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Full text of "Further correspondence with the government of Canada, and correspondence with the governments of Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland, respecting the Treaty of Washington [microform] : (in continuation of paper presented May, 1872)"

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a  pelure, 
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( fn  confinwifio)/  of  Pn/nr  /iri!f<eiitfil  Mm/,   ls72.y 


{arceriurO  to  fiott)  P}ouor0  of  (Jarltamrnt  fii.)  iCommanD  of  l^rr  iBarretij, 

^^[a>J,  1872. 



l-Oll  llEll  MA.IllSTV'S  STA'llONl'.UV  OiTHi,. 

[C— or.7,]      Price  2<L 


{     iii    ) 





Number  nml  Dute. 





1     ,  July  5,  1871  (No.  126)   |  Concession   of  Fisliiug   Rights   to  Citiz(!us   of  tho  United  States    i       1 

I       uiulur  the  Treaty  of  Washington.  j 


July  27,  1871  (No.  476)  |  Aclcuowleilgcs  rccoipt  of  Address  adopted  liy  the  Legislative  Coun- 
cil and  .\sKemMy  of  New  Brunswick,  relating  to  Fisliing  Ri'dits 
of  United  States'  Citizens  under  the  Treaty  of  Washington. 

Sept.  3,  1871  (No.  503)  Governments  of  Newfoundland  and  Prinee  Edward  Island 'no  willing 
;  to  grant  United  Status'  Fishermen  certain  privileges,  during  the 
!       present  season,  ceded  to  them  by  the  Treaty  of  Washington. 

September  .'5,  1871 
(No.  501) 

Treaty  of  Washington.     Refers  to  Despatch  of  the  8rd  instant,  and 
transmits  copy  of  Li-tter  from  the  Foreign  Office  on  the  subject. 



1     I  July  14,  1871  (No.  55)  .  Observations  upon  the  Correspondence  relating  to  the  Treaty  of         3 
'  Washington.  | 


1       Juno  17,  1871  (No.  28)  ,  Transmits  (^.py  of  (lie  Treaty  nf  Wa.sliington,  and  suggests  that 

American^  Fisliermen  should  bo  allowed  the  privileges  granted 
by  it  during  the  present  season. 

Sept.  8, 1871  fNo.3S)  -l'  Relative  to  the  Admissi.a,  (,f  United  States'  Fishermen  to  nrivile<'cs 
Sept.  5, 1871  (No.  39)  -  (1       granted  hy  tlie  Treaty  of  Wikshington.  ° 

Nov.  1,  1871  (No.  17)  -  I  Rospocting  tlie  omission  of  tho  word  "Newfoundland"  in  Mr.  Fish's 
I       Note  of  8th  May  lust. 







From  whom. 

.Niunlior  mill  Diitc 




1        Tlio  Fdi'cign  (">tli((    t-i  tlic 
Ciilouial  Ol!i-'i-, 

2     I  TIio  Cdlouinl  Oflici-  t<.  tlu 

;       Forci'Mi  Oflicu. 

3       Ditto.  Ditto. 

Ditto.  Ditt, 

5       Tlic  Foroi-;ii  Otlict  t>i  tin 
,       Colouiiil  OiKcu. 

fl       Ditto.  Dittu 

7       Ditto.  Ditto 


■May  Sf!,  1S71      Trniisniits     Corn'siioniloiicf     Iictwiiu    Sir    E.  J       5 
Tlii'rntuii  ami  Mr.  V\nh  i-ilativi'  to  the  iiiinio- 

iliiitc  Mjiplicatii'ii   of  tlie  stiimlatioiiM  of  tLo  ' 

I       Fishery  Treaty.  I 

.fuiie  j;!,  ISTl      Viens  of  Iler  Majesty's  Government  respecting  |       6 

tlie  \Vashiii^;toii  Treaty  liave  been  eoimiiuui-  ' 
I       vntitl  to  the  ("loveruor-tieiural  of  Canada. 

Ang.  21.  1^71      lieveiiiiiieiits    of    Ne«1oun(Uan(l    anil    Prince<l  Ishiiiil  iigree  tn  nilniit  TTniti'd  States'  ' 
tislieruicn  to  their  Inshore  Fisiierien  iluring 
]  I  resent  season. 

Aug.  21.   1S71      1,'(  fns  ti.  Letit      of  evc^ii    ihite,    and    enehiscs 
('.lilies  of  Despatehes  whieli  it  is  proposed  to  ' 
addri^ss  to  (luvernors  of  Newfonudlaiid  and  | 

I       Prince  Edward  Island.  I 

i  I 

.\\\<i.  '11,  XHTI      A)iproves  Despalelies  to  Governor  of  Newlonnd-  : 
land  and  Lieul.-Govenior  of  Prinee  Edward 

1       I.-^laiid,  respecting  the  admission  of  American  I 
(i.ihermen     to    Inshore    Fisheries    of    those 

1       Islands. 

An;j.  .'il.   ISTl       AdmissidU  of  Amerieari   Fisiiermen   to  Iiisliorc 

Fisheries  of  Newfoundlaud  andl'rinee  Kdward 

j       Islauil.     Mr.  Fish's  Note  to  Sir  B.  Thornton. 

Oct.  2(;,   1.S71   '   I-Aplanation  of  Mr.  Fisli's  Note  of  the  8th  of 
Slay   on   the  siilijeet  of  the   Fishery  Stipula- 
:       tieiis  of  the  Washington  Treaty. 



in      I 

Soriee.  ' 

Niiinlicr  ;ind  DaU:. 






1  July  12,  1871  (No.  5.1)  •  Admission  of   Anirrieaii    tishermen   to   the   privileges    of   Inshore  1) 

!       Fisheries  provisionally.  ■ 

2  .Taly  25.  1871  (No.  59)  ;  Tniiisip.its  !\[iiiutes  pr.parcd  by  lils  Adviiicrs  recording  the  result  '.• 

of  their  delilieratious  on  th(^  suliject  of  the  Treaty  of  Washington. 


1  Juue  17,  1871  (No.  22)  Transit. its   Docimieiits   nlating    t^   the   Fishery   (Question,     Same    j     11 

[  course  should  he  pursued  now  as  in  1^,51. 

2  Aug.  8,  1871  (No.  27 1-  A(bn;ssioii    of    Fniled   States'    fishermen   to    Inshore   Fislieries  of   \     12 
!  Prinee  Edward  Island. 

3     '  Sept.  3,  1871  (No.  32)-      Privileges  <if  Tiiitc  d  Slut,  s'  tlshernieii  granted  liy  the  Treaty  of 

Wasliiugtoii,  and  reti  )     ee  of  the  (Question  of  Money  Compeusft- 
I  tion  to  Arhitration. 

i       Sept.  5,  1871  (No.  31)-     Correspondence  with  the  Foreign  OiBoo  rolativo  to  the  Trenty  of 
I  ]       Washington. 













No.  1. 
The  LoPwD  LisoAR  to  Tlie  E.vul  of 


ASADA.  j      I 


Xo.  1 

(No.  12C.)  Cacouiia,  July  5,  1871. 

(Kcceivcd  10th  July,  1871.) 
Mv  Lord,  ■  (Answcml,  No.  17G,  aVth  July,  1871,  piigo  2.) 

At  tlie  request  of  the  Privy  Council  of  Canada,  I  liavo  the  honour  to  transmit, 
hercM'ith,  a  copy  of  a  joint  Address  adopted  by  the  "  Legislative  Council  and  Assembly  j^^^^ 
"  of  the  Province  of  New  Brunswick  on  the  subject  of  the  proposed  concession  of  fishing  —     ''• 
*'  rights  to  the  citizens  of  the  United  States  under  the  Treaty  of  Washington." 

I  have,  kc. 
The  Earl  of  Kimberley,  (Signed)         LISGAR. 

&c.       &c.      kc. 

%  I 

Enclosure  in  No.  1. 

Copy  of  a  Report  of  a  Committee  of  the  Honourable  Pbivt  Cofkcil,  dated  13tli  June,  1871.     " 

The  ('ommittee  of  Council  have  liad  under  consideration  a  communication  from  the  Lieut. -Governor  of 
New  Brunswick,  enclosing  a  joint  Address  from  the  Legislative  Council  and  Assembly  of  that  Province 
on  the  subject  of  the  proposed  concession  of  fishing  rights  to  the  citizens  of  the  United  States  under  the 
Treaty  of  Washington,  and  they  respectfully  advise  that  a  copy  of  the  same  be  transmitted  by  your 
Excellency  to  the  Ilight  Honourable  the  Secretary  of  State  for  the  Colonies,  for  the  information  of  Her 
Majesty's  Government,  as  containing  the  views  of  the  New  Brunswick  Legislature  on  that  important 

Enclosure  in 
No.  1. 


(Certified)         Wm.  II.  Lee, 

Clerk,  Privy  Council,  ("anada. 

To  His  Excellency  the  Ilight  Honourable  Ba'WN  LisdAii,  P.C.,  K.C.I?.,  G.C.M.G.,  Governor-General  of 

the  Dominion  of  Canada,  &e.,  ike,  &.<:. 

