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MAY, 1899, to APRIL, 1900. 


Published by H. A. PILSBRY and C. W. JOHNSON. 

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Abalone fishery in California _. ; : ie 
Agassiz Association Department : . 23, 84, 59 
Amnicola Johnsoni Pilsbry, n. sp. ; : { ; ee TOE 
Amnicola sanctijohannis Pilsbry, n. sp. : 4 AeA) 
Amnicolide from Florida . : PVA, 
Amnicoloid, a new N.-H. Australian . ; ! . 144 
Arion fasciatus Nils. in America. ; We he 
Arizona and New Mexico, Collecting in. 2 ye 
Ashmunella thomsoniana porter Pilsbry ane: Bookercit, 
nV. : : , : awe) 
Aspidoporus, Dr. Babor’ S en ES Of, Rey 
Bifidaria armifera var. ruidosensis Cockerell,n.v. WIS 
California, collecting in Southern oe 
California, mollusks collected by R.C. McGregorinnorthern 64 
Calliostoma Veliei Pilsbry, n. sp, : . 128 
Canandaigua Lake Region of New York, Biailicoa ae ny 
Capulus Californicus Dall., n. sp. ; . 100 
Chitons from the Piecene of the ies ae Easy 
Florida . , “i cae 
Chlorostoma Beanicor pilebee Sp. : ; : Page | 
Chlorostoma Orbignyanum Pilsbry, n. ay , z ‘ rtd 
Chlorostoma patagonicum Orb. . ; ah tl.O 
Chlorostoma of Southern and Eastern ose tO 
Chondropoma Martensianum Pilsbry, n. sp. . 140 
Clausiliz of Celebes, note on the : 4 . Sh 
Cochlicopa lubrica in Alaska ; : Bi Ske 
} ( ili ) 



Conulus coroicanus Ancey, n. sp. 17 
Correspondence . . 83 
Corrosion of shells in dahmne ; 122 
Donax stultoram Mawe vs. Cytherea Gfassatelloidee Cane he 
Dredging in San Diego Bay . EOL 
Dredging off San Pedro ; 21 
Epiphragmophora andivaga Ancey, n. sp. .¥ tks 
Epiphragmophora Bowersi Bryant, n. sp. . 122 
Epiphragmophora fidelis Gray e105 
Epiphragmophora Harperi Bryant, n. sp. STAs 
Epiphragmophora mormonum buttoni Pilsbry, n. v. - 1128 
Epiphragmophora mormonum cala Pilsbry, n. v. . 428 
Epiphragmophora Turtoni Ancey, n. Sp. me | 
Field notes and reminiscences as 
Florida, Collecting on the Gulf Coast of hs 
Florida, Notes on some land shells of Western . 141 
Gastrodonta demissa var. lamellata Pilsbry, 107 
General notes . [2a Onc. ue 70, 84. 111, 129 
Glandina truncata var, minor Puen D.V: 46 
Gonibasis acutifilosa siskiyouensis Pilsbry, n. v.. 65 
Hartman, William D. (with portrait, pl. 1) . 61 
Helix hortensis at Rockport. Mass., variations of 32 
Land shells of Berks Co., Pennsylvania 70 
Limax coccineus Gistel 117 
Lithasia obovata, changes with betes of... 97 
Lucidella Foxi Pilsbey ar oo 56 
Lucidella trochiformis Pilsbry, n.sp. . ; ee 
Maine, List of Shells from Northeastern. ; - LOZ tis 
Manitoba, List of Land and Freshwater Shells of a 
Margaritana margaritifera var. falcata from a tunnel . ae 11) 
Mexican shells, notes on some southern Bre | 
Miami, Florida, Annotated List of land and froshavatee shells 43 
Madioln plicatdla a in San Francisco Bay , So) aa 
Mollusca associated with the Mastodon : 34, 55, 100 
Mollusks of Lily Cash Creek, Illinois. Beet) 
Myoforceps aristatus Dillwyn, from California salen 
New Mexican Shells, Notes on some 19 
Ostrea, Origin of the mutations of , 91 
Ogee Lake, N. Y., notes on the mollusca of 57 


Pachychilus vulneratus 
Paludestrina monas Pilsbry, n. sp. 

Petricola denticulata, note on 12] 
Philomyeus lactiformis (Blainville) 24 
Physa cubensis in Florida ; 70 
Pisidia new to our country and new species a) 
Pisidium amnicum Mull. ' . 
Pisidium boreale Sterki n. n. (for seplentrionale Prime pre- 
occupied ) : pee. 
Pisidium contortum Prime. 10, 59 
Pisidium handwerki Sterki, n. sp. 9() 
Pisidium henslowianum Shep. 9 
Pisidium medianum Sterki, n. sp. 10 
Pisidium medianum var. minutum Sterki n. var. . aie ld 
Pisidium milium Held 10, 59 
Planorbis corpulentus Say . A liao 
Planorbis crista var. cristata Drap. in Plaine a9) 105 
Planorbis opercularis var. multilineatus Vanatta 48 
Planorbis rubellus Sterki and P. Harni Pilsbry 5] 
Polygyra, new southwestern form of 37 
Polygyra appressa, notes on 54 
Polygyra auriculata in Western Florida 118 
-Polygyra binneyana Pilsbry, n. sp. 38, 60 
Polygyra caloosaensis Johnson,n.sp. Pliocene inet ted, 67 
Polygyra divesta indianorum Pilenee eT NAT, ; 39 
Polygyra dorfeuilliana var. percostata Pilsbry, n. var. 37 
Polygyra monodon var. friersoni Pilsbry, n. var. 36 
Polygyra neglecta Pilsbry, n. sp. ye A) 
Polygyra tridontoides [= texasiana—Hp. | in Men Mone 84 
Polygyra uvulifera var. bicornuta, n. var. 107 
Pomatia aspersa in California 60 
Pyramidula alternata, notes on two varieties of . 4] 
Pyramidula alternata var. costata Lewis 4] 
-Pyramidula alternata var. rarinotata Pils., n. var. 114 
Publications received . PUSS VL OeS | 
Purpura coronata Lam. in America : 130 
Rhode Island, Collection of Fresh-water shells from 112 
Rumina Pe siinin. some notes on Ri 
Shells collected at Oakdale, Morgan-Co., Pent: TO 


Shells and Mastodon . 

Sigaretus oldroydii, notes on 

Stephanoda Iheringi Ancey, n. sp. 

Stephanoda latastei Ancey, n. sp. ; : 
Strobilops hubbardi stevensoni Pilsbry, n. var. . 
Strombus, attempt to define the natural groups of 
Thomson, John H. (Biographical note) 

Thy Sa iphare hornii Gabb. : 

Tres Marias Islands, Mexico, Natural ieee of 
Turritellide, Viviparous Miocene 

Unios of the Sabine River . 

Unionide in a tunnel . 

Unio conjugans Wright, n. sp. 

Unio Danielsii Wright, n. sp. 

Unio dispalans Wright, n. sp. 

Unio Hagleri Frierson, n. sp. (Plate it yi 

Unio Harperi Wright, n. sp. 

Unio Kingii Wright, n. sp.. 

Unio polymorphus Wright, n. sp. 

Unio rotulatus Wright, n. sp. 

Unio (Lampsilis) owirasai Pies n. Sp. 
Unio singularis Wright, n. sp. 

Unio Tinkeri Wright, n. sp. 

Unio unicostatus Wright, n. sp. 

Veronicella, notes on Jamaican . 

Viviparous miocene Turritellidz 

34, 55, 100 




16, 93 


Zonitidz collected by J. H. Ferriss in Arhanes sata the 

Choctaw Nation 

Zonitoides neomexicanus Gookerel & Pileeee n. sp. 


Ancey, C. F. ; : ; : ; ae 
Ashmun, Rev. EK. H. . : : , ; , pws 
Baker, Frank C. . é : ‘ 30, 57, 112 
Burns, Frank. : ; ‘ ; prs 
Button, Fred. L. : ; 30,131 
Bryant, FW. ~ : 222,143 
Chadwick, G. H. . : : : . 04, 76, 93 
Clapp, Geo. H. . : ’ : ; 41, 70 
Cockerell, T. D.A. ; . . 82,36, 49, 84,.117 
Collinge, Walter E. . : : : 2 : rae ky 
eee Csi, «89, 85, 91, 100, 121 
Frierson, Lorraine BS. . ; : ; abo 09 
Hanham, A. W. . i : ; ; a | 
Johnson, C. W. . ' : GPA T 130,141 
Kendig, Rey. A.B. . , ARs 
Keep, Josiah , : 21.60 
RelseyoF W.: . . : : : : : F abot 
King, Mrs. KE. H. : ; ; ee 
Lowe, H. N. : : ; AT 
Mitchell, C.F... : : hp erent 
iiender, Olof O. ee 09s, SOLS 1S 

Pilsbry, Henry A. 20, 32, 37, 49, 51, 56, 64, 70, 79, 98, 107, ‘110, 
114, 128, 131, 139, 144 

Post, E. J. . : : : : : ; ; pais 
Randolph, P. B.. : : : ; epee 
Rhoads, Samuel NN... ; : : , : ; 543 
Smith, W. Hilles. : } , t . 384 
Stearns, R. HE. C.. , hoy o5-S1, 86, 1005 115 
Sterki, V. . : Bey? ; ; ; Jp a 
Sykes, H. R. i : ; : : : ; ; SG 
Vanatta, E.G. . . 3 ; , : «» 48 
Walker, Bryant . ; : 59, 9T, 183 
Wright, Berlin H. : aa 29, 31, 42, 50, 69, 15, 89, 138 





WOE, AXITT. MAY, 1899. No. 1; 


When I commenced collecting here in 1894, my enthusiasm was 
soon checked by the dearth of land shells, in which, since I first col- 
lected, I have been particularly interested. In fresh-water species 
things were different, as this list shows, but I have never felt the 
same interest in them, and my work here, as far as they are con- 
cerned, has been half-hearted, and I have done nothing at all during 
the past two seasons. Under these circumstances, I have thought it 
advisable to publish this list before my records get lost or destroyed. 
The most striking feature here (even after Quebec) was the utter 
absence of all the larger species of land shells (with the exception of 
the Succineas), and the scarcity of even the small kinds which have 
been taken. However, I am still impressed with the idea that some 
few of the larger species may occur, rarely perhaps, in the well- 
wooded districts lying in the extreme east, southeast and northeast 
of the Province. ‘The country I have worked here has been mostly 
prairie, even though swampy or wooded in places, and really almost 
-the only localities worth exploring are the river ‘“‘ bottoms.” Water 
shells, especially by contrast, are quite conspicuous; the sand dredged 
from’ the Red river for building purposes contains a mass of Spheeria, 
and along the river banks the large valves of Uniones are very notice- 
able. ‘The railway ditches and sluices, which are generally dry early 
in the summer, have in their bottoms a mass of Limnza, Aplexa and 


small Planorbis. Often large areas of prairie, inundated during the 
spring, are covered with these dead shells, which are the *‘ land”. 
shells of the novice. 

Soon after my arrival in Manitoba, I received a good deal of assist- 
ance from the Rev. George W. Taylor, of Gabriola Island, B. C., 
who kindly furnished me with lists of the species he had taken here 
in 1893, during a flying visit; also any other records or lists of 
Manitoba species that he knew of. 

The lists furnished were as follows : 

His own from Winnipeg in 1893. 

Condray’s, also from Winnipeg. 

Hollands’, from Norquay, Man. 

Bells’, ) 

Christy’s, > all from Winnipeg eastward. 


(The species taken by Condray and Holland being in his own <ol- 

All these records are included in the subjoined list. Dr. V. Sterki, 
Mr. Ed. W. Roper, Mr. Jas. H. Ferriss and others, have kindly 
helped in the identification of the more troublesome things of my own 
taking. The numbers before the land shells (following Mr. H. A. 
Pilsbry’s valuable catalogue), show that our local or provincial spe- 
cies are few and far between. 

(47. Acanthinula harpa Say.) This species has been taken along 
the north of Lake Superior, both West as well as East, and I feel 
sure is to be found in the northern unexplored parts of the province. 

_ 48. Vallonia pulchella Mull. (Condray, Holland, Taylor, ete.) 
50. Vallonia costata Mull. ‘Taken here under stones, etc., along 
railway banks. 

(Dr. Sterki remarks of these costata, ‘‘a beautiful and interesting 
form with rather crowded ribs.’’) 7 

53. Vallonia gracilicosta Reinh. Winnipeg in 1893, by Taylor. 

180. Strobilops labyrinthica Say. (Christy and Holland.) 

186. Lifidaria armifera Say. Very rare here, also taken by Tay- 
lor.. A rather small form occurs at. Brandon; very few were taken. 

187. Bifidaria contracta Say. From Carberry, by Christy. 

188. Bifidaria holzingeri Sterki. Rather plentiful here in the 
Spring of 1894 in Red River drift. Also taken by Condray and 



199. Bifidaria pentodon Say. A few taken here, also recorded 
by Condray and Taylor. (Dr. Sterki writes ‘* somewhat different 
from the typical figure, the last whorl comparatively small.’’) 

219. Vertigo binneyana Sterki. Rare here, also taken hy Condray. 

222. Vertigo ovata Say. Not uncommon here. 

Vertigo sp. (2 examples) Winnipeg. (Dr. Sterki writes, ‘* in size, 
shape and striation much resembles V, gouldii Binn., but there is a 
peculiar, very strong callus in the palate.’’) 

235. Coechlicopa lubrica Mull.(F. subcylindrica, Linn.) Well dis- 
tributed and not uncommon. 

254. Vitrina limpida Gld. A few on ‘toad-stools” late in the 
fall. Several other records. 

260. Vitrea hammonis Strém. (H. radiatula Ald.) From all 
points recorded. 

264. Vitrea binneyana Morse? <A few shells taken at Brandon, 
were recorded as this species. They have been mislaid, or would 
have been referred to Dr. Sterki. 

270. Vitrea indentata Say. From Pine Creek, by Christy. 

278. Conulus fulvus Mull. Plentiful locally. (Dr. Sterki says, 
‘¢ different to the usual form.’’) 

282. Zonitoides nitidus Mull.? Some dead shells from river drift 
may be this species. 

283. Zonitoides arboreus Say. From all points recorded. 

290. Zonitoides minusculus Binn. A few dead shells from Red 
River drift. (Also Red River, Binney’s Manual.) 

294. Zonitoides milium Morse. Very rare here. 

316. Agriolimax campestris Binn. Seen occasionally in this dis- 
trict, not included in the other lists. 

344. Pyramidula striatella Anth. Plentiful, in all lists. 

346. Helicodiscus lineatus Say. Recorded by Condray. I have 
taken one or two shells here. 

348. Punctum pygmeum Drap. Taken here, not included in other 

358. Succinea retusa Lea. (S. ovalis Gld.) My Winnipeg spe- 
cimens are ail small. (Christy, Dawson and Holland.) 

360. Suceinea haydeni W. G. Binn. (Dawson.) 

361. Succinea hawkinst Baird. Carberry. (Christy.) 

362. Succinea obliqua Say. From all points recorded. 

366. Succinea grosvenorti Lea. (S. lineata Binn.) Wood Moun- 
tain (Dawson). 


367. Suecinea avara Say. Rather common here. (Christy, 
Dawson and Taylor.) Var. vermeta Say? (Referred to this by Dr. | 
Sterki.) A small colony taken under logs on railway bank near the. 
city. (If only S. avara, then an unusually large coarse form.) 

