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1  2  3 








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V .  005 
pt .  A 






luucdOct.  14,1921. 

Report  of  the  Canadian  Arctic  Expedition,  1913.18. 



Part  A:  MAMMAT.S  Ol    WlSTi  KX  AIi(  Tic   VMIRICA 

Part  B:  lUUlYs  ""'ivV'sTuVv    U?!  "flC   \M.  lUCV         '    (In  preparation). 

By  R.  M.  An.UT»„  a„,l  l'.  A.  Tuv..rn..r  .  Z.  Z ^,„  preparation). 


('ram>-flic8.    By  riinrles  I'.  Alrsnmior. 
MoHiiuilocx,     Hy  Harrison  Ci.  IJyiir. 

Part  D:  MAu'JVrHAGA  AND'AXiuTliit"'"'-    °' '^  ""■  "'"'°'''' "'"""'  '•''<'  '^  '«'*'• 

Mallophatia.     Hy  A.  W.  ISakt-r. 

Part  K:  COItT) p7i';R  "^  '"  ^'^  '"'^"'■^'""'  ^ '-  "■  F-  N'uttall ,/,.„d  5.p,,m/,er  /*.  1913). 

<^:^i!^r':^i^^i^^  'li'' h!  )^5-;''>-''-.  -'1  Bupre,tidu>.    By  J.  M.  Swaine. 
Cocnn.-^ll.   a;,  I.lut^m,ia>,  Chry*i.a-l.d:v  an.l  Uhychophora  (ctHu.liriK  Ipul.f). 

Part  F:  m-^^'n'n<^''i(y'i^!^['?'rj{i„)^ U..„ei  n.ce,nUr  ,!.  M9). 

Part  Ci:  II ',  MKNOPTiniA   AN I>  ri,X.\T  G AI,i:>. "'"'"*  •'"'"  "•  "'""• 

SuwIlic'S.     (  Tc-ntlifcilinoiuoa).     By  AN>».  J).  MacGillivrav. 

I  ariisitic-  ITyPionoptcTa.     Hy  Cliarlos  T.  Bruos. 

Uusiw  and  Bof.i.     By  T.  W.  I,.  Madcii. 

Pan  II:  sPiri"Rs:"jnTr?  Axn 'm  ^'uiAPODs. ^'""''  •^■''-'"''-  -  '■"'>■ 

Spiders.     By  J.  H.  riiiertna. 
.Miti.-a.     By  Nathan  Hanks. 

Part  I:   T.K  hVm  hH-F 'i  .v"''By''i';;hur'(!ror'''" r ,  '  ^'Tf  '"'"  !''  'n^' 

I'an  J:   C)iniI01-ri:n  \      Bv  r    M    v.  alk  ir    ■U^iue,U,mu„ry  lu,  (Mfl). 

Pan  K:  CKM:1:ALc,  SEuVlTlONi^'^:^- INSECT  LIFE  IN  THE- AI^^^'''^^ 

liy  1  rii-<  .JolianM.'n '  ,,  , 

{In  presa). 


Part  A:  FRESHWATER   ALGAE   AND    FREsIIWATER    DIATOMS.     By   (T.arl.  s   W.    Lowe. 

Pan  B:  .MARIXe'  ALGAE.' '  By  F.'  S.  Collins 9,"  '"- 1 ""■•"'"'>) 

Pan  ( •;  FFXf  ;i.     By  John  Dt-arn-.s, ,  i"  J>"''""-^"on) 

Pan  1):  LIGIIEXt;.     Bv  G.  K.  Merrill /«  ).rr,,„™  ;on  . 

Pan  E:  MOSSES.  By  R.  s.« :::: i! i! :::::;:::::::::•  V i! !  1 ! y/.^w^lte-^ry;;::;!: 


PaJl  B-'  a/xTli  1 »  r?iO  V^-^TO  \lf}l  ^liJlF  .  l'-^  ^'""'■''  •'■    •''•'^™""  ''"''  Then.     IIoIn> . .  (In  „rr„). 
PanC:  GENERAL    XOTE^  ON   AUCTiG    VE<;e/1:ViOv'"bV  FritsJ^i.ans.n:  Vn  iin^S). 

Pan  A:  FISHE.^.     By  F.  .Toliansen ,,  ,.     , 

panB:AsuwAxs.  ETC.  By  A.  G.  ii.n.i,in:^-::-::::::::::::-^^^^ 


Pa     D.:  ISOPODA.'-  By  V  L.  lioo^a   ""   Z/  ''''"i-  <^'^"*-  'f  •  "-">■ 

Pan  E-   ^Ml'HTl'Onv      ri,rru,.,'b'ii '„••■■, (/^-si/c,  .\ovember  10,  19S0). 

Par:  F:'  P ''r N  "   OME.?'  [™nolc      '*'""''" //"'"''  ^'^'"""^^  '■   "4 

Fart  G :  I ■  I  T'H  VLI.Ol'ODA.     Hj  F  Jol  an-'en ''"  """•  ■^A"'""''  ''  'f~'\ 







By   JAMBS   M.   MACOUN   anti   THBO    HOLM 






I»u    .Oct    14.  19]1. 



()n  thi"  rpttirn  of  tbr  expedition,  the  lute  M-.  Jjimrs  M,  Mncoiin.  ('  M  C,  , 
F.Ij.S.,  Botiinist  ill  the  (  Survey  .ind  Chief  of  its  Mio|oui.:i|  Di-  -i.iti' 
iindfi-took  to  prcpjirc  th.-  report  on  the  iioftmical  eollectioiis.  Mr.  Mi.  oiiii 
•Iclerniiiied  ncMrly  ail  of  flic  spcriniens  collected,  l>uf  in  order  to  make  the  report 
iiH  free  from  errors  as  possible,  he  sidmiittcd  a  of  speei.nens  of  critical 
groups  and  species  to  specialists. 

Thus,  my  late  friend  and  myself  .Ict.rmined  in  conjunction  the  ('ry|)toKamH, 
the  Monocotyledons,  and  many  of  the  l)icotyle<lons  i^xcept  the  Sidices  and  of  the  ( laniopei.-ila-;  liut  since  some  of  the  (iramine'e  contained  diffiruk 
types,  these  were  sent  to  Professor  A.  S.  Hitchcock  who  kilidlv  examined  them 
nnd  furtiished  the  names;  moreover  the  Salices  were  determineil  liy  Dr.  C.  U. 
Ball  and  Dr.  Cainillo  Schneider,  who  liave  mado  n  -<•  ial  study  of  this  genus; 
Dr.  J.  .\I.  (Ireenman  has  kiinlly  id.iititied  tite  sitccies  ,     Srmrio. 

At  the  time  of  the  death  of  Mr.  .lames  M.  Ma(oun  in  .l.imiarv.  IHI'O  the 
rtport,  wa~  i.idinished,  and  on  the  recomm.'iidation  of  the  late  IVofesM.r  ,lohn 
Macoim,  and  the  Arctic  Hiulojrh  al  Cimmittee,  the  underML'ned  wm-  asked  to 
coi-plete  the  delermin.ation  of  the  vascular  phints  collected  and  U,  prer  -re  ii 
n  I  ort  for  publication. 

All  the  mounted  and  unmounted  maleri.ii  of  the  vascidar  plants  was  then 
sent  to  tne;  thii-  I  had  a  lietter  ot)portnnily  d  determininti  the  .nllectiDn  than 
from  the  .sinjjie  specimens  ))reviously  sent  to  me  for  identiticiition.     At  the  sukkcs- 
tion  of  Dr.  I{.  .M.  An.ierson  thre-  other  collections  were  includeil,  viz.,  one  l.y 
the  late  Kev.  II.  (lirlinn  from  Clifton  point,  on  the  south  -ide  of  AniundcM  L'ulf, 
about  r2">  miles  west  of  Hernanl  harlMiur.  in  lOKi;  a  second  collection  made  by 
the  Rev.   Isaac  ().  Strinuer,  now  Rishop  of  the   N'ukon,   from   the   Mackenzie 
delta  and   Herschel  island;  and   a   third  collection,  made   by  Captain  .Joseph 
F.  Hernard  of  the  schooner  Teddy  Hear,  who  rocentiv  returiied  after  spending 
four  years  on  a  trading  voyage  to  the  Coronation  gulf  reuion.  specimers 
collected  by  Captain  Hernard  are  mostly  from  Tavlor   Victoria  strait 
off  the  .southea.stern  end  of  Victoria  island.  t)<)°ir)'  nc'.rth  and  102°  west,     'layl 
islaiid  IS  right  .across  the  strait  from  King  William  island;  some  other  .specime 
are  from  De  Haven  point,  Victoria  island,  a  little  south  of  Tavlo    iM.nd,  abou. 
G9    north  102°  west,  and  a  few  others  from  the  south  side  o'f  \'-       ,ia  island. 
Ihcse  collections  I  have  tiius  included  in  the  enumeration,  and  they  lonstitutfc 
a  valuable  addition  to  the  ones  brought  home  by  the  expedition. 

As  may  be  .seen  from  the  list,  the  vegetation  on  the  north  coast  ha.s  many 
Bpecicij;  m  common  with  the  islands  of  the  American  Arctic  archipelago,  with 
Greenland,  and  with  Alaska;  and  naturally  several  of  these  species  have  also 
been  reported  from  much  farther  south,  notably  from  the  Hockv  mountains  and 
the  Hudson  bay  region. 

The  accompanying  phites  illustrate  some  of  these  species,  and  I  have 
selected  siich  as  have  not  been  figured  before,  or  species  of  which  figures  are 
published  m  works  not  re.adily  accessible;  in  some  few  cases  I  have  figured  the 
plant-s  in  order  to  show  tluiir  hal)it  in  these  high  northern  regions. 

^'"'i"'L^  ^  "''*''  ^"  ■'**"*''  *''"^  '"  preparing  this  list  I  have  conscientiou.sly 
followed  the  pnnciples  with  re^rard  to  the  nomenclature  and  limitation  of  spec^  i 
which  I  know  would  be  in  conformity  with  the  views  of  my  late  friend  .James 
ftlneoun,  as  they  are  with  mv  own.  — H 


Canadian  Arctic  Eipedilion.  l!)lS-tS 

Til.,  study  of  this  arctic  collection  has  l,  vcrv  interesting  to  me    and  I 

iT.  \vn  .  M.  Innes,  for  his  knidness  in  entrustinn  me  with  this  work 

I  also  wish  to  tender  my  thanks  to  Dr.  J{.  M.  Anderson,  the  chief  of  the 
Southern  Party  o    the  expedition,  and  general  editor  of  repo  ts  f or      e  \rcl^  c 

^Slu'n  o    t'lu'T'V''--  ^7  '""1'  information  Kiven  me  with  regard  t!,    he        - 
palatum  ot  tlie  botanieai  reports.  ' 


("UNTON,  MARVI.A.Nn,   U.S.A., 

Xoveinher  1".  1020. 

Vascular  Plants 


The  Vascular  Plants  of  the  Arctic  Coast  of  America 

West  of  the  lOOth  Meridian 

Collected  by  the  Canadian  Arctic  Expedition  1913-18 

By  James  M.  Macoi  n,  (".M.G.  and  Theo.  Holm,  Ph.D. 