The  humble  Address  of  the  Legislative  ('ouncil  and    House  of   Assembly  of   the  Province   of  New 


May  it  please  your  Excellency, — 

Having  had  under  consideration  certain  provisions  of  the  Treaty  signed  at  Washington  on  the  Stli  day  of 
May  instant  by  the  respective  Commissioners  of  Great  Britain  and  the  ll'nited  States,  we  most  respfctfiilly 
sul)niit  *hat  so  far  as  the  same  relate  to  the  fisheries,  they  are  not  satisfactory  to  the  people  of  tiiis  Province, 
inasmuch  as  while  they  contain  no  defiiiition  of  the  existing  rights  and  duties  of  the  subjects  and  citizens  of 
Great  Britain  and  the  United  States,  and  postponing  all  questions  growing  out  of  the  exercise  and  enforce- 
ments of  such  rights  and  duties,  diey  prematurely  and  without  sufficient  considerations  of  C'anadian 
interests  moving  thereto,  substitute  for  the  protection  to  which  the  British  fisherman  is  fully  eiititleil  by 
public  law,  and  which  tlie  recent  enactments  of  the  Parliament  of  Canada  have  largely  secured,  a  policy  of 
unlimited  and  dangerous  concession. 

The  privileges  accorded  to  the  subjects  of  Great  Britain  by  the  19th  and  21st  Articles  of  the  Treaty  arc 
by  no  means  an  equivalent  for  the  privileges  conferred  on  the  citizens  of  the  United  States  by  the  18th 
Article :  the  reciprocal  privilege  of  fishing  in  certain  American  waters  is  barren  and  delusive,  and  the 

2  ronni-spoNDKxcE  respecting  the  theaty  of 

Canada.      mndo  of  (lotiMiniiiini:  niul  aa-i)iu\tiii2  for  the  oxrcis  in  valitf  of  the  iirivilojres  iiiToriled  by  tlic  Government 

,if  the  I'liiti'd  States  is  eriom'ows  in  iiiinciple  and  iinpracticablo  in  execution,  and  the  considerations  of 

advantajje  are  too  remote  and  nncertain.  r  ,      •  .     •  i        i 

We  woiihl  le-iu'ctriillv  Mil.niit  that  any  Treaty  relating  to  the  free  use  of  the  h>iieries.  and  to  the  naviga- 
tion 01  the  rivers  and  canals  of  ( 'anad.i,  sh.udd  at  the  same  time  make  such  fmtiier  orovi-ions  (or  the  regii- 
hifion  of  eoninuive  and  iiaviL'ation  as  wouhl  render  the  same  recij.rocally  liencticial  and  satisfactory:  and 
we  therefore  hoii.-  that  the  rarliainent  of  Canada  will.  iiiiihT  existing  eircnnistaiices.  adhere  to  and  carry 
ont  the  iMillcv  of  protection  of  the  fisliciy  ni;lits  of  the  Doinlnion  recently  ad ijited,  and  will  refuse  its  as.-^ent 
to  the  Articles  of  the  said  Treaty  relatiii!;  to  the  ti:-hcries. 

We  rcsiiccti'nllv  nrire  upon  your  K\celleiicy  in  Council  the  consideration  of  the  matters  lutein  set  forth, 
and  ixMMiot  tliat'yonr  Kxcellencv  will  he  pleased  to  cause  this  Address  to  he  laid  before  the  Duniinioii 

rarliameut  at  its  next  session.  ,^     _ 

(Signed)  .ToiiN  S.  .'^ain'ukiis. 

President  of  the  I.c;_'islative  Couuell. 
(Signed)  i:.  A.  \'aii.. 

Speaker,  1  louse  (d'  Assenihly, 



No.  1. 

No.  I. 


Tin'  K.\i;(,  di'  Ki>[i'.i:i;i,i:v  to  Tlic  Loud  Li-';ai:. 
(Xo.  -J 711.) 
•My  L'ii!i>,  Dowiiiitii'  Sti'oot,  July  27,  ]^"i. 

*  ],„„^, ,  I  iiAVi:  to  aekiiowlcdgo  your  T.ofdsliii/s  IX'siiatcIi,  No.  I  'J(!,*  of  ."itli  iiist.,  (orwiird- 

iiig',  .It  tlio  vcqucst  ol'tlic  Privy  Couiuil  ol'  Caiin(lii,ii  copy  of  n  joint  AiUlirss,  adoptod  by 
the  Lco-islative  Council  and  Assembly  of  New  IJninswick,  on  the  subject  of  tlie  pi'oposed 
concession  ol'  fisliing  rights  to  tlie  citizens  of  tlie  United  States,  iinder  the  Treaty  oi" 

I  have,  iVc, 
The  Lord  Lisgar,  (.Sigiiedj        KLMBEHLEY. 

S;c.     i<e.     ^c. 


No.  2. 



GnvcriioT.  . 


'-•    ol-Slnt.-. 

18-1.  y--'-'; 



IS-l,  I'll"''" 

Jingo  1 


No.  3. 

No.  1'. 

Tlie  E.'.Kr,  of  to  The  Loiio  LiH(;.\n. 
(No.  :iO;!.) 
Mv  Loiiii,  Diwiiing  Stri'ct,  Seiifembcr  .'i,  1871. 

I  uwv  the  honour  to  transmit  to  your  LordsJiip,  for  your  inlorniati m,  eojiies  ol 
Despatihes,  dated  the  14th  ami  !i.'»t]i  of  .Inly,  which  I  have  received  J'roni  Ihe  (loveriior 
orNewlbundland,  and  from  the  Lieutenant-Governor  of  Prince  Edward  Lland.  ajiprislng 
me  that  tin  ir  riovennnents  have  aecedeil  to  the  wishes  of  Her  Alajesty's  G  )veruiuent  that 
I'liited  Stales'  tishennen  sliould  be  admitted  during  tlie  ju'csont  season  to  tlie  ])rovisi()iial 
use  of  the  ])rivileges  granted  to  them  l)y  the  Treaty  of  Washington  so  far  as  eonecrns 
those  Islands,  together  \cith  copies  fif  tlie  answers  wliii'h  t  liave  returned  to  thos(> 

I  have,  i^c.. 
The  Lord  Liv;ar,  (Signed;  KIMBKKLEV. 

&c.     6cc.     i^e. 


O.   o. 

The  Eakl  of  Ki.mukui.fv  to  The  Loisn  Lir^tjAi;. 
(No.  501.) 
My  Loiii),  Downing  Street,  Seplcmber  Ti,  I -7 1. 

With  reference  to  my  Despatch  of  the  .'!rd  inst.,t  i'orwarding  copies  of  a  c  <ire- 
rotoig"^''^"''  spondcnce    between   the   trovernor   of    Newfoundland    and    the    Lieuti'iiant-Governor 
Ave":*H*  '       of  Prhicc  Edward  Island  and  myself  relating  to  the  Treaty  of  Washington  and  to  the 
Fisheries,  I  liave  the  honour  to  transmit  to  you,  for  your  information,  a  copy  of  a  letter 
from  the  Foreign  OITice  on  certain  points  raised  in  that  correspondence. 

t  ■Snjirn. 

villi)  !'•  **',,. 



I  have  romnmnicatod  a  cojjy  of  tlio  Foreign  Office?  letter  to  tlie  Crovernor  of  New-      Canada. 

foimdland  and  to  tlie  ol"  Friuce  Edward  Island.  

I  have,  itc, 
The  Lord  Lisgar,  (Signed)         KIMREKLEV. 

A'c.     &c.     Sue. 



(No. .-):).) 

No.  1. 
Governor  Ilir.r,,  C.B.,  to  The  E.\ur,  oi'  Kimbkhley. 


No.  1. 

Government  House,  Newfoundland,  July  1 1,  ISTl. 

(l^.reivcd  August  8,  1871.) 
Mv    Loitri,  (Answered,  No.  38,  September  I!,  1871,  pngc^  I.) 

I  IIAVK  the  honour  to  acknowledo-e  the  ri'ceipt  of  jour  Lordsliip's  Despatch, 
No.  28,*  of  the  17th  .lune,  cnclosino;  cojiies  of  the  Treaty  signed  at  Wasllin^ton  on  the 
Sth  May  liy  the  Joint  High  Commissioni'rs,  which  has  heen  ratified  by  Her  Alajcsty  and 
by  the  President  of  the  United  States  ;  of  the  instructions  to  Her  Majesty's  High  Com- 
missioners, and  Protocols  of  the  Conferences  held  by  the  Commission;  of  two  notes 
which  have  passed  between  Sir  E.  Thornton  and  Mr.  Fish  ;  and  of  a  Dt'sj)atch — ol" 
1 7th  June — which  your  Lordship  has  addressed  to  the  Governor-General  of  Canada 
stating  the  views  of  Her  Majesty's  Government  on  these  important  documents. 

