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JNCC Report No. 292 
Checklist of fish and invertebrates 

listed in the CITES appendices | 
and in EC Regulation 338/97 


JNCC Report No. 292 
Checklist of fish and invertebrates 
jisted in the CITES appendices 
and in EC Regulation 338/97 

4th edition 

compiled by the 
World Conservation Monitoring Centre 
219 Huntingdon Road, Cambridge CB3 0DL 

wild] ife crime 

© JNCC 1999 

The Joint Nature Conservauon Committee is the body consututed by the Environmental Protecuion Act 1990 to 
be responsible for research and advice on nature conservation at both UK and internauonal levels. It 1s a 
committee of the Countryside Council for Wales. English Nature and Scotush Natural Hentage. together with 
independent members and with representanves from the Counuyside Commussion and Northern Ireland. It 1s 

supported by specialist staff 

Published by: Joint Nature Conservation Committee 
Copyright: 1999 Joint Nature Conservation Committee 
ISBN: Ist edition published 1988 ISBN 0-86139-466-6 

2nd edition published 1993 ISBN 1-873701-47-0 
3rd edition published 1995 ISSN 0963-8091 
4th edition published 1999 ISSN 0963-8091 

Citation: World Conservation Monitoring Centre (1999). Checklist of fish and invertebrates listed in 
the CITES Appendices and in EC Regulation 338/97. 4th Edition. JNCC Reports, No. 292 

Further copies of this report are available from: 


Joint Nature Conservation Committee 
Monkstone House 

City Road 

Peterborough PE] 1JY 

United Kingdom 

Tel: +44 1733 562626 
Fax: +44 1733 555948 

Prepared under contract from the Joint Nature Conservation Committee by the World Conservation 
Monitoring Centre. The World Conservation Monitoring Centre, based in Cambridge, UK, is a joint venture 
between three partners in the World Conservation Strategy and its successor Caring for the Earth: IUCN — The 
World Conservation Union, UNEP — United Nations Environment Programme, and WWF - World Wide Fund 
for Nature. The Centre provides information services on the conservation and sustainable use of species and 
ecosystems and supports others in the development of their own information systems. 

The designations of geographical entities in this report, and the presentation of the material. do not imply the 
expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of INCC or WCMC concerning the legal status of any country, 
terntory, or area, or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. 


Explanatory notes 
Introductory references 

Taxonomic list - Fish 









Taxonomic list - non-Coral Invertebrates 







il Achatinellidae 22 
\ Camaenidae 24 

Strombidae 24 

l Taxonomic list - Corals 

v i 

1 HELIOPORACEA 9 /Co€woTH Gehl! A) 29 
l Helioporidae 29 

3 Tubiporidae a 29 
»/ ANTIPATHARIA (Black Corals) 30 
3 Antipathidae 30 
— Astrocoeniidae' 36 
4 A Pocilloporidae 37 
4 Acroporidae 4] 
Poritidae y~ 354 
4 Siderastreidae’ ~ 59 
Bee Agariciidae 63 
Ww Micrabaciidae vag 69 
7 | Fungiacyathidae i 70 
Gq &, Fungiidae 70 
Rhizangiidae ~~ Ua 
Oculinidae 79 
Pectiniidae 4 83 
Mussidae fang 85 
9 Merulinidae 91 
9 Faviidae W~ 93 
Trachyphylliidae ~~ 109 
13 Meandriniidae 109 
13 AnthemiphylliidaeW, 111 
Suh aa 1] 
14 Flabellidae 131 
14 Guyniidae we 135 
Dendrophylliidae ~ 136 
Milleporidae m 145 
19 i’ STYLASTERIN 147 
Stylasteridae 147 
A a.Biner One 74 (08 
eee —_ 
a soy VE AGO ME CORE ea (iG 

Qrrna WEIPCUORE e5 Nr — 



Digitized by the Internet Archive 
in 2010 with funding from 
UNEP-WCMC, Cambridge 


This checklist was compiled by the World 
Conservation Monitoring Centre under contract 
F76-01-214 from the Joint Nature Conservation 
Committee. The author was Tim Inskipp. The 
document was produced by Julie Reay, with 

assistance from Rachel Bishop and Gillian Warltier. 

The volume builds on earlier editions, and we 
gratefully acknowledge the numerous contributors 
to those editions, particularly the authors: Patricia 
C. Almada-Villela, N. Mark Collins. Simon J. 
Moore, Helen Cormigan, Julie Hawkins, Helen 
Smith and Elizabeth Wood. 

The Natural History Museum (London) provided 
access to information on taxonomy and distribution 
from material held in their collections. 

Martin Sneary is thanked for developing the 
database from which this checklist has been 

Vin Fleming and Alison Littlewood of the JNCC 
CITES Unit are thanked for providing advice and 
guidance throughout. 


In Apmil 1991, the Nature Conservancy Council for 
England (English Nature), Countryside Council for 
Wales and Scottish Natural Heritage. acting 
together through the Joint Nature Conservation 
Committee. were appointed by the Secretary of 
State for the Environment as the United Kingdom's 
Scientific Authority for Animals under the 
Convention on International Trade in Endangered 
Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). CITES 
regulates international trade in wild animals and 
plants and in products derived from them, to help to 
ensure their conservation on a world-wide scale. 

The purpose of this publication is to provide a list 
of fish and invertebrates included in the Appendices 
to CITES, the Annexes of the European 
Community (EC) Regulation 338/97, and to list 
their IUCN (World Conservation Union) 
conservation status category (IUCN, 1996). Few 
invertebrates and only a small proportion of fishes 
have received a status assessment; consequently the 
Red List contains only a small sample of the 
species from these groups that may in fact be 

This document incorporates additions and 
amendments to the CITES appendices up to and 
including those made at the 10" Meeting of the 
Conference of the Parties in Zimbabwe in June 
1997 (effective from 18 September 1997). 

Conservation status is provided using the 1996 
IUCN Red List of Threatened Animals. For 
background material on the rationale of the IUCN 
threat categories, readers are referred to IUCN 
(1996), for background on the workings of CITES, 
recommended works are Favre (1989) and 
Wijnstekers (1992). For information by country on 
the diversity and status of fish, invertebrates and 
other taxonomic groups, and for a general review of 
biodiversity, readers are referred to WCMC (1992) 
and WCMC (1994). 

In a publication of this nature, it is inevitable that 
users will discover entries that need correcting or 
updating. The publishers would be grateful if their 
attention could be drawn to these entries, and the 
World Conservation Monitoring Centre would be 
grateful to receive details of such changes so that 
they can be incorporated in the database from 
which this publication is derived. 

Explanatory notes 

Each species is typically represented by a block of 
text: including scientific name (with alternatives), 
common names in the three official CITES 
languages (where available), geographic range, 
CITES Appendix, EC Regulation 338/97 Annex, 
and Red List category. Where a species has 
component populations or formal subspecies which 
are treated differently by CITES, the species entry 
is subdivided appropriately. 

Scientific names 

The taxonomic scope and sequence of orders 
follows the system adopted in the Appendices to 
CITES. For each taxon, the scientific name is given 
first (as listed in the CITES Appendices), with the 
most frequently used current synonyms in brackets. 
No standard nomenclature has been adopted by 
CITES for fish or invertebrates, with the exception 
of the birdwing butterflies, for which D'Abrera 
(1975) is followed. 


Where the CITES nomenclature differs from that 
used in Nelson (1984) and Parenti (1981), the 
synonymy used by these works has been noted. 

Non-coral invertebrates 

The systematics of invertebrates has been the 
subject of numerous studies, and the nomenclature 
of the CITES listings may differ from the latest 
scientific reviews. In particular, there have been 
extensive revisions of the papilionid tribe Troidini 
and the pearly mussels of the family Unionidae. 
Miller (1987) revised the taxonomy of the Troidini, 
uniting all birdwing butterflies in the single genus 
Troides with two subgenera: Troides (including 
Troides, Ripponia and Ornithoptera) and 
Trogonoptera. Similarly, the Unionidae taxonomy 
was partly revised by Johnson (1978), reducing 
many of the Epioblasma species to synonymy and 
reinstating the generic name Plagiola. Other 
species in the same family were reviewed by 
Johnson (1980). To help address the problems 
caused by the complexity of the taxonomy of the 
North American molluscs, Turgeon et al. (1988) 
produced a standard list of common and scientific 
names for all the fresh water molluscs of the United 
States and Canada. Wherever possible, the names 
used in this and the other taxonomic revisions 
discussed above are cross-referenced in the index. 

Black corals 

The latest major taxonomic revision of the 
Antipatharia was made by Opresko (1974). and 
forms the basis of this list, updated with more 
recent works. Although some workers have split the 
Antipatharia into a number of families. Opresko 
(1974) considered that there were only two 
families. the Antipathidae and the 
Dendrobrachiidae. Opresko and Bayer (1991) 
subsequently reclassified the Dendrobrachiidae 
placing this monotypic family in the Gorgonacea. 
There are no known records of trade for this family 
and it is not included in this checklist. 

Hard corals 

Lists for genera and species of hermatypic reef 
corals occurring in the Indo-Pacific have been 
compiled by reference to recent publications by 
Veron (1985, 1986, 1990a,b,c, 1993) and Veron et 
al. (1976, 1977, 1980, 1982, 1984, 1988, 1989). 
These studies cover the central Indo-Pacific area 
and details of additional species occurring outside 
this area have been obtained, for example, from 
publications by Cairns and Keller (1993) (South- 
west Indian Ocean), Sheppard and Sheppard (1991) 
(Red Sea and Arabian Gulf), and Wells (1972, 
1982, 1983) (Central and Eastern Pacific). Lists for 
genera and species of Western Atlantic reef corals 
have been compiled by reference to a number of 
key publications, for example by Cairns (1982a), 
Laborel (1970) and Wells and Lang (1973). Both 
reef and non-reef corals of the USA are listed in a 
booklet produced by the American Fisheries 
Society (1991). The family Fungiidae was revised 
by Hoeksema (1989). The taxonomy of deep water 
(ahermatypic) and temperate water scleractinian 
and stylasterid corals has been investigated in 
recent years principally by Cairns (1979, 1982b, 
1983a.b,c, 1984, 1985, 1986a,b, 1987a,b, 1988, 
1989, 1990, 1991la-e, 1994, 1995, 1997), Cairns and 
Keller (1993), Cairns and Zibrowius (1997), 
Zibrowius (1973, 1974a,b, 1980) and Zibrowius 

et al. (1977, 1990, 1992) and these references have 
been used extensively in the preparation of the 

Distribution records have been provided as far as 
possible by country and references are given to 
relevant publications. Countries cited in generic 
distributions without reference numbers fall within 
the distribution range shown in general reviews e.g. 
Veron (1986) and Wood (1983). However, this 
assumption will not invariably be true and, in a few 
instances, the genus may not occur. For example, 
Brunei falls within the range for many genera and 

so is listed. but reefs in this country are poorly 
developed. so the lisungs may be incorrect. 
Conversely. some countnes (e.g. Pakistan) are not 

listed. but may have coral communities. Exclusively 

deep water and deep/shallow water generic 
distributons (e.g. caryophylliids. dendrophylliids 
and stylasterids) are listed by general geographic 
area and the lists of countries are often substantially 
incomplete. Many occur off the edge of continental 
shelves. The distributions given for individual 
species are, in many cases, incomplete and the 
absence of a particular country should not be used 
as evidence that the species does not occur in that 

Common names 

The most widely used English common names (and 
where available Spanish and French names) appear 
on the line immediately following the scientific 
name and synonyms, below which the geographical 
range is indicated. The common names used have 
been taken from a number of standard reference 
works for fish and invertebrates of particular 
regions. Secondary common names have been 
included wherever this was considered useful, 
including non-English names commonly used by 
English speakers. 

Other information 

The three columns headed — ‘CITES’, ‘EC Reg.’ 
and ‘RL’, list the following information for each 


I or II in this column refers to the appendix on 
which the taxon is listed under the CITES. 

EC Reg. 

The letters (A-D) in this column refer to the Annex 
of EC Regulation 338/97 in which the taxon is 


The status of the listed species is taken from the 
1996 IUCN Red List of Threatened Animals. The 
Red List is a summary of information on all animal 
taxa known to be at risk. Additional information 
can be found in the JUCN Red Data Book Vol. 4: 
Pisces (Miller, 1977), the JUCN Invertebrate Red 
Data Book (Wells et al., 1983), Threatened 
Swallowtail Butterflies of the World (Collins and 
Moris, 1985), together with unpublished data 
sheets for North American fish taxa dated 1983, 
1984 and 1985 held at the World Conservation 
Monitoring Centre. 


Red List (RL) threat categories follow those given 
in the 1996 IUCN Red List of Threatened Animals. 
which also provides explanation of the categories: 

EX Extinct 

EW Extinct in the Wild 

CR Cnitically Endangered 

EN Endangered 

VU Vulnerable 

LR Lower Risk 

LR/cd _ Lower Risk/Conservation dependent 
LR/nt Lower Risk/Near threatened 
LR/Ic Lower Risk/Least concem 
DD Data Deficient 

NE Not Evaluated. 
Geographical Range 

The geographical range of each taxon is given in 
terms of political units arranged alphabetically. 
Small island dependencies, are also listed 
alphabetically. Place-names and names of countries 
follow the Times Atlas (1990) and United Nations 

It should be noted that, when a country is listed as 
being a range state of a species, the species may not 
occur throughout the country, and may even occur 
in only one or a few localities within the country. 

Published records of distribution have been used. 
Many taxonomic works give the range of a taxon in 
terms of broad geographical areas, rather than of 
political units. Individual countries may have a 
relatively well-known and well-reported fish or 
invertebrate fauna, but others do not, and inevitably 
it has not been possible to access all reference 
works. These factors may occasionally have 
resulted in some of the geographical ranges given 
here being incomplete or inaccurate, although every 
effort has been made to prevent this. 

Distribution notes 

A question mark *?’ in parentheses following a 
country indicates some uncertainty over the 
occurrence of the species in that country. 

A country where the species is known to be extinct 
is denoted by ‘(ex)’; a country where there is still a 
possibility that the species survives (for instance 
because recent searches have been unsuccessful) is 
denoted as ‘(ex?)’. 

Range states where the species has been introduced 
are denoted by ‘[ int]’. Range states where the 
species has been re-introduced are denoted by '[re- 

Names of countries and dependent territories 

This checklist has been made as compact as possible by listing some names of countries and dependent territories 
in the shorter forms given by United Nations (1993). 

Countries for which shorter forms of names are used and their shortened form: 

Brunei Darussalam 

Democratic People's Republic of Korea 
Falkland Islands and Dependencies 
Islamic Republic of Iran 

Lao People's Democratic Republic 
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya 

Northern Mariana Islands 

Republic of Korea 

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 
Syrian Arab Republic 

United Republic of Tanzania 

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Norther Ireland 

United States of America 


North Korea 
Falkiand Islands 



Northem Marianas 
South Korea 
Saint Vincent 


United Kingdom 

In the text, parent countries of island groups or dependent territories are omitted. These are listed below: 

American Samoa, USA 

Anguilla, United Kingdom 

Aruba, Netherlands 

Azores, Portugal 

Bermuda, United Kingdom 

Bouvet Island, Norway 

British Antarctic Territory, United Kingdom 
British Indian Ocean Territory, United Kingdom 
British Virgin Islands, United Kingdom 
Canary Islands, Spain 

Canton and Enderbury Islands, Kiribati 
Cayman Islands, United Kingdom 
Channel Islands, United Kingdom 
Christmas Island, Australia 

Cocos (Keeling) Islands, Australia 
Cook Islands, New Zealand 

Falkland Islands, United Kingdom 
Faeroe Islands, Denmark 

Federated States of Micronesia, USA 
French Guiana, France 

French Polynesia, France 

French Southern and Antarctic Territories, France 
Gibraltar, United Kingdom 

Greenland, Denmark 

Guadeloupe, France 

Guam, USA 

Guernsey, United Kingdom 

Hawaiian Islands, USA 

Heard and Macdonald Islands, Australia 
Isle of Man, United Kingdom 

Jersey, United Kingdom 

Johnston Atoll, USA 

Macao, Portugal 

Macquarie Island, Australia 

Madeira, Portugal 

Marshall Islands, USA 

Martinique, France 

Mayotte, France 

Montserrat, United Kingdom 
Netherlands Antilles, Netherlands 

New Caledonia, France 

Niue, New Zealand 

Norfolk Island, Australia 

Northern Marianas, USA 

Palau, USA 

Panama Canal Zone, USA 

Pitcaimm Islands, United Kingdom 

Puerto Rico, USA 

Queen Maud Land, Norway 

Réunion, France 

Saint Helena, United Kingdom 

Saint Pierre and Miquelon, France 

Saint Vincent, United Kingdom 

South Orkney Islands, United Kingdom 
South Sandwich Islands, United Kingdom 
South Georgia, United Kingdom 

South Shetland Islands, United Kingdom 
Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands, Norway 
Tokelau, New Zealand 

Tristan da Cunha Islands, United Kingdom 
Turks and Caicos Islands, United Kingdom 
Virgin Islands of the United States, USA 
Wallis and Futuna, France 

Introductory References 

Almada-Villela. P.C. 1988. Checklist of fish and invertebrates 
listed in the CITES Appendices. Nature Conservancy Council. 

American Fisheries Society 1991. Common and scientific names 
of aquatic invertebrates from the United States and Canada 
Cnidaria and Ctenophora. American Fisheries Society. 
Bethesda. Maryland 

Caims. S. D. 1979. The deep-water Scleractinia of the Caribbean 
Sea and adjacent waters. Snidies on the Fauna of Cura¢ao and 
other Caribbean Islands 37(180): 341 pp. 

Caims. S. D. 1982a. Stony corals (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa. 
Scleractinia) of Carrie Bow Cay. Belize. Pp 271-302 ink. 
Riitzler and I. G. Macintyre. eds.. The Atlantic Barrier Reef 
Ecosystem at Carrie Bow Cay. Belize. 1: Structure and 
communities. Smithsonian Contributions to Marine Sciences 
12: 539pp 

Caims. S. D. 1982b. Antarctic and subantarctic Scleractinia. 
Antarctic Research Series 34: \-74. 

Caims. S. D. 1983a. Antarctic and subantarctic Stylasterina 
(Coelenterata: Hydrozoa). Antarctic Research Series 38: 

Caims. S. D. 1983b. A generic revision of the Stylasterina 
(Coelenterata: Hydrozoa). Part 1. Description of the genera. 
Bull. Mar. Sci. 33 (2): 427-308. 

Caims. S. D. 1983c. Pseudocrypthelia. a new genus of 
Stylasterine coral (Coelenterata: Hydrozoa) from the 
Indonesian region. Beaufortia 33(3): 29-35. 

Caims. S. D. 1984. New records of ahermatypic corals 
(Scleractinia) from the Hawaiian and Line Islands. Occasional 
Papers of the Bernice P. Bishop Museum 25(10): 1-30. 

Caims. S. D. 1985. Three new species of Stylasteridae 
(Coelenterata: Hydrozoa). Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 98 (3): 

Caims. S. D. 1986a. A revision of the Northwest Atlantic 
Stylasteridae. Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology 418: 131 

Caims. S. D. 1986b. Stylasteridae (Hydrozoa: Hydroida) of the 
Galapagos Islands. Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology 426: 

Caims. S. D. 1987a. Conopora adeta. new species from Australia, 
the first known unattached Stylasterid. Proc. Biol. Soc. 
Washington 100(1): 141-146. 

Caims. S. D. 1987b. Range extensions of ahermatypic 
Scleractinia in the Gulf of Mexico. Northeast Gulf Science 9: 

Caims. S. D. 1988. New records of Stylasteridae (Cnidaria: 
Hydrozoa) from Westem Australia. including the description 
of two new species. Rec. West. Aust. Mus. 14(1): 105-119. 

Caims. S. D. 1989. A revision of the ahermatypic scleractinia of 
the Philippine Islands and adjacent waters. Part I: 
Fungiacyathidae. Micrabaciidae. Turbinoliinae. Guyniidae and 
Flabellidae. Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology N° 486. 

Caims. S. D. 1990. Antarctic Scleractinia. Vol .1. in J. W. 
Wagela & J. Sieg. eds., Synopses of the Antarctic Benthos. 
Koeltz Scientific Books. Koenigstein. 

Caims. S. D. 1991a. A revision of the ahermatypic Scleractinia of 
the Galapagos and Cocos Islands. Smithsonian Contributions 
to Zoology N° 504. 

Caims. S. D. 1991b. A generic revision of the Stylasteridae 
(Coelenterata: Hvdrozoa). Part 3: Keys to the genera. Bull 
Marine Science 49(1-2): 538-545. 

Caims S. D. 1991c. The marine fauna of New Zealand 
Stylasteridae (Cnidaria: Hydroida). New Zealand 
Oceanographic Institute Memoir 98. 

Caims S. D. 1991d. Cvclohelia lamellata. new genus and species 
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Pacific Science 45 (4): 383-388. 

Caims S. D. 1991e. Catalog of the type specimens of stony corals 
(Milleporidae. Stylasteridae. Scleractinia) in the National 
Museum of Natural History. Smithsonian Institution 
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Caims. S. D. 1994. Scleractinia of the temperate north Pacific 
Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 337: \150pp. 

Caims. S. D. and Keller. N. B. 1993. New taxa and distributional 
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from the tropical southwest Indian Ocean. with comments on 
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Caims. S. D. and Zibrowius. H. 1997. Cnidaria Anthozoa: 
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Favre. D. S. 1989. International Trade in Endangered Species: A 
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Hoeksema. B. W. 1989. Taxonomy. phylogeny and biogeography 
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Johnson. R. I. 1978. Systematics and zoogeography of Plagiola (= 
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Latimeria chalumnae Smith 1939 I A EN 

E: Coelacanth, Gombessa; S: Celecanto; F: Coelacanthe 
Comoros, South Africa (ex) 



Neoceratodus forstert (Krefft 1870) II B - 
E: Australian Lungfish, Ceratodus, Queensland Lungfish; S: Pez pulmonado australiano; F: Cératode, 

Australia (Queensland) 


Acipenser baerii Brandt 1869 Il B VU 

E: Siberian Sturgeon; F: Esturgeon sibérien 
China, Kazakhstan (?), Russia 

Acipenser brevirostrum LeSueur 1818 I A VU 
E: Shortnose Sturgeon; S: Esturion hociquicorto; F: Esturgeon 4 nez court 

Canada, USA 

Acipenser dabryanus Dumeéril 1868 Il B CR 
E: Dabry's Sturgeon, Yangtze Sturgeon 


Acipenser fulvescens Rafinesque 1817 II B VU 
E: Lake Sturgeon; S: Esturion lacustre; F: Esturgeon jaune 

Canada, USA 

Acipenser gueldenstaedtii Brandt 1833 I] B EN 

E: Russian Sturgeon 
Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Georgia, Iran, Kazakhstan, Romania, Russia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ukraine 


Acipenser medirostris Ayres 1854 II B VU 
E: Green Sturgeon; F: Esturgeon vert 
Canada, Mexico. USA 

Acipenser mikadoi Hilgendorf 1892 Il B EN 
E: Sakhalin Sturgeon 
China (?), Japan, Russia 

Acipenser naccarti Bonaparte 1836 I] B VU 
E: Adriatic Sturgeon, S: Esturion del Adriatico; F: Esturgeon de I'Adriatique 
Albania, Croatia, Greece. Italy, Slovenia, Yugoslavia (ex) 

Acipenser nudiventris Lovetsky 1828 II B EN 

E: Bastard Sturgeon, Fringebarbel Sturgeon, Ship Sturgeon, Spiny Sturgeon, Thorn Sturgeon; S: 
Esturion barba de flecos; F: Esturgeon a barbillons frangés 

Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Georgia (?), Hungary (ex), Iran, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Romania, Russia, 
Slovakia (ex), Turkey, Turkmenistan (?), Ukraine, Uzbekistan (ex) 

Acipenser oxyrhynchus Mitchell 1814 I] B - 
E: Atlantic Sturgeon; S: Esturion del Atlantico; F: Esturgeon de I'Atlantique 
Bermuda, Canada, USA 

Acipenser persicus Borodin 1897 II B EN 
E: Persian Sturgeon 
Azerbaijan, Georgia, Iran, Kazakhstan, Russia, Turkey 

Acipenser ruthenus Linnaeus 1758 Il B VU 

E: Sterlet 

Austria, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Georgia, Germany, Hungary, Kazakhstan (ex?), 
Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, Yugoslavia 

Acipenser schrencki Brandt 1869 Il B EN 
E: Amur Sturgeon 
China, Japan (?), Russia 

Acipenser sinensis Gray 1834 Il B EN 
E: Chinese Sturgeon 


Acipenser stellatus Pallas 1771 II - EN 

E: Star Sturgeon, Stellate Sturgeon; S: Esturion estrellado; F: Esturgeon étoilé 
Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Georgia, Greece (?), Hungary, Iran, Italy (?), Kazakhstan, Moldova, 
Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Yugoslavia 

Acipenser sturio Linnaeus 1758 I A CR 

E: Baltic Sturgeon, Common Sturgeon; S: Esturién comun; F: Esturgeon commun 

Albania, Algeria (ex?), Belgium (ex?), Bulgaria (ex?), Croatia (ex?), Czechoslovakia (ex), Denmark (ex), 
Estonia (ex?), Finland (ex?), France, Georgia, Germany (ex?), Greece (ex?), Hungary (ex?), Iceland (ex?), 
Ireland (ex?), Italy (ex?), Latvia (ex?), Lithuania (ex?), Morocco (ex?), Netherlands (ex?), Norway (ex?), Poland 
(ex?), Portugal (ex?), Romania (ex?), Russia (ex?), Spain (ex?), Sweden (ex?), Switzerland (?) (ex?), Turkey, 
Ukraine (ex?), United Kingdom, Yugoslavia (ex?) 

Acipenser transmontanus Richardson 1836 Il B LR/nt 
E: White Sturgeon; F: Esturgeon blanc 
Canada, USA 

Huso dauricus (Georgi 1775) Il B EN 
E: Kaluga 
China, Japan (?), Russia 



Huso huso Linnaeus 1758 iat B EN 

Syn. Acipenser huso 

E: Beluga, European Sturgeon, Giant Sturgeon, Great Sturgeon; S: Beluga; F: Beluga 

Azerbaijan. Bulgaria. Croatia. Czech Republic (?) (ex). Georgia. Hungary. Iran. Italy (ex), Kazakhstan. Moldova. 
Romania, Russia. Slovenia (ex?), Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ukraine. Yugoslavia 

Pseudoscaphirhynchus fedtschenkoi (Kessler 1872) I] B CR 
E: Syr-Dar Shovelnose Sturgeon 
Kazakhstan, Tajikistan. Uzbekistan 

Pseudoscaphirhynchus hermanni (Kessler 1877) I] B CR 
E: Small Amu-Dar Shovelnose Sturgeon 
Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan 

Pseudoscaphirhynchus kaujmanni (Bogdanov 1874) II B EN 
E: False Shovelnose Sturgeon, Large Amu-Dar Shovelnose Sturgeon 
Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan 

Scaphirhynchus albus (Forbes and Richardson 1905) Il B EN 
E: Pallid Sturgeon 

Scaphirhynchus platorynchus (Rafinesque 1820) I] B VU 
E: Sand Sturgeon, Shovelnose Sturgeon 

Scaphirhynchus suttkusi Williams and Clemmer 1991 ll B CR 
E: Alabama Sturgeon 


Polyodon spathula (Walbaum in Artedi 1792) I] B VU 
E: Duckbill Cat, Paddlefish, Spadefish, Spoonbill Cat; F: Poisson spatule 
Canada (ex), USA 

Psephurus gladius (Martens 1862) I] B CR 
E: Chinese Paddlefish 



Arapaima gigas (Cuvier 1817) II B DD 
E: Arapaima, Pirarucu; S: Arapaima, Paiche; F: Arapaima, Paiche, Pirarucu 
Brazil, Guyana, Peru 

Scleropages formosus (Miiller & Schlegel 1844) I A EN 

E: Asian Arowana, Asian Bonytongue, Golden Arowana, Golden Dragon Fish, Kelesa; S: Pez lengiiihueso 
malayo; F: Scléropage d'Asie, Scléropage formosus 

Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar (?), Philippines, Singapore, Thailand (ex?), Viet Nam 

Caecobarbus geertsi Boulenger 1921 Il B VU 

E: African Blind Barb Fish, Congo Blind Barb; F: Barbu aveugle, Poisson cavernicole d'Afrique 
Democratic Republic of the Congo 


Probarbus jullieni Sauvage 1880 I A EN 
E: Jullien's Golden Carp, Seven-striped Barb; S: Carpilla ikan temoleh; F: Barbeau de Jullien 
Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia. Thailand. Viet Nam 


Chasmistes cujus Cope 1883 I A CR 
E: Cui-ui 


Pangasianodon gigas Chevey 1930 I A EN 
E: Giant Catfish; S: Siluro gigante; F: Silure de verre géant 
Cambodia, China, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Viet Nam 


The genus Hippocampus comprises marine species, the taxonomy and distribution of which are poorly known. 
The general marine distribution is given in parentheses followed by a list of countries which may, however, be 
substantially incomplete. 

Hippocampus abdominalis Lesson 1827 D VU 
Includes H. agnesae Fowler 1908, H. bleekeri Fowler 1908, H graciliformis McCulloch 1911 
E: Big-bellied Seahorse 


Australia, New Zealand 

Hippocampus aimei Roule 1916 - D VU 
Laos, Thailand 

Hippocampus angustus Giinther 1870 - D VU 
Includes H. elongatus Castelnau 1873, H. subelongatus Castelnau 1873 

E: Western Australian Seahorse 


Hippocampus bargibanti Whitley 1970 - D DD 
Australia, New Caledonia 

Hippocampus bicuspis Kaup 1856 - D - 

Hippocampus borboniensis Duméril 1870 - D VU 

Hippocampus brachyrhynchus Duncker 1914 - D VU 
Includes H. tuberculatus Castelnau 1875 



Hippocampus breviceps Peters 1869 - D DD 
E: Short-headed Seahorse 


Hippocampus camelopardalis Bianconi 1854 - D VU 
Includes H. subcoronatus Giinther in Playfair & Giinther 1867 

E: Giraffe Seahorse 



Hippocampus capensis Boulenger 1900 - D VU 
E: Knysna Seahorse 
South Africa 

Hippocampus comes Cantor 1849 - D - 


Hippocampus coronatus Temminck & Schlegel 1847 - D VU 

Includes H. fasciatus Kaup 1853, H. mohnikei Bleeker 1854 
E: Crowned Seahorse 



Hippocampus erectus Perry 1810 - D VU 

Includes H. brunneus Bean 1906, H. fascicularis Kaup 1856, H. hudsonius DeKay 1842, H. kincaidi Townsend 
& Barbour 1906, H. laevicaudatus Kaup 1856, H. marginalis Kaup 1856, H. punctulatus Guichenot 1853, H. 
stylifer Jordan & Gilbert 1882, H. villosus Giinther 1880 

E: Lined Seahorse 

(W Atlantic, Caribbean) 

Bermuda, Brazil, Canada, Cuba, Mexico, USA, Uruguay (?) 

Hippocampus erinaceus Giinther 1870 - D VU 

Hippocampus fuscus Riippell 1838 - D VU 
Includes H. obscurus Ehrenberg in Klunzinger 1871 

E: Sea Pony 

India, Saudi Arabia, South Africa 

Hippocampus hippocampus (Linnaeus 1758) - D VU 

Includes H. antiquorum Leach 1814, H. antiquus Risso 1827 sphalm., H. brevirostris Cuvier 1829, H. europaeus 
Ginsburg 1933, H. heptagonus Rafinesque 1810, H. pentagonus Ginsburg 1937 sphalm., H. vulgaris Cloquet 

E: Short-snouted Seahorse 

(Bay of Biscay, Mediterranean to N. Africa) 

France, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain 

Hippocampus histrix Kaup 1853 - D VU 
E: Spiny Seahorse, Thorny Seahorse 


Australia, China, Indonesia, Japan 

Hippocampus horai Duncker 1926 - D VU 


Hippocampus ingens Girard 1858 D VU 

Includes H. ecuadorensis Fowler 1922, H. gracilis Gill 1862, H. hildebrandi Ginsburg 1933, H. ringens Jordan 
& Evermann 1905 

E: Pacific Seahorse, Giant Seahorse 

(E. Pacific) 

Ecuador, Mexico, Panama, USA 


Hippocampus japonicus Kaup 1853 - D VU 
E: Japanese Seahorse 


Hippocampus jayakari Boulenger 1900 - D VU 


Hippocampus kaupii Duméril 1870 - D - 
Includes H. punctulatus Kaup 1856 


Hippocampus kelloggi Jordan & Snyder 1901 - D - 

China. Japan 

Hippocampus kuda_ Bleeker 1852 D VU 

Includes H. aterrimus Jordan & Snyder 1901, H. barbouri jordan & Richardson 1908, H. fisheri Jordan & 
Evermann 1903, H. hilonis Jordan & Evermann 1903, H. melanospilos Bleeker 1854, H. moluccensis Bleeker 
1852, H. natalensis von Bonde 1923, H. polytaenia Bleeker 1854, H. rhynchomacer Dumeril 1870, H. 
taeniopterus Bleeker 1852, H. valentini Bleeker 1859 

E: Spotted Seahorse, Yellow Seahorse 


Australia, China, Indonesia, Japan, Philippines, Singapore, South Africa, USA, Viet Nam 

Hippocampus lichtensteinii Kaup 1856 - D - 
Includes H. swezensis Duncker 1940 


Hippocampus minotaur Gomon 1997 - D DD 
E: Bullneck Seahorse 


Hippocampus planifrons Peters 1877 - D VU 

Includes H. dahli Ogilby 1908 
E: Low-crowned Seahorse 


Hippocampus ramulosus Leach in Shaw & Nodder 1814 - D VU 

Includes H. atrichus De la Pylaie 1835, H. guttulatus Cuvier 1829, H. guttulatus multiannularis Ginsburg 1937, 
H. jubatus De la Pylaie 1835, H. longirostris Schinz 1822, H. microcoronatus Slastenenko 1938, H. 
microstephanus Slastenenko 1937, H. rosaceus Risso 1827 

E: Long-snouted Seahorse 

(Bay of Biscay, Mediterranean to N. Africa, Black Sea and Sea of Azov) 

France, Portugal, Spain, Russia, Ukraine 

Hippocampus reidi Ginsburg 1933 - D VU 
Includes H. obtusus Ginsburg 1933, H. poeyi Howell Rivero 1934 

E: Slender Seahorse 

(W Atlantic, Caribbean) 

Cuba, Grenada, USA, Uruguay 

Hippocampus sindonis Jordan & Snyder 1901 - D VU 


Hippocampus spinosissimus Weber 1913 - D VU 
E: Hedgehog Seahorse 


Australia (?). Indonesia 

Hippocampus taeniops Fowler 1904 2 D VU 

Hippocampus takakurae Tanaka 1916 - D VU 

Hippocampus trimaculatus Leach 1814 - D VU 

includes H. chinensis Basilewsky 1855, H. kampylotrachelos Bleeker 1854, H. manadensis Bleeker 1856. H. 
mannulus Cantor 1849. H. sexmaculatus Kaup 1856 

E: Three-spotted Seahorse 


China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, South Africa 

Hippocampus tristis Castelnau 1872 - D - 
Hippocampus whitei Bleeker 1855 - D VU 

Includes H. novaehollandiae Steindachner 1866, H. tristis Castelnau 1872 
E: White's Seahorse 


Hippocampus zebra Whitley 1964 - D - 

Hippocampus zosterae Jordan & Gilbert 1882 - D VU 

Includes H. regulus Ginsburg 1933, H. rosamondae Borodin 1928 
E: Dwarf Seahorse 

(W. Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico and E. Florida) 

Cuba, USA 



Cynoscion macdonaldi Gilbert 1890 I A - 
E: MacDonald's Weakfish, Totoaba; S: Totoba; F: Acoupa de MacDonald 

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Atrophaneura palu (Martin 1912) 
E: Palu Swallowtail 

Baronia brevicornis Salvin 1893 
E: Short-horned Baronia 

Bhutanitis lidderdalii Atkinson 1873 
E: Bhutan Glory 
Bhutan, China, India, Myanmar, Thailand 

Bhutanitis ludlowi Gabriel 1942 
E: Ludlow's Bhutan Swallowtail 

Bhutanitis mansfieldi (Riley 1939) 
E: Mansfield's Three-tailed Swallowtail 

Bhutanitis thaidina (Blanchard 1871) 
E: Chinese Three-tailed Swallowtail 

Graphium sandawanum Yamamoto 1977 
E: Apo Swallowtail 

Graphium stresemanni Rothschild 1916 

Ornithoptera aesacus Ney 1903 

Ornithoptera akakeae Kobayashi and Koiwaya 1978 


Ornithoptera alexandrae (Rothschild 1907) 




ECReg. = RL 

B LR/nt 
B = 


B LR/Ic 

B is 


E: Queen Alexandra's Birdwing; F: Ornithoptére de la reine Alexandra 

Papua New Guinea 

Ornithoptera allottei (Rothschild 1914) 


E: Abbé Allotte's Birdwing; F: Ornithoptére de I'abbé Allotte 

Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands 


Ornithoptera caelestis (Rothschild 1898) Il B - 
Papua New Guinea 

Ornithoptera chimaera (Rothschild 1904) Il B LR/nt 
E: Chimaera Birdwing; F: La chimére, Ornithoptére chimére 
Indonesia, Papua New Guinea 

Ornithoptera croesus Wallace 1859 Il B EN 
Subspecies: croesus, lydius 


Ornithoptera goliath Oberthir 1888 II B - 

E: Goliath Birdwing; F: Ornithoptere goliath 
Indonesia. Papua New Guinea 

Ornithoptera meridionalis (Rothschild 1897) Il B EN 
F: Ornithoptére méridional 
Indonesia, Papua New Guinea 

Ornithoptera paradisea Staudinger 1893 II B LR/Ic 
E: Butterfly of Paradise, Paradise Birdwing, Tailed Birdwing; F: Ornithoptére de paradis 
Indonesia, Papua New Guinea 

Ornithoptera priamus (Linnaeus 1758) Il B - 
Subspecies: admiralitatis, arruana, boisduvali, bornemanni, euphorion, gebeensis, hecuba, miokensis, poseidon, 

E: Common Birdwing, Common Green Birdwing, New Guinea Birdwing, Priam's Birdwing 
Australia, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea 

Ornithoptera richmondia (Gray 1852) II B - 
E: Richmond Birdwing 


Ornithoptera rothschildi Kenrick 1911 I] B VU 
E: Rothschild's Birdwing 


Ornithoptera tithonus de Haan 1840 II B DD 
Subspecies: misoolana, tithonus, waigeuensis 


Ornithoptera urvillianus (Guérin-Méneville 1829) Il B - 

E: D'Urville's Birdwing 
Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands 

Ornithoptera victoriae Gray 1856 II B - 
E: Queen Victoria's Birdwing; F: Ornithoptére de la reine Victoria 
Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands 

Papilio benguetanus Joicey & Talbot 1923 - B LR/ni 

Papilio chikae Igarashi 1965 I A EN 
E: Luzon Peacock Swallowtail 

Papilio esperanza Beutelspacher 1975 - B VU 


Papilio grosesmithi Rothschild 1926 - B LRvnt 

Papilio homerus Fabricius 1793 I A EN 
E: Homerus Swallowtail 


Papilio hospiton Guenée 1839 | A EN 

E: Corsican Swallowtail 
France. Italy 

Papilio maraho (Shiraki & Sonan 1934) - B LR/nt 

Papilio morondavana - B DD 
E: Madagascan Emperor Swallowtail 

Papilio neumoegeni Honrath 1890 - B VU 

Parides ascanius (Cramer 1775) - B VU 
E: Fluminense Swallowtail 

Parides hahneli (Staudinger 1882) - B DD 
E: Hahnel's Amazonian Swallowtail 

Parnassius apollo Linnaeus 1758 Bt A VU 

E: Apollo, Apoilo Butterfly, Mountain Apollo; S: Apolo, Mariposa apollo 

Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan (?), Bulgaria, China, Czech Republic, Czechoslovakia, Finland, 
France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary (?), Iran, Iraq, Italy, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia (ex), 
Liechtenstein, Lithuania (ex), Mongolia, Netherlands (?), Norway, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Spain, 
Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Turkey, Ukraine, Yugoslavia 

Teinopalpus aureus Mell 1923 I B DD 
E: Golden Kaiserihind 
China, Viet Nam (?) 

Teinopalpus imperialis Hope 1843 I B LR/nt 
E: Kaiserihind 
Bhutan, China, India, Myanmar, Nepal 

Trogonoptera brookiana (Wallace 1856) Il B - 
Subspecies: albescens, brookiana, haugumei, natunensis, trogon 

E: Rajah Brooke's Birdwing; F: Ornithoptére de Brooke 

Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia 

Trogonoptera trojana (Honrath 1886) I] B - 
Troides aeacus (C. and R. Felder 1860) I] B - 

Subspecies: aeacus, kaguya, thomsoni 

E: Golden Birdwing, Small Birdwing; F: Ornithoptére d'Obi 

Bangladesh (?), Bhutan, Cambodia, China (Sichuan), India, Indonesia (Sumatra), Laos (?), Malaysia (Peninsular 
Malaysia), Myanmar, Nepal, Taiwan, Thailand, Viet Nam 


Troides amphrysus (Cramer 1782) II B - 
Subspecies: amphnvsus, andrewei, flavicollis, niasicus, ruficollis, vistara 

E: Golden Birdwing, Malay Birdwing 

Brunei. Indonesia. Malaysia. Myanmar, Singapore, Thailand 

Troides andromache (Staudinger 1892) I] B LR/nt 
Subspecies: andromache, 'marapokensis' (the latter now regarded as a female form of andromache) 
Indonesia (?), Malaysia 

Troides criton (C. and R. Felder 1860) II B - 

Subspecies: celebensis, criton. The former is now considered to be unrelated to 7. criton, it may be a separate 
species or a natural hybrid of 7. haliphron and T. helena 


Troides cuneifer (Oberthiir 1879) Il B - 
Subspecies: cuneifer, peninsulae, sumatranus 

E: Golden Birdwing 

Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand 

Troides darsius (Gray 1852) II B - 
Sri Lanka 

Troides dohertyi (Rippon 1893) II B VU 
E: Talaud Black Birdwing 


Troides haliphron (Boisduval 1836) II B - 

Subspecies: ariadne, ikarus, iris, haliphron, naias, pallens, pistor, socrates, staudingeri 

Troides helena (Linnaeus 1758) II B - 

Subspecies: antileuca, cerberus, ferrari, helena, heliconoides, hephaestus, isara, maurus, mopa, moschylus, 
neoris, nereides, nereis, orientis, propinquus, sagittatus, spilotia, typhaon 

E: Black-and-gold Birdwing, Common Birdwing 

Bangladesh, Bhutan (?), Brunei, Cambodia (?), China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, 
Nepal, Singapore, Thailand, Viet Nam 

Troides hypolitus (Cramer 1775) II B - 
Subspecies: antiope, cellularis, hypolitus, sulaensis 


Troides magellanus (C. and R. Felder 1862) Il B - 

Subspecies: apoensis, magellanus, sonani 
Philippines, Taiwan 

Troides minos (Cramer 1779) I] B - 
Troides miranda (Butler 1869) II B - 

Subspecies: miranda, neomiranda 
Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia 

Troides oblongomaculatus (Goeze 1779) I] B - 
Subspecies: bandensis, bouruensis, hanno, oblongomaculatus, papuensis, thestius 
Indonesia, Papua New Guinea 

Troides plateni Staudinger 1888 Il B - 


Troides plato Wallace 1865 II B - 

Troides prattorum (Joicey and Talbot 1922) Il B VU 
E: Buru Opalescent Birdwing 

Troides rhadamantus (Lucas 1835) II B - 

Troides riedeli (Kirsch 1885) Il B - 

Troides vandepolli (Snellen 1890) II B - 
Subspecies: honrathiana, vandepolli 




Aphonopelma albiceps (Pocock 1903) II B - 
Aphonopelma pallidum (Pickard-Cambridge 1897) I B - 

Syn. Brachypelma pallida 
E: Chihuahua Rose-grey Tarantula, Mexican Grey Tarantula; S: Tarantula Mexicana gris; F: Tarantule 
gris du Mexique 


Brachypelma albopilosum Valerio 1980 II B - 
E: Curly-hair Tarantula; S: Tarantula de pelo crespo; F: Tarantule frisée 

Costa Rica 

Brachypelma angustum Valerio 1980 II B - 

E: Costa Rican Red Tarantula; S: Tarantula roja de Costa Rica; F: Tarantule rouge du Costa Rica 
Costa Rica 

Brachypelma auratum Schmidt 1992 Il B - 

E: Mexican Flame-knee Tarantula; S: Tarantula Mexicana rodilla de llama; F: Tarantule a gendux de 
peu du Mexique 


Brachypelma aureoceps (Chamberlin 1917) Il B - 
E: Florida Golden Chestnut Tarantula 
USA (7?) [int?] 

Brachypelma baumgarteni Smith 1993 Il B - 

E: Mexican Orangebeauty Tarantula, Michoacan Orange Tarantula; S: Tarantula Mexicana naranja; F: 
Tarantule orange du Mexique 




Brachypelma boehmei Schmidt & Klaas 1993 II B - 
E: Mexican Fireleg Tarantula, Guerrero Orange Legs Tarantula; S: Tarantula Mexicana pierna naranja 
oscuro; F: Tarantule du Mexique a pattes raille 

Brachypelma embrithes (Chamberlin & Ivie 1936) II B - 
Brachypelma emilia (White 1856) {l B - 

E: Mexican Black-cap Tarantula, Mexican Red Leg Tarantula, Orange-knee Tarantula, True Red Leg 
Tarantula; S: Tarantula Mexicana perna roja; F: Tarantule du Mexique a pattes rouge 

Brachypelma epicureanum (Chamberlin 1925) I] B - 
E: Yucatan Rusty-rumped Tarantula 

Brachypelma fossorium Valerio 1980 Il B - 
E: Filadelfia Rusty Brown Tarantula 
Costa Rica 

Brachypelma mesomelas (Pickard-Cambridge 1892) I] B - 
Costa Rica 

Brachypelma sabulosum (Pickard-Cambridge 1897) Il B - 
E: Guatemalan Red-rumped Tarantula 

Brachypelma smithi (Pickard-Cambridge 1897) II B - 

E: Mexican Red-kneed Tarantula; S: Tarantula Mexicana pierna roje; F: Tarantule a gendux roles du 


Brachypelma vagans (Ausserer 1875) II B - 

E: Mexican Red-rumped Tarantula; S: Tarantula Mexicana cadera roja; F: Tarantule 4 croupion rouge 
du Mexique 

Belize (?), Guatemala (7), Mexico 

Brachypelmides klaasi Schmidt & Krause 1994 II B - 
Syn. Brachypelma klaasi 

E: Acapulco Lesser Orange Tarantula 



Pandinus dictator (Pocock 1888) I] B - 
S: Escorpion magnifico 
Cameroon, Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon (?) 

Pandinus gambiensis Pocock 1899 I B - 
S: Escorpion de Gambia; F: Grand scorpian du Sénégal 
Gambia, Senegal 


Pandinus imperator (Koch 1842) Il B - 

Includes Pandinus africanus and Heterometrus roeseli 

E: Emperor Scorpion; S: Escorpion emperador, Escorpion gigante 

Benin, Chad. Cote d'Ivoire. Democratic Republic of the Congo (?). Equatorial Guinea (?), Eritrea. Ethiopia (?). 
Gabon (?), Gambia (?). Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau (?), Liberia. Senegal (?), Sierra Leone. Somalia, Sudan, 
Tanzania (?), Togo 

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Hirudo medicinalis Linnaeus 1758 Il B LR/nt 

E: Medicinal Leech; F: Sangsue médicinale, Sangsue officinale 

Albania, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan (?), Belarus (?), Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia 
(2), Finland, France, Georgia. Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland (ex), Italy, Kazakhstan (?), Latvia (?), 
Lithuania. Luxembourg, Moldova, Netherlands. Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Spain, Sweden, 
Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Yugoslavia 





Hippopus hippopus (Linnaeus 1758) I B LR/cd 

E: Bear Paw Clam, Horse's Hoof Clam, Strawberry Clam 

American Samoa (ex?), Australia, Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji (ex?), Guam (ex?), India (?), Indonesia, 
Japan, Kiribati, Malaysia, Marshall Islands, Myanmar. New Caledonia, Northern Marianas (ex?), Palau, Papua 
New Guinea, Philippines, Singapore, Solomon Islands, Taiwan (ex?), Thailand (?), Tonga (ex?), Tuvalu, 
Vanuatu, Western Samoa (ex?) 

Hippopus porcellanus Rosewater 1982 II B LR/cd 
E: China Clam 
Indonesia, Palau, Philippines 

Tridacna crocea Lamarck 1819 I] B LR/Ic 

E: Boring Clam, Crocus Clam, Saffron-coloured Clam 

Australia, Guam (ex?), Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Northern Marianas (ex?), Palau, Papua New Guinea, 
Philippines, Singapore, Solomon Islands, Thailand, Tuvalu (?), Vanuatu, Viet Nam 

Tridacna derasa (Réding 1798) II B VU 

E: Southern Giant Clam 

American Samoa [int], Australia, Cocos (Keeling) Islands (?), Cook Islands [int], Federated States of Micronesia 
{int], Fiji, French Polynesia (?), Guam (ex?), Indonesia, Marshall Islands [int], New Caledonia, Northen 
Marianas (ex?), Palau, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu (?), Vanuatu (?) 

Tridacna gigas (Linnaeus 1758) II B VU 

E: Giant Clam; F: Bénitier géant 

Australia, Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji (ex?), Guam (ex?) [int], Indonesia, Japan, Kiribati. Malaysia, 
Marshall Islands, Myanmar, New Caledonia (ex?), Northern Marianas (ex?), Palau, Papua New Guinea, 
Philippines, Solomon Islands, Taiwan (ex?), Thailand, Tuvalu, USA [int], Vanuatu (ex?) 

Tridacna maxima (R6ding 1798) II B LR/cd 

E: Small Giant Clam 

American Samoa, Australia, British Indian Ocean Territory, China, Cook Islands, Egypt, Federated States of 
Micronesia, Fiji, French Polynesia, Guam, Hong Kong (ex), India, Indonesia, Japan, Kenya, Kiribati, 
Madagascar, Malaysia, Maldives, Marshall Islands, Mauritius, Mozambique, Myanmar, New Caledonia, 
Northern Marianas, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Pitcairn Islands, Saudi Arabia, Seychelles, 
Singapore, Solomon Islands, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, Tokelau, Tonga, Tuvalu, US Minor 
Pacific Islands, Vanuatu, Viet Nam, Western Samoa 

Tridacna rosewateri Sirenho & Scarlato 1991 II B VU 
F: Bénitier de Rosewater 


Tridacna squamosa_ Lamarck 1819 Il B LR/cd 

E: Fluted Clam, Fluted Giant Clam, Scaly Clam 

American Samoa, Australia, British Indian Ocean Territory, Egypt, Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji, French 
Polynesia, Guam (ex?) [int], India, Indonesia, Japan (ex?), Kenya, Kiribati, Madagascar, Malaysia, Maldives, 
Marshall Islands, Mauritius, Mozambique, Myanmar, New Caledonia, Northern Marianas (ex?), Palau, Papua 
New Guinea, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Seychelles, Singapore, Solomon Islands, South Africa, Sri Lanka, 
Thailand, Tokelau, Tonga, Tuvalu, USA [int], Vanuatu, Viet Nam, Western Samoa 



Tridacna tevoroa Lucas, Ledua and Braley 1990 II B VU 
Includes 7ridacna mbulvuana 

E: Tevoro Clam; F: Bénitier de Tevoro 

Fiji, Tonga 



Conradilla caelata (Conrad 1834) I A - 
Synonym of Lemiox rimosus 

E: Birdwing Pearly Mussel, Rimose Naiad 


Cyprogenia aberti (Conrad 1850) II B EN 
E: Edible Naiad, Edible Pearly Mussel, Western Fan-shell, Western Fanshell Mussel 

Dromus dromas_ (Lea 1834) I A CR 
Syn. Conchodromus dromas 

E: Dromedary Naiad, Dromedary Pearly Mussel 


Epioblasma curtisti Utterback 1915 I A - 
Synonym of Plagiola florentina 
E: Curtis' Pearly Mussel, Curtis’ Riffleshell 


Epioblasma florentina (Lea 1857) I A DD 
E: Yellow Riffleshell, Yellow-blossom Pearly Mussel 


Epioblasma sampsonii_ Lea 1861 I A CR 

E: Sampson's Naiad, Sampson's Pearly Mussel, Sampson's Riffleshell, Wabash Riffleshell 

Epioblasma sulcata perobliqua Conrad 1836 I A - 
Synonym of Dysnomia sulcata, or of Plagiola obliquata 

E: White Catspaw, White Catspaw Mussel 


Epioblasma torulosa gubernaculum Reeve 1865 ] A CR 
Synonym of Dysnomia torulosa rangiana, or of Plagiola torulosa 

E: Green Riffle Shell, Green-blossom Naiad, Green-blossom Pearly Mussel 


Epioblasma torulosa rangiana Lea 1839 II B CR 
Synonym of Plagiola torulosa 

E: Northern Riffleshell, Tan-blossom Naiad, Tan-blossom Pearly Mussel 

Canada, USA 

Epioblasma torulosa torulosa (Rafinesque 1820) I A CR 
E: Tubercled-blossom Pearly Mussel, Turberculed Riffle Shell 

Canada, USA 

Epioblasma turgidula (Lea 1858) I A CR 

E: Turgid Riffle Shell, Turgid-blossom Naiad, Turgid-blossom Pearly Mussel 


Epioblasma walkeri (Wilson and Clark 1914) I A 
Synonym of Plagiola florentina 

E: Brown-blossom Naiad, Brown-blossom Pearly Mussel, Tan Riffleshell 

Fusconaia cuneolus (Lea 1840) I A 
E: Fine-rayed Pigtoe, Fine-rayed Pigtoe Pearly Mussel 


Fusconaia edgariana (Lea 1841) I A 

Synonym of Quadrula cor 
E: Shiny Pigtoe, Shiny Pigtoe Pearly Mussel 


Lampsilis higginsii_ (Lea 1857) ] A 
E: Higgins' Eye Pearly Mussel 


Lampsilis orbiculata orbiculata (Lea 1836) I A 

Synonym of Lampsilis abrupta 
E: Pink Mucket Pearly Mussel 

Lampsilis satur (Lea 1852) ] A 
E: Plain Pocketbook Pearly Mussel, Sandback Pocketbook Mussel 

Lampsilis virescens (Lea 1858) I A 
E: Alabama Lamp Naiad, Alabama Lamp Pearly Mussel, Alabama Lampmussel 

Plethobasus cicatricosus (Say 1829) I A 
E: White Warty-back Pearly Mussel, White Wartyback 


Plethobasus cooperianus (Lea 1834) I A 

Synonym of Quadrula striata 
E: Orange-footed Pimpleback Mussel, Orangefoot Pimpleback 

Pleurobema clava (Lamarck 1819) I] B 
E: Club Naiad, Clubshell, Clubshell Pearly Mussel 

Pleurobema plenum (Lea 1840) I A 
E: Rough Pigtoe, Rough Pigtoe Pearly Mussel 

Potamilus capax (Green 1832) I A 
Includes generic synonym Proptera 

E: Fat Pocketbook, Fat Pocketbook Pearly Mussel 


Quadrula intermedia (Conrad 1836) I A 
E: Cumberland Monkey-face Pearly Mussel, Cumberland Monkeyface 












Quadrula sparsa (Lea 1841) 
Synonym of Orthony-mus metanevrus tuberosus 



EC Reg. 


E: Appalachian Monkey-face Pearly Mussel, Appalachian Monkeyface 


Toxolasma cylindrellus (Lea 1868) 

Synonym of Carunculina glans 

E: Pale Lilliput Naiad, Pale Lilliput Pearly Mussel 

Unio nickliniana_ Lea 1837 
Syn. Megalonaias nickliniana 
E: Nicklin's Pearly Mussel 
Guatemala. Mexico 

Unio tampicoensis tecomatensis Lea 1841 




Syn. Cyrtonaias tampicoensis tecomatensis, Lampsilis tampicoensis tecomatensis 

E: Tampico Pearly Mussel 
Mexico, USA (?) 

Villosa trabalis (Conrad 1834) 
Syn. Micromya trabalis 

E: Cumberland Bean, Cumberland Bean Pearly Mussel 




Achatinella abbreviata Reeve 1850 

Achatinella apexfulva (Dixon 1789) 

Achatinella bellula Smith 1873 

Achatinella buddii Newcomb 1853 

Achatinella bulimoides Swainson 1828 

Achatinella byronii (Wood 1828) 

Achatinella caesia Gulick 1858 

Achatinella casta Newcomb 1853 














Achatinella cestus Newcomb 1853 

Achatinella concavospira Pfeiffer 1859 

Achatinella curta’ Newcomb 1853 

Achatinella decipiens Newcomb 1854 

Achatinella decora (Férussac 1821) 

Achatinella dimorpha_ Gulick 1858 
Achatinella elegans Newcomb 1853 


chatinella fulgens Newcomb 1853 


Achatinella fuscobasis (Smith 1873) 

Achatinella juddii Baldwin 1895 

Achatinella juncea Gulick 1856 

Achatinella lehuiensis Smith 1873 

Achatinella leucorrhaphe Gulick 1873 

Achatinella lila Pilsbry 1914 

Achatinella livida Swainson 1828 

Achatinella lorata (Férussac 1824) 

Achatinella mustelina  Mighels 1845 

Achatinella papyracea Gulick 1856 

Achatinella phaeozona Gulick 1856 

Achatinella pulcherrima Swainson 1828 



EC Reg. 





















Achatinella pupukanioe Pilsbry and Cooke 1914 I A CR 

Achatinella rosea Swainson 1828 I A - 

Achatinella sowerbyana_ Pfeiffer 1855 l A CR 

Achatinella spaldingi Pilsbry and Cooke 1914 I A EX 

Achatinella stewartii Green 1827 I A CR 

Achatinella swiftii_ Newcomb 1853 I A CR 

Achatinella taeniolata Pfeiffer 1846 I A CR 

Achatinella thaanumi Pilsbry and Cooke 1914 I A EX 

Achatinella turgida Newcomb 1853 I A CR 

Achatinella valida Pfeiffer 1855 I A EX 

Achatinella viridans Mighels 1845 I A CR 

Achatinella vittata Reeve 1850 I A : 

Achatinella vulpina (Férussac 1824) I A CR 


Papustyla pulcherrima Rensch 1931 I] B DD 
Syn. Papuina pulcherrima 

E: Emerald Green Snail, Green Tree Snail, Manus Green Tree Snail 

Papua New Guinea 


Strombus gigas (Linnaeus 1758) II B - 

E: Pink Conch, Queen Conch; F: Lambis, Strombe géant 

Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Aruba (?), Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Bermuda, Brazil, Cayman Islands, 
Colombia, Costa Rica (?), Cuba, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Haiti, Honduras, 
Jamaica, Martinique, Mexico, Montserrat (?), Netherlands Antilles, Nicaragua (?), Panama, Puerto Rico, Si Kitts 
and Nevis, St Lucia, St Vincent, Trinidad and Tobago, Turks and Caicos Islands, USA (Florida), Venezuela, 
Virgin Islands (British), Virgin Islands (US) 

abbreviata, Achatinella. 22 
abdominalis. Hippocampus. 4 
aberti. Cyprogenia. 20 
Achatinella. 22.23.24 
Acipenser. 1.2.3 
Acoupa de MacDonald. 7 
aeacus, Troides. 11 

aesacus. Ornithoptera. 9 
aimei. Hippocampus. 4 
akakeae. Ornithoptera. 9 
albiceps. Aphonopelma, 13 
albopilosum. Brachypelma. \3 
albus, Scaphirhynchus. 3 
alexandrae, Ornithoptera. 9 
allottet. Ornithoptera. 9 
amphrvsus. Troides. 12 
andromache, Troides. \2 
angustum. Brachypelma. 13 
angustus, Hippocampus. 4 
apexfulva, Achatinella, 22 
Aphonopelma. 13 

Apollo. 11 

Apollo. Mountain. 11 
apollo. Parnassius. \1 
Apolo. 11 


Arapaima. 3 

Arapaima. 3 
Arowana. Asian. 3 
Arowana. Golden. 3 
ascanius, Parides. 11 
Atrophaneura, 9 

auratum, Brachypelma., \3 
aureoceps, Brachypelma, 13 
aureus, Teinopalpus. 11 

baerii, Acipenser. | 

Barb. Congo Blind. 3 

Barb. Seven-striped. 4 
Barbeau de Jullien. 4 

Barbu aveugle. 3 

bargibanti, Hippocampus, 4 
Baronia. 9 

Baronia, Short-homed. 9 
baumgarteni, Brachypelma, 13 
Bean. Cumberland. 22 

bellula, Achatinella, 22 
Beluga. 3 

benguetanus, Papilio, 10 
Bénitier de Rosewater, 19 
Bénitier de Tevoro, 20 
Bénitier géant, 19 

Bhutanitis, 9 

bicuspis, Hippocampus, 4 
Birdwing. Abbé Allotte's, 9 
Birdwing, Black-and-gold. 12 
Birdwing. Buru Opalescent. 13 
Birdwing. Chimaera. 10 
Birdwing. Common, 10. 12 
Birdwing. Common Green, 10 
Birdwing. Golden. 11, 12 
Birdwing. Goliath. 10 
Birdwing. Malay. 12 
Birdwing. New Guinea. 10 
Birdwing. Paradise. 10 
Birdwing. Queen Alexandra's. 9 
Birdwing. Queen Victoria's. 10 


Birdwing. Rajah Brooke's. 11 
Birdwing. Richmond. 10 
Birdwing. Small. 11 
Birdwing. Tailed. 10 
Birdwing. Talaud Black. 12 

boehmei. Brachypelma. 14 
Bonytongue. Asian. 3 
borboniensis, Hippocampus. 4 
Brachypelma. 13. 14 
Brachypelmides. 14 
brachyrhynchus, Hippocampus. 4 
breviceps. Hippocampus. 4 
brevicornis. Baronia. 9 
brevirostrum. Acipenser. | 
brookiana. Trogonoptera. 1 
buddii, Achatinella. 22 
bulimoides. Achatinella. 22 
Butterfly. Apollo. 11 

byronit, Achatinella. 22 

Caecobarbus. 3 

caelata. Conradilla. 20 
caelestis. Ornithoptera. 10 
caesia. Achatinella, 22 
camelopardalis, Hippocampus. 5 
capax, Potamilus. 21 
capensis, Hippocampus. 5 
Carpilla ikan temoleh. 4 
casta, Achatinella. 22 

Cat. Duckbill. 3 

Cat. Spoonbill. 3 

Catfish. Giant. 4 
Catspaw. White. 20 
Celecanto. | 

Cératode. | 
Ceratodus. | 

cestus, Achatinella. 23 
chalumnae, Latimeria. | 
Chasmistes. 4 

chikae, Papilio, 10 
chimaera, Ornithoptera. \0 
cicatricosus, Plethobasus. 2\ 
Clam. Bear Paw, 19 

Clam. Boring. 19 

Clam. China, 19 

Clam. Crocus. 19 

Clam. Fluted. 19 

Clam. Fluted Giant. 19 
Clam. Giant. 19 

Clam. Saffron-coloured. 19 
Clam. Scaly, 19 

Clam. Small Giant, 19 
Clam, Southern Giant. 19 
Clam, Strawberry, 19 

Clam. Tevoro, 20 

clava, Pleurobema. 21 
Clubshell. 21 

Coelacanth. 1 

Coelacanthe, | 
comes, Hippocampus. 5 
concavospira, Achatinella, 23 
Conch. Pink. 24 

Conch. Queen, 24 
Conradilla, 20 

cooperianus, Plethobasus. 21 
coronatus, Hippocampus. 5 


criton. Troides. 12 
crocea, Tridacna. \9 
croesus. Ornithoptera. \0 
Cui-ui. 4 

cujus, Chasmistes. 4 
cuneifer. Troides. 12 
cuneolus, Fusconaia. 2\ 
curta. Achatinella. 23 
curtisii, Epioblasma. 20 
cylindrellus. Toxolasma. 22 
Cynoscion. 7 
Cyprogenia. 20 

dabryanus, Acipenser. | 
darsius, Troides. 12 
dauricus. Huso. 2 
decipiens, Achatinella. 23 
decora. Achatinella. 23 
derasa. Tridacna. \9 
dictator, Pandinus. 14 
dimorpha. Achatinella. 23 
Dipneuste. | 

dohertyi. Troides. \2 
dromas. Dromus. 20 
Dromus. 20 

edgariana, Fusconaia. 21 
elegans, Achatinella. 23 
embrithes. Brachypelma. 14 
emilia, Brachypelma,. \4 
epicureanum, Brachypelma. 14 
Epioblasma. 20. 21 

erecius. Hippocampus. 5 
erinaceus, Hippocampus. 5 
Escorpion de Gambia. 14 
Escorpion emperador. 15 
Escorpion gigante. 15 
Escorpion magnifico. 14 
esperanza, Papilio. 10 
Esturgeon a barbillons frangés. 2 
Esturgeon a nez court. | 
Esturgeon blanc. 2 

Esturgeon commun. 2 

Esturgeon de I'Adriatique. 2 
Esturgeon de I'Atlantique. 2 
Esturgeon étoilé. 2 

Esturgeon jaune. | 

Esturgeon sibérien. | 

Esturgeon vert. 2 

Esturion barba de flecos. 2 
Esturion comun. 2 
Esturion del Adriatico. 
Esturion del Atlantico. 
Esturion estrellado. 2 
Esturion hociquicorto. | 
Esturion lacustre, | 


Fan-shell. Western. 20 

fedtschenkoi, Pseudoscaphirhynchus. 3 

Fish. African Blind Barb, 3 
Fish, Golden Dragon. 3 
florentina, Epioblasma, 20 
Sormosus, Scleropages. 3 
forsteri, Neoceratodus. | 
Sossorium, Brachypelma. 14 
Julgens, Achatinella. 23 
fulvescens, Acipenser, | 
fuscobasis, Achatinella, 23 
Fusconaia. 21 

fuscus, Hippocampus. 5 

gambiensis. Pandinus. \4 
geertsi. Caecobarbus. 3 
gigas, drapaima. 3 

gigas. Pangasianodon. + 
gigas. Strombus. 24 

gigas. Tridacna. 19 

gladius. Psephurus. 3 
Glory. Bhutan. 9 

goliath. Ornithoptera. 10 
Gombessa. | 

Grand scorpian du Sénégal. 14 
Graphium. 9 

grosesmithi. Papilio. 11 
gueldenstaedtii, Acipenser. | 

hahneli. Parides. \\ 
haliphron, Troides. \2 

helena. Troides. 12 

hermanni, Pseudoscaphirhynchus. 3 
higginsii. Lampsilis. 21 
Hippocampus. 4. 5. 6.7 
hippocampus, Hippocampus. 5 
Hippopus. 19 

hippopus. Hippopus. \9 
Hirudo. 17 

histrix, Hippocampus. 5 
homerus, Papilio. 11 

horai. Hippocampus. 5 
hospiton. Papilio. 11 

Huso. 2. 3 

huso. Huso. 3 

hypolitus, Troides. 12 

imperator. Pandinus. 15 
imperialis, Teinopalpus. \\ 
ingens, Hippocampus, 5 

intermedia. Quadrula, 21 

japonicus, Hippocampus. 6 
Jayakari, Hippocampus. 6 
Juddii, Achatinella, 23 
Jullieni, Probarbus. 4 
Juncea, Achatinella. 23 

Kaiserihind, 11 

Kaiserihind. Golden, 11 

Kaluga. 2 

kaufmanni, Pseudoscaphirhynchus, 3 
kaupii, Hippocampus, 6 

Kelesa. 3 

kelloggi, Hippocampus. 6 

klaasi, Brachypelmides, 14 

kuda, Hippocampus. 6 

La chimére. 10 

Lambis. 24 

Lampmussel. Alabama, 21 
Lampsilis. 21, 22 

Latimeria, | 

Leech, Medicinal. 17 
lehuiensis, Achatinella. 23 
leucorrhaphe, Achatinella, 23 
lichtensteinii, Hippocampus, 6 
lidderdalii, Bhutanitis, 9 

lila, Achatinella, 23 

livida, Achatinella, 23 

lorata, Achatinella, 23 
ludlowi, Bhutanitis, 9 
Lungfish. Australian. | 
Lungfish. Queensland, | 

macdonaldi. Cynoscion. 7 

magellanus. Troides. \2 

mansfieldi. Bhutanitis. 9 

maraho. Papilio. \\ 

Mariposa apollo. 11 

maxima. Tridacna. 19 

medicinalis. Hirudo. \7 

medirostris. Acipenser. 2 

meridionalis, Ornithoptera. 10 


mesomelas. Brachypelma. \4 

mikadoi. Acipenser. 2 

minos. Troides. 12 

minotaur, Hippocampus. 6 

miranda, Troides. 12 

Monkeyface. Appalachian. 22 

Monkeyface. Cumberland. 21 

morondavana. Papilio. \\ 

Mussel. Alabama Lamp Pearly. 21 

Mussel. Appalachian Monkey-face 
Pearly. 22 

Mussel. Birdwing Pearly. 20 

Mussel. Brown-blossom Pearly, 21 

Mussel. Clubshell Pearly. 21 

Mussel. Cumberland Bean Pearly. 22 

Mussel. Cumberland Monkey-face 
Pearly. 21 

Mussel. Dromedary Pearly. 20 

Mussel. Edible Pearly. 20 

Mussel. Fat Pocketbook Pearly. 21 

Mussel. Fine-rayed Pigtoe Pearly. 21 

Mussel. Green-blossom Pearly. 20 

Mussel. Orange-footed Pimpleback. 21 

Mussel. Pale Lilliput Pearly, 22 
Mussel. Pink Mucket Pearly. 21 
Mussel. Plain Pocketbook Pearly. 21 
Mussel. Rough Pigtoe Pearly, 21 
Mussel. Sandback Pocketbook. 21 
Mussel. Shiny Pigtoe Pearly, 21 
Mussel, Tampico Pearly, 22 
Mussel. Tan-blossom Pearly. 20 

Mussel, Tubercled-blossom Pearly. 20 

Mussel. Turgid-blossom Pearly. 20 
Mussel. Wester Fanshell. 20 
Mussel. White Catspaw, 20 

Mussel. White Warty-back Pearly. 21 
Mussel. Yellow-blossom Pearly, 20 
mustelina, Achatinella, 23 

naccarii. Acipenser. 2 
Naiad. Alabama Lamp. 21 
Naiad. Brown-blossom. 21 
Naiad. Club. 21 

Naiad. Dromedary. 20 
Naiad. Edible. 20 

Naiad. Green-blossom. 20 
Naiad. Pale Lilliput. 22 
Naiad. Rimose. 20 

Naiad. Tan-blossom. 20 
Naiad. Turgid-blossom, 20 
Neoceratodus, | 
neumoegeni, Papilio, 11 
nickliniana, Unio, 22 
nudiventris, Acipenser, 2 

oblongomaculatus, Troides. 12 
orbiculata orbiculata, Lampsilis, 2\ 
Ornithoptera. 9,10 

Omnithoptere chimére, 10 
Omnithoptere de Brooke, 11 
Omithoptére de la reine Alexandra. 9 
Omithoptére de la reine Victoria, 10 
Omithoptere de I'abbé Allotte, 9 
Omithoptere de paradis, 10 
Omnithoptere d'Obi, 11 

Omithoptere goliath. 10 


Omithoptére meridional. 10 
oxrhynchus. Acipenser. 2 

Paddlefish. 3 

Paddlefish. Chinese. 3 
Paiche. 3 

pallidum. Aphonopelma. 13 
palu. Atrophaneura. 9 
Pandinus. 14.15 
Pangasianodon. 4 
Papilio. 10. 11 
Papustyla. 24 

papyracea. Achatinella. 23 
Paradise. Butterfly of. 10 
paradisea, Ornithoptera. 10 
Parides. | 

Parnassius. 11 
persicus. Acipenser. 2 

Pez lengiiihueso malayo. 3 
Pez pulmonado australiano. | 
phaeozona. Achatinella. 23 
Phylum CHORDATA. | 
Pigtoe. Fine-rayed. 21 
Pigtoe. Rough. 21 

Pigtoe. Shiny, 21 
Pimpleback. Orangefoot 21 
Pirarucu. 3 

planifrons. Hippocampus. 6 
plateni, Troides. \2 

plato, Troides. \3 
platorynchus. Scaphirhynchus. 3 
plenum. Pleurobema. 2\ 
Plethobasus. 2\ 
Pleurobema. 21 

Pocketbook. Fat. 21 

Poisson cavernicole d'Afrique. 3 
Poisson spatule. 3 
Polyvodon. 3 
Pony. Sea. 5 

porcellanus, Hippopus. 19 
Potamilus. 21 

prattorum, Troides. 13 
priamus. Ornithoptera. 10 
Probarbus. 4 

Psephurus. 3 
Pseudoscaphirhynchus. 3 
pulcherrima, Achatinella. 23 
pulcherrima, Papustyla. 24 
pupukanioe, Achatinella. 24 

Quadrula, 21. 22 

ramulosus, Hippocampus, 6 
reidi, Hippocampus. 6 
rhadamantus, Troides, 13 
richmondia, Ornithoptera. 10 
riedeli, Troides, 13 
Riffleshell, Northen, 20 
Riffleshell. Tan, 21 
Riffleshell. Wabash. 20 
Riffleshell. Yellow. 20 
rosea, Achatinella, 24 
rosewateri, Tridacna. 19 
rothschildi, Ornithoptera, 10 
ruthenus, Acipenser, 2 

sabulosum, Brachypelma. 14 
sampsonii. Epioblasma, 20 
sandawanum, Graphium. 9 
Sangsue médicinale. 17 

Sangsue officinale. 17 
satur, Lampsilts. 2\ 
Scaphirhynchus. 3 
schrencki. Acipenser. 2 
Scleropage d'Asie. 3 
Scléeropage formosus. 3 
Scleropages. 3 

Scorpion. Emperor. 15 
Seahorse. Big-bellied. 4 
Seahorse. Bullneck. 6 
Seahorse. Crowned. 5 
Seahorse. Dwarf. 7 
Seahorse. Giant. 5 
Seahorse. Giraffe. 5 
Seahorse. Hedgehog. 7 
Seahorse. Japanese. 6 
Seahorse. Knysna. 5 
Seahorse. Lined. 5 
Seahorse. Long-snouted. 6 
Seahorse. Low-crowned. 6 
Seahorse. Pacific. 5 
Seahorse. Short-headed. 4 
Seahorse. Short-snouted. 5 
Seahorse. Slender. 6 
Seahorse. Spiny. 5 
Seahorse. Spotted. 6 
Seahorse. Thorny. 5 
Seahorse. Three-spotted. 7 
Seahorse. Western Australian. 4 
Seahorse. Yellow. 6 

Shell. Green Riffle. 20 
Shell. Turberculed Riffle. 20 
Shell. Turgid Riffle. 20 
Silure de verre géant. 4 
Siluro gigante. 4 

sindonis, Hippocampus, 6 
sinensis. Acipenser. 2 
smithi, Brachypelma. 14 
Snail. Emerald Green. 24 
Snail. Green Tree. 24 
Snail. Manus Green Tree. 24 
sowerbyana, Achatinella. 24 
Spadefish. 3 

spaldingi, Achatinella. 24 
sparsa, Quadrula, 22 
spathula, Polyodon, 3 
spinosissimus, Hippocampus, 7 
squamosa, Tridacna. 19 
stellatus. Acipenser. 2 
Sterlet. 2 

stewartii, Achatinella. 24 
stresemanni, Graphium. 9 
Strombe géant. 24 
Strombus, 24 

Sturgeon. Adriatic, 2 
Sturgeon, Alabama, 3 
Sturgeon, Amur. 2 
Sturgeon. Atlantic, 2 
Sturgeon. Baltic. 2 
Sturgeon. Bastard. 2 
Sturgeon. Chinese. 2 
Sturgeon. Common. 2 
Sturgeon. European. 3 

Sturgeon. False Shovelnose. 3 

Sturgeon. Fringebarbel. 2 

Sturgeon. Giant. 3 

Sturgeon. Great. 

Sturgeon. Green. 2 

Sturgeon. Lake. | 

Sturgeon. Large Amu-Dar Shovelnose. 

Sturgeon. Pallid. 3 

Sturgeon. Persian. 2 

Sturgeon. Russian. | 

Sturgeon. Sakhalin. 2 

Sturgeon. Sand. 3 

Sturgeon. Ship. 2 

Sturgeon. Shortnose. | 

Sturgeon. Shovelnose. 3 

Sturgeon. Siberian. | 

Sturgeon. Small Amu-Dar Shovelnose. 

Sturgeon. Spiny. 2 

Sturgeon. Star. 2 

Sturgeon. Stellate. 2 

Sturgeon. Syr-Dar Shovelnose. 3 

Sturgeon. Thor. 2 

Sturgeon. White. 2 

Sturgeon. Yangtze. | 

sturio. Acipenser. 2 


sulcata perobliqua, Epioblasma. 20 

suttkusi, Scaphirhynchus. 3 

Swallowtail. Apo. 9 

Swallowtail. Chinese Three-tailed. 9 

Swallowtail. Corsican. 11 

Swallowtail. Fluminense, | 1 

Swallowtail. Homerus. 11 

Swallowtail. Luzon Peacock. 10 

Swallowtail. Madagascan Emperor. 11 

Swallowtail. Palu. 9 

swiftii, Achatinella. 24 



taeniolata. Achatinella. 24 

taeniops. Hippocampus, 7 

takakurae, Hippocampus. 7 

tampicoensis tecomatensis, Unio. 22 

Tarantula de pelo crespo. 13 

Tarantula Mexicana cadera roja. 14 

Tarantula Mexicana gris. 13 

Tarantula Mexicana naranja. 13 

Tarantula Mexicana pema roja. 14 

Tarantula Mexicana pierna naranja 
oscuro, 14 

Tarantula Mexicana pierna roje. 14 

Tarantula Mexicana rodilla de llama, 

Tarantula roja de Costa Rica. 13 

Tarantula. Acapulco Lesser Orange. 14 

Tarantula. Chihuahua Rose-grey, 13 

Tarantula. Costa Rican Red. 13 

Tarantula. Curly-hair. 13 

Tarantula. Filadelfia Rusty Brown, 14 

Tarantula. Florida Golden Chestnut, 13 

Tarantula. Guatemalan Red-rumped, 14 

Tarantula. Guerrero Orange Legs. 14 

Tarantula. Mexican Black-cap. 14 

Tarantula, Mexican Fireleg. 14 

Tarantula. Mexican Flame-knee. 13 

Tarantula. Mexican Grey, 13 

Tarantula. Mexican Orangebeauty. 13 

Tarantula. Mexican Red Leg. 14 

Tarantula. Mexican Red-kneed. 14 

Tarantula. Mexican Red-rumped. 14 

Tarantula. Michoacan Orange. 13 

Tarantula. Orange-knee. 14 

Tarantula. True Red Leg. 14 

Tarantula. Yucatan Rusty-rumped. 14 

Tarantule a croupion rouge du 
Mexique. 14 

Tarantule a gendux de peu du Mexique. 

Tarantule a gendux roles du Mexique. 

Tarantule du Mexique a pattes raille. 

Tarantule du Mexique a pattes rouge. 

Tarantule frisée. 13 

Tarantule gris du Mexique. 13 

Tarantule orange du Mexique. 13 

Tarantule rouge du Costa Rica. 13 

Teinopalpus. \1 

tevoroa. Tridacna. 20 

thaanumi. Achatinella. 24 

thaidina. Bhuranitis. 9 


tithonus, Ornithoptera. 10 

torulosa gubernaculum, Epioblasma. 

torulosa rangiana. Epioblasma. 20 

torulosa torulosa. Epioblasma. 20 

Totoaba. 7 

Totoba. 7 

Toxolasma, 22 

trabalis. Villosa. 22 

transmontanus, Acipenser. D, 

Tridacna. 19. 20 


trimaculatus. Hippocampus. 7 

tristis. Hippocampus. 7 

Trogonoptera. || 

Troides, 11. 12. 13 

trojana, Trogonoptera. || 

turgida, Achatinella, 24 

turgidula, Epioblasma. 20 

Unio. 22 

urvillianus, Ornithoptera. 10 

vagans, Brachypelma. 14 
valida, Achatinella, 24 
vandepolli, Troides. 13 
victoriae. Ornithoptera. 10 
Villosa. 22 

virescens, Lampsilis. 21 
viridans, Achatinella. 24 
vittata, Achatinella. 24 
vulpina, Achatinella, 24 

walkeri, Epioblasma, 21 
Wartyback. White. 21 
whitei, Hippocampus. 7 

zebra, Hippocampus. 7 
zosterae, Hippocampus, 7 

Hi > uf a; pare , “MT 
ik cs addhghlon ta 





Family HELIOPORIDAE Moseley 1876 

Heliopora Blainville 1830 II B < 

(Red Sea. East and South A frica [68.329]. Indian Ocean. north to Maldives and Indonesia: south to Madagascar and 
north-western Australia [761]. South-east Asia. Pacific Ocean, north to southern Japan and Marshall Islands: south 
to Great Barrier Reef and New Caledonia: east to Samoa [761]}) 

Countries listed without reference numbers are within the distributionrange shown in Veron [761]. 

American Samoa [872a]; Australia [872a]; British Indian Ocean Territory [644,672]: Brunei; Christmas Island; 
Cocos (Keeling) Islands; Comoros; Egypt; Ethiopia; Federated States of Micronesia [872a]: Guam [872a]: 
Indonesia [735a]J: Israel; Japan [869,872a]; Kenya; Kiribati [776,872a]; Madagascar; Malaysia: including Peninsular 
[36], Sabah [512,848]; Maldives [832]; Marshall Islands [465,807,872a]; Mauritius [242]; Mozambique; Nauru 
[872a]; 7New Caledonia [807 but see 42 1a]; Niue; Northern Marianas [872a]; Palau [221,872a]: Papua New Guinea 
[872a]; Philippines [868a]: Réunion; Samoa; Saudi Arabia; Seychelles [845]; Singapore [617,776]; Solomon Islands 

#4 [513,872a]; Somalia; Sudan; Taiwan [171,872a]; Tanzania; Thailand; Tokelau; Tuvalu [872a]; Vanuatu [19a,872a]; 

' Wallis and Futuna 

Generally a fairly common coral that occurs in a wide range of reef habitats, especially in shallow areas [761,847]. 
1 species 

Heliopora coerulea (Pallas 1766) Blue Coral 

Family TUBIPORIDAE Ehrenberg 1828 

Tubipora Linnaeus 1758 Il B - 

(Red Sea, East and South Africa [761]. Indian Ocean, north to Maldives and Indonesia; south to Madagascar and 
south-westem Australia. South-east Asia. Pacific Ocean, north to southern Japan and Marshall Islands; south to 
Elizabeth Reef (eastern Australia); east to New Caledoniaand Vanuatu [761,847]) 

Countries listed without reference numbers are within the distribution range shown in Veron [761] 

Australia [754,758a,792b]; British Indian Ocean Territory [644,672]; Brunei; Christmas Island; Cocos (Keeling) 
Islands; Comoros; Djibouti; Egypt; Ethiopia; Federated States of Micronesia; Guam; Indonesia [735a]; Israel; 
Japan; Kenya [329]; Madagascar; Malaysia: Sabah [585,848]; Maldives; Marshall Islands [465,807]; Mauritius; 
Mozambique [637d]; Nauru; New Caledonia; Northern Marianas; Oman [65 1a]; Palau [221]; Papua New Guinea 
[350a]; Philippines; Réunion; Saudi Arabia [15]; Seychelles [845]; Solomon Islands [513]; Somalia; South Africa 
[637d]; Sudan; Taiwan [171]; Tanzania; Vanuatu; Yemen 

A fairly common reef coral [761]. 
4 nominal species, probably only | true species [761] 

Tubipora musica Linnaeus 1758 Organ-pipe Coral 



Order ANTIPATHARIA Black Corals 
Family ANTiPATHIDAE Gray 1842 

Allopathes Opresko & Cairns 1994 I] B - 
(Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico) 

China [873]: Guadeloupe [197]: Montserrat [614]; USA 
1 species [554] 

Allopathes desbonni (Duchassaing & Michelotti 1864) Barbados [612]: China [873]; Cuba [613]; Guadeloupe 
[197]; Montserrat [614]; USA [125a,613,630a] 

Antipathes Pallas 1766 Il B - 

(Reported from all oceans [291,293]: Atlantic from north to south [292,552], including the Caribbean 
[319,551,552], Gulf of Mexico [551] and Mediterranean [292,551,552]; Indo-Pacific [258.319,552.553.834], 
including Red Sea [552] and Arabian Gulf [258]) 

Anguilla [552]; Australia [897]; Bahamas [551,552]; Barbados [85,449,551,552]; Bermuda; Brazil [551,552]: 
British Indian Ocean Territory [258]; Cape Verde [648]; Chile: including Juan Fernandez [84,551]; China [897]; 
Colombia [551,552,834]; Cuba [551]; Dominica [84,551,552]; Dominican Republic [552]; Ecuador: including 
Galapagos Islands [479,480,553,640,834]; Fiji [84,319]; France [84,897]; Gibraltar [292.552]; Grenada [551]; 
Guadeloupe [84,195,551,552];Guam [834]; Guyana [551]; Honduras [551,552]; India: including Andaman Islands 
[84.258]: Indonesia [84,258,380,581,663,897]; Italy [84,301,409,552,897]; Jamaica [548.551.552.794]; Japan 
[84,679,680,834]; Korea [685]; Liberia [84]; Madagascar [84,379]; Maldives [258]; Martinique [84,196,551.614]; 
Mauritius: including Cargados Carajos, Rodrigues [84,243,258]; Mexico [132,402,552]; Montserrat [84.551,614]; 
Morocco [292,648,897]; Netherlands Antilles [834]; New Zealand [84,287,288,552,737,834]:Palau [319]; Panama 
[84.551,552,553,781,834]:Philippines [84,258,3 19,581,897]; Portugal [292] including Azores [292,648], Madeira 
[84,292,383 ,552,648]; Puerto Rico [329a,551]; Réunion [243]; Saint Helena [84,552]; Saint Lucia [84,552]; Saint 
Vincent [84,551]; Saudi Arabia [84,552]; Seychelles: including Amirantes [258]; Spain: Canary Islands [648]; Sri 
Lanka [84,258,734]; Suriname [551,552]; Taiwan [84,258,834]; Tonga [319]; Trinidad and Tobago: Trinidad 
[551,794]; United States: Florida, Hawaiian Islands [84,154,317,319,320,551,552,834,897]; Vanuatu [84]; 
Venezuela [551,552]; Virgin Islands of the United States [196,55 1,552,574] 

About 96 species 

Antipathes abies (Linnaeus 1758) India [84,258]; Indonesia [380]; Madagascar [379]; Mauritius [243,258]; 
Mozambique [714]; Philippines [258]; Réunion [243]; Seychelles [258]; Sri Lanka [258,734]; Taiwan [258] 

Antipathes aculeata (Brook 1889) Indonesia [84] 

Antipathes alata (Brook 1889) Mauritius [84] 

Antipathes americana Duchassaing & Michelotti 1860 Grenada [551]; Venezuela[551}; Virgin Islands of the 
United States [84,196,551] 

Antipathes aperta Totton 1923 New Zealand [287,288,552,834] 

Antipathes arborea Dana 1848 Fiji [84,309] 

Antipathes assimilis (Brook 1889) 

Antipathes atlantica Gray 1857 Jamaica[794]; Trinidad and Tobago [794] 

Antipathes barbadensis (Brook 1889) Barbados [84]; Trinidad and Tobago [132] 

Antipathes bifaria Brook 1889 Japan [680]; Taiwan [84] 

Antipathes boscii Lamouroux 1821 Portugal: Madeira [309]; USA [84] 

Antipathes caribbeana Opresko 1996 Bahamas; Barbados; Belize; British Virgin Islands; Colombia; Dominica; 
Honduras; Jamaica; Mexico; Panama; Puerto Rico; Virgin Islands of the United States [553a] 

Antipathes catharinae Pax 1932 

Antipathes ceylonensis (Thomson & Simpson 1905) Seychelles [258]; Sri Lanka [258,734] 

Antipathes chamaemorus Pax 1932 Japan 

Antipathes chota Forster Cooper 1904 Maldives [257,258] 



Antipathes columnaris (Duchassaing 1870) Anguilla [552]: Bahamas [552.614]: Barbados [84.612.614]: Brazil 
[552]: British Virgin Islands [84.552.614]: Dominica [84.614]: Dominican Republic [552]: Grenadines [84]: 
Guadeloupe [84.195.552.614]: Martinique [84.614]; Mexico [552]: Saint Lucia [84.552.614]: Saint Vincent 
(84.552.614]: Suriname [552]: United States [125a.613]: Venezuela [552] 

Antipathes contorta (Brook 1889) 

Antipathes crispa (Brook 1889) 

Antipathes cupressus Pallas 1766 Indian Ocean [564] 

Antipathes curvata van Pesch 1914 Indonesia[581,683] 

Antipathes cylindrica Brook 1889 

Antipathes delicatula Schultze 1896 Indonesia[663] 

Antipathes densa Silberfeld 1909 Japan [679,680]: Taiwan 

Antipathes dichotoma Pallas 1766 Australia [897,898]: China [897,898]; Fiji [319]; France [84,897,898]; Guam 
[898]: India [897.898]: Indonesia [897.898]; Italy [84,301,409,897]; Mauritius [243]; Mexico [132]: 
Netherlands Antilles [898]: Palau [319]: Philippines [897,898]; Réunion [243]; Sri Lanka [634]: Tonga [319]: 
United States: Hawaiian Islands [319,320,898] 

Antipathes dubia (Brook 1889) Japan [84] 

Antipathes elegans (Brook 1889) 

Antipathes ericoides Pallas 1766 Indonesia[581,380,581]; Madagascar [379] 

Antipathes erinaceus (Roule 1905) / 

Antipathes eupteridea Lamouroux, Bory de Saint Vincent & Deslongchamps 1824 Martinique [84,196,552.614] 

Antipathes fernandezii Pourtalés 1874 Chile [84,551,612] 

Antipathes fiordensis Grange 1990 New Zealand [288] 

Antipathes flabellum Pallas 1766 Indonesia [663]; Madagascar [84] 

Antipathes fragilis (Brook 1889) Italy [301] 

Antipathes fruticosa Gray 1857 New Zealand [84,309] 

Antipathes furcata Gray 1857 Bahamas [552]; Barbados [552]; Bermuda; Mozambique [714]; Portugal: Madeira 

Antipathes galapagensis Deichmann 1941 Ecuador: Galapagos Islands [180,479,640,898] 

Antipathes gallensis Thomson & Simpson 1905 Sri Lanka [734] 

Antipathes glutinata Totton 1923 New Zealand [737] 

Antipathes grandiflora Silberfeld 1909 Japan [679,680] 

Antipathes grandis Verrill 1928 China [897,898]; Mexico [132]; United States: Hawaiian Islands 

Antipathes grayi (Roule 1902) Morocco; Portugal: Azores [648]; Spain: Canary Islands [648] 

Antipathes hirta Gray 1857 Barbados [84,551,614]; Bermuda; Grenada [84,551,614]; Guyana [551]; Jamaica 
[551]; Martinique [551]; Puerto Rico [551]; Saint Vincent [551]; Trinidad and Tobago [794]: United States 
[125a,551]; Venezuela [551] 

Antipathes hypnoides (Brook 1889) Mauritius [84] 

Antipathes indistincta van Pesch 1914 Indonesia[581,683] 

Antipathes intermedia (Brook 1889) Japan [84,898]; Taiwan [898]; United States [154]: including Hawaiian 
Islands [320] 

Antipathes lata Silberfeld 1909 Japan [679,680]; Korea [685] 

Antipathes lenta Pourtalés 1871 Barbados [551,612]; Colombia [551]; Cuba [551]; Honduras [551]; Panama [551]; 
Saint Vincent [551]; Trinidad and Tobago [551]; United States [551,611]; Venezuela[551] 

Antipathes lentipinna Brook 1889 Mozambique [714]; Saudi Arabia [84,552] 

Antipathes longibrachiata van Pesch 1914 Indonesia[380]; Japan [679]; Madagascar [379] 

Antipathes mediterranea Brook 1889 Italy 

Antipathes minor (Brook 1889) Chile [84] 

Antipathes myriophylla Pallas 1766 Indonesia [258,309,380]; Madagascar [379]; Mauritius [243]; Philippines 
[84,258,309,581];Réunion [243] 

Antipathes nilanduensis Forster Cooper 1904 Maldives [257] 

Antipathes panamensis Verrill 1869 Colombia [898]; Ecuador: including Galapagos Islands [479,480,553,898]; 
Panama [84,552,553,781,898] 

Antipathes paniculata Esper 1797 Mauritius [84]; Philippines [84]; Sri Lanka [84] 

Antipathes pauroclema Pax 1932 

Antipathes pectinata Lamarck 1815 

Antipathes pedata Gray 1857 Mexico; Panama [552]; Suriname [552] 



Antipathes pennacea Pallas 1766 Bahamas [552]: Barbados [449.552]; Dominica [552]: Honduras [552]: Indonesia 
[581]: Jamaica [548.552]: Martinique [552]: Mexico [552]: Netherlands Antilles [898]; Panama [552]: 
Philippines [581]; Saint Helena [84.552]: Trinidad and Tobago [794]: United States [552,611]: Virgin Islands 
of the United States [552] [197] 

Antipathes plana Forster Cooper 1909 British Indian Ocean Territory [258]: Indonesia 

Antipathes plantagenista (Forster Cooper 1904) Maldives [257] 

Antipathes pluma Gray 1857 

Antipathes pseudodichotoma Silberfeld 1909 Japan [680] 

Antipathes punctata Roule 1905 United States: Hawaiian Islands [320] 

Antipathes reticulata Esper 1797 Indonesia [683]: Mauritius (243]; Philippines [84]; Reunion [243] 

Antipathes rhipidion Pax 1916 Virgin Islands of the United States [574] 

Antipathes rigida Pourtalés 1880 Bahamas [551.614]; Barbados [551]; Colombia [551]: Guadeloupe [84]: 
Venezuela [551] 

Antipathes robillardi Bell 1891 Mauritius [26] 

Antipathes rugosa (Thomson & Simpson 1905) Sri Lanka [734] 

Antipathes salicoides Summers 1910 Mozambique [714] 

Antipathes salix Pourtalés 1880 Guadeloupe [551.614] 

Antipathes sarothamnoides (Brook 1889) Vanuatu [84] 

Antipathes sarothrum Pax 1932 

Antipathes sealarki Forster Cooper 1909 

Antipathes sibogae van Pesch 1914 Indonesia[581.663] 

Antipathes simplex (Schultze 1896) Indonesia [663] 

Antipathes speciosa (Brook 1889) Chile [84] 

Antipathes spinescens Gray 1857 Liberia[84] 

Antipathes spinosa (Carter 1880) Maldives [257]; Sri Lanka [84,634] 

Antipathes squamosa W. Koch 1886 

Antipathes stechowi (Pax 1932) 

Antipathes strigosa (Brook 1889) New Zealand [84] 

Antipathes subpinnata Ellis & Solander 1786 Gibraltar [552]; Italy [301,409]; Portugal [292]: including Madeira 

Antipathes tanacetum Pourtalés 1880 Bahamas [551]; Bermuda; Brazil [551]; Colombia [551]; Dominica 
(84.551,614]; Grenada [84,614]; Grenadines [84,614]; Martinique [84,551,614]; Montserrat [84,551,614]: 
Saint Vincent [551]; Suriname [551]; United States [551]; Venezuela [551] 

Antipathes tenuispina (Silberfeld 1909) Indonesia[581]; Japan [679,680] 

Antipathes ternatensis Schultze 1896 Indonesia [663] 

Antipathes thamnea Warner 1981 Trinidad and Tobago [794] 

Antipathes thamnoides Schultze 1896 Indonesia [84] 

Antipathes tristis (Duchassaing 1870) Barbados [84,614,714]: Guadeloupe [84,195,714]; Martinique [84,614,714]; 
Montserrat [84,614,714]; Mozambique [714]; Puerto Rico [329a]; Saint Lucia [84,614]; United States [613] 

Antipathes ulex Ellis & Solander 1786 Indonesia[84,58 1]; Philippines [84]; United States: Hawaiian Islands [320] 

Antipathes umbratica Opresko 1996 Bahamas; Honduras [553a] 

Antipathes valdiviae Pax 1915 India 

Antipathes verticillata (Brook 1889) Mauritius [84] 

Antipathes viminalis Roule 1902 China [897]; Morocco [648,897,898] 

Antipathes virgata Esper 1797 Cape Verde [648]; Mauritius: Cargados Carajos [258]; Philippines [258]; Portugal: 
Azores [648], Madeira [648] 

Antipathes wollastoni Gray 1857 Portugal: Madeira [84] 

Antipathes zoothallus Pax 1932 

Aphanipathes Brook 1889 II B - 
(Reported from the Caribbean [551], Gulf of Mexico [551], south-east Atlantic [292] and the Indian Ocean [84]) 

Bahamas [551]; Barbados [84,551]; British Indian Ocean Territory [258]; Cuba [84,551]; Dominica [84]; Grenada 
[84,551]; Guadeloupe [84,551]; Indonesia [84,581]; Martinique [84,551]; Mexico [551]; Montserrat [84,551]; 
Nicaragua [551]; Saint Vincent: including Grenadines [84.551]; Sri Lanka [258]; United States [551] 

9 species 



Aphanipathes abietina (Pourtalés 1874) Bahamas [551]: Barbados [84.55 1,613]: Martinique [551]: Mexico [551]: 
Nicaragua [551]: Saint Vincent [551]: United States [613] 

Aphanipathes cancellata Brook 1889 Indonesia[84.581] 

Aphanipathes filix (Pourtalés 1867) Bahamas [551]: Barbados [84.551.614]: Cuba [84.551.609]: Dominica 
[84.614]: Guadeloupe [84,551.614]: Martinique [84.551]: Montserrat [84.614]; Saint Vincent [84.551.614]: 
United States [551] 

Aphanipathes hancocki Forster Cooper 1909 British Indian Ocean Territory [258] 

Aphanipathes humilis (Pourtalés 1867) Bahamas [551]: Barbados [84.551.612.614]: Cuba [84.551.609]: Grenada 
[84.551.614]: Mexico [551]; Montserrat [84.551.614]; Saint Vincent [84,614]: United States [551.613] 

Aphanipathes reticulata (van Pesch 1914) Indonesia[581] 

Aphanipathes somervillei Forster Cooper 1909 British Indian Ocean Territory [258] 

Aphanipathes thyoides (Pourtalés 1880) Cuba [551]: Saint Vincent [84,551.614] 

Aphanipathes undulata (van Pesch 1914) Indonesia [683] 

Bathypathes Brook 1889 Il B - 

(Reported from all oceans [291 ,293.552]. including Antarctic [383,552.570,732]: Atlantic [552,570,571], Caribbean 
[552] and western shores of Europe [570]: Indian Ocean [258,570], the Arabian Sea [570] and Bay of Bengal [570]: 
north to south Pacific, including Tasman Sea [570] 

Australia [84]: Cocos (Keeling) Islands [570]; Cuba [552]; Falkland Islands [570]; India [258,344,581]: including 
Nicobar Islands [568]: Indonesia [84,568,570]; Mexico [552]: Morocco [570]; Mozambique [570]; New Zealand 
[737]: Papua New Guinea [84]: Portugal: Azores [302]; Puerto Rico [552]; Russian Federation [258]; Saint Kitts 
and Nevis: Nevis [552]; Seychelles [570]; Sri Lanka [258,568,581]; United States [552]: including Hawaiian Islands 

12 species 

Bathypathes alternata Brook 1889 United States: Hawaiian Islands [84] 

Bathypathes bifida Thomson 1905 Antarctic(71°22'S 16°34'W) [732] 

Bathypathes erotema Schultze 1903 Antarctic (63°16'S 57°51'E) [383] 

Bathypathes euantha Pasternak 1958 

Bathypathes galatheae Pastemak 1977 Panama [570] 

Bathypathes heterorhodzos (Forster Cooper 1909) Cuba [552]; Russian Federation 

Bathypathes lyra Brook 1889 India [568]; Indonesia [568]; Portugal: Azores [302]; Seychelles [570]; Sri Lanka 
[568]; United States: Hawaiian Islands [570] 

Bathypathes patula Brook 1889 Cocos (Keeling) Islands [570]; Falkland Islands [570]; French Southern and 
Antarctic Territories: Amsterdam Island [293]; India [258,581]; Indonesia [84,570]; Mexico [552]; Morocco 
[570,648]; Mozambique [570]; Papua New Guinea [84]; Portugal: Azores [648]; Puerto Rico [552]; Saint 
Kitts and Nevis [570]; Sri Lanka [258,581]; United States: Gulf of Mexico [125a], Hawaii [552,570] 

Bathypathes platycaulus Totton 1923 New Zealand [737] 

Bathypathes quadribrachiata van Pesch 1914 Indonesia [683] 

Bathypathes scoparia Totton 1923 New Zealand 

Bathypathes tenuis Brook 1889 Australia[84] 

Cirrhipathes Blainville 1830 Il B - 
(Reported from the Caribbean [898] and Indo-Pacific [898]) 

Barbados [449]; China [873,897]; Fiji [84]; Indonesia [84,380,581,897]; Iran [897]; Jamaica [851]; Japan [88]; 
Korea [685,794]; Maldives [258]; Mauritius: including Rodrigues [243]; Philippines [319]; Réunion [243]; 
Seychelles [258]; South Africa [897]; Sri Lanka [84,258,897]; Trinidad and Tobago: Trinidad [794]; United States: 
Hawaiian Islands [320] 

12 species 

Cirrhipathes aggregata van Pesch 1914 Indonesia[581,683] 

Cirrhipathes anguina (Dana 1848) Fiji [84]; Indonesia [84,380]; Korea [685]; Maldives [257,258]; Mauritius 
[243]; Mozambique [714]; Papua New Guinea [84]; Réunion [243]; Seychelles [258]; Sri Lanka [84,258,634]; 
Taiwan; United States: Hawaiian Islands [320] 

Cirrhipathes contorta van Pesch 1910 Indonesia [581,683] 



Cirrhipathes musculosa van Pesch 1910 China [897.898]: Indonesia [581.683.897.898] 

Cirrhipathes nana van Pesch 1910 Indonesia [581.683] 

Cirrhipathes rumphii van Pesch 1910 China [897,898]: Indonesia [581.683.898]: Iran [897.898]: South Africa 
[897]: Sri Lanka [897] 

Cirrhipathes saccula van Pesch 1914 China [873]: Indonesia [581,683] 

Cirrhipathes sinensis Zou & Zhou 1984 China [897] 

Cirrhipathes solorensis van Pesch 1914 Indonesia [581.683] 

Cirrhipathes spiralis (Linnaeus 1758) Barbados [614]; Cuba [614]; Grenada [614]: Indonesia [84,581]: Ireland 
[343]; Japan [680]: Maldives [257]; Martinique [614]; Mauritius [243]: Montserrat [614]: Mozambique [714]; 
Réunion [243]: Saint Vincent [614]; Sri Lanka [84,257,634]; Taiwan; United States: Hawaiian Islands [320] 

Cirrhipathes translucens van Pesch 1910 Indonesia[581.683] 

Cirrhipathes variabilis van Pesch 1914 Indonesia[683] 

Cladopathes Brook 1889 U B - 
South Africa: Prince Edward Island [84] 

1 species 
Cladopathes plumosa Brook 1889 

Hexapathes Kinoshita 1910 Il B - 
(North-west Pacific [552]) : 

Japan [403] 
1 species 
Hexapathes heterosticha Kinoshita 1910 

Hillopathes van Pesch 1914 II B - 

] species 
Hillopathes ramosa (van Pesch 1910) 

Leiopathes (Gray 1842) II B - 
(Reported from the Atlantic [294], including the Bay of Biscay [294], Gulf of Mexico [552] and Mediterranean 

Bahamas [552]; Cape Verde [648]; French Southern and Antarctic Territories: Saint Paul Island [323]; Italy 
[301,409]; Malta [309]; Morocco [294,648]; Portugal: Azores [294], Madeira [294,383,552,648]; Spain [294]: 
United States: Florida, Hawaiian Islands [294,320,552] 

3 species 

Leiopathes expansa Johnson 1900 Portugal: Madeira [383] 

Leiopathes glaberrima (Esper 1794) Bahamas [552]; French Southern and Antarctic Territories: Saint Paul [293]; 
Italy [301,409]; Morocco [294]; Portugal: Azores [294], Madeira [294,383,552]; Spain [294]; United States 

Leiopathes grimaldii Roule 1902 Cape Verde [648]; Morocco [648]; Portugal: Madeira [648] 

Parantipathes Brook 1889 II B = 
(Reported from all oceans [293]: Atlantic [291,292,571], including Caribbean [551], Bay of Biscay [291], 
Mediterranean [552]; Indo-Pacific [570,685]) 


Cape Verde [648]: Faeroe Islands: France [344]: Guyana [551]: Indonesia [570,581]: Italy [84.301.409]: Korea 
[685]: Malaysia [570]: Martinique [84.196]: Mexico [551]: Morocco [294.648]: New Zealand [757]: Philippines 
[581]; Puerto Rico [551]: Saint Lucia [551]: United States [84.551] 

About 7 species 

Parantipathes laricides van Pesch 1914 Indonesia [581.683] 

Parantipathes larix (Esper 1794) Cape Verde [648]; Faeroe Islands: France [344]; Italy [84.301,409]; Martinique 
[84.196.197]: Morocco [648]: Philippines [581] 

Parantipatheslilliei (Totton 1923) New Zealand [737] 

Parantipathes strigosa (Brook 1889) 

Parantipathes tetrasticha (Pourtalés 1868) Guyana [551]: Mexico [551]; Puerto Rico [551]; Saint Lucia [551]: 
United States [84.551.610] 

Parantipathes tristicha van Pesch 1914 Indonesia[581.683] 

Parantipathes wolffi Pasternak 1977 Strait of Malacca [570] 

Schizopathes Brook 1889 I B - 
(Reported from northern Indian Ocean [258], south Atlantic [258] and northern Pacific [320]) 

France [344]: Indonesia [84]; Papua New Guinea [84]; South Africa: Prince Edward Island [84]: United States: 
Hawaiian Islands [320]; Uruguay [84] 

4 species 

Schizopathes affinis Brook 1889 France; Indonesia [84]; Papua New Guinea [84] 

Schizopathes amplispina Opresko 1997 Indian Ocean, east of Madagascar, 21°18'S 36°18'E [553] 

Schizopathes conferta Brook 1889 South Africa: Prince Edward Island [84]; United States: Hawaiian Islands [320] 
Schizopathes crassa Brook 1889 France [344]; Uruguay [84] 

Sibopathes van Pesch 1914 I] B - 
Indonesia: Timor [581]; Gulf of Mexico [553a] 

2 species 

Sibopathes gephura van Pesch 1914 Indonesia[581,683]; Gulf of Mexico [125a] 
Sibopathes macrospina Opresko 1993 Gulf of Mexico [125a,553a] 

Stichopathes Brook 1889 II B - 
(Atlantic [291,294], including Bay of Biscay [290]; Indo-Pacific [258,291,873], including north-east Pacific [555] 
and South China Sea [873]) 

Australia [84,311]; Barbados [449]; British Indian Ocean Territory [258]; China [873]; Djibouti [414]; India: 
Andaman Islands [258]; Indonesia [570,581]; Japan [570,680]; Madagascar [379]; Mauritius [84,258]; Morocco 
[291]; Netherlands Antilles [163]; Philippines [581]; Portugal: Azores [291,302], Madeira [84,291,383 ,648]; Saint 
Helena [84]; Seychelles [258]; Sri Lanka [258,734]; Trinidad and Tobago: Trinidad [794]; United States [278]: 
including Hawaiian Islands [320] 

18 species 

Stichopathes abyssicola Roule 1902 China [873]; Morocco [291,294]; Portugal: Azores [291], Madeira [291,648] 

Stichopathes alcocki Forster Cooper 1909 Sri Lanka [258] 

Stichopathes bournei Forster Cooper 1909 China [873] 

Stichopathes ceylonensis Thomson & Simpson 1905 China [873]; Indonesia [581]; Sri Lanka [734] 

Stichopathes contorta Thomson & Simpson 1905 China [873]; Sri Lanka [734] 

Stichopathes echinulata Brook 1889 Djibouti [414]; Indonesia: Moluccas [380]; Madagascar [379]: Mauritius 
[84,258]; Mozambique [714]; Seychelles [258]; Sri Lanka [734]; United States: Hawaiian Islands [320] 

Stichopathes filiformis (Gray 1868) Australia [84,311]; China [873]; Japan [679]; Portugal: Madeira [648]; Saint 
Helena [84] 



Stichopathes flagellum (Brook 1889) China [873]; Mozambique [714]: Portugal: Madeira [648] 

Stichopathes gracilis (Gray 1857) Fiji [714]: France [344]: Indonesia [581]: Ireland [343]: Jamaica [794]: 
Mozambique [714]: Netherlands Antilles [163]: Portugal: Azores [302]. Madeira [84.383]: Seychelles: 
Amirantes [258,714]; Sri Lanka [714.734]: United States [125a] 

Stichopathes longispina Forster Cooper 1909 Seychelles [258] 

Stichopathes lutkeni Brook 1889 Barbados [449]: Bermuda: Trinidad and Tobago: Trinidad [794] 

Stichopathes papillosa Thomson & Simpson 1905 India: Andaman Islands [258]; Sri Lanka [258.734] 

Stichopathes paucispina (Brook 1889) Opal Seamount (30°30'N 121°54'W); Philippines [581] 

Stichopathes regularis Forster Cooper 1904 British Indian Ocean Territory [258]; Maldives [257]; Sri Lanka [258] 

Stichopathes semiglabra (van Pesch 1914) China [873]; Indonesia [683]: Sulawesi [581] 

Stichopathes seychellensis Forster Cooper 1909 Seychelles [258] 

Stichopathes spiessi Opresko & Genin 1990 Fieberling Seamount (32°26'N 127°47'W); Jasper Seamount (30°26'N 

Stichopathes variabilis (van Pesch 1914) Indonesia[570,58 1]: Japan [570] 

Taxipathes Brook 1889 I] B - 
Saint Helena: Ascension Island [84] 

1 species 
Taxipathes recta Brook 1889 

Tropidopathes Silberfeld 1909 I B - 
Japan [679,680] 

1 species 

Tropidopathes saliciformis Silberfeld 1909 

Family ASTROCOENIIDAE Koby 1890 

Actinastrea d'Orbigny 1849 II B - 

United States: Florida [151,611] 

1 species [151] 

Actinastrea pectinata (Pourtalés 1871) 

Stephanocoenia Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 I B - 

(Caribbean [608,833] to Brazil [420]; Bermuda [682,847]) 

Countries listed without reference numbers are within the distributionrange shown in Smith [682] and Wood [847] 
Anguilla; Antigua and Barbuda; Bahamas [690]; Barbados [448]; Belize [102]; Bermuda {191,381,418,785,787]; 
Brazil [420]; British Virgin Islands [214]; Cayman Islands [250]; Colombia [235,615]; Costa Rica [158]; Cuba 
[416,889]; Dominica; Dominican Republic; Grenada; Guadeloupe; Haiti; Honduras [250]; Jamaica [284,833]; 
Martinique [70]; Mexico [74,375a,381]; Montserrat; Netherlands Antilles [653]; Nicaragua; Panama [169,608]; 
Puerto Rico [10a]; Saint Kitts and Nevis; Saint Lucia; Saint Vincent and the Grenadines; Trinidad and Tobago; 

Turks and Caicos; United States: Florida [381]; Venezuela [14]; Virgin Islands of the United States [640a] 

A small or medium-sized coral, occurring on most reefs [847] 
1 species [766b] or 3 species [151] 

Stephanocoenia intersepta(Esper 1795) Blushing Star Coral, Small-eyed Star Coral 



Stlocoeniella Yabe & Sugivama 1935 Il B - 

Thorn coral 

(Red Sea [661]. East Africa [329]. Indian Ocean north to Maldives [832] and Mergui Archipelago, south to 
Madagascar [587]. Cocos (Keeling) Islands [763] and Houtman Abrolhos Islands off western Australia [761]. 
South-east Asia. Pacific Ocean. north to southern Japan [231]. south to Lord Howe Island, east to Northem 
Marianas, Marshall Islands and Tuamotu Archipelago (244, 761]) 

Countries listed without reference numbers are within the distribution range shown in Veron [761] 

American Samoa [430]: Australia; Bahrain [16.95]: British Indian Ocean Territory [644.674,832]: Brunei: China 
[668]; Christmas Island: Cocos (Keeling) Islands [763]; Comoros: Cook Islands; Djibouti; Egypt [661]; Ethiopia: 
Federated States of Micronesia: Fiji: French Polynesia [148,244]: Guam; Indonesia [735a]; Japan [765]: Kenya: 
Kiribati: Madagascar [587.591]; Malaysia: Peninsular [36], Sabah [848]: Maldives [605,674]; Marshall Islands 
[807]: Mauritius [242]: Mozambique [68]; Myanmar: Nauru; New Caledonia [850]; Niue; Northern Marianas: 
Oman [675]; Palau [221]: Papua New Guinea: Philippines [768]; Pitcairn Islands [572]; Réunion [69]; Samoa: 
Saudi Arabia [15]; Seychelles [674,845]; Singapore [800]: Solomon Islands [796]; Somalia; Sudan [661]; Taiwan 
[171]; Tanzania [470]; Thailand [186,744]; Tokelau; Tonga: Tuvalu; Vanuatu [762]; Wallis and Futuna 

Stylocoeniella is unusual because it forms large colonies only on temperate reefs (e.g. southern Australia), near the 
limit of coral reef distribution. On tropical reefs it is uncommon and forms only small encrusting colonies [761]. 
At least 3 species [764,766b] or about 5 species [151] 

Stylocoeniella armata (Hemprich & Ehrenberg 1834) American Samoa [430]; Australia [800]; British Indian 
Ocean Territory [644,672.674]; Cocos (Keeling) Islands [766a]; French Polynesia; Indonesia [735a]; Japan 
[800,969]; Malaysia: Peninsular [36], Sabah [848]; Marshall Islands [465]; Mauritius [242]; Palau [221]; 
Papua New Guinea; Philippines [768]; Réunion [69,242]: Singapore [800]; Taiwan [171]; Tanzania [470] 

Stylocoeniellacocosensis Veron 1990 Cocos (Keeling) Islands [764,766a]; Japan [764] 

Stylocoeniella guentheri (Bassett-Smith 1890) Australia; British Indian Ocean Territory [672,674]; Cocos (Keeling) 
Islands [766a]; China; French Polynesia [593]; Indonesia [735a]; Japan [739]; Madagascar [674]; Malaysia: 
Sabah [848]: Maldives [674.832]; Marshall Islands; Mozambique [637d]; Oman [675]; Papua New Guinea; 
Philippines [535,768]; Pitcairn Islands [572]; Réunion [69]; Saudi Arabia [15,674]; Seychelles [674,845]: 
Taiwan [171]; Thailand [674]; Vanuatu; Vietnam 

Family POCILLOPORIDAE Gray 1842 (= SERIATOPORIDAE Milne Edwards and Haime 1849 

Madracis Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 Il B - 

(Cosmopolitan, widely distributed throughout most temperate and tropical seas: 42-421 m [126a]. Western Atlantic, 
Caribbean [101,608,833] to Brazil, Azores, Cape Verde, Gulf of Guinea [420]. Mediterranean. Red Sea [661], 
Persian Gulf, Arabian Gulf [95]. Indian and Pacific Oceans to Hawaiian Islands [186], Galapagos Islands and 
Pacific coast of America [217]) 

Anguilla; Antigua and Barbuda; Aruba [219]; Australia [766]; Bahamas [381]; Bahrain [16,95]; Barbados [448]; 
Belize [102]; Bermuda [191]; Brazil [420]; British Indian Ocean Territory [672,674,832]; British Virgin Islands 
[214]; Brunei; Cape Verde [40,728]; Cayman Islands; Chile; Colombia [235]; Costa Rica [158]; Cuba [416,889]; 
Cyprus [880c]; Dominica [614]; Dominican Republic; Ecuador: Galapagos Islands [826,827]; Equatorial Guinea: 
Pagalu [273]; French Polynesia [148]; Greece [744a]; Grenada [614]; Guadeloupe [614]; Haiti; Honduras [250]; 
Indonesia [735a]; Israel [661,880c]; Italy [190]; Jamaica [833]; Japan [123,766]; Kuwait [35la]; Madagascar 
[587,591]; Malaysia: Sabah [848]; Malta [880c]; Marshall Islands [123,807]; Martinique [70]; Mauritius [242]; 
Mexico [241,375a]; Montserrat [614]; Mozambique [123; Myanmar; Netherlands Antilles [653]; Nicaragua; Oman 
[675]; Palau [868]; Panama [608]; Papua New Guinea [766]; Philippines [768]; Pitcairn Islands [572]; Portugal: 
Azores [728], Madeira [118,503]; Puerto Rico [746]; Saint Kitts and Nevis [614]; Saint Lucia; Saint Vincent and the 
Grenadines [614]; Saudi Arabia [95]; Singapore; Spain: Canary Islands [118]; Taiwan; Thailand [186,794]; 
Trinidad and Tobago; Tunisia [880c]; Turkey [880c]; Turks and Caicos; United States: Florida [611], Hawaiian 
Islands [464]; Venezuela; Vietnam [766]; Virgin Islands of the United States [640a] 

There are probably 6 species in the Caribbean, where Madracis is a fairly common reef-building (hermatypic) coral 
[847]. In the Indo-Pacific there is probably only one reef-building species (M. kirbyi). This species is rare and 


4 [766b]-12- c. 20 [151 ]species 

Madracis asanoi Yabe & Sugiyama 1936 Japan [766]: Palau [868]; Philippines [126a] 

Madracis asperula Milne Edwards & Haime 1850 Aruba [219]; Barbados [448]: Brazil [520]; Cape Verde 
[40.520]: Colombia [235]: Ecuador: Galapagos Islands [219.827]: Granada [614]: Jamaica [284.380a]: 
Mexico [74]: Portugal: Madeira [208.709]; Puerto Rico [746]: Saint Kitts and Nevis [614]; Saint Vincent 
[614]: United States [611.613] 

Madracis brueggemanni (Ridley 1881) 

Madracis decactis (Lyman 1859) Green Cactus Coral, Ten-rayed Star Coral Bahamas; Barbados [448.612]: 
Belize [102]; Bermuda [191.418,621,787]; Brazil [419.420]; Cape Verde [40]; Cayman Islands [250]: 
Colombia [235]: Cuba [416.889]; Cyprus [880c]; Ecuador: Galapagos Islands [827]: Greece [744a]: Honduras 
[250]; Israel [880c]; Italy [190]: Jamaica [284]: Malta [880c]; Martinique [70]; Mexico [74,241.375a]: 
Netherlands Antilles [653]: Panama [169]: Portugal: Azores, Madeira [880c]: Saint Lucia: Tunisia [880c]: 
Turkey [880c]: United States [611]; Virgin Islands of the United States [640a] 

Madracis formosa Wells 1973 Cayman Islands [250]; Cuba [889]; United States [790a] 

Madracis interjecta Marenzeller 1907 

Madracis kauaiensis Vaughan 1907 Mauritius [242]: United States: Hawaiian Islands [107,751] 

Madracis kirbyi Veron & Pichon 1976 Australia [761,766]; British Indian Ocean Territory [674]; French Polynesia 
[593]; Indonesia [735a]; Kuwait [35 1a]; Malaysia [766]: Sabah [848]; Oman [675]; Papua New Guinea [766]: 
Philippines [768]; Taiwan; Thailand [186,744]; Vietnam [766] 

Madracis mirabilis (Duchassaing & Michelotti 1860) Yellow Pencil Coral Bahamas; Barbados [614]: Belize 
[102]; Bermuda [191]; Brazil [419]; Cayman Islands [250]; Colombia [235]; Dominica [614]; Granada [614]: 
Guadeloupe [614]; Honduras [250]; Jamaica; Martinique [70]; Mexico [74,375a]; Monserrat [614]: 
Netherlands Antilles [653]; Puerto Rico [746]; Saint Lucia; Saint Vincent and the Grenadines [614]; United 
States; Virgin Islands of the United States [640a] 

Madracis myriaster (Milne Edwards & Haime 1850) Mexico [74,375a]; United States 

Madracis profunda Zibrowius 1980 Portugal 

Madracis senaria Wells 1974 Cuba [889] 

Palauastrea Yabe & Sugiyama 1941 Il B - 

(Houtman Abrolhos Islands off western Australia [770]; Malaysia [848]; Philippines [768]: north to Ryukyu 
Archipelago, east to Palau; south to north-facing coasts of Java, Sumatra, Irian Jaya and Papua New Guinea. Great 
Barrier Reef [761]) 

Countries listed without reference numbers are within the distribution range shown in Veron [761] 

Australia [766]; India [766]; Indonesia [735a]; Japan [765]; Malaysia: Sabah [848]; Palau [870]; Papua New Guinea 
[766]; Philippines [768]; Singapore; Vanuatu [762]; Vietnam [766] 

Restricted to sheltered reef areas on a sandy substratum where it may be common; otherwise not abundant. This 
coral is often confused underwater with Porites and may be more widely distributed [761,847]. Chevalier (1987) 
[151] treated Palauastrea as a synonym of Stylophora. 

1 species [766b] 

Palauastrearamosa Yabe & Sugiyama 1941 

Pocillopora Lamarck 1816 Il B - 

Brown Stem Coral, Cauliflower Coral 

(Red Sea [661], Persian Gulf, East and South Africa [12,15]. Indian Ocean, north to Arabian Gulf [95], 
Lakshadweep, Andaman and Nicobar Islands and Mergui Archipelago, south to Madagascar, Cocos (Keeling) 
Islands and south-western tip of Australia [761]. South-east Asia. Pacific Ocean, north to Japan [231], Midway 
Islands, Hawaiian Islands and California [691], south to Lord Howe Island and Kermadec Islands, east to Pitcairn 
Islands [761], Easter Island, Galapagos Islands and Colombia [217]) 

Countries listed without reference numbers are within the distribution range shown in Veron [761] 
American Samoa [430]; Australia [758a,766]; Bahrain [95]; British Indian Ocean Territory [644,674,832]; Brunei; 

Chile: Easter Island [820]; China [668,894,895]: Christmas Island [29]; Cocos (Keeling) Islands [763]; Colombia 
[615]; Comoros; Cook Islands [485]; Costa Rica [158]; Djibouti [298]; Ecuador: Galapagos Islands [827]; Egypt 



[661]: Ethiopia: Federated States of Micronesia [595]: Fiji [359]: French Polynesia [148.244.554]: Gibraltar [380a]: 
Guam: India [598.602]: Indonesia [735a]: Iran: Israel [64.458]: Japan [765]: Jordan [661]: Kenya [329]: Kiribati 
[463.872a]: Madagascar [587.591]: Malaysia: Peninsular [36]. Sabah [848]: Maldives [605.674]: Marshall Islands 
[465.807]: Mauritius [242.674]: Mexico [375a.776]: Mozambique [68.845]; Myanmar [212]; Nauru: New 
Caledonia [850]: New Zealand: Kermadec Islands [413]: Niue: Northern Marianas [841]: Oman [675]: Palau [221]: 
Panama [691]: Papua New Guinea [766]: Philippines [768]: Pitcairn Islands [572]; Qatar: Réunion [69a]; Samoa: 
Saudi Arabia [15]: Seychelles [606.674.845]: Singapore [617]: Solomon Islands [796]: Somalia: South Africa 
[637d]: Sri Lanka [558]: Sudan [661]; Taiwan [171]; Tanzania [329]: Thailand [186.744]: Tokelau; Tonga: Tuvalu 
[261.835]: United Arab Emirates [95.677]; United States: Gulf of California [464], Hawaiian Islands [464]: United 
States minor outlying islands: Johnston Atoll [467]; Vanuatu [762.766]: Vietnam [436]; Wallis and Futuna: Yemen 

A hardy. reef-building coral. P. damicornis, P. verrucosa and P. eyvdouxi are the commonest and most widely 
distributed species. 
Approximately 35 nominal species: an estimated 7-10 valid species [761,766b] or 25 species [151] 

Pocilloporaankeli Scheer & Pillai 1974 American Samoa [430]: India [602.659] 
Pocilloporacapitata Verrill 1864 Ecuador: Galapagos Islands [827]; Mexico [216,219.63 1b,691.781] 
= P. elegans [375a] 

Pocilloporaclavaria Ehrenberg 1834 Mozambique [674]; Tuvalu [261] 

Pocillopora damicornis (Linnaeus 1758) American Samoa [430]; Australia [758a,766,792b]: British Indian Ocean 
Territory [644,672]; Cocos (Keeling) Islands [766a]; Chile: Easter I. [820]; Colombia [219]: Costa Rica [691]; 
Djibouti [298]; Ecuador [219,691]: Galapagos Islands [827]; Federated States of Micronesia [841]; Fiji 
(261,359,621,776]; French Polynesia [148,593]; Guam; India [599,602.604.659]: Indonesia 
(25,621,735a,741]; Israel [674]; Japan [739,869]: Kenya [329]; Kiribati [463,872a]; Madagascar [674]; 
Malaysia: Peninsular [36]; Sabah [848]; Maldives [605]; Marshall Islands [465]; Mauritius [242.674]: Mexico 
[375a,63 1b,691]; Mozambique [637d.674]; New Caledonia [261,482]; New Zealand: Kermadec Is [413,753]; 
Northern Mariana Islands [841]; Oman [675]; Palau [841]; Panama [219,691,781]; Papua New Guinea [766]: 
Philippines [621,768]; Pitcairn Islands [572]; Réunion [69,242]; Saudi Arabia [15,674]; Seychelles [606,845]; 
Singapore [359,617,710.776]:Solomon Islands [513]; South A frica [167]; Sri Lanka [359,634]; Taiwan [171]; 
Tanzania [329,430]; Thailand [674,701,744]; Tuvalu [261]; United States: Hawaiian Is [359]; United States 
minor outlying islands: Johnston Atoll [467]; Vanuatu [19a,621,766]; Vietnam [436] 

Pocilloporadiomedeae Vaughan 1906 Chile: Easter I. [748,820] 

Pocillopora eydouxi Milne Edwards & Haime 1860 American Samoa [329,430,603]; Australia [604,766]; British 
Indian Ocean Territory [672]; Cocos (Keeling) Islands [766a]; Cook Islands [485]; Fiji [261,359]; French 
Polynesia [148,593,621]; India [602,659]; Indonesia [735a,741]; Japan [766,?869]; Kiribati [463,872a]; 
Madagascar [674]; Malaysia: Peninsular [36,604]; Maldives [605]; Marshall Islands [465]; Mauritius 
[242,674]; Mozambique [637d,674]; New Caledonia [261,482]; Papua New Guinea [766]; Philippines [768]; 
Pitcairn Islands [572]; Réunion [69,242]; Seychelles [21,674]; Solomon Islands [604]; South Africa [637d]; 
Sri Lanka [634]; Taiwan [171]; Tanzania [714a]; Thailand [674,744]; Tuvalu [261]; United States: Hawaiian 
Is [604,?751]; United States minor outlying islands: Johnston Atoll [467]; Vanuatu [766]; Vietnam [766] 

Pocilloporafrondosa Verrill 1869 United States: Hawaiian Is [751] 

Pocillopora informis Dana 1848 Mozambique [674]; United States: Hawaiian Is [751] 

Pocillopora ligulata Dana 1848 French Polynesia [148]; India [599,602]; Indonesia [735a]; Maldives [605]; 
Mozambique [674]; Tuvalu [261]; United States: Hawaiian Is [621,751] 

Pocillopora mauritiana Briiggemann 1878 Mauritius [242,674] 

Pocillopora meandrina Dana 1848 Australia [766]; Cocos (Keeling) Islands [766a]; French Polynesia: Clipperton 
Island [339]; India [659]; Indonesia [735a]; Japan [766,869]; Kiribati [463]; Maldives [674]; Marshall Islands 
[465]; Mexico [375a,691]; Palau [221]; Papua New Guinea [766]; Philippines [768]; Solomon Islands [513]; 
Taiwan [171]; Thailand [674,744]; Tuvalu [261]; United States: Hawaiian Is [751]; United States minor 
outlying islands: Johnston Atoll [467]; Vanuatu [766]; Vietnam [766] 

Pocilloporamolokensis Vaughan 1907 Kiribati [463]; Maldives [605]; United States: Hawaiian Islands [751] 

Pocilloporaplicata Dana 1848 United States: Hawaiian Islands [621] 

Pocillopora setchelli Hoffmeister 1929 Federated States of Micronesia [841]; French Polynesia [841]; Japan 
[841,869]; Mauritius [242]; Northern Mariana Islands [841]; Réunion [69] 

Pocilloporasolida Quelch 1886 French Polynesia [593,621]; Malaysia: Peninsular [604] 

Pocilloporasquarrosa Dana 1848 Fiji[776]; Indonesia [621]; Tuvalu [261] 

Pocilloporasymmetrica Thiel 1932 Indonesia[728] 



Pocillopora verrucosa (Ellis & Solander 1786) American Samoa [430]: Australia [595,766.792b]: British Indian 
Ocean Territory [644.672]: Cocos (Keeling) Islands [766a]: Chile: Easter I. [820]: Ecuador [219.691]: 
Galapagos Islands [827]: Fiji [261.595]: Federated States of Micronesia [595]; French Polynesia [148.593] 
including Clipperton I. [339]: India [595.602]; Indonesia [25.735a.74 1]; Israel [674]: Japan [739.869]: Kenya 
[329]: Kiribati [463.872a]: Madagascar: Malaysia: Peninsular [36], Sabah [848]: Maldives [605]; Marshall 
Islands [465]: Mauritius [242.674]; Mexico [375a.631b.69 1.776]: Mozambique [637d.674]; Myanmar [212]: 
Oman [675]: Palau [221]: Panama [691.781]: Papua New Guinea [766]; Philippines [621,768]; Pitcaim 
Islands [572]; Réunion [69.242]; Saudi Arabia [15,674]: Seychelles [674,845]; Singapore [595.617,710]: 
Solomon Islands [513]; South Africa [637d]; Sri Lanka [560]; Taiwan [171]; Tanzania [329,470], Thailand 
[744]; Tuvalu [835]; United States: Hawaiian Is [595,621]; Vanuatu [19a,766]; Vietnam [436]; Yemen [654] 

Pocillopora woodjonesi Vaughan 1918 American Samoa [430]: Australia [766]; Cocos (Keeling) Islands 
[754.766a]: French Polynesia [593]: India [602]; Indonesia [735a]: Japan [766]: Malaysia [766]: Papua New 
Guinea [766]; Philippines [768]; Pitcairn Islands [572]; Reunion [69a]; Taiwan [171]; Vietnam [436] 

Seriatopora Lamarck 1816 II B - 

(Red Sea [661]. East and South Africa [68,329]. Indian Ocean north to Maldives [832], Andaman and Nicobar 
Islands and Mergui Archipelago; south to Madagascar, Cocos (Keeling) Islands, Ningaloo Reefs (western 
Australia). South-East Asia. Pacific Ocean, north to Ryukyu Islands, south to Lord Howe Island, east to Phoenix 
Islands and Samoa [761]) 

Countries listed without reference numbers are within the distributionrange shown in Veron [761] 

American Samoa [430]; Australia [770,766]; British Indian Ocean Territory [644,674,832]; Brunei; China [668]; 
Christmas Island; Cocos (Keeling) Islands [763]; Comoros; Djibouti [298]; Egypt [661]; Ethiopia; Federated States 
of Micronesia; Fiji [820]; Guam; India [598,602]; Indonesia [735a]; Israel [458,661]; Japan [765]; Jordan; Kenya 
[329]; Kiribati [872a]; Madagascar [587,591]; Malaysia: Peninsular [36], Sabah [848]; Maldives [605,674]; 
Marshall Islands [465,807]; Mauritius [242,674]; Mozambique [68]; Myanmar; Nauru; New Caledonia [850]; 
Northern Marianas; ?Oman [675 but see 651a]; Palau [221]; Papua New Guinea [766]; Philippines [768]; Pitcaim 
Islands [572]; Réunion; Samoa; Saudi Arabia [15]; Seychelles [674,845]; Singapore [820]: Solomon Islands [796]; 
Somalia; South Africa [820]; Sudan [661]; Taiwan [171]; Tanzania [329]; Thailand [186,744]; Tokelau; Tuvalu; 
Vanuatu [762]; Vietnam [766]; Wallis and Futuna; Yemen 

26 nominal species, about 5-6 valid species [766,766b] or about 15 species [151] 

Seriatopora caliendrum Hemprich & Ehrenberg 1834 Australia [766], Djibouti [298], Egypt [89], Indonesia 
[735a], Israel [674], Japan [766,869], Madagascar [89], Malaysia [766]: Sabah [848], Mauritius [242,674], 
Mozambique [637d], ?0man [675 but see 651a], Papua New Guinea [766], Philippines [621,768], Saudi 
Arabia [655], Seychelles [674,845], Singapore [89], Taiwan [171], Thailand [674,744], Vanuatu [766], 
Vietnam [766] 

Seriatoporacrassa Quelch 1886 India [602,659], Philippines [621] 2= S. hystrix 

Seriatopora hystrix Dana 1848 Needle Coral American Samoa [430], Australia [758a,766,792b], British indian 
Ocean Territory [672,674], Cocos (Keeling) Islands [766a], Fiji [89.621], India [602,659], Indonesia 
[25,728,735a,741], Israel [674], Japan [766,869], Kenya, Madagascar [674], Malaysia: Peninsular [36], Sabah 
[848], Maldives [674,832], Marshall Islands [465], Mauritius [242,674], Mozambique [637d,674], New 
Caledonia [482], Palau [221], Papua New Guinea [766], Philippines [768], Saudi Arabia [15,674], Seychelles 
[674,845], Singapore [617], Solomon Islands [513], Taiwan [171], Tanzania [329,470], Thailand [674,744], 
Vanuatu [19a,766], Vietnam [766] 

Seriatoporalineata (Linnaeus 1758) New Caledonia [261] 

Seriatopora spinosa Milne Edwards & Haime 1860 Israel [674], Tuvalu [261] 

Seriatoporastellata Quelch 1886 Fiji [621,841], India [602,659], Marshall Islands [841], Mauritius [242,674] 

Seriatoporastricta Briggemann 1877 British Indian Ocean Territory [644,672], South Africa [89] 

Stylophora Schweigger 1819 Il B - 

Hood Coral 

(Red Sea [661], Persian Gulf, East and South Africa [68,329]. Indian Ocean, north to Arabian Gulf [95], 
Lakshadweep, Andaman and Nicobar Islands and Mergui Archipelago; south to Madagascar and Shark Bay 
(western Australia). South-East Asia. Pacific Ocean, north to Japan, south to Lord Howe Island, east to Line Islands 
[761], Tuamotu Archipelago and Pitcairn Islands) 



Countries listed without reference numbers are within the distribution range shown in Veron [761] 

American Samoa [430]: Australia [770.766]: Bahrain [95]: British Indian Ocean Territory [644.674.832]: Brunei: 
China [668]: Christmas Island: Comoros: Cook Islands: Djibouti [298]: Egypt [661]: Ethiopia: Federated States of 
Micronesia: Fiji [595]: French Polynesia [148.244]; Guam: India [598.602]: Indonesia [735a]; Iran: Israel 
[458.661]: Japan [765]: Jordan: Kenya [329]: Kiribati [872a]; Kuwait [35la]: Madagascar [587.591]; Malaysia: 
Peninsular [36]. Sabah [848]: Maldives [605.674]: Marshall Islands [465.807]; Mauritius [242.674]: Mozambique 
[68.845]: Myanmar: Nauru: New Caledonia [850]: Niue: Northern Marianas; Oman [675]; Palau (221]; Papua New 
Guinea [766]: Philippines [768]: Pitcairn Islands: Qatar; Reunion [69a]; Samoa; Saudi Arabia [15]; Seychelles 
[606,674,845]; Singapore [557]: Solomon Islands [796]; Somalia: South Africa [637d]; Sri Lanka: Sudan [661]: 
Taiwan [171]; Tanzania [329]: Thailand [186,744]: Tokelau: Tonga: Tuvalu [835]; United Arab Emirates [95,677]. 
Vanuatu [762]: Vietnam [766]: Wallis and Futuna; Yemen [654] 

24 nominal species: 4-5 valid species [761.766b] or about 15 species [ 151] 

Stylophoracompressa Gardiner 1898 New Caledonia [262] 

Stvlophora kuehlmanni Scheer & Pillai 1983 

Snlophoralobata Gardiner 1898 New Caledonia [262] 

Snlophoramamillata Scheer & Pillai 1983 

Stylophora mordax (Dana 1848) American Samoa [430]. Australia [792b], British Indian Ocean Territory [674], 
Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji [595], India [595,599,659,674], Indonesia [741], Japan, Kenya [329], 
Kiribati [463], Madagascar [674], Malaysia: Peninsular [36], Maldives [605], Marshall Islands [595], 
Mauritius [242,674], New Caledonia [482], Palau [221], Reunion [69,69a.242], Seychelles [606,845], 
Singapore [617], Tanzania [329] = S. pistillata [277] 

Stylophora pistillata (Esper 1797) Australia [75 8a,766,792b], British Indian Ocean Territory [674], Djibouti [298], 
Federated States of Micronesia [557], Fiji [621]. French Polynesia [593], Indonesia [25,735a,741], India [602], 
Israel [674], Japan [766,869], Kiribati [463], Kuwait [351a], Madagascar [674], Malaysia [766]: Sabah [848], 
Maldives [605,832], Marshall Islands [465], Mauritius [242.674], Mozambique [637d,674,845], New 
Caledonia [482], Oman [675], Palau [221], Papua New Guinea [766], Philippines [768], Réunion [69.242], 
Saudi Arabia [15,674], Seychelles [503,674,845], Singapore [557,710], Solomon Islands [513], South Africa 
[167.637d], Taiwan [171], Tanzania [329,470,503], Thailand [674,744], Tonga [621], Tuvalu [835], Vanuatu 
[766], Vietnam [766], Yemen [654] 

Styvlophorarugosa Gardiner 1898 New Caledonia [262] 

Snlophorastellata Verrill 1864 Kiribati [557] 

Stylophorawellsi Scheer 1964 Israel [674], Saudi Arabia [15,655] 

Family ACROPORIDAE Verrill 1902 

Acropora Oken 1815 Il B - 

Table Coral, Bush Coral, Staghorn Coral 

(Caribbean [608,833]. Red Sea [661], Persian Gulf, East and South Africa [68,329]. Indian Ocean north to Arabian 
Gulf [95], Gulf of Kutch (north-west India), Andaman and Nicobar Islands and Mergui Archipelago; south to 
Madagascar, Cocos (Keeling) Islands and south-western tip of Australia. South-east Asia. Pacific Ocean; north to 
southern Japan, Midway Islands and Hawaiian Islands; south to Lord Howe Island, Kermadec Islands and Pitcairn 
Islands [761]) 

Countries listed without reference numbers are within the distribution range shown in Veron [761] 

American Samoa [430]; Anguilla; Antigua and Barbuda [889]; Aruba [889]; Australia [770]; Bahamas [690]; 
Bahrain [95]; Barbados [448]; Belize [102]; Bermuda [336c]; Brazil [420]; British Indian Ocean Territory 
[644,674,832]; British Virgin Islands [214]; Brunei; Cayman Islands [250]; China [668,894,895]; Christmas Island 
[29]; Cocos (Keeling) Islands [763]; Colombia [235,615]; Comoros; Cook Islands [485,792a]; Costa Rica [158]; 
Cuba [416.889]; Djibouti [298]; Dominica [889]; Dominican Republic; Ecuador: Galapagos Islands [87]; Egypt 
[661]; Ethiopia; Federated States of Micronesia [557]; Fiji [359]; French Polynesia [148.244]; Grenada; Guadeloupe 
[889]; Guam; Haiti [889]; Honduras [250,736]; India [598,602]; Indonesia [735a]; Iran; Israel [458,661]; Jamaica 
[833]; Japan [765]; Jordan [661]; Kenya [329]; Kiribati [463,872a]; Kuwait [35a]; Madagascar [587,591]; 
Malaysia: Peninsular [604], Sabah [585,848]; Maldives [605,674]; Marshall Islands [465,807]; Martinique [70]; 
Mauritius [242,674]; Mexico [241,375a]; Montserrat; Mozambique [68,845]; Myanmar [212]; Nauru; Netherlands 



Antilles [653]: New Caledonia [850]: Nicaragua: Niue [792a]: Northern Marianas: Oman [675]: Palau [221]: 
Panama [608]: Papua New Guinea [359]: Philippines [768]: Pitcairn Islands [572]: Puerto Rico [10a.746]: Qatar: 
Réunion [69a]: Saint Kitts and Nevis [889]: Saint Lucia [639]: Saint Vincent and the Grenadines [889]: Samoa: 
Saudi Arabia [15]: Seychelles [606.674.845]: Singapore [617]: Solomon Islands [796]: Somalia; South Africa 
[637d]: Sri Lanka [558]: Sudan [661]: Taiwan [171]; Tanzania [329]: Thailand [186.744]: Tokelau: Tonga [792]: 
Trinidad and Tobago [889]; Turks and Caicos; Tuvalu [557.835]; United Arab Emirates [95,677]; United States: 
California, Florida [611]. Hawaiian Islands [464]: United States minor outlying islands: Johnston Atoll [467]: 
Vanuatu [762]: Virgin Islands of the United States [640a]; Venezuela [14]; Vietnam [436]; Wallis and Futuna; 
Yemen [654] 

Acropora is one of the commonest and most widespread reef-building genera. 

