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symbols  y  signifle  "FIN". 

.     .  *  - 

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et  de  haut  en  bas,  en  prenant  Ie  norttbre 
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lllustrent  la  mithode.        / 

* . 


(ANSI  and  ISO  TEST  CHART  No.  2) 








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leSfj  foil  *^''^>  "^'*-  "^^^  *^"  «^^^  «>»^«l 
letfter  t.s  folly,  pride,  orJinav^ry.  ' ' 

"'^  ^i:;il  iT     ***  *'»K'^i^co„tented  hnd  appear    v    . 

An.j^  .^'^^"'' «*'"<^2^«"»  Mavei  in  place 

And  mena,.ealw.y.i  Lonest  in  dl.graiiT  '^     ?^ 
^heco4rt  preferments  make  ynep  knav«a  in  rn.,r-« 
vBut  they  that  would  he  ii.  them    iJ^  «m  if  "^» 

^^Tis  tiA*  ai  r^-  •         "*;^"inem,  Would  be  worse. 

^nd  florid  M  ..  .  b  ..  whet^iX  n  I  T5^"'^"^^^«^ 
And  ^^n r   "T»T*.?»'  *^  o^  one  dwea*ew:   S.'^'^ 
miJ.fZ   ^"^^'^ ^'^^^ *^«™  P'-^^ent  ease i'^ 


•■      '-^T^^i 

ir rxT  ^^  "®M»  a«'  cont< 

,  any.KING,  and  any  Government 
Good^tmtrat  court  ab«.es  r^        V. 
B^wl!^"'*'*""''  Srievance.  hewair^^^      ' 
«^  wh«n  the  soverHcn^s  Wsam^  sirice  aii»i^4 
]]«e^k>t  never  /aig  to  chan^  hS^"^^^ 
AM  when  he  must  the  gulden  ke/S*  ' 
y»e  railing  spirit  ^am^^bo^tg"*  . 

■vr '.: 






»^  * 


idion  m'*ke| 
00  wetth^ 

■  -    j  .         t  *  '    I 

Who  thai)  tUit  hu'tbled  nation  dinnKura  | 
Whil  •  lh«»y,  th«r  own  felicitiet  refiuo  ?  . 
Wht»  rtt  the  wars  hHve  made  »uch  mighty 
And||Ofrar*»  fulling  »iut  with  oiif  anoth«»r,  .  ,^ 
With  noedb'Bs  f 'iirs  the  jenlou«  nation  fill,   -^ 
And  rtlw  tyt  have  been  jstM  agHinit  th*»«r  will  ^' 
"Who  lifTy  millioni  iiprliTlg  h.4f«»  diHbnm'd, 
To  be  wiih  pt'*c9  and  tot)  mncb  pl»*nty  cura'd'; 
Who  their  old  monarch  eage>ly  undo, 
And' yet  un^'mily  obey  the' new. 
S»>arch,  SHtvr  I    aearch,  a  deep  ioci 
The  poiiion*3  strong   the  ant»dot»-^B  f 
'Ti«  pointed  truth  niuit  manage  ttiii*  diflpate/^^ 
And  downrght  English,  llnghithineQ  contutl;r^ 

Whet  tliy  jutt  «iiger  at  the  ontioria  iwidei" 
And  wiih  keen  phrane  repel  the  viciouf*  tide^ 
T.»  Ei«ighi»hm»Mi  tlieir  own  beginnings  ahilw. 
And  ask  tljem  why  they  »li.r|it  their  ii**lghbori  fO*  K^* 
Oa  >»ack  to  elder  tim«»»,  au^jl  ag***  past,  ■^■:^':^ 

And.n:itioM8  int »  long  oblivion  cuat  :  --f '  '^i-  f  Vi(«^  >( 

To  old 'E|ritanma>  youthful  days  teXriii^-^H'^^^'^^^^^^^^^^ 
And  there  lor  trm».born  Englishmen  eivqufre  rt*^'t*N^^f^ 
Briiannl^  ifeely  will  disown  tlie  nanae»     ^    '  t-,  ^jh^r'^:^, 
And  hardly  knows  he(!feli  ironf  whence  tH%  tnfil#,       '^  * 
Wonders  that  they  of  nil  men  slu>u!d  pretend 
To  birth  and  bloo^^  ajiidj^r  a  nanpie  <;ontend(       ; 
G6 buck  to ciuMf*  ^heye  our  fi\U}»  dwelJ,  i*r'»> 
AMd^etchth«'  original  from  hellj 
Speai^  Safyr  1  for  there's  npne  like  thee  e^  telk' 





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■t  • 


,  ;       *  i  ;■.,'■    r 


if  It,!**    '  '     '*  -  '  t'  '  t  ^ 

•^be  Di-fir  hIwm^i  builds  h  ch>«p«  er*  :     v"- '  r'^^f''^- 
Ari(i  'twill  ho  ioaiicj  upon  exaiuioation.  U.'       '^•IP^i-5'^.  ^^ 

For  tvrr  mnce  lie  first  d«bM«chM  tb#  mindk.  |L*^#  4  -  w     -i 





H«  miiUe  H  pvrf"ct  co  iqu«nt  i>f  munkind  i^.,-^  4    »*:, .- yr     . 

With  iiiiiforriiitv  of  ff^rvice,  he     •    >,  ,».  \;  -  -  ^' •' 

R'jgjnx  iifilha  a;pnernl  arijjtocrnrr.'   V   '\  \  ♦*' 

No  iioii-t oiMonninc  $v^i%. dwfurb  hUrfi^f,*       ., 

For  of  biR  jr.)k*»  lher««*ii  v«Ty  AJ'W  roD)plainr  «!• 

He  knows  th»»  geiiiut  and  th«  NiclinalKxi?,       jf^^a* 

Aim!  inatchifl  {Koper  sins  for  every  r^atioo  ~ 

He  iiei'd^  no  stand ina;* army  gpveJiWpnt 

He  alwffyH  rules  us  by  otjr  r.wn  ccjipl^v' 

His  laivs  ar»»  #»H«y,  and  his  ffenile  juJ^'?.      ' '  it  •  <•  ,y-T  ^ 

*»  Makes  il  *'itc»»ednis:  pleasani  to  pbey/»      *'■    —     ' 

Tho  list  of  hid  Vic  cerentH  and  Commanderf,        > 

Out  doi?)»y.ur(Wsuryonr  Alexander*  J    ^    '5-  .p  .  ^ 
They  never  fail  ol  hisinleriml  Aid        -     •.  ^     ^;i?>/ 

f  bro'all  the  worbl  they  .pread  bi.  va*;!  con^nuind/^f^^? /^ 
rAod  death  s  etornal   mpife  is  malntaii^'d;,.^  t.  .j^^^^^/f 
«hey  rule  so  pohtickly  and  90  well,       ^^^     "^^  '^""^/!        ' 
|Rii^.feth«y  wnre  L  ,.  .  ,  J^  .^(    . .     ^|^  „       V  f  ^ 
Duly  divided  to  deNaimh  mankind,  J  ^^^;»   '  *t'  :.     . 
AHd  plant  infernal  dir^tatefc  in  his  minfi/    .     ;*'?'';  .. 

PRfDE,.the  firs!  jieer,  a.'.;  presjdpntflf  bW 
To  ins  ahare  Spain,  the  largest  prof  juce,  ft|i  |    *-^.  ^ 







Tfll  TRVt   ■ORIt   BUOtltllMAIf. 


1  • 

Tbe  lubtil  prince  (hA|M|  Att««l  to  bntoW 

With  all  the  •ilfir  mount  aim  of  Peru  j  j./..  t^t 

WfaHh,  which  trmlM  in  wUehanili  ihe  world  undo  j 
Ki'causc  he  kn^w  lh*»ir  g#niui  wnl  iuib,  * 

Too  Inzy  ao<l  too  h}iut;htv  to  be  rich,    ,  .  i     v 

So  proud  a  people,  so  above  thnir  falf/     ^,  |  .  .     i^; 
Thai  if  r  clmM  to  beg,  they'll  be^  in  ilii|f  Jf    '       U* 
Lavish  of  nion»»y  tobe  count  d  btnv«»> 
And  proudly  slprve.botnuwo  they  scorn  to^»«ve  \ 
*•  Kever  was  uat'on  in  the  world  before  ^^i'   ] 
«<  So  Tfry  rich,  and  yet  ^o  very  poor.**      *     . 

LUST  chouc  the  Torrid  Z<»ne  of  lUiy,^^^ -, — r 
Wh*»re  Mood  lerments  inrnpe*  and  sodomy  ;        *  ♦.  \ 
AVh^re  welling  veins o'erflow  with  livid  slreainil|  j/./ 
"Witli  heat  impregnant  with  A'^efiuviim  flameS|;.  ';'  .5iA;'\' 
Wiiose  flowinjj sulphur  forms  iftfernid  lakcf,.   *  ,*  -J':  /  , 
And  human  b(»dy  ot  the  soil  partftkes  |     ;^,/'    I*      ,    ,v% 
|«  Th*»ir  nature  ever  burns  with  hot  tlcsirei|    , ,    ,  ''i;^ 
••  FaonM  with  luxurianl  air  and  subterranefiti  ftrej^**  '- 
Here  undisturbM  in  flood*  of  sraldinj  lust,       ^,,  .   >. 
Th*  inlprnal  king  reig;n8  with  infernal  g^ust.     *'^*      !  .* 

DRUNK'kKSS,thedarlinsfirvouriteof  IleUji  ^  v 
•  Ciiosf*  Germany  to  nile,  and  rule*  so  well,  ^> ';  j^^^    h 
No  subjects  niQre  ob«cc|uirtUijly  obcy,^.4^,H,.i  t^^ii 
None  please  soivelf,  or  are  so  pUasM  astney  l^^f^  >^ 
"*rhe  cunning  artist  inanagfts  so  well,  ■  j.^,,; 

He  lets  them  bow  to  Heaven,  Hiid  drink  i(^,|][f)j^   ^^^^^^ 
If  but  to  wine  and  him  they  homag;e  ^'$^fy:>^:'4'''''^'''^ 
He  cares  not  to  what  deity  tln'y  pray  f  .   .»     /   \^' 
What  God  they  worship  roost,  or  in  what  way  j 
Whether  by  Luther.  Calyip,  or  by  Rome  .^  *e^W 
*jr hey  sail  for  Hefcv'n,  by  wine  he  steers  them^hoinf, 

Uiierovern'd  passidn  si»ttled  flrst  •»  France  ; 








Where  mankind  lives  in  ha^te,  and  thri 
A  dancing:  nptioik^  fftkh  ancl  untrue, 
HayejQ^lmildone  tti^m.^elv^s  and  ot herj  too 
'MtiiflPlil  Inferimt  dictates  to  obey, 
AmFUj^rs  ftfVovrnoQe  more  |reat  thanihey« 

chancCt      Th 






world  undo  i 

onave  \ 







)my  ; 
net|;  ^'^^^ 

|ref|;.^;,.'t  •,„.« 
iriefiti  ftrei^' 

of  ilellji     . 