2.  I  observe  in  the  copy  now  befcr"  me  of  the  Desi)atch  of  Mr.  Secretary  Fish 
(Sth  May,  1871)  to  Sir  E.  Thornton,  an  omission  which  hilars  very  materially  ujjon  the 
peculiar  interests  of  this  Colony,  resi)ecting  the  immediate  acquiescence  of  the  Govern- 
ment of  Newfoundland  in  the  opinions  of  Her  Majesty's  Government  as  regards  the 
pronii)t  admission  of  American  fishermen  to  the  provisional  use — as  far  as  this  Island  is 
concerned — ol'  the  privileges  granted  to  them  by  the  Treaty, 

3.  Respecting  the  immediate  admission  of  American  fishermen  into  British  waters, 
Mr.  Fish  writes: — "As  several  Articles  of  the  Treaty  which  has  heen  signed  this  day 
"  relating  to  the  admission  of  citizens  of  the  United  States  to  fish  within  the  territorial 
"  waters  of  Her  Britannic  Majesty  on  the  coast  of  Canada,  Prince  Edward  Island,  and 
"  Newfoundland,  cannot  come  into  full  operation  until  the  legislation  contemplated  in 
"  that  instrument  shall  have  taken  place,"  &c.  &c.  And  again,  in  writing  of  the  restora- 
tion to  British  subjects  of  certain  duties  by  Congress,  Mr,  Fish  observes  : — "  That  any 
"  duties  which  may  have  been  collected  on  and  after  the  first  day  of  July  next  on  fish- 
"  oil  and  fish  (except  fish  of  the  inland  lakes  and  of  the  rivers  falling  into  the  same,  and 
"  except  fish  preserved  in  oil),  the  produce  of  the  fisheries  of  the  Dominion  of  Canada 
"  and  of  Prince  Et'ward  Island,  shall  be  returned  and  refunded  to  the  parties  paying 
"  the  same,  if  a  similar  arrangement  is  made  with  respect  to  the  admission  into  the 
"  British  Possessions  of  fish  oil  and  fish  (with  the  like  exception)  being,  the  produce  of 
"  the  fisheries  of  the  United  States,"  The  word  "  Newfoundland,"  included  in  the  first 
extract  from  Mr.  Fish's  Despatch,  is  excluded  from  the  latter,  and  if  intentional  the 
omission  in  question  may  act  detrimentally  towards  the  future  acceptance  of  the  terms 
of  Treaty  by  the  Colonial  Legislature. 

4.  My  Ministers,  however,  to  whom  I  have  communicated  the  whole  of  the  important 
documents  respecting  the  Washington  Treaty,  are  willing  to  consider  thii  omission  as 
unintentional;  and  although  anxious  to  obtain  information  on  this  point,  have  resolved 
to  com})ly  at  once  with  the  wishes  of  Her  Majesty's  Government  as  regards  the  admis- 
sion, <luring  the  i)resent  season,  of  citizens  of  the  United  States  to  the  provisional  use  of 
the  privileges  granted  to  them  by  the  Treaty,  so  far  as  lies  within  the  jurisdiction  of  the 
Government  of  Newfoundland  to  bestow, 

5.  There  is  another  point  in  reference  to  the  correspondence  relative  to  the  Treaty 
to  which  my  Advisers  invite  your  Lordship's  attention.  The  copy  of  Sir  E.  Thornton's 
reply  (9th  May,  1871)  to  Mr.  Fish  contains,  in  connection  with  the  repayment  of  import 
duties  by  Congress,  the  following  words : — "  The  above-mentioned  Colonial  Governments, 
"  who  would   be  asked  to  grant  the  immediate  and  certain  right  of  fishing  within  the 

A  2 

ran;,-  t. 

'   I 



Newfouto-  "  territorial  watci-s  of  those  Colonies,  wliilst  the  ri'turn  of  the  imiwrt  duties  on  fish 
LAiro.  «  fjo^  (],c  lyt  July  next  promised  by  the  United  States  is  prosprctive  and  contingent  on 
"  the  action  of  Congress."  The  words  "on  fisii  oil  "-  following  the  words  "that  any 
"  duties  which  may  have  bin-u  collected  on  and  after  the  first  day  of  July  next  "—in 
Mr.  Fish's  note  to  Sir  E.Thornton  are  in  the  reply  thereto  (from  which  the  above 
extract  is  taken)  omitted.     Tiie  Executive  Council  beg  to  be  advised  on  this  head. 

C.  I  beg  to  transmit  to  your  Lordship  copy  of  a  Minute  of  Council,  signifying  assent 
on  the  part  of  the  ( iovernment  ol  Newfoundland  to  the  request  contained  in  your  Lord- 
ship's Despatch,  No   28,  of  l/th  June,  respecting  the  Treaty  of  Washington. 

I  have,  &c., 
The  Earl  of  Kimberley,  (Signed)        STEPHEN  J.  HILL. 

&C.  &C.  &.C. 

Julv  7.  ItiTl. 

Knl'lr'^^nrc  in 
S«.  1. 

No.  1. 

•  Vi.Io  Cmii- 
miiml  I'niHra 

[C.  'ir,v 

[C.  3441,  «nd 

[C.  340]  of 


t  Viilo  C'flm- 

inniid  I'utj*  V 

:('.  5;i',n, 

l.ii-e  i.' 

Enclosure  in  No.  L 

Copy  of  Min'ute  of  Council. 

Council  Itoom,  July  7,  1871. 
Ill  conipliaiic-  with  the  request  inailt!  by  Earl  Kimberley  in  his  Despatch  of  l?tli  June  to  his  Excel- 
lency the  CJovemor,  it  is  ajjrecd  to  accede  thereto. 

True  Copy : 

STErnEx  J.  Hill. 


No.  1. 

The  Earl  of  Kimherlky  to  Governor  Hill,  C.B. 

(No.  28.) 
Sir,  Downing  Street,  June  17,  18"1. 

I  iiAVK  the  honour  to  enclose,  herewitli,  copies  of  the  Treaty  signed  at  Wash- 
ington on  May  8,  by  the  Joint  High  Commissioners,  which  has  been  ratified  by  Her 
Majesty  and  by  the  President  of  the  United  States; — of  the  instructions  to  Her  Majesty's 
High  Commissioners,  and  Protocols  of  the  Conferences  held  by  the  Commission; — of 
two  notes  which  have  passed  between  Sir  E.  Thornton  and  Mr.  Fish;* — and  of  a 
Despatch  of  even  date  herewith,!  which  I  have  addressed  to  the  Governor-General  of 
Canada,  stating  the  views  of  Her  INLijesty's  Government  on  these  important  documents. 

With  reference  to  that  part  of  my  Despatch  to  Lord  Lisgar  which  bears  upon  the 
proposed  arrangement  for  the  immediate  provisional  admission  of  the  United  States' 
fishermen  to  the  colonial  fisheries,  I  have  to  observe,  that  Her  Majesty's  Government  are 
aware  that  under  this  Treaty,  as  under  the  Convention  of  1854,  Newfoundland  is  placed 
ill  a  somewhat  different  position  to  that  of  the  other  Colonies  interested  ;  but  they  would 
strongly  urge  upon  the  Government  of  Newfoundland  that  it  is  most  desirable  for  the 
general  interests  of  the  Empire  that  the  same  course  should  be  pursued  as  in  1854,  and 
that  the  apjilication  made  by  the  United  States'  Government  should  be  acceded  to  by 
Newfoundland,  so  that  American  fishermen  may  be  at  once  allowed,  during  the  present 
season,  the  provisional  use  of  the  privileges  granted  to  them  by  the  Treaty. 

I  have,  &c., 
Governor  Hill,  C.B.,  (Signed)         KIMBERLEY. 

&c,     «5cc.     &c. 

Nc.  2.  No.  2. 

The  Earl  of  Kimberley  to  Governor  Hill,  C.B. 
(No.  38.) 
Sir,  Downing  Street,  September  3,  187L 

[•■.^cii,  I  HAVE  tlie  honour  to  acknowledge  the  receipt  of  your  Despatch,  No.  55,t  of  the 

11th  of  July,  communicating  to  me  the  consent  of  your  Government  to  the  provisional 
admission  of  United  States'  fishermen  during  the  present  season  to  the  privileges 
granted  by  the  Treaty  of  Washiiii^ton,  so  far  as  concerns  the  Colony  under  your  Govern- 

duties  on  fish 
i  contingent  on 
rds  "that  any 
uly  next  " — in 
iih  tlie  above 
lis  head, 
unifying  assent 

in  your  Lord- 

ST  J.  HILL. 

.July  7,  1871. 
une  to  his  Exeol- 


Her  Majesty's  Government  have  learnt  witli  mucli  satisfaction  tluit  the  Newlbundhmd  Newfoikd- 
Governnunt  liave  so  willingly  acceded  to  their  wiyhes  in  this  respect.  ''^'''"- 

I  have  dnivvii  Lord  (Jranville's  attention  to  the  two  (luestions  raised  in  your  Despatch  ~ 

on  till'  corvcsijondence  which  passed  on  this  suhject  between  Sir  Edward  Thornton  and 

Mr.  Eish. 

Governor  '' 
is.c.     isi'. 


I  have,  &c., 
(Signed)         KIMBEULEV. 

No.  3. 

The  Eaul  ok  KimbivUlkv  to  Governor  Ihu.,  C.13. 
(No.  -M.) 
t^iK,  Downing  Street,  September  5,  1S71. 

With  reference  to  my  Despatch,  No.  3H,*  of  the  .'ird  instnnt,  in  answer  to  youi-s  of 
the  14th  of  July,!  relating  to  the  Treaty  of  Washington  and  to  the  fisheries,  I  have  the 
honour  to  transmit  to  you,  for  your  information  and  guidance,  a  copy  of  a  letter  from 
the  Foreign  OfTico  on  the  subject  of  your  Despatch,  and  relating  also  to  a  question  raised 
in  a  Despatch  received  from  the  Lieut.-Uovernor  of  Prince  Edward  Island. 

I  have,  (tc, 
Governor  Hill,  (J.D,  (Signed)         KIMBERLEY. 

iic.      &c.      &c. 


•  rngo  I. 
t  Vog''  .!• 

P?ffe  8.  ' 


No.  4. 