There are 368 nominal species but variability within species has led to considerable taxonomic confusion. The true 
number is unknown, but is at least 150 [766b] or about 200 [151]. Only 3 species occur in the western Atlantic 
[847]. the rest in the Indo-Pacific. 76 species have been recognised from Australia[761. 

Acropora abrolhosensis Veron 1985 Australia. Indonesia [735a], Japan, Vanuatu 

Acropora acervata (Dana 1848) Australia[87], French Polynesia [87], Singapore [87,710,776], Sri Lanka [87,558]. 
Tonga [87] 

Acropora aculeus (Dana 1848) American Samoa [430], Australia [87,792], Fiji [792], Indonesia [735a], Japan 
[739], Malaysia: Sabah [848], Marshall Islands [465], Mozambique [637d], Papua New Guinea [87], 
Philippines [87,768], Singapore [87,710,776], South A frica [637c,637d], Sri Lanka [87,558], Thailand 
[674,744], Vanuatu, Vietnam 

Acropora acuminata (Verrill 1864) Australia, Indonesia [735a], Japan, Kiribati [776], Marshall Islands [465], 
Philippines [768], Pitcairn Islands [572], Taiwan [171], Thailand [674,744], Vanuatu, Viemam 

Acropora akajimensis Veron 1990 Japan [764], Philippines [764] 

Acroporaalces (Dana 1848) Mauritius [242,674] 

Acropora anthocercis (Brook 1893) Australia [86,87], Indonesia [735a], Japan, Madagascar [87], Mozambique 
[637d,674], Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768], Saudi Arabia [15], South Africa [637c.637d], Taiwan 
[171], Vanuatu, Vienam = A. tenuis [792] 

Acropora appressa (Ehrenberg 1834) India [599,659], Indonesia [558,621], Mauritius [242,674], Seychelles [86], 
Singapore [558,710,776], Sri Lanka [558], Tanzania [470] 

Acropora arabensis Hodgson & Carpenter 1995 Kuwait [35 la] 

Acropora aspera (Dana 1848) American Samoa [430], Australia [87,792,792b], British Indian Ocean Territory 
[672,674], Christmas Island [29], Cocos (Keeling) Islands [766a], Fiji [87,776], India [599,602], Indonesia 
[735a], Japan, Malaysia: Sabah [848], Myanmar [212,674], Papua New Guinea, Philippines [87,621 768,788], 
Saudi Arabia [15], Solomon Islands [513], Taiwan [171], Thailand [701,744], Tonga [87], Vanuatu [19a], 
Vietnam [436] = ? (name predated by Madrepora aspera Ellis & Solander 1786) 

Acropora attenuata (Brook 1893) British Indian Ocean Territory [672,674] 

Acropora austera (Dana 1848) Australia [792], Fiji [262], French Polynesia [593], Indonesia [735a], Japan, 
Madagascar, Marshall Islands [465], Mozambique [637c,637d], Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768], Saudi 
Arabia [15], Singapore [87,710,776], South Africa [637c,637d], Taiwan [171], Thailand [674,744], Vanuatu, 

Acropora azurea Veron & Wallace 1984 Australia, Indonesia [735a], Taiwan [171] 

Acropora branchi Rieg| 1995 Mozambique [637b,637d], South A frica [637b,637d] 

Acropora brueggemanni (Brook 1891) American Samoa [430], Australia [85,87,792], Indonesia [735a], Japan, 
Malaysia, Marshall Islands [465], Mozambique [674], Palau [221], Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768], 
Seychelles [674], Singapore [85,87,617], Tanzania [7 14a], Vanuatu, Vietnam 

Acropora bushyensis Veron & Wallace 1984 Australia, Indonesia [735a], ?Vietnam 

Acropora capillaris (Klunzinger 1879) Australia [87], Indonesia [621], Israel [674] 

Acroporacardenae Wells 1987 Australia[792a,830] 

Acropora carduus (Dana 1848) Australia [792], Fiji [87,792]. French Polynesia [593], Indonesia [735a], Japan, 
Malaysia: Sabah [848], Palau [221], Papua New Guinea [87], Philippines [768], Thailand [744], Vanuatu 

= ? (name predated by Madreporacarduus Ellis & Solander 1786) 

Acropora caroliniana Nemenzo 1976 Australia, Indonesia [735a], Papua New Guinea, Philippines[768], Vanuatu 

Acropora cerealis (Dana 1848) American Samoa [430], Australia [87,792], Federated States of Micronesia [557], 
Fiji [87,792], Indonesia (87,735a], Japan, Malaysia: Sabah [848], Maldives [602], Marshall Islands [465], 
Mauritius [87,242,674], Mozambique [674], Palau [87], Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768], Réunion [674], 
Saudi Arabia [15], Seychelles [87,606], Singapore [87,710,776], Solomon Islands [513], Taiwan [171], 


Thailand [674.744]. Tonga [87.792]. United States minor outlying islands: Johnston Atoll [467], Vanuatu. 
Vietnam [436] 

Acropora cervicornis (Lamarck 1816) Staghorn Coral Antigua and Barbuda [889], Aruba [889]. Bahamas. 
Barbados [448]. Belize [102]. British Virgin Islands. Cayman Islands [250]. Colombia [235], Cuba [889], 
Haiti [889]. Honduras [250.736]. Jamaica (284.380a]. Martinique [70], Mexico [241.375a]. Mozambique 
[674]. Netherlands Antilles [653], Panama [169]. Puerto Rico [10a], Saint Kitts and Nevis [87], Saint Lucia 
[889]. United States [611]. Trinidad and Tobago [889]. Venezuela [889]. Virgin Islands of the United States 

Acropora ceylonica (Ortmann 1889) India [599]. Sri Lanka [87.558] 

Acropora chesterfieldensis Veron & Wallace 1984 Australia, Vanuatu 

Acropora clathrata (Brook 1891) American Samoa [430]. Australia [792], British Indian Ocean Territory 
[672.674]. Christmas Island [29], French Polynesia [148.593,748]. Indonesia [735a], Japan, Kuwait [35 la]. 
Maldives [605]. Mauritius []. Mozambique [637c.637d], Oman [675], Papua New Guinea, 
Philippines [768], Réunion [69], Saudi Arabia [674], Seychelles [674], South Africa [637c,637d], Sri Lanka 
[86,87.792]. Taiwan [171], Tanzania [7 14a], Thailand [674,744], Vanuatu, Viemam, 

Acropora copiosa Nemenzo 1967 Japan, Philippines[768], Vanuatu 

Acropora crassa (Milne Edwards & Haime 1860) Australia [558], Ecuador: Galapagos [87.827], Federated States 
of Micronesia [558] 

Acropora crateriformis (Gardiner 1898) American Samoa [430], New Caledonia [262] 

Acropora cuneata (Dana 1848) Australia [87,758a,792b], Federated States of Micronesia [85,87], Fiji [87.621]. 
Indonesia [25,85,87,735a], Japan, Marshall Islands [465], New Caledonia [262], Papua New Guinea, 
Philippines [85,87,768], Seychelles [674], Solomon Islands [87], Taiwan [171], Tanzania [329,470]. Tuvalu 
[557], Vanuatu, Vietnam 

Acropora cuspidata (Dana 1848) American Samoa [430], Federated States of Micronesia [87,558]. Fiji [87]. 
French Polynesia [87,593,776] 

Acropora cyclopea (Dana 1848) Bahamas [87] 2= A. robusta 

Acropora cytherea (Dana 1848) Table Coral American Samoa [86,430,603], Australia [87,758a,792,792b],British 
Indian Ocean Territory [86,87,644,672], Cocos (Keeling) Islands [766a], Djibouti [298], Fiji [86,359,788], 
French Polynesia [?86,87,148,593], India [87,602,659], Indonesia [87,735a], Israel [674], Japan, Kiribati 
[463], Madagascar [674], Malaysia: Sabah [848], Maldives [605], Marshall Islands [465]. Mauritius 
[85,87,242.674], Mozambique [637c,637d,674], New Caledonia [482], Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768]. 
Pitcaim Islands [572], Réunion [69.242], Saudi Arabia [15], Seychelles [86,87,674.845], Singapore 
[86.87,792], Solomon Islands [87,558], South Africa [637c], Sri Lanka [558,634], Sudan, Taiwan [171]. 
Tanzania [470,714a], Thailand [674,701,744], Tuvalu [835], United States, United States minor outlying 
islands: Johnston Atoll [467], Vanuatu, Vietnam [436], Yemen [87] 

Acropora danai (Milne Edwards & Haime 1860) American Samoa [430], Australia [792,792b], British Indian 
Ocean Territory [672,674], Cocos (Keeling) Islands [766a], Federated States of Micronesia [714b], Fiji 
[262,776], French Polynesia [87,148,593], India [599,602], Indonesia [735a], Japan, Madagascar [674], 
Malaysia: Sabah [848], Maldives [605,832], Marshall Islands [465], Mauritius [86,87,242,674], Mozambique 
[637c,637d,674], Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768], Réunion [69,242], Saudi Arabia [15], Seychelles 
[674.845], Singapore [87], Solomon Islands [513], South Africa [637d], Tanzania [714a], Thailand [674,744], 
Vanuatu, Vietnam [436] 

Acropora demani (Rehberg 1892) Philippines 

Acropora dendrum (Bassett-Smith 1890) Australia [87], Indonesia [735a], Japan, Papua New Guinea, Philippines 
[768], Taiwan [171], Thailand [674,744], Vanuatu 

Acropora desalwii Wallace 1994 Indonesia[735a,792a] 

Acropora diffusa (Verrill 1864) ?Indonesia [87], Kiribati [776] 

Acropora digitifera (Dana 1848) Australia [86,87,758a,792,792b],Cook Islands [485], Fiji [262], French Polynesia 
[148,593,788], India [595,602], Indonesia [735a], Japan, Kiribati [872a], Madagascar [87,674], Maldives 
[605], Marshall Islands [465], Mauritius [86,87,242,674], Mozambique [637c,637d,674], New Caledonia 
[482], Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768], Pitcairn Islands [572], Réunion [69], Saudi Arabia [15], 
Seychelles [674], Solomon Islands [513], Sri Lanka [558], Taiwan [171], Thailand [674,744], Vanuatu, 
Vietnam [436] 

Acropora divaricata (Dana 1848) Australia [87,792], Fiji [87,792], Indonesia [735a], Japan, Malaysia: Peninsular 
[664], Maldives [674], Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768], Saudi Arabia [15], Seychelles [87,792], 
Singapore [710,792], Taiwan [171], Thailand [674,744], Vanuatu, Vietnam [436] 

Acropora donei Veron & Wallace 1984 Australia, Indonesia [735a], Philippines [768], Saudi Arabia [15], Thailand 
[674,744], Vanuatu, Vietnam 


Acropora dumosa (Brook 1893) India [602.659] 

Acropora echinata (Dana 1848) Bottlebrush Coral Australia [87.792]. Fiji [87.776]. French Polynesia [148.593]. 
India [595.602]. Indonesia [735a]. Japan [87.557]. Madagascar [674]. Maldives [605], Marshall Islands [465]. 
Palau [221]. Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768]. Saudi Arabia [15]. Singapore [595]. Solomon Islands 
[513]. Thailand [674.744]. United States [87.595]: incl. Hawaiian Is [751], Vanuatu = ? (name predated by 
Madreporaechinata Pallas 1766) 

Acropora elegans (Milne Edwards & Haime 1860) Japan. Papua New Guinea [792a], ?Philippines[87.792a] 

Acropora elliptica (Rehberg 1892) Philippines [631] 

Acropora elsevi (Brook 1892) Christmas Coral Australia [86.87,792,792b], French Polynesia [148.593]. 
Indonesia [735a]. Japan, Maldives [605], Mozambique [674], Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768]. 
Seychelles [87], United States minor outlying islands: Johnston Atoll [467], Vanuatu, Vietnam 

Acropora exquisita Nemenzo 1971 Australia. Cocos (Keeling) Islands [766a], Japan, Philippines [768], Vanuatu 

Acropora florida (Dana 1848) Australia [792]. Fiji [87.?557,792], India [602.659], Indonesia [735a], Japan, 
Malaysia: Peninsular [604], Sabah [848]. Maldives. Marshall Islands [465], Mauritius [242,674], Mozambique 
[637d.674]. Papua New Guinea [87]. Philippines [768], Singapore [87,710,776], Solomon Islands [513], 
South Africa [637c,637d], Taiwan [171], Tanzania [7 14a], Thailand [674,744], Tonga [87], Vanuatu, Viemam 

Acropora formosa (Dana 1848) American Samoa [430], Australia [87,758a,792,792b]. British Indian Ocean 
Territory [672.674], Cocos (Keeling) Islands [766a], Fiji [87], French Polynesia [87,148,593], India 
[595,602,659], Indonesia [87,735a], Japan, Kiribati [463,872a], Madagascar [674], Malaysia: Peninsular 
[604], Sabah, Maldives [605], Marshall Islands [465], Mauritius [242.674], Mozambique [637c.637d], 
Myanmar [212], Palau [221], Papua New Guinea [359], Philippines [768], Saudi Arabia [15], Singapore 
[87,710,776], Solomon Islands [87,513], Sri Lanka [87,558], Taiwan [171], Tanzania [714a]. Thailand 
[701,744], Tonga [87], Vanuatu [359], Vietnam [436] 

Acropora forskalii (Hemprich & Ehrenberg 1834) India [602], Maldives [605,832], Saudi Arabia [15], Tanzania 

Acropora gemmifera (Brook 1892) Australia [87], Fiji [87], French Polynesia [148,593], Indonesia [735a], Japan, 
Marshall Islands [465], Mozambique [637c,637d], New Caledonia [482], Papua New Guinea, Philippines 
[768], Pitcairn Islands, Saudi Arabia [15], Taiwan [171], Thailand [674,744], Vanuatu, Vietnam 

Acropora glauca (Brook 1893) Australia [87], French Polynesia, Indonesia [735a], Japan, Marshall Islands [465], 
Taiwan [171], Vietnam 

Acropora glochiclados (Brook 1893) British Indian Ocean Territory [644,672], Cook Islands [485], Seychelles 

Acropora gonagra (Milne Edwards & Haime 1860) Mauritius [242,674] 

Acropora grandis (Brook 1892) American Samoa [359], Australia [86,87,792], Indonesia [735a], Japan, Marshall 
Islands [465], Mauritius [242,674], Palau [221], Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768], Saudi Arabia [674], 
Solomon Islands [513], Taiwan [171], Thailand [674,744], Vanuatu, Vienam 

Acropora granulosa (Milne Edwards & Haime 1860) American Samoa [430], Australia [792], Fiji [86.87.792], 
French Polynesia [148,593,621], India [602], Indonesia [735a], Israel [674], Japan, Madagascar. Malaysia: 
Sabah [848], Maldives [605], Marshall Islands [465], Papua New Guinea [87,792], Philippines [768], Réunion 
[69,87,242], Saudi Arabia [15], Seychelles [674,845], Taiwan [171], Tanzania [470,714a], Vanuatu, Viemam 

Acropora hemprichii (Ehrenberg 1834) Australia [87], Djibouti [298], Israel [674], India [602], Mauritius 
[242,674], Maldives [674,832], Réunion [69], Saudi Arabia [15,655], SB[87], Sri Lanka [87,558,631]. 
Tanzania [71 4a] 

Acropora heteroclados (Brook 1893) Federated States of Micronesia [87], French Polynesia [87,593], Palau [87] 

Acropora horrida (Dana 1848) American Samoa [430], Australia [792], Fiji [87,776], French Polynesia [593], 
Indonesia [735a], Japan, Marshall Islands [465], Mauritius [87,242,674], Mozambique [637d], New Caledonia 
[262], Oman [675], Papua New Guinea, Philippines [87,621,768], South Africa [637c,637d], Taiwan [171], 
Tanzania [470], Thailand [674,744], Vietnam 

Acropora humilis (Dana 1848) American Samoa [430], Australia [86,87,758a,792,792b], British Indian Ocean 
Territory [672,674], Cocos (Keeling) Islands [674], Djibouti [298], Fiji [86,87], French Polynesia 
[87,148,593], India [602,659], Indonesia [25,735a], Israel [674], Japan, Kiribati [463,872a], Madagascar 
[674], Malaysia: Sabah [848], Maldives [87,605], Marshall Islands [465], Mauritius [86,87,242,674], 
Mozambique [637c,637d,674], Myanmar [87,212,674], New Caledonia [482], Palau [221], Papua New 
Guinea, Philippines [768], Pitcairn Islands [572], Réunion [69,242], Saudi Arabia [15], Seychelles [674,845], 
Solomon Islands [86,87,513], South Africa [637c,637d], Sri Lanka [87], Taiwan [171], Tanzania [329], 
Thailand [674,744], Tonga [87], Tuvalu [835], United States minor outlying islands: Johnston Atoll [467], 
Vanuatu, Vietnam [436] 



Acropora hvacinthus (Dana 1848) American Samoa [430], Australia [86,87,758a.792.792b]. British Indian Ocean 
Territory [644.672]. Cocos (Keeling) Islands [766a]. Cook Islands [485]. Fiji [87.621], French Polynesia 
[87.148.593]. India [599.602.659]. Indonesia [735a]. Israel [674]. Japan, Kiribati [872a], Madagascar [674]. 
Malaysia: Sabah [848]. Maldives [605], Marshall Islands [465], Mauritius [87.242.674], Mozambique 
[637c.637d.674], Myanmar [212]. New Caledonia [482]. Palau [221], Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768]. 
Pitcairn Islands. Réunion [69.242]. Saudi Arabia [15]. Seychelles [674.845]. Singapore [87,776], Solomon 
Islands [513]. South Africa [167,637c.637d], Taiwan [171], Tanzania [7 14a], Thailand [674.744], Tonga [87]. 
United States, Vanuatu. Vietnam [436] 

Acropora implicata (Dana 1848) Fiji [87,776], French Polynesia [148.593] 

= ? (name predated by Madrepora implicata Ellis & Solander 1786) 

Acropora indiana Wallace 1994 Australia[792a]. Indonesia [735a] 

Acropora indica (Brook 1893) India [87,599,602], Mozambique [674] 

Acropora insignis Nemenzo 1967 Japan. Philippines [529], Vanuatu 

Acropora jacquelineae Wallace 1994 Indonesia[735a], Papua New Guinea [792a] 

Acropora kirstyae Veron & Wallace 1984 Australia, Indonesia [735a], Japan, Marshall Islands, Papua New Guinea, 
Philippines [768], Singapore 

Acropora kosurini Wallace 1994 Thailand [792a] 

Acropora latistella (Brook 1892) American Samoa [430], Australia [86,87]. Cocos (Keeling) Islands [766a], Fiji 
[359], French Polynesia [593], Indonesia [735a], Japan, Mozambique [637d,674], New Caledonia [262]. 
Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768], Pitcairn Islands [572], Solomon Islands [513], South Africa 
[637c.637d], Taiwan [171], Thailand [674,744], Vanuatu 

Acropora lianae Nemenzo 1967 Philippines[529] = 2A. loripes 

Acropora listeri (Brook 1893) Australia, Indonesia [735a], Japan, Palau [221], Papua New Guinea, Philippines 
[768], Pitcairn Islands, Thailand [701,744], Tonga [87], Vanuatu, Viennam 

Acropora loisetteae Wallace 1994 Australia[792a], Indonesia [735a] 

Acropora lokani Wallace 1994 Indonesia[735a], Malaysia: Sabah [792a], Papua New Guinea [792a] 

Acropora longicyathus (Milne Edwards & Haime 1860) American Samoa [430], Australia [792], British Indian 
Ocean Territory [672,674], French Polynesia [593], Indonesia [735a], Japan, Mozambique [674], Papua New 
Guinea, Philippines [768], Singapore [710,776], Thailand [674,744], Vanuatu, Vietnam 

Acropora loripes (Brook 1892) Australia [86,87], British Indian Ocean Territory [644,672], French Polynesia 
[148,593], Indonesia [735al], Israel [674], Japan, Malaysia: Sabah [848], Marshall Islands [465], Mozambique 
[674], New Caledonia [262], Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768], Thailand [674,744], Vanuatu, Vietnam 

Acropora lovelli Veron & Wallace 1984 Australia, Marshall Islands [465], Thailand [674,744], Vanuatu 

Acropora lutkeni Crossland 1952 Australia [168], Indonesia [735a], Papua New Guinea, Pitcairn Islands, 
Singapore, Thailand [674,744], Vanuatu, Vietnam 

Acropora magnifica Nemenzo? Philippines [768] 

Acropora microclados (Ehrenberg 1834) Australia, Indonesia [735a], Japan, Mauritius [242,674], Papua New 
Guinea, Philippines [768], ?Pitcairn Islands, Singapore [710], Sri Lanka [558,634], Taiwan [171], Vanuatu, 

Acropora microphthalma (Verrill 1869) American Samoa [430,603], Australia [87,792], Cocos (Keeling) Islands 
[766a], Fiji [792], French Polynesia [148,593], India [87,602], Indonesia [735a], Japan [87,778,792], 
Malaysia: Sabah [848], Maldives [605], Marshall Islands [465], Mozambique [637c,637d], Papua New 
Guinea, Philippines [768], Pitcairn Islands, Taiwan [171], Thailand [674,744], Vanuatu, Vietnam 

Acropora millepora (Ehrenberg 1834) American Samoa [430], Australia [86,87,792,792b], Fiji [792], India 
[595,599,602], Indonesia [?87,735a], Japan, Malaysia: Sabah [848], Marshall Islands [465], Mozambique 
[637c,637d], New Caledonia [482], Papua New Guinea [558], Philippines [768], Singapore [558,710], 
Solomon Islands [85,87,513], South Africa [637c,637d], Sri Lanka [558,599], Taiwan [171], Thailand [744], 
Tonga, Vanuatu [19a,558], Vietnam [436] 

Acropora mirabilis (Quelch 1886) ?Indonesia[87,621], Japan, ?Mauritius, Philippines, Vanuatu 

=A. florida [792] 

Acropora monticulosa (Briiggemann 1879) Australia [87], Fiji [262], India [599,674], Indonesia [735a], Japan, 
Mauritius [87], Mozambique [637c,637d], Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768], Saudi Arabia [15], 
Seychelles [674], Taiwan [171], Thailand [674,?744], Vanuatu, Vietnam 

Acropora mossambica Rieg| 1995 Mozambique [637b,637d], South A frica [637b,637d] 

Acropora multiacuta Nemenzo 1967 Australia [792], India [602,659], Indonesia [735a], Malaysia: Sabah [848], 
Philippines [768] 

Acropora nana (Studer 1878) American Samoa [359,430], Australia [86,359], Cocos (Keeling) Islands [766a], Fiji 
[87], French Polynesia [148], India [595], Indonesia [735a], Japan [739], Kiribati [463], Maldives [674], 



Marshall Islands [465]. Mauritius [242]. Mozambique [637c.637d], New Caledonia [482]. Papua New Guinea. 
Philippines [768]. Pitcairm Islands. Réunion. Solomon Islands [513]. Taiwan [171]. Tanzania [714a],. Tuvalu 
[835]. Vanuatu = A. aculeus [792] 

Acropora nasuta (Dana 1848) American Samoa [430]. Australia [87.792]. British Indian Ocean Territory 
[644.672]. Fiji [359]. French Polynesia [87.148.593.748]. India [602]. Indonesia [735a]. Israel [674]. Japan. 
Kiribati [463], Malaysia: Sabah [848]. Maldives [674]. Marshall Islands [465], Mozambique [63 7c.637d.674]. 
Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768]. Pitcairn Islands [572]. Saudi Arabia [15], Solomon Islands [513]. South 
Africa [637c.637d]. Sri Lanka [792]. Taiwan [171], Thailand [674.744], Vanuatu, Vietnam [436] 

Acropora natalensis Rieg| 1995 Mozambique [637b.637d]. South A frica [637b,637d] 

Acropora nobilis (Dana 1848) American Samoa [430], Australia [87,792.792b]. Fiji [558], French Polynesia 
[148.593]. India [595,602], Indonesia [87,735a]. Japan, Malaysia: Peninsular [604], Sabah [848]. Maldives 
[85.87.605]. Marshall Islands [465], Mozambique [674], New Caledonia [262], Palau [558], Papua New 
Guinea [558]. Philippines [621.768]. Saudi Arabia [15], Singapore [87,557,710], Solomon Islands [513]. Sri 
Lanka [359,558], Taiwan [171], Tanzania [714a], Thailand [674,744], Vanuatu, Vietnam [436] 

Acropora ocellata (Klunzinger 1879) Cocos (Keeling) Islands [766a], Mozambique [674], Sri Lanka [87.558] 

2= A. humilis [674] 

Acropora oligocyathus (Brook 1892) Mauritius [86,87,242,674] 

Acropora pagoensis Hoffmeister 1925 American Samoa [359,430], Seychelles 

Acropora palifera (Lamarck 1816) American Samoa [430], Australia [87,792b]. British Indian Ocean Territory 
[87.644.672]. Cocos (Keeling) Islands [766a], India [599,602,659], Indonesia [735a], Japan, Madagascar 
[674], Malaysia: Sabah [848], Maldives [605,832], Marshall Islands [465], Mozambique [637c.637d.674]. 
New Caledonia [482], Palau [221], Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768], Seychelles [674], Solomon Islands 
[87.513], South Africa [637c,637d], Taiwan [171], Tanzania [329], Thailand, Vanuatu, Vietnam [436], Yemen 

Acropora palmata (Lamarck 1816) Elkhorn Coral Antigua and Barbuda [889], Aruba [889], Bahamas [690], 
Barbados [448], Belize [102], Bermuda [336c], British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands [250]. Colombia [235], 
Cuba [416,889], Dominica [889], Guadeloupe [889], Honduras [250,736], Jamaica [284], Martinique [70], 
Mexico [241,375a,63 1], Netherlands Antilles [653], Panama [169], Puerto Rico [10a,746], Saint Lucia [639], 
United States [611,776], Venezuela[14], Virgin Islands of the United States [640a] 

Acropora palmerae Wells 1954 American Samoa [430], Australia, Indonesia [735a], Marshall Islands, Réunion 
[69], Solomon Islands [513], Taiwan [171], Thailand [674], Vanuatu = A. robusta [674] 

Acropora paniculata Verrill 1902. American Samoa [430], Australia, Cocos (Keeling) Islands [766a], Fiji, French 
Polynesia [593], Indonesia [735a], Japan, Mozambique [637c], Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768], ?United 
States, United States minor outlying islands: Johnston Atoll [467], Vanuatu, Vietnam 

Acropora parilis (Quelch 1886) French Polynesia [87], Japan, Philippines [87,621,768], Vanuatu 

Acropora parvistella (Verrill 1864) Singapore [87,710,776] 

Acropora pharaonis (Milne Edwards & Haime 1860) ?Cocos (Keeling) Islands [87, but see 766a]. Djibouti [298], 
Fiji [621], India [599], Indonesia [735a], Madagascar, Maldives [605], Mauritius [242,674], New Caledonia 
[482], Oman, Réunion [69,242], Saudi Arabia [15,655], Seychelles [845], Vanuatu [19a] 

Acropora philippinensis (Rehberg 1892) Philippines[87,631] 

Acropora platycyathus (Brook 1893) French Polynesia [87,593] 

Acropora pocilloporina Wallace 1994 Cook Islands [792a], French Polynesia [792a], Niue [792a], Pitcairn Islands 

Acropora polymorpha (Brook 1891) Fiji [285,262], India [595], Kiribati [463], Malaysia [85], Marshall Islands 
[595], Mozambique [637d,674], Seychelles [674,845], Vanuatu [19a] 

Acropora polystoma (Brook 1891) Australia, Indonesia [735a], Japan, Marshal! Islands [465], Mauritius 
[85,87,242,674], Mozambique [674], Papua New Guinea, Réunion [69], Saudi Arabia [15], Singapore, 

Acropora profusa Nemenzo 1967 Philippines [529] =A. florida 

Acropora prolifera (Lamarck 1816) Fused Staghorn Coral Bahamas [889], Barbados [889], Belize [102], British 
Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands [250], Cuba [889], Haiti [889], Honduras [250], Jamaica [284], Mexico 
[375a,889], Netherlands Antilles [653], Puerto Rico [10a], Saint Vincent and the Grenadines [889], United 
States [611,776], Venezuela [889], Virgin Islands of the United States [889] 

= ? (name predated by Madrepora prolifera Pallas 1766) 

Acropora prostrata (Dana 1848) Australia [87, Fiji [87], Papua New Guinea [558], Philippines [621], Singapore 
[558], Sri Lanka [558], Vanuatu [558] 2=A. millepora 

Acropora pruinosa (Brook 1893) China [87], India [659,674], Japan, Republic of Korea [87], Philippines [768] 



Acropora pulchra (Brook 1891) American Samoa [430]. Australia [87.792,792b]. Cocos (Keeling) Islands 
[85.87.766a], Federated States of Micronesia [714b]. Fiji [262]. French Polynesia [593]. Indonesia [735a]. 
Japan. Mozambique [674]. Papua New Guinea. Philippines [768]. Réunion [69], Singapore, Taiwan [171]. 
Thailand [674.744]. Vanuatu. Viemam 

Acropora pumila (Verrill 1866) Japan [87.778] 

Acropora rambleri (Bassett-Smith 1890) American Samoa [430], India [602.659], French Polynesia [593], 
Mozambique [674]. Palau [221]. Philippines [768], Vanuatu 

Acropora ramiculosa (Dana 1848) Fiji [621] 

Acroporaretusa (Dana 1848) Fiji [87]. French Polynesia [87.593] 

Acropora robusta (Dana 1848) American Samoa [430]. Australia [86.87,792.792b]. Cocos (Keeling) Islands 
[766a]. Fiji [87.776], India [602.659]. Indonesia [735a], Israel, Japan, Madagascar [674], Maldives [674]. 
Marshall Islands [465]. Mozambique [637d.674], New Caledonia [482], French Polynesia [148.593]. Papua 
New Guinea, Philippines [768]. Pitcairn Islands, Solomon Islands [87,513], Singapore [710], Taiwan [171]. 
Tanzania [7 14a]. Thailand [674.744]. Vanuatu [19a,.87], Vietnam [436] 

Acropora rosaria (Dana 1848) Australia [87,792]. Federated States of Micronesia [87]. Fiji [87,792]. Japan, 
Marshall Islands [792], Palau [221]. Papua New Guinea [87], Seychelles [674], Vanuatu [19a] 

Acropora russelli Wallace 1994 Australia[792a] 

Acropora samoensis (Brook 1891) American Samoa [85,359], Australia, Fiji [359], French Polynesia [593], 
Indonesia [735a], Japan, Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768], Pitcairn Islands, Thailand [674,744], Vanuatu 

Acropora sarmentosa (Brook 1892) Australia [86,87,792], Fiji [792], French Polynesia [593], Indonesia [735a], 
Japan, Palau [221], Papua New Guinea, Philippines[768], Solomon Islands [513], Vanuatu, Viemam 

= A. millepora [792] 

Acropora scandens (Klunzinger 1879) Israel [674], Saudi Arabia [15] = A. pharaonis [661] 

Acroporaschmitti Wells 1950 American Samoa [430], Cocos (Keeling) Islands [766a], Thailand 

Acropora secale (Studer 1878) American Samoa [430], Australia [87,792], British Indian Ocean Territory 
[85.87.644.672], Cook Islands [485], French Polynesia [557,593], India [595,602,659], Indonesia [621.735a], 
Japan, Malaysia: Sabah [848], Marshall Islands [465], Mauritius [242,674], Mozambique [637c,637d,674], 
Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768], Pitcairn Islands [572], Saudi Arabia [15], Seychelles [674], Singapore 
[558,710], Sri Lanka [87,558], Taiwan [171], Tanzania [71 4a], Thailand [674,744], Vanuatu, Vietnam [436] 

Acropora sekiseiensis Veron 1990 Japan [764] 

Acropora selago (Studer 1878) American Samoa [430], Australia [87,792,792b], Christmas Island [29], India, 
Indonesia [735a], Japan, Marshall Islands [465], Mozambique [674], Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768], 
Solomon Islands [85.87], Sri Lanka [87], Taiwan [171], Thailand [674,744], United States minor outlying 
islands: Johnston Atoll [467], Vanuatu, Vietnam [436] 

Acropora solitaryensis Veron & Wallace 1984 Australia, China, Indonesia [735a], Japan, Papua New Guinea, 
Philippines [768], Vanuatu 

Acropora sordiensis Rieg| 1995 Mozambique [637b,637d], South A frica [637b,637d] 

Acropora spicifera (Dana 1848) American Samoa [430], Australia [758a,792b], Cocos (Keeling) Islands [674], Fiji 
[558], Indonesia [735a], Mozambique [674,845], Myanmar [212], New Caledonia [482], Papua New Guinea 
[558], Philippines [768], Seychelles [674,845], Singapore [173,710,776], Solomon Islands [87], Sri Lanka 
[558], Tanzania [714a], Tonga [87], Tuvalu [835] 

Acropora squarrosa (Hemprich & Ehrenberg 1834) American Samoa [430], Australia [87,792], Cook Islands 
[485], India [602], Japan, Maldives [605], Marshall Islands [465], Papua New Guinea [792], Saudi Arabia 
[15,655], Seychelles [792], Tanzania [470] = A. loripes [674] 

Acropora stigmataria (Milne Edwards & Haime 1860) ?Madagascar [631], Mauritius [242,674], Seychelles [87], 
Tanzania [470] 

Acropora stoddarti Pillai & Scheer 1976 Australia, Indonesia [735a], Japan, Maldives [605], Philippines [768], 
Saudi Arabia [674] 

Acropora striata (Verrill 1866) Indonesia[735a], Japan [87], Marshall Islands [465], 7?Mozambique [637c] 

Acropora studeri (Brook 1893) Indonesia[25], Singapore [87,710], Taiwan [171] 

Acropora subglabra (Brook 1891) Australia [792], ?Fiji [85,87], Indonesia [87,735a], Japan, Malaysia, Palau 
[221], Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768], Singapore, Thailand [744], Vanuatu, Vietnam 

Acropora subulata (Dana 1848) Australia, Cocos (Keeling) Islands [766a], Fiji, Indonesia [25,87,735a], Japan, 
Malaysia: Sabah [848], , Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768], Pitcairn Islands, Thailand, Vanuatu 

Acropora suharsonoi Wallace 1994 Indonesia[735a,792a] 

Acropora tanegashimensis Veron 1990 Japan [764] 

Acropora tenella (Brook 1892) Indonesia[735a], Japan, Papua New Guinea [792a], Philippines [768] 



Acropora tenuis (Dana 1848) American Samoa [430]. Australia [86.87,792]. British Indian Ocean Territory 
[87.644.672]. Fiji [792]. Indonesia [86.87.735a]. Israel [674]. Japan. Kiribati [872a], Maldives [87.605]. 
Marshall Islands [465]. Mauritius []. Mozambique [637c.637d.674], Papua New Guinea. 
Philippines [87.768]. Saudi Arabia [15]. Seychelles [606]. Solomon Islands [87]. South Africa [87.637c.637d]. 
Sri Lanka [87]. Taiwan [171]. Tanzania [714a]. Thailand [674.744]. Tonga [557]. Tuvalu [835], Vanuatu, 
Vietnam [436] 

Acropora thurstoni (Brook 1893) India [87.599] 

Acropora torihalimeda Wallace 1994 Australia[792a] 

Acropora tortuosa (Dana 1848) Australia. Federated States of Micronesia [87.557]. Fiji [87,776]. French Polynesia 

Acropora tuberculosa (Milne Edwards & Haime 1860) Fiji [558]. Mauritius [242.674] 

Acropora tubicinaria (Dana 1848) Australia [792]. Fiji [87.792], French Polynesia [148,593], Indonesia [735a]. 
Marshall Islands [792]. Seychelles [674]. Singapore [617], Solomon Islands [513] 

Acropora tubulosa (Ehrenberg 1834) Federated States of Micronesia [87] 

Acropora tumida (Verrill 1866) China [87], Japan [739] 

Acropora turaki Wallace 1994 Australia[792a], Indonesia [735a] 

Acropora turgida (Verrill 1866) Japan [87] 

Acropora valencennesii (Milne Edwards & Haime 1860) American Samoa [430], Australia [87.792], Djibouti 
[298]. Fiji [792], India [599,602], Indonesia [735a], Japan, Malaysia: Sabah [848], Mauritius [242.674], Oman 
[675]. Palau [792], Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768], Saudi Arabia [15,655], Sri Lanka [87,558], Taiwan 
[171], Thailand, Vanuatu, Vietnam [436] 

Acropora valida (Dana 1848) American Samoa [430], Australia [87,758a,792], British Indian Ocean Territory 
[2672.674], Christmas Island [29], Cocos (Keeling) Islands [766a], Colombia, Djibouti [298], Fiji [87], French 
Polynesia [148,593], India [602,659], Indonesia [735a], Israel [674], Japan, Madagascar, Malaysia: Sabah 
[848], Maldives [605], Mauritius [87,242.674], Mozambique [637c,637d,674], Myanmar [87,212,674], New 
Caledonia [482], Oman [675], Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768], Pitcairn Islands [572], Reunion [69], 
Saudi Arabia [15], Seychelles [87,606], Singapore [87,617], Solomon Islands [513], Sri Lanka [87,558]. 
Taiwan [171], Tanzania [714a], Thailand [701,744], Tonga [87], United States minor outlying islands: 
Johnston Atoll [467], Vanuatu, Vietnam [436], Yemen [654] 

Acropora vaughani Wells 1954 Australia [792], French Polynesia, Indonesia [735a], Japan, Kiribati [463], 
Malaysia: Sabah [848], Marshall Islands [465], Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768], Saudi Arabia [15], 
Thailand [674,744], Vietnam [436] 

Acropora verweyi Veron & Wallace 1984 Australia, Indonesia [735a], Japan, Papua New Guinea, Thailand 
[674,744], Vanuatu, Vietnam 

Acropora wallaceae Veron 1990 Australia [764], Japan [764], Philippines [764], Thailand [764] 

Acropora willisae Veron & Wallace 1984 Australia, Indonesia [735a], Japan, Papua New Guinea, Philippines 
[768], Singapore 

Acropora yongei Veron & Wallace 1984 Australia [792,792b], British Indian Ocean Territory [87,644,672], Cook 
Islands [485], Fiji [557], French Polynesia [593], India [674], Indonesia [735a], Israel [674], Japan, Maldives 
[87,674], Marshall Islands [465], Mauritius [87,242,674], New Caledonia [482], Papua New Guinea, 
Philippines [768], Saudi Arabia [15], Singapore [557], Sri Lanka [87], Tanzania [560], United States minor 
outlying islands: Johnston Atoll [467], Vanuatu, Vietnam [19a] 

Anacropora Ridley 1884 II B - 

(Aldabra and the Seychelles in the Western Indian Ocean; north to the Maldives, southern India and Mergui 
Archipelago [761]; south to Cocos (Keeling) Islands and north-western Australia. South-east Asia. Pacific Ocean 
north to Ryukyu Islands, south to the Great Barrier Reef and Vanuatu; east to the Marshall Islands and Fiji [761]). 

Countries listed without reference numbers are within the distributionrange shown in Veron [761] 

Australia [770]; British Indian Ocean Territory [674,832]; Brunei; China [668,894,895]; Christmas Island; Cocos 
(Keeling) Islands [763]; Federated States of Micronesia; Indonesia [735a]; Japan [765]; Malaysia: Sabah [848]; 
Maldives [674]; Marshall Islands [465,807]; Myanmar; Palau [221]; Papua New Guinea; Philippines [768]; 
Seychelles [674,845]; Singapore; Solomon Islands; Taiwan [171]; Thailand [186,744]; Vanuatu [762]; Vietnam 

Anacropora appears to be restricted to soft substrata on coral reefs, and is uncommon or rare. 
10 nominal species, 4-5 [151] or 6 [766b] valid species, of which 4 occurin Australia[761] 



Anacroporaerecta Bernard 1897 Indonesia[735a]. Solomon Islands [28] 

Anacropora forbesi Ridley 1884 Australia. Cocos (Keeling) Islands [766a]. Indonesia [735a], Japan. Malay sia. 
Marshall Islands [465]. Papua New Guinea. Philippines [768]. Seychelles. Vanuatu. Viemam 

Anacroporagracilis Quelch 1886 Indonesia[621] 

Anacropora matthai Pillai 1973 Australia. Indonesia [735a]. Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768]. Taiwan [171] 

Anacropora puertogalerae Nemenzo 1964 Australia, Indonesia [735a], Japan, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, 
Philippines [768], Vanuatu 

Anacroporareticulata Veron & Wallace 1984 Australia. Indonesia [735a]. Japan. Philippines [768]. Vanuatu 

Anacropora spinosa Rehberg 1892 Indonesia [735a], Japan, Malaysia: Sabah [848]. Philippines [768]. Palau 

Astreopora Blainville 1830 Il B - 

Porous Star Coral 

(Red Sea [661], Persian Gulf, East and South A frica [68,329]. Indian Ocean north to Lakshadweep, Gulf of Mannar 
(southern India) and Mergui Archipelago; south to Madagascar, Cocos (Keeling) Islands and Houtman Abrolhos 
Islands. South-east Asia. Pacific Ocean, north to southern Japan [231]; south to Lord Howe Island: east to Tuamotu 
Archipelagoand Pitcairn Islands [761]) 

Countries listed without reference numbers are within the distributionrange shown in Veron [761] 

American Samoa [430]; Australia[770]; Bahrain [95]; British Indian Ocean Territory [644,674.832]:; Brunei; China 
[668.894.895]: Christmas Island; Cocos (Keeling) Islands [763]; Comoros; Cook Islands [429]; Djibouti [298]; 
Egypt [661]: Ethiopia; Federated States of Micronesia [429]; Fiji; French Polynesia [148,244]; Guam [429]: India 
[598.602]; Indonesia [735a]; iran; Israel [458,661]; Japan [765]; Jordan; Kenya [329]; Kiribati [463]; Kuwait; 
Madagascar [587,591]; Malaysia: Peninsular [36], Sabah [848]; Maldives [605,674]; Marshall Islands [465,807]: 
Mauritius [242,429]; Mozambique [68,845]; Myanmar: Nauru; New Caledonia [850]; Niue; Northern Marianas 
[429]; Oman [675]; Palau [221]; Papua New Guinea: Philippines [768]; Pitcairn Islands [572]; Qatar; Réunion 
[69a]; Samoa; Saudi Arabia [15]; Seychelles [674,845]; Singapore [617]; Solomon Islands [796]: Somalia; South 
Africa [637d]; Sudan [661]; Taiwan [171]; Tanzania [329]; Thailand [186,744]; Tokelau; Tonga [429]; Tuvalu 
[835]; United Arab Emirates [95,677]; Vanuatu [762]; Vietnam [436]; Wallis and Futuna; Yemen 

A. myriophthalma is the commonest and most widespread species, other species are mostly uncommon or rare 
10 species recognized by Lamberts [429], and 4 described subsequently 

Astreopora cucullata Lamberts 1980 American Samoa [430], Australia, Indonesia [735a], Malaysia, Marshall 
Islands, Philippines [768], Taiwan [171], Vietnam 

Astreoporaelliptica Yabe & Sugiyama 1941 Guam [429], Indonesia[735a], Marshall Islands [429] 

Astreopora expansa Briiggemann 1877 British Indian Ocean Territory [674], Indonesia [735a], Japan [739], Oman 
[429], Seychelles [429], Taiwan [429] 

Astreopora explanata Veron 1985 Australia, Japan, Marshall Islands [465], Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768], 

Astreopora gracilis Bernard 1896 Australia, Cocos (Keeling) Islands [766a], Guam [429], Indonesia [735a], Japan, 
Malaysia: Sabah [429], Maldives [605], Marshall Islands [465], Northern Mariana Islands [429], Palau [429], 
Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768], Solomon Islands [27,429], Taiwan [171], Vanuatu 

Astreoporalambertsi Moll & Best 1984 Indonesia[510,735a] 

Astreopora listeri Bernard 1896 American Samoa [430], Australia [27,429], British Indian Ocean Territory 
[672,674], Cocos (Keeling) Islands [429], Federated States of Micronesia [429], Fiji [262], French Polynesia 
[429], Guam [429], India [602,659], Indonesia [735a], Japan, Kiribati [463], Madagascar [674], Malaysia: 
Sabah [429], Maldives [605], Marshall Islands [465], Mozambique [674,845], Myanmar, New Caledonia 
[482], Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768], Réunion [674], Seychelles [674,845], Singapore [710], Taiwan 
[171,87 1a], Tonga [27,429], Vienam 

Astreoporamacrostoma Veron & Wallace 1984 Australia, Japan, Malaysia, Vanuatu 

Astreopora moretonensis Veron & Wallace 1984 Australia, Thailand [674,744] 

Astreopora myriophthalma (Lamarck 1816) American Samoa [430,603], Australia [27,429,792b], British Indian 
Ocean Territory [429,672,674], Cocos (Keeling) Islands [766a], Cook Islands [429], Djibouti [298], Federated 
States of Micronesia [429], Fiji [262], French Polynesia [148,593], Guam [429], India [602], Indonesia 
[27,735a,741], Israel [674], Japan [429], Kiribati [463], Malaysia: Peninsular [36], Sabah [429], Maldives 



[605]. Marshall Islands [465]. Mauritius [27.242.674]. Mozambique [637d.674], New Caledonia [482]. Oman 
[675]. Papua New Guinea. Philippines [768]. Pitcairn Islands [572]. Reunion [69.242], Saudi Arabia [15]. 
Seychelles [429.674]. Singapore [617]. Solomon Islands [429]. South Africa [637d]. Taiwan [171], Tanzania 
[560]. Thailand [674.744]. Tonga [429]. Tuvalu [835]. Vanuatu. Vienam 

Astreopora ocellata Benard 1896 Australia [27.429]. British Indian Ocean Territory [644.672]. Indonesia [735a]. 
Japan, Kiribati [463], Malaysia: Sabah [848]. Maldives [605]. Marshall Islands [429], Northern Mariana 
Islands [429]. New Caledonia [482]. Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768], Reunion [69], Tuvalu [835]. 
Vietnam [436] 

Astreoporarandalli Lamberts 1980 Cook Islands [429], Guam [429], Philippines [429], Taiwan {171} 

Astreopora scabra Lamberts 1982 American Samoa [430], Australia [429], Cook Islands [429], Guam [429]. 
Kiribati [429], Marshall Islands [429], Northern Mariana Islands [429] 

Astreopora suggesta Wells 1954 Australia, Japan, Marshall Islands [429], Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768]. 
Taiwan [171] 

Montipora Bilainville 1830 I] B - 

Pore Coral 

(Red Sea [661], Persian Gulf. East and South Africa [68.329]. Indian Ocean north to Arabian Gulf [95], 
Lakshadweep [602] and Mergui Archipelago; south to Madagascar, Cocos (Keeling) Islands and Houtman 
Abrolhos Islands (western Australia). South-east Asia, north to Japan, Midway Islands, Hawaiian Islands: south to 
Lord Howe Island, Kermadec Islands; east to Marquesas [244] and Pitcairn Islands [761]) 

Countries listed without reference numbers are within the distributionrange shown in Veron [761] 

American Samoa [430]; Australia[770]; Bahrain [95]; British Indian Ocean Territory [644,674,832]; Brunei; China 
[668.894.895]; Christmas Island; Cocos (Keeling) Islands [763]; Comoros; Cook Islands [485]: Djibouti [298]; 
Egypt [661]; Ethiopia; Federated States of Micronesia [558]; Fiji [558]; French Polynesia [148,244]: Guam: India 
[598,602]; Indonesia [735a]; Iran; Israel [458,661]; Japan [765]; Jordan [661]; Kenya [329]; Kiribati [872a]; 
Madagascar [587,591]; Malaysia: Peninsular [36], Sabah [585,848]; Maldives [605,674]; Marshall Islands 
[465,807]; Mauritius [674]; Mexico [375a,691]; Mozambique [68]; Myanmar; Nauru; New Caledonia [850]; New 
Zealand: Kermadec Islands; Niue; Northen Marianas; Oman [675]; Palau [221]; Papua New Guinea [558]; 
Philippines [768]; Pitcairn Islands [572]; Qatar; Réunion [69]; Samoa; Saudi Arabia [15]; Seychelles [674,845]; 
Singapore [557,617]; Solomon Islands [796]; South Africa [637d]; Sri Lanka [558]; Somalia; Sudan [661]; Taiwan 
[171]; Tanzania [329,470]; Thailand [186,744]; Tokelau; Tonga [557]; Tuvalu [835]; United Arab Emirates 
[95.677]; United States: Hawaiian Islands [464]; United States minor outlying islands: Johnston Atoll [467]; 
Vanuatu [762]; Vietnam [436]; Wallis and Futuna; Yemen 

Montipora is Netherlands Antilles important and widespread reef coral. Collected for use as curios. 
There are 211 nominal species, but variability within species has led to considerable taxonomic confusion. The 
number of valid species is about 60 [151] or at least 80 [766b]. At least 38 have been recognised from Australia. 

Montiporaacutata Bernard 1897 American Samoa [430] 

Montipora aequituberculata Bernard 1897 American Samoa [430], Australia [595], British Indian Ocean Territory 
[672,674], Cocos (Keeling) Islands [766a], Cook Islands [485], French Polynesia [148,593], India [595,602], 
Indonesia [735a], Israel [674], Japan, Malaysia: Peninsular [36,604], Sabah [848], Marshall Islands [465], 
Mozambique [637d], Oman [675], Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768], Pitcairn Islands [572], Réunion [69], 
Saudi Arabia, Seychelles [674], South Africa [637d], Taiwan [171], Tanzania [714a], Thailand [674,744], 
Vanuatu, Vietnam 

Montiporaaltasepta Nemenzo 1967 Japan, Philippines [768], Vanuatu 

Montiporaalveopora Bemard 1897 India [599] 

Montipora angulata (Lamarck 1816) Australia, Cocos (Keeling) Islands [754,766a], India [602,659], Indonesia 
[735a], Japan, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768], Taiwan [171], Thailand [674,?744], Vietnam 

Montiporaaspera Verrill 1872 French Polynesia [593] 

Montipora australiensis Bernard 1897 Australia, French Polynesia [148,593], Indonesia [735a], Malaysia, New 
Caledonia [482], Pitcairn Islands, Vietnam 

Montipora bernardi Vaughan 1907 United States: Hawaiian Is [751] 

Montipora berryi Hoffmeister 1925 American Samoa [359,430] 2?= M. informis 

Montipora bilaminata Bernard 1897 American Samoa [430] 



Montiporacactus Bernard 1897 Japan. Philippines [768] 

Montiporacalcarea Bernard 1897 Australia. Tonga 

Montpora caliculata (Dana 1848) American Samoa [430]. Australia, British Indian Ocean Territory [674]. Fiji 
[506]. French Polynesia [148.593]. Indonesia [735a]. Japan. Malaysia. Marshall Islands [465]. New Caledonia 
[262]. New Zealand: Kermadec Is [753]. Papua New Guinea. Philippines [768], Pitcairn Islands [572]. 
Vanuatu, Vietnam 

Montipora capitata (Dana 1848) Japan, Philippines [768], United States: Hawaiian Is [557.621], ?United States 
minor outlying islands: Johnston Atoll [467], Vanuatu 

Montiporacapricornis Veron 1985 Australia. Cocos (Keeling) Islands [766a], Philippines [768], Vanuatu 

Montiporacebuensis Nemenzo 1976 Philippines [532.768] 

Montiporacircumvallata (Hemprich & Ehrenberg 1834) Israel [674]. Réunion [69], Saudi Arabia [15.655] 

Montiporacolumnaris Bernard 1898 Fiji [262] 

Montiporacomplanata(Lamarck 1816) Japan, Pitcaim Islands [572] 

Montiporaconfusa Nemenzo 1967 Philippines [529.543,768] 

Montiporacorbettensis Veron & Wallace 1984 Australia, Indonesia [735a], Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, Vanuatu 

Montipora crassituberculata Beard 1897 Australia, Indonesia [735a], Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768], 
Pitcairn Islands. Thailand [674.744], Vanuatu, Vietnam 

Montiporacristagalli (Hemprich & Ehrenberg 1834) 

Montipora danae Milne Edwards & Haime 1851 Australia[792b], British Indian Ocean Territory [672,674], Cocos 
(Keeling) Islands [766a], Djibouti [298], Fiji [506], French Polynesia [593], Indonesia [735a], Israel [674]. 
Japan [739], Malaysia: Peninsular [36], Maldives [605], Marshall Islands, Mauritius [674], Mozambique 
[637d,674], Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768], Saudi Arabia [15], Taiwan [171], Vanuatu, Vietnam 

Montipora digitata (Dana 1848) Australia [758a,792b], Cocos (Keeling) Islands [766a], Federated States of 
Micronesia, Fiji [595.621], India [595,602,659], Indonesia [595,621,735a,741], Japan, Malaysia: Peninsular 
[36], Sabah [848], Marshall Islands, Mauritius [242,674], New Caledonia [482], Northern Mariana Islands, 
Palau [221], Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768], Singapore [595,617,710], Solomon Islands [513], South 
Africa [637d], Taiwan [171], Thailand [674,701,744], Tonga [557], Vanuatu, Vietnam [19a] 

Montipora dilatata Studer 1901 United States: Hawaiian Is [711,751] 

Montipora edwardsi Berard 1897 British Indian Ocean Territory [644,672], French Polynesia [593], India [595], 
Madagascar [674], Mauritius [242,674], Réunion [69], Seychelles [674], Taiwan [171] 

Montipora efflorescens Bernard 1897 Australia, British Indian Ocean Territory, Cocos (Keeling) Islands [766a], 
French Polynesia, Indonesia [735a], Japan, Malaysia, Palau [221], Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768], 
Singapore [617], Taiwan [171], Thailand, Vanuatu, Viemam 

Montipora effusa (Dana 1848) British Indian Ocean Territory [644,672], Federated States of Micronesia [558], 
French Polynesia [558,593], Japan, Mozambique [637d,?674], New Caledonia [482], Philippines [768]. Sri 
Lanka [558], 

Montipora ehrenbergii Verrill 1872. American Samoa [430], Israel [674], Philippines [359], Saudi Arabia [655], 
Seychelles, Taiwan [171,871a], Tuvalu [835] 

Montipora elschneri Vaughan 1918 American Samoa [430], French Polynesia [148,593], India [595], Kiribati 
[463,754], Marshall Islands [595], Seychelles [674], Taiwan [87 1a], Vietnam [436] 

Montiporaexplanata Briiggemann 1879 India [602], Mauritius [242,674] 

Montipora exserta Quelch 1886 Australia [558,621], India [602], Samoa [558], Sri Lanka [558], Tanzania [560], 
Tuvalu [835] 

Montipora flabellata Studer 1901 Mozambique [637d,674], United States: Hawaiian Is [711,751] 

Montipora florida Nemenzo 1967 Philippines[529,768] 

Montipora floweri Wells 1954 Australia, French Polynesia [593], Indonesia [735a], Maldives [674], Marshall 
Islands, Papua New Guinea, Saudi Arabia [674], Vanuatu 

Montipora foliosa (Pallas 1766) Leaf Coral, Plate Coral Australia [792b], Cocos (Keeling) Islands [766a], 
Djibouti [298], Fiji [558], French Polynesia [593], India [602,659], Indonesia [25,735a,741], Israel, Japan, 
Madagascar, Malaysia: Peninsular [36,604], Sabah [848], Maldives [605], Marshall Islands [465], Mauritius 
[242,674], Mozambique [637d,674], Palau [221], Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768], Réunion [242,674], 
Seychelles [674], Singapore [617], Solomon Islands [513], Sri Lanka [634], Taiwan [171], Thailand [701], 
Vanuatu [604], Vietnam [436] 

Montipora foveolata (Dana 1848) American Samoa [359,430], Australia [758a,792b], British Indian Ocean 
Territory [672.674], Fiji [262], French Polynesia [148,593], Indonesia [735a], Japan, Kiribati [463,872a], 
Malaysia, Marshall Islands [465], Mozambique [637,674], Philippines [768], Pitcairn Islands [572], Taiwan 
[171], Thailand [674,744], Tuvalu [835], Vanuatu, Vietnam 

Montipora fragilis Quelch 1886 Indonesia [621,735a], Palau [221] 



Montipora fragosa Verrill 1869 Mexico [375a.691.781] 

Montipora friabilis Berard 1897 Japan. Mozambique [637d.674]. Philippines [768] 

Montipora fruticosa Bernard 1897 Malaysia [36]. Papua New Guinea. Singapore [617] 

Montipora gaimardi Bernard 1897 Japan. Philippines [768]. Solomon Islands [513] 

Montipora gracilis Klunzinger 1879 Saudi Arabia [15]. Singapore [557] 

Montipora grandifolia (Dana 1848) Australia[557], Singapore [506,710], Vanuatu [621] 

Montipora granifera Bernard 1897 New Caledonia [262] 

Montipora granulosa Berard 1897 Australia [595]. India [595.602], Marshall Islands [595], Malaysia [36] 

Montipora grisea Bernard 1897 Australia, Cocos (Keeling) Islands [766a], Indonesia [735a]. Japan, Papua New 
Guinea. Philippines [768]. Pitcairn Islands [572]. Taiwan [171], Tonga, Vanuatu, Vietnam 

Montipora hirsuta Nemenzo 1967 Japan, Philippines [529,768] 

=? (predated by Montipora hirsuta Berard 1897) 

Montipora hispida (Dana 1848) Australia. British Indian Ocean Territory [674], Cocos (Keeling) Islands [674]. 
French Polynesia [148.593], India [602], Indonesia [735a]. Japan [739], Kiribati [463]. Malaysia: Peninsular 
[36.604], Mauritius [242.674], Mozambique [637d,674], New Caledonia [482], Papua New Guinea, 
Philippines [768], Seychelles [674], Singapore [557,710], Taiwan [171], Thailand [674,744], United States: 
Hawaiian Is [751], Vanuatu [19a], Vietnam [436] 

Montipora hoffmeisteri Wells 1954 Australia, French Polynesia [593], Indonesia [735a], Japan, Kiribati [463]. 
Marshall Islands [465], Papua New Guinea, Philippines[768], Vanuatu, Vienam 

Montipora incognita Bernard 1897 New Caledonia [262] 

Montipora incrassata (Dana 1848) Australia, Fiji [506], Indonesia [735a], Japan, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, 
Pitcairn Islands (572], Taiwan [171], United States, Vanuatu 

Montipora informis Bernard 1897 Australia, Cocos (Keeling) Islands [766a], China, French Polynesia [148,593], 
India [595,659,674], Indonesia [735a,742], Israel [674], Japan, Madagascar [674], Malaysia: Peninsular [36], 
Maldives [605], Marshall Islands [465], Mauritius, New Caledonia [482], Papua New Guinea, Philippines 
[768], Réunion [69,242], Saudi Arabia [15], Seychelles [674,845], Singapore [617], Taiwan [171], Vanuatu 
[19a], Vietnam [436] 

Montipora lichen (Dana 1848) French Polynesia[593], Mauritius [242,674], Taiwan [171] 

Montipora lobulata Bernard 1897 British Indian Ocean Territory [644,672], Cocos (Keeling) Islands [766a], Israel 
[674], Mauritius [242,674], Taiwan [87 1a] = M. spumosa [674] 

Montipora mactanensis Nemenzo 1979 Japan, Philippines [533,768] 

Montipora malampayaNemenzo 1967 Japan, Philippines [529,768] 

Montipora maldivensis Pillai & Scheer 1976 Maldives [605] 

Montipora manauliensis Pillai 1969 India [595,602] 

Montipora marshallensis Wells 1954 American Samoa [430], Malaysia: Peninsular [36], Marshall Islands [465], 
Taiwan [171], Vietnam [436] 

Montipora millepora Crossland 1952 Australia [168], French Polynesia [593], India [595,602], Indonesia [735a], 
Japan [739], Mauritius [674], Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768], Réunion [69], Vanuatu, Vietnam [436] 

Montipora mollis Bernard 1897 Australia, Cocos (Keeling) Islands [766a], Indonesia [735a], Japan, Malaysia, 
Papua New Guinea, Philippines [541,768], Saudi Arabia [674], Thailand [674,?744], Vanuatu, Vietnam 

Montipora monasteriata (Forskal 1775) Australia, Cocos (Keeling) Islands [766a], Djibouti [298], Fiji [44b], India 
[595,602], Indonesia [735a], Israel [674], Japan, Malaysia, Marshall Islands [465], Mauritius [242,674], 
Mozambique [637d,674], Oman [675], Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768], Saudi Arabia [15], Somalia 
[595], South Africa [637d], Taiwan [171], Thailand [674,744], Vanuatu, Vietnam 

Montipora multipapillosa Nemenzo 1983 Philippines[537] 

Montipora nodosa (Dana 1848) Australia, Fiji [776], Indonesia [735a], Pitcairn Islands, Taiwan [171], Vanuatu, 

Montipora orientalis Nemenzo 1967 Philippines [529,535,768] 

Montipora palmata (Dana 1848) Fiji [506], Indonesia[25], Palau [221] 

Montipora papillosa (Lamarck 1816) French Polynesia [621], Malaysia: Peninsular [36], Tonga [506] 

Montipora paupera Marenzeller 1901 Mozambique [637d,674], Tanzania [470] 

Montipora peltiformis Bernard 1897 Australia, Cocos (Keeling) Islands [766a], India [602,659], Indonesia [735a], 
Japan, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768], Saudi Arabia [15], Taiwan [171], Thailand [674,744], 
Vanuatu, Vietnam 

Montipora perforata Beard 1897 Mauritius [242,674] 

Montipora poritiformis Verrill 1866 

Montipora profunda Bemard 1897 New Caledonia [262] 

Montipora rigida Verrill 1866 Philippines [621] = M. limitata [93] 


Montiporasamarensis Nemenzo 1967 Japan. Philippines [529.768], Vanuatu 

Montiporasaxea Bernard 1897 New Caledonia [262] 

Montipora scabricula (Dana 1848) Fiji [558]. Samoa [558], Sri Lanka [558]. Tuvalu [835] 

Montiporasetosa Nemenzo 1976 Philippines [532.768] 

Montiporasinuosa Pillai & Scheer 1976 Maldives [605] 

Montipora solanderi (Ellis & Solander 1786) Indonesia [735a]. Malaysia: Peninsular [36]. Mauritius [242.674], 
Réunion [69]. Singapore [617]. Taiwan [87 la] 

Montipora spongiosa (Hemprich & Ehrenberg 1834) Israel [674]. Saudi Arabia [15], Tanzania [560] 

= ? (name predated by Madrepora spongiosa Ellis & Solander 1786) 

Montipora spongodes Berard 1897 Australia, Indonesia [735a]. Japan, Malaysia, Mozambique [637d], Papua 
New Guinea. Philippines [768], Seychelles [674,845], South Africa [637d], Thailand [674,744], Vanuatu, 

Montipora spumosa (Lamarck 1816) American Samoa [430], Australia [604], British Indian Ocean Territory, 
Cocos (Keeling) Islands [766a], French Polynesia [593], India [595,602], Indonesia [25,735a], Japan. 
Malaysia: Peninsular [604], Sabah [848], Mauritius [242,674], Mozambique [637d,674], New Caledonia 
[482], Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768]. Taiwan [171.87 1a], Thailand [674,744], Tonga [595], Vanuatu, 

Montipora stellata Bernard 1897 Australia, British Indian Ocean Territory [674], China, Indonesia [735a], Japan. 
Malaysia, Oman [675], Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768], Saudi Arabia [674], Taiwan [171], Viemam 

Montipora stilosa(Hemprich & Ehrenberg 1834) Israel [674]. Sri Lanka [558], Mauritius [242,558,674] 

Montipora striata Bernard 1897 Australia [28], Indonesia[735a], Singapore [617] 

Montipora studeri Vaughan 1907 United States: Hawaiian Is [751], United States minor outlying islands: Johnston 
Atoll [467] 

Montipora sulcata Crossland 1952 Australia[168], Malaysia: Peninsular [36] 

Montipora sumilonensis Nemenzo 1979 Philippines [533 

Montipora suvadivae Pillai & Scheer 1976 Maldives [605] 

Montiporatenuicaulis Vaughan 1907 United States: Hawaiian Is [751] 

Montiporatenuissima Bemard 1897 British Indian Ocean Territory [672,674], Malaysia: Peninsular [36] 

Montipora trabeculata Bernard 1897 American Samoa [430], Australia [359] 

Montipora tuberculosa (Lamarck 1816) American Samoa [430], Australia [758a], British Indian Ocean Territory 
[674], Cocos (Keeling) Islands [766a], French Polynesia[148,593], India [602], Indonesia [735a], Israel [674], 
Japan, Kiribati [463], Malaysia, Maldives [605], Marshall Islands [465], Mauritius [242,558,674], 
Mozambique [637d,674], Papua New Guinea [558], Philippines [768], Pitcairn Islands [572], Réunion [69]. 
Saudi Arabia [15], Seychelles [674,845], South A frica [637d], Sri Lanka [558], Taiwan [171.871a], Tanzania 
[560], Thailand, United States minor outlying islands: Johnston Atoll [467], Vietnam [436] 

Montipora turgescens Bernard 1897 Australia [595,758a], French Polynesia [593], India [595,602,659], Indonesia 
[735a], Japan [739], Malaysia, Marshall Islands [595], Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768], Saudi Arabia 
[15], Taiwan [171], Tuvalu, Vanuatu, Vietnam [436] 

Montiporaturtiensis Veron & Wallace 1984 Australia, Indonesia [735a], Malaysia, Vietnam 

Montipora undata Bernard 1897 Australia, Indonesia [735a], Japan, Malaysia, Mauritius [242.674], Papua New 
Guinea, Philippines [768], Saudi Arabia [15], Taiwan [171,871a], Thailand, Vanuatu, Vietnam 

Montipora venosa (Ehrenberg 1834) American Samoa [430], Australia [604], China, Fiji [359], French Polynesia 
[148,593], India [595,602,659], Indonesia [25,735a,742], Israel [674], Japan, Malaysia: Peninsular [36.604], 
Marshall Islands [465], Mozambique [637d], New Caledonia [482], Oman [674], Papua New Guinea, 
Philippines [768], Pitcairn Islands [572], Réunion [69], South Africa [637d], Sudan, Taiwan [171], Vanuatu, 
Vietnam [436] 

Montipora verrilli Vaughan 1907 American Samoa [430], French Polynesia [148,593], India [595,602], Indonesia 
[735a], Kiribati [463], Marshall Islands [595], Mozambique [674], United States: Hawaiian Is [359,751] 

Montipora verrucosa (Lamarck 1816) Australia [595,792b], British Indian Ocean Territory [672,674], Djibouti 
[298], Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji [557], French Polynesia [148,593], India [595,602], Indonesia 
[25,735a], Israel [674], Japan, Kiribati [463,872a], Madagascar [674], Malaysia: Peninsular [36], Marshall 
Islands [465], Mauritius [242,674], Mozambique [637d,674], New Caledonia [482], Northern Mariana Islands, 
Palau [221], Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768], Réunion [69,242], Saudi Arabia [15], Seychelles 
[674,845], Solomon Islands [513], Somalia [595], South Africa [637d], Taiwan [171], Tanzania [560], 
Thailand [674,744], Tonga [557], Tuvalu [835], United States: Hawaiian Is [595,603,751], Vanuatu, Vietnam 



Family PORITIDAE Gray 1842 

Alveopora Blainville 1830 Il B - 

(Red Sea [661]. East and South Africa [68.329]. Indian Ocean north to the Maldives and Andaman and Nicobar 
Islands [602]; south to Madagascar and south-west tip of Australia. South-East Asia. Pacific Ocean, north to Japan 
[231]. Midway Islands and Hawaiian Islands; south to Lord Howe Island and Kermadec Islands [761]: east to 
Tuamotu Archipelago) 

Countries listed without reference numbers are within the distribution range shown in Veron [761] 

American Samoa [430]: Australia [770]; British Indian Ocean Territory [674.832]: Brunei: China [668]: Christmas 
Island: Comoros: Cook Islands; Djibouti: Egypt [661]; Ethiopia; Federated States of Micronesia; Fiji: French 
Polynesia [148.244]: Guam; India [598.602]: Indonesia [735a]: Israel [458.661]: Japan [765]: Jordan [661]: Kenya 
[329]; Kiribati [463]; Madagascar [587.591]: Malaysia: Peninsular [36]. Sabah [848]: Maldives [605.674]: Marshall 
Islands [807]; Mauritius [242,674]: Mozambique [68]; Myanmar; Nauru; New Caledonia [850]: Niue: Northern 
Marianas; Palau [221]; Papua New Guinea; Philippines [768]; Réunion [69]; Samoa; Saudi Arabia [15]: Seychelles 
[674,845]; Singapore [776]: Solomon Islands [796]: Somalia; Sri Lanka [558]: Sudan [661]; Taiwan [171]: 
Tanzania [329]; Thailand [186,744]; Tokelau; Tonga; Tuvalu; United States: Hawaiian Islands: Vanuatu [762]: 
Vietnam [436]; Wallis and Futuna; Yemen 

In general a fairly sparsely distributed. uncommon coral, although may be locally common. 
27 nominal species, about 10 [151] or 15-16 valid species [766b], of which 8 are recognised from Australia[761]. 

Alveopora allingi Hoffmeister 1925 American Samoa [359,430], Australia [792b], British Indian Ocean Territory 
[672.674], China, French Polynesia [593], Indonesia [735a], Israel [674], Japan, Malaysia. Maldives [605]. 
Mauritius [?242,674], Mozambique [637d], Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768], Réunion [?242.674]. Saudi 
Arabia [15], Thailand [674,744], Vietnam [436] 

Alveopora catalai Wells 1968 Australia, Indonesia [735a], Japan, Malaysia: Sabah [848], New Caledonia, Papua 
New Guinea, Philippines [768], Vanuatu, Vietnam 

Alveopora daedalea (Forskal 1775) India [602], Indonesia [741], Israel [674], Maldives [605], Mauritius [674], 
Mozambique [637d,674], Saudi Arabia [655], South A frica [637d] 

Alveopora excelsa Verrill 1864 Star Coral Indonesia [735a], Japan, Malaysia: Peninsular [36], Philippines [768], 
Singapore [557,617,710,776] 

Alveopora explanata Hoffmeister 1945 

Alveopora fenestrata (Lamarck 1816) Australia, Indonesia [735a], Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768], 
Réunion [69], Seychelles [674,845], Taiwan [171], Vanuatu 

Alveopora gigas Veron 1985 Australia 

Alveoporajaponica Eguchi 1968 Japan [229,739], Republic of Korea 

Alveopora marionensis Veron & Pichon 1982 Australia, Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768], Vanuatu, Vietnam 

Alveopora ocellata Wells 1954 Israel [674] 

Alveoporaretusa Verrill 1864 Singapore [710,776] 

Alveopora spongiosa Dana 1848 Australia [400], Fiji [506], ?French Polynesia, Indonesia [735a]. Japan, Malaysia: 
Sabah [848], Mozambique [637d], Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768], Saudi Arabia [674], South Africa 
[637d], Taiwan [171], Thailand [674,744], Vanuatu, Viemam 

Alveopora superficialis Pillai & Scheer 1976 Indonesia[735a], Maldives [605] 

Alveopora tizardi Bassett-Smith 1890 Australia, Indonesia [735a], Japan, Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768], 
Pitcairn Islands, Saudi Arabia [674], Vanuatu 

Alveopora verrilliana Dana 1872 American Samoa [430], Australia, French Polynesia [593], Indonesia [735a,74 1], 
Israel [674], Japan, Kiribati [463], Malaysia: Sabah [848], Mauritius [242], Papua New Guinea, Philippines 
[535,768], Saudi Arabia [15], Taiwan [171], United States: Hawaiian Is. [359,751], Vanuatu 

Alveopora viridis Quoy & Gaimard 1833 American Samoa [430], Indonesia [735a,741], Israel [674], Maldives 
[674,832], Mozambique [674], Papua New Guinea [506], Sri Lanka [558] 

Goniopora Blainville 1830 II B - 

Sunflower Coral, Daisy Coral 

(Red Sea [661], Persian Gulf, East and South A frica [68,329]. Indian Ocean north to the Arabian Gulf [95], Gulf of 
Kutch (north-west India), Andaman and Nicobar Islands and Mergui Archipelago; south to Madagascar and 



south-west tip of Australia. South-East Asia. Pacific Ocean. north to Japan [231]; south to Lord Howe Island, east 
to Marshall Islands and Tuamotu Archipelago[761]) 

Countries listed without reference numbers are within the distribution range shown in Veron [761] 

American Samoa [430]; Australia[770]; Bahrain [95,677]: British Indian Ocean Territory [674,832]: Brunei; China 
[668.894.895]: Christmas Island: Comoros: Cook Islands [485]: Djibouti [298]: Egypt [661]: Ethiopia; Federated 
States of Micronesia: Fiji; French Polynesia [148.244]: Guam; India [598.602]: Indonesia [735a]: Iran: Israel 
[458.661]: Japan [765]; Jordan [661]: Kenya [329]: Kuwait [351a]; Madagascar [587,591]: Malaysia: Peninsular 
[36]. Sabah [848]: Maldives [605.674]: Marshall Islands [465,807]; Mauritius [242.674]; Mozambique [68]: 
Myanmar [212]: Nauru: New Caledonia [850]: Niue: Norfolk Island: Northern Marianas: Oman [675]: Palau [221]: 
Papua New Guinea: Philippines [768]: Qatar: Réunion [69a]: Samoa; Saudi Arabia [15]; Seychelles [606.674.845]: 
Singapore [617]; Solomon Islands [796]: Somalia: South Africa [167,637d]: Sri Lanka; Sudan [661]: Taiwan [171]: 
Tanzania [329]: Thailand [186.744]: Tokelau; Tonga [557]; Tuvalu; United Arab Emirates [95,677]: Vanuatu 
[762]; Vietnam [436]: Wallis and Futuna; Yemen 

Goniopora is an important and common reef-building coral and often occurs in turbid water. Many species have a 
widespread distribution, although some are more restricted. 

39 nominal species. c. 20 [151] or 30 [766b]valid species. Fourteen species have been recognised from Australia 

Goniopora arbuscula Umbgrove 1939 Indonesia[741] 

Goniopora bernardi Faustino 1927 Japan [739] 

Goniopora burgosi Nemenzo 1955 Japan, Philippines [523,768], Thailand 

Gonioporacellulosa Veron 1990 Japan [764] 

Goniopora columna Dana 1848 Australia, China, Fiji [506], India [659,674], Indonesia [735a,741], Japan, 
Malaysia: Sabah [848], Marshall Islands [465], Myanmar [212,674], Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768], 
Taiwan [171], Thailand [674,744], Vanuatu, Vietnam [436] 

Gonioporacrassa Crossland 1948 Mozambique [637d], South Africa [167] 

Goniopora djiboutiensis Vaughan 1907 Australia, Djibouti [298,752], India [599], Indonesia [735a], Japan, 
Malaysia, ?Marshall Islands, Mozambique [637d], Oman [675], Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768], 
Somalia, Taiwan [171], Thailand [674.744], Vanuatu, Vietnam [436] 

Gonioporaeclipsensis Veron & Pichon 1982 Australia, Malaysia 

Goniopora fruticosa Kent 1891 Australia [400], Indonesia [735a], Japan, Malaysia: Peninsular [36], Sabah [848], 
Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768], Singapore [617], Thailand [674,744] 

Goniopora gracilis (Milne Edwards & Haime 1860) Réunion [69] 

Goniopora granulosa Pillai & Scheer 1976 Maldives [605] 

Goniopora klunzingeri Marenzeller 1906 Israel, Saudi Arabia [15] 

Goniopora lobata Milne Edwards & Haime 1851 Australia [758a,792b], India [599], Indonesia [25,735a]. Japan, 
Kuwait [35la], Malaysia: Peninsular [36], Maldives [599], Marshall Islands [465], Mauritius [242,674], 
Mozambique [637d], Myanmar [212], Oman [675], Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768], Reunion 
[69,69a,242], Saudi Arabia [674], Seychelles [674,845], Singapore [617], South Africa [167], Taiwan [171], 
Thailand [674,744], Vanuatu, Vietnam [436] 

Goniopora minor Crossland 1952 Australia, British Indian Ocean Territory [674], Cook Islands [485], India [602], 
Indonesia [735a], Israel [674], Japan, Malaysia: Peninsular [36], Sabah [848], Maldives [605], Papua New 
Guinea, Philippines [768], Seychelles [606], Taiwan [171], Thailand [674,744], Vanuatu 

Goniopora muscosa Wells 1954 

Goniopora norfolkensis Veron & Pichon 1982 Australia, China, Indonesia [735a], Norfolk Island, Philippines 
[768], Vietnam 

Goniopora palmensis Veron & Pichon 1982 Australia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768] 

Goniopora pandoraensis Veron & Pichon 1982 Australia, Indonesia [735a], Japan, Malaysia, Philippines [768], 
Thailand [674,744], Vanuatu, Vietnam [436] 

Gonioporaparvistella Ortmann 1888 American Samoa [430], Mozambique [674], Tonga [557] 

Goniopora pedunculata Quoy & Gaimard 1833 New Guinea [506], Philippines [621] 

Gonioporapendulus Veron 1985 Australia, Japan, Philippines [768] 

Goniopora planulata (Hemprich & Ehrenberg 1834) Djibouti [298], India [602], Indonesia [728,735Sa], Israel 
[674], Maldives [605], Saudi Arabia [15,655], Seychelles [606], Tanzania [560] 

Goniopora polyformis (Zou 1980) China, Japan, Philippines 



Goniopora pulvinula Wells 1954 Maldives [674] = G. djiboutiensis [674.2773] 

Goniopora sagamiensis Eguchi 1968 

Gonioporasamoa Berard 1903 American Samoa [430] 

Goniopora savignii Dana 1848 British Indian Ocean Territory [674]. Israel [674], Mauritius [674], Mozambique 
[674]. Réunion [242.674]. Saudi Arabia [15], Seychelles [606.845]. Singapore [557], Tanzania [470] 

Goniopora somaliensis Vaughan 1907 Australia, Djibouti [298.752]. Indonesia [735a], Japan [739], Malaysia. 
Mozambique [637d], Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768], Reunion [?242.674]. Seychelles [674.845]. 
Somalia. South Africa [637d]. Vanuatu, Vietnam 

Goniopora stokesi Milne Edwards & Haime 1851 Australia, British Indian Ocean Territory [672.674]. Djibouti 
[298]. India [602.659]. Indonesia [25,735a]. Israel [674], Japan [739], Madagascar [674], Malaysia, Maldives 
[605], Mozambique [637d], Papua New Guinea. Philippines [768], Seychelles [674,845], Singapore [557], 
South A frica [637d]. Tanzania [470], Thailand [674,744], Vanuatu, Vietnam [436] 

Goniopora stutchburyi Wells 1955 Australia [595], China, India [595,602], Indonesia [735a], Japan, Malaysia: 
Peninsular [36], Papua New Guinea, Singapore [617], Taiwan [171], Thailand [674,744], Vanuatu, Vietnam 

Goniopora tenella (Quelch 1886) Israel [674], Malaysia: Peninsular [604], Oman, Philippines [604,621], Taiwan 

Goniopora tenuidens (Quelch 1886) Australia [792b], British Indian Ocean Territory [672,674], India [602.659]. 
Indonesia [25,621.735a,741], Japan, Malaysia: Sabah [848], Mauritius [242,674], Oman [675], Papua New 
Guinea, Philippines [621,768], Réunion [69,242], Solomon Islands [513], Thailand [674,?744], Vanuatu, 
Vietnam [19a] 

Goniopora viridis (Quoy & Gaimard 1833) Mozambique [674], Solomon Islands [506] 

Goniopora wotouensis Zou, Song & Ma 1975 China [897] 

Porites Link 1807 I] B - 

Hump Coral 

(Caribbean [608,833] to Bermuda [682,847]; south to Brazil. Sao Tome, Cape Verde Islands, Gulf of Guinea and 
Angola [728]. Red Sea, Persian Gulf, East and South Africa [68,329]. Indian Ocean north to Arabian Gulf [95], 
Gulf of Kutch (north-west India), Andaman and Nicobar Islands and Mergui Archipelago; south to Madagascar, 
Cocos (Keeling) Islands and south-west tip of Australia. South-east Asia. Pacific Ocean, north to southern Japan 
(231], Midway Islands and Hawaiian Islands; south to Lord Howe Island, Kermadec Islands [761]; east to 
California [691], Galapagos Islands [217] and Easter Island) 

Countries listed without reference numbers are within the distribution range shown in Smith [682], Veron [761] or 
Wood [847] 

American Samoa [430]; Angola [27]; Anguilla; Antigua and Barbuda; Australia [359]; Bahamas [690]; Bahrain 
[95]; Barbados [448]; Belize [102]; Bermuda [381]; Brazil [420]; British Indian Ocean Territory [644,674,832]: 
British Virgin Islands [214]; Brunei; Cape Verde [27]; Cayman Islands [250]; Chile: Easter Island [820]; China 
[668]; Christmas Island [29]; China [894,895]; Cocos (Keeling) Islands [763]; Colombia [235,615]; Comoros; Cook 
Islands [485]; Costa Rica [158]; Cuba [416,889]; Djibouti [298]; Dominica; Dominican Republic; Ecuador: 
including Galapagos Islands [68,217,827]; Egypt [661]; Ethiopia; Federated States of Micronesia; Fiji [557]; French 
Polynesia [148,244]; Gabon [141]; Grenada; Guadeloupe; Guam; Haiti; Honduras [250,739]; India [598,602]; 
Indonesia [735a]; Iran; Israel [458,661]; Jamaica [833]; Japan [765]; Jordan [661]; Kenya [329]; Kiribati [872a]; 
Kuwait [351a]; Liberia [421]; Madagascar [587,591]; Malaysia: Peninsular [36], Sabah [848]; Maldives [605,674]; 
Marshall Islands [465,807]; Martinique [70]; Mauritius [242,674]; Mexico [241,375a]; Montserrat; Mozambique 
[68,845]; Myanmar [212]; Nauru; Netherlands Antilles [653]; New Caledonia [850]; New Zealand: Kermadec 
Islands; Nicaragua; Niue; Northern Marianas; Oman [675]; Palau [221]; Panama [608]; Papua New Guinea; 
Philippines [768]; Pitcairn Islands [572]; Puerto Rico [746]; Qatar; Réunion [69a]; Saint Kitts and Nevis; Saint 
Lucia [639]; Saint Vincent and the Grenadines [621]; Samoa; Sao Tome and Principe [27]; Saudi Arabia [15]; 
Seychelles [606,674,845]; Singapore [617]; Solomon Islands [796]; Somalia; South A frica [637d]; Sri Lanka [558]; 
Sudan [661]; Taiwan [171]; Tanzania [329]; Thailand [186,744]; Tokelau; Tonga [557]; Trinidad and Tobago; 
Turks and Caicos; Tuvalu [835]; United Arab Emirates [95,677]; United States: California, Florida [381], Hawaiian 
Islands [107,464]; United States minor outlying islands: Johnston Atoll [467]; Vanuatu [762]; Venezuela [14]; 
Vietnam [436]; Virgin Islands of the United States [640a]; Wallis and Futuna; Yemen [654] 

Porites is one of the most important reef-building genera, often forming very large colonies. It occurs widely 
elsewhere, and is one of the most tolerant of all corals to turbid water. 



Approximately 122 nominal species. the majority of which are invalid [761]. The number of valid species is c. 80 
[151.766b]: 16 have been recorded from Australia[761] and probably 5 occur in the Atlantic [847]. 

Porites annae Crossland 1952 Australia [168.792b]. Indonesia [735a]. Japan, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea. 
Philippines [768]. Taiwan [171]. Thailand. Vanuatu, Vietnam 

Porites aranetai Nemenzo 1955 Australia, Japan, Philippines [523,768], Sri Lanka 

Porites astreoides Lamarck 1816 Mustard Hill Coral Bahamas [690], Barbados [448], Belize [102]. Bermuda 
[191], Brazil [419.420.779], British Virgin Islands, Cape Verde [40,142], Cayman Islands [250]. Colombia 
[235], Cuba [416,889], Honduras [250.739], Jamaica [284,380a], Martinique [70], Mexico [74.241.375a]. 
Netherlands Antilles [653], Panama [169], Puerto Rico [10a,746], Saint Lucia [639], Saint Vincent and the 
Grenadines [621]. United States [611], Venezuela[14], Virgin Islands of the United States [640a] 

Porites attenuata Nemenzo 1955 Japan, Philippines [523,768], Vanuatu 

Porites australiensis Vaughan 1918 Australia [754], British Indian Ocean Territory [644.672], Cocos (Keeling) 
Islands [766a], Fiji [557], French Polynesia [148,593], India [599], Indonesia [735a]. Japan, Malaysia, 
Marshall Islands [465], New Caledonia [482], Palau [221], Papua New Guinea [557], Philippines [768], 
Pitcairn Islands [572], Saudi Arabia [15], Solomon Islands [557], Sri Lanka [558], Taiwan [171], Tanzania 
[714a], Thailand. Vanuatu [19a], Vietnam [436] 

Porites baracoensis Vaughan 1919 

Porites baueri Squires 1959 Mexico [375a.691] 

Porites bernardi Vaughan 1907 United States: Hawaiian Is [751] 

Porites branneri Rathbun 1887 Brazil [419,420,629], Cayman Islands [250], Mexico [375a], Netherlands Antilles 
[653], Panama [169], United States 

Porites brighami Vaughan 1907 Palau [221], United States: Hawaiian Islands [751] =? 

Porites californica Verrill 1869 Mexico [216,375a,781], Panama [219] 

Porites colonensis Ziatarski 1990 Panama [365,888] 

Porites columnaris Klunzinger 1879 Mauritius [242,674] 

Porites compressa Dana 1848 India [602], Indonesia [735a], Kuwait [35la], Malaysia: Peninsular [604], 
Mozambique [637d,674], Palau [221], Philippines [604], Taiwan [171], United States: Hawaiian Islands 

Porites crassistellata Quelch 1886 Fiji [621], Indonesia[735a] 

Porites cribripora Dana 1848 Fiji [262,557], Sri Lanka [558] 

Porites cumulatus Nemenzo 1955 Philippines [523,768] 

Porites cylindrica Dana 1848 Branching Coral American Samoa [430,603], Australia [359,754,792b], British 
Indian Ocean Territory [644,672], Cocos (Keeling) Islands [674,766a], China, Fiji [557], India [602], 
Indonesia [735a,741], Japan, Kiribati [872a], Madagascar [674], Malaysia: ?Peninsular [736], Sabah [848], 
Maldives [605], Marshall Islands [465], Mauritius [242,674], Mozambique [637d,674], New Caledonia [482], 
Palau [221], Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768], Seychelles [674,845], Singapore [710], Solomon Islands 
[513], South Africa [637d], Taiwan [171], Tanzania [329], Thailand [674,744], Tonga [359], Vanuatu, 
Vietnam [19a] Note that P. /evis Dana 1848 has page priority over P. cylindrica 

Porites deformis Nemenzo 1955 Japan, Papua New Guinea, Philippines [523,768], Vanuatu 

Porites densa Vaughan 1918 Australia[754], Indonesia [735a], Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, Vietnam [436] 

Porites duerdeni Vaughan 1907 Indonesia[735a], United States: Hawaiian Is [751] 

Porites echinulata Klunzinger 1879 Israel [674], Sri Lanka [558,634], Tanzania [560] 

Porites eridani Umbgrove 1940 Australia [604], India [602], Indonesia [735a,742], Japan, Malaysia: Peninsular 
[36,604], Philippines [768] 

Porites erosa Dana 1848 

Porites evermanni Vaughan 1907 Australia, ?Cocos (Keeling) Islands [766a], Japan, Papua New Guinea, 
Philippines, United States: Hawaiian Is [751] 

Porites exilis Gardiner 1898 Fiji[262], New Caledonia [262] 

Porites exserta Pillai 1969 India [595,602] 

Porites favosa Dana 1848 Fiji [?262,506], Indonesia [735a] 

Porites gaimardi Milne Edwards & Haime 1851 Australia [558], ?Fiji [262], Indonesia [621], Papua New Guinea 
[558], Solomon Islands [558], Sri Lanka [634], Tuvalu [835] 

Porites galeata Nemenzo 1955 Philippines [523] 

Porites heronensis Veron 1985 Australia, Japan, Papua New Guinea 

Porites horizontalata Hoffmeister 1925 American Samoa [359,430], British Indian Ocean Territory [674], 
Indonesia [735a], Japan, Malaysia: Peninsular [36], Maldives [674], Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768], 



Porites irregularis (Verrill 1864) French Polynesia [593]. United States: Hawaiian Is [751,776] 

Porites iwavamaensis Eguchi 1938 British Indian Ocean Territory [644.672]. Federated States of Micronesia [604]. 
Indonesia [735a]. Madagascar [674]. Malaysia: Peninsular [36,604], Marshall Islands [604]. Mauritius 
[242.674], Palau [221]. Réunion [69.242]. Seychelles [21.674] 

Porites latistellata Quelch 1886 American Samoa [430]. French Polynesia [621]. Japan, Philippines [768], Vanuatu 

Porites lichen Dana 1848 American Samoa [430], Australia [792b]. British Indian Ocean Territory [644.672]. 
Cocos (Keeling) Islands [766a]. Fiji [262], French Polynesia [148,593]. India [602], Indonesia [735a,742], 
Israel [674]. Japan. Kiribati [872a], Madagascar [674], Malaysia, Maldives [605], Marshall Islands [465], 
Mauritius [242.674], Mozambique [674], New Caledonia [262], Palau [221], Papua New Guinea, Philippines 
[768], Saudi Arabia [674], Seychelles [674], Taiwan [171], Tuvalu [835], United States: Hawaiian Is [751]. 
Vanuatu, Vietnam. Yemen [654] 

Porites limosa Dana 1848 Fiji [506] 

Porites lobata Dana 1848 American Samoa [430.603], Australia [792b], Cocos (Keeling) Islands [766a]. Chile: 
Easter I. [748.820], China. Ecuador: Galapagos Islands [827], Fiji [359], French Polynesia [148.593]. India 
[602.659], Indonesia [735a], Japan. Kiribati [463,872a], Malaysia, Marshall Islands [465], Mauritius 
[242.674], Mozambique [637d.674], Myanmar [212], New Caledonia [482], Panama [781], Papua New 
Guinea, Philippines [768], Saudi Arabia [15], Seychelles [674,845], Solomon Islands [513], South Africa 
[637d]. Taiwan [171], Thailand [674,744], Tuvalu [835], United States: Hawaiian Is [359,751]. United States 
minor outlying islands: Johnston Atoll [467], Vanuatu, Vietnam [436] 

Porites lutea Quoy & Gaimard 1833 American Samoa [430.603], Australia [754,758a,792b], British Indian Ocean 
Territory [644.672], Cocos (Keeling) Islands, China, Fiji [262], French Polynesia [148,593], India [602.659]. 
Indonesia [735a,741], Israel [674], Japan, Kiribati [463,872a], Kuwait [35la], Malaysia: Sabah [848], 
Maldives [605], Marshall Islands [465], Mauritius [242,674], Mozambique [637d,674], Myanmar [212], New 
Caledonia [482], Oman [675], Palau [221], Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768], Pitcairn Islands, Réunion 
[69,242], Saudi Arabia [15], Seychelles [606,845], Singapore [617j, Solomon Islands [513], South Africa 
{167,637d], Sri Lanka [558], Taiwan [171], Tanzania [714a], Thailand [701,744], Tonga [558], Tuvalu [835], 
United States minor outlying islands: Johnston Atoll [467], Vanuatu, Vietnam [436] 

Porites mannarensis Pillai 1969 India [595,602] 

Porites matthaii Wells 1954 American Samoa [430] 

Porites mayeri Vaughan 1918 Australia[754], Indonesia [735a], Israel [674], Japan, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, 
Philippines [768], Vietnam 

Porites minicoiensis Pillai 1969 India [595,602] 

Porites mordax Dana 1848 French Polynesia[148,593], Indonesia, United States: Hawaiian Is [751] 

Porites mucronata Milne Edwards & Haime 1860 Palau [221], Philippines [508] 

Porites murrayensis Vaughan 1918 American Samoa [430], Australia [359,754], ?Fiji [359], India [659,674], 
Indonesia [735a], Japan, Malaysia: Sabah [848], Maldives [605], Marshall Islands [465], New Caledonia 
[482], Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768], Taiwan [171], Thailand [674,744], Vietnam [436] 

Porites myrmidonensis Veron 1985 Australia 

Porites negrosensis Veron 1990 Japan [764], Philippines [764] 

Porites nigrescens Dana 1848 Australia [168], British Indian Ocean Territory [644,672], Cocos (Keeling) Islands 
[674], Fiji [506], India [659,674], Indonesia [735a,742], Japan, Madagascar [674], Malaysia: Peninsular [36], 
Sabah [848], Mauritius [242,674], Mozambique [637d,674], Oman [674], Palau [221], Papua New Guinea, 
Philippines [768], Réunion [69,242], Saudi Arabia [674], Seychelles [674,845], Singapore [617], Solomon 
Islands [513], South Africa [637d], Taiwan [171], Thailand [674,744], Tonga, Vanuatu, Vietnam [19a] 

Porites nodifera Klunzinger 1879 India [671a], Myanmar [212], Oman [675], Saudi Arabia [15,655], Tanzania 

Porites okinawensis Veron 1990 Japan [764], ?Palau 

Porites panamensis Verrill 1866 Mexico [375a], Panama [777,781] 

Porites parvistellata Quelch 1886 Fiji [262], Vanuatu [621] 

Porites porites (Pallas 1766) Club Finger Coral Bahamas [690], Barbados [448,557], Belize [102], Bermuda 
[191,418,787], British Virgin Islands, Cape Verde [40,142], Cayman Islands [250], Colombia [235], Cuba 
[416.889], Guadeloupe [506], Honduras [250,739], Jamaica [284,380a], Martinique [70], Mexico 
(74,241,375a], Netherlands Antilles [653], Panama [169], Puerto Rico [10a,746], Saint Lucia [639], United 
States [611,776], Venezuela[14], Virgin Islands of the United States [640a] 

Porites portoricensis (Vaughan 1919) 

Porites profundus Rehberg 1892 Madagascar [631], Maldives [605] 

Porites pukoensis Vaughan 1907 American Samoa [430], Indonesia [735a], Kiribati [463], Madagascar [242,674], 
Mauritius [674], New Caledonia [482], Réunion [242,674], United States: Hawaiian Is [359,751] 



Porites rus (Forskal 1775) American Samoa [359.430]. Australia. British Indian Ocean Territory [672]. Cocos 
(Keeling) Islands [766a]. Costa Rica. Fiji [506]. French Polynesia [148,593,776]. India [599]. Indonesia 
[735a]. Israel. Japan. Kenya [329]. Malaysia: Peninsular [36]. Sabah [848]. Maldives [605]. Marshall Islands 
[465]. Mauritius [242.674], Papua New Guinea. Philippines [768]. Saudi Arabia [15]. Seychelles [606.845]. 
Singapore [617]. Sri Lanka [558]. Taiwan [171]. Tanzania [329], Thailand [701,744]. Tuvalu [835], United 
States: Hawaiian Is [751]. Vanuatu, Vietnam [436] 

Porites saccharata Briiggemann 1878 Indonesia[710], Singapore [92,710] 

Porites sillimaniani Nemenzo 1976 Japan. Philippines [532.768], Vanuatu 

Porites solida (Forskal 1775) Australia. British Indian Ocean Territory [644.672], Cocos (Keeling) Islands [766a]. 
Djibouti [298], Fiji [262]. French Polynesia, India [602,659], Indonesia [25,735a], Israel [674], Japan. 
Madagascar [674]. Malaysia. Maldives [605]. Marshall Islands [465], Mauritius [242,674]. Mozambique 
[637d.674]. Myanmar [212], New Caledonia [482], Oman [675]. Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768]. 
Réunion [69.69a.242]. Saudi Arabia [15.655j. South Africa [167.637d], Taiwan [171], Tanzania [470.560]. 
Thailand. United States, Vanuatu. Vienam 

Porites somaliensis Gravier 1910 British Indian Ocean Territory [2?672,674], Cocos (Keeling) Islands [766a]. 
Djibouti [297.298]. India [599.674], Madagascar [674]. Mauritius [242.674], Palau [221], Reunion [242.674], 
Saudi Arabia [655], Somalia. Tanzania [714a] = P. lutea [602.674] 

Porites stephensoni Crossland 1952 Australia [168], Cook Islands [485], Indonesia [735a]. Japan, Malaysia, 
Philippines [768], Saudi Arabia [674], Taiwan [171], Thailand [674,744]. Vanuatu, Vietnam [436], 

Porites studeri Vaughan 1907 Israel [674], United States: Hawaiian Is [751] 

Porites superfusa Gardiner 1898 French Polynesia[148], Malaysia: Peninsular [604], Marshall Islands [465]. New 
Caledonia [262], Tuvalu [604] 

Porites tenuis Verrill 1866 Fiji [262], Japan [604], Malaysia: Peninsular [604], Palau [221], Philippines [768]. 
Taiwan [171], United States: Hawaiian Is [604,751], Vanuatu [621] 

Porites trimurata Gardiner 1898 Fiji [262], New Caledonia [262] 

Porites umbellifera Gardiner 1898 New Caledonia [262] 

Porites vaughani Crossland 1952 Australia [168], Indonesia [735a], Japan, Kiribati [463], Malaysia. Marshall 
Islands [465]. Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768], Thailand [674,744], Vanuatu, Vietnam 

Porites waylandi Foster 1986 

Stylaraea Milne Edwards & Haime 1851 II B - 
(Red Sea, East Africa, Madagascar, Aldabra, southern Philippines, Palau Islands, Micronesia, south to Lesser Sunda 
Islands, New Guinea, New Britain and the Great Barrier Reef [761]) 

Countries listed without reference numbers are within the distribution range shown in Veron [761 
Australia; Djibouti; Egypt; Ethiopia; Federated States of Micronesia; Guam; Israel; Kenya; Madagascar [674]: 
Mozambique [68]; Palau; ?Papua New Guinea; Philippines [768]: Seychelles: Aldabra [674]; Sri Lanka [558,634]; 

Sudan; Tanzania 

1 species [766b]. Very rare, and restricted to shallow-water environments uninhabited by other corals [761]. 
Chevalier (1987) [151] treated Snlaraea as synonymous with Porites. 

Stylaraea punctata (Linnaeus 1758) 
Family SIDERASTREIDAE Vaughan & Wells 1943 

Anomastraea Marenzeller 1901 II B - 

Crisp Pillow Coral 

(Persian Gulf and Arabian Gulf [95]. East and South A frica [68,329]) 

Kenya [68]; Kuwait [351a]; Malaysia; Maldives; Mozambique [329]; Oman [675]; Saudi Arabia [23]; Seychelles; 
South A frica [167,845]; Tanzania [68,470]; United Arab Emirates [95] 

A small, uncommon coral. 
1 species [151,766b,847] 



Anomastraea irregularis Marenzeller 1901 

Coscinastrea Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 Il B - 

Wrinkle Coral 

(Red Sea [661]. Persian Gulf. East and South Africa [68.329]. Indian Ocean, north to Arabian Gulf [95]. Gulf of 
Kutch (north-west India). Gulf of Mannar (southern India), Mergui Archipelago; south to Madagascar and east to 

Australia. including the entire south coast [761]. South-east Asia. Pacific Ocean, north to Japan [231], Midway 
Islands and Hawaiian Islands [464]. south to south-east Australia: east to the Tuamotu Archipelago [244}). 

Countries listed without reference numbers are within the distributionrange shown in Veron [761] 

American Samoa [430]: Australia[813]: Bahrain [95,677]; British Indian Ocean Territory [674.832]: Brunei: China 
[668]: Christmas Island; Comoros: Cook Islands: Djibouti [298]; Egypt [661]; Ethiopia; Federated States of 
Micronesia: Fiji [359]; French Polynesia [148.244]; Guam: India [598,602]; Indonesia [735a]: Iran: Israel 
[458.661]: Japan [765]: Jordan [661]; Kenya [329]; Kiribati [463]; Kuwait [35a]; Madagascar [587,591]: 
Malaysia: Peninsular [36], Sabah [848]: Maldives [605.674]: Marshall Islands [807]; Mauritius [674], Mozambique 
[68,845]; Myanmar [212]: Nauru; New Caledonia [850]; Niue; Northern Marianas; Oman [675]; Palau [221]: Papua 
New Guinea; Philippines [768]; Qatar; Réunion [69]; Samoa: Saudi Arabia [15]; Seychelles [674,845]: Singapore: 
Solomon Islands [796]; Somalia; South A frica [845]; Sri Lanka [558]; Sudan [661]; Taiwan [171]; Tanzania [329]: 
Thailand [186,744]; Tokelau; Tonga; Tuvalu [835]; United Arab Emirates [95,677]; United States: Hawaiian 
Islands [464]; Vanuatu [762]; Vietnam [436]; Wallis and Futuna; Yemen 

Coscinastrea is unusual in that two species (C. meneilli and C. marshae) are restricted to southern temperate waters 
and never found on tropical coral reefs. Most species are relatively uncommon, except for C. exesa [761]. The name 
of the genus is frequently spelt Coscinar(a)ea but this is an incorrect emendation of the original spelling. 
Approximately 14 nominal species, c. 6 [151] or 12 [766b] valid species, of which 6 occur in Australia[761] 

Coscinastrea bottae Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 

Coscinastreacolumna (Dana 1848) American Samoa [430], Australia [758a,792b], British Indian Ocean Territory 
[672,674], China, Fiji [359], French Polynesia [148,593], Indonesia [735a], Japan [739], Kuwait [35 la], 
Madagascar [674], Malaysia, Marshall Islands [465], Mauritius [674], Mozambique [637d,674], ?New 
Caledonia [482], Oman [675], Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768], Pitcairn Islands, Réunion [674], 
Seychelles [674,845], Singapore, South Africa [637d,845], Taiwan [171], Thailand [674,744], Tuvalu [835], 
Vanuatu, Vietnam [436] 

Coscinastreacrassa Veron & Pichon 1980 Australia, Japan, Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768] 

Coscinastrea exesa (Dana 1848) Australia, Fiji [506], India [599], Indonesia [735a], Japan [869], Maldives 
[270,371], Palau [221], Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768], Seychelles [371], Thailand [701], Vanuatu, 

Coscinastrea hahazimaensis Yabe & Sugiyama 1936 Japan 

Coscinastreamarshae Wells 1962 Australia[813] 

Coscinastreamcneilli Wells 1962 Australia[813], Indonesia [735a] 

Coscinastrea monile (Forskal 1775) British Indian Ocean Territory [672,674], Djibouti [298], French Polynesia 
[593], India [602], Israel [674], Japan, Kiribati [463], Kuwait, Madagascar [674], Malaysia: Peninsular [36], 
Maldives [270,605], Mauritius [242,674], Mozambique [637d,674], Myanmar [212,674], Oman [675], 
Réunion [69,242], Saudi Arabia [15], Seychelles [371,674], South Africa [637d], Sri Lanka [560], Tanzania 
[560], Thailand [674] 

Coscinastrea wellsi Veron & Pichon 1980 Australia, British Indian Ocean Territory [672,674], Indonesia [735a], 
Japan, ?Madagascar, Marshall Islands, Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768], Thailand [674,744], Vieam 

Horastrea Pichon 1971 II B - 

(East Africa; Madagascar and central Indian Ocean [761]) 

British Indian Ocean Territory [151]; Madagascar [674]; Mauritius [242,674]; Mozambique [637,674,845]; 
Réunion [69,242,674]; South A frica [637d] 

An inconspicuouscoral, although relatively common within its range [761] 
1 species [151,766b] 

Horastrea indica Pichon 1971 



Plesioseris Duncan 1884 ll B - 
(Red Sea. Indo-Pacific east to Polynesia[151]) 

Australia: Solomon Islands [796] 
2-3 species [151] 
Plesioseris australiae (Rousseau 1854) 

Psammocora Dana 1848 Il B - 

Sandpaper Coral 

(Red Sea [661]. Persian Gulf. East and South Africa [68.329]. Indian Ocean, north to Arabian Gulf [95], southem 
India, Andaman and Nicobar Islands and Mergui Archipelago; south to Madagascar. Cocos (Keeling) Islands and 
Houtman Abrolhos Islands (western Australia). South-east Asia. Pacific Ocean, north to southern Japan [231], 
Midway Islands and Hawaiian Islands; south to Lord Howe Island and Pitcairn Islands [761]; east to California, 
Easter Island, Galapagos Islands and Colombia) 

Countries listed without reference numbers are within the distribution range shown in Veron [761] 

American Samoa [430]; Australia [770]; Bahrain [95,677]; British Indian Ocean Territory [644.674.8532]: Brunei; 
Chile: Easter Island [217]; China [668]; Christmas Island: Cocos (Keeling), [763]; Colombia [615]: Comoros: Cook 
Islands: Costa Rica [158]; Djibouti; Ecuador: Galapagos Islands [38,827]; Egypt [661]; Ethiopia: Federated States 
of Micronesia: Fiji [691]; French Polynesia [148,244]; Guam; India [598.602]; Indonesia [735a]; Iran; Israel 
[458.661]; Japan [765]; Jordan [661]; Kenya [329]; Kiribati [463]; Kuwait [35la]; Madagascar [587,591]; 
Malaysia: Peninsular [36], Sabah [848]; Maldives [605.674]; Marshall Islands [465,807]; Mauritius [242.674]; 
Mexico [375a.691]; Mozambique [68,845]; Myanmar; Nauru; New Caledonia [850]; Niue, Northern Marianas: 
Oman [675]; Palau [221]; Panama [691]; Papua New Guinea; Philippines [768]; Pitcairn Islands [572]; Qatar; 
Réunion [69a]; Samoa; Saudi Arabia [15]; Seychelles [606,674,845]; Singapore [617]; Solomon Islands [796]; 
Somalia: South Africa [845]; Sri Lanka [558]; Sudan [661]; Taiwan [171]; Tanzania [329]; Thailand [186,744]. 
Tokelau; Tonga; Tuvalu [604,835]; United Arab Emirates [95,677]; United States: Hawaiian Islands [464]; United 
States minor outlying islands: Johnston Atoll [467]; Vanuatu [762]; Vietnam [436]; Wallis and Futuna; Yemen 

Psammocora was included in the family Thamnasteriidae (now restricted to fossil species). Veron (1986) [761] 
placed Psammocora close to Coscinastrea in the family Siderastreidae, but Chevalier and Beauvais (1987) [151] set 
up a new family for it. A relatively common, widespread reef coral, although some of the species are rare. 

About 14-15 [151,766b] species 

Psammocora brighami (Vaughan 1907) Ecuador: Galapagos Islands [827], Mexico [219,375a,631b,691], 
Mozambique [674], Taiwan [171], United States: Hawaiian Islands [691,751] 

Psammocora contigua (Esper 1797) American Samoa [430], Australia [792b], British Indian Ocean Ternitory 
[644,672], China, Fiji [506], French Polynesia [593], India [270,599,602], Indonesia [735a,741], Japan, Kenya 
[329], Kiribati [463], Kuwait [35 1a], Madagascar [674], Malaysia: Peninsular [36,604], Sabah [848], Maldives 
[270,674], Marshall Islands [604], Mauritius [242,674], Mozambique [637d,674], New Caledonia (359], 
Oman [675], Palau [221], Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768], Réunion [69,242], Saudi Arabia [15,655], 
Seychelles [674,845], Singapore [359,617,710], Solomon Islands [513], Sri Lanka [558], Taiwan (171), 
Tanzania [329], Thailand [701,744], Tuvalu [604,835], Vanuatu, Vietnam [436] 

Psammocora decussata Y abe & Sugiyama 1937 Japan [869] 

Psammocora digitata Milne Edwards & Haime 1851 Australia, Cocos (Keeling) Islands [766a], Fiji, French 
Polynesia [593], India [602], Indonesia [735a,742], Japan, Malaysia: Peninsular [36], Sabah [848], Maldives 
[605,832], Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768], Seychelles [606], Singapore [617], Taiwan [171], Thailand 
[674.744], Vanuatu [19aj, Vietnam [436] 

Psammocoraexplanulatavan der Horst 1922 Australia, British Indian Ocean Territory [672,674], French Polynesia 
[593]. Indonesia [735a], Marshall Islands [807], Mozambique [637d], Philippines [768], Réunion [69,242], 
Saudi Arabia [15], Seychelles [371,684], Sudan 

Psammocorafolium Umbgrove 1939 American Samoa [430], Indonesia [735a,74 1], Maldives [674,832], Mauritius 



Psammocora haimiana Milne Edwards & Haime 1851 Australia, British Indian Ocean Territory [371]. China. 
Cocos (Keeling) Islands [674 but see 766a]. French Polynesia [593]. India [599.602]. Indonesia [735a.741]. 
Israel [674]. Japan. Madagascar [674]. Malaysia. Maldives [270.674]. Marshall Islands [465]. Mauritius 
[242.674]. Mozambique [637d.674]. Papua New Guinea. Philippines [768]. Pitcairn Islands [572], Réunion 
[69.242]. Saudi Arabia [15]. Seychelles [506.674]. Singapore, South Africa [637d.845], Vanuatu. Vietnam. 
Yemen [654] 

Psammocora nierstraszi van der Horst 1921 American Samoa [430], Australia. British Indian Ocean Territory 
[672.674], French Polynesia [148.593], Indonesia [369,735a], Israel [674], Japan, Madagascar [674], 
Malaysia, Maldives [674,832]. Marshall Islands [465]. Mauritius [242.674]. Philippines [768]. Réunion 
[69.242]. Saudi Arabia [15], Seychelles [674]. Tanzania [329], United States minor outlying islands: Johnston 
Atoll [467], Vietnam 

Psammocora obtusangula (Lamarck 1816) French Polynesia [148], Pitcairn Islands [572], Singapore [560]. 
Tanzania [560]. Tonga [560] 

Psammocora profundacella Gardiner 1898 Australia, British Indian Ocean Territory [672.674], Cocos (Keeling) 
Islands [766a], French Polynesia [148,593], India [483,602], Indonesia [735a], Japan [739], Kiribati [463]. 
Malaysia: Sabah [848], Marshall Islands [465], Mauritius [242,674], New Caledonia [?482], Palau [221]. 
Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768]. Pitcairn Islands, Réunion [69], Saudi Arabia [15]. South Africa 
[167,637d], Taiwan [171], Thailand [674,744], Vanuatu, Vietnam [436] 

Psammocora stellata (Verrill 1866) Costa Rica: Cocos I. [691], Ecuador: Galapagos Islands [827]. Fiji [691]. 
Mexico [375a,631b,691,781], Panama [691,777,781], United States: Hawaiian Islands [691,751], United 
States minor outlying islands: Johnston Atoll [467] 

Psammocora superficialis Gardiner 1898 American Samoa [430], Australia, Cocos (Keeling) Islands [766a], Costa 
Rica, Ecuador: Galapagos Islands [827], French Polynesia [593], Indonesia [735a], Japan [739], Kuwait 
[351a], Marshall Islands, New Caledonia [359], ?0man [675], Palau [221], Papua New Guinea, Philippines 
[768], Saudi Arabia [674], Vanuatu, Vietnam 

Psammocoravaughani Yabe & Sugiyama 1936 Australia[758a], Japan [739], Mauritius [242.674]. Vanuatu 

= P. contigua [674] 

Psammocoraverrilli Vaughan 1907 Kiribati [463], Taiwan [171], United States: Hawaiian Is [751] 

Pseudosiderastrea Yabe & Sugiyama 1935 Il B - 

False Pillow Coral 

(Oman and Eastern Indian Ocean: Gulf of Kutch (north-west India), southern India, Andaman and Nicobar Islands. 
Malaysia, Indonesia, Irian Jaya, Philippines north to Taiwan, south to Dampier (north-west Australia) and Great 
Barrier Reef [761]) 

Countries listed without reference numbers are within the distribution range shown in Veron [761] 

Australia [792b]; Brunei; Christmas Island; India [598,602]; Indonesia [735a,867]; Japan; Kuwait; Malaysia: 
Peninsular [186]; Mozambique; Myanmar; Oman [675]; Papua New Guinea; Philippines [768]; Singapore [617]; 
Thailand [186,744]; Vanuatu [762]; Vietnam [436] 

A small, inconspicuous and uncommon reef coral [148]. Chevalier (1987) [151] treated Pseudosiderastrea as 
synonymous with Siderastrea. 

3 nominal species, | valid species [761,766b]. 
Pseudosiderastreatayamai Y abe & Sugiyama 1935 

Siderastrea Blainville 1830 II B - 

African Pillow Coral 

(Caribbean [608,833], south to Brazil. Bermuda [118]. Gulf of Guinea, Cape Verde Islands and Senegal [728]. Red 
Sea [661], Persian Gulf, Arabian Gulf [95], East and South Africa [68,329], India and Myanmar [674]) 

Countries listed without reference numbers are within the distribution range shown in Smith [682], Veron [761] or 
Wood [847] 

Anguilla; Antigua and Barbuda; Bahamas [690]; Bahrain [95]; Barbados [448]; Belize [102]; Bermuda [191,381]: 
Brazil [420]; British Virgin Islands [214]; Cape Verde [27]; Cayman Islands [250]; Colombia [235,615]; Costa Rica 
[158]; Cuba [416,889]; Djibouti [298]; Dominica; Dominican Republic; Egypt [661]; Equatorial Guinea [142]; 


Ethiopia: Grenada: Guadeloupe: Guinea [141]: Haiti [776]; Honduras [250,739]: India [598.602]: Iran: Israel 
[458.661]: Jamaica [833]: Japan [869]: Jordan [661]: Kenya [329]: Kuwait [35 1a]: Madagascar [587.591]: Maldives 
[270]: Martinique [70]: Mauritius: Mexico [241.375a]: Montserrat: Mozambique [68]: Myanmar [212]: Netherlands 
Antilles [653]: Nicaragua: Oman [675]: Palau: Panama [365.608]: Philippines [768]: Puerto Rico [10a.746]: Saint 
Kitts and Nevis: Saint Lucia [639]: Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Sao Tome and Principe [27]: Saudi Arabia 
[15]: Senegal [27]: Seychelles [845]: Somalia: Sri Lanka [558]: Sudan [661]: Taiwan [171]: Tanzania [329]: 
Trinidad and Tobago: Turks and Caicos: United Arab Emirates [95.677]; United States: Florida [381]: Virgin 
Islands of the United States [640a]; Venezuela[14]: Yemen 

In the western Atlantic, Siderastrea is common and occurs on most reefs [847]. Elsewhere in its range it is 
inconspicuousand uncommon. Three species occur in the Western Atlantic. of which one. S. stellata is endemic to 
Brazil [420]. There is prooably only a single species in the Red Sea and western Indian Ocean, S. savigmana. 

5-6 species [151.766b] 

Siderastrea glynni Budd & Guzman 1994 Panama [94] 

Siderastrea radians (Pallas 1766) Rough Starlet Coral Bahamas [690], Barbados [448], Belize [102], Bermuda 
[418.787]. Brazil [142], British Virgin Islands, Cape Verde [40,142], Cayman Islands [250], Colombia [235], 
Cuba [416.889], Equatorial Guinea [142], Guinea [142], Haiti [776], Honduras [250], Jamaica [284.380a], 
Madagascar [674], Martinique [70], Mexico (241,375a], Netherlands Antilles [653], Panama [169], Puerto 
Rico [10a,746], Saint Lucia [639], Sao Tome and Principe [142.296], United States [142] 

Siderastrea savignyana Milne Edwards & Haime 1850 Djibouti [298], India [602], Israel [674], Japan [869], 
Kuwait [351a], Maldives [270], Mozambique [674], Myanmar [212,674], Oman [675], Palau, Philippines 
[768], Saudi Arabia [15], Seychelles [674,845], Sri Lanka [560], Taiwan [171], Tanzania [470,560], 

Siderastrea siderea (Ellis & Solander 1786) Smooth Starlet Coral Bahamas [690], Barbados [448], Belize [102], 
Bermuda [418,787], Brazil [213], British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands [250], Colombia [235], Cuba [416], 
Haiti [776], Honduras [250,739], Jamaica [284,380a], Martinique [70], Mexico [241], Mozambique [674], 
Netherlands Antilles [653], Panama [169], Puerto Rico [10a,746], Saint Lucia [639], United States [611], 
Venezuela[14], Virgin Islands of the United States [640a] = S. radians [375a] 

Siderastrea stellata Verrill 1868 Brazil (419,420,779, 787] 

Family AGARICIIDAE Gray 1847 

Agaricia Lamarck 1801 II B = 
(Caribbean [608,833] south to Brazil; Bermuda [682,847]; eastern Atlantic [766]) 

Countries listed without reference numbers are within the distributionshown in Smith [682] and Wood [847] 

Anguilla; Antigua and Barbuda; Bahamas [690]; Barbados [448]; Belize [102]; Bermuda [191,381]; Brazil [420]; 
British Virgin Islands [214]; Cayman Islands [250]; Colombia [235,615]; Costa Rica [158]; Cuba [416,889]; 
Dominica; Dominican Republic; Grenada; Guadeloupe; Haiti [776]; Honduras [250,739]; Jamaica [833]; 
Martinique [70]; Mexico [241,375a]; Montserrat; Netherlands Antilles [653]; Nicaragua; Panama [608]; Puerto 
Rico [10a]; Saint Kitts and Nevis; Saint Lucia [639]; Saint Vincent and the Grenadines; Trinidad and Tobago; Turks 
and Caicos; USA: Florida [381,611]; Virgin Islands of the United States [640a]; Venezuela[14] 

A common coral occurring in most reef habitats; grows on deep reefs in low light conditions. 
5-7 species [766b] or 12 species [151] 

Agaricia agaricites (Linnaeus 1758) Leaf Coral, Pineapple Coral Bahamas [690,786], Barbados [448], Belize 
[102], British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands [250], Colombia [235], Cuba [416,889], Haiti [776], Honduras 
[250,739], Jamaica [284,380a], Martinique, Mexico [74,241,375a], Netherlands Antilles [653], Panama [169], 
Puerto Rico [10a], Saint Lucia [639], United States [611], Venezuela [14], Virgin Islands of the United States 

Agaricia fragilis (Dana 1848) Fragile Saucer Coral, Hat Coral, Shade Coral Barbados [448], Bermuda 
[191,418,787], Belize [102], Brazil [419,420], Cayman Islands [250], Colombia [235], Jamaica [284], 
Martinique, Mexico [74,375a], Netherlands Antilles [653], United States [611], Virgin Islands of the United 
States [640a] 


Agaricia grahamae Wells 1973 Cayman Islands [250]. Colombia [235] 

Agaricia humilis Verrill 1901 Brazil [419.420.787]. Cayman Islands [250] 

Agaricia lamarcki Milne Edwards & Haime 1851 Sheet Coral Belize [102]. Cayman Islands [250]. Colombia 
(235]. Honduras [250]. Martinique. Mexico [375a]. Netherlands Antilles [653], Virgin Islands of the United 
States [640a] 

Agaricia tenuifolia Dana 1848 Ribbon Coral Belize [102], Colombia [235], Honduras [250], Mexico [375a], 
Netherlands Antilles [653]. Panama [169] 

Agaricia undata (Ellis & Solander 1786) Scroll Coral Mexico [375a] 

Coeloseris Vaughan 1918 ll B = 
(East Africa. Andaman and Nicobar Islands. South-east Asia, north to Ryukyu Islands, south to Rowley Shoals 
(northern Australia)and Middleton Reef (eastern Australia); east to Samoa [761]) 

Countries listed without reference numbers are within the distribution range shown in Veron [761] 

Australia [754]; Brunei; Federated States of Micronesia; Fiji; India [598,602,659]; Indonesia [735a,741]; Japan 
[765.869]; Malaysia: Peninsular [186], Sabah [848]; Mozambique [637d]; Myanmar [483]: New Caledonia [850]: 
Palau [221]; Papua New Guinea: Philippines [754.768]: Samoa; Solomon Islands [513,796]; South Africa [637d]: 
Taiwan [171]; Tanzania [329]; Thailand [186,744]; Tokelau; Tonga; Vanuatu [762]; Vietnam; Wallis and Futuna 

May be locally common, especially on the reef rim, but generally has a scattered distribution [761,847]. 
3 nominal species, | valid species [151,766b] 

Coeloseris mayeri Vaughan 1918 

Gardineroseris Scheer & Pillai 1974 I B - 

(Red Sea [661], East Africa. Indian Ocean, north to the Maldives [761], Andaman and Nicobar Islands and Mergui 
Archipelago; south to Madagascar and Ningaloo Reefs (western Australia). South-east Asia. Pacific Ocean, north to 
southern Japan, Guam, Phoenix Islands [761], Tubuai Islands; south to Solitary Islands (eastern Australia) and 
Tonga; east to Galapagos Islands [761]) 

Countries listed without reference numbers are within the distribution range shown in Veron [761] 

American Samoa [430]; Australia [792b]; British Indian Ocean Territory [644,672,674,832]: Brunei; Christmas 
Island; Cocos (Keeling) Islands [763,766a]; Colombia [615]; Comoros; Cook Islands; Djibouti; Ecuador: Galapagos 
Islands [827]; Egypt [661]; Ethiopia; Federated States of Micronesia; Fiji [557]; French Polynesia 
[148,244,554,593]: Guam; India [270,598,602,659]; Indonesia [735a]; Iran; Israel [458,661]; Japan [765]; Jordan 
[661]; Kiribati [463]; Madagascar [587,591]; Malaysia: Peninsular [36], Sabah [848]; Maldives [270,605,674]; 
Marshall Islands [807]; Mauritius [242]; Mozambique [637d]; Myanmar; Nauru; New Caledonia [850]; Niue; 
Oman [675]; Palau; Papua New Guinea; Philippines [768]; Réunion [69,242]: Samoa: Saudi Arabia [15]; Seychelles 
[674,845]; Singapore; Solomon Islands [796]; South Africa [637d]; Sudan [661]; Taiwan [171]; Thailand 
[186,744,766]; Tokelau; Tonga; Tuvalu; Vanuatu [762]; Vietnam; Wallis and Futuna; Yemen 

1 widely distributed species [151]; possibly a second, undescribed, from Thailand [766]; at least two species [766b] 
Gardineroseris planulata (Dana 1848) 

Leptoseris Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 II B - 

Slender Lettuce Coral 

(Caribbean [847]. Red Sea [661], East and South Africa [68,329]. Indian Ocean, north to the Maldives [832], 
Andaman and Nicobar Islands and Mergui Archipelago; south to Madagascar and Houtman Abrolhos Islands 
(western Australia) [770]. Pacific Ocean, north to southern Japan [739], Midway Islands and Hawaiian Islands; 
south to Lord Howe Island, Kermadec Islands [761]; east to Panama, Colombia, Galapagos Islands and Easter 
Island [820]) 

Countries listed without reference numbers are within the distribution range shown in Smith [682], Veron [761] or 
Wood [847] 



American Samoa [430]: Anguilla: Antigua and Barbuda: Australia [185]; Bahamas [381]; Barbados [612]: Belize 
(102]: Brazil [420]: British Indian Ocean Territory [644.674]: British Virgin Islands [214]: Brunei: Cayman Islands 
[250]: Chile: including Easter Island [185]: China [668.894.895]: Christmas Island: Cocos (Keeling) Islands [763]: 
Colombia [235.615]: Comoros: Cook Islands: Costa Rica [158]: Cuba [416.889]: Djibouti: Dominica: Dominican 
Republic [185]: Ecuador: including Galapagos Islands [217]: Egypt [661]: Ethiopia; Federated States of Micronesia: 
Fiji; French Polynesia [148.244]: Grenada: Guadeloupe: Guam; Haiti; Honduras [250]: India [598,602]; Indonesia 
[185, 735a]: Israel [458.661]: Jamaica [833]: Japan [765]: Jordan [661]: Kenya [329]: Kiribati [463]: Kuwait: 
Madagascar [587,591]: Malaysia: Peninsular [36]. Sabah [848]; Maldives [605.674]; Marshall Islands [465.807]: 
Martinique [70]; Mauritius [185]: Mexico [375a.381]: Montserrat: Mozambique [68.845]: Myanmar: Nauru: 
Netherlands Antilles [653]; New Caledonia [850]; New Zealand: Kermadec Islands [413]; Nicaragua; Niue: 
Northern Marianas: Oman [675]: Palau [221]; Panama [608]; Papua New Guinea; Philippines [768]: Pitcaim 
Islands [572]: Puerto Rico [185]: Réunion [69.185]: Saint Kitts and Nevis: Saint Lucia; Saint Vincent and the 
Grenadines: Samoa: Saudi Arabia [15]; Seychelles [674,845]: Singapore; Solomon Islands [796]; Somalia: Sri 
Lanka: Sudan [661]: Taiwan [171]: Tanzania [329]: Thailand [186.744]: Tokelau; Tonga: Trinidad and Tobago; 
Turks and Caicos [786]: Tuvalu: United States: California. Florida, Hawaiian Islands [107,464]; United States 
minor outlying islands: Johnston Atoll [467]; Vanuatu [762]; Venezuela; Vietnam [436]; Virgin Islands of the 
United States [185,640a]; Wallis and Futuna; Yemen 

The presence of this genus in the western Atlantic has only fairly recently been recognised [185]. Leptoseris forms 
delicate, often leafy colonies, particularly on lower reef slopes and walls. 

11 species recognized (and 2 others of indeterminate status) by Dinesen [185], and 1 described subsequently [714]: 
about 13 [151] or 14 [766b] species. L. explanata was synonymized with L. scabra by Dinesen but Veron [766] 
continued to recognize it. 

