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Vol. VII. No. 1 

SATURDAY, JUNE 25, 1932 

Annual Subscription, $2.00 
Single Copies, 25 Cts. 



Drees Germ 

Chairman of Executive Council and Secretary- 

General of the Congres 

had an interesting and unique 

The Sixth International Congress of Genetics, 
occurring at Ithaca from August 24 to 31, has 


CoLumeBus Q, ISELIN, 2ND, 

in Copenhagen. 

history of development. As 
in the case of almost all inter- 
national bodies, the organiza- 
tion which continues between 
one meeting and the next is, 
in the case of genetics, some- 
what attenuated and scattered. 
This cannot be avoided if many 
countries are to be represent- 
ed. The adinterim committee, 
which was charged with es- 
tablishing an Executive Coun- 
cil to organize and administer ~ 
the Congress, met and ap- 
pointed a Council consisting 
of eight members. These rep- 
resented the chairmen of com- 
mittees of finance, transporta- 

tion, program, exhibits, publications, and local ar- 
rangements, the Treasurer of the Congress, and 
the Secretary-General as Chairman. 

ings of the Council began on Decen 

Since that time the Council has met frequently 
( Continued on Page 5 ) 

and has devoted a 

Sixth International Congress of Genetics, 

Dr. C. C. Little 
Voyages of the “Atlantis”, 
Captain Columbus O. Iselin, 2nd 

The Course Work at the Marine 

Chemical Room, Oscar W. Richards 


KA. B. L. Calendar 

FRIDAY, JULY 1, 8:00 P. M. 

Lecture: Dr. Paul S. Galtsoff, Biol- 

ogist United States Bureau of 
Fisheries, Washington, D. C. 

“The Coral Reefs of the Hawai- 
ian Islands.” 

(Illustrated with lantern slides 
and underwater motion pictures. ) 

SATURDAY, JULY 2, 8:00 P. M. 

M. B. L. Mixer: at the M. B. L. Club 

House. Scientific workers, their 
families and guests are cordially 
urged to attend. 

The meet- 
aber 28, 1929. 


Captain of the Atlantis 
A year ago the officers and scientists of the 
crew of the 4élantis were just beginning to gather 

We employed our time during 
May and June in supervising 
the completion of the vessel 
and in getting together our 
scientific apparatus. On July 
7th we set sail for Plymouth, 

England. Since then the boat 
has been at sea almost con- 

tinuously except during the 
months of September, January 
and May. Therefore, I can 
report the result of about 7 
months’ work at sea and 
through a review of this be- 
ginning you can form a good 
estimate of what can be ex- 
pected in the future from the 

Woods Hole Oceanographic 
Since I have been aboard 

the Atlantis a good part of the time during the 
past year, | can discuss this phase of the Institu- 
tion’s work with more authority than | can the 
work in the laboratory at Woods Hole. 
suitable to stress our experiences at sea with the 
Atlantis because it is a new and exciting event to 

It seems 

Mechanical Department of the Marine Bio- 

ie ee ee A 1 logical Laboratory, T. E. Larkin...........12 
Preliminary Directory for 1932)... 0.060.556 13 

1 Herbert A. Hilton, Dr. Caswell Grave........ 15 

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me Mol De ekere 11 The: Wooads#Hole Asap ojo cis ate aver eutcireere ot etaee 



{ Vou. VII. No. 51 


he able to report that at last an American scien- 
tific ship has been commissioned for continuous 
oceanographic investigations. 

In THe CotLectinG Net last summer I gave 
you a general description of the Atlantis, but a 
few more words of explanation may be of inter- 
est. She is a diesel auxiliary ketch of about 420 
tons displacement and 142 feet in extreme length. 
Her sail area consists of about 7200 square feet 
of canvas and her main engine, developing some 
280 horse power, can easily maintain a cruising 
speed of 8 knots. Below decks her accommo- 
dations include cabins aft for a scientific staff of 
five and amidships a large laboratory which is at 
present mainly used for chemical work. On deck 
and also amidships is another laboratory where 
the biologists can examine and preserve the tow- 
net catches and where the samples are collected 
from the water bottles and the thermometers read. 

The main trawl winch, carrying 10,000 metres 
of %” diameter cable, is located in the lower hold 
but can be controlled from the deck. The hydro- 
graphic winch stands on deck just aft of the lab- 
oratory. 30th winches are electrical and _ fitted 
with automatic devices for guiding the wire on 

the drums. Our cruises to date have proved that 
in every way the gear is well designed and entirely 
suitable for the work. We have not regretted the 
fact that the Atlantis is a sailing vessel and not a 
full power type. The sails have proved their 
worth under stormy conditions, for weather has 
yet to be experienced so severe that a station 
could not be made. Under moderate conditions, 
especially in the tropics, the absence of engine 
room heat and lack of noise and vibration are 
more obvious recommendations for this type of 
vessel. The fuel and water supply is ample for 
cruises up to two months in length, but by be- 
ing careful with the water, we could remain out 
much longer if necessary. 

The first cruise, which was also the trial trip, 
began oa July 16th at Plymouth. The initial ob- 
jective was a line of stations following longitude 
30° W and extending far enough north and “south 
to cross the major branches of the easterly movy- 
ing currents in the north Atlantic. The ac- 
companying diagram shows the approximate loca- 
tion of this section, as well as the other sections 
we have run to date. These sections consist of 
about 250 stations. In the deep water, the ma- 
jority of them extend down to 3000 metres, but at 
ahout every fifth station, observations have been 
secured to the bottom. Since the stations have 
seldom been more than 100 miles apart, and us- 
ually much closer, they give a very complete pic- 
ture and should go far to help in the understand- 
ing of the circulation of the North Atlantic. Al- 
though temperature and salinity observations have 
been a routine part of all our cruises to date, they 
by no means represent all that has been ac- 
complished. Therefore, keeping this in mind, we 
will describe our cruises from the point of view 
of the special investigations undertaken along with 
the hydrographic work. 

On the first cruise, Dr. Franz Zorell of the 
Deutsche Seewarte, carried out oxygen determina- 
tions of all the water samples collected. — Dr. 
George Clarke was in charge of a special investi- 
gation of the penetration of light below the sea 
surface. The Institution had secured a photo- 
electric apparatus, built under the direction of 
Dr. Atkins at the Plymouth Laboratory, who has, 
of course, carried out extensive investigations of 
the influence of sunlight on the diurnal migration 
of the plankton in the English Channel. The 
Atlantis, therefore, was merely continuing this 
work out into deeper water, but since the light 
there penetrates so much deeper, the work was 
considerably complicated. Of special interest, are 
the plankton tows made in connection with the 
photometric observations. Five simultaneous tows 
were made with closing nets in such a way that 

June 25, 1932 } 

the exact depth of each net was known, and these 
tows could be repeated at suitable intervals 
throughout the day so that an accurate picture 
was secured of the influence of light on the move- 
ments of the plankton. 

On this cruise also the Atlantis made a number 
of eel tows for Prof. Johannes Schmidt. Using 
the same technique as has been developed on board 
the Dana, catches were made each evening mainly 
in regions where Prof. Schmidt had too few ob- 
servations. These eel nets are two metres in di- 
ameter at the mouth and were sent down four at a 
time fastened at intervals to our heavy trawl wire. 
In order to test out the main winch for deeper 
tows, a number of hauls were also made for deep 
sea fish with good result. 

After the dtlantis had reached Woods Hole, it 
was found necessary to make a few minor changes 
in the balasting and rigging, so it was not until 
early in October that she was ready for sea again. 
Her next cruise was southward along the conti- 
nental shelf to Cape Hatteras. This series of sec- 
tions was planned to supplement the report on the 
coastal waters from Cape Cod to Cape Hatteras 
which Dr. Bigelow is now at work on, and which 
will be similar to his investigation of the Gulf of 
Maine. The greater part of his observations have 
been made by the U. S. Bureau of Fisheries 
steainer Albatross, ut he had no survey after 
October. The Atlantis completed 43 hydrographic 
stations in about 8 days, as well as a general 
plankton survey of the region. Mr. H. R. Seiwell 
carried out pH and phosphate determinations of 
all the water samples collected. 

In November the first of the quarterly Bermuda 
cruises took place. The route chosen gave two 
sections, one from Nova Scotia to Bermuda and 
the other from Bermuda to the mouth of Chesa- 
peake Bay. Mr. Seiwell again made pH and phos- 
phate determinations at all the stations. In this 
cruise the first heavy weather was experienced, 
and the vessel behaved satisfactorily in spite of 
the fact that every effort was made to run the 
sections at full speed in order to get as near a 
simultaneous picture as possible. It is planned 
to repeat these sections four times a year until 
a satisfactory picture of the annual changes in 
the ocean has heen obtained. 

These three preliminary cruises having proved 
that the Atlantis could accomplish what she was 
sent out for, preparation was made for a more 
ambitious expedition, which started early in Feb- 
ruary. Here the main objective was a section ex- 
tending from about 35° N to the equator and 
therefore crossing the northeast trade wind belt 
and the northern Equatorial Current. At the 
same time it was possible to secure two good sec- 
tions between Bermuda and Chesapeake Bay and 


a third crossing the Antilles Current. 

Again Mr. Seiwell was in charge of the chemi- 
cal program, and this time all water samples were 
analized for oxygen as well as pH and phosphate. 
A special feature of his work was a chemical 
section along the equator giving the changes ex- 
perienced as we saidel from oceanic water into 
the influence of the Amazon River. Throughout 
the cruise he also made accurate vertical plankton 
hauls with a special net of fine monel metal 
screening, in order to correlate the distribution 
of plankton with the observed distribution of 

On this cruise also we began collecting plankton 
for Dr. Wheeler, Director of the Biological Sta- 
tion at Bermuda, by means of oblique hauls with 
a two metre net from 250 metres to the surface. 
The Atlantis catches should supplement the plank- 
ton work at the Bermuda laboratory and it is 
hoped that gradually a general study of the dis- 
tribution of zoo-plankton in the northwestern At- 
lantic will result. 

I have so far failed to make any mention of 
meteorology. Professor Rossby of the Mass- 
achusetts Institute of Technology is in charge of 
our meteorological investigations. On this last 
cruise he sent with the /tlantis one of his students, 
who has secured good statistical data of the wind 
directions in the lower layer of the atmosphere. 
Ahout 200 balloon ascents have been observed 
with a special theodolite. It is Prof. Rossby’s idea 


July 193) — Prey 1932 



[ Vor. VII. No. 51 

that by means of this study a value of the friction- 
al force between the wind and the sea surface can 
be obtained, and thus a better understanding of 
oceanic wind currents. At the same time a great 
many evaporation measurements have been ob- 
tained besides other more general meteorological 
observations. I might mention that we have had 
some trouble aboard the Atlantis carrying out the 
meteorological program. The instruments have 
not stood up well against the dampness at sea and 
we have had to go ahead slowly until we were 
sure just how much effect the sails and deck 
openings had on the readings obtained in the 
meteorological shelter. 

Finally on her way back up the coast from Ches- 
apeake Bay, the Aflantis repeated her surv ey of 
last October and at the same time ran two sections 
from the beach to the 1000 fathom curve, taking 
bottom samples every two miles. This is in con- 
nection with a study of the formation of the con- 
tinental shelf begun last summer by Mr. H. 
Stetson in the neighborhood of Cape Cod. A new 
type of bottom sampler i is being used which brings 
up each time a given quantity of the bottom, either 
sand or mud, in a watertight condition so that 
none of the fine washings are lost. 

Such is the general nature of the work carried 
out with the Atlantis during the last ten months. 
Of course, it will be some time before the observa- 
tions can be published, but we can now draw 
some general conclusions based on our experience 
at sea. As mentioned before, we are well satis- 
fied with the boat. She will do anything that a 
vessel of her size can be expected to do. Even 
in winter we can carry on after a fashion. Es- 
pecially in the case of hydrographic and chemical 
work almost nothing can prevent the stations be- 
ing made provided the route chosen does not in- 
volve too much head wind. For biological work 
heavy weather will always be a great hinderance, 
Only the strongest nets can stand hard usage. In 
the same way, meteorological observations are of 
little value when the spray is flying. There is, 
moreover, a human problem that will always be 
hard to solve. It will probably be impossible to 
find a crew or even scientists who will stand life 
for even six or eight weeks at a time on a small 
ship unless they are allowed good rests ashore. 
In other words, within certain limitations, we can 
confidently expect the tlantis steadily to progress 
in the exploration of the sea. Finally, it now 
seems fairly certain that she can be operated 
throughout the year and still keep within the 
$35,000 limit that the budget of the Institution 

Although the tlantis is not yet equipped with 
sonic depth finding apparatus, we have been re- 

minded only too forcibly that oceanographers can- 

not yet take the depth of the water for granted. 
We now have a very good wire sounding machine, 
but with a strong wind or a swift current this 
method is so uncertain that we have not made 
sounding a routine part of our work. On several 
occasions in making a deep station where the 
chart appeared to show a level bottom, we have 
brought up the lowest water bottle filled with 
mud, and twice it has been smashed beyond repair 
by hard bottom. On the last cruise, while work- 
ing in a region about 600 miles east of Bermuda 
where the chart indicated about 2850 fathoms of 
water, we struck hard bottom when the lowest 
water bottle could not have been more than 1800 
fathoms below the surface. In other words, we 
struck what must have been a volcanic submarine 
mountain of fairly recent origin, since it was not 
covered with mud, and rising more than a mile 
above the general level of the ocean floor. 

The only other results of our last cruise which 
I can describe at this time, as the records are still 
incomplete, is part of the north and south tem- 
perature section. As shown here the section 
starts in about 28° N and extends nearly to the 
equator. Only the observations from the upper 
1400 metres have been plotted here, but the tem- 
peratures have been corrected for depths so the 
section is accurate as far as it goes. The northern 
300 miles of the section lie in the horse latitudes 
and although we should expect horizontal iso- 
therms they are here seen slanted so as to indicate 
a westerly current which checks up with out navi- 
gational record for that part of the trip. The 
central 900 miles of this section lie across the belt 
of the north-east trades. As we sailed southward, 
the various isotherms continued to approach the 
surface, but their slope is by no means constant. 

From our navigational record, it is evident that 
the current was running in streaks. Some days 
we would experience 15 to 20 miles of westerly 
current and other days none at all. Apparently 
the strength and location of these bands of cur- 
rent bore no relation to the strength of the wind 
along our route. Some indication of the streaky 
nature of the current can be found in this section, 
although of course, we will have to wait for the 
corresponding density profile to be sure. At about 
latitude 8° N we struck a strong counter current 
running directly to windward with such strength 
as to cause tide-rips on the surface. At the time 
the Atlantis was approaching the equator no dol- 
drum belt existed. We ran directly into the 
south-east trades where we experienced a very 
strong flow of westerly current. Since this is so 
near the equator, the strength of the rotational 
effect of the earth is very weak, therefore we 
should expect little distortion of the water-lavers 
on the southern end of this section, as is indeed 

June 25, 1932 ] 


G2 os 63 wo 64 oz 65 0 66 90 67 gs 68 os 69 os 70 91 7! 97 72 uo 73 105 Tee S00 76 120 17 


in the surface layers along ‘Atlantis’? route from 28° N latitude to a point near the equator. 
The depths are shown in metres and the distance between stations in miles. 

the case. Apparently there is an immense vol- 
ume of water flowing in a westerly direction 
across the belt of the trades, but just how im- 
portant a part the wind plays in its propulsion 
is going to take considerable study to find out. 
Moreover, it is not easy to reconcile this section 
with Ekman’s theory of wind currents. 

The researches so far carried out by the Atlantis 

may thus be grouped under the following head- 
ings: Dynamic studies of ocean circulation by 
Franz Zorell and C. O. Iselin; Distribution of 
oxygen in the water and of phosphorus com- 
pounds by Franz Zorell and H. R. Seiwell: Pene- 
tration of light and vertical distribution of plank- 
ton by Geoerge L. Clarke: Geographic distribution 
of various planktonic groups. 


(Continued from Page 1 ) 

great deal of time and thought to the various dif- 
ficult problems which have arisen. 

The difficulties under which the Congress has 
been organized can scarcely be overstated. They 
are a part of its history which should be carefully 
considered and completely understood by all inter- 
ested in genetics or by those who are planning to 
participate in the organization of any internation- 
al congress of a somewhat similar nature. 

During 1929 and 1930, the Council, like most 
Americans, did not believe that the economic 
crisis could last. A budget had been fixed on 
for the Congress and with only one or two ex- 
ceptions indications were that it could be raised. 
Many Europeans were expected, the Council 
voted that the Secretary General should contact 
a number of the more prominent European gen- 
eticists by a European trip in 1930. This trip 
was taken as planned. 

Early in 1931, with economic conditions steadi- 
ly reaching lower levels and with no possible way 
of estimating the final outcome, the Council had 
to make an all-important decision. Those who 
felt that the present situation was merely tempor- 
ary urged a postponement of the Congress. The 

Council, however, after a careful study saw no 
particular prospect of economic improvement in 
a one, two, or three year period and, believing 
that nothing short of war should cause a break 
in the succession of established meetings, voted to 
hold the Congress as planned. Its judgment has 
been justified by the subsequent events. The Con- 
gress will be a creditable and representative inter- 
national meeting. It is to be hoped that before 
the end of another five-year period the world as 
a whole will be more normal. Tn the meantime, 
realizing that in all probability the United States 
will not again be host to the Genetics Congress 
until 1952, it is to be hoped that all American 
biologists will attend and show their interest in 
its success. 

The Congress is, in point of fact, being splen- 
didly supported by American geneticists in spite 
of the fact that these are hard times for everyone. 
There are, on June first, approximately 600 mem- 
bers enrolled. Recently the number of Europeans 
who expect to attend has been increasingly more 
encouraging. Many of them are remaining in 
this country long enough after the Congress to 
visit and lecture under the auspices of a number 


[ Vor. VII. No. 51 

of our universities and oolleges. The Carnegie 
Foundation for International Peace is entertain- 
ing the foreign members in New York for the 
period between their arrival and the opening of 
the Congress. Columbia University has also 
been most generous in providing space in the 
dormitories for the few days immediately pre- 
ceding the Congress. 

Because of uncertainty of plans on the part of 
foreigners, the preparation of the morning pro- 
grams has been carried on under great difficulties. 
At the present time, however, the work of pre- 
paring the program has progressed until it is pos- 
sible to announce four specialized morning ses- 
sions under the following general titles: 

Contributions of Genetics to the Theory of 

Organic Evolution. 

Interrelations of Cytology and Genetics. 


Genetics of Species Hybrids. 

American participation in the program will be 
general and gratifying. Dr. T. H. Morgan, 
President of the Congress, will give his address 
on “The Rise of Genetics” on Thursday evening, 
August 25. Some two hundred papers have also 
been submitted. These will be given during the 
afternoons in a large number of sub-sections. 
The latter will be, in so far as possible, based 
on various special topics. There will be a chair- 
man and a vice chairman for each sub-section. 
These will act as presiding officers during its 
meetings. The material covered by the papers 
to be offered insures a competent and complete 
treatment of the field as a whole. It also shows 
the way in which, by a steady process of broaden- 
ing, the problems of genetics have come to touch 
the special interests of all the other branches of 
biological sciences. All zoologists and botanists 
will find much of interest and importance in the 
papers listed. 

As in the most recent scientific congresses, the 
exhibits will form a most important feature. The 
group in charge of the various topics is given be- 


Mammals: Livestock; Department of Animal 
Husbandry, Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. 
Sheep; E. G. Ritzman, University of New Hamp- 
shire, Durham, N. H. Guinea pigs; Sewall 
Wright, University of Chicago, Chicago, Il. 
Mice and Rats; L. C. Dunn, Columbia University, 
New York, N. Y. Dogs; C. R. Stockard, Cor- 
nell University Medical College, New York, N. Y. 
Leon F. Whitney, 185 Church Street, New 
Haven, Conn. Cats; P. W. Whiting, University 
of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pa. Birds: Poultry; 
W. Landauer, Storrs, Conn. Pigeons; La: 
Cole, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wiscon- 

sin. O. Riddle, Cold Spring Harbor, N. Y. 
Fishes: M. Gordon, Cornell University, Ithaca, 
N. Y. Diptera: Drosophila; M. Demerec, Cold 
Spring Harbor, N. Y. Sciara; C. W. Metz, 
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md. 
Lepidoptera: a. General; John H. Gerould, Dart- 
mouth College, Hanover, N. H. b. Own work; R. 
Goldschmidt, Kaiser Wilhelm Institut, Berlin- 
Dahlem, c. Own work; H. Federley, Uni- 
versitat Helsingfors, Helsinki, Finland. Hymen- 
optera: General; P. W. Whiting, University of 
Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pa. Habrobracon; P. W. 
Whiting. Orthoptera: R. K. Nabours, Agricul- 
tural College, Manhattan, Kansas. Coleoptera: 
Coccinellidae ; N. W. Timofeev-Ressovsky, Kaiser 
Wilhelm Institut fiir Hirnforschung, Berlin- 
Buch, Germany. Aphids: A. F. Shull, University 
of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Daphnia: A. 
M. Banta, Brown University, Providence, R. I. 
Mollusca: a. General; Capt. C. Diver, 40 Pem- 
broke Square, London. b. Own work; P. Bartsch, 
U. S. National Museum, Washington, D. C. c. 
Own work; H. E. Crampton, Columbia Uni- 
versity, New York, Gammarus: J. S. Huxley and 
E. B. Ford, King’s College, London, England. 
Tunicata: H. H. Plough, Amherst College, Am- 
herst, Mass. 

Fungi; S. Satina, Cold Spring Harbor, N. Y. 
Sphaerocarpos: C. E. Allen, University of Wis- 
consin, Madison, Wis. Mosses: F. v. Wettstein. 
3otanisches Institut, Mtinchen, Germany. Ferns: 
a. (Nephrolepis) ; R. C. Benedict, Botanic Gar- 
dens, Brooklyn, N. Y. b. Own work; Irma Ander- 
son-Kotto, John Innes Horticultural Inst., Mer- 
ton Park, London, England. Phleum (Timothy) ; 
Department of Plant Breeding, Cornell Uni- 
versity, Ithaca, N. Y. Triticum (Wheat); A. C. 
Fraser and J. H. Parker, Cornell University, 
Ithaca, N. Y.—W. J. Sando, Bureau of Plant In- 
dustry, Washington, D. C. Avena (Oats); W. 
T. Craig and A. C. Fraser, Cornell University, 
Ithaca, N. Y. Hordeum (Barley) ; F. P. Bussell, 
Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. Leroy Powers, 
University of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minn. Cy- 
tology of Cereals; (individual in charge not se- 
lected at time of writing). Solanum Tuberosum 
(Potato) ; F. J. Stevenson, Bureau of Plant In- 
dustry, Washington, D. C. Solanum Lycopersicum 
(Tomato); E. W. Lindstrom, State College, 
Ames, Iowa. Gossypium (Cotton); O. F. Cook, 
Bureau of Plant Industry, Washington, D. C. 
Maize; F. D. Richey, Bureau of Plant Industry, 
Washington, D. C. Maize Cytology; L. F. Ran- 
dolph, Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. Fruit 
Genetics and Breeding; R. Wellington, Agri. Exp. 
Station, Geneva, N. Y. Banana Breeding; H. 
Rowe, United Fruit Company, Boston, Mass. 
Pineapple Breeding; J. L. Collins, University of 

June 25, 1932 } 
Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii. Breeding and Gen- 
etics of Garden Vegetables; H. A. Jones, Uni- 
versity of California, Davis, Calif. Antirrhinum ; 
E. Bauer, Muncheberg, Mark, Germany. Bras- 
sica; G. D. Karpetchenko, Bureau of Plant In- 
dustry, Detskoe Selo, U. S. S. R. C. H. Myers, 
Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. Capsella; G. 
H. Shull, Princeton University, Princeton, N. J. 
Crepis; E. B. Babcock, University of California, 
Berkeley, Calif. Cucurbitae; E. W. Sinnott, Col- 
lumbia University, New York. Datura; A. F. 
Blakeslee, Cold Spring Harbor, N. Y. Delphin- 
ium; M. Demerec, Cold Spring Harbor, N. Y. 
Pharbitis; Y. Imai, Imperial University, Tokyo, 
Japan. Linum; Tine Tammes, Genetisch Institut, 
Universiteit, Groningen, Holland. A/elandrium,; 
O. Winge, Rolighedsvej 23, Copenhagen, Den- 
mark. Mentha; M. L. Ruttle-Nebel, Agri. Exp. 
Station, Geneva, N. Y. Nicotiana; R E. Clausen, 
University of California, Berkeley, Calif. Oeno- 
thera; R. E. Cleland, Goucher College, Baltimore, 
Md. Oriza; J. W. Jones, Bureau of Plant In- 
dustry, Washington, D. C. Papaver Rhoeas ; John 
Innes Hort. Inst., Merton Park, Londun, England. 
Pine and Walnut Breeding for Timber Produc- 
tion; Lloyd Austin, Eddy Tree Breeding Station, 
Placerville, Calif. Petunia; Margaret C. Fergu- 
son, Wellesley College, Wellesley, Mass. Pisum; 
O. White, University of Virginia, Charlottes- 
ville, Va. John Innes Hort. Inst., Merton Park, 
London. Primula; John Innes Hort. Inst. Mer- 
ton Park, London. Sorghum; John H. Martin, 
Bureau of Plant Industry, Washington, D. C. 
Viola; J. Clausen, Carnegie Institute, Palo Alto, 
Calif. General Cytology; R. E. Cleland, Goucher 
College, Baltimore, Md. Disease Resistance; W. 
H. Burkholder, Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. 
Genetic Work with Wild Species; Edgar Ander- 
son, Bussey Institution, Jamaica Plain, Mass. 
Radiation and Genetics; C. P. Oliver, Washing- 
ton University, St. Louis, Mo. Varieties Recom- 
mended by State Crop Improvement Associations ; 
H. K. Hayes, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, 
Minn. F. D. Richey, Bureau of Plant Industry, 
Washington, D. C. Improvement in Cultivated 
Varieties of Plants; (Individual in charge not se- 
lected at time of writing). Amount of Genetic 
Work Done with Several Groups of Animals and 
Plants; C. H. Danforth, Leland Stanford Uni- 
versity, Palo Alto, Calif. Materials for Ele- 
mentary Courses in Genetics; E. Dorsey, Cornell 
University, Ithaca, N. Y. Biological Books and 
Publications ; Various Publishers. 

Ithaca—now well used to international scien- 
tific meetings—provides an ideal setting for the 
Congress. Headquarters will be at Willard 
Straight Hall. The Administration of Cornell 
University has quoted rates in residential halls 
for a period of four to seven days, of $1.75 per 
day. Private rooming houses, adjoining the 



campus quote rates of from $1.00 to $1.50 per 
day, depending on the facilities offered and length 
of occupancy. It is planned to publish, during the 
early summer, a more detailed survey of facilities 
and rates for the information of members. The 
replies to this will serve as a guide in making 
final arrangements. 

It is hoped that as many American members 
as possible may come by motor. In this way they 
can do much to facilitate, without extra expense 
to themselves, the entertainment and local trans- 
portation of foreign members. 

It is planned to avoid, in so far as possible, 
formal social functions. These will be replaced 
by such group picnics or informal smokers or 
meetings as may be desired by members with 
special interests. The Council has felt that much 
of the benefit of international meetings of this 
sort is to be derived from personal contacts. Con- 
ference rooms for small meetings and discus- 
sions will be available to members. 

The Proceedings of the Congress will be pub- 
lished as a supplement to Genetics. By the in- 
terest and cooperation of those in charge of that 
publication, an excellent arrangement has been 
possible. Active members will receive complete 
Proceedings. Institutional members receive two 
copies. The Institutional members at present are 
as follows: American Fruit Growers, American 
Guernsey Cattle Club, Armour and Company, As- 
sociation of Hawaiian Pineapple Growers, Brown 
University, Bucknell University, California Insti- 
tute of Technology, Carleton College, Columbia 
University, Cornell University, Dartmouth Col- 
lege, Eddy Tree Breeding Station, Gallatin Valley 
Seed Company, General Electric Company, Gen- 
eral Mills, Inc., Goucher College, Harvard Uni- 
versity, Hawaiian Sugar Planters Association, 
Johns Hopkins University, Minnesota Crop Im- 
provement Association, New York College of Ag- 
riculture of Cornell University, Pillsbury Flour 
Mills Company, Russell-Miller Milling Company, 
Smithsonian Institution--U. S. National Museum, 
Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, Tri-State 
Soft Wheat Improvement Association, University 
of Chicago, University of Missouri, 

In addition to the support of the Congress by 
these institutions, the Carnegie Corporation of 
New York, and the Carnegie Institute of Wash- 
ington have contributed generously to its budget. 

The Congress has, since June 1930, published 
a quarterly folder to keep those interested in- 
formed of its plans and progress. | Copies of 
most of the back numbers of this can be obtained 
by writing to R. C. Cook, the Treasurer of the 
Congress, at 306 Victor Building, Washington, 
D. C. Particulars regarding membership can be 
obtained from the Secretary General, Pox 558, 
Bar Harbor, Maine. There are special reduced 
rates for graduate students and assistants. 


[ Vot. VII. No. 51 


Dr. Gary N. CALKINS 

Professor of Protogoology, Columbia 

Like other courses given at the Marine Bio- 
logical Laboratory the course in Protozoology is 
planned to give serious students an introductory 
course in biological research. The class is limited 
to sixteen who are chosen on the basis of their 
preliminary training, maturity, and promise of 
future usefulness in the field of Zoology. Under- 
graduates are rarely selected; this is not because 
of inability to do the actual routine work involved, 
indeed they are very apt to do better laboratory 
work than older students, but because of their 
immaturity and inexperience they are unlikely to 
see the broad biological bearing of the things they 
study and the zoological import of the things 
they hear in the six weeks of concentrated work 
during which there is little time for reflection. 

In some quarters Protozoology appears to mean 
little more than knowledge of the minute animal 
parasites of man and other animals. This, indeed, 
is a big field in Protozoology involving the rela- 
tively few forms which have become adapted to a 
parasitic mode of life from the vast aggregate of 
Protozoa. These parasitic forms demand little 
knowledge of the group as a whole but essen- 
tial phases of their study are the pathological ef- 
fects produced on their hosts, the serological as- 
pects in the host-parasite relationship, and the 
economic and hygienic aspects involved in the con- 
trol and prevention of disease. 

In much the same way that pathology, bacteri- 
ology and epidemiology have been forced to take 
cognizance of the parasitic Protozoa, so are the 
great problems, principles and generalizations of 
biology applicable to that enormous world of free- 
living, minute animals which we call the Proto- 
zoa. Problems of development and differentia- 
tion; cytological problems concerning chromo- 
somes, centrioles and the mitotic figure, or make- 
up of the cytoplasmic body in mitochondria, 
Golgi apparatus and other constituents of the 
cell; problems dealing with the functions of these 
various cellular parts and the physiology of the 
organism as a whole, or the special physiology 
and biophysics of protoplasm; problems of gen- 
etics, opening up an entirely new field for experi- 
mental work; problems of ecology, distribution 
and adaptation and problems in comparative mor- 
phology and taxonomy ; all of these problems and 
many more connected with experimental zoology, 
animal behaviour and others, are as applicable to 
free-living Protozoa as to any other group of ani- 
mal forms. For training the power of observa- 

University. Director of the Course 

tion finally, there is no better practice than to 
make out the minute differences in structure 
which characterize different genera and species. 
All of these matters and many of more special 
nature dealing with life histories, phenomena of 
fertilization and preparation for it through ma- 
turation processes, protoplasmic age and its sig- 
nificance, etc. are extensively treated in the 
didactic work of the course. 

The laboratory work under the direction of Dr. 
Bowling has been adapted to satisfy the prelimin- 
ary requirements of students who may wish to do 
research in any of the fields of activity mentioned 
above. Some idea of the nature of this practical 
training may be obtained by the following outline 
of the laboratory schedule which has been adopted 
for this year’s work. 


June 22. Make arrangements for microscopes 
in Main Office. Procure necessary supplies: 
slides, cover-slips (No. 1 for permanent prepara- 
tions, No. 2 for the study of fresh material ), slide 
labels, slide boxes, index cards (4” x 6”) for 

Calibrate objectives. See Laboratory Outline for 
directions. Slide micrometers will be found on 
the laboratory table. Read pages 144-153 in the 
“Biology of the Protozoa’’ (Calkins). 

June 23. Make detailed drawing of Hypotrich 
(Euplotes). See sample drawing in outline. 
Study all structures and determine the diagnostic 
characters of the Class, Order, Genus, et cetera. 
List these on the back of the card. (It will not be 
necessary to do this in other drawings.) Im- 
portant structures should be drawn and labelled. 
Hand in Friday morning, June 24th. 

A Collecting Trip will be taken to various fresh 
and brackish ponds. 

June 24. Jsolation Cultures: (15 consecutive 
days) See Laboratory Outline for directions. 
Make up media and put aside for use on June 25. 
Make pipettes and see that isolation dishes and 
moist chambers are in readiness. Keep a com- 
plete record of daily divisions, media, temperature, 
et cetera. Start cultures on the 25th and hand in 
records on Saturday, July 16th. 

pH Records: Determine the pH of Bear Mt. 
Spring water, media used for isolation cultures, 
and water from Cedar Swamp and Mill Pond. 
Hand in records before July 20th. 

June 26. Mass Cultures: Start mass cultures 

June 25, 1932 ] 


of at least four organisms. ‘Try various types of 
media (different dilutions) until successful re- 
sults are obtained. ‘These cultures will serve as 
material for fixed preparations later in the course. 
Hand in record of the forms cultivated, the length 
of time, and media used. 

June 24 to July 29. Drawings: 75 drawings 
of living organisms are required. (If the student 
has difficulty in determining particular structures, 
it is permissable to use stains or reagents (acid 
fuchsin, magenta, methyl green, acetic carmine, 
iodine, etc.) to bring out these details more clearly. 
Protozoa treated in this way are frequently dis- 
torted, hence this method should be used only to 
supplement the study of the living material. As 
far as possible these drawings should represent 
the main groups and orders. All organisms thus 
drawn should be classified as to genera and of 
these, ten should be classified through species. 
They should show clearly the characters by which 
the genus (or species) is determined. 

June 30. Five drawings are due at noon. 

July 12. Twenty-five drawings are due at noon. 
July 29. Forty-five drawings are due at noon. 
Vital Dyes: Five of the above drawings should 
be made from living organisms stained with dilute 
dyes. The stained elements of the cell should be 
indicated on the drawing. The dyes used should 
include Neutral red, Janus green B, and Nile blue 
sulphate. Other vital dyes will be found on the 

laboratory table. 

July 12 to July 29. Permanent Preparations: 
Ten acceptable preparations are required. These 
should include a and b; (c, d, e and f are option- 

a. Iron hematoxylin after Schaudinn’s fixative 

b. Feulgen nucleal reaction 

c. Chondriosome methods — (Champy-Kull or 

Champy-hematoxylin ) 

d. Osmic methods (Kolatcheyv, Weigl, et cetera ) 

e. Borrel stain after Bouin 

f. Klein’s silver impregnation methods. 

The protozoan fauna at Woods Hole is am- 
azingly rich; brackish waters abound with them 
while marine forms are plentiful, and fresh water 
ponds, equally rich in forms are easily reached, 
hence dearth of material is unknown. In ad- 
dition to the free-living forms there is a harvest 
of parasitic types waiting to be found and studied; 
indeed it would be a great achievement to find 
even one species of invertebrate animal in and 
around Woods Hole that does not play the part 
of host to one or more types of parasitic Protozoa. 

The course counts as a summer séSsion course 
for credit towards the higher degrees at Columbia 
University. We are glad to welcome Dr. Robert 
M. Stabler from the University of Pennsylvania, 
and a former student in the course at Woods 
Hole, to the staff. 

Dr. H. B. Goopricu 
Professor Biology at Wesleyan University, Director of the Course. 

The Embryology course opened on Wednes- 
day, June 22. The schedule will be similar to that 
of last year as it is necessarily adjusted to the 
breeding season of the various forms available at 
Woods Hole. Our schedule, though at present 
only a tentative one, will be found at the end of 
this account. 

Because their spawning season will soon close, 
the work begins with the embryology of fish. 
Fundulus, the cunner and mackeral are the types 
usually studied. This is followed by work on 
such coelenterates as are obtained early in the 
season, but gonionemus and other types will be 
used toward the end of the course. 

Another condition which affects the plan of the 
laboratory work is the breeding period of nereis 
which runs from full moon to new moon. Other 
forms studied are examples of the annelids, mol- 
lusca, echinoderms, crustacea and tunicates. Liy- 
ing material is used almost exclusively and this 
fact alone makes the course quite different from 
courses that are given during the winter in in- 

land institutions. It is hoped that various in- 
vestigators will, from time to time, present re- 
sults of their work to the class. This has always 
been one of the most stimulating features of the 

Following the practice of the last few years, the 
laboratory will reserve a few research tables for 
students who, during the course, show evidence of 
special ability and who may desire to remain and 
work on some approved problem. 

There has been one change in the staff due to 
the resignation of Dr. Harold Plough of Am- 
herst College, who has been an instructor for nine 
summers. His place is taken by Dr. L. G. Barth 
of Columbia University. 

The tentative schedule is given below: 


June 22, Wed. Introductory instructions, Gen- 
eral embryological problems, 

Dr. Goodrich 


23, Thu. Comparative fish embryology, 4, Mon, ————— 

Dr. Goodrich 5, Tue. Annelids and Mollusca Grave 

24, Fri. Comparative fish embryology, Gr Wied se 

Dr. Goodrich He, Motel, : 

25, Sat Structure and function in the Shine S45 = 
developing pro-nephros in tele- OSA ae " 
osts, Dr. Armstrong lO. Si, ———— 

26, Mon. Interrelations of genetics and 11, Mon. Squid 4 
embryology with special refer- 2, Abe, Us 
ence to investigations on fish, 13, Wed. Excursion 

Dr. Goodrich 14, Thu. Echinoderms Hoadley 
Sy Mis a ” 
June 22, Wed. Fish Goodrich 17, Sun. 

2B Mente t 18, Mon. “ 4 

Ake Aghciky a = LOM ARIE ey _ 

25) Sat. ig ZOmVWVied aac sf 

26, Sun. = ———— 21, Thu. Coelenterata Barth 

2 lore a 22) Eris “Dunicates i 

28, Tue. Coelenterata Barth je Sie, < 

BE INK S 24, Sun. 9 ———— 

30, Thu. Fertilization and cell lineage 25, Mon. “ us 

Packard Ao WOKE, 3 

ifrethye "tL dheig | = 7 27, Wed. Crustacea Packard 
2eeSaty Oe = AAS ANayh, f 

3, Sun, =———— 29, Fri Towing Staff 

Associate Professor of Physiology, University of Toronto, Director of the Course 

The course in physiology began work on July 
16 with eighteen students. The same staff as 
that of last year continues to direct the course, 
with the assistance of Dr. C. Ladd Prosser and 
Mr. A. L. Chute. The formal management of 
the course for this year has rotated to Dr, Lau- 
rence Irving of the University of Toronto. 

As in previous years each member of the staff 
presents a choice of several experiments which 
are designed along the lines of his own research 
interests. The student selects from these experi- 
ments and develops a few of them intensively. 
The time, facilities and direction are in this way 
adequate to give considerable experience with a 
few of the methods which are being used in cur- 
rent research. There is no attempt to spread the 
instruction over a comprehensive course, but the 
range of subjects offered is quite broad. The 

subjects are: (1) the significance of electrical con- 
ditions in tissues, Dr. Amberson; (2) the central 
nervous system and heart, Dr. Bard; (3) the acid 
base equilibrium in sea water and tissues, Dr. 
Irving; (4+) cell and tissue respiration processes, 
Dr. Gerard; (5) potentiometric determination of 
hydrogen ion concentration and of oxidation-re- 
duction systems, Dr. Michaelis; and (6) electrical 
conditions at membranes in relation to permea- 
bility, Miss Sumwalt. 

A lecture is given at nine o’clock*each morning. 
The first lectures are given by members of the 
staff for the course and will occupy about three 
weeks. It is planned to develop a subsequent 
group of lectures by other investigators on the 
relation of membrane electrical states to permea- 
bility. Members of the institution are welcome to 
attend any of the lectures. 

Dr. Evpert C. CoLe 
Associate Professor of Biology, Williams College Director of the Course 

The course in Invertebrate Zoology provides 
opportunity for the study of representative ma- 
rine invertebrates. Both structural and function- 
al aspects are kept in mind, and appropriate rec- 
ords of observations and experiments are made. 
The work in the field is an integral and important 

part of the course, consistent with the concept 
that the organism cannot be fully comprehended 
apart from its environment. Field trips are so 
planned as to give the student an acquaintance 
with the more common types of marine habitats, 
as well as some knowledge of the forms character- 

June 25, 1932 ] 


istic of each. The use of a check list of the in- 
vertebrate animals of the Woods Hole region aids 
materially in this work. It has been customary 
to prepare one or more exhibits of living inverte- 
brates secured by the class during field trips. The 
labor involved in preparing such demonstrations 
has been more than offset by the interest shown 
by members of the laboratory community. 

The regular lectures in this course provide the 
necessary introduction to the laboratory and field 

the more significant fields of research among the 
invertebrates. In addition to the regular lectures, 
which are necessarily concerned with specific 
groups of organisms, a number of special lectures 
having a broader scope are usually given. During 
this season these will include the lectures: “Ma- 
rine Zoology” by Dr. A. W. Pollister, ‘The 
Ecology of Marine Invertebrates”, by Dr. L. P. 
Sayles, and “Phylogeny of the Invertebrates” by 
Dr. A. E. Severinghaus. 


Dr. Oscar W. RICHARDS 

work. Furthermore, they aim to outline some of 
Instructor in Biology, Yale University. 
Hours: Mon. — Fri. 8:30 A. M. = 12:00 M.; 

1:30-4:30 P. M. Sat. 8:30 A. M.-12:00 M. 

The Chemical Room supplies chemicals, glass- 
ware, clamps and support stands for use only at 
the Marine Biological Laboratory. Special ap- 
paratus, batteries, gauges and reducing valves for 
gas cylinders are issued at the Apparatus Room 
(Brick Bldg. room 216). Supplies that are to be 
used by investigators elsewhere, such as micro- 
scope slides, cover glasses, shell vials, etc., may 
be obtained at the Supply Department (Frame 
Bldg. back of Brick Bldg.) Catalogs of chemi- 
cals and apparatus may be borrowed from the Ap- 
paratus Room. 

The following standardized solutions will be 
furnished in limited quantities during the season 
of 1932. Special solutions, buffers, glass distilled 
water, and pH standards should be ordered at 
least two days before they are needed. 

N 1.000 
Acetic acid 
Hydrochloric acid 

N 0.100: 
Hydrochloric acid 

Buffer mixtures: 
Acetate pH 3.6-5.6 
Phosphate pH 5.4-8.0 
Acetate-citrate pH 2.2-8.0 (Mcllvaine) 

Indicators—Clark and Lubs series. 

Color tube standards—on special order. 

Glass distilled water—on special order. 

Compressed gases : 

Carbon dioxide, hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen 
must be ordered by the investigator from the 
person in charge at least ten days before they are 

For other standards inquire of the person in 
charge at the Chemical Room. Investigators ex- 
pecting to use special solutions or standardized 
reagents after September | are requested to notify 
the Chemical Room, if possible, before August 
15. The standardized reagents are not usually 

Sulphuric acid 
Sodium Hydroxide 

Sodium hydroxide 

Borate pH 7.6-10.0 

In Charge of the Chemical Room. 

available before June 20 or after September 15. 

Attention is invited to the Formulae and 
Methods published by the Chemical Room in THE 
CoLtectinGc Net (1930) for the composition of 
solutions and stain solubilities. Copies may be ob- 
tained at THE CoLLectinG NEt office. 

Members of classes are not entitled to supplies 
other than those provided in their regular class 
work. Beginning investigators will receive sup- 
plies only on the authorization of the person 
under whom they are working for the season. 

Certain common tools are available at the 
Chemical Room for temporary loan to investiga- 
tors. In order that maximum use be made of 
these, it is necessary that they be returned within 
24 hours. When needed by other investigators 
they are subject to recall and will then be col- 
lected by the janitors. 

Supplies no longer needed will be collected if 
word is left at the Chemical Room. 

Investigators are urged to co-operate with the 
Chemical Room by cleaning their glass-ware be- 
fore returning it at the completion of their work. 
If the investigator will place his name on the 
3ulletin Board of the Chemical Room the janitors 
will return his supplies on the date indicated. 

When the investigator is continuing the same 
work in the same room during the next season 
his supplies may be retained in the room only if 
they are listed on a Kept Out card (furnished at 
the Chemical Room window) and the card left 
with the supplies. All supplies not so listed will 
be returned by the janitors. Should the in- 
vestigator be unable to return the following sum- 
mer the supplies will be returned to the Chemical 
Room stocks if they or the room is needed by 
other investigators. 

Small amounts of special solutions will be kept 
during the winter for investigators in the Chem- 
ical Room on request. Supplies that may be in- 
jured by freezing should not be left in the wooden 


NET [ Vor. VII. No. 51 


Tuomas E. LARKIN 

Superintendent of the Mechanical Department 

The M. B. L. electrical equipment has had ex- 
tensive changes and additions during the past 
spring months, which will no doubt be of great 
benefit to the many investigators working here, 
by maintaining a more constant voltage on the 
direct current circuits, and giving them a much 
ereater source of alternating current throughout 
the entire laboratory. 

The large storage battery plant has had a com- 
plete overhauling, with a set of new plates to re- 
place the older ones, thereby bringing the outfit 
up to its initial point of efficiency. We also have 
installed in the main switch board room a new 
type of equipment, a motor generator set of seven 
kilowatts, known as a buck and boost set, which 
will build up or buck the voltage on the main 
buzzy bars if it is above or below the 115 volts 
that the device is adjusted for, thereby maintain- 
ing a constant potential of 115 volts at all times 
throughout the entire laboratory. 

By eliminating 90% of the light load from the 
battery, it has been possible to cut the capacity of 
the battery down to 60%, of its original rating, 
with a working force at present of 800 ampere 

Two new cables have been pulled in from the 
substation to the main switch board room to 
carry the A. C. current from new transformers 
and other necessary equipment situated there to 
supply the demand of the many changes made 
necessary by switching over much of the D. C. 
load to A. C.; such as lights, stills, ovens and 
many other types of laboratory equipment that is 
possible to use on current rather than from the 

The new brick building has had all its lights 
transferred to town current, with the result that 
we now have two A. C. circuits available for ex- 
perimental work, instead of one, as in the past. 

The older buildings, such as the Rockfeller and 
Botany buildings, the Lecture Hall, Kidder House 
and Homestead have all been transferred to A. C., 
direct from our own transformers, and this will 
show quite a saving from our old system, as well 
as a much more even potential. 

We have retained D. C. throughout the Old 
Main building, Mess and Carpenter Shops, since 
much of the equipment in these buildings is de- 
pendent on direct current only. 

The Crane building has also changed back to 
its old A. C. system throughout, with the ex- 
ception of a few rooms on the third floor. These 
four are fitted up with one or two D. C. polarity 
plug outlets. Also one of the 15 H. P. direct 
current S. W. pump motors has been replaced 
with a new 20 H. P. 220 Volt A. C. motor that 
will now be available for pumping throughout the 
whole 24-hour period. This is a big asset to the 
laboratory, because the demands for salt water 
are so many and so very important that a steady 
flow must be maintained at all times. 

During the past years, we could not run these 
pumps during the peak hours of the Cape and 
Vineyard Electric Company, which extended over 
a period of from 8 P. M. to 12 M.—a big handi- 
cap to everyone working with salt water. 

Finally, I believe we will all find that the whole 
plant in general is in much better shape to carry 
on the various needs of the institution, than at 
any time in the past. 


This summer the children’s School of Science 
will again be open to the children of both summer 
and all-year-round residents of Woods Hole and 
Falmouth. \At Woods Hole, where there is a 
large majority of people interested in biology, 
there is an opportunity to cultivate this interest 
in their children. There are classes in Nature 
Study, Biology and Elementary Zoology for all 
children seven years old and over; and there are 
advanced classes for those through high school 
age in Biological Technique and General Science. 
Under proper supervision, individual problems 
may be worked upon. The fee for attending the 

School is an amount which varies according to 
the means and interest of the applicants. 

Registration for classes is on Friday, June 24, 
at the School. The classes begin on Monday, 
June 27, and continue until August 5. Mrs. 
Clower is President of the Executive Committee 
and Mrs. Compton is the Chairman of Science. 

The staff consists of : Miss Katherine Clark and 
her sister Mrs. Alice C. Mullen, who have been 
connected with the School for about 10 years, 
Miss Elizabeth Kinney and Mrs. Victor Crowell, 
Jr. It is doubtful whether Mr. George Hutchin- 
son will return. 

June 25, 1932 } 




The following number of THE COLLECTING NET will contain a directory of the scientific 
workers associated with the three scientific institutions in Woods Hole during the present summer. 
In this final directory the new names will be combined with those listed below. No additional names 
can be accepted after Wednesday, July 2, and it will be of great assistance if the directory cards 

can be filled out much sooner. 

We shall be under great obligations to all members of the labora- 

tories if they will cooperate fully in this manner, so that the directory will be as complete as possible. 

Laboratories Residence 

Botany Building. ...Bot aren wale eens = 

: ara OyaeImOAY os aocgconDe 
Brick Building....... Br EER IGUSS ee ee Dr 
Lecture Hall......... L fisheries Residence...F 
Main Room in Fisheries Homestead ......... Ho 

Laboratory ........ M Hubbard <).-.....-... H 
Old Main Building ..OM nee weet teense A 
Rockefeller Bldg...Rock Wikia wee Ww 

In the case of those individuals not living on 
laboratory property, the name of the landlord and 
the street are given. In the case of individuals liv- 
ing outside of Woods Hole, the place of residence 
is given in parentheses. 

Amberson, W. R. prof. phys. Tennessee. Br 309. D 
Armstrong, P. B. asst. prof. anat. Cornell Med. Br 
318. A 106. 
Baitsell, G. A. prof. biol. Yale. Br 323. Brooks. 
Bard, P. asst. prof. phys. Harvard Med. Br 109. D 


Barth, L. G. instr. expt. emb. Columbia. Br 111. D 

Beck, L. V. asst. phys. Pittsburgh. Rock 2. McLeish, 

Boyden, Louise E. edit. asst. “Biol. Bul.” Br 305. 
Young, West. 

Brinley, F. J. asst. prof. zool. North Dakota State. 
OM 39. D 102. 

Brooks, Matilda M. res. assoc. biol. California. Br 
233. Gosnold. 

Brooks, S. C. prof. physico-chem. biol. California. 

Br 306. Gosnold. 
Butt, C. res. asst. phys. Princeton. Br 116. White, 


Calkins, G. N. prof. proto. Columbia. Br 331. Buz- 
zards Bay. 

Castle, W. A. instr. biol. Brown. OM 3. Kittila, Bar 

Cattell, W. assoc. ed. “Scientific Mo.” Br 344. A 102. 

Chidester, F. E. prof. zool. West Virginia. Br 344. 
D 318. 

Child, G. P. asst. instr. biol. New York. Br 1. A 108. 

Chute, A. L. asst. phys. Toronto. phys. D 107. 

Clowes, G. H. A. dir. Lilly Res. Labs. Br 328. Shore. 

Coe, W. R. prof. biol. Yale. Br 323. A 201. 

Cohen, Rose S. grad. asst. zool. Cincinnati. L 29. 
H 6. 

Cole, K. S. asst. prof. phys. Columbia. Br 343. D 216. 

Cowles, R. P. prof. zool. Hopkins. Br 340. D 315. 

Crampton, Clair B. res. asst. biol. Wesleyan. Br 
210. K 5. 

Croasdale, Hannah T. asst. bot. Pennsylvania. Bot. 
23. H 9. 

Crummy, P. L. grad. asst. zool. Pittsburgh. Rock 7. 
McLeish, Milfield. 

Dan, K. grad phys. Pennsylvania. Br 110. Eldridge, 

Darlington, C. D. cytologist. John Innes Hort. Inst. 
(London). Br 122 A. McLeish, Milfield. 

Doyle, W. L. res. asst. zool. Hopkins. Br 329. Dr 6. 

Fish, H. S. grad. biol. Harvard. Br 315. Dr 1. 

Fry, H. J. prof. biol. New York. OM Base. Purdum, 

Garrey, W. E. prof. phys. Vanderbilt Med. Br 215. 

Goodrich, H. B. prof. biol. Wesleyan. Br 210. D 110. 

Goodson, Mary L. Barnard. Br 344. A 102. 

Grave, B. H. prof. zool. DePauw. Br 234. Grave, 

Grave, C. prof. zool. Washington (St. Louis). Br 327. 

Guerlac, H. E. asst. phys. Cornell. OM 5. Cowey, 

Hahnert, W. F. Nat. Res. fel. biol. Hopkins. Br 111. 
Ka 21. 

Harnly, Marie L. asst. biol. New York. Br 1. D 202. 

Harnly, M. H. asst. prof. biol. New York. Br 1. D 

Harryman, Ilene res. asst. chem. Lilly Res. Labs. Br 
319. D 103. 

Harvey, Ethel B. independ. invest. phys. Princeton. 
Br 116. Gosnold. 

Harvey, E. N. prof. phys. Princeton. Br 116. Gosnold. 

Heilbrunn, L. V. assoc. prof. zool. Pennsylvania. Br 
221. Schramm, Gardiner. 

Hill, E. S. res. asst. phys. chem. Rockefeller Inst. Br 
206. D 316. 

Hill, S. E. asst. gen. phys. Rockefeller Inst. Br 209. 
Veeder, West. 

Bos, Sabra J. asst. prof. biol. Rochester. Br 217a. 


Hoppe, Ella N. res. asst. biol. N. Y. State Dept. 
Health. Br 122B. A 207. 

Huettner, A. F. prof. biol. 

Irving, L. assoc. prof. phys. Toronto. Br 109. Am- 
berson. Quisset. 

Jackson, J. R. grad. asst. biol. Missouri. Bot 1st 
Floor. K 10. 

Jenkins, G. B. prof. anat. George Washington. Br 33. 
Cannan, Gardiner. 

Johlin, J. M. assoc. prof. biochem. Vanderbilt Med. 
Br. 336. Park. 

Keil, Elsa M. instr. zool. N. J. Col. for Women. Br 
8. W d. 

Kaliss, N. grad. zool. Columbia. Br 314. McLiesh, 

Keltch, Anna K. res. chem. Lilly Res. Labs. Br 319. 
Duff, Milfield. 

Kinney, Elizabeth T. lect. zool. Barnard. Br 217b. 
K 3. 

New York. Br 228. 

[ Vor. VII. No. 51 


Kirkpatrick, T. B. assoc. prof. physical education. 
Columbia. L 26. Nickerson, Milfield. 

Knower, H. McE. assoc. prof. anat. Albany Med. Br 
234. Buzzards Bay. 

Knowlton, F. P. prof. phys. Syracuse Med. Br 226. 

Krieg, W. J. S. instr. anat. New York. OM 34. El- 
liot, Center. 

Lackey, J. B. prof. biol. Southwestern (Memphis). 

Br 8. A 203. 
Landowne, M. fel. biol. Col. City N. Y. Br 122c. Ka 

Laug, E. P. instr. phys. Pennsylvania. Br 8. D 302. 
Lillie, F. R. prof. zool. Chicago, Br. 101. Gardiner. 

Lillie, R. S. prof. gen. phys. Chicago. Br 326. 

Lynch, Ruth S. instr. genetics. Hopkins. Br 127. D 

Magruder, S. R. grad. asst. zool. Cincinnati. L 29. 
Kittila, Bar Neck. 

Marsland, D. A. asst. prof. biol. New York. Br. 339. 
D 106. 

Mathews, A. P. prof. biochem. Cincinnati. Br 342. 
Buzzards Bay. 

Mazia, D. Pennsylvania. Br 221. Ka 23. 

Michaelis, Eva M. res. asst. phys. Columbia. Br, 114. 

Michaelis. L. mem. Rockefeller Inst. Br 207. Gansett. 

Miller, F. W. grad. asst. zool. Pittsburgh. Rock 7. 

K 15. 

Nicoll, P. A. grad. asst. zool. Washington. Br 225. 
Dr 2. 

Nonidez, J. F. asst. prof. anat. Cornell Med. Br 318. 

Pace, D. M. res. asst. phys. Hopkins. Br 329. Russell, 

Packard, C, asst. prof. zool. Columbia Inst. Cancer. 
OM 2. North. 

Pomerat, C. M. instr. biol. Clark. Higgins, Depot. 

Pond, S. E. prof. phys. Pennsylvania Med. Br 216, 

Poole, J. P. prof. evolution. Dartmouth. Bot 25. D 

Prescott, G. W. asst. prof. bot. Albion. Bot 22. D 107. 

Prosser, C. L. fel. zool. Harvard Med. Br 109. Dr 6. 

Richards, O. W. instr. biol. Yale. Br 8. A 303. 

Robert, Nan L. instr. zool. Hunter. Br 217. A 206. 

Root, W. S. assoc. prof. phys. Syracuse Med. Br 226. 
Erdwurm, High. 

Rugh, R. instr. biol Hunter. Br 111. D 308. 

Sichel, F. J. M. asst. biol. New York. Br 338. Dr 2. 

Smith, E. L. grad. zool. Columbia. Br 314. Dr 34. 

Sonneborn, T. M. res. assoc. zool. Hopkins. Br 127. 
D 201. 

Speicher, B. R. grad. asst. zool. Pittsburgh. Rock 7. 
K 15. 

Speidel, C. C. prof. anat. Virginia. Br 106. D 104. 

Stabler, R. M. instr. zool. Pennsylvania. OM 22. 
Whiting, Minot. 

Starkey, W. F. grad. zool. Pittsburgh. Rock 7. Dr 

Stewart, Dorothy R. asst. prof. biol. Skidmore. Br 
232. D 105. 

Stockard, C. R. prof. anat. Cornell Med. Br 317. 
Buzzards Bay. 

Sumwalt, Margaret asst. instr. phys. Pennsylvania 
Med. Br 232. D 105. 

Tang, P. S. instr. gen. phys. Harvard. Br 309. D 305. 
Tashiro, S. prof. biochem. Cincinnati. Br 341. Park. 

Taylor, J. W. Nat. Res. fel. phys. Princeton. Br 116. 
Cowey, School. 

Taylor, W R. prof. bot. Michigan. Bot 24. Whitman. 

Titus, C. P. dir. Sch. Microscopy (N. Y.) OM Base. 
D 213. 

Townsend, Grace fel. zool. Chicago. Br 217i. W b. 

Wade, Lucille W. asst. Lilly Res. Labs. Br 319. Rob- 
inson, Quissett. 

Walker, P. A. grad. asst. phys. Harvard. Br 312. 
Thompson, Water. 

Wilson, E. B. DaCosta prof. emeritus zool. Columbia. 
Br 322. Buzzards Bay. 

Wilson, Hildegard N. fel. biochem. Bellevue Med. 
Br 310. Buzzards Bay. 

Te Winkel, Lois E. grad. zool. Columbia. Br 314. K 2. 

Wolf, E. A. assoc. prof. zool. Pittsburgh. OM 43. 
Elliot, Center. 

Young, S. B. tech. Rockefeller Inst. Br 209. Young, 

Zirkle, C. assoc. prof. bot. Pennsylvania. Bot 6. Boss, 


Belcher, Jane C. grad. Colby. emb. H 3. 

Beltran, E. prof. zool. Mexico. proto. D 203. 

Bridges, J. C. instr. biol. Michigan. phys. A 106. 

Burrows, R. B., Jr. grad. asst. biol. Yale. emb. Ka 2. 

Chao, I. grad. phys. Chicago. phys. D 217. 

Coplan, Helen M. asst. biol. Goucher. phys. H 2. 

Cowles, Janet M. Hopkins. emb. D 315. 

Dieter, C. D. asst. prof. biol. Washington and Jef- 
ferson. emb. Howes, Water. 

Duncan, P. M. grad. zool. Pennsylvania. proto. Dr 

Eastlick, H. L. grad. asst. zool. Washington (St. 
Louis). emb, Dr 2. 

Gustafson, A. H. instr. biol. Williams. bot. McInnis, 

Hess, Margaret grad. res. fel. Virginia. phys. Mc- 
Leish, Milfield. 

Heyl, J. T. Hamilton. phys. Ka 24. 

Hoover, Margaret E. Smith. emb. Robinson, Quisset. 

King, Florence A. grad. asst. phys. Wellesley. phys. 
iat 7 

Kleinholz, L. H. K. instr. anat. Colby. emb. Ka 22. 

Ling, S. grad, zool. Cornell. proto. Dr 9. 

Manery, Jeanne F. grad. asst. phys. Toronto. phys. 

Morris, J. E. grad. asst. biol. Fisk. emb. K 14. 

Olsen, M. W. jr. poultry biol. U. S. Dept. Agr. emb. 
Ka 23. 

Pappenheimer, Anne Radcliffe. phys. H 4. 

Roeder, K. D. instr. phys. Tufts. phys. Thomas, Buz- 
zards Bay. 

Rowland, C. R. asst. zool. Columbia. proto. Ka 21. 

Runelles, R. W. DePauw. emb. Ka 23. 

Scartterty, Louise E. instr. biol. Newcomb. emb. H 3. 

Schott, Margaret H. asst. phys. Mt. Holyoke. phys. 
Thomas, Buzzards Bay. 

Spangler, Betty A. Wheaton. bot. Young, West. 

Specht, H. grad. Hopkins. phys. Dr 5. 

Strongman, Louise E. Radcliffe. bot. Gifford, Gov- 

tum Suden, Caroline grad. res. fel. phys. Boston. 
phys. Grinnell, West. 

Toothill, Martha C. instr. gen. biol. Adelphi. phys. 

Wagoner, K. S. grad. DePauw. emb. K 12. 

Warbritton, Virgene res. asst. zool. Missouri. phys. 
Googins, Quissett. 

Watkeys, Jean D. Rochester. Med. emb. H 6. 
Weintraub, R. L. George Washington. bot. D 312. 

Wismer, Virginia asst. bot. Pennsylvania. bot. San- 
derson. High. 


25, 1932 ] 


NET 1 


Those who gather this Summer for work at 
the Marine Biological Laboratory will miss the 
pleasant countenance and warm greeting with 
which Mr. Hilton has for many years met his re- 

turning friends. Mr. Herbert A. Hilton from 
his first connection with the Laboratory in 1912 
has been more than a mere employee; an interest- 
ed and loyal member of the staff of helpers, and 
in recognition of this intelligent interest, wide 
general knowledge and the will and ability to place 
it at the disposal of the Institution, he has since 
1915 had the title and responsibilities of Superin- 
tendent of Buildings and Grounds. 

What investigator during these years has not 
had occasion to consult him about ways and means 
of constructing accessory equipment for use either 
in the laboratory or in the field and has not come 
away from the conference with a better conceived 
plan than the one with which he approached Mr. 
Hilton ? 
~ Unusual native abilities were his by Nature but 
‘they were schooled and matured by a wide and 
varied experience ; born in Lowell, Massachusetts, 
in 1867; taken in his first year to Alna, Maine 
‘where he spent his childhood and youth and at- 
tended the common school. At the age of 15 the 
serious business of life began which brought him 
experience on the farm, on the river and in the 
deep woods of northern Maine. Quick decisions 
and good judgments were called for in handling 
scows in the swift currents of the Maine rivers 
and still more exacting and maturing were the 
demands of the lumber camp. Driving horse cars 
for a time in Boston apparently prepared him for 
the work of teaming on the J. S. Fay farm and 
for Mr. Walter O. Luscombe during the first 
years after coming to Woods Hole in 1890. Later 

he entered the carpenters trade and became fore- 
man for E. E. Swift and Son. Just prior to 
entering the service of the Marine Biological Lab- 
oratory he was associated with the carpenter and 
builder, Mr. Bowles. 

Valuable suggestions and aid could always be 
expected by those who laid their mechanical proh- 
lems before the understanding mind and skillful 
hands of the occupant of the shop on the Fel 
Pond. Mr. Hilton will be missed and held in 
pleasant memory by all who have been served by 
him or were privileged to know him. 

—Caswell Grave. 


For the past twenty years, weekly informal dis- 
cussions have been held at the residence of Dr. J. 
P. \Warbasse on Penzance Point, the subjects of 
which are usually current problems of general 
interest. Dr. Warbasse usually leads the dis- 
cussions, although certain distinguished visitors 
or workers at the Laboratory have often relieved 
him in this capacity. Some of the men who 
officiated last summer were Henry Dana, Fre1 
Howe, Roger Baldwin, Everet Dean Martin, and 
Dr. Stockard and Dr. DuBois from Woods Hole. 

This summer it is a question as to whether 
these forums shall be resumed or not. They have 
heen customarily held out of doors on Sunday 
afternoons, where chairs are available for those 
who come early and blankets for the late arrivals. 
All those who are rather more seriously inclined, 
and who do not yield to their more frivolous 
temptations, usually appear at the Point at 3 
o'clock. Dr. Warbasse realizes that Sunday 
afternoons are often too lovely to devote to “edu- 
cation” instead of recreation. For this reason it 
has been thought that the meetings might be dis- 
continued entirely. 

Dr. Warbasse would appreciate very much any 
suggestions as to subjects for discussion, possible 
leaders or speakers, and a definite time for these 
meetings. If the forums were held Sunday even- 
ings, many people who wanted to take the after- 
noon boat would be unable to; while, if the meet- 
ings were to be held on other afternoons, the 
Laboratory workers ordinarily could not attend. 
Tuesday and Friday evenings are reserved for 
the regular evening ‘meetings. The question is, 
might not much of the charm of outdoor meet- 
ings be lost if. some evening were appointed for 

It is hoped that any suggestions that occur to 
anyone will be communicated to Dr. Warbasse. 
These will reach him if they are given verbally 
or in writing to some one in THe CoLLectTInG 
Net office. 


[ Vo. VII. No. 51 

The Collecting Net 

A weekly publication devoted to the scientific work 
at Woods Hole. 


Ware Cattell Editor 

Assistant Editors 

Florence L. Spooner Annaleida S. Cattell 

The Collecting Net in 1932 

The purpose of THe CoLLectinG NEr is to 
assemble material which is of especial interest to 
the workers in the biological institutions at Woods 
Hole. We want to record as fully as we can the 
research work and other activities of the members 
of the Marine Biological Laboratory, the United 
States Bureau of Fisheries and the Woods Hole 
Oceanographic Institution. But we also want to 
seek relevant material outside of Woods Hole 
and to record local events of interest. The pro- 
jected editorial contents of our magazine can be 
divided fairly well into the four parts: 

(1) Results of the scientific work reported 
during the summer at Woods Hole. 

(2) Items reporting the activities of mem- 
bers of the scientific institutions in Woods Hole. 

(3) World-wide news of the activities of 
institutions and individuals working in the field 
of biology. 

(4) The more important local news. 

Tue CotLectinG NET is an independent publi- 
cation. Its contents are based primarily on the 
three scientific institutions in Woods Hole, but 
it has no official connection with any one of them. 

We believe that there is not only a place, but a 
real need for an informal magazine of biology 
which is prepared to include constructive dis- 
cussion on any topic of interest to those persons 
working in the field of the biological sciences. 

Last summer we were successful again in ac- 
cumulating the sum of $500.00 for THE CoLLEct- 
NG Nev Scholarship Fund. This money was di- 
vided into five equal sums and awarded to the 
following five superior students who took courses 
at the laboratory during 1931: 

Name Course 
Mr. J. R. Jackson Botany 
Miss Helen M. Lundstrom.... Physiology 
Mr. C. M. Pomerat Zoology 
Mr. Thurlo B. Thomas Zoology 
Mr. George D. Young............ .. Zoology 

The awards were made to assist these individu- 
als in defraying a part of their expenses in Woods 

Hole this summer. In accepting a scholarship a 
student agrees to spend a minimum of six weeks 
in full-time research. If a student and his ad- 
visors believe that he will profit from registering 
in another course, he may do so providing a 
period of four weeks is reserved for research 

The awards listed above were made in Septem- 
ber by a committee consisting of Professor C. E. 
McClung, Professor Alfred C. Redfield and Pro- 
fessor I. F. Lewis. 


Brown, F. A., Jr. fel. zool. Harvard. 315. Hilton, 

Hines, J. M. Brown. 211. Stuart, School. 

Ingalls, Elizabeth N. tech. Harvard. 103. Young, 

Lutz, F. B. Brown. 111. Hilton, Water. 

Renn, C. E. asst. biol. New York. 201. Young, Middle. 

Reuszer, H. W. instr. biol. Rutgers. 201. Young, 

Welsh, J. H. instr. zool. Harvard. 213. McInnis, Mil- 


Galtsoff, Eugenia assoc. zool. George Washington. 
122. F 26. 

Galtsoff, P. S. biol. U. S. B. F. (Washington) 122. 
F 26. i 

Linton, E. fel. parasitology. Pennsylvania. M 5. West. 
Worley, L. G. asst. zool. Harvard. Hatchery. F 37. 


At the following hours (Daylight Saving 

Time) the current in the hole turns to run 
from Buzzards Bay to Vineyard Sound: 
Date A.M. P.M. 

June 25 - 10:36 =—-11:06 
June 26. 26 
June 27. 12:01 12:14 
June 28. 12:92 1:02 
June 29.. 1:40 1:47 
June 30.. 2 :26 Ze Sil 
i)jtaliyaeelee 3:09 3:13 
July 2. 3:52 3557 
July 3. 4:34 4:40 
July 4. eI 5 :24 

In each case the current changes approxi- 
mately six hours later and runs from the 
Sound to the Bay. It must be remembered 
that the schedule printed above is dependent 
upon the wind. Prolonged winds sometimes 
cause the turning of the current to occur a 
half an hour earlier or later than the times 
given above. The average speed of the cur- 
rent in the hole at maximum is five knots 
per hour. 

June 25, 1932 ] 




The M. B. L. Club 

On the evening of Saturday, June 25, the M. B. 
L. Club will open its doors for the first time this 
season, with a party known as a “mixer’’—to 
which everyone, member or not, is invited most 
cordially. It is hoped that everybody connected 
with any of the three institutions at Woods Hole 
will take this opportunity to become acquainted 
with co-workers and fellow pleasure-seekers. 
Each Saturday night there-after, the Club will be 
open for informal dances, in which members and 
their guests only may participate. Every Wednes- 
day night there is to be a victrola concert, the pro- 
grams for which will be under the direction of 
Mr. Voss Greenough. 

It is stressed that the Club is always open to 
all members throughout the day, and that reading 
matter of all kinds is available for the members’ 

The membership fee is $1.50, payable to Miss 
Crowell in the Laboratory Office, and everyone 
who has not already joined for this season is 
earnestly urged to do so. 

The Club also wishes to announce that the 
raft which it sponsors is going to be put out in 
the near future. 

The Tennis Club 

New visitors and old residents of Woods Hole 
will be glad to hear that the Tennis Club has 
started its yearly activities. The courts will all 
be in good playing order next week, and it is 
urged that everyone take note of the extensive 
repairs which have been made on backstops, nets 
and playing surfaces. 

The membership fee for the season is $5.00. 
If one joins merely for the duration of the courses 
it is $4.00. Junior membership (for all those 
under sixteen) is $2.50. All dues are payable 
to Dr. Arthur Pollister. 

In the near future there is going to be held a 
series of championship tournaments, which will 
be under the direction of Dr. Pollister, and which 
will be open to all members. Later it is hoped 
that the club will be able to include in that tour- 
nament a separate one for course members only. 

While we are on the subject of clubs, perhaps 
it is not generally known that there does exist a 
horse-shoe pitching club—of very small member- 
ship at present—but a club which hopes to enlarge 
that membership this summer. It is understood 
that: the court is to be fixed up, and open to mem- 
bers only. The fee for membership is 25 cents. 
All who may he interested are invited to join. 

Dr. Ross G. Harrison, Professor of Zoology at 
Yale University, sailed for Europe from Montreal 
on June 11, Dr. Harrison expects to be gone for 
the entire summer, but will return in time to take 
up his teaching duties in the Fall. 

The Atlantis under the command of Captain 
Iselin, left Woods Hole for a brief cruise on Fri- 
day, June 24 and will return on July 3. This 
vessel is scheduled to take another cruise on July 
6 which will extend over a period of only a few 

Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Johlin have returned to 
their home on Gardiner Road. Mrs. Johlin has 
been visiting in Paris, where her two daughters, 
Miss Ruth Ann and Sally Johlin are now study- 
ing. With them is Professor Johlin’s cousin 
Miss Helen Losering of Berne, Switzerland, who 
is enjoying a year’s visit to the United States 
and Canada. Miss Sally Johlin will be assisting 
in the Chemical room during the summer. 

Mr. Goffin of the fisheries bureau wishes to an- 
nounce that if anyone in the laboratory wants any 
goose-fish eggs for experimental purposes, he has 
some now available. He urges all who may want 
them to get them now, as they were collected on 
June 11, and will not last long. 

It is reported that Captain Jackson’s boat the 
“Liberty” came in with a haul of about 25 sword- 
fish last week. 


The course in Field Zoology opened on June 
16th, under the leadership of Profs. S. I. Korn- 
hauser of the University of Louisville, Dr. H. 
Spieth of the College of the City of New York, 
and Mr. Howard Curran, of the American Mu- 
seum of Natural History, assisting. There are 
twelve students in the course. 

The course in General Physiology, with Prof. 
I. R. Taylor of Brown University in charge and 
Mr. Crescitelli of the same institution assisting, 
begins the 21st of this month. Nine students are 

Students in the class of Surgical Methods in 
Experimental Biology start work on the 21st. 
Prof. W. W. Swingle of Princeton University is 
in charge of the course and will be assisted by 
Mr. William Parkins of the Biological Labora- 
tory. Twelve students have been admitted to the 
course, although the number is usually limited to 


NET [ Vor. VII. No. 51 

Preserve an 

Authentic Record 
of Your Work 

ars rapid increase in the use of photo- 
micrography is due to the increasing 
recognition by scientists of the value of 
permanent records of both routine and 
research work. 

Bausch & Lomb offers a most complete 
line of cameras and accessories that 
meets every need of this essential work. 

The K Camera is an effective type of 
equipment that may be used with any 
standard microscope and light source. 

Its construction gives freedom from vi- 
bration and insures long life under con. 
stant usage. The various parts are of 
metal and in correct relation one to the 


other, for ease of manipulation. An im- 
portant feature is the observation eye- 
piece through which the specimen may 
be observed while the exposure is being 

See the K Camera at our exhibit beginning July 10. 

Bausch & Lomb Optical Co. 

671 St. Paul St. Rochester, N. Y. 

Pedagogically Correct 

The Kewau- 
nee line of lab- 
oratory Fur- 
niture for use 
in the study of ‘ 
biology is very complete. 
It offers every type of fur- 
niture required and each§ 
piece is pedagogically cor- 
rect in every detail. Ke- 
waunee, while of the very finest construc- § 
tion and containing all the accepted new @ 
improvements, is very reasonably priced. @ Trapezoidal 

If you are interested in equipping a lab- Microscope 
oratory, write for the Kewaunee Catalog. Table 
It is the: most comprehensive book of the No. C-354 
industry. It is sent to buyers, without 
cost, when request is made on institution's 


C. G. Campbell, Pres. and Gen. Mer. 



Chicago Office 

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Offices in Principal Cities 


Volumes and Back Copies For Sale 
EST. 1887 

B. LOGIN & SON, Inc. 


Books covering a wide variety of subjects 
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Best Results 
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Do Not Fog 

At your dealer—or write (giving dealer’s name) to 

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117-119 East 24th Strcer NEW YORK 

June 25, 1932 } Dik COLLECRING NET 19 




The latest development and improvement in Microscope design — a fine adjustment 
located low enough to be operated with your hand resting on the table — an original, 
outstanding feature. This new microscope has many other advantageous features. 

JULY 6th to 15th 

oo ence AGS Compe 




NET [ Vou. VII. No. 51 


Superintendent of Schools 

The public schools of Falmouth are organized 
on the so-called 6-3-3 plan. Four elementary 
schools located in Woods Hole, Village, Teaticket 
and East Falmouth, respectively, provide facilities 
from the sub-primary through the sixth grade. 
From the elementary schools pupils go to the 
Junior High School and thence to the high 

All elementary schools have a sub-primary 
class. Before these classes were organized the 
mortality rate in the first grade was high. Now 
all entering pupils are given an intelligence test 
and placed where they do the best work, with 
the result that the mortality in the first grade 
has been reduced to a minimum. Owing to the 
number of grades per teacher in the Woods Hole 
School, the sub-primary class will be discontinued 
in September. 

Three special classes for atypical children 
have proven their value by removing these pupils 
from the regular class rooms where they were 
a handicap and placing them in special classes 
-where the work is adapted to their abilities. 

In the Village School we have experimented 
with an Opportunity Class for pupils who 
through illness or other misfortune have dropped 
behind in their work. Over a period of several 
years this class has brought up to grade annually 
on an average of forty pupils who would other- 
wise have had to repeat the grade. The elimina- 
tion of non-promotion is a subject to which we 
have given considerable thought, and which after 
several years’ endeavor we feel we are on the 
‘road to reducing toa minimum. Non-promotion 
creates in the pupil a sense of failure and dis- 
couragement, and it is very frequently the result 
of factors beyond his control. The time is not 
far off when non-promotion will be considered 
a failure on the part of the school-system to 
meet the pupils’ needs. Where non-promotion 
is prevalent a pupil repeating a grade has his best 
subjects depressed to the level of his poorest, 
while in a school system where non-promotion 
is reduced to a minimum, an attempt is made to 
bring a pupil's poor subjects up to the level of 
his best by permitting him to advance with his 
class and making provision for extra help in his 
poorer subjects. In the Village School where an 
opportunity class has been in operation for four 
years, the per cent. of non-promotion is negli- 
gible, while in the larger elementary schools 
where this opportunity is not provided, non- 
promotion and retardation still persist to the de- 
triment of both the pupils and the school system. 
With an opportunity class in each elementary 

school, non-promotion in Falmouth could be 
practically eliminated, the cost of educating a 
pupil would be materially reduced, and pupils 
would acquire the habit of success rather than 
of failure. Unfortunately, owing to a reduced 
appropriation, our one Opportunity Class will be 
discontinued in September. 

In the Junior High School pupils are offered 
a course of study which anticipates the high 
school curriculum, and by exploration discovers 
the aptitudes of pupils so that they can later 
follow a course in the high school which is 
adapted to their needs and abilities. The extra- 
curricular activities of the Junior High School 
are an integral part of the school, and upon them 
are based the pupil participation in school govern- 
ment. The extra-curricular activities range from 
home-room organization and traffic squad to 
clubs, orchestra, and assemblies. 

At Lawrence High School courses are offered 
in Household Arts, Manual Training, Commercial 
subjects, Agriculture, College Preparatory, and 
a General Course for those who wish to elect 
subjects from any of the other courses. Several 
years ago we tried out the Laboratory Plan of 
instruction in the history department with such 
good results that the method is now used with 
other subjects in both the high schools. The 
so-called Laboratory Plan is an outgrowth of the 
Dalton Plan which we have adapted to local 
needs and conditions. A month’s work is 
assigned which the pupil can do at his own rate 
of speed. When the assignment is completed, 
the pupil is tested and if the work is satisfactory 
he may go on to the next month’s assignment. 
The advantages of this system are numerous. 
The pupil proceeds according to his ability; he 
knows in advance what he has to do and plans 
accordingly; his independence is stimulated; and 
he is trained to proficiency in a type of work 
which is demanded in college and in later life. 

The Falmouth Schools are provided with 
special supervisors of Music, Art, Physical 
Training, and Health. In instrumental music 
our work has been commended not only on the 
Cape but throughout the Commonwealth ; in art 
our pupils have won many prizes and the annual 
exhibit attracts wide attention; in physical train- 
ing all pupils receive attention and our athletic 
teams cherish a reputation for sportsmanship and 
clean playing; and in health we supplement our 
naturally healthy environment with expert medical 
advice and care. The Falmouth schools are good 
schools and the parents will never be satisfied 
with less. 

June 25, 1932 ] 


Superior Gurnsey Milk and Cream 
Selected Eggs Ice Cream 


Falmouth 278 Osterville 378 



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Squares, $.39; Runners, $.59; 
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Panels, $.79 

The Collecting Net 
Began Publication in 1926 

May be obtained by 

The Collecting Net 





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Clever Shoppers Visit the 


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Gifts, Lamps, Bridge Prizes, Baskets, Jewelry 
Falmouth, Mass. 

Hyannis, Mass. 

24 Queen’s Buyway 

Woods Hole, Mass. 


Printing — Developing — Enlarging 


NET [ Vou. VII. No. 51 



After a winter reported to have been unusually 
free from fires, the fire department at Woods 
Hole was stirred to unusual activity on Thursday 
night and Friday morning, when they were called 
to two fires in the vicinity. 

The first one occurred at the height of a sudden 
storm which swept over Woods Hole about 9:30 
Thursday night. This fire was caused by an in- 
cinerator which started burning on the grounds 
of Frank J. Mather, Jr. in Quisset. It was not 
serious, and was soon quenched by the prompt 
action of the firemen. 

The second fire came early on Friday morning 
at Dr. Cornelia M. Clapp’s cottage on Gardiner 
Road. This fire was started by papers left burn- 
ing in the fireplace, and the sparks spread to the 
roof, where the fire burned a hole three feet 
square. Engine 2, Hose 5 and Ladder 1 were 
used, with Captain Ferris in charge. Dr. Clapp 
is Trustee Emeritus of the Marine Biological Lab- 

According to the fire department the sudden 
storm on Thursday night did considerable damage ; 
breaking the high tension wires on the Main Road 
which had to be repaired, and burning out the 
transformers opposite Cherry Valley on the Main 
Road. Good: sized sections of trees were reported 
to be lying in varied positions on the coast-side 
road to Falmouth, causing considerable incon- 
venience to autoists who were trying to flee be- 
fore the storm. 


The Woods Hole Yacht Club plans to hold 
yacht races in five classes this summer. On Mon- 
day afternoons from July Fourth to Labor Day, 
the sailing dories, Cape Cod knockabouts, and 
Heweshoff Buzzards Bay knockabouts will sail 
over courses having their starting and finish lines 
near the head of Great Harbor. On Wednesday 
afternoons from July sixth to August thirty-first 
the “S” class and ‘“‘Wianno Senior” class sloops 
will race in Vineyard Sound or in Buzzards Bay, 
depending on the direction of the current in the 
Hole in the early afternoon. Sound courses will 
start and end off Nobska Beach, and Bay courses 
off Penzance Point. 

The final schedule and general announcement 
for the season will be issued shortly. Persons 
desiring information should consult the Secretary, 
Mr. Edward A. Norman. 


The University Players will start their fifth 
summer season of plays at Old Silver Beach, 
under the new name of “The Theatre Unit,” a 
permanent and unified producing organization. 
This past winter they very successfully played in 
3altimore for eighteen weeks. 

The list of Plays for this season contains some 
very interesting and ambitious productions. The 
Theatre Unit has received the rights to produce 
three plays this summer which will appear on 
3roadway next year. They will open next Mon- 
day with “Magnolia” by Booth Tarkington. 
“Lysistrata” of Aristophanes, the Gilbert Silde’s 
version as produced in New York and Philadel- 
phia, and which was the high point of The Thea- 
tre Unit’s Baltimore season, will be produced this 
summer also. It will be the largest production 
ever staged on the Cape, because the cast will in- 
clude seventy people, exclusive of a ballet staged 
by Ted. Shawn. 


The red Bellanca seaplane which has been in 
the harbor so much recently has been much talked 
about. It has been found that this plane is 
capable of carrying six passengers from New 
3edford to Nantucket, stopping at Woods Hole 
and Vineyard Haven. The first run was on 
Tuesday, and the pilot, Henry Olden of Fair- 
haven, plans to make five trips a day to and from 
New Bedford throughout the summer. Hand 
baggage is carried free by the steamship line. 
There are various advantages in travelling by air 
rather than by land or sea. The flight from 
Woods Hole to New Bedford takes only seventeen 
minutes, but this 1s counter-balanced by the fact 
that its cost is $1.25 more than the boat trip. 

One of the subscribers of THE COLLECTING 
Net left the following note for publication: 

The Island Airways, Incorporated had a mis- 
hap on Friday but not much is known about it 
because the Corporation is making every effort to 
keep the story down. However, a connecting rod 
broke during the trip from Vineyard Haven to 
Nantucket. The Bellanca sea plane had to make 
a forced landing and for two hours the officials 
did not know where it was. Airplanes were sent 
to look for it. On Friday evening the airplane 
had been repaired and was continuing its regular 

June 25, 1932 ] 


Souvenirs and Jewelry 


Depot Avenue Woods Hole, Mass. 



Cleaning, Dyeing and Repairing 
Coats Relined and Altered. Prices Reasonable 


Main St. Woods Hole, Mass. Call 752 



Telephone 1243 





Walter O. Luscombe 



Woods Hole Phone 622-4 





Falmouth Phone 116 



Opposite Station 



Dealer in 


Tel. Falmouth 660 and 661 



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The distinctive feature of this text is the use 
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[ Vor. VII. No. 51 

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This is a complete and scientific textbook spe- 
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This book treats thoroughly and in a most 
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This is the only book in English to present the 
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John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 



June 25, 1932 ] Lik COLLECTING NEW 


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[ Vou, VII. No. 51 

a Refrigerated Centrifuge ? 


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Makers of Fine Centrifuges 




An adaptation of the author’s highly successful “Foundations of Biology” (Fourth Edition) 
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a general course in zoology to- 
gether with directions for the 
study of these selected types in 
the laboratory. Although plan- 
ned especially for use with “An- 

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The Promi projects microscopic slides and living organisms 
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The Promi, recently perfected by a prominent German 
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It has been endorsed by many leading scientists and in- 

PRICE: F.O.B. , York, $100.00 complete apparatus in 
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Prospectus Gladly Sent 

A new instrument which has been brought out in response to a demand for a simple apparatus like 
the Promi for more advanced work which requires more powerful illumination and higher magnifica- 
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Prospectus and prices sent on request. | by Mr. Robert Rugh, Room 11, Brick 
Headquarters for Biological Teaching Material Bldg., M. B. L., Woods Hole.” 

117-119 East 24th Street 

ie WO a 

Skeleton of Fish in Case 

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Model of Human Heart 117-119 EAST 24th STREET NEW YORK 

Vol. VII. No. 2 


Annual Subscription, $2.00 
Single Copies, 25 Cts. 



Biclogist, U. S. Bureau of Fisheries 
In 1930 the U. S. Bureau of Fisheries, in co- 
operation with the Navy Department who as- 
signed the mine sweeper V/ippoorwill to assist in 

biological investigation, sent 
an expedition for the explora- 
tion of Pearl and Hermes 
Reef, a small atoll situated 
near the western end of the 
Hawaiian Archipelago about 
76 miles east from Midway 
Island and 1100 west of Hon- 

olulu. Since the discovery of 
Pearl and Hermes Reef in 
1822 by two British whale- 

ships which on the night of 
April 26 were wrecked within 
ten miles of each other, but a 
few persons visited this place. 
In 1858 Capt. Brooks cruising 
on the U. S. S. Gambia ex- 
plored the atoll. In 1867 it 
was surveyed by U. S. S. 
Lackawana. Then it was vis- 
ited in 1912 by a German en- 
gineer, EIschner, engaged in a 

study of phosphate rocks of the Pacific; and in 
1923 by Dr. Wetmore of the National Museum in 
(Continued on Page 34) 

charge of the Tanager 






The fishery admi 

MW. B. L, Calendar 

TUESDAY, JULY 5, 8:00 P. M. 

Evening Seminar: Auditorium, Dr. 
Ethel Browne Harvey: Splitting 
of the Eggs of Four Neapolitan 
Sea Urchins by Centrifugal Force 
and the Development of the 
Halves and Quarters. | 

Dr. Henry J. Fry and Mr. Mark S. 
Parks: The Relation betwe2n 
Viscosity Changes and Mitotic 
Changes in Cleaving Eggs. 

Dr. L. V. Heilbrunn: The Action 
of Ultra Violet Rays on tke Pro- 
toplasm of Amoeba. 

FRIDAY, JULY 8, 8:00 P.M. 

Evening Lecture: Dr. R. W. Ger- 
ard, Associate Professor of Phys- 
iology, University of Chicago. 
“The Speed of Life’. 

our state commissic 
ministrative functic 

Government is a unique organization. 


Chief, Division of Scientific Inquiry, U. S. 

pau of Fisheries 

nistration of the United States 
Its chief 
functions are concerned with 
the conservation of our aquatic 
resources, yet its operations 

are different from those of 
other similar governmental 
units. Virtually all of the 
state governments maintain 

fishery boards, fish and game 
departments, or conservation 
commissions, all of which give 
direct attention to the problems 
of conservation through regu- 
lation of the fisheries by rule 
or by the enforcement of laws 
enacted by the state legis- 
latures. Their functions are 
chiefly administrative, although 
a few states engage in research 
as a basis for their regulatory 
activities. Foreign govern- 
ments likewise maintain fishery 
departments that correspond to 
ns in their regulatory and ad- 

Federal activities in fishery conservation in the 



The Coral Reefs of the Hawaiian Islands, IWSeas}i OF ALND RIE, Ce MAO SOOM MATE OU Coto S 37 
2s leEnbU IS. (ECMO tno on HO ee oa rbeo ao am Oo aee 23 DIRASIC AY tie TER Abe tawktontoseasscoaneouce 39 
Vishery SS EE Oe by the Federal Government, WapWonevioodswEloleln = 5-fe a aonchas vam n de 43 
PBL 11 GED IAS Vonage ger e aycvers ccs sitccaishareyeie ie + scerleier 29 he 
The Course in Algae, PES COL VV OCS HELOLG 2 aon" vic iatenale aiairacde nies aio eran 4 
iD, Widillienra tay Gian an conmeneanneoaneae Gis (Clwbereevalis) Shel (Ho TEMS oa ce bacasgeonsoodecenous 45 
PNUUOT LOA Ce oo ake favetayey sus eh suche evel.e“erdbe. eh sere noses 2 BIS WCE) ISVILO Saco ke as enabeosesocennoade 52 


NET [ Vor. VII. No. 52 


Rioters MASh i.e edie) 

640 Preah He, 

A RAL Maas 

AN van SN PA i i 
MM 1 sty 20ition 2 

lak 4 

if Hone 4, 
wes staan’? 

Mark ait, 

Rad. Ab. 


Professor Baird early recognized the advantages of Woods Hole as a location for marine biological 
research and for many years occupied temporary quarters on Little Harbor each summer until the 
present Fisheries Biological Laboratory and Hatchery were completed in 1883. 

United States, however, are of the positive kind 
looking toward the development and complete 
utilization of aquatic resources by means of 
scientific research and practical fish culture, rather 
than by negative or restrictive activities such as 
are involved in the enforcement of regulatory 
legislation. Except in the territory of Alaska, 
the United States Bureau of Fisheries is without 
power to regulate fishing, for under the federal 
form of government Congress enjoys only such 
powers as are delegated by the Constitution, and 
complete jurisdiction of the fisheries has remained 
in the hands of the individual states. The Bureau 
of Fisheries is therefore essentially a scientific or- 
ganization and its findings are presented to the 
states in the form of technical reports and direct 
recommendations become effective only by enact- 
ment of the state legislatures. 

The research functions of the Bureau of Fish- 
eries were defined by the Congressional resolu- 
tion which established the old U. S. Fish Com- 
mission in 1871. The duties imposed upon the 
first Commissioner of Fisheries, Spencer F. Baird, 
then Assistant Secretary of the Smithsonian In- 

stitution, required him “to prosecute” the neces- 
sary inquiries, “with the view of ascertaining 
whether any and what diminution in the number 
of food fishes of the coast and lakes of the United 
States has taken place; and, if so, to what causes 
the same is due; and also whether any and what 
protection, prohibitory or precautionary measures 
should be adopted _..” The principal direction in 
which the bureau’s functions have been expanded 
has been in the development of fish cultural opera- 
tions begun during the second year of the Com- 
mission’s existance, and in the administration of 
the fisheries in Alaska, including the fur seal in- 
dustry, in which broad powers of regulation were 
conferred upon the bureau as recently as 1924. 
The early attitude of the commission toward 
scientific work, which included the systematic in- 
vestigations of the waters of the United States 
and the biological and physical problems which 
they present, was admirably expressed by G. 
Brown Goode in 1884 as follows: “The scientific 
studies of the commission are based upon a liberal 
and philosophical interpretation of the law. In 
making his original plans, the commissioner in- 

JuLy Ze 1932 ] 

sisted that to study only the food fishes would be 
of little importance, and that useful conclusions 
must needs rest upon a broad foundation of in- 
vestigations purely scientific in character. The 
life history of species of economic value should 
be understood from beginning to end, but no less 
requisite is it to know the histories of the animals 
and plants upon which they feed or upon which 
their food is nourished; the histories of their 
enemies and friends and the friends and foes of 
their enemies and friends, as well as the currents, 
temperatures, and other physical phenomena of 
the waters in relation to migration, reproductions 
and growth. A necessary accompaniment to this 
division is the amassing of material for research 
to be stored in the National and other museums 
for future use.” 

While the early years of the U. S. Fish Com- 
mission may be characterized as the era of fish- 
cultural development, the liberal policy with re- 
gard to scientific research resulted in the produc- 
tion of a rich and varied literature dealing with 
many phases of aquatic biology, in which surveys 
and explorations, with the cataloging and descrip- 
tion of animals new to science, were most promi- 
nent. The type of biology popular during the 
first three decades of the commission’s work is 
indicated by the fact that 71 per cent. of papers 
on the biology of fishes in the document series, 
were devoted to systematic ichthyology, and 
papers on other marine animals were almost 
equally devoted to taxonomy and morphology. 
While the fish culturists produced relatively few 


publications during this period, their actions spoke 
louder than words, for the artificial propagation 
of nearly every animal of economic value, verte- 
brate and invertebrate, was undertaken; practical 
inventions of all manner of apparatus, from egg 
trays to fishways, were perfected; and extensive 
efforts at transplanting and acclimatization were 
made, with brilliant results in some cases. 

Since 1900 the policy of the bureau has under- 
gone a gradual change. Partly because of the 
general trend in research in the universities 
throughout the country, investigators turned their 
interest from systematic ichthyology to the ex- 
perimental branches, and papers on physiology 
embryology and behavior, habits, or natural his- 
tory of fishes appeared in increasing numbers. 
Indeed, papers on the taxonomy of fishes were re- 
duced in number from 71 per cent. to 28 per 
cent. of those on biology of fishes. Publications 
on fish propagation indicate an increasing interest 
in pond culture ; and in the fisheries, less attention 
has been given to reconnaissance surveys and 
more to the economics and technology of the fish- 
ery industries. 

This changing attitude is shown further by the 
interest displayed in the study of habits and he- 
havior of fishes, which later has become expanded 
into studies of life history. As the publications 
in systematic ichthyology decreased in number, 
those on natural history of fishes increased, and 
even those papers dealing with fishery surveys 
have given more attention to the habits of the 
fishes considered. 


Established by the Federal Government in 1899. 

It is located on a small island in Beaufort Harbor 

which is separated from the mainland by a channel 150 yards wide. 


[ Vor. VII. No. 52 


The newest Fisheries Biological Laboratory completed this year at Seattle houses the bureau's staff 
engaged in Pacific Coast fishery investigations and also the staff of the International Fisheries Com- 
mission, United States and Canada engaged in halibut studies. é 

Research activities in the bvological sciences at 
the present time are conducted by the technical 
staff of the Division of Scientific Inquiry, num- 
bering some fifty permanent research positions 
with a score of less trained assistants and per- 
haps another score of temporary specialists, chief- 
ly from university faculties, who are employed 
for limited periods of time. These investigators 
are distributed over the entire country in small 
groups organized into compact research units, and 
maintain headquarters either at the bureau’s bio- 
logical or experimental stations or at universities. 
Only a small administrative staff in the office of 
the chief of the division is located iat Washington, 
D. C. A half-dozen or so investigators whose 
duties require their location there are accommo- 
dated in the new laboratories of the Department 
of Commerce building. 

The scientific projects cover three major fields : 
marine and fresh water commercial fisheries in- 
vestigations, aquicultural investigations, and shell- 
fisheries investigations. They are organized under 
seven distinct sections, each with a responsible 
technical head. The North Atlantic fishery in- 
vestigations directed by ©. E. Sette, are con- 

ducted from headquarters located at the Harvard 
3iological Institute, Cambridge, Mass., the Woods 
Hole Fisheries Biological Laboratory serving as 
headquarters during the summer season only. The 
South Atlantic staff is housed at the Fisheries 
3iological Laboratory, Beaufort, N. C., under the 
direction of Dr. H. F. Prytherch. Investigations 
in the Gulf, directed by Dr. F. W. Weymouth, 
chiefly concerned with the great shrimp fishery, 
are conducted from headquarters provided by the 
Conservation Department of Louisiana at New 
Orleans. Fishery investigations in interior waters, 
under Dr. M. M. Ellis, including studies of pollu- 
tion of the Mississippi River system, are facilitat- 
ed by laboratories provided by the University of 
Missouri at Columbia, Mo., Great Lakes fishery 
investigations by Dr. John Van Oosten are 
centered at the University of Michigan, Ann 
Arbor. The staff for the Pacific Coast and 
Alaska fishery investigations, directed by Joseph 
A. Craig, is housed at the new Fisheries Biologi- 
cal Laboratory, Seattle, Washington, which was 
completed during the past year and is adjacent 
to the campus of the University of Washington. 

While the chief investigator in aquiculture, Dr. 

pomye2; 1932) ] 


H. S. Davis, is located in Washington, D. C., 
studies under his direction in the interest of fish 
culture, pathology of fishes, fish nutrition and se- 
lective breeding are conducted at the Fisheries Bi- 
ological Laboratory, Fairport, Iowa, at the experi- 
mental trout hatchery, Pittsford, Vermont, at the 
experimental trout and bass station at Leetown, 
West Virginia, and at certain cooperation stations 
where facilities are provided, such as at the Uni- 
versity of Rochester, Cornell University, the bu- 
reau’s station at Cortland, New York, and its 
hatchery at Tishomingo, Oklahoma. 

Headquarters for trout cultural investigations 
and stream surveys conducted by Dr. A. S. Haz- 
zard in the national parks and forests of the 
Rocky Mountain region are maintained at the 
University of Utah, Salt Lake City, while Cali- 
fornia trout investigations carried on by Dr. Paul 
R. Needham are centered at Stanford University. 

The chief oyster investigator, Dr. Paul S. Galt- 
soff, is also located in Washington, but field lab- 
oratories have been established at Yale University 
and at Milford, Connecticut. A cooperative lab- 
oratory for oyster research on Puget Sound is 
furnished by the State of Washington at Olympia. 

During the past year the division has operated 
a number of vessels, launches, and floating labor- 
atories in the conduct of its scientific investiga- 
tions. Various phases of the North Atlantic fish- 
eries investigations have required the full time of 
the Albatross II., a 150-foot sea-going steam ves- 
sel equipped for oceanographic work and experi- 
mental trawling. The Phalarope, a 110-foot 
steam yacht, and a chartered power boat in New 
Jersey, have also been employed part time. Fish- 
ery studies in Lake Michigan have been prosecut- 
ed from the motor ship, Fulmar, a 102-foot vessel 
equipped for experimental fishing and limnologi- 
cal studies. An able 38-foot cabin motor cruiser 
and various smaller launches are stationed at the 
Beaufort (N. C.) laboratory and two sea going 
launches 45 and 65 feet respectively, are used by 
the shrimp investigators of the Gulf. On the 
Mississippi River two house boats and various 
launches provide laboratory and collecting facil- 
ities, one an 85-foot Quarter Boat on the lower 
river houses Dr. Ellis’ staff of a dozen co-workers 
and has a large, well-equipped physiological and 
chemical laboratory, and another 50 feet long is 
stationed in the Upper Mississippi Wild Life and 
Fish Refuge for limnological work. In Alaska a 
45-foot launch is used exclusively for herring in- 
vestigations and various others of the bureau’s 
large fleet of vessels are employed as circum- 
stances warrant. The biological stations are all 
equipped with adequate launches and rowboats. 
During the last two years the bureau's 85-foot 
motor ship Pelican has been-used in scientific in- 

vestigations by the International Passamaquoddy 
Fishery Commission. 

The marine fishes of the Atlantic and Pacific 
coasts support a tremendous food industry. No 
longer are new fishing grounds being discovered 
as in former years, but the exploitation of the 
more productive grounds has increased rapidly 
during the past decade. Hence, the outstanding 
problem of these fisheries receiving first attention 
by the division of inquiry is that of proper hus- 
banding of the supply in order that the resource 
may be utilized to the fullest extent compatible 
with its maintenance in a state of maximum pro- 
ductivity. In the North Atlantic area, the fish- 
eries are being critically studied to discover at the 
earliest moment signs of depletion from overfish- 
ing, and the factors that govern fish reproduc- 
tion are being examined so that advance informa- 
tion regarding fluctuations in abundance may be 
made available to the industry. On the Pacific 
Coast inquiries of a similar sort are being prose- 
cuted, and in the Alaska fisheries the results of 
such investigations find immediate application in 
the drafting of fishery regulations imposed by the 
Federal Government. Fisheries in the interior 
waters, aside from those in the Great Lakes are 
prosecuted primarily for sport and .recreation 
The tremendous increase in the army of anglers, 

‘coupled with industrialization and resulting stream 

pollution in the eastern half of the country have 
placed an intolerable strain upon the fish supply; 
and investigations are therefore directed toward 
the intelligent restocking of depleted waters, to- 
ward the perfection of fish cultural methods for 
such purposes, and toward overcoming the pollu- 
tion menace. The shellfish resources of our coast 
line have been an important food resource since 
earliest times, and recent researches as to their 
dietary values enhance rather than detract from 
their importance as a healthful food. Unrestrain- 
ed harvesting of the natural supply has led to 
marked: depletion in many areas, and the view is 
rapidly gaining popular acceptance that the adop- 
tion of modern methods of farming of oysters, 
clams, and other mollusks, either by private initia- 
tive or through rigid state regulation, is the only 
practicable means of restoring the productivity of 
our shellfish beds. The bureau investigations are, 
therefore, directed to that end with gratifying re- 
sults that appear to be fully appreciated by the 
fishing industry. Minor problems of research con- 
ducted by the division all tend toward the solution 
of these practical problems of the fisheries. The 
period of exploration and description reached its 
height during the last century and has passed. 
More modern methods of experimental biological 
and statistical analysis have taken its place, and 
fisheries research is rapidly assuming the form 
and content of an exact science. 


[ Vou. VII. No. 52 


( Continued from Page 29 ) 

expedition. In 1927 extensive pearl oyster beds 
discovered on the reefs of the lagoon, attracted 
fishermen and pearl oyster divers from Honolulu 
and Japan. With the exception of one case small 
fishing boats (sampans) were either lost at sea 
or having failed to reach their destination were 
forced to return home. Intensive shelling opera- 
tions were carried on, however, by one company 
who dispatched a schooner to Pearl and Hermes 
and on one of the islands erected several buildings 
which served as comfortable headquarters for 
our expedition. 

The Pearl and Hermes lagoon is an atoll about 
eighteen miles long and twelve miles wide. It is 
partially surrounded by a narrow strip of coral 
reefs which embrace it on the East, South and 
Southwest leaving the northern and northwestern 
sides unprotected. 

A series of islands, most of them merely sand 
bars, extends from the northwestern corner along 
the eastern and southern sides of the lagoon. 
The lagoon itself comprises a maze of small reefs 
and channels, with the depth of water varying 
from a few inches to 104 feet. The reefs grow- 
ing inside the lagoon are made up by finger like 
corals Porites compressa, P. lobata and a number 
of other species: Pocillopora damicornis, P. lingu- 
lata; Montopora verrucosa, M. verilii; Pavona 
varians and P. duerdeni; Cyphastrea ocellina; 
Dendrophyllia manni; and Fungia scutaria. The 
predominant forms, primarily responsible for the 
building up and maintenance of the encircling 
reef belong to the species of Porites and Pocillo- 
pora the colonies of which are strongly reinforced 
by the luxuriant growth of numerous nullipores. 
The role of these algae in building up reefs is 
probably equal if not superior to that of the corals. 

Between the coral reefs the bottom of the 
lagoon is covered with shifting sand which at the 
depth of about fifty feet, and below, is replaced 
by soft and sticky coral mud. Configuration, 
depth and distribution of reefs, sand and mud, re- 
flect the prevailing physical conditions and can be 
easily understood if one realizes that the present 
features of Pearl and Hermes, which in many. 
respects can be regarded as a typical atoll, are 
determined both by the constructive forces of the 
reef builders and destructive action of waves, break- 
ers, wind, rain, and various organisms, contrary 
to Darwin’s well known conception of atoll forma- 
tion, which implies a gradual subsidence of the 
foundation and filling up of the lagoon with sedi- 

ments, there are numerous indications that the ma- 
terial forming the floor of the lagoon is constantly 
being washed away and deposited at a greater 
depth outside the encircling reef. A comparison 
between the charts prepared in 1867 and in 1930 
show noticeable increase in the area of the lagoon 
especially at its southeastern corner. An im- 
portant role in the destruction of coarse material 
of the lagoon floor and its reduction into fine mud 
is attributable to a large black béche-de-mer, 
Holothuria atra, an organism measuring over a 
foot in length and weighing several pounds. 
Millions of these sluggish animals are found 
everywhere on the bottom, being especially con- 
spicuous on the white background of the sandy 
shoals. Experiments with related forms made in 
the atolls of the Indian Ocean and in Japan show 
that the intestines of the béche-de-mer of that size 
may contain as much as 88 grams of sand and 
that about half of that amount is ingested daily 
and passed through the intestinal tract. Presum- 
ably the material is not dissolved, for the contents 
of the guts are not acidified, but is simply triturat- 
ed into fine sand, which passes through a 0.5 mm. 
sieve, and mud. Similar action is exercised by a 
number of worms and sea urchins. 

The echinoderms of Pearl and Hermes are 
represented by the beautiful red slate-pencil sea 
urchin, Heterocentrosus mamuillatus, very common 
in the Hawaiian Islands, and black long-spined 
Echinotrix calamaris. The latter species is dis- 
tinctly a nocturnal organism. Incredible numbers 
of it can be found every night in the shallow 
water along the beaches where they nearly com- 
pletely cover the bottom with their spiny bodies. 
During the day only a few specimens can be 
found under the rocks. 

The starfishes are not abundant. |The most 
common species is small Lyncia multipora. The 
soft skinned sunflower starfish, Acanthaster 

planci, is quite common while the huge red Luidia 
magnificia, measuring 33 inches in diameter can be 
found only at a depth of about twenty to forty 
feet. Of the large number of molluscs, mention 
should be made of the cowry shell, Cytherea sul- 
cidentata, an endemic Hawaiian species; cones, 
Conus litteratus, with large and heavy shells coy- 
ered in July and August with leathery egg cap- 
sules ; Spondylus tenebrosus, Arca ventricosa, and 
huge conch, Cymation tritonus reaching about 14 
inches in length. Long and beautifully shaped 
Terebra maculata are found exclusively on sandy 

ou 2, 1932] 


NET 35 

bottom in which they make long burrows extend- 
ing for fifty or sixty feet, indicating the presence 
of the animal at one of the ends of the long trail. 

Among the lamellibranchs the most conspicuous 
place belongs to the pearl oyster, Pinctada 
galtsoffi, which slightly differs from the closely 
related species, P. margaritifera and maxima of 
the Phillippines and Australia. The shells of the 
Hawaiian pearl oyster reach a large size and are 
heavy. Specimens 25 - 30 cms. long and weighing 
several pounds are common. ‘The largest oyster 
obtained in 1928 weighed fifteen pounds. Ac- 
cording to the studies made by the author the 
weight-length relationship of the shell of this 
mollusc can be expressed by the equation 
W=0.042 L#*!, where W is weight in grams and 
L is length in centimeters. 

Of the oysters examined during the expedition, 
approximately ten per cent. contained pearls of 
different qualities. 

About 300 live pearl oysters were taken on 
board the Whippoorwill, placed in wooden tanks 
supplied with running sea water, and were safely 
transported to Honolulu where they were planted 
in Kaneohe Bay. 

It has been found that the pearl beds in the 
atoll had suffered considerably from unrestricted 
fishing during the previous two years. If left 
unprotected they undoubtedly would be complete- 
ly wiped out in a short time. 

Spawning of the pearl oyster occurs at a tem- 
perature of about 27°C, similar to the conditions 
existing in edible oysters, the discharge of the 
sexual products can be induced by the addition 
of sperm or eggs. Analysis of a few temperature 
records available for this unexplored part of the 
Pacific support the conclusion that spawning oc- 
curs only once a year, 

The crustacean fauna of the lagoon is very rich. 
Of special interest to the biologist are the large 
hermit crabs, Dardanus sanguinolatus, D. de- 
forms, living in the shells of Tonna melanostoma, 
and the small crab, Haplocarcinus marsupialis, 
which causes the formation of galls in corals 
( Pocillopora ). 

The lagoon abounds in fish, sea turtles and 
seals. Several small and uninhabited islands 
formed of broken corals and sand are covered 
with scanty vegetation, the grass Eragrostis varia- 
bits being the predominant plant. Since there is 
no fresh water one is entirely dependent on rain 
or on the supply brought along from the ship. 

During the severe storms which occur quite 
often the islands are swept by huge waves that 
break over the encircling reefs. 

All the islands are inhabited by large and noisy 
colonies of birds (albatrosses,, boobies,  tail- 
wedged shearwaters, sooty terns, frigates and 
others) which since 1909 have been placed under 
the protection of the U. S. government. 



Professor of Botany, University of Michigan Director of the Course. 

Three current lines of research activity are 
kept in mind in organizing the course in study of 
Algae as conducted at the Marine Biological Lab- 
oratory. In the first place, the systematics of the 
major groups have been subjected to a complete 
rearrangement in recent years as a result of dis- 
coveries revealing unsuspected phases in the life 
cycle, or in other cases from fundamental differ- 
ences in structure and physiology. There are now 
about twelve major groups of algae recognized 
instead of four to six at the beginning of the 
century, and such a changed view of their rela- 
tions has developed as to give a much more ac- 
curate, though perhaps more complicated concep- 
tion of their evolutionary relations. In the second 
place, active physiological work on algae requires 
more thorough knowledge of their cell structure 
and more accurate ideas of their specific limita- 
tions. Again, interest in fisheries research. and 
conservation of lakes calls for knowledge of the 
factors in control of periodic development of 
floras and of algal distribution. 

On a framework of observations upon algal an- 
atomy and reproduction with the groups treated 
in approximate systematic sequence, the course 
attempts to support sufficient excursions into sys- 
tematic literature to acquaint the student with the 
necessary approach to an accurate taxonomic al- 
location of his material, a modern discussion of 
the cytological basis upon which life-history 
studies are interpreted, the more striking physio- 
logical peculiarities of the several great groups, 
and with the field work an introduction to algal 
ecology and distribution. Since this course cannot 
assume any detailed knowledge of algae on the 
part of the students the treatment of these topics 
while strictly technical, must be rather elementary. 
However, in order that algal or other research 
may be forwarded during the course, time is re- 
served for conferences each week with those who 
are continuing or initiating investigations based 
upon Woods Hole material, and for those whose 
progress justifies it, arrangements can be made to 
further the work after the close of the formal 
part of the course. 


[ Vor. VII. No. 52 

The Collecting Net 

A weekly publication devoted to the scientific work 
at Woods Hole. 


Melee eiaheepaisrtohsve oe rcleiaietetextetenel peter Editor 
Assistant Editors 

Annaleida S. Cattell 

Vera Warbasse 

Ware Cattell 

Florence L. Spooner 

Beach Restrictions 

About a year ago a senior investigator—who 
is a trustee of the Marine Biological Laboratory— 
wrote the following statement for publication in 

“Two recent cases of the assertion of property 
rights, the limitation of the bathing space on the 
bayside beach and the courteously formulated 
request of the Trustees of the Forbes estate, call 
the attention of the scientific institutions in 
Woods Hole to the need of safeguarding and 
developing recreational facilities. 

“It is natural and desirable that laboratory 
workers should hope to profit from the physical 
advantages of their environment. It is certainly 
true that some investigators, even among those 
who have acquired property, are beginning to 
feel that Woods Hole is likely to become less 
desirable for themselves and their families unless 
recreational facilities can be retained and ex- 
panded. Is there, for example, any surety that 
the bathing beach frontage may not be limited to 
that of a single lot or even lost entirely if efforts 
are not made to place the bathing beach under 
public or institutional control? The Marine 
Biological Laboratory has shown foresight in 
providing real estate for the summer homes of 
investigators and it now seems desirable that at- 
tention should be paid to these recreational needs 
before it is too late.” 

The lapse of a year’s time has shown no improve- 
ment in the situation, and his statement is per- 
haps even more pertinent now than it was in 1931. 

A group of interested individuals is forming a 
committee to study the question of bathing fa- 
cilities in all of its aspects. Two or three influen- 
tial investigators have already consented to serve 
on it. THe CoLiectinGc Net is contributing 
$50.00 to assist the committee and it is expected 
that this sum will be promptly doubled by con- 
tributions from other sources. No specific plans 
for spending the money have been formulated, 
but it is realized that a committee with money will 
be more effective than one without. 

The New Seaplane Service 

It is supposed to be poor policy to mention 
names of commercial enterprises in an editorial 
column, but we make an exception in this note be- 
cause our relations with the Island Airways, Inc. 
are going to be of real assistance to THE CoL- 
LECTING Net. This summer we will be under 
continuous obligations to them for they have con- 
sented to convey copy, blocks and proof two or 
three times a day between Woods Hole and New 
Bedford. The Darwin Press is only four short 
blocks from their landing dock at the latter port, 
and the time taken to transfer material from our 
office to the Press is only twenty-five minutes. 

Yesterday, two members of our staff flew in 
one of the sea planes to and from New Bedford. 
The trip was comfortable and quick. It took 
seventeen minutes, which made the trip an hour 
shorter than it would have been by land or seea. 

Wednesday, July 6 

(1) Midsummer Night’s Dream Overture 
(2) Symphony No. 39 Mozart 
(3) Symphony in D Minor Franck 

The following evening lectures were scheduled 
for the last of June and the first of July at the 
Cold Spring Harbor Biological Laboratory. 

June 21 Prof. W. W. Swingle, “Experimental 
Studies on the Adrenal Cortical Hormone”. 

June 28, Prof. Robert W. Chambers, “The 
Physical Nature of the Cell and Some Phases of 
its Semipermeability”. 

June 30, Dr. Charles B. Davenport, “Our 

July 5, Dr. Hugo Fricke, “The Place of Physics 
in Modern Biological Research”. 

Dr. A. A. Schaeffer, who was in residence at 
the Laboratory during much of the winter, and 
who is continuing his work here this summer, has 
been appointed Chairman of the Department of 
Biology at Temple University. 

The freak storm which struck Woods Hole 
last Thursday night with such surprising force, 
did many strange things. It is said a Manchester 
sloop broke loose and headed merrily in its free- 
dom for Nantucket. Furniture was badly tossed 
about on peoples’ porches. A white yawl let go 
of its mooring to plow into the Acushnet to see 
how much white paint could be taken off. The 
best story of all, whether true or not, is that a 
car on the Buzzards Bay bridge was blown quite 
off. One sedan went through the railing and 
off, not into the water, fortunately, because the 
water was not up that far, but onto hard, dry land. 

Jury 2, 1932 ] 



Dr. and Mrs. L. T. Woodruff have purchased 
property in Gansett Woods, where they expect to 
make a permanent home. They and their family 
have been coming to Woods Hole for five or six 
years, but have only rented their houses up to 
this time. The house will be ready for occupancy 
some time this month. Their son, Lorry, is now 
a member of the crew of the schooner “Dis- 
covery,’ which is taking part in the Bermuda 

Dr. Robert Chambers has left Woods Hole for 
a short time for a visit to Cold Spring Harbor, 
where he will deliver some lectures. 

Dr. and Mrs. Potter moved into the Gigger’s 
cottage last Thursday. 

Mr. Nathan Calkins had his first solo flight this 
week at the Falmouth Airport, and since then he 
has flown every day. 

Mr. Arthur, Meigs has left this week for 
Europe with a classmate from Princeton. They 
intend to wander around Germany with no set 
itinerary, then they are going to Geneva and Lau- 
sanne, where they will observe the disarmament 
conferences which are being held at this time. 

Miss Margaret Riggs is leaving for Europe 
this summer, and will return in time to enter 
Bryn Mawr as a sophomore in the Fall. 


At the Annual Meeting of the Association of 
The Children’s School of Science, which was 
held on Friday, June 24, the following officers 
for the ensuing year were elected: 

President veesveeee. Mrs. Compton 
Vice President...................... Mrs. Edwards 
SEGLE LAI Vae: <.teess Ge hn eras Mrs. Bigelow 

INTGSISTEIAO Tce peeereneee cece ne re eee Mrs. Gigler 


Although it may seem that the summer resi- 
dents are here only for a vacation, a club has 
been found to have existed for almost twenty 
years, which is devoted to the discussion of cur- 
rent problems and the reading of new books. The 
members are all the original charter members, 
and have met together every Wednesday after- 
noon at each other’s homes from year to year. 

The members of this club are Mrs. Wilfred 
Wheeler, Mrs. Frank Lillie, Mrs. Ralph Lillie, 
Mrs. Gary N. Calkins, Mrs. Laurence Riggs, Mrs. 
Edward Wilson, Mrs. George Clowes, Mrs. Ed- 
ward Meigs, Mrs. James P. Warbasse. This 
Wednesday they will discuss Stuart Chase’s 

The first Sunday Forum will be held at 4:00 
P. M. at Penzance Point at “Gladheim’”, the res- 
idence of Dr. and Mrs. J. P. Warbasse, on Sun- 
day, July 3. All are invited, and whoever comes 
night find it the better part of wisdom to bring 
a blanket to sit on. 


Filling a long-felt want for several years, some 
of the more actively baseball-minded in the labora- 
tories have revived the Great American sport this 
season. To date, two teams have been organ- 
ized and four games played. All who are inter- 
ested are cordially invited to be present at the 
Town Park evenings after supper or other times, 
as posted. 

So far, the rivalry has been between two teams, 
one made up of independent investigators and 
the other drawn from students, waiters and jan- 
itors. Sunday morning saw the “K. P.s” take 
the “P.h. (?) Ds” into camp, 8 to 5 behind the 
pitching of Dan Campbell. Monday evening the 
two teams split a double-header, the P.h. Ds 
winning the opener, 12 to 4 and the K. P.s com- 
ing back in the night-cap (so called on account 
of darkness after seven innings) to win 7 to 1. 
On Tuesday evening, the K.Ps took a closely 
contested game by the score of 8 to 7. The K. 
P. team comprises the following men: Campbell, 
Nicoll, Eastlick, Walker, Rundles, Curry, Coombs, 
Porteous, Morris, Kohn and McManus. Among 
the Ph.d. (?) players are Heilbrunn, Coonfield, 
Dee, Stabler, Crampton, Butt, Aiken, Barth, 
Mazia, Fuchs and others. 

With as good a beginning as this, it is felt 
that much interest has already been aroused. The 
present aim is to arrange a definite schedule of 
games, with notices posted a day or so in advance 
on the bulletin board at the Mess. The more 
spectators, the better the baseball, and every day 
is Ladies’ Day at Woods Hole. It has been sug- 
gested that more teams be organized, perhaps 
with the formation of two leagues with a “World's 
Series” at the close of the summer. Also, a need 
is felt for men who would be willing to umpire 
the games, and a special plea is made that if 
any feel so moved, they may come down or get 
in touch with Dr. Heilbrunn, Dr. Stabler or Mr. 
Nicoll. Any suggestions towards improving the 
sport will be more than welcome. It is to be re- 
membered that baseball, the neglected sport of 
Woods Hole, is the game of games, and that, un- 
like tennis and horse-shoe pitching, it may be 
played and watched even with the Depression 

Pocketbook. —Two Baseball Players. 


New Fields 




This Microscopical Equipment is 



destined to 

Revolutionize Microscopy 

Leading authorities inform us_ that 
they regard this equipment as a dis- 
tinct contribution to the technique of 

Information has reached us indicating 
that specimens used with the Leitz 
Ultropaque reveal scientific data un- 
obtainable through any other means. 

The Leitz Ultropaque May 
Help To Solve Your 

Ernst Leitz .Wetzlar 


[ Vou. VII. No. 52 

The Leitz Ultropaque Equipment can 
be used with all types and makes of micro- 
scopes. Those who desire microscope 
stands of special design for use with the 
Leitz Ultropaque will find a complete 
series of microscopical constructions to 
| meet their individual needs illustrated and 
described in our new catalog. 

E. LEITZ, Inc. 

Dept. CN, 60 East 10th St. 

New York City. 

Please send me a copy of your free booklet 
describing the Leitz Ultropaque. 

Jury, 2, 1932 ] 




Laboratories Residence 

Botany Building. ...Bot Acne pee vente eee ss 

‘ aes: foywoobhtoyatl? 4 on aecnioo os 
Brick Building....... Br Reo Te Geee i Senate Dr 
Lecture Hall......... L_ Fisheries Residence...F 
Main Room in Fisheries Homestead 222... Ho 
Laboratory ........ Mt Ishsisisiydel soonootenooas H 
Old Main Building ..OM Kahler eee ne lense Ka 
ld Rock SSGGE Te cre cies fare sats K 
ockefeller’ Bidg...Rock Whitman ........... Ww 

In the case of those individuals not living on 
laboratory property, the name of the landlord and 
the street are given. In the case of individuals liv- 
ing outside of Woods Hole, the place of residence 
is given in parentheses. 


Amberson, W. R. prof. phys. Tennessee. Br 309. D 
Armstrong, P. B. asst. prof. anat. Cornell Med. Br 
318. A 106. 

Baitsell, G. A. prof. biol. Yale. Br 323. Brooks. 

Baker, H. B. assoc. prof. zool. Pennsylvania. Br 221. 

Bard, P. asst. prof. phys. Harvard Med. Br 109. D 

Barth, L. G. instr. expt. emb. Columbia. Br 111. D 


Beck, L. V. asst. phys. Pittsburgh. Rock 2. McLeish, 

Bowling, Rachel instr. proto. Columbia. OM 21. A 

Boyden, Louise E. edit. asst. “Biol. Bul.’ Br 305. 
Young, West. 

Boyer, D. A. instr. biol. Chicago. Br 353. McLeish, 

Brinley, F. J. asst. prof. zool. North Dakota State. 
OM 39. D 102. 

Brooks, Matilda M. res. assoc. biol. California. Br 
233. Gosnold. 

Brooks, S. C. prof. physico-chem. biol. California. 
Br 306. Gosnold. 

Buchsbaum, R. M. instr. biol. Chicago. Br 343. Mc- 
Leish, Millfield. 

Burr, Edith R. asst. zool. Barnard. Br 314. K 3. 

Butt, C. res. asst. phys. Princeton. Br 116. White, 


Cable, R. M. grad. asst. biol. New York. OM Base. 

Calkins, G. N. prof. proto. Columbia. Br 331. Buz- 
zards Bay. 

Campbell, D. H. grad. asst. biol. Washington. Br 
225. Dr attic. 

Carothers, Eleanor lect. zool. Pennsylvania. Br 221. 
A 204. 

Castle, W. A. instr. biol. Brown. OM 3. Kittila, Bar 

Cattell, W. assoc. ed. “Scientific Mo.” Br 344. A 102. 

Chambers, R. res. prof. biol. New York. Br 328. 

Chidester, F. E. prof. zool. West Virginia. Br 344. 
D 318. 

Child, G. P. asst. instr. biol. New York. Br 1. A 108. 

Chute, A. L. asst. phys. Toronto. phys. D 107. 

Clark, Frances secretary. Br 328. Howes, Main. 

Clowes, G. H. A. dir. Lilly Res. Labs. Br 328. Shore. 

Coe, W. R. prof. biol. Yale. Br 323. A 201. 
Cohen, Rose S. grad. asst. zool. Cincinnati. L 29. 

Cole, K.'S. asst. prof. phys. Columbia. Br 343. D 216. 

Coonfield, B. R. instr. biol. Brooklyn, OM 29. Mc- 
Leish, Millfield. 

Costello, D. P. instr. zool. Pennsylvania, Br 217n. 
Elliot Center. 

Cowles, R. P. prof. zool. Hopkins. Br 340. D 315. 

Crampton, Clair B. res. asst. biol. Wesleyan. Br 
210. K 5. 

Croasdale, Hannah T. asst. bot. Pennsylvania. Bot. 
23. H 9. 

Crummy, P. L. grad. asst. zool. Pittsburgh. Rock 7. 
McLeish, Millfield. 

Dan, K. grad phys. Pennsylvania. Br 110. Eldridge, 

Darlington, C. D. cytologist. John Innes Hort. Inst. 
(London). Br 122 A. McLeish, Millfield. 

Doyle, W. L. res. asst. zool. Hopkins. Br 329. Dr 6. 

Dunn, E. E. grad. biochem. Cincinnati. Med. Br 342. 
McLeish, Millfield. 

Duryee, W. R. instr. zool. Northwestern (Illinois) 
OM 4. D101b. 

Edwards, D. J. assoc. prof. phys. Cornell. Br 214. 

Fish, H. S. grad. biol. Harvard. Br 315. Dr 1. 

Fry, H. J. prof. biol. New York. OM Base. Purdum, 
Woods Hole. 

Garrey, W. E. prof. phys. Vanderbilt Med. Br 215. 

Gerard, K. W. assoc. prof. phys. Chicago. Br 309. 
D 318. 

Glaser, R. W. assoc. mem. Rockefeller Inst. Br 208. 

Goldforb, A. J. prof. biol. Col. City N. Y. Br 122c. 
A 302. 

Goodrich, H. B. prof. biol. Wesleyan. Br 210. D 110. 

Goodson, Mary L. Barnard. Br 344. A 102. 

Grave, B. H. prof. zool. DePauw. Br 234. Grave, 

Grave, C. prof. zool. Washington (St. Louis). Br 327. 

Guerlac, H. E. asst. phys. Cornell. OM 5. Cowey, 

Hahnert, W. F. Nat. Res. fel. biol. Hopkins. Br 111. 
Ka 21. 

Harnly, Marie L. asst. biol. New York. Br 1. D 202. 

Harnly, M. H. asst. prof. biol. New York. Br 1. D 

Harryman, Ilene res. asst. chem. Lilly Res. Labs. Br 
319. D 103. 

Harvey, Ethel B. independ. invest. phys. Princeton. 
Br 116. Gosnold. 

Harvey, E. N. prof. phys. Princeton. Br 116. Gosnold. 

Heilbrunn, L. V. assoc. prof. zool. Pennsylvania. Br 
221. Schramm, Gardiner. 

Hill, E. S. res. asst. phys. chem. Rockefeller Inst. Br 
206. D 316. 

Hill, S. E. asst. gen. phys. Rockefeller Inst. Br 209. 
Veeder, West. 

Hook, Sabra J. asst. prof. biol. Rochester. Br 217a. 

Hoppe, Ella N. res. asst. biol. N. Y. State Dept. 
Health. Br 122B. A 207. 

Huettner, A. F. prof. biol. 

Irving, L. assoc. prof. phys. Toronto. Br 109. Am- 
berson. Quissett. 

New York. Br 228. 

[ Vot. VII. No. 52 


Jackson, J. R. grad. asst. biol. Missouri. Bot 1st 
Floor. K 10. 