Till  xnv«  BOKir  tjioi.ifii44|i,.      ,  ^      " 

^  Tilt  New   WgrM  hr  birij5Hy  lend,  ..trwj*   -.a. 

a  he  .••  inr  nn  oft.  j.l.Mn  Drf/hi.  title  •ttiS, 
And  iir|,«iel,eijrt,..mhtt  ie„mt.»  he  (her«  doiniuaudf, 
rhtrf  urill,  full  jijuM  ih*  HmbTilon  vf  jiii  mind,       , 
UOf  erntj  ai  hi%  of  old,  in  heavin  dHglgnM. 

Embni  dirUN  blood  of  U.oi..  thai  him  iiivoki.'   "     • 
m^    I  he  re«t  by  deputien,  h.»  rujiva  a<i  well,        *       ^ 
And  pliinit  tho  ditUint  t  oloniit  of  Ui«|| 

By  them  hia-ecr/.tpowor  ho  maintniiiir*' 
And  hmd,  tho  wo/rld  in  hU  inf-rnHl  chdnn.     '   . 
By  Zenl  tii«  IrUify  ana  ilm  Ru«h  by  Folly._^ 
i?y  the  Dan-,  th^  Siu i.,i«  k«  m^i  ..:...  "^^ 








la-Z-thiii'  'V:  *  4,*'''  *.'-^*" 

lit  way  J 

i  thrm  liODif , 
ance  ; 


^    f'  7     •  •"*  •■»■»!  «na  inv  nufln  ny  roily, 

Tn?y  the  Dan-V  the  SHred/hy  MelundioU  ; 

By  ulup.d  .g,.or«uco  the  Mui.ovite.s  •  ,  I  " 

The  Chliu'se  by  n  child  of  hell  callVWlt  1 

Weahl.  makei  the  IVririan  too  eflemiuate. 

And  poverty  the  Tartars  dosporate.  1  ,,^ 

And  COD  ha.  enrS,  him  leave  to  rule  Ihe  Jew.  •       ' 
llaije  rules  .he>jKti»gue.e.  and  fraud  the  Scoicb. 
Re  ventre  the  Pole,  and  aTarice  the  Dutch? 

Satyr!  he  kind  and  draw  «  siloi,t  teuTV'^ 
Thy  native  England',  vices  to  concell?^ 
Or   If  that  tank's  impossible  to  do,         '^  *  "' 
M  Ioa.tbej»st.  and  shew  her  virti^stoof    *  !' 
Too  great  the  first,  alasj  the  last  too  fe^.  ,:J 

Ln«land  unknown  ai  yet  unpeopled  lay,  '"^^ 
Happy  had  nhe  remainM  so  to  this  dav       '  '  * 
And  not  to  ev'ry  natiort  been  a  pre^  ^''*  '^  '''"^ -^JM--'^ 
Her  op»?n  harbours,  and  her  fertile  iiiains';i-^Wf'  - 
B^^merchants^lory  those,  and  ih^rtre'S'i  W     • 
I»«AevVy  barbarous  nation  have  betnvVrer^        ^ 

L5.      *:^"*J"«'"  her  asofi  «,  they  i«vade  her  »»' 
Wlieau^  gu  Hed,  but  by  iniioc^Z ;      ^  * 
chance,       Tbal  ruin,  her,  which  .honld  be  1  er  d.r  ' 

loo  ;  ■  . - 



'  i'NGRAiWuDE  ,'0: rortr f""™" •• ' 




/» *.^ 






Who  Satan's  v^m  p»*riiciion5  cU,es  inherit  ^    feM|S 
Second  t6  hiin  lil  rti^hce  aiid  n.  fbrcc,  ^^j^USt^ 

4l!  d<  ?»l  i^Ohbut  attdi^)!  within  htnn  worse. -j^'^^         y 
H*-  made^er  nrAt  bbrA  race  to  he  so  tudeg^  ^^|^^^ 
And  sufft  rM  her  to  hfe  if^ft  su  «dii'd  ; 





A'hil.  ev'ry  natidnthat  h*r  powers  reouro,.,,^^^^^^^^^ 
rheir  languages  ati(](  inanjieis  iiHiodilc^a f  rV:^^  m..^. 
tfrom  whose  inixM  r^fictiT  oUf  compVmnd<-r  Drced^, 
^^*  ipurioua  giih*ifaliilii.tifde«  aluxcyajl^vs^'K,  ;^^^ 


JJ'roni  whose  inixM  ri  lictiT  oUf  compoun 
■■%y  **  tpuriouii  gi^htifaliilii.tifoei  atu  cce 

l^lakiiiflr  H  rafce  iiH«  ertalnind  uneveri, 
^DerivM  from  al»  ttid  notirnsuder  heaven. 

Th^  Romans  first  with  Julius  C^sar  ifljf*,,, 

Im  lading  all  «hfr  naiidns  of  thaVname  ;    ^ 

dauk  Gi^eek*  ^^  '    -^-'-  ^-  — ^  •-- ' 

Auiiliarieo,  or 

•»With  H*»«iji:rel,^ 

In  sear*  h  ftf  frfti^d*^  hoi'i\\  B*>aroWo(  jmne  ^  ^^;  M^^m 

Scots,  P^^  «nd  1  r^^M  fi  oiiii  th*  Hihiernian  shore,  >  ^i;?!! 


Of  whom  the  Welsli  t^*t»ie»t  thf  eWacter,  i'^^^^m 

From  ittis  ati(VjiVJill^6«  il»-b«irU  wjo^  b^gii^ 
That  vain  ill  nattiVM ffeife^n  EiagllshmiiM         Jas&:  # 
The  ca»tiofl98,  siit^te^*,  »*"?"'''S«»  and  manne]rt|  i 
0€i^  these  oatious  *  yrte  tfeeir  oWu  expIainerB/* 
Whose  relick»1k^*  ii) IHiiiiii^  ain^  ^b  »troi.jr^  , 
-The*  ha*  laft  a^^^iK  u]p*n  ouf^tOM^ 

Toor  RohMtf|i»i8J^;  ^bi&h,  l^l^inai^  Ei^liib. 
Tbe^grent  inf  i^^|*  ^i6rmiii  tet  ^^|fl^lV 





■  ^  ,  -*^'^ 

* /V;^' 


.  at*-.* 


■■■;■■•  •■ '■■  ■■-■'  '  ..■'  ;.'£^'  ■■  ■:.'■.  .  .    ■■'  :■: 

Wh«h  i^rtt  irbe  Engljin^  Ci^li  hraidF  obtain* 

He  di4  i<it  leiitf  hi*  D^tdtnnon  hblh*  iiirin  ; 

No  rp<4iilrti^pUon«  jililii  rtli;ir#er«  k«i6wn,« 

D'iVtmint  tDi)[^bt  t1i(^W  Itt  Ml^OOkt  aionci     ; 

No  Parliament  Uii  army  Ciiut  i  dlband,  ^^^  ** 

Ho  rais'd  no  nlion<^v  lof  fio'blU  til'fand  ;  « 

4;    "'*';.':'• 

d<'r-  ftreea^,.;. ' 


jir-  '»  J;(.' 

i>  ;  ^  -y 

f     ... 

lenocamft;  ^, ^}^i 


()!rnia»a  o'eff^,;.) 

icter,  ^:.;1^'?.'^t 

iistinpQifill^  . 
ld;o'f^;  ■■/^-^^'^■'" 

The  RatcaU  thtia  illii^iih*d,  he  OallM  thOtt* 

l*o  pleaaeiheir  upsti^rt  pride  with  o€w-ttajf»  w^$ 
And  do^ibtda]^  book  hit  tyranny  focOr^a.  ^^-^^-r^' 
^  And  here  begins  ihc  anoiont  pedigree,    h-'^^^^^- 
•That  9ii  etahs  our  poor  Nobility  5  ,  ■         "-* 

'Tiltbat  fi'oii  iowe  rreiich  Trooper  i^^defiy^; 

Who  with  tbeNonnan  baiiai^  diJ^arrf^v  J" ' -'  ^M&'^^Si--.^4 
Thi^trophiei  of  thf  fkinilie*  appear,        ^      v  >xi^>4 

Ii\''->'"  V  :^>. 
ir^  '. 