370. Succinea oregonensis Lea. (A few examples referred to this 
species by Dr. Sterki). From Winnipeg. 

Oarychium exiguum Say.) By no means abundant here. (Named 

= exile Lea. ) © by Dr. Sterki.) 

Spherium sulcatum Lam. (Christy, Dawson and Holland.) 

as solidulum Prime. Common here in Red River. (Also: 
recorded by Christy & Dawson.) | 

Spherium striatinum Lam. (Christy & Dawson.) 

Ms stramineum Conrad. (Dawson). 
se rhomboideum Say. (Christy & Dawson.) 
is jayanum Prime. (Christy.) 

ae tenue Prime. Souris River (Dawson). 
es transversum Say. Playgreen Lake (Bell). 
et simile Say. A single valve was in a lot of S. solidulum 

referred to Mr. Ed. W. Roper for naming. 
Spherium partumecum Say. (Dawson.) One specimen taken 
here, kindly named by Mr. Roper. 
Pisidium virginicum Gmel. Lake of the Woods (Dawson). 
6 variabile Prime. Pine Creek (Christy). 
“ abditum Hald. (Holland), 
a ferrissit Sterki. These are the only Pisidia I have found: 
here, and I took a small colony of them in moss in a dried-up swamp 
late in the year. Only a few appeared to be full grown (named by 
Dr. Sterki). 
Unio alatus Say. Have taken some fine shells along the banks of 
the Red River here. (Christy & Dawson). 
Unio asperrimus Lea. A few from Red River here. (Christy). ° 
‘© borealis A. F. Gray. Lake of the Woods (Christy). 
‘© canadensis Lea. (Taylor.) ’ 
‘© boydianius Marsh. Red River here. Kindly named by Mr. 
Unio gracilis Barnes. Not uncommon in Red River. » 
“© lachrymosus Lea. (Bell, Dawson & Taylor.) 
“© ligamentinus Lam. Roseau River (Dawson). 
‘¢  hippopeus, I understand from Mr. Ferriss that this species 
has been taken in Lake Winnipeg. j 


Unio luteolus Lam. Red River. (Christy, Dawson & Taylor.) 

‘“  multiplicatus Lea. (Christy.) 

‘© ocetdens Lea.? Red River. 

«<  plicatus Lesueur. (Bell & Christy.) 

“ radiatus Lam. (Bell. ) 

* rectus Lam. Some large specimens, with beautiful nacre, 
have been taken from the Red River here. (Christy, Dawson & 

Unio rubiginosus Lea. Common in Red River. (Christy, Daw- 
son & Taylor.) / 
Unio spatulatus Lea. (Red River, by Dawson.) 
‘© subovatus Lea.? (Dawson.) 
“undulatus Barnes. (Christy, Dawson & Taylor.) Appears 
to be common in Red River. } 
Margaritana complanata Barnes. (Bell & Dawson.) 

rugosa Barnes. (Dawson.) 
Anodonta ferussaciana Lea. Lake of the Woods. (Dawson.) 
«© footiana Lea. Souris River. (Dawson.) 
ge plana Lea.? I sent a shell to Mr. Ferriss, which he 

considered this species. 
Anodonta subcylindracea Vea. (Holland.) 

‘. undulata Say. (Bell & Dawson.) 

Valvata tricarinata Say. Rare here. (Christy & Dawson.) 

«< _ sincera Say. (Christy & Dawson.) 

Campeloma decisum Say. Rare here. (Lake of Woods, Dawson.) 
Bythinella obtusa Lea. Winnipeg (also by Condray here). 
Amnicola porata Say. Lake of the Woods. (Dawson). 

- pallida Hald. (Christy & Dawson.) 

“66 granum Say. Pine Creek. (Christy.) 

Limnea stagnalis L. I have taken a few dead shells along the 
Assiniboine River here. Also included in the other lists. 
Limnea decollata Mighels. Lake of the Woods (Dawson.) 

‘¢ — megasoma Say. Echimamish River (Bell). 

‘< palustris Mull. On all the lists. Some shells which I 
think belong to this species are very prettily lined. This form is 
rather abundant in some of the marshes. 

Limnea catascopium Say. Lake Manitoba, etc. Also on Daw- 
son’s list. 
Limnea caperata Say. On all the lists. 


“© desidiosa Say. Winnipeg. Also by Christy. 
‘© humilis Say. Winnipeg. Also by Christy and Dawson. 
Physa heterostropha Say. On all the lists. Quite uncommon here. 
‘© ampullacea Gould.? ( Dawson.) 
*« ancillaria Say. Lake of the Woods (Dawson). Also rarely 
at Winnipeg. 
Apvlexa hypnorum L. On all lists. Usually a fine shell here. 
Planorbis corpulentus Say. Lake of the Woods (Dawson). 
i trivolvis Say. On all the lists. 

a macrostomus Whiteaves. Lake of the Woods (Dawson). 

= bicarinatus Say. (Bell and Dawson.) 

a campanulatus Say. Winnipeg, also by Bell and Dawson. 

a exacutus Say. Winnipeg, also by Christy, Dawson and 

Planorbis albus Mill. (Holland and Taylor.) 
o parvus Say. On all the lists. 
ee umbilicatellus Ckll. (umbilicatus J. W. Taylor.) Bran- 
don (Christy, ete.). 
Planorbis cristatus L. A pair from this place, identified by Dr. 
Planorbula armigera Say. On all the lists. 
Ancylus parallelus Hald. (Cliristy & Dawson.) 

‘© rtwularis Say. (Dawson.) 



N. Harperi, sp. nov. 

Shell smooth, with slightly elevated growth lines, black towards 
the umbos and tinged with red towards the base. Shining above, 
rayless, oblique or very inequilateral. Umbos elevated and nicely 
rounded; substance of the shell moderately thick, thinner posteriorly ; 
bluntly pointed behind with an inclination to biangulation. Dorsum 
slightly arched, ligament red, basal margin slightly curved; umbonal 
ridge rounded above and decidedly flattened out at the posterior ex- 
tremity ; teeth double in the left and single in the right valve, cardi- 
nals pointed, compressed and oblique, with a supplemental tooth or 
pointed callosity in the right valve midway between the cardinal and 

ae tie a 

lateral teeth and an accompanying depression in the opposing valve ; 
laterals straight with an elevated collar or ridge as an extension of 
the lower lateral tooth and extending up to the cardinal; cicatrices 
confluent, cavity of the beaks very slight, nacre pale white in old and 
flesh-colored in young. 

Diameter .75, length 1.25, width 2 inches. 

Habitats—Altamaha, Suwannee and Flint Rivers. 

Type in National Museum. 

Remarks: ‘T'wo adults were first received from the Altamaha 
River, Liberty County, Ga. Later three others came from the 
Suwannee River, Madison County, Fla., and still later twenty others 
from Spring Creek, a branch of the Flint River, in Decatur County, 
Ga.—showing quite a range, and yet in all of these places it seems 
to be a rare shell, as so few were received in large lots of several 
hundred. The teeth are quite large and sotid for the size of the shell. 
It is difficult to place it with any group, for which reason comparisons 
would seem out of place. The younger specimens bear some resem- 
blance to simulans or nux, but it is less inflated in the umbonal re- 
gion, and more compressed or flattened and pointed behind than 
either of them, and is also more oblique or inequilateral. It has 
heavier and blunter umbos and beaks than V. perovatus Con., and 
also a straighter base and less pointed behind. 

We dedicate this species to Prof. George W. Harper, Principal of 
the Woodward High School, of Cincinnati, O. 

U. Tinkeri, sp. nov. 

Shell black above, shading off to a lighter color posteriorly and 
around the base, covered with close elevated growth lines; nearly 
circular, somewhat inflated ; ravless, except in the very young, which 
are covered with fine green rays; bluntly pointed behind, gracefully 
and continuously curved in front up to the dorsal margin; dorsum 
arched ; base abruptly extended near its center by reason of the 
broad, rounded ridge which extends from umbo to base; cardinal 
teeth solid, direct and double in both valves; lateral teeth double in 
the left and single in the right valve, heavy, somewhat curved, very 
deeply indented and coarsely serrated ; beak cavity considerable and 
very angular, anterior cicatrices separated by a mere thread, posterior 
cicatrices confluent ; nacre white or slightly flesh-colored. 

Diam. 1, length 1.50, width 1.75 inches. 

Habitat: Tombigbee River, Alabama. 


Type in National Museum. 

Remarks: This is another of those shells that is not strongly dis- 
tinct from other known forms and yet sufficiently removed from any 
to make a name necessary. It seems to lie between U. castaneus 
Lea and U. unicolor Lea—from the former it differs in being more 
circular, thinner, not tumid, not so oblique, darker colored, shorter lat- 
erals, less capacious, beaks blunter and undulations fewer and coarser. 
From unicolor it differs in being thicker, rougher, more inflated, 
narrower, pallial margin and white nacre. Some forms of it approach 
U. leibi Lea, but are less inclined to a quadrate outline and blacker, 
and the young are beautifully rayed. 

We name this species for Prof, B. W. Tinker, Superintendent of 
Schools of Waterbury, Conn., who has a fine collection and takes 
special interest in this branch of natural science. 

(To be continued.) 


As will be seen by the following from a recent letter received from 
Mr. Hemphill, he has made another interesting discovery : 

‘¢]T had a couple of hours a few days ago on the old oyster-beds at 
Alameda again, and have added Orepidula glauca Say to the intro- 
duced shells from the east. J send you samples of the dark and light 
varieties. The largest ones I send are as large as any among the 30 
or 40 specimens I found.” 

The largest measured 124 mm. by not quite 9 mm. and are quite 
characteristic. It remains to be seen whether this species will attain 
as large size in this new environment as in its native haunts. The 
last (February) NavuTiLus, it will be remembered, contained a brief 
note, announcing the detection of Musus (Urosalpinx) cinereus, in 
this same locality, on the eastern shore of the bay, a dozen miles or 
so distant from where U. cinereus was first discovered. This is Mr. 
Hemphill’s third find of eastern forms in San Francisco Bay. 

The specimens above noted are in the U. 8S. National Museum 
No. 158501. 

Rosert E. C. STEARNS. 

Los Angeles, Cal., March 10, 1899. 




Mason University College, Birmingham, England. 

Whilst in Washington, D. C., a friend of mine collected for me a 
few slugs from a garden, amongst which I was surprised to find a 
single specimen of Arion fasciatus Nils. The specimen measured (in 
alcohol) 26 mill., and is of a brown color with darker lateral bands 
which are continued to the anterior border of the mantle; the foot- 
sole is almost white and there is a faint keel; it approaches very 
closely the var. neustrvacus Mabille. Adult keeled forms of this 
variety are very uncommon in the British Isles, and from this fact I 
assumed that this individual had probably been introduced from 
Europe. My friend has since ascertained that such is very likely the 
ease, as he has learned that a previous owner of the garden was in 
the habit of importing plants which were usually packed in moss. 

A. fasciatus is easily distinguished from dA. hortensis Fér., by its 
white foot-sole, and from the majority of the species of this genus by 
the peculiar form of the receptaculum seminis, which instead of being 
pyriform or oval in shape, is elongated, terminating in a long pointed 



It has been considered almost an axiom that the American Pisidia 
lie eo ipso distinct from those of the eastern continent. But last year, 
the efforts of several conchologists have brought to light a number of 
species which are identical with European forms. 

1. In Lake Ontario, on the New York shore, by Mr. Frank C. 
Baker; in the Hamilton Bay, Ontario, by Mr. James Johnston, a 
Pisidium has been collected which is absolutely identical with a form 
from England received as amnicum Miill., and, as it seems, not dis- 
tinct from one of France, under the same name. Mr. Clessin, to 
whom a few specimens were submitted, thinks it not exactly amni- 
cum. Considering the great variability of most Pisidia, these forms 
must be studied further. | 
2. Pis. henslowianum Shep. has also been collected in Hamilton 
Bay, Lake Ontario, by Mr. James Johnston; a number of good 


3. Pis. milium Held, conforming with European specimens, have 
been collected in Straits Lake, Michigan, by Mr. Bryant Walker, 
and in Dallas Lake, Stearns County, Minn., by Mr. H. E. Sargent. 
Among a number of fossils from a marl bed in Tuscala County, 
Mich., also collected by Mr. Walker, there was one valve of the 
same species. 

4. In Aroostook County, Maine, Olof O. Nylander has founda 
few specimens of a Pisidium identical with one from England named 
milium Held, which, however, Mr. Clessin says, is not that species. 
It is of somewhat the same shape and color, but larger and the beaks 
are more prominent. 

The question whether these Pisidia be native or introduced is an- 
swered, at least for milium, by the fossil found. As to No. 4, an im- 
portation is rather improbable, from its habitat. For Nos. 1 and 2 
the possibility of a colonization cannot be denied, just as bithynia 
tentaculata has immigrated from Europe, and, on the other hand, 
Calyculina transversa Say seems to have been transported into Eng- 
Jand. Further researches are very desirable, and also fossils should 
be secured wherever such may be obtainable. 

5. Pis. contortum Pr. This Pisidium has been described, in 1852, 
as a fossil sp. from Massachusetts, and has lately been collected 
from marl beds in Maine by Mr. Nylander, and in Michigan, by Mr. 
Walker. Last vear Mr. Nylander succeeded in finding a few recent, 
living specimens, in Aroostook Co., Me. The shell is transparent, 
of a deep wine or amber color, the surface highly polished. 

6. Pris. medianum, n. sp. Mussel of rather small size, elliptical in 
outline, much inflated, often of somewhat irregular growth; superior 
and inferior margins moderately curved, posterior well rounded, or 
with a slight angle above, anterior rounded or slightly truncated ob- 
liquely; beaks rather in the middle, slightly directed toward the 
posterior, rather high, prominent over the hinge margin; scutum 
and scutellum very slightly marked; surface with very fine, crowded 
stria, somewhat shining, Jight horn to yellowish or straw colored ; 
shell thin, nacre colorless, muscle insertions barely perceptible; 
hinge fine, plate narrow ; cardinal teeth lamellar, slightly curved, the 
right one in its posterior part somewhat thicker, simple or with a 
fine, longitudinal groove; lateral teeth pointed, the outer ones of the 
right valve comparatively large ; ligament fine, long. 2.5 to 3.5, alt. 
2.0. to 2.8, diam, 1.7 to 2.3, mill. 

Ie ee ee ee 


Habitat: Michigan, all over the state; lakes in Wisconsin. 

Var. minutum,n. Smaller, less elongated, of more regular shape, 
almost globular when fully grown, usually of deeper color, surface 
with very fine striation, polished, but almost always covered witha 
greenish or blackish coating. Aroostook County, Me., very com- 
mon in some waters, collected by Mr. Olof O. Nylander; Mohawk, 
N. Y., in the collection of the late Dr. James Lewis ; also some forms 
from Michigan rather range with the variety, e. g., from Hess lake, 
collected by Mr. L. H. Streng. This Pis¢diwm has been known for 
years. But owing to the fact that Pis. rotundatum Pr., of almost the 
same size, was not exactly known, it was thought better to defer 
publication. It is one of the best characterized of our species, not 
nearly related to or resembling any other Pisidium, except P. ferru- 
gineum Pr.,' which is at once distinguished by the strong ridges on 
the beaks. Ps. medianum is mainly characterized by its beaks being 
almost exactly in the middle of the mussel, its anterior part being 
sometimes even smaller than the posterior. Hence its name. 