Leptoseris amitoriensis Veron 1990 Japan [764] 

Leptoseris cailleti (Duchassaing & Michelotti 1864) Barbados [185], DO [185], Martinique, Netherlands Antilles 
[185], Panama [185], Puerto Rico [185,746], Virgin Islands of the United States [185] 

Leptoseris cucullata (Ellis & Solander 1786) Barbados [185,448], Belize [102,185], Cayman Islands [250], 
Colombia [235], Cuba [416,889], Honduras [250], Jamaica [185,284], Martinique, Mexico [375a], 
Netherlands Antilles [653], Panama [169], Puerto Rico [10a], Saint Vincent and the Grenadines [185], Turks 
and Caicos [786], United States, Virgin Islands of the United States [640a] 

Leptoseris edwardsi Rousseau 1854 Indonesia[735a], Thailand [674,744] : 

Leptoseris explanata Yabe & Sugiyama 1941 Australia, Cocos (Keeling) Islands [766a], Indonesia [735a], Israel 
[674], Mozambique [637d], Philippines [768], Saudi Arabia [15], South Africa [637d], Taiwan [171], 
Thailand [674,744], Vietnam [436] = L. scabra [185] 

Leptoseris foliosa Dinesen 1980 Australia[185], British Indian Ocean Territory [672,674], Cocos (Keeling) Islands 
Ecuador, Egypt, Indonesia [735a], Japan, Malaysia, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768], Seychelles, 
Singapore, Solomon Islands [185], Sudan, Taiwan, Thailand [744], Vanuatu, Vietnam = L. tenuis [674] 

Leptoseris fragilis Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 French Polynesia [593], India [602], Israel [674], Maldives 
[270,674], Réunion [69,242], Seychelles [371] 

Leptoseris gardineri (van der Horst 1922) American Samoa [430], Australia [185], Indonesia [735a], Israel [674], 
Japan, Malaysia, Maldives [605], Marshall Islands [185], Palau [221], Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768], 
Seychelles [371,674], Taiwan [171], Thailand [674,744], Viemam 

Leptoseris glabra Dinesen 1980 Australia [185], India [674], Israel [185], Malaysia: Sabah [848], Palau [185], 
Réunion [185], Solomon Islands [185] 

Leptoseris hawaiiensis Vaughan 1907 Austraiia[185], British Indian Ocean Territory [672,674], French Polynesia 
[148,593], India [483,599], Indonesia [735a], Israel [674], Japan [739], Madagascar [674], Malaysia: 
Peninsular [36], Sabah [848], Maldives [185], Marshall Islands [185], Mauritius [242,674], Mozambique 
[674], New Zealand: Kermadec Is [413], Palau, Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768], Pitcairn Islands [572], 
Réunion [69,242], Saudi Arabia [15], Seychelles [674,845], Singapore, Solomon Islands, Taiwan [171], 
Thailand [674,744], United States: Hawaiian Islands [107,751], United States minor outlying islands: Johnston 
Atoll [467] 

Leptoseris incrustans (Quelch 1886) American Samoa, Australia, British Indian Ocean Territory [644,672], French 
Polynesia [148,593,621], Israel, Japan, Madagascar [674], Maldives [270,674], Mauritius [242,674], 
Mozambique [637d,674], Papua New Guinea, Philippines [535,768], Pitcairn Islands [572], Réunion [69,242], 
Seychelles [371], Taiwan [171], United States minor outlying islands: Johnston Atoll [467], Vanuatu 

Leptoseris mycetoseroides Wells 1954 Australia [185,?792b], British Indian Ocean Territory [672,674], Cocos 
(Keeling) Islands [766a], French Polynesia [148,593], Indonesia [735a], Israei [674], Japan [739], Kiribati 



[463]. Madagascar [674]. Malaysia: Sabah [848]. Marshall Islands [465], Mauritius [242.674]. Mozambique 
(637d.674]. New Zealand: Kermadec Is [413]. Oman [675]. Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768]. Pitcaim 
Islands. Réunion [69.242]. Saudi Arabia [15]. Seychelles [674]. Solomon Islands [185]. Thailand [674.744]. 
Vanuatu. Vietnam 

Leptoseris papvracea (Dana 1848) Australia [185]. Cocos (Keeling) Islands [766a]. Colombia [185.219]. Costa 
Rica [185.219], Ecuador [185.219], India [602], Indonesia [735a], Japan, Madagascar [674], Malaysia, 
Maldives [270]. Marshall Islands [185]. Mauritius [242,674], Mozambique [674]. Panama [185], Papua New 
Guinea. Philippines [768], Seychelles [674.845], Thailand [674,744], United States: Hawaiian Islands 
{185.751], Vanuatu. Viemam 

Leptoseris scabra Vaughan 1907 American Samoa [430], Australia [185], British Indian Ocean Territory 
[672.674], French Polynesia [185.593.621], Indonesia [735a], Japan [739], Madagascar [674]. Malaysia: 
Sabah [848]. Maldives [605], Marshall Islands [185], Mauritius [185], Mozambique [674]. Palau [185]. Papua 
New Guinea. Philippines [768], Réunion [242.674], Saudi Arabia [674], Seychelles [371.674]. Solomon 
Islands [185]. Taiwan, Thailand [674.744]. United States: Hawaiian Islands [185,751], United States minor 
outlying islands: Johnston Atoll [467], Vanuatu 

Leptoseris solida (Quelch 1886) British Indian Ocean Territory, Chile: Easter I. [185,820], French Polynesia 
[148.593.621], Japan, ?7Kuwait, Madagascar [674], Marshall Islands [185], Mozambique [674], Papua New 
Guinea, Philippines [768], Pitcairn Islands, Seychelles [371] 

Leptoseris tenuis van der Horst 1921 British Indian Ocean Territory [674], Indonesia [369,735a], Oman [675], 
Saudi Arabia [15], Seychelles [371], Taiwan [171], Thailand [674], 

Leptoseris yabei (Pillai & Scheer 1976) Australia, Indonesia [735a], Israel [674], Japari, Maldives [605], Papua 
New Guinea, Philippines [535,768], Saudi Arabia [15], Taiwan [171], Vanuatu, Vienam 

Pachyseris Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 I] B - 

(Red Sea [661], East and South Africa [68,329]. Indian Ocean, north to Lakshadweep, Gulf of Kutch (north-west 
India), Andaman and Nicobar Islands and Mergui Archipelago; south to Madagascar and Houtman Abrolhos 
Islands (western Australia). South-east Asia. Pacific Ocean, north to southern Japan [739], Guam, Marshall Islands 
[807] and Line Islands; south to Great Barrier Reef [761]; east to Marquesas and Tuamotu Archipelago [244]) 

Countries listed without reference numbers are within the distributionrange shown in Veron [761] 

American Samoa [430]; Australia [770]; British Indian Ocean Territory [644,674,832]; Brunei; China [894,895]; 
Christmas Island: Cocos (Keeling) Islands [763]; Comoros; Cook Islands; Djibouti; Egypt [661]; Ethiopia; 
Federated States of Micronesia [359]; Fiji [558]; French Polynesia [148,244]; Guam; India [598,602]; Indonesia 
[735a]; Israel [458,661]; Japan [765]; Jordan [661]; Kenya [329]; Kiribati [463]; Madagascar [587.591]; Malaysia: 
Peninsular [36], Sabah [848]; Maldives [605,674]; Marshall Islands [807]; Mauritius [242,674]; Mozambique [68]; 
Myanmar [212]; Nauru; New Caledonia [850]; Niue; Palau [221]; Papua New Guinea; Philippines [768]; Réunion 
[69]; Samoa; Saudi Arabia [15]; Seychelles [606,674,845]; Singapore [558]; Solomon Islands [796]; Somalia; 
South Africa [637d]; Sri Lanka [558]; Sudan [661]; Taiwan [171]; Tanzania [329]; Thailand [186,744]; Tokelau; 
Tonga; Tuvalu; Vanuatu [762]; Vietnam; Wallis and Futuna; Yemen 

A relatively common reef coral, occurring in a range of reef habitats. 
12 nominal species, c. 4 [766b] or 6 [151] valid species. 

Pachyseris carinata Briiggemann 1879 American Samoa [430], Australia [359], Federated States of Micronesia 
[359], Indonesia [359], Malaysia: Peninsular [36] = P. rugosa [728] 

Pachyseris foliosa Veron 1990 Philippines [764] 

Pachyseris gemmae Nemenzo 1955 Japan, Philippines [523,768], Thailand 

Pachyseris rugosa (Lamarck 1801) Australia [792b], British Indian Ocean Territory [672,674], Fiji [558], India 
[602,659], Indonesia [728,735a,741], Israel [674], Japan [869], Madagascar [674], Malaysia: Sabah [848], 
Maldives [605], Marshall Islands, Mauritius, Palau [221], Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768], Réunion 
[242,674], Seychelles [674], Singapore [505,558,710], Solomon Islands [513], Sri Lanka [558], Taiwan [171], 
Thailand [674,744], Vanuatu, Vietnam 

Pachyseris speciosa (Dana 1848) American Samoa [430], Australia [792b], British Indian Ocean Territory 
[371,672,674], Cocos (Keeling) Islands [766a], French Polynesia [148,593], India [602], Indonesia 
[735a,741], Israel [674], Japan [739], Kiribati [463], Madagascar [674], Malaysia: Peninsular [36], Sabah 
[848], Maldives [270,605], Mauritius [242,674], Mozambique [637d,674], Myanmar [212,674], Palau [221], 
Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768], Réunion [69,242], Saudi Arabia [15], Seychelles [371,606,845], 



Singapore [617.710]. South Africa [637d]. Taiwan [171], Tanzania [714a], Thailand [674,744]. Vanuatu. 

Pavona Lamarck 1801 Il B - 

Leaf Coral 

(Red Sea [661], Persian Gulf. East and South Africa [68,329]. Indian Ocean, north to Arabian Gulf [95]. Gulf of 
Mannar (southern India). Andaman and Nicobar Islands and Mergui Archipelago: south to Madagascar, Cocos 
(Keeling) Islands and Houtman Abrolhos Islands (western Australia). South-east Asia. Pacific Ocean north to 
southern Japan [231], Midway Islands. Hawaiian Islands; south to Lord Howe and Pitcairn Islands: east to 
California [691]. Galapagos Islands and Colombia [217]) 

Countries listed without reference numbers are within the distribution range shown in Veron [761] 

American Samoa [430]: Australia [770]: Bahrain [9.67]; British Indian Ocean Territory [644,674,832]: Brunei: 
China [668,894,895]: Christmas Island; Cocos (Keeling) Islands [763]; Colombia [615]; Comoros: Cook Islands; 
Costa Rica [158]; Djibouti [298]; Ecuador: Galapagos Islands [38,827]; Egypt [661]; Ethiopia; Federated States of 
Micronesia [359]: Fiji [359]; French Polynesia [148,244]; Guam; India [598,602]; Indonesia [735a]; Iran; Israel 
[458.661]; Japan [765]: Jordan [661]; Kenya [329]; Kiribati [463]; Kuwait [35la]; Madagascar [587.591]; 
Malaysia: Peninsular [36], Sabah [848]: Maldives [605,674]; Marshall Islands [465,807]; Mauritius [242.674]: 
Mexico [375a,691]; Mozambique [68,845]; Myanmar [212]; Nauru; New Caledonia [850]; Niue; Northem 
Marianas; Oman [675]; Palau [221]; Panama [691]; Papua New Guinea [764]; Philippines [768]: Pitcairn Islands 
[572]; Qatar; Réunion [69a]; Samoa; Saudi Arabia [15]; Seychelles [606,674,845]; Singapore [776]; Solomon 
Islands [796]; Somalia; South Africa [637d]; Sri Lanka [558]; Sudan [661]; Taiwan [171]; Tanzania [329]; Thailand 
[186,744]; Tokelau; Tonga [359]; Tuvalu [835]; United Arab Emirates [95,677]; United States: California [691 ], 
Hawaiian Islands; United States minor outlying islands: Johnston Atoll [467]; Vanuatu [762]; Vietnam [436]: Wallis 
and Futuna; Yemen [654] 

Pavona is a fairly common coral that occurs in most reef habitats. 
Approximately 50 nominal species, but there is great variability in the genus, and there are 22 [766b] to 25 [151] 
valid species, of which 8 are knowa from Australia[761] 

Pavona acuticarinata (Umbgrove 1940) Indonesia[742], Maldives [674] 

Pavona bipartita Nemenzo 1980 Japan, Papua New Guinea, Philippines [535,768] 

Pavona cactus (Forskal 1775) Australia [716], British Indian Ocean Territory [672,674], Cocos (Keeling) Islands 
[766a], Djibouti [298], Fiji [265], French Polynesia [148,593], India [602], Indonesia [735a,741], Israel [674], 
Japan, Madagascar, Malaysia: Sabah [848], Marshall Islands, Mauritius [242,674], Mozambique [637d.674], 
Myanmar [212], New Caledonia [482], Oman [675], Palau [221], Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768], 
Réunion [69,242], Saudi Arabia [15], Seychelles [674,845], Singapore [92,710], Sri Lanka [558], Taiwan 
[171], Thailand [701,744], Vanuatu, Vietnam [436] 

Pavona clavus (Dana 1848) American Samoa [430], Australia, British Indian Ocean Territory [644,672], Coco 
(Keeling) Islands [654], Ecuador [219]: Galapagos Islands {827], Fiji [776], French Polynesia [148,593], India 
[270,602,659], Indonesia [735a,741], Israel [674], Japan, Kiribati [463], Madagascar [674], Malaysia: 
Peninsular [36], Sabah [848], Maldives [270,674], Marshall Islands [465], Mauritius [242,674], Mexico [691], 
Mozambique [637d,674], Panama [691,781], Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768], Réunion [69.242], 
Seychelles [674,845], Singapore, South Africa [637d], Sri Lanka [558], Taiwan [171], Tanzania [470,71 4a], 
Thailand [674,701,744], Vanuatu, Vietnam [436], Yemen [654] 

Pavona clivosa (Verrill 1869) Ecuador: Galapagos Is [219], Mexico [375a,631b] = P. cactus [827] 

Pavona complanata (Verrill 1866) 

Pavona danai Milne Edwards & Haime 1860 Cocos (Keeling) Islands [674], Federated States of Micronesia [483], 
Indonesia [483], Japan, Madagascar [674], Mauritius [242,674], Mozambique [674], Myanmar [483], 
Philippines [768], Réunion [242,674], Saudi Arabia [655], Seychelles [674,845], Vanuatu, Vietnam [19a] 

= ?P. cactus [674] 

Pavona decussata (Dana 1848) American Samoa [430,603], Australia, Cocos (Keeling) Islands [766a], China, 
Djibouti [298], Federated States of Micronesia [359], Fiji [359], India [602], Indonesia [25,735a,741 ], Israel 
[674], Japan [739,869], Kuwait [35la], Madagascar [674], Malaysia: Peninsular [36,604], Sabah [848], 
Mauritius [242,674], Mozambique [637d], Myanmar [483,674], Palau [221], Papua New Guinea, Philippines 
[768], Réunion [69,242], Saudi Arabia [15], Singapore [617,710,776], Taiwan [171], Thailand [701,744], 
Vanuatu, Vietnam [436], 



Pavona diffluens (Lamarck 1816) Saudi Arabia [15] 

Pavona divaricata (Lamarck 1816) American Samoa [430]. Australia [604]. Federated States of Micronesia [359]. 
Fiji [359]. India [602]. Indonesia [735a.741]. Israel [674]. Kenya [329]. Kiribati [463]. Madagascar [674]. 
Malaysia: Peninsular [36.604]. Marshall Islands [604]. Mauritius [242.674]. Mozambique [637d.674]. 
Réunion [69.242]. Saudi Arabia [15]. Singapore [359.371]. Sri Lanka [558]. Taiwan [171]. Tanzania, Tonga 

Pavona duerdeni Vaughan 1907 American Samoa [430]. Australia [604]. Federated States of Micronesia [604]. 
India [602.659]. Malaysia: Peninsular [604]. Maldives [605], Marshall Islands [604]. Palau [604], Seychelles 
[604]. Sri Lanka [558], United States: Hawaiian Is [604.751]. United States minor outlying islands:Johnston 
Atoll [467] = P. clavus [371.827] 

Pavona explanulata (Lamarck 1816) Australia. British Indian Ocean Territory [644,672], Cocos (Keeling) Islands 
[766a]. French Polynesia [148.593]. India [602]. Indonesia [735a], Israel, Japan [739]. Kuwait [35 la]. 
Madagascar [674], Malaysia: Peninsular [36]. Sabah [848], Maldives [605], Mauritius [242]. Mozambique 
[637d.845]. Oman. Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768]. Réunion [69.242]. Saudi Arabia [15]. Seychelles 
[845]. Singapore, Sri Lanka [558,634], Thailand [701,744], Tuvalu [835], Vanuatu, Vietnam [436] 

Pavona foliosa (Verrill 1866) 

Pavona formosa (Dana 1848) French Polynesia [776] 

Pavona frondifera (Lamarck 1816) American Samoa [430,603], ?Australia [716.792b], British Indian Ocean 
Territory [672,674], Cocos (Keeling) Islands [766a], Federated States of Micronesia [359,776], Fiji [359]. 
Indonesia [735a,741], Japan [359,869], Madagascar [674], Malaysia: Peninsular [36], Mauritius [242.674]. 
Palau [221], Philippines [768], Réunion [69], Seychelles [674], Singapore [359.617,710], Taiwan [171]. 
Thailand [701], Vietnam [436] 

Pavona gigantea (Verrill 1869) Ecuador: Galapagos Islands [827], French Polynesia: Clipperton Island [219]. 
Kiribati [463], Mexico [375a,63 1b,691], Panama [691,780,781] 

Pavona maldivensis (Gardiner 1905) American Samoa [430], Australia [792b], British Indian Ocean Territory 
[672.674], Cocos (Keeling) Islands [593,766a], French Polynesia [148], India [270,602,659], Indonesia 
[735a], Israel [674], Japan [869], Kenya [329], Kiribati [463], Malaysia: Sabah [848], Maldives [270.605], 
Marshall Islands [465], Palau [221], Panama, Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768], Pitcairn Islands [572]. 
Réunion [69,69a.242], Saudi Arabia [15], Seychelles [674,845], Taiwan [171], Tanzania [329], Thailand 
[674,744], United States minor outlying islands: Johnston Atoll [467], Vanuatu, Vietnam [436] 

= P. cactus [?] /P. clavus [371] 

Pavona minor (Briiggemann 1879) Federated States of Micronesia[93], Seychelles [674] 

Pavona minuta Wells 1954 Australia, Cocos (Keeling) Islands [766a], French Polynesia [593], Indonesia [735a], 
Japan, Malaysia: Sabah [848], Marshall Islands [465], Mozambique [637d], Oman [675], Papua New Guinea, 
Philippines [768], South Africa [637d], Thailand [674,744], Vanuatu, Vietnam [436] 

Pavona repens (Briiggemann 1878) Egypt [558], India [270], Maldives [270],?Mauritius [558 but see 242], Sri 
Lanka [558], Tuvalu [835] P. varians [371] 

Pavona varians (Verrill 1864) American Samoa [430], Australia, British Indian Ocean Territory [644,672], Cocos 
(Keeling) Islands [766a], Ecuador: Galapagos Islands [827], Federated States of Micronesia, French Polynesia 
[148,593], India [602,659], Indonesia [735a,741], Israel [674], Japan, Kiribati [463], Madagascar [674], 
Malaysia: Peninsular [36,604], Sabah [848], Maldives [605], Marshall Islands [465], Mauritius [242,674], 
Mozambique [637,674], New Caledonia [482], Palau [221], Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768]. Pitcairn 
Islands [572], Réunion [69,69a,242], Saudi Arabia [15], Seychelles [606,845], Singapore, Solomon Islands 
[513], Sri Lanka [558,634], Taiwan [171], Tanzania [329], Thailand [674,744], United States: Hawaiian Is 
[751,776], United States minor outlying islands: Johnston Atoll [467], Vanuatu, Vietnam [19a] 

Pavona venosa (Ehrenberg 1834) Australia, British Indian Ocean Territory [672,674], Cocos (Keeling) Islands 
[766a], Fiji [619], Indonesia [735a,741], Japan, Malaysia: Sabah [848], Marshall Islands [465], Oman [675], 
Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768], Réunion [69], Saudi Arabia [674], Solomon Islands [513], Sri Lanka 
[558], Taiwan [171], Thailand [674,744], Vanuatu, Vietnam, Yemen [654] 

Pavona xarifae Scheer & Pillai 1974 Australia [764], Cook Islands [764], India [602,659], Malaysia: Peninsular 
[36], Papua New Guinea [764], Philippines [764], Thailand [764], Vanuatu [764] = P. clavus [827] 

Pavona yamanarii (Yabe & Sugiyama 1933) 



Family MICRABACIIDAE Vaughan 1905 

Leptopenus Moseley 1881 Il B - 
(Worldwide. including Antarctica. 287-5.000 m [116.126a]) 

Argentina [123]: Australia [183]; Chile [520]: Cuba [123]; French Southern Territories: Crozet Island [123]: 
Indonesia [123]: 7Mexico [123]: United States: California [123] 

6 species are known, of which 4 are named and probably valid [116.123] 

Leptopenus antarcticus Cairns 1989 

Leptopenus discus Moseley 1881 Argentina [123.520], ?Australia [183], Cuba [123], French Southern Territories: 
Crozet Island [123.520], ?Mexico [123]. United States [123] 

Leptopenus hypocoelus Moseley 1881 Chile [520] 

Leptopenus solidus Keller 1977 Indonesia[123], Pacific: Kurile Trench [123] 

Letepsammia Yabe & Eguchi 1932 I! B - 
(Indo- West Pacific. 55-828 m) 

Australia [123]; China [123]: Indonesia [123]; Japan [123]; Rep. Korea [123]; Madagascar [123]; Mozambique 
[123]; New Zealand [123,699]: Philippines [123]; South Africa [123]; Tanzania [123]; United States: Hawaiian 
Islands [107,123] 

Chevalier (1987) treated Letepsommia as synonymous with Stephanophyllia 

1 species recognized by Cairns [116,123],2 described subsequently and | more recognised by Cairns (1997). 

Letepsammiafissilis Cais 1995 

Letepsammia formosissima (Moseley 1876) ?Australia[116], Indonesia [116,520], Japan [116], Republic of Korea 
[123], Madagascar [125], Mozambique [125], 7New Zealand [116], Philippines [116,520], South Africa [125], 
Tanzania [125], United States: Hawaiian Islands [107,751] 

Letepsammia franki Owens 1994 

Letepsammia superstes (Ortmann 1888) China [126a], Indonesia [126a], Japan [126a,557], New Zealand: 
Kermadec Ridge [126a], Philippines [126a] 

Rhombopsammia Owens 1986 II B - 
(China Sea and Philippine Sea. 405-1,401 m [126a]) 

Indonesia [123]; Japan [123]; Philippines [123] 
2 species [116] 

Rhombopsammianiphada Owens 1986 Indonesia[126a], Japan [116], Philippines [116] 
Rhombopsammiasquiresi Owens 1986 Indonesia[116], Philippines [116] 

Stephanophyllia Michelin 1841 Il B - 
(Indo-West Pacific. 15-635 m [126a]) 

British Indian Ocean Territory [123]; China [123]; Indonesia [123,520]; Japan [123,853]; Malaysia: Sabah [116]; 
Maldives [123,605]; Mozambique [123]; Philippines [123]; Seychelles: Saya de Malha [125,373]; South Africa 

3 species recognized by Cairns [116] 

Stephanophyllia complicata Moseley 1876 British Indian Ocean Territory [125], Indonesia [125,520], Maldives 
[125,276], Seychelles: Saya de Malha [125,373] 

Stephanophylliafungulus Alcock 1902 British Indian Ocean Territory [116], China [116], Indonesia [126a], Japan 
[116], Malaysia: Sabah [116], Maldives [125,276], Mozambique [125], Philippines[116], South Africa [116] 

Stephanophyllianeglecta Boschma 1923 Indonesia[41,116,684], Philippines [116] 



Family FUNGIACY ATHIDAEChevalier 1987 

Fungiacyathus Sars 1872 Il B - 
(Cosmopolitan. including Antarctica [116]. 69-1.977 m [126a]) 

Australia [123]: Bahamas [123]: Barbados [612]: Bermuda [520]; British Indian Ocean Territory [672]; Chile [520]; 
China; Colombia [123]: Cuba [123]: Federated States of Micronesia [520]: French Souther Territories: Crozet 
Islands [520]; Guadeloupe [614]: India [602]: Indonesia [123]; Japan [123]: Kenya [123]: Madagascar [123]: 
Malaysia: Sabah [126a]: Maldives [6]: Martinique [614]: Mexico [123,375a]: Montserrat [614]; Mozambique [123]: 
New Zealand: Kermadec Islands [126a]: Norway: Lofoten Islands [610]; Papua New Guinea [520]; Peru [123]: 
Philippines [123]: Portugal [151]: incl. Azores [520]: Puerto Rico [746]; Réunion [123]: Saint Helena [520]; Saint 
Lucia [614]; Saint Vincent [614]: South Africa [123]: Sri Lanka [599]; Tanzania [123]; Uruguay [520]; United 
States: Aleutian Islands. California [123]. Florida [610], Hawaiian Islands [107]; Vietnam [436]; Virgin Islands of 
the United States [520] 

Solitary; free living. 55-6.328 m. Until recently included in the Family Fungiidae. 
18 species were recognizedas valid by Cairns [116], F. stabilis was synonymized by Cairns [123]. and 1 species has 
been described subsequently [126]. 

Fungiacyathus crispus (Pourtalés 1871) Barbados [612], United States [611] 

Fungiacyathus dennanti Caims & Parker 1992 

Fungiacyathus fissidiscus Cais & Zibrowius 1997 Indonesia[126a] 

Fungiacyathus fissilis Cairns 1984 United States: Hawaiian Islands [107] 

Fungiacyathus granulosus Cairns 1989 Indonesia[126a], Japan [126a], Malaysia: Sabah [126a], Philippines [116] 

Fungiacyathus hydra Zibrowius & Gili 1990 

Fungiacyathus marenzelleri (Vaughan 1906) Bahamas [123], Colombia [123], Cuba [123], Ecuador: Galapagos Is 
[748], Japan [123], Mexico [123], Peru [123], United States [123] 

Fungiacyathus margaretae Caims 1995 

Fungiacyathus paliferus (Alcock 1902) Australia [125], Indonesia [116,684], Japan [126a], Malaysia: Sabah 
{126a], Philippines [116], Réunion [1 16,887a], ?South Africa [125], Vietnam [436] 

Fungiacyathus pliciseptus Keller 1976 

Fungiacyathus pseudostephanus Keller 1976 

Fungiacyathus pusillus (Pourtalés 1868) Mexico [375a], United States [610] 

Fungiacyathus sibogae (Alcock 1902) Indonesia [116,684], Kenya [125], Mozambique [125], ?Philippines [116], 
Tanzania [125], South Africa [125] 

Fungiacyathus stephanus (Alcock 1893) India [5,123], Indonesia [116], Japan [126a], Malaysia [116], 
Mozambique [125], New Zealand: Kermadec Ridge [126a], Philippines [116], South Africa [116], Sri Lanka 

Fungiacyathus symmetricus (Pourtalés 1871) Australia [183], Barbados [612], Bermuda [520], Chile [520], Cuba 
[611], Federated States of Micronesia [520], French Southern Territories: Crozet Is [520], Grenada [614]. 
Guadeloupe [614], India [373,602], Indonesia [520], Maldives [6], Martinique [614], Mexico [375a], 
Montserrat [614], Papua New Guinea [520], Philippines [520], Puerto Rico [746], Portugal: Azores [520], 
Saint Helena [520], Saint Lucia [614], United States [611]: incl. Hawaiian Islands [107,751], Uruguay, Virgin 
Islands of the United States [520] 

Fungiacyathus turbinolioides Caims 1989 China [116], Indonesia [126a], Malaysia: Sabah [116], Philippines 

Fungiacyathus variegatus Cairns 1989 China [116], Indonesia [126a], Japan [126a], Philippines [116] 

Family FUNGIIDAE Dana 1848 
Mushroom corals 

Cantharellus Hoeksema 1989 II B - 
(Gulf of Aqaba, New Caledonia) 

Egypt [354]; Indonesia; Israel [354]; New Caledonia [354]; Papua New Guinea [354a]; Saudi Arabia 

2 species recognized by Hoeksema [354] and | described subsequently [354a] 



Cantharellus doederleini (Marenzeller 1907) Israel [674], Saudi Arabia 
Cantharellusjebbi Hoeksema 1993 Papua New Guinea [354a] 
Cantharellus noumeae Hoeksema& Best 1984 Indonesia[354]. New Caledonia [354.355] 

Ctenactis Vermill 1864 Il B = 
(Red Sea. Indian Ocean, South-East Asia. Australiato mid-Pacific Islands [761]) 

Countries listed without reference numbers are within the distribution range shown in Veron [761] 

American Samoa [430]: Australia [354]: British Indian Ocean Territory [672]; Brunei: Myanmar; Cocos (Keeling 
Islands) [354]; Cook Islands [485]; Djibouti [298]; Egypt [661]; Ethiopia; Federated States of Micronesia [354]; 
Fiji: French Polynesia [148.244]: Guam [354]: India [598.602]: Indonesia [354, 735a]: Israel [661]: Japan [765]: 
Jordan [661]: Kiribati: Malaysia: Peninsular [36.354], Sabah [848]: Maldives [354.605.674]: Marshall Islands 
[354.807]: Myanmar [212]; Nauru: New Caledonia [354.850]: Niue; Palau [221,354]: Papua New Guinea [354a]: 
Philippines [768]; Samoa: Saudi Arabia [15]: Singapore [354]; Solomon Islands [354,796]; Sudan [661]: Taiwan 
[171]; Thailand [186,744]; Tokelau; Tonga; Tuvalu; United States: Hawaiian Is [751], Vanuatu; Vietnam [436]; 
Wallis and Futuna; Yemen 

3 species recognized by Hoeksema [354] and Veron [766b] 

Ctenactis albitentaculata Hoeksema 1989 Australia[354], Guam [354], Indonesia[735a], Marshall Islands [354], 

Palau [354], Papua New Guinea [354.354a], Singapore [354] =C. echinata [765] 

Ctenactis crassa (Dana 1848) American Samoa [430], Australia [354], British Indian Ocean Territory [672.674], 
Cocos (Keeling) Islands [354], Djibouti [354], Federated States of Micronesia [354], Fiji, French Polynesia 
[354], India [483,674], Indonesia [728,735a]. Japan, Malaysia, Maldives [270,674], Marshall Islands [354], 
Myanmar [212], New Caledonia [354], Palau [354], Papua New Guinea [354,354a], Philippines [540,768], 
Saudi Arabia [674], Singapore, Solomon Islands [354], Taiwan [357], Thailand [674,744], Vanuatu, Vietnam 

Ctenactis echinata (Pallas 1766) American Samoa [430], Australia [354,792b], Cook Islands [485], Djibouti 
[298,354], Fiji [354,776], French Polynesia [354], India [602,659], Indonesia [735a,741], Israel [674], Japan 
(869], Malaysia: Peninsular [36], Sabah [354,848], Maldives [605], Myanmar [212,674], New Caledonia 
[482], Palau [221], Papua New Guinea [266,354a], Philippines [768], Saudi Arabia [15,655], Singapore 
(354,617,710,776], Sri Lanka [558], Taiwan [171,357], Thailand [674,701,744], United States: Hawaiian Is 
[751], Vanuatu, Vietnam [436] 

Fungia Lamarck 1801 Il B - 

(Red Sea [661], Persian Gulf, East and South Africa [68,329]. Indian Ocean, north to the Gulf of Kutch, southern 
India, Andaman and Nicobar Islands and Mergui Archipelago; south to Madagascar, Cocos (Keeling) Islands and 
north-western Australia. South-east Asia. Pacific Ocean, north to southern Japan [739] and Hawaiian Islands [464]; 
south to Lord Howe Island and Pitcairn Islands [761]; east to California, Galapagos Islands, Easter Island and 

Countries listed without reference numbers are within the distributionrange shown in Veron [761] 

American Samoa [430]; Andaman Islands [354]; Australia [80,354]; Bahrain [95,677]; British Indian Ocean 
Territory [644,674,832]; Brunei; Chile: Easter Island [820]; China [354,668,894,895]; Christmas Island [29]; Cocos 
(Keeling) Islands [763]; Comoros [354c]; Cook Islands [485]; Djibouti [298]; Ecuador: Galapagos Islands 
(38,354.827]; Egypt [661]; Ethiopia; Federated States of Micronesia [354]; Fiji [359]; French Polynesia [148,244]; 
Guam [354]; India [598,602]; Indonesia [354, 735a]; Iran [330]; Israel [458,661]; Japan [354,765,853]; Jordan 
[661]; Kenya [329]; Kiribati [872a]; Kuwait; Madagascar [354,587,591]; Malaysia: Peninsular [36], Sabah [848]; 
Maldives [354,605,674]; Marshall Islands [465,807]; Mauritius [674]; Mexico [354,375a]; Mozambique [68,354]; 
Myanmar [331]; Nauru; New Caledonia [354,850]; Niue; Northern Marianas; Palau [221,354]; Papua New Guinea 
[354a]; Philippines [354,768]; Pitcaim Islands [354,572]; Qatar; Réunion [69]; Samoa [354]; Saudi Arabia [15]; 
Seychelles [354,606,674 ,845]; Singapore [776]; Solomon Islands [796]; Somalia; South Africa [637d]; Sri Lanka 
[72,558]; Sudan [661]; Taiwan [171]; Tanzania [329,354]; Thailand [186,744]; Tokelau; Tonga [354]; Tuvalu 
(835]; United Arab Emirates [95,677]; ]; United States: Hawaiian Islands [354,464]; United States minor outlying 
islands: Johnston Atoll [467]; Vanuatu [762]; Vietnam [436]; Wallis and Futuna; Yemen [354c] 



Fungia is widely distributed on and around reefs. A few species are rare (e.g. F. scabra), but the majority are 
common [148]. 

Nine subgenera are generally recognised. Pleuractis, Ctenactis, }erillofungia, Danafungia. Diaseris, Fungia. 
Cycloseris, Wellsofungia and Lobactis [148.186.354]. 

23 species recognized by Hoeksema [354] and | described subsequently [357]; 52 recognised by Veron (1995) 

Fungia concinna Verrill 1864 American Samoa [430,603], Australia [354], British Indian Ocean Territory 
[644.672], Cocos (Keeling) Islands [766a]. Djibouti [298.354], Fiji, French Polynesia [148.593]. India 
[483.659.674], Indonesia [735a.741], Japan [869], Kiribati [354,463], Madagascar [354], Malaysia, Marshall 
Islands [465], Mozambique [637d.674]. New Caledonia [354], Palau [354], Papua New Guinea 
(354.354a.709]. Philippines [768], Samoa [354], Seychelles [354], Singapore [354], Solomon Islands [354]. 
Taiwan [171.357]. Tanzania [470.714a,776], Thailand [674,744], Tonga [354], United States: Hawaiian Is 
(354], Vanuatu, Vietnam 

Fungia costulata Ortmann 1889 Australia[354], British Indian Ocean Territory [674], Cook Islands [354], Djibouti 
(354]. French Polynesia [354], Guam [354], India [602], Indonesia [684,735a], Israel [674], Japan, Kiribati 
(354]. Madagascar [354], Malaysia: Sabah [354], Maldives [605], Marshall Islands [354], Mozambique 
(637d,674], New Caledonia [354], Papua New Guinea [354.354a], Philippines [768], Samoa [354], Seychelles 
[674,845]. South Africa [637d], Sri Lanka [354,558], Taiwan [171,357], Thailand [674.744], Viemam 

Fungia curvata Hoeksema 1989 Australia, Costa Rica: incl. Cocos I. [354], Ecuador [219,354]: Galapagos Islands 
[827], Indonesia [735a]. Japan, Mexico [375a,691,781], Myanmar [212], Panama [691], Papua New Guinea 
(354], Philippines [354], Tanzania [354] 

Fungia cyclolites Lamarck 1816 Australia [255,354,716], Djibouti [298,354], Egypt [483], India [602.659]. 
Indonesia [735a], Japan [354], Madagascar [674], Malaysia, Maldives [270], Mauritius [242.674], 
Mozambique [332,354,637d], Myanmar [483], New Caledonia [354], Papua New Guinea [354,354a], 
Philippines [768], Réunion [69,242], Seychelles [674], Singapore, Somalia [354], South Africa [637d], Sri 
Lanka [72], Sudan [483], Taiwan [171,357], Tanzania [354], Thailand [674,744], United States: Hawaiian Is 
[354], Vietnam 

Fungia distorta Michelin 1842 Australia, British Indian Ocean Territory [672,674], Costa Rica [691], Ecuador 
[219,691]: Galapagos Islands [827], French Polynesia [593], India [5,602], Indonesia [735a], Israel [674], 
Japan [354], Madagascar [674], Malaysia, Maldives [270,605], Marshall Islands [354], Mexico [375a.691], 
Mozambique [332,674], Palau [354], Panama [691], Papua New Guinea [354], Philippines [768], Saudi 
Arabia [15], Seychelles [674], South Africa [637d], Sri Lanka [72], Tanzania [354], Thailand [674,744], 
United States: Hawaiian Islands [107], Vietnam 

Fungia fragilis (Alcock 1893) Australia [354], Guam [354], India [5,674], Indonesia [735a], Japan [354], Malaysia, 
Maldives [354], Marshall Islands [354], Mozambique [637d,674], New Caledonia [354], Palau [354], Papua 
New Guinea [354a], Philippines [768], Samoa [354], Seychelles [354], Taiwan [171,357], Thailand [354], 
United States: Hawaiian Islands [107,751], Vietnam 

Fungia fralinae Nemenzo 1955 Australia [354], Indonesia [735a], Kiribati [354], Papua New Guinea [354], 
Philippines [523,768] 

Fungia fungites (Linnaeus 1758) Mushroom Coral American Samoa [430,603], Australia [354,792b], British 
Indian Ocean Territory [644,672], Christmas Island [354], Cocos (Keeling) Islands [766a], Cook Islands 
[354], Djibouti [298], Egypt [558], Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji [354], French Polynesia [354,593], 
India [270,602,659], Indonesia [735a,741], Iran [330], Israel [674], Japan, Kenya [329], Kiribati [354,463], 
Madagascar [674], Malaysia: Peninsular [36,604], Sabah [848], Maldives [270,605], Marshall Islands [465], 
Mauritius [242,674], Mozambique [332,674], Myanmar [212], New Caledonia [354], Palau [221], Papua New 
Guinea [354a,709], Philippines [768], Réunion [242,674], Saudi Arabia [15], Seychelles [606,845], Singapore 
[558,617,710], Solomon Islands, Sri Lanka [558], Taiwan [171,357,871a], Tanzania [329,470], Thailand 
[701,744], Tonga [354], United States: Hawaiian Is [354,751], Vanuatu [354], Vietnam [436] 

Fungia granulosa Klunzinger 1879 American Samoa [430], Australia [354], British Indian Ocean Territory [674], 
Christmas Island [354], Cocos (Keeling) Islands [766a], Djibouti [354], Fiji [354], French Polynesia 
[354,593], Guam [354], Indonesia [735a], Israel [674], Japan, Madagascar [354], Malaysia: Sabah [354.848], 
Maldives [354], Mauritius [354], Papua New Guinea [354,354a], Philippines [768], Saudi Arabia [15], 
Singapore, Taiwan [171,357,87 1a], Thailand [674,744], Vanuatu, Vienam 

Fungia gravis Nemenzo 1955 Australia [354], Federated States of Micronesia [354], French Polynesia [354], India 
[354], Indonesia [735a], Malaysia: Sabah [354], Papua New Guinea [354,354a], Philippines [354,523], 
?Seychelles [354 but see 354c], Taiwan [171,357] 2= F. paumotensis [768] 


Fungia hexagonalis Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 India [602]. Indonesia [735a], Papua New Guinea [266.354a]. 
Philippines [768]. Sri Lanka [72]. Tonga [354]. ?United States 

Fungia horrida Dana 1848 Australia [354]. British Indian Ocean Territory [674]. Cook Islands [354]. Djibouti 
[354]. Egypt [354]. Fiji [354], French Polynesia [354.593]. India [602]. Indonesia [735a]. Israel [674]. Kiribati 
[354]. Madagascar [674]. Malaysia. Marshall Islands [465]. Mozambique [674]. New Caledonia [354]. Palau 
[354]. Papua New Guinea [354.354a.709]. Philippines [768], Saudi Arabia [15], Solomon Islands [354]. 
Taiwan [171.357]. Tanzania [354], Tonga [354]. Vanuatu. Vietnam [354] 

Fungia moluccensis van der Horst 1919 Australia [354], Egypt [354c], Fiji [354]. French Polynesia 
(354.354c,593]. Indonesia [735a], Israel [674], Japan [354c]. Palau [354]. Papua New Guinea [354,354a]. 
Philippines [768], Saudi Arabia [15], Seychelles [354c], Singapore [354], Taiwan [171,357,871a], Thailand 
[674.744]. Vietnam. Yemen [354c] 

Fungia paumotensis Stutchbury 1833 American Samoa [430], Australia [354], Comoros [354c], Federated States 
of Micronesia [354], Fiji [359]. French Polynesia [148,593], India [483.659], Indonesia [735a.742], Japan, 
Kiribati [354.354c]. Madagascar [674], Malaysia: Sabah [354,848], Marshall Islands [465], Palau [221]. Papua 
New Guinea [354.354a,709], Philippines [768], Réunion [69], Saudi Arabia [15], Seychelles [674], Singapore 
[354], Taiwan [171.357,871a], Thailand [674,744], Tonga [354], United States: Hawaiian Is [354,751], 
Vanuatu [762], Vietnam [436] 

Fungia repanda Dana 1848 American Samoa [430], Australia [354], British Indian Ocean Territory [644.672], 
Christmas Island [354], Federated States of Micronesia [354], Fiji [354], French Polynesia [148,593], India 
[602]. Indonesia [735a,741], Japan, Kiribati [354], Madagascar [674], Malaysia: Peninsular [36], Sabah [848], 
Maldives [605], Marshall Islands [465], Mauritius [242,674], New Caledonia [354], Palau [221], Papua New 
Guinea [354,354a], Philippines [749,768], Saudi Arabia [15], Seychelles [674,845], Singapore [558,617,710], 
Solomon Islands [354], Sri Lanka [558,634], Taiwan [171,357,871a], Tanzania [329], Thailand [674,744], 
Tonga [354], Tuvalu [835], Vanuatu, Vietnam 

Fungia scabra Déderlein 1901 Australia [354], China [354], French Polynesia [354], Indonesia [735a], ?Japan, 
Malaysia. Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768], Seychelles [354], Singapore [354], Vietnam 

Fungia scruposa Klunzinger 1879 Australia [354], British Indian Ocean Territory [644,672], China [354], Cocos 
(Keeling) Islands, Cook Islands [354], Federated States of Micronesia [354], Fiji [354], French Polynesia 
[354,621], Guam [354], India [659,674], Indonesia [735a,741], Israel [674], Japan, Kenya [354], Kiribati, 
Madagascar [354,749], Malaysia: Sabah [354], Maldives [354], Mauritius [242,674], Mozambique [637d], 
Myanmar [599,674], New Caledonia [354], Papua New Guinea [354,354a], Philippines [768], Saudi Arabia 
[15], Seychelles [354], Singapore [354], Solomon Islands [354], Sri Lanka [558], Taiwan [171,357,87 1a], 
Tanzania [354], Vietnam 

Fungia scutaria Lamarck 1801 American Samoa [430], Australia [354,792b], British Indian Ocean Territory 
[672,674], Christmas Island [354], Cocos (Keeling) Islands [766a], Cook Islands [485], Federated States of 
Micronesia [354], French Polynesia [148,593], India [270,602,659], Indonesia [621,735a,741], Israel [674], 
Japan [869], Kenya [354], Kiribati [354,463], Madagascar [674], Malaysia, Maldives [270,605], Marshall 
Islands [465], Mauritius [242,674], Mozambique [637d,674], New Caledonia [354], Northern Mariana Islands 
(354], Palau [221], Papua New Guinea [354,354a], Philippines [768], Pitcairn Islands [572], Réunion 
[69,242], Saudi Arabia [15], Seychelles [674,845], Singapore [710,776], Sri Lanka [72], Taiwan [171,357], 
Tanzania [329,470], Thailand [674,744], Tokelau, Tonga [354], Tuvalu [835], United States: Hawaiian Is 
[354,603.751], United States minor outlying islands: Johnston Atoll [467], Vanuatu, Vietnam 

Fungia seychellensis Hoeksema 1993 Seychelles [354c] 

Fungia sinensis (Milne Edwards & Haime 1851) Australia [354,716], Christmas Island [29], Fiji [354], French 
Polynesia [354], India [5,602], Indonesia [735a], Japan [354], Maldives [270,674], Marshall Islands [354], 
Mozambique [354], New Caledonia [354j, Palau [354], Papua New Guinea [354,354a], Philippines [621,768], 
Singapore, ?Sri Lanka [72], Taiwan [171,357,87 1a], United States: Hawaiian Is [354] 

Fungia somervillei Gardiner 1909 Australia [354], British Indian Ocean Territory [672,674], Fiji, Guam [354], 
India [602,659], Indonesia [735a], Japan [739], 7Kuwait, Madagascar [674], Mauritius [242,674], Myanmar 
[483,674], Papua New Guinea [354,354a], Philippines [768], Seychelles [354], Taiwan [87 1a] 

Fungia spinifer Claereboudt & Hoeksema i987 Guam [354], Indonesia [735a], ?Japan, Papua New Guinea 
[156,354a], Philippines [768] 

Fungia taiwanensis Hoeksema & Dai 1991 Taiwan [171,357] 

Fungia tenuis Dana 1848 Australia [354,716], British Indian Ocean Territory [672,674], Djibouti [354], Guam 
[354], Indonesia [735a], Israel [674], Maldives [271,674], Mozambique [674], Papua New Guinea [354,354a], 
Philippines [768], Pitcairn Islands [354], Seychelles [354], Singapore, Sri Lanka [72], Taiwan [357], Thailand, 
Tonga [520], United States: Hawaiian Islands [107] 



Fungia vaughani Boschma 1923 Australia [354]. Chile: Easter I. [354.820]. Guam [354], Indonesia [735a]. Japan. 
Madagascar [354]. Malaysia. Maldives [354]. Marshall Islands [354], New Caledonia [354]. Papua New 
Guinea [354.354a]. Philippines [768]. Pitcairn Islands [572]. Réunion [69], Saudi Arabia [674]. Taiwan 
[171.357]. United States: Hawaiian Is [354]. United States minor outlying islands: Johnston Atoll [467]. 

Halomitra Dana 1848 I B - 

(East Africa [329]. Red Sea. Indian Ocean. north to Maldives [832] and Thailand [354]; south to Madagascar and 
Chagos Archipelago [661]. South-east Asia. Pacific Ocean, north to Ryukyu Islands, Guam and Marshall Islands; 
south to Great Barrier Reef, New Caledoniaand Tonga [761]; east to Line Islands and Tuamotu Archipelago [244]) 

Countries listed without reference numbers are within the distributionrange shown in Veron [761] 

American Samoa; Australia: British Indian Ocean Territory [674.832]: Brunei; Comoros; Federated States of 
Micronesia; Fiji [354]: Guam [354]: Indonesia [354, 735a]: Japan [354]; Kenya [329]; Kiribati; Madagascar 
[587,591]; Malaysia: Peninsular [354], Sabah [848]; Maldives [605.674]; Marshall Islands [354,465,807]: 
Mauritius: Myanmar: Nauru; New Caledonia [850]; Palau [221]: Papua New Guinea [354a]; Philippines [354.768]: 
Réunion; Samoa [354]; Seychelles [674.845]; Singapore; Solomon Islands [796]; Tanzania [329]; Thailand 
[186,744]; Tokelau; Tonga [354]; Tuvalu; Vanuatu [762]; Vietnam: Wallis and Futuna 

Free living corals: relatively uncommon. 
2 species recognized by Hoeksema [354] and by Veron (1995) [766b] 

Halomitraclavator Hoeksema 1989 Indonesia[735a], Papua New Guinea [354a], Philippines [354] 

Halomitra pileus (Linnaeus 1758) Australia [354], British Indian Ocean Territory [644,672], Federated States of 
Micronesia [354], Fiji [354,776], Indonesia [369,684,735a], Japan, Kiribati [354,776], Madagascar [674], 
Malaysia: Peninsular [354], Maldives [270,605], Marshall Islands [465], Palau [221,711]. Papua New Guinea 
[354,354a], Philippines [711,768], Samoa [354], Seychelles [674,845], Solomon Islands [354], Taiwan [87 la]. 
Tanzania [714a], Thailand [674,744], Tonga [354], Vanuatu, Vietnam 

Heliofungia Wells 1966 Il B - 
(Mozambique; Ryukyu Islands, south to Philippines, Borneo, Java, northem Australia and Great Barrier Reef; east 
to Caroline Islands, Solomon Islands and New Caledonia [104,148,244]) 

Countries listed without reference numbers are within the distribution range shown in Veron [761] 

Australia [354,792b]; Federated States of Micronesia; Indonesia [354,735a,741]; Japan [354,765]; Malaysia: 
Peninsular [36], Sabah [354,848]; Mozambique [674]; Nauru; New Caledonia [354,850]; Palau [221,354]: Papua 
New Guinea [354a]; Philippines [768]; Singapore [354,617]; Solomon Islands [354,513,796]; Taiwan [357]: 
Thailand; Vanuatu [762] 

1 species recognized by Hoeksema [354] 
Heliofungiaactiniformis (Quoy & Gaimard 1833) 

Herpolitha Eschscholtz 1825 I] B - 

(Red Sea [661], East and South Africa [68,329]. Indian Ocean, north to Maldives, Andaman and Nicobar Islands 
and Thailand [354]; south to Madagascar, Cocos (Keeling) Islands and Ningaloo Reefs (western Australia). 
South-east Asia. Pacific Ocean, north to Ryukyu Islands, Ogasawara-gunto Islands, Northern Marianas and 
Marshall Islands; south to Great Barrier Reef, New Caledonia and Tonga; east to Line Islands and Tuamotu 

Countries listed without reference numbers are within the distribution range shown in Veron [761] 
American Samoa [430]; Australia [255,770,792b]; British Indian Ocean Territory [644,672,674,832]: Brunei; 
Christmas Island; Cocos (Keeling) Islands [763,766a]; Cook Islands; Djibouti [298]; Egypt [661]; Ethiopia: 

Federated States of Micronesia [354]; Fiji [?558]; French Polynesia [148,244,593]; Guam [354]; India 
[598,602,659]; Indonesia [25,369,735a,74 1]; Israel [458,661]; Japan [354,765]; Jordan [661]; Kenya [329]; Kiribati 



[463.872a]: Madagascar [354.587.591]: Malaysia: Peninsular [36], Sabah [848]; Maldives [605.674]; Marshall 
Islands [465.807]: Mauritius [242.674]: Mozambique [68.637d]: Myanmar [212]; Nauru; New Caledonia [850]: 
Niue: Northern Mariana Islands [354]: Palau [221]: Papua New Guinea [354a]: Philippines [768]: Reunion 
[69.242]: Samoa: Saudi Arabia [15]: Seychelles [674.845]: Singapore [354.617.710]: Solomon Islands [796]: 
Somalia: Sri Lanka [558]: Sudan [661]: Taiwan [171.357.871a]: Tanzania [329.470.776]: Thailand [186.744]: 
Tokelau: Tonga [354]: Tuvalu; Vanuatu [762]: Vietnam [436]; Wallis and Futuna; Yemen 

Free-living corals. 
1 species recognised by Hoeksema [354]. and 2 by Veron (1995) [766b] 

Herpolithalimax (Esper 1797) Slipper Coral 

Lithophyllon Rehberg 1892 II B - 
(Mergui Archipelago, south to Ningaloo Reefs (western Australia). South-east Asia. Pacific Ocean, north to 
southern Japan [231] and Marshall Islands: south to Great Barrier Reef: east to Samoa [761]) 

Countries listed without reference numbers are within the distributionrange shown in Veron [761] 

American Samoa [430]; Australia [770]; Brunei; China [354,668]; Christmas Island; Federated States of 
Micronesia: Fiji [354]; India: Indonesia [735a]; Japan [354,765]: Malaysia: Peninsular [354], Sabah [848]: Marshall 
Islands [354]; Myanmar; New Caledonia [850]; Palau; Papua New Guinea [354,354a]; Philippines [768]; Samoa 
[354]; Singapore; Solomon Islands [796]; Taiwan [171,357]; Thailand [186,744]; Vanuatu [762]; Vietnam; Wallis 
and Futuna 

An attached, colonial coral. Found on reef slopes, but always uncommon. 
2 species recognized by Hoeksema [354], and about 4 by Veron (1995) [766b] 

Lithophyllon mokai Hoeksema 1989 Australia [354], Fiji [354], India, Indonesia [735a], Malaysia: Sabah [354], 
Marshall Islands [354], Papua New Guinea [354,354a], Taiwan [171,357], Thailand, Vanuatu 

Lithophylion undulatum Rehberg 1892 Australia [354], China [354], Indonesia [735a], Japan [369,684,869], 
Malaysia: Peninsular [354], Sabah [354], Papua New Guinea [354a], Philippines [768], Samoa [354,786], 
Taiwan [171,357,871], Thailand [701], Viennam 

Podabacia Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 Il B - 

(Red Sea [661], East and South Africa [68,329]. Indian Ocean, north to Lakshadweep and Sri Lanka and Mergui 
Archipelago; south to Madagascar and Ningaloo Reefs (western Australia). South-east Asia. Pacific Ocean, north to 
southern Japan and Northern Marianas; south to Great Barrier Reef [761] and New Caledonia [850]; east to 
Tuamotu Archipelago[761]) 

Countries listed without reference numbers are within the distribution range shown in Veron [761] 

American Samoa [430]; Australia [354]; British Indian Ocean Territory [674,832]; Brunei; China [668,894,895]: 
Christmas Island; Comoros; Cook Islands; Djibouti; Egypt [661]; Ethiopia; Federated States of Micronesia; Fiji 
[354]; French Polynesia [148,244]; Guam; India [598,602]; Indonesia [735a]; Israel [458,661]; Japan [765]; Jordan 
(661]; Kenya [354]; Kiribati [354]; Madagascar [587,591]; Malaysia: Peninsular [36], Sabah [848]; Maldives 
[605,674]; Mauritius [242,674]; Mozambique [68]; Myanmar [212]; Nauru; New Caledonia [850]; Niue; Northem 
Marianas; Palau; Papua New Guinea [354a]; Philippines [768]; Réunion [242,674]; Samoa; Saudi Arabia [15]; 
Seychelles [674,845]; Singapore [617]; Solomen Islands [796]; Somalia; South Africa [637d]; Sri Lanka [558]; 
Sudan [661]; Taiwan [171,357]; Tanzania; Thailand [186,744]; Tokelau; Tuvalu; Vanuatu [762]; Vietnam [436]; 
Wallis and Futuna; Yemen 

An attached fungiid, found in most reef habitats, but relatively uncommon. 
1 species recognized by Hoeksema [354] and | species described subsequently [764] 

Podabacia crustacea (Pallas 1766) Australia [354,792b], British Indian Ocean Territory [672,674], Fiji [354], 

French Polynesia, India [270,602], Indonesia [25,735a], Israel [674], Japan [869], Kenya [354], Kiribati [354], 
Madagascar [674], Malaysia: Peninsular [36], Sabah [354,848], Maldives [270,674], Mauritius [674], 



Mozambique [637d.674]. Myanmar [212]. Papua New Guinea [354a]. Philippines [768], Réunion [674], Saudi 
Arabia [15]. Seychelles [674]. Singapore [369.617.684.710]. South Africa [637d]. Sri Lanka [354.558]. 
Taiwan [171.357.87 1a], Thailand [674.744]. Vanuatu, Vietnam [436] 

Podabacia motuporensis Veron 1990 Indonesia [735a], Japan [764]. Papua New Guinea [354a.764]. Philippines 
[764]. Vanuatu [764] 

Polyphyllia Quoy & Gaimard 1833 II B - 

(East Africa [354]. Indian Ocean. north to Maldives [832], Andaman and Nicobar Islands and Mergui Archipelago: 
south to Madagascar and Ningaloo Reefs (western Australia). South-east Asia. Pacific Ocean. north to Ryukyu 
Islands and Northern Marianas: south to Great Barrier Reef and New Caledonia: east to Samoa and Tonga [761 ]) 

Countries listed without reference numbers are within the distribution range shown in Veron [761] 

American Samoa [430]: Australia [80.354]: British Indian Ocean Territory [674,832]; Brunei; China [894.895]: 
Christmas Island: Federated States of Micronesia [354]; Fiji [354]; Guam [354]; India [598,602]; Indonesia [354. 
735a]; Japan [354,765]; Kenya: Madagascar [354,587,591]; Malaysia: Peninsular [36,354], Sabah [848]; Maldives 
[605.674]; Marshall Islands [465]; Mauritius; Mozambique [637d]; Myanmar [212]; Nauru; New Caledonia 
[354.850]; New Zealand: Niue; Northern Marianas: Palau [221]; Papua New Guinea [354]; Philippines [768]: 
Réunion; Samoa [354]; Seychelles [674.845]: Singapore [617]; Solomon Islands [354,796]; Somalia; Sri Lanka: 
Taiwan [171.357]: Tanzania [329]; Thailand [186,744]; Tokelau; Tonga [354]; Tuvalu; Vanuatu [762]; Vienam 
[436]: Wallis and Futuna 

Free-living and often occurring with Fungia. 
2 species recognized by Hoeksema [354], and 3 by Veron (1995) [766b] 

Polyphyllia novaehiberniae (Lesson 1831) American Samoa [430], Fiji [354], Indonesia [505,735a], Kenya, 
?Myanmar [483 but see 599], New Caledonia [354], Papua New Guinea [354,354a], Singapore [483], Tonga 
(354], Vanuatu [354] 

Polyphylliatalpina (Lamarck 1801) Australia [255,354,792b], British Indian Ocean Territory [672,674], Federated 
States of Micronesia [354], Fiji, India [602,659], Indonesia [25,735a,741], Japan [869], Madagascar [354], 
Malaysia: Peninsular [36], Sabah [354,848], Maldives [605], Marshall Islands [465], Mozambique [637d], 
Myanmar [212,674], New Caledonia [482], Palau [221], Papua New Guinea [354,354a], Philippines [768], 
Singapore [354,617,710,776], Taiwan [171,357,87 1a], Thailand [701], Tonga, Vietnam [436] 

Sandalolitha Quelch 1884 II B - 

(Maldives, Mergui Archipelago, south to Ningaloo Reefs (western Australia) [148]. South-east Asia. Pacific Ocean, 
north to Kyushu Islands and Marshall Islands [807]; south to Great Barrier Reef, New Caledonia and Fiji; east to 
Line Islands [761]) 

Countries listed without reference numbers are within the distributionrange shown in Veron [761] 

Australia [354]; Bahrain [95,677]; Brunei; Christmas Island; Cocos (Keeling) Islands [763]; Federated States of 
Micronesia [354]; French Polynesia [148,244]; Guam [354]; Indonesia [369,735a]; Japan [354,765]; Kiribati [463]; 
Malaysia: Peninsular [36,354], Sabah [848]; Maldives [354,605,674]; Marshall Islands [465,807]; Myanmar; 
Nauru; New Caledonia [354,850]; Northern Marianas; Palau [221]; Papua New Guinea [354a]; Philippines [768]; 
Pitcairn Islands [572]; Singapore; Solomon Islands [513]; Taiwan [171,357]; Thailand [186,744]; Tuvalu; Vanuatu 

Free-living and relatively common throughout the range of the genus. 
2 species recognized by Hoeksema [354] and Veron (1995) [766b] 

Sandalolitha dentata Quelch 1884 Australia [354], Christmas Island [354], Cook Islands [354], Federated States of 
Micronesia [354], Fiji [354], French Polynesia [148,593,619], Guam [354], Indonesia [684,735a], Kiribati 
[354], Maldives [605], Marshall Islands [354], Palau [354], Papua New Guinea [354,354a], Philippines [354], 
Taiwan [171,357] 

Sandalolitha robusta (Quelch 1886) Basket Coral Australia [354,792b], Cocos (Keeling) Islands [766a], Cook 
Islands [354], French Polynesia [148,593], India, Indonesia [25,621,735a,741], Japan [354], Kiribati [463], 
Malaysia: Peninsular [36], Sabah [848], Maldives [605], Marshall Islands [465], New Caledonia [482], Palau 



(221]. Papua New Guinea [354.354a], Philippines [768]. Singapore, Solomon Islands [513], Taiwan 
[171.357.87 la]. Thailand [674.744]. Tuvalu. Vanuatu. Vietnam 

Zoopilus Dana 1848 II B - 
(Malaysia. eastern Indonesia. Pacific Ocean, north to Ryukyu Islands. south to New Guinea: east to Marshall Islands 

and Fiji [761]) 
Countries listed without reference numbers are within the distribution range shown in Veron [761] 

Federated States of Micronesia; Fiji [354.776]: Indonesia [354,735a]: Japan [354,765]; Malaysia: Sabah [848]: 
Marshall Islands [354]: Mauritius; Nauru: Palau: Papua New Guinea [354a]; Philippines [768]; Solomon Islands: 
Vanuatu [762] 

Free-living on soft substrata on and around reefs: An uncommon coral. 
] species recognized by Hoeksema [354] and Veron (1995) [766b] 

Zoopilus echinatus Dana 1848 
Family RHIZANGIIDAE d'Orbigny 1851 

This family is listed as Astrangiidae Milne Edwards & Haime 1857 by Chevalier (1987) [151], but as Rhizangiidae 
d'Orbigny 1851 by Cairns [118]. 

Astrangia Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 II B - 
(Widespread in many seas [582]. Caribbean [608.833]. western Atlantic to Brazil [107] and Indo-Pacific, including 
California [691,761]) 

Australia [183]; Barbados [448]; Bermuda [821]; Brazil [420]; Cape Verde [40]; Colombia [235]: Costa Rica: 
Cocos Island [118]; Cuba [416]; Ecuador: Galapagos Islands [118,827]; French Polynesia [554]; Ghana [141]: 
Guinea [141]; Haiti [776]; Jamaica [284]; Malaysia [186]; Martinique [70]; Mexico [118,123,375a]; Netherlands 
Antilles [653]; Nicaragua [782]: Panama [118,123]; Peru [123]; Puerto Rico [141]; Senegal [141]; Sierra Leone 
[141]; USA: California[123,141], Florida [611]; Virgin Islands of the United States [776] 

Solitary corals which occur in shallow water, mostly in caves or on vertical faces on rocks or reefs [761]. 
30 or more nominal species, but the genus has never been properly reviewed [582]. About 20 valid species [151] 

Astrangia atrata(Dennant 1906) Australia[183] 

Astrangia browni Palmer 1928 Ecuador [118]: Galapagos Islands [827], Mexico [118,375a] 

Astrangia californica Durham & Bamard 1952 Mexico [219,375a] 

Astrangiacostata Verrill 1866 Mexico [216,375a], Panama [777,781] 

Astrangia dentata Verrill 1866 ?Costa Rica: Cocos I. [118], Mexico [216,375a,781],NI [782], Panama 

Astrangia epithecata Duncan 1876 

Astrangia equatorialis Durham & Barnard 1952 Ecuador [118,219]: Galapagos Islands [827], Mexico [375a] 

Astrangia haimei Verrill 1866 Mexico [123,216,219,375a,781],Panama [219,777,781], Peru [123], United States 

Astrangia howardi Durham & Barnard 1952 Panama [219] 

Astrangia macrodentata Thiel 1940 

Astrangia minuta Duncan 1876 Dominican Republic/Haiti[205] 

Astrangia oaxacensis Palmer 1928 Mexico [216,375a,565] 

Astrangia poculata (Ellis & Solander 1786) Ghana [141], Martinique [141], Puerto Rico [141,746], Senegal [141], 
Sierra Leone [141], United States [502,776] 

Astrangia pulchella Verrill 1866 Panama [219,777,781] 

Astrangia solitaria (Lesueur 1817) Barbados [448], Belize [102], Bermuda [2418,821], Brazil [213,41 9,420], Cape 
Verde [40], Colombia [235], Cuba [416,889], Haiti [776], Jamaica [284], Martinique [70], Mexico [375a], 
Netherlands Antilles [653], Panama [169], Puerto Rico [10a,746], United States [611], Virgin Islands of the 
United States [776] 

Astrangia tangolaensis Durham 1947 Mexico [216,375a] 



Astrangia woodsi Wells 1955 Australia [808] 

Cladangia Milne Edwards & Haime 1851 II B - 
(West Africa. India) 

India [602]: Senegal [141] 

2 species [151] 
Cladangia exusta Litken 1873 India [595,602] 

Coenangia Verrill 1869 Il B - 
Indonesia [735a]; Mexico [216.219.781] 

1-2 [151] species 
Coenangia conferta (Verrill 1869) Indonesia [735a] 

Colangia Pourtalés 1871 II B - 
(Caribbean [608,833]. 18-54 m [126a]) 

Belize [102]; Bermuda; Cayman Islands [250]; Honduras [250]; Mexico [375a]; Netherlands Antilles [653]; 
?Philippines[126a,520]: USA: Florida [151] 

2 species [151] 

Colangia immersa Pourtalés 1871 Belize [102], Cayman Islands [250], Honduras [250], Mexico [375a], 
Netherlands Antilles [653], United States [611] 
Colangia moseleyi (Faustino 1927) ?Philippines[126a,520] 

Culicia Dana 1848 I] B - 
(Red Sea [661], Indo-Pacific, including temperate zones such as New Zealand. 5-636 m) 

Australia [125]; British Indian Ocean Territory [672]; Ecuador: Galapagos Islands [123,827]; French Polynesia 
[148]; India [602,659]; Indonesia [735a]; Japan [123]; Kiribati [463]; Republic of Korea [123]; Kuwait [35la]; 
Malaysia: Peninsular [186,604]; Maldives [268]; Marshall Islands [807]; Mauritius [242]; Mozambique [123]; New 
Caledonia [604]; New Zealand [624]; Oman [675]; Philippines [126a]; Réunion [242]; Saudi Arabia [23]; 
Singapore [173]; South A frica [123]; Tanzania [329] 

Small corals which occur in shallow water, mostly in caves or on vertical faces on rocks or reefs [761]. 
About 12 nominal species, of which 6 - 10 [151] are valid. 

Culicia australiensis Hoffmeister 1933 

Culicia cuticulata Klunzinger 1879 Mauritius [242], Réunion [242], Tanzania [329] 

Culicia excavata (Milne Edwards & Haime 1850) 

Culicia hoffmeisteri Squires 1966 Australia [229] 

Culicia rubeola (Quoy & Gaimard 1833) Australia [716], British Indian Ocean Territory [672], Ecuador: 
Galapagos Islands [827], French Polynesia [148,593,604], India [602], Indonesia [735a], Japan [604], 
Malaysia: Peninsular [604], Marshall Islands [604], New Caledonia [604], New Zealand [604,699], Singapore 

Culicia smithii (Milne Edwards & Haime 1850) India [483], New Zealand [690] 

Culicia stellata Dana 1848 Fiji [126a], Japan [739,858,869], Kiribati [463], Republic of Korea [123], Malaysia: 
Sabah [126a], Philippines [126a], Singapore [173,710] 

Culicia tenella Dana 1848 Australia[758a], Kuwait [351a], South Africa [205] 

Culicia verreauxii (Milne Edwards & Haime 1850) Australia[716] 

Oulangia Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 Il B - 
(Indo-Pacific, 0-135 m) 



Ecuador: Galapagos Islands [827]: India: Japan [739]: Republic of Korea [123]: Mexico [123.375a]; Panama [123]: 
Philippines [151]: United States minor outlying islands: Johnston Atoll [467] 

3-4 species [151] 

Oulangia bradlevi (Verrill 1866) Ecuador: Galapagos Islands [118.827]. Mexico [118.219.375a], Panama 
[118.777.781]. United States minor outlying islands: Johnston Atoll [467] ’ 
Oulangia stokesiana Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 Japan [123], Republic of Korea [123] 

Phyllangia Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 II B - 
(Antarctica [103], Caribbean [608.833]. Mediterranean, Atlantic Ocean [881], Brazil, Gulf of Guinea [420]. Red 
Sea [661]. Pacific. including Gulf of California [691]. About 5.5-183 m [126a]) 

Algeria [190]: Belize [102]: Brazil [420]: Cape Verde [40]; Colombia [235]: Cuba [889]: Ecuador: Galapagos 
Islands [118.827]: Equatorial Guinea: France [31a]; Greece [744a]: Indonesia [126a]: Israel [880c]: Italy [880c]: 
Jamaica [284]; Japan [123]: Lebanon [31a]; Madagascar [126a]; Maldives [126al]; Martinique [70]: Mauritania 
[880c]: Mexico [118.375a]: Nicaragua [782]: Oman [675]: Panama [757]: Papua New Guinea [126a]; Philippines 
[540]; Portugal [880c]: incl. Madeira [880c]; Puerto Rico [10a]: Sao Tome and Principe [141]; Senegal [141]: 
Solomon Islands; Spain: Canary Islands [880c]; Tunisia [880c]; Turkey [880c]; United Kingdom (285a]; United 
States: California[141], Florida [611]: Venezuela [14] 

Phyllangia is considered by some e.g. Cairns [118] to belong in the family Caryophylliidae, but is traditionally 
included in the Rhizangiidae. 

8-10 [151] species 

Phyllangia americana Milne Edwards & Haime 1850 Belize [102], Brazil [419,420], Colombia [235], Cuba [889], 
Jamaica [284], Martinique [70], Mexico [375a], Puerto Rico [10a], Senegal [141]. United Kingdom [285a], 
United States [611], Venezuela[14] 

Phyllangia consagensis (Durham & Barnard 1952) Ecuador: Galapagos Islands [118,219,827], Mexico 

Phyllangia dispersa Verrill 1864 Mexico [216,2375a], Nicaragua [782], Panama [776,781] 

Phyllangia fuegoensis Squires 1963 

Phyllangia granulata W. Koch 1886 Equatorial Guinea, Sao Tome and Principe [141] 

Phyllangia hayamaensis (Eguchi 1968) Japan [123] 

Phyllangia mouchezii (Lacaze-Duthiers 1897) Algeria [190], Cape Verde [40], France [31b,32b,423]. Greece 
[744a], Israel [880c], Italy [880c], Lebanon [31a], Mauritania [880c], Portugal [880c]: incl. Madeira [880c], 
Senegal [880c], Spain: Canary Is [880c], Tunisia [880c], Turkey [880c] 

Phyllangia papuensis Studer 1878 Indonesia [126a], Madagascar [126a], Maldives [126a], Papua New Guinea 
[126a,709], Philippines [126a,540], Solomon Islands 

Family OCULINIDAE Gray 1847 

Acrhelia Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 I] B - 

(Sabah north to Ryukyu Islands, Northern Marianas and Marshall Islands; south to Great Barrier Reef and New 
Caledonia; east to Vanuatu [761]) 

Countries listed without reference numbers are within the distribution range shown in Veron [761] 

American Samoa [430]; Australia [792b]; Federated States of Micronesia: Fiji [503]; Guam; Indonesia 
[621,735a,742]: Japan [765]; Kiribati; Malaysia: Sabah [848]; Marshall Islands [807]; Nauru; New Caledonia [850]: 
Northern Marianas; Palau [221]; Papua New Guinea; Philippines [768]; Solomon Islands; Taiwan; Tonga; Vanuatu 

[762]; Viet Nam; Wallis and Futuna; Yemen 

A delicate, uncommon reef coral [761,847] 
1 species [151,766b] 



Acrhelia horrescens (Dana 1848) 

Amphelia Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 Il B - 
(Atlantic, West Pacific) 

Brazil [141]: Cape Verde [141]: Dominica [614]; Grenada [614]: Guadeloupe [614]; Indonesia [735a]; Japan [141]: 
Martinique [614]; Mexico [141]: Saint Vincent [614]: Senegal [141] 

At least 2 species [151] 
Amphelia atlantica (Duncan 1870) United Kingdom [202] 
Amphelia ornata (Duncan 1870) Brazil [141], Cape Verde [141], Japan [141], Mexico [141], Senegal [141], United 

Kingdom [202] 

Archohelia Vaughan 1919 Il B - 
(Known only from the Great Barrier Reef, Australia [761]) 

1 species [151], occurring in shallow water [761] 
Archoheliarediviva Wells & Alderslade 1979 

Bathelia Moseley 1881 I] B - 
(Atlantic. 500-1,250 m depth) 

Argentina/Uruguay[520]; Portugal: Azores [151] 
1 species [151] 
Bathelia candida Moseley 1881 

Cyathelia Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 II B - 

(Indo-Pacific 15-1,509 m) 

Australia [761]; India [7]; Indonesia [25,520,735a]; Japan [123,853]; Philippines [126a,535] 

2 species [151] 

Cyathelia axillaris (Ellis & Solander 1786) India [7], Indonesia [530,735a], Japan [503], Philippines [535] 

Galaxea Oken 1815 I] B - 

Starburst Coral 

(Red Sea [661], East and South Africa [68,329]. Indian Ocean, north to Lakshadweep, Gulf of Mannar (southern 
India) and Mergui Archipelago; south to Madagascar and Houtman Abrolhos Islands (westemm Australia). 
South-east Asia. Pacific Ocean, north to southern Japan; south to Great Barrier Reef [761]; east to Line Islands and 
Tuamotu Archipelago [244]) 

Countries listed without reference numbers are within the general distribution range shown in Veron [761] 

American Samoa [430]; Australia [770]; British Indian Ocean Territory [644,674,832]; Brunei; China 
[668,894,895]; Christmas Island [29]; Comoros; Cook Islands; Djibouti [298]; Egypt [661]; Ethiopia; Federated 
States of Micronesia; Fiji [359]; French Polynesia [148,244,554]; Guam; India [598,602]; Indonesia [735a]; Israel 
[458,661]; Japan [765]; Jordan [661]; Kenya [329]; Kiribati; Madagascar [587,591]; Malaysia: Peninsular [36], 
Sabah [848]; Maldives [605,674]; Marshall Islands [807]; Mauritius [242.674]; Mozambique [68.845]; Myanmar 
[674]; Nauru; New Caledonia [850]; Niue; Northern Marianas; Oman [675]; Palau [221]; Papua New Guinea [155]; 
Philippines [768]; Réunion [69]; Samoa; Saudi Arabia [15]; Seychelles [606,674,845]; Singapore [617]; Solomon 



Islands [796]: Somalia: South A frica [637d]: Sri Lanka [558]: Sudan (661): Taiwan [171]: Tanzania [329]; Thailand 
[186.744]: Tokelau: Tonga: Tuvalu: Vanuatu [762]: Vietnam [436]: Wallis and Futuna: Yemen 

The most frequently encountered species is G. fascicularis, which is very common in a wide range of reef habitats. 
24 nominal species. 5 [766b] to 7 [151] valid species. 2 in Australia[761]. 

Galaxea alta Nemenzo 1980 Philippines [535.768] 

Galaxea astreata (Lamarck 1816) American Samoa [430]. Australia [558.621], British Indian Ocean Territory 
[672.674], China. Fiji [483], India [602]. Indonesia [735a,741], Japan [869], Kenya [329], Madagascar [674]. 
Malaysia: Peninsular [36], Sabah [848], Maldives [605], Mauritius [242,674], Mozambique [637d]. Myanmar 
[483.674]. Oman. Palau [221], Papua New Guinea, Philippines [535,621,768], Saudi Arabia [674], Seychelles 
[606.845]. Singapore [557,710]. Sri Lanka [558.634], Taiwan [871a], Tanzania [329], Thailand [674,744], 
Vanuatu, Vietnam [436] 

Galaxea fascicularis (Linnaeus 1758) American Samoa [430.603]. Australia [359,792b], British Indian Ocean 
Territory [672.674], Christmas Island [29], Djibouti [298], Fiji [265,621,709], French Polynesia [593]. India 
[483.602.659], Indonesia [25,621,735a,741], Israel [674], Japan [869], Kenya [329], Madagascar [674], 
Malaysia: Sabah [848], Maldives [605], Mauritius [242,674], Mozambique [637d,674], Myanmar 
(2212.483.674], New Caledonia [482], Oman [675], Palau [221], Papua New Guinea [709], Philippines 
[497.621,768], Réunion [69,242], Saudi Arabia [15], Seychelles [674], Singapore [617,709,710,776], 
Solomon Islands [513], South Africa [637d], Taiwan [171], Tanzania [329,470], Thailand [701,744], Vanuatu, 
Vietnam [436] 

Galaxea lauensis Hoffmeister 1945 

Galaxea pauciradiata (Blainville 1830) 

Galaxea paucisepta Claereboudt 1990 Papua New Guinea [155] 

Madrepora Linnaeus 1758 Il B - 
(Cosmopolitan, including Antarctica[876]. 80-2,021 m [126a]) 

British Indian Ocean Territory [672]; Cape Verde [190]; Cuba [611]; Dominica [614]; Ecuador: Galapagos Islands 
[118,827]; France [32b]; French Southern and Antarctic Territories: Amsterdam, Saint Paul [123]; Greece [744a]; 
Grenada [614]; Guadeloupe [614]; Iceland [880c]; India: Lakshadweep [123]; Indonesia [126a,520]; Ireland [703]; 
Italy [126a]; Japan [123]; Madagascar [123]; Malaysia: Sabah [126a]; Martinique [614]; Mexico [375a]; New 
Zealand [699]: incl. Kermadec Islands [123,413]; Norway [880c]; Philippines [126a]; Portugal: Madeira [208]: 
Saint Kitts and Nevis [520]; Somalia [123]; Taiwan [126a]; Tanzania [123]; United Kingdom [202]; United States 
[611]: inc;. Hawaiian Islands [107,123] 

Chevalier (1987) [151] treated Madrepora as a synonym of Amphelia. 
An unknown number of species; 3 are recognised from Australia[761] 

Madrepora arbuscula (Moseley 1881) Indonesia[126a,520], Malaysia: Sabah [126a], Philippines [126a] 
= ? (name predated by Madrepora arbuscula Dana 1848) 

Madrepora candida (Moseley 1881) Saint Kitts and Nevis [520] 

Madreporacarolina (Pourtalés 1871) Cuba [611], Mexico [375a] 

Madrepora kauaiensis Vaughan 1907 United States: Hawaiian Islands [107,751] 

Madrepora minutiseptum Caims & Zibrowius 1997 Indonesia[126a], Japan [126a], Taiwan [126a,399] 

Madrepora oculata Linnaeus 1758 Cape Verde [190], Dominica [614], Ecuador: Galapagos Islands [118,748,827], 
France [32b,423], French Southern Territories: Amsterdam, St Paul [125], Greece [744a], Grenada [614], 
Guadeloupe [614], Iceland [880c], India [7,125], Indonesia [126a,190], Ireland [703], Italy [126a,190], Japan 
[123], Madagascar [125], Malaysia: Sabah [126a], Martinique [614], Mexico [375a], New Zealand [123], 
Norway [880c], Philippines [126a,520], Portugal: Madeira [208], Somalia [125], Tanzania [125], United 
Kingdom [202], United States: Florida [190], Hawaiian Islands [107] 

Madrepora vitiae Squires & Keyes 1967 New Zealand [699] 

Neohelia Moseley 1881 II B - 
(West and central Pacific [151]. 55-238 m [126a]) 

Indonesia[126a]; New Caledonia [126a]; Vanuatu [151,520] 



1 species [151] 
Neohelia porcellana Moseley 1881 

Oculina Lamarck 1816 Il B - 
(Mediterranean. Wester Atlantic. West Africa [728], New Zealand, Galapagos Islands. 0-91 m) 

Countries listed without reference numbers are within the distributionrange shown in Smith [682] and Wood [847] 
Anguilla; Antigua and Barbuda; Bahamas [690]: Barbados: Belize [102]: Bermuda [191,381]: Brazil [420]; British 
Virgin Islands [214]; Cayman Islands; Colombia [235]: Costa Rica [158]: Cuba [415.889]: Dominica; Dominican 
Republic; Ecuador: Galapagos Islands [28,118]: Grenada; Guadeloupe; Haiti; Honduras; Jamaica [833]: Liberia 
[27]: Martinique [70]; Mexico [375a,681]: Montserrat: Netherlands Antilles [381]; New Zealand [624]; Nicaragua: 
Panama [608]: Puerto Rico [746]; Saint Kitts and Nevis; Saint Lucia; Saint Vincent and the Grenadines; Sao Tome 
& Principe [27]: Trinidad and Tobago: Turks and Caicos; United States: California [123], Florida [381]; Virgin 
Islands of the United States [621]: Venezuela [14] 

Approximately 20 nominal species: 5 [766b] to 15 [151] valid species. The common shallow water species found in 
the Caribbean is O. diffusa; other species occur in deeper water [847]. 

Oculina banksi Milne Edwards & Haime 1850 Cuba [889] 

Oculina diffusa Lamarck 1816 Ivory Bush Coral Bahamas [690], Bermuda [418,621,690,787]. Colombia [235], 
Cuba [889], jamaica [284], Martinique [70], Mexico [241,375a], Puerto Rico [10a,746], United States 
[557,611], Venezuela[14], Virgin Islands of the United States [621] 

Oculina patagonica Angelis 1907 Spain (introduced) [887b] 

Oculina profunda Caims 1991 Ecuador [118], United States [123] 

Oculina robusta Pourtalés 1871 United States [611] 

Oculina tenella Pourtalés 1871 United States [611,613] 

Oculina valenciennesi Milne Edwards & Haime 1850 Ivory Tree Coral Bermuda [418,787,821], Jamaica [284], 
Mexico [375a] 

Oculina varicosa Lesueur 1820 Large Ivory Coral Bermuda [621,787], United States [557,630a], Virgin Islands 
of the United States [621] 

Oculina virgosa Squires 1958 New Zealand [693,699] 

Schizoculina Wells 1937 II B - 

Angola [421]; Brazil [141]; Cameroon [141]; Cape Verde [40]; Cote d'Ivoire [421]; Gabon [421]; Ghana [421]; 
Liberia [141]; Sao Tome and Principe [296,421]; Sierra Leone [421] 

1 [766b] -2 [151] - 3 species 

Schizoculinaafricana (Thiel 1928) Cape Verde [40] 

Schizoculinaarbuscula (L. Agassiz 1864) Sao Tome and Principe [296], United States [776] 

Schizoculina fissipara (Milne Edwards & Haime 1850) Brazil [141], Cameroon [141], Ghana [141], Liberia [141], 
Sao Tome and Principe [141] 

Sclerhelia Milne Edwards & Haime 1850 II B - 
(Atlantic; West Pacific) 

Indonesia [735a]; Japan [853]; Philippines [535]; Saint Helena [151] 
About 5 species [151] 

Sclerhelia dubia Nemenzo 1980 Philippines[535] 
Sclerhelia hirtella (Pallas 1766) Saint Helena [205,880] 

Simplastrea Umbgrove 1939 ll B 7 
(West Pacific) 


Indonesia [741]: Taiwan [171] 
1 species [151.766b] 

Simplastreavesicularis Umbgrove 1939 
Family PECTINIIDAE Vaughan & Wells 1943 

Echinophyllia Klunzinger 1879 I B - 

Flat Lettuce Coral 

(Red Sea [661], East and South Africa [68.329]. Indian Ocean, north to Arabian Gulf [95], Lakshadweep. southern 
India and Mergui Archipelago: south to Madagascar and Houtman Abrolhos Islands (western Australia) [761]. 
South-east Asia. Pacific Ocean. north to southern Japan [231] and Marshall Islands; south to Lord Howe Island: east 
to Tuamotu Archipelago [244]) 

Countries listed without reference numbers are within the distributionrange shown in Veron [761] 

American Samoa [430]: Australia; British Indian Ocean Territory [674.832]; Brunei; China [668]: Christmas 
Island: Comoros; Cook Islands; Djibouti: Egypt [661]: Ethiopia; Federated States of Micronesia; Fiji: French 
Polynesia [148.244]: Guam; India [598,602]; Indonesia [735a]; Israel [458.661]: Japan [765]: Jordan [661]; Kenya; 
Kiribati [463]; Madagascar [587,591]; Malaysia: Peninsular [186], Sabah [848]; Maldives [605,674]: Marshall 
Islands [807]; Mauritius [242,674]; Mozambique [68,845]; Myanmar [212]; Nauru; New Caledonia [850]: Niue: 
Northern Marianas: Oman [675]; Palau; Papua New Guinea; Philippines [535,768]; Réunion [69]; Samoa; Saudi 
Arabia [15]; Seychelles [606,674.845]; Singapore; Solomon Islands [399,796]; Somalia; South Africa [637d]: Sri 
Lanka: Sudan [661]; Tanzania; Taiwan [171]; Thailand [186,744]; Tokelau; Tonga: Tuvalu; Vanuatu [762]; 
Vietnam; Wallis and Futuna; Yemen 

Found in a wide range of reef habitats and fairly common. 
5 [151] - 8 [766b] valid species 

Echinophyllia aspera (Ellis & Solander 1786) American Samoa [430], Australia [792b], British Indian Ocean 
Territory [672,674], French Polynesia [148,593], Indonesia [735a,741], Israel [674], Japan [739,869], Kiribati 
[463], Madagascar [674], Malaysia: Sabah [848], Maldives [605], Mauritius [242.674], Mozambique 
[637d.674], Myanmar [212,674], Oman [675], Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768], Réunion [69,242], Saudi 
Arabia [15], Seychelles [606], South Africa [637d], Taiwan [171], Thailand [674,744], Vanuatu, Vienam 

Echinophyllia echinata (Kent 1871) Australia, French Polynesia [593], Indonesia [735a], Japan, Malaysia: Sabah 
[848], Maldives, Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768], Saudi Arabia [674], Solomon Islands [399], Thailand, 

Echinophyllia echinoporoides Veron & Pichon 1980 Australia, Indonesia [735a], Japan, Malaysia: Sabah [848], 
Papua New Guinea, Philippines[768], Vienam 

Echinophylliahirsuta Nemenzo 1980 Philippines [535] 

Echinophylliamaxima Moll & Best 1984 Indonesia[510] 

Echinophyllianishihirai Veron 1990 Japan [764] 

Echinophylliapatula (Hodgson & Ross 1982) Indonesia[735a], Japan, Philippines [768], Thailand 

Echinophylliasubglabra Nemenzo 1979 Philippines [533] 

Echinophyllia tosaensis (Yabe & Eguchi 1935) Australia, Indonesia [735a], Japan, Malaysia, Maldives [605], 
Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768], Vietnam 

Mycedium Oken 1815 II B - 

(Red Sea [661], East and South Africa [68,329]. Indian Ocean, north to Maldives, southern India, Andaman and 
Nicobar Islands and Mergui Archipelago; south to Madagascar and Houtman Abrolhos Islands (western Australia). 
South-east Asia. Pacific Ocean north to southern Japan [739] and Marshall Islands; south to Great Barrier Reef and 
Lord Howe Island [761]; east to Tubuai Islands [244]) 

Countries listed without reference numbers are within the distributionrange shown in Veron [761] 
American Samoa [430]; Australia[770]; British Indian Ocean Territory [674,832]; Brunei; Christmas Island; Cocos 

(Keeling) Islands [763]; Comoros; Cook Islands [485]; Djibouti; Egypt [661]; Ethiopia; Federated States of 
Micronesia; Fiji [776]; French Polynesia [148,244]; Guam; India [598,602]; Indonesia [735a]; Israel [458,661]; 



Japan [765]: Jordan [661]: Kenya: Kiribati: Madagascar [587.591]: Malaysia: Peninsular [36], Sabah [848]: 
Maldives [605.674]: Marshall Islands [807]: Mauritius [242.674]: Mozambique [68]: Myanmar [674]: Nauru: New 
Caledonia [850]: Niue: Oman [675]: Palau [221]: Papua New Guinea: Philippines [768]: Puerto Rico [746]: 
Reunion: Samoa: Saudi Arabia [15]: Seychelles [674.845]: Singapore [617]: Solomon Islands [796]: Somalia: Sri 
Lanka: Sudan [661]: Taiwan [171]: Tanzania [329]: Thailand [186.744]: Tokelau: Tonga: Tuvalu: Vanuatu [762]: 
Vietnam: Wallis and Futuna; Yemen 

3 nominal species: | [151] to 2+ [766b] valid species 

Mycedium elephantotus (Pallas 1766) Australia [792b]. British Indian Ocean Territory [672.674], Cocos (Keeling) 
Islands, Cook Islands [485], Fiji [776], French Polynesia [593], India [602,659], Indonesia [735a.741 ]. Israel 
[674]. Japan [739]. Madagascar [674], Malaysia: Peninsular [36], Sabah [848]. Maldives [605], Mauritius 
[242.674]. Mozambique [674]. Myanmar [674]. Palau [221], Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768], Réunion 
[674], Saudi Arabia [15], Seychelles [674.845], Singapore [617.2786], Taiwan [171], Tanzania [329]. 
Thailand [674,744], Vanuatu, Vienam 

Mycedium mancaoi Nemenzo 1979 Philippines [533 

Mycedium robokaki Moll & Best 1984 Australia, Indonesia [510,735a], Japan, Papua New Guinea, Philippines 
[768], Vanuatu 

Oxypora Kent 1871 Il B - 

Porous Lettuce Coral 

(Red Sea [661], East and South Africa [68,329]. Indian Ocean, north to Lakshadweep, southerm India and Mergui 
Archipelago; south to Madagascar and Houtman Abrolhos Islands (western Australia) [761]. South-east Asia. 
Pacific Ocean, north to southern Japan and Marshall Islands; south to Elizabeth and Middleton reefs (east Australia) 
[761]: east to Tubuai Islands [244]) 

Countries listed without reference numbers are within the distribution range shown in Veron [761] 

American Samoa [430]; Australia; British Indian Ocean Territory [674.832]; Brunei; Christmas Island: Cocos 
(Keeling) Islands [763]; Comoros; Cook Islands; Djibouti; Egypt [661]; Ethiopia; Federated States of Micronesia: 
Fiji; French Polynesia [148,244]; Guam; India [598,602]; Indonesia [735a]; Israel [661]; Japan [765]: Jordan [661]; 
Kenya; Kiribati; Madagascar [587,591]; Malaysia: Peninsular [36], Sabah [848]; Maldives [605,674]; Marshall 
Islands [807]; Mauritius [242,674]; Mozambique [68]; Myanmar; Nauru; New Caledonia [850]; Niue; Northern 
Marianas; Oman [675]; Palau [221]; Papua New Guinea; Philippines [768]; Réunion [674]; Samoa; Saudi Arabia 
[15]; Seychelles [674,845]; Singapore [776]; Solomon Islands [796]; Somalia; Sri Lanka; Sudan [661]; Taiwan 
(171]; Tanzania; Thailand [186,744]; Tokelau; Tonga; Tuvalu [835]; Vanuatu [762]; Vietnam; Wallis and Futuna: 

Relatively common on reef slopes. 
5 nominal species, 2 [151] to 3 valid species 

Oxypora crassispinosa Nemenzo 1980 Philippines[535,768] 

Oxypora glabra Nemenzo 1959 Australia, Japan, Malaysia: Sabah [848], New Caledonia, Papua New Guinea, 
Philippines [525,768], Taiwan [171] 

Oxypora lacera (Verrill 1864) American Samoa [430], Australia [792b], British Indian Ocean Territory [672,674], 
Cocos (Keeling) Islands [766a], Indonesia [735a,741], Israel [674], Japan, Madagascar [674], Malaysia: 
Peninsular [36], Sabah [848], Maldives [270,605], Marshall Islands, Mauritius [242,674], Mozambique 
[637d,674], New Caledonia, Oman [675], Palau [221], Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768], Réunion 
[242,674], Saudi Arabia [15], Singapore [92,617,776], Taiwan [171], Thailand [701,744], Vanuatu, Vietnam 

Oxypora titizimaensis Yabe & Sugiyama 1936 Indonesia[741] 

Pectinia Oken 1815 II B - 

(East Africa [329]. Indian Ocean, north to Maldives [832], Andaman and Nicobar Islands and Mergui Archipelago; 
south to Madagascar and Ningaloo Reefs (western Australia). South-east Asia. Pacific Ocean, north to southem 
Japan (9) and Marshall Islands; south to Great Barrier Reef, New Caledoniaand Fiji; east to Line Islands [761]) 

Countries listed without reference numbers are within the distribution range shown in Veron [761] 



Australia: British Indian Ocean Territory [672.674.8532]: Brunei: Christmas Island: Cocos (Keeling) Islands: 
Djibouti: Egypt: Ethiopia: Federated States of Micronesia: Fiji: Guam: India [598.602]; Indonesia [735a]: Japan 
[765]: Kenya: Kiribati: Madagascar [587.591]: Malaysia: Peninsular [36]. Sabah [848]; Maldives [605.674]: 
Marshall Islands [465]: Mauritius: Myanmar [212]: Nauru: New Caledonia [850]: Niue: Palau: Papua New Guinea: 
Philippines [768]: Réunion [242]: Seychelles [674.845]; Singapore [557]: Solomon Islands [399.796]: Somalia: Sri 
Lanka [558]: Sudan [661]: Taiwan [171]; Tanzania: Thailand [186.744]: Vanuatu [762]: Vietnam 

The genus is usually well represented on reefs, especially in turbid water. 
14 nominal species; 4 [151] to 7 [766b] valid species. including 4 from Australia[761] 

Pectinia alcicornis (Kent 1871) Australia, Indonesia [735a]. Japan, Malaysia: Sabah [848], Maldives, Papua New 
Guinea. Philippines [768]. Solomon Islands [399], Thailand [674,744], Vanuatu, Vietnam 

Pectinia elongata (Rehberg 1892) Indonesia[735a]. Malaysia: Sabah [848], Palau [631], Papua New Guinea 

Pectinia lactuca (Pallas 1766) Carnation Coral Australia [792b], Cocos (Keeling) Islands, India [602.659], 
Indonesia [25.735a,741], Japan [869], Madagascar [674], Malaysia: Peninsular [36], Sabah [848], Maldives 
[605], Marshall Islands [465], Mauritius, Myanmar [212,674], Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768], Réunion 
[2242.674], Seychelles [674], Singapore [617,710,776], Taiwan [171], Thailand [674,744], Vanuatu, Vietnam 

Pectinialaxa Nemenzo 1983 Philippines [537] 

Pectinia paeonia (Dana 1848) Australia, Fiji, Indonesia [735a], Japan, Malaysia: Sabah [848], Papua New Guinea, 
Philippines [768], Singapore [557], Sri Lanka, Taiwan [171], Thailand [674,744], Vanuatu, Vienam 

Pectinia symphylloides (Milne Edwards & Haime 1849) Malaysia[36], Singapore [710] 

Pectinia teres Nemenzo & Montecillo 1981 Australia, Japan, Papua New Guinea, Philippines [543,768], Thailand 

Physophyllia Duncan 1885 I B - 
(East Africa; Maldives; South-east Asia; southern Japan; south to New Guinea and the Solomon Islands [761 ]) 

Countries listed without reference numbers are within the distributionrange shown in Veron [761] 

Australia; Brunei; Federated States of Micronesia; Guam; India [598,602]; Japan [765]; Kenya [329]; Malaysia; 
Maldives [605]; Myanmar; Palau; Papua New Guinea; Philippines [768]; Seychelles [674,845]; Solomon Islands 
{796]; Tanzania [329]; Thailand [186,744] 

3 nominal species, but only | valid species [151,766b]. 
Physophylliaayleni Wells 1935 
Family MUSSIDAE Ortmann 1890 

Acanthastrea Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 I B - 

Starry Cup Coral 

(Red Sea [661]. Persian Gulf, East and South Africa [68,329]. Indian Ocean, north to Arabian Gulf [95], 
Lakshadweep, Gulf of Kutch (southern India) and Mergui Archipelago; south to Madagascar and south-west 
Australia. South-east Asia. Pacific Ocean, north to southern Japan [19]; south to Middleton Reef (south-east 
Australia)and Lord Howe island [761]; east to Tuamotu Archipelago [244] and Pitcairn Islands [761]) 

Countries listed without reference numbers are within the distribution range shown in Veron [761] 

American Samoa [430]; Australia [770]; Bahrain [95,677]; British Indian Ocean Territory [644,674,832]; Brunei; 
China [668,895,894]; Christmas Island; Comoros; Cook Islands [485]; Djibouti; Egypt [661]; Ethiopia; Federated 
States of Micronesia; Fiji [265]; French Polynesia [148,244]; Guam; India [598,602]; Indonesia [735a]; Iran; Israel 
[458,661]; Japan [765]; Jordan [661]; Kenya [329]; Kiribati; Kuwait [351a]; Madagascar [587,591]; Malaysia: 
Peninsular [36], Sabah [848]; Maldives [605,674]; Marshall Islands [465,807]; Mauritius [242,674]; Mozambique 
[68,845]; Myanmar; Nauru; New Caledonia [850]; Niue; Northern Marianas; Oman [675]; Palau [221]; Papua New 
Guinea; Philippines [768]; Qatar; Réunion [69]; Samoa; Saudi Arabia [15]; Seychelles [674,845]; Singapore; 
Solomon Islands [796]; Somalia; South Africa [845]; Sri Lanka; Sudan [661]; Taiwan [171]; Tanzania [329]; 



Thailand [186.744]: Tokelau: Tonga: Tuvalu [835]: United Arab Emirates [95.677]; Vanuatu [762]: Vienam: 
Wallis and Futuna: Yemen 

Generally a fairly common reef coral. occurring in a wide range of habitats [148]. 
Approximately 13 nominal species: 4-5 [151] to 6 [766b] to 9 valid species. 

Acanthastreaamakusensis Veron 1990 Australia. Japan [764], Papua New Guinea, Thailand [764]. Vanuatu [764] 

Acanthastrea bowerbanki Milne Edwards & Haime 1857 Australia [507], British Indian Ocean Territory [674]. 
China, Indonesia [735a]. Japan, Malaysia, Mauritius [242,674], Réunion [674], Vanuatu 

Acanthastrea echinata (Dana 1848) American Samoa [430], Australia [792b], British Indian Ocean Territory 
[644.672]. Cook Islands [485], Fiji [265.2621], French Polynesia [148.593], India [602], Indonesia [735a]. 
Israel [674]. Japan [739], Kuwait [35 1a], Madagascar [674], Malaysia: Peninsular [36], Sabah [848], Maldives 
[605], Marshall Islands [465]. Mauritius [242.674], Mozambique [637d,674]. Oman [675]. Papua New 
Guinea, Philippines [768]. Réunion [69.242], Saudi Arabia [15], Seychelles [674], South Africa [637d]. 
Taiwan [171], Tanzania [560], Thailand [674,744], Tuvalu [835], Vanuatu, Vietnam 

Acanthastreahemprichii(Ehrenberg 1834) Japan 

Acanthastrea hillae Wells 1955 Australia, Indonesia [735a], Japan [739], Mozambique [674], Papua New Guinea, 
Philippines [768]. South Africa [637d], Taiwan [171], Vanuatu, Vienam 

Acanthastrea ishigakiensis Veron 1990 Cook Islands [764], Japan [764], Philippines [764], Vanuatu [764] 

Acanthastrealordhowensis Veron & Pichon 1982 Australia, China, Japan, Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768] 

Acanthastreamaxima Sheppard & Salm 1988 Kuwait [351a], Oman [675] 

Acanthastreaminuta Moll & Best 1984 Indonesia[510,735a] 

Acanthastrearotundoflora Chevalier 1975 Japan, New Caledonia, Philippines [768] 

Acanthastrea simplex (Crossland 1952) India [602] 

Australomussa Veron 1985 II B - 
(Eastern Indian Ocean, West Pacific) 

Australia: India; Indonesia [735a]; Japan; Myanmar: Mergui Archipelago; Papua New Guinea; Philippines [768]; 
Thailand [761,744] 

A rare reef coral. 
1 species [760,766b] 

Australomussarowleyensis Veron 1985 

Blastomussa Wells 1968 Il B - 

Branched Cup Coral 

(Red Sea [661]. Indian Ocean, Aldabra north to Arabian Gulf [95] the Maldives and Mergui Archipelago. 
South-east Asia (excluding east coast of West Malaysia and west coast of Borneo). Pacific Ocean, north to Ryukyu 
Islands, Northern Marianas and Marshall Islands; south to Great Barrier Reef [761], New Caledonia [850] and Fiji; 
east to Samoa [761]) 

Countries listed without reference numbers are within the distributionrange shown in Veron [761] 

Australia; British Indian Ocean Territory [674,832]; China [894,895]; Christmas Island; Djibouti; Egypt [661]; 
Ethiopia; Federated States of Micronesia; Fiji; Guam; India [598,602]; Indonesia [735a]; Israel [458]; Japan [765]; 
Madagascar; Malaysia; Maldives [674]; Marshall Islands; Myanmar; New Caledonia [850]; Niue; Northern 
Marianas; Oman [675]; Palau; Papua New Guinea; Philippines [768]; Samoa; Saudi Arabia [15]; Seychelles 
[674,845]; Solomon Islands; South Africa [637d]; Sudan [334,661]; Taiwan [171]; Thailand [186,744]; Tokelau; 
Tuvalu; Vanuatu [762]; Vietnam 

Generally an uncommon coral, except in some reef slope habitats. 
3 species recognized by Head [334] and Veron (1995) [766b] 

Blastomussa loyae Head 1978 British Indian Ocean Territory [672,674], Israel [334,674], Saudi Arabia [674], 
Sudan [334] 



Blastomussa merleti (Wells 1961) Australia. British Indian Ocean Territory [672.674], Indonesia [735a]. Israel 
[674]. Japan. Madagascar [?334.674]. Malaysia. New Caledonia [334.840]. Oman [675], Papua New Guinea. 
Philippines [768]. Saudi Arabia [15]. Seychelles [334.674], South A frica [637d]. Sudan [334] 

Blastomussa wellsi Wijsman-Best 1973 Australia. Israel [674]. Japan. Malaysia. New Caledonia [334.684.840]. 
Papua New Guinea. Philippines[768]. Vanuatu. Viemam 

Cynarina Briiggemann 1877 II B - 

(Red Sea [661]. Indian Ocean, north to Maldives [832], southern India and Mergui Archipelago: south to 
Madagascar [761]. South-east Asia. Pacific Ocean, north to southern Japan [739] and Guam: south to the Great 
Barrier Reef: east to the Kermadec Islands [761]) 

Countries listed without reference numbers are within the distributionrange shown in Veron [761] 

Australia [255.792b.815]: British Indian Ocean Territory [674.832]; Brunei: China [668]: Christmas Island: 
Djibouti [298]; Egypt [661.815]; Ethiopia: Federated States of Micronesia; Guam; India [598,602]: Indonesia 
[33.735a]: Israel [674]: Japan [739,765]: Madagascar [587,591]; Malaysia: Peninsular [36], Sabah [848]; Maldives 
[605.674]: Myanmar: New Caledonia[266.850]: New Zealand: Kermadec Islands [753]: Palau; Papua New Guinea: 
Philippines [?497.768]: Saudi Arabia [15]: Seychelles [674,845]; Singapore; Solomon Islands; Sri Lanka [815]: 
Sudan [661]: Thailand [186,744] 

A large, solitary reef coral which may be attached or free-living. Uncommon [691,848]. 
9 nominal species, probably only | valid species [151,766b] 

Cynarina lacrymalis (Milne Edwards & Haime 1848) 

Indophyllia Gerth 1921 I] B - 
(West Pacific) 

Indonesia [33,735a] 

A rare coral. 
1 species recognized by Best and Hoeksema [33] and Veron (1995) [766b] 

Indophyllia macassarensis Best & Hoeksema 1987 

Isophyllastrea Matthai 1928 II B - 
(Caribbean [608,833], Bermuda) 

Countries listed without reference numbers are within the distributionrange shown in Smith [682] and Wood [847] 
Anguilla; Antigua and Barbuda; Bahamas [690]; Barbados [448]; Belize [102]; Bermuda [381,682,847]: British 
Virgin Islands [214]; Cayman Islands [250]; Colombia [615]; Costa Rica [158]; Cuba [416]; Dominica; Dominican 
Republic; Grenada; Guadeloupe; Haiti; Honduras [250,739]; Jamaica [284,833]; Martinique [70]; Mexico 
([375a,381]; Montserrat; Netherlands Antilles [653]; Nicaragua; Panama [608]; Puerto Rico [10a]; Saint Kitts and 
Nevis; Saint Lucia [639]; Saint Vincent and the Grenadines; Trinidad and Tobago; Turks and Caicos; United States: 
Florida [381]; Virgin Islands of the United States [640a]; Venezuela 

1 species [151,766b], generally found in fairly shallow reef habitats [847] 

Isophyllastrearigida (Dana 1848) 

Isophyllia Milne Edwards & Haime 1851 Il B - 
(Caribbean [608,833], Bermuda) 

Countries listed without reference numbers are within the distributionrange shown in Smith [682] and Wood [847] 
Anguilla; Antigua and Barbuda; Bahamas [690]; Barbados [448]; Belize [102]; Bermuda [191.381.682.847]; Brazil 
[420]; British Virgin Islands [214]; Cayman Islands [250]; Colombia [235,615]; Costa Rica [158]; Cuba [416,889]: 



Dominica: Dominican Republic: Grenada: Guadeloupe: Haiti: Honduras [250,739]; Jamaica [833]; Martinique [70]: 
Mexico [375a.381]: Montserrat: Netherlands Antilles [653]: Nicaragua: Panama [608]: Puerto Rico [10a]: Saint 
Kitts and Nevis; Saint Lucia: Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Trinidad and Tobago: Turks and Caicos: United 
States: Florida [381]: Virgin Islands of the United States [640a]: Venezuela 

2 species [151,766b]: both are fairly common. especially in shallow reef habitats [847] 

Isophvllia multiflora Verrill 1901 Bahamas [484]. Barbados [448], Bermuda [418.787], British Virgin Islands. 
Colombia [235]. Cuba [416], Honduras [739], Jamaica [284], Netherlands Antilles [653], Panama [169]. 
Puerto Rico [10a], United States [484] = 1. sinuosa [102] 

Isophyllia sinuosa (Ellis & Solander 1786) Rose Coral Bahamas [690]. Barbados [484]. Belize [102], Bermuda 
[191.418,621,787], Cayman Islands [250], Colombia [235], Cuba [416.889], Guadeloupe [501], Honduras 
[250.739]. Jamaica [284]. Martinique. Mexico [375a]. Netherlands Antilles [653], Panama [169], Puerto Rico 
[10a], United States [557,611], Virgin Islands of the United States [196,640a,776] 

Lobophyllia Blainville 1830 Il B - 

(Red Sea [661], East and South Africa [68.329]. Indian Ocean, north to Lakshadweep, Andaman and Nicobar 
Islands [602] and Mergui Archipelago: south to Madagascar [587] and south-west Australia[770]. South-east Asia. 
Pacific Ocean, north to southern Japan (231], Guam, the Marshall Islands and Line Islands; south to Flinders Reef 
(eastern Australia) [761]; east to Tuamotu Archipelago [244]) 

Countries listed without reference numbers are within the distribution range shown in Veron [761] 

American Samoa [430]; Australia; British Indian Ocean Territory [644,674,832]; Brunei; China [668.894.895]: 
Christmas Island; Cocos (Keeling) Islands [763]; Comoros; Cook Islands; Djibouti [298]; Egypt [661]; Ethiopia; 
Federated States of Micronesia; Fiji [265]; French Polynesia [148,244]; Guam; India [598,602]: Indonesia [735a]; 
Israel [458,661]; Japan [765]; Jordan [661]; Kenya [329]: Kiribati [463,872a]; Madagascar [587,591]; Malaysia: 
Peninsular [36], Sabah [848]; Maldives [605,674]; Marshall Islands [465.807]; Mauritius [242,674]; Mozambique 
[68,845]; Myanmar [212]; Nauru; New Caledonia [850]; Niue; Palau [221,871]; Papua New Guinea; Philippines 
[768]; Pitcairn; Réunion [674]; Samoa; Saudi Arabia [15]; Seychelles [606,674,845]; Singapore [617]; Solomon 
Islands [796]; Somalia; Sri Lanka [599]; Sudan [661]; Taiwan [171]; Tanzania [329]; Thailand [186,744]; Tokelau; 
Tonga [484]; Tuvalu [835]; Vanuatu [762]; Vietnam [436]; Wallis and Futuna; Yemen [484] 

Most species are relatively common, and are important reef-builders, occurring in a wide range of habitats [847]. 
27 nominal species; 5-9 valid species [151,761,766b]. 

Lobophyllia corymbosa (Forskal 1775) American Samoa [603], Australia [621,792b], British Indian Ocean 
Territory [644,672], Djibouti [298], Fiji [621], French Polynesia [148,593], India [602,659], Indonesia 
[735a,741], Israel [674], Japan [869], Madagascar [674], Malaysia, Maldives [605], Marshall Islands [465], 
Mauritius [242,674], Mozambique [637d,674], Myanmar [212,674], New Caledonia [482], Palau [221,631], 
Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768], Réunion [242,674], Saudi Arabia [15], Seychelles [606,845], Sri Lanka 
[558,599,634], Taiwan [171], Tanzania [470], Tonga [484], Vanuatu, Vietnam [436] 

Lobophylliadiminuta Veron 1985 Australia, Papua New Guinea, Thailand [674], Vanuatu 

Lobophyllia hataii Yabe, Sugiyama & Eguchi 1936 Australia [792b], Indonesia [735a], Japan [739], Malaysia: 
Sabah [848], Marshall Islands [465], New Caledonia, Palau [221], Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768], 
Saudi Arabia [674], Taiwan [171,871a], Thailand [674,744], Vietnam [436] 

Lobophyllia hemprichii (Ehrenberg 1834) American Samoa [430], Australia [792b], British Indian Ocean Territory 
[644,672], Christmas Island [484], Cocos (Keeling) Islands [766a], Fiji [265], French Polynesia [148,593], 
Indonesia [621,735a,741], Israel [674], Japan [739,869], Kiribati [463], Madagascar [674], Malaysia: 
Peninsular [36], Sabah [848], Maldives [674], Marshall Islands [465], Mauritius [242,674], Mozambique 
[637d,674], Myanmar [212,483,599,674], New Caledonia [482], Palau [221], Papua New Guinea [709], 
Philippines [768], Pitcairn Islands, Réunion [242,674], Saudi Arabia [15], Seychelles [606,2845], Singapore 
[501,617,710], Solomon Islands [513], Sudan [484], Taiwan [171], Thailand [674,744], Tonga [484], Tuvalu 
(835], Vanuatu, Vietnam [436], Yemen [484] 

Lobophyllia pachysepta Chevalier 1975 Australia, Indonesia [735a], Japan, Malaysia: Sabah [848], Maldives, 
Papua New Guinea, Philippines[768], Vanuatu, Vietnam 

Lobophylliarobusta Yabe & Sugiyama 1936 Australia, Japan, Papua New Guinea, Philippines 



Mussa Oken 1815 I] B - 
(Caribbean [608.833]) 

Countries listed without reference numbers are within the distributionrange shown in Smith [682] and Wood [847] 

Anguilla; Antigua and Barbuda: Bahamas [381]; Barbados [448]: Belize [102]; British Virgin Islands [214]: 
Cayman Islands [250]: Colombia [235.615]: Costa Rica [158]: Cuba [416,889]; Dominica: Dominican Republic; 
Grenada: Guadeloupe: Haiti: Honduras [250]: Jamaica [833]: Martinique [70]: Mexico [241,375a]: Montserrat: 
Netherlands Antilles [653]; Nicaragua; Panama [608]: Puerto Rico [10a]: Saint Kitts and Nevis: Saint Lucia; Saint 
Vincent and the Grenadines: Trinidad and Tobago: Turks and Caicos: United States: Florida [381]; Venezuela [14]: 
Virgin Islands of the United States [640a] 

1 [151,766b] to 3 species, occurring in most reef habitats 

Mussa angulosa (Pallas 1766) Large Flower Coral Bahamas [786], Barbados [448], Belize [102]. Bermuda [90], 
British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands [250], Colombia [235], Cuba [416,889], Honduras [250], Jamaica 
[284]. Martinique [70]. Mexico [74,241,375a], Netherlands Antilles [653], Panama [169], Puerto Rico [10a], 
United States [90,611], Venezuela [14], Virgin Islands of the United States [90,640a] 

Mussa cactus Dana 1848 Fiji [265] 

Mussa cerebriformis Dana 1848 = Lobophylliahemprichii [484] 

Mussismilia Ortmann 1890 Il B - 
(West Atlantic, Caribbean) 

Barbados [448]; Brazil [420], 7Mexico [375a] 
3 species [151,766b], occurring in a range of reef habitats [420,847] 

Mussismilia braziliensis (Verrill 1868) Barbados [448], Brazil [419,420,779,787] 
Mussismilia harttii (Verrill 1868) Brazil [419,420,779,786],?Mexico [375a] 
Mussismilia hispida (Verrill 1901) Brazil [419,420,779,787] 

Mycetophyllia Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 il B - 
(Caribbean [608,833]) 

Countries listed without reference numbers are within the distribution range shown in Smith [682] and Wood [847] 

Anguilla; Antigua and Barbuda; Bahamas [381]; Barbados [448]; Belize [102]; Bermuda; British Virgin Islands 
[214]; Cayman Islands [250]; Colombia [235,615]; Costa Rica [158]; Cuba [416,889]; Dominica; Dominican 
Republic; Grenada; Guadeloupe; Haiti; Honduras [250,739]; Jamaica [833]; Martinique [70]; Mexico [241,375a]; 
Montserrat; Netherlands Antilles [653]; Nicaragua; Panama [608]; Puerto Rico [10a]; Saint Kitts and Nevis; Saint 
Lucia; Saint Vincent and the Grenadines; Trinidad and Tobago; Turks and Caicos; United States: Florida [381]; 
Venezuela; Virgin Islands of the United States [640a] 

Generally a widespread and common reef coral [847]. 

2 [889] to 4 [151] to 5 [766b] species 

Mycetophyllia aliciae Wells 1973 Belize [102], Cayman Islands [250], Colombia [235], Honduras [250], 
Martinique [70], Mexico [375a], Netherlands Antilles [653], Virgin Islands of the United States [640a] 

Mycetophyllia daniana Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 Bahamas, Belize [102], Cayman Islands [250], Honduras 
[250], Mexico [375a], Netherlands Antilles [653], United States [611] 

Mycetophyllia ferox Wells 1973 Belize [102], Cayman Islands [250], Colombia [235], Honduras [250,739], 
Martinique [70], Mexico [375a], Netherlands Antilles [653], Virgin Islands of the United States [640a] 

Mycetophyllia lamarckiana Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 Bahamas [484], Barbados [448], Belize [102], 
Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands [250], Colombia [235], Cuba [416,889], Honduras [250], 
Martinique [70], Mexico [241,375a], Netherlands Antilles [653], Panama [169], Puerto Rico [10a], Taiwan 
[87 1a], United States [611], Virgin Islands of the United States [640a] 

Mycetophylliareesi Wells 1973 Cayman Islands [250], Cuba [889] 



Scolymia Haime 1852 Il B - 

= Mussa [249] 
(Caribbean. south to Brazil [420]. Red Sea (doubtful record) [661]. Chagos Archipelago. north to Mergui 
Archipelago: south to southern coast of Australia. South-east Asia. Pacific Ocean. north to southern Japan [739]. 
Guam and the Marshall Islands: south to south-east Australiaand Lord Howe Island; east to Pitcairn Islands [761]) 

Countries listed without reference numbers are within the distribution range shown in Smith [682]. Veron [761] or 
Wood [847] 

Anguilla; Antigua and Barbuda; Australia: Bahamas [381]: Barbados; Belize [102]; Bermuda; Brazil [420]: British 
Indian Ocean Territory [674,832]; British Virgin Islands; Brunei: Cayman Islands [250]; Christmas Island; 
Colombia [235]; Cook Islands; Costa Rica [158]: Dominica: Dominican Republic; Federated States of Micronesia: 
Fiji: French Polynesia [148.244]; Grenada: Guadeloupe: Guam: Haiti; Honduras [250]; India [598,602]: Indonesia 
[735a]; Jamaica [833]; Japan [765]; Madagascar [587.591]; Malaysia: Peninsular [186], Sabah [848]; Maldives 
[605,674]; Marshall Islands; Martinique [70]; Mauritius [242,674]; Mexico [375a,381]; Montserrat; Myanmar, 
Nauru: Netherlands Antilles [653]; New Caledonia [850]; Nicaragua; Niue; Palau; Panama [608]; Papua New 
Guinea: Philippines [768]: Pitcairn Islands [572]; Puerto Rico; Réunion [674]: Saint Kitts and Nevis; Saint Lucia; 
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines; Saudi Arabia: Singapore; Solomon Islands [796]; Taiwan [171]; Thailand 
[186.744]; Tonga: Trinidad and Tobago: Turks and Caicos; Tuvalu; United States [611]; Vanuatu [762]; Vietnam; 
Virgin Islands of the United States [640a]; Venezuela: Wallis and Futuna 

Generally an Antilles uncommon coral, although it occurs in a wide range of reef and non-reefal habitats [761.847]. 
Scolymia was treated as confined to the western Atlantic by Chevalier (1987) [151], with Parascolymia and 
Homophnllia representing it in the tropical Indo-Pacific. 

2 to 8 [151] species 

Scolymia australis (Milne Edwards & Haime 1848) Australia[90,501,716,758a,815],Indonesia[735a], Japan 

Scolymia cubensis (Milne Edwards & Haime 1849) Solitary Disk Coral Bahamas, Belize [102], Brazil [419,420]. 
Cape Verde [501], Cayman Islands [250], Honduras [250], Martinique [70], Mexico [74,375a], Netherlands 
Antilles [653], United States [611] = Mussa cubensis [249] 

Scolymia vitiensis Briiggemann 1877 Australia [792b], British Indian Ocean Territory [?672,674], Fiji [90], 
Indonesia [735a], Japan [739], Madagascar [674], Malaysia, Maldives [605], Mauritius [242.674], New 
Caledonia [265], Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768], ?Pitcairn Islands, Réunion [242,674], Saudi Arabia 
[15], Taiwan, Vanuatu, Vietnam = Mussa vitiensis [249] 

Symphyllia Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 II B - 

Larger Brain Coral 

(Red Sea [661], East and South Africa [68,329]. Indian Ocean, north to Lakshadweep, Gulf of Kutch (northem 
India), Andaman and Nicobar Islands; south to Madagascar and south-west tip of Australia. South-east Asia. 
Pacific Ocean, north to southern Japan [739] and Marshall Islands; south to Great Barrier Reef and Tonga; east to 
Samoa [761]) 

Countries listed without reference numbers are within the distributionrange shown in Veron [761] 

American Samoa [430]; Australia [770]; British Indian Ocean Territory [644,674,832]; Brunei; China 
[668,894,895]; Christmas Island; Cocos (Keeling) Islands; Comoros; Djibouti [298]; Egypt [661]; Ethiopia; 
Federated States of Micronesia; Fiji [265]; Guam; India [598,602]; Indonesia [735a]; Japan [765]; Kenya [329]; 
Madagascar [587,591]; Malaysia: Peninsular [36], Sabah [848]; Maldives [605,674]; Marshall Islands [465,807]; 
Mauritius [242,674]; Mozambique [68]; Myanmar [212]; Nauru; New Caledonia [850]; Niue; Northern Marianas; 
Oman [675]; Palau [221]; Papua New Guinea; Philippines [768]; Reunion [674]; Samoa; Saudi Arabia [15]; 
Seychelles [674,845]; Singapore [776]; Solomon Islands [796]; Somalia; South Africa [637d]; Sri Lanka [599]; 
Sudan [661]; Taiwan [171]; Tanzania [329]; Thailand [186,744]; Tokelau; Tonga [484]; Tuvalu; United States 
minor outlying islands: Wake Island; Vanuatu [762]; Vietnam [436]; Wallis and Futuna; Yemen 

An important reef-building coral occurring in a wide range of habitats. S. valenciennesii is probably the rarest 
species, although it has a wide geographic distribution [761,847]. 

13 nominal species [761]; 4 [151] to 6+ [766b] valid species 



Symphyllia agaricia Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 Australia [484], India [659], Indonesia [25.621.735a]. Japan. 
Malaysia. Myanmar [483.674]. Papua New Guinea. Philippines [768], Singapore [483]. Sri Lanka [484]. 
Taiwan [171]. Thailand [674.744]. Tonga [484]. Vanuatu, Viemam 

Symphy lia ervthraea(Klunzinger 1879) Myanmar [212]. Saudi Arabia [15]. Tanzania [470] 

Symphvyilia radians Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 Australia [484], British Indian Ocean Territory [672.674]. 
Djibouti [298]. Fiji [484]. India [602.659]. Indonesia [735a,741]. Japan [739], Malaysia: Sabah [848], 
Maldives [605]. Marshall Islands [465]. Myanmar [212.599.674]. New Caledonia [4832], Oman [675], Papua 
New Guinea [501], Philippines [768], Singapore [557,710], Sri Lanka [599], Taiwan [171]. Thailand 
[674.744]. Tonga [484], Vanuatu. Vietnam [436] 

Symphyllia recta (Dana 1848) American Samoa [430], Australia [792b], British Indian Ocean Territory [644]. Fiji 
[265]. India [602.659]. Indonesia [25.735a,741], Japan [869], Madagascar [674], Malaysia: Peninsular 
[36.604]. Sabah [848], Maldives [605], Marshall Islands [465], Mauritius [242.674], Mozambique [674], 
Myanmar [212.674]. Palau [221]. Papua New Guinea [709], Philippines [621,768.868a], Réunion [242.674]. 
Saudi Arabia [674]. Seychelles [674]. Singapore [359.617]. Solomon Islands [513]. Sri Lanka [484], Taiwan 
[171], Thailand [701,744], United States miscellaneous outlying islands: Wake Island, Vanuatu, Viemam 

Symphyllia simplex Crossland 1948 Mozambique [674], South Africa [167] 

Symphyllia valenciennesii Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 Australia, Indonesia [735a], Japan, Malaysia: Sabah 
[848]. Maldives [605], Myanmar [483.674], Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768], Saudi Arabia [674], 
Seychelles [674], Singapore [501,557], South Africa [637d], Taiwan, ?Thailand, Tonga [484]. Vanuatu. 
Vietnam [436] 

Symphyllia wilsoni Veron 1985 Australia[760] 

Family MERULINIDAE Verrill 1866 

Boninastrea Yabe & Sugiyama 1935 I] B - 
(West Pacific) 

Indonesia [35,185,735a]; Japan [761]; Taiwan [761] 

Little is known of the status and distribution of this coral, which may be Netherlands Antilles aberrant form of 
Merulina [761]. 
1 species [151,766b] 

Boninastrea boninensis Yabe & Sugiyama 1935 

Hydnophora Fischer de Waldheim 1807 II B - 

Spine Corals 

(Red Sea [661], Persian Gulf, East and South Africa [68,329]. Indian Ocean, north to Arabian Gulf [95], Gulf of 
Kutch, southern India, Andaman and Nicobar Islands and Mergui Archipelago; south to Madagascar, Cocos 
(Keeling) Islands and south-western Australia. South-east Asia. Pacific Ocean, north to southern Japan [231], 
Northern Marianas and Marshall Islands; south to Elizabeth and Middleton Reefs (eastern Australia) and Lord 
Howe Island [761]; east to Line Islands and Tuamotu Archipelago [244]) 

Countries listed without reference numbers are within the distributionrange shown in Veron [761] 

American Samoa [430]; Australia [770]; Bahrain [95,677]; British Indian Ocean Territory [644,674,832]: Brunei; 
China [668,894,895]: Christmas Island; Cocos (Keeling) Islands [763]; Comoros; Cook Islands [485]; Djibouti 
[298]; Egypt [661]; Ethiopia; Federated States of Micronesia [604]; Fiji [359]; French Polynesia [148,244]: Guam; 
India [598.602]: Indonesia [185, 735a]; Iran; Israel [458,661]; Japan [765]; Jordan [661]; Kenya [329]; Kiribati 
[463]; Kuwait [35la]; Madagascar [587,591]; Malaysia: Peninsular [36], Sabah [848]; Maldives [605,674]: 
Marshall Islands [465,807]; Mauritius [242,674]; Mozambique [68.845]; Myanmar [212]: Nauru; New Caledonia 
[850]; New Zealand: Kermadec Islands [413]; Niue; Northern Marianas; Oman [675]; Palau [221]; Papua New 
Guinea; Philippines [768]; Qatar; Réunion [69]; Samoa; Saudi Arabia [15]; Seychelles [606,674,845]: Singapore 
[617]; Solomon Islands [796]; Somalia; South Africa [637d]; Sri Lanka [558]; Sudan [661]; Taiwan [171]: 
Tanzania [329]; Thailand [186,744]; Tokelau; Tonga [484]; Tuvalu; United Arab Emirates [95,677]; Vanuatu 
[762]; Vietnam [436]; Wallis and Futuna; Yemen [654] 



Hydnophora is a fairly common coral found in a range of reef habitats [847]. This genus has traditionally been 
included in the family Faviidae. but has always been confused with Meru/ina, with which it has a close affinity. 
Approximately 2? nominal species [761]: probably 7 valid species [151.766b] 

Hydnophora bonsai Veron 1990 Japan [764] 

Hydnophora exesa (Pallas 1766) American Samoa [430], Australia [792b], British Indian Ocean Territory 
[644.672]. China. Cocos (Keeling) Islands [674]. Cook Islands [485], Djibouti [298]. Fiji [484], India 
[602.659]. Indonesia [25.35,741.842], Israel [674], Japan [869], Kenya [329], Kuwait [351a], Madagascar 
[674], Malaysia: Peninsular [36], Sabah [848], Maldives [605], Mauritius [242.674]. Mozambique 
[637d.674], Myanmar [483]. New Caledonia [482.839], New Zealand: Kermadec Is [413], Oman [675]. 
Palau [221], Papua New Guinea, Philippines [541.621,768], Réunion [69,242]. Saudi Arabia [15]. 
Seychelles [606]. Singapore [557.617.710]. South Africa [637d], Sri Lanka [558], Sudan [484]. Taiwan 
[171]. Tanzania [329.470], Thailand [674.744], Tonga [484]. Tuvalu [265], Vanuatu, Vietnam [436] 

Hydnophora grandis Gardiner 1904 India [599]. Indonesia [35,741], Maldives [599], Papua New Guinea, 
Philippines [768] = H. exesa [674,839] 

Hydnophora microconos (Lamarck 1816) American Samoa [430,603], Australia, British Indian Ocean Territory 
[644.672]. Cocos (Keeling) Islands [766a], Cook Islands [603], Djibouti [298], Federated States of 
Micronesia [604], Fiji [265]. French Polynesia [593]. India [602.659], Indonesia [25.35.741,842], Israel 
[674], Japan [869]. Kenya [329], Kiribati [463], Madagascar [674], Malaysia: Peninsular [36.604], Maldives 
[605], Marshall Islands [465], Mauritius [242,674], Mozambique [637d,674],. Myanmar [212.674], New 
Caledonia [482.839], Oman [675], Palau [221], Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768]. Reunion [69.242]. 
Saudi Arabia [15], Seychelles [674,845], Solomon Islands [513], South Africa [637d], Taiwan [171], 
Tanzania [329], Thailand [674,744], Tuvalu [265], Vanuatu, Vietnam [436], Yemen [654] 

Hydnophora rigida (Dana 1848) Australia [792b], Federated States of Micronesia [557], Fiji [359]. India [602], 
Indonesia [35,741.842], Japan, Kiribati [463], Malaysia: Peninsular [36], Sabah [848], New Caledonia [839], 
Palau [221], Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768], Singapore [557,617,710]. Taiwan [171], Thailand 
[24.744], Vanuatu, Vietnam [436] 

Merulina Ehrenberg 1834 II B - 

(Red Sea [661], East and South Africa [68,329]. Indian Ocean, north to Lakshadweep and Andaman and Nicobar 
Islands; south to Madagascar and south-west Australia. South-east Asia. Pacific Ocean, north to southern Japan, 
Norther Marianas and Marshall Islands; south to Great Barrier Reef, Lord Howe Island, Fiji and Samoa; east to 
Line Islands [761]) 

Countries listed without reference numbers are within the distribution range shown in Veron [761] 

American Samoa [430]; Australia [770]; British Indian Ocean Territory [674,832]; Brunei; China [668,894,895]: 
Christmas Island; Cocos (Keeling) Islands; Comoros; Cook Islands [485]; Djibouti; Egypt [661]; Ethiopia; 
Federated States of Micronesia; Fiji [776]; French Polynesia [554]; Guam; India [598,602]; Indonesia [185, 735a]; 
Israel [661]; Japan [765]; Jordan [661]; Kenya; Kiribati [463]; Madagascar [587,591]; Malaysia: Peninsular [36], 
Sabah [848]; Maldives [605,674]; Marshall Islands [807]; Mauritius; Mozambique [637d]; Myanmar [212]; Nauru; 
New Caledonia [850]; Niue; Northern Marianas; Palau [221]; Papua New Guinea [709]; Philippines [768]; 
Réunion; Samoa; Saudi Arabia [15]; Seychelles [674,845]; Singapore [617]; Solomon Islands [796]; Somalia; Sri 
Lanka [558]; Sudan [661]; Taiwan [171]; Tanzania; Thailand [186,744]; Tokelau; Tuvalu; Vanuatu [762]; Vietnam; 
Wallis and Futuna; Yemen 

A relatively common coral, occurring in a wide range of reef habitats [847]. 
6 nominal species [761]; at least 3 valid species [766b] 

Merulina ampliata (Ellis & Solander 1786) American Samoa [430], Australia [505,604,792b], British Indian Ocean 
Territory [672,674], Cocos (Keeling) Islands, Cook Islands [485], Fiji [776], French Polynesia [593], India 
[602,659], Indonesia [35,684,741], Israel [674], Japan [604,869], Kiribati [463], Madagascar [674], Malaysia: 
Peninsular [36,604], Sabah [848], Maldives [605], Marshall Islands [604], Mozambique [637d,674], Myanmar 
[212,674], New Caledonia [482], Palau [221], Papua New Guinea [709], Philippines [768], Saudi Arabia [15], 
Seychelles [674.845], Singapore [558,617,710], Solomon Islands [513], Sri Lanka [558], Taiwan [171], 
Thailand [674,744], Vanuatu, Viennam 

Merulina scabricula Dana 1848 Australia [792b], Fiji [776], Indonesia [35,742], Japan, Malaysia, Papua New 
Guinea, Philippines [768], Singapore, Solomon Islands [513], Taiwan, Thailand, Vanuatu 

Merulinascheeri Head 1983 Saudi Arabia [674], Sudan 
Merulina togianensis Umbgrove 1940 Indonesia[742] 

Paraclavarina Veron 1985 II B - 
(West Pacific) 

Australia [772]: Indonesia [35.185,735a]: Malaysia: Papua New Guinea 

Usually uncommon. although locally common in some reef lagoons with soft substrata [761]. The taxonomic status 
of this genus is still under debate; it may belong in Merulina [35,185]. 

1 species [766b] 

Paraclavarinatriangularis (Veron & Pichon 1980) 

Scapophyllia Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 Il B - 

(Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Indonesia, south to Houtman Abrolhos (south-west Australia). South-east Asia. 
Pacific Ocean, north to Ryukyu Islands, Ogasawara-gunto Islands and Marshall Islands; south to Great Barrier Reef 
and New Caledonia: east to Fiji [761]) 

Countries listed without reference numbers are within the distribution range shown in Veron [761] 

Australia; China [894,895]; Federated States of Micronesia; Fiji; Guam; India [598.602,659]: Indonesia 
(35,185,735a,741]; Iran; Japan [765]; Malaysia: Peninsular [36], Sabah [848]; Maldives [674]; Marshall Islands 
[465.807]; Myanmar; Nauru; New Caledonia [850]; Niue; Northern Marianas; Palau; Papua New Guinea; 
Philippines [768]: Singapore [557,617]; Solomon Islands [796]; Taiwan [171]; Thailand [186,744]; Tuvalu: 
Vanuatu [762] 

Uncommon, and usually found in slightly turbid water (e.g. lagoons) [761,847]. 
1 [766b] to 2 [151] species 

Scapophylliacylindrica Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 
Family FAVIIDAE Gregory 1900 

Astraeosmilia Ortmann 1892 II B - 
(Western Indian Ocean) 

British Indian Ocean Territory [672,761]; Tanzania [560] 

Chevalier (1987) treated Astraeosmilia as doubtfully synonymous with Bikiniastrea 
1 species [766b], known from only a few specimens [761] 

Astraeosmiliaconnata Ortmann 1892 

Australogyra Veron & Pichon 1982 II B - 
(Eastern Indian Ocean, West Pacific) 

Australia; Indonesia[735a]; Papua New Guinea; Philippines [768]; Solomon Islands; Vanuatu [761]; Vietnam 

Generally rare, and mostly restricted to turbid waters around high islands [761]. 
1 species [766b] 

Australogyrazelli (Veron, Pichon & Wijsman-Best 1977) 
Barabattoia Yabe & Sugiyama 1941 Il B - 

(South-east Asia, south to south-western Australia and the Great Barrier Reef on the east [761]. Pacific Ocean, 
north to Ryukyu Islands and Marshall Islands; south to New Caledonia; east to Samoa and Tonga [761]) 



Countries listed without reference numbers are within the distributionrange shown in Veron [761] 

American Samoa [430]: Australia: British Indian Ocean Territory: Brunei: China [668]; Christmas Island: Cocos 
(Keeling) Islands [763]: Federated States of Micronesia [839]: Fiji: French Polynesia [148]; Indonesia [735a]: 
Israel; Japan [765]: Malaysia: Peninsular [186]. Sabah [848]: Marshall Islands [807]: Mozambique [637d]; Nauru: 
New Caledonia [850]: Niue: Palau; Papua New Guinea: Philippines [768]; Samoa; Singapore; Solomon Islands; 
Taiwan [171]: Thailand [186,744]: Tokelau: Tonga [839]: Vanuatu [762]; Vietnam [436]; Wallis and Futuna 

An uncommon reef coral. Recent work [761,774] suggests that Bikiniastrea is synonymous, although it is 
sometimes considered as a separate genus [151.847]. Chevalier (1987) [151] treated Barabattoia as synonymous 
with Favia. 