Jenkins, G. B. prof. anat. George Washington. Br 33. 
Cannan, Gardiner. 

Johlin, J. M. assoc. prof. biochem. Vanderbilt Med. 

Br. 336. Park. 

Kaliss, N. grad. zool. Columbia. Br 314. McLiesh, 

Keil, Elsa M. instr. zool. N. J. Col. for Women. Br 
8. W d. 

Keltch, Anna K. res. chem. Lilly Res. Labs. Br 319. 
Duff, Millfield. 

Keosian, J. asst. biol. New York. Br 339. A 108. 

Kidder, tutor biol. Col. City N. Y. Br 314. D 307. 

Kinney, Elizabeth T. lect. zool. Barnard. Br 217b. 
K 3. 

Kirkpatrick, T. B. assoc. prof. physical education. 
Columbia. L 26. Nickerson, Milfield. 

Knower, H. McE. assoc. prof. anat. Albany Med. Br 
234. Buzzards Bay. 

Knowlton, F. P. prof. phys. Syracuse Med. Br 226. 

Kohn, grad. zool. Yale. OM 43. K 6. 

Krieg, W. J. S. instr. anat. New York. OM 34. El- 
liot, Center. 

Lackey, J. B. prof. biol. Southwestern (Memphis). 

Br 8. A 203. 

Lancefield, D. E. assoc. prof. zool. Columbia. Br 
333 A. 

Lancefield, Rebecea C. asst. bact. Rockefeller Hosp. 
(N. Y.) Br 208. 

Landowne, M. fel. biol. Col. City N. Y. Br 122c. Ka 

Lawlor, J. T. fel. bot. Harvard. bot. Cowey, School. 

Laug, E. P. instr. phys. Pennsylvania. Br 8. D 302. 

Lillie, F. R. prof. zool. Chicago, Br. 101. Gardiner. 

Lillie, R. S. prof. gen. phys. Chicago. Br 326. 

Lynch, Ruth S. instr. genetics. Hopkins. Br 127. D 

Magruder, S. R. grad. asst. zool. Cincinnati. L 29. 
Kittila, Bar Neck. 

Marsland, D. A. asst. prof. biol. New York. Br. 339. 
D 106. 

Mast, S. O. prof. zool. Hopkins. Br 329a. Minot. 

Mathews, A. P. prof. biochem. Cincinnati. Br 342. 
Buzzards Bay. 

Mazia, D. Pennsylvania. Br 221. Ka 23. 

McGoun, R. C., Jr. instr. biol. Amherst. Br 204 Dr. 

Michaelis, Eva M. res. asst. phys. Columbia. Br. 114. 

Michaelis, L. mem. Rockefeller Inst. Br 207. Gansett. 

Miller, F. W. grad. asst. zool. Pittsburgh. Rock 7. 
K 15. 

Miller, F. W. res. worker zool. Pittsburgh. Rock. 
K 15. 

Mills, Sylvia M. res. fel. zool. Radcliffe. Br 213. 

Milton, L. instr. chem. New York. Br 310. Wilson, 
Buzzards Bay. 

Moreland, F. B. fel. chem. Rice Inst. 
336. Dr 1. 

Nelson, E. C. asst. biol. Hopkins. OM Base. 

Nicoll, P. A. grad. asst. zool. Washington (St. Louis). 

(Texas). Br 

Br 225. Dr 2. 
Nonidez, J. F. asst. prof. anat. Cornell Med. Br 318. 

Orias, O. Rockefeller Foundation. Br 108. A 208. 

Pace, D. M. res. asst. phys. Hopkins. Br 329. Russell, 

Packard, C. asst. prof. zool. Columbia Inst. Cancer. 
OM 2. North. 

Parker, G. H. prof. zool. Harvard. Br 213. A 104. 

Plough, H. H. prof. biol. Amherst. Br 204. Whitman. 

Pollister, A. W. instr. zool. Columbia. OM 44. D 314. 

Pollister, Priscilla F. instr. biol. Brooklyn. OM 44. 
D 314. 

Pomerat, C. M. instr. biol. Clark. Higgins, Depot. 

Pond, S. E. prof. phys. Pennsylvania Med. Br 216, 


Poole, J. P. prof. evolution. Dartmouth, Bot 25. D 

Porter, Helen tech. zool. Harvard. Br 213. Grinnell, 
Bar Neck. 

Prescott, G. W. asst. prof. bot. Albion. Bot 22. D 107. 

Prosser, C. L. fel. zool. Harvard Med. Br 109. Dr 6. 

Richards, O. W. instr. biol. Yale. Br 8. A 303. 

Robert, Nan L. instr. zool. Hunter. Br 217. A 206. 

Robertson, Lola tech. zool. New York. OM Base. 
Haven, Main. 

Robertson, C. W. asst. Biol. New York. OM Base. 
Haven, Main. 

Root, W. S. assoc. prof. phys. Syracuse Med. Br 226. 
Erdwurm, High. 

Rugh, R. instr. biol Hunter. Br 111. D 308. 

Sanger, G. Cornell Med. Br 214. Edwards, Gosnold. 

Schechter, V. grad. biol. Columbia. Br 122 C. Dr 2. 

Schmidt, L. H. res. fel. biochem. Cincinnati Med. Br 
341. McLeish, Millfield. 

Scott, A. C. asst. zool. Columbia. Br 314. Rosear, 

Scott, Florence M. asst. prof. zool. Seton Hill. Nick- 
erson, Millfield. 

Sell, J. P. grad. asst. biol. Yale. OM 43. K 6. 

Sichel, F. J. M. asst. biol. New York. Br 338. Dr 2. 

Silvey, J. K. G. instr zool. Michigan. OM J. Ka 4. 

Smith, E. L. grad. zool. Columbia. Br 314. Dr 34. 

Sonneborn, T. M. res. assoc. zool. Hopkins. Br 127. 

D 201. 

Southwick, W. E. fel. zool. Harvard. Br 315. Lyons, 

Speicher, B. R. grad. asst. zool. Pittsburgh. Rock 7. 
K 15. 

Speidel, C. C. prof. anat. Virginia. Br 106. D 104. 

Stabler, R. M. instr. zool. Pennsylvania. OM 22. 
Whiting, Minot. 

Starkey, W. F. grad. zool. Pittsburgh. Rock 7. Dr 

Stewart, Dorothy R. asst. prof. biol. Skidmore. Br 
232. D 105. 

Stockard, C. R. prof. anat. Cornell Med. Br 317. 
Buzzards Bay. 

Street, Sibyl grad. zool. Chicago. Br 8. McLeish, 

Sturtevant, A. S. H. prof. genetics. California Inst. 
Tech. Br. 332. Agassiz. 

Sumwalt, Margaret asst. instr. phys. Pennsylvania 
Med. Br 232. D 105. 

Tang, P. S. instr. gen. phys. Harvard. Br 309. D 305. 

Tashiro, S. prof. biochem. Cincinnati. Br 341. Park. 

Taylor, J. W. Nat. Res. fel. phys. Princeton. Br 116. 
Cowey, School. 

Taylor, G. W. Nat. Res. fel. phys. Princeton. Br 116. 

Titus, C. P. dir. Sch. Microscopy (N. Y.) OM Base. 
D 213. 

Townsend, Grace fel. zool. Chicago. Br 217i. W b. 

Wade, Lucille W. asst. Lilly Res. Labs. Br 319. Rob- 
inson, Quissett. 

Walker, P. A. grad. asst. phys. Harvard. Br 312. 
Thompson, Water. 7 

Weisman, M. N. grad. biol. Columbia. Br 314. Dr 14. 

Wilson, E. B. DaCosta prof. emeritus zool. Columbia. 
Br 322. Buzzards Bay. 

Wilson, Hildegard N. fel. biochem. Bellevue Med. 
Br 310. Buzzards Bay. 

Honwe2, 1932 | 

Te Winkel, Lois E. grad. zool. Columbia. Br 314. K 2. 

Winokur, M. fel. biol. Col. City N. Y. OM Base. 
Ka 2. 

Wolf, E. A. assoc. prof. zool. Pittsburgh. OM 43. 
Elliot, Center. 

Young, Roger A. asst. prof. zool. Howard. Br 110. 
A 301 

Young, S. B. tech. Rockefeller Inst. Br 209. Young, 

Zeleny, C. prof. zool. Illinois. Br 122D. D 301. 

Zirkle, C. assoc. prof. bot. Pennsylvania. Bot 6. Boss, 



Alexander A. E. minerologist and petrographer. 
Harvard. 212. Thomas, Buzzards Bay. 

Beach, E. F. Brown. 109. Hilton, Main. 

Bigelow, H. B. prof. zool. Curator of Oceanography. 
Harvard. 114. Luscombe, Main. 

Brown, F. A., Jr. fel. zool. Harvard. 315. Hilton, 

Harwood, E. M. grad. zool. Clark. 206 Wilde, 

Hines, J. M. Brown. 211. Stuart, School. 

Ingalls, Elizabeth N. tech. Harvard. 103. Young, 

Lutz, F. B. Brown. 111. Hilton, Water. 

Mitchell, P. H. prof. phys. Brown. Mitchell, Orchard. 

Rakestraw, N. W. assoc. prof. chem. Brown. 109. 
Mitchell, Orchard. 

Renn, C. E. asst. biol. New York. 201. Young, Middle. 

Reuszer, H. W. instr. biol. Rutgers. 201. Young, 

Root, Raymond W. instr. biol. Col. City N. Y. 101. 
Young, West. 

Schroeder, W. C. business manager. 113. 

Walker, Virginia B. asst. business manager. 112. 
Howes, Millfield. 

Welsh, J. H. instr. zool. Harvard. 213. McInnis, Mil- 


Whitman, C. F. geologist. Radcliffe. 212. Kittler, 
Bar Neck. 

Wolfe, Mary F. grad. biol. Radcliffe. 212. Kittila, 
Bar Neck. 


Galtsoff, Eugenia assoc. zool. George Washington. 
122. F 26. 

Galtsoff, P. S. biol. U. S. B. F. (Washington) 122. 
F 26. 

Linton, E. fel. parasitology. Pennsylvania. M 5. West. 
Worley, L. G. asst. zool. Harvard. Hatchery. F 37. 


Aiken, R. B. res. fel. Vermont. Emb. K 7. 

Bach, Doris A. Michigan. bot. 

Belcher, Jane C. grad. Colby. emb. H 3. 

Beltran, E. prof. zool. Mexico. proto. D 203. 

ene N. E. grad. zool. proto. Sylvia, Buzzards 

Bridges, J. C. instr. biol. Michigan. phys. A 106. 


NET 4] 
Brown, Rebecca Goucher. proto. H. 
Brubaker, Ethel instr. biol. Pennsylvania. bot. 

Stokey, Gardiner. 
Burrows, R. B., Jr. grad. asst. biol. Yale. emb. Ka 2. 
Butler, T. C. Vanderbilt Med. phys. Pond, Gansett. 
Chao, I. grad. phys. Chicago. phys. D 217. 
Coplan, Helen M. asst. biol. Goucher. phys. H 2. 
Craig, F. N. grad. phys. Rutgers. phys. Ka 24. 
Cowles, Janet M. Hopkins. emb. D 315. 
Cummings, Frances Albertus Magnus, emb. Brod- 
erick, South. 
Dieter, C. D. asst. prof. biol. Washington and Jef- 
ferson. emb. Howes, Water. 
Duncan, P. M. grad. zool. Pennsylvania. proto. Dr 

Earl, Ruth R. grad. biol. New York. proto. W f. 

Eastlick, H. L. grad. asst. zool. Washington (St. 
Louis). emb. Dr 2. 

Fuchs, W. B. asst. biol. American. (Washington) 
proto. Dr 2. 

Gustafson, A. H. instr. biol. Williams. bot. McInnis, 

Heiss, Mary E. grad. Wellesley. emb. H. 

Kanrich, Dorothy grad. phys. Pittsburgh. phys. 
Pond, Gansett. 

Hess, Margaret grad. res. fel. Virginia. phys. Mc- 
Leish, Millfield. 

Heyl, J. T. Hamilton. phys. Ka 24. 

Hoover, Margaret E. Smith. emb. Robinson, Quissett 

Kelly, Florence C. instr. biol. Simmons. proto. W c. 

King, Florence A. grad. asst. phys. Wellesley. phys. 
H 7. 

Kleinholz, L. H. K. instr. anat. Colby. emb. Ka 22. 

Lawlor, Anna C. instr. biol. Saint Elizabeth. proto. 
Nickerson, Millfield. 

Levin, Anna C. grad. Columbia. proto. W a. 

Lewis, R. H. grad. entomol. Rochester. emb. Dr, 

Ling, S. grad. zool. Cornell. proto. Dr 9. 

Lipmann, F. asst. phys-chem. Rockefeller Founda- 
tion. Br 206. D 209. 

MacArthur, Mary Acadia. bot. H 7. 

Manery, Jeanne F. grad. asst. phys. Toronto. phys. 
H 2. 

Manther, J. I. grad. Columbia. proto. Ka 2. 

McDonald, Clara M. Columbia. proto. Nickerson, 

McIntire, Josephine M. asst. phys. Mt. Holyoke. 
phys. Thomas, Buzzards Bay. 

Metzner, J. J. grad. proto. Columbia. proto. Young, 

Miller, Dorothy K. grad. Bryn Mawr. emb. Column 
Terrace (Falmouth). 

Morris, J. E. grad. asst. biol. Fisk. emb. K 14. 

Olsen, M. W. jr. poultry biol. U. S. Dept. Agr. emb. 
Ka 23. 

Pappenheimer, Anne Radcliffe. phys. H 4. 

Penn, A. B. K. C. grad. emb. Hopkins. emb. D 303. 

Pieifer, Katherine Washington (St. Louis). emb. 
Sanderson, High. 

Primrose, Helen L. grad. Hunter. bot. Hilton, Main. 

Riedman, Sarah R. instr. phys. Brooklyn. phys. 
Grinnell, West. 

Roeder, K. D. instr. phys. Tufts. phys. Thomas, Buz- 
zards Bay. 


[ Vot. VII. No. 52 

Rowland, C. R. asst. zool. Columbia. proto. Ka zk 

Runelles, R. W. DePauw. emb. Ka 23. 

Russell, Dorothy M. grad. Pennsylvania Col. women. 
bot. Robinson, Quissett. 

Scartterty, Louise E. instr. biol. Newcomb. emb. H 3. 

Schott, Margaret H. asst. phys. Mt. Holyoke. phys. 
Thomas, Buzzards Bay. 

Sims, J. L. De Pauw. emb. K 12. 

Smith, Vera I. grad. fel. emb. Brown, emb. Hilton, 

Spangler, Betty A. Wheaton. bot. Young, West. 

Specht, H. grad. Hopkins. phys. Dr 5. 

Strongman, Louise E. Radcliffe. bot. Gifford, Gov- 

tum Suden, Caroline grad. res. fel. phys. Boston. 
phys. Grinnell, West. 

Toothill, Martha C. instr. gen. biol. Adelphi. phys. 

Wagoner, K. S. grad. DePauw. emb. K 12. 

Warbritton, Virgene res. asst. zool. Missouri. phys. 
Googins, Quissett. 

Watkeys, Jean D. Rochester. Med. emb. H 6. 

Weintraub, R. L. George Washington. bot. D 312. 

Willis, Doris M. American (Washington). proto. Mc- 
Leish, Millfield. 

Wilhelm, Helen M. grad. Hunter. bot. Hilton, Main. 

Wirtz, St. Mark instr. biol. St. Catherine. emb. 
Nickerson, Millfield. 

Wismer, Virginia asst. bot. Pennsylvania. bot. San- 
derson. High. 


Billings, Edith secretary. Millfield. 
Crowell, Polly L. asst. to the business manager. 

Dillinger, Bessie R. secretary. W i. 

Laban, Katherine A. secretary. W e. 
MacNaught, F. M. business manager. School. 


Blanchard, Hazel assistant. W g. 

Endrejat, Doris assistant. W. 

Lawrence, Deborah secretary. Locust (Falmouth) 
Montgomery, Priscilla B. librarian. Whitman. 
Rokan, Mary A. assistant. Millfield. 

Frew, Pauline Bates. Wf. 
Johlin, Sally Sorbonne (France). Gardiner. 
Keil, Elsa M. instr. zool., N. J. Col. Women. W 4d. 
Lackey, J. B. prof. biol. Southwestern (Memphis). 
A 203. 

Laug, E. P. instr. phys. Pennsylvania Med. D 302. 
Mast, Louise R. grad. Oberlin. Minot. 

Richards, O. W. in charge. instr. biol. Yale. A 303. 
Street, Sibyl grad. Chicago. McLeish, Millfield. 

Strong, O. S. chemist emeritus. prof. neurol. and 
neuro-histol. Columbia. Elliot, Center. 

Tupper, Mary C. Swarthmore. W h. 


Apgar, A. R. photographer. D 110. 

Boss, L. F. electrician. Middle. 

Graham, J. D. glass-blowing service. Veeder, Mill- 

Liljestrand, P. H. Ohio Wesleyan. asst. Dr 3. 

Pond, S. E. asst. prof. phys. Pennsylvania. custodian. 


Bulmer, Gladys bot. collector. H 9. 
Croasdale, Hannah bot. collector. H 9. 

Crowell, P. S., Jr. grad. zool. Harvard. collector. 

Crowell, Ruth S. secretary. Main. 

Erlanger, H. Wisconsin. collector. Dr 3. 

Gray, G. M. curator res. museum. Buzzards Bay. 

Gray, M. collector. (Teaticket) 

Greenough, H. V., Jr. Harvard. Collector. Dr. 

Hilton, A. M. collector. Millfield. 

Kahler, W. collector. Glendon. 

Leathers, A. W. head shipper, Minot. 

Lehy, J. collector. Millfield. 

Lewis, E. M. engineer. Cayadetta. Buzzards Bay. 

McInnis, J. resident manager. Millfield. 

Nielsen, Anna M. secretary. Clough, Millfield. 

Poole, Marjory G. bot. collector. D 305. 

Smith, C. B., Jr., Hamilton. collector. Supply Dep’t. 

Staples, S. Harvard. collector. Dr 3. 

Thornley, W. Dartmouth. collector. Supply Dep’t. 

Veeder, J. J. captain, Cayadetta. Millfield. 

Wamsley, F. W. supervisor of schools, Charleston, 
special preparator. Supply Dep't. 

Wilcox, G. Yale. collector. Dr 3. 

Wixon, R. fireman. (Falmouth) 

Callahan, J. janitor. Ka 3. 
Cornish, G. janitor. Br 1st floor. Dr 4. 
Googins, H. janitor. Quissett. 
Hemenway, W. carpenter. carpenter shop. Haw- 
Keltch, R. janitor. Br. 3rd floor. Millfield. 
Look, G. janitor. OM S wing. Quissett. 
Keltch, R. janitor. Br 3rd floor. Millfield. 
McInnis, F. M. janitor. Bot & L. Millfield. 
McManus, J. janitor. Br 2nd floor. Ka 3. 
Rock, J. F. N. emergency man. Ka 3. 
Russell, R. L. gardner. Hilton, Water. 
Russell, M. R. night watchman. 
Swain, G. R. janitor. Br 3rd floor. Main (Quissett) 

Tawell, T. E. storekeeper and head janitor. basement 
Br Thompson, Water. 

Meier, Otto night mechanic. Dr 15. 
Kahler, R. assistant. Br 7. Glendon. 
Larkin, T. superintendent. Br 7. Woods Hole. 

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The A. B. C. of Woods Hole for 1932 

All Schedules Set to Daylight Saving Time 


NE These hours effective June 20, 1932. 

Wednesdays and Saturdays Week Days 
3:00 - 5:00 Due to Arrive Window Due to Leave 
) .9- atie.O! Open PO! 
CO ee 6:50 A.M. 6:45 A.M. 
June 15 - October 15 10:35 A.M. 11:00 9:25 A.M. 
Sys5}o Tent, boils 5:10 P.M. 
6:09 P.M. 6:30 
ice Hows 10:40 A.M. 5:45 P.M. 
Week Days 
8:00 A. M. to 10:00 P. M. Office Hours 
Opens Closes 
Sundays 7:00 A. M. 7:50 P. M. 

9:00 to 11:00 A. M. 

No money orders or registry business 

4:00 to 6:00 P. M. transacted after 6:00 P. M. 
For New Bedford, Woods Hole, Oak Bluffs, Vineyard Haven and Nantucket 
Leave Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily 
A.M. A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. 
New Bedford 7:00 9 :30 11:45 2:30 5:00 7:40 
Woods Hole 8:20 10:50 1:05 4:00 6:20 8:55 
Oak Bluffs 9:10 11:40 155 4:45 7:10 eee 
Wineyardy ravens) oat anmn eee: ee Gras eh 9:40 
Nantucket 11:30 2:00 4:15 TAS 9:30... Saas 
Leave Daily Daily Daily Daily Ex. Sun. Sunday Daily 
A.M. A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. 
INainititck chine eee ee 6:30 9:00 12:00 2:30 3:00 4:45 
Vineyard Haven GslOk Pere: See ee ee oc ee 
Oak Bluffs vata 9:00 11:20 2s 4:30 5:00 7 :00 
Woods Hole 6:55 9:45 12:10 3:05 5:20 5:50 7:45 
New Bedford Salone 1:45 4:30 6:45 7:30 9:15 


Jury 2, 1932 ] 


Woods Hole to Boston — Week-days 
Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Sunday Sunday Sunday 
A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. 

Woods Hole 725 9:55 W225 3:20 5:40 12:25 6:15 8:10 
Falmouth Ua 10 :02 12-33 3:27 5:47 12 :33 6:22 8:17 
Boston 9:10 12:08 2:10 5:30 7 bye 2:10 8:23 10:22 
Boston to Woods Hole — Week-days 

Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Sundays 

A.M. A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. 
Boston 7:00 eis) dal (010) 125 1:30 4:03 4:47 8 :30 
Falmouth SEIS we MlOEZS” = 11233 3:27 3:47 6:02 6:48 10:34 
Woods Hole 9:25 10:35 12:40 3:35 3) 555) 6:09 6:55 10:40 


At the following hours (Daylight Saving 
Time) the current in the hole turns to run 

from Buzzards Bay to Vineyard Sound: 


Church of the Messiah—Episcopal 

Date A.M. P. M. 
julvas 22. aby? 3.57 Communion .. 8:00 
lives 3! 4 :34 4:40 Morning Prayer 11:00 
July 4. BEZ 5 :24 Evening Prayer ao HEEB) 
July 5 6:02 6:09 
italyae (Gn. 6:44 6:56 
uly 7. 7 :30 745 Methodist Episcopal Church 
July, <8... se ter BlZ 8:37 , 
ily Oe ee -9205 9 -32 Morning ve Bd ee LOESO 
jilivgel Ole 9:57. 10:29 TBS os cooretccon eee een eae 7 :30 
jiclyy Whe ee OSA aS Thursday Prayer Meeting een 00) 

In each case the current changes approxi- a 
mately six hours later and runs from the 
Sound to the Bay. It must be remembered St. Joseph’s Roman Catholic Church 
that the schedule printed above is dependent 
upon the wind. Prolonged winds sometimes 

cause the turning of the current to occur a Morning Mass 7:00 A. M. 
half an hour earlier or later than the times o. i eee Sansa OT Om AGEN 
given above. The average speed of the cur- fe “& 9:30 A. M. 
rent in the hole at maximum is five knots E ; om j 7-30) P.M 
per hour. fvening Mass........ x .M. 

[Lo Jee 


New Bedford and Woods Hole to Vineyard Haven — Nantucket 

A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. 

New Bedford ................Lv. 7:00 10 :30 12:30 *3 :30 6:00 

Woods JElole.-..-c.-. Iv: NG 710:47 = 12:47 13:47 76:17 

Vineyard Haven ....... Arr. TaD 10:51 ZED 3:51 6:21 

Wantucketiie..2........ Aur 7 :46 11:16 1:16 4:16 6:46 
Nantucket — Vineyard Haven to Woods Hole — New Bedford 

A.M P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. 

Nantucket = sane. Ly. 8:15 11:30 *2':30 4:50 (ores) 

Vineyard Haven ....... eve 8 40 G5 2295 5215 7:20 
Woods? Hole .:.-........Arr. 8:44 L159 aes) jaa 

New Bedford BeNG In 9:01 12:16 3:16 5 :36 t7 :33 

+ Meets Boston Trains t Meets N. Y. Boat on its schedule 
All Schedules Subject to Change Without Notice 

* Begins June 30. 



pee NET [ Vor. VII. No. 52 



ee oe eed "It Saved Us the Cost of Five 
se - u 
Quoting remark of a Department Head 

The Promi projects microscopic slides and living organisms 
and insects on table or wall for drawing and demonstration. 
Also used as a microscope and a micro-photographie ap- 

The Promi, recently perfected by a prominent German 
microscope works, is an ingenious yet simple, inexpensive 
apparatus which fills a long felt want in scientific instruec- 
tion and research in Bacteriology, Botany, Zoology, Path- 
ology, Anatomy, Embryology, Histology, Chemistry, etc. 

It has been endorsed by many leading scientists and in- 

PRICE: F.O.B. New York, $100.00 complete apparatus in 
polished wood carrying case. Includes extra bulb, rheostat 
for 110 and 220 volts with cord, plugs and switch for both 
DC and AC current, 11x objective, tube with 5x ocular, re- 
flecting mirror and micro-cuvette. Extra equipment prices 
on request. 

Prospectus Gladly Sent 

A new instrument which has been brought out in response to a demand for a simple apparatus like 
the Promi for more advanced work which requires more powerful illumination and higher magnifica- 
tion. Has many additional features as standard equipment. “Demonstrations will gladly be made 

Prospectus and prices sent on request. by Mr. Robert Rugh, Room 11, Brick 
Headquarters for Biological Teaching Material Bldg., M. B. L., Woods Hole.” 

117-119 East 24th Street 
PANS? New York, N.“Y. 

Skeleton of Fish in Case 

Models, Specimens, 

for physiology, zoology, botany, 

anatomy, embryology, etc. Cata- 

logs will gladly be sent on request. 
Please mention name of school 
and subjects taught, to enable 

Spalteholz us to send the appropriate 
Transparent ae ee 
Preparations “Visit our display rooms and $ : 
Human EE = gee a 

Model of Human Heart 117-119 EAST 24th STREET NEW YORK 

Jury 2,1932] 

A New Non-corrosive Insect Pin 

Developed by Turtox to meet the demand of 
entomologists for an absolutely non-corrosive 
insect pin. This pin differs from those offered 
heretofore in that it is made entirely of non- 
corrosive metal rather than with a thin cover- 
ing of non-corrosive material. The alloy used 
is stiffer than brass and is not affected by 
moisture or acids found in the bodies of insects. 

Sizes 0, 2, 3 and 6 are in stock for immediate 
delivery; a complete assortment of sizes from 
00 to 7 will be available about August 1st. All 
sizes put up in packages of 100. 

Try a package of these in your own labora- 
tory. If you are not well pleased with them, 
your money will cheerfully be refunded. Specify 
110A36 Turtox Non-corrosive Insect Pins. 

Per hundred .............. -60 
Per thousand ............. 5.50 

The Sign of the Turtox Pledges Absolute 
General Biological Supply House 

Van Slyke Improved Constant 
Volume Blood Gas 



For latest details, see the new book “Quan- 
titative Clinical Chemistry, Vol. II, Meth- 
ods” by John. T. Peters, M.D., M.A. and 
Donald D. Van Slyke, PhD. and Sc. D. 

Bulletin No. 378 on request. 


Est. 1851 — Ine. 1897 
Headquarters for Laboratory Apparatus and 
Chemical Reagents 
THIRD AVENUE, 18th to 19th STREET 


MRS. es 

Microscope BKT 

ertain outstanding refinements in design, con- 
C struction and equipment give the new BKT a 

broad range of application to the work of the 

These refinements are characterictic B & L im- 
provements that insure accuracy and satisfaction 
from the use of this new Microscope. 

FIRST: The binocular body tubes, tilted at an eye- 
level angle, give increased user comfort and provide 
the eye-ease and accuracy of natural stereoscopic 
vision. SECOND: The heavy base that gives the 
instrument solidity, balance and convenient height, 
and which is demountable to make possible the ob- 
servation of specimens too large for the stage. 
THIRD: The five objectives quickly interchangeable 
from 7x to 87x. FOURTH: The broad glass stage 
and substage mirror which makes manipulation and 
observation of either large or small, opaque or 
transparent specimens easy and precise. 

The BKT is a versatile instrument that can save 
you time and effort. We suggest that you see the 
BKT at our exhibit beginning July 19th. 

Bausch & Lomb Optical Company 



NET [ Vor. VII. No. 52 

Southern Biological 
SEEN Co., Inc. 

Living and Preserved Bio- 
logical Specimens of all 
Types for the Laboratory 
Museum or Research, es- 
pecially Southern or Louis- 
iana Forms. 



517 Decatur Street 

New Orleans, La. 



Seaplane Service 




Schedules and tickets at Steamboat 
ticket offices 




Callanan & Archer Co., Inc. 

10-14 So. Second St. New Bedford, Mass. 

Souvenirs and Jewelry 

Depot Avenue Woods Hole, Mass. 

Panties $.35 and .50 Vests $.50 
Slips $1.00 to $3.50 Nightgowns $1.00 


Phone 109 Falmouth 

Clever Shoppers Visit the 


$5.00, $5.95, $6.95, $10.50 and $15.00 
Tel. 935 EDNA B. SMITH 

Automobile Top Repairing 



Shoe Repairing 

Tel. 240 

Clifford L. Hubbard, Prop. 

Telephone 383-R Falmouth, Massachuseetts 



Opposite Station 



Volumes and Back Copies For Sale 

EST. 1887 
B. LOGIN & SON, Inc. 

Best Results 
Assured with 

Best Results 
Assured with 

Non-Corrosive Non-Corrosive 


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117-119 East 24th 5trcer NEW ORK 




of all papers appearing in the journals listed below 
prior to publication of the articles in full. 

By this advance information biologists may familiar- 

ize themselves with contemporary research in a 

minimum of time. 

Advance Abstract Sheets are issued twice a 
month, each sheet containing ten or more authors’ 
abstracts. Subscription rate is $3.00 per year. 

Bibliographic Service Cards, following the Advance 
Abstract Sheets, also are issued twice a month. In 
addition to the authors’ abstracts, the cards provide 
Subject headings and complete bibliographic refer- 
ence. The cards are convenient for filing and li- 
brary records. Price, $5.00 per year. 

At regular intervals the authors’ abstracts are as- 
sembled and published in book form with complete 
authors’ and analytical subject indices. Price, $5.00 
per volume. Liberal discount to subscribers to the 
Bibliographic Service Cards. 

Journal of Morphology 

The Journal of Comparative Neurology 

The American Journal of Anatomy 

The Anatomical Record 

The Journal of Experimental Zoology 

American Anatomical Memoirs 

American Journal of Physical Anthropology 
Journal of Cellular and Comparative Physiology 
Folia Anatomica Japonica (Tokyo, Japan) 
Physiological Zoology (Chicago, Illinois) 

Stain Technology (Geneva, New York) 
Ecological Monographs (Durham, North Carolina) 

Philadelphia, Pa., U. S. A. 




Magnifications: 30-1800x. Large me- 
chanical stage, Abbe illuminating ap- 
paratus. Aplanatic condenser n.a. 1.4 
Quadruple revolving nosepiece. 

Apochromatic objectives: 

10 n.a. 0.30 

20 n.a. 0.65 

40 n.a. 0.95 

90 n.a. 1.30 (oil imm.) 

K oculars 3x, 5x, 10x, 15x, 

20x, 7x micrometer. 

Price, complete in case, 

$447.50 f.0.b., N.Y. 


Binocular attachment Bitukni including 
one pair of compensating eyepieces (7x, 
10x or 15x) $86.00 f.0.b. New York. 
Additional compensating eyepieces 
$18.00 a pair. 

485 Fifth Avenue, New York 

Pacific Coast Branch: 
728 South Hill Street, Los Angeles, Calif. 


Weeks’ Building, Falmouth 
Phone 907-M Free Delivery 
We Press While You Wait 
(Special Rates to Laboratory Members) 

Entire line of D. & M. Sporting Goods 

5 and 10c department 

FALMOUTH Tel. 407 



Telephone Falmouth 22-23 


Telephone 1243 


Superior Gurnsey Milk and Cream 
Selected Eggs Ice Cream 


Falmouth 278 Osterville 378 



Falmouth Phone 116 


Frederic’s Permanent Waves 
All Branches of Beauty Culture 


Cleaning, Dyeing and Repairing 
Coats Relined and Altered. Prices Reasonable 


Main St. Woods Hole, Mass. Call 752 

Take Advantage of the Special Rates 

-. W. T. GRABIKEC, Prop. 

[ Vot. VII. No. 52 






Falmouth and Woods Hole 

For News of the Town 


The Falmouth Enterprise 

at News Stands, Thursdays 

done promptly and capably 

Office by Falmouth R. R. Station. Tel. 47 

Jury 2, 1932 ] __ THE COLLECTING NET 51 



A Manual for the Use of Students 

1 /N. JLONEIRS This book is intended for students who have completed a 
Git = year’s study of the principles of Zoology and of the an- 
With chapters by atomy and physiology of a series of invertebrate types such 
L. E. S. EASTHAM as is provided by many elementary text-books. A feature 
a . . of this book is the large number of new diagrams con- 
and tained ih the total of 458 figures. 

J. T. SAUNDERS 660 pages, Demy 8vo. $5.50 | 


With special reference to Chromatophores 
This book considers the mutual relations of the constituents 
of the nervous system, discussing in particular the im- 

portance of secretion as a controlling factor in the various 

Zoological Laboratories 
Harvard University 

A. C. SEWARD What They Are and What They Do 
President, An informal introduction to Botany avoiding technical | 
| Fifth International terms. “By far the best short treatise for the lay reader 

on the subject that it has been my privilege to read’, 

Botanical Congress Maynard Shipley. 

$1.50 | 


An Introduction to the Study of Life 
Mason Professor of 

University of 

A new elementary text-book stressing pract’cal and field | 

work. Requests for examination copies will be considered. 

Birmingham $1.50 [In the press] 

eo FirtH Ave. The MACMILLAN COMPANY new york | 


[ Vou. VII. No. 52 



The Theatre Unit showed wisdom in choosing 
Booth Tarkington’s “Magnolia” as the opening 
piece of their summer’s repertoire. The play is 
a clever satire on the theme of southern chivalry. 
It is a fast-moving, entertaining story of a boy 
who is driven from his home because he refuses 
to fight on a question of honor. As a result of 
this, he becomes a notorious killer, inspiring great 
terror in the hearts of the residents of the lower 
Mississippi regions. After this occurs, he is 
welcomed back by his family, which now worships 
him for his bravado. However, the girl whom he 
loves despises him for his brutality. 

The second act, laid in General Jackson’s 
gambling resort, was as well done as anything on 
Broadway, and the atmosphere created by it 
could not have been improved upon. Whoever 
played the accordian did some excellent improvisa- 
tion, for he was in complete harmony with the 
spirit of the play, using minor notes when the 
play touched a melancholy strain, and, when the 
action increased in tempo, improvising appropri- 
ately. Mention should also be made of the per- 
son who played dice, as well as of the voices back- 

Mexico, the mulatto, played by Katherine 
Squire, played her role beautifully ; her daughter 
and her walk could not have been more appropri- 
ate to the character. Captain Blackie, the vic- 
torious killer, was played in excellent fashion by 
Myron McCormick. Mr. McCormick has a high 
reputation to live up to, because he has done such 
good work in the past few years. Lucy, played 
by Merna Pace, was a charming character. I 
think that she and Peter Wayne, who had the 
leading part, could have endeavored to make the 
last act move faster, and for this reason it was 
in great contrast to the second act. 

Considering that Bretaigne Windust has a 
marked English accent, his characterization of the 
negro Rumbo was excellent, and most amusing at 
times. He managed to make a great deal more of 
his part than is called for in the play. 

I believe that everyone enjoyed the negro sing- 
ing which occurred before the first act and at the 
end of the last. It lent a highly realistic atmos- 
phere to the production, and rounded out the 
whole production far more fully than anything 
else could have done. —Vera Warbasse. 


“The Ghost Train” will be the second play on 
the Theatre Unit's. production list. Jeginning 
Monday, July 4, it will run through the week 
at Old Silver Beach, West Falmouth. 

Hardy perennial of mystery plays, “The Ghost 
Train” comes as an interlude between “Magnolia” 
and “Berkely Square’. Strangely enough, al- 
though this play had the longest run of any piece 
on a Boston stage, it never travelled far from 
that city. Therefore, the summer peeople on the 
Cape who come from all over the country will 
have an opportunity to see a play they must cer- 
tainly have heard discussed many times. 

They say that there has not been a fire on Pen- 
zance Point for ten years. This may account for 
the great excitement in Woods Hole when the 
whistle blew number 39 the other evening. The 
fire engines rushed out to the Franklin Park’s 
estate with a record-breaking trail of cars behind 
it. However, the fire was a disappointment, for 
it was only a smoky brush fire on the beach, for 
which Mr. Park had a permit from the fire de- 

On Saturday, July 2, the garden of Mr. and 
Mrs. Franklin A. Park was the scene of the 
wedding of their daughter Miss Marjorie Park 
to Mr. Gerald Swope, Jr. The Bride’s sister-in- 
law, Mrs. Malcolm Park, attended her, and the 
3ride’s two brothers, Franklin Park and Malcolm 
Park were ushers. 

A large boat was reported on the reef off Nan- 
tucket Island. On Thursday a barge was taken 
over there with four large pontoons which will 
be filled with water and placed below the boat. 
The water will then be pumped out and the boat 
lifted off the reef, 

The first race of the Quissett Yacht Club will 
be held on Saturday, July 2. There will be a 
race for gaff rigged knockabouts and a race for 
the “S” class knockabouts. After the race, the 
annual meeting of the Yacht Club will be held in 
Dean Emery’s Boat house, when racing matters 
will be discussed. 

Rolf Kaltenborn will teach tennis again this 
summer. He is staying at Mrs. Stewart's cottage. 


alf a Century of Quality 



Table D’Hote Dinners and 

Popularly priced at $1.50 

Hors d’OEuvres 

Lobster Bisque 
: \ 
Filet of Sole Aux Fines Herbes 
Roast Stuffed Duckling Apple Sauce 
--Or - 
’ Filet Mignon Mushroom Garniture 

Fresh Asparagus Cauliflower Au Beurre 
Parsley Potatoes 
Potatoes Mashed in Cream . 

Chiffonade Salade 
Strawberry Shortcake 

Iee Cream 
Petit Fours 
Roquefort Cheese Toasted Crackers 

Demi Tasse 
Post Prandial Mints 

Mal; COIL CAMINE, INpPaAar 53 



Dealer in 


Tel. Falmouth 660 and 661 






Special $1.00 to the Scientific workers 


at Woods Hole. = 


Lindemann Electrometer with 
Grounding Switch 

Atiniis, (COIL, 

LECTING NET [ Vou. VII. No. 52 


The application of Electrometers to the 
measurement of small electrical quantities has 
increased rapidly in recent years. 

Among the more prominent electrometer 
uses are researches in radio-activity, spectro- 
scopic investigations and many uses in conjunc- 
tion with photo-electric measurements. 

The Lindemann Electrometer (illus- 
trated) is an exceptionally compact and 
robust instrument of high sensitivity, 
short period and low capacitance and 
does not require levelling. 

List 169 describes in detail the Linde- 
mann, Tilted Gold Leaf, String, Doleza- 
lek, Recording Quadrant, and Compton Electro- 


Applied For No. 5277 


The Newest Development 
in Hydrogen Ion Concen- 

| » tration Measurements 

A Glass Electrode pH Apparatus 

A high degree of accuracy. 

No “poisonings’’ or other limitations as to 

Quartz insulation throughout. 

Adequate metallic shielding prevents static 


Potentials measured with a Lindemann quad- 
rant electrometer. 

Method of substitution prevents possible termin- 
al errors. 

Small amounts of solutions may be measured— 
as small as 0.001 m.I.—just enough to fill a 
very fine capillary tube. 

Complete with electrometer, microscope, alu- 
minum shielding box with switches, rheo- 
stats, double scale millivoltmeter, and com- 
plete glass electrode assembly including cal- 

COMPANY omel half cells. 
General Offices: 1515 Sedgwick St., Chicago, IIl., U.S.A. This new development will make possible a higher 
Branches: order of accuracy and a new and powerful tool for 
A . se re iring 2as 2 ants hydrogen i . -en- 
New York City; Nashville, Tenn.; Kansas City, Mo.; those requiring measurements of aydro en ion conee n 
Austin, Tex. tration. Such a set has never before been available 
and has only been used in advanced research problems. 

Pacific Coast Representatives: 
Braun-Knecht-Heimann Co., Ltd., 
Braun Corporation, Ltd., Los Angeles, Calif. 

San Francisco, Calif. 

Send for Complete Description of this New 

Deen eee eee 


* ‘ Angle Centrifuges 

( Latest development in the method of mechanical separation ) 

Type G 

These centrifuges, invented by Dr. Lundgren of Stockholm, Sweden, have been in the market for 
the past three years, and have met with notable success in the medical and scientific quarters most 
immediately concerned. 

In introducing Angle Centrifuges to the American scientists, we feel sure that we are offering an 
apparatus which is far superior to any other on the market. 

Ten Points of Superiority 
1. Angular position of glass tubes increases the rapidity of separation from one-third to one- ee 
the time required for ordinary centrifuges. 
2. Angle centrifuges separaite sediments of nearly equal density as the solution. This opens a new 
field hitherto not obtained with ordinary centrifuges. 
3. A firmer consistency of sediments is obtained than ordinarily. thereby leaving a large volume 
of fluid. 
4. Separating tubes are well protected by being enclosed in a nickel plated casing. Breakage is 
greatly lessened because pressure is exerted over a greater area on the tubes than in ordinary 
5. Nickel plated bowl presents little friction to the air; Eliminates heating of tubes; Power con- 
sumption is exceedingly low. 
6. Owing to high efficiency, one Angle Centrifuge can do the work of two or three ordinary centri- 
7. Angle Centrifuges are compact, good-looking, durable, and save valuable space. 
8. Angle Centrifuges do not have to be bolted to a base. Can be moved readily about, are risk 
free, easy to operate, and require hardly any attention. 
9. Angle Centrifuges do not have to run with balanced tubes, thereby saving a great deal of wasted 
10. Angle Centrifuges are internationally known and endorsed. 


Type BE-EM Rpm. Universal Motor for all currents. Holds four tubes, 15 to 20cc. Can be used 
at two angles for general laboratory work. 
Come Wrllid AMOR, poo cacnrny bdanooucored RODD UtO Oe CUNO DUM eos So Gdago ona BoayoUD SOE $59.00 
Type M 3000 Ppm. Universal Motor for all currents. Holds twenty-seven tukes, 6 to 8cc. Can be 
used for Wassermans. 
(Chomafoletie. wgntilay, HAVRE, ooo we opener boc ono Qoodoo PON UNO DO bon DUE aM BOoEb En oOeooU bane $150 00 
Type G 3000 to 5000 Ppm. Large Centrifuge, capacity 6 bottles of 150cc each, suitable for produc- 
tion of serums. 
Coal Walla TIAGO ow cnue suo oeooumocene cusp oom DOS BO BDC Re ono om aaa. Fae ei iste setae $400.00 

Write for detailed circulars on these and other types 


Sole Distributors in the U. S. A. 



[ Vor. VII. No. 52 



The latest improvement in microscope design—a fine adjustment located low enough to be operated 
with from hand resting on the table—original—new—efficient—advantageous. 
Booklet M-56 Completely describes this and other research microscopes. 

JULY 6th to 15th 

Announcing New Spencer Type Research Microscope No. 5 

Annual Subscription, $2.00 

Vol. VII No. 3 Single Copies, 25 Cts. 


Associate Professor of Zoology, University of 

One of the most essential and perhaps the most 
striking characteristic of living protoplasm is its 
capacity to be profoundly mod- 
ified by various agents or stim- 
ulants which arouse it to ac- 
tivity. Widely diverse types 
of living material are stimu- 
lated by weak electric currents, 
by uneven pressure, and by 
ultra-violet radiation. 

The most generally accepted 
theory of stimulation is that 
the process involves an in- 
crease in the permeability of 
the plasma membrane or os- 
motic membrane of the cell. 
This theory has had a_ pro- 
found effect on physiological 
thought and physiological ex- 
perimentation, but, true or 
false, it gives no information 
concerning the changes which 
the main mass of the proto- 
plasm undergoes when the cell 
is thrown into activity. 

Some time ago, | came to the conclusion that 
stimulation involves a (Continued on page 58) 

Cytologist, The John Innes Horticultural 

John Innes was a merchant of the City of Lon- 
don who died in 1904 and left his fortune for 
the endowment of an institu- 
tion which should work for the 
promotion of horticulture. The 
Institution was established at 
Merton, near London, in 1910, 
and William Bateson was ap- 
Dr. Margaret Sumwelt, Dr. W. R. | Pointed its first director. DBate- 
Amberson, and Miss Eva Micha- son had been largely concerned 
elis: “The Part Played by Dif- | jin ‘the development of the 
of Concentration Potential Dit. | YOUNE science of genetics, and 
ferences across Frog Skin.” the promotion of horticulture, 
| Dr. E, N. Harvey and Dr. D. A. | 5° far as scientific research 
Marsland: “The Tension at the was concerned, naturally took 
| Surface of Amoeba dubia” the form of plant breeding. 
| Dr. E. N. Harvey: ‘The Beams Air The early work followed three 

Turbine for Biological Centrifug- main directions. 
ing.” | The most important at first 
LECTURE: JULY 15, 8:00 P.M. | was the study of problems of 
| Dr. Rudolf Mond, Kiel University: mendelian inheritance,  es- 
“Regulations of Ions in the Body | pecially linkage in Primula and 
Tissues. | Pisum. Later, Bateson him- 
self devoted a great deael of 
attention to anomalies of inheritance, especially 
to those following somatic mutation and giving 
rise to chimareas in ferns and flowering plants. 

RM. HB. H. Calendar 

| SEMINAR: JULY 12, 8:09 P. M. 

Dr. Kenneth S. Cole: “The Electric 
Phase Angle of Tissues.” 


The Action of Ultra-Violet Rays on Amoeba 

Protoplasm, Dr. L. V. Heilbrunn......... 57 
The John Innes Horticultural Institution, 
DrsGC oD. Darling fom va crc- eteene cs tecves eats 57 

The Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. .59 
The Supply Department of the Marine 
Biological Laboratory, -.........5......-+ 63 

Nathan Augustus Cobb, Dr. Edwin Linton... .64 

Book Review, Pr. Philip Bard................ 67 
Delia IER pasooconoesmeoomoosobodnotoDd 68 
Currents une. EIOle re. - jee ec <5 os: siete elon parece tenet 68 
TROMISHOL MING OKESE wierats crayavoteie aieariu«, celal lede iateraneitere 69 
Dinectory Supplements <2. sie sient pier oes sie ee 70 
\Wi@OCE leila ILO Seance dobudboodsd>oagnoode 72 


NET [ Vor. VII. No. 53 

Apaneal chimaeras of great morphological inter- 
est were raised in Solanum. The third main di- 
rection was the study of inheritance and sterility 
in fruits. A great deal of progress was soon 
made in the analysis of self-sterility, especially in 
Prunus, but other problems involving hybrids and 
polyploids did not yield to mendelian analysis. 
These required a study of chromosome behavior. 

In 1923 Bateson appointed a cytologist, the 
late W. C. F. Newton, to the staff. The cyto- 
logical work that has followed has largely been 
related to systematic or genetical studies under- 
taken in the Institution, The systematics of 
Tulipa, Crocus, Dahlia, Prunus, Tradescantia and 
many other genera have been related with varia- 
tion in the form and number of their chromo- 
somes. The origin of new polyploids such as 
Primula Kewensis, Digitalis mertonensis and 
giant forms in Campanula and Rubus has been 
made out. The origin and inheritance of “ring 
formation” where four or more chromosomes are 
associated at meiosis in diploids have been ana- 
lyzed in Pisum and Campanula. The occurrence 
of generational sterility has been shown in most 
fruits to depend on a numerically abnormal chro- 
mosome outfit. The ever-sporting character in 
stocks has been found to be due to a chromosome 
deficiency which acts as a lethal. The origin of 
mutants in polyploids, such as fatuoids in oats, 
has been shown to be one to a pairing of dis- 

similar chromosomes which is occasionally pos- 
sible in such polyploids. 
Apart from these direct effects, chromosome 

studies have stimulated further genetical work, 
especially the study of segregation and linkage in 
tetraploid Primula, Rubus, tomato and in octo- 
ploid Dahlia... Recently it has also become pos- 
sible to analyze the more complex inheritance 
found in ring-forming peas. 

If the Chromosome! theory of heredity is true, 
it should be possible to study certain of the prop- 

erties of heredity of an organism from its chromo- 
somes, just as it should be possible to study cer- 
tain of the properties of its chromosomes from 
its system of heredity. It is particularly neces- 
sary in developing the theory of heredity to make 
such parallel observations because the same or- 
ganisms are rarely suitable for both kinds of 
study. The work attempted on these lines at 
Merton has been useful, first, in determining the 
conditions of pairing of chromosomes at meiosis, 
a closer knowledge of which is necessary for the 
analysis of chromosome behavior in hybrids, and, 
secondly, in the study of the behavior of the 
chromosomes at the time when crossing over is 
supposed to occur between them. While this 
work has helped to establish a closer relationship 
between the chromosomes and heredity, it has also, 
helped to make the study of the chromosomes an 
independent tool of investigation. 

On the death of Bateson in 1926, Sir Daniel 
Hall became Director, and the work of the Insti- 
tution has continued to develop along the same 
lines. The phenomenon of “breaking” in tulips 
has been shown to be due to a virus infection 
carried by aphides. The work of Harrison on the 
induction of melanism in moths has been repeated 
on a large scale with negative results. An X-ray 
apparatus has been installed and many species of 
plants are being treated. Many of the genetical 
and cytological problems have been subjected to 
closer mathematical treatment under the direction 
of Professor J. B. S. Haldane. 

The Institution ‘hes in its gardens of about 
fourteen acres. The research workers usually 
number about twenty, of whom most are engaged 
on both genetical and cytological studies. They 
work chiefly on their individual initiative rather 
than by group collaboration. Their published re- 
sults are found mostly in the Journal of Genetics, 
Genetica, Cytologia, The Journal of Pomology, 
and the Proceedings of the Royal Society. 

( Continued from Page 57 ) 

gelation, that is to say, a sharp increase in the 
viscosity of the protoplasm, and I felt, moreover, 
that this gelation was in a number of ways akin 
to blood clotting. Thus the clotting of protoplasm 
requires the presence of free calcium, just as does 
the clotting of blood. 

Ultra-violet rays are general protoplasmic stim- 

ulants. They have an effect on muscle, nerve, 
egg cells, streaming plant protoplasm, ete. It is 

of interest, therefore, to determine the effect of 
these rays on the viscosity of the protoplasm. 
Centrifuge tests of protoplasmic viscosity made 

on Amoeba dubia showed that the rays caused on 
the average a 500 per cent. increase in proto- 
plasmic viscosity. This gelation did not occur if 
calcium was first removed by immersing the Am- 
oebae in dilute solutions of ammonium oxalate. 
Thus there is support for my view that stimulat- 
ing agents cause a gelation and that this gelation 
is associated in some manner with the presence 
of free calcium. These results are in accord with 
the earlier work of Miss Young and myself on 
the Arbacia egg. 

3ut in the present study it was possible to push 

m9 1932] 


the analysis a step farther. In viscosity studies of 
amoeba protoplasm one can determine the viscosity 
both of the interior protoplasm and of the outer 
cortical protoplasm or plasmagel. The data pre- 
sented for Amoeba dubia concern only the interi- 
or. By centrifuging Amoeba proteus, it is pos- 
sible to obtain information concerning an outer 
cortical ring of stiffer protoplasm, the plasmagel. 
This layer is thicker in Amoeba proteus than in 
Amoeba dubia, and when proteus is centrifuged, 
it is a simple matter to obtain information con- 
cerning the consistency of the plasmagel. 

It is easy to show that ultra-violet rays cause 
a very pronounced liquefaction of the plasmagel. 
In numerous experiments this result was always 
obtained. Now it should be remembered that Heil- 
brunn and Daugherty (1932) showed that the 
stiffness of the plasmagel depends on the presence 
of calcium. As a matter of fact, it can be shown 
that removal of calcium has the identical effect 
as irradiation. 

Inasmuch as the interior protoplasm of Amoeba 
is stiffened by ultra-violet rays and the cortical 
protoplasm is liquefied, and that both these pro- 
cesses apparently depend on calcium, one is drawn 
toward the hypothesis that ultra-violet radiation 
causes a release of calcium from the plasmagel 
and that this calcium diffuses into the interior and 
causes gelation there. In favor of this hypothesis 
is the fact that ultra-violet rays can release cal- 
cium both from non-living colloids and from liv- 

ing cells. But if we are to accept such a view, it 
should be possible to show that shorter or less in- 
tensive exposures to ultra-violet cause a liquefac- 
tion of the interior protoplasm. For earlier data 
has shown conclusively both for Amoeba and for 
the protoplasm of various plant and animal cells 
that a small amount of calcium causes a lique- 
faction of the main mass of the protoplasm, and 
only a relatively large amount of free calcium 
causes gelation. If, then, calcium is released from 
the cortex by ultra-violet rays and it is this cal- 
cium diffusing into the interior that causes gela- 
tion there, short exposures to radiation should 
cause liquefaction of the interior protoplasm, and 
there should also be a preliminary liquefaction 
following somewhat longer exposures. Both these 
predictions were verified. Following very brief 
exposures to ultra-violet, the viscosity of the in- 
terior protoplasm of the Amoeba drops sharply, 
rising within a minute or two to the normal value. 
When somewhat longer exposures are employed, 
the viscosity also drops, but this drop is then fol- 
lowed by the sharp rise above normal which was 
previously noted. 

As far as the experiments go, therefore, the 
hypothesis fits the facts, and we have reason to 
believe that the effect of ultra-violet rays is to 
cause a breakdown of the cortical protoplasm, a 
breakdown which releases calcium to the interior, 
where it causes first liquefaction and then gelation 
of the main mass of the protoplasm. 


The Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 
founded in 1930, is a research establishment sup- 
ported by endowment. While it is wholly inde- 
pendent in organization, close association with 
universities and other educational bodies is as- 
sured through the personnel of its Board of 
Trustees, listed herewith. 

The purpose of the Institution, as stated in its 
charter and as its name implies, is to encourage 
and carry on the study of oceanography in all 
its branches. To this end it maintains at Woods 
Hole a marine laboratory which serves as the 
headquarters of its regular staff and where visit- 
ing investigators, from this country or abroad, 
will be made welcome under the conditions out- 
lined in this announcement. 

The location of the laboratory at this particu- 
lar point on the coast line was based on the com- 
bined advantages of close proximity to the Marine 
Biological Laboratory and the laboratory of the 
U.S. Bureau of Fisheries, and of the exceptional 
opportunities for illustrative investigations in the 
major divisions of oceanography that are afforded 

*The material in this article has been extracted 
practically unaltered from the last annual announce- 
ment of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. 

by the neighboring waters. 

The nearness of Woods Hole to the transition 
zone between inshore and oceanic waters, the 
abruptness of this transition, and the nearness to 
the continental abyss and ocean basin, make this 
a particularly favorable headquarters for investi- 
gation into many of the basic problems in physical 
oceanography that are now engaging scientific at- 
tention. The Gulf of Maine, with its tributaries, 
is also close at hand. Here the concentration 
within a relatively small area of a wide variation 
in depths, in bottom contours, in the prevailing 
types of circulation, in temperatures and salinities, 
and in the fertility of the water for pelagic plants 
and animals, offers a more promising field for in- 
vestigations into various aspects of the relation- 
ship of oceanic biology to the physics and chem- 
istry of the sea than does any other region of 
comparable extent in north-eastern America. 

Thus there are few oceanographic problems but 
can be attacked profitably at Woods Hole, unless 
primarily associated either with tropical shallows, 
with Arctic ice or with mid-oceanic conditions. 
And operation of a seagoing research ship by the 
institution makes Woods Hole a convenient head- 


NET [ Vou. VII. No. 53 

quarters for studies in the last two of these fields, 
by making trips possible on the one hand to the 
Arctic discharge from Davis Strait, and on the 
other to the open Atlantic basin, with Bermuda in 
the offing as an offshore base. Arrangements 
have been made by which visitors from the Woods 
Hole Oceanographic Institution may enjoy the 
laboratory facilities of the Bermuda Biological 
Station for Research. 

The distance from Woods Hole to the mouth 
of Vineyard Sound is fifteen miles; to the Gulf 
of Maine via Vineyard and Nantucket Sounds, 
forty miles; to Massachusetts Bay via the Cape 
Cod Canal, twenty miles; to the continental slope 
in the offing of Martha’s Vineyard, about one 
hundred miles. 

The main building is a four-story brick and 
concrete structure 136 ft. long by 50 ft. deep, of 
the simple type of construction usual in modern 
laboratories. In the basement are the receiving 
and shipping rooms, boiler room, battery and 
transformer rooms, the storeroom for chemical 
and other apparatus, a room in which constant 
temperature can be maintained, a refrigeration 
room, and one laboratory containing concrete 
aquaria, some of which are piped with chilled as 
well as unchilled sea water. There is also a ma- 
chine shop, for the repair and construction of 
apparatus used in the laboratory and on the ship. 

The first floor contains the offices, the director’s 
room, a large chemical laboratory and nine smaller 
research laboratories. On the upper floors are the 
reading room, chart room, camera and drafting 
room, two dark rooms for experimental work, one 
camera dark room and twenty-three research lab- 
oratories, one of which is fitted as an aquarium 
room. Eight of the research laboratories, in ad- 
dition to the large chemical laboratory, are pro- 
vided with fume hoods. Most of the rooms have 
salt water tables of the type now widely used in 
marine biological laboratories, while other rooms 
are designated for physical investigations. Six- 
teen of the laboratories are designed for indi- 
vidual use, the others for use of groups of two or 
more investigators. The rooms are simple but ade- 
quately fitted with tables, counters, drawers and 
the usual movable furniture. Each is provided 
with a sink with fresh water (in addition to the 
salt water tables just mentioned), with gas, and 
with electric outlets for power as well as for light. 
Adequate heating is provided for winter oc- 
cupancy, and it is planned to keep the laboratory 
in operation the year round. 

The salt water intake is located at the end of 
the dock, where the depth of water and activity 
of tidal circulation prevent any danger of con- 
tamination. The supply is driven by lead pumps 
to concrete paraffin-lined tanks of 12,500 gallons 

capacity in the attic, from which the flow to the 
laboratories is by gravity. All piping for salt 
water is of chemically pure lead to insure that the 
supply delivered to the aquaria shall be free from 
toxic substances. A limited supply of chilled 
sea water is also available in the aquarium room 
in the basement. 

Through the courtesy of the Marine Biological 
Laboratory the staff and visitors to the Woods 
Hole Oceanographic Institution enjoy the full fa- 
cilities of the former’s library, which makes it un- 
necessary for the Institution to maintain one of 
its own. This library already contains an ex- 
cellent selection of the more important oceano- 
graphic titles and serials, in addition to the more 
strictly biological, and is being constantly expand- 
ed in this direction by the aid of contributions 
by the Oceanographic Institution. A small work- 
ing collection of books and a supply of charts will 
also be provided in the reading and chart rooms. 

The Institution owes its unique position among 
research institutions to its excellent marine equip- 
ment, which includes two sea-going vessels for 
work both near shore and in the open ocean, 

1. The research ship Atlantis is a steel ketch 
with 250 h. p. Diesel engine designed for a speed 
under power alone of about eight knots, and with 
a sufficient spread of canvas to sail well. The 
cruising radius under power alone is about 3,000 
miles, which can be extended indefinitely by sail. 
Her dimensions are 142 ft. length over all, 29 it. 
beam, 17 ft. extreme draft, about 380 tons dis- 
placement. The living accommodations for the 
scientific staff include single and double cabins for 
six persons, while additional dormitory space can 
be arranged, ample toilet facilities and comfort- 
able dining and lounging saloon. There are two 
laboratories, one on the upper and one on the 
lower deck, providing facilities not only for bio- 
logical but for chemical and physical investigations 
on board. And experience has shown that delicate 
chemical manipulations can be carried on success- 
fully on Atlantis, at sea. 

On extended cruises on the high seas comfort 
and steadiness are essential for an oceanographic 
research vessel, and Atlantis has been especially 
designed with this in view. Safety is insured by 
heavy construction, in all details meeting the most 
exacting specifications. The ship’s company of 
officers and crew numbers about seventeen. Her 
special equipment includes a heavy duty electric 
winch for handling large nets, trawls, and so forth, 
carrying 30,000 feet of dredging wire, a light duty 
electric winch for hydrological observations, a 
wire sounding machine (also electric), while sonic 
apparatus will be installed later. With this equip- 
ment, work in all fields of oceanography can be 
carried on at any desired depth. Atlantis carries 

Jury 9; 1932 | 


NET 61 

a wide variety of tow nets, trawls, etc., deep sea 
thermometers, water bottles, and in general a 
thoroughly modern oceanographic equipment. 
From her it is possible to carry on, not only the 
more conventional lines of work such as deep 
towing, dredging and trawling, collection of water 
samples and records of subsurface temperatures, 
but also chemical analyses of the sea water, gas 
analyses, study of hydrogen ion concentration, 
collection and study of submarine sediments, 
studies of circulation, and various meteorological 

2. The launch Asterias, 401% ft. long, 121% ft. 
broad, with draft of 4 ft. is of the type commonly 
used for flounder dragging and for offshore fish- 
ing in the region. She is powered with gasoline 
engine to give a speed of nine knots and has com- 
fortable living quarters for four men for short 
cruises. Her pilot house includes a small labora- 
tory, while a large uninterrupted deck facilitates 
the handling of various gear. She is provided 
with a hoisting apparatus with wire rope. Scien- 
tific equipment includes nets, hydrological instru- 
ments, and bottom samplers. <Asterias is de- 
signed for general oceanographic work down to 
depths of one hundred fathoms within a few day’s 
run of Woods Hole. 

A small appropriation is set aside for the ap- 
pointment of Research Assistants, who are quali- 
fied to carry on investigations in oceanography, 
either individually or under supervision of the 
staff. The holders of such appointments will be 
expected to take part in one or more oceano- 
graphic cruises, either on Atlantis or on Asterias, 
according to circumstances. 

The term of appointment, and stipend, will be 
based on the circumstances of each case. But ap- 
pointments will not ordinarily be made for terms 
of less than three months. Arrangement as to 
residence, whether at Woods Hole or at some 
university, will also be decided as may seem most 
suitable for the particular investigation on which 
the holder of the assistantship is engaged. Each 
assistant will be expected, at the expiration of his 
appointment, to submit a written report on his 
work, And no application for a second term will 
be accepted unless such report be deemed satis- 
factory. Applications should reach the Director 
not later than April 1. 

Visiting investigators will be made welcome so 
far as the facilities of the laboratory allow. Any- 
one planning to visit the Institution should com- 
municate with the Director as far in advance as 
possible, stating in detail the nature of the in- 
vestigation to be pursued, apparatus and marine 
equipment needed, and any other information 
which may assist in the decision whether his needs 
can be met. Accommodations for visiting investi- 

gators will include either separate rooms or space 
in larger rooms, adequate fittings, and all ordinary 
apparatus, supplies and glassware for chemical, 
physical or biological investigation of the kinds 
that can be appropriately undertaken at this lab- 
oratory. The question whether animals or plants, 
or samples of sea-water or of sea-bottom, needed 
for any particular investigation, can be supplied, 
must be decided for each individual case; no gen- 
eral statement can be made in this respect. Special 
arrangements must be made if unusually ex- 
pensive apparatus or reagents are required. At- 
tention is drawn to the fact that the electric cur- 
rent supplied to the laboratory is alternating, 230 
volts for power and 115 volts for lighting. Direct 
current cannot be supplied. Compressed air can 
be provided only in movable apparatus. Minor 
supplies can be purchased at the supply depart- 
ment of the Marine Biological Laboratory. 

In special cases facilities will be available for 
visitors to carry out investigations at sea, from 
Atlantis. Whether this can be arranged will de- 
pend, in each instance, on the nature of the in- 
vestigation planned, on the space available on the 
ship, and on the probability that the applicant is 
adapted to sea life. 

The fee for the occupancy of a private room is 
ordinarily at the rate of $50 per month, which 
includes the use of all usual apparatus and sup- 
plies, and (so far as possible) the material for 
investigation as explained above. But the Direc- 
tor is empowered to remit this fee if, in his 
opinion, the importance of the contemplated in- 
vestigation warrants so doing. 

The Trustees wish to emphasize that the fa- 
cilities of the laboratory and of the research ves- 
sels are primarily intended for those who wish 
either to collaborate with members of the staff in 
the regular station program or who are engaged 
in their own researches in some branch of ocean- 
ographic science. Applications cannot ordinarily 
be accepted from visitors wishing to work at the 
laboratory in any other subjects. 

[ No formal course of instruction will be offered 
at the institution. But the laboratory proposes 
to arrange opportunity for a limited number of 
graduate students to obtain training in the field 
methods of oceanography during the summer 
months, through taking part in the station pro- 
gram, including the offshore cruises in which they 
will be expected to assist. Occasional seminars 
and lectures will be given by members of the staff 
and students will ordinarily be expected to work 
under the supervision of some member of the 
staff. The fee for such instruction will be $75 
for the summer season, payable in advance. 

The laboratory will not certify to the attain- 
ments of any students in any course of study that 
may be pursued. 


NET [ Vor. VIL. No. 53 

Students wishing to visit the laboratory should 
communicate with the Director as early in the 
spring as possible, addressing him at the Museum 
of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Mass. 

The number of students that can be received in 
any summer is limited. Selection will, therefore, 
be made on the basis of past training and of 
prospective fitness of each applicant for ma- 
rine investigations. Every student visiting the 
institution will be expected to submit a written 
report (not necessarily for publication) on his 
work at the termination of his visit. And no 
student will be considered for a second visit un- 
less this report shows evidence of satisfactory 
work. | 

It is the purpose of the institution to maintain 
an oceanographic periodical. This will give op- 
portunity for the prompt publication of investiga- 
tions in appropriate fields carried on at the Woods 
Hole laboratory or elsewhere. Details of this 
project are still under consideration. 

The institution carries on a regular program of 
oceanographic investigation in three main fields, 
physical and chemical, geological, and biological, 
under direction of the members of the staff. 

A series of quarterly cruises on Atlantis have 
been initiated in the western Atlantic covering a 
triangle between Chesapeake Bay, Bermuda and 
Nova Scotia, coordinated with similar explora- 
tions that are carried out in the eastern Atlantic 
under the auspices of the International Council 
for the Exploration of the Sea. The first object 
of this work will be to trace the periodic fluctua- 
tions in the characteristics of different phases of 
oceanography in the North Atlantic. Other 
cruises are also undertaken at other times of year. 

Field work near shore in the immediate vicinity 
of Woods Hole is ordinarily carried on from 

Investigations in the following topics are now 
in progress under the direction of the staff mem- 
bers named below. 

1. Normal state and seasonal variations of the 
waters on the continental shelf, and of the 
zooplankton, Cape Cod to Chesapeake Bay, based 
on investigations by the U. S. Bureau of Fisheries 
steamer Albatross II, and by Atlantis. In charge 
of Henry B. Bigelow. 

2. Studies of thermal distribution and variation 
at the surface of the western North Atlantic based 
on thermograph readings taken on commercial 
steamship routes. In charge of Charles F. Brooks 
and Henry B. Bigelow. 

3. Physiology of the marine zooplankton. In 
charge of George L .Clarke. 

4. Study of dynamic circulation in the North 
Atlantic Basin. In charge of C. O. Iselin. 

5. Investigations of the hydrology of Baffins 
Bay based on the explorations of the Coast Guard 
Patrol boats Marion and General Greene. In 
charge of Olav Mosby, Senior Physical Ocean- 
ographer, U. S. Coast Guard. 

6. A study of the variation in chemical com- 
position of sea water, with respect to some minor 
constituents, especially nitrites, arsenic and the 
heavy metals. In charge of N. W. Rakestraw. 

7. Study of the physical chemistry of the res- 
piratory proteins with special reference to fac- 
tors affecting the transport of oxygen and the 
bearing of these relations on the distribution of 
animals in the sea. In charge of Alfred C. Red- 

8a. The stress exerted by the wind as a pro- 
pulsive force on the surface of the ocean related 
to the average distribution of wind direction and 
wind velocity with elevation, as obtained from 
pilot balloon observations. In charge of C. G. 

8b. Thermal interchange between sea surface 
and superimposed air as determined by tempera- 
ture and salinity lapse rates, and by measurements 
of evaporation. In charge of C. G. Rossby. 

9. An investigation of the distribution, con- 
sumption and regeneration of phosphates and of 
other compounds of phosphorus in the water and 
bottom deposits of the western Atlantic. In 
charge of H. R. Seiwell. 

10. Studies of the sediments on the continental 
shelf, together with their environments, past and 
present. In charge of Henry C. Stetson. 

lla. The distribution of bacteria in sea water 
and sea bottom. 

11. The réle of bacteria in the cycle of life 
in the sea, with special emphasis upon the de- 
composition of organic residues and the cycle of 
nitrogen. In charge of Selman A. Waksman. 

12. Study of hydrology, bottom deposits, and 
other oceanographic features of the Arctic Ocean 
to the north of Spitzbergen, based on explora- 
tions of the submarine Nautilus in 1931, under 
the command of Captain Sir Hubert Wilkins. 

The staff consists of permanent scientific mem- 
bers and of research associates appointed for defi- 
nite terms. The present personnel is as follows: 
Henry B. BrcEetow, Professor of Zodlogy, Har- 

vard University, Director. 

GerorcE L, CLARKE, Tutor and Instructor, Har- 
vard University, Junior Biologist. 

C. O. Isetrn, II, Assistant Curator of Oceanog- 
raphy, Museum of Comparative Zodlogy, Re- 
search Associate in Physical Oceanography and 
Master of the research vessel Aflantis. 

Orav Mossy, Senior Physical Oceanographer, U. 
S. Coast Guard, Research Associate in Ocean- 

uve 95 19325) 

Norris W. Rakestraw, Assistant Professor of 
Chemistry, Brown University, Research As- 
sociate in Physical Chemistry. 


Atrrep C, Reprretp, Professor of Physiology, 
Harvard University, Senior Biologist. 

C. G. Rosssy, Associate Professor of Meteor- 
ology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 

H. R. SErwe et, Investigator in Oceanography. 

Henry C. Stetson, Assistant Curator of Paleon- 
tology, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Re- 
search Associate in Submarine Geology. 

Serman A. WaxksMAN, Microbiologist, New Jer- 


NET 63 

sey Agricultural Beperonenan Station, 

CapraIn SiR Hupert WILKINS 
sociate in Oceanography. 

Miss VirGintA B. WALKER, Secretary and Ad- 
ministrative Assistant. 

3uildings and Grounds. 




Superintendent of 


President of the Corporation: 
University of Chicago. 

Treasurer: LAWRAsON Riccs, Jr., New York. 

Clerk of the Corporation: HENRY B. BiGELow. 


By the Staff of the Supply Department 

One of the main duties of the Supply Depart- 
ment during the summer season is to give the 
investigators and students the very best possible 

The available materials will be collected and 
delivered to all those who request them. Orders 
for material to be delivered the following day will 
be taken between 10:00 A. M. and noon-time. If 
the investigator who does not expect to be in his 
room between those hours will leave a notation 
of what he desires, it will greatly facilitate the 
service. This may be done by placing a slip on 
the door; then he may be sure that the boy will 
take it and the material be delivered. 

If there are any complaints about the material 
or service, it would be greatly appreciated if they 
were entered in the Supply Department office, 1n- 
stead of being given to the delivery boy or to a 
member of the crew. 

This department is maintained at a very great 
expense during the summer months. During the 
winter months, the Supply Department is main- 
tained as a Supply House, where students and 
teachers may order their needs for their class 
work. The all-year-round personnel is made up 
of six collectors, and in the summer this number 
is increased by eight additional collectors on the 
crew. Two people are on duty at the cffice at all 
times, and they will gladly give any information 
or adjust any complaints which may be entered. 

Few teachers realize the expense that is in- 
volved in the collecting and preparing of marine 
animals. Many, we are certain, believe that it is 
only necessary to walk along the beach, pick up 
the specimens and put them into formaldehyde. 
Nothing could be farther from the truth. The 

entire collecting region must be carefully explored 
in order to find sources for the various torms, 
and at times it is necessary to take long trips to 
secure them. To do this exploring and collecting, 
boats costing several thousand dollars must be 
employed. These must be provided with pumps, 
so that the specimens may be kept in running 
sea-water while they are on board. Then, when 
they are brought to the laboratory, many of them 
must be put through long and complicated proces- 
ses to be properly narcotized, expanded and pre- 
served. The pumps and tanks needed to supply 
the laboratory with running sea-water are very 
expensive, and far beyond the means of any in- 
dividual who may be trying to collect without 

The Supply Department has this year issued a 
new biology catalogue, which will be given out 
upon request, and which lists the complete stock 
of preserved and living material. This may be 
obtained at the office. The prices of materials 
have been greatly reduced, and special attention 
is being called to the grading of the sizes in ma- 
terials which have been arranged for the con- 
venience of the customers 

Our Department is, without doubt, the best 
equipped marine collecting station in the United 
States, if not in the world. Its collecting equip- 
ment, consisting of boats, fish traps, seines, 
dredges, tangles and laboratory facilities, are of 
the very best, and represent a great investment. Its 
staff of collectors and preparators has had many 
years of experience. Iti is ce advantages in the 
collection and preparation of marine specimens 
which explain, to a great extent, the uniformly 
good quality of the preserved material furnished 
by the Supply Department. 


_[ Vou. VII. No. 53 


To the wide circle of friends of Dr. Cobb the 
knowledge of his death came as a distinct shock, 
and remains as an abiding sorrow. The loss to 
the world through the removal of such an active 
and constructive mind as his is beyond computa- 
tion. Especially is such a loss acute when, as it 
does in this case, it means the calling away from 
the field of action of one of the world’s leaders 
in humanity’s warfare against hitherto unsuspect- 
ed because largely unseen foes. 

Dr. Cobb, born June 30, 1859, in Spencer, 
Mass., taught in the public schools of Spencer, 
where he introduced what is now called nature 
study ; entered Worcester Polytechnic Institute in 
the winter of 1878-9, specializing in chemistry, 
and was graduated in 1881 with the degree of 
B.S. His graduation thesis was entitled “Notes 
on Miller’s System of Crystallography” and was 
entirely mathematical. In it Miller’s conclusions 
were demonstrated by analytical geometry instead 
of spherical trigonometry as Professor Miller had 
done. The thesis was submitted to outside judges, 
Professors B. K. Emerson of Amherst and E. S. 

Dana of Yale, who confirmed the opinion of the 
local judges that it was a thesis of extraordinary 
merit. Professor Dana suggested that the thesis 
he sent to Professor Groth of Germany, for pub- 
lication in the Arystallographische Zeitung. The 
thesis was published for the first time in 1931. 

After graduation from Worcester he taught in 
Williston Seminary for six years. While at East- 
hampton he engaged in outside study. He pre- 
pared and published a flora of the vicinity, in 
which work he became acquainted with and profit- 
ed by the council of Professor Asa Gray of Har- 
vard, and Leo Lesquereaux. He also was as- 
sisted in improving his geological knowledge by 
Professor Emerson. Dr. Cobb told me last sum- 
mer that he had wished to study at Johns Hopkins 
University, but had passed the age limit for a 
scholarship by a few months when his application 
was made. 

In 1887 he went with his family, who, it should 
be stated, accompanied him in all his wanderings, 
to Jena, Germany, where in the following year 
he received the degree of Ph. D. While in Jena 

ary 9) 1932 | 


NET 65 

he took the courses in zoology under Heackel and 
Lang; in embryology under Oscar Hertwig, and 
botany under Stahl. He was able to pass his 
examination in geology through knowledge ob- 
tained in the preparation of his Worcester thesis 
and his geological studies prosecuted at Easthamp- 

Dr, Cobb has put it on record that if he were 
asked to name the parts of his early training that 
had the most influence in whatever success he 
may have attained, he should himself give a high 
place to his early intimacy with a great variety of 
practical operations. An idea of what these varied 
experiences were may be glimpsed when it is 
learned that his father at various times followed 
the trades of millwright, engineer, carpenter, fac- 
tory foreman, contractor and farmer, at all of 
which he was fairly successful. As his father’s as- 
sistant he was given the opportunity of learning 
a great variety of work. ‘hus, he was often left 
in charge of the wire mill of which his father was 
foreman. Or he would be left in charge of the 
farm of 150 acres, with its horses, cows, orchards, 
garden, wheat, corn, grass, poultry and pigs for 
weeks at a time while his father was away at work 
on contracts. He did all this before he was four- 

His work for the doctorate was in the field of 
helminthology. Much of his time, especially in 
later years, was given to the nematoda, or nemas, 
as he insisted they should be called. As a result 
of his investigations, during which he published 
some 200 books and pamphlets, and is said to 
have described and named some 1,000 new species 
of animals and plants there was revealed a world 
of living forms, before but little known, repre- 
sented in large measure by free-living and plant- 
parasitic nemas. 

After Jena Dr. Cobb worked a year at the 
Naples Zoological Station, his appointment there 
having been made by the British Assoc:ation for 
the Advancement of Science. 

Of Dr. Cobb's varied experiences in the years 
which intervened between his departure from 
Naples and his return to his native land Dr. 
Hall says :— 

After a year at Naples, Dr. Cobb wished to 

visit Australia, and as his meagre funds were 

exhausted he borrowed money from a friend in 
his Massachusetts home and sailed with his 
family to Sydney. He had no position in sight, 
but he had letters of introduction, and his 
ability and confidence. During his first month 
in Sydney he spent his mornings in presenting 
his letters of introduction to persons who might 
secure a position for him, and his afternoons in 
microscopical investigations carried out at his 
residence. At the end of a month he obtained 
a position with a commercial house, one of his 

duties being to write advertisements. He car- 
ried out this work with his characteristic thor- 
oughness and initiative... He wrote the 
story of the American watch and undertook to 
publish a full page advertisement, with illustra- 
tions in one of the Sydney papers. No il- 
lustrated advertisement had ever been published 
in the Sydney papers, and the first paper ap- 
proached on the subject refused to indulge in 
this novelty. However the Sydney Telegraph 
agreed to publish the advertisement, and did 
so at a price which shocked Dr. Cobb’s em- 
ployer. Simultaneously with the publication of 
the advertisement Dr. Cobb had a jeweler’s 
window filled with the watches, showing some 
of them running under water. This exhibit 
drew great crowds and the venture was a finan- 
cial success. 

In 1890, Professor Haswell of the Uni- 
versity of Sydney left on a year’s leave of ab- 
sence, and Dr. Cobb was appointed locum 
tenens in his position. 

From 1891 to 1898 he was pathologist of the 
Department of Agriculture of New South 
Wales. He helped to organize that department 
and for the last year of this period was also 
manager of the Wagga Experiment Farm. 

At the close of his incumbency at the Wagga 
Farm Station he proposed to resign his position 
in New South Wales, where he ranked as senior 
scientific officer, in order to visit other countries 
and refresh himself by observation and by con- 
tact with scientific men in Europe and America, 
to bring himself more closely in touch with the 
state of science than was possible in Australia. 
There was reluctance at accepting his resignation. 
As two or more years were required for the pur- 
pose and there being no provision for such 
lengthy leave. Special Cabinet action was taken 
appointing him Special Commissioner to report on 
the Agricultural and other Industries of America 
and Europe, assigning him two and a half years 
for that purpose, and re-appointing him in ad- 
vance to re-occupy his position in the Department 
of Agriculture at the end of his Commissioner- 

Dr. Hall’s resumé continues as follows :—From 
1898 to 1901 he was Agricultural Commissioner 
to the United States and Europe, carrying out 
extensive investigations on wheat and other 
things, and then returning to his position of 
pathologist from 1901 to 1904... .Early in 
1905 Dr. Cobb left Australia and went to Ha- 
waii where he remained until 1907. He or- 
ganized the Division of Physiology and Path- 
ology of the Hawaiian Sugar Planters’ Experi- 
ment Station of which he was Director. Here 
he worked on nemic and fungus diseases of 
sugar cane, and continued his investigations of 


NET [ Vou. VII. No. 53 

free-living nemas. In 1907 he went to Wash- 
ington, D. C. as Agricultural Technologist in 
the U. S. Department of Agriculture... For 
some years he was Acting Assistant Chief of 
the Bureau of Plant industry, but at all times 
continued his investigation on nemas, and under 
the Reclassification Act he was finally given the 
title of Principal Nematologist. 
When one considers the life work of Dr. Cobb 
as evidenced by his contributions to useful knowl- 
edge the title Principal Nematologist assumes not 
only a national but also a world-wide significance. 

But so varied were Dr. Cobb’s interests that 
even if the contributions to science which earned 
him the title of Principal Nematologist were to 
be left out of the count, there would still be left 
more than enough to entitle him to a commanding 
place among eminent men of science. It is not 
possible, however, to condense within the limits 
of this paper an adequate summary of his con- 
tributions to agricultural knowledge and_tech- 
nique, covering as it does a wide range of sub- 
jects, including, among other things, cereal crops, 
sugar cane and cotton, the standardization of the 
latter being an outcome of his work. 

Much could be said of his administrative ability 
and experience. It is sufficient here to call atten- 
tion to the success which attended him, a foreign- 
er, in Australia, indicating that he was endowed 
with more than ordinary tact and discretion. He 
never gave up his American citizenship. 

Dr. Hall speaks of Dr. Cobb’s originality and 
ingenuity in devising methods of preventing vi- 
bration in the support of microscopes for fine 
work, of rotating tables with numerous micro- 
scopes for convenience in examining and compar- 
ing prepared material, of devices for excluding 
room light and to secure light effects from canvas 
reflectors adjustable to the position of the sun, 
of the employment of the polariscope in the study 
of birefringent granules, and the use of chemical 
reagents in investigation on the nature of nemic 
structures. All these varied appliances were in 
evidence in his laboratories here at Woods Hole, 
and were being added to and improved from year 
to year. In the words of Dr. Hall: “He brought 
to his study of nemas a sound knowledge of chem- 
istry and physics as well as of zoology and tech- 

One privileged to work in the same laboratory 
with Dr. Cobb and his efficient corps of assistants 
could not fail to be impressed by the exquisite 
technique and artistic skill that were here mar- 
shalled together, not forgetting the delightful 
spirit of comradship which animated the little 
group of workers, all of which, in large measure, 
was derived from the organizing ability and genial 
personality of the presiding genius of the labora- 


Those of us who were favored by daily contact 
with Dr. Cobb at the laboratory of the Bureau 
of Fisheries can echo unreservedly Dr. Hall’s ap- 
preciation when he writes :— 

Dr. Cobb was known to a wide circle of sci- 

entists throughout the world. He was a mem- 

ber of numerous American and foreign scien- 
tific societies, and was a president of the Amer- 
ican Microscopical Society, the American So- 
ciety of Parasitologists, the Washington Acad- 
emy of Science, and the Helminthological So- 
ciety of Washington. In the informal and in- 
timate meetings of the Helminthological So- 
ciety he will be missed acutely, not only because 
of the interesting facts he brought to its at- 
tention, and the stimulating questions he pro- 
posed, but because of his personal charm. He 
combined frankness with courtesy, and an un- 
shaken dignity with a keen sense of humor. He 
had unusual histrionic ability . . . Not infre- 
quently he wrote delightful verse for these 
dinners, and at the last meeting of the society 
before his death he read some charming non- 
sense about his nemas, written on the interur- 
ban on his way to Washington from his home 
in Falls Church, Va. § 
It will be seen from the forgoing that Dr. Cobb 
was by no means narrowed by his devotion to 
and mastery of a specialty. Many examples 
showing the mirror-like quality of his mind as a 
reflector of nature could be cited. Thus, there 
are many who will recall that delightful lecture 
whereby, with the aid of most ingeniously con- 
trived camera studies we were admitted to the in- 
timate daily life of a family of blue jays. 

All who knew Dr. Cobb intimately join whole- 
heartedly in the sentiment with which Dr. Hall, 
in restrained, but movingly eloquent words, con- 
cludes his tribute to his and our friend :— 

On June 4, 1932, Dr. Cobb was in Baltimore, 
Md., having his annual physical examination. 
From early life he had had some heart ir- 
regularities, probably the sequalae of scarlet 
fever when he was about two years old, and 
this condition necessitated these examinations 
and some treatment. At 9.00 P.M. he was in 
bed reading and apparently feeling well and 
comfortable. When the nurse entered the room 
a short time afterward he was dead. The pass- 
ing of this able scientist and dear friend is an 
occasion for regret and sorrow, and we who 
knew him shall miss him greatly. But those 
regrets and sorrows are for ourselves, not for 
our friend, for there is no better alternative 
in leaving life than to go quickly and while 
physically fit and mentally unimpaired after a 
long life of constructive achievement and ap- 

Jury 9, 1932 ] 


preciative friendships. To the wife who fol- 
lowed him throughout his wanderings and 
shared his hardships, and to the children who 
have loved and honored him, we extend our 
sympathy. The tall figure has gone from us, 
and we shall see no more the intellectual face 
with its crescentic monocle and the smile for 
which we looked, but the memory of the man 

is pleasant and abiding. In no uncertain sense 
he remains with us and will long remain with 
us. —Edwin Linton. 
(I am indebted to Miss Margaret V. Cobb for 
data relating to her father’s life and work, and to 
Dr. Maurice C. Hall, who has kindly placed at my 
disposal the manuscript of an obituary note which 
he has prepared for the “Journal of Parasitology”, 
with liberty to draw from it anything that I can use.) 


Humoral Agents in Nervous Activity with Special 
Reference to Chromatophores. G. H. Parker. 
1932, x plus 79 pp. Cambridge University 

During the last decade physiological evidence 
has accumulated to indicate that a chemical factor 
bridges the gap between the terminals of auto- 
nomic nerve fibers and the cells of autonomically 
innervated glands and muscles. The work of 
Otto Loewi, of Brinkman and van Dam, of Fink- 
elman, and of others has shown quite conclusively 
that when these tissues are isolated and then stim- 
ulated or inhibited through their nerves they give 
off to perfusates substances capable of reproduc- 
ing sympathetic or parasympathetic effects in 
other organs. Any doubts as to whether this sort 
of thing occurs in the unanesthetized mammal 
with circulation intact have recently been dis- 
pelled, at least with respect to the sympathicomi- 
metic substance, by Cannon and his collaborators, 
especially Bacq and Rosenblueth. The question 
that now arises is whether these active substances 
actually represent the means whereby the nerves 
act on their respective effector cells. If they do, 
a secretory process must occur somewhere in the 
region of the neuro-myal junction. It has long 
been known that adrenin secreted into the blood 
as a result of preganglionic sympathetic discharge 
to the adrenal medulla will act generally on sym- 
pathetically innervated organs quite independent- 
ly of their innervation. May it not be that post- 
ganglionic sympathetic impulses arriving at an 
effector organ induce there a local production of 
adrenin which in turn stimulates or inhibits as the 
case may be? Certain it is that an adrenin-like 
material, Cannon’s “sympathin’’ or Loewi’s “ac- 
celerator substance,” is given off from the ef- 
fector organ and it remains to determine its pre- 
cise origin. 

In this little book which represents the sub- 
stance of a lecture given at the University of 
Cambridge in May, 1930, Professor Parker 
discusses this question of neurohumoralism 
in general. For his thesis he has invoked 
in particular a phenomenon to the elucida- 
tion of which he and his students have made 
notable contributions. Although color changes 
in animals have excited the interest of 

naturalists from the earliest times it has been 
only with the comparatively recent advent of 
experimental biology that any real analysis of the 
mechanism of cutaneous pigmentary changes has 
been made. Professor Parker has here outlined 
the more important facts now known about chro- 
matophoral control, and it is the opinion of this 
reviewer that he has given the best general treat- 
ment of the subject that is available. Nowhere 
else can one find a presentation as broadly com- 
prehensive or so refreshingly free from wrang- 
ling over what are, after all, rather minor dif- 
ferences of observation and opinion. Dr. Parker 
points out the curious anomaly that while the 
chromatophores of teleost fishes and reptiles are 
either wholly or predominantly managed by 
nerves, those of the intermediate group of cold- 
blooded vertebrates, the amphibia, are controlled 
by a humoral agent of hypophysical origin. And 
the amphibian has its counterpart among inverte- 
brates in those crustacea which exhibit color 
changes. There again internal secretions seem to 
be the sole factor. But in each of the color-chang- 
ing groups neural processes in the eyes condition 
the process of internal secretion or of nervous 
discharge to the chromatophores. Apropros of 
this fact Dr. Parker suggests that fundamentally 
the two modes of control are the same. He is in- 
clined to regard the difference as consisting in the 
distance of the site of secretion from the chro- 
matophore and he strongly urges the view that in 
the case of the so-called direct nerve control there 
is secretion of hormone by the terminals of the 
chromatophoral nerve fibers. If supported by 
sufficient experimental evidence this hypothesis 
would become a generalization of major import- 
ance and one would speak of neurohumoral in- 
stead of neuro and humoral control. Dr. Parker 
certainly brings forth facts and probabilities fav- 
oring his contention, but it is clear that direct 
proof of secretion by chromatophoral nerve term- 
inals is still very scanty. 

In a final chapter the role of neurohumoral 
agencies in the activities of receptors and synapses 
is discussed. The question of secretory activity 
at the synapse has been a subject of prime interest 
ever since Sir Charles Sherrington suggested 

( Continued on Page 68 ) 


[ Vou. VII. No. 53 

The Collecting Net 

A weekly publication devoted to the scientific work 
at Woods Hole. 


TPS CUE ORO oIG A ganaorn Jatebhio)e 
Assistant Editors 

Annaleida S. Cattell 

Vera Warbasse 

Ware Cattell 

Florence L, Spooner 

The Beach Question 

Recently the following notice has been placed 
on the post at the lower eend of the fence which 
separates the good beach from the poor one+on 
the Bay Shore: 


The fence which supports this message is stand- 
ing in the water at mean high tide. 

It is understood that the property owners on 
the Bay Shore Beach contend that it is not legal 
for an individual to walk on the beach between 
the high and low water marks for the purpose of 
getting from one point to another. They admit 
however, that “Persons may enter upon such flats 
to exercise the right of fishing.” 

So far as we know, one can be fishing without 
catching fish. It has been suggested that THe 
CotLectinG Ner rent fishing poles to those indi- 
viduals who want to walk along the “private” 
beach, turning the proceeds realized from the 
enterprise over to its Scholarship Fund. 

A Correction 

In its first number THe CottectinG Net print- 
ed a brief note concerning the difficulties which 
the Island Airways had with one of their planes 
when they first initiated their service. It seems 
evident that it was not correct, and we wish to 
express our apologies for inaccurately reporting 
the situation, 

The seaplane made a forced landing through 
no fault of the Island Airways. The plane had 
just been returned from one of the most promi- 
nent Boston aviation concerns where it had been 
subject to a major overhaul. Machines receiving 
this extensive treatment are considered practically 
equal to new ones. However, in this particular 
case the head mechanic forgot to insert the cotter 
key which holds the timing gear in place. The 
gear slipped which upset the delicately-timed 
mechanism, and the engine refused to function 
properly. In other words the forced landing was 
caused by minor engine trouble, instead of a 

broken connecting rod as our contributor reported. 
Further, the approximate location of the plane 
was known within twenty minutes. The pilot 
made a landing on Muskeget Island, walked to 
the lighthouse nearby and reported by telephone 
to his headquarters, 

We learn from President A. D. Chandler that 
there never has been an attempt to withhold in- 
formation concerning any difficulties that they 
may have had, and that the officers of the Com- 
pany stand reaedy to give out complete and un- 
biased information at all times. 

The Directory 

We have made the directory supplement in this 
number as complete as possible. Directory cards 
which were completed and left at our office or in 
the Brick Building before Saturday morning at 
6:45 have been included. In our directory this 
year we are printing only the names of the scien- 
tific workers who are actually in attendance at 
one of the laboratories at the time the material 
must be placed in the hands of our printer. Even 
though all the evidence seems to indicate that 
they will come a day or two later, and the needed 
information known, we have adopted the general 
policy of not including names of individuals in 
the directory unless they have personally filled 
out a card after their arrival in Woods Hole. 

( Continued from Page 67 ) 

some years ago that chemical factors lie at the 
basis of central excitation and inhibition. In this 
section of the book one finds the matter considered 
largely on the basis of the segmented “giant 
fibers” of certain invertebrates. 

Any biologist at all interested in the physiology 
of the nervous system, in pigmentary alteration or 
in endocrinology will find this book instructive 
and exciting. And any such reader who possesses 
the gambling instinct will take the obvious tip and 
lay his money on the idea that humoral factors are 
going to play an ever increasing role in our under- 
standing of nervous mechanisms. —Philip Bard. 


Date A.M. P. M. 
July 10 » A9SZ) Okage 
July 11 LOSI ees 
July 12 11:46 --—— 
Jfmiby ash 12:27 - 24s 
July 14 1:27 1:39 
July 15 2:25 2:37, 
July 16.. 3:22 3:29 
July 17.. 4:15 4:24 

Jury 9, 1932 ] 



Dr, W. J. V. Osterhout sailed for Europe on 
July 1. He will attend the Fourteenth Inter- 
national Congress of Physiology in Rome. 

Dr. Edward Uhlenhuth will not be in attend- 
ance at the laboratory this summer, because he has 
taken a trip to Europe. 

Dr. P. W. Whiting, who has been a member 
of the Department of Zoology at the University 
of Pittsburgh since 1928, has been promoted to a 
full professorship. 

Dr. Edgar P. Jones who spent the summers of 
1930 and 1931 at the Laboratory, has been ap- 
pointed instructor in zoology at the University of 
Pittsburgh for the approaching academic year. 
He has just received his degree from the Depart- 
ment of Zoology in this institution. 

Dr. W. M. Stanley who has been working in the 
Department of General Physiology at the Rocke- 
feller Institute for Medical Research is trans- 
ferring his work to the Department of Plant 
Pathology in the same institution at Princeton. 

Dr, Edgar van Slyke, who has worked at the 
Marine Biological Laboratory for several years, 
received his Ph. D, in zoology from the University 
of Pittsburgh in June. Next year he will be a 
fellow in anatomy in the School of Medicine at 
the University of Maryland. 

Dr. Ben H. Hill, formerly Professor of Biology 
in High Point College (North Carolina) has been 
appointed instructor in histology in the Dental 
School of New York University. 

Miss Sarah W. Chapman has been appointed 
assistant in physiology at Vassar College. 

Mr. M. Herbert Eisenhart, vice-president and 
general manager of the Bausch and Lomlh Optical 
Company, has been appointed a member of the 
board of the Massachusetts Institute of Tech- 

Dr. James W. Mavor gave a paper in the sym- 
posium on the biological action of X-rays which 
was held under the auspices of the American As- 
sociation for the Advancement of Science on June 
24, His subject was the “Effect of X-rays on 
Germ Cells and Heredity.” 

Dr. G. H. Parker contributed an article en- 
titled “The Passage of Sperms and Eggs Through 
the Oviducts of the Rabbit and of the Human 
Being with a Consideration of Sampson's Theory 
of Hemorrhagic or Chocolate Cysts” to the May 
number of the American Journal of Obstretrics 
and Gynecology.” * 


College students with experience desires po- - 
sition as laboratory assistant. Communicate with 
Vera Warhasse. Phone 726. P. O. box CC. 
Woods Hole. 

Laboratory Technician. Vxperience at Har- 
vard Botanical Laboratories. Maud Gustafson, 
c/o McInnes, Millfield Street. 

Position Wanted as research or laboratory as- 
sistant. Preferably in physiology. IF. N. Craig, 
Rutgers ’32. Kahler House. 

Manuscript typing done hy Miss Nielson. In- 
quire at Supply Department. 

Typewriting or stenographic work. Neat and 
accurate. Apply to Mrs. Idwin Laug, New 
Dormitory, Room 302. 

Tutor or companion for boys, aged 6-15 years. 
3y the hour, day or season. Highest local and 
out-of-town references, T, S. Perry Griffin 
(Harvard, 1913). c/o George Griffin, High Street, 
Woods Hole. Telephone 774, 

For Sale. At the supply department, Reprint 
of “Physical and Chemical of the egg of the Sea 
Urehin, arbacia punctuata,” by Dr. Ik, Newton 

Do you like to learn Spanish: Mexican student 
will exchange Spanish for English. [E. Beltran, 
New Dormitory, Room 203. 

Cathoat for rent. By hour $1.00, By day $5.00 

By week $10.00. Vera Warbasse. Phone 726, 
Collecting Net Office, 8:30-12:30 A. M. 
(Notices of this kind will be inserted in THE COL- 
LECTING NET without charge for members of any 
one of the three scientific institutions in Woods 

* Limitations of space made it almost necessary to 
print an abstract of the paper instead of its title. 


NET [ Vou. VIL. No. 53 



Anderson, Stella B. secretary “Industrial and Engi- 
neering Chemistry.” Br 203. D 200. 

Atlas, M. asst. zool. Columbia. Br 314. Dr 5. 

Ballard, W. W. instr. zool. Dartmouth. Br 217k. Dr. 

Barnum, Susie G. secretary Nat. Res. Council Br 
120. Hi. 

Bigelow, R. P. prof. zool. and parasitol. Mass. Inst. 
Tech. Br 334. Cross. 

Bissonnette, T. H. prof. biol. Trinity (Hartford). OM 
26. D 108. 

Brown, D. E. instr, phys. Bellevue Med. Br 214. 
Metz, Hyatt. 

Budington, R. A. prof. zool. Oberlin. Br 218. Orchard. 

Chen, T. T. instr. zool Pennsylvania. Br 220. Elliot, 

Cheney, R. H. chairman biol. dept. Long Island. OM 
45. D 208. 

Church, C. F. asst. instr. pedriatics. Pennsylvania 
Med. Br 126. Winslow, Quissett. 

Clark, Eleanor L, vol. invest. Pennsylvania Med. Br 
117. West. 

Clark, E. R. prof. anat. Pennsylvania Med. Br 117. 

Cole, E. C. assoc. prof. biol. Williams. OM 28. D 204. 

Copeland, M. prof. Bowdoin. Br 334. Gardiner. 

Corson, S. A. grad. res. asst. phys. Pennsylvania. 

Darby, Callye Nat. Res. Council. Br 120. H. 

Dawson, A. B. assoc. prof. zool. Harvard. Br 312. 
A 202. 

Donaldson, H. H. mem. Wistar Inst. Br 115. Buz- 
zards Bay. 

Driggs, M. F. Cornell Med. Br 222. Ka 23. 

Eyre, Sarah W. res. asst. biol. Long Island. Lucke, 

Fleisher, M. S. prof. bact. St. Louis. Br 304. D 112. 

Gerard, R. W. assoc. prof. phys. Chicago. Br 309. D 
Gordon, Gladys secretary. ‘Industrial and Engi- 
neering Chemistry.’’ Br 203. Nickerson, Millfield. 
Henshaw, Christine T. asst. biophysicist. Memorial 
Hosp. (N. Y.) Br 311. D 209. 

Henshaw, P. S. biophysicist. Memorial Hosp. (N. Y.) 
Br 311. D 209. 

Hoadley, L. prof. zool. Harvard. Br 312. A 308. 

Hotchkiss, Margaret instr. bact. N. Y. Homeopathic 
Med. Wilde, Gardiner. 

Howe, H. E. editor ‘Industrial and Engineering 
Chemistry.” Br 203. Tinkham, West. 

Howe, Mary mm. edit. “Industrial and Engineering 
Chemistry” Br 203. Tinkham, West. 

Howland, Ruth B. assoc. prof. biol. New York. Br 1. 
Young, Middle. 

Irwin, Marion S. ed. “Biological Abstracts.” Libr. 
Hilton, Water. 

Jahn, T. L. fel. zool. Yale. Br 123. Gray, Buzzards 

Jones, N. sc. illus. Br 211. Hall, Water. 

Kaufmann, B. prof. bot. Alabama. Bot 4, Spaeth, 

Keyes, D. B. prof. ind. chem. Illinois, L 23. Grinnell. 
Bar Neck. 

Kiess, Mary D. Pennsylvania. Br 217 h. 

Lacaillade, C. W., Jr fel. Rockefeller Inst. Br 208. 
Nickerson, Millfield. 

Levy, M. instr. chem. New York. Br 310. F. Wilson. 

Lundstrom, Helen M. res. asst. chem. Children’s 
Hosp. (Phila.) Br 109. Wi. 

McGraw, Myrtilla H. secretary. Nat. Res. Council. 
Br 120. Hi. 

McGregor, J. H. prof. zool. Columbia. Br 301. El- 
liot, Center. 

Mikalik, P. assoc. prof. anat. Budapest (Hungary) 
Br 107. 310. 

Modell, W. W. asst. anat. Cornell Med. Br 318. Mc- 
Innis, School. 

Mosley, J. E. Harvard. Br 315. Breakwater, Bar 

Newton, Helen mm. ed. “Industrial and Engineering 
Chemistry” Br 203. Veeder, Millfield. 

Parkinson, Nellie A. asst. ‘Industrial and Engineer- 
ing Chemistry.” Br 203. Young, West. 

Pierce, Madeline E. instr. zool. Vassar. Br 217c. 
Kittila, Bar Neck. 

Rawles, Mary E. res. asst. zool. Chicago. Br 224. 
Mendel, High. 

de Renyi, G. S. assoc. prof. anat. Pennsylvania Med. 
Br 125. D 217. 

Robbins, W. J. Missouri. D 317. 

Sayles, L. P. instr. biol. Col. City N. Y. OM 25. 
D 214. 

Schmieder, R. G. instr. zool. Pennsylvania. Br 220. 
Sylvia, Buzzards Bay. 

Schrader, F. prof. cel. biol. Columbia. Br 330. D 309. 

Schrader, Sally H. instr. zool. Sarah Lawrence. Br 
330. D 309. 

Saeger, A. Nat. Res. Fel. biol. McLeish. 

Shapiro, H. asst. biol. Princeton. Br 110. Dr 10. 

Smith, B. A. grad. zool. Pittsburgh. Rock 7. Mc- 
Leish, Millfield. 

Stanley, W. M. asst. plant path. Rockefeller Inst. 
Br 209. Howes, Water. 

Steinbach, H. B. instr. zool. Pennsylvania. Br 111. 
Elliot, Center. 

Taylor, Georgiana M. grad. zool. Pittsburgh. Rock 2. 

Taylor, W. R. prof. bot. Michigan. Bot. 24. Whitman. 

Tittler, I. A. asst. zool. Columbia. Br 314. Dr 10. 

Wenrich, D. H. prof. zool. Pennsylvania. Br 220. 
D 215. 

Willier, B. H. prof. zool. Chicago. Br 224. Mendel, 


Bradbury, Hester A. grad. Duke. emb. Chambers, 

Hussay, Kathleen L. fel. zool. Ohio Wesleyan. emb. 
Hilton, Main. 


Redfield. A. C. prof. phys. Harvard. 103. Park. 

Seiwell, Gladys E. Brown, 212. Taft, Minot. 

Seiwell, H. B. investigator oceanog. W. H. O. I. 
212. Taft, Minot. 

Waksman, S. A. prof. soil. microbiolog. Rutgers. 201. 
(Penzance Point). 

Sither, J. A. Kimball Union Acad. collector. Dr. 

Jury 9, 1932 ] THE COLLECTING NET 71 


One of the new series of low power, wide field binocular micro- 
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Table of Magnifications, Free Working Distances, and 
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[ Vor. VII. No. 53 



The engine and forward wheels of the first car 
on the 7:15 A. M. train for Boston left the rails 
this morning shortly after leaving the Woods 
Hole station. No one was injured. A wrecking 
crew from Taunton made quick work of clearing 
the tracks so that the afternoon trains could leave 
and arrive on scheduled time. 

Mr. Vallis, the agent, the emer- 
gency by having Hoit Savery meet the incoming 
morning train at Falmouth and transport the 
mail, baggage, express, and milk over the road 
to Woods Hole so that the steamer “Naushon” 
was able to depart for the Islands only slightly 
behind her scheduled leaving time. According to 
The Falmouth Enterprise passengers for Boston 
were transferred to a freight train and taken to 
3uzzards Bay where they made connections with 
a passenger train. 

Quite a crowd gathered to watch the wrecking 
crew put the engine back on the tracks, and it 
was necessary for two policemen to direct traffic 
on the road opposite the tracks where the derail- 
ment occurred. 


The Woods Hole Yacht Club held its first race 
on Tuesday, July 5, at 4 P.M. The winners 
were: Louise Crane in the Scampi. (Buzzards 
Bay Knockabout), Morris Frost in the Windward 
(a Cape Cod Knockabout), Albert Woodcock in 
Captain Iselin’s red-sailed dory, and Agnes War- 
basse in Janet Blume’s catboat the Dinny. The 
first races in large boats ever held by the Woods 
Hole Yacht Club in its 35 years of existence 
were held on Wednesday, July 6, in Buzzards 
3ay. Joseph Russel won in the S boat class in 
the Aminta. Henry Kidder won in the Whistle 
Wing. Eric Warbasse won in the Tern in the 
QOuissett handicap class. 

The fire engines seem to be having a difficult 
time. The weather has been particularly dry how- 
ever, which may account for the unusual number 
of fires. Tuesday the engines were called out to 
the Park’s estate for the second time, the first 
one being a false alarm. This time a Chevrolet 
roadster belonging to Frank Park caught on fire. 
A short circuit ignited fluid that was being used 
to clean the car. The fire was put out quickly 
and the car after a few repairs will be quite 

Since leaving here last September, Mr. Shaw 
has been working for W. T. Grant Company. He 
is now in Holyoke, Mass. after having spent sev- 
eral months in Dallas, Texas and in Charlotte, 



Dr. L. V. Heilbrunn left Woods Hole early 
Thursday morning without the faintest suspicion 
that anything disastrous would occur while he 
was gone. But about three o’clock that after- 
noon, clouds of smoke poured out of his summer 
home on Gardiner Road which he is renting from 
Dr. Schramm. Mrs. Heilbrunn had been away 
for a short while, and when she came back she 
saw smoke issuing from the cellar in various 
places. The wind was blowing pretty hard and 
it soon carried the flames to the outside walls and 
the roof. The prompt response of the Woods 
Hole Fire Department and their efficient work 
saved the wooden structure—and little damage 
was done either by fire or water. 

The cause of the fire is not known. However, 
it is believed that the woman who was cleaning the 
house for Mrs. Heilbrunn may have dumped some 
ashes containing smouldering charcoal from the 
open fireplace into the trash barrel in the cellar. 


The Fourth of July week-end brought busy 
times for the Coast Guard Station at Woods Hole 
Three cases of assistance were reported, the first 
occurring on July 1. On that day the yawl 
“Pamaho”’, owned by Stanley Cobb of Cotuit was 
found stranded on East Buck Island off Nau- 
shon. The C-G 910 with Daniel Dorey, C. B. M. 
in charge, pulled her off and brought her in. 

On July 3, the sloop yawl “Mike” was reported 
stranded on Crest Ledge, Woods Hole. The 
C-G 910, in charge of Carl Forst, C. B. M. went 
out to her assistance. The boat is owned by Dr. 
Kenneth A. Cole of the Marine Biological Lab- 

The yawl “Lady Luck”, owned by Miss Mary 
Love, of Woods Hole, was located off Nobska 
Point in a sinking condition on the Fourth. The 
C-G 910, with Harry F. Ademek, C. B. M. in 
charge, went out and towed her in. 

Commander Patch of the Coast Guard has gone 
away for a month’s leave of absence. 

Gene Tunney, former heavyweight champion 
of the world, arrived on the “Cape Codder” Sat- 
urday morning, July 2, and took the 8:20 boat to 
Oak Bluffs to attend a wedding at Edgartown. 
Mr. Tunney chartered one of the Island Airways’ 
seaplanes to fly back to Connecticut. 

Mr. Joseph O. Shaw, who for the past five 
summers sold tickets at the steamboat wharf, ex- 
pects to arrive in Woods Hole about July 13 for 
a short vacation. 

( Other pages of the Woods Hole Log will be found on pages 74 and 78 ) 

Jury 9, 1932 ] 44 THE COLLECTING NET 73 

a EE —E——E—E———EEEeee 
Entire line of D. & M. Sporting Goods 



Agency for 
LYNN OIL RANGE BURNER 5 and 10c department 
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Weeks’ Building, Falmouth 
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Superior Geurnsey Milk and Cream 
Selected Eggs Ice Cream 




Callanan & Archer Co., Inc. FALMOUTH, MASS. 

Telephone 78 

10-14 So. Second St. New Bedford, Mass. 

For News of the Town Visit 

The Falmouth Enterprise THE 
at News Stands, Thursdays LARGEST DEPARTMENT STORE 


done promptly and capably 

Phone 116 
Office by Falmouth R. R. Station. Tel. 47 Falmouth 


_[ Vor. VII. No. 53 



Those who have been on Naushon have un- 
doubtedly seen the numerous sheep grazing there. 
Twice a year, in June and in September, all these 
sheep are rounded up and corralled in a pasture 
at Tarpaulin Cove, near the Sailors’ Home. Here 
they are counted, sheered in June and sometimes 
given medicine to protect them from disease. 

This June 1200 sheep were rounded up and 
treated. The process ot collecting all the sheep 
on the islands is colloquially called “sheeping.” 
Although it has been doubted, there does exist a 
definite technique in this “sheeping” process. Each 
family of Forbes on the island invites its house 
guests who are capable and willing to participate. 
At eight o’clock the people meet on horseback in 
pairs, five or six groups in all. The island is di- 
vided into sections by numerous stone fences, one 
region at a time being “‘sheeped”. The groups 
form a straight line, yelling and driving forward. 
The sheep are ahead of them, and are soon driven 
over a gate to the next pasture. Then that pas- 

ture is “‘sheeped” and all the sheep are soon col- 
lected. Very often a “wooley”’ gets too tired to 
run any further and must be tied and carried 

across someone’s saddle much to the discomfort 
of the rider and the annoyance of the horse. When 
frisky sheep break away there is great excitement, 
for they have to be chased and often drop from 
sheer exhaustion and must too be carried. 

About thirty people “sheep” each day. It takes 
a week to do one whole island, riding four horses 
in the morning and three in the afternoon. One 
day is spent on Penikese rounding up the sheep. 
Because that island has no connection with Nau- 
shon, the horses cannot be transported to it ; there- 
fore sheeping is done on foot, by running after 
them. This job is the most unpopular part of 
the work. 

The first Penzance Forum met on Sunday, July 
3 at the residence of Dr. and Mrs. J. P. Warbasse. 
About twenty people came over to the point to 
enjoy the sun and view as well as the discussion. 
Among the subjects under discussion were the 
coming presidential election, the possibility of a 
dictatorship, and free trade. Everyone present 
took part in the discussion, eeither by giving their 
views on the subject, or asking questions. It was 
decided to have a speaker to lead the discussion 
every Sunday. He will talk for about half an 
hour, and for the following hour there will be an 
informal discussion in which everyone will par- 


During the past week, the theatre-going resi- 
dents have been terrified by the possibility of the 
existence of a supernatural ghost train. “The 
Ghost Train” as produced by the Theatre Unit 
does not attempt to solve a murder as most plays 
of its type do, but tries to explain the presence 
of a ghostly train which haunts a small Maine 
town. You discover during the last ten minutes 
that the train is run by a gang which smuggles 
cecain, morphine and liquor into the country. 

The play itself is not as sensational as are most 
mystery plays. Nevertheless, the Theatre Unit 
players kept the pace going at a quick tempo. 
Bretaigne Windust, as an apparently brainless 
Englishman who is later discovered to be the 
detective, does this difficult part extremely well. 
The part of the girl who takes dope, played by 
3arbara O'Neil, seemed unnecessary and a bit 
overdone. I do not believe I have ever seen 
such an excellent bit of characterization as was 
done by Mildred Naturch as an intoxicated spin- 

The company made as much as it reasonably 
could out of the play they produced, though a 
better choice might have been made. 

“Berkeley Square’ will be the third play on 
this summer’s production list, beginning on Mon- 
day, July 11, and continuing for a week’s run. 

“Berkeley Square” is familiar to many theatre- 
lovers as one of the most provocatively beautiful 
plays produced on the twentieth-century stage. 
Basing its theme on the fantastic hypothesis that 
time may be, in a sense, recurrent, the play pre- 
sents a fascinating human experience. It takes a 
twentieth-century American, Peter Standish, and 
places him in the setting of eighteenth century 
London. Captured by the charm of this period, 
Standish finds himself literally transported to the 
heights of that atmosphere. He discovers him- 
self in the society of George Third’s London, 
yet he sees that period with the eyes of a modern 
American. To him, the future has become the 
past, and the past the future. Falling in love 
with a maiden of that age, he sees himself in the 
clutches of fate—for in his own words,” what 
has been, will be.”’ —Vera Warbasse. 

The Woods Hole Golf Club gave its first dance 
on Saturday night, July 2. This dance was the 
first of a series which will be continued through- 
out the summer, and which will be open to mem- 
bers and their guests. 

( Other pages of the Woods Hole Log will be found on pages 72 and 78 ) 

Jwitxe SP aby ] 


When you come to 
eat our excellent 
— 30 LUNCH — 

( Opposite Library ) 

Books for Everyone 

$2.00 - $2.50 $1.00 to $5.00 

Special Sale Book Remainders and Second 

Hand Books 10c, 19c, 29c, 39c, 69c, 

$1.25, $1.75. 
CHILDREN’S BOOKS 5c to $1.00 

Hutchinson’s Book Store 

New Bedford, Mass. 

May Be! 

Maybe you didn’t know that this house of 
good home furnishings also sells—clothing 
for babes, boys, girls—youths and misses. 

May be 

You'd like to get dependable garments at 
reasonable prices. 

May be 
You'll come over and see us—at least we 
hope so—and when you girls see the plain 
and hand blocked linen dresses, and the silk 
dresses too—in sizees 14 to 20—each at 


you'll say ‘‘these are the best I have ever 
seen’’—and, you WON’T mean May be. 


790 - 794 PURCHASE ST. 
New Bedford, Mass. 

This Complete 

Daily Delivery to 
Woods Hole 

Modern Department Store 

invites ‘you to 

Shop in New Bedford 

Mail and Phone Orders Filled 

Telephone Clifford 750 



Southern Biological Supply Co., Inc. 
D E, FO R " Living and Preserved Bio- 
a i ft logical Specimens of all 

oa 3 bate é Types for the Laboratory 

Museum or Research, es- 
pecially Southern or Louis- 

~ iana Forms. 
Specialista i in Amoeba Cultures. Alligators, Ete. 
517 Decatur Street New Orleans, La. { 


Volumes and Back Copies For Sale 

EST. 1887 
B. LOGIN & SON, Inc. 

Best Results Best Results 

Non-Corrosive = / Non-Corrosive 

Do Not Fog 

At your dealer-——or write (giving dealer's name) to 


117-119 East 24th Street NEW YORK 

The B. & L. Microscope DDE COLLECTING 

research instrument to serve the exacting 
A Scientist for years . . . with precision, ease NETS 
and satisfaction . . . the DDE is the first AQUATIC NETS 
microscope to provide free access to the stage for AIR NETS 
both eyes and hands by placing the arms of the — See 
instrument away from the operator. Great stability DREDGES 
is assured; arms, pillars and base are of one piece. SEINES 
This advantage is much appreciated in research PLANKTON GATHERERS 
The optical system is supported by the coarse Ne ae hae 
focusing adjustment, only the weight of the objec- aed DEVICES ‘ 
tives is held by the fine adjustment. Certainty and Write us about your collecting needs and 
constancy of focus are thus assured. for a copy of our 1932 circular 

These features provide the DDE with an operating 
ease and manipulation precision duplicated on no 
comparable instrument. 1. A counter-balancing 
spring to make both “up” and “down” focusing ad- 
justments equal in tension, therefore precise. 2. A 
supplementary swing-out condenser for exploratory 
observation without adjustment change. 3. An aux- 
iliary fine control operated with the finger tips at 

illustrating Turtox nets, 

table level. = 
We suggest that you see the DDE at our exhibit The. Sian ot the -Tantae Rictoes oes 
beginning July 19th. General Biological Supply House 
Bausch & Lomb Op tical Company 761-163 EAST SIXTY-NINTH PLACE 


Jury 9, 1932] ____THE COLLECTING NET 


x ‘ Angle Centrifuges | 

( Latest development in the method of mechanical separation ) 



Type G 

These centrifuges, invented by Dr. Lundgren of Stockholm, Sweden, have been in the market for 
the past three years, and have met with notable success in the medical and scientific quarters most 
immediately concerned. 

In introducing Angle Centrifuges to the American scientists, we feel sure that we are offering an 
apparatus which is far superior to any other on the market. 

Ten Points of Superiority | 
1. Angular position of glass tubes increases the rapidity of separation from one-third to one-eighth | 
the time required for ordinary centrifuges. ; 
2. Angle centrifuges separate sediments of nearly equal density as the solution. This opens a new 
field hitherto not obtained with ordinary centrifuges. | 
3. A firmer consistency of sediments is obtained than ordinarily. thereby leaving a large volume | 
of fluid. 
| 4. Separating tubes are well protected by being enclosed in a nickel plated casing. Breakage is | 
greatly lessened because pressure is exerted over a greater area on the tubes than in ordinary | 
| centrifuges. 
| 5. Nickel plated bowl presents little friction to the air; Eliminates heating of tubes; Power con- 
sumption is exceedingly low. 3 
6. Owing to high efficiency, one Angle Centrifuge can do the work of two or three ordinary centri- 
7. Angle Centrifuges are compact, good-looking, durable, and save valuable space. | 
8. Angle Centrifuges do not have to be bolted to a base. Can be moved readily about, are risk 
free, easy to operate, and require hardly any attention. 
9. Angle Centrifuges do not have to run with balanced tubes, thereby saving a great deal of wasted 
10. Angle Centrifuges are internationally known and endorsed. 


Type BE-EM Rpm. Universal Motor for all currents. Holds four tubes, 15 to 20cc. Can be used 
at two angles for general laboratory work. 
Conmpleremwitherne Osta term cyeharmrnet stetete tere laueve rere cuss el ecctsls sis. arin ievalieyaarazere ie aictarel sists,s sisiseeueyeraise $50.00 
| Type M 3000 Ppm. Universal Motor for all currents. Holds twenty-seven tubes, 6 to 8cc. Can be 
| used for Wassermans. 
Sorta letemwiebeEheOs ta tamper eidciychey seeiiclerevovetoe o1syatalaislevehe, eleva ons, ov yere tassels musvevo aie vuevela ve @ierangne $150 00 
Type G 3000 to 5000 Ppm. Large Centrifuge, capacity 6 bottles of 150cc each, suitable for produc- 
tion of serums. 
DSormpletomv 1 UmL Ae OSta emt terrer tar itcreirtcrsreker tersiste eee ter ietclatelsnoe srertiers are siehiarsiaieisnshe,s Ae ecere $400.00 

Write for detailed circulars on these and other types 


Sole Distributors in the U. S. A. 



(As learned from an interview with 
Commander Roderick Patch) 

Perhaps it is not generally known that the 
United States Coast Guard, a unit of which is 
based at Woods Hole and patrols the waters of 
Martha’s Vineyard, Nantucket Sounds and the ad- 
jacent waters, was established in 1790 during the 
first congress of the United States, in Washing- 
ton’s first administration. The original law as- 
signed to this service the duties of “protecting the 
Harbors and Coasts of the United States and the 
shipping thereof.” It also assigned it as an ad- 
ditional peace time duty, that of the enforcement 
of the Customs Revenue Laws at sea. Since that 
time, 26 new duties have been added to the peace 
time work of the service. The Coast Guard as it 
is now known originally did not have a name, and 
has been variously called during its existence as 
the United States Marine Service, The Revenue 
Marine and the Revenue Cutter Service; it was 
not until 1915 that it received its present name of 
the United States Coast Guard. 

As an example of the peace time work of the 
service, and as an idea of the volume of work it 
accomplishes, the following records, taken from 
the Base Eighteen files for the period from July 
1 to October 7 of last year, reveal that there were 
77 cases of assistance rendered. And the value 
of the vessels assisted, as estimated by their own- 
ers or masters, was around four and one half 
million dollars, while the cargo of these boats ap- 
proximated nearly another million dollars. 

The United States Coast Guard equipment has 
been kept up to the most approved and latest 
standards. For instance, they have, together 
with all the other stations, a very complete com- 
munication service, including 15,000 miles of tel- 
ephone and telegraph lines. Their radio service 
connects up all the patrol vessels to their bases, 
other ships and all the major traffic stations. In 
addition, there is a cable service. In this way, 
all the United States Coast Guard Stations, ashore 
and afloat, and a great many of the lightships and 
lighthouses are directly linked up to the com- 
mercial telephone system, so that in case of a 
grave or imminent disaster, communication can 
be had directly with the communication center. 
This system is, primarily of course, for the sake 
of the protection of shipping, but its value is 
inestimable in war time. 

In conjunction with all these developments, 
there is a still more recent one which, according to 
Commander Patch, promises well for the future. 
That is their aviation reporting system, whereby 
planes flying along certain known routes, can be 
watched more or less carefully, and if and when 

necessary, aided by the Coast Guard, in time to 
save life and most likely property also. It is be- 
ing used now with much success in connection 
with the route followed by planes flying from 
New York to the South, and it is expected it will 
soon extend to other regular coastal airplane lines. 

Another service they now render in connection 
with aviation is in being able to rescue small 
parties of fishermen in trouble at sea. These 
planes are specially constructed to land on very 
rough water, and can accommodate in the larger 
flying planes twelve passengers besides their own 
regular crew of four men. Each of these planes 
have a complete radio sending and receiving set, 
and other modern safety devices. 

While on the subject of equipment, perhaps it 
is not generally known that the latest cutters used 
by the Coast Guard are capable of cruising from 
here to Great Britain and back without re-fueling, 
and that they have a displacement of two thousand 
tons. Their speed is good for a sea-going vessel 
—about 12 knots—.The work on the small 75-foot 
boats is not as exhilirating at times as it might 
seem from mere observation, since, in rough 
weather, sleeping on board is practically impos- 
sible. For this reason, the boats do not stay out 
for more than three days at a time in bad weather. 
However, a constant patrol is maintained. 

On June 23 the Coast Guard Base at Woods 
Hole sent out six of their boats to assist in pa- 
trolling the Yale-Harvard races at New London, 
where undoubtedly, a bit of pleasure will be com- 
bined with their work. —F.LS. 


The Quissett Yacht Club held its first race on 
Saturday, July 2. It was an extremely windy 
day, and the waves in the bay were very high. 
All the boats were reefed, which is an unusual 
thing to do. The race is usually called off if 
there is sufficient wind to warrant shortening the 
sail. One of the knockabouts could not be handled 
in the heavy gale, and sank. Only the air tanks 
kept the boat from going to the bottom. Usually 
nine or ten knockabouts race, but on Saturday 
only three finished the race. There were 5 or 6 
“S” boats which did finish. On Monday, July 4, 
there was a special race with a separate cup. The 
“Os” raced the “Os”, the Manchesters raced the 
Manchesters, and the Eastern Yacht Club’s raced 
the Eastern Yacht Club boats. In the general 
races on Saturday, all these bcats raced together 
with handicaps for the larger ones. 

The first race of the Woods Hole Yacht Club 
was scheduled for Monday afternoon, July 4, but 
due to the strong wind and the inexperience of 
the racers, the race was postponed. 

( Other pages of the Woods Hole Log will be found on pages 72 and 74 ) 

Jury 9, 1932 ] 



Souvenirs and Jewelry 


Depot Avenue Woods Hole, Mass. 

Cleaning, Dyeing and Repairing 
Coats Relined and Altered. Prices Reasonable 


Main St. Woods Hole, Mass. Call 752 


Telephone 1243 

Church of the Messiah 

( Episcopal ) 

The Rey. James Bancroft, Rector 

Holy Communion ................ 8:00 a.m. 
Worn Sp PAYER ~ce1.-.-2.c2e0:--- 11:00 a.m. 
Evening Prayer AUN patie 



Opposite Station 

Woods Hole, Mass. 


Printing — Developing — Enlarging 

Take Advantage of the Special Rates 

W. T. GRABIKC, Prop. 


Falmouth and Woods Hole 

_———— ——_——— 





Walter O. Luscombe 


Woods Hole Phone 622-4 

Seaplane Service 




Schedules and tickets at Steamboat 
ticket offices 



[ Vor. VII. No. 53 

Clifford L. Hubbard, Prop. 

Telephone 383-R Falmouth, Massachuseetts 


General Merchandis2 


Shoe Repairing 

Automobile Top Repairing 



Tel. 240 A. C. EASTMAN 

Clever Shoppers Visit the 


$5.00, $5.95, $6.95, $10.50 and $15.00 

Tel. 935 EDNA B. SMITH 

San Juan, Porto Rico Hyannis, Mass. 

Gifts, Lamps, Bridge Prizes, Baskets, Jewelry 

24 Queen’s Buyway Falmouth, Mass. 

Collections Daily 

Two Collections Daily in the Dormitories 
Telephone 777 




Telephone Falmouth 22-23 

Eastman Block Falmouth, Mass. 

Telephone 232 


Boston, Mass. 
Depot Ave. Falmouth Tel. Falmouth 537 



Phone 109 Falmouth 
Gal. Quart 
Outside Oil Paint $3.00 $ .90 
4-Hour Enamel 3.75 1.15 

Myron S. Lumbert 






Old Silver Beach, West Falmouth 

Telephone 1400 

Jury 9, 1932 ] 


For studying with the Ultra Micro- 
scope electric effects in different solu- 
tions. Northrup and Kunitz Cells 
or the Mattson Cell. 

Write for further details 


Est. 1851 — Ine. 1897 

Headquarters for Laboratory Apparatus and 

Chemical Reagents 
THIRD AVENUE, 18th to 19th STREET 



Dealer in 


Tel. Falmouth 660 and 661 



The Wistar Institute Slide Tray 


The ideal tray for displaying or storing slides. 
It carries forty-eight 1-inch, thirty-two 11%4- 
inch, or twenty-four 2-inch slides, and every 
slide is visible at a glance. Owing to the 
nesting feature, the trays may be stacked so 
that each one forms a dust-proof cover for 
the one beneath it, while the center ridges as- 
sure protection to high mounts. Made en- 
tirely of metal, they are unbreakable and 
easily kept clean. They form compact stor- 
age units. Twelve hundred 1-inch slides may 
be filed in a space fourteen inches square by 
eight inches high. PRICE, $1.09 EACH 
Orders may be sent to 
Thirty-sixth Street and Woodland Avenue, 
Philadelphia, Pa. 





| Specimen 
_ Dishes 

| Now in Two Sizes 

| The very satisfactory demand for Biological 
Specimen Dishes has led to the introduction 
of a larger size. 

The small Dish has a capacity to the brim of 
350 ce., inside height 45 mm., inside diameter 
100 mm.,, height overall 50 mm, The large 
Dish has a capacity of 1750 ce., inside height 
70 mm.,, inside diameter 175 mm.,, height over- 
all 80 mm. Both Dishes are made from clear 
heavy glass. The bottoms are flat and the 

Dishes will stack perfectly. 

