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Issued January 9, 1911. 




S. W. FOSTER anp P. R. JONES, 

Agents and Experts. 

67859°—Cir. 131—11——1 



L. O. Howarp, Entomologist and Chief of Bureau. 
C. L. Maruart, Assistant Entomologist and Acting Chief in Absence of Chief. 
R.S. Currron, Executive Assistant. 
W. FP. Taster, Chief Clerk. 

F. H. CuitrENpDEN, in charge of truck crop and stored product insect investigations. 
A. D. Hopxins, in charge of forest insect investigations. 

W. D. Hunter, in charge of southern field crop insect investigations. 
F. M. WeBsTER, in charge of cereal and forage insect investigations. 
A. L. QUAINTANCE, in charge of deciduous fruit insect investigations. 
E. F. Puixurrs, in charge of bee culture. 

D. M. RoGers, in charge of preventing spread of moths, field work. 
Routia P. Currie, in charge of editorial work. 

Mase. Cotcorp, librarian. 

Decipuowus Fruit Insect INVESTIGATIONS. 
A. L. QUAINTANCE, in charge. 

Frep. Jonnson, S. W. Foster, E. L. JENNE, P. R. Jones, A. G. Hammar, 
C. W. Hooxer, J. R. Horton, W. Postirr, J. B. GiLL, agents and experts. 

E. W. Scort, J. F. Zimmer, entomological assistants. 
(Cir. 131] 

CIRCULAR No. 131. Issued January 9, 1911. 
United States Department of Agriculture, 


L. O. HOWARD, Entomologist and Chief of Bureau. 

(Euthrips pyri Daniel.) 

By 8. W. Foster and P. R. Jonzs, 
Agents and Experts. 


The pear thrips (Luthrips pyri Daniel) (fig. 2) is at present confined 
to California and is very destructive throughout Santa Clara, Contra 
Costa, Solano, and Sacramento counties, with 
considerable areas infested in Alameda, Yolo, 
Napa, and Sonoma counties. (Fig. 1.) Re- 
ports of the presence of this species in other sec- 
tions of California and in Oregon have been re- 
ceived, but each case was closely investigated 
and the insect in question found to be some other 
species. Bagnal? reports this insect in 
England; otherwise it is not known 
outside the State of California. 


The pear thrips is at present tne 
most important in- 
sect pest with which 
the growers of de- 
ciduous fruits in the 
counties mentioned 
have to contend. 
On account of the 
minute size of the 

\ \ prow jmee b insect, the rapidity 

Fic. 1.—Map showing area infested by pear thrips in California. of its spread over 
(Original. ) large areas, and the 

suddenness of attack in great numbers—completely blasting in a few 


a The present paper is an abstract of a more comprehensive report on the life history 
and control of the pear thrips to be published later. The recommendations given are 
based on the results of experiments carried out in the principal centers of infestation 
since the fall of 1908 to and including the summer of 1910. 

b Journal of Economic Biology, vol. 4, No. 2, 1909. 


days all prospects for a crop of fruit—the control of this pest is a 
matter of considerable difficulty. 

As the insect is each year extending its range of food plants, its 
capabilities for dissemination are correspondingly increased. There 
is no reason to believe that the insect will disappear in a few years, 
but it should be regarded as a permanent pest and at once realized 
that only the most careful attention each year to necessary control 
measures will make it possible to continue the profitable culture of 
deciduous fruit in infested orchards. 

Conservative estimates place the damage caused by the pear 
thrips, in the Santa Clara Valley alone, during the years from 1904 
to 1910 at nearly $2,000,000, while the loss for the entire State during 
this period probably exceeds $3,500,000. It is safe to say that the 
thrips in the absence of treatment would cause an average yearly 
loss to the State of over $1,000,000. Also each additional year an 
increase of several hundred thousand dollars is to be expected, due 
to the increase of area infested and the greater losses in the areas 
previously infested. 


Injury to the various fruit trees by this species is caused by the 
feeding of the adults on the developing buds and early blossoms; by 
the deposition of eggs into the fruit stems, leaf stems, and newly 
formed fruit, and by the feeding of the larvz in the blossoms and 
on the young fruits and foliage. On pears the greater injury is pro- 
duced by the adults, which often prevent the trees from blooming, 
while on prunes and cherries the larve frequently prevent a crop of 
fruit from setting after the trees have come into full bloom. Also, 
the deposition of eggs into the fruit stems of prunes and cherries so 
weakens the stems that much of the young fruit falls. The feeding 
injury is not produced by a biting or chewing process. By rasping the 
tender surfaces in the developing fruit buds and the young fruits with 
their hardened or chitinous mouthparts, the thrips rupture the skin, 
causing an exudation of sap which is often followed by more or less 
fermentation, especially before blooming. The feeding by larve 
on prunes after blooming causes the well-known thrips ‘‘scab,” 
while most of the scarred and misshapen pears are caused by the work 
of the adults. 


Adulis—The adults (fig. 2) or winged form of the thrips first 
appear on the trees about the middle of February and emergence 


from the ground continues till early April, maximum emergence, 
however, occurring in late February and early March. Examina- 

aie Le ge 
ZB eee SS 

: a. 

Hf i ee 


Fig. 2.—The pear thrips (E£uthrips pyri): Adult, greatly enlarged. (Original.) 

tion of the tables of emergence records (Tables I to V) will show the 
dates of emergence for 1909-10: 

TaBLeE I.—Total daily emergence of thrips from all cages at laboratory, San Jose, Cal., 
1909 and 1910. 