(H'i(A  10  plate  drauingg,  and  6  pkatograpkt) 

The  localities  where  the  plants  were  collected  (arranged  in  order  from  west 
to  east)  are  as  follows' : — 


1.  Spy  island  (Jones  islands).     Long.  149°  40'  W.,  lat.  70°  33'  N. 

2.  Camden  bay.  About  70°  X.,  and  extending  from  Flaxman  island' 
]4o  .50  W.  to  about  Barter  ishind.  143°  48'  \V.  Mr.  Johansen's  collecting  wa« 
I-ractically  all  done  between  Collinson  point,  144°  49'  47",  and  Konganevik- 
ab(tut  10  miles  west  of  ("ollinsou  point  (except  collections  on  Sadlerochit  river- 
wluch  flows  into  Camden  bay). 

3.  Collinson  point.     Long.  144°  49'  47"  W.,  lat.  G9°  .")9'  N. 

4.  Sadicrochit  river.     Mouth  of  river.     Long.  140°  30'  W.,  hit.  70°  N. 

5.  Hulahula  river,  foothills  of  Endicott  range,  about  45  miles  southwest  of 
Barter  island. 

6.  Barter  island.     Long.  143°  4.5'  W.,  lat.  70°  07'  N. 

7.  Martin  point.     Long.  143°  W.,  lat.  70°  08'  X. 

8.  Icy  reef.     Long.  141°  25'  W.,  lat.  69°  50'  X. 

9.  Demarcation  point.     Long.  141°  12'  10"  W.,  lat.  G9°  41'  X. 

Yukon-  Teruitohy. 

10.  Herschel  island.     Long.  138°  54'  W.,  lat.  09°  34'  X. 

11.  .Shingle  point.    Long.  137°  li:   \V.,  lat.  69°  X. 

XoKTHWEsT  Territories. 

^    12.  Mackenzie  river  delta.    (From  Shingle  point,  or  Tent  island,  long.  136° 
16    \\ .,  to  Toker  point,  about  long.  132°  30'  \V.,  lat.  67°  4,5'  to  69°  45'  X.) 

13.  Warren  point.    Long.  131°  .35'  W.,  lat.  69°  45'  X. 

14.  Cape    Long.  128°  05'  W.,  lat.  70°  .35'  X. 

15.  Croker  river,  Amundsen  gulf.    Long.  118°  45'  W.,  lat.  69°  X. 

16.  Clifton  point,  east  of  Croker  river.     Long.  118°  W.,  lat.  69°  13'  X, 

17.  Young  point.    Long.  116°  52'  W..  lat.  68°  55'  X. 

'Sec  Map  of  Western  Arctic  CoMt  of  America,  fig.  1,  p.  2.'iA. 


Canadian  Arctic  Expedition,  1913-18 

18.  Cockburn  point,  Dolphin  and  Union  strait.  Nearly  115°  W.,  and 
Bernard  harbour,  Dolphin  and  Union  strait,  114°  50'  27"  W.,  lat.  «8°  47'  N. 
(Con.sidered  as  one  locality;  1914  specimens  were  referred  to  Cockburn  point  as 
the  nearest  geographical  point  before  the  harbour  was  named.) 

19.  Chantry  island,  north  and  east  of  Bernard  harbour.  About  long.  114° 
50'  W.,  lat.  68°  47'  N. 

20.  Cape  Krusenstern,  west  end  of  Coronation  gulf.  Long.  113°  55'  W., 
lat.  08°  28'  N. 

21.  Coppermine  river  (mouth).     Long.  115°  30'  W.,  lat.  07°  47'  N. 

22.  Tree  river  (Port  Epworth),  Coronation  gulf.  Long.  111°  59'  W.,  lat. 


23.  Grays  bay,  south  side  of  Coronation  gulf.    Long,  about  111°  W.,  lat. 

r°  .^)0'  N. 

24.  Sound  between  Richardson  island  and  the  south  coast  of  Victoria 
island.    About  long.  110°  to  111°  \V.,  hit.  08=  35'  N. 

25.  WoUaston  land.  Lo-ig.  between  about  110°  and  117°  W.,  lat.  68°  30' 
and  70°  X.  The  old  name  for  the  southwest  part  of  Victoria  island,  Victoria 
land  being  the  southeast  corner,  and  Prince  Albert  land  the  west  part;. now  all 
officially  designated  as  Victoria  island. 

26.  Cape  Barrow.  Long.  110°  09'  W.,  lat.  68°  01'  N.  (Considered  as  the 
western  limit,  between  Bathurst  inlet  and  Coronation  gulf.) 

27.  Detention  harbour,  Bathurst  inlet.    Long.  110°  W.,  lat.  07°  55'  N. 

28.  Kater  point,  Bathurst  inlet.    Long.  109°  45'  \V.,  lat.  07°  45'  N. 

29.  Arctic  sound,  Bathurst  inlet.     Long,  about  108°  W.,  lat.  67°  20'  N. 

30.  Hood  river,  near  mouth.  Arctic  sound.  Long.  108°  56'  W.,  lat.  67° 
26'  N. 

31.  Kanuyuk  island,  Bathurst  inlet.    Long,  about  108°  W.,  lat.  07°  24'  N. 

32.  Fin<Ilav  island,  district  of  Franklin.  Northeast  of  Melville  island. 
Between  long.  100°  and  107°  W.,  and  lat.  77°  and  77°  .50'  N. 

33.  Dubawnt  river,  Mackenzie  district.    Long.  103°  W.,  lat.  02°  40'  N. 

.34.  Anderson  bav,  southeastern  Victoria  island.  About  long.  102°  W.,  lat. 
69°  N. 

35.  DcHaven  point,  near  southeast  corner  of  Victoria  island.  About  long. 
102°  W.,  lat.  09°  N. 

36.  Taylor  island,  Victoria  strait,  off  .southeastern  end  of  Victoria  island, 
about  long.  102°  \V.,  lat.  69°  15'  N. 

When  no  name  of  the  collector  is  given,  Mr.  Frits  Johansen  was  the  collector, 
otherwise  the  names  are  given,  and  when  the  same  species  was  collected  also  by 
Mr.  F.  .lohnnsen,  the  initials  F.  J.  have  been  inserted. 

Vascular  Plants  Ik. 



Cystopteris  fragilis  (L.)  Bcrnh. 
Yount;  point — WoUaston  land. 

Dryopteris  fragrans  (L.)  Schott  [Ai^pidium  frag^nns  (L.)  Sw.] 

Port  Epworth  (J.  R.  Cox  and  J.  J.  O'Neil) — Detention  harbour  and  Kater 
point,  Bathurst  inlet  (R.  M.  Anderson). 

Equisetum  arvense  L. 

Camden  bay — Herschel  island— Bernard  harl)oiir— Big  falls  of  Tree  river, 
south  coast  of  Coronation  gulf  (J.  R.  Cox  and  J.  J.  O'Neill). 

E.  variegatum  Schkich. 

CoUinson  point— Bernard  harbour — Taylor  island,  Victoria  strait  (J.  F. 
Bernard) . 

Lycopodium  Selago  I.. 

Camden  bav — Epworth  harbour,  south  coast  of  Coronation  pulf  (J.  R. 

Picea  canadensis  (Mill.)  B.S.P. 

Sandstone  rapids,  lower  Coppermine  river. 



Hierochloe  pauciflora  R.  Br. 

CoUinson  point — Young  point. 

Alopecurus  alpinus  Sm. 

Camden  bav— lev  reef -Herschel  island— Cape  Bathurst— Young  point- 
Bernard  harbour— Port  Kpworth  (J.  R.  Cox  ami  J.  J.  O'Neill)— 
De  Haven  point,  Victoria  island;  Taylor  island,  Victoria  strait  (J.  F. 

Arctagrostis  latifolia  (R.  Br.)  Griseb.    [Colpodium  Intifolinm  R.  Br.] 

Camden  bay— Sadlerochit  river— Icy  reef-  -Herschel  island— Young  point 
—Bernard  harbour- Tree  river  (J.  R.  Cox  and  .J.  .1.  O'Neill). 

Calamagrostis  purpurascens  R.  Br. 

I  jrnard  harbour. 

Trisetum  spicatum  (L.)  Richt.    [T.  suhspicatuyn  (L.)  Bcauv.] 

Herschel  island— Bernard  harbour -Wollaston  land  (D.  Jenness). 

Poa  glauca  M.  Vahl. 

Herschel  island — Bernard  harbour — De  Haven  point,  Victoria  island  (J.  F. 

P.  abbreviata  R.  Br. 

WoUaston  land.    (F.  J.  and  D.  Jenness). 


Canadian  Arctic  Expedition,  1913-18 

P.  arctica  R.  Br.  [P.flcxiiosa  Wahlenb.] 

Icy  reef — Hcrschcl  island — Cape  Bathurst — BtTiuird  harbour — Wollaston 

P.  hispidula  Vas.     (Spocimens  very  poor.) 

Bernard  harbour — Detention  harbour,  Bathurst  inlet  (R.  M.  Anderson.) 

Arctophila  effusa  Lge. 
Herschel  island. 

Dupontia  Fischeri  R.  Br. 

Martin  point — Herschel  island — Bernard  harbour. 

Glyceria  (sectio  Atropis)  vilfoidea  (Ands.)  Th.  Fries  [Poa  phryganodes  Trin.J 
Spy  island — ("ape  Bathurst — Bernard  harbour. 

G.  tenella 
Martin  point. 

G.  vaginata  Lge. 

Cape  Bathurst — Taylor  island,  Victoria  strait  (J.  F.  Bernard). 

Festuca  ovina  L.  var.  brevifolia  (R.  Br.)  Hackel 
Camden  bay — Icy  reef — Bernard  harbour. 

F.  rubra  L.  var.  arenaria  Fr. 

Bernard    harbour — Wollaston    land— Detention    harbour,    Bathurst    inlet 
(R.  M.  Anderson). 

Brotnus  arcticus  Shear 

Port  Epworth  (J.  R.  Cox  and  J.  J.  O'Neill). 

Agropyrum  alaskanum  Scribn.  et  Merr. 

Cape  Bathurst — Wollaston  land  (D.  Jenness) — Detention  harbour,  Bathurst 
inlet  (R.  M.  .\nderson). 

Hordeum  jubatum  L. 

Bathurst  inlet  (R.  M.  .Anderson). 

Hood  river,  Bathurst  inlet  (R.  M.  Anderson). 

Elymus  mollis  Trin. 

Camden  bay — Martin  point — Herschel  islan  1 — Clifton  point  (D.  Jenness) 
-Bernard  harbour — Port   Epworth  (J.  R.  Cox  and  J.  J.  O'Neill) — 

Wollaston  land. 


Eriophorum  Scheuchzeri  IIoppc  [E.  capitatum  Host] 

Collinson  point — Herschel  island — Cape  Bathurst — Young  point — Bernard 
harbour—  Port  Epworth  (J.  R.  Cox  and  .J.  .J.  O'Neill). 

E.  vaginatum  L. 

East  of  CoU'nson  point. 

E.  callithrix  Cluun. 

Mackenzie  river  delta  (I.  O.  Stringer). 

£.  angustifolium  Roth 

Camden  bay — Cape  Bathurst — Bernard  harbour — Wollaston  land  (F.  J. 
and  D.  Jenness). 

Vascuhr  Plants  9a 

Carex  incurva  Light  f. 

Martin  point — Icy  reef— Hori<fhel  island — Bernard  harhour. 