This type of bowl has been in use for a 
number of years at the Marine Biological 
Laboratory at Woods Hole, Dartmouth Col- 
lege, DePauw University, Ohio University, 
Louisiana State University, George Wash- 
ington University, and elsewhere. 

It is applicable to work in embryology, espe- 
cially with chick embryos; to small aquatic 
organisms, living or preserved; to the develop- 
ment of Echinoderms and other eggs. Further 
uses will be readily apparent to the biologist. 

The small dish fits conveniently under a micro- 
scope. The rounded inside permits easy clean- 
ing. When stacked Or nested, the dishes can 
be easily transported and stored, and evapora- 
tion of liquids is inhibited because of the 
accurate fit. 

67384—Biological Specimen Dishes. 

Small Large 

No. in original barrel 168 36 
Each $.25 $1.00 

10% discount tn dosen lots, 25% discount 
in original barrels. 





_ vo ee 

Faster than Time 
is the Centrifuge! 

WITH each tick of the clock your centri- 
fuge makes many revolutions and its haste 
does not make waste. Quite the reverse! 
Here, speed is essential for best results and 
to make it possible for the busy laboratory 
to put to best use the minutes that are hust- 
ling into hours. 

The output of your laboratory depends to a 
very great extent upon your centrifuges. 






The multispeed attachment is interchangeable 
with the ordinary heads on the Size 1, Type 
SB and Size 2 International Centrifuges. By 
means of this attachment an ultimate speed 
of 20,000 R. P.M. is obtained with a relative 
centrifugal force of 25,000 x gravity or nine 
times greater than with the ordinary head. 

352 Western Avenue 
Boston, Mass. 

Makers of Fine Centrifuges 


Jury 9; 1932 ] THE COLLECTING NET 83 


A New Achievement in 
Microscope Design 

Alena finest and perhaps most precise microscope ever offered to scientific men 
—the new Spencer Research Microscope No, 8 Spencer Lens Company, 
supreme designer and progressive builder of microscopes for many years, pre- 
sents four new and original features in this microscope : 
1. Variable Inclinocular—you can tilt the body tubes to any angle from 
vertical to 40 degrees. 
2. Concentric buttons on both sides of mechanical stage to actuate its 
38. Fine adjustment located low on operator's side of instrument. You 
can operate it with your hands resting on the table. 

4. New features and accessory arrangements on a reverse type micro- 
scope stand. 

You are invited to visit 

JULY 6th to 15th 




, "It Saved Us the Cost of Five 


Quoting remark of a Department Head 


microscope work 

ology, Anatomy, Embryology, Histology, Chemistry, ete. 
It has 


on request. 

Prospectus Gladly Sent 

A new instrument which has been brought out in response to a demand for a simple apparatus like 
the Promi for more advanced work which requires more powerful illumination and higher magnifica- 

tion. Has many additional features as standard equipment. 
Prospectus and prices sent on request. 

Headquarters for Biological Teaching Material Bldg., M. B. L., Woods Hole.” 

117-119 East 24th Street 
x New York, N. Y. 

CiAv-ApAmMsS Company NY 

The Promi projects microscopie slides and living organisms 
and insects on table or wall for drawing and demonstration. 
Also used as a microscope and a micro-photographie ap- 
The Promi, recently perfected by a prominent German 
is an ingenious yet simple, inexpensive 
apparatus which fills a long felt want in scientific instruc- 
tion and research in Bacteriology, Botany, Zoology, Path- 

been endorsed by many le ading scientists and in- 

PRICE: F.O.B. New York, $100.00 complete apparatus in 
polished wood carrying case. Includes extra bulb, rheostat 
for 110 and 220 volts with cord, plugs and switch for both 
DC and AC current, 11x objective, tube with 5x ocular, re- 
flecting mirror and micro-cuvette. Extra equipment prices 

“Demonstrations will gladly be made 
by Mr. Robert Rugh, Room 11, Brick 


Skeleton of Fish in Case 

Models, Specimens, 

for physiology, zoology, botany, 

anatomy, embryology, ete. Cata- 

logs will gladly be sent on request. 
Please mention name of school 
and subjects taught, to enable 

Spalteholz us to send the appropriate 
Preparations “Visit our display rooms and A . 
Human museum.” Life History 
and — aan of Chick 



as cy WS j 
Model of Human Heart 117-119 EAST 24th STREET NEW YORK 

Vol. VII No. 4 

Dr. Henry J. Fry and Mark E. Parks 
Washington Square College, New York 

SATURDAY, JULY 16, 1932 

Annual Subscription, $2.00 
Single Copies, 25 Cts. 

Dr. Recrnacp G. Harris 
Director of the Laboratory 


By the use of the centrifuge technique, Heil- 
brunn showed that the viscosity of Arbacia eggs 

is low for about five minutes 
after fertilization, and then 
rises rapidly as the sperm-aster 
forms, reaching a peak about 
twenty minutes after fertiliza- 
tion, the time when the aster 
becomes crescent shaped. This 
stage he interpreted as the 
prophase of the first cleavage 
figure. Thereafter the cres- 
cent-shaped aster persists for 

Since this 

Seminar: Dr. A. B. Dawson: 

a. Hh, L, Calendar 

TUESDAY. JULY 19, 8:00 P. M. 

Relative Degrees of Differentia- 

tion of the Mature Erthyrocytes 

of Vertebrates.” 

Dr. Paul Weiss: “The Factor 
which Determines the Orienta- 

is the third article that has been 
written for THe CoLtectinGc Net upon this sub- 
ject, I almost feel that it might well be something 

of an Annual Report. Indeed, 
it would be wholly appropriate 
for the Laboratory at Cold 
Spring Harbor to make an an- 
nual report to the biologists 
at Woods Hole, for the Bio- 
logical Laboratory exists for 
biology and for biologists. 
Unfortunately, this year the 
annual reports of nearly all or- 
ganizations, from railroad 

about twenty-five minutes tion of the Growing Nerve Fiber.” | companies to universities, seem 
while viscosity slowly drops, Dr. G. H. Parker: “Neuro-hu- | to carry an inescapable note of 
reaching a low level about moralism.” sadness, and so, perhaps, it 
forty-five minutes after fer- Dr. R. W. Gerard: “Observations | will be excusable, and [ hope 
tilization (depending on the ae ne Velocity of the Nerve | interesting, if the future of 
temperature), a time he Rok Tae the Biological Laboratory is 

thought to be the period of 
metaphase and anaphase. Vis- 
cosity rises rapidly again just 
prior to cleavage. His con- 
clusions were that viscosity is 

high at prophase when the mitotic figure is form- 
ing, low during metaphase and anaphase, and high 
(Continued on Page 89) 

again at telophase when 

FRIDAY, JULY 22, 8:00 P. M. 

Lecture: Professor W. E. Garrey: 

“Some Aspects of the DS IOICES, | 
of the Heart of Limulus.” 

the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, 
present and past, and since the obligation of the 
Laboratory to biology 

presented at this time. This, 
too, is appropriate since biol- 
at Woods Hole have 
quite as much reason to be 
concerned with the future of 
as with its 


and biologists in general 


Viscosity Changes and Mitotic Changes In 
Cleaving Eggs, 

Dr. Henry J. Fry and Mark E. Parks...... 85 
The Biological Laboratory at Cold Spring 

Harbor, Dr. Reginald G. Harris............ 85 
Review of the Seminar Report of Dr. Fry, 

Dr SRODERC | ChAMPErsi es race's eless ate ane sie 90 
The Electric Phase Angle of Tissues, 

Draicenm ety COGS ereretanetatiayal «levee; sa)! orale) aller 91 

An Outline of Marine Bacteriology, 

DDS PAS WARSI cra) cele «sanedetaleiesclsie ls +)! oe lal 91 
News from other Biological Station.......... 92 
Recent sNvents' invthe Orient... 3.02 8. wees 96 
Directory Supplement................---.:+- 97 
The Beach Committee Meeting.............. 95 
Book Review, Dr. Oscar W. Richards......... 98 
IhRsveals| (OE WohKGE Soo dooouoopovonboucoocaqnte 99 

Woods Hole Log 


should, if anything, increase with the passage of 

\What are our hopes for the Biological Labora- 
tory and why do we have them?* 

It might be sufficient justification for the ex- 
istence of the laboratory at Cold Spring Harbor 
merely for it to be a small Woods Hole. The 
Marine Biological Laboratory has grown to be a 
large institution, which, together with the presence 
of other institutions, makes the scientific popula- 
tion of Woods Hole mount to five hundred or 
more during the height of the season. It is true 
that some biologists are not highly gregarious ani- 
mals, that they are made unhappy merely by a 
prolonged stay in a concentration of people, 
whether colleagues or not. Such biologists should 
have available to them a laboratory where there 
is not a large number of people. Furthermore, 
relatively large size, in and of itself, carries with 
it certain seemingly inescapable disadvantages. 
Apparently no human institution can become large 
without the formation within it of smaller bodies, 
whether parties, sects, factions or cliques. In 
short, there are disadvantages as well as ad- 
vantages in the attainment of large size, and hence 
if the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory were mere- 
ly a small Woods Hole Laboratory, it would un- 
questionably have sufficient justification for ex- 

Those of us who, by pleasure, or circumstance, 
or both, have given long continued thought to the 
matter, however, go farther than this. Immediate- 
ly, in the location of the Laboratory at Cold 
Spring Harbor, we find cause for a different type 
of development. The location at Cold Spring 
Harbor strongly invites the development of an all- 
year biological institute as well as of a summer 
laboratory, while the location at Woods Hole does 
not. The third Director of the Biological Lab- 
oratory, Dr. Charles B. Davenport, answered this 
invitation by establishing here, over twenty-five 
years ago, the Department of Genetics of Car- 
negie Institution of Washington (then known as 
the Station for Experimental Evolution of Car- 
negie Institution of Washington), and later by 
the establishment nearby of the Eugenics Record 

The reasons, which impelled the locating of 
these all-year research institutions at Cold Spring 
Harbor, were among those which constantly de- 
manded that the Biological Laboratory should 
seriously enter upon all-year work. Along with 

* While the viewpoints expressed herein are given 
as my own they are, of course, the result of the 
interaction of my observations and the suggestions 
and opinions given to me by a number of biologists. 
For this reason, it would be obviously unfair to 

mention the names of these biologists, save in cases 
in which their remarks are definitely quoted. 

[ Vor. VII. No. 54 

size, this all-year aspect of the work of the Lab- 
oratory at Cold Spring Harbor forms an import- 
ant difference from the Marine Biological Labora- 
tory at Woods Hole. It is this all-year work 
which we will consider in looking toward the 

The fact that one of the very first steps which 
we took in this direction, other than the appoint- 
ment of a Director to be in residence throughout 
the year, was the establishment of a laboratory 
for biophysics, and the selection of a physicist to 
be in charge of that laboratory, is indicative of 
our general notions concerning the future of bi- 

There are differences of opinion among biolo- 
gists as to the relative value of biophysics. Some 
of the more optimistic and gullible look there for 
the utopia of biological discovery, as, indeed, they 
or their kind have regarded nearly every new 
corridor of biological research. We hold no such 
point of view. We do believe, however, that the 
history of biology will be similar to that of the 
continued accumulation of data in every arbitrary 
division of human knowledge, (1) that biology 
will become increasingly quantitative in nature 
and interpretation, and (2) that it will increasing- 
ly approach or pass beyond the borderline of other 
divisions of knowledge. 

The first, quantitative biology, is forced upon us, 
whether we will or not, by the very nature of re- 
search. Advance in research is dependent upon 
the ability to control experimental conditions. 
The more controllable the conditions of the experi- 
ment, the greater the accuracy with which one 
may prophesy the results of repeated tests. The 
greater the reproducability of results, the greater 
the speed with which they are accepted as dem- 
onstrated fact. The greater the speed with 
which facts may reasonably be accepted as dem- 
onstrated, the more rapid the advance into new 
territory, using the points already taken as new 
bases. In this way, the ability to make use of 
variables open to experimental control continually 
increases, and with it the opportunity for the bi- 
ologist to approach his work from a quantitative 

It is also to be expected that biology will in- 
creasingly approach or pass beyond the borderline 
of other sciences. As I have hinted, all divisions 
of human knowledge are probably wholly arbi- 
trary. As we obtain more information in each of 
these divisions, we find that boundaries formerly 
set up for it are wholly inadequate. As an ex- 
ample of this, we need only consider the scope of 
genetics of a generation ago, and the scope of the 
same division of biology today. Among larger 
divisions of human activity, there has long ex- 
isted the conflict of science and religion, arising 

aC ere 

Jury 16, 1932 ] 


NET 87 

from the fact that it is almost impossible for one 
to acknowledge the assumed boundaries of the 
other. In science, all of this has resulted in a 
confusion of terminology. There are geneticists 
who seem to be actually engaged in research in 
endocrinology; others in experimental embryol- 
ogy; others are primarily cytologists, and so on 
through the list of biological divisions, including 

The term biophysics has naturally created con- 
siderable speculation as to its desirability, but 
much of the discussion centering about such ques- 
tions seems to me to be particularly fruitless. It 
appears to make no essential difference whether 
we call it biophysics, general physiology, physiol- 
ogy, or biology, the inescapable fact is that biology 
is, happily, more and more approaching and pass- 
ing into the historical domain of physics. This 
is also true of the relationship of modern biologi- 
cal research to the other exact sciences, mathe- 
matics and chemistry. It indicates a coming of 
age in biology, a fact which all biologists and all 
biological laboratories will wish to welcome. 
What “quantitative biology” means is admirably 
and succinctly set forth in a letter which I recently 
received from Professor W. J. Crozier of Har- 
vard University. As he says, “A quantitative bi- 
ology must mean, to mean anything, that the prop- 
erties of organisms are made known, defined, and 
within limits understood, by virtue of the manner 
in which they are quantitatively related to vari- 
ables under control.” 

The Biological Laboratory at Cold Spring Har- 
bor is much interested in the advance of such a 
quantitative biology. In preparation for taking a 
very useful part in the exploration and exploita- 
tion of this type of biology, all-year work in bio- 
physics was begun here in 1928. In our plans for 
the future, the development of all-year work is en- 
visioned as a further fruition of the point of view 
indicated by our action of 1928, and an extension 
of that action to include other aspects of quanti- 
tative biology. Thus far we believe that biolo- 
gists in general will react favorably to our plans, 
but a more detailed consideration of them is de- 
sirable, even though we run the danger of losing 
along the way, the favorable reaction of some of 
our colleagues. 

If modern quantitative biology necessitates the 
formation of biophysical laboratories, under what- 
ever name they may appear, does it follow that 
physicists should be urged to come over into bi- 
ology to help us, or should we work out our own 
quantitative salvation? This question is decided- 
ly more complex than appears at first. Off hand 
one might say that a simple method of immediate 
procedure would be either for biologists of recog- 
nized standing to obtain information concerning 

physics, or for physicists, who wish to aid in bi- 
ological research, to gain knowledge of biology, 
sufficient to make the work of members of either 
group significant and valuable. But we do not 
have to speculate about the practicability of such 
a method. It has already been tried, and while 
there may have been individual instances of rela- 
tive success, the results in general have been dis- 
appointing to all concerned. Often the physicists 
work has been unsatisfactory in respect to its bi- 
ological aspects, while the biologist has been criti- 
cized for his lack of discriminating knowledge in 
respect to physical aspects. 

In addition to this frequent lack of approach 
satisfactory to specialists of both groups, it must 
be remembered that the clever biologist has lost 
much time from research on account of the mere 
necessity of his spending considerable time in the 
acquisition of information concerning physics. 
The same, in reverse order, holds for the physicist 
who conducts biological experiments under his 
own direction. Even if we wish to be patient and 
wait for the development of young biologists who 
will be especially trained to bridge the gap, I 
doubt very much if even then we shall have a 
satisfactory answer to the problem which con- 
fronts us now, and yet less to the problems which 
will exist by that time. 

It seems to me that the most rapid and most 
trustworthy progress in this branch of science can 
reasonably be expected to be made by the es- 
tablishment of institutes in which research work- 
ers in physics who have special leanings toward 
biological research, and biologists who are unus- 
ually appreciative of the possibilities of physics in 
biology, should work in close harmony, the phy- 
icist being responsible for physical facts and the 
biologist for biological facts. Just where respons- 
ibility will begin and end in any particular case is 
a matter of small moment, provided both men are 
congenial, and each man is well informed in his 
own field. Such a procedure will remove the ne- 
cessity for a difficult, if not impossible, straddle, 
and will allow other workers to accept the results 
of men working in borderline territories, without 
undue questioning. What is true of physics and 
biology, in this respect, is probably also true of 
chemistry and biology, and will probably be in- 
creasingly true of these divisions, as well as of 
mathematics and biology. 

There is another aspect of the problem, in 
which physicists are unquestionably needed in bi- 
ology, and that is in the discovery of additional 
facts in physics which are likely to be of particu- 
lar significance to biology. The advantages of 
this, and the value of having a first class physi- 
cist in the modern biological laboratory, for this 
purpose, and for consultation, if for no other 


[ Vor. VII. No. 54 

reasons, are sO apparent as not to need further 

In any case, the developments of an institute in 
which biologists, physiologists, chemists, physi- 
cists and mathematicians will cooperate in the fur- 
ther opening and beneficial use of the vast ter- 
ritory of quantitative biology, is the direction in 
which our hopes are for the future in respect to 
the all-year work of the Biological Laboratory. 
Just how well, or to what extent, our hopes be- 
come realized here will depend upon the men se- 
lected and the facilities placed at their disposal. 

In the actual conduct of the work we expect to 
elicit, as we have pointed out, the help of special- 
ists in the exact sciences, until such time as it is 
clearly demonstrated that their presence in a mod- 
ern biological institute is not desirable. We now 
believe that the usefulness of such specialists will 
be increasingly demonstrated, that biology will not 
only increasingly invade certain parts of the exact 
sciences, but that we shall find it highly de- 
sirable to bring a few captives from the invaded 
territories back into our own institutes. 

Even though such a program may be desirable, 
why should it be followed at Cold Spring Harbor ? 
There seem to be special reasons why the 
Laboratory at Cold Spring Harbor in its all- 

year work should develop such an_ institute. 
It has always been the duty of seaside 
laboratories, even since the establishment of 

the first station at Penikese by Louis Aggasiz, 
to take the lead in the fostering of new 
types of biological study and research, and 
in acting as clearing houses for information con- 
cerning facts and methods. Woods Hole has 
been notably active in the furtherance of both of 
these ends, and Cold Spring Harbor has played 
its part to the best of its opportunity and ability. 
Originally, the slogan for both laboratories was 
“study nature not books’. Much of the signifi- 
cance of that slogan has now passed into history, 
but both institutions still have a clear-cut duty to 
perform in placing before such biologists, as are 
relatively isolated during much of the year, the 
opportunities and advantages of modern methods 
of research. Woods Hole has apparently wel- 
comed its duty in respect to quantitative biology 
during the summer, but it is obvious that the loca- 
tion of the Marine Biological Laboratory does not 
favor continued all-year work. At Cold Spring 
Harbor, however, as we have seen, the situation 
is quite different. It further happens that certain 
types of quantitative biological research, particu- 
larly those concerned with biophysics, often call 
for elaborate equipment, and permanent set-ups. 
It is apparent that such work must be conducted at 
an all-year laboratory if heavy, unnecessary ex- 
pense is to be avoided. 

In addition to the desirability of establishing 
such an institute in connection with an all-year 
laboratory, the small size of the Laboratory at 
Cold Spring Harbor is a further advantage. It 
is a well known saying that one can not lift a 
jelly fish by one tentacle. Similarly it is im- 
practicable to attempt to force faculty members 
of one or more departments in a university into 
anything closely approaching a common effort of 
research. Many administrators have the desire to 
do so, and may even make the effort. The effort 
fails to meet with success, probably primarily be- 
cause the men were not selected for this purpose 
in the first place. After all, the first end of a 
university is to instruct the young people who give 
themselves to its care for that purpose. While 
research js much stressed in some universities, it 
must there always remain, by the very nature of 
things, a secondary consideration. 

In research institutions the situation is reversed. 
There research is the primary end, and it is a rel- 
atively simple matter to obtain men who will, from 
preference, fit themselves into any reasonable pro- 
gram of research which may be adopted. The 
truth of this assertion may be seen in nearly any 
research institution in this country or abroad. It 
is particularly apparent in institutions with geo- 
graphically widely separated departments, such as 
Carnegie Institution of Washington. Such re- 
search men are eager to establish themselves, 
under suitable conditions, at the Biological Labor- 
atory, where no member of the all-year research 
staff is required to give instruction at any time 
to undergraduates or to graduate students, unless 
he definitely wishes to do so. 

The fact that the all-year staff at Cold Spring 
Harbor is very small, and that it already is suit- 
able to become an integral part of an institute for 
quantitative biology, is a very great practical ad- 
vantage. We are not ina position to be hampered 
by the just or unjust demands of specialists in 
other fields, already established on our all-year 
staff, who may think that a large emphasis on 
quantitative biological research would be preju- 
dicial to the further development of their depart- 

Finally, the establishment of an institute for 
modern biological research, with special emphasis 
upon those fundamental problems which invade 
the historic borderlines of the exact sciences, is 
itself an experiment. As in all experiments, vari- 
ables should be controlled in so far as is possible. 
There have been advanced many reasons why this 
is peculiarly possible at Cold Spring Harbor. In 
addition, it should be pointed out that The Bio- 
logical Laboratory is particularly labile and hence 
adaptable to this experiment, and that its adminis- 
tration is controlled by a Board of Directors, no 

Jury 16, 1932 ] 


NET 89 

two scientific members of which are drawn from 
the same institution. This tends to insure the 
fact that, whatever the program adopted, the Lab- 
_oratory, in its all-year work as elsewhere, is con- 
tinually committed to serving biology in the larg- 
est sense, free from subservience, to any other 

This is an advantage with’ which the Marine 
Biological Laboratory at Woods Hole is also well 
acquainted, and is, I know, considered one of its 
most valued heritages. | 

How will the development of such an all-year 
aim effect the traditional summer aspects of the 

work of the Laboratory? My answer to this is: 
favorably. If any of our summer workers doubt- 
ed the desirability of establishing here in 1928 an 
all-year laboratory for biophysical research, I be- 
lieve that no one who has spent a summer at the 
» Laboratory in the last few years would wish to 
see the laboratory for biophysics given up. Many 
of our summer visitors have been definitely bene- 
fitted by it, and all have benefitted indirectly. 
The Laboratory will continue to welcome bi- 
ologists to the full extent of its capacity, and de- 
sires to continue to function, in so far as it can, 
for their greatest good. 

; (Continued from Page 85) 

the egg is cleaving. The phenomena in Cumingia 
and Nereis eggs were also thought to be in har- 
mony with this interpretation. 

Chambers, using a microdissection technique, 
reached a different conclusion. He maintained 
that in sea urchin eggs the first rise and fall in 
viscosity is associated with the formation and dis- 
appearance of the sperm-aster, and that the sec- 
ond rise is associated with the history of the cleay- 
age figure. 

To investigate fully the relation between 
changes in the mitotic figure and changes in vis- 
cosity (a term used here without consideration of 
the exact nature of the process) it is necessary to 
study fixed and sectioned eggs, because the mitotic 
figure can be seen only vaguely in the living con- 
dition. Such a study was made in the present in- 
vestigation using the following technique. Eggs 
were centrifuged at intervals of several minutes 
in order to ascertain the time when viscosity 
changes take place, as determined by the extent 
of the stratification produced. The force used 
for the eggs of each species was the minimum 
amount necessary to completely stratify all eggs 
at the period of lowest viscosity between fertiliza- 
tion and first cleavage. The eggs of but a single 
female were used at any one time; temperature 
and other conditions were carefully controlled. 
Whenever an observation was made concerning 
the viscosity of the eggs, a sample of uncentri- 
fuged eggs was fixed at the same time, for later 
cytological study in order to find out the mitotic 
condition predominating at that time, as based on 
an examination of about seventy-five eggs. 

In the case of Arbacia the most important fact 
to be determined is: what is the crescent-shaped 
aster which arises about twenty minutes after 
fertilization? Is it a stage of the sperm-aster or 
the prophase of the first cleavage figure? To 
answer this question it is necessary to find out 
whether the single sperm-aster divides into two to 
form the prophase cleavage figure, as in Toxop- 

neustes, in which case the exact time when pro- 
phase begins is largely a matter of definition, or 
whether the sperm-aster disintegrates at some 
stage and the prophase figure arises as a new 
configuration, as in Echinarachnius, in which case 
the time of early prophase can be accurately as- 

When Arbacia eggs are fixed with ordinary re- 
agents, such as Bouin’s or Flemming’s, it is very 
difficult to tell when and how the sperm-aster 
gives place to the cleavage figure, owing to the 
fact that the period of the late sperm-aster over- 
laps the time of origin of the cleavage figure, and 
the rays are not distinctly fixed. Many vari- 
ations of technique were tried, and it was found 
that if eggs are fixed in Bouin’s reagent diluted 
with ninety parts of water, the details of the ray 
structure in the fixed asters are so distinct that 
interpretation is a simple matter. 

The crescent-shaped aster in Arbacia eggs, pres- 
ent from about twenty to forty-five minutes after 
fertilization, is the late sperm-aster undergoing 
slow disintegration from the center outwards. 
The prophase cleavage figure then arises as a new 
structure in the area from which the center of 
the old sperm-aster has disappeared, while rem- 
nants of it still persist peripherally. The cleav- 
age figure does not arise by the division of the 
sperm-aster; the two figures have no continuity 
with each other as organized astral systems. 

Hence in Arbacia eggs, viscosity is low as the 
sperm-aster forms; it rises rapidly as the sperm- 
aster increases in size and the pronuclei approact. 
each other; it falls slowly as the old crescent- 
shaped sperm-aster gradually disintegrates. Vis- 
cosity is again low as the cleavage figure forms 
in prophase, begins to rise at metaphase, and is 
again high during anaphase and telophase. 

In the egg of Cumingia the story is more com- 
plex, since there are two polar body astral cycles 
in addition to the history of the sperm-aster and 
that of the first cleavage figure. However the 

90, THE 

facts are in harmony wait aigee a Arbacia eggs. 
Cumingia eggs are shed at metaphase of the first 
polar body figure; viscosity is low at this time. 
Upon fertilization viscosity rises rapidly to a peak 
and the metaphase stage quickly gives place to 
that of anaphase. Viscosity begins to fall as soon 
as the chromosomes reach the spindle-end, and 
falls rapidly during telophase when the first polar 
body is formed. It is low during prophase of the 
second polar body cycle, begins to rise at meta- 
phase, is at its peak at anaphase, and again be- 
gins to drop during telophase when the second 
polar body is formed. This drop proceeds but a 
short distance, however, when a third rise occurs, 
associated, as in Arbacia, with the enlarging of 
the sperm-aster and approach of the pronuclei. 
Viscosity reaches its peak about the time the pro- 
nuclei touch each other and then drops as the 
sperm-aster disintegrates. As in Arbacia, it re- 
mains low during prophase of the first cleavage 
figure, begins to rise at metaphase, and is, at its 
peak, at anaphase and telophase. 

Preliminary studies of Nereis eggs, while not 
advanced far enough to be conclusive, indicate 
that the events there are similar to those in the eggs 
of Arbacia and Cumingia. In Nereis, the egg is 
shed in the germinal vesicle stage, when viscosity 
is high; it drops when the germinal vesicle breaks 
down. After that the egg goes through four 
clearly separated astral cycles (first and second 
polar body figures, the sperm-aster, and the cleay- 
age figure) associated with four cycles of changes 
in viscosity. 

The conclusions from the eggs studied are as 
follows: First, the number of cycles of rises and 
falls in viscosity is the same as the number of 
mitotic cycles. In Arbacia eggs there are two 
astral cycles—the sperm-aster and the cleavage 
figure—and two viscosity cycles. In Cumingia 
eges there are four astral cycles—the first and 
second polar body figures, the sperm-aster and 
the cleavage figure—and four viscosity cycles. In 
this species the late history of the second polar 
body figure, and the early history of the sperm- 


NET [ Vor, VII. No. 54 
aster overlap each other so as to ae, difficult 
the analysis of the viscosity changes accompany- 
ing them. In Nereis eggs there are four clearly- 
separated astral and viscosity cycles. 

Second, viscosity is high whenever chromatin is 
moving, whether as chromosomes on the spindles 
of the polar body and cleavage figures, or as 
formed nuclei when the pronuclei are approach- 
ing each other during the history of the sperm- 
aster. Viscosity is also high during cleavage of 
the entire egg, but not when cleavage involves the 
formation of the minute polar bodies. In other 
words viscosity is low when mitotic figures are 
forming, either during the prophase of polar body 
and cleavage figures, or the early history of the 
sperm-aster. At metaphase it is either low or 
just beginning to rise. At anaphase, when chrom- 
osomes are moving, viscosity is always high, as 
it is during the middle history of the sperm-aster 
when the pronuclei are moving. At telophase it, 
is high provided the egg is cleaving, but is 
dropping if polar bodies are being formed; it is 
also dropping during the late history of sperm- 

Third, the proportion of the egg occupied by 
the mitotic figure is independent of the extent of 
the rise in viscosity. For example, in Cumingia 
eggs, the first polar body figure and the cleavage 
figure are equally large; they are about twice the 
size of the second polar body figure. Yet the ex- 
tent of the rise in viscosity associated with all 
three figures is the same. A similar situation 
exists in Nereis eggs. 

Thus, it appears that the cycles of change in 
viscosity are in some way associated with mitotic 
cycles, whether or not these are involved with the 
movement of the chromosomes and the forma- 
tion of polar bodies during maturation, or the 
approach of the pronuclei during fertilization, or 
the movement of the chromosomes and the cleay- 
age of the egg during segmentation. 

(This article is based on a seminar report pre- 

sented at the Marine Biological Laboratory on 
July 5). 



Dr, Fry’s studies on the cytology of centrifuged 
eggs bring out several interesting points regarding 
the relation between the sperm and amphiaster 
which has been a subject of considerable contro- 
versy in the past. 

In the sanddollar, the two astral configurations 
apparently are independent of one another, the 
amphiaster developing within the non-radial cen- 
trosphere area of the degenerating sperm aster. 

Professor of Biology, Washington Square College, 

New York University 

Another point of interest is his finding that the 
highest viscosity of the egg cytoplasm coincides 
with the fullest development of the astral con- 

I have never advanced the idea that the aster 
is the cause of the increased viscositv but, on the 
other hand, that the radiations which appear are 
an expression of the increased viscosity of the 
cytoplasm. In eggs caused to develop with arti- 

Jury 16, 1932 ] 

ficial parthenogenetic agents the viscosity change 
is very much retarded. As a consequence, the 
separation of the hyaline liquid which collects in 
the center of the aster continues for a long time 
before the viscosity reaches a state to cause the 
centripetal flow to produce radiating channels 
which give the aster its characteristic appearance. 
The fact that in Cumingia eggs, during polar body 
formation, the mitotic figure does not occupy the 


entire egg simply shows that the vigorous stream- 
ing to the astral centers is more localizing than in 
other stages . 

Finally, we have to thank Dr. Fry for straight- 
ening out the terminology of the various stages 
after fertilization and thereby bringing into har- 
mony what has hitherto been regarded as discord- 
ant views as to the variations in viscosity in an 
egg after fertilization and during segmentation. 



Assistant Professor of Physiology, Columbia. University 

The alternating current impedances of biologi- 
cal systems indicate the presence of elements hav- 
ing impedances which decrease with increasing 
frequency of the measuring current. A complete- 
ly impermeable membrane should have a static 
capacity with a 90° phase angle and an imped- 
ance varying inversely as the frequency. A mem- 
brane perfectly permeable to a single ion should 
show a diffusion polarization capacity with a 45° 
phase angle and an impedance varying as the in- 
verse square root of the frequency. It can be 
shown for an electric network consisting of any 
number of resistances and a single variable im- 
pedance element having a constant phase angle 

that the graph of the equivalent series resistance 
vs. reactance should be an arc of a circle with the 
position of the center dependent upon the value 
of the phase angle. These graphs of bridge 
measurements of the resistance and reactance of 
blocd (Fricke and Morse), rabbit muscle 
(Fricke), nerve by (Lullies), frog skin, cat dia- 
phiagm, and potato give arcs of circles exeept at 
the highest frequencies in certain cases. This in- 
dicates that if each of these materials may be con- 
sidered to have only a single kind of membrane, 
each has a constant phase angle lying between 45° 
and 90° which is independent of the frequency 
for the low and intermediate frequency range. 

Professor of Soil Microbiology, Rutgers College; Marine Bacteriologist, Woods Hole 
Oceanographic Institution 

The role of bacteria in plant and animal life in 
the sea is still imperfectly understood. It is 
known that sea water and the sea bottom con- 
tain fairly large numbers of bacteria. It is also 
known that some of these bacteria are capable of 
bringing about a nifmber of different processes, 
such as decomposition of organic residues, libera- 
tion of ammonia, formation of nitrate, reduction 
of nitrate, fixation of nitrogen, oxidation of sul- 
fur, precipitation of calcium, precipitation of iron, 
etc. However, the importance of these processes 
in plant and animal life in the sea is still a matter 
of conjecture, due primarily to a lack of system- 
atic investigations dealing with this phase of 
oceanography. If any phase of biology requires 
continuous study, it is these lowly microscopic 
forms of life. One must deal here with living 
organisms rather than with dead specimens; one 
must study physiological processes rather than an- 
atomical structure. Certain problems in marine 
bacteriology have attracted particular attention, 
especially the problem of denitrification, or reduc- 
tion of nitrates to atmospheric nitrogen, Both 

the theory of Drew concerning the precipitation 
of CaCOsy in the tropics and the theory of Brandt 
concerning the insufficient plankton development 
in the tropics as compared with the temperate and 
arctic regions were based upon this bacterial pro- 
cess. It still remains tu be determined, however, 
to what extent the generalizations made on the 
basis of the activities of this group of organisms 
are justified. 

The bacteria function in several distinct ways in 
the sea: (1) By decomposing the dead plant and 
animal residues and the waste products of these, 
the bacteria return to the sea and to the at- 
mosphere in a mineralized form those elements 
from which the algae first synthesized their cell 
substance, namely the carbon as COs, the nitrogen 
as ammonia, the phosphorus as phosphate, etc. 
Without this action of the bacteria, the sea bottom 
would soon be covered with a mass of dead plant 
and animal debris, and the limited supplies of 
available carbon and available combined nitrogen 
would soon become unavailable for further syn- 
thesis. (2) By synthesizing new bacterial cell sub- 


[ Vor. VII. No. 54 

stance and thus actually serving as food for pro- 
tozoa and other invertebrate animals. (3) By 
various processes of oxidation, such as nitrifica- 
tion, sulfur oxidation, methane and hydrogen ox- 
idation, iron oxidation, and reduction, (e. g. 
nitrate reduction and sulfate reduction), the bac- 
teria control the condition of availability of the 
elements which are so essential for plant and ani- 
mal life, and frequently the very condition of ex- 
istence of these. (4) The formation of the or- 

ganic matter in the marine mud’ and its further 
decomposition are direct results of bacterial ac- 

The bacteria are thus found to complete the 
cycle of life in the sea. Without the bacteria, 
life in the sea would soon come to a standstill. 
The recognition of the activities of these micro- 
scopic forms of life will help us to construct a 
better picture of the processes in the ocean and 
frequently exert a definite control over them. 


The Weir Mitchell Station of the Mt. Desert 
Island Biological Laboratory in Salisbury Cove, 
opened on June 15th and by July Ist, twenty-one 
investigators were at work. Twenty-eight sci- 
entists are to do research during part or all of the 
summer. The list of investigators and their as- 
sistants follows: 
Dr. James B. Allison, Rutgers University 
Dr. H. B. Andervont, U. S. Public Health 

Dr. Gerrit Bevelander, Union College 

Dr. Esther F. Byrnes, Girls’ High School, 
Brooklyn, N. Y. 

Mr. Robert W. Clarke, Bellevue Medical Col- 

lege, New York University 

Dr. William H. Cole, Rutgers University 

Prof. Ulric Dahlgren, Princeton University 

Dr. Allan L. Grafflin, Harvard Medical School 

Dr. Robert W. Hegner, Johns Hopkins Uni- 


Dr. A. B. Howell, Johns Hopkins Medical 


Dr. Duncan S, Johnson, Johns Hopkins Uni- 


Dr. Percy L. Johnson, Missouri Valley College 

Dr. Benjamin Kropp, Boston 

Dr. Margaret R. Lewis, Carnegie Institution 

of Washington 

Dr. Warren H. Lewis, Carnegie Institution of 


Dr. E. K. Marshall, Jr., Johns Hopkins Med- 

ical School 

Dr. H. V. Neal, Tufts College 

Dr. Earle B. Perkins, Rutgers University 

Dr. Robert F. Pitts, Bellevue Medical College 

Dr. George B. Roth, George Washington Uni- 


Dr. H. D. Senior, New York University 

Dr. Werner Schopper, Giessen, Germany 

Dr. James A. Shannon, New York University 

Dr. H. W. Smith, New York University 

Dr. M. M. Wintrobe, Johns Hopkins Uni- 


Miss Edna Golden, Carnegie Institution of 
Washington, technician to Dr. and Mrs.Lewis 

Mr. Cornelius T. Kaylor, Rutgers University, 
assistant to Dr. Perkins 

Mr. George Meneely, Princeton University, 
assistant to Dr. Dahlgren 

Miss Helen Smith, Rutgers University, 
assistant to Dr. Cole 

Mr. Irwin W. Sizer, Rutgers University, 
assistant to Dr. Cole 

Mr. Gordon Spence, Choate School, 
assistant to Dr. Grafflin. 

Francis R. Snow, Secretary. 

On Tuesday afternoon, July 12th, Mr. and Mrs. 
H. V. Neal and Mr. and Mrs. Ulric Dahlgren 
welcomed Dr. and Mrs. Cole at Tea at Bow-End, 
the summer home of Mr. and Mrs. Neal. Dr. 
Cole is the new Director of the Weir Mitchell 
Station of the Mt. Desert Island Biological Lab- 
oratory, at Salisbury Cove. 

Tea was served on the lawn, in the quaint 
old house built before 1800, and on the porch 
with its matchless view of Salisbury Cove. A 
perfect day brought out all the attractions of Bar 
Harbor and Salisbury Cove and made the oc- 
casion a very happy one indeed. A list of pour- 
ers follows: 

Mrs. Walter Ayer, Miss Mary Dreier, Mrs. 
James D. Heard, Mrs. Clarence C. Little, ‘Mrs. 
Philip Livingston, Mrs. Edward Porter May, 
Mrs. Warren K. Moorehead, Mrs. J. Tucker 
Murray, Mrs. Frank B. Rowell, Mrs. William 
Sauter, Mrs. John B. Thayer, IIT. 


The seminars for the season of 1932 have al- 
ready begun. A list of those which have taken 
place follows: 

Dr. Ulric Dahlgren, Princeton University, on 
June 27th, spoke on “A second type of contrac- 
tion mechanism in Selachians.” 

Dr. James Allison, Rutgers University, on July 
5th, spoke on “Chemical stimulation in animals.” 

Dr. Homer W. Smith, New York University, 
on July 11th discussed “Water regulation in fishes 
and its evolution.” —Frances R. Snow. 

Juy 16, 1932 ] 4) 



The lowa Lakeside Laboratory opened on June 
20 for its twenty-fourth session with the follow- 
ing staff: Dr. G. W. Martin, of the University 
of lowa, director and mycologist ; Dr. H. S. Con- 
RAD, of Grinnell College, botanist, and Dr. P. L. 
Rrstey, of the University of Iowa, zoologist. As 
usual, field courses in botany and zoology are be- 
ing offered and a number of students are con- 
ducting research in mycology, with particular at- 
tention to the slime-molds, the water molds, and 
the tremellaceous fungi. Dr. Catherine Mullin 
is continuing her work on leeches with special 
reference to regeneration. 

Recent visitors include President Emeritus T. 
H. Macbride, of the University of Iowa, who is 
working on a revision of his book on myxomy- 
cetes, and Dr. Frank Thone, of Science Service. 

The usual course of Wednesday evening lec- 
tures began on July 6 with a lecture by Professor 
Conard on “The Life of the bee.” 


The following letter has just been received 
from Dr. H. E. Jaques, President and Professor 
of Biology of Ohio Wesleyan College in Iowa: 

I have your letter of July 2nd addressed to 
Lake Cooper Biological Laboratory, Montrose, 
Iowa. Instead of offering work at the Lake 
Cooper Laboratory this summer we have run a 
five weeks travel course through the state parks of 
Iowa. The work gave five semester credits in 
field biology. Attention was given to the flower- 
ing plants, trees, birds and insects of the regions 
visited. The central project of our department 
for several years has been a survey of Iowa in- 
sects with a view to showing their geographic and 
seasonal distribution. The entomological end of 
the trip thru the state parks was given first em- 
phasis. Field work was done in forty-two of the 
ninety-nine Iowa counties and twenty of the 
Iowa state parks were visited. Over 10,000 
specimens of insects were taken and mounted for 
the Iowa Survey collection. Many species not 
hitherto reported for the state were found. Seven- 
teen hundred miles were covered in the trip. 

Our address should be changed on the compli- 
mentary numbers of the Collecting Net which you 
are sending us, to Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. 

I shall be glad to send items such as you ask 
for as often as possible.” 

(Received July 5) 

Work of remodeling and improving the George 
H. Scripps (“old laboratory”) building, some of 
which had been delayed on account of delayed al- 
location of funds, is now going forward again as 
the result of new arrangements for meeting costs. 

All of the equipment originally planned has now 
been delivered and most of it installed. After 
some additional work has been done in cleaning 
up the grounds and making certain readjustments 
incident to completing the work of construction 
and remodeling, it is expected that during the 
summer the Institution will hold a ‘“‘housewarm- 
ing’ in celebration of the numerous improve- 

Dr. and Mrs. Leo Loeb of Washington Uni- 
versity in St. Louis have returned to La Jolla 
for the summer, and Dr. Loeb will make use of 
Institution laboratory and library facilities. 

Dr. and Mrs. W. S. Cole of the Department of 
Geology of the University of Ohio are spending 
the summer at the Institution in order that Dr. 
Cole may do some work on foraminifera with 
Director Vaughan. 

Mr. Roy Morrison of the Horace Mann Junior 
High School of San Diego who has been making 
a study of the mollusks of San Diego Bay with 
special reference to their distribution in rela- 
tion to environmental conditions, visited the In- 
stitution last week to get assistance in studies of 
saltiness of the water and of the character of the 
bottom deposits in that region. 

Dr. D. L. Fox returned last week from his 
visit to the San Francisco Bay region, in the 
course of which he received the diploma for the 
Ph. D. degree awarded him last fall by Stanford 

Miss Tillie Genter spent the last days of the 
month on her vacation in which she included a 
trip to*the San Joaquin Valley. 

(Received July 12) 

On Friday of last week Mr. and Mrs. M. N. 
3ramlette of the United States Geological Survey 
visited the Institution. Mr. Bramlette was for- 
merly associated with Director T. Wayland 
Vaughan in the work of the Geological Survey 
and he has given special attention to marine bot- 
tom samples, having written the important work 
on “Some Marine Bottom Samples from Pago 
Pago Harbor, Samoa.” For a number of years 
he handled field work of investigation for oil com- 
panies in Mexico and South American countries. 
At the Institution he wished especially to consult 
Director Vaughan concerning conditions of de- 
position of certain kinds of rock strata and he 
spent some time with Prof. W. E. Allen in dis- 
cussing the conditions influencing occurrence and 
abundance of marine diatoms of the present day. 

Mr. Clem Copeland of the Department of 
Water and Power of the City of Los Angeles 
visited the Institution last week to consult Dr. C. 
F. McEwen about records of ocean temperatures 
and meteorological conditions used in rainfall pre- 


[ Vor. VII. No. 54 

Dr. Florence Peebles of the Southern Califor- 
nia Christian College arrived last week to use the 
Institution laboratories in certain zoological in- 
vestigations of her own. Over the week end she 
was visited by Dr. and Mrs. H. S. Reed of the 
Citrus Experiment Station at Riverside. 

On Monday of this week Dr. and Mrs. F. B. 
Sumner returned from a two months’ vacation 
spent at their ranch in the San Jacinto Mountains. 

On Tuesday of last week Dr. G. F. McEwen 
returned from his trip to the meetings of the Pa- 
cific Division of the American Association for 
the Advancement of Science held at Washington 
State College, Pullman, Washington. 

On Monday of this week Dr. and Mrs. C. E. 
ZoBell returned from a two weeks’ vacation trip 
by automobile to the Upper Snake River Valley 
in Idaho. 

On Friday of last week Mr. Earl H. Myers 
was seized with an attack of acute appendicitis 
and was taken to the Scripps Memorial Hospital 
where he is recovering after a successful opera- 


The following list gives the biologists who are 

working this summer and the nature of their re- 

search problems: 

Dr. H. V. Witson, University of North Caro- 
lina; Development of Sponges. 

Pror, Ezpa Deviney, University of North Caro- 
lina; Regeneration in Ascidians. 

Dr. Leon C. CuEstey, Duke University ;-Diges- 
tion in marine fishes, and factors influencing 

action of Enzymes. 

Dr. Ettnor H. Beure, Louisiana State Uni- 
versity ; The effect of environmental variations 
on the chromatophores of some invertebrates. 

Mr. JosepH M. Oprorne, Harvard University ; 
Color changes in Fundulus. 

Dr. Bert CUNNINGHAM, Duke University; Re- 
lation of temperature to the rate of embry- 
ological development in turtles. 

Mr. Henry VANDER SCHALIE, University of 
Michigan; The faunal relations of Naiades to 
brackish water. 

Miss Maser L. Bacon, University of North Car- 
olina: The air-bladder and ear of certain teleost 


Dr. VerRA Korurinc; Narcosis of the oyster 

Dr. S. F. HrtpesraAnp; Embryology of Bennies. 

Dr. J. S. GurseLi; Life history and distribution 
of shrimp. 

Miss Nett Henry; Artist. 

Dr. H. F. Pryruercu; Effect of Hydrogen Sul- 
phide on the oyster. 


Dr. Forrest Shreve, in charge of the Desert 
Laboratory of the Carnegie Institution, Tucson, 
Arizona, and Dr. LeRoy Abrams, of Stanford 
University, California, have recently returned 
from a botanical expedition to central Sonora. 
The principal interest was in the ecological fea- 
tures of the vegetation and in the flora of the 


The following notice was sent recently to mem- 
bers of the Corporation of the Marine Biological 
Laboratory : 

At the meeting of the Corporation held Aug- 
ust 11, 1931, it was voted that “On or about the 
first of July of each year, the Clerk shall send a 
circular letter to each member of the Corporation, 
giving the name of the Nominating Committee”, 
(for considering the names of candidates for elec- 
tion as officers and Trustees), “and stating that 
the Committee desires suggestions regarding nom- 

Officers and Trustees are elected by the Corpo- 
ration; members of the Corporation are elected 
only by the Trustees. The new officers — viz. 
Treasurer and the Clerk of the Corporation, are 
elected annually,—Trustees are elected for a term 
of four years. The present officers and Trustees 
of the Class of 1932, any one or all of whom may 

be re-elected, are as follows: 

Treasurer of the Corporation 
Lawrason Riacs, JR. 

Clerk of the Corporation.......... CHARLES PACKARD 
8 Trustees of the Class of 1932 
W. E. Garrey A. P. MATHEWS 

M. J. GREENMAN C. R. StocKarD 

Any member who wishes to suggest names to be 
considered by the Nominating Committee should 
send them to the Chairman before August 1, 1932. 

G. N. CaLxins, Chairman 
H. H. Plover 
LercH HoADLEy 
CHARLES PacKArpD, Clerk. 

Jury 16, 1932 ] 




The Committee on Recreation Facilities held its 
first meeting in the Old Lecture Hall on Monday 
evening. This committee is made up of the fol- 
lowing twenty individuals : 

Dr. R. P. BriGELow 
. R. A. BupINGTOoN 
Reba Ren CLARK 
. H. B. Goopricu 
. E. M. Lewis 
. Epwin LINTON 
. James McInnis 
Dr. C. R. STtocKarD 
. O. S. StRonG 

Only two members were absent. Dr. Redfield 
was making oceanographic observations from the 
Atlantis and Dr. Stockard had made an engage- 
ment for Monday evening before the date of the 
meeting had been set. Miss E. R. Mallard and 
Dr. James P. Warbasse were guests at the meet- 

The meeting was called to order by Dr. Good- 
rich, Chairman pro tem, who read the names of 
the members. Dr. Caswell Grave was appropri- 
ately elected chairman of the committee. He has 
been trustee of the Marine Biological Laboratory 
for a great many years, and thoroughly realizes 
the importance of maintaining a sufficient beach 
area for the scientific workers at Woods Hole. 
He owns property on Crow Hill and has long 
heen a tax-payer in the Town of Falmouth. Dr. 
Grave is Rebstock Professor of Zoology and head 
of the department at Washington University. 

Dr. Goodrich retained the chair for a few min- 
utes so that Dr. Grave could review the beach 
situation on the Bay Shore. Before the meeting 
he had drawn a diagram of the beach and the lots 
immediately back of them, so that the group 
would have a clear picture of the conditions, which 
showed that the finer and larger section of the 
beach had been reserved for the private use of 
five investigators at the Marine Biological Labora- 
tory. It was clearly brought out that the present 
heach in front of the bathhouses was inadequate 
to comfortably care for all the people who wanted 

to bathe there, and was likely to become still more 
crowded in later years unless the beach area could 
be expanded. 

After Dr. Grave had completed his review and 
stated the problem which now faced the Woods 
Hole community, Dr. Goodrich requested him to 
assume the chair to which he had just been elected. 
Then followed an interesting discussion in which 
a great many people took part. Mr. Lewis, Park 
Commissioner for the Town of Falmouth, des-} 
cribed the conditions in West Falmouth where the 
town had taken over a beach by the right of “emi- 
nent domain,” and told how they had been suc- 
cessful in running it only for those persons living 
in Falmouth. This is done by admitting the 
would-be bathers and “sunners’” only when they 
bring an identification ticket which must be ob- 
tained at the Police Headquarters in the Town 
Hall. He brought out another interesting fact; 
namely, that the town had appropriated the sum 
of $1,000.00 to improve the beach in front of the 
bathhouses in Woods Hole, but that it had to 
withdraw it again because they discovered that 
public funds could not be used to improve land 
under private control. 

Mr. Larkin told of the growing tendency to re- 
strict Nobska Beach, and said that he understood 
that its owners rather discouraged its use by 
groups of children. He emphasized the fact that 
Woods Hole must have a beach of its own, and 
saw no reason why the laboratory peeople should 
contribute money towards a beach when it was up 
to the town to provide one for everybody living 
in Woods Hole. 

Captain Veeder, Harbor Master of the Town 
of Falmouth, expressed his doubt as to the right 
of the lot-holders to extend the fence below mean 
high water. Mr. Griffin voiced the same opinion. 
He also conveyed much information cf importance 
to the committee, for he is a surveyor by training 
(Harvard ’07) and has taken care of much of the 
surveying of the Fay estate during the last twenty 

Mr. McInnis quietly listened to the discussion 
until the meeting was nearly over. Then he rose 
and with considerable feeling and in well chosen 
words said that the Town of Falmouth owed 
Woods Hole a beach, that two or three years ago 
it had spent $25,000.00 on one bathhouse alone in 
Falmouth Heights; that the residents of Woods 
Hole paid more than one third of the total taxes 
each year in the Town of Falmouth, that it was 
its duty to give a beach to Woods Hole, and fur- 
ther, that he believed that it would take over the 
3ay Shore beach by its right of “eminent do- 


[ Vor. VII. No. 54 

main” if the people of Woods Hole united to that 

Although the local residents were most active 
in expressing their opinions, many of the labora- 
tory people also took part in the discussion. Dr. 
Chambers, Dr. Goodrich, Dr. Bigelow, Dr. Bud- 
ington, Dr. Copeland, Dr. Benjamin Grave, Dr. 
Heilbrunn and Dr. Strong expressed their 
opinions during the course of the meeting. In 
general the sentiment of the meeting seemed to 
be that town ownership of the Bay Shore was 
preferred rather than private ownership. How- 
ever, no conclusions were reached. This meeting 
was initiated for the purpose of securing sugges- 
tions and talking over the situation in a general 
way. The group authorized the chairman to ap- 
point a sub-committee of five to carefully investi- 

gate all the proposals that had been made at the 
meeting, with the instructions that it should re- 
port back to the larger group at a second meeting 
to be called soon. The following men were select- 
ed by the chairman to serve on this sub-com- 
mittee : 

Dr. E. R. Clark 

Dr. H. B. Goodrich 

Mr. G. A. Griffin 

Mr. T. Larkin 

Dr. C. R. Stockard 
It has been learned that they will hold a meeting 
about the time this number of THe CoLLectinG 
Net is distributed in Woods Hole. It is under- 
stood that this sub-committee of five has invited 
the owners of the Bay Shore lots to present their 
side of the situation to them. 


Many searching questions were flung at Cam- 
eron Forbes, recent Ambassador to Japan from 
the United States, as he stood bareheaded on 
the Point of Penzance, and led the discussion at 
the Sunday afternoon Forum on July 10, where 
about sixty people were gathered. 

“T cannot predict anything about the situation 
in the Orient, no one can, so I'll stick strictly to 
facts,” he said in opening. 

He briefly pictured for us the events of the 
past 30 years which finally culminated with the 
Japanese occupation of Manchuria and the diffi- 
culties in Shanghai; the disposal of Chinese sol- 
diers; the plotted death of the ex-bandit Chinese 
General, Chang Iso Liu; the mysterious influence 
of his son and successor, Marshall Chang Iso 
Lung, and the setting up of a puppet Chinese 
government friendly to Japan, whose officials take 
no action not approved by the Japanese. So far, 
he told us, the Japanese people as a whole, had 
enthusiastically supported the military and _politi- 
cal policies in Manchuria. They felt that the 
Chinese had been as weak as they had been vacil- 
lating in their protection of the billions of dollars 
worth of property invested by Japanese and other 
foreigners; and that the past list of Japanese 
grievances had not been recognized nor remedied 
by the impotent Chinese administration. 

He described the series of provocations which 
led up to the bombardment of Shanghai; and the 
happiness in Japan when the armistice was de- 
clared and this unpopular situation, of which the 
Japanese heartily disapproved, was terminated. 

Perhaps the most illuminating reply to any 
question addressed to Mr. Forbes was concerning 
the expansion of Japanese population: “If, as 
you say, Formosa, as well as the fertile northern 
island, are sparsley populated, and there are not 
many Japanese in Bengal where the Government 

definitely invites and seeks for Japanese coloniza- 
tion, why does Japan claim she needs Manchuria 
and why does Japan resent the Japanese “Exclu- 
sion Act” of the United States?” He replied, 
“Japan needs Manchuria, not for colonization, 
but for trade, for a market for her goods; and 
for some raw materials. Japan resents the hu- 
miliation of the ‘‘Exclusion Act,” because it is 
only directed against her. If Japanese were ad- 
mitted on the same quota basis as other foreign- 
ers to the United States, Japanese feelings would 
not be hurt; and he added significantly, “more 
are smuggled in illegally now than there would 
be otherwise, for Japan would cooperate to keep 
within the quota; while now she does nothing 
about it but nurses her resentment.” 

Despite all Mr. Forbe’s first hand information 
and his illuminating interpretation of events, the 
Orient still remains, to us Occidentals, as it al- 
ways has been ;—an enigma. —A.D.W. 

The Board of Trustees of Wellesley College 
has made Dr. Margaret C. Ferguson research 
professor of botany. She retires from active ser- 
vice in the department of which she was appoint- 
ed chairman in 1904. Dr. Ferguson will continue 
her cytological and genetical studies of Petunia 
at the college. Dr. Laetitia M. Snow has been 
appointed professor of botany and has been grant- 
ed leave of absence for the coming year. She 
will continue her work on bacteria in wind-blown 
sand at the Hopkins Marine Station, Pacific 
Grove, California. 

A daughter, Marjorie Jean Hill, was born on 
March 14, in New York, to Dr. and Mrs. Samuel 
E. Hill. She is a granddaughter of Captain and 
Mrs. Robert Veeder. 

Dr. and Mrs. George Julius Heuer of Cincin- 
nati have taken the Warbasse’s “Pond House” 
for the summer. Dr. Heuer is a surgeon of note. 

so oe 

Jury 16, 1932 ] 





Apgar, R. proto. Pennsylvania. Br 211. Hubbard, 

Bozler, E. fel. med. physics. Pennsylvania. Br 231. 
Glaser, Gosnold. 

Bridges, B. res. asst. Carnegie Inst. Wash. Br 324. 
McLeish, Millfield. 

Brown, Dorothy J. edit. asst. Princeton. Br 303. 
A 207. 

Carlson, J. G. instr. biol. Bryn Mawr. L 25. Nicker- 
son, Millfield. 

Clark, J. M. Wilson. Br 219. W a. 

Einarson, L. res. fel. anat. Hopkins Med. Br 107. D 

Kempton, R. T. instr. biol. New York. Br 339. Lehy, 

Marinelli, L. D. O. asst. physicist. Memorial Hosp. 
(New York) Br 307. Dr 5. 

Martin, E. A. asst. prof. zool. Brooklyn. Bot 5. Park. 

Morill, C. V. assoc. prof. anat. Cornell Med. L 24. 
Cape Codder (Sippiwisset). 

Nelsen, O. E. instr. zool. Pennsylvania. OM 27. D 

Palmer, A. H. grad. res. Belleview Med. Br 310. 

Payne, F. prof. zool. and dean Grad. Sch. Indiana. 
Br 118. A 201. 

Reznikoff, P. instr. med. Cornell Med. Br 222. Mc- 
Kenzie, Pleasant. 

Schauffler, W. G. invest. Princeton. OM 40. Fish. 

Shumway, W. prof. zool. Illinois. L 23. Broderick, 

Vicari, Emilia M. assoc. anat. Cornell Med. Br 317. 
A 305. 

Warren, H. C. Stuart prof. psych. Princeton. Br 303. 
“To Windward”, Bar Neck. 

Woodruff, L. L. prof. proto. Yale, Br 323. Agassiz 


Brown, Bertha C. Ho 111. 

Colby, Anne H. Ho 203. 

Colomy, G. Ho 112. 

Coombs, J. Ho 113. 

Coombs, Nellie E. general manager. Ho 12. 
Curtis, W. D. Dr. 

Downing, Florence E. Ho 205 

Downing, Isabella in charge dining room. Ho 201. 
Duest, Virginia C. Ho 211. 

Gray, R. J. Ho 106. 

Jackson, J. P. K. 

Moon Louise N. Gorham Normal Sch. Ho 202. 
Nordstrom, K. A. W. chef. Ho 6. 

Pereira, J. R. Suffolk Law. 2nd chef. Ho 107. 
Porteus, W. Ho 108. 

Skea, Katy Ho 207. 

Stark, Naney American (Washington) Ho 204. 
Steele, N. A. Ho 108. 

Temple, E. F. Ho 7. 

Weymouth, Dura N. Ho 10. 


Bixby, E. May res. asst. chem. Harvard Med. 109. 
Young, West. 

Campbell, Mildred H. grad. biol. Toronto. 108. 
Thompson, Water. 

Carey, Cornelia L. asst. prof. bot. Barnard. 202. 

Emmons, G. instr. meteorology. Harvard. 209. (Mon- 
ument Beach) 

Fries, E. F. B. office edit. for biol. scie. G. & C, 
Merriam Co. 101. Neal, West. 

Gran, H. H. prof. bot. Oslo (Norway) 106. D. 

Green, Arda A. res. fel. Harvard. 101. D, 218. 

Hotchkiss, Margaret instr. bact. Homeopathic Med. 
Wilde, Gardiner. 

Iselin, C. 2nd Capt. “Atlantis”. 206. (Racing Beach). 

Lichtblau, S. res. asst. Mass. Inst. Tech. 209. 

Macdonald, R. sst. prof. zool. Harvard. 111. Fair- 
lawn, Glendon. 

McMurray, F. S. Master “The Atlantis.” 214. “The 

Rossby, C. G. prof. meteor. Mass. Inst. Tech. 208. 
Oak, Park. 

Sears, Mary grad. Radcliffe, 108. Hilton, Water. 

Wilson, C. B. retir. head sc. dept. Mass. State Teach. 
Col. 211. Clough, Millfield. 

M. B. L. CLUB 

The officers and the executive committee of the 
M. B. L. Club would appreciate suggestions and 
criticisms. Such suggestions may be placed in 
the suggestion box near the bulletin board in the 
club-house. The officers realize that the Club can 
play a much larger part in the recreational activ- 
ities of laboratory workers and their families. 

Various improvements have been proposed. 
One or two of these have already been acted on. 
Current magazines have been placed on file and a 
subscription has been entered for the New York 
Times. A small lending library of recently pub- 
lished books will also be started in the near future. 
The Club would be very grateful to any members 
who might care to contribute books or magazines. 

We are considering the possibility of installing 
a radio. One or two members have offered to 
loan their radio sets for a week at a time. If 
several other radio owners could be induced to 
loan their sets for a week apiece, the problem of 
securing a radio for this summer might be solved. 

For the present, such a scheme might be wiser 
than the purchase of a radio for we could discover 
whether or not the installation of a radio would 
be advantageous. Obviously, there would have 
to be some restrictions as to its use. 

It has been suggested that the Club rent out 
canoes or rowboats to its members. Some of the 
laboratory workers come for only a few weeks 
and it is hardly possible for them to rent rowboats 
or canoes. If the Club could rent boats for the 
summer, it might sublet them to members by the 
day or hour. It is thought that there are boats 
now idle which could be turned over to the Club 
for rental to its members. 

Finally, if the Club is to function properly, it 
must have the support of its members. Sugges- 
tions and criticisms are a real help. We also need 
money. Dues may be paid at the office of the 
Laboratory. Privileges of the Club are open only 
to members in good standing. 

—Executive Committee. 


[ Vor. VII. No. 54 

The Collecting Net 

A weekly publication devoted to the scientific work 
at Woods Hole. 
Vichq Orne nsll! Sa aasassqq0nsoodobagpa0oaN0D0 Editor 
Assistant Editors 
Florence L. Spooner Annaleida S. Cattell 
Vera Warbasse 

Contributing Editor to Woods Hole Log 
T. C. Wyman 

The Beach Question 

Until the meeting of the Committee on Recre- 
ational Facilities met on Monday evening few 
people realized how strong the sentiment was 
against the recent encroachments upon the as- 
sumed rights of the individual to the use of the 
land at the waters’ edge. Many of us realized 
that, in general, the laboratory group objected to 
the amputation for private use of the larger and 
better portion of the Bay Shore bathing beach; 
but they did not appreciate how bitter some of the 
local residents have become about the matter. It 
is natural that now the townspeople should strong- 
ly feel that the Town of Falmouth ought to as- 
sume control of a good beach in Woods Hole. 
The progress of Woods Hole, and therefore the 
welfare of its inhabitants, is intimately bound up 
with the beach area available. If the privileges 
of bathing on a good beach are limited it will 
make Woods Hole a less desirable place in which 
to live. This condition will be reflected by a de- 
crease in the value of land and buildings, and by 
a definite decline in the business of its merchants. 

We have always firmly believed that if the lot- 
holders on the Bay Shore fully realized how many 
scientific workers in Woods Hole object to the 
fence, they would immediately take steps to 
modify or even remove the restrictions which they 
have placed upon the beach. To our mind, it is 
imperative that this restricted area again be made 
available to the people living in Woods Hole. In 
spite of the overwhelming sentiment of the meet- 
ing in favor of town ownership we are not alto- 
gether convinced that it is the wisest solution of 
the problem. If the beach can be opened to the 
community with only minor restrictions, and if a 
way can be devised to insure the permanency of 
this arrangement, we believe that this latter plan 
should receive very serious consideration. 

The department entitled “Items of Interest” is 
probably of more interest to our readers than any- 
thing else that we print. Any assistance that 
may be given to us in extending its usefulness 
will be much appreciated. 

Chemical Plant Physiology. S. KostycHev. 
Trans. and ed. by C. J. Lyon (Dartmouth) xv 
++ 497 pp. Hlus. Blakiston. 1931. 

Biologists are again indebted to Dr. Lyon for 
making available in English another book from 
the Russian school. This is a translation of the 
1926 edition of the first volume of the “Lehrbuch 
der Pflanzen-physiologie” but is brought up to 
date by many brief references to recent investiga- 
tions added by the translator in footnotes. After 
a short biochemical introduction on foundations 
the assimilation of solar energy by green plants 
and the primary synthesis of organic compounds 
are discussed in detail. Chapters on chemosyn- 
thesis and the assimilation of molecular nitrogen, 
plant nutrition with prepared organic compounds, 
mineral nutrients, carbohydrates and proteins, and 
secondary plant substances follow. The last 
chapter presents respiration and fermentation. 
Emphasis is placed more on the analysis of the 
processes occuring in plant life than on the mere 
description of the substances involved. Access 
to the original literature is accomplished by ex- 
tensive bibliographic references on nearly every 
page. The reader interested in the chemical as- 
pect of the life of plants may follow the trends 
and skip the detail of chemical formulae, and, in 
many cases, data on the analytical procedures, 
which another reader wishing specific informa- 
tion will find most welcome. The general phys- 
iologist will find it a valuable reference work and 
the botanist will find more information in this 
volume than in some larger volumes. It is to be 
hoped that the second volume will soon appear 
and that Dr. Lyon will render it as lucidly into 
English as he has the first. —Oscar W. Richards. 


At the following hours (Daylight Saving 
Time) the current in the hole turns to run 
from Buzzards Bay to Vineyard Sound: 

Date A.M. P.M. 
juilyeZweeeeees 4:15 4:24 
(uly UCR ere NOLS Dalz 
ital yale Byebyy 6:08 
July, 20: . 6:44 6:58 
julby Ale. T32 748 
July. 22c.ct.cs, S77e emcee 
Witla Zavnotaaesses, S01 9:29 
July 24. 9:50" “102i 

In each case the current changes approxi- 
mately six hours later and runs from the 
Sound to the Bay. It must be remembered 
that the schedule printed above is dependent 
upon the wind. 

ee ee ee 

Braden yr 


Jury 16, 1932 ] 



Dr. D. S. Edwards, professor of physiology left 
Woods Hole for New York last Sunday to assist 
in installing the physiology department in the 
new buildings of Cornell University Medical 
School next to the Rockefeller Institute. 

Dr. Jacques J. Bronfenbrenner, professor of 
bacteriology at Washington University, is work- 
ing this summer at Woods Hole, although he has 
not reserved a laboratory room. 

Dr. Phillip Bard left Woods Hole last Thurs- 
day for Boston where he will continue his re- 
search work at Harvard Medical School. He 
plans to return on July 21, but will be absent 
from here off and on through the summer. 

Dr. Robert M. Stabler, instructor in protozo- 
ology at the Laboratory has rented Dr. Whiting’s 
cottage in the Gansett woods for the summer. 
Dr. and Mrs. Whiting are occupying their apart- 
ment in Philadelphia this summer. 

Dr. Frank R. Lillie was awarded an honorary 
degree of Doctor of Science by Yale University at 
its commencement in June. In presenting Dr. 
Lillie as a candidate Professor Phelps said: 

“Born in Toronto, student of that university, 
he took his doctor’s degree at the University of 
Chicago. Like several other million scholars, he 
was a member of the faculty of the University of 
Michigan, the foremost professorial training 
school in America. He is professor of embryol- 
ogy at the University of Chicago, dean of the 
School of Biological Science and Medicine, dir- 
rector of the Marine Biological Laboratory at 
Woods Hole. He is a member of many learned 
societies in Europe and in America. He has to 
an extraordinary degree combined executive 
management with individual research. His in- 
vestigations in embryology, cytology and physiol- 
ogy have won for him an international reputation. 
The growth of the famous laboratory at Woods 
Hole is a monument to his scientific and ad- 
ministrative ability. He has taken a leading part 
in the organization of biological research, having 
trained a large number of young men, who are 
inspired both by his teaching and by his example 

In conferring the degree President Angell said: 

“A distinguished biologist, a sound and fruitful 
investigator, a stimulating teacher and trainer of 
men, your long career has been marked by con- 
stant advance to larger and more important 
achievement. In recognition of your eminent ser- 
vice, Yale confers upon you the degree of Doctor 
of Science, and admits you to all its rights and 

Dr. William R. Amberson sailed on July 3 on 
the Brittanic from Boston. He planned to meet 
his family in Germany and will work this summer 
with Paul Hober. Dr. Amberson will return in 
the Fall to resume his work as professor of phys- 
iology at the University of Tennessee. 

The two small seals which are attracting 50 
much attention in the outdoor pool by the Fish 
Commission, are known as Harbor or Dog-haired 
seals, and differ in many ways from the seals 
which supply us with our fur coats. They never 
grow much larger than they are now, and these 
two seals are about two-thirds grown at the pres- 
ent time. Their hair is short, and of a plushy 
texture, and when they are completely dried off 
their fur resembles moss. They seem extremely 
lazy at times, but when they dart about under- 
neath the water, one realizes how very swift and 
graceful they can be. They enjoy feeding on 
small round fish, but their favorite dish is her- 
ring—with which Mr. Goffin supplies them. It 
is said they prefer a much colder climate than we 
have in the summertime, but Mr. Goffin fully ex- 
pects to keep them here until Fall. Hig dhs SS) 


Wanted in 1932-33. Teaching position or 
position as research assistant in Zoology or Phys- 
iology. A. B. Goucher College. 1930. A. M. Syr- 
acuse University 1932. Graduate assistant Syra- 
cuse University 1930-32. Please inquire in office 
for further information. 

Mr. George T. Steis, department of bacteri- 
ology and New York University, is applying for 
a research position this summer. Mr. Steis is 
recommended by Dr. Klasterman. 

Assistant Technician. 2nd year Medical 
student and Radcliffe graduate with previous 
experience as assistant at M. B. L., wants work 
in August. For particulars apply to Professor 
Geli Parker VesBe. 

Manuscripts and general typing. Brick 339. 

Alice Marsland. 

The Uhlenhuth Cottage on Brooks Road to 
rent; from July 1 to August 1. Three bedrooms, 
kitchen, large living room and screened porch. 
For particulars see Mr. MacNaught. 

Vitamin rich mussels for sale. A delicious sub- 
stitute for clams. 40c a peck. Gathered in Woods 
Hole. For orders, inquire in CoLLectinGc NET 
office on week-day mornings. 

100 THE COLLECTING NET [ Vor. VII. No. 54 

Details You Could Never Before Detect 
Now Revealed by the New 



For Opaque Objects at All Magnifications, Including Oil Immersions. 

The Leitz ULTROPAK permits observation of specimens under con- 
ditions which until now have been thought impossible to achieve. 

The equipment consists of three major parts, viz: a special illuminating 
arrangement, a series of fifteen special objectives (in- 
cluding dry, water and oil-immersion objectives) and a 
series of six specially constructed condensers which are 
adapted for study under a great variety of magnifica- 
tions. The ULTROPAK is so arranged 
that the illuminating rays pass entirely 
outside the rays of the microscope, 
thereby forming a perfect microscope 
image, free from any glare and haze. 


7 1. Specimens need no preparation (cut- 
‘= one by microtome, staining, embedding, 
i etc.) and can be ex- 
amined in their natural 
state. Such observa- 
tions were impossible 
heretofore with the us- 
ual microscope methods. 
image shows character- 
istics of the specimen 
which could never be detected 
heretofore because structural ele- 
ments of the same color may 
still show differences in their re- 
fractive, reflective or absorption 
3. The illumination of the UL- 
TROPAK can be so adjusted 
that layers below the surface of 
the specimen may be observed 
without disturbing effects being 
caused by intermediate layers. 
4. The ULTROPAK is exceed- 
ingly simple to operate. 

Valuable in 
Chemistry, Botany, 
Histology and 
Practically Every 
Other Field of 
Scientific Research 

For a complete description 
write for Catalog 1199-140 


60 East 10th St., New York 

Jury 16, 1932 ] THE COLLECTING NET _ 101 



f 7} "It Saved Us the Cost of Five 
Quoting remark of a Department Head 

The Promi projects microscopic slides and living organisms 
and insects on table or wall for drawing and demonstration. 
Also used as a microscope and a micro-photographiec ap- 

The Promi, recently perfected by a prominent German 
microscope works, is an ingenious yet simple, inexpensive 
apparatus which fills a long felt want in scientific instruc- 
tion and research in Bactériology, Botany, Zoology, Path- 
ology, Anatomy, Embryology, Histology, Chemistry, etc. 

It has been endorsed by many leading scientists and in- 

PRICE: F.O.B. New York, $100.00 complete apparatus in 
polished wood carrying case. Includes extra bulb, rheostat 
for 110 and 220 volts with cord, plugs and switch for both 
DC and AC current, 11x objective, tube with 5x ocular, re- 
flecting mirror and micro-cuvette. Extra equipment prices 

on request. 
Prospectus Gladly Sent 

A new instrument which has been brought out in response to a demand for a simple apparatus like 
the Promi for more advanced work which requires more powerful illumination and higher magnifica- 
tion. Has many additional features as standard equipment. emonstrations will gladly be made 

Prospectus and prices sent on request. by Mr. Robert Rugh, Room 11, Brick 
Acer teersers for Biological Teaching Material Bldg., M. B. L., Woods Hole. 

p 117-119 East 24th Street 
CrAyv-Ap mis C : Con OME MDPAN 4 New York, N. Y. 


Skeleton of Fish in Case 

Models, Specimens, 

for physiology, zoology, botany, 

anatomy, embryology, ete. Cata- 

logs will gladly be sent on request. 
Please mention name of school 
and subjects taught, to enable 

Spalteholz us to send the appropriate 
Preparations Visit our display rooms and 
= | f Senin | Life History 
ies = = a am of Chick 


Model of Human Heart 117-19 EAST 24th STREET NEW YORK 



[ Von, VII. No. 54 



Just as the last cake of a cargo of ice had been 
stowed away on board the Eben A. Thacher as she 
lay at the steamboat dock last Thursday morning 
shortly after ten o’clock seaman Paiva saw a 
small sailing dory capsize about midway between 
there and Naushon Island. He quickly called the 
attention of Captain Stevenson and Joe Pinto to 
the mishap, and in a moment the engine was start- 
ed and the mooring lines were cast off. As the 
boat began to move, Robert Leighton and Gifford 
Griffin jumped aboard, and without a moment’s 
delay the rescue craft sped on toward the over- 
turned dory to which a young man and a young 
woman were clinging. Evidently the Coast 
Guard base had been notified, for a fast picket 
boat appeared speeding toward the scene of the 
accident along with a boat belonging to the Marine 
Biological Laboratory. The Eben A. Thacher was 
the first to arrive, however, and after a bit of 
skillful manouvering, a line was thrown to the 
man and to the woman who were still clinging to 
their overturned craft, and they were hauled 
aboard. The mast and sail were then taken from 
the water and the crew of the Eben A. Thacher 
succeeded in getting enough water out of the over- 
turned dory so that it could be towed back to the 
dock in Woods Hole. After ascertaining that 
they could be of no assistance, the Coast Guard 
boat and the Laboratory boat returned to port. 
Quite a few people who were waiting for the boat 
to the islands gathered on the steamboat dock to 
watch the rescue. —T. C. W. 

Last Sunday afternoon in the rough seas, a 
sailboat manned by two students at the laboratory, 
Frank Craig and James Heyl, and a young lady, 
Anjie Green, were rescued after having clung to 
their capsized craft for half an hour. They were 
sailing in the Putty and Paint, off Nobska Point, 
when they turned over. Rather than risking a 
long swim to shore, they clung to their boat. John 
Sdharff, the light house keeper, observed their 
plight and summoned the Coast Guard. Before 
the government boat arrived, the Billy M 3rd, a 
cabin cruiser, picked them up, unharmed by their 
experience. —V.W. 

Two young men had a narrow escape about two 
weeks ago when a small boat in which they were 
sailing capsized off Naushon Island. They were 
rescued by a power boat which was anchored off 
the island at the time, and were brought back to 
Woods Hole. Later in the afternoon a Coast 
Guard patrol boat, the C-G 910, towed the sail 
boat, still capsized, back to the harbor here. 


The previously announced plans of Governor 
Franklin D. Roosevelt and his three sons to visit 
Woods Hole on the Myth I/ did not materialize. 
It is not clear whether this was due to the un- 
favorable sailing conditions—little wind and a 
head tide—or to the fact that Mr. Charles R. 
Crane, who was to be his host, was absent from 
his home on Juniper Point. 

Captain Veeder had orders to keep up steam 
in the Cayadetta until late in the evening on 
Wednesday, and more than once he was observed 
scouting in the Sound and in the Bay for Roose- 
velt’s yawl. We understand that he was in 
Cuttyhunk Harbor when the Roosevelts entered 
and anchored there. 

The Western Union Office in Woods Hole had 
six operators on duty in anticipation of the special 
occasion, because sometimes newspaper reporters 
were supposed to be following his every move in 
a special press boat Marcon. 

On Thursday morning the scheduled botany 
trip on the Cayadetta was postponed for about 
two hours, because it was thought that he might 
still visit Woods Hole before passing through 
the Canal. 

After spending the night off Buzzards Bay the 
Roosevelts’ yawl emerged from the Cape Cod 
Canal out onto Massachusetts Bay, being towed 
by the Ambassadress, a power yacht. It is ru- 
mored that Governor Roosevelt will visit Woods 
Hole in the Myth before he returns to New York. 

Winners in the Woods Hole Yacht Club Race 

held on Monday, July 11. 

Buzzard’s Bay Class: Louise Crane in the Scampi; 
Cape Cod Knockabouts: Comstock Glaser in the 


Club Dories: Wistar Meigs in the Aunt Addie; 
Catboats: Alfred Compton in the Turline. 

The first race for larger boats which has been 
held in the Vineyard Sound was last Wednesday 
afternoon. Ed Norman sailing the “Gull” won 
the “S” boat race. There were not enough boats 
in the handicap class so the two entries raced in- 

Last summer Dr. Kenneth Cole, assistant pro- 
fessor of physiology at Columbia University had 
an open sailing dory which he used in the Woods 
Hole Yacht Club races. This summer he has 
graduated to a nifty black catboat. —V.W. 

Mrs Murray Crane and her family have arrived 
at Woods Hole. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Crane who 
were married this May will return from Europe 
some time in August and will visit in Woods 
Hole during the rest of the summer. 

Jury 16; 19327) 


9th ANNUAL SALE--July 18 to 30 


and Pillow Cases 


Once a year, and only once, the Star Store offers these 
Wamsutta Sheets and Pillow Cases at prices that make this 
event one of the country’s outstanding sales. 


Daily Delivery to 
Woods Hole 

Telephone Clifford 750 

Hutchinsons New Art Dept. 

We now carry a large assortment of 
the kind used in the Swain School; 
Winsor & Newton's Colors, Half Price 

Hutchinson’s Book Store 
New Bedford, Mass. 

When you come to 
eat our excellent 
— 30: LUNCH — 

( Opposite Library ) 


May Be! 

Maybe you didn’t know that this house of 
good home furnishings also sells—clothing 
for babes, boys, girls—youths and misses. 

May be 

You'd like to get dependable garments at 
reasonable prices. 

May be 
You'll come over and see us—at least we 
hope so—and when you girls see the plain 
and hand blocked linen dresses, and the sillx 
dresses too—in sizees 14 to 20—each at 


you'll say “‘these are the best I have ever 
seen’’—and, vou WON’T mean May be. 


790-794 PURCHASE ST. 
New Bedford, Mass. 



[ VoL. VII. No. 54 



I was a stranger in Woods Hole, and out of 
idle curiosity looked around at the various shops. 
In James restaurant across the street from the 
station | bought a copy of THe CoLttectine Net 
and decided to visit the various stores listed in 
that magazine. I found that they were not equal 
to Fifth Avenue in grandeur, but that they were 
far superior from the point of view of a real 
personal interest in their customers. I discovered 
that Sam Cahoon was the only person from whom 
you could get your fish, and that it is brought to 
him at his door directly from the local fishermen. 
Practically all the fishermen in this district sell 
their wares to him and he in turn ships them on 
to Boston and New York. Not only does he buy 
from the fishermen, but he also sells about every 
article a fisherman would possibly need, from 
sou’ westers, rope and tackle, to screws and nails. 
It is of great interest to those waiting around on 
the wharf to watch the boats hoist up their bar- 
rels of freshly-caught fish to Sam Cahoon’s dock 
where they are weighed and packed in ice. 

I wanted to buy some small souvenirs, and 
noticed that down the street from the fish market 
was an attractive gift shop belonging to Mrs. 
Bradford. She had every variety of gift, and an 
unusually large assortment. Among other things, 
she sells hosiery, underwear and some dresses. 

By the draw-bridge is the town’s one barber 
shop run by Mr. Sansouci. They do every kind 
of work along that line, from shaving to giving 
permanent waves. 

Dolinsky, the Tailor, gets suits pressed in a 
very short time. He also does general repairing 
of clothes, and has men’s clothes for sale. 

The Twin Door is a delightful place to have 
one’s dinner. Their specialty is home-made 
pastry. I have noticed that this place is very 
popular with the laboratory members. 

The Ideal Restaurant seems to be one of the 
most popular places to dine. Their food, as I 
know it, is as delicious as that served at home. 
They serve excellent three-course dinners for 55c. 

The Oasis is the only store in Woods Hole 
which sells medical supplies, and is also a popu- 
lar eating resort at night, for it stays open until 
eleven o'clock. 

Tsiknas has delicious fresh fruits and green 
vegetables and because they deliver their goods 
they offer competition with their neighbor, the 
dU Naud ee 

The Penzance Garage not only sells gasoline to 
autos passing by on Main Street, but also to 
motor boats in the harbor, and for this purpose 
it has a dock with a filling station. 

The Quality Shop, just across the street, is the 
only store which offers bathing caps, clothes 
hangers, stationery supplies, socks and sneakers. 

I spent the night at the Breakwater Hotel. A 
delightful homy place with an excellent view of 
the harbor. This hotel has the restful atmosphere 
which is exceedingly pleasant after a long day. 
A summer in Woods Hole must be doubly de- 
lightful if one stays at the Breakwater Hotel. 

Returning to the dock before I took the Air- 
plane, I found another excellent garage, the 
Woods Hole Garage. It was formerly two gar- 
ages which have been combined into one. Its 
convenient location, directly across from the sta- 
tion, and its superior work bring it plenty of 

Mr. Luscombe has charge of the real estate and 
insurance in Woods Hole, and because he has 
been here for so many years, he probably does 
it very efficiently. 

All in all, the stores and shops in Woods Hole 
are not merely convenient, but offer a variety and 
scope which are unusual in such a very little 
town. —Vera IWarbasse. 


The year before last, many Woods Hole resi- 
dents took an opportunity to learn dancing. 
Gloria Braggiotti is returning again this July, 
and will hold classes including tap dancing, 
musical comedy and classical dancing. 

Ted Shawn, during the first week of August, 
will give dancing lessons also. He, together with 
Ruth St. Dennis, has been in great demand all 
over the country for his excellent interpretive 

Pupils from this course and Gloria Braggiotti’s 
will be given first chance on the list of applicants 
for the ballet in “Lysistrata”, which is to be di- 
rected by Ted Shawn, and produced by the The- 
atre Unit during August. 

The Constance, a black schooner which belongs 
to Mr. Prosser of Penzance Point, will be in the 
harbor again this summer, after an absence of a 

This summer the Ratcliffes are living with the 
Nims. Tom Ratcliffe is again running the Book 
Club. This Club lends out books which have 
been published during the previous year. 

Last Wednesday afternoon the grandchildren 
of Mr. Walter O. Luscombe gave some charming 
dances on the lawn for their grandfather’s friends. 

Jou 16, 1932] 

Take Advantage of the Special Rates 

W. T. GRABIEC, Prop. 


Falmouth and Woods Hole 


Telephone 1243 








Gal. Quart 
Outside Oil Paint $3.00 $ .90 
4-Hour Enamel 3.75 1.15 

Myron S. Lumbert 





can find a pleasant change 

Sandwiches — Table d’hote — A la carte 

Souvenirs and Jewelry 

Depot Avenue Woods Hole, Mass. 

Woods Hole, Mass. 


Printing — Developing — Enlarging 

Cleaning, Dyeing and Repairing 
Coats Relined and Altered. Prices Reasonable 


Main St. Woods Hole, Mass. Call 752 

Church of the Messiah 

( Episcopal ) 

The Rey. James Bancroft, Rector 

Holy Communion 8:00 a.m. 
Morning Prayer 11:00 a.m. 
Evening Prayer 7:30 p.m. 



NET [ Vor. VII. No. 54 


After the gang planks of the Naushon had been 
withdrawn one day last week, Dick Stockard was 
hailed by one of the crew and told to run to the 
freight office and get the latter’s lunch-box. Dick 
dashed to and from the freight house, but upon 
his return the boat was already in motion. He 
darted to the end of the pier and hurled the lunch- 
box at the doorway. But, alas, the boat was moy- 
ing fast and the wind was blowing hard—the 
lunch-box banged against the side of the vessel 
and dropped into the churning waters below. 

Just as the 1:05 P. M. boat for Nantucket was 
leaving the dock last Friday, Dr. Alfred Meyers, 
a summer resident here for many years, fell off 
the seaplane float. He stepped back to get clear 
of the struts on the seaplane and did not realize 
that he was so near the edge of the float. Gifford 
Griffin seeing him in the water, held him up until 
Curley, the local agent for the seaplane company, 
reached him, and then they both pulled the doc- 
tor out of the water. Mr. Vallis, who saw the 
incident, sent for one of Savery’s taxies to take 
the doctor home. GW. 

The subject for the next Sunday discussion on 
Penzance Point is “Modern Methods in Progres- 
sive Education”. The speaker is Mr. Malcolm 
Forbes, a psychologist from Rollins College, 

There will be a Lobster Supper at the Metho- 
dist Church on the evening of July 22, at six and 
seven o'clock. Tickets will be 30c for children 
and 60c for adults. Everyone is cordially invited 
to attend. 


The shrieks and cries of the boys of Woods 
Hole could be heard for miles Wednesday night. 
3ut fortunately they were expressions of elation 
rather than anguish. For the boys were having 
a marvelous time watching their dads punish the 
paters of the Falmouth boys in another thrilling 
baseball game by the score of 19-10. 

A great throng crowding around the diamond 
at Woods Hole Park, Wednesday, July 13th, 
split their sides and yelled themselves hoarse, as 
they watched “the old-timers” (pardon us) ca- 
vort about. The rivalry was particularly intense 
in this encounter, as Falmouth came over to 
avenge the crushing defeat given them two 
weeks ago by the Woods Hole fathers. But the 
stellar twirling of Roy Berg, the daring sliding 
of Ned Gifford, and the healthy wallops off the 
bats of McInnes, Clough, Goffin, Savery and 
others were just too much for the Falmouth 
“boys”. The game went the full nine innings, 
and Jim Mulligan went the entire route in center 
field for Falmouth. Even though Falmouth used 
three crack pitchers, Allenby, English and Wal- 
lace, they were unable to subdue the Woods Hole 

Those participating in the paternal sporting 
events were: (Woods Hole) Gifford, McInnes, 
Larkin, Berg, Eldredge (Stanley), Clough, Sav- 
ery, Goffin, Cahoon (Nelson), horas Clemente! 

Leahy, and Griffin, G. A. (Falmouth) Hastay, 
Panton, Lawrence (Sumner), Wallace, English, 

Hubbard, Davis, Mulligan, Rose, and Allenby. 
—A Baseball Fan. 

Management, P. F. Brine, Inc. 

equipped to care for any social 




Luncheon except Sunday is $1.25 — Sunday $1.50 
Dinner except Wednesday and Saturday 
Afternoon Tea, by reservation only from “15 


Music by 

Both Indoor and Outdoor Dance Floors 

DINNER FROM 7 to 9 P. M. 
DANCING FROM 8 to 12 P. M. 
$2.50 per person 

is $1.50 

Jury 16, 1932 ] 

(of Washington, D. C.) 

(Back of Western Union) 
Tel. Falmouth 1326 

Weeks’ Building, Falmouth 

Phone 907-M Free Delivery 
We Press While You Wait 
(Special Rates to Laboratory Members) 

Collections Daily 
Two Collections Daily in the Dormitories 

Telephone 777 

Clifford L. Hubbard, Prop. 

Telephone 383-R Falmouth, Massachuseetts 

Eastman Block Falmouth, Mass. 

Telephone 232 



Telepkone 78 



Automobile Top Repairing 



Shoe Repairing 


Tel. 240 A. C. EASTMAN 

Phone 109 Falmouth 

Clever Shoppers Visit the 


$5.00, $5.95, $6.95, $10.50 and $15.00 
Tel. 935 EDNA B. SMITH 


General Merchandise 



Old Silver Beach, West Falmouth 
Telephone 1400 



Falmouth Phone 116 



Superior Guernsey Milk and Cream 
Butter Selected Eggs Ice Cream 


Falmouth 278 Osterville 378 

Entire line of D. & M. Sporting Goods 


5 and 10c¢ department 

FALMOUTH Tel. 407 

Cleaning and Pressing 



Call Falmouth 430 

Ladies’ Suits 
Ladies’ Coats 
Plain Silk Dresses 

Men’s Suits 

Oregon Dye House 





Callanan & Archer Co., Inc. 

10-14 So. Second St. New Bedford, Mass. 

Civil Engineer and Surveyor 

Assoc. Member Am. Soc. C. E. 
S. B., Mass. Inst. of Tech., 1907 



[ VoL. VIL. No. 5+ 


Agency for 

Falmouth, opp. the Public Library Tel. 260 


Sales and Service 




Saddle Riding 
Horses Lessons 


Boston, Mass. 

Depot Ave, Falmouth Tel. Falmouth 537 

For News of the Town 


The Falmouth Enterprise 

at News Stands, Thursdays 

done promptly and capably 

Office by Falmouth R. R. Station. Tel. 47 

If You Want 
A Map of Woods Hole, Interesting Books, 
Back Numbers of THE NET 
OR Just Information 

Juty 16,1932] 

Century Biological Series 

Rosert HeGner, Pu.D., General Editor 
RatpH H, Wermore, Pu. D. 
Editor for Botany 

3y Ray EruHan Torrey, Pu.D., Assist- 
ant Professor of Botany, Massachusetts 
State College. Royal 8vo, 449 pages. Il- 
lustrated. $3.50. 
3y Ray Eruan Torrey. Forty-two 
drawings of botanical specimens referred 
to in the Instructor's Outline. 81% x 11, 
42 plates. $1.00. 
By Arruur Monrap Jomnson, Pu.D. A 
clear, thorough treatment of the technical 
characteristics by which flowering plants 
are classified. Royal 8vo, 864 pages. II- 
lustrated. $7.50. 
3y Ropney B. Harvey. The first book 
published in English which deals with the 
chemical physiology and mechanism of 
plants. Royal 8vo, 413 pages. Illustrated. 
By Rosert Hecner, Pu.D. This book 
presents much important data dealing 
with host-parasite relations of the intes- 
tinal protozoa of man. 8vo, 231 pages. 
Illustrated. $4.00. 
Ropert HeGner, Pr.D., Francis M. 
Root, Pu.D., and Donatp L. Aucus- 
TINE, Sc.D. The only up-to-date texthook 
on animal parasitology written in English. 
Royal 8vo, 731 pages. Illustrated. $6.50. 
By WiiiiAm H. Tariarerro, Pu.D. An 
exhaustive record of the work that has 
been done on the infections with parasites. 

Royal 8vo, 414 pages. $6.00. 






There is a marked difference in per- 
formance between the best and or- 
dinary magnifiers. The price of the 
best is within the reach of everyone. 

The following are particularly 
popular :— 


$6.50 each 

6x, 8x, 10x 


16x, 20x, 27x $11.00 each 

Prices f. 0. b. New York 

All of the above magnifiers 
have excellent definition to the 
edge of the field of view and 
the image is free from color 
defects. Descriptive literature, 
also listing other types of mag- 
nifiers, will be sent on request. 


485 Fifth Avenue, New York 

Pacific Coast Branch: 
728 South Hill Street, Los Angeles, Calif. 


Vou. VII. No. 54 


For Grinding, Mixing 
and Emulsification 

Made of monel metal, bronze or 
Allegheny Metal. 
For further details, write 

advising requirements. 


Est. 1851 — Ine. 1897 
Headquarters for Laboratory Apparatus and 
Chemical Reagents 
THIRD AVENUE, 18th to 19th STREET 



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g Living and Preserved Bio- 
logical Specimens of all 
Types for the Laboratory 
Museum or Research, es- 
pecially Southern or Louis- 
iana Forms. 

Specialists in Amoeba Cultures, Alligators, Ete. 
517 Decatur Street New Orleans, La. 

alee eRe Oe ae 

Jury 16, 1932] _ THE COLLECTING NET 111 

Vibrationless, Dust-Proof and Accurate 
The B. & L. Automatic Minot Rotary Microtome 

S eees wide popularity of this efficient instru- 

ment is due to its many outstanding features BER Se aa 
of construction and design. SAAS SSeS aes 
Its high degree of accuracy results from its a 

compact rigid construction with its complete free- 
dom from accuracy-destroying vibration. 
The working mechanism is enclosed for protec- 
tion from dust and foreign matter by the metal 
cover, yet is easily accessible when necessary. 
This microtome is widely used for rapid serial 
sectioning, cutting sections with accuracy down 
to one micron in thickness. Built to extreme 
standards of precision, it is equipped with an un- 
usually heavy knife block. The single-piece upper 
part moves in an arc, with the knife edge as the 
center of rotation, for setting to the proper 
cutting angle. Two substantial clamps hold this 
position and a graduated scale provides for re- 
cording it. The knife block is adjustable toward 
| and away from the object. The balance wheel is 
grooved to take a belt when the instrument is 
motor driven. 

While regularly furnished for paraffin section- See the Minot Microtome at our exhibit in the 
ing only this Microtome can be equipped for Old Lecture Hall starting July 19. 
cutting small celloidin specimens. 



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iil THE COLLECTING NET [ Vou. VII. No. 54 



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The new Spencer Type Microscope No. 3, equipped with the new low fine 
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Vol. VII No. 5 

SATURDAY, JULY 23, 1932 

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DR. Harvey AND D. Mars_anp 

a en and New York University. 
“Surface tension” has played an important part 
in the development of theories of amoeboid move- 
ment. However, definite measurements of the 
magnitude of the surface 
forces, whether surface ten- 
sion or elastic tension of am- 
oeboid cells, have been lacking. 
The present work is an at- 
tempt to supply this informa- 

Associate Professor of Physiology, 

three different properties : 
larly as indicated by movement and response; (2) 


SM. H. 3 

MONDAY JULY 25, 8:00 P. M. 
Lecture. Dr. Leif Stoermer, ‘Were 

Review of the Lecture by Dr. R. W. GERARD 
University of 
Living things are frequently distinguished by 
(1) behavior, particu- 

growth and reproduction ; and 
(3) metabolic activity. Under 
certain conditions in many or- 
ganisms each of these proper- 
ties can be greatly reduced, 

the Trilobites Related to Limu- | ¢Ven to complete disappear- 
tion. ; lus?” ance. ‘This is particularly true 
The classical methods of TUESDAY, JULY 26, 8:00 P. M. of the first two, but frequently 

measuring surface tension at Seminar. 

Dr. M. M. Brooks, 


liquid interfaces, for obvious 
reasons, can not be used 
to determine surface forces of 
living cells. Recently, how- 
ever, two widely different 
methods have appeared which 

seem to be giving results in 
good agreement each with 
the other. The egg com- 

pressor of K. C. Cole applies 
forces, controllable to a frac- 
tion of a microgram to the sur- 
face of the cell. The cell is 
compressed and the distorting 


force may be re- 
lated to the surface forces resisting distortion. 

tagonism of Methylene Blue for 
CN and CO.” 

Dr. S. C. Brooks ‘Partition Co- 

efficients and Diffusion of Solutes 
in Heterogeneous Systems.” 

Dr. A. P. Mathews “Nature of | 

the Action of Enzymes.” 

Dr. Laurence Irving and Mr. A. | 

L. Chute, “The Participation of 
Bone in the Neutralization of 
Ingested Acid.” 

FRIDAY, JULY 29, 8:00 P. M. 
Dr. C. C. Speidel, ‘‘The 
Growth and Repair of Living 

even chemical activity appears 
to be nearly suspended as in 
some hybernating plants and 
animals or completely inter- 
rupted as in typhoid bacilli 
which can be cooled to a de- 
gree above absolute zero and 
later revived. If then, vital 
activity can be suspended at 
times and restored on the re- 
turn of favorable conditions, 
the criterion of life which re- 
mains is the rate of metabolic 
activity, and one of the basic 

problems regarding life is the study of the fac- 
tors controlling this rate. 

This method, however, (Continued on Page 115) Whatever a living thing does, whether behav- 

The Tension at the Surface of Amoeba Dubia, Splitting the Eggs of Four Neapolitan Sea 
Dr. E. Harvey and Marsland ............ 113 Urchins, Ethel Browne Harvey ........ .118 

The Speed of Life, Review of the Seminar Report of Ethel Harvey, 
a lecture by Dr. R. W. Gerard .......... 113 Dre cRoberte Chambers: Ooi... sisters pivls eivnn werare 119 

The Beams Air Turbine For Biological The Origin of Concentration Potential Differ- 
Centrifuging, Dr. E. Newton Harvey....... 116 ences Across Frog Skin, 

The Relative Degrees of Differentiation of Dre (Marraret Sumiwalt 2. rej ci wievet alsa 119 
The Mature Erythrocytes of Vertebrates, Mhe) Beachy Question) ey faicteyeis:eleiersielsietslelareiete 122 
yA COMES, MOAWISOME als ete, fi eivis sisieta siw-elstove Lis SeDhes WiOOdS HOLS MIGO Siren, caters) alsitarshetsieys cel elelsiayiells 126 

114 THE 


NET [ Vor. VII. No. 55 

ing, growing, reproducing, or functioning chemi- 
cally, it requires energy. Since the bull of energy 
available in organisms is liberated by oxidative 
processes, these processes are most significant in 
the study of chemical activity in living things. 
Oxidation consists in an increase in the positive 
valence of a compound and is usually accom- 

plished either by the gain of oxygen or 
by the loss of hydrogen. Certain environ- 
mental conditions are necessary for oxidation 

to occur. For example, under ordinary conditions 
sugar and oxygen do not react, but in a strong- 
ly alkaline mixture, sugar is readily oxidized 
or burned, and in living cells it is oxidized 
continuously and easily. This oxidation within a 
cell is permitted by the presence of certain agents 
which act as catalysts in controlling the rate and 
direction of reactions. 

The rate of oxidation and hence the speed of 
life can be varied by altering any one of the fac- 
tors in the oxidative reaction. This reaction is: 
substrate+-oxygen-tcatalyst>end products. En- 
vironmental conditions such as temperature, mois- 
ture and hydrogen-ion concentration, of course, 
play a part, but if these are controlled the oxidative 
rate can be studied by varying one or more of the 
factors in the reaction. As a whole, these con- 
stitute the internal factors of respiration. The 
effect of variation in each of these factors within 
the cell may be considered briefly. 

The substrate consists of the material used by 
the cell as fuel for the oxidation and its utiliza- 
tion is conditioned mainly by its ability to enter a 
cell and by its available concentration. For ex- 
ample, when food is supplied to a tissue as in the 
addition of sugar to yeast or sarcina, the respira- 
tion of the cells increases markedly up to a cer- 
tain limit beyond which further increase in avail- 
able substrate has no additional effect on respira- 
tion. The effect of oxygen, also, is conditioned by 
the permeability of the cell to it and by its avail- 
able concentration. The relation is not neces- 
sarily linear and it has been shown, for example, 
that in fertilized Arbacia eggs, as the oxygen ten- 
sion rises, the respiration increases to a constant 
rate at a partial pressure of oxygen well below 
that in air and that further increase in oxygen 
does not increase the respiration of the cells. End 
products limit the rate of oxidation by their ac- 
cumulation. For example, when carbon dioxide 
or lactic acid are permitted to accumulate in a 
tissue, the rate of oxidation decreases as these 
substances increase. If, however, the end 
products are removed before accumulation, no ef- 
fect is observed. None of these three factors ul- 
timately limit the rate of oxidation because be- 
yond certain concentrations they are not critical. 
Hence the critical factor must be the respiratory 

Oxidative catalysts are better known by what 
they do than by what they are, and evidence con- 
cerning their action is derived primarily from the 
study of factors which impede or accelerate their 
action. Their activity can be depressed, though 
rarely to zero, by various inhibiting agents such 
as cyanide, carbon monoxide, and certain nar- 
cotics. After such harsh treatment as the ap- 
plication of acid, cytolysis, coagulation, freezing, 
or maceration, catalytic activity is decreased to 
approximately one-fourth to one-third its original 
value, but usually a significant and fairly constant 
amount of respiration persists. It is likely that 
this residual oxygen consumption is really a par- 
tial oxidation of unsaturated lipoids, which is 
catalysed by fairly stable haemin bodies. Tissues 
can be frozen and dried cold to a powder, and 
when moistened, they subsequently exhibit an oxy- 
gen consumption of as much as half the original 
value. The consumption is more in adrenal con- 
taining much unsaturated lipoid than in many 
other tissues, such as liver. 

The dye, methylene blue, can increase the ac- 
tivity of these catalysts or even in part supplant 
them. When, for example, methylene blue is 
added to respiring tissues, such as red blood cells, 
nerve, sarcina, or muscle, the rate of respiration 
increases, or when methylene blue is added to 
tissues in which the respiration has been de- 
pressed by cyanide, the respiration may be re- 

The effect of a loss of the oxidative catalysts 
when part of a cell is separated from the meta- 
bolic center is illustrated by the effect of a nerve 
cell-body on the nerve fiber. It is well known 
that when a nerve is cut, the part separated from 
the cell body degenerates, also that a muscle sup- 
plied by such a nerve changes after the nerve is 
cut. If a nerve, which is separated from its cell 
body, is stimulated regularly after transection, it 
degenerates more rapidly than an unstimulated 
nerve. Hence the normal effect in maintaining 
the nerve in a healthy condition should be due to 
the movement of some chemical along the nerve 
from the cell body rather than to continued ac- 
tivating impulses. It appears likely that the res- 
piratory enzyme, normally reaching the fiber 
from the cell body, is used up faster during the 
more rapid oxidation in the active nerve. 

The above factors constitute the more import- 
ant internal factors controlling respiration. When 
a tissue becomes active, changes in external con- 
ditions are involved, and new complications are 
introduced into the oxidative mechanism. For 
example, when bacteria are added to a culture of 
leucocytes, the respiration of the latter cells in- 
creases during phagocytosis, associated presum- 
ably with the increased activity. The specificity 
of some external factors is illustrated by two fur- 

Jury 23, 1932 ] 


NET 115 

ther examples. When thyroxin is added to any 
of a variety of tissues investigated, except the 
thyroid gland itself, the respiration is increased, 
but when added to thyroid tissue, the respiration 
is diminished. Similarly, secretin, which as nor- 
mally liberated in the duodenum stimulates pan- 
creatic secretion, markedly increases the rate of 
respiration of the pancreas but has no effect on 
other tissues. 

Still further external complications are intro- 
duced in the respiratory mechanism when the tis- 
sues are not isolated but are subjected to all the 
influences of the host organism. The organism, 
as a whole, maintains a state of equilibrium main- 
ly by two methods, by hormonal and by nervous 
control, and nervous influences may be further 
divided into electro-physical and chemical. A del- 
icate balance is maintained both in isolated tissues 
and in entire organisms between ions such as cal- 
cium and potassium, hydrogen and hydroxyl, be- 
tween respiratory catalysts and inhibitors, and be- 
tween control by different parts of the nervous 
system such as the sympathetic and parasympath- 

etic. The reason for this delicate balance may 
well be the accurate control of the respiratory 
rate in the single cell. : 
What is the source of the catalysts which, by 
their control of rates of reaction, lead to cell com- 
position and structure? In some manner there is 
formed at some time an autocatalytic molecule 
which produces more like molecules and also pro- 
duces new catalysts, which in turn control the 
formation of cell constituents, and thus the cell 
and finally the entire organism develop. From 
this viewpoint the gene may be considered the 
molecule of the basic autocatalyst, itself slowly 
altered as the basis of evolution. : 
The present picture of oxidative mechanisms 
and the resulting liberation of energy is, at best, 
confused and indefinite. “It may be, however, 
that we are nearer than we believe to a deeper in- 
sight into the significance of much that we know 
and that a well directed question or two may lead 
Nature to give crucial evidence on the mechanisms 

controlling the speed of life and so life itself.” 
—C. Ladd Prosser, 

(Continued from Page 113) 

is best adapted for measurements upon spherical 
cells such as the Arbacia egg. To measure the 
tension at the surface of Amoeba where the form 
is so irregular and changeable the Harvey-Loomis 
centrifuge-microscope was used. A cell while be- 
ing subjected to high centrifugal forces is kept 
under continuous observation. If such a cell con- 
tains oil (or other material whose density is less 
than the water around the cell) the buoyancy of 
the oil will exert a force tending to pull this ma- 
terial out of the cell in a centripetal direction. 
The cell becomes stretched, the exact figures of 
distortion can be photographed, and upon certain 
assumptions, a value, at least an order of mag- 
nitude, of the surface forces which are restrain- 
ing the oil, may be arrived at. 

Amoeba ordinarily contains no oil. Therefore, 
before each animal was transferred to the special 
centrifuge chamber, a droplet of oil (olive or 
paraffin, radius 15-35 micra) was micro-injected 
into the cytoplasm, For this purpose the Chambers 
apparatus was employed. Upon centrifuging the 
injected globule rises and pulls out a neck of pro- 
toplasm before being torn out of the Amoeba by 
the buoyant force. 

The following argument assumes purely surface 
tension forces acting at a liquid interface. How- 
ever, there is reason to believe that if it is a very 
thin elastic membrane that we are dealing with 
at the cell’s surface, the relationship would not be 
greatly altered. 

Consider a sphere of liquid A (comparable to 
the Amoeba) surrounding a smaller sphere of 
liquid O (oil), the two being non-miscible. The 
whole is immersed in a third liquid W (water). 
The densities (P) are such that Po<Pw<Pa. Un- 
der centrifugal force O rises and pulls out into a 
neck of A, being restrained by the surface film. 
When the stretching progresses until the diameter 
D of the neck equals the diameter of the droplet, 
the figure becomes unstable and the process oi 
pinching off commences. At this moment the 
force restraining the oil drop may be considered 
equal to the force tending to displace it i. e. it 
may be supposed that: 

12), DY Wioy Gil? (GE, 

where D=diam. of the neck (cm.), T=tension at 
the interface A/W, Vo=volume of the oil, dP= 
difference in density, W-O, and C=centrifugal 
force translated into dynes by the gravitation 
constant G. Note that two experimentally vari- 
able factors are on hand. The value for T may 
be arrived at by using small injected oil droplets, 
or large ones; and by employing different oils, 
the density differences may be altered. As has 
been said, if it is a thin, elastic membrane instead 
of a simple interface with which we are con- 
cerned, the relationship should be substantially 
the same, and an order of magnitude at least 
should be derived. 

30th Amoeba dubia and Amoeba proteus were 
used and olive as well as paraffin oil employed in 


NET [ Vor. VII. No. 55 

sach case. proteus proved very resistant to 
the centripetal displacement of the oil drops. Its 
surface layer is at least 30 times as strong as that 
of dubia. Indeed at the highest speeds available 
neither olive nor paraffin oil could be torn out of 
this species. This result is in line with the ob- 
servations of several previous workers using other 

For A. dubia, the values determined for T, if 
we discard the few observations where the oil was 
displaced from the cell very quickly, range about 
1-3 dynes per centimeter. Probably the lowest 
figure is a maximum since the time factor can 
not be neglected. At each step, as the speed of 
centrifuging was increased, about 4 minutes was 
allowed to determine whether enough force for 
complete displacement was being used. There is 
always the possibility that a particular globule 
might have been torn out at a certain speed if a 

longer time had been allowed for overcoming vis- 
cous resistance. These low values for A. dubia 
are quite in line with similar determinations pre- 
viously made by Harvey for Chaetopterus and 
Arbacia and with Cole’s Arbacia results. If the 
surface has elastic properties we, of course, meas- 
ure the region of the elastic limit and the tension 
for the unstretched condition must be somewhat 

During the course of the above determinations 
several important secondary observations were 
made as regards the process of stratification at 
high speeds and the movements of formed bodies 
in 4. dubia under centrifugal foree. A complete 
report of the work will appear in the August is- 
sue of the Journal of Comparative and Cellular 

(This article is based on a seminar report presented 
at the Marine Biological Laboratory on July 12.) 



Newton Harvey 

Professor of Physiology, Princeton University 

It is possible to adapt the microscope-centrifuge 
principles to the Beams! ultra-centrifuge, an air 
driven turbine by which forces approaching one 
million times gravity can be attained. This scheme 
is the simplest possible arrangement and_ has 
worked out remarkably well, in fact far beyond 
expectation. No lenses but only mirrors revolve. 
Two stellite mirrors are mounted on Beams’ rotor 
in such a position that the image of the object on 
a special slide is brought to the axis and reflected 
into a microscope mounted above and on the axis 
of the rotor. The illumination is a narrow im- 
age of the filament of a straight filament tungsten 
lamp thrown on the material to be observed paral- 
lel to a radius of rotation. A relatively large 
movement at the circumference becomes a very 
small movement when the image is brought to and 
observed on the axis of rotation. | While the 
whole field of view is not perfect, the center is 
good enough for all practical purposes. The mag- 
nification of this scheme is limited by the working 
distance of the objectives ; x5 to x7 objectives can 
be used giving with x20 oculars, 100 to 140 di- 
ameteres. The centrifugal force attainable by 
means of the Beams’ rotor is limited only by 
strength of materials, and for microscopic obser- 
vations by this method, is determined by the 
strength of the glass container of the living cells. 
This might be put at 200,000 times gravity. Such 
an arrangement should be particularly useful for 
determining molecular weights of substances by 
the method of sedimentation, for observing move- 
ment of materials in highly viscous cells and for 
observing the change in shape of living cells due 
to the stretching forces of light and heavier ma- 
terial. From such observations one is frequently 

able to gain an idea of the surface and other 
forces which counteract distortion.2 Rotors may 
be built that will hold four capillary tubes for 
cells and tissues. In order that a cell may not be 
completely crushed by forces thousands of times 
gravity, it is necessary to adopt the expedient of 
suspending the material in a medium of graded 
density, so that the cell comes to lie in a stratum 
of equal density, and is thereby perfectly 

2 Volts 



Jury 23, 1932 ] 



cushioned against crushing. Starfish and Cumingia 
eggs have been pulled in two with ease in this ap- 

(This article is based on a seminar report presented 
at the Marine Biological Laboratory on July 9.) 

1J. W. Beams, “Rev. Sci. Inst.,” 1, 667, 1930: 
“Science,” 74, 44, 1931. Dr. Beams and Mr. Weed, 
of the University of Virginia, have constructed one 
of the rotors with stellite mirrors which works per- 

2K. N. Harvey, “Biol. Bull.,” 60: 67, 1931; 61: 273 

Dr. ALpEN B. Dawson, 

Alssociate Professor of Zoology, Harvard University. 

During the differentiation of the vertebrate 
erythroblast a series of striking changes occurs. 
Some of these are readily demonstrated in fixed 
and differentially stained preparations, while oth- 
ers are adequately revealed only by the more del- 
icate methods of supra-vital staining. Most of 
these changes are common in a greater or lesser 
degree to the erythrocytes of all vertebrates but 
in the mammals an extreme degree of specializa- 
tion is encountered, where all cellular inclusions, 
including the nucleus, disappear. 

The changes in cell size, in nuclear-cytoplasmic 
ratio and in chromatin content and pattern of the 
nucleus, and the loss of cytoplasmic basophilia 
and increase in hemoglobin content can be fol- 
lowed in ordinary stained smears. However, 
when supra-vital dyes are employed many ad- 
ditional features of the differentiating erythro- 
cyte are brouglit out. Discrete, so-called vital 
granules are easily demonstrated by the common 
basic dyes (neutral red and brilliant cresyl blue) 
in all maturing red blood cells. These vital gran- 
ules are present in characteristic numbers and pat- 
terns for the different species. In addition sec- 
ondary, induced granules may also appear in such 
cells, the concentration of the dye, the age of the 
preparation, the brilliancy of the illumination and 
increase in temperature being effective as forma- 
tive factors, influencing the rate and manner of 
their formation. Moreover, with higher concen- 
trations of the dyes the red cells may also ex- 
hibit elaborate patterns of reticulation. These 
reticulation patterns are apparently derived, 
through a reaction with the vital dye, from the 
basophilic substance which occurs diffusely in the 
cytoplasm of the erythrocytes. Mitochondria, too, 
are brought out distinctly by the application of 
Janus green B. Besides these cytoplasmic com- 
ponents of the red cell, the nucleoli are strikingly 
demonstrated when brilliant cresyl blue is used 
in sufficiently high concentrations to stain the 
nuclei a uniform pale blue. The nucleoli then ap- 
pear as dark blue-purple bodies. 

Accordingly there are ten features of the ma- 
turing erythrocyte which attract the attention of 
the observer, but not all are of equal value in de- 
termining the relative degree of differentiation 

attained by the mature erythrocytes. In all cases 
the mature cells acquire a uniform size typical of 
the species. The  nuclear-cytoplasmic ratio 
changes, the nucleus becoming condensed and 
acquiring a characteristic chromatic pattern. The 
basophilia of the cytoplasm is eventually replaced 
by eosinophilia and the hemoglobin concentration 
rises to a maximum for the species. None of 
these features, however, can be used as complete 
criteria of the degree of differention attained. 
That is, in ordinary stained smears the mature 
nucleated erythrocytes of all vertebrates look 
essentially alike. The shape and size of the cell 
and of its nucleus and the concentration of hemo- 
globin are characteristic of the species and not 
directly dependent upon the relative degree of 

The progressive loss of basophilia is, however, 
a mark of approaching maturity and can be di- 
rectly correlated with the amount of reticulation 
present in the cell, but in various vertebrates after 
all basophilia has disappeared the amount of per- 
sistent reticulation demonstrable with brilliant 
cresyl blue is frequently considerable. In other 
words, in fixed and differentially stained smears 
the residual basophilic substance may be com- 
pletely masked by the eosinophilia of the hemo- 
globin and its persistence may be detected only 
when it is precipitated and aggregated by the 
action of the vital dye. 

In young red blood cells the mitochondria are 
usually granular, numerous, and __ scattered 
throughout the cytoplasm. In mature cells they 
tend to become filamentous and are always close- 
ly applied to the surface of the nucleus. 

It is practically impossible to make any general- 
izations regarding the vital granules, as their his- 
tory in the different species is a variable one. 
However there is a general tendency for the 
number of vital granules to be reduced as the 
cells approach maturity and in many cases they 
may disappear before maturity. The appearance 
of secondary or induced granules in erythrocytes 
following exposure to vital dyes has a very 
limited, if any, relation to the degree of differen- 
tiation attained. The amount of reaction obtained 


[ Vou. VII. No. 55 

is very variable and appears to depend on factors 
inherent in the erythrocytes of a given species. It 
is not specifically re lated to the degree of differ- 
entiation at maturity. The nucleoli, however 
behave in a more uniform manner and are pro- 
gressively reduced in size as the cells mature, 
eventually disappearing in many vertebrates. 

Of the many possible criteria of differentiation 
that have been discussed the degree of persistent 
reticulation has been found to be the most delicate 
and consistent, and on this basis the several 
classes of vertebrates are arranged in the follow- 
ing ascending order of relative differentiation 
attained by their erythrocytes at maturity: am- 
phibians, reptiles, fishes, birds and mammals. 

This arrangement is also supported by the be- 
havior of the nucleoli, which persist in the ery- 
throcytes of amphibians and reptiles but are 
usually not demonstrable in the mature cells of 
fishes and birds. In addition, it is concluded that 
the presence of a large number of primary vital 
granules or the rapid induction of new granules 
may in general be regarded as supplementary evi- 
dence of a lesser degree of differentiation and the 
vertebrates may be arranged in this slightly ex- 
tended order: urodeles, anurans, reptiles, elasmo- 
branchs, teleosts, birds and mammals. 

(This article is based on a seminar report pre- 
sented at the Marine Biological Laboratory on 
July 19). 

EruHeL Browne Harvey, 

Stazione Zoologica, Naples. 

There are several methods of dividing marine 
eggs into parts; (1) by violent shaking, (2) by 
cutting individual eggs, either free hand or with 
a micromanipulator and (3) by strong centrifugal 
force. Sea urchin eggs, if centrifuged rapidly in 
a medium in which they remain suspended, are 
broken into parts of definite size and content, and 
these can be obtained in large numbers. The 
eggs of Sphaerechinus granularis,- Parechinus 
(Echinus ) microtuberculatus, Paracentrotus 
(Strongylocentrotus) lividus and Arbacia pustu- 
losa, the commonly occurring sea urchins of 
Naples, have been studied. The eggs of these 
species (except Parechinus stratifv, as most other 
eggs, into (1) oil, (2) clear layer in which lies 
the nucleus, and (3) yolk granules. In Arbacia 
pustulosa there is in addition a layer of pigment 
granules at the heavy pole. In Parechinus the 
granular and clear layers are reversed in posi- 
tion and the nucleus lies among the granules. 
There is a granular “fifth layer” in all these eggs 
which stains purple with methyl green (mitochon- 
dria?). The reddish band in the Paracentrotus egg 
is not thrown down by the centrifugal force but 
is merely stretched. 

When these eggs are sufficiently centrifuged 
they become dumb-bell-shaped and then break into 
two parts. In general one fairly clear cell with 
nucleus and the other a quite granular cell with- 
out a nucleus. There is often left a thin, con- 
necting strand of tissue between the two half- 
eggs. These are fairly constant in size with any 
one speed of the centrifuge. It takes however, 
only three minutes to break Arbacia pustulosa at 
about 9000 R. P. M. (7 cm. radius) whereas it 
takes 30 minutes for Paracentrotus. In some 
cases, each half egg breaks again and we have 
four quarter eggs, all of quite definite size. Only 

one half egg and one quarter egg contain nuclei. 

The size of the half eggs though fairly con- 
stant for any one speed, varies with different 
speeds. In three species the granular enucleate 
sphere is larger with high speed and smaller 
with low speed. With low speed, the parts often 
become elongate before breaking and break leav- 
ing a tail. With high speed ‘the halves break 
apart as spheres. 

All the half and quarter eggs can be fertilized 
and form good fertilization membranes just like 
the normal eggs. This follows the contour of 
the surface even along the connecting strand be- 
tween the half eggs. There is a tendency for the 
dumb-bell shaped egg to slip back in the fertiliza- 
tion membrane soon after it is formed, becoming 
more nearly spherical. This must indicate a de- 
crease in viscosity just following the formation 
of the fertilization membrane before the increase 
in viscosity characteristic of fertilized eggs. 

In the nucleate half and quarter eggs, the 
stages leading to division are as in the normal 
egg except that no astral rays are visible in the 
living egg in areas free of granules. Regu- 
lar divisions into 2, 4, or 8 equal cells leaeds 
to a typical blastula. Often a gastrula is formed 
which develops a skeleton (often rudimentary) 
and pigment but it (in Sphaerechinus) remains 
almost spherical without developing the arms 
characteristic of a normal pluteus. 

In the enucleate half and quarter eggs, the 
sperm aster forms, then the sperm nucleus en- 

larges. The aster divides giving the characteristic 
“streak” stage, then the amphiaster forms and the 

egg divides, if spherical, into two equal cells; if 
aspherical, across the short axis unequally. By 
subsequent divisions typical blastulae are formed 

Jury 23, 1932 ] THE 


NET 119 

and then gastrulae, many of which (in Sphaere- 
chinus) acquire skeletons and pigment and often 
become typical dwarf plutei with arms. These 
merogonic or ephebogenetic larvae are more viable 
and more normal (in Sphaerechinus) than the 
larvae from the nucleate half eggs. 

Of special interest are the eggs which are brok- 
en into two parts with a connecting strand be- 
tween and subsequently fertilized. Either one or 
both parts may receive a sperm; and both parts 
may develop independently, or either part may 
develop without the other. The enucleate sphere 
probably does not develop unless it receives a 
sperm independently of the other sphere, although 
a fertilization membrane may be formed around 
both. In one batch of eggs of Paracentrotus, 
the eggs constricted into three parts of very defi- 
nite size instead of two, and each part received 

a sperm and developed. 

A few experiments were done in fertilizing the 
half and quarter eggs of one species with the 
sperm of another species. In general it was 
found that crosses that could not be made with 
normal whole eggs could not be made with half 
eggs either nucleate or enucleate nor with the 
stretched elongate whole eggs. Crosses that 
could be made with normal whole eggs could be 
made with the enucleate half as well as with the 
nucleate half and in about the same percentage as 
the normal egg. Very good cleavages occurred 
in the cross between Sphaerechinus (female) x 
Parocentrotus (male) with all types of half and 
quarter eggs. Some of the enucleate halves were 
raised to plutei with skeletons. 

(This article is based on a seminar report presented 
at the Marine Biological Laboratory on July 5.) 

Professor of Biology, Washington Square College, New York University 

That centrifugal force will divide echinoderm 
eggs into portions was noted long ago by Lyon. 
Apparently the conditions necessary for this force 
to cause a fluid, spherical egg to divide in two in- 
clude the presence of materials some of which are 
lighter and others, heavier than the main mass of 
the cell-contents. These two sorts of material 
collect at the centrifugal and centripetal poles res- 
pectively, and the resulting pull causes the de- 
formable egg to be drawn out into an ever-elong- 
ating cylinder which finally breaks into two or 
more portions in accordance with known physical 
laws of fluids. 

The method lends itself well to various develop- 
mental problems and we are glad that Dr. Ethel 
Harvey has undertaken to use it. 

Of interest is her finding that the pigment zone 
in Paracentrotus is not displaced on centrifuging. 
The pigment in this region appears to be peri- 
pheral and its non-displacement argues for a rela- 
tively high viscosity of the cortex. The fact that 
this region can be stretched or otherwise dis- 
torted suggests interesting possibilities of attempts 
to modify the relation of this region in cell lin- 


Dr. Marcaret Sumwatt, Dr. W. R. Amperson, and Eva Mrciartts 

Consecutively: Assistant Instructor of Physiology, University of Pennsylvania Medical School; 
Professor of Physiology, University of Tennessee and Research Assistant in 
Physiology, Columbia University 

When frog skin separates two different concen- 
trations of a KC1 solution, a potential difference 
is measurable across it, which we may name, 
from its origin, a membrane concentration poten- 
tial. If both solutions are approximately neutral, 
the more dilute solution is positive relative to the 
more concentrated. This direction of polarity, ac- 
cording to certain generally accepted rules of in- 
terpretation, signifies that positive ions traverse 
the skin more readily than negative ions. 

When no membrane separates these two dif- 
ferent concentrations of a KC1 solution, the po- 
tential difference which arises across the liquid 
boundary is negligibly small, since IK and Cl ions 

in free diffusion migrate at very nearly equal 
rates. The membrane concentration potential is 
greater than this free diffusion concentration po- 
tential probably because the membrane hinders 
the diffusion of anions more than that of cations. 
Amberson and Klein have shown that this hin- 
drance offered specifically to the penetration of 
anions in the case of frog skin is probably due to 
a preponderance of negative charges on the walls 
of its pores. When sufficiently acid solutions are 
applied to the skin to change from negative to 
positive the charge borne on its pores (as shown 
by electroendosmosis), it then becomes more per- 
meable for anions than for cations. Therefore, 


[ Vor. VII. No. 55 

in a measurement of membrane concentration po- 
tential in acid solutions, the sign of the dilute 
solution is negative. 

We have undertaken to determine a quantita- 
tive relationship between free diffusion potentials 
and membrane concentration potentials across 
frog skin. We ventured to predict that at some 
particular hydrogen ion concentration where the 
charges on the pores of the membrane are at a 
minimum, the membrane influence on ionic dif- 
fusion might be so far withdrawn that the con- 
centration potentials measured would be identical 
with free diffusion potentials. At this pH value, 
then, concentration potentials across the frog skin 
with K, Na, Li, and Ca salts of a common anion 
should be at least in the same order as free dif- 
fusion potentials, and possibly of like magnitude. 
The anion chosen for these experiments was 

Measurements of free diffusion potential were 
made across a flowing liquid junction between 
acetate buffer solutions which were always 0.1 and 
0.01 M with respect to salt, though adjusted to 
various pH values by variations in their acid 
content. Free diffusion potentials were constant 
within 1.0 my., throughout the pH range of 4.4 
to 5.8; and are therefore plotted as simple straight 
lines at the right of the figure. The values ob- 
tained at pH 5.4 were as follows: K, 17.0+-; Na, 
7.0+; Li, 1.0—; Ca, 80—. The units are milli- 
volts, and the sign is that of the dilute solution. 

Measurements of membrane concentration po- 
tential were made with solutions which, with re- 
spect to electrolyte content, were the same as 
those used in the study of free diffusion, but all 
were made up to be approximately isotonic with 
frog saline by the addition of dextrose. In order 
to obtain concentration effects of any magnitude 
it is necessary to apply the more dilute solution to 
the outside of the skin, and to apply it afresh 
just before each measurement of electromotive 
force. From the potentials obtained between 
dilute and concentrated solutions must be sub- 
racted the very much smaller potential obtained 
when solutions of equal concentration are applied 
to both sides of the skin. The difference is the 
potential due to concentration effect, i. e. the 
membrane concentration potential. 

The four curves in the left hand part of the 
figure show the membrane concentration poten- 
tials obtained. In K acetate, throughout the pH 
range studied, the dilute solution is positive to 
the concentrated, though the magnitude of the 
potential difference diminishes with increasing 
acidity. (The experiments of Amberson and 
Klein show reversal in this pH range with the 
chloride of K.) In Ca acetate on the other hand, 
the dilute solution is always negative, and in- 
creasingly so with acidity. The curves for Na 

and Li lie between the extremes of K and Ca and 
closely parallel to them. That for Na crosses the 
line of zero potential at about pH 5.0, for Li at 
about pH 5.5. 

If we assume that the sole influence of the 
membrane on ionic diffusion has been by reason 
of charges on its surfaces and that there is one 
pH value where those charges are at a minimum, 
we may infer that pH value from the figure, as 
the point where the concentration potential with 
Li acetate equals its free diffusion potential. An 
ordinate erected at this point intersects the curves 
for concentration potential with the other three 
salts within hardly more than one millivolt of the 
respective free diffusion potentials of those salts. 



Sacros> Frog Skin Free Diffusion 

pH a4 48 32 36 co) 


It may be concluded, therefore, that at a certain 
pH value, between 5.4 and 5.5 the influence of the 
membrane on ionic diffusion seems to be absent, 
presumably because the charges on its pore sur- 
faces are at a minimum. At that pH the relative 
rates of ionic migration are the same as in free 
diffusion, and membrane concentration potentials 
are therefore practically identical with free dif- 
fusion potentials. At other pH values, the mem- 
brane exerts an influence which favors cations in 
relatively alkaline solutions, anions in more acid 

(This article is based on a seminar report presented 
at the Marine Biological Laboratory on July 12.) 

On Sunday afternoon a large group of people 
came out to Penzance Point to hear Mr. Malcolm 
Forbes of Rollins College, Florida, speak about 

juny 23571932) 


NET 121 

“Modern Methods of College Education” 
ticed there during the last five years. 