Someabew  the  a  word,  thf  bow  and  aom^  4l^ii0^^:S 
Which  tbdrgri^at  anreator,  forsbOlH,  d$  #eiir.         \ 
Theae  in  th(!i  berald'U  ri^fcijrter  rertiiib,  '\;  '  v  f  /f  -      k 
Theirjioble  riiean  extraction  to  eiplald.  *  ',/     .^  \<    \    ^ 
But  ivbo  the  Hero  waa,  n6  men  cau  tell,   "   ^'*  V^' 
Wbetbf^r  a  drunliner  or  a  colonel :  ^< 

The  ailent;  record  Ulif^hes  to  reread     ■ 
Their  undescended,  dark  oHginaK    *  -^ 

- '  But  ffiiiit  tbe  beat,  how  cam<f  the  eban?e  ta  fiass*  - 
A  truebetii  £flj|ri|,aEctt^D  of  Norfcbtfn  Wei      ;       .  ! 
A  TurkUb  borte^eiin  shew  Aocetiaiory.      , J^i";S  /.^    ^ 

gonqueat.  ai%vtii^ta<4^ei^iSSeipre«t.  "^  ^^ 
May giveetitJetot|^hlttdrf'tSis*e.k  ^ 

liA?'      'i  '■•?^ 


I'-  VJ 



^   I     -WL 


's   f 




THI  TAtB  «OKir  |NQU9^)tA;llf 


■»»t'3'?  '■'1*1'''  «•• 

"A  horrid  croii^|^f,raibli»gthifVff  and  aronf  I,". 
Who  raiisuckM  kiiigdoi[Ut  and  awpet>pled  townii|. j^  -^  ^ . 
The  putand  p*iini«d  BriWn^  tr»*ac^T(m8  S(;g|^,^.^v .  ; 
'^-  By  hunger,  IheA  ami  ifi»|^in  l^%r  t>rQUg^t|,^^^;J  ^^j^^ 
NorwegiflM  pirates,  Uiiccnneeriog  Oaiiea,^;^*  w'    »>  >1  .^ 
VWhoae  •'  Red  hail Moff»i>iiug  every  where  remalDS  r 
"Who  join 'd  with  NornaaQ  f  rcMch,  compound  the  breed, 
FromwUeme  yoiirTru*'  l!i»rnJ;;ngH8hineii  proceed* 
Ai»d  lest  by  length  of  time  it  he  pretenJ)l*>d,  • 
-   The  ilunate  may  that  Modern  Breed  ha   njen^e 
"Wise  Providence  to  keej^us  whw)yl«r?|^v 
yMix*^u8  daily  witb  exceeding  care  t^.r■,if%^Qtf^^^.■ii^ 
/tVe  have  been  {lorop^s  aink^  the  jakes  where  8fi||;^ 
:  Voidi  all  her  ofial  out-ca&l  progeny.  .  ^  >  ^^  1^1^,^ 

From  our  fifth  Henry's  time  the  strolling  biii 
Of  baiiitt^'d  ftigitives  frera  n^ighb- ring  ian4l'; 
Have  herea  certain  sanctuary  found,  ^.^:i'y.i-:;!>^y\ 
Th'  eternal  refuge  of  the,  vagabond.  :f,;3^v^,i  J 
Where  but  in. half  a  ^prouion  age  of  time,      iw- ■ 
Borrowing  new  blood  and  manners  from  the  clmie^ 
:  '  I'roudI V  tbey*iea rn  all  manlt ihd  to.  contemn,  A ^  i|^^,4^ 
'  And  all  theirfar^  are "trnc  born  fenglifhrnenr X',,     ^f 
:  ;      Dutch,  Wallbii>MS»  Flemmiiigs,  Iris^ijim|g4*Gft^ 
;v^- Vandois,  and  V'tiltoli^w  and;  i^ugonots,  ./^^l&CltS^^-'? 
-  In  jfood  Qjiieen  Best's  cherila  We  reigmA       .j^'j:,^^^ 
fiupply*d  us  with  three  hundred  thouf9>nd  meiw^.   y  U^ 
'    Religion  (  GOD  w^  thank  tbee)  sent  thciP  hither^ 
PriVstS,  "froiestants,  the  devil  and  alt^getheir,.; .,  ,j|^./. 
Of  ah  prollfttieii,,  e|jf,of  ev^ry  tra^ej    ,  /j  > 

All  that  were  p'ersctttie^  or  afraid  J         .' 
Whetncrfpr  debt  or  other  crimeMhey  di^, 
David  al  Hdckeiah  Fas  stilUheif  fafi^d.      ., .. , 
Th<»  o&priiigof  tliift  rjntistellanf oasfjcrpw^,  [ 
''-  Had,  not  their  neFjplahlationtjfon^  eiydy'i^if 

But  they  ^re^i^ilishmeii  and  rs4s*fi  their  votes, 
;  At  foreipi>ibait  <>f  iptertopijOg  $c,<>|s  * , . , 
/  Tlie*  Royali^mehCt:oiipi  nctlajri^^ 
.With  troijps  of  Stot^afldt  scabs  from  North  bjr  T^^^ 


....  .^, 





I*  "J 




ML    \  'S 


f  and  dronei^l^ 

>«^;  ,-  ■  \*t#' 

here  retnalna  ; -v 
pound  the.  bfeedi 
men  proceiBd*  - 
len^i'dt  •       .         .; 






m  the  am 
,    jpd8cQt», 

*•/''  V  '.-••■'■-  .-"V '■■-'■■■ 

f  ned,''- .,,4un^stef 
Uucf'fcd|r  . 

■  \%   ■  •   ■  ■,■..,,*.■  r 



'The  fereti  BrM  yenfi  ttf  hi«r|;ficlfl|i|rr#i|n,  , 

'^Made  hiinand  hnlf  hit  niit46n  Enjlitlim«'n.   ;^4|,'4'%—    ' 
liScote  from  (he  Northern  (rtyzetibankf  of  Tajr^t^ie^'* »  >> 
With  packs  and  (yfhda  c*n»<»  whipglil^  aUaway  |  '»r>     ": 
liV it h  pride  a nd  hung:ry  "hc^ea  eornpleatly  arinfd^  '*v  ^ 
.^^hick  as  the  locusts  whith  in  Egypt  swariM*d,    ;'*^'  i^VI 
With' native  truth,  diaeas^a  and  no  money/ ^    i/^  It^l^v. 
Phiuder'd  oar  Canaan  of  thn  milk  and  honey:  'f' 

If  ere  tliey  i^w  iquif'kly  liOrdt  and  OentleineB,        * 
And  tdl  ttfeirraceare 'iSrae  Wn  Eiigliahineo.         .    f\.. 
V    Therivitwars,  the  eommoDpur^Mive,      ;;i,vi»w*.' 
Which  always  ua*d  to  make  the  nation  thrive^  ''i;.i^:*d^  J 
Madenray  for  al!  (heir  ttrolling  coo^prgatioo,     ? '^t^'^tl^.   ', 
Which  thrcing'd  iii  pioas  C  -  -  •  -  -  •*•  r^staur«tioR^'>^'^    ■ 
The  Royal  rftfti^e  onr  breedreatorei^^^^^^Aa  <r>^V>.^iv 
With  foreion  Coartieraand  with  foreign  Wbc^M,  /  ?'*V' 
And  carefiilty  re«peopled  uefa^in,     ^>'  -  .*«'-;..^^  -t^^i^X 
Throughout  hii  lazy  lonif^lagcfvioUB  reign,    ["  '  /**•  ^'^,  t* 
W^i t h  such*  blest  and  True-born  Eniphsb  Fry^       ^^  ^l^ " 
As  much  illust  ratios  ofnrNohiltty.  '^■.^^f-'J, 

A  gratitude  which  will  so  bUcfe  appear^ *•' '     ?  '" ^-.iii 
As  future  ag:<»»  must  abhor  to  hear  j  ''^  ^-^Vf  ^v^  }  p  /  x^t* 
When  they  look  back  *>ir:all  that  rrimsonflood^l^vv  ,  i  , 
W^hich  ftream'd  in  Lindsey'a  Und  CarnarVan'a  hloocl.  ^^ 
fioldStiiifoVd,  C'ainhnddfe,  0apel,  Lucas,  Li»*e,   '•>  V\i 
Who  crowo'd  in  deatb  his  father^s funeral  pile,    .  •4;lf  .4 
The  loss  of  whom,  iii  order  to  supply  * ^  ttW^V^ 

With  True-bom  Eortinh  tf^trNobilltyi^        v 
Six  bastard  Duk^s  survive  his  ^ous  reigb^  ^ 
The  labours  of  Italian  €    f' ^  '.H^-  ^ 
French  F""r.'m.  :rh  tabby  S.     t  atid  Cattibftan     ^ 
Besides  the  M  nuniVo^bl^ij^Uv  Atfd^ir^  throo^*'  ^' 
Whose  female  gipries  shad«  thOtt^  from  my  sotig;. 

This  offsprtngt  ff  one  agis  ths^y  inwltipiy,  '  •  ^ 
May*  half  tbe  house  v^ith  "in^ih  poors  irttpply^ 
There  with  true  En|;li$hprido  they  mtr^  contemn 
S- ^g  and  P*-Ui-*d  niaa^ii^|p^^*^lf(m 


v^i:  I 




French  Cooksi  SeotebP 


alUllMiiin  Wboret 

Were  all  made  L— ^ds  or  t<-~df  f^rogeiutort  \ 



-Tax  tlVCrBQllV  uroLiiv 


— «;■         ■■■'_>■  .        .   ■ 

Bemoan  nndlBiitur^t  by  thi«  <if#  credtion    p 
Much  moltiplj'd  th«  P-— — ^e  of  the  iiatioto; 
Who  will  b«  il),  «•  eVr  ooe  nboH  af  e  be  o'er  j 
^  M  tru*  born  L~— -ds  as  Ibosf  we  had  beforeu 
T  hen  t  o  rec  rti it  tbe  coinmont  he  pre  p»r«f^  • 
And  heal  the  latetit  br^acb^ffOf  tbe^4fp;^r 



i-^^:' V» 

The  pious  purpose  better  to  adiraqc««^4..4/,',,V,.}at  >*,• 

,  .   ,    -^,-.,-^ — .-_^-,  .,^..., ...... ^.  <•'.  jr 

H'  invites  the  banish'd  ProtMtaots  of  ITivoce  ;  ftKAV.  |[^ 
Hither  for  God's  sake  and  tlioir  owntliMsy  fled,  i^ft^  fw(^ 
Some  for  religion  Qame,  and  9om^  fpr  'hfe»d  *  Ma'^-'i^l 
Tffo  hundred  thoasaiid  pair  of  woade^  shofil^  <  ^r  l 
Vfht  (God^btthankM  )  bad  nothing  left  to  losa^w  X 
To  beaT*ns  f^real  praise,  didforre%ion  fly^j.  vlrr.')?^ 
To. m^lca  us  stanrt  oiir  poor  in  rharity    'iii^Uth  T  ?» . 
In  er'ry  port  they  plant  th*ir  fruitf«l  traifii  \i^.  ,;^' 
To  get  a  nic«  of  True-born  Cogliahniisn  ;    ^i^t^^r  t- 
Whose  children  will,  wb^o  fipfif  year«  tbeystM*!^  ^  ^'^i  * 

•i     * 

'  •'i<v,t<;-'ii 

Be  as  ill  natur'daBdas  pfoudas  we  ; 

CalMhemselTes  En^iib.  Fortignerf  despiiQ^    -a-  fV?.*' 
Be  surly  lik«  us  all,  and  Just  as  wi8«l  v     H,ii'.»^^  ;?^? ;? 
Tbusfrom  a  mixtifeof  aUjcind^beflraiif  V^'  .^^^  -^t  /< 
T^he  hetrogoneih^  tbi^«  an  E^iglisbnaii  |  >^„.  *jM*^v:r.^^ 
In  eager  rapfts  aiid  fQri«»us  lort  begoi     .  ,fi,^  '<  < ;  .-^/  %^ 
Bet^i&t  a  paiutfd  Brit0i^and  a  Scat; ,  -  >  *     « »  4/iH^-?^ 