C.  rigida  Good.     [C.  sniatilis  Wahlenb.] 

Camden  bay — YounR  point — Bernard  harhour— Wollaston  hind. 

C.  stans  Drej.  'Plate  IV,  figs,  i-s) 

Camden  bay — S«uUeroehit  river— Hersch  el  island — Cape  Bathurst— 
Kojiluktualuk  river,  south  coast  of  Coronation  gulf  (J.  H.  Cox  and 
J.  J.  O'Neill). 

C.  subspathacea  Wormskj. 

Camden  bay — Bernard  harbour. 

C.  reducta  Drej. 

Camden  bay — ^West  of  Martin  point. 

C.  rariflora  Sm. 

Camden  bay. 

C.  vaginata  Tausch 

Kogluktualuk  ov  Tree  river,  south  coasi  of  Coronation  gulf  (J.  R.  Cox  and 
J.  J.  O'Neill). 

C.  mlsandra  R.  Br. 

Collinson  point — Bernard  harbour. 

C.  rupestris  All. 

Bernard  harbour. 

C.  scirpoidea  Michx. 
Bernard  harbour. 

C.  pulla  Good.     [C.  mxaliUs  L.] 
Bernard  harbour. 

C.  compacta  R.  Br. 

Sadlerochit  river— Wollaston  land  (F.  J.  and  D.  Jcnness). 

Juncus  arcticus  Willd. 
Bernard  harbour. 

J.  Haenkii  Mey. 

Sadlerochit  river— Hood  river,  Bathurst  inlet  (R.  M.  Anderson). 

J.  biglumis  L. 

Bernard  harbour. 

J.  triglumis  L. 

Bernard  harbour. 

Luzula  spicata  DC. 

Camden  bay — Cape  Bathurst. 

I...  hyperborea  !?,  Br. 

Herschel  island. 

L.  nivalis  (Laest.)  Beur'.. 
Camden  bav. 

10a  Canadian  Arctic  Expedition,  1913-18 

Lloydla  serotina  (L.)  Kcich. 

("iimden  bay — IIltsiIu'I  island. 


Tofieldia  palustris  lluds.  [T.  bi>renlis  \Vahlcnli.| 
licrnard  liarlxuir. 


Salix  anglorutn  (ham. 

Cape  IJatluir.-it-Vi)uiin  point  -licrnard  harbour  -  Wollistdii  land  (K.J.  and 
I>.  Jcnness) — Saiulstoni'    rapid,  Coppcrtninc  river — Cape  Marrow  an<l 
Hathiirst  inh't  (H.  M.  Ander.-oiij. 
S.  reticulata  J.. 

Camden  bay  -  CoUinson  point  ~  Ilersehel  ishmd  VoiinK  point--Bemard 
harbour  -Epwortli  liarbour  (J.  H.  Cox  and  .1.  .1.  O'Neill) -WoHaston 
hind  (D.  ,Jenne'<s;  -  Cai)e  Harrow  ( R.  M.  Ander.son)^Taylor  i.'^hind, 
Vietoria  strait  (J.  I".  Hernanl). 

S.  fullertonensis  (\  Scim. 

Kater  point  and  Arctic  sound,  Bathurst  inlet  (H.  M.  Anderson). 

S.  niphoclada  Hydh. 
Icy  reef. 

S.  ovalifolia  Trautv. 

West  of  Martin  poin, 

S.  ovalifolia  Trautv.  var.  camdensis  C.  Sehn. 

Camden  bay — Colliuson  point-  -West  of  Martin  point. 

S.  phlebophylla  And. 
Sadlerochit  river. 

S.  pulchra  Cha.ii 

Camden  bay — Collinson  point — Heisehel  island — Bernard  harbour. 

S.  rotundifolia  Trautv. 

Camden  bay--Collinson  point. 

S.  Richardsonii  Hook. 

Camden  bay — Sadlerochit  river— Ilrrschi'll  island — Croker  river,  Dolphin 
and  Union  .strait  (K.  M.  Anderson)-  Clay  banks  below  Bloody  falls 
on  east  side  of  Coppermine  river    -Wollaston  land,  on  sand  Hats. 

Populus  tremuloides  Mielix 

Arctic  Al.iskfi.  Hulaiiula  river— Near  Sandstone  rapid,  Coppermine  river, 
(,11.  M.  Anderson). 

BRTl  I  .\CFAF.. 

Betula  glandulosa  Michx. 

Demarcation  pcnnt  — Herschel  island — Bernard  harbour— Lady  Franklin 
point,  Wollaston  land. 

Vascular  Plant$ 


Polygonum  viviparum  I.. 

Canulen  Imv— Hfrschcl  ishinil— Shinjjle  point  f.I.  R.  Cox  and  J.  .1.  O'Neill). 
Mackeiizie  river  deltii  (I.  O.  Stringer)— Bernard  harbour  Wollaston 
land  (F.  J.  and  I).  Jenness)— Taylor  island,  Victoria  strait  (.1.  F.  Ber- 

P.  Bistorta    .. 

Sadlerottiit  river — Hersehel  island—Mackenzie  river  delta  (I.  ().  Striniier). 

Rumex  arcticus  Trautv. 

Hersehel  islandMaekenzie  river  delta  (I.  O.  Strinjjer)-  Tree  river  (.1.  R. 
Cox  and  J.. I.  O'Neill)— Arctic  sound,  Bathurst  inlet  (R.  M.  Anderson). 

Oxyria  digyna  (L.)  Hill 

Camden  hav  H'  .  rhel  island— C:ipe  Bathurst  —Bernnrd  hnrhour  -Wollas- 
ton laiid  (F.  J.  and  D.  Jennessj— Taylor  island,  Victoria  strait  (J.  F.  Ber- 

Silene  acauHs  L. 

Camden  hay  -Miirtin  iioint  Ilersclul  islanii— Younu  point —Bernard 
harbour-  South  coast  of  Coronation  (luif  (R.  y\.  Anderson,  J.  R.  Cox 
and  J.  J.  O'Neill)— Wollaston  land  (F.  J.  and  D.  Jeniiess). 

Lychnis  apetala  I.. 

Camden  bay-  lev  reef-  Hersehel  island  il.  O.  StrinKcr)— Cape  Bathurst— 
Young"  point— Bernard  hai!)our-  Wollaston  land— South  coast  of 
Coronation  gulf  and  Bathurst  inli^t.  (J.  R.  Cox,  .).  J.  O'Neill  and  R. 
M.  Anderson)— DeHaveu  point— Victoria  island  tJ.  F.  Bernard). 

L.  apetala  I.,  var.  arctica  Th.  Ir. 

Wollaston  land  (1).  .lenness). 
L.  affinis  R.  Br.  (Plate  Vll,  fig.  2.) 

Hersehel  island--Bernard  harbour— WoU-iston  land  (F.  .1.  and  D.  Jenness) 
—Cap-' Barrow,  l?atluirst  inlet  (R.  -M.  Anderson)— Taylor  island,  Vic- 
toria strait  (J.  F.  Bernar(i). 

L.  Taylorae  Robins. 

Mackenzie  river  delta  (I.  O.  Stringer). 

Stellaria  longipes  Goldie  var.  Edwardsii  Wats. 

Camden  hav— .M;irtin  point  -Hersehel  island-Shingle  |)oint  (.J.  R.  Cox 
and  J.\J.  O'Neill)— Mackenzie  river  delta  (I.  O.  Stringer) —Cai)e 
Batiiurst  Young  point  -  Bernard  h;,rbour  -Port  ]:p\vi>rtli  (J.  R. 
Cox  and  .(.  J.  O'Neill) --(  Barrow  (11.  M.  .Viule'-son), 

S.  humifusa  Rottb. 

Camden  bay—Spy  island— Martin  point— Bernard  harbour— Tayh)r  ishmd, 
Victoria  strait  (J.  F.  Bernard). 

Cerastium  aipinum  L. 

Camden  bay — Cai)e  Bathurst   -Bernard  harbour. 

C.  maximum  L. 

Cape  Krusenstern  (J.  R.  Co.v). 

lialianthus  pepluidett  il..)  Fr. 

Camden  bav— Martin  point— Hersehel  island  (I.  O.  Stringer)— Shmgle 
point  (.r.  R.  Cox  and  J.J.  O'Neill)— Mackenzie  river  delta  (I.  O.  Strm- 
ger)— Cape  Bathurst— Bernard  harbour— Tree  rive>-  (J.  R.  Cox  and 
J.  J.  O'Neill). 


Cnnndinn  Arctic  Expedition,  lfU3-IS 

.\l8ine  arctica  (St.  v.)  Ft-nzl. 

CiiiiKifn  Imy — Sadlcrochit  rivt'rHerscln'1  isluiul. 

A.  verna  Bartl.  var.  rubella  (Wahlenb.)  Lue. 
Hernanl  liarboiir. 

Merckia  physodes  Fistli. 

Mack«'nzic  river  delta  (I.  ().  StririKcr). 


Caltha  palustris  L.  forma  radicans  (Forst.)  Hartm. 

CaiiKlcn  liay  Hcrsclicl  i-^laml  -Mackenzie  river  delta  (I.  ().  Stringer)  — 
(ape  Uatlmrst    -Port  Kpwortli  harbour  (J.  H.  Cox  aii<l  .).  .1.  O'Neill). 

Delphinium  scopuiorum  (Jr.  var.  ftlaucum  CJr. 

Hersehel  islaiwl  and  Mackenzie  river  delta  (I.  <).  StriiiK<r). 
.\conitum  delphiniifoliutn  DC. 

Hersehel  island— Shingle  point  (J.  H.  Cox  and  J.  J.  O'Neill)— Mackenzie 
river  delta  (I.  O.  Striiiffer). 

Anemone  Richardsonii  Hook. 

Hersehel  islaii<l  (I.  O.  Stringer)  Shingle  point  (J.  R.  Cox  and  .J.  J.  O'Xeill) 
-Mackenzie  river  delt:  1 1.  O.  Stringer)-  Tree  river  (J.  R.  Cox  and 
.1.  J.  O'Neill)-  Arctic  sound,  Hathurst  inlet  (R.  M.  Anderson). 

A.  parviflora  Michx.  (piai,- 1,  fi«.  i;  piat.>  VI,  %«.  1-3) 

Collinson  point— Hersehel  island— Clifton  point  (H.  Cirlinjj)  -Mackenzie 
river  delta  (I.  ().  Stringer)- Bernard  litirhour  -Port  Kpworth  harbour 
(.).  R.  Cox  and  J.  J.  O'Neill)— Wollaston  land  (I).  Jenness)- Arctic 
sound,  .M)uth  coast  of  Coronation  gulf  (H.  .M.  .\nderson). 

A.  Drummondii  Wats. 
Sadlerochit  river. 

Batrachium  confervoides  Fr. 

Bernard  harbour. 

Ranunculus  Pallasii  Sell. 
Camden  bay. 

R.  Purshii  Hichards. 

Hersehel  island— Cape  Bathurst. 

R.  Cymbalaria  Pursh  var.  alpina  Hook. 

Port  Fpwortl!  (J.  R.  Cox  and  .1.  .1.  O'Xeill). 
R.  hyperboreus  Rottb. 

Hersehel  island  (I.  O.  Strinfrer)--Bernard  ha'-bour. 
R.  pygmaeus  Wahlenb. 