Dr. Warbasse, in introducing Mr. Forbes, gave 
very briefly his ideas about education. Mr. 
Forbes then explained the two-hour conference 
system at Rollins. The classes last for two hours 
and meet every day. Only a limited number are 
in each class. (not over 25). In this way the 
instructor comes to really know his students, and 
they him. The class sits around a table and every 
one takes part in the discussion. The mind is thus 
stimulated to think in a more original and in a 
freer manner than is permitted in the case of the 
lecture system. During the period, while the other 
students are engaged in writing or reading, the 
instructor often takes an individual student into 
his office for a conference about his work or any 
other matter which may seem important at the 
time. Their marking system is not based upon 
grading papers, but rather widely indicated by 
checking up on a student’s maturity, cooperation, 
initiative, mental awareness, industry and other 
characteristics which seem important to his super 
iors, There are no final written examinations. 
The student comes up before a committee and is 
orally examined in a rather informal manner. If 
he claims proficiency in a given subject or sub- 
jects, he may be asked any questions whatever on 
these subjects, and according to his replies, and 
his general background and intelligence, the com- 
mittee decides whether or not he is ready to 
move on. 

Mr. Forbes also discussed the advantages of 
this system over the old lecture methods, and in 
this connection, many questions and answers of a 
very stimulating nature were exchanged. The 
point of hewing the students mark their fellow- 
students came up, and several of the students 
present gave their views as to why this is so re- 
luctantly done. The whole question of the rela- 
tionship between the student and the instructor 
was considered, and was aptly expressed by Dr. 
Stockard, and in a slightly different way by Mrs 
Lillie, as a cooperative relationship which attempts 
to give and take to mutual advantage. 

The discussion was so very interesting that it 
could easily have lasted an hour longer, and one 
could not help feeling that a great many new and 
inspiring ideas had been exchanged. But one 
could not help feeling also that the ideas pre- 
sented so well by Mr. Forbes, which are practiced 
so intensively in his college, are in a great many 
instances being carried out to a limited extent in 
many of the leading men’s and women’s colleges 
in the East and West right now. It was a subject 
well worth discussing, and one which might easily 
be repeated at future meetings from other view- 
points and experiences. —V.W. 

as prac- 

Annual Survey of American Chemistry. Vol. V1, 

1931. Edited by CLARENCE J. West. 35 + 573 

pp. Chemical Catalog Company, Ine. May, 


This survey reviews a variety of subjects which 
have engaged the attention of American chemists 
during the past year. Altogether thirty-seven 
chapters have been contributed by specialists on 
subjects ranging from the extremely theoretical 
aspects of physical chemistry to the more practi- 
cal aspects of industrial chemistry. The usual ar- 
rangement of each chapter i is a general review of 
outstanding events in the field, followed by theo- 
retical and practical considerations. — Bibli- 
ographies are given, but in many cases are some- 
what too specific and limited by the particular 
interests of the reviewer. Judging from the am- 
ount of material presented under the headings of 
colloid, fermentation, vitamin, foods, etc., the 
trend seems broadly in the direction of biochem- 
istry and all its ramifications. |The greatest ad- 
vances have been made in analytical chemistry, 
where, besides the increased emphasis on the use 
of organic complexes, the application of physical 
methods such as the X-ray, have done much in 
the solution of problems of chemical structure. 
Much of the industrial research gives the impres- 
sion that the solution of practical problems has 
far outstripped the theoretical. The survey is 
not critical and does not attempt to correlate any 
of the facts—Dr. Edwin P. Lang. 


The Club-house Concerts on Wednesday eve- 
nings are continuing to meet with the popular 
approval of those attending. There is still room 
for more, however, and it is hoped that this weelx 
will see a full house. The program is to be a 
particularly interesting one, for Mr. Greenough 
has chosen from his collection of records those 
representing modern composers with a fine ex- 
ample from the works of each. 

As a contrast for the more or less classical 
program which has preceeded this week's program, 
the latter should prove greatly attractive since it 
gives a picture of the modern trend in music. 
Mr. Greenough is to be thanked for making these 
choices possible, and the best way to show this 
appreciation is in the reception we accord the 

8:15 P.M. 


Wednesday, July 20, at 

Ranel. . .Daphinus et Clohe Suite 
Gershwin....................An American in Paris 
Rachmaninoff. . . Pe ro hony No. 2 in E minor 


[ Vor. VII. No. 55 

The Collecting Net 

A weekly publication devoted to the scientific work 
at Woods Hole. 


Wyte WAL COLL ore rays ieiviie ieteastalalolelsi=/el'srolelsis (clsiemiate Editor 
Assistant Editors 

Annaleida S. Cattell 

Vera Warbasse 

Florence L. Spooner 

Contributing Editor to Woods Hole Log 
T. C. Wyman 

The Beach Questisn 

At its general meeting on July 11 the Committee 
on Recreation Facilities spent part of its time in 
considering the wisdom of recommending town 
ownership of a part of the Bay Shore bathing 

The first suggestion was that the town pur- 
chase the beach rights in front of the Lots on 
the Northeast side of the fence. One of the lot- 
holders expressed his opinion concerning this 
point. He considered this step unwise and un- 
necessary, and said he felt that if the town needed 
a beach that it should purchase the rights for 
one on “Lot X” and on the neighboring one 
owned by Dr. Strong. This lot is the one with 
the bathhouses on it and is about the size of 
three ordinary lots. In 1928 Miss Sarah B. Fay 
reserved “in trust in perpetuity” the beach in 
front of the building “to extreme low water mark” 
for the use of “such inhabitants of that part of 
said Falmouth known as Woods Hole as make it 
their home. The people of Woods Hole have 
free use of the beach on Lot X through the 
generosity of Miss Fay. We hope that Falmouth 
will not make the grave mistake of spending its 
money for something that has been deeded to 
them. It is true that the deed of conveyance has 
been construed in such a way that the selectmen 
decided they could not (or did not want to!) ap- 
propriate money for its improvement. If there 
is real difficulty in this matter we believe that it 
might be overcome. Woods Hole will be better 
off if it assumes control of the beach North- 
east of Lot X. Dr. Strong has generously left 
the lot bordering it free from restrictions. So 
for the present it is in the category of Lot X. 

Possibly the consideration of a more or less 
hypothetical situation would make this point clear. 
Assume that the beach rights of an ordinary lot 

anywhere along the Bay Shore can be purchased 
for $1,000. Furthermore suppose that the town 
can appropriate $4,000 to purchase beach rights. 
There are three possible ways in which this money 
might be spent: 

(1) By purchasing the beach rights of “Lot 
X” and of Dr. Strong’s lot. 

(2) By purchasing the beach rights of the 
four lots northeast of Dr. Strong’s lot 
which belong to Dr. Brooks, Dr. Glaser, 
Dr. Addison and Dr. Harvey. 

(3) By purchasing the beach rights of the 
lots belonging to Dr. Brooks, Dr. Glaser 
and Dr. Addison and devoting the re- 
maining sum of $1,000 towards improv- 
ing the beach in front of these lots. 

We believe that the committee will not be short- 
sighted enough to recommend the first plan. 

Neither the committee as a whole—nor any in- 
dividual member of it—is responsible for, or has 
control over, any unsigned articles that have been 
printed (or that may be printed) in THE CoL- 
LECTING Net. We do not know what action the 
sub-committee which was appointed almost two 
weeks ago has taken at their two meetings; but 
we do know that members of the laboratory and 
townspeople alike are awaiting their report with 
considerable interest. In our opinion it should 
not be delayed longer; if further investigation is 
required a preliminary report should be made im- 
mediately to the larger committee which appointed 

It is not impossible that members of the gen- 
eral committee might now have new suggestions 
to offer. The sub-committee could then take these 
into consideration in making its final report. 

At the following hours (Daylight Saving 
Time) the current in the hole turns to run 
from Buzzards Bay to Vineyard Sound: 

Date A.M. P.M. 
July 9:03 Oe) 
July 9:50 10:21 
July 25.. 10:39 11:14 
uly26s2 cre ELS —- 
Yulee Zens ee - 12:08" 2220 
July 28.. ee le: 02) 1:10 
iitiliye20 entre 1:53 1:59 
[eee 224 2:48 
Slit lsyas leer eee S227. SEoo 

In each case the current changes approxi- 
mately six hours later and runs from the 
Sound to the Bay. It must be remembered 
that the schedule printed above is dependent 
upon the wind. 

Jury 23, 1932 ] 



Dr. Graham Lusk, professor of physiology at 
the Cornell University Medical School for more 
than twenty-years, died on July 19 at the age of 
sixty-six years. Dr. Lusk was distinguished for 
his work in the field of nutrition, and was a mem- 
ber of the National Academy of Sciences. 

Dr. W. F. Hamilton has been appointed to the 
department of Physiology at George Washington 
university, where he will continue his studies on 
blood flow. Dr. Hamilton has been professor of 
physiology at George Washington coe and 
he first began his work there in 1923. He was 
first trained in zoology at the University of Cal- 
ifornia, and before working at Louisville he was 
instructor in zoology at the University of Texas 
and of physiology at Yale University. 

Dr. L. V. Heilbrunn broke his leg last ie 
day night after a supper on a poe on one of 
the Weepecket Islands. He was wrestling in the 
sand with one of his students when the accident 
occurred. According to the Falmouth Enterprise 
he “was said to have been demonstrating the Jap- 
anese science of jiu jitsu”. The task of trans- 
ferring him from the island to the motor boat 
was a difficult one, but the return trip to Woods 
Hole was made quickly. An ambulance was 
called and Dr. Heillbrunn was taken to the Hos- 
pital in Hyannis. The broken leg was success- 
fully set, and his visitors find him submerged in 
a mass of scientific papers for he is using his en- 
forced “leisure” to catch up with some of his 
own writing. It is understood that Dr. Heil- 
brunn will return to his home on Gardiner Road 
sometime this week-end. 

Dr, E. U. Condon, associate professor of phys- 
ics at Princeton University, visited Woods Hole 
on Sunday and Monday. He motored down 
with his wife and daughter from Cambridge where 
he is giving a course of lectures at the Massa- 
chusetts Institute of Technology. 

Dr. E. Newton Harvey sailed for Europe on 
July 21 on the Paris. He has a leave of absence 
from Princeton University and will attend the 
Physiology Congress at Rome. Dr. Harvey will 
stay at the Naples Laboratory until Thanksgiving. 

Mr. C. B. Crampton who was research assist- 
ant at Wesleyan University has been appointed 
instructor in biology at this institution. 

On Tuesday a group of summer school students 
from the Hyannis State Teachers College, about 
forty in number, visited the Marine Biological 
Laboratory at Woods Hole. They inspected all 
of the buildings connected with the three institu- 
tions and took a short trip on the Neries. 

(Received Juiy 16) 

On Thursday of this week Director T. Wayland 
Vaughan went to Claremont at the special invita- 
tion of President James A. Blaisdell of Claremont 
College to serve as one of a small group of ad- 
visers to President Blaisdell with reference to de- 
velopment of a research program in his institution. 

On Tuesday of this week Director and Mrs. T. 
Wayland Vaughan entertained a group of U. S. 
Navy officers at luncheon at their home. The 
guests included Rear-Admiral Thomas J. Senn; 
Captain Mayo, Commanding Officer of the U. S. 
S. Ramapo. The Ramapo is the naval vessel which 
has been conducting extensive investigations in 
the North Pacific in recent years. 

At the end of last week Dr. E. G. Moberg re- 
turned from attendance at the meetings of the 
Pacific Division of the American Association for 
the Advancement of Science and of the Western 
Society of Naturalists at Pullman, Washington, 
and from following visits to marine stations at 
Nanaimo, B. C., Friday Harbor, Washington, and 
Seattle, Washington. In the course of these 
visits a conference was held at Friday Harbor be- 
tween representatives of the different institutions 
engaged in chemical researches on sea water and 
in line with an earlier suggestion from the com- 
mittees on Oceanography of the United States and 
Canada. This conference discussed plans for co- 
ordination of the chemical work of Pacific Coast 
Stations from San Diego northward. 

Mr. P. S. Barnhart, Curator of the Museum at 
the Scripps Institution, reported to Director T. 
Wayland Vaughan at the first of this week that 
Captain Victor Angulo had recently made a ver- 
bal offer to him to collect temperature records, 
water samples and plankton samples at bi-weekly 
intervals at certain stations along the route tra- 
versed by his freight boat between San Diego 
and Mazatian, Mexico, 

At the end of last week Dr. Hellmut Miller, a 
chemist in the laboratories of the Hooper Founda- 
tion in San Francisco, visited the Institution. 

Perhaps it has been noticed that the M. B. L. 
Club is receiving a new coat of paint. Just at 
present it is a beautiful white, but it is going to 
have two coats, and it has not yet been decided 
whether or not the building will remain white or 
assume another color. Mr. Walter Johnson is 
in charge of the work, and predicts that, with 
good weather, the job will be completed in about 
twelve days. —F.L.S. 



[ Vor. VII. No. 55 

The Newest Development 
in Hydrogen Ion Concen- 
tration Measurements 

A Glass Electrode pH Apparatus 
A high degree of accuracy. 

No ‘“poisonings’’ or other 

limitations as to 

Quartz insulation throughout. 
Adequate metallic shielding prevents 


Potentials measured with a Lindemann quad- 
rant electrometer. 

Method of substitution prevents possible termin- 
al errors. 

Small amounts of solutions may be measured— 
as small as 0.001 m.l.—just enough to fill a 

Applied For 

No. 5277 


General Offices: 1515 Sedgwick St., Chicago, III., U.S.A. 


New York City; Nashville, Tenn.; 
Austin, Tex. 

Kansas City, Mo.; 

Pacific Coast Representatives: 
Braun-Kneécht-Heimann Co., Ltd., San Francisco, Calif. 
Braun Corporation, Ltd., Los Angeles, Calif. 

Volumes and Back Copies For Sale 
EST. 1887 

B. LOGIN & SON, Inc. 


very fine capillary tube. 

Complete with electrometer, microscope, alu- 
minum shielding box with switches, rheo- 
stats, double scale millivoltmeter, and com- 
plete glass electrode assembly including cal- 
omel half cells. 

This new development will make possible a higher 
order of accuracy and a new and powerful tool for 
those requiring measurements of hydrogen ion concen- 
tration. Such a set has never before been available 
and has only been used in advanced research problems. 

Send for Complete Description of this New 

Scuthern Biological Supply Co., Inc. 
Living and Preserved Bio- 
logical Specimens of all 
Types for the Laboratory 
Museum or Research, es- 
pecially Southern or Louis- 
iana Forms. 

Specialists i in Amoeba Cultures, Alligators, Ete. 
517 Decatur Street New Orleans, La. 

Management, P. F. Brine, Inc. 

equipped to care for any social 


Luncheon except Sunday 
Dinner except Wednesday and Saturday 
Afternoon Tea, by reservation only from 




Music by 

Both Indoor and Outdoor Dance Floors 

DINNER FROM 7 to 9 P. M. 
DANCING FROM 8 to 12 P. M. 
2.50 per person 
is $1.25 — Sunday $1.50 

is $1.50 

Jury 23, 1932 ] 



Small But Most Efficient 

The “Clinical” Model is more than a small 

Built with a protective bowl, the International 
Clinical Model offers all the protection of the 
larger machines. The motor is universal for 
alternating and direct currents and holds con- 
sistently to a speed of 2400 R. P. M. with a 
four tube head. When you have investigated 
the “Clinical” you will be surprised at the 
low cost. 

Clinical Centrifuge 

Designed particularly to serve as auxiliary 
equipment in the busy laboratory where two 
or more centrifuges can be operated at great 
saving of time. 

The CLINICAL Model is reasonable in price 
and unexcelled in workmanship. 

There is an International for any job. 

352 Western Avenue 
Boston, Mass. 

Makers of Fine Centrifuges 



With readily interchangeable binocular and 
monocular tubes 

Stand DSA with simplified Mechanical 
Stage and Quadruple Nosepiece; Con- 
denser na. 1.2 with Iris Diaphragm 
Achromatic Objectives: 3, 8 n.a. 0.20, 
40 n.a. 0.65, 90 n.a. 1.25 (Oil Immersion). 
Paired Huygens Oculars: 10x and 15x. 
Magnifications: 30x to 1350x. 

Price, $225 f. 0. b. N. Y. 

Same stand as DSA-1, but with apla- 
natic condenser n.a. 1.4 and Apochro- 
matic Objectives: 10 n.a. 0.30, 20 n.a. 
0.65, 40 n.a. 0.95 and 90 n.a. 1.3 (Oil 
Immersion), Paired Compensating Oc- 
ulars: 7x, 10x and 15x. Magnifications: 
70x to 1350x. 

Price $400.50 f. 0. b. N. Y. 

A satchel type of carrying case can be 
supplied instead of the standard cabinet, 
at an additional cost of $4.00 


485 Fifth Avenue, New York 

Pacific Coast Branch: 
728 South Hill Street, Los Angeles, Calif. 



[ Vou. VII. No. 55 


Henry Kidder, in the last Woods Hole Yacht 
Club race, had a harrowing experience. As he 
was nearing the finish line at Nobska he fell over- 
board while taking in the spanker. His heavy 
sweater managed to absorb a great deal of water 
and weighed him down. Consequently, 1t was ex- 
tremely difficult for him to swim. His two 
younger sisters who were left in the boat coukl 
not maneouver it very well, taking quite a while 
to return to their disabled brother. When he was 
finally rescued, he said that he hoped he would 
never come any nearer to drowning !—I’, IV’. 

Dr. Bridges has had a great number of sailing 
experiences in his black sloop during the last few 
summers. Sunday afternoon he was out with a 
rather large party and tried to sail in the Gut of 
Cauco, and ran aground just off Warbasse’s dock. 
Five years ago a knockabout of that size could 
easily maneouver around in the gut, but now the 
bottom has shifted and the whole gut is a foot 
or two more shallow. With the help of an ob- 
server who had a rowboat handy, Dr. Bridges 
managed to get his boat safely into deeper water. 
We hope that Captain Bridges will have better 
luck the next time he goes out sailing! —I’. IV. 

Virginia Elmendorf and the Copeland boys 
have rented a “QO” boat this summer from the 
Garfield’s. They intend to race it at the Quisset 
Races. Last summer they united in renting a 
baby knockabout which they raced in the Woods 
Hole Yacht Club races. Mrs. Elmendorf has 
come with her two children from South America, 
where her husband is doing scientific research. 

Mr. George A. Griffin, the civil engineer and 
surveyor, took his degree in 1907 at the Massa- 
chusetts Institute of Technology, and not at Har- 
vard as stated in one of the accounts printed in 
our last number. 

Miss Charlotte Woodruff has two classmates 
from Smith College visiting her. —V.W. 

Mr. Edward Norman has rented his boat, and 
bought an S boat which he will race in the 
Quissett Races. 

A surprise party was tendered a young motor- 
ist as he drove his car off the S. S. “New Bed- 
ford” when it docked at Woods Hole at 9:45 A. 
M. Sunday morning. A state patrolman and a 
local officer stepped aboard his car and drove off 
with him. The reason for the reception is not 
known, but apparently the young man did not 
exactly welcome the attention that was bestowed 
upon him.—T. C. W. 

(Other pages of the Woods Hole Log 

Among the unusual pets which are kept in 
Woods Hole, are four monkeys belonging to Cap- 
tain Ferris of the Fire Department. Placed in 
cages right on the main street, they have attracted 
wide attention from interested spectators. The 
first one that Captain Ferris got belongs to a 
most peculiar species. This monkey is of a yel- 
lowish hue, and has a long tail which is complete- 
ly useless to him. Unlike most monkeys, this 
one cannot swing or hang by his tail at all, but 
he still manages to be as agile as his better- 
equipped associates. He came originally from 
the Azores, and his name is “Chico.”—F. L. S. 

Tuesday evening there was a party at “Glad- 
heim,” to celebrate the reunion of the Warbasse 
family. The eight members have been separated 
for almost ten years and had hoped to be to- 
gether for at least one day before the oldest 
brother, Henry, would have to leave to attend to 
his Dude Ranch. However, Agnes was unable to 
attend the reunion for she left for New Bedford 
where on Tuesday her husky son, Peter Harvey 
3urger, was born. 

One of the strangest boats that has been seen 
in Woods Hole harbor for some time arrived 
last week. It looked a bit like a Chinese Junk 
The boat is about twenty feet overall and seven 
feet wide. The only means of locomotion are 
its sails which are of heavy, black-green canvas, 
and which match in color the tin hulk of the boat. 
Oddly enough the two men on board exactly 
match the color of their boat; their skins, 
sunburned to a blackish hue, are not the usually 
reddish-brown of Cape Cod fishermen. The men 
evidently had not visited a barber shop for some 
time, because their matted, straw-like hair was 
below their ears. Even the cat on board had 
taken on the predominating black-green color. 
These men are evidently in no great hurry to get 
anywhere, for their boat is built for comfort and 
sea-worthiness. It took them one whole day to 
get from Quissett to Woods Hole. The cabin 
has no port holes at all, merely a large black stove- 
pipe sticking out. They live on the boat all the 
year round, and have just come up from New 
York, and judging from the speed they seem to 
make, it must have taken them about six months. 
They seem to be foreigners, but their exact 
nationality is as yet unknown. Their boat rest- 
ed a while near the Coast Guard Station, wait- 
ing for a favorable wind to bear it away to other 
ports.—F. L. S. 

will be found on pages 128 and 130) 

Pt eats Beet. 

ye «=. 

Jury 23, 1932 } THE COLLECTING NET 127 

9th ANNUAL SALE--July 18 to 30 


and Pillow Cases 

Once a year, and only once, the Star Store offers these 
Wamsutta Sheets and P illow Cases at prices that make this 
“event one of the country’s outstanding sales. 


Daily Delivery to 
cide dele STAR STORE 

Telephone Clifford 750 

New Bedford THERE'S A 
Five Sots ees Store-Wide Sale 
he AT THE 


Friendly Store 

Deposits over Assets over IN NEW BEDFORD 
$21,800,000 $24,000,000 AND IT BEHOOVES 
cs Come to New Bedford 


154 Consecutive Semi-Annual 

Dividends Paid in THE C. F. WING CO. 

790-794 PURCHASE ST. 
New Bedford, Mass, 

77. ‘years. 


[ Vor. VII. No. 55 



Few people in Woods Hole realize, I think, 
what a very interesting aspect of the fishing in- 
dustry is represented, on a small scale, by the 
Fish Market owned and run by Mr. Sam Cahoon. 

Mr. Cahoon has been in the business in Woods 
Hole for twenty years now, and continues as en- 
thusiastic as he was when he first started building 
it up. One can see that he enjoys it all, and that 
his own interest, as much as anything else, has 
contributed to its continued success. The present 
scope of his business gives a fair indication of the 
importance of this relatively small market in the 
fishing industry of New England in general, for 
by far the greatest part of his business is trans- 
acted with New York, Philadelphia, New Bed- 
ford, Fall River, Brockton, Boston and Provi- 
dence. The local business in and around Woods 
Hole is almost negligible—only 1-16 of the fish 
taken in going to people there—but apparently 
this fact has never hampered the Market’s prog- 
ress in any way. 

At present, the working force at the market 
comprises three men in the Market itself, seven 
men on one boat and three on another. The boats 
used are motor boats, and have been found to be 
consistently satisfactory for the kind of fishing 
that is done. The boats go out winter and sum- 
mer, but in the winter only the larger boats are 
used. The length of the fishing period varies a 
great deal, the boats sometimes staying out as 
long as two weeks, while the smaller ones may 
return every day to deliver their fish. 

Certain seasons bring in their own particular 
variety of fish. The most usual catches during 
the summer months of July, August and Septem- 
ber, are of sword-fish; but there are also a great 
number of flounders, flukes, and some mackerals. 
The flounder runs right through the winter sea- 
son, but the others do not. However the demand 
for lobsters is far greater than that for all the 
other fish combined, and is more valuable from 
a business standpoint. Aside from this, Mr. Ca- 
hoon does a very good business in the summer 
season with scallops of which he sells two entirely 
different kinds. One kind is known as the bay 
scallop, which comes in during the months of 
September, October and May. These scallops, 
under a government regulation, must not be caught 
at any time except during the months specified. 
They are found in “shoal” waters. The summer, 
or “sea”’ scallops are caught only in deep sea 
water, and their acquisition is not at all regulated 
by the government, since they are for the most 
part caught outside the twelve-mile limit. 

There are, in the nearby waters, eleven traps 
set out for fish. Five of them are at Gayhead, 
five in Buzzards Bay and one in Lambert’s Cove. 
Most of them are emptied daily, except on Sun- 
day. The traps at Gayhead are left alone until 

they are quite full and then emptied. The whole. 

process of fishing is quite irregularly done, for on 
some days 110 boats come in at all, and on other 
days as many as fifty boats unload. But in any 
case, the fish market is never at a standstill, as one 
can readily see by the bustle of activity which 
centers about the place at all hours of the day. I 
am sure that no one who is at work there is ever 
idle for long, and that is something to stop and 
think about in this day and age! —F.L. S. 


Last week-end while I was here I noticed that 
some other shops were recommended by THE 
CotLtectinGc Net. I found a delightful coffee 
shoppe (Marge’s) conveniently situated on the 
corner of Main and Depot streets. The charm- 
ing orange and blue furnishings form a delightful 
background for the delicious meals served there. 
I also found that there was an excellent hair- 
dresser back of the Western Union office, where 
“Suzanne” washed and waved my hair as well 
as I ever hope to have it done. Mr. Griffin, I 
have learned, is the only surveyor in town and 
does such a satisfactory job that there is no need 
for any other. I hope I will find more such shops 
in Woods Hole when I come back. —V.W. 

The Falmouth Emergency Employment cam- 
paign has been crowned with success. Its organ- 
izers agreed to obtain pledges for work to be done 
soon amounting to $100,000. Woods Hole ex- 
ceeded its quota because of the untiring efforts of 
Charles E. Gifford, Commander Roderick Patch, 
Harry Daniels, and George A. Griffin, as well as 
by the active work of several individuals affiliated 
with the Laboratory including Samuel Pond, 
Thomas Larkin and James McInnes. The pledges 
for the Woods Hole district alone have amounted 
already to over $12,000 and they are still coming 
in. If any member of the laboratory can pledge 
to have work done soon he should obtain a card 
immediately from one of the men mentioned 
above. In making the pledge one can “select his 
own contractor, employ whom he pleases and pur- 
chase wherever he pleases; and he is to make his 
own bargain. But, if he needs to, he may apply 
to headquarters for suggestions or help.” 

(Other pages of the Woods Hole Log will be found on pages 126 and 130) 

aie Sy eh ieee 

Jury 23, 1932 } 



Take Advantage of the Special Rates 
W. T. GRABIEC, Prop. 


Falmouth and Woods Hole 


Telephone 1243 






Tel. Clifford 6775 New Bedford, Mass. 

Walter O. Luscombe 


Woods Hole 

Phone 622-4 

Civil Engineer and Surveyor 

Assoc. Member Am. Soc. C. E. 
S. B., Mass. Inst. of Tech., 1907 


can find a pleasant change 
Sandwiches — Table d’hote — A la carte 

Souvenirs and Jewelry 

Depot Avenue Woods Hole, Mass. 


Cleaning, Dyeing and Repairing 
Coats Relined and Altered. Prices Reasonable 


Main St. Woods Hole, Mass. Call 752 

Church of the Messiah 

( Episcopal ) 

The Rev. James Bancroft, Rector 

Holy Communion .. 8:00 a.m. 
Mornings braver nell OO ani: 
Evening Prayer ...... eexoince 7/ O10) FsSem: 


[ Vor. VII. No. 53 



The following is a letter which was addressed 
to Commander Patch at the Coast Guard Station 
at Woods Hole from the Chief of Police in New 
Bedford, commending the assistance rendered in 
the recent airplane disaster there. 

Lieutenant Commander R. S. Patch 

U. S. Coast Guard, 

Woods Hole, Mass. 

Dear Commander :— 

This is in reference to the commanding 
officer of your Coast Guard boat which came 
to our assistance in the New Bedford Har- 
bor on July 11, when we had a serious air- 
plane accident and two people were drowned. 

I regret I do not know the officer’s name 
in charge of the boat. However, I want you 
to know that we received full and effective 
cooperation from this boat. As a matter of 
fact, they located and brought to the surface 
the plane which sank, and by so doing we | 
were able soon after to recover the boats and 
the two persons drowned. I am sure that the 
people of New Bedford appreciated this 
service, and I certainly do, as I know what 
the assistance given by your men meant to 
this department. 

I want you to feel that this department is 
at your service at any time. Do not hesitate 
to call us for any service that we may be able 
to render. 

Respectfully yours, 
Chief of Police. 

There is one assistance report from the Coast 
Guard this week. On July 11, while moored at 
Cuttyhunk, Massachusetts, a vessel was sighted 
off Gull Island making distress signals at about 
6:00 P. M. A Coast Guard boat immediately put 
out to its assistance. It reached the vessel about 
6:30, and it was found to be an American gas 
screw C-7899 of New Bedford. A line was passed 
on board and the boat taken in tow for Cutty- 
hunk, arriving there about 7:00 P. M. Some 
members of the engine force of the Coast Guard 
boat worked on the motor and made temporary 
repairs which enabled the C-7899 to leave Cutty- 
hunk for New Bedford at 8:00 P. M. The patrol 
boat was the CG-149 in charge of Frank Eaton. 
—F, L.S. 

The Bureau of Fisheries reports that there is 
a new boat being built for them at Providence at 
the present time. It is about the size of the 
Asterias, being a forty-foot boat equipped with a 
deisel engine. It was to be tried out on Tuesday 

and expected to reach Woods Hole by the end 
of the week. It will be used for the customary 
collecting trips——F. L. S. 


The Theater Unit will give the first perform- 
ance of Elsie Schauffler’s “Peep Show”, Monday 
evening, July 25 at Old Silver Beach, West Fal- 
mouth where it will run through the week. ‘Peep 
Show” has not been produced on any stage before 
but is scheduled for Broadway production next 

In writing “Peep Show”, Miss Schauffler has 
made use of a strange and exciting theme. Gor- 
gans of the past refuse to lie in their graves, and 
threaten to turn pleasant green existances into 
petrified forests. Only courageous love can down 
such ghosts. Past and present lie in interesting 
periods, the one in the ‘nineties, the other in 1905. 
Without the hocus-pocus of the mystery play, the 
playwright has devised a tense drama, comparable 
to “Berkeley Square.” 

The cast will include Katherine Squire who as 
Penelope Wilson will carry the burden of the play, 
3yron McGrath, Barbara O’Neil and Bretaigne 
Windust. —J.T.S. 

This past week the Theatre Unit players at 
Silver Beach have been producing the well-known 
comedy “It’s a Wise Child”. The heroine, ad- 
mirably played by Barbara O’Neil, is in the pre- 
dicament of being engaged to marry an older man 
whom she detests. To break the engagement, she 
falsely tells him that she is about to become a 
mother. The family lawyer, with a great deal 
of difficulty, finally gets the girl out of her diffi- 
cult situation. Joshua Logan in this part showed 
that not only can he direct plays (for the past 
three plays were produced by him) but also that 
he is an excellent actor. Judging from the laugh- 
ter and applause which Merna Pace as the maid 
and Jim Stewart as the iceman received, I am 
sure the audience appreciated their characteriza- 
tions. I felt that in this play the whole cast united 
together to make a well-rounded production. 

—V. W. 

LOST—Pair of wire-rimmed glasses by Virginia 
Fletcher. If found please return to “COLLECTING 
Net” office. 

The Island Airways Corporation seems to be 
very successful, for last Friday they carried seven 
passengers on a single plane. On one day 63 
were carried. When they first started their flying 
service, if they had 30 passengers on one day 
they felt it was a very profitable one. —V.W. 

(Other pages of the Woods Hole Log will be found on pages 126 and 128) 


Jury 23, 1932 ] 


Superior Guernsey Milk and Cream 

Butter Selected Eggs Ice Cream 


Falmouth 278 Osterville 378 



Agency for 

Falmouth, opp. the Public Library Tel. 260 

Entire line of D. & M. Sporting Goods 

5 and 10c department 

FALMOUTH Tel. 407 

Remodeling aj Specialty 

Goods Called For Main. Street 
and Delivered Tel. Falmouth 1104 

Ladies’ Suits 
$1 0 Ladies’ Coats 
e Plain Silk Dresses 
Call Falmouth 430 

Men’s Suits 


$4.50 to $7.50 
Near Filene’s 



Sales and Service 



Saddle Riding 

Horses Lessons 


Boston, Mass. 

Depot Ave. Falmouth Tel. Falmouth 537 


G. R. & H. DRUG CO.,, Inc. 

Reg. Pharm. 






Telepkone 78 



Falmouth Phone 116 


[ Vor. VII. No. 55 

(of Washington, D. C.) 


(Back of Western Union) 
Tel. Falmouth 1326 

Weeks’ Building, Falmouth 

Phone 907-M Free Delivery 
We Press While You Wait 

(Special Rates to Laboratory Members) 

Automobile Top Repairing Shoe Repairing 


Tel. 240 A. C. EASTMAN 




Phone 109 Falmouth 

Collections Daily 

Two Collections Daily in the Dormitories 
Telephone 777 

Clifford L. Hubbard, Prop. 

Telephone 383-R Falmouth, Massachuseetts 

Quality Service 


“The Rexall Store” 
P. D. ROWE, Ph. C., Reg. Pharmacist 

Gal. Quart 
Outside Oil Paint $3.00 $ .90 
4-Hour Enamel 3.75 1.15 

Myron S. Lumbert 


Clever Shoppers Visit the 


$5.00, $5.95, $6.95, $10.50 and $15.00 

Tel. 935 EDNA B. SMITH 


General Merchandise 



Old Silver Beach, West Falmouth 
Telephone 1400 


When you come to 


eat our excellent 

— = 00: LUNCH — 


( Opposite Library ) 

Jury 23, 1932 ] 

The Dissecting Set illustrated above is being 
widely used by instructors and by advanced 
students of biology. The case is of best- 
quality leather, handsomely finished, lined 
with velvet and has chamois skin pro- 
tecting flaps. The instruments comprising 
the set are of “A” quality, with keen cutting 

edges. These instruments consist of the 

following : 

1 Scalpel No. 6935 ebony handle 46 mm. edge 

1 Scalpel No. 6942 ebony handle 25 mm. edge 

1 Scissors No. 7009, medium straight 

1 Forceps No. 6787 heavy straight for 
vertebrate work 

1 Tenaculum No. 7052 ebony handle 160 mm. 

1 Cartilage Knife No. 6817, all steel 45 mm. 

1 Seeker No. 7037 all steel 150 mm. length 

1 Triple chain and hooks No. 6807 

1 Blowpipe No. 6747 120 mm. length 

1 Celluloid rule No. 10497, 6 inches 

LAE ISIE 8 i ean ti cic po Oe DOR Die Ein eee termes 271) 
Per dozen, 10% discount 

We can supply Dissecting Sets containing any 
desired selection of dissecting instruments 
and we would be pleased to submit quotations 
on any required quantity. 





USE eeesee 

The B & L Microscope GSE 

HERE’S a new satisfaction . . . an ease of ac- 
complishment .. . in the use of the new B & 

L: Microscope GSE. It has made its place in the 
microscope field by virtue of its scientifically ad- 

vanced design, a V-shaped base that has the weight 

of adequate research models, and a rigid arm that 

holds the instrument in steady balance at all times 
. at any angle of inclination. 

Binocular observation gives unusual eye-ease and 
relief from strain. The effect of stereoscopic vision 
that it gives, aids the accuracy of observations. 
With the instrument is included a monocular body 
for photography, drawing or projection. 

The GSE wili be on exhibit at the Old Lecture 
Hall until July 27th. 

Bausch & Lomb Optical Company 




Three moving pictures on 16mm. film are 
now being produced by Turtox. 

1. Protozoa. Showing the common labora- 

tory protozoa moving about, feeding, etc. 

This film contains a remarkable view of 

dividing Amoeba. 

. Bacteriology. Showing common methods 
of culturing bacteria and speeded up 
views of growth in some of the more 
common forms. 

3. Vivarium Views. Views of establishing 

living material in the laboratory. 

If you use moving pictures in your teaching, 
write for further information on the above 
and other 16mm. moving pictures to be pro- 
duced in the near future. 


The Sign of the Turtox Pledges Absolute 

General Biological Supply House 



SINCE AUGUST 6th, 1821 




Capital, $100,000 
Surplus Fund, $100,000 

[ Vor. VII. No. 55 



Hellige Colorimetric Comparators employ 
permanent non fading color standards. 

L. & N. Electrometric Apparatus is recom- 

Write for descriptive bulletins and state in 
detail your requirements. 


Est. 1851 — Ine. 1897 
Headquarters for Laboratory Apparatus and 
Chemical Reagents 
THIRD AVENUE, 18th to 19th STREET 

Best Results 
Assured with 

Best Results 
Assured with 

Non-Corrosive Non-Corrosive 


Do Not Fog 

At your dealer—or write (giving dealer’s name) to 


117-119 East 24th Street NEW oR 



“Bark Kathleen Sunk by a Whale” $1.25 
Melville’s Moby Dick 80c and $1.25 
Gordon Grant’s “Greasy Luck” $5.00 

Tilton’s “Cap’n George Fred” $2.00 

Chatterton’s “Whalers and Whaling” $1.25 

Story of “Whaleship Chas. W. Morgan” 50c 

Verrill’s Real Story of a Whaler” $3.00 
Tobey’s “The Cabin Boy’s Log” $2.00 

Hutchinson’s Book Store 


Jury 23, 1932 ] THE COLLECTING NET 1173)5) 



Spencer Type 

No. os with 


ROMINENT and unusual is the latest Spencer improvement in microscope 

design—the low fine adjustment. This new fine adjustment is located at the 

hase of the arm so the microscopist can operate it with his hand resting easily on 
the table. 

The new Spencer Type Microscope No. 3, equipped with the new low fine 
adjustment, is large and beautiful in proportion, sturdily designed for extra years 
of service, and precisely built to meet the needs of the practical research worker. 

A new booklet M-56 completely describes this new microscope. It is yours— 
free. Write for it now! 


136 THE COLLECTING NET [ Vor. VII. No: 55 


7 "It Saved Us the Cost of Five 

Quoting remark of a Department Head 

The Promi projects microscopic slides and living organisms 
and insects on table or wall for drawing and demonstration. 
Also used aS a microscope and a micro-photographie ap- 

The Promi, recently perfected by a prominent German 
microscope works, is an ingenious yet simple, inexpensive 
apparatus which fills a long felt want in scientific instruc- 
tion and research in Bacteriology, Botany, Zoology, Path- 
ology, Anatomy, Embryology, Histology, Chemistry, etc. 

It has been endorsed by many leading scientists and in- 

PRICE: F.O.B. New York, $100.00 complete apparatus in 
polished wood carrying case. Includes extra bulb, rheostat 
for 110 and 220 volts with cord, plugs and switch for both 
DC and AC current, 11x objective, tube with 5x ocular, re- 
flecting mirror and micro-cuvette. Extra equipment prices 
on request. 

Prospectus Gladly Sent 

A new instrument which has been brought out in response to a demand for a simple apparatus like 
the Promi for more advanced work which requires more powerful illumination and higher magnifica- 
tion. Has many additional features as standard equipment. Demonstrations will gladly be made 

Prospectus and prices sent on request. by Mr. Robert Rugh, Room 11, Brick 
Headquarters for Biological Téaching Material Bldg., M. B. L., Woods Hole. 

117-119 East 24th Street 

Chay 7-\DAR MIS CompPAN ig New Yorkonye 

4 ’ 
weed He il) 

(eq Alaa? 

Skeleton of Fish in Case 

Models, Specimens, 

for physiology, zoology, botany, 

anatomy, embryology, ete. Cata- 

logs will gladly be sent on request. 
Please mention name of school 
and subjects taught, to enable 
us to send the appropriate 

Transparent ny ex Teese ee 
Preparations | Visit our display rooms and | Pp ist 
Finiae museum. ; - ee Panto 

Model of Human a 117-119 EAST 24th STREET NEW YORK 

Vol. VII. No. 6 


SATURDAY, JULY 30, 1932 

Annual Subscription, $2.00 
Single Copies, 25 Cts. 


Professor of Zoology, Harvard University 
I want to talk to you about something that has 


come up since my book has been published. If 
you look at the way in which chromatophores 
are controlled, you will see different schemes ; for 
example, in such forms as crustaceans, the eye 
From that organ the blood picks up 

is essential. 
something and carries it to the 
chromatophores in distant 
parts of the body, inducing 
expansion and contraction of 
these organs. This is the hu- 
moral device for the control 
of chromatophores which has 
been described by Dr. Perkins, 
and that was reported here 
some years ago. 

If we turn to the fish, we 
find the eye is again essential. 
Nerves of body run to the 
chromatophores and in some 
way or other there is nervous 

control of expansion and con-_ 

traction of chromatophores. 
If you cut a nerve trunk, re- 
sponse as far as the given 
chromatophore is concerned, 
ceases in the main. The two 
plans appear to be opposed to 

each other—the humoral and the nervous. 
in my opinion they are not separate but are dif- 
(Continued on Page 141) 

ferent aspects of the 

UM. B. L. Calendar 

TUESDAY, AUGUST 2, 8:00 P. M. 
Seminar: Dr. W. R. Taylor;‘‘Phyto- 

plankton of Isle Royale, Lake 

Dr. Conway Zirkle; ‘Cytological 
Fixation with the Lower Fatty 
Acids, their Salts, ete.” 

Dr. G .W. Prescott; “Copper Sul- 
phate as an Algacide in Lakes 
and Public Water Supplies.” 

Dr. Albert Saeger; ‘‘Manganese 
and the Growth of Lemnaceae.” 

FRIDAY, AUGUST 5, 8:00 P. M. 

Lecture: Dr. Robert Chambers; 
“Vital Coloration of Proto- | 



Professor of Physiology, Vanderbilt University 
School of Medicine 

We are all familiar with Pasteur’s dictum that 

“chance favors only the prepared mind.” All 

physiologists have had their chance to investigate 

the fascinating heart of Lim- 
ulus since its anatomical des- 
cription by Milne-Edwards in 
1873 and the more extensive 
studies by Patten and Reden- 
haugh in 1899. There were 
no reports of physiological 
studies until 1904 when Prof. 
A. J. Carlson undertook the 
investigation of this heart 
and published his papers—now 
physiological classics —as a 
culmination of a_ series of 
studies on the invertebrate 
heart. His was the prepared 
mind. Subsequently many 
physiologists in this country 
and abroad have extended this 
work, but always to confirm 
his experimental findings, 
proving that the rhythm of 
this heart is neurogenic, that 

the impulses arise in one or all of the ganglion 
cells of the median dorsal ganglion (and plexus ) 
of this heart, that they are conducted by nerve 

i — a_i 

Neuro-humoralism, Dr. G. H. Parker........ 137 The International Congress of Eugenics..... 144 
Some Aspects of the Physiology of the Heart Evolution and SW VOlUtION oo c ai a) -ferete le) e1si i= 16 146 
of Limulus Polyphemus, Dr. W. E. Garrey..137 Book Reviews, Dr. S. A. Waksman and 
The Orientation of the Outgrowing Nerve Dr, Ke Cy Blanchard. 02. ciel el 1 les)*!-)e)e0 147 
Fiber, Dr. Paul A. WeisS.........:.-+-0-- 141 The Beach Question and the Lot-holders..... 148 
Review of the Seminar Report of Dr. Weiss, HWiditorial Page® in caret. aye were ls we ee nee 150 
Dr. A. P. Mathews)... 25.20. cece eee es 142 Items of Interest ....:......0.-ces esr eseses 151 
Nerve Conduction Velocity and Equilibration, The Woods Hole Log............--+++eseeees 156 
Dr, R. W. Gerard.........-0. see eee seen 144 The Me eB: (Clubs erin te ware os «ows cloner heels 156 




NET [ Vor. VII. No. 56 

fibers and cause muscular contractions in the same 
way that contractions of skeletal muscles are 
caused by motor nerve impulses from the central 
nervous system of vertebrates. Carlson reasoned 
by analogy that the vertebrate heart was likewise 
neurogenic, but all evidence now seems to point 
to the conclusion that his deductions were errone- 
ous and that the vertebrate heart is purely myo- 
genic. The differences in the physiological re- 
sponses of these two classes of heart far outweigh 
the similarities and definitely label the vertebrate 
heart “myogenic,” the Limulus heart “neuro- 
genic.” A recently launched attempt of Dubuis- 
son, following the lead of Hoshino to show that 
the Limulus heart is myogenic has been wrecked 
on the rocks of faulty technique, insensitive meth- 
ods and inadequate controls. The following re- 
view will emphasize the extent of the wreckage. 

Both the vertebrate heart and that of Limulus 
are automatically rythmic; they beat when ex- 
cised from the body. The rhythm of tke verte- 
brate heart originates in the basal part of the 
heart, in the mammalian heart in a definite col- 
lection of modified muscle cells called the “sinus 
node”. In Limulus the rhythmic impulses origi- 
nate in the elongated median dorsal ganglion, the 
ganglion cells of which are distributed chiefly 
from the third to the eighth cardiac segments. 
Removal of the ganglion brings the heart to rest. 
In rare instances weak contractions may still per- 
sist after this operation and may be demonstrated 
more clearly by distending the heart and thus in- 
creasing its excitability. The origin of these im- 
pulses can be demonstrated to be due to ganglion 
cells in the outlying dorsal nerve plexus. They 
may be located by systematically hunting for them 
with the end of a heated test tube; when found 
they respond to heat with an accelerated rhythm 
which affects the rate of response of the muscle 
which may be located several segments away. The 
rhythm disappears when the nerve cells are des- 
troyed or their efferent nerve fibers cut. Im- 
pulse formation by the ganglion is incontro- 
vertibly proven by the demonstration of rhythmic 
electrical changes in the excised ganglion, the ac- 
tion potentials of which have been recorded by 
Heinbecker and thoroughly studied by Rijlant in 
this laboratory by means of the kathode ray os- 

Conduction and coordination in the vertebrate 
heart are effected by conduction from muscle cell 
to muscle cell, and the organization is such that 
if one fiber contracts, the entire muscular struc- 
ture likewise responds according to the all or none 
law. The Limulus heart is very different; con- 
duction is effected only by nerve fibers. While 
anatomically the heart muscle of Limulus is des- 
cribed as a syncytium, its physiological response 

shows that it is really made up of independent 
contractile elements. 

If the muscle is directly stimulated by an elec- 
tric shock, the contractile response is limited to 
the area stimulated and does not spread through 
the muscle The contraction is greater the 
stronger the stimulus and repeated stimuli likewise 
induce greater contractions than single shocks 
Unlike the vertebrate heart tetanus can be in- 
duced by repeated stimuli, even as few as ten per 
second sufficing to this end. We thus see that 
three characteristics of the vertebrate heart fail 
in the muscle of Limulus heart, viz., conduction, 
the “all or none” response and failure of tetanic 
response. The same results can be obtained by 
stimulating the motor nerve fibers which form the 
conducting bridge between ganglion cells and 
muscle fibers. If one progressively removes the 
ganglion piece meal, beginning at the posterior 
end, while recording the contractions of the an- 
terior (non-ganglionated) muscle segments, there 
is a progressive weakening of the contractions. 
The operation progressively severs the nerves con- 
necting the ganglion cell with the muscle, thus 
extinguishing some of the ganglionic impulses and 
paralyzing some of the contractile elements. I 
have shown that this progressive paralysis of the 
muscle may be induced in three stages by cutting 
the median dorsal nerve and the two lateral nerves 
which are the only motor nerves to the anterior 
muscular segments. Stimulation of these three 
nerves likewise demonstrates a partial and frac- 
tionate innervation of the musculature by each. 
Stimulation of each lateral nerve causes a con- 
traction affecting predominately the ipselateral 
half of the muscular ring of each segment. The 
median nerve innervates both halves of the heart. 
A maximum contraction can be secured only by 
stimulating all three of these nerves and only by 
the use of rapid repetitive stimuli, thus inducing 
multi-wave and multi-fiber summation. By bring- 
ing these three nerves into action in succession 
the height of the tetanic contractions may be 
superimposed in three successive stages and must 
be due to the independent contraction of three 
separate groups of muscle fibers. Any one of 
these groups may be completely fatigued without 
affecting in any way the responses of the other 
groups. Normal contraction due to the rhythmic 
discharge of the ganglion is never maximal and 
may be significantly increased by stimulation of, 
any one of the motor paths, the rhythmic con- 
tractions being then superimposed on the tetanic 
base thus established. 

These hitherto unpublished results are crucial 
proof that the Limulus heart beat is not and can- 
not be myogenic as Dubuisson has claimed; and 
they dispose of all analogies to the contraction of 


. that part of the 

Jury 30, 1932 ] 


NET 139 

the vertebrate heart which does not manifest any 
responses comparable to those of the Limulus 
heart muscle. 

Stimulation of the ganglion at any point with a 
single stimulus, electrical or mechanical, induces 
a discharge of motor impulses from the entire 
length of the ganglion; it induces an extra systole 
which involves the musculature of every segment. 
This reaction necessitates an intimate connection 
of every part of the ganglion with every other 
part of it and shows that the ganglion at one point 
or another is connected by nerves with every part 
of the heart. The refractory period of the gang- 
lion is very short and such extra systoles may be 
summed with the contraction induced by the pre- 
ceding normal contraction. The normal autogen- 
ous impulse which follows such an extra systole 
does so at an interval slightly greater than the 
normal interval. This response is characteristic of 
only one locus in the vertebrate heart, viz., the 
“pace maker’; it likewise proves the ganglion to 
be the “pace maker” of the Limulus heart. 

If we turn now to the consideration of the 
“pace maker” function of the ganglion, the ex- 
periments just considered indicate the possibility 
of impulse formation in any part of this extended 
cord-like structure. This is easily demonstrable 
by the localized application of heat to the gang- 
lion; for example, touching the ganglion anywhere 
between the third and eighth segment with the 
bottom of a warm test tube will always accelerate 
the rhythm; furthermore, this result may be se- 
cured by heating a very restricted region one or 
two millimeters in length by means of a loop of 
resistance wire carrying current enough to induce 
the desired heating effect ; stretching by means of 
a thread passed under the ganglion at any point 
will accomplish the same result, By these means 
we have been able to demonstrate the rhythmo- 
genic power of every part of the ganglion and to 
develop a “pace maker” at any desired point. The 
rhythm of the entire structure is determined by 
ganglion having the greatest 
rhythmicity. Heating or treating deganglionated 
muscle in this way never develops rhythmic prop- 
erties in it. 

At this point we may ask: where is the normal 
“pace maker” located in the ganglion? By di- 
viding the heart into smaller pieces by transection 
at different levels, Carlson demonstrated a slightly 
greater rate of contraction of the fifth and sixth 
segments. Edwards by optical means found 
that the fifth segment beat slightly in advance of 
those either anterior or posterior to it, and Rijlant, 
with the kathode ray oscillograph, found a like 
spread of the action currents in the ganglion and 
anterior portion of the median nerve. Both found 
that the conduction proceeds at the rate of about 

seventy-five centimeters per second, ‘Thus the 

whole heart does not beat synchronously as Du- 
buisson claims, but there is a successive involve- 
ment of the muscle farther away from the fifth 
or sixth segment. The time required for this 
process, however, is less than one-tenth of a sec- 
ond, and since the actual contraction lasts for 
more than a second at laboratory temperatures it 
follows that for most of the time of systole all 
segments are contracting, as anyone can easily 
see, but only methods of precision and a skilled 
technique can detect and measure the velocity of 
a nerve impulse. 

A further analysis of the ganglionic discharge 
can be made by a study of the electrical action 
potentials of the muscle nerve and ganglion. Since 
single induction shocks or the make or break stim- 
ulus of the constant current produces only a mini- 
mal contraction when applied to either muscle or 
motor nerve, but the ganglionic discharge whether 
normal or extra-systolic causes a sustained con- 
traction like that produced by repetitive stimula- 
tion of the muscle or nerve, Carlson concluded, 
rightly, that the normal contractions are brief te- 
tanic responses. Piper had demonstrated the oscil- 
latory potential variations in skeletal muscles of 
vertebrates when activated from the central ner- 
vous system, thus demonstrating the tetanic na- 
ture of voluntary and reflex responses. Hoff- 
mann in 1911 showed similar oscillations during 
the contraction of the muscle of the Limulus 
heart and attributed them to the tetanic nature of 
the responses. I have recently published electro- 
grams which entirely substantiate this conclusion. 
The failure of Dubuisson and of Dubuisson and 
Monier to detect these oscillations is due to their 
failure to appreciate the fact that the salt solu- 
ion of the body tissues and fluids, equal to a 3% 
solution of NaCl, offers little resistance to the 
passage of an electric current and effectively 
short-circuits the lead-off electrodes, thus making 
the detection of slight potential variations im- 
possible. Insulation of the tissues is necessary to 
success with the string galvanometer. With 
Rijilant’s kathode ray oscillograph (1931) practi- 
cally identical electrograms may be obtained on 
simultaneous records of a motor nerve and the 
corresponding part of the cardiac musculature. 
Since the isolated ganglion and nerve give cor- 
responding potential changes, we have here cru- 
cial proof of the relation of cause and effect in 
the two processes, i. e., proof that the heart is 
neurogenic and that the contraction partakes of 
the nature of a neurogenous tetanus. The string 
galvanometer follows the muscular changes quite 
faithfully and with amplification will indicate 
the nerve changes. The examples thrown on the 
screen show that there is a sharp initial potential 
change followed by a succession of major oscil- 
lations at the rate of about ten per second at room 



[ Vor. VII. No. 56 

temperature, about twelve of them for each con- 
traction. Superimposed upon these and markedly 
distorting their regular form are minor waves. 
These indicate the asynchronous contraction of 
the contractile elements and constitute further 
evidence of the fractionate character of the mus- 
cular innervation already discussed. The pre- 
cise form of the electrogram is variable depending 
upon the position of the lead-off electrodes and 
the sequential relation of the physiological pro- 
cesses under each. The initial deflections may be 
made monophasic or diphasic at will. 

The long duration of the tetanic discharge is 
matter for thought and speculation. One may 
conceive the ganglion to be made up of a series 
of cell groups which initiate the major oscilla- 
tions, the minor oscillations being caused by an- 
other type of cell more discretely disposed, but we 
still are faced with an interesting problem. Since 
the conduction rate would involve the whole gang- 
lion within one-tenth of a second or less why 
does the ganglionic discharge and muscular con- 
traction continue for more than a second? It 
may be that once the discharge is started the gang- 
lion cell continues in action for this length of 
time; on the other hand, there may be a reactiva- 
tion of the pace maker cells by those subsequently 
involved through recurrent pathways and the es- 
tablishment thus of a succession of circulating im- 
pulses within the ganglion. The idea has intriguing 
possibilities in the eplanation of many processes 
in the central nervous system of vertebrates—it 
awaits the test of some ingenious investigator. 

Let us turn now to the consideration of the 
processes which underlie the development of the 
rhythm. An indirect attack may be made by a 
study of the effects of different temperatures. 
Subjecting the muscle alone, for example, the de- 
nervated heart or the anterior segments which 
contain no effective rhythmogenic nerve cells, to 
different temperatures never develops a rhythm 
in the former instance or alters the rhythm in 
the latter; there is no myogenic rhythm. The pro- 
cedure merely alters the excitability and force of 
contraction whether in response to artificial stimu- 
lation or the normal ganglionic impulses. The 
optimal temperature for the muscle is around ten 
or twelve degrees, Centigrade; the muscle enters 
reversibly into heat paralysis at about 32°. The 
ganglion, on the other hand, shows a progressive 
increase in rate of impulse formation up to 40° C. 
or higher and is correspondingly slowed by cold, 
not ceasing its action even at —2° when the fluid 
about it is ina frozen state. In plotting the rate 
against temperature I have found that an S- 
shaped curve is obtained. When the temperature 
coefficients (Qo) are calculated, they prove to be 
uniformly greater than 2 in the normal range of 
temperatures, very large, even 12 at low tempera- 

tures, gradually decreasing in the higher ranges of 
temperature. Such temperature coefficients are 
highly presumptive evidence that the underlying 
process is chemical in nature as one would expect, 
and I naturally turned my attention to oxidation 
processes as the energy source of the dynamic 
variations. Carbon dioxide, an end product of 
oxidation, is evolved from the ganglion as Tashiro 
had shown. The rate of its development at dif- 
ferent temperatures was tested by the change in 
the hydrogen ion concentration of a non-buffered, 
isotonic, balanced salt solution, and I found that 
the curve was identical with that of rate changes. 
The two phenomena showed identical tempera- 
ture coefficients. Thus was established a quanti- 
tative correlation between the two processes which 
pointed to the relationship of cause and effect. 
All agencies tested showed that acceleration was 
accompanied by increased evolution of carbon di- 
oxide, while depression of the ganglionic rate of 
impulse formation depressed the production of 
carbon dioxide. A similar relationship holds for 
the utilization of oxygen as shown by Miss Dann 
and Miss Gardner, although the quantitative as- 
pects of this work are still open for investigation. 

The antithesis of stimulation viz., inhibition, 
can be investigated and fits in admirably with the 
chemical phases of this study. The ganglion can 
be inhibited either by the stimulation of afferent 
inhibitory nerves or by direct stimulation, for in 
a study with Professor Knowlton it was found 
that while slow rates of stimulation of the gang- 
lion cause a response (extra systole) to each stim- 
ulus, increasing the rates to about twenty per 
second causes a gradual lapse to complete inhibi- 
tion. This is a condition in which the ganglion 
is relatively or absolutely inexcitable—the muscles 
are simply “arrested,” not inhibited ; they remain 
normally excitable to artificial stimulation. Time 
will not allow further consideration of the inter- 
esting inhibitory phenomena beyond the state- 
ment that carbon dioxide production and oxygen 
consumption by the ganglion fall far below the 
normal ; the chemical processes which we conceive 
to be at the seat of normal impulse formation 
are suppressed; whether there is a development 
of a humoral inhibitory substance remains an 
open question. I cannot close without alluding to 
the fact that the ganglion of Limulus can con- 
tinue to function for a long time in an atmos- 
phere of hydrogen or nitrogen (Newman) and 
after treatment with cyanides. The ganglion can 
then function anaerobically and we picture to our- 
selves some chemical mechanism possibly like that 
in the anaerobic activity of muscle and nerve in 
which lactic acid and carbon dioxide are formed, 
with the concomitant changes in hexose phosphate 
and creatine phosphate, the oxygen being needed 

Jury 30, 1932 ] 



in the recovery processes. Such speculation opens 
an interesting field for investigation which prom- 
ises results in the interpretation of the dynamics 
of the nervous system of higher forms. 

All of the evidence presented in this brief 
review point clearly to the neurogenic nature of 
the beat of the Limulus heart. The character- 

istic properties are all those of nerve cells with 
nerve conduction to muscle which in all its re- 
actions is like the skeletal muscle of higher forms 
and in no way like that of the vertebrate heart. 

(Abstract of a lecture with lantern slide demon- 
stration delivered at the Marine Biological Labora- 
tory, Woods Hole, July 22, 1932.) 

( Continued from Page 137 ) 

same general plan. In the shrimp, and also in the 
amphibia, we have short nerve arm (the eye or the 
eye stalk) and a long humoral arm; in the fish 
and reptile there is a long nerve arm and short 
humoral one. This is what is meant by neuro- 
humoral activity. Both types of response occur ; 
the operation begins as a nervous one and ends as 
a humoral one. In crustaceans and amphibians 
it is chiefly humoral; in fish and reptile it is chief- 
ly nervous. The two schemes are, in reality, the 

The two schemes have been contrasted in that 
in the humoral, the animal responds as a whole; 
in the nervous the reaction may be local. In 
the case of nervous control a local action 
is possible; in that of humoral control, a gen- 
eral change takes place. This is not quite 

true, however. It is known that fish can 
change their color pattern, whereas most 
other animals cannot. In the case of the 

flat fish the reaction is extremely local. If 
they are placed upon a background of coarse 
checkerboard pattern, they respond roughly by 
Coarse spotting; if placed upon a fine checker- 
board pattern, a fine pattern results. If you take 
the blood from a dark fish and inject it into a 
light one, there comes at once a dark spot in the 
region of injection. How can this reaction be 
accounted for? Fluid conditions of the body are 
different. We think of circulation as running 
with extreme rapidity; lymph is carried with con. 
siderable rapidity. Therefore an animal ought to 

show general uniformity, but it does not; there 
may be great diversity. This diversity is not to 
be attributed to blood but rather to cell sap, or 
tissue sap, which moves with much greater slow- 
ness and so allows for these conditions. In hu- 
moral conditions we have possibilities for local 
reactions as was implied in the idea of nerve 
control. It might be similar to the control of 
muscle—a single muscle may work as an isolated 
element. Some flat fishes can make these change 
on their surface almost like muscles, due to the 
control tissue juices, possibly to sluggish lymph 

Some weeks ago my finger was bitten by an in- 
sect. It was surprising how long it took for the 
poison to spread—almost two weeks for it to 
reach the root of the finger. It spread in some 
slow, sluggish way, not through the blood or 
lymph, but through epithelium and the skin. In 
the feeding of coelenterates there must be a simi- 
lar slow passage of digestive products; there is 
a passage from living entoderm to ectoderm, a 
slow passage of tissue juices. 

Cell saps and tissue saps seem to be of extreme 
importance in neuro-humoral responses. Through 
these devices we can obtain in fish different local 
responses in,the skin and at the same time these 
responses are the result of humoral action. This 
action does not necessarily involve the whole ani- 
mal but may be local in its effects. 

(This article is based on a seminar report presented at 
the Marine Biological Laboratory on July 19.) 

: Dr. Paut A. WeEIss 
Sterling Fellow in Zoology, Yale University 

Nerve fibers arise as outgrowing processes of 
nerve cells. Their course is by no means an ir- 
regular or haphazard one, but a definite pattern 
seems to be established during development, both 
in the central and peripheral connections. The 
question arises as to how such a definite orienta- 
tion of the fibers can be brought about. Mechan- 
ical, chemical, electrical and metabolic factors 
have been claimed, and partly been proved, as 
directing influences. Results of recent experi- 

ments, however, seem to emphasize that the uti- 
mate mechanism in the orientation of the nerve 
fiber is a certain mechanical organization of the 
environment through which the fiber travels. The 
space between the various tissues which the nerve 
fiber has to bridge is filled by a gelatinous “ground- 
substance.” The elements of this substance, 
“ultramicrons,” “micellae,” are bar-like in shape. 
It is well known that any definitely oriented ac- 
tion on such colloidal matter by physical forces 


[ Vot. VII. No. 56 

can create a definite parallel orientation of the 
micellae. Now, if the outgrowing nerve fibers 
were bound to use these definitely oriented aggre- 
gations of micellae as a kind of rails, every ac- 
tion that causes orientation of the ground-sub- 
stance evidently would bring about a correspond- 
ingly oriented course of the nerve fibers. 

In order to prove experimentally this possibility, 
a method originally developed by the author for 
analyzing the factors at work in the formation of 
functional structures in the connective tissue has 
been used. This method consists in cultivating 
“in vitro” tissue fragments in a colloidal medium 
on which differential tensions are acting in definite 
directions. The medium is a thin membrane of a 
mixture of blood plasma and embryonic juice co- 
agulated in a tiny glass frame of a given geo- 
metrical form. The distribution and direction of 
tension in these membranes can be determined, 
and earlier experiments of the author have shown 
that connective tissue cells follow, in their growth 
the lines of tension. It has been shown, too, that 
the factor controlling the growth direction is not 
immediately the tension, but is the orientation in 
the plasma medium evoked by the tension. If, 
now, the experiments are repeated with nerve 
cells instead of connective tissue cells, the out- 
growing nerve fibers again follow the lines of 
tension, indicating their being passively oriented 
by the orientation of the micellae imposed upon 
the plasma medium under the influence of ten- 

sion. Thus, it is the structure of the medium 
that is ultimately responsible for the directed 
growth of the nerve fibers. Tension, like all kinds 
of other directive influences, of course, can cause 
orientation of the micellae in the ground-sub- 
stance. Among those influences are chiefly 
electrical fields and currents of liquids, the latter 
being probably caused by local differences in the 
metabolic activities of different parts of the em- 
bryo. A center of high activity causes currents 
in a radial direction and as a consequence a cor- 
responding arrangement of the micellae. On this 
basis, the fact that nerve fibers are attracted by 
developing organs (Detwiler) finds an easy ex- 
planation, as developing organs obviously are 
centers of higher activity. A similar explanation 
holds for the formation of connecting fiber tracts 
between centers of increased rate of differentia- 
tion within the central nervous system (Coghill). 
3esides, a great many facts of normal and ex- 
perimental development of nerves can be explained 
on the basis of the results, as outlined above. It 
must, however, be remembered that these results, 
have so far been obtained only on nerve fibers 
growing outside the organism, and that it remains 
for future investigation to decide whether or not 
the conditions within the organism, as far as the 
orientation of nerve fibers is concerned, are com- 
parable to those “in vitro.” 

(This article is based on a seminar report presented 
at the Marine Biological Laboratory.) 


University of Cincinnati. 


Professor of Biochemistry, 

Many other men in the laboratory could com- 
ment on this interesting paper of Dr. Weiss better 
than I could. For, although I have long been 
interested in the general problem of which this is 
part, I know nothing of the factors which deter- 
mine the outgrowth of nerve fibers to particular 
end organs. My comment will of necessity be of 
a very general nature and deal only with the broad 
features of the problem presented. 

There are at least three, and I believe four, 
forces. which may act to orient molecules in the 
manner suggested by Dr. Weiss. If a molecule 
possess an axis of electrical potential it may be 
oriented by electrical force; if it possess an axis 
of magnetic potential, it may be oriented by mag- 
netic force; and if it possess a marked axis of 
form, as Dr. Weiss suggests and as has been 
shown by X-ray analysis to be the case in many 
protein and carbohydrate molecules, and as the 
power of crystallization also shows, then it may 
be oriented by mechanical force, So much we 
learn from physics. But there is a fourth possi- 
bility which physics has not yet considered, a pos- 

sibility which I believe actually is the case in 
living matter and is the determining factor of 
vital organization. This is the possibility that 
there is a potential correlated with time, just as 
the other potentials mentioned are correlated with 
space. This we may call time potential, although, 
of course, it does not appear to us as time, which 
is the passive presentation of the fourth extension, 
but as a power of action. Let us suppose that 
there is this power of action of time and what I 
have called ‘time potential.’ Then those mole- 
cules which have a well marked time potential axis 
can be oriented, and are oriented, in any field of 
time force, such as the great time field of our uni- 
verse. It is this orientation which produces the 
peculiar and unique organization of that matter 
called living. Living things of every kind, I be- 
lieve to be time organized, and to be ‘chronals’, 
the analogue of crystals which are space organized. 

3ut this is an opinion which, so far as I know, 
is held by myself alone. The physicists have not 
yet recognized that there is such a thing as time 

potential and time force, although they recognize 

Jury 30, 1932 ] 



that there is a form of energy, i. e., inertia, dif- 
ferent from ordinary, or space, energy. But they 
have not yet recognized that the force in inertia 
is time force, a force of endurance, and that time 
force is but the product of two elements of time 
potential, just as space force is the product of two 
elements of space potential, for both space and 
time certainly have their potentials, or activities. 

The biologist, therefore, if he be a slave to the 
conceptions of the physicist, as he generally is, 
not daring to call his scientific soul his own, has 
only the first three forces enumerated at his dis- 
posal when he tries to explain living phenomena, 
and naturally he makes the greatest possible, but 
futile, use of these. He does not usually stop to 
think that the physicist has arrived at his concep- 
tions of things by a study of only three of the 
four kinds of organisms known. That is, he has 
studied mechanical, electrical and magnetic organ- 
isms. The biologist studies the fourth kind, living 
organisms, and he should do for these what the 
physicist has done for his, imitating his methods 
but not adopting his conclusions as holding for 
living organisms. So far, however, the biologist 
has done little more than to discover that living 
organisms are neither of the other three physical 
forms, nor a combination of the three. He does 
not yet clearly recognize that living organisms 
have a different kind of activity from the others, 
a different form of potential, living potential, 
which is, I believe, nothing but the activity aspect 
of time. And that these organisms have a dif- 
ferent form of force, namely, vital, or time, force. 

But leaving on one side these general consider- 
ations, the truth or error of which the future will 
reveal, let us put ourselves in the position of a 
growing nerve cell in one of Dr. Weiss’ cultures. 
This cell is an individual. I believe it to be a 
mental unit or individual, for this is what I am, 
and I must judge other living things by myself, 
the living thing I know most completely. Cer- 
tainly the nerve cell is an individual or unit, what- 
ever be the nature of its unity or individuality 
which is secured by its organization,—that organ- 
ization of which we seek the nature. Parentheti- 
cally it may be observed that if it be not a mental 
unit, the biologist can give no explanation of any 
kind for his own mentality. But let us suppose 
that I am a nerve cell in Dr. Weiss’ medium. 
What would determine my path in life? 

There are two possibilities: I may be a free 
agent and my path be determined by my own 
powers of action: by my will and by my affection. 
Or I may be constrained to follow a certain path 
by outer circumstances. Some such circumstance, 
for example, may have constructed on each side 
of me high walls, which I cannot climb. I can 
go but in the one direction—between these walls. 

This leads me ultimately to a place where I may 

be of use to the community by entering into re- 
lationship with what I find at the end; something 
upon which I may now impose my will or my af- 
fection, and thus control it. 

According to Dr. Weiss’ very interesting sug- 
gestion, this mechanical constraint is what occurs 
in the body. Mechanical traction orients the ob- 
stacles (molecules) which lie athwart my path, so 
that they now lie parallel with each other thus 
opening vistas down which, if I be a nerve fiber 
or a connective tissue cell, I may stroll without 
difficulty; and if I stroll at all I am constrained 
to stroll there. The orienting force may be a 
mechanical tension on the medium; or it may be 
a current of fluid in it. 

It may be asked why the same force, if it be a 
tension, may not also act on the molecules of the 
nerve cell itself and thus act directly in place of 
indirectly? I imagine Dr. Weiss would reply that 
protoplasm molecules do not have a definite form 
axis, for if they did they would readily crystallize, 
and this they do not do. Moreover it is obvious, 
if my theory be correct that these molecules of 
living matter are peculiar in having a definite time 
polarity and are organized by that, it would be a 
great drawback to them to have in addition a 
form polarity, since this would tend to organize 
them as crystals rather than as living organisms. 
Living molecules, if they be time polarized, and 
oriented by the great time field of the Universe, 
so that they form living organisms, must not have 
a marked polarity of any other kind. Surely we 
are the children of Chronos, who is the father of 
everything. But it is a wise child who knows 
his own father! And few are wise. 

In other words the problem of the growth of 
the nerve fiber toward its end organ may be as 
complicated as any other vital problem and as 
complicated as that of human behavior; and ex- 
perience teaches us that we must be constantly on 
our guard against the conclusion that any one fac- 
tor is exclusively concerned in any vital process ; 
and in particular that that factor is mechanical, 
chemical, or physical. For in the last analysis 
there is no casuality in the objective, the scien- 
tific world, using the word casuality in the sense 
of the efficient cause of Aristotle; since such 
cause is metaphysical and belongs in the internal, 
or mental, world. We must accordingly turn to 
the mental factors for a final explanation. But 
when we do so we abandon science. 

The way out of the difficulty, which thus besets 
us as biologists, is to be found, I believe, in the 
objective and hence scientific study of the time 
relationships of living things; since the time di- 
mension is perceived both objectively and subjec- 
tively and so has relations to both mental and 
physical. It is that dimension which connects 

the internal, or mental, with the external, or phys~ 


[ Vo. VII. No. 56 

ical, world. 

But all this is for the future to work out. 
Meanwhile such work as that of Dr. Weiss is of 
great value, for if living things be time machines, 
nevertheless they are in a mechanical or space 

world which interplays with them at every mo- 
ment. The analysis of these physical factors of 
the environment is highly valuable and, indeed, a 
necessary preliminary to the more fundamental 
study of tomorrow. 

Associate Professor of Physiology, University of Chicago 

and W. H 

Though older work demonstrated that nerve 
could not be so fatigued by continued stimulation 
as to lose its ability to conduct, much evidence 
points to a diminution of activity. As a nerve is 
driven by more frequent stimuli the response be- 
comes less, at first rapidly but later slowly to some 
equilibrium level. | The exact position of this 
level, at which exhaustion and recovery keep 
pace, is determined by the balance in the tissue of 
the chemical changes associated with conduction 
and recovery; being lower for more frequent 
stimulation, higher for less. The change in activ- 
ity from one equilibrium level (e. g. resting) to 
another has been called equilibration, and associat- 
ed with this are: decreased heat production and 
oxygen consumption per impulse, prolonged re- 
fractory period, increased threshold (rheobase) 
and lessened initial action potential. 

From theories of the nerve impulse now in 
favor it would be predicted that with an increased 
rheobase (25%) and a somewhat lessened action 
potential, the velocity of propagation should be 
decreased by over 25% in an equilibrated as com- 
pared with a resting nerve. This follows since 
conduction rate is determined by the time required 


for an action current from a given active region 
to electrically excite a contiguous resting one. 

Experiments to determine velocity changes dur- 
ing equilibration were performed on dog phrenic 
and bull-frog sciatic nerves. The isolated tissue 
was stimulated near one end and action potentials 
led off at a convenient distance, through an ampli- 
fier, to a cathode ray oscillograph. A time record 
of 4000 per second was supplied to the recording 
device by an oscillator synchronized through a 
commutator . Time readings were accurate with- 
in .00002 of a second, the interval between stimu- 
lus and start of the potential response giving con- 
duction time. 

Over a dozen experiments showed a consistent 
diminution in conduction velocity following a per- 
iod of about ten minutes tetanization. Rates were 
depressed to about 70% of normal at the end of 
the tetanus, rose rapidly and then more slowly, 
returning to normal values in about ten minutes. 
Both the magnitude of the initial decrease and the 
time required for full recovery are in good accord 
with the theoretical expectations. 

(This article is based on a seminar report presented at 
the Marine Biological Laboratory on July 19.) 


The Third International Congress of Eugenics 
will convene at the American Museum of Natural 
History on August 21, 22 and 23. It is therefore 
of interest to tell something of the history of the 
Congress as well as of its present organization 
and the plans for August. 

The First International Congress of Eugenics, 
which was sponsored by the Eugenics Education 
Society of Great Britain, was held in London in 
1912, under the presidency of Major Leonard 
Darwin. The Second Congress of this series met 
in New York in 1921, under the presidency of 
Henry Fairfield Osborn. The Third International 
Congress of Eugenics will be held in New York 
City in August, 1932, under the presidency of 
Charles B. Davenport, Director of the Depart- 
ment of Genetics of the Carnegie Institution of 
Washington and organizer of the Eugenics Record 

The first Congress in 1912 provided for a Per- 
manent International Eugenics Committee which 

built up the International collaboration which 
made the second Congress possible. This Per- 
manent International Eugenics Committee was 
changed, in 1921, to the Permanent International 
Eugenics Commission, which in 1925 developed 
into the present International Federation of Eu- 
genic Organizations. This Federation, among 
other functions, fosters collaboration among the 
several nations in their eugenical researches, and 
sponsors International Congresses from time to 

Dr. Davenport was formally selected president 
of the Third International Congress of Eugenics 
by the Ninth Meeting of the International Feder- 
ation of Eugenic Organizations, which met at 
Farnham, England, in September, 1930. This 
same meeting of the Federation duly committed 
to the American delegation in the Federation the 
function of organizing and managing the Third 
Congress. In response to these two votes of the 
Federation, Dr. Davenport called the American 

jury 30, 1932 } 



delegation together at the Yale Club, November 
18th, 1930. This delegation, by vote, formally ac- 
cepted the responsibility and, in accordance with 
the actions already taken by the Federation, and 
the authority granted, perfected and announced 
the following working organization for the Con- 

President of the Congress—Charles B. Daven- 
port, Cold Spring Harbor, Long Island, N. Y. 

Honorary Presidents—Leonard Darwin, Henry 
Fairfield Osborn. 

Vice Presidents—Victor Delfino, Argentina ; H. 
Reichel, Austria; A. Govaerts, Belgium; D. F. 
Ramos y Delgado, Cuba; V. Ruzicka, Czecho- 
slovakia; Soren Hansen, Denmark; A. Liitis, 
Esthonia; Harry Federley, Finland; Georges 
Schreiber, France; Alfred Ploetz, Germany ; Sir 
Bernard Mallet, Great Britain; Corrado Gini, 
Italy; Marianne Van Herwerden, Netherlands ; 
Jon Alfred Mjéen, Norway; Leon Wernic, Po- 
land: N. K. Koltzoff, Russia; H. B. Fantham, 
South Africa; H. Lundborg, Sweden; O. Schlag- 
inhaufen, Switzerland; Irving Fisher, United 

Treasurer of the Congress—Frederick Osborn, 
52 Broadway, New York, N. Y. 

Secretary of the Congress—Harry H. Laughlin, 
Cold Spring Harbor, Long Island, N. Y. 

Chairman of Administrative Committee—Scien- 
tific Papers and General Program, Charles B. 
Davenport; Entertainment, Mrs. Charles Cary 
Rumsy; Finance, Frederick Osborn; Exhibits, 
Harry H. Laughlin; Publication and Publicity, 
Leon F. Whitney. 

Managing Committee—Charles B. Davenport, 
Chairman; Irving Fisher, Vice-Chairman; Clar- 
ence G. Campbell, Madison Grant, Frederick Os- 
born, Leon F. Whitney, Harry H. Laughlin, Sec- 

It is the aim of the Congress, by means of 
papers, conferences and exhibits, to review briefly 
the history of eugenical work, and to present a 
survey of the present status of eugenics, both as 
a pure and as an applied science. If its work is 
well done it will serve to clarify the principles and 
aims of eugenics, and to point out the most profit- 
able lines of eugenical endeavor for the next 
decade. The Congress will strive to mark a mile- 
post in eugenical research and also to present to 
the public the real meaning and content of the 
science of eugenics and an appreciation of its 
importance in human affairs. 

The Managing Committee of the Third Con- 
gress is anxious to establish early contacts with 
all persons in all countries who are interested in 
eugenical research and in race and family-stock 
betterment. It is hoped that this Congress will 
take full and critical stock of eugenical progress. 
In order to do this it must have wide and earnest 

support; it must be participated in by the out- 
standing students of human genetics, migration, 
mate selection, differential fertility and those for- 
ces which influence the turn-over of population 
quality from generation to generation. It invites 
friendly contact with, and participation in its 
work by, investigators in the contributing sciences 
—particularly anthropology, psychology, physi- 
ology, medicine and education. It welcomes col- 
laboration also with those business houses and in- 
dustries the prosperity of which depends most 
heavily upon specific human capacities. 

An exhibition covering the history and pres- 
ent status of eugenical research will be held at 
the Museum in connection with this Congress. It 
is planned to open this exhibition on August 22d 
and to continue it, open to the public, until Sep- 
tember 22d. 

Immediately following the Third International 
Congress of Eugenics in New York City the 
Sixth International Congress of Genetics will be 
held in Ithaca, N .Y. (August 24-31, 1932), under 
the presidency of Thomas Hunt Morgan, director 
of the Kerckhoff Laboratory of Biological Sci- 
ences of the California Institute of Technology. 
Inquiries concerning the Genetics Congress should 
be addressed to Dr. C. C. Little, Secretary, Sixth 
International Congress of Genetics, Bar Harbor, 

The Third International Congress of Eugenics, 
New York City, and the Sixth International Con- 
gress of Genetics, Ithaca, New York, are working 
in close collaboration. Papers on human genetics 
will be read at Ithaca, while all other phases of 
both pure and applied eugenics will be centered 
at the Eugenics Congress in New York. 

The members of the two Congresses will be 
taken on an excursion to Cold Spring Harbor on 
Sunday, August 21st, to visit the Eugenics Record 
Office and the Station for Experimental Evolu- 
tion, which, together, constitute the Department 
of Genetics of the Carnegie Institution of Wash- 

It is planned to cover the history and proceed- 
ings of the Congress appropriately in a published 
report. This report will give in full the more im- 
portant papers read before and submitted to the 
Congress, and will give an account of the pro- 
ceedings of the Congress and a description of the 

The First Congress in London, 1912, published 
as its report “Problems in Eugenics” ; Volume 1— 
486 pp.; Volume 2—186 pp. 

The Second Congress in New York, 1921, pub- 
lished Volume 1—‘Eugenics, Genetics and the 
Family”—439 pp. and 24 pls. Volume 2—*Eu- 
genics in Race and State”—472 pp. and 20 pls. 
Exhibition book—64 pp. and 47 pls. 

A similar policy is planned for the publications 



[ Vou. VII. No. 56 

of the Third Congress. 

The following classes of membership in the 
Congress have been established: Active member- 
ship, $5.00 ; Sustaining membership, $25.00; Sup- 
porting membership, $100.00; and patrons, those 
who contribute $500.00 or more. Both individuals 
and institutions are eligible to membership. Make 
all checks payable to the Third International Con- 
gress of Eugenics. 

Each member will be entitled to all privileges 
of the meetings, exhibits and entertainments of 

the Congress, and will receive, without further 
charge, one set of the publications of the Con- 

The Managing Committee of the Congress will 
pass upon and either definitely accept or reject 
each application for membership. 

Applications for membership and inquiries con- 
cerning the Third International Congress of Eu- 
genics may be addressed to Harry H. Laughlin, 
Secretary, Cold Spring Harbor, Long Island, 


_ A couple of weeks ago Mr. L. E. Katterfeld 
visited Woods Hole in order to create further 
interest in his magazine, “Evolution” and to ob- 
tain financial contributions towards its support. 
Dr. G. H. Parker introduced him to one of the 
seminar audiences at the Laboratory, and the fol- 
lowing remarks of his were taken down in short- 
hand : 

“T should like to say a word or two about Mr. 
Katterfeld and his magazine on evolution. The 
magazine has been published under very difficult 
circumstances. It comes out from time to time 
and is intended to inform school teachers and 
people in general what evolution means—it is edu- 
cational in that way. I have seen a number of 
issues. I subscribe to them. The material seems 
to be put in such a fashion that would bring to 
school teachers and young people in schools, as 
well as people in general, some conception of 
what evolution is. For example, people who are 
not in biology are inclined to believe that the re- 
lation of monkeys and humans is the whole evo- 
lutionary proposal. In this magazine the variety 
of aspects and diversity of the material show how 
widely extensive the evolutionary concept is. 

“Mr. Katterfeld travels around the country. 
He came to us at Cambridge. Some of us have 
subscribed and some have helped out with ad- 
ditional small sums—hecause teachers and pro- 
fessors are not able to do more—and it is these 
contributions, or what he calls subscriptions, that 
enable him to send copies to various schools. 1 
have had him send copies to my friends. You 
can send copies as Christmas presents to your own 
friends. I have sent them to my enemies even 
and they have responded by getting some amount 
of information on this question. I believe this 
is a very worthy object. It is difficult to make 
any headway without extra help especially in 
these times of depression. It is a worthy and 
well worth while object and it does not matter 
how little the help is; if you can give, I beg you 
to do so.” 

Mr. Katterfeld then spoke for a few minutes and 
some of the things that he said are recorded here: 

“First I want to express my appreciation to 
those who have made it generously possible for 
me to appear here, and to Dr. Parker for his kind 
remarks, and to show my appreciation I shall not 
take too much of your time. 

“When I mentioned to somebody that I was 
coming to Woods Hole to talk about this maga- 
zine, they asked me if | had ever heard of the 
fellow who tried to sell coal to Newcastle. 

‘But, | am sure you can gather from what Dr. 
Parker has said that there is a little method in 
my madness. Of course I have not come here 
to tell you anything about evolution. In fact, I 
know very little about it. That is why I am a 
pretty good one to have charge of such a journal. 
If I can read an article and understand it, why 
any “dumbbell” can see through it. 

“Our only fighting issue is that schools should 
be free to teach anything that Science finds out. 
We have one advantage, that is, not being the 
official organ of any scientific organization. We 
do not need to be quite so dignified. For instance, 
on the back page we carry a cartoon. There is 
nothing scientific about a cartoon. Some working 
man may see an article by Dr. Hegner, or Dr. 
Wells and nothing registers at all. But when he 
sees the cartoon he takes notice and grins. It 
helps prove to him that it isn’t too highbrow for 
him, and he starts to read. We also poke a little 
fun at the fundamentalists. If the magazine was 
intended for scientists alone we wouldn't do that, 
but a great many people will start reading because 
of the fun we poke at them. 

“Of course I think here in Woods Hole you 
have a larger percentage of evolutionists than in 
any other spot in the U. S. A. Fundamentalist 
influence even in New England is strong. For 
instance in Boston the high school Biology teach- 
ers are not permitted to deal with evolution at 
all. In many other schools to hold their jobs they 
must leave the matter alone. Some teachers get 

.around the situation by taking up the subject 

matter but not the word Evolution. 
“T hope you will find this little journal inter- 
esting and will help it to survive.” 

Jury 30, 1932 ] 




Physiology of Bacteria, by Orro RAun, P. Blak- 
iston’s Son and Company. Philadelphia. xiv 
++ 438 pp. 42 Figs. $6.00. 

The physiology of bacteria and of other micro- 
organisms has generally received but scant con- 
sideration as compared with the attention given 
the physiology of the higher forms of life. The 
great abundance, universal occurrence, variety of 
activities, and numerous applications of these 
microscopic forms of life would justify more gen- 
eral interest than is in evidence at the present 
time. Since Duclaux’s “Traité de Microbiologie,” 
published in 1900, Lafar’s “Handbuch der tech- 
nischen Mykologie” (1905- Ton and Kruse's 

“Allgemeine Mikrobiologie” (1910), no large 
treatise appeared for a number of years, dealing 
exclusively with the physiology of micro-organ- 
isms. Within the last three years, however, 
there appeared several important volumes which 
tend to fill this gap. Here belong the encyclopedic 

“Physiology and Biochemistry of Bacteria” by 

Buchanan and Fulmer, the ‘Bacterial Metabol- 

ism,” by M. Stephenson, and now the book under 

consideration, in addition to several other publi- 
cations dealing with certain specific phases of the 

The author of this book states in the introduc- 
tion that he made “an attempt to co-ordinate the 
various simplest functions of life, to study each 
function in itself and its effect upon the other 
functions.” He is much justified in assuming 
that the principles developed in bacteriology reach 
out far beyond this field and can be applied to bi- 
ology in general, and that “general physiology has 
much to learn from the physiology of bacteria.” 
The general physiologist has neglected the lower 
forms of life which present excellent material for 
working out the laws of physiology, such as the 
principles of growth and reproduction, metabol- 
ism, influence of environment upon physiological 
processes, etc. The book is divided into four 
parts: A. Endogenous Catabolism. B. Energy Sup- 
ply of the Cell. C. Growth. D. Mechanism of 
Death. This is followed by an appendix, dealing 
with the Size of micro-organisms, Multiplication 
of bacteria, and the Fermenting capacity of the 
cell, and by an author and subject index. The 
book is not intended to be a review of the subject 
as a whole, hence no attempt has been made to 
present a complete bibliography. However, the 20 
pages of references are fairly representative of the 

Although filling a great need in a rapidly grow- 
ing and important subject and although certain 
phases of the physiology of bacteria are treated in 
a most excellent manner, especially the problems 
involved in the growth and death of micro-organ- 

isms, the book is still not free from certain criti- 
cisms. The term fermentation has been much 
misused by the non-bacteriologist and unfortu- 
nately by many bacteriologists as well. As sug- 
gested originally by Pasteur, “fermentation is life 
without oxygen”’; it represents a specific form of 
life. The author of this book, unfortunately ap- 
plies this term without sufficient discrimination to 
all bacterial reactions, whether aerobic or anaero- 
bic, whether involving the utilization of carbohy- 
drates or of proteins as sources of energy. He 
speaks of the fermentation of proteins’ (p. 56) 
= distinguished from “anaerobic putrefaction’’ 

59). It would tend to make our knowledge 
- bacterial processes much clearer, if the various 
terms, especially those of “fermentation’’ and 
“putrefaction” were used with greater discrim- 
ination since the specific ‘‘fermentation reactions,” 
aside from their historical significance, had come 
to mean very definite processes brought about by 
anaerobic bacteria or by aerobic organisms living 
under anaerobic conditions. 

The author has neglected to pay any attention 
whatsoever to a number of specific groups of bac- 
teria, which possess a physiology very distinct 
from that of the common heterotrophic organisms. 
It is sufficient to mention, for example, the cellu- 
lose decomposing bacteria, some of which are un- 
able to use any other source of energy but cellu- 
lose. The autotrophic bacteria, including those 
organisms which are able to synthesize organic 
matter out of inorganic substances (elements or 
their simple inorganic compounds) and of the 
COy in the atmosphere, represent one of the most 
interesting chapters in bacterial physiology, due 
to the comparative simplicity of the reactions in- 
volved. However, the author disposes of all these 
organisms in a half a page, under the title “proto- 
trophic fermentations,” two words quite incorrect- 
ly applied. 

These criticisms should not tend to detract, 
however, from the value of the book, which rep- 
resents an excellent treatment of a chapter in 
bacterial physiology. —Selman A. Waksman. 

The Glycosides. E. F. Armstronc and K. F. 
ARMSTRONG, Longman’s Green & Co., New 
York and London, 1931. $4.50. 

This monograph deals with the chemistry and 
biological significance of those organic compounds 
which yield a sugar and some other carbon com- 
pound upon hydrolysis. Formerly such sub- 
stances were termed glucosides but in recent years 
the generic name glycoside has been applied to 
them since sugars other than glucose frequently 
constitute their carbohydrate moiety. The text 


[ Vor. VII. -No. 56 

begins with a brief review of those aspects of 
carbohydrate chemistry which are pertinant to the 
topics which form the main body of the text. 

This is followed by five chapters concerning the 
various classes of glycosides including the plant 
pigments and the so called cardiac glycosides. For 
the most part this portion of the text will be of 
more interest to the professional chemist than to 
the biologist. This is also true of the exceedingly 
brief chapter (514 pages) on the uronic acids 
which could have been expanded without much 
effort on the part of the authors. The last two 
chapters concerning respectively the function of 
glycosides in plants and the utilization of carbo- 
hydrates in the plant contain much of general bi- 
ological interest, although they suffer from a brev- 
ity which cannot be attributed to lack of available 
material concerning these topics. 

The reviewer has noticed but two errors of 
statement. On page 51 the pharmacological ac- 
tivity of the cardiac glycosides is erroniously at- 
tributed to the presence of the unsaturated lactone 
group which is common to the structures of the 
glucones of these substances. Such is not the 
case, for as correctly stated on page 58 Jacobs and 
Hoffman have shown that hydrogenation of the 
unsaturated linkage of the cardiac glycosides 
markedly decreases their pharmacological activity 
but does not completely abolish it. Incidentally it 
is amusing to note that although the authors stress 
the desirability of using the term glycoside in place 
of the older terminology they speak of the cardiac 
“olucosides” on page 57 although the majority of 
these important substances contain sugars other 
than glucose as shown in the tables on pages 52 
and 56. 

In discussing the nucleosides (page 73) it is 
stated that the component nucleosides of animal 
nucleic acid may be obtained in the same way as 
those from plant nucleic acid, namely by neutral 
hydrolysis under pressure. This is far from the 
truth, for the former are obtainable by enzymatic 
hydrolysis only, a fact which in the past has con- 
tributed much to the difficulties encountered in the 
determination of the structure of the desoxyribose 


Because of the active interest of everyone in 
Woods Hole in the discussion of “the beach ques- 
tion,” we take space from this number to quote 
from The Falmouth Enterprise of July 28: 

“A sub-committee of the general committee 
which is studying the adequateness of bathing 
beach facilities at Woods Hole met last night and 
heard seven or eight people who maintain that 
Woods Hole needs more beach privileges and 
made suggestions as to how to work for them. 
The committee will report Saturday to its general 
committee. It was announced that a public meet- 

nucleosides found in animal tissues. 

Aside from the misstatements just referred to, 
the text is remarkably free from errors of fact. 
In some instances, confusing statements occur. 
Thus on page 55 we read, “The glycosides of the 
seeds are not reserve materials but disappear dur- 
ing germination and are stored in the leaves, in 
which organs they do not increase further in 
quantity.” And in the next sentence, ‘The leaf 
glycosides are found in the earliest foliage leaves 
and continue to increase in quantity until they 
form 1 per cent. of the dried matter; it is sup- 
posed that they are only waste products of the 
metabolism of growth.” Further confusion arises 
when one compares the last of this sentence with 
the conclusion reached on page 98 where it is 
stated, “The most important function of glyco- 
sides would appear to be their action in keeping 
dormant and unchanged substances of great im- 
portance in the metabolism of the plant until the 
precise moment when they are required.” Of 
course, some of this confusion is due to the un- 
satisfactory state of our knowledge concerning 
the role of the glycosides in the biochemistry of 
the plant, but the uncritical manner of presenta- 
tion adopted by the authors is apt to obscure ex- 
perimentally established facts. This perhaps is 
due to the fact that the authors are primarily con- 
cerned with the chemistry of the glycosides. 

In some instances, certain of the topics men- 
tioned might have been elaborated upon with 
profit. Thus, on pages 48 and 49 the interesting 
theory of Mrs. Wheldale-Onslow concerning the 
inheritance of anthocyanin colors and their re- 
lationship to genetic factors is dismissed in four 
sentences. Similarly the discussion of Robinson’s 
ingenious theory of the origin of anthoxanthins 
and anthocyanins is too concise to be of much 
utility to the uninitiated. On the other hand, 
these shortcomings are compensated for by the in- 
clusion of an excellent bibliography. 

This book is one of the Monographs on Bio- 
chemistry and, as with the other volumes in this 
series, the publishers have maintained their high 
standard both in workmanship and price. 

—Kenneth C. Blanchard. 


ing will be held later. 

“Among Woods Hole property owners ad- 
jacent to the Bay Shore beach are the estates of 
the late Hector J. Hughes, Dr. Oliver Strong, 
Dr. Otto Glaser, Dr. Manton B. Copeland, Dr. 
Addison, Dr. E. N. Harvey, Dr. R. Chambers, 
Dr. Frank R. Lillie, Mrs. E. G. Gardiner, Ed- 
ward A. Norman. Many of them have appeared 
in conference before the sub-committee of the 
Beach committee, and members of the group pre- 
pared the following statement for the Enterprise: 

“Recently ‘Tue Cortectine Net, a weekly de- 

Jury 30, 1932 ] 



voted to scientific work’ distributed a broadside 
in Falmouth which had very little mention of 
scientific work in it, but was largely devoted to 
the discussion of the beach situation in Woods 

“*THe CoLttectinG Net states that the beach 
lots on Bay Shore had “‘been reserved for the use 
of five investigators.” We find this to be in- 
correct. The Fay Estate never reserved these 
lots, but put them in the open market. They were 
then bought by the present owners. 

““The statement that ‘Falmouth owes Woods 
Hole a beach’ is misleading to those not familiar 
with the situation, and puts our selectmen in a 
wrong light, as it suggests that at present there 
is none. As a matter of fact Woods Hole has 
six beaches serving various groups of tax pay- 

“1. Nobska Beach, a very fine one, is used by 
all the residents of the Nobska Point region and 
some of the Laboratory workers. 

“2. Juniper Point Beach, owned by 
Crane serves a group of bathers there. 

***3. Penzance Point Beaches, of which there 
are two, plus many private bathing piers take care 
of all the residents on the point. 

“4 Gansett Beach, is especially set aside for 
all the owners of property on that part of Crow 
Hill known as Gansett and numbering 29 cottages. 

“ «5. A beach on Quissett Harbor used by the 
cottagers on the private road. 

““6. The Bay Shore Beach, open to any resi- 
dent of Woods Hole as stated in the deed. 

““As well as these beaches over twenty-five 
residents on Vineyard Sound and Buzzards Bay 
shores have their own bathing facilities and do 
not need to use the other beaches. 

““Tt is the Bay Shore Beach to which the edi- 
torials in The Collecting Net refer. The prob- 
lem here is really not one of bathing at all, as 
this is excellent, but entirely a matter of more 
sand space for sunners. As the number of peo- 
ple using the beach scarcely reaches 50 at even 
the most popular hours, and is below 80 on Sat- 
urdays, it can be seen that a relatively small num- 
ber of tax dollars is involved.’ ” 

“A movement is on foot in Woods Hole which 
may result in action looking towards taking a 
beach for public use by eminent domain. 

“Originally broached last summer by Dr. Cas- 
well Grave and Ware Cattell, editor of THE Cor- 
LEcTING NET, on July 11 a committee of 20 met 
to discuss beach facilities at present available in 
Woods Hole. 

“The committee which is considering Woods 
Hole beach facilities is composed of Dr. R. P. 
Bigelow, Dr. R. A. Budington, Dr. Robert Cham- 
bers, Dr. E. R. Clark, Dr. Manton Copeland, Mr. 


Robert Goffin, Dr. H. B. Goodrich, Dr. Benjamin 
Grave, Dr. Caswell Grave, Dr. L. V. Heilbrunn, 
Mr. Thomas Larkin, Mr. E. M. Lewis, Dr. Ed- 
win Linton, Mr. James McInnis, Dr. Charles R. 
Packard, Dr. Fernandus Payne, Dr. A. C. Red- 
field, Dr. C. R. Stockard, Dr. O. S. Strong, Cap- 
tain John J. Veeder. 

“A sub-committee was appointed consisting of 
Dr. E. R. Clark, Dr. H. B. Goodrich, George A. 
Griffin, Thomas E. Larkin, Dr. C. R. Stockard. 

“Projects suggested for the committee’s con- 
sideration : 

“(1) Purchase of the beach rights of Lot X 
(Miss Fay’s Deed of Trust) and Dr. Oliver 
Strong’s lot, containing the bathhouse. 

“(2) Purchase of the beach rights of four 
lots belonging to Dr. S. C. Brooks, Dr. Otto 
Glaser, Dr. W. H. F. Addison, and Dr. E. N. 

“(3) Purchase of the beach rights of the 
Brooks, Glaser and Addison lots and expenditure 
of $1,000 to improve the beach. 

“The present public bathing facilities at Woods 
Hole were provided by Deed of Trust of Miss 
Sarah B. Fay, accepted by the town at annual 
town meeting in February 1928. All “inhabitants 
of that part of Falmouth known as Woods Hole 
as make it their home” already are guaranteed 
in perplexity bathing privileges, with right to use 
15 lockers in the existing bathhouse and right of 
way to the beach. 

“Miss Fay, carrying out the wishes of her late 
father, Joseph Story Fay, and late brother, Henry 
H. Fay, original owners of the property, set aside 
“Lot X”, forty feet wide to provide bathing op- 
portunities for all inhabitants of Woods Hole on 
the Bay Shore. 

“The acceptance of Miss Fay’s benefaction, 
was moved and championed at the 1928 town 
meeting by two Woods Hole men now serving on 
the “Beach Committee,’ Thomas E. Larkin and 
George A. Griffin. 

“Shortly after Miss Fay executed this Deed 
of Trust, the property was placed on the market 
and sold, subject to this restriction, to Dr. E. B. 
Meigs who is now trustee under the deed. 

“The town has no expense in connection with 
this beach to Woods Hole inhabitants and the 
bathhouse is maintained by the trustees.” 

Editorial Note: We must reserve detailed com- 
ment until the next number, for this issue was 
getting ready for the press when the Falmouth 
paper came to us. However, we can not refrain 
from calling especial attention to the statement 
above that the residents of Woods Hole “already 
are guaranteed in perplexity bathing privileges” 
on Lot X. How peculiarly appropriate the word 
“perplexity” is! 


[ Vou. VII. No. 56 

The Collecting Net 

A weekly publication devoted to the scientific work 
at Woods Hole. 


WV BRE RCALLGL aercroitataretotels|s/cteie\eicaifetaiets Sono aeS Editor 
Assistant Editors 

Florence L. Spooner Annaleida S. Cattell 
Vera Warbasse 

Contributing Editor to Woods Hole Log 
T. C. Wyman 

The Beach Question 

The sub-committee which is giving considera- 
tion to the question of enlarging the bathing beach 
facilities in Woods Hole met again on Wednes- 
day. They invited certain representative indi- 
viduals—selected from members of the laboratory 
and residents of the town who object to the ac- 
tion of the lot-holders on the Bay Shore in erect- 
ing the fence—to express their opinions. The 
sub-committee plans to meet again today to draw 
up a final report which we understand will be pre- 
sented at a public meeting to be scheduled about 
the tenth of August. 

Everyone in Woods Hole is under obligations 
to the sub-committee, which is unselfishly devot- 
ing a great deal of time and energy in an effort 
to make a sagacious decision. The problem is a 
fundamental one to the community as well as to 
every member of the laboratory. | Woods Hole 
should have obtained a beach twenty years ago. 
It is difficult to do so now, but twenty years 
later it will be still more difficult. Immediate 
needs are important, but they are transitory. Any 
plans made now must be sufficiently comprehen- 
sive to safeguard a growing town. The last two 
years have seen two developments which indicate 
that Woods Hole has a future; one is the choice 
of Woods Hole for the Oceanographic Institu- 
tion, the scope of which is not local but national ; 
the other is the addition of air transportation to 
this district. Besides the sea plane service be- 
tween the islands, Woods Hole and New Bed- 
ford, there has now been established a “com- 
muters service” between Falmouth and Boston. 

Woods Hole should plan a beach now, not only 
for the present, but one which will be sufficient 
to comfortably care for its increased population 
in years to come. 

We believe that the lot-holders on the Bay 
Shore beach ought to be sufficiently cooperative 
to remove the fence that was erected last summer. 
If they do not, we firmly believe that it will be 
in the interests of the Woods Hole community to 

have Falmouth take over the beach by its right 
of eminent domain—and Tue CoLtLectinc Net 
will work energetically toward that end. 


We have been critisized for being too dry, we 
have been lectured for being too frivolous. We 
have been told that it is impossible to be a hybrid 
between a biological monograph and a newspaper 
—and that if we want to survive in this day of 
specialization our contents must be homogenous. 
We maintain that we would have little reason for 
existing at all if we were not different from every 
other publication. The Biological Bulletin and 
The Falmouth Enterprise are admirable publica- 
tions of their kind, but we do not want to mimic 
either one! 

Workers at the laboratory are interested in 
their environment, as well as in their work, and 
we propose to cover fairly completely the news 
concerning it. To become monographical would 
be suicidal. A biologist of distinction once re- 
marked that THe CoLttectrnG Net was the only 
scientific magazine which was read in the summer 

Of course, our first wish is to accurately and 
thoroughly report the work carried out in the 
three scientific institutions in Woods Hole, and 
news concerning them and their workers. We 
might be called an unofficial organ of these in- 
stitutions. In general, material of no scientific 
interest will be segregated at the end of the maga- 
zine in a similar way that the Science Service ma- 
terial is handled in Science—or the comic section 
in the Sunday newspaper. 

We shall be delighted to receive expressions of 
opinion from our readers. Naturally we want to 
adopt a policy which will be endorsed by a definite 
majority of the scientific workers in Woods Hole. 

At the following hours (Daylight Saving 
Time) the current in the hole turns to run 
from Buzzards Bay to Vineyard Sound: 

Date A.M. P.M 
July 2:42 2:48 
July Suey, 3:33 
Aug 4:12 4:18 
Aug 4:54 5:03 
Aug. 5ro7, 5:50 
Aug. 6:20 6:35 
Aug 7:04 W023 
Aug 7:50 8:13 
Aug. 8:37 9:07 

In each case the current changes approxi- 
mately six hours later and runs from the 
Sound to the Bay. It must be remembered 
that the schedule printed above is dependent 
upon the wind. 




The Annual Meeting of the Trustees of the 
Corporation of the Marine Biological Laboratory 
will be held at 11:30 A. M. on August 9. New 
members will be elected by the trustees. Applica- 
tion blanks for membership in the Corporation 
may be obtained at the Administration office and 
must be given to Dr. Charles Packard, Clerk of 
the Corporation, on or before August 5. 

Dr. Edmund B. Wilson, Da Costa professor 
of zoology at Columbia University, has been 
elected a corresponding member of the Vienna 
Academy of Sciences, 

Dr. L. A. Brown has resigned his position as 
associate professor of zoology at George Wash- 
ington University and is available for an appoint- 
ment in zoology or physiology. 

Dr. George P. Berry, formerly of the Rocke- 
feller Institute for Medical Research, has been 
appointed professor of bacteriology and head of 
the department, in the School of Medicine, Uni- 
versity of Rochester and at the same time will 
act as associate professor of medicine. 

A week or two before his death, Graham Lusk, 
was elected to foreign membership by the Royal 
Society of London. 

Dr. Frank Pell Underhill, professor of pharma- 
cology and toxicology for eleven years at the 
Yale University School of Medicine died on June 
29. Dr. Underhill had been associated with Vale 
University for thirty-two years. 

Dr. Herman Von W. Schulte, dean of the 
Creighton University Medical College since 1917, 
died on July 13.. Dr. Schulte was at one time 
associate professor of anatomy at Columbia Uni- 

A card from Dr. H. Herbert Johnson, instruc- 
tor in biology at the College of the City of New 
York, announces the birth of a daughter on July 
24, in Brunswick, Georgia. 

The zoological field station of the University of 
kentucky at Quicksand, Kentucky has been dis- 

The Fifth International Congress of Entom- 

ology which convened in Paris, adjourned on 
July 24. 

(Received July 23) 

On Tuesday of this week Captain C. B. Mayo, 
Commanding Officer of U. S. S. Ramapo visited 
the institution, spending most of the day discuss- 
ing with members of the scientific staff of the In- 
stitution the preparation of a relief map of the 
bottom of the North Pacific. In the last few 
years the Ramapo has done more work on the 
submarine configuration of the North Pacific than 
all other agencies of the world together. 

Other visitors on Tuesday of this week were 
Prof. W. P. Kelley of the Citrus Experiment 
Station at Riverside, Mr. Gordon Surr of the 
same station, and Prof. A. O. Woodford of Po- 
mona College. Their visit was for the purpose 
of discussing with Director T. Wayland Vaughan 
and other members of the scientific staff the geo- 
logical problems connected with Professor Kel- 
ley’s studies of base exchange in soils. 

On Monday of this week Mr. D. W. Gravell 
arrived at the Institution to spend a week in spec- 
ial study on foraminifera. Mr. Gravell was for- 
merly a graduate student at the Institution, 


(Received July 23) 

With the change in administration of the Lab- 
oratory many innovations have come. The small 
laboratory building known as “the survey shed” 
has been entirely renovated and rather complete, 
facilities for biochemical investigation have been 
installed. Dr. Marshall and Dr. Smith and five 
assistants are now at work in this building. The 
library has been reorganized and the Naples sys- 
tem of “shingles” to mark the place of borrowed 
books, has been installed. The popular lecture 
course has been given up and a course of scien- 
tific lectures has been substituted by the Dorr 
Station. These lectures are to be run by sub- 
scription, $5.00 a season ticket, and they are to 
be held Tuesday afternoons in the Jordan Pond 
House. Among other things, we have a new 
still for distilling water, a new stove and a Gen- 
eral Electric refrigerator in the Dining Hall 

The annual Laboratory picnic was held early 
in July at the Dining Hall, an evening picnic in- 
stead of the customary Fourth of July noon beach 
party. After a supper of steamed clams and 
lobster salad, a program of dancing and bridge 
followed in the new wing of the Dining Hall. A 
rainy night outside could not dampen the spirits 
of the members of the Laboratory. 

152 THE COLLECTING NET [ Vou. VII. No. 56 

LEICA’S Built-In 
Range Finder 

Sight subject through the range 
finder. If you see two images 
the picture is out of focus. Se- 
cure correct focus by turning 
lens mount until the two images 
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the shutter. Focus wil] be per- 


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onl ight turning of lens mount to keep action and still sub- 
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7 Interchangeable Lenses ai 
LEICA is so small you can carry it in your pocket, yet is in- Botanical 
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stituting one LEICA lens for another. You can even make with the 
night pictures with LEICA’S new 73 mm. f:1.9 HEKTOR lens. LEICA Cam- 
Economical—36 pictures on a single roll of cinema film, eas era and the 
loaded and unloaded in daylight. All metal case prevents e3 LEICA 
posure of shutter and working parts of camera to dust and Focusing 
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perfectly sharp and clear. Used and endorsed by ientists, ment. 

explorers, newspapermen, sportsmen. At your Dealer's or 
Write for Free Illustrated Booklet “THE NEW AUTOFOCAL LEICA” 
E. LEITZ, Inc. Dept. 141 60 East 10th St., New York 

ULTRA FILTRATION || | Sex pblesice! Suppy Sox.tE 
APPARATUS tapes ge? iogical Specimens of all 

Types for the Laboratory 
According to Michailovsky 

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pecially Southern or Louis- 
iana Forms. 

The cell has three sections. It can be used Specialists in Amoeba Cultures, Alligators, Ete. 
separately for simple dialysis and filtration. 517 Decatur Street New Orleans, La. 
a. Solution and Filtrate visible during 
b. Flat uniform membranes employed. Best Results Best Results 
c. Highly concentrated filtrates obtain- Assured with Assured with 
able. © 
d. Cell rechargeable without dismounting. 
Py -t] PTAA ALAA A - 0 ar 
Further information on request. Ree : ee Cine 

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Headquarters for Laboratory Apparatus and Ac your dealer—or write (giving dealer’s name) to 
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THIRD AVENUE, 18th to 19th STREET Cray Avs ia 

117-119 East 24th Scecet NEW york 

IE a Se 

A Time Saving 
Teaching Tool... 


The illustra- 

tions show the 
triple - purpose 
micro - projec- 
tor in class- 
room use. 
1. Projecting 
mounted = spe- 
cimens for 
group instruc- 

2. Projecting 
images on pa- 
per for stud- 
ents’ and tea- 
cher’s note 
book draw- 

8. Projecting 
living speci- 
mens mounted 
in liquid. 

HIS ingeniously designed instrument does the 

work of three instruments and allows the teacher 
to demonstrate more quickly and with better 

The B&L Triple-Purpose Micro-Projector projects 
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The outfit is light (5% lbs.), strong, easily port- 
able, and every part and performance meets the 
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The low price $43.50 (for 110 volt A.C.) makes 
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with reduced budgets ($46.50 for 110 volt A.C. or 
D.C.). Subject to educational discount. 

Bausch & Lomb Optical Company 




Cat. No. 12 60 21 


in case 
Price $40.00 f. 0. b. N. Y. 

This apparatus permits of most accurate 
drawing at any magnifications available with 
a compound microscope. Length of mirror 
arm 140 mm., size of mirror 125x70 mm. 
Provided with two interchangeable Abbe cubes 
for a large and for a small exit pupil, complete 
adjustment for precise centering and vertical 
displacement, moderating glasses for control- 
ling the illumination proceeding from the 
drawing surface, as well as from the micros- 
cope. With an erect microscope, drawings 
are made without distortion on a horizontal 

Cat. No. 12 60 24 


on slide 
Price $7.00 f.0.b. N.Y. 

Interchangeable with the Abbe cubes of the 
preceding, for the purpose of converting it 
into a projection drawing apparatus. 

485 Fifth Avenue, New York 
Pacific Coast Branch: 
728 South Hill Street, Los Angeles, Calif. 

154: _THE COLLECTING NET [ Vor. VII. No. 56 


SINCE AUGUST 6th, 1821 


of all papers appearing in the journals listed below Th 
prior to publication of the articles in full. e 
By this advance information biologists may familiar- 

ize themselves with contemporary research in a FALMOUTH 

minimum of time. 
Advance Abstract Skeets are issued twice a 
month, each sheet containing ten or more authors’ NATIONAL BANK 
abstracts. Subscription rate is $3.00 per year. 
Bibliographic Service Cards, following the Advance 
Abstract Sheets, also are issued twice a month. In Falmouth, 
addition to the authors’ abstracts, the cards provide 
subject headings and complete bibliographic refer- Massachusetts 
ence. The cards are convenient for filing and li- 
brary records. Price, $5.00 per year. 
At regular intervals the authors’ abstracts are as- 
sembled and published in book form with complete 
authors’ and analytical subject indices. Price, $5.00 

per volume. Liberal discount to subscribers to the : 
Bibliographic Service Cards. Capital, $100,000 
Journal of Morphology Surplus Fund, $100,000 

The Journal of Comparative Neurology 

The American Journal of Anatomy 

The Anatomical Record 

The Journal of Experimental Zoology 

American Anatomical Memoirs 

American Journal of Physical Anthropology 
Journal of Cellular and Comparative Physiology 

Folia Anatomica Japonica (Tokyo, Japan) 
Physiological Zoology (Chicago, Illinois) W It O | mb 
Stain Technology (Geneva, New York) a er e usco e 
Ecological Monographs (Durham, North Carolina) 



Philadelphia, Pa., U. S. A. Woods Hole Phone 622-4 




Music by 


Both Indoor and Outdoor Dance Floors 

Management, P. F. Brine, Inc. 

equipped to care for any social $2.50 per person | 
function. | 

Luncheon except Sunday is $1.25 — Sunday $1.50 
Dinner except Wednesday and Saturday is $1.50 
Afternoon Tea, by reservation only ‘Yom “15 

L - = = 

Jury 30, 1932 | 




Collections Daily 

Two Collections Daily in the Dormitories 
Telephone 777 



Phone 109 Falmouth 

Weeks’ Building, Falmouth 

Phone 907-M Free Delivery 
We Press While You Wait 

(Special Rates to Laboratory Members) 


New Bedford, Mass. 

Tel. Clifford 6775 

If You Want 
A Map of Woods Hole, Interesting Books, 
Back Numbers of THE NET 
OR Just Information 

Gal. Quart 
Outside Oil Paint $3.00 $ .90 
4-Hour Enamel 3.75 1.15 

Myron S. Lumbert 



General Merchandise 


Saddle Riding 
Horses Lessons 

Boston, Mass. 

Depot Ave. Falmouth Tel. Falmouth 537 


Sales and Service 


TEL. 62 

Agency for 

Tel. 260 

Falmouth, opp. the Public Library 


Old Silver Beach, West Falmouth 
Telephone 1400 


When you come to 


eat our excellent 

— 00c LUNCH — 

( Opposite Library ) 



[ Vor. VII. No. 56 



The following letter from Mr. Hillard M. 
Nagle, recently addressed to the Coast Guard Sta- 
tion at Woods Hole, gives some indication of the 
different kinds of work they are called upon to 
do, and which must be interesting to them, if only 
for the sake of breaking the monotony of rescuing 
unfortunate boats and individuals. 

“We are making a survey of bird life during 
the coming migratory period in cooperation with 
the Biological Survey of the U. S. Department of 
Agriculture. The survey is to be conducted in 
the general vicinity of Goosberry Island and the 
waters of Hen and Chicken lightship and Cutty- 

We would like to know if you would detail a 
boat to assist us in carrying out this work which 
is preparatory to later bird-banding operations. 

A party of ten would be ready to leave the 
town wharf at Westport Point on the East branch 
of the Westport River, one mile from the en- 
trance to Westport Harbor, on Friday, July 15, 
at 10:00 A. M. 

As our party is small and the territory we are 
to cover is considerable, we would suggest that 
you send a speed boat in order to cover the above 

In connection with the above letter, the Coast 
Guard dispatched a patrol boat which took the 
party on its all-day expedition. It expects to 
take another party doing the same kind of work, 
over to Muskeget Island, Nantucket, on July 27. 

The Coast Guard Station at Woods Hole has 
been kept unusually busy during the past week, 
there being no less than five assistance reports 
on record, and all involving a certain amount of 
hard work! 

While patrolling in the vicinity of Pollock Rip 
Slue, on July 19, a coast guard boat sighted a 
vessel flying distress signals. Upon investigation, 
it was found to be the annie S of Boston, whose 
wheel was completely enmeshed in a large fishing 
net. The boat was towed to Nantucket, and 
beached there. 

While on New Bedford patrol area, on the 
morning of July 20, a coast guard boat received 
orders from headquarters to proceed northeast 
of Gay Head to investigate a fishing boat reported 
in distress. It was found to be the fishing sloop, 
Pal of Point Judith, Rhode Island, which had a 
disabled motor. It was towed to New Bedford. 

On July 22, a Coast Guard boat, patrolling off 
Great Point Light, Nantucket, received a message 
ordering it to proceed to Shovelfull Shoals to as- 
sist a fishing schooner aground there. The pa- 
trol boat waited until high tide and then ran a 

line to the schooner by means of a Monomoy surf 
boat. The vessel was floated, but grounded again 
three times before it was finally cleared of the 

On the afternoon of July 24 orders were re- 
ceived from the “Officer-of-the-day” to proceed 
with a patrol boat to the assistance of a two- 
masted gas-screw yacht aground on Great Ledge, 
Woods Hole. A towing line was made fast to the 
yacht and the latter was easily pulled off the ledge. 
The yacht proceeded to the steamboat wharf un- 
der its own power. 

On the morning of July 26, a call was received 
from the S. S. Van Buren, saying that a yacht had 
sighted adrift four miles east of Pollock Rip 
lightship. A patrol boat was ordered out to get 
her in tow. The yacht was owned by Charles 
Pipenbrink of Boston, and had a disabled motor. 
It was towed to Provincetown, and about half 
way up the coast guard boat was relieved by an- 
other patrol boat, the Dix, which completed the 
journey. —F. L. S. 


Under the active leadership of Dr. Heilbrunn 
(and Mrs. Heilbrunn) the M. B. L. Club is 
suddenly beginning to bustle with activity—ex- 
ternally as well as internally. Perhaps one of 
the most interesting innovations will be a four- 
piece orchestra which will play at the Clubhouse 
every Saturday night beginning on August 6. The 
dance will be free to members of the Club, but 
there will be an entrance fee of 50c for each in- 
dividual who does not belong to the Club. 

The Sunday singing will be revived, and plans 
are also under way for the establishment of a 
lending library. Good books of various kinds 
will be available for a modest sum. 

Everyone who is eligible for membership 
should join, because only members will be per- 
mitted to enjoy the benefits of the Club. 

The exhibit of the work done by the children 
this summer in the Children’s school of Science 
will be held at the School House on Friday, Aug- 
ust 5th at 2:00 P. M. Visitors are welcome and 
are sure to be interested in seeing what scientific 
ability the younger generation of this community 
have. —V.W. 

The fire siren has been blowing quite a bit re- 
cently, but none of the fires, fortunately, have 
been in Woods Hole. Sunday morning there 
was a fire in a garage in West Falmouth. On 
Monday there were two fires, one a brush fire at 
Silver Beach, and the other caused by an oil 
burner on Walker Street in Falmouth. —V. W. 

( Other pages of the Woods Hole Log will be found on pages 158 and 160 ) 

Jury 30, 1932 ] _ SHE COLLECTING NET _ a Dae ee ed EY) 

can find a pleasant change 
Sandwiches — Table d’hote — A la carte 


Falmouth and Woods Hole 


Cleaning, Dyeing and Repairing 
Coats Relined and Altered. Prices Reasonable 


Main St. Woods Hole, Mass. Call 752 


Telephone 1243 


Seaplane Service 



Schedules and tickets at Steamboat 

ticket offices 

Souvenirs and Jewelry 
Depot Avenue Woods Hole, Mass. 

Civil Engineer and Surveyor 
Assoc. Member Am. Soc. C. E. 
S. B., Mass. Inst. of Tech., 1907 



Clifford L. Hubbard, Prop. 
Telephone 383-R Falmouth, Massachuseetts 






Opposite Station 



_[ Vor. VI. No. 56 


The results of the races on Monday are as 
follows : 
Buzzards Bay Class 

GHANA LAUT eves es ce .c 2. Geoffrey Whitney 
735° SEOUL eB coe noe oe . Louise Crane 
3. Mink ...... .. Gaspar Bacon, Jr. 
4h, Gletherts; neces... . Eliot Forbes 
5. Knight . David Emmerson 
Cape Cod Knockabouts 
1. Tyro .... Mrs. Crossby (sailed by F. Copeland) 
PNR! 5 Pest Mike eee Dr. Kenneth Cole 
3. Porpoise a CanViniGlaser 
4. Windward 5 .. Morris Frost 
5. Menidia ...... ete ieee bicelow, 
1. Aunt Addie .. Wistar Meigs 
2. Dorine Fs Alan Clowes 
3. Sea Robin Albert Woodcock 
4+. Lobster . Mrs. Barbara Prosser Gifford 
1. Lurline . Alfred Compton 
2. Dinny V. Warbasse 

The Woods Hole Yacht Club has been invited 
to partake in the Edgartown Regatta this week- 
end, and any member of the yacht club was asked 
to take his boat and race it. They were also in- 
vited to dinner and dance Friday night. About 
ten boats planned to leave our harbor on Friday 
afternoon. —V.W. 

With the beach question so much in people’s 
minds, it was recently suggested that the Hughes 
house which is opposite the I. O. Woodruff’s 
house, and next to the Murray Crane’s, be bought 
and turned into a beach and Yacht Clubhouse. At 
Nantucket and Edgartown such a club has been 
very successful. The beach adjoining it, facing 
the bay, is of fine quality sand, and a wharf could 
be easily built into the harbor. The cost of mak- 
ing these improvements would be about $50,000. 
If fifty families in Woods Hole could contribute 
$1,000 each, this project could be put over. Many 
people have shown interest in this, and it is hoped 
that we may be able to have such a beach and 
Yacht Club sometime. —V.W. 

Miss Elizabeth Fenner who has been leading 
actress in the Theatre Unit Incorporated for four 
years, was married last Saturday to Mr. Thomas 
B. Gresham, Jr., from Baltimore. —V.W. 

( Other pages of the Woods Hole Log 


I was fortunate enough to be invited to the 
Protozoology picnic, held on July 26 at Tarpau- 
lin Cove. Before the party was rowed ashore, 
we had a ride on the Cayadetta down to Gay 
Head. After everyone had partaken fully of 
the very plentiful food, the memberes of the 
staff who were guests of the class were called 
on for speeches. A track meet of several events 
in which all were urged to compete, was conduct- 
ed. The day ended with a tug-of-war in which 
all the men participated, and an exciting baseball 
game for everyone. No one could have had more 
fun. —L. M. 

While operating a couple of freight trailers, 
Mr. Ted Wyman met with an accident early this 
week. The coupling pin between the two trailers 
fell out, suddenly, causing the two to come to- 
gether, and Mr. Wyman’s foot got caught between 
the two. While no bones were broken, his foot 
was so badly jammed that it was badly torn and 
it was necessary for three stitches to be taken. 
Mr. Wyman is about on crutches now, and is ex- 
pected to be able to use his foot in about two 
weeks. —F.L.S. 

As the 6:20 P. M. boat for Nantucket was 
docking last Saturday, the passengers and other 
spectators on the wharf were treated to a spectacle 
that would have tickled the fancy of even a Joseph 
Conrad. Two fishing boats were tied up on the 
north side of the steamboat dock, and aboard 
one of them, the Klondike, a battle royal was tak- 
ing place. One of the seamen, a red-headed Vik- 
ing with a soft southern drawl, was feeling the 
effects of a stimulant known as moonshine. Ap- 
parently he had persuaded himself that in the 
interests of science, or for some other reason 
known only to himself, it was his duty to disect 
his fellow seamen with a delicate fish knife some 
two feet and a few odd inches in length. Some- 
one had evidently notified the local policeman, who 
immediately boarded the boat. The policeman did 
not appear to be interested in the fine points of 
the operation that was about to take place, and 
finally put an end to the fracas by taking the two 
seamen with him for a joy ride to Barnstable, 


Some of the boys acting as porters on the wharf 
in Woods Hole manage to pick up three or four 
dollars a day. —V.W, 

will be found on pages 156 and 160 ) 

Jury 30, 1932 ] 

Superior Guernsey Milk and Cream 
Butter Selected Eggs Ice Cream 


Falmouth 278 Osterville 378 

Entire line of D. & M. Sporting Goods 

5 and 10c department 

FALMOUTH Tel. 407 

Remodeling a Specialty 

Goods Called For Main. Street 
and Delivered Tel. Falmouth 1104 


Men’s Suits Ladies’ Suits 
Topcoats $ Ladies’ Coats 
Overcoats 1.00 Plain Silk Dresses 

Call Falmouth 430 


Quality Service 
“The Rexall Store” 
P. D. ROWE, Ph. C., Reg. Pharmacist 



G. R. & H. DRUG CO., Inc. 

Reg. Pharm. 


Automobile Top Repairing 


Shoe Repairing 


Tel. 240 A. C, EASTMAN 



Tuesdays and Saturdays 
*hone 1130 Falmouth 







Take Advantage of the Special Rates 

W. T. GRABIEC, Prop. 

$4.50 to $7.50 

Near Filene’s FALMOUTH 



200 ‘Single Skeets and 100 Envelopes 
Printed with name and address on good White 
Paper Complete $1.00. 

100 Double Sheets and 100 Envelopes 
Printed on White, Blue, Grey, Pink 
or Buff, $1.00 
Club Parchment, 100 Single Sheets and 60 
Envelopes, Complete $1.50. 

Other Grades Paper $1.25 to $2.00 

Hutchinsons Book Store 


Church of the Messiah 

( Episcopal ) 

The Rev. James Bancroft, Rector 

Holy Communion 

Morning Prayer 

Evening Prayer . 



[ Vor. VII. No. 56 



The Theatre Unit this past week produced 
Elsie Schaufler’s ‘Peep Show” under the super- 
vision of Arthur Beckhard. The plot itself was ex- 
cellent, but the play needs a lot of re-writing. I 
think that the company should have chosen a play 
which was more of a change from Berkely Square. 
During both plays the characteers were taken back 
a number of years. In this play a young couple 
fear they can’t marry because the girl lives in 
terror ot her tyrant Aunt. By means of a faint- 
ing spell, she is carried back five years and you 
later discover what caused the trouble, and the 
plot is gradually cleared up. 

Sir John, the guardian, played by Myron Mc- 
Cormack, is badly cast. He was too young and 
too short of stature to be convincing. The hero, 
Bretaigne Windust, was passable, but he seeemed 
stiff. The tyrant Aunt, played by Mildred Nat- 
wick, was done very well. The heroine, Katherine 
Squire, was excellent in every way. She was con- 
vincing and perfectly at home in her part. Mr. 
3eckhard, previously associated with her at Green- 
wich and at Woodstock, correctly saw in Miss 
Squire the ideal Penelope. —V.W. 

The Annual Meeting of the Association of the 
Children’s School of Science will be held in the 
School House Tuesday, August 20, at 2:30 P. M. 


The Annual Meeting of the Woods Hole Pro- 
tective Association will take place on Thursday, 
August 11 at 8:00 P. M. in the Old Lecture Hall. 

(of Washington, D. C.) 

(Back of Western Union) 
Tel. Falmouth 1326 



Telephone 78 

Dr. C. D. Darlington of The John Innes Hor- 
ticultural Institute, spoke at the Penzance Forum 
last Sunday on “The Political Situation in Eng- 
land.” He explained that England was not re- 
covering from the depression any more than the 
United States. He compared the two countries 
very ably and clearly. Dr. Darlington showed 
that, although he is widely known for his scien- 
tific work, that also he is a keen observer of the 
present economic situation. —V.W. 

It seems that there are an unusual number of 
food sales going on in Woods Hole. Last Satur- 
day on the Crowell’s lawn opposite the Post Office 
there was such a sale sponsored by the Ways and 
Means Committee of the Woods Hole Woman's 
Club. On Friday afternoon there was one on 
the corner of North and West Streets for the ben- 
efit of St. Joseph’s Church. —V.W. 

A newcomer to Woods Hole heard someone 
call the Bradley’s house on Juniper Point the air- 
plane house. She immediately inquired if that 
was the place they kept all the planes that flew 
around here. —V.W. 