Number | Number | Number | Number 

: thrips thrips thrips thrips 
Date. emerging | emerging | Date. emerging | emerging 
in 1909. in 1910. in 1909. in 1910. 
Feb. 9 0 25 Mar. 8 219 275 
10 0 18 9 776 144 
11 0 16 10 497 100 
12 0 16 11 498 73 
13 0 4 12 338 179 
14 0 88 15 313 45 
15 18 22 14 248 20 
16 0 27 15 279 Ui 
17 52 34 16 259 4 
18 192 33 17 152 20 
19 192 14 18 42 7 
20 169 23 19 61 2 
21 75 62 20 28 2 
22 119 129 21 2s | |Szaneneone. 
23 135 375 22 at ee See ee 
24 552 272 23 115 Fi Wee Sah 
25 459 297 24 Sees Meee 
26 444 455 25 2) t\ (eee ce eee 
27 414 574 26 Bb lease cee | 
28 781 657 27 ha Eh Sea Se | 
Mar. 1 781 1,975 28 eh | eee cek eee od 
2 535 3, 592 29 UN eae ao ee 
3 1, 299 3,011 30 Be) | rare caeve pee 
4 714 4,217 31 Oils eee | 
5 508 1, 402 Apr. 1 BS |e ae ae 
6 362 1, 595 2 OM eee =, 
7 438 539 3 Ll eee. eres 2 | 



TasLe I1.—Emergence of thrips from cages placed in ground under trees in pear and 
prune orchards, Walnut Creek, Cal. 

| Date. of thrips 
Feb. 13 0 
16 20 
19 37 | 
22 30 
26 110 
Mar. 2 615 
5 679 
10 752 
12 273 
16 65 
20 33 
| 22 4 
27 11 



Date. of thrips 

Feb. 21 1 
23 4 

25 23 

27 36 
Mar. 1 56 

3 237 

5 1,170 

i 2,110 

9 892 

11 1,778 

13 557 

15 198 

17 71 

19 3 

21 6 

27 5 

TaBLE III.—Emergence of thrips from soil samples taken from 
December and kept in cages at laboratory, Walnut 

1909. 1910. 
Number |, Number 
Date. of thrips Date. of thrips 
out. out. 

Feb. 12 3 Feb. 18 11 
15 42 20 16 
16 56 22 0 
17 38 24 12 
18 56 |) 26 30 
20 89 28 75 
23 125 | Mar. 2 377 
25 185 || 4 918 
27 246 |) 6 937 
Mar. 1 196 8 165 
4 237 || 10 114 
7 51 || 12 47 
10 D2] 14 0 
14 13 16 4 

19 0 

22 0 

orchard in November and 
Creek, Cal. 


TABLE IV.—Emergence of thrips from cages placed in ground under trees in orchards, 
Suisun, Cal. 


of thrips 


Date. of thrips 
Feb. 27 20 
Mar. 1 47 
3 121 
10 484 
16 1 

TaBLE V.—Emerge 



nce of thrips from samples taken from orchard in November and Decem- 
ber and kept in cages at laboratory, Suisun, Cal. 

| Number Number 
Date. | of thrips Date. of thrips 
| emerging. emerging. 
Feb. 16 1 26 11 
17 | 3 27 14 
18 | 2 28 41 
19 6 Mar. 1 105 
20 1 2 247 
21 1 3 243 
22 4 ‘ 612 
23 2 12 357 
24 5 16 82 
25 11 19 8 

By the time the fruit buds have swollen sufficiently to separate 
the bud scales slightly at the tip the adults force their way within, 
feeding upon the tenderest portions inside the buds. When the 
thrips are present in sufficient numbers the 

buds are completely destroyed and the trees 

fail entirely to bloom. 

Eqgs.—As soon as the first leaf surfaces 
or fruit stems are exposed egg laying usually 
begins, depending somewhat on the variety 

Fig. 4.—The pear thrips: Larva, 

greatly enlarged. 


of fruit attacked. 
The first eggs are 
deposited the last 
days of February 
and oviposition 
continues till near the middle of April, being 
at its maximum, however, from the 10th of 
March to the 1st of April. Most of the eggs 
(fig. 3) are deposited just under the epidermis 
in the fruit stems, young fruit, and leaf 
stems. The eggs require from five to seven- 
teen days to hatch, the average time being 
about eight days. 

Larve.—By the time the trees are break- 
ing into full bloom the adults have done 
most of the damage caused by their feeding, 
and oviposition is at its height. Many of 
the earlier appearing adults are dying off and 
larve (fig. 4) are beginning to appear in 
numbers. The very first larve can usually 
be found about March 20, and are in maxi- 

Fia. 3.—The pear thrips: Eggs, high- 
ly magnified. (Original.) 

mum numbers on the trees, feeding on the small fruit and young 
foliage, from the first to middle of April. Reaching their full devel- 
opment, the larvee drop from the trees, of their accord or with falling 
calyces, or are blown by wind or knocked off by rain. After the 


middle of April the number on the trees diminishes rapidly, and by 
the last of April all the larve are off the trees and in the ground. 
Here they work down into the first 3 or 4 inches of hard soil below 
the loose surface mulch and construct a tiny cell, where they remain 
until the following spring. 

Pupz.—The larve mostly remain as such in these cells till Sep- 
tember, when pupation begins, pupe (fig. 5) being most abundant 
during October and November. Many adults can be found in the 
ground in December, and by the 1st of January practically all the 
thrips are in the adult stage and apparently ready to emerge and go 
into the trees whenever conditions are right. Broadly speaking, the 
thrips spend two months of the year in the adult, egg, and larval 
condition on the trees and the other 
ten months of the year as larve, 
pupe, and adults in the ground. 


The pear thrips is in some respects 
an unusual insect in that it remains 
in a dormant or semidormant condi- 
tion for about ten months of the year. 
Although on the trees for only two 
months out of the twelve, it is able 
in this short time, in the absence of 
treatment, to completely destroy all 
prospects of a crop of fruit, im many 
cases within a very few days. The 
trees are attacked at the period of 
bud swelling and blossoming, when 
they are most susceptible to injury. 
These minute insects come literally 

Fic. 5.—The pear thrips: Pupa, greatly in swarms, and may, if left alone, 
ee ae completely destroy all of the fruit 
buds of an orchard in four or five days. Many cases have been 
known where a delay of four or five days in spraying resulted in 
loss of the entire crop of fruit, and in some cases half of all the 
buds were killed in three days after the thrips appeared on the trees 
in great numbers. In view of this condition it is very evident that 
any means of control must be very thorough and done in the most 
exacting manner at the proper time. 