Bernard  harbour. 

R.  lapponicus  !,. 

Tree  river  (,l.  R.  Cox  and  J.  ,1.  O'Neill). 

R.  sulph  ..reus  Soland. 
Camden  bav. 

(I'hito  VII,  fiK.  1) 
fPlutc  M,  fiK.  4) 

\'ii'<riiliir  I'linitu 


R.  nivalis  L. 

('aiiulfu  l)!iy     Sliiiixlc  I'liiiil  (J.  II.  Cox  ami  J.  J.  O'Ncilli    Cipc  IViilnii>t. 

R,  affinis  IJ.  Hr.  I'hii,.  V,  Vig-.  i  :! 

llcrsclicl  island — Hcnianl  liiirlmiir  -Purt  Mpwurtli  li:uliiiiif  i.l.  1{.  (\>\  ami 
J.  ,1.  O'Neill)     Wi.lliistKii  laml  1 1).  .Ictmcss). 

R.  Sabinii  H.  Hr.  [Vhar  v,  ««,  ii 

Cape  Hathuist. 

R,  occidentalis  Xutf.  var.  robustus  Ciny 

lltTsclicl  island  (I.  (>.  Strinjicr)      Mackenzie  river  delta  (I.  O.  Strinuer). 

Papaver  nudicaule  L.  ilM;iic  I,  fig.  •_•! 

Camden  bay  Martin  point-  ley  reef  llerscliel  island-  Sliiiijjle  point 
(.i  U.  Cox  and  J.  J.  O'NeiilV  <'ape  Hathurst-  ( 'lifton  point  ill. 
(•  linn)-  Yciiniy:  point  Hernard  liarl'our  Tree  river  (J.  K.  ( 'ox  and 
,1.  ■).  O'Neill)  Cape  Barrow — ( 'oronation  irulf  (K.  M.  .VndiTson)  — 
Taylor  island,  Mctoria  strait  (.).  1''.  Hernaidi  Findlay  island  iNorth- 
ern  party). 


Lesquerella  arctica  (Rich.)    Wats. 
Hernanl  liarho'ir. 

Cochlearia  groenlandica  I.. 

Spy  island -Camden  bay--  Cape  Batliurst—  lieriiard  liarlionr  Taylor 
island,  N'ictoria  strait  (.).  F.  Bernard). 

Draba  alpina  I.. 

Camden  l)a>-  Mersehel  island  and  Mackenzie  river  delta  (I.  O.  Strinnor)  — 
Cai)e  liathurst-  Clifton  )>t)iiit  (II.  (lirlinn)-  Yoiinfi  point  -  Bernard 
harhonr-  Port  F.pworth  (.].  K.  Cox  and  J.  J.  O'Neill) — Wollastoii  land 
(D.  Jenness)-  Batluirst  inlet  (H.  ^^  Anderson)-  .Vnderson  bay, 
^'ictoria  island  (>I.  F.  Bernard). 

D.  nivalis  I.iljcbl. 

Icy  reef  llerscliel  island  (I.  O.  Strint!;erV--( 'ape  Batliursi  Bernanl  har- 
bour—Tree viver  (.1.  K.  Cox  and  ,1.  ,1.  O'Neilh  Wollaston  land  (F.  J. 
and  D.  Jenness). 

D.  fladnizensis  \\'ulf. 
Camden  bay. 

D.  corymbosa  11.  Br. 

Bernard  harbour. 

D.  hirta  L. 

Hcrsehcl  Lsland — Mackenzie  river  delta  (I.  O.  Stringer) — Tree  river,  south 
eoaist  of  Coronation  gulf  (J.  R.  Cox  and  J.  J.  O'Neill). 

Braya  purpurascens  (R.  Br.)  Bunge 

Bernard  harbour — Wollaston  land  (V.  J.  and  D.  Jenness). 

B.  alpina  Sternb.  et  Hoppe 

Wollaston  land  (F.  J.  and  D.  Jenness). 

14a  Canadian  Antic.  Expedition,  19IS-I8 

Eutretna  Edwardaii  R.  Br. 

rimidcii   l)f»y     Hcrschel  island— Cape    Bathuwt— Young    point— Bernard 

Ileaperis  Pallasii  (Pursli)  T.  et  (i. 

Hersthcl  island     Bernard  hiirbtnir— Tree  river  (J.  B.  Cox  and  J.  J.  O'Neill) 
— Arotic  sound,  south  coast  of  Coronation  gulf  (K.  M.  Anderson). 

Cardamine  digitata  Hiolmrds. 

Hcrschel  isliindMackenzic  river  delta  (I.  O.  StrinRcr)  — Cupc  Bftthurst— 
Bernard  hurboiu--  Port  Kpw<    ih  (J.  R.  Ccx  and  J.  J.  O'Neill). 

C.  pratensis  I.. 

Camden   hay  -Ilerschel   inland — Cape  Bathurst — Bernard   harbour — Port 
Kpwort'h  f,I.  U.  Cox  and  .1.  J.  O'Neill). 

Parrya  macrocarpa  1{.  Br.  [/'.  nudlcauUs  ReRcl]. 

Camden    hay— Hersehel    island— Bernard    hari)our — Wollaston    land    (D. 


P.  arctica  R.  Br. 

Bernard  harbour. 

Erysimum  Inconspicuum  (\Vats.;i  McMill. 
Tree  river  (.1.  R.  Cox  and  J.  J.  O'Neill). 

Sisymbrium  sophioides  Fiseh. 

Herschel  island     Bernard  harbour. 


Chrysosplenium  altemifolium  L.  var.  tetnndrum  Lund 
Herschel  island — Cape  Bathurst 

Pamassia  palustris  L. 

Shore  of  Mackenzie  bay  (I.  O.  Strii:>jer). 

P.  Kotzebuei  Cham,  et  Bchl. 

Hcrschel  island  (F.  J.  ami  I.  O.  Stringer)— Bernard  harbour. 

Saxifraga  radiata  Small  [S.  exilis  Stephan;  non  S.  exilis  Poll.] 
Herschel  island. 

S.  rivularis  L. 

Camden  bay — C"         in  point — Bernard  harbour — De  Haven  point,  Vic- 
toria island  Bernard). 

S.  cemua  L. 

Cnmden  bav  reef— Herschel  is'  -ul —  Shinule  point  (J.  R.  Cox  and 

J.  J.  O'Neill)— Mackenzie  b;.  ,  O.  Stringer)  -Cape  Bathurst— 
Young  point- -Port  Epworth,  .  1  coast  of  Coronation  gulf  (J.  R. 
Cox  and  J.  J.  O'Neill)— Cape  Barrow,  Bathurst  inlet  (R.  M.  Anderson). 

S.  Hirculus  L. 

Camden  bay— Herschel  island  (F.  J.  and   I.  O.  Stringer)— Warren    point 
and  Mackenzie  bay   (1.  O.  Stringer)— Cape  Bathurst— Young  point- 
Bernard  harbour- -Bathurst  inlet  (R.  M.  Anderson). 
S.  aestivalis  Fisch.  et  Mey. 

Capi  Barrow,  south  coast  of  Coronation   gulf  (J.  R.  Cox  and  J.  J.  O'Neill). 

Vitsciilnr  Plntit.t 


S.  Nelfloniana  I).  Don. 

CanKlfii  ^>av!^<•r^<^ll(■l  islarul  (V.  J.  nnd  I.  <).  Strinnor)— Shingh'   noint, 
(J.  H.  Cox  iiihI  J.  J.  O'N.ill.) 
S.  reflexa  Hook. 

Miicktii/ii'  bay  [l.  O.  Stringer). 

S.  nivalis  I.. 

Kiittr  point,  Biitl'iirst  inlet  ill.  M.   Vridi-rsoii). 

S.  hieraclifolia  W.  <t  K. 

t'limdcn  Imy — Icy  rei'f     IIrr>clicl  isiuiul. 

S.  decipiens  l':hrh.  vnr.  ftroenlandica  (I,.)  Lge. 

C'aniiicn  Imy  .Miirtiti  point  Stidlcroi'liit  river  Vn\in({  point  -  ncrnard 

S.  bronchialis  L. 

Tundra  west  of  Coilinson  point. 

S.  tricuspidata  H(.tt)i. 

Camden  tmy-  Siidlerocliit  river  llerscliel  island  ( !•'.  .1.  and  I.  O.  Strinirer)  — 
Warren  point  (I.  < ».  Strinjjerj-  .Maeken/ie  Lay  (I.  <  >.  Stringer)-  ( 'lifton 
point  (1).  .lenness)-  Yoiintj  •  lint  ~  IJeriiard  liari)our-  < ',-pperinine 
river  South  coast  of  ('oronation  j;ulf-  i'ort  l!p\vortii  (.1.  H.  Cox  ami 
J.  .1.  O'Neill)  V.ollaston  land  ( F.  .1.  and  I),  .lenness)  Cape  Harrow, 
Bathurst  inlet  (I{.  M.  .Xndersoni-  » )e  Haven  jioint,  \ictoria  island, 
(.1.  F.  Heriiard). 

S.  aizoides  1.. 

Bernard  liarbour. 

S.  flaiiellaris  Willd. 

Mountains  near  Sadleroeliit  river. 

S.  oppositifoHa  L. 

Camden  hay-Collinson  point- Icy  reef— Clifton  point  (D.  Jenniss  and 
n.  Ciirlinp;) — Bernard  liarhour-  Port  Fpwf)rth  (.1.  li.  Cox  and  ,1.  J. 
O'Neill) — Wollaston  lainl  (I),  .lenness)  -Taylor  island,  \'ictoria  strait 
(J.  F.  Bernard)  —  FiiuUay  island  (Northern  p.'irtyj. 



Sedum  Rl-  )diola  L. 

Martin  point. 

Dryas  octopetala  L. 

Sadleroeliit  river. 

D.  integrifolta  M.  Vahl  (I'late  H,  fig.  l) 

Camden  hay-  Sadlerochit  river — Hersehol  island  -Mackenzie  river  delta 
(I.  O.  Stringer) — Warren  point  (I.  O.  Strin^'cr)  ('ap« — 
Younn  point- -Bernard  harbour  Woll.'iston  land  (F.  J.  and  D. 
Jcnness) --Cape  liarrow  (H.  M.  Anderson)  —  Taylor  island,  Victoria 
strait  (■).  F.  liernard). 

D.  inte;    <folia  M.  Vahl  forma  intermedia  Nathorst 
Port  Kpworth  harbour  (J.  R.  Cox  and  J    J.  O'Neill). 

Sieversia  glacialis  II.  Br. 

Herschel  island. 

(Plate  VIII,  ffg.  1) 

1(U  Viiintiliim    Aiiin-   Kximlituni.  IDI^-lfi 

Putentillu  puluHtrU  (I..1  Srop. 
Il<r.-'iln'l  i^l.iti'l. 

P.  frutlciwu  I.. 

SiiilltTiKliit  river      I'urt  l.pwurtli    .1.  It.  <'ii\  .iml  .1,  .1.  O'Ncilh. 

P.  pukhelia  It.  lir. 

S|)\  i«l;iiii|     .\I:irtiii  iioiiit     < 'iilliiiMiii  |uiinl     ( 'iipi- Hjilliiir^it. 