No.  4. 

lie  17,  lS/1. 
;ned  at  Wash- 
itified  by  Her 
Her  Majesty's 
nmission ; — of 
1 ;  * — and  of  a 
lor-General  of 
t  documents. 
?ars  upon  the 
[Jnited  States' 
(vernment  are 
land  is  placed 
ut  they  would 
iirable  for  the 
5  in  1854,  and 
acceded  to  by 
ig  the  present 


)er  3,  1871. 
:0.  5.0,]:  of  the 
he  provisional 
he  privileges 
your  Govern- 

The  Earl  of  Kimkkrley  to  Governor  IIii.l,  C.B. 
(No.  47.) 
SiH,  Downing  Street,  November  1,  1871. 

Wrni  reference  to  your  Despatch,  No.  55,];  of  the  1  ttii  of  July,  and  to  my  reply,  t  i'"s«:5 
No.  .■i8,§  of  the  3rd  of  September,  respecting  the  fishery  stii)nlations  of  the  Treaty  of  §  I'^s^ ' 
Washington,  I  have  the  honour  to  transmit  to  you,  for  your  information,  a  copy  of  a  j-;,,p;, 
Despatch  received  through  the  Foreign  Office,  from  Her  Majesty's  Charge  d'Afl'aires  at 
Washington,  respecting  tlie  omission  of  the  word  "  Newfoundland"'  in  Mr.  Fish's  note  of 
May  Hth  last,  on  this  suijject. 

I  have,  &c.. 
Governor  Hill,  C.B,  (Signed)        KIMBERLEY. 

iVc.      &c.     &c. 



No.  I. 

The  EoREiax  Office  to  the  Coloniai,  Office. 
SiK,  Foreign  Office,  May  2(],  1871. 

I  AM  directed  by  Earl  Granville  to  transmit  to  you,  for  the  information  of  the 
Earl  of  Kimberley,  a  copy  of  a  Despatch  from  Sir  E.  Thornton,  enclosing  copies  of  his 
corres))ondence  with  Mr.  Fish  relative  to  the  immediate  application  of  the  stipulations 
of  the  Fishery  Treaty  pending  its  rai' ■".cation. 

I  am,  &c.. 
The  Under  Secretary  of  State,  (Signed)         E.  HAMMOND. 

Colonial  Office.  

Enclosures  in  No.  1. 
(No.  155.) 
Mv  Lord,  Washington,  May  12,  1871. 

With  reference  to  my  Despatches,  Nos.  14G  and  147  of  the  8th  instant,  I  have  the  honour  to 
enclose  copy  of  a  note  addressed  to  me  by  Mr.  Fish,  expressing  the  hope  entertained  by  the  Government 
of  the  United  States  that  Her  Majesty's  Government  will  urge  the  Governments  of  the  Dominion  of 
of  ('iinada,  of  Prince  Edward  Island,  and  of  Newfoundland,  to  consent  that  Americiin  fishermen  should  he 
allowed  to  fish  in  the  waters  of  the  above  Colonies  during  the  coming  season. 

Your  Lordship  will  observe  that  at  the  beginning  of  the  second  paragraph  of  the  draft  of  the  note  wlich 

No.  1. 



iu  Xo.  1. 




I  forwarded  in  my  Dospatcli,  No.  1  Ki,  tlic  followinfj  words  liavo  lu'pn  added  : — "  The  Govorninoiit  of  tlie 
'•  United  ^'tates  would  l)p  prepared  at  tiie  same  time  to  admit  Britisili  snlijects  to  the  right  of  fishing  in 
"  the  waters  of  tlio  United  States  speei'i.-d  in  the  Treaty;  but ' 

I  also  enelose  copy  of  my  answer  to  Mr.  Fish,  and  hope  your  Lordslii))  will  find  that  his  note,  with  the 
addition  above  mentioned,  and  my  answer,  are  in  aeeordanee  with  tl;e  terms  of  your  Uordshij/s  telegram 
of  !)th  inst.,  transmitted  though  Marl  de  Grey. 

His  Lordship  has  seen  both  the  enclosed  notes,  and  approves  of  their  contents. 

I  have,  &c., 
The  Earl  (iranville,  K.G.,  (.Signed)        Edwakd  Tuounton. 

&c.        &c.        &e. 

Sns,  Department  of  State,  Washington,  May  S,  1871. 

As  several  Article-;  of  the  Treaty  wliich  has  been  signed  this  day.  relating  to  the  admission  of 
citizens  of  the  United  States  to  tl?h  within  the  territorial  waters  of  Her  Britannic  ^lajesty  on  the  coasts 
of  Canada,  Prince  Edward  Island,  and  Newfoundland,  cannot  come  into  full  operation  until  tlie  legis- 
lation contemplated  iu  that  instrument  shall  have  taken  place,  and  as  it  seems  to  be  in  accordance  witii 
the  interests  of  both  (iovernments,  in  furtherance  of  the  objects  and  spirit  of  the  Treaty,  that  the  titizens 
of  the  United  States  should  have  the  enjoyment  of  that  libei'ty  during  the  present  season,  I  am  directed 
by  the  President  to  ex))iess  to  you  bis  hope  that  Her  ULijesfy's  Government  will  be  prepared,  in  the  event 
of  the  ratification  of  tlie  Treuly,  to  make  on  their  own  behalf,  and  '  o  urge  the  Governments  of  the  l")ominion 
of  Canada,  of  Prince  Eilward",  and  of  Newfoundland,  to  make,  for  the  season  referred  to,  within 
their  respective  juriMlictions,  such  relaxations  and  regulations  as  it  may  res])ectively  be  in  their  power  to 
adopt,  with  a  view  to  the  admission  of  American  fishermen  to  the  liberty  which  it  is  proposed  to  seeun; 
to  them  by  the  Treaty.  The  Government  of  the  United  .States  would  be  pr(>p.u'ed  at  the  same  time  to 
admit  British  subjects  to  tlu  right  of  fishing  in  the  wateis  of  the  Ignited  States,  s)H'cified  in  the  Treaty  ; 
lut  as  the  admission  into  the  Uniteil  States  free  of  duty  of  any  articles  which  are  by  law  subject  to  duty 
cannot  be  allowed  without  the  sanction  of  Congress,  the  President  will,  in  case  the  above  suggestion  meets 
with  the  views  of  the  British  (iovernment,  reconnnend  and  in-ge  upon  Congress  at  their  next  session,  that 
any  duties  ..lay  have  been  collected  on  and  after  the  1st  day  of  .Fuly  next,  on  fisii-oil  and  fish 
(except  lish  of  the  inland  lakes  and  of  the  rivers  falling  into  the  same,  and  excc])t  fish  pr(>served  in  oil),  the 
])roduce  of  the  fisheries  of  the  Dominion  of  t'anada  and  of  Prince  Edward  Island,  shall  be  returned  and 
refunded  to  the  parties  jiayini;  tlie  same,  if  a  similar  arrangement  is  made  with  respect  to  the  admission 
into  the  British  ]iossessions  of  fish-oil  and  tisli  (with  the  like  exception),  being  the  produce  of  the  fisheries 
of  the  United  States. 

I  have,  &c., 
Sir  E.  Thornton,  K.C.B.,  (Signed)         Hamilton  Eisii. 

&c.        &c.        &c. 


Washington  May  0,  1871. 

I  have  the  honour  to  acki'jwledge  the  receipt  of  your  note  of  yesterday's  date,  and  to  inform  you 
in  reply  that  I  have  been  authorized  by  Earl  Granville  to  stati;  that  in  the  event  of  the  ratification  of  the 
Treaty  signed  yesterday,  Her  ^lajesty's  (iovernment  will  be  pre|)ared  to  reconnnend  to  the  Governments 
of  the  Donrnion  of  Canada,  of  Prince  Edward  Island,  and  of  Newfoundland,  that  the  ])rovisional 
arrangement  proposed  in  your  note  above  mentioned,  with  regard  to  the  right  of  fishing  by  United  States' 
citizens  on  the  coasts  of  those  British  possessions  and  t)y  British  subjects  in  the  waters  of  the  United 
States  de.scribcd  in  Article  XIX.  of  the  Treaty,  shall  take  efl'ect  during  the  coming  season,  on  the  under- 
standing that  the  ultimate  decision  of  this  question  nmst  rest  with  the  above-mentioned  Colonial  Govern- 
ments, who  would  be  asked  to  grant  the  immediate  and  certain  right  of  fishing  within  the  territorial  .  a',  mv 
of  those  Colonies,  whilst  the  return  of  the  import  duties  on  fish  from  the  1st  of  July  next,  promised  by  the 
United  Stuites,  is  j)ros])ective  and  contingent  on  the  action  of  Congress. 

I  have,  iVe., 
The  Hon.  Hamilton  Fish,  (Signed)         KinvAnD  TiioiiXTON. 

\"e.         iVe.         iVc. 


ol'  AV'asIiiiii 
Prince  Edv 
agi'oe  to  th( 
during  the 

1  am  alsc 
tlieso  comiT 

Tlio  Dos 
of  May  lasl 
that  moitth 
would  inlbi 
he  made  by 
elleet  to  tlit 
at  llalil'ax  i 

The  Right  ] 


from  the  ( 
Island  rcsp< 

(lii'iH'Icd    hy 
lilamls  l)y  t 


No.  2. 

Ho.  4\;- 1811 

No.  2. 
The  Coi.oMAi,  OFrici:  to  the  Forkion  Oi'i'in;. 

Sii^,  _  Downing  Street,  June  23,  is; I. 