WbpsegendVingo&prioir^irltly  learnt  10  lrt«i^  ,  "U 
And  yoke  tb«i«  heifers  to  tnia^Kdnian  ploagb  ,*  » •  -^V?^ 
Prona  whence  i  nioos^rel  balT-^red  race  Ibere  camfli  ! 
With  Aejther  D|ime  nor  iMitio|i|  apeecb  Or  fatne|iT  )^:hf0! 
In  ifrhose  hot  v^ins  ii«ii||li3rMiro#4}nickly  ran  j  :  ^  ^t^  * 
In(i](s'db^f#itt  aSaion  and  a  Dane.  :  i^ 

While  H^i;r  riMffk  dmighfenu  4»  ibsi?  pnrents  jual  ^0i'(. 
Becek'd  s^l)  ni^ioiMi  witb  pr^imiiciioQft  last. 
This  nauseouf  bmod  dtfect^  dud  contain  «^^^ 
The  well- ei  traded  b>6od  of  EnglidnoW 
Whicb  t|(ieAy.  cantoft'd  "in  avhaptarcby^ 
A  rhapM^  of  iiiKionitp«i}fk||lj!^        .  :    ; 
AnoDg  i^lBa»«lf«»  i]iai»t«iii*d!et#riial^  wJiri; 
Art  f  iUi(  Om  lidttt  H  htt^'^^''^  '^ 

K>  i/fi- 





on  s  t** 
I  o'er  3 



I  to  liMe^  ..lir^ 

fly,^.  vfc?*  »•'>,•?  *l^'^ 

lber«  came,  '^ 

'  lane  ;      >     ^' ' 

f  ran;  -  *-  7--.  ,-*:"> 

•CDtS  just  ^  '«^^' 






wmmn^m  *M^Mm^%^|^ '. 



The  WMtero  AngWKaU  lbai^fc«ulMVd|^ 

A  bloody  natioo,  barUacoii i^  nid«  :      ;,,, , 

Who  by  the  ienM«e  a|  Uhe  avford  poide^   %  '  w^^trl  I  -*r'^ 
One  part  of  Britain,  §,nd  luhfittM  the  |i9^     ,t.M^)  «V  I? 
And  as  great  IhiiiKi  4enQiiiiiiaU  lliA  «^^i|^      -   V^  *      S 
•*  The  conquViiig  patt  gi^ye  ti^le  to  tba  WMef^'^  ^  •  fV    ^ 
The  Scet,  Picl,  Briton,  Ropwn,  Dane^ii^iip^^l,  ,  V.^if/f/  .» 
Aod  with  thi*  Enjrliain^&ixoiS  §11  luite  :        s.      i:;i  jr  r  -'^ 
And  these  the  nuxture  "  havoao  cWwe  puW<l,4  Vk^i5   ' 
••  Th^  vnry  name  aod  memory  ia«ubdtt'4*!^r;H./^^li.f^ 
rio  Koman  now,  no  Briton  doe*  fema^o^    i^''  ^''  v*V' f     * 
Wiikd  stror^  to  separate,  but  ttro^y  l»^J  , •  ir-^^^^ 
Tbeul9atn»(toii9  undiairnfoiiibV  OMt^  '■    '/    ^  4    {*J  »>' 
And  EnglishoMo'a  tfaecomnion  name  for  all.  vi;*^i^»   <v  i-  '^' 
Pa>  jumbled  thoin  togeth^,  God  kwowf  Ip^w^Vi^  >f  '^ 
«  Whatever  they  were,  they  Vet  rue^bo^  ^^iib  awf-^f 

The  wonder  wbiirb  rem^iios  i«ta^our  pridep>%  r  t^Vii 
To  vah,etharwbicl,^H  wlM  meadetit^,,.,^,  ,;|^.j^;    " 
*  Of  Lnghsbmen  to  boast  of  Oeoerati^n,  •     ^     •      ■ 
'^nnceU.ttr-'    •        •   • 


^-  speech  -..V.   ■•WI«T,-    >pi   «f*«r«    a    W«t,»IUl 

A  banter  made  to  be  a  left  of  i^roll,     v»-  A  Vc  v[;i^ 
Vv  hidi  those  nhat  ui#»  U  jut ily  ridwjul^)*^' I'i^ ;..  ^%!^j4' ^ 
^  metaphof.  iiif ented  to  expjNuia  'r    .^,-  i^  v  :.  ^^ 
A  man  a-km  to  all  the  aniyene.  VJife  ^  ;/ 

^  For  as  the  Scots  (^  learoed  men  hg^  tald)  A^ 

Throughout  the  '<  wprid  Iboir  wandVing  aetj  ba'^liifAL 
So  open  handed  England  :tUbiell|v»d,.         ^  ^"T^V 
Iha  aUthe  gleaningt  of  Uie  werWrece»»U^      "       ' . 
_^ome  think  of  Engl^od  awaionrSamw  i»ealii.^  :  r 
^ he  (yofpel  should  to allthe  W<|rU  be  aeut  •  ^v" 

Si  006  which  the  blessed  iW>und  did  hither  tmeh^  v  ^    .  ^ 

/m.  ^  ^**»'".  **'*^*'"*  «n4y  he  jwid  to  preaeh* 
^ta  well  that  virtue  giveai^olMliiy," 

Else  God  knoifi  where  weh^d  eur  gentry  • 
Sinicescarce  onefamily  is  leO  eli?e.  i  '  ' 
Which  does  not  fr^w*  •Q»^fei?e%ner  itiilve. 





vac  Tlitix^oi^  iM^^i'^ 

V,   •* 




Of  iUty  thouiani  English  j?^t1cmen,  ''«f^^  S^, 

Whose  deedi  and  trmnin  t^j^inlertrftiiiaio,'*  ^iff;? ;?% 
We  challenge  aft  o«r  flen»Id§  to  d^tlar^  ^^1'%** '  *^* 
Ten  (amilies  Which  English  Saxonttre..  Iv**'*?"^- r*^*' ' 
\  France  justif  Ij6j4*ti  the  hohlu^ttrt Vien!  1lif#t  :^  f  * 

'  Of  Bourhon,  Monmorency,  and  Lorain  :  **;f 

The  Gerninni  loo  their  honse  of  Austria  show,  '^^^^ 
And  Holland  ther^il^fnclh!eNai*«oV^-'<^ft^»-'^!^l 

■  Lines  which  in  Herafdry  were  ahcii^nt  jfrowW.t'^^ '  ; 
Before  the  name  of  Ehglishmah  waa  knowiij, '^'* 
Ev'h  Scotland  fWrher elder  glory  shb^s,     wr-rfr^     /^ 
Her  GordoftlF™i!!tofi«,  aSd  her  Mfthroi^ir^ 
Douglas's,  Mackiys,  and  Gr»h«m*s,  naniM  well  kaoifrq 
Long  belore  ahcient  England  kne<ir  herowni2p^jf-»  ^^ 

-:  ,   But  E6ghil4d,  even  to  tWTast  degree,  '^f^^^^f^^^^^ 
BortWf  ^liiiilterherotrrt  nobitity,        -^Wm^^ 
Andyet  «h*  boldly  bdJrtW of  pedigree  ;    *^^^^  f  y  ;/ 
Repines  1  hat fo^l^rters ar*  ntitupon  het^'^.t^''^-^"^^. 
And  talks  of  her  antiquity  and  hohqui'i    .#il^iWi't«»^;* 
Her  S*  t  -  i  H%,  S  - .  -  -  Is,  C  ^ .  -  -is,  0  -  -  -  -M-  -  -rs, 
M  -  -  -lit  ^nd "M;^^  -  -ncs,  D .  -  -*  s  aiid  V^^f  -  W    ' 
Not  one  h?ive  chglllsh  naiTnea^yet  all  arcEngtish  peers. 



Your  H  ----ns.P 

llona,  iiiid  L  -  --  *  Hers, 


Piss  now  for  Ti'u^  hern  Cnglish  Kriights  and  squirt, 
And  make  good  Seihate- Members  or  Lord  Mayor«# 
Wealth,  hoiivevArgot,  ih^n^lM^Wakei'  \     '*'  *' 
Lords  of  mechanicks,  gentlemen  of  rak«j|i-'^^'*'  "   . 
Antiquity  aiid  hirthare  needl^e8heir^,;^:>^fV>*^^  ^^^   " 
•T is  i mpodcnce  artd  itlRieJr  makes  a  r  •  *'»  ft  '^-^ 
,   Innamerable city- knights w^knmir    -      '    *  '' 
FroOtbliite-coat-hos^italsaHld  Bridewell  flow  ; 
Draymen  apd  nort<eft  Ifill  tV*  cily,^  chair,         :  7 
Ahil  fo0t4w^**^llffl^terlal  jrtirjsl^  #e^    "f^ 
Fate  lias  bnfVery  8ma»4i^tid(*tii*o  wit^ '^'^  ';^ 
^etwiit.tbecp^iiterandthecoroiiH.  -        '  -'.^ 

Tarpauiih  L  -^  "Y  d*'  ^*|®*  <>,t  **'Sf^  renown, 
p.ise  «p  by  p6^r  i^n*8  Valdur,'  hot  their  own. 

ureat  famtltes  <>f  y^sier<t«y  W(&  8he#, 


\,  ■*  -,; 

:  '■■  i*  ?*4  ^ 



Andiord8,whoge  pa|eota  wer»,  **Uio  Lord  l^nowa  who. 









