright.  Betsy,  '55 301  W.  Greenway  St..  Greensboro.  N.  C. 

Wright.  Mary  Elizabeth,  '52 105  Knox  St..  Durham,  N.  C. 

Yaneev.    Peggy.   '54 1804   St.    Mary's   St..    Raleigh.   N.    C. 

Yeager.  Frances,  '53 Rt.   1,  Box  478,  Jacksonville  7.  Fla. 

Yost.   Rebecca.  '55 300   W.   Thomas   St..   Salisbury.   N.   C. 

Youmans.  Alice,  '52 1716  S.W..    12th   Ave..   Miami.   Fla. 

Young.  Betty  Anne,  '52 3406  Dover  Rd..  Durham.  N.  C. 

Young.  Isabelle  Mary.  '52 East  Market  St..   Marietta,  Pa. 

/.anner,  Genevieve  Ellen.  '53 

3200    Military    Rd..    N.W..    Washington     15,    D.    C. 

Ziegler,  Joan   S..   "52 7427    Boyer   St..    Philadelphia    19.    Pa. 

Zimmerman.  Elaine.  ■54.125  Kenwood  Rd..  Grosse  Pointe.  Mich. 

Zimtbaum.  Mary  Matilda,  '55 502  Asle  Ave,  Newton,  N.  C. 

Zipplics.    Claire.   '52 205    E.    48th    St..    Savannah.    Ga. 

Zwick,    Matalie,    '54 308    Sixth    Ave.,    Dayton,    Ky. 


,'\bbott.  George  Richard.  "53  Howard  Farms,  Lewisburg,  W.  Va. 
Abeyounis,  Cicero  John.  "53  409  Bonner  St..  Washington.  N.  C. 
Accardo.    Phillip    Joseph.    "53 

278  Brightwood  Ave.,  Torrington,  Conn. 
.•\ckerman,  Barclay,  "55.-94  Nassau  Ave..  Malverne.  L.  I.,  N.  Y. 
Adams.    Baron    Brook.    Jr..    '55 

1016  Buchanon  Blvd..  Durham.  N.  C. 

Adams,   Chick.   '52 242    Bedford    Rd..    Pleasantville.   N.    Y. 

Adams,  J.  David,  '54 863  Ocean  Blvd..  Atlantic  Beach.  Fla. 

Adams,  Walter  L,  '52 2703   University  Dr.,  Durham.  N.  C. 

Adams.  Walter  Leslie,  Jr.,  '53... .3  Crescent  PI..  Middletown.  N.  Y. 

Agronis  Gilbert  A.  '54 6  Alanson   Rd.   Bridgeport   7.  Conn. 

Akins.  John  E.,  '54 98  Harrington   Ave..  Westwood.  N.  J. 

Alan   Alan  David. '53 4515  Meridian  Ave..  Miami  Beach.  Fla. 

Albancze.  Ircnev  M.,    55 520  46th  St..  Brooklyn  20.  N.  Y. 

Albert.  Karl  Vernon.  '55  ...1200  N.  George  St..  Goldsboro.  N.  C. 

Aldridge.  Fred  Cutler.  Jr.,  '55 112   Banbury  Way,  Wayne.   Pa. 

.Mexander.   Frank    Hugh,  '53 

Sharon  Rd..  Box  662.  Charlotte.  N.  C. 
Alexander.  Hobart  L.,  '54.  .  119-17  109  Ave..  S.  O/one  Pk..  N.  Y. 
Alexander,    Lester    Fisher.    Jr.,    '53 

28    Audubon    PI..    New    Orleans.    La. 
Alexander.   Thomas   J..    '55 

Barden   Rd..   Bloomfield   Hills.   Mich. 
Alexander,    Uhlman   S.,   Jr.,   '52 

324    Ridgewood    Ave.,   Charlotte,   N.   C. 

Allen,  Charles,   Jr.,   '52 722   Tolita   Ave..   Coronado,   Calif. 

Allen.  Ira  Dayton,  '52 1401  Centennial  .\\c..  McKcesporl,  Pa. 

Allen,  Irving  Ellis,  '55 911    Monmouth  .-Xvc..  Durham.  N.  C. 

Allen.  John   Jay,   '54 5   Norfolk,   Wichita,   Kans. 

Allen,   Philemon   Macon.  Jr.,   "52 

3525   Davenport  .St.,  N.W..   Washington   8.   D.  C. 

Allison.    Harry    Richard.   Jr..   '53 

18   Manetta   Rd.,  .Asheville.  N.  C. 
.Mlison.    Paul   Joseph.   '55 

208  Columbian  .St..  South  Weymouth.  Mass. 
.Allison.   Raymond    Dean.   Jr..   '52 

4463  Greenwich   Pkwv..  Washington   7.   D.  C. 
Allison.   Ronald   E..   '52 

3025    Fontenay   Rd..   Shaker   Heights.   Ohio 
Almeida.   Fernando  Guimaraes.   '54 

Rua   Sahara    76.   Sao    Paulo.    Brazil 

Amling.   Richard   Herbert.   '54.. 616    Kitchell   .Ave..   Pana.    111. 

Arnmerman.   Rav   P..  Jr..  "53 

1024  Lake   Hollingsworth   Dr.,  Lakeland.   Fla. 
Anderson,  Edward  Everett,  "55 

502   E.   Forest   Hills   Blvd..   Durham,  N.   C. 
■Anderson.    Herschel    Vincent.   '54 

2505   Kenmore   Dr..   Raleigh.   N.   C. 

Anderson,  Jack  C.  "53 Box  2906.  Duke  Hosp..  Durham.  N.  C. 

Anderson,  John  L..  Jr..  "55 

814   Rolling   Rock    Rd..    Pittsburgh    34.    Pa. 

Anderson.   Robert.   '52 25   Ridge   Ave..   Lynn.    Mass. 

Anderson.  Robert  E.,     '52 6  Suncrest  Ave..  Wheeling.  W.  Va. 

Anderson,  R.  S..  '55 80  Ridge  Rd..  Glen  Rock.  N.  J. 

.Anderson.  .Samuel  Gober,  '52 80  Ridge  Rd..  Glen  Rock.  N.  J. 

Anderson.  William  Heartly.  '53... .180  Moran  Rd..  Grosse  Pt..  Mich. 

Andon.  Neil  G..  "53 7602  58   Rd..  Elmhurst.  N.  Y. 

Andrek.  George.  '55 7  Hill  St.,  Glen  Lyon.   Pa. 

Ansari.     Mansoor,    '52 Meslie,     Iran 

Ardizone.    Dick.    '55 

16700   l.archwood    Ave..   Shaker    Heights,   Ohio 

Armstrong.  James  C,  '53 1600  29th  St..  Parkersburg.  W.  Va. 

.Arnold.   Eugene  A.,  '54 110  Coleman   Ave..   Asheville.  N.  C. 

.Aronberg.  Harold.  '53 2700  Bruce  Dr..  Ashland.  Ky. 

Arthur,  William   Robert.  '55 

52    E.    Southgale.    Fort    Thomas.    Ky. 
Ashdown,  Charles  Edward,   '54 

30  Alnwick   Rd..   Malverne.   L.   I.,  N.   Y. 

Atkins,   James   H.,    '53 606   Jackson    St..   Gastonia.   N.    C. 

Atkinson.  James  C,  '52 117  S.  Love  St..  Thomasville,  Ga. 

Avant.  William  E..  '54 1708  Duke  St.,  Georgetown.  S.  C. 

Avera.  David  S..  '53.. 343  Fairfax  Dr.,  Winston-Salem,  N.  C. 

Baches.  George  James,  '55 1701   Phem  .Ave..  New   Bern.  N.  C. 

Baehr,  Bruce  F..  '52 1410  Library  Ave..   McKeesport.   Pa. 

Baehr.  Richard  Lionel,  '54. ...45  Wendover  Rd..  Springfield.   Mass. 

Bafford.  Edward  Donald.  '52 619  Coventry  PI..  Tow  son.   Md. 

Baggs,   Don.   '52 St.   John's,   Newfoundland 

Bailey.   Clarence   Amon,   '54 Selma.    N.    C. 

Bailev.  Frank  Robert.  '55 1201   Burton  St..  Silver  Spring.  Md. 

Bailey.  William  Raymond.  '54. ...480  N.  Main  St..  Mt.  Airy,  N.  C. 

Baima.  John  A.,  Jr.,  '54 112  Jean   St..   Ramsey,  N.  J. 

Baker,  Charles  C.  '55 3243  N.  Abingdon  St..  Arlington,  Va. 

Baker.  Charles  Ernest,  Jr.,  '53.  .1430  Chicago  Ave..  Evanston,  III. 

Baker,  Paul  W.,  '55 984  Stovall  Blvd..  N.E..  Atlanta.  Ga. 

Baker.  William   Freeman.  '54 2412   Park   Ave..   Easton,   Pa. 

Baldwin,   Bruce,  "53.     Box  96.   Rt.    1.   Bellaire   Beach.  Largo.   Fla. 
Baldwin.  Joseph  I.vle.  Jr..  "53    16  Vernon  Terrace.  .Alexandria.  Va. 

Ball,  Walter  Herbert,  '52 1019  Hay  St..  Fayetleville,  N.  C. 

Ballard.   Charles   Lee.   '55 

200  Big  Draft   Rd..  White  Sulphur  Springs.  W.  Va. 
Ballard.  Ed.  "52   200  Big  Draft  Rd..  White  Sulphur  Springs.  W.  Va. 

Bane.    Allan,   "55 R.R.    No.    3.    Box    116.    Austell.   Ga. 

Bangle.    Robert    E.,   '52 660   S.    Union,   Concord,    N.    C. 

Bannon,    Peter   J..   '.54 261    Rock    Rd..   Glen    Rock.    N.    J. 

Baptiste.  Edward  Joseph,  '53 P.  O.  2061.  Hong  Kong.  China 

Baptistc.   Ronald   P..  '53 

2728  Brown  Ave.,  Apt.  24A.  Durham.  N.  C 

Barb.    Thomas   S,,    '55 39   Wahon    Ave.,    Waban,    Mass. 

Barden,   Lawrence  E..  '53 417   Howard  St.,   Boone,   N.  C. 

Barfield.   Victor  W..   '52 La   Grange.   N.   C. 

Barger.    Jerry,    '55 915    Lincolnton    Rd.,    Salisbury.    N.    C. 

Barker.    Bradley    S..    '54 Wolfcboro.    N,    H. 

Barker,  O.  Clveland.  Jr.,  '55 116  Fenner  Ave..  Asheville,  N.  C. 

Barnard.   William    R..   "55 

2023  Rosemont  Ave..  N.W..  Washington  10,  D.  C. 
Barnes,  Charles  Haynes.  "53  .4028  .Spring  Hill  Rd..  Louisville.  Ky. 
Barnes.  Donald  Alfred.  '53.   I.archmonl  .Acres.  I  archmonl.  N.  '^■. 

Barnes.   John    H..   '53 501     13th   St.,    I  imiberton.   N.   C. 

Barnes.  I  ec  G..  '54 18  Maplewood   Ave..  Dobbs  Ferry,  N.  '^■. 

Barnes.  Rollin   Meek,  '55 330  S.   Fourth  St..  ("oshoclon,  Ohio 

Barnes  William   H.,  '54 98   Indian   Hill   Rd..  Winnetka.   111. 

Barnetl.  Jay.  "55 2407   Terrell    PI..   I  \nchburg.   Va. 

Barnhardt,  Luther  ,'55 184  Washington   In..  C  oncoid.  N.  C. 

Barnhardl.  Max  Loyd,  Jr.,  '54 702  Cobb  St..  Durhatn,  N.  C. 

Barnhill.   Edgar.   "54 Bethel.   N.   C. 

Barr.   Charles    R..    '54 Coople's   Ln.,    Wallinglord.    Pa. 

Barranco.  Frank    Thomas.  '52 

1212  Argonne  Dr.,  Baltimore  19,  Md. 


Barrett.  A.  J.,  Jr..  ■.S2 

^\^\  Mt.  Pleasant  St..  N.W..  Washington.  D.  C. 

Barrett.  David  Wood.  '54 Box  2:^(^.  Roxboro.  N.  C. 

Barrett.  William  R.,  '.s5 201  Woodrow  Ave..  High  Point.  N.  C. 

Barriek.   Harrv  Welling.  Jr..  "53 

3200  Drone  Squadron.  Elgin  A.  F.   B..  Fla. 

Barry.  Earnest  H..  "52 7014  Kenlegh   Rd..   Baltimore.   Md. 

Barrv.   John   L..    III.   '52 714    Dixie   In..    Plainfield.   N.   J. 

Bartlett.   William   M..  "54 1611    Harlem    Blvd.    Rockford.    111. 

Bartner.  Seth  D..  '55 1   Mitchell  Dr..  (ireat  Neck,  N,  >-. 

Barton.  Cecil  C.  '55 83    Ridgeuood   Ave..  Trenton.  N.   J. 

Barton.  Jerrv.  '53 3656  Johnson  .Ave..   Riverdale.  N.  Y. 

Baruick.   Howard.  '52 546  N.E.   97lh  St..   Miami.   Fla. 

Bass.    Robert    Homer.    '53 Rt.    2,    Danville.    Va. 

Bataller.    Bruce.   '54 427   Arden   Ct.,    Ridgewood.    N.   J. 

Bates.  Robert  Kenneth.  '52. ...12  Laurel  Ave..   Ml.   Vernon.  N.  Y. 

Bates.  Walter  Irvine.  II.  '54 N.  Main  St..  Ext..  Meadville.  Pa. 

Batten.   Emmett   L..  '52 924  Green   St.,   Durham.   N.  C. 

Baturin.  Richard   H..  '54 

2871   McKinley  St..  N.W..  Washington.  D.  C. 

Bauer.    Bruce   T..   '55 44   Norwood    Terrace.    Holvoke.    Mass. 

Bauer.  James  A..  '55 3440  N.    16th  St..  Philadelphia.  Pa. 

Baum.   Harry   Emil.   '55 1714   Dean   St..   Durham.   N.   C. 

Bauman.    Lawrence   A..   '52 

Robin   Hood  Trail.   1  ookout    Mountain.  Tenn. 

Bauman.   Dick.  "53 4104  Walnut  Cirove   Rd.    Memphis.  Tenn. 

Baur.    Rav.    '54 3906    .W.    36th    St..    Miami.    Fla. 

Baxlev.   VVilliam  A.,   '55 

V.  A.  Hosp..  1540  Spring  Valley  Rd..  Huntington,  W.  Va. 
Bayless,  Thomas  Gardner.  Jr..  "55 

726    19th   Ave..   N.E..   St.    Petersburg.    Fla. 

Baylin.  Jack.  "53 3518   Barton  Oaks.   Pikesville.   Md. 

Bazemore.  Charles,  "54 624  Hazlehurst  Ave..   Merion.   Pa. 

Beacham.  Ted.  '54 282  Barcelona  Rd..  West  Palm  Beach.  Fla. 

Beal.    Jesse    C.    '52 Nashville.    N.    C. 

Beasley.  John  .'\ustin.  Jr..  "52 

565   Indiana  Ave..  Southern   Pines,  N.  C. 

Bealv.    Donald.    "54 Box    432.    Belmont.    N.    C. 

Bebe'r.  Robert.  "55 3280  Rochambero  Ave..   Bronx  67.  N.  Y. 

Becher.  Georae  D.,  Jr..  "52. .69  Normandy  Rd..  Longmeadow.  Mass. 

Beck.  Charles  E..  Jr..  "52 1841   Market  St..  Harrisburg.  Pa. 

Becker.  Robert  E.,  Jr..  '54..  13  1-66  225th  St..  Laurelton.  L.  I..  N.  Y. 

Beckett.    Ralph    L..    '55 Crab    Orchard.    W.    V.A 

Beckman.  Kendall  M..  Jr..  '55 

2231   Wheat  St..  Columbia  5.  S.  C. 

Bedell.   Harold.  '52 246  Southside   Ave..   Freeport.  N.   Y. 

Bedell.   Richard.  Jr..  "53 - Scarswold   Apts..   Searsdale.  N.  Y. 

Behnkc.   Ray  G..   '54 Old   Mendan    Rd..   Morristown.   N.   J. 

Bell.    Brach.    '54 Patterson    Heights.    Beaver    Falls.    Pa. 

Bell.   George   C.   "53 1313   College   PI..    Raleigh.   N.   C. 

Bell.  John  Henry.  "55 1203  Greenwav  Dr..  High  Point.  N.  C. 

Bell.   Luke   P..   "54 Rt.   3.    Box   53.   Loris.   S.   C. 

Bell.   William   G..   "52 Carrollton.    Ky. 

Bellinger.   Dan   Eddins,   '55 234   Gulf   Blvd..   Tampa.   Fla. 

Benda.  George   M..  "53 27  Hopkins  Rd..  Arlington   74.   Mass. 

Bennett.    Daniel    Ross.    "53 .  McComb.    Ohio 

Bennett.  Guy.  "53 1403  Carolina  Ave..   Durham.  N.  C. 

Bennett.  Robert  McArn.  "54 405  Market  St..  Cheraw.  S.  C. 

Benson.   Bruce  W.,  "53 2704   Ridgeway    Rd..   Dayton.  Ohio 

Berger.   Robert    B.,   '53 Coalgood.    Ky. 

Bergeron.  William  Lawrence,  '52.  24  E.  Elm  St..  Greenwich.  Conn. 

Berlinghof.   Pete.  '54 10  Elmwood   Rd..   Baltimore    10,   Md. 

Bernard.   Harold.   Jr..  "53 947    Pearl    Harbor   St..    Bpt..   Conn. 

Berney.  Norman.  '53 451  W.  End  Ave..  New  York  24.  N.  Y. 

Bernstein.  Eugene  M..  '53. .301 1   Wolcott  Ave..  Baltimore   16.  Md. 

Bernstein.  Lee.  '55 939   Brooks  Ln..   Baltimore    17.   Md. 

Bernstein.  Robert,  '55 318  Fourth  St..  N.E..  Bassillon.  Ohio 

Berrier.    Paul.   '55 314   Ward    St..   Thomasville.    N.    C. 

Berry.  Edward  L.,  '54 1003  N.  Gregson  St..  Durham.  N.  C. 

Berrv.  Maxwell  K.,  '52 529  W.  McElroy.  Morganfield.  Ky. 

Best.   Lee  James.  Jr..  '52 109  S.   Ellis   Ave..   Dunn.  N.  C. 

Beveridge.  David  M..  '55 526  Commercial  Blvd..  Dallas.  Te.x. 

Bianchina.  Edward  J..  '55 23  Garfield   PI..  Hempstead.  N.  Y. 

Bickel.  Robert  Arthur,  '52 1249  Girard  Ave..  Wyomissing.  Pa. 

Bickerton.  William  E..  '53 97  Westgate  RJ..  Kenmore.  N.  Y. 

Biehl.  Frederick  Robert.  '54. .36  Lester  PI..  New  Rochelle.  N.  Y. 
Biltz.  Carl  Nicholas.  "54... 1331   Sun  Crest  Dr..  Cincinnati  8.  Ohio 

Birch.  George  Terry.  "55 Box  506.  Quaker  Rd..  Princeton,  N.  J. 

Bird.  Robert  H..  ".<4 127  Park  Dr.,  San  Antonio  12.  Tex. 

Bishop.   Ted    Hartley,   '54 Princeton.    W.    Va. 

Bishop.  William  Warren.  '53 1006  Knox  St..  Durham.  N.  C. 

Bissette.  C.  Morgan.  '52 1511   Milton  Ave..  Durham.  N.  C. 

Bissette.   Lester  Cefare,  '54 Box   63.    Bailey.   N.   C. 

Bitter.  Edwin  Ward.  Jr.,  '52 S.  Orange  Ave.,  Florham  Pk..  N.  J. 

Bitzer.  Carl   W..  "55 R.F.D.  No.   5.   Johnson  Citv.  Tenn. 

Bixhv.   Richard  G..  '53 18510   Bretton   Dr..  Detroit   23.   Mich. 

Black.  Forrest  R..  "55 3239  Middlesex  Rd..  Orlando.  Fla. 

Black.  Robert  William.  Jr..  "54.. ..1105  Urban  Ave..  Durham.  N.  C. 
Blackard.  William  Griffith.  '55. .47  Macon  Ave..  Asheville.  N.  C. 

Blackley.  Shem  K..  "54 505  S.  Washington  St.,  Shelby,  N.  C. 

Blackman.  John  Chadwick.  "55        87th  St..  R.  Rt.   I.  Hinsdale.  111. 

Blackwell.  LcRov  I...  Jr..  "52 287  N.W.  58th  St..  Miami.  Fla. 

Blades.  Lemuel  S.,  III.  "55..  108  E.  Fearing  St..  Elizabeth  City.  N.  C. 

Blair,    Dick.   "52 408   W.   3rd   Ave.,    Warren,   Pa. 

Blalock.  William  Shaw.  '52 6   Hesje   Dr..   Lexington.   N.  C. 

Blanck.  Charles  K.,  '53 1309  Washington  St..  Durham.  N.  C. 

Bland.  Billy  R.,  "53 820  Madison.  Apt.  2.   Durham.  N.  C. 

Bland.  Bruce.  '52 6487  Feliz  Parkway.  South  Miami.  Fla. 

Bledsoe.   James   W..   '53 Winter    Park.    Fla. 

Blevins,    Maurice   Everett,   '52 

B22  The  Old   Citadel.   Charleston.   S.   C. 
Blizard.  J.  Walter  F..  Jr..  '53. .733  Washington  Ln..  Jenkintown.  Pa. 

Block.  Norman  G.,  '54 16  Garner  St.,  South  Norwalk,  Conn. 

Bloom.  Robert  H..  '55 3730  Lovers  Ln..   Dallas.  Tex. 

Boardman.  Robert  R..  '55 726  22  Ave.,  N..  St.  Petersburg.  Fla. 

Boardman.  William  H..  '55 726  22  Ave..  N,.  St.  Petersburg.  Fla. 

Boatwright.    Frank.   '54 Ridge   Spring.   S.   C. 

Bobbitt.  Joseph  Irvin.  '52 513  Princess  St..  Wilmington.  N.  C. 

Bobbitt.  Ralph.  Jr.,  "54 219  Marigold  St..  Rockv  Mount.  N.  C. 

Bocock.    Robert.    '55 814   6th    St..    Durham.    N.   C. 

Bodden.  Cierald  Alston.  Jr..  '54 3020  5th  St..  Port  Arthur.  Tex. 

Bodenhamer,  David  Lee.  '52 

1004  E.  3()th  St..  Winston-Salem.  N.  C. 

Bogart.  William  H.,  '53 707  Spaulding  St..  Flmira.  N.  Y. 

Bolick.  Harold  D..  '53 

908  Graham-Hopedale  Rd..   Burlington.  N.  C. 

Boling,  Floyd  Jackson.  Jr.,  '54 405  W.  Elk  St..  Siler  City.  N.  C. 

Bollinger.  Richard  N 3127  Guilford   Ave..   Baltimore,   Md. 

Bolster.  Dennis.  '55 3617  Everett  St..  Washington  8.  D.  C. 

Bolton.  Norman  A..  '52 3607  Blanck  Rd..  Cleveland  Hts..  Ohio 

Bonduiant.   Wesley    Eugene.   "54 Reidsville.   N.   C. 

Bonin.  Carl  Joseph.  "53 202  Waldo  PI.,  Englewood.  N.  J. 

Boone.  Don   H..  "55 306  Weddle  St..  Flemingsburg.  Ky. 

Booth.  Robert  H..  '54.4664  Garfield  St..  N.W..  Washington.  D.  C. 

Borchardt.  Charles.  '54 4111  Staunton  Ave..  Charleston.  W.  Va. 

Bornhcim.   Ralph.   "53 Oak    Hill.   W.   Va. 

Boshamer.  Henry  Carlisle.  '54 502  W.  Fifth  .St..  Gastonia.  N.  C. 

Botnick.  Robert   Stanley.  '54.610  W.  Pine  St..   HattiesburK.  Miss. 
Bouldin.   Eugene   Korner.  '53 

nil   Forrest   Hill  Dr..  High   Point.  N.  C. 
Bourne.  J.  Philip.  '52  .4906  Virginia  Ave..  S.E..  Charleston.  W.  Va. 

Bourne,  P.  Barrv,  '53. Lakewood,  N.  Y. 

Bovaird.  George  Christe,  '53 700  E.  Main  St..  Bradford.  Pa. 

Bowen.  Joseph  A..  Jr..  '54.  Dunvegan  Rd..  R.R.   1.  Louisville.  Ky. 
Bowles.   Lawrence  Thompson.  "53 

121    Brixton   Rd..   Garden   City.   N.   Y. 

Boyd.  Edwin  C.  "54 2206  Madison  Ave..  Greensboro.  N.  C. 

Boyd.    Melvin    Thomas,    '53 Henderson.    N.    C. 

Boylston,  Ben  C,  '54 1405  Buckingham  Ave..  Norfolk.  Va. 

Bozzelli.  James  Fox,  '54 2715  Wordlugh   Rd..   Havertown.   Pa. 

Bracket!.  Edwin  Harold.  '52 Box  753.   Rt.  9.  Charlotte.  N.  C. 

Bracknev.  William  A..  '52 2530  ParkwooJ.  Toledo.  Ohio 

Bradshaw.  Robert  W.,  Jr..  "54 205  N.  Tarboro  St..  Wilson.  N.  C. 

Bradt.   Jim.   "54 48   Godwin   Ln..   St.    Louis    17.    Mo. 

Bragg.  Albert  F..  "54 114  Virginia  Ave..  Hiah   Point.  N.  C. 

Branch.  Charles  M.,  "54 P.  O.   Box   111.  Ch.-sterfield.  S.  C. 

Brannon.   Bob.   "54 4004   Lenox    Rd..    Birmingham.   Ala. 

Branscombe.  Paul,  "54 46   MacKay  Ave..  Toronto.  Ont. 

Bray.   Eugene   Edward,   '55. .403   Gilmer  Circle.   Reidsville.   N.  C. 

Brewer.  Richard  A.,  '55 410  Melrose  Ave..  Bound  Brook.  N.  J. 

Brazis.  Michae  Douglas,  '52 85  Mercer  St..   Boston.   Mass. 

Brennan.  D.  Richard.  '54. ...2843  S.  Buchanan  St..  Arlington  6.  Va. 

Brenner.   Morgan  G.,  '54 826  S.   Pershing  .Ave..   York.   Pa. 

Brewer.    Si.    '55 Anchorage.    Ky. 

Brian.  Murray.  '55 Box  311,  Woodland  Ave..   Plainfield.  N.  J. 

Brice.  Anton.  Jr.,  '55 3000  Conn.  Ave..  Washinaton.   D.   C. 

Bridges.  E.  Burke.  '52 107  Winston  St..  Thomasville.  N.  C. 

Brill.    William.    '52 Locu4    Hill.    Va. 

Brinson.   Lee.   '55 209  S.   Veitch   .St..   Arlington.   Va. 

Brinson.  Walter  J 130  W.  Grimsby.   Kenmore.  N.   Y. 

Britt.   Robert   D..  Jr..  '52 Box   392,   Melbourne,   Fla. 

Britton.  William  Moses,  '55 230  S.  Maple  St..  Ahoskie.  N.  C. 

Brock.    Jimmy.    '52 Box    149.    Red    Springs.    N.    C. 

Brokenshire.   Melvyn  Royal.  Jr..  "52 

No.   9.  College   Hill   .Apts..   Macon.  Ga. 

Brondstater.    Phil.    "55 Buckmarsh    St..    Berryville.    Va. 

Brooks.  Eugene  Clyde.  IIL  "52 

1011   Southwood   Dr..  Durham.  N.  C. 

Brooks.  Frederick  P..  Jr..  "53 431  W.  5th  St.,  Greenville,  N.  C. 

Brooks.   George    H..    III.   '52 Apex.   N.   C. 

Brooks.  Leonard  Howard.  '53 805  W.  Gold  St..  Wilson,  N.  C. 

Brooks.   Thomas    Donald.    '53 

117   Rice  St..   Rose  City.  N.   Little   Rock.  Ark. 

Broom.   Phillip   W.,   '53 Griffith    Rd..    Monroe.   N.   C. 

Browder.    Les.    '52 Box    963.    Winston-Salem.    N.    C. 

Brown.   Bruce   MacDonald.  '53 

201    W.   Walnut   Ln..  Germantown.   Philadelphia   44.   Pa. 
Brown.   Charles   S..    "54 War,   W.    Va. 


Brown.   Dave.   '54 3i:    Forrest    Rd..    Raleigh.   N.   C. 

Brown,   David  Carhard.   "55 

33  Hendricksoii  Ave..  Roeksille  Centre,  N.  Y. 
Brown,  Dennison  Robert.  '55 

4266   Hyacinth   Ave.,    Baton    Rouge,   La. 
Brown.  Donald  Gannon,  '54.112  W.  6th  Ave.,  Williamson.  W.  Va. 

Brown.  Rdgar  Barry,  '54 1442  E.  21st  St..  Brooklvn   10,  N.  Y. 

Brown.  Jimmv   P.,  '54 712   E.   Ash  St..  (ioldshoio.  N.   C. 

Brown.  Jack  C.,  '52 16  Winslow   Rd..  White   Plains.  N.  Y. 

Brown.  I.awton  C,  '53 432  .Megra,  West  Palm  Beach.  Fla. 

Brown.  Robert   M.,  '54 10  hmerton   Rd..  Glen   Rock,  N.  J. 

Brown,    Samuel    Hovt,    '52 Rt.    One,    Tallapoosa,    Ga. 

Browning,  Henrv    D..  '55 207  Connor  St.,  Wilson.  N.  C. 

Browninu.  Robert   M..  '55 1416  N.  Duke  St..  Durham,  N.  C. 

Brubaker,  Joseph  DeVenny.  '55   620  6th  Ave..  New  Brighton.  N.  J. 
Bruiison,   Ronald   A.,   '52 

4030  Dover  Rd..  Hope  Valley,  Durham,  N.  C. 

Bryan.  David   Barclay,  '55 Rt.    1.    Bo.\   737.   Scottsdale,  Ariz. 