Specimens have been collected in deeper water, 24 meters, of Lake 
Michigan, off New York point, and also from the stomachs of white- 
fish, sent by Mr. Bryant Walker. Among a lot from Blue Lake, 
Michigan, collected by Dr. R. J. Kirkland, there were many speci- 
mens with that peculiar, perpendicular scar so often seen in Pisidia 
and Sphaeria, but unusually deep. 

7. Pis. kirklandi,n. sp. Mussel of medium size, somewhat oblique, 
well inflated when mature, very little so in the young, high, rather 
oval in outline; superior margin strongly, inferior moderately curved, 
posterior slightly truncated, passing into the superior by an obtuse, 
rounded angle, antero-superior slightly curved or almost straight, 
sloping toward the rounded anterior end; scutum well, scutellam 
slightly marked; beaks somewhat posterior, high and prominent in 
the mature, low in the young mussel, with stout ridges, highest at the 
posterior and slanting towards the anterior ends, slightly sinuous on 
the outer sides; surface with very coarse, rather regular striation, 
dull, rugulose, straw colored in the young, light grayish in the adult 
with a light zone along the margin; shell rather thick, nacre almost 
glossy, appearing bluish in old specimens, muscle insertions distinct ; 
hinge stout, hinge plate broad ; cardinal teeth of moderate size, rather 
high up on the plate, the right one angular, its posterior part thick- 

'That species has, so far, been seen only from New England and New York. 


ened, with or without a groove; below it is a deep excavation ; left 
cardinal teeth: the anterior rather stout but its edge acute, the pos- 
terior oblique, slightly curved; lateral teeth stout, the outer ones of 
the right valve quite small; ligament strong. 

Long. 4, alt. 3.8, diam. 2.7 mill. 

Habitat: Michigan, Illinois, Ohio. 

In a lot from the Grand River, at Grand Rapids, Mich., collected 
by Dr. Reynold J. Kirkland, in whose honor the species is named, 
there were over two hundred specimens, most of them young and 
half grown, in company with Ps. compressum Pr. (thousands of dif- 
ferent forms), fallax, eruciatum, punctatum, and a number of other 
species. A few from Berry Lake, Chicago, were sent by the Chicago 
Academy of Science (Mr. F. C. Baker), and one single valve was 
found in the Anglaize River, tributary to the Maumee River, Lake 
Erie drainage, by the writer, in 1898, in company with Pis. compres- 
sum Pr. : 

Pis. kirklandi is related to P. compressum Pr., and more so to 
fallax St. From the former, it is at once distinguished by the more 
rounded outlines of the adult specimens ; the young are higher in the 
anterior part, and the mussel is nearly square, while the young of 
compressum are more triangular; and in the latter, the beaks are 
higher, the (young) mussel is of comparatively larger diameter. 
From P. fallax it differs by its larger size, the coarse striation, the 
shape of the ridges and the grayish color. 

Pis. septentrionale Prime.’ The name being pre-occupied for a 
Lapland species, P. fallax var. septentrionale St. must be changed, 
and v. boreale is herewith proposed. 

New Philadelphia, Ohio, March, 1899. 


CocHLICOPA LUBRICA in Alaska. In the article describing 
fyalina pellucida and H. arctica, Science Record, II, p. 172, 1884, 
Mr. Lehnert records finding a specimen of the above species in the 
same dried-plant packing material the Hyaline were found in, from 
Point Barrow, Alaska. 

West Coast Oyster Hermarauropitic.—F. L. Washburn, of 
the University of Oregon, has lately confirmed Prof. Schiedt’s dis- 
covery that male and female elements co-exist in the West American 
oyster. There seems to be no evidence of protandry, mature eggs 
and spermatozoa existing at the same time. The full account is in 
Science for March 31. 

1Cat. Corbiculade, 1895; p. 61, ‘ Undescribed.” 


VoL. XITI. JUNE, 1899. No. 2. 


When I began searching this region for land shells, about four 
years ago, I had done no land collecting, and for that matter but 
very little in any line, and there have been many surprises. It is a 
very dry region and I did not expect to find much, and, indeed, 
molluscan life is scarce, but it has proven of sufficient interest to make 
up in quality what it lacks in quantity. This is due to the fact that 
these territories were little known to the conchologist, and to the 
existence of many mountain ranges, separated by vast stretches of 
semi-arid plains, isolating them, as far as their molluscan life is con- 
cerned, and thereby increasing the probability of the presence of new 
forms in the different mountain areas. 

My collecting has had to be done ‘‘on the side,’ 
with a regular vocation, as time could be snatched for it. But the 


in connection 

regular work has taken me over a considerable part of both territories, 
and so afforded an opportunity of collecting in a number of different 
localities, though seldom giving time for a sufficiently thorough search 
of any of them. 

With but few exceptions, no land shells are found except in the 
high altitudes of the mountains, these localities only supplying suffic- 
ient moisture and vegetation, and the collector must be prepared for 
long tramps and much climbing and hard lifting as well, in overturn- 
ing rocks and logs to reveal the hiding place of these tiny creatures. 


I have found shells at 10,000 feet alt., and other collectors: still 
higher. I once walked fifteen miles in one day, and upset rocks and 
logs enough, I should think, to materially change the appearance of 
the entire locality, and had to take a train at 10 p. m. and ride till 3 
o’clock. After a day of this tramping, climbing and lifting, without 
finding much, I have asked myself, Does this pay? but have been 
just as eager to improve the next opportunity, no matter how much 
hard work it involved. 

Sometimes the most promising locality has yielded nothing of spec- 
ial interest, while a less likely field has produced new species. Espec- 
ially has this been the case in places that at first seemed too dry to 
be worth investigating, but which have later been found to contain 
minute forms, especially Pupide. This fact, taken in connection with 
their minuteness, accounts mainly for the new Bifidariz being mostly 
recent finds. 3 

A horseback ride of twenty miles from Crittenden, Arizona, with 
a companion, brought us into the Santa Rita Mountains, where we 
camped one night with no roof but the blue canopy. A half day’s 
collecting in what seemed a very promising canon resulted in only 
about forty specimens all told; but when I found the lot to contain 
Bifidaria pilsbryana, further west than before known, and tke first 
examples of bifid. ashmuni Sterki, my disappointment was percep- 
tibly mollified. ; 

One Monday morning I walked four miles up the very dry Eph- 
raim cafon, having to be back in just four hours from the time of 
starting. I covered the eight miles, had two hours for collecting, and 
was back on schedule time with but few shells, but they included 
Bifidaria perversa Sterki, and ifid dalliana Sterki, both n. sp., and 
Bifid. ashmuni form minor. ‘The representatives of this genus are so 
minute that they easily elude one’s search, especially in dark canons 
and beneath thick undergrowth; and 1 have found it of advantage, 
particularly when my time was limited, to gather the dirt and leaves 
found to contain them and carry it away. I usually have a flour sack 
in my pocket for the purpose. About a peck of such dirt taken home 
from Jerome, Arizona, nearly 500 miles, ‘‘ panned out” 93 DBifid. 
hordeacella var. parvidens Stevki, n. var., and about 40 Thysanophora 
horni Gabb, but it took many hours to look it over. At the present 
writing, I have dirt from five different localities, ranging from 100 
to 850 miles from home, perhaps two bushels in all, waiting to be 


examined, The greater part of it is river drift. I have just now 
shipped it 500 miles to my new home. 

My experience has given emphasis to the importance, readily ap- 
preciated in marine collecting, of securing many examples of what 
one finds, though time has not always permitted it. The Hoosier 
woman who advised her husband to *‘ git a plenty while yer gittin,”’ 
was wise in her day and generation. 

In 1895, 1 found a quantity of Physa virgata traski Lea, in Salt 
River, at Tempe, Arizona, large and fine, and a goodly number were 
taken. The same locality has been revisited a half dozen times since, 
but. not until April, 1899, have I again seen as large ones. Cirnega 
is the Spanish word applied to a marshy place from which water 
flows—at once a marsh and a spring. In one of these, near Critten- 
den, Arizona, in the summer of 1897, I found Physa mexicana con- 
oidea, and under logs, Bifidaria pentodon; but it was late in the 
afternoon when I reached the place, and I could secure but few of 
either. I had supposed it a perpetual spring, but returning last fall, 
I found it as dry as a floor. 

Nota little of my collecting has been done in snatches of time when 
it seemed almost an accident that anything was discovered. As the 
train on the Santa Fé Pacific R. R. stopped one morning at Navajo 
Springs, Ariz., I rushed down to the bed of the (then dry) Rio Puerco 
of the West (Arizona rivers sometimes run bottom-side up), to see 
if I could pick up something from the drift, not expecting the train 
to stop more than five minutes at the most. But fortunately a freight 
accident ahead delayed our train two hours, and I gathered twenty- 
one species. ~The other passengers were grumbling over a late break- 
fast, but a trifle like a belated meal does not disturb a “shell crank”’ 
when there is any collecting on hand. 

On the 13th of last January I was taking the 90-mile stage drive 
to White Oaks, N. M.; as the stage stopped to change teams at 9 
a. m., I walked on ahead with no thought of any collecting at that 
time of the year, but passing an artificial pond I concluded to take a 
look at it. By breaking the ice I secured five examples of Physa 
mexicana, Phil. My hands were cut on the ice and chilled by the 
wind. JI had nothing to put my shells in, and carried them in my 
hand for an hour till I found an empty cartridge and could deposit 
my shells within a shell. At 3 p.m., when the next change was 
made, I again walked on; and under some rocks, where the snow had 


melted, I found three Bifid. hordeacella, which I deposited in my 
spectacle case for want of a better receptacle. I expected the stage 
every minute, but the Mexican driver was accommodatingly slow, 
(his poco tiempo is usually mucho tiempo), and I had time to gather 
up a little dirt into my silk muffler, which contained 13 more speci- 

This is a mild climate, but not so much as to make an all night 
stage ride in the mountains in mid-winter, in an open rig, an un- 
mixed luxury. We have the same brand of snow and ice that they 
manufacture up in Minnesota. If the reader will take down his 
picture of a six-horse Concord stage with a Jehu driver.and replace 
it with one containing a buckboard and a pair of half-starved bronchos 
or lazy mules and a Mexican driver, who sabes little English and less 
horsemanship, he will see the real and raw article as it is served up 
to us on this 22-hour ride. But a plentiful supply of wraps, includ- 
ing several thicknesses of paper under my vest and a heavy blanket 
enveloping my head and shoulders, a burning lantern between my 
feet and an occasional walk or run of a mile or so, served to keep me 
above freezing point. 

Returning by a different route I halted the stage in a canon of the 
Ascuras Mountains long enough to gather up into a gunny sack nearly 
a bushel of drift lodged by the road side, in which over 1,200 shells 
were found. 

The localities visited have not been thoroughly examined, and 
many mountain ranges await the first visit of the collector. There 
is no reason to doubt that further search will yield excellent returns. 

The following new species and varieties have rewarded my efforts : 

| Bifidaria perversa Sterki. 

Bifidaria quadridentata Sterki. 

Bifidaria ashmuni Sterki. 

Bifidaria ashmuni Sterki form minor. 

Bifidaria hordeacella Pils. var. parvidens Sterki. 

Bifidaria dalliana Sterki. 

Pupilla sonorana Sterki. 

Pupilla sonorana var. tenella Sterki. 

Ashmunella rhyssa Dall. 

Ashmunella miorhyssa Dali. 

Ashmunella ashmuni Dall. 

Ashmunella pseudodonta Dall. 


Ashmunella pseudondonta subsp. capitanensis Ashmun & Cockerell. 
Agriolimax ashmuni Pils. & Van. 
Pyramidula Cockerelli Pilsbry. 



Conulus Coroicanus, Anc. 

Testa turbinata, globosa, tenuis, pellucida, nitidissima, virenti- 
cornea, obtecte et minute perforata. Spira abrupte conica, elata, 
apice parvo, vix obtusiusculo. Anfractus 64-65 convexi, lente cres- 
centes, sutura lineari subappressa discreti, lineolis incrementi levibus, 
ultimus altus, tumidus, initio obtuse angulatus, angulo prope aper- 
turam evanido, basi convexus. Apertura subobliqua, rotundato- 
lunata, ampla. Peristoma simplex, rectum, ad columellam minute 
supra perforationem in trianguli forma dilatatum, marginibus remo- 
tis. Diam. 6-64, alt. 54-53 mill. 

Andes of Bolivia, east of Lake Titicaca, province of La Paz. 

A very fine translucent species, remarkable on account of its large 
sizé, conic spire and tumid last whorl. It is provisionally referred 
to Conulus, until the soft parts are examined. 

Stephanoda Iheringi, Anc. 

Testa orbicularis, depressa, aperte lateque umbilicata, umbilicus 
circularis, tertio diametri vix minor, anfractus omnes prcebens, albes- 
cens (subfossilis), tenuissime confertimque striata, striis parum obli- 
quis, in ultimo subflexuosis. Spira convexa, obtusissima, parum 
elevata. Anfractus 42, lente accrescentes, convexi, sutura impressa ; 
ultimus rotundatus, cylindricus, haud deflexus, proecedente vix am- 
plior. Apertura lunata, ecetertim regulariter extus basique rotundata. 
Peristoma simplex, haud expansum. Diam. 14, alt. 4, alt. apert. vix 
3 mill. 

Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. 

An insignificant minute shell, but not referable to any other of the 

Stephanoda Latastei, Anc. 

Testa orbiculata, depressa, haud nitens, late umbilicata, umbilicus 
magnus, tertio diametri paulo latior, angulo obtuso cinctus, sordide 
fulvida, castaneo flammulata, epidermide fusco. Spira anfractu pen- 
ultimo vix prominente, medio distincte concava. Anfractus 5} lente 
crescentes, sutura profunda, embryonales oculo nudo leves, sequentes 
lamelloso-costulati et lineis tenuissimis spiralibus sub valida lente 
impressi, intervallis microscopice striatulis; sculptura in anfractu 


ultimo validiore, costulis flexuosis ; ultimus longe et paulatin deflexus, 
altus, subcylindricus, pone suturam tumidulus. Apertura subobliqua, 
extus sinuosa, oblongo-lunata, basi obscure subangulata. Peristoma 
simplex, marginibus remotis. Diam. maj. 7; min. 64; alt. fere 4 

‘¢ Cordillere de Chillan,’” Chili (F. Lataste). Belongs to the typi- 
cal group, which includes S. dissimilis d’Orb., S. Binneyana Pfr., 
Gratioleti Hupé, and probably allied to the latter, but surely quite 

Epiphragmophora andivaga, Anc. 