Many experiments with soil fumigants, fertilizers, and irrigation 
were made with the hope of killing the thrips while in the ground, 


but all of them have proved to be absolutely of no avail, or at most 
impractical and expensive. In most cases the-general vigor and 
health of the trees were improved by early fall irrigation and. by the 
application of fertilizers. 


Thorough plowing in the fall in prune orchards planted on gravelly 
and sandy soils gave very helpful results. Success by deep plowing, 
cross plowing, and harrowing in October and November was fairly gen- 
eral in all experiments tried in Santa Clara County in the fall of 1908 
and 1909. This manner of cultivation, when carried out to a depth 
of from 7 to 9 inches, resulted in killing from 60 to 80 per cent of the 
thrips present in the soil, but was not a sufficient control, as enough 
thrips escaped to cause great injury to the buds the following spring. 


A long list of insecticides was tried out in spraying experiments, 
both in the laboratory and by spraying the trees in the spring. All 
poison sprays had to be abandoned because of the inability to poison 
the thrips, as both adults and larve do not feed in a way to be sub- 
ject to poisoning. Sticky sprays were difficult to apply and proved 
ineffective, as they do not retain this quality long and the thrips 
seem capable of moving around on almost any kind of surface. Dust 
sprays and preventive sprays had to be abandoned because the dust 
sprays failed to kill and the rapid swelling of buds and continued 
appearance of new surface area gave the thrips plenty of feeding 
ground and exposed places of entrance into the buds. Success with 
contact sprays seemed more apparent; of these, various caustic 
sprays, such as caustic-soda and carbolic-acid solutions, gave excel- 
lent results in killing the thrips, but were, as a rule, unsafe because 
of injury to the trees. 

Solutions of tobacco extract were very promising, and when used 
at sufficient strengths killed all the thrips actually reached, but they 
lacked sufficient penetrating quality to enter the swelling buds, a con- 
dition absolutely necessary, especially on pears, as most of the injury 
is done inside the cluster buds. Mechanical mixtures of various 
mineral oils and animal-oil soaps were tried and abandoned because 
of the difficulty of keeping them thoroughly mixed and the resulting 
injury to the trees caused by free oil separating out. Fish-oil soap 
emulsions with these various oils gave better results, the raw distil- 
lates running from 30° to 40° Baumé being decidedly preferable over 
either the kerosenes or the heavy crude oils. 

A distillate-oil emulsion made according to directions (see pages 
8-10) gave better penetration into the swelling pear buds than any other 
material which has been tried. There was one drawback, however; 
when this emulsion was used in sufficient strengths to kill all the 

67859°—Cir. 131—11 2 


thrips present or even a large percentage of them, there was consid- 
erable oil injury to the buds. It was found that the weaker emulsions 
of from 3 to 6 per cent strengths had all the desired penetrating quali- 
ties and with little or no injurious effect upon the trees. As the nico- 
tine solutions killed all the thrips present and gave no spray injury 
this led to a combination of the two in Contra Costa County in the 
spring of 1909 with most satisfactory results. 

A tobacco extract containing 2? per cent nicotine, diluted at the 
rate of 1 to 60 in a 6 per cent distillate-oil emulsion, killed all the 
thrips touched and penetrated well into the pear cluster buds. The 
pubescent covering of the individual buds in the cluster, being resist- 
ant to water, seemed to act on the dilution in distillate-oil emul- 
sion in much the same manner as the wick upon oil ina lamp. Vari- 
ous other combinations of nicotine solutions with ‘lime and sulphur 
solutions”? and ‘‘lysol solutions’? and ‘‘soap solutions” were tried 
extensively, but none proved to be as effective and at the same time 
as practical as the combination of distillate-oil emulsion and the nico- 

tine solutions. 

Homemade preparation.—Because of its cheapness and greater 
efficiency as a penetrating spray, and therefore a more satisfactory 
killing agent, growers are strongly advised to make their own emul- 
sions and, preferably, the soap, although the latter can usually be 
depended on if bought from reliable dealers. 

Directions for making.—To make soap use this formula or some 
multiple of same: 

WiatliehetecSen seh soe hges to Se Se eee Bee ee 6 gallons. 
Lave (OS. per Cent) 2. sen sten stem eee ee emia 2 aes oe 2 pounds. 
LFTs so | SR git ARS ce OS in eee ou oe an co a 1} gallons. 

Put the water in a caldron or boiler and add the lye. When the lye 
is thoroughly dissolved and the water boiling, pour in the fish oil, stir- 
ring in the meantime, and boil slowly for two hours. When the soap 
has boiled sufficiently it should give a ropy effect when stirred and 
brought up upon the ladle. This formula gives about 40 pounds of 
moderately firm soap. 

Growers are cautioned to buy only genuine fish oil and not a fish- 
oil compound or a mixture of fish oils and vegetable oils. Herein lies 
part of the secret of the penetrating efficiency of the distillate emul- 
sions made by using animal-oil soap as the emulsifier. The cost of 
the soap is $0.0165 per pound made from fish oil at 35 cents a gallon. 

The distillate-oil stock emulsion should be made as follows: 

EHot water. <5 2: sch: eee eee aoe eee 12 gallons. 
Fish-oil orwhale-oil suap: sscase eee ets. ee ee 30 pounds. 
Distillate’ oil. (raw) 30° to 34°. Banmeé 22272 ss 20 gallons. 

@ For a spray tank of 200 gallons capacity, five times this formula can be made at 
one time. 


Have the water boiling hot whem put into the spray tank and add 
the soap immediately while the agitator is running at a good speed. 
When the soap is all thoroughly dissolved, pour in the oil slowly, 
keeping the mixture well agitated while the oil is going into the tank. 
When all the oil is in and well mixed, pump out through the nozzles at 
good pressure (not less than 175 pounds) into storage tanks. 