It  I 
I : 

net  well  knoiro 
own.    -Ty*  <^^.-J'.■• 
English  peeri. 
•  -  -  *  lieni» 

rd  Mayjvffl* 


V  it  , 


■»  "ffe.^ 



v'*»  «►'•♦> 

1  -  '-( 


*,^iue-Vt?i  £ivgVifA;uQQUBa4t.r 


,      '  -    ■  *  If 

;  ly  .   t  f  «'Jr- 

'1  «  ,  <» 

••    Al    .la 



tmmmm   ,       •     v,  fs 





rowQ.  «  ^ 

>rd  i^nows  who.** 

THE  bwed^ii  ^bicribM  :  Ndw,  Snlyr,  If  y*a  ciiD,, 
Their  tempei  tliew,  for  manners  make  a  mao*  , 
Fierce  as  the  Briton,  9s  the  Roman  brave»     a  ' ,   -\    '- 
And  less  inclined  to  conquer  than  to  sare  ;     v^N^^^'i.   ^t- 
Eager  to  fight,  and  laviith  of  their  Wood,  *< triF?  "i/v 
Andequf)};)  of  ftdar  and  foriecattvoid  p^  1,«  ♦*^*^    VX  ' 
The  Pict  has  made  them  tour,  the  Dane  nioros^^«  ''\''^V 
False  from  the  Scotf  and  from  the  Norman  worst    V'f^' 
What  honesty  they  have,  the  Saxon  gare  *«m.    :^*'  ^  «"< 
And  thatiiow  theyt  grow  old,  begins  to  leaYe^'enUV^f '-^ 
The  clia|at9  makes  them  terrible  luad  t^ld,    -^I'i  -^  '^S^^'^ 
And  English  be<ei' their  courage  does  ophuld  ^      i  ''^^^ 
No  danger  can  tJ|Mlr  daring  spkits  oall,    j  ^.' «,  ^'"^  't"i  *'^  ^  -.1 
Always  prc^^rtded  that  their.b«lly!s  Ajll**     -C' • ' 5  ^-^  ' v  *^ 
-    In clos^ inlrigliitt th^ir faonlty^ biU  weti,      '  ''-i*^ 
«*  For  generally  wbat^e/er  they  (now  they  speak  5  l^'>^ 
Aid  often  their  own- counsels  likiidertDittt;  ^^y'h^^ 

By  their  infirmity,  and  Wt  design;  'uji;''i  *-''(?/". 

From  whenoei  the  Learned-say,  it  do^s  pro<^ed,  ''<^^^ 
That  "  Engi|||^rea9«8f  never  can  succeed.**  ■  -J  % 
For  they're SfiepjSothejiHed  yoip  mm  know*    •  *| 

Their  own  most  tecrel  thpught,f  inq^iiiiMv^ttoOr    ^  r  *^ 
The  lab^|ng,jf)^ri  jiispji^pf  4o«l^p^^^     j.5  4fr 



^■, , 



0    •.. 

\^^^^^K<  ^ 


■'    1 


..       ■ 






1-  /■ 


m  Tmra  »oiif  tmiLiiiiiiAfr* 

■,«  c- 

'  >>-'*■ 

/  r 

So  tnirUb  of  ^thtirmootv  tfk^  thoir  tim«»^  ^ 
That  want  of  fbrtcast  \%w^  oation't  crim«»'<< 
Good  drunken  company  if  tfttoir  c|e%l)^,  •* 

At|[d  what  tbejr  get  hy  day  they  tpcnd  by  night*  ' 
Pull  tbii'kkiig  mAMmi  dQMlli«itTheii^#i^^, 
But  drink  their  youth  bway  and  borry  oQ  oldace*-'' 
Empty  of  all  good  husbandry  and  sense,  / 
And  voidof  maiMiffrt  mmt^  when  yoidof  p^ace.  ' 
**  Their  itroiig  aversion  to  behavioiir'b"  auvb^ 
They  stlwaya  talk  loo  liilie  or  loo  much  :  ^  T??**'*  '• 
So  dull,  they  n«ver  tnke  the  pains  to  tbink^  l^  ''  ' 
And  addoa^xwiood  iitfi«ir*d  burin  drink.  M*  '  -. . 
.  In  Engliah  Ale  their  dear  enjoyment  lies,  ;•;  *v:V^  : 
For  which  they'll  tlarve  theniielfes  and  familiei.  ^  ^:' A 
An  Engiiakmaa  will  fairly  drink  as  imtch  ,,  '  -  T^-, 
As  will  mainieinrtwo  f'araili^  ef  Dutch :  "* -^vv  ^v-t^'r*; 
Subjecting  all  ibeir  labourto  the  pote-j  ^^  *'  'v •^v^  Va^\*j 
The  greatest/*  artitit  are  ibegreeiest  Soti.'* '  ^' ^?^/^> 
•  The  country  poor  do  by  eiatmple  l«ve,.  .\  '^^^fi  «*"3i«H& , 
««  The  Gentry  lead  thens,  and  the  €ler|ry  drhre.^^'^^^^^^ 
What  mftyw^  pot frDn such  esftmples  hope !  ' ^' 

The  «MUio4UkI  is  Iheir  God :   tbe  Priest  thefV  l'«(>tf.<^ 
A  druDtten  Ci«rg|r,  and  AAwearifig  A«nch» 
Ha?e  gif ^iijthA  JrtfCowiiation  sileh  a  4t«n<jb,     Wi^-^  '^i'P- 
As  vfise  men  (biiifc  tliere  il  sonie  cauirc  to  doubt,  \-  !^''^'%  \ 
Will  ^urg9'f9ll8M»Bik><d'g93d«iaDner«! out/'  ,v  ^^H-fi' 

Nor  do  the  po^iiloo»>tb«ir  limioT  pri2e,^  ''^v'^^4 
The  sages  join  In  tbisigi««l«af3it|fic«k  '  fUf't'-r^  k-t^? 

•M«       ^fi 


The  lcamed*«Min  wU^J^tti^  ArllHoUcr, 
Correct  ,liia|)WtCh«D«iiplMtionb<mi^  } 
Praise  Eprtii^iiiMllnE|rdliMft!|j^ander;    ^ 
And  Aristippns  morelhfir  AltKinid^r, 
Tbe  dooUiv^^'Ibliiir  0^le«  birvTl'i^,       ^<r<" 
And  gap'JUlf i  <<  frasef ibe/jipeciflek  Wiit^  i'*  '^ "" 

Tbegradoatt'«iSiifd9Hb«r«j4i|l|iii«Mltf<tttsir;    ^'  ' 
Wh^afbr||ii^iKM4k^|t^^  ' 

Tb*  Snrgeoa'j  arlgriMvl^l^r^eY^iylieb^;      *'  '' 
And  ^iQf'i  the  balm  ivtbic^  iatJ|if|f«iilidrtli^y:p«n^ 

1    '      . 

■  V 



■■  ■a'^  ^h 

It  their  F«>iJ*> 

^*      ••-      -i.. 

'■dodbte3:'-  .■- -v 


*ti    <<'.'.i*-sT'>'^" 


^:      THi  Tftim  Mttf  taioLiim^M* 

md  SUV  the  anctvot  J>»r4l  urtP  aU  loiilakto  : 

Lpullo^i  lutely  abdicatt  and  fled, 

.nd  good  kiqg  B*wW  ioierna  to  hii  iljad  j 
fie  tToes  the  "  CkiMM  of  tl/ehaad  reaoa/'.;.,*; 

Lod  a*om  tboaglita  jiiHip  Mfito  word  bjr  «ti^«'  t 
|The  a  0of(r  nature^ 

Lf  wine  iDutt  iieedi  iicel  Pataoif  ui  Watei^  ^^ 
StatPimen  their  weighty  poHticka  ce0na.;  ;. 
I  As  soldiers  raise  their  com  raget  by  wine*         i 
Ocilia  gives  her  cborisjters  iheir  choice*  ^„_^ 

And  lets  them  all  drink  wiqe,  to  elear  their  Tolfi^,  :/^'f 

Borne  think  th*^  Clergy  ^tst  ibond  out  the  wajr^  |, 
And  wine*s  theottly  ipirH  by  which  they  pray  ;  ^.  f4 

1 4*  i^^  ^'^ 

f  irl^. 



Bat  others  1^  propb#ne  thao  §6  ^eey 

U  clears  the  lungi^  aodhelp^Uie  niemory; 

And  therefore  aU  of  them  4ivio^y  tbii^k}       if*i|vti 

Instead  of  itydy,  'til  aa  well  to  driak.  -  ?,*m!'  -if^Ji^S 

And  hero,  1  wouM  l?e  T«ry  f^ to  ,lwO!W,4 vfe*i? 
Whether  our  Afgiljtt^aip^  drink  or  AO  ;  4i|f^  i^ir 

Th*  enligbtoing  faanea  of ,  wina  wauW  cf rtafiilf -       ,^f 
Assist  them  mifcb  whew  they>. begin  Uxfi^li,      .  ,  ^^#'"' 
Or  if  a  fiery  ph^iot.•koll^  appi^aij  V^  -.i^'-r^^ 
luflamM  by  ff |m,.  Ul^y»d  JmMfbfJaM  i^^mfe*;t^#4^r 

Ev'ii  the  Gods  thetnaf^ea,.  aa  mortiJp  f^  «%  #|r|f 
Ware  they  oh^|^h«>i«fa<l  fee Mdr«i4t;i»atlii^i ^tili»> 
Nectar  Would  jb^e  op  j^ore  citoM  ^T^k  ;      *^   i  j^   | 
TheyM  ^l  take.wpiialo  \^9gi\KPMm}¥^W^Vi^  •       t 
But  English  drunka^^f/godi  and^m^n  ftnt^^i  '  .vM^' 

Drinktheir  esta^ef  amiV»  ani!  "^Wi  W^  .    JFf 

ColonV  in  debt,  ai^d  if  j(i^ SfwipJajahwWftW^  i^i 
To  help  him  out^  mnfiidiie,^  las|  jbg^;:  v^ 

His  wealthy  micia'fai»tiinl|«i^4ff^  PfM<u^     ~  n  ^  ri 
To  p«y  bfa tr«flif|,9f»  a^4fw  filfn >|it  <rf  trQq^lti." 
But  CoXmiXm  ,9^J^^^  ' 

Drank  all  ih^fi|Q9fr|rj^^  l»>mv^mmmii 
Aad€ol<>nd9fkig)^i;^i|^^|^^  t 


»  / 



Wl^  ^«n  l|bi[l«r)ing  of  the  roalok*   #^ 
•  iiruiiken  pfbt  hwl  the  helm.      C^lf* 
ilgiuq  lh<»>  rfn^  to  ni»r\en,  *  I^W^^ 

«.u..  »«-n,  hi,  ,,^^  b^-w«v  to  heaf#l^*^ 
ket  to  tliHt  dfgreV  '  '"^jf** 