^  I  .\M  directed  hy  the  Earl  of  Kint})erley  to  transmit  to  yon,  for  the  informat-on  of 
Earl  Granville,  a  eojjy  of  a  Despatch  which  his  Lordship  has  addressed  to  the  Governor- 
General  of  Canada,  conveying  to  him  tlie  views  of  Ifer  Majesty's  Ciovernment  witli 
respect  to  some  of  the  provisions  of  the  Treaty  recently  signed  at  Wasliington. 

1  am,  »Vc., 
The  Right  Hon.  E.  Ilainm-^nd,  (Signed)         II.  T.  HOLLAND. 

•Sl'C.  il'C.  &c. 


I   AM 

Kiniliirlcy  t 
land  and  \a 
American  /it 
enclosed  in  j 

The  Lliidcr  .' 

rprniiicut  of  tlie 
lit  of  tisliing  ill 

Is  noti',  with  tlie 
cl<liij)V  to'.ograiu 


May  8,  1871. 
he  admissiun  of 
ty  on  the  coasts 
until  tin;  lojfis- 
accordaiice  with 
that  tlie  (itizeiis 
I,  I  am  directed 
ed,  in  the  event 
of  the  dominion 
Ferred  to,  within 
1  their  power  to 
posed  to  secure 
10  same  time  to 
[  in  the  Treaty  ; 
'  subject  to  duty 
iujigestion  meets 
lext  session,  tiiat 
fish-oil  and  tish 
,'rved  in  oil),  the 
be  returned  and 
to  the  admission 
e  of  the  fisheries 


May  [\  1871. 

id  to  inform  you 

itification  of  the 

le  Governments 

the  provisional 

United  Stiites' 

's  of  the  United 

n,  on  the  under- 

olonial  Govern- 

'rritorial  .  a',  my 

iromised  by  tlic 


No.  3. 

Till!  OoLOxiAi,  Oi'FiCK  to  the  J'tntinGN  Oiricb;. 

SlK,  DowiMiKj,-  Sircvt,  Aii<;ust  '21,  1S71. 

AViTit  ■iclt'inic'c  to  tlu'  corrcsiKiiKlriicc  I'olod  ir.  tlu'  n;  ir:i,iii  icspcctiuy,'  flic  'I'rcaty 
ol"  AV'asliiiigtoii  aiiil  the  North  Aniericiri  fisiiorlcs,  1  am  liircctocl  hy  llic  Earl  ol' 
Kiiuhcrlcy  to  transmit  to  you,  to  he  laid  liciorc  Ivirl  (irauvillc,  copies  of  the  enclosed 
l)cs])atches  received  irom  the  ({(>\eriior  ol'  Newibiiiullaii  1.  and  the  laeiit.-Govcriior  of 
Prince  Edward  Island.  iVom  which  it  will  be  seen  that  the  Uovernmeiits  ol' these  Islands 
ap;rec  to  the  admission  to  their  res^icctive  inshore  fisiierics  of  the  United  States'  lishenueii 
during  the  present  season. 

I  am  also  to  enclose  copies  of"  the  Despatches  from  l''e  Sec;eiary  o''  State,  to  which 
these  communications  are  replies. 

The  Despatch  I'rom  the  Governor  of  Newfoundland  raises  two  questions  on  the 
corresj)ondenee  which  passed  hetwecn  Mr.  I'Msh  and  Sir  i'..  Thornton  on  the  sth  and  Hth 
of  Alay  last,  copies  of  which  were  forwarded  to  this  olfu  •  in  your  letter  of  the  2tlth  of 
that  month.*  Eord  Kimlierley  rcMjuests  that  Lord  (Jrain  ille  will  enable  him  to  give  an 
explanation  to  the  Governor  on  these  points,  and  he  would  also  be  glad  if  his  Lordship 
would  inform  him  whether  there  is  any  objection  to  the  proposal  '.vhich  it  appears  is  to 
be  ma<le  by  the  Government  of  I'rince  Edward  Island,  in  the  event  ef  the  Acts  to  give 
ellect  to  the  'I'rcaty  being  jiassed  by  tlie  Colonial  Legislatures,  for  the  aiipointment  of  a 
Ue])reseiitativc  fr(Un  that  Island  to  give  information  to  the  Commission  which  is  to  meet 
at  Halifax  under  the  21st  and  22iid  Articles  of  the  Treaty. 

I  am,  &c., 
Tile  Right  Hon.  E.  Hammond,  (Signed)         ROBERT  G.  W    irr.-inv 

Ac.         Ac.         Ac. 



No.  3. 

V.  ().  t.i  V.  o., 
Miiy  'y,,  IS71, 

\«\::<-  :>. 

V.  O.  t.iF.  O., 
.Iun.!-j:i,  1S71, 
pa-.:  ■;. 

J'fMic,.  1,;,,. 


No.  1. 

The  Coi.oMAi,  Oiiu'i;  to  the  FoitiuGX  OfFicK. 

Siu,  Iiowning  Street,  August  21,  ISTl. 

With  reference  to  my  letter  of  this  day's  date.f  forwarding  cojiics  of  Despatches  t 
from  the  (Jovernor  of  Newfoundland  and  the  Lieut. -Governor  of  Prince  lOdward  A" 
Island  respecting  the  Treaty  of  AVashing'.(ai  and  the  North  American  fisiieries,  I  am  '^' 
diiected  by  the  llarl  of  Kimbi'rley  to  enclose  I'opies  of  Despatches  which,  wilii  Earl  .v 
Granville's  concurrence,  his  Lo'.(lshi[)  pro[ioses  to  forward  to  the  Oovernors  of  those  j; 
Islands  by  the  mail  of  Friday  lu'xt. 

Xo.  1. 


'•  .■;s, 

'■  •■'-'. 


Tbe  ixight  Hon.  E.  Hammond, 
\c.  Ac.  ^^c. 

I  ani,  Ac, 
(Sigu;d)         ROBERT  G'.  W.  HERBERT. 

u  Thou.vton. 

No.  .1. 
Till-  Foi;i;iciN  Oi'FiCi:  to  the  Cui.o.mai,     (  i  i  iii 

No.  5. 

e23,  1M7!. 
iformation  of 
he  Governor- 
riiment  with 


Silt,  Foreign  Odice,  August  ."U,  1S71. 

I  AM  directed  by  Earl  CJranvilh'  to  recpu'st  that  you  will  state  to  the  Ivirl  of 
Kimbtrley  that  his  Lorilshij)  concurs  in  ilie  Desjiatches  to  the  Governor  of  Newfound- 
land ai:d  Lieutenant-Governor  of  Prince  Edward  Island  respecting  the  admission  of 
Anu'rican  lishermeii  to  the  inshore  hshcries  of  those  Islands,  and  of  which  dralls  were 
enclosed  in  your  letter  of  the  "2Ibt  iiLstant.* 

The  LTiulcr  Fecretary  of  State, 
Colonial  Oflice. 

I  am,  Ac, 
(Signed)        ODO  liUSSELL. 

•  s 




No.  C, 

race  T 

No. :. 

t  Pnge  ■ 



Kaclnsuro  in 
No.  7. 

No,  G. 
The  FouEiGN  Office  to  tlie  Coloxial  Office. 

Sir,  Foreign  Office,  August  .'51,  1871 

I  HAVE  laid  l)cf>)re  Earl  Granville  your  letter  of  the  21bt  inst,,*  '■nclosing  copies  of 
correspondenc'  witli  tlic  (Jovernor  of  Newfoundland  and  the  Lieutenant-Governor 
of  Prince  E''\vard  Island  respecting  tlie  i)rovisional  admission  ol'  American  fishermen 
to  tlie  inshor  ;  fislicries  of  tliose  Islands  ;  and  I  am  in  reply  to  requc  t  tliat  you  will  state 
to  the  ]''.arl  ol'  Kimberley  tliat  Lord  Granville  has  no  doubt  tiiat  the  Government  of' 
Newfounilland  is  riglit  in  assuming  tliat  tlie  omission  of  tl  ■■  mention  of  Newfoundland 
in  the  i)assage  in  Mr.  Fish's  note  to  Sir  E.  Thornton,  referred  to,  A\as  unintentional. 

Her  Majesty's  C'liargt'  d'AflJiires  at  Wasliington  will,  howevi'r,  be  instructed  to  call 
Mr.  Fish's  attention  to  tlie  omission  as  I)eing  understood  to  be  by  inadvertence.  His 
Lordship  wishes  the  Government  of  Newfoundland  to  be  informed  tint  the  intention  of 
the  two  notes  was  that,  peiKlmg  reciprocal  legislation,  in  return  for  the  immediate 
provisional  admission  of  American  fishermen  to  the  inshore  (islieries,  drawbacks  should 
be  granted  on  the  imjiort  duties  taken  in  the  United  States  on  the  fish-oil  and  fish  which 
are  to  be  hereafter  admitted  free  for  a  term  of  years  under  the  2Jst  Article  of  the 

I  am  to  add  that,  as  regards  the  desire  expressed  by  the  Government  of  Prince  Edward 
Islfnd  that  some  jierson  should  be  apiminted  to  attend  the  Commission  at  Halifax, 
it  apjiears  to  Lord  (iranville  that  it  Mould  not  only  be  permissilde,  but  highly  desirable, 
that  Prince  Edward  Island  and  the  other  Provinces  should  furnish  the  fullest  information 
before  the  Commission  as  to  the  value  of  the  inshore  fisheries  on  their  coasts. 