No one should attempt to make this stock emulsion without a 
power spraying machine, as thorough agitation and high pressure are 
important requisites. Also, care should be used in having measure- 
ments reasonably exact, the water boiling hot, and soap thoroughly 
dissolved, before any oil is put in. This stock emulsion contains 
approximately 55 per cent oil, and to make a 3 per cent emulsion use 
54 gallons of this stock in each 100-gallon tank. To dilute, first put 
the stock emulsion in spray tank (have the agitator going), and then 
add the water, keeping the agitator running all the time. This is 
important with the commercial preparations as well as with the home- 
made emulsions. For the combination sprays of oil emulsions and 
nicotine solutions, the nicotine should be added last, that is, after the 
oil emulsion has been diluted to the desired strength. These solu- 
tions should not be mixed together without first diluting one of them. 

This concentrated emulsion will cost the grower about 5 cents per 
gallon, as most of the various distillates used for spraying cost from 
5 to 10 cents a gallon in drum lots. 

In the spraying season of 1910 many growers of Contra Costa 
County experienced great difficulty in making emulsions that would 
remain emulsified when diluted. Part of this trouble was due to the 
varying degrees of hardness in the water, but more to the composition 
of the oil, especially where the treated oils and in some cases ordinary 
stove distillates were used. Even after these treated oils were emul- 
sified by changing the amount of soap used and treating the water 
to ‘‘soften”’ it, the result was not satisfactory, as the diluted emulsion 
from this lacked the essential penetrating quality and had a tendency 
to collect in large drops rather than to spread out in a thin film. 

Experiments conducted thus far indicate that success is more 
uniformly obtained by using an untreated raw distillate 32° to 34° 
Baumé with comparatively high flashing point. Some of the treated 
oils have given good results, but as a whole the untreated raw, straight 
distillates, comparatively free from naphtha and with a high flashing 
point, have given far better and more general satisfaction. 

Some of the oil companies, particularly in the Bakersfield and 
Coalinga districts, put out raw short-cut distillates—that is, the first 
distillate after the naphtha, gasolines, etc., have been removed. 
This kind of oil when running 32° to 34° Baumé should under all cir- 
cumstances be given preference. The ordinary stove distillates 
have not, as a rule, given as good satisfaction, possibly because they 


contain too much of the light gaseous oils, which lower the flashing 

There are several commercial preparations of oil emulsions and 
miscible oils on the market, but these have not given as satisfactory 
results against the adult thrips as the homemade preparation, espe- 
cially on pears, on account of the noticeable lack of penetration into 
the cluster buds. Besides, all of these commercial preparations are 
far more expensive. Allowing 25 cents per hour for labor in making 
the soap and the concentrated homemade emulsion, the commercial 
preparations cost the grower from 2 to 5 times more than the more 
efficient homemade preparation. 


During the season of 1909-10 many large-scale experiments and 
demonstrations were carried out in pear, prune, and cherry orchards 
to determine more conclusively the effectiveness of this combined’ 
spray and to put the treatment on a commercial basis; also, that 
growers might see for themselves the results of the work and know 
the monetary gain possible by such control measures as are recom- 
mended. The commercial results from some of these experiments 
are given below: 


The 16-acre prune orchard belonging to Mr. P. Landon, situated 
in the Willows district, near San Jose, Cal., consists of some of the 
largest and finest prune trees in the valley. The trees, which are 
about 25 years old, are planted 20 feet apart and the branches now 
overlap between the rows. The orchard has very heavy sandy loam 
and has been well cultivated and usually irrigated twice each year. 
Thrips became injurious in the year 1906, increasing greatly in 1907, 
and causing much injury over the entire orchard, so that instead of a 
normal crop of a hundred or more tons of green (undried) prunes the 
entire 16 acres produced only 18 tons of green fruit. Injury by the 
thrips was worse in 1908, the yield that year being only 10 tons of 
green prunes. 


In the fall of 1908, under direction of the Bureau of Entomology, 
Mr. Landon plowed and cross plowed this orchard to a depth of 9 
inches, with thorough harrowing after each plowing. Thrips were 
very abundant in the soil, there og sometimes as many as 3,000 
to the square foot. 

The following table, giving the emergence of adults in spring from 
samples of soil fen before and after plowing, shows that approxi- 
mately 70 per cent of the thrips were killed by cultivation: 


TaBLE VI.—Number of adult thrips emerging from cages containing samples of soil 
taken before and after plowing—Landon prune orchard, 1908-9. 

Plowed and cross plowed. Before plowing. 
ba £4 ——_____ 

Cage I. Cage IT. Cage III. | Cage IV. Cage V. | Cage VI. | 

475 389 | 607 | 115 1,175 | 1,474 | 
Average number of thrips per cage before plowing. ...-.........------------ 1, 364 
Average number of thrips per cage after plowing and cross plowing. ..---.-.--- 396 

Percentage living in treated areas as against the number of thrips living in un- 

LRGAe Me omO Ut Cue eet = hed Were Up ee Rt cern te rena, eee rere See per cent... 30 
AMMroOMmnaALespereentage deed: 2). cia. 28 O00) ASS oe ot Sete doze 70 

In the spring of 1909, 54 acres of this 16-acre orchard were sprayed 
three times; twice before blooming, for adults, the first application 
March 8 and 9, just as cluster buds were spreading, and the second 

Fic. 6.—Power sprayer at work in Landon prune orchard, 1909. (Original.) 

application March 16 and 17, just as the white tips of the petals were 
beginning to show. The third application or larval treatment was 
put on April 11 and 12, after most of the petals had fallen. For all 
sprayings a gasoline-power outfit, with tower platform and three 
leads of hose, as shown in figure 6, was used, two men spraying from 
the ground and one from the tower to cover the tops of the trees. The 
material used was the recommended 3 per cent homemade distillate- 


oil emulsion with commercial tobacco extract No. 1, added at the 
rate of 1-60, and the cost of the three applications was $157.38, the 
labor required in spraying being three men at $2 per day and one 
team at $2.50 per day, making a total of $8.50 per day, or a total of 
$51 for the six days; gasoline for the engine cost $2.40; plowing and 
cross plowing the previous fall, $26.65, making a total cost of $237.45 
for the combined treatment of plowing and spraying the 5} acres, or 
$44.54 per acre, an average of $0.449 per tree. 