Bryan,  James  L.,  '55 

111   Spring  Garden  St.   Ext.,  Greensboro,  N.  C. 
Bryant.  William   Franklin,  Jr.,  '54 

1945   Sterling  Rd..  Charlotte,  N.   C. 

Buchanan.  Robert  R.,  "52 211    Parkway,  Bluefield,  W.  Va. 

Buchheil.  William  A..  '55 255   l.opper  St..  Grecnsburg.   Pa. 

Buckley.  Richard  Robert,  '54 114  Martin  Ln.,  Wilmington.  Del. 

Buckley,  Thoma.s  T.,  '53 

1819  Lamont  St.,  N.W.,  Washington    10,   D.  C. 

Buckowitz.   Moritz.  '55 2603   Denison  St.,   Baltimore    16,   Md. 

Bunch.    Willis   A..   "55 Chadbourn.    N.    C. 

Bunn.  Joseph   Plumme,  "54 202   Battle  Ave..  Tarboro.  N.  C. 

Burrell,  Robert  G..  '53 437  Springfield  Pike.  Wyoming  15.  Ohio 

Burrows,   Bob   Lee,  '54 970  .Straight   St.,   Ashehoro.  N.  C. 

Buohl.  Edward  Allan,  '55 925  W.  Oakridge.  Ferndale  20.  Mich. 

Burka.  Leonard,  '55. ...3001   Ellicott  St.,  N.W..  Washington.  D.  C. 

Burke,  Joseph  H.,  '55 115  Sherman   PI..  South  Orange.  N.  J. 

Burke.  Ravmond  F.,  '55 105   Pine  St..  Dalton.  Mass. 

Burckel.  Robert  Charles,  '55 1725  Taylor  St.,  Hollvwood.  Fla. 

Burkholder.  Peter  C  '55 21   W.  46th  St..  Indianapolis.  Ind. 

Burr.  Peter  Shepard,  '55 359  Thornbrook   Rd.,  Rosemont,  Pa. 

Burtner,  Tiny.   '55 Rt.    1.    Box   231,   Greensboro,   N.   C. 

Burwell,    Nathaniel    D.,    '55 R.F.D.    4.    Oxford,    N.    C. 

Bushman,   Richard   A.,   '52 800    13th   St..   Alexandria,   Va. 

Bushman.  Theodore  W.,  Jr.,  '53 800   13th  St..  Alexandria.  Va. 

Bush,   Bobby  Wesley.  '53 104  Olive  Ave.,   Lenoir,  N.  C. 

Bustamante.  Satiago,  '55 

Transversal    17,   No.    25-13.    Bogata,   Colombia,   S.   A. 
Butler.  William  Warren,  '52. .760  Ponders  Ave.,  N.W.,  Atlanta.  Ga. 

Butrym.  Robert  Carl,  '52 2105  Versaille  Ave..  McKeesport,  Pa. 

Butt.'  Page,  Jr.,  '52 300  Manville  Rd..   Pleasantville.  N.  Y. 

Byerly,  Charles  Tales,  Jr„  Special   231. s  Sprunt  St..  Durham,  N.  C. 

Byers,   Bill,  '52    2825   Hampton   Ave..  Charlotte,   N.  C. 

Byer.s.    Frank    M.,    "54 12409    St.,    N.    St.    Petersburg.    Fla. 

Bynum.  Bundy,  "53 Darlington,  S.  C. 

Byron.  Alexander.  "52 99  High  St..  Wareham,  Mass. 

Cahill.  John  Edward.  "52 22  Meadow  St.,  Litchfield,  Conn. 

Cahill.  Richard  Walter.  "55 22  Meadow  St.,  Litchfield,  Conn. 

Cain,    Paul    Ricks,    "54 910    High    St..    Macon,    Ga. 

Caldwell.    John,    "55 39    Beverly    Rd..    Hamden.    Conn. 

Callahan.   George   S..   "55 

3830  Cocagrove  Ave.,  Coconut  Grove,  Fla. 

Callahan.    Paul    X.,   "55 215   Cornwall    Ave.,   Trenton,   N.   J. 

Calleson,  Donald  A.,  '54 114  Lincoln  Ave..  Merrick,  N.  Y. 

Calleson.  Gerald  C,  "54 114  Lincoln  Ave..   Merrick,  N.  Y, 

Camacho,   Fernando,  '55 

Carrera  4.  No.  73-16.  Bogota.  Colombia,  S.  A. 
Campbell.  Frederick   MacGregor.  "55 

119   College    Ave.,    Swarthmore,    Pa. 

Campbell.  John   R..  '52 15   Sawyer  Ave.,   Boston   25,   Mass. 

Cannon.  Robert  L.,  '55 

Jammar-Rusag:  APO  206-A  c   o   P.M.,  New  York,  N.   Y 

Cannon,  Samuel  F.,  '52 R.F.D..  St.  James,  N.  Y. 

Cannon,  Stanley  Joel.  '53  ...339  Catania  Ave.,  Coral  Gables,   Fla. 

Cardozo.  Joseph  Lopes,  '53 68  Cleveland  .St..   Belleville.  N.  J. 

Carey.  John  J..  '53 1326  E.   Berry  St..   Fort  Wayne.   Ind. 

Carlton.    Joseph    l.cland.   '55 Box    21,    Wauchula,    Fla. 

Carnahan.  John  A..  '53        1803  Radnor  Rd..  Cleveland  Hts..  Ohio 

Carpenter,  R.  G..  Jr„  '54 Box  427.  Green  St..  Wolfeboro.  N.  H. 

Carroll.  John.  '52 364  Lebanon  St.,  Maiden,   Mass. 

Carroll,    1  homas    M.,   '55 Box    36,    Valdese,   N.   C. 

Carson.   David  G.,  '53 4430   Main   .St..   Snyder,   N.    Y. 

Carson.  Richard  T.,  '52 401   Caldwell  Ave.,  Wilmcrding,   Pa. 

Carter.  C  harles  T.,  '55.  Duke  of  Gloucester  St.,  Williamsburg,  Va. 

Carter,    Howard    R.,    '54 1227    Ninth    .St.,    Lake    Charles,    la. 

Carter,  John   H.,   '53 

Freudian    Acres,    Spring     Mills,     Milford.    N.    J. 

Carver,   George   W.,   '53 Harbourton,    N.    J. 

Carver,   John    R.,    '53 Hume,    Mo. 

Carver,  Marvis  J.,  Jr.,  '52 Rougemonl,  N.  C. 

Case.  Lawrence.  '55 60  Saddle  Rock  Rd..  Stamford.  Conn. 

Cashman.  Donald.  '55 556  W.   180th  -St..  New  York  33.  N.  Y. 

Cassidy.  Samuel  Maxwell,  '55 55  Kilgo.  Jenkins.  Ky. 

Castiglia.   Tom.    '54 921    23rd    Ave..    Tampa.    Fla. 

Castillo.    Miguel.   '55 Apartado   309.    Maraeaibo.   Venezuela 

Gates.  Billv  Reeves.  '53 2523  Chapel  Hill  Rd..  Durham.  N.  C. 

Gates.   Dalton   Reede.  '55 1007   Hale  St..   Durham.   N.  C. 

Gates,  Jerrv   H.,  '53 4100  Hermitage   Rd..   Richmond.   Va, 

Caudle,  Lloyd  C,  '53. Rt.    1.  Clemmons.  N.  C. 

Caulfield.  H.  F.,  '55 285  9th  Ave.  N.,  St.  Petersburg.  Fla. 

Cavaliere.  Benjamin  A,.  '52 572  E.  Main  St..  Norristown.  Pa. 

Caviness.    Lewis    Lynn.    '55 Raleigh.    N.    C. 

Cederstrom.    Jim.    '54 411    Pomeroy    Ave..    Pittsfield,    Mass. 

Chace.   James   D..   '54 1422   Clover   Rd..   Rochester.   N.   Y. 

Chaconas.   Peter.  '55 4808    16th   St..   Washington.   D.  C. 

Chaffiot.  Robert  Remi.  '55 3803  Jocelvn  St..  Washington.  D.  C. 

Chamberlain.  W.  J..  '53 931   Breton  Rd..  Grand  Mich. 

Chambers.  Robert  Miller.  '55  .110  Old  Army  Rd..  .Scarsdale.  N.  Y. 
Chandler.  Robert   Move.  Jr..  '55 

1000  Western   .Ave..   Rocky   Mount.  N.  C. 

Chapin,  Lee  W.,  '55 945   McKinlev.  Niagara   Falls.  N.   Y. 

Chaplin.  Stanley  W.,  '54 149  S.  Lincoln  St.,   Keene,  N.   H. 

Chapman.  Edwin  E.,  Jr.,  '54 507  Circle  Dr..  Binlington.  N.  C. 

Chapman.  Wm.  Ennis,  111,  '53 3214  Eastern  Blvd..  York.  Pa, 

Chappell.  James  Dodson.  Jr.,  '53 Marshallville.   Ga. 

Chappell,  William  Henrv.  '52 113  S.  Elm  St..  Durham.  N.  C. 

Cheek.   Leon.  '52 809  Demeriet,  Durham.  N.  C. 

Chestnut,    Donald    B.,    '54 Cedarviile.    Ohio 

Chesson.  Leslie.    54 308  W.  Markham  Ave.,  Durham,  N.  C. 

Chilton.  Scott  W.,  '55 162  W.  Glentav  Rd..  Lans.lowne.  Pa. 

Christian.  William  S..  '55 1005  Burch  Ave..  Durham.  N.  C. 

Christie.  John  W..  Jr.,  '55 1541  LaRue  Ave..  Jackso.iville.  Fla. 

Christy.    Robert    H..    '53 Third    St..    Andrews.    N.    C. 

Chrilton.  John  E..  '52. 288  Glengary  Rd..  Birmingham.   Mich. 

Chun.    Robert    Jenquen,   '54 Oakland,   Calif. 

Ciminello.    Vito   J.,   '54 51    Kruger   PL,    Passaic,   N.   J. 

Clapp.  Gordon  W.,  '54 30  Hillcrest  Circle.  Swampscolt.  Mass, 

Clapp.   James   Robert.  '54 R.F.D.    1.   Siler  City.   N.  C, 

Clark,  Fred.  '53 120  W.  McLelland  Ave.,   Mooresville,  N.  C. 

Clark.  Henry  B.,  II,  '53 Reidsville,  N,  C, 

Clark,    Jonathan    Yates,    '52 Box    526,    Leesbur.s;,    Fla. 

Clarke,  William  M.,  '55 1000  Belmont  Ave.,  Favetteville.  N.  C. 

Clary,   James    B.,    '55 960    Fulton    St..    Macon.    Ga, 

Classen,  William,  '55 952   Lindbergh   Dr..   N.E.,   Atlanta.  Ga. 

Clatterbuck.  Ronald  D.,  '53. ...320  Huntington  Blvd..  Roanoke.  Va. 

Clausen.  J.  Donald,  '52 5910  Smith   Ave..   Baltimore  9,   Md. 

Claxton.  Richard  A.,  '53 234  Lytton  Ave..  Pittsburgh   13,  Pa, 

Clayton,  Robert  H.,  '55 512  Warren  St..  Williamston,  N.  C. 

Clegg.  C.  B..  Jr..  .Special 315  S.  Spring  St..  Greensboro,  N,  C. 

Clemente,   Joe,   111,   '55 2740' 2    Florida   Ave..  Tampa.    Fla. 

Clemson.  D.  Buckey.  '52 101  Tunbridge  Rd..  Baltimore  12.  Md. 

Clifton.  Larry  D.,  '54 90  Lenox  .Ave..  Daytona   Beach.  Fla. 

Clifton.  Theodore  E..  Jr,,  '53 Wequaquet  Rd..  Centerville.  Mass. 

Clifton.  Yerger  Hunt,  '52... 1120  N.  Jefferson  St.,  Jackson,   Miss. 

Climenson.     W.     'Douglas,    '53 Lancaster,     Pa, 

Clontz,    John    Milton,    '54 Rt.    5,    Fayetteville,    N,    C, 

Clum.  Robert  Jenquen 538  Judd  St..  Honolulu.  Hawaii 

Coble.   James   H..   '52 410   S.   Union   .St..   Concord.   N.   C, 

Cochron.  Norman  Booker.  '52 1616  Crest  Dr.,  Cokmibus,  Ga, 

Coggeshall,  .Mbert  Parrot.  '54. ...551  Cashua  St.,  Darlington.  S.  C. 

Coiner.  Gordon,  '55 2410  Colston  Dr..  Silver  Springs,  Md. 

Cole,    Alexander   T.,    '53 105    S,    Elsasser.    Del.and,    Fla. 

Cole,  John  Owen,  '53 Forest  City,  N.  C. 

Cole,   Tom.    '53 120   Dodge   St.,    Asheville.    N.    C. 

Cole.  Willis   Hunter.  Jr.,  '55 Box  44,  Flizabethtown.  N.  C. 

Coleman.  John  William,  '52...  1404  22nd  St..  .South  Arlington.  Va, 

Coleman.   Robert   A.,  '53 414   Fleet   St.,   I'ottsville,   Pa. 

Collins.    Charles,    '55 Sharon    View     Rd..    Charlotte,    N.    C, 

Collins,   Daniel   T,,   '54 

3545   94th   St.,   Jackson    Hgts.,   New   ^ork,   N.   Y, 
Collins.    Harlev   G..   '54.  .398   N.E.    100   St..    Miami   Shores.   Fla. 

Collins.   Harold  A.,  II,  '55 Pickridge,  Southern   Pines.  N.  C. 

Collins.   H.   William,  '52 221    Jefferson   Rd..   Newark.   Ohio 

Collins.  John  J..  Jr..  '54 612   S.    Broad   .St..    Ihomasville.  CJa. 

Collins.   William   George.   '52 

2605    14th   St..   Long   Island   C  il\    2.   N.    \. 

Collyer,   Stan,   '54 312   S.   Cornell   Circle,   Fort   VVayne.    Ind. 

C  olvin,  John  C,  '52 

122  Flm   Park   Blvd.,   Pleasant   Ridge,   Mich. 

(  ombes,  George,  '54 27  Hampton  Ct..  Rockville  C  entre.  N.  >'. 

C\impton.  Kenneth  B.,  '55 1910  I'niversitv  Dr..  Diuham.  N.  C. 

Conauav.  Jack  R..  '52 1307  Andrew  .St..  Parkersburg.  \V.  Va. 

(  ondon,'  Irvin   M.,  '52 241    1'.  Oak   Ave.,  Wildwood,   N.  J. 

(  onna.  Sherrill   A.,  '55 427  Hawthorne  ,'\ve.,  honkers,  N.   Y. 

Conner.   John   Cecil.   '52  5210   Wright    Ave.,    Ballimoie.    Md. 

Cornier.  William  ,\hin  Fletcher.  Jr..  '54 

R.F.D.   5.   Box   S55.   Roanoke.   Va. 

Connor,    l.vle    B.,    '53 Bryantville,    Mass, 

Conti,    Angelo    1...    '52 42    Earle    St.,    Hartford,    Conn. 


onuu>.    F^aiil.    '54 

ook,  James.  Jr..  '55. 
ook.  Philip  T..  •.'^3.. 
ooke,  Clifton  Noyes, 
ooke.    Maxwell    E., 

1510    E.    Fifth    .Si..    Cireeiisille,    N.    C. 

Gladacics.    Bristol.   N.    H. 

Amherstdale.    W.    Va. 

'52 156  Locust  St.,  Danvera,  Mass. 

'53 Sarasota.    Fla. 

oolcv.  Charles  H,.  '54 1817  E.  5th  St..  Charlotte.  N.  C. 

ooper.   Jaek    R..   '53 826   Wilkerson   St.,    Durham,   N.   C. 

opes  van  Hasselt.  Frederick  W..  "52 

635   I  ydenham  Ave..   Montreal,  Can. 
oppala.  George  Harrill,  "53. .620  GranJin   RJ..  Charlotte,  N.  C. 

opses.  Georee  S.,  "53 408   Walnut   .\\c..  Charlotte.  N.  C. 

orbett,  Wm.  P.,  '54 323  Castle  Havne  Rd..  Wilmington.  N.  C. 

ordes.  William  F.,  '54 33    Manchester   Rd..  Tuckahoe,  N,  Y. 

ordova.  Peter  de,  '55. ...3  I  Lockerman  .\\'c..  Poughkeepsie.  N.  Y. 

orlev.  Jaek  lee.  '55 Prosperity.  W.  Va. 

orn.Donn  Edward.  '52.. 1505  W.  Third  St..  C  olumhus   12.  Ohio 
orrigan.    Eugene.    "52. .5803     Cleargiving    Rd..     Haltimorc.     Md. 

ote.  Daniel  W.,  "52 809  Forest  Glen  Rd..  Silver  Springs.   Md. 

ottman.  Brooke  Powell.  '52  .406  Rosebank  .Ave..  Baltimore.  Md. 

ouller.   James   W..   '55 1127   Orville   Ave.,    S.    Norfolk.    Va. 

oulthurst.  Lawrence  Joseph,  Jr..  "55 

1045  Sleepy  Hollow  Ln..   Plainfield,  N.  J. 

55 Kinston,    N,    C. 

in,   "52 R.F.D.   2.   Enfield.   N.   C. 

2257   Ernest   St..  Jacksonville,  Fla. 

'52 P.   O.   Box   951.   Durham.   N.   C. 

o\.    Jerry    V.,   "54 Box    543,    Homestead.    Fla. 

o\e.  James.  "55 Durham.  N.   C.   Wagram.   N.   C. 

oyle,  Joseph  Heath.  '55 2950  Krameria  St..  Denver.  Colo. 

rady,  Baraket  .Abraham,  '54. 947  Kenmore  St..  Jacksonville.  Ela. 

rady,  George.  '53 6220  Norwood  .Ave..  Jacksonville,  Fla. 

raig.  J.  Brad.  Jr.,  '53 450  Serrano  Ave..  Pittsburgh    16,  Pa. 

rane,  James  D..  "52 North  Warren.  Pa. 

ranwell.  James  L..  Jr.,  "54 1149  Shady  Ave..   Pittsburgh.   Pa. 

Frank  Teller.  '52... .1711  College  Ave.,  Hartsville.  S.  C. 
Fred   R..   '55 105   Shadow   Rd..  Chew  Chase.   Md. 

oune.  Maurice  N., 
ousins.  Matthew  E. 
oward.  .Alton.  '54... 
o\,   Ernest   Howard. 

raw  ford 
ra\\  ford 

Malcolm  F.,  "52 Ill   S.  5th  .St..  Wilmington.  N.  C. 

Narvel.  Jr..  '52 93  Merrimon  Ave..  Asheville,  N.  C. 

Theodore.  "54 

IS225  Wexford  Terrace.  Jamaica  Est.,  L.  I.,  N.  Y, 
rawford.  Tommv  York.  '53  ...405  N.  Marietta  St,  Gastonia,  N.  C. 
reeck.  Harlan  L..  III.  '54  .224  N.  Fayetteville  St..  Asheboro,  N.  C. 

resson.  David  Homer,  '55 873   Louise  Circle.   Durham.  N.  C. 

rilz.    Dale.   '55 3208    Abercorn    St..   Savannah.   Ga. 

rockett.  David  French,  "54 509  Owen  Rd.,  Wynnewood,  Pa. 

roll.   John.  Jr.,   "55 163   W.    Main   St.,    Middletown,    Pa. 

ronce,   Paul   C,  '54 36   Kingwood    Ave..    Erenchtown.   N.   J. 

ross,    William    H,    "52 Kingmill     Pike,    Bristol,    Va. 

row.  Earl  P.,  Jr.,  '54 262  Peachtree  Hills  .Ave.,  Atlanta,  Ga. 

rowder,  Billy  Lee.  "55... .4237  Princeton  .Ave.,  Greensboro,  N.  C. 

rowder.  Richard  Joseph.  52. 309  .Steele  .St.,  High  Point,  N.  C. 

roxton.  Hugh  B..  Jr.,  '53 17  W.  .Augusta  PI..  Greenville.  S.  C. 

rumpler.  Benton  E.,  '53.625  Shenandoah  .Ave.,  Bluefield,  W.  Va. 
ruz.   Ricardo.  "54...  1 8  Borinquer  .Ave.   Rio  Piedras.   Puerto  Rico 

ummings.    Alton,   "53 839    S.    Lee   St.,    .Asheboro.    N.   C. 

ummings,  William  F.,  '55. .305  S.  Barry  Ave.,  Mamaroneck,  N.  Y. 

Lmimins.  Hugh  Sterling,  "54 326  W.  Pike  St.,  Cannonsburg,  Pa. 

unningham.  Charles,  '54 Rt.   1,  Box   148,  Durham,  N.  C. 

unningham,  Wayne  A..  '54. ...1230  Highland  Ave.,  .Abington,  Pa. 
unningham.  Owen  Kenneth,  52  1615  Ala  Wai.  Honolulu,  T.  H. 
urley,  John  Edward.  "53. .19011   Bedford  Rd..  Birmingham,  Mich. 

urrv.  Robert  William,  '54 9  Monroe  St..  Lynbrook,  N.  Y. 

zyz'.  Ray  W..  '55 Woodworth  St..  Suffield.  Conn. 

Dahl,    Doring,    "54 4529    Forest    Ave.,    Downers    Grove,    III. 

Dailey.  Richard.  "55 600  Kent  Ave..  Cumberland,  Md. 

Dainc.  Donn  David.  '52..APO  851,  c.'o  P.M.,  New  York  City.  N.  Y. 

Dalev.   John    Walter,    "54 ..Box    191,    Wilton,    N.    H. 

Dalgleish.  Thomas  A.,  "52 R.F.D.  3.  Westminster.   Md. 

Dalton.  Carson   E.,  '54 20  Gordon   PL.   Verona.   N.   J. 

Dalton.  Frank  P.,  '55 ...101    Hermitage  Rd..  Charlotte.  N.  C. 

Dalton,   Robert   Erwin,  53 

311  S.  Interlachen  Ave.,  Winter  Park.  Fla. 
Dalton,  William  Lee,  ■54...  8705  Broadbrook  Dr.,  Bethesda.  Md. 
Daniel,  Eugene  Thomas,  '53. ...2013  University  Dr.,  Durham.  N.  C. 
Dannenbera.  Richard  B.,  "52..  .27  Lotus  St..  CeJarhurst.  L.  I..  N.  Y. 

Dar.  Ralph  Marshall,  Jr.,  '55 118  W.  Fort  St.,  Marion,  N.  C. 

Darkis,  Thomas  Morris,  "53.1211   Alabama  Ave.,  Durham,  N.  C. 
Darling,  Glenn,   "53.     1275   Inglewood   Dr.,  Cleveland   Hts.,   Ohio 

Darling,  Lee.  "54 1275  Inglewood  Dr.,  Cleveland  Hts..  Ohio 

Davidson,   Williams,   "52 Annapolis,    Md. 

Davis,    Albert    Hibbard,    Special Satsuma,     Fla. 

Davis,    Bob    P.,    '52 108    N.    18th    .St.,    Pottsville.    Pa 

Davis,    Harrv    Charles.    "55 Bridaeville,    Del. 

Davie.   Hubert  V.,  Jr.,  "52 

Cranbrook  School,  Bloomfield   Hills,   Mich. 

Davis,  Jolyon  Edmund,  "52 1123   Harvey  St.,   Raleigh,  N.  C. 

Davis,  Norman  Warren,   "53 

334  W.   Pine  Grove.   North   Augusta,   S.  C. 

Denny,  Richard,  52.. 
Denunzio,  Don  M., 
Derrick,  Kenneth  C  ., 
Desvernine,   Kenneth 

Davis.    Richard   .\.,  "53 54   E.   Cleveland   Ave.,   Newark,   Del. 

I)a\is.    Robert   Boatman,  '55 

118  N,  Chestnut  St.,  Clarksburg,  W.  Va. 

Davis.   Robert   Louis,   '52 Box   36,   Livingston,   Ala. 

Davis.    Robert    P.,    52 108    N.    18th    St.,    Pottsville,    Pa. 

Dawes.  Kenneth  J..  Jr.,  '52 Lawrenceville,  N.  J. 

Dawson.  Cieorgc  H.,  '54 20  E.  Gravers  Lane,  Philadelphia,  Pa. 

Day,   Jerry    Donald,    '53 1337    Kings    Dr.,    Charlotte.    N.    C. 

Deal,    C.    P.,    "52  210!    Crescent    Ave.,    Charlotte,    N.    C, 

Dean,    William     Howard,    "53 Live    Oaks,     Fla. 

DeBevaise.  Arthur,  '55 35  Old  Farm  Rd.,  Great  Neck,  N.  Y, 

DeBorde,  Shelby  L,  '55 1434   Idalia   Dr..  Columbia,  S.  C 

Decker,  Marvin  Clement,  "54 146  Orchard  St..  Bloomfield,  N.  J. 

DeC  ordova,  Peter,  "55   33  Loockcrman  Ave.,  Poughkeepsie,  N.  Y. 

Deimling,  Keston,  "53 1443  Thatcher  Ave.,   River  Front.   111. 

de  la  Ciiiardia,  Vincente  Torriente.  '55 

Cuba   St.   No.   4,   Havana.   Cuba 
de  I  aski.  Donald.  "54 

13  Whittier  St.,  N.W.,  Washington   12,  D.  C. 

Delbos,  George  A.,  jr,  "54 Gray  Gables,  Buzzard's  Bay,  Mass. 

DeLong,    David    D.,    '52 201     Douglass    St..    Reading,    Pa. 

DcMidowitz,   Bill,   '52 342   Wayside   Rd.,   Neptune,   N.   J. 

DeMoulpied,   Paul   Alfred,  Jr.,  Special 

1097  Dan  Johnson   Rd.,  N.l:.,   Atlanta,  Ga. 

D'Emilio,  Rudy,  "54 2855  Aramingo  Ave.,  Philadelphia,  Pa. 

Denison,   Richard   Lindsay,   "55 

2671   Forest  Dr..  Winston-Salem,  N.  C. 

108   S.    I6th   St.,    Richmond,    Ind. 

'53 Puritan    Apts.,     Louisville.     Ky. 

54.  81  Waterside  Ln.,  West  Hartford,  Conn. 

P..   '52 
149  Norwood  Ave.,  North  Plainfield,  N.  J. 

Detrich,    Virgil    Dewey,    "53 1612    Ave.    S.,    Synder,    Tex. 

Detwiler.  George  D..  '52 R.F.D.   2.  Collegeville,  Pa. 

Devlin,  Martin   Patrick,   111,  '52 

132    Abernathy    Dr.,    Trenton,    N.    J. 

Dewan,  Edmond  M.,  '53 54  Ingram  St.,  Forest  Hills,  N.  Y. 

DeWitt.    David    P.,   "55 1422    Elm   .St.,    Bethlehem,    Pa. 

Diamond,   Paul,  "53 443   Cedarhurst   .Ave.,  Cedarhurst,   N.   Y. 

Dickenson,    Charles   E.,   Jr..    "54 

1709    Mt.    Vernon    Rd.,    Roanoke,    Va. 

Dickey,  Carl.  "53 2673  Letchworth   Pkwy.  Toledo,  Ohio 

Dickinson.   Walter,   "55 44   Fairview   Ave.,   Summit.    N.   J. 

Dickman.   Henry  Joseph,  Jr.,  "54 Box  928,   Florence.   S.  C. 

Dickson,  Ronald  Wayne,  '55 715  W.  Marion  St..  Shelbv.  N.  C. 

Dieffenbach,    Otto    W.,    Jr.,    '52 Ruxton'4,    Md. 

Dillon,    Noal    Patrick,    '54 East    Hampton,   N.    Y. 

Dillon,    Thomas    Patrick,    '52 Monroe,    N.    C, 

Dilts,   Charles    R.,    '52 920   Urban    Ave.,    Durham,    N.   C, 

Dispenziere,    Carl,    '55 73    Ernst    Ave.,    Bloomfield,    N.    J. 

Divine,    Tom,    '52 1422    Watuga    St..    Kingsport.    Tenn. 

Dixon,    John    E.,    55 503    Snow    Hill    St..    Avden.    N.    (  . 

Dobbs.  Stuart,  '54 S.  Fox  Mill   Lane.  Springfield.   111. 

Dodd.    Swanson,   '55 Mistletoe    Villa.    Henderson,    N.    C. 

Dodge,    Paul,   '53 550  Corwin    Rd.,    Rochester    10.   N.   Y. 

Doebler,  John.  "54 12  Park  Circle,  Great  Neck,  N.  Y. 

Dohner,    Donald   C,   '52 814   Louise   Circle,    Durham,    N.   C. 

Donigan.  William  L.,  '53 1733  "L"  St.,  West  Belmar.  N.  J, 

Donovan.  James  J.,  Jr.,  '52 135  Washington  St.,  Brighton,  Mass. 

Dorn.  Thomas  F,,  '55 118  Rutledge  Ave.,  Charleston,  S.  C. 

Douglas.  Bryce,  '54 112  Arlsington  Ave.,  Port  Jefferson,  N.  Y. 

Douros.   John   Jr..    "52 Clifton,    N.    J. 

Downey,   Thomas    Dickson,   "52 

E.  Greenman  Rd..  Haddonfield.   N.   J. 

Downing,   William  T.,  "52 .2430  N   Water.    Decatur.    111. 

Drazek,  Teofil  Albert.  '52... .33  Beauchamp  St.,  Springfield.  Mass. 

Driesell,  Charles  Grice,  '54 207  Carlisle  Way.  Norfolk  5,  Va. 

Driscoll.  Robert  Willam,  "53 Carmel  Rd..  Charlotte.  N.  C. 

Drozdowski.  Frederic,  "55 328  E.  19th  St..  New  York,  N.  Y. 

Dubosky.  John  Bernard,  '55 R.F.D.  3.  Wendel  Rd..  Irwin.  Pa. 

Dufort,   Robert  H,  '53 3330  W.  Franklin  St..   Richmond,   Va. 

Duft,    Harry,   "53 321    Bedford    Rd..    Ridgewood,   N.   J. 

Duke.  Davis  W..  Jr.,  '54 314  Mansion  Dr.,  .Alexandria.  Va. 

Dulin,   Tom.    "54 2600    Belvedere    Ave..    Charlotte.    N.    C. 