Mr. Gifford Griffin, who rescued Dr. Alfred 
Meyer when he fell overboard at the airplane 
dock, very successfully imitated him the other day. 
While pulling the airplane into the dock he missed 
his footing and became completely soaked. 


Clever Shoppers Visit the 


$5.00, $5.95, $6.95, $10.50 and $15.00 
Tel. 935 EDNA B. SMITH 



Falmouth Phone 116 

( Other pages of the Woods Hole Log will be found on pages 156 and 158 ) 

Jury 30, 1932] THE COLLECTING NETO _( Ast 



Now Going On at the Star 
Store in New Bedford 

Every suite, every odd piece in our entire 
Furniture Stock is now reduced from 10% 
to 33. 1/3% during this Sale. It’s the best 
buying time of the year, because prices are 
lowes t. 


Free : 
Daily Delivery to 

Telephone Clifford 750 

Five Cents Savings August Ist 
Deposits over Assets over Sale 
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Very Desirable in Fabric and Style 


Go On Sale 

154 Consecutive Semi-Annual 

Dividends Paid in THE C. F. WING CO. 

77 years. 790-794 PURCHASE ST. 
New Bedford, Mass. 

162 THE COLLECTING NET ____[ Vor. VII. No. 56 


HE Quadrant Electrometer shown is pri- 
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Send for electrometer list C 169 


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Fe sear "It Saved Us the Cost of Five 

Quoting remark of a Department Head 
The Promi projects microscopic slides and living organisms 

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Also used as a microscope and a micro-photographie ap- 

The Promi, recently perfected by a prominent German 
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apparatus which fills a long felt want in scientific instruc- 
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PRICE: F.O.B. New York, $100.00 complete apparatus in 
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on request. 

Prospectus Gladly Sent 

A new instrument which has been brought out in response to a demand for a simple apparatus like 
the Promi for more advanced work which requires more powerful illumination and higher magnifica- 
tion. Has many additional features as standard equipment. Demonstrations will gladly be made 

Prospectus and prices sent on request. by Mr. Robert Rugh, Room 11, Brick 
Headquarters for Biological Teaching Material Bldg. M. B. L.; Woods Hole. 

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Jury 30, 1932 ] 




The latest development and improvement in Microscope design — a fine adjustment 
located low enough’ to be operated with your hand resting on the table — an original 
This new microscope has many other advantageous features. 

outstanding feature. 


164 THE COLLECTING NET [ Vou. VII. No. 56 

1 JULY 28th - AUGUST 9th 

Under direction of J. A. Kyle 

Spalteholz Preparations 

Charts: Anatomical, Neurological, etc. 
Skeletal Material, Human and Zoological 
Medels, Anatomical and Zoological 

“PROMI” and “PROMAR” Microscopic Drawing and Projection Apparatus 

Cay: -\ DAMS Com MP ANS 

| 117-119 East 24th Street New York 

Biological Life Histories 
Botanical Models ‘Brendel’ 

Skeleton of Fish in Case 

Models, Specimens, 

for physiology, zoology, botany, 

anatomy, embryology, ete. Cata- 

logs will gladly be sent on request. 
Please mention name of school 
and subjects taught, to enable 

aah eee us to send the appropriate 
Spalteholz catalog. 
Transparent = 
Preparations Visit our display rooms and Z : 
Ren museum. Life History 
of Chick 



Model of Human Heart 117-119 EAST 24th STREET NEW YORK 

\SS ee ee 

Annual Subscription, $2.00 

Vol. VII. No. 7 SATURDAY, AUGUST 6, 1932 

Single Copies, 25 Cts. 

On Tuesday we received the following note Dr. C. C. SPEIDEL 
from Mrs. Helen H. Neal, Salisbury Cove, Professor of Anatomy, University of Virginia. 
Maine: “The enclosed will explain itself. Would For the past three years I have been studying 
you care to use it—or parts of 1it—in THE Cor- living nerves in frog tadpoles both under normal 
LECTING Net. We hope you may!” One of the and experimental conditions. Individual nerve 
enclosures was a letter to Mrs. fibers are kept under observa- 
Neal from Mrs. William R. tion for prolonged periods. 
Belknap of Louisville, Ken- This evening I should like to 
tucky, dated October 12, 1931: give a brief resumé of some 
“During my visit to you I of my earlier observations and 

MM. B. L. Calendar 
TUESDAY, AUGUST 9, 8:00 P. M. 
Seminar: Mr. D. P. Costello: “Sur- 

happened to speak to Doctor 
Neal about my Aunt who, 
many years ago, was a student 
at Penikese. I wrote her of 
his interest and asked if she 
would write an account of her 
experience. The enclosed cor- 
respondence with my Aunt and 
the notes she supplied on the 
subject are self-explanatory. 
When I received her account 
I told my brother-in-law that 
I intended going over it with 
the purpose of blue pencilling 
the repetitions which, as you 
will see by her letter she an- 
ticipated as possibilities. Mr. 

Davenport said he thought it much better to send 
the statement exactly as it came from her pen. | 
(Continued on page 167) 

am accordingly doing 

face Precipitation Reaction in 
Marine Eggs.” 

Dr. P. S. Henshaw: “Changes in 
Sensitivity of Drosophila Eggs 
during Early Development to 
Hard and Soft X-rays, Gamma 
Rays and Alpha Particles.” 

Dr. Ralph M. Buchsbaum: “Size 
of Explant and Volume of Medi- 
um in Tissue Cultures.” 

Dr. B. H. Willier: “Germ Cells 

in Relation to the Origin and 
Differentiation of the Sex Gland 
of the Chick as Studied by Cho- 
rio-allantoic Grafts.” 

FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, 8:00 P. M. | 
Lecture: Dr. Alexander Forbes: 

“Surveying in Northern Labra- 
dor.”’ Illustrated. 

vated in vitro. 


The Growth and Repair of Living Nerves, 
1D SCO CHS GEMS) 0-5 (0 [) (aa ene Ree 
The Penikese School Fifty-eight Years Ago. .165 

Participation of Bone in Neutralization of In- 

gested Acid, Dr. L. Irving, A. L. Chute....171 
Partition Coefficients and Diffusion of Solutes 

in Heterogenious Systems, Dr. S. C. Brooks 171 
Antagonism of Methylene Blue for CN and CO, 

rN Mie Brooks): «0% 5.5 4).'ei6 « 


by him “cones d’accroissement’’. 
the first to study these in living nerve cells culti- 
They may be seen and studied to 

a more detailed account of my 
later studies. 

Several phases of nerve ac- 
tivity may be considered: (1) 
the activity of the growth 
cones of single nerve fibers; 
(2) the movements of sheath 
cells correlated with the origin 
and growth of the myelin 
sheath, and varieties of adjust- 
ment and readjustment; (3) 
the phenomena associated with 
nerve irritation and recovery, 
degeneration and repair. 

Growth cones were first rec- 
ognized by Cajal in fixed tis- 
sues long ago and were called 
Harrison was 

The Mechanism of the Action of Enzymes, 

tn cle aioe CRnIO 165 IDyes AV eh NENG Gis o neon Som obend amtrc co ama 
Bed ehAQuestiont f. 5 <).2chy. cia tere: eeu hares stella) 174 
FXCIPOrigh (PAE CY fea tite terete jos args wate ores) ates sue 176 
Directory: Supplements. 5.6 cape we ein oe eure 176 
Themis Of. TNCENESt 6 eee ase aiale wile he lon divpapeis, canes 177 
eh cierto AKAN. DV OOUSMELOLC GOL iataie tate et aim (ernie. « ae/eieleinapagee ate LOO 



[ Vor. VII. No. 57 

best advantage in the living animal in the rapidly 
regenerating tail fin. 

My observations of these growing tips of nerve 
fibers in frog tadpoles amply confirm the prin- 
ciple of stereotropism or tactile adhesion, noted 
by Harrison. These tips often follow in a general 

way the processes of fibroblasts. The later 
growth cones tend to follow the earlier ones, 
small nerves being formed in this manner. Occa- 

sionally growth cones move along the same path- 
way in diametrically opposite directions, a fact 
which is of importance for various theories of 
neurogenesis. Many temporary and permanent 
anastomoses are established by the growth cones 
in their progress toward the skin. Mitosis, both 
of fibroblasts and of sheath cells, appears to have 
a direct stimulating effect upon nerve sprouts. 
The sprouts are directed and oriented to some 
extent by the definite alignment of the fibroblasts 
and by the movements of the tissue juices re- 
sulting from movements of. fibroblast processes. 
A “hydrodynamic factor” may thus be considered 
of some importance in the orientation of nerve 

Growth of the sprouts is not necessarily con- 
tinuous, but is often sporadic in nature. The 
growth cones are usually characterized by a few 
highly refractive vital granules which appear and 
disappear continually. 

Growth cones are not unique for nerve tissues. 
They are found also in association with endothe- 
lial cells in growing blood and lymph capillary 
sprouts, in fibroblasts, and probably in other cells, 
particularly those with long processes. 

The myelin sheath appears somewhat later after 
early unmyelinated nerves have become well es- 
tablished. | Sheath cells migrate out from the 
spinal cord, proliferate by mitosis and are present 
on the early unmyelinated nerves before the mye- 
lin sheath is formed. Young sprouts which are 
to become myelinated follow, in a general way, 
the earlier unmyelinated nerves. 

Sheath cells transfer to them, the direction of 
transfer being almost always from “non-myelin- 
emergent fiber” to ‘“‘myelin-emergent sprout.” 
Myelin-emergent sprouts exhibit a pronounced 
bias toward myelin formation, the combination of 
myelin-emergent fiber and sheath cell leading, 
within a few days, to the production of the myelin 

sheath. On the other hand, non-myelin-emergent 
fiber combined with sheath cell does not ordi- 
narily result in the formation of myelin. The 

differential factor, therefore, which determines 
the formation of myelin is not in the sheath cell, 
but is in the nerve fiber. 

The myelin is laid down in segments, one seg- 
ment genetically corresponding to the zone of 
influence of one sheath cell. The earliest myelin 
usually appears near the sheath cell nucleus, an 

indication that the nucleus may be of special im- 
portance in the process. My records include com- 
plete case histories of the formation of more than 
100 myelin segments. 

Myelin segments, though relatively stable may 
undergo various changes. Thus, end-to-end-anas- 
tomosis of two segments may occur; rarely, the 
sheath cell of a segment may divide by mitosis 
and the two new segments result; a portion of a 
segment may be appropriated by the next seg- 
ment and a new node of Ranvier established. At 
sharp bends in a fiber a bare length may be left 
between two myelin segments ; these later acquire 
myelin segments by the process of intercalation. 

The cause of myelination is unknown. A the- 
ory, supported by some, states that the assump- 
tion of function by a nerve fiber causes it to be- 
come myelinated. My observations, however. 
show that many myelinated fibers have not 
reached their end organs. Since the growing tips 
of these are still progressing through the tissues 
it seems certain that they have not yet assumed 
their typical functions. The theory, therefore, 
that assumption of function leads to myelination 
cannot be rigidly maintained. 

During the process of myelination autotomy of 
side sprouts may take place with or without the 
involvement of myelin segments. Loss of side 
sprouts by process of retraction is also common. 

Myelin probably belongs, not to the sheath 
cell, but to the axis cylinder. A leucocyte invad- - 
ing a normal myelin segment travels not between 
the axis cylinder and myelin sheath, but between 
myelin sheath and neurilemma sheath. A similar 
conclusion has been reached by de Renyi from 
microdissection work. 

My observations combined with those of del 
Rio Hortega strongly suggest the mechanism of 
myelination in the brain and spinal cord. Hortega 
points out that the oligodendroglia cell of the cen- 
tral nervous system corresponds to the sheath 
cell of the peripheral nerves. The fixed prepara- 
tions of Linell and Tom indicate that these cells 
are associated with myelin formation in young 
rats just before birth. It seems probable that 
myelin formation is essentially similar_in central 
nervous system and peripheral nerves, and that 
the oligodendroglia cell is the myelinating cell of 
the brain and spinal cord. 

Although nerve cells and sheath cells may both 
be readily cultivated by the tissue method, no one 
has yet been successful in obtaining myelin sheath 
formation in vitro. 

Nerve regeneration has been studied following 
operations on small nerves or single fibers. Har- 
rison long ago noted that unmyelinated nerves in 
the tadpole when cut seemed to rejoin and heal 
by first intention, the distal stump not undergoing 
total degeneration. Williams recently re-investi- 


Aucust 6, 1932 ] 


gated this pomt and found no healing by first in- 
tention, but held that the growth cones from the 
proximal stump are sufficient to explain the ap- 
parent reunion of the stumps. My own work 
suggests that the distal stump behaves differently 
depending upon whether or not there exist peri- 
pheral anastomoses. Complete degeneration oc- 
curs if these are lacking. Partial degeneration 
occurs if these are present. A few retrogressive 
fibers are probably present in the distal stump 
which have not, therefore, been separated from 
their nerve cells, being connected to them by way 
of an anastomosis. Thus the union of the proxi- 
mal and distal stump is in reality a union of two 
proximal stumps. Reunion of proximal stumps 
is of common occurrence after nerve section. 

Sheath cells which may be isolated in the tis- 
sues following nerve section, either of myelinated 
or unmyelinated fibers, show a marked affinity 
for nearby nerve fibers. They often return to the 
nervous system by amoeboid movement when ex- 
perimentally isolated. Many varieties of chemo- 
tactic response on the part of the sheath cells have 
been recorded. These cells without question play 
a prominent role in the restorative processes. 

Several case histories demonstrate that myelin 
segment degeneration may occur coincidentally 
vith vigorous growth of the nerve fiber enclosed. 
Thus myelin degeneration may be independent of 
axis cylinder degeneration. 

The carly changes associated with nerve irri- 
tation, traumatic degeneration and trophic degen- 
eration have not been adequately observed and 
recorded in the literature. In his exhaustive 
treatise Cajal vaguely states that there are some 
early slight changes, but just what these are is not 
specified. My observations indicate that profound 
disturbances immediately take place following in- 
jury. A myelin segment shows a pronounced fluid 
reaction with swelling and vacuole formation; the 
myelin sheath exhibits a typical rippling and 
twisting activity; the axis cylinder assumes an 
irregular, wavy course; and its neurofibrilar 
structure becomes visible. The sheath cell nucleus 
becomes glassy as though its contents were be- 
coming liquefied, and it becomes less intimately 
applied to the myelin sheath. The vacuoles later 

_ disappear and the entire axone straightens, though 

it remains somewhat swollen for some time. 
A segment appears to straighten by a “turgor 

reaction.” Tf the irritation is not too great, the 
fiber may become normal again, the neurofibrilar 
structure becoming invisible. If, however, the 
fiber has been cut, or the irritation from another 
source is quite marked, typical degeneration fol- 
lows with the myelin breaking up into ellipsoids 
and later into granules. 

Donaldson has pointed out that water absorp- 
tion and myelination are correlated. My observa- 
tions on irritated myelinated fibers indicate the 
relatively fluid condition of the axis cylinder. 

Parker’s interesting concept of neurfibrils as 
functioning in the transport of tropic or 
toxic materials may also be referred to here. In 
irritated fibers pronounced fluid movements may 
readily be distinguished in the axis cylinder, This 
observation lends some support, perhaps, to such 
a conception. 

It may also be pointed out that a fluid reaction 
in irritated nerves is essentially similar to the fluid 
reaction or swelling exhibited by injured tissues 
in general. Unmyelinated fibers, whether  irri- 
tated or cut, show early changes fundamentally 
similar to those of myelinated fibers. - ; 

Many case histories have also been obtained of 
repair of mixed nerves, small and large, and of 
new and collateral regeneration. 

Among the nerve activities which I have re- 
corded by the motion picture method are the fol- 
lowing: the progress of the first, second and later 
growth cones of single nerve fibers; anastomosis 
formation; retraction; movements of fibroblasts 
and their effect on growth cones: movements of 
sheath cells; mitoses of sheath cells; addition of 
hew myelin segments at the end of a fiber; for- 
mation of a myelin segment at a node of Ranvier 
side-sprout; the actual, though slight, extension 
of the myelin sheath over a period of two hours; 
invasion of regenerating and normal nerves by 
leucocytes ; deformation of nerve fibers by tension 
of connective tissue cell processes; stimulation of 
nerve sprout formation by fibroblast mitosis; 
traumatic irritation of a proximal stump myelin 
segment and its recovery; the earliest changes 
associated with trophic (Wallerian) degeneration; 
irritation and recovery of a myelin segment fol- 
lowing a nearby non-nervous wound. 

(This article is based on a lecture presented at 
the Marine Biological Laboratory on July 29.) 

(Continued from Page 165) . 

so, with this explanation. In a letter since then 
she has said ‘When Miss Ruth Dailey read to me 
her typed copy of my Penikese notes I discovered 

‘that I had told her the same story twice in more 

than one instance, That happened because | 

could write only a little at a time and between 
times I would forget just what I had written.’ I 
send it for what it is worth; the recollections of a 
woman over eighty years old who lived a very 
intense life where natural science was concerned, 


[ Vor. VII. No. 57 

She now lives alone in La Jolla. With the help 
of radio and of a daily reader she keeps abreast 
of the thought and activities of the times in a way 

of them might be of interest for publication, I 
shall be very glad to supply the mechanical as- 
sistance necessary.” 

This was accompanied by the original letter, 
referred to in the first paragraph from Mary EF. 
Andrews to her niece, Mrs. Belknap: 

“When Miss Ruth Dailey read to me her typed 
copy of my Penikese notes I discovered that I had 
told the same story twice in more than one in- 
stance. That happened because I could write only 
a little at a time and between times | would for- 
get just what I had written. I wanted my letter 
to reach you at Pemaquid before you left there 
so that the friend who you say is so interested in 
Agassiz might read it.” 

The longer letter (dated September 1, 1931) 
from Mrs. Mary E. Andrews to Mrs. Belknap, 1s 
reproduced here in full because the Marine Bio- 
logical Laboratory is “the direct descendent of 
the Penikese School.” 

“Perhaps you would like to hear a little about 
Penikese as I saw it in the summer of 1874. If 
I repeat some things already said, please over- 
look it. 

“As T have said, it was Prof. Nelson of the 
O. W. U2! who engineered the matter for me and 
gave me the privilege of spending my Saturday 
mornings in the museum. The subject of co-edu- 
cation was just beginning to agitate the intellec- 
tual world and I was not admitted to any of the 
classes; but I was given a copy of Woodward's 
Recent and Fossil Shells, almost every genus 
named in it being represented in the U. collection, 
and allowed to browse around as I chose. [very- 
thing relating to Agassiz I read with the greatest 
avidity and when he was taken ill I watched the 
papers. The news of his death was in the even- 
ing paper, hut your Grandfather, fearing I would 
not sleep if I knew the truth, gave an evasive 
answer to my questions. The next morning he 
told me. I burst into heart-broken sobs. “But 
I was obliged to go to school, and that was well, 
for I was obliged to put the subject out of my 
mind to a certain extent. 

“My application for admittance to the Anderson 
School of Zoology at Penikese was still in, but I 
had given up all hope of going when I received a 
letter saying that a vacancy having occurred, my 
application entitled me to fill it. Annie Hills and 
I had gone to the post office together, and when 

1 Ohio Wesleyan University. 

I opened the letter on the way home, I jumped 
entirely across the sidewalk. That was in June, 
and as the school was to open about the first of 
July, I had just time to make comfortable prep- 
arations for the trip. 

“T should say that when Professor Agassiz died, 
his daughter-in-law, the wife of Alexander Agas- 
siz, so overtaxed herself in caring for him—there 
were no trained nurses in those days—that she 
died from overstrain. Mr. Alexander Agassiz 
himself, losing his father and his wife in so short 
a time, broke down and was very ill. He re- 
covered sufficiently to be with us towards tne last, 
and meantime the work was well cared for by 
others, for the same corps of professors and 
teachers who gave their services to Agassiz gratis 
continued on through the second year. The 
School was discontinued after that. 

“T was twenty-four years old in that summer of 
1874, but I was small and strangers who didn’t 
know better, thought that I was just sixteen. 

“New Bedford was named as the point of de- 
parture from the main land and to New Bedford 
T accordingly went, and taking a room waited for 
word that the little boat which was to take me 
over to Penikese was ready. I soon discovered 
another young girl there who was bound for the 
same port. I think her name was Miss Warren. 
She was a very charming Southern girl who was 
engaged to be married to a young divinity student. 
We corresponded for a time after we separated. 

“We were ahead of time in making the pas- 
sage over, but there were a few others—Prof. 
Putnam and his wife and children, Prof. Mayer, 
Mr. Garman, general factotum, and some others. 
We had a rough time, but reached terra firma 
at last. 

“Mr. Anderson, who gave the island to Prof. 
Agassiz, had his summer home there, a very ordi- 
nary frame dwelling. That was used by the pro- 
fessors and teachers. For the main body of 
students two long dormitory buildings had been 
erected, one for women and the other for men. 
They were connected in the central part by a 
building in which the lectures were given. We 
were told the numbers of our rooms in the letters 
which gave us our right to attend the school, so 
Miss Warren and I had no difficulty in finding 
them and we at once made ourselves at home. 

“We had the place to ourselves for a day or 
two and then we saw the main body of students 
making a landing. In the midst was a young 
woman carrying a long botanical case with the 
name Susan Bowen painted on it with startling 

“One young man was David Starr Jordan, now 
so well known. He was both student and teacher, 
having in charge the subject of botany. He was 
tall, angular, always impressed me as made of 


Aucust 6, 1932 ] 


iron. Two things were said about him. Orie was 
that he was ‘“‘awfully” smart, and the other that 
he was engaged to be married to a young lady in 
Green Bay, Wis., where he had been lecturing on 
all the sciences known to man. That young lady 
was there at Penikese with her sister. Their 
table was near mine. Each of us had a table with 
glass and other utensils. Professor Agassiz had 
been most sadly cheated in the glassware. It 
seemed as though one couldn’t even look at it too 
long without shattering it. I remember one day 
haying an oblong glass dish before me partly filled 
with water and a number of tiny creatures. The 
room was quiet and I had not touched the dish 
when suddenly it crashed. The hermit crabs 
scurried around carrying their borrowed shells 
and the tiny bivalves snapped theirs open and 
shut, apparently in great consternation. 

“Those whose duty it was to procure material 
for study were not very successful at first and 
for two weeks or more we had little besides 
sharks and skates. But I worked over the ill- 
smelling things with great enthusiasm. I opened 
the brain cavity of a little flounder and showed 
how the optic nerves were twisted so that both eyes 
were supplied with nerves enabling them to see 
even though the creature swims on its flat side 
with one eye rendered useless in consequence. 
That won the praise of Dr. Burt G. Wilder of 
Cornell U. who was one of our professors. 

“Tt wasn’t all sharks and skates, however. A 
bit of living coral was brought to the laboratory, 
the delicate little polyps swaying about in the 

“One successful haul brought in great numbers 
of squids. They are similar to the cuttle fish ex- 
cept that the body is elongated, with a horny pen 
instead of the “cuttle bone’. They were pleasant 
and satisfactory to work with. While still living, 
as they are taken from the water, opalescent hues 
play over the surface of the body. I took a 
large can of sea creatures in alcohol when I went 
home, and the squids in it lasted me a long time 
for demonstration. The ink bag was perfectly 
preserved and I made up the ink and used it in 
writing and drawing. 

“As summer adyanced into August, phosphores- 
cent creatures began to multiply. Going out ina 
rowboat on a dark night the wake of the boat was 
a stream of light. Some of the creatures were 
taken up in glass jars and brought to the labora- 
tory. One I especially remember was crystal 
clear, three or four inches long with delicate cilia 
along the body in lines. They decomposed the light 
as it played upon them and the creatures were so 
transparent that all of their internal organs could 
be easily seen. When they were in a dark room 
and the water was gently stirred, they shone with 
a pale, lambent green light. 

“Of course there were “‘jelly fishes” galore and 
sea anemones, and star fishes; and one day a 
living “sea urchin” was brought to the laboratory, 
stretching out its “ambulachral feet’ among its 
thorny spines. 

“But it would take a good sized boolk to des- 
eribe all the strange forms I became acquainted 
with during that wonderful summer, and perhaps 
I am carrying coals to Newcastle anyway, for you 
have been on the Atlantic coast so much that you 
may have seen all these and more besides. But 
it was a rare treat to me, and there’s no hope of 
duplicating it out here on the Pacific; for the 
Gulf Stream is a far more powerful heating 
agent than its counterpart, the Japan Current 
which tries to warm us up. 

“One more creature, however, or assembly of 
creatures, | want to speak of. That was the Phy- 
salia or “Portuguese Man of War.” If you have 
not seen it, imagine an elongated membranous bag 
something like a toy baloon, with a frill along 
the upper side, all very brilliantly colored in 
purple and lavender. From the lower side there 
hangs down a mass, also in lavender and blue, 
made up of colonies of zoophytes. The membran- 
ous bag keeps the whole on the surface of the 

“One of the professors who was especially kind 
to me was Professor Edward S. Morse, who was 
there with his wife and little boy. He was very 
genial and was a leader in all efforts at sociability. 
He was wonderfully skillful in making chalk 
drawings. He could use his left hand as easily 
as his right and it was interesting to see him draw 
a butterfly, for instance, drawing the two wings 
at the same time. The professors gave their ser- 
vices, and with two or three exceptions did not 
stay more than two weeks. 

“Miss Bowen, who was about my age, I soon 
learned to like very much. She was very capable 
and brimful of enthusiasm. David Starr Jordan 
had a younger sister with him, a rollicking, fun 
loving girl whom I knew very well in Minneapolis 
a few years later—some twenty-odd years. 

“So many memories crowd upon me that it is 
difficult to make a selection of reminiscences, and 
if I repeat things already said, please overlook 
it. I spoke of the illness of Mr. Alexander Ag- 
assiz’s wife from overexertion in helping to take 
care of Professor Agassiz in his last illness, which 
resulted in her death, and of Mr. Agassiz’s own 
severe illness in consequence. It fell to Professor 
Putnam to open the school. One who helped in 
many ways was Mr. Garman, an assistant in the 
Agassiz museum at Cambridge and a trusted aid 
to Professor Agassiz. I saw a good deal of him 
in Cambridge a few years later. 

“Tt was planned by a number of the students 
to take a trip to the fishing grounds at Gay Head, 



[ Vor. VII. No. 57 

Martha’s Vineyard; but a dead calm settled down 
upon us and the captain of the little boat we were 
in proposed that we go to his house on a near-by 
island and wait for the breeze to freshen, which 
it would do about four o'clock in the morning. It 
was the best thing we could do. As we walked 
across the island I was hurrying ahead to catch 
up with some people I liked when I came upon 
Mr. David Starr Jordan and Miss Bowen. He 
was saying something in a sentimental tone about 
how short the time had seemed or how long, I 
don’t remember. I hurried on and as I did so 
he said “Let’s go over and get some Clethra”. I 
kept on, of course, and when they came in a few 
moments later it was very evident that a romance 
had been settled...... 

“Miss Bowen did not have a very long married 
life. As I remember, it was only a few years 
after her marriage that she died. It was not long 
before Mr. Jordan took to himself another wife 
whom I never had the pleasure of meeting. 

“Tt was about this time that the conflict between 
religion and science began to rage. Agassiz by 
the very reverent way in which he opened the 
school was heralded by the religious world in a 
way that he did not always like. One of the stu- 
dents quoted him as saying that his life was de- 
voted to science and that he had friends among 
the religious, but that he did not care to be 
‘patted on the head.’ 

“Tt was also the time when the theory of evolu- 
tion began to grip the minds of thinkers. Agassiz 
held to the old idea that life came into the world 
by a succession of creations—that there was an 
age of protozoans, of radiates, of moliusks, of 
fishes, of the rich Carboniferous forests, etc. 
The Agassiz museum at Cambridge, Mass. was 
established by him as a grand illustration of his 
theory of the earth. When I visited it many 
years ago it had superb specimens arranged in a 
manner to illustrate his theory. I hope this ar- 
rangement has been retained. 

“Tt was in its second and last summer that I 
spent at the School of Zoology at Penikese. It 
was never reopened again. When I saw Mr. Gar- 
man some years later he told me that when he left 
he packed up all of the equipment belonging to 
the Museum. He said that Mr. Anderson, hay- 
ing gotten as much advertisement out of it as he 
wanted, cared no more for it, and there were no 
funds available for running expenses. The last 
that I heard of the place, the two long labora- 
tories were making fine dance halls for parties 
going there from the main land. 

“Those two years at Penikese gave a tremen- 
dous impetus to the demand for studies of nature 
at first hand which had already shown itself. Stu- 
dents were no longer satisfied with text book 

descriptions of animals but demanded the animals 
themselves for examination. Educational meth- 
ods were greatly enriched in consequence... . . 

“The student body included some who were 
younger and more ignorant than I and others who 
commanded high places in the educational world. 
This did not seem strange to me. I thought it 
was in line with the democratic spirit which had 
led Agassiz to admit women in equal numbers 
and on equal footing with men. 

“T have spoken of David Starr Jordan and his 
sister. The latter married in the course of a few 
years and came to the Twin Cities to live. Her 
son Paul was in one of my classes. Her brother 
was at that time Chancellor of Leland Stanford 
University. I cannot recall her married name. 
When Dr. Jordan visited her she gave a large 
reception for him and very kindly invited me. 

“T may have spoken of the grief the death of 
Professor Agassiz was to me. I had read every- 
thing available about him and his work. My mind 
was completely saturated with information about 
them. .... Up to that time it was the greatest 
sorrow my life had known. 

“T had often thought what a fine thing it would 
be to have a reunion of the Penikese students, 
and at the reception given to David Starr Jordan 
by his sister, I resolved to broach the subject to 

“We do have reunions,’ he said. ‘I stopped 
to visit Professor Snow on the way here.’ 

“Tt was Professor Snow who discovered a suc- 
cessful way to combat the grasshopper plague in 

““Oh, but Professor Snow is distinguished,’ I 
said. ‘I mean a reunion that would let the lesser 
lights in.’ 

“And then came the most unkindest cut of all. 
Looking down at me from the lofty height of his 
superior inches, the Chancellor of Stanford Uni- 
versity said, “Umm. ‘They were all dim lights 
except a few who went there under Agassiz.’ 

“The cruel truth flashed upon me—that if Louis 
Agassiz had not died when he did, I never would 
have seen Penikese. Someone more worthy than 
I would have been selected to fill that vacancy— 
some college professor or normal school principal 
would have been preferred. It was after Agassiz 
died that applicants were admitted in the order of 
their application, and that was what gave me my 
chance. It did not help me to class the Stanford 
Chancellor as a snob intellectual. The sting of his 
revelation remained, and it persists to this day. I 
doubt if I ever fully recover from it. 

“Professor Agassiz’s mortal remains lie in the 
beautiful cemetery at Cambridge, Mass., where so 
many of America’s illustrious dead are sleeping. 
The grave is marked by a block of granite from 

Aucust 6, 1932 ] 



the Glacier of the Aar in his beloved Switzerland. 
When I visited it a delicate vine had begun to 
clamber over it. 
Mary E. Andrews. 
(Mrs. J. R. B.) 

Thursday, Sept. 24th. 

Since the above was written, Dr. David Starr 
Jordan, Chancellor emeritus of Leland Stanford 
University, has passed on to the Higher Life. A 
fall which he had some two years ago undoubtedly 
hastened the end. Towards the last he suffered 
from a combination of diseases—hardening of the 
arteries of the brain, diabetes and heart trouble. 
If I had been told a few months ago that I 
would be deeply affected by his passing, I would 
not have believed it; but I was quite unnerved by 
it. It seemed like a sweeping away of all that 
had remained of that beautiful sunimer on the 


island of Penikese. 

One statement that I made in the early part of 
my sketch of Dr. Jordan should be explained. I 
spoke of his being at Green Bay “where he was 
teaching all of the sciences known to man.” That 
statement was based partly on a lecture I heard 
him give in which he spoke of the great number 
of subjects he was called upon to teach at Green 
Bay and partly on what I was told by Horace 
3ryan, who studied at Stanford a few years ago. 
Horace said that Dr. Jordan told the students in 
his classes that they might select any subject they 
wished and he would lecture upon it. In these 
days of specialization it is rare to find a man 
eminent in many subjects. Probably Dr. David 
Starr Jordan was the last great scientist whose 
mind ranged over so wide a field. 

“Lord now lettest Thou Thy servant depart in 

peace.” —M.E.A. 


Dr. LAWRENCE IrvinG and A, L. CHuTE, 
Associate Professor in Physiology and F ellow in Physiology, University of Toronto 

Some time ago we suspected that CO, might 
be withdrawn from the bones during prolonged 
overventilation, but the loss of CO, from bone 
could not be demonstrated analytically. The idea 
that bone could contribute CO. to the blood dur- 
ing overventilation is only another way of regard- 
ing bone as capable of participating in the process 
of regulating the acid-base equilibrium of the 
body. There is a variety of evidence to show 
that bone composition is subject to change dur- 
ing prolonged metabolic disturbances, but the re- 
ports on the effect of ingested acid upon the min- 
eral composition of bone are conflicting. 

The main difficulties seemed to rest upon ana- 
lytical methods and the number of animals which 
could be examined. 

Rats, and later guinea pigs were supplied with 
up to 5cc. of 2N HCl per day, and the Ca, P, and 
COz of femurs were determined. The average 
CO, content of the femurs of four groups of six 
rats each which had received acid was from 5 to 
10% less than that of the corresponding groups 

of controls. In two groups of guinea pigs (which 
showed much less tolerance of acid), the average 
femur CQO. content was 14 and 11% less. These 
changes are analytically significant, because the 
average difference between the right and left 
femurs in 55 pairs amounted to only 1.60%. 
Changes in Ca and P were not so significant. 
The physiological significance of these results 
appears when it is considered that 10% of the 
CO. of the bones of an animal amounts to over 
300cc. per kilo and represents the ability to 
neutralize from 1/60 to 1/30 of a mol of strong 
acid. Much of the physiological significance of 
this ability to participate in neutrality regulation 
depends upon how quickly the neutralizing process 
can occur. In these feeding experiments several 
days were necessary, but we feel on account of 
other observations that the bones can be regarded 
as relatively labile and capable of responding 
rather promptly. 
(This article is based on a seminar report presented at 
the Marine Biological Laboratory on July 26.) 


Dr. S. C. Brooks, 
Professor of Physico-Chemistry, The University of California 

Solute molecules approaching the interface be- 
tween two immuscible solvents can pass from one 
to the other if the component of their kinetic 
energy normal to the surface surpasses the maxi- 
mum increase in potential energy which they must 
attain in passing from the one solvent to the other. 
This maximum increase may exceed the final dif- 

ference in potential energy of solute molecules in 

the two solvents, and the latter may be either 
positive or negative. - 

Considering a given interface between two 
phases, solute molecules will pass across the boun- 
dary in one direction at a rate in moles per sq. 
cm. of interface per second (or other appropriate 
unit) which we may call the escaping tendency 
from phase 1 into phase 2, In like manner solute 

172 THE 

to phase | at a rate 

molecules pass from phase 2 
which give the eseaping tendency from phase 
These eseaping tendencies need not be proportional 
to the corresponding stoichiometric concentrations, 
and the ratio between the two may be called the 
escaping coefficient, ‘The ratio of the two escap- 
ing coefficients at a given interface determines the 
partition coefficient between the two phases, but 
the rate of transfer of solute across the interface 
is determined by the algebraic difference in eseap- 
ing tendencies, which in turn are the products ; 
concentration X escaping coefficient, Partition 
coefficients do not therefore give adequate infor 
mation in regard to the rates of passage of solute 
from one phase to another, but only as to the 
equilibrium conditions, 

Theories of permeability are often based on the 
assumption that living cells are surrounded by a 
continuous layer of non-aqueous solvent; and 
models have been devised to represent living cells, 
using a non-aqueous solvent separating two aque- 
ous phases, 

The mathematical analysis of the relationship 
hetween escaping coefficients, partition coefficients 
and the rate of passage of solute (e.g. dye) from 
one aqueous phase through the non-aqeuous phase 
(“plasma membrane’) into the second aqueous 


[ Vor, VII. No. 57 

phase (“cytoplasm” or “sap’) has been made. It 
is assumed that the term permeability is used in 
its proper sense to denote the rate of passage of 
solute through the membrane; and not, as is so 
often carelessly assumed, to the equilibrium con- 
centration in the cell, 

The equations show that any given difference 
in partition coefficients between aqueous and non- 
aqueous phases may result in either an inerease 
“permeability,” or in first a de- 
crease and later an increase. ‘The nature of the 
difference in permeability is determined by the 
nature of the changes in the escaping coefficients. 
The latter are therefore the factors which we need 
to know in order to predict the permeability of 
artificial cells, and of living cells, if we assume 
that the latter do have a lipoid membrane. The 
equations also indicate the reasons for differences 
in permeability” produced by differences in the 
relative volumes of the three phases in the 
artificial model, “Che mathematical and theoreti- 
cal analysis will form part of a paper about to 
appear in the Journal of Cellular and Compara- 
tive Physiology. 

of a decrease in 

(This article is based on a seminar report presented 
at the Marine Biological Laboratory on July 26.) 


Dr. M. M. 


Research Associate in Biology, University of California, 

The hypothesis that methylene blue acts as a 
substitute for the respiratory enzyme when this 
is poisoned by CO or CN is generally accepted. 
Previous experiments have used such small or- 
ganisms as yeast, bacteria, Paramoecia, and iso- 
lated tissues as muscle and nerve. ‘The present 
experiments deal with larger animals, rats, to see 
whether inhalation of CO or CN could be antag 
onized by methylene blue, It was found that 
those animals whieh had been treated with methy- 
lene blue recovered in 86% of the time required 
by the controls which had not received the dye in 

the case of CN poisoning; and those animals 
which had received CO gas recovered in 57% of 
the time when the dye was injected. These re- 
sults show that methylene blue could be used to 
antagonize the results of CO’and CN poisoning, 
It would seem therefore that this dye would also 
act in this case as a substitute for the poisoned 
enzyme, enabling the transfer of O by means of 
the catalytic ability of the dye. 

(This article is based on a seminar report presented 
al the Marine Biological Laboratory on July 26.) 


Dr. A, 

Professor of Biochemistry, 

Although extremely little total energy change 
occurs in the digestion of proteins, carbohydrates 
and fats, energy must be supplied for their di- 
gestion, If they are heated with water they hy- 
drolyse, Tnzymes produce the same hydrolysis 
in water at ordinary temperature, They must, 
therefore, be substances which can transfer energy 
from some source, unavailable without them, to 
the substrate, ‘They have three sources of energy: 
1. The extra energy in certain molecules of the 

University of Cincinnati. 

solvent. Although the average temperature of the 
solvent may be no more than 38° some molecules 
have a kinetic energy equivalent to an average 
temperature far higher than this, This energy 
the enzymes presumably use; 2. The energy of 
oxygen; 3. Radiant energy. 

Operating on this theory of digestion or hydro- 
lysis my pupils, Dr. Till, Dr. Boyd, Mr. Brown 
and Mr, Sigal have been able to make artificial 
systems which much resemble digestive enzymes 

A ucust 6, 1932 ] 

in their action, 

The first of these enzyme systems is hematop- 
orphyrin, oxygen and light. This digests fibrino- 
gen very quickly; serum albumin slowly; and 
edestin very slow or not at all. The action de- 
pends upon the combined presence of light, hem- 
atoporphyrin and oxygen. Very slow or no di- 
gestion takes place in light in a hydrogen at- 
mosphere, although fluorescence oceurs there as 
well as in oxygen. ‘The fibrinogen is converted 
into an albumose and a protein coagulating at 76°, 
The change appears to be the same as is produced 
by thrombin and also by the fibrinogenase of 
rattle snake yenom. 

Dr, Hill has succeeded in hydrolysing serum al- 
bumin by means of dialuric acid and oxygen. An 
albumose, ammonia and carbon dioxide are set 
free. The active agent is alloxan. This must 
combine with the substance it acts on since it 
does not digest carbohydrates, as Mr. Gregory 
has found. 

Mr. Brown has succeeded in hydrolysing starch 
with the production of dextrins and reducing 
sugars by ferrous salts and hydrogen peroxides ; 
and Mr, Sigal has hydrolysed serum albumin to 



albumose and other products by the same reagent. 

These results indicate that proteins and other 
substances exist in two or more forms differing 
in their energy content and so in their reactivity. 
The real equilibrium between the protein and the 
amino acids, of which it is composed, is probably, 
hetween the anakinetie form of protein and the 
anakinetic forms of amino acids, The amount of 
energy necessary to supply the katalinetic form of 
protein to make it reactive so that it will digest 
is just about that set free by the passage of its 
digestive products from the ana to the kata form. 
The examination of the total heat change of the 
system, which is extremely slight, may mislead to 
the conclusion that little energy transfer has oc- 

I'nzymes and other agents act, according to 
this theory, by obtaining energy from some source, 
uniting chemically with the substrate; passing 
their energy over to the substrate, which then he- 
comes reactive, while the inactive form of the en- 
zyme now dissociates ; and is reactivated either by 
kinetic energy of the solvent, by oxygen, or by 
radiant energy. 

(This article in based on a seminar report presented at 
the Marine Biological Laboratory on July 26.) 

Proressor Witt Scorr 
Director of the Station 

The Biological Station of Indiana University 
located on Winona (Iagle) Lake, Indiana is in 
its thirty-eighth session. It operates as a division 
of the university summer school. This fact neces- 
sitates the offering of certain undergraduate 
courses. The course in limnology is open to grad- 
uate students and advanced majors in zoology. 

The most important work of the station lies in 
the opportunities and the stimulation it offers for 
research, Two major lines of investigation are 
at present being developed, that of embryology 
under the general direction of Dr. G. W. D. Ham- 
lett and that of fresh water biology under the 
supervision of the director of the Station. 

Part of the investigators hold advanced de- 
grees while others are candidates for them. One 
of the most interesting groups is composed of 
high school teachers who are not candidates for 
any degree but who prefer to spend their vaca- 
tions in scholarly work. They have excellent 
libraries in a limited field and many correspond- 
ents both in America and abroad. It is the policy 
of the Station to encourage this group both for 
the value of their contributions and the enrich- 
ment it will bring to the teaching of science in our 
secondary school, 

The following is a list of investigators with a 
statement concerning their problems. 

G. W. D. Hamuerr: Factors causing implant- 

ation of the embryo. Sixty (60) armadillos have 
been shipped from Texas to furnish experimental 
material. Various glandular extracts are being 

Birancnr Focrrsonc: Nature and Develop- 
ment of the zona pellucida: A comparative study 
of the zona pellucida in different groups of mam- 
mals and the effects of various fixatives on the 
appearance of the zona. 

RAYMOND BrenemMan: Effects of extracts of 
various endocrine glands on embryonic develop- 
ment. Chick embryo used as experimental ani- 

James PLrumMer Scirootny: Development of 
certain wild rodents chiefly six genera, and nine 
species of squirrels (Sciuridac). A collection of 
more than 1500 embryos has been made. The col- 
lection is especially rich in the early stages inelud- 
ing eggs with polar bodies and cleavage stages. 
Development in this family differs in several par- 
ticulars from that in the families of rodents 
usually studied. c 

BLANCHE E, Penrop: The amount and kind 
of food eaten by the bluegill (/Telicoperca incisor) 
together with its rate of feeding and digestion, 
A bluegill weighing 25 grams, whose stomach is 
empty will eat about 2000 daphnids in a day. 
When the stomach is filled it takes from 31 to 34 
hours (at room temperature) to digest the con- 


[ Vor. VII. No. 57 



Mary K, SuHoup: Annual variation in form 
and reproductive rate in the Daphnia of Winona 

Dr. A. I, ORTENBERGER: The nature and ori- 
gin of the organic deposits in the Indiana Lakes. 
Some new instruments are being designed for the 
study of the superficial parts of these deposits. 

1), H. Miner: A study of the contribution of 
the various strata in the pelagic regions of a lake 
to its bottom deposits. A series of glass cylinders 
have been suspended in the lake by means of a 
concrete anchor and a submerged buoy. It is pro- 
posed to extend this study over at least ten years. 

Dr. Ira T. Witson: The littoral deposits of 
Winona Lake. 

LEONARD STRICKLAND: The early morpho- 
gemsis of the thymus on the pig. 

Herscuet Grier: The nature and occurance of 
symbionts in insect ovaries, especially of the Ho- 
moptera and Orthoptera. 

Mycuyi® W. JoHnson: 

3ehavior and mor- 

phology of nucleoli with especial reference to 
some of the Orthoptera and Chilopoda. 

F. F. CarPenter: Life histories of chirono- 
mids, chiefly of the genus Chironomus. Most of 
the material from the bottom of lakes of north- 
ern Indiana. Material has been secured also from 
Michigan, Wisconsin, Illinois, New York, Eng- 
land and Germany. ‘Ten life histories including 
egg, larval instars, pupa and adult have been com- 
pleted in series of fifty or more which gives ample 
material for the study of the different stages. The 
results indicate that the basic classification of this 
group will have to be revised. This work has 
been.carried on for six summers. 

Witt Scotr: (a) the origin of ‘Marl islands” 
and certain post pleistocene modifications of lakes 
and streams. (b) In completing the study of the 
bottom fauna of Tippecanoe Lake and the com- 
parison of this lake with Lake Wawasee a de- 
tailed map of the emergent and submerged aqua- 
tic plants is being made. (c) The influence of the 
hypolimnion on the epilimnion in lakes. 



Tn our last number we reprinted an article from 
The Falmouth Enterprise. This week we wish to 
comment on most of the statements that it con- 
tained. To bring out our points clearly we shall 
in each case first quote the paragraph to which we 


“A sub-committee of the general committee 
which is studying the adequateness of bathing 
beach facilities at Woods Hole met last night and 
heard seven or eight people who maintain that 
Woods Hole needs more beach privileges and 
made suggestions as to how to work for them. 
The committee will report Saturday to its general 
committee. It was announced that a public meet- 
ing will be held later.” 

The “committee” did not report to its “general 
committee” on Saturday—and it never had any 
intention of doing so. 



“Among Woods Hole property owners ad- 
jacent to the Bay Shore beach are the estates of 
the late Hector J. Hughes, Dr. Oliver Strong, 
Dr. Otto Glaser, Dr. Manton B. Copeland, Dr. 
Addison, Dr. E. N. Harvey, Dr. R. Chambers, 
Dr. Frank R. Lillie, Mrs. E. G. Gardiner, Ed- 
ward A. Norman. Many of them have appeared 
in conference before the sub-committee of the 
Beach committee, and members of the group pre- 
pared the following statement for the Enterprise ;” 

This paragraph strongly infers that the state- 
ment was drawn up more or less officially by the 
group of property owners, or at least that it was 


done with their knowledge and approval. That 
is not the case. Some of them did not know any- 
thing about it before the statement was printed. 
In fact, we have reason to believe that it was pre- 
pared by one or two individuals without the 
knowledge or consent of most of the property 
owners mentioned above. If this is the case. The 
Falmouth Enterprise should have insisted that its 
author’s name accompany the statement. 

“Recently ‘THe CoLttectinc Net, a weekly de- 
voted to scientific work’ distributed a broadside 
in Falmouth which had very little mention of 
scientific work in it, but was largely devoted to 
the discussion of the beach situation in Woods 

Our sub-heading has been incorrectly quoted. 
It should read ‘A Weekly Publication devoted to 
the Scientific Work at Woods Hole.” 

There is no reason why the “broadside” should 
have had very much mention of scientific work. 
It contained all the local news which had been 
printed in the issue of THe CoLtectingc Net 
for July 16. Properly, it made no mention what- 
ever of scientific work. It is not true that it was 
“largely devoted” to the beach question. Actual 
measurement shows that the text concerning the 
beach occupied less than one-sixth of the space 
(or one-twelfth when the advertising section is 
taken into consideration. ) 

““T ip CoLLectine NET states that the beach 
(Continued on page 180.) 



1932 ] 


AvuGustT 6 


The Collecting Net 

A weekly publication devoted to the scientific work 
at Woods Hole. 


Ware Cattell Editor 

Assistant Editors 
Florence L. Spooner Annaleida S. Cattell 
Vera Warbasse 
Contributing Editor to Woods Hole Log 
T. C. Wyman 

The Collecting Net Scholarships 

In consultation with the heads of the courses 
at the Marine Biological Laboratory we have de- 
cided that it is desirable to establish an extra 
scholarship of $100.00. This year there will be 
six available instead of five; one each is to be 
assigned to the classes in embryology, physiology, 
protozoology and botany, and—owing to its great- 
er number of students—two to the class in in- 
vertebrate zoology. The award of the scholar- 
ships will be placed entirely in the hands of the 
individuals in charge of the various courses. This 
arrangement will eliminate the delicate and diff- 
cult task of weighing the merits of a good student 
in one class against those of one in another. 

It now becomes necessary to obtain six hundred 
dollars instead of five hundred, each summer. We 
believe, however, that the value of the scholar- 
ships in assisting worthy students (and therefore 
the Laboratory itself) is now so well realized that 
the task that we have set for ourselves will not 
be an impossible one. In fact it should not be 
more difficult to accumulate money for six scholar- 
ships than it was to obtain the money for five 
when we first established them in 1927. 

The meeting of the Corporation of the Marine 
3iological Laboratory will be held on the coming 
Tuesday at 11:30 A. M. It is important that as 
many members of the Corporation attend it as 
possible, because they have the responsibility of 
selecting and electing 10 trustees. 


Students of the Course in Invertebrate Zoology 

Aldinger, Lenore grad. bot. Wisconsin. H 7. 

Anthony, Genevieve R. grad. zool. Pennsylvania. H 7. 

Axford, Dorothy grad. asst. zool. N’ J. Col. Women. 
Larkin, Woods Hole. 

Bates, M. N. Hamilton. Dr attic. 

Belding, H. S. asst. zool. Conn. Agri. K 5. 

Berkenfe!d, Charlotte G. grad. zool. Col. City N. Y. 
McLeish, Millfield. 


_[ Vou. VIL No. 357 

Buchheit, J. R. grad. asst. zool. Illinois. Dr attic. 

Couch, Mary L. res. asst. biol. Elmira. H 3. 

Crooks, K. B. M. instr. biol. Hampton Inst. Ka 4. 

Diack, Marion Oberlin. Hilton, Water. 

Dibble, U. EL. grad. asst. zool. Yale. Dr attic. 

Elliott, A. M. teach. fel. biol. New York. Cowey, 

Foltz, Ruth G. Oberlin. Hilton, Water. 

Goffin, Catherine E. Brown. Goffin, Millfield. 

Gray, Beatrice grad. zool. lowa State. Hilton, Water. 

Grierson, Siargaret C. grad. zool. Mount Holyoke. 
H 8. 

Haffner, W. Wabash. K 9. 

Hamilton, Mary A. Elmira, H 4. 

Havey, C. B. Acadia. Densmore, School. 

Henderson, Ruth E. Goucher. H 7. 

Hoover, W. K. asst. biol. American. Dr attic. 

Huff, G. C. grad. zool. Iowa. K 7. 

Ives, P. T. grad. asst. comp. anat., emb., gen. Am- 
herst. Dr attic. 

Jacques, R. H. Ohio Wesleyan. Ka 1. 

Jonas, Marion grad. biol. N. J. Col. Women. H 6. 

Kleinholz, L. H. K. instr. anat. Colby. Ka 22. 

Kohn, H. I. grad. zool. Yale. K 6. 

Larrabee, M. G. Harvard. Silvia, Buzzards Bay. 

Ling, S. W. grad. limn. and entom. Cornell. Dr 9. 

Lippy, Grace E. instr. biol. Hood. 

Livengood, W. F. Wabash. K 9. 

Logan, Amy D. Wilson. Nickerson, Millfield. 

Lumer, H. grad. asst. zool. Western Reserve. Silvia, 
Buzzards Bay. 

Manuel, Beth Dalhousie (Halifax). W d. 

Meyer, Adelphia M. grad. zool. Peabody. H 4. 

Olsen, M. W. poultry biol. U. S. Dept. Agri. Ka 23. 

Owen, Cora R. Vassar. Grinnell, West. 

Penn, A. B. K. C. grad. phys. Hopkins. D 303. 

Pliske, E. C. asst. zool. Minnesota. Ka 2. 

Rankin, J. S., Jr. Wesleyan. K 5. 

Reed, S. C. Dartmouth. K 7. 

Rees, Olive L. asst. bot. Wisconsin. H 7. 

Sandnes, G. C. grad. biol. Col. City N. Y. Dr. 

Schloemer, C. L. Beloit. Dr attic. 

Schoenborn, H. W.De Pauw, Ka 1. 

Setty, L. R. instr. biol. Park. Higgins, Depot. 

Shoemaker, H. H. instr. biol. Earlham. Stewart, 

Stearns, Mary L. Smith. Thompson, Water. 

Sures, Pearl M. grad. biol. Minnesota. W a. 

Tobias, Belle C. grad. biol. Wellesley. H 3. 

Tukey, Gertrude R. Smith. Thompson, Water. 

Turner, R. S. Dartmouth. K 7. 

Warren, M. R. De Pauw. Ka 1. 

Wells, Josephine grad. zool. Barnard. Johlin, Park. 

Zinn, D. J. Harvard. Sydell, Glendon. 


At the following hours (Daylight Saving 
Time) the current in the hole turns to run 
from Buzzards Bay to Vineyard Sound: 

Date A.M. P.M. 
ANG (Chinois 7 20) 8:13 
AIDS A/a 8:37 9:07 
Avie (Sinn 9:28 10:04 
NEE 0 Oe seroeneccoss 10):22- Ue O4 
PRE MO oc. ser sree 2A sa 
PGR MN Vso sansa aie IPEOS a maliz2z, 
Janes, We V2 145) 
Aug. 13.. 2:14 2:24 
Aug. 14 Seu Eel 

Aucust 6, 1932 ] 




Dr. Martin H. Fischer, professor of physiology 
at the University of Cincinnati, was awarded an 
honorary degree of doctor of science by Witten- 
berg College. 

Dr. Dennis R. Hoagland, professor of plant 
nutrition at the University of California has been 
elected president of the American Society of Plant 

Dr. Francis O. Holmes, who has been working 
on insect protozoa at the Boyce Thompson Insti- 
tute for Plant Research, has been appointed as- 
sociate member of the Rockefeller Institute for 
Medical Research. 

The New York Zoological Park has set aside a 
substantial one-story brick building for tropical 
research under the direction of Dr. William 
Beebe. The main laboratory room is thirty-six 
feet long and twenty-six feet wide. The building 
contains ample library and storage space. 

Dr. Henry E. Crampton, professor of zoology 
at Barnard College is spending his vacation in 
Woods Hole. 

Dr. E. C. Schneider is taking a sabbatical leave 
of absence for a year from Wesleyan University 
where he is professor of Biology. Dr. Schneider 
has been working on the influence of high alti- 
tudes and low oxygen on man, on physical fitness 
and on aviation physiology. 

Dr. C. D. Snyder, professor of physiology at 
the Johns Hopkins University and a frequent vis- 
itor in Woods Hole, and his family are spending 
the summer visiting relatives and friends in Hol- 
land and Germany. .Dr. Snyder is acting as a 
delegate from the University of California at the 
celebration of the 300th anniversary of the Uni- 
versity of Amsterdam. He also plans to attend 
the 15th International Physiological Congress 
which convenes in Rome early in September. 

Friends of the late Dr. Jacques Sither, director 
of the Biological Station at La Rochelle, France, 
from 1907 until its discontinuation during the 
war, will be interested to know that his son, Mr. 
J. A. Sither, is spending the summer at Woods 
Hole. Mr. Sither first came to this country last 
year and has been studying at Kimball Union 
Academy. He plans to enter Wabash College this 
fall. Mr. Sither is working in the Supply De- 
partment of the Marine Biological Laboratory, 
collecting and preserving tunicates in which he is 
particularly interested. —C. E. B. 


Through the kindness of Mr. McInnis, Man- 
ager of the Supply Department, a fine specimen 
of the Atlantic Flying Fish (Cypselurus Hete- 
ruene) Rafinesque, has been secured by the Mu- 
seum, and is now on exhibition there. This speci- 
men was caught in the trap of Norman Benson 
near Quissett. It is nearly a foot in length, and 
while not considered common at Woods Hole, 
there are several records of its capture. It is 
commonly found in the South Atlantic, and has 
even strayed as far as New Foundland. 

—George M. Gray, Curator. 

Dr. H. C. Urey of Columbia University has 
been appointed managing editor of the new Jour- 
nal of Chemical Physics which will initiate pub- 
lication in January, 1933, under the auspices of 
the American Institute of Physics. 



Ashley, Alta res. asst. biochem. Cincinnati. Br 342. 
Eldridge, Woods Hole. 

Borodin, D. N. ind. inv. Br 2. Briggs, High. 

Bridges, C. B. res. asst. Carnegie Inst. Washington. 
Br 324. McLeish, Millfield. 

Carpenter, R. L. assoc. anat. Columbia P. and S. Br 
217. A 209. 

Conklin, E. G. prof. biol. Princeton. Br 321. High. 

Goldsmith, E. D. asst. zool. Harvard. Br 315. Hilton, 

Grand, C. G. tech. asst. biol. New York. Br 338. 
McLeish, Millfield. 

Herrick, E. H. prof. biol. La State Norm. Col. Br 
217J. D 308. 

Hitchcock, H. B. Williams. O M 28. Waldron, School. 

Kiess, Mary D. Pennsylvania. Br 217 h. 

Kille, F. R. grad. zool. Chicago. Br 224. Ka 24. 

Klein, H. res. fel. biochem. Hopkins. O M 1. Mc- 
Leish, Millfield. 

Lewis, I. F. Miller prof. biol. Virginia. Bot. Hubbard, 

L’Heritier, P. Rockefeller fel. Paris. Br 333. Avery, 

Morgan, T. H. prof. biol. Calif. Inst. Tech. Br 320. 
Buzzards Bay. 

Ormsby, A. A. res. asst. sanit. eng. Penn. State Col. 
O M Base. D 206. 

Parks, Elizabeth K. instr. histol. Boston Med. O M 
29. H 8. 

Pandit, C. G. asst. dir. King. Inst. Preven. Med. 
(India). Br 328c. White, Millfield. 

Saeger, A. fel. biol. Nat. Res. Council. Br 110. Mc- 
Leish, Millfield. 

Schmidt, Ida G. res. fel. endocrin. Cincinnati. Br 341. 
McLeish, Millfield. 

Suozzi, S. asst. physics. Memorial Hosp. (N. Y.). Br 
307. Dr 5. 

Thomas, T. B. grad. asst. Br 218. Ka 24. 

Weiss, P. A. res. fel. Yale. Br 123. D 311. 


[ Vor. VII. No. 57 

Record Action 

Too Fast or Too Slow 
for the Human Eye 
with The B&L 

Cine -Photomicrographic 

|Bes importance of Cine-Photomicrographic Rec- 
ords is increasingly apparent as time shows the 
immense field of possibilities opened by this equip- 
ment—possibilities that are as wide as microscopy 

With this equipment it is possible to show com- 
pletely action too fast or too slow for the human 
eye, for the camera has 8 different speeds ranging 
from 16 exposures per second to one exposure every 
four minutes 16 seconds. For teaching, for research, 
for comparison and study, the records thus obtained 
are priceless. 

HE B&L Cine-Photomicrographic outfit has 

been so simplified that its use does not raise any 
special problem. It is compact, free from vibration 
and can be used with any standard microscope. It 
is possible to focus the microscope at any time with- 
out interference with the photographing process. 
Apparatus may be stopped for a desired interval 
without the loss of a single picture frame. 

Send for your copy of —‘Motion Pictures 
of Micro-Organisms”’. 

Bausch & Lomb Optical Company 



With interchangeable monocular and binocu- 
lar tubes and complete Abbe Illuminating 

with optics to meet exacting requirements 
Magnifications: 70 to 1800 X 

Large Mechanical Stage 

Aplanatic Condenser n.a. 1.4. 

Quadruple Nosepiece 
Apochromatic Objectives: 

10 n.a. 0.30, 20 n.a. 0.65 

60 n.a. 1.4 (Oil Immersion) 

90 n.a.1.3 (Oil Immersion) 
Paired Compensating Oculars: 
TX, 10X, 15 X%, 20% 

Price, complete in case, $590 
f.o.b., New York 
Other Outfits, ranging in price from 
$294.50 to $1085, are listed in Micro 
catalogue 418, a copy of which will be 
sent upon request. 


485 Fifth Avenue, New York 

Pacific Coast Branch: 
728 South Hill Street, Los Angeles, Calif. 

Aucust 6, 1932 ] 


Adapted for Every Field of 
Scientific Endeavor 



Histology. Unprecedented results obtained 
with the ULTROPAK in examining fresh brain 
sections of spinal cord, bone surface; also in a 
series of pigment studies, etc. 

Zoology. A zoologist in using the ULTROPAK 
was surprised to be enabled to see many char- 
acteristic details which he was never before in 
a position to detect on specimens, although he 
knew they existed. 

Physiology. A Professor was able to observe 
important micro reactions, the influence of 
poison upon cells, etc. Health Laboratories 
use the ULTROPAK extensively for the ex- 
amination of serum reaction. 

Chemistry. The ULTROPAK makes possible 
and facilitates micro-chemical analysis of 
opaque objects, hitherto impossible. 
Mineralogy-Geology. Applying ULTROPAK to 
polished surfaces of ore, a Professor of min- 
eralogy could detect many constituencies here- 
tofore invisible to him. 

Also Valuable 

In Industrial Paleontology 
Laboratories Graphology 
Botany Criminological 
Capillary Microscopy 

Cancer Research 



— ee - 

., rast Leitz Wi 


May Help to Solve Your 

The LEITZ ULTROPAK permits observation of 
specimens under conditions which until now were 
impossible to achieve and reveals details hitherto 
undetectable by microscopical methods. The 
LEITZ ULTROPAK can be used with all types 
and makes of microscopes. 


1. Specimens need no preparation (cutting by 
microtome, staining, embedding, etc.) and can be 
examined in their natural state. Such observa- 
tions were impossible heretofore with the usual 
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2. The ULTROPAK image shows characteristics 
of the specimen which could never be detected 
heretofore because structural elements of the 
same color may still show differences in their 
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3. The illumination of the ULTROPAK can be so 
adjusted that layers below the surface of the 
specimen may be observed without disturbing ef- 
fects being caused by intermediate layers. 

4. For reasons of special construction of the 
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ried out under the highest numerical apertures 
with the consequent results of increased defini- 

5. The ULTROPAK is exceedingly simple to 

For a complete description, write for 
Catalog 7113 (143) 


60 EAST 10th ST. 




[ Vor. VII, No. 57 


(Continued from page 174.) 

lots on Bay Shore had “‘been reserved for the use 
of five investigators.” We find this to be in- 
correct. The Fay Estate never reserved these 
lots, but put them in the open market. They were 
then bought by the present owners.’ ” 

Again we have been incorrectly quoted. The 
news story (not an editorial) reporting on the 
first beach committee meeting stated that a map 
drawn on the blackboard “showed that the finer 
and larger section of the beach had been reserved 
for the private use of five investigators at the 
Marine Biological Laboratory.” This is correct. 
Until an editorial note concerning it appeared in 
Tue CotrectinG Net the lower post of the fence 
proudly bore the message “The beach beyond 
this fence is private. Please do not trespass.” 
Thus the use of the beach in front of the lots 
owned by Professors Brooks, Glaser, Addison, 
Harvey and Chambers was taken away from the 
residents of the town, members of the labora- 
tories and summer visitors alike. We understand 
that Professor Chambers is not in sympathy with 
this undemocratic arrangement (he recently re- 
turned from an extensive trip through Soviet 
Russia. ) 


““The statement that ‘Falmouth owes Woods 
Hole a beach’ is misleading to those not familiar 
with the situation, and puts our selectmen in a 
wrong light, as it suggests that at present there 
is none. As a matter of fact Woods Hole has 
six beaches serving various groups of tax pay- 

This paragraph gives the impression that the 
words ‘‘Falmouth owes Woods Hole a_ beach” 
were editorially used in THE CoLLectinG NET. 
They were not. In its last number THE Net 
simply remarked in a news account that an indi- 
vidual had made this statement at the meeting of 
the Beach Committee. 


“*1, Nobska Beach, a very fine one, is used by 
all the residents of the Nobska Point region and 
some of the Laboratory workers. 

““2. Juniper Point Beach, owned by Mr. 
Crane serves a group of bathers there. 

“3. Penzance Point Beaches, of which there 
are two, plus many private bathing piers take care 
of all the residents on the point. 

““4_ Gansett Beach, is especially set aside for 
all the owners of property on that part of Crow 
Hill known as Gansett and numbering 29 cottages. 

“*5. A beach on Quissett Harbor used by the 
cottagers on the private road. 

““6, The Bay Shore Beach, open to any resi- 

dent of Woods Hole as stated in the deed. 

““As well as these beaches over twenty-five 
residents on Vineyard Sound and Buzzards Bay 
shores have their own bathing facilities and do 
not need to use the other beaches.’ ” 

Statement “6” is misleading. Only a section of 
the Bay Shore Beach is open to the residents of 
Woods Hole. So far as we know the scientific 
workers and other summer visitors have never 
had an invitation to use the beach adjoining “Lot 
X.” No one has yet objected to their taking ad- 
vantage of it, but the privileges that they have 
assumed are theirs can be legally withdrawn at 
any time. 


It is the Bay Shore Beach to which the edi- 
torials in The Collecting Net refer. The prob- 
lem here is really not one of bathing at all, as 
this is excellent, but entirely a matter of more 
sand space for sunners. As the number of peo- 
ple using the beach scarcely reaches 50 at even 
the most popular hours, and is below 80 on Sat- 
urdays, it can be seen that a relatively small num- 
ber of tax dollars is involved.’ ” 

We suspect that even the lot-holders take ad- 
vantage of the sun when they bathe. Why should 
not the rest of us? Soon a photograph will be 
reproduced in THE Net proving conclusively that 
the above figures are not correct. 


““\ movement is on foot in Woods Hole which 
may result in action looking towards taking a 
beach for public use by eminent domain. 

“Originally broached last summer by Dr. Cas- 
well Grave and Ware Cattell, editor of THE CoL- 
LECTING Net, on July 11 a committee of 20 met 
to discuss beach facilities at present available in 
Woods Hole.” 

The subject was first taken up in 1930, and Dr. 
Grave played no part at all in initiating it. Nor 
did Tue Cottectinc Net. The beach situation 
was formally presented by three senior investiga- 
tors at the Marine Biological Laboratory (all of 
whom owned property and two of whom were 
Trustees of the Institution) at a meeting of the 
Woods Hole Protective Association. Dr. Grave 
happened at that time to be President of this or- 
ganization, and he later appointed a committee (of 
which Dr. Manton Copeland was chairman) to 
find ways and means of establishing a continuous 
patrol on the Bay Shore Beach. It was under- 
stood that the lot-holders would take no steps to 
close the beach in front of their cottages if such 
a patrol were established. The fence, however, 
appeared in June last year while arrangements 
for the patrol were being completed. The of- 
fensive fence stirred a long-time research worker 


( Other pages of the Woods Hole Log can be found on 182 and 184 ) 

Auctst 6, 1932 ] 




This is a safe, efficient, simple and inex- 
pensive paraffin oven; for individual or small 
class use, admirably adapted to supply all the 
necessary conditions for infiltration, em- 
bedding, spreading and drying. This oven was 
designed by Dr. C. E. Tharaldsen, of North- 
western University, in an endeavor to over- 
come the shortcomings of existing paraffin 
ovens for individual or student use. It is com- 
pact, portable and fool-proof from the stand- 
point of breakage or fire. It is sufficiently in- 
expensive so that an institution can afford to 
place one on each desk, and may be used with 
equal efficiency for both fine cytological and 
larger histoiogical objects and for plant or 
animal tissue. It combines in one piece of 
apparatus an infiltration and embedding oven, 
a section spreader, and slide drier. It is heat- 
ed by two carbon lamps with temperature con- 
trolled by the use of Dim-a-lite sockets and 
adjustable ventilator in rear, Paraffin com- 
partments and pipettes are maintained at a 
uniform temperature at all times. 

13632 PARAFFIN OVEN—Columbia. As des- 
cribed above; of heavy sheet metal with 
black japan finish, and furnished on heavy 
wooden base; complete with cord and plug. 
but without glassware for 110 volts.. 20.00 

13637 PARAFFIN OVEN—Columbia. Similar 
to above, but for 220 volts.......... 22.00 






Improved Model Cl 

Reduced manufacturing costs have made 
possible definite improvements in the Inter- 
national Size 1, Type C Centrifuge without 
raising the price. 

The Model C1 is the intermediate size, suit- 
able for routine laboratory work and heavy 
duty where very high speed is not essential. 

Improved Model Cl Centrifuge 

New design includes speed control rheostat 
attached to the centrifuge to make machine 
self contained. The base forms the frame 
for the motor and all electrical connections 
are enclosed. 
The motor is interchangeable on alternating 
and direct currents and maintains speeds 
varying from 1800 to 2900 R. P. M. 
Furnished with or without portable stand 
ready to plug into wall receptacle. 
Dimensions of the Model Cl are the same 
as in former design. Listed by the Under- 
writers’ Laboratories. 

There is an International for any job. 

352 Western Avenue 
Boston, Mass. 

Makers of Fine Centrifuges 





Vou. Vili Nosy 


(who is a Trustee of the Laboratory) to prepare 
a statement upon the limitation of bathing facil- 
ities which was printed in the initial issue of Tie 
CoLLectine Net last year. Later in the summer 
a group of several interested individuals held a 
single informal meeting. It was only after much 
persuasion that Dr. Grave consented to attend the 
meeting, and he did so as ex-president of the 
Woods Hole Protective Association. Again this 
year Dr. Grave was injected into the discussion 
against his will. 

“The committee which is considering Woods 
Hole beach facilities is composed of Dr. R. P. 
sigelow, Dr. R. A. Budington, Dr. Robert Cham- 
bers, Dr. E. R. Clark, Dr. Manton Copeland, Mr. 
Robert Goffin, Dr. H. B. Goodrich, Dr. Benjamin 
Grave, Dr. Caswell Grave, Dr. L. V. Heilbrunn, 
Mr. Thomas Larkin, Mr. E. M. Lewis, Dr. Ed- 
win Linton, Mr. James McInnis, Dr. Charles R. 
Packard, Dr. Fernandus Payne, Dr. A. C. Red- 
field, Dr. C. R. Stockard, Dr. O. S. Strong, Cap- 
tain John J. Veeder. 

“A sub-committee was appointed consisting of 
Dr. E. R. Clark, Dr. H. B. Goodrich, George A. 
Griffin, Thomas E. Larkin, Dr. C. R. Stockard. 

“Projects suggested for the committee’s con- 

“(1) Purchase of the beach rights of Lot X 
(Miss Fay’s Deed of Trust) and Dr. Oliver 
Strong's lot, containing the bathhouse. 

“(2) Purchase of the beach rights of four 
lots belonging to Dr. S. C. Brooks, Dr. Otto 
Glaser, Dr. W. H. F. Addison, and Dr. E. N. 

“(3) Purchase of the beach rights of the 
3rooks, Glaser and Addison lots and expenditure 
of $1,000 to improve the beach.” 

The “projects” (worded a bit differently ) were 
presented by Tie CottectinG Net, as “‘a more 
or less hypothetical situation,” and not by a mem- 
ber of the sub-committee. Further, no part of the 
bathhouse stands on Dr. Strong’s lot. 


“The present public bathing facilities at Woods 
Hole were provided by Deed of Trust of Miss 
Sarah B. Fay, accepted by the town at annual 
town meeting in February 1928. All “inhabitants 
of that part of Falmouth known as Woods Hole 
as make it their home” already are guaranteed 
in perplexity bathing privileges, with right to use 
15 lockers in the existing bathhouse and right of 
way to the beach. 

Perplexity ! 


“Miss Fay, carrying out the wishes of her late 
father, Joseph Story Fay, and late brother, Henry 
I. Fay, original owners of the property, set aside 
“Lot X”, forty feet wide to provide bathing op- 
portunities for all inhabitants of Woods Hole on 
the Bay Shore.” 

“Lot X” is “two hundred feet, more or less” in 


“The acceptance of Miss Fay’s benefaction, 
was moved and championed at the 1928 town 
meeting by two Woods Hole men now serving on 
the “Beach Committee,” Thomas E, Larkin and 
George A. Griffin.” 

It was a wise decision on the part of the Chair- 
man to appoint Mr. Larkin and Mr. Griffin as 
members of the sub-committee, because they made 
a painstaking study of the bathing facilities in 


“Shortly after Miss Fay executed this Deed 
of Trust, the property was placed on the market 
and sold, subject to this restriction, to Dr. Ee Be 
Meigs who is now trustee under the deed. 

“The town has no expense in connection with 
this beach to Woods Hole inhabitants and the 
bathhouse is maintained by the trustees.” 

Since no expense has yet been entailed, the 
town of Falmouth might well see the wisdom of 
appropriating money to purchase beach rights if 
the people in Woods Hole are convinced that this 
step is necessary. 

We believe that The Falmouth Enterprise de- 
serves the widespread criticism that it has brought 
upon itself because of the obvious propaganda 
in the article and many misstatements of fact 
that appear in it. 

Miss Vera Warbasse and Edgar Craig of Fal- 
mouth Heights were sailing together on Tuesday 
afternoon and amused many people by getting 
stuck in the mud in Little Harbor near the Lus- 
combe estate. Their many friends were glad that 
these seasoned sailors were able to detach their 
craft from the mud without seeking the assistance 
of the U. S. Coast Guard. 

Mrs. Annie Nathan Meyer is the author of 
“Black Souls,’ a play in 6 scenes which was per- 
formed at the Provincetown Play House in New 
York last March. It contains a foreword by John 
Haines Holmes. The cost of the paper bound 
book is 75 cents—the cloth bound, $1.50. Orders 
for the book may be left with Mrs. Meyer or THE 
CoLtLecTinG Net office. 

( Other pages of the Woods Hole Log can be found on 182 and 184. ) 

Avcusr 6, 1932 } 



Tuesdays and Saturdays 
*hone 1130 Falmouth 


Superior Guernsey Milk and Cream 

Butter Selected Eggs Ice Cream 
Falmouth 278 Osterville 378 

Entire line of D. & M. Sporting Goods 

5 and 10c department 

FALMOUTH Tel. 407 

Remodeling a Specialty 

Goods Called For Main. Street 
_ and Delivered Tel. Falmouth 1104 


Men’s Suits Ladies’ Suits 
Topcoats $1 00 Ladies’ Coats 
Overcoats ° Plain Silk Dresses 

Call Falmouth 430 


Quality Service 
“The Rexall Store” 
P. D. ROWE, Ph. C., Reg. Pharmacist 

G. R. & H. DRUG CO., Inc. 

Reg. Pharm. 


Automobile Top Repairing 


Shoe Repairing 


Tel. 240 

W. T. Almy 
Wm. D. Hoyt J. F. Arsenault 
Tel. Clifford 2612 


Take Advantage of the Special Rates 

W. T. GRABIEC, Prop. 

$4.50 to $7.50 

Near Filene’s FALMOUTH 


Hutchinsons 3rd Annual 
es t Book Sale 



The Classics and Boy’s and Girls’ Books, ete. 

Hutchinsons Book Store 


Church of the Messiah 
( Episcopal ) 

The Rey. James Bancroft, Rector 

Holy Communion .. 8:00 a.m, 
Morning Prayer ..................11:00 a.m. 
Evening Prayer o0/ES0! (st, 



[ Vor. VII. No. 57 


Those who were at the Penzance Forum last 
Sunday witnessed a knockabout, headed east, sail 
across both ledges in the hole. Luckily it missed 
the rocks in the first one and reached safe waters. 
But then it cut the red can at Broadway and went 
right across red ledge. It did not seem possible 
that they would miss the rocks in both ledges, but 
Providence evidently was guiding them because 
even then they struck no rocks. Having spent a 
peaceful night in Woods Hole Harbor, they 
started the next morning to go back through the 
hole. They evidently had not profited by reading 
their charts because they repeated their same man- 
eouver going across red ledge again. This time 
Lady Luck deserted the sailboat and they hit a 
rock fast and firm. The Coast Guard boat had to 
pull them off. The observer could see them and 
hear them yelling to the Coast Guard boat. They 
evidently did not want to risk hitting any more 
rocks, for they were safely towed through the 
hole to the bell buoy in the bay, far from any 
rocks. —V.W. 

Dr. H. B. Bigelow, head of the Oceanographic 
Institution, combined various parts of diving 
suits making a novel new one. An expert in the 
subject said it defied the “laws of diving” and that 
a man would promptly die if he made use of such 
an outfit. However, the suit was satisfactorily 
used for a month, the diver being able to com- 
fortably walk around on the bottom of the sea. 


Clever Shoppers Visit the 


$5.00, $5.95, $6.95, $10.50 and $15.00 
Tel. 985 EDNA B. SMITH 



Falmouth Phone 116 

The Island Airways carried over a thousand 
people during their first month. The first week 
the average number of passengers which they 
carried a day was thirty. The number then in- 
creased to sixty, and now they have reached the 
eighties and nineties. —V.W. 

Mrs. Virginia Knower Elmendorf was desirous 
of seeing the races at the Edgartown Regatta. 
The only way she could fit it in was by flying. 
To get back from Edgartown to a picnic that 
evening, on the Weepecket Islands, she was 
dropped there for the small extra charge of one 
dollar. The pilot had a hard time starting the 
plane after he had landed Mrs. Elmendorf, and 
was almost persuaded to join the picnickers. 


Pilot Moon scared many people on Sunday. He 
was ‘‘zooming” over Woods Hole and made the 
lowest point of his “zoom,” the square by the 
railroad dock, coming within 100 yards of the 
ground, —V.W. 

Warner Oland, motion picture star from Holly- 
wood, arrived in Woods Hole by boat recently on 
his way to Oak Bluffs. He is the actor who took 
the part of Charlie Chan, the Chinese detective, 
in various motion pictures that have been made 
from novels by Earl Derr Biggers. He will also 
be remembered for the part he played in “Shang- 
hai Express.” —T.C.W. 

Falmouth, Mass. 
LLB. Boston University 1903 

Tel. Falmouth 46-R or 293 



Telephone 78 


( Other pages of the Woods Hole Log can be found on pages 180 and 182.) 

Aucust 6, 1932 ] THE COLLECTING NET 185 

This Complete 
Modern Department Store 

invites you to 

Shop in New Bedford 

Mail and Phone Orders Filled 
Telephone Clifford 750 

Daily Delivery to STA R ee 
Woods Hole STORE 
1 ‘ 
Rise The 5 Price Sale 
Five Cents Savings aa 
Bank Misses Garments 
791 PURCHASE STREET Continues 
Deposits over Assets over COME BEFORE pain STOCKS 
$21,800,000 $24,000,000 EXHAUSTED 
Sizes 13-20 years 

See what $5.38 will buy in a desirable dress. 
154 Consecutive Semi-Annual 

Dividends Paid in THE C. F. WING CO. 

77 years. 790 - 794 PURCHASE ST. 
New Bedford, Mass. 


£s6 x UID) OU ER CII GE Ne 

[ Vor. VII. No. 57 

Southern Biclogical Supply Co., Inc. 
2 Living and Preserved Bio- 
logical Specimens of all 
Types for the Laboratory 
Museum or Research, es- 
pecially Southern or Louis- 
iana Forms. 
Specialists in Amoeba Cultures, Alligators, Etc. 
517 Decatur Street New Orleans, La. 

Best Results 
Assured with 

Best Results 
Assured with 


Non-Corrosive ~ ei Non-Corrosive 

Do Not Fog re 

At your dealer—or write (giving dealer's name) to Walter O. Luscombe 

‘Cray-AvAmMs ComMPANY 

117-119 East 24th Wi reer NEW YorRK 


CAHOON Woods Hole Phone 622-4 


Tel. Falmouth 660 and 661 Clifford L. Hubbard, Prop. 
WOODS HOLE, Telephone 383-R Falmouth, Massachuseetts 
Se Furniture 
IN BUSINESS Promotes Efficiency! 

SINCE AUGUST 6th, 1821 


‘ ke : - ; : 
F ALMOUTH Combination Science Table No. D-580 

For a quarter otf a century Kewaunee Engineers 
NATIONAL BANK have specialized in laboratory furniture that pos- 
sesses all newest, accepted improvements—conven- 

iently placed to promote greater laboratory effic- 

F almouth, iency. 
Biology Laboratory Furniture has been no excep- 
Massachusetts tion. In the Kewaunee Catalog our complete line is 

illustrated and fully explained. Prices are very at- 
tractive. Write for catalog and prices if you have 
laboratory furniture to buy. 

Keuwiiees : 
Capital $ 1 00 000 LABORATORY FURNITURE Cor 

Cc. G. Campbell, Pres. and Gen. Mgr. 

Surplus Fund, $ l 00,000 Chicago Office New York Office 

Offices in Principal Cities 

AGuer 6, 1932) be 

ean find a pleasant change 

Sandwiches — Table d’hote — A la carte 


Falmouth and Woods Hole 

Cleaning, Dyeing and Repairing 
Coats Relined and Altered. Prices Reasonable 

Woods Hole, Mass. 

Main St. Call 752 



Telephone 1243 

Seaplane Service 




Schedules and tickets at Steamboat 

ticket offices 


Souvenirs and Jewelry 
Woods Hole, Mass. 

Depot Avenue 

Civil Engineer and Surveyor 
Assoc. Member Am. Soc. C. E. 
S. B., Mass. Inst. of Tech., 1907 











Opposite Station 

188 _THE COLLECTING NET [ Vor. VII. No. 57 

Collections Daily WALK-OVER SHOP 
Two Collections Daily in the Dormitories General Merchandise 
—EEESSSSS SS °° Te reS= 
MRS. WEEKS SHOPS E. Main St. Nye Road Falmouth 
Phone 109 Falmouth Tel. 113-M 
Weeks’ Building, Falmouth Sales and Service 
Phone 907-M Free Delivery 
We Press While You Wait CAPE COD AUTO CO. 
(Special Rates to Laboratory Members) TEL. 62 DEPOT AVE., FALMOUTH 

Tel. Clifford 6775 New Bedford, Mass. Falmouth, opp. the Public Library Tel. 260 

A Map of Woods Hole, Interesting Books, AUGUST 8 THROUGH AUGUST 13 
Back Numbers of THE NET Old Silver Beach, West Falmouth 
OR Just Information Telephone 1400 
: eat our excellent 
Pure Orange Shellac.........$2.00 a gal. 
Spar. Varnish -. 26.4 665 sess cve $1.00 a qt. —— BaOc PUNCH — 

QUEEN’S BUYWAY FALMOUTH ( Opposite Library ) 

Auvcust 6, 1932 ] THE COLLECTING NET 189 


An eight-page publication mailed without FOR DETERMINATION OF UREA 

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190 THE COLLECTING NET { Vor. VII. No. 57 

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Portable—light in weight—complete with carrying case with battery 
Simplicity of Operation 
After W. J. Youden, Ph.D., of the No technical knowledge or skill is are eh Bad 
Thy ; = unknown solution in reference tube, adjus e 
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The voltmeter reading is noted and the pH for this 
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Special Features of Superiority 
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The Promi projects microscopie slides and living organisms 
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The Promi, recently perfected by a prominent German 
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Lhe se been endorsed by many leading scientists and in- 


PRICE: F.O.B. New York, $100.00 complete apparatus in 
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Prospectus Gladly Sent 

Demonstrations will gladly be made 
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requcntl 117-119 East 24th Street New York, N. Y. . 

“Avaust 6, 1932 ] ) /~ THE,COLLECTING NET 191 


A New Achievement in 
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192 THE COLLECTING NET [ Vou. VII. No. 57 

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117-119 East 24th Street New York 

Biological Life Histories 
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Skeleton of Fish in Case 

Models, Specimens, 

for physiology, zoology, botany, 

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logs will gladly be sent on request. 
Please mention name of school 
and subjects taught, to enable 
us to send the appropriate 

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Preparations | Visit our display rooms and — i i 
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and ; 


“ eet J 
Model of Human Heart 117-119 EAST 24th STREET NEW YORK 

Vol. VII. No. 8 

(The Seminar Report of Dr. Wilham 
Randolph Taylor ) 

A few samples of phytoplankton were obtained 
by J. L. Lowe during the biological survey of 
Isle Royale under the auspices of the state of 
Michigan. These came from small lakes on the 
island, from narrow arms of Lake Superior pene- 
trating valleys of the island, 
and from off-shore in the open 

The latter group of samples 
showed limnoplankton practi- 
cally unmixed by littoral con- 
taminations. The population 


AW. B. LY, Calendar 
TUESDAY,AUGUST 16, 8:00 P. M. 

Seminar: Dr. Daniel Raffel: “Gene 

Annual Subscription, $2.00 
Single Copies, 25 Cts. 

Dr. Ropert CHAMBERS 
Professor of Biology, Washington Square College, 
New York University 
The existence of a plasma membrane as a dif- 
ferentiated layer distinct from the cytoplasm be- 
neath it has been already fairly well established. 
Probably the most striking proof is that a dye, 
such as phenol red, will not penetrate a cell from 
without but when injected into 
a cell readily diffuses through 
it and will not pass out. The 
plasma membrane is emperme- 
able to the dye both from with- 
in and from without while, on 
the other hand, the internal 

was dominated by Dinobryon 
divergens and D. stipitatum, 
with an important diatom ele- 
ment in which Asterionellas, 
Fragilaria crotonensis and 

Mutation in Paramecium aure- 

Dr. C. B. Bridges: ‘Chromosome 
Maps of Drosophila.” 

Dr. A. H. Sturtevant: “A New 
Unstable Translocation in Droso- 

cytoplasm is freely permeable 
to it. 

An additional bit of evi- 
dence of a more morphological 
nature is the fact that cells can 
he, sub-cooled far below their 

IRhisosolenia eriensis were sig- 
nificant; the only other fre- 
quent types were Botryococcus 
and /estella. These records 
for late summer from Lake 
Superior are apparently un- 
ique ; comparison with the little 
know floras of Lakes Michigan 
and Erie suggests that at time 
of sampling Lake Superior 
differed in a greater prominence of Dinobryons. 

The samples from the arms of Lake Superior 
showed a mixture of — (Covitinued on page 194) 

orial Lecture: 

FRIDAY, AUGUST 19, 8:00 P. M. 

Lecture: Reynold A. Spaeth Mem- 
Professor Dr. R. 
Institut fur Biologie, 
| and Development.” 

internal freezing point while 
embedded in solid ice. Only 
when a microscopic icicle is 
introduced into the interior of 
the cell by means of a micro- 
pipette will internal freezing 
take place. Evidently there ex- 
ists a structure at the surface 
of protoplasm which prevents 


initiation of internal freezing from the presence 
of ice on the outside. 

It is difficult to determine the consistency of the 


Phytoplankton of Isle Royale Lake Superior, 

iSEheboveh 4h (Coors segocanu dan ame oon on 193 
Vital Coloration of Protoplasm, 
De VOVEK Gr CHAMIDELS: mre) assists erets)elsieekainr= is «hs 193 

Cytological Fixation with the Lower Fatty 
Acids, their Compounds and Derivatives, 
Dr, Conway Zirkle 

Review of the Seminar Report of Dr. Zirkle, 
IBYae (OPP IO OE bbb ake 00) eligi cern ercaote caren: CimePericre 195 

Copper Sulphate as an Algacide in Lakes and 

Reservoirs), Dry Ge Wi) EReSCOUEL clear 196 
Manganese and the Growth of Lemnaceae, 

Dre) Albert Sawer eK. areas esecee cee a snsim eater at Og 
This Year's Eclipse of the Sun, J. Stockley 198 
Book Review, Dra KarliSax eee. see ore nee 201 
Beach Questions, c.* tia stceei cs eee rata orate ae cesterete 204 
JES th aye Aled Gre ON es man on aa ag cs Sneche Desa ere G Ae 206 
TVEMISTORMIMUGKESL, tetas ae eisai cts sedtee scarier aie aie aie: 207 
News from other Biological Stations ........ 208 


[ Vor. VII. No. 58 


plasma membrane mainly because of the presence 
of extraneous enveloping materials. These ma- 
terials not only complicate results of operations 
with microneedles but also those of treatment with 
salt solutions. For example, CaCl, has a coagu- 
lating action on these envelopes while NaCl tends 
to dissolve them. These salts may have an op- 
posite effect on the plasma membrane underneath. 
That this latter assumption has some evidence of 
being true can be shown in mature, unfertilized 
sea urchin eggs. With microdissection needles 
these eggs can be stripped of their extraneous en- 
veloping materials to the extent of being rendered 
practically naked i. e., with plasma membrane ex- 
posed. Immersed in an isotonic solution of Ca Cle 
these naked eggs can be pulled about, distorted 
and pinched into segments which instantly round 
up when released. The eggs and their fragments 
behave like droplets of oil. With their extraneous 
envelopes on they would have been stiff and 

On the other hand, NaCl and KCI soften the 
envelopes and erode the plasma membrane. 

The internal cytoplasm behaves like the exter- 
nal envelopes to CaCly and NaCl. 

In studying the permeability of a cell to dye- 
stuffs one must take into account two factors, (1) 
selective permeability to the plasma membrane and 
(2) conditions within the internal protoplasm 
which may or may not permit the entrance of 
substances to which the plasma membrane may be 

freely permeable. To many dyestuffs the cell be- 
haves as if there were no intervening plasma mem- 
brane. For example, the staining of a cell with 
neutral red appears to depend entirely on the 
relative acid-base reactions of the cell interior and 
of the medium in which the cell is immersed. If 
the external medium is more acid than the cyto- 
plasm no dye accumulates within the cell, not 
necessarily because of the plasma membrane hut 
because the constitution of neutral red is such that 
between two contiguous phases it tends to accumu- 
late in the one which is more acid. Methyl red 
behaves in the reverse manner. 

One more condition must be cited, viz., the 
metabolic activity of the cell. For some reason, at 
present unknown, the secreting kidney cell is 
freely permeable to phenol red. This property is 
unaffected by variations, within limits, of the 
acidity of the environing medium. However, if 
the vitality of the cell is reduced, e. g., by nar- 
cotics, cold, ete., the cells will not take up any 
phenol red. In contrast to this narcosis does not 
prevent vital staining of the cells with neutral red. 

In conclusion we can state that, although we 
have strong exidence for the existence of a dif- 
ferentiated plasma membrane on the surface of 
protoplasm, we have no right to consider that the 
selective permeability of a cell is exclusively the 
property of the plasma membrane. 

(This article is based on a lecture presented at the 
Marine Biological Laboratory on August 5.) 

(Continued from page 193) 

heleoplankton with littoral elements. Anabaena 
Lemmermanni, Ceratium hirundinella, Tabellar- 
ias and D. cylindricum appeared as important ele- 
ments, but the flora varied considerably im differ- 
ent localities. 

The lakes on the island itself are represented 
by samples from Wallace and Sargent lakes. 
These were filled with clear brown water over a 
muddy bottom with emergent rocks; the first had 
a floating sedge margin, the latter a shore of 
sandy mud. The floras were on the whole poor ; 
samples from the central part of Sargent Lake 
gave a population which contained elements char- 
acteristic of heleoplankton as well as of the lit- 
toral, but with Anabaena Lemmermanni, Ceratium 

Iurundinella and Tabellania fenestrata as import- 
ant constituents. This produced a marked re- 
semblance with the flora of the arms of Lake 

An inspection of the limited literature shows 
that critical and frequent analyses of the phyto- 
plankton are needed, to be made at places which 
would advantageously disclose any differences in 
the population throughout the Great Lakes chain. 

—Hannah T. Croasdale. 

(A summary of a paper presented at the Marine 
Biological Laboratory on August 2. It was sub- 
mitted to Dr. Taylor for approval before publica- 
tion. ) 



Associate Professor of Botany, 

Fixation images can be divided roughly into 
two classes, 1. e, acid images and basic images. 
In the former the nucleus of the resting cell is 

University of Pennsylvama 

surrounded by a membrane and consists of a 
chromatin reticulum about, but not in immediate 
contact with, a centrally located nucleolus. If the 

Avcust 13, 1932 | 


fixing fluid is very acid (pH 1.0-3.0) the nucle- 
olus will contain vacuoles and will be so fixed 
that it will not be stained by the iron-alum haema- 
toxylin technique. In dividing cells the chromo- 
somes are preserved and mordanted and the 
spindle fibers are distinct. The cytoplasm fixes as 
spongioplasm and all mitochondria are dissolved. 
If NaOH or KOH is added to a 2% solution of 
H»CrO, until the mixture reaches pH 4.0 the fix- 
ation images given by the fluid will be as described 
above except that the nucleolus will be mordanted 
and will stain as heavily as the chromatin. If 
more hydroxide is added until the pH becomes 
4.8 the entire character of the fixation image is 
changed. The new image is provisionally labeled 
“basic” although the fixation occurs on the acid 
side of neutrality. In the basic image all chroma- 
tin and spindle fibers are dissolved. The 
nucleus fixes as a globule of nuclear lymph about 
and in intimate contact with the heavily staining 
nucleolus. The cytoplasm fixes as hyaloplasm and 
mitochondria are preserved. If the solution is 
brought to pH 4.8 with copper hydroxide the two 
images overlap and both chromatin and mito- 
chondria are preserved. 

Formaldehyde gives a basic fixation image even 
when combined with compounds of chromium 
whose fixation images are normally acid while 
acetic acid and the acetates, when added to the 
chromates, produce acid images regardless of the 
pH of the mixture. In spite of the fact that acetic 
acid is one of the most destructive of cytologicai 
reagents it is at present a component of practically 
all fixing fluids designed to preserve chromatin. 
The problem arises: Are there acids which com- 
bine the advantages of acetic acid with none of 
its disadvantages ? 

The following four series of interlocking acids 
were investigated : 

1. Formic-Acetic-Propionic-Butyric-Valeric. 

2. Acetic-Trichloracetic. 

3. Formic-Glycollic-Glyceric-Gluconic. 

4. Glyceric-Lactic-Propionic. 

For convenience these acids can be arranged in 
the order of their fat solubility determined by 
their partition coefficient between ether and water. 

Thus—valeric, butyric, propionic, acetic, formic, 
trichloracetic, lactic, glycollic, glyceric and glucon- 
ic. Each acid used alone gives the acid fixation 
image. Combined with formaldehyde, however, 
they give two distinct images, i. e. those from 
valeric to formic give the acid image, those from 
trichloracetic to gluconic the basic. The copper 
salts of all of the acids give the acid image, but 
with formaldehye only those from copper valerate 
to copper acetate give this image. The salts from 
copper formate to copper gluconate with formal- 
dehyde give the basic image. The nickel salts 
alone are not fixatives, but with formaldehyde 
give the basic image except that with nickel val- 
erate and nickel butyrate no mitochondria are 

The copper salts of the acids from valeric to 
formic when combined with copper bichromate 
give the acid image. The copper saits of trichlor- 
acetic and lactic acid with copper bichromate give 
the basic. The corresponding nickel salts with 
nickel bichromate give the same images as the 
copper salts except that in the acid images the 
material of the nucleolus is mordanted so that 
with haematoxylin it stains darker than chroma- 
tin. This image is useful in an investigation of 
the role of the nucleolus in cell division. 

The above images can be explained by assuming 
that the different components of fixing fluids 
penetrate at different rates and that the first 
chemical to reach the cell determines the fixation 
image. Formaldehyde would then penetrate 
slower than the acids, valeric to acetic, (formic 
acid seems to penetrate more rapidly than any 
other acid) but faster than those from trichlor- 
acetic to gluconic. The copper salts of the acids, 
valeric to acetic, penetrate more rapidly than for- 
maldehyde while the other copper salts penetrate 
more slowly. Formaldehyde penetrates faster than 
any of the nickel salts. Copper bichromate pene- 
trates at a rate between those of copper formate 
and copper trichloracetate, while nickel bichro- 
mate penetrates at a rate between those of the 
corresponding nickel salts. 

(A summary of a seminar report presented at the 
Marine Biological Laboratory on August 2.) 

Dr. C. D. DarLtincton 
Cytologist, John Innes Horticultural Institution 

Tixatives react with the different cell constitu- 
ents so as to make them capable of absorbing 
stains differentially. Dr. Zirkle has shown that 
the most important discriminating factor in their 
reactions is the pH of the fixative. Thus with a 
very acid fixative (pH 1.0-3.0) the chromosomes 
but neither the nucleolus nor the mitochondria 
are stained with iron-haematoxylin while with a 

fixative more basic than pH 4.8 the reverse is the 
case. This, however, is only true in the presence 
of Na and K and CrQy, ions. Other combinations 
of bases and acids have different ranges in which 
the opposite “acid’’ and “basic’’ images are given. 
This seems to mean that the effect depends on the 
rapidity with which the different ions penetrate 
the tissues and this, in turn, must vary with the 


[ Vor. VII. No. 58 

material used. Fixatives have usually been de- 
vised in the past by methods of trial and error. 
The methods of analysis used by Dr. Zirkle pro- 
vide the means by which they may in the future 

be more systematically compounded, but the enor- 
mous diversity of materials used for cytological 
study warns us of the difficulty of any early 

Dr. G. W. Prescott 
Assistant Professor of Biology, Albion College 

Since lakes desirable for recreational purposes, 
and impounded waters for municipal use are fre- 
quently infested with objectionable algae consider- 
able recognition is given to copper sulphate as a 
purifying agent. The effectiveness of copper sul- 
phate as an algacide was demonstrated some twen- 
ty-five years ago by the work of Moore and Kel- 
lerman. Although widely used since its introduc- 
tion but very little is known concerning the chem- 
istry involved in the action of the salt and subse- 
quently formed compounds with protoplasm. Fur- 
thermore, although many of the factors influenc- 
ing the efficiency of the algacide have been deter- 
mined, and although the specificity of certain 
organisms for different concentrations of copper 
have been worked out, a great deal of desired 
information is lacking. There are many physio- 
chemical and biological factors which should be 
considered in building an efficient program of 
treatment and these are not always properly 

That there are significant variations in lakes treat- 
ed for algae is shown when a comparison is made 
of the results in written reports of engineers who 
have employed copper sulphate in various parts 
of the country. In reviewing these reports on the 
effectiveness of copper sulphate it is at once ob- 
vious that required concentrations and methods of 
introduction may, and should, vary for different 
lakes. The differences in concentration necessary 
to adequately care for objectionable algae and the 
different degrees of success or failure in the use 
of copper sulphate when it is introduced accord- 
ing to usual recommendations emphasizes che 
point that each body of water must be studied and 
dealt with as a special case. That is, concentra- 
tions of the salt and methods of introducing 
which are efficient in one lake or reservoir may 
fail to give desired results in other, and, it may be, 
apparently similar lakes. Furthermore, different 
concentrations are required in the same lake at 
different seasons of the year. 

Fortunately copper sulphate may be used in 
such dilute concentrations as an effective algacide 
that it is safe in water for human consumption 
and, if correctly introduced, is neither detrimental 
to most kinds of fish nor to fish-food organisms. 

The need for considering the physio- chemical 
and biological conditions of a lake in formulating 
a treatment program has been emphasized to the 

writer by some investigations made during the 
past two years for the Iowa State Fish and Game 
Commission. Many of Iowa’s otherwise very 
beautiful lakes have been almost ruined by super- 
abundant growths of blue-green algae. One of 
the lakes has been given copper sulphate treat- 
ments so that an excellent opportunity has been 
afforded to compare conditions in treated and 
untreated bodies of water. 

The factors to be considered in determining an 
efficient copper sulphate treatment for one of 
Iowa's lakes are as follows: 

1. The kind, or kinds, of infesting algae. This 
is of course always fundamental since organisms 
are specific for various concentrations of the salt. 
The recommended concentration may or may not 
prove successful as determined by other important 
factors. It may be necessary to experiment with 
variations from the recommended concentration 
for treating a specific algal growth, and such is 
the case in the lake studied. 

2. Temperature. The same organism will re- 
quire a heavier concentration of the salt for its 
eradication in cold than in warm water. Hence 
in summer treatments (other factors not inter- 
fering) the necessary concentration is lower than 
in winter. 

3. Suspended organic matter. Suspended or- 
ganic debris interferes with the success of a 
treatment since these particles as well as living 
organisms take up the copper. Therefore, treat- 
ments may be more advantageously administered 
on calm days when the water is less roiled. Or it 
may be necessary to increase the recommended 
dosage for a lake which is persistently heavy in 
suspended matter. 

4. Physical behavior of the infesting organ- 
isms. Since the more serious disturbers are of 
the so-called “‘water-bloom” type they may form 
great mats on the surface of the water. Many 
species normally are concentrated (at least during 
certain parts of the day) in the upper six inches 
of water. In treating for such forms it is obvious 
that a spray method rather than a drag method 
of introduction is likely to be more effective. In 
the drag method bags of copper sulphate are 
towed by boat. Surface organisms are not so 
efficiently dealt with as by the spray method. In 
the instance of Iowa lakes the infesting forms 
congregate at the surface in great ‘patches’ and 


Aucust 13, 1932 ] 


NET 197 

are carried across the lake by wind and current, 
finally heaping on beaches or in shallow water. 
This behavior means that an area of a lake re- 
cently treated with copper sulphate may, in a few 
hours, be infested with a great, putrefying mass 
of algae. Therefore a localized treatment of these 
‘patches’ or ‘banks’ with a small boat, using either 
the spray or drag method is more efficient than 
giving the entire lake a general treatment, as is 
often recommended. 

5. Alkalinity. The alkalinity of the water is 
thought to be highly responsible for the partial 
failure of the treatment of Iowa lakes. The lakes 
infested with blue-green algae all have a high pH 
value. In one lake it is as much as pH 9.6 in the 
summer period. By laboratory experiment it was 
demonstrated that an equal amount of copper sul- 
phate in a series of known pH standards resulted 
in a distinct gradation in the amount of copper 
hydroxide percipitation. A pH of 6.0 showed but 
very little percipitate and this was very hyht and 
fluffy. From pH 7.0 to pH 9.6 there was a very 
marked ascending scale in respect to amounts of 
the percipitate. A tube of lake water was simi- 
larly treated in the series and the amount of per- 

cipitate formed in this tube was consistent with the 
pH of the sample. By laboratory culture experi- 
ments and subsequent chemical analyses for cop- 
per it was found that algae take up the copper 
hydroxide as well as any free copper. The fact 
that alkaline water causes a heavy percipitation 
of copper hydroxide does not mean that this 
directly interferes with the potential algacide ac- 
tion of the copper. It does mean, however, that 
since the percipitate is very heavy that nearly all, 
if not all, of the copper in an alkaline lake sinks 
rapidly to the bottom. Therefore, in a highly 
alkaline lake which is infested with a “water- 
bloom” organism the efficiency of the copper is 
manifestly interfered with, particularly if the 
drag method of introduction is used. 

Further experimentation is necessary to learn 
whether or not or in what degree the concentra- 
tion of copper sulphate used as an algacide in an 
alkaline lake behaves as do the high concentra- 
tions of the salt used in the laboratory experi- 

(This article is based on a seminar report present- 

ed at the Marine Biological Laboratory on Aug- 
ust 2.) 

National Research Fellow in Biology 

Experiments concerned with the mineral nutri- 
tion of green plants have often given widely 
varying results. One factor that must be taken 
into account when synthetic nutrient solutions are 
used in nutrition work is the presence of small 
amounts of impurities that may occur in the chem- 
icals used, in the distilled water, in the culture 
vessels themselves, or in dust settling from the 
air. The importance of minute traces of elements 
not usually added to nutrient solutions intention- 
ally was pointed out by Mazé (1915) and by 
many since that time. At present believed 
that traces of Cu, Zn, Mn, Al, Si, B, As, TI, I 
and perhaps others may play an essential part in 
the nutrition of green plants. 

Hopkins (1930), growing pure cultures of 
Chlorella, showed that this alga was unable to 
grow in the absence of traces of manganese, and 
later he demonstrated the necessity of manganese 
for the growth of Lemna minor. Clark and Fly 
(1930), however, found no evidence that man- 
ganese was essential to the growth of Spirodela 
polyrrhiza. Since there was a possibility that there 
might be a specific difference in the manganese 
requirements of the Lemnaceae, five species were 
selected for experiments with manganese: Spiro- 
dela polyrrhiza, S. oligorrhiza, Lemna minor, L. 
valdiviana, and L. minima. They were grown ina 
solution containing Ca, K, Mg, nitrate, phosphate, 


sulphate, and a source of iron. The chemicals 
were purified by recrystallization and the water 
by redistillation. The cultures were transferred 
to fresh solutions twice a week. Constant temper- 
ature and illumination were maintained. The 
growth in controls without manganese was com- 
pared with that in solutions containing one milli- 
gram manganese per liter. All species growing in 
the solutions minus manganese developed typical 
deficiency symptoms (loss of roots, marked re- 
duction in leaf area, appearance of necrotic areas 
on leaves) after from two to eight weeks, and 
finally growth in the minus manganese cultures 
ceased entirely. All species recovered when they 
were again transferred to a solution containing 

It was found later that approximately 0.001 mg. 
manganese per liter solution (one part per billion) 
was sufficient to provide for vigorous growth of 
the species under the specified conditions. When 
such cultures were transferred to solutions minus 
manganese, typical deficiency symptoms appeared 
after about five days. 

Traces of copper, zinc, aluminum, boron, iodine, 
and fluorine could not replace manganese in 
bringing about recovery from manganese defi- 

Bottomley (1917-1920) had carried out a series 
of experiments with species of Lemnaceae (duck- 



[ Vor. VII. No. 58 

weeds)—Spirodela and Lemna—in which he 
showed that the addition of minute amounts of 
extracts of organic matter to an inorganic culture 
solution would result in a marked stimulation of 
growth. His conclusion that traces of organic 
matter (auximones) were essential in the nutri- 
tion of green plants could not be substantiated by 
later investigations (Mendiola, Clark and Roller, 
Saeger, Wolff). Extracts of organic matter may 
contain traces of various elements. 
Manganese-deficient cultures of Spirodela will 
resume growth when manganese is again supplied. 
Cultures of S. polyrrhiza showing all the symp- 
toms of manganese deficiency were used to detect 
the presence of manganese in aqueous extracts of 
spinach, digitalis, yeast, carrot, and Lemna. Each 
of the added extracts was able to bring about 
recovery of the manganese-deficient plants. The 
addition of the ash of some of the extracts also 
resulted in recovery. It is believed that the stimu- 

lating effect upon growth of green plants, ob- 
served when small amounts of plant extracts are 
added to a nutrient solution, may be due in part 
at least to the introduction of traces of essential 
elements into the culture solution. However, it is 
also evident that this does not entirely explain 
the marked stimulation observed. There must be 
other factors that are effective when such extracts 
are added. 

The presence or absence of manganese and its 
concentration in natural waters is no doubt of 
importance in the distribution and the rate of 
multiplication of certain aquatic plants, including 
algal plankton. Uspenski (1927), in an extensive 
study of lakes and streams in Russia, has shown 
that the iron supply in these waters plays a deci- 
sive part in the distribution of algae. The rela- 
tion of algal growth to manganese supply in 
natural waters awaits investigation. 


Associate Director, The 

When the moon, in the course of its monthly 
circuits around the earth, passes between that 
body and the sun, producing a total solar eclipse, 
astronomers are always interested. And when the 
moon’s shadow crosses a land area where there 
is a good chance of clear weather at the crucial 
moment, they do not hesitate to travel long dis- 
tances in order to make the observations possible 
only at eclipse time. Thus, in October, 1930, two 
scientific groups, one from the U. S. Naval Ob- 
servatory, the other from New Zealand, established 
themselves at Niuafoou, a nearly inaccessible little 
island in the Tonga group in the South Pacific 
Ocean. But total eclipses of the sun are not al- 
ways visible only from remote parts of the world. 
In 1918 one was visible in the western United 
States, and many important observations were 
made. The year 1923 brought one to Southern 
California in September, but unfortunately the 
typically fine California weather failed to prevail. 
Few observations were made there, though astro- 
nomical parties in Mexico did have excellent con- 
ditions. When another eclipse track passed over 
New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island and Mass- 
achusetts early on the morning of January 24, 
1925, the unexpected again happened, and the 
weather, along the eastern part of the track, was 
beautifully clear. An eclipse was visible along 
a path crossing England and the Scandinavian 
peninsula in June, 1927. Again, cloudy weather 
occurred over most of the track, but there were 
two notable exceptions. A German party in Lap- 
land was favored with clear sky. In England, at 
Giggleswick, the point selected by the Astronomer 

Franklin Institute Museum 

Royal for the expedition of the British Royal Ob- 
servatory, the day was almost completely cloudy, 
but a hole appeared in the clouds, surrounding 
the sun, just before totality. A few minutes after- 
wards it was raining. 

With such interest shown in eclipses, it is not 
surprising that this year’s eclipse, on Wednesday, 
August 31, has been eagerly awaited by astrono- 
mers, and by the general public as well, for many 
months. For the scientific fraternity, there is the 
added attraction in the United States of the meet- 
ing of the International Astronomical Union at 
Harvard immediately afterwards. This meeting 
would have been held last year, but was post- 
poned to make it possible for foreign astronomers 
to combine it with the eclipse. 

On August 31, according to the data published 
at the U. S. Naval Observatory by the Nautical 
Almanac Office, of which Professor James 
Robertson is in charge, the moon’s tapering 
shadow first touches earth at 2:04.2 P. M., East- 
ern Standard Time (or 19h 4.2m G. C. T.) ata 
point in longitude 109° 16’ east of Greenwich and 
latitude 79° 36’ north. This is in the Arctic 
Ocean north of the East Taimir Peninsula. 
Thence the shadow travels northeastward and 
passes within a few hundred miles of the North 
Pole. As it then travels to the southeast, at an 
average speed of about two thousand miles an 
hour, it sweeps over Melville Sound, Prince of 
Wales Island, Boothia Peninsula, the District of 
Keewatin of the Canadian Northwest Territory, 
Hudson Bay, James Bay, the Province of Quebec 
and New England. Then it passes to sea and 

Aucust 13, 1932 ] 





5 7k 
1 Jotmsbur yx” 



| « 


New Haven 



The Eclipse will be seen as total from points within the two heavy parallel lines, and 
will last longest on the center line. The numbers on the center line show the dut)i- 
tion of totality at that point and the solid lines crossing the path show the time of 
mid-totality. The long lines crossing the entire map show the times of beginning 
and ending of the partial phases. Traced from a map issued by the U. S. Nautical 
Almanac Office. 

leaves the earth at 4:02.6 P. M., Eastern Stand- 
ard Time (21h 2.6m G. C. T.) from a point in 
the middle of the Atlantic Oceaen with the co- 
ordinates of 40° 59’ west and 28° 27’ north, 
where the sun is then setting. 

The path of the shadow in southern Quebec 
and New England is shown in detail in the ac- 
companying map. Fig. 2 shows the shape of the 
shadow as it passes over this part of the earth. It 
is about 60 miles wide and a hundred miles long. 
In the middle of the eclipse track, where the 
widest part of the shadow crosses, the total eclipse 
will last about a hundred seconds. The lines 
crossing the shadow in Fig. 2, parallel to the edges 
of the path, are at ten-mile intervals and the num- 

bers below indicate the time in seconds which 
that part of the shadow requires to pass a given 
point. It will be seen that, while longest dura- 
tion is at the center, the total eclipse will last at 
least a minute over a band 80 miles wide. 

To an observer in the path of totality, the first 
warning of the coming event will occur at about 
2:20 P. M., Eastern Standard Time, for a point 
in New Hampshire or Maine. At that time, if 
the observer looks at the sun, with proper protec- 
tion, he will see a slight nick in the right-hand 
edge. The best way to look at the sun is by 
means of a small telescope, but of course one 
should never look directly at it. If the telescope 
is set on a firm support, and pointed to the sun, a 



[ Vor. VII. No. 58 


Reproduced from a Pamphlet Issued by the New 
England Hotel Association. 

piece of white cardboard can be held a few inches 
from the eyepiece in such a way that a good im- 
age of the sun is obtained. Focus can be secured 
by adjusting the telescope eyepiece, or by altering 
the distance of the card. It is usually necessary 
to place another card, with a small hole in the 
center, around the telescope like a collar, in order 
-to shield the screen from the direct rays of the 
sun, The sun can be viewed directly by the time- 
honored smoked glass, but better yet is a dense 
photographic negative. 

The nick which appears in the right-hand edge 
of the sun at about 2:20 is the moon, which is now 
starting to come between the sun and the earth. 
Gradually the nick increases in size, as more and 
more of the solar disc is covered. Finally, the re- 
maining part of the sun assumes the shape of a 
crescent, which continues to narrow. The sun’s 
light assumes a peculiar yellowish color, because 
the bluish rays from the inner solar disc, ordinar- 
ily present in sunlight, are now eliminated. The 
spots of light under foliage, consisting of solar 
images made by the pinholes formed by the in- 
terstices between the leaves, are crescent-shaped, 
instead of round. Perhaps the shadow bands may 
appear. These are waves of light and shade 
which pass across light objects, like the white- 
washed side of a house, facing the sun. They 
are caused by streaks of varying density in the 
earth’s atmosphere, and were very conspicuous 
in 1925 on the snow-covered ground. At some 
other eclipses they have hardly appeared at all. 

Totality arrives, in New England, at about 3 30 
P. M., as indicated on the map. If the observer 
has a clear view to some distance in the north- 
west, the moon’s shadow can be seen approaching, 

like a tremendous storm-cloud, with awe-inspiring 
swiftness. At the same time, the last-vanishing 
sliver of the sun’s crescent breaks up into a 
series of bright spots—the Baily’s beads, caused 
by the sunlight shining through valleys on the 
limb of the moon, while adjacent lunar peaks al- 
ready have passed the edge of the solar disc. The 
beads last only a moment, then, completely en- 
circling the dark disc of the moon, now visible in 
its entirety, there flashes into view the magnificent 
corona of the sun, shining with a pale greenish 
light about half as brilliant as the full moon. The 
shape of the corona varies in step with the num- 
ber of sunspots. As they are now at a minimum, 
the corona should probably have several long 
streamers, extending out from above the sun’s 
equator to perhaps several times its diameter. 
From the poles there may emerge a series of 
brush-like rays of light. Close to the moon’s disc 
there may be seen some of the red solar promin- 
ences, huge flames of hydrogen and other gases. 
Glancing around the sky, some of the brighter 
stars and planets can be seen. Jupiter shines 
brilliantly just to the right of the sun, and Regulus 
is just below. Still farther to the right is Mer- 
cury. These objects, and a few others, as they 
will appear at the time of the eclipse, are shown 
in Fig. 3, in a drawing prepared by Dr. J. J. 
Nassau, of the Warner and Swasey Observatory, 

But not for long can one enjoy this spectacle 
of the total eclipse. About a minute and forty 
seconds after the corona made its appearance, its 
outer extensions begin to fade away, and the 
Baily’s beads reappear, this time on the right- 
hand edge of the sun. The shadow is seen re- 
ceding rapidly to the southeast. The Baily’s beads 
coalesce to form a thin crescent of sunlight. Pos- 
sibly, to a keen eye, the inner part of the corona 
may hang on for a moment or two after the sun 
has begun to emerge from the eclipse. The first 
reappearing bit of the sun, made larger by ir- 
radiation in the eyes, which have become dark- 
adapted during the eclipse, looks much larger than 
it is. Coupled with the continuous circle of the 
inner corona, the appearance is that of a dia- 
mond ring, the name coined for the effect when 
it was noticed by millions in 1925. Then the 
crescent of sunlight grows larger, as the moon 
moves off the solar disc to the left. Finally, at 
4:34 P. M., the last nick on the sun’s limb van- 
ishes, and the eclipse of August 31, 1932, is over. 

Not until 1963 will American astronomers again 
have the chance to observe a total eclipse with any 
probability of success. The next total eclipses of 
the sun visible at all in the United States are 
scheduled for July 9, 1945, and June 30, 1954, 
but these both begin in the northwest at sunrise 
and pass over into Canada a few minutes later. 

Aucust 13, 1932 ] 





FIG. 3. 







From a drawing prepared by Dr. J. J. Nassau, of the Warner and Swasey Observatory 
of the Case School of Applied Science. 

On July 20, 1963, there will be an eclipse which seconds, that when speaking of the “path given 

almost duplicates the one of this year. It is vis- 
ible over practically the same path, and lasts al- 
most exactly the same time. Relying too im- 
plicitly on the approximate charts published in 
Oppolzer’s famous “Canon der Finsternisse’’ 
(Vienna, 1887), astronomers have not generally 
realized that this eclipse would be visible in the 
United States. Like the one of this August, it 
is shown in Oppolzer’s maps as passing through 
Nova Scotia, completely missing the United 
States. In his introduction, as Dr. A. C. D. 
Crommelin has pointed out (Observatory, Vol liii, 
p. 310), Oppolzer specifically states that the charts 
are merely approximate, as he has located the 
two ends and the middle of each track, and con- 
nected them with circular arcs, a figure quite dif- 
ferent from the eclipse tracks. The data given 
in the tables in the same work show a track for 
this year’s eclipse corresponding within a mile to 
that computed by the Nautical Almanac Office. 
Crommelin makes a plea, which the present writer 

in Oppolzer,” astronomers should refer to the 
path computed from his data, and not that in the 
charts, unless specially designated. The true Op- 
polzer paths, for eclipses of the present century, 
are given by Mahler in the Denkschriften der 
Akademie der Wissenschaften (Vienna) Vol. 49. 

After 1963, the next favorable American eclipse 
will be on March 7, 1970, in Florida. This will 
be followed by one on February 26, 1979, in the 
northwestern states along a line parallel to the 
Canadian border. Two others will come in 2017 
and 2022, the latter passing close to New York 
City. The next eclipse of interest to astrono- 
mers, in any part of the world after this year, 
will be in 1934, when one will be seen from the 

South Pacific Ocean on February 14. Another 
will be seen from Japan in 1936, on June 19, and 
a very long one, lasting seven minutes, from an- 
other part of the South Pacific Ocean on June 


Recent Advances in Cytology, C. D. DARLINGTON. 
P. Blakiston’s Son & Co, xviii + 559. August, 

“A vivid imagination is the first requisite for a good 

cytologist.”’ Gene O’Mere 
Darlington’s book, “Recent Advances in Cy- 

tology,” appears at an appropriate time. During 
the past few years, since Belling, Taylor, and 

Newton have shown that the smear technique 

used by the zoologists can be applied to plant ma- 
terial, the botanists have made great progress in 
cytological investigations. The recent cytological 
studies of taxonomic, genetic, and evolutionary 
problems have opened up a new field in biology. 
This work is summarized and reviewed by Dar- 

After reading Haldane’s introduction, one might 
expect this book to be written in the manner of 



[ Vor. VII. No. 58 

the Pope’s “Encyclical” —an unequivocal message 
from God’s representative on earth. But the first 
nine chapters show relatively little evidence of 
the Jehovah complex characteristic of some of 
Darlington’s earlier publications. 

Part 1 of this book deals with reproduction, mi- 
tosis, meiosis in diploids and polyploids, the evo- 
lution of polyploids, and the chromosome theory 
of heredity. These subjects are dealt with in a 
clear, concise, and comprehensive manner. The 
discussion of critical points is based on evidence 
obtained from many sources, as well as on Dar- 
lington’s own extensive investigations. 

The discussion of the function of the nucleolus 
might well have included Fikry’s (J. Roy. Mic- 
Soc. 1930) theory that the nucleolus is a product 
of the chromosome and provides a mechanism for 
transferring gene products to the cytoplasm. In 
the second chapter we learn that each chromatid 
forms an independent coil or spiral in the mei- 
otic chromosomes. The single coiled chromone- 
mata described by Sakamura, Kaufmann, and 
others are attributed to optical illusions. It is to 
be hoped that some of these “optical illusions” 
will be demonstrated at the Genetics Congress at 

Darlington also assumes that the chromosomes 
become longitudinally split during the resting 
stage, and not at the telephase stage, as is main- 
tained by Robertson, Kaufmann, Sakamura, Ku- 
wada, Sharp, and McClung. The assumption 
that the split occurs at the resting stage is es- 
sential for Darlington’s theory of meiosis. The 
author does not permit a few facts to spoil a per- 
fectly logical theory, so the contrary observations 
are thrown into the limbo of optical illusions. 

The chapter on meiosis includes a detailed dis- 
cussion of chiasma frequency and distribution in 
many different organisms. The various types of 
chromosome association in polyploids are also con- 
sidered in relation to the principles of chromo- 
some pairing. The description of meiosis in 
structural hybrids, in the following chapter, deals 
largely with the segmental interchange hypothesis, 
although Belling is not given credit for this theory. 

The discussion of types of polyploids and their 
evolution is very clear and comprehensive. The 
reputed autopolyploid nature of Pyrus is probably 
incorrect, and the classification of some other gen- 
era may be questioned. The chromosome theory 
of heredity is considered briefly. 

The tabular summaries of types of chromo- 
somes, chiasma formation, segmental interchange, 
chromosome pairing, and the origin of different 
kinds of polyploids will be useful to both students 
and investigators. 

The second part of the book deals with the 
mechanism of crossing over, the precocity theory 
of meiosis, the mechanics of chromosome behay- 

ior, the cytology and genetics of sex differentia- 
tion, mutation, apomixis, and the evolution of gen- 
etic systems. Here Darlington is at his best. 
Hampered by a minimum of annoying facts, his 
imagination is free to develop numerous theories 
and hypotheses, many of which are perfectly log- 
ical. But, as has been clearly demonstrated, some 
of Darlington’s perfectly logical theories are com- 
pletely erroneous. Nevertheless, this section of 
the book contains many valuable suggestions, and 
is well worth reading. 

The “partial chiasmatypy” theory of Jannsens 
is considered as the correct interpretation of 
crossing over. Each chiasma represents a cross- 
over which occurred at pachytene, and only pairs 
of sister chromatids open out together at diplotene. 
As soon as the resulting chiasmata are formed, 
they may move along the chromosome so that, in 
certain regions of the bivalent, non-sister chroma- 
tids are paired. Both Jannsens and McClung 
have shown that such an origin of the chiasmata 
should produce an asymmetrical relation of the 
chromatids at or near each chiasma. McClung has 
pointed out that, in most cases, the chromatid re- 
lations are symmetrical, as would be expected on 
the “classical theory” of chiasma formation. This 
evidence is ignored by Darlington, and most of 
the chiasmata represented in his diagram show 
a symmetrical arrangement of the chromatids. 
Some of the relationships of chromatids shown 
in the diagrams (Fig. 58 Al) are impossible. 

According to Darlington’s theory, chromosome 
pairing at meiosis is dependent on chiasma forma- 
tion, so that no chromosome can have a cross- 
over length of less than 50 units. The geneticist 
will be surprised to learn that the fourth chromo- 
some of Drosophila may be 50 units long. We 
are also told that in attached X chromosomes of 
Drosophila, factors situated more than 50 units 
from the spindle fiber should be freely assorted 
as between chromatids, and that Rhoades’ data 
mean “most probably that a disproportionately 
high amount of crossing over- occurs between 
chromatids continuing one another, and therefore 
passing to the same pole.’’ Both statements are 
erroneous, as are several other references to 
Drosophila genetics (p. 396). The absence of 
crossing over in the chromosomes of the Droso- 
phila male is not explained. 

The theory that crossing over follows chiasma 
formation, by breaks in some of the chiasmata, is 
rejected for “five chief reasons,” none of which 
are critical. The fifth reason is based on an as- 
sumption so obviously invalid that it seems in- 
credible that Darlington could have considered it 
seriously. Belling’s theory of the mechanism of 
crossing over—which is certainly the most plaus- 
ible explanation if the partial chiasmatypy hypo- 
thesis is correct—is not considered seriously by 

Aucust 13, 1932 | 



Darlington, and instead the older torsion hypo- 
thesis is revived. It is significant that no diagrams 
are included to show how crossing over might oc- 
cur, on this hypothesis ; why the breaks are so ex- 
act; and why only two chromatids cross over at 
any one locus. Darlington’s imagination was evi- 
dently below par when this discussion was written. 

The chapter on the theory of meiosis is brief. 
The dead body of the telosynapsis theory is buried 
with little reverence. The precocity theory of 
meiosis is developed and is based on the assump- 
tion that at meiosis the chromosomes entering the 
prophase stage are single and not double, as they 
are in somatic divisions. The theory is perfectly 
logical, regardless of its validity. 

Considerable space is devoted to terminalisation 
of chiasmata. It is shown that, in many genera, 
from two to six interstitial chiasmata are found 
at diplotene, but at metaphase only one or two 
terminal chiasmata remain. The interstitial chi- 
asmata are assumed to move towards the distal 
end or ends of the chromosome without passing 
off the ends of the bivalent. If crossing over 
is at random between chromatids, it is difficult to 
reconcile this theory with the types of terminal 
chiasmata actually observed, but Darlington does 
not discuss this problem. A change in homology 
of chromosome segments may arrest terminalisa- 
tion. “Terminal affinity” prevents the chiasmata 
from sliding off the ends of the bivalent before 

An interesting discussion of abnormalities in 
meiosis is presented in connection with the au- 
thor’s theory of meiosis. 

The behavior of sex chromosomes and the in- 
heritance of ring-formation are discussed under 
the heading of permanent diploid hybrids. Sev- 
eral of the assumptions regarding the constitution 
of chromosome rings in Oenothera are unlikely to 
be supported by recent investigations, although 

Belling’s segmental interchange theory is sound 
enough. The discussion of sex heterozygotes is 

The last chapter is written in the manner one 
might expect after reading Haldane’s introduc- 
tion. Starting with four apparently sound hy- 
potheses, a perfectly logical theory is developed 
which explains evolution, the origin and develop- 
ment of the sexual cycle, and the fundamental 
cause of variation in organisms. 

The theory is very simple. The original living 
particle was a “naked gene” which had the prop- 
erty of division to form many genes. Mutation 
produced new genes. The genes became ar- 
ranged in a linear order by the formation of a 
single chromosome. When this chromosome be- 
came too long to divide regularly, it broke up into 
several chromosomes. The length of the chromo- 
somes is also reduced by “‘a spiral produced by a 

state of torsion between the spindle fiber and the 
chromosome envelope.” 

The fusion of two simple organisms would pro- 
duce a diploid form. Precocity of the prophase 
stage of division initiates meiosis. Crossing over 
invariably occurs at meiosis, resulting in an as- 
sociation of homologous chromosomes by chias- 
mata. This system is of evolutionary importance 
because it provides for recombination of genes 
and structural changes. But this advantage is re- 
stricted to hybrids,—“hence the countless physio- 
logical and mechanical devices which have been 
developed to promote hybridity wherever meiosis 
occurs.” Meiosis is restricted in time and space 
to permit the development of the diplophase. 
Localisation and terminalisation of chiasmata per- 
mit regular chromosome disjunction. 

Differentiation of fusing cells is caused by gen- 
etic changes in two directions. In the case of 
diploid differentiation, one of the two kinds of 
diploids must be heterozygous. One diploid sys- 
tem is kept in a permanent heterozygous condition 
by suppressing crossing over between the affected 
differences,—i. , between the sex chromosomes. 
Thus the sex Sieaneeen es lose all qualitative re- 
lationship, and later all quantitative relationship. 
Since the Y chromosome does not reproduce it- 
self in the homozygous condition, it will lapse into 
unimportance and may often be eliminated. 

Hybridity is stabilized by apomixis and by seg- 
mental interchange of chromosomes. 

In lower organisms variation is dependent on 
gene mutation, but in higher organisms where 
meiosis and hybridisation occur, two other factors 
are of more importance. These are structural 
or numerical changes, induced by irregularities in 
meiosis, and changes in proportions of genes con- 
ditioned by hybridisation. 