The yield from this plat was 45 tons of green prunes, making an 
average yield of 8.44 tons per acre, or 155.17 pounds per tree. The 
prunes when dried averaged 54 to the pound, giving a commercial 
value for the plat of $1,710, or a value of $320.82 per acre, or an 
average of $2.948 per tree,as the prunes were sold on a 2}-cent basis 
for dried prunes averaging 80 to a pound. 

Plat IJ.—The rest of the orchard, comprising 103 acres, and which 
only had the plowing and cross plowing in the fall of 1908, at the cost 



a b c 

Fic. 7.—Diagram showing yield in green prunes per acre upon the sprayed, plowed, and check blocks, 
Landon prune orchard, 1909: a, Sprayed and plowed, 367.93 boxes, value $320.82 per acre; b, plowed 
block, 85.65 boxes, value $74.85 per acre; c, check block, 7 boxes, value $6.65 per acre. (Original.) 

of $5 per acre, or $0.046 per tree, yielded 21 tons of green prunes, or 
an average of 1.97 tons per acre, or 36.45 pounds per tree, giving a 
commercial value of the plat as $798, or a value of $74.85 per acre, 
averaging $0.692 per tree. 

Plat III, check.—This plat, embracing 5 acres of the prune orchard 
belonging to Mr. F. Cottle, and immediately adjoming the Landon 
orchard and of the same kind of soil and with similar trees in regard 
to size and previous care, received no treatment for thrips. The total 
yield was 1,750 pounds of green prunes, or an average yield of 350 
pounds per acre, or 3.24 pounds per tree, representing a commercial 
value of $33.25 for the plat, or an average of $6.65 per acre or $0.06 
per tree. The yield and value per acre upon the three plats is shown 
diagrammatically in figure 7. 

The average gain per acre upon Plat I was obtained after adding 
the total cost of treatment per acre to the value of the crop per acre 
from the check plat, and subtracting that amount from the value of 


the yield per acre upon Plat I. This gave a net gain of $269.53 per 
acre as returns upon an investment of $44.54, or a gain of about 600 
per cent. The gain upon this plat due to the spraying alone was 
$199.88 per acre, or $1.85 per tree. 

Plat II, which received only the plowing and cross plowing, gave, 
after adding the cost of the treatment to the yield per acre upon the 
check plat and subtracting the total from the yield per acre upon 
Plat II, a gain of $63.20 per acre for an investment of $5, or about 
1,200 per cent on the investment. 

Owing to the lateness of the third application on Plat I, the larve 
caused considerable scabbing on the fruit, and the difference in 
quality of the fruit from Plat I and Plat II was not as great as would 
have been the case had the larval application been applied a few days 

Resutts, 1910. 

During the fall of 1909 part of the orchard was irrigated and the 
entire 16 acres were plowed to a depth of 8 inches in November. One 
small block was cross plowed. The entire orchard was harrowed 
several times after the plowing. 

Prowina RESULTS. 

Soil samples were taken in similar cages as in the previous year and 
yielded the following results: 

Cage No. | Treatment. number Fe ecie 
| thrips. ee 
LU sce Si PS Ss a eee Before: plowilP<J--  see e 2, 813 0 
NERY eS Soe | ee ee cee errant eee ee ae Plowedioncess7 ees 353 87 
rear e PR acs ctorrcet oie wba as Rae see Before plowinga = 2- see eee oe 3,379 0 
IWS 2, ace BeOS ea ae eee SA Be eee Plowedionce.2-22 44 2 en eee 1,306 61 
{hs obec ae Ee eee Ae Before plowing ec a -seeeen cea seese ETO 0 
Lee. BARE ape Oe Ree re a ees | Plowing and cross-plowing........ 27 98 

The average percentage of thrips killed by one plowing was 71 per 
cent and the average number killed by plowing and cross plowing 
98 per cent. 

No spraying was done in 1910, except a few trees for other experi- 

Results All of the trees on the 16 acres came into heavy bloom, 
but only the 580 trees of Plat I and one block of about 80 trees which 
was sprayed for larve in 1909 set a heavy crop, as many thrips were 
present in the rest of the orchard. The trees sprayed in 1909 were 
stronger, and so many of the thrips had been killed by the treatment 
that the accumulative results showed almost as great a difference in 
the crop yield for 1910 as was the case in 1909, when the spraying was 
actually done. 


The prunes averaged 57 to the pound, and computations made on 
the basis of 5 cents oe prunes running 80 to the pound. The different 
yields and values were as follows: 

Plat I—Demonstration block of 1909, consisting of 580 trees.—This 
block yielded 35 tons 212 pounds of green prunes, worth $2,109.87 
for 580 trees, or $3.63 per tree or $392.04 an acre. 

Plat II—Sprayed for larve in 1909, 80 trees.—This block yielded 
2 tons 676 pounds of green prunes, worth $140.51 for 80 trees, or $1.99 
per tree or $214.92 per acre. (This was part of Plat IL in 1909.) 

Plat I1I—Remainder of orchard, consisting of 10 acres, not sprayed 
in 1909.—This block yielded 74 tons of green prunes worth $450.75 
for 1,080 trees or 10 acres, making $0.417 a tree or $45.075 an acre. 

An examination of the above statement of yields and values shows 
that great headway can be made the first year in eliminating the 
thrips injury from an orchard by thorough spraying and that a con- 
siderable benefit extends into the second year. 


The 64-acre prune orchard belonging to Mr. H. Curry was plowed 
and cross-plowed in November, 1909, to a depth of 11 inches and har- 
rowed after each plowing. The block was then sown to barley for 
a cover crop which made a good growth and was at spraying time 
nearly 3 feet high. 

Examination of two samples of soil 17 by 17 inches square, taken 
before plowing, and two of the same size taken after plowing, showed 
that approximately 61 per cent of the thrips were killed. 