Dumas.  Ernest   M.,  '55 376   Andover  St..   Lowell.   Mass. 

Dunbury.  Frederick  John,  "55 Box  96.   Buzzard's   Bay.   Mass. 

Duncan.  F.  Parker,  "53. ...320  E.  Greenway.  N.  Greensboro,  N.  C. 
Duncan,   John   Julian,   "52 

52  Greenbelt  In.,  Levittown.  L.  I..  N.  Y. 

Duncan.  John  N.,  Jr.,  '53 1823  .St.  Marys  St..  Raleigh,  N.  C, 

Duncan.   Walter.   P.,   '52 511    Broad   .St.    Flizabelhton.   Tenn. 

Dungan.   Walter   P.,   '51 Elizabethton,   Tenn. 

Dunlevv.  Jerome  P.,  '55 245  Woodside  Ave..  Ridgewood,  N.  J. 

Dunne,' Walter  V.,  '52 160  Oxford  Blvd.,  Garden  City.  N.  Y. 

Dunson.  John  C,  '52 4546   Iroquois  .Ave..  Jacksonville.   Fla. 

Durham.   Lee   B.,  '52 32410  Norchester.   Birmingham,   Mich. 

Dutschmann,  Karl  T.,  '55 119  California  St..  Ridgewood,  N.  J. 

Duval.    Richard    C,   '55 406    1 5th    Ave.    Belmar,    N.   J. 

Duval.    Ronald,   '55 ,' 406    15th   Ave..    Belmar,   N.  J. 


Oiiys,  Joseph  C.  '54.. 

,  ..Carlos  111,  No.  H)5.  Havana,  Cuba 

Eaddy,    Wikloii    Brooks,    "55 Johnsonville,    S.    C. 

Earnest,  William  Lee,  "53 8855  Bradley  Blvd.,  Bethesda,  Md. 

Earnhardt,    Harold  Clark,   '54 Rt.    1,   Gold   Hill,   N.   C. 

Earnhardt,   Wiley  J.   P.,   Jr.,   '53 

208  N.  Granville  St.,   Edenton.  N.  C. 

Earon,  Blaine  A..  '52 519  Bell  Ave.,  .Altoona,  Pa. 

Eason,    Elwood    R.,    "55 Snow    Hill,    N.    C. 

Easterlings,  William  Ewart,  '53  .2412  Everett  Ave.,  Raleigh,  N.  C. 
Eaton.  Harold  Thomas,  Jr..  "52 

585  N.  Warren  Ave.,  Bracton.  Mass. 

Eberdl.  Sam  J.,  '55 2303  N.   lOth  St.,  Arlington.  Va. 

Eckles.  James,  "55 1819  Jenny  Lind  St.,  McKeesport,  Pa. 

Eddy.  James  R.,  '53 15  Main  St..  Collinsville,  Conn. 

EdcihUitc,    lorn,   '52 5520   Fifth   Ave.,    Pittsburgh   32,    Pa. 

Edn.\.  James  M.,  '54 521  Buncomoe  .St.,  Hendersonville.  N.  C. 

Edwards,   Carl   N.,   '55 44   Forest   Hill,   Asheville,   N.   C. 

Edwards,  Claude  Everett,  Jr.,  "54 

1870     N.     Bayln     St.,     Pensacola.     Fla. 

Edwards,  Geoffrey  B.,  '53 2396  Channing  Ave.,  Westfield,  N.  J. 

Edwards.  Roy  C,  "55 123  Hill  Crest  Dr..  Mt.  Airy,  N.  C. 

Edwards,  W.  Lee,  '54 106  Indian  Spring  Dr.,  Silver  Sprmg,  Md. 

Eisinger,    John    Overton,    '54 

6610    BraJburn    Pkwy.,    Bethesda    14,    Md. 

Elder,    Thomas  David.  "53 ...615   Charles  St.,   Scotia,   N.  Y. 

EldriJge.  William  B.,  "53 1350  S.  Main  St.,  Burlington,  N.  C. 

Eller.  Julius  Benjamin,  '55 106  W.  Finley  Ave.,  Lenoir,  N.  C. 

Ellington,  John  David,  '55 1805  Rolling  Rd.,  Greensboro,  N.  C. 

Ellington,    William    T.,    '52 Warrenton,    N.    C. 

Else    Fred  H.,  '54 3211   Idaho  Ave.,  N.W.,  Washington.  D.  C. 

Elston,  Alan  C,  '55 239  17th  Ave.  N.,  St.  Petersburg,  Fla. 

Emes,  Edward  L.,  Jr.,  '52. .5  ChesterwooJ  Ave..  Mt.  Vernon,  N.  Y. 

Enander,  John  E.,  Special 1011    Park   Ln.,   Plainfield,  N.  J. 

Enelow,   Michael,  '54 Frog   Hollow   Rd.,   Rydol,   Pa. 

Engberg,   John    Pierson,   "52 Bradenton,    Fla. 

Entwistle,  Frank  Joseph,  "54.. ..3350  Voux  St.,  Philadelphia  29,  Pa. 

Epps,   Charles   Lee,   '53 W.    26th   St.,    Newton,   N.   C. 

Erickson,  Emil  P.,  '55 1523  S.  2nd  Ave.,  Siou.x  Falls,  S.  D. 

Ertly,    Ronald   David,   '54 21    N.   Welles   St.,   Kmgston,   Pa. 

Erwin,  Albert  Rich.  Jr.,  '54 350  S.  Union  St.,  Concord,  N.  C. 

Eure,   Thomas   D.,  "52 Beaufort,   N.   C. 

Evans.   Blanton   D.,  "52 R.F.D.    1,  Candler,   N.   C. 

Evans.  Jack  C,  "54 301  W.  Second  Ave.,  Lexington,  N.  C. 

Evans.  James  Mowery,  '55 2614  Kenwood  Blvd..  Toledo,  Ohio 

Evans'  Phillip  W.,  '53 158  S.  Bradford  St.,  Dover,  Del. 

Everhart,  Wade  H..  Jr.,  '55 Cherry  St.,   Katonah.   N.   Y. 

Fairley.  Archie,  '54 2108  Reaves  Dr..  Raleigh.  N.  C. 

Fansler    Richard  E.,  '53 19535   Battersea,   Rocky   River,  Ohio 

Farber.  James  P..  '54 105  Maron  St.  N.,  St.  Petersburg.  Fla. 

Farinella,   Don  Anthony,  Special. 45   Idaho  St.,   Passaic,   N.  J. 

Farley,  Francis  C  Jr.,  '53. .226  Oakwood  Rd.,  Charleston,  W.  Va. 

Farmer,   Anthony   Alvin,   '52 Bolt.   W.   "Va. 

Farmer.  Fred,  '54 2108  English  St.,  High  Point,  N.  C. 

Farqiihar,    Dick,   '52 161    Kisor    Rd.,    Monessen.   Pa. 

Farquhar,  William  Edward,  '53 

178   Kerby   Rd.,  Grosse   Pointe.   Mich. 

Farrell.  Thomas   Edwin,   "54 Rt.   5.   Sanford.   N.   C. 

Farrington,  John  K.,  '53 222  Colonial  Dr..  '1  homasville.  N.  C. 

Fary    Ernest  F.,  Jr.,  "55. .315  W.  Fearing  St.,  Elizabeth  City,  N.  C. 

Faunce.  John   P.,  "53 Moorestown.  N.  J. 

Feather.    Ben    W.,    '53 R.F.D.    2,    Curryville,    Mo. 

Fcatherston.  John  Eugene,  '54 P.  O.  Box  124.  Roxboio,  N.  C. 

Feild    Richard  W.,  '53 218  Gooddalc  RJ..  Baltimore  12,  Md. 

Ferguson,  John  B.,  "53 Main  St.,  Groton,  Mass. 

1  errell.  Marshall  Carr,  Jr.,  '52 15  Liberty  St..  Petersburg,  Va., 

Ferry,  Roy.  '54 115-38  220  St.,  Cambria  Hts..  N.  Y. 

Fespe'rman,  George  M.,  '54. .21 15  Greenway  Ave.,  Charlotte,  N.  C. 
Fesperman,  Walter  Rowe,  Jr.,  '54 

20  Woodvale  Ave.,  Asheville,  N.  C. 

Fessenden,    B.    David,    '55 Candon.    N.    Y. 

Fickenger.  Thomas  Edward,  '53. .2 10  N.  E.  St.,  Couders  Port,  Pa. 

Field     Herbert   C,   '53 407    Rives    Rd.,    Martinsville,   Va. 

Eike.' Francis  George,  '54 R-E.D.   5.  Rome,  N.  Y 

Finberg,   Robert   L.,  '52  ,    x,    ■ 

260  Van  Nostrand  Ave.,  Englewood,  N.  J. 

Finch     Brown   F..  '53 225   Colonial    Dr.,   Thomasville,   N.  C. 

Finkelstein,  Nathan,  '54 227  Park  Ave.,  East  Orange,  N.  J. 

Finley    Farl  B..  Jr.,  '53.. .2 105  Crystal  Spring  Ave..  Roanoke.  Va. 

Finn    R.   Huck,  '55 3105   Rawnsdale   Rd..   Shaker   Hts.,  Ohio 

Fischer    [iavid'j.,  '55 621  Oakhurst  Rd.,  Mamaroncck,  N.  Y. 

Fischer!  George  1.,  Jr.,  '54. .621  Oakhurst  Rd..  Mamaroneck,  N.  Y. 
Fischer'  Richard  Edmund,  '55. .48  Sommer  Ave.,  Glenridge,  N.  J. 

Fishhiirne,   (  harles  C,   '52 Star   Route,   Asheville,   N.   C. 

Fisher    llherl  1,.,  Jr.,  '54 402  Oueen  St.,  Durham.  N.  C. 

Fisher    J    E     '52        719   16th  St.,  Durham.  N.  C. 

Fisher'  Robert  Warren,  '53 306  S.  lOth  Ave.,  Wauchula,  Fla. 

Fisher,  Samuel  I..  Jr..  '55   Box  57,  Lake  Dr.,  Island  Heights.  N.  J. 

Fisher.  William  Prescolt,  "52. .268  Colverly  Rd..  Grosse  Pt.,  Mich. 

Fitch    Lewis  T.,   "54 The   Citadel,   Charleston,   S.   C. 

Fleming.  William  McCurdy,  '53 

6732   Vandike   St.,   Philadelphia.    Pa. 

Flint,   Thomas   L.,   '52 1004    Buell    Ave.,   Joliet.    111. 

Flora,  Jerry  Lee.  '54 1409  Fairidge  Dr..   Kingsport.  Tenn. 

Foard,   lommy  R.,  '55 432  E.  Lurav  .Ave.,  Alexandria.  Va. 

Folk,  Chris  E..  '52 231    Ridgewood  Ave..  Charlotte.  N.  C. 

Forbes,  Al  C,  '55 1200  S.  Alhambra  C,  South  Miami.  Fla. 

Forbes,  Gordon  Hook,  '52 28  Potter  Ave.,  Patchoque.  N.  Y. 

Ford.  Harry  M.,  '55 106  St.  Dunstans  Rd..  Baltimore   12,  Md. 

Ford.  John  Byron,  '52...  608  Cherokee  Rd..  .Alexander  City,  Ala. 
Foreman,  Clay  B.,  Jr.,  '55 

I  140  Rivershore  Rd..  Elizabeth  City,  N.  C. 

Forsyth,  Ralph,  '55 25  Argyle  PI..  Rockville  Centre,  N.  Y. 

Foster,    Richard   Sparre.    '53 

1612  Longfellow  St.,  N.W..  Washington    11,  D.  C. 

Fowler,  Gerard  S.,  '53..   140  Elmsmere  Rd..  Bronxville.  N.  Y. 

Fowler.  John  Thomas,  Jr..  '55 Rt.   2,   Rutherfordton.   N.  C. 

Fox,  George  C.  Jr.,  '53 1036  Wilson  Ave..  Teaneck.  N.  J. 

Fox,   J.    Howard,   '52 

1502  Lincoln  Ave..  New  Hyde  Park.  L.  1..  N.  Y. 

Fox,  Randolph,  '53 3702  Upperline  St..  New  Orleans.  La. 

France,   Joe    H.,    "54 Palmyra,    Va. 

Franklin.  Douglas,  '55 807  Poplar  St..  Raleigh.  N.  C. 

Franks,  Steve,  "52 1215  Third  Ave.  W.,  He.ndersonville.  N.  C. 

Eraser,    John,    111.    "52 2058    Myra    St,    Jacksonville.    Fla. 

Fredricks,    Richard,    '53 807    85th    St.,    Miami    Beach,    Fla. 

Freeman,    Francis,   '53 16   West    Dr.,    Larchmont,    N.    Y. 

Freeze.  George  Kenneth.  '54 700  Kentucky  St.,  C  harlotte,  N.  C. 

Freund.  Curtis  A.,  "54 200  W.  58th  St..  New  York,  N.  Y. 

Friedlander,  Robert,  "54 239  Bannard  Rd..  Larchmont,  N.  Y. 

Friedman.  David  A..  "55 849  W.  State  St.,  Trenton.  N.  J. 

Frymark,  Herbert  F.,  "54 1147  Jackson  .Ave.,  River  Forest.  111. 

Fulcher.  John  Rodney,  '55 1014  Colonial  .Ave..  Greenville.  N.  C. 

Fulginiti,   Salvatore   A..   '54 

103  W.   Rio  Grande  Ave..  Wildwood,  N.  J. 

Fuller,    Fred,   '54 112    Forestwood    Dr.,    Durham,    N.   C. 

Fuller.    Gerald    W..    '54 709    Ash    St.,    Erie.    Pa. 

Fuller,  John   Peyton,  '54 

2425  Lakeview  Ave.  S.,  St.  Petersburg,  Fla. 
Fuller,  William  Morris,  "55  .2130  Lincoln  Pk..  W.  Chicago.  111. 
Fullerton.    Philip   Charles,   '53 

2001  5th  Ave.  W.,  Hendersonville,  N.  C. 
Fullton,  James   McEerrin,  Jr.,  "55 

2217    Pinecrest    Rd.,    Greensboro,    N.    C. 
Fulton,  James  W.,  "54 Springfield  Dairy  Farms.  Leesburg,  Va. 

Gabler,  E.  Richard.  "54 478  E.  Liberty  St..  C  hambersburg.  Pa. 

Gaby,   Donald  C.   "53  Homestead.   Fla. 

Gachet,  Fred  Smith,  Jr.,  "54 810  S.  Mississippi.  Lakeland,  Fla. 

Gage,  Gaston   Hemphill,  '53 

1220  Lexington   .Ave..  Charlotte.  N.  C. 

Gaither,  Joseph  Milton.  "54 322  N.  Main  St..  Lenoir.  N.  C. 

Galloway,    Jim    D.,    '54 Route    1,    Waynesville.    N.    C. 

Garber,    Meyer,   "54 160   Sisson   Ave.,    N.E.,    Atlanta,   Ga. 

Garcia,  John    Paul,   "55 

84-35    117   St.,    Richmond   Hill    18,   N.   Y..   N.   Y. 

Gardiner,    Ted,    "52 607    Boskv    Ave..    Towson    4.    Md. 

Gardner,  Robert  E.,  "54 202  Milfoid  Hill  Rd.,  Salisburv,  N.  C. 

Garra.  Ray  H,  Jr.,  "55 117  N.W.   100  St..  Miami  Shores.  Fla. 

Garrett,  Edward  Gordon.  "54. .Beech  Park  Acres  St..  .Albans,  W.  Va. 

Garrett,    John    W..    "53 Warrenton,    N.    C. 

Garron,    Thomas  M..  "55 Mountain  View  Rd..  Valdese.  N.  C. 

Gaston,  Harley  B.,  Jr.,  "52.. ..112  S.  Central  Ave..  Belmont.  N.  C. 
Gates,    Herbert    Stelwyn,   Jr..   '55 

4480  De-xter  St..  N.W.,  Washington   7.  D.  C. 

Gatewood,    Willard    B.,   Jr..   '53 Pelham.    N.   C 

Catling.   Willard    lllingworth,   Jr.,   '55 

519    Hermitage   Ct.,   Charlotte,   N.   C. 
Gausman.  William  Henry.  Jr..  '52.  17  Montrose  .St..  S.  Orange,  N.  J. 

Gehweiler.  John  A..  Jr.,  "53 90-43    17hth  .St..  Jamaica  3.  N.  Y 

Geiger,  William   H.,  '53 112   N.    12th   St..   leesburg.   Fla. 

Geissler,   W.   Peter,  '55 18   Pocantico   Rd.,  Ossining,  N.   "^^ 

Geoghehan.  James  C,  '54 South  Hill.  Va. 

George,  Rhett  T.,  Jr.,  '55 819  S.  McDuffie  .St..  Anderson.  S.  C. 

Gerber.  George  C  '54 2353  S.  Nash  St..  .Arlington,  Va. 

Cierhardt.  Charles,   '55 Qts.   4317.    It.    Meade,    Md. 

Germino.  Dante  L.,  '52 1301   Alabama  Ave.  Duiham.  N.  C. 

Get/.  Robert  Samuel,  '53.... 1 70  Hawthorne  St..  Brooklyn  25,  N.  Y. 

Ghilardi,    Leo.    '55 11     Hamilton    St..    Dorchester.    Mass. 

Gibbons.  Cierald   D.,  '54 153   Hope  St.,   Ridgewood.  N.  C. 

Gibbons.  John  S..  '53 444  Richmond  Ave..  Maplewood.  N.  J. 

Gibbs.  Raeford  Frank,  '52 358   Brevard  Rd..  Asheville.  N.  C. 

Gibbs.    Robert   C,   '52 Box    115.    Bath.    N.   C. 

Gibson.    David    Paxson,   '55 

3123   Coiintrv   Club   Dr.   (  harlolle.    N.   C. 

Ciihson.  James  F.,  '52 2744   Mimosa   PI.  Wilmington.  N.  C. 

Ciilberl.  Charles  E.,  '53  .1  10  Lake  Forest  Pkw\..  Wilmington.  N.  C. 


Gilbert,    Eddie    Reid.    '53 Rt.    2,    Geiniiinlown.    N.    C. 

Gilbert,  Ernest  P.,  Jr.,  '54 219  North  St..  Davlona  Beach,  Fla. 

Gilbert.  Joseph  C.  "53 120  S.  Union  Ave..  Havre  de  Cirace.  Md. 

Gilbert,  Robert  C,  Jr..  "54..  404  Keswick  .Ave.,  Charlotte,   N.  C. 
Gilhoolev.  Joseph,  '55. ...89-01  31st  .Ave..  Jackson  Hts.,  I  .  I.,  N.  Y. 

Gilliam.   Ivev   W.,  '55 West   Harden   St.,   (iraham,   N.   C. 

Gilliland.  Jack  K.,  '54 2210  Malvern  Rd.,  C  harlotte,  N.  C. 

Gilniore,  Charles  Nelson,  '53   .322  Market  .St..  Belle  Vernon.  Pa. 

Gist.  Charles  Rudy,  '55 119  DiiPont  Dr.,  Greenville,  S.  C. 

Givens.   Dingese    IVlonroe.   '54 Box    392,    Pearisburg,   Va. 

Glanzer.  Charles  Elliott.  '54 

2160  Anthony   Ave..   New   York   City.   N.   Y. 

Glass.  Fuller.  Jr..  '54 1533   Hermitage  Ct.,   Durham.  N.  C. 

Glaze.    Richard,    '52 Bo.\    29X1,    Orlando.    Fla. 

Gleason.   Francis  Joseph,  "55 

5911  3rd  St..  N.E..  Washington,  D.  C. 

Glenn,    Bruce.    53 108    Cherokee    Park,    Lexington.    Ky. 

Glenn.  Earl   Hollis,  '52 3009  Angier  Ave.,   Durham,  N.  C. 

Glenn,   James   H.,   '53 

4214  Jenifer  .St..   N.W.,   Washington    15.   D.   C. 

Glennie,   John    R.,   '52 R.F.D.    2.    Kennehuck    Port.    Me. 

Glosson.  James  G..  Jr..  '55.  .307  E.  Dolphin  St..  Siler  C  ity.  N.  C. 
Gluck,   Morton  Chester,   '53 

336  Central  Park  West.  New  York  25.  N.  Y. 

Gobbel,  I..  Russell,  '52 Box  149.  Rt.  1.  Guilford  College.  N.  C. 

Godfrev,    Banks    O.,    '55 3884    Club    Dr..    Atlanta.    Ga. 

Goeber't,    Herbert   William.   Jr..   '52 

Woodward   Rd..  Coatesville.   Pa. 

Goforth.   Marcus.  '55 395   Kerr  St.,  Concord,  N.  C. 

Goldstein,  Garry  A..  '52 236  Talbot  Hall  Rd..  Norfolk.  Va. 

Goldstein.   Harold.   '53 2499    Montview    Dr..   Atlanta,   Ga. 

Goldwasser,   M.    Robert.   '52 

155   E.   Mosholv    Pkwy,    New    York    67,   N.   Y. 

Gooch,    Robert   Lee,   '52 616    Swift    Ave.,    Durham.   N.   C. 

Gooch.   Edwin  J..   '55 2324    Ferrell    Rd..    Durham.    N.   C. 

Good.   Louis   Dean.   '54 2805    Walnut   St..   Texarkana,   Tex. 

Goodman,   William   F..   '54 Washington    St..    Snow    Hill.    Md. 

Gordon.  Bruce  J.,  '53 910  Dunbar  Hill  Rd.,  Hamden,  Conn. 

Gordon.  Jasper  M.,  '53 Cole  Rd.,  Rt.  3.  Durham,  N.  C. 

Gorham.   .A   B..   "52 236   S.    Dwight    PI.,    Englewood.   N.   J. 

Gorham,  Perry  H.,  'SS-.-lOlO  Arendell  St.,  Morehead  City,  N.  C. 

Gorrell,   Bob,   '53 200   Irving   PI.,   Greensboro,   N.   C. 

Goubert.   Peter  Anton,  '54....  170   Linden   Ave.,   Englewood.   N.   J. 

Gould,  Donald  W.,  '53 1013   Frankland   Rd..  Tampa,  Fla. 

Govan,  Colin  M.,  '52 240  Lafavette  Ave.,  Collingdale.   Pa. 

Gove,    Warren    H.,    '54 28    Tulip    St.,    Bergenfield.    N.    J. 

Graham,  Frank  R,  '53 Rt.  7,  Charlotte  5,  N.  C. 

Graham,  Joseph  L.,  '52 220  6th  Ave..  Nyack,  N.  Y. 

Graham  Thomas  Caston,  '55 38  Nimmons  St.,  Newnan.  Ga. 

Grahl,  Bobby  Howard,  '52 78  Cherry  St..  Asheville,  N.  C. 

Grant,  Truett  A.,  '52 301  Jamestown  Rd..  High  Point.  N.  C. 

Graves.  Charles  E..  '53 160  Hillcrest  St..  Staten  Island  8,  N.  Y. 

Gray.  William  Kent.  '55  ...905  Marigold  St.,  Rocky  Mount,  N.  C. 
Gray,   William    Lafayette,   '55 

600  Alhambra  Circle.  Coral  Gables,  Fla. 

Graye,  Alexander,  '52 West  Hedding  PI..   Mt.  Tabor.  N.  J. 

Green.    Frank,    '55 2231    Mietaw    Dr..    Sarasota.    Fla. 

Green,  Raymond  W.,  '53 242  Chase  Ave.,  Winter  Park,   Fla. 

Green,  Winship  L,  Jr.,  '54 8811   First  Ave.,  Silver  Spring,  Md. 

Greenberg,    Allen,    '53 Martinsville     Rd..     Danville.    Va. 

Greenberg.  Larry,  '53 1709  Noble  Dr..  .Atlanta.  Ga. 

Greene.  Glen   F..  Jr.,  '55 Harlan,   K>. 

Greene.  John  C.  '53 6549  Sagamore  Rd.,  Kansas  City.  Mo. 

Greene.    Ray   Gardener,   Jr.,   '53 

1417   Ft.   Bragg   Rd.,    Fayetteville,   N.   C. 
Greene,   Walter  E.,   '54 

Ardmore  &  Pleasant  Aves.,  Philadelphia  18,  Pa. 
Greenglass,  Herman  A.,  '54.  .490  S.  Shore  Dr.,  Miami  Beach.  Fla. 
Greenleaf,   Donald  Jon,   '55 

207  W.  Lancaster  Ave.,   Downingtown,   Pa. 

Greenwald.  Stuart,  '53 28   Lenox   PI.,   Middletown,   N.   Y. 

Greer,    Dewey    Hobson,   Jr.,    '53 

200    Hill    Crest    Dr.,    High     Point,     N.    C. 

Greeson,    Robert   W.,   '54 1200    Bellevue,    Greensboro,    N.   C. 

Gregory,  B.  L.  '53 5704  Procter.  Detroit.  Mich. 

Griffin,  .Ashton,  '54 709   Park   Ave.,  Goldsboro,  N.  C. 

Griffith,    R.    Cyrus,    '55 103    Walnut    St..    Salisbury,    Md. 

Grigg,    Marvin    .A.,    Jr.,    '52 Lawndale,    N.    C. 

Grigg,   William   H.,   '54 258   N.   4th   St.,   Albemarle,   N.   C. 

Grillo,  Robert  Lynn,  '53 12-17  Ellis  Ave.,  Fair  Lawn,  N.  J. 

Grinaker,  Jimmie.  '53 2162  2nd  Ave.  N.,  St.  Petersburg.  Fla. 

Groat,   Dick,   "53 2011    Hampton   St.,    Pittsburgh    18.    Pa. 

Grose.  Favette  P..  '55 Warner  Rd..  Hubbard.  Ohio 

Gross,    Kenneth,   '53 1622   W.    Philadelphia    St.,    York,    Pa. 

Gross,   Max,   '55 716   N.E.    1st   St.,    Ft.    Lauderdale,    Fla. 

Grossnickle,  William  Foster,  '52 38  Elm  PI..  Nutley,  N.  J. 

Grove,   Gordon   V.,   53 1101    Spinning    Rd.,    Dayton    3,    Ohio 

Gruber,  Ira  Dempsey,  '55 Schuylkill  Rd.,  Pottstown.  Pa. 

Grumhaus,   Peter   D.,   '55 529   E.  Third   St.,   Kinsdale,    111. 

Grune,  George  V.,  '52 24  Clinton  St.,  White  Plains,  N.  Y. 

Ciude,   Robert,   '52 24   Downey   Dr.,  Tenaflv,   N.  J. 

Guest,  Flovd  R.,  Jr.,  '52 109  S.  Prevost  .St.,  Anderson,  S.  C. 

Guest,   Franklin  D.,  '55 109   Prevost   St.,   Anderson,  S.   C. 

Guion.  John  Walker,  '54 1213  Ideal  Way,  Charlotte,  N.  C. 

Giilledgc,  James.  '54 219   N.  4th   St.   Albemarle.  N.  C. 

Gunn,    Bob    M..    '55 608    Hawkins    Ave.,    Sanford.    N.    C. 

Gunter,  John  T..  '55 2810  State  St.,  Bragtown,  Durham.  N.  C. 

Guy.   Robert   G..  '54 Transit    Rd..   E.   Amherst.   N.   Y. 

Gwinn,  Bvron  Charles.  IL  '55 7639  Fav  Ave..   LaJolla,  Calif. 

Gwinn,   (  harles   Leslie.   53 3111    Hibiscus   St.,    Miami   33,   Fla. 

Gwyn,  Thomas  Marshall.  '53 116  Hibriton  St..  Lenoir,  N.  C. 

Hackett.    Bob   N..   '55 Box    105.    Lampeter,    Pa. 

Hacknev,  Edwin  A„  '52... .1101   Lexington  Ave.,  Charlotte,  N.  C. 

Hadley,'  Charles,  '52 714   E.   Broad  St.,   Statesville,   N,   C, 

Hadlev,    Hunter,   Jr..   '54 215   Wilson    St.,    Monroe,   N.   C. 

Hagan,   Jack   Donaldson,   '55 Woodland    Pk.,    Hagard,   Ky. 

Hagherg,   Roy  E,  Jr.,  '52 305   Raynor  St.,   Durham,  N.  C. 

Hager,  Dudley,  '52 4028  St.  Germaine  C  t.,   Louisville,   Ky. 

Hager,   Edward,  '54 R.F.D.   8.   Lancaster.   Pa. 

Hager.   Cierald    L.,   '52 480   Coplin    Ave.,    Delroil.    Mich. 

Hahn,   Ravmon  J.,  '52 Garthwoods  Apts.,  Scarsdale,  N.   Y. 

Hail,   Jack   L„   '55 4208   W.    Franklin   St..    Richmond,   Va. 

Hail,  Joe  J.,  '52 4208  Franklin  St..  Richmond,  Va. 

Hailslip,    Donald,    '53 625    Pender   .St,    Rocky    Mount.    N.    C. 

Hall,  James  .Samuel.  Jr..  '53 318  Dick  .St.,  Fayetteville,  N,  C. 

Hall,   John   W.,   '52 901    Johnson   St..    High    Point,   N.   C. 

Hall,  Ravmond,  Jr.,  '54 3915  Windsor  Rd..  Youngstown,  Ohio 

Hall,  Robert  Rhett,  '53 322  Mocksville  Ave.,  .Salisbury,  N.  C. 

Hall.    Robert   V..   '53 816   S.   Main   .St..   Salisbury.   N,   C. 

Hall,  Vincent  T..  '54.  .751   N.  Greenway  Dr.,  Coral  Gables,  Fla. 
Halvorson,    Thomas    Lee,    '55. .2628    Branch    St.,    Dululh,    Minn. 

Hambleton,    Ernest,   Jr.,   '54 120    Parkridge.    Buffalo,    N.    Y. 

Hambrick,   Herman  Casto,   IL  "55 

930   Garden    St.,   Charleston,    W.    Va. 

Hamel.   Reginald  S.,  '53 370  Leake  St.,  Southern   Pines,  N.  C. 

Hames,  William  M.,  Jr.,  '54 1029  S.    18  St..  Birmingham,  Ala. 

Hamilton,  John  C,  '54 700  W.  View  Terrace,  Alexandria,  Va. 