P.  niveu  I,. 

SadltTochit  river  Herschel  i^lainl  (I.  ().  Striiineri  Heriianl  harlioiir  • 
I'lirt  K|iwi)rlli,  Moiilli  eiia-'l  of  ( 'urniiatjini  unit'  '.I.  U.  <  "ox  aticl  .1.  ,1. 
O'Neill  I      Wiillastiiii  liiihl. 

P.  rubricaulis  l.elnti. 

llersehel  i-^laiiil      Uerii.inl  liarlxpiir. 

P.  t'ahliuna  I  elun. 

Hor.srliel  ishiiiil  (I.  <  >.  Striimer)  Capi'  Hatliursl  Ueri'anI  liarlioiir - 
Wollastoii  latui  (l>.  ,li'ime.*«). 

P.  emarilinata  Piir>li 

Caiiitle!!  l)a,v     Clifton  point  ( P.  Jeiinexs  iiikI  II.  (;irliii«)     Port  Kpwortli, 
south  coast  of  Coroiiatioii  uiilf     Aretle  sound  (If.  M.  .Viuierson). 
Rubus  Chama(>morus  I.. 

Warren  point  (I.  U.  Strinner). 

Rosa  ackularis  I.inill. 

Mai"ken/ie  riv  t  delta  (I.  ( >.  StrintieD. 


Lupinus  arcticus  Wats. 

Mackenzie  river  delta  (1.  <>.  !^tiiti(j(Ti. 

L.  nootkatenHis  Don  var.  Kjelltnanii  (Vtf. 

Camden  liav  llersehel  island  -  Shinjih'  jxiint  (J.  K.  Cox  and  .1.  .1.  O'XeiH) 
-  Mackeii/.if  river  delta  il.  O.  Strin^'Ti  Port  Kpwoilh  (.).  15.  Cox 
and  .I..I.  O'Xeill). 

Astraitalus  alpinus  I.. 

Camden  hay  Collinson  i)oint  llersehel  island  Mackenzie  river  delta 
(I.  <).  Strintier)  Bernard  harhour-  'i'rcc  river  (.).  H.  Cox  and  .1.  J. 
O'Neill/  Wollaslon  land  ( F.  .1.  ,  ■  <1  1).  Jenness)— Cape  Barrow. 
Hathurst  inlet  ill.  M.  Ander.-on). 

A.  aboriginorum  Hiihunls.  (Plato  X,  ffgs.  1-4) 

Bernanl  harl)Our-  Port  Epworth  harhonr  (J.  H.  Cox  and  J.  J.  O'Nei'l) 

Phaca  frigida  L. 

Camden  l)ay— Herschel  island-  Bernard  harhonr. 

Oxytropis  rampestris  (L.)  DC.  var.  sordlda  Willd. 

Herschel  island— Clifton  point  (H.  flirling)-  Bernard  harbour-  WoUaston 
land,  (D.  Jennis.s) — Port  Epworth,  south  coast  of  Coronation  gulf  (J. R. 
Cox  and  J.J.  t)'Ncill)— Cape  Barrow,  Bathurst  inlet  (K.  M.  Anderson). 

Vnnciilur  I'lnnt*  \1h 

O.  follolota  HiMik. 

Tri'c  riviT  (.1.  H.  Cox  itml  .1.  .1.  O'Ntil). 

O.  Roaldi  o^tf.  riat.  viii,  iik  .>' 

Ht'rniirii  liarltour  Kpworth  Imrliuur  i.l.  H.  (ox  hihI  .1.  .1.  (t'N'fill)  WoIIun- 
toll  liiiiil  ( I).  .h'iinf!«H). 

O.  niftreKens  tl'iill.)  VW\\.  iVUu- 1\,  tixx.  i  :{> 

Ciniiili'ii  liay  Colliiison  point  Mtirtiii  point  Icy  Ufrf  lliT^ii'ln-l  i^lami, 
(I.  ().  StrintttT). 

O.  arctobia  ItllllK<'  il'lati'  ll,  lig.  .';  |>Ulr  l.\,  (Ik"    t  'iI 

Clifton  point  (D.  .lcnnc«.H) — liiTnanl  harlioiir  I'ipworth  liarlmur  i.'.  I{. 
Cox  and  .1.  .1.  O'Nrill). 

Hedysarum  Mackenzii  Kithanl:'. 

IIiTHchfl  iHiund  -  litTiianl  liarlioiir     Wollaston  land  i  K.  .1.  and  I).  .Ii'mit'^tf). 

H.  alpinum  I.,  var.  americanum  Michx. 

lltTsclicI  island  (I.  < »,  SlrinuiT)  -.Markcn/ii-  rivi-r  dflta  ( I.  <).  StrinutT)  — 
I'orl  Kpworth  (.1.  K.  Cox  and  .1.  .1.  O'Neill}— Dftt-ntion  liarl)our 
(U.  M.  AndiTson). 

H.  alpinum  X  Mackenzii 

HiTschrl  i-liiiid. 

Lathyrus  msiritimus  <\..)  Fr. 

Shingle  point  (.1.  \\.  Cox  and  J.  J.  O'Neill). 

Empetrum  nigrum  L. 

Demarcation  |)oint-  Ht-rschol  island—  Kattr  point,  Hathiirst  inlet  (H.  M. 

Epilobium  iatifolium  L.  (Plutc  VII.  fix  ^  > 

Camden  bay — Sadlerochit  river- -Icy  reef — Bon.  >  d  harbour — Wollas- 
ton land  (F.  J.  and  D.  Jenness) — (Irays  hay  and  Cape  Harrow  (.F.  R. 
Cox  and  J.  J.  O'Neill) — ( 'ape  Barrow,  Bathurst  inlet  ( \\.  M.  Anderson). 


!lippuris  vulgaris  L.  var.  maritima  Hartm. 

( 'amdon  baj* — Hcrschcl  island — Bernard  harbour. 


Bupleurum  americanum  C.  et  R.  (Plate  Vll,  fig  4) 

Ilerschel  island. 

Selinum  cnidiifolium  Turcz. 
Hcrschcl  island. 


Pyrola  grandiflora.     Rad.  \P.  rotundifoUa  var.  DC] 

Camden  bay — Sadlerochit  river — Shinnlc  point  (.1.  R.  Cox  and  J.  .J.  O'Neill) 

— Mackenzie  river  delta  (I.  O.  Stringer) — Port  Epworth  (J.  R.  Cox 

and  J.  J.  O'Neill). 


Canadian  Arctic  Expedition,  1913-18 

Ledum  palustre  L. 

CaiiKlcii  l>:iv  Ilcrschrl  isliind  Mai'ki'iizic  river  dcltii  (I.  O.  StriiiKcr)  — 
Shiiinlc  point  (.1.  H.  Cox  uiid  .).  .1.  O'Neill)  Tree  river,  l)ic  falls  (J.  R. 
Cox  and  .1.  >l.  O'Neill)  Detention  liarhonr  and  Kater  point,  Batliurst 
inlet  (1{.  M.  Anderson). 

L.  palustre  I,,  var.  decumbens  Ait. 

Caniden  hay. 
Rhododendron  lapponicum  (L.)  Wahlenh. 

Sadleroehit   river     Hernard   harbour-   Copi)erniine   river — Tree  river,   Ihr 
falls  (.1.  1{.  Cox  and  .1.  .1.  O'Neill)— Wollaston  land  (D.  .Jeiiness). 
Loiseleuria  procumbens  (L.)  Desv. 

Port  Kpworth  iiarhour  (J.  K.  Cox  and  .1.  J.  O'Neill). 

Kalmia  polifoiia  Wans.  [K.  glnucn  .\it.] 

Cape  Barrow  and  Detention  harbour  (B.  M.  Anderson)— Coppcrniine  river 

Cassiope  tetraftona  (L.)  Don 

Camden  hav—  Her.sehei  island-  Shinjjle  point  (J.  1?.  Cox  and  J.  .1.  O'Neill)— 
Mackenzie  river  delta  (I.  O.  Htrinjier)  -Bernard  harbour— Coppermine 
river-  Port  l^pworth,  south  coast  of  Coronation  gulf  (J.  H-  Cox  and 
,].  .].  O'Neill)  Wollaston  land  ( K.  .1.  and  D.  .h-nness)- Capo  Barrow 
and  Arctic  sound,  ]5athurst  inlet  (P.  M.  Anderson). 

Arctostaphylos  alpina  (F..)  Spren^. 

Herschel  island-  Mackenzie  river  delta  (I.  O.  Strinncr)— Bernard  hariiour 
—  Wollaston  land  ( D.  Jenness)-  Port  Kpworth,  south  coast  of  Corona- 
tion Kulf  (.1.  P.  Cox  and  J.  J.  O'Neill)— Kater  point,  Batliurst  inlet 
(K.  C.  ('hipman). 


Vaccinium  caespitosum  Michx. 
Camden  bay—  ''erschel  island 

V.  uliginosum  L.  forma  microphylla  I-ne. 

Bernard  harbour — Kpworth  harbour  (.1.  P.  Cox  and  .1.  J.  O'Neill). 

V.  Vitis-idaea  1..  var.  pumilum  Horn.  (Vhio  XI,  1!^.  s) 

Herschel  islMiid. 


Dodecatluon  frigidum  (ham.  et  Schl. 

Herschel  island-  Shinsle  point  (,I.  P.  C<ix  and  .1.  .1.  t)'Neill)  -Mackenzie 
river  delta  (I.  O.  Stringerj. 
Primula  borealis  Duby  (I'lat.-  XI,  fin,  t) 

Camdrii  bay     Herschel  island  (I.  O.  Stringer)     Cape  Bathur  t. 

P.  stricra  Horncm.  (I'lat.'  XI,  fig.  o) 

Herschel  island     Wainn   point    (I.  O.  Strinner)  -Bernard    harbour -Port 
Kpworth,  south  coast  of  Coronation  jiulf  (.1.  P.  Cox  and  J.  ,1.  O'Neill). 

P.  sibirica  ,l;ic(i.  (5'l!i<«'  Xt.  f"^-  "'^ 

Bernard  harbour. 

Douglasia  arctica  Hook. 

Between  Herschel  island  and  Mackenzie  river  delta  (I.  O.  Stringer). 

Vanailar  Plnnls 


Androsace  Chamaejasme  Host  (ri;ito  III,  fig.  l) 

Icy  reef — llcrsclicl  islaii(l--Warn'ii  jxHiit  (I.  ('.  Stiiii(iir)- Cape  Halliurst  — 
Clifton  point  (H.  (liriiiin) — licniard  liarlxMir-   VVoilaston  land. 

A.  septentrionalis  L.  var.  robusta  St.  Jolin  (I'liiir  XI,  fin.  7) 

IJcinard  harbour. 


Statice  Armeria  L.  forma  sibirica  (Turcz.).     Sinmi. 

Mackenzie  rucr  delta  (I.  <).  StriiiKcr)      Hernard  liarlxmi-Moutii  of  'I'n^e 
river  (.1.  H.  ( 'ox  and  J.  J.  O'Neill )-  AVollaston  land  (F.J.  and  1).  .lennes.s). 


Gentiana  arctophila  (Jriseh.  tPktc  XI,  fig.  i) 

Herscliel  island— Mackenzii-  river  <lelta    \.  <).  S( ringer). 

G.  propinqua  Richards.  (I'late  Xi,  fig.  2) 

Bernard  harbour. 

Pleurogyne  rotata  Cirisei). 