Plat A.—In addition to the fall plowing, this block of 300 trees 
received three applications of commercial tobacco extract No. 1 com- 
bined at the rate of 1 to 66 with 3 per cent homemade distillate-oil 
emulsion. The first spraying was applied March 7, just as the cluster 
buds were spreading. The second for adult thrips was made March 17, 
as the tips of the petals were showing. The third application, which 
was for the larvae, was made April 6, after most of the petals had 
fallen. In all of the spraying an effort was made to direct the spray 
into the end of each bud and to drench the trees thoroughly. 

Plat B.—This plat, consisting of 98 trees, received the cultivation, 
but no spraying. 

Results.—The first application was made too late to obtain best 
results, and a large number of buds was so far advanced that it was 
difficult to reach all of the thrips. A series of counts showed that all 
of the exposed thrips were killed and about 30 per cent of those 
within the buds. The second application killed practically all the 
thrips left on the trees (over 90 per cent), as the bud clusters were 
spreading at thistime. A fair portion of the blossoms set fruit on the 


sprayed block and some on the plowed block, but the fruit on the 
latter continued to drop until picking time. The yield upon the 
various plats is shown diagrammatically in figure 8, and was as follows: 

Plat A yielded 16,254 pounds of green prunes, or 8,127 pounds of 
dried prunes, from the 300 trees. This made an average yield of 
5,849.92 pounds of green prunes per acre, or 54.166 pounds per tree. 

Plat B yielded 1,032 pounds of green prunes or 516 pounds of dried 
prunes from the 98 trees, or an average of 1,138.32 pounds per acre, 
or 10.54 pounds of green prunes per tree. 

Plat C, consisting of 10 acres, was left untreated to serve as a check 
for comparison, and yielded 860 pounds of green prunes, or 480 pounds 
of dried prunes, for the 1,080 trees. This gives an average yield of 
86.4 pounds per acre, or 0.8 pound of green prunes per tree. 

Fic. 8.—Diagram showing yield per acre in green prunes, Curry orchard, 1910: a, Sprayed and plowed, 
136.08 boxes, value $190.08 per acre; b, plowed block, 26.46 boxes, value $34.02 per acre; c, check block, 
2 boxes, value $2.59 per acre. (Original.) 

Scabbiness.—An examination and count was made of all the fruit 
from 5 trees on the sprayed block and from 5 trees in the unsprayed 
block, giving the following results: 

Motally lnc lin, .| Per cent 
Plat. number Sine cr Nambet free from 
prunes. ae ia Cale? scab. 
coke | : | 2 
SDIGDA CTL [S12 ae ek 10,139] 9,831] 308 96 
Ua SpTravicoub lok sa=~ = 455 sageaensseceeninte wanes a ena encet virer 826 0 | $26 0 

It will be seen from the above table that the sprayed fruit was prac- 
tically free from scab (the 4 per cent that was scabby being only very 
slightly marked), while the unsprayed fruit was all badly scabbed. 

Size of frwit—Comparisons of the sprayed and unsprayed fruit 
when dried showed the former to average 50 prunes to the pound and 
the unsprayed 60 to the pound, making a difference of $10 a ton, 
which would pay nearly half the cost of the spraying. 

Value of the crop.—As all of the values of the prune yields for 1910 
have been figured on a 5-cent basis for prunes averaging 80 to the 
pound dried, this basis is here employed, although the crop was sold 
for more em the above quotation and premiums were given for the 
large size and quality of the fruit. 


Plat A, which produced 16,254 pounds of green prunes from 300 
trees, gave a crop value of $528.255, or $1.7608 a tree, or $190.08 an 

Plat B, which yielded 1,032 pounds of green prunes from 98 trees, 
gave a crop value of $30.96, or $0.315 a tree, or $34.02 an acre. 

Plat C, which yielded 860 pounds of green prunes from 1,080 trees, 
gave a crop value of $25.80, or $0.024 a tree, or $2.592 an acre. 

Cost of spraying.—As 3,800 gallons of diluted spray material were 
used for all three sprayings upon Plat A, the total cost at $0.01625 
per diluted gallon would be $61.75. The labor and gasoline cost 2 
cents a tree, each application, for the 300 trees, or a total of $18. The 
total cost of the spraying was $79.75, or $0.265 a tree, or $28.78 an 
acre for the three applications. 

Gain due to spraying.—The gain due to the spraying would be ob- 
tained by adding the value of the crop per tree on Plat B to the cost 
of the spraying and subtracting the product from the value of the 
crop per tree of Plat A. This gives a gain due to the spraying of $1.18 
per tree, or $127.44 an acre. 


In cooperation with or working under the advice of the Bureau of 
Entomology, several fruit growers in Santa Clara, Contra Costa, 
Solano, and Sacramento counties during 1910 gave thorough treat- 
ment to portions of their orchards and left similarly infested areas 
untreated without any protection from thrips injury. Many of these 
demonstrations were highly successful, but for lack of space only two 
of these are recorded herein in some detail. These results show very 
conclusively what can be done by the individual growers if the right 
material is properly applied in time to kill the thrips before the buds 
have been destroyed, and that the treatment will increase the yield 
and value of the crop, frequently paying several hundred per cent 
on the investment. 


An orchard consisting of about 54 acres of Bartlett pears belonging 
to John Swett & Sons, in the Alhambra Valley, near Martinez, Cal., 
had been badly damaged by thrips for three years, causing almost 
total failure of crop. 

In the spring of 1910 Mr. Frank T. Swett had 550 of the trees 
sprayed twice for adults, and a portion of these received a third 
application or larval treatment. All spraying consisted of the rec- 
ommended material (commercial tobacco extract No. 1 diluted 1 part 
to 66 in 3 per cent homemade distillate-oil emulsion) put on the trees 
with good pressure, using gasoline-power outfit with 8-foot tower, 
thus enabling one man to cover thoroughly the tops of the trees and 


drench all buds pointing upward which could not be properly sprayed 
by the men on the ground. 

Four trees in one side of this orchard, same variety, same age and 
size, and all other conditions the same, were left unsprayed. 