Hamilton,  Edward  A.,  '55 Box  97,  West  Sand  Lake,  N.  Y. 

Hamilton,  James  W.  '53 804  Lawrence  Ave.,  Winter  Park.  Fla. 

Hammerberg.  Charles  M..  '53. ...1425  Ohio  Ave..  McKeesport.  Pa. 

Hamrick.    Harvey   B..    '54 Boiling   Springs.    N.    C. 

Hancock.  Donald  T..  Jr..  '55  .96  Greenacres  Ave.,  Scarsdale,  N.  Y. 

Handleman,  Allan  J..  '54..... .450  E.  30th  St.,   Paterson,  N.  J. 

Hands,   Joe,   '55 2705   Webster  St.,   Mt.    Rainier,    Md. 

Hanes.  William   P.,  '53 Walkertown.   N.  C. 

Hankins,  William  E.,  Jr.,  '52 105  Junkin  St.,  Christiansburg,  Va. 

Hanna,    Roger    L.,    '54 1204    Fourth    St.,    Jackson,    Mich. 

Hannel,    Earle,   '54 93    Wesley    Ave.,    Buffalo,    N.    Y. 

Hanner,  Richard,  Jr.,  '53 P.  O.  Clerk's  Box,  Asheville,  N.  C. 

Hanner,   Terrence   Edward,   '54 

P.  O.  Clerk's  Box,  Asheville,  N.  C. 
Hannin,  George  A.,  HI,  '52    .2801   Kentucky  .Ave..  Paducah,  K\. 

Hansbarger,    Luther   Clark,    '53 Logan,    W.    Va. 

Hansen,  Billy  Marius,  '55 2320  College  St.,  Jacksonville,  Fla. 

Hansen,   Rolf  K.,  Jr.,  '55 Box  275.  Pompton  Lakes.  N.  J. 

Hanson,  William   Robert.  "52.     303  Dixie  Dr.,   Baltimore  4,   Md. 
Hansen-Pruss.   Harald    Rutherford.  "55 

3303  Surrey  Rd..  Hope  Valley.  Durham.  N.  C. 

Hardin.  Paul,  IH,  '52 3920   1 0th  .Ave.  St.,  Birmingham.  Ala. 

Hardison.  James  A.,  '52 505  Oakland  Ave..  High  F'oint,  N.  C. 

Hardison,  Joe,  '54 915  Holt  Dr..  Raleigh,  N.  C. 

Hardon,  Clayton  T.,  '54 

37    Westmoreland    Ave.,    Longmeadow,    Mass. 

Hargitt.  Thomas  G..   '54 811    Watts  St..   Durham.   N.   C. 

Hargrave,  Charles  C.  '55 103  W.  First  Ave,,  Lexington.  N.  C. 

Hargraves,  William  P..  Jr..  '54 901   Pine  St.,  Clearwater,  Fla. 

Harmount.    Thomas  H..  '54 

6129    Manchester    Rd.,    Parma,    Cleveland    29,    Ohio 

Harms.  William  P.,  '54 Woodlawn  R.F.D.  2.  Jeannette,  Pa. 

Harper,  Andrew  N.,  '54 80  Vance  Crescent,  .Asheville,  N.  C, 

Harper,  Lyie  E.,  '55 502  W.  Shiawassee  Ave.,   Fenton,   Mich. 

Harrington,  Michael  Hale,  '55  .300  Weatherbee  Rd.,  Towson  4,  Md. 

Harris,   Barry  Conway,   '55 601    Powell   Ave.,   Cresson,    Pa. 

Harris,  Christie  Gus,  '52 

4348  Albemarle  St.,  N.W.,  Washington    16,  D.  C. 

Harrison.  Charles  R..  '54 47  Essex  St..  Salem.  Mass. 

Harrison.  Douglas  C.  '55 R.F.D.  2.  Charlestown.  W.  Va. 

Harrison.  Roscoe  F..  Jr.,  '52 727  Lawrence  Ave.,  Bristol,  Va. 

Hart.   Norman   James.   '55 Manursine   Ave..    Rye.    N.   Y. 

Harvey.  Frank.  '52 2902  Carver  St.  Ext.,  Durham,  N.  C. 

Haskell,   Weston   W.,   '53 Towaco,   N.   J. 

Haskins.  John  William,  '52 

377   Grant   St.,   New    Martinsville,   W.   Va. 
Hassler,   William   L.,  '53 

19I0I    Van  Aren   Blvd.,  Shaker   Hts.,   Ohio 
Haterius,    Carl   J,    "54 White    Plains,    N.    Y, 


Hathaway.  Robert  C.  "53 (i"!  Charlotte  PI..  Hartsdale,  N.  Y. 

Haupt.  Jerrv  Russell.  '55 101   W.  Third  St.,  Oil  City.  Pa. 

Haverty.  James  Thomas.  '55. .58  University  PI..  Stalen  Island.  N.  Y. 

Hawkins.  R.  I...  '52 520  Harrison  St..  Clarksburg.  W.  Va. 

Hawkins,  Ronald  H..  "54 2017  Wa  Wa  Ave..  Durham.  N.  C. 

Hawthorne.  C.  Herbert.  '54 Box  361.  Tavares.  Fla. 

Hayes.  Daniel  M.,  '53 8  Newfield  St..  Middletown.  Conn. 

Hayes.  James  C,  '55 201    Greene  St..   .Augusta.  Ga. 

Hazel.   Gerard   B..  '53 New   York    32.   N.   Y. 

Healey.   Burke.  '54 Flying  L   Ranch.   Davis,   Okia 

Healey.  Joseph.  54 31  Brookdale  Rd..  Bloomfield.  N.  C. 

Heckert.  Richard  J.,  '53 4036  Hudson  Dr..  Youngstown.  Ohio 

Hcdiey,   Gilbert    P..   '53 161    Ames   Ave.,    Leonia.    N.    J. 

Henderson.   Thomas    B.,   Jr..    52 

2000  Truman   Rd.,  Charlotte  5.   N.  C 

Hennessee.  M.  Ni.xon,  III,  '52 Box   163.  Concord.  N.  C. 

Henry.  Granville.  '53 423   Ansley   St..   Decatur.   Ga. 

Henslev.  Wayne  P..  '.54 10  White  Pine  Dr.,  Asheville.  N.  C. 

Hernaridez.  Rafael  R.,  '55 

Terraza  del  Parque  No.  66.  Santurce.  Puerto  Rico 

Herndon.  Wm.  Westley.  '53 Milledgeville.  Ga. 

Herrero.  Miguel  R..  '52 Box  196.  Hato  Rey.  Puerto  Rico 

Herring.  J.  Furman.  Jr..  '55. .2303  Englewood  Ave..  Durham.  N.  C. 

Herring.  Wilborn  Moye.  54 208  Clyde  Ave..  Wilson.  N.  C. 

Herron.   John,   '52 

7474  W.  Gulf  Blvd,  Sunset  Beach,  St.  Petersburg.  Fla. 

Heslin.  John  T.,  '52 819  Third  St..  Durham.  N.  C. 

Hess,   Dexter   W.,   '52 Box    326.    Rt.    5.    Rome.   Ga. 

Hettleman.  Kalman,  '55 2503  Linden  Ave..   Baltimore    17.  Md. 

Hicks,    Samuel,    '53 Water    St..    Worcester.    N.    Y. 

Hiers.  Marion  G..  "53 503  Whitman  S.F..  Orangeburg.  S.  C. 

Higgins.  Fdward  Alton.  '53. .3  Lockland  Ave..  Framingham.  Mass. 

Higgins.  William   Arthur.  '52 717    Fruit   Ave.   Farrell.   Pa. 

Higgs.  Jake  Kirkpatrick,  '55 554  Evans  St..  Greenville.  N.  C. 

Hilker.  John  H..  '52 164  Cranford  St..  Asheboro,  N.  C. 

Hill.  Boyd  H..  Jr..  '52 1090   17th  Ave..  St.  Petersburg,  Fla. 

Hill.  Thomas  Fuller,  '52 336  E.  Main  St..  Durham.  N.  C. 

Hill.    Fred.    '54 Rt.    5.    Salisbury.    N.    C. 

Hilliard.  Roy  C.  '53 Middlesex,  N.  C. 

Hilton.   James   Lee,   '52 1819   Pecan   St.,   Texarkana.   Ark. 

Hincs.  Oscar  Taylor,  '55 Belcross.  N.  C. 

Hite.  Charles   L.,  '53 235   Dabney  Dr.,   Henderson.   N.   C. 

Hite.  Edward  D.,  '54 14  Wilton  Rd.,  Rt.  5.  Alexandria.  Va. 

Hobby.  Lovic  W..  '53.... 1740  Meadowdale  Ave.  N.E..  Atlanta,  Ga. 

Hobson.  George.  "52 7734  Gilbert  St..  Philadelphia,  Pa. 

Hochreiter,    Peter,    '55 176    Sommit    Ave,    Buffalo,    N.    Y. 

Hodgin.    John    N.,    '53 Thomasville.    N.    C. 

Hoeper.   James  S.,  '55 1619  Croyden   Rd.,   Norfolk    3.   Va. 

Hoey.    Henry   L..   Jr.,   '53 Faison.   N.   C. 

Hoffman.  James  R.,  '55 16  Scarsdale  Rd.,  W.  Hartford.  Conn. 

Hoffman.  Larry  W.,  "54 R.F.D.  3.  Franklin.  Pa. 

Hoffman,  Paul  S.,  '55 5421  Jonestown  Rd.,  Harrisburg.  Pa. 

Hoffman.   Theodore   S.,   '53 Dunbar,   W.    Va. 

Hogan.   Jack    D..   '55 300  Woodland   Park,   Hayard,   Ky. 

Hogue.   David   G..  '53 

46   Farrington   Rd..  Croton-on-Hudson.  N.   Y. 

Hohlstcin.  William  Kurt.  '54 Ill   Maple  .St..  Rutherford.  N.  J. 

Holben.    Carl    E.,    "53 3-11    Spring    St..    Zelienople.    Pa. 

Holbrook.   Jim,   '53 1016    Sycamore    St..    Durham.    N.    C. 

Holder.    Howard   E.,   '53 Andrews.   N.    C. 

Holder.  Russell  G.,  Jr.,  '54    .1625   Biltmore  Dr.  C  harlotle.  N.  C. 

Holland.  Rov  Calvin,  '54 912  W.  South  St..  Raleigh.  N.  C. 

Hollandsworth.   R.   M.,  '52 Rt.  2.   Box   438.  Salem.   Va. 

llollenbeck.  William  C,  '52.. ..220  Monterey  Rd.,  Palm  Beach,  Fla. 

Hollett.  Alan  M..  '53 2924  N.  Harrison  St.,  Wilmington,  Del. 

Holloman.   Richard  Vann,  '54 150  North  St..   Ahoskie.  N.  C. 

Hollowell.  James  C,  '53 Takoma  Park.  Md. 

Holmes.  Arthur  J.,  '54 Bethlehem   Pike.  Colmar.  Pa. 

Holmes.  Richard  L.,  '55 8621    108  .St..   Richmond   Hill,  N.  Y. 

Holmes.   Robert,   '55 2953   Lookout    PI.,   Atlanta   5,   Ga. 

Holmes,   Wm.   E.,   ' 1806   W.    10th   St..    Brooklyn.   N.   Y. 

Holt.   Joe  W.,   '54 309   N.    Main   St..   Sumter,   S.   C. 

Holt.  Roy  R.,  Jr.  '54 320  N.  Church  St..  Albemarle.  N.  C. 

Honakcr,   Robert   W.,   '54 4613   N.   23rd   St..   Arlington,   Va. 

Honcyciitt.   Ava   Linwood,  Jr.,  '55 Spring   Hope,   N.   C. 

Honsinger.    Bob,   '54 56   Sawyer   Ave.,    East   Orange,    N.   J. 

Hood.    Richard,   '54 South   St..    Hightstown.   N.   J. 

Hooker,  A.   Frank,  '52 1006  Forest   Park,   Martinsville.   Va. 

Hooker,  Raymond,  Jr..  '52 708  Rounlree  Ave..  Kinsion.  N.  C. 

Hooper.   Sam    1.    '54 5324   Opihi   St..    Honolulu,    Hawaii 

Hoppe.  Richard  D..  '54 2342  Kenwood  Blvd.,  Toledo  6,  Ohio 

Hopper.   Richard   Franci.s,  '52 

Qtrs.   "E"   MCAS,    El   Toro,   Santa   Ana,   Calif. 

Horan.  John  Thomas,  '55 4333   Drury  Ln.,   Fort  Wayne,   Ind. 

Horner,  Frank  B.,  '52 No.  7  Country  C  luh  Est..  Briellc,  N.  J. 

Horner,  Robert  B.,  "53 72  School  St.,  Malverne,  L.  1.,  N.  Y. 

Morton.  James  Courtney,  Jr..  '54 R.F.D  2,   Mt.  Sterling.  Ky. 

Horlon,   Lawrence   D..  '53 Flemingsburg.    Ky. 

Horton.  Raymond  E.,  '53 4801   Devonshire  Rd..  Norfolk.  Va. 

Houck,   Frederic  R.,  '53 261   S.   Hanover  .St..  Carlisle,  Pa. 

Houk.  J.  Edwin.  '53 Box    132.   Rt.   2.  Sanford.  Fla. 

Houlihan.  Gery  C,  '55 61  Taylor  Rd..  Short  Hills.  N.  J. 

Houser.    Roland   B.  '53 Wavnesville.   N.   C. 

Howard,   C.    Edward.   '53 113    Woodrow   .St..   Clinton.   N.   C. 

Howard.  Charles  W..  Jr.,  '55   .186  Euston  Rd.,  Garden  C  ity.  N.  Y. 

Howard,  Henry  D.,  '53 Rt.  3,  Box  462-A.  Savannah.  Ga. 

Howard.  J.  Woodford,  Jr.,  '52 Prestonsburg.   Ky. 

Howard,  Michael  Ross,  '52 145  S.  Spring  St.,  (  oncord,  N.  C. 

Howard,    Bob,    '52 Rt.    3,    Box    462-A.    Savannah.    Ga 

Howe.   Bobby   E..  '53 724  W.   Blanton   St..   Shelby.   N.   C. 

Howe.  William  A.,  '53 500  Willow   Dr..  Pittsburgh   16,  Pa. 

Howell,    Barrie,   '55 91(1   Ninth   St.,    Durham.   N.   C. 

Howell.  Clewell,  Jr.,  '53 Rolandvue  Ave..  Ruxton  4,  Md. 

Howell.   Don  S..  '53 .206   Bosley   Ave.,   Suffolk.   Va. 

Howell,  Eugene  D.,  '53 1393   Belvedere.  Jacksonville  5,  Fla. 

Howell.    Lawrence.    '55 910    9th    .St..    Durham.    N.    C. 

Howell.    Rav    R..    '53 Pittsbury    Rd..    Poland.    Ohio 

Howse.    Ralph    M.,   '52 333    3Sth   St,    Fairfield,   Ala. 

Huang.   Richard  S.,  '55 P.  O.   Box  608.   Raleigh.   N.   C. 

Hubbard.    Milton    P.,   '54 Stedman.   N.   C. 

Hubbs.  Richard,  '52 504  McCabe  Ave.,  Bradley  Beach,  N.  J. 

Hudson,  Marks  Daughtry.  '55 

418  Johnson  Blvd.,  Jacksonville,  N.  C. 

Hudson,  M.  L.,  '54 3895  Gadsden   Rd..  Jacksonville.  Fla. 

Hudson.  Robert  Clarence,  '52 

1106  Melrose  St..  Winslon-Salem.  N.  C 
Huffington,  Paul,  Jr.,  '55. .2921   Bayonne  Ave..  Baltimore   14.  Md. 

Hughes.    Rex    Farris.    '55 Milan.     lenn. 

Hugus.  Wright.  Jr..  '52 Forest  Hills.  Wheeling.  W.  Va. 

Hulbert.  Kenneth  M.,  '53 30  Mallory  St..  Danbury.  Conn 

Huling.  George.  Jr.,  '55 83  Angevine  Ave..  Hempstead,  N.  Y. 

Hull.  Robert  M..  "53 ...29  Beech  Ave..  Madison.  N.  J. 

Hummel.  John.  '55 12  Garden  St..  Semorc,  Conn. 

Hummel.   Leslie,   '55 1020   Urban    Ave..    Durham.   N.   C. 

Humphrey.  George  Dudley.  Jr.,  '55 

2271    Mimosa   PI..   Wilmington.   N.  C. 
Humphreys.  George   Rushing.   '55 

16  Tompkins  Rd..  Scarsdale.  N.  Y. 

Humphry.    Joseph    A..    "53 Ellwood    City.    Pa. 

Humphries.  John  O'Neal.  '52.363  1  Devereauz  Rd..  Columbia.  S.  C. 

Hunger,  John  M..  '55 12  Southwoods  Ln.,  Scarsdale,  N.  Y 

Hunt.  Charles  J.,  Jr..  '52 Pleasant  Garden.  N.  C. 

Hunt.    Donald    F.    '54 

131    E.   HoLisatonic   St..   Pittsfield.    Mass. 

Hunter.  Richard  L..  '54 22  Warwick  St..  East  Orange.  N.  J. 

Himtley,  William  Barney.  '55.416  Hermitage  Ct..  C  harlotte,  N.  C. 

Hurlburt.   James.   '55 750   HighlanJ    Ave..    .Salem.    Ohio 

Hurley,  William  John,  '55 52  Maple  St..  Princeton.  N.  J. 

Hurst.    David    E..    '53 Box    453,    Middlesboro,    Ky. 

Hurst,    Lawrence    R.,    '53 Box    109,    Matoaka,    W.    Va. 

Hurst,    R.   Grant,   '52 2705   Stuart    Dr..    Durham,    N.    C 

Huston.  Tom,  '55 2601)   Holisse   St..   Miami.   Fla. 

Hurt,   John    M.,    '53 Charlotte.    N.    C. 

Hussey.  George  F..  Ill,  '53 Chestnut  Hill  Rd.,  Norwalk.  Conn. 

Hussey,  William   H..  '52 4  Lodge  St.,  Asheville,  N.  C. 

Hwang,    Chester    F..    '52 Changsha,    China 

Hyman,  Lewis  B.,  Jr..  '52 401    I4th   Ave..   Dillon.  S.  C. 

Ingersoll.  Thomas  N..  '55 1834  Wesley  Ave..  Evanston.  111. 

Ingham.  Olin  H..  '52 Concord.  N.  H. 

Inman.   Harry  E..  '53 Bayside.   N.   Y. 

Innes,  Tom  C.,  "53 24  Starnes  Cove  Rd.,  Asheville,  N.  C. 

Ivey,    Benjamin    C.,    '52 Raleigh,    N.    C. 

Ivey.  David  Middleton,  '52. .2632  Hampton  Ave..  C  harlotle  7.  N.  C. 

Jack.  Bernard  R.,  '54 379  Harrison  .Ave..  1  eechburg.  Pa. 

lackson.    A.    C,    Jr.,    '54 702    Ninth    Ave.    Jasper.    Ala. 

Jackson.  .Arthur  1...  Special 1316  Banbury   Rd..  Raleigh.  N.  C. 

Jackson.  Richard  D.,  Jr..  '55 2500  Edgewood  Rd..  Tampa.  Fla. 

Jackson,   Joe    Hoyt.  Jr.,   Special 

820   E.    Kings    Hwy.,    Shreveport,    La. 

Jackson,    Nelson.    '53 2021    Wilson    St.'.    Durham,    N.    C. 

Jaffee.    Burton,    '55 122    Pender   St.,    Suffolk,    Va. 

James.  Carl  Clifton,  '52 Box  2843.  Raleigh.  N.  C. 

James,   Charles   H.,   '53 

132  E.  Andrew  Ave.,  Wildwood-by-the-Sea.  N.  J. 

James.  Fleming.  III.  '55 No.  3.  Carolee  .Apts.,  Durham,  N.  C. 

lames.   Fred,  Jr.,  '54 1405   Sussex    Rd..   Wvnnewood.   Pa. 

James,   Gene   1...   '53 56   N.    Mimn   Ave..   Newark,   N.   J. 

James.  W.  .Scott.  Jr.,  '53 617  E.   Main  St.  Waynesboro,   Pa. 

Janicki.  Bernard  A.,  "54 285   14lh  St..  Amhridge.  Pa. 

Janscn.  John  F.,  '54 851  Louise  Circle.  Diuham,  N.  C. 

Jemigan.   Julius    M.,   '52 Durham.    N.   C. 

Jennelte,    Bill.   '55 Park    Dr..    Elizabeth    (  ily.    N.    C. 

Jennings.   Bruce  D.,  '52 307   Holmes  Si..   Laurens.  S.  C. 

Jennings.   William   H.,  Jr,   '54. .31  18    Wenonah    .Ave..    Beru\n.    111. 

Jensen.  Robert  1...  '53 126  Park  Ave..  Staten   Island.  N.  Y. 

Jcx,  Edward  R..  '55  3508  Rosedale  Rd.,  Baltimore.  Md. 


Johns.  John,  '55 401   Magnolia  Blvd..  long  Beach.  N.  Y. 

Johnson.  .Alhin  W.,  '55 1740  N.  Rhodes  St..  Arlington.  Va. 

Johnson.  David   [)..  52 6059  Esplanade  ,\ve..  Baton   Rouge,  la. 

Johnson.    Edniond    H.,  Jr..   '54 :oth    St.   Ocean   City.    Md. 

Johnson.  Henry  .Mien,  '5.1 511  Washington  Ave..  Weklon.  N.  (  . 

Johnson.    Herbert.   '54 9411    Nebraska    Ave.,   lanipa.    Kla. 

Johnson.  Hugh   Richard.  '54 }2^  Church  St..  Columbia,  Miss. 

Johnson.  James  R..  Jr..  '54      1424  Summit  .Ave..  Favetteville.  N.  C. 

Johnson.  Kenneth  R..  '52 919  N.    12th  Ave.. 'Pensacola.  Hla. 

Johnson.  Lewis  C,  '55 6  Hillside  Rd.,  Claymont,  Del. 

Johnson,  Paul  A..  '55 49  Ethelridge  Rd.,  White  Plains,  N.  Y. 

Johnson,   Peter  G.,   '52 

78  Schuman  PI..  Baldwin.  I..  1..  N.  Y. 

Johnson.  Randall  Thomas,  '55 Box   1150.  High  Point.  N.  f. 

Johnson.  Richard.  '5.1     81.1  Shroyes  Rd..  Dayton.  Ohio 

Johnson,   Richard   Gibbs,   '53 

5071   Sedgwick  St.,  N.W.,  Washington.   D.   (  . 

Johnson.    Richard   S.,    '52 Box    464.    Pohokce.    HIa. 

Johnson.  Robert  B..  '53E 527  Hampshire  Rd..  Drexel  Hill.  Pa. 

Johnson.  Robert  H.,  '54 Princess  Anne,   Md. 

Johnson.   Walter  C,  '55 409   24th  St..   Virginia   Beach.   Va. 

Johnston.  Charles   Edgar,  '55 

c   o  Cdr.  S.  P.  Johnston  (MC)  U.S.N. ,  c/o  Disp..  N.A.S. 

Atlantic  City.  N.  J. 
Johnston.  John  D.,  Jr.,  '54.. 11  N.  Kensington  d.,  .'\sheville,  N.  C. 
Johnston.  LeRoy  O,  Jr.,  '54. .5354  N.  Meridian.  Indianapolis,  Ind. 

Johnston.   Bill.  '52 II    Phillips  St..    Massena,  N.   C. 

Johnstone.  George.  III.  '55. .405  Washington  Blvd..  Grove  City.  Pa. 

Jones.  Charles  S.,  '53 102  Earlston  Dr..  Yorktown  Vil..  Md. 

Jones.   Edwin.   '54 2315    Magnolia    Dr..    Harrisburg,    Pa. 

Jones,   G.   Stephen.    '52 Law    St..    Harlsville.    S.    C . 

Jones,  John   Donald.   Jr.,   '54 

100   Ashby   Ave..   Charleston.   W.    Va. 

Jones.  L.  Merritt,  '52 1622  Park  Dr..  Raleigh,  N.  C. 

Jones.  Oliver  L..  Jr..  "55 

128  E.  Lakewood  Rd..  West  Palm  Beach.  Fla. 

Jones.   Richard.  '55 1067  Stovall   Blvd..  Atlanta.  Ga. 

Jones.    Robert   W..  '53 Box   257.   Stamford.   N.   Y. 

Jones.  William  O..  '54 142   Horner  St..   Henderson.  N.  C. 

Jordan.  Terrell,  '53 1039  E.  Clifton  Rd.,  N.E.,  Atlanta,  Ga. 

Jordan.  Thomas  Dietrich,  '54 

136  Shoreward  Dr.,  Great  Neck,  N.  Y. 
Jordan.    Vernes   C,   Jr.,    "52 

Calle  Reconquista  314.  Buenos  Aires,  Argentina 
Joyce,  William  Ogden.  '52  302  Clove  Rd.,  New  Roehelle.  N.  Y. 
Joyner.  Edward  Madison.  '52  51  1  1  Devonshire  Rd.,  Richmond,  Va. 
Judd.   Arthur   William.   '52 

460  Catalina  Ave.,   Youngstown   4.   C^hio 

Jurew,  John  C  .,  Jr.,  '52 128  Newark  Ave.,  Bloomfield.  N.  J. 

Justus,  Drayton  Ray,  Jr.,  "54. .P.  O.  Box  1335.  Hendersonville.  N.  C. 

Kadis.  Harold  L.,  "55 1403   E.  Mulberry.  Goldsboro.  N.  C. 

Kalb.  Ivine  Morris,  "55 114  Buckingham  Ave..  Trenton.  N.  J. 

Kalevas.  Bill  A.,  "52 Ill  S.  Randolph  .St..  Rockingham.  N.  C. 

Kaloostian.  Dick,  '54 500  W.  188  St..  New  York  City.  N.  Y. 

Karpman.  Steve  B.,  "54 4419  42nd  St.,  N.W.,  Washington,  D.  C. 

Kasey.   Douglas  E..  "53 404   Forest  St.,   Martinsville,  Va. 

Kasterholz,  Richard  Jay,  '54.  953  Anderson  Ave.,  Bronx  52.  N.  Y. 
Katzinski.  Emil   Fred,  '53 

17  Ronkonkoma  Ave..  Hempstead.  N.  Y. 

Kaufman.  Arthur,  '55 391  Central  Ave..  Jersey  City  7.  N.  J. 

Kay,  Frank  A.,  '55 2375   Fenwood   Rd..  Cleveland.  Ohio 

Kaye.   Lewis.  '54..! 40   Melrose  Dr.,   New   Roehelle,   N.   Y. 

Kayler.  Ralph  Earl,  "51 205  S.  Highland  St..  Gastonia    N.  C. 

Kennan.  Michael  E.,  '55. ...15  16  Kenwood  .Ave..  St.  Petersburg,  Fla. 

Keever.  Eugene  L.,  "54 408    10th,  Kannapolis.  N.  C. 

Keffer.  Charlie.  '52 4943  Germantown   Ave..   Philadelphia.   Pa. 

Kehlor.  Gerad  Evan  David,  '53 .124  Center  St.,  Ashland.  Pa. 

Kehoe.    Robert    D,   '53 30   Nassau    St.,    Princeton.    N.    J. 

Keith.  Alfred  Thomas,  '52 514  Wanen  Ave..  Brockton.   Mass. 

Keller.   Brooks  T..  '55 Baltimore.    Md. 

Keller.  Donald  Hollard.  '53.  P.  O.  Box  315,  Rt.  2,  Plant  City,  Fla. 
Keller.  Thomas   Franklin.  '53 

509  E.  Cambridge  St..  Greenwood,  S.  C. 

Kelley.   George   E..   "52 Chapel    Hill    Rd..   Durham.   N.  C. 

Kelley.  Lawrence  Cornelius,  "54 730  Austin  St.,  Westfield.  N.  J. 

Kennard.   Robert    D..   '55 Rising   Sun.    Md. 

Kennedv.   David   M..  '55 104  Race  St.,   Pittsburgh    18,   Pa. 

Kennedy.  Frederick  James.  '54 768  Old  Shell  Rd..  Mobile.  Ala. 

KenneJv.  Horton  P.,  Jr.,  '52 45  Boulevard  l.annes.  Paris.  France 

Kennedy.  Joe.  Jr.,  '52 2707  Farthing  St..  Durham.  N.  C. 

Kennedy,  Doyle.  '53 3109  Chapel  Hill   Rd..  Durham.  N.  C. 

Kennedy.  Ted  C.  '52E 1768  Old  Shell   Rd..   Mobile.   Ala. 

Kennemore.    Douglas   Erwin,   '53 

215  W.  Paris   Rd..  Greenville.  S.  C. 

Kent.  Horace  S..  '52 454  E.    1st  Ave..   Mesa.  Ariz. 

Kerby.  Alferd  E..  '54 147  Hollywood  Ave..  Hampton,  Va. 

Kesler.  William  E.,  "53 P.  O.  Box  422.  Fuquay  Springs.  N.  C. 

Keziah,  John  W..  Jr.,  "53 221   Rolling  Rd..  Burlington,  N.  C. 

Ke/iah,  Richard  C,  '55 221  Rolling  Rd..  Burlington.  N.  C. 

Kiger.  Willie   M..  '52 1409  Ruffin  St..  Durham.  N.  C. 

Killen.    Richard   Bcaman,   Jr.,   '55 

730  University   Dr..  C  oral   Ciables,   Fla 

Knnc.    Richard.    '52 46    Montrose    Rd..    Scarsdale.    N.    Y. 

King.  A.  Bruce.  '52....R.F.D.  3,  C  oncord  Rd..  C  hagrin  Falls.  Ohio 

King.   Carl   H.,  Jr.,  "54 310  S.    Fulton.   Salisb.ny,   N.   C. 

King.  James  E..  '54 6  Woodmont  Rd..  .Alexandria,  Va, 

King,  John   Ihonias,  '53.  ..1622  P..  Hemlock  Ave..  Ciastonia,  N.  C. 

King.  Joseph   I  dward.  "53 904  Club  Blvd.,   Durham,  N.  C. 