Hood  river,  Bathurst  inlet  (,H.  AI.  .\nderson). 

P.  carinthiaca  Griseb.  {Plate  XI,  fig.  3) 

Mackenzie  river  delta  (1.  O.  Stringer).     Heniard  harbour. 

Phlox  Richardsonii  Hook. 

(ape  Uathurst — Clifton  jxiint  (H.  (lirlinsi). 

Polemonium  coeruleum  L.  var.  villosum  (Hud.)  lirand. 
Hersc!  '  1  island. 

P.  borealc  Adams 

Camden  bay-    Sandpit  west  of  Martin  point. 


Myosotis  silvatica  HotTm. 

llerschel  island  -  Mackenzie  river  delta   (I.  (>.  Strinjier). 

Mertensia  Drummondii  Don 

Clil'lon  point  (II.  ( Mrlinn)    -\^'ollast()n  land  (I),  .lenne-^st. 

M.  maritima  (L.)  S.  F.  Cr. 

Spv  island- Martin  point-  Hersehel  is'aiid-  Sliiiijile  point  (,I.  1{.  Cox  and 
J.  ■).  O'Neill)-  Mackenzie  river  delta  (1.  O.  Stringer)  Cape  Bathurst 
— Hernard  harbour  (".rays  bay.  south  {-oast  of  Coronation  fiulf  (.1.  R. 
Cox  and  ,1.  ,).  O'Neill)      Kater  point,  Halhurst  inlet  (H.  .M.  .\nderson), 


Castillcja  pallida  (I..)  Kunth 

Hersehel  island  Shingle  point  (.1.  1!.  <  ox  ami  .1.  .1.  O'Nein-Maekenzio 
river  <lelta  (1.  O.  Strini;er)  -Hern.ard  harbour  Tree  river  (.1.  H.  Cox 
and  .1.  ,J.  O'Neill).  Wollaston  land  i  F.  .1.  aTid  1).  Jenness)— Detention 
harbour,  Hathnrst  inlet  (!!.  M.  .Anderson). 

Pedicularis  lapponica  J,. 

Tree  river,  big  falls  (.1.  H.  Cox  and  ,1.  .1.  O'N'eillt. 
19611     25 


Canadian  Arctic  Expedition,  l!)l3-tS 

P.  verticillata  L. 

HtTschel  island. 

P.  hirsuta  L. 

("anidcn  bav— Tree  river,  south  eoast  of  Coronation  pulf  (J.  R.  ("ox  and 
.1.  J.O'Xcill). 

P.  sudetica  W  illd. 

Camden  l)ay — Herschel  island — Warren  point  (I.  ().  Stringer)-  -Cape 
liathurst-  YounK  point-  Bernard  harbour— Port  Epvvorth  (J.  H.  Cox 
and  J.  ■).  O'Neill)— Cape  Harrow,  Hathurst  inlet  ( K.  M.  Anderson). 

P.  arctica  1{.  Br. 

Camden  i)ay  Shiii(ile  point  (.1.  I{.  Cox  and  ,(.  ,1.  O'Neill) — Cape  Rathurst 
—  liernard  harl)()ur. 

P.  lanata  Cham,  et  Schi. 

(Plate  III,  fig.  2) 

Camden  hay — Clifton  point  (H.  Cirlinfj) — Bernard  harhour — Wollaston 
land  (I),  .h'liness)— Tree  river  i,J.  11.  Cox  and  J.  J.  O'N-ill). 

P.  capitata  .\dams 

Camden  hay-  Herschel  island-  Shingle  point  (J.  R.  Cox  and  J.  J.  O'Neill)  — 
liernard  harhour — 'I'ree  river,  south  coast  of  Coronation  gulf  (J.  R. 
Cox  and  J.  J.  O'Neill)-  Wolla.ston  land  (F.  J.  and  D.  .lenness) — Cape 
Barrow,  Bathurst  inlet  (R.  M.  Anderson). 

Pinguicula  vulgaris  L. 

Port  Epworth  (.1.  R.  Cox  and  J.  ,).  O'Neill). 


Lagotis  glauca  Caertn.  var.  Stelleri  Cham,  et  Schl. 

Camden  hay-  Herschel  island — Mackenzie  hay  (]    O.  Stringer). 


Plantago  lanceolata  L.  var. 

Bernard  harhour— Wollaston  land. 

Valeriana  capitata  Pall. 

Herschel  island-   Shingle  point  (.1.  R.  Cox  and  ,1.  .1.  O'Neill). 

Campanula  uniflora  T.. 

Bernard  harhour-  Fort  Kpworth  harbour  (J.  R.  Cox  and  J.  .1.  O'Neill). 

Aster  sibiricus  L. 

Sadlerochit  river — Herschel  island  (I.  O.  Stringer)— Mackenzie  river  delta 
(I.  O.  Stringer)— Wollaston  land  (V.  .1.  and  1).  .Jenncss). 

Erigeron  uniflorus  L. 

Herschel  island — Mackenzie  river  delta  (I.  O.  Stringer) — Cape  Bathurst— 
Bernard  harbour— Wollaston  land  (I<".  .1.  and  D.  .lenness) — Kanuyuk 
island,  Bathurst  inlet  (R.  M.  .\nderson). 

VnscuUir  Plnntu 


E.  alpinus  L. 

Port  Epworth  (.1.  H.  Cox  imd  .J.  J.  O'Neill). 

E.  grandiflorus  Hook. 

Hcrsichcl  island. 
E.  compositus  I'ursli 

Markonzic  river  delta  (F.  O.  Stringer} — Clifton  point  (II.  (lirliniij     Wollas- 
to!i  land     Bernard  harbour. 

Antennaria  alpina  (I..)  H.  Hr.  (I'lao  xii,  fig  ■>> 

liernanl  harliour. 

A.  Candida  Cireene 
Bernard  harbour. 

Achillea  borealis  Bonn. 

Iler.-chel  islaiid-  Arctic  sound.  Batl'urst  inlet  iK.  M.  .\nder>ou). 

Matricaria  tnodora  L.  var.  grandiflora  illook.i     Ostf. 

Ilerscliel  island      Hood  river.  Balli      -t  inlet   (1{.  ,M.  .\nderson). 

Chrysanthemum  integrifolium  Hi(  h.  d'hiir  .\ii,  fie.  n 

Yountt  point     Bern;     '  harbour     I'ort  lOpworth  (J.  U.Cox  and  J.  J.  O'XeillJ 
WoUastoii  h'.  1).  .ienness). 

C.  arcticum  L. 

Shiufile  point  (.1.  H.  Cox  and  ,1.  .).  O'Neill). 
Artemisia  Richardsoniana  Bess. 
Bernard  harbour. 

A.  hyperborea  Rydi). 
Bernard  Harbour. 

(Phltc  Mil,  figs.  1-,'-,) 

(Plat.   XUl,  fig-,.  ■_',  41 

Artdiiinia  hyperhona  Uvdb.  (North  Am.  V\.  \'ol.  34,  Part  '.i.  New  York, 
191G,  p.  202). 

A.  arclicn  Bess.     Not  .4.  arciica  Less. 

"A  perennial,  with  a  ces])itose  caudex  or  rootstoi'k;  stems  .")  10  cm. 
high,  finely  white-tonieiitose,  decund)ent  at  the  base;  tiiisal  lea\'es  numerous, 

2  4  cm.  long,  finely  silvery  tonientose,  twice  i>innatifid  into  ai)iiroxiniate 
linear  divisions;  primary  divisicuis  .">  7,  the  secondary  ones  mostly  3-5; 
stem  leaves  smaller,  less  divided,  the  i)rimary  divisions  often  entile;  heads 
mostly  conglomerate  in  a  short  spike  at  the  end  of  the  stems  and  a  few 
remote  solitary  ones  in  the  U|)per  axils;  involucre  depressed-hemispheric, 
about  5  mm.  high  and  (i  mm.  broad;  liracts  10  12,  broadly  oval  or  obovate, 
whit"'  toiuentose  on  the  back,  with  broa<l  dark  brown  erose  scarious  margins; 
ray  flowers  10  or  more;  corollas  2  mm.  long,  slightly  glandular-granuliferous, 

3  4  lobed;  style  sli"'tly  exserted;  branches  nblong;  disk-flowers  20  30; 
corollas  yellow,  dee|)ly-c,ampanulat(',  slightly  villous  at  the  apex,  2.  .")  mm. 

[Artvmisiii  Iniixrhotra  Rydb.  (1.  c.  supra).  Hadix  multice|)s,  caulibus 
subterraneis  adscendentibus;  cjtulis  humilis,  gracilis,  parce  foliatus,  albo-pubes- 
cens;  folia  rosulata,  bipinnatifida,  laciniis  linearibus,  canescentibus;  anthela 
■^I)icata,  versus  basin  iuterrui)ta:  cal:>thiis  majusculis.  subglobosis.  patentibus; 
mvolucri  s(|uamae  obovatae.  albn-toinentosae.  niarginibus  fusci>  ;  corollae 
ratlii   parce  glaudulosae;  cor.   disci   llavescentes,   paulo  versus  apicem    villosae.j 



Canadian  Arctic  Expedition,  1913-13 

A.  comata  Rydb.  (Plate  XIII,  figs.  3,  6) 

Camden  hay — C'oUiiison  point — Martin  point — Hcrschel  island. 

Artemisia  comata  Hydl).  (North  Am.  Flora,  Vol.  34,  Part  3.  New  York, 
1916,  p.  203). 

"A  low  peronnial,  with  a  ce.'^pitose  raudex  or  rootstock;  stem.s  1-1,  5 
dm.  high,  deci.mhent  at  the  base,  sparingly  villous  below,  densely  so  in  the 
inHiirescence,  with  Ion  whMe  hairs;  lower  le:tves  erowded,  2-5  cm.  long, 
mostly  twice  piimatifid  into  linear-laneeolate,  acute  divisions,  sparingly 
long-hairy  or  in  age  glabrate;  stem-leaves  several,  less  divide<l,  the  upper 
sim])ly  pinnatifid  into  linear  divisions;  inflorescence  dense,  spike-like, 
yomewhat  interrupted  below;  individual  i)eduneles  1-.5  mm.  long;  heads 
nodding;  involucre  depressed  hemispheric,  ">  mm.  high,  G-7  mm.  broad; 
bracts  about  12,  ghd>n,'us,  oblong-ovate,  obtuse,  dark-greenish  brown, 
with  verv  dark  purplish-brown,  almost  black,  erose,  scariou^  margins; 
ray-flowers  12-1.");  corollas  2  nmi.  long,  slightly  glandular-granuliferous, 
3-iobed;  disk-Howers  30-40;  corollas  di'eply  funnelfjrm,  nearly  3  mm. 
long,  tinged  with  purple,  slightly  villous  at  the  apex." 

[Artimsia  comata  Rydb.  (1.  c.  supra);  Rhizoma  stoloniferum;  cauhs 
hiimilis,  dense  foliatus,  pilosus;  folia  radicalia  dense  rosulata,  bipinnatifida, 
laciniis  lineari-lanceolatis,  pane  pilosis;  anthela  simplex,  racemosa,  calathiis 
majusculis,  subglobosis,  nutantibus;  squama'  involucri  glabriusculae,  ovato- 
oblongae,  obtusae,  fuscae,  marginibus  nigricantibus,  scariosis;  coroUae  radii 
paullo   glandulosae;  cor.   disci   jjurpurascentes,   parce   versus  apieem   pil-ae.] 