Results —Without a single exception all of the 550 sprayed trees 
came uniformly into full bloom, while the trees left unsprayed showed 
only very few scattering blossoms and these badly injured. Figure 9 

F1G. 9.—Swett pear orchard at time of blooming. Sprayed trees. (After Swett.) 

shows the condition of a sprayed tree at blossoming time. The 550 
sprayed trees gave a yield of 1,700 boxes of No. 1 pears and 150 
boxes of No. 2 pears. The No. 1 pears, at an average net price of 
80 cents per box, gives $1,360, and the 150 boxes of No. 2 pears, at 
50 cents per box, gives $75, making a total of $1,435, the value of the 
crop from 550 sprayed trees, or practically $2.60 per tree. 


Figure 10 shows an unsprayed tree at blossoming time. The 
unsprayed trees cave a yield of less than one-fourth box per tree, all 
of which was scarred, misshapen, and unmerchantable; but counting 
them as No. 2 peats, at 50 cents per box, gives a return of about 
124 cents per tree. | 

According to Mr. Swett, the spraying, including material, labor, 
and all expenses connected with the operation, cost less than 25 cents 

Fic. 10.—Swett pear orchard at time of blooming. Unsprayed trees, sprayed portion of 
orchard in background. (After Swett.) 

per tree for the 550 trees. This, plus the value of the crop (124 cents) 
from the check trees, gives 37} cents. Subtracting this from the $2.60, 
value of the crop per tree in the sprayed block, leaves a net gain of 
$2.125 per tree, or approximately $225 per acre, or a return of over 
900 per cent on the investment. 


In the letter giving the results upon which these itemized figures 
are based, Mr. Swett continues: 

The results from spraying on prune trees were very marked. Owing to cross limbs 
we could not use the tower in spraying the prune orchard. The crop was protected 
only up to the distance from the ground that could be reached by the spray rods. 
We wet the tops of the trees as best we could, but could not drive the spray into the 
bud and flower clusters directly from the nozzles. Anyone can tell where the rods 
reached, for above the line there is no crop, and below that line the limbs mostly 
have to be propped. 


A good demonstration showing the possibility of control and the 
commercial advantage by spraying cherries was given by Mr. T. W. 
Dean, near Courtland, Cal. Mr. Dean has about 14 acres or 180 trees 
in bearing, which were sprayed upon an average four times in the 
spring of 1910 (some of the trees sprayed five times and the remainder 
only three times). The cost of the spraying was approximately $90, 
or 50 cents per tree. Mr. Dean shipped 1,362 boxes of cherries from 
the 180 trees, or 7.56 boxes per tree, which, at a net value of $1.196 per 
box, gives a return of $1,619.95, or $8.99 per tree. 

Sixty-five trees belonging to Mr. I. G. Doty and immediately 
adjoining the above orchard were not sprayed. The 65 trees gave a 
yield of 43 boxes, averaging practically two-thirds of a box per tree, 
or a cash value of $0.798 per tree. Adding this to the cost of spray- 
ing, 50 cents per tree, gives $1.30 as the amount to be deducted 
from the value of the crop per tree in the sprayed orchard. The 
difference is $7.49 per tree, or approximately $898.80 per acre, 
the net gain due to spraying paying over 1,400 per cent on the 


Spraying is by far the most satisfactory means for controlling the 
pear thrips on all classes of deciduous fruit trees in California. 
However, to spray successfully involves an entirely different concep- 
tion of the operation than as ordinarily practiced against other orchard 
insects. Only the most efficient spray materials should be used, 
namely, the combination of distillate-oil emulsion and tobacco extract 
or distillate-oil emulsion and nicotine solutions. The spraying must 
be thoroughly done and put on the trees when the thrips appear in 
numbers, not waiting till many buds have been destroyed. It is 
strongly advised to use power machines, and growers are urged to 
use them for all the spraying, and to have a tower platform elevated 
over the tank so that one man can thoroughly drench the tops of the 
trees. Figures 6 and 11 show two good types of power outfits at 
work. It is absolutely necessary to use high pressure—from 150 to 
200 pounds—and only angle nozzles should be employed, and these 


must be held close to the bud clusters to force the spray directly into 
the ends of the buds. ‘This is absolutely necessary to secure good 
penetration and get satisfactory results. Plenty of material—3 to 5 
gallons per tree for pears, depending on the size of the tree—should be 
used; more liquid is required for large prune trees; large cherry trees 
may require 7 to 8 gallons per tree for satisfactory results. Only two 
rows should be sprayed at a time, using three men, one on the tower 
to spray the tops of the trees, thus reaching all buds pointing upward, 
and two men on the ground (one to each row) to spray the lower 
buds and those pointing downward or laterally. 

Fig. 11.—Power outfit ready for use in spraying experiments in pear orchards, Contra Costa County, 
Cal., 1910. (Original.) 


The spraying must be done on time, and for best results all the trees 
should be treated within a few days. During the season of 1910 more 
of the failure to get satisfactory results was due to lateness of applica- 
tion than to any other one cause. Thrips were in the trees and in 
great numbers before many of the growers purchased their spraying 
supplies, and in many cases half the buds were entirely destroyed and 
the others badly injured before the trees had been given even the first 
application. The grower should have everything in readiness, all 
materials on hand, concentrated emulsion made up, and spray machin- 
ery in perfect working order by the first of March and have all other 
orchard work in such shape that when the thrips appear in numbers 


the spraying may be done at once and before the buds have been 
seriously injured by the feeding of the adults. The grower should 
have enough spray machines to cover the orchard quickly. At least 
one good power outfit is necessary for every 30 acres of orchard. 


In badly infested orchards three applications are necessary the 
first year for controlling the pear thrips. Two of these sprayings 
should be directed against the adults and one against the larve, and 
to obtain satisfactory results must be timed properly. 

First application.—The first spraying should come as soon as the 
thrips can be found on the trees in numbers. This will usually be 
the first two or three days of March, just as the earliest buds are 
separating slightly at the tips. In figures 12, 13, and 14 are shown 
photographs of the more advanced buds of Bartlett pear, Imperial 
and French prunes, 
and Black Tartarian 
cherry, which were 

‘taken at time of first 

Second applica- 
tion.—The second 
spraying, whichis also 
for adults, should 
come from four to 
ten days after the 

first, depending some- 
what on variety of Fig. 12.—Bartlett pear cluster buds showing stage of earliest buds at 

: time of first spraying against.thrips. (Original.) 
fruit, stage of bud 
development, and rapidity of emergence of thrips from the ground. 
On pears this will usually be just as the earliest cluster buds are 
spreading, and on prunes and cherries when the tips of the petals first 
begin to show. 