Testa depressa, attamen convexa, obtecte umbilicata, subsolida, 
nitidiuscula, corneola, fascia mediana in ultimo anfractu, utrinque 
late pallido-marginata, duabusque pallide fuscis in parte supera ejus- 
dem anfractus in penultimo continuis, in ultimo versus aperturam plus 
minusve coalescentibus decorata, basi fuscula, centro pallidior, epi- 
dermide tenui pallide luteo-virescente induta, lineis obliquis incre- 
menti striatula, superne striis spiralibus tenuiter incisa. Spira con- 
vexa, late subconoidea, obtusa. Anfractus 45 regulariter sed satis 
rapide crescentes, convexiusculi, Sutura impressa ; ultimus supra con- 
vexodeclivis, initio obscure subangulatus, antice leviter deflexus, basi 
post aperturam constrictus. Apertura elliptica, sublunata, valde ob- 
liqua, fasclis transmeantibus. Peristoma album, crassiusculum, re- 
flexum,. supra umbilicum mediocrem fere penitus evolutum, margini- 
bus remotis, callo tenui junctis. Diam. 194, min. 154, alt. 10 mill. 

Andes of Peru, along with “4. claromphalos Deville et Hupé, Bult- 
mulus revinctus Hupé, B. stenucme Pfr., 6. Montezi Dautz. and others. 

This is a small species, not referable to Z. alsophila Phil., Tschu- 
diana Phil., clausomphalos Dev. & Hupé, to which it seems to be 
allied. It is shaped like £. rufocineta Newcomb, from Catalina 
Island, California. 

Epiphragmophora Turtoni, Anc. 

Teste globoso-subdepressa, imperforata vel umbilico prorsus clauso 
munita, solidula, sub epidermide tenui ac pallido stramineo-lutescente 
albida, striatula et (primis anfractibus exceptis) undique confertim 
et minute malleata, suboleoso-micans, fascia mediana castanea su- 
turam anfractuum 2 inferiorum sequente cingulata. Spira elevato: 
subglobosa. Anfractus 5 convexi, primi leevigati, sequentes oblique 
striatuli; ultimus amplus, rotundatus, antice longe valdeque deflexus, 
subtus breviter depressus, radiatim striatulus, basi pone aperturam 
constrictus. Apertura obliqua, transverse oblonga, ferri equini_fere 
exacte formam simulans, vix lunata. Peristoma album, labiatum, 
undique crasse valdeque rotundato-revolutum, intus prope columellam 
tuberculo indistincto preeditum, marginibus callose appressis, valde 
convergentibus, callo tenui junctis, basali in umbilici loco albo- 
dilatato. Diam. maj. 29, min. 244, alt. 18 mill. 



Habitat: unknown, but most probably Bolivian. 

This fine species is quite distinct from others. ‘The nearest ally is 
FE. estella V@ Orb., from which it differs. in being more globose, im- 
perforate, in having the peristome more developed with the margins 
approximate, and many other particulars. It cannot be confounded 
with #. Tucumanens’s Doering, and #. Saltana Anc., from northern 
Argentina, in which the sculpture is not the same at all and from 
which the above characters may separate it at a glance. 


The above is the title of “ North American Fauna, No. 14,”’ re- 
cently published by the U. 8S. Dept. Agriculture (Division of Bio- 
logical Survey). The title should be modified by placing the words 
‘Contributions to the,” before the word ** Natural,’ as no mention 
is made of the Jnsecta, and only six species of mollusks are given. 
These are all land shells, and determined by Dr. Dall as follows: 
Polygyra ventrosula Pfr., Orthalicus undatus Brug., Orthalicus un- 
? Opeas subula Pfr., and 

Glandina turris Pfr. The two forms of Orthalicus were heretofore 

datus melanocheilus Val.,' Lamellax’s 

known to occur in the islands; the others are additions to the list 
published by the National Museum in 1894. The author of this 
number of the N. A. Fauna, Mr. E. W. Nelson, in mentioning the 
names of Col. A. J. Grayson and Alphonse Forrer, says, ‘‘no other 
naturalist is known to have visited the islands until the spring of 
1897,” when in April of that year Mr. Goldman and himself crossed 


over by sail-boat from San Blas, remaining on the islands from the 
2d to 31st of May. The summary of animal species collected includ- 
ing the six mollusks above named sums up 121. The author should 
have known that the islands were visited in the spring of 1876 by 

op hada a — 

Mr. W. J. Fisher, who made a large collection of molluscan forms 
as published in the Proc. U. S. National Museum, pp. 139-204, of 
Vol. XVIT, 1894, where 89 species were listed. Four of the land- 

‘The Orthalicus of northwestern Mexico is not wndatus, which is an exclusively 
Antillean and Floridian form. It is O. princeps Brod,, a more boldly marked 
form than wndatus, with distinct and coarser spiral striation, and various differ- 
ences in the soft anatomy, which has been worked up by Strebel, and confirmed 
by my own preparations. Probabiy melanocheilus holds the same relation to prin- 
ceps that floridensis does to undatus ; but this has not been proven as yet.—Ep. 


shells collected by Mr. Nelson, not previously detected, added to 
those before credited to the islands, makes a total of 93, or three- 
sevenths of the animal forms constituting the Fauna of the group, thus 
far reported. 

It is not unlikely that insect species were collected by Grayson 
and Forrer and have been described and perhaps published some- 
where. Only the mollusks collected by Mr. Fisher came under my 
notice. 5 Rost. E. C. Stearns. 

Los Angeles, Cal., May 11, 1899. 



During the past decade a number of undescribed species of this 
family have accumulated in our collections, chiefly gathered by Mr. 
C. W. Johnson, Prof. C. E. Beecher and the author. 

Amnicola sanctijohannis n. sp. 
Shell shghtly rimate, ovate-turbinate, corneous, somewhat trans- 

lucent, rather thin. Surface glossy, the growth-lines hardly visible. 
Spire rather high, conic, the apex rather obtuse. Whorls 44, rather 
convex, separated by a moderately impressed suture which is mar- 
gined below by a conspicuous transparent border (not visible, of 
course, in opaque dead or incrusted shells.) Aperture ovate, angu- 
lar above, a little flattened on the parietal side; peristome a trifle ex- 
panded and blackish in fully adult shells, acute, continuous, the parietal 
wall adnate but with distinct edge, often somewhat calloused within. 
Alt. 3.4, diam. 2.4 mm.; greatest axis of aperture 1.7 mm.; another 
specimen measures 3.2, 2.5,1.7 mm. St. John’s river, Florida, at 
Astor, Lake Co., (type locality), and Silver Spring Run, Marion Co., 
(Pilsbry & Johnson); Wekiva river (C. E. Beecher.) 

This is a larger species than A. floridana Ffid., and differs in being 
imperforate, translucent waxen-whitish when taken alive, and in 
showing a distinct sub-sutural margin like ‘‘ Hydrobia”’ monroensts. 
The aperture is distinctly angular above, not rounded as in adult A. 


The type series was collected by C. W. Johnson and H. A. Pilsbry, 
in 1894. Mr. Beecher’s specimens from Wekiva river are thinner 
and bear a delicate ferrous incrustation. 

ae ike feng Foy 

Ji. Aree > 



Amnicola Johnsoni, n. sp. 

Shell umbilicate, globose, rather thin, pale brown, somewhat trans- 
parent. Surface nearly smooth, showing faint growth-stria. Spire 
short, obtuse. Whorls 33, the first convex, planorboid above, the 
rest very convex, somewhat flattened and strongly ‘shouldered ”’ 
below the sutures. Convex at periphery and around the circular 
umbilicus. Aperture large, oblique, oval, somewhat angular above ; 
peristome thin, the outer and basal margins unexpanded, columellar 
margin expanded above, not continuous across the parietal wall, which 
is merely varnished by a light deposit, and is about half the length 
of the free columellar lip. Alt. 2.7, diam. 2.56, longest axis of aper- 
ture 1.7 mm. Operculum Amnicoloid. 

St. Augustine, Florida (C. W. Johnson). 

The conspicuously obtuse apex and globose contour are unlike any 
other Floridian species, and somewhat similar to the much larger, 
more solid and opaque northern porata form of Amnicola limosa 
(Say). It is named after Mr. Charles W. Johnson, who collected 
the series of some forty specimens in the collection of the Academy. 

Lyogyrus Dalli Pils. & Beech. is similar to the present species in 
contour, but is smaller, paler, and differs generically in the closely 
coiled operculum. JL. granum (Say) has a decidedly more conical 
and produced spire, rounder whorls, and, of course, differs in the 

Paludestrina monas, n. sp. 

Shell turbinate-conic, rimate-perforate, thin, pale brownish horn- 
colored; smooth. Whorls 4, very convex, especially below the 
deeply impressed suture, the apex obtuse. Aperture vertical, oval, 
slightly narrowed at the upper extremity, the inner margin slightly 
less orcuate than the outer; peristome thin, the outer margin gently 
expanded, a little sinuous, being produced forward below. Alt. 1.8, 
diam. 1.5 mm. 

Wekiva river, Florida, with Lyogyrus Dalli and Amnicola sancti- 
johannis (C. E. Beecher, February, 1886). 

In contour this species resembles Bythinella Aldrichi on a small 
scale. The sinuation of the outer lip is somewhat like that of Plewr- 
ocera, though much less pronounced. Something similar is found in 
B. Hemphilli. 

The following species of this family are now known to us from 


Paludestrina (formerly Bythinella) aequicostata (Pilsbry). 

66 66 “© Nickliniana var. attenuata (Hald.). 
«6 ‘6 ‘© brevissima (Pilsbry). 
‘6 monas Pils. 

Littoridina (?) monroensis (Ffld.). Described as Hydrobia. 
Amnicola sanctijohannis Pils. 
“ floridana Ffid. 

mays! johnsoni Pils. 

Lyogyrus Dalli P. & B. 

Gillia (?) wetherbyi (Dall). Described as Hydrobia. 

We will be glad to hear of any other species from the State. The 
above-named forms are all from the St. Johns and Wekiva rivers and 
St. Augustine, and their occurrence elsewhere will be of interest to 
learn. Probably additional species will reward search in other 

They may be collected with a fine-meshed wire scoop, or by gath- 
ering a mass of aquatic vegetation, drying it in the air, and then 
shaking over a paper. This method has been very successfully prac- 
ticed by Mr. C. E. Beecher in the Wekiva river. 

In some places Amnicolide are incredibly numerous in lake beds, 
The floor of Lake George, on the St. Johns, is covered in some parts 
with mud charged with Paludestrina equicostata, and the same spe- 
cies has been found on the bottom of Lake Okeechobee. 



U. rotulatus, sp. nov. 
Shell black, smooth anteriorly and over the umbos and with ele- 

vated growtlh-lines over the remainder of the surface, circular, in- 
flated, rayless; umbonal ridge wanting, but replaced by two slightly 
raised, diverging curved folds; beaks retuse, blunt and broad; sub- 
stance of the shell rather thick and uniform; beak cavity very deep, 
wide, sharply angular and with no visible cicatrices; anterior cica- 
trices distinct, remarkably deep and rough; posterior cicatrices con- 
fluent, smooth and slightly impressed ; cardinal teeth low, very much 
notched, inclined to be double in the left and single in the right 
valve; lateral teeth long, slightly curved, not prominent, and gradu- 


ally disappearing in the dorsal region, where a broad smooth plate 
separates them from the cardinal teeth; nacre dead white, except for 
a small area in the posterior part which is silvery, iridescent. 

Diameter 1.25, length 2, width 1.8 inches. 

Habitat—Escambia River, Escambia County, Florida. 

Type in National Museum. . 

Remarks: This species is clearly a member of the ezreulus group, 
and its southernmost member. Compared with J. circulus Lea, it is 
more uniformly inflated, black, longer laterals, teeth all less promi- 
nent, deeper beak cavity and the superior forward cicatrices are 
deeper and shorter. It is to be regretted that thus far the type 
specimen is the only one in hand, and that does not show the beaks, 
which are much eroded. It is, however, so radically distinct that 
we do not feel any hesitancy in according it specific rank. 

Correction: In description of U. Harperi Wr., in 
fr May, p. 6, “iN,” first line, should be “U.”’ 

(To be continued.) 


{Conducted in the interest of the Isaac Lea Conchological Chapter of the 
Agassiz Association, by its General Secretary, Dr. W.S. Strode.] 


[Extract from the report of Mrs. E. H. King. From the Transactions of the 
Isaac Lea Conchological Chapter for 1893.] 

I spent the winter and spring of 1898 in Southern California, and 
visited the seaside a number of times, Redardo, Santa Monico, San 
Pedro, Terminal Island and Dead Man’s Island. I collected a great 
quantity of fossils (about 20 species) on Dead Man’s Island, among 
them a beautiful Fusus which I prize very highly. At the base of 
the Island in shallow pools I found a number of living Nassa mendica. 
The tide came in while we were on the Island and we were com- 
pelled to return on the sea wall, which is built of huge blocks of 
granite piled promiscuously. We scrambled over these and ‘often 
had to jump from one to another, the burning hot sun blistering our 
faces, but we held on to our shells and finally reached the shore. 
We were told the sea-wall was a mile and a quarter long. 


At Redondo I secured the largest shell of Pachydesma crassatel- 
loides that I have ever seen. ‘Terminal Island afforded more shells 
than any other place I visited. On muddy banks of little pools near 
the lagoon I found a quantity of Certthidea sacrata and Melampus 
olivaceus. 1 had read that these were found on ‘mud flats of 
brackish pools,” and a short search revealed abundance of them, also 
a few specimens of Bulla nebulosa. On the ocean side of the Island 
I found a good Ocinebra Poulsonii, a Trophon Belchert and the rare 
Waldheimia. A few good shells of the following: Psammobia rubriata, 
Lutricola alba, Neverita reclusianus, Lunatia Lewisit, Drillia penicil- 
lata, Monoceros engonatum, Amiantus callosa, Macoma secta, Chione 
succinta, Tapes stamtnea, Mytilus, Crucibulum spinosum, and three 
varieties of Acmaea, a quantity of Chlorostoma gallina and Pecten 
equisulcatus, upon which were numerous Orepidula. ‘The beach is 
strewn with dead shells, among them large specimens of Glycimeris 
and Macoma. 


Philomycus lactiformis (Blainville). This slug, described by Blain- 
ville in 1817 (Journ. de Phys., p. 443) as Limacella lactiformis, has 
been only known since that time by the original specimen, which is 
in the British Museum. Specimens from York Co., Pa., collected by 
Mr. Witmer Stone in 1889, prove to agree excellently with the Blain- 
villean animal, having just the same white color and semi-pellucid 
appearance. It is not likely that the species is separable from the 
ordinary forms attributed to P. carolinensis, except as a color varia- 

tion bl eAssd. wo eho DD: ASC) 

J. F. Babor, of Prague, has added to our slight knowledge of the 
Arionine group Ariunculus, in describing the anatomy of A. austria- 
cus n. sp., from Schneeberg, near Vienna, in the Austrian Alps. 
(Proc. Mal. Soc. Lond., III.) 

M. Ph. Dautzenberg has recently described a collection made by 
M. J. L. Weyers, of Sumatran mollusks. New forms of Cerithidea 
and Stenothyra are described, and valuable notes and figures of Me- 
Janians and Navacelle are given. M. Weyers found the Antillean 
Subulina octona abundant in many localities (Ann. Soc. Roy. Mal. 
Belg. 1899). 


Vou. XIII. JULY, 1899. 