A.  vulgaris  L.  var.  Tilesii  Ledeb. 

Herschel  island— Coppermine  river  —Tree  river  (J.  R  Cox  and  J.  J.  O'Neill) 
—Hood  river,  Bathurst  inlet  (R.  M.  Anderson). 

Petasites  frigida  (L.)  Fr. 

Camden  bay—  Sadlerochit  river— Herschel  island — Shingle  point  and  Tree 
river  (J.  R.  Cox  and  J.  J.  O'Neill). 

Ami  a  alpina  (L.)  Olin 

Bernard  harbour— Port  Epworth  (J.  R.  Cox  and  J.  J.  O'Neill)— Wohaston 

land   (E).  .lenness) — Cape  Barrow  and  Arctic  sound,  Bathurst  inlet 
(R.  M.  Anderson). 

Scnecio  atr  puipureus  (Ledel).)  Wight  var.  subdiscoideus  Grconm. 

Collinson  point— Shingle  point  (J.  R.  Cox  and  ,1.  J.  O'Neill)— "Rays  lonj: 
and  relatively  narrow,  achenes  hirtellous." 

S.  frigidus  Less. 

Shingle  point  (J.  J.  O'Neill  and  J.  R.  Cox)— Herschel  island— Bernard 
harbour  (F.  ,1.)— Cape  Barrow,  Bathurst  inlet  (R.  M.  Anderson). 

S.  frigidus  Less.,  forma  Shraderi  Greenm. 

Cape  Barrow,  Bathurst  inlet  Hi.  AL  Anderson). 

S.  palustris  (I,.)  Hook. 
Herschel  island. 

S.  palustris  (L.)  Hook,  var,  congestus  dX:.'  Hook. 

Camden  bay— Herschel  island  (F.  J.  and  I.  O.  Stringer) —Young  point, 
Dolphin  and  Union  strait,  Bernard  harbour— WoUaston  iar,  (D.  Jen- 
ness) — Cape  Krusen  Urn  (Dr.  J.  Rae) — .\rctic  .sound,  Bathurst  inlet 
(P,  M.  Anderson).— Dubawut  river  (J.  W.  Tyrrell). 

Vascular  Plants 


S.  resedifolius  Less. 

Ilorschel  island— MiickeiiEie  river  delta  (I.  O.  Stringer). 
S.  lugens  Richards. 

Mackenzie  river  delta  (I.  O.  Stringer) — Cape  Bathurst — Bernard  harbour. 
Saussurea  angustifolia  DC. 

CoUinson  point — Sadlcroehit  river — Herschcl  island — Shingle  point  (J.  R. 
Cox  and  J.  J.  O'N'eill) — Kater  point,  Batliurht  inlet  '  R.  .M.  Ander-on). 
Taraxacum  lyratum  (l.edeh.)  DC. 

Camden    l)ay — Cape    liathurst — Bernard    harbour — Woilaston    land    (D. 
T.  ceratophorum  (Ledeb.)  DC. 

llerschel     island— Clifton    point    (H.    Girling) — Bernard    harbour — Cape 
Barrow,  south  coast  of  Coronation  gulf  (.).  R.  Cox  and  J.  .1.  O'Neill). 
Crepis  nana  Rich.    [Youwjin  pyijmaca  Ledeb.)  (Plato  XII,  fig.  3) 

ley  reef— Woilaston  land  (D.  Jenncss)— Kanuyuk    island,    Bathurst  inlet 
(R.  M.  Anderson). 

According  to  this  eniuneration  2.^0  species  of  vascular  plants  are  now  known 
to  occur  on  the  arctj  lore  l)etwcen  point  Barrow  and  Bathurst  inlet,  and  they 
represent  40  families,  distributed  as  follows-  Pteridophyta  8,  (Jynmospermae  1, 
Monocotyledones  5,  .iiid  Dicot\  ledones  30.  Of  these  the  Compositae  are  repre- 
sented by  2;i  species,  the  Craniineae  by  22,  the  Ranunculacei.';  by  19,  the  Cruci- 
ferae  and  Saxifragaceae  each  by  18,  the  Cyperaeeae  by  10,  the  Salicaceae, 
Caryophyllaceae,  and  Papilionaceae  each  by  13,  the  Rosaceae  by  12,  the  Scro- 
phulariaceae  by  8,  the  Juncaceae  by  7,  etc. 

With  respect  to  the  genera  the  largest  is  Saxifraga  with  15  species;  then 
follow  Canx,  Sulix  and  lianuncvlus  each  with  12,  Pediculaiis  with  7,  Draba 
with  5,  etc. 

Compared  with  the  flora  of  the  Archipelago  as  given  by  Simmons  (Phytogeo- 
graphy  of  Arctic  American  Archipelago),  there  is  a  marked  difference,  .\ccording 
to  Simmon's  paper  the  families  richest  in  species  are :  Gramineae,  Cyperaeae, 
Cruciferae,  Conipositae,  Caryophyllaceae,  and  Saxifragaceae.  The  actual 
figures  are;  Gramineae  30  species,  Cyperaeeae  22  species,  Ci-ucifcrae  and  Com- 
positae  10  sju'cies,  Caryophyllaceae  lo  species,  and  Saxifragaceae  13  species. 

In  Greinhind,  on  the  other  hand,  the  Cyperace..  (Carer)  are  better  repre- 
sented than  the  Gramineae;  then  follow  Caryophyllaceae,  and  after  these  the 

On  the  west-coast  of  Alaska  the  Gramineae  are  represented  by  104  species 
(Poa  18  sp.),'  after  these  follow  Cyi)eraceae  92  species  iCarcx  82  sp.)^,  Compositae 
55  species,  Cruciferae  34  spe.'ies,  Ericaceae  32  species,  Rosaceae  3'»  -pecies, 
Saxifragaceae  29  species  (Saxifraga  25  species),  ('!iryoi)hyllaceae  and  Ran- 
unculaceae  25  species,  Salix  23  species,'  Leguminosae  13  species,  etc. 

With  exception  of  the  Gramineae,  Carex  and  Salix,  the  number  of  species 
has  been  given  according  to  Turner:  Natural  history  of  Alaska  (I.e.),  but  this 
work  was  publishe<l  in  the  vear  1886,  and  several  additions  having  been  made 
during  recent  vears,  notablv  bv  Dr.  Walter  H.  Evans  (1897-1898),  I^Ir.  F.  H. 
Walpolo  (1901),  the  Harriman  lOxpedition  (1899),  and  others,  I  owever,  so  far 
unpublished,  the  list  as  given  by  Turner  will  undoubtedly  be  increased  very 

'  .Scribncr  and  Merrill,  Grassi'."-  of  Alaska.    C<' 
•Holm,  Th.  Carpx  in  North  West  Aiinrica.  I 
I  Covillc,  F.  V.    AVillows  of  .\lapka.    I'nH'cci. 

'■.  S.  Nat.  Herb.  \V--liingtuii,  1910. 
iJot.  Centi.ilbl.  22.  1!H)7. 
Aiail   Sci.,  Ill    .  i"l. 


Canadiart  Arctic  Kxpedition,  1913-lS 

The  sequence  of  the  fiiinilies  according;  to  the  number  of  species  thus  shows 
that,  in  the  Arctic  archipehiuo,  in  (ireeniand  aa  well  as  on  the  west  coast  of 
Alaska,  the  (iraininene  and  Cyperaeeae  are  the  families  which  are  richest  in 
species,  while  in  the  reniou  ex])lored  by  the  expedition  the  ("omjiositae  and  the 
(iramiiieae  are  the  best  represented,  the  ("yperaceae  being  inferior  to  the  Han- 
unculaceae,  Cruciferae  and  Saxifragaceae.  It  is  true  that  many  of  the  arctic 
C'arices  are  quite  inconspicuous  and  very  difficult  to  separate  in  the  field;  thus 
t!ie  possibility  of  overlooking  several  of  these  would  seem  quite  natural,  and 
this  might  explain  the  apparent  scarcity  of  species  as  compared  with  their 
distribution  in  other  regions.  liut  the  fact  tiuit  the  species  collected  are  repre- 
sented by  relatively  small  s[)ecimens  seems  to  show  that  the  tVi/Tj-vegetation 
on  the  north  coast  is  generally  poor  and  ve.\v  uniform.  Judging  from  the  <'xcel- 
lent  manner  in  which  all  the  liotanical  specini'  ns  were  collected,  there  is  little 
reason  to  believe  that  the  scantiness  of  the  material  of  the  gemis  C<iri.r  is  merely 
due  to  an  oversight.  The  large  number  of  Compositae,  and  their  prevalence  on 
the  north  coast  seems  (luite  natural,  when  we  compare  the  representation  of 
this  family  in  the  Arctic  archipelago  and  on  the  west  coast  of  Alaska  because 
this  family  is,  as  we  know,  extraordinarily  well  exemi)litied  on  this  continent. 
For  instance,  according  to  (iray's  Xew  Manual  of  Botany,  covering  the  central 
and  northmistern  United  States  and  adjacent  Canada  th(>  number  of  species  of 
('om])ositae  aggregates  aliout  ol'i,  while  (Iramineae  numbers  about  'MM.  In 
the  former  family  t)  w  genus  Astir  comprises  o!)  species,  Sdliilago  o()  species, 
HcUanthus  24  species,  Scnccio  18  species,  and  Artimitiiii  15  siH'cies. 

And  Howell,  in  his  Fiora  of  Northwest  .Vmerica,  enunu'iates  from  North  of 
California,  West  of  Utah,  and  South  of  JJritish  Columbia,  422  species  of  Com- 
positae, and  of  Gramineae  about  270. 

Vascular  Plantu 



Vasailar  Planta 


PLATE  No.  I. 

^-^   ^      X 

I,    o 

Or     0            « 

i>    0    > 

Fig.  1.     Anemone  imn-iftora  Michx.    In  blixmi  at  HiTiiani  h:irlMjiir.    .Iiily:j,  I'Jlti.  (F.  Johiiiiscn) 

Fig.  2.    Pavaser  nudieauU  L.    Bernard  harbour.    July  23,  1915.    (G.  H.  Wilkins) 

VdKCiiliir  I'lnntx 

PI.ATK  No.  II. 


I'iu.  1       hri/im  intnirifiiliii  M.  \:ilil.     Hcniiiril  hiirhour.     .Iiil\    IJ,    I'.tl.'i.     Antiiil 
molli  Ilyiiliiiriiiii  fintiiii  Hink.  in  fiirrxriiuml,      id.  H.  Wilkiiist 

Fi(5.  2.     Oxylroifin  (irrlohiii  Huiigc.    Hcrnarri  huiixiiir. 

HIl.V     (C.  n.  Wilkhis) 

Vaaeular  I'lanU 


^?:  t " 

^  ^Vv  -..• 



>  "^      o 

^       ■'• 


FiK.  1.     AfulroMCtChamaejnsmelUvKl.    Jlorniird  harbour,    July  8,  1915.    ((i.  H.  \\  ilkins) 







Fig.  2.     PfdicuUiru  UiruHa  Cham,  ot  Schl,    Bernard  harbour,    JiiK  ,  191o.    'O.  H.  Wilkiiis) 


Canadian  Arctic  Expedition,  1913-18 

PLATi;  i\-. 