Probably 4 nominal species and 1-3 [766b] valid species. 

Barabattoiaamicorum (Milne Edwards & Haime 1848) Australia, British Indian Ocean Territory [672,674]. China, 
Cocos (Keeling) Islands [766a], Federated States of Micronesia [839], French Polynesia [593], Indonesia 
[735a.84 1]. Israel [674], Japan, Malaysia: Sabah [848], Marshall Islands [839], Mozambique [637d.674]. New 
Caledonia [839], Papua New Guinea. Philippines [768], Seychelles [674,845], Singapore, Taiwan [171]. 
Thailand [674,744]. Tonga [839], Vanuatu, Vietnam [436] 

Barabattoialaddi (Wells 1954) French Polynesia [148,593] 

Barabattoia mirabilis Yabe & Sugiyama 1941 

Caulastraea Dana 1848 II B - 

(Red Sea [661], East and South Africa [68,329]. Indian Ocean, north to Maldives [832] and Java: south to 
Madagascar and Dampier (north-west Australia). South-east Asia. Pacific, north to southern Japan, 
Ogasawara-gunto Islands and Marshall Islands; south to Great Barrier Reef, New Caledonia [850] and Tonga; east 
to Samoa [761]) 

Countries listed without reference numbers are within the distribution range shown in Veron [761] 

Australia [484]; British Indian Ocean Territory [674.832]; Brunei; China [894,895]; Christmas Island; Federated 
States of Micronesia; Fiji [776]; Guam; Indonesia [735a]; Israel; Japan [765]; Kenya [329]; Madagascar [587.591]: 
Malaysia: Peninsular [186], Sabah [848]; Maldives [605]: Marshall Islands; Mauritius [242,674]; Mozambique [68]: 
Nauru; New Caledonia [850]; Niue; Northern Marianas; Palau [221]; Papua New Guinea: Philippines [768]; 
Réunion [69]; Samoa; Seychelles [606,674,845]; Singapore [557]; Solomon Islands [796]; Taiwan [171]; Tanzania 
[329]; Thailand [186,744]; Tokelau; Tonga [621]; Tuvalu; Vanuatu [762]; Vietnam; Wallis and Futuna 

Generally an uncommon coral, with the exception of C. furcata, which is usually found on reef slopes [691,847] 
8 nominal species, 4 [766b] to 6 [151] valid species 

Caulastraea curvata Wijsman-Best 1972 Australia, Indonesia [735a,842], Japan, New Caledonia [684,839], Papua 
New Guinea, Philippines [768], Vanuatu 

Caulastraea echinulata (Milne Edwards & Haime 1848) Australia, Indonesia [735a], Japan, Malaysia, New 
Caledonia [839], Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768], Singapore [501,557,710] 

Caulastraea furcata Dana 1848 Australia [792b], Fiji [557], Indonesia [735a], Japan, Malaysia: Sabah [848], 
Maldives [605], New Caledonia [839], Palau [221], Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768], Seychelles 
[674,845], Taiwan [171], Tonga [621], Vanuatu, Vietnam 

Caulastraea tumida Matthai 1928 Australia [484], British Indian Ocean Territory [672,674], Indonesia [735a,741 ], 
Israel [674], Japan, Madagascar [242,674], Malaysia: Sabah [848], Maldives [605], Mauritius [674], 
Mozambique [674], Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768], Réunion [69,242], Singapore, Thailand [701], 

Cladocora Hemprich & Ehrenberg 1834 Il B - 
(Caribbean [608,833], Atlantic, Mediterranean, South Africa, Japan, Galapagos Islands) 

Countries listed without reference numbers are within the distribution range shown in Smith [682], Veron [761] or 
Wood [847] 



Algeria [190]: Anguilla: Antigua and Barbuda: Barbados: Belize [102]: Bermuda [520]: Brazil [420]; British Virgin 
Islands [214]: Cape Verde [141]: Cayman Islands: Colombia [235.615]: Costa Rica [158]: incl. Cocos Island [119]: 
Cuba [416.889]: Dominica: Dominican Republic: Ecuador: Galapagos Islands [68.827]: Egypt [880c]: France 
[32b]: Greece [744a]: Grenada: Guadeloupe: Haiti: Honduras: Israel [880c]: Italy [141.190]: Jamaica [833]: Japan 
[853]: Lebanon [880c]: Martinique [70]; Mexico [375a.681]: Montserrat: Mozambique [674]: Netherlands Antilles 
[381]: Nicaragua: Panama [608]: Portugal: Madeira [501]: Puerto Rico [746]: Saint Kitts and Nevis: Saint Lucia; 
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Senegal [141]: South Africa [68.520]: Spain [190]; Trinidad and Tobago: Turkey 
[880c]: Turks and Caicos: United States: Florida [381]; Venezuela[14]: Virgin Islands of the United States [501] 

There is a single shallow water species in the Caribbean. C. arbuscula [847]. This normally occurs on soft substrata 
in turbid water. Other species occur in deeper water. 0-274 m. 
4 species are recognized by Cairns (1991) [118], 5-6 by Chevalier (1987) [151], but only 1 by Veron (1995) [766b] 

Cladocora arbuscula (Lesueur 1820) Ivory Tube Coral Belize [102], Bermuda [520], Colombia [235], Cuba 
[416,889]. Jamaica [284], Martinique [70], Mexico [241,375a], Mozambique [674], Puerto Rico [10a,746]. 
South Africa [520], United States [611], Venezuela[14], Virgin Islands of the United States [501,621] 

Cladocora cespitosa (Linnaeus 1767) Algeria[190], Egypt [880c], France [32b], Greece [744a], Israel [880c], Italy 
[141,190]. Lebanon [880c], Senegal [141]. Spain [190], Turkey [880c] 

Cladocora debilis Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 Argentina/Uruguay [520], Brazil [612], Costa Rica: Cocos | 
[219], Ecuador: Galapagos [219,827], Puerto Rico [746], Portugal: Madeira [208,501], United States 

Cladocora pacifica Caims 1991 Costa Rica: Cocos I. [118], Ecuador [118] 

Coelastrea Verrill 1866 II B - 
(Central Pacific) 

United States: Hawaiian Islands [751,778] 
] species [151] 

Coelastrea tenuis Verrill 1866 

Colpophyllia Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 I B - 
(Caribbean [608,833]) 

Countries listed without reference numbers are within the distribution range shown in Smith [682] and Wood [847] 

Anguilla; Antigua and Barbuda; Bahamas [381]; Barbados [448]; Belize [102]; Bermuda [484]; British Virgin 
Islands [214]; Cayman Islands [250]; Colombia [235,615]; Costa Rica [158]; Cuba [416,889]; Dominica: 
Dominican Republic: Grenada; Guadeloupe: Haiti; Honduras [250,739]; Jamaica [833]; Martinique [70]; Mexico 
[241,375a]; Montserrat; Netherlands Antilles [653]; Nicaragua; Panama [608]; Puerto Rico; Saint Kitts and Nevis; 
Saint Lucia [639]; Saint Vincent and the Grenadines; Trinidad and Tobago; Turks and Caicos; United States: 
Florida [381]; Venezuela[14]; Virgin Islands of the United States [640a] 

Widespread and important reef-builders [847]. Colpophyllia is sometimes included in the family Trachyphylliidae 

2 species [766b] 

Colpophyllia amaranthus (O. F. Miiller 1775) Barbados [448], British Virgin Islands, Colombia [235], Jamaica 
[284], Mexico [74], Netherlands Antilles [653], Panama [169], Puerto Rico [10a], United States [484] 

Colpophyllia natans (Houttuyn 1772) Bahamas, Barbados [448], Belize [102], Bermuda [484], British Virgin 
Islands, Cayman Islands [250], Colombia [235], Cuba [416,889], Honduras [250,739], Jamaica [284,380a], 
Martinique [70], Mexico [74,241,375Sa], Netherlands Antilles [653], Panama [169], Puerto Rico [10a], United 
States [611,776], Venezuela[14], Virgin Islands of the United States [640a] 

Cyphastrea Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 II B - 
Lesser Knob Coral 



(Red Sea [661]. Persian Gulf. East and South Africa [68.329]. Indian Ocean, north to Arabian Gulf [95]. Gulf of 
Kutch (north-eastern India) and Andaman and Nicobar Islands: south to Madagascar. Cocos (Keeling) Islands and 
south-west tip of Australia. South-east Asia. Pacific Ocean. north to southern Japan [833], Midway Islands and 
Hawaiian Islands [464]. south to Lord Howe Island [761]: east to Tuamotu Archipelago) 

Countries listed without reference numbers are within the distributionrange shown in Veron [761] 

American Samoa [430]: Australia [31]; Bahamas [786]; Bahrain [95]: British Indian Ocean Territory [674.832]: 
Brunei: China [668.894.895]; Christmas Island: Cocos (Keeling) Islands [763.806]; Comoros: Cook Islands: 
Djibouti [298]: Egypt [661]: Ethiopia; Federated States of Micronesia; Fiji [265]; French Polynesia [148.244.5534]: 
Guam; India [598.602]: Indonesia [735a]: Iran: Israel [458.661]: Japan [765]: Jordan [661]: Kenya: Kiribati: Kuwait 
[351a]: Madagascar [587.591]: Malaysia: Peninsular [36]. Sabah [848]; Maldives [605.674]: Marshall Islands 
[465.807]: Mauritius [242.674]; Mozambique [68.845]; Myanmar; Nauru: New Caledonia [850]; New Zealand: 
Kermadec Islands [413]: Niue; Northern Marianas: Oman [675]; Palau [221]; Papua New Guinea [709]; Philippines 
[768]; Pitcairn Islands [572]: Qatar; Réunion [69]; Samoa; Saudi Arabia [15]; Seychelles [674,845]; Singapore 
[617]; Solomon Islands [796]; Somalia; South Africa [637d]: Sri Lanka [558]; Sudan [661]; Taiwan [171]: 
Tanzania [329]: Thailand [186.744]: Tokelau; Tonga; Tuvalu [835]; United Arab Emirates [95.677]: United States: 
Hawaiian Islands [464]: United States minor outlying islands: Johnston Atoll [467]; Vanuatu [762]: Vietnam [436]: 
Wallis and Futuna; Yemen 

Generally a fairly common coral, occurring in a range of reef habitats [761.847]. 
26 nominal species; 8 [151] to 9 [761,766b] valid species 

Cyphastrea agassizi (Vaughan 1907) Australia, Cocos (Keeling) Islands [766a]. Japan, Philippines [768], United 
States: Hawaiian Is [751] 

Cyphastrea chalcidicum (Forskal 1775) American Samoa [430], Australia, British Indian Ocean Territory 
[644,672], ?Cocos (Keeling) Islands [674 but see 766a], Fiji [265], India [599], Indonesia [735a,741], Israel 
[674], Japan [869], Madagascar [674], Malaysia: Peninsular [36], Sabah [848], Maldives [605], Marshall 
Islands, Mauritius [242.674], Mozambique [637d,674], New Caledonia [482], Papua New Guinea, Philippines 
[768,868a], Saudi Arabia [674], Seychelles [674], Singapore [617,710], Solomon Islands [513], South Africa 
[637d], Sri Lanka [483], Taiwan [171], Tanzania [470,560], Thailand [674,744], Vietnam [436] 

Cyphastrea decadia Moll & Best 1984 Australia, Indonesia [510,735a], Japan, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, 
Philippines, Vanuatu, Vietnam 

Cyphastrea japonica Yabe & Sugiyama 1936 Australia [792b], Indonesia [735a], Japan, Malaysia; Sabah [848], 
Philippines [768] 

Cyphastrea microphthalma (Lamarck 1816) American Samoa [430], Australia [716], British Indian Ocean 
Territory [644,672], China, Cocos (Keeling) Islands [766a], Fiji [265], French Polynesia [593], India 
[602,659], Indonesia [25,735a,741], Israel [674], Japan, Kuwait [351a], Madagascar [674], Malaysia: 
Peninsular [36], Sabah [848], Maldives [605], Marshall Islands [465], Mauritius [242,674], New Caledonia 
[482], Oman [675], Palau [221], Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768,868a], Réunion [69,242], Saudi Arabia 
[15], Seychelles [674,835], Singapore, Sri Lanka [558], Taiwan [171], Thailand [674,744], Vanuatu [621], 

Cyphastreanodulosa Verrill 1901 Bahamas [786] 

Cyphastrea ocellina (Dana 1848) Australia, Indonesia, Japan, Marshall Islands, Philippines [768], United States: 
Hawaiian Is [751], United States minor outlying islands: Johnston Atoll [467] 

Cyphastrea serailia (Forskal 1775) Australia [758a,792b], China, Cocos (Keeling) Islands [766a], Djibouti [298], 
Fiji [507], French Polynesia [148,593], India [602], Indonesia [735a,741], Israel [674], Japan [739,869], 
Kuwait [35la], Malaysia, Maldives [599,674], Marshall Islands [465], Mauritius [242,674], Mozambique 
[637d,674], New Caledonia [482], New Zealand: Kermadec Is [413,753], Oman [675], Palau [221], Papua 
New Guinea [709], Philippines [540,621,768], Pitcairn Islands, Réunion [69,242], Saudi Arabia [15], 
Seychelles [674,845], Singapore, Sri Lanka [483,599], Taiwan [171], Thailand [674,744], Tuvalu [835], 
Vanuatu, Vietnam [436] 

Cyphastrea tanabensis Yabe & Sugiyama 1936 Philippines [768] = ?C. japonica [766] 

Cyphastreazhongjianensis Zou 1980 China [892] 

Dendrocora Duncan 1876 II B - 
(West Africa) 



Bonito [205] 
1 species [151] 
Dendrocorafissipara Duncan 1876 

Diploastrea Matthai 1914 Il B - 
(Red Sea [661]. Aldabra and Madagascar in the western Indian Ocean, north to Lakshadweep and Andaman and 
Nicobar Islands: south to north-west Australia. South-east Asia. Pacific Ocean, north to southern Japan and 
Micronesia: south to Great Barrier Reef. New Caledonia and Fiji; east to Samoa [761,847]) 

Countries listed without reference numbers are within the distributionrange shown in Veron [761] 

American Samoa [430]; Australia [31]; British Indian Ocean Territory [672.674.832]: Brunei: China [668.894.895]: 
Christmas Island: Comoros: Djibouti [298]; Egypt [661]: Ethiopia; Federated States of Micronesia; Fiji [359]: 
Guam: India [598,602,659]; Indonesia [735a.741]: Japan [765]; Madagascar [587.591]; Malaysia: Peninsular 
[36.604], Sabah [848]: Maldives [605.674]; Marshall Islands [807]; Mauritius; Myanmar; Nauru; New Caledonia 
[850]; New Zealand; Niue; Northern Marianas; Palau [221]: Papua New Guinea [359]: Philippines [768.868a]; 
Réunion; Samoa: Saudi Arabia [15]; Seychelles [606,674,845]: Singapore [617]; Solomon Islands [796]; Sri Lanka; 
Sudan [661]: Taiwan [171]; Thailand [186,744]: Tokelau; Tuvalu [265,835]; Vanuatu [762]; Vietnam; Wallis and 
Futuna; Yemen 

Relatively uncommon, although forms large colonies in a wide range of habitats [761]. 
1 species [151,766b] 
Diploastrea heliopora (Lamarck 1816) 

Diploria Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 II B - 
(Caribbean [608,833], Bermuda) 

Countries listed without reference numbers are within the distributionrange shown in Smith [682] and Wood [847]) 

Anguilla; Antigua and Barbuda; Bahamas [690]; Barbados [448]; Belize [102]; Bermuda [118,191,381]: British 
Virgin Islands [214]; Cape Verde [141]; Cayman Islands [250]; Colombia [235,615]; Costa Rica [158]; Cuba 
[416,889]; Dominica; Dominican Republic; Grenada; Guadeloupe [557]; Haiti [557]; Honduras [250,739]: Jamaica 
[833]; Martinique [70]; Mexico [241,375a]; Montserrat; Netherlands Antilles [653]; Nicaragua; Panama [608]; 
Puerto Rico [10a]; Saint Kitts and Nevis; Saint Lucia [639]; Saint Vincent and the Grenadines; Trinidad and 
Tobago; Turks and Caicos; United States: Florida [381]; Venezuela[14]; Virgin Islands of the United States [640a] 

Diploria is an important reef-building coral, found in a wide range of habitats [682,847]. 
Aproximately 12 nominal species; probably only 3 valid species [151,766b] 

Diploria clivosa (Ellis & Solander 1786) Bahamas [690], Barbados [448], Belize [102], Bermuda, British Virgin 
Islands, Cape Verde [141], Cayman Islands [250], Colombia [235], Cuba [416,889], Haiti [557,776], 
Honduras [250,739], Jamaica [284], Martinique [70], Mexico [241,375a], Netherlands Antilles [653], Panama 
[169], Puerto Rico [10a], Saint Lucia [639], United States [141], Venezuela[14] 

Diploria labyrinthiformis (Linnaeus 1758) Common Brain Coral Bahamas [484], Barbados [448], Belize [102], 
Bermuda [191,418,621,787], British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands [250], Colombia [235], Cuba [416,889], 
Guadeloupe [557], Honduras [250], Jamaica [284], Martinique [70], Mexico [241,375a], Netherlands Antilles 
[653], Puerto Rico [10a], Saint Lucia [639], United States [611], Virgin Islands of the United States [640a] 

Diploria strigosa (Dana 1848) Bahamas [690], Barbados [448], Belize [102], Bermuda [191,418], British Virgin 
Islands, Cayman Islands [250], Colombia [235], Cuba [416,889], Guadeloupe [484], Honduras [250], Jamaica 
[284], Martinique [70], Mexico [74,241,375a], Netherlands Antilles [653], Panama [169], Puerto Rico [10a], 
Saint Lucia [639], United States [611], Venezuela[14], Virgin Islands of the United States [640a] 

Echinopora Lamarck 1816 II B - 

Hedgehog Coral 

(Red Sea [661], East and South Africa [68,329]. Indian Ocean, north to the Gulf of Mannar (southern India) and the 
Andaman and Nicobar Islands; south to Madagascar, Cocos (Keeling) Islands and Ningaloo Reefs (western 



Australia). South-east Asia. Pacific Ocean. north to southern Japan, Northern Marianas. Marshall Islands and 
Phoenix Islands: south to Great Barrier Reef [761]: east to Tuamotu Archipelago) 

Countries listed without reference numbers are within the distributionrange shown in Veron [761] 

American Samoa [430]: Australia [31]: British Indian Ocean Territory [644,674,832]; Brunei: China [668.894.895]: 
Christmas Island; Cocos (Keeling) Islands [763]: Comoros: Cook Islands: Djibouti [298]: Egypt [661]; Ethiopia: 
Federated States of Micronesia: Fiji [776]: French Polynesia [148.244]; Guam; India [598.602]: Indonesia [735a]: 
Israel [458.661]; Japan [739.765]: Jordan [661]; Kenya [329]; Madagascar [587.591]; Malaysia: Peninsular [36]. 
Sabah [848]: Maldives [605,674]; Marshall Islands [465,807]; Mauritius [242.674]: Mozambique [68.845]: 
Myanmar; Nauru; New Caledonia [850]: Niue; Northern Marianas; Oman [675]; Palau [221]; Papua New Guinea: 
Philippines [768]; Pitcairn Islands [572]: Réunion [69a]; Samoa; Saudi Arabia [15]; Seychelles [606,674.845]: 
Singapore [776]: Solomon Islands [796]: Somalia: South Africa [637d]; Sri Lanka [558]: Sudan [661]; Taiwan 
{171}; Tanzania [329]; Thailand [186,744]; Tokelau; Tonga: Tuvalu: Vanuatu [762]; Vietnam [436]; Wallis and 
Futuna; Yemen 

Generally a fairly common coral [847]. However, E. hirsutissima, although widely distributed, is very rare [761]. 
Approximately 30 nominal species, 7-8 [766b] or 10 [151] valid species 

Echinoporaashmorensis Veron 1990 Australia[764], Philippines [764] 

Echinopora forskaliana (Milne Edwards & Haime 1850) 

Echinopora gemmacea (Lamarck 1816) Australia[792b], British Indian Ocean Territory [672,674], Djibouti [298], 
French Polynesia [593], India [599], Indonesia [735a,741], Israel [674], Japan, Madagascar [674], Malaysia: 
Sabah [848], Mauritius [242,674], Mozambique [637d,674], Oman [675], Papua New Guinea, Philippines 
[768], Réunion [69,242], Saudi Arabia [15], Seychelles [674,845], South Africa [637d], Tanzania [470,560], 
Thailand, Vanuatu, Vietnam 

Echinopora hirsutissima Milne Edwards & Haime 1850 Australia, British Indian Ocean Territory [644,672], India 
[674], Indonesia [735a], Japan [739], Malaysia: Sabah [848], Maldives [605], Mozambique [637d], 
Philippines [541,768], Saudi Arabia [674], Seychelles [606], South Africa [637d], Sri Lanka [558,634], 
Tanzania [714a], Vanuatu, Vietnam [436] 

Echinopora horrida Dana 1848 Australia [792b], Fiji [776], India [602], Indonesia [735a,741], Malaysia: 
Peninsular [36], Sabah [848], Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768], Saudi Arabia [674], Singapore [92,710], 
Solomon Islands [513], Thailand [674,744], Vanuatu 

Echinopora lamellosa (Esper 1797) American Samoa [430,786], Australia [558,792b], British Indian Ocean 
Territory [644,672], Cocos (Keeling) Islands [766a], Fiji [776], French Polynesia [593], India [483,602,659], 
Indonesia [735a,741], Israel [674], Japan [869], Kenya [329], Madagascar [674], Malaysia: Peninsular [36], 
Sabah [848], Maldives [605], Marshall Islands [465], Mauritius [242,674], Mozambique [637d,674], New 
Caledonia [482], Oman [675], Palau [221,786], Papua New Guinea [709], Philippines [543,768], Saudi Arabia 
[674], Seychelles [674,845], Singapore [557,617,710,776], Solomon Islands [513], Sri Lanka [558], Taiwan 
{171], Tanzania [329], Thailand [674,701,744], Vanuatu, Vietnam [436] 

Echinopora mammiformis (Nemenzo 1959) Australia, Indonesia [735a], Japan, Malaysia: Sabah [848], Philippines 
[525,768], Saudi Arabia [674], Vanuatu 

Echinopora pacificus Veron 1990 Australia[764], Indonesia [764], Japan [764], Philippines [764], Vanuatu [764] 

Erythrastrea Scheer & Pillai 1983 II B = 
(Red Sea) 

Egypt: Gulf of Aqaba [661]; Israel 
1 [766b]-2 species 

Erythrastrea flabellata Scheer & Pillai 1983 Israel [674] 
Erythrastreawellsi (Ma 1959) 

Favia Oken 1815 I] B - 

Knob Coral 

(Caribbean [608,833] south to Brazil. Eastern Atlantic south to Ascension, east to Gulf of Guinea [148,728]. Red 
Sea [661], Persian Gulf, East and South Africa [68,329]. Indian Ocean, north to Arabian Gulf [95], Gulf of Kutch, 



southern India. Andaman and Nicobar Islands and Mergui Archipelago; south to Madagascar. Cocos (Keeling) 
Islands and south-west tip of Australia. South-east Asia. Pacific Ocean. north to southern Japan and Hawaiian 
Islands: south to Lord Howe Island and Pitcairn Islands [761]: east to Marquesas and Easter Island [761]) 

Countries listed without reference numbers are within the distribution range shown in Smith [682], Veron [761] or 
Wood [847] 

American Samoa [430]: Anguilla; Antigua and Barbuda; Australia [31]; Bahamas [690]; Bahrain [95]; Barbados 
[448]: Belize [102]: Bermuda [381]; Brazil [420]; British Indian Ocean Territory [644,674.832]: British Virgin 
Islands [214]: Brunei: Cape Verde [728]: Cayman Islands [250]; Chile: Easter Island [761]; China [668.894.895]: 
Christmas Island; Cocos (Keeling) Islands [763]: Colombia [235.615]: Comoros; Cook Islands; Costa Rica [158]: 
Cuba [416.889]; Djibouti [298]; Dominica: Dominican Republic: Ecuador; Egypt [661]; Equatorial Guinea: Pagalu 
[141]: Ethiopia: Federated States of Micronesia: Fiji [359]; French Polynesia [148.244]: Grenada: Guadeloupe: 
Guam: Haiti [507]: Honduras [250,739]; India [598,602]: Indonesia [735a]; Iran; Israel [458.661]; Jamaica [833]: 
Japan [765]; Jordan [661]; Kenya [329]; Kiribati [872a]; Kuwait [35la]; Madagascar [587,591]: Malaysia: 
Peninsular [36], Sabah [848]: Maldives [605,674]; Marshall Islands [465,807]; Martinique [70]; Mauritius 
[242.674]: Mexico [241.375a]; Montserrat: Mozambique [68,845]; Myanmar [212]; Nauru; Netherlands Antilles 
[653]; New Caledonia [850]: New Zealand; Nicaragua: Niue; Northern Marianas; Oman [675]; Palau [221]: 
Panama [608]; Papua New Guinea: Philippines [768]; Pitcairn Islands [572]; Portugal: Azores [786]: Puerto Rico 
[10a,746]; Qatar; Réunion [69a]; Saint Kitts and Nevis; Saint Lucia [639]; Saint Vincent and the Grenadines [621]: 
Samoa; Sao Tome and Principe [141]; Saudi Arabia [15]; Seychelles [606,674.845]; Singapore [557]; Solomon 
Islands [796]; Somalia; South A frica [845]; Sri Lanka [558]; Sudan [661]; Taiwan [171]; Tanzania [329]: Thailand 
[186.744]: Tokelau; Tonga [359]; Trinidad and Tobago; Turks and Caicos; Tuvalu [265,835]; United Arab Emirates 
[95,677]; USA: California, Florida [464], Hawaiian Islands [464]; Vanuatu [762]; Virgin Islands of the United 
States [640a]; Venezuela [14]; Vietnam [436]; Wallis and Futuna; Yemen [654] 

Favia forms only small colonies in the Atlantic and is relatively uncommon [847]. In the Indo-Pacific it is an 
important reef-builder, occurring in all reef habitats. Some species are rare (e.g. F. helianthoides and F. maritima), 
but most are common and occur in a wide range of habitats. F. pallida is the most common and widespread species 

Approximately 70 nominal species; 28 [151] to 30+ [766b] valid species. 11 valid species are recorded from 
Australia[761], and | from the Caribbean. 

Favia affinis (Milne Edwards & Haime 1850) Fiji [265], Singapore [557,710], Tanzania [470] 

Favia danai Milne Edwards & Haime 1857 Australia, Indonesia [735a], Japan, Papua New Guinea, Philippines 
[768], Tonga [507], Tuvalu [835] 

Favia favus (Forskal 1775) American Samoa [430], Australia [792b], Brazil [213], British Indian Ocean Territory 
[644,672], China, Djibouti [298], French Polynesia [148,593], India [602,659], Indonesia [735a,841], Israel 
[674], Japan [739], Madagascar [674], Malaysia: Peninsular [36], Sabah [848], Maldives [605], Marshall 
Islands [839], Mauritius [242,674], Mozambique [637d,674], Myanmar [212,483], New Caledonia [482,839], 
Oman [675], Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768], Réunion [69,242], Saudi Arabia [15], Seychelles [674], 
Singapore [359], Solomon Islands [512], South Africa [637d], Sri Lanka [359,558], Taiwan [171], Tanzania 
[359], Thailand [674,744], Tonga [359], Tuvalu [265], Vanuatu, Vietnam [436], Yemen [654] 

Favia fragum (Esper 1795) Golfball Coral, Small Star Coral Bahamas [690,786], Barbados [448], Belize [102], 
Bermuda [191,418,787], British Virgin Islands, Cape Verde [40,141], Cayman Islands [250], Colombia [235], 
Cuba [416,889], Equatorial Guinea [141], Haiti [507], Honduras [250,739], Jamaica [284], Martinique [70], 
Mexico [241,375a], Mozambique [674], Netherlands Antilles [653], Panama [169], Puerto Rico [10a,746], 
Portugal: Azores [755], Saint Lucia [639], Saint Vincent and the Grenadines [614], Sao Tome and Principe 
[141,296], United States [141], Venezuela[14], Virgin Islands of the United States [640a] 

Favia gravida Verrill 1868 Bermuda [141,787], Brazil [213,419,420,779], Cape Verde [141], Mexico [375a], Sao 
Tome and Principe [141,296], Taiwan [87 1a] 

Favia helianthoides Wells 1954 Australia, Indonesia [735a,841], Japan, Marshall Islands, Philippines [541,768], 
Saudi Arabia [674], Thailand [674,744], Vanuatu 

Favia laxa (Klunzinger 1879) American Samoa [430], Australia, Fiji [560], Indonesia [735a,841], Israel [674], 
Japan, Malaysia: Peninsular [36], Mozambique [674], New Caledonia[839], Palau [839], Papua New Guinea, 
Philippines [768], Réunion [242,674], Saudi Arabia [15], Singapore [560], Solomon Islands [513], Taiwan 
{171,87 1a], Tanzania [560], Thailand [674,744], Vietnam [436] 



Favia leptophvlla Verrill 1868 Brazil [419.420.779.787] 

Favia lizardensis Veron. Pichon & Wijsman-Best 1977 Australia. China. Indonesia [735a]. Japan, Papua New 
Guinea. Philippines [768]. Saudi Arabia [674]. Thailand [674.744]. Vanuatu. Vietnam [436] 

Favia lvlei Nemenzo 1984 

Favia maritima (Nemenzo 1971) Australia, Indonesia [735a]. Japan, Papua New Guinea, Philippines [530,768]. 
Taiwan [171], Vanuatu, Vietnam 

Favia matthaii Vaughan 1918 Australia. British Indian Ocean Territory [672.674], Cocos (Keeling) Islands [766a], 
Indonesia [735a,742.84 | ]. Japan [739], Madagascar. Malaysia: Peninsular [36]. Sabah [848], Marshall Islands 
[465]. Mozambique [637d], New Caledonia [839], Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768]. Pitcairn Islands 
[572]. Réunion [69], Saudi Arabia [674], Singapore, South Africa [637d], Thailand [674,744]. Vanuatu. 
Vietnam [436] 

Favia maxima Veron, Pichon & Wijsman-Best 1977 Australia, British Indian Ocean Territory [672.674]. Indonesia 
[735a]. Japan. Papua New Guinea. Philippines [768], Taiwan [171], Thailand [674,744]. Vietnam [436] 

Favia pallida (Dana 1848) American Samoa [430.603], Australia [792b], British Indian Ocean Territory [644.672]. 
China, Cocos (Keeling) Islands [766a], Fiji [839]. French Polynesia [148,593], India [602,659], Indonesia 
[735a,741.841], Israel [674], Japan, Kiribati [463,872a], Kuwait [35la], Madagascar [674], Malaysia: 
Peninsular [36]. Sabah [848], Maldives [605], Marshall Islands [465], Mauritius [242,674], Mozambique 
[637d.674], Myanmar [483], New Caledonia [482.839]. Oman [675], Palau [221], Papua New Guinea. 
Philippines [768], Réunion [69,242]. Saudi Arabia [15], Seychelles [606,845], Singapore, Solomon Islands 
[513]. South Africa [637d], Sri Lanka [558], Taiwan [171,871a], Thailand [701,744], Vanuatu [19a], Vietnam 

Favia rotulosa (Ellis & Solander 1786) Indonesia [735a,841], United States [61 1] 

Favia rotumana (Gardiner 1899) American Samoa [430], Australia, China, Fiji [265], French Polynesia [148,593], 
India [602.659], Indonesia [735a,841], Japan, Kiribati [872a], Malaysia: Peninsular [36], Sabah [848], 
Maldives [674], Marshall Islands [839], Mozambique [637d,674], New Caledonia [839], Palau [221], Papua 
New Guinea, Philippines [768], Pitcairn Islands [572], Réunion [69], Saudi Arabia [674], South A frica [637d], 
Taiwan [171], Thailand [674,744], Vietnam [436] 

Favia rotundata (Veron, Pichon & Wijsman-Best 1977) Australia, Indonesia [735a], Israel [674], Japan, Malaysia: 
Sabah [848], Marshall Islands [465], Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768], Saudi Arabia [674], Taiwan [171]. 
Thailand, Vanuatu, Vietnam [436] 

Favia speciosa (Dana 1848) American Samoa [430], Australia [359,758a,792b], British Indian Ocean Territory 
[644,672], China, ?Cocos (Keeling) Islands [674 but see 766a], Djibouti [298,359], Fiji [359], French 
Polynesia [148,593], India [602,659], Indonesia [25,735a,741,841], Israel [674], Japan [739,869], Kiribati 
[463], Madagascar [839], Malaysia, Maldives [605], Marshall Islands [465], Mauritius [242,674], 
Mozambique [332,637d,674], Myanmar [212,674], New Caledonia [482,839], Oman [675], Palau [221], 
Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768,868a], Réunion [69,242], Saudi Arabia [674], Singapore [617,710,839], 
South Africa [637d], Sri Lanka [359], Taiwan [171], Tanzania [470,7 14a], Thailand [701,744], United States: 
Hawaiian Is [751], Vanuatu [19a], Vietnam [436] 

Favia stelligera (Dana 1848) American Samoa [430], Australia [758a,792b,839], British Indian Ocean Territory 
[644,672], Cocos (Keeling) Islands [766a], Fiji [839], French Polynesia [148.593], India [602,659], Indonesia 
([735a,741,841], Israel [674], Japan [869], Kiribati [463,872a], Madagascar [674], Malaysia: Peninsular [36]. 
Sabah [848], Maldives [605], Marshall Islands [465], Mauritius [242,674], Mozambique [637d,674], New 
Caledonia [839], Palau [221], Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768], Pitcairn Islands [572], Réunion [69,242], 
Saudi Arabia [15], Seychelles [674,845], Singapore, South Africa [637d], Taiwan [171], Thailand [674,744], 
United States: Hawaiian Islands [751,839], Vanuatu [839], Vietnam [436] 

Favia valenciennesii (Milne Edwards & Haime 1848) Australia [839], India [209,602,659], Indonesia 
[621,741,742,839,841], Japan [739,869], Madagascar [839], Maldives [605], Marshall Islands [839], 
Myanmar [212,674], New Caledonia [839], Philippines [839,868a], Seychelles [839], Sri Lanka [839], Taiwan 
[839], Thailand 

Favia veroni Moll & Best 1984 Australia [510], Indonesia [510,735a], Japan, Papua New Guinea, Philippines 
[768], Vanuatu, Vietnam 

Favia wisseli Scheer & Pillai 1983 

Favites Link 1807 II B - 

Larger Star Coral 

(Red Sea [661], Persian Gulf, East and South Africa [68,329]. Indian Ocean, north to Arabian Gulf [95] 
Lakshadweep, Gulf of Kutch (north-west India), southern India, Andaman and Nicobar Islands and Mergui 
Archipelago; south to Madagascar and Cocos-Keeling Islands and south-west tip of Australia. South-east Asia. 



Pacific Ocean. north to southern Japan, Ogasawara-gunto Islands, south to Lord Howe Island [761]: east to 
Tuamotu Archipelago) 

Countries listed without reference numbers are within the distributionrange shown in Veron [761] 

American Samoa [430]; Australia [31]; Bahrain [95,677]; British Indian Ocean Territory [644.674,832]: Brunei: 
China [668.894.895]: Christmas Island: Cocos (Keeling Islands) [806]; Comoros; Cook Islands [485]: Djibouti 
[298]: Egypt [661]; Ethiopia: Federated States of Micronesia: Fiji [265]: French Polynesia [148,244]: Guam: India 
[598.602]: Indonesia [735a]: Iran; Israel [458.661]: Japan [765]: Jordan [661]: Kenya [329]: Kiribati [872a]: Kuwait 
[35]la]; Madagascar [587,591]; Malaysia: Peninsular [36], Sabah [848]; Maldives [605,674]; Marshall Islands 
[465.807]: Mauritius [674]; Mozambique [68,845]; Myanmar [212]; Nauru; New Caledonia [850]; Niue; Northem 
Marianas: Oman [675]; Palau [221]; Papua New Guinea [709]: Philippines [768]: Pitcairn Islands [572]; Qatar: 
Réunion [69a]: Samoa: Saudi Arabia [15]: Seychelles [606.674.845]; Singapore [557]: Solomon Islands [796]: 
Somalia: South Africa [845]; Sri Lanka [558]; Sudan [661]; Taiwan [171]; Tanzania [329]; Thailand [186,744]: 
Tokelau; Tonga; Tuvalu; United Arab Emirates [95,677]; United States: Hawaiian Islands [464]; Vanuatu [762]: 
Vietnam [436]; Wallis and Futuna; Yemen 

Favites is an important reef-builder, but also occurs widely in non-reefal habitats. Most species are common and 
widespread [761,847]. 
Approximately 23 nominal species, c. 15 valid species [151,766b]. 

Favites abdita (Ellis & Solander 1786) Honeycomb Coral American Samoa [430,603], Australia [758a,792b], 
British Indian Ocean Territory [644,672], China, Cocos (Keeling) Islands [766a], Cook Islands [485,604]. Fiji 
[265]. French Polynesia [593], India [602,659], Indonesia [25,735a,741,842], Israel [674], Japan, Kiribati 
[463], Madagascar [674], Malaysia: Peninsular [36,604], Sabah [848], Maldives [605], Mauritius [242,674]. 
Mozambique [637d.674], Myanmar [212,674], New Caledonia [482,839], Oman [675], Palau [221], Papua 
New Guinea [709], Philippines [768,868a], Réunion [69,242], Saudi Arabia [15], Seychelles [674], Singapore 
[557,617,710], South Africa [167,637d], Sri Lanka [558,634], Taiwan [171], Thailand [701,744], Vanuatu 
[19a], Vietnam [436] 

Favites acuticollis (Ortmann 1889) Indonesia[735a,842], Japan [839], New Caledonia [839], Sri Lanka [558,839] 

Favites chinensis (Verrill 1866) American Samoa [430], Australia [839], British Indian Ocean Territory [644.672]. 
China [839], Indonesia [735a,74 1,842], Israel [674], Japan, Kiribati [872a], Malaysia: Peninsular [36], Sabah 
[848], Mozambique [674,845], New Caledonia [839], Oman [675], Palau [839], Papua New Guinea, 
Philippines [768], Saudi Arabia [15], South Africa [637d], Taiwan [171], Vanuatu, Vietnam [436] 

Favites complanata (Hemprich & Ehrenberg 1834) Australia, Djibouti [298], Fiji [265], French Polynesia 
[148,593], India [602], Indonesia [735a], Israel [674], Japan, Malaysia: Sabah [848], , Maldives [674]. 
Mozambique [637d,674], Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768], Réunion [69], Saudi Arabia [15.655], 
Seychelles [674.845], South A frica [637d], Taiwan [171], Vanuatu, Vietnam 

Favites flexuosa (Dana 1848) Australia [792b,839], British Indian Ocean Territory [672,674]. China, Fiji [839], 
French Polynesia [593], India [602], Indonesia [735a,741,842], Israel [674], Japan [739], Malaysia: Sabah 
[848], , Maldives [605], Marshall Islands [465], Mozambique [637d], New Caledonia [839], Palau [839], 
Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768], Réunion [69,69a], Saudi Arabia [15], Seychelles [674,845], Singapore, 
South Africa [637d], Taiwan [171], Thailand [674,744], Vanuatu, Vietnam [436] 

Favites halicora (Hemprich & Ehrenberg 1834) American Samoa [430], Australia [758a], British Indian Ocean 
Territory [644,672], India [602,659], Indonesia [735a,?742], Israel [674], Japan, Madagascar [674], Malaysia: 
Sabah [848], Maldives [605], Marshall Islands [465], Mozambique [637d,674], Myanmar [212,483,], New 
Caledonia [482], Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768], Réunion [69a], Saudi Arabia [674], Singapore, 
Solomon Islands [513], South Africa [167,637d], Sri Lanka [634], Taiwan [171], Tanzania [470], Vanuatu, 
Vietnam = F. abdita [839] 

Favites melicerum (Ehrenberg 1834) British Indian Ocean Territory [644], Cocos (Keeling) Islands [674], India 
[602], Indonesia [735a,842], Kiribati [463], Maldives [605], Myanmar [674], New Caledonia [839], Sri Lanka 
[839], Vanuatu [839] 

Favites pentagona (Esper 1794) Australia, British Indian Ocean Territory [672,674], Cocos (Keeling) Islands 
[766a], Djibouti [298], India [602], Indonesia [735a,74 1,842], Israel [674], Japan [739,869], Kiribati [872a], 
Kuwait [35la], Madagascar [674], Malaysia: Peninsular [36], Sabah [848], Maldives [674], Mauritius 
[242.674], Mozambique [637d,674], Myanmar [483,674], New Caledonia [839], Oman [675], Papua New 
Guinea, Philippines [768], Reunion [69,242], Saudi Arabia [15], Seychelles [674,845], South Africa 
[167,637d], Sri Lanka [558], Taiwan [171], Tanzania [560], Thailand [674,744], Vanuatu [621], Vietnam 



Favites peresi Faure & Pichon 1978 British Indian Ocean Territory [672.674], Israel [674]. Mozambique [637d]. 
Oman [675], Reunion [69.69a]. Saudi Arabia [15]. South Africa [637d] 

Favites polarensis (Yabe & Sugiyama 1936) 

Favites rufa Wijsman-Best 1972 Indonesia[735a.842]. New Caledonia [684.839] 

Favites russelli (Wells 1954) American Samoa [430], Australia. French Polynesia [593], Indonesia [735a]. Japan, 
Malaysia, Marshall Islands, Papua New Guinea, Philippines [541,768], Taiwan [171], Thailand, Vanuatu, 

Favites stvlifera Y abe & Sugiyama 1937 Japan [869] 

Favites virens (Dana 1848) Australia [255.792b]. British Indian Ocean Territory [644], Fiji [483], India [599]. 
Indonesia [735a.74 1,842], Israel [674], Japan [869], Madagascar [674], Maldives [605], Mauritius [242.674], 
Mozambique [674], Myanmar [212], New Caledonia [839], Palau [221], Philippines [483,868a]. Réunion 
[242.674]. Seychelles [606], Tanzania [470,560], United States minor outlying islands: Wake Island [173a] 

Goniastrea Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 Il B - 

(Caribbean. Red Sea [661], Persian Gulf, East and South Africa [68,329]. Indian Ocean north to Lakshadweep, Gulf 
of Kutch (north-west India) and Mergui Archipelago; south to Madagascar and south-west tip of Australia. 
South-east Asia. Pacific Ocean, north to southern Japan and Hawaiian Islands; south to Lord Howe Island [761]: 
east to Line Islands and Tuamotu Archipelago) 

Countries listed without reference numbers are within the distributionrange shown in Veron [761] 

American Samoa [430]; Australia [839]; Bahrain [95,677]; British Indian Ocean Territory [644,674,832]: Brunei; 
China [668.894,895]: Christmas Island [29]; Comoros; Cook Islands [485,604]; Cuba [889]; Djibouti [298]; Egypt 
[661]; Ethiopia; Federated States of Micronesia; Fiji [265]; French Polynesia [148,244]: Guam; India [598.602]: 
Indonesia [735a]; Iran; Israel [458,661]; Japan [765]; Jordan [661]; Kenya [329]; Kiribati [872a]; Kuwait: 
Madagascar [587,591]; Malaysia: Peninsular [36], Sabah [848]; Maldives [605,674]; Marshall Islands [465,807]; 
Mauritius [558]; Mozambique [68,845]; Myanmar [212]; Nauru; Netherlands Antilles [653]; New Caledonia [850]: 
New Zealand: Kermadec Islands [413]; Niue; Northern Marianas; Palau [221]; Papua New Guinea; Philippines 
[768]; Pitcairn Islands [572]; Qatar; Réunion [69a]; Samoa; Saudi Arabia [15]; Seychelles [606,674.845]; Singapore 
[558]; Solomon Islands [796]; Somalia; Sri Lanka [558]; Sudan [661]; Taiwan [171]; Tanzania [329]; Thailand 
[186,744]; Tokelau; Tonga; Tuvalu; United Arab Emirates [95,677]; United States: Hawaiian Islands [464]; United 
States minor outlying islands: Wake Islands; Vanuatu [762]; Vietnam [436];Virgin Islands of the United States 
[776]; Wallis and Futuna; Yemen 

An important reef-builder, but also occurs widely in non-reefal habitats. Most species are common and widespread 

Approximately 34 nominal species; 10 [151] to 12 [766b] valid species 

Goniastrea aspera (Verrill 1866) Australia [839], British Indian Ocean Territory [674], China, Cook Islands [485], 
Indonesia [735a,842], Japan [869], Malaysia: Peninsular [36], Sabah [848], Mauritius [674], Mozambique 
{674], Myanmar [212,674], New Caledonia [839], Palau [221], Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768], 
Réunion [674], Singapore, Taiwan [171], Thailand [701,744], Vanuatu, Vietnam [436] =G. favulus [839] 

Goniastrea australensis (Milne Edwards & Haime 1857) Australia [758a,792b], British Indian Ocean Territory 
[674], Cook Islands [485], French Polynesia [593], Indonesia [735a], Japan [739], Malaysia: Peninsular [36], 
Mauritius [558], Mozambique [637d,674], New Caledonia [839], New Zealand: Kermadec Is [413,753], 
Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768], Pitcairn Islands [572], Saudi Arabia [674], Seychelles [606], Singapore 
[617], South Africa [167], Sri Lanka [558,634], Taiwan [171], Tanzania [560], Thailand [701], Vanuatu, 

Goniastreacolumella Crossland 1948 South Africa [167] 

Goniastrea deformis Veron 1990 Japan [764] 

Goniastrea edwardsi Chevalier 1972 American Samoa [430], Australia, British Indian Ocean Territory [672.674], 
Fiji [265], Indonesia [735a,842], Japan, Kiribati [872a], Malaysia: Peninsular [36], Sabah [848], Marshall 
Islands [465], Mozambique [637d,674], Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768], Saudi Arabia [674], Seychelles 
[674,845], South Africa [637d], Taiwan [171], Thailand [674,744], Vanuatu, Vietnam [436] 

Goniastrea favulus (Dana 1848) Australia, China, Fiji, India, Indonesia, Japan, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, 
Vanuatu, Vietnam 



Goniastrea palauensis (Yabe & Sugiyama 1936) American Samoa [430], Australia. British Indian Ocean Termitory 
[674]. Indonesia [735a]. Malaysia [36], New Caledonia [839]. Palau [221]. Philippines [768], Réunion [69]. 
Seychelles [674]. Singapore. Thailand [674.744]. Viemam 

Goniastrea pectinata (Hemprich & Ehrenberg 1834) American Samoa [430]. Australia [758a,792b.839]. British 
Indian Ocean Territory [644.672]. China [839]. Cook Islands [604]. Djibouti [298]. Fiji (839]. French 
Polynesia [593]. India [602.659]. Indonesia [25.621,735a.741.842].Israel [674]. Japan [869]. Kiribati [872a]. 
Madagascar [674]. Malaysia: Peninsular [36.604]. Sabah [848], Maldives [605]. Marshall Islands [465]. 
Mauritius [242.674]. Mozambique [637d]. New Caledonia [482.838], New Zealand: Kermadec Is ({413]. Palau 
[221]. Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768]. Réunion [69,242], Saudi Arabia [15], Seychelles [606], 
Singapore [617]. Solomon Islands [513]. South Africa [637d], Taiwan [171], Thailand [701,744]. Vanuatu 
[19a]. Vietnam [436] 

Goniastrea retiformis (Lamarck 1816) American Samoa [430]. Australia [359.792b], British Indian Ocean 
Territory [672.674], Christmas Island [29], Djibouti [298], Fiji [265], India [602.659], Indonesia 
[25.735a.741,842]. Israel [674], Japan [869], Kenya [329], Madagascar [674], Malaysia: Peninsular [604], 
Sabah [848], Maldives [605], Marshall Islands [465], Mauritius [242,674], Mozambique [637d.674], 
Myanmar [212.674], New Caledonia [482.839], Palau [221], Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768,868a]. 
Reunion [69.242], Saudi Arabia [15], Seychelles [674.845], Singapore [558], Solomon Islands (513], South 
Africa [637d]. Sri Lanka [558]. Taiwan [171], Tanzania [329], Thailand [674.744], Vanuatu. Vietnam [436] 

Goniastreavaria (Dana 1848) Virgin Islands of the United States [776] 

Leptastrea Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 II B - 

Crust Coral 

(Red Sea [661], Persian Gulf, East and South Africa [68,329]. Indian Ocean, north to Arabian Gulf [95], 
Lakshadweep, Gulf of Kutch (north-west India) and Andaman and Nicobar Islands: south to Madagascar. Cocos 
(Keeling) Islands and Houtman Abrolhos Islands (south-western Australia). South-east Asia. Pacific Ocean. north 
to southern Japan, Midway Islands and Hawaiian Islands; south to Elizabeth and Middleton Reefs (south-east 
Australia); east to Line Islands, Tuamotu Archipelagoand Pitcaim Islands) 

Countries listed without reference numbers are within the distribution range shown in Veron [761] 

American Samoa [430]; Australia [31]; Bahrain [95]; British Indian Ocean Territory [644,674,832]; Brunei: China 
[668.894,895]: Christmas Island; Cocos (Keeling) Islands [763]; Comoros; Cook Islands [485,604]; Djibouti [298]; 
Egypt [661]; Ethiopia; Federated States of Micronesia; Fiji [265]; French Polynesia [148,244]; Guam; India 
[598,602]; Indonesia [735a]; Iran; Israel [458,661]; Japan [765]; Jordan [661]; Kenya [329]; Kiribati [463]; Kuwait 
[351a]; Madagascar [587,591]; Malaysia: Peninsular [36], Sabah [848]; Maldives [605,674]; Marshall Islands 
[465,807]; Mauritius [242,674]; Mozambique [68]; Myanmar [212]; Nauru; New Caledonia [850]: Niue; Northem 
Marianas; Oman [675]; Palau [221]; Papua New Guinea; Philippines [768]; Pitcairn Islands [572]; Qatar; Réunion 
[69a]; Samoa; Saudi Arabia [15]; Seychelles [674,845]: Singapore; Solomon Islands [796]; Somalia; Sri Lanka 
[604]; Sudan [661]; Taiwan [171]; Tanzania [329]; Thailand [186,744]; Tokelau; Tonga; Tuvalu [835]; United 
Arab Emirates [95,677]; United States: Hawaiian Islands [464]; United States minor outlying islands: Johnston 
Atoll [467]; Vanuatu [762]; Vietnam [436]; Wallis and Futuna: Yemen [654] 

Most species, and particularly Z. purpurea, are common and occur in a wide range of reef habitats [761]. 
16 nominal species; 7 [151]to 8 [766b] valid species, of which 5 are reported from Australia[761] 

Leptastrea bewickensis Veron, Pichon & Wijsman-Best 1977 Indonesia [735a] 

Leptastrea bottae (Milne Edwards & Haime 1850) American Samoa [430], Australia, British Indian Ocean 
Territory [644,672], Cocos (Keeling) Islands [766a], Djibouti [298], French Polynesia, India [602], Indonesia 
[735a], Israel [674], Madagascar [674], Malaysia: Sabah [848], Maldives [599], Mauritius [242,674], 
Mozambique [637d,674], Réunion [69,242], Saudi Arabia [15], Seychelles [674], South Africa [167], Tuvalu 
[835], United States: Hawaiian Is [751] 

Leptastrea humilis Duncan 1889 Myanmar [212] 

Leptastrea inaequalis Klunzinger 1879 Australia, Djibouti [298], Indonesia [735a], Japan, Malaysia, Oman [675], 
Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768], Saudi Arabia [674], United States, Vanuatu = L. bottae [674,844] 

Leptastrea pruinosa Crossland 1952 Australia, China, Cocos (Keeling) Islands [766a], Indonesia [735a], Japan 
[739], Malaysia: Sabah [848], Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768], Pitcairn Islands, Singapore, Taiwan 
[171], Thailand [674,744], Vanuatu, Vietnam [436] 


Leptastrea purpurea (Dana 1848) American Samoa [430]. Australia [359,792b], British Indian Ocean Termitory 
[644.672]. China. Cocos (Keeling) Islands [674]. Cook Islands [485]. Fiji [265], French Polynesia [148.593]. 
India [602]. Indonesia [735a.741 ]. Israel [674]. Japan [739.869]. Kiribati [463]. Madagascar [674]. Malaysia: 
Peninsular [36]. Sabah [848]. Maldives [674]. Marshall Islands [465]. Mauritius [242.674]. Mozambique 
[637d.674]. Myanmar [483]. New Caledonia [482]. Oman [675]. Palau [221]. Papua New Guinea. Philippines 
[768]. Pitcairn Islands [572], Réunion [69.242]. Saudi Arabia [15]. Seychelles [674.845], Singapore. South 
Africa [167.637d], Taiwan [171]. Tanzania [470]. Thailand [674,744]. Tuvalu [265]. United States: Hawaiian 
Is [359.751]. United States minor outlying islands: Johnston Atoll [467], Vanuatu, Vietnam [436] 

Leptastrea solidocolumella Latypov 1987 

Leptastrea transversa Klunzinger 1879 Australia [604.792b], British Indian Ocean Territory [672.674], Cocos 
(Keeling) Islands [766a]. Cook Islands [604]. French Polynesia [593], India [602,659], Indonesia [735a]. 
Israel [674], Japan, Kiribati [463], Kuwait [351a], Malaysia: Peninsular [604], Sabah [848], Maldives [605]. 
Marshall Islands [465], Mauritius [242.674], Myanmar [674], Oman [675], Papua New Guinea. Philippines 
[768]. 2Pitcairn Islands [572]. Réunion [69.242], Saudi Arabia [15], Singapore, Sri Lanka [604]. Taiwan 
[171]. Thailand [674,744], Tuvalu [835], Vanuatu, Vietnam [436], Yemen [654] 

Leptoria Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 Il B - 

Brain Coral 

(Red Sea [661], Persian Gulf, East and South A frica [68,329]. Indian Ocean, north to Lakshadweep, Gulf of Mannar 
(southem India), Andaman and Nicobar Islands and Mergui Archipelago; south to Madagascar, Cocos (Keeling) 
Islands and north-west Australia. South-east Asia. Pacific Ocean, north to southern Japan, Ogasawara-gunto Islands 
and Phoenix Islands; south to Great Barrier Reef [761]; east to Tubuai Islands) 

Countries listed without reference numbers are within the distributionrange shown in Veron [761] 

American Samoa [430]; Australia [31]; Bahrain [95]; British Indian Ocean Territory [644.674.8352]: Brunei; China 
[668]; Christmas Island [29]; Cocos (Keeling) Islands [763]; Comoros; Cook Islands [603]; Djibouti: Egypt [661]; 
Ethiopia; Federated States of Micronesia; Fiji [265]; French Polynesia [148,244]; Guam; India [598,602]; Indonesia 
[735a]; Iran; Israel [458,661]; Japan [765]; Jordan [661]; Kenya [329]; Kiribati [463]; Kuwait; Madagascar 
[587,591]; Malaysia: Peninsular [36], Sabah [848]; Maldives [605,674]; Marshall Islands (465.807]; Mauritius 
[242.558]; Mozambique [68,845]; Myanmar [483]; Nauru; New Caledonia [850]; New Zealand: Kermadec Islands 
[753]; Niue; Northern Marianas; Oman [675]; Palau; Papua New Guinea; Philippines [768]; Qatar; Reunion [69]; 
Samoa; Saudi Arabia [15]; Seychelles [674,845]; Singapore [617]; Solomon Islands [796]; Somalia; Sri Lanka 
[558]; Sudan [661]; Taiwan [171]; Tanzania [329]; Thailand [186,744]; Tokelau; Tonga [501]; Tuvalu; United 
Arab Emirates [95,677]; Vanuatu [762]; Vietnam [436]; Wallis and Futuna; Yemen 

An important reef-building coral occurring in a wide range of habitats [691,847]. 
2 species [766b] 

Leptoria irregularis Veron 1990 Australia, Japan [764], Philippines [764] 

Leptoria phrygia (Ellis & Solander 1786) American Samoa [430,603], Australia [792b], British Indian Ocean 
Territory [644,672], Christmas Island [29], Cocos (Keeling) Islands [766a], Cook Islands [603], Fiji [265], 
French Polynesia [148,593], India [602,659], Indonesia [735a,741,842], Israel [674], Japan [869], Kenya 
[329], Kiribati [463], Madagascar [674], Malaysia: Peninsular [36], Sabah [848], Maldives [605], Marshall 
Islands [465], Mauritius [242,558,674], Mozambique [637d,674], Myanmar [483], New Caledonia [839], New 
Zealand: Kermadec Is [753], Oman [675], Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768,868a], Réunion [69,242], 
Saudi Arabia [15], Seychelles [674,845], Singapore [617], Sri Lanka [359,558], Taiwan [171], Tanzania 
[329,470], Thailand [674,744], Tonga [501], Vanuatu, Vietnam [436] 

Manicina Hemprich & Ehrenberg 1834 Il B - 
(Caribbean [608,833]) 

Countries listed without reference numbers are within the distributionrange shown in Smith [682] and Wood [847] 
Anguilla; Antigua and Barbuda; Bahamas [690]; Barbados [448]; Belize [102]; Bermuda [381]; British Virgin 
Islands [214]; Cayman Islands [250]; Colombia [235,615]; Costa Rica [158]; Cuba [416,889]; Dominica; 

Dominican Republic; Grenada; Guadeloupe; Haiti; Honduras [250]; Jamaica [284,833]; Martinique [70]; Mexico 
[241,375a]; Montserrat; Netherlands Antilles [653]; Nicaragua; Panama [608]; Puerto Rico [10a,746]; Saint Kitts 



and Nevis: Saint Lucia: Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Trinidad and Tobago: Turks and Caicos; United States: 
Florida [381.786]: Venezuela [14]: Virgin Islands of the United States [640a.776.786] 

Manicina occurs attached. on reefs. or free-living in muddy or sandy areas [847] 

1 [151,766b]-2 species 

Manicina areolata (Linnaeus 1758) Rose Coral 

Montastraea Blainville 1830 I] B - 

(Western Atlantic. Caribbean [608,833] to Brazil: Bermuda. Eastern Atlantic. Red Sea [661]. Persian Gulf. East 
Africa and South Africa [68.329]. Indian Ocean, north to Arabian Sea, southern India and Mergui Archipelago 
[761]; south to Madagascar and Houtman Abrolhos Islands (south-western Australia). South-east Asia. Pacific 
Ocean. north to southern Japan [739] and Line Islands; south to Lord Howe Island: east to Tuamotu Archipelago 

Countries listed without reference numbers are within the distribution range shown in Smith [682], Veron [761] or 
Wood [847] 

American Samoa [430]: Anguilla: Antigua and Barbuda: Australia [31]; Bahamas [690]: Bahrain [95]: Barbados 
[448]; Belize [102]; Bermuda [191,381]; Brazil [420]; British Indian Ocean Territory [674,832]: British Virgin 
Islands [214]; Brunei; Cayman Islands [250]; China [668]; Christmas Island; Cocos (Keeling) Islands [763]: 
Colombia [235.615]; Comoros; Cook Islands [485]; Costa Rica [158]; Cuba [416,889]; Djibouti [298]: Dominica: 
Dominican Republic; Egypt [661]; Ethiopia; Federated States of Micronesia; Fiji [265]; French Polynesia 
[148,244]: Grenada; Guadeloupe; Guam; Haiti [776]; Honduras [250,739]; India [598.602]; Indonesia [735a]: Iran; 
Israel [661]; Jamaica [833]; Japan [765]; Jordan [661]; Kenya [329]; Kiribati; Kuwait; Madagascar [587,591]; 
Malaysia: Peninsular [36], Sabah [848]; Maldives [674,843]: Marshall Islands [465]: Martinique [70]; Mauritius 
[242.674]; Mexico [241,375a]; Montserrat; Mozambique [68]; Myanmar; Nauru; Netherlands Antilles [653]; New 
Caiedonia [850]; New Zealand: Kermadec Islands [413]; Nicaragua; Niue; Northern Marianas: Palau [221]; Panama 
[608]; Papua New Guinea [843]; Philippines [768]; Pitcairn Islands [572]; Puerto Rico [10a]; Qatar; Réunion [69]: 
Saint Kitts and Nevis; Saint Lucia [639]; Saint Vincent and the Grenadines; Samoa; Sao Tome and Principe [728]; 
Saudi Arabia [15]; Seychelles [674,845]; Singapore; Solomon Islands; Somalia; Sri Lanka [558]; Sudan [661]; 
Taiwan [171]; Tanzania [329]; Thailand [186,744]; Tokelau; Tonga [557]; Trinidad and Tobago; Turks and Caicos; 
Tuvalu; United Arab Emirates [95,677]; United States: Florida [611]; United States minor outlying islands: Wake 
Island [359]; Vanuatu [762]; Venezuela [14]; Virgin Islands of the United States [640a]; Vietnam; Wallis and 
Futuna; Yemen 

In the western Atlantic Montastrea is a common and important reef-buiding coral [833.847]. In the Indo-Pacific 
only M. curta is common; the other species are generally uncommon, although they occur in a range of reef habitats 

Approximately 15 nominal species, 6 [151] to 13 [766b] valid species 

Montastraea annularis (Ellis & Solander 1786) Mountainous Star Coral Bahamas [690,786], Barbados [448], 
Belize [192], Bermuda [191,418,787], British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands [250], Colombia [235], Cuba 
(416,889], Haiti [776], Honduras [250,739], Jamaica [284,380a], Martinique [70], Mexico [74,241,375a], 
Netheriands Antilles [653], Panama [169], Puerto Rico [10a,746], Saint Lucia [639], Sao Tome and Principe 
[296], United States [611,786], Virgin Islands of the United States [640a] 

Montastraea annuligera (Milne Edwards & Haime 1850) Great Star Coral American Samoa [843], Australia 
[843], Cook Islands [485], Djibouti [298], Fiji [265], India [843], Indonesia [735a,843], Japan, Malaysia, 
Maldives [843], Mozambique [674], New Caledonia [843], Papua New Guinea [843], Philippines [768], 
Réunion [69], Saudi Arabia [15], Seychelles [674,845], Sri Lanka [558], Vanuatu, Vietnam 

Montastraea cavernosa (Linnaeus 1767) Cavernous Star Coral Bahamas [690], Barbados [448], Belize [102], 
Bermuda [191,418,787], Brazil [419,420,786], British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands [250], Colombia [235], 
Cuba [416,889], Haiti [776], Honduras [250,739], Jamaica [284,380a], Martinique [70], Mexico 
[74,241,375a], Netherlands Antilles [653], Panama [169], Puerto Rico [10a], United States [611], Venezuela 
[14], Virgin Islands of the United States [640a] 

Montastraea curta (Dana 1848) American Samoa [430], Australia [359,792b,843], British Indian Ocean Territory 
[672,674], China, Cocos (Keeling) Islands [766a], Fiji [173,265], French Polynesia [148,593,843], Indonesia 
[735a,742,843], Japan [739,869], Madagascar [674,843], Malaysia: Sabah [848], Marshall Islands [465], 
Mauritius [242,674], Mozambique [637d], New Caledonia [843], New Zealand: Kermadec Is [359,413,753], 



Palau [221]. Papua New Guinea. Philippines [768]. Pitcairn Islands [572]. Réunion [242.674], Saudi Arabia 
[15]. Singapore. Solomon Islands [497]. Taiwan [171]. Thailand [674.744], Tonga [557]. Tuvalu [265]. 
United States minor outlying islands: Wake I. [359], Vanuatu. Vienam 

Montastraea forskaelana (Milne Edwards & Haime 1850) Jordan [843] 

Montastraea magnistellataChevalier 1972 Australia [843]. Indonesia [735a.843]. Japan, Malaysia. New Caledonia 
[843]. Papua New Guinea. Philippines [768]. Saudi Arabia [674], Seychelles [674.845], Singapore, Thailand 
[674.744]. Vanuatu. Vietnam 

Montastraea multipunctata Hodgson 1985 Japan. Philippines [351.768], Vanuatu 

Montastraea valenciennesii (Milne Edwards & Haime 1849) Australia, British Indian Ocean Territory [672.674], 
Indonesia [735a]. Japan. Madagascar, Malaysia: Peninsular [36]. Sabah [848], Marshall Islands [465], Papua 
New Guinea, Philippines [768], Taiwan [171], Thailand [674,744], Vanuatu, Vietnam 

Moseleya Quelch 1884 II B - 
(Philippines. south to Houtman Abrolhos Islands (south-western Australia) and Great Barrier Reef (eastern 
Australia) [761]) 

Australia [619,758a]:; Malaysia: Philippines; Vietnam 

Usually uncommon and restricted to turbid, shallow water [761]. Sometimes included in the family 

1 [766b] (-2) species 
Moseleya latistellata Quelch 1884 

Oulastrea Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 Ul B - 
(South-east Asia [847], south to northern Australia [31]. Western Pacific Ocean, north to southern Japan, south to 
New Guinea and the Solomon Islands [761]) 

Countries listed without reference numbers are within the distribution range shown in Veron [761] 

Australia; Brunei; China [668]; Federated States of Micronesia; Guam; India [598,602]; Indonesia [735a,741 ]: 
Japan [765,869]; Malaysia: Peninsular [36], Sabah [848]; Myanmar [212]; Palau; Papua New Guinea; Philippines 
[768]; Singapore [617]; Solomon Islands [796]; Thailand [186,744]; Vietnam [436]; Wallis and Futuna; Yemen 

This genus is generally restricted to shallow, often muddy water, in back reef areas [761,847]. Sometimes included 
in the family Siderastreidae[151]. 
3 nominal species; | valid species [766b] 

Oulastrea crispata (Lamarck 1816) 

Oulophyllia Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 Il B - 

(Red Sea [661], Persian Gulf, East and South A frica [68,329]. Indian Ocean, north to Andaman and Nicobar Islands 
and Mergui Archipelago; south to Madagascar and Ningaloo Reefs (north-west Australia). South-east Asia. Pacific 
Ocean, north to southern Japan [739] and Marshall islands; south to Great Barrier Reef and Fiji; east to Phoenix 
Islands and Samoa [761]) 

Countries listed without reference numbers are within the distributionrange shown in Veron [761] 

American Samoa [430]; Australia [31]; Bahrain [95]; British Indian Ocean Territory [644,674,832]; Brunei; 
Christmas Island; Comoros; Djibouti [297,298]; Egypt [661]; Ethiopia; Federated States of Micronesia; Fiji; French 
Polynesia [148,244]; Guam; India [598,602]; Indonesia [735a]; Japan [765]; Kenya; Kiribati; Kuwait; Madagascar 
[587,591]; Malaysia: Peninsular [36], Sabah [848]; Maldives [605,674]; Marshall Islands [465,807]; Mauritius 
[242,674]; Mozambique [68]; Myanmar; Nauru; New Caledonia [850]; Niue; Northern Marianas; Palau [221]; 
Papua New Guinea [631]; Philippines [768]; Qatar; Réunion [69]; Samoa; Saudi Arabia [15]; Seychelles [674,845]; 
Singapore [786]; Solomon Islands [796]; Somalia; South Africa [637d]; Sri Lanka; Sudan [661]; Taiwan [171]; 
Tanzania [470]; Thailand [186,744]; Tokelau; Tuvalu; United Arab Emirates [95,677]; Vanuatu [762]; Vietnam 
[436]; Wallis and Futuna; Yemen 



Occurs in most reef habitats. but generally uncommon. O. crispa is the most widely distributed species [761, 847]. 
Approximately 11 nominal species. at least 3 valid species [151.761.766b] 

Oulophvllia aspera (Quelch 1886) India [659.674]. Indonesia [621.735a.842]. Japan [739], Maldives [674]. 
Mauritius [?242.674]. Mozambique [674] 

Oulophyllia bennettae (Veron, Pichon & Wijsman-Best 1977) Australia, Indonesia [735a], Japan, Malaysia, Papua 
New Guinea, Philippines [768], Thailand [674.744], Vanuatu, Vietnam 

Oulophvilia crispa (Lamarck 1816) American Samoa [430]. Australia [792b], British Indian Ocean Territory 
[644.672]. Djibouti [297.298]. India [602]. Indonesia [621,735a.842]. Japan, Kiribati, Madagascar [674]. 
Malaysia: Peninsular [36], Sabah [848]. Maldives [605], Marshall Islands [465], Mauritius [242.674]. 
Mozambique [637.674]. New Caledonia [839]. Palau [221]. Papua New Guinea [631]. Philippines [768], 
Réunion [69.242]. Saudi Arabia [15], Seychelles [674.845]. Singapore [786]. South Africa [637d]. Sudan, 
Taiwan [171]. Tanzania [470]. Thailand [674,744], Vanuatu. Vietnam [436] 

Parasimplastrea Sheppard 1985 I B = 
(Arabian Sea) 

Oman [675] 

Sometimes placed in the family Oculinidae [675,766b] 
1 species [766b] 

Parasimplastreasimplicitexta (Umbgrove 1939) 

Platygyra Ehrenberg 1834 Il B - 

Brain Coral 

(Red Sea [661], Persian Gulf, East and South Africa [68,329]. Indian Ocean, north to Arabian Gulf [95]. 
Lakshadweep. Gulf of Kutch (north-west India), southern India, Andaman and Nicobar Islands and Mergui 
Archipelago; south to Madagascar and south-western Australia [31]. South-east Asia. Pacific Ocean, north to 
southern Japan [833] and Line Islands; south to Lord Howe Island and Kermadec Islands [761]; east to Tuamotu 
Archipelago [244]) 

Countries listed without reference numbers are within the distribution range shown in Veron [761] 

American Samoa [430]; Australia; Bahrain [95]; British Indian Ocean Territory [644,674,832]; Brunei; China 
[668,894,895]; Christmas Island [484]; Comoros; Cook Islands; Djibouti [298]; Egypt [661]; Ethiopia; Federated 
States of Micronesia [484]; Fiji [359]; French Polynesia [148,244]; Guam; India [598,602]; Indonesia [735a]; Iran; 
Israel [458.661]; Japan [765]; Jordan [661]; Kenya [329]; Kiribati [463,872a]; Kuwait [351a]; Madagascar 
[587,591]; Malaysia: Peninsular [36], Sabah [848]; Maldives [605,674]; Marshall Islands [465,807]; Mauritius 
[242,558]; Mozambique [68,845]; Myanmar [212]; Nauru; New Caledonia [850]; New Zealand: Kermadec Islands; 
Niue; Northern Marianas; Oman [675]; Palau: Papua New Guinea; Philippines [768]; Qatar; Réunion [69a]; Samoa; 
Saudi Arabia [15]; Seychelles [606,674,845]; Singapore [776]; Solomon Islands [796]; Somalia; South Africa 
[637d]; Sri Lanka [558]; Sudan [661]; Taiwan [171]; Tanzania [329]; Thailand [186,744]; Tokelau; Tonga [484]; 
Tuvalu [265]; United Arab Emirates [95,677]; United States minor outlying islands [359]; Vanuatu [762]; Vietnam 
[436]; Wallis and Futuna; Yemen [484] 

P. daedalea is the commonest species, the others are generally less common, although they occur in a wide range of 
reef habitats [761,847]. 
Approximately 26 nominal species; 10 [151] to 12 [766b] valid species. 

Platygyracontorta Veron 1990 Japan [764], Papua New Guinea [764], Philippines [764], Vanuatu [764] 

Platygyra daedalea (Ellis & Solander 1786) American Samoa [430], Australia [484,792b], British Indian Ocean 
Territory [672,674], China, Christmas Island [484], Djibouti [298], Federated States of Micronesia [484], Fiji 
[265], French Polynesia [148,593], India [602], Indonesia [25,735a,74 1,842], Israel [674], Japan [739.869], 
Kiribati [872a], Kuwait [351a], Madagascar [674], Malaysia: Peninsular [36], Sabah [848], Maldives [484], 
Marshall Islands [465], Mauritius [242,674], Mozambique [637d,674], Myanmar [212,483], New Caledonia 
[482,839], Oman [675], Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768], Réunion [69,242], Saudi Arabia [15], 
Seychelles [674,845], Singapore [710,776], South Africa [637d], Sti Lanka [484], Taiwan [171,871a], 



Tanzania [470]. Thailand [674.744]. Tonga [484]. Tuvalu [265], United States minor outlying islands: Wake 
Island [1 73a]. Vanuatu. Vietnam [436] = P. rustica (Dana 1848) [803a] 

Plan:gvra lamellina Hemprich & Ehrenberg 1834 American Samoa [430]. Australia [792b]. British Indian Ocean 
Territory [644.672]. Djibouti [298]. French Polynesia [604]. India [659.674]. Indonesia [735a.741], Israel 
[674]. Japan [869]. Kenya [329]. Kiribati [463], Madagascar [674]. Malaysia: Peninsular [36.604]. Sabah 
[848]. Maldives [605]. Marshall Islands [465], Mauritius [242.558], Mozambique [637d.674], Myanmar 
[212.674], New Caledonia [482.839], Oman [675], Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768.868a], Réunion 
[242.674]. Saudi Arabia [15]. Seychelles [606.845]. Singapore [617]. Solomon Islands [513]. Sri Lanka 
[558.634]. Sudan [484]. Taiwan [171], Tanzania [329,470]. Tuvalu [484], United States minor outlying 
islands: Wake I. [359], Vanuatu, Vietnam [436]. Yemen [484] = P. daedalea (602.661) 

Platygvra pini Chevalier 1975 Australia, China, French Polynesia [593], Indonesia [735a,842], Israel [674], Japan, 
Malaysia: Peninsular [36], Sabah [848], Marshall Islands [465], Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768]. 
Singapore, Taiwan [171], Thailand [674.744], Vanuatu, Vietnam [436] 

Platyevra rvukvuensis Yabe & Sugiyama 1936 Australia, Japan [869], Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768]. 
Vanuatu = P. sinensis [674] 

Platyvgyra sinensis (Milne Edwards & Haime 1849) Australia [792b], British Indian Ocean Territory [672.674]. 
China, India [483.602]. Indonesia [735a,842], Japan, Kiribati [463.872a], Malaysia: Peninsular [36], Sabah 
[848], Marshall Islands [465], Myanmar [483], New Caledonia [839], Oman [675]. Papua New Guinea, 
Philippines [768], Saudi Arabia [15], Singapore [560,710], Taiwan [171], Tanzania [560], Thailand [674,744]. 
Tuvalu [265], Vanuatu, Vietnam [436] 

Platygvra verweyi Wijsman-Best 1976 Australia, Indonesia [735a,842], Japan, Philippines [768], Thailand 

Platygyrayaeyamaensis (Eguchi & Shirai 1977) Japan (23 1b] 

Plesiastrea Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 II B - 

Small Knob Coral 

(Red Sea [661], Persian Gulf, East and South Africa [68,329]. Indian Ocean, north to Arabian Gulf [95], Gulf of 
Kutch and Andaman and Nicobar Islands; south to Madagascar and entire south coast of Australia[761]. South-east 
Asia. Pacific Ocean, north to southern Japan [833] and Line Islands; south to south-east tip of Australia and Lord 
Howe Island [761]; east to Tuamotu Archipelago [244] and Pitcaim Islands) 

Countries listed without reference numbers are within the distributionrange shown in Veron [761] 

American Samoa [430]; Australia[716]; Bahrain [95]; British Indian Ocean Territory [644,674,832]: Brunei; China 
[668,894,895]; Christmas Island; Cocos (Keeling) Islands [763]; Comoros; Cook Islands; Djibouti [754]; Egypt 
[661]; Ethiopia; Federated States of Micronesia; Fiji [265]; French Polynesia [148,244]; Guam; India [598,602]; 
Indonesia [735a]; Iran; Israel [458,661]; Japan [765]; Jordan [661]; Kenya [329]; Kiribati [463]; Kuwait [35 1a]; 
Madagascar [587,591]; Malaysia: Peninsular [186], Sabah [848]; Maldives [605,674]; Marshall Islands [465.807]; 
Mauritius [242,674]; Mozambique [68,845]; Myanmar [483]; Nauru; New Caledonia [850]; New Zealand: 
Kermadec Is [413]; Niue; Northern Marianas; Oman [675]; Palau [221]; Papua New Guinea; Philippines [768]; 
Pitcairn Islands [572]; Qatar; Réunion [69]; Samoa; Saudi Arabia [15]; Seychelles [674,845]; Singapore; Solomon 
Islands [796]; Somalia; South Africa [637d]; Sri Lanka; Sudan [661]; Taiwan [171]; Tanzania [329]; Thailand 
[186,744]; Tokelau; Tonga; Tuvalu [835]; United Arab Emirates [95,677]; Vanuatu [762]; Vietnam; Wallis and 
Futuna; Yemen 

Widely distributed, occurring in a wide range of non-reefal habitats where it may form large colonies. It is less 
conspicuous on tropical reefs, but occurs in most habitats [848]. 
9 nominal species; 2+ valid species [151,766b] 

Plesiastrealilli Wells 1954 Marshall Islands [807] 

Plesiastrea versipora (Lamarck 1816) American Samoa [430,603], Australia [255,716,792b,843], British Indian 
Ocean Territory [644,672], China, Cocos (Keeling) Islands [766a], Djibouti [754], Fiji [265], French Polynesia 
[148,593], India [602,659], Indonesia [735a,742,843], Israel [674], Japan [739], Kiribati [463], Kuwait [35 1a], 
Madagascar [674,843], Malaysia: Sabah [848], Maldives [605], Marshall Islands [465], Mauritius 
[242,674,843], Mozambique [637d,845], Myanmar [483], New Caledonia [482,843], New Zealand: Kermadec 
Is [413], Oman [675], Palau [221], Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768,868a], Pitcairn Islands [572], 
Réunion [69,242,843], Saudi Arabia [15], Seychelles [674], Solomon Islands [513], South Africa [637d], 
Taiwan [171], Thailand [674,744], Tuvalu [835], Vanuatu, Vietnam 



Solenastrea Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 I] B - 
(Caribbean [608.833]) 

Countries listed without reference numbers are within the distribution range shown in Smith [682] and Wood [847] 

Anguilla: Antigua and Barbuda: Barbados: Brazil [420]: British Virgin Islands [214]: Cayman Islands; Colombia 
[235.615]: Costa Rica [158]: Cuba [889]: Dominica: Dominican Republic: Grenada; Guadeloupe: Haiti: Honduras: 
Jamaica [284.833]: Martinique [70]: Mexico [241]: Montserrat; Nicaragua: Panama [608]: Puerto Rico: Saint Kitts 
and Nevis: Saint Lucia: Saint Vincent and the Grenadines; Trinidad and Tobago: Turks and Caicos; USA: Florida 
[381]; Venezuela[14]; Virgin Islands of the United States 

This coral forms small colonies and tends to occur on deeper reefs [847] 
1-2 [766b] to 3 [151] species 

Solenastrea bournoni Milne Edwards & Haime 1850 Martinique [70], Mexico [375a]. Netherlands Antilles [653]. 
Puerto Rico [10a], Venezuela[14] 

Solenastrea hyades (Dana 1848) Lobed Star Coral Mexico [375a] 

Family TRACHY PHYLLIIDAE Verrill 1901 

Trachyphyllia Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 I] B - 

(Red Sea [661], East Africa [68]. Indian Ocean, north to Maldives and Andaman and Nicobar Islands: south to 

Madagascar and Dampier (nortii-west Australia). South-east Asia. Pacific Ocean, north to southern Japan, south to 

Great Barrier Reef and New Caledonia [761]) 

Countries listed without reference numbers are within the distribution range shown in Veron [761] 

Australia [255]; British Indian Ocean Territory [674,832]; Christmas Island; Comoros; Djibouti; Egypt [661]; 

Ethiopia; India [598,602,659]; Indonesia [25.33,735a]; Israel [661]; Japan [765,869]; Jordan [661]; Kenya; 

Madagascar [587,591]; Malaysia: Peninsular [36], Sabah [848]; Maldives [268,674]; Mauritius, Mozambique 

[68,332]; Myanmar [483], New Caledonia [850]; Papua New Guinea [266]; Philippines [621,768]; Réunion; Saudi 

Arabia [15]; Seychelles [674,845]; Singapore [617,776]; Solomon Islands; Sudan [661]; Tanzania [470,560]; 

Thailand [186,744]; Vietnam [436]; Yemen 

A free-living coral, rare on reefs, but may be common in shallow, sandy areas between coral outcrops [847]. 
Probably 6 nominal species; possibly only 1 species [151,766b] 

Trachyphyllia geoffroyi (Audouin 1826) 
Family MEANDRINIIDAE Gray 1847 

Ctenella Matthai 1928 II B - 
(Western Indian Ocean) 

British Indian Ocean Territory [1 16,644,672]; Madagascar; Seychelles: Saya de Malha [484] 
1 [766b]-2 species [151] 

Ctenella chagius Matthai 1928 British Indian Ocean Territory [644,672] 
Ctenellalaxa Matthai 1928 Seychelles: Saya de Malha [484] 

Dendrogyra Ehrenberg 1834 II B - 
(Caribbean [23 1]) 

Countries listed without reference numbers are within the distribution shown in Smith [682] and Wood [847] 



Anguilla: Antigua and Barbuda: Bahamas [381]; Barbados [448]: Belize [102]; British Virgin Islands [214]: 
Cayman Islands [250]: Costa Rica [158]: Cuba [416.889]: Dominica: Dominican Republic: Grenada: Guadeloupe: 
Haiti: Honduras [250]: Jamaica [284.833]: Martinique [70]: Mexico [375a]: Montserrat: Netherlands Antilles [653]: 
Nicaragua: Panama [365]: Puerto Rico [10a]; Saint Kitts and Nevis: Saint Lucia: Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: 
Trinidad and Tobago: Turks and Caicos; United States: Florida [381.611]: Venezuela [14]; Virgin Islands of the 
United States [640a] 

A relatively uncommon coral, but forms large colonies [847]. 
1 species [151,766b] 

Dendrogyracylindrus (Ehrenberg 1834) Pillar Coral 

Dichocoenia Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 II B - 
(Caribbean [608,833], Bermuda [682.847]) 

Countries listed without reference numbers are within the distribution range shown in Smith [682] and Wood [847] 

Anguilla; Antigua and Barbuda: Bahamas [690]: Barbados [448]: Belize [102]; Bermuda [191.381]; British Virgin 
Islands [214]; Cayman Islands [250]; Colombia [235,615]; Costa Rica [158]; Cuba [416,889]; Dominica; 
Dominican Republic; Grenada; Guadeloupe [484]; Haiti; Honduras [250]; Jamaica [833]: Martinique [70]; Mexico 
[241,375a]; Montserrat; Netherlands Antilles [653]; Nicaragua; Panama [608]; Puerto Rico [10a]; Saint Kitts and 
Nevis; Saint Lucia [639]; Saint Vincent and the Grenadines; Trinidad and Tobago; Turks and Caicos; United States: 
Florida [381]; Venezuela [14]; Virgin Islands of the United States [640a] 

Fairly common, especially on deeper reefs [847]. 
2-3 species [151,766b] 

Dichocoenia stellaris Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 Elliptical Star Coral Colombia [235], Netherlands Antilles 
[653], United States = D. stokesii [102,375a] 

Dichocoenia stokesii Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 Bahamas [690], Barbados [448], Belize [102], Bermuda 
[191,418], British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands [250], Colombia [235], Cuba [416,501,889], Guadeloupe 
[484], Honduras [250], Jamaica [284], Martinique [70], Mexico [241,375a], Netherlands Antilles [653], 
Panama [169], Puerto Rico [10a], Saint Lucia [639], United States [611], Venezuela[14], Virgin Islands of the 
United States [640a] 

Meandrina Lamarck 1801 I] B - 
(Western Atlantic, Caribbean [608,833] to Brazil; Bermuda [682,847]) 

Countries listed without reference numbers are within the distributionrange shown in Smith [682] and Wood [847] 

Anguilla; Antigua and Barbuda; Bahamas [381]; Barbados [448]; Belize [102]; Bermuda [381]: Brazil [420]: British 
Virgin Islands [214]; Cayman Islands [250]; Colombia [235,615]; Costa Rica [158]; Cuba [416,889]; Dominica; 
Dominican Republic; Grenada; Guadeloupe; Haiti; Honduras [250]; Jamaica [833]; Martinique [70]; Mexico 
[241,375a]; Montserrat; Netherlands Antilles [653]; Nicaragua; Panama [608]; Puerto Rico [10a,746]; Saint Kitts 
and Nevis; Saint Lucia; Saint Vincent and the Grenadines; Trinidad and Tobago; Turks and Caicos; United States: 
Florida [381]; Virgin Islands of the United States [640a]; Venezuela 

This and some specimens of the Caribbean species are unattached and live on soft substrata around reefs. Attached 
colonies are larger and occur in a variety of habitats [847]. 
At least 2 species [151,766b] 

Meanadrina alveolus (Duncan 1863) 

Meandrina maeandrites (Linnaeus 1758) Bahamas [824], Barbados [448], Belize [102], Bermuda [418], Brazil 
[419,420,501,787], Cayman Islands [250], Colombia [235], Cuba [416,889], Honduras [250], Jamaica [284], 
Martinique [70], Mexico [241,375a], Netherlands Antilles [653], Panama [169], Puerto Rico [10a,746], United 
States, Virgin Islands of the United States [621,640a] 

Meandrina spinulosa (Dana 1848) 



Family ANTHEMIPHYLLIIDAE Vaughan 1907 

Anthemiphyllia Pourtales 1878 II B = 
(West Indies, Japan [231]. Pacific Ocean [761]. 122-534 m [126a]) 

Australia [123]: Cuba [151.613]; India [599]: Indonesia [123]: Japan [123]: Malaysia: Sabah [126a]; Maldives 
[123]; Philippines [123]: Seychelles: Saya de Malha Bank [125]; United States: Hawaiian Islands [107.848] 

Solitary: free living. Deep water. approximately 50-700 m [848]. 
4 species recognized by Caims [123] 

Anthemiphyllia dentata (Alcock 1902) Australia [125], India [599]. Indonesia [33.684], Japan [125]. Malaysia: 
Sabah [126a]. Maldives [125], Myanmar [5], New Zealand: Kermadec Is. [126a], Philippines [126a], 
Seychelles: Saya de Malha Bank [125]. United States: Hawaiian Islands [107] 

Anthemiphylliafrustum Caims 1994 Indonesia[126a], Japan [126a] 

Anthemiphylliapacifica Vaughan 1907 United States: Hawaiian Islands [107,751] 

Anthemiphylliapatera Pourtalés 1878 Cuba [613] 

Bathytrochus Gravier 1915 II B - 
(North Atlantic) 

1 species [151] 

Bathytrochus hexagonus Gravier 1915 


The family is sometimes separated into the families Caryophylliidae, Desmophyllidae, Parasmilidae, Turbinoliidae 
and Eusmilidae [151]. but these are maintained as subfamilies by other (recent) authorities [e.g. 25,761,881]. The 
majority of genera in this family are non-reefal, ahermatypic, solitary corals, often from deep water. They may be 
attached or free-living. In most cases their distribution and the status of populations is poorly known (relying on 
dredge samples). 

Alatotrochus Caims 1994 II B - 
(West Pacific. 136-460 m [126a]) 

Indonesia [520]; Japan [123]; Philippines [126a] 
1 species 
Alatotrochus rubescens (Moseley 1876) 

Anomocora Studer 1878 II B - 
(Wester Atlantic; Red Sea; 55-540 m [118]) 

Barbados [448]; Costa Rica [118]; Cuba [613]; Dominica [614]; Ecuador: Galapagos Islands [118]; Grenada [614]; 
Guadeloupe [614]; Indonesia: Sumatra [473]; Japan [123]; Martinique [614]; Mexico [375a]; Montserrat [614]; 
Saint Vincent [614]; United States [611]: incl. Hawaiian Islands [118] 

2 species recognized by Cairns [118] 
Anomocoracarinaia Cairns 1991 Costa Rica: Cocos I. [118] 
Anomocora fecunda (Pourtalés 1871) Barbados [614], Cuba [613], Dominica [614], Grenada [614], Guadeloupe 

[614], Martinique [614], Mexico [375a], Montserrat [614], Saint Vincent and the Grenadines [614], United 
States [611] 



Asterosmilia Duncan 1868 Il B - 
(Atlantic [185]. Indian Ocean. Approximately 32-311 m [126a]) 

Barbados [614]: Cape Verde [141]: Gabon [123]: Grenada [614]: Japan: Maldives [123]: Mexico [375a]:; Morocco 
[125]: Mozambique [123]: Portugal: Madeira [208]: South Africa; Tanzania [123]: United States: Florida [151.611]. 
Gulf of Mexico [125a] 

2-3 species [151] 

Asterosmilia marchadi (Chevalier 1966) Cape Verde [141], Gabon [125], Indonesia [126a], Maldives [125]. 
Morocco [125], Mozambique [125], Philippines [126a], Senegal [126a], South Africa [125], Tanzania [125]. 
United States [125,125a] 

Asterosmilia prolifera (Pourtalés 1871) Barbados [614], Grenada [614], Mexico [375a]. Portugal: Madeira [208]. 
United States [611] 

Aulocyathus Marenzeller 1904 II B - 
(Worldwide. including Antarctica[103,761,881]. Approximately 84-1,300 m depth) 

Australia [123]; Japan [123,853]; Madagascar [123]; Malaysia: Sabah [126a]; Tanzania [123] 
4 species [151]; 1 species has been recorded from the north-east Atlantic [881]; 1 species from Australia 

Aulocyathus atlanticus Zibrowius 1980 

Aulocyathus juvenescens Marenzeller 1904 Tanzania[125] 

Aulocyathus matricidus (Kent 1871) Japan [123,399,853] 

Aulocyathus recidivus (Dennant 1906) Australia [125], Indonesia [126a], Japan [126a], Madagascar [125], 
Malaysia: Sabah [126a], New Zealand [126a] 

Australocyathus Caims & Parker 1992 II B - 
Australia [126] 

1 species 
Australocyathus vincentinus (Dennant 1906) 

Bourneotrochus Wells 1984 II B - 
(Pacific. 263-340 m [126a]) 

Australia [126a,828]; Cook Islands [126a]; Indonesia [126a]; New Zealand [126a]; Tuvalu [126a]; United States: 
Hawaiian Islands [107] 

1 species 
Bourneotrochus stellulatus (Cairns 1984) 

Caryophyllia Lamarck 1801 II B - 
(Cosmopolitan, including Antarctica [28]. 0-3,200 m) 

Aleutian Islands [123]; Algeria [190]; Antarctica: Palmer Archipelago [274]; Argentina[520]; Australia [141,183]; 
Barbados [448,612]; Belgium [123a]; Bermuda [520]; British Indian Ocean Territory [672]; Canada [123]; Cape 
Verde [141]; Cayman Islands [250]; Cook Islands [485]; Costa Rica: Cocos Island [119]; Croatia [880c]; Cuba 
[889]; Dominica [614]; Ecuador: Galapagos Islands [118,827]; Falkland Islands [693]; Fiji [126a]; France [32b]; 
French Polynesia [123,554]; French Southern and Antarctic Territories: Amsterdam, St Paul [123]; Ghana [141]; 
Greece [190,744a]; Grenada [614]; Guadeloupe [614]; India: Lakshadweep [123]; Indonesia [123,520]; Ireland 
[141]; Italy [190]; Japan [123,853]; Kenya [123]; Republic of Korea [123]; Liberia [141]; Madagascar [123]; 
Maldives [123]; Malta [709]; Marshall Islands [807]; Martinique [614]; Mauritius [373]; Mexico [375a]; Montserrat 
[614]; Morocco [123]; Mozambique [123]; New Zealand [141]; Norway [880c]; Panama [123]; Papua New Guinea 
[520]; Philippines [123]; Portugal: Azores [141], Madeira [208]; Puerto Rico [746]; Russian Federation [123]; Saint 


Helena: Ascension I [520]: Saint Vincent [614]: Senegal [141]: Seychelles: Saya de Malha Bank [125]: Solomon 
Islands [513]: South Africa [141]: Spain: Canary Islands [880c]: Taiwan [123]: Tanzania [123]: Tonga [126a]: 
Turkey [880c]: Tuvalu [835]; United Kingdom [202]: United States: Alaska. California [123]. Gulf of Mexico 
[613]. Hawaiian Islands [107.123]: Virgin Islands of the United States [520] 

53 species were recognized by Cairns [118]: there are 2 additional species in the subgenus Acanthocvathus and 3 
species were added when Premocyathus was subsumed [123]: 2 new species were described by Zibrowius and Gili 

Caryophylliaabyssorum Duncan 1873 

Caryophylliaalaskensis Vaughan 1941 Canada [123]. Republic of Korea [123]. United States [123] 

Caryophylliaalberti Zibrowius 1980 

Caryophvllia ambrosia Alcock 1898 Bermuda [520], Canada [520]. India [6,684], Indonesia [126a]. Japan [126a]. 
Madagascar [125], Maldives [125], Mexico [375a]. New Zealand [126a], Philippines [126a]. Portugal: Azores 
[520], Seychelles: Saya de Malha Bank [125], South Africa [520], Tanzania [125], United States [520] 

Caryophylliaantarctica Marenzeller 1904 

Caryophyllia antillarum Pourtalés 1874 Barbados [612], Cuba [614], Grenada [614], Guadeloupe [614]. 
Montserrat [614]. United States [613] 

Carvophylliaarnoldi Vaughan 1900 Canada [123]. United States [123] 

Caryophyllia atlantica (Duncan 1873) Indonesia [684], Saint Helena: Ascension | [520], United States: Hawaiian 
Islands [107,751] 

Carvophyllia balaenacea Zibrowius & Gili 1990 

Caryophylliabarbadensis Cairs 1979 United States: Gulf of Mexico [125a] 

Caryophyllia berteriana Duchassaing 1850 Barbados [612], Cuba [609], Dominica [614], Grenada [614], 
Guadeloupe [614], Martinique [614], Mexico [375a], Montserrat [614], Puerto Rico [746]. Saint Vincent and 
the Grenadines [614], United States [611,613] 

Caryophyllia calveri Duncan 1873 Croatia [880c], France [880c], Greece [744a], Morocco [880c]. Portugal: 
Azores [880c] 

Carvophylliacapensis Gardiner 1904 Falkland Islands [693] 

Caryophylliacornuformis Pourtalés 1868 Barbados [614], Cuba [611], Mexico [375a], United States [610,613] 

Caryophylliacornulum Caims & Zibrowius 1997 Indonesia[126a], Japan [126a] 

Caryophylliacorrugata Caims 1979 

Caryophylliacrosnieri Cairns & Zibrowius 1997 Indonesia[126a], Madagascar [125], New Caledonia[126a], New 
Zealand: Kermadec Ridge [126a] 

Caryophyllia cyathus (Ellis & Solander 1786) Algeria [190], Antarctica: Palmer Archipelago [274], France [423], 
Greece [190], Italy [190], Portugal: Madeira [208] 

Caryophylliadentata (Moseley 1881) Fiji [126a,520], Indonesia [126a] 

Caryophyllia diomedeae Marenzeller 1904 Australia [126a], Costa Rica: Cocos I. [118], Ecuador: Galapagos 
Islands [118,827], Indonesia [126a], Panama [118,219], Philippines [126a] 

Caryophylliaeltaninae Caims 1982 

Caryophylliaephyala Alcock 1891 Japan [853] 

Caryophylliaepithecata Duncan 1873 Papua New Guinea [520], Tuvalu [835] 

Caryophylliaforesti Zibrowius 1980 

Caryophyllia grandis Gardiner & Waugh 1938 Indonesia [126a], Malaysia: Sabah [126a], Maldives [125], 
Mozambique [125], South Africa [125] 

Caryophyllia grayi (Milne Edwards & Haime 1848) India [5,373,602], Indonesia [126a], Japan [126a], Myanmar 
[123], Philippines [126a], South Africa [126a] 

Caryophyllia hawaiiensis Vaughan 1907 Indonesia [126a], New Zealand: Kermadec Ridge [126a], Philippines 
[126a], United States: Hawatian Islands [107,751] 

Caryophylliahorologium Caims 1977 

Caryophyllia inornata (Duncan 1878) France [32b], Greece [744a], Italy [190], Portugal: Azores [880c], Spain: 
Canary Is [880c] 

Caryophylliajaponica Marenzeller 1888 Japan [123], Republic of Korea [123], Russian Federation [123] 

Caryophylliajogashimaensis Eguchi 1968 Japan [123] 

Caryophylliakarubarica Caims & Zibrowius 1997 Indonesia[126a] 

Caryophyllia lamellifera Moseley 1881 Australia [126a], Indonesia [126a], New Zealand: Kermadec Ridge 
{126a,520], Philippines [126a] 


Carvophyllia mabahithi Gardiner & Waugh 1938 ?Antarctica: Palmer Archipelago [274, but see 693]. Maldives 

Carvophylliamarmorea Cairns 1984 United States: Hawaiian Islands [107] 

Carvophyllia octonaria Caims & Zibrowius 1997 Philippines [126a] 

Carvophylliaoctopali Vaughan 1907 United States: Hawaiian Islands [107.751] 

Caryophylliaparadoxus Alcock 1898 India [684] 

Caryophylliaparvula Caims 1979 Mexico [375a] 

Carvophylliapaucipalata Moseley 1881 Virgin Islands of the United States [520] 

Carvophyllia pauciseptata Y abe & Eguchi 1932 

Carvophylliaperculta Cairns 1991 Costa Rica: Cocos I. [118], Ecuador [118], Panama [118] 

Caryophylliaplanilamellata Dennant 1906 Australia[183] 

Caryophylliapolygona Pourtalés 1878 Mexico [375a], United States [613] 

Caryophyllia profunda Moseley 1881 French Southern Territories: Amsterdam, St Paul [125], Madagascar [125]. 
New Zealand [693,699], Saint Helena: Ascension! [520] 

Caryophylliaquadragenaria Alcock 1902 Indonesia [684], Japan [126a], New Zealand [126a] 

Caryophylliaralphae Cairms 1995 

Caryophyllia rugosa Moseley 1881 Indonesia [125.520], Japan [125], Kenya [125], Maldives [125], Marshall 
Islands [125], Mozambique [125], New Zealand: Kermadec Is [126a], Philippines [125,520], South Africa 
[125], Taiwan [123], United States: Hawaiian Islands [107] 

Caryophylliascillaemorpha Alcock 1894 India [6] = C. ambrosia [123] 

Caryophyllia scobinosa Alcock 1902 Australia [126a], Indonesia [684], Madagascar [125], Philippines [126a]. 
Samoa [126a], Tanzania [125], Tonga [126a] 

Caryophylliasecta Cairns & Zibrowius 1997 Indonesia[126a], Philippines [126a] 

Caryophylliaseguenzae Duncan 1873 

Caryophylliasewelli Gardiner & Waugh 1938 

Caryophyllia smithii Stokes & Broderip 1828 Devonshire Cup Coral Argentina [520], Australia [141], Barbados 
[448], Cape Verde [141], Cuba [611,889], France [32b,423], Ghana [141], Greece [744a], India [373,602], 
Indonesia [520], Ireland [141,703], Isle of Man [87a], Italy [190], Liberia [141], Maldives [599], Malta [709]. 
Mauritius [373], New Zealand [141], Norway [880c], Portugal: Azores [141], Madeira [208], Senegal [141], 
Turkey [880c], United Kingdom [202,364a], United States [61 1] 

Caryophylliasolida Caims 1991 Ecuador [118] 

Caryophyllia spinicarens (Moseley 1881) China [126a], Indonesia [126a], Philippines [126a,520] 

Caryophylliaspinigera (Kent 1871) Indonesia[126a], Japan [126a,399], Philippines [126a] 

Caryophylliasquiresi Cairns 1982 

Caryophylliatransversalis Moseley 1881 Indonesia[126a] 

Caryophylliaunicristata Caims & Zibrowius 1997 Indonesia[126a] 

Caryophylliavaldiviae Zibrowius & Gili 1990 

CaryophylliazanzibarensisZou 1984 Tanzania[125] 

Caryophylliazopyros Caims 1979 

Catalaphyllia Wells 1972 Il B - 

(Seychelles, east to Dampier (north-west Australia). South-east Asia. Pacific Ocean, north to Japan [231], east to 
Solomon Islands and Vanuatu; south to Great Barrier Reef and New Caledonia [761]) 

Australia; Christmas Island; Federated States of Micronesia; Indonesia [735a]; Japan [229,765]; Malaysia: Sabah 
[848]; Maldives [674]; Myanmar; New Caledonia [850]; Papua New Guinea; Philippines [768]; Samoa; Seychelles 
[674,845]; Solomon Islands [796]; Thailand [186,744] 

Uncommon and occurs only in turbid water habitats. 
1 [766b] to 2 [151] to 4 species 

Catalaphyllia jardinei (Kent 1893) Australia, Indonesia [735a], Japan, Malaysia, Maldives [674], Papua New 
Guinea, Philippines [768], Seychelles [674,845] 

Catalaphyllia okinawensis Eguchi & Shirai 1977 

Catalaphylliaplicata (Milne Edwards & Haime 1848) Australia[792b], New Caledonia[819], Philippines [819] 

Catalaphylliasabiuraensis (Eguchi 1973) Japan [229] 

Ceratotrochus Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 Il B - 
(Mediterranean[135,881]; Indo-Pacific. Approximately 7-400 m depth) 



France [874]: Indonesia [735a]: Japan [853]: Mexico [219.375a]; South Africa [68]; United States: Gulf of 
California. Hawaiian Islands [107] 

3 [116] to 6 [151] species 

Ceratotrochus franciscana Durham & Bamard 1952 Mexico [219.375a] 

Ceratotrochuslaxus Vaughan 1907 United States: Hawaiian Islands [107.751] 

Ceratotrochus magnaghii Cecchini 1914 France [874] 

Coenocyathus Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 I B - 
(Mediterranean, North Atlantic [881]: California. Japan. Approximately 100-300 m depth) 

Algeria [190]; Bermuda [123]: Cape Verde [141]; France [425]; Italy [190]: Japan [151]; Mexico [123,375a]. 
Senegal [141]; United States: California[123] 

6 [151]-8 species; 2 are reported from the north-east Atlantic [881] 

Coenocyathus anthophyllites Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 Algeria [190], Cape Verde [141], France [423], Italy 
[190], Senegal [141] 

Coenocyathus bowersi Vaughan 1906 Mexico [123,375a,750], United States [123] 

Coenocyathus brooki Caims 1995 

Coenocyathus cylindricus Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 France [423], Italy [190], Senegal [141] 

Coenocyathus goreaui Wells 1972 Bermuda [123,821] 

Coenosmilia Pourtalés 1874 II B - 
(Pacific Ocean. 109-622 m depth) 

Barbados [448,612]:Japan[123]; Mexico [375a]; Philippines [126a]; United States: Hawaiian Islands [107] 
1 [151] to 2 species 

Coenosmiliaarbuscula Pourtales 1874 Barbados [448,612], Japan [126a], Mexico [375a], Philippines [126a] 
Coenosmilia inordinata Caims 1984 United States: Hawaiian Islands [107] 

Concentrotheca Cairns 1979 II B - 
(Atlantic; east Pacific. 183-800 m [101]) 

Ecuador: Galapagos Islands [118]; Mexico [375a]; Portugal: Azores; United States: Florida [61 1] 
2 species recognized by Cairns [118] 

Concentrothecalaevigata (Pourtalés 1871) Mexico [37S5a], United States [611] 
Concentrothecavaughani Caims 1991 Ecuador [118] 

Confluphyllia Caims & Zibrowius 1997 II B - 
(Western Pacific. 266-385 m [126a]) 

Indonesia [126a]; Philippines [126a] 
] species 
Confluphyllia juncta Caims & Zibrowius 1997 

Conocyathus d'Orbigny 1849 Il B - 
(Persian Gulf; Indo-Pacific [761]. 125 m [126a]) 

Australia [761]; Indonesia [126a]; New Zealand [151] 



2-3 species [151] 
Conocvathus zelandiae Duncan 1876 Australia[126a.255]. Indonesia [126a],?New Zealand [126a.205,?699] 

Conotrochus Seguenza 1864 Il B - 
(Indo-Pacific to Hawaiian Islands [464]. 97-1,089 m [126a]) 

Australia [123]; Indonesia [123.520]: Japan [123,853]: Madagascar [125]: Malaysia: Sabah [126a]: Maldives [123]: 
New Zealand [126a]; Philippines [126a]: United States: Hawaiian Islands [107,123] 

2 to 7 [151] species 

Conotrochus brunneus (Moseley 1881) Australia [126a], Indonesia [520,684], Madagascar [125]. Maldives [125]. 
New Zealand [126a], Philippines [126a] 

Conotrochus funicolumna (Alcock 1902) Australia [126a], Indonesia [126a], Japan [126a], Malaysia: Sabah 
[126a], Philippines [126a]. United States: Hawaiian islands [107] 

Crispatotrochus Tenison-Woods 1878 I B - 
(Indo-Pacific [761]. Western Atlantic [101]. 104-1,097 m depth) 

Australia [766]; Barbados [448]; Christmas Island [123]; Ecuador: Galapagos Islands [118]; French Polynesia 
[148]: Indonesia [735a]; Japan [123,853]; Republic of Korea [123]; Malaysia: Sabah [126a]; ?Mexico [375a]: New 
Zealand: Kermadec Islands [126a]; Philippines [123]; United States: Aleutian Islands [123], Hawaiian Islands 

10 species recognized by Cairns [118] and 11 by Chevalier (1987) [151] 

Crispatotrochuscornu (Moseley 1881) ?Mexico[375a] 

Crispatotrochuscurvatus Caims 1995 

Crispatotrochus foxi (Durham & Barnard 1952) United States [123,219] 

Crispatotrochus galapagensis Caims 1991 Ecuador [118] 

Crispatotrochus inornatus Tenison-Woods 1878 Australia[716] 

Crispatotrochus irregularis (Cais 1982) 

Crispatotrochusniinoi (Yabe & Eguchi 1942) Japan [123], Republic of Korea [123] 

Crispatotrochus rubescens (Moseley 1881) Christmas Island [123], Indonesia [520,684], Japan [126a], Philippines 
[126a], United States: Hawaiian Islands [107,751] 

Crispatotrochus rugosus Caims 1995 Australia [126a], Indonesia [126a], Malaysia: Sabah [126a], New Zealand: 
Kermadec Is [126a], ?Philippines [126a] 

Crispatotrochussquiresi (Caims 1979) 

Crispatotrochus woodsi (Wells 1964) 

Cryptotrochus Caims 1988 II B - 
(Western Atlantic, western Pacific. 585 m [126a]) 
Indonesia [115]; United States [115] 

2 species recognized by Cairns [115] 

Cryptotrochus carolinensis Cairns 1988 United States [115] 
Cryptotrochusjavanus Caims 1988 Indonesia[115] 

Cyathotrochus Bourne 1905 Il B - 
(Indian Ocean, West Pacific. 143-522 m [126a]) 

Australia [118]; China [116]; Indonesia [126a]; Japan [116]; Philippines [116]; Sri Lanka [72]; ?Tanzania [116] 
3 species [126a] 

Cyathotrochus herdmani Bourne 1905 Sri Lanka [72] 



Cyathotrochus nascornatus (Gardiner & Waugh 1938) 
Cyathotrochuspileus (Alcock 1902) Australia[118]. China [1 16]. Indonesia [126a], Japan [116]. Philippines [116]. 
?Tanzania [116] 

Dactytotrochus Wells 1954 Il B - 
(Red Sea. Indo-Pacific [661]. 84-205 m [126a]) 

Indonesia [126a]: Marsha\i Islands [151.807]; New Caledonia [126a.266]: Philippines [151] 
1 species [151] 
Dactylotrochuscervicornis (Moseley 1881) 

Dasmosmilia Pourtales 1880 II B - 
(Atlantic Ocean; West Africa; Red Sea: possibly Pacific Ocean. Approximately 70-500 m depth) 

Brazil [123.612]; Cape Verde [141]; Grenada [614]; Japan [123,853]; Madagascar [123]; Portugal: Azores 
[123,125]; United States [123.611]: Venezuela [123] 

3 species [151]; 2 are reported from the Red Sea and 2 from the north-east Atlantic [881]. Parasmilia is probably 
synonymous [881] 

Dasmosmilialymani (Pourtalés 1871) Grenada[151], United States [611] 

Dasmosmiliapacifica (Yabe & Eguchi 1932) Japan [123,853] 

Dasmosmiliavalida Marenzeller 1907 

Dasmosmilia variegata (Pourtalés 1871) Brazil [125], Cape Verde [125], Grenada [614], Madagascar [125], 
Portugal: Azores [125], United States [125,611], Venezuela[125] 

Deltocyathoides Yabe & Eguchi 1932 II B - 
(Caribbean; Pacific. 44-635 m [126a]) 

Cuba [613]; Grenada [614]; Indonesia [684]; Japan [126a,853]; Mexico [375a]; New Zealand [693,699]; 
Philippines [126a]; United States [611]: including Hawaiian Islands [107] 

1 [151] to 2 species 

Deltocyathoides orientalis (Duncan 1876) Indonesia [684], Japan [126a,205,853], New Zealand [693,699], 
Philippines [126a], United States: Hawaiian Islands [107] 
Deltocyathoidesstimpsonii (Pourtales 1871) Cuba [613], Grenada [614], Mexico [37Sa], United States [611] 

Deltocyathus Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 II B - 
(Cosmopolitan, including Antarctica [101]. Approximately 80-2,300 m depth) 

Australia [123]; Bahamas [614]; Barbados [612,614]; Bermuda [520]; Brazil [520]; British Virgin Islands [614]; 
Cuba [609]; Dominica [614]; Grenada [614]; Guadeloupe [614]; India [602]; Indonesia [123,126a]; Japan 
[123,853]; Malaysia: Sabah [126a]; Maldives [605]; Marshall Islands [807]; Martinique [614]; Mexico [375a,612]; 
Montserrat [614]; Mozambique [123]; Netherlands Antilles; New Caledonia [266]; New Zealand: Kermadec Islands 
[126a]; Philippines [123]; Portugal: Azores [520]; Puerto Rico [746]; Saint Kitts and Nevis [614]; Saint Lucia- 
[614]; Saint Vincent [614]; South Africa [123]; Sri Lanka [123]; Tanzania [123]; United States [611]: incl. 
Hawaiian Islands [126a]; Virgin Islands of the United States [520] 

About 15 species [151]; 6 species recorded from Curag¢ao [101]; 3 from north-east Atlantic [881]; 3 from Australia 

Deltocyathus agassizii Pourtalés 1867 Barbados [612], Cuba [609,613], Mexico [612], United States [611,613] 

Deltocyathus andamanicus Alcock 1898 India [373,602], Indonesia [126a], Maldives [125], Philippines [126a], 
Tanzania [125], United States: Hawaiian Is [126a,751] 

Deltocyathuscalcar Pourtalés 1874 Barbados [612], Mexico [375a] 



Deltocyathus conicus Zibrowius 1980 

Deltocvathus eccentricus Caims 1979 Mexico [375a] 

Deltocvathus italicus (Michelotti 1838) Australia [716]. Bahamas [614]. Barbados [614], Bermuda [520]. Bra-" 
[520]. British Virgin Islands [614]. Cuba [614]. Dominica [614]. Grenada [614]. Guadeloupe [614]. !- --->!4 
[520]. Martinique [614]. Mexico [375a]. Montserrat [614]. Puerto Rico [746]. Portugal [5201 S72 SItS and 
Nevis [614], Saint Lucia [614]. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines [614], Virgin Islands .-- «re United States 

Deltocyathus magnificus Moseley 1876 Australia [126a], Indonesia [126a $26}, Japan [126a], Malaysia: Sabah 
[126a]. Philippines [126a] 

Deltocyathus moselevi Caims 1979 

Deltocyathus murrayi Gardiner & Waugh 1938 

Deltocyathus nascornatus (Gardiner & Waugh 193*) 

Deltocyathus ornatus Gardiner 1899 New Ca! «2112 [266] 

Deltocyathus philippinensis Cais & Zi »-w'us 1997 Philippines[126a] 

Deltocyathus pourtalesi Cairns 197° 

Deltocyathus rotulus (Alcock *#&°0) Indonesia [684]. Japan [126a], Malaysia: Sabah [126a], Maldives [125], 
Mozambique [1253 Philippines [126a], South Africa [125], Sri Lanka [125,373], Tanzania [125] 

Deltocyathus sar‘ (Gardiner & Waugh 1938) Maldives [275] 

Deltocyatzus stella Cais & Zibrowius 1997 Indonesia[126a]. Philippines [126a] 

Deltocyathus suluensis Alcock 1902 Indonesia[126a], New Zealand: Kermadec Is [126a], Philippines [684] 

Deltocyathus varians Gardiner & Waugh 1938 

Deltocyathus vaughani Yabe & Eguchi 1932 Indonesia[126a], Japan [126a,853], Philippines [126a] 

Desmophyllum Ehrenberg 1834 Il B - 
(Cosmopolitan, widely distributed in Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans, except off continental Antarctica [118]. 
Approximately 35-2,600 m depth) 

Australia [520]; Barbados [614]; British Indian Ocean Territory [672]; Canada [123]; Chile [520]; Cocos (Keeling) 
Islands [123]; Costa Rica; Cuba [613]; Dominica [614]; Ecuador: Galapagos Islands [118,827]; France [32b]; 
French Southern and Antarctic Territories: Amsterdam [190], St Paul [190]; Greece [744a]; Iceland [880c]; 
Indonesia [735a]; Ireland [703]; Italy [190]; Japan [123,853]; Madagascar [123]; Maldives [123]; Marshall Islands 
[807]; Martinique [614]; Mexico [123]; Montserrat [614]; New Zealand [693,699]; Norway [880c]; Panama [216]; 
South Africa [123]; Tanzania [123]; United States: Hawaiian Islands [107]; Virgin Islands of the United States [783] 

About 20 nominal species [151], 2 valid species listed 

Desmophyllum dianthus (Esper 1794) Australia [520], Barbados [614], Canada [123], Chile [520], Costa Rica: 
Cocos Island [118], Cuba [613], Ecuador: Galapagos Islands [118,827], France [32b,190], French Southem 
Territories: Amsterdam [190], St Paul [190], Greece [744a], Iceland [880c], Indonesia [126a,190], Ireland 
[703]; Italy [190], Japan [123], Madagascar [125], Maldives [125], Martinique [614], Mexico [123], New 
Zealand [693,699], Norway [880c], Panama [216,219], South Africa [125], Tanzania [125], United States 
[123]: incl. Hawaiian Islands [107,751] 

Desmophyllum striatum Caims 1979 

Dunocyathus Tenison-Woods 1878 II B - 
Australia (southern Queensland to Tasmania) [183,716,761 ].Deep water. 

The genus is sometimes included in the family Rhizangiidae [151]. 
1 species 

Dunocyathus parasiticus Tenison-Woods 1878 

Endocyathopora Cairms 1989 Il B - 
(West Pacific. 46-100 m [126a]) 

Indonesia [126a]; Philippines [116]. 46-70 m [116] 

1 species [116] 



Endocvathoporalaticostata Caims 1989 

Ericiocyathus Caims & Zibrowius 1997 II B - 
(Western Pacific. 814-1.401 m [126a]) 

Philippines [126a] 
1 species 
Ericiocyathus echinatus Caims & Zibrowius 1997 

Euphyllia Dana 1848 Il B - 

Vase Coral. Bouquet Coral, Zigzag Coral, Grape Coral, Frogspawn Coral 

(Red Sea [661], East Africa [329]. Indian Ocean, north to Lakshadweep and Andaman Islands: south to Madagascar 
and Houtman Abrolhos Islands (south-west Australia). South-east Asia. Pacific Ocean, north to southem Japan 
[231] and Marshall Islands; south to Lord Howe Island and Fiji; east to Samoa [761]) 

Countries listed without reference numbers are within the distributionrange shown in Veron [761] 

American Samoa [430]; Australia [770]; British Indian Ocean Territory [672.674.832]; Brunei; China 
[668.894.895]; Christmas Island; Cocos (Keeling) Islands: Comoros; Djibouti [298]; Egypt [661]: Ethiopia: 
Federated States of Micronesia: Fiji [265]; Guam; India [598,602]; Indonesia [25.735a]; Israel: Japan [765]; Kenya 
[329]: Madagascar [587.591]; Malaysia: Peninsular [36], Sabah [848]; Maldives [605,674]; Marshall Islands 
[465.807]; Mauritius [242,674]; Mozambique [68]; Myanmar [212]; Nauru; New Caledonia [850]; Niue; Northem 
Marianas; Oman [675]; Palau [221]; Papua New Guinea [558]; Philippines [768]; Réunion; Samoa; Saudi Arabia 
[15]; Seychelles [674,845]: Singapore [617]; Solomon Islands [796]: Somalia: Sri Lanka [558]: Sudan [661}: 
Taiwan [171]; Tanzania [329]; Thailand [186,744]; Tokelau; Tuvalu; Vanuatu [762]; Vietnam [36]; Wallis and 

Euphyllia is found in a wide range of reef habitats, and is a relatively common coral [242]. 
At least 9 valid species [761,764,766b] 

Euphyllia ancora Veron & Pichon 1980 Anchor Coral Australia [? but see 716], British Indian Ocean Territory 
[674], Indonesia [735a], Japan, Malaysia: Sabah [848], Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768], Taiwan [171], 
Thailand [674,744] 

Euphyllia cristata Chevalier 1972 Australia, Indonesia [735a], Japan, New Caledonia, Papua New Guinea, 
Philippines [768], Taiwan [171], Vanuatu, Vietnam 

Euphyllia divisa Veron & Pichon 1980 Australia, Indonesia [735a], Japan, Malaysia: Sabah [848], Papua New 
Guinea, Philippines [768], Singapore 

Euphyllia fimbriata (Spengler 1799) Australia [484], Fiji [484], Indonesia [25,735a], Japan [869], Malaysia: 
Peninsular [36], Maldives [484,605], Myanmar [483,484,674], Palau [221], Philippines [484], Seychelles: 
Saya de Malha [484], Singapore [484,557,617,710], Taiwan [221], Tanzania [470], Vietnam [36] 

Euphyllia glabrescens (Chamisso & Eysenhardt 1821) American Samoa [430], Australia [497,501,621,709,792b], 
British Indian Ocean Territory [672], Cocos (Keeling) Islands, Djibouti [298], Fiji [265], India [602,659], 
Indonesia [25,621,735a], Israel [674], Japan [739], Malaysia: Peninsular [36], Sabah [848], Maldives [605], 
Marshall Islands [465], Mauritius [242,674], Myanmar [212,674], Oman [675], Palau [221]. Papua New 
Guinea [501,558], Philippines [768], Seychelles [674,845], Singapore [501,617,710], Solomon Islands [484], 
Sri Lanka [558], Thailand [674,744], Taiwan [171], Vanuatu, Vienam 

Euphyllia paraancora Veron 1990 Papua New Guinea [764], Philippines [764] 

Euphyllia paradivisa Veron 1990 Philippines[764] 

Euphyllia paraglabrescens Veron 1990 Japan [764] 

Euphyllia picteti Bedot 1907 Tooth Coral, Elegance Coral Australia [484], Indonesia [25], Palau [221] 

Euphylliayaeyamaensis (Shirai 1980) Japan, Papua New Guinea, Philippines[768], Vanuatu 

Eusmilia Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 Il B - 
(Caribbean [833]) 

Countries listed without reference numbers are within the distribution range shown in Smith [682] and Wood [847] 



Anguilla: Antigua and Barbuda: Bahamas [690]: Barbados [448]: Belize [102]: Bermuda; Brazil [420]: British 
Virgin Islands [214]: Cayman Islands [250]: Colombia [235.615]: Costa Rica [158]: Cuba [416.889]: Dominica 
[484]: Dominican Republic: Grenada: Guadeloupe: Haiti: Honduras [250]: Jamaica [833]; Martinique [70]; Mexico 
[241.375a]: Montserrat; Netherlands Antilles [653]; Nicaragua: Panama [608]: Puerto Rico [10a]: Saint Kitts and 
Nevis: Saint Lucia: Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Trinidad and Tobago; Turks and Caicos: United States: 
Florida [381]; Virgin Islands of the United States [640a]; Venezuela 

1 [766b] to 3 [151] species 

Eusmilia fastigiata (Pallas 1766) Flower Coral Bahamas [484], Barbados [448]. Belize [102], Bermuda. British 
Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands [250], Colombia [235], Cuba [416,889], Dominica [484], Honduras [250]. 
Jamaica [284]. Martinique [70.501]. Mexico [241,375a], Netherlands Antilles [653], Panama [169]. Puerto 
Rico [10a], United States [611], Virgin Islands of the United States [640a] 

Foveolocyathus Caims 1997 Il B - 
Australia [123b] 

1 species 
Foveolocyathusalternans (Cairns & Parker 1992) 

Goniocorella Yabe & Eguchi 1932 Il B - 
(West Pacific Ocean, off New Zealand [103]. 100-760 m) 

Indonesia [151]; Japan [123,853,858]; Rep. Korea [123]; Malaysia: Sabah [126a]; New Zealand [125,699]; South 
Africa [123] 

1 species [151] 
Goniocorelladumosa (Alcock 1902) 

Gyrosmilia Milne Edwards & Haime 1851 I] B - 

(Red Sea, Indian Ocean, western Pacific) 

Djibouti; Egypt; Ethiopia; Israel [458]; Japan [765]; Madagascar [674]; Mauritius [242,674]; Mozambique 
(332,637d]; Réunion [69,242]; Saudi Arabia [15]; Seychelles: Aldabra [674]; Somalia; South A frica [637d]: Sudan; 
Yemen [674] 

1 species [151,766b] 
Gyrosmilia interrupta (Hemprich & Ehrenberg 1834) 

Heterocyathus Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 Il B - 

Striped Shoe Coral 

(Red Sea, Arabian Gulf [95], probably widely distributed in the Indo-Pacific. May be abundant on soft substrata 
around deeper reefs [761]) 

Australia [356]; India [602]; Indonesia [356,735a]; Japan [95,853]; Kuwait [35la]; Maldives [270]; Mexico 
[219,375a], Mozambique [332]; Myanmar [331]; Oman [675]; Pakistan [330]; Philippines [520]; Seychelles [845]; 
South Africa [68]; Sri Lanka [72]; Vietnam [436] 

11-12 [151] nominal species, 3 valid species recognised by Hoeksema & Best (1991) [356] 

Heterocyathus aequicostatus Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 Australia [255], India [5,602,659], Indonesia 
(356,735a], Japan [356], Kuwait [351la], Maldives [270], Mexico [219,375a], Mozambique [332], Oman 
[675], Philippines [520], Seychelles [845], Sri Lanka [72], Tanzania [495], Vietnam [436] 

Heterocyathusalternatus Verrill 1865 Australia[255], Indonesia [356,735a], Pakistan [330,356] 

Heterocyathus sulcatus (Verrill 1866) Australia [356], Indonesia [356,735a], Sri Lanka [356,634] 


Holcotrochus Dennant 1902 I] B - 
Australia [761] 

Two species [151]. Deep water. 

Holcotrochus crenulatus Dennant 1904 
Holcotrochus scriptus Dennant 1902 

Hoplangia Gosse 1860 I] B S 
(Mediterranean. North-east Atlantic [881]. 300-2.600 m depth) 

France [32b]: Greece [744al: Italy [190]; Lebanon [880c]: Spain: Canary Is [880c]. United Kingdom [202] 
1 species [151.881] 
Hoplangia durotrix Gosse 1860 

Idiotrochus Wells 1935 I B - 
(West Pacific. 82-645 m [126a]) 

Australia [183]; China; Japan [123]; Malaysia: Sabah [116]; Philippines [123] 
2 species [116] 

Idiotrochus kikutii (Yabe & Eguchi 1941) China[116], Japan [116], Malaysia: Sabah [116], Philippines [116] 
Idiotrochus perexigua (Dennant 1906?) Australia[183] 

Kionotrochus Dennant 1906 II B - 
New Zealand [183,699] 

1 species [151] 
Kionotrochus suteri Dennant 1906 

Labyrinthocyathus Caims 1979 Il B - 
(Western Atlantic; western Indian Ocean; east Pacific; New Zealand region. Approximately 155-1000 m depth) 

Indonesia [126a]; Madagascar; Mexico [123,375a]; Mozambique [123]; New Zealand [101]; South Africa [125]; 
United States: California [123] 

5 species [123] 

Labyrinthocyathusdelicatus (Marenzeller 1904) Mozambique[125], South Africa [125] 
Labyrinthocyathusfacetus Caims 1979 

Labyrinthocyathuslangi Caims 1979 Mexico [375a] 

Labyrinthocyathuslimatulus (Squires 1964) New Zealand [123,699] 
Labyrinthocyathusquaylei (Durham 1947) Mexico [123], United States [123] 

Lochmaeotrochus Alcock 1902 II B - 
(West Pacific. 240-616 m [126a]) 

Indonesia [151,684]; Malaysia: Sabah [126a]; Taiwan [126a] 
1 species [151] 
Lochmaeotrochusoculeus Alcock 1902 

Lophelia Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 II B - 


(Mediterranean. Atlantic Ocean [881]. South A frica [68]. Approximately 60-2,170m depth) 

Cape Verde [141]; Ecuador: Galapagos Islands [118]: France [32b.423]: French Southem and Antarctic Territories: 
Saint Paul and Amsterdam Islands [123.520]: Greece [744a]; Grenada [614]: Iceland [880c]; India [190]; Ireland 
[202.703]: Italy [190]; Japan [123]: Madagascar [123]: Mexico [123.216.219]: Norway [503.880c]: Portugal [190]: 
Saint Helena: Tristan da Cunha [520]: Saint Kitts and Nevis [520]; Senegal [141]; South Africa [123]: United 
Kingdom [202]: United States [123.610.630a]: Virgin Islands of the United States [520] 

1 [118] to 4 [151] species 

Lophelia pertusa (Linnaeus 1758) 

Montigyra Matthai 1928 Il B - 
Australia: Lacépéde Islands [484,761] 

1 species [766b], known from only a single specimen. Sometimes included in Trachyphylliidae[151]. 
Montigyra kenti Matthai 1928 

Nomlandia Durham & Barmard 1952 I] B - 
(Pacific Ocean [102]) 

United States: California[123,219] 
1 species [151] 
Nomlandia californica Durham & Barnard 1952 

Notocyathus Tenison-Woods 1880 Il B - 
(West Pacific. 34-923 m depth [116]) 

China [116]; Indonesia [123]: Japan [123,853]; Malaysia: Sabah [116]; New Zealand: Kermadec Ridge [126a]; 
Philippines [123] 

2 species [116,151] 

Notocyathus conicus (Alcock 1902) Japan [116], Malaysia: Sabah [116], New Zealand: Kermadec Ridge [126a], 
Philippines [116] 

Notocyathus venustus (Alcock 1902) China [116], Indonesia [123], Japan [126a], Malaysia: Sabah [116], 
Philippines [116] 

Odontocyathus Moseley 1881 I B - 
(Caribbean, western Atlantic, western Pacific [151]) 

Belize [97]; British Virgin Islands [614]; Dominica [614]; Grenada [614]; Indonesia [101]; Japan [853]; Mexico 
[375a]; United States: Florida [151]; Virgin Islands of the United States [520] 

About 4 species [151] 

Odontocyathus coronatus (Pourtalés 1867) Belize [97], British Virgin Islands [614], Dominica [614], Grenada 
[614], Mexico [375a], United States [97,609], Virgin Islands of the United States [520] 

Oxysmilia Duchassaing 1870 II B - 
(Caribbean and Bahamas; Gulf of Mexico [101], Galapagos Islands. Depth 46-640 m) 

Bahamas; Barbados [612]; Dominica [614]; Ecuador: Galapagos Islands [151]; Montserrat [614]; Puerto Rico 
[746]; Saint Vincent [614] 


Note that the name Onsmilia is predated by Lophosmilia Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 
1 [151] to 2 species 

Oxysmilia portoricensis (Vaughan 1901) Puerto Rico [746] 
Oxysmilia rotundifolia (Milne Edwards & Haime 1848) Barbados [612]. Dominica [614], Montserrat [614]. Saint 
Vincent and the Grenadines [614] 

Paraconotrochus Caims & Parker 1992 I B - 
(West Pacific. 351-558 m [126a]) 

Australia [126a]: Indonesia[126a]: Papua New Guinea [126a] 
1 species 
Paraconotrochus=zeidleri Caims & Parker 1992 

Paracyathus Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 I B - 
(Cosmopolitan, including Antarctica. Mostly deep water, but also occurs in shallow water. Approximately 6-540 m 

Algeria [190]; Australia [183]; Bahamas [690]; Barbados [448]; British Indian Ocean Territory [672]; Canada 
[123]; Cape Verde [141]; Cayman Islands [250]; Ecuador: Galapagos Islands [118,827]; France [32b]; French 
Polynesia [554], including Clipperton I. [339]; Greece [744a]; Grenada [614]; Honduras [250]; India [602]; 
Indonesia [735a]; Iran [330]; Israel [880c]; Italy [190]; Japan [123,853]; Kuwait [351a]; Libyan Arab Jamahiriya 
[880c]; Malaysia: Peninsular [36]; Maldives [275]; Marshall Islands [807]; Martinique [614]; Mauritius [141]; 
Mexico [123.375a]; Montserrat [614]; Morocco [880c]; Mozambique [332]; Myanmar [212,373]: New Zealand 
[699]; Oman [675]; Panama; Philippines [123]; Portugal: Azores [880c], Madeira [141]; Saudi Arabia [23]; Senegal 
[141]; Seychelles: Saya de Malha [123]; Singapore [617]; Spain: Canary Islands [880c]; Sri Lanka [72]; Turkey 
[180a]; United States: California [123], Hawaiian Islands [107] 

Verheij & Best (1987) preferred to place this genus in the family Rhizangiidae. 