King.  Norwood  Jack,  "55 232  N.  25th  St.,  Wilmington,  N.  C. 

King.    Robert   C,   '54 400    Del.    Ave..    Delmar,   Del. 

Kintz.    Jerry,    '53 36    Reynolds    St..    Kingston.    Pa. 

Kistler.   Henry   E.,  '54 1305   Lilac    Rd..   C  harlotte.   N.   C  . 

Kistler.  John   D.,  '54 P.   O.   Box    106.   Ardmore.   Pa. 

Kitlowski.  Edward  John,  '52.. ..3908  N.  C  harles  St..  Baltimore,  Md. 

Klein.    Arthur.    '53 730    E.    7th    .St.,    Broi>klvn.    N.    Y. 

Klevanskv.    Richard,   "55 1615    Alsace    Rd..    Reading.    Pa. 

King.  Ambrose  L.,  '55 5   Hollistcr  St..   Dundee.  N.  Y. 

Knabc.  John  R.,  '53 4315  Wentworth  Rd.,  Baltimore  7.  Md. 

Knickerbocker,    Donald,    '52 Cincinnatus,    N.    Y. 

Knight.   Coffield,   '53 Whitakers,    N.   C. 

Knotts.  Clarence  Cole.  Jr..  '53 P.  O.  Box  4034.  Hamlet.  N.  C  . 

Knowles.    Frank,    '53 Penns    (Jrove,    N.    J. 

Kobzina.  Arnold  James,  "52. .2905  Lothair  Way,  Long  Beach,  Ind. 
Koebbe,  Donald  Howard,  '52 

543    Pemberton   Ave..   Cirosse   Point.    Mich. 

Koeze.  Tom.  '55 4045   Byron  Rd..  Grand  Rapids.  Mich. 

Koonts.    Frank,    '55 Box    303.    Lexington,    N.   C. 

Korbel.  Edward  J.,  Jr.,  "52 57  Poplar  St.,  Douglaston,  N.  Y. 

Kraeuter.  Lincoln  D.,  '53. ...478  Prospect  Ave..  West  Orange.  N.  J. 

Kramme.   Dick   G.,   '55 Holly   Acres,    Monroeville.    N.   J. 

Kramme.   Gerald   A,   '53 Holly   Acres.    Monroeville.    N.   J 

Krantz.  Ross  Barton,  "55-75  S.  Forest  Ave..  Rockville  Centre,  N.  Y. 
Kraus,  Richard  Joseph,  "55. .3021  Briggs  Ave..  New  York  58,  N.  Y. 

Kraver.  Alfred  C  arl.  Jr..  '52 St.   Petersburg.   Fla. 

Krei'der,   Kenneth   R.,   '52 329   E.    Main   St..    Palmyra.    Pa. 

Kreutzer.   Richard   Miller.  '55 

65   Kensington   Rd..   Bronxville.  N.   Y. 

Krieger.  Walter  P..  '52 P.  O.   Box  26.  Scotch   Plains.  N.  J. 

Kuhnert.   Fred  J.,  '55 142  West  St.,   Hnglewood.   N,   J. 

Kulpan,  James  Neil.  '52 9401   Mason  Creek  Rd.,  Norfolk,  Va. 

KiMikle.   Harold   W.,   '52 338   Columbia   Ave..   Elyria.  (Jhio 

Kurilzky.    Melvyn.    '54 936    Frost    Ct..    Peekskill.    N.    Y. 

Kurzrock.  Warren  W.,  '52 339  Robin  Rd.,  Englewood.  N.  J. 

l.aCaruba,  Chris,  '53 58    Mercer  St..   Phillipsburg.   N.   J. 

Lackey,  Charles,  '55 2501    Roland  St..  Charlotte.   N.   C  . 

Lackey.  Dixon  A.,  Jr.,  '53. .95  Cumberland  Circle.  Asheville,  N.  C. 

Lacy.  Clayton  R.,  "54 1617  Seventh  St.,  S.E..  Roanoke.  Va. 

Lambert.   Boyd   L.,   "54 Rt.  4.   Albemarle.   N.   C. 

Lamley.  Howard  P.,  Jr.,  '55 4  Holbrook  Rd.,  Havertown,  Pa. 

Lammey.  Franklin  E..  Jr.,  '55 P.  O.  Box  855.  Coalesville.  Pa. 

Landau.  Peter.  '55 Apartado  No.  246,  Caracas,  Venezuela 

Landon,  William  C,  "54 114  Case  .St.,  Durham.  N.  C. 

Landstrom.  John  B.,  '54 950  N.  Main  St.,  Apt.  31.  Rockford.  111. 

Lane,   Daniel,  Jr..   '55 Fairmont.   N.   C, 

Lane,  Henry  J.,  Jr.,  "53 155  Granite  St.,  Henderson.  N.  C. 

Lang.   Prank  A.,  "52 380  S.E.  2nd  .St..  Ft.  Lauderdale.  Fla. 

Larsen,  Hype,  '52 106   High   St..   Woodbridge.   N.  J. 

Larsen.  John  E.,  "55 8711    Wilson  Ave..   Baltimore    14.   Md. 

Lasher.  Howard  R.,  "55 368  S.  French  Blvd..  Asheville,  N.  C. 

Lasseter.  Jack  Kinney,  '52 1385  Winston  Ave.,  Macon.  Ga. 

Lassiter,   Vernon  C,  "53 

1818  Robin  Hood  Rd.,  Winston-Salem,  N.  C. 

Latimer,  Dick,  '52 5623  Oak   PI,  Bethesda   14.   Md. 

Latta,   Richard   A.,  "54 

R.P.D.  2,  Niagara  Palls  Blvd..  N.  Towanda.  N.  Y. 
Lau,  John  L..  '52...  123  Henry  St.,  Port  of  Spain,  Trinidad.  B.W.I, 
i.auter.  Frederic   M..  '52 

Mounted  Rt.  2.  Kirkwood.  Gainesville.  Fla. 

Lavie.    Henrique    J..    '54 Caracas.    Venezuela.    S.    A. 

Lawler,  Robert  A.,    54 20  Tokalon   PI.,  New  Orleans,  La. 

Lawrence,    James,    '53 3356    Veneville    Ave..    Macon.    Ga. 

Lawrence.  George  Bryant  M..  '55     400  Gibbs  Rd..  Pensacola.  Fla. 

Lawrer.  Don.  '53 -231   .Seneca   Pkwy..   Rochester.  N.   Y. 

Lawshe.  Emmett  D..  '55.  I  15  While  Plains  Rd..  Bronxville,  N.  ">  . 

Lawson.  Donald  V.,  '54 216  Holmecrest  Rd..  Jenkintown,  Pa. 

Lawson.    Herbert    M.,    '54 429    Gay    St.,    Frwin,    Tenn. 

Lawter,   Gene    Lamar Box    152.    Inman.    S    C. 

Lawther,  John,   '54 5511    Northfield    Rd.,   Bethesda,    Md. 

Lea,  William  P.,  Jr.,  '53 707  Sommers  St..  Lynchburg,  Va. 

Leach.  George  C,  "53 Haw   River,  N.  C. 

Leake.  Robert  Clark,  "55 645  Highland  Circle,  Tupelo,  Miss. 

LeBauer.  Sid,  '54 910  Cornwallis  Dr..  Greensboro.  N.  C. 

Leclercq.  Robert  P.,  "55 239  Walton  St..  Englewood.  N.  J. 

Ledes.  Claude  P.,  "54 2506  Frisbv    Ave,  New  York  61,  N.  Y. 

Lee.  Herbert  M.,  "52 28  Loreory  Ave.,  Baldwin,  N.  Y. 


Lee.  Hugh  Y.,  '52 

Roosevelt    Blvd.   &   Gorman    Ln..    Philadelphia.    Pa. 

Lee.   James   M..   '55 Birmingham.   Ala. 

Lee.  Pope  M..  '52 10  E.  Forest  Rd..  Biltmore  Forest.  N.  C. 

Lee.  William  Chalker.  '55... .431   E.  New  York  Ave..  DeLand.  Fla. 

Leeaphon.    Don,    53 40   Surisak    Rd..    Bangkok,    Siam 

Lefler,   Bayne   W..   Jr.,   '54 Rt,    1,   Concord,   N.   C. 

Leggio,  Anthonv  Joseph,  '54. ...861  1  75  St..  Woodhaven.  L.  L,  N.  Y. 
Liebfried,  Warren  P..  '54  .253  Round  Hill  Rd..  Rosvln.  L.  L,  N.  Y. 

Lemrow.  Ed.,  "54 810  N.  Olive  Ave.  West  Palm  Beach,  Fla. 

Leno.x,  George  A.,  Ill,  •53... 140  Arthur  .St..   RiJgefield   Pk.,  N.  J. 

Lens,  Eugene  E.,  '54 114  Codwise  .Ave..  New  Brunswick,  N.  J. 

Leonard,  John  D.,  Jr.,  '54 Milton  Ave.,  Oceanport,  N.  J. 

Leonard.  R.  Webb,  Jr.,  "55  .19  E     Seventh  Ave,  Lexington,  N   C 

Lerps,  David  A..  "53 15   Manchester   Rd.,  Tuckahoe  7,  N.   Y. 

Lester,    K.   Thomas,   '52 709    Arlington    Ave.,    Bristol,    Va. 

Levenlis.   Peter  J.,  '54 417  S.  Oakland  St.,  Gastonia,  N.  C. 

Levergood,  Charles  C,  '53 R.F.D.    1.  Stroudsbourg,   Pa. 

Levin,  Burton  E.,  Special P.  O.  339.  Fishkill,  N.  Y. 

Levine,  Robert  John.  '55 3291    Park  Ave.,  Wantagh.  N.  Y. 

Levy.   Matthew   J.,   '55 

4431   Albemarle  St..  N.W..  Washington.   D.  C. 

Lewis,  Joseph.  '53 .86  Cherry  St.,  Fall   River,   Mass. 

Lewis,  Ovid,  '54 360  Springdale  Ave.,  Hast  Orange,  N.  J. 

Lewis.  Ronald  Allan,  '55 18518  Newell   Rd..  Shaker  Hts..  Ohio 

Lewis.  Thomas   M.,  '54 R.F.D.   2.   Fairmont.   N.   C. 

Liatti,  Lloyd  A.,  '54 1310  Irving  Ave,  Cleveland,  Ohio 

Liddon.  James  Flint,  Jr.,  '54 8th  St.,   Yazoo  City,   Miss. 

Lighthpe.    Kenneth   Dickinsen,  Jr.,  '55 

R.F.D.    1,   Bo.\  974.  Rahway.  N.  J. 
Lightner,   Theodore   McGraw,   "55 

175   E.   79th   St.,   New   York   21,   N.   Y. 

Linden.   Paul   Richard,  Jr.,  '54 1330  29th  St.,   Moline,   111. 

Lindsay.    Bruce   G.,    '55 44    Wayne    PI..    Nutley.    N.    J. 

Lindsay.   Rodger.   '55 448   Sabine   Ave.,   Wynne  Aood,    Pa. 

Lindstrom,  Malcolm  S,  "52.610  Brookside  Ave.,  Orade    11,  N.  J. 

Lineberger,    Joe    G.,    '53 Maiden,    N.    C. 

1  inn.   Bruce  O.,   '52 J3D   University   Apts..   Durham,   N.   C. 

l.inthicum.  William  Emmett.  '55  .323  Boulevard.  High  Point.  N.  C. 

Little.   Robert   William.   "54 104    Taylor  St..   Staunton.   Va. 

Littler.  Theodore  C.  "54 130  Academy  St.,  Manlius,  N.  Y. 

I.ittlepage.  John  M..  Jr..  "55.. ..37  W.  Irving  St..  Chevy  Chase.  Md. 

l.lenza.  Charles  F..  '53 406  Radre   Rufo  .St..   Hato  Rey.   P.  R. 

Llovd.  James  Delona,  '54 276K  Guess  Rd..  Durham,  N.  C. 

Lloyd,  James  Ronald.  "54 1003   Eighth  .St..  Durham,  N.  C. 

Lloyd,  K.  E.  C.  '52 1003  Eighth  .St..  Durham.  N.  C. 

Lloyd.  Lawrence  W.,  Jr.,  '55 Charleston,  W.  Va. 

Loane,  Jabez  W.,   '53 Ruxton,    Md. 

Logan,    Jim,    '53 81     Logan    Ave.,    Asheville,    N    C. 

Long,  Harry  G.,  Jr.,  '55 113  W.  4th  Ave.,  Gastonia,  N.  C. 

Long.   Sherman   E.,   Jr.,   '53 Durham.   N.   C. 

Longley,    James    Benjamin,    Jr,,    '52 

3912  Kimpalong  Ave.,  Nashville,  Tenn. 

Looper.  Charles  Byrd,  "53 403  Oakhiirst  Ave.,  (lastonia,  N.  C. 

Lott,   John    E.,   "52 107    E.    Winthrope.    Kansas    City,    Mo. 

Loub.   Arthur   F.,   '52 16   Robbins  Ave.,   Amityville,   N.   Y. 

Louis-Dreyfus,  William  G.,  '54.118  E.  78th  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 

Lowdermilk,   Max,  '52 1115  S.  Cox  St.,  Asheboro,  N.  C. 

Lowe,   William   Emory.  Jr.,   "54 

2868   Hylan   Blvd.,  .Staten   Island,  N.  Y. 
Lowenthal,  Dan  A.,  Jr.,  "52    .6017  Park  Hts.  Ave..  Baltimore.  Md. 

Lowndes,  John   Foy,  "53 7016  Club   Blvd.   Durham,   N.  C. 

Lowndes,  William  S.,  "54 2016  C  lub  Blvd.,  Durham,  N.  C. 

Lucas.   A.   J.,   Jr..   "55 306    7th   .St.,    Blackstone,   Va. 

Lucas.  (  harles  H..  '54 549  Second  .St..  N.F..  Hickory.  N.  C. 

Lucas.  William   R..  '52 1124  Greenfield   Ave..   Nashville.  Tenn. 

Luck.   Jean    M,    '53 651    Lincoln    Ave..    Orange.    N.    J. 

Lucllen.   David   H..  '55 915   Bridgman  St..   Elmira.   N.   Y. 

l.ugar,    Ashby    G..    Jr..    '52 Box    67.    Oceana.    W.    Va. 

Lupton.  James  H..  Jr..  '54 101    Rivervicw  St..  Belhaven.  N.  C. 

l.utton.    Gerald    Clark.    52 lackson    St..    Harmony.    Pa. 

1  ut/.  Worth  Arthur.  Jr..  '55 1206  Oval  i:)r..  Durham.  N.  C. 

Lynch.  Albert  V..  '54 4206  Duvall  Ave..  Baltimore  16.  Md. 

Lynch.    G.    C.    '52 Box     1233.    Anchorage.    Alaska 

Lynn,  (harles  Gordon.  Jr..   '54 

84  Chester  Ave..  Garden  City.  N.   >  . 

Lyon.   (  arlos   M..   '53E 64   SouthmorelanJ    PI..    Decatur.    111. 

Lyon.  George  L.,  Jr..  '54 

3408  Dover   Kd..   Hope   Valley.   Durham.  N.  C. 

Mabry.  Frank  W..  '55 233  E.  Graham  St..  Shelby.  N.  C 

MacEwen,  John    Robert,  '55 

1    Clearview  Terrace.   .Asheville.   N.   C  . 
MacEwen,    W.    Scott,    '53 

8001/2    Central    Ave..    (  harlcslon    2.    W.    Va. 
MacLeod.  Ronald  Collin.  "55 

380    l.angiey    Ave..    W.    Hempstead.    N.    ^'. 
MacQueen,  Kenneth.  '54.     18347  Bedford  Rd.,  Briniingham,  Mich. 

Mactavish.   Angus.   '55 Green   Parish.   Scotland 

Maddox.   Carl   Owen.   "54 2014    14th   St..   Lynchburg.   Va. 

Maddox.  Clyde  O..  Jr..  '53 Fullcrton.    Pa. 

Maddox.   Houston   N..   '52 Snow    Hill.   N    C. 

Maddox.   William   N..   Jr..   '54 16   Linn   Ave..   Auburn.   N.   Y. 

Magaw.    Milo    E..    "54 411    N.    6th    St..    Oregon.    111. 

Magidoff.  Jerome,  '54 140  8th   Ave..   Brooklyn.   N.   Y. 

Mahdavi.     Kazem.     '53 Midan     Sevan     Esfand.     Meshel,     Iran 

Mairs.    Robert    L..   "54 1611    Dexter   St..    Durham.   N.   C. 

Majors.  Walter  R..  '54 523   28th  St..  W.   Palm   Beach.  Fla. 

.Vlakris.  John   E..   '52 107   N.   Sixth   St..   Newark.   Ohio 

Malone.    lohn    William,    '54 643    Heard    Ave..    Macon.    Ga. 

Malone.  Robert  W..  '52 301   S.  Cumberland.  Park   Ridge.  111. 

Malyniak,  Joseph,   '52 255   E.   Railroad  St.,   Nesquehoning,   Pa. 

Manegan,  Warren  R..  '52 270'/2   Legion  Ave..  Durham.  N.  C. 

Maness.    Ivey    G.,    '54 Pittsboro.     N.    C 

Manning.  George  K..  '54 Box  220,  Rt.   1.  Greenville.  N.  C. 

Manos.  Constantine  L.,  '55 537   Fulton  St..  Greenberg.   Pa. 

Mansfield.   Jack   P..  '54 Cumberland.    Md. 

Mapleton.  Felig  A.,  '54 11835  N.W.  Third  Ave..  Miami.  Fla. 

Marett.  Bill.  '55 2953   Ridgewood  Rd..  N.W..  Atlanta.  Ga. 

Marks.    Dennis   Gilbert.    '53 

240  W.  73rd  St..  New  York  23.  N.  Y. 

Marks.  Jack   Henrv.  '54 1442  Carr  Ave.  Memphis.  Tenn. 

Marlin.   Glenn.   '52 222   Sexton    St..    Strothers.   Ohio 

Marple,  Tom.  '52E 2  Linden  Ave..   Haddonfield.  N.  J. 

Marsden.  George.  "54 55   Park   PI..  New   Rochelle.  N.  Y. 

Marshall.  Robert  D..  '54.. 5 10  N.  Linden  Dr..  Beverlv  Hills.  Calif. 

Marshall.   Robert  E..  "52 202   E.  34th  St..  Brooklvn  3.  N.  Y. 

Martin.   Charles   E..    II.    '53 Box    334.    Oxford.    Pa. 

Martin.   David  C.  '52 50  N.  Clinton  St..   York.   Pa. 

Martin.    Donald    F..   '53 

School    of    Med..    Univ.    of    Puerto    Rico.    San    Juan 

Martin.   James   A..   Jr..   '52 429    Main   St..   Oak    Hill.    W.    Va. 

Martin.  Samuel  K..  '55 9  Beechmont  .Ave..  Bronxville.  N.  Y. 

Martin.   S.   Victor.  '55 413   Crawford   St..   Edensburg.   Pa. 

Martz.  Charles  Thomas.  '55 427  Colonial  Ave..  Westfield.  N.  J. 

Mason.  Charlie.  '54 Rt.   I,   Box   16.  Roanoke  Rapids,  N.  C. 

Mason.   Dean   Towle.   '54 5505    Hampden   Ln..   BethesJa.    Md. 

Massard.    Al    Dominic.    '55 1406    Nance.    Tampa.    Fla. 

Massey.   Henry   R..  '53 1501   Ferncliff  Rd..  Charlotte.   N.   C. 

Massey.  James   .Andrew.   Jr..   '53 

112   W.   Johnston   St..   Smithfield.    N.   C. 

Mathes,  John  F..  Jr.,  '53 429  S.  Driver  Ave.,  Durham.  N.  C. 

Malheson.  Malcolm  R..  Jr..  '55 R.F.D.   1.  Robbinsville,  N.  J. 

Mathies.    Blair.    "54 ...Lindenhurst.    L.    I..    N.    Y. 

Matthews.  David   Robert.  '54 909' 2    Fifth  St..  Durham.  N.  C. 

Matthews,  Robert  Lee.  '54 38  Rockaway  .Ave..  Rockaway.  N.  J. 

Maus,  Lewis  M.,  '53 315  W.   Market  St..   Reidsville.  N.  C. 

Max.    Allen.   '54 54   Webster   St.,    Irvington.   N.   J. 

Max.    William    C,   '54 4    Lenox    Rd..    Baldwin.    N.    Y. 

Maxwell,  Daniel,  '55 812  W.  Rowan  St.,  Fayetteville,  N.  C. 

Maxwell.  Daniel   H.,  '55 120  Gillespie  St.,   Fayetteville.  N.  C. 

Maxwell.    Donald,   '55 207   Olive   St..   Johnstown,    Pa. 

Maxwell.   Richard,  '55 207  Olive  St.,  Johnstown.   Pa. 

Mayer.   Robert  A.,  '54 2828  St.  Andrews  Ln..  Charlotte.  N.  C. 

Maynor.  Cortex.  "55 1302  N.  Roxboro  St..  Durham.  N.  C. 

McAdams.  James  R..  '53 709  W.  Front  St..  Burlington.  N.  C. 

McAnernev,  Marshall  J..  '52 17  Willets  Ln..  Plandome.  N.  Y. 

Mc.Apn.  Bennett  Robert.  '54 405  Market  St..  Cheraw.  S.  C. 

McArthur.  Rav  F..  '52 301  W.  deer  No.  3,  Durham.  N.  C. 

McCall.  James  A..  '54 9  Libertv  St..  Cazenoxia,  N.  Y. 

McCain.   William  W..  '52 Rt.   3.   Elizabeth   C  ilv.   N.   C. 

McClannan.    Ralph.   '52 804   F.    25th   .St..   Norfolk.   Va. 

McClalchic.  James   M.,  '52.. ..7  Courtland    PI..    Middlctown.   N.    "l". 
McClellan.  (harles   P..  '55 

695   Darlington  Circle.   N.E..   .Mlanta.   Ga. 
Mc(  Icllan.    Marion    M..  Jr..   '54 

404   Thurston    .Ave,   Thomaston.   Ga. 
McCluskev.  John  C..  '53..  37  Walnut  .Ave..  Wheeling.  W.  Va. 

McConnel'l.  Owen   L..  '55 1212   F.   Mohawk   Ave.,    lampa,   Fla. 

McCracken.  (  laylon  H..  Jr.,  '54   Box  208.   Rt.  2.  Asheville.  N.  C. 
McCready.  David  John.  '55. ,..357  Lantana  .Ave..  I'nglewood.  N.  J. 

McDonald.  (  oit  ,A..  Jr..  Special 630  King  .Xvc.  Florence.  S.  C. 

McFarling,   Harry   M.,  Jr.,  '53 727    lemple  .Ave..   Danville.  Va. 

Mc(iarry,  Peter  M..  '54. ...215  23rd  Ave..  N.E..  St.  Petersburg,  Fla. 
McGaughey,  John  E.,  II,  '54.. ..913  E.  State  St..  Lawienceville.  111. 

McGiehan.  Donn.  '53 Hartsdale  Acres.   Hartsdale.   N.   Y. 

McCjcough.  Robert  S..  '52 R.F.D.  2.  Chardon.  Ohio 

McGraw.  Wesley  Allen.  Jr..  '54 

507   Cumberland   St..   (  umberland.    Md. 
McGuinn.   John   William.  Jr..   '54 

1901    F.  Lexington   .Ave..   High   Point.  N.  C. 

McGuirc.  John  J..  '52 415  Washington  St..   Miles  City.   Mont. 

McKay.   W.   Cotton.   '55 139   Forest   Ave..    Rye.   N.   \. 

McKee.   Robert  C  '54 New  Wilmington.   Pa. 

McKever.     Farle    A..    '52 Johnstown.     Pa. 

McKeithan.   Nicky,  '55 401    Pine  St..   l.umberton,   N.   C. 


McKeithitn.  Ro\   Nixon.  "55 401   Pine  St.,  Lumhcrton,  N.  C. 

McKenzie,  Claiiiic   F..  '52 1217  Colinc  St..   Athens,    Icnn. 

McKenzie.  Jerrv  F..  Ill,  '55 1051  OaklanJ  Ave,  Roek  Hill,  S,  C. 

Mcl.ean,   Leslie   M.,   '52 3614   Dallas   St.,   Dallas,   Tex. 

McLean,  Robert  Davidson.  '52. .44 LI  Bcaeh  Park  Dr.,   Lampa.  Fla. 

McLellan,  G.  Fiiuard,  '54 41   Derrick  Ave..   Uniontown.   Pa. 

McLemore.   Ralph.  '52 3511    Log  Cabin   Dr,.   Macon,  Ga. 

McLendon.    Preston   A..   '52 

2146  Wyoming  Ave..  N.W.,  Washington,  D.  C. 

McLoney.    Lhorne  C.   '52 R.    R.   4.   C  ynthiana.    Ky. 

McMillan.  Mark.  '52E Larchmont  Acres,  l.archmont,  N.  'V'. 

McMillan.    Robert    C,   '54E 325    Benton    St..    Sikeston,    Mo. 

McMiillan.  Arch  R..  '55 701  W.  Farriss.  High  Point.  N.  C. 

McMiillen.  Mirril  Alvah,  '55 R.F.D.  2,  Baldwinsville.  N.  Y. 

McMiilUm.  Philip  S..  Jr.,  '52 100  Granville  St.,  F.lenton,  N,  C. 

McNair.    Barry.   '52 Lakeland.    Ga. 

McNair.   Connie.   '52 3472   Vineville   Ave.,    Macon.   Ga. 

McNally.  James.  '55 1226   LInville  St..   King^porl.    lenn. 

McNamara.  Thomas  Neal,  '52 

1412  Evergreen  Ave.,  Plainfieid.  N.  J. 

McNeely.   Homer.  Jr..   '55 704   Fitts   St..   Sanford.   N.   C. 

McPhail.  John.  '55 2505  Queen  St..   Winston-.Salem.   N.  t. 

McRae.   t'ameron.   '55 1612    Irish   St..   South    Boston,    Va. 

McRae.  William  Davis,  '52. .120  N.  Stetson  Park  Dr..  DeLand.  Fla. 

McRov.  W.  D..  Jr..  '54 .703   Rudolph  .St..  Goldshoro.  N.  C. 

Mead.  D.  Richard,  Jr..  '52 2755  N.  Bay  Rd..  Miami  Beach.  Fla. 

Meadows.    Ed..   '54 Oxford.    N.   C. 

Means.  Douglas,  '53..  .3112  Legation  St.,  N.W.,  Washington.  D.  C. 

Means,  Richard  E.,  '54 1007  E.  Trinity  Ave..  Durham.  N.  C. 

Meek.  Bob.  '54 19  Cotswold  Way.  Scarsdale.  N.  Y. 

Mellin.   Wm.    D.,   53 141    Cherry   St..    Gardner.    Mass. 

Melville.  Noel.  '54 502  St.  Clair  Rd..  Crosse  Pointe  30.  Mich. 

Memmoli.  Richard  O.,  '52. .181  35  Midland  Pkwy..  Jamaica.  N.  Y. 

Mendez.   Jose   S..   Special 821    Second   St..    Durham.    N.   C. 

Menken,  Kenneth  Andrews,  '52 

306  Seventh  Ave..  Asbury  Park,  N.  J. 

Merrill.  Richard  A..  '54 749  W.  Brompton.  Chicago.   III. 

Merritt.  Bard  A..  '55....331  N.  Interlachen  Ave..  Winter  Park.  Fla. 

Merritt.   M.   F..  '52 408   McMannen   St..   Durham,   N.  C. 

Metropol.   Harvey  J.,  '53 S.   Brooks   St..   Manning,   S.   C. 

Metropol.  Jimmy  Jack,  "54 S.  Brooks  St..   Manning.  S.  C. 

Mever.  Richard  Arlen.  '54 534  Stratford   PI..  Chicago   13,  III. 

Michael,   Robert  A..  Jr..  '54..... 456  North  St..  Springdale.  Pa. 

Michael.    Robert    Frederick,   Jr.,    '53 

311    E.  Hendrix  St..  Greensboro.  N.  C. 

Michaels.   Edwin.   '55 104939  S.   Hoyne   Ave..   Chicago.   111. 

Michalek.   Donald   R.,  '52 2  White  Ave..   Westfield,   Mass. 

Midgette.    Robert   B.,    '52 122    Hillcrest.    Raleigh.    N.    C. 

Midkiff.  Claude.  '55 119  Franklin  St..  Mt.  Airy.  N.  C. 

Millenson.  Jock.  '54 110   Luteman   Rd..  Cumberland.   Md. 

Miller,  Abraham  S.,  Jr.,  '53 29  Clearman  PI.,  Belleville,  N.  J. 

Miller.  Charles  Samuel.  '55. .338  Clermont  Ave..  Brooklyn  5.  N.  Y. 

Miller.  Da\id  Edmond.  '52 211   McRae  St..  Laurinburg.  N.  C. 

Miller.   Emery   E.,   Special 416   Hugo  St..   Durham,   N.   C. 

Miller.   Guy   Frederick.   '54E Box   45.   Feura   Bush.   N.   Y. 

Miller.   Jack.    '54 1821    Selma    Ave..    Youngstown.    Ohio 

Miller.  Macon  P.,  Jr..  "54 Highland  Dr.,  Leaksville.  N.  C. 

Miller.  Michael  Bovd,  '54 2509  Pickwick  Rd..  Baltimore.  Md. 

Miller,  Neal   D.,  '52 201    E.   High  St..   Hummelstown.   Pa. 

Miller,   Pat.   '55 Rt.    1.   Box   26,   Bartow.   Fla. 

Miller.    Phillip    W..    55 Vine    St..    Bethel.    Del. 

Miller.   Robert  Allen.  52 1015   Flagler  Ave..   Key  West,  Fla. 

Miller,  Thomas  T.,   '53 Pendennis   Mt.,   Annapolis,   Md 

Miller.  Tommy.  '55 517  Hawthorne  Ln..  Charlotte.  N.  C. 

Millholland.  Donald  W..  '54...   508  Berkley  Rd..  Indianapolis.  Ind. 