!•■«•  1.     Cnrex  sinns  X>m.    Hersehpl  Uh.n.l-  .,   .       i    ■ 
Fiir  •>      s,..,!,.  „f  ,1.     .       .  "^™*^"'^"»'"n.|,  natural  size. 

J  'g.  4.     The  pcngjniuni ;  eiilarRod 

■«..  -8.     T.c,  ,..,i,v„i.  „,,„  ,,„  „„|  n„;  ,„^„„,,,.  „„^,^^^^| 

jf'Aeo.  //o/to  rfe/. 

I':,ateX').  IV. 


Canadian  Arctic  Expedition,  W13-1S 

n  ATK  V. 

P!.ATE   \().  V. 









Canadian  Arctic  Expedition,  WlS-lS 

Fig.  1. 
I-'iK.  2. 
Fig.  3. 
Fig.  4. 

ri-ATK  VI. 

«»,«„....  .  ,.W.n.  ,.,..h  ^       „,,.„,  Hook.     Po.  ,,,..orth;  natural  size. 

'j'heo.  Holm  ihl. 

1*1.  A  IK  X(;.  Vl. 


ConadiuN  Arrliv  IJ.rpalilion,  t!>f3-lS 

Fi;:.  1. 
I'i?.  •->. 
Fie.  3. 
Fit?.  4. 


Rn,n,ncul...  PurMi    H,.,-.s,.lu.|  ...lan,!;  .uaural  ^H- 
L,ck>ns  ninnis  \M.  H.n.u.l  I,:.rl,o,„-;  natural  si.,  '       ' 

E,Mu,m  hiifolOnn  L.     B.rn.inl  IkuIk,,,.  ;  n.-.tun.l  mz. 
nu;h„rum  nn,enc.nura  C.  ,.t  H,     I[,.,.sdu.I  .-l.n,!;  ...tu'r..!  .j.., 

'J'  lluhn  <id. 

Pl.ATK  No.  VII. 


Canadian  Arctic  Expedition,  W13-IS 

PI.ATK  VI 11. 

Fig.  1.     Sicversia  glacinlis  R.  Br.     Ilcrschcl  isliinrl;  natural  she. 
Fig.  2.     Oxylrojiit  Roaldi  Ostf.     Brmani  harbour;  natural  sizf. 

riifo.  Hnlm  dii. 


riAii.  \<..  VIII, 

^     i'       / 




CanaiHini  Arctic  Exiuililion  lt)l5-lS 

I'l.ATK  IX. 

Fii;,  1.  OxylrDjtig  iiujnsriiiK  il':ill.i  I'isch.     C'airiiirii  lin>;  n  ..  .iral  ^izc 

Fij;.  'J.  Siiliic  specirs,  the  iiifiDn'Scciiif;  natural  size. 

Vig.  3.  Sanw  spccii'e,  the  fniit ;  natural  s'zc. 

Fii?.  4.  Ostjlrojns  iirclohin  R(£c'.     IJcrnanl  liarlmiir;  tiiilural  Mze. 

Fig.  5.  Same  ."iwcir.-t,  a  fluwcriMK  ^linoi;  natural  sizr. 

Theo.  Holm  deJ. 


K  \.).   IX. 


•14  a 

CiiiiiuluiK   Anil,    Hxiii'lilion,  l!>l.^-IS 

ri.ATK  X. 

Fiji,  1. 

i-is.  ■:. 

Kia.  -.i. 
FiK.  4. 

,\.i!niii':his  ijiiiiii!  luinim  Uii'liimls.     H-  riiiini  Inrl r;  niillinj  Aif. 

.^iiiac  sp'  cii >.     Siiiitli  ciKist  iif  C'liroiiatioii  (jiilf ;  natural  size. 

Same  -p ic'i  s,  Ihi   nnwrr;  ciilurRcil. 

Saiiir  -n/oi  >,  fiuiiiim  rai'iiiii';  iialiiral  ^\tf. 

r!,eo.  Holm  1,1. 

fL  m:^^'  L^^ 

Pl.ATK  \<).  X 

46  A 

('<iii(uli(in  Antic  tJ.riwditio',.  HHJ-IS. 

ri.ATE  XI. 

ri'.'.  I.  fUtilmiin  iirrlni>hil<i  Ciriscb.     Hirschcl  island;  naluriil  >i/,r. 

Vill.  2.  Ciiitimin  imipiiifiun  Kichiirds.     Hcrimrd  iKirboiir;  iiiitur:il  sizf. 

I'm.  ;).  I'lrumi/niiv  rarinlhiara  Grisch.     Hcmanl  liaihoiii ;  iialiiial  size. 

I'lL'.  4.  I'rimiilii  honulu  \inhy.    Cape  Bat  hurst ;  natural  size. 

Fiu.  ">.  I'rimithi  sihirirn  .Ia((i.     H.rnanI  harhoiir;  natural  sizr. 

I'JK.  (■).  Primiiln  ulrirl.i  liomi'in.     South  cnimt  i)f  Coronation  nulf;  natural  sizo. 

Kic.  7.  Andrnmcc  sr/itfiUrwiKilin  I,,  var.  rnhuula  St.  .John.     Bcrn.inl  Harbour;  natural  sizo. 

Fig.  8.  Vncriitium  VilU-ul'm  L,  var.  pmiuhim  HirniMn.     lI.TSch '1  island;  natural  .size. 

TIni).  Holm  lilt. 

Plate  No.  XI. 


Canadian  Arctic  Expedition,  1913-18 


Fi(E.  1.     Chrymrdhemum  inlegrifoli urn  Rich.     Bomard  hnrbour;  natural  size. 
Fig.  2.     Antenmirin  alpina  (I,.)  R.  Br.     Bernard  hiirhniir;  natural  size. 
Fig.  3.     ('rti)is  nana  liirh.     Bathurst  inlet;  natural  size. 

Theo.  Holm  del. 

Plate  No.  XII. 




Canadian  Arctic  Expedition   1913-18 

Fig.  1. 
Fig.  2. 
Fig.  3. 
Fig.  4. 
Fig.  5. 
Fig.  6. 


Artemisia  Richarchoniana  Bess.    Bernard  harbour;  natural  size. 
Artemisia  hyperborea  Rydb.     Bernard  harbour;  natural  size. 
Artemisia  comata  Rydb.     Camden  bay;  natural  size. 
Leaf  of  Artemisia  hy]>erhnrca;  twice  natural  size. 
Leaf  of  Artemisia  Richardsoniana;  twice  natural  size. 
Liaf  of  Artemisia  cxnnata;  twice  natural  size. 

Theo.  Holm  del. 

Plate  Xo.  XI II. 

#^  V."*^ 

f^   ^i.  '^i 





I  to^Y^S^i 


3  9004  02404768    <  '^4^, 

Report  of  the  Canadian  Arctic  Expedition,  1913-18. 


Part  A:  MOLLUSKS,  RECENT  AND  PLEISTOCENE.    By  William  H.  Dall. 

Part  B:  CEPHALOPODA  AND  PTEROPGDA.  ^'""''  ^''"""'"  '*'  '"'^- 

Ccphaloiioda.    By  S.  8.  Berry. 

PtPropn<Ja.     By  W.  1'.  Clapp (In  pr.paralion). 

Part  C:  ECHINODERMS.    By  Austin  H.  Clark (Usucd  ApHl  fi.  lOtO). 

Part  D:  liRYOZOA.    By  R.  C.  Oshurn i/n  preparation). 

Part  E:  ROTATORIA.    By  H.  K.  Harring (/„  preparation). 

Part  F:  CHAETOG NATHA.     By  A.  G.  Huntsman tin  premralion). 

PartG:  ALCYONARIA  AND  A(  TINAIilA.    By  A.  E.  Verrill .Aln  press). 

Part  H:  MEDUSAE  AND  CTENOPHORA.    By  H.  B.  Bigelow (Utued  June  in,  19tO). 

Part    I:  HYDRDIO.S.     By  C.  McUan  Frascr (In  preparation). 

Part  J:  PORIFEUA. 



Lumbrirulidie.    By  Frank  Smith. 

Enrhytraliiiiu.     >'v  I'aul  .S.  Wploh {limed  September  19,  1919). 

Part  It;  POLY(  HAETA.     lly  Ralph  V.  Chiiinberlin ihaued  .\ov  mtier  lii,  1920). 

Part  C:  HIKUDINEA.     Bv  J.  I'.  .Moore (/•'-""i  I'hrua::/  .„  /■/.;;). 

Part  D:  GEPH'iKKA.     ]»v  Ralph  V.  Chaniherlin Uisunl  June  '0,  1910). 

Part  E;  ACANTHOf  EPHAI.A.     By  H.  ,1.  Van  (leave (hsunl  ,lpn!  7.  lain). 

I'art  F:  NEMATODA.     By  N.  A.  Co\,h l/„  prc,,ar„lum). 

Part  G-II:  TREMATODA   AND  CKSTODA.    By  A.  R.  Cooper ilnsucj  l''''iu.,iy -i,  ivin. 

Part    1;  Tt'RBELLARIA.     By  A.  lla»sell (In  preparation). 

Part   J:  GORDIACEA. 

Part  K:  N;;.MI:RT1.VI.     By  Rulph  V.  Chamberlin (In  preparation). 

Part  L:  Sl'OROZOA.     1'y  J.  V.  .Mavor (In  /.rtmrid.m). 

PartM:  FOR.UIINIFERA.    By  J.  A  Cushman {h.iud  FehruaruB,  lUiO) 


Part  At  I'LANKTON.     By  Albert  Mann (/«  preparation). 

Part  B:  MARINE   DIATO.MS.     By  I,.  W.  Cuiley  .  (In  preparation). 

Part  v.:  TIDAL  OBSERVATIOX.S  AND  RE.SULT.S.    By  W.  Bell  Dawson.. (/«uc/U;d..6fr  /    I9S0). 
Part  D:  H  V DROG RAPH  Y (In  prepar,i',„n). 



PENINSULA,     l.v  .1.  .1.  ( •'  Neill (In  p-.  ■^ani^^on). 

Part  P:  MAI'.S    WD   GEO'    RAI'lIICAL    NOTES.    By  Kenneth  G   Chiumun  ami  .I.ilm  u!  C<.j. 

{In  pT'  paration). 

VOLCME    XII:  THE   COPPER   ESKIMOS  (One  p.irt,  tonii.iete) 
THE   LIFE  OF  THE  TOPPER    KSKIMOS.     By  D.  lenne-s (In  press). 


ESKl.MOS.     l!v  I).  Ji'iuiess  

Part  B:  OSTI  OI.OGV  O!  TH.;  Wl.STi  RN  AND  Ci.NTRAL 
liy  .iohn  Cainornii 


Wi  .ST.  R\ 
SKlMi  )S 

AND     CO.  'ER 

;.fz  pn:p^ration). 

. .     In  ;>r'  piiration)^ 
. .  CI  o  in  prepared)^ 


f'OUONATION   GUI.F.     Ry  IJ.  Jennes.H (In  pr,  parillon'. 

By  D.  Jennesi (In  preparation). 


Part  A:  STRING   FIGURES  OF  THE  ESKIMOS.    By  D.  Jenness (heady  for  press). 


By  Helen  H.  Roberts  and  D.  Jenness (/n  preparation). 



(To  be  prepared).