This species is found in great abundance in and around Seattle. 
On the bicycle path that runs around the north end of town they can 
be seen by the score on warm spring days, and I thought a few notes 
on size, coloration and banding would be of interest to the readers 
of the NAUTILUS. 

The first thing that attracts the attention of the collector is the 
variety of the coloration of the shells, ranging from dusky brown to 
nearly white. 

In the dark forms the bands are nearly obscured; in the albino 
form (#. fidelis flava Hemp.), ours differ from the description (4th. 
Sup. oth. Vol. Terrestial Air-Breathing Mollusks, Binney. p. 185) 
in that the bands are very faint on the upper half of the body whorl 
and from the periphery gradually growing darker to the umbilicus. 
In twelve examples before me there are no signs of bands on the 
other whorls. From the body whorl the color grows lighter and the 
embryonic whorl shows a decidedly pinkish tinge. The entire shell 
is covered with a thin yellow epidermis which in adult specimens is 
generally destroyed, leaving the upper surface a dead white. 

Albinos are not uncommon, averaging about one in one hundred 
of the common form. This form and var. minor, have been found, 
to my knowledge, only'in or near clearings, never in the deep woods 
or swamps. 


A favorite spot for depositing their eggs is in the heavy bark of 
some old fir stump, a foot or more from the ground. Two years ago 
I collected over fifty specimens on and near the base of a big stump 
in a clearing. 

A few pass the winter in trees twenty feet or more from the 
ground. Our broad-leafed maple (Acer macrophyllum) which grows 
a very rugged and massive trunk, is one of their favorite retreats, 
esnecially for the young of the late summer brood. 

A theory current in this section is that the reason H#. fidelis has 
departed from /. infumata in height of spire and coloration, is that 
the latter pass so much of their lives under burnt logs that the spire 
has become depressed and they have assumed the protective colora- 
tion so characteristic of that species. 

Never having visited the haunts of #. enfumata, 1 do not know 
how thick the timber may be or how large the burnt districts are, but 
I venture to say that nowhere on the Pacific Coast is.the timber 
Jarger, or are there more down and burnt tracts than on Puget 
Sound, And still I have never seen a fidelis that I could not tell at 
a glance from #. tnfumata, and in life the animals differ so much 
from each other in coloration that I do not understand why the latter 
is not a good species instead of a mere variety. 

The number of bands on the body whorl is six, though in some 
the bands are but faintly seen as mere lines of different shade from 
the adjoining bands. ‘The width and brightness of the bands are’ 
most striking, and for convenience I have called the typical form 
figured in Binney’s Land Shells No. 1, and the extreme form of 
banding No. 2. 

Measuring them on the body whorl # of an inch back from the ex- 
treme edge of lip, I find that No. 1 has bands of the following width 
and color: | 

Band i, 7; in. wide, Chestnut with dark blotches. 

Band ii, 7g in. wide, Light yellowish, merging into band above. 

Band iii, } in. wide, Black band. 

Band iv, is in. wide, Light yellow, merging into No. v. 

Band v, Narrow chestnut. 

Band vi, Entire base of shell black, darker near the umbilicus. 

Greatest diameter of shell measured 13 inches. 

No., 23 
The greatest variation is seen in the following: 



Band i, ;’s in. wide, Light chestnut with dark blotches. 

Band ii, Light edge to No. i. 

Band iii, $, Black. 

Band iv, Light edge to band iii. 

Band y, ;’; in. wide, Yellow, gradually merging to black of base. 
Band vi, No. 6, Black to umbilicus. 

Greatest diameter of shell measured 1+ in. 

In size they vary greatly. ‘The following are the extremes. 

Largest. Smallest. 
Greatest Diam. 14 in. Greatest Diam. 1,5 in. 
Smallest “ 11 in. Smallest “ Zin. 
Altitude, 3 in. Altitude, fs in. ~ 



Last summer, while the late Mr. Edward W. Roper was living in 
Long Beach, we (that is, Mr. Roper and myself) decided to do a little 
dredging off San Pedro. As there had been no extensive work done 
in that line at San Pedro in late years, we were in- hopes of being 
rewarded with some rare shells and possibly some new species. 

Mr. Roper sent for his dredging outfit which he had previously 
used at Eastport, Maine. We chartered the little sloop ‘* North 
Star”? and made three dredging trips with moderate success. We 
dredged in water from 5 to 20 fathoms depth, on muddy, sandy, 
gravelly, once on a bottom composed of dead bivalves for the most 
part, and two or three times among the rocks at 10 fathoms. 

I made one subsequent trip with Mrs. M. Burton Williamson with 
the same boat and dredging outfit. We were greatly troubled in 
dredging by a species of red alge, which covered the bottom so 
thickly in places as to choke the mouth of the dredge, thus prevent- 
ing the shells from entering. For the past two years, the ocean has 
been full of this moss, and at times the beach has been covered with 
it. From this alge in the dredge we obtained a few live specimens 
of Calliostoma splendens Cpr. and C. gloriosum Dall. 

Besides the shells, we dredged a number of curious crustaceans 
and echinoderms not found on shore. 


The following list includes all the species taken in the four dredg- 
ing trips: all are live specimens unless marked dead : 

List of Shells Dredged. 

Bittium asperum Cpr., plentiful at 10 fathoms. 

Cadulus fusiformis Pils. & Sharp, a few alive in sandy mud. 

Calliostoma gloriosum Dall. 

Calliostoma splendens (Mke.) Cpr. 

Calliostoma tricolor Gabb. alive in sandy mud. 

Callista subdiaphana Cpr. several young shells alive, one large dead 
one, one inch in diameter. 

Chrysallida communis C. B. Ads. 

Corbula chittyana C. B. Ads, two specimens alive at 20 fathoms 
soft mud. ‘ This is exactly like West Indian specimens, and I should 
question its Pacific coast habitat if it were not that we have one worn 
valve apparently the same from Lower Cal.” Dall. 

Corbula luteola Cpr. ? 

Crepidula adunca Sby., dead. 

Crepidula navecelloides Nutt. var., two live ones of a very thin cup- 
shaped form with brown epidermis. 

Cylichna attonsa Cpr. 

Dentalium neoheragonum Pils., sandy mud at 10 fathoms. 

Dentalium semipolitum Cpr. alive with D. neohexagonum Pils. 

Drillia cancellata Cpr., 10 to 20 fathoms, fine gray sand. 

Drillia empyrosia Dall., dead. 

Drillia Hemphilli Stearns, 5 to 15 fathoms. 

Drillia inermis Cpr. 

Drillia pedroana Dall., dead. 

Drillia pudica Has. 

Drillia quisqualis Hds., with D. pudica at 10 fathoms in sandy 

Eucosmia substriata Cpr. 

Eulima micans Cpr. 

Eulima rutila Cpr. 

Eulima thersites Cpr., one live one at 15 fathoms. 

Galerus mamillaris, on dead bivalves. 

Halistylus pupoideus Cpr. 

Labiosa undulata Gld., dead. 

Lacuna untfasciata Cpr. 


Leda acuta Conr., with LZ. taphria, rare. 

Leda taphria Dall., plentiful at 5 fathoms. 

Leptothyra sanguinea Cpr., one dead, * unusually elevated variety 
or malformation.”’ Dall. 

Lyonsia californica Conr. 

Macoma yoldiformis Cpr. 

Mangilia anguilata Cpr., rare at 20 fathoms. 

Mangilia sculpturata Dall., a few at 20 fathoms. 

Mangilia variegata Cpr. 

Modiola fornicata Cpr. 

Myurella simplex Cpr. 

Murex trialatus Sby., one fine specimen dredged from rocks at,10 
fathoms, had beautiful recurved frills. 

Muricidea barbarensis Gabb., one live one. 

Muricidea incessa Brod. 

Muricidea santa-ros@ Dall, rare at 10 fathoms. 

Nucula exigua Ads., dead. 

Nucula tenuis Ads., one live one at 20 fathoms. 

Ocinebra foveolata Hds., dead. 

Odostomia inflecta Cpr., one “live” example at 20 faths. soft mud. 

Odostomia subplanata Cpr. 

Olivella boetica Cpr., plentiful at 5 faths. 

Pecten latiauritus Cpr. 

Placunanomia macroschisma Desh var., two specimens found inside 
of an old barnacle were of a dark chocolate color on the inside, diam- 

: eter 24 inches. 


Psamobia edentula Gabb., one young shell showing color pattern. 
Scala bellastriata Cpr., one live specimen. 

Semele pulchra Sby. 

Semele rubropicta Dall. 

Cadulus ( Polyschides) quadrifissatus Cpr., with Cadulus. 
Solen ensis L. var. minor Conr. 

Solen sicartus Gld. 

Tellina Id@ Dall, one dead shell. 

Tellina modestus Cpr., 5 to 10 fathoms sandy a 
Terebratella transversa Sby. 

Tornatina culcitella Gld. 

Tornatina inculta Gld. 

Turbonilla chocolata Cpr. 


Turbonilla tenuicula Gld. 

Turbonilla torquata Gld. 

Turbonilla tridentata Cpr. 

Turbonilla sp? a few specimens dredged at 15 fathoms were of a 
light brown color and extremely slender. Held at Washington for 
further study. 

Turritella Cooperi Cpr. 

Venus toreuma Gld., one dead shell 

Volvula cylindrica Cpr. 



Some time ago Mr. J. H. Handwerk and Mr. W. Chadwick began 
a systematic survey of the little stream known as Lilycash creek, 
near Joliet, Ill., dividing it into sections. Section I extended from 
the mouth of the creek, where it emptied into the Desplaines River, 
to the Plainfield road, a distance of about two and one-half miles. 
Later, they propose to take up section II, which will include the bal- 
ance of the creek. A list of the species found within that area, 
which Mr. Handwerk was kind enough to submit to me for identi- 
fication, may be of interest, since the region has afforded several 
peculiar new species, and is very prolific in Spheriide. 

The writer is indebted to Dr. V. Sterki and. Prof. H. A. Pilsbry 
for the identification of several of the species enumerated. 

The following species were collected : 

Spherium stamineum Conrad. Pisidium sp. Now in the hands 
Spherium lilycashense Baker. of Dr. V. Sterki, who believes it 
Spherium striatinum Lamarck. to be a new species. 

Spherium simile Say. Pisidium ropert Sterki. 

Spherium occidentale Prime. Limnea humilis Say. 

Calyculina transversa Say. Limnea desidiosa Say. 

Calyculina truncata Linsley. Planorbis parvus Say. 

Pisidium virginicum Gmelin. Physa heterostropha Say. 
Pisidium abditum Haldeman. Pleurocera elevatum Say. 

Pisidium compressum Prime. Amnicola limosa Say. 


Pisidium walkeri Sterki. Amunicola limosa var. parva Lea. 
Pisidium cruciatum Sterki. OCincinnatia cineinnatiens!s Lea. 
Prisidium punctatum Sterki. Pomatiopsis cineinnatiensis An- 
Pisidium fallax Sterki. thony. 
Pisidium splendidulum Sterki, Campeloma rufum Haldeman. Re- 
Pisidium variabile Prime. versed, 

Total 28 species. 



Unio Danielsii, sp. nov. 

Shell uniformly solid, very inequilateral, subquadrate, rayless ; 
posterior area closely, irregularly and sharply wrinkled ; umbonal 
region traversed by several parallel, well-separated, flattened ridges 
or growth lines, which merge together towards the base ; umbos ex- 
ceedingly inflated and umbonal ridge very sharp above, gradually 
flattening out into biangulation towards the base; umbos broad and 
eracefully rounded ; beaks erect but evidently not prominent; lig- 
ament dark red, not heavy; dorsal margin somewhat arched, abruptly 
rounded before, nearly straight on base and bluntly pointed behind ; 
teeth heavy, well separated, the laterals long and curved, the single 
one having a central deep notch; cicatrices deep, smooth, the pos- 
terior ones confluent and the anterior ones distinct ; beak cavity very 
slight; nacre creamy white with lavender border and very iridescent. 

Diameter 1.25, length 1.5, width 2.25 inches. 

Habitat: Spring Creek, Decatur Co., Ga. 

Type in National Museum. 

Remarks: Several quite distinct forms of this general type have 
recently come to hand, some of which have been distributed under 
the name of “ U. incrassatus Lea. var.?’? This form, however, de- 
parts so far from that of the type of the group as to fully warrant 
erection into specific rank. Its distinguishing feature is the remark- 
able degree of inflation in the posterior umbonal region, prolonged 
posterior and notched single lateral tooth, It is also rayless. 

It gives pleasure to name this for Mr. L. E. Daniels, of La Porte, 
Ind., who, with others, has rendered financial aid to make these dis- 
coveries possible. 



I have just received from Mr. G. H. Clapp a little series of Z. 
hortensis collected at Rockport, Mass. The specimens (40) include 
all the variations Mr. Clapp could find in a series of about 300 shells 
collected. Mr. Clapp says: ‘* The bandless or very faintly banded 
forms were by far the most common. Typical shells were scarce, 
even less plenty than the transparent banded variety. On rainy 
days the shells were out by the hundreds.” 

The variations in the series are as follows: 

(1.) v. subglobosa, Binney; shell greenish. 00000 and 00,,0. 

(2.) v. arenicola, MacGillivray; bands colorless, translucent. 

(3.) v. subalbida, Locard; yellowish-white or very pale yellowish. 
00000 and 008,;. 

(4.) v. dutea, Mog.; yellow. 90000, ,03,5, 1234,,, 0034,, 12345, 
123(45), (123)(45), 1,345, 10345, 00334, (two), 00,003 003,0, 12045. 
Some are unusually thin; most of the bandless yellow specimens are 
very brilliantly colored ; one 12345 specimen is very small, only 16 
millim. diam. 

The really interesting thing about the series is that no less than . 
three specimens show split bands, indicating apparently that this col- 
ony of //. hortens’s is varying in the same direction as the Lexington, 
Va., H. nemoralis. The two split-band formule are new, to the best 
of my knowledge. 


In 1833, Fitzinger described as Aspidoporus imax a slug trom the 
mountains of Austria, which had the character, anomalous for a 
European form, of an opening in the mantle, as in the tropical Afri- 
ean Urocyclus. It remained for a good many years unnoticed ; 
but in 1884, Heynemann saw the original example, and declared it 

1Ueber Aspidoporus limax Fitz., in Annalen des K. K. Naturhisterischen 
Hofmuseums, xiii, Heft I. 


to be a deformed or abnormal Amalia. This view was adopted by 
Tryon and others; Mérch, Binney and Fischer having doubted the 
very existence of such a slug. 

In examining the slugs of the Vienna Museum lately, Dr. Babor 
found Fitzinger’s specimens, and he also obtained fresh individuals 
collected by Dr. Sturany in northern Steiermark, and by Dr. Wer- 
ner in Montenegro. These specimens prove that Aspidoporus imax 
is not only a valid species, correctly observed by Fitzinger, but it 
belongs to a special group of at least subgeneric value. 