The  Jlth  Article  of  the  Treaty  jji-ovides  that  the  Commissioners  shall  he  bound 
to  r(?ceive  such  oral  or  written  testimony  as  eitlier  Government  may  present,  and  it  Will, 
consequently,  be  comiiefent  for  the  Governr."'.ent  of  Prince  I'^dward  Island  to  send  to 
Halifax  anv  person  wlu>  may  be  selected  as  best  capable  of  giving  evidene  on  its 

I  am,  &c.. 
The  Under  Secretary  of  State,  (Signed)        ODO  RUSSELL. 

Colonial  Oflicc. 

No.  7. 
The  Foreign*  Office  to  the  Cjlcxiat,  Office. 

Sir,  ForeignOffice,  October  2(3,  1871. 

Wnn  reference  to  your  letter  of  the  21s'..  of  August*  last,  respecting  a  question 
raised  by  the  Governor  of  Newfoundland  on 'he  omission  of  the  word  "  Newfoundland" 
in  Mr,  Fish's  note  of  May  8th  last,  on  tl'.o  t-ubject  of  tlie  fishery  stipulations  of  the 
Washington  Treaty,  1  ani  directed  by  Eari  Granville  to  transmit  to  you,  for  the 
information  of  the  Earl  nf  Kimberley,  a  coi)y  of  a  Desjiatch  from  Her  Majesty's  Charge 
d'Affaires  at  Washington  explaining  tlu  matter, 

I  am,  &c., 
The  Under  Secretary  of  State,  (Signed)        E,  HAMMOND, 

Colonial  Office. 

(No.  on.) 

Mv  Loud, 

Enclosure  in  So,  7. 

Washington,  Odober  10,  1871. 

Willi  reference  to  your  Lordsfiin'.-!  Dcspatcli,  No.  n2,  of  the  olt^t  of  Aujiust,  on  tlie  subject  of  tlio 
omission  ol'  the  word  "  Newfouiullaml  '  in  ."\Ir.  I'l.^li's  note  of  Miiy  8  last  on  the  subject  of  tiie  fishery 
stipulations  in  the  Treaty  of  that  date,  1  hi:ve  tlie  lioiiour  to  state'  that  on  calliufr  Mr.  Bancroft  Davis's 
nttention  to  the  chcumstance  lie  at  once  acknowledjred  the  oiuis.sion,  and  attributed  it  to  a  clerical  error, 
which  has  now  been  set  right  tiy  the  note,  copy  of  which  is  herewith  enclosed,  but  which  reached  ine  too 
late  for  transmission  by  the  mail  of  the  3rd  iust. 

I  have,  il'c, 
The  Earl  Granville,  K.G.,  ^(Signed)        E.  I'akinham. 

&c,        &c        (iic. 


1st  day  of . 
of  the  8th  n 
In  statin 
present! "  cj 

The  Hon.  I 

(No,  55 

My  Lord, 


of  the  17tl 

relative  th 

2.  I  ha' 
fisheries  pi 
it  aflTords  i 
disposed  tc 
Colonial  o 
l)resent  se 
Mr.  Pope 
liad  discus! 
name  of  II 

.'!.  I  anti 
and  with  c 
sure  that  y 
Edward  Is 
ment,  as  co 

The  Earl  o 
&c.        i 

(No.  5f),) 

My  Lonn, 
In  ( 
to  forward 
ments  whi« 
17th  June 
2.  It  is 

i.^l,  1871 
sing  copies  of 
an  fishormeii 
ou  will  stati' 
ovcrnment  of 
•iicted  to  call 
L'l'tencc.  His 
e  intention  ol" 
ic  immediate 
/backs  should 
nd  fish  which 
.rtidc   of  the 

rince  Edward 
II  at  Halifax, 
;hly  desirable, 
it  information 

lall  he  hound 
it,  and  it  ^\lll, 
nd  to  send  to 
idcnc     on  its 


r  26,  1871. 
ng  a  (luestiou 

ations  of  the 
you,  for  the 
ijesty's  Charge 


olierlO,  1871. 
till!  fubjoct  of  tlio 
•pt  of  the  fishery 
l^iiiicroft  Davisi's 
o  a  cli'iical  error, 
reached  me  too 

r.  PAiaNHAM. 



Sir,  Department  of  State,  Washin^'ton,  September  30,  1871. 

With  reference  to  your  note  of  the  19th  Inst,  relating  to  the  omission  of  "Xewt'ouniUanJ"  from  the 
contemplated  continjjent  proposal  for  remission  of  duties  which  may  have  been  collecteil  on  and  after  the 
1st  day  of  .Fuly,  1871,  on  fisn-oil  and  Ssh  the  produce  of  cert.ain  British  fisheries  named  in  Mr.  Fish's  note 
of  the  8th  of  May  last,  I  have  the  honour  to  inform  you  that  the  omission  was  inadvertent. 

In  statinp:  this  fact,  now  that  the  fishing  season  has  passed,  I  must  add  that  no  engagement  "  in 
present! "  can  be  assumed. 

I  have,  &c., 
The  Hon.  F.  Pakenhara,  (Signed)        J.  C.  B.  Davib, 

A'e.        &c.         &C.  Acting  Sui    'tary. 






No.  1. 
Lieut.-Governor  Robixsox  to  The  Earl  of  KiMncRLET. 


Government  House.  July  12,  1871. 

(Received  July  26,  1871.) 
My  Lord,  (Answered,  No.  27,  August  8,  1871,  pago  12.) 

I  HAVK  the  honour  to  acknowledge  the  receipt  ol'  your  Lordship's  Despatch,  No.  22,* 
of  the  l/th  of  .June,  enclosing  a  copy  of  the  Treaty  of  Washington  and  other  documents 
relative  thereto. 

2.  I  have  had  several  conversations  Avith  the  leader  of  my  Government  upon  the 
important  question  of  admitting  American  fishermen  to  the  jjrivileges  of  our  inshore 
fisheries  provisionally  and  jiending  the  consideration  ot'the  Treaty  by  the  Legislature,  and 
it  affords  me  the  greatest  satisfaction  to  inform  your  Lordshii)  that  my  Advisers  seem 
disposed  to  meet  the  views  of  Her  Maj(>sty*s  Government  in  the  matter,  and  to  order  the 
Colonial  officers  not  to  enforce  the  fishing  laws  against  American  fishermen  during  the 
jircsent  season.  The  question  has  not  yet  been  formally  considered  in  Council,  Init 
Mr.  Pope  informed  me  this  morning  that  he  thought  his  colleagues,  with  whom  lie 
had  discussed  it,  would  l)e  prej)ared  to  concede  the  point  which  I  urged  upon  him  in  the 
name  of  Her  Majesty's  Government. 

.'].  I  anticipate  that  the  necessary  instructions  will  he  issued  at  the  next  meeting  of  the 
Executive  Council,  and  that  I  shall  be  in  a  position  to  address  your  Lordship  in  detail, 
and  with  certainty,  \\\Hm  the  subject  by  the  mail  of  this  day  fortnight.  Meanwhile  I  am 
sure  that  your  Lordship  will  be  gratified  at  the  probability  of  the  Government  of  Prince 
Edward  Island  responding  ])romi)tly  and  loyally  to  the  wish  of  Her  Majesty's  Govern- 
ment, as  conveyed  to  me  in  your  Lordship's  Despatch  under  acknowledgment. 

I  have,  itc, 
(Signed)         WILLIAM  liOBINSON, 
The  Earl  of  Kimherley,  Lieut  -Governor, 

ic.         &c.         &c.  

No.  2. 
Lieut.-Governor  RoniNSON  to  The  Eart-  of  Kimrerlet. 
(No.  .59.) 




No.  1. 

Tftge  II. 


Government  House,  July  25,  1871. 
(Kocoivod,  August  8,  1871.) 
My  Lord,  (AnRworcd,  i;  ..  32,  September  3,  1871,  piigo  12.) 

In  continuation  of  my  Despatch,  No.  Hry*  oi  the  I'ith  lust.,  I  have  now  the  honour 
to  forward  a  Minute  prepared  by  my  Advisers,  in  v  hicli  they  record  the  result  of  their 
deliljerations  on  the  subject  of  the  Treaty  of  Wasliington  and  the  other  important  docu-    ^^^'''-'£?'. 
ments  which  were  forwarded  to  me  witli  your  Lordship's  Despatch,  No.  22,f  of  the  t  ^f^"  " 
17tli  June  last, 
2.  It  is  statetl  in  the  Minute  that  "  tlic  different  Governments  and  Legislatures  of  this 


•  Rii|)rii. 

Jlly  ;, 




"  Colony  have  always  hoped  that  these  fisheries"  (the  fisheries  of  Prince  Edward  Island) 
"  would  have  done  much  to  secure  the  advantages  of  another  Reciprocity  Treaty,  or  of 
"  some  tariff  concessions  authorizing  the  free  admission  "  (into  the  United  States)  "  of  the 
"  products  of  our  agriculturists,  who  form  tlie  majority  of  our  j)opulation,  and  which 
"  would  have  resulted  in  pro.notiiig  tlie  prosjjcrity  of  the  Colony ; "  and  that  in  the 
opinion  of  the  Council  the  inhabitants  of  Prince  Edward  Island  are  now  asked  "to 
"  surrender  to  the  citizens  of  the  United  States  these  invaluable  fisheries  withont 
"  receiving,  in  return,  any  just  or  fair  equivalent  such  as  was  hoped  to  be  obtained." 
In  deference,  however,  to  the  strongly  expressed  wish  of  Iler  Majesty's  Government  in 
the  matter,  the  Committee  of  the  Executive  Council  (without  giving  any  pledge  as  to 
the  ultimate  action  of  the  Legislature)  recommend  "  that  the  aj)plication  made  by  the 
"  United  States*  Government  be  acceded  to,  so  that  American  fishermen  may  be  at  once 
"  allowed,  during  the  jiresent  season,  the  jjrovisional  use  of  the  privileges  granted  to  them 
"  by  the  Treaty  ;"  and  I  have  the  honour  to  report  tliat  the  Custom  House  officers  were 
yesterday  instructed  to  discontinue  the  enforcement  of  the  fishery  laws  for  the  present 
season  and  until  further  orders. 