This concluding chapter is a masterpiece, and 
the simple and orderly development of the theories 
involved is most ingenious. According to Gene 
O’Mere’s standards, Darlington must be rated as 
the world’s greatest cytologist. 

Before concluding this review, I wish to quote 
two sentences from Darlington’s book. The first 
is a quotation from Bacon, found in the Appendix. 
“The method of discovery and proof according to 
which the most general principles are first estab- 
lished, and then intermediate axioms are tried and 
proved by them, is the parent of error and the 
curse of all science.’’ The second sentence is from 
Haldane’s description of Darlington’s method of 
investigation. ‘As his colleague | can testify that 
he has investigated an apparently most heterogene- 
ous series of plants with a very clear idea of what 
he was looking for in each case, and that on more 
than half of these occasions he found it.” 
Arnold Arboretum —Karl Sax 
Harvard University. 



[ Vor. VII. No. 58 


(NOTE: The report of the meeting given below is based upon stenographic notes. 

In some cases 

the complete statements were not recorded; in many cases it is not unlikely that the wording repro- 

duced below has been altered somewhat from tke actual words used by the speakers. 

The brief inter- 

va) (elapsing between the time of the meeting and the time the compositor required the material) did 
not permit us to submit the statements that we obtained to the many speakers for correction.) 

On Thursday evening a public meeting was 
held in the Old Lecture Hall of the Marine Bio- 
logical Laboratory to find some method of re- 
lieving the congestion now prevalent on the Bay 
Shore bathing beach. About one hundred people 
were actually present, although this number was 
greatly increased by the many individuals outside 
who assembled around the windows of the Hall. 

The meeting was called to order by its chair- 
man, Professor Caswell Grave, shortly after eight 
o'clock, who introduced the subject. 

Dr. Grave : ‘We have been called together to dis- 
cuss the Woods Hole Beach Problem. The prob- 
lem dates from 1928 when the Fay Estate deeded 
to those who make Woods Hole their home the 
beach rights on Lot (X). That called attention 
immediately to the fact that a great many people 
who thought hitherto that they had beach rights 
were mistaken. Until that deed was made Woods 
Hole had no beach rights, although they had, since 
the community was founded, used the Bay Shore 
as a bathing beach and assumed that they were 
simply using the rights that belonged to them. 
Members of the Marine Biological Laboratory 
had no real beach rights—it was only by tolerance 
of those who owned the land that they were able 
to use the beach. Thus it began. As time goes 
on and as shore property is taken up for various 
purposes, beach privileges are being withdrawn. 
The Laboratory, having no beach rights, is in- 
debted to the kindness of Dr. Strong who bought 
the lot next to “X” so that laboratory members 
might have the rights of residents. Lots (1) to 
(5) are now improved and owners of property on 
these lots exercise their very proper rights in see- 
ing that these belong exclusively to them—no one 
has beach privileges on their lots. This has been 
the situation since 1928. There has been agitation 
of the matter ever since. At the time Dr. Meigs 
bought “Lot X” it was attempted to have some 
sort of organization to raise money and develop 
it. Nothing came of that. At its annual meeting 
in 1930 the Woods Hole Protective Association 
was asked whether it would assume some sort of 
responsibility. It decided, however, not to extend 
its responsibilities to include this problem. Those 
who were interested stayed in the room after the 
meeting had adjourned to consider the beach 
problem. They authorized a committee to be 
formed; there was no other authorization other 
than this informal group. This committee had 
conferences with lot owners. It was suggested 
that if a satisfactory patrol could be organized 

the lot owners would withdraw their restrictions, 
at least until they saw how this proposition 
worked out. Next year conditions were different 
and the lot owners had changed their minds, so 
nothing came of this effort. 

“A similar unauthorized committee was formed 
last year that decided to present the question to 
the Marine Biological Laboratory and ask it to 
assume responsibility for the beach. The Lab- 
oratory, however, preferred to have nothing to 
do, officially, with the beach question. 

“This year those who had been responsible for 
presenting the subject to the M. B. L. came to- 
gether again to consider what next should be done 
to solve the problem.” 

The secretary, Dr. E. R. Clark, was asked to 
read such portions of the minutes of the initial 
meeting as he believed desirable. THE COLLEcT- 
1NG Net printed an account of this meeting in its 
number for July 30, and therefore the report will 
not be duplicated here. 

The four plans drawn up by the sub-committee 
were next presented by Professor H. B. Good- 
rich as follows: 

PLAN NO. 1. 

All things considered, such as the paucity of lone 
sandy beaches in Woods Hole, the encouragement of 
rapid growth of the summer population, the desira- 
bility of avoiding great overcrowding at the beach, 
it seems that there is cause for congratulation that 
there is an easily accessible bathing beach, the use 
of which and the right of way to which have been 
deeded to and accepted by the town, in perpetuity, 
and that this beach, under private management, has 
been so excellently conducted that all minor difficul- 
ties have been greatly outweighed by the many ma- 
jor advantages. Let us acknowledge the debt which 
we owe first to the Fay Estate and more recently 
to Dr. and Mrs. Meigs. 

It is not by any means a certainty that a radical 
change in mangement will result in an improvement 
of the situation. 

There is, however, one matter which is surely be- 
yond the province of Dr. and Mrs. Meigs to regulate, 
namely, the rocky condition of the beach between 
high and low water. There is apparently a very 
strong probability that a jetty, built out from the 
shore, would permit the sand to settle over the 
stones and provide a completely sandy beach front- 
ing lot X—the bathing beach lot. The construction 
of such a jetty would seem to be properly a town 
function, and it is therefore recommended that the 
town be asked to examine into the matter and to 
anpropriate funds for the construction of such a 
jetty—if necessary obtaining an enabling act from 
the State Legislature to legalize the procedure. 
Should such a jetty provide a completely sandy 
beach for the entire 231’ fronting lot X, one of the 
chief disadvantages of the beach would be met. 

To assist Dr. and Mrs. Meigs in handling other 

(Continued on the Log: pages 210, 212, 214 and 216.) 

AUGUST 13, 1932 | / Pit COLE CRENG Nin 205 

Above: Looking Southwest over the ‘‘Private’’ Beach. 
Below: Looking Northeast over the ‘Beach’ on ‘Lot X.” 



[ Vor. VII. No. 58 

The Collecting Net 

A weekly publication devoted to the scientific work 
at Woods Hole. 


sAdoo Ooh nphonUSooUOO OBO Oooo Editor 

Assistant Editors 
Annaleida S. Cattell Vera Warbasse 

Contributing Editor to Woods Hole Log 
T. C. Wyman 

Ware Cattell 

Salesmen at the Laboratory 

Recently a professor of biology who is work- 
ing at the Marine Biological Laboratory, remarked 
that efforts should be made to prevent salesmen 
from disturbing investigators in their research 
rooms. He said that two persistent individuals 
had taken much of his time one day that week. 
If some reasonable regulation could be enforced 
it would be appreciated by many members of the 

There are a great many young research workers 
at the Laboratory who would value greatly a half- 
hour’s conference with a senior investigator. 
However, they naturally refrain from consulting 
their superiors whom they often have not met. A 
salesman is not so tactful. We believe that in- 
vestigators would find it more stimulating to tall 
to an active graduate student about his research 
problem, than trying to be polite to an eloquent 
salesman. Furthermore, after the interview was 
ended he would have a feeling of having made a 
contribution to biological research instead of hay- 
ing forwarded the interests of a commercial firm. 

Placing the Old Lecture Hall (for which no 
charge is made) at the disposal of manufacturers 
of scientific apparatus was a wise move. Invyesti- 
gators can look over their products at their con- 
venience, and we would willingly wager that the 
average investigator is in a more receptive frame 
of mind to listen to the merits of products there, 
than in his research room where he may be im- 
mersed in some important experiment. Any 
salesman of merit should be assigned a place in 
the Old Lecture Hall—none should be allowed to 
pedal their wares from room to room, 


The sixth annual concert of the Woods Hole 
Choral Society ‘takes place in the Auditorium of 
the Marine Biological Laboratory on Monday 
night, August 15th at eight o'clock. Admission 
will be fifty cents and a dollar. The Choral So- 
ciety was organized in 1927 to give an. oppor- 
tunity for serious part-singing to those investiga- 
tors, students and members of the community who 
were fond of the art. Its director has been Dr. 

Ivan Gorokhoff, leader of the Glee Club and 
choirs of Smith College. Professor Gorokhoff 
has introduced the Society to some of the wealth 
of musical literature for which the Russian Church 
is so famous, and to a few of the boistrous peas- 
ant-songs of the old Russia. This year’s reper- 
toire also includes one chorus from Alexander 
3orodin’s opera, ““Prince Igor.” Borodin, best 
known for his short list of musical compositions, 
was originally a chemist and a medical man. As 
in other years, the program has been balanced by 
the inclusion of old English part-songs and choral 
works of Handel and Palestrina. 

The officers of the Choral Society this year 
have been Dr. E. R. Clark, President ; Dr. Charles 
Packard, Secretary-Treasurer; Miss Lois Te 
Winkel, Librarian; Mrs. Bess Kaliss, Accompan- 
ist; and Prof. Gorokhoff, Director. Over fifty 
people are members of the Choral Society. 
After the concert, the Society will continue meet- 
ing twice a week for the rest of the season, to 
learn new music. Anyone wishing to join the 
chorus is invited to consult Dr. Gorokhoff. The 
rehearsals are held on Tuesday and Friday nights 
after the lectures are over, in the M. B. L. Club 
House. —W. B. 

The Program for the Concert is as follows: 


Hellelujah, Amen (from “Judas 
Maccabaeus”) Handel 
2. Hymn to the Mother of God = Tschaikowsky 
3. Psalm 148 Gustav Holst 
4. Ave Maria Palestrina 
5. God is With Us Kastalsky 
6. The Day of Judgment Arkhangelsky 
7. Chorus of Villagers A. Borodin 
8. Wassail Song Vaughn Williams 
9. My Bonnie Lass She Smileth Edward German 
10. Spinning-Top Rimsky-K orsakoff 

11. The Gypsy Zolotarie ff 
At the following hours (Daylight Saving 
Time) the current in the hole turns to run 
from Buzzards Bay to Vineyard Sound: 
Date A.M. P. M. 
PNT oem ae 2:14 2:24 
Aug. 14. SIL Sell 
Aug. 15.. 4:03 4:13 
Aug. 16. 4:50 YAO 
Aug. 17. 5:34 5:49 
Aug. 18. 6:16 6:33 
Aug. 19... 6:57 AMG 
Aug. 20.. 7338 8 :02 
NII Oe 2d ome a ar2il 8:47 
The average speed of the current in the hole 
at maximum is five knots per hour. 

Aueust 13, 1932 ] 



Dr. C. D. Darlington of the John Innes Horti- 
cultural Institution, London, was married recent- 
ly to Miss Kate Pinsdorf who is instructor in 
history at Vassar College. The ceremony took 
place at Hyannis, Massachusetts, in the presence 
of a few friends. 

Dr. Honor B. Fell, Director of the Strangeways 
Research Laboratory, Cambridge, England, has 
heen visiting Dr. and Mrs. Chambers for the past 
week. She will visit the Storrs Agricultural Sta- 
tion for a few days before attending the Genetics 
Congress at Ithaca. 

Mr. Ellis M. Lewis gave us the following note on 
Thursday for publication: “Article: To see what 
action the Town will take to acquire a bathing 
beach in the Village of Woods Hole, for the Res- 
idents of the Town and their Guests, also the tax 
payers; that the Selectmen hold a public hearing 
in the Village of Woods Hole, for the benefit of 
all Tax payers, on this matter, said hearing to be 
held within fourteen days from date of this said 
meeting ; the Selectmen to report their doings at 
the next Annual Town meeting. 

—Park Commissioner. 

In one of our last numbers we expect to have 
the privilege of printing the lecture entitled “Reg- 
ulations of Ions in the Body Tissues” which Dr. 
Rudolph Mond recently presented at the Labora- 
tory. It was recorded in shorthand by a sten- 
ographer, and Dr. Mond planned to re-write the 
typewritten copy on the boat and mail it to us 
from Hamburg. 

Dr. Abraham White has been appointed Porter 
Fellow for the year 1932-33 by the council of the 
American Physiological Society. 

Last Sunday due to the bad weather the Penz- 
ance Forum was held indoors. Roger Baldwin, 
Director of the Civil Liberties Union spoke on 
the subject, “Is America Headed for Fascism?” 
Mr. Baldwin said that all the tendencies in the 
United States. were pointing towards Fascism. 
Mussolini has contributed one thing to political 
science — the combination of the economic 
and political interests into one system. This dic- 
tator 1s master of italian finance and business as 
well as of politics. The government in America 
really is not in Washington but in Wall Street. 
Mencken proposed J. P. Morgan as the most 
logical candidate for president. The speaker con- 
cluded that the fascism to which America will 
arrive will be a dictatorship by the business 
classes. —V.W. 


Few people realize that there is an Edwin S. 
Linton Memorial Endowment Fund _ of - $2,500 
which provides a scholarship for a student or in- 
vestigator from Washington and Jefferson Col- 
lege to work at the Marine Biological Laboratory 
each summer. The sum of approximately $125.00 
is available for this purpose each year. This 
Spring it was awarded to Mr.C. D. Dieter who has 
been associated with the college for eleven years. 
He is now assistant professor of biology at this 
institution. Mr. Dieter took a course at the Lab- 
oratory and he is remaining to continue his work 
in fish embryology. He is especially interested in 
the behavior of chromatophores in oviparous fish. 

Dr. Linton was made emeritus professor of bi- 
ology and zoology at Washington and Jefferson 
College in 1920. His son, for whom the endow- 
inent is a memorial took the course in invertebrate 
zoology and physiology at the Marine Biological 
Laboratory about fifteen years ago. 

A son, weighing nine and a half pounds, was 
born to Dr. and Mrs. Lester G. Barth on August 
11, in Cambridge. 

Between ten and twelve flounders, all of good 
size, were caught off the steamboat dock last week. 
Robert Leighton caught the prize fish when he 
hauled an 814 pound flounder out of the water. 


In a recent number of Science (July 29) E. 
Harold Hinman announces the presence of micro- 
organisms within the eggs of mosquitos. In a 
limited number of cases he has been able to isolate 
gram negative and gram positive bacilli, staphyl- 
ococci and yeast from the ova of Aedes aegypti. 
In checking his discovery Mr. Hinman used both 
bacteriological and histological methods. In the 
concluding paragraph of the article he writes: 

“The possibility of hereditary transmission of 
the etiological agent of either yellow fever of 
dengue through the mosquito host is of great epi- 
demiological importance. To date experimental 
work along these lines‘ has been negative, with a 
single doubtful exception. Yet if viable bacteria 
may occasionally be recovered from the ova of 
Aedes aegypti one might expect that the virus of 
either yellow fever or dengue would, under cer- 
tain circumstances, appear in the eggs of infected 


£ Vor. VI. No. 58 


(Received July 30) 

Dr. Ray Carpenter of the Yerkes Laboratory 
at Yale University visited the Institution this 
week. Dr. Carpenter is doing research work on 
the psychology of primates and, as a holder of 
the National Research Council Fellowship in that 
field, has been studying the primates (mainly mon- 
keys) of New World type in Central America. 
In these studies he has given special attention to 
play and to other social habits. On Monday even- 
ing he gave a brief report on the results of his 

(Received August 8) 

Prof. H. S. Jennings of the Department of Zo- 
ology in Johns Hopkins University, noted for his 
pioneer work on “psychology” and conditions of 
behavior of lower organisms (mostly microscopic ) 
visited the Institution at the middle of last week. 
More than twenty years ago he spent a summer 
at the old laboratory at La Jolla Cove and per- 
formed his interesting experiments on behavior of 
one of the local starfishes. 

On Monday evening of this week, Prof. A. E. 
Douglas of the Department of Astronomy of the 
University of Arizona delivered a lecture on tree 
rings and their relation to climatic and solar cycles 
and to human history. 

Another visitor was Dr. H. C. Bulger of the 
Department of Medicine of Washington Uni- 
versity Medical School of St. Louis, Mo., who 
visited the Institution on Friday of last week. 

Dr. Graham Marks, recently of Stanford Uni- 
versity, arrived on Monday of this week to serve 
as assistant to Dr. D. L. Fox in physiology for 
the rest of the academic year. 

Dr. and Mrs. H. R. Byers arrived at the first 
of this week to spend the rest of the academic 
year at the institution. Dr. Byers is to act as 
research assistant in meteorology under Dr, C. 
F. McEwen. 

Dr. C. B. E. Douglas, a mineralogist of Old 
Mexico, visited the Institution at the end of last 

Mr. D. W. Gravell returned to Houston, Texas, 
this week where he is employed by the Gulf Pro- 
duction Company. He has spent several days at 
the Institution recently making certain special 
studies on foraminifera. 


Professor J. C. Faure of the University of 
Pretoria, South Africa, is completing at Cornell 
and at Minnesota his remarkable studies on mi- 
gratory locusts. He has proved that the long 
winged, migratory locusts (AJelanoplus spretus) 
famous for their ravages and the shorter winged, 
non-migratory, solitary species (J/. atlantis) hith- 
erto generally considered distinct are one and the 
same species. He has produced a migratory form: 
from eggs of the non-migratory one by crowding. 
When crowded they continually agitate each other 
to muscular activity and they grow longer wings 
and darker colors, and take on all the other dif- 
ferences hitherto considered to be specific. He 
has shown that the differences between the two 
forms result from differences in activity during 
development. Professor Faure has reared from 
the eggs of the migratory long-winged form the 
non-nugratory, short winged one by keeping them 
isolated. Nymphs of the short-winged form with- 
out any crowding but with continual agitation 
have been made to develop the long wings and all 
the other characters of the migratory form, Thus 
he has demonstrated that the activity of a species 
during development may determine the presence 
of characters hitherto considered specific. 

Mr. A. L. Brody is working on the transfer of 
fowl pox by mosquitoes. 

Mr. W. J. Van der Linde is working on the 
Nematodes that affect root crops in muck soil. 

Mr. William ©. Sadler is completing a series of 
studies on the production of blood worms (larvae 
of Chironomus) for fish food. 

Mr. O. R. Kingsbury is studying the hatchery 
diseases of fishes. 

Dr. J. R. Traver and Professor J. G. Need= 
ham are working jointly upon a monograph of 
North American mayflies. 


Miss Miriam Slack and Miss Margaret Lewis 
gave a picnic on the shore for the young people, 
on July 26th. Mr. Gordon Spence brought his 
aquaplane and a few of the Laboratory boys en- 
tertained the group by their surf-riding. Tennis, 
cricket, quoits, sailing, bridge and dancing com- 
pleted a happy program, music for the dancing be- 
ing furnished by the famous Slack orchestra. 

Aucust 13, 1932 } THE COLLECTING NET 209 




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: = : 



[ Vor. VII. No. 58 


minor difficulties even to the extent of eventually re- 
lieving them, if they so desire, of the burden of 
maintaining the bath-house lot, it is recommended 
that a Woods Hole Bathing Beach Society be or- 
ganized, which shall have annual dues, the income 
from which shall be used to maintain the raft, keep 
the beach clean and orderly, and perhaps provide a 
lifeguard at certain hours—all this in cooperation 
with Dr. and Mrs. Meigs. It is suggested that such 
a Committee start the raising of funds for future 

Regarding the seventy feet of beach facing Lot 6, 
which is owned by Dr. Oliver Strong, and to which 
he allows free access for bathers, it is suggested 
that we express to him our gratitude and apprecia- 
tion for his far-sightedness and generosity. 

Unless Dr. Strong wishes to dispose of his prop- 
erty it would seem an act of ingratitude to force 
him to relinquish it. It would be well, however, for 
the Beach Society, if formed, to obtain the refusal 
of at least the riparian rights, in case he should at 
any time decide to sell. 

As for the beach fronting lots 1-5, it is believed 
that the 321’ now available will be adequate, if the 
entire extent becomes a sandy beach, following the 
erection of the jetty. The property owners who 
have built cottages on these lots permitted the pub- 
lic free use of their property—which extends to the 
water’s edge—for many years, and for this privilege 
we should express our hearty thanks. They were 
entirely within their rights according to the inter- 
pretation of the laws of Massachusetts in barring 
the public, which they did only after they had been 
subjected to disturbances, inconveniences and, at 
times, insults, which eventually became unendurable. 
For these we should express our sincere regrets. It 
is hoped that the action taken in the future may 
eliminate the objectionable features to such an ex- 
tent that at least some restricted access may be 

July 30, 1932. 

That the Town of Falmouth at its next regular 
meeting be requested to take such steps as may be 
necessary to acquire possession of lots ‘‘X”’ and “6”; 
to appropriate such sums of money as may be re- 
quired to so improve the beach on these lots that its 
entire extent is made suitable for the legitimate and 
usual purposes of a bathing beach; these improve- 
ments to include the construction of a jetty, the re- 
moval of stones from the beach and moving the 
bath house to a more suitable and convenient loca- 
tion on lot (X) and that this beach be legally re- 
served for the exclusive use of the permanent and 
Summer residents of the Town of Falmouth. 

PLAN 3. 

That the Town of Falmouth at its next regular 
meeting be requested to take the steps ncssary to 
necessary to acquire possession of lot ‘‘X”’ in entirety 
including the bath house, and a strip of beach on 
lots 3 to 6 from low water mark to the stone wall 
(extended) now standing and that this beach be 
legally reserved for the exclusive use of permanent 
and Summer residents of the Town of Falmouth. 

PLAN 4. 

That the Town of Falmouth at its next regular 
meeting be required to take the steps necessary to 
acquire a strip of beach on lots 3 to 6 inclusive in- 
cluded between low water mark and the wall now 
standing, thus adding about 280 feet of beach to 

the 231 feet on lot “X”’ deeded by the Fay Estate to 
those who make Woods Hole their home and that 
this beach be reserved for the exclusive use of the 
permanent and Summer residents of the Town of 

In commenting on them Dr. Goodrich said 
that, “Plans (1) and (2) differ in that one con- 
cerns private, the other public control. Plans (3) 
and (4) make available a wider strip of beach 
than at present—three lots to be added to that 
now available, without a jetty. They differ from 
each other in that No. 4 is probably the least ex- 
pensive in that lot “X” is not to be acquired, just 
certain extensions to it as desired. All plans con- 
template restriction on the beach.” 

Dr. Grave: “You now have before you the four 
plans. Before they are discussed, I should like 
to state something further about the action of the 
committee, since the question may naturally come 
up as to whether we had considered certain other 
beaches, that is, why has the committee made plans 
concerning only the Bay Shore lots? It has con- 
sidered all other possibilities brought to its atten- 
tion. The Murray Crane beach has been pointed 
out as a good one, but it is too shallow, too slug- 
gish, possibly open to contamination by sewage, 
and it is not especially accessible, furthermore, the 
beach would then be divided. The Nobska beach 
was considered ;—objections are that the water is 
very definitely colder than that on the Bay Shore; 
it is too deep for children and is therefore dan- 
gerous ; subject to accumulation of debris; too in- 
accessible to people without cars. The beach 
near Gansett is too inaccessible to persons work- 
ing at the Laboratory or living near it. Another 
reason why the committee has turned naturally 
toward the Bay Shore is that it is the beach to 
which residents, both permanent and temporary, 
have resorted since people first began coming to 
Woods Hole—it is the place where the people of 
Woods Hole desire a bathing beach. 

“The whole proposition is: which of these plans 
settles the question in a satisfactory way; what is 
meant by an “adequate” beach for Woods Hole. 
Do plans (1) and (2) give a beach of sufficient 
area to settle the question for the future? 

“The question is now open for discussion.” 

Dr, Bigelow: “As one of the oldest members 
of the group here, I think that I know something 
about the use of the beach. I should like to make 
somewhat of a substitute to what has been said. 
It is true that this beach has always been used 
by the people of Woods Hole—probably since the 
time of the aborigines. It was a satisfactory beach 
then—it is a satisfactory beach now. It would 
be perfectly adequate now if it were not restricted. 
For a long time people always had access to this 
beach; then a subdivision was made and people 

Aucust 13, 1932 ] THE COLLECTING NET 211 



Falmouth, Mass. WATCH and CLOCK 
LLB. Boston University 1903 REPAIRING 
Tel. Falmouth 46-R or 293 E. Main St. Nye Road Falmouth 
Tel. 113-M 
W. E. CARVELL Wm. D. Hoyt J. F. Arsenault 
Tuesdays and Saturdays 
hone 1130 Falmoath 230 UNION ST. NEW BEDFORD 

Tel. Clifford 2612 


Clifford L. Hubbard, Prop. 
Telephone 383-R Falmouth, Massachuseetts 


Old Silver Beach, West Falmouth 
Telephone 1400 


Church of the Messiah 

( Episcopal ) 


The Rev. James Bancroft, Rector SINCE AUGUST 6th, 1821 
Holy Communion ................ 8:00 a.m. 
Morning) Prayer <.2:.0-...-.-.-- 11:00 a.m. The 

Evening Prayer .................. 7:30 p.m. FALMOUTH 

TENNIS GOODs Falmouth, 

Tennis Rackets $1.00 to $10.00. 
Championship Balls 3 for $1.10. 
English Balls 25c Each 
Racket Cases 79c to $1.25 
Rackets Restrung $1.75 and up. 

24 HOUR SERVICE Capital, $100,000 
Hutchinsons Book Store Surplus Fund, $100,000 





[ Vor. VII. No. 58 


acquired property rights on the beach. They be- 
came annoyed by persons who were noisy or of- 
fensive in other ways. That, however, could be 
avoided. I propose the following: that the Town 
of Falmouth be requested to police the beach prop- 
erly with one of their uniformed policemen, who 
would appear at unexpected intervals to see that 
everything is in order, on the condition that the 
fence be removed. [ should like to substitute this 
for the other four plans and I move that the Town 
of Falmouth take over this beach, patroling that 
previously restricted.” 

The objection was made that such a police offi- 
cer on private property could not be paid with 
public money. 

There was no second to this motion. 

Mr. Larkin: “I believe that the town is entitled 
to have more beach. I can truthfully say that I 
never realized until recently what a terrible beach 
we do have. I was down there only last week 
and found people jammed up against the fence— 
sixty people in that vicinity and probably that 
many more in the water. Children playing quietly 
on the other side of the fence have been ordered 
off. Plan (4) would obviate a lot of expense— 
improvement of the frontage on Lot X could be 
carried out whenever there is money enough. Lot 
X itself is not large enough. I therefore move 
that plan (4) be recommended by this meeting.” 

The motion was seconded by Mr. Forrest Boyn- 
ton and the question was opened for discussion. 

Mr. Compton: “T want to know whether anyone 
had considered the possible cost of any of these 
plans—since a warrant could not be brought be- 
fore the town without a specific proposal.” 

Dr. Grave: “A committee to be appointed by 
this meeting would draft such an article including 
cost—which would probably depend on the value 
of the beach rights. The relative costs of the 
four plans as very roughly estimated were: (1) 
$8,000; (2) $20,000-25,000; (3) $16,000; (4) 
$8,000. The estimate of plan (4) was based 
on the value of the beach rights of the four lots.” 

Mr. Griffin: “The estimated cost of the jetty is 
based upon the cost of the one built at Falmouth 
Heights which cost $8,000 and extends 100-150 
feet into deep water. This is only a rough guess 
—the cost of building jetties may be over $50- 

Mr. Lewis: “The Town’s part in paying for the 
jetty was $4,495—the state paid the rest. This 
was some years ago—it would probably be much 
cheaper now.” 

Dr. Miegs: “I am opposed to plan (4). As the 
situation is at present the owners of the beaches, 
the residents of Woods Hole, and practically, also, 
all the Laboratory people have the privilege of 

bathing in front of lot X and Dr. Strong's lot. 
Plan (4) proposes that the beach be extended 50 
per cent. but at the same time the whole Town of 
Falmouth be given the privilege of bathing there. 
We complain that the beach is over-crowded. In- 
creasing the beach by 50 per cent. and extending 
bathing privileges to Falmouth and possibly the 
whole State of Massachusetts would get us no- 
where. If such a plan were carried through, res- 
idents and laboratory people would find themselves 
in the position of the dog who dropped a bone 
he had in his mouth to pick up the reflection of it 
he saw in the water.” 

Dr. Grave: “‘Inasmuch as it is definitely stated 
in plan (4) that no improvements are contem- 
plated, there seems to be no danger that people 
throughout the State of Massachusetts would use 
this beach if they could find any other.” 

Dr. Clark: “I believe that plan (4) is the most 
radical of any that have been proposed. If the 
beach were improved so that we had a good sandy 
stretch, that is, the three hundred feet that we 
now have, since Dr. Strong permits free access to 
his lot, would be adequate. It is not at all un- 
likely that with a jetty the sand would increase 
not only the width but the depth of the beach. It 
might be feasible, therefore, instead of starting 
this thing which has a good many things tied up 
in it, to try something else first and see how it 
works out. As far as jetties are concerned—it 
would be possible to collect $500—there have been 
offers of money already—to put up an experi- 
mental jetty, say to fifty feet, bringing it up to 
the level of the water between “Lot X” and just 
west. Leave this for a couple of years and see 
whether it does not give a good sandy beach—with- 
out causing any ruption or disturbance—this is a 
friendly community and we all want to get along 
without any unpleasantness. Three hundred feet 
is about as much as the public actually owns in 
Falmouth. It would be entirely possible to put 
out an experimental jetty—if that worked it could 
be extended another fifty feet. It is possible to 
obtain from the Bureau of Harbors permission to 
build a jetty as far out as 250 feet, so that in five 
years, building fifty feet a year, the jetty would 
be completed. This could easily be arranged by 
a committee in cooperation with Dr. and Mrs. 
Meigs. There are some who feel quite guilty in 
making use of these lots for bathing without con- 
tributing toward them, and who would be quite 
willing to contribute a certain amount for this 
purpose. It would all be taken care of by getting 
Lot X and Dr. Strong’s lot and have a jetty so 
that it would grow in depth as well as width. 
I should like to see the proposition voted on by a 
rising vote—starting with (4) and working back 

Avueust 13, 1932 ] 



can find a pleasant change 
Sandwiches — Table d’hote — A la carte 



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Phone 116 

Souvenirs and Jewelry 
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Civil Engineer and Surveyor 
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$4.50 to $7.50 
Near Filene’s 



When you come to 


eat our excellent 

— 50c LUNCH — 

( Opposite Library ) 


[ Vor. VII. No. 58 


if that is desired—and see exactly how many are 
in favor of any one plan. The clause concerning 
ownership and control by “the Town of Fal- 
mouth” in proposition No. 1 would be revised. 
Probably it would take a number of years for 
them to get going, so that it seems a wiser scheme 
to start working with private funds right now.” 

Dr. Baitsell: “I should like to bring out two 
points: (1) that the procedure of voting as de- 
cided upon is correct; that is, voting first on plan 
(4), and if this is rejected the other plans can 
be taken up. 

“T don’t agree with Dr. Clark when he says that 
plan (4) is the radical plan, and plan (1) the 
simple, friendly way out. I believe, on the con- 
trary, that plan (4) more nearly insures friendli- 
ness and contentment to the several hundred res- 
idents of Woods Hole than plan (1) which would 
benefit directly only a few families.” 

Dr. Strong: “The town of Falmouth has not 
evidenced any desire to bathe here. It might be 
possible to work on something on the order of 
plan (1). There is a practical objection in rais- 
ing money and in the time necessary in the carry- 
ing out of such a plan. Some other plan could 
be substituted in the meantime—such as dumping 
sand to cover the stones which could be done 
right away. 

“T would like to know who owns the tennis 
lots. If these are taken out under the name of 
the Laboratory, such ownership, as I understand 
it, would give everyone working there the right 
to use lot X.” 

Dr. Hill: “The beach courts belong to the Ten- 
nis Club, and not to the Laboratory.” 

Dr. Goodrich: “In discussing these schemes we 
might weigh the merits of private against 
public control. I'd like to speak in regard to 
private ownership. I am doubtful of the value of 
that plan. We have already experimented twice 
in a minor sort of way with private ownership and 
it has not been successful. An attempt by Dr. 
Meigs some years ago to make a private arrange- 
ment failed, and the Woods Hole Protective As- 
sociation also failed. In connection with the Lab- 
oratory it could be pointed out that other private 
organizations have succeeded, but these cases have 
been relatively simple matters, The M. B. L. Club 
has not been altogether successful—it is difficult 
for such an informal organization representing 
such a transient group to function satisfactorily. 
Even now the raft is not wholly paid for. This 
sort of affair which is expensive needs an even 
better organized group. There are difficulties in 
the way of private control. It is doubtful how 
easy it would be to raise money. As for the 
matter of trying out a certain plan for a few 

years, I hesitate to continue this agitation. If this 
plan does not succeed that matter will still need 
to be settled. It seems to me more desirable to 
do something which is more likely to be final. The 
difficulties which are likely to arise usually have 
fundamental and underlying causes. In this case 
it is geographical and this fact should be taken 
into consideration. Town control has been proved 
to be eminently successful. I made a tour of the 
Falmouth beaches today. They seem to be excel- 
lent and are administered in the way in which the 
people in the particular district desire. Some of 
them are restricted; others are not.” 

Dr. Glaser: “When the matter of cost is being 
considered, it might be of interest to consider that 
under plan (4) the community will be concerned ; 
under plan (1) you can get a great deal more 
support from certain individuals than for any of 
the other plans, This might influence the town 
when confronted with various suggestions.” 

Mr. Compton: “Dr. Goodrich is evidently not 
as good in historical research as he is in biological 
research. Dr. Meigs had made an effort to get 
an association to take over the Lot X. Before 
Dr. Meigs bought the lot a number of Bay Shore 
lot owners agreed to buy Lot X and the beach 
from the Fay Estate. Dr. Meigs thought the 
proceedings would be slow and so bought it him- 
self from Miss Fay, who, by the way is always 
being spoken of in the newspapers as doing some- 
thing for the Town—she has done it at Dr. 
Meigs’ expense. 

“As to the statement about the Protective As- 
sociation, this did not make any effort at all—it 
did not think the work was within its province. 
So there is really no means of knowing that pri- 
vate ownership would fail. As a matter of fact, 
before Dr. Meigs bought the lot, two or three 
of us went around to get subscriptions that am- 
ounted to $10,000 which would have been im- 
mediately available at that time. It was not diffi- 
cult to get—and it was only the Bay Shore lot 
owners who were asked to contribute; no M. B. 
L. people were asked.” 

Dr, Goodrich: “I believe I was quoting Dr. 
Meigs. I wish that I might be corroborated or 

Dr. Meigs: “Both statements are true but per- 
haps something might be added to the picture 
of the whole situation. I did not know that so 
large a sum was available for this purpose. As 
a matter of fact, it was difficult to decide whether 
the lot should be transferred to Mrs. Meigs and 
myself, or to an association of Bay Shore lot 
owners. It was quite complicated because we 
wanted the lots reserved in perpetuity, while they 

—— — 

Aucust 13, 1932 ] 

Collections Daily 

Two Collections Daily in the Dormitories 

Telephone 777 


eat et ot Aree ES Ree 
G. R. & H. DRUG CO., Inc. 
Reg. Pharm. 


Phone 109 Falmouth 

Weeks’ Building, Falmouth 
Phone 907-M Free Delivery 
We Press While You Wait 

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General Merchandise 



Tel. Clifford 6775 New Bedford, Mass. 

Clever Shoppers Visit the 

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Telephone Falmouth 22-23 

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Woods Hole, Mass. 


Printing — Developing — Enlarging 

San Juan, Porto Rico Hyannis, Mass. 

Gifts, Lamps, Bridge Prizes, Baskets, Jewelry 
24 Queen’s Buyway Falmouth, Mass. 



[ Vor. VII. No. 58 


wished them to run as long as there were re- 
strictions on the lot—which is until 1961. Miss 
Tray’s representative finally agreed with my law- 
yer that the price should be reduced from $10,000 
to $8,000 in order that they might have the priv- 
ilege of bathing there. Owing to poor health 
I was unable to take an active part. But soon 
after my recovery I heard from the lawyer that 
the deed had been put through transferring the 
lot to us for $8,000 and that at the time he had 
presented his bill for $1,890. He expressed a great 
desire to form an association and put stock out, 
but the bill for transference was a sufficient blow, 
so we dropped the matter of forming an associa- 
tion until we could find out how much money was 
available. My impression was—probably I did 
not get into sufficient communication with Mr. 
Compton—that the people who came forward 
offered much smaller sums than have just been 
mentioned. If anybody knows a lawyer who 
would act for a reasonable fee we should be glad 
to transfer the lot at any time to an association, 
to the laboratory, or to residents of Woods Hole. 

“Tt seems unnecessary to give what we already 
have in Woods Hole to the Town of Falmouth. 
lf there is any fear that members of the Labora- 
tory will not be allowed to bathe there, something 
could very easily be arranged. It seems to me 
that to bring the Town of Falmouth into our dis- 
pute is unfortunate.” 

Mrs. Glaser: “A good many of the cottagers 
are attending the Theatre Unit because it is 
“Woods Hole night” at Silver Beach and are un- 
able to attend the meeting. A number of them 
are not in favor of giving up to Falmouth what 
already belongs to Woods Hole.” 

Dr. Richards: “Tf plan (4) is voted on by this 
group, it is then recommended to the selectmen 
to propose to the Town of Falmouth that they 
take action, is it not? It is then purely a matter 
of politics. The other scheme would mean ob- 
taining the permission of the owners and it then 
would be arranged by those concerned. 

Dr. Grave: “It is correct that any proposal in- 
volving the Town must be passed at the Town 
meeting—and could, of course, be rejected.” 

Dr. Buddington: “The principal objection which 
I feel to plan (1) is that in the case of private 
ownership a sense of freedom is lost. 
ple are sensitive enough to feel they are not free. 
I-veryone who lives around here should have some 
place where they could go bathing without feeling 
that they were trespassing on someone else’s prop- 
erty. Public beaches in Falmouth have been very 
successfully managed. The fact that this beach 
be open to the town of Falmouth would not mean 

Many peo-. 

that too many people would use it. Each section 
of Falmouth has its own beach. It seems to us 
that only people in this vicinity would care to use 
the Bay Shore beach.” 

Mr. Compton: “I should like to ask who is 
qualified to vote and who authorizes them to.” 

Dr. Grave: “As was stated in the public an- 
nouncements, persons who make Woods Hole 
their home either permanently or during the sum- 
mer or who are in attendance at the several bio- 
logical laboratories, are invited and urged to at- 
tend a meeting.” 

A vote then was taken by a show of hands on 
the motion before the house—that plan (4) be 
recommended for adoption at the next Town 
Meeting. The motion was carried, 30 voting for 
it and 18 against. 

Dr. Grave stated that the necessary means for 
presenting this action to the Town of Falmouth 
could be provided by the authorization of a com- 
mittee, and the meeting voted that such a com- 
mittee be appointed by the chairman. 

Dr. Glaser objected, stating that the meeting 
should vote on all of the other propositions. 

It was maintained that in voting for plan (4) 
all of the others were thereby rejected. 

Mr. Compton objected that the ruling of the 
chairman that those who make Woods Hole their 
home and members of the Laboratory have the 
right to vote excluded other summer residents. 

Dr. Grave then asked how many had failed to 
vote through such a misunderstanding—only two 
hands were raised which made it unnecessary to 
vote again on this question. 

Miss Tinkham suggested, although plan (4) had 
been formally adopted, that the meeting be per- 
mitted to express its opinion on the other propo- 

An informal vote was taken by a show of hands 
on each proposition. The result was: plan (1) - 
18 for, 34 against; plan (2) - 2 for, 39 against; 
plan (3) - 3 for, 37 against. 

Mr, Compton asked the chairman when he ad- 
dressed the selectmen of the Town with this rec- 
ommendation whom he would say it came from, 
and if from a meeting, from a meeting attended 
by whom, “will you tell them that only thirty 
persons at a meeting held in this place voted for 
plan (4) ?” 

Dr. Grave assured Mr. Compton that there 
would be no misrepresentation. 

Dr. Manton Copeland said he was certain that 
the meeting had absolute confidence in its chair- 
man. This statement met a spontaneous burst of 

A motion was then made to adjourn. 

AuGust 13, 1932 ] Crib COOLER CHING. 



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Cc OMPLETE information must be had to fully ap- 

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[ Vor. VII. No. 58 


T us galvanometer is an inexpensive 
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The period is 1.3 seconds and the coil 
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Est. 1851 — Ine. 1897 
Headquarters for Laboratory Apparatus and 
Chemical Reagents 
THIRD AVENUE, 18th to 19th STREET 

Walter O. Luscombe 


Woods Hole Phone 622-4 

Southern Biological Supply Co., Inc. 

Living and Preserved Bio- 
logical Specimens of all 
Types for the Laboratory 
Museum or Research, es- 
pecially Southern or Louis- 
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Aucust 13, 1932 ] LEE COLLECTING NED Z19 


1 "It Saved Us the Cost of Five 

Quoting remark of a Department Head 

The Promi projects microscopic slides and living organisms 
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Also used as a microscope and a micro-photographie ap- 

The Promi, recently perfected by a prominent German 
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Prospectus Gladly Sent 

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: Miss: ; Sea , is 
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PROMAR—A more powerful apparatus Headquarters for Biological Teaching Material 
with additional features. Information on 

request. 117-119 East 24th Street New York, N. Y. 

Skeleton of Fish in Case 

Models, Specimens, 

for physiology, zoology, botany, 

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logs will gladly be sent on request. 
Please mention name of school 
and subjects taught, to enable 
us to send the appropriate 

Spalteholz catalog. 
Transparent = 
Preparations | Visit our display rooms and | . z 
Human museum, oe anneal 

Model of Human Heart 117-119 EAST 24th STREET NEW YORK 

220, THE COLLECTING NET _ [ Vor. VII. No. 58 


Announcing: New Spencer Type Research Microscope No. 5 


The latest improvement in microscope design—a fine adjustment located low enough to be operated 
with from hand resting on the table—original—new—efficient—advantageous. 

Booklet M-56 Completely describes this and other research microscopes. 


=a ict nie 

Vol. VII. No. 9 

Professor of Zoology, University of Chicago 

This report deals with some recent work on the 
physiology of development of the sex gland of 
the chick embryo. It has been shown previously 
that the gonad rudiment of the 
genital ridge stage (50 s don- 
ors) when isolated and trans- 
planted to the vascularized 

chorio-allantoic membrane of a Seminar: 


TUESDAY, AUGUST 23, 8:00 P.M. 
Dr. T. L. Jahn: ‘‘The ef- 

Annual Subscription, $2.00 
Single Copies, 25 Cts. 

Curator of the Museum of the Marine Bio- 
logical Laboratory 
Many years ago, in the early days of the Marine 

Biological Laboratory and the infancy of the 
Supply Department, when the facilities for col- 

lecting were not as good as at 
the present time, there were 
occasions when material was 
needed on short notice. Un- 
der these circumstances, it was 

host embryo, is capable of un- 
dergoing  self-differentiation. 
This rudiment is thus found 
to be specifically organized as 
to sex, and in the case of the 
female, as to laterality as well. 
Such results led very naturally 
to a study of the potency’ of 
the gonad-forming area ‘in 
much earlier stages, that is, be- 
fore the appearance of the 
genital ridge, and even before 
there is any sign of a definite 
germinal epithelium. In such 
an analysis two topics are of 
particular interest, namely, (a) 
‘the time of the origin of the 

specific potencies of gonad, and (b) the relation- 
ship of the primordial germ cells to the origin 
(Continued on page 224) 

and differentiation 

fects of temperature and of cer- 
tain organic acid radicals upon 
Euglena gracilis.” 

Mr. T. T. Chen: “Nuclear struc- 
ture and mitosis in Zelleriella 

Miss Sabra J. Hook: “Some ob- 
servations on Spirostomum am- | 


Dr. W. F. Hahnert: “Intensity 
duration relations in the response 
of certain protozoa to the elec- 
tric current.” 

FRIDAY, AUGUST 26, 8:00 P.M. 

Lecture: Dr. H. H. Gran: Univer- 
“Problems in the | 

sity of Oslo. 
Study of the Phytoplankton of 
the Sea.” 

but natural that, even though 
the same animal might be 
found in a number of different 
localities, the places where a 
particular form was more 
abundant, or more easily ac- 
cessible, was of paramount im- 
portance in the saving of time; 
and such lccalities were kept 
in mind. In this connection, 
the observations recorded in 
this article were made of the 
common Holothurian, or Sea 
cucumber (Thyone briareus) 
of Selenka. 

This is 

the largest and 
conspicuous Holothu- 

rian found in the immediate vicinity of Woods 
Hole, and, with the possible exception of Synapta, 
the most abundant. 

We know of at least seven 


Germ Cells in Relation to the Differentiation 

of the Sex Gland, Dr. B. H. Willier........ 221 
Eulima Oleacea and Thyone, George M. Gray 221 
The Surface Precipitation Reaction in Marine 

HES COSECILON wrvcigiels ie aeieders x cesececene aye ln 225 
Size of Explant and Volume of Medium in 

Tissue Cultures, Dr. Ralph M. Buchsbaum 226 
Direct Oral Administration and the Toxicity 

of Iodin in Vitamin A Deficiency, 

Dre HEME CPUGESUCT cervievaiccousisis/elesene visiehees sted: 227 

Review of the Paper of Dr. Chidester, 

Drs cA eMC CWS ass slcuswelst ebacneyaeietehe tortels 229 
Eclipse of the Sun, James Stockley.......... 230 
Book Reviews, A. P. Mathews, R. W. Gerard, 

KCB lanchard\..).50 king eile ies steep ee, eusreate 233 
Beal Question aectar rai peta. cicue a anensiehe vauel ior ices eee 237 
MGitoria) Rare ye ro sthswsneye casks svcteneitorecancnster semen ee 238 
Gurrents#insthe-Hole® oo sites aes ree 238 
HL CIMISJOLMMUCTESER fy ts eieaeiaie ajc carte tee erate Renee 239 


[Vor. VII. No. 59 

places in this region where Thyone have heen 
noted or collected in more or less abundance. We 
suspect there are others, as they have been taken 
rather sparingly on some of the field trips to 
places other than the seven referred to, 

Two only of the seven places mentioned are 
the constant rendezvous of the Thyone student or 
collector, and these because of their accessibility 
or abundance of specimens; and of these two, one 
bears the brunt of the collecting. Yet, so far as 
the writer has observed, they are still abundant 
even though our veteran collector and preparator, 
Mr. F. W. Wamsley has for years operated prin- 
cipally in these two particular places. 

Of the other five localities, we are concerned 
in this article with one only. Years ago the writ- 
er learned from experience that Thyone could be 
more or less easily collected by hand at almost 
any tide except perhaps the very highest, in this 
peculiarly favored spot, while the accessibility was 
if anything better than that of the other localities. 

Perhaps Thyone is on the average smaller in 
this particular spot and may not be so abundant, 
as the area is evidently more limited. In cases 
of emergency, the undersigned has frequently hied 
to this favored cucumber patch and, regardless of 
tide conditions, has had successful results. In 
collecting Thyone on these rush trips to this 
special place, it was observed that now and then 
a specimen would have adhering to it a small yel- 
lowish-white, finely-polished Gastropod. At the 
time, the writer did not know them. They were 
for from plentiful, and he considered them very 
beautiful. In those days there was little time for 
anything except the actual work in hand, so that 
little attention was paid to them beyond a sub- 
conscious mental note, and as we usually collected 
Thyone when time was available and tide was 
right, from the regular and well-known grounds, 
some years passed before any systematic work on 
these Molluscs was attempted. 

In August 1930 circumstances and conditions 
were such that a trip could be made to this ground 
for the special purpose of collecting and learning 
more about our charming little friend of previous 
years. On reaching the place, work was begun 
immediately. The tide was low and the Thyone 
easily seen and procured, rapidly examined and 
put back in the water, but no molluscs rewarded 
our search. After a goodly number of Thyone 
had been thoroughly looked over I was beginning 
to get discouraged and skeptical about finding 
them. Fears were entertained that what had been 
in the years long gone by was not to be at this 
time, but hope resolved itself into a stubborn per- 
sistence and Lo! right in hand was a Thvyone 
with a beautiful specimen of the mollusc attached. 
What a splendid sight it was to our eyes grown 
weary with searching. Standing out in bold re 

lief on the cucumber, like a Lighthouse on a 
barren shore, and needless to say just as welcome 
to us as the light to the mariner. What a joy it 
was to behold it! 

Thus was renewed our acquaintance with this 
dainty mollusc, Eulima oleacea of Wurtz and 
Stimpson, but in the list of the Mollusca of New 
England, published by the Boston Society of Nat- 
ural History in 1915 by Mr. Charles W. Johnson, 
the Generic name Melanella is given preference. 
Mr. Johnson lists five species as living in New 
Iengland, two of these being found south of Mar- 
thas Vineyard, two others besides EF. oleacea he- 
ing found at Woods Hole. We feel convinced 
that the one found on Thyone is E. oleacea. Ver- 
rill in his Vineyard Sound Report mentions £. 
oleacea as generally rare, but in two instances 
several were found adhering to the skin of the 
large Holothurian, Thyone briareus, on which it 
appeared to “live as a quasi parasite or commen- 
sal.” Sumner, in his ‘Biological Survey of the 
Woods Hole Region” in 1911 reports that ‘‘speci- 
mens of Eulima frem various local points were 
referred by us to Messrs. Dall & Bartsch and 
were unhesitatingly identified by them as E. con- 
oidea.” Thus there would seem to be some con- 
fusion regarding the correct name of the species 
about which I am writing. 

3ut, to return to the thrill and exultation over 
our specimen, after feasting our eyes on this lone 
example it was carefully removed to my collecting 
bottle. Though another might not be found on 
this trip, there was deep satisfaction in the thought 
that they were there. Hope and spirits revived 
and search was vigorously renewed. How much 
time was given to this search cannot be recalled, 
but probably between two and three hours. 

In this time seven of these “dudes” among the 
small molluses had been secured and in one (per- 
haps two) instances, two specimens were found 
adhering to the same Thyone. In searching for 
and securing these seven something like 250 Thy- 
one were examined. This would mean an aver- 
age of one mollusc to every thirty-five or thirty- 
six Thyone,—not a large percentage of molluscs. 

We have since dredged Eulima very sparingly 
at scattered stations in Vineyard Sound and in 
one or two stations in Buzzards Bay. The num- 
ber collected in dredging in recent years, of 
which the writer has personal knowledge, must 
be less than a doze 
more than eight. 

On August 14th last year (1931), another 
special collecting trip for Eulima was made to the 
same Thyone ground as mentioned above. No 
actual count was made of the number of Thyone, 
examined, but it was possibly 200 or more. Six 
specimens of Eulima were found— two of thent 
on one Thyone. 

Aucust 20, 1932 ] 

When first collecting these snails it was feared 
that they would be easily washed off or rubbed 
off of the Thyone and readily lost, but such was 
not the case, as they evidently penetrated the Thy- 
one skin. It took some little effort to dislodge 
them; they had to be pulled from their host, and 
there was observed a long, fine, whitish, thread- 
like extension of the Eulima, the proboscis. At 
first this seemed very unlike a proboscis. It was 
slowly withdrawn by its owner. At the laboratory 
several methods were tried to narcotize these 
snails, but none seemed to work so that they 
could be killed in an expanded condition. Some- 
times after doping them they seemed dead and 
withdrawn into their shells, but after giving them 
a fresh supply of sea water they quickly revived 
and started crawling about. Up to date none 
have been killed properly expanded. 

It seemed as though, if the “dope” did not ap- 
peal to them they would withdraw into their 
shells and wait until the unpleasantness passed, 
and if it did not pass and they were given no 
fresh sea water, they died after a while, with- 
drawn into their shells. As a rule they were very 
hardy and some lived for many days in a vial half 
or two-thirds filled with sea water. Frequently 
they would crawl up out of the water and adhere 
to the side of the glass. 

In addition to its general attractiveness, Eulima 
has a thin shell mouth opening, so clear that when 
it is out walking in its native haunts, free from 
care or fear of enemies, it thrusts out its tenta- 
cles and moves along over the bottom with the 
beautiful and prominent black eyes showing re- 
markably clearly through the thin transparent 
shell, giving an effect of daintiness and style to 
this aristocratic-looking denizen of the sea. The 
writer at this time does not recall any other gas- 
tropod of this region which can claim this dis- 
tinction of having the eyes so clearly seen through 
the shell. The dark eyes showing through the 
finely-polished creamy-white shell give to the 
whole animal a striking and attractive appearance. 
But only when the tentacles are well extended 
can be seen the full measure of its beauty, as the 
eyes do not show in its retracted state. 

Since Eulima had been dredged from places 
where in all probability there were no Thyone, (as 
the former came up by themselves and the latter 
not at all), the thought came to me, ‘‘why should 
not Eulima be found living separately and free 
from Thyone, even in this especially favorable 
locality, as well as on Thyone? Did they have to 
live on Thyone?” 

With this in mind a special trip to my loved 
Thyone ground was made late in the Fall, to test 
out the idea. A saucepan with a moderate handle 
was used to take up the mixed sand and mud to 
the depth of about two inches. This was dumped 



into a series or nest of three sieves, the coarser 
one at the top and the finer one undermost. At 
almost the first sifting a Eulima was found free 
from any Holothurian. The work of digging up 
and sifting this muddy sand was carried on for 
about one and a half hours. When the time was 
up, as a result of this indiscriminate collecting, I 
had twelve fine specimens of Eulima, eight of 
which were loose and unattached to Thyone, three 
of which were taken in one sieving. Sometimes 
Thyone was accidently scooped up with the soil 
but on these occasions only four Eulima were 
found on Thyone and two of these four were found 
on one cucumber. While sometimes Thyone were 
in the sieve with the loose Eulima, there was noth- 
ing to indicate that they had been attached to 
them, as the sieving was carefully done. When 
it is considered that only seven Eulima were ob- 
tained last year in handling 250 cucumbers and 
this year twelve were secured in much less time 
and with not more than fifty of sixty Thyone 
handled, and these taken accidentally, it would 
seem that there were more Eulima living in the 
sand or sandy mud free from Thyone than there 
were attached to them. 

This opens up an interesting problem: “When 
and how did this commensal living begin? Is it 
another case similar to that of the New Zealand 
Parrot?” It has been suggested that perhaps 
Thyone in its moving about came in contact with 
Eulima and appropriated it as it does sand, dead 
shells, and small stones, as well as other small 
molluscs, which are often found attached to it- 
self by its long suckers or pedicilaria; and thus by 
accident Eulima may have found the at- 
tachment served on it, a blessing instead of a 
handicap. The water at the time of collecting 
was less than two feet deep, and the tide was 
fairly well up, so it must be that at a very low 
tide the flats would be quite bare and that where 
some of the Eulima and Thyone live they would 
be quite exposed. 

In this last collecting trip a fine living specimen 
of Scalaria lineata was taken as well as some Tur- 
ritella (sp. ?), and several dead shells of what 
seemed to be Scalaria multistriata. This indicates 
that the field is rich in small molluscs, but at this 
time being especially interested in Eulima, I con- 
fined my attention to the latter. 

In order to test out more clearly the relations 
between Eulima and Thyone I carried out the 
following experiments. I kept a number of the 
Eulima alive in the laboratory for some time. 
After several days a live Thyone was put in a 
finger bowl of sea water which had a little sand 
in the bottom. Five Eulima were put in at night 
on the opposite side from the Holothurian. The 
next morning two or three were on the Thyone 
and the others were in other parts of the bowl. 



[Vot. VII. No. 59 

The water was changed. I think it was the next 
day that nearly or quite ali had left the host. 
They seemed to come and go as the spirit moved 
them. One day the water was changed and when 
left there was not more than one Eulima on the 
Thyone. The next morning the whole five were 
on the cucumber. They were easily removed 
from their host, and in no instance were they so 
firmly attached to the Thyone as when they were 
originally collected in their native habitat. 

It may take more or less time for Eulima to 
work its way into the good graces of its host, but 
in the laboratory they seemed quite loosely at- 
tached, whereas in the field it required a little pull 
for them to let go, and then with seeming reluc- 
tance was the proboscis pulled out. Sometimes 
it seemed to me that the proboscis pulled apart, 
but of this I was never quite sure. 

One morning the whole five were on the Thy- 
one. The water was changed in the afternoon, 
and at this time two were under the sand, the 
others on the Thyone. At night more sand was 
added and all the Eulima were taken from the 
Thyone, and they were placed in a bunch together, 
removed as far as possible from the Thyone. 

The next morning three of them were on the 
Thyone, the other two on the sides of the bowl. 
Later in the day two were on the Thyone, one 
was floating on the surface and two were under 
the sand. They float on the surface of the water 
very easily, almost as lightly as a feather. They 
can also move along on the surface of the water 
with the shell hanging down. 

Late in the afternoon two were taken from the 
Thyone and all laid on the sand in the finger 
bowl of water. When lifting the cucumber from 
the water those that were attached would some- 
times hang down almost a fourth of an inch before 
dropping off, suspended by their proboscis, which 
looked like a fine, whitish thread. 

The next morning we found four Eulima on the 
Thyone and one under the sand. In the after- 
noon they were all on Thyone. The next morn- 
ing five were on the cucumber. When this Thy- 
one was disturbed all but one dropped off. 

After this experiment they were all changed to 
a larger, (six-inch diameter) glass dish. More 
sand and sea water were added. Thyone was 

placed on one side of the dish and five Eulima as 
far removed as possible on the opposite side of 
the dish, four inches away, on top of the sand. 

The cucumber eviscerated the third day, but it 
seemed all right. After three days, however, the 
Thyone became unattractive to the molluscs and 
the Eulima mostly shunned it. I do not wonder 
at this, as the cucumber became quite unsavory 
at the last, and lived only a short time after evis- 

I have perhaps gone into a tedious repetition of 
the habits of Eulima in attaching themselves to, 
or in leaving its Holothurian host, but I wished to 
emphasize the fact that Eulima is a free moral 
agent and is not obliged to live on the Thyone but 
is independent and moves of its own sweet will to 
wherever the spirit prompteth. Sometimes it had 
the habit of resting on a piece of Ulva which was 
in the dish. 

It seems rather strange that, if Eulima is so 
seemingly fond of Thyone, in the larger fields 
where the latter is so abundant this molluse has 
not, to my knowledge, been found. I have ques- 
tioned our veteran collector, Mr. Wamsley, who 
is a keen observer and has perhaps collected and 
preserved more Thyone than any other man, and 
he does not recall ever seeing this little snail, for 
all he has handled thousands of Thyone. Even 
the Invertebrate class of the Marine Biological 
Laboratory has I believe, no record of taking Eu- 
lima on its trips to the regular orthodox cucum- 
ber ground. Yet it has been taken by dredging 
on either side of the major Thyone fields. 

A word in regard to the attaching of this snail 
to the sea cucumber may not be amiss. In the 
field the Eulima was always attached to the under- 
side of the Thyone and among the ambulacral feet. 
This would seem to indicate that Eulima became 
attached to Thyone by accident in the latter’s mov- 
ing about in the sand. From this circumstance 
may have originated the quasi parasitism of Eu- 
lima. In the finger bowl in the laboratory they 
were not so particular, though usually preferring 
the underside of the Sea cucumber. 

More extensive observations are being planned 
in the study of this mollusc, Eulima, for the com- 
ing season, 

(Continued from page 221) 

of the sex gland. 

For this present series of experiments donor 
embryos of stages ranging from 29 to 41 somites 
were used. They fall into two categories: (1) 
from 29-34 somites—stages prior to the formation 

of a germinal epithelium, the prospective gonad 
area extending from the twentieth to the twenty- 
sixth somite levels; (2) from thirty-five to forty- 
one somites—stages at which a germinal epitheli- 
um has differentiated, that is, the earliest be- 

Aucust 20, 1932 | 



ginning of the gonad rudiment. The entire urino- 
genital ridge was dissected away very carefully 
from these donors and transplanted to the chorio- 
allantoic membrane of host embryos of approxi- 
mately nine days incubation, where they were al- 
lowed to grow for a period of about nine days. 
Eighty-five such grafts have been examined his- 
tologically. Since the entire urino-genital ridge 
was transplanted, the grafts consist, typically 
speaking, of mesonephros and suprarenal in ad- 
dition to gonad or some gonadal component. 

With respect to the differentiation of the gonad, 
the results briefly stated are of two types: (1) a 
gonad of specific sex (testis, left and right ovary) 
differentiates in 39% of the cases; (2) a gonad- 
like body of undetermined sex differentiates in 
56% of the cases. 

When they do occur, the testes and ovaries are 
histologically normal in structure although defi- 
nitely smaller than the normal of a corresponding 
age. The earliest stage of donor from which a 
gonad of specific sex (ovary or testis) was ob- 
tained was thirty-one somites. 

The gonad-like bodies of undetermined sex 
vary considerably in organization from masses of 
stroma-like tissue containing few germ cells to a 
rather highly organized body with sex cords of 
germinal or non-germinal cells, bearing a close 
resemblance to a specific gonad. 

The frequency with which a gonad of specific 
sex occurs bears a striking relation to the develop- 
mental stage of the donor at the time of trans- 
plantation. For example, donors having from 29 
to 34 somites, i. e., before the germinal epithelium 
has developed, give gonads of specific sex in 20% 
of the grafts while a little later where the ger- 
minal epithelium has made its appearance—35 to 
41 somite donors—the frequency increases to 
57%. Still later after the formation of the geni- 
tal ridge a gonad of specific sex occurs in ap- 
proximately 100% of the cases. Turning to the 
gonad-like bodies of undetermined sex, it is seen 
that they occur with nearly equal frequency be- 
fore and during the formation of the germinal 
epithelium, but when the genital ridge stage is 
reached, they are entirely absent. 

It is quite evident, therefore, that there is a 
progressive change in the properties of the gonad- 
forming area. This change is interpreted as indi- 

cating that the gonad-forming area possesses an 
organization at the time of isolation, which, pro- 
vided that conditions are favorable in the graft, 
may acquire through a series of processes the 
specific potentialities of sex. If, on the other 
hand, conditions are not favorable, such processes 
may be halted at different stages, resulting in var- 
ious grades of gonads undetermined as to sex. In 
other words, the process of epigenetic develop- 
ment continues to a variable degree depending 
upon the developmental harmony within the im- 

In over 80% of the grafts examined germ cells 
are seen to be extra-gonadal, being found in clus- 
ters, sometimes quite numerous, either in the 
mesenchyme itself or in spaces within it. In such 
germ cells the granules of the cytoplasm are uni- 
formly distributed, a characteristic of the primor- 
dial germ cell. It is thus apparent that the germ 
cell in the mesenchyme has remained undifferen- 
tiated. The germ cells in the sex cords, on the 
other hand, have undergone differentiation as is 
indicated by the localization of the granules in the 
cytoplasm at one side of the nucleus. The gran- 
ules of the germ cells are larger in female than 
in male sex cords. These observations lead to 
the conclusion that the primordial germ is depen- 
dent upon a specific tissue environment for its 
differentiation into specific sex cells. 

In two grafts (33—and 37—somite donors) a 
testis with sterile sex cords has appeared. In both 
of these cases germ cells were identified in other 
parts of the graft. For some reason they failed 
to get into the sex cords. A sterile testis has also 
been obtained in a small number of cases (4 out 
of 50) from grafts of whole blastoderms of early 
somite stages. In these cases the crescentic area 
anterior to the embryo proper was removed, where 
according to Swift the primordial germ cells or- 
iginate. These results appear to furnish proof 
that (a) a testis may arise and differentiate in- 
dependently of the primordial germ cells and, (b) 
the germ cells are extra-gonadal in origin. 

1The title of this article was abbreviated. Its full 
title is “Germ Cells in Relation to the Origin and 
Differentiation of the Sex Gland of the Chick as 
Studied in Chorio-Allantoic Grafts.” 

(This article is based on a seminar report present- 
ed at the Marine Biological Laboratory on Aug- 
ust 9.) 

D. P. CosTELLo 
Instructor of Zoology, University of Pennsylvania. 

If a living cell is torn or crushed, the interior 
protoplasm streams out, and typically, if sufficient 
care is exercised in making the injury, a film or 
membrane forms on the surface of the exuded 
droplet. The reaction which underlies this film or 

membrane formation has been called “the surface 
precipitation reaction” by Heilbrunn. 

A more or less standard procedure was em- 
ployed in the experiments as follows: a few eggs 
in sea water were placed on a slide under a cover- 



[ Vor. VII. No. 59 

glass, the slide placed on the stage of the micro- 
scope, and the water drawn slowly from beneath 
the cover by pieces of filter paper applied at the 
opposite sides. At the moment that the vitelline 
membrane ruptured, the filter paper strips were 
removed, and the outflow of protoplasm stopped 
almost instantaneously. For eggs of small diam- 
eter, or with heavy vitelline membranes, the pres- 
sure required to rupture the membrane exceeded 
that obtainable by this method. In these cases, 
additional force was applied upon the coverglass 
with a fine needle directly above the cell under ob- 

A second procedure was employed to determine 
whether or not the granules contained in the pro- 
toplasm were causally related to the precipitation 
reaction. This consisted of centrifuging the eggs 
until the contained granular protoplasm was strat- 
ified into layers. The eggs were then removed 
from the centrifuge tubes and crushed. If one 
type of granule is a necessary requisite for the 
precipitation reaction, the reaction should not take 
place if the vitelline membrane is ruptured at the 
opposite pole of the egg. 

The eggs of Gonionemus, Arbacia, Asterias, 
Echinarachnius, Cerebratulus, Phascolosoma, Ner- 
eis, Podarke, Amphitrite, Hydroides, Chaetopte- 
rus, Crepidula, Cumingia, Mytilus, Chaetopleura 
and Styela were used in the experiments. In all 
of the forms except Nereis, Podarke, Crepidula 
and Styela, the surface precipitation reaction re- 


sulted in the formation of a definite limiting 
membrane about the exuded protoplasm, similar 
to those described by Heilbrunn for Arbacia. In 
Nereis and Podarke the reaction resulted in the 
formation of precipitated areas of protoplasm. In 
Crepidula and Styela no typical reaction was ob- 
tained, perhaps because of the concentration of 
yoke granules in the cytoplasm. In the latter 
form surface precipitation membranes were ob- 
tained from the more fluid protoplasm of the 
germinal vesicle. These phenomena did not oc- 
cur in sea water from which the calcium had been 
removed by oxalate. 

In Arbacia, Asterias, Echinarachnius, Cerebra- 
tulus and Nereis, the formation of the membrane 
(or precipitate) was accompanied by a breakdown 
of the protoplasmic granules (yolk granules). In 
Arbacia and Echinarachnius the pigment granules 
in direct contact with the injured protoplasm 
broke down with characteristic color reaction. In 
all of the other forms no granule breakdown oc- 

The surface precipitation reaction assumes a 
characteristic form for each species studied. Two 
general types of reaction occur: one which is ac- 
companied by the breakdown of some type of 
protoplasmic granule; and the other in which 
there is no granule disintegration. The presence 

of calcium is in all cases a necessary requisite. 

(This article is based on a seminar report present- 
ed at the Marine Biological Laboratory on Aug- 
ust 9.) 


Dr. RALtpH M. Bucuspaum 
Instructor in Biology, University of Chicago 

Tissue culture provides a method whereby small 
fragments of the organism may be kept alive, iso- 
lated from the entire organism in a medium the 
composition of which may be controlled. Con- 
sider a small mass of tissue in the intact animal. 
The cells can neither be seen nor their physio- 
logical processes measured, except indirectly. The 
cells are bathed by intercellular fluids which are 
affected by changes in the blood. The blood is 
continually altered in composition during its 
course through the lungs, liver, intestine, kidney, 
endocrine glands, etc. It is a heterogeneous sys- 
tem, and tremendously complex. Contrast this 
with the situation in tissue cultures. A bit of 
tissue is isolated from nervous elements. It can 
be analyzed, measured, weighed, or the cell popu- 
lation enumerated during an experiment. The 
types of cells may be seen and photographed. The 
medium, in intimate contact with the tissue mass, 
is a field of knowable factors which affect the 
processes of growth, differentiation, senescence, 
and motion in the culture. These variables are 
subject to quantitative experimental control. 

This paper presents the results of varying the 
size of explant and volume of medium in tissue 
cultures (of chick embryonic spindle cells, grown 
in chicken plasma and chick embryonic extract) 
noting the corresponding changes in relative in- 
crease in growth. It has been found that (1) the 
smaller the explant in the range of 0.1 to 2.5 
mm.” of projection area, the greater the relative 
increase in growth; and (2) the larger the volume 
of medium (0.02 to 0.12 cc.) the greater the rel- 
ative increase in growth. Change in size of ex- 
plant produces a greater change in relative in- 
crease of growth than change in volume of 

These results are considered to be those ex- 
pected on the hypothesis that with a small explant 
in a large volume of medium, conditions are most 
favorable for the cells to grow. With a large ex- 
plant and a smaller volume of medium, the in- 
terior cells of the explant are relatively unfavor- 
ably situated. This may be because of slow dif- 
fusion to the interior cells with consequent ex- 
haustion of nutrients and greater concentration 

Aucust 20, 1932 } 



of metabolites. Such centrally located cells may 
thus contribute an inhibiting influence on the more 
favorably located peripheral cells. Thus the rel- 
ative increase in growth is thought to be roughly 
proportional to the length of the edge and inverse- 
ly proportional to the diameter of the explant, 
other things being optimum. 

Another type of result may have been expected 
from this experiment. The medium may be slight- 
ly unfavorable, e. g. slightly off optimum pH. 
The larger piece of tissue may then have 

a greater capacity to condition the medium 
to its maximum growth than the smaller 

piece; hence, it would recover sooner and show 
a greater relative growth than the smaller piece. 
Such results have been reported for protozoan, 
bacterial and yeast cultures. The experiments re- 
ported here deal only with the most favorable 
conditions obtainable. 

(This article is based on a seminar report present- 

ed at the Marine Biological Laboratory on Aug- 
ust 9.) 


Professor of Zoology, West Virginia University 

In 1912 the writer engaged in a study of the 
influence of sub-toxic doses of thyroid and other 
endocrine extracts on fowls, guinea-pigs and rab- 
bits (1). In 1918, in experiments made at the 
Wistar Institute, the results of which were not 
published but recorded in the laboratory notes of 
Dr. H. H. Donaldson, he showed that heavy doses 
of thyroid extract and thyroxin (furnished by 
Kendall) produced resorption of the young in 
pregnant rats. Pioneer studies of Cameron and 
Carmichael, (2) ; Carlson, Rooks and McKie (3) ; 
Hoskins (4) and others had emphasized the tox- 
icities of thyroid extract and iodin, and the sig- 
nificant changes in organs induced by heavy dos- 
age. Besides this the long record of usage of 
these substances in weight reduction, had indicat- 
ed the necessity of furnishing experimental ani- 
mals only with minute doses. In considering the 
use of iodin compounds in vitamin deficient rats, 
we had to take certain precautions about mis- 
handling the animals, and also to observe the dicta 
laid down by physicians with reference to the 
administration of drugs, with food, rather than 
directly to animals that had been starved and 
were also without food in the stomach when 

Accordingly, after certain preliminary experi- 
ments, the writer (5) and associates, Eaton, 
Thompson, Speicher, Bourne, and Wiles, adopted 
the procedure of administering very weak ferrous 
iodide indirectly by dropping it into dishes con- 
taining small quantities of the food given the 
thoroughly depleted vitamin A deficient rats. 
This method presumably gave the animals most of 
the iron, but we were by no means certain about 
the amount of iodin actually consumed. 

Perhaps some of the iodin escaped into the air, 
and the benefits derived were from furnishing 
young rats the added iron that they required after 
the period of suckling, when their iron reserves are 
known to be very low (6). We conjectured from 
the results that the small amount of iodin carried 

into the animal with its food may have exerted 
one of several effects: (1) Reactivation of the 
dormant thyroids, calling on reserve fats; (2) re- 
activation of the liver in its function of desatura- 
tion of fats; (3) antiseptic action of the iodin on 
bacteria, reducing infections and acting indirectly 
as a sparing agent on vitamin A reserves. 

The studies of Reed, Anderson and Mendel (7) 
have shown that in thyroxin fed rats the depot 
fat is more unsaturated than in controls. The 
antiseptic action of iodin in respiratory and di- 
gestive affections has long been known, and its 
significance pointed out by McCarrison and others. 

Since our results indicated that we were pro- 
ducing beneficial effects only in the small propor- 
tion of the rats that had the greatest fat reserves, 
we cast about for the proper fats (8), until, from 
the important studies of Burr and Burr (9), we 
concluded that unsaturated fatty acids such as 
linoleic acid would best serve our purpose in re- 
storing the fat-iodin balance, and yet permitting 
the catalytic activities of the ferrous iron and the 
iodin. That our successful experiments (10) 
may ultimately be considered by others is evi- 
denced by the recent studies of Monaghan and 
Schmitt (11) with carotin and linoleic acid; they 
have concluded, apparently without knowing of 
our findings, that the phospholipids are possibly 
related to vitamin A formation in the body. 

This past year we have demonstrated (report 
in progress) that the fat content of yeast fur- 
nished as vitamin B is an extremely important 
limiting factor in vitamin A experiments. 

The amount of vitamin D, given as irradiated 
ergosterol or in irradiated yeast, plays an im- 
portant part in recoveries also. This may be on 
account of the influence of calcium on the thy- 
roids, as indicated by Hellwig (12), who produced 
goiter in rats by excess calcium. Perhaps the ex- 
cess vitamin D induced a calcium-iodin imbalance 
and our added iodin satisfied the need of the ani- 
mals, enabling them to manufacture their own vit- 


amin A. 

Recently Mason (13), attempting to utilize fer- 
rous iodide as a complete vitamin A substitute, 
but not following our reasoning about the neces- 
sity for also supplying fats of a certain type (5), 
has reported results quite at variance with our find- 
ings. We believe that his explanation of the pos- 
sible differences in thyroids of the two colonies is 
not the only one. He reported administration of 
our dosage of iodin, double the dosage, and ex- 
cessive dosage. Examination of the testes of his 
treated animals showed degeneration. 

In a personal communication, the writer has 
suggested to Dr. Mason that (1) lard used in 
some of his experiments might induce a gastritis 
in the depleted animals; (2) when greatly de- 
pleted, sick animals are forcibly drugged, on an 
empty stomach, the iodin taken into their bodies 
will probably exceed that obtainable by our 
method, and will be most likely to induce con- 
ditions demonstrated by Cameron and Carmichael ; 
(3) since ferrous iodide is certainly not tolerated 
by depleted rats in any but minute doses, we 
could hardly expect that massive doses would pro- 
duce the beneficial effects desired as even excess 
vitamin D is deleterious; (4) increased testis de- 
generation is to be expected with added iodin. We 
have already reported our thesis that vitamin E 
effects are probably due to the action of unsatu- 
rated fats in restoring the fat-iodin balance. (Chi- 
dester: “Zoology,” Van Nostrand, 1932). 

More recently, Miss Cameron (14), desirous 
of securing glands for study, adopted a method 
that seemed to her more e-vact than ours in evalu- 
ating the dose of iodin actually received by A- 
deficient rats. Using freshly prepared solutions 
of ferrous iodide similar to ours, she pipetted the 
dose directly into the mouths of her rats and se- 
cured no benefits on vitamin A symptoms. Her 
results, we believe, support our contention, pre- 
viously published (15), that in Burr’s fat-de- 
ficiency disease the condition, restored by linoleic 
acid and certain other fatty acids, but not bene- 
fitted by cod liver oil (which contains iodin), was 
one in which unsaturated fatty acids, without 
iodin, were definitely indicated. 

In our own experiments, we were attempting 
to discover the effects of minimal effective doses, 
without handling the animals excessively, and 
without taking a chance on the potency of drugs 
administered quickly to sick animals in the absence 
of diluting and guarding foods. Ours, in other 
words, was not a test-tube experiment. Testing 
four rats, this past winter, we used a solution of 
ferrous iodide, only one quarter the strength of 
the effective one, and by direct oral administration 
to the depleted animals killed all of them in less 
than six hours. Using a pipette, delivering 30 
drops to a cc., we had previously found that the 


[Vor. VII. No. 59 

addition of five drops instead of three drops to 
cur food caused many more deaths in our re- 
covery groups. 

Adoption of our method of administration was 
due in part to long acquaintance with the toxicity 
of drugs given to depleted animals on an empty 
stomach and also to other experiments in which 
we had shown that even in normal animals low 
dosages of thyroid or iodin will stimulate the ap- 
petite and increase growth, while heavier doses 
induce emaciation and changes in the organs. 

It is not at all flattering to us to realize that 
among that large group of vitamin students who 
have long discredited our suggestions regarding 
the importance of fat-iodin balance in vitamin de- 
ficiencies, the only two who have honored us by 
their interest should have failed to read our later 
reports (10, 15) attempting to show that catalys- 
ers such as ferrous iodide do not suffice and that 
unsaturated fats or hydrocarbons are necessary in 
aiding the animal to manufacture vitamin A. 

Honeywell, Dutcher and Ely (16) have also 
recognized the probability that vitamin A consists 
of two factors, although they were not specific 
with reference to the rdle of unsaturated fats and 
hydrocarbons (17). : 

It is likewise a commentary on the enthusiastic 
reception of certain papers in the field (that the 
vitamin enthusiasts will-to-believe) that the only 
paper which purports to show that fats are not 
significant in vitamin A recoveries should be 
based on the studies of Hume and Smedley-Mac- 
lean (18) made with six animals. Their re- 
coveries, moreover, were run for only thirty-nine 
days. Our own experiments indicate that spora- 
dic improvements in vitamin A deficiency may 
occur with a variety of treatments, including the 
addition of vitamin D. They also indicate that 
great individual differences in storage exist, and 
that recovery periods must run far in excess of 
thirty-nine days in order to be acceptable. 

We found that ferrous iodide, administered in 
the food, benefitted some animals as long as ten 
months. Our experiments were repeatedly 
checked for more than two years. We conclude 
that any explanation of the effectiveness of sub- 
stances that enable animals to manufacture vita- 
min A in their bodies must consider the réle of 
unsaturated hydrocarbons and fats in their action 
on the liver and endocrine glands which will re- 
store the fat-iodin balance. 

Dismissal of our own careful studies, made with 
large numbers of animals and with the aid of 
five well trained and highly competent assistants, 
the results being shown to many observers, can- 
not be lightly made, even if identical technique 
were employed. Such technique would include 
the high temperature essential in treating deplet- 
ed animals, the extreme care exercised to elimi- 

AuGust 20, 1932 | THE COLLECTING NET 229 
nate insects and other vermin, the type of sources (5) see nan 1928, 68, 4382; Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. 
ies Prenat OF = i = F . 
of vitamins B and D, and most certainly the less (6.) Smythe and Miller, “Jour. Nutr.” 1, 209. 
exact, but presumably less injurious, method of (7.) “J. Biol. Chem.,” 1932, 96, 313. 
furnishing the ferrous iodide in small amounts of — (8.) “Coll. Net.,” 1930, 5, 36. 
food to prevent too rapid reception of powerful wen Me a a ee 
Corp nae y Soren : ce .) “Anat. Rec.,” aT é 
oxidizing agents and intestinal antiseptics. (11) “J. Biol. Chem.,” 1932, 96, 387. 
(12.) “Archiv. of Pathol.,’’ 1931, 11, 709. 
_ REFERENCES (13.) “Anat. Ree.,” 1931, 51, 57. 
(Paper on Direct Oral Administration, etc.) (14.) “Science,” 1932, 76, 1957. 
(1.) “Science,” 1912, 36, 641. (15.) “Med. Times,” 1931, 59, 138. 
(2.) “J. Biol. Chem.,’’ 1920, 45, 69. (16.) “Jour. of Nutr.,’”’ 1931, 8, 491. 
(3.) “Am. Jour. Physiol.,” 1912, 30. (17.) “Science,” 1932, 75, 287. 
(4.) “J. Exp. Zool.,” 1916, 21, 295. (18.) “Lancet,” 1930, 1, 290. 


Professor of Biochemistry, University of Cincinnati 

This interesting paper by Professor Chidester 
is a reply to certain criticisms of the favorable re- 
sults he and his colleagues obtained in adding fer- 
rous iodide in small quantities to the food of rats 
on a diet deficient in vitamin A. The author 
states that ferrous iodide, in more than minute 
amounts, is very toxic for such animals and his 
critics have made the mistake of feeding it direct- 
ly to the rats, without food; whereas in his ex- 
periments the substance was added to the food and 
ingested with it. He now states that farther ex- 
periments, which are published elsewhere, bene- 
fitted certain animals enabling them to live for 
periods much longer than the controls and ‘“‘some 
animals for ten months.” He lays stress upon 
the necessity of providing the rats with unsatu- 
rated fatty acids in the diet as well as with some 
ferrous iodide. 

To what extent ferrous iodide may enable a rat 
to manufacture vitamin A, or in other ways to 
withstand deprivation of this vitamin, can only be 
established by experiment; and calls for no com- 
ment except experimental work. But the author 
in this and previous papers has raised the very 
interesting question of the manner in which vita- 
min A acts in the body. He and his co-workers 
have attempted to bring it into relationship with 
the iodine metabolism of the body, and so with 
the thyroid gland and its internal secretion; and 
through this relationship with the whole question 
of fat metabolism, which is one of the most ob- 
scure chapters of the chemistry of the body. Al- 
so he connects it with McCarrison’s work on 
goitre and the iodine—fatty acid—phospholipid— 
and calcium balance in the body. Carotin is the 
precursor, or a precursor, of vitamin A. This 
carotin is a highly unsaturated, aliphatic com- 
pound with eleven double bonds. Like all such 
compounds it has the property of taking up iodine 

at these bonds. Cod liver oil, which contains vit- 
amin A, also contains small amounts of iodine. 
The feeding of thyroxin, the active principle of 
the thyroid, greatly increases the oxidation of fats 
and, since desaturation is an indirect result of oxi- 
dation, or rather the expression of an oxidation, 
it increases also the amount of desaturation of the 
fatty acids in the fat depots of the body. It has 
been shown also that the spontaneous oxidation 
of linoleic acid is stimulated by the presence of 
small amounts of the oxidation product of carotin. 
It is also established that vitamin A is necessary 
for the health of the intestinal epithelium; and 
that it may play as important a part in the ab- 
sorption of iron from the intestin as vitamin D 
does in the absorption of calcium. All of these 
facts, together with others which indicate that the 
liver which is the great store house of vitamin A 
in the body is also of importance in the oxidation 
of fatty acids indicate that vitamin A may play 
a very important part in fat metabolism and be 
one of the factors, together with iron and thyrox- 
in, in this metabolism. Dr. Chidester’s suggestion 
that the favorable effects of ferrous iodide in vit- 
amin A deficiency are to be thus explained has, 
hence, much in its favor. He seems also to have 
made out a strong case for the beneficial action of 
ferrous iodide, a remedy long used in medicine. 
This work of Dr. Chidester, and in particular 
the several important suggestions made by him in 
the course of the work, such, for example, as that 
“iodine may be important in the prevention of 
tumors,” may have important practical results. It 
emphasizes, for example, the importance in thera- 
peutics of the iodine contained in cod liver oil; a 
therapeutic possibility hitherto almost completely 
overlooked. Indeed so extensive has the adver- 
tising of vitamin D become that the erroneous no- 
tion is apt to become prevalent that cod liver oil 



[ Vor. VII. No. 59 

can be replaced therapeutically by pure vitamin D 
preparations. While the iodine in the oil is in 
small amounts, it may, indeed must, be of value 
to the body. The unsaturated acids and above all 
vitamin A are also of importance in considering 
the action of the oil. Furthermore the work may 
ultimately be brought into connection with the 
disturbed metabolism, and in particular with the 
phospholipid metabolism, of malignant growths ; 
it thus touches the important work of Professor 
Mayer, Professor Schaeffer and Terroine in 
France on phospholipid metabolism; and that of 

Professor Tashiro and his pupils in this country 
on bile salt metabolism and its relation to phos- 
pholipid metabolism and stomach ulcer. 

In fact it is curious to reflect that vitamin A 
and minerals may have somewhat the same rela- 
tion to the burning of fats in the body that tur- 
pentine has in every paint mixture; and that the 
painter in adding turpentine to hasten the oxida- 
tion of his linseed oil is doing essentially the same 
thing that the biochemist does in adding carotin, 
a substance which so easily passes into a terpene, 
to the food of his rats. 

Associate Director, The Franklin Institute Museum 

(Continued from the last number ) 

It is doubtful, however, if any eclipse, for many 
years to come, will be seen by as many astrono- 
mers and lay observers as the one this year, as- 
suming that favorable weather conditions permit 
it to be seen all along the track. A preliminary 
list of the expeditions, prepared by Dr. Frederick 
Slocum, chairman of the American Astronomical 
Society’s eclipse committee, supplemented by sev- 
eral others known to the writer, shows twenty 
institutions represented, at nine separate points 
along the path of totality. The locations selected 
by three of the groups is unknown at the time 
of writing. Also, several other institutions, that 
frequently observe eclipses, have not yet an- 
nounced their plans, and it is certain that a num- 
ber of other parties will be present. 

Northernmost of the stations will be Parent, 
P. Q., a small town on the Canadian National R. 
R. The Royal Observatory at Greenwich, under 
Dr. John Jackson, chief assistant, and the Do- 
minion Observatory at Ottawa, under Professor 
R. Meldrum Stewart, the director, will combine 
forces at Parent. Montreal, though it is near 
the edge of the path, has the advantage of a per- 
manently established observatory at McGill Uni- 
versity, and this will be used by Professor A. S. 
Eve, of that institution, and also by Professor A. 
Fowler, from the University of London. At 
Magog, P. O., the party from Cambridge Uni- 
versity, under Dr. F. J. M. Stratton, will be joined 
by Dr. S. A. Mitchell’s group, from the McCor- 
mick Observatory of the University of Virginia. 
Professor C. A. Chant will head the University 
of Toronto’s expedition, at St. Alexis, P. OQ. 

Coming into the United States, the Sproul Ob- 
servatory of Swarthmore College will erect its 
equipment, including the 65-foot eclipse camera, 
at a point in northern Vermont. At Lancaster, 
N. H., will be the Mt. Wilson Observatory as- 

tronomers, under the direction of Dr. Walter S. 
Adams. A group representing The Franklin In- 
stitute, Philadelphia, under the writer's direction, 
will be located at Conway, N. H., with a coelostat 
camera of 85 feet focal length, as well as smaller 
instruments. Dr. Frederick Slocum, of the Van 
Vleck Observatory, Wesleyan University, has 
chosen Center Conway. Across the state line, at 
Fryeburg, Maine, ‘will be a concentration of sev- 
eral parties. These will include groups from the 
Lick Observatory, yhder Professor J. H. Moore; 
Georgetown University, under Rev. Paul A. Mec- 
Nally, S.J.; the University of Michigan Observa- 
tory, under Professor H. D. Curtis; and the 
Dearborn Observatory of Northwestern Univer- 
sity, under Professor Oliver J. Lee. The Per- 
kins Observatory of Ohio Wesleyan University, 
under Dr. Harlan T. Stetson, its director, and the 
Warner and Swasey Observatory of the Case 
School of Applied Science, under its director, Dr. 
J. J. Nassau, will combine forces at Douglas Hill. 
Maine. At Biddeford, Maine, will be the group 
from the Deering Observatory, headed by Mr. 
Frank Deering. In addition, the Kwasan Ob- 
servatory of the Kyoto Imperial University, jap- 
an, and the Russian National Observatory, at 
Poulkovo, have announced plans to send expe- 
ditions, the former in charge of Professor Issei 
Yamamoto, and the latter of Professor A. Belo- 

Practically all these parties will make direct 
photographs of the corona, and a few, like the 
party of The Franklin Institute, will specialize in 
this field. Besides the photographs with the long 
focus cameras, smaller instruments will be em- 
ployed, some to make a motion picture record, 
others, for special purposes, such as photographs 
in natural colors. Attempts will be made to pho- 
tograph the moon’s shadow from an airplane. If 
the edge of the shadow can be photographed on 
the ground, together with recognizable landmarks 

Aucust 20, 1932 ] 



whose position can be accurately determined, a 
very precise determination can be made of the 
relative positions in space of the earth, moon and 
sun. Still other photographs will be made of 
the partial phases, and possibly of the shadow 
bands, if they appear. 

At least two prominent artists will paint the 
eclipse in oil, a method that has been found to 
give a more accurate record of how an eclipse 
really looks than any of the photographic pro- 
cesses. At York Harbor, Me., Mr. Howard Rus- 
sell Butler will make a painting from his own 
summer home. Mr. Butler has painted the last 
three eclipses seen in the United States, but to do 
so he has had to travel to Oregon in 1918, to 
California in 1923, and to Connecticut in 1925. 
The paintings are now hanging in the American 
Museum of Natural History, in New York. But 
now the mountain actually comes to Mohammed ! 
Mr. Charles Bittinger, of Washington, D. C., and 
Duxbury, Mass., is also known as a painter of 
scientific subjects, and has already done the solar 
spectrum and the zodiacal light. He will paint 
the eclipse as a member of the party to Conway 
from the Franklin Institute. 

Perhaps the most important eclipse observa- 
tions, however, are those made with the aid of 
the spectroscope, particularly of the so-called 
“flash” spectrum, an observation that forms the 
specialty of Dr. H. D. Curtis and of Dr. S. A. 
Mitchell. Just as the last shred of the solar disc 
appears at the beginning of totality, and just as it 
first reappears at the end, the sun’s atmosphere 
shines unmixed with light from the inner region. 
Its spectrum is a series of bright lines, unlike the 
dark line spectrum of ordinary sunlight, and pho- 
tographs of this spectrum yield much important 
information about the sun’s constitution. Other 
spectrum photographs, made during totality, re- 
veal the make-up of the corona. Photographs 
made with the interferometer tell how the ma- 
terial in the corona is moving. 

Despite the question raised recently by Profes- 
sor Erwin Freundlich, of the Einstein Tower at 
Potsdam, regarding the validity of determinations 
of the Einstein shift of starlight passing close to 
the sun, as measured on eclipse photographs by 
Eddington, Campbell, Trumpler, Chant and oth- 
ers, it is not expected that any plates to confirm 
this effect will be made this year. The sun is ina 
poor field, with no bright stars nearby. Professor 
James Robertson, the director of the Nautical Al- 
manac, has called attention to the good star field 
that will surround the February 14, 1934, eclipse, 
so probably that will be used for the purpose. 

Away from the path of totality, of course, the 
effects of the total phase will be missing, but the 
partial eclipse will be interesting to watch. This 
will be visible over the entire continent of North 

America. The closer one is to the total eclipse 
track, the larger the partial eclipse will be, but as 
far away as southern California the moon will 
cover nearly a third of the sun’s diameter when 
the eclipse is at its maximum. [ven at this dis- 
tance, the crescent-shaped spots of light will be 
noticed under trees. At points as close as Den- 

ver, Colorado; Helena, Montana or Juneau, 
Alaska, the eclipse will be about fifty per 
cent. total. Atlanta, Georgia, will get 73 

per cent., Chicago, 79 per cent., and Richmond, 
Virginia, 87 per cent. Philadelphia will get 93 
per cent., New York 95 per cent. and Boston 99 
per cent. In places as close as the last three, the 
peculiar yellowish color of the sunlight may be 
noticed, and it is possible that, where the eclipse 
is as much as 95 per cent. total, the shadow bands 
may be seen. In 1925 they were noticed at places 
a considerable distance from the path of totality. 
Also in these places, as at locations within the 
path, the chickens and other birds may be observed 
going to roost, as the darkness increases. 

To the amateur astronomer, or photographer, 
the eclipse offers an unusual opportunity, especial- 
ly if he be in the path of totality. While he can 
not hope to equal the work of the large cameras 
of the scientific parties, the amateur with a hand 
camera can make a very interesting record of this 
striking event. With a lens of 10 inches focus, 
the sun’s image is a little less than a tenth of an 
inch in diameter, and if the picture is sharp, it 
can be enlarged considerably with quite satisfac- 
tory results. If a longer focus lens is available, 
it should be used. With a lens of not more than 
twenty or thirty inches focal length, and an ex- 
posure of not more than five seconds, the sun’s 
motion will not be appreciable, and there is no 
need to mount the camera to follow the earth’s 
diurnal motion. If the lens has a relative aper- 
ture of approximately F. 8, an exposure of per- 
haps two seconds can be given, though it is al- 
most impossible to give a wrong exposure 
for such pictures. The inner corona is so bril- 
liant that even an exposure of a fraction of a sec- 
ond will record it, while one of longer duration 
will overexpose the region, but will record the 
outer corona. Another interesting camera record 
can be made by taking a series of pictures at reg- 
ular intervals such as every five minutes, of the 
partial phases and of the corona, on the same 
plate. If one has a 16 mm. motion picture cam- 
era, it would be of interest to use it also. 

But whether or not-one goes to make any ob- 
servations, amateur or professional, it should be 
remembered that Wednesday, August 31, brings 
the chance of a lifetime to observe an impressive 
and beautiful natural phenomenon, and no one 
interested in such things should miss it if he can 
possibly avoid doing so. 


[ Vor. VII. No. 59 


Nucleic Acids, P. A. LEvENE and L. W. Bass. 
321 pp. Monograph Series, American Chemi- 
cal Society. The Chemical Catalog Company, 
Inc. New York, N. Y. 

This extremely valuable, timely, and useful 
book is owing to a combination of efforts on the 
part of the authors, of the Rockefeller Institute, 
and of the American Chemical Society. Each de- 
serves a portion of the great praise which the 
book merits. In the first place Mr. John D. 
Rockefeller, by his foundation of a great research 
Institute, the Rockefeller Institute, provided the 
place, the funds, the assistance, and the living of 
the investigators who have made the greater part 
of the contributions to the chemistry of nucleic 
acids recorded in the book. To Dr. Simon Flex- 
ner must be given the credit of the wisdom of the 
appointment of Dr. P. A. Levene to the position 
he has held in the Institute. That appointment 
Dr. Levene by his industry and genius has far 
more than justified. To those who have assisted 
Dr. Levene in his investigations and to his co- 
author, Dr. Bass, must be assigned their meed of 
praise. But in addition to these who have con- 
tributed so much, especial mention must be made 
of the officers of the American Chemical Society 
and in particular of Dr. Chas. L. Parsons, the 
efficient secretary and moving spirit of the or- 
ganization, for the part that organization played 
in arranging for the publication of a series of 
chemical monographs, many of which have already 
appeared, and of which this book is the latest and 
one of the very best. By means of this series 
American chemistry has taken its place beside 
German chemistry, as a leader in the diffusion 
of chemical knowledge. America has at last won 
its independence from Germany in chemical mat- 
ters. We may well congratulate ourselves, in fe- 
licitating the authors, on the magnificent achieve- 
ment represented by this volume. 

The authors have not only given accurate de- 
scriptions of the nucleic acids and their consti- 
tuents, such as nucleotides, nucleosides, the pyri- 
midine and purine bases, with methods for their 
preparation, but they have also given the history 
of their discovery and identification and proof of 
their structures. It was particularly pleasing to 
the reviewer to see the pioneer work of Miescher 
given its full measure of praise. Miescher was 
a biochemist of the first rank whose importance 
in the science is not always properly appreciated. 

The book is written in a very easy and interest- 
ing style, the history introduced adding much to 
the reader’s pleasure. The type is large and clear 
and the graphic formulas very well done. 

There are one or two slight omissions which 
might be noticed. For example the very important 
reaction known as the ‘nucleal’ reaction discovered 
by Feulgen is not referred to in the index, and, so 
far as the reviewer could discover, in the text 
either, under this name. It is called in the text 
‘Feulgen’s reaction.’ It would no doubt be a con- 
venience to have it carefully described and in- 
dexed, for its importance in identifying the thy- 
mo-nucleic acids iri the cell is very great. But the 
most surprising and, in the reviewer’s opinion 
regrettable omission is the lack of any special 
consideration of the physiological action of the 
nucleic acids and their decomposition products. 
It is true that some such observations are scat- 
tered here and there through the book, as, for ex- 
ample, the observations of Doyon and Vial on the 
powerful anti-coagulant action of a nucleoside. 
But it would have been a great convenience, espe- 
cially for pharmacologists and pharmaceutical 
chemists, had there been a chapter in which the 
observations of physiological action were brought 
together. Perhaps in a new edition this lack could 
be supplied. 

The reviewer does not regard the first sentence 
of the book to be an accurate statement of fact. 
That sentence reads: “The sugars entering into 
the structure of nucleic acids, d-ribose and d-ribo- 
desose, belong to the group of pentoses.” So far 
as d-ribose is concerned there is no criticism to 
offer; but as regards the d-ribodesose there is still 
doubt in the reviewer’s mind, perhaps unjustified, 
whether this sugar preexists in the nucleic acid 
molecule. There are two facts which have not 
yet been explained by that assumption and these 
must be explained before complete proof is given 
that this sugar exists as such in thymic acid. One 
of these facts is the lack of agreement between 
the results of analysis of the preparations of thy- 
mic acid with the theoretical requirements if this 
sugar be present. But the second and more im- 
portant failure is the lack of any explanation of 
the considerable amounts of formic acid which 
are set free at the same time that levulinic acid 
arises when the acid is decomposed by mineral 

acids. There is no doubt that deoxy-d-ribose has » 

been isolated from nucleic acid. The only ques- 
tion is whether this is the substance in the nucleic 
acid itself. The formic acid must be accounted 
for. Might it not be that the sugar is a 3-deoxy- 
hexosone which decomposes into 2-deoxy-ribose 
and formic acid? The authors have insisted 
throughout the book on the necessity of the most 
rigid proofs and the explanation of every fact 
before accepting a conclusion; and on the basis 

sa a ee 


Auéusr 20, 1932 | 



of this insistence they give far greater credit, in 
the reviewer's opinion, than he deserves to E. 
Fischer for his purine work. Although he is of 
course deserving of great praise for that work. 
But they should apply to themselves the same rigid 
requirements ; and it is only fair to say that this 
they have in general done. The reviewer hopes 
that they may be able to remove his doubt on this 
one point. Perhaps they have done so somewhere 
in the book and he has overlooked it. But the 
physiological importance of nucleic acid is evi- 
dently so great as to warrant the effort to estab- 
lish its constitution beyond all question. And it 
must not be forgotten that hexose nucleosides are 
known to occur in nature. In the light of these 
facts I believe the wording of the first sentence 
should be modified. 

Aside from these unimportant criticisms the 
book is deserving of the greatest praise. No 
where has our knowledge of nucleic acid been 
brought together so clearly and fully as here. In 
a sense the publication rounds out the life work, 
so far accomplished at least, and we hope there 
will be much more, of Dr. P. A: Levene. The 
book should be a great and legitimate source of 
pride to him and Dr. Bass as it is to every 
American. —A. P. Mathews. 

Chenucal Embryology, J. NeepuAM. 3 vols., pp. 
xxi + 2021. Cambridge: The University 
Press; New York: The Macmillan Company. 
$35.00. 1932. 

Joseph Needham has clearly had in mind, in 
preparing and writing this exhaustive treatise, the 
intent of founding with a classic a new segregate 
of science, and I for one cry “Success!” Even to 
one unacquainted with Needham or his ante- 
cedents it must be at once apparent that this is 
the mature product of a scholarly and industrious 
mind. The bibliography alone, almost 250 pages 
of titles, 35 or more to a page, which the author 
has actually consulted and the substance of which 
is handled in the text very largely in a critical 
manner rather than in the form of a compendium, 
attests the enormous labor behind this work. A 
small personal experience gives me reason to 
know the care expended, for a tale concerning 
Egyptian experiments on fetal development which 
came to me in anecdotal fashion and which I re- 
peated to friends at Cambridge several years ago 
reached Needham’s ears and elicited from him a 
letter requesting sources and authority, (which I 
unfortunately could not trace). 

The great bulk of the volumes is devoted to a 
minute consideration of the static and dynamic 
chemistry of the egg and developing embryo, and 
includes a vast amount of detailed information, 
both in text discussion and numerous summary 


tables and charts. Such subjects as the general 
metabolism, energy relations, carbohydrate, pro- 
tein, lipoid, mineral and other special metabolisms 
are given separate treatment. Further, the in- 
fiuences upon embryonic development of enzymes, 
hormones, vitamins, physical agents and the like 
are fully considered. Sections on the chemistry 
of the placenta, its role as a barrier, the amniotic 
fluid and of the more developed fetal tissues com- 
plete this portion of the work. 

In connection with each type of approach to his 
more immediate material the author gives briefly 
the general relations and data on many other tis- 
sues and forms. Thus, for example, in the chap- 
ter on embryonic growth one meets an adequate 
discussion of much of the work of Crozier on 
temperature effects, Carrel’s studies on tissue cul- 
ture, Scammon’s treatment of growth curves, and 
the like; while the succeeding chapter, discussing 
particularly differentiation, leads one far into the 
work of Child on gradients, the field of genetics, 
experimental embryology, and the like. Since 
the egg is a cell and one of the most convenient 
to use in attacking all manner of biological prob- 
lems, Needham, in attempting to marshall all ma- 
terial on eggs, has left hardly any phase of biology 
untouched, and I doubt if one could browse in 
this work without finding much of interest to him, 
whatever his specialty be. One might mistrust 
the accuracy of handling material by one man 
over such a huge front, but a list of many dozen 
experts who have individually checked the por- 
tions impinging upon their immediate fields is 
considerably reassuring. 

Not least interesting to the scientific reader is 
the 200 page section dealing with the history of 
knowledge and ideas regarding generation and 
ontogeny. To those acquainted with Needham’s 
chart illustrating the history of biochemistry and 
physiology, no more need be said regarding this 

To mea very real value of this work lies in its 
viewpoint and general treatment. Science in these 
days is following all too closely the general ac- 
celeration and impatience of daily life, and it is 
very refreshing to sense the tranquil scholarship, 
rooted deeply in the past of Cambridge University, 
flowing through these pages. From the Latin in- 
troduction, through a consideration of the under- 
lying philosophical problems of biology, nowhere 
more acutely present than in a consideration of 
growth and differentiation, and through the ex- 
amination of the development of his subject, 
Needham exhibits a serene mastery of his ma- 
terial and has expressed himself in charming pas- 

Detailed criticisms can of course be made, and 
many will take issue with his mechanistic (but 



[ Vor. VII. No. 59 

not materialistic) approach to the great problem 
of differentiation, but few will fail to obtain 
profit and pleasure from an examination of his 
ideas and material. I am certain that all biologists 
would like, and many are able, to share the hope 
expressed in his closing paragraph. “The day may 
already be said to be in sight when the laborious 
description of embryonic conditions in verbal 
terms will be superseded by elaborate yet succinct 
nomograms, illustrating graphically all the stages 
or processes through which the organism passes 
or may pass. Fixture lists of the activities, chem- 
ical and morphological, of the fcetal organism, 
will reveal the exact point of action of lethal 
genes, and the master catalysts of growth and of 
differentiation will be found in bottles upon our 
shelves. The morphology and the biophysics of 
the developing embryo will merge into one single 
quantitative science, which shall show us how the 
metrical aspects of the finished living organism 
are derived from the metrical aspects of its egg.” 

—R. W. Gerard. 

Vegetable Fats and Oils. GroRGE S. JAMIESON. 
Pp. 444. New York: The Chemical Catalogue 
Company, $6.50. 1932. 

In this volume the author has brought together 
a great deal of useful information concerning the 
vegetable fats and oils, especially those of eco- 
nomic importance. The book begins with a brief 
discussion of the occurrence, extraction and refin- 
ing of oils. The discussion of these topics is very 
general but this in no way detracts from the value 
of the book, since these same topics are again dis- 
cussed in detail in conjunction with various im- 
portant oils. This method of presentation is de- 
sirable for in actual practice the methods of 
treatment vary somewhat, depending upon the 
nature of the substance from which the oil is 

The introductory chapter is followed by three 
chapters concerning the properties, analytical con- 
stants, composition and utilization of tue oils. 
This discussion, which constitutes the major por- 
tion of the book, is replete with references to both 
the data recorded in older compilations and those 
to be found in recent papers. For convenience 

the author has divided the oils, as is customary, 
into three classes: the non-drying, semi-drying 
and drying oils. Under each of these headings the 
oils are discussed in alphabetical order. 

The fifth chapter of the book is devoted to a 
discussion of the various components found in oils 
including sterols, hydrocarbons, and phosphatides. 
This is the weakest chapter of the book; in sev- 
eral instances the author has contented himself 
with a mere listing of the occurrence and a few 
properties of these substances, although appro- 
priate references to the original literature are 
given. For some curious reason he has included 
data concerning the hydrocarbons found in animal 
fats and oils (pages 318-319). While welcome to 
the reviewer, one would not expect to find such 
data in a monograph devoted to fats and oils of 
vegetable origin. 

The last chapter of the book is devoted to an 
excellent and detailed description of the analytical 
methods utilized in the study of the substances 
under discussion. For the most part the author 
has limited this discussion to those methods which 
he has found applicable in the numerous investi- 
gations conducted in his laboratory. This is dis- 
tinctly advantageous since it permits of their 
critical evaluation in a manner which would 
otherwise be impossible. 

In the appendix one finds a useful compilation 
of the analytical constants of the fatty acids, pure 
glycerides and naturally occurring oils. This is 
followed by a tabulation of the botanical names of 
the oil-bearing plants and their trivial equivalents 
in common usage. Two indices are included, the 
first an index of botanical names and the second 
a general subject index. The latter suffers from a 
lack of completeness and a lack of cross indexing. 

Numerous typographical errors have escaped 
the proof-reader. This is extremely unfortunate 
in a book of this nature, since so much of its 
value depends upon the accurate presentation of a 
considerable amount of numerical data. Other- 
wise the book evidences most careful preparation 
and is to be highly recommended to anyone in- 
terested in the field which it covers—Kenneth C. 


An Heroical ballad inspired by a recent event 
3y E. E. CoRNWALL 

A bunch of famous scientists 

Did come from far away, 

Frou Europe and points East and South, 
To Beantown on the Bay. 

(Now Beantown is a prideful town, 
Where people sit and think; 

Its favorite fodder being beans ; 

3ut nary drop to drink). 

For one long week they lingered there, 
In sessions scientific, 

With no chance for a real good time. 
The heat it was terrific. 

Discussions, papers, speeches, talks, 
From morning into night— 

It certainly was much too much; 
They were not treated right. 


Aucust 20, 1932 ] THE COLLECTING NET 235 

Now when it was becoming plain “These famous foreign scientists 

That something must be done “As molluscs know our brood ; 

To ease the situation and ; “But being scarce in their home towns, 
Supply a little fun, “We are to them strange food. 

An invitation came to them 
From a place beside the sea, 
Where science flourishes indeed, 
But not so seriously; 

“Not knowing how we should be et, 
“How needful ‘tis to chew us, 

“Some of them may swallow us whole; 
“And that’s when they will rue us. 

Where staid professors often sport 

Beside the sportive wave, “My proposition then, is this: 
While in the Lab. the starfish waits, “Let old, tough, volunteers F 
And doomed sea urchins rave. “Die for the Cause—put themselves in the way 

“When the clamdigger appears. 
Here, they were told, to honor them, 
A clambake on the sand 
Would be prepared—a wonderful feast, 
They were given to understand. 

“It is very good form, as you know, to die 

“For any popular cause. 

“And these martyrs will get, where the brine is 

With shouts of joy they all accept, “Posthumously, applause.” 

Feeling much elated. 
From Harvard to the welkin far 

f old the scientists, 
The echoes reverberated. And now behold the scie 

The much distinguished band, 
Some with whiskers, some without, 

They don’t know what a clambake is, g ; 
Foregathering on the sand. 

But it means a holiday, 
And getting away from program stuff, 

And having a chance to play. Along with appetite and hope 
Anticipation ran; 

Now rumors of these goings on, And all their tongues were hanging out, 

Of this festivity, They shouted as one man: 

Spread o’er the land and through the sand, 

And far out in the sea. “We're here! We’re here! Bring on the cheer! 
“We're dry, and hungry too.” 

It roused especially in the clams The Committee replied, pointing with pride: 

An interest intense, “Now see what is waiting for you!” 

For this gay party plainly was 

To | heir ex , i 
ance expense They look around the festive ground, 

Habituated to their fate, And this is what they wee bat 

They murmured not nor wept. Heaps on heaps of roasted clams, 

At cultivating stoic calm Grinning maliciously. 

The clam is an adept. ; 
With shells agape; and on the side, 

But a certain clam there was who, when Corn on the cob in stacks. 
He heard of this jamboree, (Green corn is an ally of the clam 
Had an idea, and to the rest In his vicious attacks. ) 

These stirring words spake he; 

The feast is spread, and all is set. 
Thereafter what befell, 

Must now be guessed. And so the rest 
I will not try to tell: 

“Some of us are doomed to grace 
“This horrid holiday. 

“Now I have a plan by which we can 
“Make a grandstand play, 

“An th me tim 1The “recent event” refers to the clambake spon- 
TaN : a . SES ah d eS res. sored by the Marine Biological Laboratory for the 
“ pace ok Wass SB Nces : members of the XIIIth International Physiological 

For the outrages science wreaks Congress. The verses are reprinted from ‘The Med- 
“On the denizens of the sea. ical Times”, November, 1929. 



[ Vow. VII. No. 59 

FOG — Don’t Be a Snob 

(It seems quite appropriate at this time to reprint a little article which was contributed to THE 
COLLECTING NET in 1928 by a Trustee of the Marine Biological Laboratory. ) 

Don't be a snob! If you feel any of the symp- 
toms coming on take a stiff dose of Huxley and 
Darwin, equal parts, or a liberal potation of 
Claude Bernard. If these fail there is a possibility 
in Christian Science. Try every resource; for 
snobbishness is a pernicious disease which saps the 
intellectual system and leaves the individual 
friendless and alone. 

There are many manifestations of the disease 
some of which are easily recognized, others more 
subtle. The social snob is perhaps the most com- 
mon and most easily recognized. His malady is 
usually complicated by an inordinate tendency to 
climb; and he becomes a specialized gymnast on 
the social ladder patronizing and even contemptu- 
ous toward those below him, obsequious to those 
above. In consequence he is scorned for in reality 
he is lower than all. 

Another type is the intellectual snob. He prides 
himself on his erudition; he scorns the hum drum 
topics of daily life and converses freely only with 
those whom he secretly believes know as much as 
he does. He may tolerate the ordinary type of 
conversation but he holds himself aloof from any 
part in it and as soon as possible gets into a cor- 
ner with someone to whom he can demonstrate 
his great store of knowledge. He is a bore. 

The sporting snob is rather a harmless type and 
may outlive his disease. He must be doing some- 
thing; tennis, golf, sailing, canoeing, horse shoes 

and in inclement weather he must play bridge. 
Activity in a physical sense is his obsession, for, 
if idle, there is the horrible possibility that he 
may have to read or be caught in the act of con- 
templation and reflection. 

The most insidious type of the disease is man- 
ifested by the specialist snob. He is not uncommon 
here at Woods Hole and can be easily detected by 
his superior bearing towards those who are not 
doing his own type of work. He is interested 
only in his own line and speaks sneeringly of work 
in other fields. His friendly interest in others is 
shown by remarks such as “Why do you work in 
that subject, why don’t you do something worth 
while.” His is the most dangerous type of snob- 
bery and the victims should be avoided, particu- 
larly by the young investigators, for there is 
danger of loss of confidence and of aimless wan- 
dering in the domain of research. 

All of these types are in the fog—they can’t 
see beyond a few feet from themselves; they hud- 
dle together in like groups and come to believe 
that the world is bounded by their special horizon. 
When you hear the fog horn sonorously filling the 
air, it is sometimes Nobska. 

Let in the sun of humanity which will soon dis- 
sipate the fog. Look for something good and in- 
teresting in everybody and everything; smile and 
be a human being worth while. Don’t be a snob! 

—G. N.C. 

Professor of Biology, Southwestern College, Member of the Executive Committee of the Station. 

Reelfoot Lake, in the extreme north west cor- 
ner of Tennessee, is a large, shallow lake formed 
by the New Madrid earthquake of 1812. Recent- 
ly the State of Tennessee has taken it over as a 
hunting and fishing preserve, and one of the club- 
houses formerly belonging to a hunting and fish- 
ing association, together with ten acres of land, 
has been presented to the Tennessee Academy of 
Science for use as a biological station. 

The station is near a small bayou tributary to 
the lake, and is at the end of a gravel road; the 
nearest village is several miles distant, but an ex- 
cellent hotel adjoins the laboratory property, and 
workers may either camp or board at the hotel 
which offers special rates to laboratory people. 

The building has been brought into an excellent 
state of repair and besides living quarters for a 
limited number of people will have four labora- 
tories equipped with standard furniture and each 
accommodating three or four workers. Micro- 
scopic equipment, chemicals and apparatus should 
be brought by the individual investigator. 
Those desiring to work at the station should get in 

touch with Dr. A. Richard Bliss, Jr., President of 
the Academy and Chairman of the Executive 
Committee of the station, who may be reached at 
Memphis. A consulting staff has been appointed 
and workers may confer with such of these as 
are interested in their field. 

The lake is nowhere very deep; there is clear 
water in the middle, but throughout most of its 
area great cypress stumps protrude above the 
water, and near the shore great patches of lotus 
and other vegetation afford food and shelter to a 
varied animal life. There is a border of cypress 
trees around the lake. A wide variety and abun- 
dance of fish, amphibian, reptile and bird life is 
to be found. Ecologic and taxonomic problems 
both in zoology and botany may be advantageous- 
ly studied here, due to the richness of the flora 
and fauna, and the unusual life communities 
which one may encounter in a tramp of a mile or 
so from the tops of the nearby forested hills over 
a hundred feet above lake level, down to the 
marsh and the lake itself. 

Aucust 20, 1932 ] 




In the following paragraphs is given a copy of 
the memorandum prepared for submission to the 
Board of Selectmen in connection with an article 
framed for inclusion in the Town Warrant, for 
action at the next Annual Town Meeting. 

In preparing this article and this memorandum, 
it should be understood, first of ail, tat the sole 
end in the mind of all its supporters is the pro- 
vision of reasonabie, adequate beach privileges at 
present and in the future for the summer and per- 
manent residents of Woods Hole in the Town of 

It is true that a portion of this population, lib- 
erally estimated at a possible fifty percent., pos- 
sesses private beaches, has joint rights with others 
in a near-by shore, or has access to the private 
bathing facilities of friends. But this request, its 
supporters have abundant reason to believe, ex- 
presses the conviction of the remaining estimated 
fifty percent. that its beach freedom is limited in 
a decidedly unfortunate manner; this belief is 
shared by numbers whose personal requirements 
are already assured otherwise,—this attitude being 
one in support of public welfare. Of course, the 
fact 1s that no bathing facilities have as yet been 
provided by the Town for Woods Hole save as it 
has accepted the generous offering of the Fay 
estate of 200 feet. 

It would be a satisfaction to all interested if the 
Town's officers could, at this time (inspection at 
the time of the winter Town Meeting being of 
little value) visit the beach now used, note its con- 
dition and restrictions, and use their unbiased 
judgment as they contemplate this request 

(An invitation to make such an inspection will 
be tendered the Board of Selectmen by the Com- 
mittee presenting this request. ) 

MOUTH, before whom this request may come: 

The undersigned names are those of a group ap- 
pointed by vote of a community meeting held in 
Woods Hole August 11, 1932, to draw up and 
submit an article for inclusion in the Town War- 
rant, for action at the next Annual Meeting. 

It is the thought of this group that a few facts 
and circumstances leading up to this move may be 
informing and helpful to those concerned. We 
therefore submit the following items: 

1. Availability: The Bay Shore Beach is the 
only one situated conveniently to a majority of 

those living in Woods Hole, either permanently 
or during the summer. 

2. Area: Years ago through the generous cour- 
tesy of the Fay family, the entire strip of beach, 
some 600 feet in length, was freely used by all in 
the community. 

Through the subdivision of this shore property 
and its sale in small parcels, the legal right to free 
use of this beach has been reduced about 65%, so 
that now (but again by the generosity of the Fay 
Estate and that of Dr. and Mrs. Meigs) only some 
200 feet are left freely accessible to residents of 
Woods Hole or their guests. Through the cour- 
tesy of Dr. Oliver S. Strong (but only through 
courtesy) 64 feet more is now used, a total of 
264 feet. 

3. Population: In the meantime the number of 
people spending a part or all of their summer in 
Woods Hole has increased by several hundred, 
probably by 500. In round numbers, an approxi- 
mation to the fact could be thus stated; while the 
population is three times greater than formerly 
the available Bay Shore Beach has shrunken to 
one-third its original size. 

Furthermore, due to increase of stones not over 
one-half of the present 264 feet affords sand for 
comfortable bathing purposes. Not infrequently 
over 100 people use this area simultaneously, 
three quarters of them huddled onto the sandy 
end. Recently one of our group counted 97 people 
at 5:30 P. M. Two years ago, fully 300 people 
occasionally used this beach at one time. 

4. Responsibility: It is felt that no one is blame- 
worthy for the present circumstances. It would 
indeed have been fortunate if the Town of Fal- 
mouth had appropriated this beach at once when 
the Fay Estate decided to release the property; 
but at that time no such growth of the community, 
stimulated in part by an unexpected enlargement 
of the Marine Biological Laboratory, was predict- 

5. Preparation of Petition: Feeling the urgency 
of the situation an informal meeting of those 
specially interested was called, and a special com- 
mittee of five with Professor Caswell Grave elect- 
ed as chairman, was delegated to look into all ob- 
vious aspects of the situation, confer with those 
owning property on the Bay Shore Beach or near- 
by, investigate the question of private and public 
rights and other related matters. Their report 
was submitted at an open community meeting, 
notice of which was spread to people in the com- 
munity several days ahead, by word of mouth and 

( Continued in Woods Hole Log section: Page 244 ) 



[Vor. VII. No. 59 

The Collecting Net 

A weekly publication devoted to the scientific work 
at Woods Hole. 

Wriatrer@a Ciel) cejcict cine wiscetetoras isrereyeiae ovo resecen Editor 

Assistant Editors 
Annaleida S. Cattell 

Contributing Editor to Woods Hole Log 
T. C. Wyman 

Vera Warbasse 

The Last Number 

This number of Tur CottectinG NET is four 
pages larger than usual. The next,—the last is- 
sue for the season,—will contain still more extra 
pages. If it turns out feasible, we plan to in- 
clude very brief summaries of all the research 
papers which are scheduled to be given at the 
general all-day meeting on Friday, September 2. 
This arrangement would probably involve a delay 
of several days in bringing out the number. 

The Laboratory and the Beach 

The following seemingly unrelated statements 
are not without interest: 

(1) Last September the Executive Committee 
of the Marine Biological Laboratory went on rec- 
ord as being opposed to the Laboratory taking any 
part in the discussion on the beach question. 

(2) In July of this year the Executive Com- 
mittee again decided that the Laboratory should 
take no part whatever in the beach discussion. 

(3) Last Monday evening Dr. Gary N. Calkins 
gave a talk before the Rotary Club in Falmouth. 
He departed from the subject of his lecture long 
enough to express his opinions on the beach ques- 
tion. We believe that there were members of the 
audience who understood him to state that the 
more influential people at the Marine Biological 
Laboratory were opposed to town ownership of a 
beach in Woods Hole. 

(4) Dr. Calkins is a Trustee of the Marine Bi- 
ological Laboratory and is secretary of its Board 
of Trustees. Last year he resigned his position 
as clerk of the Corporation—a position which he 
had held for a great many years. He has often 
served on the Executive Committee. 

Last year an investigator initiated the plan 
which he had suggested the previous Fall for re- 
viewing books. He offered to obtain reviews for 
Tue Cottectrnc NET providing all the books re- 
ceived from the publishers for this purpose were 

turned over to the library of the Marine Biological 
Laboratory. This plan worked very well and THE 
CottectinG Net and the library are under great 
obligation to this individual for the many valuable 
reviews that he obtained. 

He was unable to give the required time to this 
work again, and the gap that he has left is evident 
if one compares the number of book reviews which 
we had the privilege of printing last year with the 
relatively few of this season. He found, as we 
have done, that obtaining worthwhile reviews is 
a time-taking task. 

This Spring we learned that a number of in- 
vestigators felt that if they gave their time to re- 
viewing a book that they ought at least to be 
“paid” by being allowed to keep the books. They 
wanted to give them to the library, but it seemed 
to them that poorly paid investigators deserved 
the books more than an endowed institution. 
Therefore, we have adopted the policy of giving 
the book to its reviewer. 

We have been severely criticized for not con- 
tinuing to give review copies to the library. We 
consider this criticism unjust. It is difficult to ob- 
tain a good review of a book. That burden is 
lightened if the person who is asked to review the 
book knows that it will become his property. Even 
the gift of a copy of the book that he reviews is 
meager pay. Any arrangement which will make 
it possible to increase the number and worth of 
the book reviews in THE CoLLecTING NET is not 
only justified but essential from the editorial point 
of view as well as from the standpoint of the pub- 
lishers who have a right to expect reviews of merit. 


At the following hours (Daylight Saving 
Time) the current in the hole turns to run 
from Buzzards Bay to Vineyard Sound: 

Date A.M. P.M. 
PNT eA hos ssnecce nee 7:38 8:02 
Segue, PM cee 8:21 8:47 
AWC Ee ee 9:05 9 :36 
We 23k ec: | OO hOEZS 
Auge 24... 10:42 11:24 
Aug. 25. 11:38 — 
INTO AO )raseesccn8 12:22 12:34 
ING Paha at rts 1:18 1:29 
Aug. 28. 212 2:22 

In each case the current changes approxi- 
mately six hours later and runs from the 
Sound to the Bay. It must be remembered 
that the schedule printed above is dependent 
upon the wind. Prolonged winds sometimes 
cause the turning of the current to occur a 
half an hour earlier or later than the times 
given above. The average speed of the cur- 
rent in the hole at maximum is five knots 
per hour. 

Auéust 20, 1932 | 





The annual meeting of the Trustees of the Ma- 
rine Biological Laboratory was held on Tuesday, 
August 9, 

Dr. T. H. Morgan and Dr. H. B. Goodrich 
were elected to fill the vacancies which occurred 
in the Executive Committee by the expiration of 
the terms of Dr. A. C. Redfield and Dr. W. C. 
Curtis. This committee now consists of the fol- 
lowing individuals : 

Edwin G. Conklin................ Class of 1933 
@harlessPackard. 2.0... Class of 1933 
Isle 184, (Grovorsbenelin oe essen. Class of 1934 

Meck. Mor ganvincen cect Class of 1934 
irae Lelie AC OWS: aecgcecy teed cccesseseeres Ex-Officio 

(pease eillie sence Meteo s eons 2h. p es Ex-Officio 
Wawrason (Riggs v2.0... Ex-Officio 

Thirteen investigators were elected to member- 

ship in the Corporation: 

P. B. Armstrong J. M. Johlin 

L. G. Barth G. de Renyi 

R. H. Cheney A, E. Severinghaus 
Kei Cole L. B. Sayles 

B. R. Coonfield R. M. Stabler 

R. B. Howland (Gz dal, Wei, |p 

S. H. Schrader 

The nominating Committee (appointed by the 
Trustees) consisting of Dr. Gary N. Calkins, 
chairman, L. V. Heilbrunn, Leigh Hoadley, H. 
H. Plough and A. C. Redfield, brought in the 
following nominations which were approved by 
the Board: 


Treasurer L. Riggs 

Clerk C. Packard 

Trustee, 1932 R. Chambers 
s i W. C. Garrey 
i * C, Grave 
2 e M. C. Greenman 
s : Rk. A. Harper 
s s A. P. Mathews 
ys eo G. H. Parker 
2 ue C. R. Stockard 
o. 1934 M. M. Metcalf 

si 1935 H. G. Bumpus 

Cause of Vacancies 
By Expiration 

L. Riggs 

of Term C. Packard 

a R. Chambers 

a W. C. Garrey 

C. Grave 

* M. C. Greenman 

fe H. B. Bigelow 

ee A. P. Mathews 

se G. H. Parker 

: C. R. Stockard 
Resignation F. Schrader 
Retirement W. C. Allee 

The replacements made were necessary because 
Drs. Bumpus and Harper had reached the age 
limit of seventy, and Dr. Metcalf no longer 
wished to serve on the Board. These three men 
were nominated for the class of Trustee Emeritus. 

In accordance with the change in the By-laws 

the meeting of the Corporation was called for 
11:30 A. M. instead of 12:00 N. The group 
elected all of the men nominated without com- 
ment. In fact, the non-trustee members of the 
Corporation adhered to the time-worn custom of 
saying nothing but “I.” That they did very well. 

Dr. E. C. McClung, Professor of Zoology at 
the University of Pennsylvania, carried on his 
research work this summer at the Rocky Moun- 
tain Biological Laboratory (near Crested Butte, 
Colorado) until August 1. He is now continuing 
his work at the University of Colorado in Boul- 

Dr. and Mrs. Winterton C. Curtis sailed Aug- 
ust 8 from Los Angeles to Honolulu. After a 
short visit there they will go to Tokyo, Japan. Dr. 
Curtis is to deliver lectures on subjects of gen- 
‘eral biological interest at the Keio School of Med- 
icine in Tokyo during the coming year. 

Miss Suzanne Smith sailed August 11 from 
Los Angeles to Tokyo where she will continue 

her work with Dr. Curtis. Last Spring Miss 
Smith received her Master’s degree at the Univer- 
sity of Missouri and was appointed instructor in 
zoology at this institution. 

Dr. Karl Sax, of the Arnold Arboretum drove 
down from Cambridge on Friday to take Dr. C. 
D. Darlington and his bride back with him as his 

The M. B. L. Club is very much indebted to 
Mr. Nicol, the florist, for being so kind as to fur- 
nish the Club with flowers for the Saturday Night 
Dance held on August 13. The flowers were re- 
marked upon by many for their beauty and fra- 
grance, and they contributed much to the success 
of the party. 

240 THE COLLECTING NET [ Vor. VII. No. 59 

Men’s Suits Ladies’ Suits 

Topcoats $1 0 Ladies’ Coats 
Overcoats ° Plain Silk Dresses 

Call Falmouth 430 

WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Southecop volo ica Supply Co., Inc. 

Living and Preserved Bio- 

logical Specimens of all 
Types for the Laboratory 
Museum or Research, es- 
pecially Southern or Louis- 
= iana Forms. 
Specialists in Amoeba Cultures, Alligators, Ete. 
517 Decatur Street New Orleans, La. 

Dealer in 


Best Results 
Assured with 

Best Results 
Assured with 


Tel. Falmouth 660 and 661 




Do Not Fog 
At your dealer—or aiFite! (giving dealer’s name) to 

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197-110 East 24th Sircet ‘ NEW WORK 


Union St., at 250 
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— in — 

ibrataea te Outer Apparel 

Distinctive Character 
Opposite Station for Women 

“Dobb’s Hats” 

Aucust 20, 1932 ] 


A New Achievement in 
Microscope Design 

aes finest and perhaps most precise microscope ever offered to scientific men 
—the new Spencer Research Microscope No. 8. Spencer Lens Company, 


designer and progressive builder of microscopes for many years, pre- 

sents four new and original features in this microscope: 


A & 

Variable Inclinocular—you can tilt the body tubes to any angle from 
vertical to 40 degrees. 

Concentric buttons on both sides of mechanical stage to actuate its 

Fine adjustment located low on operator’s side of instrument. You 
can operate it with your hands resting on the table. 

New features and accessory arrangements on a reverse type micro- 
scope stand. 




Turtox Biological Red Book 

is now in press and will be distributed 
September first. 

This Catalog contains the most complete 
listing of biological supplies ever offered 
to the teacher. Profusely illustrated with 
original photographs, drawings and color 
plates, it presents the materials used in 
the biology laboratory in a well organized 
and concise form. Reduced prices lower the 
cost of high grade material to the 1932 

Write to us now giving your school address 
and your copy will be mailed to you 
September first. 