Million,  Gene,  '54 1632  Hobart  St..  N.W..  Washington.  D.  C. 

Mills.   Don.   '55 5    Luckenbach    Ln..   Sands    Point.    N.    Y. 

Milner.  Bradley  Wilson.  III.  "55 106  Riggs  Dr..  Clemson,  S.  C. 

Milovanovic.  Vadim.  '54...  3746  Kanawha  St..  Washington.  D.  C. 

Milsap.  Jimmy.  '55 705   Darlington  Cir..   N.E.,   Atlanta.  Ga. 

Milton.   Hugh   M..   III.   '55 

A-2    1007    Belle    View    Apts.    Alexandria.    Va. 

Minick,  John   E.,  "52 8982  Concord,   Detroit,    Mich. 

Minnick,    Don,    "53 26    Fairlawn,    Rocky    Mount,    Va. 

Minnis,  James.  "55 1002  E.  Trinity   Ave..   Durham.   N.  C. 

Mitchell.   Billy   P..   "52 187   S.   Main   St..   Fairmont.   N.   C. 

Mitchell.  David  L..  "53 22   Pennsylvania  Ave.,  Canton.  N.  C. 

Mitchell,   Don  W„  "52 206  Oakridge  Ave..  Summit.   N.  J. 

Mitchell.  Fred  L..  Special.. .5 17  James  BIdg..  Chattanooga.  Tenn. 
Molina  Y  Vedia,  Marcelo,  '54 

Guemes  3950.  Buenos  Aires.  Argentina 
Montgomery.    Douglas   Gale.   "53 

425  S.  Rock  Hill  Rd..  Webster  Groves  19.  Mo. 
Moody.  Eugene  P..  Jr..  '55... 1009  Westbrook  Dr..  Charlotte.  N.  C. 
Moody.  Willard  .'Karon.  '55. .331   Mayflower  St..  Cramerton.  N.  C. 

Moon.  Conrad.   "53 88    Atlanta   Ave..   S.E..    Atlanta,   Ga. 

Moon.  Opal   Henry,  '53 988    Pelham   St..   N.W..  Atlanta.   Ga. 

Moon.  Tracy,  '55 110  E,  Geer  St.,  Durham.  N.  C. 

Moore,    Donald,   '55 507   Salem   St.,    Ihomasville.    N.   C. 

Moore.    Ellis    William,    '53.    8    Stonehe.lge    Rd.,    Andover,    Mass. 

Moore,  Ted  Lewis.  '54 1616  E.  Berry  Ave..  Gastonia.  N.  C. 

Moran.  George  J.,  '54 Cupsaw  Lake,  Wanaque,  Midwale,  N.  J. 

Moran.    Pete.    "55 R.F.D.    3.    Box    75.    Belhesda.    Md. 

Morrison.    Norton    H.,    '53 Madison,    Conn. 

Morse,    led.   '53 7844    Montgomerv.    Elkins    Park.    Pa. 

Morton,  Gerald  K.,  '52 1306  Broad'St.,  Durham,  N.  C. 

Morton,    Jack,    "54 1636    Maple    Ave..    Albemarle.    N.    C. 

Moselcy.  Robert  G.,  '53 129  Mt.  View  Ave..  Bluefield.  W,  Va. 

Moss.   William    Reginald,  '55 Box    I,   Spring   Hope,   N.   C. 

Mostellar,  Henrv  C.  Jr..  '52 59  Houston  St..  Mobile.  Ala. 

Motlow.   led  E..  Jr..  '54 312  Hillcrest  Circle.  Lexington.  N.  C. 

Mounie.  John  Robert.  Jr.,  '52 506  Williams  St.,  Portsmouth.  Va. 

Mowery.   Alfred   L.,  "55 1804  Central   Ave..  Augusta.   Ga.- 

Mo/ingo.   Cierald.   '53 La   Grange.    N.    C. 

Mueller.  John.  '53 1403  S.  Mission   Rd..  Okmulgee.  Okla. 

Mueser.  Robert  R.,  '54 Lawrence  Farms.  Mt.  Kisco.  N.  Y 

Mullen.  Eugene  C.  '54 105  Harding  Ave..  Kinston.  N.  Y 

Mundy,  Elbert  J.,  Jr.,  Special.... 1 295  Edgewood.  Jacksonville.  Fla 

Munies.  Richard  E..  '52 Ft.   Lauderdale.   Fla 

Murkett.  Philip  T.,  '53 27  Hamilton  Ave.,  Wheeling,  W.  Va 

.Murphey.   Frank   Crosby,  '52 

1829  Browning  Ave..  (  harlolte.  N.  C. 
Murphey.  Herbert  J.,  '53  ...  528  Granville  Rd.,  Newark,  Ohio 
Murphey.  Lawrence  T..  Jr..  '52     622  Hamilton  St..  Lancaster.  Pa. 

Murray.  Brian,  '55 Woodland  Ave..  Box  311,  Plainfieid,  N.  J. 

Murray.  Jim,  "54 5  Woodgreen   PI.,   Rockville  Centre,  N.   Y. 

Murray.  Malcolm  G.,  Jr.,  '52....737  C  lover  Ave..  Ellwood  City.  Pa. 

Murray.  Robert  H.,  '55 801  N.  Eugene  St..  Gree  isboro,  N.  C. 

Mutter.   Bobby.   '55 1908   Glendale   Ave..    Durham.   N.   C. 

Myers.  Alonzo  H.,  Jr..  '55 418   Fenton   PI..  Charlotte.  N.  C. 

Myers.  Charles  E.,  '55 42  Barker  Ave..  White  Plains.  N.  Y. 

Myers,  Duane  W..  '52 125  S.  Pickering  St..  Brookville.  Pa. 

Myers.    Jim.    '55 Williamston.    N.    C. 

Mylrea.    Bruce    W.,    '53 923    E.    16th    .St.,    Chester,    Pa. 

Nance,   Earle,   '54 General    Delivery,    Beckley,   W.   Va. 

Naomi.  Thomas.  Jr.,  '54 9  E.  Pack  .Sq..  Asheville.  N.  C. 

Naugle.  David  B..  '53 34  Gramercy  Pk.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 

Nawrocki.    Victor,   '55 617   Grove   St..    Irvington.    N.   J. 

Nayor.   Ed.,   '52 66   W.   32nd   St..    Bavonne.   N.   J. 

Neal.  Ralph  John.  "52 Rt.    1.   Durham.  N.  C. 

Neal.  William  W..  III.  "54 Crescent   Drive.  Marion.  N.  C. 

Neale.   Wm..   '54 81    Avondale    Rd..    Ridgewood.   N.   J. 

Neely.  John  Starr,  Jr..  '54 504  South  St..  Gastonia.  N.  C. 

Nehrig.   Harry   Meade.  '54 110' 2    Mellon  Ave..   Patton.   Pa. 

Nelson.  Burnham.  '52. ...476  Notre  Dame.  Cjrosse  Pointe  30.  Mich. 

Nelson.  Courtney  B..  Jr..  '54 3726  S.  Troost.  Tulsa.  Okla. 

Nelson.  Forrest  Eugene.  '53. ...2432  Westfield  Rd..  Charlotte.  N.  C. 

Nelson.  Richard  C.  '52 Rt.  23.  Lynchburg.  Va. 

Nelson.  Ronald  P.,  '52 57  Greenacre  Ave.,  Longmeadow.  Mass. 

Nesbitt.    John    Charles,    '54 Fletcher.    N.    C. 

Nessen,  Newell  John.  Jr..  '54 

2  Shelburne  Rd..  Springfield.  Del.  Co..  Pa. 
Nesslinger,  Ralph,  '52. .960  Fingerboard  Rd.,  Staten  Island  4,  N.  Y. 
Neuhaus,  Francis,  '54. ...30 10  Wallace  Circle,  Huntington,  W.  Va. 

Neumeister.  Leslie  Leroy.  '53 400  N.   Race  St..  Glasgow,  Ky. 

Newbill.  J.  W.,  '55 

"Santa   Clara."   Guatemala   City.   Guatemala.   C.   A. 

Newell.  Thomas  D..  III.  '55 2400  E.  5th  St..  Charlotte.  N.  C. 

Newsbitt.    J.    C,    '55 R.F.D.    I.    Fletcher.    N.    C. 

Nial.  George  A.,  '53 1621   N.E.  4th   PL.   Ft.   Lauderdale,   Fla. 

Nichols.   Creighton    Rice.    "55 Box    126.    Brattleboro.    Vt. 

Nichols.  Frank  A.,  '52 97  LockwooJ  Ave..  Woodbridge.  N.  J. 

Nichols,  John  L..  '52 315  W.  Trinity  Apt.  9.   Durham.  N.  C. 

Nidermaier.  Joe  M.,  '52 133   E.  Sevier  St..   Kingsport.    Tenn. 

Niven.   Charlie.   '55 1504   Orange   St..   Wilmington.   N.   C. 

Ni.xon.  Edward  C,  '53 15806  F.  Whittier  Blvd..  Whittier.  Calif. 

Noel.  William  Lee,  '52. .124  Broadway.  .-Xpt.  1.  Birmingham  9.  Ala. 

Noel.    William    W.,    '54 Hargrove    .St..    Henderson.    N.    C. 

Nordham.   Robert,  '54 1   Nordham  St..  Waldwick.  N.  J. 

Northrop.  Richard  A.,  '54 Washington  St..  Hermon.  N.  Y. 

Northrop.   Sam,   '53 2003   F.   5th   St..   Greenville.   N.   C. 

Norton.   Dudley   M.,  "53 76   Lincklaen   St..   Cazenovia.   N.   Y. 

Norton.   Malcolm   D.„  '52 54  Sullivan   St.,   Cazenovia.   N.   Y. 

Norwood.    E.   Lonnie.  Jr..   '55 Box   338,   Mt.    Holly.   N.   C. 

Norwood.    Olin    W..    Jr..    '52 Jasper.    Fla. 

Norwood.  1  homas.  Jr.,  '55 1101   Knox  St..  Durham.  N.  C. 

Novak.  Chuck.  '54 1420  Lathrop  .Ave..   River  Forest.   111. 

Nowlin,  John  Burton,  '55 946  Bromlev  Rd..  Charlotte  7.  N.  C. 

Nunn.    Roland.    '52 1018    Broad    St..    Durham,    N.    C. 

Nylen.    David    W.,    '53 105    N.    Lake    Dr..    Clearwater.    Fla. 

Oakley.  Thomas  A.,  '54 230  S.  24th  St..  Quincey.  III. 

Obarrio.   Gabriel,   '52 Box   512,    Panama   City,   Panama 

O'Brien,     Kenan,     '54 Box     267,     Edinboro,     Pa. 

Odell,   D.  J.,   '55 Mt.   Airy,   N.   C. 


O'Donnell,   Jon    P.,   '53 

900  Potomac  Ave.   B-l.   New   Alexandria.   Va. 

O'Donovan,  Denis,  "52 320  S.  9th   St..  S.   Miami.   Fla. 

Ogliikion.  Raymond  Levon.  Special Rt.  2,  Charlotte.  N.  C. 

Olds.   Ray   M..  '.'i.S 1610  Robinson.  Grand   Rapids.   Mich. 

Oliver,   Bernard   R..   "52 510  Spruce  St.,    Durham,   N.   C. 

Oliver,   Richard  C,  '55 502   Unitv  St..   Fort   Mill.  S.  C. 

Olive.  Julian  G..  '55 Box  2A,  Rt.  3,  Cole  Rd.,  Durham.  N.  C. 

OMansky.  Boris,  "54 Leaksville,  N.  C. 

O'Mansky.    Samuel     I..     '52 Leaksville,     N.     C. 

Onderdonk,  John  Clarke.   III.   '54 

360   Tenafly    Rd..    Englewood,    N.    J. 

Ormand.  Wm.   L..  '52 819  2nd  St..   Bessemer  City.  N.  C. 

Orr.  Kenneth  B.,  '54 820  Berkley  Ave..  Charlotte,  N.  C. 

Osborne.   Heber  B..  Jr.,  '54 

3305   Nichols   Ave..   S.E..   Washington,   D.  C. 

Osborne,  William  N..  '52 Box   267.   Hayti,   Mo. 

O'Shee.    Patrick   Clifford.  Jr.,   '55 

1130    Lakeview    Crescent.    Birmingham.    Ala. 

Osorio.   Hector  M..  '54 Box  633,  Caguas.   Puerto   Rico 

Ost.  John   W..   '53 66   Beverly    Rd.,   Oradell.   N.   J. 

O'.Steen.  Arthur  M.,  '52 509  Hyde  Park  Ave..  Durham.  N.  C. 

Ott,   Louis  J..  '55 3672   Wadena  St..   Seaford.  N.  Y. 

Otto.   Ronnv  C.  '55 34   Holmes  Ave.,   Ft.  Thomas.   Ky. 

Outcalt.  Richard  F.,  Jr.,  '55. ...Mill  Creek  Ln..  Chagrin  Falls.  Ohio 

Overton,  Joseph  Lowis,  '55 204  Grover  St.,  Shelby,  N.  C. 

Owens,  Dean  Paul,  '53 35  Clinton  PI..  Staten  Island.  N.  Y. 

Padgett.   Robert.  '53 240  Montlieu  Ave..   High   Point.   N.  C. 

Painter.  Bill  F.,  '53 Box  33S.  Mt.  Holly,  N,  C. 

Palatine.  Richard  L.,  '54 105  Abernethy  Dr.,  Trenton,  N.  J. 

Palmer,   John,   '55 1524   Somerset    Dr..    Lynchburg,    Va. 

Palmorc.  Erdman  B.,  '52. .2005  Colonial  PI.,  Winston-Salem.  N.  C. 

Pancoast.  J.  W..  "55 Parcellville,  Va. 

Pantelakos.  Deno,  '54 425  Sunset  Ave..  Rocky  Mount.  N.  C. 

Pardoe.  Charles  E.,  "55. ...4320  Cathedral  Ave..  Washington.  D.  C. 

Paris.    K.    Ralph,  Jr.,   '54 3764   Tuxedo   Rd..    Atlanta.   Ga. 

Parish,  James  D.,  '52 4523  Jersey  Ridge  Dr.,  Davenport.  Iowa 

Parker.  Paul,  "54 333   Morris  Ave..   Rockville  Centre.   N.   Y. 

Parkerson.   John.   "55 108    E.   52   St.,   Savannah,   Ga. 

Parks.  Russell.  Austin,  '52 81  Jefferson  Ave.,  Cresskill,  N.  J. 

Parr.   Bob.   '54 406    Beckner  St..    Lexington,    N.   C. 

Parrish.   Fred  K.,  '53 1208   Holloway  St.,   Durham,   N.  C. 

Parsons,  Donald  Thomas,  '55 

113   Simmons   Ave.,   Williamston.   N.   C. 

Parlian,  Fugene  G.,  '52 829  W.  Kingshighway.  Paragould.  Ark. 

Paschal,  Jerry,  "54 High  Point  College,   High   Point,  N.  C. 

Patrick,    Roman    L..    '54 Engelhard,    N.    C. 

Palsch.  Arthur  V.,  Jr.,  '54 211  W.  6th  Ave..  Gastonia,  N.  C. 

Patterson,  James  Thomas,  '53 1616  Aurelius  St.,  Swissvale,  Pa. 

Palon.  Charles  T.,  "53 311    W.   Union,    Morganton,   N.   C. 

Pally,    Dean    W.,   '53 1421    Linville   St.,    Kingsport,   Tenn. 

Patty.   William   H..  '54 511    E.   Davis   St.,   Burlington,   N.   C. 

Paulin.   Edward   William,   '55 

901  Matson   Run   Pkwy.   E.,   Wilminuton,   Del. 

Pavloff,    George,    '52 1903    West    St.,    Munhall.    Pa. 

Paxton,    Ronald    D.,    '55 Dundon,    W.    Va. 

Peacock.  Dan.  '52 8003  Blythewood  Rd..  Baltimore   18.  Md. 

Peake.  Frank  E.,  Jr.,  '52 2701    Lee   Blvd..  Arlington.  Va. 

Pearce.    Arthur.    '52 Box    207.    E.    Spencer.    N.    C. 

Pearson,   Alden   B.,  Jr.,   '52 6   Maiden   Ln..    Raleigh.   N.   C. 

Peck,    Kenneth   O.,   '53 421    S.W.    10   St.,    Ft,    Lauderdale,    Fla. 

Pell.  Allan  Briggs,  '55 W.  Main  St.,   Pilot   Mountain.  N.  C. 

Pensa,    Here,    '55 Westficid,    N.    J. 

Penlcr.    Bob.   '52 188    Winnona    Dr.,    Decatur,   Ga. 

Pepper.  George,  '52 2420  Bronx  Pk.  F.,  Bronx  67.  N.  Y. 

Perkins.    Bill.   '55 43    N.    Princeton.    Lynchburg,    Va. 

Perkins,    Dave,   '55 E.   Genesee   St.,   Spaneateles,    N.   Y. 

Perkins,   Ciordon   S.,   '55 Fincastle    Rd..    Bluefield.    Va. 

Perkins.  Henry  1.,  Jr.,  '54 2645  University  Dr..  Durham.  N.  C. 

Perlov,  Sande,   '54 

2000  Connecticut  Ave.  N.W..  Washington  8.  D.  C. 
Perry,   Thomas    F...   '54 

1728    Ocean    Dunes   Terrace,    Daytona    Beach,    Fla. 

Peters,    Thomas,  '54 401    Ridgeview  Dr..   Dravosburg,   Pa. 

Peterson.   David,  '53 5808   79lh   St..  New   York,   N.  Y. 

Petros.  William  C,  '55 1902   Market  St..  Wilmington.  N.  C. 

Pelruchik.    Pete,   '52 23    Nestor   St.,    Franklin.    N.   J. 

Phillips.  Richard  1...  '53. .500  N.  Lansdowne  Ave..  Drexel  Hill.  Pa. 

Phillips.   Robert   Fugene,  '55 1704   Knox  St.,  Durham.  N.  C. 

Pickens.  R.  Andrew,  "55 705  Florham  Ave..  High  Point.  N.  C. 

Piephoff,  /ack,  '52 714   Flwell   Ave..  Circcnsboro.   N.   C. 

Pierce.  George  W.,  Jr.,  '54 Lake  Balch.  l-ast  Wakefield.  N.  H. 

Picrry.  Robert  F..  '53 285  James  St..    leaneck.  N.  J. 

Pierson.   Kirvan  Henry,  '54.. ..6306  Pinehursi   Rd..   Baltimore,   Md. 

Pierson.    lom,   '55 Rt.   6.   (  aldwell.    Idaho 

Pierson,  Dick.  '55 1719  Fdgcwood  Dr.,  (  harleston.  W.  Va. 

Piglowski.  Alphonse  A.,  '52 690  Terrace  Blvd..  I3epew,  N.  V. 

Pingree.   Charles   Hazen,   '55 

270  Voltaire  PI..  Grosse  Pointe.   Mich. 

Pippel,  Richard,  '52 322  Hamilton  Rd..  Glassboro.  N.  J. 

Pischel.  Richard  A..  '52 3250  Perrv  .Ave..  New  York  67.  N.  Y. 

Pitman.  John.  Jr..  '52 503  England  St.,  Williamsburg.  Va. 

Pitt,    Howard.    '54 Dobb    .St..    Hertford.    N.    C. 

Pitts,  Charles  O.,  Jr.,  '54 

Marine  Barracks,  NOB.  Naw   115.  New  York.  N.  Y. 

Pizer,  Ed.  P.,  '55 740  Nash   Dr..   Raleigh.   N.  C. 

Plater.  Joseph.  '54. .4914  N.  Cumberland  Blvd.,  Milwaukee  11,  Wis. 

Plimpton.  Hollis  W..  Jr.,  '52 Quarrv  House.  Quilford.  Conn. 

Poe.  Edgar  A..  HI.  '54 831   Branson  St..  Favetteville.  N.  C. 

Police,  Arnold  H.,  '55 324  S.  Shore  Dr..  Miami  Beach.  Fla. 

Pollock.   Gerald.    '53 907    S.   Third    St..    Champaign.    III. 

Pollock.  Jim,  '52 Box    150,   Westerville,   Ohio 

Pomeroy,  Charles  E.,  Jr.,  '52....2103  Woodford  PI..  Louisville.  Kv. 

Poole,  1.  Talmage,  '55 727  N.  Garrett  St.,  Henderson,  N.  C. 

Poore,  William  E.,  "54 

Valley  Forge  Golf  Club,  King  of  Prussia,  Pa. 

Pope,  Thomas  A.,  '54 Box   344,   Enfield,   N.  C. 

Poppenberg.  John,  '55 2653  E.  27th  St.,  Brooklvn,  N.  Y. 

Porcelli.  Joe.  '55 905  Cleveland  St..  Durham.  N.  C. 

Porter,  George  H.,  '55 222  S.  Caswell   Rd.,  Charlotte.  N.  C. 

Poss.  Henry    Maurice,  '52....25   Belvoir  Ave.,  Chattanooga.  Tenn. 

Postma.  Herman.  "55 Ill)  Keaton  Ave..  Wilmington.  N.  C. 

Pott.   William    H..   "54 3360   Main   St..   Stratford,   Conn. 

Potter,  Eric  Davis.  "55 1801    Willis  Ave..   Raleigh.  N.  C. 

Potter.  Louis  K.,  Jr.,  "53 370  Oak  St..  Patchogue.  L.  1..  N.  "l'. 

Potter,  W.  Stanley.  Jr..  "54 120  Church  St..  Henderson,  N.  C. 

Powell,  Albert  A„  Jr..  "53 1632  Universitv  Dr..  Durham.  N.  C. 

Powell,  Ernest  C.  Jr..  "53....403'/2  N.  Gregson  St..  Durham.  N.  C. 

Powell.   Richard   Ripple 3308   Elizabeth   St..  Tampa.   Fla. 

Pressly,  George,  '55 526  N.  Wilmington  St..  Raleigh,  N,  C. 

Price.   Bob,  '52 Greensboro,   N.   C. 

Price,  E.  Reynolds,  '55 2311    Bvrd  St.,   Raleigh.  N.  C. 

Price,  Grady,  "55 2106  Sarah   Marks  Ave..  Charlotte.  N.  C. 

Price,    Russell.    "52 Box    565,    Summerville.    S.    C. 

Price,  James  S.,  '54 450  Highbrook  Ave..  Pelhani.  N.  ^^ 

Price,  Parham  T.,  '54 423  Elmwood  Ave.,  Lynchburg.  Va. 

Price,  Robert  M.,  Jr.,  '52.  .504  Nottingham  Dr..  Greensboro,  N.  C. 
Price,  W.  Knox.  Jr.,  '52 

2106  Sarah  Marks  Ave..  Charlotte  3.  N.  C. 

Pritchard.  Robert  H..  "52 3636  N.  Fredrick  St..  Arlington.  Va. 

Prichard.    P.    W..    "55 Box   43.    Fdgcwood.    Md. 

Probert.     Kenneth,     '52 Kingsvillc.     Md. 

Proctor,  Dan  M..  "52 2919  Guess  Rd..  Durham.  N.  C  . 

Progler,  Thomas   H.,  '54 P.  O.  709.  Clarksburg.   W.   Va. 

Pumphrey.   Robert.  '55 260  Ridgewood  Ave..  Davton  9.  Ohio 

Purnell.    Glenn.   "53 2740   Oakman    Ct.    6,    Detroit,    Mich, 

Pvatt,    K.    D.,    "55 603     E.    Walnut.    Goldsboro.    N.    C. 

Pyle,    Jack    L.,    '54 Box    297.     Maitland.     Fla. 

Quillard.   Francis  E..  '55 15   Calumet    Rd..   Holyoke.    Mass. 

Rabin,  C.  Ronald.  '54 150  Burns  St..  Forest   Hills.  N.  Y. 

Raby.  Claude  L..  Jr.,  "54. ...351  7th  Ave.  PI.  N.W..  Hickory.  N.  C. 

Rackley,  Charles  Edward,  "55 Box   253.   Independence.   Va. 

Ragsdale.    Bill    L..   "55 1721    Stanton    .St..    Atlanta.   Ga. 

Raidl,  Herbert,  "54  .     Peter  Fummergasse   10.  Kapfenberg.  .Vustria 
Raiford.  William  Patrick.  Jr.,  "53 

200   S.   Chapman    St.,    Greensboro.    N.    C. 

RaimonJo.   Gregory,   '54 4   Court   St.,   Bellmore,   N,   Y. 

Rambo,  James  Warren,  '53 802  Buck  .'\ve..  Durham.  N.  C. 

Randall.  Robert   Earl,  "54 

Warpman  Ct.  Apts.,  554  Westminster  .■\ve.,  Elizabeth,  N.  J. 
Randle,    Lou    E..   "54 

3025   N.   Meridan  St.,  No.   805.   Indianapolis.    Ind. 

Rankin.  Frank  L..  Jr..  "52 427  S.  Main  St..  Mount  Holly,  N.  C. 

Ransom.  James  R..  '55  42  Parkview    Terrace,  Summit.  N.  J. 

Katchford,  George   Rufus.  Jr.,  '53 

524  W.  Third  Ave..  Gastonia,  N.  C. 

Rath,  Lisle  Frederick,  "55 610  State  St..  Fulton.  N.  Y. 

Ratliff.    Dale.   '53 Box    195.    Hinton.    W.    Va. 

Ray.  Joe  Byron,  '54 308  E.  Woodland   Dr..   Dotham.  Ala. 

Raywid.  Alan.  '52 4535  Windom  PI.,  Washington   16,  D.  C. 

Read.   Robert    Mendel,  "52 St.   Stephen,  S.  C. 

Reaves.  William  Shelby,  '55    .400  Cochran  Rd..  Ml.  1  cbanon.  Pa. 

Redlack.  (  .  Kimball.  '54 216  N.  Race  St..  .Slalesvillc.  N.  C. 

Redmond.  James  S.,  Jr..  '53 29  Lakeshaw  Dr..  Ashcvillc.  N.  C. 

Redwinc.  Janics  Daniel.  Jr.,  '54 6  William  St..  Lexington.  N.  C. 

Recce.    Benny    Ramon,    '53 Rt.    1.    .Arden,    N.    C. 

Reed.  John   A..  '54.. 1720  Conn.  Ave..  N.W..  Washington,   D.  C. 

Reed.  Marshall,  '53 Brighlwalers.  L.  1..  N.  Y. 

Reed.   Myron  George.   II.  '52 

,Apl.   Aereo   318.   Barronquilla.   Colombia.   S.    A. 

Reese.  John   F.,  '55 314   Garfield   Ave.    Millon,   Pa. 

Reeves.   Jerrv   H.,   '52 1  10   Butler   Ave..   Cireenville.   S.   C. 

Reid.   Wilev   G.,   '54 3934    Dover    Rd..    Durham.    N.   C. 


Reigel,  William.  '55 1011   Washington   Ave,   Monaca,   Pa. 

Reilly,  Richard  Clarke,  '51        98.''   Kcnncsaw.   Birmingham,   Mich. 
Reiner,   Hciir\    C  hri.stian,   "55 

17  Granada  Wav,  t  la\ton  24,   Mi). 

Rcnuart.  Adhemar  Wm.,  "52 500  N.   57th  St.,'  Miami.   Fla. 

Rcvic,  Bruce  W.,  "52 21  Ramaop  Terrace.  Hair  lawn,  N.  .1. 

Reynolds,  loseph  C.  '52 740  .Sand  Hill  Rd.,  Ashevillc,  N.  (". 

Reznick.  Richard,  '53 58  Calhoun  St..    lorrington.  Conn. 

Rheinlander.  Robert  H.,  '55 1  ."^  Berrv  St..  Cilcn  Falls,  N.  Y. 

Rice.  Charles  L..  '54 23\5  Chapel  Hill  Rd..  Durham,  N.  C. 

Richards.  Donald  Boyd,  '52 2.151    Briner  Ave.,  .Akron.  Ohio 

Richardson.  Charles   H.,  '54 Lenapah.   Okla. 

Richardson,  Donald  J..  '54 115  Wilshirc  Rd.,  Syracuse.  N.  ">  . 

Richard.son,  Henry  C.  Jr.,  '54 

220  Greenwood   Dr..  W.   Palm   Beach.   Fla. 
Richardson.  Richard  B..  '53....3O02  Markham  Ave..  Durham,  N.  C. 

Richardson.   Roy  G.,  '52 604  C  hestnut  St.,  Columbia,   Pa. 

Richmond.    Jim.    '53 Box    336.    Hillsboro,    N.    C. 

Richter.  Carl  Hugo,  '52 716  Seiler  Ave..  Savannah.  Ga. 

Richter.    Fred,   '55 15    Olmslead    Rd..    .Scarsdale,   N.    Y. 

Ricker.    Hunt.   '53 2521    Watrous    Ave..    Tampa.    Fla. 

Rickey.    Bob.   '53 202    Watts   St..    Durham,    N.   C. 

Rid^ewav.  Herbert  L.,  '55 3312  Clark  Ave..  Raleigh,  N.  C. 

Riker.  Rodney  M..  Jr.,  '53 27  Seitz  Ave..  Rockville  Centre,  N.  Y. 

Rinaldi.    Roger   E..   "53 23    75th   St..   North    Bergen.   N.   J. 

Ring.  Bill  N..  "55 1489  Centre  St.,  Newton  Highlands  61.  Mass. 

Ring,    Clay    V..    Jr..    "52 Kernersville.    N.    C. 

Ripper,  Raymond  J..  '54        247  Walthery  Ave.,  Ridgewood.  N.  J. 
Riquezes.    Jose    Rafael,    '53 

Ave.  Arismendi.  QTA.  San  Jose,  El  Paraisa,  Caracas,  Venezuela 

Rist,    Monroe   D.,    '53 4232    Beech    Ave..    Erie.    Pa. 

Ritch.  James  E..  Jr.,  '53 1500  Lynway  Dr..  Charlotte.  N.  C. 

Ritchie,  Lee   Robert.  '52 Huntington.  W.   Va. 

Rivera,  Julio  C.   Special Humacao.    Puerto   Rico 

Rivers.  Thomas   M..  '53 201    North   Ave..   Anderson,   S.   C. 

Roaman.  Martin.  '54 25  Central  Pk.  W..  New  York  City.  N.  Y. 