-»uet  it  *U|>'rit»lyrr^'^  ^^*''^  *^^  f^ 
rind  the  Wrt^  but  h«^  ri'^'l  *  '5 
^»••^  iii*v  Hfo  grown,  ^'^**^* *■';*■■*''  ''''^''. 
gei  (o  heaven  nloae  i^  *^*^'  ' '    '?  ^^ 

-%     I 




4  '■ 

E'er  MQC^ 

Jnliwirrel^    _ ^„^„.„,^, 

Thwt each  mun  gocM  hit  c.Urn  b^-w«v  to  heaf#l'^*^ 
2  eii«c«ou«  of  miitttket  to  tlmt  degreV  '  '"'"' 

Th»ie»»,^  iWHO  iMiriueiitkei/riti-lyr,    ^'^  '*^*''^*'^' 
Ami  fdiicMi  none  to  f^"'*  «^>'»  ^<"-  ^--'  ^^'-  '■■^^'^f^"  «<  ' 
So  ihy  uf  .duo  aiioih* 
Ai  if  ihe^  itrove  to  ^,.  ,„  ..„„,  „  „,„„ 
Kigid  and  zcaloiu  po<>iiive  and  g^ave,     "^^  *     '  --ik^^- 
Aud  ev'ry  grace  but  charity  tli.  y  ha^ /^^  ^'-%^/;/*f 
Jhiiinake*  them  goifi  ftaturM  and  unrivil.f"^'  ''^* '  » 
^  ihalall  men  thirUi  «i,  E.ighihmdii  the  DeviMr*  *^ 
\     Surlj^  t«  itmnnen,  fr6ivnrd  to  (heii^  friend  r*" 
^ol'mlt  lo  for.  with  a  relActunt  mindi 
•JCeioir  d  to  be  vugtafieKil  i,od  unkind.    '  '  '^'^♦' ' 
II  bjr  ne«-eiiit«  ri^uc'd  to  aMk. .  '*''''■"  ^'  :- 



|o.uUeninihfir.oTrow.   thatMi.koWn\     '   'wr:^ 

.  "J  hey'll  rather  die  thai,  their  afflictionibwil  1^^'*  ^^'*« 

Jindil  relieved  ^  ia  too  often  iri^e  ^^"•''l  >?  '  -^^^^^''-i 

That  the>»il»  eWe  tiieir Vnf-fatiVrf  too  :"'!''   *  *  '  >'^" 

J^Dfindittrei^ihcir  h^lghly  |.tW*•h••locV^  '^  "'^ 

^Jhey  hate  to  .ee  th^miS^J,  ^bUg^d  too  m^ife  ^  ^  -'^^ 

Seldom conientPd,  oftenjn  the  wrdok :  ■-■i'-Xm 

.Hard  to  be  |p|lea.*d  ni^  and  never  t}u^t^--<'^^^^^rj^ 

if  >ouf^mifUkCi  their  itt  opinion  gaiiif^'  --k  *-  ^4</V 

ISo  merit  can  their faVoiir  te^bbtaln*^     N  ^ >«'^  '^»^  ''If' 

4nd  If  fbejr'^not  tindirtife  in  thtir  fdrr^ V'^^  t*^-^-^ 

i  !•  tbftr  hi^onittht  tamper  doet  .ecure  ie\     "  ^  ^^'^^ 

Fo£flrai:<,ndenrM  before  the  flaW  reld.  JtT'^-^ 
JMlermeouuoiloi  iii^eak*  matter.  ^^-  \»l^ 
;*iieiiiimia  «aiii^  meluiie.aBd  runrji  aU  to  watet.  ' 

/         1      ■ 

■*^<^5.>l>'t  ,^'  >  4Vi;#Jf,.!>,V 

_  iW  «!»•  inclination  may  t?!iJ#W»gi 
heyVe  plaatM  by  ^\$,  andr|P«r  M 



Tfien  if  gofld  iiatiir»»  tha^t  iMi*'  ilMiHar  proof, 
'h^y  never 

w*:  i  "[■•' 

angry  lonf . 

good  iiatiir»»  •ha^f'ibili*'  ileodar  | 

r  tlnnk  tHiay  hare  rtf#afd  ai^oo^h  ; 

ut  Ilka  oor  iurly  (|<^i<kt*rt  ^(  the  lowo,         j 

p*»ct  y<»ur  mtinnart,  but  return  yao  none.    ^ 

Friendfhip,  th*  iil|i!r4rted  union  oi  the  mM^ 

uchall  «,wieak,b«t  vary  fiwcanMi^,.    ^I^Vf 

ail  the  nations  In  t^e  unir^^rse,  '    i^fti,  4il, 

ne  talk  on't  more.  4r  understand  it  Uit  |,  -^^.  - p,,^  , 





For  If  it  doef  th^'ir  praperty  vnpoy, 
I  Their  property  their  f^en^Jahip  will  ''••^^Tv^ 
La  you  diffcourae  thfijni,  yon  ihall  hear  the inllni 

All  thing!  in  which  they  think  they  do  •«PJ^.  ^^  ^j*- 
No  panegyric  k  need  lhel|pfiiie  reconJ  ;  \-^L^ 

k-.    V  ^^t'.ml».^^n   ma'am  ^nnla    Wla  ABBn   amnA   MTAFa.  '«•.'. 

lint  to  ilhiitrat^  first  hit  >^wn  good  nanie^  .  |^*^^.  »^g»f ^  i| 
Hp  nerer  Giili  hit  neighh^ur  to  defame  fj;^rii/ii4fci  '*>* 
And  yet  he  really  ^fsigna  ija  ffrong ;  ^^^^^  ^,.  ^  ^ 

Hia  malice  goe^  uo  furillif  thnn  b»i'toi»j|;5i|,(^^:,^i,  f»i<j^^ 
But  pUaiiM  to  tettle,  he  cMfghta  U>  raifg^^  ^ ';a^v -^^ 
To  aatiafy  the  lech'ry  of  a fuje :  . ja  .w^f r^,  d^  4^^.  », 

His  own  d#»ar  praises  clos^  if^e  ample  ipeecn  f^,'^  |^|,^  , 
Telia  yo|i  how  wfae  he  if,  tlji^ja  how  richf  ;^iijs  ##'?»' 
For  wealth  i^  if ipdona ;  h^  tha^l  rirh  ff  ji^^^;  e^mifif  ., 
And  all  men  learned  poverty  <l<^i««*;  -  i^j^^-f^ ?^^;  ^ 
Hif  generosity  comes  oeit,  and  |j»en  'ZL.^i^,,^;^^^^^y 



Conclqdei  that  he's  a  True-horn\Engli«hman4^^,j  ^  j^^i^l^^ 
And  they,  '^is  Icbown,  are  gener^aifl  «od  (ttef^^^^^ft^ 

Forg*»tting  aod  forgiving iiiiury  5 A   V4tfi,.v'.T^m- 
Which  may  be  true,,  |hof  clghtljr  cWeritooq^ 
Forsriving  illtarnf,  anii)  forgetting tWd.     . 

Chearful  in  labour,  when  they  VeWdertook  (< }  . 
But  out  of  humour  when  they're  oatpt  poc^ej;  ;.^ 
Sljptif  their  hejiy  bid  their  poiket*s  %ll, 
Tfii|  ma^  be  phle^matick,  but  ueverytullr  ^,:^,,^0? 



'•liivifeiri^iii  EihiH^Mk 



IVj'rj  |jj.Uy  or,  i« common  with kJcTn*.      -!  f  |l 

For  |..ngl,.h  bttury  1.^0^ ier^l  ber  nanit.    '    "'   ^ 
And  iiMKlwfer  (ft A  iiber  natl«3^/«i  ,'  .i*! 

li  ni  If  I^V.'T'^  **»"^  indmatioQ.      *^ 

"  "  "^  liUlf  prouA    '•^    f  ^ 

coinmaiid:     %^^- 

HjrdW  lubjtrtad  M  Si*  m.SSli!lf  ' 

•  ii  *»»..  •"^  ^^^y  ^^^  wipinn  to  dfia^ 

•  Ia  kiiJk^iM  «.  sIlT ^t    5  ''*^  IP^^rnorf  to  fe 
■•  bagbefciM  %,th  tfce  ;i,aiii#  df  ♦favtry 
|W  ?«n^  •uhniif  ((» tUfdr  6^h  tiC^' 
li«ilriint  from  ill  liT.-i-us^ii^  iVi'L^nr!!^. 




■/      ^  ^  <._   _     '       ^  -        I- 

.f   . 






1.1  i, 

tf uoa  Willi  rdiitfttfit  Smtn  iktrf  p^««m  i 

i«rby  tVv««iiiW| 

1 9  A  .mil  oi  riiiiiilfftft  rultaii«t  And  h^tti  i 

No  Kot«r6M«iit  t^M  9ft  fA^  ihm  ttini,    . 
Cou*d  lye  their  handi,  ^  rtrtSfjr  tti#lr  t^H^ 
Itt  Ihit  to  ancieot  Unml  Wgfl  romp^f6,        '* 
EttToal  miirinifft  >f f«  Cttong  tll«tt  ti«ftfd. 
It  wai  but  lati»ly  tbit  tliey  WeM  ODf^i^t,       ^  *  , 
*Th«if  ridjhttiiiiraded,  a^d  tUtlr  Iniw  HQppUM^ 
•«  Wh«»n  nicely  tetidi-r  of  thtlrlrti*rtv,»' 
Lord  !  what  i!i    «•  H^lM  tb«y  midaor  tUvirjf.**   ^ 
In  daily  tumult  tb^i^'d  thtlfr  dilcotiMii% 
LarapoouM  their  kii»K  «nddiockM  bli  gqf «rnaiMlt 
And  if  la  arm«  tb«y  did  tiol  flrat  fip|Mar«  ,  .    , ;  ,t  *, 
•Twai  want  of  force,  end  not  for  Want  df  llif.|  f 
Id  humbler  toMtft  tfitfii  Ebttltih  uaM  to  do,      :  ,  «^*| 
At  (breign  handi,  fdr  fbr«ign  AldtbeViue.  '  V«   n  ^ 
William,  thte  Ip^at  ••tcwidr  of  Naiaao,  ,  ^i 