The Sign of the Turtox Pledges Absolute 
General Biological Supply House 


Applied For 

No. 5277 


General Offices: 1515 Sedgwick St., Chicago, IIl., U.S.A. 


New York City; Nashville, Tenn.; Kansas City, Mo.; 

Austin, Tex. 

Pacific Coast Representatives: 
Braun-Knecht-Heimann Co., Ltd., San Francisco, Calif. 
Braun Corporation, Ltd., Los Angeles, Calif. 


The new A.P.C. Photoelectric Counter oper- 
ates on any 110 volt outlet and counts passing 
objects at any rate up to 360 per minute. 

Write for A.P.C. Bulletin No. 261 

A.P.C. Bulletin No. 262 describes the new A.P. 
C. Photoelectric Relay. This likewise con- 
sumes very little current and is used for il- 
lumination control, opening doors,‘and similar 

A.P.C. Bulletin No. 271 gives details of new 
A.P.C. Type A Projector for throwing a con- 
centrated beam of light over a considerable 

A.P.C. Bulletin No. 104 describes the A.P.C. 
Color Comparator which is used for comparing 
similar solutions of different strengths. 

For further information re the above or 
other forms of laboratory apparatus, write ad- 
vising requirements. 


Est. 1851 — Ine. 1897 
Headquarters for Laboratory Apparatus and 
Chemical Reagents 
THIRD AVENUE, 18th to 19th STREET 

The Newest Development 
In Hydrogen Ion Concen- 
tration Measurements 

A Glass Electrode pH Apparatus 
A high degree of accuracy. 
No ‘“poisonings’’ or other limitations as to 

Quartz insulation throughout. 

Adequate metallic shielding prevents static 

Potentials measured with a Lindemann quad- 
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Method of substitution prevents possible termin- 
al errors. 

Small amounts of solutions may be measured— 
as small as 0.001 m.!.—Just enough to fill a 
very fine capillary tube. 

Complete with electrometer, microscope, alu- 
minum. shielding box with switches, rheo- 
stats, double scale millivoltmeter, and com- 
plete glass electrode assembly including cal- 
omel half cells. 

This new development will make possible a higher 
order of accuracy and a new and powerful tool for 
those requiring measurements of hydrogen ion concen- 
tration. Such a set has never before been available 

and has only been used in advanced research problems. 

Send for Complete Description of this New 


[ Vor. VI. No. 59 

August 20, 1932 ] 


Scientists and 
Find the LEICA 
a Valuable 
Pocket Companion 

LEICA is always ready for 
use, outdoors or in the lab- 
oratroy, under any light con- 
ditions. You can photograph 
minerals, biological and bot- 
anical specimens, etc., with 
the LEICA Camera and the 
LEICA Focusing Copy At- 
tachment which is perfect- 
ly adaptable for microscope 

use. You can use _ the 
LEICA, with its  inter- 
changeable lenses, as a 
micro camera, a_ Clinical 

camera, even a stereo cam- 

LEICA Negatives 
Can Be Printed on 
Positive Film 
for Projection 

Valuable for demonstrations 
and lectures. The new 
UDIMO Film and Glass Slide 
Projector is now ready. 
When using this new pro- 
jector there is no danger of 
seratching or overheating 
positive film during projec- 
tion. Write for Booklet No. 
1209—"'Projecting Leica Pic- 





Gives Faster and More Accurate Focusing 
LEICA again revolutionizes Camera Design with its new built-in range-finder 
which is coupled with lens for automatic focusing. No more guesswork in focus- 
ing. You see your picture in correct focus right up to the moment of exposure. 
LEICA The Pioneer of Precision Small Cameras 
Lens and range-finder work together. If your view is clear, your focus is right. 
So quick to operate that even speed pictures can be caught instantly with perfect 
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More accurate than ground-glass focusing. 
7 Interchangeable Lenses 
LEICA is so small you can carry it in your pocket, yet is instantly convertible 
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pictures with LEICA’S new 73 m/m f1.9 HEKTOR lens. Economical—36 pictures 
on a single roll of cinema film, easily loaded and unloaded in daylight. All metal 
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These scalpels are the most practical type with detachable blades 

The blades are easily changed by a single motion, hold tightly, and make an ideal instrument 
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Price: Handles Rustless, small or large 
Blades, six to a package, any style 

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hk oan Rap OE $1.00 each 

Our general dissecting set contains eleven items complete with Bard-Parker knife 

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( Write for our descriptive circular. ) 

Standard Scientific Supply Corporation 

Biological, Bacteriological and Chemical Apparatus, Naturalists’ Supplies, Specimens, Skele- 
tons, Anatomical Models, Wall Charts, Glass Jars, Microscopes and Accessories. 

10-14 WEST 25th STREET 


Formerly scientific department of Kny-Scheerer Corp. 



[ Vor. VIT. No. 59 


( Continued from Page 237. ) 
by notices posted prominently on the Bulletin 
boards in the Woods Hole Post Office and at the 
Marine Biological Laboratory. 

Procedure thus leading up to the present mes- 
sage to you has been orderly, unhurried, and open 
to the entire community for thought and discus- 
sion. The petition herewith presented as an 
article for insertion in the Warrant was given a 
clear majority vote of 30 in favor to 18 against 
(See Cottectine Net issue of August 13). Over 
100 were in attendance at this meeting. 

6. Other Plans suggested: At the Community 
Meeting on August 11th, four plans of action 
were submitted by the committee mentioned in the 
preceding section. The plan adopted and em- 
bodied in the Article suggested for inclusion in 
the Town Warrant was Plan 4+. Three other plans 
were briefly as follows: 


That a Woods Hole Bathing Beach Society be or- 
ganized, which shall assess annual dues, the income 
from which shall be used to maintain the raft, keep 
the beach clean and orderly, and perhaps maintain a 
life-guard at certain hours,—all this in co-operation 
with Dr. and Mrs. Meigs, the present owners of 
Lot X. 

This plan was rejected by a vote of 18 in favor 
to 34 against. 


That the Town of Falmouth at its next regular 
meeting be requested to take such steps as may be 
necessary to acquire possession of Lots X and 6; to 
appropriate such sums of money as may be required 
to so improve the beach on these lots that its entire 
extent is made suitable for the legitimate and usual 
purposes of a bathing beach; these improvements to 
include the construction of a jetty; the removal of 
stones from the beach, and moving the bath-house 
to a more suitable and convenient location on Lot X, 
and that this beach be legally reserved for the ex- 
clusive use of the permanent and summer residents 
of the Town of Falmouth. 

Rejected by a vote of 2 for and 39 against. 


That the Town of Falmouth at its next regular 
meeting be requested to take steps necessary to ac- 
quire possession of Lot X in entirety, including the 
bath-house and the strip of beach on Lots 3 to 6 
from low water mark to the stone wall (extended) 
now standing and that this beach be legally reserved 
for the exclusive use of permanent and summer res- 
idents of the Town of Falmouth. 

This plan was rejected by a vote of 3 for to 37 

7. Reasons for Action Now: Aside from pres- 
ent overcrowding of the unrestricted area other 
reasons for early action are: : 

(a.) At present only two cottages abut on the 

strip of beach asked in this petition. 

(b.) Rights in front of these properties can be 

secured at less expense now than at a later time 

after the owners may have spent larger sums 

on their land or buildings. 

8. Improvements and Expense: The petition 
adopted at the Community Meeting specified that 
the town would be asked for additional space only 
at this time,—no improvements being urged. This 
was favored, in part at least, because it was felt 
that not more than necessary should be asked 
when financial demands on the town may be larg- 
er than sometimes, atid its income less certain. 

The fact should not be unmentioned however, 
that this beach has been becoming increasingly 
stony in late years, and at some future time it may 
become necessary to petition the town for help 
in its improvement in a manner similar to that 
successfully employed at Falmouth Heights. 

9. A Community,—not a limited party or group 
Interest: Finally, may we point out that this is 
not a petition from any special party; particularly 
do we mention that it is not sponsored by the Ma- 
rine Biological Laboratory as such. It is sub- 
mitted, as you will see, by a very considerable 
number of people, — permanent residents, and 
many others who make Woods Hole their place 
of work or vacation during the summer. 

Opposition to the petition is natural and expect- 
ed; the request however is submitted by people 
who feel that the general public should be pro- 
tected in its reasonable expectation of shore privi- 
leges. We sincerely regret that the pleasure and 
rights of anyone may be usurped or injured if this 
petition is granted; but it seems that such injury 
would be much less now than it might become at 
a later date. Such a concession while somewhat 
injuring the property of five owners will bring 
legitimate pleasure to hundreds. 

To the Honorable Board of Selectmen 
Falmouth, Massachusetts. 

WuereEas, the undersigned residents and voters 
or taxpayers of the Town of Falmouth, located in 
Woods Hole, are of the opinion: That the beach 
used for bathing purposes at Bay Shore, Woods 
Hole, is so restricted as not to accommodate the 
number of permanent and summer residents who 
should be entitled to use the same. 

Now THEREFORE, we respectfully petition the 
Board of Selectmen that there be inserted in the 
Town Warrant of the Town of Falmouth for 
action at the next Annual Town Meeting, an 
article substantially as follows :— 

That the Town of Falmouth acquire by pur- 
chase, or taking, or otherwise, at the Bay Shore 

3each, so-called, at Woods Hole, that strip of 
beach located between the waters of Buzzards Bay 
( Continued on Page 248. ) 

( Other pages of the Woods Hole Log will be found on pages 246 and 248 ) 

Aucust 20, 1932 ] 

Collections Daily 

Two Collections Daily in the Dormitories 
Telephone 777 



Phone 109 Falmouth 

Weeks’ Building, Falmouth 
Phone 907-M Free Delivery 
We Press While You Wait 
(Special Rates to Laboratory Members) 


General Merchandise 



Tel. Clifford 6775 New Bedford, Mass. 

Clever Shoppers Visit the 


$5.00, $5.95, $6.95, $10.50 and $15.00 
Tel. 935 EDNA B. SMITH 



Telephone Falmouth 22-23 

Woods Hole, Mass. 
Printing — Developing — Enlarging 



Quality Service 

“The Rexall Store” 
P. D. ROWE, Ph. C., Reg. Pharmacist 


G. R. & H. DRUG CO., Inc. 

Reg. Pharm. 


Remodeling a| Specialty 

Goods Called For Main. Street 
and Delivered Tel. Falmouth 1104 

Frederic’s Permanent Waves 
All Branches of Beauty Culture 


Walter O. Luscombe 


Woods Hole Phone 622-4 



Sales and Service 



Agency for 

Falmouth, opp. the Public Library Tel. 260 

San Juan, Porto Rico Hyannis, Mass. 

Gifts, Lamps, Bridge Prizes, Baskets, Jewelry 
24 Queen’s Buyway 

Falmouth, Mass. 



[Vor. VIL. No. 59 



Dr. Robert Goldschmidt, member of the Kaiser 
Wilhelm Institute, Berlin, spoke at the Sunday 
Penzance Forum on “The Present Political Situa- 
tion in Germany.”” Clear and to the point always, 
he gave an unbiased account of the puzzling situ- 
ation over there. 

Dr. Goldschmidt briefly summarized the politi- 
cal history of Germany during the past thirty 
years, explaining the socialist revolution, the 
treaty of Versailles, the period of inflation and the 
depression that followed. The Social Democrats 
who were the party in power at the time were 
held responsible for Germany’s downfall and hu- 
miliation. To offset this a movement was formed 
which was only for the “Vaterland,” and was not 
imperialistic. Its adherents were the bourgeousie, 
the cultured intellectual class who had lost every- 
thing they owned. 

The second group were the “youth” who had 
been through the agonies of the past war period. 
They had no joy, no future, and they believed 
that their misery was caused by those who wrote 
the Versailles treaty. 

Hitler attracted these two disillusioned groups 
to him. He is not an intellectual but is an ex- 
tremely clever propagandist. He gave the youth 
an ideal patriotism and nationalism not one of 
monarchism. He promised to re-create a power- 
ful Germany, to do away with the politicians, and 
to get a powerful central government. The prin- 
ciples of his party, which officially is called the 
“National Social Workingmen’s Party,” were 
state socialism versus private property and capital- 
ism. Hitler organized the army purely for show, 
to please the people by parades and uniforms. He 
also used it to protect public meetings and to keep 
down rowdyism. 

There must be a great charm and personality 
to Hitler for already forty per cent. of the Ger- 
man voters are Hitlerites; eighty per cent. of the 
youngsters from twelve to twenty-five and most 
of the intellectuals follow him. 

Dr. Goldschmidt then turned his attention to 
the last elections. The main feature was the 
growth of the Hitlerites. Ex-chancelor Bruening 
is by far the best political mind in Germany. He 
has been the able leader of the Catholic, or Cen- 
trist, party. However, Hindenburg felt that the 
best way to stop Hitler was to substitute for Bru- 
ening’s leadership a conservative non-partisan 
ministry. Therefore he asked Von Pappen to be 
chancellor. Hitler has been asked to join this 
cabinet for they felt that if he could be forced to 
share the responsibility, he would no longer be in 
the strategic position of “the opposition,’ but 

( Other pages of the Woods Hole Log 

would have to assume joint responsibility. He 
would not be able to carry out his extravagant 
promises and he might be shown up as the real 
political charlatan that he is. 

The speaker modestly admitted that his opinions 
of the present situation might be wrong and that 
Hitler might do something surprising: “Just read 
the papers and you yourselves may be able to 
figure the outcome.” 

Few questions were asked from the hundred- 
odd people present, possibly because Dr. Gold- 
schmidt’s discussion was so clear and explicit that 
there was nothing more that could be added. 



On July 30 an unfortunate accident occurred 
at the marine railway of the Marine Biological 
Laboratory. Witnesses described the incident as 
follows: At a few minutes after six o'clock in 
the evening Mr. Alfred M. Hilton removed the 
pin which allowed his motor boat, that had been 
undergoing repairs, to coast down the track and 
plunge into the water. It dashed into a lightly 
built tender, smashing its side, sending its single 
occupant into the ocean. Fortunately the water 
was only a few feet deep and the old man was. 
able to extract himself from the debris in which 
he found himself and make his way safely to the 
shore. Although suffering from shock and a 
badly scraped hand, he was remarkably calm and 
deliberate. His hand was temporarily dressed 
with the first aid kit in the Laboratory carpenter 
shop and then he was quickly driven to Falmouth 
where Dr. Tripp dressed the wound. He was 
then rowed out to his luxurious catboat anchored 
in the middle of Eel Pond where he was able to 
change his dripping clothes. 

The old man turned out to be Captain A. E. 
Harding who is a disabled world-war veteran. He 
was Lieutenant-Commander of the Leviathan dur- 
ing the war until he was permanently injured by 
a torpedo explosion. Before the war he had been 
Captain of Mr. Vanderbilt’s vessel which has 
taken many scientific cruises. 

Those who saw the accident believe that 
the owner of the railway was responsible for the 
accident. It is true that its employee could not 
see the skiff when he started the boat down the 
inclined tracks; it is also true that it is safer not 
to row over the tracks of a marine railway, even 
in the evening. However, Captain Harding was 
on “navigable waters” and therefore had every 
legal right to be where he was at the time of the 

will be found on pages 244 and 248 ) 

Avcusr 20, 1932 | THE COLLECTING NET 247 

Falmouth, Mass. REPAIRING 
Ee eos Sa emi ereaL ya Ae 08 E. Main St. Nye Road Falmouth 
Tel. Falmouth 46-R or 293 Tel. 113-M 
W. E. CARVELL Wm. D. Hoyt J, F. Arsenault 
Tuesdays and Saturdays JAS. T. ALMY CO. 
*hone 1130 Falmouth Tel. Clifford 2612 



WALTER O. LUSCOMBE Clifford L. Hubbard, Prop. 
RAILROAD AVE. WOODS HOLE Telephone 383-R Falmouth, Massachuseetts 



Old Silver Beach, West Falmouth 
Telephone 1400 

Church of the Messiah 


The Rev. James Bancroft, Rector SINCE AUGUST 6th, 1821 
Holy Communion ................ 8:00 a.m. 
Morning Prayer .................. 11:00 a.m. The 

Byvening Prayer ences. 7:30 p.m. FALMOUTH 

For the Bridge Player Falmouth, 

Packs Playing Cards........ 29¢e to 85¢ Pack Massachusetts 
Suede :Top Cover Waterproof for Card 
DOOGS “aodooncondonsge, pesudoadone $1.00 
Tallies 35c Doz. Score Pads 10c to 25c 
Taylor’s Quick Scorer for Contract 25¢ p 
Culberson’s Contract Scoring Pencil..... $1.00 Capital, $100,000 
Hutchinsons Book Store Surplus Fund, $100,000 





[ Vor. VII. No. 59 



There have been many rumors going around 
Woods Hole about a party of young people who 
went on a picnic at Maconickey Heights on Mar- 
thas Vineyard. The facts are placed on record 
here: Four sailboats, holding eighteen young 
people sailed over to Maconikey a week ago Wed- 
nesday. After picnic supper they went up to the 
old hotel, which has been deserted for ten years, 
for the purpose of playing “murder” in a “haunt- 
ed” house. The young people had horns and 
managed to make a great deal of noise. Contrary 
to the rumor that they broke everything in sight 
practically demolishing the building, they upset a 
telephone booth, broke six window panes, messed 
up a box of post cards, broke off a board barrier 
which was across some stairs and banged up and 
down some iron beds doing no harm to them at 
all, only making more noise. 

When the party returned to the beach a state 
trooper was there and took the names of its mem- 
bers. The boats then sailed home all returning 
before midnight. On Friday the owner and his 
lawyer pressed charges for $700.00 threatening 
criminal prosecution if the amount was not 1m- 
mediately paid. Not desiring to go to court the 
young people handed over the required sum. 
After the news of this event became known, a 
Boston reporter inquired of the owner what he 
would sell the property for; the owner replied 
$700.00. The reporter then called on the owner’s 
lawyer and asked how much damage had been 
done, and was informed that it did not amount 
to more than $50. 

These picnickers have all learned a lesson to re- 
spect other people’s property and they hope that 
others will also profit by their experience—/’. IV’. 

The steamer Nantucket, which had its bow 
smashed when it collided with its sister ship, the 
Marthas Vineyard, returned to its regular run last 

Although the Marthas Vineyard was put back 
in service shortly after the accident, she has now 
been sent to Quincy for further repairs. At the 
time of the mishap temporary repairs were rushed 
so as to have as little interruption of the sched- 
ule to the Islands as possible, but now the Marthas 
Vineyard is to be put in shape for her winter ser- 
vice between the Islands and the mainland. 


Friday, August 19, at the home of Mrs. Geof- 
frey G. Whitney, Little Harbor Farm, Woods 
Hole, there was an all day exhibit and sale of 
articles representing the handiwork of the blind. 

The Woods Hole Yacht Club has had a series 

of “bad breaks” in trying to hold its annual 
cruise. Last Thursday the weather was bad and 
the cruise was postponed a day. To all appear- 
ances Friday seemed to be the perfect day. At 
noon the smaller boats started to race from Woods 
Hole to the Weepeckets; from there they were 
going to continue to Quick’s Hole which is at the 
further end of Naushon. However, a bad wind 
arose causing such high seas that many of the 
boats could not make any headway and were in 
danger of being swamped. Most of them were 
taken in tow and safely taken into Hadley Har- 
bor. The others were turned back and just as 
the last boat reached safe waters a terrific thunder 
storm broke. After it had let up a bit the boats 
were towed home and the cruisers spent a com- 
fortable night in their own beds. It is hoped that 
the Club will hold a cruise before the summer is 
over, for such a sojourn is exceedingly popular 
among the younger members. Next Thursday 
there will be a treasure hunt under the auspices of 
the Yacht Club and made up by Mrs. J. P. War- 
basse. —V.W. 

The Coast Guard has received a letter from the 
3everly Yacht Club of Butler’s Point, Marion, 
Mass., asking for a boat to patrol the Yacht Club 
races for the Sears Bowl, on August 29. It is an- 
ticipated that quite a large number of spectator and 
excursion boats will attend these races since the 
Sears Bowl is emblematic of the Junior Cham- 
pionship of the Atlantic Coast. The Coast Guard 
has accordingly promised to send a boat. 
—M. L. G. 
Mr. Goffin of the Bureau of Fisheries has re- 
cently returned from a collecting trip in the new 
Phalarope II with Dr. Parr from the Bingham 
Oceanographic Laboratory at Yale. The new boat 
is working very well although it needs a little 
seasoning to put it in perfect condition —WM. L. G. 

(Continued from page 244) 

and the stone wall now standing in front of Lots 
3 to 6, inclusive, as shown on the plan of Bay 
Shore Lots, thereby acquiring about 280 feet of 
beach North of the Lot X bathing beach, said 
strip of beach to be used for a proper municipal 
purpose; that provisions or regulations be made 
so that the use of this beach shall be exclusively 
reserved for permanent and summer residents of 
the Town of Falmouth; that legislation be ob- 
tained if needed; that a sum of money be raised 
and appropriated for said purposes; and that the 
proper authority be given the Board of Selectmen 
to carry out these matters; or act anything else 
concerning the same. 

( Other pages of the Woods Hole Log will be found on pages 244 and 246 ) 


| A Simple Easy-to-use 
Timesaver for Graphical 
Differentiation ..... 

Aucust 20, 1932 ] 





of all papers appearing in the journals 
listed below 
prior to publication of the 
articles in full. 

By this advance information biologists 
may familiarize themselves with con- 
temporary research in a minimum of 

Advance Abstract Sheets are issued 
twice a month, each sheet containing 
ten or more authors’ abstracts. Sub- 
scription rate is $3.00 per year. 

Bibliographic Service Cards, follow- 
ing the Advance Abstract Sheets, also 
are issued twice a month. In addition 
to the authors’ abstracts, the cards pro- 
vide subject headings and complete 
bibliographic reference. The cards are 
convenient for filing and library rec- 
ords. Price, $5.00 per year. 

At regular intervals the authors’ ab- 
stracts are assembled and published in 
book form with complete authors’ and 
analytical subject indices. Price, $5.00 
per volume. Liberal discount to sub- 
scribers to the Bibliographic Service 

Journal of Morphology 

Tke Journal of Comparative Neurology 

The American Journal of Anatomy 

The Anatomical Record 

The Journal of Experimental Zoology 

American Anatomical Memoirs 

American Journal of Physical Anthro- 

Journal of Cellular and Comparative 

Folia Anatomica Japonica (Tokyo, 

Physiological. Zoology (Chicago, Il- 

Stain Technology (Geneva, New York) 

Ecological Monographs (Durham, 
North Carolina) 

The Wistar Institute of 
Anatomy and Biology 

Philadelphia, Pa., U. S. A. 


ie aie 

The B&L Richards-Roope Tangent Meter 

IRECT measurement of the tangent to a curve 

at any point can be quickly accomplished with 
this simple device. Maxima, minima and points 
of inflection can be found without reference to the 
rest of the curve. 

The biologist may use the instrument in de- 
termining the rate of growth of an organism, at 
any time, from the plot of the growth curve. Ob- 
jective analysis of the graphic of any equilibrium 
of a living system becomes possible directly with- 
out other information than the original graph of 
the observations. The saving of the investigator's 
time is apparent because it is possible subsequent- 
ly to measure rates at intermediate intervals with- 
out repeating laborious numerical computations. 

The Tangent Meter consists of a 6 inch square, 
transparent Zylonite base upon which is mounted 
a revolving, graduated metal disc. The center of 
the disc is of glass and carries a right angle, 
isosceles prism. The laterial edge of the prism is 
directly over the center indicated by two crossed 
lines. This center is placed over the point on the 
curve at which the tangent is to be measured, with 
the axis of the instrument parallel to the axis of 
the curve. The metal disc with the prism is re- 
volved until the image of the curve through the 
prism is a continuous line. The tangent to the 
point selected on the curve may then be read on 
the tangent scale, or the angle which the tangent 
makes to the x axis may be read on the protractor 
scale. Tangents to unity (45°) may be read direct- 
ly to two parts in one hundred and may be readily 
estimated to one part in one hundred. 

Send coupon for complete details. 

Bausch & Lomb Optical Company 
671 St. Paul Street, Rochester, N. Y. 
Send me complete details and price on the Rich- 
ards-Roope Tangent Meter. 



[Vot. VII. No. 59 

can find a pleasant change 
Sandwiches — Table d’hote — A la carte 



Falmouth and Woods Hole 

Cleaning, Dyeing and Repairing 
Coats Relined and Altered. Prices Reasonable 


Main St. Woods Hole, Mass. Call 752 



Telephone 1243 


Superior Guernsey Milk and Cream 
Butter Selected Eggs Ice Cream 


Falmouth 278 Osterville 378 

Entire line of D. & M. Sporting Goods 

5 and 10c department 

FALMOUTH Tel. 407 



Falmouth Phone 116 

Souvenirs and Jewelry 


Depot Avenue Woods Hole, Mass. 

Civil Engineer and Surveyor 
Assoc. Member Am. Soc. C. E. 
S. B., Mass. Inst. of Tech., 1907 

Tel. Conn. WOODS HOLE 





Automobile Top Repairing 



Shoe Repairing 


Tel. 240 

Take Advantage of the Special Rates 

W. T. GRABIEC, Prop. 

$4.50 to $7.50 

Near Filene’s FALMOUTH 


When you come to 

eat our excellent 
—= 00: LUNCH — 


( Opposite Library ) 

Aucust 20, 1932 ] 




Designed by the late Dr. Charles S. 
Minot; entirely of metal construction ; 
very compact, occupying much less space 
throughout and neatly finished on out- 

than wooden cabinet, strongly 
side in maroon-colored japan with bronze 
stripes, inside heing finished in black 
japan; contains 30 japanned metal trays, 
each holding 24 glass slides, 75 x 25 mm. 
Trays are 

provided with convenient 

knobs and card-holders. | New and im- 
proved construction of trays holds each 
slide independently in place, preventing 
shaking or slipping when trays are re- 
moved. Cabinet is furnished with brass 
lock. | Outside dimensions: height, 1414 
inches; depth, 13 inches; width 7 inches; 
capacity, 720 slides; furnished complete 
with 30 trays. oe 


as described above............... $35.09 








Each of these three objectives represents an out- 
standing achievement in the special field for which 
it is intended. 

Price f.o.h. New York 

Apochromat 5.n.a. 0.15 $ 34.00 
Apochromat 60 n.a. 1.4 oil im. 108.00 
Apochromat 120 n.a. 1.3 oil im. 95.00 

..Apochromat 5 was introduced to meet the demand 
for a highly corrected objective of low magnification. 
To obtain corrections. of the desired high order it 
was necessary to increase the length of the objective 
to an extent that it cannot be made par-focal with 
other objectives. 

Apochromat 60 n.a. 1.4 is a homogeneous immersion 
system of highest numerical aperture. It is recom- 
mended for examinations calling for greatest re- 
solving power in the objective. Apochromat 60 n.a. 
1.4 should be included in the equipment of every 
high grade research microscope. The front lens is 
more firmly mounted than that of Apochromat 90 
n.a. 1.4, and its relatively great working distance 
provides for comfortable use. With reasonable care 
it can be safely employed in routine work. 

Apochromat 120 n.a. 1.3 is of interest to those 
who require an objective with exceptionally high 
primary magnification. The corrections of this ob- 
jective are such that, given a suitable specimen and 
proper illumination, an ocular magnification of 30 x 
can be employed without the image showing disturb- 
ing defects. A magnification up to 3600 x is useful 
at times for special purposes such as counting, mak- 
ing camera lucida drawings, etc. This magnification 
is far in excess of the so-called “upper limit of use- 
ful magnification.”” and it is to be noted, finer de- 
tails can be resolved with an objective having an 
n.a. of 1.4. 

A copy of Micro catalogue 367 containing detailed 
data for objectives and oculars will be 
supplied upon request. 


485 Fifth Avenue, New York 

Pacific Coast Branch: S 
728 South Hill Street Los Angeles, Calif. 

Pale Pibks he TIE COLLECTING NET _ [Vor. VII. No. 59 



F 1 "It Saved Us the Cost of Five 
Quoting remark of a Department Head 

The Promi projects microscopic slides and living organisms 
and insects on table or wall for drawing and demonstration. 
Also used aS a microscope and a micro-photographie ap- 

The Promi, recently perfected by a prominent German 
microscope works, an ingenious yet simple, inexpensive 
apparatus which fills a long felt want in scientific instruc- 
tion and research in Bacteriology, Botany, Zoology, Path- 
ology, Anatomy, Embryology, Histology, Chemistry, ete. 

s been endorsed by many leading scientists and in- 

PRICK: F.O.B. New York, $100.00 complete apparatus in 
polished wood carrying case. Includes extra bulb, rheostat 
for 110 and 220 volts with cord, plugs and switch for both 
DC and AC current, 11x objective, tube with 5x ocular, re- 
Necting mirror and micro-cuvette. xtra equipment prices 
on request, 

Prospectus Gladly Sent 

Demonstrations will gladly be made 
by Mr. Robert Rugh, Room 111, Brick Gn 
Bldg., M. B. L., Woods Hole. CAN. P (DAMS | Com PANY 
Cr =| AINYf 
arpa Nal at Lea , 
PROMAR—A more powerful apparatus Headquarters for Biological Teaching Material 

with additional features. Information on 

request. 117-119 East 24th Street New York, N. Y. 


for physiology, zoology, botany, 

anatomy, embryology, ete. Cata- 

logs will gladly be sent on request. 
Please mention name of school 
and subjects taught, to enable 
us to send the appropriate 

Spalteholz = 
Preparations . . 
Human museum. ae. as ae 
re 0 ick 

Skeleton of Fish in Case | 
Models, Specimens, | [mel 

E Visit our display rooms and | 

Model of fis Heart 117-119 EAST 24th STREET NEW YORK 

Vol. VII. No. 10 

Dr. A. R. Moore 
Professor of General Physiology, University of 
The theme of my talk as announced is on the 
results of development without membranes in 
Echinoderm eggs. This has a number of ramifi- 

cations and relates to the com- 


Annual Subscription, $2.00 
Single Copies, 25 Cts. 

Kaiser Wilhelm-Institut fiir Biologie 

It is one of the sad privileges of men advanc- 
ing in age to be eligible to the honorable task of 
delivering lectures dedicated to the memory of a 
much younger friend whom fate has not per- 
mitted to fulfill the great expectations held for 
him by those who knew him 

paratively simple fact that has 
been noticed by other investi- 
gators, namely, that if no mem- : 
branes are present the cells do 
not follow their normal course 

MM. B. LT. Calendar 

TUESDAY, AUGUST 30, 8:00 P.M. 
Seminar: Dr. A. W. Pollister: “The 

best. In accepting the honor 
to deliver this memorial lec- 
ture, I quite naturally recall 
the Woods Hole days sixteen 
years ago, when Reynold A. 

but form bizarre groups and 
tend to fall apart. This I 
have found to he the case with 
four or five different Echino- 
derms in this country and in 

In its more general aspects, 
the problem before us is to 
determine the part played by 
membranes and _ cytoplasmic 
connectives in the mechanics 
of the development of a multi- 
cellular animal from one cell. 
It is instructive to consider a 
plasmodium. These simple 
animals in dividing give rise 

only to similar cells, i. e., each daughter cell is 
If the plasmodium 
(Continued on Page 262) 

exactly like the mother cell. 
is filtered through 

Development of Leucopoietic 
Tissue in Amblystoma puncta- 

Dr. W. H. F. Addison and Dr. 
Doris A. Fraser: “Pigmentation 
in the Hypophysis and Parathy- 
roids of the Gray Rat’. 

Dr. George F. Laidlaw: ‘The 
Dopa Reaction and the Problem 
of Pigment Formation in Mam- 
malian Skin”. 


General Scientific Meeting: Session 

beginning at 9:00 A. M., 11:00 
A. M. and 2:00 P. M. Full pro- 
gram will be found on page 297. 

Spaeth was one of the few 
with whom I used to discuss 
certain questions which then 
were uppermost in my mind. 
The selection of this evening’s 
topic is therefore influenced by 
these recollections. | During 
the summer 1916 I had the 
honor to deliver right here in 
the old lecture hall an evening 
lecture, in which I tried to ex- 
plain the experimental results 
of my work on intersexuality, 
a term which I had introduced 
only a year before. I pro- 
ceeded then to derive from the 

facts a general theory of sex-determination, which 
I had developed since 1911 but which had not yet 
come to be known in this country, a theory which 


Genetics and Development; R. A. Spaeth Lecture, 

Comments on the Seminar Report of Mr. 

ler Richard) Goldschmidt fh cis. 26. le ee 253 Chen, Dr. Maynard M. Metcalf............ 271 
Cytoplasmic Structures Concerned in Develop- Intensity Duration Relations in Response of 

ment of Early Embryo, Dr. A. R. Moore. . .253 Certain Protozoa to Electric Current...... 271 
Surveying in Northern Labrador, Dr. Forbes 264 Regulation of Ions in the Body Tissues...... 273 
Changes in Susceptibility of Drosophila...... 266 The Development of Leucopoietic Tissue in 
Gene Mutations in Parmecium Aurelia...... 267 Ambystoma Puctudtuml 02 9... see. seule 275 
A New Unstable Translocation in Drosophila.268 Pigmentation in the Hypophysis and Parathy- 
Effects of Temperature and Certain Organic POLASHOL UneR Cre yaEVeLUy. urate hetereite) adevera etevenenete 277 

Acid Radicals on Euglena Gracilis........ 269 Log of the Invertebrate Course...,......... 277 

Nuclear Structure and Mitosis in Zelleriella..270 

Heath Hen Report-1931-1932, Dr. A. O. Gross 278 



[ Vor. VII. No. 69 

nowadays is called the theory of the genic balance 
of the sex genes. At the end of this lecture I 
hinted with a few words at further consequences 
of the analysis of intersexuality. | According to 
the printed report in the American Naturalist of 
19161, I said: “Very important new facts will be 
published later which will probably enable us to 
replace the symbolistic Mendelian language, used 
here, by more definite physico-chemical concep- 
tions.” And further: “I am rather optinustic in 
regard to the general conclusions which might be 
drawn from these facts, as well as regards the 
sex-problem as on some fundamental questions of 
heredity. Combining these facts with the work 
on hormone action as related to sex, we can, I 
think, form a pretty clear idea about sex differ- 
entiation and determination. If we put them in 
line with the facts of experimental embryology 
concerning the determination problem we see the 
outlines of a promising theory of heredity.” 

During the many years which have since passed, 
I have tried to formulate the conclusions at which 
I hinted then, and to find new experimental evi- 
dence on which to base them. And still after 
much thinking on the subject I stand by the words 
quoted from 1916, namely: “I am rather optimis- 
tic in regard to the general conclusions, etc.” The 
more facts are being accumulated and the more I 
try to coordinate them and to see a simple guiding 
idea behind their diversity, the more I am con- 
vinced that my method of general approach, which 
has been highly praised by some and severely 
criticised by others, is the only one which leads 
to a deeper insight into the process of heredity. 
This then is the reason why I have not chosen to 
present here today some of my recent experi- 
mental work, but rather to continue some of the 
general reasoning from the point where | had left 
it in my lecture of sixteen years ago. 

The decisive step in the analysis of intersexu- 
ality, which geneticists often found difficult to 
understand though physiologists were usually will- 
ing to accept it, was that step which led from the 
static Mendelian analysis of the problem to the 
dynamic viewpoint of the physiology of develop- 
ment. Here then is found the natural point of 
departure for our discussion. The limits of or- 
dinary Mendelian analysis, as known at that time, 
were first reached when it was shown that the 
experimental facts regarding intersexuality could 
be expressed not by a simple Mendelian formula, 
but only by assuming that two genes or completely 

1 Experimental intersexuality and the sex-problem. 
“Am. Nat.” 50, 1916. 

2The problem whether only individual sex-de- 
terminers or a completely linked group of such are 
involved in our case, has been repeatedly discussed, 
e. g.; Untersuchungen uber Inter-sexualitat V, “Zs. 

indukt. Abstl.” 56, 1930; Analysis of Intersexuality 
in the Gipsy moth. “Q. Rev. Biol.” 1931. 

linked sets of genes?, those for femaleness and 
maleness, controlled the result according to their 
quantitative relation or balance. The simple Men- 
delian formulation was thus enlarged by a new 
conception, namely that of a quantitative relation 
or balance of genes working together towards the 
production of a phenotype, the character of which 
was in some way proportional to that quantitative 
relation of the genes in question—or in other 
words, their amount of balance or unbalance. 
This new conception, which had to be added to 
the general Mendelian formulation and which had 
given me the clue to the whole analysis already 
at the beginning of the work between 1911 and 
19148, could still he expressed in the old Mendel- 
ian language, if the gene in favor of which the 
balance acted was called epistatic to the other and 
if the different degrees of this balance, to which 
corresponded the sexes and the different types of 
intersexes, were expressed in terms of degrees of 
epistasis, which might be measured by some unit. 
Thus the formulae with numerical values of the 
genes, symbolizing the grades of their effect, had 
to be introduced. It took many geneticists a long 
time to understand this. 

3ut still another extension of Mendelian lan- 
guage was necessary to cover the facts. If the 
different amounts of the unbalance of male and 
female genes were to stand for the normal sexes 
as well as for the different degrees of intersex- 
uality it followed necessarily that a certain min- 
imum value of this balance had to exist below which 
one of the pure sexes was determined, and another 
maximum value, above which the other sex was 
determined, the intersexual stages lying between. 
These limiting values for the balance of female 
and male genes were accordingly called the epi- 
static minimum, a term which again meant a 
necessary extension of ordinary Mendelian con- 
ceptions, in order to describe the experimental 
facts still in the language of static Mendelism. 
This was the point reached in 1912, a point which 
was situated at the utmost limits of purely Men- 
delian conceptions. This became clear when the 
fact was considered that there existed two com- 
pletely different types of intersexes, namely male 
and female intersexes, which replaced in the re- 
spective experiments the gametic males or fe- 
males. Now the Mendelian formulation which 
had covered the case thus far by the introduction 
of the principle of genic balance and of the epi- 
static minimum could describe adequately the pro- 
duction of a series of intersexes between the two 
normal sexes, that is the two limiting minima, but 
it could not explain why the same ratio between 

3The whole literature on the subject is found in 
the author’s book: “Die sexuellen Zwischenstufen”’ 
J. Springer, Berlin, 1931; further in the paper quoted 
in foot-note 2. 

Aucust 27, 1932 ] 



male and female determiners, say the one midway 
between the ratios for the normal sexes, deter- 
mined in one case a medium grade female inter- 
sex, and in another case the completely different 
medium grade male intersex. Here then was the 
point at which the power of static Mendelism 
ended and further progress was only possible by 
the transition to a dynamic point of view; in 
other words, the genetic explanation was to be 
followed by one based upon the physiology of 

This step to which I had hinted in the previous- 
ly mentioned evening lecture given here at Woods 
Hole, could be taken when it was found what 
these intersexes really were. It became apparent 
first in 1916 (and as a matter of fact I do not 
understand now why I had missed this point in 
the preceding years) that in a series of inter- 
sexes connecting the two pure sexes step by step, 
such organs which are the last to differentiate in 
development are the first to assume the character 
of the opposite sex in the case of low grade inter- 
sexuality, and that, vice versa, the organs which 
are the first to differentiate in development are the 
very last to change towards the other sex in high 
grade intersexuality. From this rule it followed 
that intersexes are to be considered as individuals 
which have begun their development as of one 
sex up to a certain turning point and have finished 
it as of the opposite sex after the turning point*; 
further that male intersexes begin as males 
and end as females and that female intersexes be- 
gin as females and end as males; and further that 
the different grades of intersexuality are a func- 
tion of the position in time of the turning point ; 
earlier turning point—higher grade of intersexu- 
ality. This solution which I also had the pleasure 
to announce first in this country, namely, at the 
1916 meeting of the American Association, has 
meanwhile been tested by extensive embryological 
study and found to be an actual fact. It opened 
now the way to the solution of the whole problem 
by connecting a definite embryological process 

_with a definite genetic condition. 

The situation was this: on the genetic side we 
had first a gene or genes for maleness, second a 
gene or genes for femaleness and both in a series 
of different conditions, found in different races; 
further we knew that the phenotypic effect of 
these genes, namely, maleness, femaleness and all 
degrees of intersexuality, was proportional to the 
amount bf balance or unbalance of these genes. 
On the embryological side, we had the occurrence 
of the turning point for sexual differentiation at 
a definite time, and combining now the genetic 

4 As a matter of fact, Baltzer had found already 
two years before the same for the intersexes of 
Bonellia, a fact which had escaped me for a long 

side with the embryological side, we were facing 
the fact that a series of increasing values for the 
unbalance or abnormal ratio of the sex genes has 
its effect in a series of corresponding changes in 
the time of incidence of the turning point, which 
occurs earlier and earlier. Here then was an op- 
portunity to connect the action of definite genes, 
present in different ratios, with an embryological 
event, occurring at definite and proportionally 
different times. Whereas we have genes for both 
sexual differentiations simultaneously present, and 
whereas the control of actual sexual differentia- 
tion belonged first to one and later to the other 
gene or set of genes, and whereas this control 
changes at a definite time, which is conditioned by 
and proportional to the unbalance or ratio of 
these genes, there is left only one way of linking 
these facts together ; namely, by concluding first, 
that the genes in question are producing each in- 
dependent chains of reaction which lead at a cer- 
tain threshold to the production of the something 
which controls sexual differentiation; second, that 
the amount of unbalance of the two genes or their 
ratio results in corresponding different velocities 
of the two chains or reaction; third, that the re- 
action of. higher velocity controls the sexual dif- 
ferentiation; and fourth, that the turning points 
therefore must be the points at which this con- 
trol changes, which means graphically points of 
intersection of the two respective curves of re- 
action. Standing in this place here I cannot help 
recalling Jacques Loeb’s excitement when I told 
him this story and some of the consequences re- 
garding a general theory of heredity. I have since 
discussed this point with other great physiologists 
who agree with me that there is no other way of 
representing the actual facts from a dynamic point 
of view. Thus I concluded that here a case was 
found in which the action of definite genes could 
and had to be interpreted in terms of speed of re- 
actions and that it might be possible to base a 
theory of genic action upon this interpretation. 
Also this conclusion I had the pleasure to an- 
nounce in this country at the said 1916 meeting 
of the American Association. 

There was also another conclusion which had to 
be drawn from the same facts, and with this we 
are getting into deep waters. The phenotypic re- 
sult (male, female, male intersex, female intersex 
of any grade) was found to be dependant upon 
a quantitative relation, balance or ratio of male 
and female sex genes, and the genetic results 
showed and have ever since shown that only one 
female and one male gene are involved. But of 
each of these sex-genes a considerable number of 
conditions, in genetic language of multiple allelo- 
morphs, were found which gave typical but dif- 
ferent effects. These conditions, which proved 
to be absolutely constant in all experiments in- 



[ Vor. VII. No. 60 

volving the same genes might be termed the 
strength of action, or the potency or the valency 
of these genes, and thus the phenotypic result in 
regard to sex was dependant upon the relative 
valencies of the female and male determiners 
present at fertilization. Then it turned out that 
one of these determiners, namely, the one for 
maleness, was situated within the X-chromosome, 
the other one for femaleness, being outside the 
X-chromosome. This meant that the always con- 
stant genes for femaleness were faced either by 
one or by two genes for maleness. Thus on one 
hand, the genotypic effect was produced by the 
relative valencies of the two types of sex-genes; 
on the other hand, two of the possible phenotypes, 
namely the pure sexes, were dependant upon the 
ratio between the always constant female genes 
and the male genes present in one or two quan- 
tities. In these limiting cases, then, the pure sex- 
es, the relative valencies, responsible for the phe- 
notype, were obviously identical with relative 
quantities of these genes. But the normal sexes 
were only two points in a continuous series of 
sexual conditions, all dependant upon different 
relative valencies of these genes. The conclusion 
therefore was not only logical but also inevitable 
that all the other conditions for the sex-genes, 
their different degrees in strength or valency were 
also in reality differences in their quantity. Thus 
the quantitative relation or balance of these genes 
finally was resolved into the ratios of actual quan- 
tities. And the former conclusion which showed 
that the sex-genes acted through chains of re- 
action of different but typical velocities could now 
be enlarged by the addition that the speed of these 
chains of reaction is proportional to the quanti- 
ties of the genes in question. 

It is a strange fact that this conclusion was re- 
garded by some orthodox geneticists as a most 
condemnable heresy. To be sure they could not 
give a different explanation of the facts and they 
could not contest the logic of the analysis. There- 
fore they simply declared it to be inadmissible— 
this word has actually been used—to assume that 
a gene may have a definite and fixed quantity as 
one of its properties and that the effect of a gene 
might be in some way proportional to its quantity. 
In our object, there was no possibility to dem- 
onstrate visibly such a difference in quantity, be- 
cause in our case everything happened within the 
normal diploid number of chromosomes. But 
some experiments have since been performed with 
our material, besides the visible demonstration in 
triploid intersexuality, discovered by Stanfuss and 
since analyzed in moths and in Drosophila. Our 
experiments in question demonstrate clearly the 
logic and the soundness of the conclusions’. To 
mention only one: two X-chromosomes and there- 
fore two male genes (in the case of female het- 

erogamety) are determining the male sex. If, 
however, I combine female determiners coming 
from a strong race, that is genes of high valency, 
with the two X-chromosomes derived from races 
of very low valency of the sex-genes, the result- 
ing individual will be a female in spite of its two 
X-chromosomes. By appropriate crosses I might 
now build up individuals which contain the same 
strong female determiner as before, one X-chrom- 
osome with the very low male determiner as be- 
fore but the other X coming from a race with a 
little higher grade of valency of the male de- 
terminer. The individual thus composed will be 
a little more male than before, and this is a high 
grade intersexual male, very near to complete 
transformation into female. Now I continue re- 
placing the second X-chromosome by one derived 
from a still stronger and stronger race; corres- 
pondingly, the individual in question will be less 
and less intersexual, so that when a certain com- 

bination is reached it will be a normal male. 

The following table gives an actual experimental 
result. Now this experiment and its easily imagin- 
able variations show that the action of the two male 
genes which are present in any case is proportional 
to the sum of the valencies of the two genes. Asa 
matter of fact we ought to be able to calculate from 
a series of such experiments the relative valencies 
of all these genes in some arbitrary units, because 
these experiments furnish a number of equations 
which may be solved. Thus we have a number of 
differently active genes and any two of them act to- 
gether always in proportion to their sum. I can 
draw from this no other conclusion but that it is 
the quantity of the thing in question which deter- 
mines its action. 

I have never been able to understand why this 
conclusion which safely rests on experimental’ 
facts, has been considered by some as offensive. 
The number, the size, and the shape of the chro- 
mosomes are constant ; the size of cells is constant 
and often their number in a given organ; the 
number and size and arrangement of blastomeres 
are constant, the number of segments, of bristles, 
and I know not what else. Orderly development 
of a given organism requires a wonderful amount 
of quantitative constancy from the organ down to 
the chromosome. Why then should exactly that 
bit of substance which after all is responsible for 
all the rest be required to produce its wonderfully 
typical action of an unique sameness on the basis 
of a negligible quantity? To my mind, even apart 
from all the evidence produced, the first require- 
ment for something like an understanding of the 
action of a thing like a gene, would be its presence 
in typical quantity at the onset, because the mass 
of a reacting substance is always the first variable 
to be considered. If in addition, the facts reveal 
such a simple relation as that between the quantity 

5 Details are found in: “Untersuchungen uber 

Intersexualitat” I-V. “Zs. indukt. Abstl.” 1920-30, 
see especially Nr. V. 

Aucust 27, 1932 ] 



of the reacting gene substance and a correspond- 
ing velocity of reaction, I am ready to consider 
this as a fundamental insight, upon which one 
ought to be able to build a theory of the genic 
action, a theory of heredity. 

I have tried now to show how step by step the 
results of my experiments forced me first to stress 
the purely Mendelian conceptions by introducing 
the idea of genic balance and of the epistatic 
minimum and then to go beyond the limits of 
static Mendelian conceptions towards the goal of a 
dynamic understanding of a gene-controlled de- 
terminative process. The next step to take was 
naturally to try to apply the fundamental con- 
ceptions to the elaboration of a general theory of 
heredity, based on the principle of coordinated re- 
action velocities, as announced in my lecture here 
sixteen years ago. It is only recently that I 
learned® that a few years before I had derived my 
conclusions and had embarked upon their general- 
ization, Professor M. F. Guyer had already ar- 
rived at a similar conception which, though no 
experiments were available at that time, was de- 
veloped by him in a very ingenious way. I am 
glad to make use of this occasion to pay my re- 
spects to Professor Guyer’s intuition and to quote 
some of his sentences, namely : 

“Tf in the comparatively simple cases of associat- 
ed simultaneous reactions with which we are ac- 
quainted in non-living matter, relative velocities may 
so modify the results, we can readily realize of 
what tremendous importance regulation of this 
matter must become in living protoplasm where 
doubtless vast numbers of chemical reactions and 
interactions are going on at the same time. In 
fact, could we locate such a time-regulating factor 
in the germ-cell it would seem that we had ac- 
complished a long stride toward an understanding 
of the controlling and coordinating mechanism which 
insures the appearance of just the proper substance 
at the right time in morphogenesis. It would con- 
stitute a qualitative as well as a quantitative regu- 
lator, for by determining quantity at any given time 
it determines what the next chemical reaction will 
be, and hence in the very doing of this, it neces- 
sarily conditions the chemical outcome of that re- 

There can be no doubt that these sentences con- 
tain already the essence of the theory of the order- 
ly arranged, interwoven and balanced velocities of 
reaction. Returning now to the further develop- 
ment of my own work, I obviously continued 
arguing the following way: determinative proces- 
ses in regard to sex have to do with almost any 
type of morphological and physiological differen- 
tiation occurring in development. If, for example, 
we turn our attention to a single organ like the 
genital armature in insects, which exhibits dif- 
ferences in the two sexes, of a degree, which 
might be compared to the differences in structure 
of two far distant organisms, we realize the am- 

6 Guyer, M. F.: The germinal background of so- 

matic modifications ‘Science’ 71, 1930. 

ount and diversity of specific differentiation which 
may be brought about by such a simple system of 
coordinated reaction velocities as that which had 
been actually demonstrated. And if we include in 
this deliberation all the complex forms of one and 
the same organ which are obtained in a thoroughly 
orderly fashion in case of inters«-:uality, which 
means in consequence of a change in the coordina- 
tion of the system of reaction velocities, we come 
to the conclusion that a similar conception ought 
to be applied to all types of morphogenetic pro- 
cesses, that is, to development in general. Develop- 
ment ought to be disentangled into a series of co- 
ordinated reactions of definite velocities, produc- 
ing at a certain threshold a certain event, say the 
appearance of embryonic hormones or of de- 
termining stuffs, thus securing the order and 
seriation of developmental processes. And just 
as in the intersexuality experiments the genes in 
question controlled the respective speeds of re- 
action, so in normal development would the genes 
also control the speed of reactions with which they 
are concerned. Expressed more specifically, the 
genes must be things which produce their typical 
effects by catalyzing chains of reaction, the speed 
of which, ceteris paribus, and given the specific 
substance of each gene and the plasmatic substrat- 
um, is proportional to the quantity of the gene 
and therefore fixed within the entire system of 
simultaneous coordinated reactions of different 

We have tried since to demonstrate in detail 
how such a system accounts not only for numer- 
ous genetic facts, but also for facts of experi- 
mental embryology ; and indeed even sheds light 
on evolutionary questions. I shall not try now to 
develop these conclusions, as it is my intention this 
evening to discuss in the first line the experi- 
mental and logical basis of the whole argument. 
The principle will moreover be visible incidentally 
if I continue relating the actual sequence of find- 
ings which helped to shape these ideas. The dif- 
ferent sex genes of typical valency or quantity 
behaved in the experiments as a series of multiple 
allelomorphs, of which 8-10 members have been 
isolated by now8. Simultaneously I was studying 
another series of multiple allelomorphs which per- 
mitted the analysis of the effects of the genes 
within this series in a dynamic way, because the 
effect of these genes became visible in the larvae 

7 These views and their consequences have been 
developed in: Die quantitativen Grundlagen von 
Vererbung und Artbildung. “Roux’s Aufs. Vortr. 
Entw. mech.” 24, 1920; A more detailed account, 
leaving out the evolutionary side, is found in: ““Phys- 
iologische Theorie der Vererbung.”” Springer, Berlin 

8 Final data in: Untersuchungen zur Genetik der 
geographischen Variation III. ‘‘Roux’s Arch. Entw. 
mech.” 1932. 



[ Vor. VII. No. 60 

ofLymantria’. There were found races in which 
young caterpillars were dark and remained so 
through all instars. There were others which had 
light markings and which remained light through 
all instars. And there were again others which 
were light in the young stages and turned dark in 
later instars. Between these extremes all transi- 
tions were found as the curves of pigmentation 
show, and each of these types is produced by a 
member of a series of multiple allelomorphs. A 
closer study of the facts then reveals that each 
allelomorph of the series is responsible for a pro- 
cess of accumulation of dark pigment on the basis 
of light markings, a process which proceeds with 
a definite velocity which is typical but different 
for different allelomorphs of the series, 48 may 
be demonstrated in a diagrammatic curve (9). 
Here then we found again a series of multiple al- 
lelomorphs connected with a series of reactions of 
different velocities, and we concluded that also 
this series, and, perhaps, most similar series, must 
consist in one and the same gene in different 
quantities. In this case, of course, the conclusion 
rests on analogy, and no way to prove it is appar- 
ent. This case, however, furnished another fact 
which pointed in the direction of the general 
theory. If we cross the always light race with the 
always dark race the young first generation cater- 
pillars are first light, but later they become dark. 
In Mendelian language, light was first dominant 
and lat-r dark. 

If we remember the last curves, it is clear that 
the curve which is midway between the ones of the 
light and dark races, has exactly this type, first 
light, later dark; and as a matter of fact, the inter- 
mediate allelomorphs of the series also produce the 
same effect as observed here in the hybrid. 

This then shows clearly that dominance, reces- 
sivity and change of dominance are here the phe- 
notypic effects of the type of reaction curve with- 
in the whole system. From this fact then may be 
derived a few theoretical cases which simultane- 
ously are apt to serve as a model for the whole 

Let us consider what dominance might mean 
within a system of genes which are responsible 
for reactions with velocities in proportion to the 
quantity of the genes. 

The diagram (10) assumes that we consider two 
allelomorphs, each producing a reaction of different 
velocity represented by straight lines. At a certain 
level or threshold marked by the line M, the de- 

9 Short accounts of the main facts were published 
in: A preliminary report on some experiments con- 
cerning evolution. ‘Am. Natur.’’ 52, 1917; and ‘Die 
quantitativen Grundlagen, etc.” (see note 7). A de- 
tailed report is found in: Untersuchungen zur Gen- 
etik der geographischen Variation. I. ‘““Roux’s Arch. 
Entw. mech.” 101, 1924; dto. II Ibid 116, 1929. Con- 
sult this for photographs and curves. 

10 Taken from “‘Physiologische Theorfe der Verer- 
bung” 1927. 

terminative reaction takes place. Let us now as- 
sume that we are dealing with the size of an organ 
which is the result of a given number of successive 
cell-divisions. The reaction in question may stop 
the cell divisions and therefore the resulting size of 
the organ will be smaller and smaller, the more 
early the reaction curve reaches the level M. If the 
cell divisions proceed with equal time intervals and 
if the reaction velocity for the heterozygote is per 
definitionem intermediate between the two parents, 
the size of the organ will also be intermediate. Let 
us now assume that the cell divisions in question 
proceed first slower and then faster, as represented 
on the line M,; the same system leads then to almost 
complete dominance of the greater size; if, however, 
cell divisions proceed first faster and then slower as 
represented on line M,, we find almost complete 
dominance of the smaller size. 

I think that this diagram which follows immedi- 
ately from the preceding analysis, is rather instruc- 
tive. It demonstrates a simple interpretation of 
dominance; furthermore, we have to assume that 
the three forementioned types of cell division are 
themselves determined directly or indirectly by the 
action of other genes, which in genetic language are 
usually called modifiers. Dominance then is the re- 
sult of the interaction in time of the heterozygous 
main gene with a number of others, the modifiers. 
Those among you who are acquainted with Fisher’s 
so-called theory of the origin of dominance will real- 
ize at once that only such a system, as presented 
here, will allow that dominance is changed by se- 
lection of modifiers. Moreover, the diagram may be 
used as a model for all possible determinations of 
developmental processes into which the embryology 
of an individual might be dissolved. By changing the 
meaning of the variables, introducing new ones, or 
other threshold conditions, similar models might be 
derived for all kinds of facts relating differentiation 
to genic action. Finally, the diagram may show 
that it is of no use to discuss the problem of the 
quantity of the gene without considering the cor- 
responding reaction velocities through which alone 
the assumption of different but typical gene-quanti- 
ties becomes important; because without this con- 
nection we have only a sterile hypothesis. 

Let me illustrate finally this point by an actual 
case. Dobzhansky! some time ago set out to dis- 
prove the quantitative nature of multiple allelo- 
morphs in the following way: he argued that if 
we consider a series of multiple allelomorphs 
which produces manifold phenotypic effects in dif- 
ferent organs, these effects must show always a 
parallel seriation in different combination of these 
allelomorphs, if the genes in question form a 
quantitative series. A study of the facts did not 
prove this to be the case, and therefore he con- 
cluded that the allelomorphs cannot be of a simple 
quantitative nature. As a matter of fact, the 
premises of this argument are already wrong, be- 
cause the main point has been neglected: namely, 
the system of reaction velocities. This will be evi- 

11 Dobzhansky, Th.: The manifold effects of the 
genes stubble and stubbloid in Drosophila melano- 
gaster. “Zs, ind. Abstl.” 54, 1930. 

Goldschmidt, R.: ‘“Bemerkungen zur Kritik der 
quantitativen Natur multipler Allele.” ‘“Philiptschen- 
ko Gedachtsnisband,” Leningrad 1932. 

Avucust 27, 1932 ] 



dent at once if we consult again a similar diagram 
as before. We have represented three allelomorphs 
by their reactions of different velocities which lead 
to a determinative effect at a certain threshold after 
the time I, II, II]. Let us assume again a very 
simple type of effects, namely, the cessation of 
growth of an organ at the time in question. Each 
organ of which the size is influenced by the series 
of allelomorphs may, of course, have its own curve 
of differentiation which is determined independently 
of the allelomorphs in question. In order not to 
complicate the diagram, some of the such possible 
curves have been drawn below. The size of the or- 
gan reached at the decisive times I, II, III is then 
represented by the verticals Ph.I, II, III. In the 
first case, the organ shows a steady increase with 
the three allelomorphs in question; in the second 
organ the first two allelomorphs produce the same 
effect; in the third organ the effect is identical for 
the second and third allelomorph. The fourth case 
represents the growth of an organ in two dimen- 
sions represented by a length-breadth index. L is the 
curve for a constant growth in length, W, the curve 
for intermittent growth in breadth, and the propor- 
tion of the two verticals at time I, IJ, III, the re- 
spective index of the resulting phenotype. In the 
case which is represented, this index is first high 
then low and then again higher. This simple dia- 
gram shows then how in such a system of timed re- 
actions a series of causes of a definite order, for ex- 
ample, a set of different quantities of a gene, might 
produce effects of a very different order in different 

A third example of the application of the gen- 
eral idea might be discussed which is to be re- 
garded as representative for a certain group of 
problems. The wing of butterflies and moths 
constitutes after a certain critical period, which is 
situated towards the end of the larval stage, a self- 
differentiating system. A nice demonstration of 
this I was able to give many years ago! when I 
showed that it is possible to change the speed of 
differentiation of one wing without altering the 
other wing of the same individual at all, namely, 
by blocking the blood supply to a certain extent. 
We may have side by side the normal wing which 
almost has finished its differentiation and the 
operated wing of the same animal which shows 
structure and coloration of an earlier larval period. 
(These experiments, by the way, have anticipated 
the general type of some recent experiments per- 
formed on amphibian eggs with local temperature 
changes). This self-differentiating system of the 
wing pattern is finally determined during the criti- 
cal period. At this time when the wing is a simple 
epithelial sac showing no visible differentiation on 
its surface which would correspond to a later 
pattern, the future pattern is already completely 
laid out. How this is done we do not yet know. 
But two significant facts have come to light which 
may be regarded as the beginning of an under- 
standing. One related to the wing of intersexual 

12 Untersuchungen zur Entwicklungsphysiologie 

des Flugelmusters der Schmetterlinge. ‘Arch, Entw. 
mech,” 47, 1920. 

males of the gipsy-moth. Such a wing exhibits 
the characteristic mosaic streaks of white female 
color upon the brown male wing. If these white 
patches are large, it can be shown that they have 
also a different rate of growth from the brown 
areas. At the time of pupation, of course, no 
such structure can be seen on the epithelial wing, 
but in some cases the wing-mosaic may be faintly 
but clearly seen on the pupacase, which has been 
secreted by the wing epithelium. This shows that 
the pattern is already present in the form of 
some difference in regard to the secreting activity 
or some other process involved in the formation 
of chitin by the wing-surface. A little later, how- 
ever, but a long time before any pigment appears, 
the difference in question can be made visible, 
and it may be shown in what it really consists. 
That is, the prospective white parts of the wing 
are far in advance of the later dark parts in re- 
gard to the differentiation of the scales. This may 
be made visible by drying the wing that has been 
taken out of the pupa. The prospective white 
parts carry well chitinized scales which remain 
erect when drying ; the future dark parts, however, 
are still carrying younger soft scales which col- 
lapse in drying, so that on a wing treated in such 
way the future white parts stand out in relief!®. 
This then shows in one case that the primary pat- 
tern formation consists in producing areas with 
a different speed of differentiation. These find- 
ings in the intersexual wing proved further to be 
in full harmony with other results in regard to 
the development of the wing pattern, which had 
been found in other objects. I could show that 
the normal wing pattern in many different types 
of butterflies and moths is laid down in the same 
way!, namely, as regions of different speed of 

The following slide showed a swallow-tail Thais 
polyxena with its characteristic pattern and besides 
a wing taken from a pupa, before any pigment be- 
comes visible. In drying the wing, the ghost pat- 
tern becomes visible because the future light scales 
remain erect, but the future pigmented scales col- 
lapse. The photograph does not allow it to be dis- 
tinguished clearly, that no pigment at all is involved 
in this picture. This is more easily visible in an- 
other picture representing an unpigmented pupa 
wing of a cecropia moth. The white margin of the 
eye spot is easily seen as a group of erect scales, 
whereas those of the dark spot are collapsed. 

The second important fact has recently been 

13 For particulars and discussions see: Untersuch- 
ungen uber Intersexualitat. II. “Zs. ind. Abstl.” 29, 
1922; Einige Materialien zur Theorie der abgestim- 
mten Reaktionsgeschwindigkeiten. “Arch. Entw. 
mech.” 98, 1923. The majority of the extensive 
studies of the author and his former student F. 
Suffert have never been published. The same prin- 
ciple has been always found at work. 

14 Papers quoted in note 12 and 13, see further; 
Physiologische Theorie der Vererbung, 



[ Vor. VII. No. 60 

found by a student of Professor Kihn™. In the 
larval wings of the meal-moth at about the critical 
period he found zones of intense mitotic divisions, 
which corresponded to later elements of the wing 
pattern, elements which later follow the same law 
which we just described. Though it is not yet 
possible to coordinate and to understand all these 
facts, they might be represented in general terms 
at present in the following way: in the critical 
period which corresponds to the time of irreversi- 
ble determination found in each study of develop- 
mental physiology of any organ, a pattern appears 
of physiologically different areas on the wing, dif- 
ferent in regard to their growing activities and to 
their relative speeds of differentiation. This sug- 
gests the appearance and typical distribution of 
something like a growth hormone. All the rest 
of the differentiation of the pattern, however, is 
nothing but the consequence of a coordinated sys- 
tem of reaction velocities in regard to differentia- 
tion and also to chemism. 

The following diagram (3) may serve as a model 
for the whole process which might be varied in- 
definitely to fit individual cases. We assume that 
the wing area differentiates during the critical 
period into three different parts, according to what 
we have seen before. Each of these areas I, II, III 
begins to differentiate at a different rate represented 
by the three curves T,, T,, T,. At the level of the 
points 1, , , the respective scales have reached the 
stage or threshold which permits of the deposition 
of pigments. We then see three independent gene- 
controlled chains of reaction which are supposed to 
result in the formation of some component, requi- 
site for the final deposition of yellow, red, and black 
pigment respectively within the scales at the times 
Tp,, Tp., Tp.. Now at the time Tp, only the area I 
is ready to receive the stuff P,, and therefore only 
this area will contain yellow scales; similarly for the 
two other areas. It is clear that this diagram which 
is based on the actual facts, may be varied to fit any 
type of pattern, pigment, etc., and that it might 
be as well used as a model for many processes of 
determination which after all are nothing but for- 
mations of patterns. 

Only one of the consequences may be men- 
tioned, partly because it is connected with some of 
our own work, partly because it opens up vistas 
in another direction. The classic temperature ex- 
periments with butterflies have shown that it is 
possible to change the inherited wing pattern by 
applying extreme temperatures and other extreme 
conditions to the animal within the critical period, 
the duration of which has been exactly de- 
termined!®, One of the well known results of 
this old work, which we have repeated on a large 
scale, is the fact, that in a number of cases it was 
possible to produce in the temperature experi- 

15 Kohler, W.: Die Entwicklung der Flugel bei der 
Mehlmotte Ephestia Kuhniella Zeller mit besonderer 

Berucksichtigung des Zeichnungsmusters. “Z. Morph. 
Oekol.” Tiere 24, 1932. 

ments forms as non-heritable modifications, which 
are phenotypically identical with well known geo- 
graphic sub-species, a fact which plays a consider- 
able role in Lamarckian discussions. A typical 
case is the case of Vanessa urticae from the Euro- 
pean continent and the subspecies ichnusa from 
Mediterranean islands; the phenotype of the lat- 
ter is exactly reproduced in the temperature ex- 
periments with the former. Many similar cases 
are known. 

The following diagram (4) gives the type of ex- 
planation of such cases, I repeat, the type, because 
no actual analysis has been made, which would show 
which individual reactions are concerned with the 
special case. The diagram therefore does not claim 
to cover the actual case but to represent the type 
of explanation which-has to be applied, all details 
being indefinitely variable to fit the individual case. 
We assume that the phenotypic differences of the 
two forms in question are differences in the area 
which one definite element of the pattern occupies. 
This relative area is determined during the critical 
period which is supposed to end at the time Se-Se. 
One of the simplest possibilities for the determina- 
tion of the size of this area is, that it is propor- 
tional to the time which is available from the be- 
ginning of its formation to its final determination 
with the end of the critical period. Both of these 
points are, of course, determined independently and 
genetically, and we express this by assuming a gen- 
etic chain of reactions AA which reaches its active 
minimum at the level W, and a second chain S which 
determines similarly the time at which the critical 
period ends Se-Se. The distance between the two 
times, 9, then is proportional, to the area of the 
pattern element in question. Now we might have 
another race in which genetically the curve AA is 
replaced by A,A,, and therefore the area of the 
pattern in questidn is proportional to the distance 
q,, that is, bigger. If I perform now a temperature 
experiment during the critical period, and the S and 
A chains have a different temperature-coefficient, I 
might shift Se to Se,, without touching A. Now our 
area is proportional to the distance qt which is 
equal to q,, and the phenotype is exactly identical 
with the one of the race A,. Speaking generally, 
we learn from this diagram that it may be possible 
within a system of timed reactions to produce a 
certain new phenotype by shifting one of the re- 
actions, by changing its velocity. This shifting, 
however, and therefore the same effect, may be due 
either to an external agency like temperature, or to 
a mutation of the gene which lies at the basis of 
the reaction in question. 

There is one consequence of these considera- 
tions, which seems rather important. In such a 
system of timed reactions, there are not many de- 
grees of freedom imaginable for the individual re- 
action, which would not upset the whole system. 
Therefore viable mutations are limited, and 
furthermore within such a system viable muta- 
tions are only imaginable, the phenotype of which 

16 The well known work of Standfuss, Weismann, 
Fischer, Merrifield. Determination of the critical 
period by my former student F. Suffert: Bestim- 
mungsfaktoren des Zeichnungsmusters beim Saison- 
dimorphismus von Araschnia levana prors. “Biol. 
Centrbl.” 44, 1924. 

Aucust 27, 1932 ] 



might theoretically also be obtained by proper ex- 
ternal action as modifications. This means that if 
we know the proper agents and the proper criti- 
cal periods, we ought to be able to produce also 
the phenotype of every imaginable or known mu- 
tation in the form of a non-heritable modifica- 
tion. Putting aside the manifold obvious cases of 
this type in quantitative characters like size, I 
might mention that I succeeded in producing the 
exact phenotype of a considerable number of 
Drosophila mutations as non-inheritable modifica- 
tions through the action of extreme temperatures 
at different critical periods. It is very significant 
that in such experiments usually the modification 
in question appears simultaneously in a series of 
degrees, paralleling exactly series of known or 
also not yet known multiple allelomorphs!”. If 
we remember what we heard before about such 
series and the reaction velocities, the wonderful 
consistency of all the facts and their connection 
through a rather simple idea becomes once more 

I do not think that much imagination is needed 
to apply the different models of the argument, 
which have now been discussed, to any imaginable 
process of differentiation which proceeds orderly 
with time, and I believe that the relation between 
the gene and that part of the process of embryonic 
differentiation which belongs to the dimension of 
time is adequately explained by the system of 
timed reactions and what belongs to it. This, 
however, is only a part of the problem of embry- 
onic determination. There is in addition the dif- 
ferentiation of the substratum in the three di- 
mensions of space without which the reaction sys- 
tem which produces the right thing at the right 
time, could not be imagined to produce it also in 
the right place. There can be no doubt that the 
spatial differentiation of the substratum is also 
produced at definite times by the same system of 
genic and timed reactions. Under normal con- 
ditions, a certain embryonic area, say a limb-bud, 
is equipotential up to one moment and differenti- 
ated into parts of different potency from that 
moment on. And this time of determination may 
be different but genetically fixed in nearly related 
species. We discussed this point already in re- 
gard to the wing pattern. Further, all the ele- 
mentary facts of experimental embryology, be- 
ginning with the analysis of the different types of 
eggs in regard to determination prove that the 
progress of differentiation may be dissolved into 
a series of exactly timed events, consisting mainly 

17 Only a short notice has been published, though 
a considerable material has been accumulated. 
Jollos, who has repeated the experiments with the 
same results, is preparing a communication which 
relieves me from publishing the details of my re- 

in some diversification of the substratum, be this 
the egg which is to be regarded as an individual 
system, be it progressively smaller and smaller 
areas of the embryo, now to be regarded as the in- 
dividual systems, which change at a certain moment 
from a monophasic to a polyphasic condition!, 
The causation of this change still belongs to the 
domain of physiological genetics, and is adequate- 
ly understood by the system of timed reaction ve- 
locities. But in what this change consists and 
what are its consequences in regard to determina- 
tion, this is the proper domain of experimental 
embryology. The experimental facts have been 
described under many headings since the days, 
when He first understood the problem with a really 
prophetic vision. Organ forming stuffs, chemo- 
differentiation, embryonic segregation, and the or- 
ganizator are all terms for the observed facts of 
the same order. The organizator conception in 
addition has led an important step further, be 
cause it connects the facts of the diversification 
of the substratum with former causative events 
and therefore opens the way for a dynamic under- 
standing of a sequence of events, which has been 
started at one point. And the theory of the 
metabolic gradients, which constitutes the physio- 
logical corrollary to the morphological organizator- 
concept, makes visible one of the ways for a 
causal explanation of the whole process. 
Whatever this process of the diversification of 
the substratum, or in one word, including all vis- 
ible types, the process of stratification, might be, 
its meaning within the genetic system of timed 
reactions is clear. It allows the products of the 
genic reactions to act or not to act or to act dif- 
ferently on different areas of the germ; it creates 
secondary and tertiary systems, influencing the 
course of the genic reactions differently in the 
different regions, allowing one and the same or- 
iginal chain of reactions to lead to different con- 
sequences in the different areas, and the same over 
and over again up to the end of differentiation. 

It would be pleasant to point to a few of the 
consequences which might be derived from such 
views as the ones presented here, consequences in 
regard to special and general problems of genetics, 
problems of mutation, evolution, the understand- 
ing of rudimentary organs or embryonic recapitu- 
lation. But these conclusions may be easily drawn 
by anybody who is willing to accept the soundness 
of the basic idea?®. 

18 Detailed discussion in ‘Physiologische Theorie 
der Vererbung.” . 

19Some of them have been presented in “Die 
quantitativen Grundlagen, etc.,” ‘Materialien zur 
Theorie etc.” and “Physiologische Theorie, etc.” 
quoted before, others have meanwhile been drawn by 
other authors, who accepted the general trend of 
our ideas. 


Ladies and Gentlemen! A few years ago, one 
of the leading biologists of this country professed 
right here his opinion that the time has not yet 
come for genetics to join hands with experimental 
embryology. Permit me to conclude this lecture 
by expressing most emphatically my conviction 


[ Vor. VII. No. 60 

that not only this time has long since come, but 
also that the foundations for an understanding of 
development from the standpoint of physiological 
genetics have already been laid. Indeed a con- 
siderable part of the frame-work stands ready 
around which to erect a good building. 


( Continued from Page 253 ) 

cotton wool, the material passing through will re- 
form as a plasmodium; that is, there are no spe- 
cific structures in the protoplasm aside from the 
nucleus. Such an organism therefore does not 
contain within itself the cytoplasmic structures 
which make possible a multi-cellular animal, i. e., 
differentiation into something dissimilar to the 
mother cell. Such cytoplasmic structures appear 
as a rule in the case of the metazoa after the fer- 
tilization of the egg. It is on these structures, 
which seem to be comparatively simple chemical 
compounds, that the development of the blastula 
and subsequent larva depend. If we take away 
certain of these structures, or weaken them, the 
larvae cannot develop normally. 

In the Coelenterates the eggs have no mem- 
branes. The ‘blastomeres are held together by 
cytoplasmic processes. Metchnikoff (1884) 
showed that this was the case in Medusa; later 
Hargitt found the same to be true of the Pennaria 
at Woods Hole. 

Most of our experiments have been with the 
Pacific Coast sea urchins. The fertilized egg of 
Strongylocentrotus has a fertilization membrane 
and a hyaline membrane closely investing the 
blastomeres. If the eggs are put into calcium-free 
sea water the hyaline membrane disappears. If 
the fertilization membrane is broken and the ihya- 
line membrane then made to disappear, the cells 
divide but do not form a blastula. The mem- 
branes are therefore mechanical essentials in the 
transformation of dividing eggs into blastulae. 

It can be shown that the hyaline membrane be- 
haves like a calcium proteinate, in the following 
way. If eggs are treated with sea water at a pH 4.0, 
the hyaline layer rounds up into droplets, absorb- 
ing water from the perivitelline space. If the eggs 
are now centrifuged, the physical connections of 
the droplets with the:egg are severed. Upon re- 
turn to normal sea water a new hyaline membrane 
is exuded from the egg. The larvae resulting 
from such an egg will be perfect but will be 
smaller by the amount lost in the reformation of 
the membrane. The hyaline layer cannot there- 
fore exist in an acid solution. It can on the 
other hand, be strengthened in sea water at pH 
8.0, by adding calcium chloride to the sea water. 
If this be done the hyaline layer becomes tough 
and comparatively indestructible, retaining the 

blastula within its shell for as long as a week. 

The formation of both fertilization and hya- 
line membranes is easily prevented by treating 
the unfertilized eggs with a solution of non-elec- 
trolyte. Five to ten seconds is a sufficient length 
of time in the non-electrolyte solution. They are 
then returned to sea water and fertilized. They 
divide normally and form loose clusters of cells 
held together by strands which we term primary 
cell bridges. Eggs of the sand dollar, Dendraster, 
which have been treated in this way, if shaken 
when they are in the four cell stage, are extended 
into chains. If such a chain be watched till the 
micromeres form, it will be seen that the end 
cells go to form the animal pole, and the two in- 
side cells, the vegetal pole of the blastula. Sub- 
sequently cell plates and half blastulae form, 
which later disintegrate. For a simple physical 
reason, therefore, the lack of confining membranes 
makes it impossible for the larva to form, because 
for this a closed cavity (the blastocele) is neces- 
sary. The situation is different in the European 
sea urchins. In Paracentrotus and Echinus, with 
the formation of micromeres the blastomeres are 
drawn together and later form a blastula. If, 
however, these larvae are put into calcium-free 
sea water, the blastomeres fall somewhat apart 
and numerous strands can be seen connecting 
them. These strands later break and the cells fall 
entirely apart. Such strands we speak of as sec- 
ondary cell bridges. Droplets run along them 
very much as in strands connecting mesenchyme 

If the eggs of Paramecentrotus lividus are ex- 
posed for a few minutes to an isosmotic solution 
of glycerol to which has been added sodium 
chloride in total concentration .05 M, only the 
hyaline membrane will form after fertilization, 

and the resulting blastomeres will fall apart 
a little. If the concentration of sodium chloride 

is increased to .10 M, the fertilization membrane 
is formed but not elevated, and the result is ar 
almost solid blastula. After a still greater in- 
crease of the salt to .14 M, the fertilization mem- 
brane is formed and elevated and the result is a 
normal blastula. It was found in the case of these 
eggs that the complete membrane-forming func- 
tion can be saved in an isosmotic solution of gly- 
cerol containing either magnesium, strontium, cal- 

Aucust 27, 1932 } 



cium or barium ion in .002 M concentration; like- 
wise if the solution contains lithium, sodium or 
caesium ion in .14 M concentration, the mem- 
branes are saved. 

The question as to how the non-electrolyte 
works became important to consider. A series of 
experiments was carried out with the eggs of 
Strongylocentrotus purpuratus, using isosmotic 
glycerol as the non-electrolyte solution. The ef- 
ficiency of the solution in suppressing membrane 
formation was tested for different pH’s. The ex- 
periment was made by putting a drop of eggs in 
25 cc. of solution and agitating. Every five sec- 
onds some of the eggs were removed to a watch 
glass containing sea water, and fertilized. Thus 
the minimum time was determined for the sup- 
pression of the membrane formation. The rate 
is the inverse of the time. The shortest time and 
highest rate for the effect was found to be at pH 
9.0 with a slight falling off down to pH 5.5, after 
which the curve dropped abruptly to a theoretical 
zero at pH 4. The graph of this reaction is a 
broken curve. Just what this means we do not 
know, but it may indicate an iso-electric point. A 
second experiment showed how the action of hy- 
droxyl ions in destroying the pre-membrane stuff 
is inhibited by Ca ion. 

These effects are somewhat similar to those ob- 
tained by Gray on the solution of the intercellular 
matrix of Mytilus epithelium. That worker has 
found that if such epithelium is put into a solution 
of urea or even NaCl, the cells fall apart when 
the matrix dissolves. There is a striking similar- 
ity between the curves of Gray’s results and of 
mine for the solution of the pre-membrane stuff. 

A third cytoplasmic system which behaves like 
a protein is that of the egg core. If the unfer- 
tilized eggs of the sea urchin are put in a non-elec- 
trolyte solution at pH 4.0, they begin to disin- 
tegrate. If the cells are observed under high 
power the granular mass inside the cell becomes 
suddenly active showing Brownian movement, 
finally ending in the granules pouring out as 
though grain froma sack. The reaction depends 
upon the electrolyte and the pH of the solution. 
If the pH of the solution is 7.0 or 8.0, the cells 
remain unharmed for an hour at a time; while if 
the solution is acidic, they fall apart in one or two 
minutes. The center of the cell is thus labile 
only at an acid pH in the absence of metallic 
ions; it is stable with an excess of hydroxyl ions 
alone and with metallic ions. The core thus dif- 
fers from the hyaline membrane which is labile 
in an acid medium (pH 4.0), even if the medium 
contains metallic ions. The core and hyaline mem- 
brane thus differ strikingly from the fertilization 
pre-membrane since the latter is stable in the 
presence of hydrogen ions and labile in the pres- 

ence of hydroxyl ions, provided metallic ions are 
not present. 

As to the part played by the structures we have 
considered in building the blastula, it is clear from 
the experiments that the blastomeres must be held 
together either by outside membranes or by pro- 
cesses connecting them or by both, in order to 
form larvae. The effect of the outside membrane 
in holding the blastomeres together can be fur- 
ther tested without destroying it. For example, 
if starfish eggs after fertilization are exposed to 
a solution of a non-electrolyte, the fertilization 
membrane will be pushed out. The normal di- 
ameter of the membrane is .21 mm.; after it has 
been thus treated, it reaches .27 mm. The result 
of this extension is that the blastomeres in the 
expanded room tend to fall apart and bizarre gas- 
trulae result. It was found possible to make an 
artificial substitute for the membrane, showing 
that its effect is mechanical in nature. We first 
tried setting membrane-free eggs to develop in 
holes in a paraffin plate. This did not work be- 
cause it was impossible to make the holes suf- 
ficiently exact. Finally the membraneless eggs of 
Dendraster were found to develop well in a solu- 
tion of agar in sea water. If the agar was stiff 
enough the blastomeres were held together so that 
they formed closed blastulae. A half per cent. 
solution was not firm enough but three-fourths 
and one per cent. gave excellent results, i. e. closed 
blastulae and later gastrulae. 

An experiment of a different type deserves 
brief mention in this discussion of cytoplasmic 
structures and embryonic development. It con- 
cerns the relative parts played by nucleus and 
cytoplasm in determining the segmentation rate 
of dividing eggs. In Pacific Grove there are two 
Echinoderms which readily hybridize but which 
have widely different segmentation times. Dend- 
raster eccentricus, the sand dollar, accomplishes 
its first division at 20° in about 57 minutes and 
each subsequent division in 28 minutes. The eggs 
of Strongylocentrotus, the sea urchin (2 species), 
divides in 95 minutes after fertilization and subse- 
quently every 47 minutes, approximately. In cross 
fertilized eggs the segmentation time is always the 
time characteristic of the egg. One cannot, how- 
ever, conclude from such an experiment that the 
cytoplasm of the egg alone is concerned since the 
egg nucleus is present and may effect events re- 
mote from itself. It therefore became necessary, 
in order to solve the problem, to remove the egg 
nucleus, afterward fertilizing the enucleated cyto- 
plasm with the foreign sperm. By means of a 
micro-dissection needle the nucleus has been re- 
moved from the eggs of Dendraster, sometimes 
with a small amount of cytoplasm, sometimes the 
egg was simply cut in two. The pieces were then 


fertilized with the sperm of Strongylocentrotus 
franciscanus. The result in all cases was that the 
enucleated piece of Dendraster egg divided in the 
time characteristic for Dendraster, and there was 
no difference in tempo between the piece contain- 
ing the egg nucleus and the piece containing none. 
The experiment proves then that the segmenta- 


[ Vor. VII. No. 60 

tion time in these echinederms is a function of 
the maturated cytoplasm alone. In the case des- 
cribed, the cytoplasm forced the slow sperm nu- 
cleus to perform its division in a little more than 
half its normal time. 

(This article is based an a lecture presented at the 
Marine Biological Laboratory on August 18.) 

Associate Professor of Physiology, Harvard Umiversity Medical School 

Dr. Jacobs has asked me to tell you something 
about our cruise in Northern Labrador. This 
cruise originated in a suggestion made several 
years ago by Sir Wilfred Grenfell. He said, “Tf 
you like cruising, why don’t you come up and 
map one of the uncharted fiords in Labrador.” 
The prospect was intriguing. Most of the coast 
of Labrador is very crudely charted and was un- 
surveyed in the northern part, which included high 
mountain ranges, containing the highest peaks on 
the Atlantic coast. So the plan developed. 

It seemed worth while also to look into the 
natural history—there were some very interesting 
geological problems. There are remains of glaciers 
from an old ice age—also problems concerning the 
configuration of mountains in relation to glacial 
history were to be solved. To what extent the 
ice sheet had covered the mountains remained 
to be determined. Certain flora can be found 
in parts of Newfoundland, which have sur- 
vived the Wisconsin ice sheet. This last ice 
sheet, which covered the northern country about 
25,000 to 50,000 years ago, left a certain area un- 
touched, as shown by plants which date back be- 
yond that age—so-called “conservative plants.” 
Geological evidence supports the same conclusion. 
Dr. Fernald believed that the same picture might 
be found in the mountains of northern Labrador. 
Therefore it seemed worth while to have a geo- 
logical and botanical objective to the expedition 
as well as a geographical one. 

It was suggested that we use an airplane for 
this work, and after comparing the relative ef- 
ficiency of airplanes and human legs in doing sur- 
vey work in a rugged country, we decided that 
certainly it would be a waste of time and energy 
to attempt such a project without an airplane. It 
would be impossible to take a land plane because 
there is no place to make a landing in a country 
with such jagged peaks and rough terrain; so a 
seaplane was required. An aerial surveying cam- 
era was hired. 

We then needed someone competent to take 
charge of the surveying and mapping. It was 
a fortunate coincidence that Mr. Miller, instruc- 
tor in the American Geographical Society’s School 

of Surveying, had just developed a new method 
of making maps by means of aerial photographs. 
The Byrd expedition had just returned, and with 
the aid of Miller’s method their photographs fur- 
nished a good map of the Queen Maude moun- 
tains. Mr. Miller had had no opportunity to or- 
ganize a survey to demonstrate his new method, 
and was therefore eager to experiment with it. 

There are several methods of mapping from 
aerial photography. One is to have the plane fly 
over the country and take over-lapping vertical 
photographs ; this is very good for shore line worl 
and may be used for topographical relief mapping. 
If stereoscopic methods are used, the heights of 
mountains can be determined — there are very 
elaborate machines for this in Italy. The method 
of using vertical pictures was much too detailed 
and expensive for the large area to be covered 
and with the time at our disposal—like doing gross 
anatomy with a high power microscope. Another 
method, used in Canada, is the grid method. The 
plane takes oblique pictures including the horizon, 
and a perspective grid is drawn on the photo- 
graph; the features are then redrawn on a cor- 
responding rectangular grid. Miller’s method is 
essentially one of triangulation: two different 
photographs are taken which contain certain points 
of known position, and by a system of triangula- 
tion it is possible to determine the exact position 
of the plane in the air when the picture was taken, 
and then to determine the location of any other 
unknown point which appears in both photo- 
graphs, provided they contain also the two known 
points and the horizon. He was very keen to put 
his method into practice, and the American Geo- 
graphical Society directed him to go with us and 
take charge of the survey. 

The Labrador coast can be divided into three 
sections. To Indian Harbor it is fairly accurately 
charted. From there north it is unsurveyed, and 
very sparsely settled, though there are Eskimo 
villages. From Cape Mugford north there is 
hardly any human life. There are three ranges 
of mountains, the most dramatic being the Torn- 
gat Mountains, which according to Eskimo legend 
are inhabited by evil spirits. At Hebron is the 

st 27, 1932 ] 



last Moravian mission, and beyond that there is 
no human kfe. It is a mountainous region cut 
by magnificent fords. 

The first item to be considered was a good 
boat. We got the schooner that Captain Iselin had 
built for oceanographic research and which was 
called the Atlantis. This name was wanted very 
much for the new boat down here; so the new 
name Ramah, was given to our boat, and she was 
fitted out with an auxiliary engine, which burned 
oil for fuel. We obtained an old Fairchild plane 
which had been used by the Telephone Company 
for scientific work, and another smaller one, a 
Waco biplane. 

In the middle of June, 1931, we left Boston for 
Sydney, Nova Scotia. Thence we proceeded to 
St. Anthony, the headquarters of the Grenfell 
Mission. We set sail from St. Anthony on July 
2, and on July 4 reached Gready, a typical Lab- 
rador settlement. We anchored there in a “tickle,” 
which is a narrow passage between two islands. 
We discovered that the tide always runs south in 
this “tickle”—probably because of the Labrador 
current. There was a fair-sized iceberg not very 
far away and some of the boys went out to get 
ice for the refrigerator. 

The next stop was Indian Harbor, which is the 
site of the northernmost of the Grenfell Hos- 
pitals. A large fishing fleet was anchored there. 
Here our surgeon was much in demand, since the 
doctor at the Grenfell Hospital has to divide his 
time with a settlement some distance away and 
there were a number of ailments which had ac- 
cumulated during his absence. 

The charts we had supposed to be accurate as 
far as Indian Harbor; and, as a matter of fact, 
their accuracy stopped right in the middle of the 
harbor. Relying on a harbor chart to show the 
depth of water, we started out only to run 
aground almost immediately, 

Mr. Miller and I went up in the plane to look 
out for pack ice, since the route we should take 
might depend upon its presence or absence. 

We went into Hopedale for fuel and here the 
charts were very confusing. We were told we 
should have a local pilot on account of the shoals, 
but we had a device which enabled us to get 
through without a local pilot on our already 
crowded boat—a sort of submarine kite, devised 
by Magoun. Two of these with a wire drag be- 
tween, were towed ahead of us by the tender, at 
a greater depth than our keel. 

At Hopeland we took on all the gasoline we 
could stagger under, because no more could be 
obtained beyond there. We planned to put out 
to sea here, but were fortunate in running across 
Captain MacMillan who offered to guide us 
through the inside passage up to Nain. He took 
us through a labyrinth of barren, rocky islands 

covered with spruce or fir. 

We put out to sea at Port Manvers and sailed 
to Cape Mugford—a region of volcanic rock, in- 
cluding peaks over 3,500 feet high. We anchored 
here in order to give Odell and Abbe an oppor- 
tunity to explore the mountains, some of which 
had never been climbed before, for items of geo- 
logical and botanical interest, 

At Hebron the Hudson Bay Company and the 
Moravian Mission occupy the same quarters: one 
takes care of the food, the other of the social and 
religious problems. 

Our main base was laid at Kangalaksiorvik. 
We reached it in a dense fog, aided by photo- 
graphs which Miller had taken on a preliminary 
reconnaisance flight. From there Miller did the 
major triangulation. Kangalaksiorvik means 
“place where you can hunt deer while they are 
changing their hair.’ This country is covered 
with fireweed and dwarf willows. One species of 
dwarf willow has leaves about one inch in diam- 
eter and grows about six inches above the ground. 
We used twigs of this for firewood. Another 
species has leaves one-fourth inch in diameter and 
grows one-half inch above the ground. It would 
not appear to be a tree to the uninitiated but Abbe 
assured us that it was so technically. 

It was found that the highest peaks were about 
5,000 feet high rather than 7,000 as had been 
stated heretofore. 

A very ingenious dark room was set up by the 
mate, who was an architect. We had supersensi- 
tive films; so the room had to be absolutely dark. 
Water was brought in by hose from a brook and 
a trough was constructed for washing the large 
rolls of film. A drying frame was set up and 
protected with an awning and mosquito netting. 
The water from the brook had to be heated on an 
improvised stove to make a developer warm 
enough to work. 

In the Komaktorvik valley salmon were abun- 
dant, but they would not touch a hook, and had 
to be shot with a gun. 

At Ryan’s Bay we were surprised to find two 
tents on the shore. Two Eskimos came out in 
their sealskin kayaks. They were obviously very 
healthy, much more so than those we had seen 
farther south. The reason probably is that those 
in the south live a life to which they are not 
adapted, subsisting on the flour and canned sup- 
plies distributed to them by the Hudson Bay Com- 
pany, while the nomadic Eskimos eat little but raw 
cod, seal and caribou, which are teeming with all 
the vitamins of the alphabet. Their teeth are 
better, their physique is much better, and there is 
a great deal less tuberculosis. They were very 
intelligent in studying the photographs of the 
region which we had, and identified some of the 
places for us—we took down the names phonet- 



[ Vor. VII. No. 60 

ically and later learned their meanings from a 
missionary. They were not so intelligent, how- 
ever, in providing for themselves. Someone was 
very much attracted by their bone-tipped paddles, 
and on being offered Ingersoll watches in ex- 
change, they gladly handed them over. They had 
to be towed ashore in consequence, and it turned 
out that there was nothing there with which to 
make more paddles, and it is difficult to see how 
they would have been able to get food. One of 
the men took pity on their plight and returned 
one paddle. 

From Ryan’s Bay we sailed north to Ekortiar- 
suk, in Latitude 60°, our farthest north. Here 
Miller made a separate triangulation, but tied it 
to the main triangulation with points intersected 
from both. Thus he established an extensive 
ground control which will serve as a skeleton for 
the map. 

In fifteen hours of flying time, about 550 pic- 
tures were taken which covered an area of 4,000 
square miles. Several months’ work will be re- 
quired to complete the final map. 


Biophysicist, Memorial Hospital (New York) 

The experiments to be discussed here deal with 
the effects of different kinds of radiation on Dros- 
ophila eggs in the early stages of development. 
They are mainly exploratory in nature and were 
performed originally as a foundation for other 
work in which Drosophila eggs were used as test 
material. The results when obtained, however, 
indicated that the methods of investigation used 
might also be useful in studying certain factors 
influencing development. Attention will first be 
called to some of the changes which take place in 
the egg during early development, after which a 
brief description will be given of certain responses 
to the radiations. 

The Drosophila egg is centrolecithal in type. 
The egg and sperm nuclei unite near the cénter 
of the egg and the early cleavages, nuclear only, 
take place synchronously in the central region at 
the rate of 1 in 10-12 minutes at room tempera- 
ture, 22-25° C. At about the eighth or ninth 
cleavage, the nuclei begin to migrate to the peri- 
phery where cell membranes are formed around 
them and where they arrange themselves in a 
single cellular layer to form the blastoderm. This 
thickens by continued mitosis and very soon, gas- 
trulation begins by invagination. 

Attention may be called more specifically to cer- 
tain functional activity which is going on at the 
different stages in the eggs. Since cleavage is syn- 
chronous among the cells (or nuclei) it is clear 
that the total number of cells is doubled with 
every cleavage. Accordingly, at the ninth cleay- 
age when the nuclei are moving toward the peri- 
phery, 512 cells are present. The next cleav- 
age takes the number to 1024, the next to over 
2000 and the next to more than 4000, etc. From 
this it is evident that one of the first steps at the 
beginning of differentiation is a slowing of the 
rate of multiplication of cells. By careful ex- 






amination of the process at the beginning of gas- 
trulation (which is also the beginning of somatic 
differentiation), it is apparent that mitotic activ- 
ity is momentarily limited to those few cells in- 
volved in the formation of the initial bud. Where 
a total of more than 1000 cells was active 
just before gastrulation, the number is reduced to 
a very few at the time of gastrulation—a tre- 
mendous reduction in percentage of cells active. 
The remarkable uniformity of activity among the 
cells gives way to diversity and specialization. It 
becomes clear, therefore, that the beginning of 
gastrulation is a time when extensive changes in 
the regulative control of development takes place. 
Other investigations have indicated that organ- 
isms are the most susceptible to radiation when 
mitotic activity is the highest, and that the time 





Aucust 27, 1932 ] 



of gastrulation is a particularly resisant stage in 
many organisms to depressing agents in general. 
It is of interest therefore to compare the radio- 
sensitivity of Drosophila eggs at the various stages 
in development. 

40 K. V. X-rays, 200 K. V. X-rays, gamma 
rays of radium and alpha particles are the dif- 
ferent kinds of radiation which were used. The 
first three forms, for purposes here, may be con- 
sidered electromagnetic in nature, differing only 
in wave-length. Alpha particles, however, accord- 
ing to the Rutherford-Bohr theory of the struc- 
ture of the atom, are corpuscular in nature, be- 
ing identical with the helium atom stripped of its 
two planetary electrons. In comparing penetra- 
tion characteristics only, gamma rays are capable 
of penetrating fifteen cm. of lead, 200 K. V. x- 
rays are stopped by a few millimeters of lead, 40 
K. V. x-rays are stopped by a few millimeters of 
aluminum and alpha particles are completely 
stopped by a single thickness of ordinary 
writing paper. The first three forms are 
therefore capable of penetrating uniformly 
to all parts of the Drosophila egg, but 
as shown by certain tests (which will 
not be described here) alpha particles do not. 
Since the results obtained for the different radia- 
tions are essentially alike except for alpha par- 
ticles and since this difference can be accounted 
for entirely on the basis of penetration, experi- 
ments with alpha particles will not be considered 
further at this time. 

For the other radiations, the results obtained are 
concisely summarized in the accompanying figure. 
The average age of egg samples from time of fer- 
tilization is shown on the abscissa. The solid line 


curve indicates the quantity of radiation, shown 
in roentgens on the ordinate, required to cause 
mortality in 50 per cent. of the eggs before hatch- 
ing. Sections of a large number of eggs at dif- 
ferent ages were prepared and with these it was 
possible to correlate the stages in development 
with the changes in radiosensitivity. This is 
shown at the base of the figure. It is seen that 
during cleavage, the time when the total number 
of cells is increasing rapidly, there is a slight in- 
crease in sensitivity to the radiation, but that at 
or near the time of gastrulation there is a sudden 
and extensive rise in resistance. As pointed out 
above, this is a period during which the total num- 
ber of cells active in mitosis is very low. As the 
initial apical bud gets under way and others are 
formed, the total number of cells active is built 
up rapidly again and there is a corresponding in- 
crease in sensitivity. Thus it is seen that here 
again the radiosensitivity seems to follow in gen- 
eral the mitotic rate and that gastrulation in the 
Drosophila egg is a particularly resistant stage to 
radiation which is capable of penetrating uniform- 
ly to all parts of the egg (i. e. so far as mortality 
before hatching is concerned). 

In closing, it may be pointed out that penetrat- 
ing radiation is a particularly good type of agent 
to use in studying developing organisms. It pene- 
trates uniformly and instantaneously to all parts 
and acts only during irradiation. Moreover rel- 
ative dosages can be determined with a high de- 
gree of precision. 

(This article is based on a seminar report present 
ed at the Marine Biological Laboratory on Aug- 
ust 9.) 


National Research Fellow, Yale University 

This investigation was undertaken to test the 
hypothesis advanced in my recent paper! that gene 
mutations occur not infrequently in Paramecium 
aurelia, Evidence of mutations both in the mac- 
ronucleus and the micronucleus was found. 

In this investigation care was taken to eliminate 
all environmental differences. The technique em- 
ployed was that described in an earlier paper?. 
This included the use of a sterile salt solution as 
a culture medium with pure cultures of an alga 
and a bacterium as food organisms, the cultiva- 
tion of the organisms on sterile slides in sterile 
Petri dishes, the daily transfer of the organisms 

1 Raffel, D. 1932. Inherited variation arising during 

vegetative reproduction in Paramecium aurelia. 

“Biol. Bull.,” 62:244-257. 

2 Raffel, D. 1930. The effect of conjugation within 

a clone of Paramecium aurelia. “Biol. Bull.” 58: 

to fresh medium with sterile micropipettes, and a 
constant temperature. In this investigation a fur- 
ther modification was introduced which consisted 
in standardizing the quantity of bacteria added each 
day. In this way not only were all the lines sub- 
jected to the same environment, but each line was 
cultivated on successive days in the same medium. 
The success of this modification was evident from 
the regularity in fission rates manifested by the 
different lines. 

Since conjugation within a clone of Paramecium 
is genetically equivalent to self fertilization, re- 
cessive mutations which occur in the micronuclei 
can be accumulated during long periods of vege- 
tative reproduction. Since the micronuclei do not 
function except at conjugation and endomixis 
when they give rise to the new macronucleus 
which is formed at that time, mutations which 
occur in the micronuclei would not manifest them- 


selves until after either conjugation or endomixis. 
If the mutations are recessive they would only 
produce their effects after conjugation when indi- 
viduals homozygous for such recessive mutations 
would be produced. In this investigation a clone 
was tested and found to contain one recessive 
lethal gene as at conjugation it produced 25 per- 
cent. non viable progeny. Then branches of this 
clone were cultivated for about 70 days and each 
of five such branches was inbred. The results 
of these inbreedings showed that the branches con- 
tained 4, 5, 6, 8 and 9 such recessive lethal genes. 
Hence, in these 5 branches of a single clone be- 
tween 3 and 8 mutations had occurred. That the 
mortality was produced by genetic factors is evi- 
dent from the fact that the same clone produced 
only 25 percent. non-viable individuals in the be- 
ginning and also from the results of conjugation 
in another clone (22a) at the same time that the 
conjugants were obtained from the five branches 
of the clone tested for accumulated mutations. In 
clone 22a only about 20 percent. of the progeny 
were non-viable. Also conjugation was induced 
in one of the branches twice within about two 
weeks and in the experiments the amount of mor- 
tality was nearly the same. 

Mutations occurring in the micronucleus if dom- 
inant or if recessive in pairs of genes already 
heterozygous would be expected to manifest them- 
selves after endomixis when the macronucleus is 
replaced from one of the micronuclei. In this 
investigation persistent changes occurred after en- 
domixis which were obviously due to such 
changes. The amount of mortality which occurred 
after endomixis differed in different lines. This 
was apparently due to the numbers of recessive 
lethal genes which they already contained and for 
which mutations would produce homozygosis. 
The line (clone 22a) which suffered the least 
mortality after endomixis was shown by conjuga- 
tion to contain only one recessive lethal gene; 
while other lines which suffered more mortality 
were shown to contain between 4 and 9 such re- 
cessive lethals. 

Most of the lines were uniform and constant 
in their rates of reproduction; but three of the 
lines became permanently altered after endomixis. 
Conjugation experiments indicated that one of the 
lines which remained uniform was heterozygous 
for only one pair of genes affecting fission rates 
as about 69.3 percent. of its viable progeny were 
alike and similar to the original. The mortality 


[ Vor. VII. No. 60 

due to lethal genes made it impossible to deter- 
mine the degree of heterozygosis for genes af- 
fecting fission rates in these lines. 

Dominant mutations or recessive mutations in 
pairs already heterozygous occurring in the mac- 
ronucleus should manifest themselves immediate- 
ly. Their effects should persist until endomixis 
after which the normal characteristics should re- 
appear. Among 144 lines which were cultivated 
at 32°C. for a week, five became altered in their 
fission rates. These were cultivated until the next 
period of endomixis. At this time one of them 
reverted to its normal fission rate as would be ex- 
pected if the original change was due to a muta- 
tion in the macronucleus. The four other altered 
lines died at this time indicating that lethal mu- 
tations had occurred in their micronuclei in addi- 
tion to the apparent mutations in their macro- 

Experiments were also carried out which indi- 
cated that in Paramecium as in other organisms 
a higher temperature increases the mutation rate. 

That the changes observed in this investigation 
are due to gene mutations is supported by the 
fact that (1) they are not environmental effects 
because the experiments were carried out under 
constant and controlled conditions; (2) they are 
not cytoplasmic changes because they are repro- 
duced at ordinary fission in all the progeny; (3) 
many of them appear only after conjugation by 
which homozygosis for recessive mutations is pro- 
duced, i. e., they are transmitted by individuals 
which do not themselves manifest the affects of 
the mutations. The last point is best illustrated 
by the case already published (Raffel 1932) and 
the lethal mutations which produce non-viable in- 
dividuals after conjugation in a normal line. 

The occurrence of gene mutations in Parame- 
cium explains many of the phenomena which have 
hitherto been inexplicable such as the increased 
variation found after endomixis by Erdmann 
(1920) the ‘“dauermodifikationem” of Jollos 
(1921), the effectiveness of selection Parker 
(1927), the continued heterozygosis found by 
Jennings (1913), the mortality after endomixis 
(Woodruff and Erdmann 1914), the mortality in 
vegetative reproduction which occurs in all iso- 
lation culture work, and the question of senes- 
cence which was a center of controversy for many 

(This article is based on a seminar report presented 
at the Marine Biological Laboratory on August 16.) 

Professor of Genetics, California Institute of Technology 

Approximately one hundred cases of rearrange- 
ments of parts of chromosomes have been studied 
genetically in Drosophila—most of them induced 

by X-ray treatment. As a rule the new arrange- 
ment has been found to be quite as stable as the 
typical one from which it arose; but there is a 

Aueust 27, 1932 } . 



small class of unstable types, in which the new 
attachments break repeatedly. 

The paper was a preliminary report on an in- 
completely analyzed member of this unstable 
group. This is a translocation of a piece from 
the extreme left end of the X chromosome onto 
the small fourth chromosome. The most impor- 
ant new point is that the resulting composite 
chromosome is unstable in two ways. The at- 
tached portion of the X is frequently lost, both 
somatically and germinally. In the germinal cases, 
at least, the fourth chromosome is not lost when 
this happens; but in other germ-cells a part at 

least of the fourth chromosome may be lost while 
the attached piece of X is still present. In this 
latter case the piece of X is still lost somatically 
with about the same frequency as when it is at- 
tached to an entire fourth chromosome. 

A hypothetical diagram of the nature of the at- 
tachment was presented; but this must be con- 
sidered as useful only for the purpose of helping 
to visualize the results, since the case is still not 
fully understood, and several complications re- 
main to be investigated. 

(This paper is based on a seminar report presented 
at the Marine Biological Laboratory on August 16.) 

Dr. THeEo. L. JAHN 
National Research Fellow, Yale University 

The present paper is an attempt to study the 
effect of lethal and non-lethal temperatures upon 
Euglena gracilis. The literature contains practi- 
cally no definite information concerning this ques- 
tion. Euglena gracilis may be cultivated free from 
bacteria on agar or in broth in the same manner 
in which bacteria are cultivated. The method of 
cultivation and a counting method for determin- 
ing the amount of growth in various cultures has 
been described previously (Jahn, 1929-1932). 

The first group of experiments is based on the 
conception of thermal death times. As defined in 
bacteriological literature, the thermal death time 
is the time necessary to produce complete steril- 
ization of a culture when the lethal temperature, 
the age of the culture, the kind and pH of the 
medium and other variable factors are given. In- 
itial experiments showed that 40°C. was a con- 
venient temperature for experimental purposes, 
the cultures being rendered sterile in about 45 
minutes. These experiments also showed that for 
death the temperature characteristic is very high. 

It can be demonstrated that the sterilization 
time is affected by pH, and that in the medium 
used the organism is most resistant at pH 5.0. 
The resistance at pH 5.0 is twice as high as at pH 
8.0. This maximum of resistance is-at a distinct- 
ly different pH from the pH of maximal growth 
in the same medium. The optimal initial rate of 
growth is at pH 6.7 but the cultures exhibit a 
type of Tammann effect in that the maximal am- 
ount of growth shifts with time to the alkaline 

The sterilization time is also affected by the 
number of organisms per cc., the more concen- 
trated cultures, in general, requiring a longer time 
to be rendered sterile. However, some of the dil- 
ute cultures, apparently a random selection, re- 
quire as long a time for sterilization as the more 
concentrated ones. This is explained as heing due 

to a very wide distribution of resistances among 
the organisms. The general relationship of steril- 
ization time and concentration of organisms can 
be explained without the assumption of a pro- 
tective secretion of the type that has been pro- 
posed by Dr. Allee for similar phenomena. De- 
ductions based on the law of mass action and on 
the wide distribution of individual resistances can 
easily explain this relationship in Euglena gracilis, 
and also in the case of bacterial cultures (Jahn, 

The second group of experiments concerns the 
growth of Euglena gracilis in the dark at different 
temperatures. Ina medium of hydrolyzed casein 
the optimal temperature is 10°C., and growth 
is very slow (less than one division in three 
weeks). However, when sodium acetate is added, 
the growth rate is greatly increased (to more than 
one division every two days), and the maximal 
amount of growth occurs at 23°C. instead of at 
10°C. Without acetate, encystment occurred at 
15°C. and above, but in the cultures containing 
acetate no encystment occurred during the time of 
the experiment. 

In a series of experiments performed to deter- 
mine the optimal concentration of ammonium ace- 
tate, it was found that the optimal concentration 
was different in the light (M/1280) and in the 
dark (M/160). It was also found that the opti- 
mal concentrations in the light and in the dark are 
higher for sodium acetate than for ammonium 
acetate, due to the lower toxicity of the sodium 
ion. : 

Further experiments showed that the acetate 
radical could be replaced by proprionate and 
better still by butyrate, but not by formate, lactate, 
citrate, oxalate, succinate, or tartrate. 

(A summary of a seminar report presented at the 
Marine Biological Laboratory on August 23.) 


[ Vor. VII. No. 60 

Instructor of Zoology, University of Pennsylvania 

During the last few years, I have been inter- 
ested in the mitosis and chromosome behavior 
among the opalinids which are a group of ciliates 
living in the large intestines of frogs and toads, 
although some species have been described from 
fishes, salamanders and reptiles. They are par- 
ticularly interesting because ciliates in general 
possess two kinds of nuclei—the micronucleus and 
the macronucleus, but in the opalinids there is 
only one kind. There have been greatly divergent 
ideas concerning the nuclear structure and mito- 
sis. It seemed necessary to work over the whole 
subject with an abundant supply of favorable ma- 
terial. Since the size of the nuclei in these ani- 
mals varies a great deal in different genera and 
different species, it would seem best then to work 
on a species with very large nuclei so that the 
chromosomes and their behavior could be worked 
out in detail. 

At the University of Pennsylvania, under the 
direction of Prof. Wenrich and Prof. McClung, 
I have obtained and studied opalinids from dif- 
ferent parts of this country as well as from Mex- 
ico, Naples, Bermuda, British West Indies, and 
different parts of Asia. It was our intention to 
find a species with nuclei which would be large 
enough for our work and at the same time find 
living material which could be obtained in great 
abundance. After spending much time, we have 
finally discovered a species from the southern 
part of this country which seems to have fulfilled 
the purpose. A report is given on this form—a 
species of Zelleriella (opalinidae), although I 
have also studied other forms. 

The main part of this paper is devoted to the 
behavior of chromosomes and chromosome indi- 
viduality. Here we have a case in which the be- 
havior of chromosomes in a Protozoan cell is most 
strikingly similar to the behavior of chromosomes 
ina Metazoan cell. 


During interkinesis or the resting stage, the 
nucleus is spherical, oval, or slightly elongated. 
There are three essential structures of interest in 
the nucleus: (a) The nuclear membrane which is 
persistent throughout mitosis as in the majority of 
Protozoa. (b) The chromatin reticulum which 
gives rise to chromosomes during mitosis. (c) 
Masses of material, which stain intensely with 
hematoxylin during interkinesis and in all stages 
of mitosis but disappear with Feulgen’s technique. 
The nature of this material is not known. 

(1) Prophase. At early prophase, the fine 

chromatin reticulum begins to condense and trans- 
forms gradually into a fine spireme. At this stage, 
if not carefully studied, it might give one a false 
impression that it is a continuous thread. How- 
ever, when it is examined carefully, the spireme 
appears to consist of a number of threads or 
chromosomes. Each chromosome could be studied, 
traced, mapped, and drawn. The chromosomes 
condense and become thicker and shorter as 
mitosis goes on and can be counted and studied 
more easily. At late prophase or early metaphase, 
the chromosomes tend to collect at the equator of 
the nucleus and aggregate there, meanwhile the 
nucleus has already become elongated. 

(2) Metaphase. On account of their extreme 
condensation, the chromosomes in metaphase are 
the thickest and shortest and most intensely 
stained. The chromosomes do not seem to ar- 
range themselves in a definite equatorial plate as 
in some animals but they do arrange themselves 
at the equator of the nucleus. Later, the longi- 
tudinal split of the chromosomes shows clearly 
and the chromatids or the daughter halves of each 
chromosome can be identified. At a somewhat 
later stage, the chromatids appear to be quite far 
apart from each other. 

(3) Anaphase. In anaphase, the daughter 
halves of each chromosome move toward opposite 
poles. The daughter chromosomes do not reach 
the poles at the same time but apparently a num- 
ber of them may be ahead of others in approach- 
ing the poles. 

(4+) Telophase. After reaching the poles, the 
chromosomes remain there and they become more 
irregular in arrangement, while the nucleus with 
its persistent nuclear membrane begins to con- 
strict at the middle and as a result a dumb-bell 
shaped nucleus is formed. Constriction of the 
nucleus continues until two daughter nuclei are 
formed which are at first connected by a thread. 
The chromosomes in the meantime have been 
gradually transforming into chromatin reticulum 
within the daughter nuclei. At a later time, the 
connecting thread between the two daughter nuclei 
disappears, resulting in the formation of two free 
spherical nuclei. 

Among the 24+ or 25 chromosomes found there 
are certain individuals which could be readily rec- 
ognized in every nucleus on account of their dif- 
ferential size. They are the six shortest chromo- 
somes in the whole series. They are very much 
shorter than any other chromosomes in the whole 
group and hence they could be readily recognized. 

In the resting stage, the masses of material 

Aucust 27, 1932 ] 


within the nucleus may assume spherical, oval, 
elongated or similar shapes. There is no definite- 
ness in shape and the number varies a great deal, 
from two to twelve in each nucleus. There are 
also considerable variations in size. Such varia- 
tions in shape, size, and number may occur within 
the two nuclei of the same animal, either during 
the resting stage or mitosis. In no _ stage, 
do they show positive reaction with Feuglen’s 

In the early prophase, a striking change takes 
place. They tend to become greatly elongated. In 
a late prophase, however, they seem to condense 
and shorten until they become very much con- 
densed in the metaphase. In the anaphase, they 
become elongated again and constrict and divide 
in the middle. Division may be equal or unequal. 
Approximately half of the daughter masses go to 
each pole where they become elongated and later 
transform into spherical, oval, or elongated bodies 
in the resting stage. 


Division of the cell body may take place in the 
metaphase, the telophase, or in intermediate stages. 
Nuclear division is usually accompanied by the 
division of the cell body but there are cases in 
which the division of the body is delayed, thus 
giving rise to specimens with four nuclei. There 
were cases in which the four nuclei were seen in 
division but no animals with eight nuclei have 
been observed. 

(1) A species of binucleated Opalinid has been 
studied with reference to the nuclear structure 

and mitosis, especially the behavior of chrom- 
osomes and chromosome individuality. 
During interkinesis, the spherical or slightly 
elongated nucleus contains a chromatin reti- 
culum, which later gives rise to chromosomes, 
and a few masses of material which stain in- 
tensely with hematoxylin but disappear with 
Feulgen’s technique. The nuclear membrane 
is persistent throughout mitosis as in the ma- 
jority of Protozoa. 

Mitosis, which is similar to that of Metazoan 
cells, involves a transformation of the chro- 
matin reticulum into a spireme, condensation 
and shortening of chromosomes, their collec- 
tion at the equator of the nucleus, longitudi- 
nal splitting of the chromosomes, movement 
of daughter halves of chromosomes toward 
opposite poles and the gradual transformation 
of daughter chromosomes into chromatin ret- 
iculum of the daughter nuclei. 

There are certain masses of material in the 
nucleus which stain intensely with hematoxy- 
lin but disappear with Feulgen’s technique. 
There is no defniteness in shape, size, and 
number in the resting stage or in any stage 
of mitosis. They show considerable reorgan- 
ization during mitosis. 

Division of the cell body may take place at 
the metaphase, the telophase, or in intermedi- 
ate stages. Cases in which the division of the 
cell body is delayed were also observed. 


(This article is based upon a seminar report pre- 
sented at the Marine Biological Laboratory on Aug- 
ust 23.) 


Dr. Maynarp M. METCALF 

Research Associate in Zoology, 

For Mr. Chen’s paper on Zelleriella I have only 
words of admiration. He has used methods of 
preservation and of staining which seem entirely 
satisfactory for the chromosomes, and they were 
the structures which he was studying. His re- 
sults outclass those previously reported and one 
feels complete confidence in them. 

There is much further in the cytology of the 
opalinids to be studied. There is hardly a struc- 
ture in the body which should not respond illumin- 
atingly to such adequate technique as that Mr. 

Johns Hopkins Uniwersity 

Chen has employed for the chromosomes, though 
each structure may call for its own special meth- 
ods. One waits with eager interest, for example 
for the report of the behavior of the several struc- 
tures during the life history, especially during its 
presexual, sexual and post-sexual phases. But it 
will require much time to give such careful study 
to all of this. The nature and meaning of at pres- 
ent problematic structures may receive much light 
from their behavior. 

Dr. WittrAm F. HAHNERT 
Johnson Foundation for Medical Physics, University of Pennsylvania 

When a galvanic current is passed through a 
solution containing protozoa, most forms respond 
in some characteristic way. In Amoeba proteus, 
the outstanding reaction consists in orientation 
and migration toward the cathode. It is known 

that one of the main factors involved in locomo- 
tion of Amoeba is the continuous transformation 
of plasmagel to plasmasol at the posterior end and 
of plasmasol to plasmagel at the anterior end of 
the organism. One may ask, therefore; does the 


[ Vor. VII. No. 60 

galvanic current, in causing this orientation and ° 

migration toward the cathode, act by changing the 
rate of the gel-sol transformation? 

The Amoebae used were removed from a stock 
culture, washed several times in a synthetic solu- 
tion, allowed sufficient time for adjustment, and 
then transferred to the solution in a rectangular 
glass trough, through which a galvanic current of 
known and readily controlled strength could be 

An attempt was made first to ascertain the in- 
tensity-duration relations in response by the effect 
produced on the rate of locomotion in Amoebae 
moving toward the cathode. The rate of locomo- 
tion of specimens was obtained by measuring the 
distance between outlines drawn by means of a 
camera lucida. The results obtained on ten speci- 
mens show (1) that the continuous passage of a 
very weak current caused an increase in the rate 
of locomotion which persisted for several minutes 
and then a decrease, and (2) that the stronger the 
current, the shorter the period of increased rate. 
The results obtained on ten other specimens show 
(1) that the sudden make of the current causes 

within 15 seconds a decrease in rate at the anter- 
ior end and increase in rate at the posterior end, 
resulting in contraction of the organism and (2) 
that the stronger the current, the greater the de- 
gree of contraction. These results do not show 
the effect of duration of stimulus on response. 

In normal locomotion and in the experiments 
described above, the flow of the plasmasol was 
uniformly forward. However, if the current is 
made so that Amoeba moves toward the anode, the 
direction of flow of plasmasol is reversed at the 
cathodal end. The time which elapses between 
the stimulus and response (reversal of flow) is 
called the reaction-time. 

A detailed study of the relation between current 
strength and reaction-time shows (1) that the re- 
action-time decreased as the current strength in- 
creased, (2) that a curve through the experimen- 
tally determined points (reaction-time) closely 
simulated an hyperbola, (3) that the quantity of 
current (it), where i is intensity and t duration, 
remained practically constant throughout the range 
of current strengths tested, and (4) that the value 
of the expression, i\/t, was not constant as re- 
quired by Nernst’s law of electrical excitation for 
striated muscle but increased as the current 
strength increased. Nernst’s law states that for 
equal stimulating effect the product of the inten- 
sity of the current and the square root of its dur- 
ation is constant, (i\/t=K). Experiments in 
progress show that the reaction-time is affected 
by such environmental factors as temperature, 
hydrogen-ion concentration, ete. 

Knowing now that Amoeba has a reaction-time, 
the question arises: how long must the current 

pass in order to obtain a response? The reaction- 
time in numerous specimens was ascertained with 
various combinations of intensity and duration of 
stimulus. The results obtained show that the per- 
centage of trials yielding response decreased as 
the duration of stimulus decreased and that the 
duration of stimulus needed to produce a certain 
percentage of response decreased as the current 
strength increased. They show also that the re- 
action-time was constant regardless of the dura- 
tion of the stimulus and that the reaction-time was 
composed of two parts: a stimulation period, a 
time during which passage of current was neces- 
sary and a latent period, a time during which pas- 
sage of current was not necessary in order to ob- 
tain a response. A study of the different phases 
of the reaction-time shows (1) that both the re- 
action-time and the stimulation period decreased 
as the current strength increased, whereas the 
latent period remained constant and (2) that the 
quantity of current (it) passed, remained practi- 
cally constant throughout the range of current 
strengths tested. It seems, therefore, that a defi- 
nite amount of current (it) is required to initiate 
response and that then a definite amount of time 
(latent period) is required to bring it to expres- 
sion. Here again the value of Nernst’s equation, 
i\/t, was not constant but increased as the cur- 
rent strength increased. 

The intensity-duration relations in the response 
of Spirostomum ambiguum to electrical stimula- 
tion are similar to those of Amoeba. When a gal- 
vanic current is passed through a solution con- 
taining Spirostomum, the forms lying parallel to 
the direction of the current, contract sharply. 
Owing to the almost instantaneous nature of the 
response, the reaction-time was not ascertained, 
but certain other relations were studied with vari- 
ous combinations of intensity and duration of 
stimulus. The results obtained show in Spirosto- 
mum, as in Amoeba, that the percentage of trials 
yielding response decreased as the duration of 
stimulus decreased and that the duration of stim- 
ulus needed to produce a certain percentage of 
response decreased as the current strength in- 
creased. They show also, as noted above for Am- 
oeba, that the stimulation period decreased as the 
current strength increased. In  Spirostomum, 
however, the quantity of current passed did not 
remain constant as in Amoeba but decreased as 
the current strength increased. Furthermore, the 
value of Nernst’s equation does not remain con- 

stant; neither did it increase as the current 
strength increased as noted for Amoeba, but 

rather it decreased as the current strength in- 
creased. Apparently, the case with Spirostomum 
is more complex than that with Amoeba. 

It appears therefore that in Amoeba we may be 
dealing with a basic protoplasmic response un- 

Aucust 27, 1932 ] 



affected by specialized conducting and contracting 
elements, perhaps with a colloidal gel-sol trans- 
formation, whereas in Spirostomum we may be 
dealing with a similar basic protoplasmic response, 
or with a response conditioned by specialized con- 

ducting and contracting elements, or with a com- 
bination of both. More extensive experiments on 
these problems are now in progress. 

(This article is based on a seminar report presented 
at the Marine Biological Laboratory on August 23.) 

Dr. Rupotr Monp 
University of Kiel, Germany 

The regulation of ions in the body tissues is a 
problem to be developed from two fundamental 
facts in comparative physiology. We know that 
the composition of ions in the body fluids is nearly 
constant. We find appreciable differences between 
the mineral content inside the cells and that of the 
outside solution. Furthermore, the composition 
of mineral substances varies in cells belonging to 
different organs so that we may say that the out- 
side solution is in equilibrium with different solu- 
tions inside the cells. We know, further, from 
much experimental research that relatively small 
changes in the ionic composition of the outside so- 
lution lead to considerable changes in the function, 
or may even lead to the death, of the cell. Not 
only is the presence of certain mineral substances 
necessary to maintain life, but also a certain con- 
stant mixture of these ions is necessary for the 
maintenance of life and function. It may be con- 
sidered that the supply of mineral substances from 
without in the higher animals, especially in man, 
is rather irregular, therefore, we must assume that 
there is a certain regulatory mechanism which 
keeps up the store and distribution of ions in the 

‘Lhe question arises as to what kind of regula- 
tory mechanism accounts for this. First of all the 
excretory organs, the kidney in particular, can 
play an important part by increasing or decreasing 
the excretion of certain ions, but the power of 
these organs is limited. They may be able to reg- 
ulate the whole store of mineral substances but 
they cannot influence directly the distribution of 
ions between the body fluids and tissues. Here 
we have to assume special kinds of regulatory sys- 
tems. Not much is known on this question and 
we may better start with some general assump- 
tions, the limits of which should include every- 
thing that may happen. 

Three kinds of such regulatory systems may be 
described as follows: (1.) a regulation of ions 
based upon certain chemical properties of the 
fluid, i. e., a regulation of ions in a liquid system, 
based upon buffer substances; (2.) a system of 
two solutions separated by a membrane, i. e., the 

inside solution of the cell and the outside solu- 

1 This article came from Germany late last week, 
and Dr. Mond asked us to edit it. We are under 
obligations to Dr. Robert Chambers who went over 
the manuscript for us. 

tion separated by the cell membrane; the distri- 
bution of ions may be due to the structure and 
permeability of the membrane which leads to cer- 
tain ionic equilibria between the solutions; (3.) 
the exchange of ions between a liquid and a solid 
phase—hbetween either the solution inside the cell 
and the cell structure, or the outside solution and 
the surface of the cell. 

The regulation of the H ions in the blood based 
upon the buffer substances belongs to the first kind 
of regulatory system. It may be emphasized that 
this regulation must be completed by the action of 
the respiratory centre and the evidence leads to 
the assumption that also other regulatory mechan- 
isms require a certain physico-chemical system 
connected with a special metabolism reaction to 
complete them. 

The regulation of potassium by the muscle be- 
longs to the second kind of system. I found that 
potassium enters the muscle if the concentration 
in the outside solution exceeds the normal thresh- 
old value, and that it leaves the muscle if the out- 
side concentration is smaller than the normal value 
in the blood. The outside concentration of potas- 
sium therefore is regulated by the muscle. The 
muscle fiber is permeable to potassium and H ions 
and impermeable to Na, Ca and Cl ions (Mond 
and Amson). Every explanation of the regulation 
of K by the muscle has to deal with the fact that 
the concentration of K inside is about 20 times 

as high as that on the outside, and that K enters 
the muscle against the concentration gradient. 

Netter gave a sufficient explanation of the distri- 
bution of K inside and outside the muscle when 
he derived from model experiments in which he 
worked with artificial membranes of a similar per- 
meability to the muscle fibers. The principle of 
such a distribution of ions against the concentra- 
tion gradient under certain conditions applies to 
any system which consists of two solutions separ- 
ated by a membrane which is selectively perme- 
able only to one kind of ion. For instance, if 
blood corpuscles are suspended in a mixture of 
isotonic sugar and NaCl solution, the ratio of 
C1 inside over the Cl outside becomes greater than 
one. Sugar does not enter the erythrocytes, but 
keeps up the osomotic pressure in the outside solu- 
tion. Chloride ions cannot leave the blood corpus- 
cles in spite of the high concentration gradient be- 



[ Vor. VII. No. 60 

cause the membrane is impermeable to cations. 
Only an exchange of Cl ions against other cations 
is possible and the ratio of anions on the inside 
over those on the outside follows the Donnan 
equilibrium. The value of this ratio depends upon 
the amount of sugar in the outside solution. 

In the same way, if muscle fibers are surround- 
ed by a solution of NaCl and small amounts of 
KC1, the osmotic pressure of the outside solution 
is chiefly accomplished by the NaCl which does 
not penetrate. K and H ions which are able to 
enter the muscle will be distributed according to 
Donnan’s law: Ki/Ko=Hi/Ho. This ratio has 
normally a value of about twenty. If we increase 
the concentration of K in the outside solution, the 
equilibrium is disturbed and a new one has to be 
established by exchange of K outside against H 
ions inside. The opposite reaction occurs if we 
decrease the outside KK concentration. The shift 
of potassium between fibre and surrounding solu- 
tion leads to an effect which can be compared with 
the action of the buffer substances in the blood. 
The former value of the K concentration can be 
approached by the exchange, but a complete regu- 
lation cannot be accomplished by the physico- 
chemical system alone. This can be made possible 
either by increasing the H ion concentration in- 
side, so that the ratio of H inside over H outside 
becomes greater and more K ions are able to enter 
the muscle in exchange with H ions, or by de- 
creasing the H ion concentration inside, thus en- 
abling more K ions to leave the muscle. Chemi- 
cal reactions are known which may increase or di- 
minish the H ion concentration inside the fibre, 
i. e., the formation of lactic acid, or the breaking 
down of phosphocreatine. 