The mantle is formed as in Amalia, having the impressed ‘ horse- 
shoe,’ but there is a small orifice which in some specimens penetrates 
to the shell-sack, while in others it is merely a short, sharp impres- 
sion, not penetrating through the mantle. The shell-plate is small 
and moderately thick, Pallial organs and nervous system as in 
Amalia, and the jaw and teeth are also not peculiar, except that the 
former is a little notched in the middle, below. The intestine is 
somewhat peculiar. There are six longitudinal folds, G, and the 
lower part of G, (forming the last posterior loop), being independent 
of the spiral torsion of the normal Amalia folds, lying to one side. 
There is no coecum. 

In the genital system the accessory gland (characteristic of 
Amalia), is completely wanting. 

Dr. Babor, in discussing the systematic position of Aspzdoporus 
and Amalia, gives evidence for regarding them as independent of the 
Limacide, and as a branch from the family Helicid@ (in the narrow 
sense). The main argument for this view is that the embryologic 
origin of the spermatheca is diverse in the two groups, Amalia being 
of the Helicid triaule type, while Zimax is of the diaule type. An 
adequate discussion of this question would require more space than is 
available in this place; but it should be said that the well-developed 
pedal grooves show Amalia to be a typical Aulacopodous snail, and, 
therefore, far removed from the Helicid@; while the particular modi- 
fication of the retractor muscle system distinctly points to the Lima- 
eid@. This is not likely to be a wholly independent parallel evolu- 
tion. Moreover, I fail to see any such resemblance between the 
intestinal arrangements of Aspidovorus and the Helices as Dr. Babor 
alludes to, though the gut is wholly unlike that of Lémaz. 

It is very gratifying to have the real existence of Aspidoporus 
proven, especially as the genus is undoubtedly more primitive than 


Amaia, and a valuable link in the phylogenetic history of that group ; 
and it is fortunate that the material fell into the hands of so compe- 
tent a naturalist as Dr. Babor. | MD 5 Wire: 45) es 


[Conducted in the interest of the Isaac Lea Conchological Chapter of the 
Agassiz Association, by its General Secretary, Dr. W. 8. Strode.] 


[Extract from the report of Mr. W. Hilles Smith, Niles, Mich. From the Trans- 
actions of the lsaac Lea Conchological Chapter for 1899. ] 

Since my last report I have had the pleasure of gathering shells 
that were cohabitant with the Mastodon. About two miles west and 
a little north of the village of Buchanan, Berrien Co., Mich., is what 
is known as the Bakertown Marsh. In company with Prof. E. H. 
Frane, of Colon, Mich., who was hunting for remains of the Mas- 
todon, I was hunting for remains of the mollusks, each in pursuit 
of his own hobby. The marsh had in former years.been a lake about 
three miles long and one mile wide, and is now grown up to marsh 
grass without a sign of a tree in it anywhere, but in our excavations 
and along the large ditch was a layer or stratum of timber or drift 
wood, if such it might be called. The main part of our search was 
along the Jarge ditch which is fully a mile long and runs through the 
middle of the marsh, made for the purpose of draining it, and all 
along on both sides of this ditch this layer of drift wood could be 
plainly seen. At one place was to be seen a large stone which would 
measure fully a cubic yard, lying right on top of this drift, and its 
weight had depressed the wood fully eight inches, showing unmistak- 
able evidence of glacial drift. Some of the timber was as large as 
six inches in diameter, but the most of it was small and closely re- 
sembled our black oak of to-day. Commencing at the top and read- 
ing down, the strata appear as follows: Marsh bog, 16 inches. 
Recent peat, 20 inches. Peat and drift wood, 10 inches. Lake silt 
with no whole shells, 8 inches. Semi-ligneous peat, 12 inches. Shells 
and lake drift, 8 inches. Blue clay, 7 inches. Quick sand, 7 to 10 


The skulls of the mastodon were found partly in and partly under 
the semi-ligneous peat, showing the shells to be as old or older than 
the mastodon. You may think, What has all this to do with shells? 
It is to give you, dear reader, some small idea of low long these shells 
have been lying there in what was once thought to be their last 
resting place, and how little the species differ from the same kind of 
the present day. The shells, so far as found, are as follows : 

Limnea stagnalis L., L. desidiosa Say, L. humilis Say ; Planorbis 
deflectus Say, P. parvus Say, P. biearinatus Say, P. trivolvis Say, 
P. campanulatus Say; Ancylus rivularis Say ; Amnicola limosa Say, 
A. lustrica Pils.; Campeloma integer Say, O. obesum Lewis, C. sub- 
solidum Anth.; Physa ancillaria Say, P. heterostropha Say, P. in- 
tegra Hald.; Strobilops labyrinthica Say ; Suecinea ovalis Gld.; Cary- 
chium exiguum Say; Valvata tricarinata Say ; Zonites radiatulus Ald.; 
Pleurocera elevatum Say, Goniobasis livescens Mke., Margaritana 
rugosa Bar., M. deltoidea Lea, Anodonta subcylindracea Lea, A. 
footiana Lea, Spherium simile Say, S. striatinum Lam., Pisidium 
compressum Prime, Unio pressus Lea, U. novi-eboraci Lea, U. ven- 
tricosus Bar., U. spatulatus Lea. 

All the shells are white and very frail except the Plewrocera ele- 
‘vatum, which is strong and still retains its coloring. The Limnea 
stagnalis is larger than any that has come to my notice of the present 
day shells, some of them measuring over two inches long, and the 
Planorbis campanulatus and bicarinatus are also very large, larger 
than the present day shells of the same species. The Valvata tri- 
 carinata was also larger than any that I have seen and was quite 
plentiful. | 

One thing struck me as rather singular, that the shells seemed to 
be in colonies. For instance, take the whole line of that ditch, and 
there was only one place about a rod long where the Pleurocera ele- 
watum was found, and the other shells had their localities where they 
were plentiful and almost none at all elsewhere. The Valvata tri- 
carinata seemed to be as evenly distributed as any, and it was more 
plentiful in some places than it was in others. 

There are many things to be found by a careful observer in over- 
hauling a mass of such stuff as that lake drift. For instance, Prof. 
Cram in searching a lump of the dirt found a perfect skeleton head 
of a fly of the general appearance of our house fly, oniy larger, and 
we found unmistakable evidence of man by the presence of flint im- 
plements and horn tools. 



Bifidaria armifera var. nov. rvidosensis.—Shell only 4 mm. long, 
with the two outer teeth a considerable distance within the aperture. 
Three specimens collected by Mr. C. M. Barber in the nest of an ant 
(Pogonomyrmex) at Blackwell’s Ranch, Ruidoso, New Mexico, Oct. 
10, 1898, together with Swecinea avara, Cochlicopa lubrica, Helico- 
discus lineatus, Vitrea indentata, Zonitoides arboreus, Leucocheila fal- 
lax and Vallonia gracilicosta. ‘The shells have quite a distinct ap- 
pearance, and the locality is a long way from the ordinary range of 
BL. armifera. Dr, Sterki, to whom I sent a specimen, says he has 
known the form for many years, and has seen it from Kansas, Mis- 
souri and Minnesota; he also states that he has seen true armifera 
from Mexico.—T. D. A. CocKERELL. 

The collection of the late H. D. Van Nostrand has been acquired 
by Columbia University, New York, where it will be suitably dis- 
played._s. R. R. 

Among other interesting forms described by Professor Ralph Tate 
in the last volume of the Trans. Royal Society of South Australia, 
are five species of the curious genus Philobrya, from the tertiary and 
recent faunz of Australia and New Zealand. The genus is referred 
to the family Mytiide by Tate, who gives a list of all the species 
now known. ‘Though the shells are so small, the genus should be 
easily recognized by the peculiar spreading embryonic shells perched 
at the apices of the valves. . 

A New SPEcIES OF PRisTILOMA.—Mr. E. G. Vanatta has re- 
cently described, with a figure, a new Pristiloma (P. pilsbry:) from 
Portland, Oregon. The summits of the whorls are nodulous “ very 
much like Macrochlamys diadema Dall.” (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sei. 
Phila., 1899.) 

Another new form has recently been described by Mr. Pilsbry as 
Pristiloma Taylori, types having been collected by the Rev. Geo. 
W. Taylor at Nanaimo, Vancouver Island. The Pristiloma arctica 
of Lehnert, from Point Barrow, Alaska, is also figured in the same 
paper (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., 1899), and a key to the known 
species of the genus js given. 

A New Varitety oF PoLyGyra MONODON.—P. monodon frier- 
sont: Shell large, alt. 7, greatest diam. 10} mm., differing from the 
typical form in having 635 whorls or over, which are more closely 
coiled and narrower in consequence of their greater number; base 
very convex, strongly swollen around the deep axial excavation ; 
perforation very narrow and oblique... From Krierson, La., collected 

by | Mirus. S.) Frierson, ~ _.H. A. PILsBry. 

gl wap Gite eed Fr 


Vou. XITI. AUGUST, 1899. No. 4. 



Mr. James H, Ferriss made a journey through Arkansas and the 
Choctaw Nation of Indian Territory, during February of this year. 
It was too early in the season for the best results with snails; they 
were partially torpid, and not readily flushed from cover; and while 
some log-rolling had to be done, Mr. Ferriss missed the excitement of 
moving half a ton of rock for each one, as he was accustomed to do 
in the Smokies. Nevertheless, some interesting things were collected. 
Near Texarkana, Ark., on the Red River, numerous specimens were 
taken of a variety of Polygyra Dorfeuilliana, agreeing with var. 
Sampsoni Wetherby, in the ample umbilical region, but differing in 
the heavy rib-striation of the whole base (Sampsoni being nearly 
smooth beneath), and in the almost marginal position of the upper 
lip-tooth, which is less immersed than in any of the other forms of 
the species. This form may be known as var. percostata. But Fer- 
Tiss’ greatest success was in stalking big game. It isn’t everybody 
who can find unknown Polygyras nearly an inch in diameter; and 
Mr. Ferriss is prouder of it than a boy with a new knife. 

The new form was at first thought to be P. kiowaénsis var. arkan- 
saénsis, but a comparison with the types of that shell shows the new 
one to be quite different. As not many more large and distinct new 
Polygyras can reasonably be expected in these United States, and 


the name of Mr. W. G. Binney has not yet been given to one of the 
genus, Mr. Ferriss unites with me in calling this one Polygyra Bin- 
neyana n. sp. (Binney’s Mesodon). 

It may best be described by a comparison with the most nearly 
allied species, P. divesta (Gld.). Shell of about the same depressed 
form as the large variety of P. divesta, narrow, its width contained 
15-18 times in that of the shell, and half covered by the reflexed but 
not appressed lip. Color, brownish-yellow. Sculpture similar to that 
of the large variety of divesta, the surface being glossy and finely 
striated, showing under a lens very fine, close spiral striz. Whorls 
0%, rather slowly increasing, the last becoming much wider, rounded 
-at the periphery, a little deflexed in front, constricted: behind the 
peristome. Aperture oblique, elliptical-lunate; peristome rather 
narrowly reflexed, with its face rounded and the edge a little re- 
curved ; baso-columellar margin arcuate, sometimes showing a very 
slight median callus. 

Alt. 124, diam. 22 mm. (Hardy). 

Alt. 11, diam. 195 mm. (Tushkahoma). 

Typical P. divesta is very much more coarsely striated, with the 
umbilicus wholly covered by a. well-developed, appressed callus, as in 
P. albolabris. 

P. Binneyana occurred at Hardy, Sharp Co., in northern central 
Arkansas, and at Tushkahoma, Choctaw Nation. 

Polygyra divesta was originally described from Arkansas, no special - 
locality being given. The original specimens, of. which two from 
Gould are before me, are very coarsely striated, with the lip flattened 
and not recurved at the edge, and measure 165 and 18 mm. in 
diameter. This rather coarse form is before me from the following 
localities : 

Louisiana: Grand Cane, De Soto Parish, in N.-W. La. (Wil- 

Arkansas: Mabelvale, Pulaski Co. (C. W. Johnson) and Hot 
Springs, Garland Co., in the central, and Eureka Springs, Carroll 
Co. (Sampson) in the northwestern part of the State. Binney gives 
the locality, Washita Springs. 

Missouri: Chadwick, Christian Co., and Springfield, Greene Co. 
(Ferriss) both in the southwestern part of the State. 

Kansas: Fort Scott, Bourbon Co. (Sampson), on the southeastern 
edge of the State. 


Indian Territory: Port Gibson (C. 'T. Simpson), in the Cherokee 
County, northeastern part of the Territory. 

Binney reports divesta from Vernon Co., Mississippi; but as there 
is no county of that name in that State, a reliable locality for the 
species east of the Mississippi river is still wanting. Probably the 
reference is an error for the parish in Louisiana of the same name, 

In some of the lots the lip is quite narrow and recurved a little at 
the edge; and there is great variation in size, the smallest specimens 
being from Eureka Springs, Ark., and Springfield, Mo., with a 
diameter of 15 mm,; the largest are from Eureka Springs, Ark., 
and Grand Cane, La., and measure 19 mm. in greatest diameter. 
Binney gives measurements of a specimen 20 mm. diameter. 

In the Indian Territory, at Limestone Gap, Choctaw Nation. 
(C. T. Simpson), and Tushkahoma, about 40 miles farther eastward 
in the Choctaw Nation (J. H. Ferriss, 1899), a large form occurs, 
diameter 21 to 27 mm., with glossy, shining surface and very fine 
striation, the last whorl proportionately wider than in the typical 
form, lip narrow and recurved. This is apparently a well-marked 
sub-species, and may be called P. divesta indianorum. It adds another 
to the small group of forms such as P. jacksoni deltoidea Simp., P. 
eragint Call, P. kiawaensis Simp., and Vitrea Simpsoni Pils., which 
give a certain individuality to the fauna of a small territory in this 
region. When the areas of the southwestern. snails come to be 
mapped, as Mr. Bryant Walker has mapped the Michigan species, 
we will find that this tract has quite a number of special species and 

Polygyra vultuosa and allied species. 

In the recently published catalogue, P. vultuosa, Henriette, Copei 
and Cragini were united as sub-species of the first. A careful review 
of the forms of this group, in the light of material and hints furnished 
by A. G. Wetherby, has caused some modifications of that arrange- 
ment, which was originally proposed by Mr. Binney. I would now 
define the southwestern species and sub-species of Triodopsis thus : 

I. Basal lip with a keel on its face. | 
a. Keel slight, umbilicus narrow. P. vultuosa. 
a'. Keel very strong ; aperture lunate ; umbilicus wider. 
P. vultuosa Copei. 
a’, Keel strong; aperture triangular; spire higher. 
P. vultuosa Henriette. 


II. No trace of a keel on the convex face of the basal lip. 
a. Umbilicus small, showing the penultimate whorl only ; 
striation fine. P. Cragini. 
a’. Umbilicus wide, showing all the whorls within, cylindri- 
cal and wide at the bottom where the first whorl is 
prominently seen; striation coarser than in Cragint, 
base more convex, spire flatter; basal lip somewhat 
sinuous; teeth stronger, the upper one square, the basal 
tubercular; diam. 11-12 mm. P. neglecta n. sp. 

The type locality of P. vultuosa is ‘* Arkansas and Texas.” This 
is rather vague; but I have collected the typical form in Calcasieu 
Parish in southwestern Louisiana and at Houston, Texas. Mr. 
Singley has sent it from Lee Co., Texas. 