«  Their  pmyeri  heird,  And  their  oppreeaion  law  :'^ 
lb|^fr]ii3^«aiMtheiii ;  OOD  ftnd  hTtn  they  f»raia*d» 
Tol'hli  their  thanks,  td TM  their  trcrpluea Uk^^ 
But  glutted  # itb  th«lr  Mf  n  fUieltiea, 
;  They  aoon  th*ir  new  deMterar  deipite : 
Say  all  their  prayers  bfttk,  tb«ir  jo|r  di«»wii. 
Uniting  their  tbattlQi,  md  ptill  Ibefr  Vtpiph\m  down  ;, 
"  Their  harpa  t»f  >ralie'*  iiffte  oil  Ibn  wiloifa  biN^i  , 
For  iCngUfbnren  are  n#lfr^nteriUdlo«ic,        a: 

riM  Kev*reiid  Clerkf  toft  \  and  fbe'4  W*  tiKMiiK) 
That  they^bb  bid  aCicb.  btfll-rfilitlu)««  taiH^t^  V 

«  Should  e'er  to  arms  agaiiitt  dNIr  prm^t»ll>r«o^1"  } 
Who  up  to  beaV'a  did  r^gat  power  advance  ; 
Subjecting  Ei^ghib  iiwi  to  tfnAn  ot  Fraaoa  i 



■  .JM^'i 

~.  I 








m  . 

i  '  ■     ,'       '  ■.XT    iiv?        '       •(.,••• 

Twitting  reliKion  ip  with  loynl^,  *  ,    / 

Ai^d  jet  no  ioo^ierdjdifi^ir  prince  def4i^*^'^^>>'  i  • 
•Their  gJelMw  and  perqiit«ite«  to  Mndermin«l 

!?"1;"  )};•"•  P*W^«  aoctrine»  Inid  aside  P 

rTrnr  ),.  "^  P"MiTe  aocirinea  laid  aside  j'     ^'^     \'  / 
?•  The  Clergy  their  oWn  priocipJef  denyM  ;*» 
|npt.e»ch»d  tbeir.«iHi.r<wUn^^a„^  ^;^-»4(      ^V 

The  church  chhn»d  •«  fcec>cK5trine.  back  a.iiin  i  \^\  , 
And  pulpet  champion*  did  theca«M«  m-inf-fn  "^  ^>      ^ 

1'  >.fi.1 

lb   '"  ?he  face  if  all  ifyit  former  zeal,  7, '^ 
Afaidnon-rethitantedid  at  once  repel     \..^  " 

The  rabWs  .ay.  It  would  be  tooVroHtr  r 
To  lie  religion  up  to  poliiicl^ii :  * 

The  churcb'iimfety  in  5ifpri«M  I^  "^  ':  ''''  'V 
And«o   byamewfi^^urcof  tlieirown,"   -:  ':  * 
Thmr  former  doctrtnes  all  at  once  disiirnl    . 
At  Mws,  ^pM//icto,  in  ,he  parliament,  ->'  ^ 
In  urgent  ca,e«  have  obtainM  auent ;    ^ 

M«^!?  ■li**<'^!  P'*«.^*dentt  laid  by.' ; 
Made  lawful  only  of  neceisity.  ^^ 

Ipd  men  of  GOD  became  the  men  of  vviT 
Ill^lMr  '^'^.*?^*»'^™^>arm»app^y/:  r 
Astwlf  (he^  anticfiristian  monarchy^*^^^^^     V   ,,, 

A^^f  If  ^^"?*"  ^«'  taws  ri»4,^,  rV^^^y-i  ^  ^ 

But  when  ililSt ''^''  *Sf/  •'•«"*''  »»«*  ^««S  Wo^  V< 
AnV^K       r*^'^*"**  **^'*«h«v«canttbr  ;7* 

?„JuP^  ''*5^^5''i'^J' ^^?«»  t^  thrive;    7^ .   •  *ir 
?T*u^*^rr.P^*9»%^J«'rerndone    '   '    ' 

Th^e  ^n«»ihmeB.  and  nature  will  B~w^^^^^       ^ 

J^W^^nm^  tbey  couiS  not  inaiS  Wmeiid 
^;T/^«-C'^*^  W  «*mtbey  can't  defend  :  " 


/-.  1. 




'■0  ii 

|i^i>etcika  they'd  ooi  h«'  cmrri'4,thlngp  w  high,      „, ,   ^ 
[And  Proto  Mam  r«  inad«^  for  POfcry  I  •    ( %  7f    * 

Had  the  prioce  dqne  «t  ihey  df^iigoM. the  things ^  ^.^iV 
Ha*  iet  ihe  Clergy  iiptorii|e  th<  W*>i5^*ii  "X^>t(  '[pi  '1'4 


-u  • 


Taken  a  donative  filr  comitig  hither, 
And  so  ha'  left  iHeif  king  iiiid  tbeni  together  ;,<,;, 
Uve  had,  say  they,  be^ii  now  •  hipgy  Ml|op,\:j^X: 
I  No  doubt  we'd  seen,  a  hleased  refonnati9iik  ^su'i^r 
FoV  wise  men  say,  'tis  as  ddiigVv*  »  ^**»"«»  <^ . ; 
A  ruling  liriesthood.  «••  priest-rid  king*  ^;;  4..%  jV 
Ami  of  all  plagues,  with  whidh,  maiikind  are  ctfrnj. 
•♦  EccicBiastick  lyraoiyf 's  the  fi^oi-it.  ,    ," 

If  alt  our  fornier  grievance*  were  feign'd^  ? 
king  James  has  been,?ibus*d  and  we'  tr^fMinn'd  |  ,-;>  .,.,r  i 
Biiuhear'd  with  pope ry, ' artd  Pofirer  des'potick.  ^  .;  .Iv; h 
Tyrannick  gOvei'nment,  and  leagucgfi^oticki,,  5  >'   ;.p* 

The  revolution'^  a  phandtick  plot,    a  »-,:.■;;;  -W'f  ^v<</'feA 
W -r— *-^  a  tyrant,  Stt*— -  a  sot.  " 



A  factious  people  and  jipfoisori'd^^iiori,  ,j?i\',,r  ''*\fi'ti^'l 
Ui\iu8tly  fon'd  King  James's  anditatfon,  \,^i{.,  y.  ^f.  ,.^ti^ 

But  if  he  did  the  8obj<'Ct4  rights  invadf^  ':^Jl/A  ! 
Thr^nhc-v^aspunishMonly,  oohbetray'df   ;.      ^hM' 
And  puiiishtng  of  kings  it  no  such  criine, ,;/  ^  :.: ' «  ,y^ 
^ut  Englidfamrn  ha*  done  it  many  a  timft*  ,  ,|;V<f' 

When  kings  the  sword  of  justice  fir«l  ley  doivd|; .  fi>^  4  i 
They  are  nokiogp,  tl^o*  thicy  post««ls  the  crow^^  :iih.j^A 
TitUs  ere  shadows,  cr»wiis  are  empty  <hingS|  .  ^  ^,  i^t  t 
Thegoodorsu^liject*i^tliefeoto£ki|Bgej  .  -  .^u^v 
To  guide  in  *^air,  and  to proteii^t  in  pe^ice  5,.  •  ^i-"  i.4/1 ' 
«  Wheif  tyrants  once  comtteote,  IN  ki^ 
,  <For'arbitrary  Power's  so  siiNfig«fi'^iig^^  1  ^*frtl 
r  <It  makes  the  tyrant, MdiiuinAeithcjanigi^  '  '' 
I  ^,  If  kings  by  '*  f^'^Ti^^  Prit^tsand  am^ei  re%it. 
And  lawless  powers  against  tfa^  paths  maiotatili 
iThen  subjects  mihilt  ha'  reasoii  to  t^mpraitir 
If  oaths  must  bind  us,  wheii  our  kidgp  lio  ill^  • 

-  'J 


^  ^iTsu  &l*^-'.^>'''^ 

'  I,  > 

It*    ■■^ 

\  J 


?>  ' 

pi  .VMMpm  islf«|,qpi|^< 





,  By  force  to  AJfcvjiMcrihe  ^w  \9m(v\  nriitiit. 

h  wilful  irijj.00  [ntht  iw»«  ifMir.    (^:^fc;  :^ 

If  we  allaw  no  iiiiile  «^inJttnitioii     :   ^     *f  ^;    J^  .^ 

Couia  cancel  ho  .  lie^ce  of  the  wHionV  rt^'f'^ 
Let  all  our  Jei;n.d  wn,  ^1  Uti  irj^  !!  .    t?$' ^f 

«  5J  *»«^wt«ddifefa  «^«iey  iparf^  beyond  tVi^^lM^ 
,    ••TheyVe|^rjur'diotbe.paHMe«aa'/^^^^ 

Andwithput«cr,»|^fQrtbe^tiwetQtpS^^^^^  *     ' 
May  sww  (0*11  tbekiiiiBi  in  ChfM««4om.  1 
.Andtruly.didourkiflg«.con«Jdcr»lI.      ^  ^^ 
^They'd  ReTer.Ua>e  aergy  swear  «t  4)  >.  '^  ^! 
.   Their  politick  '^IK^inre  tT^y  W^w^^^^^  '.\  V  X 

« ir  T'*^^ "  <'»r>h"«'d.  the  diffirpiiy  aoli^M  / 
Tballiiigi,  fthe/iJbfy. descend  to  tyfanny. 
Rescind  the  J)^n^  wd  Itrave  the  aubifcta  fw, 
pe governroe^t'tjopiirt  w^eo  j«f ti^Tdie. 7- 
And  constitutioqijB  «re.  Hon-i-DtiiMtf. 
The  nafi9n,'a  jOI amoj^,  UM?iv?f  |iomicl> |hU». 
Aa  lords  or  <;oin«i9|i»,  Dprliaipeiit  prMx^ 

A  chaos  (HttpjAmi^M  4heir  owpi.  ilii,^.        'i 

w^  10  a  King  ^fy;  ;^t  l^e  I'PWI  «ppi|i,|t^ 

iin  men  ««e.h^4  « i»ifpienre  to  f«ih«ii  j  ,. 

wtfch  If  h^  hPf^^icmS^^ 

^Tlaa  *)etrmf  has  thettii^cti^ii^j 
itttrt'fl  umftmi  puriiamtBt. 