2 species recorded from north-east Atlantic [881]; 4 species from Australia[761]; 6 species from east Pacific [118]. 
At least 14 valid species [151] 

Paracyathus andersoni Duncan 1889 India [599], Myanmar [212] 

Paracyathus arcuatus Lindstr6m 1877 

Paracyathus caeruleus Duncan 1889 Myanmar [212] 

Paracyathus cavatus Alcock 1893 IR [330], Mozambique [332] 

Paracyathus conceptus Gardiner & Waugh 1938 Australia[699], Maldives [275], New Zealand [699] 

Paracyathus coronatus Duncan 1876 

Paracyathus ebonensis Verrill 1867 

Paracyathus fulvus Alcock 1893 Persian Gulf [5] 

Paracyathus humilis Verrill 1869 Ecuador: Galapagos Islands [1 18,219,827], Mexico [375a], Panama [118,781] 

Paracyathus indicus Duncan 1889 India [5,373,602], Myanmar [212] 

Paracyathus lacus Pourtalés 1880 Granada [614], Martinique [614], Montserrat [614] 

Paracyathus merguiensis Duncan 1889 Myanmar [212] 

Paracyathus molokensis Vaughan 1907 United States: Hawaiian Islands [107,751] 

Paracyathus montereyensis Durham 1947 United States [123] 

Paracyathus persicus Duncan 1876 

Paracyathus porphyreus Alcock 1893 Australia[255], Myanmar [5] 

Paracyathus profundus Duncan 1889 Australia[255], India [602], Myanmar [212] 

Paracyathus pruinosus Alcock 1902 Japan [123], Philippines [123], Seychelles: Saya de Malha [123,373] 

Paracyathus pulchellus (Philippi 1842) Algeria [190], Barbados [448], Cape Verde [141], France [32b,423], 
Greece [744a], Honduras [250], Israel [880c], Italy [190], Libya [880c], Mexico [375a], Morocco [880c], 
Mauritius [141,373], Portugal [880c]: incl. Azores [880c], Madeira [141,208], Spain: Canary Is [880c], Sri 
Lanka [72], Turkey [180a] 



Paracyathus rotundatus Semper 1872 Indonesia [126a]. Malaysia [126a]. Papua New Guinea [126a]. Philippines 

Paracyathus stearnsii Verrill 1869 Canada [123]. Mexico [123,375a], United States [123,780,781] 

Paracyathus stokesii Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 India [373.602]. Kuwait [351a]. Malaysia: Peninsular [36]. 
Myanmar [373]. Oman [675]. Singapore [617]. Sri Lanka [72.373] 

Paracyathus vittatus Dennant 1906 Australia[183] 

Parasmilia Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 I] B - 
(Antilles [151], West Pacific) 

Japan [853] 

Note that Cylicosmilia Milne Edwards & Haime 1848: 466 has page priority over Parasmilia (p. 467). 
1-2 species [151] 

Parasmilia poculum Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 

Peponocyathus Gravier 1915 ll B - 
(Cosmopolitan [761]. Shallow to very deep water [101.881], 30-903 m [126a]) 

Australia [123]; Brazil [116]; China [116]; Cuba [613]; Indonesia [116]; japan [123]; Kenya [116]; Malaysia: Sabah 
[116]; New Zealand [123]; Philippines [123]; Portugal: Azores, Madeira [116]; South Africa [123], Tanzania [125]: 
United States [123,610] 

2 species recognized by Cairns (1989) [116] and 1 described subsequently | 123a] 

Peponocyathus australiensis (Duncan 1870) 

Peponocyathus dawsoni Caimms 1995 New Zealand [123a] 

Peponocyathus folliculus (Pourtalés 1868) Australia [116], Brazil [116], China [116], Indonesia [116]. Japan [116]. 
Kenya [116], Malaysia: Sabah [116], New Zealand [116], Philippines [116], Portugal: Azores, Madeira 
[116], United States [116,610] 

Peponocyathus minimus (Yabe & Eguchi 1937) Indonesia[126a], Japan [126a], Philippines [126a] 

Phacelocyathus Cairns 1979 II B - 
(Western Caribbean; Gulf of Mexico, Brazil [101]. Approximately 22-560 m depth) 

Brazil [101]; Cuba [613]; Mexico [375a] 
1 species [151] 
Phacelocyathus flos (Pourtales 1878) 

Physogyra Quelch 1884 I B - 

(Red Sea [661], East Africa [329]. Indian Ocean, north to Maldives and Andaman and Nicobar Islands; south to 
Madagascar and north-western Australia. South-east Asia. Pacific Ocean, north to Ryukyu Islands, Guam, Marshall 
Islands and Phoenix Islands; south to Great Barrier Reef and New Caledonia; east to Samoa [761]) 

Countries listed without reference numbers are within the distributionrange shown in Veron [761] 

American Samoa [430]; Australia [770]; British Indian Ocean Territory [672,674,832]; Brunei; Christmas Island; 
Djibouti [298]; Egypt [661]; Ethiopia; Federated States of Micronesia; Fiji; Guam; India [598,602]; Indonesia 
[735a]; Israel [661]; Japan [765]; Jordan [661]; Kenya; Kiribati; Madagascar [587,591]; Malaysia: Peninsular [186], 
Sabah [848]; Maldives [605,674]; Marshall Islands [807]; Mauritius; Myanmar; New Caledonia [850]; Northern 
Marianas: Palau [221]; Papua New Guinea; Philippines [768]; Pitcairn Islands [572]; Qatar; Réunion; Samoa; Saudi 
Arabia [15]; Seychelles [674,845]; Singapore; Solomon Islands [796]; Somalia; Sudan [661]; Taiwan [171]; 
Tanzania; Thailand [186,744]; Tokelau; Tuvalu; Vanuatu [762]; Vietnam; Wallis and Futuna; Yemen 


1 [151] to 3 [766b] valid species 

Physogvraastraeiformis Umbgrove 1940 Indonesia[742] 

Physogvraexerta Nemenzo & Ferraris 1982 Indonesia[735a]. Philippines [768] 

Physogvra gravieri Vaughan 1907 Djibouti [298.752] 

Physogyra lichtensteini (Milne Edwards & Haime 1851) Bubble Coral Australia [792b], British Indian Ocean 
Territory [672.674]. Djibouti [484]. India [602]. Indonesia [619,.735a], Japan [869]. Madagascar [674]. 
Malaysia: Sabah [848]. Maldives [605]. Marshall Islands, Palau [221]. Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768]. 
Seychelles [674.845]. Singapore. Taiwan [171.87 1a], Thailand [674,744], Vanuatu, Vietnam 

Physogyrasomaliensis Vaughan 1907 Djibouti [298,752] 

Platycyathus Fromentel 1863 II B - 
(Pacific [151]) 

Unknown number of species 


Platytrochus Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 II B - 
(Indo-Pacific [761]. Shallow to deep water) 

Australia [761] 
3 species [151] and 2 described subsequently [126] 

Platytrochus compressus (Tenison-Woods 1878) Australia[229,716] 
Platytrochus hastatus Dennant 1902 

Platytrochus laevigatus Caims & Parker 1992 

Platytrochus parisepta Caims & Parker 1992 

Pleotrochus Caims 1997 II B - 
(West Pacific. 200-397 m [126a]) 

Indonesia [126a]; New Zealand [123b] 
2 species 

Pleotrochus venustus (Alcock 1902) Indonesia[126a] 
Pleotrochuszibrowii Caimms 1997 New Zealand [123b] 

Plerogyra Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 Il B - 

Pearl Coral 

(Red Sea [661], East Africa [329]. Indian Ocean, north to Maldives and Andaman Islands; south to Madagascar and 
Ningaloo Reefs (north-west Australia). South-east Asia. Pacific Ocean, north to Ryukyu Islands, Northern Marianas 
and Marshall Islands; south to Great Barrier Reef and New Caledonia, east to Phoenix Islands [761 ]) 

Countries listed without reference numbers are within the distributionrange shown in Veron [761] 

American Samoa [430]; Australia [770]; British Indian Ocean Territory [644,674,832]; Brunei; Christmas Island; 
Djibouti; Egypt [661]; Ethiopia; Federated States of Micronesia; Fiji; Guam; India [598,602]; Indonesia [735a]; 
Israel [458,661]; Japan [765]; Jordan [661]; Kenya; Kiribati; Madagascar [587,591]; Malaysia: Peninsular [36], 
Sabah [848]; Maldives [605,674]; Marshall Islands; Mauritius [242,674]; Myanmar; New Caledonia [850]: 
Northern Marianas; Palau [221]; Papua New Guinea [631]; Philippines [768]; Pitcairn Islands [572]; Qatar; 
Réunion; Samoa; Saudi Arabia [15]; Seychelles [674,845]; Singapore [557]; Solomon Islands [796]; Somalia; Sri 
Lanka; Sudan [661]; Taiwan [171]; Tanzania; Thailand [186,744]; Tokelau; Tuvalu; United States minor outlying 
islands: Line Islands; Vanuatu [762]; Vietnam [436]; Wallis and Futuna; Yemen 

Fairly common and widespread on reefs, although restricted mostly to vertical faces [847]. 


3 [151.766b] to 4 species 

Plerogvraeurvsepta Nemenzo 1960 Japan. Philippines [526.768] 

Plerogyra simplex Rehberg 1892 American Samoa [430]. Indonesia [735a], Malaysia: Sabah [848]. Papua New 
Guinea [631]. Philippines [768]. Vanuatu, Vietnam 

Plerogyra sinuosa (Dana 1848) Bubble Coral Australia [604], British Indian Ocean Territory [644.672], India 
[602.659]. Indonesia [735a]. Israel [674], Japan, Madagascar [674], Malaysia: Peninsular [36.604], Sabah 
[848]. Maldives [605]. Marshall Islands, Mauritius [242.674]. New Caledonia [604], Palau [221]. Papua New 
Guinea. Philippines [768]. Saudi Arabia [15], Singapore [501.557,617,710].Sudan, Taiwan [171]. Thailand 
[674.744], United States minor outlying islands, Vanuatu, Vietnam [436] 

Plerogyraturbida (Hodgson & Ross 1982) Indonesia[735a], Philippines [768] 

Polycyathus Duncan 1876 II B - 
(Cosmopolitan[761]. Shallow water) 

Australia [761]; British Indian Ocean Territory [672]; Cape Verde [40]: ?Costa Rica: Cocos Island [219]; Ecuador: 
Galapagos Islands [118.827]; France [32,684]; French Polynesia [148.593]; Greece [744a]: India [602]; Indonesia 
[735a]; Iran [330]; Israel [880c]; Italy [880c]; Kuwait [351a]; Lebanon [32.32b]; Malaysia: Peninsular [186]: 
Maldives; Malta [880c]; Myanmar [141,212]; New Caledonia [838]; Oman [675]; Panama [123]; Philippines [123]: 
Portugal [880c]: incl. Madeira [880c]; Saint Helena [141,205]; Senegal [142]; Seychelles [845]; Spain: Canary 
Islands [880c]; Suriname [838]; Tunisia [880c]; Turkey {880c]; United States: Gulf of Mexico [125a] 

Verheij & Best (1987) preferred to place this genus in the family Rhizangiidae. 

1 species recorded from Mediterranean and north-East Atlantic [881]; | unnamed species from Australia [761]. 3 
species described from the Indian Ocean and Philippines [758]; 2 species from east Pacific [118]; 3 from the Red 
Sea [661]. 

About 16 species 

Polvcyathus andamanensis Alcock 1893 India [5,602] 

Polycyathus atlanticus Duncan 1876 Cape Verde [40], Saint Helena [205] 

Polycyathus difficilis Duncan 1889 Myanmar [141,212] 

Polycyathus fulvus Wijsman-Best 1970 New Caledonia [684,838] 

Polycyathus furanaensis Verheij & Best 1987 Indonesia[758], Maldives [758] 

Polycyathus fuscomarginatus (Klunzinger 1879) 

Polycyathus hodgsoni Verheij & Best 1987 Maldives [758], Philippines [758] 

Polycyathus hondaensis (Durham & Barnard 1952) ?Coata Rica: Cocos I [219], Ecuador: Galapagos Islands 
[118,827], Panama [118] 

Polycyathus isabela Wells 1982 Ecuador: Galapagos Islands [118,827] 

Polycyathus marigondoni Verheij & Best 1987 Kuwait [35 1a], Philippines [758] 

Polycyathus muellerae (Abel 1959) France [32,684], Greece [744a], Israel [880c], Italy [880c], Lebanon [32,32b], 
Malta [880c], Portugal [880c]: incl. Madeira [880c], Spain: Canary Is [880c], Tunisia [880c], Turkey [880c] 

Polycyathus norfolkensis Caims 1995 

Polycyathus palifera(Verrill 1869) 

Polycyathus pallidus (Klunzinger 1879) Indonesia[741] 

Polycyathus senegalensis Chevalier 1966 Senegal [141], United States: Gulf of Mexico [125a] 

Polycyathus verrilli Duncan 1889 French Polynesia [593], India [602], Myanmar [141,212] 

Pourtalosmilia Duncan 1885 Il B S 
(Mediterranean, North-east Atlantic [881], Gulf of Guinea [151], west Pacific. Approximately 200-300 m depth) 

France [495]; Indonesia [735a]; Italy [190] 
1 [151]to 2 species 

Pourtalosmiliaanthophyllites (Ellis & Solander 1786) France [423,495], Italy [190] 
Pourtalosmiliaconferta Caims 1978 

Premocyathus Y abe & Eguchi 1942 iat B - 
(West Pacific. 22-545 m [126a]) 

Indonesia[126a]: Japan [126a]: New Zealand: Kermadec Islands [126a]; Philippines [126a] 

] species 

Premocyathus dentiformis (Alcock 1902) 

Pseudocyathoceras Cairms 1991 I B = 
(Eastern Pacific. 91-183 m [118]) 

Ecuador: Galapagos Islands [118.219.827] 
1 species recognized by Cairns [118] 
Pseudocyathocerasavis (Durham & Barnard 1952) 

Rhizosmilia Cairns 1978 II B = 
(Western Atlantic [101], Caribbean, western Indian Ocean, Japan. Approximately 60-636 m) 

Brazil [520]; Colombia [235]; Cuba [889]; Indonesia [126a]; Japan [123]: Madagascar [125]; Mauritius [125]; 
Mexico [375a]; Montserrat [614]; Mozambique [125]; New Zealand: Kermadec Is [520]; Philippines [126a]; South 
Africa [123]; United States: Florida 

3 species recognized by Cairns (1994) [123] and one described subsequently [126a] 

Rhizosmiliaelata Caims & Zibrowius 1997 Indonesia[126a], Philippines[126a] 

Rhizosmilia gerdae Caims 1978 

Rhizosmilia gigas (van der Horst 1931) Mauritius [125,373] 

Rhizosmilia maculata (Pourtalés 1874) Brazil [520,612], Colombia [235], Cuba [889], Mexico [375a], Montserrat 
[614], New Zealand [?699]: incl. Kermadec Is [520] 

Rhizosmiliarobusta Caims 1993 Madagascar [125], Mozambique [125], Philippines [126a], South Africa [125] 

Rhizosmiliasagamiensis (Eguchi 1968) Indonesia[126a], Japan [126a], Philippines [126a] 

Solenosmilia Duncan 1873 Il B - 
(Atlantic, Red Sea, Indian Ocean, south-east Australia; circum-Subantarctic.Approximately 220-2,165 m depth) 

Barbados [614]; Cuba [613]; Guadeloupe [614]; India [123,684]; Montserrat [614]; Portugal [151]; Saint Helena: 
Ascension, Tristan da Cunha [520]; Saint Lucia [614]; Saint Vincent [614]; Somalia [123]; South Africa [123]: incl. 
Prince Edward Is [520] 

2 species [151] 

Solenosmiliavariabilis Duncan 1873 

Sphenotrochus Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 Il B - 
(Cosmopolitan [761], including Antarctica. 9-403 m) 

Argentina [693]; Australia [766]; Brazil [612]; China [116]; Ecuador: Galapagos Islands [118,827]; Falkland 
Islands [693]; Ireland [286]; Mexico [116,219,375a]; Mozambique [123]; New Zealand [1 16,699]; Philippines 
[123]; Senegal [141]; South Africa [123]; United Kingdom [73]; United States: California[123] 

About 16 species recognized by Chevalier (1987) [151]; however, only 8 species recognized by Cairns [?] and 2 
described subsequently [123] 

Sphenotrochus andrewianus Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 Ireland [495], United Kingdom [495] 
Sphenotrochus aurantiacus Marenzeller 1904 ?Mozambique[125], South Africa [125] 


Sphenotrochus auritus Pourtales 1874 Brazil [612] 

Sphenotrochus evexicostatus Cairns 1993 ?Madagascar[125] Mozambique [125]. South Africa [125] 

Sphenotrochus excavatus Tenison-Woods 1878 Australia[716] 

Sphenotrochus gardineri Squires 1961 Argentina [693]. Falkland Islands [693] 

Sphenotrochus gilchristi Gardiner 1904 South Africa [125] 

Sphenotrochus hancocki Durham & Barnard 1952 China [116], Ecuador: Galapagos Islands [116,219,827], Mexico 
[116.219.375a]. Philippines [116] 

Sphenotrochus imbricatocostatus Cairns 1993 Mozambique [125], South Africa [125] 

Sphenotrochus ralphae Squires 1964 New Zealand [699] 

Sphenotrochus squiresi Caims 1995 

Stephanocyathus Seguenza 1864 I B - 
(Cosmopolitan [761]. 52-2.200 m [126a]) 

Australia [123.520]; Belize [97]: Brazil [123,520]; British Indian Ocean Territory [672]; Colombia [256]: 
Guadeloupe [614]; Guyana [97]; Haiti [97]; India [602]; Indonesia [123]; Ireland [703]; Japan [123]: Rep. Korea 
[123]; Madagascar [123]; Malaysia: Sabah [126a]; Maldives [123]: Mexico [375a]; Mozambique [123]; Namibia 
[123]: Netherlands Antilles: Curacao: New Zealand [69c.699]; Panama [97]: Philippines [123]; Portugal: Azores 
[97]; Seychelles: Saya de Malha Bank [125]; South Africa [123]; Tanzania [123]; United Kingdom [123.667]: 
United States [97] 

About 20 species [151]; 4 species recorded from Curacao [101]; 3 species from the north-east Atlantic [881] 

Stephanocyathus campaniformis (Marenzeller 1904) Madagascar[125], Namibia [125] 

Stephanocyathus crassus (Jourdan 1895) 

Stephanocyathus diadema (Moseley 1876) Belize [97], Brazil [97,520], Colombia [97], Guadeloupe [614], Guyana 
[97], Ireland [703], Mexico [375a], Panama [97], Portugal: Azores [97,520], United States [97] 

Stephanocyathus discoides (Moseley 1876) Brazil [520] 

Stephanocyathus explanans (Marenzeller 1904) Indonesia [125], Madagascar [126a], Malaysia: Sabah [126a]. 
Tanzania [125], South Africa [125] 

Stephanocyathuslaevifundus Caims 1977 Haiti [97], Panama [97], United States [97] 

Stephanocyathus moseleyanus Sclater 1886 United Kingdom [667] 

Stephanocyathus nobilis (Moseley 1873/6?) Brazil [125], Colombia [236], India [6,602], Kenya [125], Madagascar 
[125], Maldives [125,275], Mozambique [125], Portugal: Azores [125,520], Seychelles: Saya de Malha Bank 
[125], Tanzania [125], United Kingdom [125] 

Stephanocyathus paliferus Caims 1977 Haiti [97], Mexico [375a], Panama [97], United States [97] 

Stephanocyathus platypus (Moseley 1876) Australia [520] 

Stephanocyathus regius Caims & Zibrowius 1997 Indonesia [126aj, Malaysia: Sabah [126a], New Zealand: 
Kermadec Is [126a], Philippines[126a] 

Stephanocyathus spiniger (Marenzeller 1888) Australia [125], Indonesia [125], Japan [125], Madagascar [125], 
Mozambique [125], New Zealand [126a], Philippines [125], South Africa [125] 

Stephanocyathus weberianus (Alcock 1902) Australia [126a], Indonesia [126a], Japan [126a], Malaysia: Sabah 
[126a], Philippines [126a] 

Sympodangia Caims & Zibrowius 1997 Il B - 
(West Pacific. 208-616 m [126a]) 

Indonesia [126a]; Malaysia: Sabah [1 26a]; Philippines [126a] 
1 species 
Sympodangiaalbatrossi Cairms & Zibrowius 1997 

Tethocyathus Kihn 1933 Il B - 
(Atlantic [102], Indian Ocean, west Pacific. 137-315 m [126a]) 

Barbados [612]; Cuba [613]; Indonesia [151]; Mexico [375a]; New Caledonia [266]; New Zealand [126a]; 
Philippines [126a]; United States 



About 10 species [151] 

Tethocvathus cylindraceus (Pourtalés 1868) Barbados [612]. Cuba [614]. United States [610] 
Tethocyathus minor (Gardiner 1899) New Caledonia [266] 

Tethocyathus recurvatus (Pourtalés 1878) Cuba [613], Mexico [375a] 

Tethocyathus variabilis Caims 1979 Mexico [375a] 

Tethocyathus virgatus (Alcock 1902) Indonesia [684]. New Zealand [126a]. Philippines [126a] 

Thalamophyllia Duchassaing 1870 II B - 
(Caribbean, Mediterranean. north-east Atlantic [881]. Approximately 18-1,317 m depth) 

Australia [126a]: Dominica [614]: Guadeloupe [151]; ?Honduras [250]; Indonesia [126a]; Italy [190]; Martinique 
[614]; Mexico [375a]; Montserrat [614]: Netherlands Antilles: Curacao [101]; New Caledonia [126a,266]: New 
Zealand: Kermadec Islands [126a]: Philippines [126a]; Portugal : Madeira [151]; United States [790a] 

At least 3 species [151] 

Thalamophylliagasti (Déderlein 1913) Italy [190] 

Thalamophyllia gombergi Caims 1979 

Thalamophylliarusei (Duchassaing & Michelotti 1860) Dominica [614], ?Honduras [250], Martinique [70], Mexico 
[375a], Montserrat [614], United States [790a] 

Thalamophyllia tenuescens (Gardiner 1899) Australia [126a], Indonesia [126a], New Caledonia [126a,266], New 
Zealand: Kermadec Is [126a], Philippines [126a] 

Thalassiotrochus Milne Edwards 1861 II B - 
(Mediterranean about 2,000 m depth) 

1 species, which could be a young Desmophyllum [881] 
Thalassiotrochustelegraphicus Milne Edwards | 861 

Thrypticotrochus Cairns 1989 Il B - 
(Indo-Pacific. 130-925 m) 

Australia: Queensland [116]; Indonesia [126a]; Madagascar [123]; Mozambique [123]; New Zealand: Kermadec 
Ridge [126a]; Philippines [123]; Tanzania [126a] 

1-2 species [116] 

Thrypticotrochus multilobatus Caims 1989 Australia [116], Indonesia [126a], Madagascar [125], Mozambique 
[125], New Zealand: Kermadec Ridge [126a], Philippines [116], Tanzania [126a] 

Thrypticotrochuspetterdi(Dennant 1906) Australia[183] 

Trematotrochus Tenison-Woods 1877 Il B - 
(Australia, New Zealand and the Caribbean [101,761]. Shallow to deep water) 

Australia [183]; Cuba [151]; New Zealand; United States [613] 
3 species [151] 

Trematotrochuscorbicula (Pourtalés 1878) United States [613] 
Trematotrochus hedleyi Dennant 1906 Australia[183] 

Trematotrochusverconis Dennant 1904 =? 

Trochocyathus Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 II B - 
(Cosmopolitan [761]. 25-2,500 m [126a]) 


Australia [126a]: Barbados [612]; Brazil [123]: Cuba [613]: French Polynesia [126a]; Grenada [614]: Indonesia 
[151]: Japan [123.853]: Madagascar [123]: Malaysia: Sabah [126a]: Maldives [123]; Mexico [375a]: Mozambique 
{123]; New Zealand: Kermadec Islands [126a]: Philippines [123]: Portugal: Azores; South Africa ({123]: Tuvalu 
[71]: United States [123,612]: including Hawaiian Islands [107] 

2 species recorded from north-east Atlantic [881]: 4 from Australia [761]; 2 from Japan; 5 from Hawaiian Islands 
[464]. 29 species listed, possibly 20 are valid [151] 

Trochocyathus aithoseptatus Cairns 1984 United States: Hawaiian Islands [107] 

Trochocyathus apertus Caims & Zibrowius 1997 Indonesia[126a]. Philippines [126a] 

Trochocyathus brevispina Caims & Zibrowius 1997 Indonesia [126a] 

Trochocyathus burchae (Cais 1984) Indonesia[126a], Philippines [126a], United States: Hawaiian Islands [107] 

Trochocyathus caryophvlloides Alcock 1902 Indonesia [684]. Japan [126a], Philippines [126a] 

Trochocvathus cepulla Caims 1995 

Trochocyathus cooperi (Gardiner 1905) French Polynesia [126a], Indonesia [126a], Japan [126a], Maldives 
({126a.270], Philippines [126a] 

Trochocyathus decamera Cairns 1994 Japan [123] 

Trochocyathus discus Cairns & Zibrowius 1997 Indonesia[126a] 

Trochocyathus fasciatus Cairns 1979 Mexico [375a] 

Trochocyathus fossulus Cairms 1979 

Trochocyathus gardineri (Vaughan 1907) Maldives [275], Philippines [126a], United States: Hawaiian Islands 

Trochocyathus gordoni Caims 1995 

Trochocyathus hastatus Bourne 1903 Tuvalu [71] 

Trochocyathus japonicus Eguchi 1968 Japan [123] 

Trochocyathus longispina Caims & Zibrowius 1997 Indonesia[126a], Malaysia: Sabah [126a], Philippines [126a] 

Trochocyathus maculatus Caims 1995 Australia[126a], New Zealand: Kermadec Is [126a], Philippines[126a] 

Trochocyathus mauiensis (Vaughan 1907) United States: Hawaiian Islands [107,751] 

Trochocyathus mediterraneus Zibrowius 1980 

Trochocyathus meridionalis Duncan 1870 Australia[716] 

Trochocyathus oahensis Vaughan 1907 United States: Hawaiian Islands [107,751] 

Trochocyathus philippinensis Semper 1872 Indonesia[126a], Japan [126a], Philippines [126a] 

Trochocyathus rawsonii Pourtalés 1874 Barbados [612], Cuba [613], Grenada [614], Mexico [375a], United States 

Trochocyathus rhombocolumna Alcock 1902 Indonesia [126a], Maldives [125], Mozambique [125], Philippines 
[125], United States: Hawaiian Islands [107,751] 

Trochocyathus semperi Cais & Zibrowius 1997 Indonesia[126a], Philippines [126a] 

Trochocyathus spinosocostatus Zibrowius 1980 

Trochocyathus vasiformis Bourne 1903 Tuvalu [71] 

Trochocyathus victoriae Duncan 1870 Australia[716] 

Tropidocyathus Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 Il B - 
(Indo- West Pacific. 50-421 m [126a]) 

Australia [123]; China [116]; Indonesia [151]; Japan [123,853]; Kenya [123]; Malaysia: Sabah [116]; Mozambique 
[123]; Philippines [123]; Somalia [123]; South Africa [123]; Sri Lanka [72]; Tanzania [123] 

3 species were recognized by Cairns [116], but 7. nascornatus has subsequently been transferred to Deltocyathus 

Tropidocyathus labidus Caims & Zibrowius 1997 Indonesia[126a], Japan [126a] 
Tropidocyathus lessonii (Michelin 1842) China [116], Indonesia [116], Japan [116], Kenya [116], Malaysia: Sabah 
[116], Mozambique [125], Philippines [116], Somalia[116], South Africa [116], Tanzania [125] 

Turbinolia Lamarck 1816 II B = 
(Murray Islands, Australia [761]. Shallow water) 

1 species 



Turbinolia stephensoni (Wells 1959) 

Vaughanella Gravier 1915 Il B - 
(North-east Atlantic [881]. Approximately 825-1.600 m depth) 

1-2 [151] species and | described recently [123a] 

Vaughanellaconcinna Gravier 1915 
Vaughanellamargaritata (Jourdan 1895) 
Vaughanella multipalifera Cairns 1995 

Family FLABELLIDAE Bourne 1905 

Blastotrochus Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 I] B - 
(West Pacific, 11-62 m [116,126a]) 

Indonesia [126a]; Japan [853]: Philippines [116,495] 
1 species recognized by Cairns [116] 
Blastotrochus nutrix Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 

Falcatoflabellum Caims 1995 Il B - 
New Zealand [123a] 

1 species 
Falcatoflabellumraoulensis Cairns 1995 

Flabellum Lesson 1831 II B - 
(Worldwide, including Antarctica[1 16], 22-3,200 m) 

Argentina [693]; Australia [520]; Barbados [614]; China [116]; Cook Islands [485]; Dominica [614]; Ecuador: 
Galapagos Islands [118,827]; Falkland Islands [693]; Grenada [614]; India [123,602]; Indonesia [123]; Ireland 
[202,703]; Japan [123,853]; Kenya [123]; ?7Korea [123]; Madagascar [123]; Malaysia: Sabah [116]; Maldives [123]; 
Martinique [614]; Mexico [375a]; Mozambique [123]; Myanmar [331]; New Zealand [123]; Papua New Guinea 
[520]; Philippines [123]; Portugal [520]: incl. Azores [520]; Singapore [557]; South Africa [123]; Sri Lanka [116]; 
Tanzania [123]; United Kingdom [306]; United States: Aleutian Islands [123], Gulf of Mexico [613], Hawaiian 
Islands [107,123] 

This genus was reviewed by Zibrowius [877]; his conclusions form the basis of the revision published by Caims 
[116], but with changes to generic/subgenericstatus. 

Over 100 nominal species: 40 recognized by Cairns (1989) [116]; F. hoffmeisteri described subsequently [126], F. 
dens transferredto Truncatoflabellum and F. angustum [123], F. coalitum and F. sibogae [126] recognizedas valid. 

Flabellum alabastrum Moseley 1876 Ireland [703], Portugal: Azores [520] 
Flabellum angiostomum Folkeson 1919 Australia [255] 

Flabellum angulare Moseley 1876 United States [613] 

Flabellum angustum Yabe & Eguchi 1942 Japan [123] 

Flabellum aotearoa Squires 1964 New Zealand [696,699] 

Flabellum apertum Moseley 1876 Japan [123], New Zealand [699], Portugal [520] 
Flabellum areum Caims 1982 

Flabellum atlanticum Cairns 1979 

Flabellum australe Moseley 1881 Australia[183,520] 

Flabellum campanulatum Holdsworth 1862 

Flabellum chunii Marenzeller 1904 

Flabellum coalitum Marenzeller 1888 = F. pavoninum [111] 



Flabellum conuis Moseley 1881 Indonesia[126a], Japan [126a]. Papua New Guinea [116,520]. Philippines [116] 

Flabellum curvatum Moseley 1881 Argentina/Uruguay[52]. Falkland Islands [693] 

Flabellum daphnense Durham & Barnard 1952 Ecuador: Galapagos Islands [118.219.827] 

Flabellum deludens Marenzeller 1904 India [116], Indonesia [116], Japan [116,853], Philippines [116], Sri Lanka 
[116]. United States: Hawaiian Is [751] 

Flabellum flexuosum Caims 1982 

Flabellum floridanum ? Mexico [375a] (replaces F. fragile Cairns 1977) 

Flabellum gardineri Cairns 1982 

Flabellum hoffmeisteri Cairns & Parker 1992 Australia [126a], Indonesia [126a], New Zealand: Kermadec Ridge 

Flabellum impensum Squires 1962 

Flabellum japonicum Moseley 1881 India [6,125,851], ?Indonesia [116], Japan [116.520], Madagascar [125]. 
Philippines [116] 

Flabellum knoxi Ralph & Squires 1962 New Zealand [699] 

Flabellum lamellulosum Alcock 1902 Indonesia [116], ?Japan [116], Philippines [116], United States: Hawaiian Is 

Flabellum lowekeyesei Squires & Ralph 1965 Madagascar [125], Mozambique [125]. New Zealand [699,700] 

Flabellum macandrewi Gray 1849 Ireland [202], United Kingdom [306] 

Flabellum magnificum Marenzeller 1904 Indonesia [116], Japan [116], Malaysia: Sabah [116], Philippines [116], 
Telegraph cable, Persian Gulf [330] 

Flabellum marcus Keller 1974 United States: Hawaiian Islands [107] 

Flabellum marenzelleri Cais 1989 Indonesia[126a], Philippines [116] 

Flabellum messum Alcock 1902 Indonesia [116], Japan [125], Kenya [125], Madagascar [125], Malaysia: Sabah 
[116], Maldives [125], Philippines [116], South Africa [125], Tanzania [125], United States: Hawaiian IS 

Flabellum moseleyi Pourtalés 1880 Barbados [614], Dominica [614], Grenada [614], Martinique [614], Mexico 

Flabellum ongulense Eguchi 1965 

Flabellum patens Moseley 1881 Indonesia[1 16,520], Japan [116], Philippines [116] 

Flabellum pavoninum Lesson 1831 China [116], Indonesia [126a], Japan [116,853], New Zealand [693], 
Philippines [126a], Singapore [557,710], United States: Hawaiian Islands [107,116,751] 

Flabellum planus Squires 1962 

Flabellum politum Cairns 1989 China[116], Indonesia[116], Japan [116], Philippines [116] 

Flabellum raukawaensis Squires & Keyes 1967 New Zealand [699] 

Flabellum sexcostatum Caims 1989 Philippines[116] 

Flabellum sibogae Gardiner 1904 ?= Placotrochidesalabastrum (see 684) 

Flabellum thouarsii Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 Argentina[693,709], Falkland Islands [693] 

Flabellum transversale Moseley 1881 Australia [520], Japan [853] 

Flabellum tuthilli Hoffmeister 1933 

Flabellum vaughani Caims 1984 United States: Hawaiian Islands [107] 

Gardineria Vaughan 1907 Il B - 
(Caribbean; western Indian Ocean, west Pacific, Antarctic. 2-700 m depth [116]) 

Antarctica: Palmer Archipelago [274]; Barbados [612]; Belize [102]; Cuba [889]; Indonesia [126a]; Martinique 
[614]; Mexico [375a]; Netherlands Antilles [653]; Philippines [116]; South Africa; South Georgia [724]; United 
States [610]: including Hawaiian Islands [107] 

8 species are recognized by Cairns [116], but he considered G. antarctica to be more closely allied to the 
caryophylliid genera Crispatotrochus, Conotrochus or Labyrinthocyathus. 

Gardineriaantarctica Gardiner 1929 Antarctica: Palmer Archipelago [274], South Georgia [724] 

Gardineria capensis (Gardiner 1904) 

Gardineria hawaiiensis Vaughan 1907 United States: Hawaiian Islands [107,751] 

Gardineria minor Wells 1973 Belize [102], Cuba [889], Netherlands Antilles [653] 

Gardineria musorstomica Cairms 1989 Philippines[116] 

Gardineria paradoxa (Pourtalés 1868) Barbados [612], Indonesia [126a], Martinique [614], Mexico [375a], United 
States [610] 


Gardineria philippinensis Cairns 1989 Indonesia [126a]. Philippines [116] 
Gardineria simplex (Pourtalés 1878) Cuba [613]. United States [613] 

Javania Duncan 1876 Il B - 
(Worldwide. including Antarctica[116].52-3.165 m depth) 

Australia [126a]: Barbados [612]: Canada [123]: Chile [123]; Costa Rica: Cocos Island [118]: Cuba [614]: 
Dominica [614]; Ecuador: Galapagos Islands [1 18,827]; France [877]: Guadeloupe [614]: India [684]: Indonesia 
[123]: Japan [123]: Kiribati: Madagascar [123]: Malaysia: Sabah [116]: Mexico [375a]: Montserrat [614]: Morocco 
[877]; Mozambique [123]; New Zealand [126a]; Philippines [123]; Portugal: Azores [877], Madeira [877]; Saint 
Lucia [614]; Saint Vincent [614]; South Africa [123]; United States: Aleutian Islands, Florida [611]. Hawaiian 
Islands [107.123]: Virgin Islands of the United States [520] 

5 species recognized by Cairns [116] and 2 described subsequently [123] 

Javania antarctica (Gravier 1914) 

Javania borealis Cais 1994 Japan [123], United States [123] 

Javania cailleti (Duchassaing & Michelotti 1864) Barbados [612], Canada [123], Chile [123,520.877]. Costa Rica: 
Cocos Island [118], Cuba [611.877]. Dominica [614], Ecuador: Galapagos Islands [118.748,877]. France 
[877], Guadeloupe [614]. India [684,877], Japan [123.877], Mexico [375a], Montserrat [614], Morocco [877]. 
Portugal: Azores [87], Madeira [877], Saint Lucia [614], Saint Vincent and the Grenadines [614], United 
States [123,611] 

Javania californica Caims 1994 United States [123] 

Javania insignis Duncan 1876 Indonesia [116], Japan [116,205,877], Kiribati, Republic of Korea [123], 
Madagascar [116,877], Malaysia: Sabah [116], Mozambique [116], Philippines [116], South Africa [125], 
United States: Hawaiian Islands [107,116] 

Javania lamprotichum (Moseley 1880) New Zealand: Kermadec Ridge [126a], Philippines [126a], United States: 
Hawaiian Islands [107], United States minor outlying islands: Johnston Atoll {126a] 

Javania pachytheca Caims 1995 Australia[126a], Indonesia [126a], Malaysia: Sabah [126a], New Zealand [126a] 

Javania pseudoalabastra Zibrowius 1974 Portugal: Azores [877] 

Monomyces Ehrenberg 1834 18 B - 
(Cosmopolitan [761]. Shallow water) 

Algeria [190], Antarctica: Palmer Archipelago [274]; Australia [255]; Cape Verde; France [32b]; Greece [744al]; 
Italy [190]; Maldives [270]; Morocco; New Zealand [693,699]; Portugal; Spain [190]; Sri Lanka [72]; Tunisia [190] 

Probably 2 recent species [116] 

Monomyces pygmaea (Risso 1826) Algeria [190], France [32b], Greece (744a], Italy [190], Spain [190], Tunisia 

Monomyces rubrum (Quoy & Gaimard 1833) Antarctica: Palmer Archipelago [274], Australia [255], Fiji [621], 
Maldives [270], New Zealand [693,699,709], Sri Lanka [72] 

Placotrochides Alcock 1902 Il B - 
(Caribbean; north-east Atlantic; Indo-Pacific. 12-1,628 m [126a]) 

Australia [123]; Brazil; Indonesia [735a]; Japan [123]; Madagascar [125]; Malaysia: Sabah [116]; Morocco, 
Mozambique [123]; Philippines[1 16]; South Africa [123]; United States: Hawaiian Islands [123] 

2 or 3 species recognized by Caims [116], who noted that P. alabastrum probably belongs in Javania. 
Placotrochidesalabastrum (Alcock 1902) Philippines 
Placotrochides frustrum Caims 1979 Brazil, Morocco 

Placotrochides scaphula Alcock 1902 Australia [126a], Indonesia [116], Japan [126a], Madagascar [125], 
Malaysia: Sabah [116], Philippines[1 16], South Africa [125] 



Placotrochus Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 I] B - 
(Indo-Pacific [186]. Deep water) 

Australia [721]: India [602]: Indonesia [151]: Philippines [151]: Sri Lanka [72]: United States: Hawaiian Islands 

6 nominal species: 3 [116] to 4 [151] valid species; Cairns [116] considers that P. pedicellatus should be assigned to 
a separate genus 

Placotrochus fuscus Vaughan 1907 United States: Hawaiian Islands [107,751] 

Placotrochus laevis Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 Australia [116,255,716], India [602], Indonesia [126a], 
Philippines [116.495]. Sri Lanka [72] 

Placotrochus pedicellatus Tenison-Woods 1879 Australia[721] 

Polymyces Cairns 1979 II B - 

(Western Atlantic; Pacific. 75-842 m [126a]) 

Ecuador: Galapagos Islands [118]; Indonesia [126a]; Mexico [375a]; New Zealand [126a]; Peru [123]; Philippines 
[126a]; South A frica [520]; United States [123,610] 

4 species were recognized by Caims [118], but P. tannerensis was subsequently synonymized [123] 

Polymyces fragilis (Pourtalés 1868) Mexico [375a], South Africa [520], United States [610,613] 
Polymyces montereyensis(Durham 1947) Peru [123], United States [123,219] 
Polymyces wellsi Cais 1991 Ecuador [118], Indonesia[126a], New Zealand [126a], Philippines [126a] 

Rhizotrochus Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 II B - 
(Indo-West Pacific 20-1,048 m depth) 

India: Andaman Islands [ 

123]; Indonesia [123]; Japan [123]; Malaysia: Sabah [116]; New Caledonia [266]; New 
Zealand [126a]; Palau [123] 

; Philippines [123]; Singapore [123] 
5 species recognized by Caims [116], but R. niinoi has subsequently been synonymized [123] 

Rhizotrochus flabelliformis Caims 1989 Indonesia[126a], New Zealand [126a], Philippines [116] 

Rhizotrochus levidensis Gardiner 1899 New Caledonia [266] 

Rhizotrochus radiatus Dennant 1904 

Rhizotrochus typus Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 India [116], Japan [116,229], Malaysia: Sabah [116], Palau 
[116], Philippines [116], Singapore [116,495,710] 

Truncatoflabellum Cairns 1989 II B - 
(North-east Atlantic; Indo-Pacific, including New Zealand. 0-1,163 m depth [116]) 

Australia [116]; Cape Verde [123]; China [116]; Indonesia [123]; Japan [123]; Madagascar [125]; Malaysia: Sabah 
[116]; Maldives [275]; Mozambique [123]; New Caledonia [126a]; New Zealand: Kermadec Ridge [126a]; 
Philippines [123]; Portugal: Madeira [123]; Singapore [123,617]; South Africa [123]; ?Sri Lanka [72 but see 116]; 
Tanzania [123] 

22 species recognized by Cairns (1989) [116]; 7 described subsequently [123a,125,126a] and 7. bairdi and T. 
profundum synonymized [123] 

Truncatoflabellumaculeatum (Milne Edwards & Haime 1848) Indonesia[126a], Philippines[116,495] 

Truncatoflabellum angustum Caims & Zibrowius 1997 Indonesia [126a], New Zealand: Kermadec Is. [126a], 
Philippines [126a] 

Truncatoflabellumarcuatum Caims 1995 

Truncatoflabellum candeanum (Milne Edwards & Haime 1848) China [116,495], Japan [116], Malaysia: Sabah 
[116], Philippines [116] 

Truncatoflabellumcarinatum Caims 1989 China[116], Japan [123] 

Truncatoflabellumcompressum (Lamarck 1816) 


Truncatoflabellumcorbicula (Tenison-Woods 1880) 

Truncatoflabellumcrassum (Milne Edwards & Haime 1848) Philippines[1 16.495]. ?Sri Lanka [72 but see 116] 

Truncatoflabellumcumingii (Milne Edwards & Haime 1848) Indonesia[116]. Philippines[116.495] 

Truncatoflabellum dens (Alcock 1902) Indonesia [126a], New Caledonia [126a]. New Zealand: Kermadec Ridge 
[126a]. Philippines [116] 

Truncatoflabellum formosum Caims 1989 Indonesia [116]. Japan [126a]. Korea Strait [116], Mozambique [125]. 
Philippines [116]. South Africa [125] 

Truncatoflabellumgardineri Cairns 1993 Japan [123], South Africa [125] 

Truncatoflabellumgippslandicus (Dennant 1899) 

Truncatoflabelluminconstans (Marenzeller 1904) 

Truncatoflabellumincrustatum Caims 1989 Indonesia[126a], Philippines[116] 

Truncatoflabellumirregulare (Semper 1872) Indonesia[126a], Philippines[116] 

Truncatoflabellummartensii (Studer 1878) Australia[709] 

Truncatoflabellummortenseni Caims & Zibrowius 1997 Indonesia[126a], Philippines [126a] 

Truncatoflabellum multispinosum Caims & Keller 1993 Madagascar [125], Mozambique [125], South Africa 
[125], Tanzania [125] 

Truncatoflabellumparipavoninum (Alcock 1894) Indonesia [116], India [6,116], Malaysia: Sabah [116], Maldives 
[275]. New Zealand: Kermadec Is. [126a]. Philippines [116] 

Truncatoflabellum phoenix Cairms 1995 Indonesia [126a], Japan [126a]. New Zealand: Kermadec Is. [126a]. 
Philippines [126a] 

Truncatoflabellumpusillum Caims 1989 Indonesia[126a], Mozambique [125], Philippines [116] 

Truncatoflabellum spheniscus (Dana 1848) Australia [116,495,716], China [116,495], Indonesia [116,495], Japan 
[116], Philippines [116,495], Singapore [36,710] 

Truncatoflabellumstabile (Marenzeller 1904) 

Truncatoflabellum stokesii (Milne Edwards & Haime 1848) Australia [716], China [495], India [5,116,659], 
Malaysia, Philippines [116,495], Singapore [36,617], Sri Lanka [5] 

Truncatoflabellumtrapezoideum (Keller 1981) 

Truncatoflabellumtruncum (Caims 1982) 

Truncatoflabellumvariabile (Gerth 1921) 

Truncatoflabellumzuluense Caims & Keller 1993 South Africa [125] 

Family GUYNIIDAE Hickson 1910 

Guynia Duncan 1872 II B - 
(Atlantic Ocean; Persian Gulf; Red Sea. 28-653 m [116]) 

Australia [125]; Barbados [612]; Bermuda [821,880c]; France [874,880c]; Greece [744a]; Indonesia [116]; Jamaica 
[822]; Japan [126a]; Martinique [614]; Mexico [375a]; Montserrat [614]; Mozambique [125]; Netherlands Antilles 
[614]; New Caledonia [116]; Oman [345,684]; Philippines [116]; Portugal: Azores [880c], Madeira [880c]; South 
Africa [125]; Tunisia [880c]; United States [613]: incl. Hawaiian Islands [107,116] 

1 [116] to 2 [151] species 

Guynia annulata Duncan 1872 

Pedicellocyathus Caims 1995 II B - 
New Zealand [123a] 

1 species 
Pedicellocyathuskeyesi Caims 1995 

Pourtalocyathus Cairns 1979 II B - 
(Western Atlantic, 349-1,200 m depth [101]) 

Netherlands Antilles: Curagao [101]; United States: Florida [151], Gulf of Mexico [613] 



1 species [116.151] 
Pourtalocyvathus hispidus (Pourtalés 1878) 

Schizocyathus Pourtales 1874 Il B - 
(Wester and north-east Atlantic [881]. Approximately 88-1,300 m depth) 

Barbados [612]; Cuba [613]; Grenada [614]; Martinique [614]; Mexico [375a]; Saint Lucia [614] 
1 species [151] 
Schizocyathus fissilis Pourtalés 1874 

Stenocyathus Pourtales 1871 18t B - 
(Cosmopolitan [107,881], including Antarctica [876]. 80-1,229 m depth) 

Australia [123]; Cuba [613]; France [874,880c]; French Southern and Antarctic Territories: Amsterdam, St Paul 
[123]: Greece [744a]:; Japan [123]; Madagascar [125]; Martinique [614]; Mexico [375a]; New Zealand [123.699]: 
United States: Florida [611], Hawaiian Islands [107,610] 

1-2 species [151] 

Stenocyathus vermiformis (Pourtalés 1868) 

Temnotrochus Caims 1995 I] B - 
New Zealand: Kermadec Islands [123a] 

1 species 
Temnotrochus kermadecensis Cairns 1995 

Truncatoguynia Caims 1989 Il B - 
(South China Sea off Hong Kong; Kermadec Ridge [116]. About 80-160 m depth) 

China [116]; Japan [123]; Philippines 
1 described species; 1 undescribed[116] 

Truncatoguyniairregularis Caims 1989 


Astroides Quoy & Gaimard 1827 I] B - 
(Mediterranean [881]. Shallow water) 

Algeria [190]; Italy [190] 
1 species [151] 
Astroides calycularis (Pallas 1766) 

Astropsammia Verrill 1869 Il B 2 
(Eastern Indian Ocean, Eastern Pacific) 

Mexico: Gulf of California[151,780,781]; Myanmar [212] 


1 species [151] 
Astropsammiapedersenti Verrill 1869 = Tubastraea coccinea [118.123] 

Balanophyllia S. V. Wood 1844 Il B - 
(Cosmopolitan. Approximately 5-700 m depth) 

Australia [123]: Barbados [612]; British Indian Ocean Territory [672]: Canada [123]; Cape Verde [142]; Cayman 
Islands [250]: Cuba [613]; Ecuador: Galapagos Islands [118.827]: Falkland Islands [693]: France [32b]: French 
Polynesia [148]; Greece [744a]; Grenada [614]; Guadeloupe [614]: Honduras [250]: India [123,602]; Indonesia 
[142]: Ireland [887b]: Israel [458]; Italy [190]: Japan [123,142.853]: Kenya [123]; Malaysia: Sabah [512]; Maldives 
[123]: Mexico [123,375a]; Mozambique [123]: Myanmar [123]; Oman [675]; Panama [219]; Philippines [123]: 
Portugal: Azores [142], Madeira [208]: Réunion [123]: Senegal [142]: Seychelles [845]: Singapore [399]: Solomon 
Islands [796]: Somalia [123]; South Africa [693]: Spain: Canary Islands [887b]; Sri Lanka [123.373]; Tanzania 
[123]; Turkey [880c]; United Kingdom [872]: United States: Alaska [123], Florida, Hawaiian Islands [107,123] 

28 to 50 [151] to 53 [123] valid species 

Balanophylliabairdiana Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 India [373] 

Balanophylliabayeri Caims 1979 Mexico [375a] 

Balanophylliabonaespei van der Horst 1938 South Africa [375] 

Balanophylliabrevis Duncan 1882 Portugal: Madeira [208] 

Balanophylliabuccina Tenison-Woods 1878 Australia[716] 

Balanophylliacapensis Verrill? South Africa [375] 

Balanophylliacaribbeana Caims 1977 

Balanophyllia carinata (Semper 1872) India [5], Indonesia [126a], Philippines [126a], Somalia [126a], Sri Lanka 

Balanophylliacedrosensis Durham 1947 Ecuador [219], Mexico [123,216,219,375a],Panama [219] 

Balanophylliacellulosa Duncan 1873 

Balanophylliachnous Squires 1962 

Balanophyllia cornu Moseley 1881 Indonesia [126a,520], Japan [126a], Maldives [276], Myanmar [373], 
Philippines [126a], United States: Hawaiian Islands [107] 

Balanophylliacrassiseptum Cairns & Zibrowius 1997 Indonesia[126a], Philippines [126a] 

Balanophylliacrassitheca Caims 1995 

Balanophyllia cumingii Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 Indonesia [25,370], Japan [123], Malaysia, Philippines 
[123,496]. Sri Lanka [72] 

Balanophylliacyathoides (Pourtalés 1871) Cuba [611], Mexico [375a] 

Balanophylliadentata Tenison-Woods 1879 Australia[716] 

Balanophyllia desmophyllioides Vaughan 1907 Indonesia [126a], Philippines [126a], United States: Hawaiian 
Islands [107,751] 

Balanophyllia diffusa Harrison & Poole 1909 Kenya [125], Maldives [125], Mozambique [125], Myanmar [125], 
South Africa [125], Tanzania [125] 

Balanophylliadilatata Dennant 1904 

Balanophylliadineta Cairns 1977 

Balanophylliadiomedeae Vaughan 1907 Maldives [276], United States: Hawaiian Islands [107,751] 

Balanophylliaelegans Verrill 1864 Canada [123], Mexico [123,375a], United States [123,776] 

Balanophylliaeuropaea (Risso 1826) Greece [744a,880c], Turkey [880c] 

Balanophylliafloridana Pourtalés 1868 ?Barbados[612],Cuba [610], United States [610] 

Balanophylliagalapagensis Vaughan 1906 Ecuador: Galapagos Islands [1 18,219,748,827] 

Balanophylliagemma (Moseley 1881) Indonesia[126a], Philippines [126a,520], Tanzania [372] 

Balanophylliagemmifera Klunzinger 1879 Israel, Seychelles [372] 

Balanophylliageneratrix Caims & Zibrowius 1997 Indonesia[126a], Philippines [126a] 

Balanophyllia gigas Moseley 1881 Indonesia [126a], Japan [126a], New Zealand [126a], Philippines [126a], 
United States: Hawaiian Is. [126a] 

Balanophylliagrandis Caims 1977 ?Cayman Islands [250], ?Honduras [250] 

Balanophylliahadros Cairms 1979 

Balanophyllia imperialis Kent 1871 India [602], Indonesia [126a,370], Myanmar [331], Philippines [126a], 
Singapore [126a,399], Sri Lanka [373] 



Balanophylliaincisa Crossland 1952 Australia[168] 

Balanophvllia italica (Michelin 1841) Cape Verde [142]. France [423]. Indonesia [142], Italy [190]. Japan [142]. 
Maldives [372] 

Balanophyllialaysanensis Vaughan 1907 United States: Hawaiian Islands [107,751] 

Balanophylliamalouinensis Squires 1961 Falkland Islands [693] 

Balanophylliamerguiensis Duncan 1889 Myanmar [212] 

Balanophvllianouhuysi van der Horst 1922 Indonesia[370.684] 

Balanophyllia palifera Pourtalés 1878 Barbados [614], Cuba [613], Grenada [614]. Guadeloupe [614], Mexico 
[375a]. United States [613] 

Balanophylliaparvula Moseley 1881 Indonesia[126a], Philippines [126a.520] 

Balanophylliaponderosa van der Horst 1926 Japan [125], Maldives [125,372], Seychelles [372.684], South Africa 
[125], ?Sri Lanka [125] 

Balanophylliarediviva Moseley 1881 Indonesia[126a,520], Philippines [126a] 

Balanophyllia regia Gosse 1860 France [32b,423]. Greece [744a], Ireland [887b], Italy [190]. Spain: Canary Is 
[887b]. United Kingdom [887b] 

Balanophylliascabra Alcock 1893 India [5,602] 

Balanophylliascabrosa (Dana 1848) Philippines[710], Singapore [173,710,776] 

Balanophylliaserrata Caims & Zibrowius 1997 Philippines [126a] 

Balanophyllia stimpsonii (Verrill 1865) Australia [125], India [5,602], Indonesia [125,370,372], Japan [853], 
Maldives [125], Mozambique [125], Myanmar [125,373], Philippines [125], Réunion [125], Seychelles 
[125,372], Somalia [125], South Africa [125], Sri Lanka [5,72,125,373] 

Balanophylliatenuis van der Horst 1922 Philippines[370] 

Balanophylliateres Caims 1994 Japan [123] 

Balanophylliathalassae Zibrowius 1980 

Balanophylliaverrucaria (Pallas 1766) France [32b] ?= B. europaea [880c] 

Balanophylliawellsi Cairns 1977 

Balanophylliayongei Crossland 1952 Australia[168] 

Bathypsammia Marenzeller 1907 Il B - 
(Western Atlantic 210-1,079 m depth) 

USA: Florida [151,610] 
2 species [151] 

Bathypsammiafallosocialis Squires 1959 
Bathypsammiatintinnabulum (Pourtalés 1868) United States [610] 

Cladopsammia Lacaze-Duthiers 1897 II B - 

(Not fully known, but reported from the Mediterranean [881], Australia [761] and Hawaiian Islands [464]. Shallow 
water 7-95 m) 

Algeria [151,190]; Australia [123]; China [496]; Colombia: Malpelo Island [123]; Ecuador: Galapagos Islands 
{118,827]; France [423]; Greece [744a]; Indonesia [735a]; Italy [190,880c]; Japan [123]; Kuwait [35 1a]; Malaysia: 
Sabah [848]; Malta [880c]; Myanmar [331]; Panama [118]; Sri Lanka [72]; Tunisia [880c]; United States: including 
Hawaiian Islands [107] i 

1 [151]to 4 species 

Cladopsammiaechinata Caims 1984 Indonesia[126a], United States: Hawaiian Islands [107] 

Cladopsammia eguchii (Wells 1982) Australia [118], Ecuador: Galapagos Islands [118,827], Japan [118], Panama 
[118], United States: Hawaiian Is [118] 

Cladopsammia gracilis (Milne Edwards & Haime 1848) Australia{118], China [496], Ecuador: Galapagos Islands 
[118,827], Fiji [496], Indonesia [735a], Japan [123], Kuwait (351a], Malaysia: Sabah [848], Myanmar [331], 
Singapore [496], Sri Lanka [72] 

Cladopsammia rolandi Lacaze-Duthiers 1897 Algeria [190], France [423], Greece [744al], Italy [190,880c], Malta 
(880c], Tunisia [880c] 



Dendrophyllia Blainville 1830 II B os 
(Cosmopolitan. including Antarctica. Reefs and rocks. shallow to deep water 7-900 m) 

Algeria [190]: Angola [123]: Australia [168.621]. Barbados [614]: Canary Islands [142]: Cape Verde [142]: 
Colombia [123]: Congo [123]: Cook Islands [485]: Costa Rica: Cocos Island [118.123]: Cuba [614]: Ecuador: 
Galapagos Islands [118]: France [32b]: French Polynesia [148]: Greece [744a]: Grenada [614]: Guadeloupe [614]: 
India [5]: incl. Andaman and Nicobar Islands [604.713]: Indonesia [123.370]: Ireland [880c]; Italy [190]; Japan 
[123.853]: Kenya [123]: Republic of Korea [123]: Malaysia: Peninsular [36.604]: Maldives [136.605]: Marshall 
Islands [123.807]: Martinique [614]: Mexico [118.375a]: Morocco [190]: Mozambique [125]; Myanmar [331]: 
New Caledonia [482]: New Zealand [699]: incl. Kermadec Islands [123,413]; New Caledonia [482]; Nigeria [142]: 
Norfolk Island [126a]; Oman [675]: Philippines [126a]; Portugal: Azores [880c], Madeira [142]; Saint Lucia [614]: 
Sao Tomé and Principe [142]; Saudi Arabia [23]; Senegal [142]: Seychelles [845]: Solomon Islands [126a]: South 
Africa [142]: Spain: Canary Islands [880c]; Sri Lanka [713]; Tanzania [123]: United States: California [123]. 
Florida. Hawaiian Islands [107.123] 

25-30 [123] or about 30 [151] valid species 

Dendrophyllia alcocki (Wells 1954) Indonesia [126a], Maldives [126a,880], Marshall Islands [126a.880], New 
Caledonia [126a], New Zealand [126a.699], Solomon Islands [126a] 

Dendrophylliaalternata Pourtalés 1880 Guadeloupe [614], Martinique [614], Saint Lucia [614] 

Dendrophylliaanastomozans (de Haan 1834) Angola [142], Indonesia [126a], Japan [142] 

Dendrophyllia arbuscula van der Horst 1922 Australia [2621], India [602,659], Indonesia [126a,370], Japan 
[229,853], Republic of Korea [123], Malaysia [36,604], Maldives [605], New Zealand: Kermadec Is [126a], 
Norfolk Island [126a], Philippines [126a] 

Dendrophylliaboschmai van der Horst 1926 Japan [370,684,858], Republic of Korea [123] 

Dendrophylliacalifornica Durham 1947 Ecuador [118], Mexico [1 18.216,375a], United States [219] 

Dendrophylliacarleenae Nemenzo 1983 

Dendrophylliacladonia van der Horst 1927 Mozambique [125], South Africa [125] 

Dendrophylliacoarctata Duncan 1889 India [602], Myanmar [212] 

Dendrophylliacornigera (Lamarck 1816) Cape Verde [142,520], France [32b,423], Greece [744a], Ireland [880c], 
Italy [190], Maldives [142,372], Morocco [190], Portugal: Azores [880c], Senegal [142], Spain: Canary Is 
[880c], United States [142] 

Dendrophylliacribrosa Milne Edwards & Haime 1851 ?Angola [123], Indonesia [123], Japan [123,370], Republic 
of Korea[123] 

Dendrophyllia dilatata van der Horst 1927 Cape Verde [142], Mozambique [125], Senegal [142], South Africa 

Dendrophylliaelegans van der Horst 1922 Indonesia [370] 

Dendrophylliaflorulenta van der Horst 1902 Indonesia [123,370], Japan [123], Republic of Korea [123], ?Marshall 
Islands [123] 

Dendrophylliagranosa Studer 1878 Australia [709] 

Dendrophyllia ijimai Yabe & Eguchi 1934 Japan [125], Kenya [125], Republic of Korea [123], Tanzania [125], 
South Africa [125] 

Dendrophylliaindica Pillai 1969 India [595,602] 

Dendrophylliajohnsoni Caims 1991 Ecuador [118] 

Dendrophylliaklunzingeri van der Horst 1926 Japan [684] = D. robusta [276] 

Dendrophyllialaboreli Zibrowius & Brito 1984 Spain: Canary Is [883] 

Dendrophylliaminuscula Bourne 1905 India [602],713, Japan [739], Maldives [276], Sri Lanka [72] 

Dendrophyllia oldroydi Oldroyd 1924 Colombia [123]; Costa Rica: Cocos I. [123], Ecuador: Galapagos Is [123], 
Mexico [123,375a], United States [123] 

Dendrophylliapraecipua Gardiner & Waugh 1939 

Dendrophylliaramea (Linnaeus 1758) Algeria [190], France [423], Indonesia [25,142], Italy [190], New Caledonia 
[482], Nigeria [142], Portugal: Madeira [142,190], Sao Tome and Principe [142], Senegal [142], Spain: 
Canary Is [142] 

Dendrophylliarobusta (Bourne 1905) Sri Lanka [72] 

Dendrophylliavelata Crossland 1952 Australia[168] 



Dichopsammia Song 1994 Il B - 
(West Pacific) 
Republic of Korea [123.687] 

1 species 
Dichopsammia granulosa Song 1994 

Duncanopsammia Wells 1936 II B - 
(South-western Australia, north to north coast of Australiaand New Guinea; south to Great Barrier Reef (eastern 
Australia) [761]) 

Australia [496]: Indonesia [370]; Papua New Guinea: Vietnam 
A small, rare coral, generally occurring in water depths over 20 m [761]. 
1 species [151,766b] 

Duncanopsammiaaxifuga (Milne Edwards & Haime 1848) 

Eguchipsammia Caims 1994 Il B - 
(Circumtropicalto warm temperate in western Pacific 110-196 m) 

Australia [123]; Barbados [614]; Cuba [614]; Grenada [614]; ?India [125]; Indonesia [735a]: Japan [123]; 
Madagascar [125]; Maldives [125]; Mexico [375a]; Mozambique [125]; New Zealand [123]; Philippines [126a]; 
Seychelles [845]; Tanzania [125]; United States [61 1]: including Hawaiian Islands [107,123] 

2 species recognized by Cairns [123] 

Eguchipsammiacornucopia Pourtalés 1871 Barbados [614], Cuba [614], Grenada [614], United States [611] 

Eguchipsammiafistula (Alcock 1902) Indonesia [735a], Japan [853,858], Maldives [125,276], Mozambique [125]. 
Tanzania [125], United States: Hawaiian Islands [107,751] 

Eguchipsammia gaditana (Duncan 1873) Australia [125], ?India [125], Indonesia [125,372], Japan [125], 
Madagascar [125], Mexico [375a], Mozambique [125], Philippines [126a], Tanzania [125], United States: 
Hawaiian Islands [107] 

Eguchipsammiajaponica (Rehberg 1892) Indonesia[123], Japan [631,684,853], New Zealand [123,699] 

Eguchipsammiaserpentina Vaughan 1907 Maldives [603], United States: Hawaiian Islands [107,603,751] 

Eguchipsammiawellsi (Eguchi 1968) Japan [126a], Philippines [126a] 

Enallopsammia Michelotti 1871 ll B - 
(Cosmopolitan [101,881]. Approximately 229-2,165 m depth) 

Australia [126a]; Cape Verde [141]; Comoros [125]; Cuba [613]; Ecuador: Galapagos Islands [118,827]; French 
Polynesia; Grenada [614]; India: Nicobar Islands [123,602]; Indonesia [126a]; Japan [123]; Madagascar [123]: 
Maldives [123]; Mauritius [242]; Morocco; New Zealand [123]; Nigeria; Philippines [126a]; Portugal; Réunion 
[123]; Saint Lucia [614]; United Kingdom [202]; United States: Hawaiian Islands [107] 

5 species were recognized by Zibrowius [875], but E. amphelioides was subsequently synonymized [123] 

Enallopsammia profunda (Pourtalés 1867) Cuba [609], Mauritius [242], United Kingdom [202], United States 

Enallopsammiapusilla (Alcock 1902) Australia[126a], India [602], Indonesia [126a], Philippines [126a] 

Enallopsammia rostrata (Pourtalés 1878) Comoros [125], Cuba [613], Ecuador: Galapagos Islands [118,827], 
French Polynesia, Grenada [614], India [602], Indonesia [126a], Japan [123], Madagascar [125], Maldives 
[125], Morocco, New Zealand [125], Nigeria, Philippines [126a], Portugal, Réunion [125], Saint Lucia [614], 
United States: Hawaiian Islands [107,751] 

Endopachys Lonsdale 1845 II B - 
(Indo-Pacific, from Africa [68] to Australia[761]. 57-274 m) 



Australia [766]; Costa Rica: Cocos Island [119]: Ecuador: Galapagos Islands [118.827]: Indonesia [123]: Japan 
[853]: Malaysia: Sabah [126a]: Mauritius [123]: Mexico [125.216.375a]: Mozambique [123]: New Zealand [126a]: 
Philippines [123]: Seychelles: Saya de Malha [125]: South Africa [123]: Tanzania [123]: United States: California 
[691]. Hawaiian Islands [107.123] 

6 species [151] 

Endopachys australiae Tenison-Woods 1878 Australia[716] 

Endopachys bulbosa Caims & Zibrowius 1997 Indonesia[126a] 

Endopachys gravi Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 Costa Rica: Cocos I. [118.219], Ecuador: Galapagos Islands 
[118.219.827], Indonesia [118.370], Japan [118], Malaysia: Sabah [126a], Mauritius [125.372]. Mexico 
{125.216.375a],. Mozambique [125], New Zealand [126a], Philippines[118]. Seychelles: Saya de Malha [125]. 
South A frica [125]. United States: Hawaiian Islands [107,751] 

Endopachys japonicum Yabe & Eguchi? Japan [853] 

Endopsammia Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 Il B - 
(Indo-Pacific, South Atlantic and Mediterranean [761] 62-? m) 

Australia [605]; British Indian Ocean Territory [605,644,672]; Ecuador: Galapagos Islands [118,827]: India [602]: 
Indonesia [126a]; Maldives [605]; New Caledonia [266]; Papua New Guinea [126a]; Philippines [605]; Seychelles 
[605]; Tanzania: Zanzibar [605] 

5 species [151] 

Endopsammia philippensis Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 Australia [126a], British Indian Ocean Territory 
(372,644 .672], India [602]. Indonesia [126a], Maldives [372,605], New Caledonia [266], Papua New Guinea 
[126a], Philippines [496], Seychelles [372], Tanzania [372] 

Endopsammiapourtalesi(Durham & Barnard 1952) Ecuador: Galapagos Islands [118,219,827] 

Eupsammia Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 II B - 
(Eastern Indian Ocean. 55 m) 

Indonesia [151]; Sri Lanka [5] 
3 species [151] 
Eupsammia regalis Alcock 1893 

Heteropsammia Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 Il B - 

Smooth Shoe Coral 

(Red Sea, Persian Gulf. East and South Africa [68,329]. Indian Ocean, north to Arabian Gulf [95], Gulf of Mannar 
(southern India) and Andaman and Nicobar Islands; south to Madagascar and south-western Australia [761]. 
South-east Asia. Pacific Ocean, north to southern Japan [853]; south to New Guinea and to Sydney, south-east 

Countries listed without reference numbers are within the distributionrange shown in Veron [761] 

Australia [356]; Bahrain [95,677]; British Indian Ocean Territory [674,832]; Brunei; China [668,894,895]: 
Christmas Island; Cocos (Keeling) Islands [763]; Comoros; Djibouti; Egypt [661]; Ethiopia; Greece [744a]; India 
[598,602]; Indonesia [356, 735a]; Iran; Israel [661]; Japan [765,853]; Jordan [661]; Kenya; Kuwait [35a]; 
Madagascar [587,591]; Malaysia [36,848]; Maldives [674]; Mauritius [242,674]; Mozambique [68]; Myanmar 
[331]; Oman [675]; Palau; Papua New Guinea; Philippines [768]; Qatar; Réunion; Saudi Arabia [15]; Seychelles 
[674,845]; Singapore; Somalia; Sri Lanka [72]; Sudan [661]; Taiwan [171]; Tanzania [372]; Thailand [186,744]: 
United Arab Emirates [95,677]; Vietnam [436]; Yemen 

8 [151] to 9 nominal species; at least 2 valid species [356,766b] 



Heteropsammia cochlea (Spengler 1781) Button Coral Australia [356]. China [356], India [5,602,659]. Indonesia 
[356.735a]. Japan. Kuwait [351a]. Madagascar [674]. Maldives [372]. Mauritius [242.674], Mozambique 
[332.674]. Myanmar [783]. Oman [675]. ?Papua New Guinea. Philippines [520.768], Seychelles [372.674]. 
Sri Lanka [72.372]. Tanzania [372]. Thailand [744]. Vietnam [436] 

Heteropsammiaeupsammides (Gray 1849) Indonesia [356.735a], Myanmar [356] 

Leptopsammia Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 II B - 
(Mediterranean:north-east Atlantic: western Pacific [761.847]. Shallow to deep water) 

Algeria [190]; Australia [814]: France [32b]; Greece [744a]; Indonesia [126a]; Italy [190]; Myanmar [331]: 
Philippines [126a]; Portugal [880c]: incl. Azores [142]; Senegal [142]; Singapore (617]; Turkey [880c]: United 
Kingdom [880c] 

5 to 10 [151] species 

Leptopsammia britannica (Duncan 1870) 

Leptopsammiachevalier Zibrowius 1980 

Leptopsammiacrassa van der Horst 1922 Indonesia[126a,370], Philippines [126a] 

Leptopsammiaformosa (Gravier 1915) Portugal: Azores [142] 

Leptopsammiapoculum van der Horst 1922 Indonesia[370] 

Leptopsammia pruvoti Lacaze-Duthiers 1897 Algeria[190], France [32b,423], Greece [744a], Italy [190], Portugal 
[880c], Senegal [142], Turkey [880c], United Kingdom [880c] 

Leptopsammiaqueenslandiae Wells 1964 Australia[814] 

Leptopsammia stokesiana Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 Indonesia [126a,370], Philippines [126a,496], Singapore 

Leptopsammiatrinitatis Hubbard & Wells 1986 

Notophyllia Dennant 1899 II B - 
(Known only from south-eastern Australia[761]. Shallow to deep water) 

2 [151] to 3 [761] species 

Notophylliaetheridgei Hoffmeister 1933 Australia [363] 
Notophylliarecta Dennant 1906 Australia[183] 
Notophylliavariolaris (Tenison- Woods 1877) Australia[716] 

Rhizopsammia Verrill 1869 II B - 
(Atlantic [881]; Indo-Pacific. 35-135 m) 

Bermuda [151]; Costa Rica: Cocos Island [119]; Ecuador: Galapagos Islands [118,827]; French Polynesia 
[554,593]; Indonesia [123]; Israel [661]; Japan [123]; Republic of Korea [123]; Marshall Islands [807]; Mexico 
[375a]; Mozambique [123]; Oman [675]; Palau [126a]; Panama [781]; Philippines [126a]; Senegal [142]; Singapore 
[684]; South A frica [693], Tanzania [126a] 

8 species were recognised by Wells (1982) [826] and 2 were described subsequently [661,677] 

Rhizopsammiaannae (van der Horst 1933) South Africa [125,374] 

Rhizopsammiachamissoi Wells 1954 Marshall Islands [142] 

Rhizopsammiacompacta Sheppard & Sheppard 1991 Mozambique [125], Oman [677], South Africa [125] 

Rhizopsammiamanuelensis Chevalier 1966 Mexico [375a], Senegal [142] 

Rhizopsammia minuta van der Horst 1922 Indonesia [142,370], Japan [123], Republic of Korea [123], Marshall 
Islands [821] 

Rhizopsammia nuda van der Horst 1922 Indonesia [126a], Philippines [126a], Singapore [372,684], Tanzania 

Rhizopsammiapulchra Verrill 1869 Panama[781] 

Rhizopsammiaverrilli van der Horst 1922 Costa Rica: Cocos Island [118], Ecuador: Galapagos Islands [118,827], 
French Polynesia [593], Indonesia [118,370], Palau [126a], Philippines [126a] 

Rhizopsammiawellingtoni Wells 1982 Ecuador: Galapagos Islands [118,827] 

Rhizopsammiawettsteini Scheer & Pillai 1983 Israel [661] 



Thecopsammia Pourtalés 1868 Il B - 
(Cosmopolitan [101.761]) 

Indonesia [735a]: Papua New Guinea [520]: Solomon Islands [796]: United Kingdom [202]; United States: Florida 

6 species [151] 

Thecopsammiaelongata Moseley 1881 Indonesia[370]. Papua New Guinea [520] 
Thecopsammia imperfecta Gravier 1915 

Thecopsammiasocialis Pourtalés 1868 United Kingdom [202]. United States [610] 
Trochopsammia Pourtales 1878 Il B - 
(West Atlantic, Caribbean [151]; western Indian Ocean. 155-775 m) 

Cuba [613]; Grenada [614]; Saint Vincent [614]; South Africa [123]; United States: Florida [151] 
1 [151] to 2 species 

Trochopsammia infundibulum Pourtalés 1878 Cuba [613], Grenada [614], Saint Vincent and the Grenadines [614]. 
United States [613] 
Trochopsammiatogata (van der Horst 1927) South Africa [125] 

Tubastraea Lesson 1829 I] B - 

Red Cave Coral, Daisy Coral 

(Caribbean [833]. Red Sea [661], Arabian Gulf [95]. Indian Ocean, north to Gulf of Kutch (north-west India) and 
Andaman and Nicobar Islands; south to Madagascar and south-western Australia [31]. South-east Asia. Pacific 
Ocean, north to Japan [231], south to southern Australia[761]; east to California [38,691]) 

American Samoa [430]; Anguilla; Antigua and Barbuda; Australia [604]; Bahrain [95]; Barbados; Brazil [420]: 
British Indian Ocean Territory [644,674,832]; British Virgin Islands [214]; Brunei; Cape Verde [421]; Cayman 
Islands; Chile; China [668,894,895]; Christmas Island [29]; Cocos (Keeling) Islands [763]; Colombia [235.615]; 
Comoros [123]; Cook Islands; Costa Rica [158]; Cuba [416,889]; Djibouti; Dominica; Dominican Republic; 
Ecuador: Galapagos Islands [118,827]; Egypt [661]; Ethiopia; Federated States of Micronesia; Fiji [126a]; French 
Polynesia [148,244]; Gabon [421]; Grenada; Guadeloupe; Guam; Haiti; Honduras; India [598.602]; Indonesia 
[735a]; Iran; Israel [458,661]; Jamaica [833]; Japan [123,765]; Jordan [661]; Kenya; Kiribati [463]; Republic of 
Korea [123]; Kuwait [351a]; Madagascar [587,591]; Malaysia: Peninsular [36], Sabah [848]; Maldives [605,674]: 
Marshall Islands [465]; Martinique; Mauritius [242,558]; Mexico [375a,782a]; Montserrat; Mozambique [68]; 
Myanmar [331]; Nauru; Netherlands Antilles [653]; New Caledonia [850]; New Zealand [123]; Nicaragua; Niue; 
Northern Marianas [496]; Oman [675]; Palau [221]; Panama [608]; Papua New Guinea; Philippines [768]; Pitcaim 
Islands [572]; Puerto Rico [10a,604]; Qatar; Réunion; Saint Kitts and Nevis; Saint Lucia; Saint Vincent and the 
Grenadines; Samoa; Saudi Arabia [15]; Seychelles [674,845]; Sierra Leone [421]; Singapore [604]; Solomon 
Islands [513]; Somalia; Sri Lanka [558]; Sudan [661]; Taiwan [171]; Tanzania [329]; Thailand [186,744]; Tokelau; 
Tonga [557]; Trinidad and Tobago; Turks and Caicos; Tuvalu; United Arab Emirates [95,677]; United States: 
California [464], Hawaiian Islands [107,464]; Vanuatu [762]; Venezuela [14]; Virgin Islands of the United States; 
Wallis and Futuna; Yemen 

Tubastraea is usually found in caves on reefs, except for 7. micrantha, which occurs on reef faces exposed to 
6 species recognized by Cairns and Keller [125]. 

Tubastraea coccinea Lesson 1829 Orange Tube Coral American Samoa [430], Australia [604,709], British 
Indian Ocean Territory [644,672], British Virgin Islands, Cape Verde [40], Christmas Island [29], Colombia 
[235], Costa Rica [219]: incl. Cocos Island [118], Cuba [889], Ecuador [118,205]: Galapagos Islands [827], 
French Polynesia [148,593], India [602,659], Indonesia [372,735a], Jamaica [284,604], Japan [739,869], 
Kiribati [463], Republic of Korea [123], Kuwait [351a], Madagascar [125], Malaysia: Peninsular [36,604], 
Sabah [848], Maldives [372,605], Marshall Islands [372], Mauritius [242,558], Mexico [375a,782al], 
Mozambique [125], Myanmar [125], Netherlands Antilles [653], New Caledonia [604], New Zealand [496], 
Northern Mariana Islands [496], Oman [675], Panama [169,496,780,781], Philippines [126a], Puerto Rico 



[10a.604]. Saudi Arabia [15]. Seychelles [125.496.845]. Singapore [604.617,710], Sri Lanka [558.634]. 
Taiwan [171]. Tanzania [329]. Thailand [701]. United States: Hawaiian Islands [167], Venezuela[14] 

Tubastraea diaphana (Dana 1848) American Samoa [359]. Australia [125], Fiji [126a.621]. Indonesia [370.735a]. 
Madagascar [125]. Philippines [126a]. Singapore {125.617.710].South Africa [125]. Tanzania [125] 

Tubastraea faulkneri Wells 1982 Ecuador: Galapagos Islands [118.827]. Indonesia [118], Palau [118], Philippines 

Tubastraeafloreana Wells 1982 Ecuador: Galapagos Islands [118.827] 

Tubastraea micrantha (Ehrenberg 1834) Tree Coral Australia [792b], British Indian Ocean Territory [672]. Cape 
Verde [142], Comoros [125], Fiji [126a], India [602,659]. Indonesia [372,735a], Israel. Japan [631.869]. 
Madagascar [125]. Malaysia: Peninsular [36], Sabah [848], Maldives [372,605], Mauritius [125.242], 
Mozambique [125.637d], Palau [221], Philippines [126a,621], Saudi Arabia [15], Seychelles [125.496], 
Singapore [617.710.776].South A frica [637d], Taiwan [171]. Tonga [557] 

Tubastraeatagusensis Wells 1982 Ecuador: Galapagos Islands [118.827], India [1 18], Kuwait [35 1a], Palau [118] 

Turbinaria Oken 1815 Il B - 

Vase Coral 

(Red Sea [661], Persian Gulf, East and South Africa [68,329]. Indian Ocean, north to Arabian Gulf [95], Gulf of 
Kutch and Andaman and Nicobar Islands; south to Madagascar and south-western tip of Australia [31]. South-east 
Asia. Pacific Ocean, north to southern Japan [231], Marshall Islands and Phoenix Islands; south to Lord Howe 
Island and Kermadec Islands [761]; east to Tubuai Islands [244]) 

Countries listed without reference numbers are within the distribution range shown in Veron [761] 

American Samoa [430]; Australia [27]; Bahrain [95,677]; British Indian Ocean Territory [644,674,832]; Brunei: 
China [668,894,895]; Christmas Island; Cocos (Keeling) Islands [763]; Comoros; Cook Islands [485]; Djibouti 
[298]; Egypt [661]; Ethiopia; Federated States of Micronesia [27]; Fiji [262]; French Polynesia [148,244,554]; 
Guam; India [598,602]; Indonesia [735a]; Iran; Israel [458.661]; Japan [765]; Jordan [661]; Kenya; Kiribati 
[463,872a]; Kuwait [351a]; Madagascar [587,591]; Malaysia [186]: including Sabah [848]; Maldives [605,674]; 
Marshall Islands [465,807]; Mauritius [242,674]; Mozambique [68,845]; Myanmar [212]; Nauru; New Caledonia 
[850]; New Zealand: Kermadec Islands [413]; Niue; Northern Marianas; Oman [675]; Palau [221]; Papua New 
Guinea; Philippines [768]; Pitcairn Islands [572]; Qatar; Réunion [69]; Samoa; Saudi Arabia [15]; Seychelles 
[674,845]: Singapore [617]; Solomon Islands [796]; Somalia; South Africa [637d]; Sri Lanka [558]; Sudan [661]; 
Taiwan [171]; Tanzania [329]; Thailand [186,744]; Tokelau; Tonga [27,621]; Tuvalu; United Arab Emirates 
[95,677]; Vanuatu [762]; Vietnam [436]; Wallis and Futuna; Yemen 

Widely distributed on reefs, occurring in many habitats [242]. Several species (e.g. 7. heronensis and T. bifrons) are 
common on temperate reefs, although uncommon in the tropics [761]. 
80 nominal species, 15 [761,766b] to 20 [151] valid species 

Turbinaria auricularis Bernard 1896 Federated States of Micronesia [27], Indonesia[728], New Caledonia [482] 

Turbinaria bifrons Briiggemann 1877 Australia [27], Indonesia [735a], Japan, New Caledonia [482], New Zealand: 
Kermadec Is [413], Vietnam 

Turbinaria brassica (Dana 1848) Fiji[27], Tonga [621] 

Turbinaria brueggemanni Berard 1896 Taiwan [27] 

Turbinariacalicularis Bernard 1896 Indonesia [27] 

Turbinariacinerascens (Ellis & Solander 1786) Australia[709], Fiji [557], Myanmar [212], Singapore [710] 

Turbinariaconspicua Bernard 1896 Australia[27] 

Turbinariacontorta Bernard 1896 Japan, Palau [221], Vietnam [436] 

Turbinaria crater (Pallas 1766) nomen dubium Australia [27,255], British Indian Ocean Territory [674], India 
[602,659], Indonesia [25,735a,741], Madagascar [674], Malaysia: Peninsular [36], Mauritius [242,674], 
Myanmar [212,674], New Zealand: Kermadec Is [753], Saudi Arabia [23], Singapore [617], Tanzania [71 4a], 
Thailand [701], Vietnam [436] 

Turbinaria danae Bernard 1896 Australia[27,758a], Fiji [262], Singapore [27], Taiwan [27] 

Turbinaria foliosa Bernard 1896 

Turbinaria frondens (Dana 1848) American Samoa [430], Australia [27], Cook Islands [485], Fiji, India [599], 
Indonesia [735a], Japan, Malaysia: Sabah [848], Marshall Islands [465], Mozambique [674], Papua New 
Guinea, Philippines [768], Saudi Arabia [674], Solomon Islands [513], Taiwan [171], Thailand [674,744], 
Vanuatu, Vietnam [436] 



Turbinaria heronensis Wells 1958 Australia. Indonesia [735a]. Philippines [768] 

Turbinariaimmersa Y abe & Sugiyama? Taiwan [171] 

Turbinaria irregularis Bernard 1896 British Indian Ocean Territory [672.674]. Japan. Mauritius [27.2242.674]. 
Mozambique [637d.674]. Palau [221]. Philippines [768]. Reunion [69,2242] 

Turbinarialaminata Bernard 1896 

Turbinaria mantonae Crossland 1952 Australia[168] 

Turbinariamarmorea Rehberg 1892 Federated States of Micronesia [27.631]. Maldives [605]. Palau [27.631] 

Turbinaria mesenterina (Lamarck 1816) Australia [27], British Indian Ocean Territory [674], China, Djibouti 
[298]. Fiji [262], French Polynesia [593]. India [602]. Indonesia[735a]. Israel [674], Japan, Madagascar [674], 
Malaysia: Sabah [848]. Maldives [605]. Marshall Islands, Mauritius [27,242,674], Mozambique [63 74.674]. 
Papua New Guinea. Philippines [768], Réunion [69.242], Saudi Arabia [15,655]. Seychelles [674]. South 
Africa [637d]. Taiwan [171]. Tanzania [470], Thailand [674.744]. Tonga [27], Vanuatu. Vietnam [436] 

Turbinaria mollis Bernard 1896 India [659.674]. Malaysia: Peninsular [36], Singapore [27.617] 

Turbinaria orbicularis Bernard 1896 Australia[27] 

Turbinariaparvistella Kent 1871 

Turbinaria patula (Dana 1848) Australia [27,255], Fiji [557], Indonesia [27,735a], Papua New Guinea, Vanuatu, 
Vietnam [436] 

Turbinaria peltata (Esper 1794) American Samoa [430], Australia [27.255,758a,792b], British Indian Ocean 
Territory [672.674], China, Cook Islands [485], India [602,659], Indonesia [25,735a.741], Japan, Kuwait 
[351a]. Madagascar [674]. Malaysia: Peninsular [36], Maldives [605], Mauritius [27,242,674]. Mozambique 
[674], New Caledonia [482], Oman [675], Palau [221]. Papua New Guinea, Philippines [768], Reunion 
[69.242], Saudi Arabia [23], Seychelles [674,845], Singapore [27,557,617,710], Sri Lanka [599], Taiwan 
[171], Thailand [701,744], ?Tonga [27], Vanuatu, Vietnam [436] 

Turbinaria porcellanea Bernard 1896 British Indian Ocean Territory [672.674], Mauritius [?242,674]. Solomon 
Islands [27] 

Turbinaria pulcherrima Bernard 1896 Fiji [262], Tonga [27] 

Turbinariaquincuncialis Ortmann 1889 India [599], Sri Lanka [27,558] 

Turbinaria radicalis Bernard 1896 Australia [27], Indonesia [735a], New Zealand: Kermadec Is [413], Thailand, 
Vietnam [436] 

Turbinaria reniformis Bernard 1896 Australia [27], Cocos (Keeling) Islands [766a], Cook Islands, India [602], 
Indonesia [735a], Japan, Kiribati [463], Kuwait [35la], Papua New Guinea, Philippines [535,768], Saudi 
Arabia [674], Singapore, Taiwan [171], Thailand, Tonga [27], Vanuatu, Vietnam [436] 

Turbinariarugosa Berard 1896 Taiwan [27] 

Turbinariaschistica Gardiner 1898 Fiji [262] 

Turbinariasinensis Verrill 1866 Australia[27], Taiwan [27] 

Turbinariaspeciosa Bemard 1896 

Turbinaria stellulata (Lamarck 1816) Australia [27], British Indian Ocean Territory [27,644,672], Cook Islands 
[485], Fiji [27,621], Indonesia [735a], Japan, Madagascar [674], Malaysia, Marshall Islands [465], New 
Caledonia [482], Papua New Guinea, Philippines [535,768], Saudi Arabia [674], Thailand [674,744], Tonga 
(27], Vanuatu, Vietnam [436] 

Turbinariatayamai Y abe & Sugiyama? 

Turbinariatubifera Bernard 1896 New Caledonia [482], Taiwan [27] 

Turbinariaundata Bemard 1896 Australia[27], India [602], New Caledonia [482] 


Family MILLEPORIDAE Fleming 1828 

Millepora Linnaeus 1758 Il B - 

Fire Corals 

(Atlantic; Red Sea, East and South Africa [68,329]. Indian Ocean, north to southern India and Andaman and 
Nicobar Islands; south to Madagascar, Cocos (Keeling) Islands and south-western Australia. South-east Asia. 
Pacific Ocean, north to southern Japan and Hawaiian Islands; south to the Great Barrier Reef of Australiaand New 
Caledonia; east to Tuamotu Archipelago) 



American Samoa [430]: Anguilla: Antigua and Barbuda: Aruba [797]: Australia [770]; Bahamas [690]: Barbados: 
Belize [102]: Bermuda [191.381]: Brazil [420]: British Indian Ocean Territory [644.674.832]: British Virgin Islands 
[214]: Brunei: Cape Verde [142]: Cayman Islands [250]: China [668.894.895]: Christmas Island: Cocos (Keeling) 
Islands [763.806]: Colombia [235.615]: Comoros: Cook Islands: Costa Rica [158]; Cuba [416,889]; Djibouti [298]: 
Dominica; Dominican Republic: Ecuador: Egypt [661]; Ethiopia: Federated States of Micronesia: Fiji [621]; French 
Polynesia [148.244]: Grenada: Guadeloupe: Guam: Haiti [776]: Honduras [250]: India [598.602]: Indonesia [735a]: 
Israel [458.661]: Jamaica [833]; Japan [765]; Jordan [661]; Kenya [329]; Kiribati [463]; Madagascar [587.591]; 
Malaysia: Peninsular [36], Sabah [585.848]: Maldives [674]: Marshall Islands [465.807]; Martinique [70]; 
Mauritius [242]; Mexico [375a.381]: Montserrat: Mozambique [68]; Myanmar; Nauru; Netherlands Antilles [653]: 
New Caledonia [850]; Nicaragua: Niue; Northern Marianas; Oman [675]; Palau [221]; Panama [608]; Papua New 
Guinea; Philippines [621,768]: Puerto Rico [746]; Réunion [69a]; Saint Kitts and Nevis; Saint Lucia [639]: Saint 
Vincent and the Grenadines; Samoa; Saudi Arabia [15]; Seychelles [674.845]: Singapore [617]: Solomon Islands 
[513]: Somalia: South Africa [637d]; Sri Lanka [634]; Sudan [661]; Taiwan [171]; Tanzania [329]; Thailand 
[186.744]: Tokelau: Tonga [340]: Trinidad and Tobago: Turks and Caicos; Tuvalu [835]; United Arab Emirates 
[95.677]; United States: Florida [847], Hawaiian Islands [847]; United States minor outlying islands: Johnston Atoll 
[467]; Vanuatu [762]; Venezuela [776]; Vietnam [436]; Virgin Islands of the United States [640a]; Wallis and 
Futuna Islands; Yemen 

A common and widespread coral. occurring in a wide range of reef habitats [691.847]. 
At least 48 nominal species; unknown number of valid species 

Millepora alcicornis Linnaeus 1758 Finger Coral, Ginger Coral American Samoa [359], Aruba [797], Bahamas 
[690], Belize [102], Bermuda [191,621,787], Brazil [779,787,797], British Virgin Islands Cape Verde 
[40,142], Cayman Islands [250], Colombia [235], Cuba [416], Haiti [776], Honduras [250], Martinique [70], 
Mexico [375a], Netherlands Antilles [653], Panama, Puerto Rico [10a,746], Tonga [340], United States [797]. 
Venezuela [14], Virgin Islands of the United States [621] = M. tenera [430] 

Millepora boschmai de Weerdt & Glynn 1991 Panama [365,799] 

Millepora braziliensis Verrill 1868 Brazil [50,779,787] 

Millepora complanata Lamarck 1816 Bahamas [690], Belize [102], British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands (250), 
Colombia [235], Cuba [416]. Honduras [250], Martinique [70], Netherlands Antilles [653], Panama, Puerto 
Rico [10a], United States, Venezuela [14] 

Milleporacruzi Nemenzo 1975 

Millepora dichotoma Forskal 1775 China, Cocos (Keeling) Islands [754], Djibouti [298], Indonesia [735a], Israel 
[55c], Marshall Islands [465], Mauritius [242], Papua New Guinea, Saudi Arabia [15,655], Sri Lanka [634], 
Taiwan [171], Tanzania [714a], Vanuatu [19a], Vietnam [436] 

Millepora exaesa Forskal 1775 Australia [792b], Brunei, China, Fiji [621], French Polynesia (621], Indonesia 
[735a], Japan, Malaysia: Sabah [848], Marshall Islands [465], Mauritius [242], Mozambique [637d], Palau 
[221], Philippines [621], Réunion [69], Saudi Arabia [15], Seychelles, South Africa [637d], Thailand [701 It 
Tuvalu [835] 

Millepora fasciculata Lamarck 1816 

Millepora intricata Milne Edwards & Haime 1857 Indonesia [621,735Sa], Japan, Kenya (329], Mauritius [242], 
Philippines [776], Taiwan [171], Tanzania [329] 

Millepora latifolia Boschma 1948 China, Indonesia [735a] 

Millepora murrayi Quelch 1884 Australia [340], Philippines [44,621], Taiwan [171], Tonga [44] 

Milleporanitida Verrill 1868 Brazil [50,779,787] 

Millepora platyphylla Hemprich & Ehrenberg 1834 American Samoa [359,430], British Indian Ocean Territory 
[644,672], Brunei, China, Cocos (Keeling) Islands [754], French Polynesia [148], Indonesia [735a], Israel, 
Japan [869], Kenya [329], Kiribati [463,754], Malaysia: Peninsular [36], Sabah [848], Marshall Islands [465], 
Mauritius [242], Papua New Guinea, Réunion [69,69a,242], Saudi Arabia [15], Seychelles [845], Singapore 
[617], Solomon Islands [513], Taiwan [171], Tanzania [329,714a], Thailand [701], Tuvalu (835], Vanuatu 
[19a], Vietnam [436] 

Millepora plicata Esper 1794 Indonesia[340], United States [611] 

Millepora pumila Dana 1848 Venezuela[776] 

Milleporaramosa Pallas 1766 Bermuda [621]+ 

Millepora squarrosa Lamarck 1816 Brazil [50], British Virgin Islands, Colombia [235], Cuba [416], Martinique 
[70], Mexico [375a], Netherlands Antilles [653], Puerto Rico [10a,797], Tuvalu [835], Venezuela [14] 

Millepora striata Duchassaing & Michelotti 1864 Guadeloupe [797], Venezuela [797] 



Millepora tenera Boschma 1949 American Samoa [430], Australia [792b]. British Indian Ocean Terntor 
[644.672]. China. Fiji. Indonesia [735a]. Japan [869]. Kenya [329]. Malaysia: Peninsular [36]. Mauritius 
[242]. Palau [221]. Papua New Guinea. Réunion [69]. Seychelles [845], Taiwan [171]. Tanzania [329.714a]. 
Tuvalu [835]. United States minor outlying islands: Johnston Atoll [467] 

Milleporatuberosa Boschma 1966 Indonesia[735a]. Mauritius [61.242]. Taiwan [171] 

Milleporaxishaensis Zou 1978 China 


Family STYLASTERIDAE Gray 1847 

Adelopora Caims 1982 II B - 

(Subantarctic: off Brazil: South Pacific seamounts, seamounts and ridges between New Zealand and New 
Caledonia; Lord Howe seamount chain. 282-1.169 m) 

Australia: Brazil: Chile [105]: New Caledonia: New Zealand 

1 species recognized by Cairns [105] and 3 described subsequently [27] 

Adeloporacrassilabrum Caims 1991 

Adelopora fragilis Cais 1991 

Adelopora moseleyi Caims 1991 

Adelopora pseudothyron Cairns 1983 Chile [105] 

Astya Stechow 1921 Il B - 
(West Pacific; New Zealand. 590-914 m) 

New Zealand [27]: Philippines [45,119] 
1 species recognized by Cairms [105] and 1 described subsequently [27] 

Astya aspidoporaCaims 1991 
Astya subviridis (Moseley 1879) Philippines [45,105] 

Calyptopora Boschma 1968 II B - 
(New Zealand region. 216-2,010 m [27]) 

New Zealand [63,105] 

3 species were recognized by Cairns [105]; C. pachypoma was transferred to the new genus Pseudocrypthelia [15]; 
C. complanata was subsequently transferred back to St/aster [110]; and 1 species described subsequently [27] 

Calyptoporareticulata Boschma 1968 New Zealand [63,105] 
Calyptoporasinuosa Caims 1991 New Zealand [120] 

Cheiloporidion Caims 1983 II B - 
(Off south-east South America. 642-1,137 m [119]) 

Argentina[105]; Chile [105] 
1 species recognized by Caimms [105] 
Cheiloporidionpulvinatum Caims 1983 

Conopora Moseley 1879 I] B - 
(Indo-west Pacific; Subantarctic; Antarctic. | 10-2,355 m [119]) 



Australia [112]: British Indian Ocean Territory [644]: India [45]: Indonesia [735a]; Japan [45]: Mauritius [45]: New 
Zealand [45]: Seychelles [45] 

4 species recognized by Cairns [105] and 6 described subsequently [112.120] 

Conopora adeta Caims 1987 Australia[112] 

Conopora anthohelia Caims 1991 

Conopora candelabrum Cais 1991 

Conopora dura Hickson & England 1909 Seychelles [45] 

Conopora gigantea Caims 1991 

Conopora laevis (Studer 1878) ?British Indian Ocean Territory [644], India [45], ?Indonesia [45], Japan [45]. 
Mauritius [45], New Zealand [45,520]: incl. Kermadec Is, Seychelles [45] 

Conopora major Hickson & England 1905 Indonesia[45,735a], Mauritius [45] 2=C_ verrucosa 

Conopora tetrastichopora Caims 1991 

Conopora unifacialis Caims 1991 

Conopora verrucosa (Studer 1878) e. of New Zealand (35°21'S 175°40'E) 

Crypthelia Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 Il B - 
(Cosmopolitan 140-2,789 m [123,120]) 

British Indian Ocean Territory [644]; British Virgin Isiands; Cuba [613]; Ecuador: Galapagos Islands [111]; French 
Guiana; Grenada; Guadeloupe; Indonesia [735a]; Japan [45]; Maldives [45]; Martinique: Mexico [375a]: 
Montserrat; Panama [216]; Philippines [45]; Portugal: including Azores [885], Madeira [885]: Saint Kitts and Nevis 
[520]; Saint Lucia; Saint Vincent and the Grenadines; Spain: Canary Islands [520,885]; United States [611]: Virgin 
Islands of the United States 

14 species recognized by Cairns [105] and 17 described subsequently [109,110,111,120,885] 

Crypthelia affinis Moseley 1879 Spain: Canary Islands [45] 

Crypthelia balia (Hickson & England 1905) Indonesia[45,735a] 

Cryptheliaclausa Broch 1947 Maldives [45] 

Cryptheliacryptotrema Zibrowius 1981 

Cryptheliacurvata Caims 1991 

Cryptheliacymas Cairns 1986 Ecuador: Galapagos Islands [111] 

Cryptheliadactvlopoma Cairms 1986 Ecuador: Galapagos Islands[1 11] 

Crypthelia eueides Caims 1986 Ecuador: Galapagos Islands [111] 

Crypthelia floridana Caims 1986 United States 

Crypthelia formosa Cais 1983 

Crypthelia fragilis Cais 1983 

Crypthelia gigantea Fisher 1938 Ecuador: Galapagos Islands [45,111] 

Crypthelia glebulenta Cairns 1986 Ecuador: Galapagos Islands[1 11] 

Crypthelia glossopoma Caims 1986 French Guiana, Mexico [375a], Saint Kitts and Nevis, United States, Virgin 
Islands of the United States 

Crypthelia insolita Cairns 1986 Grenada, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 

Crypthelia japonica (Milne Edwards & Haime 1849) Japan [45,503] 

Crypthelialacunosa Caims 1986 Ecuador: Galapagos Islands [111] 

Crypthelia medioatlantica Zibrowius & Cairns 1992 Portugal: Azores [885] 

Crypthelia micropoma Caims 1985 

Crypthelia papillosa Caims 1986 

Crypthelia peircei Pourtalés 1867 British Virgin Islands, Cuba [45,609], Granada, Guadeloupe, Saint Lucia, 
Martinique, Montserrat, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, United States [609,61 1] 

Crypthelia platypoma (Hickson & England 1905) Indonesia [45,735a] 

Crypthelia polypoma Caims 1991 

Crypthelia pudica Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 British Virgin Islands, Indonesia [45,735a], Japan [520], New 
Zealand [709]: incl. Kermadec Is [105,520], Panama [216], Philippines [45,105,503], Saint Kitts and Nevis 
[520], Spain: Canary Is [520] 

Cryptheliaramosa (Hickson & England 1905) British Indian Ocean Territory [45], Indonesia [45,735a] 

Cryptheliarobusta Caims 1991 



Crnpthelia stenopoma (Hickson & England 1905) Ecuador [45]. Indonesia [45], Maldives [45] 

Crvpthelia studeri Caims 1991 

Cnpthelia tenuiseptata Cairns 1986 Grenada. Montserrat. Portugal: Azores [885], Saint Vincent and the 

Crypthelia trophostega Fisher 1938 United States [45] 

Cryptheliavascomarquesi Zibrowius & Cairns 1992 Portugal: Azores [885]. Madeira [885]. Spain: Canary Is [885] 

Cyclohelia Caims 1991 I B a1 
(Bering Sea. 550 m [121]) 

United States [121] 
1 species recognized by Cais [121] 
Cyclohelialamellata Caims 1991 

Distichopora Lamarck 1816 II B - 
(Widely distributed: western Atlantic; Red Sea, Indo-West Pacific. 1-741 m depth) 

Australia [45]; ?Bahamas [45,110]; Barbados [110,612]; British Indian Ocean Territory [45.644]; British Virgin 
Islands: Brunei; China [45]; Cook Islands [45]; Cuba [110,613]; Dominica; Ecuador: Galapagos Islands [111,119]; 
Fiji [45]; French Polynesia [148]; Grenada [110]; Guadeloupe; Indonesia [735a]; Japan [45]; Kiribati [45,463]: 
Malaysia: Peninsular [36]; Marshall Islands [465,807]; Martinique; Mauritius [242]; Mexico [110,375a]: Montserrat 
[110]; New Caledonia [45]; Philippines [45]; Puerto Rico; ?Réunion [242]: Saint Lucia; Saint Vincent and the 
Grenadines [110]; Saudi Arabia [15]; Seychelles [45]; Singapore [617]; Solomon Islands [513]; Tanzania [560]: 
Tonga [45]: United States [609]: including Hawaiian Islands [100]; United States minor outlying islands: Johnston 
Atoll [45]; Vanuatu [45]; Virgin Islands of the United States [45] 

It may be common beneath overhangs or in caves. 
16 species recognized by Cairns [105] and 6 described subsequently [110,111,120] 

Distichoporaanceps Cairns 1978 United States: Hawaiian Is [100] 

Distichopora anomala Caims 1986 Barbados [110], Grenada [110], Guadeloupe, Martinique, Montserrat [110], 
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 

Distichopora barbadensis Pourtalés 1874 Barbados [110,612], Granada [110], Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 

Distichopora borealis Fisher 1938 Japan [45], United States [45] 

Distichopora cervina Pourtalés 1871 Dominica, Guadeloupe, Puerto Rico, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the 
Grenadines [110], Virgin Islands of the United States [45,110,520] 

Distichopora coccinea Gray 1860 Australia [45], French Polynesia [45], Indonesia [45,735a], Kiribati [45], 
Marshall Islands [45,520], New Caledonia [45] 

Distichoporacontorta Pourtalés 1878 Cuba [45,110,613] 

Distichopora dispar Caims 1991 

Distichoporafoliacea Pourtalés 1868 Mexico [110], United States [45,110,610] 

Distichopora gracilis Dana 1848 Cook Islands [45], French Polynesia [45,173] 

Distichoporairregularis Moseley 1881 China [45], Philippines [45,520] 

Distichoporalaevigranulosa Caims 1986 Ecuador: Galapagos[111] 

Distichoporalivida Tenison-Woods 1880 Australia [45], Marshall Islands [45], Solomon Islands [45], Tonga [45}, 
Vanuatu [45] 

Distichoporanitida Verrill 1864 Kiribati [45,852], Marshall Islands [45,776], Solomon Islands [45] 

Distichoporaprofunda Hickson & England 1909 British Indian Ocean Territory [45,644] 

Distichoporaprovidentiae (Hickson & England 1909) Seychelles [45] 

Distichoporarosalindae Caims 1986 Mexico[110,375a] 

Distichoporaserpens Broch 1942 Philippines [45] 

Distichoporasulcata Pourtalés 1867 ?Bahamas [45], Cuba [45,110,609], United States [609] 

Distichoporauniserialis Cairns 1986 Cuba[110] 

Distichopora violacea (Pallas 1766) Australia [45,399], British Indian Ocean Territory [45,644], Brunei, Fiji [45], 
French Polynesia [45,148], Indonesia [45,735a], Japan [45], Kiribati [463], Malaysia [36], Marshall Islands 



[45.465]. Mauritius [242]. Philippines [45]. ?Reunion [242], Saudi Arabia [15.655], Seychelles, Singapore 
[617]. Solomon Islands [513]. Tanzania [45]. United States minor outlying islands: Johnston Atoll [45.467] 
Distichoporayucatanensis Caims 1986 Mexico [110.375a] 

Errina Gray 1835 I B - 
(North Atlantic. Mediterranean. off South Africa: New Zealand region; Subantarctic and Antarctic. 6-1 5772 m [27]) 

Antarctica: Peter Island [45]; Bahamas [110]; Barbados [110]; Cape Verde [885]: Chile [45]; China [45], Cuba 
[613]; Ecuador: Galapagos Islands [111]: Falkland Islands [45]; Gibraltar [885]; Heard and Macdonald Islands 
[45]; Italy [885]: Marshall Islands [807]: Mauritius [58]; Mexico [110,375a]; Morocco [885]; New Zealand [45: 
Portugal: Azores [776.885]: South Africa [45]: Spain [885]; United States [610] 

16 species recognized by Cairms (1983) [105]: 6 described subsequently and | other recognizedas valid [110,120] 

Errina altispina Caims 1986 Mexico [110,375a] 

Errina antarctica (Gray 1872) Chile [45], Falkland Islands [45], Heard and Macdonald Islands [45], New Zealand 

Errina aspera (Linnaeus 1767) ?Cape Verde [105,885]. Gibraltar [885], Italy [885], Morocco [105], Spain [885] 

Errina atlantica Hickson 1912 Portugal: Azores [45,347] 

Errina bicolor Caims 1991 

Errina boschmai Cairns 1983 

Errina capensis Hickson 1912 South Africa [45] 

Errina chathamensis Caims 1991 

Errina cheilopora Caims 1983 

Errina cochleata Pourtalés 1867 Bahamas [110], Barbados [110], Cuba [45,110,609], United States [610] 

Errina cruenta Boschma 1968 New Zealand [63a] 

Errina dabneyi (Pourtalés 1871) Portugal: Azores [45,520,776 (see 58,885)] 

Errina dendyi Hickson 1912 

Errina fissurata Gray 1872 Antarctica[45] 

Errina gracilis Marenzeller 1903 Antarctica: Peter Island [45] 

Errina kerguelensis Broch 1942 

Errina laevigata Caims 1991 

Errina laterorifa Eguchi 1964 

Errina macrogastra Marenzeller 1904 Ecuador: Galapagos Islands [45,111,216] 

Errina novaezelandiae Hickson 1912 New Zealand [45] 

Errina reticulata Caims 1991 

Errina rubra Broch 1942 New Zealand [45] 

Errina sinuosa Caims 1991 

Errinopora Fisher 1931 Il B - 
(Antarctic; Indian Ocean, north Pacific. 49-518 m [119]) 

Canada [216]; Mauritius; Russian Federation [45]; United States [45] 
8 species recognized by Caims [105] 

Errinoporacestoporina Cairns 1983 

Errinopora cyclopora (Cairns 1983) 

Errinopora latifundata Naumov 1960 

Errinoporananneca Fisher 1938 United States [45] 

Errinopora porifera (Naumov 1960) 

Errinopora pourtalesii (Dall 1884) Canada [216], United States [45,252] 
Errinoporastylifera (Broch 1935) Russian Federation [45] 
Errinoporazarhyncha Fisher 1938 United States [45] 

Errinopsis Broch 1951 II B - 
(Off southern South America. 250-771 m [119]) 



Argentina: Falkland Islands [45] 
2 species recognized by Cairns [105] 

Errinopsis fenestrata Caims 1983 
Errinopsis reticulum Broch 1951 Argentina[105]. Falkland Islands [45] 

Gyropora Boschma 1960 Il B - 
South Africa [105]. 22 m [119] 

1 species recognized by Cairns [105] 
Gyropora africana Boschma 1960 

Inferiolabiata Broch 1951 Il B - 
(Subantarcticand Antarctic; New Zealand region. 87-2,100 m [27]) 

Argentina [45]: New Zealand [45]; Saint Helena: Tristan da Cunha [45,520] 
2 species recognized by Caims [105] and | described subsequently [27] 

Inferiolabiatalabiata (Moseley 1879) Argentina[45], Saint Helena [45] 
Inferiolabiatalowei Caims 1983 
Inferiolabiataspinosa Caims 1991 

Lepidopora Pourtalés 1871 Il B - 
(Worldwide, including south Pacific; South Africa; western Atlantic; New Zealand region; off Antarctica. 60-1,874 
m depth [26,110,120]) 

Bahamas; Barbados [110]; Cuba [613]; Guadeloupe [110]; Martinique; Mauritania [885]; Morocco [885]; New 
Zealand [64]; Portugal: Azores [885]; Saint Lucia [110]; South Africa [52]; United States [45] 

8 species recognized by Caims (1983) [105], 7 described subsequently [109,110,120] and L. hicksoni was replaced 
by L. eburnea 

Lepidoporaacrolophos Caims 1983 

Lepidopora biserialis Cairns 1986 Bahamas [110], Cuba [110] 

Lepidoporacarinata (Pourtalés 1867) Cuba [45,110,520,609] 

Lepidoporaclavigera Caims 1986 Barbados [110] 

Lepidoporacryptocymas Cairns 1985 

Lepidopora decipiens (Boschma 1964) Guadeloupe[110], Martinique, Saint Lucia [110] 
Lepidopora dendrostylus Cairns 1991 

Lepidopora diffusa (Boschma 1963) South Africa [52] 

Lepidoporaeburnea (Calvet 1903) Portugal: Azores [885] 

Lepidopora glabra (Pourtalés 1867) Bahamas, Cuba [45,110,611], United States [45,1 10] 
Lepidopora granulosa (Cais 1983) 

Lepidoporamicrostylus Caims 1991 

Lepidopora polystichopora Caims 1985 

Lepidoporasarmentosa (Boschma 1968) New Zealand [64] 

Lepidoporasymmetrica Cairms 1991 

Lepidotheca Caims 1983 Il B - 
(Indo-West Pacific; Caribbean; New Zealand region; Subantarctic. 85-2,010 m [120,123]) 

Cuba [110]; Dominica; Ecuador: Galapagos Islands [111]; Indonesia [735a]; Japan [105]; Martinique [110]; 
Mauritius [45]; Montserrat; New Zealand [45]; Saint Kitts and Nevis [110] 

7 species recognized by Cairns [105] and 7 described subsequently [110,111,120] 



Lepidothecaaltispina Caims 1991 

Lepidotheca brochi Caims 1986 Dominica. Martinique [1 10]. Montserrat. Saint Kitts and Nevis [110] 
Lepidothecacervicornis (Broch 1942) New Zealand [45] 
Lepidothecachauliostvlus Caims 1991 

Lepidotheca fascicularis (Cais 1983) 

Lepidotheca hachijoensis (Eguchi 1968) Japan [105] 

Lepidotheca horrida (Hickson & England 1905) Indonesia [45,735a] 
Lepidotheca inconsuta Caims 1991 

Lepidothecajaponica (Eguchi 1968) Japan [105] 
Lepidothecamacropora Caims 1986 Ecuador: Galapagos Islands[111] 
Lepidotheca pourtalesi Cairns 1986 Cuba [110] 

Lepidothecaramosa (Hickson & England 1905) Indonesia[45,735a] 
Lepidothecarobusta Caims 199] 

Lepidothecatenuistylus (Broch 1942) Mauritius [45] 

Paraerrina Broch 1942 II B - 
(Western Indian Ocean. 238-274 m [119]) 

Mauritius [45,105] 
1 species recognized by Caims [105] 
Paraerrina decipiens Broch 1942 

Phalangopora Kirkpatrick 1887 I B - 
(Western Indian Ocean. 238-274 m [119]) 

Mauritius [45,105] 
1 species recognized by Cairns [105] 
Phalangoporaregularis Kirkpatrick 1887 

Pliobothrus Pourtalés 1868 II B - 
(North Atlantic; western Pacific. 80-1,600 m [26], 110) 

Bahamas [45]; Barbados; Cuba [45]; Dominica; Faeroe Islands [110]; Guadeloupe; Iceland [885]; Indonesia [735a]; 
Ireland [885]; Martinique; Montserrat; Netherlands Antilles; Norway [45]; Portugal: Azores [885], ?Madeira [885]: 
Puerto Rico: Mona Island [110]; Saint Kitts and Nevis: Sombrero Islands [520]; Saint Lucia; Saint Vincent and the 
Grenadines [110]; United States [610] 

3 species recognized by Cairns [105] and 2 described subsequently [110,885] 

Pliobothrus echinatus Cairs 1986 Martinique, Puerto Rico [110], Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 

Pliobothrus gracilis Zibrowius & Cais 1992 Hyéres Seamount [885] 

Pliobothrus spinosa (Hickson & England 1905) Indonesia [45,735a] 

Pliobothrus symmetricus Pourtalés 1868 Bahamas [45], Barbados, Dominica, Faeroe Islands [110,885], 
Guadeloupe, Iceland [110], Ireland [885], Martinique, Montserrat, Norway [45], Puerto Rico [105], Portugal: 
Azores [110], 7Madeira [885], Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, United States [45,610,885] 

Pliobothrus tubulatus (Pourtalés 1867) Cuba [45,520,609], Netherlands Antilles, Puerto Rico, Saint Kitts and 
Nevis [520, see 885], United States [613] 

Pseudocrypthelia Caims 1983 Il B - 
(West Pacific. 1,089 m [106]) 

Indonesia [106,735a] 


] species recognized by Cairns [106] 
Pseudocryptheliapachy.poma (Hickson & England 1905) 

Sporadopora Moseley 1879 Il B - 
(New Zealand region: Subantarctic South America. 122-1.498 m [120,123]) 

Argentina [45]: Falkland Islands [105]; New Zealand [45]: South Georgia [105]: Uruguay [105] 
2 species recognized by Caims [105] and | described subsequently 

Sporadopora dichotoma (Moseley 1876) Argentina [45], Falkland Islands [105], South Georgia [105]. Uruguay 

Sporadoporamicropoma Caims 1991 

Sporadoporamortenseni Broch 1942 New Zealand [45] 

Stellapora Caims 1983 II B - 
(Off south-east South America. 205-1,647 m [119]) 

Argentina [45]; Uruguay [105] 
1 species recognized by Cairns [105] 
Stellaporaechinata (Moseley 1879) 

Stenohelia Kent 1870 II B - 
(West Pacific; Antipodes; North Atlantic. 91-2,021 m [110]) 

Barbados [110]; Cape Verde [885]; Ecuador: Galapagos Islands [111,216]; Grenada [110]; Guadeloupe [110]: 
Indonesia [735a]; Japan [45]; Martinique [110]; Mauritius [45]; Montserrat [110]; New Zealand: Kermadec Islands 
[45]; Portugal: Madeira [885]; Puerto Rico [110]; Saint Lucia [110]; Saint Vincent and the Grenadines [110]: 
Suriname [110]; Virgin Islands of the United States [110] 

10 species recognized by Cairns [105] and 1 described subsequently [110] 

Stenoheliaconcinna Boschma 1964 Ecuador: Galapagos Islands[54,111] 

Stenoheliaconferta Boschma 1968 New Zealand [64a] 

Stenoheliaechinata Eguchi 1968 

Stenohelia maderensis (Johnson 1862) Cape Verde [45,399], Portugal: Madeira [45] 

Stenohelia minima (Hickson & England 1905) Indonesia[45,735a], Mauritius [45] 

Stenohelia pauciseptata Caims 1986 Saint Lucia [110] 

Stenohelia profunda Moseley 1881 Barbados [110], Ecuador: Galapagos Islands [216], Grenada [110], Guadeloupe 
[110], Martinique [110], Montserrat [110], New Zealand: Kermadec Islands [45,520], Puerto Rico [110], Saint 
Lucia [110], Saint Vincent and the Grenadines [110], Suriname [110], Virgin Islands of the United States 

Stenoheliarobusta Boschma 1964 Ecuador: Galapagos Islands [111] 

Stenoheliatiliata (Hickson & England 1905) Indonesia [45,54,735a], Philippines [349] 

Stenoheliaumbonata (Hickson & England 1905) Indonesia [45,735a] 

Stenoheliayabei (Eguchi 1941) Japan [45] 

Stylantheca Fisher 1931 II B - 
(North-east Pacific 0-18 m [119]) 

United States [45] 
3 species recognized by Caims [105] 

Stylantheca papillosa (Dall 1884) United States [45] 


Snlantheca petrograpta(Fisher 1938) United States [45] 
Snlantheca porphvra Fisher 1931 United States [45.252] 

Stylaster Gray 1831 Il B - 
(Worldwide, extending to the Arctic and Antarctic [30] 0.5-1.440 m) 

Anguilla [45]: Argentina [45]; Aruba [520]: Australia [45]: Bahamas [110]: Barbados [612]: Belize [110]; Benin 
[45]: Brazil [110]: British Virgin Islands [110]; Cameroon [45]: Canada [45]; Cayman Islands [250]; Colombia: 
Costa Rica [110]: Cuba [110.416.613]: Dominica [110]: Dominican Republic [110]; Ecuador [45] incl. Galapagos 
Islands [111]; Faeroes [885]; Federated States of Micronesia [45]: Fiji [45]; French Polynesia [45]; Greenland 
[110.885]; Grenada [110]: Guadeloupe: Haiti [110]: Honduras [250]: Iceland [110.885]: Indonesia [735a]; Jamaica 
[110]; Japan [45]: Kiribati [45,463]; Malaysia: Sabah [848]: Marshall Islands [465.807]: Martinique [70]: Mauritius 
[45]; Mexico [110.375a]: Morocco [885]: Netherlands Antilles [110.653]; New Caledonia [67]; New Zealand: 
Kermadec Islands [45.520]; Norway [885]: Oman [651a]: Palau [45]; Panama [110]; Papua New Guinea [709]; 
Philippines [45]: Puerto Rico [110]; Réunion [45]: Russian Federation [45]: Saint Kitts and Nevis [110]; Saint Lucia 
[110]; Saint Vincent and the Grenadines [110]; Samoa [45]; Sao Tome & Principe [45]; Solomon Islands [513]; 
South Africa [845]; Spain [885]; Tanzania [45]; United Kingdom [885], United States [110,776]; Virgin Islands of 
the United States 

60 species were recognized by Cairns [105]; 13 were described subsequently [110,111,114,120,885].S. echinatus 
Broch 1936 was synonymized but S. atlanticus was validated and S. complanatus was transferred from Ca/yptopora 

Stylaster alaskanus Fisher 1938 United States [45] 

Stylaster amphiheloides Kent 1871 Indonesia [45,735a], South A frica [45,399] 

Stylaster antillarum Zibrowius & Cairns 1982 Grenada, Martinique, Puerto Rico [110], Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent 
and the Grenadines [110] 

Stylaster asper Kent 1871 Marshall Islands [45], Mauritius [45] 

Stylaster atlanticus Broch 1936 Puerto Rico [110] 

Stylaster aurantiacus Cairns 1986 Cuba [110] 

Stylaster bellus (Dana 1848) French Polynesia [45], Indonesia [45,735a] 

Stylaster bilobatus Hickson & England 1905 Indonesia[45,735a] 

Stylaster bithalamus Broch 1936 South Africa [45] 

Stylaster blatteus (Boschma 1961) Sao Tome and Principe [49a,885] 

Stylaster bocki Broch 1936 Kiribati [45] 

Stylaster boreopacificus Broch 1932 Japan [45] 

Stylaster boschmai (Eguchi 1965) 

Stylaster brochi (Fisher 1938) United States [45] 

Stylaster brunneus Boschma 1970 New Caledonia [67] 

Stylaster californicus (Verrill 1866) Mexico [375a,78 1], United States [252] 

Stylaster campylecus (Fisher 1938) United States [45] 

Stylaster cancellatus Fisher 1938 United States [45] 

Stylaster carinatus Broch 1936 Japan [45] 

Stylaster complanatus Pourtalés 1867 Bahamas [110], British Virgin Islands [110], Cuba [45,110,609,613], 
Indonesia [735a], Mexico [110,375a], United States [110] 

Stylaster corallium Cairns 1986 Barbados [110], Dominica [110], Grenada [110], Martinique [110], Saint Lucia 

Stylaster crassior Broch 1936 Mauritius [45] 

Stylaster densicaulis Moseley 1879 Argentina [45,520], Indonesia [45,735a] 

Stylaster dentatus Broch 1936 Japan [45] 

Stylaster divergens Marenzeller 1904 Ecuador: Galapagos Islands [45,111,216] 

Stylaster duchassaingii Pourtalés 1867 Bahamas [110], Barbados [110], Brazil [45,520], Cuba [110], Grenada, 
Guadeloupe [609], Indonesia [45,735a], Jamaica, Marshall islands [45,776], Martinique, ?Mauritius [45], 
Mexico [110,375a], Philippines [45], Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, 
Virgin Islands of the United States 

Stylaster eguchii (Boschma 1966) 

Stylaster elassotomus Fisher 1938 United States [45] 



Snvlaster erubescens Pourtalés 1868 Bahamas [110]. Greenland [110]. Iceland [110]. Mexico [110.375a], New 
Zealand: Kermadec Islands [520]. United Kingdom [885]. United States [45.110.610] 

Stylaster filogranus Pourtalés 1871 ?Bahamas [45]. Cuba [45.613]. United States [45.110.611] 

Stvlaster flabelliformis (Lamarck 1816) Mauritius [45.503], Papua New Guinea [520,709], ?Philippines [45]. 
Réunion [45] 

Stylaster galapagensis Cairns 1986 Ecuador: Galapagos Islands [111] 

Stlaster gemmascens (Esper 1797) Indonesia[735a]. Japan [735a]. Norway [520] 

Stylaster gracilis Milne Edwards & Haime 1850 Australia [45,503,716], Japan [45], New Zealand: Kermadec 
Islands [45.520], Philippines [45.520] 

Stylaster granulosus Milne Edwards & Haime 1850 ?Australia [45.503 but see 716] 

Solaster hattorii (Eguchi 1968) 

Stylaster horologium Caims 1991 

Snvlaster ibericus Zibrowius & Caims 1992 Spain [885] 

Stylaster imbricatus Caims 1991 

Snylaster incompletus (Tenison-Woods 1883) Australia [45] 

Stylaster inornatus Cairns 1986 Mexico [110.375a] 

Stylaster laevigatus Cairns 1986 Bahamas [110], Cuba [110], Mexico [1 10,375a], United States [110] 

Stvlaster lonchitis Broch 1947 Tanzania [45] 

Stvlaster marenzelleriCairns 1986 Ecuador: Galapagos Islands [111] 

Stvlaster maroccanus Zibrowius & Caims 1992 Morocco [885] 

Stylaster marshae Caims 1988 

Stylaster microstriatus Broch 1936 Japan [45] 

Stylaster milleri Durham 1942 

Stylaster miniatus (Pourtalés 1868) Cuba [110], United States [45,110,610] 

Stvlaster moseleyanus (Fisher 1938) United States [45] 

Stylaster multiplex Hickson & England 1905 Indonesia[45,735a] 

Soylaster nobilis (Kent 1871) South Africa [45,845] 

Stylaster norvegicus (Gunnerus 1768) Faeroes [885], Iceland [885], Norway [45], United Kingdom [885] 

Stylaster papuensis Zibrowius 1981 

Stylaster polymorphus Broch 1936 

Stylaster polyorchis (Fisher 1938) United States [45] 

Stylaster profundiporus Broch 1936 Japan [45] 

Stylaster profundus (Moseley 1879) Argentina [45,520] 

Stylaster pulcher Quelch 1884 Japan [45,618] 

Stylaster punctatus Pourtalés 1871 Barbados [45,612], Cuba [45], United States [45,611] 

Stylaster purpuratus (Naumov 1960) 

Stylaster ramosus Broch 1947 Tanzania [45] 

Stylaster robustus (Caims 1983) 

Stylaster rosaceus (Greeff 1886) Sao Tome and Principe [45,885] 

Stylaster roseus (Pallas 1766) Anguilla [45], Aruba [520], Australia [45], Bahamas [110], Belize [102,110], Brazil 
[110], Cayman Islands [250], Colombia, Costa Rica [110], Cuba [45,110,416], Dominica [110], Federated 
States of Micronesia [45], Fiji [45], Grenada, Guadeloupe, Haiti [110], Honduras [250], Jamaica [110], 
Marshall Islands [45], Martinique [70], Mexico [110,375a], Netherlands Antilles [110,653], New Zealand 
[45], Palau [45], Panama [110], Puerto Rico [110], Saint Vincent and the Grenadines [157], Solomon Islands 
[513], United States [776] 

Stylaster sanguineus Milne Edwards & Haime 1850 Australia [503,520,716], New Zealand [520], Samoa [45,776], 
United States [520] 

Stylaster scabiosus Broch 1935 Russian Federation [45] 

Stylaster solidus Broch 1935 Russian Federation [45] 

Stylaster spatula Cairns 1986 Puerto Rico [110] 

Stylaster stejnegeri (Fisher 1938) United States [45] 

Stylaster stellulatus Stewart 1878 French Polynesia [45] 

Stylaster subviolaceus (Kent 1871) Benin [45], Cameroon [45], Sao Tome and Principe [45], South Africa [45] 

Stylaster tenisonwoodsi Cais 1988 

Stylaster venustus (Verrill 1870) Canada [45], United States [45,252,781] 

Stylaster verrillii (Dall 1884) Canada [45], United States [45] 



Systemopora Caims 1991 18 
New Zealand [27] 

| species recognized by Caims [27] 

Systemopora ornata Caims 199] 


EC Reg. 



This list contains a large number of taxonomic references. including those containing the type descriptions of 
virtually all the genera and species listed above. It also contains many references relating to the distribution and 
status of the listed taxa. 



Abel. E. F. 1959. Zur Kenntnis der marinen Hohlenfauna unter 9. 
besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Anthozoen. Publ. Staz. Zool 
Napoli 30(Suppl.): 1-94. [? muellerae} 

d'Achiardi. A. 1875. Coralli eocenici del Friuli. Ati Soc. tosc. 
Sci. nat. |: 70-86. 115-124. 147-221. [Reussastrea] 


Agassiz. A. 1903a. Report on the scientific results of the 
expedition to the tropical Pacific. IV. The coral reefs of the eastem 

tropical Pacific. Memoirs Mus. Comp. Zool. 23: |-? Ne 

Agassiz. A. 1903b. Report on the scientific results of the 
expedition to the tropical Pacific. IV. The coral reefs of the 
tropical Pacific. Memoirs Mus. Comp. Zool. 28: 1-?. II. 
Agassiz. A. 1903.c Report on the scientific results of the 
expedition to the tropical Pacific. ?. The coral reefs of the 
Maldives. Memoirs Mus. Comp. Zool. 29: \-? D 

Agassiz. L. 1864. (Description of Oculina arbuscula and O. 
implicata.) Pp. 4647 in A. E. Verrill: List of the polyps and 

corals sent by the Museum of Comparative Zoology to other 168 
institutions in exchange. with annotations. Bulletin of the 

Museum of Comparative Zoology 1(3): 29-60. 

Alcock. A. W. in Wood-Mason. J. and Alcock. A. W. 1891. Note 14 
on results of last season's deep-sea dredging (natural history : 
notes from H.MSS. 'Investigator’). Annals and Magazine of 

Natural istory (6)7: 1-8. (6)8: 427-452. 

Alcock. A. W. 1893. On some newly-recorded corals from the 
Indian seas. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal 62(2): 138- 
149. 16. 

Alcock. A. W. 1894. Natural history notes from H.M. Indian 
Marine Survey steamer /nvestigator...series II. no. 15. On some 
new and rare corals from the deep waters of India. Journal of the 
Asiatic Society of Bengal 63(2): 186-188. 