Both of these applications are important and necessary to insure 
the production of a good crop of uninjured blossoms. The nozzles 
should be held close to the bud clusters and the spray directed into 
the ends of the buds. This makes it necessary that the spraying be 
done mostly from above. 

Third application.—The third spraying is for larve and properly 
comes just as most of the petals are falling from the trees, depending 
somewhat upon the variety of fruit. In any case the small, white, 
active larve can be easily seen, and when they first become abun- 
dant spraying should be done. In this larval spraying on cherries 
and prunes where there is a large amount of leaf surface exposed, the 


spray should be directed first against the underside of the leaves, 
beginning with the lowest branches and spraying upward. Most of 
the larvee are feeding on the under surface of the leaves, and spraying 
the upper surface first would serve to knock the larve from the trees 
without their coming into contact with the spray. Angle nozzles of 
the type shown in figure 15, giving coarse, penetrating spray, should 
be used for all applications. 


The combination of 3 per cent homemade distillate-oil emulsion, 
made from raw distillate, 32° to 34° Baumé, and the nicotine solutions, 

a b 
Fig. 13.—a, French prune buds; 6, Imperial prune buds; showing stage of earliest 
buds at time of first application against thrips. (Original.) 

is given preference over all other sprays used so far. To dilute, 
measure out 54 gallons of the stock emulsion for each 100-gallon 
spray tank, or 11 gallons for a 200-gallon tank; start the engine; pour 
the stock emulsion into the spray tank, and while the agitator is 
running, add the water to fill up the tank, putting in the strong 
nicotine solution last and after the stock emulsion has been diluted. 
For spraying in the interior counties add to this dilute oil-emulsion 


commercial tobacco extract No. 1, which is a dark, almost viscous 
liquid containing 2.75 per cent nicotine, at the rate of 1 to 75; or 
tobacco extract No. 2, which is a light-colored liquid containing 40 
per cent of almost nonvolatile nicotine at the rate of 1 to 1,500, or a 
fraction more than a pint to a 200- 
gallontank. Thisform ofthe nicotine 
has been highly efficient and will in 
all probability be more satisfactory 
than the former. By reason of its 
greater concentration the handling 
and transportation charges will be 
much less; also, the nicotine contained 
in this preparation is much less vola- 
tile, thus allowing the use of asmaller 
amount of actual nicotine in the dilu- 
tion, as it remains an active killing 
agent for a longer time on the trees. 
In Santa Clara County greater 
dilutions than these have been found 
to be satisfactory, due most likely to 
different climatic conditions, evapo- 
ration there being much less at this 
time than in the interior counties Fie. 14.—Buds of Black Tartarian cherry at 
where the atmosphereisdrier. Grow-_ . time of first application against thrips. 
c About one-half natural size. (Original.) 

ers in the Santa Clara Valley are 
advised to use the 3 per cent distillate-oil emulsion, with tobacco 
extract No. 1 added at the rate of 1 to 100 or tobacco extract No. 
2 at the rate of 1 to 2.000. These recommendations hold for all 
— thrips sprayings, for both adults and 
larvee and on all varieties of deciduous 
fruits attacked by the pearthrips. No or- 
chards should be sprayed, however, when 
the trees are in full bloom. Allspraying 
for adults should be done before the blos- 
soms appear and spraying for larve after 
a large proportion of the petals have 

credit In the prune orchards of Santa Clara 
per type used in spraying experiments. Valley deep fall plowing and cross-plow- 
ree) ing has proved a valuable and profita- 
ble aid in controlling the thrips. Those who can do so are strongly 
advised to irrigate their orchards in September or October, and when 
the soil is in proper condition plow with disk plows to a depth of 7 or 


8 inches and harrow, then cross plow 8 to 9 inches deep and harrow 
again. All plowing should be done during the months of October and 
November. During this season the thrips are passing through the 
tender pupal stage and are more easily killed by mechanical means 
than at any other season of the year. 

Plowing has not proved satisfactory as even a partial means of 
controlling the thrips in the pear orchards of the interior counties. 
This is due, perhaps, to several conditions, one of which is the differ- 
ent type of soil, and another, the fact that the area of soil infested 
with thrips around pear trees is very much less than around prune 
trees, the branches of which spread farther, covering a greater surface 
of ground. The larve in leaving the trees fall to the ground directly 
from the foliage and young fruit, rather than crawl down the trunks 
of the trees; hence in a prune orchard they are more widely distrib- 
uted throughout the soil between the trees and can be reached by the 
plows, while in a pear orchard most of the larvee in the ground are 
close around the base of the trees. 


The pear thrips can be controlled by thorough spraymg on any 
variety of the deciduous fruits grown in the infested areas of Cali- 

The sprayings necessary to control the thrips are expensive, but the 
outlay of money and labor gives large returns. Many experiments 
in spraying have given net returns of from $100 to $600 per acre more 
than was peace from adjoining untreated areas. 

The thrips work rapidly and may destroy all prospects of a crop 
in less than a week’s time. Spraying, to be successful, must be done 
thoroughly and at the time to kill the thrips before the fruit buds 
have been destroyed. 

Those who can do so successfully are advised to irrigate and plow 
in the fall. This is to be followed by thorough spraying the follow- 
ing spring. 

When the thrips begin to appear on the trees in numbers, spraying 
should be done thoroughly, using high pressure, holding nozzles close 
to buds, and directing the spray directly into the ends of the buds, and 
not against the sides. 

Growers should not attempt to spray too many trees with one 
machine. More profitable returns will be gained by spraying half of 
the orchard thoroughly and at the propertimes than byspraying all the 
orchard poorly one time. Results of the work in 1909 and 1910 show 
conclusively that one application is not sufficient when the thrips are 


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