P. vultuosa Henriette (Mazyck, January, 1878) was described 
from, ‘‘ Eastern Texas.’’ Forms probably referable to it, though 
certainly not typical, have been sent by Mr. Singley from Robertson 
Co., and Wheelock, Texas. 

P. vultuosa Copex (Wetherby, March, 1878) was from Hardin 
Co., 20 miles N. of Beaumont, eastern Texas. I have it from 
Angelina Co., also (McDaniel). 

P. Cragini (Call, Dec. 1886) originally came from the banks of 
Chetopa Creek, Neosho Co., southeastern Kansas. Mr. Jas. H. 
Ferriss collected it at Thayer, also in Neosho Co. Mr. Simpson 
got specimens at McAllister, in the eastern part of Indian Territory, 
and it extends south to Wood Co., in northeastern Texas. The sole 
locality in Arkansas is near ‘’exarkana on the Red River (Ferriss). 
P. Cragini is easily distinguished from all forms of vultwosa by the 
total absence of a keel on the face of the basal lip. It is brown and 
glossy, usually between 74 and 95 mm. diameter, and the umbilicus 
is quite small. 

P. neglecta (n. sp.) has been in our collection from several locali- 
ties and collectors for some years, under the names ‘ vultuosa,” 
“© Cragin,” and ‘“ fallax var.’’ It is much depressed, light yellow- 
ish-corneous, glossy and finely rib-striate, with five closely coiled 
whorls, the Jast much constricted and opaque behind the peristome 
and a little deflexed in front. Aperture small, ‘“‘ dished” as in P. 
fraudulenta, with a square tooth on the outer lip, bent inward, a 
smaller tubercular marginal tooth on the basal lip, and an abruptly 
bent parietal tooth, connected or almost connected with the colu- 


mellar end of the peristome. ‘lhe umbilicus is ample and deep, and 
shows the base of the first whorl prominently at the bottom; enlarged a 
little at the mouth by the deviation of the last whorl. 

Alt, 54, diam, 122 mm. (Eureka Springs). 

Ait. 44, diam. 104 mm. (Springfield). 

This is a very constant and easily recognized form, without the 
keel on the face of the basal lip of vultwosa, the dark color, fine 
striation and raised spire of Cragin’, and differing from both and 
from the large P. fraudulenta in the peculiar umbilicus. The 
localities are : 

Southwestern Missouri: Springfield, Greene Co., and Pearson’s 
Creek (A. G. Wetherby). 

Eastern Kansas: Fort Scott, Bourbon Co. (F. A. Sampson). 

Northwestern Arkansas: Eureka Springs (Sampson). 

It will be seen that although the range of P. neglecta comprises 
localities in three States, they are not far removed from one another, 
and so far, the total area indicated for the species is remarkably 

The only reference to this form in previous conchological litera- 
ture is under the name 

Triodopsis fallax, small variety, F. A. Sampson. Ann. Rep. 
Geol. Survey of Arkansas for 1891, ii, p. 189 (1893). 



In the American Journal of Conchology, Vol. 6, page 188, the 
late Dr. Jas. Lewis published a paper entitled “‘ Notes on the Land 
Shells of East Tennessee,” in which he gave a very brief descrip- 
tion of Helix alternata Say var. costata. 

As this variety is found in various collections under the names of 
Var. mordax and Var. costifera, it is thought that a description of 
* it will prove of interest. 

Pyramidula (Patula) alternata var. costata (Lewis). Shell flat- 
tened on upper surface, more convex below, carinated, heavily 
ribbed above, ribs ending on the carina, almost smooth below but 
ribs faintly continued into the umbilicus with light intermediate ribs 


radiating from the umbilicus and ending at, the carina. Color like, 
the type, generally yellow or yellowish-white with very faint or no, 
brown patches on under surface. | Whorls about 52, 

Greater diam. 19, lesser 17, alt. 9 mm.. .: tae y 

Greater diam. 19, lesser 164, alt. 9mm. |_| } ; 

The very heavy ribs ending on the carina will serve at once -to 
distinguish this from any of the other numerous varieties of alternata. 
There is a wide variation in the number of ribs on the body- whorl 
as the following figures will show : 

Diam. 19 mm., 24 ribs. 

Diam. 19 mm., 38 ribs. 

Diam. 174 mm., 32 ribs. 

So far reported from ‘‘ Kast Tennessee ”’ (Lowiey and Cades Cove, 
Blount Co., Tenn. (Ferriss & Clapp). 

Another variety of alternata is found near Knoxville, Tani It 
is a large, coarse shell with rounded body-whorl and scarcely a trace 
of carination. Color dull brown with very faint darker markings,, 
ribs low but fairly strong, epidermis very heavy and wrinkled, the 
wrinkles under a glass having a netted appearance like the venation 
in the wings of insects. Whorls 54. tN cee ye 

Greater diam. 233, lesser 20, alt. 125 mm. <a 



U. polymorphus, sp. nov. 

Shell smooth, uniformly but moderately solid, red or dark red, very 
inequilateral, oval, oblong or subquadrate, rayless or with rays; pos- 
terior area smooth, wrinkled or subplicate; umbos flattened or in- 
flated, umbonal ridge sharp and area abrupt, or ridge depressed and 
area flattened; base nearly straight or emarginate, dorsum arched, 
abruptly rounded in front and bluntly pointed behind; beaks not 
prominent ; teeth solid in proportion to shell, laterals nearly straight 
or remarkably curved, prominent and well separated, double in. the 
left and single in the right valve, cardinals quite oblique, usually 
disposed to be double in both valves and covered with shallow serra- 
tions; dorsal cicatrices in a row immediately under the posterior car- 
dinal or under the dorsal plate, anterior cicatrices quite remote, very 


deeply impressed and smooth, postetior cicatrices confluent; shell 
cavity moderate and uniform, beak cavity slight; nacre dead white, 
purple or pink, or a combination of these shades. 

Diameter 1.25, length 2.00, width 3.75 inches. 

Habitat: Spanish Creek, Okefenokee satel Charlton Co., Ga. 

Type lot in National Museum. 

Remarks: This is one ofthe most variable forms we have ever 
handled. It belongs to the forbestanus, vestitus, Moussontanus group,’ 
with which we have tried hard to place it specifically. Out of several 
hundred specimens, none could be found that were typical of any of 
the above-named species. It %is the connecting link between the’ 
beautiful hartwrightit of South Florida, and the group above named, 
of Georgia. It is usually rayless; though some of the younger forms 
are densely covered with broad green rays, and it becomes very 
rough and ponderous in old age. In view of the many phases it 
assumes, it has been ‘thought best to select no one individual as a 
type, but to make the description broad enough to embrace all of its’ 
variations, and to deposit examples of all with the National Museum. 

AppENpUM: July Navriuus, p. 31, first line of description of 
Unio danielsti insert the words ‘ yet black”’ after ‘ solid.” 

(To be continued.) 



The collection forming the subject of the following paper, was 
secured during a visit to Miami, covering a period of about four 
weeks, from January 12, 1899. The size and completeness of the, 
collection is largely due to the field assistance of my kind friends, 
Messrs. Stevenson and Dickinson, of Miami, the former of whom has 
searched out the shells of South Florida for the past two years with. 
commendable perseverance. 

The classification of land species follows that of Pilsbry and John- 
son’s catalogue. The identifications were all made by Prof. H. A. 
Pilsbry, of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, where 
the collection is now located. 


Family CycLosToMATID&. 

Chondropoma dentatum (Say). Miami; pine woods under flat 
rocks; very abundant. | 


Truneatella caribeensis *‘ Sowb.,”” Rve. Miami. Found sparingly 
and only beneath the wet drift. Far above high-water mark on the 
bay side. Not found in similar positions in the tide-water limits of 
the Miami River, brackish water not seeming to agree with it. 

Truncatella bilabiata Pfr. Miami. Abundant. The above notes 
on caribeensis are equally applicable to this associated species, which 
is easily distinguishable by its smaller size and dark coloration. It 
is ten times as numerous as the preceding. 

Family HELIcINID&. 

Helicina orbiculata Say. Miami and Lemon City. Abounding ; 
especially in dense hammock at the bases of trees well under the 
vegetable mold in the winter season. 

Family HELIcID&. 

Cepolis varians (Mke.). Virginia Key. The remarks given 
under Cerion incanum equally apply to this shell. They are only 
found alive on ‘‘Hammock Keys.” Virginia Key is too low for 
hammock growths. 

Polygyra cereolus (Muhlf.). Virginia Key. A single bleached 
specimen taken on the beach. 

Polygyra cereolus carpenteriana (Bld.). Miami and Virginia 
Key. Abundant and of universal distribution in all kinds of situa- 
tions except muckland. The most abundant land snail of South 

Polygyra septemvolva Say. Miamiand Lemon City. The open 
muckland and wet prairie species, distinguished by large size, flat- 
ness and angularity. It is rare in the districts named. 

Polygyra uvulifera (Shuttl.). Miami and Lemon City. Asso- 
ciated with Chondropoma under flat stones in pine woods in the pro- 
portion of one to ten of the latter. Rare in the wet lands. 

Polygyra avara Say. Miami. Rare; only two specimens taken. 

Polygyra pustula (Fér.). Miami. Another rare and strangely 
local species: found under decaying vegetation on the ground beneath 
oak hammock. Not taken in the pine woods. 


Polygyra jejuna (Say). Miami and Lemon City. Local and 
generally rare, but abundant in colonies at certain seasons. On the 
underside of young cabbage palms in the early morning I found this 
neat species almost abundant in a small area near the standpipe in 
Miami. Elsewhere it was very scarce. It hibernates under stones 
in rock piles. 

Thysanophora vortex (Pfr.). Miami. Abundant in most situa- 
tions except the pine barrens. 

Thysanophora dioscoricola ceca (Gpy.). Numerous in certain 
localities on the under surface of the leaves of magnolia and of pal- 
metto. On the latter sometimes a score can be taken from a single 

Thysanophora plagioptycha granum (Streb.). Miami. Only one 
specimen secured. 

Family BUuLIMULID&. 

Drymeus dominicus Rve. Miami and Lemon City. Rare. The 
very young of this fragile snail are often found associated with P. 
dioscoricola caeca, but the adults are seldom seen. 

Liguus fasciatus (Mull.). Miami. Abundant; distribution lim- 
ited to a narrow strip of hammock lands bordering the bay not more 
than one-fourth of a mile wide. Not found in mangroves. Dark 
colored varieties rare and apparently confined to the most densely 
forested hammock. This snail is largely eaten by tree crabs, which 
bite the shells in half during their winter hibernation on the tree 
trunks. The numerous basal portions of the shells firmly cemented 
to the trees is evidence of the frequency of this destruction. 

Family Urocoprip#. 

Urocoptis poeyana (Orb.). Miami. Abundant under stones in 
pine barrens. Perfect adult specimens with uninjured spires are 
very rare and when found exceedingly difficult to preserve. 

Macroceramus pontificus (Gld.). Miami; rather rare; under 
edges of flat rocks. 

Cerion incanum (Binn.). Virginia Key. Only dead shells of 
this species were found on this Key, whither they had probably been 
carried by the tide from some larger Key. All those secured were 
inhabited by crabs. 

Family Pupip&. 

Strobilops labyrinthica Say (Pfr.). Miami and Lemon City ; 

not rare, preferring moist hammock. 


Strobilops hubbardi stevensont Pilsbry. n. var. Miami. Rare: 
found only under bark of dead limbs in mangrove swamp. This sub- 
species was discovered by the writer in mangroves skirting the Bay 
close to the State Agricultural Experimental Station in the suburbs 
of Miami, and was found nowhere else.. I requested Prof. Pilsbry 
to name it after my friend Mr. Stevenson, to whose conchological 
researches and friendly services the success of my work at Miami 
was largely due. 

Bifidaria contracta (Say). Miami and Lemon City. Rather rare ; 
in hammock mold. 

Bifidaria servilis (Gld.). Miami. Very-rare, only two specimens 
being secured. 

Bifidaria pentodon (Say). Lemon City. Rare, one specimen only, 
from hammock. 

Bifidaria rupicola (Say). Miami. Rare, in moist hammock under 
bark and leaves. 

bifidaria rhoadsi Pils., n. sp. Miami, very rare. 


Opeas octonoides (C. B. Ad.). Miami. Only found in damp 
mold under hammock trees along the high tide borders of the 
Miami River. Rare. 

Opeas gracillima (Pfr.). Miami. Associated with the preceding, 
but less numerous. Sometimes found alive under rocks in same 


Glandina truncata minor Pilsbry. n. var. Miami, Lemon City 
and New Smyrna. Abundant. This depauperate form rarely grows 
to more than half the size of largest truncata. 

Family ZoniTip#&. 
Vitrea indentata (Say). Miami and Lemon City. Rarely asso- 
ciated with Zonitotdes arboreus, which it so closely resembles. 
_Conulus chersinus (Say). Miami. Rare; associated with its more 
numerous and darker counterpart, Strobelops labyrinthicus, under 
moist rotten bark of open hammock. 
Guppya gundlachi (Pfr.) Miamiand Lemon City. Not common. 
Associated with Zonitotdes and Vitrea under bark of logs. 
Zonitotdes arboreus (Say). Miami and Lemon City. Abundant. 
Zonitoides dallianus (Simp.) Miami. Only eleven specimens 
found among two hundred arboreus collected, 


Zonitoides minusculus alachuanus (Dall.) ‘Miami, Lemon City and 
New Smyrna. This small white Zonitoides is found everywhere 
under decaying bark in damp hammock lands. 


Vaginulus floridanus Binn. Miami. Not common. ‘This seems 
to be the first record for Vaginulus from the east coast of the main 
land. Previous Florida records are from Charlotte Harbor and 
Punta Rossa. 

_ Ampullaria depressa Say. Miami River and Everglades. Abun- 


Amnicola sanctijohannis Pilsbry. Miami River. Rare. 

Potamopyrgus coronatus (Pfr.). Miami River. Rare; inhabiting 
small streams and ditches upon the aquatic vegetation in company 
with Amnicola sanctijohannis. 


Auricula pellucens Mke. Miami. This rare snail was found only 
in and under soft, rotten mangrove branches which lay on the mud 
in the mangrove swamps along the bay side. They have the power 
to deeply imbed themselves into the soft rotten wood. 

Carychium exiguum (Say). Lemon City; locally plentiful in dark 
hammock under leaves and logs. 

Melampus floridanus Shuttl. Miami. This rarer small species 
seems confined to the brackish water areas of the Miami River. 

Melampus coffeus (Linn.). Miami. Abundant in salt water and 
more brackish areas, seeming to prefer mangrove swamps, but also in 
more open marshy places, where it ascends the higher sedges at cer- 
tain seasons, apparently to deposit its eggs, as it does not seem to eat 
the grasses on which it is found. 

Family Limnx1pD&. 

Limnea cubensis Pfr. Miami River. A rare species. 

Planorbis tumidus Pfr. Miami and Lemon City. In the edge of 
the Everglades at the head of the Miami River and in the ditches of 
the muck gardens in that neighborhood this animal abounded, asso- 
ciated with intercalaris in about equal numbers. It was rare in the 
Everglades proper. 