Alcock. A. W. 1898. An account of the deep-sea Madreporaria ir 

collected by the Royal Indian Marine Survey Ship 'Investigator.' 
Trustees of the Indian Museum, Calcutta. [Amphihelia moresbyi, 
Caryophyllia ambrosia. C. paradoxus, Cyathohelia formosa, 
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peroni. Prionastrea agassizii. P. australensis. Rhipidipathes, 
Rhizangiidae. Sclerohelia, Stephanocoenia dendroidea. 
Tropidocyathus bougainvillei, Ulangia. Ulophyllia) 

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M. verrucosa, Pavona danai, Pocillopora eydouxi. P. lobifera. P. 
subacuta, Porites alveolata, P. mucronata. Rhodoraea grandis. 
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harttii. Porites solida. Siderastraea stellata. Siderastraea stellata 
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Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences |: 377-538. [Allopora 
venusta. Antipathes panamensis. Astrangia conferta. A. palifera. 
A. pedersenii. Montipora fragosa. Paracyathus humilis. 
Pocillopora capitata var. pumila. P. capitata var. robusta. 
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No standard reference to coral nomenclature exists and the validity of many names is unknown or in doubt. This list forms the basis for a 
complete listing of all described recent (i.e. excluding fossil) species in the relevant taxa. '= ?' indicates names. the synonymy of which has not 
been determined. Some of these are followed by countries of distribution and references (in square brackets). Names in bold are those which 
have been checked in the publications in which they were originally described to confirm the correct orthography 

Because of the large number of synonyms included in the list only accepted generic names have been indexed. To find an accepted species (in a 
larger font than the synonyms) in the checklist the (approximate) page number can be found by locating the appropriate genus in the index 

abacus, Porites compressa forma Vaughan 1907 = P. compressa acuticarinata, Coscinaraea Uimbgrove 1940 = Pavona acuticarinata 

abbreviata, Madrepora spicifera var. Dana 1848 = Acropora spicifera acuticarinata, Pavona (Umbgrove 1940) 

abdita, Favites (Ellis & Solander 1786) 

abdita, Heliastrea Duchassaing & Michelotti 1860 =? Virgin Islands 

of the United States [196] 
abdita, Madrepora Ellis & Solander 1786 = Favites abdita [839] 
abdita, Prionastrea (Ellis & Solander 1786) = Favites abdita 
abies, Antipathes (Linnaeus 1758) 
abies, Gorgonia Linnaeus 1758 = Antipathes abies 
abietina, Antipathes Pourtales 1874 = Aphanipathes abietina 
abietina. Aphanipathes (Pourtalés 1874) 
abietina. Parantipathes (Pourtalés 1874) = Aphanipathes abietina 
abnormalis, Turbinaria Bernard 1896 =? Australia 
abrolhosensis. Acropora Veron 1985 
abrotanoides. Acropora (Lamarck 1816) = 4. danai [637c.674] 
abrotanoides, Heteropora Ehrenberg 1834 = Acropora humilis 

acuticollis, Favites (Ortmann 1889) 

acuticollis, Prionastraea Ortmann 1889 = Favites acuticollis 
acutidens, Fungia Studer 1878 = F. horrida [354] 
adduensis, Favia Gardiner 1904 = Favites pentagona [839] 
Adelopora Caims 1982 147 
adeta. Conopora Caims 1987 

adminicularis, Amphihelia Rehberg 1892 = Enallopsammia rostrata 

adrianae, Fungia van der Horst 1921 = Fungia cvclolites [354] 
aenea. Antipathes (Linnaeus 1758) = A. abies 
aenea, Antipathes G. von Koch 1889 = A. dichotoma 
aenea. Gorgonia Linnaeus 1758 = Antipathes abies 
aenigmatica, Montipora Bernard 1897 =? 
aequalis, Galaxea Bassett-Smith 1890 = ? 

abrotanoides, Madrepora Audouin 1826 = Montipora circumvallata/M. aequalis, Turbinaria Quelch 1886 =? Australia [621] 

cristagalli [506] 
abrotanoides, Madrepora Lamarck 1816 = Acropora danai 
abrotanoides. Montipora (Audouin 1826) = M/. circumvallata [674| 
abyssicola, Stichopathes Roule 1902 
abyssorum, Astraea Moseley 1881 =? Indonesia [520] 
abyssorum, Caryophyllia Duncan 1873 
Acanthastrea Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 
Acanthelia Wells 1937 = Echinopora 
acanthella, Montipora Bernard 1897 =? 
Acanthocyathus Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 = Caryophyllia 
Acanthophyllia Wells 1937 = Cynarina [33] 
Acanthopora Verrill 1864 = Echinopora 
acerosa, Madrepora Ellis & Solander 1786 = ? 
acervata, Acropora (Dana 1848) 


aequicostatus, Heterocyathus Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 

aequilamellosus, Paracyathus Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 = P 
pulchellus [190] 

aequinoxialis, Dichocoenia Duchassaing & Michelotti 1864 = D 
stokesii [889] 

aequiserialis, Coenopsammia Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 = 
Tubastraea micrantha [126a] 

aequituberculata, Montipora Bernard 1897 

affine, Flabellum Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 
= Truncatoflabellum spheniscus [123] 

affinis. Acropora (Brook 1893) =? 

affinis. Astraea (Milne Edwards & Haime 1850) = Favia affinis 

affinis. Balanophyllia (Semper 1872) = B. stimpsonii [123] 

affinis. Bathypathes (Brook 1889) = Schizopathes affinis 

acervata, Madrepora Dana 1848 = [Acropora humilis [807]\/Acropora affinis, Coenopsammia (Duncan 1889) = Tubastraea coccinea 

acetabulum, Madrepora Linnaeus 1758 = ? 
Acrhelia Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 
acrolophos, Lepidopora Caims 1983 
Acropora Oken 1815 4) 
acropora, Heliastrea (Linnaeus 1767) = Montastrea annularis [102] 
acropora, Madrepora Linnaeus 1767 = Montastrea annularis 
acropora, Orbicella (Linnaeus 1767) = Montastrea annularis 
Acroporidae Verrill 1901 41 
Actinastrea d'Orbigny 1849 36 


affinis. Crypthelia Moseley 1879 

affinis, Dendrophyllia Duncan 1889 = Tubastraea coccinea 
affinis, Favia (Milne Edwards & Haime 1850) 

affinis, Lophohelia Pourtalés 1868 = Lophelia pertusa [881] 
affinis, Madrepora Brook 1893 = Acropora florida [792] 

affinis, Parastrea Milne Edwards & Haime 1850 = Favia favus [839] 

affinis, Rhizotrochus Duncan 1873 = Monomyces pygmaea [881] 

affinis. Rhodopsammia Semper 1872 = Balanophyllia stimpsonii [126a] 

affinis, Schizopathes Brook 1889 

African Pillow Coral 62 

actiniformis, Fungia Quoy & Gaimard 1833 = Heliofungia actiniformis africana, Acropora (Brook 1893) = A. tenuis [674] 

actiniformis, Heliofungia (Quoy & Gaimard 1833) 
aculeata, Antipathes (Brook 1889) 
aculeata, Arachnopathes Brook 1889 = Antipathes aculeata 
aculeata, Seriatopora Quelch 1886 =? Indonesia [621] 
aculeatum, Flabellum Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 
= Truncatoflabellum aculeatum [116] 
aculeatum, Truncatoflabellum (Milne Edwards & Haime 1848) 
aculeus, Acropora (Dana 1848) 
aculeus, Madrepora Dana 1848 = Acropora aculeus [637¢]} 
acuminata, Acropora (Verrill 1864) 
acuminata, Madrepora Verrill 1864 = Acropora acuminata 
acuta, Goniastraea halicora var. Kiunzinger 1879 = Favia vasta 
[255]/Favites virens 
acuta, Pocillopora Lamarck 1816 = P. damicornis [674] 
acuta, Symphyllia Quelch 1886 = S. agaricia [484] 
acutata, Montipora Bemard 1897 

africana, Gyropora Boschma 1960 

africana, Madrepora Brook 1893 = Acropora tenuis [637c] 
africana, Oculina Thiel 1928 = Schizoculina africana 
africana, Schizoculina (Thiel 1928) 

africanus, Paracyathus Duncan 1878 =? Tunisia [207] 
agaricia, Symphyllia Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 
agaricia, Turbinaria Bernard 1896 =? Australia 
Agaricia Lamarck 1801 

Agariciella Ma 1937 = Gardineroseris 

agariciformis, Fungia Lamarck 1801 = F. fungites [674] 
agariciformis, Millepora Lamarck 1816 =? 
Agariciidae Gray 1847 

agaricites, Agaricia (Linnaeus 1758) 
agaricites, Madrepora Linnaeus 1758 = Agaricia agaricites [690] 
agaricites, Mycedia Dana 1848 = ? 




agaricus, Porites Duchassaing & Michelotti 1860 = P. astreoides 

agassizi. Cyphastrea (Vaughan 1907) 

agassizi, Leptastrea Vaughan 1907 = [L. bortae [844] //Cyphastrea 
agassizi [768] 

agassizi, Paracyathus Duncan 1873 =? 

agassizi, Prionastraea Milne Edwards & Haime 1857 = Diploria 
clivosa [889] 

agassizi, Deltocyathus Pourtalés 1867 

Abveopora Blainville 1830 34 

amakusensis, Acanthastrea Veron 1990 

amaranthus. ? O. F. Miller 1775 = Colpophvilia amaranthus 

amaranthus. Colpophyllia (O. F. Miiller 1775) 

amaranthus. Colpophvilia natans forma (Dana 1848) = C. amaranthus 

amaranthus, \fadrepora Houttuyn 1772 

amarantum, Manicina Dana 1848 = Traciyphyllia amarantum [784)/ 
Trachyphyllia geoffroyi 

amarantum, Trachyphyllia (Dana 1848) = Trachyphyllia geoffrovi 

agassizii. Maeandra (Milne Edwards & Haime 1857) = Diploria clrvosaambigua, Madrepora Brook 1892 =? Australia [86.87] 

Agelecyathus Duncan 1876 = Polycyathus 

aggregata. Cirrhipathes van Pesch 1914 

aglae, Symphyllia Duchassaing & Michelotti 1860 = /sophyi 
sinuosa [889] 

aiharai, Caulastrea Yabe & Sugivama 1936 = ?C. echinw:.. .. ,» 

aithoseptatus, Trochocyathus Cairns 1984 

akajimensis, Acropora Veron 1990 

alabastrum, Desmophyllum Alcock 1902 
= Placotrochides alabastrum 

alabastrum. Flabellum Moseley 1876 

alabastrum. Placotrochides (Alcock 1902) 

alaskanus, Stylaster gemmaceus Fisher 1938 = S. alaskanus 

alaskanus. Snlaster Fisher 1938 

alaskensis. Caryophyllia Vaughan 1941 

alata, Antipathes (Brook 1889) 

alata, Aphanipathes Brook 1889 = Antipathes alata 

Alatotrochus Cairns 1994 

albatrossi, Sympodangia Cairns & Zibrowius 1997 

alberti, Caryophyllia Zibrowius 1980 

albitentaculata, Ctenactis Hoeksema 1989 

alcalai. Alveopora ? ? = A. spongiosa 

alces, Acropora (Dana 1848) 

alces, Madrepora Dana 1848 = Acropora alces 

alcicornis, Millepora Linnaeus 1758 

alcicornis, Montipora Bernard 1897 = ? Tonga [28] 

alcicornis. Pectinia (Kent 1871) 

alcicornis, Tridacophyllia Kent 1871 = Pectinia alcicornis 

alcocki, Caryophyllia Vaughan 1907 = C. atlantica 

alcocki, Dendrophyllia (Wells 1954) 

alcocki, Madrepora Faustino 1927 = Madrepora oculata [126a] 

alcocki, Sclerhelia Wells 1954 = Dendrophyllia alcocki [880] 

alcocki, Stichopathes Forster Cooper 1909 

aleuticus, Fungiacyathus Keller 1976 = F. symmetricus 

aliciae. Mycetophyllia Wells 1973 

allingi, Alveopora Hoffmeister 1925 

alliomorpha, Madrepora Brook 1893 = Acropora appressa [788] 

allnurti, Distichopora Wright 1882 = D. nitida [105] 

Allopathes Opresko & Cairns 1994 30 

alopecuroides, Antipathes Ellis & Solander 1786 =? United States 

alta, Fungia Nemenzo 1983 = F. gravis [354)/ F. paumotensis [768] 

alta, Galaxea Nemenzo 1980 

alta, Oulastrea Nemenzo ? = O. crispa [79] 

altasepta, Montipora Nemenzo 1967 

alternans, Foveolocyathus (Caims & Parker 1992) 

alternans, Trematotrochus Caims & Parker 1992 = Foveolocyathus 
alternans (123b] 

alternata, Bathypathes Brook 1889 

alternata, Dendrophyllia Pourtalés 1880 

alternatus, Heterocyathus Verrill 1865 

alticostata, Eusmilia Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 = E. fastigiata 

altispina, Errina Cairns 1986 

altispina, Lepidotheca Caims 1991 

alveolata. Acropora pulchra var. (Brook 1893) = A. pulchra [792] 

alveolata, Madrepora pulchra var. Brook 1893 = A. pulchra [792] 

alveolata, Porites Milne Edwards & Haime 1860 = P. solida [674] 

alveolus, Meandrina (Duncan 1863) 

alveolus, Placotrochus Duncan 1863 = Meandrina alveolus [116] 

alveopora, Montipora Bernard 1897 



ambigua, Madrepora Ellis & Solander 1786 = ? 

ambigua, Montipora Bernard 1897 = ? Australia [28] 

amblyclados, Madrepora Brook 1893 = Acropora acervata [788] 

amboinensis. Astraea Quoy & Gaimard 1833 =? 

ambrosia. Carvophyllia Alcock 1898 

americana, Antipathes Duchassaing & Michelotti 1860 

americana, Phyllangia Milne Edwards & Haime 1850 

amicorum, Barabattoia (Milne Edwards & Haime 1848) 

amicorum, Favia (Milne Edwards & Haime 1848) 
= Barabattoia amicorum 

amicorum, Parastrea Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 = Barabattoia 
amicorum [839] 

amitoriensis, Leptoseris Veron 1990 

amoena. Errina Boschma 1956 = E. dabneyi [105] 

amoena, Rhodopsammia Semper 1872 = Balanophyllia carinata [126a] 

Amphelia Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 80 

amphelioides, Anisopsammia (Alcock 1902) = Enallopsammia rostrata 

amphelioides, Dendrophyllia Alcock 1902 = Enallopsammia 

rostrata [151] 

amphelioides. Enallopsammia (Alcock 1902) = E. rostrata [123] 

Amphihelia Milne Edwards & Haime 1857 = Amphelia 

amphiheloides, Stylaster Kent 1871 

ampla, Herpetolitha Verrill 1864 = Herpolitha limax [354] 

amplectens, Montipora Bernard 1897 = ? China [28] 

ampliata, Madrepora Ellis & Solander 1786 = Merulina ampliata 

ampliata, Merulina (Ellis & Solander 1786) 

amplior, Parastrea Milne Edwards & Haime 1850 = Favia pallida 

amplispina, Schizopathes Opresko 1997 

Anacropora Ridley 1884 48 

ananas, Astraea Quoy & Gaimard 1833 = Barabattoia amicorum [839] 

ananas, Astrea Lamarck 1816 =? Brazil [213] 

ananas, Madrepora Linnaeus 1758 = ? United States [611] 

ananas. Parastrea (Lamarck 1816) =? 

anastomozans, ? de Haan 1834 = Dendrophyllia anastomozans 

anastomozans, Dendrophyllia (de Haan 1834) 

anceps, Distichopora Caims 1978 

Anchor Coral 

ancora, Euphyllia Veron & Pichon 1980 

andamanensis, Polycyathus Alcock 1893 

andamanicus, Deltocyathus Alcock 1898 

andersoni, Paracyathus Duncan 1889 

andreossyi, Pocillopora Audouin & Savigny 1828 = Stylophora 
digitata [503.621)/S. pistillata 

andrewianus, Sphenotrochus Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 

andrewsi, Porites Vaughan 1918 = P. cylindrica [674] 

anemone, Symphyllia Duchassaing & Michelotti 1860 = /sophyllia 
sinuosa [889] 

Angia Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 = Culicia 

angiostomum, Flabellum Folkeson 1919 

anguillensis, Agaricia Vaughan 1919 = A. agaricites [889] 

anguina, Antipathes Dana 1848 = Cirrhipathes anguina 

anguina, Cirrhipathes (Dana 1848) 

angulare, Flabellum Moseley 1876 

angularis, Montipora Crossland 1952 =? Australia [168] 

angularis, Pavonia Klunzinger 1879 = Pavona decussata [371] 

angulata, Acropora (Quelch 1886) = A. horrida [792] 

angulata, Madrepora Quelch 1886 = Acropora angulata 

angulata, Montipora (Lamarck 1816) 



angulata, Porites Lamarck 1816 = \fontipora angulata 
angulata, Seriatopora Wiunzinger 1879 = S. Aysrrix [674.771] 
angulosa. Acanthasrrea Briggemann 1879 =-4. bowerbanki [674} 
angulosa, Caryophyllia Lamarck 1816 =? 

angulosa. Carvop/nilia (Pallas 1766) = Mussa angulosa 
angulosa. Cyathina Philippi 1842 =? 

angulosa. Lobophyilia (Pallas 1766) = Mussa angulosa 

angulosa, Madrepora Pallas 1766 = Mussa angulosa 

angulosa, Montipora verrucosa var. Kiunzinger 1879 = \f. verrucosa 
angulosa. Mussa (Pallas 1766) 

angulosa, Tichoseris Ortmann 1889 = ? Sri Lanka [558] 
angusta, Montipora Nemenzo 1967 = M. friabilis [768] 

Antillophvilia Vaughan 1932 = Trachyphyllia 
Antipathella Brook 1889 = Antipathes 

Annipathes Pallas 1766 

Anupathidae Gray 1842 

aotearoa. Flabellum Squires 1964 

apalata, Porites viridis var. Gardiner 1898 = P. lichen 
aperta, ? Verrill? =? 

aperta, Antipathes Totton 1923 

aperta, Euphyllia Dana 1848 = Eusmilia fastigiata {784} 
aperta, Heliastraea Verrill 1868 = Favia leptophvila [420] 
aperta, Montastrea (Verrill 1868) = Favia leptophyila 
aperta, Orbicella (Verrill 1868) = Favia leptophylla 

angustisepta, Porites compressa forma Vaughan 1907 = P. compressa aperta, Physogyra Quelch 1884 = P. lichtensteini [151] 

angustum. Flabellum Yabe & Eguchi 1942 

angustum, Truncatoflabellum Cairns & Zibrowius 1997 
Anisopsammia Marenzeller 1904 = Enallopsammia 

ankeli, Pocillopora Scheer & Pillai 1974 

annae, Balanophyllia van der Horst 1933 = Rhizopsammia annae [125] 
annae, Porites Crossland 1952 

annae, Rhizopsammia (van der Horst 1933) 

annectens, Mussa Verrill 1901 = /sophyllia multiflora [484] 
annularis. Astrea (Ellis & Solander 1786) = Montastraea annularis 

annularis, Madrepora Ellis & Solander 1786 = Montastraea annularis 


annularis. Montastraea (Ellis & Solander 1786) 

annularis, Montipora Bernard 1897 = ? New Guinea [28] 

annularis. Orbicella (Ellis & Solander 1786) = Montastraea annularis 

annulata. Guynia Duncan 1872 

annulata, Seriatopora Lamarck 1816 =? 

annuligera, Astrea Milne Edwards & Haime 1850 = Montastraea 

annuligera, Montastraea (Milne Edwards & Haime 1850) 

anomala, Distichopora Cairns 1986 

Anomastraea Marenzeller 1901 

Anomocora Studer 1878 

antarctica. Caryophyllia Marenzeller 1904 

antarctica, Errina (Gray 1872) 

antarctica, Gardineria Gardiner 1929 

antarctica, Javania (Gravier 1914) 

antarctica. Labiopora (Gray 1872) = Errina antarctica 

antarctica. Porella Gray 1872 = Errina antarctica 

antarcticum. Desmophyllum Gravier 1914 = Javania antarctica 

antarcticum. Flabellum (Gravier 1914) =Javania antarctica 

antarcticus, Leptopenus Cairns 1989 

Anthemiphyllia Pourtalés 1878 

Anthemiphylliidae Vaughan 1907 

anthocercis, Acropora (Brook 1893) 

anthocercis, Madrepora Brook 1893 = Acropora anthocercis [637c] 

anthohelia, Conopora Caims 1991 

anthophyllites, Coenocyathus Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 

anthophyllites, Lophelia (Ellis & Solander 1786) = Pourtalosmilia 

anthophyllites, Madrepora Ellis & Solander 1786 = Pourtalosmilia 

anthophyllites, Pourtalosmilia (Ellis & Solander 1786) 

anthophyllum, Biflabellum (Ehrenberg 1834) 
= Monomyces pygmaea [881] 

anthophyllum, Caryophyllia (Esper 1794) = Lobophyllia anthophyllites 
[784]/Caryophyllia cyathus 

anthophyllum, Euphyllia (Ehrenberg 1834) = [Flabellum anthophyllum 
[784])/ Monomyces pygmaea [881] 

anthophyllum. Flabellum (Ehrenberg 1834) 
= Monomyces pygmaea [881] 

anthophyllum, Madrepora Esper 1791 = Caryophyllia cyathus [118] 

anthophyllum, Monomyces Ehrenberg 1834 = M. pygmaea [881] 

anthrophylla, Agaricia Hom 1861 =? 

antillarum, Caryophyllia Pourtalés 1874 

antillarum. Stylaster Zibrowius & Caims 1982 

Antillia Duncan 1863 = Trachyphyllia 



aperta, Porites lobata forma Vaughan 1907 = P. lobata 

apertum. Flabellum Moseley 1876 

apertus, Coenocyathus Déderlein 1913 
= Phy llangia mouchezti [326.881] 

apertus, Placocyathus Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 = ? 

apertus, Sabinotrochus Duncan 1873 =? 

apertus. Trochocyathus Caims & Zibrowius 1997 

Aphanipathes Brook 1889 

aphanipathoides, Cirrhipathes spiralis var. van Pesch 1910 =C. 

Aphrastrea Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 = Favites 

aphrodes, Heteropsammia Alcock 1893 = H. cochlea [674] 

apiculata, Pocillopora Ehrenberg 1834 =? 

Aplocyathus d'Orbigny 1849 = Trochocyathus 

applanata, Hydnophora tenella var. Umbgrove 1940 = H. exesa 

appressa. Acropora (Ehrenberg 1834) 

appressa, Heteropora Ehrenberg 1834 = Acropora appressa 

appressa. Madrepora (Ehrenberg 1834) = Acropora appressa 

arabensis, Acropora Hodgson & Carpenter 1995 

arabica, Coeleria Klunzinger 1879 = Plangyra lamellina (298) 

arabica, Madrepora Milne Edwards & Haime 1860 = 4cropora 
aspera [792] 

arabica, Maeandrina (Klunzinger 1879) = Platygyra lamellina 

Arachnopathes Milne Edwards & Haime 1857 = Antipathes 

Araeacis Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 = Astreopora 

aranetai, Porites Nemenzo 1955 

arborea, Antipathes Dana 1848 

arborea, Caryophyllia Blainville 1817 = Dendrophyllia ramea 

arbuscula, Acropora (Dana 1848) = A. formosa 

arbuscula, Caryophyllia Lesueur 1820 = Cladocora arbuscula [784] 

arbuscula, Cladocora (Lesueur 1820) 

arbuscula, Coenosmilia Pourtalés 1874 [= Anomocora fecunda [881}] 

arbuscula, Dendrophyllia van der Horst 1922 

arbuscula, Goniopora Umbgrove 1939 

arbuscula, Lophohelia Moseley 1881 = Madrepora arbuscula [101] 

arbuscula, Madrepora (Moseley 1881) =? 

arbuscula, Madrepora Dana 1848 = Acropora formosa [775] 

arbuscula, Oculina Agassiz 1864 = Schizoculina arbuscula 

arbuscula, Parasmilia (Pourtalés 1874) = Anomocora fecunda 

arbuscula, Pavona venosa var. Umbgrove 1939 = P. venosa 

arbuscula, Schizoculina (L. Agassiz 1864) 

Archohelia Vaughan 1919 

arctica, Antipathes Liitken 1871 =? 

arctica, Bathypathes (Liitken 1871) =? 

arcticus, Ulocyathus Sars 1851 = Flabellum macandrewi [881] 

arcuata, Acropora (Brook 1892) = A. cytherea [674] 

arcuata, Caryophyllia Milne Edwards & Haime ?=? Algeria [190]. 
Cape Verde [141]. France [32b]. India [602]. Italy [190]. Japan 
[858]. Portugal: Madeira [709]. Seychelles [373], United Kingdom 

arcuata, Madrepora Brook 1892 = Acropora cytherea [792] 

arcuatum, Truncatoflabellum Caims 1995 

arcuatus, Paracyathus Lindstrom 1877 

arenacea, Porites Lamarck 1816 = P. lutea 

arenaria, Astraeopora Bernard 1896 = A. myriophthalma [429] 

arenosa. Madrepora Esper 1797 = Porites lutea 

arenosa, Porites (Esper 1797) = P. lutea [674] 




areolata, Madrepora Linnaeus 1758 = Manicina areolata [690] 

areolata. Maeandra (Linnaeus 1758) = Manicina areolata (690) 

areolata. Manicina (Linnaeus 1758) 

areum. Flabellum Caims 1982 

argemone, Lithophyllia Duchassaing & Michelotti 1860 = Mussa 

argus, Astrea Lamarck 1816 = Montastrea cavernosa 

argus. Orbicella (Lamarck 1816) = O. cavernosa [784]/Montastrea 

armata. Acropora (Brook 1892) = 4. evtherea [792] 

armara. Favia (Verrill 1872) = F. stelligera [839] 

armata, Madrepora Brook 1892 = Acropora cytherea [792] 

armata, Madrepora Hemprich & Ehrenberg 1834 = Snlocoeniella 

armara, Plesiastrea V errill 1872 = Favia stelligera [839] 

armara, Seriatopora Bassett-Smith 1890 = ? Tizard Bank [22] 

armata. Stylocoeniella (Hemprich & Ehrenberg 1834) 

armata, Stylophora (Hemprich & Ehrenberg 1834) = Snlocoeniella 

arnoldi, Carvophyllia Vaughan 1900 

asanoi, Madracis Yabe & Sugiyama 1936 

Astraeosmilia Ortmann 1892 93 
Astrangia Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 77 
Astrangiidae Milne Edwards & Haime 1857 = Rhizangiidae 
Astrea Lamarck 1801 = Siderastrea/Favia/Cyphastrea/Leptastrea 
astreaeformis, Colpophyllia Duchassaing & Michelotti 1860 = C 
natans [889] 
astreata, Caryophyllia Lamarck 1816 = Galaxea astreata 
astreata, Galaxea (Lamarck 1816) 
astreatum. Anthophyllum (Lamarck 1816) = Galaxea astreata 
astreiformis, Astrangia Milne Edwards & Haime 1850 
= Astrangia poculata (582) 
astreiformis, Astroria Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 = Plan gvra 
daedalea [839] 
astreiformis, Coeloria (Milne Edwards & Haime 1849) = Plan:gyra 
astreiformis. Platygyra (Milne Edwards & Haime 1849) 
= P. daedalea [674.839] 
astreoides, Porites Lamarck 1816 
Astreoides Blainville 1830 = Astroides 

ascensionis, Platygyra Ridley 1881 =? Saint Helena: Ascension [633).astrinus, Favites Link 1807 = F. abdita 

Sri Lanka [558] 

ascia, Pavonia crassa var. Dana 1848 = Pavona decussata 

ashmorensis, Echinopora Veron 1990 

asper, Stylaster Kent 1871 

aspera. Acropora (Dana 1848) 

aspera, Cyphastraea Quelch 1886 = C. microphthalma [744.844] 

aspera. Echinophyllia (Ellis & Solander 1786) 

aspera. Echinopora (Ellis & Solander 1786) = Echinophyllia aspera 

aspera. Errina (Linnaeus 1767) 

aspera, Euphyllia Dana 1848 = Eusmilia aspera [784V/E. fastigiata 

aspera, Eusmilia (Dana 1848) = E. fastigiata 

aspera, Favia Milne Edwards & Haime 1857 = ? 

aspera. Favites (Verrill 1866) = Goniastrea favulus/G. pectinata 

aspera, Galaxea Quelch 1886 = G. fascicularis 

aspera, Goniastrea Vermill 1866 

aspera, Lobophyllia Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 = L. corymbosa 

aspera, Madrepora Dana 1848 = Acropora aspera! 

aspera, Madrepora Elis & Solander 1786 = Echinophyllia aspera 

aspera, Millepora Linnaeus 1767 = Errina aspera [885] 

aspera, Montipora Verrill 1872 

aspera, Mussa Dana 1848 =? 

aspera, Mycedium (Ellis & Solander 1786) = Echinophyllia aspera 

aspera. Oulophyllia (Quelch 1886) 

aspera, Oxyphyllia (Ellis & Solander 1786) = Echinophyllia aspera 

aspera. Parastrea Milne Edwards & Haime 1857 = Favia favus [839] 

aspera, Phymastraea Quelch 1886 = Favia valenciennesi [839] 

aspera, Pocillopora Verrill 1869 = P. ligulata [751] 

aspera, Symphyllia Duchassaing & Michelotti 1860 = /sophyllia 
sinuosa [484] 

aspera. Trachypora (Ellis & Solander 1786) = Echinophyllia aspera 

aspera, Turbinaria Bernard 1896 = T. mesenterina [795] 

aspera, Ulophyllia Quelch 1886 = Oulophyllia aspera 

asperata, Ctenactis (Dana 1848) = C. echinata 

asperata, Fungia Dana 1848 = Ctenactis echinata [354] 

Astreopora Blainville 1830 49 
astridae, Porites Thiel 1932 =? Indonesia [728] 
Astrocoeniidae Koby 1890 36 
Astroides Quoy & Gaimard 1827 136 

astroites, Madrepora Linnaeus 1758 =? 
astroites, Madrepora Pallas 1766 = Montastrea annularis [786] 
Astrophyllia Ehrenberg 1834 = ?Favites 

Astropsammia Verrill 1869 136 
Astroria Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 = Plangyra 
Astya Stechow 1921 147 

atlantica. Amphelia (Duncan 1870) 

atlantica, Amphihelia Duncan 1870 = Amphelia atlantica 

atlantica, Antipathella (Gray 1857) = Antipathes atlantica 

atlantica, Antipathes Gray 1857 

atlantica, Caryophyllia (Duncan 1873) 

atlantica, Errina Hickson 1912 

atlantica. Paratylopathes Roule 1902 = Antipathes grayi 

atlantica, Stylaster eximius forma Broch 1936 = S. atlanticus 

atlantica, Tylopathes Roule 1902 =? Spain: Canary Islands [648] 

atlanticum, Flabellum Caims 1979 

atlanticum. Flabellum pavoninum Caims 1979 = F. atlanticum [107] 

atlanticus. Aulocyathus Zibrowius 1980 

atlanticus, Bathycyathus Duncan 1873 = Caryophyllia atlantica 

atlanticus, Polycyathus Duncan 1876 

atlanticus. Stylaster Broch 1936 

atrata, Astrangia (Dennant 1906) 

atrata, Dendrophyllia Dennant 1906 = Astrangia atrata [126] 

attenuata, Acropora (Brook 1893) 

attenuata, Madrepora Brook 1893 = Acropora attenuata 

attenuata. Porites Nemenzo 1955 

attenuata, Turbinaria Nemenzo ? = T. irregularis [768] 

auaensis, Montipora verrilli var. Hoffmeister 1925 = M. verrilli 

aucta, Orbicella Briiggemann 1878 =? Singapore [92.710] 

Aulocyathus Marenzeller 1904 112 

aurantiaca, Caryophyllia Milne Edwards 1836 = Tubastraea coccinea 

aurantiaca, Dendrophyllia (Milne Edwards 1836) = Tubastraea 
coccinea [827] 

aurantiaca, Turbinaria Bernard 1896 =? Australia 

asperispina, Cirripathes variabilis var. van Pesch 1914 =C. variabilis aurantiacus, Sphenotrochus Marenzeller 1904 
asperula, Axhelia (Milne Edwards & Haime 1850) = Madracis asperulaaurantiacus, Stylaster Cairns 1986 

asperula, Madracis Milne Edwards & Haime 1850 
aspidopora. Astya Caims 1991 

assimilis, Antipathella Brook 1889 = Antipathes assimilis 
assimilis, Antipathes (Brook 1889) 

assimilis, Madrepora Brook 1892 = Acropora appressa [788] 
Asteroseris Verrill 1901 = Pavona/Gardineroseris 
Asterosmilia Duncan 1868 

astraearia, Cladocora Sars 1857 = C. cespitosa (32b] 
astraeiformis, Physogyra Umbgrove 1940 
astraeoides, Madrepora Hemprich & Ehrenberg 1834 =? 


aurea, Coenopsammia (Quoy & Gaimard 1833) = Tubastraea coccinea 

aurea, Lobophyllia Quoy & Gaimard 1833 = Tubastraea coccinea 

aurea, Dendrophyllia (Quoy & Gaimard 1833) = Tubastraea coccinea 

aurea. Tubastraea (Quoy & Gaimard 1833) = 7. coccinea [123] 

auricularis, Goniastraea Bernard 1900 =? Christmas Island [29] 

auricularis, Montipora Bernard 1897 =? Australia [28] 

auricularis, Turbinaria Bernard 1896 

auritus, Sphenotrochus Pourtalés 1874 

aurorae, Hydnophora Nemenzo 1988 = ?H. exesa [768] 


austera. Acropora (Dana 1848) 

austera, Madrepora Dana 1848 = 4cropora austera [637c] 
australe, Flabellum Noseley 1881 

australensis. Goniastrea (Milne Edwards & Haime 1857) 

bartschi. Coenocvathus Wells 1947 = Rhizosmilia maculata [99] 
bartschi. Rhizosmilia (Wells 1947) = R. maculata 

Baryastrea Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 = Leptastrea 
Basket Coral 

australensis. Prionastraea Milne Edwards & Haime 1857 = Goniastrea Bathelia Moseley 1881 80 

australensis [839] 
australiae, Endopachy's Tenison-W oods 1878 
australiae. Maeandroseris Rousseau 1854 = Plesioseris australiae 
australiae. Plesioseris (Rousseau 1854) 
australiensis, Coeloria Rehberg 1892 =? Australia [631] 
australiensis. Culicia Hoffmeister 1933 

Bathyactis Moseley 1881 = Fungiacyvathus [116] 
Bathycyathus Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 = Piniiangia 

Bathypathes Brook 1889 33 
Bathypsammia Marenzeller 1907 144 
Bathytrochus Gravier 1915 116 

Batotrochus Wells 1937 = Trematotrochus 

australiensis. Deltocvathus italicus var. Duncan 1870 = Peponocyathus baueri, Porites Squires 1959 

australiensis [123] 

australiensis, Montipora Bernard 1897 

australiensis. Peponocyathus (Duncan 1870) 

australiensis, Porites Vaughan 1918 

australiensis, Turbinolia Gardiner 1939 = Conocyathus zelandiae 

australis, Caryophyllia Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 = Scolymia 

australis. Homophyllia (Milne Edwards & Haime 1848) = Scolymia 

australis, Isophvilia (Milne Edwards & Haime 1848) = Scolymia 

australis, Madrepora Brook 1892 = Acropora humilis [87] 

australis, Scolymia (Milne Edwards & Haime 1848) 

Australocyathus Caims & Parker 1992 112 
Australogyra Veron & Pichon 1982 93 
Australomussa Veron 1985 86 

avis, Cyathoceras (Durham & Bamard 1952) 
= Pseudocyathoceras avis [118] 
avis, Kionotrochus Durham & Barnard 1952 
= Pseudocyathoceras avis 
avis, Pseudocyathoceras (Durham & Bamard 1952) 
Axhelia Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 = Madracis 
axifuga, Dendrophyllia Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 
= Duncanopsammia axifuga 
axifuga, Duncanopsammia (Milne Edwards & Haime 1848) 
axillaris, Cyathelia (Ellis & Solander 1786) 
axillaris, Madrepora Ellis & Solander 1786 = Cyathelia axillaris 
axillaris, Oculina (Ellis & Solander 1786) = Cyathelia axillaris 
Axohelia Milne Edwards & Haime 1857 = Madracis 
ayleni, Physophyllia Wells 1935 
azurea, Acropora Veron & Wallace 1984 

bayeri. Balanophyllia Caims 1979 

bella, Allopora gemmascens var. Dana 1848 = Snlaster bellus 

bellus, Stvlaster (Dana 1848) 

benhami, Goniastrea Vaughan 1917 = G. australensis [839] 

bennettae. Favites Veron. Pichon & Wijsman-Best 1977 
= Oulophyllia bennettae 

bennettae, Oulophyilia (Veron. Pichon & Wijsman-Best 1977) 

bermudensis, Rhizopsammia Wells 1972 =? Bermuda [821] 

bermudiana, Oculina Duchassaing & Michelotti 1864 = O 
valenciennesii [787] 

bernardi, Goniopora Faustino 1927 

bernardi, Montipora Vaughan 1907 

bernardi, Porites Vaughan 1907 

bernardi, Porites Gravier 1909 = ? Sao Tome and Principe [296] 

berryi, Montipora Hoffmeister 1925 

berteriana, Caryophyllia Duchassaing 1850 

bertholleti, Favia Milne Edwards & Haime 1857 = F. valenciennesi 

bertholleti. Parastrea (Milne Edwards & Haime 1857) = Favia 
valenciennesi [839] 

bewickensis, Leptastrea Veron. Pichon & Wijsman-Best 1977 

bicolor, Errina Caims 1991 

bifaria, Antipathes Brook 1889 

bifaria, Madrepora Brook 1892 = Acropora tenuis [792] 

bifida, Bathypathes Thomson 1905 

Biflabellum Déderlein 1913 = Monomyces 

biformis, Montipora Nemenzo 1988 = M. mollis [768] 

bifrons, Mycedium tubifex var. Umbgrove 1939 = M. elephantotus 

bifrons, Turbinaria Briiggemann 1877 

bifrontalis, Montipora Bernard 1897 = ? Australia [28] 

bifurcata, Acropora Nemenzo ? = A. hyacinthus [768] 

Bikiniastrea Wells 1954 = Barabattoia 

bikiniensis, Rhizopsammia minuta var. Wells ? = R. minuta 

bilaminata, Montipora Bernard 1897 

baeocyathus, Madrepora tizardi var. Brook 1893 = Acropora cerealis bilobatus, Stylaster Hickson & England 1905 

baeodactyla, Acropora (Brook 1892) = A. digitifera [674] 
baeodactyla, Madrepora Brook 1892 = Acropora digitifera 
bairdi, Flabellum Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 
= Truncatoflabellum bairdi (116) T. spheniscus [123] 
bairdi, Truncatoflabellum (Milne Edwards & Haime 1848) = T. 
spheniscus [123] 
bairdiana, Balanophyllia Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 
balaenacea, Caryophyllia Zibrowius & Gili 1990 
Balanophyllia S. V. Wood 1844 137 
balia, Crypthelia (Hickson & England 1905) 
balia, Cryptohelia Hickson & England 1905 = Crypthelia balia 
bandai, Seriatopora Thiel 1932 =? Indonesia [728] 
bandensis, Acropora Verrill 1902 =? Indonesia [621,788] 
banksi, Oculina Milne Edwards & Haime 1850 
Bantamia Y abe & Eguchi 1943 = ?Galaxea/Blastomussa 
banyulensis, Polycyathus Best 1968 = P. muellerae [881] 
Barabattoia Yabe & Sugiyama 1941 93 
baracoensis, Porites Vaughan 1919 
barbadensis, Antipathes (Brook 1889) 
barbadensis, Aphanipathes Brook 1889 = Antipathes barbadensis 
barbadensis, Caryophyllia Caims 1979 
barbadensis, Distichopora Pourtalés 1874 

bipartita, Pavona Nemenzo 1980 

bipatella, Sabinotrochus Alcock 1902 =? Siboga exp. stat. 52 [684] 
bipatella, Stephanocyathus (Alcock 1902) =? 

biserialis, Lepidopora Cairns 1986 

bispinosa, Stichopathes Summers 1910 = S. flagellum 

bithalamus, Allopora (Broch 1936) = Stylaster bithalamus 
bithalamus, Stylaster Broch 1936 

Black Corals 

blainvillei, Manicina Milne Edwards & Haime 1857 =? 
Blastomussa Wells 1968 86 
Blastosmilia Duncan 1878 = Pourtalosmilia 

Blastotrochus Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 131 

blattea, Allopora Boschma 1961 = Stylaster blatteus 

blatteus, Stylaster (Boschma 1961) 

Blue Coral 29 
Blushing Star Coral 36 
bocki, Allopora (Broch 1936) = Stylaster bocki 

bocki, Stylaster Broch 1936 

boletiformis, Agaricia (Esper 1797) = Pavona laxa 
boletiformis, Diechoraea Tenison-Woods 1879 =? Fiji [719] 
boletiformis, Madrepora Esper 1797 = Pavona laxa 
boletiformis, Pavonia (Esper 1797) = Pavona laxa [560] 

barbadensis, Duncania Pourtalés 1874 = Gardineria paradoxa [126a] bolsii, Montipora Bernard 1897 = ? Indonesia [28] 


bonaespei, Balanophyllia van der Horst 1938 

bonhourei, Ulophyllia Gravier 1910 = Oulophyllia crispa [484] 

Boninastrea Yabe & Sugiyama 1935 91 

boninensis. Boninastrea Yabe & Sugiyama 1935 

bonsai, Hydnophora Veron 1990 

borealis. Carvophyilia (Fleming 1828) = C. smithii 

borealis, Distichopora Fisher 1938 

borealis, Flabellum apertum Cairns 1994 = F. apertum 

borealis, Javania Cairns 1994 

borealis, Madrepora Milne Edwards & Haime 1860 =? 

borealis. Turbinolia Fleming 1827/8? = Carvophyllia smithii (118) 

boreopacifica. Allopora (Broch 1932) = Snlaster boreopacificus 

boreopacificus, Snlaster Broch 1932 

borradailei, Orbicella Gardiner 1904 = Favia favus [839] 

boschmai, Dendrophyllia van der Horst 1926 

boschmai. Errina Caims 1983 

boschmai, Millepora de Weerdt & Glynn 1991 

boschmai, ? Eguchi 1965 = Snlaster boschmai 

boschmai, Snlaster (Eguchi 1965) 

boscii, Antipathella (Lamouroux 1821) = Antipathes boscii 

boscii. Antipathes Lamouroux 1821 

boscii. Leiopathes (Lamouroux 1821) = Antipathes boscii 

botryodes, Madrepora Brook 1892 =? Mauritius [86.87]. Tuvalu 

botryotes, Madrepora Ellis & Solander 1786 = ? 

brasiliensis. Meandrina (Milne Edwards & Haime 1848) 
= M. meandrites 

brasiliensis. Pectinia (Milne Edwards & Haime 1848) = Meandrina 

brassevi, Distichopora Wright 1882 = D. nitida [105] 

Brassevia Wright 1882 = DendropMilia 

brassica, Gemmipora Dana 1848 = Turbinaria brassica [784] 

brassica. Turbinaria (Dana 1848) 

braziliana, Orbicella Verrill 1901 = Montastrea cavernosa [420.889] 

braziliense, Flabellum Pourtalés 1874 =? Brazil [612] 

braziliensis, Acanthastraea Verrill 1868 = Mussismilia braziliensis 

braziliensis, Millepora Verrill 1868 

braziliensis, Mussismilia (Verrill 1868) 

braziliensis, Porites astreoides var. Verrill 1901 = P. astreoides 

braziliensis. Protomussa (Verrill 1868) = Mussismilia braziliensis 

brevicollis. Acropora (Brook 1892) = A. digitifera [674] 

brevicollis, Madrepora Brook 1892 = Acropora digitifera 

breviconus, Hydnophora Nemenzo ? = H. rigida [768] 

brevicornis, Pocillopora Lamarck 1816 = P. damicornis [674] 

breviramosa, Porites compressa forma Vaughan 1907 = P. compressa 

brevis, Acanthastrea Milne Edwards & Haime 1850 = ? 

brevis, Cladocora Pourtalés 1871 =? United States [611] 

breviserialis, Colpophyllia Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 = C. natans 

bottae, Coeloria Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 = Plarygyra lamellina breviserialis, Distichopora Quelch 1884 = D. nitida [105] 

bottae. Coscinastrea Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 
bottae, Cyphastrea Milne Edwards & Haime 1850 = Leprastrea 
bottae [744.844] 
bottae. Leptastrea (Milne Edwards & Haime 1850) 
bottae, Madrepora Brook 1893 =? Red Sea [87] 
bottae, Maeandroseris Rousseau 1854 =? Myanmar [212] 
Bottlebrush Coral 44 
bougainvillei. Galaxea (Milne Edwards & Haime 1857) =? 

brevispina, Trochocyathus Cairns & Zibrowius 1997 

brighami, Porites Vaughan 1907 

brighami, Psammocora (Vaughan 1907) 

brighami, Stephanaria Vaughan 1907 = Psammocora brighami 

britannica, Balanophyllia socialis var. Duncan 1870 = Leptopsammia 

britannica, Leptopsammia (Duncan 1870) 

britannicus, Stylaster erubescens Zibrowius & Cairns 1992 = S. 

bougainvillei, Tropidocyathus Milne Edwards & Haime 1857 =? Sri brochi, Allopora Fisher 1938 = Snlaster brochi 

Lanka [631] 
Bouquet Coral 
bournei, Stichopathes Forster Cooper 1909 
Bourneotrochus Wells 1984 



brochi, Lepidotheca Cairns 1986 

brochi, Stylaster (Fisher 1938) 

brooki, Acropora Crossland 1952 =? Australia [168] 
brooki. Antipathella Johnson 1900 = Antipathes atlantica 

bournonii, Goniastrea Milne Edwards & Haime 1850 = G. retiformis brooki, Antipathes (Johnson 1900) = Antipathes atlantica 

bournonii, Solenastrea Milne Edwards & Haime 1850 
bowerbanki, Acanthastraea Milne Edwards & Haime 1857 
bowerbanki, Favia Milne Edwards & Haime 1857 = ? 
bowerbankii, Solenastrea Milne Edwards & Haime 1850 = 
Cyphastrea chalcidicum 
bowersi, Coenocyathus Vaughan 1906 
brachiata, Acropora (Dana 1848) = A. nobilis 

brooki, Coenocyathus Caims 1995 

brooki, Madrepora Bernard 1900 =? Christmas Island [29] 
brookii, Antipathella Whitelegge & Hill 1899 =? Tuvalu [835] 
Brown Stem Coral 

browni, Astrangia Palmer 1928 

brueggemanni, ? Ridley 1881 = Madracis brueggemanni 
brueggemanni, Acropora (Brook 1891) 

brueggemanni, Cyphastraea Quelch 1886 = C. serailia [744.844] 

brachiata, Madrepora Dana 1848 = Acropora nobilis [775\/A. formosa brueggemanni, Madracis (Ridley 1881) 


brachyclados, Madrepora Ortmann 1888 = ?Madrepora gravida 
[87]/?2Acropora florida 

Brachymaeandrina Duncan 1885 = Plan gyra 

brachystoma, Fungia Thiel 1932 = Ctenactis crassa [354] 

Brachytrochus Duncan 1876 = Heterocyathus 

Brachytrochus Reuss 1864 = Paracyathus 

bradleyi, Oulangia (Verrill 1866) 

bradleyi, Ulangia Verrill 1866 = Oulangia bradleyi 

Brain Coral 90 
Branched Cup Coral 86 
Branching Coral 57 

branchi, Acropora Riegl 1995 

branneri, Porites Rathbun 1887 

brasiliensis, Astrangia Vaughan 1906 = 4. solitaria [821.889] 

brasiliensis, Ctenophyllia Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 = 
Meandrina meandrites 

brasiliensis, Flabellum (Milne Edwards & Haime 1848) = Meandrina 

brueggemanni, Madrepora Brook 1891 = Acropora brueggemanni 

brueggemanni, Montipora Bernard 1897 = M. danae [674] 

brueggemanni, Mussa Quelch 1886 = Lobophyllia costata [484)/L. 

brueggemanni, Turbinaria Bernard 1896 

brunneus, Ceratotrochus (Moseley 1881) = Conotrochus brunneus 

brunneus, Conotrochus (Moseley 1881) 

brunneus, Pleurocyathus Moseley 1881 = Conotrochus brunneus [125] 

brunneus, Stylaster Boschma 1970 

Bubble Coral 

buccina, Balanophyllia Tenison-W oods 1878 

bulbosa, Endopachys Cairns & Zibrowius 1997 

bulbosa, Pocillopora Ehrenberg 1834 = P. damicornis [674] 

bulbosa, Porites Quelch 1886 = P. compressa [751] 

bulbosa, Porites compressa forma Vaughan 1907 = P. compressa 

bullata, Madrepora Brook 1892 = Acropora humilis [87] 

bulliens, Madrepora Ellis & Solander 1786 = ? 

burchae, Caryophyllia (Caims 1984) = Trochocyathus burchae 

burchae, Premocyathus Cairns 1984 = Trochocyathus burchae [126a] 



burchae. Trochocvathus (Caims 1987) 
burgosi. Goniopora Nemenzo 1955 

Bush Coral 

bushyensis. Acropora Veron & Wallace 1984 
Button Coral 142 
byssoides, Millepora Lamarck 1816 =? Mediterranean [427] 


bythios, Flabellum japonicum var. Cairns in Cairns & keller 1993 = 

F. japonicum 

caboensis, Astrangia Durham 1947 = 4. haimei [691] 
cactus. Lophoseris (Forskal 1775) = Pavona cactus 
cactus. Madrepora Forskal 1775 = Pavona cactus 
cactus, Montipora Bernard 1897 

cactus, Mussa Dana 1848 

cactus. Pavona (Forskal 1775) 

Caeloria Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 = Plan-gvra 
caeruleus, Paracyathus Duncan 1889 

cancellatus, Stvlaster Fisher 1938 
candeanum, Flabellum Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 

= Truncatoflabellum candeanum [116] 
candeanum. Truncatoflabellum (Milne Edwards & Haime 1848) 
candeanus, Placotrochus Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 

= P. laevis [116] 
candelabrum, Cladocora Ehrenberg 1834 = C. arbuscula [889] 
candelabrum. Conopora Caims 1991 
candelabrum. Madrepora Studer 1878 =? Papua New Guinea [87] 
candida, Bathelia Moseley 1881 
candida, Lophohelia Moseley 1881 = Madrepora candida [881 
candida, Madrepora (Moseley 1881) 
candida, Millepora Duchassaing & Michelotti 1864 = ? 
Cantharellus Hoeksema 1989 70 
capense. Desmophyllum (Gardiner 1904) = Caryopinllia capensis 
capensis, Balanophyilia Vermill ? 
capensis, Caryophyllia Gardiner 1904 

caespito-tabulata, Madrepora corymbosa var. Brook 1893 = Acroporacapensis. Duncania Gardiner 1904 = Gardineria capensis 

cailleti, Agaricia (Duchassaing & Michelotti 1864) 
= Leptoseris cailleti [185] 
cailleti, Desmophyllum Duchassaing & Michelotti 1864 = Javania 
cailleti. Javania (Duchassaing & Michelotti 1864) 
cailleti. Leptoseris (Duchassaing & Michelotti 1864) 
cailleti, Mycedium Duchassaing & Michelotti 1864 
= Leptoseris cailleti [185] 
calamaria. Acropora (Brook 1892) = A. humilis [674] 
calamaria, Madrepora Brook 1892 = Acropora humilis 
calcar, Deltocyathus Pourtalés 1874 
calcar, Deltocyathus agassizii var. Pourtalés 1874 = D. calcar 
calcarea, Millepora Ellis & Solander 1786 =? 
calcarea, Montipora Bernard 1897 
calendula, Madrepora Hermann 1782 = Caryophyllia cyathus [118] 
calicifera, Pavonia Gardiner 1898 = Pavona varians [371] 
calicularis, Turbinaria Bernard 1896 
caliculata, Manopora Dana 1848 = Montipora caliculata 
caliculata, Montipora (Dana 1848) 
caliendrum, Seriatopora Hemprich & Ehrenberg 1834 
californica. Allopora Pourtalés 1868 = Stylaster venustus 
californica, Allopora Vertill 1866 = Stylaster californicus 
californica, Astrangia Durham & Barnard 1952 
californica, Dendrophyllia Durham 1947 
californica, Javania Cairns 1994 
californica, Lophelia Durham 1947 = L. pertusa [123] 
californica, Nomlandia Durham & Barnard 1952 
californica, Porites Verrill 1869 
californicus. Stylaster (Verril! 1866) 
Callogyra Verrill 1901 = Trachyphyllia [592] 
caltha, Paracyathus Verrill 1869 = P. stearnsii [123] 
calveri, Caryophyllia Duncan 1873 
calycularis, Astrea Lamarck 1816 =? Australia [506], Philippines 
calycularis. Astroides (Pallas 1766) 
calycularis, Madrepora Pallas 1766 = Astroides calycularis [582] 
calycularis, Rhodaraea (Lamarck 1816) =? 

Calyptopora Boschma 1968 147 

campaniformis, ? Marenzeller 1904 = Stephanocyathus campaniformis 

campaniformis, Stephanocyathus (Marenzeller 1904) 
campanulatum, Flabellum Holdsworth 1862 

campyleca, Allopora Fisher 1938 = Stylaster campylecus 
campylecus, Stylaster (Fisher 1938) 

canaliculata, Acropora (Klunzinger 1879) = A. humilis [87] 
canaliculata, Madrepora K\unzinger 1879 = Acropora humilis [87] 
canalis, Acropora (Quelch 1886) = A. nobilis 

canalis, Madrepora Quelch 1886 = Acropora canalis/A. nobilis 
cancellata, Acropora (Brook 1893) = Acropora squarrosa [792] 
cancellata, Aphanipathes Brook 1889 

cancellata, Madrepora Brook 1893 = Acropora squarrosa [792] 
cancellata, Millepora Ehrenberg 1834 = ? 

capensis, Errina Hickson 1912 

capensis, Gardineria (Gardiner 1904) 

capillaris. Acropora (Klunzinger 1879) 

capillaris, Madrepora Klunzinger 1879 = Acropora capillaris 

capitata, Cyphastrea Studer 1878 = C. serailia [744.844] 

capitata, Goniastraea Studer 1881 =? Singapore [710] 

capitata, Madrepora Esper 1797 = Eusmilia fastigiata 

capitata, Manopora Dana 1848 = Montipora capitata 

capitata, Montipora (Dana 1848) 

capitata, Pocillopora Verrill 1864 = P. elegans [691]/P. verrucosa 

capricornis, Montipora Veron 1985 

capricornis, Porites Rehberg 1892 =? Indonesia [742]. Palau 

carcarensis, Turbinaria Nemenzo ? = T. frondens [768] 

carcharias, Fungia Studer 1878 = F. paumotensis [354] 

cardenae, Acropora Wells 1987 

carduus. Acropora (Dana 1848) 

carduus. Caryophyllia (Ellis & Solander 1786) = Mussa angulosa 

carduus, Caryophyllia Audouin 1826 = Cynarina lacrymalis [151] 

carduus, Echinopora Klunzinger 1879 = E. gemmacea [674.844] 

carduus, Lobophyllia (Ellis & Solander 1786) =? 

carduus, Madrepora Dana 1848 = Acropora carduus!! 

carduus, Madrepora Ellis & Solander 1786 = Mussa angulosa 

caribaea, Leptastrea Duchassaing & Michelotti 1860 =? Virgin 
Islands of the United States [196] 

caribbeana, Antipathes Opresko 1996 

caribbeana, Balanophyllia Caims 1977 

cariboea, Pectinia Duchassaing & Michelotti 1860 = Meandrina 
meandrites [746.889] 

carinata, Allopora (Broch 1936) = Snylaster carinatus 

carinata, Anomocora Cairns 1991 

carinata, Balanophyllia (Semper 1872) 

carinata, Errina (Pourtalés 1867) = Lepidopora carinata [110] 

carinata, Heliopora Pourtalés 1867 = Lepidopora carinata [110] 

carinata, Lepidopora (Pourtalés 1867) 

carinata, Montipora Nemenzo 1967 = M. hirsuta 

carinata, Pachyseris Briiggemann 1879 

carinata, Rhodopsammia Semper 1872 = Balanophyllia carinata [126a] 

carinata, Turbinaria Nemenzo ? = T. stellulata [768] 
carinatum, Truncatoflabellum Cairns 1989 

carinatus, Pliobothrus (Pourtalés 1867) = Lepidopora carinata 
carinatus, Stylaster Broch 1936 

cariophyllites, Madrepora Pallas 1766 = ? 

carleenae, Dendrophyllia Nemenzo 1983 

carli, Plesiastrea Nemenzo 1979 = Favia stelligera [768] 
Camation Coral 

carnea, Errina Boschma 1965 = E. laterorifa [105] 

carolina, Lophohelia Pourtalés 1871 = Madrepora carolina [881] 
carolina, Madrepora (Pourtalés 1871) 

carolinensis, Cryptotrochus Cairns 1988 

caroliniana, Acropora Nemenzo 1976 


carpenteri, Caryophyllia Duncan 1878 
= Stenocvathus vermiformis [881] 

carpinerti, Plesiastrea Duchassaing & Michelotti 1860 =? Virgin 
Islands of the United States [196] 

carthaginiensis, Millepora Duchassaing & Michelotti 1864 = \/ 
alcicornis [889] 

carvophnllia. Madrepora J. B. Harvey 1837 = Carvophyllia smithii 

Caryophyllia Lamarck 1801 112 

Caryophylliidae Gray 1847 111 

carvophylloides. Trochocyathus Alcock 1902 

cassiopea, Dichocoenia Duchassaing & Michelotti 1860 = D. stokesti 

catalai, Alveopora Wells 1968 

Catalaphyllia Wells 1971 

catharinae. Antipathes Pax 1932 

catharinae, Aphanipathes (Pax 1932) = Antipathes catharinae 

caudex, Maeandra Ehrenberg 1834 = Dendrogyra cylindrus [889] 

caudex. Meandrina (Ehrenberg 1834) = Dendrogyra cylindrus 

Caulastraea Dana 1848 94 

Cauliflower Coral 38 

cavata, Madrepora Ellis & Solander 1786 =? 

cavatus, Paracyathus Alcock 1893 

cavatus, Trochocyathus Alcock 1902 =? 

cavernosa. Astrea (Esper 1797) =? 

cavernosa, Favia (Forskal 1775) = Favia favus 

cavernosa. Madrepora Esper 1797 =? 

cavernosa. Madrepora Forskal 1775 = Favia favus [839] 

cavernosa. Madrepora Linnaeus 1767 = Montastrea cavernosa 

cavernosa, Montastraea (Linnaeus 1767) 

cavernosa. Orbicella (Linnaeus 1767) = Montastrea cavernosa 

Cavernous Star Coral 

cebuensis. Montipora Nemenzo 1976 

cecilliana, Dendrophyllia Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 =? China 
[496]. Japan [496] 

cedrosensis, Balanophyllia Durham 1947 

cellulata, Millepora Forskal 1775 = Stvlophora digitata [503)/S. 

cellulosa, Astraea Verrill 1869 = Favia pallida [839] 

cellulosa, Balanophyllia Duncan 1873 

cellulosa, Favia (Verrill 1872) = F. pallida [839] 

cellulosa, Goniopora Veron 1990 

cellulosa, Madrepora Esper 1797 =? 

cellulosa, Millepora Linnaeus 1758 = ? 

cellulosa, Millepora alcicornis var. Verrill 1868 = M. alcicornis 

cellulosa, Stylophora Quelch 1886 = S. pistillata [661.768] 

cellulosa, Ulophyllia Quelch 1886 = Oulophyllia crispa [842] 

centralis, Porites lobata forma Vaughan 1907 = P. lobata 

cepulla, Trochocyathus Caims 1995 

Ceratocyathus Seguenza 1863 = Caryophyllia 

Ceratotrochus Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 

cerealis, Acropora (Dana 1848) 

cerealis, Madrepora Dana 1848 = Acropora cerealis 

cerebriformis. Diploria (Lamarck 1816) = D. labyrinthiformis [151] 

cerebriformis, Meandrina Lamarck 1816 = Diploria labyrinthiformis 

cerebriformis, Mussa Dana 1848 

cerebriformis, Platygyra (Lamarck 1816) = Diploria labyrinthiformis 

cerebrum, Madrepora Ellis & Solander 1786 = Diploria strigosa 

cerebrum, Meandra Gravier 1910 = Favia gravida [420] 

cerebrum, Maeandrina (Ellis & Solander 1786) = Diploria strigosa 

Ceriomorpha Head 1978 = Blastomussa 

cerium, Astraea Dana 1848 = Goniastrea pectinata [839] 

cerium, Goniastrea (Dana 1848) = G. pectinata 

cervicornis, Acropora (Lamarck 1816) 

cervicornis, Dactylotrochus (Moseley 1881) 

cervicornis, Errina Broch 1942 = Lepidotheca cervicornis 

cervicornis, Lepidotheca (Broch 1942) 




cervicornis, Madrepora Lamarck 1816 = Acropora cervicornis 

cervicornis, Tridacophyllia Moseley 1881 = Dacn/otrochus 

cervina, Distichopora Pourtalés 1871 

cervina, Porites Lamarck 1816 =? 

cervina. Seriatopora (Lamarck 1816) = Australia [89]. Indonesia 
[621]. Philippines [621] 

cespitosa. Carvophvilia (Linnaeus 1767) = Cladocora cespitosa 

cespitosa. Cladocora (Linnaeus 1767) 

cespitosa, Galaxea Dana 1848 = G. fascicularis 

cespitosa. Madrepora Linnaeus 1767 = Cladocora cespitosa 

cespitosa, Madrepora rosaria var. Brook 1893 = Acropora rosaria 

cespitosa. Pocillopora Dana 1848 = P. damicornis [674)/P. elegans 
[691]/P. verrucosa 

cespitosum, Anthophyllum (Dana 1848) = Galaxea fascicularis 

cestoporina. Errinopora Caims 1983 

ceylonensis, Antipathella Thomson & Simpson 1905 = Antipathes 

ceylonensis. Antipathes (Thomson & Simpson 1905) 

ceylonensis, Rhodocyathus Bourne 1905 = Cynarina lacrymalis (815) 

cevlonensis, Stichopathes Thomson & Simpson 1905 

cevlonica, Acropora (Ortmann 1889) 

ceylonica, Coeloria Ridley 1883 =? Sri Lanka [558.634] 

ceylonica, Madrepora Ortmann 1889 = Acropora ceylonica 

cevlonica. Maeandrina (Ridley 1883) =? 

chagius, Ctenella Mattha: 1928 

chalcidicum. Cyphastrea (Forskal 1775) 

chalcidicum. Madrepora Forskal 1775 = Cyphastrea chalcidicum 

challengeri, Montipora Bernard 1897 =? Philippines [28] 

challengeri, Stenohelia (Boschma 1951) = S. profunda [105] 

challengeri, Stvlaster Boschma 1951 = Stenohelia profunda [110] 

chamaemorus, Antipathes Pax 1932 

chamissoi, Rhizopsammia Wells 1954 

chathamensis. Errina Caims 1991 

chauliostylus, Lepidotheca Caims 1991 

cheilopora. Errina Caims 1983 

Cheiloporidion Caims 1983 

chesterfieldensis, Acropora Veron & Wallace 1984 

chevalier, Leptopsammia Zibrowius 1980 

chilensis, Bathycyathus Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 =? Chile 

chinensis, Favites (Verrill 1866) 

chinensis, Prionastrea Verrill 1866 = Favites chinensis [839] 

chnous, Balanophyllia Squires 1962 

chota, Antipathes Forster Cooper 1904 

chunii, Flabellum Marenzeller 1904 

cincticulatus, Trochocyathus Gardiner ? =? South Africa 

cincticulatus, Carvophyllia (Alcock 1898) = ? 

cincticulatus, Thecocyathus Alcock 1898 =? India [784]. Maldives [7]. 
Seychelles [784] 

cinerascens, Explanaria Ehrenberg 1834 = Turbinaria mesenterina 

cinerascens, Gemmipora (Ellis & Solander 1786) = Turbinaria 
cinerascens [784] 

cinerascens, Madrepora Ellis & Solander 1786 = Turbinaria 

cinerascens, Turbinaria (Ellis & Solander 1786) 

cinnabarina, Distichopora Nardo 1844 = D. violacea [105] 

circinata, Montipora Bernard 1897 =? Australia [28] 

circumfossata, Siderastrea Thiel ? =? 

circurnvallata, Madrepora Hemprich & Ehrenberg 1834 = Montipora 

circumvallata, Montipora (Hemprich & Ehrenberg 1834) 


Cirrhipathes Blainville 1830 33 
Citharocyathus Alcock 1902 = Notocyathus [116] 
Cladangia Milne Edwards & Haime 1851 78 
Cladocora Hemprich & Ehrenberg 1834 94 
cladonia, Dendrophyllia van der Horst 1927 

Cladopathes Brook 1889 34 
Cladopsammia Lacaze-Duthiers 1897 138 


clathrata. Acropora (Brook 1891) 

clathrata, Antipathes Pallas 1766 = ? 

clathrata, Madrepora Brook 1891 = Acropora clathrata [637c] 

clausa. Crnpthelia Broch 1947 

clava. Siderastrea (Dana 1848) = Pavona clavus 

clavaria, Millepora Ehrenberg 1834 =? 

clavaria, Pocillopora Ehrenberg 1834 

clavaria, Porites Lamarck 1816 = P. porites 

clavaria. Porites porites var. Lamarck 1816 = P. porites 

Clavarina Verll 1864 = Paraclavarina 

clavator, Halomitra Hoeksema 1989 

clavigera. Acropora (Brook 1892) = 4. granulosa {792} 

clavigera, Lepidopora Cairns 1986 

clavigera, Madrepora Brook 1892 = Acropora granulosa [792] 

clavus, Anthophyllum Dana 1848 = Galaxea astreata [772] 

clavus. Carvophyllia Scacchi 1835 = Carvophyilia smithii 

clavus. Caryophyilia clavus var. Duncan 1873 = Carvophyllia 

clavus. Cyathina (Scacchi 1835) = Caryophyllia clavus/Caryophyllia 

clavus. Galaxea (Dana 1848) = G. astreata [674] 

clavus, Lophoseris (Dana 1848) = Pavona clavus 

clavus. Pavona (Dana 1848) 

clavus, Pavonia Dana 1848 = Pavona clavus 

clavus, Porites compressa forma Vaughan 1907 = P. compressa 

clavus, Siderastrea (Dana 1848) = Pavona clavus 

clavus. Tichoseris (Dana 1848) = Pavona clavus 

clementei. Pachyseris Nemenzo ? = P. speciosa [768] 

clivosa, Diploria (Ellis & Solander 1786) 

clivosa, Madrepora Ellis & Solander 1786 = Diploria clivosa [690] 

clivosa. Maeandra (Ellis & Solander 1786) = Diploria clivosa [690] 

clivosa, Maeandrina (Ellis & Solander 1786) = Diploria clivosa [690] 

clivosa, Pavonia Verrill 1869 = Pavona clavus [827)/P. clivosa [631b] 

clouei, Favia Milne Edwards & Haime 1857 = F. speciosa [839] 

Club Finger Coral 58 

clypeus, Halomitra Verrill 1864 = H. pileus [354] 

coalescens, Madrepora Ortmann 1889 = Acropora valida [87] 

Colangia Pourtalés 1871 78 

colei. Montipora Wells 1954 = M. undata [775] 

colonensis. Porites Zlatarski 1990 

Colpophyilia Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 

columella, Goniastrea Crossland 1948 

columellaris, Maeandra areolata var. Verrill 1901 = Manicina 

columellata, Hydnophora Rehberg 1892 =? Federated States of 
Micronesia [631] 

columna, Coscinastrea (Dana 1848) 

columna, Goniopora Dana 1848 

columna, Leptopsammia Folkeson 1919 =? Australia [255] 

columna, Leptoseris Yabe & Sugiyama 1941 = L. scabra [185.674] 

columna, Psammocora Dana 1848 = Coscinastrea columna [772] 

columnaris, Acropora muricata var. Verrill 1901 = 4. palmata 

columnaris. Antipathes (Duchassaing 1870) 

columnaris. Arachnopathes Duchassaing 1870 = Antipathes columnaris 

columnaris, Montipora Bernard 1898 

columnaris. Parantipathes (Duchassaing 1870) = Antipathes 

columnaris, Porites Klunzinger 1879 

columnifera, Fungia fungites var. Déderlein 1902 = F. fungites 

Common Brain Coral 

communis. Caryophyllia Wood-Mason & Alcock 1891 = C. ambrosia 

compacta, Madrepora millepora var. Brook 1893 = Acropora 

compacta, Montipora verrucosa var. Ortmann 1892 = Af. verrucosa 

compacta, Orbicella cavernosa var. Vaughan 1901 = Montastrea 
cavernosa [219] 

compacta, Porites compressa forma Vaughan 1907 = P. compressa 

compacta, Rhizopsammia Sheppard & Sheppard 1991 

compacta, Seriatopora Bassett-Smith 1890 =? Tizard Bank [22] 

complanata, ? Verrill 1866 = Pavona complanata 

complanata, Acropora (Brook 1891) = A. clathrata/divaricata [674] 

complanata, Astraea (Hemprich & Ehrenberg 1834) = Favites 


coalescens, Sideropora digitata var. Dana 1848 = Splophora cellulosacomplanata, Calyptopora (Pourtalés 1867) 

[631)/S. pistillata 

coalita, Montipora Nemenzo 1967 = M. altasepta [768] 

coalitum, Flabellum Marenzeller 1888 

coarctata, Dendrophyllia Duncan 1889 

coarctata, Favia Duchassaing & Michelotti 1860 = F. fragum 

coccinea, Coenopsammia (Lesson 1829) = Tubastraea coccinea 

coccinea, Dendrophyllia (Hemprich & Ehrenberg 1834) = 
Cladopsammia gracilis 

coccinea, Distichopora Gray 1860 

coccinea, Oculina Hemprich & Ehrenberg 1834 = Cladopsammia 
gracilis [11] 

coccinea, Tubastraea Lesson 1829 

cochlea, Heterocyathus Gray 1849 = H. aequicostatus [356] 

cochlea, Heteropsammia (Spengler 1781) 

cochlea, Madrepora Spengler 1781 = Heteropsammia cochlea [356] 

cochleata, Errina Pourtalés 1867 

cochleata, Lepidopora (Pourtalés 1867) = Errina cochleata [110] 

cocosensis, Montipora Vaughan 1918 = M. angulata [766a] 

cocosensis, Porites Wells 1950 = P. cylindrica [122] 

cocosensis, Stylocoeniella Veron 1990 

Coelastrea Verrill 1866 95 
Coelocyathus Sars 1856 = Monomyces 

Coelogyra Nemenzo 1959 =? 

Coeloria Milne Edwards & Haime 1857 = Pianygyra 
Coeloseris Vaughan 1918 64 

Coelosmilia Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 = Desmophyllum 
Coenangia Verrill 1869 78 
Coenocyathus Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 115 
Coenopsammia Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 = Tubastraea 
Coenosmilia Pourtalés 1874 115 
coerulea, Heliopora (Pallas 1766) 

= Stylaster complanatus {110} 

complanata, Favia Hemprich & Ehrenberg 1834 = Favites 

complanata, Favites (Hemprich & Ehrenberg 1834) 

complanata, Madrepora Brook 1891 = Acropora clathrata/d. 
divaricata [2792] 

complanata, Millepora Lamarck 1816 

complanata, Montipora (Lamarck 1816) 

complanata, Pavona (Verrill 1866) 

complanata, Porites Lamarck 1816 = Montipora compianata 

complanata, Prionastrea (Hemprich & Ehrenberg 1834) = Favites 

complanata, Stenohelia (Pourtalés 1867) = Srylaster complanatus 

complanatus, Stylaster Pourtatés 1867 

complicata, Stephanophyllia Moseley 1876 

composita, Clavarina Rehberg 1892 =? Palau [631] 

composita, Montipora Crossland 1952 = M. aequituberculata [674] 

compressa, Antipathes Esper 1797 =? 

compressa, Caryophyllia Y abe & Eguchi 1942 = Premocyathus 
dentiformis [126a] 

compressa, Caryophyllia Blainville 1830 = Caryophyllia zanzibarensis 

compressa, Caryophyllia Gardiner & Waugh 1938 =? 

compressa, Dendrophyllia arbuscula var. Eguchi & Sasaki 1973 = 
Cladopsammia eguchii [123] 

compressa, Fungia Lamarck 1816 = Truncatoflabellum compressum 

compressa, Heliopora Verrill 1864 = ?H. coerulea 

compressa, Leiopathes (Esper 1797) =? 

compressa, Madrepora Bassett-Smith 1890 = Acropora florida [792] 

compressa, Madrepora Ehrenberg 1834 = ? 

compressa, Millepora Linnaeus 1758 = ? 

compressa, Montipora (Linnaeus 1758) = ? 

compressa, Porites Dana 1848 


compressa. Seriatopora Studer 1878 =? Philippines [621] 

compressa, Stlophora Gardiner 1898 

compressum, Flabellum (Lamarck 1816) = Truncatoflabellum 

compressum. Truncatoflabellum (Lamarck (1816) 

compressus, Conocyathus Tenison-W oods 1878 = Plantrochus 

compressus, Platvtrochus (Tenison-Woods 1878) 

compressus. Premocvathus (Yabe & Eguchi 1942) = Carvopiy lia 
compressa [123] 

concamerata. Echinopora (Forskal 1775) = E. gemmacea 

concamerata. Madrepora Forskal 1775 = Echinopora gemmacea 

concentrica, Halomitra Studer 1901 = H. pileus [354] 

Concentrotheca Caims 1979 115 

concepcionensis, Astrangia Durham 1947 = 4. haimei [691] 

conceptus, Paracyathus Gardiner & Waugh 1938 

conceptus. Polycyathus (Gardiner & Waugh 1938) = Paracyathus 

concinna, Acropora (Brook 1891) = A. valida [674] 

concinna, Astrangia Verrill 1866 = A. haime: [691] 

concinna, Echinopora Verrill 1901 = E. lamellosa [844] 

concinna, Fungia Verrill 1864 

concinna, Madrepora Brook 1891 = Acropora valida/A. diversa [792] 

concinna, Stenohelia Boschma 1964 

concinna, Vaughanella Gravier 1915 

conferta. Acropora (Quelch 1886) = A. Ayacinthus [674] 

conferta, Astrangia Verrill 1869 = Coenangia conferta 

conferta, Astrea Milne Edwards & Haime 1850 = Montastrea 
cavernosa [786.889] 

conferta, Caryophyllia Dana 1848 = ? 

conferta, Cladocora (Dana 1848) =? 

conferta, Cladocora Moseley 1881 = Colangia moseleyi {126a] 

conferta. Coenangia (Verrill 1869) 

conferta. Cyphastrea Nemenzo 1959 = C. serailia [768.844] 

conferta, Dendrophyllia Quelch 1886 = ?D. arbuscula [123] 

conferta, Distichopora Quelch 1885 = D. gracilis [105] 

conferta, Favia Verrill 1868 = F. gravida (420)/F. fragum [889] 

conferta, Lobactis Verrill 1864 = Fungia scutaria 

conferta, Madrepora Quelch 1886 = Acropora hyacinthus [2792] 

conferta, Montipora Nemenzo 1967 = M. monasteriata [768] 

conferta, Mussa harttii var. Verrill 1901 = M. harttii 

conjferta, Porites Dana 1848 =? Madagascar [505] 

conferta, Pourtalosmilia Caims 1978 

conferta, Schizopathes Brook 1889 

conferta, Seriatopora Quelch 1886 =? Fiji (621). Tuvalu [261] 

conferta, Siderastrea stellata var. Verrill 1868 = S. stellata 

conferta, Stenohelia Boschma 1968 

conferta, Symphyllia Duchassaing & Michelotti 1860 = /sophyllia 
sinuosa [889] 

confertifolia, Fungia Dana 1848 = F. fungites [354] 

confertifolia, Maeandra areolata var. Verrill 1901 = Manicina 

confertifolia, Mussa harttii var. Verrill 1901 = Mussismilia harttii 

confertissima, Millepora Quelch 1886 =? Indonesia [621]. Japan 
[869], Palau [221] 

confertus, Paracyathus Pourtalés 1868 =? Portugal: Azores [709]. 
United States [610.690] 

confluens, Madrepora florida forma Brook 1893 = Acropora florida 

Confluphyllia Cairns & Zibrowius 1997 115 
confraga, Madrepora Quelch 1886 = ? Fiji [87.621] 
confusa, Montipora Nemenzo 1967 

conglobata, Caulastraea tumida forma Yabe & Sugiyama 1936 = C 

conglomerata, Madrepora Esper 1797 =? 
conglomerata. Porites (Esper 1797) = P. solida [560] 
conica, Caryophyllia Gray ? =? 

conicolobata, Hydnophora Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 = ? Fiji 
(557]. Samoa [557] 

conicula, Montipora Wells 1954 = M. millepora 

conicus, Citharocyathus Alcock 1902 = Notocyathus conicus [116.123] 

conicus, Deltocyvathus Zibrowius 1980 

conicus, Notocvathus (Alcock 1902) 

conigera. Acropora (Dana 1848) = A. robusta 

conigera, Madrepora Dana 1848 = Acropora robusta [775] 

conigera, Oculina varicosa var. Verrill 1901 =O. varicosa 

conjungens, Porites compressa forma Vaughan 1907 = P. compressa 

connata, Astraeosmilia Ortmann 1892 

Conocyathus d'Orbigny 1849 115 
Conocyathus Brook 1893 = Acropora 
Conopora Moseley 1879 147 

conotrochoides. Aulocyathus (Yabe & Eguchi 1932) = A. matricidus 

conotrochoides, Fragilocyathus Yabe & Eguchi 1932 = Aulocyathus 
matricidus {123} 

Conotrochus Seguenza 1864 116 

consagensis, Bathycyathus Durham & Barnard 1952 = Phyllangia 
consagensis [827] 

consagensis. Phyllangia (Durham & Bamard 1952) 

conspicua, Montipora Nemenzo 1980 = M. orientalis [768] 

conspicua, Turbinaria Bernard 1896 

constricta, Antillia Briggemann 1877 = Trachyphyllia geoffrovi [484] 

constricta, Antillophyllia (Braggemann 1877) =? 

contecta, Madrepora Hinde 1904 = Acropora humilis 

contignatio, Hydnophora (Forskal 1775) = H. exesa [674.839] 

contignatio. Madrepora Forskal 1775 = Hydnophora exesa 

contigua, Madrepora Esper 1797 = Psammocora contigua 

contigua, Psammocora (Esper 1797) 

contorta, Antipathella Brook 1889 = Antipathes contorta 

contorta, Antipathes (Brook 1889) 

contorta, Cirrhipathes van Pesch 1910 

contorta, Distichopora Pourtalés 1878 

contorta, Eucimpathes (van Pesch 1910) = Cirrhipathes contorta 

contorta, Montipora Nemenzo & Montecillo 1981 = A/. confusa [768] 

contorta, Oxypora Quelich 1886 =? Indonesia [621] 

contorta, Platygyra Veron 1990 

contorta, Seriatopora Studer 1878 =? 

contorta, Stichopathes Thomson & Simpson 1905 

contorta, Stylophora Ley. ? =? Mozambique [674] 

contorta, Turbinaria Bernard 1896 

conuis, Flabellum Moseley 1881 
convexa, Acropora (Dana 1848) = A. hyacinthus 
convexa, Madrepora Dana 1848 = Acropora millepora [775\/Acropora 

convexa. Porites (Verrill 1864) = P. rus [674] 

convexa, Synaraea Verrill 1864 = Porites rus 
cooperi, Coeloria Gardiner 1904 = Oulophyllia crispa [839] 
cooperi, Cycloseris (Gardiner 1909) = Fungia tenuis 

cooperi. Fungia Gardiner 1909 = F. tenuis [354] 

cooperi, Trochocyathus (Gardiner 1905) 
cooperi, Tropidocyathus Gardiner 1905 = Trochocyathus cooperi 

cophodactyla, Madrepora Brook 1892 = Acropora humilis [87] 
copiosa, Acropora Nemenzo 1967 
corallium, Stylaster Cairns 1986 
corbettensis, Montipora Veron & Wallace 1984 
corbicula, ? Tenison-Woods 1880 = Truncatoflabellum corbicula 
corbicula, Batotrochus (Pourtalés 1878) = Trematotrochus corbicula 
corbicula, Trematotrochus (Pourtalés 1878) 
corbicula, Truncatoflabellum (Tenison-Woods 1880) 
corbicula, Turbinolia Pourtalés 1878 = Trematotrochus corbicula 
cornicularis, Raodopsammia Alcock 1902 = ? 

cornigera, Caryophyllia Lamarck 1816 = Dendrophyllia cornigera 


conica, Leptopsammia van der Horst 1922 = Balanophyllia stimpsonii cornigera, Dendrophyllia (Lamarck 1816) 

conica, Madrepora listeri var. Brook 1893 = Acropora listeri 
conica, Turbinaria Klunzinger 1879 = T. mesenterina [795] 

cornu, Balanophyllia Moseley 1881 
cornu, Crispatotrochus (Moseley 1881) 
cornu, Cyathoceras Gardiner 1904 = Labyrinthocyathus delicatus {125} 


cornu, Cyathoceras Moseley 1881 = Crispatotrochus cornu [118] 

cornu. Labyvrinthocvathus (Gardiner 1904) = L. delicanus [125] 

cornucopia, Dendrophyllia Pourtalés 1871 = Eguchipsammia 

cornuformis, Carvophyllia Pourtales 1868 

cornulum. Carvop/nllia Caims & Zibrowius 1997 

cornuta, Madrepora Duchassaing & Michelotti 1860 = 4cropora 

corona, Fungia Doderlein 1901 = F. scruposa [354] 

coronadosensis, Astrangia Durham 1947 = 4. haimei [691] 

coronalis, Goniastrea Quelch 1886 = G. pectinata [839] 

coronalis, Oculina Quelch 1886 =? Bermuda [621] 

coronata, Astraea Dana 1848 = Monastrea curta [122 

coronata. Favites (Studer 1881) =? 

coronata, Madrepora Brook 1892 = Acropora anthocercis [87] 

coronata, Madrepora Rehberg 1892 =? Madagascar [631] 

coronata. Montastrea (Dana 1848) = M. curta 

coronata. Orbicella (Dana 1848) = Plesiastrea coronata [784]/ 
Montastrea curta [843] 

coronata. Plesiastrea (Dana 1848) = Montastrea curta 

coronata, Pocillopora Gardiner 1897 =? Fiji [261] 

coronata, Prionastraea Studer 1881 =? Singapore [710] 

coronatus. Odontocyathus (Pourtalés 1867) 

coronatus, Paracyathus Duncan 1876 

coronatus, Platytrochus Pourtalés 1867 = Odontocyathus coronatus 

coronatus. Stephanocyathus (Pourtalés 1867) = Odontocyathus 

crassa, Fungia Dana 1848 = Ctenactis crassa [354] 

crassa, Goniopora Crossland 1948 

crassa. Heliopora (Dana 1848) = Crenactis crassa 

crassa, Leptopsammia van der Horst 1922 

crassa, Madrepora Milne Edwards & Haime 1860 = 4cropora crassa 

crassa, Meandrina Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 = ? 

crassa, Pavonia Dana 1848 = Pavona decussata [674] 

crassa, Porites Quelch 1886 =? Fiji [621]. Tuvalu [835] 

crassa, Schizopathes Brook 1889 

crassa, Seriatopora Quelch 1886 

crassa, Turbinaria Bernard 1896 = 7. mesenterina [768] 

crassidens, Favia favus var. Crossland 1952 = F. favus 

crassidentata, Mussa Rehberg 1892 = Lobophyllia cornnmbosa [484] 

crassifolia, Montipora Bernard 1897 =? Macclesfield Bank [28] 

crassilabia, Madrepora nasuta var. Brook 1893 = Acropora nasuta 

crassilabrum. Adelopora Caims 1991 

crassior, Diploria Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 =? 

crassior, Prionastrea Milne Edwards & Haime 1850 = Favites abdira 

crassior. Stylaster Broch 1936 

crassireticulata, Montipora Bernard 1897 =? Macclesfield Bank [28] 

crassiseptum, Balanophyllia Cairns & Zibrowius 1997 

crassispinosa, Oxypora Nemenzo 1980 

crassistellata, Porites Quelch 1886 

crassitentaculata, Fungia Quoy & Gaimard 1833 
= Heliofungia actiniformis [354] 

coronatus. Trochocyathus (Pourtalés 1867) = Odontocyathus coronatus crassitheca, Balanophyllia Caims 1995 

coronella, Favites Verrill 1901 =? Fiji [786] 
corrugata, Caryophyllia Caims 1979 
corsicus, Coenocyathus Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 
= Pourtalosmilia anthophyllites (881) 
cortezi, Astrangia Durham & Barnard 1952 = 4. haimei [691] 
cortezi, Dendrophyllia Durham & Barnard 1952 = D. oldroydi [123] 
corticata, Antipathes Lamarck 1815 =? 
corticata, Hyalopathes (Lamarck 1815) =? 
corymbiformis, Madrepora corymbosa var. Brook 1893 = Acropora 


corymbiformis, Madrepora pyramiaalis var. Brook 1893 = Acropora 

corymbosa. Acropora (Lamarck 1816) = Acropora cytherea 

corymbosa, Caryophyllia (Forskal 1775) = Lobophyllia corymbosa 

corymbosa, Lobophyllia (Forskal 1775) 

corymbosa, Madrepora Forskal 1775 = Lobophyllia corymbosa 

corymbosa, Madrepora Lamarck 1816 = Acropora cytherea 

corymbosa, Mussa (Forskal 1775) = Lobophyllia corymbosa [497] 

Coscinaraea Milne Edwards & Haime 1860 = Coscinastrea 

Coscinastrea Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 60 

Cosmoporites Duchassaing & Michelotti 1864 = Porites 

costata, Astrangia Verrill 1866 

costata, Balanophyllia socialis var. Duncan 1870 = B. stimpsonii 

costata, Caryophyllia communis var. Pourtalés 1880 =? 

costata, Cyphastraea Duncan 1863 = Montastrea annularis [889] 

costata, Euphyllia 7? = Eusmilia costata [784)/? 

costata, Lobophyllia (Dana 1848) = L. hemprichii [674] 

costata, Mussa Dana 1848 = Lobophyllia hemprichii [772] 

costatum, Desmophyllum Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 = D. 
cristagalli/D. dianthus 

costatus, Paracyathus Duncan 1878 =? 

costulata, Cycloseris (Ortmann 1889) = Fungia costulata [354] 

costulata, Fungia Ortmann 1889 

costulata, Leptosmilia Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 = Euphyllia 
glabrescens [484] 

crassa, Acropora (Milne Edwards & Haime 1860) 

crassa, Agaricia Verrill 1901 = A. agaricites [102.889] 

crassa, Agaricia agaricites var. Verrill 1902 = A. agaricites 

crassa, Coscinastrea Veron & Pichon 1980 

crassa, Ctenactis (Dana 1848) 

crassituberculata, Montipora Bernard 1897 
crassolamellata, Fungia Milne Edwards & Haime 1851 
= F. fungites [354] 
crassum, Flabellum Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 
= Truncatoflabellum crassum {116} 
crassum. Truncatoflabellum (Milne Edwards & Haime 1848) 
crassus, Herpetolithus Dana 1848 = Herpolitha limax (354) 
crassus. Stephanocyathus (Jourdan 1895) 
crassus, Stephanetrochus Jourdan 1895 = Stephanocyathus crassus 
crater,Goniopora (Pallas 1766) = Turbinaria crater [784] 
crater. Madrepora Pallas 1766 = Turbinaria crater 
crater, Turbinaria (Pallas 1766) 
Craterastrea Head 1983 = Leptoseris 
crateriformis, Acropora (Gardiner 1898) 
crateriformis, Madrepora Gardiner 1898 = Acropora crateriformis 
crateriformis. Rhizotrochus Alcock 1893 =? India [6] 
crenulatum, Flabellum Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 
= Truncatoflabellum spheniscus [123] 
crenulatus, Holcotrochus Dennant 1904 
cribripora, Acropora (Dana 1848) = A. aspera 
cribripora, Madrepora Dana 1848 = Acropora aspera [775.792] 
cribripora, Porites Dana 1848 
cribrosa, Dendrophyllia Milne Edwards & Haime 1851 
Crisp Pillow Coral 59) 
crispa, Agaricia Ehrenberg 1834 = Leptoseris papyracea 
crispa, Antipathes (Brook 1889) 
crispa, Diaseris Pourtaiés 1871 = Fungiacyathus crispus [881] 
crispa, Haloseris (Ehrenberg 1834) = Leptoseris papyracea [185] 
crispa, Meandrina Lamarck 1816 = Oulophyllia crispa [839] 
crispa, Merulina Dana 1848 = M. ampliata [772] 
crispa, Oulophyllia (Lamarck 1816) 
crispa, Pavonia (Ehrenberg 1834) = Leptoseris papyracea 
crispa, Turbinaria Rehberg 1892 =? Tonga [631] 
crispa, Tylopathes Brook 1889 = Antipathes crispa 
crispata, Astrea Lamarck 1816 = Oulastrea crispata 
crispata, Manicina Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 = MM. areolata 
crispata. Orbicella (Lamarck 1816) = Oulastrea crispata [784] 
crispata, Oulastrea (Lamarck 1816) 
Crispatotrochus Tenison-Woods 1878 
crispus, Fungiacyathus (Pourtalés 1871) 



cristagalli, Desmophyllum Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 = D. 
dianthus [123] 

cristagalli, Madrepora Hemprich & Ehrenberg 1834 = \fonripora 

cristagalli, Millepora Duchassaing & Michelotti 1864 = \/. alcicornis 

cristagalli, Montipora (Hemprich & Ehrenberg 1834) 

cristata. Euphyllia Chevalier 1972 

cristata, Explanaria Lamarck 1816 =? 

cristata. Lobophyilia (Esper 1791) =? Djibouti [298]. Palau [557]. 
Singapore [557] 

cristata, Lophoseris (Ellis & Solander 1786) = Pavona cactus 

cristata, Madrepora Ellis & Solander 1786 = Pavona cacnis 

cristata, Madrepora Esper 1791 = Lobophyllia costata [484)/L. 

cristata, Mussa ?? =? Mozambique [332] 

cristata, Pavona Lamarck 1801 = Agaricia agaricites [505.889] 

crosnieri, Carvophyllia Cairns & Zibrowius 1997 

crosslandi, Coeloria Matthai 1928 = Plan-gyra pini 

crosslandi. Platygyra (Matthai 1928) = P. pini [674] 

cruciseptata, Acropora Thiel 1932 =? Indonesia [728] 

cruenta, Errina Boschma 1968 

Crust Coral 103 

crustacea, Halomitra (Pallas 1766) = Podabacia crustacea [371] 

crustacea, Madrepora Pallas 1766 = Podabacia crustacea [371] 

crustacea, Millepora Linnaeus 1758 = ? 

crustacea, Podabacia (Pallas 1766) 

cruzi, Millepora Nemenzo 1975 

Cnptabacia Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 = Polyphyllia [354] 

Crnpthelia Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 =: 148 

cryptocymas, Lepidopora Caims 1985 

cryptotrema, Crypthelia Zibrowius 1981 

Cryptotrochus Cairns 1988 116 
Ctenactis Verrill 1864 71 
Ctenella Matthai 1928 109 

Ctenophyllia Dana 1848 = Meandrina 

cubaensis, Oculina Duncan 1876 =? Caribbean [205] 

cubensis, Caryophyllia Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 = Scolymia 

cubensis, Lithophyllia (Milne Edwards & Haime 1849) = Scolymia 

cubensis, Scolymia (Milne Edwards & Haime 1849) 

cucullata, Acropora Verrill 1902 =? 

cucullata, Agaricia (Ellis & Solander 1786) = Leptoseris cucullata 

cucullata, Anthopora Gray 1835 = Snlophora digitata [503)/S. 

cucullata, Astreopora Lamberts 1980 

cucullata, Dendrophyllia amphelioides var. Vaughan 1907 = 
Enallopsammia rostrata [123.875] 

cucullata, Helioseris (Ellis & Solander 1786) = Leptoseris cucullata 

cucullata, Leptoseris (Ellis & Solander 1786) 

cucullata, Madrepora Ellis & Solander 1786 
= Leptoseris cucullata [185] 

Culicia Dana 1848 78 

cultrifera, Caryophyllia Alcock 1902 = Caryophyllia scobinosa [126a] 

cultrifera, Euphyllia Dana 1848 = Plerogyra cultrifera [784)/P. 
sinuosa [484] 

cultrifera, Plerogyra (Dana 1848) = P. sinuosa [484] 

cumingit, Balanophyllia Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 

cumingii, Desmophyllum Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 = D. 
dianthus (123] 

cumingii, Flabellum Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 
= Truncatoflabellum cumingii [116] 

cumingii, Truncatoflabellum (Milne Edwards & Haime 1848) 

cumulatus, Porites Nemenzo 1955 

cuneata, Acropora (Dana 1848) 

cuneata, Madrepora Dana 1848 = Acropora cuneata 

cupressina, Antipathes Pallas 1766 = A. abies 

cupressus, Antipathes Pallas 1766 

cupula, Turbinaria Ehrenberg 1834 =? 

curta, Astraea Dana 1848 = Montastraea curta [430] 

curta, Montastraea (Dana 1848) 

curta. Orbicella (Dana 1848) = Plesiastrea curta [784]/Montastraea 
curta [430] 

curta, Plesiastrea (Dana 1848) = Montastraea curta 

curvata, Antipathes van Pesch 1914 

curvata, Caulastraea Wijsman-Best 1972 

curvata. Crvpthelia Caims 1991 

curvata. Cycloseris (Hoeksema 1989) = Fungia curvata [354] 

curvata, Fungia Hoeksema 1989 

curvatum, Flabellum Moseley 1881 

curvatus, Crispatotrochus Caims 1995 

cuspidata. Acropora (Dana 1848) 

cuspidata, Madrepora Dana 1848 = Acropora cuspidata! 

cuspidata, Madrepora Esper 1791 = Galaxea fascicularis 

cuspidata, Madrepora reticulata var. Brook 1893 = Acropora cytherea 

cuspidatum. Anthophyllum (Esper 1791) = Galaxea fascicularis 

cuticulata, Cylicia Klunzinger 1879 = Culicia cuticulata 

Cvathelia Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 80 

Cyathina Ehrenberg 1834 = Carvophyllia/Paracyathus 

Cyathoceras Moseley 1881 = Crispatotrochus [118] 

Cyathohelia Milne Edwards & Haime 1857 = Cyathelia 

cyathohelioides, Dendrophyllia boschmai Eguchi 1965 = D. boschmai 

cyathoides, Balanophyllia (Pourtales 1871) 

cyathoides, Dendrophyllia Pourtalés 1871 = Balanophyllia cyathoides 

Cyathotrochus Bourne 1905 116 

cyathus, Anthophyllum (Ellis & Solander 1786) = Caryophyllia cyathus 

cyathus, Caryophyllia (Ellis & Solander 1786) 

cyathus, Cyathina (Ellis & Solander 1786) = Caryophyllia cyathus 

cyathus, Madrepora Ellis & Solander 1786 = Caryophyllia cyathus 

cyclastra, Astraea Dana 1848 = ? 

Cyclicia Milne Edwards & Haime 1851 = Culicia 

Cyclohelia Cairns 1991 149 

cyclolites, Cycloseris (Lamarck 1801) = Fungia cyclolites [354] 

cyclolites, Fungia Lamarck 1801 

cyclopea, Acropora (Dana 1848) 

cyclopea, Madrepora Dana 1848 = ?Acropora robusta [775] 

cyclopora, Errina Caims 1983 = Errinopora cyclopora 

cyclopora. Errinopora (Caims 1983) 

cycloptera, Madrepora Milne Edwards & Haime 1860 = ?Acropora 

Cycloseris Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 = Fungia 

Cyclosmilia d'Orbigny 1849 = Parasmilia 

cylicioides, Psammoseris Tenison-W oods 1879 =? Australia [717] 

Cylicosmilia Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 = Parasmilia 

cylindraceus. Tethocyathus (Pourtalés 1868) 

cylindraceus, Thecocyathus Pourtalés 1868 = Tethocyathus 

cylindrica, Antipathes Brook 1889 

cylindrica, Lithophyllia Duchassaing & Michelotti 1860 =? Virgin 
Islands of the United States [196] 

cylindrica, Porites Dana 1848 

cylindrica, Scapophyllia Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 

cylindrica, Symphyllia Duchassaing & Michelotti 1860 = /sophyllia 
sinuosa [889] 

cylindrica, Turbinaria Nemenzo ? = T. heronensis [768] 

cylindricus, Coenocyathus Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 

Cylindrophyllia Yabe & Eguchi 1937 = Peponocyathus [115] 

cylindrus, Dendrogyra (Ehrenberg 1834) 

cylindrus, Madrepora Ortmann 1892 =? Tanzania [560] 

cylindrus, Maeandra Ehrenberg 1834 = Dendrogyra cylindrus 

cylindrus, Meandrina (Ehrenberg 1834) = Dendrogyra cylindrus 

CGylloseris Quelch 1886 = Leptoseris 

cymas, Crypthelia Cairns 1986 

cymbicyathus, Acropora (Brook 1893) = A. nasuta [430.674] 

cymbicyathus, Madrepora Brook 1893 = Acropora nasuta [792] 

Cynarina Briiggemann 1877 87 

Ophastrea Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 95 


cytherea. Acropora (Dana 1848) 

cvtherea. Lobop/nilia (Dana 1848) = L. hemprichii 

cytherea, Madrepora Dana 1848 = 4cropora cytherea [637c]} 
cytherea, Mussa Dana 1848 = Lobophyilia hemprichii [772] 
cytherella, Acropora WVerrill 1902 = 4. cvtherea [792] 

dabneyi. Errina (Pourtales 1871) 

dabneyi, Lepidopora Pourtalés 1871 = Errina dabneyi [885] 

dactylophora, Madrepora Brook 1893 =? Indonesia [87] 

dactylopoma, Crypthelia Cairns 1986 

Dacnlotrochus Wells 1954 

daedalea., Alveopora (Forskal 1775) 

daedalea. Astroria (Ellis & Solander 1786) = Plan:gvra daedalea 

daedalea. Coeloria (Ellis & Solander 1786) = Plangyra daedalea 

daedalea, Madrepora Ellis & Solander 1786 = Plangyra daedalea 

daedalea. Madrepora Forskal 1775 = Alveopora daedalea 

daedalea, Maeandra (Ellis & Solander 1786) = Plangvra daedalea 

daedalea, Plangyra (Ellis & Solander 1786) 

Daisy Coral 143 

damicornis, Millepora Linnaeus 1758 = Pocillopora damicornis [582] 

damicornis, Pocillopora (Linnaeus 1758) 

dana, Synaraea Verrill 1872 =? 

danae, Astrangia Milne Edwards & Haime 1850 = 4. poculata [582] 

danae, Ctenophyllia Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 = Meandrina 
meandrites [889] 

danae, Dendrophyllia Verrill 1872 = Tubastraea coccinea [372] 

danae, Astraea Verrill 1872 = Favia favus [674.839] 

danae, Fungia Milne Edwards & Haime 1851 =? Fiji (505). 
Philippines [505] 

danae, Lobactis Verrill 1864 = Fungia scutaria [354] 

danae, Madrepora Verrill 1872 =? 

danae, Montipora Milne Edwards & Haime 1851 

danae, Pavonia Verrill 1872 =? 

danae, Pocillopora Verrill 1864 nom. nov. P. favosa Dana 1848 
= P. verrucosa [674.772] 

danae, Porites Milne Edwards & Haime 1851 = Psammocora 
contigua [122] 

danae. Psammocora (Milne Edwards & Haime 1851) = P. contigua 

danae, Stylophora Milne Edwards & Haime 1850 = S. pistillata [674] 

danae, Turbinaria Bernard 1896 

Danafungia Wells 1966 = Fungia 

danai, Acropora (Milne Edwards & Haime 1860) 

danai, Cyphastraea Milne Edwards & Haime 1857 =C. serailia [774] 

danai, Danafungia (Milne Edwards & Haime 1851) = Fungia danai 

danai, Favia Milne Edwards & Haime 1857 

danai. Fungia Milne Edwards & Haime 1851 
= F. horrida/scruposa [354] 

danai, Lophoseris Milne Edwards & Haime 1860 = ?Pavona cactus 

danai, Madrepora Milne Edwards & Haime 1860 = Acropora danai 

danai, Manicina Milne Edwards & Haime 1857 = M. areolata [889] 

danai, Mycedium Duchassaing & Michelotti 1860 = Agaricia 
agaricites [889] 

danai, Pavona Milne Edwards & Haime 1860 

danai, Pectinia Milne Edwards & Haime 1851 =? 

danai. Porites (Ellis & Solander 1786) = P. rus [674] 

daniana, Lobophyllia Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 =? French 
Polynesia [501] 

daniana, Mycetophyllia Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 

daniana, Rhipidogyra Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 = Euphyilia 
Simbriata [484.754)/Caryophyllia plicata 

daphnense, Flabellum Durham & Barnard 1952 

darwini, Placopsammia Duncan 1876 = Tubastraea coccinea [827] 

Dasmosmilia Pourtalés 1880 134 

Dasyphyllia Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 = Caulastrea [484] 

dawsoni, Peponocyathus Caims 1995 

debile, Flabellum Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 
= Truncatoflabellum spheniscus [123] 


debilis, Cladocora Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 

debilis. Stephanocoenia Duchassaing & Michelotti 1864 = S. 
intersepta [889] 

decactis. Astraea Lyman 1859 = Madracis decactis [420] 

decactis. Madracis (Lyman 1859) 

decadia, Cyphastrea Moll & Best 1984 

decamera. Stenocyathus Ralph & Squires 1962 = S. vermiformis [881] 

decamera, Trochocyathus Cairns 1994 

decapali. Carvophyllia (Yabe & Eguchi 1942) = C. quadragenaria 

decapali. Carvophyllia scobinosa Y abe & Eguchi 1942 = C. 
quadragenaria [123] 

decipiens. Acropora (Brook 1892) = A. robusta [674)} 

decipiens, Errina Boschma 1964 = Lepidopora decipiens 

decipiens. Lepidopora (Boschma 1964) 

decipiens, Madrepora Brook 1892 = Acropora robusta [792] 

decipiens, Paraerrina Broch 1942 

decipiens, Porites Briiggemann 1879 = ? Federated States of 
Micronesia [93] 

decurrens, Heteropora Ehrenberg 1834 =? 

decurrens, Madrepora (Ehrenberg 1834) =? 

decussata, Pavona (Dana 1848) 

decussata, Pavonia Dana 1848 = Pavona decussata 

decussata, Psammocora Yabe & Sugiyama 1937 

defilippii, Paracyathus Duchassaing & Michelotti 1860 =? Barbados 
(612). Cuba [613]. Dominica [614]. Granada [614]. Montserrat 
[614]. Portugal: Azores [520]. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 
[614]. Saint Kitts & Nevis [614]. United States [612] 

deformata, Parastrea Milne Edwards & Haime 1850 = Favia favus 

deformis, Acropora (Dana 1848) = A. danai [792] 

deformis, Aphrastraea (Lamarck 1816) = Favites pentagona 

deformis, Astrea Lamarck 1816 = Favites pentagona [839] 

deformis, Favia Eguchi & Shirai ? = ? 

deformis, Goniastrea Veron 1990 

deformis, Madrepora Dana 1848 = Acropora danai 

deformis, Porites Nemenzo 1955 

delicata, Javania (Yabe & Eguchi 1942) = J. cailleti [116] 

delicatula, Acropora (Brook 1893) = A. selago [674] 

delicatula, Antipathes Schultze 1896 

delicatula, Astraea Briiggemann 1879 = ? Federated States of 
Micronesia [93] 

delicatula, Madrepora Brook 1891 = Acropora selago 

delicatula, Maeandrina Ortmann 1888 =? Sri Lanka [558]. Samoa 

delicatula, Millepora Duchassaing & Michelotti 1864 = AV. alcicornis 

delicatula, Porites compressa forma angustisepta subforma Vaughan 
1907 = P. compressa 

delicatum, Desmophyllum Yabe & Eguchi 1942 = Javania cailleti [116] 

delicatus, Ceratotrochus Marenzeller 1904 = Labyrinthocyathus 
delicatus [125] 

delicatus, Labyrinthocyathus (Marenzeller 1904) 

Deltocyathoides Yabe & Eguchi 1932 

Deltocyathus Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 

deltoides, Coeloria Rehberg 1892 =? Australia [631] 

deludens, Flabellum Marenzeller 1904 

demani, Acropora (Rehberg 1892) 

demani, Madrepora Rehberg 1892 = Acropora demani 

demidovit, Hydnophora Fischer de Waldheim 1807 = H. exesa [839] 

dendritica, Stylophora Nemenzo 1964 = S. pistillata [277,661,768] 

Dendrocora Duncan 1876 96 

Dendrogyra Ehrenberg 1834 109 

dendroidea, Stephanocoenia Milne Edwards & Haime 1857 =? 

dendrophyllia, Turbinaria Bernard 1896 =? Australia 

Dendrophyllia Blainville 1830 139 

Dendrophylliidae Gray 1847 136 

Dendrosmilia Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 = Lophelia 

dendrostylus, Lepidopora Caims 1991 

dendrum, Acropora (Bassett-Smith 1890) 

dendrum, Madrepora Bassett-Smith 1890 = Acropora dendrum 



dendyi. Errina Hickson 1912 

dennanti. Fungiacyvathus Caims & Parker 1992 

dens, Flabellum Alcock 1902 = Truncatoflabellum dens 
dens. Truncatoflabellum (Alcock 1902) 

densa, Antipathes Silberfeld 1909 

densa, Porites Vaughan 1918 

densicaulis, Stlaster Moseley 1879 

densiflora, Antipathes (Silberfeld 1909) = ? 

densiflora, Cirripathes Silberfeld 1909 =? Japan [680] 
densiflora. Stichopathes (Silberfeld 1909) =? 

dichotoma, Madrepora Rehberg 1892 =? Palau [87.631] 
dichotoma. Millepora Forskal 1775 

dichotoma. Polypora Moseley 1876 = Sporadopora dichotoma 
dichotoma. Sporadopora (Moseley 1876) 

dichotoma. Turbinaria Verrill 1871 = T. peltata 

Diechoraea Tenison-W oods 1879 = A/veopora 

difficilis, Polycyathus Duncan 1889 

diffluens. Agaricia (Lamarck 1816) = Pavona diffluens 
diffluens, Astrea Lamarck 1816 = Pavona diffluens 

diffluens. Lophoseris (Lamarck 1816) = Pavona diffluens 

densimurata, Porites compressa forma Vaughan 1907 = P. compressa diffluens, Pavona (Lamarck 1816) 

dentata. Anthemiphyllia (Alcock 1902) 

dentata, Astrangia Verrill 1866 

dentata, Balanophyllia Tenison-Woods 1879 

dentata. Carvophyilia (Moseley 1881) 

dentata, Fungia Dana 1848 = F. fungites [354] 

dentata, Parahalomitra (Quelch 1884) = Sandalolitha dentata 
dentata, Sandalolitha Quelch 1884 

diffusa. Acropora (Verrill 1864) 

diffusa, Balanophyllia Harrison & Poole 1909 

diffusa. Lepidopora (Boschma 1963) 

diffusa, Madrepora Verrill 1864 = Acropora diffusa 

diffusa, Madrepora rosaria var. Brook 1893 = Acropora rosaria [792] 
diffusa, Madrepora surculosa var. Dana 1848 = Acropora hyacinthus 
diffusa, Oculina Lamarck 1816 

dentatus. Acanthocyathus Moseley 1876 = Caryophyllia dentata [126a] diffusus, Errina Boschma 1963 = Lepidopora diffusa 

dentatus, Discotrochus Alcock 1902 = Anthemiphyllia dentata [123] 

dentatus, Stylaster Broch 1936 

denticulata., Astraea (Ellis & Solander 1786) = Favia pallida 
[122]/Favia favus 

denticulata. Favia (Ellis & Solander 1786) = F. favus 

denticulata, Madrepora Ellis & Solander 1786 = Favia favus [839] 

denticulata. Montipora Bemard 1897 =? Macclesfield Bank [28] 

denticulata, Parastrea (Ellis & Solander 1786) = Favia favus 

dentiformis. Carvophyllia (Alcock 1902) = Premocyathus dentiformis 

dentiformis, Placotrochides Alcock 1902 = Premocyathus dentiformis 

dentiformis. Premocyathus (Alcock 1902) 

dentigera, Fungia Leuckart 1841 = F. scutaria [354.674] 

dentigera, Fungia scutaria var. Leuckart 1841 =F. scutaria 

Dentipora Blainville 1830 = Oculina [803a] 

dentosus, Sphenotrochus Boshoff 1981 nom. nud. = S. gilchristi [125] 

depressa, Madrepora corymbosa var. Kiunzinger 1879 = Acropora 


depressa, Madrepora hemprichii var. Brook 1893 = Acropora 

depressa, Madrepora pyramidalis var. Klunzinger 1879 = Acropora 

desalwii, Acropora Wallace 1994 

desbonni, Allopathes (Duchassaing & Michelotti 1864) 

desbonni. Antipathes (Duchassaing & Michelotti 1864) 
= Allopathes desbonni 

desbonni, Cirripathes Duchassaing & Michelotti 1864 
= Allopathes desbonni 

desbonni, Stichopathes (Duchassaing & Michelotti 1864) 
= Allopathes desbonni 

deshayesiana, Acanthophyllia (Michelin 1850) 
= Cynarina lacrymalis (33) 

deshayesiana, Caryophyllia Michelin 1850 = Cynarina lacrymalis [33] 

desmophyllioides, Balanophyllia Vaughan 1907 

Desmophyllum Ehrenberg 1834 118 
detrita, Madrepora Esper 1797 =? 
Devonshire Cup Coral 114 

diadema, Ceratotrochus Moseley 1876 = Stephanocyathus diadema 
diadema, Stephanocyathus (Moseley 1876) 

digitata, Leptoseris Vaughan 1907 = L. papyracea [185.674] 

digitata, Madrepora Pallas 1766 = Snlophora pistillata 

digitata, Madrepora valida var. Dana 1848 = Acropora valida 

digitata, Manopora Dana 1848 = Montipora digitata 

digitata, Millepora Esper ? = M. alcicornis 

digitata, Montipora (Dana 1848) 

digitata, Psarmmocora Milne Edwards & Haime 1851 

digitata, Sideropora (Pallas 1766) = Stlophora pistillata 

digitata, Stylophora (Pallas 1766) = S. pistillata [277.661] 

digitifera, Acropora (Dana 1848) 

digitifera, Madrepora Dana 1848 = Acropora digitifera [637c] 

dilatata, Balanophyllia Dennant 1904 

dilatata, Dendrophyllia van der Horst 1927 

dilatata, Madrepora Brook 1893 = Acropora tenuis [792] 

dilatata, Montipora Studer 1901 

dilatata, Pavona Nemenzo & Montecillo 1985 = P. danai [768] 

diminuta, Lobophyllia Veron 1985 

diminuta, Pavona Veron 1990 = P. xarifae [78b] 

dineta, Balanophyllia Caims 1977 

diomedeae, Acropora Vaughan 1906 = A. nasuta [775] 

diomedeae, Balanophyllia Vaughan 1907 

diomedeae, Caryophyllia Marenzeller 1904 

diomedeae, Crispatotrochus (Vaughan 1907) = C. rubescens 

diomedeae, Cyathoceras Vaughan 1907 = Crispatotrochus rubescens 

diomedeae, Pocillopora Vaughan 1906 

Diploastrea Matthai 1914 97 

Diploria Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 97 

dipsacea, Acanthastraea (Lamarck 1816) = Mussismilia hispida 

dipsacea, Astrea Lamarck 1816 = Mussismilia hispida [420] 

dipsacea, Favia Audouin & Savigny 1825 =? South Africa [167] 

dipsacea, Isophyllia (Dana 1848) = I. sinuosa [690] 

dipsacea, Mussa Dana 1848 = Isophyllia dipsacea [784)/ Isophyllia 
sinuosa [690] 

Dipsastraea Blainville 1830 = Favia 

discoidea, Porites Studer 1901 =? United States: Hawaiian Islands 

discoides, Ceratotrochus Moseley 1876 = Stephanocyathus discoides 

discoides, Madrepora Pallas 1766 = ? 

diadema, Stephanotrochus (Moseley 1876) = Stephanocyathus diademadiscoides, Stepanotrochus (Moseley 1876) = Stephanocyathus discoides 

Diafungia Duncan 1884 = ? 

dianthus, Caryophyllia (Esper 1794) = Desmophyllum dianthus 
dianthus, Desmophyllum (Esper 1794) 

dianthus, Madrepora Esper 1797 = Desmophyllum dianthus 
diaphana, Dendrophyllia Dana 1848 = Tubastrea diaphana [125] 
diaphana, Tubastraea (Dana 1848) 

Diaseris Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 = Fungia [354] 
Dichocoenia Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 
Dichopsammia Song 1994 

dichotoma, Antipathes Pallas 1766 

dichotoma, Astrea Lesueur 1817 =? 


discoides, Stephanocyathus (Moseley 1876) 

discus, Cycloseris Quelch 1886 = ?Fungia sinensis [354] 
discus, Fungia Dana 1848 = F. repanda [354] 

discus, Leptopenus Moseley 1881 

discus, Trochocyathus Cairns & Zibrowius 1997 

dispar, Acropora Nemenzo 1967 = A. grandis [768] 

dispar, Distichopora Caims 1991 

dispar, Maeandra clivosa var. Verrill 1901 = Diploria clivosa 
dispar, Podabacia Verrill 1901 = Lithophyllon undulatum [354] 
disparata, Turbinaria Nemenzo 1980 = T. reniformis [768] 
dispersa, Phyllangia Verrill 1864 


dissecta, Antipathes Duchassaing & Michelotti 1864 = 4. pennacea 

dissimilis, Acropora Verrill 1902 =? 

dissimilis, Stichopathes Roule 1902 = S_ filiformis 

distans, Mussa Klunzinger 1879 = Lobophyllia costata [484\/L 

disticha, Acropora (Brook 1893) = A. nasuta [674] 

disticha. Enallopsammia amphelioides Eguchi 1968 = E. rostrata [123] Dunocyathus Tenison-W oods 1878 

disticha, Madrepora Brook 1893 = Acropora nasuta 

disticha, Oculina Pourtalés 1868 =? United States [610] 

disticha, Pectinia Duchassaing & Michelotti 1860 = Meandrina 
meandrites [746.889] 

Distichocyathus Brook 1893 = Acropora 

Distichopora Lamarck 1816 

distinctum, Flabellum Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 
= F_ pavoninum [123] 

distorta, Caulastraea Dana 1848 = C_furcata [839] 

distorta, Cycloseris (Michelin 1842) = Fungia distorta 

distorta, Diaseris (Michelin 1842) = Fungia distorta [354] 

distorta. Fungia Michelin 1842 

distortum. Anthophyllum (Michelin 1842) = Fungia distorta 

divaricans, Porites compressa forma Vaughan 1907 = P. compressa 

divaricata. Acropora (Dana 1848) 

divaricata. Lophoseris (Lamarck 1816) = Pavona divaricata 

divaricata, Madrepora Dana 1848 = Acropora divaricata 

divaricata, Montipora Briggemann 1879 = M. digitata [674] 

divaricata, Pavona (Lamarck 1816) 

divaricata, Pavonia Lamarck 1816 = Pavona divaricata 

divaricata, Porites Lesueur 1820 = P. porites [102] 

divaricata. Porites porites var. Lesueur 1820 = P. porites 

divaricata, Psammocora Gardiner 1905 = P. contigua [674] 

divergens, Allopora (Marenzeller 1904) = Stylaster divergens [111] 

divergens, Madrepora Forskal 1776 = ?Galaxea fascicularis {501} 

divergens, Stylaster Marenzeller 1904 

diversa, Acropora (Brook 1891) = 4. secale (674) 

diversa, Cirripathes Brook 1889 = Cirrhipathes spiralis [581] 

diversa, Madrepora Brook 1891 = Acropora secale 

diversa, Pectinia Nemenzo & Montecillo 1981 = P. teres [768] 

diversa, Stichopathes (Brook 1889) = Cirrhipathes spiralis 

diversidens, Fungia Milne Edwards & Haime 1851 
= Heliofungia actiniformis [354] 

divisa, Euphyllia Veron & Pichon 1980 

djiboutiensis, Goniopora Vaughan 1907 

doederleini, Cantharellus (Marenzeller 1907) 

doederleini, Cycloseris (Marenzeller 1907) = Cantharellus doederleini 

doederleini, Fungia Marenzeller 1907 = Cantharellus doderleini 

Doederleinia Gardiner 1909 = Sandalolitha [354] 

dofleini, Antipathes Pax 1915=? Japan [573] 


dumosa, Madrepora rosaria forma Brook 1893 = Acropora dumosa 
dumosa, Pourtalosmilia Alcock 1902 = Goniocorella dumosa [123] 
duncani. Antillia Yabe & Sugiyama 1931 
= Trachvpinilia geoffrovi [33] 
Duncania Pourtalés 1874 = Gardineria [116] 
Duncanopsammia W ells 1936 140 
duofaciata, Goniopora Thiel 1932 = G. planulata (674) 
dura. Conopora Hickson & England 1909 
durotrix. Hoplangia Gosse 1860 
durus, Fungiacyathus keller 1976 = F. svmmetricus 
durvillei, Madrepora Milne Edwards & Haime 1860 = Acropora 

ebonensis. Paracyathus Verrill 1867 

eburnea, Diplohelia W. Koch 1886 = Schizoculina fissipara [421] 

eburnea, Galaxea Pourtalés 1871 = Javania cailleti [881] 

eburnea, Hornera Calvet 1903 = Lepidopora eburnea 

eburnea, Javania (Moseley 1881) = J. cailleti [116] 

eburnea, Lepidopora (Calvet 1903) 

eburnea. Trymhelia Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 = ? 

eburneum. Desmophyllum (Pourtalés 1871) = Javania cailleti [116.881] 

eburneum, Desmophyllum Moseley 1881 = ? 

eburneus. Monomyces ?Dana = ? 

eccentricus, Deltocyathus Caims 1979 

echidnaea, Madrepora (Lamarck 1816) =? 

echidnaea, Oculina Lamarck 1816 = ? 

Echinastraea Blainville 1830 = Echinopora 

echinata. Acanthastrea (Dana 1848) 

echinata, Acropora (Dana 1848) 

echinata, Astraea Dana 1848 = Acanthastrea echinata [772.784] 

echinata, Cladopsammia Cairns 1984 

echinata. Ctenactis (Pallas 1766) 

echinata, Echinophyilia (Kent 1871) 

echinata, Errina (Moseley 1879) = Stellapora echinata 

echinata, Fungia (Pallas 1766) = Ctenactis echinata [354] 

echinata, Lobophyllia Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 = L. hemprichii 

echinata, Madrepora Dana 1848 = [Acropora echinata]?? 

echinata, Madrepora Pallas 1766 = Ctenactis echinata [354] 

echinata, Prionastraea (Dana 1848) = Acanthastrea echinata 

echinata, Spinipora Moseley 1879 = Stellapora echinata 

echinata, Stellapora (Moseley 1879) 

echinata, Stenohelia Eguchi 1968 

echinata, Tridacophyllia Kent 1871 = Echinophyllia echinata 

echinatus, Ericiocyathus Cairns & Zibrowius 1997 

echinatus, Pliobothrus Cairns 1986 

echinatus, Stylaster Broch 1936 = S. filogranus [110] 

dohrni, Coenocyathus Déderlein 1913 = Caryophyllia inornata [880c] echinatus, Zoopilus Dana 1848 

dominicensis, Agaricia Vaughan 1919 = A. agaricites [889] 

Domoseris Quelch 1886 = Leptoseris 

donei, Acropora Veron & Wallace 1984 

donnani, Coscinaraea Gardiner 1905 = Coscinastrea monile [674] 

doreyensis, Favia (Milne Edwards & Haime 1849) = F. pallida [839] 

doreyensis, Parastrea Milne Edwards & Haime 1850 = Favia pallida 

dubia, Antipathes (Brook 1889) 

dubia, Caryophyllia Duchassaing & Michelotti 1860 =? Virgin 
Islands of the United States [196] 

dubia, Fungia patella var. Déderlein 1902 = F. distorta [354] 


Echinophyllia Kiunzinger 1879 

Echinopora Lamarck 1816 

echinoporoides, Echinophyllia Veron & Pichon 1980 

echinulata, Caulastraea (Milne Edwards & Haime 1848) 

echinulata, Dasyphyllia Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 = Caulastrea 
echinulata [839} 

echinulata, Porites Kiunzinger 1879 

echinulata, Stichopathes Brook 1889 

echinulata, Stylina (Milne Edwards & Haime 1848) = Caulastrea 

dubia, Lithophyllia Duchassaing & Michelotti 1860 =? United States eclipsensis, Goniopora Veron & Pichon 1982 

(611). Virgin Islands of the United States [90] 
dubia, Sclerhelia Nemenzo 1980 
dubia, Tylopathes Brook 1889 = Antipathes dubia 
duchassaingii, Stylaster Pourtalés 1867 
duerdeni, Pavona Vaughan 1907 
duerdeni, Porites Vaughan 1907 

dumetosa, Axohelia Duchassaing ? =? Barbados [612]. Bermuda 520]. 

Cuba [613]. Virgin Islands of the United States [612] 
dumosa. Acropora (Brook 1893) 
dumosa, Goniocorella (Alcock 1902) 

ecuadoriana, Solenastrea Durham & Barnard 1952 = Pavona clavus 

edwardsi, Coeloria Gardiner 1899 = Platygyra daedalea [839] 

edwardsi, Goniastrea Chevalier 1972 

edwardsi. Leptoseris Rousseau 1854 

edwardsi, Lithophyllon (Rousseau 1854) = Leptoseris edwardsi [354] 

edwardsi, Montipora Bernard 1897 

edwardsi, Turbinaria Bernard 1896 =? Australia 

edwardsii, Astrangia Verrill 1866 = A. poculata [582] 

edwardsii, Madrepora Rehberg 1892 = ? 


efflorescens. Acropora (Dana 1848) =.4. cytherea (637a. 637¢.674) 

efflorescens, Madrepora Dana 1848 = 4cropora cytherea [792} 

efflorescens, Montipora Bernard 1897 

effusa. Acropora (Dana 1848) = 4. digitifera [674)/4. nasuta [792] 

effusa, Madrepora Dana 1848 = Acropora digitifera/A. nasuta [792] 

effusa, Manopora Dana 1848 = Montipora effusa 

effusa. Montipora (Dana 1848) 

eguchii, Balanophyllia Wells 1982 = Cladopsammia eguchii [123] 

eguchii, Cladopsammia (Wells 1982) 

eguchii. ? Boschma 1966 = Snlaster eguchii 

eguchii. Sn'laster (Boschma 1966) 

Eguchipsammia Cairns 1994 

ehrenbergi, Favia Kiunzinger 1879 = F. favus [674] 

ehrenbergi. Favites (Klunzinger 1879) = Favia favus [482] 

ehrenbergi, Millepora Milne Edwards & Haime 1860 =? 

ehrenbergi, Stlophora Milne Edwards & Haime 1850 =? New 
Caledonia [482] 

ehrenbergi, Turbinaria Marenzeller 1901 = 7. mesenterina 

ehrenbergiana, Coeloria Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 =? 

ehrenbergiana, Coenopsammia Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 = 
Tubastraea coccinea [125.889] 

ehrenbergiana, Dendrophyllia van der Horst 1922 = D. coccinea 
(276)/Cladopsammia gracilis 

ehrenbergiana, Leptastrea Milne Edwards & Haime 1850 
= L. purpurea [674.844] 

ehrenbergii, Astraeopora Bernard 1896 = 4. mvriophthalma [429] 

ehrenbergii,Ctenactis (Leuckart 1841) = Ctenactis echinata 

ehrenbergii, Echinopora Milne Edwards & Haime 1850 = E. 
gemmacea [744.844] 

ehrenbergii, Fungia (Leuckart 1841) = Crenactis echinata 

ehrenbergii. Herpetolithus Leuckart 1841 = Ctenactis echinata [354] 

ehrenbergii, Hydnophora Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 = H. exesa 

ehrenbergii, Madrepora Milne Edwards & Haime 1860 = Acropora 

ehrenbergii, Montipora Verrill 1872 

eibli, Acropora Pillai & Scheer 1976 = A. granulosa [674] 

elassotomus, Stylaster Fisher 1938 

elata, Rhizosmilia Cairns & Zibrowius 1997 

Elegance Coral 

elegans, Acropora (Milne Edwards & Haime 1860) 


elegans, Antipathella Thomson & Simpson 1905 =? Sri Lanka [734] Endopsammia Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 

elegans, Antipathes (Brook 1889) 

elegans, Balanophyllia Verrill 1864 

elegans, Bathycyathus Studer 1878 = Dasmosmilia variegata 

elegans, Coeloria Rehberg 1892 =? Australia [631] 

elegans, Cycloseris (Verrill 1870) = Fungia curvata [354] 

elegans, Dendrophyllia van der Horst 1922 

elegans, Echinopora Verrill 1901 = E. lamellosa [744.844] 

elegans, Flabellum Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 
= Truncatoflabellum candeanum [123] 

elegans, Fungia Verrill 1870 = F. curvata [354] 

elegans, Helioseris Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 = ? 

elegans, Madrepora Milne Edwards & Haime 1860 = Acropora 

elegans, Mycedium (Milne Edwards & Haime 1849) =? Indonesia 
[505]. Tanzania [470] 

elegans, Pectinia Duchassaing & Michelotti 1860 = Meandrina 
meandrites [746.889] 

elegans, Pocillopora Dana 1848 = P. verrucosa [631b.674)/ 
P. grandis [261] 

elegans, Podabacia (Milne Edwards & Haime 1860?) = Lithophyllon 

elegans, Seriatopora Milne Edwards & Haime 1860 =? China [89]. 
Singapore [89,508,710] 

elegans, Stephanocyathus Seguenza ? =? Barbados [614] 

elegans, Stylaster Duchassaing & Michelotti 1864 
= S. duchassaingii [105.110] 

elegans, Stylaster Verrill 1864 = S. sanguineus [105] 

elegans, Turbinaria Bernard 1896 = T. mesenterina [795] 


elegans, Tylopathes Brook 1889 = Antipathes elegans 

elegantula, Acropora (Ortmann 1889) = 4. aculeus [674] 

elegantula, Madrepora Ortmann 1889 = Acropora aculeus [7792] 

elephantotus. Madrepora Pallas 1766 = Mycedium elephantotus 

elephantotus. Mycedium (Pallas 1766) 

Elkhom Coral 

elliptica. Acropora (Rehberg 1892) 

elliptica. Astreopora Y abe & Sugiyama 1941 

elliptica, Dichocoenia Duchassaing & Michelotti 1864 = D. stokesii 

elliptica, Heteropsammia Tenison-W oods 1878 =? Australia [716] 

elliptica, Madrepora Rehberg 1892 = Acropora elliptica 

Elliptical Star Coral 

ellisi, Montipora Bernard 1897 = ? 

ellisiana, Favites Verrill 1901 = F. virens [839] 

ellisii, Sarcinula Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 = Galaxea 

ellisii, Solenastrea Duchassaing & Michelotti 1860 =? 

elongata, Caryophyllia Cairns in Cairns & Keller 1993 = 
Caryvophyllia crosnieri (126a] 

elongata. Caryophyllia clavus var. Duncan 1873 =? 

elongata. Favia Eguchi & Shirai ? =? 

elongata. Pectinia (Rehberg 1892) 

elongata, Pocillopora Dana 1848 = P. eydouxi 

elongata, Porites Lamarck 1816 = Stlophora pistillata [661] 

elongata, Porites compressa forma Vaughan 1907 = P. compressa 

elongata, Sideropora (Lamarck 1816) = Splophora pistillata 

elongata, Smlophora (Lamarck 1816) = S. pistillata [277] 

elongata, Thecopsammia Moseley 1881 

elongata, Tridacophyllia Rehberg 1892 = Pectinia elongata 

elongatum, Flabellum Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 = 
Truncatoflabellum ? {118} Philippines [495] 

elschneri, Montipora Vaughan 1918 

elseyi, Acropora (Brook 1892) 

elseyi, Madrepora Brook 1892 = Acropora elseyi 

eltaninae. Caryophyllia Caims 1982 

eminens, Turbinaria Nemenzo ? = T. irregularis [768] 



Enallopsammia Michelotti 1871 140 
Endhelia Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 = Crnpthelia 
119 Endocyathopora Cairns 1989 118 
Endopachys Lonsdale 1845 140 

endothecata, Caryophyllia Duncan 1882 =? Portugal: Madeira [208] 

enoplos. Stichopathes Schultze 1903 = ? 

ephyala, Caryophyllia Alcock 1891 

epithecata, Astrangia Duncan 1876 

epithecata, Caryophyllia Duncan 1873 

equatorialis, Astrangia Durham & Barnard 1952 

equisepta, Goniastrea Nemenzo 1959 = G. aspera [768)/G. australensis 

erecta, Anacropora Bernard 1897 

erecta, Dendrophyllia Nemenzo 1960 = ?Dendrophyllia arbuscula 

erecta, Sarcinula Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 =? 

Ericiocyathus Cairns & Zibrowius 1997 

ericoides, Antipathes Pallas 1766 

ericoides, Arachnopathes (Pallas 1766) = Antipathes ericoides 

eridani, Favia Umbgrove 1940 = F. valenciennesi [839] 

eridani, Porites Umbgrove 1940 

erinaceus, Antipathes (Roule 1905) 

erinaceus, Aphanipathes Roule 1905 = Antipathes erinaceus 

erosa, Cycloseris (Déderlein 1901) = Fungia tenuis [354] 

erosa, Fungia Déderlein 1901 = Fungia tenuis [354] 

erosa, Manopora Dana 1848 =? Fiji [173a] 

erosa. Montipora (Dana 1848) =? Fiji [557]. French Polynesia [557]. 
Philippines [621] 

erosa, Porites Dana 1848 

erosa, Synaraea (Dana 1848) = Porites erosa 

erotema, Bathypathes Schultze 1903 

Errina Gray 1835 


Errinopora Fisher 1931 150 
Errinopsis Broch 1951 150 
erubescens, Madrepora Ellis & Solander 1786 = Sniaster erubescens 
erubescens, Stylaster Pourtalés 1868 
envthraea. Acanthastrea (Klunzinger 1879) = Sympivilia ervthraea 
ervthraea. Acropora (Klunzinger 1879) = 4. humilis [674] 
erythraea, Isophyllia Kiunzinger 1879 = Svmphvilia ervthraea 
erythraea, Madrepora Klunzinger 1879 = Acropora humilis 
erythraea. Montipora Marenzeller 1906 
= M. ehrenbergi [661\/M. aequituberculata [674] 
envthraea, Snlophora Marenzeller 1907 = S. pistillata [661] 
ernvthraea. Symphyilia (Kiunzinger 1879) 
Envthrastrea Scheer & Pillai 1983 
eschara, Millepora Linnaeus 1758 =? 
esperi, Astroria Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 = Plan-gyra daedalea 


exigua, Montipora Bernard 1897 =? Indonesia [28] 
exigua, Plangyra Nemenzo 1959 = Gonastrea favulus [839] 
exigua. Porites Dana 1848 =? Fiji. Palau [221] 

exilis. Acropora (Brook 1892) = A. elsevi [674.792] 

exilis, Madrepora Brook 1892 = Acropora elseyi [792] 
exilis, Porites Gardiner 1898 

eximia, Astraea Dana 1848 = Goniastrea retiformis [839] 
eximia. Goniastrea (Dana 1848) = G. retiformis 

eximius, Stylaster Kent 1871 = S. duchassaingi [105.110] 
expanda. Snlophora Nemenzo 1964 = S. pistillata [277.768] 
expansa, Astraea Milne Edwards & Haime 1857 =? 
expansa, Astraeopora Briiggemann 1877 

expansa, Leiopathes Johnson 1900 

expansa, Manopora Dana 1848 = Montipora hispida [775] 
expansa, Montipora (Dana 1848) = M. hispida 

explanans, Stephanocyathus (Marenzeller 1904) 

espert. Coeloria (Milne Edwards & Haime 1849) = Plan'gyra daedalea explanans, Stephanotrochus Marenzeller 1904 = Stephanocvathus 

esperi, Madrepora Rehberg 1892 =? 

explanans [125] 
Explanaria Lamarck 1816 = Turbinaria 

esperi, Meandra (Milne Edwards & Haime 1857) = Platygyra daedalea explanata, Allopora Kent 1871 = Snlaster nobilis 


esperi, Millepora Duchassaing & Michelotti 1864 =? 

etheridgei. Notophyllia Hoffmeister 1933 

ethica, Madrepora Duchassaing & Michelotti 1860 = Acropora 

euantha, Bathypathes Pasternak 1958 

eucladia, Madrepora spicifera var. Dana 1848 = Acropora spicifera 

eueides, Crypthelia Cairns 1986 

Eumadrepora Brook 1893 = Acropora 

Euphyllia Dana 1848 119 

Eupsammia Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 141 

eupsammides, Heterocyathus Gray 1849 = Heteropsammia 

eupsammides. Heteropsammia (Gray 1849) 

eupteridea. Antipathes Lamouroux. Bory de Saint Vincent & 
Deslongchamps 1824 

eupteridea. Aphanipathes (Lamouroux. Bory de Saint-Vincent & 
Deslongchamps 1824) = Antipathes eupteridea 

europaea, ? Risso 1826 = Balanophyllia europaea 

europaea. Balanophyllia (Risso 1826) 

eurysepta, Plerogyra Nemenzo 1960 

eurystoma. Acropora (Klunzinger 1879) = A. tenuis [2792] 

eurystoma, Madrepora Klunzinger 1879 = Acropora tenuis [792] 

Eusmilia Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 119 

Eusmillidae Verrill 1866 = Caryophylliidae 

Eusthenotrochus Wells 1935 = Sphenotrochus 

eustropha, Stichopathes Pax 1931 =? 

evermanni, Porites Vaughan 1907 

evexicostatus, Sphenotrochus Cairns in Cairns & Keller 1993 

exaesa. Millepora Forskal 1775 

excavata, Angia Milne Edwards & Haime 1850 = Culicia excavata 

excavata, Culicia (Milne Edwards & Haime 1850) 

excavata, Plerogyra Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 = P. sinuosa 

excavata, Porites Verrill 1869 = P. lobata 

excavatus, Sphenotrochus Tenison-Woods 1878 

excelsa, Alveopora Verrill 1864 

excelsa, Astraea Dana 1848 = Solenastrea hyades 

excelsa, Orbicella (Dana 1848) = Solenastrea excelsa [784\/S. hyades 

excelsa, Solenastrea (Dana 1848) = Solenastrea hyades 

exerta, Physogyra Nemenzo & Ferraris 1982 

exesa, Coscinastrea (Dana 1848) 

exesa, Hydnophora (Pallas 1766) 

exesa, Madrepora Pallas 1766 = Hydnophora exesa 

exesa, Montipora Verrill 1871 =? Philippines [621] 

exesa, Psammocora Dana 1848 = Coscinastrea exesa [772] 

exigua, Acropora (Dana 1848) = A. formosa [674] 

exigua, Lophohelia Pourtalés 1871 = Madrepora exigua [881]/ =? 

exigua, Madrepora Dana 1848 = Acropora formosa 

exigua, Madrepora (Pourtalés 1871) =? United States [611.613] 

explanata. Alveopora Hoffmeister 1945 

explanata, Antillia Pourtalés 1874 = ? Barbados [90.612] 

explanata. Astreopora Veron 1985 

explanata, Galaxea Quelch 1886 =? Fiji [621] 

explanata, Leptoseris Yabe & Sugivama 1941 

explanata, Maeandra clivosa var. Verril! 1901 = Diploria clivosa 

explanata, Montipora Briggemann 1879 

explanata, Phyllastrea Verrill 1864 =? French Polynesia [776] 

explanata, Porites Quelch 1886 =? Philippines [621] 

explanatum, Mycedium (Verrill 1864) = ? 

explanatus. Stylaster (Kent 1871) = S. nobilis [105] 

explanulata, Agaricia Lamarck 1816 = Pavona explanulata 

explanulata, Lophoseris (Lamarck 1816) = Pavona explanulata 

explanulata, Montipora Bernard ? = ? British Indian Ocean Territory 

explanulata, Pavona (Lamarck 1816) 

explanulata, Psammocora van der Horst 1922 

exquisita, Acropora Nemenzo 1971 

exserta, Montipora Quelch 1886 

exserta, Porites Pillai 1969 

extensa, Pocillopora elegans Scheer 1964 = P. verrucosa 

exusta, Cladangia Litken 1873 

eydouxi, Pocillopora Milne Edwards & Haime 1860 

evdouxii, Lobophyllia Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 = L. connmbosa 

Jacetus. Labyrinthocyathus Caims 1979 
fairbanksi, ? Vaughan ? =? 
Jairbanksi, Solenastrea (Vaughan ?) =? 

Falcatoflabellum Caims 1995 131 
fallosocialis, Bathypsammia Squires 1959 
False Pillow Coral 62 

Sanningensis, Favia stelligera var. Vaughan 1918 = F. stelligera 

fasciatus, Trochocyathus Caims 1979 

fascicularis, ? Caims 1983 = Lepidotheca fascicularis 

fascicularis, Galaxea (Linnaeus 1758) 

Sascicularis, Lepidotheca (Caims 1983) 

Sascicularis, Madrepora Linnaeus 1758 = Galaxea fascicularis 

Sascicularis, Sarcinula (Linnaeus 1758) = Galaxea fascicularis 

fasciculata, Caryophyllia Lamarck 1816 = Galaxea fascicularis 

fasciculata, Caryophyllia Risso 1826 =? Algeria [387]. France [874]. 
Italy [387] 

Sasciculata, Millepora Lamarck 1816 

Sasciculatum, Anthopyllum (Lamarck 1816) = Galaxea fascicularis 

fasciculatum, Desmophyllum (Risso 1826) = ? 