3.  I  caused  the  I'nited  States'  Consul  at  this  port  to  be  notified  accordingly,  and  I 
simultaneously  dispatched  a  similar  notice  to  Sir  Edward  Thornton  by  telegraph. 

4.  I  may  add  that  in  the  event  of  the  Acts  ut.'cessary  to  give  effect  to  the  Treaty  being 
passed  by  the  Legislature  of  Prince  Edward  Island,  my  Government  will  apply  to  your 
Lordship  for  iwrmission  to  send  a  representative  to  Halifax  for  the  purpose  of  conferring 
with  the  agent  of  the  Iini)erial  Government,  whose  ai)})ointment  is  provided  for  in  the 
concluding  ])aragra])h  of  Article  2.i  of  the  Treaty,  and  of  urging  upon  him  the  claims  of 
this  Island  to  a  just  share,  proportionate  to  the  value  of  our  fisheries,  of  whatever  com- 
pensation may  l)e  awarded  as  an  ec^uivalent  for  the  privileges  which  the  colonists  are 
asked  to  surrender.  My  Government  are,  of  course,  aware  that  Great  Britain  and  the 
United  States  are  to  be  rejjresented  before  the  Halifax  Commission  each  by  one  agent 
only,  but  tliey  believe  that  it  would  be  competent  to  Her  Majesty's  Government  to 
authorize  the  Imperial  agent  as  aforesaid  to  receive  information  on  the  subject  of  our 
fisheries  from  a  representa!'\»'  to  be  aj)pointed  by  the  Government  of  Prince  Edward 
Island  ;  and  this,  should  the  Legislature  assent  to  the  Treaty,  is  what  my  Government 
hope  that  your  Lordshij)  will  be  pleased  to  accord. 

5.  I  am  confident  that  your  Lordshij)  will  receive  with  much  satisfaction  the  inti- 
mation contained  in  this  Despatch,  and  that  the  j)rompt  and  loyal  action  of  the  Govern- 
ment of  Prince  Edward  Island  will  predispose  Her  Majesty's  Government  to  comply,  as 
far  as  possible,  with  any  reasonable  reij^uest  which  my  Advisers  may  consider  it  to 

be  tljeir  duty  to  prefer. 

The  Earl  of  Kimberley, 
.&c.         &c.         &c. 

of  this  IslaiK 
receiving  in 
his  Despatcl 
"  bond  tliroi 
"  of  Lake  i: 
"  privileges 
"  obtain." 

Prince  Edw; 
into  the  mar 
trade  is  now 
States  of  the 
of  this  l8lan( 
the  United  S 
19  and  21  tt 
be  ^iveii  to  t 

tlie  Earl 
"  is  perhap 
"not  seem  t 
"years  in  co 
"  of  licences 
"several  yea 
"  tlie  use  of 
"States,  eve 

The  Com  I 
use  of  the  fis 
*o  induce  tii 
extremely  lo 
obstacle  in  tl 
I'liited  State 

The  Coil 
to  American 
but  merely  i 
matter, — anc 
Stiites'  Govei 
season,  the  p 
on  the  piu-t  o 
they  feel  that 

Adopted  ii 

I  have,  &c., 
(Signed)        WILLIAM  ROBINSON, 

Enoloturo  in 

No.  2. 

Enclosui'e  in  No.  2. 

Council  Chamber,  July  17,  1871. 

At  a  meeting  of  a  Committee  of  the  Executive  Council  of  Prince  Edward  Island — present.  The  lion. 
Mr.  Pope,  tlie  lion.  Mr.  Colonial  .Secretary,  the  Hon.  Mr.  Attoniey-Geuenil,  the  lloii.  Mr.  Owen,  the 
Hon.  Mr.  Kichards : 

Tlie  ( 'oiiimltt(!e  of  Council  having  under  consideration  Des))atch,  No.  22,  dated  at  Downing  Street,  the 
ITth  of  .Tune,  1871,  from  the  Right  Hmi.  Earl  of  Kiiiibei'ley,  Her  Majesty's  IVinciiial  Secrotiiry  of  State  for 
the  Colonies,  to  his  Honour  l.ieiiteiiaiit-tiovernor  Robinson,  toi;eliier  witli  coiiies  of  the  Treaty  signed  at 
Wasliiiigton  on  the  eiglith  day  of  .May,  and  of  jirntocols  of  the  coiiferenci^s  lield  by  the  Commission,  of  two 
notes  which  have  passed  between  Sir  Edward  TlunMiton  and  Mr.  .Sicrctary  1' isii,  and  of  a  Desiiatcli 
adch'essed  to  the  (jovernoi-Oeneral  of  • 'anada,  statii'g  the  views  of  Her  Majesty's  Governineiit  on  tliese 
iniportant  documents,  Her  Majesty's  (iovi'niiiieiit  in  the  Despatch  first  refenvil  to  strongly  urge  upon 
the  (iovenniient  of  tiiis  Island  that,  for  reasons  stated  in  the  Des|)ateh  from  the  Earl  of  KimlHirley  to 
Lord  Lisgar,  the  same  cniirse  should  be  pursued  as  in  18,jl,  and  the  application  miule  by  the  United 
States'  (;ov(!nniieut  acceded  to  by  Prince  Edward  Island,  so  that  American  fishermen  may  be  at  once 
allowed,  during  tiie  present  season,  the  provisional  use  of  tlie  iirivih'ges  granted  to  them  by  the  Treaty. 

Have  respectfully  to  submit  that  Prince  Edward  Inland  is  the  most  fertile  and  productive  Province  in 
British  North  America,  in  ]iroportiou  to  its  extent  that  the  natural  market  for  its  principal  ))roduction8 
is  to  be  found  in  the  United  States,  as  was  ver)  satisfactorily  proved  during  tlie  continuation  of  the 
llecijirocity  Treaty  of  IS,")!  ;  that  the  tisiieries  of  this  Island  arc  the  best  and  most  valuable  in  America, 
and  are  mucl  ajiiireciateil  by  the  tishernicn  of  tiie  United  States;  that  the  ditl'erent  Governments  and 
Legislatures  of  tiiis  ( 'olony  have  always  hojied  tlirt  these  lisheries  wimld  have  done  much  to  secure  the 
advantiiges  of  another  Reciprocity  Treaty,  or  of  some  tariff  concessions  authorizing  the  free  admission  of 
the  jiroducts  of  our  agrienltnrists,  who  form  the  majority  of  our  population,  and  which  would  have  resulted 
iu  promoting  tlie  prosperity  of  the  Colony.     That  by  the  Treaty  now  under  conbiJeratiou,  thu  iububiUats 

(No.  22.' 

I  n. 
on  May  St! 
and  by  tiit 
which  hav 
date  here« 
views  of  1 

With  re 
proposed  ; 
strongly  ui 
in  the  Des 
by  the  Un 
that  A  met 
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ly  17, 1871. 
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of  this  Island  are  asked  to  surrender  to  the  citizens  of  the  United  States  these  invaluable  fisheries,  without 
receiving  in  return  any  just  or  fair  equivalent  such  as  Wiis  hoped  to  he  obtained.  The  Earl  of  Kimberlcy,  in 
his  Despatch  to  Lord  Lisgar,  alludes  to  "  the  great  importance  to  Canada  of  the  right  to  convey  goods  in 
"  bond  through  the  United  States,  which  has  been  secured  to  her  by  Article  20,  and  the  free  navigation 
"  of  Lake  Michigan  under  Article  28,  and  the  power  of  transshipping  goods  under  Article  30,  as  valuable 
"  privileges  which  must  not  be  overlooked  in  framing  an  estimate  of  the  advantages  which  Canada  will 
"  obtain." 

Valuable  to  Canada  as  may  be  these  privileges,  the  Committee  submit  that  they  do  not  at  all  affect 
Prince  Edward  Island.  That  the  chief  benefit  to  this  Island  would  be  the  admisi-ion  of  fish  and  fish-oil 
into  the  markets  of  the  United  States,  and  this  would  not  be  generally  felt  by  the  j)eople,  inif-niuch  ns  this 
trade  is  now  principally  in  the  hands  of  a  few  American  citizens.  That  the  surrender  by  the  United 
States  of  the  right  of  fishing  down  to  the  SUth  degree  of  latitude  is  comparatively  worthlesii'to  the  people 
of  this  Island,  and  as  the  United  States'  Government  assert  that  the  privileges  accorded  to  the  citiaens  of 
th(!  United  States  under  Article  18  of  this  Treaty  are  of  no  greater  value  than  those  accorded  by  Articles 
19  and  21  to  the  subjects  of  Her  Britannic  Majesty,  the  amount  of  any  money  comjiensation  that  would 
be  given  to  this  Island  would  be  insignificant. 