The explanation of the regulation of the K 
ions is based upon the experimental discovery that 
in perfusing experiments K is regulated by the 
muscle, and on the conclusions drawn from ex- 
periments by Netter in which he investigated the 
distribution of ions between two solutions separ- 
ated by a membrane with the properties of the 
muscle fibre boundary. However, it is necessary 
to show the quantitative exchange of K and H 
ions between muscle and surrounding fluid. We 
tried to perform that by perfusing frog muscles 
with unbuffered Ringer solution and analysing 
simultaneously the K and H ion concentration of 
the solution. We failed to find a quantitative re- 
lationship. The reason is that there is another 
buffer system between the muscle fibre and the 
outside solution which we did not expect and 
which makes it impossible to measure directly the 
amount of shifting H ions. If we perfuse with 
unbuffered Ringer’s solution, the fluid coming out 
contains fairly large amounts of bicarbonate. The 
cation belonging to the bicarbonate is sodium 
which has been found by investigating the changes 

of the contents of ions in the perfusion fluid and 
in the muscle. 

These results lead to a kind of ion distribution 
between cells and surrounding fluid quite differ- 
ent from the shift of K and H between muscle 
and blood. A relatively small amount of Na, up 
to about 30 mgr. per cent., belongs to the muscle 
fibre. There is, as we found, no relation between 
the Na concentration inside the muscle fibre and 
the outside concentration, which makes it impos- 
sible to assume that the distribution of sodium be- 
tween muscle and outside fluid is a problem of 
diffusion and permeability. There is still another 
fact which is incompatible with the assumption of 
diffusion. It is that K penetrates the fibre. If 
Na was also able to enter the muscle we should 
expect an equal distribution of K and Na between 
muscle and outside fluid, but this does not occur. 
So we have to conclude that the sodium of the 
bicarbonate in the perfused fluid cannot come 
from the inside of the muscle but must come 
from the surface. It may be bound there in some 
chemical compound that is as yet unknown. 

The physiological significance of the shift of 
sodium between muscle and blood seems to be that 
under certain conditions Na leaves the muscle as 
sodium bicarbonate. This reaction seems to be 
specific, so that buffer substances in the blood is 
increased. We found, further, that appreciable 
amounts of Na can be bound by the muscle, this 
reaction being connected with those chemical re- 
actions which occur during recovery after exer- 
cise. If muscles are stimulated through the nerve 
until fatigue sets in, no changes occur in the Na 
content of the muscle during stimulation or for 
some time after. Lactic acid leaves the muscle as 
free acid and is bound by the buffer substances of 
the blood. During recovery the amount of sodium 
of the muscle increases. This can be explained 
on the basis of those chemical reactions which are 
connected with the recovery process. Lactate 
enters the muscle from the blood. A part of this 
is oxidized producing CO». which leaves the mus- 
cle. If we suppose the Meyerhof quotient, 1. e., 
that the ratio of the whole amount of disappearing 
lactic acid over the amount of oxidized lactic acid, 
has the value of six, then six mols of entering 
lactate leave behind in the blood six mols of ca- 
tions which are chiefly sodium. If one mol of lac- 
tic acid is burned, three mols of COz are pro- 
duced and diffuse into the blood, where they be- 
come bound to three mols of the cations to form 
sodium bicarbonate. This leaves an excess of 
three mols of cations which, either makes the 
blood more alkaline or is bound to some corpus- 
cular elements. We found an increase of the Na 
concentration of the muscle during recovery and 
the connection of the shift of sodium between 
muscle and blood with these reactions seems to be 

Aucust 27, 1932 ] 



reasonable. If the value of the Meyerhof quo- 
tient becomes three, no change of the sodium am- 
ount of the muscle is to be expected, because as 
much lactate disappears as CO» is produced. If 
the quotient becomes smaller than three, more CO, 
is formed than lactic acid disappears, and it may 
be possible that now a certain amount of Na 
would be removed from the muscle as sodium bi- 

Our knowledge about the regulation of ions in 
the tissues is still in the beginning stages. The 
experimental results are at present not sufficient 
to state a general theory. But it seems to be that 
every regulatory mechanism consists of a certain 
physico-chemical system connected with a special 
cell reaction. The finding of these quantitative 
connections would lead to a better understanding 


of the relations between ion effects and metabol- 

Mond, Umkehr der elektiven Anionenpermeabilitat 
der roten blutkorperchen in eine elektive Durchlas- 
sigkeit fur Kationen. “Pflug. Arch.’’ 217, 618, 1927. 

Mond und Amson, Uber die Ionenpermeabilitat des 
quergesteiften Muskels. “Pflug. Arch.’, 220, 69, 

Netter, Uber Elektrolytgleichgewichte an elektiv 
ionenpermeablen Membranen und ihre biologische 
Bedeutung. “Pflug. Arch.” 220, 107, 1928. 

Gehorcht die Ammoniakverteilung auf Blutkor- 
perchen und Serum den Membrangleichgewichten. 
“Pflug. Arch.”, 222, 724, 1929. 

Mond und Netter, Andert sich die Ionenpermea- 
bilitat des Muskels wahrend seiner Tatigkeit. “Pflug. 
Arch.”, 224, 702, 1930. 

Mond und Netter, Uber die Regulation des Natri- 
ums durch den Muskel. “Pflug. Arch.’’, 230, 42, 1932. 
(This article is based upon a lecture presented at the 
Marine Biological Laboratory on July 15.) 


Instructor in Zoology, Columbia University 

The leucocyte of the urodele Amphibia displays 
in the finer details of its cytoplasm a striking type 
of organization. The most obviously distinctive 
feature is an aster, present in the non-dividing cell, 
which has at the focal point of its rays a some- 
what vaguely delimited body, the centrosome, and 
near this, but not at the focal point, two small, 
sharply defined granules, the centrioles. |The 
more central part of the aster is demarcated from 
the periphery by a distinct line, the capsule, and 
this whole region inside the capsule is sometimes 
termed the sphere. The Golgi apparatus con-- 
sists of a number of plate-like bodies on the sur- 
face of the sphere. The chondriosomes are long 
slender filaments, and, where adjacent to the aster, 
they are oriented radial to its center. There are 
two variations of the leucocyte structure des- 
cribed above, the polymorphonuclear neutrophile 
with an irregularly lobed nucleus and paler cyto- 
plasm, and the eosinophile, so-called from the 
staining reactions of the small spheres that are 
closely packed in the cytoplasm outside the aster. 
These two are probably developed as specializa- 
tions of the first type, which in the adult is rela- 
tively much more numerous in the centers of leu- 
cocyte formation than in the connective tissue and 
the blood stream. In the present study the pres- 
ence of an aster with capsule and centrosome have 
been relied upon for identification of cells differ- 
entiating along the line toward definitive leuco- 
cytes, a criterion which seems perfectly reliable 
since no other amphibian tissue cell contains this 
structure. In the adult Ambystoma leucocytes 
are normally formed largely in a thick layer of 
tissue just under the capsule of the liver, but there 
is also another locus of considerable extent along 
the aorta, 

The earliest cells that are the progenitors of 
leucocytes are found in embryos of Harrison’s 
stages 34 and 35, before the beginning of circula- 
tion. They occur in small number all along the 
body at the level of the lower border of the somite 
either actually within the somite or just outside it 
below the ectoderm. They are distinguished from 
other cells of the somite by being nearly spherical 
and containing an aster with typical centrosome 
and capsule. These cells, which may be provision- 
ally termed primitive myeloblasts, are the only 
loose cells in the segmented part of the body of the 
embryo, with the exception of a few neuroblasts, 
The primitive myeloblasts digest their yolk grains 
and become actively amoeboid cells capable of 
phagocytosis of yolk grains and may then be 
termed the earliest functional macrophages. This 
stage is completed early and by stage 38 the em- 
bryo has very few primitive myeloblasts remain- 
ing. Progressive multiplication in later develop- 
mental stages decreases the size of these cells in 
common with those of all other tissues. These 
smaller cells of the macrophage, or mononuclear, 
type are capable of giving rise, by stage 40, on the 
one hand to eosinophiles or by differentiation in 
another direction to the polymorphonuclear leuco- 
cyte, the third adult type. 

The primitive myeloblasts are probably derived 
only from differentiation of cells of the ventro- 
lateral border of the somite, and the distribution 
of leucopoietic tissue in the later embryo and early 
larvae varies at different body levels according to 
the history of this part of the somite. In addition 
to cells that can differentiate into primitive myelo- 
blasts, this region of the somite contains potential 
fibroblasts and chromatophores that are later to be 
located in the dermis, so that the term derma- 



[ Vor. VII. No. 60 

tome often applied to it is appropriate. During 
stages 36-38 the cells of the dermatome region 
loosen up and begin active proliferation by mito- 
sis. Asa result there is developed a sheet of cells, 
at first but one cell thick, extending ventrally from 
the outer ventral corner of the somite along the 
body wall, just below the ectoderm. Within this 
sheet and continuous with one another are fibro- 
blasts, chromatophores and primitive myeloblasts. 
Other myeoblasts work their way from the somite 
to a position between the aorta and the cardinal 
veins, where in later stages they multiply to give 
rise to the aortic zone of leucopoietic tissue. 

In a more anterior part of the body, at the level 
of the heart, liver and pronephros, there is a de- 
velopment of a similar sheet of cells on each side 
from the dermatome part of the somite. During 
stages 37 to 39 the myeloblasts, and their descend- 
ants, the early macrophages, multiply especially 
rapidly in the more ventral part of the sheet of 
dermis so that this region becomes what may be 
regarded as the first very active center of leuco- 
poiesis. It continues to function in this manner 
up to stage 46, a time after other centers have de- 
veloped, but in later larvae there is no greater con- 
centration of leucocytes here than in other parts 
of the dermal connective tissue. This center of 
leucocyte formation in the dermis is directly in 
contact with the liver where it is opposite that 
organ, and at about stage 40, the actively amoe- 
boid macrophages begin to migrate from the der- 
mal leucopoietic center to the immediately ad- 
jacent position under the liver capsule. Here they 
apparently encounter conditions particularly fav- 
orable to their multiplication. Mitotic activity is 
very rapid and soon, by stage 46, there is formed 
a band of leucopoietic tissue several cells in thick- 
ness along each side of the liver. At about stage 
40 in all parts of the embryo where leucocyte pro- 
liferation is proceeding rapidly the eosinophilic 
and polymorphonuclear types begin to differentiate 
from the earlier type, the macrophage, so that al- 
most from its earliest development the perihepatic 
region is producing the same three types of cells 
that it develops throughout the life of the animal. 
In later larval life the two bands of perihepatic 
tissue extend toward each other ventrally and dor- 
sally and ultimately form practically a continuous 
layer, but even in a larva a month after hatching 
the capsule is still much thicker at the sides, the 
points of its earliest origin. 

The development of the dermatome part of the 
somite is somewhat different in the tail region and 
is especially deserving of attention since the only 
other observations on the development of leuco- 
cytes in urodele Amphibia have been made on this 
part of the embryo. The intermediate and lateral 
plate mesoderm cease abruptly at the posterior 
limit of the cloaca and the only mesoderm growing 

out into the developing tail bud belongs to the 
somites. The early tail, stage 35, contains at its 
growing tip the neural tube and notochord and, 
immediately below the latter, a solid plug of endo- 
derm tissue, continuous with that of the gut an- 
teriorly. The somites of the two sides form solid 
masses and are continuous ventrally below the 
strand of endoderm and in close contact with it. 
The region where the somites of the two sides are 
continuous includes those cells which are the 
equivalent of the ventro-lateral (dermatome) 
region of more anterior somites and it is accord- 
ingly destined to form the same tissues in the tail. 
As the tail flattens out, stage 36, this ventral 
region breaks away from the rest of the somite 
and remains in contact with and partially sur- 
rounding the mass of endoderm. Later, as we 
should expect, fibroblasts, chromatophores, and 
primitive myeloblasts differentiate from this tissue 
surrounding the plug of endoderm under the not- 
ochord. Dr. and Mrs. Clark have studied what I 
consider must be this region in the Axolotl larva 
and have noted in the living animal the breaking 
away of cells from this ventral strand and their 
differentiation into these three types. Further- 
more they have followed the development of the 
primitive myeloblasts as they lose their yollx and 
become actively amoeboid, functional macro- 

Although before stage 46 the embryo contains 
probably thousands of the three definitive adult 
leucocyte types in the dermis, around the aorta, 
and in the periphepatic zone the blood stream has 
been almost completely deficient in them. But at 
about this time the macrophages, polymorphonu- 
clears and eosinophiles suddenly begin to enter 
the blood in considerable number so that very soon 
they constitute from 1-2% of the cells of the 
blood, a condition approximating the adult blood 

In conclusion let me briefly point out the fea- 
tures of this study that are perhaps of consider- 
able significance to the general problem of blood 
cell formation in vertebrates. The leucocytes 
arise before circulation has begun in a region re- 
mote from the ventral blood island region, where 
the erythroblasts are developing, and far distant 
from any blood vessel anlage. Their place of or- 
igin in the somite is practically identical with that 
of the connective tissue cells of the dermis and 
for some time they proliferate only in the region 
of the dermis. Only after thousands of these 
leucocytes of the three specialized definitive adult 
types have been developed extravascularly do they 
enter the blood stream and mingle with the eryth- 
rocytes, which have always been intra-vascular. 
This sequence of events perhaps suggests that the 
leucocyte is primarily not a blood cell but a con- 
nective tissue element that is only secondarily in- 

Aucust 27, 1932 ] 



side the blood stream. Furthermore, these obser- 
vations on leucopoiesis in the embryo and early 
larva offer no support for the widely prevalent 
view that in the Amphibia leucocytes and erythro- 

cytes are derived from an identical stem cell, the 

(This article is based upon a seminar report pre- 
ain the Marine Biological Laboratory on Aug- 
us ; 

Dr. WittrAm H. F. Apprson and Doris A. Fraser, 
University of Pennsylvania 

Melanotic pigmentation of internal organs is a 
comparatively rare phenomenon in mammals. In 
the gray rat, both wild and captive, there is melan- 
otid pigment in the hypophysis in the majority of 
cases studied, and occasionally in the parathyroids. 
In the hypophysis it is never equally distributed 
throughout all regions of the organ, but is usually 
restricted to one part. This is most commonly the 

pars intermedia. In some cases it is found only 
in the pars distalis glandularis. The parathyroids 
may be pigmented in the presence or absence of 
pigment in the hypophysis. A more complete ac- 
count will appear in the August number of the 
Journal of Comparative Neurology. 

(An abstract of a seminar report presented at the 
Marine Biological Laboratory on August 30.) 


The student who has met the marine inverte- 
brates through a study of preserved specimens has 
had but an incomplete picture of the group, a 
blurred glimpse through a keyhole. The aim of 
the course in invertebrate zoology at Woods Hole 
is to introduce the student to the living forms in 
the laboratory, and to the animals in their native 
habitats. For him who uses seeing eyes, these in- 
vertebrates soon become living, active organisms 
busy about securing food, dwelling amicably with 
or protecting themselves against their neighbors, 
overcoming or adapting themselves to barriers, in- 
suring themselves against extinction, repopulating 
the waters with their kind. In the laboratory, 
through the study of fundamental similarities and 
superficial differences in a wide variety of genera 
in each class, the entire group gradually assumes 
a phylogenetic significance, so that the interre- 
lationships of invertebrates through time as well 
as their present-day diversity and distribution in 
space appear in proper perspective. 

Dr. Elbert Cole, as successor to Dr. J. A. Daw- 
son, has managed the course this year, retaining 
the former staff with the addition of Dr. S. A. 
Matthews, as junior instructor. The class has 
numbered fifty-five. Dr. B. R. Coonfield opened 
the course with a two-day study of Protozoa, 
which, in spite of its brevity, gave opportunities to 
observe many fresh, brackish and salt-water forms. 
The Suctoria, Acineta and Ephelota, and several 
of the Heliozoa and shelled Rhizopoda proved 
themselves, as usual, to be general favorites. The 
next day, following a lecture on marine ecology 
by Dr. L. P. Sayles, the class enjoyed the treat, 
given this year for the first time, of a field trip 
to Cuttyhunk, where some of the names on the 
check-list began to call forth images of living ani- 

The group Porifera was introduced by Dr. L. 
P. Sayles. Living Grantia and Leucosolenia we-e 

studied, and regeneration in Microciona was 
watched from cells which had been dissociated by 
squeezing the sponge through bolting cloth. Dr. 
O. E. Nelson, who had charge of the work on the 
Coelenterata, gave out nine hydroids as “un- 
knowns” with a key by which they could be identi- 
fied. Then came the trip to Vineyard Haven, 
where the class rowed among the wharf-piles, saw 
through glass-bottomed buckets the Mytili, Me- 
tridia, hydroids, Bryozoa, and Protochordates in 
their brilliant natural clusters, scraped the piles 
and went ashore to examine the scrapings. In the 
laboratory, giant Metridia were available for ob- 
servation while contracting or expanding, moving 
their tentacles, feeding or rejecting food, and 
shooting out acontia when irritated. Living Goni- 
onemus excited its usual share of admiration, and 
Mnemiopsis proved, to some at least, to be as 
interesting when viewed by day as by night. 

To continue our studies Dr. A. W. Pollister 
presented the class with a variety of Platyhel- 
minthes including Planaria to be cut for regenera- 
tion experiments, Bdelloura, Trematode in various 
stages of development from redia to adult; sco- 
lices, proglottids and hexacanth embryos of Ces- 
todes; and Metenchalaimus, as an active repre- 
sentative of the Nemathelminthes. 

As a break in this intensive work in the labora- 
tory, the class spent a busy day at Hadley Har- 
bor, where students made the acquaintance of 
some of the mud, sand and rock-dwelling associa- 
tions, brought up populated stones en route 
through the gutter, hunted on hands and knees 
for Melampus, and appreciated the famous Mess 
sandwiches. The shovels moved fast in quest of 
Diopatra and Arenicola; sieves were shaken vig- 
orously; hand-nets scooped up crabs and other 
Crustacea; the Thyone bed was visited and left 
undisturbed ; and the arks were brought back well 
filled, with a total of 155 different species. From 



[ Vor. VII. No. 60 

the fruits of this trip an exhibition was set up in 
the lobby of the Brick Building of the Marine 
3iological Laboratory. Almost as many forms 
were taken at Kettle Cove, where the shore is 
more exposed than at Hadley Harbor and where 
brackish pools are teeming with oysters, hermit- 
crabs and worms. On this trip some of the more 
venturesome students made their way out to “Nel- 
sen’s Island,” a group of large rocks covered with 
starfishes, sea urchins and corals. 

Three days were spent on the study of the An- 
nelida, under the direction of Dr. Sayles. Twenty- 
one different species of worms, unlabelled and ac- 
companied by a key, were available for identifica- 
tion, for observation of swimming movements and 
tube-building, and for a comparative study of 
heads. Dissections of fresh specimens of Areni- 
cola cristata gave a conception of an intricate 
blood system in action. 

The calmness of the Vineyard Sound made the 
dredging trip a pleasure, for even the most land- 
loving could watch the dredge at work and ex- 
amine the material in physical comfort. Some of 
the typical. deep-water forms were met here: 
Pseudopotamilla, the parchment-tube worm ; Dod- 
ecaceria and other annelids; Modiolus modiolus ; 
Barentsia, a rather rare bryozoan; the bizarre 
crab, Heterocrypta granulata. The prize find of 
the day was Corynitis, a tiny hydroid which lives 

in association with Schizoporella. 

With Dr. T. H. Bissonnette, the class spent one 
day on the Bryozoa, identifying different species 
by means of a key and studying their structure 
and activities. The Echinoderms also are being 
presented by Dr. Bissonnette, who has again re- 
paired the clay models of the water-vascular sys- 
tem and of Aristotle’s lantern. In this labora- 
tory work, many people have met for the first time 
the star-fish, sea urchin and brittle-star in action, 
watched their ways of feeding, of righting them- 
selves, of moving from place to place. It has 
been a privilege to know living Thyone and Lep- 

Three groups remain to be studied before the 
close of the course, the Arthropoda, given by Dr. 
Cole, the Mollusca by Dr. A. E. Severinghaus 
and the Protochordata by Dr. Coonfield. Trips. 
to Nobska and North Falmouth, and of course, 
the class picnic, are still in anticipation. Under 
the management of Dr. Cole, and with the weather 
kindly disposed toward field trips, the course has 
progressed smoothly. Without doubt, all of those 
who have been privileged to meet the marine in- 
vertebrates in this way will leave Woods Hole 
feeling that they have broadened their acquain- 
tance with these animals, and have come to know, 
at least, some of them, in an intimate way. 

—E. K.P. 

HEATH HEN REPORT — 1931-1932 
Dr. ALFRED O. Gross 
Professor of Biology, Bowdoin College. 

The following report of the heath hen situa- 
tion for the year 1931-1932 is made under the 
auspices of the Massachusetts Division of Fish- 
eries and Game. 

On April 1, 1931 the last heath hen was trapped 
on the James Green farm and marked with two 
metal bands. An aluminum band number 407,880 
was placed on the left leg, and a copper band, 
number A-634,024, was fastened to the right tar- 
sus. The bird returned to the vicinity of our 
blind on the following day apparently none the 
worse for its experience and continued to visit 
the traditional “booming or courting”’ field at reg- 
ular intervals until May 9, 1931. The bird failed 
to make its appearance during the remainder of 
the year. On February 9, 1932 the bird unex- 
pectedly and dramatically appeared on the Green 
farm after an interval of nine months, to an- 
nounce to the world that it was still alive. There- 
after the bird was seen at regular intervals until 
March 11, 1932, but it seldom came to the ex- 
posed center of the field as it did in the past years 
and consistently kept itself close to the dense 
scrub-oak cover. Perhaps a harrowing experience 
with some predatory hawk or mammal has made 

this wary creature even more cautious. Thomas 
A. Dexter of Edgartown claims to have seen the 
bird when he passed the Green farm on the morn- 
ing of April 6 and Edward T. Vincent also of 
Edgartown reported it as being in the scrub oaks 
two miles east of the Green farm on July 18. 
Neither of these two reports have been substanti- 
This “last bird’? has been alone since December 
1928 and is at least nine years old as there have 
been no young heath hen since the summer of 
1924. The history of the heath hen and the var- 
ious factors involved in its decline have been fully 
considered in previous reports, but it will be of 
interest to those who have not followed the status 
of this species to review the numbers of birds as 
recorded in the annual official census reports. The 
birds were at their height in 1916 as far as their 
recent history on Marthas Vineyard is concerned. 
In the early Spring of that year over 800 birds 
were counted and an estimate as high as 2000 was 
made by the warden in charge. The following 
table reveals the rapid decline of the heath hen 
from 1916 to the present time. 

1916, 800 birds; 1920, 314; 1921, 117; 1922, 

Aueust 27, 1932 ] 



Formulae and Methods II. 

Edited by Oscar W. RICHARDS 

This supplement to the original list! gives cor- 
rections to that list and additional formulae and 
information. The material is planned for the use 
of the staff of the Chemical Room and is col- 
lected and prepared by various members of the 
staff. We are indebted again to several investi- 
gators for additional formulae and helpful advice 
regarding the material. The favorable reception 
of the previous list has encouraged us to publish 
occasional supplements and the editor wishes to 
extend an invitation to the biologists of the M. 
B. L. to bring to his attention any errors in the 
published lists and any formulae and methods 
that might be included in future supplements. 

CORRECTIONS to the original list. 

Table 2, Benda’s Fluid—aq. dest. 15 cc., glacial 
acetic acid 3-6 drops, chromic acid 0.15 g., 2% 
osmic acid 4 cc. 

Table 3, van’t Hoff Sol. Artificial sea water. sodi- 
um chloride 19.0 g., magnesium chloride 2.4 g¢., 
magnesium sulphate 1.5 g., potassium chloride 
0.53 g., calcium chloride 0.37 g., anhyd. salts 
dissolved and made up to 1000 ce. with glass 
distilled water. 

Table 6, 3. Normal Sodium Hydroxide 1000 ml. 
contain 40.01 ¢. . 


Accuracy and errors. Absolute errors 1\-V 
are deviations from the correct values and their 
sign is important for correct statement. They 
are expressed as correct to two decimals, or to 
the nearest million, ete. Absolute errors are more 
important in addition and subtraction; e. g., In 
a column of figures the absolute errors in the 
third place of a sum or a difference may be 
great enough to make the second place unre- 
liable. Relative errors (4,-X )/X are connected 
with the number of significant figures and are 
usually expressed as percentages. These errors 
are important in multiplication and division. In 
a product or quotient the number of significant 
figures is equal to the number in the weakest 
factor. Many solutions need not be prepared 

1 Copies of the original list Collecting Net Suppl. 
V. Aug. 30, 1930 may he obtained from the Collect- 
ing Net office, 

more carefully than 5% while others must be 
made with care to insure sufficient accuracy. If 
in doubt as to the precision required consult 
with the investigator or with the person in 
charge. This information and that given pre- 
viously (q. v.) is to be used as a guide by the 
staff in the use of the equipment in the Chemi- 
cal Room. 

A molal solution (m) contains one gram-molecu- 
lar weight dissolved in 1000 grams of solvent. 
For ordinary aqueous solutions 1 ml. of water 
is used as | gram. For other solutions calcu- 
late according to density at the temperature 

A molar solution (/) contains one gram-molecu- 
lar weight in one liter of solution. Dissolve 
the material in less than one liter and make up 
to one liter in a volumetric flask. 

A normal solution (titrametric) contains one hy- 
drogen equivalent of the active reagent in grams 
in one liter. The equivalent in grams may be 
defined as that quantity of the active reagent 
which contains, replaces, unites with, or in any 
way, directly or indirectly, brings into reaction 
one gram-atom of hydrogen. It may or may 
not be the same as a molar solution. 

Percentage solutions. Percent. means parts in 
one hundred parts. These solutions may be 
made up according to weight, volume, or any 
combination of these. Many substances, e. g. 
alcohol, vary in strength according to percent 
by weight or by volume. Many aqueous solu- 
tions used by biologists can be made by adding 
100 ml. of water to the weight of the solute 
without serious error although the resulting 
solution is not accurate. This should not be 
done when the resulting error is greater than 
3% (Cf. sections on accuracy). Percentage 
solutions (by weight) may be prepared con- 
veniently with a solution balance. Place the 
bottle, or bottle and funnel, on the pan and bal- 
ance by means of the weight on the ungraduat- 
ed beam. Set the weight on one of the grad- 
uated beams and weigh out the solute, then set 
for the amount of the solution and add the 
solvent until the scale is balanced. The beams 
are graduated to facilitate the preparation of 
percentage solutions but the balance may he 



[ Vou. VII. No. 60 

used to advantage for the preparation of other 

The dilution of percentage solutions (aqueous 
solutions by weight ) can be accomplished easily 
by taking the number of ccs. (or multiples 
thereof) of the stock solution equal to the 
strength solution desired and adding enough 
distilled water to make the total number of ccs. 
equal to the strength of the stock solution. Ex- 
amples: (a) to prepare 7.1% from 18% stock 
solution use 7.1 ccs. of the stock sol. plus 10.9 
ccs, water which makes a total of 18 ccs. (0) 
To obtain a 0.02% solution from a 0.4% stock 
solution use 1 cc. of stock solution (50 x .02) 
and 19 cc. water (50 x .38) making 20 cc. (50 
x .02+50 x .38)=(50 x .4) of the required 


Copper acetate formalin — Saturated cupric 
acetate in 40% formaldehyde. Dilute to about 
4% for preservation of green algae. 

FAA (General Biological Supply House )—50% 
alcohol 100 cc. 40% formaldehyde 61% cc., 
glacial acetic acid 2'4cc. 

Navaschin’s Fluid—10% chromic acid 1.5 cc., 
glacial acetic acid 1 cc., formaldehyde (40%) 
0.83 cc., aq. dest. 32.67 cc. 

Susa—aq. dest. 80 cc., mercuric chloride 4.5 g., 
sodium chloride 0.5 g., trichloracetic acid 2.0 
g., formalin 20 cc., glacial acetic acid 4 cc. 

Worcester’s fluid. 10% formalin saturated with 
mercuric chloride, 90 cc., glacial acetic acid, 
10 ce. 


Brodie’s sol. aq. dest. 500 cc., sodium chloride 23 
g., sodium choleate 5 g., 1% methylene blue 3 
cc., thymol 0.1 g. 

Cement—Beeswax 58%, rosin 29%, Venetian 
turpentine 13%. 

Chalkley’s medium. aq. dest. 1000 cc., sodium 
chloride 0.1 g., potassium chloride 0.004 g., cal- 
cium chloride 0.006 g. 

Fieser’s fluid. aq. dest. 100 cc., sodium hydrosul- 
phite 16 g., sodium hydroxide 13.3 g., sodium 
anthraquinone ( sulphonate 4 g. 

Glycerine jelly—water 42 cc., gelatin 6 g., gly- 
cerine 50 cc., phenol (cryst) 2 g. Soak 30 min., 
dissolve with gentle heat, add 5 cc. egg white 
and heat to 70°. After ppt. albumen removes 
the dust etc. filter through moist hot flannel. 
Add glycerine and phenol and stir while warm 
not over 75°) till homogeneous. 

Green filter solution—water 300 cc., copper sul- 
fate 35 g., potassium dichromate 3.5 g., sulfuric 
acid cone. 1 cc. 

Heat absorbing fluid—water 1000 cc., Mohr’s 
salt (ferrous ammonium sulfate) 200 g. Dis- 

solve and filter and if not perfectly clear add 
1.7 cc. conc. sulphuric acid. 

Ripart-Petit medium—camphor water (not satd.) 
75 cc., aq. dest., 75 cc., cryst. acetic acid 1 g., 
copper acetate 0.3 g., copper chloride 0.3 g. 


Borrel—A. 1% aqueous magenta (basic fuch- 
sin). B. 1 g., indigo carmine, 60 cc. dist. water, 
30 cc. satd. picric acid. 

Prepared by Epwin P. Lauc. 
7. Indicator Solutions 

0.1N NaOH dye Soln. 
Indicators pH Range . per per 
gramdye 10ml. 
Thymol Blue 12-2:8  ZieSuml> Onl 
Brom Phenol Blue 3.2-4.6 14.9 0.5 
Brom Cresol Green 3.8-5.4 14.3 0.5 
Chlor Phenol Red 5.0-6.6 23.6 0.5 
Brom Cresol Purple 5.4-7.0 18.5 0.5 
Brom Thymol Blue 6.0-7.6 16.0 0.5 
Phenol Red 7.0-8.6 28.2 0.254 
Cresol Red 74-9.0 26.2 0.254 
Meta Cresol Purple 7.4-9.0 26.2 0.5 
Thymol Blue 8.0-9.6 21.5 0.5 

3 The preparation of these solutions is given in the 
previous edition: section 1, p. 10. 

4Be sure to mark conc. of solution on these sets 
since these indicators are often diluted to 0.02%. 

s. Clark and Lubs’ Phosphate Buffers pH 5.6— 

Ref.—Clark, W. M., The Determination of Hy- 
drogen Ions, 3rd Edition. Chapter IX, Table 35. 

Ordinarily the stock solutions consist of 0.200 
M KH.PO, and 0.200 M NaOH, to be mixed in 
appropriate proportions and made up to 200 ml. 
Since large quantities of these buffers are used, 
it may be convenient to prepare 500 ml. instead 
of 200 ml. For this purpose the stock solutions 
of NaOH and KH.POx, are made 1.000 M re- 
spectively and the table recalculated on this basis. 
Stock Solutions 

(a) 1.000 M NaOH for preparation cf. table 3. 

(b) 1.000 M KH2PO,. Dry Merck’s Potas- 
sium Phosphate, Monobasic, Anhydrous in an 
oven for 2 hrs. at 110° C. and place in a dessica- 
tor. Weigh out accurately 136.160 gms., dissolve, 
and dilute to exactly 1 liter in a volumetric flask. 
Mix as indicated in the following table and dilute 
to 500 ml. in a volumetric flask. 
2 This corrects and extends the same table of the 
previous edition. ¢.f. the introduction to this table 

in the earlier pamphlet for assignment and gen- 
eral comments. 

Aucusr 27, 1932 } THE COLLECTING NET 281 
pH 1.000 M KH,PO, 1.000 M NaOH pH 1.000MNa,HPO, 0.5000 M Citric 
5.8 25 ml 1.63 ml Acid 
6.0 25 2.82 2.2 0.80 ml. 39:2 mi. 

6.2 25 4.275 2.4 2.48 SWB 
6.4 25 6.30 2.6 4.36 35.64 
6.6 25 8.87 2.8 6.34 33.66 
6.8 25 11.80 3.0 8.22 31.78 
7.0 25 14.77 3.2 9.88 30.12 
7.2 25 17.45 3.4 11.40 28.60 
7.4 25 18.67 3.6 12.88 LN 
7.0 25 21.37 3.8 14.20 25.80 
7.8 25 22.585 4.0 15.42 24.58 
8.0 25 23.425 4.2 16.56 23.44 
4.4 17.64 22.36 
9, Clark and Lubs’ Borate Buffers pH 7.8—10.0 4.6 18.70 21.30 
Ref. - Clark, W. M., Ibid. 4.8 19.72 20.28 
Stock Solutions 5.0 20.60 19.40 
(a) Mixture of 0.200 M Boric Acid’ and 0.200 5.2 2144 18.52 
M Potassium Chloride. Boric Acid is best dried 5.4 22.30 17.70 
in thin layers over CaCly in a dessicator. The 5.6 23.20 16.80 
KCl may be dried in the oven at 120° C for 4 5.8 24.18 15.82 
hours. Weigh out accurately 12.4048 gms. Boric 6.0 25.26 14.74 
Acid and 14.912 gms. KCl, dissolve and dilute to 6.2 26.44 13.56 
exactly 1 liter in a volumetric flask. 6.4 27.70 vel 
(b) 0.200 M NaOH. This is best prepared by ee Ba faa 
diluting 1 part 1.000 M NaOH with 4 parts CO2 70 32.04 6.06 
free water. Mix as indicated in the table (section 72 34.78 eee 
5 p. 11) in the previous edition, and dilute to 200 7 4 36.34 2 66 
ml, in a volumetric flask. 76 37.46 254 
10, Mcllvaine Buffers pH 2.28.0 a 7305 a 

Ref. - Clark, Ibid. Page 214. 

Ordinarily the stock solutions consist of 0.200 
M Disodium Phosphate and 0.100 M Citric Acid 
to be mixed in the appropriate proportions to give 
20 ml. buffer. Since larger quantities of these 
buffers are used, it is advantageous to prepare 200 
ml. instead of 20 ml. For this purpose the stock 
solutions of Citric Acid and NasHPOy, are made 
0.500 M and 1.000 M respectively and the table 
recalculated on this basis. 

Stock Solutions. 

(a) 0.500 M Citric Acid. Weigh out 105.055 
gms. Citric Acid (CgHgO;H2O). Dissolve and 
dilute to 1 liter in a volumetric flask and stand- 
ardize with 1.000 M NaOH. The titration is 
carried to a distinct red color of the phenolphtha- 
lein indicator. 

(b) 1.000 M NasHPO,. Dry Merck’s Sodium 
Phosphate, Secondary, Anhydrous in an oven for 
2 hrs. at 110° and place in dessicator. Weigh out 
accuracy 142.0275 gms., dissolve and dilute ex- 
actly to 1 liter in a volumetric flask. 

Mix as indicated in the following table and 
dilute to 200 ml. 

5 Boric Acid should not be heated in the oven above 
50° C, otherwise it loses ‘‘water of constitution.” 

For further information see ‘Elementary Photo- 
graphic Chemistry” published by the 
Eastman Kodak Co. 

Acid hardener stock solution (F-la) — water 
(52°) 1700 cc., sodium sulfite 480 ¢., glacial 
acetic acid 420 cc., potassium alum powd. 480 
g., cold water to make 4 liters. Use 1 part 
hardener stock to 8 parts of 25% hypo solution. 
Stir while adding. 

Chromium intensifier (In-4)—potassium bichro- 
mate 90 g., hydrochloric acid conc. 64 ce., water 
to make 1000 cc. Bleach negative in 1 part 
stock soln. to 10 parts water, wash 5 min. and 
redevelop in strong light with D-72 diluted 1:2. 
Then wash thoroughly. 

Clearing solution—3% citric acid. Use just be- 
fore the completion of washing the negative. 
Film cement—amy] acetate and acetone in equal 
parts. May be used on both acetate and nitrate 


Fine grain developers. (Agfa 12) water 960 cc., 
metol 8 g., sodium sulfite (anhyd.) 120 ¢., 
sodium carbonate (monohyd.) 6 g., potassium 
bromide 2.5 g. Develop 15-17 min. at 18° C. 
(Gs 185) 



[ Vor. VIL. No. 60 

Fine grain developer (Agfa 14)—water 960 cc., 
metol 4.9 g., sodium sulfite (anhyd.) 90 g., 
potassium bromide 0.5 g., sodium carbonate 
(monohyd.) 1 g. Develop 12 min. at 18° C. 

Fine grain developer (DuPont NF1)—metol or 
elon 2.5 g., hydrochinone 3 g., sodium sulfite 
(anhyd) 75 g., borax 5 g., water to 1 liter. 
Develop 8-12 min. at 18°. 

Fine grain developer (DuPont NF2) — Para- 
phenelenediamine 11 g., sodium sulfite 60 g., 
borax 27 g., trisodium phosphate 23 g., water 
to 1 liter. Develop 20 min. at 19°. 

Fine grain developer (Gevaert GD203)—metol 

1.2 g., sodium sulfite 60 g., hydrochinone 1.7 g., 
resorcine (metadioxyd benzolum) 1.2 g., borax 
1.2 g., water to 600 cc. Sol. 1. Dissolve metol 
in 120 cc. water at 50°. Dissolve 13 g. of 
anhyd. sodium sulfite in a separate 120 cc. of 
water, to which the hydrochinone and resorcine 
are added. This last solution is then added to 
the metol solution. 
Sol. 2. The rest of the sulfite and the borax 
are dissolved in 210 cc. of water at 70°. When 
cold this solution is poured slowly into solution 
1 while the latter is stirred. Then add water 
to bring the bulk up to 600 cc. Develop 8 min. 
ay IASG 

Fine grain developer (Gevaert GD-205)—metol 
2 g., sodium sulfite 135 g., hydrochinone 6 g., 
borax 2 g., water to 960 cc. Develop 20 min. 
at 20°. 

Glycine developer— water 1000 cc., sodium sul- 
phite (dry) 6.2 g., glycine 2.1 g., sodium car- 
bonate (dry) 6.2 g. Develop 30-35 min. 

Positive film developer (DuPont )—sodium sul- 
fite 60 g., metol 1.4 g., hydrochinone 4.8 g., 
sodium carbonate 48 g., potassium bromide 1.6 
g., water to 1 liter. Time 4-6 min. 

Positive film developer (D-11) — water (53°) 
500 cc., elon 1 g., sodium sulfite 75 g., hydro- 
chinone 9 g., potassium carbonate or sodium 
carbonate 25 ¢., potassium bromide 5 g., dis- 
solve in order and then add cold water to make 
1000 ce. Develop 4+ to 6 min. For less contrast 
dilute one-half and increase time of develop- 

Proportional reducer (R-5)—A. water 1000 cc., 
potassium permanganate 0.3 g., sulphuric acid 
cone. 16 cc. B. water 3000 ce., ammonium per- 
sulfate 90 g., Use 1 part A to 3 of B. Clear 
negative after suitable reduction in 1% sodium 
bisulphite and then wash. 

Statn remover (S-6)—A. potassium permangan- 
ate 5.3 g., water to make 1000 cc. B. sodium 
chloride 75 g., sulphuric acid (conc.) 16 cc., 
water to make 1000 cc. Use equal amounts of 
A and B. Bleaching should be complete in 2-4 
min. Immerse in 1% sodium bisulphite to re- 
move brown stain. Rinse well, develop in strong 

light with D-72 diluted 1: 2. 

Prepared by JAMEs B. LACKEY 

Osmium and platinum fixatives are costly and 
often do not keep well. Few cytologists use the 
same formulae, each usually wanting his favorite 
formula, hence it is best to keep on hand certain 
stock solutions, among which are small amounts 
of osmic acid and platinic chloride. Below are 
listed certain fixatives containing one or both of 
these reagents, also a list of stock solutions. The 
makeup of the fixatives from the stock solutions 
is given in parts by volume, and the amount de- 
sired by an investigator can be made up to the 
nearest multiple of the total parts indicated. 

Stock Solutions 
Acetic acid, glacial Osmic acid, 2%? 
Chromic acid, 1% Picric acid, sat. aq. soln. 
Chromic acid, 1% in -Platinic chloride, 10% 
1% NaCl Potassium dichromate, 

Formic acid 10% 
Mercuric chloride, sat. 
soln. in hot water 
Mercurie chloride, 0.5% 
in 1% chromic acid 

Some of the fixatives listed below keep well 
and may be kept for a long time. Those which 
deteriorate are noted. All of these formulae are 
from Lee’s Vade Mecum 9th ed. unless otherwise 

In making Osmic acid wash off the paper cov- 
ering of the glass ampoule; rinse in distilled 
water, and file notches around the tube. Drop 
the ampoule into a clean, glass stoppered bottle 
of a capacity greater than the amount of osmic 
desired. The tube of osmic crystals may now be 
broken open with a heavy glass rod. As many 
tubes as wanted may be crushed inside the glass 
bottle but not over 200-300 c.c. of 2% should be 
kept in solution. 

All osmic acid and fixatives containing it should 
be kept in bottles with well fitted glass stoppers. 
Osmic acid reduces slowly in the light and at high 
temperatures ; when it is issued it should be in a 
brown bottle or the bottle should be covered with 
black paper to protect the contents from the light. 
The labels should be in India ink or pencil and 
not paraffined. When issuing these fixatives the 
label should indicate definitely which one it is, or 
its composition; since there are at least four 
Flemming’s and three vom Rath’s solutions. 

6 Tables are numbered consecutively with the pre- 
vious list. 

7In some laboratories (U. of Penn.) the osmic is 
made up in chromic acid solution and then will not 
deteriorate. This will change proportionately the 
amounts given in the table. 


Aucust 27, 1932 ] THE COLLECTING NET 
o © yo 
x 3 a) 
) Ae | or 
I S 3 9 om o 
o S me cle & 
co} ee = ey 2 oon Te 5 
3 N 5 is Ke A co} FS < z i a” 
fe cc| a ne eee ae a = enews 
ey S) 16) o amore 5 eres x 
ro) <4 © iS) 2e 3B 43 =“ sgt foo a 
2 a] a7 = 2 Bp) Ay uy oH 2) 
o i 2 q g | Hos “ef QS) 5 ERO bre a 
r=] 2 FI 3 S) oe at | 3 3 oF af =I 
G3 wW a Ss 5 F| wD 6 te) 8 © 80 8 Dios ov oO 
Z = OR OW eerie & << n svi} re 
Composition in Parts by Volume 
Altman 56 1 0 05 ie a Best prepared 
when ready 
= = for use. 
Benda ma 4 oc 15 re a -. 3-6 
tt eek ee nds Drops a Keeps well 
Champy 3 4 Bn a oa 4 . ac Keeps well 
Guthrie ae 4 or 15 xe site al Will only keep 
.: A weet z a few hours. 
Hermann! 13.5 4 1.5 5.0 on sve) 30 1 Will keep 
Hoehl 21 5 a ie Ou 24 O60 1 Doesn’t keep 
very well 
Flemming aa 4 3 15 os a ie 1 Keeps for weeks. 
Both Flemmings 
frequently made 
without acetic 
as. acid2 
Flemming3 70 5 As 25 ce $0 oe 0.1 
Johnson OF. 2 3 ai “9 tf oie 1 Add acetic or 
Formic just 
x before using. 
Lee -. 12% 5 ae = ad oe 1 100 Keeps well 
Smith’s mod.4 99.5 0.5 10 ie 20 me 5 None too stable 
Merkel4 34.5 e085: 5 a0 a0 ue dic 
Meves we 4 03 oe 15 cic} a 3-4 
Nassonow eae 2 Bf 2 aie 24 .. a5 ae 
Podwyssozki on 4 on 6 rene “aers .. 68 15 .. Keeps well 
Vom Rath eo 10 50 O46 oe ae ae 1 50 50 Keeps well 
Vom Rath3 oa 6 ae a0 ae ae ae i100 Keeps well 
Vom Rath oo ot -5 a6 oo an 50 1 100 Keeps well 

1 Guyer, M. F., Animal micrology 1927 gives a different formula. 

2 McClung, C. E., Microscopical technique. 1929. gives a different formula. 

3 This is the more commonly used formula. 
4From McClung2. 

Table 10, MISCELLANEOUS INFORMA- Carbon dioxide. 

Tanks painted with aluminum 

paint. Available in 20 Ib. cylinders* at 1000 
1. Compressed gases.® Ibs, sq. in. “truck size tanks” with 12 cu. ft. 

and “lecture bottles 

An asterisk (*) indicates that special valves and 


with about 4 oz. of gas. 

fittings are required which are to be obtained from These last two are filled to about 800 Ibs. pres- 

the Apparatus Room, 216 Brick Bldg. The purities 

are taken from letters received from the manufac- 8 The distinguishing colors given hold only for the 
turers and indicate only average purity bcause of M. B. L. and for the companies mentioned and are 

the variation in different lots of gas. 

not used universally in the U. S. -A. 



[ Vor. VII. No. 60 

sure at the M. B. L., do not require any special 
reducing valve and are issued with hose nipple 
and handle lever. From Liquid Carbonic Corp., 
136 Broadway, Cambridge, Mass. Purity 99.9% 
COs, 0.1% air. Moisture 0.01% and acidity 
as HC1 less than 0.001% by weight. 
Hydrogen*. Tanks painted black and with square 
bases contain 140 cu. ft. at 1800 lbs pressure*. 
From Ohio Chemical and Mfg. Co., 231 East 
5ist St., N. Y. C. Purity 99.9+% He with 
slight impurities of oxygen and water vapors. 

around top (water pumped) contain 110 cu. ft. 
at 1800 lbs. pressure*. From Linde Air Pro- 
ducts Co., Elizabeth, N. J. Purity 99.7% plus 
or minus .1% Noe, impurity mainly Oz with a 
trace of other gases found in air. 

Oxygen*. Tanks painted green contain 110 or 

220 cu. ft. at 1800 lbs. pressure*. From Linde 
Air Products Co., 538 East 1st St., Boston, 
Mass. Purity 99.5% Oz with traces of nitrogen 
and argon. “Dental size No. 3’* contain 20 
gals. at 1000 lbs. pressure, from S. S. White 

Hydrogen may not be sent by boat freight. 

Nitrogen*. Tanks painted grey with black band 

Dental Supply Co., 120 Boylston St., Boston, 

2. Strength of Stock Acids 

Per cent. Specific Molecular Molarity Molarity by 
Substance composition Gravity weight Calculated actual titra- 
PNGetien (glacial) lose. -e.- 99.5% 1.05 60.04 17.36 17.40 
Teli (che(o(el love. Graeesocnaeneeheee Se 1.20 36.47 11.50 11.25 
IDES GS ae onset erence ee 85. Al 90.06 E25 9.4. 
UN Erg City. ees enc vtpseareaves 10 1.42 63.02 15.82 15.80 
[PSG FOL NLS ececopee ey kere a Some 1.70 98.06 14.75 —— 
Salita Cee earaceee eters: 967 = 1.84 98.08 18.01 17.95 
3. Strength of Stock Alkalies : 
Ammonium hydroxide .... 28% (NH3) 0.90 35.05 14.7 14.3 
Potassium hydroxide 
(Saturated solution) ...... 52% 1.54 56.11 14.2 14.7 
Sodium hydroxide 
(Saturated solution) ...... 46% 1.50 40.01 17.25 17.0 

Table 11, SOLUBILITY OF COMPOUNDS most frequently used in this Laboratory. 

Solubility is expressed in grams of Solute per 100 ml. of Solvent at 20° C. 


Water M. W. Sol. 

of ae eaies Crystalization H,O Remarks? 

citric H3CgH5O7 -H2,O 210.11 133 

oxalic (COOH )2 .2H2O 126.06 10 

picric CoH2(OH)2(NOz2)3 229.08 1 S: 6/A. 

pyrogallic CoH3(OH)3 126.08 61.5 

tartaric CsH»s(OH)2(COOH)» 150.07 139 

trichloracetic CC13;COOH 163.40 1000 

boric HgBO; 61.84 7 S:4x H.W 

chloride A1Cl3 133.34 69.87 

amm., iron Feo(SO4)3(NH4)2SO4 .24 HO 964.40 124 

potas. chrom. Cro(SO4)3KoSO4 24 HsO 1,006.51 20 

potas. alumin. Alse(SO4)3KeSO4 .24 H.2O 948.77 5.2 
Amidol diaminophenol HC1 197.01 20.5 

acetate NH4C2H302 77.06 148 

nitrate NH,NO3 80.05 abt. 120 

chloride NH,Cl 53.50 38 

oxalate (NH4)2C2O4 125.06 4 

sulfate (NH4)2SO4 1325147 375 

Aucust 27, 1932 ] 





acetate (ic) 

chloride (ic) 
sulfate (ic) 
chloride (ous) 



chloride (ic) 
sulfate (ous) 

(milk sugar) 




(Malt sugar) 


chloride (ic) 







Cu (CyH302) 2 

CuCl 2 








monomethyl-p-aminophenol SO, 


CoHs(OH) 2 


p-aminophenol oxalate 

Cy2H 22014 

Pb ( C2H302 ) 2 



(see elon) 


(see elon.) 
(see elon.) 
















2/ 1.52 



39:7 Ss 4 x EW: 
5.6 S: 300x H.W. 




Zi le We 

SoZ cabins 

ST fenes La LN Nc 


+ 2.5) xtEeWe 

: inf. x H.W. 

Bo Tal NWN 
>: 4x H.W. 

:4x H.W. 
: 33/100ml A. 

+ in Ax 

286 THE COLLECTING NET [ Vor. VII. No. 60 


bromide KBr 119.01 63 
carbonate K»sCO3 138.19 93 
bicarbonate KHCO3 100.10 27 
chloride KCl 74.55 32 
cyanide KCN 65.10 abt. 50 
dichromate KeCry0; 294.21 24 
ferricyanide K3Fe(CN)¢ 329.18 40 
ferrocyanide KyFe(CN )¢6 3 H,0 422.32 30 S: 3x HW. 
hydroxide KOH 56.10 110 
iodide KI 166.03 140 
nitrate KNO3 101.10 60 S? 423 EW 
oxalate KeC.O4 Als x@) 184.21 33 
permanganate KMnO, 158.03 10 
phosphate KH.2PO,4 136.14 33 
sulfate KeSO4 174.26 11.7 
thiocyanate KCNS S7AZaes 
Quinhydrone CoH4O2.CsH4 (OH) 2 218.08 s.s. 
nitrate AgNOs 169.89 288 S:3x H.W. 
Acetate NaC.H30 3 H.O 136.06 v.s. 
borate, tetra or bi- NazByO7 10 H,O 381.43 2.8 
carbonate NazCO3 105.99 14.8 
carbonate NasCOs3 10 H,O 286.15 100 
bicarbonate NaHCO; 84.01 9.9 
chloride NaCl 58.46 36.5 
chromate NaeCrO4 10 H.O 342.16 abt. 120 S: if. x H.W. 
citrate NasgCgH;O7 5 2 H.O 294. 10 50 
cyanide NaCN 49.01 50 
hydroxide NaOH 40.01 103 
nitrate NaNOs3 85.01 93 
oxalate NavC204 134.01 3.7 
phosphate NazH PO, 142.05 14 
phosphate NasH PO, 12 H.O 358.24 17 
K tartrate NakCyH4Og¢ 4 Hy 282.19 60 
sulfate NavSO, 142.06 14 
sulfate NapSO,4 10 H.O 322:22) 735 
sulfite NasSO; 126.06 16.5 
bisulfite NaHSO; 104.07 25 
thiocyanate NaCNS 81.07 v.s. 
thiosulfate NavS.O03 Seldic@) 248.20 120 
(saccharose ) CyH 22011 342.18 200 
Thymol CgH3(CHs3) (OH) (CsH7) 150.16 .09 
Urea CO(NHsz)2 60.05 100 
%s=solubility. A=alcohol. H.W.=hot water. inf.=infinitely soluble or in all proportions, a 

4 x H.W.=4 times more soluble in hot water, 

10Forms the acid when added to water, 

Avéust 27, 1932 } 



75; 1923, 28; 1924, 17; (including 3 females) 
(This is the last year when broods of young were 
observed and reported), 1927, Spring 13 birds 
(Including 2 females), Autumn 7 birds (All 
males) ; 1928, Spring 3 males, Autumn 2 males. 
December 8, 1 male. 1929, Lone male studied and 
photographed during April. Seen on the Green 
farm until May 11. Appeared again in October 
and was seen throughout the winter. 1930, Bird 
again observed and photographed during April 
and reported on the Green farm until the middle 
of May and again during the autumn and winter 
months. 1931, April 1, trapped and banded. Seen 
at Green farm until May 9. 1932, February 9. 
Seen regularly until March 11. April 6 reported 
as seen on the Green farm. July 18 reported two 
miles east of Green farm. 

Proposed Introduction of Prairie Chickens 

As in former years earnest requests have come 
from organizations as well as from individual 
sportsmen and bird lovers, to introduce the prairie 
chicken, a western sub-species to mate with the 
closely related heath hen, for practical or purely 
sentimental reasons. Interest in this experiment 
was revived on February 23, 1932 when Mr. W. 
I’, Grimmer of the Wisconsin Conservation De- 
partment offered to furnish the live prairie chick- 
ens and to pay all expenses of transportation to 
Massachusetts. Mr. Loyd Taylor and other inter- 
ested persons of New York generously offered to 
provide additional funds as might be needed to 
carry out the experiment. The Marthas Vineyard 
Rod and Gun Club voted to favor the introduc- 
tion and the Vineyard Gazette, the local paper of 
the Island took a decisive stand for the project. 
In view of the local as well as national interest in 
the experiment the offers made by the State of 
Wisconsin and the New York gentlemen were 
again submitted to the Massachusetts Division of 
Fisheries and Game. After a thorough considera- 
tion of the matter the State Department of Con- 
servation refused to issue a permit for the intro- 
duction of the birds. Mr. Raymond J. Kenney, 
Director of the Division of Fisheries and Game 
issued the following statement,— 

“The Commissioner of Conservation and 
the Director of the Division of Fisheries and 
Game have given very careful consideration 
to the matter of liberation of western prairie 
chickens on Martha’s Vineyard. They consult- 
ed leading ornithologists and sportsmen in 
Massachusetts and obtained the sentiment of 
representative citizens of Marthas Vineyard 
and the majority opinion opposed the ex- 
periment. As this is purely a local matter in 
Massachusetts a final decision not to import 
prairie chickens was made on the basis of the 

In connection with the suggestion of the intro- 

duction of the prairie chickens the following state- 
ment was made in the heath hen report for 1931- 

“In the past many attempts were made to in- 
troduce the prairie chicken, the close relative of 
the heath hen, to Pennsylvania and the plains of 
New Jersey, Long Island, and Massachusetts, in- 
cluding Martha’s Vineyard. Although these in- 
troductions were made in large numbers and with 
great care, every one of them resulted in fail- 
ure. Likewise introductions of the heath hen, 
when these birds were abundant on Marthas 
Vineyard, made to Long Island and the main- 
land of Massachusetts, never proved a success. 
All attempts to rear the birds in captivity failed. 
It is apparent that Pinnated Grouse (heath hen 
and prairie chicken) do not lend themselves to 
such methods of conservation and are very sen- 
sitive to any change in their environment. They 
are not adaptable and are totally unlike the 
hardy pheasant, which can be readily tran- 
splanted from one part of the country to an- 
other. But grant that an introduction of prairie 

-chickens to Martha’s Vineyard would be success- 
ful, there would be only the remotest chance 
that the last heath hen would mate successfully 
with the prairie chickens. One reason of the 
failure of the heath hen to raise young since 

1924, when there were still a number of females 

present with the males, was the fact that ex- 

cessive interbreeding had brought about declin- 
ing sexual vigor and sterility.’ 

The atrophied sex organs of several males ex- 
amined in 1925 gives strength to the view that 
our last heath hen is sterile. Furthermore orni- 
thologists are not interested in a hybrid and the 
introduction of prairie chickens, a sub-species so 
similar in appearance to the heath hen would be- 
cloud and obscure the final chapter of the heath 

The wide spread publicity that has been given 
to the last bird of its race is in itself evidence of 
the interest that the public has maintained for 
the vanishing heath hen on Martha’s Vineyard 
Island. In the complicated and perplexing prob- 
lems of conservation with which so many persons 
are concerned there is destined to be diverse and 
discordant opinions and the case of the heath hen 
has not been an exception. The Massachusetts 
Department of Conservation fully realizes that it 
has in the heath hen a responsibility and a trust 
that is not limited to the state but which is nation- 
al in scope. In dealitig with this problem the De- 
partment has not followed its own inclinations 
but at present as in the past it has sought the ad- 
vice of the leading sportsmen, ornithologists and 
conservationists and has closely adhered to what 
appeared to be the best policy for the majority 



[ Vor. VII. No. 60 


The Invertebrata, by L. A. Borrapatte, F, A. 
Potts, L. E. S. EAstHam, and J. T. Saun- 
DERS. 645 pp. $5.50. Cambridge: The Uni- 
versity Press. 1932. 

Teachers and students of invertebrate zoology 
have for some time been feeling the need for a 
textbook which would provide a more detailed and 
mature treatment of the subject than is found in 
the elementary textbooks generally used in our 
universities. In this new “Invertebrata,” the au- 
thors have in a praiseworthy manner filled this 
long-felt need. The book is expressly intended 
for senior students, who are already familiar with 
the basic principles of invertebrate zoology, and 
therefore the authors have wisely refrained from 
giving a detailed account of the types generally 
dealt with in elementary textbooks. They have 
made a generous selection of examples, which are 
well chosen and carefully described. In their 
treatment they have kept an even keel, giving as 
much attention to the function and operation of 
the various organs as to their development and 
structure. Classification is sanely dealt with and 
ably used, the authors keeping within the limits 
of orthodoxy and yet giving life to the presenta- 
tion of the characteristic pictures of the groups 
discussed. “The term ‘Invertebrata’ is retained 
to cover all the non-chordate phylo and the chor- 
dates other than the Vertebrata. In that sense it 
is used in this book. Only the Cephalochorda 
(amphioxus), which, though they are not verte- 
brates, have much in common with those animals, 
are left aside as best studied with them.” 

The authors are particularly to be commended 
for their treatment of the crustacea (chapter 
XII), a group which has not before been so ade- 
quately and clearly presented in so relatively brief 
a space, and which students have commonly found 
it difficult to thoroughly understand. Here mat- 
ters of importance are discussed with competence, 
lucidity, and an understanding of the difficulties 
students often encounter in grasping the struc- 
tural interrelationships of the members of this 

The book is satisfactorily illustrated, contain- 
ing 458 clear and accurate figures. The index has 
been carefully prepared and contributes to the use- 
fulness of the book as a work of reference. The 
major part of the book has been written by the 
senior authors, L. A. Borradaile and F. A. Potts, 
both specialists of high standing in the field of in- 
vertebrate zoology. Chapters have been contrib- 
uted by L. E. S. Eastham and J. T. Saunders, 
who have also shared in the preparation of the 
book as a whole. 

“Invertebrata” should be eagerly welcomed by 
students specializing in this field, and should also 
appeal to those who for lack of inspiration have 
not heretofore been especially interested in this 
branch of zoology. —Roderick Macdonald. 


(1) Zoology, F. E. Cumester. 581 pp., 268 il- 

lustrations. $3.75. Van Nostrand. 1932. 

(2) Animal Biology, L. L. Wooprurr. 513 pp., 

296 illustrations. $3.50. Macmillan. 1932. 
(3) Manual of Animal Biology, G. A. BAITSELL. 

382 pp., 12 illustrations. $2.50. Macmillan. 


These books represent three ways of presenting 
zoology to college students. The first is system- 
atic and encyclopedic, the second treats of general 
principles of biology as applied to animals, and the 
third considers in more detail certain types of the 
animal kingdom. All three are well illustrated 
and provided with bibliographies and indices, and 
(1) and (2) have also a glossary. 

(1) Chidester’s “Zoology” contains a vast am- 
ount of information arranged in chapters each 
dealing with a phylum or a class of animals. 
There is an introductory chapter dealing with the 
general properties of living things and giving an 
outline of the classification, and the book closes 
with two chapters of a general character, one on 
the social life of animals and the other on evolu- 
tion, heredity and eugenics. The chapters form- 
ing the greater part of the book are much alike in 
their treatment of the subject. For example, the 
one on the Amphibia begins with a very useful 
summary of the characteristics of the class. Then 
follow brief descriptions of orders and families 
with specific examples. The next eighteen pages 
are devoted to the anatomy and physiology of the 
leopard frog taken as a type of the Anura. The 
chapter closes with “General Consideration of the 
Amphibia,” which includes distribution, anatomy, 
physiology, embryology, parental care, experi- 
mental embryology, habitat, fossil relatives, eco- 
nomic importance, and resistance to poisons—all 
treated briefly. 

Two chapters are devoted to the Mammalia: 
one on the natural history, including Man both 
fossil and recent, and the other on physiology, in- 
cluding histology and anatomy. In a work of so 
wide a scope the treatment is often necessarily 
sketchy and it is not always easy reading. But 
the attention is held by numerous odd and unex- 
pected bits of information, for example, the use 
of scallop shells as a badge by the Crusaders. 

Aucust 27, 1932 ] 

There are paragraphs one would like to rewrite 
and some inconsistencies, as the differences of 
the name of the Xth nerve in figs. 115 and 252. 
Haeckel’s old plate, reproduced on p. 530, may be 
criticised as misleading in some respects. An un- 
usual and very valuable feature of the book is the 
frequency of reference to original sources. If 
properly used, these will impress the student with 
the idea that zoology is a living subject and stimu- 
late in him the spirit of research. 

(2) In the “Animal Biology” of Woodruff the 
emphasis is on the physiological side. The book 
begins with four chapters on the scope of biology, 
cellular organization, protoplasm, and metabolism. 
Then follow six chapters on the natural history 
and anatomy of animals arranged in the larger 
groups. The next section, also divided into six 
chapters, gives an outline of vertebrate physiology. 
The remainder of the book, more than half its 
bulk, is devoted to general principles, including 
the origin of life, development, inheritance, adap- 
tation, evolution, contributions of biology to hu- 
man welfare, and finally a valuable chapter on the 
history of biology. An outstanding feature of 
the book is the excellence of the illustrations, 
largely the work of R. E. Harrison. The bibli- 
ography contains an extended list of treatises use- 
ful for collateral reading. The book may be es- 
pecially recommended to students who are taking 
a single course in biology. 

(3) Baitsell’s “Manual” is a guide to an intro- 
ductory course in zoology with laboratory in- 
struction. It is intended to be read with (2), to 
which reference is made for figures ; it can be used 
also with other textbooks, likewise referred to by 
pages, at the close of each chapter. The first 
chapter describes the structure and activities of 
animal and plant cells, and refers particularly to 
certain types of the latter. The following chap- 
ters contain descriptions of sixteen typical animals, 
including five protozoa, two ccelenterates, and two 
insects, and the final chapter is a brief sketch of 
the development of the frog, chick, and mammal. 
The style is straightforward and clear. The 
book is remarkable for the absence of figures that 
students may substitute for laboratory work. Fig. 
12 is a reproduction of the frontispiece from Har- 
vey’s “De Generatione Animalium” with the in- 
scription “Ex ovo omnia.” The other illustrations, 
well adapted to excite interest, are from beauti- 
ful drawings by R. E. Harrison. Unfortunate- 
ly in some cases the magnification is not clear- 
ly indicated. For figures showing details of struc- 
ture there are frequent references to Woodruff. 
In all the chapters physiological activity is kept 
in mind in connection with structure. The chap- 
ter on the frog is the most extended, and is com- 
parative with reference to other vertebrates and to 
man, It is prefaced by a systematic account of 



the classes of Chordata and the orders of Mam- 

Part II of the manual consists in detailed dir- 
ections, rather too helpful perhaps in places, for 
the laboratory study of the types described in Part 
I, including some mammalian structures. 

The three books together form an interesting 
group. No one of them gives a complete picture 
of the animal kingdom. But if all three were 
read, with a judicious omission of overlapping 
parts, the entire animal kingdom when seen from 
the three points of view would emerge in a rather 
nice perspective. The reviewer feels, however, that 
these books, like many others of recent issue, at- 
tempt too much and too little. The field covered 
is too great for the beginning student to grasp, 
and the treatment is too brief for the adequate 
presentation needed by the advanced student. The 
“Manual” (3) is the least open to this objection. 
Yet perhaps a more intensive study of fewer types 
would be better adapted to awaken interest and il- 
lustrate the method of research in zoology. After 
all, for elementary students it is the method of 
science and interest in its pursuit, rather than con- 
tent, that is important. IRIE, 1B, 

A Textbook of Genetics by ArtHur Warp 
LinpsEy. pp. xvi + 354. 128 figs. $2.75. The 
Macmillan Co. 1932. 

This new textbook of genetics is a somewhat 
simplified exposition for college classes. It makes 
no excessive demands on the mentality, yet it is 
a well balanced account covering all of the more 
interesting and most of the important recent de- 
velopments in the field. The sections on genetic 
data and principles form only about one half of 
the book, while the remainder deals with those 
applications which are usually most interesting to 
the general student. 

The author indicates that he himself is chiefly 
interested_in the bearings of genetic data on the 
problem of evolution, and this section is an ex- 
cellent brief treatise. Certain other parts seem 
somewhat less fortunate, as for instance the chap- 
ter on biometry which seems to be included from 
custom rather than because it is definitely related 
to the genetic study of quantitative characters. 
The chapters dealing with human heredity offer 
no very critical discussion of this much discussed 

If a new book in this rather crowded field is 
justified, this will be found to be one of the best 
written and most usable of college texts. The 
questions and problems, and the well chosen ref- 
erences at the ends of the chapters, should be use- 
ful for teachers not actively interested in genetics, 
and for students who have no access to original 
data. —H. H. Plough. 



[ Vot. VII. No. 60 

Tropical Medicine. Sir LEoNARD Rocers, C.I.E., 
M.D., B.S., Physician and Lecturer, London 
School of Tropical Medicine, and J. W. D. 
Megaw, C.I.E., V.H.S., B.A., Major-General, 
Indian Medical Service. 536 pp. 77 illustra- 
tions, 2 in color. $4.00. P. Blakiston, Phila- 
delphia, 1930. 

These prominent authorities have produced a 
handbook which should be adequate for the phys- 
ician who is confronted with any pathological con- 
dition likely to be encountered in the tropics. This 
work, however, is far more than a practical hand- 
book. Each chapter contains sections devoted to 
the history, incidence, and prevalence of a disease, 
as well as to its diagnosis and treatment. This in- 
formation is presented in a very readable manner, 
and there is much of general interest in the book. 

Chemotherapy receives adequate recognition, 
but its limitations are quite properly stressed. 
Thus, quinine is contra-indicated in black-water 
fever, and arsphenamine would appear to be poor- 
ly tolerated by syphilitic lepers. 

An interesting discussion of the colubrine and 
viperine types of snake-venom is given. The au- 
thors point out that a vast amount of research has 
yielded results of greater scientific than therapeu- 
tic value. It is impressive to note that 600 to 
800 ce. of anti-venine intravenously would be re- 
quired to neutralize a full dose of king cobra 

Typographical errors are few and unimportant. 
One which should be corrected in future editions 
is Hydrocarpus, which is used several times for 
Hydnocarpus. —Thomas B. Grave. 

Colloid Chemistry, Theoretical and Applied. Vol- 
ume IV. Second Series of Papers on Technical 
Applications. Edited by Jerome ALEXANDER. 
734 pages. Price, $11.50. Chemical Catalogue 
Co., Inc., New York, 1932. 

The appearance of this volume brings to a close 
the effort begun by Mr. Jerome Alexander some 
six years ago to collect a series of papers by inter- 
national authorities on the various phases of col- 
loid chemistry. The completion of this self-al- 
lotted task well testifies to the perseverence and 
houndless enthusiasm of the editor, and American 
chemists owe him a vote of gratitude for the col- 
lection and codrdination of the vast amount of in- 
formation presented in these volumes. 

The present volume is entirely devoted to papers 
dealing with the application of colloid facts and 
theories to various phases of industry, running 
from those of cellulose, paper and wood to brew- 
ing, laundering, and synthetic mother-of-pearl. 
The wide range of topics considered precludes an 
adequate review by any one individual, particular- 
ly by one not well versed in the particular indus- 

tries considered. At first glance one might conclude 
that this volume contains little of interest to the 
biological investigator. A more careful examina- 
tion, however, discloses much of general interest. 
Thus the chapter on synthetic mother-of-pearl 
contains much of interest relative to the natural 
formation of this substance, and the chapters on 
dyeing contain suggestions which may be of in- 
terest to’ those seeking to improve present day 
methods of staining tissues. 

It has long been recognized that in many re- 
spects the industrial applications of colloid chem- 
istry have far outstripped the results of the lab- 
oratory investigators. This is quite evident 
throughout the text, and in many instances the 
reader is introduced to important findings which 
have not as yet found their way into the text- 
books of colloid chemistry. 

—Kenneth Clark Blanchard. 

Agricultural Biochemistry. R. ApAMs DUTCHER 
and Dennis E. Hatey. $4.50. John Wiley and 
Sons, New York, 1932. 

The text opens with a concise history of the 
major developments of agricultural chemistry. 
The succeeding chapters are divided into three 
groups dealing respectively with general biochem- 
ical topics, the plant and the soil, and animal nu- 
trition. The chapters of the first group follow 
rather closely the conventional treatment to be 
found in most textbooks of biochemistry. 

These chapters constitute the weakest portion of 
the text. In many instances, important concepts 
are treated sketchily and often with an approach 
similar to that to be found in general science texts 
written for secondary schools. Perhaps this is 
necessary for classes of agricultural students—if 
so, it is unfortunate. 

On the other hand the discussion of certain 
topics such as pH, buffers and colloids, is present- 
ed in such a fashion as to be useless to both the 
novice and the well-trained student. Further, 
this portion of the text suffers from a distinct lack 
of balance in the space devoted to various topics: 
for example, two and one half pages are devoted 
to phospholipins and three and one half to es- 
sential oils. In the chapter devoted to carbohy- 
drates, the 2:4 oxide structure is assigned to nor- 
mal fructose (page 46), and it is somewhat start- 
ling to find a statement that the carbohydrates as 
a class are amphoteric (page 36). The formula 
for furfural given on page 55 is wrong. The 
chapter devoted to the proteins is poor, as is 
chapter VI, entitled “The Physical State of Mat- 
ter.” The latter chapter of 15 pages, is a discus- 
sion of solutions, surface tension, osmosis, theo- 
ries of membrane action, properties of fluids, 
buffers and colloids, seryed up as a sort of phys- 

Avcust 27, 1932 ] 



ico-chemical hash of little or no intellectual nour- 
ishment. Likewise, chapter VII, devoted to the 
enzymes, is rather unsatisfactory, as it contains no 
discussion of any importance relative to the kinet- 
ics or theory of enzyme action. 

These shortcomings suggest to the reviewer that 
despite the extensive experience of the authors in 
agricultural chemistry they are rather poorly in- 
formed as to the nature and utility of many im- 
portant biochemical facts. 

In general this criticism is applicable through- 
out the book, although as soon as the authors 
enter upon the home territory—that is, the dis- 
cussion of applied agricultural chemistry,—this 
sense of insecurity to a large extent disappears. 
The treatment accorded seeds, soils, fertilizers, in- 
secticides, and the nutrition of plants and farm 
animals is for the most part sound. The profes- 
sional biochemist will, however, question some 
statements included in the otherwise excellent dis- 
cussion of some of these topics. Thus on page 
375 we are informed that guanidine will combine 
with acetic acid to form guanido acetic acid, and 
on page 378 that 2 mols of urea and 1 mol of 
lactic acid may be caused to unite in the laboratory 
to forma purine. This evidences a lack of knowl- 
edge of the guiding principles of organic synthesis. 
On page 383 the authors subscribe to Martin 
Fischer's theory of muscle contraction, but pay no 
attention to present day knowledge of the chem- 
istry of muscular activity. The discussion of fat 
synthesis, and the accompanying diagram on page 
386 carry no information of value. 

Chapter XXV is devoted to “Energy Metabol- 
ism,” and contains a catalogue-like description of 
the apparatus used in the measurement of the gas 
exchange although no mention is made of the 
methods of calculation employed in indirect calori- 
metry and the conclusions which may be drawn 
from the results of such calculations. Apparently 
the authors are not acquainted with that funda- 
mental and useful quantity, the heat of formation 
of a compound, for on page 399 they assure the 
reader that “When hydrocarbons are burned, the 
amount of heat is practically equivalent to that 
which would have been obtained if the carbon and 
hydrogen equivalents had been burned separately.” 

Certain topics which one would expect to find 
in a textbook of agricultural biochemistry are 
missing. For example, the reviewer has been un- 
able to find any mention of the importance of 
cellulose fermentation in the nutrition of farm 
animals. A number of other criticisms might be 
made if it were not for the limitations of space 
imposed upon this review. 

The text is profusely illustrated with photo- 
graphs, charts and tables, although many of the 
first contribute nothing to the clarity of the dis- 
cussion. —Kenneth Clark Blanchard. 

Chemical Analysis by X-Rays and Its Applica- 
tions. GEORG von Hevesy, Professor of Phys- 
ical Chemistry, University of Freiburg. Vol. 
10 of the George Fisher Baker Non-resident 
Lectureship in Chemistry at Cornell Univer- 
sity. 333 pp. 101 figures. McGraw-Hill Book 
Company, New York. 1932. 

In this book the author presents an exceedingly 
interesting exposition of the principal methods 
of X-ray analysis and many of the results which 
have been obtained by the use of X-rays. The 
book is divided into three parts, the first deal- 
ing with the technique of chemical analysis by 
X-rays. Beginning with an historical introduc- 
tion, 1t continues to a description of apparatus re- 
quired and then outlines analysis by means of 
primary omission and absorption spectra and by 
secondary radiation methods, giving numerous 
specific illustrations, and in particular, the com- 
plete analysis, both qualitative and quantitative, of 
thucolite. The relative merits of X-ray and opti- 
cal methods are discussed. Here, within 119 
pages, one obtains a concise introduction to the 
subject of X-ray spectroscopy as applied to chemi- 
cal analysis. Many phases of X-ray spectroscopy 
which are of use to the chemist as well as the 
physicist such as crystal structure are beyond the 
scope of this book and as the author indicates in 
his preface, “Successful chemical analysis by 
means of Rontgen rays demands that the analyst 
possess some previous knowledge of X-ray spec- 
troscopy.” An appendix of 35 pages of tables 
of spectral lines under various useful classifica- 
tion follows. 

Part II gives an authoritative and inspiring ac- 
count of the discovery of hafnium. The chemis- 
try of hafnium and its compounds is taken up. 
Zirconium, which is chemically similar to hafni- 
um, necessarily receives considerable attention. 
This part of the book is an excellent illustration 
of the application of the scientific method show- 
ing the small place chance occupies in modern 
physical research and discovery. 

In Part III, problems concerning the chemical 
composition of the earth and the solar system, 
and the abundance of the elements are dealt with. 
Various methods of attack are outlined including a 
study of igneous rocks, meteorites, the velocity of 
seismic waves, and the solar spectrum. Here, as 
in Part II, it is shown how X-ray methods often 
offer the most convenient and sometimes the only 
means of analysis, especially where elements of 
high atomic number are to be determined. A use- 
ful index of names and subjects is included. 

Altogether it is a very readable book and should 
prove instructive to the lay:nan as well as valu- 
able to the man engaged in this special field of 
work. —P. M. Roope. 


[ Vou. VII. No. 60 


Last Fall the five Cottectinec Net Scholar- 
ships of $100.00 each were awarded to the fol- 
lowing students: 

Name Course 
Vireo elspa CG Ot a capers eeestes cae Botany 
Miss Helen M. Lundstrom.... Physiology 
Wibes (Co INIT, TPtey eaves tah easy gsencscecon es Zoology 
Mr. Thurlo B. Thomas............... Zoology 
Mr: George D! Youns................ Zoology 

Mr. Young was unable to come to Woods Hole 
this summer Miss Lundstrom’s report, which did 
not arrive in time to be included in this number, 
will be printed next year. 

We print below a brief outline of the work ac- 
complished by the three investigators who have 
carried out their work at the Marine Biological 
Laboratory during the present summer with the 
assistance of the grant from THE COLLECTING 
Net Scholarship Fund. 

Graduate Assistant in Biology, University of 

Anattempt is being made to differentiate between 
the male and female gametes of some of the ma- 
rine algae by the use of a staining method de- 
veloped by Naylor (Am. Jour. Bot. 13:205-275, 
1926). Naylor stained sections of killed and fixed 
plant tissue with acid and basic dyes and washed 
them in buffers of known hydrogen ion concen- 
tration. He demonstrated that the nuclei of cells 
of such plants as corn and soy beans have an ap- 
parent isoelectric range alkaline to that of the 
cytoplasm of the same cells. 

The author (Science 68: 89-90, 1928) applied 
the same method to the male gametes of one of 
the ferns (Pteris longifolia) and found that the 
cytoplasm of these cells had an isoelectric range 
comparable to that of the cytoplasm of the cells 
studied by Naylor. The nuclei, however, behaved 
as though they had an isoelectric range acid to 
that of their cytoplasm. These results indicated 
a possible interpretation of the function of the 
male gamete in fertilization which might be har- 
monized with the results of artificial activation 
of the eggs of some of the marine animals (F. R. 
Lillie, ‘Problems in Fertilization,” University of 
Chicago Press, 1919). 

Recent studies by the author (unpublished ) 
have confirmed the acid isoelectric range of the 
male gamete nucleus and have demonstrated that 
the nuclei of the vegetative cells of the gameto- 

phyte of Pteris longifolia have an apparent iso- 
electric range alkaline to that of their cytoplasm. 
Nuclei of the female gametes have an apparent 
isoelectric range alkaline to that of their cytoplasm 
and slightly alkaline to the range for the nuclei of 
vegetative cells. Thus the nuclei of the male 
gametes of this plant have an isoelectric range 
more acid than that of any other gametophyte 
structure. It seems probable, therefore, that the 
apparent acidity of the male gamete is connected 
with its function in activating the female gamete 
to development. 

These results suggest several questions. Does 
this difference between the isoelectric ranges of 
the nuclei of the gametes exist in plants other than 
ferns? If so, does it exist only in those plants 
which produce gametes which are morphologically 
unlike? Is there a similar difference between the 
nuclei of those gametes which are alike morpho- 
logically but unlike physiologically? Is there a 
comparable difference between gametes and zo- 
ospores and, if so, does the zoospore resemble the 
male gamete, the female, or neither in the isoelec- 
tric range of its nucleus? When, in the ontogen- 
etic development of the plant, does this difference 
between gametes arise? Is this difference in ap- 
parent isoelectric range an evidence of a difference 
in metabolic activity between gametes of different 
sex or is it an evidence of some special material 
present only in the nucleus of the male gamete? 

The investigation in progress was attempted 
with the hope of obtaining data which would sug- 
gest answers to the first four questions. 

The following material has been collected and is 
being examined by the methods used by Naylor 
(1926) and Jackson (1928): receptacles, male 
and female gametes, stages in fertilization, and 
young sporelings of Fucus vesiculosus; gametes, 
stages in fertilization, zoospores, and gamete bear- 
ing tissue of Ulva lactuca, Enteromorpha intesti- 
nalis, and two species of Ectocarpus. 

Considerable difficulty has been experienced in 
getting well fixed material and consistant staining 
reactions. Therefore it is not possible, at present, 
to give definite conclusions. Results indicate, how- 
ever, that there is a difference between the iso- 
electric ranges of the nuclei of the male and fe- 
male gametes of the anisogamous alga, Fucus. 
Such differences have not been satisfactorily dem- 
onstrated in Ulva, Enteromorpha, and Ectocarpus. 
However, conclusive evidence should be obtained 
for these species when the material already col- 
lected has been examined completely and critically. 

This work has been made possible by a Cot- 
LEcTING Net “Fellowship” for which the author 
wishes to express his most sincere appreciation. 

—_—=), ve 

August 27, 1932 ] 

Department of Zoology, Oberlin College 

As a recipient of one of the CoLtectinG Net 
Scholarships for the summer of 1932 the writer 
was enabled to spend approximately two months 
at the Marine Biological Laboratory. The time 
thus far has been devoted to a comparative study 
of the cytology of heart and skeletal muscle from 
Limulus, the striated portion of the adductor of 
Pecten, and the retractor and radial muscles of 
Thyone. Several additional forms will be studied 
in the remaining time. The usual techniques for 
the demonstration of the chondriome and “Golgi 
apparatus” are being employed. It is hoped that 
through this preliminary study the writer will be- 
come familiar with the cytological picture pre- 
sented in muscle tissues of various animals, as 
well as with the literature on the histogenesis of 
muscle. The work done this summer at the Lab- 
oratory will serve as an introduction to the prob- 
lem of the cytoplasmic inclusions of developing 
muscle which it is hoped may be continued this 
fall under the direction of Dr. A. B. Dawson at 
Harvard University. 

NOTE: We have also found it necessary to postpone 
printing the report by Mr. Pomerat until next year. 


On Tuesday of this week Dr. and Mrs. L. C. 
Marshall of the Division of Radiation and Or- 
ganisms of the Smithsonian Institution, Washing- 
ton, D. C., arrived at the Institution for a stay of 
six or eight weeks. Dr. Marshall is aiding in 
the installation of new equipment at the Torrey 
Pines Field Station of the U. S. Department of 
Agriculture which is to be used in very accurate 
studies of the effect of light (“especially ultra 
violet and infra red”) on growth of plants. He 
will make his headquarters at the Institution while 
this work is being done and make considerable use 
of its laboratory, in addition to having consulta- 
tion with Professor Burt Richardson, who is do- 
ing Institution work of similar character. 

Dr. F. M. Gilchrist of the Department of Zool- 
ogy of Pomona College visited the Institution last 
week to make inquiry about places favorable for 
collecting young stages of development of one of 
the common jelly fishes. He was accompanied by 
two of his students. On Monday of this week 
they returned in order to use laboratory facilities 
of the Institution for several weeks while making 
special investigations of these animals. 

Mr. R. S. Stewart of Ventura, California, vis- 
ited the Institution last week to get information 



about ocean temperatures to use in connection 
with his studies on foraminifera. 

Mr. Max Greenberg returned to the University 
of California at Berkeley last week after spending 
the summer on special researches in chemistry. 
He will go from Berkeley to the University of 
Texas Medical School where he holds an appoint- 
ment as tutor in biochemistry. 

Last week Director T. Wayland Vaughan re- 
ceived a letter from Rear Admiral G. H. Rock of 
the Bureau of Construction and Repair of the 
United States Navy in which there was a strong 
expression of appreciation of that Bureau of the 
importance of the work in the study of “fouling 
organisms” conducted at the Institution pier in 
cooperation with Prof. W. R. Coe of the Osborn 
Zoological Laboratory of Yale University. Ad- 
miral Rock especially stressed the value of inves- 
tigations of this kind in relation to practical con- 
ditions of operation of naval and commercial ves- 
sels, saying that increase in knowledge of the 
habits of the organisms gives aid in devising 
measures for their partial control or avoidance. 

A recent letter to Director T. Wayland Vaughan 
from Mr. George Steiger of the U. S. Geological 
Survey at Washington states that he will under- 
take to make spectrographic tests for the heavy 
metals (e. g. tin, copper, and zinc) in samples of 
marine bottom deposits recently sent to him by the 
Institution. He also states that he can easily make 
identifications of certain other substances at the 
same time. These determinations will give ma- 
terial aid in studies of bottom deposits now in 
progress at the Institution. 

(Received August 22) 

Last week Director T. Wayland Vaughan re- 
ceived a letter from Rear Admiral W. R. Gher- 
ardi of the Hydrographic Office of the U. S. Navy 
at Washington in which the institution was 
thanked for the offer of a loan of two reversing 
thermometers and a supply of water sample 
bottles. The letter states that the offer is being 
accepted and that the instruments will be used 
(probably) by the surveying vessels Hannibal and 
Nokomis in operations toward or about the region 
of Panama. With these thermometers tempera- 
tures will be taken at a number of depths mostly 
between the surface and 1200 meters. Director 
Vaughan was requested to suggest stations to be 

On Friday of last week Miss Frances Charlton 
left the Institution after spending three months 
in special study of foraminifera. 

294 __THE COLLECTING NET [ Vor. VIL. No. 60 


Ausust 27, 1932 ] THE 


NET 295 


Dr. Karl Belar, who carried on work in the 
Marine Biological Laboratory during the summer 
of 1929, died as the result of an automobile ac- 
cident on the 24th of May, 1931. He came to 
America on the invitation of the California In- 
stitute of Technology as visiting professor for 
one year, which was extended to a second year. 
He had expected to return to Germany during 
the summer of 1931, by way of the Orient. 

Dr. Belar was born in 1895, and at a very early 
age showed exceptional interest in microscopic 
technique. He began his serious work, partly in 
a private laboratory, and partly at the University 
of Vienna. His studies were interrupted by the 
world war, from which he returned in 1918, and 
in the following year he received his doctor's de- 
gree. He acted at that time as assistant to Pro- 
fessor Hartmann of the Kaiser Wilhelm-Institut 
in Berlin-Dahlem, and at the same time became 
Privat-dozent at the University of Berlin. He be- 
gan work on the nuclear and cell division of the 
Protozoa, which he carried out for several years. 
The results appeared in a series of important 
papers. In 1926 he published a book on the 
changes in form of the nucleus of the Protozoa, 
which contained a review of the extensive litera- 
ture up to that time. Following this early work 
on the Protozoa he undertook an extensive study 
of the mechanism of cell-division, both in plants 
and animals. He brought forward a working hy- 
pothesis concerning the role of the spindle fibres 
in relation to the movement of chromosomes hased 

on some ingenious experimental methods on living 
materials. He continued work of a related kind 
during the two years he was in Pasadena, es- 
pecially on eggs of the marine worm, Urechis. 
He had accumulated a large amount of material, 
but had not put his results in final form when the 
unfortunate automobile accident ended his career. 
The material and notes have been sent to Ger- 
many, where, with the assistance of Mrs. Karl 
Belar, it is hoped some of his results may be re- 

3elar had developed a remarkable technique as 
a result of his wide experience. He impressed 
all who came in contact with him not only as an 
exceptionally fine technician, but also as an acute 
observer. He had, in addition, a very unusual 
talent for drawing, and the figures that illustrate 
his papers and books bear testimony to his skill 
in representing microscopical preparations, as well 
as the artistic feeling with which they were pre- 
sented. Belar was, however, much more than a 
successful manipulator and acute observer. He 
was extremely critical, not only with regard to his 
own work, but also of the work of other observers, 
as illustrated by the admirable reviews which he 
published from time to time, both as summaries of 
a larger field, and as reviews of individual papers 
and books. This is especially illustrated by his 
last article on “Befruchtung,” in The Handwerter- 
buch der Naturwissenschaften. 

His early death was a great loss to science, and 
a personal loss to a wide circle of friends. 

— ew ewe 

j Woods Hole, Mass. 

. This beautiful little fish of burnished gold is 
only a little longer than it is deep. . It is shaped 
somewhat like a freshwater sunfish, but it is more 
heavily built. The specimen shown in the photo- 
graph is very young, less than one and one-half 
inches long; but in its normal habitat an adult 
grows to a length of eleven or twelve inches. 

The fish is tropical, living off the coast of Bra- 
zil, and extending as far north as South Carolina. 
However, young specimens are sometimes carried 
long distances by the gulf stream. This specimen 
probably got into the stream in its larval stage, 
and grew as it was carried northward along with 
Sargassum weed and jelly fishes. Finally a favor- 
able wind wafted it to the shores of Buzzards 
3ay on our bathing beach. 

In the summer of 1899 several specimens were 
caught here, and exhibited in the U. S. Fisheries. 
At that time Mr. C. R. Knight made a water color 

painting of one which he has kept in his private 

It is a rare fish, even in its native haunt, and in 
scientific literature its vivid coloration has never 
been adequately described. Descriptions have been 
made from preserved specimens im which the 
coloring, especially of the brilliant spots, is gone. 

The general color of the body is dusty red, due 
to an uneven distribution of both red and black 
microscopic pigment spots. The head is heavy and 
thick with a snobbishly upturned mouth. The 
eyes are very large and shiny black, surrounded 
by a thick margin of orange. Extending down 
the sides of the body are three streaks ‘of pale 

1A rare fish was discovered Tuesday by one of 
our youngest Woods Hole Investigators, Bradford 
Chambers, son of Dr. Robert Chambers. On empty- 
ing the water out of his boat on the buzzards Buy 
beach, he was attracted by a brilliant rcd body bob- 
bing about in the boat. 

296 THE 


NET [ Vor. VII. No: 58 


This picture shows the brilliancy of the eye, the 
black ventral fin and the long dorsal fin with the 
three rows of vivid red spots. The red body and 
the red spots show black in the photograph. 

pink, deepening to red lower down, so as to dis- 
appear into the general red color of the body. 
These streaks resemble rays of sunlight. 

The dorsal fin is long, extending from a little 
behind the head almost to the tail, its outer edge 
appearing serrated. When closed the fin lies in a 
groove. The fish when excited opens it up and 

thus produces a brilliant effect, because of the 
fin’s extraordinary coloration, The tips of the fin 
are bright yellow. Below are three rows of bril- 
liant orange discs like peacock eyes outlined by 
black circles against a white background. Along 
the base of the fin is a row of similar discs but 
broken. The posterior or soft part of the dorsal 
fin is almost wholly transparent with a number of 
very small scattered black spots. 

The tail is pearly white at its base, the remain- 
der being scattered with very small black spots, 
similar to those on the soft part of the dorsal 
and anal fins. 

The pectoral fins are completely transparent, ex- 
cept for a few black spots. 

The pelvic or ventral fins are relatively large 
and have dusky markings, like the orange discs of 
the dorsal fin. 

The spiny part of the anal fin is covered with 
the characteristic orange spots. | However, the 
whole fin is dusked and the edge is darkened by a 
thin line of black pigment. The posterior or soft 
part of the anal fin completely resembles that por- 
tion of the dorsal fin in being colorless. 

We take this opportunity of expressing our ap- 
preciation to Dr. Schroeder of the Oceanographic 
Institution, who identified the fish and has helped 
us in describing it. 

showing the path which Dr. Linton has kept open for so many summers. 
print a later photograph of the team of horses dumping sand from Dr. Glaser’s beach over the stones 

above high tide mark on “Lot X”. 

We hoped also to be able to 

However, the time was too short to have the half-tone plate made. 

Aucust 27, 1932 ] 



Friday, September 2, 1932. 

Mr. C. M. Goss, Mr. Bruce Hogg and Dr. Kenneth 
S. Cole, ‘Tissue Culture Action Potentials.” 

Dr. Ethel B. Harvey, “Effects of Centrifugal Force 
on Fertilized Arbacia Eggs, as Observed with the 
Microscope Centrifuge.” 

Dr. P. S. Henshaw, “The Comparative Radiosensi- 
tivity of Marine Invertebrate Eggs.” 

Dr. Margaret Sumwalt. “Anomalous Potential Dif- 
ferences across Frog Skin.” 

Dr. Walter S. Root, ‘“‘The Carbon Dioxide Dissocia- 
tion Curve of Frog’s Skeletal Muscle.” 

Mr. S. A. Corson, ‘‘The Effect of Acid and Alkali on 
the Plasmogel of Amoeba proteus.” 

Dr. F. J. Brinley, ‘The Action of Salts on Fundulus 


Dr. Oscar W. Richards, “The Estimation of the 
Growth of Yeast Populations with a Photo-electric 

Dr. George A. Baitsell, “A Simplified Technique for 
the Cultivation of Tissues in Vitro.” 

Dr. T. M. Sonneborn, “Some Genetic Consequences 
of Self-Fertilization and Cross-Fertilization in 
Paramecium aurelia.” 

Dr. E. R. Clark, Mrs. E. L. Clark and Dr. E. A. 
Swenson, “Motion Pictures Showing the Contrac- 
tion of Arterioles in the Rabbit’s Ear.” 

Dr. C. C. Speidel, ““Moving Pictures of the ‘Fast Mo- 
tion’ Type of Various Cells in Living Frog Tad- 


Mr. L. V. Beck, “The Effects of Penetrating and 
Non-Penetrating Acids and Bases on the Oxida- 
tion-Reduction Potential of Asterias Ova and of 
Asterias Sperm.” 

Dr. G. H. A. Clowes, Miss Anna K. Keltch and Miss 
Ilene Harryman, “On Inhibition of Maturation of 
Starfish Eggs by Acids and Acid Producing Agents 
and the Reversal of this Process by Alkalies.” 

Miss Anna K. Keltch, Miss Lucille Wade and Dr. G. 
H. A. Clowes, ‘On the Contrasting Sensitivity of 
Eggs and Sperm to Various Chemical Agents.” 

Miss Ilene Harryman, Miss Lucille Wade, Miss Anna 
K. Keltch and Dr. G. H. A. Clowes, “On the Ac- 
tion of Soaps of the Oleate and Ricinoleate Series 
on Arbacia Sperm.” 

Dr. R. Chambers, “On the Formation of the Seg- 
mentation Furrow in the Sea Urchin Egg.” 

Dr. C. G. Pandit, “pH of the Arbacia Egg”. (Pre- 
sented by Dr. R. Chambers) 

Dr. Dorothy R. Stewart and Dr. M. H. Jacobs, ‘‘The 
Influence of Temperature on the Permeability of 
the Arbacia Egg to Ethylene Glycol.” (Presented 
by Dr. Dorothy R. Stewart) 

Dr. Dorothy R. Stewart and Dr. M. H. Jacobs, ‘The 
Permeability of the Egg of Asterias to Water.” 
(Presented by Dr. M. H. Jacobs.) 

Mr. Otto Meier,, Jr., ‘The Use and Cost of Electrical 
Energy in Relation to Investigators in Attendance 
at the Marine Biological Laboratory.” 

Libinia, Libinia, the Spider Crab, 
Sat among the rocks of the bathing beach 
And watched the toes of men go by. 
“They are a queer looking lot,”’ 
She cannily thot, 

And who would have thunk she thot. 
Libinia, Libinia, the Spider Crab, 
Reflected, McInnis, McNaught, 

And the rest of the lot ought to be taught 
I ought not be caught 

So,she spitefully thot. 

And who would have thunk she thot. 
Libinia, Libinia, the Spider Crab, 
Scientifically watched among the frothing rocks 
“Fives, always fives, this must be stopped’ 
She drastically thot 

And experimentally tried her cheliped 

And who would have thunk she thot., 

McInnis with sarcastic remark, 

And epithet gay, limped away, 

But they say to this day 

He lets Libinia stay 

Among the frothing rocks— 

And who would have thunk she thot. 
Embryology Student, °31. 


Among the summer Investigators at the Pa- 
cific Biological Station, Nanaimo, B. C., Canada, 
are :-— 

Professor R. A. Wardle, Department of Zo- 
ology, University of Manitoba: Cestode para- 
sites of Pacific coast fish. Mrs. Ella Kuitenen, 
graduate student, is associated with him in the 

Dr. F. D. White, Department of Biochemistry, 
University of Manitoba: Chemical analyses of 
certain fish of commercial value. 

Dr. W. Freudenberg, Department of Chemis- 
try, Iowa State College: Investigation of glyco- 
gen of oysters and clams. 

Dr. W. A. Riddell, Department of Chemistry, 
Regina College: Method of determination of 
nitrate values in seawater. 

Dr. D. C. B. Duff, Department of Bacteriology, 
University of British Columbia: Certain epidemic 
diseases of trout and young salmon. 

Mr. G. H. Wailes, Vancouver: Marine Proto- 

Mr. D. C. G. MacKay, graduate student, De- 
partment of Zoology, Stanford University: The 
life history of the commercial crab. 

Mr. S. H. McFarlane, graduate student, De- 
partment of Zoology, University of Illinois : Trem- 
atode parasites of Pacific coast fish. 

Mr. G. V. Wilby, graduate student, Depart- 
ment of Biology, University of Toronto: The life 
history of the ling cod. 

Dr. Beall, Department of Chemistry, University 
of British Columbia: Chemical analysis of the 
waste effluent of pilchard reduction plants. 

Mr. E. C. Black, University of British Colum- 
bia: Breeding periods of the pile borer, Bankia, 
on the coast of British Columbia, 


[ Vor. VIT. No. 60 

The Collecting Net 

An unofficial publication devoted to the scientific 
work at Woods Hole. 

WRG RORELONS 6a) erates aia eieip vin e)e viel eieietaywie(aiayer=y Editor 
Assistant Editors 

Annaleida S. Cattell 

Contributing Editor to Woods Hole Log 
T. C. Wyman 

Copyright, 1932 

Vera Warbasse 

The Collecting Net Scolarships 

The staff of the course in physiology has award- 
ed its CottectinG Net scholarship of $100.00 for 
the summer of 1933 to Mr. Iping Chao who is a 
graduate student in the Department of Physiology 
at the University of Chicago. Next summer Mr. 
[ping will continue his work on the effect of elec- 
trolytes on the Limulus heart. Mr. Herbert L. 
Eastlick—a graduate student in the Department 
of Zoology at Washington University — was 
awarded a similar scholarship by the staff of the 
course in embryology. Mr. Eastlick will make a 
cytological study of striated and smooth muscle 
fibers in Pectin gibbus. The other three courses 
have not yet awarded the scholarships which go to 
their students. 

We wish to acknowledge the many gifts that 
we have received which have made it possible 
for us to accumulate the sum of a little over 
$600.00. Especially do we wish to extend our 
thanks to the Penzance Players who contributed 
$76.00—a sum made up from the proceeds of 
their 1931 play, “The Queen’s Husband.” We 
are grateful, too, to Dr. Ralph Cole, proprietor 
of the variety store in Falmouth, who every year 
contributes $10.00 to Dr. and Mrs. Alfred Meyer 
who for two years in succession have given $25.00, 
to Dr. James A, Dawson for his gift of $15.00, 
and to many others for their smaller contributions. 

The Penzance Players have produced plays for 
five years, last year the play being Sherwood’s 
“The Queen’s Husband.” Those taking part in 
it were: 
King Erie VIII .. Alfred Compton, Jr. 
Princess Anne (his daughter)......Vera Warbasse 
Frederick Granton (secretary) Frederick Copeland 
OgeensManthatn erases teens Margaret Kidder 
General (Nosthirp csr-ps-cee scree Tom Ratcliffe 
Lord Birten (advisor) 
Prince William of Greck 

(Anne’s suitor) 

Phipps (butler). ee ree Arthur Meigs 
Major Blent ......... William Woglum 
Soldier oi s.nkd eee eee John Frost 
Dr. Fellman (communist) ...... Preston Copeland 
Laker (communist ) George Clowes 

Miss Sheila Balfour directed the group with 
the aid of Alfred D. Compton, Jr. 

Phosphorescent Screens 

Earlier in the season a man representing a firm 
in Holland visited the laboratory for several days 
in order to sell certain phosphorescent screens 
which enable one to make a reproduction of a 
page from a manuscript or book without the use of 
a camera. He exhibited orders from many bi- 
ologists of standing, and through “a winning per- 
sonality” and “high-power salesmanship” finally 
persuaded the Marine Biological Laboratory to 
purchase a set of screens on condition that they 
could be submitted to thorough tests before pay- 
ment for them was made. 

In describing the process of reproducing pages 
from a publication without a lens, Nature writes 
ina recent number. ‘The paper is then exposed for 
a short time to the light from any convenient or- 
dinary source of white light of low power”. Con- 
cerning the patented screens for this purpose they 
remark “However, while these phosphorescent 
screens are sometimes convenient, they are costly 
and unnecessary.” 

Editorial Notes 

The Reynold A. Spaeth Memorial Lecture on 
“Genetics and Development” by Dr. Richard 
Goldschmidt will be printed in an early number of 
the Biological Bulletin Its publication in this 
number of THE CoLLectinG NET is made possible 
through the courtesy of the Bulletin, and we wish 
to express our appreciation for this privilege 
which has been extended to us. 

The Falmouth Enterprise is to be congratulated 
for presenting so fairly in its recent numbers the 
news and statements concerning the beach ques- 
tion. The way in which they are handling the 
situation is appreciated by people on both sides 
of the fence. 

We wish to express our thanks to Mrs. Ruth 
E. Thompson, owner of the Quality Shop, who 
has allowed us to use her telephone during the 

THE CottectinG Net has a great many good 
books for sale in its office on Main Street. The 
prices for them have been reduced by thirty to 
sixty per cent. 

Avéusr 27, 1932 ] 





The fact that the people of Woods Hole ap- 
preciate a sandy beach is evident by their distribu- 
tion on the Bay Shore Beach. Formerly they 
huddled on Dr. Strong’s beach against the fence— 
now they are scattered more or less evenly over 
the improved portion of “Lot X”. One of the 
lot-holders stated in the Falmouth Enterprise that 
“the number of people using the beach scarcely 
reaches fifty at even the most popular hours.” 
They gave that as a reason why no more beach 
area was needed. Did it occur to that writer that 
the reason so few people bathed there was because 
there was so little sand! One day last week there 
were 126 individuals at one time on the sand on 
“Lot X” and Dr. Strong’s lot. 

Everybody is grateful for the improvements 
which are now being made on the Bay Shore beach 
by the lot-holders. They have given most of the 
money for the work and Dr. and Mrs. Glaser have 
contributed sand from their own beach. There 
is ample room just now to care for all those who 
wish to use the beach. 

Valuable as these improvements are, they must 
not be allowed to obscure the fact that more fun- 
damental changes must be made. It is not un- 
likely that winter storms will carry away much of 
the sand which is not actually held in place by 
stones. In our opinion the money which was col- 
lected should have been saved so as to make the 
improvements next June when we would have had 
full benefit from them. The work is not yet com- 
pleted and the season is so nearly over that many 
people have left for their winter homes. 

The work is not yet completed and the season 
is so nearly over that many people have left for 
their winter homes. 

Perhaps money could be collected every Spring 
to improve the beach in the manner that it is now 
being done, but we are not sure that this plan 
would be entirely satisfactory. Children of all 
ages, and adults as well, will flock to the sandy 
beach. If the sand is above high tide mark it 
will not be cleansed twice a day by incoming tides, 
like that of the beach in front of the lots to the 
northwest. Is it not possible that the sand will 
finally accumulate so much dirt and debris, 
thereby becoming more or less unsafe from the 
standpoint of public health? There have been 
cases of whooping cough and measles in Woods 
Hole this summer. Last week children with con- 
tagious skin diseases — tinea trichophytina, (ring 
worm). and impetigo (barber’s itch) were ob- 
served playing in the sand. 

A permanent and satisfactory solution must be 
found. We still feel that it would be a gracious 

gesture for the lot-holders to take down the fence. 
If they do not choose to do so, we hope that the 
town of Falmouth will assume control of the 
beach in front of their sea wall. Suitable restric- 
tions could easily be made—even to the extent of 
allowing only the residents of Woods Hole and 
their guests to use it. 

The price of the book by Dr. Parker on “Hu- 
moral Agents in Nervous Activity with Special 
Reference to Chromatophores,” which was re- 
viewed by Professor Bard in the July 9 issue of 
Tue CoLvtectinG NET, is $1.75. The book is dis- 
tributed for the Cambridge University Press by 
the Macmillan Company in this country. 


In the article on “Eulima oleacea and Thyone 
published in the last number of Tur CottecrinG 
Ner the statement was made that the eyes of 
Eulima do not show in its retracted state. I have 
since found that they show as little black dots, 
but in thickened or eroded shells they may not 
be seen. —G. M. Gray. 

The motion made to me, but not seconded, was 
not as reported in THe Cottectine Net of Aug- 
ust 13, p. 212, “that the Town of Falmouth take 
over this beach”. The motion was to substitute 
for the four plans presented by the Committee 
the one that I had outlined. This was to petition 
the Town for police protection of the beach in 
return for the removal of certain restrictions. It 
seems to me unnecessary to deprive anyone of his 
property rights. —R. P. Bigelow, 


A lending library has been established at the 
M. B. L. Club and a few of the latest books have 
been purchased and others donated. These are 
now available to club members. The charge for 
each book is ten cents for three days and twenty- 
five cents for one week. Some of the books 
available now are: Dimmet, “What We Live By”; 
Zweig, “Letters from an Unknown Woman”; 
Brown and _ Jeffcott, “Beware of Imitations”’ ; 
Willa Gather, “Obscure Destinies”; Walling, 
“Murder at Midnight”; Buck, “Good Earth”; 
Nash, “Nothing but Wodehouse”; Morgan, “The 
Fountain”; Webster and Hopkins, “Tell Your 
Own Fortune” ; Massoer, “Within”; Stuart, “Pig- 
eon Irish’; “Andree’s Story—A Complete Rec- 
ord’; Huxley, “A Brave New World”; Guenther, 
“A Naturalist in Brazil’; McSpadden, “To the 
Ends of the World”; Wassou, “Columbus Came 
Late”. These books are available on the mantel 
piece at the M. B. L. clubhouse. More books are 
being acquired. —V.W. 



[ Vor. VIL. No. 60 



The annual meeting of the Woods Hole Pro- 
tective Association was held in the Old Lecture 
Hall at eight o’clock, August 11. After the re- 
ports of the secretary and treasurer by Miss Tink- 
ham, the nominating committee, consisting of Dr. 
P. H. Mitchell, chairman, Miss Compton, and Mr. 
Charles Taft, was asked for its recommendations. 
Dr. Mitchell reported that the committee proposed 
for re-election for 1932-1933 those persons hold- 
ing office during the past year, namely, Dr. Bait- 
sell, chairman, Mr. Addison, vice-chairman, Miss 
Tinkham, secretary-treasurer, Dr. Edwards and 
Mr. Sam Cahoon, members at large, all of whom, 
with the exception of Miss Tinkham, have held 
office for only one year. It was voted unani- 
mously to accept the committee's recommendation. 

One of the chief projects of the Association is 
the maintenance of an inspector to take care of 
the property of association members during the 
winter. Miss Tinkham reported that the in- 
spector’s work has been unusually light this last 
year ; there was much less damage done by storms 
and very few houses entered. A detailed report 
is given to Miss Tinkham covering the work done 
by the inspector who visits each property once a 
week, or more often in case of bad storms. 

The Association has also undertaken the re- 
sponsibility of spraying the trees in Gansett 
Woods in an effort to get rid of the gypsy moth. 
This moth has increased a great deal during the 
last year all over the Cape—it is said to be the 
worst in twenty years. Due to the early spraying, 
however, the oak trees in the Gansett Woods 
have done remarkably well this year, 

The Woods Hole Yacht Club is turning into a 
thriving club when one realizes that it had been 
forgotten for almost fifteen years. In 1930 the 
young people of Woods Hole wanted to have a 
Yacht Club and started to organize one. They 
found that in 1897 such a club had been founded 
but in the course of. time had died out, and that 
the laboratory had bought the yacht’s club house 
and turned it into the M. B. L. Club. The old 
yacht club was brought up to date and a few races 
were held at the end of that summer. Last year 
the club had really become a firmly established or- 
ganization. This year not only does the yacht club 
hold races for different classes, unite with other 
yacht clubs to hold joint races, but also has fes- 
tivities here in Woods Hole. 


A hundred and eighty-eight loads of sand have 
been hauled by team from the beach in front of 
Dr. Otto Glaser’s lot and dumped on top of the 
stones above high tide mark on “Lot X” beach. 
This work has been made possible by contribu- 
tions from Dr. Strong, Dr. Meigs, Dr. Glaser, a 
$25.00 gift from a member of the laboratory who 
prefers that his name be unknown, and a couple 
of smaller contributions. It is understood that 
this improvement of the “public” beach was 
brought about through the initiative of Dr. Strong.. 
The group is planning to have most of the smaller 
stones between the high and low tide marks re- 
moved and to use them to build a wall well back 
from the water to prevent the earth on Dr. 
Strong’s lot from becoming mixed with the sand 
immediately in front of it. 


Mr. Frederick Howe, sociologist, spoke last 
Sunday at the Penzance Forum on “Our Chang- 
ing World.” He gave some illuminating views on 
our depression, the current political situation, and 
the future. He said that we should turn our 
hands to form a new standard of living, of am- 
usement and of business. Mr. Howe prophesized 
that there would be vast armies of men this winter 
seeking relief. Congress is the only possible 
Santa Claus and it can not borrow more. Nor can 
it raise taxes because people have not money to 
pay them. There may be a universal movement 
against taxes for already a million farms have 
been sold because of their non-payment, and for 
default of interest. Mr. Howe is not as cynical as 
it might appear—he has merely become wise from 
observing the affairs of the world. —V.W. 

Last Tuesday Mr. J. A. Sither, who is work- 
ing for the Supply Department, left Woods Hole 
in a sailing dory for Cuttyhunk to collect some 
rare tunicates. Off Juniper Point he was carried 
towards the reef and as he attempted to avoid the 
rocks the boat jibbed and capsized, the ballast 
causing it to sink immediately. Fortunately a 
fishing boat picked him up, but not until the tide 
had carried him beyond Nobska. He was taken 
to the fish market in an exhausted condition where 
he quickly recovered. —V.W. 

Miss Edwina Morgulis was awarded the Ann 
Radcliffe Fellowship by Radcliffe College, and 
will spend the coming year in study at the Sor- 
bonne in Paris. Mrs. Morgulis is going to ac- 
company her daughter to Paris and plans to re- 
main there with her during the year. 

Aucust 27, 1932 ] THE COLLECTING NET 301 


Sensibility 0.05 g. 
Capacity with extra weight 

Cappcity convenient for weigh- 
Greater ing potted plants, small ani- 
Capacity mals, etc. 

No. 4040 

Front beam weighs from 0-10 grams by 0.1 gram Total capacity with extra weight 1,010 grams 
Center beam weighs from 0-500 grams by 100 grams Sensibility 0.05 gram 

Third beam weighs from 0-100 grams by 10 grams Honed knife edges rest on agate planes 

Total capacity on beams 610 grams Pan made of molded Bakelite 

No. 4040 Triple Beam Balance, Harvard Trip Scale construction. Capacity @10 grams, sensibility 
0.05 gram. Complete with sliding weights on the beams, each................+...0+--- $12.00 
NIM O USE LOLOL eI OLE wee Clits siretere oe letote rate a levet ete ole eles ehefalialist al at steve eierelleyieto: elajie etoy.e “ent/e ale) #"a)isie loueleel eae 9.09 

No. 4040 W Extra Weight, to increase capacity to 1,010 grams .............. 06. e eee eee eee arts) 

General Offices: 1515 eetewacls St. Chicago, Ill, U.S. A 

Brenches: New York City; Nashville, Tenn. Kansas City, Mo.; ; Austin, ‘Tex. 
Braun-Knecht-Hiemann-©o., Ltd. Braun Corporation, Lid. 
San Francisco, Calif. Los Angeles, Calif. 


Cleaning and Pressing 

When you come to 

Men’s Suits Ladics’ Suits 
Topcoats $1 0 Ladies’ Coats eat our excellent 
Overcoats Plain Silk Dresses 
30: LUNCH — 
Call Falmouth 430 
Or egon Dye House 596 PLEASANT ST., NEW BEDFORD 
MAIN ST., FALMOUTH ( Opposite Library ) 


Malchman’s LAHOON | 

THE Dealer in 
ON CAPE COD Tel. Falmouth 660 and 661 
Falmouth Phone 116 WOODS HOLE, 


302 THE COLLECTING NET [ Vor. VII. No. 60 


We are equipped to offer cultures of living protozoa which are guaranteed to arrive alive 
and in good condition. These cultures contain the best specimens for classroom work, and 
in pure cultures. New cultures are innoculated every two weeks insuring virile specimens. 
The live animals such as frogs, crayfish, snails, earthworms, ete. are freshly caught (in 
season) and are not kept under artificial conditions for more than one week, thereby insuring 
healthy specimens. We have supplied thousands of frogs annually to various institutions. 

Amoeba proteus per 25 students............$2.25 Hydra per dz. 
eb Oie st wm Be, ABIZD => 100 
Euglena viridis 25 Ne ee ee 1.50 Planaria per dz. 
= SO os Be eee a0) “100 
Paramoecium caud. “ 25 ze pene OO Earthworms, living, per 100 
“10 rs eee cope | beh) Drosophila Melanogaster, various types 
Vorticella pet en e200 per culture 9" 5/9 pees 2.00 
OOM ah ee IS Erogs, 3/*body,speridzs ss sa 2.50 
** 100" eee 15.00 

Other cultures on order—Please send orders stating date when to be used and we guarantee 

shipment to arrive on time. 

Standard Scientific Supply Corporation 

Biological, Bacteriological and Chemical Apparatus, Naturalists’ Supplies, Specimens, Skele- 
tons, Anatomical Models, Wall Charts, Glass Jars, Microscopes and Accessories. 



3efore placing your order for your requirements 
this fall, you undoubtedly will want to consult the latest 
and most complete catalogue on biological supplies pub- 
lished to date. Our Catalogue No. 7 is a 300-page illus- 
trated book, which we distribute without charge to edu- 
cational institutions. 

You will find this book of incalculable value when 
selecting your materials and equipment. The descriptions 
are complete, permitting of no misunderstanding. The 
range of items included is more extensive than in any 
other catalogue of its kind ever published, describing 
models, museum preparations, lantern slides, charts, pre- 
served and living material, microscope slides, laboratory 
apparatus and supplies, books, and chemicals and reagents. 
Prices are as low as it is possible to make them for materials of high quality, and it is our 
primary aid to render the best service possible at all times. 

Be sure to have a copy of this catalogue at hand for ready reference. 





Aucust 27, 1932 } THE COLLECTING NET 303 



Spencer Type 

No. = with 


ROMINENT and unusual is the latest Spencer improvement in microscope 

design—the low fine adjustment. This new fine adjustment is located at the 

base of the arm so the microscopist can operate it with his hand resting easily on 
the table. 

The new Spencer Type Microscope No. 3, equipped with the new low fine 
adjustment, is large and beautiful in proportion, sturdily designed for extra years 
of service, and precisely built to meet the needs of the practical research worker. 

A new booklet M-56 completely describes this new microscope. It is yours— 
free. Write for it now! 



BS Company 


Rene aie 

304 THE COLLECTING NET _ [ Vor. VII. No. 60 

G. R. & H. DRUG CO,, Inc 
1G) i Ue 4 R PATRONAGE . iy 52 E 
\ ] r ial t 
Take Advantage of the Special Rates Res enaecs 
Quality Service 
“The. Rexall Store” 
Telephone 1243 P. D. ROWE, Ph. C., Reg. Pharmacist 
Superior Guernsey Milk and Cream DAR E Eaics 
Butter Selected Eggs Ice Cream HOME-MADE ICE CREAM, 
Falmouth 278 Osterville 378 COFFEE PICNIC LUNCHES 


can find a pleasant change HARDWARE CO. 
at Agency for 
Sandwiches — Table d’hote — A la carte Falmouth, opp. the Public Library Tel. 260 

Collections Daily 


FRUITS and VEGETABLES Two Collections Daily in the Dormitories 
Telephone 777 

Falmouth and Woods Hole 



Telephone Falmouth 22-23 

Aucust 27, 1932, He 



$4.50 to $7.50 
Near Filene’s 


Souvenirs and Jewelry 


Depot Avenue Woods Hole, Mass. 

Woods Hole, Mass. 

Printing — Developing — Enlarging 

Remodeling aj Specialty 

Goods Called For 
and Delivered 

Main. Street 
Tel. Falmouth 1104 



Phone 109 Falmouth 

Weeks’ Building, Falmouth 
Phone 907-M Free Delivery 
We Press While You Wait 

(Special Rates to Laboratory Members) 


General Merchandise 


Tel. Clifford 6775 New Bedford, Mass. 

Entire line of D. & M. Sporting Goods 
5 and 10c department 

FALMOUTH Tel. 407 



Sales and Service 






Opposite Station 

Clever Shoppers Visit the 


$5.00, $5.95, $6.95, $10.50 and $15.00 
Tel. 935 EDNA B. SMITH 

San Juan, Porto Rico 
Gifts, Lamps, Bridge Prizes, Baskets, Jewelry 
24 Queen's Buyway Falmouth, Mass. 

Hyannis, Mass. 

Mechanical Books 

We kave a large assortment of 
for the Various Trades and Business 

Hutchinsons Book Store 


306 THE COLLECTING NET -: [ Vor. VI. No. 60 

Falmouth, Mass. REPAIRING 
LLB. Boston University 1903 E. Main St. Nye Road Falmouth 
Tel. Falmouth 46-R or 293 Tel. 113-M 
W. E. CARVELL Wm. D. Hoyt J. F. Arsenault 
Tuesdays and Saturdays JAS. T. ALMY CO. 
?hone 1130 Falmouth Tel. Clifford 2612 



WALTER O. LUSCOMBE Clifford L. Hubbard, Prop. 
RAILROAD AVE. WOODS HOLE Telephone 383-R Falmouth, Massachuseetts 


Civil Engineer and Surveyor 

Walter O. Luscombe 

Assoc. Member Am. Soc, C. E. REAL ESTATE AND 
S. B., Mass. Inst. of Tech., 1907 INSURANCE 
Tel. Conn. HIGH ST., WOODS HOLE WispdeEale Phone 622-4 



SINCE AUGUST 6th, 1821 



Old Silver Beach, West Falmouth 

Telephone 1400 FALMOUTH 

Church of the Messiah Falmouth 

( Episcopal ) Massachusetts 

The Rey. James Bancroft, Rector 

Holy (Communion... 8:00 a.m. Capital, $100,000 
Mornings bray eneen. sce 11:00 a.m. 
sin Surplus Fund, $100,000 

Evening we rayet tan. 7:30 p.m. 

Aucust 27, 1932 } 


NET 307 


A Journal of Nature 


For More Science in Education 
For Freedom of Science Teaching 

Scientific Advisory Editorial Board: 
Anton J. Carlson, Wm. King Gregory, 
Henry E. Crampton, Paul B. Mann, 
Martin Dewey, Oscar Riddle, 

Elihu Thomson. 

Illustrated Monthly, $2 per year. 


Route 4, Hempstead, N. Y. 



a. Interval dial at the top clearly visible. 

b. Timer conveniently set from front. 

c. Clear-toned buzzer signal. 

d. Long, red second hand on large separate 
seconds circle. 

e. Attractive in appearance. 

Supplied in Richelain molded case. The reg- 
ular style has black casing, but ivory or onyx 
effect will be supplied if desired. $9.50. 

The following special attachments can be sup- 
plied at extra cost:—Extra loud horn; signal 
light; dial light; volt meter; electric switch. 

Write for further information, advising 


Est. 1851 — Ine. 1897 
Headquarters for Laboratory Apparatus and 
Chemical Reagents 
THIRD AVENUE, 18th to 19th STREET 

KMeiiwiice’ Builds 

for all Laboratory Uses 

Every laboratory needs dis- 
play and storage cases. To 
meet this need, Kewaunee 
offers a complete and well 
designed line of cases for 
every laboratory purpose. 

If you have need for new 
laboratory cases, be sure to 
write for the Kewaunee 
catalog and price list. We 
are offering very attractive 
values in every style case. 
Write today. 

Museum or Exhibiiion 
Case No. G-1503 


C. G. Campbell, Pres. and Gen. Mer. 
Chicago Office New York Office 
Offices in Principal Cities 

gical Supply Co., Inc. 
Living and Preserved Bio- 
logical Specimens of all 
Types for the Laboratory 
Museum or Research, es- 
pecially Southern or Louis- 
iana Forms. 

Specialists in Amoeba Cultures, Alligators, Etc. 
517 Decatur Street New Orleans, La. 

Volumes and Back Copies For Sale 
EST. 1887 
B. LOGIN & SON, Inc. 


Best Results 
Assured with 

Best Results 
Assured with 



Do Not Fog 


At your dealer—or ‘write (giving dealer’s*name) to 

Ciay-ApAms ComPpANy 

NEW yori¢ 

LITHO East 24th syrcer 


[ Vor. VIL. No. 60 





of all papers appearing in the journals 
listed below 
prior to publication of the 
articles in full. 

3) this advance information biologists 
may familiarize themselves with con- 
temporary research in a minimum of 

Advance Abstract Sheets are issued 
twice a month, each sheet containing 
ten or more authors’ abstracts. Sub- 
scription rate is $3.00 per year. 

Bibliographic Service Cards, follow- 
ing the Advance Abstract Sheets, also 
are issued twice a month. In addition 
to the authors’ abstracts, the cards pro- 
vide subject headings and complete 
bibliographic reference. The cards are 
convenient for filing and library rec- 
ords. Price, $5.00 per year. 

At regular intervals the authors’ ab- 
stracts are assembled and published in 
book form with complete authors’ and 
analytical subject indices. Price, $5.00 
per volume. Liberal discount to sub- 
scribers to the Bibliographic Service 

Journal of Morphology 

The Journal of Comparative Neurology 

The American Journal of Anatomy 

The Anatomical Record 

The Journal of Experimental Zoology 

American Anatomical Memoirs 

American Journal of Physical Anthro- 

Journal of Cellular and Comparative 

Folia Anatomica Japonica (Tokyo, 

Physiological Zoology (Chicago, II- 

Stain Technology (Geneva, New York) 

Ecological Monographs (Durham, 
North Carolina) 

The Wistar Institute of 
Anatomy and Biology 

| Philadelphia, Pa., U. S. A. 


B& L 


N B&L Apochromatic Objectives, the 
chromatic correction is accomplished for 
three colors and the spherical correction for 
two colors. Asa result practically all of the 
images produced by the different colors of 
the spectrum lie in the same plane and are 
equally sharp. 

APOCHROMATIC Objectives are excel- 

lent for photographic use with either 
white or monochromatic light for the violet 
light is brought to the same focus as the 
visual rays. 

VERY step in the production of these 
outstanding objectives is B&L con- 
trolled. The glass is made in our own plant 
for only B & L glass meets B & L standards. 
Consequently we give our fullest guarantee 
to B& L Apochromatic Objectives. 


ANGE of magnifications from 10x to 
90x. Priced from $26.00 to $108.00. 

Write for full details. 



Aucust 27, 1932 ] 



for Refrigerated Centrifuges 

Many widely different fields of usefulness 
have been opened to scientific laboratories by 
combining refrigeration with the centrifuge. 

In any process in which filtration is slow 
and in which it is necessary to avoid bacteri- 
al contamination and the- innumerable 
changes, fermentative or otherwise, accom- 
panying a rise in temperature, the problem 
of clarification and separation is completely 
solved by a Refrigerated Centrifuge. 


are now available 

as complete units to facilitate the further de- 
velopment of this important field. Jnter- 
national engineering and workmanship are 
behind this new equipment. 

We will be pleased to send you an interest- 
ing bulletin describing some of the uses of 
Refrigerated Centrifuges. 

There is an International for any job. 

352 Western Avenue 
Boston, Mass. 

Makers of Fine Centrifuges 

Ocular “Phoku” 

Attachable to any standard micro- 
scope. The specimen is continually 
under observation, even during ex- 
posure. Optically and mechanically 
correct, negatives of exact defini- 
tion are obtained, which may sub- 
sequently be enlarged four or five 
diameters, without apparent loss of 

By means of the Phoku Photo- 
graphic records are made of speci- 
mens examined, with a minimum 
expenditure of time and money. It 
may be used with equal facility for 
photographing opaque (including 
metallurgical) and transparent ob- 

Suitable Zeiss Microscopes for use 
with the PHOKU may be had from 
$132 and upward. 


Pacific Coast Branch: 
728 South Hill Street, Los Angeles, Calif. 

310 THE COLLECTING NET [ Vor. VI. No. 60 



The Glass Electrode method of hy- 
drogen-ion determination of liquids is 
particularly adaptable to blood and 

other physiological media. 

The complete outfit illustrated, in- 
corporates a Lindemann Electrometer 
which is used as a null point indicator. 

Send for Literature 

Advantages CAM BRIDGE 
(2) Medium” not contaminated, 

(c) Less than 1 c.c. sample used. ~<a 
(d) Complete test in 5 minutes. Pioneer Manufacturers of Precision Instruments 
(e) Clear or colored solutions tested 3732 Grand Central Terminal, New York 

The Wistar Institute Slide Tray 

The ideal tray for displaying or storing 
slides. It carries forty-eight 1-inch, 
thirty-two 11-inch, or twenty-four 2- 
inch slides, and every slide is visible at 
a glance. Owing to the nesting feature, 
the trays may be stacked so that each 
one forms a dust-proof cover for the one 
beneath it, while the center ridges assure 
ant protection to high mounts. Made en- 
SS tirely of metal, they are unbreakable and 
easily kept clean. They form compact storage units. Twelve hundred 1-inch 
slides may be filed in a space fourteen inches square by eight inches high. 

PRICE, $1.00 EACH 



Avucust 27, 1932 Il. eee aE COREE CLING INE? \ 311 



The LEITZ ULTROPAK can be attached to your 
microscope at your laboratory in a few moments. To 

attach it is as easy as removing the 
nosepiece of your microscope. It 
will fit to every type of standard 
microscope and can with equal con- 
venience be removed when not re- 

The purchasing price of the LEITZ 
_ ULTROPAK is within reach of 
\ practically all labora- 
tories. The total cost 
of the ULTROPAK, 
rheostat, one objective 
and condenser need 
not exceed $70.00. 
Additional equipment 
can be added as the occasion 

Using the ULTROPAK 
will undoultedly confirm to 
you the statements of lead- 
ing authorities, namely: 
that specimens used with 
reveal scientific data un- 
obtainable through other 

MAY HELD TO SOLVE | 60 East 10th St., New York City. 

Please send me a copy of your free booklet 

YOUR RROBLEM | describing the Leitz Ultropak. 
It will save you hours of tedious | NEENS copconccsssancdosonnsanoocodbudeac 
and tiresome work. ING Naas aoa Bos d coon OaoanoD Hos res ce 

E. LEITZ, Inc., Dept. 145, 


312 THE COLLECTING NET [ Vor. VII. No. 60 



f } "It Saved Us the Cost of Five 
Quoting remark of a Department Head 

The Promi projects microscopic slides and living organisms 
and insects on table or wall for drawing and demonstration. 
Also used aS a microscope and a micro-photographie ap- 

The Promi, recently perfected by a prominent German 
microscope works, is an ingenious yet simple, inexpensive 
apparatus which fills a long felt want in scientific instrue- 
tion and research in Bacteriology, Botany, Zoology, Path- 
ology, Anatomy, Embryology, Histology, Chemistry, ete. 

It has been endorsed by many leading scientists and in- 

PRICE: F.O.B. New York, $100.00 complete apparatus in 
polished wood e¢ ying case. Includes extra bulb, rheostat 
for 110 and 220 volts with cord, plugs and switch for both 
DC and AC current, 11x objective, tube with 5x ocular, re- 
flecting mirror and micro-cuvette. Ixtra equipment prices 
on request. 

Prospectus Gladly Sent 

Demonstrations will gladly be made 
by Mr. Robert Rugh, Room 111, Brick 

Bldg., M. B. L., Woods Hole. Cu, LAY? =) ‘\DAMIS ; Com Oa IDANNY 

PROMAR—A more powerful apparatus Headquarters for Biological Teaching Material 
with additional features. Information on 

request. 117-119 East 24th Street New York, N. Y. 

i. he, 

Miia Wchaacicas) 

Skeleton of Fish in Case 

Models, Specimens, 

for physiology, zoology, botany, 

anatomy, embryology, ete. Cata- 

logs will gladly be sent on request. 
Please mention name of school 
and subjects taught, to enable 

Spalteholz us to send the appropriate 
Transparent LS 
Preparations Visit our display rooms and : ‘ 
Human museum. By res aan 
and 3 * 

Model of Human Heart 117-119 EAST 24th STREET NEW YORK 


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poe hey 