Jastigiata, Acropora Nemenzo 1967 =? 

fastigiata, Caryophyllia (Pallas 1766) = Eusmilia fastigiata 

Jastigiata, Eusmilia (Pallas 1766) 

Jastigiata, Madrepora Pallas 1766 = Eusmilia fastigiata 

Saulkneri, Tubastraea Wells 1982 


Sfaustinoi, Porites Hoffmeister 1925 = P. rus [768] fissurata, Errina Gray 1872 
Saveolata, Madrepora Ellis & Solander 1786 = \Montasrrea annularis fistula, Balanophyllia Alcock 1902 = Dendrophvllia fistula 

[786] [125 )/Eguchipsammia fistula 
faveolata, Millepora Duchassaing & Michelotti 1864 =? fistula, Dendrophyilia (Aicock 1902) = Eguchipsammia fistula 
Favia Oken 1815 98 Sistula, Eguchipsammia (Alcock 1902) 
Faviidae Gregory 1900 93 fistulosa, Lobophyllia Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 
favistella, Astraea Dana 1848 = Goniastrea pectinata [839] = L. corymbosa [674] 
favistella. Goniastrea (Dana 1848) = G. pectinata flabellata. Envthrastrea Scheer & Pillai 1983 
favites Madrepora Pallas 1766 =? flabellata, Eusmilia fasigiata Wells ? = E. fastigiata 
Favites Link 1807 100 flabellata, Montipora Studer 1901 
favosa. Astraea (Ellis & Solander 1786) = Favites virens flabellata, Stylophora Quelch 1886 = S. pistillata [768] 
Javosa. Favites (Ellis & Solander 1786) = Favites virens Flabellidae Bourne 1905 131 
favosa. Madrepora Ellis & Solander 1786 = Favites virens [839] Alabelliformis. Acropora (Milne Edwards & Haime 1860) = Acropora 
favesa, Madrepora Linnaeus 1758 =? microclados 
favsa, Pocillopora Dana 1848 = P. verrucosa Alabelliformis. Allopora (Lamarck 1816) = Snlaster flabelliformis [503] 
favosa, Pocillopora Hemprich & Ehrenberg 1834 flabelliformis, Antillia Yabe & Sugiyama 1931 

= P. damicornis [674] = Trachyphyllia geoffroyi (33) 
favosa, Porites Dana 1848 flabelliformis. Antillophyllia (Yabe & Sugiyama 1931) 
Javosa. Prionastrea (Ellis & Solander 1786) = Favites virens = Trachyphyllia geoffroyi 
favosa, Tubipora Lamarck 1801 =? flabelliformis, Madrepora Milne Edwards & Haime 1860 = Acropora 
Favositopora kent 1870 = Alveopora microclados 
Sfavulus, Astraea Dana 1848 = Goniastrea pectinata [143] Slabelliformis, Oculina Lamarck 1816 = Snlaster flabelliformis 
favulus, Goniastrea (Dana 1848) = G. pectinata flabelliformis, Porites LeSueur 1820 =? Guadeloupe [506] 
Javulus, Prionastrea (Dana 1848) = Goniastrea pectinata Slabelliformis, Rhizotrochus Cairns 1989 
favus. Favia (Forskal 1775) flabelliformis. Stylaster (Lamarck 1816) 
Javus. Madrepora Forskal 1775 = Favia favus [839] Alabellina, Agaricia Lamouroux 1821 = Merulina ampliata [505] 
fecunda, Anomocora (Pourtalés 1871) Sflabellum, Antipathes Pallas 1766 
Secunda, Coelosmilia Pourtalés 1871 = Anomocora fecunda Slabellum, Madrepora Lamarck 1816 = ? 
fecunda, Parasmilia (Pourtalés 1871) = Anomocora fecunda [881] flabellum., Rhipidipathes (Pallas 1766) = Antipathes flabellum 
Jenestrata, Alveopora (Lamarck 1816) Slabellum, Sphenophyllia Moseley 1881 =? 
Jenestrata, Errinopsis Caims 1983 flabellum, Tylopathes (Pallas 1766) = Antipathes flabellum 
fenestrata, Millepora Duchassaing & Michelotti 1864 = M. alcicornis Flabellum Lesson 1831 131 
Senestrata, Pocillopora Lamarck 1816 = Alveopora fenestrata [506] flagellum, Cirripathes Brook 1889 = Stichopathes flagellum 
Sernandezii, Antipathes Pourtalés 1874 flagellum, Stichopathes (Brook 1889) 
Jernande=ii, Parantipathes (Pourtalés 1874) = Antipathes fernandezii _ flagellum, Stichopathes Roule 1902 =? Morocco [648]. Portugal: 
Jerox, Mycetophyllia Wells 1973 Madeira [648] 
ficoides, Madrepora Ellis & Solander 1786 =? flammans, Montipora Bernard 1897 =? Australia [28] 
fieldi, Fungia Gardiner 1909 = F. scruposa [354] Flat Lettuce Coral 83 
Jijiensis, Alveopora Hoffmeister 1932 = A. spongiosa [772] Slatiliseptis, Sabinotrochus Alcock 1902 =? Siboga exp. stat. 211 
filicosa, Astraea Dana 1848 = Favites virens [839] [684] 
filicosa, Favites (Dana 1848) = F. virens Mlatiliseptis, Stephanocyathus (Alcock 1902) =? 
filicosa, Orbicella (Dana 1848) = Favites virens flexuosa, Astraea Dana 1848 = Favites flexuosa [839] 
Siliformis, Cirrhipathes Gray 1868 = Stichopathes filiformis flexuosa, Caryophyllia Lamarck 1816 = Cladocora stellaris [784/C. 
filiformis, Stichopathes (Gray 1868) cespitosa 
filigrana, Fungia patella var. Déderlein 1902 = F_ fungites Slexuosa, Cladocora (Lamarck 1816) = Cladocora stellaris {784\/C 
filix, Antipathes Pourtalés 1867 = Aphanipathes filix cespitosa 
filix, Aphanipathes (Pourtalés 1867) flexuosa, Coenopsammia (Lamarck 1816) = Cladocora stellaris 
filix, Parantipathes (Pourtalés 1867) = Aphanipathes filix [784)/C. cespitosa 
filograna, Madrepora Esper 1791 = Diploria clivosa [786.889] flexuosa, Cyathina Ehrenberg 1834 =? 
Silograna, Meandrina (Esper 1791) = Diploria clivosa [786] flexuosa, Echinopora Verrill 1864 = E. lamellosa [744.844] 
filogranus, Stylaster Pourtalés 1871 flexuosa, Euphyllia picteti var. Bedot 1907 = Catalaphyllia plicata 
fimbriata, Euphyllia (Spengler 1799) [819] 
Jimbriata, Madrepora Spengler 1799 = Euphyllia fimbriata flexuosa, Favites (Dana 1848) 
Simbriata, Montipora Bernard 1897 =? Australia [28] flexuosa, Lobophyllia Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 = L. costata 
Finger Coral 146 [484)/L. hemprichii 
fiordensis, Antipathes Grange 1990 flexuosa, Madrepora Linnaeus 1758 = ? 
Fire Corals 145 flexuosa, Porites Dana 1848 =? Barbados [506] 
Sirma, Anacropora Nemenzo & Ferraris 1982 = A. forbesi [768] flexuosa, Prionastrea (Dana 1848) = Favites flexuosa 
Jisheri, Distichopora Broch 1942 = D. violacea {105} flexuosum, Flabellum Caims 1982 
fissa, Ctenophyllia (Ehrenberg 1834) =? floreana, Tubastraea Wells 1982 
fissa, Manicina Ehrenberg 1834 = Colpophyllia natans [889] florida, Acropora (Dana 1848) 
Sissidiscus, Fungiacyathus Cairns & Zibrowius 1997 florida, Madrepora Dana 1848 = Acropora florida [637c] 
Sissilabia, Madrepora laxa var. Brook 1893 =? florida, Montipora Nemenzo 1967 
Sissilis, Fungiacyathus Cairns 1984 floridana, Balanophyllia Pourtalés 1868 
Jissilis, Letepsammia Caims 1995 floridana, Crypthelia Cairns 1986 
fissilis, Schizocyathus Pourtalés 1874 Jloridanum, Flabellum ?? 
fissipara, Dendrocora Duncan 1876 florulenta, Dendrophyllia van der Horst 1902 
fissipara, Oculina Milne Edwards & Haime 1850 = Schizoculina flos, Paracyathus Pourtalés 1878 = Phacelocyathus flos 

fissipara flos, Phacelocyathus (Pourtalés 1878) 
Jissipara, Schizoculina (Milne Edwards & Haime 1850) Flower Coral 120 


floweri. Montipora Wells 1954 

fluctuosa, Pachyseris Verrill 1864 =? Kiribati [776] 
foeniculacea, Antipathes Pallas 1766 = 4. dichoroma 
foeniculum, Antipathes Lamarck 1815 = 4. dichotoma 
foliacea, Distichopora Pourtales 1868 

foliata, Coscinaraea Nemenzo 1980 = Leptoseris vabei [768] 

foliata, Millepora Milne Edwards & Haime 1860 = Af. alcicornis [44] 

foliosa, ? Verrill 1866 = Pavona foliosa 

foliosa, Haliglossa Ehrenberg 1834 = Herpolitha limax [334] 

foliosa, Leptoseris Dinesen 1980 

foliosa. Madrepora Pallas 1766 = Montipora foliosa 

foliosa, Montipora (Pallas 1766) 

foliosa, Pachyseris Veron 1990 

foliosa. Pavona (Verrill 1866) 

foliosa, Turbinaria Bernard 1896 

Folioseris Rehberg 1892 = Leptoseris 

foliosus. Herpetolithus (Ehrenberg 1834) = Herpolitha limax 

folium, Merulina (Lamarck 1816) = Hydnophora exesa 

folium, Monticularia Lamarck 1816 = Hydnophora exesa [839] 

folium, Psammocora Umbgrove 1939 

folliculus. Peponocyathus (Pourtalés 1868) 

folliculus, Stephanophyllia Pourtalés 1868 
= Peponocyathus folliculus [123] 

Fongia Blainville 1820 = Fungia /354) 

forbesi, Anacropora Ridley 1884 

foresti, Caryophyllia Zibrowius 1980 

formosa. Acropora (Dana 1848) 

formosa, Balanophyllia Gravier 1915 = Leptopsammia formosa 

formosa, Callogyra Verrill 1901 = Trachyphyllia geoffroyi 

formosa, Caryophyllia Pourtalés 1867 = C. berteriana [118] 

formosa, Crypthelia Caims 1983 

formosa. Cyathohelia Alcock 1898 = Madrepora formosa [880\/? 

formosa. Leptopsammia (Gravier 1915) 

formosa. Madracis Wells 1973 

formosa. Madrepora (Alcock 1898) =? Indonesia [880]. Maldives 

formosa, Madrepora Dana 1848 = Acropora formosa [359.637c] 

formosa, Pavona (Dana 1848) 

formosa, Pavonia Dana 1848 = Pavona formosa 

formosa, Podabacia Yabe & Sugiyama 1936 
= Lithophyllon undulatum [354] 

formosa, Sclerhelia (Alcock 1898) = Madrepora formosa [880] 

formosissima, Letepsammia (Moseley 1876) 

formosissima, Stephanophyllia Moseley 1876 
= Letepsammia formosissima (116) 

formosum, Truncatoflabellum Cairns 1989 

formosus. Deltocyathus Caims 1995 = D. suluensis 

forskaelana, Heliastrea Milne Edwards & Haime 1850 = Montastraea 

Jorskaelana, Montastraea (Milne Edwards & Haime 1850) 

forskali, Millepora Milne Edwards & Haime 1860 = M. alcicornis 

Sorskaliana, Astrea Milne Edwards & Haime 1850 = Echinopora 
forskaliana [744.844] 

forskaliana, Coeloria Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 = Platygyra 
lamellina? [839] 

forskaliana, Echinopora (Milne Edwards & Haime 1850) 

foveolata, Millepora Crossland 1952 =? Australia [168]. Taiwan 
foveolata. Montipora (Dana 1848) 
Foveolocyathus Cairns 1997 
Joxi. Crispatotrochus (Durham & Bamard 1952) 
foxi, Cyathoceras Durham & Barnard 1952 = Crispatotrochus fox! 
fragile, Flabellum Caims 1977 = F. floridanum 
fragile. Mycedium (Dana 1848) = Agaricia fragilis 
Fragile Saucer Coral 6 
fragilis. Adelopora Caims 1991 
fragilis, Agaricia (Dana 1848) 
Jragilis. Antipathes (Brook 1889) 
fragilis. Antipathes Gravier 1918 = A. lenta 
fragilis, Astraea Dana 1848 = Favia speciosa [839] 
fragilis, Colpophyilia (Dana 1848) = ? 
fragilis, Cnpthelia Caims 1983 
fragilis, Deltocyathus Alcock 1902 = D. rotulus [125] 
fragilis, Diaseris Alcock 1893 = Fungia fragilis [354] 
fragilis. Distichopora Quelch 1884 = D. gracilis [105] 
fragilis, Favia (Dana 1848) = F. speciosa 
fragilis, Fungia (Alcock 1893) 
Jragilis. Fungiacyathus Sars 1872 = Fungiacyathus symmetricus 
fragilis, Galaxea Quelch 1886 =? Indonesia [621] 
Jragilis. Isophyllia (Dana 1848) = 1. sinuosa 
fragilis, Leptoria Duchassaing & Michelotti 1860 = Colpophyllia 
natans [889] 
Jragilis. Leptoseris Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 
fragilis, Madrepora Bassett-Smith 1890 = Acropora rambleri [87] 
fragilis, Montipora Quelch 1886 
fragilis, Mussa Dana 1848 = Isophyllia fragilis [784)/I. sinuosa [484] 
fragilis, Mycedia Dana 1848 = Agaricia fragilis 
fragilis, Polymyces (Pourtalés 1868) 
fragilis, Porites compressa forma Vaughan 1907 = P. compressa 
fragilis, Pteropathes Brook 1889 = Antipathes fragilis 
fragilis, Rhizotrochus Pourtales 1868 = Polymyces fragilis 
Fragilocyathus Yabe & Eguchi 1932 = Aulocyathus 
fragosa, Montipora Verrill 1869 
fragosa, Porites Dana 1848 = P. australiensis [674] 
fragum, Favia (Esper 1797) 
fragum, Madrepora Esper 1797 = Favia fragum [690] 
fragum, Parastrea (Esper 1797) = Favia fragum 
fralinae, Fungia Nemenzo 1955 
franciscana, Ceratotrochus Durham & Barnard 1952 
Sranki, Letepsammia Owens 1994 
franksi. Echinopora Gregory 1895 = Montastraea annularis [889] 
fraterna, Acropora Verrill 1902 = A. digitifera [792] 
Jreycineti, Cycloseris (Milne Edwards & Haime 1851) 
= Fungia sinensis [354] 
Sreycineti, Diaseris Milne Edwards & Haime 1851 
= Fungia sinensis [354] 
friabilis, Montipora Bernard 1897 
Frogspawn Coral 119 
frondens, Gemmipora Dana 1848 = Turbinaria frondens [784] 
Srondens, Montipora Bernard 1897 =? Australia [28] 
frondens, Turbinaria (Dana 1848) 
frondifera, Lophoseris (Lamarck 1816) = Pavona frondifera 



forskaliana, Solenastrea Milne Edwards & Haime 1850 = Cyphastreafrondifera, Pavona (Lamarck 1816) 

serailia [744.844] 

forskalii, Acropora (Hemprich & Ehrenberg 1834) 

forskalii, Heteropora Hemprich & Ehrenberg 1834 = Acropora 

fortis, Madrepora hemprichii var. Klunzinger 1879 = Acropora 

Sossae, Montipora Crossland 1952 =? Australia [168] 

fossata. Coscinaraea (Dana 1848) = Coscinastrea columna 

fossata, Psammocora Dana 1848 = Coscinastrea columna (122) 

fossulus, Trochocyathus Caims 1979 

foveolata, Manopora Dana 1848 = Montipora foveolata 

frondifera, Pavonia Lamarck 1816 = Pavona frondifera 
frondosa, Agaricia Duchassaing 1870 =? 

frondosa, Madrepora Brook 1893 =? 

frondosa, Pocillopora Verrill 1869 

frondosa, Psammocora Verrill 1872 = P. contigua [771] 
frustrum, Placotrochides Caims 1979 

Srustum, Anthemiphyllia Cairns 1994 

fruticosa, Acropora (Brook 1892) = A. humilis [430] 
Sruticosa, Antipathes Gray 1857 

Sruticosa, Aphanipathes (Gray 1857) = Antipathes fruticosa 
Sruticosa, Goniopora Kent 1891 

fruticosa, Madrepora Brook 1892 = Acropora humilis 


Sruticosa, Montipora Bernard 1897 

fruticulosa, Echinopora Wlunzinger 1879 = E. gemmacea [744.844] 

fuegoensis. Piyllangia Squires 1963 

fulvacea. Distichopora Michelin 1862 = ?D. violacea [103] 

fulvus, Paracyathus Alcock 1893 

fulvus. Polycvathus Wijsman-Best 1970 

funafutensis, Orbicella Gardiner 1899 = Montastrea curta [843] 

funafutiensis, Madrepora botryodes var. Whitelegge 1898 = Af. 

fungia, Polyphyllia Dana 1848 = P. talpina [354] 

Fungia Lamarck 1801 71 
Fungiacyathidae Chevalier 1987 70 
Fungiacyathus Sars 1872 70 

fungiformis. Astreopora (Michelin 1840) = Turbinarta peltata 

fungiformis. Gemmipora Michelin 1840 = Turbinaria peltata 

Jungiformis, Montipora Bernard 1897 = Af. monasteriata [674] 

fungiformis, Turbinaria (Michelin 1840) = Turbinaria peltata 

Fungiidae Dana 1848 70 

fungites, Fungia (Linnaeus 1758) 

fungites, Halomitra Studer 1901 =? Philippines [711] 

fungites, Madrepora Linnaeus 1758 = Fungia fungites [354] 

fungulus, Stephanophyllia Alcock 1902 

funicolumna, Ceratotrochus Alcock 1902 = Conotrochus funicolumna 

funicolumna, Conotrochus (Alcock 1902) 

furanaensis, Polycyathus Verheij & Best 1987 

furcata, Antipathes Gray 1857 

furcata, Caulastraea Dana 1848 

furcata, Pavonia Rehberg 1892 =? Federated States of Micronesia 

furcata, Porites Lamarck 1816 = P. porites [102] 

furcata, Porites porites var. Lamarck 1816 = P. porites 

fuscomarginata, Phyllangia K\unzinger 1879 
= Polycyathus fuscomarginatus [881] 

fuscomarginatus, Polycyathus (Klunzinger 1879) 

fuscoviridis, Astraea Quoy & Gaimard 1833 = Favites abdita [839] 

fuscoviridis. Prionastraea (Quoy & Gaimard 1833) = Favites abdita 

Suscus, Placotrochus Vaughan 1907 

Fused Staghom Coral 46 

gaditana, Balanophyllia Duncan 1873 = Eguchipsammia gaditana 

gaditana, Dendrophyllia (Duncan 1873) = Eguchipsammia gaditana 

gaditana, Eguchipsammia (Duncan 1873) 

gailei. Favites Chevalier 1972 = F. pentagona [842] 

gaimardi, Coenopsammia Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 = 
Tubastraea coccinea [889] 

gaimardi, Leptosmilia Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 = Euphyllia 
glabrescens [484] 

gaimardi, Montipora Bernard 1897 

gaimardi, Porites Milne Edwards & Haime 1851 

galapagense, Desmophyllum Vaughan 1906 = Javania cailleti [118] 

galapagensis, Amphelia (Vaughan 1906) = Madrepora oculata 

galapagensis, Antipathes Deichmann 1941 

galapagensis, Balanophyllia Vaughan 1906 

galapagensis, Crispatotrochus Cairns 1991 

galapagensis, Javania (Vaughan 1906) = J. cailleti [118] 

galapagensis, Madrepora Vaughan 1906 = M. oculata [123] 

galapagensis, Pavona Durham & Barnard 1952 = P. clivosa 
[631b.691)/[P. clavus] 

galapagensis, Stvlaster Cairns 1986 

galatheae, Bathypathes Pasternak 1977 

galaxea, Madrepora Ellis & Solander 1786 = Astreopora listeri 

galaxea, Siderastrea (Ellis & Solander 1786) = Astreopora listeri 

galaxea. Siderina (Ellis & Solander 1786) = Siderastrea radians 
[784)/Astreopora listeri 

Galaxea Oken 1815 

galeata, Porites Nemenzo 1955 

galeriformis, Lithactinia (Dana 1848) = Polyphyllia novaehiberniae 


galeriformis, Polyphyllia Dana 1848 = P. novaehiberniae [354] 

gallensis, Antipathes Thomson & Simpson 1905 

garanbiensis, Pavona Yabe & Ehara 1936 =? Palau [221]. Taiwan 

gardineri, Cirripathes Forster Cooper 1904 = Cirrhipathes anguina 

gardineri, Cyphastrea Matthai 1914 = C. microphthalma [744.844] 

gardineri. Flabellum Caims 1982 

gardineri, Leptoseris van der Horst 1921 

gardineri, Paracyathus Vaughan 1907 = Trochocyathus gardineri 

gardineri, Pavona van der Horst 1922 = Leptoseris gardineri (674) 

gardineri, Sphenotrochus Squires 1961 

gardineri, Trochocyathus (Vaughan 1907) 

gardineri, Truncatoflabellum Cairns in Cairns & Keller 1993 

Gardineria Vaughan 1907 132 

Gardineroseris Scheer & Pillai 1974 64 

gardnerensis, Astrangia Durham & Barnard 1952 = 4. equatorialis 
[118]/A. browni [827] 

gasti, Desmophyllum Déderlein 1913 = Thalamophyllia gasti 

gasti. Thalamophyllia (Déderlein 1913) 

geminata, Heteropsammia Verrill 1870 = H. cochlea [674\/H. 
eupsammides [356] 

gemma, Balanophyllia (Moseley 1881) 

gemma, Thecopsammia Moseley 1881 = Balanophyllia gemma [126a} 

gemmacea. Echinopora (Lamarck 1816) 

gemmacea, Explanaria Lamarck 1816 = Echinopora gemmacea 

gemmae, Madrepora Esper ? =? 

gemmae, Pachyseris Nemenzo 1955 

gemmans, Cladangia Chevalier 1966 = Schizoculina africana [421] 

gemmascens. Allopora (Esper 1797) = Snlaster gemmascens 

gemmascens, Madrepora Esper 1797 = Stvlaster gemmascens 

gemmascens. Oculina (Esper 1797) = Stvlaster gemmascens [503] 

gemmascens, Stylaster (Esper 1797) 

gemmifera, Acropora (Brook 1892) 

gemmifera, Balanophyllia Kiunzinger 1879 

gemmifera, Madrepora Brook 1892 = Acropora humilis [87.637c] 

Gemmipora Blainville 1830 = Turbinaria 

gemmulata, Manopora Dana 1848 = ? 

gemmulata, Montipora (Dana 1848) =? 

gemmulata. Turbinaria (Dana 1848) =? 

Gemmutlatrochus Duncan 1878 = Hoplangia 

generatrix, Balanophyllia Cairns & Zibrowius 1997 

geoffroyi, Antillia (Audouin 1826) = Trachyphyllia geoffroyi 

geoffroyi, Favia Milne Edwards & Haime 1857 = Favia favus 

geoffroyi. Parastrea (Milne Edwards & Haime 1857) = Favia favus 

geoffroyi. Trachyphyllia (Audouin 1826) 

geoffroyi. Turbinolia Audouin 1826 = Trachyphyllia geoffroyi 

geographica, Diploria Whitfield 1901 = D. labyrinthiformis [786] 

gephura, Sibopathes van Pesch 1914 

gerdae, Rhizosmilia Caims 1978 

gibbosa, Agaricia (Dana 1848) = A. agaricites 

gibbosa, Mycedia Dana 1848 = Agaricia agaricites 

gibbosa, Prionastraea Klunzinger 1879 = Favites abdita [839] 

gibbosa, Solenastrea Milne Edwards & Haime 1850 = Cyphastrea 
serailia [744.844] 

gibbosissima, Prionastrea Milne Edwards & Haime 1850 = Favites 
pentagona [839] 

gibiari, Turbinaria peltata var. Crossland 1952 = T. peltata 

gibsonhilli, Porites Wells 1950 = P. cylindrica [122 

giesbrechti, Coenocyathus Déderlein 1913 = Caryophyllia inornata 

gigantea, ?Coeloria Yabe & Sugiyama 1936 =? Japan [839] 

gigantea, Conopora Caims 1991 

gigantea, Crypthelia Fisher 1938 

gigantea, Ctenactis (Dana 1848) = C. echinata 

gigantea, Fungia Dana 1848 = Ctenactis echinata [354] 

gigantea, Maeandra Yabe & Sugiyama 1935 =? 


gigantea. Pavona (Vermill 1869) 

gigantea, Pavonia V errill 1869 = Pavona gigantea 

gigas. Alveopora Veron 1985 

gigas, Astrea Milne Edwards & Haime 1850 =? 

gigas, Balanophyllia Moseley 1881 

gigas, Caryophyllia van der Horst 1931 = Rhizosmilia gigas 

gigas, Rhizosmilia (van der Horst 1931) 

gilchristi. Sphenotrochus Gardiner 1904 

Ginger Coral 146 

gippslandicus, ? Dennant 1889 = Truncatoflabellum gippslandicus 

gippslandicus. Truncatoflabellum (Dennant 1899) 

glaberrima. Antipathes Esper 1794 = Leiopathes glaberrima 

glaberrima. Leiopathes (Esper 1794) 

glabra. Echinopora Chevalier 1975 = E. mammiformis [744.844] 

glabra, Errina Pourtales 1867 = Lepidopora glabra [110] 

glabra. Lepidopora (Pourtalés 1867) 

glabra, Leptoseris Dinesen 1980 

glabra, Montipora Bernard 1897 =? Australia [28] 

glabra, Oxypora Nemenzo 1959 

glabrescens. Caryophyllia Chamisso & Eysenhardt 1821 = Euphyllia 

glabrescens, Euphyllia (Chamisso & Eysenhardt 1821) 

glabrescens. Leptosmilia (Chamisso & Eysenhardt 1821) = Euphyllia 

glabrescens. Lobophyllia (Chamisso & Eysenhardt 1821) = Euphyllia 

glans. Cycloseris (Dana 1848) = Fungia cyclolites 

glans, Fungia Dana 1848 = Fungia cyclolites (354) 

glanulosa. Goniocorella Hu 1987 = Goniocorella dumosa [126a] 

glauca, Acropora (Brook 1893) 

glauca, Madrepora Brook 1893 = Acropora glauca 

glaucopis, Astraea Dana 1848 = Diploastrea heliopora [744.844] 

glaucopis. Diploastrea (Dana 1848) = D. heliopora [844] 

glaucopis. Orbicella (Dana 1848) = Diploastrea heliopora 

glebulenta, Crypthelia Cairns 1986 

globata, Madrepora cytherea var. Klunzinger 1879 = Acropora 

globiceps, Acropora (Dana 1848) = A. humilis [87] 

globiceps, Madrepora Dana 1848 = Acropora humilis [807] 

globosa, Siderastrea Milne Edwards & Haime 1850 = ? 

globularis, Turbinaria Bernard 1896 = T. stellulata [674] 

glochiclados, Acropora (Brook 1893) 

glochiclados, Madrepora Brook 1893 = Acropora glochiclados 

glomerata, Cyphastrea Nemenzo 1988 = ?C. serailia [768] 

glomerata, Mussa Milne Edwards & Haime 1857 = ?Lobophyllia 
corymbosa [484] 

glomerata, Pocillopora Gardiner 1897 =? Tuvalu [261] 

glossopoma, Crypthelia Cairns 1986 

glutinata, Antipathes Totton 1923 

glynni, Siderastrea Budd & Guzman 1994 

goesi, Dendrophyllia Lindstrom 1877 =? Cuba [614] 

Golfball Coral 

gombergi, Thalamophyllia Caims 1979 

gomezae, Zoopilus Nemenzo 1980 = Z. echinatus [354,768] 

gonagra, Acropora (Milne Edwards & Haime 1860) 

gonagra, Madrepora Milne Edwards & Haime 1860 = Acropora 

gonagra, Millepora Milne Edwards & Haime 1860 = M. exaesa [61] 

gonagra, Psammocora K\unzinger 1879 = P. contigua [674] 


Goniastrea Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 102 

Goniocorella Yabe & Eguchi 1932 120 

Goniocyathus Yabe & Eguchi 1932 = Caryophyllia 
[809]/Dasmosmilia [123] 

Goniopora Blainville 1830 54 

goodei, Flabellum Venill 1868 = F. alabastrum [122] 
goodei, Plesiastrea Verrill 1900 
= Stephanocoenia michelinii [420.690)/S. intersepta [122.889] 
goodei, Stephanocoenia (Verrill 1900) = S. michelinii [420)/S. 
gordoni, Trochocyathus Caims 1995 

Goreaugvra Wells 1973 = Meandrina [889] 

goreaui, Coenocyathus Wells 1972 

goroensis. Barabattoia Yabe & Sugiyana 1941 = B. amicorum [839] 

gothica, Millepora Duchassaing & Michelotti 1860 =? Virgin Islands 
of the United States [196] 

gouldii. Svndepas Lyman 1857 =? Venezuela [776] 

gracile, Desmophyllum Studer 1878 =? New Zealand [699] 

gracile. Flabellum (Studer 1878) =? 

gracilis, Acropora (Dana 1848) = ?.4. formosa 

gracilis, Anacropora Quelch 1886 

gracilis. Antipathella (Gray 1857) = Stichopathes gracilis 

gracilis. Antipathes G. von Koch 1889 = ?. lenta 

gracilis, Antipathes Gray 1857 = Stichopathes gracilis 

gracilis, Antipathes Gray 1860 = ?4. atlantica 

gracilis, Antipathes Thomson & Simpson 1905 =? Sri Lanka [734] 

gracilis, Astraeopora Bernard 1896 

gracilis, Caulastraea yokoyamai var. Yabe & Sugiyama 1931 = C. 
tumida [871] 

gracilis. Cladopsammia (Milne Edwards & Haime 1848) 

gracilis, Dendrophyllia Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 = 
Cladopsammia gracilis {123} 

gracilis, Distichopora Dana 1848 

gracilis, Errina Marenzeller 1903 

gracilis, Euphyllia Dana 1848 = Eusmilia fastigiata [484] 

gracilis. Goniopora (Milne Edwards & Haime 1860) 

gracilis, Leptoria (Dana 1848) = L. phry-gia 

gracilis, Leptosmilia (Dana 1848) =? 

gracilis, Lophohelia Seguenza ? = L. pertusa 

gracilis, Madrepora Dana 1848 = Acropora formosa [359.792] 

gracilis, Meandrina Dana 1848 = Leptoria phrygia [839] 

gracilis, Montipora K\unzinger 1879 

gracilis, Paracyathus indicus var. Alcock 1893 = P. indicus 

gracilis, Pliobothrus Zibrowius & Cairns 1992 

gracilis, Rhodaraea Milne Edwards & Haime 1860 = Goniopora 

gracilis, Seriatopora caliendrum var. Dana 1848 = S. hystrix 

gracilis, Stichopathes (Gray 1857) 

gracilis, Stylaster Milne Edwards & Haime 1850 

gracilis, Turbinaria Bernard 1896 =? Australia 

gradata. Stylophora Dana 1848 =? Fiji [631], Papua New Guinea 

grahamae., Agaricia Wells 1973 

grandiflora, Antillia Gerth 1921 = Cynarina lacrymalis [33] 

grandiflora, Antipathes Silberfeld 1909 

grandifolia, Manopora Dana 1848 = Montipora grandifolia 

grandifolia. Montipora (Dana 1848) 

grandilobata, Meandrina Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 = Diploria 
clivosa [786] 

grandis, Acanthastrea Milne Edwards & Haime 1850 =? Red Sea 

grandis, Acropora (Brook 1892) 

grandis, Antipathes Verrill 1928 

grandis, Balanophyllia Caims 1977 

grandis, Caryophyllia Gardiner & Waugh 1938 

grandis, Dendrophyllia micranthus var. Crossland 1952 = Tubastraea 

grandis, Fungia fungites var Déderlein 1902 = F. fungites 

grandis, Hydnophora Gardiner 1904 

grandis, Lobophyllia Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 = ? 

grandis, Madrepora Brook 1892 = Acropora grandis 

grandis, Pocillopora Dana 1848 = P. eyvdouxi [674] 

grandis, Pocillopora sensu Gardiner 1897 = P. symmetrica 

grandis, Symphyllia Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 = S. radians [484] 

granifera, Montipora Bernard 1897 

granimurata, Porites compressa forma Vaughan 1907 = P. compressa 

granosa, Dendrophyllia Studer 1878 

granosa, Madrepora Ellis & Solander 1786 = ? 

granulata, Astrangia Duchassaing & Michelotti 1860 = 4. solitaria 

granulata, Diafungia Duncan 1884 = ? 


granulata, Montipora Bernard 1897 = \f. informis [674] 

granulata, Phyllangia W. Koch 1886 

granulata. \ishasiderastrea Zou 1975 =? 

granulosa. Acropora (Milne Edwards & Haime 1860) 

granulosa. Allopora (Milne Edwards & Haime 1850) = Snlasrer 

granulosa. Dichopsammia Song 1994 

granulosa. Distichopora Quelch 1884 = D. gracilis [105] 

granulosa, ? Caims 1983 = Lepidopora granulosa 

granulosa, Fungia Kiunzinger 1879 

granulosa, Goniopora Pillai & Scheer 1976 

granulosa. Lepidopora (Caims 1983) 

granulosa, Madrepora Milne Edwards & Haime 1860 = Acropora 

granulosa, Montipora Bernard 1897 

granulosus, Fungiacyathus Cairns 1989 

granulosus, Stylaster Milne Edwards & Haime 1850 

Grape Coral 

gravida, Acropora (Dana 1848) = 4. florida [674.792] 

gravida, Favia Verrill 1868 

gravida, Madrepora Dana 1848 = Acropora florida [637a.637¢.792] 

gravieri, Hornera Calvet 1911 = Pliobothrus svmmetricus [885] 

gravieri, Leptoseris van der Horst 1922 = L. hawaiiensis [185] 

gravieri, Orbicella Vaughan 1918 nom. nov. O. annuligera Vaughan 
1907 = Plesiastrea versipora [843] 

gravieri, Physogyra Vaughan 1907 

gravieri, Plesiastrea (Vaughan 1918) = P. versipora 

gravis, Dendrophyllia Bassett-Smith 1890 =? Tizard Bank [22] 

gravis, Fungia Nemenzo 1955 

grayi, Acanthocyathus Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 
= Caryophyllia grayi 

gray, Antipathes (Roule 1902) 

grayi, Caryophyllia (Milne Edwards & Haime 1848) 

grayi, Endopachys Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 


hadros. Balanophyllia Caims 1979 

haeckeli, Plesiastrea Bruggemann 1878 = Favites pentagona [839] 

hahazimaensis, Coscinastrea Yabe & Sugiyama 1936 

haimei. Acropora (Milne Edwards & Haime 1860) 
= 4. vongei [674.775] 

haimei, Astrangia V errill 1866 

haimei, Fungia Verrill 1864 = F. fungites [354.674] 

haimei, Madrepora Milne Edwards & Haime 1860 
= Acropora yongei 

haimiana. Plesioseris (Milne Edwards & Haime 1851) = Psammocora 

haimiana, Psammocora Milne Edwards & Haime 1851 

halianthus. Leptocyvathus Lindstrom 1877 = ? 

halicora, Astraea Hemprich & Ehrenberg 1834 = Favites halicora 

halicora, Favites (Hemprich & Ehrenberg 1834) 

halicora, Prionastraea (Hemprich & Ehrenberg 1834) = Favites 

Haliglossa Hemprich & Ehrenberg 1834 = Herpolitha [354] 

Halomitra Dana 1848 74 

Haloseris Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 = Leptoseris 

hancocki, Aphanipathes Forster Cooper 1909 

hancocki, Astrangia Durham & Barnard 1952 = 4. haimei [691] 

hancocki, Sphenotrochus Durham & Barnard 1952 

hanzawai, Astrocoenia (Yabe & Sugiyama 1933) = Snlocoeniella 
armata [806] 

hanzawai, Stlocoenia Yabe & Sugiyama 1933 = Shlocoeniella armata 

Haplophyllia Pourtalés 1868 = Gardineria [116] 

harmeri, Flabellum Gardiner 1929 = Monomyces rubrum [116] 

hartti, Mussa Verrill 1868 = Mussismilia harttii [420] 

harttii, Mussismilia (Verrill 1868) 

harttii, Protomussa (Verrill 1868) = Mussismilia harttii 

harttii, Symphyllia Verrill 1868 = Mussismilia hispida [420] 

hassi, Stylophora Scheer 1967 = S. wellsi [277.661] 

grayi, Goniastrea Milne Edwards & Haime 1850 = G. pectinata [839] hassi, Symphyllia Pillai & Scheer 1976 = S. valenciennesii [674] 

grayi, Paratylopathes (Roule 1902) = Antipathes grayi 

grayi, Tylopathes Roule 1902 = Antipathes grayi 

Great Star Coral 

Green Cactus Coral 

grimaldi, Antipathes Roule 1905 =? 

grimaldii, Leiopathes Roule 1902 

grisea, Montipora Bernard 1897 

groentandicus, Stylaster erubescens Zibrowius & Cairns 1992 = S. 

guadalupensis, Porites Duchassaing & Michelotti 1860 = P. 
astreoides [889] 


hastatus, Platytrochus Dennant 1902 

hastatus, Trochocyathus Bourne 1903 

Hat Coral 

hataii, Lobophyllia Yabe, Sugiyama & Eguchi 1936 

hattorii. ? Eguchi 1968 = Snlaster hattorii 

hattorii, Stylaster (Eguchi 1968) 

hawaiiensis, Balanophyllia Vaughan 1907 = B. cornu/B. gigas [123a] 

hawaiiensis, Bathyacris Vaughan 1907 = Fungiacyathus fragilis 
[122)/Fungiacyathus symmetricus 

hawaiiensis, Caryophyllia Vaughan 1907 

hawaiiensis, Favia Vaughan 1907 = Leptastrea purpurea [744.844] 


guadulpensis, Isophyllia sensu Pourtalés 1871 = Isophyllastrea rigida hawaiiensis, Fungiacyathus (Vaughan 1907) = F. Sragilis [116] 


hawaitiensis, Gardineria Vaughan 1907 

guadulpensis, Symphyllia Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 = /sophyllia hawaiiensis, Leptastrea Vaughan 1907 = L. bottae [744.844] 

sinuosa [889] 
guentheri, Seriatopora Briiggemann 1877 = ? New Guinea 
guentheri, Stylocoeniella (Bassett-Smith 1890) 
guentheri, Stylophora Bassett-Smith 1890 = Stylocoeniella guentheri 
guineensis, Orbicella annularis var. Gravier 1909 = Montastrea 
guppyi, Madrepora Brook 1892 = Acropora humilis [87] 
guppyi, Montipora Bernard 1897 = M. spumosa [674] 
Guynia Duncan 1872 
Guyniidae Hickson 1910 135 
Gyropora Boschma 1960 151 
gyrosa, Colpophyllia (Ellis & Solander 1786) = Colpophyllia natans 


hawaiiensis, Leptoseris Vaughan 1907 

hawaiiensis, Porites Vaughan 1907 = P. rus [773] 

hayamaensis, Astrangia Eguchi 1968 = Phyllangia hayamaensis [123] 
havamaensis, Phyllangia (Eguchi 1968) 

hebes, Acropora (Dana 1848) = 4. aspera [430] 

hebes, Madrepora Dana 1848 = Acropora aspera [775.792] 
Hedgehog Coral 

hedleyi, Trematotrochus Dennant 1906 

helenae, Agelecyathus Duncan 1876 = ? Saint Helena [141.205] 
helenae, Balanophyllia Duncan 1876 =? Saint Helena [205] 
helianthoides, Favia Wells 1954 

helianthoides, Plesiastrea Wells 1954 = Favia laxa [839] 

gyrosa, Hydnophora Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 = H. exesa [839] helianthus, Symphyllia Duchassaing & Michelotti 1860 = /sophyllia 

gyrosa, Madrepora Ellis & Solander 1786 = Colpophyllia natans 

gyrosa. Mussa (Ellis & Solander 1786) = Colpophyllia natans 

Gyrosmilia Milne Edwards & Haime 1851 120 

hachijoensis, ? Eguchi 1968 = Lepidotheca hachijoensis 
hachijoensis, Lepidotheca (Eguchi 1968) 
haddoni, Porites Vaughan 1918 = P. lutea [807] 

sinuosa [889] 
Heliastraea Milne Edwards & Haime 1857 = Montastrea 
Heliofungia Wells 1966 74 
heliopora, Astrea Lamarck 1816 = Diploastrea heliopora [744.844] 
heliopora, Diploastrea (Lamarck 1816) 
heliopora, Orbicella (Lamarck 1816) = Diploastrea heliopora 
Heliopora Blainville 1830 29 
Helioporidae Moseley 1876 29 


Helioseris Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 = Leptoseris 

hellana, Madracis Milne Edwards & Haime 1850 =? Mauritius 
[503]. Papua New Guinea [709] 

helli. Echinopora Rousseau 1854 = E. hirsutissima [744.844] 

hemisphaerica, Heteropora corymbosa var. Ehrenberg 1834 = 
Acropora cytherea 

hemisphaerica. Psammoseris (Gray 1849) = Heterocyathus 
aequicostatus [356] 

hemisphaericus, Heterocyathus Gray 1849 = H aequicostatus 

hemispherica, Symphyllia Tenison-W oods 1879 =? Australia [720] 

hemprichiana, Solenastrea Milne Edwards & Haime 1850 = 
Cyphastrea serailia [744.844] 

hemprichti. Acanthastrea (Ehrenberg 1834) 

hemprichii. Acropora (Ehrenberg 1834) 

hemprichii, Astraea Ehrenberg 1834 = Favites abdita [839] 

hemprichii, Explanaria Ehrenberg 1834 = Lobophyllia hemprichii 

hemprichii. Favia (Ehrenberg 1834) = Acanthastrea hemprichit 

hemprichii. Favites (Ehrenberg 1834) = F. complanata [674] 

hemprichii, Heteropora Ehrenberg 1834 = Acropora hemprichii 

hemprichii, Lobophyllia (Ehrenberg 1834) 

hemprichii, Manicina Ehrenberg 1834 = Favites complanata 

hemprichii, Mussa (Ehrenberg 1834) = Favites complanata 

hemprichii, Pocillopora Ehrenberg 1834 = P. verrucosa [674} 

hemprichii, Prionastraea (Ehrenberg 1834) = Favites abdita 

hemprichii, Stephanocora Ehrenberg 1834 = Echinopora gemmacea 

hemprichii, Strombodes Ehrenberg 1834 = Acanthastrea hemprichii 

hentscheli. Porites Thiel 1928 = P. astreoides [421] 

herdmani, Antipathes Forster Cooper 1909 = ? 

herdmani, Cyathotrochus Bourne 1905 

heronensis, Porites Veron 1985 

heronensis, Turbinaria Wells 1958 

Herpetoglossa Wells 1966 = Ctenactis [354] 

Herpetolitha Milne Edwards & Haime 1850 = Herpolitha (354) 

Herpolitha Eschscholtz 1825 74 

heteroclados. Acropora (Brook 1893) 

heteroclados, Madrepora Brook 1893 = Acropora heteroclados 

heterocostatus, Heterocyathus Harrison 1911 = H. alternatus [356] 

heterocyathus, Galaxea Ortmann 1889 =? Sri Lanka [558] 

Heterocyathus Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 120 

heterogyra, Meandrina Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 = Maeandra 
cerebrum [786)/Diploria strigosa 

Heteropora Hemprich & Ehrenberg 1834 = Acropora 

Heteropsammia Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 141 
heterorhodzos, Antipathes Forster Cooper 1909 
= Bathypathes heterorhodzos 
heterorhodzos, Bathypathes (Forster Cooper 1909) 
heterosticha, Hexapathes Kinoshita 1910 
hexagonalis, Cycloseris (Milne Edwards & Haime 1848) 
= Fungia hexagonalis [354] 
hexagonalis, Fungia Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 
hexagonalis, Galaxea (Milne Edwards & Haime 1848) 
= G. fascicularis (602.674) 
hexagonalis, Sarcinula Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 
= Galaxea fascicularis 
hexagonus, Bathytrochus Gravier 1915 
Hexapathes Kinoshita 1910 34 

hicksoni, Errina Boschma 1963 = Lepidopora eburnea 

hicksoni, Lepidopora (Boschma 1963) = L. eburnea 

hieroglyphica, Leptoria Duchassaing & Michelotti 1860 = Diploria 
clivosa [889] 

hillae, Acanthastrea Wells 1955 

Hillopathes van Pesch 1914 34 

hirsuta, Acanthastrea Milne Edwards & Haime 1850 =? Tuvalu 

hirsuta, Astraeopora Bernard 1896 = A. ocellata [429] 

hirsuta, Echinophyllia Nemenzo 1980 

hirsuta, Goniopora Crossland 1952 =? Australia [168] 

hirsuta, Montipora Bernard 1897 =? ?Tonga [28] 

hirsuta, Montipora Nemenzo 1967 

hirsuta. Prionastrea (Milne Edwards & Haime 1850) =? 

hirsutissima, Echinopora Milne Edwards & Haime 1850 

hirsutum. Antipathes Hickson 1924 =? 

hirta, Antipathes Gray 1857 

hirta, Orbicella cavernosa var. Verrill 1901 = Montastrea cavernosa 

hirta. Parantipathes (Gray 1857) = Antipathes hirta 

hirta. Tylopathes Roule 1902 =? 

hirtella. Madrepora Pallas 1766 = Sclerhelia hirtella 

hirtella,Oculina (Pallas 1766) = Sclerhelia hirtella 

hirtella. Sclerhelia (Pallas 1766) 

hispida. Acropora (Brook 1891) = A. cuneata [768] 

hispida. Isopora (Brook 1891) = Acropora cuneata 

hispida, Madrepora Brook 1891 = Acropora cuneata 

hispida, Manicina Ehrenberg 1834 = M. areolata [786.889] 

hispida, Manopora Dana 1848 = Montipora hispida 

hispida. Montipora (Dana 1848) 

hispida, Mussa Verrill 1901 = Mussimilia hispida 

hispida, Mussismilia (Vertill 1901) 

hispidula, Montastrea (Verrill 1901) = M. annularis 

hispidula, Orbicella Verrill 1901 = Montastrea annularis [122.889] 

hispidus, Ceratotrochus Pourtalés 1878 = Pourtalocyathus hispidus 

hispidus, Pourtalocyathus (Pourtalés 1878) 

histrix, Ulastraea Duchassaing & Michelotti 1864 =? Virgin Islands 
of the United States [197] 

hiugaensis. Ceratotrochus Yabe & Eguchi 1942 = Conotrochus 
funicolumna (123) 

hodgsoni, Polycyathus Verheij & Best 1987 

hoffmeisteri, Culicia Squires 1966 

hoffmeisteri. Flabellum Caims & Parker 1992 

hoffmeisteri, Montipora Wells 1954 

Holcotrochus Dennant 1902 

hombronii. Favia (Rousseau 1854) = F. stelligera [674] 

hombronii, Goniastrea (Rousseau 1854) = Favia stelligera [602.674] 

hombronii, Parastrea Rousseau 1854 = Favia stelligera [839] 

Homophyllia Briiggemann 1877 = Scolymia 

hondaensis, Astrangia Durham & Barnard 1952 
= Polycyathus hondaensis [118] 

hondaensis, Polycyathus (Durham & Bamard 1952) 


Honeycomb Coral 101 

Hood Coral 40 

hoodensis, Kionotrochus Durham & Barnard 1952 = 
Pseudocyathoceras avis [118] 

Hoplangia Gosse 1860 121 

Horastrea Pichon 1971 60 

horizontalata, Porites Hoffmeister 1925 

horizontalis, Astraeopora Bernard 1896 = A. listeri [674)/A. 
myriophthalma [429] 

horizontalis, Madrepora Ortmann 1892 =? Tanzania [560] 

horologium, Stylaster Caims 1991 

horologium, Caryophyllia Caims 1977 

horrescens, Acrhelia (Dana 1848) 

horrescens, Oculina Dana 1848 = Acrhelia horrescens [772] 

horrida, Acanthopora (Dana 1848) = Echinopora horrida 

horrida, Acropora (Dana i848) 

horrida, Echinopora Dana 1848 

horrida, Errina Hickson & England 1905 = Lepidotheca horrida 

horrida, Fungia Dana 1848 

horrida, Lepidotheca (Hickson & England 1905) 

horrida, Madrepora Dana 1848 = Acropora horrida [637c] 

horsti, Dendrophyllia Gardiner & Waugh 1939 = D. arbuscula (126a] 

hospes, Ceratotrochus (Alcock 1902) = Conotrochus brunneus [275] 

hospes, Phloeocyathus Alcock 1902 = Conotrochus brunneus [125] 

howardi, Astrangia Durham & Barnard 1952 

hululensis, Favia Gardiner 1904 = F. pallida (674)/F. rotulosa [841] 

humilis, Acropora (Dana 1848) 

humilis, Agaricia Verrill 1901 

humilis, Agaricia agaricites var. Verrill 1901 = A. humilis 

humilis, Antipathes Pourtalés 1867 = Aphanipathes humilis 


humilis. Aphanipathes (Pourtales 1867) 

humilis, Leptastrea Duncan 1889 

humilis, Madrepora Dana 1848 = Acropora humilis [637c] 
humilis, Paracyathus Verrill 1869 

humilis, Paracyathus Duncan 1878 = ? Mediterranean 

Hump Coral 56 
huttoni, Cylicia Tenison-W oods 1879 =? New Zealand [693.721] 
hyacinthus, Acropora (Dana 1848) 

hyacinthus, Madrepora Dana 1848 = Acropora hyacinthus [637c] 
hyades, Astraea Dana 1848 = Solenastrea hyades 

hyades, Madrepora Ellis & Solander 1786 = y 

Invades. Orbicella (Dana 1848) = Solenastrea hvades [784] 
hyades. Solenastrea (Dana 1848) 

Hyalopathes Milne Edwards & Haime 1857 = Anuipathes 
Hydnophora Fischer de Waldheim 1807 95 
Hydnophorella Delage & Hérouard 1899 = Hydnophora [484] 
hydra. Fungiacyathus Zibrowius & Gili 1990 

hydra, Madrepora Brook 1893 =? Singapore [87] 

hypnoides. Antipathes (Brook 1889) 

hypnoides, Tylopathes Brook 1889 = Antipathes hypnoides 
hypocoelus, Leptopenus Moseley 1881 

hystrix. Acropora (Dana 1848) = A. cerealis 

hystrix, Anthophyllum Dana 1848 = Galaxea fascicularis [772] 
hystrix. Galaxea (Dana 1848) = G. fascicularis 

hystrix, Madrepora Dana 1848 = Acropora cerealis [775.792] 
hystrix, Seriatopora Dana 1848 

ibericus, Stylaster Zibrowius & Cairns 1992 

Idiotrochus Wells 1935 121 

ijimai, Dendrophyllia Yabe & Eguchi 1934 

imbricata, Heteropora Ehrenberg 1834 =? 

imbricata, Seriatopora Bassett-Smith 1890 =? Tizard Bank [22 
imbricatocostatus, Sphenotrochus Cairns in Cairns & Keller 1993 
imbricatus, Stylaster Caims 1991 

immersa, Colangia Pourtalés 1871 

incrassata, Millepora squarrosa var. Dana 1848 = Mf. squarrosa 
incrassata, Montipora (Dana 1848) 

incrassatus. Stlaster (Eguchi 1942) = S. boreopacificus [105] 
incrustans, Astraeopora Bernard 1896 = A. myriophthalma [429] 
incrustans, Cylloseris Queich 1886 = Leptoseris incrustans [371] 

incrustans, Goniastraea Duncan 1889 = G. spectabilis [839\/G. aspera 

incrustans, Homophyllia Dennant 1906 =? Australia [183] 

incrustans, Leptoseris (Quelch 1886) 

incrustans, Leptoseris Gardiner 1905 = L. hawaiiensis 

incrustans. Madrepora Forsk¥1 1775 = ?Turbinaria mesenteriana 

incrustans, Madrepora Rehberg 1892 =? Tonga [631] 

incrustans. Montipora Briggemann 1878 = Af. monasteriata [674} 

incrustans, Stylophora Duchassaing & Michelotti 1864 = ? 
Guadeloupe [197] 

incrustatum, Truncatoflabellum Cairns 1989 

indentata, Montipora Bernard 1897 =? Australia [28]. New 
Caledonia [482] 

indiana, Acropora Wallace 1994 

indica, Acropora (Brook 1893) 

indica, Cirripathes Summers 1910 = ? Mozambique [714]. Sri Lanka 

indica, Coeloria ascensionis var. Ridley 1883 =? Sri Lanka [634] 

indica, Dendrophyllia Pillai 1969 

indica, Fungia fungites var. Doéderlein 1902 = F. fungites 

indica. Horastrea Pichon 1971 

indica, Madrepora Brook 1893 = Acropora indica 

indica, Mussa Verrill 1872 =? 

indica, Stichopathes Schultze 1903 = S. gracilis 

indica, Symphyllia Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 = S. radians [484] 

indicus, Bathycyathus Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 =? Chile 
[612]. [Philippines [495 but see 507]] 

indicus, Paracyathus Duncan 1889 

indistincta, Antipathes van Pesch 1914 

indistincta, Aphanipathes (van Pesch 1914) = Antipathes indistincta 

Indophyllia Gerth 1921 89 

immersa, Leptastraea Klunzinger 1879 = L. bottae [674\/L. transversa indurata, Acropora Verrill 1902 =? Australia [788] 

immersa, Turbinaria Yabe & Sugiyama ? 
impensum, Flabellum Squires 1962 
imperfecta, Acropora Nemenzo ? = A. latistella [768] 
imperfecta, Thecopsammia Gravier 1915 
imperialis, Balanophyllia Kent 1871 
implicata. Acropora (Dana 1848) 
implicata, Madrepora Dana 1848 = Acropora implicata! 
implicata, Madrepora Ellis & Solander 1786 = Diploria 
implicata, Oculina Agassiz 1864 =? United States [776] 
impressa, Madrepora Whitelegge 1898 =? Tuvalu [835] 
inaequalis, Leptastraea Kiunzinger 1879 
incerta, Caryophyllia octopali var. Vaughan 1907 = C. octopali 

incerta, Favia Duchassaing & Michelotti 1860 = F. fragum [786.889] 

indurata, Plesiastrea Verrill 1866 =? Myanmar [212] 

inermis, Acropora (Brook 1891) = A. horrida [792] 

inermis, Madrepora Brook 1891 = Acropora horrida [792} 

Inferiolabiata Broch 1951 151 

inflata, Cylicia Pourtalés 1878 =? Cuba [613] 

inflata, Pyrophyllia Hickson 1910 = Guynia annulata [116] 

informis, Madrepora complanata var. Brook 1893 = ?Acropora 
divaricata [792] 

informis, Millepora Lamarck 1816 =? 

informis, Montipora Bernard 1897 

informis, Pocillopora Dana 1848 

informis, Porites Dana 1848 =? Fiji [506] 

informis, Synaraea (Dana 1848) =? 

infundibulifera, Amphihelia Kent 1871 = Madrepora minutisepta 

incerta, Porites Duchassaing & Michelotti 1860 = P. astreoides [889] infundibulifera, Oculina Lamarck 1816 = Stylaster sp. Indonesia 

incerta, Rhodopsammia Semper 1872 = Balanophyllia stimpsonii 

incertum, Desmophyllum Duchassaing & Michelotti 1860 =? 
Guadeloupe [196] 

incisa, Balanophyllia Crossland 1952 

incisa, Fungia fungites var. Déderlein 1902 = F. fungites 

incognita, Montipora Bernard 1897 

incompleta, Allopora Tenison-Woods 1883 = Stylaster incompletus 

incompletus, Stylaster (Tenison-Woods 1883) 

inconspicua, Montipora Bernard 1897 =? Indonesia [28] 

inconstans, Flabellum Marenzeller 1904 = Truncatoflabellum 

inconstans, Montipora Nemenzo 1967 = M. altasepta [768] 

inconstans, Truncatoflabellum (Marenzeller 1904) 

inconsuta, Lepidotheca Caims 1991 

incrassata, ? Eguchi 1942 = Snlaster boreopacificus 

incrassata, Madrepora pocillifera var. Brook 1893 =? Tonga [87] 

incrassata, Manopora Dana 1848 = Montipora incrassata 

infundibuliformis, Antillia Gerth 1921 = Trachyphyllia geoffroyi [33] 
infundibulu, Acropora muricata var. Verrill 1901 = A. palmata 
infundibulum, Explanaria Lamarck 1816 = Turbinaria crater 
infundibulum, Porites lobata forma Vaughan 1907 = P. lobata 
infundibulum, Trochopsammia Pourtalés 1878 
ingens, Desmophyllum Moseley 1881 = D. dianthus 
ingolfi, Favia Crossland 1931 = Plesiastrea versipora (843) 
inordinata, Coenosmilia Cairns 1984 
inornata, Carvophyllia (Duncan 1878) 
inornatus, Crispatotrochus Tenison-Woods 1878 
inornatus, Cyathoceras (Tenison & Woods 1878) = Crispatotrochus 
inornatus [118] 
inornatus, Paracyathus Duncan 1878 = Caryophyllia inornata 
inornatus, Stylaster Cairns 1986 
insignifica, Astrangia Ricketts & Calvin 1939 = A. haimei [123] 
insignis, Acropora Nemenzo 1967 
insignis, Desmophyllum (Duncan 1876) = Javania insignis [123] 


insignis, Javania Duncan 1876 
insignis, Millepora Verrill 1864 = Kiribati [776] 
insignis, Paracyathus Duncan 1878 = ? 
inskipi, Caryophyllia Duncan 1873 = C. aby'ssorum [881] 
insolita, Crypthelia Cairns 1986 
integra, Fungia Dana 1848 = F. repanda [354] 
interjecta. Madracis Marenzeller 1907 
intermedia. Acropora (Brook 1891) = 4. nobilis [674.775] 
intermedia, Antipathella Brook 1889 = Antipathes intermedia 
intermedia. Antipathes (Brook 1889) 
intermedia, Cirrhipathes spiralis var. van Pesch 1910 = C. spiralis 
intermedia, Madrepora Brook 1891 = Acropora nobilis 
intermedia, Mussa harnti var. Verrill 1901 = Mf. hartti 
intermedia, Pavonia Gardiner 1898 = Pavona repens [270] 
intermedius. Trochocyathus Yabe & Eguchi 1932 
= Tropidocvathus pileus [123] 
interrupta, Gyrosmilia (Hemprich & Ehrenberg 1834) 
interrupta, Haliglossa Ehrenberg 1834 = Herpolitha limax [354] 
interrupta, Manicina Hemprich & Ehrenberg 1834 = Gyrosmilia 
interrupta, Meandrina Dana 1848 = Diploria clivosa [786] 
interruptus. Herpetolithus (Ehrenberg 1834) = Herpolitha limax 
intersepta, Astraea Dana 1848 = Favia stelligera 
intersepta. Astrea (Esper 1797) = Stephanocoenia intersepta 
intersepta, Madrepora Esper 1797 = Stephanocoenia intersepta 
intersepta, Stephanocoenia (Esper 1797) 
intervacans, Errinopora Naumov 1960 = E. stylifera [105] 
intricata, Millepora Milne Edwards & Haime 1860 
investigatoris, Discotrochus Alcock 1893 = ?Anthemiphyllia dentata 
investigatoris. Lophohelia Alcock 1898 
= Madrepora investigatoris [881)/M. oculata [125] 
investigatoris. Madrepora (Alcock 1898) = M. oculata 
involuta, Madrepora Ellis & Solander 1786 =? 
involuta, Pachyseris Studer 1878 = ? 
involuta, Podabacia van der Horst 1921 = P. crustacea [354] 
irinae, Leptopenus Keller 1977 = L. discus [123] 
irregulare, Flabellum Semper 1872 
= Truncatoflabellum irregulare [116] 
irregulare, Flabellum Tenison-Woods 1878 =? Australia [716] 
irregulare, Truncatoflabellum (Semper 1872) 
irregularis, Acanthastrea Quelch 1886 = ?A. echinata [674] 
irregularis, Acropora (Brook 1892) = A. danai [637¢.674] 
irregularis, Alveopora Crossland 1952 =? Australia [168] 
irregularis, Anomastraea Marenzeller 1901 
irregularis, Antipathella Thomson & Simpson 1905 =? Sri Lanka 
irregularis, Antipathes Forster Cooper 1909 =? 
irregularis, Antipathes Verrill 1928 = ? 
Irregularis, Crispatotrochus (Caims 1982) 
irregularis, Cyathoceras Caims 1982 = Crispatotrochus irregularis 
irregularis, Distichopora Moseley 1881 
irregularis, Doederleinia Gardiner 1909 = Sandalolitha robusta [605] 
irregularis, Halomitra Gardiner 1898 = Sandalolitha robusta [354] 
irregularis, Leptoria Veron 1990 
irregularis, Madrepora Brook 1892 = Acropora danai 
irregularis, Montipora Quelch 1886 =? Philippines [621] 
irregularis, Napopora Quelch 1884 =? French Polynesia [148.619] 
irregularis, Parahalomitra (Gardiner 1898) = Sandolitha robusta 
irregularis, Phymastraea Duncan 1883 = Favia valenciennesi [839] 
irregularis, Porites (Vermill 1864) 
irregularis, Sarcinula Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 = ?Galaxea 
irregularis, Synaraea Verrill 1864 = Porites irregularis 
irregularis, Truncatoguynia Cairns 1989 
irregularis, Turbinaria Bernard 1896 
isabela, Polycyathus Wells 1982 
ishigakiensis, Acanthastrea Veron 1990 
isidis-plocamos, Antipathes Klunzinger 1877 = ? 


Isophyllastrea Matthai 1928 

Isophvilia Milne Edwards & Haime 1851 
Jsopora Studer 1878 = Acropora 

ualica. ? Michelin 1841 = Balanophyllia italica 
ualica. Balanophyllia (Michelin 1841) 

utalica, Carvophyilia (Michelin 1841) = Balanophyllia italica 
italica. Turbinolia Michelotti 1838 = Deltocvathus ttalicus 
ttalicus, Deltocvathus (Michelotti 1838) 

Ivory Bush Coral 82 
Ivory Tree Coral 82 
Ivory Tube Coral 95 

fwayamaensis, Porites Eguchi 1938 
weine, Stephanocyathus Squires 1958 pro parte = Stephanocyathus 
weberianus [126a] 

jacquelineae, Acropora Wallace 1994 

jacquinoti, Favia Milne Edwards & Haime 1857 = F. favus 

Jacquinoti, Parastrea (Milne Edwards & Haime 1857) = Favia favus 

japonica, Alveopora Eguchi 1968 

japonica. Antillia Yabe & Sugiyama 1931 
= Cynarina lacrymalis [33.815] 

japonica, Antipathes Brook 1889 =? Japan [84] 

Japonica, Caryophyllia Marenzeller 1888 

Japonica, Crypthelia (Milne Edwards & Haime 1849) 

japonica, Culicia Yabe & Eguchi 1936 = Culicia stellata [126a] 

japonica, Cyphastrea Yabe & Sugiyama 1936 

japonica, Dendrophyllia Rehberg 1892 = Eguchipsammia japonica 

japonica, Dendrophyllia van der Horst 1922 = D. boschmai [372] 

Japonica, Eguchipsammia (Rehberg 1892) 

Japonica, Endhelia Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 = Crpthelia 

Japonica, Errina Eguchi 1968 = Lepidotheca japonica 

japonica. Lepidotheca (Eguchi 1968) 

japonica, Protolobophyllia (Yabe & Sugiyama 1931) = Cynarina 
lacrymalis [815] 

Japonica, Stephanophyllia Yabe & Eguchi 1934 = Letepsammia 
superstes [126a] 

Japonica, Stephanoseris Verrill 1866 = Heterocyathus aequicostatus 

japonica, Stichopathes Silberfeld 1909 = Antipathes longibrachiata 

Japonica, Stylocoenia Yabe & Sugiyama 1932 =? Japan 

japonica, Tridacophyllia lactuca Yabe & Sugiyama 1936 = Pectinia 

japonicum, Endopachys Yabe & Eguchi ? 

japonicum, Flabellum Moseley 1881 

Japonicus, Ceratotrochus Eguchi 1968 = Trochocyathus japonicus 

japonicus, Deltocyathoides Yabe & Eguchi 1932 
= Peponocyathus australiensis [123] 

Japonicus, Deltocyathus (Yabe & Eguchi 1932) 
= Peponocyathus australiensis 

japonicus, Heterocyathus (Vertill 1866) = H. aequicostatus (356) 

Japonicus, Odontocyathus Y abe & Eguchi 1932 = 

Stephanocyathus spiniger [123] 

Japonicus, Trochocyathus Eguchi 1968 

Jardine, Catalaphyllia (Kent 1893) 

Jjardinei, Pectinia Kent 1893 = Catalaphyllia jardinei 

Javania Duncan 1876 

Javanus, Cryptotrochus Caims 1988 

jebbi, Cantharellus Hoeksema 1993 

Jefferyi. Solenosmilia Alcock 1898 = S. variabilis [881] 

Jjeffreysia, Balanophyllia socialis var. Duncan 1870 = B. stimpsonii 

Jeschkei, Seriatopora Studer ? =? Singapore [710] 

jeulini, Acropora Crossland 1952 =? Australia [168] 

Jogashimaensis, Caryophyliia Eguchi 1968 

Jogashimaensis, Ceratotrochus Eguchi 1968 = Trochocyathus japonicus 


johnsoni. Ceratotrochus Duncan 1882 = Asterosmilia prolifera [881]/4. labyrinthiformis, Madrepora Linnaeus 1758 = Diploria 

marchadi {125} 
johnsoni. Dendrophyllia Cairns 1991 
yjonesi. Montipora Pillai ? =? India [602] 
juncta, Confluphyllia Cairns & Zibrowius 1997 
juvenescens, Aulocvathus Marenzeller 1904 

kalakauai, Balanophyllia Wright 1882 =? South Seas 

karubarica, Caryophyllia Cairns & Zibrowius 1997 

kauaiensis, Madracis Vaughan 1907 

kauaiensis, Madrepora Vaughan 1907 

kenti. Acropora (Brook 1892) = A. tenuis [674] 

kenti, Astraeopora Bernard 1896 = 4. mvriophthalma [429] 

kenti, Madrepora Brook 1892 = Acropora tenuis [792] 

kenti, Montigyra Matthai 1928 

kerguelensis. Errina Broch 1942 

kermadecensis. Temnotrochus Caims 1995 

keyesi. Pedicellocyathus Caims 1995 

kiiensis. Antillia constricta var. Yabe & Sugiyama 1931 =? Japan 

kiiensis, Podabacia elegans lobata forma Yabe & Sugiyama 1936 = 
Lithophyllon undularum 

kikaiensis. Bathyactis Yabe & Eguchi 1942 = Fungiacyathus paliferus 

kikaiensis, Fungiacyathus (Yabe & Eguchi 1942) = F. paliferus (116. 

kikutii, Idiotrochus (Yabe & Eguchi 1941) 

labyrinthiformis, Maeandra (Linnaeus 1758) = Diploria 
Labyrinthocvathus Caims 1979 
laccadivica, Favia Gardiner 1904 = F. pallida [839] 
lacera, Antipathes Lamarck 1815 =? 
lacera, Caryophvilia (Pallas 1766) = Mussa angulosa 
lacera. Fungia Vermill 1866 = F. fungites [354] 
lacera, Lithophyllia (Pallas 1766) = Mussa angulosa 
lacera. Madrepora Pallas 1766 = Mussa angulosa 
lacera, Mussa (Pallas 1766) = Mussa angulosa 
lacera. Oxypora (Vermill 1864) 
lacera. Pocillopora Verrill 1869 = P. damicornis [691] 
lacera, Porites lobata forma Vaughan 1907 = P. /obata 
lacera. Scolymia (Pallas 1766) = Mussa angulosa [249] 
lacera, Trachypora Verrill 1864 = Oxypora lacera 
lacerata. Antipathes Lamarck 1816 (sphalm.) = A. /acera 
lacinians, Lobophyllia Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 = ? [see 484] 
laciniata, Mussa Tenison-Woods 1879 =? Australia [720] 
laciniata, Tridacophyllia Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 =? Japan 
[869]. Sri Lanka [558]. Singapore [558.710] 
laciniatum. Flabellum Duncan 1873 = F. macandrewi [881] 
laciniosa. Fungia Boschma 1925 = F. fragilis/? [354] 
lacrymalis, Caryophyllia Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 = Cynarina 
lacrymalis (815) 
lacrymalis, Cynarina (Milne Edwards & Haime 1848) 


kikutii. Placotrochides Yabe & Eguchi 1941 = Idiotrochus kikutii [123] lacrymalis, Lithophyllia (Milne Edwards & Haime 1848) = Cynarina 

Kionotrochus Dennant 1906 121 

kirbyi. Madracis Veron & Pichon 1976 

kirstyae. Acropora Veron & Wallace 1984 

klunzingeri, Coeloria Matthai 1928 = ? 

klunzingeri, Dendrophyllia van der Horst 1926 

klunzingeri, Fungia Déderlein 1901 = F. horrida [354] 

klunzingeri, Goniopora Marenzeller 1906 

klunzingeri. Madrepora Quelch 1886 =? Red Sea [87] 

klunzingeri, Orbicella Gardiner 1899 = Leptastrea purpurea 

Knob Coral 

knorri, Lophoseris Milne Edwards & Haime 1851 =? 

knorrii, Eusmilia Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 = E. aspera [786)/E. 
fastigiata [889] 

knoxi, Flabellum Ralph & Squires 1962 

knoxi, Symphyllia Duchassaing & Michelotti 1860 = Jsophyllia 
sinuosa [889] 

kosurini, Acropora Wallace 1994 

kuehlmanni, Stylophora Scheer & Pillai 1983 

kusimotoensis, Coscinastrea Yabe & Sugiyama 1936 = C. columna 


labiata. Errina Moseley 1879 = Inferiolabiata labiata 

labiata, Inferiolabiata (Moseley 1879) 

labidus, Tropidocyathus Cairns & Zibrowius 1997 

Labiopora Moseley 1879 = Errina 

labiosa, Madrepora hebes var. Brook 1893 = Acropora aspera 

laboreli, Dendrophyllia Zibrowius & Brito 1984 

labrosa, Acropora (Dana 1848) = A. prolifera 

labrosa, Madrepora Dana 1848 = Acropora prolifera [637¢.775} 

labyrinthica, Coeloria (Ellis & Solander 1786) = Diploria 

labyrinthica, Madrepora Ellis & Solander 1786 = Diploria 

labyrinthica, Madrepora Pallas 1766 = Meandrina meandrites 

labyrinthica, Maeandra (Platygyra) Ehrenberg 1834 = Plangyra 
daedalea (151) 

labyrinthica, Meandrina (Ellis & Solander 1786) = Diploria 

labyrinthica, Symphyllia Bassett-Smith 1890 =? Tizard Bank [22 

labyrinthiformis, Diploria (Linnaeus 1758) 

labyrinthiformis, Madrepora Forskal 1775 = Platygyra lamellina [354] 

lacrymalis (815) 

lacrymalis, Scolymia (Milne Edwards & Haime 1848) = Cynarina 

lactuca, Madrepora Pallas 1766 = Pectinia lactuca 

lactuca, Pectinia (Pallas 1766) 

lactuca, Tridacophyllia (Pallas 1766) = Pectinia lactuca 

lacunosa, Crypthelia Cairns 1986 

laddi, Barabattoia (Wells 1954) 

laddi, Bikiniastrea Wells 1954 = Barabattoia laddi 

laddi, Favia (Wells 1954) = Barrabattoia laddi 

laevicostata, Caryophyllia Moseley 1881 = C. atlantica [118] 

laevifundus, Stephanocyathus Cairns 1977 

laevigata, Cladocora Ehrenberg 1834 =? 

laevigata, Concentrotheca (Pourtalés 1871) 

laevigata, Cosmoporites Duchassaing & Michelotti 1864 = Porites 

laevigata, Errina Caims 1991 

laevigatus, Platvirochus Caims & Parker 1992 

laevigatus, Stylaster Cairns 1986 

laevigatus, Thecocyathus Pourtalés 1871 
= Concentrotheca laevigata [881] 

laevigranulosa, Distichopora Cairns 1986 

laevis, Acropora Crossland 1952 = A. intermedia (605). A. formosa/A 
microphthalma [792] 

laevis, Conopora (Studer 1878) 

laevis, Placotrochus Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 

laevis, Stylaster Studer 1878 = Conopora laevis 

lagreneii, Rhodaraea Milne Edwards & Haime 1851 =? China 
[506]. Papua New Guinea [710]. Singapore [92.710] 

lajollaensis, Astrangia Duncan 1947 = A. haimei (123) 

lamarcki, Agaricia Milne Edwards & Haime 1851 

lamarcki, Galaxea Milne Edwards & Haime 1851 = G. astreata [674] 

lamarcki. Leiopathes Haime 1849 = ? 

lamarckiana, Astrea Milne Edwards & Haime 1850 =? 

lamarckiana, Mycetophyllia Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 

lambertsi, Astreopora Moll & Best 1984 

lamellata, Cyclohelia Cairns 1991 

lamellifera, Caryophyllia Moseley 1881 

lamellina, Maeandra Hemprich & Ehrenberg 1834 = Plangyra 
lamellina [839] 

lamellina, Platvgyra (Ehrenberg 1834) 

lamellosa, Echinopora (Esper 1797) 


lamellosa. Madrepora Esper 1797 = Echinopora lamellosa (844) 

lamellosa. Reussia Duchussaing & Michelotti 1860 = \fadracis 
decactis [786.889] 

lamellosa. Stephanoseris Vertill 1865 = Hererocyathus aequicostatus 

lamellosus. Heterocvathus (Verrill 1865) = H. aequicostatus [356] 

lamellulosum, Flabellum Alcock 1902 

lamellulosum. Flabellum pavoninum var. Alcock 1902 = F- 

laminata, Turbinaria Bernard 1896 

lamprotichum, Desmophyllum Moseley 1880 = Javania lamprotichum 

lamprotichum. Javania (Moseley 1880) 

langi. Labyrinthocyathus Caims 1979 

lanuginosa, Montipora Bernard 1897 = \f. monasteriata [674] 

lanuginosa, Porites Studer 1901 =? United States: Hawaiian Is 

laperousiana, Astrea Milne Edwards & Haime 1850 = Montastrea 
curta [843] 

laperousiana. Galaxea (Milne Edwards & Haime 1848) = Montastrea 

laperousiana, Sarcinula Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 = Montastrea 

curta [843] 

Large Flower Coral 89 
Large Ivory Coral 82 
Larger Brain Coral 90 
Larger Star Coral 100 

laricides, Parantipathes van Pesch 1914 

larix. Antipathes Esper 1794 = Parantipathes larix 

Jarix, Parantipathes (Esper 1794) 

lata, Antipathes Silberfeld 1909 

lata, Pavonia Dana 1848 = Pavona decussata [674] 

lata, Pocillopora aspera var. Verrill 1872 = P. ligulata 

latebrosa, Madrepora Ellis & Solander 1786 =? 

laterorifa, Errina Eguchi 1964 

laticollis, Coeloria Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 = Plangyra 
lamellina [839] 

laticollis, Favia ehrenbergi var. Klunzinger 1879 = F. ehrenbergi 

laticostata, Cyphastrea Nemenzo ? = C. serailia [768] 

laticostata, Endocyathopora Cairns 1989 

laticostata, Galaxea Nemenzo ? = G. astreata [768] 

latifolia. Millepora Boschma 1948 

latifundata, Errinopora Naumov 1960 

latistella. Acropora (Brook 1892) 

latistella, Madrepora Brook 1892 = Acropora latistella [637c} 

latistella, Pavonia Dana 1848 = ? 

latistellata, Moseleya Quelch 1884 

latistellata, Porites Quelch 1886 

latum, Flabellum Studer 1878 = Monomyces rubrum [116] 

latum, Flabellum pavoninum var. Studer 1878 
= Monomyces rubrum [116] 

lauensis, Galaxea Hoffmeister 1945 

lawisiana, Galaxea Nemenzo 1959 = G. fascicularis [768] 

lawtoni, Blastomussa Nemenzo 1988 = Phyllangia papuensis {126a] 

laxa, Ctenella Matthai 1928 

laxa, Euphyllia Gravier 1910 = E. glabrescens [168] 

laxa, Favia (Klunzinger 1879) 

laxa, Goniastrea (Klunzinger 1879) = Favia laxa [674] 

laxa, Goniastrea Quelch 1886 = Favites pentagona 

laxa, Heteropora Hemprich & Ehrenberg 1834 =? 

laxa. Lophoseris (Klunzinger 1879) = Favia laxa 

laxa, Madrepora Lamarck 1816 =? Singapore [92.710] 

laxa, Maeandra Verrill 1901 =? Kiribati [786] 

laxa, Merulina Dana 1848 = M. ampliata/l Hydnophora rigida [674] 

laxa, Mussa harttii var. Verrill 1901 = M. harttii 

laxa, Orbicella K\unzinger 1879 = Favia laxa [839] 

laxa. Pavonia Klunzinger 1879 =? Tanzania [470] 

laxa, Pectinia Nemenzo 1983 

laxa, Plerogyra Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 = P. sinuosa [151] 

laxa, Plesiastrea (Klunzinger 1879) = Favia laxa 

laxifolia, Maeandra areolata var. Verrill 1901 = Manicina areolata 

laxus, Ceratotrochus Vaughan 1907 

Jaxus, Paracyathus Pourtalés 1880 

laysanensis, Balanophyllia Vaughan 1907 

laysanensis, Pocillopora cespitosa var. Vaughan 1907 =? 

Leaf Coral ] 

Leiopathes (Gray 1842) 4 

lelandi. Trachyphyvllia Nemenzo ? = T. geoffroyi [768] 

leloupi, Seriatopora Thiel 1932 =? Indonesia [728] 

lens, Deltocyathus Alcock 1902 = [Peponocyathus australiensis 
116}/Deltocvathoides orientalis (126a] 

lens, Peponocyathus (Alcock 1902) = P. australiensis [116] 

lenta, Antipathes Pourtales 1871 

lenta. Leiopathes (Pourtalés 1871) = Antipathes lenta 

lentipinna, Antipathes Brook 1889 

leopoldi, Seriatopora Thiel 1932 =? Indonesia [728] 

Lepidocyathus Brook 1893 = Acropora 

Lepidopora Pourtales 1871 151 

Lepidotheca Cairns 1983 

Leptastrea Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 103 

leptochila, Maeandra (Platygyra) labyrinthica var. Ehrenberg 1834 = 
Planygyra daedalea 

leptoclados, Madrepora variabilis Kiunzinger 1879 = Acropora valida 

leptocyathus, Acropora (Brook 1891) = 4. humilis [430] 

leptocyathus, Madrepora Brook 1891 = Acropora humilis 

Leptopenus Moseley 1881 69 

leptophylla. Cryptabacia (Ehrenberg 1834) = Polphyllia talpina 

leptophylla, Favia Verrill 1868 

leptophylla, Polyphyllia Ehrenberg 1834 = P. talpina [354] 

bo tan 

Leptopsammia Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 142 
Leptoria Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 104 
Leptoseris Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 64 

Leptosmilia Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 = Euphyllia [484] 

leptostoma, Madrepora Hemprich & Ehrenberg 1834 = Astreopora 

leptostyla, Allopora moseleyana forma Fisher 1938 = Snlaster 

leptoticha, Coeloria Kiunzinger 1879 = Plan-gyra lamellina [839] 

Lesser Knob Coral 

lessoni, Mycedium Duchassaing & Michelotti 1860 = Agaricia 
agaricites [889] 

lessonii, Flabellum Michelin 1842 = Tropidocyathus lessonii {116} 

lessonii, Tropidocyathus (Michelin 1842) 

Letepsammia Yabe & Eguchi 1932 

levicollis, Agaricia Dana 1848 = Pachyseris speciosa 

levicollis, Pachyseris (Dana 1848) = P. speciosa [674] 

levicollis, Undaria (Dana 1848) = Pachyseris speciosa 

levidensis, Monomyces (Gardiner 1899) = Rhizotrochus levidensis [116] 

levidensis, Rhizotrochus Gardiner 1899 

levis, Coelogyra Nemenzo 1959 = ?Oulophyllia crispata [768] 

levis, Craterastrea Head 1983 = Leptoseris foliosa |766} 

levis, Montipora Quelch 1886 = M. digitata [674] 

levis, Porites Dana 1848 = P. cylindrica [674] 

levistei. Lithophyllon Nemenzo 197] = ?L. undulatum [354] 

leytensis, Simplastrea Nemenzo 1979 = Plesiastrea versipora [768] 

lianae, Acropora Nemenzo 1967 

libera, Montipora Bernard 1897 = ?M. turgescens [807] 

librata, Acropora Nemenzo 1967 = A. millepora [768] 

lichen, Goniopora (Dana 1848) = Porites lichen 

lichen, Madrepora Ellis & Solander 1786 =? 

lichen, Manopora Dana 1848 = Montipora lichen 

lichen, Montipora (Dana 1848) 

lichen, Porites Dana 1848 

lichenoides, Millepora Linnaeus 1758 = ? 

lichenoides, Turbinaria Bernard 1896 =? Australia 

lichtensteini, ? Milne Edwards & Haime 1851 = Physogyra lichtensteini 

lichtensteini, Physogyra (Milne Edwards & Haime 1851) 

lifuensis, Paracyathus Gardiner 1899 =? Maldives [270]. New 
Caledonia [266] 

ligulata, Pocillopora Dana 1848 

lilacea. Pavona (Klunzinger 1879) = Siderastrea savignyana 



lilacea, Siderastrea K\unzinger 1879 = S. savignvana [371.674] 

lili, Plestastrea Wells 1954 

lilliei. Antipathes Totton 1923 = Parannpathes lilliei 

lilliei, Gardineria Gardiner 1929 =? South Georgia [274] 

lilliei. Paranupathes (Totton 1923) 

lima, Agaricia Lamarck 1816 =? Philippines [621] 

lima. Montipora (Lamarck 1816) =? 

limacina, Fungia Lamarck 1801 = Halomitra pileus 

limacinus. Herpetolithus (Lamarck 1801) = Herpetolitha limax 
[784]/Halomura pileus 

limanilus. Ceratotrochus Squires 1964 = Labyrinthocyathus limatulus 

limatulus, Labyrinthocyathus (Squires 1964) 

limax. Herpolitha (Esper 1797) 

limax, Madrepora Esper 1797 = Herpolitha limax [354] 

limitata, Madrepora Ellis & Solander 1786 =? 

limitata. Montipora (Ellis & Solander 1786) =? 

limosa, Porites Dana 1848 

lineata, Millepora Linnaeus 1758 = Seriatopora lineata (807) 

lineata, Seriatopora 

linnaei. Fungia Milne Edwards & Haime 1851 = F. repanda [354] 

lissispina, Cirripathes variabilis var. van Pesch 1914 = Cirrhipathes 

lissispinaminor. Cirrhipathes variabilis var. van Pesch 1914 = C. 

listeri, Acropora (Brook 1893) 

listeri, Astreopora Bernard 1896 

listeri, Madrepora Brook 1893 = Acropora listeri 

listeri, Montipora Bernard 1897 =? Tonga [28] 

litae, Echinopora Nemenzo & Montecillo 1981 = E. lamellosa [768] 

Lithactinia Lesson 1831 =? 

Litharea Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 = Goniopora 

Lithodendron Schweigger 1819 = Mussa [803a] 

Lithomyces Philippi 1887 = Flabellum [116] 

Lithophyllia Milne Edwards & Haime 1857 = Scolymia 

Lithophyllon Rehberg 1892 75 

littoralis, Neoporites Duchassaing & Michelotti 1864 = Porites 
astreoides [889] 

livida, Distichopora Tenison-Woods 1880 

lizardensis, Favia Veron. Pichon & Wijsman-Best 1977 

Lobactis Verrill 1864 = Fungia 

lobata, Astraea (Milne Edwards & Haime 1848) =? Tuvalu [265] 

lobata. Favia Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 =? Mauritius [557] 

lobata, Goniopora Milne Edwards & Haime 1851 

lobata, Hydnophora (Lamarck 1816) = H. exesa 

lobata, Lithophylion (van der Horst 1921) = L. undularum (354) 

lobata, Monticularia Lamarck 1816 = Hydnophora exesa [839] 

lobata, Parastrea Milne Edwards & Haime 1850 = Favia stelligera 

lobata, Podabacia van der Horst 1921 
= Lithophyllon undulatum [354] 

lobata, Porites Dana 1848 

lobata, Scapophyllia Studer 1881 = 2S. cylindrica [484] 

lobata, Stylophora Gardiner 1898 

lobatus, Coenocyathus Chevalier 1966 = C. cylindricus [881] 

Lobed Star Coral 109 

lobifera, Pocillopora Milne Edwards & Haime 1860 =? Fiji [261] 
Lobophyllia Blainville 1830 88 
lobulata, Fungia Ortmann 1889 = F. scruposa [354] 
lobulata, Fungia patella var. Kiunzinger 1879 = F. fungites 
lobulata, Montipora Bernard 1897 

Lochmaeotrochus Alcock 1902 121 
loculata, Pavonia crassa var. Dana 1848 = Pavona decussata 
loisetteae, Acropora Wallace 1994 

lokani, Acropora Wallace 1994 

lonchitis, Stvlaster Broch 1947 

longibrachiata, Antipathes van Pesch 1914 

longicyathus, Acropora (Milne Edwards & Haime 1860) 

longicvathus, Madrepora Milne Edwards & Haime 1860 = Acropora 

longispina, Cirripathes variabilis var. van Pesch 1914 = Cirrhipathes 

longispina, Stichopathes Forster Cooper 1909 

longispina, Trochocyathus Cairns & Zibrowius 1997 

longissima, Galaxea (Milne Edwards & Haime 1849) =? Djibouti 

longissima. Sarcinula Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 = ? 

lonsdaleia, Antillia Duncan 1863 = Trachyphyilia geoffroyi [484] 

lonsdaleia, Antillophyllia (Duncan 1863) = Trachyphyllia geoffrovi 

Lophelia Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 

Lophohelia Milne Edwards & Haime 1857 = Lophelia 

Lophoseris Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 = Pavona 

Lophosmilia Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 = Oxsmilia 

lordhowensis, Acanthastrea Veron & Pichon 1982 

loricata, Acropora Nemenzo 1967 = A. latistella [768] 

loripes. Acropora (Brook 1892) 

loripes, Madrepora Brook 1892 = Acropora loripes 

louwinae, Halomitra van der Horst 1921 = H. pileus [354.768] 

lovelli, Acropora Veron & Wallace 1984 

lowei, Infertolabiata Caims 1983 

lowekeyesei. Flabellum Squires & Ralph 1965 

loyae, Blastomussa Head 1978 

lutea, Porites Quoy & Gaimard 1833 

lutea, Porites conglomerata var. Quoy & Gaimard 1833 = P. lutea 

luteus, Astroites Quoy & Gaimard 1827 =? 

lutkeni, Acropora Crossland 1952 

lutkeni, Cirrhipathes (Brook 1889) = Stichopathes lutkeni 

lutkeni, Stichopathes Brook 1889 

luzonica, Acropora Verrill 1902 = A. aspera [792] 

lylei, Favia Nemenzo 1984 

‘ymani, Dasmosmilia (Pourtalés 1871) 

lymani, Parasmilia Pourtalés 1871 = Dasmosmilia lymani 

lyra, Bathypathes Brook 1889 


mabahithi, Caryophyllia Gardiner & Waugh 1938 

macandrewi, Flabellum Gray 1849 

macassarensis, Indophyllia Best & Hoeksema 1987 

macrocalyx, Madracis kauiensis var. Vaughan 1907 = M. kauiensis 

macrocephala, Porites Duchassaing & Michelotti 1864 =? 

macrodentata, Astrangia Thiel 1940 

macrogastra, Errina Marenzeller 1904 

macropora, Lepidotheca Cairns 1986 

macrospina, Sibopathes Opresko 1993 

macrostoma, Acropora (Brook 1891) = A. tenuis [674] 

macrostoma, Astreopora Veron & Wallace 1984 

macrostoma, Madrepora Brook 1891 = Acropora tenuis [792] 

mactanensis, Montipora Nemenzo 1979 

maculata, Caryophyllia (Pourtalés 1874) = Rhizosmilia maculata 

maculata, Rhizosmilia (Pourtalés 1874) 

maculatus, Bathycyathus Pourtalés 1874 = Rhizosmilia maculata 

maculatus. Trochocyathus Caims 1995 

madagascariensis, Fungia Vaughan 1906 = F. scruposa [354] 

maderensis, Allopora Johnson 1862 = Stenohelia maderensis 

maderensis, Stenohelia (Johnson 1862) 

Madracis Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 Si 

Madrepora Linnaeus 1758 81 

Madrepora auct. = Acropora 

Maeandra Oken 1815 = Meandrina 

Maeandridae Verrill 1901 = Meandrinidae 

maeandrina, Astraea Hemprich & Ehrenberg 1834 = Coscinastrea 
monile [371] 

maeandrina, Coscinaraea (Hemprich & Ehrenberg 1834) = 
Coscinastrea monile [371] 

maeandrina, Madrepora Hemprich & Ehrenberg 1834 = Montipora 
danae [674] 

maeandrina. Montipora (Hemprich & Ehrenberg 1834) = Montipora 
danae [674] 

maeandrites. Ctenophyilia (Linnaeus 1758) = Meandrina maeandrites 

maeandrites, Madrepora Linnaeus 1758 = \feandrina maeandrites 

maeanarites. \Meandrina (Linnaeus 1758) 

magna, Alveopora japonica var. Eguchi 1973 = 4. japonica 

magna, Coeloria Gardiner 1904 = ?Oulophyllia aspera [484] 

magna, Cylicia Tenison-Woods 1878 = Scolymia australis 

magna, Echinopora Gardiner 1904 = Echinophyllia aspera (603) 

magna, Turbinaria Bernard 1896 = T. frondens (674) 

magnaghii. Ceratorrochus Cecchini 1914 

magnaghii. Conotrochus (Cecchini 1914) = Ceratotrochus magnaghii 

magnifica. Acropora Nemenzo ? 

magnifica, Astraea Blainville 1830 = Favites abdita [839] 

magnifica, Astraea Dana 1848 = Goniastrea spectabilis [839] 

magnifica. Prionastrea (Blainville 1830) = Favites abdita [839] 

magnificum. Flabellum Marenzeller 1904 

magnificus. Deltocyathus Moseley 1876 

magnistellata, Montastraea Chevalier 1972 

magnostellata, Prionastrea Milne Edwards & Haime 1850 = Favites 
virens [839] 

mai, Heterocyvathus Cheng 1971 = H. alternatus [356] 

major, Conopora Hickson & England 1905 

malaccensis, Balanophyllia Kent 1871 =? Malaysia [399]. Singapore 

malaccensis, Goniopora Briiggemann 1878 = ? Singapore 
[92.617.710]. Thailand [701] 

malampaya. Montipora Nemenzo 1967 

maldivensis, Antillia constricta var. Gardiner 1904 = Trachyphyllia 
geoffrovi [484] 

maldivensis, Cyphastrea Gardiner 1904 =? 

maldivensis, Hydnophora Gardiner 1904 = H. exesa [839] 

maldivensis, Montipora Pillai & Scheer 1976 

maldivensis. Pavona (Gardiner 1905) 

maldivensis, Siderastrea Gardiner 1905 = Pavona maldivensis 

maldivensis, Stephanocoenia Gardiner 1904 
= Favites pentagona [839] 

maldivensis, Stichopathes Forster Cooper 1904 =? 

malouinensis, Balanophyllia Squires 1961 

mamillata, Stvlophora Scheer & Pillai 1983 

mammifera, Montipora Bernard 1897 = M. tuberculosa [674] 

mammiformis, Echinopora (Nemenzo 1959) 

mammiformis, Leptastrea Nemenzo 1959 = Echinopora mammiformis 

mammillaris, Madrepora Ellis & Solander 1786 = Oculina banksi 

mamumillata, Madrepora calamaria var. Brook 1893 = Acropora 

mamumillata, Montipora Bernard 1897 =? Australia [28] 

mammillosa, Orbicella Kiunzinger 1879 = Echinopora gemmacea 

mamamillosa, Plesiastrea (Klunzinger 1879) = P. versipora [674] 

mammosa, Diploria (Dana 1848) = D. clivosa 

mammosa, Meandrina Dana 1848 = Diploria clivosa [122] 

manautliensis, Montipora Pillai 1969 

mancaoi, Mycedium Nemenzo 1979 

mangarevensis, Acropora Vaughan 1906 = A. clathrata [775] 

manicina, Tridacophyllia Dana 1848 =? Solomon Islands [497.501]. 
Singapore [776], Tanzania [470] 

Manicina Hemprich & Ehrenberg 1834 

mannarensis, Porites Pillai 1969 

manni, Acropora (Quelch 1886) = A. aspera [768.792] 

manni, Coenopsammia Verrill 1866 = Tubastraea coccinea 

manni, Dendrophyllia (Verrill 1866) = Tubastraea coccinea 

manni, Madrepora Quelch 1886 = Acropora aspera [792] 

Manopora Dana 1848 = Montipora 

mantonae, Goniastrea Crossland 1952 = G. spectabilis [839\/G. 

mantonae, Turbinaria Crossland 1952 

manuelensis, Rhizopsammia Chevalier 1966 


marchadi. Asterosmilia (Chevalier 1966) 

marchadi, Dasmosmilia Chevalier 1966 
= Asterosmilia marchadi [881] 

marcus. Flabellum Keller 1974 

marenzelleri, Bathyactis Vaughan 1906 = Fungiacvathus marenzelleri 

marenzelleri, Enallopsammia Zibrowius 1973 p. p. = E. pusilla 

marenzelleri, Flabellum Cairns 1989 

marenzelleri. Fungiacyathus (Vaughan 1906) 

marenzelleri, Montipora Bernard 1897 =? Australia [28] 

marenzelleri, Stylaster Cairns 1986 

margaretae, Fungiacyathus Caims 1995 

margaritata, ? Jourdan 1895 = }aughanella margaritata 

margaritata, Vaughanella (Jourdan 1895) 

margariticola. Lithophyllia (Klunzinger 1879) = Cvnarina lacrvmalis 

margariticola, Sclerophyllia Kiunzinger 1879 = Cynarina lacrymalis 

marginata, Cycloseris (Boschma 1923) = Fungia costulata/ F. 
tenuis [354] 

marginata, Fungia Boschma 1923 = F. costulata/F. tenuis [354] 

marginata, Symphyllia Duchassaing & Michelotti 1860 = /sophyilia 
sinuosa [889] 

marigondoni, Polycyathus Verheij & Best 1987 

marionensis. Alveopora Veron & Pichon 1982 

maritima, Barabattoia (Nemenzo 1971) = Favia maritima 

maritima, Favia Nemenzo 1971 

marmorea, Caryophyllia Cairns 1984 

marmorea, Turbinaria Rehberg 1892 

maroccanus, Stylaster Zibrowius & Cairns 1992 

marshae, Coscinastrea Wells 1962 

marshae. Stylaster Caims 1988 

marshallensis, Montipora Wells 1954 

martensii, Flabellum Studer 1878 = Truncatoflabellum martensii 

martensii, Truncatoflabellum (Studer 1878) 

mascarina, Errina aspera Boschma 1965 = E. aspera 

massawensis, Acropora Marenzeller 1906 = 4. granulosa [674] 

matricidum, Flabellum Kent 1871 = Aulocyathus matricidus [123] 

matricidus, Aulocyathus (Kent 1871) 

matthai, Anacropora Pillai 1973 

matthaii, Favia Vaughan 1918 

matthaii, Porites Wells 1954 

mauiensis, Balanophyllia diomedeae var. Vaughan 1907 = B. 

mauiensis, Paracyathus Vaughan 1907 = Trochocyathus mauiensis 

mauiensis, Trochocyathus (Vaughan 1907) 

mauritiana, Pocillopora Briiggemann 1878 

mauritiensis, Goniopora (Bemard 1903) =? Mauritius [242]. Réunion 

mauritiensis, Porites Berard 1905 = ? British Indian Ocean Territory 
[674]. Maldives. Mauritius [242.674] 

maxima, Acanthastrea Sheppard & Salm 1988 

maxima, Echinophyllia Moll & Best 1984 

maxima, Favia Veron, Pichon & Wijsman-Best 1977 

maxima, Turbinaria Ortmann 1888 = T. peltata 

maxima, Ulophyllia Rehberg 1892 = Oulophyllia crispa [484] 

mayeri, Coeloseris Vaughan 1918 

mayeri, Porites Vaughan 1918 

mayori, Hydnophora Hoffmeister 1925 = H. rigida [839] 

mayori, Manicina (Wells 1936) = M. areolata [102] 

mayori, Podasteria Wells 1936 = Manicina areolata [889] 

mcneilli, Coscinastrea Wells 1962 

meandrina, Euphyllia Dana 1848 = E. fimbriata [754.784] 

meandrina, Monticularia Lamarck 1816 = Hydnophora exesa [839] 

meandrina, Pocillopora Dana 1848 

Meandrina Lamarck 1801 

Meandrinidae Gray 1847 

medioatlantica, Crypthelia Zibrowius & Cairns 1992 

mediterranea, Antipathes Brook 1889 

mediterraneus, Polycyathus Best 1968 = P. muellerae [881] 

mediterraneus, Trochocyathus Zibrowius 1980 



melancholica. Antipathes Duchassaing 1870 = ? 

melicerum. Astraea Ehrenberg 1834 = Favites melicerum [839] 
melicerum. Favites (Ehrenberg 1834) 

melicerwm. Prionastraea (Ehrenberg 1834) = Favites melicerum 
memorialis. Goreaugyra Wells 1974 = Meandrina meandrites [889] 
memorialis. Meandrina (Wells 1974) = M. meandrites 
mercatoris, Astrangia Thiel 1932? =? 

merguiensis, Balanophyllia Duncan 1889 

merguiensis, Paracyathus Duncan 1889 

meridiana, Acropora Nemenzo ? = 4. brueggenianni [768] 
meridionalis. Trochocvathus Duncan 1870 

merleti, Bantamia Wells 1961 = Blastomussa merleti [817] 

merleti. Blastomussa (Wells 1961) 
Merulina Ehrenberg 1834 9) 
Merulinidae Vermill 1866 91 

mesenterina, Explanaria Lamarck 1816 = Turbinaria mesenterina 
mesenterina. Turbinaria (Lamarck 1816) 
messum. Flabellum Alcock 1902 

milleri. Stvlaster Durham 1942 

miltont. Oulangia stokesiana var. Yabe & Eguchi 1932 = O. stokesiana 

mimosella, Antipathes Lamarck 1815 = 4. ulex 

miniata, Allopora Pourtalés 1868 = Snlaster miniatus [110] 

miniatus. Srlaster (Pourtales 1868) 

minicoiensis, Porites Pillai 1969 

minikoiensis. Agaricia Yabe. Sugiyama & Eguchi 1936 = Leptoseris 
mycetoseroides [185] 

minikoiensis, Agaricia ponderosa var. Gardiner 1905 = 
Gardineroseris planulata 

minikoiensis. Agariciella (Gardiner 1905) = Leptoseris mycetoseroides 

minikoiensis, Orbicella Gardiner 1904 = Diploastrea heliopora 

minima, Madrepora Quelch 1886 =? Vanuatu [621] 

minima, Stenohelia (Hickson & England 1905) 

minimus, Cylindrophyllia (Yabe & Eguchi 1937) = Peponocyathus 
minimus [126a] 

messum, Flabellum laciniatum var. Alcock 1902 = Flabellum messum minimus. Discotrochus Yabe & Eguchi 1937 = Peponocyathus minimus 


Metastraea Milne Edwards & Haime 1857 = Favites 

meteorensis, Stylaster erubescens Zibrowius & Cairns 1992 = S. 

mexicana, Cycloseris Durham 1947 = Fungia distorta [354] 

mexicana, Madrepora Rehberg 1892 = Acropora palmata 

micans, Soienastrea Duchassaing & Michelotti 1860 =? Virgin 
Islands of thew United States [196] 

mickelini, Neoporites Duchassaing & Michelotti 1864 = Porites 
astreoides [889] 

michelini, Prionastrea Milne Edwards & Haime 1850 = ? 

michelinii, Astrangia Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 
= A. poculata [582] 

michelinii, Heteropsammia Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 
= H. cochlea [356.674] 

michelinii, Stephanocoenia Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 = S. 

Micrabaciidae Vaughan 1905 

micrantha, Tubastraea (Ehrenberg 1834) 

micranthus, Dendrophyllia (Ehrenberg 1834) = Tubastraea micrantha 

micranthus, Enallopsammia (Ehrenberg 1834) = Tubastraea micrantha 

micranthus, Oculina Ehrenberg 1834 = Tubastraea micrantha 

microcardia, Leptopsammia Déderlein 1913 = L. privoti [880c] 

microclados. Acropora (Ehrenberg 1834) 

microclados, Heteropora Ehrenberg 1834 = Acropora microclados 

microconos, Hydnophora (Lamarck 1816) 

microconos, Monticularia Lamarck 1816 = Hydnophora microconos 

microcyathus, Madrepora Klunzinger 1879 = Acropora pharaonis 

Microcyathus Déderlein 1913 = Hoplangia 

microphthalma, Acropora (Verrill 1869) 

microphthalma, Astrea Lamarck 1816 = Cyphastrea microphthalma 

microphthalma, Cyphastrea (Lamarck 1816) 

microphthalma, Madrepora Verrill 1869 = Acropora microphthalma 

micropoma, Crypthelia Caims 1985 

micropoma, Sporadopora Caims 199} 

microstoma, Acanthastraea hirsuta var. Gardiner 1904 = Favia 
hemprichii [728] 

microstoma, Turbinaria Ehrenberg 1834 =? 

microstriatus, Stylaster Broch 1936 

microstylus, Lepidopora Caims 1991 

Microtrochus Tenison-Woods 1880 = ?Placotrochus [116] 

milesii, Distichopora Quelch 1884 = D. gracilis [105] 

millepora, Acropora (Ehrenberg 1834) 

millepora, Heteropora Ehrenberg 1834 = Acropora millepora [637c] 

millepora, Madrepora (Ehrenberg 1834) = Acropora millepora [792] 

millepora, Montipora Crossland 1952 

Millepora Linnaeus 1758 

Milleporidae Fleming 1828 



minimus. Kionotrochus (Yabe & Eguchi 1937) = Peponocyathus 
minimus [126a] 

minimus, Peponocyathus (Yabe & Eguchi 1937) 

minimus, Stylaster Hickson & England 1905 = Stenohelia minima 

minor, Antipathella Brook 1889 = Antipathes minor 

minor, Antipathes (Brook 1889) 

minor, Antipathes spinescens var. Brook 1889 = A. spinescens 

minor, Bathycyathus Duncan 1878 = ? 

minor, Gardineria Wells 1973 

minor. Goniopora Crossland 1952 

minor, Madrepora rambleri var. Brook 1893 = Acropora rambleri 

minor, Pavona (Briggemann 1879) 

minor, Pavonia Briggemann 1879 = Pavona minor 

minor, Stylaster yabei Eguchi 1941 = Stenohelia yabei 

minor, Tethocyathus (Gardiner 1899) 

minor, Thecocyathus Gardiner 1899 = Tethocyathus minor 

minus, Flabellum Duncan 1878 = F. alabastrum (881) 

minuscula, Dendrophyllia Bourne 1905 

minuta, Acanthastrea Moll & Best 1984 

minuta, Astrangia Duncan 1876 

minuta, Cyphastrea Nemenzo & Ferraris 1982 
=C. microphthalma [768] 

minuta, Montipora Bernard 1897 = ? Macclesfield Bank [28] 

minuta. Pavona Wells 1954 

minuta, Rhizopsammia van der Horst 1922 

minutiseptum, Madrepora Cairns & Zibrowius 1997 

minutus, Deltocyathus Gardiner & Waugh 1938 
= Peponocyathus australiensis [125] 

minutus, Peponocyathus (Gardiner & Waugh 1938) = P. australiensis 

miocenica, Amphihelia Seguenza 1864 = Amphelia atlantica 

mirabilis, Acropora (Quelch 1886) 

mirabilis, Barabattoia Yabe & Sugiyama 1941 

mirabilis. Madracis (Duchassaing & Michelotti 1860) 

mirabilis, Madracis decactis forma (Duchassaing & Michelotti 1860) = 
M. mirabilis 

mirabilis, Madrepora Quelch 1886 = Acropora mirabilis 

mirabilis, Porites Quelch 1886 =? Philippines [621]. Tuvalu [835] 

mirabilis, Stylophora Duchassaing & Michelotti 1860 = Madracis 

modesta, Barabattoia Nemenzo ? = B. amicorum [768] 

modumanensis, Pocillopora Vaughan 1907 = ?P. eydouxi [771] 

mokai, Lithophyllon Hoeksema 1989 

mollis, Montipora Bernard 1897 

mollis, Turbinaria Bernard 1896 

molokensis, Paracyathus Vaughan 1907 

molokensis, Pocillopora Vaughan 1907 

moluccensis, Fungia van der Horst 1919 

monasteriata, Madrepora Forskal 1775 = Montipora monasteriata 

monasteriata, Montipora (Forskal 1775) 


monile. Coscinastrea (Forskal 1775) 

monile. Madrepora Forskal 1773 = Coscinastrea monile [371] 

moniliformis. Millepora Dana 1848 = M. alcicornis [784] 

monilis, Paracyathus Duncan 1878 = Canop/nilia smithii [118] 

Monocarva Lonsdale 1850 = Parasmilia 

Monomyces Ehrenberg 1834 3 

Montastraea Blainville 1830 05 

montereyense, Flabellum Durham 1947 = Polymyces monterevensis 

montereyensis, Paracyathus Durham 1947 

monterevensis. Polymyces (Durham 1947) 

Monticularia Lamarck 1816 = Hydnophora 

monticulosa. Acropora (Briggemann 1879) 

monticulosa. Madrepora Briggemann 1879 = Acropora monticulosa 

monticulosa. Undaria Verrill 1866 = Pachyseris rugosa 

monticulosa, Montipora Studer 1881 =? Singapore [710] 

monticulosa. Pachyseris (Verrill 1866) = P. rugosa [772] 

monticulosa, Porites Dana 1848 = P. rus [674] 

monticulosa, Svnaraea (Dana 1848) = Porites rus 

Montigyra Matthai 1928 

Montipora Blainville 1830 

mordax, Porites Dana 1848 





mutltiformis, Madrepora Ortmann 1889 = Acropora formosa 

multiformis, Montipora Bernard 1897 =? Australia [28]. New 
Caledonia [482] 

muttilamella, Lithophyllia Duchassaing & Michelotti 1864 = 
Isophvilia multiflora [484] 

muttilobata, Goniastrea Queich 1886 = G. pectinata [839] 

multilobata, Heteropsammia Moseley 1881 = H. cochlea/H. 
eupsammides [356] 

multilobata, Lobophyilia (Dana 1848) = L. hemprichii 

multilobata, Montipora Milne Edwards & Haime 1851 =? 
Seychelles [506]. Red Sea [506] 

multilobata, Mussa Dana 1848 = Lobophyllia hemprichii [772] 

muttilobatus, Thrypticotrochus Cairns 1989 

mulupalifera, Vaughanella Caims 1995 

multipapillosa. Montipora Nemenzo 1983 

multiplex, Stvlaster Hickson & England 1905 

multipunctata. Montastraea Hodgson 1985 

multiramosa, Acropora Nemenzo 1967 = A. austera [768] 

multiseptata, Caulastrea Y abe & Sugiyama 1931 = C. tumida [871] 

multispinosum. Truncatoflabellum Caims in Caims & Keller 1993 

muricata, ? Lamarck ? = ? 

muricata, Acropora (Lamarck ?) =? Mauritius [242.674] 

muricata, Madrepora Ellis & Solander 1786 = ?.4cropora danai [806] 

mordax, Sideropora Dana 1848 = Stylophora mordax [784\/Snlophora muricata, Millepora Linnaeus 1758 pro parte = ? Acropora palmata 

pistillata (771) 
mordax, Stvlophora (Dana 1848) 
moresbyi. Amphihelia Alcock 1898 = Madrepora oculata [125] 
moretonensis. Astreopora Veron & Wallace 1984 
moretonensis. Heteropsammia Wells 1964 = H. cochlea [356] 
mortenseni, Alveopora Crossland 1952 = 4. allingi [674] 
mortenseni. Sporadopora Broch 1942 
mortenseni, Truncatoflabellum Cairns & Zibrowius 1997 
mortensi, Flabellum Studer 1878 =? 
mortoni. Diaseris Tenison-Woods 1881 = Fungia sinensis/Fungia 
cyclolites [354] 
Moseleya Quelch 1884 106 
moseleyana, Allopora Fisher 1938 = Stvlaster moseleyanus 
moseleyanus. Stephanocyathus Sclater 1886 
moseleyanus, Stylaster (Fisher 1938) 
moseleyi, Adelopora Caims 1991 
moseleyi, Allopora Dall 1884 = Stylaster verrillii 
moseleyi, Cladocora Faustino 1927 = Colangia moseleyi [126a] 
moseleyi, Colangia (Faustino 1927) 
moseleyi, Cryptohelia Hickson & England 1905 
= Crypthelia affinis [105] 
moseleyi, Deltocyathus Caims 1979 
moseleyi, Errina Ridley 1881 = E. antarctica [59,105] 
moseleyi, Flabellum Pourtalés 1880 
moseleyi, Stylaster (Dall 1884) = S. verrillii [105] 
moseri, Eusthenotrochus Wells 1935 = Sphenotrochus gilchristi [125] 
mossambica, Acropora Riegl 1995 
motuporensis, Podabacia Veron 1990 
mouchezii, Coenocyathus Lacaze-Duthiers 1897 
= Phyllangia mouchezii (881) 
mouchezii, Phyllangia (Lacaze-Duthiers 1897) 
Mountainous Star Coral 
mucronata, Porites Milne Edwards & Haime 1860 
muellerae, ? Abel 1959 = Polycyathus muellerae 
muellerae, Polycyathus (Abel 1959) 
muellere, Cyphastrea Milne Edwards & Haime 1851 = C. 
microphthalma [744.844] 
mulleri, Lophoseris Milne Edwards & Haime 1851 =? 
multiacuta, Acropora Nemenzo 1967 
multicaulis, Acropora (Brook 1893) = A. valenciennesi [674] 
multicaulis, Madrepora Brook 1893 = Acropora valenciennesi 
multiflora, Isophyllia Verrill 1901 
multiflora, Isophyllia sinuosa forma Verrill 1901 = I. multiflora 
multifore, Flabellum Gardiner 1905 = ?Euphyllia fimbriata 
[484]/Catalaphyllia plicata [819] 
multiformis, Acropora (Ortmann 1889) = A. formosa [674] 


murrayensis, Acropora Vaughan 1918 = A. loripes [775\/A. squarrosa 

murrayensis, Porites Vaughan 1918 

murrayi, Deltocyathus Gardiner & Waugh 1938 

murrayi, Millepora Quelch 1884 

muscosa, Goniopora Wells 1954 

musculosa. Cirrhipathes van Pesch 1910 

Mushroom Coral 

musica, Tubipora Linnaeus 1758 

musicale, Anthophyllum (Linnaeus 1767) = Galaxea astreata 

musicalis, ? Linnaeus 1767 = Galaxea astreata 

musicalis, Galaxea (Linnaeus 1767) = G. astreata 

musicalis, Sarcinula (Linnaeus 1767) = Galaxea astreata 

musorstomica, Gardineria Cairns 1989 

Mussa Oken 1815 89 
Mussidae Ortmann 1890 85 
Mussismilia Ortmann 1890 89 
Mustard Hill Coral 37 

mutsuensis, Rhizopsammia minuta var. Yabe & Eguchi 1932 = R. 

Mycedia Dana 1848 = Agaricia 

Mycedium Oken 1815 

Mycetophyllia Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 

mycetoseroides. Leptoseris Wells 1954 

mycoides, Cycloseris Alcock 1893 = Fungia sinensis [354] 

myriaster, Axhelia Milne Edwards & Haime 1850 = Madracis myriaster 

myriaster, Madracis (Milne Edwards & Haime 1850) 

myriophthalma, Astrea Lamarck 1816 = Astreopora myriophthalma 

myriophthalma, Astreopora (Lamarck 1816) 

myriophthalma, Astreopora pulvinaria var. (Lamarck 1816) = 4. 

myriophthalma, Montipora Bernard 1897 = ? New Caledonia [28] 

myriophylla, Antipathes Pallas 1766 

myrmidonensis. Porites Veron 1985 


nana, Acropora (Studer 1878) 

nana, Cirrhipathes van Pesch 1910 

nana, Madrepora Studer 1878 = Acropora nana [637c] 
nana, Montipora Bernard 1897 =? Australia [28] 

nana, Porites conglomerata var. Lamarck 1816 = ?P. nodifera [406] 
nana, Stylophora Nemenzo 1964 = S. pistillata [277.661.768] 
nanneca, Errinopora Fisher 1938 

naomiae, Alveopora Nemenzo 1980 = A. verrilliana [768} 
Napopora Quelch 1884 = Porites 

nascornatus, Cyathotrochus (Gardiner & Waugh 1938) 
nascornatus, Deltocyathus (Gardiner & Waugh 1938) 


nascornatus, Fungiacyathus Gardiner & Waugh 1938 = 
Deltocvathus nascornatus 
nascornatus, Tropidocyathus Gardiner & Waugh 1938 
= Cyathotrochus nasocornatus 
nasuta, Acropora (Dana 1848) 
nasuta, Madrepora Dana 1848 = Acropora nasuta [637c] 
natalensis, Acropora Rieg| 1995 
natalensis, Cylicia tenella var. Duncan 1876 = Culicia tenella 
natans. ? Houttuyn 1772 = Colpophyilia natans 
natans. Colpophyilia (Houttuyn 1772) 
natans, Madrepora Esper 1791 =? 
nazensis, Phyllangia americana ssp. Chevalier 1966 = P. americana 
neapolitanus, Microcyathus Déderlein 1913 
= Hoplangia durorrix [881] 
Needle Coral 
neglecta, Acropora Verrill 1902 =? ?Singapore [788] 
neglecta, Astrangia Duchassaing & Michelotti 1860 = 4 solitaria 
neglecta, Stephanophyllia Boschma 1923 
negrensis, Galaxea Nemenzo 1980 = G. astreata [768] 
negrosensis, Porites Veron 1990 
Nemenzophyllia Hodgson & Ross 1982 = Plerogyra [761.768] 
Neohelia Moseley 1881 81 
Neoporites Duchassaing & Michelotti 1864 = Porites 
nidifera, Turbinaria Bernard 1896 =? Australia 
nierstraszi, Psammocora van der Horst 1921 
nigra, Goniopora Pillai 1969 = G. sauchburyi [674] 
nigra, Madrepora Brook 1892 = Acropora acuminata [806] 
nigrescens, Dendrophyllia Dana 1848 = Tubastraea micrantha [125] 
nigrescens, Porites Dana 1848 
niinoi, Crispatotrochus (Yabe & Eguchi 1942) 
nitnoi. Cyathoceras Yabe & Eguchi 1942 = Crispatotrochus niinoi 
niinoi. Monomyces (Yabe & Eguchi 1942) = Rhizotrochus tpus [123] 
niinoi. Rhizotrochus Yabe & Eguchi 1942 = R. typus [123] 
nilanduensis, Antipathes Forster Cooper 1904 
niphada, Rhombopsammia Owens 1986 
nishihirai, Echinophyllia Veron 1990 
nitens, Stephanotrochus Alcock 1891 
= Stephanocyathus crassus [881]/S. nobilis [125] 
nitida, Distichopora Verrill 1864 
nitida, Millepora Verrill 1868 
nitida, Siderastrea siderea var. Verrill 1901 = Siderastrea siderea 
nitida, Turbinaria Nemenzo ? = T. stellulata (768) 
nobile, Desmophyllum Verill 1885 = Javania cailleti {101} 
nobile, Flabellum Holdsworth 1862 = Monomyces rubrum [116] 
nobile, Javania (Verrill 1885) = J. cailleti 
nobilis, Acropora (Dana 1848) 
nobilis, Agaricia Verrill 1901 = Leptoseris cucullata [102] 
nobilis, Allopora Kent 1871 = Snlaster nobilis 
nobilis, Ceratotrochus Moseley 1876 = Stephanocyathus nobilis [125] 
nobilis, Leptoseris Ma 1959 = L. cucullata [185] 
nobilis, Madrepora Dana 1848 = Acropora nobilis 
nobilis, Mussa Dana 1848 = Symphyllia recta [484] 
nobilis, Pocillopora Verrill 1864 nom. nov. P. verrucosa Dana 1848 
= P. woodjonesi/P. meandrina [773] 
nobilis, Stephanocyathus (Moseley 1876) 
nobilis, Stylaster (Kent 1871) 
nobilis, Symphyllia (Dana 1848) = S. recta [674] 
nodifera, Porites Kiunzinger 1879 
nodosa, Manopora Dana 1848 = Montipora nodosa 
nodosa, Millepora alcicornis var. Esper 1790 = M. exaesa [44] 
nodosa, Montipora (Dana 1848) 
nodulosa, Cyphastraea Verrill 1901 
nodulosa, Madrepora Ellis & Solander 1786 = ? 
nodulosa. Montipora Nemenzo 1967 = M. malampaya [768] 
nodulosa, Porites Verrill 1869 = P. californica [375a] 
nodulosa, Porites lobata forma Hoffmeister 1925 = P. lobata 
nomaenis, Antillia Yabe & Sugiyama 1931 
= Cynarina lacrymalis (33.815) 


nomaensis, Podabacia elegans lobata forma Yabe & Sugiyama 1936 
= Lithophyllon undulatum 

nomlandi, Dendrosmilia Durham & Barnard 1952 = Lophelia 
pertusa [123] 

Nomlandia Durham & Barnard 1952 

norfolkensis. Goniopora Veron & Pichon 1982 

norfolkensis. Polycyathus Caims 1995 

norvegica. Allopora (Gunnerus 1768) = Snlaster norvegicus 

nonegica. Millepora Gunnerus 1768 = Snvaster norvegicus 

norvegicus. Sn'laster (Gunnerus 1768) 

Notocyathus Tenison-Woods 1880 

Notophyllia Dennant 1899 

Nototrochus Duncan 1885 = Notocyathus [116] 

nouhuysi, Balanophyllia van der Horst 1922 

noumeae, Cantharellus Hoeksema & Best 1984 

noumeae., Cycloseris (Hoeksema & Best 1984) = Cantharellus noumeae 

novaehiberniae, Lithactinia Lesson 1831 = Polyphyllia novaehiberniae 

novaehiberniae, Polyphyllia (Lesson 1831) 

novaezelandiae, Errina Hickson 1912 

nuda, Rhizopsammia van der Horst 1926 

nuda, Seriatopora Lamarck 1816 =? 

nudiceps, Manopora Dana 1848 = Montipora cristagalli (306.784) 

nutrix, Blastotrochus Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 

nutrix, Flabellum (Milne-Edwards & Haime 1848) = Blastotrochus 
nutrix [126a]} 




oahense, Endopachys Vaughan 1907 = E. grayi [827] 

oahensis, Dendrophyllia Vaughan 1907 = Eguchipsammia fistula 

oahensis. Fungia Déderlein 1901 = F. scutaria [354] 

oahensis, Trochocyathus Vaughan 1907 

oaxacensis, Astrangia Palmer 1928 

obliqua, Astrea Lamarck 1816 =? 

obliqua, Fungia fungites forma Thiel 1932 = F. fungites 

obliqua. Stenohelia (Studer 1878) = Conopora laevis 

obliquus. Conopora (Studer 1878) = C. laevis {105} 

obliquus, Stvlaster Studer 1878 = Conopora laevis 

oblita, Chypastrea Duchassaing & Michelotti 1860 =? Virgin Islands 
of the United States [196] 

oblitum, Desmophyllum Duchassaing & Michelotti 1864 =? 

oblongatus, Heterocyathus Rehberg 1892 = H. aequicostatus [356] 

obscura. Acropora (Brook 1893) = A. humilis [674] 

obscura, Madrepora Brook 1893 = Acropora humilis 

obtusa, Fungia patella var. Klunzinger 1879 = F. fungites 

obtusa, Goniastraea halicora var. Kiunzinger 1879 
= Favites halicora 

obtusa, Pavonia crassa var. Dana 1848 = Pavona decussata 

obtusangula, Pavonia Lamarck 1816 = Psammocora obtusangula 

obtusangula, Psammocora (Lamarck 1816) 

obtusata, Madrepora Klunzinger 1879 = Acropora hemprichii 

obtusata, Montipora Quelch 1886 =? Fiji [621] 

obtusata, Pavona (Quelch 1884) = P. venosa [674] 

obtusata, Pocillopora Gardiner 1897 = ? New Caledonia [261] 

obtusata. Polyastra (Quelch 1884) = Pavona venosa 

obtusata, Prionastrea Milne Edwards & Haime 1850 = Favites abdita 

obtusata, Tichoseris Quelch 1884 = Pavona venosa 

occidentalis, ? Gray ? = Stichopathes gracilis 

occidentalis, Stichopathes (Gray ?) = S. gracilis 

ocellata, Acropora (Klunzinger 1879) 

ocellata, Alveopora Wells 1954 

ocellata, Astreopora Bernard 1896 

ocellata, Madrepora Klunzinger 1879 = Acropora ocellata 

ocellata, Seriatopora Ehrenberg 1834 =? Philippines [621] 

ocellina, Astraea Dana 1848 = Cyphastrea ocellina [744.844] 

ocellina, Cyphastrea (Dana 1848) 

ocellina, Orbicella (Dana 1848) = Cyphastrea ocellina [784] 

ochracea, Allopora Quelch 1884 = Stlaster nobilis 

ochracea, Distichopora Quelch 1885 = D. nitida [105] 


ochraceus. Srlaster (Quelch 1884) = S. nobilis [105] 

octoformis, Alveopora Milne Edwards & Haime 1851 =? Indonesia 
[506]. Mauritius [242.674] 

octonaria, Caryophyllia Cairns & Zibrowius 1997 

octopali, Caryophyllia Vaughan 1907 

octoptera, Seriatopora Hemprich & Ehrenberg 1834 = S. caliendrum 

oculata, Amphelia (Linnaeus 1758) = Madrepora oculata [126a] 

oculata. Lophohelia?? =? 

oculata, Madrepora Linnaeus 1758 

oculata, Oculina Dana 1848 =? W. Indies [173a] 

oculeus, Lochmaeotrochus Alcock 1902 

oculina. Allopora Ehrenberg 1834 =? United Kingdom [202] 

Oculina Lamarck 1816 82 
Oculinidae Gray 1847 79 
Odontocyathus Moseley 1881 122 

Odontocyathus Brook 1893 = Acropora 
okeni, Astraea (Milne Edwards & Haime 1857) = Favia speciosa 
okeni, Favia Milne Edwards & Haime 1857 = F. speciosa [839] 

okeni, Mycedium Milne Edwards & Haime 1851 =? Myanmar [483] Oxysmilia Duchassaing 1870 

okinawensis. Catalaphyllia Eguchi & Shirai 1977 

okinawensis, Porites Veron 1990 

oldhami., Stephanotrochus Alcock 1894 = Stephanocyathus nobilis 

oldroydi. Dendrophyllia Oldroyd 1924 

oligocyathus. Acropora (Brook 1892) 

oligocyathus, Madrepora Brook 1892 = Acropora oligocyathus 

ongulense. Flabellum Eguchi 1965 

opulens, Sabinotrochus Gravier 1915 =? 

Orange Tube Coral 

Orbicella Dana 1848 = Montastrea 

Orbicellidae Verrill 1901 = Faviidae 

orbicularis. Acropora (Brook 1892) = A. clathrata [674] 

orbicularis, Madrepora Brook 1892 = Acropora clathrata 

orbicularis, Turbinaria Bernard 1896 

orbipora, Madrepora Dana? =? 

ordinata, Astraea Verrill 1866 = Favia pallida [839} 

Organ-pipe Coral 

organu, Madrepora Linnaeus 1758 = ? 

organum. Madrepora Forskal 1775 = ?Galaxea fascicularis (166) 

organum, Sarcinula Lamarck 1816 =? Red Sea [427] 

orichalcea, Antipathes Pallas 1766 =? 

orientalis, Antillia Gerth 1921 = Trachyphyllia geoffroyi [33] 

orientalis, Deltocyathoides (Duncan 1876) 

orientalis, Deltocyathus Duncan 1876 
= Peponocyathus australiensis [123]/Deltocyathoides orientalis 

orientalis, Lepivalifer Vaughan 1900 = Deltocyathus vaughani (123] 

orientalis, Madrepora Brook 1893 = ? Federated States of Micronesia 
(87). Fiji [87] 

orientalis, Montipora Nemenzo 1957 

orientalis, Notocyathus (Duncan 1876) 
= Peponocyathus australiensis (116) /Deltocyathoides orientalis 

orientalis, Paradeltocyathus (Duncan 1876) 
= Peponocyathus australiensis [116] /Deltocyathoides orientalis 

orientalis, Peponocyathus (Duncan 1876) = P. australiensis [116] 
/Deltocyathoides orientalis {126a] 

orientalis, Peponocyathus Yabe & Eguchi 1932 = P. folliculus (123] 

orion, Astraea Dana 1848 =? Sri Lanka [173a] 

orion, Orbicella (Dana 1848) =? Tuvalu [265] 

ornata, Amphelia (Duncan 1870) 

ornata, Amphihelia Duncan 1870 = Amphelia ornata 

ornata, Madrepora Brook 1891 =? Australia [85] 

ornata, Systemopora Caims 1991 

ornatus, Ceratocyathus Seguenza 1864 =? United Kingdom [202] 

ornatus, Deltocyathus Gardiner 1899 

orpheensis. Echinophyllia Veron & Pichon 1980 = Echinophyllia 
tosaensis [354b] 



ortmanni. Madrepora Brook 1893 =? Australia [87]. Federated States 
of Micronesia [87] 

Onzotrochus Wells 1959 = Turbinolia [123b] 

osburni, Balanophyllia Durham & Barnard 1952 
= B_ galapagensis [118] 

ostreaeformis, Coscinaraea van der Horst 1922 
= Coscinastrea monile [674] 

otteri, Acropora Crossland 1952 = 4. diversa [792/A. secale 

Oulangia Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 78 
Oulastrea Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 106 
Oulophyllia Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 106 

ovalis, Astraeopora Bernard 1896 = 4. myriophthalma [429] 

ovalis. Rhodopsammia Semper 1877 = Balanophyllia cumingii [72] 

owenii, Flabellum Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 
= Truncatoflabellum stokesii {116} 

Oxpphyllia Yabe & Eguchi 1935 = Echinophyllia 

Oxypora kent 1871 

Oxyporidae Yabe & Eguchi 1935 = Pectiniidae 


pachychila, Maeandra (Platygyra) labyrinthica var. Ehrenberg 1834 = 
Planygyra daedalea 

pachyclados, Acropora variabilis var. Crossland 1952 = A. variabilis 
[792\/A. valida 

pachyclados, Madrepora variabilis forma Klunzinger 1879 = 
Acropora valida 

pachycyathus, Acropora Verrill 1902 =? 

pachyphylla, Crenophyilia (Ehrenberg 1834) = Meandrina maeandrites 

pachyphylla, Leptoria Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 =? 

pachyphylla, Manicina Ehrenberg 1834 = Meandrina maeandrites 

pachyphylla, Pectinia (Ehrenberg 1834) = Meandrina maeandrites 

pachypoma, Calyptopora (Hickson & England 1905) 
= Pseudocrypthelia pachypoma 

pachypoma, Cryptohelia Hickson & England 1905 
= Pseudocrypthelia pachypoma [15] 

pachypoma, Pseudocrypthelia 

Pachypsammia Verrill 1866 = Coenopsammia 

pachysepta, Lobophyllia Chevalier 1975 

Pachyseris Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 

pachytheca, Javania Caims 1995 

pacifica, ? Broch 1936 = Stylaster norvegicus 

pacifica, Acropora (Brook 1891) = A. robusta [792] 

pacifica, Allopora norvegica (Broch 1936) = Stylaster norvegicus [45] 

pacifica, Anthemiphyllia Vaughan 1907 

Pacifica, Astraea Verrill 1872 =? Wake I. [784] 

pacifica, Caryophyllia (Yabe & Eguchi 1932) = Dasmosmilia pacifica 

pacifica, Caryophyllia Keller 1981 = Carvophyllia atlantica [123a] 

pacifica, Cladocora Cairns 1991 

pacifica, Dasmosmilia (Yabe & Eguchi 1932) 

pacifica, Madrepora Brook 1891 = Acropora robusta [792] 

pacifica, Seriatopora Briiggemann 1877 =? Fiji [89] 

pacifica, Stylaster norvegicus forma (Broch 1936) = Splaster 
norvegicus [45] 

pacificus, Echinopora Veron 1990 

pacificus, Goniocyathus Yabe & Eguchi 1932 = Dasmosmilia pacifica 

paeonia, Pectinia (Dana 1848) 

paeonia, Tridacophyllia Dana 1848 = Pectinia paeonia 

pagoensis, Acropora Hoffmeister 1925 

palaoensis, Madracis Yabe & Sugiyama 1936 = Madracis asanoi 

palata, Lithophyllia Gardiner 1899 = Cynarina lacrymalis [815] 

Palauastrea Yabe & Sugiyama 1941 38 

palauensis, Favia Yabe & Sugiyama 1936 = Goniastrea palauensis 

palauensis, Favites (Yabe & Sugiyama 1936) = Goniastrea palauensis 

palauensis, Goniastrea (Yabe & Sugiyama 1936) 

Palauphyllia Yabe Sugiyama & Eguchi 1936 = Lobophyllia 


palawensis, Fungia actiniformis var. Déderlein 1902 = Heliofungia 
palifera. Astrangia Verrill 1869 = Polycvathus palifera 
palifera. Acropora (Lamarck 1816) 
palifera, Astrea Lamarck 1816 = 4cropora palifera 
palifera, Balanophyllia Pourtales 1878 
palifera, Bathyactis Alcock 1902 = Fungtacvathus paliferus {123] 
palifera, Madrepora (Lamarck 1816) = Acropora palifera [637c] 
palifera, Polycvathus (Verrill 1869) 
palifera. Turbinaria (Dana 1848) =? Fiji 
paliferus, Fungiacyathus (Alcock 1902) 
paliferus, Stephanocyathus Cairns 1977 
palita, Dendrophvilia Squires & Keyes 1967 = D. alcocki [880] 
pallaryi, Hoplangia Joubin 1930 = Cladocora cespitosa (881) 
pallens, Oculina Ehrenberg 1834 = O. diffusa [122 
pallida, Astraea Dana 1848 = Favia pallida (839)/Favia rotumana 
pallida, Favia (Dana 1848) 
pallida, Madrepora Klunzinger 1879 = Acropora humilis 
pallida, Montipora Bernard 1897 =? 
pallida, Phyllangia Klunzinger 1879 = Polycvathus pallidus [881] 
pallidus. Polycvathus (Klunzinger 1879) 
palmata. Acropora (Lamarck 1816) 
palmata, Madrepora Lamarck 1816 = Acropora palmata [690] 
palmata, Madrepora muricata forma Lamarck 1816 = Acropora 
palmata (690) 
palmata, Manopora Dana 1848 = Montipora palmata 
palmata. Montipora (Dana 1848) 
palmata, Pocillopora Palmer 1928 = P. capitata [631b] 
palmata, Porites Dana 1848 = P. cylindrica [766a) 
palmata, Sideropora Blainville 1830 = Snlophora pistillata 
palmata. Snlophora (Blainville 1830) = S. pistillata [277.661.674] 
palmensis, Goniopora Veron & Pichon 1982 
palmerae, Acropora Wells 1954 
paloensis, Rhizotrochus Yabe & Eguchi 1942 = R. npus [116] 
panamensis, Antipathes Verrill 1869 
panamensis, Leptoseris Durham & Barnard 1952 
= L. papyracea [185] 
panamensis, Porites Vaughan 1919 = P. waylandi [259] 
panamensis, Porites Verrill 1866 
panda, Caryophyllia Alcock 1902 = Caryophyllia atlantica [123a} 
pandanus, Astraea Dana 1848 = Favia speciosa [839] 
pandanus, Favia (Dana 1848) = F. speciosa 
pandoraensis, Goniopora Veron & Pichon 1982 
paniculata, Acropora Verrill 1902 
paniculata, Antipathes Esper 1797 
paniculata, Antipathes abies var. Esper 1797 = A. paniculata 
paniculata, Arachnopathes Duchassaing & Michelotti 1864 
= ?Antipathes atlantica 
papillosa, Agaricia Lamarck 1816 = Montipora papillosa 
papillosa, Allopora Dall 1884 = Srylaster papillosa 
papillosa, Crypthelia Cairns 1986 
papillosa, Fungia Verrill 1866 = F. fungites [354] 
papillosa, Madrepora Ellis & Solander 1786 = ?Acropora cuneata 
papillosa, Madrepora Rehberg 1892 =? French Polynesia [87.631] 
papillosa, Montipora (Lamarck 1816) 
papillosa, Stichopathes Thomson & Simpson 1905 
papillosa, Stylantheca (Dall 1884) 
papuensis, Phyllangia Studer 1878 
papuensis, Stvlaster Zibrowius 1981 
papyracea, Folioseris Rehberg 1892 = Leptoseris gardineri [185] 
papyracea, Leptoseris (Dana 1848) 
papyracea, Pavonia Dana 1848 = Leptoseris papyracea [185] 
paraancora, Euphyllia Veron 1990 
Paraclavarina Veron 1985 93 
Paraconotrochus Caims & Parker 1992 123 
Paracyathus Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 123 
Paradeltocyathus Yabe & Eguchi 1937 
= Peponocyathus (116]/Deltocyathiodes [123b] 


Paradichocoenia Alloiteau 1957 = Dichocoenia 
paradivisa, Euphyllia Veron 1990 
paradoxa. Gardineria (Pourtales 1868) 
paradoxa, Haplophyllia Pourtalés 1868 = Gardineria paradoxa 
paradoxa, Madrepora quelchi var. Brook 1893 =? 
paradoxus. Carvopivilia Alcock 1898 
Paraerrina Broch 1942 
paragea, Allopora campyleca Fisher 1938 = Snlaster campylecus 
paraglabrescens, Euphyllia Veron 1990 
Parahalomitra Wells 1937 = Sandalolitha {354} 
paraluspidus, Ceratotrochus Yabe & Eguchi 1942 = Conotrochus 
funicolumna (123) 
parallela, Balanophyllia (Semper 1872) =? Indonesia [370]. Myanmar 
[373]. Philippines [671]. Sr: Lanka [72] 
parallela, Rhodopsammia Semper 1872 =? Philippines [621] 
Parantipathes Brook 1889 34 
paraoctopali, Caryophyllia Yabe & Eguchi 1942 = C. rugosa [123] 
Parascolymia Wells 1964 = Scolymia 
Parasimplastrea Sheppard 1985 107 
parasitica, Montipora Bernard 1900 =? Christmas Island [29] 
parasiticus, Dunocyathus Tenison-W oods 1878 
parasiticus, Heterocyathus Semper 1872 = H. alternatus [356] 
Parasmilia Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 124 
Parastrea Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 = Favia 
Paratrochocyathus Alloiteau 1958 = Trochocyathus 
parilis. Acropora (Quelch 1886) 
parilis, Madrepora Quelch 1886 = Acropora parilis 
paripavoninum. Flabellum Alcock 1894 
= Truncatoflabellum paripavoninum [116] 
paripavoninum. Flabellum pavoninum var. Alcock 1894 
= Truncatoflabellum paripavoninum 
paripavoninum, Truncatoflabellum (Alcock 1894) 
parisepta, Platytrochus Caims & Parker 1992 
parvicalyx, Porites lobata forma Vaughan 1907 = P. lobata 
parvicella, Favites Nemenzo 1959 = F. pentagona [768.839] 
parvicellata, Porites arenosa var. Gardiner 1898 = P. lutea 
parvimurata, Favia Gardiner 1904 = Goniastrea favulus [839] 
parvispina, Fungia echinata var. Doderlein 1902 = Crenactis echinata 
parvistella, Acropora (Verrill 1864) 
parvistella, Astraea Dana 1848 = Goniastrea retiformis [839] 
panvistella, Cladocora Duchassaing & Michelotti 1864 = C. arbuscula 
parvistella, Goniastrea (Dana 1848) = G. retiformis 
parvistella, Goniopora Ortmann 1888 
parvistella, Madrepora Verrill 1864 = Acropora parvistella 
parvistella, Turbinaria Kent 1871 
parvistellata, Porites Quelch 1886 
parvula, Balanophyllia Moseley 1881 
parvula, Caryophyllia Caims 1979 
parvula, Madrepora eurystoma var. Brook 1893 = Acropora tenuis 
parvulus, Paracyathus Gardiner 1899 =? Maldives [270]. New 
Caledonia [266] 
paschalensis, Leptoseris Wells 1972 = L. solida [185] 
paschalensis, Porites Vaughan 1906 = P. lobata [820] 
patagonica, Oculina Angelis 1907 
patagonichum, Flabellum Moseley 1881 =? Chile [520] 
patella, Fungia (Ellis & Solander 1786) = F. fungites (354) 
patella, Madrepora Ellis & Solander 1786 = Fungia fungites 
patella, Madrepora Studer 1878 =? Papua New Guinea [87] 
patellaris, Fungia Lamarck 1801 = F. fungites [354] 
patelliformis. Cycloseris (Boschma 1923) 
= Fungia cyclolites/F. fragilis [354] 
patelliformis, Fungia Boschma 1923 
= Fungia cyclolites/F. fragilis [354] 
patens, Flabellum Moseley 1881 
patera, Anthemiphyllia Pourtalés 1878 
Paterocyathus Duchassaing & Michelotti 1860 = Caryophyllia 
patinaeformis, Madrepora Esper 1797 =? 
patinaeformis. Montipora (Esper 1797) =? Federated States of 
Micronesia [558]. French Polynesia [558]. Sri Lanka [558] 


patriarca, Cladocora Pourtalés 1874 = C. debilis [827] peircei, Crypthelia Pourtales 1867 

patula, Acanthastrea (Dana 1848) = Diploastrea heliopora pelewensis, Madrepora Rehberg 1892 = ?Acropora brueggemanni/A 
patula. Acropora (Brook 1892) = A. laristella [674)\/4. aculeus [792] humilis [806] Palau [631] 

patula, Astraea Dana 1848 = Diploastrea heliopora [744.844] pellucida, Echinopora Rehberg 1892 =? Palau [631] 
patula, Bathypathes Brook 1889 peltata, Gemmipora (Esper 1797) = Turbinaria peltata {784} 
patula, Diploastrea (Dana 1848) = D. heliopora peltata, Madrepora Esper 1797 = Turbinaria peltata 

patula. Echinophyllia (Hodgson & Ross 1982) peltata. Turbinaria (Esper 1797) 

patula, Gemmipora Dana 1848 = Turbinaria patula (784) peltiformis, Montipora Bernard 1897 

patula, Madrepora Brook 1892 = Acropora lanstella/A. aculeus [792] pelvis. Polyphyllia Quoy & Gaimard 1833 = P. talpina 
patula, Montipora Verrill 1869 = M. hispida [674.775] pendulus, Goniopora Veron 1985 

patula. Orbicella (Dana 1848) = Diploastrea heliopora pennacea, Antipathes Pallas 1766 

patula, Physophyllia Hodgson & Ross 1982 = Echinophyllia patula _ pennacea. Aphanipathes (Pallas 1766) = Antipathes pennacea 
patula. Turbinaria (Dana 1848) pentagona. Astraea (Esper 1797) = Favites pentagona 
pauciflora, Dichocoenia Duchassaing & Michelotti 1864 = D. stokesii pentagona. Favites (Esper 1797) 

[889] pentagona. Goniastrea (Esper 1797) = Favites pentagona 
paucipalata, Caryophyllia Moseley 1881 pentagona, Madrepora Esper 1797 = Favites pentagona [839] 
pauciradiata, Galaxea (Blainville 1830) pentagona, Prionastraea (Esper 1797) = Favites pentagona 
pauciradiata, Sarcinula Blainville 1830 = Galaxea pauciradiata Pentalophora Kent 1871 = Madracis 

[354b] Peponocyathus Gravier 1915 124 
paucisepta, Favia Chevalier 1972 = F. pallida (841) perampla, Madrepora Hom 1861 = Acropora palmata [776) 
paucisepta, Galaxea Claereboudt 1990 percarinata, Pavonia Ridley 1883 = P. varians [371] 
pauciseptata. Caryophyllia Yabe & Eguchi 1932 perculta, Caryophyllia Cairns 1991 
pauciseptata, Conopora Broch 1951 = C. verrucosa [105] peresi. Favites Faure & Pichon 1978 
pauciseptata, Stenohelia Cairns 1986 perexigua, Sphenotrochus emarciatus var. Dennant 1906 = 
paucispina, Cirripathes Brook 1889 = Stichopathes paucispina Idiotrochus perexigua 
paucispina, Porites compressa forma angustisepta subforma perexigua, Idiotrochus (Dennant 1906) 

Vaughan 1907 = P. compressa perforata, Montipora Bernard 1897 
paucispina. Stichopathes (Brook 1889) peroni, Plesiastraea Milne Edwards & Haime 1857 =? Australia 
paucistellata, Pocillopora Quelch 1886 =? Indonesia [621]. Kiribati [507.716]. Mauritius [242.557] 

[463]. Tuvalu [261] persicus, Agelecyathus Duncan 1876 =? Persian Gulf [205] 
paulmayeri, Cladocora Diderlein 1913 = C. cespitosa [579a} persicus, Paracyathus Duncan 1876 
paulmayeri, Cladocora cespitosa var. Déderlein 1913 =C. cespitosa _pertusa. Lophelia (Linnaeus 1758) 
paumotensis, Fungia Stutchbury 1833 pertusa, Madrepora Linnaeus 1758 = Lophelia pertusa [881] 
paumotensis. Lobactis (Stutchbury 1833) = Fungia paumotensis petiveri, Oculina Milne Edwards & Haime 1850 = ? 
paumotensis, Stylocoeniella Chevalier 1976 = Pavona clavus [827] petrograpta, Allopora Fisher 1938 = Shlantheca petrograpta 
paupera, Montipora Marenzeller 1901 petrograpta, Stylantheca (Fisher 1938) 
pauroclema, Antipathes Pax 1932 petrograpta, Stylaster (Fisher 1938) = Stylantheca petrograpta 
Pavona Lamarck 1801 67 petrosa, Astraea Dana 1848 = ? 

