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Tod F. Stuessy, Editor Robert M. King, Assoc. Editor 

Department of Botany Department of Botany 

Ohio State University Smithsonian Institution 

Columbus, Chio 432190, U.S.A. Washington, D.C. 20560, U.S.A, 

Considering the profusion of journals and bulletins flooding everyone's 
laboratory these days, the thought of introducing an additional.newsletter is 
almost too much to bear. Nonetheless, it does seem proper that the numerous 
systematists working on the large and biologically important family, th2 Compositae, 
should have a formal outlet for exchange of information among themselves. It 
is with this motivation that we offer this first number of the Compositae News- 

We have no particular aspirations for this little bulletin, ner de we feel 
compelled to publish it at regular intervals. Rather, whenever sufficient informa- 
tion is received to merit costs of duplication and mailing, the Newsletter will 
be printed and distributed. 

We neither encourage nor discourage the submission of any particular type 
of information; whatever is sent to us will be included with only a minimum amount 
of editing. The editorial policy, therefore, will be essentially one of non- 
review. We hope that published items of interest will provoke both positive 
and/or negative responses from fellow synantherologists, which may result in 
lively and beneficial discussion not available in most journals. 

For purposes of organization, we have chosen seven subheadings for the News- 
letter which we believe will accommodate most of the information sent to us. 

These categories are: (1) Editorials; (2) Points of View; (3) Articles; (4) Book 
Reviews; (5) Meetines and Other Timely Events; (6) News from Individuals and 
Institutions; and (7) Requests for Material. 

We hope this first number of the Newsletter will reach the majority of workers 
in the Compositae. Because no mailing list of this sort is ever complete, we 
would appreciate receiving the names and addresses of people who did not receive 
the first issue but who would iike to receive subsequent ones. Hopefully, at 
some later date the mailing list can be published along with additional information 
about each of the workers. 

The costs of typing, reproduction, and mailing are for the present being 
borne by the Departments of Botany of The Ohio State University and the Smithsonian 
Institution. We wish to acknowledge with thanks the financial and moral support 
of these institutions and their chairmen. 

Meetings and Other Timely Events 
It may seem unnecessary to include here a mention of the international 
symposium on The Biology and Chemistry of the Compositae to be held in Reading, 

England, 14-18 July. On the chance that some the recipients of the Newsletter 
are not aware of this meeting, however, a brief description follows. 


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The symposium is sponsored by the Linnaean Society of London and the Phyto- D 
chemical Society. Thirty-six invited participants will present papers on the 
basic systematics and chemistry of each tribe and on additional topics such as 
fossil history, evolution of capitula, palynology, cytology, developmental anatomy, 
etc. The presented papers will be published in book form similar to the volume 
on The Biology and Chemistry of the Umbelliferae [V. H. Heywood (ed.), 1971, 
Academic Press]. Further information about the symposium may be obtained from: 
Mrs. Abigail Gillett, Department of Botany, Plant Science Laboratories, The 
University, Whiteknights, Reading RG6 2AS, England. 

Highlights of the meeting will appear in the next issue of the Newsletter. 

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