The  Earl  of  Kimberley,  in  his  Despatch  to  Lord  Lisgar,  says, "  In  some  respects  a  direct  money  payment 
"  is  perhaj)s  a  more  distinct  recognition  of  the  rights  of  the  ('olonies  than  a  tariff  concession,  and  there  does 
"  not  seem  to  be  any  difference  in  principle  between  the  admission  of  American  fishermen  for  a  term  of 
"years  in  consideration  of  the  payment  of  a  sum  of  money  in  gross,  and  their  aduimission  under  the  system 
"of  licences  calculated  at  so  maiij  dollars  per  ton,  which  was  adopted  by  the  Colonial  Government  for 
"several  years  after  the  termination  of  the  Reciprocity  Treaty.  In  the  latter  case  it  must  be  observed 
"  tlie  use  of  the  fisheries  was  granted  without  any  tariff  concession  whatever  on  the  part  of  the  United 
"  States,  even  as  to  the  importation  of  fish." 

The  Committee  submit  that  a  commercial  arrangement  with  liie  United  States  in  consideration  of  the 
use  of  the  fisheries  would  have  been  most  accept<\ble,  but  as  the  Eoyal  High  Commissioners  were  unable 
*<}  induce  the  American  Government  to  change  its  commercial  policy,  the  people  of  this  Island  bi'ing 
extremely  loyal^  and  devotedly  attached  to  British  institutions,  would  be  most  unwilling  to  throw  any 
obstacle  in  the  way  of  an  amicable  settlement  of  all  causes  of  difierence  between  Great  Britain  and  the 
United  States,  and  would,  therefore,  willingly  accept  any  re;isonable  money  com])ensation,  in  addition  to 
thejirivileges  granted,  as  an  equivalent ;  but  under  the  Treaty  nothing  of  the  kind  is  guaranteed  them. 

The  Committee  deem  it  to  be  their  duty  further  to  state  that  the  system  referred  to  of  granting  licences 
to  American  fishermen  for  a  money  consideration  v. as  never  approved  of  by  the  Government  of  this  Island, 
but  merely  sanctioned  in  deference  to  the  strongly  expressed  wish  of  the  British  Goveniment  in  the 
matter, — and  for  the  same  reason  the  Committee  now  recommend  that  the  a])plication  made  by  the  United 
St<ites'  Government  be  acceded  to,  so  that  American  fishermen  may  be  at  once  allowed,  during  tJie  present 
season,  the  provisional  use  of  the  privileges  granted  to  them  by  the  Treaty,  without  any  pledge,  however, 
on  the  ptu't  of  the  Government  that  the  Legislature  will  pass  the  Acts  to  give  effect  to  the  Treaty,  in  which 
they  feel  that  the  interests  of  Prince  Edward  Island  have  not  been  fairly  cousidsred. 

Adopted  in  Council,  July  2i,  1871. 

(Certified)  Wilu.iji  C.  Des  Bhisay, 

Assititaut  Clerk,  Executive  Council. 



No.  1.  No.  1. 

The  Eakl  of  Kimbeui.ey  to  Lieut.-Govemor  Robinso.v. 

(No.  22.) 
Siu,  Downing  Street,  June  17,  1871. 

I  iiAVK  the  honour  to  enclose  herewith  copies  of  the  Treaty  signed  at  Washington 
on  May  Sth  by  the  Joint  High  Commissioners,  wliidi  has  been  ratified  by  Her  Majesty 
and  by  the  President  of  the  United  States ; — of  the  instructions  to  Her  Majesty's  High 
Gmmiissioners,  and  Protocols  of  the  Conferences  held  by  the  Commission  ;*  of  two  notes  •  vi.i.  c„m- 
M  hich  have  passed  between  Sir  E.  Thornton  and  Mr.  Fish,t  and  of  a  IX'sj)atcli  of  even  ['^rgl;]]"''"" 
date  herewith,!  which  I  have  addressed  to  the  Governor-General  of  Canada,  statuig  the  re.  ;ii4]iun(i 
views  of  Her  Majesty's  Government  on  these  important  documents.  mf.*^^"^ 

With  reference  to"  that  part  of  my  Despatch  to  Lord  Lisgar  which  beai-s  upon  the  ^  i.„j,,,  r.. 
])roi)()sed  arrangement  lor  the  immediate  jjrovisional  admission  of  the  United  States'  ♦  yi.i. 
fishermen  to  the  Colonial   fisheries,  I   have  to  observe  that  Her  Majcs-ty's  Governmcnit  ^'.'^^J;;'" 
strongly  urge  upon  the  Government  of  I'rince  Edward  Island  that,  for  the  reasons  stated  [c.  :);w',_ 
in  the  Desjiatch,  the  same  course  should  be  pursued  as  in  18;V1,  and  the  application  made  ^P"''  '*" 
by  the  United  States'  Govermnent  should  be  acceded  to  b)  Prince  Edward  Island,  so 
that  American  fishermen  may  be  at  once  allowed,  during  the  i)reseut  season,  the  provi- 
sional use  of  the  privileges  granted  to  them  by  the  Treaty. 

I  have,  &c., 
Lieut.-Governor  Robinson,  (Signed)        KIMBERLEY. 

&c.        &c.         &c. 




No.  2. 
t  Page  11. 

No.  3. 

!  rnKO  9. 


(No.  27.) 


No.  2. 
The  E.vRL  OF  KtMBKRLKY  to  Licut.-Govcmor  Romxsox. 

Downing  Street,  August  8,  1871. 
I  HAVE  received  your  Dcspateh,  No.  ^5,*  of  12th  ult.,  acknowledging  mine  of  the   ;? 
17th  June,t  in  whidi  I  ibrwarded  to  you  a  copy  of  the  Treaty  of  Washington.  | 

I  have  learnt,  witli  much  satisfaction,  that  your  Government  are  likely  to  accede  so  | 
promptly  and  readily  to  the  wislies  of  Her  Majesty's  Government,  tliat  tlic  United  States'  ^ 
fishermen  should  ije  admitted  provisionally  to  tlie  inshore  fisheries  of  Prince  Edward 
Island  during  the  present  season.  M 

I  have,  frc,  " 

Lieut.-Governor  Robinson,  (Signed)         KIMBEKLEY. 

&c.         &:c.         &c. 

No.  3. 

The  E.VRL  OF  KiMBEKLET  to  Licut.-Govcmor  ROBIN'SOy. 
(No.  32.) 
Si  I!,  Downing  Street,  Septemher  .3,  1871. 

I  HAVE  the  honour  to  acknowledge  the  receipt  of  your  Despatch,  No.  r)l),J  of  the 
2.")th  of  July,  communicating  to  me  the  consent  of  your  Government  to  tlie  provisional 
admission  of  United   States'  fishermen   during  the   ])resent  season   to   the   privileges ; 
fjranted  by  the  Treaty  of  Wasliington  so  far  as  concerns  the  Colony  under  your  govern- j 
ment.     Her  Majesty's  Ciovernment  have  learnt  with  much  satisfaction  that  the  Prince  i 
Edward  Island  Government  have  so  willingly  acceded  to  their  wishes  in  this  respect.  I 
'W'itli  regard  to  the  observations  contained  in  the  Minute  of  Council  which  you  have 
foiwarded,  to  the  effect   tliat  the   Prince  Edward  Island  Government  would  readily! 
accept  any  reasonable  money  compensation  in   addition  to  the  privileges  granted  as 
an  equivalent,   but  that  under  tlie  Treaty  nothing  of   the  kind  is  guaranteed,   I   do! 
not   understand   why  the   Prince  Ivlward  Island  Government  should    object   to   the ' 
relcrence  of  the  question  of  the  money  compensation  to  arbitration,  which  seems  to 
he  tlic  I'airest  way  of  determining  such  a  point,  more  especially  as  the  fact  stated  in  the 
Minute,  that  the  rights  of  fishing  conceded  by  the  United  States  are  comparatively 
worthless,  is,  it  must  be  jiresumed,  cai)able  of  distinct  proof.     I  will  communicate  with 
Lord  Granville  as  to  the  wisli  of  your  Government,  in  the  event  of  the  Act  necessary 
to  give  effect  to  the  Treaty  lieing  jiassed,  to  appoint  a  representative  to  give  information 
to  the  Commission  which  is  to  meet  at  Halifax. 

I  have,  &-C., 
l.ieut.-Governor  Roliinson,  (Signed)         KIMBERLEY. 

&c.         &c.         &c. 

No.  4. 

No.  4. 

The  Earl  of  Kimberley  to  Lieut.-Governor  Robinsox. 
(No.  31.) 

Siu,  Downing  Street,  Septemher  5,  1871. 

§  Supm.  With  reference  to  my  Despatch,  No.  32,§  of  the  .'?rd  inst.,  in  answer  to  your? 

lir,igo9.         of  the  2r)tli  July,||  relating  to  the  Treaty  of  Washington  and  to  the  fisheries,  I  have 

Qjgco   the  honour  to  transmit  to  you,  for  your  information  and  guidance,  a  copy  of  a  letter 

*\H^^'  !><■'*•  from  the  Inireign  Office  on  the  subject  of  your  Despatch,  and  relating  also  to  questions 

(^■"vsSn""*''      raised  in  a  Despatch  received  from  the  Governor  of  Nen-foundland. 




Lieut.-Governor  Rol)inson, 
&c.        Ac.        &c. 

I  have,  A'c, 
(Signed)        KIMBERLEY. 




Foil  HUH  MAJijrrv'a  stationehy  okficb. 

1st  8,1871. 

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