Pavonia Lamarck 1816 = Pavona petrosa. Dichocoenia (Dana 1848) =? 

pavonina, Euphyllia (Lesson 1831) = Flabellum pavoninum [784] petterdi, Thrypticotrochus (Dennant 1906) 

pavoninum, Flabellum Lesson 1831 petterdi, Trochocyathus Dennant 1906 = Thrypticotrochus petterdi 

paxilligera, Acropora (Dana 1848) = A. humilis [674] [116] 

paxilligera, Madrepora Dana 1848 = Acropora humilis pezita, Cyathina Ehrenberg 1834 = Caryophyllia cyathus [784] 

Pearl Coral 125 Phacelocyathus Caims 1979 124 

pectinata, Acropora (Brook 1892) = A. hyacinthus [637a.637c.792] Phalangopora Kirkpatrick 1887 152 

pectinata, Actinastrea (Pourtalés 1871) Pharaonis, Acropora (Milne Edwards & Haime 1860) 

pectinata, Antipathes Lamarck 1815 pharaonis. Acropora Pillai 1971 = A. teres [602] 

pectinata, Astraea Hemprich & Ehrenberg 1834 = Goniastrea pharaonis, Madrepora Milne Edwards & Haime 1860 = Acropora 
pectinata pharaonis 

pectinata, Astrocaenia Pourtalés 1871 = Actinastrea pectinata pharensis, Astrocoenia Heller 1868 = Madracis decactis 

pectinata, Ctenophyllia (Lamarck 1801) = Meandrina meandrites pharensis. Madracis (Heller 1868) = M. decactis [249] 

pectinata, Fungia Ehrenberg 1834 = Crenactis echinata [354] Philippensis, Endopsammia Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 

pectinata, Goniastrea (Hemprich & Ehrenberg 1834) philippinensis, Acropora (Rehberg 1892) 

pectinata, Hyalopathes (Lamarck 1815) = Antipathes pectinata Philippinensis, Deltocyathus Cairns & Zibrowius 1997 

pectinata, Madrepora Brook 1892 = Acropora hyacinthus [792] Philippinensis, Gardineria Cairns 1989 

pectinata, Meandrina Lamarck 1801 = Meandrina maeandrites Philippinensis, Halomitra (Studer 1901) = H. pileus [674.768] 

[501.889] Philippinensis, Heterocyathus Semper 1872 = H. aequicostatus [356] 
Pectinia Oken 1815 84 Pphilippinensis, Madrepora Rehberg 1892 = Acropora philippinensis 
Pectiniidae Vaughan & Wells 1943 83 Philippinensis, Podabacia Studer 1901 = Halomitra pileus [354] 
pedata, Antipathes Gray 1857 philippinensis, Trochocyathus Semper 1872 
pedata, Aphanipathes (Gray 1857) = Antipathes pedata Phloeocyathus Alcock 1902 = Conotrochus 
pedata, Savagliopsis (Gray 1857) = Antipathes pedata phoenix, Truncatoflabellum Cairms 1995 
pedersenti, Astrangia Verrill 1869 = A. haimei [375a] Phrygia, Leptoria (Ellis & Solander 1786) 
pedersenii, Astropsammia Verrill 1869 phrygia, Madrepora Ellis & Solander 1786 = Leptoria phrygia [839] 
pedersenii, Tubastraea (Verrill 1869) =[T. coccinea Phrygia, Platygyra (Ellis & Solander 1786) = Leptoria phrygia 

[(827]/Astropsammia pedersenii phrygiana, Madrepora Esper 1797 = ? 
pedicellatus, Placotrochus Tenison-Woods 1879 phrygiana, Montipora (Esper 1797) = ? 

Pedicellocyathus Caims 1995 135 Phyllangia Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 79 
pedroensis, Paracyathus Vaughan 1903 = P. stearnsii (118) phyllangioides, Astrangia Duchassaing & Michelotti 1864 =? Virgin 
pedunculata. Goniopora Quoy & Gaimard 1833 Islands of the United States [197] 


Phyllastraea Dana 1848 = \fvcedium 
Phyllopora Ehrenberg 1834 = Astreopora 
Phyllopora Tenison-W oods 1879 = Snlophora 
Phymastrea Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 = Favia 
Physogyra Quelch 1884 
Physophyllia Duncan 1885 
picea, Antipathes Pourtalés 1880 = 4. hirta 
picten. Euphyilia Bedot 1907 
pileiformis. Lithactinia (Dana 1848) = Polyphyillia novaehiberniae 
pileiformis, Polyphyllia Dana 1848 = P. novaehiberniae [354] 
pileus, Cyathotrochus (Alcock 1902) 
pileus, Fungia Lamarck 1801 =? 
pileus, Halomitra (Linnaeus 1758) 
pileus, Madrepora Linnaeus 1758 = Halomutra pileus [354] 
pileus, Trochocyathus Alcock 1902 
= Tropidocyathus pileus [116]/Cyathotrochus pileus 
pileus. Tropidocyathus (Alcock 1902) = Cyathotrochus pileus 
Pillar Coral 110 
pilosa. Aphanipathes wollastoni var. Johnson 1900 = Antipathes 
pilosa. Hydnophora Veron 1985 = Hvdnophora exesa [35 1a} 
pilosa, Montipora Bernard 1897 =? New Caledonia [28] 
pilosa, Porites compressa forma Vaughan 1907 = P. compressa 
Pineapple Coral 63 
pinguis. Acropora Wells 1950 = A. robusta [674.775] 
pini, Platygyra Chevalier 1975 
pinnata, Millepora Lamarck 1816 = ? Mediterranean [427] 
pinnatifida, Antipathes Lamouroux 1821 = ?4. myriophylla 
piriformis, Montipora caliculata var. Bernard 1897 = M. caliculata 
pistillata, Madrepora Esper 1797 = Stlophora pistillata 
pistillata, Sideropora (Esper 1797) = Snlophora pistillata [784] 
pistillata, Sylophora (Esper 1797) 
pisum, Heteropsammia Alcock 1902 =? 
Placocyathus Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 = Meandrina 
Placotrochides Alcock 1902 132 
Placotrochus Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 134 
placunaria, Fungia Klunzinger 1879 = F. scutaria [354] 
plana, Acropora Nemenzo 1967 = A. tenuis [768] 
plana, Antipathes Forster Cooper 1909 
plana, Caulastrea Hodgson & Ross 1982 = C. tumida [768] 
plana, Fungia Studer 1878 = F. concinna [674] 
planilamellata, Caryophyllia Dennant 1906 
planipora, Psammocora Milne Edwards & Haime 1851 
= P. contigua [674] 
planiuscula, Manopora Dana 1848 = Montipora verrucosa [775] 
planiuscula, Montipora (Dana 1848) = M. verrucosa 
planocella, Porites Nemenzo ? = P. cylindrica [768] 
plantagenista, Antipathes (Forster Cooper 1904) 
plantagenista, Aphanipathes Forster Cooper 1904 = Antipathes 
plantaginea, Acropora (Dana 1848) = A. secale [674] 
plantaginea, Madrepora Dana 1848 = Acropora secale 
plantaginea, Madrepora Lamarck 1816 = Acropora acervata 
planulata, Agaricia Dana 1848 = Gardineroseris planulata 
planulata, Asteroseris (Dana 1848) = Gardineroseris planulata 
planulata, Astraea Hemprich & Ehrenberg 1834 = Goniopora 
planulata, Gardineroseris (Dana 1848) 
planulata, Goniastrea Milne Edwards & Haime 1850 = G. pectinata 
planulata, Goniopora (Hemprich & Ehrenberg 1834) 
planulata, Pavona (Dana 1848) = Gardineroseris planulata [674] 
planus. Flabellum Squires 1962 
Plate Coral 51 
plateformis. Montipora Nemenzo 1967 = M. hispida [768] 
platycaulus. Bathypathes Totton 1923 
platycyathus, Acropora (Brook 1893) 
platycyathus, Madrepora Brook 1893 = Acropora plautycyathus 
Platycyathus Fromentel 1863 125 
Platygyra Ehrenberg 1834 


platyphylla, Millepora Hemprich & Ehrenberg 1834 

planpoma, Crpthelia (Hickson & England 1905) 

platypoma, Cryptohelia Hickson & England 1905 = Crypthelia 

planpus. Ceratotrochus Moseley 1876 = Stephanocyathus planpus 

planpus, Stephanocyathus (Moseley 1876) 

planus, Stephanotrochus (Moseley 1876) = Stephanocyathus plan pus 

Platytrochus Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 125 

pleiades, Madrepora Ellis & Solander 1786 = Solenastrea hvades 

pleiades. Orbicella (Ellis & Solander 1786) = Solenastrea hyades 

pleiades, Solenastrea (Ellis & Solander 1786) = S. hyades 

plenispina, Bathypathes patula var. Brook 1889 = B. patula 

Pleotrochus Cairns 1997 125 

Plerogyra Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 125 
Plesiastrea Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 108 
Plesioseris Duncan 1884 61 

Pleuractis Verrill 1864 = Fungia 

Pleurocyathus Keferstein 1859 =? 

Pleurocyathus Moseley 1881 = Conotrochus 

plicata, ? Kent 1893 = Catalaphyllia jardinei 

plicata. Catalaphyilia (Kent 1893) = C. jardinei [674] 

plicata, Catalaphyllia (Milne Edwards & Haime 1848) 

plicata, Fungia fungites var. Déderlein 1902 = F. fungites 

plicata, Madrepora Brook 1891 =? Australia [87]. New Caledonia 
[482]. Tonga [85.87] 

plicata, Millepora Esper 1794 

plicata, Montipora Bernard 1897 =? Australia [28] 

plicata, Pavonia Lamarck 1816 = Psammocora contigua [506] 

plicata, Pectinia Nemenzo ? = P. alcicornis [768] 

plicata, Pocillopora Dana 1848 

plicata, Podabacia elegans forma Yabe & Sugiyama 1936 = 
Lithophyllon undulatum 

plicata, Psammocora Dana 1848 = P. contigua [371] 

plicata, Rhipidogyra Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 = Catalaphyllia 

plicata, Turbinaria Bernard 1896 =? Australia 

pliciseptus, Fungiacyathus Keller 1976 

pliculosa, Fungia Studer 1878 = F. fungites [354] 

Pliobothrus Pourtalés 1868 

pluma, Antipathes Gray 1857 

plumieri, Porites Duchassaing & Michelotti 1864 =? Virgin Islands 
of the United States [197] 

plumosa, Cladopathes Brook 1889 

pocillifera, Madrepora Lamarck 1816 =? Australia. Fiji [621]. French 
Polynesia. Tonga [621]. Vanuatu [621] 

pocilliformis, Turbinaria Bernard 1896 =? Australia 

Pocillopora Lamarck 1816 

Pocilloporidae Gray 1842 

pocilloporina, Acropora Wallace 1994 

pocillum, Caryophyllia ? ? =? 

pocillum. Phyllangia?? =? 

poculata, Astrangia (Ellis & Solander 1786) 

poculata, Madrepora Ellis & Solander 1786 = Astrangia poculata 

poculum, Endopsamnmia Alcock 1902 = ? 

poculum, Leptopsammia van der Horst 1922 

poculum, Montlivaultia Pourtales 1878 =? ?United States [613] 

poculum, Parasmilia Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 

Podabacia Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 75 

polarensis, ? Yabe & Sugiyama 1936 = Favites polarensis 

polarensis. Favites (Yabe & Sugiyama 1936) 

politum, Flabellum Cairns 1989 

pollicata, Pavona Wells 1954 = P. maldivensis [772] 

pollicata, Pseudocolumnastrea (Wells 1954) = Pavona maldivensis 

Polyastra Ehrenberg 1834 = Pavona 

Polycyathus Duncan 1876 

polyformis, Alveopora Zou 1980 = Goniopora polyformis 

polyformis, Goniopora (Zou 1980) 

polygama, Madrepora Linnaeus 1758 = ? 





polygona, Caryophyllia Pourtalés 1878 

polgonata, Hydnophora (Lamarck 1816) =H. exesa 

polygonata, Monticularia Lamarck 1816 = Hvdnophora exesa [839] 
polymorpha. Acropora (Brook 1891) 

polymorpha. Allopora (Broch 1936) = Snlaster polymorphus 
polymorpha, Madrepora Brook 1891 = Acropora polymorpha 
polymorphus. Porites Link 1807 = P. porites {102} 

polymorphus, Stvlaster Broch 1936 

Polymyces Caims 1979 134 
polvorchis, Allopora Fisher 1938 = Snilaster polyorchis 
polyorchis, Stvlaster (Fisher 1938) 

Polyphyllia Quoy & Gaimard 1833 76 

polypoma, Crpthelia Caims 1991 
Polystachys Brook 1893 = Acropora 
polysticha. Cirrhipathes rumphii var. van Pesch 1910 = C. rumphii 
polystichopora. Lepidopora Caims 1985 
polystoma. Acropora (Brook 1891) 
polystoma, Madrepora Brook 1891 = Acropora polvstoma 
ponderosa, Acropora Nemenzo 1967 = A. robusta [768] 
ponderosa, Agaricia Gardiner 1905 = Gardineroseris planulata [674] 
ponderosa. Agariciella (Gardiner 1905) = Gardineroseris planulata 
ponderosa, Balanophyllia van der Horst 1926 
ponderosa, Gardineria (Gardiner 1905) 

= Gardineroseris planulata [674] 
ponderosa, Gardineroseris (Gardiner 1905) = G. planulata [602] 
ponderosa. Polyastra (Gardiner 1905) = Gardineroseris planulata 
ponderosa, Pavona (Gardiner 1905) = Gardineroseris planulata (674) 
ponderosa var. minikoiensis, Agaricia (Gardiner 1905) 

= Gardineroseris planulata [674] 
porcata, Astrea Lamarck 1816 = Dichocoenia stokesii [484] 
porcata, Dichocoenia (Lamarck 1816) = D. stokesii 
porcata, Madrepora Esper 1797 =? 
porcellana, Madrepora (Lamarck 1816) =? 
porcellana, Neohelia Moseley 1881 
porcellanea, Turbinaria Bernard 1896 

Pore Coral 50 
porifera. ? Naumov 1960 = Errinopora porifera 

porifera, Errinopora (Naumov 1960) 

porites. Madrepora Pallas 1766 = Porites porites [690] 
porites, Porites (Pallas 1766) 

Porites Link 1807 56 
Poritidae Gray 1842 54 

poritiformis. Montipora Verrill 1866 

porosa, Domoseris Quelch 1886 = Leptoseris solida [185] 

porosa. Leptoseris (Quelch 1886) = L. solida [674] 

porosa, Montipora Bassett-Smith 1890 = ? Macclesfield Bank [22] 

porosa, Pocillopora Verrill 1869 = P. verrucosa [691)/P. capitata 

porosa, Pocillopora capitata var. Verrill 1869 = P. capitata 

porosa, Porites Verrill 1869 = P. californica [375a] 

Porous Lettuce Coral 84 

Porous Star Coral 49 

porphyra, Allopora (Fisher 1931) = Stylantheca porphyra 

porphyra, Stylantheca Fisher 1931 

porphyreus, Paracyathus Alcock 1893 

portoricensis, Cyathoceras Vaughan 1901 = Oxysmilia 
portoricensis/?Oxysmilia rotundifolia {101} 

portoricensis, Goniopora Vaughan 1919 = Porites portoricensis 

portoricensis, Oxysmilia (Vaughan 1901) 

Pportoricensis, Porites (Vaughan 1919) 

porulosa, Millepora Ehrenberg 1834 =? 

pourtalesi, Blastosmilia Duncan 1878 = Pourtalosmilia anthophyllites 

pourtalesi, Caryophyllia Duncan 1873 = C. smithii [118] 

pourtalesi, Deltocyathus Caims 1979 

pourtalesi, Endopsammia (Durham & Bamard 1952) 

pourtalesi, Lepidotheca Cairns 1986 

pourtalesi, Stichopathes Brook 1889 = S. gracilis 

pourtalesi, Thecopsammia Durham & Barnard 1952 
= Endopsammia pourtalesi [118] 

pourtalesii, Errina Dall 1884 = Errinopora pourtalesii 


pourtalesi. Errinopora (Dall 1884) 

Pourtalocvathus Caims 1979 

Pourtalosmilia Duncan 1885 

praecipua, Dendrophyllia Gardiner & Waugh 1939 

praerupta, Manicina Ehrenberg 1834 = \/. areolata [786.889] 

praetorta. Lophoserts (Dana 1848) = Pavona cactus 

praetorta, Pavonia Dana 1848 = Pavona cactus [674] 

prava. Montipora Nemenzo 1967 = Af. cactus [768] 

Premocyathus Yabe & Eguchi 1942 

prescillae. Seriatopora Nemenzo ? = S. caliendrum [768] 

pretiosa, Pavonia Bassett-Smith 1890 = Leptoseris papyracea [185] 

primoraialts. Tridacophyllia Gardiner 1899 = Dacnlotrochus 
cervicornis [807] 

Prionastrea Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 = Favires 

prismatica, Pavonia Briiggemann 1879 = ? Federated States of 
Micronesia [93] 

prismatica, Tubipora Lamarck 1801 =? 

procumbens. Acropora (Brook 1891) = A. echinata [674)/A. subglabra 

procumbens, Madrepora Brook 1891 = Acropora echinata/A 
subglabra [792] 

producta. Polyphvilia Folkeson 1919 = P. talpina [354] 

proechinata. Fungia Déderlein 1901 = F. paumotensis [354] 

profunda. Allopora Moseley 1879 = Snlaster profundus 

profunda, Amphihelia (Pourtales 1867) = Enallopsammia profunda 

profunda, Astraeopora Verrill 1872 
= Astreopora myriophthalma [429.430] 

profunda, Caryophyllia Moseley 1881 

profunda, Ctenophyllia Dana 1848 = Pectinia profunda [784]/ 
Meandrina meandrites 

profunda, Dendrophyllia (Pourtales 1867) = Enallopsammia profunda 

profunda, Diplohelia Pourtalés 1867 = Enallopsammia profunda [875] 

profunda, Distichopora Hickson & England 1909 

profunda, Enallopsammia (Pourtales 1867) 

profunda, Favites vamanarii var. Umbgrove 1939 = F. chinensis 

profunda, Madracis Zibrowius 1980 

profunda, Madrepora Gardiner 1898 =? New Caledonia [262] 

profunda, Montipora Bernard 1897 

profunda, Oculina Cairns 1991 

profunda, Pectinia (Dana 1848) = Meandrina meandrites 

profunda, Stenohelia Moseley 1881 

profunda, Stereopsammia (Pourtalés 1867) = Enallopsammia profunda 

profundacella, Psammocora Gardiner 1898 

profundicalyx, Porites compressa forma Vaughan 1907 = P. 

profundicella, Balanophyllia Gardiner 1899 =? Myanmar [276]. New 
Caledonia [266] 

profundicella, Prionastrea Milne Edwards & Haime 1850= Favites 
abdita [839] 

profundior, Phymastrea Milne Edwards & Haime 1850 = Favia 
valenciennesii [839] 

profundiporus. Stylaster Broch 1936 

profundorum, Porites compressa forma Vaughan 1907 = P. 

profundum, Flabellum Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 
= Truncatoflabellum spheniscus [123] 

profundum, Truncatoflabellum (Milne Edwards & Haime 1848) = 7. 
spheniscus [123] 

profundus, Paracyathus Duncan 1889 

profundus, Porites Rehberg 1892 

profundus, Stylaster (Moseley 1879) 

profusa, Acropora Nemenzo 1967 

prolifer, Ceratocyathus Pourtalés 1871 = Asterosmilia prolifera [881] 

prolifera, Acropora (Lamarck 1816) 

prolifera, Asterosmilia (Pourtalés 1871) 

prolifera, Lophelia (Pallas 1766) = L. pertusa [881] 

prolifera, Madrepora Lamarck 1816 = Acropora prolifera! 

prolifera, Madrepora Pallas 1766 = Lophelia pertusa [881.123] 



prolifera, Merulina Quelch 1886 =? Indonesia [621] 

prolifera, Monnpora Briiggemann 1879 = Af foliosa (674) 

prolifera. Oculina (Pallas 1766) = Lophelia pertusa 

prolixa. Acropora (Verrill 1866) = 4. carduus/4. longicvathus 

prolixa. Madrepora Verrill 1866 = Acropora carduus [773)/Acropora 
longicyathus [792] 

prominens. Acropora Nemenzo 1967 = 4. palifera [768] 

prominula, Montipora Crossland 1952 =? Australia [168] 

propinqua, Cirripathes Brook 1889 = Cirrhipathes anguina [381] 

prostrata. Acropora (Dana 1848) 

prostrata, Madrepora Dana 1848 = Acropora prostrata/Acropora 
millepora [775] 

prostrata, Stylophora Klunzinger 1879 = S. pistillata [277.661] 

Protolobophyllia Yabe & Sugivama 1935 = Cynarina 

Protomussa Matthai 1928 = Mfussismilia 

providentiae, Distichopora (Hickson & England 1909) 

providentiae. Sporadopora Hickson & England 1909 = Distichopora 

proximans. Plesiastraea Dennant 1904 = P. versipora [843] 

pruinosa, Acropora (Brook 1893) 

pruinosa, Leptastrea Crossland 1952 

pruinosa, Madrepora Brook 1893 = Acropora pruinosa 

pruinosus, Paracyathus Alcock 1902 

pruvoti, Leptopsammia Lacaze-Duthiers 1897 

Psammocora Dana 1848 61 

Psammoseris Milne Edwards & Haime 1851 = Heterocyathus [356] 

pseudoalabastra, Javania Zibrowius 1974 

Pseudocolumnastrea Y abe & Sugiyama 1933 = Pavona 

Pseudocrypthelia Cairns 1983 

Pseudocyathoceras Caims 1991 

pseudodichotoma, Antipathes Silberfeld 1909 

Pseudosiderastrea Yabe & Sugiyama 1935 62 

pseudostephanus, Fungiacyathus Keller 1976 

pseudothyron, Adelopora Caims 1982 

pseudoturbinolia. Caryophyllia Michelin 1841 = C. smithii 

pseudoturbinolia, Cyathina (Michelin 1841) = Caryophyllia smithii 

Pteropathes Brook 1889 = Antipathes 

pteropus, Paracyathus Gosse 1860 = Caryophyllia smithii [118] 

pudica, Crypthelia Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 

puertogalerae, Anacropora Nemenzo 1964 

pukoensis, Porites Vaughan 1907 

pulchella, Astrangia Verrill 1866 

pulchella, Cladocora Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 =? Saint 
Vincent and the Grenadines [501] 

pulchella, Cyathina Philippi 1842 = Paracyathus pulchellus 

pulchella, Diaseris Verrill 1866 = Fungia distorta [354] 

pulchella, Pocillopora Briiggemann 1879 =? Federated States of 
Micronesia [93]. Fiji [261] 

pulchella, Siderastrea Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 =? 

pulchellus, Heterocyathus Rehberg 1892 = H. sulcatus [356] 

pulchellus, Paracyathus (Philippi 1842) 

pulcher, Stylaster Quelch 1884 

pulcherrima, Dichocoenia Duchassaing & Michelotti 1860 = D. 
stokesii [889] 

pulcherrima, Montipora Bernard 1897 = M. foliosa [674] 

pulcherrima, Turbinaria Bernard 1896 

pulchra, Acropora (Brook 1891) 

pulchra, Astraea Dana 1848 = Leptastrea purpurea [744.844] 

pulchra, Leptastrea (Dana 1848) = L. purpurea 

pulchra, Madrepora Brook 1891 = Acropora pulchra 

pulchra, Rhizopsammia Verrill 1869 


pulvinaria, Astrea Lamarck 1816 = Astreopora myriophthalma [429] 

pulvinatum, Cheiloporidion Caims 1983 

pulvinula, Goniopora Wells 1954 

pumila, Acropora (Verrill 1866) 

pumila, Antipathes Brook 1889 =? Pakistan [84] 
pumila, Madrepora Verrill 1866 = Acropora pumila 
pumila, Millepora Dana 1848 

pumila, Pocillopora capitata var. Verrill 1869 = P. elegans [691)/P 

punctata. Antipathes Roule 1905 

punctata, Madrepora Linnaeus 1758 = Snlaraea punctata 

punctata, Montipora Bernard 1897 = M_ hispida [674] 

punctata, Parasmilia Lindsuom 1877 = ? 
punctata., Porites (Linnaeus 1758) = Stlaraea punctata 
punctata, Srvlaraea (Linnaeus 1758) 

punctata, Tylopathes Roule 1905 =? 
punctatus, Stylaster Pourtalés 1871 
punctifera, Astrea Lamarck 1816 = Astreopora listeri 
punctifera. Astreopora (Lamarck 1816) = A. listeri [429] 
purpurascens, Madrepora Ellis & Solander 1786 = ? 
purpuratus, ? Naumov 1960 = Snlaster purpuratus 
purpuratus. Stvlaster (Naumov 1960) 
purpurea, Agaricia var. Lesueur 1820 = A. agaricites [102] 
purpurea, Agaricia agaricites Lesueur 1820 = A. agaricites 
purpurea, Astraea Dana 1848 = Leptastrea purpurea [744.844] 
purpurea. Distichopora Ltk. ? =? Marshall Islands 
purpurea, Leptastrea (Dana 1848) 
purpurea, Porites Gardiner 1898 = P. lichen [807] 
purpurea. Prionastraea (Dana 1848) = Leptastrea purpurea 
pusilla, Agaricia agaricites var. Verrill 1901 = 4. agaricites 
pusilla, Dendrophyllia Alcock 1902 = Enallopsammia pusilla [875] 
pusilla, Diaseris Pourtalés 1868 = Fungiacyathus pusillus 
pusilla, Enallopsammia (Alcock 1902) 
pusillum, Truncatoflabellum Cairns 1989 
pusillus, Fungiacyathus (Pourtalés 1868) 
pustulifera, Madrepora brevicollis var. Brook 1893 = Acropora 
pustulosa. Acropora (Milne Edwards & Haime 1860) 
= A. pharaonis [674] 
pustulosa, Madrepora Klunzinger 1879 = ? 
pustulosa, Madrepora Milne Edwards & Haime 1860 
= Acropora pharaonis 
pustulosa, Turbinaria Bernard 1896 =? Australia 
puteolina, Astraea Dana 1848 = Favia speciosa [839] 
puteolina, Favia (Dana 1848) = F. speciosa [839] 
putnami, Astraea Verrill 1872 = Favia pallida [754] 
putmami, Favia (Verrill 1872) = F. pallida 
pygmaea, Carvophyllia Risso 1826 = Monomyces pygmaea [881] 
pygmaea, Favia W. Koch 1886 = F. contorta [142\/F. gravida 
pygmaea, Madrepora rosaria forma Brook 1893 = Acropora rosaria 
pygmaea, Monomyces (Risso 1826) 
pyramidalis, Acropora (Klunzinger 1879) = A. humilis (674) 
pyramidalis, Madrepora Klunzinger 1879 = Acropora humilis 
pyramidata, Antipathes Lamarck 1815 = ? 
pyramidata, Hyalopathes (Lamarck 1815) =? 
Pyrophyllia Hickson 1910 = Guynia [116] 

quadragenaria, Caryophyllia Alcock 1902 

quadrangularis, Astrea Milne Edwards & Haime 1850 = Montastrea 
curta [843] 

quadrata, Ctenophyllia Dana 1848 = Pectinia quadrata [784)/ 
Meandrina maeandrites [746] 

quadrata, Pectinia (Dana 1848) = Meandrina meandrites 

quadribrachiata, Bathypathes van Pesch 1914 

quatrefagiana, Plesiastrea Milne Edwards & Haime 1850 = P. 
versipora [242.843] 

quaylei, Cyathoceras Durham 1947 = Labyrinthocyathus quaylei [118] 

quaylei, Labyrinthocyathus (Durham 1947) 

queenslandiae, Leptopsammia Wells 1964 

quelchi, Acropora (Brook 1893) = A. nasuta [674]/A. cerealis [430] 

quelchi, Madrepora Brook 1893 = A. nasuta [674)/A. cerealis [430] 

quelchii, Porites Studer 1901 =? United States: Hawaiian Is [711,751] 

quinaria, Cylicia Tenison-Woods 1878 =? Australia [716] 

quinarium, Desmophyllum Tenison-W oods 1879 = ? Fiji [718] 

quincuncialis, Turbinaria Ortmann 1889 

quoyi, Goniastrea Milne Edwards & Haime 1850= G. pectinata [839] 

quoyi, Montipora Milne Edwards & Haime 1851 =? Tonga [506] 


quoyi, Prionastrea Milne Edwards & Haime 1850 = Favires abdita 
quovi, Sarcinula Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 =? Guam [501] 

racemus, Millepora Lamarck 1816 = ? 

radians, Antipathes Lamarck 1815 = 4. dichotoma 

radians, Brasseyia Wright 1882 = ? Southem seas 

radians, Lithophyllia Duchassaing & Michelotti 1864 =? Virgin 
Islands of the United States [197] 

radians, Madrepora Pallas 1766 = Siderastrea radians [690] 

radians, Mussa Verrill 1872 =? 

radians. Siderastrea (Pallas 1766) 

radians, Symphyllia Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 

radiata, Astrea (Ellis & Solander 1786) =? 

radiata, Coenopsammia V errill 1864 = Tubastraea coccinea 

radiata, Madrepora Ellis & Solander 1786 = Montastrea cavernosa 

radiata, Madrepora Esper 1797 = Favia speciosa [332] 

radiata. Parastrea (Esper 1797) = Favia speciosa [332] 

radiata, Trachyphyilia (Pichon 1980) = T. geoffrovi [766] 

recta, Oculina Queich 1886 =? Virgin Islands of the United States 

recta. Porites Lesueur 1820 = P. furcata (506.784) 

recta. Symphvilia (Dana 1848) 

recta, Taxipathes Brook 1889 

rectifolia, Tridacophyllia Kent 1891 =? Vanuatu [400] 

recumbens. Acropora (Brook 1892) = A. hyacinthus [674] 

recumbens, Madrepora Brook 1892 = Acropora hvacinthus [792] 

recurvatus, Tethocyathus (Pourtales 1878) 

recurvatus, Thecocyathus Pourtales 1878 = Tethocvathus recurvatus 

Red Cave Coral 143 

redviva. Archohelia Wells & Alderslade 1979 

rediviva, Balanophyllia Moseley 1881 

reesei. Desmophyillum Duchassaing & Michelotti 1864 = 
Thalamophyllia rusei 

reesi. Mycetophyllia Wells 1973 

reflexa, Echinopora Dana 1848 = E. lamellosa [744.844] 

reflexum, Desmophyllum Duchassaing & Michelotti 1860 =? Virgin 
Islands of the United States [196] 

regalis, Eupsammia Alcock 1893 

radiata, Wellsophyllia Pichon 1980 = Trachyphyilia geoffrovi (766.768)regalis, Heteropora Ehrenberg 1834 =? 

radiatus, Monomyces (Dennant 1904) = Rhizotrochus radiatus [116] 

radiatus. Rhizotrochus Dennant 1904 

radicalis, Turbinaria Bernard 1896 

ralphae. Caryophyllia Caims 1995 

ralphae. Sphenotrochus Squires 1964 

rambleri, Acropora (Bassett-Smith 1890) 

rambieri, Madrepora Bassett-Smith 1890 = Acropora rambleri 

ramea, Amphihelia Duncan 1874 = Madrepora oculata [32b] 

ramea. Caryophyilia (Linnaeus 1758) = Dendrophyllia ramea 

ramea. Dendrophyllia (Linnaeus 1758) 

ramea, Madrepora Linnaeus 1758 = Dendrophyllia ramea 

ramea, Oculina (Linnaeus 1758) = Dendrophyllia ramea 

ramiculosa, Acropora (Dana 1848) 

ramiculosa, Coenopsammia Rehberg 1892 = ?Tubastraea micrantha 

ramiculosa, Madrepora Dana 1848 = Acropora ramiculosa 

ramiculosa, Pocillopora Verrill 1864 =? Kiribati [776] 

ramosa, Cirrhipathes van Pesch 1910 = Hillopathes ramosa 

ramosa. Crypthelia (Hickson & England 1905) 

ramosa, Crypothelia Hickson & England 1905 = Crypthelia ramosa 

ramosa, Errina Hickson & England 1905 = Lepidotheca ramosa 

ramosa. Hillopathes (van Pesch 1910) 

ramosa, Hydnophora Nemenzo 1959 = H. grandis [768] 

ramosa, Lepidotheca (Hickson & England 1905) 

ramosa, Leptosmilia Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 = Euphyllia 

regalis, Merulina Dana 1848 = M. ampliata [772] 
regalis, Mussa Dana 1848 = ? Singapore [776] 
regia. Balanophyllia Gosse 1860 
regius, Stephanocyathus Cairns & Zibrowius 1997 
regularis, Agaricia Quelch 1886 =? Fiji [621] 
regularis, Alveopora Thiel 1932 =? Indonesia [728] 
regularis, Antipathes Forster Cooper 1904 = ? 
regularis. Balanophyllia (Gardiner 1899) = Endopsammia 
Philippinensis [126a] 
regularis, Domoseris Quelch 1886 = Leptoseris scabra [185] 
regularis, Errina (Kirkpatrick 1887) = Phalangopora regularis 
regularis. Goniastrea Chevalier 1972 = G. favulus [827] 
regularis, Leptoseris (Quelch 1886) = L. scabra [674] 
regularis, Phalangopora Kirkpatrick 1887 
regularis, Stichopathes Forster Cooper 1909 
regularis. Thecopsammia Gardiner 1899 = Endopsammia philippinensis 
remota, Madrepora Ortmann 1889 = Acropora ceylonica [806] 
reniformis, Montipora Nemenzo 1967 = M. peltiformis [768] 
reniformis, Turbinaria Bernard 1896 
repanda, Fungia Dana 1848 
repanda, Madrepora Ellis & Solander 1786 = ? 
repanda, Verrillofungia (Dana 1848) = Fungia repanda 
repens, Coenosmilia Chevalier 1966 
= Pourtalosmilia anthophyllites [881] 
repens, Lophoseris Briiggemann 1878 = Pavona repens 

ramosa, Merulina Ehrenberg in Milne Edwards & Haime 1851 = \/. repens, Madrepora Rehberg 1892 = ?Madrepora stigmataria 

ampliata [484] 
ramosa, Millepora alcicornis var. Pallas 1766 = M. ramosa 
ramosa, Millepora Pallas 1766 
ramosa, Montipora Bernard 1897 = M. digitata 
ramosa, Palauastrea Yabe & Sugiyama 1941 
ramosa, Pavonia Bassett-Smith 1890 = Leptoseris papyracea [185] 
ramosa, Psammocora Quelch 1886 =? Philippines [621] 
ramosus, Stylaster Broch 1947 
randalli, Astreopora Lamberts 1980 
raoulensis, Falcatoflabellum Caims 1995 
rarisepta, Favia Eguchi & Shirai ? = ? 
rathbuni, Astrangia Vaughan 1906 = A. solitaria [889] 
raukawaensis, Flabellum Squires & Keyes 1967 
rawsonii, Trochocyathus Pourtalés 1874 
rayneri, Acropora (Brook 1892) = A. granulosa [792] 
rayneri, Madrepora Brook 1892 = Acropora rayneri/A. granulosa 
recidivus, Aulocyathus (Dennant 1906) 
recidivus, Ceratotrochus Dennant 1906 = Aulocyathus recidivus [123] 
reclinata, Acropora Nemenzo 1967 = A. palifera [768] 
recta, Mussa Dana 1848 = Symphyllia recta [773] 
recta, Notophyllia Dennant 1906 

[(87]/Acropora stigmataria 

repens, Pavona (Briiggemann 1878) 

reptans, Anacropora Bernard 1897 =? Macclesfield Bank [28] 

reptans. Goniopora Bemard ? = ? British Indian Ocean Territory 

reptans, Stellangia Duchassaing & Michelotti 1860 =? Virgin Islands 
of the United States [196] 

reptans, Turbinaria Bernard 1896 =? Australia 

retepora, Alveopora (Ellis & Solander 1786) = ? 

retepora, Madrepora Ellis & Solander 1786 =? Mauritius [242.674] 

reticularis, Astrea Lamarck 1816 =? 

reticularis, Millepora Milne Edwards & Haime 1860 =? 

reticulata, Acropora (Brook 1892) = A. cytherea [674.792] 

reticulata, Anacropora Veron & Wallace 1984 

reticulata, Antipathella (Esper 1797) = Antipathes reticulata 

reticulata, Antipathes Esper 1797 

reticulata, Antipathes van Pesch 1914 =? 

reticulata, Aphanipathes (van Pesch 1914) =? 

reticulata, Calyptopora Boschma 1968 

reticulata, Errina Caims 1991 

reticulata, Madrepora Brook 1892 = Acropora cytherea [321.792] 

reticulata, Millepora Linnaeus 1758 = ? 


reticulata, Monripora Bernard 1897 =? Macclesfield Bank [28] 
reticulata. Porites Lamarck 1816 =? 
renculata, Rhipidipathes (Esper 1788) = Antipathes reticulata 
reticulosa, Porites Dana 1848 = P. lichen [807] 
reticulum. Errinopsis Broch 1951 
reticulum, Porites Ortmann 1892 =? Tanzania [560] 
retiformis, Astrea Lamarck 1816 = Goniastrea retiformis 
retiformis, Goniastrea (Lamarck 1816) 
retusa. Acropora (Dana 1848) 
retusa, Alveopora Verrill 1864 

- retusa, Madrepora Dana 1848 = Acropora retusa 
Reussastrea d' Achiardi 1875 = Pavona 
Reussia Duchassaing & Michelotti 1860 = \fadracis 
Rhabdocyathus Brook 1893 = Acropora 
rhipidion. Anupathes Pax 1916 
Rhipidipathes Milne Edwards & Haime 1857 = Antipathes 
Rhipidogyra Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 = Euphyllia [484] 
Rhizangiidae Milne Edwards & Haime 1857 77 

Rhizopsammia Verrill 1869 142 
Rhizosmilia Caims 1978 127 
Rhizotrochus Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 134 
Rhodaraea Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 = Goniopora 
Rhodocyathus Bourne 1905 = Scolymia 

Rhodopsammia Semper 1872 = Balanophyllia [737] 
rhombocolumna, Trochocyathus Alcock 1902 
Rhombopsammia Owens 1986 69 
Ribbon Coral 64 

richardi, Stichopathes Roule 1902 = S. filiformis 
rigida, Antipathes Pourtalés 1880 
rigida, Astraea Dana 1848 = Isophyllastrea rigida (690) 
rigida, Hydnophora (Dana 1848) 
rigida, Isophyllastrea (Dana 1848) 
rigida, Isophyllia (Dana 1848) = Isophyllastrea rigida 
rigida, Merulina Dana 1848 = Hydnophora rigida [839] 
rigida, Montipora Verrill 1866 
rigida, Mussa (Dana 1848) = /sophyllastrea rigida (690) 
ringens, Explanaria Lamarck 1816 =? 
ringens, Lobophyllia Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 = L. corymbosa 
ringens, Mussa (Milne Edwards & Haime 1849) = ? 
robillardi, Antipathes Bell 1891 
robokaki, Mycedium Moll & Best 1984 
robusta, Acropora (Dana 1848) 
robusta, Astraea Dana 1848 = Favites abdita [839] 
robusta, Crypthelia Caims 1991 
robusta, Dendrophyllia (Bourne 1905) 
robusta, Favia (Dana 1848) = F. abdita 
robusta, Halomitra (Quelch 1886) = Sandalolitha robusta 
robusta, Lepidotheca Caims 1991 
robusta, Lobophyllia Yabe & Sugiyama 1936 
robusta, Lobopsammia Bourne 1905 = Dendrophyllia robusta 
robusta, Madrepora Dana 1848 = Acropora robusta 
robusta, Oculina Pourtalés 1871 
robusta, Parahalomitra (Quelch 1886) = Sandalolitha robusta 
robusta. Pocillopora Verrill 1869 = P. elegans [691)/P. capitata 
robusta, Pocillopora capitata var. Verrill 1869 = P. capitata 
robusta, Podabacia Quelch 1886 = Sandalolitha robusta (354) 
robusta. Prionastrea (Dana 1848) = Favites abdita 
robusta, Rhizosmilia Cairns in Cairns & Keller 1993 
robusta, Sandalolitha (Quelch 1886) 
robusta, Stenohelia Boschma 1964 
robusta, Stichopathes Gravier 1918 =? 
robusta, Turbinaria Bernard 1896 =? Australia 
robusta, ? Caims 1983 = Stylaster robustus 
robustus, Stylaster (Caims 1983) 
rodericana, Prionastrea Briggemann ? =? Mauritius [674] 
roissyana, Leptastrea Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 
= L. purpurea [744.844] 
rolandi, Cladopsammia Lacaze-Duthiers 1897 
rosacea, Allopora Greeff 1886 = Srlaster rosaceus 


rosacea, Madrepora Esper 1791 =? Indonesia [87]. Philippines (621] 

rosacea, Porites Lamarck 1816 = Montpora foliosa [506] 

rosaceus. Snilaster (Greeff 1886) 

rosalindae, Distichopora Cairns 1986 

rosari, Acropora (Dana 1848) = 2.4. longicyathus [674] 

rosaria, Acropora (Dana 1848) 

rosaria, Madrepora Dana 1848 = Acropora rosaria 

Rose Coral 

rosea. Allopora (Pallas 1766) = Snaster roseus [503] 

rosea, Distichopora Kent 1871 = ?D. violacea [105] 

rosea. Madrepora Pallas 1766 = Snlaster roseus [110] 

rosea, Oculina (Pallas 1766) = Snlaster roseus [503] 

roseus. Stylaster (Pallas 1766) 

rossoamericanus, Stvlaster Brandt 1872 nomen nudum =? 

rostrata, Amphihelia Pourtales 1878 = Enallopsammia rostrata [123] 

rostrata, Anisopsammia (Pourtalés 1878) = Enallopsammia rostrata 

rostrata, Enallopsammia (Pourtalés 1878) 

rostrata, Stereopsammia (Pourtales 1878) = Enallopsammia rostrata 

rosularia, Echinopora Lamarck 1816 = E. lamellosa [744.844] 

rotaeformis, Deltocyathus Tenison-W 90ds 1878 = Dunocyathus 

rotulosa. Astraea (Ellis & Solander 1786) = Favia rotulosa 

rotulosa, Favia (Ellis & Solander 1786) 

rotulosa, Heliastrea Duchassaing & Michelotti 1860 =? Virgin 
Islands of the United States [196] 

rotulosa, Madrepora Ellis & Solander 1786 = Favia rotulosa 

rotulosa, Orbicella (Ellis & Solander 1786) = Favia rotulosa 

rotulosa, Parastrea (Ellis & Solander 1786) = Favia rotulosa 

rotulus. Deltocyathus (Alcock 1898) 

rotulus, Trochocyathus Alcock 1898 = Deltocyathus ronulus [123] 

rotumana, Acropora (Gardiner 1898) = A. danai [674] 

rotumana, Astraea Gardiner 1899 = Favia rotumana [839] 

rotumana, Favia (Gardiner 1899) 

rotumana, Madrepora Gardiner 1898 = Acropora danai 

rotumana, Orbicella Gardiner 1899 = Montastrea curta [843] 

rotunda, Montipora Bernard 1897 =? Australia [28] 

rotundata, Favia (Veron. Pichon & Wijsman-Best 1977) 

rotundata, Favites Veron. Pichon & Wijsman-Best 1977 = Favia 

rotundata, Heteropsammia Semper 1872 =? Persian Gulf [5] 

rotundatus, Paracyathus Semper 1872 

rotundifolia, Lophosmilia Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 = Oxysmilia 

rotundifolia, Oxysmilia (Milne Edwards & Haime 1848) 

rotundoflora, Acanthastrea Chevalier 1975 

Rough Starlet Coral 63 

roussaeanus, Heterocyathus Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 = H. 
aequicostatus [356] 

rousseaui, Echinopora Milne Edwards & Haime 1850 = E. 
gemmacea [744.844] 

rousseaui, Heterocyathus (Milne Edwards & Haime 1851) = H. 
aequicostatus [356] 

rousseaui, Parastrea Milne Edwards & Haime 1850 = Favia favus 

rousseaui, Prionastrea Milne Edwards & Haime 1850 =? 

rousseaui, Psammoseris (Milne Edwards & Haime 1851) = 
Heterocyathus aequicostatus [356] 

rousseaui, Stephanoseris Milne Edwards & Haime 1851 = 
Heterocyathus aequicostatus [356] 

rousseauii, Acropora (Milne Edwards & Haime 1860) = 4. valida [674] 

rousseauii, Madrepora Milne Edwards & Haime 1860 
= Acropora valida 

rowleyensis, Australomussa Veron 1985 

rubeola, Angia (Quoy & Gaimard 1833) = Culicia rubeola 

rubeola, Culicia (Quoy & Gaimard 1833) 

rubeola. Dendrophyllia Quoy & Gaimard 1833 = Culicia rubeola [827] 

rubeola, Tubipora Quoy & Gaimard 1833 =? 

rubescens, Alatotrochus (Moseley 1876) 

rubescens, Crispatotrochus (Moseley 1881) 



rubescens, Cyathoceras Nloseley 1881 = Crispatotrochus nibescens 

sagamiensis. Goniopora Eguchi 1968 
sagamiensis. Rhizosmilia (Eguchi 1968) 

rubescens. Plantrochus Moseley 1876 = Alatotrochus nubescens [123] salawartensis, Fungia actiniformis var. Déderlein 1902 = Heliofungia 

rubescens. Sphenotrochus (Moseley 1876) = Alatorrochus nibescens 

rubra, Alveopora Quoy & Gaimard 1833 =? Papua New Guinea [506] 

rubra, Antipathes Forster Cooper 1904 = ? 

rubra. Errina Broch 1942 

rubra. Euphyilia (Quoy & Gaimard 1833) = Flabellum rubrum [784)/ 
Monomvyces nibrum 

rubra, Madrepora Linnaeus 1758 =? 

rubra, Madrepora Studer 1878 =? Papua New Guinea [87] 

rubra, Millepora Lamarck 1816 =? 

nubra. Montipora (Quoy & Gaimard 1833) = Monomvces rubrum 

rubra, Turbinolia Quoy & Gaimard 1833 = Monomyces rubrum [699] 

rubrum. Flabellum (Quoy & Gaimard 1833) = Monomyces rubrum 

rubrum. Monomyces (Quoy & Gaimard 1833) 

rudis, Astraea Verrill 1866 = Favia speciosa [839] 

nudis. Favia (Verrill 1866) = F. speciosa [839] 

rudis, Goniastrea Milne Edwards & Haime 1850 = Favites pentagona 

rudis, Lobophyllia Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 = L. corvmbosa 
rudis, Madrepora Rehberg 1892 = ?Acropora hemprichii [806] 
rueppellii, Fungia (Leuckart 1841) = Ctenactis echinata [784] 
rueppellii, Herpetolithus Leuckart 1841 = Ctenactis echinata [354] 
rufa, Favites Wijsman-Best 1972 
rugosa, Agaricia Lamarck 1816 = Pachyseris rugosa 
rugosa, Antipathella Thomson & Simpson 1905 = Antipathes rugosa 
rugosa, Antipathes (Thomson & Simpson 1905) 
rugosa, Caryophyllia Moseley 1881 
rugosa. Coscinaraea Nemenzo 1980 =? 
rugosa, Euphyllia Dana 1848 = E. glabrescens [359] 
rugosa, Favia Chevalier 1972 = F. matthai (841) 
rugosa, Fungia Quelch 1886 = F. scruposa [354] 
rugosa, Leptosmilia (Dana 1848) = Euphyllia glabrescens [484] 


salebrosa. Plesiastrea Nemenzo 1959 = Favia helianthoides [768]/P 
versipora [843] 

saliciformis, Tropidopathes Silberfeld 1909 

salicoides, Antipathes Summers 1910 

salix, Antipathes Pourtalées 1880 

salix, Aphanipathes (Pourtalés 1880) = Antipathes salix 

samarensis. Montipora Nemenzo 1967 

samboangensis, Fungia Vaughan 1906 = F. repanda [354] 

samoa. Goniopora Bemard 1903 

samoensis. Acropora (Brook 1891) 

samoensis, Madrepora Brook 1891 = Acropora samoensis 

samoensis, Psammocora Hoffmeister 1925 = P. nierstraszi [430] 

sancta, Millepora Duchassaing & Michelotti 1864 =? Guadeloupe 

sanctihilarii, Dendrogyra Duchassaing & Michelotti 1864 = D. 
cylindrus [889] 

sanctijohannis, Mycedium Duchassaing & Michelotti 1864 = 
24 garicia agaricites [786] 

Sandalolitha Queich 1884 76 

Sandpaper Coral 61 

sanfelipensis, Astrangia Durham & Barnard 1952 = A. haimei [375a] 

sanguineus, Stylaster Milne Edwards & Haime 1850 

sarcinula, Solenastrea Milne Edwards & Haime 1850 = C}phastrea 
serailia [744.844] 

Sarcinula Lamarck 1816 = Galaxea 

sarmentosa, Acropora (Brook 1892) 

sarmentosa, Errina Boschma 1968 = Lepidopora sarmentosa 

sarmentosa. Lepidopora (Boschma 1968) 

sarmentosa, Madrepora Brook 1892 = Acropora sarmentosa 

sarothamnoides, Antipathes (Brook 1889) 

sarothamnoides, Aphanipathes Brook 1889 = Antipathes 

rugosa, Madrepora subglabra var. Brook 1893 = Acropora subglabra sarothrum, Antipathes Pax 1932 

rugosa, Millepora Duchassaing & Michelotti 1864 =? 
rugosa, Pachyseris (Lamarck 1816) 
rugosa, Pocillopora Gardiner 1897 =? Tuvalu [261] 
rugosa, Stylophora Gardiner 1898 
rugosa, Turbinaria Bernard 1896 
rugosus, Crispatotrochus Caims 1995 
rugulosum, Flabellum Tenison-Woods ? =? New Zealand [693] 
rumphii, Cirrhipathes van Pesch 1910 
rus, Madrepora Forskal 1775 = Porites rus 
rus, Montipora (Forskal 1775) = M. danae [674]/Porites rus 
rus, Porites (Forskal 1775) 
rusei, Desmophyllum Duchassaing & Michelotti 1860 = 
Thalamophyllia rusei 
rusei. Thalamophyllia (Duchassaing & Michelotti 1860) 
russelli, Acropora Wallace 1994 
russelli, Favites (Wells 1954) 
russelli, Plesiastrea Wells 1954 = Favites russelli [774] 
rustica, Coeloria (Dana 1848) = Platygyra daedalea 
rustica, Meandrina Dana 1848 = Platygyra daedalea [839] 
rustica, Platygyra (Dana 1848) = P. lamellina/ P. daedalea [674.839] 
ryukyuensis, Platygyra Yabe & Sugiyama 1936 

Sabinotrochus Duncan 1873 = Stephanocyathus 
sabiuraensis, Catalaphyllia (Eguchi 1973) 
sabiuraensis, Euphyllia Eguchi 1973 = Catalaphyllia sabiuraensis 
saccharata, Porites Briiggemann 1878 
saccharatum, Lithodendrum von Martens 1902 
= Distichopora coccinea [105] 
saccula, Cirrhipathes van Pesch 1914 
saccula, Stichopathes van Pesch 1914 = Cirrhipathes saccula 
sagamiensis, Coenocyathus Eguchi 1968 = Rhizosmilia sagamiensis 

sarsi, Deltocyathus (Gardiner & Waugh 1938) 

sarsi, Fungiacyathus Gardiner & Waugh 1938 = Deltocvathus sarsi 

sarsiae. Caryophyllia Zibrowius 1974 = C. diomedeae [123a] 

Savagliopsis Schultze 1896 = Antipathes 

Savigniensis, Psammocora Gardiner 1898 = Coscinastrea columna 

Savignyana, Siderastrea Milne Edwards & Haime 1850 

savignii, Goniopora Dana 1848 

savignyi. Alcyonella Audouin 1809 = Alveopora daedalea [506] 

savignyi, Cynarina Briiggemann 1877 = C. lacrymalis [151.815] 

savignyi, Cyphastrea Milne Edwards & Haime 1850 = C. 
microphthalma [744.844] 

savignyi, Parastrea Milne Edwards & Haime 1850 = Favia favus 

saxea, Montipora Bernard 1897 

scabiosa. Allopora (Broch 1935) = Stylaster scabiosus 

scabiosus. Stylaster Broch 1935 

scobra, Astreopora Lamberts 1982 

scabra, Balanophyllia Alcock 1893 

scabra, Fungia Déderlein 1901 

scabra, Leptoseris Vaughan 1907 

scabra, Porites Lamarck 1816 = Stylophora digitata [503)/S. pistillata 

scabra. Prionastrea Briggemann ? =? Mauritius [674] 

scabricula, Clavarina (Dana 1848) = Merulina scabricula 

scabricula, Manopora Dana 1848 = Montipora scabricula 

scabricula, Merulina Dana 1848 

scabricula, Montipora (Dana 1848) 

scabriculoides, Montipora Ortmann 1888 = ? Samoa [557] 

scabrosa, Balanophyllia (Dana 1848) 

scabrosa, Dendrophyllia Dana 1848 = Balanophyllia scabrosa [784] 

scabrosa, Madrepora Ellis & Solander 1786 =? 

scabrosa, Madrepora Quelch 1886 =? Fiji [621]. New Caledonia 

scandens. Acropora (Klunzinger 1879) 

scandens, Madrepora K\unzinger 1879 = Acropora pharaonis 

scaphula, Placotrochides Alcock 1902 

Scapophyllia Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 97 

schauinslandi, Porites Studer 1901 =? United States: Hawaiian Is 

scheeri. Balanophnyillia Durham 1962 = Rhizopsammia verrilli [118] 

scheeri, Merulina Head 1983 

scherzeriana. Acropora (Bruggemann 1878) = 4. humilis [674] 

scherzeriana. Madrepora Briggemann 1878 = Acropora humilis (806) 

schistica, Turbinaria Gardiner 1898 

Schizoculina Wells 1937 82 
Schizocyathus Pourtalés 1874 136 
Schizopathes Brook 1889 35 

Schizopsammia Cairns 1994 = Dichopsammia [123] 

schmitti, Acropora Wells 1950 

schneideri, Favia Studer 1881 =? Singapore [710] 

schrammi, Millepora Duchassaing & Michelotti 1864 = Af. alcicornis 

schrammii, Axohelia Pourtalés 1874 =? Guadeloupe [612] 

scillaemorpha. Caryophyllia Alcock 1894 

Sclerhelia Milne Edwards & Haime 1850 82 

Sclerohelia Milne Edwards & Haime 1857 = Sclerhelia 

Sclerophyllia Kiunzinger 1879 = Cynarina 

scobinosa, Caryophyllia Alcock 1902 

Scolymia Haime 1852 90 
scoparia, Antipathes Lamarck 1815 = A. dichotoma 
scoparia, Bathypathes Totton 1923 

scriptus, Holcotrochus Dennant 1902 

Scroll Coral 64 

scruposa, Fungia Klunzinger 1879 

sculpta, Amphihelia Seguenza 1864 =? Cuba [613] 

scutaria, Fungia Lamarck 1801 

scutaria, Pleuractis (Lamarck 1801) = Fungia scutaria 

scutata, Montipora Bernard 1897 =? Australia [28] 

sealarki, Antipathes Forster Cooper 1909 

sebacana, Manicina Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 = M. areolata 

sebae, Acrhelia Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 = A. horrescens [757] 

seriata. Madrepora Pallas 1766 = Seriatopora lineata (807) 

seriata, Pavonia Briiggemann 1879 = P. decussata [674] 

Seriatopora Lamarck 1816 40 

Seriatoporitidae Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 = Pocilloporidae 

seriatus. Pliobothrus Broch 1942 = Phalangopora regularis [105] 

sericea, Goniastraea Ortmann 1888 = Gardineroseris planulata [827 

serpens, Distichopora Broch 1942 

serpentina, Dendrophyllia Vaughan 1907 = Eguchipsammia 

serpuliforme, Desmophyllum Gravier 1915 = D. cristagalli [881] 

serrata, Balanophyllia Cairns & Zibrowius 1997 

serrata, Goniastraea Ortmann 1889 = Favia pallida [839] 

serrata, Meandrina Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 = Maeandra 
cerebrum [786]/Diploria strigosa 

serrulata, Fungia Verrill 1864 = F. concinna [354] 

setacea, Antipathes Gray 1860 = Stichopathes gracilis 

setacea, Stichopathes (Gray 1860) = S. gracilis 

setacea vat. occidentalis, Cirrhipathes Gray ? 
= [Stichopathes gracilis}! 

setchelli, Pocillopora Hoftmeister 1929 

setchelli, Pocillopora damicornis forma Hoffmeister 1929 = P. setchelli 

setoensis, Podabacia elegans forma Yabe & Sugivama 1936 = 
Lithophyllon undulatum 

setosa. Montipora Nemenzo 1976 

sewelli, Caryophyllia Gardiner & Waugh 1938 

sexcostatum, Flabellum Cairns 1989 

sexradiis, Odontocyathus Alcock 1902 = Stephanocyathus spiniger 

seychellensis, Fungia Hoeksema 1993 

seychellensis, Goniastrea (Milne Edwards & Haime 1850) 
=G. australensis [674] 

seychellensis, Prionastrea Milne Edwards & Haime 1850 = 
Goniastrea australensis/Favites abdita [839] 

seychellensis, Stichopathes Forster Cooper 1909 

Shade Coral 

Sheet Coral 

shibayamai., Antipathes Shibayuma ? = ? 

sibogae, Antipathes van Pesch 1914 

sibogae, Aphanipathes (van Pesch 1914) = Antipathes sibogae 


sebae, Pectinia Milne Edwards & Haime 1851 = Meandrina meandritessibogae, Bathyactis Alcock 1902 = Fungiacyathus sibogae [116] 

secale, Acropora (Studer 1878) 
secale, Madrepora Studer 1878 = Acropora secale [637c]} 
secaloides, Acropora Verrill 1902 =? Singapore [788] 
secta, Caryophyllia Cairns & Zibrowius 1997 
secunda, Acropora (Dana 1848) = 4. nobilis 
secunda, Herpetoglossa Nemenzo 1988 = Ctenactis crassa 
secunda, Herpolitha Nemenzo ? = Fungia simplex [768] 
secunda, Madrepora Dana 1848 = Acropora nobilis [604.784] 
securis, Acropora (Dana 1848) = 4. cuneata 
Securis, Madrepora Dana 1848 = Acropora cuneata [806] 
seguenzae, Caryophyllia Duncan 1873 
sekiseiensis, Acropora Veron 1990 
selago, Acropora (Studer 1878) 
selago, Madrepora Studer 1878 = Acropora selago 
semiglabra, Cirripathes van Pesch 1914 = Stichopathes semiglabra 
semiglabra, Stichopathes (van Pesch 1914) 
semilunaris, Porites Nemenzo ? = P. vaughani [768] 
semperi, Trochocyathus Cairns & Zibrowius 1997 
senaria, Madracis Wells 1974 
senegalensis, Polycyathus Chevalier 1966 
senegalensis, Siderastrea Milne Edwards & Haime 1850 = S. radians 
septata, Pocillopora Gardiner 1897 =? Tuvalu [261] 
septata, Stylophora Gardiner 1898 = S. pistillata [277.661.674] 
septima, Porites queenslandi Benard 1905 =? American Samoa [430] 
serailia, Cyphastrea (Forskal 1775) 
serailia, Madrepora Forskal 1775 = Cyphastrea serailia [744.844] 
seriata, Acropora (Ehrenberg 1834) = A. humilis [674] 
seriata, Heteropora Ehrenberg 1834 = Acropora humilis 

sibogae, Dendrophyllia van der Horst 1922 = Tubastraea diaphana 

sibogae, Flabellum Gardiner 1904 

sibogae, Fungia van der Horst 1921 = Fungia costulata [354] 

sibogae, Fungiacyathus (Alcock 1902) 

sibogae, Stephanotrochus Alcock 1902 = Stephanocyathus weberianus 

Sibopathes van Pesch 1914 

Siderastrea Blainville 1830 

Siderastreidae Vaughan & Wells 1943 

siderea, Madrepora Ellis & Solander 1786 = Siderastrea siderea [690] 

siderea, Pavonia (Ellis & Solander 1786) = Siderastrea siderea [784] 

siderea, Siderastrea (Ellis & Solander 1786) 

sieboldii. Cirrhipathes Blainville 1834 =2C. anguina 

sigmoides, Cryptabacia (Ehrenberg 1834) = Polyphyllia talpina 

sigmoides, Polyphyllia Ehrenberg 1834 = P. talpina [354] 

silene, Eusmilia Duchassaing & Michelotti 1860 = E. fastigiata [889] 

sillimaniani, Porites Nemenzo 1976 

similis, Cycloseris Nemenzo 1976 = Fungia fralinae [354.768] 

Simplastrea Umbgrove 1939 82 

simplex, Acanthastrea (Crossland 1952) 

simplex, Antipathes (Schultze 1896) 

simplex, Brachytrochus Duncan 1876 = Heterocyathus alternatus 

simplex, Caryophyllia Duncan 1878 = Stenocyathus vermiformis [881] 

simplex, Caulastrea Crossland 1952 = Acanthastrea simplex 

simplex, Colangia Pourtalés 1878 = Gardineria simplex 

simplex, Desmophyllum Verrill 1870 =? Virgin Islands of the United 
States [783] 

simplex, Fungia (Gardiner 1905) = Ctenactis crassa [354] 



simplex. Gardineria (Pourtalés 1878) 

simplex, Gemmutlatrochus Duncan 1878 = Hoplangia duromrix [881] 

simplex. Herpetoglossa (Gardiner 1905) = Crenacus crassa 

simplex, Herpolitha Gardiner 1905 = Crenactis crassa [334] 

simplex. Parantipathes Schultze 1896 = Anupathes simplex 

simplex. Plerogvra Rehberg 1892 

simplex, Symphyllia Crossland 1948 

simplicitexta. Goniastrea Umbgrove 1939 = Parasimplastrea 

simplicitexta, Parasimplastrea (Umbgrove 1939) 

simpson. Pteropathes Summers 1910 =? 

sinaitica, Swlophora Briggemann 1878 = S. pistillata (277.661) 

smithii. Cvathina (Stokes & Broderip 1828) = Carvophyilia smithit 

Smooth Shoe Coral 

Smooth Starlet Coral 

socialis. Balanopivilia (Semper 1872) = B. stimpsonit 

socialis, Montipora Bernard 1897 = \/_ foveolata [674] 

socialis. Rhodopsammia Semper 1872 = Balanophyllia stimpsonti 

socialis, Thecopsammia Pourtalés 1868 

solanderi, ? Ellis & Solander 1786 = Montipora solandert 

solanderi, Montipora (Ellis & Solander 1786) 

solanderi, Montipora Bernard 1897 = 2M. stellata [674] 


sinensis, Astroria Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 = Plangyra sinensis solanderi, Porites Duchassaing & Michelotti 1860 =? Virgin Islands 

sinensis, Cirrhipathes Zou & Zhou 1984 
sinensis. Coeloria (Milne Edwards & Haime 1849) 
= Plan gyra sinensis 
sinensis, Cycloseris Milne Edwards & Haime 1851 = Fungia sinensis 
sinensis. Favia (Milne Edwards & Haime 1849) 
= Platygyra sinensis [674] 
sinensis. Fungia (Milne Edwards & Haime 1851) 
sinensis. Lobophyllia Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 = 
Platygyra sinensis 
sinensis, Madrepora Brook 1893 =? China. New Caledonia [262]. 
Taiwan [87] 
sinensis, Madrepora spicifera var. Brook 1893 =? 
sinensis, Montipora Bernard 1897 = M. tuberculosa [674] 
sinensis, Platygyra (Milne Edwards & Haime 1849) 
sinensis. Turbinaria Verrill 1866 

of the United States [196] 
Solenastrea Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 
Solenosmilia Duncan 1873 
solida, Allopora (Broch 1935) = Snlaster solidus 
solida, Anacropora Quelch 1886 =? Fiji [621] 
solida, Baryastrea Milne Edwards & Haime 1850 = Leptastrea bottae 
solida, Caryophyllia Cairns 1991 
solida, Dipsastraea Blainville 1830 = Goniastrea edwardsi 
solida, Domoseris Quelch 1886 = Leptoseris solida 
solida, Goniastrea (Forskal 1775) = Porites solida 
solida, Goniastrea (Blainville 1830) = G. edwardsi 
solida, Leptastrea (Milne Edwards & Haime 1850) = L. bortae [674] 
solida, Leptoseris (Quelch 1886) 
solida, Madrepora Forskal 1775 = Porites solida 
solida, Montipora Bernard 1897 = ? 
solida, Mussa Tenison-W oods 1879 = ? Australia [720] 


singapurensis, Fungia actiniformis var. Déderlein 1902 = Heliofungiasolida, Pocillopora Quelch 1886 

singularis, Acropora Nemenzo 1967 = A. millepora [768] 
singularis, Madracis Rehberg 1892 =? Fiji [631] 

solida. Porites (Forskal 1775) 
solida, Porites Verrill 1868 = P. astreoides [420] 
solida, Synaraea Verrill 1864 =? French Polynesia [776] 

sinica, Protolobophyllia Ma 1959 nomen nudum = Cynarina lacrymalissolidior, Astrea Milne Edwards & Haime 1850 = Montastrea curta 

sinuata, Antillia Gardiner 1899 = Trachyphyllia geoffroyi [168] 

sinuosa, Astraea Dana 1848 = Goniastrea pectinata [839] 

sinuosa. Calyptopora Caims 1991 

sinuosa, Caryophyllia Lamarck 1816 = Lobophyllia costata [484)/L. 

sinuosa, Cycloseris Nemenzo 1983 
= Fungia concinna (354)/F. fungites [768] 

sinuosa, Errina Caims 1991 

sinuosa, Euphyllia Dana 1848 = Plerogyra sinuosa [784] 

sinuosa, Goniastrea (Dana 1848) = G. pectinata 

sinuosa. Isophyllia (Ellis & Solander 1786) 

sinuosa, Lobophyllia (Lamarck 1816) =? 

sinuosa, Madrepora Ellis & Solander 1786 = /sophyllia sinuosa [690] 

sinuosa, Meandrina LeSueur 1820 = Maeandra cerebrum 
[786]/Diploria strigosa 

sinuosa, Meandrina Quoy & Gaimard 1833 (unidentifiable) = 
Symphyllia recta 

sinuosa, Montipora Pillai & Scheer 1976 

sinuosa. Mussa (Forskal 1775) = Lobophyllia hemprichii 

sinuosa, Plerogyra (Dana 1848) 

sinuosa, Prionastrea (Dana 1848) = Goniastrea pectinata 

sinuosa, Symphyllia (Quoy & Gaimard 1833) = S. recta 

sinuosissima, Meandrina Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 = Maeandra 

cerebrum [786)/Diploria strigosa 
Slender Lettuce Coral 
Slipper Coral 

sluiteri, Doederleinia van der Horst 1921 = Sandalolitha dentata [354] 

Small-eyed Star Coral 36 
Small Knob Coral 108 
Small Star Coral 99 

smithi, Acropora (Brook 1893) = A. robusta [674] 

smithi, Madrepora Brook 1893 = Acropora robusta 

smithii, Angia Milne Edwards & Haime 1850 = Culicia smithii 
smithii, Caryophyllia Stokes & Broderip 1828 

smithii, Culicia (Milne Edwards & Haime 1850) 


solidior, Echinopora sensu Gardiner 1904 = E. hirsutissima [744.844] 

solidior, Echinopora Milne Edwards & Haime 1850 = E. gemmacea 

solidior, Orbicella (Milne Edwards & Haime 1850) = Montastrea curta 

solidocolumella, Leptastrea Latypov 1987 

solidus, Leptopenus Keller 1977 

solidus, Stylaster Broch 1935 

solitaria, Astrangia (LeSueur 1817) 

solitaria, Carvophyllia LeSueur 1817 = Astrangia solitaria [784] 

Solitary Disk Coral 90 

solitaryensis, Acropora Veron & Wallace 1984 

Soljania Pax 1955 = Hoplangia 

solorensis, Cirrhipathes van Pesch 1914 

solorensis, Stichopathes (van Pesch 1914) = Cirrhipathes solorensis 

somaliensis, Goniopora Vaughan 1907 

somaliensis, Physogyra Vaughan 1907 

somaliensis, Porites Gravier 1910 

somervillei, Aphanipathes Forster Cooper 1909 

somervillei, Cycloseris (Gardiner 1909) = Fungia somervillei [354] 

somervillei, Fungia Gardiner 1909 

songae, Schizopsammia Cairns 1994 = Dichopsammia granulosa 

sordiensis, Acropora Riegl 1995 

spathulata, Madrepora Brook 1891 = Acropora millepora [792] 

spathulata, Madrepora (Porites) digitata var. Ehrenberg 1834 = 
Snlophora palmata [503)/S. pistillata 

spatiosa, Maeandra Ehrenberg 1834 = Dendrogyra cylindrus [889] 

spatula, Montipora Bernard 1897 =? Australia [28] 

spatula, Stylaster Cairns 1986 

speciosa, Agaricia Dana 1848 = Pachyseris speciosa 

speciosa, Antipathella Brook 1889 = Antipathes speciosa 

speciosa, Antipathes (Brook 1889) 

speciosa, Astraea Dana 1848 = Favia speciosa [839] 

speciosa, Favia (Dana 1848) 


speciosa. Madrepora Hom 1861 =? 

speciosa, Madrepora Quelch 1886 = Acropora granulosa [792] 

speciosa, Merulina Dana 1848 = \/. ampliata [674.772] 

speciosa, Oculina Milne Edwards & Haime 1850 =? Bermuda [621] 

speciosa. Pachyserts (Dana 1848) 

speciosa, Turbinaria Bernard 1896 

speciosa. Undaria (Dana 1848) = Pachyseris speciosa 

spectabilis. Acropora (Brook 1892) = 4. humilis [674] 

spectabilis. Goniastrea (Verrill 1872) = G. aspera [774] 

spectabilis, Madrepora Brook 1892 = Acropora humilis 

spectabilis, Prionastrea Verrill 1872 = [Goniastrea spectabilis 
[839]]/Goniastrea aspera [774] 

sphaeroidalis, Siderastraea Ortmann 1889 = Pavona clavus [371] 

sphaerostoma, Madrepora Hemprich & Ehrenberg 1834 = 
Astraeopora mvriophthalma 

spheniscus, Euphyllia Dana 1848 = Flabellum spheniscus (784)/ 
Truncatoflabellum spheniscus [116.123] 

spheniscus, Flabellum (Dana 1848) 
= Truncatoflabellum spheniscus [116] 

spheniscus. Truncatoflabellum (Dana 1848) 

Sphenophyllia Moseley 1881 = Meandrina 

Sphenotrochus Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 

spicata, Montipora Bernard 1897 = ? 

spicifera. Acropora (Dana 1848) 

spicifera, Madrepora Dana 1848 = Acropora spicifera 

spiessi, Stichopathes Opresko & Genin 1990 

Spine Corals 

spinescens, Antipathes Gray 1857 

spinicarens, Acanthocyathus Moseley 1881 = Caryophyllia 
spinicarens [126a] 

spinicarens, Caryophyllia (Moseley 1881) 

spinifer, Fungia Claereboudt & Hoeksema 1987 

spiniger, Acanthocyathus Kent 1871 = Caryophyllia spinigera [123] 

spiniger, Odontocyathus (Marenzeller 1888) = Stephanocyathus 
spiniger [123] 

spiniger. Stephanocyathus (Marenzeller 1888) 

spiniger, Stephanotrochus Marenzeller 1888 = Stephanocyathus 

spinigera, Caryophyllia (Kent 1871) 

spinosa. Acanthastrea Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 = A. echinata 

spinosa, Anacropora Rehberg 1892 

spinosa, Antipathes (Carter 1880) 

spinosa. Favites (Klunzinger 1879) =? Djibouti [298] 

spinosa, Inferiolabiata Caims 1991 

spinosa, Oulophyllia Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 = /sophyllia 
sinuosa [889] 

spinosa, Phyllopora Tenison-Woods 1879 = ? Fiji [719] 

spinosa, Pliobothrus (Hickson & England 1905) 



spongia, Astraea Hemprich & Ehrenberg 1834 = Goniastrea 
retiformis [839] 

spongiformis. Plesiastraea Duncan 1864 = Stephanocoenia intersepta 

spongiformis, Solenastraea Duncan 1889 = Stephanocoenia intersepta 

spongilla, Montipora Bernard 1900 =? Christmas Island [29] 

Spongiocyathus Folkeson 1919 = Heterocvathus [356] 

spongiosa, Alveopora Dana 1848 

spongiosa. Errina Broch 1942 = E. antarctica [105] 

spongiosa, Madrepora Ellis & Solander 1786 = Montipora foveolata 

spongiosa, Madrepora Hemprich & Ehrenberg 1834 = Montipora 

spongiosa, Madrepora scherzeriana var. Brook 1893 = Acropora 

spongiosa, Meandrina Dana 1848 = Goniastrea varia 

spongiosa, Montipora (Hemprich & Ehrenberg 1834) 

spongodes, Montipora Bernard 1897 

Sporadopora Moseley 1879 

spumosa, Montipora (Lamarck 1816) 

spumosa, Porites Lamarck 1816 = Montipora spumosa 

squamosa. Acropora (Brook 1892) = 4. millepora [792] 

squamosa, Antipathes W. Koch 1886 

squamosa, Madrepora Brook 1892 = Acropora squamosa/A. millepora 

squarrosa. Acropora (Hemprich & Ehrenberg 1834) 

squarrosa, Heteropora Hemprich & Ehrenberg 1834 
= Acropora squarrosa 

squarrosa, Millepora Lamarck 1816 

squarrosa, Pocillopora Dana 1848 

squiresi. Carvophyllia Caims 1982 

Squiresi, Crispatotrochus (Caims 1979) 

squiresi, Cyathoceras Caims 1979 = Crispatotrochus squiresi [118] 

squiresi, Raombopsammia Owens 1986 

squiresi, Sphenotrochus Caims 1995 

stabile, Flabellum Marenzeller 1904 = Truncatoflabellum stabile 

stabile, Truncatoflabellum (Marenzeller 1904) 

stabilis, Bathyacris Gardiner & Waugh 1939 = Fungiacyathus 
sibogae [126a] 

stabilis, Fungiacvathus (Gardiner & Waugh 1939) = Fungiacyathus 
sibogae [125] 

Staghom Coral 41.43 

stalagmites, Montipora Ortmann 1888 = ? French Polynesia [557] 

Star Coral 54 
Starburst Coral 80 
Starry Cup Coral 85 

stearnsii, Paracyathus Verrill 1869 

stechowi. Antipathes (Pax 1932) 

stechowi, Aphanipathes Pax 1932 = Antipathes stechowi 
Steganopora Hickson & England 1905 = Pliobothrus 

spinosa, Prionastraea Klunzinger 1879 = Acanthastrea echinata [168] stejnegeri, Allopora Fisher 1938 = Snlaster stejnegeri 

spinosa, Seriatopora Milne Edwards & Haime 1860 

stejnegeri, Stylaster (Fisher 1938) 

spinosa, Steganopora Hickson & England 1905 = Pliobothrus spinosastella, Deltocyathus Cairns & Zibrowius 1997 

spinosa, Stichopathes Silberfeld 1909 =? Japan [680] 

spinosocostatus, Trochocyathus Zibrowius 1980 

spinosum, Flabellum Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 = 
Truncatoflabellum stokesii [5] 

spinosum, Hydradendrium Carter 1880 = Antipathes spinosa 

spinulifera, Madrepora Whitelegge 1898 =? Tuvalu [835] 

spinulosa, Aphanipathes Schultze 1896 = ? 

spinulosa, Diploria Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 =? 

spinulosa, Echinopora Briggemann ? =? Mauritius [242.674] 

spinulosa, Euphyllia Dana 1848 = Desmophyllum spinulosum [784)/ 
Meandrina spinulosa 

spinulosa, Madrepora Klunzinger 1879 =? 

spinulosa, Meandrina (Dana 1848) 

spiralis, Antipathes (Linnaeus 1758) = Cirrhipathes spiralis 

spiralis, Cirrhipathes (Linnaeus 1758) 

spiralis, Stichopathes gracilis var. Thomson & Simpson 1905 = S. 

splendida, Acropora Nemenzo 1967 = A. valenciennesii [768] 


stella, Odontocyathus Alcock 1902 = Stephanocyathus spiniger [126a] 

stellae, Astreopora Nemenzo 1964 = A. gracilis [768\/A. 
myriophthalma [429] 

Stellangia Duchassaing & Michelotti 1860 = Astrangia 

Stellapora Cairns 1983 153 

stellaria, Cladocora Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 = C. cespitosa 

stellaria, Desmophyllum Ehrenberg 1834 = ? 

stellaris, Dichocoenia Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 

stellaris, Haliglossa Ehrenberg 1834 = Herpolitha limax [354] 

stellaris, Herpetolithus (Ehrenberg 1834) = Herpolitha limax 

stellaris, Madrepora Linnaeus 1758 = ? 

stellata, Culicia Dana 1848 

stellata, Montipora Bernard 1897 

stellata, Pocillopora Verrill 1864 =? Tanzania [776] 

stellata, Psammocora (Verrill 1866) 

stellata, Seriatopora Quelch 1886 

stellata, Siderastraea Verrill 1868 


stellata, Stephanaria (Verrill 1866) = Psammocora stellata 

stellata, Stephanocora V errill 1866 = Psammocora stellata 

stellata, Stlophora Verrill 1864 

stellifera. Meandrina Michelin 1842 =? 

stelligera, Astraea Dana 1848 = Favia stelligera [839] 

stelligera. Favia (Dana 1848) 

stelligera, Orbicella (Dana 1848) = Favia stelligera 

stelligera. Plesiastrea (Dana 1848) = Favia stelligera 

stellulata, Acropora Verrill 1902 =? Tanzania [788] 

stellulata, Allopora (Stewart 1878) = Sniaster stellulatus 

stellulata, Astrea (Ellis & Solander 1786) = ? 

stellulata, Astrea Lamarck 1816 = Turbinaria stellulata 

stellulata. Astrreopora (Lamarck 1816) = Turbinaria stellulata [784] 

stellulata, Leptastrea Verrill 1867 = L. purpurea [744.844] 

stellulata, Madrepora Ellis and Solander 1786 =? 

stellulata. Turbinaria (Lamarck 1816) 

stellulatus. Bourneotrochus (Caims 1984) 

stellulatus, Deltocyathus Cairns 1984 = Bourneotrochus stellulatus 

stellulatus. Srlaster Stewart 1878 

Stenocyathus Pourtalés 1871 

Stenohelia Kent 1870 

stenopoma. Cryptohelia (Hickson & England 1905) 

stenopoma, Cryptohelia Hickson & England 1905 = Crypthelia 

Stephanaria Verrill 1867 = Psammocora 

Stephanocoenia Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 38 

Stephanocora Hemprich & Ehrenberg 1834 = Echinopora 

Stephanocora Verrill 1866 = Psammocora 

Stephanocyathus Seguenza 1864 128 

Stephanophyllia Michelin 1841 69 

Stephanopsammia Y abe & Eguchi 1932 = Stephanophyllia 

Stephanoseris Milne Edwards & Haime 1851 = Heterocyathus [356] 

Stephanotrochus Moseley 1881 = Stephanocyathus 

stephanus, Bathyactis Alcock 1893 = Fungiacyathus stephanus [123] 

stephanus. Fungiacyathus (Alcock 1893) 


stokesii, Diploria Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 = D. 
labvrinthiformis [889] 

stokesii, Flabellum Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 
= Truncatoflabellum stokesti {1 16] 

stokesii, Paracyathus Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 

stokesti. Truncatoflabellum (Milne Edwards & Haime 1848) 

straeleni, Seriatopora Thiel 1932 = S. /ystrix 

stratiformis, Montipora Bernard 1897 = ? New Guinea [28] 

striata. Acropora (Verrill 1866) 

striata, Balanophyllia Duncan 1876 =? Saint Helena [205] 

striata, Cirrhipathes spiralis var. van Pesch 1910 = C. spiralis 

striata, Cyathina Philippi 1842 = Paracvathus pulchellus [32b] 

striata, Leptosmilia Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 = Euphyllia 
glabrescens [484] 

striata, Madrepora Verrill 1866 = Acropora striata [637c] 

striata, Millepora Duchassaing & Michelotti 1864 

striata, Montipora Bernard 1897 

striatula, Echinopora Studer 1878 = E. lamellosa 

striatum, Desmophyllum Caims 1979 

striatus, Leptoseris Kent 1871 = L. hawaiiensis [185] 

striatus, Paracyathus (Philippi 1842) = P. pulchellus [190] 

stricta, Acropora pulchra var. (Brook 1893) = 4. pulchra [792] 

stricta, Astroria Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 = Plangyra sinensis 

stricta, Madrepora pulchra var. Brook 1893 = Acropora pulchra [792] 

stricta, Seriatopora Briiggemann 1877 

strictus, Herpetolithus Dana 1848 = Herpolitha limax [354] 

strigilis, Manicina Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 = M. areolata 

strigosa, Antipathella Brook 1889 = Antipathes strigosa 

strigosa. Antipathes (Brook 1889) 

strigosa, Diploria (Dana 1848) 

strigosa, Maeandra (Dana 1848) = Diploria strigosa [690] 

strigosa, Meandrina Dana 1848 = Diploria strigosa (690) 

strigosa, Montipora Nemenzo 1967 = M. stellata [768] 

strigosa, Parantipathes (Brook 1889) 

stephensoni. Oryzotrochus Wells 1959 = Turbinolia stephensoni [123b) strigosa, Symphyllia Duchassaing & Michelotti 1860 = /sophyllia 

stephensoni, Porites Crossland 1952 

stephensoni, Turbinaria Crossland 1952 = T. stellulata [674] 

stephensoni. Turbinolia (Wells 1959) 

Stichopathes Brook 1889 

stigmataria, Acropora (Milne Edwards & Haime 1860) 

stigmataria, Madrepora Milne Edwards & Haime 1860 = Acropora 

stigmataria, Pocillopora Lamarck 1816 =? 


sinuosa [889] 
Striped Shoe Coral 
studeri. Acropora (Brook 1893) 
studert, Crypthelia Caims 1991 
studeri, Madrepora Brook 1893 = Acropora studeri 
studeri, Merulina Bedot 1907 = M. ampliata [484} 
studeri, Montipora Vaughan 1907 
studeri, Mussa Marenzeller 1901 =? Tanzania [470] 


stilosa, Madrepora Hemprich & Ehrenberg 1834 = Montipora stilosa studeri, Porites Vaughan 1907 

stilosa, Montipora (Hemprich & Ehrenberg 1834) 

stimpsoniana, Eupsammia Verrill 1866 = Balanophyllia stimpsonii 

stimpsonii, Balanophyllia (Verrill 1866) 

stimpsonii. Deltocyatkoides (Pourtaiés 1871) 

stimpsonii, Eupsammia Verrill 1865 = Balanophyllia stimpsonii [125] 

stimpsonii, Leptocyathus Pourtalés 1871 
= Peponocyathus australiensis [116]/Deltocyathoides stimpsonii 

stimpsonii, Peponocyathus (Pourtalés 1871) 
= P. australiensis [116]/Deltocyathoides stimpsonii 

stoddarti, Acropora Pillai & Scheer 1976 

stokesi, Goniopora Milne Edwards & Haime 1851 

stokesi, Trochoseris Milne Edwards & Haime 1851 =? Philippines 

stokesiana, Balanophyllia (Milne Edwards & Haime 1848) = 
Leptopsammia stokesiana (126a] 

stokesiana, Leptopsammia Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 

stokesiana, Oulangia Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 

stokesiana, Oulophyllia Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 = O. crispa 

stokesii, Desmophyllum Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 =? United 
Kingdom [495] 

stokesii, Dichocoenia Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 

stuhimanni, Ulophyllia Rehberg 1892 = Oulophyllia crispa [484] 
stutchburyi. Goniopora Wells 1955 
Stylantheca Fisher 1931 1 
Stylaraea Milne Edwards & Haime 1851 39 
Snylaster Gray 1831 154 
Stylasteridae Gray 1847 147 
stylifera, Errinopora (Broch 1935) 
stylifera, Favites Yabe & Sugiyama 1937 
stylifera, Fungia fungites var. Déderlein 1902 = F. fungites 
stylifera, Protoerrina Broch 1935 = Errinopora stylifera 
Stylocoeniella Yabe & Sugiyama 1935 
Stylophora Schweigger 1819 
Stylophoridae Verrill 1867 = Pocilloporidae 
stylophoroides, Pocillopora cespitosa var. Vaughan 1907 = ? 
subacuta, Pocillopora Milne Edwards & Haime 1860 =? New 
Caledonia [560], Seychelles [508]. Tanzania [560] 
subaquila, Madrepora Hom 1861] = Acropora palmata 
subcornigera, Dendrophyllia Eguchi 1968 = Dendrophyllia arbuscula 
subcostata, Lophelia Milne Edwards & Haime 1850 
= L. pertusa [881] 
subdentata, Coeloria Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 = Plangyra 
lamellina [839] 



subdentata. Plan:gvra (Milne Edwards & Haime 1849) 
=P. lamellina [674.839] 

subdigitata, Porites Lamarck 1816 = Snlophora pistillata [503] 

subdigitata. Sideropora (Lamarck 1816) = Snlophora pistillata [784] 

subglabra. Acropora (Brook 1891) 

subglabra, Echinophyllia Nemenzo 1979 

subglabra, Madrepora Brook 1891 = Acropora subglabra 

subglabra, Montipora bernardi var. Vaughan 1907 = M. bernardi 

subpinnata. Antipathella (Ellis & Solander 1786) = Antipathes 

subpinnata, Antipathes Ellis & Solander 1786 

subpinnata. Antipathes Gray 1857 = A. wollastoni 

subrepanda. Fungia Déderlein 1901 = F. scruposa [354] 

subseriata, Madrepora Hemprich & Ehrenberg 1834 = Snlophora 

subseriata, Snlophora (Ehrenberg 1834) = S. pistillata [674] 

substellata, Polyphyllia Milne Edwards & Haime 1851 
= P. novaehiberniae [354] 

subtilis, Madrepora K\unzinger 1879 =? Solomon Islands [87] 

subtilis, Montipora Bernard 1897 = 2M. millepora [674] 

subtilis, Neoporites Duchassaing & Michelotti 1864 = Porites 

subtilis, Symphyllia Rehberg 1892 =? Fiji [631] 

subulata, Acropora (Dana 1848) 

subulata, Madrepora Dana 1848 = Acropora subulata 

subulata, Seriatopora Lamarck 1816 = S. lineata [807] 

subversa, Turbinaria Bernard 1896 =? Australia 

subviolacea, Allopora Kent 1871 = Snylaster subviolaceus 

subviolaceus, Snlaster (Kent 1871) 

subviridis. Astva (Moseley 1879) 

subviridis. Astvlus Moseley 1879 = Astva subviridis 

suffruticosa, Pocillopora Verrill 1864 =? French Polynesia [776]. 
Tonga [621]. Tuvalu [261] 

suggesta, Astreopora Wells 1954 

sugiyamai., Echinophyllia aspera Yabe & Eguchi 1935 = Echinophyllia 

sugivamai. Oxyphyllia aspera var. (Yabe & Eguchi 1935) = 
Echinophyllia tosaensis [354b] 

suharsonoi, Acropora Wallace 1994 

sulcata, Distichopora Pourtalés 1867 

sulcata, Favia ehrenbergi var. Klunzinger 1879 = F. ehrenbergi 

sulcata, Montipora Crossland 1952 

sulcata. Stephanoseris Verrill 1866 = Heterocyathus sulcatus [356] 

sulcatus. Heterocyathus (Verrill 1866) 

surcularis. Dendrophvilia Verrill 1869 = Tubastraea coccinea [827] 

surculosa. Acropora (Dana 1848) = 4. hyacinthus [674] 

surculosa, Madrepora Dana 1848 = ?Acropora hyacinthus [775} 

surculosa. Madrepora sensu Studer 1881 = Acropora studert 

susanae. Galaxea Nemenzo & Ferraris 1982 = G. astreata [768] 

suteri, Kionotrochus Dennant 1906 

suvadivae, Cyphastrea Gardiner 1904 = C. serailia [674.844] 

suvadivae, Montipora Pillai & Scheer 1976 

suvadivae, Prionastraea Gardiner 1904 =? Maldives [268] 

sverdrupi, Porites Durham 1947 = P. californica [375a} 

symmetrica, Acropora (Brook 1891) = 24. cvtherea [674] 

svmmetrica, Bathyactis (Pourtales 1871) = Fungiacvathus symmeiricus 

symmetrica, Fungia Pourtalés 1871 = Fungiacvathus symmetricus 

symmetrica, Lepidopora Caims 1991 

symmetrica, Madrepora Brook 1891 = Acropora cytherea 

symmertrica, Pocillopora Thiel 1932 

symmetricus, Fungiacyathus (Pourtales 1871) 

svmmetricus, Pliobothrus Pourtales 1868 

Symphyllia Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 90 

symphylloides. Pectinia (Milne Edwards & Haime 1849) 

symphylloides, Tridacophyllia Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 = 
Pectinia symphylloides 

Sympodangia Cairns & Zibrowius 1997 

Synaraea Verrill 1864 = Porites 

svringodes. Acropora (Brook 1892) = A. nana [430] 

syringodes, Madrepora Brook 1892 = Acropora syringodes/A. nana 

Systemopora Caims 1991 156 


Table Coral 41 

tabulata, Astreopora Gardiner 1898 = A. myriophthalma [429] 

tabulata, Astreopora Wells 1954 = A. suggesta [429] 

tagusensis, Tubastraea Wells 1982 

taisnei, Plerogyra Chevalier 1972 = P. simplex 

taiwanensis, Fungia Hoeksema & Dai 1991 

taiwanica, Montigyra Ma & Kawaguti 1959 = ? 

talpa, Fungia Lamarck 1816 = ? 

talpina. Cryptabacia (Lamarck 1801) = Polyphyllia talpina 

talpina, Fungia Lamarck 1801 = Polyphyllia talpina [354] 

talpina, Polyphyllia (Lamarck 1801) 

tanabensis, Cyphastrea chalcidicum Yabe & Sugiyama 1936 = C. 

tanabensis. Cyphastrea Yabe & Sugiyama 1936 

tanabensis, Tridacophyllia lactuca Yabe & Sugiyama 1936 = Pectinia 

sulfurea, Prionastrea Milne Edwards & Haime 1850 = Favites abdita tanacetum, Antipathes Pourtalés 1880 

suluense, Flabellum Alcock 1902 = ?F. magnificum [116] 

suluensis, Deltocyathus Alcock 1902 

suluensis, Deltocyathus magnificus var. Alcock 1902 = Deltocyathus 
suluensis [126a] 

suluensis, Fungia actiniformis var. Déderlein 1902 = Heliofungia 

sumatrense, Flabellum Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 = 
Truncatoflabellum spheniscus [123] 

sumilonensis, Montipora Nemenzo 1979 

Sunflower Coral 54 

superba, Madrepora Klunzinger 1879 = Acropora palmata 

superficialis, Alveopora Pillai & Scheer 1976 

superficialis, Meandrina Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 = Diploria 
clivosa [786] 

superficialis, Montipora Bernard 1897 =? New Zealand [28] 

superficialis, Porites Duchassaing & Michelotti 1860 = P. astreoides 

superficialis, Prionastrea vasta var. Klunzinger 1879 = Favites virens 

superficialis, Psammocora Gardiner 1898 

superfusa, Porites Gardiner 1898 

superstes, Letepsammia (Ortmann 1888) 

superstes, Stephanophyllia Ortmann 1888 = Letepsammia superstes 

suppressa, Porites Crossland 1952 = P. nigrescens [674] 


tanegashimensis, Acropora Veron 1990 

tangolaensis, Astrangia Durham 1947 

tannerense, Flabellum Durham & Barnard 1952 = Polymyces 
montereyensis [123] 

tannerensis, Polymyces (Durham & Bamard 1952) = Polymyces 
montereyensis [123] 

tapera. Anacropora Zou. Song & Ma 1975 =? China [897] 

taprobanae, Balanophyllia Bourne 1905 =? Sri Lanka [72] 

taxiformis, Antipathes Duchassaing 1870 = ? 

taxilianus, Paracyathus Gosse 1860 = Carvophyllia smithii [118] 

Taxipathes Brook 1889 36 

tayamai. Astreopora Yabe & Sugiyama 1941 = A. myriophthalma [429] 

tayamai, Pseudosiderastrea Yabe & Sugiyama 1935 

tayamai, Turbinaria Yabe & Sugiyama ? 

telegraphicus, Thalassiotrochus Milne Edwards 1861 

Temnotrochus Caims 1995 

Ten-rayed Star Coral 

tenella, Acanthastrea (Dana 1848) =? 

tenella, Acropora (Brook 1892) 

tenella, Astraea Dana 1848 =? Fiji [265] 

tenella, Culicia Dana 1848 

tenella, Galaxea Briiggemann 1879 =? Federated States of 
Micronesia [93]. Indonesia [621] 

tenella, Goniopora (Quelch 1886) 

tenella, Hydnophora Quelch 1886 = H. exesa [674.839] 


tenella, Madrepora Brook 1892 = Acropora tenella [792a] 

tenella, Millepora Esper 1797 =? 

tenella, Millepora Ortmann 1892 = Af. tenera [50] 

tenella, Oculina Pourtales 1871 

tenella. Prionastrea (Dana 1848) =? 

tenella, Tichopora Quelch 1886 = Goniopora tenella 

tenera, Millepora Boschma 1949 

tenisonwoodsi. Snlaster Caims 1988 

tenuescens. Desmophyvillum Gardiner 1899 = Thalamophvilia 
tenuescens [126a] 

tenuescens. Thalamophyllia (Gardiner 1899) 

tenuicalyx, Paracyathus Vaughan 1907 = Trochocyvathus 
rhombocolumna [123a] 

tenuicalyx, Trochocyvathus (Vaughan 1907) = Trochocvathus 
rhombocolumna [123a] 

tenuicaulis, Montipora Vaughan 1907 

tenuicostatum, Mycedium Verrill 1901 = M. elephantotus [674] 

tenuidens, Fungia Quelch 1886 = F. scutaria (354) 

tenuidens, Goniopora (Quelch 1886) 

tenuidens, Rhodaraea Quelch 1886 = Goniopora tenuidens 

tetrasticha, Antipathes Pourtalés 1868 = Parantipathes tetrasticha 
tetrasticha. Parantipathes (Pourtales 1868) 
tetrastichopora. Conopora Caims 1991 

Thalamopinillia Duchassaing 1870 129 
thalassae, Balanophyllia Zibrowius 1980 
Thalasstotrochus Milne Edwards 1861 129 

thamnea. Antipathes Wamer 1981 

thamnoides, Antipathes Schultze 1896 

thamnoides. Aphanipathes (Schultze 1896) = Antipathes thamnoides 

Thecocyathus Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 = Tethocyvathus 

Thecopsammia Pourtales 1868 143 

thomasiana, Madrepora Duchassaing & Michelotti 1860 = Acropora 

thomasiana, Symphyllia Duchassaing & Michelotti 1860 = /sop/vilia 
sinuosa [889] 

Thom coral 37 
thouarsii, Flabellum Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 
Thrypticotrochus Cairns 1989 129 

thulensis. Paracyathus Gosse 1860 = Caryophyllia smithii [118] 
thurstoni. Acropora (Brook 1893) 

tenuidentata, Lobophyllia Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 = L. costatathurstoni, Madrepora Brook 1893 = Acropora thurstoni 

[484)/L. hemprichii 

tenuifolia. Agaricia Dana 1848 

tenuifolia, Fungia agariciformis var. Dana 1848 = F. fungites 

tenuilamellosa, Coenopsammia Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 = 
Tubastraea coccinea [889] 

tenuilamellosa. Tubastrea (Milne Edwards & Haime 1848) = 
Tubastraea coccinea [123] 

tenuis, Acropora (Dana 1848) 

tenuis, Balanophyllia van der Horst 1922 

tenuis, Bathypathes Brook 1889 

tenuis, Coelastrea Verrill 1866 

thurstoni, Porites Pillai ? =? 

thyoides, Antipathes Pourtalés 1880 = Aphanipathes thyoides 
thyoides. Aphanipathes (Pourtalés 1880) 

tiara, Halomitra Verrill 1864 = H. pileus [354] 

tibicina, Madrepora Ellis & Solander 1786 = ? 

tiburonensis, Balanophyllia Durham 1947 = B. cedrosensis {123} 
tiburonensis, Paracyathus Durham 1947 = P. stearnsii [123] 
Tichopora Quelch 1886 = Goniopora 

Tichoseris Quelch 1884 = Pavona 

tiliata, Stenohelia (Hickson & England 1905) 

tiliatus, Stylaster Hickson & England 1905 = Stenohelia tiliata 

tenuis, Colpophyllia Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 = C. natans [889] tintinnabulum, Bathypsammia (Pourtalés 1868) 

tenuis, Conopora Moseley 1879 = C. laevis [105] 

tenuis, Cycloseris (Dana 1848) = Fungia tenuis [354] 

tenuis, Fungia Dana 1848 

tenuis, Leptoria (Dana 1848) = L. phrygia [430] 

tenuis, Leptoseris van der Horst 1921 

tenuis, Lophohelia Moseley 1881 = Madrepora oculata [126a] 

tenuis, Madrepora Dana 1848 = Acropora tenuis [637c] 

tenuis, Madrepora sensu Ortmann 1888 = Madrepora dilatata/? 

tenuis, Meandrina Dana 1848 = Leptoria phrygia [839] 

tenuis, Porites Verrill 1866 

tenuis, Seriatopora Bassett-Smith 1890 =? Tizard Bank [22] 

tenuis, Stylaster Verrill 1864 = S. sanguineus [105] 

tenuis, Turbinaria Marenzeller 1907 = ? 

tenuisepta, Mussa Verrill 1901 = Mussismilia hispida [420] 

tenuiseptata, Crypthelia Cairns 1986 

tenuispicata, Acropora (Studer 1881) = A. divaricata [792] 

tenuispicata, Madrepora Studer 1881 = Acropora divaricata [792] 

tenuispina, Antipathes (Silberfeld 1909) 

tenuispina, Parantipathes Silberfeld 1909 = Antipathes tenuispina 

tenuissima, Montipora Bernard 1897 

tenuistylus, Errina Broch 1942 = Lepidotheca tenuistylus 

tenuistylus, Lepidotheca (Broch 1942) 

teres, Acropora (Verrill 1866) = Acropora microphthalma [637c.637d) 

teres, Balanophyllia Cairns 1994 

teres, Madrepora Verrill 1866 = Acropora teres (359)/A. 

teres, Pectinia Nemenzo & Montecillo 1981 

ternatensis, Antipathes Schultze 1896 

ternatensis, Fungia scruposa var. Déderlein 1902 = F. scruposa 

tertia, Echinopora Gardiner 1904 = E. hirsutissima [744,844] 

tertia, Montipora Crossland 1952 =? Australia [168] 

tessellata, Favites Verrill 1901 =? (nom. nov. Astraea tesserifera 

tintinnabulum, Thecopsammia Pourtales 1868 = Bathypsammia 

tityimaensis, Tubasiraea coccinea Eguchi 1968 = Cladopsammia 
gracilis {123] 

titizimaensis, Oxypora Yabe & Sugiyama 1936 

tizardi, Acropora (Brook 1892) = A. cerealis [674.792] 

tizardi, Alveopora Bassett-Smith 1890 

tizardi, Madrepora Brook 1892 = Acropora cerealis [792] 

togata. Balanophyllia van der Horst 1927 = Trochopsammia togata 

togata, Trochopsammia (van der Horst 1927) 

togianensis, Merulina Umbgrove 1940 

togianensis, Porites nigrescens var. Umbgrove 1940 = P. nigrescens 

togianensis, Psammocora Umbgrove 1940 = P. digitata [674] 

Tooth Coral 119 

torihalimeda, Acropora Wallace 1994 

torresiana, Pachyseris Vaughan 1918 = P. rugosa [728.807)/P. 
carinata [359] 

tortuosa, Acropora (Dana 1848) 

tortuosa, Madrepora Dana 1848 = Acropora tortuosa 

tortuosa, Manopora Dana 1848 = Montipora digitata [775] 

tortuosa, Millepora Dana 1848 = M. tenera 

tortuosa, Montipora (Dana 1848) = M. digitata 

tosaensis, Echinophyllia (Yabe & Eguchi 1935) 

tosaensis, Oxyphyllia aspera var. Yabe & Eguchi 1935 = Echinophyllia 
tosaensis [354b] 

toulai, Porites Vaughan 1919 = P. baracoensis 

trabeculata, Montipora Bernard 1897 

traceyi, Goniopora Wells 1954 =G. lobata [773] 

Trachylopora Brook 1893 = Acropora 

Trachyphyllia Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 

Trachyphylliidae Verrill 1901 

Trachypora Milne Edwards & Haime 1851 = ? 


tesserifera, Astraea Hemprich & Ehrenberg 1834 =? Sri Lanka [558]7rachypora Verrill 1864 = Oxypora 

tesserifera, Prionastrea (Hemprich & Ehrenberg 1834) =? Tanzania 

Tethocyathus Kiihn 1933 128 


trachystoma, Allopora campyleca Fisher 1938 = Stlaster campylecus 
translucens, Cirrhipathes van Pesch 1910 
transversa, Leptastraea Klunzinger 1879 


transversale. Flabellum Moseley 1881 

transversalis. Cawophvilia Moseley 1881 

transversalis, Carvophyllia clavus var. Moseley 1881 = Carvophyilia 
transversalis [1 26a} 

trapezoideum. ? keller 1981 = Truncatoflabellum trapezoideum 

trapezoideum. Truncatoflabellum (Keller 1981) 

Tree Coral 144 

Trematotrochus Tenison-Woods 1877 129 

triangularis. ? Veron & Pichon 1980 = Paraclavarina triangularis 

triangularis, Coeloria arabica var. Klunzinger 1879 = Plan gvra 

triangularis. Merulina (Veron & Pichon 1980) = Paraclavarina 

triangularis, Paraclavarina (Veron & Pichon 1980) 

trichophylla, Astraea Ehrenberg 1834 =? 

Tridacophyllia Blainville 1830 = Pectinia 

trihedralis, Alveopora Nemenzo 1980 = 4. verrilliana [768] 

trilinguis. Madrepora Boddaert 1768 = Herpolitha limax [354] 

trimurata, Porites Gardiner 1898 

trinitatis. Leptopsammia Hubbard & Wells 1986 

trinitatis, Millepora Duchassaing & Michelotti 1864 =? Trinidad and Turbinaria Oken 1815 

Tobago [197] 
triquetra, Antipathes Bruguiére 1792 =? 
tristicha, Parantipathes van Pesch 1914 
tristis, Antipathella (Duchassaing 1870) = Antipathes tristis 
tristis, Antipathes (Duchassaing 1870) 
tristis. Rhipidipathes Duchassaing 1870 = Antipathes tristis 
trochiformis. Madrepora Pallas 1766 = ? 

Trochocyathus Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 129 
Trochopsammia Pourtales 1878 143 
trophostega, Crypthelia Fisher 1938 

Tropidocyathus Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 130 
Tropidopathes Silberfeld 1909 36 

truncata, Culicia Dana 1848 = Culicia stellata 

truncata, Madrepora Linnaeus 1758 = ? 

truncata, Meandrina Dana 1848 = Diploria labyrinthiformis 

truncata, Millepora Dana 1848 = M. planphylla [430] 

Truncatoflabellum Cairns 1989 

Truncatoguynia Cairns 1989 

truncularis, Caryophyllia Lamarck 1816 =? 

truncum, Flabellum Caims 1982 = Truncatoflabellum truncum [101] 

truncum, Truncatoflabellum (Caims 1982) 

Trymhelia Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 = ? 

Tubastraea Lesson 1829 

Tubastrea Blainville 1830 = Montastrea 

tuberculata, ? Lamarck ? = ?Montipora danae 

tuberculata, Montipora (Lamarck ?) = ?M. danae [674] 

tuberculatum, Vasillum Tenison-Woods 1879 =? Australia [719] 

tuberculosa, Acropora (Milne Edwards & Haime 1860) 

tuberculosa, Madrepora Milne Edwards & Haime 1860 = Acropora 

tuberculosa, Montipora (Lamarck 1816) 

tuberculosa, Porites Lamarck 1816 = Montipora tuberculosa 

tuberosa, Millepora Boschma 1966 

tuberosa, Montipora Klunzinger 1879 = M. ehrenbergii [359] 

tuberosa, Pocillopora meandrina var. Verrill 1869 = P. meandrina 

tubicinaria, Acropora (Dana 1848) 

tubicinaria, Madrepora Dana 1848 = Acropora tubicinaria 

tubifera, Montipora Bernard 1897 =? Macclesfield Bank [28] 

tubifera, Turbinaria Bernard 1896 

tubifex, Mycedium (Dana 1848) = M. elephantotus [674] 

tubifex, Phyllastraea Dana 1848 = Mycedium elephantotus [772] 

tubigera, Acropora (Hom 1861) = A. aculeus [792] 

tubigera, Madrepora Hom 1861 = Acropora tubigeralA. aculeus 

tubigera, Madrepora Quelch 1886 =? 

Tubipora Linnaeus 1758 29 

Tubiporidae Ehrenberg 1828 29 

tubulata, Heliopora Pourtalés 1867 = Pliobothrus tubulatus [110] 

tubulatus, Pliobothrus (Pourtalés 1867) 

tubulifera, Favia Klunzinger 1879 = F. favus [839] 



tubulifera, Leptoseris Vaughan 1907 = L. hawatiensis [185.674] 

tubulifera, Millepora Lamarck 1816 =? Mediterranean [427] 

nbuliferum. Flabellum Tenison-Woods 1881 = ? 

tubulosa. Acropora (Ehrenberg 1834) 

tubulosa, Heteropora Ehrenberg 1834 = Acropora mbulosa 

tubulosa, Lophohelia Studer 1878 = Lophelia pertusa [881] 

tulipa, Rhizotrochus Pourtalés 1874 =? Barbados [612]. Cuba [613] 

numida, Acropora (Verrill 1864) 

tumida, Caulastraea Matthai 1928 

tumida. Madrepora Verrill 1866 = Acropora tumida 

tumida, Madrepora variabilis var. Klunzinger 1879 = 4cropora 

tumida, Pocillopora cespitosa var. Vaughan 1907 = ? 

tumida, Porites Briiggemann 1879 = ? Federated States of Micronesia 

tumida, Porites compressa forma Vaughan 1907 = P. compressa 

turaki, Acropora Wallace 1994 

turbida, Nemenzophyllia Hodgson & Ross 1982 = Plerogyra turbida 

turbida. Plerogyra (Hodgson & Ross 1982) 


turbinata. Acropora (Dana 1848) = A. hyacinthus [792] 

turbinata, Caryophyllia Philippi 1836 = C. smithii [118] 

turbinata, Cyathina Dana 1848 = Caryophyllia clavus/C. smithii 

turbinata, Dendrophyllia Nemenzo 1960 = ?Tubastraea coccinea 

turbinata, Madrepora Linnaeus 1758 (p. 793) =? 

turbinata, Madrepora Linnaeus 1758 (p. 796) =? 

turbinata, Madrepora surculosa var. Dana 1848 = Acropora 

Turbinolia Lamarck 1816 

turbinolioides, Fungiacyathus Cairns 1989 

turgescens, Montipora Bernard 1897 

turgida, Acropora (Verrill 1866) 

turgida, Euphyllia Dana 1848 = E. glabrescens [674)/E. fimbriata 

turgida, Madrepora Verrill 1866 = Acropora turgida 

turtlensis. Montipora Veron & Wallace 1984 

tuthilli, Flabellum Hoffmeister 1933 

tutuilensis, Acropora Hoffmeister 1925 = A. clathrata/A. ronimana 
[430]. A. clathrata/A. danai {792} 

tutuilensis, Psammocora contigua var. Hoffmeister 1925 = P. 

tydemani, Crispatotrochus (Alcock 1902) = Crispatotrochus rubescens 

tydemani, Cyathoceras Alcock 1902 = Crispatotrochus rubescens 

Tylopathes Brook 1889 = Antipathes 

Tylopora Brook 1893 = Acropora 

tylostoma. Acropora (Ehrenberg 1834) = A. horrida [674] 

tylostoma, Heteropora Ehrenberg 1834 = Acropora horrida 

tylota, Allopora campyleca Fisher 1938 = Stylaster campylecus 

hipica, Monomyces Eguchi 1968 = Rhizotrochus phypus [123] 

typicus, Coelocyathus Sars 1857 = Monomyces pygmaea [881] 

typicus, Spongiocyathus Folkeson 1919 = Heterocyathus aequicostatus 

typus, Conotrochus Seguenza 1864 =? Cayman Islands [614]. Cuba 

typus, Rhizotrochus Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 


uchiuraensis, Monomyces Eguchi 1972 = Rhizotrochus typus [116.123] 

Ulangia Milne Edwards & Haime 1857 = Oulangia 

ulex, Antipathes Ellis & Solander 1786 

Ulocyathus Sars 1851 = Flabellum [116] 

Ulophyllia Milne Edwards & Haime 1857 = Oulophyllia 

umbellata, Mussa Briiggemann 1879 = Lobophyllia corymbosa [484] 

umbellifera, Porites Gardiner 1898 

umbonata, Stenohelia (Hickson & England 1905) 

umbonatus, Stylaster Hickson & England 1905 = Stenohelia 

umbratica, Antipathes Opresko 1996 

uncinata, Madrepora brueggemannii var. Brook 1893 = 4cropora 
brueggemannii [792] 

undans, Montipora Crossland 1952 =? Australia [168] 

Undaria Oken 1815 = Agaricia 

undata. Agaricia (Ellis & Solander 1786) 

undata, Madrepora Ellis & Solander 1786 = Agaricia undata 

undata, Montipora Bernard 1897 

undata, Turbinaria Bernard 1896 

undata. Undaria (Ellis & Solander 1786) = Agaricia undata 

undulata, Antipathes van Pesch 1914 = Aphanipathes undulata 

undulata. Aphanipathes (van Pesch 1914) 

undulata, Caulastraea Dana 1848 = ?Eusmilia fastigiata [484] 

undulata, Echinopora Dana 1848 = E. lamellosa [744.844] 

undulata, Fungia echinata var. Déderlein 1902 = Crenactis echinata 

undulata, Goniopora Nemenzo ? = G. somaliensis [768] 

undulata. Porites (Klunzinger 1879) = P. rus 

undulata, Synaraea Wlunzinger 1879 = Porites rus 

undulatum, Lithophyllon Rehberg 1892 

unicristata, Caryophyllia Cairns & Zibrowius 1997 

unifacialis, Conopora Caims 1991 

varia, Goniastrea (Dana 1848) 

variabile. Flabellum Semper 1872 
= Truncatoflabellum aculeatum [116] 

vartabile, ? Gerth 1921 = Truncatoflabellum variabile 

variabile. Truncatoflabellum (Gerth 1921) 

variabilis. Acropora (Klunzinger 1879) = 4. valida [637¢c.674] 

variabilis. Carvophyilia Duncan 1873 = C. abyssorum [118] 

variabilis, Cirrhipathes van Pesch 1914 

variabilis, Madrepora WKlunzinger 1879 = Acropora valida 

variabilis, Montipora Bernard 1897 =? Australia [28] 

variabilis, Peponocyathus Gravier 1915 = P. folliculus [123b] 

variabilis, Solenosmilia Duncan 1873 

variabilis. Stichopathes (van Pesch 1914) 

variabilis. Stephanocyathus Seguenza ? =? Martinique [614] 

variabilis. Tethocyathus Caims 1979 

varians, Deltocyathus Gardiner & Waugh 1938 

varians. Pavona (Verrill 1864) 

varians, Pavonia Verrill 1864 = Pavona varians 

varians, Podabacia elegans forma Yabe & Sugiyama 1936 = 
Lithophyllon undulatum 

unipedalis, Cladocora Duchassaing & Michelotti 1860 = C. arbusculavaricosa. Oculina LeSueur 1820 


uniserialis, Distichopora Cairns 1986 

urceolifera, Acropora Verrill 1902 =? 

unvilliana, Parastrea Milne Edwards & Haime 1850 = Favia pallida 

unvillii, Coenopsammia Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 = Tubastraea 
coccinea [827.889] 

unvillii, Plesiastrea Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 
= P. versipora [674.843] 

uva, Astraea (Esper 1797) =? 

uva. Dichocoenia (Esper 1797) =? 

uva, Favia (Esper 1797) =? 

uva, Madrepora Esper 1797 =? 

vacua, Cylicia Tenison-Woods 1879 = ? New Zealand [721] 
vacua, Orbicella Crossland 1952 = Montastrea annuligera [843] 
vacuum, Flabellum Crossland 1952 = Catalaphyllia plicata [819] 
vagabunda, Madrepora Klunzinger 1879 =? Tanzania [560} 
valdiviae, Antipathes Pax 1915 

valdiviae, Caryophyllia Zibrowius & Gili 1990 

valencennesii, Acropora (Milne Edwards & Haime 1860) 

variegata, Dasmosmilia (Pourtales 1871) 

variegata, Parasmilia Pourtalés 1871 = Dasmosmilia variegata [125] 

variegatus, Fungiacyathus Cairns 1989 

variolaris, Notophyllia (Tenison-Woods 1877) 

variolaris. Sphenotrochus Tenison-Woods 1877 = Notopinilia 

variolosa, Madrepora Klunzinger 1879 = Acropora hemprichii 

vascomarquesi, Crypthelia Zibrowius & Cairns 1992 

Vase Coral 144 

vasiformis, Acropora (Brook 1893) = A. clathrata [637a. 637c¢.674.792] 

vasiformis, Madrepora Brook 1893 = Acropora clathrata [637¢.792] 

vasiformis, Madrepora corymbosa var. Brook 1893 = Acropora 

vasiformis, Trochocyathus Bourne 1903 

Vasillum Tenison-W oods 1879 = Rhizotrochus [116] 

vasta, Favia (Klunzinger 1879) = Favites virens [754] 

vasta, Prionastraea Klunzinger 1879 = Favites virens [839] 

vastula, Madrepora Quelch 1886 =? Fiji [621] 

Vaughanella Gravier 1915 

vaughani, Acropora Wells 1954 

vaughani, Concentrotheca Cairns 1991 


valencennesii, Madrepora Milne Edwards & Haime 1860 = Acroporavaughani, Cycloseris (Boschma 1923) = Fungia vaughani [354] 


valenciennesi, Oculina Milne Edwards & Haime 1850 

valenciennesi, Pachyseris Milne Edwards & Haime 1851 
= P. rugosa [674] 

valenciennesii, Favia (Milne Edwards & Haime 1848) 

valenciennesii, Manicina Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 = 
Montastraea valenciennesii 

valenciennesii, Montastraea (Milne Edwards & Haime 1849) 

valenciennesii, Phymastrea Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 = Favia 
valenciennesii [839] 

valenciennesii, Symphyllia Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 

valida, Acropora (Dana 1848) 

valida, Dasmosmilia Marenzeller 1907 

valida, Fungia Verrill 1864 = F. horridal/scruposa (354) 

valida, Madrepora Dana 1848 = Acropora valida [637c} 

valida, Meandrina Dana 1848 =? 

valida, Porites Duchassaing & Michelotti 1864 =? British Virgin 
Islands [197]. Virgin Islands of the United States [197] 

valida, Seriatopora Ehrenberg 1834 =? Philippines [621] 

vanderhorsti, Acropora Hoffmeister 1925 = A. grandis[122] /A. 
intermedia [430] 

vanderhorsti, Podabacia lobata forma Yabe & Sugiyama 1936 = 
Lithophyllon undulatum 

varia, Acropora Nemenzo 1967 = A. formosa [768] 

varia, Astraea Dana 1848 = Coeloria spongiosa [784\/Goniastrea 

vaughani, Deltocyathus Yabe & Eguchi 1932 

vaughani, Endopachys Durham 1947 = E. grayi [118.123] 

vaughani, Flabellum Cairns 1984 

vaughani, Fungia Boschma 1923 

vaughani, Merulina van der Horst 1921 = M. ampliata [484] 

vaughani, Montipora Hofimeister 1925 = M. foveolata 

vaughani, Porites Crossland 1952 

vaughani, Psammocora Yabe & Sugiyama 1936 

vegetans, Heterocyathus Milne Edwards & Haime 1857 =? 

velata, Dendrophyllia Crossland 1952 

veluta, Turbinaria Bernard 1896 = T. reniformis [674] 

venosa, Madrepora Ehrenberg 1834 = Montipora venosa 

venosa, Montipora (Ehrenberg 1834) 

venosa, Pavona (Ehrenberg 1834) 

venosa, Polyastra Ehrenberg 1834 = Pavona venosa 

venusta, Allopora Verrill 1869 = Stlaster venustus 

venusta, Amphelia Milne Edwards & Haime 1850 =? Australia 

venusta, Leptoseris (Dana 1848) = Pavona cactus 

venusta, Pavonia Dana 1848 = Pavona cactus [674] 

venusta, Turbinaria Bernard 1896 =? Australia 

venustus, Ceratotrochus Alcock 1902 = Cryptotrochus venustus 
[123a]/Pleotrochus venustus 

venustus, Citharocyathus Alcock 1902 
= Notocyathus conicus [116.123\/N. venustus [126a] 

venustus, Cryptotrochus (Alcock 1902) = Pleotrochus venustus [123b] 


venustus. Notocyathus (Alcock 1902) 

venustus. Pleotrochus (Alcock 1902) 

venustus. Snlaster (Verll 1869) 

verconis, Trematotrochus Dennant 1904 

vermiculata. Acropora Nemenzo 1967 = 4. sarmentosa [768)/4. florida 

vermiformis, Caryophyllia Duncan 1873 = C. cornuformis [275] 

vermiformis, Coenocyathus Pourtalés 1868 
= Stenocvathus vermiformis [881] 

vermiformis. Stenocvathus (Pourtalés 1868) 

veroni, Bourneotrochus Wells 1984 = Bourneotrochus stellulatus 

veroni, Favia Moll & Best 1984 

verreauxii, Angia Milne Edwards & Haime 1850 = Culicia verreauxti 

verreauxii. Culicia (Milne Edwards & Haime 1850) 

verrilli, Montipora Vaughan 1907 

verrilli, Polycyathus Duncan 1889 

verrilli. Porites Rehberg 1892 = P. astreoides [420] 

verrilli, Psammocora Vaughan 1907 

verrilli, Rhizopsammia van der Horst 1922 

verrilliana, Alveopora Dana 1872 

verrilliana, Fungia Quelch 1886 = F. scutaria [354] 

verrillii, Allopora Dall 1884 = Snlaster verrillii 

verrillii, Stlaster (Dall 1884} 

Verrillofungia Wells 1966 = Fungia 

verrucaria, Balanophyllia (Pallas 1766) 

verrucaria, Madrepora Linnaeus 1758 = ? 

verrucaria, Madrepora Pallas 1766 = Balanophyllia verrucaria 

verrucosa, Conopora (Studer 1878) 

verrucosa. Hornera Calvet 1903 = Errina dabneyi [885] 

verrucosa, Madrepora Ellis & Solander 1786 = Pocillopora verrucosa 

verrucosa, Millepora Milne Edwards & Haime 1860 = M. squarrosa 

verrucosa, Montipora (Lamarck 1816) 

verrucosa, Montipora Quoy & Gaimard 1833 = M. foveolata 

verrucosa, Pocillopora (Ellis & Solander 1786) 

verrucosa, Pocillopora Dana 1848 = P. woodjonesi 

verrucosa, Porites Lamarck 1816 = Montipora verrucosa 

verrucosa, Symphyllia Duchassaing & Michelotti 1860 = /sophyllia 
sinuosa [889] 

verrucosus, Stylaster Studer 1878 = Conopora verrucosa 

versipora, Astrea Lamarck 1816 = Plesiastrea versipora [843] 

versipora, Favia (Lamarck 1816) = Plesiastrea versipora 

versipora, Orbicella (Lamarck 1816) = Plesiastrea versipora 

versipora, Plesiastrea (Lamarck 1816) 

verticillata, Antipathes (Brook 1889) 

verticillata, Aphanipathes Brook 1889 = Antipathes verticillata 

verweyi, Acropora Veron & Wallace 1984 

verweyi, Platygyra Wijsman-Best 1976 

vesicularis, Simplastrea Umbgrove 1939 

vesparium, Mycedium Duchassaing & Michelotti 1860 = Agaricia 
agaricites [889] 

victoriae, Trochocyathus Duncan 1870 

villosa, Montipora K\unzinger 1879 = ? 

viminalis, Antipathes Roule 1902 

vincentinus, Australocyathus (Dennant 1906) 

vincentinus, Deltocyathus Dennant 1906 = Australocyathus vincentinus 

viola, Deltocyathus Woods & Duncan? =? Australia [716] 

viola, Sphenotrochus Gerth 1921 = Notocyathus conicus (116, 123] 

violacea, Distichopora (Pallas 1766) 

violacea, Madrepora Brook 1892 =? Australia [86.87]. Fiji [86.87] 

violacea, Millepora Pallas 1766 = Distichopora violacea 

violetiae, Porites Nemenzo ? = ?P. deformis 

virens, Astraea Dana 1848 = Favites abdita [774] 

virens, Favites (Dana 1848) 

virens, Prionastrea (Dana 1848) = Favites abdita 

virgata, Acropora (Dana 1848) = 4. formosa 

virgata. Antipathes Esper 1797 

virgata, Madrepora Dana 1848 = Acropora formosa [775] 

virgatus, Tethocyathus (Alcock 1902) 


virgatus, Trochocyathus Alcock 1902 = Tethocyathus virgatus [123a] 

virginea, Madrepora Linnaeus 1758 = Oculina diffusa [1 31) 

virginea. Oculina (Linnaeus 1758) =O. diffusa 

virginis, Crptohelia Lindstrom 1877 = Snlaster complanatus [110] 

virginis. Stenohelia (Lindstrom 1877) = Snlaster complanatus 

virginis, Stylaster (Lindstrom 1877) = S. complananus [110] 

virgosa, Oculina Squires 1958 

viridis, Alveopora Quoy & Gaimard 1833 

viridis, Astraea Quoy & Gaimard 1833 = Goniopora viridis 

viridis, Coenopsammia Milne Edwards & Haime 1848 = Tubastraea 
micrantha [125] 

viridis. Goniopora (Quoy & Gaimard 1833) 

viridis, Montipora Bernard 1897 =? Solomon Islands [28] 

viridis. Plangyra LeSueur 1820? = Diploria strigosa [102] 

viridis, Porites Gardiner 1898 = P. lichen [674] 

virilis. Acropora Nemenzo 1967 = ? 

vitiae, Madrepora Squires & Keyes 1967 

vitiensis, Fungia danai var. Déderlein 1902 = ? 

vitiensis, Lithophyllia (Briggemann 1877) = Scolymia vitiensis 

vitiensis, Mussa (Briggemann 1877) = Scolymia vitiensis 

vitiensis, Parascolymia (Briggemann 1877) = Scolymia vitiensis 

vitiensis, Scolymia Briiggemann 1877 

vitrea, Javania (Alcock 1898) = J. cailleti [116] 

vitreum, Desmophyllum Alcock 1898 = Javania cailleti [116) 

vittatus, Paracyathus Dennant 1906 

wakayana, Favia (Gardiner 1899) = Montastrea curta 

wakayana, Orbicella Gardiner 1899 = Montastrea curta [843] 

wallaceae, Acropora Veron 1990 

wardii, Acropora Verrill 1902 =? 

washingtoni, Stenocyathus Cecchini 1914 = S. vermiformis [881] 

waylandi. Porites Foster 1986 

weberi, Endopachys Alcock 1902 = E. grayi [125] 

weberi, Flabellum Alcock 1902 = Javania insignis [123] 

weberi, Fungia van der Horst 1921 = Herpolitha limax [354] 

weberi, Herpolitha (van der Horst 1921) = Herpolitha limax [354] 

weberi, Trochocyathus Alcock 1902 = ?Trochocyathus cooperi {126a] 

weberianus, Stephanocyathus (Alcock 1902) 

weberianus, Stephanotrochus Alcock 1902 = Stephanocyathus 
weberianus [123] 

wellingtoni, Rhizopsammia Wells 1982 

wellsi, Balanophyllia Caims 1977 

wellsi, Blastomussa Wijsman-Best 1973 

wellsi, Coscinastrea Veron & Pichon 1980 

wellsi, Dendrophyllia Eguchi 1968 = Eguchipsammia wellsi (123] 

wellsi, Eguchipsammia (Eguchi 1968) 

wellsi, Erythrastrea (Ma 1959) 

wellsi, Lobophyllia Ma 1959 = Erythrastrea wellsi 

wellsi, Lophosmilia Durham & Barnard 1952 
= Phyllangia consagensis [118] 

wellsi, Physophyllia Nemenzo 1971 = P. ayleni [768] 

wellsi, Polymyces Cairns 1991 

wellsi, Stylophora Scheer 1964 

wellsi, Trochocyathus Yabe & Eguchi 1942 
= Tropidocyathus lessonii {1 16.123] 

wellsii, Scolymia Laborel 1967 = S. cubensis 

Wellsophyllia Pichon 1980 = Trachyphyllia [768] 

Wellsotrochus Squires 1960 = ? 

wertsteini, Rhizopsammia Scheer & Pillai 1983 

whitfieldi, Favia Verrill 1901 = F. fragum [889] 

willeyi, Coenopsammia Gardiner 1899 = Tubastraea coccinea [126a] 

willeyi, Dendrophyllia (Gardiner 1899) = [?Cladopsammia gracilis 
[123]]/Tubastraea coccinea [{126a]} 

willeyi, Montipora Bernard 1897 = ? New Caledonia [28] 

willeyi, Tubastraea (Gardiner 1899) = [?Cladopsammia gracilis 
[123]]/Tubastraea coccinea {126a] 

willisae, Acropora Veron & Wallace 1984 

wilsoni, Symphyllia Veron 1985 

wisseli, Favia Scheer & Pillai 1983 

wolffi, Parantipathes Pasternak 1977 


wollastoni. Antipathes Gray 1857 

wollastoni, Aphanipathes Brook 1889 = Anupathes wollastoni 

woodjonesi, Pocillopora \ aughan 1918 

woodmasoni, Heterocyathus Alcock 1893 = H aequicostatus {356} 

woodsi. Astrangia Wells 1935 

woodsi. Crispatotrochus (Wells 1964) 

woods!. Cyathoceras Wells 1964 = Crispatotrochus woodsi [118] 

worsley1. Rhizotrochus Alcock 1891 = R. npus [116] 

wotouensis. Goniopora Zou. Song & Ma 1975 

wrightii. Sphenotrochus Gosse 1859 =? Ireland [286]. United 
Kingdom [73] 

Wrinkle Coral 60 

xarifae, Pavona Scheer & Pillai 1974 

xishaensis. Millepora Zou 1978 

Xishasiderastrea Zou 1975 = Coeloseris 

yabei, Leptoseris (Pillai & Scheer 1976) 
yabei, Pavona Pillai & Scheer 1976 = Leptoseris yabei [674] 
yabei, Stenohelia (Eguchi 1941) 
yabei. Stlaster Eguchi 1941 = Stenohelia yabei 
yaeyamaensis, Botryphyllia Shirai 1980 = Euphyllia yaevamaensis 
yaeyamaensis. Euphyllia (Shirai 1980) 
yaeyamaensis, Goniastrea Eguchi & Shirai 1977 
= Planygyra yaeyamaensis 
yaeyamaensis, Platygyra (Eguchi & Shirai 1977) 
yamanarii, Favites Yabe & Sugivama 1936 = F. chinensis 
yamanarit, Pavona (Yabe & Sugiyama 1933) 

yamanarti. Pseudocolumnastrea Yabe & Sugivama 1933 = Pavona 

Yellow Pencil Coral 38 

vokovamai. ? Yabe & Sugivama 1931 = Caulastraea tumida [871] 

vongei. Acropora Veron & Wallace 1984 

yongei, Balanophyilia Crossland 1952 

yucatanensis, Distichopora Cairns 1986 

zamboi, Leptoseris Nemenzo 1971 = L. papyracea [185.768] 
zanzibarensis. Carvophyllia Zou 1984 
zarhyncha, Errinopora Fisher 1938 
zeidleri, Paraconotrochus Caims & Parker 1992 
zelandiae, Conocyathus Duncan 1876 
zelandiae, Trematotrochus (Duncan 1876) = Conocyathus zelandiae 
zelli, Australogvra (Veron. Pichon & Wijsman-Best 1977) 
zelli, Plan:gyra Veron. Pichon & Wijsman-Best 1977 
= Australogyra =elli 
zhongyianensis. Cyphastrea Zou 1980 
zibrowii, Pleotrochus Cairns 1997 
Zigzag Coral 119 
Zoopilus Dana 1848 77 
zoothallus. Antipathes Pax 1932 
zopyros. Caryophyilia Caims 1979 
wluense, Truncatoflabellum Cairns in Cairns & Keller 1993 


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