Roarick.   Marshall   E.,  '53 Wagstaff   Lane.    Babylon.   N.   Y. 

Roberson.  Don.  '54 517  Revilo  Blvd..  Daytona  Beach,  Fla. 

Roberts.  Buck.  '52 No.   13.  Beverly  Apts..  Durham,  N.  C. 

Roberts.    I.    Elwood,   '53 Mt.    Holly.    N.   C. 

Roberts.   Donald  A.,  '55 2426  W.  Lanvale.   Baltimore    16.   Md. 

Roberts.   Harry.  "55 97  Johnson   Ave..   Malverne.  N.   Y. 

Roberts.  James  B..  '53 1601    Dexter  St..  Durham.  N.  C. 

Roberts.   John    D.,    '55 44    Rand    Ave.,    Buffalo,    N.    Y. 

Roberts.   John   E.,   '54 2813    Legion    Ave..    Durham.   N.    C. 

Roberts.   Bob   L.,   '55 137   S.   8th   St..    Lebanon.    Pa. 

Roberts.  William  Carmel.  Jr. 

339  S.  McArthur  Ave..  Panama  City.  Fla. 
Robinson,  .Mbert  Donald.  "52  .180  Carmita  Ave..  Rutherford.  N.  J. 
Robinson,   Carrol   M..   '53 

1520  S.  Olive  Ave..  West   Palm   Beach,  Fla. 

Robinson,  William  Gale,  '53 P.  O.  Box    144.  Smithfield.  Va. 

Rock.  Joseph  A.,  Special 16318  Linden  Ave..  Seattle.  Wash. 

Rockwood.  John,  Jr..  '53 

3777   Peachtree   Dunwoody    Rd..    .-Mlanta.   Ga. 
Rockwell.  Jack  D.,  '55....544  Oaklawn  Ave..  Winston-Salem,  N.  C. 

Rodio.  Carmen  J.,  '54 174  Walmer  St..   Hammonton.  N.  J. 

Roe.  Donald  W.,  '53 504  S.  Kanawha  St..  Beckley.  W.  Va. 

Rogers,  Nolan  H.,  '53 7800  7  Mile  Ln..   Pikesville.  Md. 

Rogers.  Robert  Taylor,  '53 148  Pinecrest  Rd..  Durham,  N.  C. 

Rogers.  William  Henry,  '52. ...215  Monmouth  Ave..  Durham.  N.  C. 

Rogers.  William  P.,  '52 493   Huger  St.,  Charleston.  S.  C. 

Rollins,   Jesse    Floyd,   '55 Greensboro,   N.    C. 

Ronca,  Paul  C,  '52 801  Pasadena  Ave..  Niagara  Falls.  N.  Y. 

Rose.  Louis  L.,  Jr.,  '52 201    Hempstead.  Charlotte,  N.  C. 

Rose.  Robert  K..  '55. .4429  Greenwich  Pkwy..  Washington  7,  D.  C. 

Roseberry.  Philip  L.,  Special 1056  Edison  St.,  York,  Pa. 

Rosen.  Robert  I..  '54 1611  St.  Paul  St.,  Rochester,  N.  Y. 

Rosenbaum.  Norman,  '53 925  Brandon  Ave..  Norfolk.  Va. 

Rosenberg.  John  M..  '53 909  South  St.  Ext..  Gastonia,  N.  C. 

Rosenfeld.  Robert  Louis.  '54 No.  9  Fordyce  Ln.,  Clayton.  Mo. 

Rosenkranz.  Donald  Ira,  '54 625  7th  St..  Lakewood,  N.  J. 

Rosemund,  Robert  A..  '53  ...100  Rockaway  Ave.,  Rockaway,  N.  J. 
Rosenson,  Leon   Mendel,  '53 

5347  28th  St.,  N.W.,  Washington  5.  D.  C. 
Rosenthal.  Joseph  Stone.  '52...  310  Markham  Ave..  Durham,  N.  C. 

Ross.  Joseph  G..  Jr..  "52 131  Yost  Ave.,  .Spring  City,  Pa. 

Rossell.  Spencer  G..  "55 64-36A   186  Lane.  Flushing.  N.  Y. 

Rossiter.  Donald  Harold,  '54..516  Villa  Grande.  St.  Petersburg.  Fla. 

Roth.  .'Mfred  D.,  '54 120  Seminary  Ave.,  Yonkers.  N.  Y. 

Roughton.  Ralph  Emerson,  '53 

Box  131,  E.  Church  St..  Sandersville.  Ga. 
Rovegno,  Donald  C.  '53 

CO  OIC  Modification  Center.  Birmingham.  Ala. 

Rowe,  Arthur  Wilson,  '53 190  Highfield  Ln.,  Nutley,  N.  J. 

Rowland.  John  Thomas,  '54 501   W.  Front  St..  Oil  City.  Pa. 

Rowley,  Graham  Thurston,  '54 

2205  Albany  Ave.,  W.  Hartford,  Conn. 

Kubencamp.  William  I...  Jr.,  '55 

155  Litchfield  Ave.,  Babylon,  N.  Y. 

Rucker,    Richard    ('..    '52 Bristol.    Tcnn. 

Kuda.   Rudolf  A..  '55 R.  No.  2,   Bayview,  Clearwater,   Fla. 

Rudge.   William   J..    IM,   '53E 

Box  401,  Schermerhorn  Pk..  Lcnor,  Mass. 

Rufly.  Franklin  G..  Jr.,  '54 Rt.   1,  Box    177.  Kannapolis.  N.  C. 

Rumer.  Ralph  R..  Jr..  '53 223  W.  8th  St..  Bloomsburg,  Pa. 

Runyan,   1  home  L.,  '52 1048  N.  Shore  Rd..  Norfolk  5.  Va. 

Rusinow,  Dennison  L,  '52.   721-32  Ave.  No..  St.   Petersburg,  Fla. 

Russell.   Don  James,  '55 15   Maple  St..  Woodsville,   N.   H. 

Kusscll.  I  ulher  ().,  Jr.,  '53. .A.  C.  L.  Mail  Room.  Wilmington,  N.  C. 

Rutherford,  John  M..  Jr..  '52 527  Nancy  St..  Charleston,  W.  Va. 

Rutherford,    Robert   O.,   '52 

194  Longview  Ave,  White  Plains,  N.  Y. 

Rutter.  Donald  H.,  '53 4307  Kathland  Ave.,  Baltimore  7.  Md. 

R.Nc/ek.  Walker  S.,  '55 Perry,  N.  Y. 

.Sack.    Martin,    '53 1908' River    Rd..    Jacksonville,    Fla. 

Saieed.  Alfred  Earl.  '55 414  West  4th  St.,  Greenville.  N.  C. 

Sams.   Charles   Marshall,   '54 

P.  O.   Box   835.   New  Smyrna   Beach.   Fla. 

Sams,  Warren  N.,  Jr..  '55 554  Pharr  Rd..  N.i;..  Atlanta,  Ga. 

Sanchez,  Joe,  Jr.,  '55 P.  O.   Box   936.   .St.   Augustine.   Fla. 

Sanders.    Robert    R.,   '54 Box    294,    McCormick.    S.   C. 

Sanders,  Tom  G.,  '53 22  Bruccmont  Circle.  Ashevillc.  N.  C. 

.Sanders,  Wm.   E.,  '53 312   Ridge  .St.,   Albemarle,   N.   C. 

Sandoe.    Lester    Bond,    '55 529    Euclid    Ave..    Bristol.    Va. 

Sansom,  Thomas  Haughlon,  '54 

406  S.  Fayetteville  Ave..   Dunn.  N.  C. 
Santamaria,  Angelo  R.,  '53. ...4627  Keswick  Rd..  Baltimore  10,  Md. 

.Sapiro.   Alan.   '55 138    Hill   St..    Highland    Park.   N.   J. 

Sardone.  Joe.  '55 219  Rector  St.,   Perth   Amboy,   N.   Y. 

Sargent.   E.   Dudley,   '55 Crescent   City,   Fla. 

Sarles,  F.  Williams,  Jr.,  '53 

208    S.    Tremont    Dr..    Greensboro.    N.    C. 
Sasser,  Louis  L..  '52    .1066  W.  Forest  Hills  Blvd..  Durham.  N.  C. 

Saylor,  Thomas  P.,  '53 2499  E.  Main  St.,  Bridgeport,  (  onn. 

Scalise.  Vincent  J..  '52 22  Lafayette  Ave.,  Geneva,  N.  Y, 

.Schachter.    Jerome    Miles,    '52 

M-34  University  Apts..  Durham,  N.  C. 

.Schaeffer.  Norb  F..  Jr..  '52 6999  N.  Meridian.  Indianapolis.  Ind. 

Schaffer.  William  Ronald.  '53.  American  Embassy.   Havana.  (  uba 

Schafroth.  Donald  M..  '53 570  Strathmorc  Rd..  Herrin.  111. 

Schafroth.  Douglas  W.,  '52 570  Strathmorc  Rd..  Herrin,  111. 

Schellenger,  Norman   D.,  '53 

1455  Normandy   Dr..   Miami   Beach.   Fla. 

Scharges,  Horace  Forsyth,  '55 118  84th  St..  Brooklyn  9.  N.  Y. 

.Scheffer.  Miles  H.,  '53 71-23  Harrow  St..  Forest  Hills.  N.  Y. 

.Scheil.  Charles  P.,  '55 19  Nelson  Ave..  Jersey  City  7.  N.  J. 

Scheman.  Robert  B.,  '54 11   Riverside  Dr..  New  York.  N.  Y. 

.Schenck.   Michael,   '55 203    Morton   .St..   Shelby,   N.   C. 

Scheuerl.   Donald   Raymond.  '55 

28  Edgewood  Dr.,  Ho-Ho-Kus,  N.  J. 

.Schieber.    Richard.    '53 Harbor    Acres.    Sarasota.    Fla. 

Schiffli.  John   Robert.   '55 Clewiston.   Fla..   Highlands.   N.  C. 

Schiller.  Peter  Harkai,  "55 Bartram  School.  Jacksonville  7,  Fla. 

Schimmel.  David  M.,  '55 815  Lake  Dr..  Baltimore   17.  Md. 

Schmidt.  Roland  A.,  '53 3723  Buckingham  Rd..  Pikesville.  Md. 

Schmitt.  John  L..  '55 517  Peck   Rd..  Geneva,  111. 

Schneider.  Edwin  B.,  '55....63-25  Saunders  St.,  Forest  Hills.  N.  Y. 

Schneider.  John  Allan,  '55 351  D.  Avenue,  Coronado.  Calif. 

.Scholley.  George  Grifford,  '53 

Medow   Hill   Ln..  Chagrin   Falls.   Ohio 

Schoonmaker,    Fred    W..   '52 Lander.    Wyo. 

Schrader.  Wm.  R..  '54 1920  Sherwood  Ave.,  Roanoke.  Va. 

Schreiner.    Charles    W..    Jr.,    '54 

313    Woodcrest    Rd..    Fayetteville.    N.    C. 

Schuck,  C.  W.  H.,  IV,  '54 2211  Wiggins  Ave.,  Springfield,  111. 

Schuler,  John  P..  '55 Rt.  2.  Coopershurg.  Pa. 

Schuster.  Charles  W.,  '52 555  Rock  Rd..  Glen  Rock.  N.  J. 

Schwartz.  Richard.  '54 333  Fairmount  Ave.,  Jersey  City.  N.  J. 

.Schwartz.  Ronald  M..  '53 

Newfield   Ave.,   R.F.D.    I.   Stamford.  Conn. 

Schwarz.  Fred  K.,  '52 205  Plant  Ave..  Webster  Groves,  Mo. 

Schwarz.  Robert  L.,  '54 145-16  89th  Ave..  Jamaica  2.  N.  Y. 

Scott.  Donald  F.,  '55 5501   Huntley  Sq..  Baltimore  10,  Md. 

Scott.    Michael.   '55 Bailey's   Bay.    Bermuda 

Scott.  Samuel,  '52 1012  N.   Main  St..   Kannapolis.   N.  C. 

Scott.  William  C,  '52 1912  Berkeley  Ave..  Petersburg,  Va. 

Scruggs,  Larry  E.,  '55 Rt.    1.   Box   75.  Canton.  N.  C. 

.Seager.    Charles   Ernest.    '55 Box    566.    Milton.    W.    Va. 

Seaton.  Joseph  Ralph.  "53 230  Braddock  Ave.,  Uniontown,  Pa. 

Sebastian.   Dick.  '55 

3901   Langley  Ct.,  N.W.,  Washington    16,   D.  C. 

.Seeley,   Ralph   M.,  Jr.,  '52 Candor.  N.   Y. 

.Seesholls.  Arnold.  '54.3 12  S.  Lakeside  Ct..  West  Palm  Beach.  Fla. 
Self.  Joseph  M.,  '52 2405  Campbell  St..  Greensboro,  N.  C. 


Semon.  William  C,  '54 2  Heights  Rd..  Manhasset.  N.  Y. 

Shahel.  Fred,  '54 4601    Bergenline  Ave..   Union  City.  N.  J. 

Shaffer.   Frank.   "55 160   Pennsylvania   Ave..   Westminister.    Md. 

Shaffer.    Fred   W..   "54 .....626   6th   St..    Huntington.    Pa. 

Shain.    Fdwin,    '52 105    S.    7th    St.,    Wilmington.    N.    C. 

Shankle.    Joel    Warren.    '55 Spencer.    N.    C. 

Sharer.  R.  Kenyon.  Jr..  '53.  I  1212  Euclid  Ave..  Cleveland  6,  Ohio 

Sharpe.  John  Frank.  "5.3 1  10  Magnolia  St..  Greensboro.  N.  C. 

Sharpe,  Keith  Y..  "52 981   Arbor  Rd..  Winston-Salem.  N.  C. 

Shaw.  Charles  P.,  Jr..  "54 25  W.  Ward  Ave.  Ridley  Park.  Pa. 

Shealy.   Norman.   "53 211    DeKalb   St..   Camden.   S.   C. 

Sheehan,   John   Charles,   "54 723    Uter   St..   Johnston.    Pa. 

Sheffield.    Karl   S..   "54 1813   W.    Main,   Waynesboro.   Va. 

Sheirich.   Kirk    Burr.  "53 819  N.   2nd  St..   Reading,    Pa. 

Shelby.    Wallace    McDowell.    "52 

307   Wxoming    Ave..    Maplewood.    N.   J. 

Sherril.  Tom  C.  "55 1509  Billmore  Ave..  Charlotte.  N.  C. 

Shiflet.    H.    B..    Jr..    "54 Maple    St..    Brevard.    N.    C. 

Shimchick.   Michael   B..  "55 1016   Henry  St..   Belle   Vernon.   Pa. 

Shingleton,   Hugh.  "54 107  S.   Warren   St..   Wilson.   N.   C. 

Shingleton.    Reddy.    "55 107    S.    Warren    .St..    Wilson,    N.   C. 

Shipley.  Joe   M..  '52E 426   Lament   St..  Johnson   City.  Tenn. 

Shipp.  William  B..  "53 418  N.  Hyde  Park  Ave.,  Durham.  N.  C. 

Shippee.    Pete.    "55 Buena    Vista    Ave..    Rumson.    N.    J. 

Short.    Robert   J..  Jr.,   "54 121    Flm    .Ave..   Wyoming.   Ohio 

Shrader.  William  R.,  "54 1920  Sherwood  Ave..  Roanoke.  Va. 

Shufelt.  Charles  E..  "53 1433  I.arkin  St..   High   Point.  N.  C. 

Shumaker,    Samuel    R.,    "52 

3512   Rodmon   St.,   N.W.,   Washington   8,   D.   C. 

Shuster.  Charles  Willard,  "52 555  Rock  Road,  Glen  Rock,  N.  J. 

Siegel.  Martin.  "55 101  School  Lane.  Trenton.  N.  J. 

Sieger.  James  Joseph.  '55 1009  S.  Fourth  St.,  La  Crosse.  Wis. 

Sieloff,  John.  '55 5718  Winthrop.  Indianapolis.  Ind. 

Sikes.    Lyndon   Ogburn.   '53 

918  Southeastern  BIdg..  Greensboro.  N.  C. 

Siler.  Ivan  Leon.  Jr..  '54 1114  Caldwell  St..  Greensboro.  N.  C. 

Simmons,  Walter,  '55 17  Court  T.  Lake  Vill.,  Wilmington.  N.  C. 

Simmons.  William   Powell.  '55 Pilot   Mountain.   N.  C. 

Simpson,  Robert  Ruesdale,  '52 210  Orange  St.,  Rock  Hill,  S.  C. 

Simpson.  Ronald  V..  '52 739  Valley  Rd..  Bridgeport.  Conn. 

Singletarv.  Richard  L.,  '54 31)3  Hand  Ave..  Pelham.  Ga. 

Skibsted.  Wesley  G.,  '52 6611  S.W.  98th  St..  South  Miami.  Fla. 

Skiff,  Farl,  "55 90  Snowden,  Schenectady,  N.  Y. 

Skodzinski,   Jules   Francis,   Jr.,   '55 

2542  F.  Clearfield  St.,  Philadelphia  34,  Pa. 

Slater.  Chuck.  "55 Chelyan.   W.  Va. 

Smilev,  Douglas  F..  '54 1400  Park  PI..  San  Marino.  Calif. 

Smith.  Bobby  W..  "54 921  Oakland  Ave..  Durham.  N.  C. 

Smith.  Charles  Elton,  '55 906  Amherst  Dr..  Charleston,  W.  Va. 

Smith.  Charles  T..  "54 1212  Holloway  St..  Durham.  N.  C. 

Smith.  Douglas  Ray.  "55 Rt.  5.  Bo.\   1048.  Charlotte.  N.  C. 

•Smith.  Elswick  Grant.  '54 610  Park  St..  Asheboro.  N.  C. 

Smith.  James  Charles.  "53 307  N.  4th  St..  Wilmington,  N.  C. 

Smith,  George  P.,  "55 536  Front  St.,  Perrysburg,  Ohio 

Smith,  James  Wesley,  "54..Childien"s  Home,  Winston-Salem,  N.  C. 

Smith,  Joe  B.,  Jr.,  "54 2028  Auerel  Ave.,  Roanoke,  Va. 

Smith,  Louis  Dale,  "52 .St.  Margarets,  Arnold,  Md. 

Smith,  Robert  L.,  "54 2685  Cranlyn  Rd.,  Shaker  Heights.  Ohio 

Smith,  Sidney  R.,  Jr.,  "53 2206  Pinecrest  Rd.,  Cireensboro.  N.  C. 

Smith,  Talbot  M.,  "54 2223  Cranford  Rd.,  Durham,  N.  C. 

Smith.   V.  Courllandt.   II,   "53 

Kanawha  Valley  BIdg.,  Charleston.   W.   Va. 

Smith,   Walter  I...  "53 Rt.   3.   Boone.   N.  C. 

Smith.  Whitman  F..  Jr.,  "53.. 1005  Pee  Dee  Ave.,  Albemarle.  N.  C. 

Smith.  William  E.,  "55 Wilson  St..  Laurinbiirg.  N.  C. 

Smith.  Wm.  Gordon.  '54 224  Colonial  Dr.,  Thomasville,  N.  C. 

Smith.    William    Herbert.    '54 Clover,    S.    C. 

Smith.  W.  Jordan.  '54 601   Hilltop  Terrace.  Alexandria.  Va. 

Smith.  William   L..  Jr.,  '52 Durham.   N.   C. 

Smullen.  J.  James.  Jr.,  '52 130  W.  Vine  -St..  Salisbury.  Md. 

Snow.  Kenneth  C,  '55 1218  Bonner  St.,  Washington,  N.  C. 

Snyder,  Bruce  Louis,  '52 P.  O.  Box  323,  Rutland,  Vt, 

Snyder,  C  harlcs  B.,  '55 808  Sunset  Ave.,  Petersburg,  Va. 

.Snyder.  Harry  M..  "52 Box  758.  Hickory.  N.  C. 

Snyder.  Jerry.  "55 165  2nd  Ave.,  South  Charleston,  W.  Va. 

Solow.  Alan  M..  '55 2041   Holland  Ave..  Bronx.  N.  Y. 

Sommers.  Richard  L.,  '53 1317  Linville  St..  Kingsporl.  Tenn. 

Sook.  Cieorge  R..  "53 626  Second  St..  Somers  Point.  N.  J. 

.Souchak,  Mike.  '52 1228  6lh  Ave..  Berwick.  Pa. 

Spalding.  Donald  W..  '54 5  Central  Ave.  C  ranford.  N.  J. 

Spangler.  Albert  D..  '55 311  E.  Gale  St..  Philadelphia  20.  Pa. 

Spangler.  Robert  F.,  '52 770  Main  St..  Danville.  Va. 

Spangler.    Ronald  T.,  Jr.,   '52 

Pont   Everglades.   Fort   Lauderdale.   Fla. 

.Spearman.  Cecil  Eldon.  Jr..  '53 35  Orchard  PI..  Hinsdale,  III. 

Spell,  Richard  Rudy,  '53 107  DeVane  St.,  Clinton,  N.  C. 

-Spelman,  Stewart  R.,  '53 Rockville  C  entre,  N.  Y. 

Spencer,   Jimmy   Y.,   '53.1325    Bitting   Rd..   Winston-Salem.   N.   C. 

Spiropulos.  Spiro,  '52 161-18—84   Rd..  Jamaica,  N.  Y, 

Spivey.  Bob  Atwood,  "53 4091/2   S.   Main  St..  Suffolk.  Va. 

Spofford.  Don.  "53 Route  4.  Box  17.  Pensacola.  Fla. 

Stahl.  Frederick  Andrew.  "53 

48  Great  Oak  Rd..  South  Strathmore.  Manhassett.  L.  I..  N.  Y. 
Stanton.  Frank  West.  111.  "55.  2904  Bayshore  Court.  Tampa  9.  Fla. 

Stark.  Dwight.  '54 165   Fast  Jefferson  St..  Franklin.  Ind. 

-Stark.  Lawrence  Wendel.  "53. .342  S.   Irving  St..   Ridgewood.  N.  J. 

Stark.  Richard  A..  "53 342  S.  Irving  St..  Ridgewood.  N.  J. 

.Stark.  Rufus  H..  "53 311   Eastern  St..  Greenville.  N.  C. 

.Starnes.  William  B..  "53 603  F.  Davis  St..  Burlington.  N.  C. 

.Stathacos.  Eustace  J..  '53 2507  Vanderbilt  Ave..  Raleiuh.  N.  C. 

.Stauffer.  Ronald  B..  "54 17  N.  4th  St..  Emmaus.  Pa. 

Stauts.  Lester  J..  Jr..  '52 St.  Davids  Park,  St..  Davids.  Pa. 

.St.  Clair.  Charles  Wade.  '52 359  Virginia  Ave..  Welch.  W.  Va. 

.Stecker.  Claude  E..  "52. .352  Spencer  St..  N.E..  Grand  Rapids.  Mich. 

Sleeker.  Matthew.  "54 2180  Wallace  Ave..   Bronx.  N.   V. 

Stegner.   Donald   I.lovd.   "55 

6208  Blackburn  Lane.  Baltimore  12.  Md. 

.Steele.  James  G.,  "53 160  Caldwell  St..  C  hillicothe.  Ohio 

.Steele.  Robert  L.,  "53 201  Lawrence  .Ave..  Rockineham.  N.  C. 

.Steffey.  Fred  H.,  '53 615  Woodruff  PI.,  C  harlotte,  N.  C. 

Stein,  Charles,  "54 1467   Essex   Rd..  Teaneck,   N.   J. 

Stein,   Gary,   "54 7    Robert    PI..    Irvington.   N.   J. 

Stephens,   Russell  F„  Jr.,  '54 

741   South  Garfield  Ave.,  Hinsdale,   111. 

.Stephens.  .Samme  C.  Jr..  "54. ...106  E.  Woodland  Dr..  Dothan.  Ala. 

Stephenson.   Edward   Vernon.   "55 Mt.   Lake    Park.    Md. 

Stephenson.    Paul    Dwight,   Jr..   "54 

410  Bennett  Heights.  Wadesboro.  N.  C. 

Stephenson.   Samuel   S..   "55 Angier.  N.  C. 

.Sterlington.   Wheldon   F..   "52 

618    N.    Fruitland.    Kennewich,    Wash. 

Stevens,  David  H..  "55 884  Main  St..  Conneaut.  Ohio 

Stevens.  Stanley  Burton.  "54 .25   1st  St..  Marcellus.  N.  Y. 

Stewart.   Burton  Gloyden.  Jr..  '55 

210  Smithwick  St..  Williamston.  N.  C. 

Stewart.  E.  Dick.  Jr.,  '55 East   Brady.   Pennsylvania 

Stewart.  Perry  M..  '54 Devon  Dr..  Yellow   Springs.  Ohio 

Stewart.  Thomas  III.  '53      I  10  Stratfield  Rd..  Bridceport  4.  Conn. 

-Stiffel.  Jules  N.,  '55... 5490  South  Shore  Dr..  Chicago  III. 

■Stilwell.  H.  Daniel.  '52 19  Belmont  Terr..  Staten  Island.  N.  Y. 

.Stokes.  DcLeon  E..  "54 

2241/2   E.  Worthington  Ave..  Charlotte.  N.  C. 

Stokes.  William  A..  54 506   E.   Forrest   Hills.   Durham  St. 

Stone.   Albert   Earl.   '54 124    Pine   St..   Chester.   S.   C. 

Stone,   John,   "55 1016    Monmouth    Ave.,    Durham.    N.    C. 

Stone.    Joe    S..    "54 E.    Side    Rd..    Culver.    Ind 

Stottlar.  James  F..  '52 Sunnyside  Ave.,  Shrub  Oak,  N.   Y. 

Stout.  Edward  B..  '53 3204  W.  Market  St..  Greensboro.  N.  C. 

Strader.    R.    Harold.   '52 Rt.   3.    Bo.x    268.    Reidsville.   N.   C. 

Stradley.  Walter   M.,  '52 War.  W.   Va. 

Strain.    D.    E.,    "52 708    E.   Trinity    Ave.,    Rt.    1.    Aurora.    Mo. 

Stranch.   David   Mahlon.   "53 Benton.    Pa. 

Street.   L.   Dexter.  "55 1919   Matoax   Ave..   Petersburg.  Va. 

Streeter.  Richard  N.,  '53 151   Joralemon  St..   Belleville.   N.  J. 

.Strickland.   Donald   B..  "53 Rich  Square.   N.  C. 

Strickland.    William    R..    "54 Fayetteville.    N.    C. 

Strother.    Paul   Nelson.   Jr.,   Special Stantonsburg,    N.   C. 

Stroud.  Barry.  '53 91   Lemport  Rd..  Upper  Darby.  Pa. 

.Strzetelski.  George  T.,  '55. .93  Spindle  Rd..  Hicksville.  L.  I..  N.  Y. 

Stuart.  Eugene  W..  Jr..  "53 3014  Bay  Vista  Ave..  Tampa.  Fla. 

Stubbs.  Robert  W..  "53... 103  E.  Stiles  Ave..  Collingswood  7.  N.  J. 

Styers.    Robert    Lee.    Special Rt.    7.    Winston-Salem.    N.    C. 

Su'dduth.    Robert    L..    III.   "54 

3488    Soulhmont    Dr..    Montgomery.    Ala. 

Sude.  Paul  J..  "55 546  Bergen  .Xve..  Jersey  City  4.  N.  J. 

Suger,  Richard  H.,  '55  ...11  Brompton  Rd.,  Rockville  Centre,  N.  Y. 
Suit.  James  R.,  '53 

Piedmont  Village  Rt.  2.  Box  21.  Creedmoor.  N.  C. 
Sullivan.  J  imes   Howell.  '52. .1411    Wynnton   Rd.,  Columbus,  Ga. 

Sullivan.     Raymond    C.    '55 Fllaville.    Ga. 

Summer.  Lew  E..  Jr..  '54        1310  Summit  Ave..  Fayetteville.  N.  C. 

Simderman.  Dee.  "55 25  Corwin  St..  Cazenovia.   N.  Y. 

Simficld.    A.   T.,   "54 3015    Latham    Blvd.,    Miami,    Ariz. 

Supinski.  Stan  X.,  "55 109  Abbeyview  .\ve..  Willow   Grove,   Pa. 

Sutta.   Elihu  S.,  "55 333  W.   End   Ave.,  New   >ork.  N.  "S'. 

Sutton,  David  B.,  "55 817  N.  Kinu  Charles  Rd.,  Raleigh,  N.  C. 

Sutton,  John  Hardy,  Jr„  "53 Box  224,  Rt.  2.  LaGrange,  N.  C. 

Svartik,    Jan,     "53 Torsby,     Varml.,     Sweden 

Swain,  Joe  O..  "53 302  Cumberland  Ave..  Asheville.  N.  C. 

Swan.  Hugh  G..  Jr..  '53 613  Broad  St..  New  Bern.  N.  C. 

Swanson.    Edward   N..   '52 Pilot    Mountain.    N.    C. 

Sward,  Gilbert   Leinbaugh,   "53 

2825    Greenvale    St.,    Chew    Chase    15,    Md, 

.Swing,  Mervin,  Jr.,  "53 5122  N.  Camac  St.,  Philadelphia,  Pa. 

Swofford.  Thomas  Hoyle.  Jr..  "52 

1505   Glenwood    Ave..   Greensboro.   N.   C. 


Swope,  Sidney  M.,  Jr..  '54 617  Dartmouth  Ave..  Orlando,  Fla. 

Sydenham.    R.   W.,   "54 Quarters   6.V    Ft.    Bragg.   N.   C. 

Svkes.  Richard  Lee.  "53 204   Boslcv  Ave..  Suffolk.  Va. 

Syke.s,  Zenas  M..  Jr..  '54 3974  Vermont  Rd.  N.E..  Atlanta.  Ga. 

Tahor.  Thomas  H..   54       815  A.  Indiana  A\e..  C  harleston.  W.  Va. 

Tafel.   Stantinc   Wilkinson.   '55 1324    Park    Ave..    Piqua.   Ohio 

Taggerscll.  Carl  Winfield.  '55 110  Tenaflv  Rd..  Tenafly.  N.  J. 