5  ,  >♦» '  f 





si*-      /    \ 

'  A>^  1- 





f^^'-V'*!*'  't**''i'fi«--' 



.£"*;>      ^Sl\5 



I'  # 

Hiti'—  I''/ Sift," 




,8  rciwooHi  tlM»t«A^  in|?|iil"^ 


What  e'er  th^  dl4lec<^o(^  ettitit*  tt^^ 

ii^ fofk't  cry  fte  ^  '»«^f^^Hr^' 
And  whert  'th«  li»t*d  wdwlrlwwt  «bfl«t, 

AndlW^^P^^^'^^^^     #  throne  t 



k  Which  no^  oj|e#i*lrtilk^  ' 

^:«  caQfi  f b«  dreiidfiiil«ttmi)6f«^  #«iv       ^  ^ 


H»dw<>lii»itei|i^A<Mri»?f  Bir^lifriiiiff>ri., 

il^eDdtdbytlieiiii^k^^^  . 

Vrta  foreign  Fewn^wdftmyom^tkBMtm 





■♦.  ^ 



M  * 



TUI  p..,  «,».  *.  W».fi6»'b»i5^r'"' 

S"*?.^ iSf  u^**^.'*^?'*^  "^^^  ^-  Imte  to  heir : 
^^^•^'  ^*^'^i***^  oblige  too  iliycb- 

:  At  b^t  returtii  for  Bjigft^  Wi^ice  d^«r  y 
«t.«4b)r,  and  y^i\kt^^,m^^ 

..Affa^tiaeunlcitt  reach,  or  «arit  flj^^^      # 

£«rhere^  ftmelbr  thei  A  ,0  tSiIiu^^^^^ 
T*  dMtam  woridi  or»  spirits  let  her  riii«a^i«  . 
»W  .jiirlt^tlumt  the  help  ^  rekeSU  t^  • 

^i«'d«mhiheireverh«twg,vmiAi»n^^    ' 
Pi»tUiWit^UiJlaiawiit,orTO.     ^    * 

<•         V         -S 



,  LI  , 

r,t,-.  > 


t  *- 



•^     V 

'  ^ 


-.,^' ■'*«**•/•  A 




The  fiimi  of  irirtoa,  hlf  tw  wh|cb  !  ioai*^ 
Ai»d  li«ro#f  ifjtii  immilrtal  lilil^ 

|?ifti«lniilt  on  loUd  ▼  fti^,  ,«& fliw       ^ 
f  hite  »orrtl|if  l%hf  can  ipreft*  mf  eM^ 
tbefitttth'riDg ^r  ireturof  the  dot|(|iiiii;  •otLmp 

Echo's  Mtum  IVfPOi  caTerni  df  tha^tej  I 
4>kl  Chtotdrttiiiioo't  in  ^lerftal  •!«!>. 
f g    Ttina  handbi  ji  fcrwiurd  t^iu  lateit  uro, 
'Trom  ir^fenccl  U  n«ipar  ii*ivar  •ha|Vrat»rn. 

Nothmg  it  iiaiir4  ab  far,  or  lat^  fo  lojBli.     ' 

'Tit  heard  by  ef»Ty  ear,  and  ipoka  by  eir'iy  toiigQii 

My  hato^,  wUb 0it  eaiU af  boirtH^fa^^^^^ 
'Risea  4ika  the  gr^al  fWiwa  of  ibf"  w<i|l4  s 
,By  fate'aadfam*  nl^lyprapaf^d  to  ba 
i*h«  f<M  of  war,  aHf  life  <?f  fUsim  ; 
Ha  Ipraads  the  wHii  <^  f  iirma  an  tl|^  thraii^, 
.And  av'r^  wind  }^«  tlory  font  tham  ©n  : 
itmnoirtal  tiMi0hies  dw#1I  ap^n  hia  brow, 
Freiih  ii  tha  (^arUnds  he  haa  itpnINft  n^if. 
'  By  ^Iftf^t  i^pa  ihe  high  aaca^nt^  gaiof, 

AnddiipraMf  im  hl||h  a»c#ntiniiii^l»f>a».  , 
Princaa  6»r^rfde;  and  iQft  of  rvtea^ka  ^»t^ 
NAnfffrufglefor  tl|«*nameof  ion^nepor : 
Soai^  l^ifor  fama,  andaooif'  fbr  Victory  | 
He  igfatf  to  MVf ;  'and  eo^om  to  taf  lk|i 


-»/  > 






< .,»«. 

'■V^?i,    *'•' 




.^t^  no  (iliiiH  |ii«^  i^  f^nt^V 

Tifkontst  amiill^^UnHS^T 
Whom  t|un>«olif,  M  iiifcl^a  ^ftiATSfiii :         . 
Or  ritfh  i|Ji|Mf«l  Ii4  maniiMM  hi  «IlV^ 





•i;-'''i'*^>  ^ 

.iS^Z!^'''"*^  r^^^^^^tf'^^pHfek^i'e- 

^  ;*{:■, 

•  \ 

vw.   >' 


•  h: 



^  u 









p'tfM-  -^. 





To  mhomno^^t  m  m "  ii?>;'>»  ^7,  VL2  f  • 

Toheaf'tt  they  **««>o«  W***!?*!  ^il^il. 
How  t1i#/  caiie  h<MW#tw  ffiiii^ 

For  EiigliHiiiiMi  tl^t**  ^^  'tt«*»*^S|SK>»^ 

Wi»«>  men  J*[r«Hl  it  thr  I9ii|l(ttt>  #«IV^y  | 
Neve^.to  gftftoW*  till  ili*/feonilr  t^m^.        ,^,. 

Tbe  ^ork  tSUlftei  Wf»a^ii»  I»aSSt*».^ 

Bid  any  V>c«^  «^<**»y^*'!*^¥'^^^^ 
Bill  *heii  the  Do<sl*r>#iwilW!«#«pf  *<Ht       > 
-^  Tbe  ciirft'»^dt>  ej»yi«tdHli4  fiHcr 

Greet  Por«lattdne^PMrii«baittelr^d#^eff»lijril^6f* 

W«iw'er  tempdo»»i^bit^c^<l«jW^ir1»*n  «l|t*^4 

ThSi  w^  carea*#pfNll^t^»i»f  J«»t,«       ^ 
Which  €duWVli«rdoalNfiif#i<^*^irti^r 
TheoftlyHa»NiaWiHeffi^^^  r 

Co^iwir'ar 111*  i|MWt*r»i  cjottitl^cr  to  hllN^  f  * 

•'V'  .'i*  '■ ;       v  ■ --■.  .':..i  .-'^r  ■■" 

1    .'«, 






»'  " 




141  Muff  If  m|i«i^|ii«|iir|i  li^hM  ■lmr'4 
«  rftf^lauoii  liiit»  Mi4  tiMu  tli#  Btfyn  i  ' ' 
Iwilift  bis  i^AODMlf  iiiKl  Kit  miDduciihine. 

*^m^g!F9itHmm9n  of  o^r^  mmnmifhf .*^ 
lia  |ato'4 1^  mut^rV  and^ir  «^|^  trgaktd : 

ow  il^tW>u|0batn,  tnd  th«LoMlluioiri 

Witb  great  Naltiiu  did  iiiMr  caase  anffMn  ;  " 
Ijoth  join'd  Ibr  l^n|^)flM'«  rflaene  And  dei^«i  t 
^*  ffreafii'(  captain  and  the  grali|«i|  prince.    . 

ith  what  iip|}li|ili«[|iiMtMriWidid  w»  te^^^ 
Ififii  #|iyb  £ai^>  f otiimi**  l«rg#l»  iwell. 
a  cdQjHM  him  iMi  anii^  io  Qo^Jiid  r  ^ 
bec^i|i^v<:4i,ii|Qni^Qdild/«o  iiMtti^^^i^ 

^    Hiaaoti00i|Nib«it9Q«^tiie«nqaiBit»hin«.  *• 

,:rr0iiiVinavuifl>iit«^tii«iWiw«;  ; 

Aii4ii||^|^>iir#rkt  wii  fonii^^  %»  bnl  w.       '       ^ 
^  h  jpOQiHtjrtAKf  |:o4^ui«|0aiK»i.;      /  ^ 

•ft  oBSi|ibfii^bfttf*ir|ii»3f4fet    ^     ^ 


'  '#•*  < 


•■^,  U' 







/  «•  n,i 



J,,  ^^f : 


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■  ■?■>. 



lone  but  £ii||MuB«f  tev^'  ^         ^' 
:hiy  hii?«  our  iMpi  aiiiaiiipdbi 
:Aod  bttritr'4i:n^l>l6a4rforj|i  _ 
first  to  ili«  Pr«iMb  ili|f  jdM  o«ir 
And  injar*d  Ti^nH|Ui  iiftil^t  Camtrfll 
Tbe  king  bimt^lt  I9  ahflttr'ii  Irom  tMr0aiii» 
|ll>t  b;  hli  meri^bbttlHi  crown  ho  weori^ 
EipOf4#n«%.tollfai,  'tiitboEBclUb<1li|-  sPH 
'Timr  benefftoton  olwajpi  to  botray  ^*^ 

» ■  yi 


rt  ^  ;^>^ 





■*    *■■■'         K. 

J  H^N  1^  Of  b^til  of  anceiton  jiiomore^ 
Or  dtodf  of  bifpM:4oB0  in  d^t  of  j^ifo, 
inlotont  rocordiof  th*«geipBit^     : 
Behind  tho  rear  of  tino,  in  lobg  obbfioii  plai*d# 
For  if  our  virtues  0M|it  in  Knti  deactndi 
Tho  morit  with  out  faniliot  would  end  : 
And  iotorouxtiirof  would  most  fatal  grew  | 
And  vice  would  bo  horcditarjrtfllo :    / .        « 
The  taintod  blood  would  of  jiocesaity,    < 
Inirolttntarj  Fiolc«dMi|  cooTOj. 

Vi€o»  iiko  m-o«Miro  for  an  ago  er  iW^  '^ 
Btajr  le^m  A  foni^tioQ  t^  ^ttiyoo  s 
But  ?irtuo  teldoai  dooi  ffogard  010  im$^  ;    / 
/  Fools  4oth*iriiO»  aad^  irisoilicik  §0m  lutetedL 
r"  WfaatiaUioiijw^taiicoitori  w^ImmI  ?    A 


.fcj  Vs. 

-  *v    ■ 


Ifgijid.  What  bottttff  1  or  whirt  nono;  4r  lU  I 
^smtofaroforiiiiUtioofet,       :   >   -^    . 

^9€mm9§'§^/l^itkm  with  if#iNitt  »      ""  i^ 



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