Taishoff.    Lawrence    Bruce.    '55 

4545    Linnean   Ave..   N.W..   Washington   8.    D.   C". 
Tamillo.  Joseph.  '52 

402   Milton   Ave..    112   S.   4Sih   Ave..   W.   Duluth.    Minn. 

Tamis.  Robert  Howard,  '52 91  1  Walton  Ave..  Nev.  York.  N.  Y. 

Tarlelon.    Bob.    '54 513    Lakesi.le    Dr..    Jenkins.    Ky. 

Tarnow.  Lawrence  M.,  '53. .80  Wyndham  Rd..  Rochester  12.  N.  Y. 

Tarr.  John  ,A..  Jr..  '54 391   Connecticut   .Ave..  Trenton.   N.  J. 

Tate.    John    B..    '53 407    N.    Greenwood.    LaGrange.    Ga. 

Taylor.  David  Wilson,  '53 519  P..  Cluh  Blvd..  Durham.  N.  (  . 

Tavlor.  Georae  F..  Jr..  '53 639  Dabnev  Dr..  Henderson.  N.  C. 

Taylor.  George  Richard.  '54.7273  S.W.  5.^rd  Ave..  S.  Miami.  Fla. 

Taylor.  James  C  '52 4320  19th  St..  N.R.,  Washinaton,  D.  C  . 

Tavlor.  Morris  Rav.  '52 R.F.D.  6.  Box  207.  Durham.  N.  C. 

Tavlor.  Robert  Walker.  '55 6203  Mossway.  Baltimore   12,  Md. 

Taylor.   Robert  W..  '54 300   Hillside   Ave..  Jenkintown.   Pa. 

Taylor.  Ronald  W..  '54 216  Washington  St..  Gloucester.  Mass. 

Taylor.  Thomas  Shelton.   '54 

13514  Cormere  Ave..  Cleveland  20,  Ohio 

Taylor,    W.    Herman,    '52 Pelzer,    S.    C. 

Taylor,    William    A.,    '52 Durham,    N.    C. 

Temple,   A.   H.,   '54 II    Paddington   Rd.,   Scarsdale,   N.   Y. 

TenHousten,   Edward   W„   '53 Paw    Paw,    Mich. 

Tepe.   Louis   C,   "53 832   Elm   Ave.,    Ridgefield,   N.   J. 

Terrell.    Robert    L.,    '52 Box    232,    E.    Quoeue.    N.    Y. 

Thacker.  Henry  Lee,  '55 1312  Myrtle  Ave..  Charlotte.  N.  C. 

Thaubald.  Edward  John,  '54 26  Maryland  Ave..  Elkins.  W.  Va. 

Theiss.  Joe  C,  '55 183  Maple  ,^ve.,  New  Martinsville.  W.  Va. 

Thomas.  Edwin  R.,  Jr.,  '54 1  Stoneleigh  Towers,  St.  Louis,  Mo. 

Thomas,  James  C,  '54 Upperco.    Md. 

Thomas,   Jerry  E.,   '54 

409  S.   Hawthorne   Rd..   Winston-Salem.   N.   C. 

Thomas,  John.  '54 427  Alexander  Ave..   Henderson.   N.   C. 

Thomas,  Norwood  A.,  Jr.,  '54.. 1101   Knox  St.,  Durham,  N.  C. 

Thomas,  Richard  F..  '52 

409  S.   Hawthorne   Rd.,   Winston-Salem.   N.   C. 

Thomas,  Robert  W„  '54 14th  A.  F.  Robins  A.  F.  Base.  Ga. 

Thomas,  Ted,  '52 Ill  N.  Tejon  St..  Colorado  Springs,  Colo. 

Thomas,  Wm.   Alan,  '55 913   Second   .St..   Durham,   N.   C. 

Thompson,  Albert,  Jr.,  '55 P.  O.  Box   187.  Bladenboro,  N.  C. 

Thompson,    Emerson    M.,   Jr.,   '54 Box   37,    Burgaw,   N.   C. 

Thompson.   Herrick  S.,  "55 

22210   W.    River    Rd..    Groose    lie.    Mich. 

Thompson.   Richard  F.,  '52 810  Fairway  Dr.,  Warren,  Ohio 

Thompson,  Samuel  B.,  '54... .1241  Woodley  Rd..  Montgomerv.  Ala. 

Thompson.   Wm.,   '53 846    18th    Ave.,    Honolulu, 'T.    H. 

Thorne.  Larry  G..  '55 216   Hull  St..   Beckley.  W.  Va. 

Tice.   James   R..   '53 3413    Draper   Ave..   Charlotte.   N.   C. 

Tillman,    Roy    D.,    '53 Mt.    Vernon    Springs.    N.    C. 

Tinsley.  Robert  S..  '53 2424  Memphis  St..  Lynchburg.  Va. 

Todd.  Thomas  U..  '55.. ..5580  Meryton  Ave..  Cincinnati   24.  Ohio 

Togasaki.  Shinobu.  '54 2120  Channing  Way.  Berkeley  4.  Calif. 

Toler.  James  Robert.  '55 224  Water  St..  Washington.  N.  C. 

Tollefsen  Robert.  '52 43  Josephine  St..  Staten  Island  14.  N.  Y. 

Tolleson.  Geo.  Clinton.  "53. ...2-1  Clarendon  Ave..  Greenville,  S.  C. 

Tolley,  J.   H.,  '54 1804   U.   Harvard   St..   Arlington,   Va. 

Tomlinson,  Charles  J.,  '52 17  Atlas  Ave.,  Malverne.  L.  I.,  N.  Y.. 

Toms,  Edgar  S.,  Jr.,  '52 214  Vickers  Ave..  Durham.  N.  C. 

Toms,  George  N.,  '52 914  Vickers   Ave..   Durham.   N.   C. 

Torgerson.  Mathias,  Jr.,  '53... .1823  Boynton  Ave.,  Westfield.  N.  J. 

Torrance,  Ralph   D.,  '55 4135   MikeJo  Ave.,   Macon,  Ga. 

Torre.  Elias  Rico,  '54  .. Faculty  Apts.,  Duke  Univ.,  Durham.  N.  C. 

Townsend.  James,  Special 3862  Arden  St.,  Jacksonville,   Fla. 

Tracey,  Preston  J.,  '52... 2005  Yearby  Ave.,  Durham.  N.  C. 

Trebus,   Robert  S.,  '54 101    Clinton   Ave.,   Irvington,  N.  J. 

Trevathen,  Robert  Richard,  "55...  505  S.  Clay  St.,  Gastonia.  N.  C. 

Trimble.  Thomas  N.,  "54 205  Cottage  PI.,  Charlotte,  N.  C. 

Trimper,    Dan.    '55 Ocean    City.    Md. 

Trollinger.  Rav  Russell.  Jr.,  '54. .204  Union  Ave..  Burlington,  N.  C. 

True,  Joel  B..  Jr..  "53 1001  W.  46th  .St.,  Miami  Beach.  Fla. 

Trulove.   John    Robert,   '53 Rt.    2.    Pinnacle,    N.   C. 

Trundle,  Sidney,  '53 206   Forest   Hills,  Wilmington.   N.   C. 

Tsangaris,  Neofvtos  T..  '52 49  Kipling  Plaza.  Clearwater,  Fla. 

Tsiantis,  Nick  George,  Special 2229  Bull  St..  C  olumbia,  S.  C. 

Tucker,  Cecil.  Jr._.  '52 3427  Chapel  Hill  Rd..  Durham.  N.  C. 

Tucker.  Daniel.  '55 2727  Columbia  Ave.,  Wilmington,  N.   C. 

Tucker,   Donald,   '55 Greenville,   N.    C. 

Tucker.  Perry  Alan.  '52 6  White  Store  Ave..  Wadesboro.  N.  C. 

Tucker.  Rovster  M..  '53 210  Edgedale  Dr..  High  Point.  N.  C. 

Turner,   Harold   E.,  '55 270  Henry   St..   Paramus.   N.   J. 

Turner.   James.   '53 129  Chestnut   St..   Danville.   Va. 

Turner.   John   C.   '53 Fair    Bluff,    N.    C. 

Turner.    Roger   J.,    '54 93    Jane   St.,    Harlsdale.    N.    Y. 

Tulhill,  David  F..  '52 35  Bradford  Ave.,  Pittsburgh  5,  Pa. 

Tymosko,    Donald,    '52 Park    Rd.,    Seymour.    Conn. 

Ulrich.  Robert  I  ..  '55  4926  3rd  Ave.  S.,  St.  Petersburg.  Fla. 

Ulsh.  Richard  ().,  '54 R.  D.  6,  Box  54A,  Durham,  N.  C. 

Umstead.  Richard  D.,  "54 Box   116.  Rt.  2.  Durham.  N.  C. 

Umstead.  William  U.,  '55 2512  Caseadilla  .St..  Durham,  N.  C. 

Underberg,  Alfred  E.,  '54 906  S.   Dakota  Ave..    Tampa.  Fla. 

Underbill.  Waller  S.,  '55 100  Taylor  .St.,   Windsor,   N.  C. 

Underwood,  Roland.  '53 1104  Golfview  Rd.,  Lake  Work.  Fla. 

Upchurch.  Carlton  E..  '53..9I9  W.  Markham  Ave..  Durham.  N.  C. 

Van  Blarcom.  Peter  Payne,  '55. ...407  Jackson  PI..  Alexandria.  Va. 

Vance,    Thomas,    '53 Spruce    Pine,    N.    C. 

Vandernool,  Theodore,  Jr.,  "52 

776  Bronxrivers  Rd.,  Bronxville,  N.  Y. 
Van  Deventcr.   Robert   Rinard,  '53 

Mansgrove    Rd..    Princeton,   N.   J. 

Van,  James  Earl,  '53 402  College  St..  Clinton,  N.  C. 

VanNess,  Richard  Albert,  '55 478  Essez  Ave.,  Bloomfield,  N.  J. 

VanOrder,  John.  '55 6793  College  Station.   Durham.  N.  C. 

Van/andt.  Richard  D..  '53 5816  S.W.  42  Ter..  Miami.  Fla. 

Varellan.  Chris,  '53 3515  Williamson   Rd..   Roanoke.   Va. 

Varner.  Robert.  Jr.,  '54 36  Stewart  Ave..  Mooresville.  N.  C. 

Vasquez.    Roberto   G.,    '55 Box    976.    La    Paz,    Bolivia 

Vass,  E.  Russell,  Jr.,  '55 2315  S.  Inge  St..  Arlington.  Va. 

Vaughn    Howard    '52 217    Steele    .St.,    High    Point.    N.    C. 

Vaughn.   Stuart.   '53 14830   Westwood.    Detroit    23.    Mich. 

Veasey.  Lee  Garland.  Jr.,  '54 1207  E.  Main  St.,  Durham,  N.  C. 

Veile,  Frederick  X.,  Jr„  '54 10  Ashburn  PI..  Fair  Lawn,  N.  J. 

Vick,    Charles    B.,    '54 .Seaboard,    N.    C. 

Viggiano,    Dante,   '52 47   St.    18,    Panama   City,   C.   A. 

Vilas.    Jack,    '52 28    DePeyster    Ave..    Tenafly.    N.    J. 

Vivona,  Dominic  Anthony,  '54 103  S.  2Ist  St.,  Irvington.  N.  J. 

Virden.    Frank    S.,    '55 Jackson.    Miss. 

Vodicka,    Ralph    E.,   '55 700  S.E.    1    St..   Ft.   Lauderdale.    Fla. 

Voegtlen,    Robert   S..   Jr.,   '55 Lebanon.   N.   J. 

Wacker,  H..  '53 83-22  Midland  Pkwy..  Jamaica  3.  N.  Y. 

Waddell.  Oliver.  '54 

214  Swift  Ave.,  Durham,  N.  C,  804  Shelbv  St.,  Falmouth.  Ky. 

Waggoner.  Gilbert  P.,  '55 146  Franklin  St..  Mt.  Airy.  N.  C. 

Wagner.  David  1...  '55 3330  Hanna  Ave..  Cincinnati.  Ohio 

Wagner,  Robert  C.,  '52 484  Stuyvesant  Ave.,  Irvington,  N.  J. 

Wagner,   Robert  William,  '52 

Ribant   Pk..   Lady's   Island,   Beaufort.  S.   C. 

Wagner.  William  C.  II.  '55. 160  N.  New  St..  Nazareth.  Pa. 

Wainwright.  Steve.   '53.4139   N.  Capitol   Ave..   Indianapolis.    Ind. 

Waldrop,   Peter  Nelson.   '54 Box   329.    Brvn    Mawr.    Pa. 

Walker,  Clarence,  '53 2943  Chapel  Hill  Rd..  Durham,  N.  C. 

Walker,  Robert,  '52 23   Falmouth   Rd.,  Longmcadow,  Mass. 

Wall,   Pat,  '53 515   Madison,   Birmingham.   Mich. 

Wallace,  Alston  A.,  '53. .2126  W.  Universitv  Ave.,  Gainesville,  Fla. 
Wallace,   Edward  Q..  '53..  105   E.   Benedict   Ave.,   Havertown,   Pa. 

Walske.   Ron,   '54 201    Edgevale    Rd.,   Baltimore.    Md. 

Walters,   Jack,   '55 1304   42nd   St.,    Birmingham   X.    Ala. 

Ward,     Bill.    '52 217    .Shirley     Ave..     Bristol,    Tenn. 

Ward,   Lavon,   '55 415   Jackson   St.,   Sandusky,   Ohio 

Ware.   Richard  M.,  '54 2621   N.   Florida  .St.,  Arlington   7.  Va. 

Warlick,  Charles  H.,  '52 734  4th  Ave..  N.W..  Hickorv.  N.  C. 

Warlick    Harrv.    '53 313    W.   6th   St..   Newton.   N.   C. 

Warmath,  William  T.,  '55  ...2204  Pinecrest  Rd..  Greensboro,  N.  C. 

Warren,  Harold  E.,  '52 6720  Rogers  Ave.,  Merchantvillc,  N.  J. 

Waser,  Charles.  '53 1112   Melrose  .St.,   Winslon-Salem,  N.  C. 

Wasselle,   Gerard   W.,  '54... .8059   222   St..   Queens   Village,   N.   Y. 
Watchman.    William    S..    '55 

1275    Pennington    Rd..   West    Englewood,   N.   J. 
Waters.   James   L.,   '54. 110  Longue   Vue   Dr.,    Pittsburgh    28,    Pa. 

Watkins,    Charles,    '52 Box    307.    Pelzer,    S.    C 

Watkins,  John  K..  Jr..  '52 104  C^harlotte  St..  Durham,  N.  C. 

Watov,  Richard  H.,  '53 1105  W.  .State  St.,  Trenton,  N.  J. 

Watson.  Charles  Sullivan,  '53 2200  N.   Main,  Anderson,  S.  C. 

Watson.  John,  '55 47-13  Bell  Blvd..  Bayside.  L.  I.,  N.  Y. 

Watson.   J.    Kimball.   '54 1130   Main   St..    Leicester.    Mass. 

Watwood.   Lvnn   M.,  Jr..   '55 

4831   36th  St..  N.W..  Washington.   D.  C. 

Way.   Maxwell   M..   '55 Box   448.   Carthage.   N.   C. 

Webb,    Evan    L.,    '55 Box     111     E.    Sta.,    Gastonia,    N.    C. 

Webb,  Frank  M..  '52 230  Ruaby  Rd..  West  Palm  Beach,  Fla. 

Weber,  Carl  Harold,  '55 1121   EJgemont  .Xve.,  Gastonia,  N.  C. 

Weeks.   Paul,   '54 321    Sanepon   St.,   Clinton.   N.   C. 

Weeks,   Thomas,   '54 Box    342,    Enfield,    N.    C. 

Weidlich,  William  R.,  '52 Ill   Walnut  St..  Dunellan.  N.  J. 

Weidman,  Frank  Cross,  "52 1318   Pine  Rd.,   Rosemont.  Pa. 

Weil.  Murray,  '55 675  West  End  .\ve..  New  York,  N.  Y. 


Weil,  Martin  Lester,  "54 102  S.  Race  St.,  Statesville.  N.  C. 

Weimann.  Robert  B.,  "52 10  Orist  Ave.,  Haddon  Heights,  N.  J. 

Weiss.    Alfred    H.,    Jr.,    •53 Box    266,    Brevard.    N.    C. 

Weiss,    Gerald    F.,    '5.'! Bo\    266,    Brevard.    N.    C. 

Weiss,  James  Owen,  ".'>2 1756  Crump  Ave..   Memphis,  Tcnn. 

Welch,  Bernie  Biirnette,  '53 3819  Leo  St.,  Winston-Salem,  N.  (  . 

Welchman,  Charles  B.,  '53 229  Heights  Rd.,  Ridgewood,  N.  J. 

Welcome,   Al,   '54 95    Laurel    St.,    Lee,    Mass. 

Weld.   Louis   M..  Jr.,  "55 120  Meyers   Ave..   Meyersdale.    Pa. 

Weldon.  John  Ira.  Jr..  Special Bo.x   100.  l.ouisburg.  N.  (  . 

Weldon.    Robert    W..    "52 66    Pearl    St..    Meriden.    Conn. 

Wellons.    William    Holt,   '54 Rt.    14.    Richmond,    Va. 

Wells.    Allison    Deans.   '52 307    Park    Ave.,   Wilson.    N.    C. 

Werhack.  John  .Arthur,  "54 133  Locust  St.,  Garden  City.  N.  Y. 

Werber.  William  W.,  '53. ...45 13  Amherst   Rd..  College   Park.   Md. 

Wern,    (  harles    Ed.,    Jr.,    '54 R.F.D.     I.    Brookfield,    Ohio 

Wertman,  Jay  Calvin,  '52. ..102  Pennsylvania  Ave.,  Watstown,  Pa. 
Westberry,  James   P.,  Jr.,  '55 

1791    Meadowdale   Ave..  N.E..  Atlanta,  Ga. 

West,    Hugh.    '55 Box    187,    Yadkinville.    N.    C. 

Westervelt.   Shelton,   '53 257   Maple   Ave..   Oradell.   N.   J. 

Westhall.    James    E.,    '52 20    7th    St.,    Lakewood.    N.    J. 

Wetmore.  William  S.,  '52 31  Coligni  Ave..  New  Rochelle.  N.  Y. 

Whanger.  Alan  D..  "52 13805  Shaker  Blvd..  Cleveland  20,  Ohio 

Whipple.  Gaylord  C.  Jr.,  '55 152  N.  Scoville.  Oak   Park.   111. 

Whilaker.   Donald   Reeves,  '55 Box    152,   Hillsboro,  N.  C. 

Whitaker.  H.  Fuller,  '55 1104  Buchanan  Blvd..   Durham,  N.  C. 

While.  Alvyn  W.,  Jr.,  '55 17  Whaley  Ave..   Pensacola,   Fla. 

White,   Robert  L.,  '53 Rancocas  Woods.   Masonville,  N.  J. 

White,     Robert     T.,     '53 Masonville,     N.     J. 

Whitescarver.  James  p.,  '52. .302  Tunbridge  Rd.,  Baltimore  12,  Md. 

Whitley.  Clyde  Thomas,  '52 Box  72,  Siler  City,  N.  C. 

Whitley,   Elbert.   '55 245   N.   4th   .St..    Albemarle,   N.   C. 

Whitlock,   Doug,   11,   '55 

2550  Massachusetts  Ave..  N.W..  Washington.  D.  C. 

Whitney,  James  L.,   '52 1325   Oak   St.,    Parkersburg.   W.   Va. 

Widner,   Ralph  P.,  '52 300  Westland   Ave..   San   Mateo,   Calif. 

Wiener,  Earl  L.,  '55 615  Longleaf  Rd..  Shreveport  50.  La. 

Wiethe.    Dale    R.,   '54 Fair   Oaks    Ln..    Cincinnati    5,    Ohio 

Wigfield.    Ernest,    '55 147    Virginia    Ave.,    Danville,    Va. 

Wilbanks.  George  D.,  Jr.,  '53 Rt.  3,   Box  506,  Tampa.   Fla. 

Wile.   Joe.    "55 204    Barrow    Rd.,    Lexington,    Kv. 

Wild.   Glenn   A„   '52 260   Prospect   St..    Pittsburgh,    Pa. 

Wilhile.    Jim.    '54 Paintsville,    Ky. 

Wilkinson,  Joe  H.,  '54.  1320  Van  Buren  St.,  Washington   12,  D.  C. 
Wilkins.   Burleigh  Taylor.  '53  .1009   Urban   Ave..   Bridgetown,  Va. 

Wilkins,  Willis  Jerry,  '54 3116  Overton  Dr..  Birmingham.  .-Xla. 

Williams,    A.    Clay,    '54 18    Oak    Knoll.    Belleville,    111. 

Williams,   Edward,  '53 524   Pleasant  St..  S.  Weymouth,   .Mass. 

Williams,   Charles   A.,   Jr.,   '52 

1025    Monmouth    Ave..    Durham.    N.    C 

Wlliams,   Earl   L..   '52 4304  San   Juan   Ave..   Jacksonville,   Fla. 

Williams,   John   C..   '52  2706   Gordon    .St..    Raleigh,    N.   C. 

Williams,   Martin  G.,  Jr..   '52 

930  N.   First  St.,  Jacksonville   Beach,   Va. 

Williams.    Max    Ray,    '55 Rt.    3,    High    Point,    N.    C. 

Williams.    Robert    H.,    '55 Rt.     I.    Elm    City,    N.    C. 

Williamson.  Robert  L.,  '55 2203  Woodrow  St..  Durham,  N.  C. 

Willctt.  Douglas  Vann,  '55. .2707  Shenandoah  Ave..  Durham.  N.  C. 

Wills.  Bruce  B..  '52 525  Flm  St.,  Erwin,  Tenn. 

Wilson.  Carroll   Vaughn.  '53.610  Woodland   Dr..  Grove  City.   Pa. 

Wilson.    Calon    Hayes,   Jr.,    '53 Marshallberg,    N.    C. 

Wilson.   Frank.   '54 36   South   .St..    Marcelles,   N.   Y. 

Wilson.  Richard  H.,  Jr.,  '55 1405  Carolina  Ave..  Durham,  N.  C. 

Wilson.   Owen   C,   Jr.,   '55 Box    677.    Lenoir.    N.    C. 

Wilson.  Milner  B.,  111.  '55 106  Riggs  Dr.,  Clemson,  S.  C. 

Wilson.    Norman    J..    '54  1602    67    Ave.    Philadelphia.    Pa. 

Wilson,  Ronald  L.,  '54 224  Murdock  Rd.,  Baltimore  12,  Md. 

Wilson.  Walter  Q..  '53 302  W.  3rd  St.,  Greenville,  N.  C. 

Wilson.     William    J..     '53 Rt.    4,     Mocksville,    N.     C 

Windom.  Robert  H..  '52 110  59  Ave.  S..  St.  Petersburg.  Fla. 

Winfield,  Gordon  T.,  Jr.,  '53 

1804   Chuckatuck   Ave..    Petersburg.    Va. 
Wingerter.  Ronald  E..  '54  .149  Mt.  Pleasant  Ave..  W.  Orange.  N.  J. 

Winslow.    William    T.,    '53 Goldsboro,    N.    C. 

Winslead.  John  Lindsay.  Jr.,  '55. .302  Greene  St.,  Greenville.  N.  C. 
Winter.  Thorne   Sherwood.   IIL   '55 

211   Terrace  Dr.  N.F..  Atlanta.  Ga. 

Winter,  Ralph  M..  Jr..  '52 811    Palmer  Rd..   Bronwiile.  N.  Y. 

Wise.  Richard  T..  '54 61   Bronxvjile  Rd..  Bronwiile.  N.  Y. 

Wise.  Waller  R.,  Jr.,  '52 654  t  ranford  Ave..  Durham.  N.  C 

Wiseman.  Charles  E.,  '54 39  E.   Franklin  St..  Nelsonville.  Ohi 

Withers.  Christopher.  '52.  3  Overlook  Dr..  Port  Washington,  N.  ^ 
Witherspoon.  Beverly,  '55  Children's  Home.  Winston-Salem,  N.  ' 
Wiltcoff.   Richard   Kenneth.  '55 

200  N.  Long  Beach  Ave.,  Freeport,  N.   ' 

Woldin,  William,  '55 .518  Church  St..   Bound   Brook.  N.  j 

Wolf.    Morris,    '55 

7022   Park    Heights   Ave..    Baltimore    15.    Md. 

Wolfe,  Duane  T.,  '54 1308  Carolina  Ave..  Durham,  N.  C. 

Wood,    Paul    M.,   '53 Martin   St..   C  arthace.   N.   Y. 

Wood.  Richard  Walker,  '54 1113  N.  Duke  St..  Durham.  N.  C. 

Wood.   Roy  S.,  '52 4416   Melrose  Ave.,  Jacksonville,   Fla. 

Woodfield,    Richard   Thomas,   '53 

1820   Randolph  St.,  N.W..  Washington,  D.  C. 
Woodbury.  Gerard  E.,  '55. ...I  127  S.  Garner  St..  State  College.  Pa. 

Woodard.  Jay  Westbrook,  '54 Rhamkatte  Rd.,  Raleigh,  N.  C. 

Woodlief.  Guv  F.,  Jr.,  '55 217  Chestnut  St.,  Henderson.  N.  C. 

Woolard.  William  L.,  '53 Box  300.   Pinetown,  N.  C. 

Wooten,    William.    '55 403    Maple    St.,    Greenville,    N.    C. 

Worthev,    Eugene    B.,    '52 3908    Hall,    Dallas,    Tex, 

Worthy.    Bill,   '55 I500I    Onaway    Rd..   Shaker    Hts.,   Ohio 

Wray,   Charles   W.,   Jr.,   '55 908   Vance   St..    Raleigh,   N.   C. 

Wright.   James    Milton,   '55 Box   47,    Leaksville,   N.   C. 

Wright.    William    H..    '54 R.F.D.    No.    2,    Toccoa,    Ga. 

Wright,  William  V.,  '53. ...301  W.  Greenway  St.,  Greensboro,  N.  C. 

Wyckoff,  Fdward  Lisk,  Jr.,  '55 Lincroft  Farm.  Lincroft.  N.  J. 

Wvllv,  James  R..  '54 23  Vista  Way,  Port  Washington,  N.  Y. 

Wynne.   George  J..   '53 Willis   Wharf,    Va. 

Wysard.  Herbert  Parsons,  '54.. Phelps  Ln.,  R.F.D.  2,  Babylon,  N.  Y. 

Yancey,    Henry,    '54 153     Huntley    PI..    Charlotte,    N.    C. 

Yancev.  Robert.  '55... 1 06  W.  Greenuav  St..  S..  Greensboro,  N.  C. 

Yaple.'  Newell    H.,    '54 203    S.    Brinker.    Columbus,    Ohio 

Yeates.    Clarence    O.,    '52 422    Raleigh    Ave.,    Norfolk,    Va. 

Yelaca,  Mike.  Jr..  '54 1714  Jackson  St.,  Aliquippa.   Pa. 

Yengst,   William  Carroll,  '54..  .401    Bvllesbv   Ave.,   Meadville,    Pa. 

York,  James  W.,  '55 319   Stowe  Ave.,   Asheboro,  N.  C. 

Young.   Ahin   M.,   '52 104   Buckingham   Ave.,   Trenton,   N,  J. 

Young,  David  Bruce,  '55 153  Shoe  Ln.,  Hilton  Village,  Va. 

Young.   Dovne  Jackson,  '55 Box  233,  Snow    Hill.  N.  C. 

Young.    Hugh    H.,    '55 Bronxville,    N.    Y. 

Young.  William   M.,  Jr„  '55... .71   Summit  Ave.,   Bronwiile,  N.   'V'. 
Younts,   Bob,  '53 214  Shirley  Ave.,   High   Point,   N.   C. 

Zavertnik.  Otis,  '52 202  St.  Nicholas  .Ave.,  Fnglewood,  N.  J. 

Zeeman.  Charles  G.,  '53 181  Jones  Rd..  Knglewood.  N.  J. 

Zerbv.    William    F.,    '53 352    Spring    St..    Reading,    Pa. 

Ziegler.  Fdv\ard  W.,  '54 53   Hartsdale  Rd..  Flmsford.  N.  Y. 

Zimmerman,  Joe.  '53 210  Chevy  Chase  Ct..  I.eesburg.  Va. 

Zimmerman.  Robert  T.,  "53 1503  Bluff  St..  Wichita  Falls,  Tex. 

Zimtbaum.  William  F.,  '53 508  N.  Ashe  Ave.,  Newton.  N.  C. 

Zollars.   William    B..   '54 Rio   de   Jancrio.    Brazil 


Aerial  View  of  West  Campus,  Duke  University 














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Mrs.  R.  0.  Everett 

M.  M.  Fowler 

J.  M.  M.  Gregory.  Jr. 

M.  F.  Johnson 

W.  K.  Rand 

15.  V.  Sewell 

Mhs.  J.  C.  Trknt 

E.  I{.  Williamson 


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PHONE  9-1979 





''Plan    the   yenrs   ahead   today 
the   Home  Security   way'' 

Hofne  06 

ome  oecuti 



Bascom   Baynes,  President 
George  Watts  Hill,  Chairman  of  the  Board 

District  Offices  in 
Nineteen   North  Carolina  Cities 






WEM    (  AMl'l  S  STORE 


Specialized  Laundry  Service 


Be  assured  of  good  work  and  fast  service 
by  sending  your  laundry  to  us.  Student 
representatives  will  handle  your  work  and 
make  every  effort  to  please  you. 


E.   P.   HAYES  '27,  Manager 

at  their  BEST 

&    TAVERN 

New  Oxford   Highway 

We  sincerely  appreciate  the  patronage 
of  the  concerns  which  have  advertised 
in  the  1952  CHANTICLEER.  They  have 
made  it  much  easier  for  us  to  puiili-;li 
this  hook  and  we  hope  that  whenever 
possible  you  will  trade  with  them. 





SaAx^nUf  One, 

362  5th  Avenue 

Date  Due 

378.756      qTB33^    J.40^ 


Tr.  R.   378.756   qT833Q   v. 40 
1952      611360 





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