Planorbis intercalaris Pilsbry. Miami and Lemon City. Abund- 


ant. This is found sparingly associated with the following in the 
true Everglade territory. 
Planorbis scalaris (Jay). Head of Miami River and Everglades 
adjacent. Rather rare. This peculiar form is most typical of the 
glades as contrasted with the Planorbes of the streams. 
Planorbis dilatatus Gld. Lemon City. Rare; three specimens 
taken in a small stream. 

Planorbis parvus Say. Lemon City. Only one specimen taken. 

Planorbis cultratus Orb. Very rare. One specimen secured from 
a drainage ditch flowing into the Miami River two miles above its 
mouth. The type locality for cultratus is Cuba. It was subse- 
quently found in Texas. This is the first record of it from Florida. 

Ancylus peninsule Pils. & Johns. Miami and Lemon City. 
Rather rare. Taken on rotten leaves in still water. 

Family Paysip#. 

Physa heterostropha peninsule Pilsbry. Miami, Lemon City, 
Everglades, head of Miami River. Locally abundant, preferring 
small streams in swift water, where they are generally attached to 
weeds far below the surface. 

Family CYRENID&. 

Pisidium abditum Hald. Miami and Lemon City. This minute 
species is rare and difficult to secure alive. 

Family CyrENOIDID&. 

Oyrenoidea floridana Dall. Miami, Abundant locally in the 
outer edges of the Mangrove swamps skirting the bay. 

Family UNIONID&. 

Unio paludicolus Gld. Upper Miami River and Everglades. 
Rare, or at least difficult to secure, owing to its hiding among the 
roots of thick alge in swift water. One was dredged in a small 
stream near the town. 

Unio papyraceus Gld. Head of Miami River above the rapids. 
Only three specimens of this fragile Unio were dredged while forty 
of paludicolus were being secured. It is more than possible that 
Gould’s types of these two species came from the Miami region and 
perhaps from the Miami River. 


p. 54, September, 1895, is preoccupied by P. oregonensis Tryon. 
Mon. Fresh-water Univalve Moll. of the U. S. 1870, p. 200. I would 
here propose the name multilineatus for my variety.—E. G. VANATTA. 


VoL. XIII. SEPTEMBER, 1899. No. 5. 



Ashmunella thomsoniana portere, n. var. 
2, with distinct lines of growth and minute 


Shell corneous, shinin 
spiral incised lines; umbilicus broadly exposing the penultimate 
whorl; whorls 55 to nearly 6; lip ochreous-tinged above and at the 
edge, the teeth white; parietal tooth well-developed, outer tooth 
long, basal tooth always bifid. Max. diam. 14-165 mm. 

Tentacles and dorsal surface of animal dark plumbeous; foot a 
lighter brownish-grey ; exposed part of mantle grey. Genitalia as 
in typical Ashmunella: penis with the thick basal part 4 mm. long, 
the narrow terminal part (scarcely broader than the epipliallus) 
3 mm.; epiphallus 28 mm. with the retractor muscle 3 mm. from its 
beginning (thus higher up than in A. miorhyssa) ; flagellum 1 mm.; 
spermatheca filiform, 21 mm. long including duct, Eggs pellucid 
white, 8x 24 mm. | 

Beulah (Upper Sapello Canon), New Mexico, 1899: numerous 
specimens collected by Miss Wilmatte Porter, after whom the variety 
is named. Other specimens later collected by Miss Helen Blake at 
the same place. 

This form will fall into the first division of the two keys to the 
species of Ashmunella given by the writers in Proceedings of the 
Academy of Natural Sciences of Phila., 1899, p. 193.’ 

1“ Ashmunella, a new genus of Helices,’ by H. A. Pilsbry and T. D, A, 


The following modification of the key may be made: 

a. Aperture strongly 3-dentate or 4-dentate, 

b. Basal tooth simple, tubercular or somewhat elongate; 
diam. 12-13 mm. A. thomsoniana. 

b*. Basal tooth distinctly bifid; diam. 14-164 mm.; umbilicus 
wider. A. thomsoniana portere. 

a’. Aperture toothless or without teeth on the outer lip, ete., ete. 

To those who do not have access to Ancey’s original description, 
it may be useful to have his note on the supposed variety orobena. 
He says: “Very closely allied to the preceding [thomsoniana], 
being similar in the number of whorls and size, but differing in hav- 
ing the Jast whorl scarcely descending at its termination, higher, the 
aperture larger and less oblique.” 

These characters seem to be merely individual rather than racial. 
It is from the same locality as A. thomsoniana. Besides the speci- 
mens of thomsoniana in the Academy received from the late Mr. J. 
H. Thomson, of New Bedford, Mass., part of the original lot, we 
have received A, thomsoniana from Mr. Ashmun, who has lately col- 
lected a few specimens in Santa Fé Canon, the original locality. 
The species differs widely from Polygyra levettei, which is not an 
Ashmunella but apparently a true Polygyra. 



U. dispalans, sp. nov. 

Shell uniformly thin, oblong-elliptical, flattened, inequilateral, 
smooth, with close slightly elevated growth ridges; anterior margin 
abruptly and uniformly rounded, base very slightly rounded, anterior 
abruptly pointed, dorsal margin straight; epidermis yellowish and 
nearly occulted by the light green fasciculated rays; beaks small 
and surrounded by four or five irregular undulating ridges ; umbonal 
_ slope uniformly rounded or subangular; beak cavities slight; cica- 
trices smooth, slightly impressed and showing the successive nacreous 
layers, anterior ones distinct, posterior ones indistinguishable ; dorsal 
notch very long and shallow, ligament long, depressed, thin; cardinal 
teeth low, very oblique, thin and obliquely striated, lateral teeth 
slender, long, nearly straight, double in the left and single in right 


valve, and extending quite up to the cardinals by a fine thread-like 
elevation ; dorsal plate entirely wanting ; nacre silvery white, tinged 
with pink towards the beaks and more or less spotted with thin layers 
of vitreous-like matter; pallial line hardly discernible. Width 24, 
length 1,%-, diameter @ inches. 

Habitat: Suwannee River, Florida. 

Type in National Museum. 

Remarks: Affinity, U. /amellatus Lea. A large series of this 
shell has been in hand for two years and for a time it was doubtfully 
referred to U. subinflatus Con. Mr. Simpson compared them with 
authentic specimens of that species in the National Museum without 
being impressed with their likeness, but said they seemed nearer to 
that species than to any other. A comparison of the teeth with that 
of the Indian species, given as its affinity, leads to the conclusion 
that they should group together. The cardinals are shorter and 
more robust, but have the same direction and sculpture. At first 
glance the shell reminds one of U. camptodon, Say, but the radical 
differences in the beak sculpture and teeth clearly distinguish it from 

members of that group. 
To be Continued. 


In this Journal for April, 1891, Mr. E. H. Harn gave a list of the 
shells found in western Pennsylvania, chiefly around his home in 
Blairsville. A few of the species had been submitted to me for de- 
termination, among them a Planorbis of the eracutus group, which I 
consider a new species, or possibly a new variety of exacutus. ‘This 
was entered in the list as ** Planorbis (? var.) Harni Pilsbry.” 
(Nautilus IV, p. 137.) I intended at the time to describe the 
species; but other matters crowded it out of mind, and the name 
remains a nude one to this day. 

Mr. KE. G. Vanatta has recently called my attention to the specific 
identity of my types of P. Harni with a form received from Dr. 
V. Sterki as “ P. exacutus var. rubellus.’”’? This variety was described 
by Dr. Sterki on page 7 of a privately printed brochure entitled ‘* The 
Land and Fresh Water Mollusks in the vicinity of New Philadel- 
phia,”’ (Beobachter Press, New Philadelphia, Ohio, 1894). 


As Dr. Sterki stated the differential characters of his variety while 
my own was without a description, his name for it will stand, my P. 
Harni becoming a synonym, though several years earlier in date. 

The species is smaller than P. exacutus, the last whorl seen from 
above less wide, the suture deeper and the apex a little more sunken. 
Below, the umbilicus of P. rubedlus is very much wider and less deep, 
and the last whorl is consequently far narrower than in exacutus, 
and the aperture is smaller. As in exacutus, the form is biconvex 
and the periphery acutely keeled, color reddish corneous. Alt. 1, 
diam. 45 mm., or somewhat smaller. 

The localities now known are as follows: Pennsylvania: Blairs- 
ville, Indiana Co., in a small stagnant pond, adhering to the under 
sides of dead leaves (KH. H. Harn, March, 1889). Ohio: Tuscaroras 
Co., near New Philadelphia. 

There is also a tray of 8 specimens in our collection without 
locality record. 

The shells seem always to be covered with a ferruginous crust. I 
regard P. rubellus as specifically distinct from P. exacutus, the char- 
acters being quite constant in the series of some twenty-four speci- 
mens examined. /. exacutus is a wide-ranging species, extending 

from New England to New Mexico. 



The keys at the entrance to Tampa Bay, are perhaps one of the 
most favorable collecting grounds on the gulf coast. The result of 
a twelve days’ trip in March is shown by the accompanying list, with 
the number of specimens collected ; most of the collecting was done 
at Pass-a-Grille, Long Key, and the north end of Mullet Key. All 
dredging was done with a small hand sieve at low tide. Haminea 
succinea were very abundant in the drifts between Point Pinellas 
and St. Petersburg. Melampus coffeus and M. coffeus var. gundlachi, 
were collected on the south end of Long Key; they were unusually 
large and fine. There was an immense wash of ittiwm varium 
ashore, the second that has come under my observation in eight years 
collecting. Helices were very abundant on Long Key. I collected 
175 specimens under one thistle, 85 of which were Polygyra uvulifera, 


the other being P. cereolus and the var: carpenteriana. 

Very large 

specimens of P. cereolus were also collected on Mullet Key. 

List of Species ¢ Yollected. 

Anomia simplex Orb. . . 80 
Pecten dislocatus Say. . . 1 
Pecten nucleus Born . 205 
Avicula atlantica Lam.. . 1 
Modiolatulipa lL. . ... . 25 
Modiola plicatula Lam. . 0 
Modiolaria lateralis Say . . 15 
Nucula proxima Say. . . 1 
Cardita floridana Conr. . 370 
Parastarte triquetra Conr.. 12 
Lucina floridana Conr. . . 12 
Lucina costata Il & H.... 4 
Lucina crenulata Conr.. . 1 
Hmeina lintea Conr..... 12 
Cardium magnum Born. . 6 
Cardium isocardia L.. . . 1 
Cardium mortoni Conr. . 30 
Venus cancellata L. . 20 
Venus rostrata Sowb. . 295 

Cytherea hebrea Lam.. . 4 
Cytherea conradina Dall . 12 
_Cyrena floridana Conr.. . 75 

Donax variabilisSay.. . 3 
Tellina alternata Say. ... 2 
Macoma tampaénsis Conr. . 4 

Solen americana Gould . 
Dentalium disparile Orb. . 6 

Dentalium eboreum Conr. . 4 
Actzon punctostriatus C. B. 
Ads. . F ; 1 

Tornatina canaliculata Say. 17 
Bulla occidentalis A. Ads . 6 

Haminea succinea Conr. 170 

Melampus coffeus L. 320 

Melampus coffeus var. gund- 
Rett si25 . . 170 

Marginella minuta Pfeiffer. 900 
Marginella succinea Conr. . 4 

Fasciolaria gigantea Kiener. = 2 
Pasciolaria tulipa L. 2... 27 
Fasciolaria distans Lam... 
Fulgur pyrum Dill's..'... 6 
Falgur perversum' Lb... .'.° 45 
Melongena corona Gruel: . 40 
ColumbellarusticoidesHeilp. 95 
Columbella avara Say. . . 22 
Columbella similis Ravenel. 10 

Nassa vibex Say. 

Columbella lunata Say . 54 
Murex rufus Lam... . . 2 

Eupleura caudata Say. . . 2 
Urosalpinx perrugatus Conr. 

Kulima gracilis C. B. Ads. 21 

Pyramidella candida Morch. 298 
Turbonilla conradi Bush. 460 
Turbonilla hemphilli Bush } 935 
Turbonilla dalli Bush . 
Caecum floridanum Stimp . 1 
Meioceras nitidum Stimp. . 
Syrnola caloosaensis Dall. . i) 
Pyrula papyratiaSay.. . 3 
Erato maugerie Gray.. . 1 
Cerithiopsis emersoni C. B. 
Eo mata ts Teor gf “5! | 1 
Bittium varium Pfeiffer 
Cerithium floridanumMérch. 140 


Cerithium minimum Gruel. 6 

Cerithium muscarum Say . 

Cerithidea scalariformis Say 210 

Modulus floridanus Conr.. 498 


Terebra dislocata Say. . . 1 Vermicularia spirata Phil. 110 
Terebra protexta Conr.. . 20  Litorina angulifera Lam. . 296 
Conus pealii Green... . . 95  Rissoina chesnelii Michaud. 338 
Drillia leacocyma Dall.. . 10 Crepidula fornicata L. . . 4 
Drilliathea Dall, .'. . .» 20° “@fepidula plana Sageee oe 5 
Mangilia biconica C. B. Ads. 85 Crepidula aculeata Gruel . vb 
Mangilia stellata Stearns . 65 Natica pusilla Say. . . . 120 
Mangilia cerinella Dall. . 25 Neverita duplicata Say. . 2 
Oliva Iiterata, amc +. a + 6 Sigaretus perspectivus Say. 23 
Olivella mutica Say . . . 1450 Ischnochiton papillosus C. 

Olivella floralia‘Ducl... . 12 B. Ads. ... 4; 4.00 eee 

Olivella  bullula Reeve Acanthochites spiculosus 
(QOUNE) Peter ccekseep ees | 100) Reeve .. .:\..:. eine 
Marginella  aureocincta Polygyra cereolus Muhlf.. 440 

Stearns. . ....... .. 150 Bolygyra’ cereolus Carpens 
Marginella apicina Menke. 630 ~ teriana Bland. . ... 96 
Marginella denticulata var. Polygyra uvulifera Shutt. . 2070 

opalina Stearns . . . . 54 Succinea campestris Say. . 35 



In Messrs. Pilsbry and Johnson’s recent catalogue of North Amer- 
ican Land Shells, Polygyra ( Triodopsis) appressa (Say), is accredited 
to Scott Co., Va., among other localities. A fine series from that 
locality having come under my notice, I perceived a considerable 
difference between them and northern specimens, and a careful ex- 
amination and comparison with examples of the typical form from 
Bernadotte, Ill., and var. perigrapta Pilsbry, from Tennessee, seem 
to fully confirm the distinction, 7 

The Virginian variety, for which I propose the name sewlptior, 
may be known by the following characters : 

Surface costulate above, horn-colored inclining to reddish chestnut, 
becoming smoother and greenish beneath, entirely covered with a 
fine spiral granulation ; upper lip-tooth obsolete; parietal tooth as in 
typical appressa. Diam. 14 to 18 mm.; alt. 7 to 9 mm. 

While the warm color and coarse ribs are noticeable and constant 
features, the microscope discloses the most important diagnostic char- 

acter, namely the beautiful fine granulation which covers even the 
ribs and shows a markedly spiral arrangement. ‘This is quite differ- 
ent from the spaced spiral incised lines of perigrapta, which while 
slightly waved, cut the growth strix so regularly as to produce a can- 
cellated effect, the intervening surface being moreover always marked 
with excessively fine vertical scratches. A compound lens reveals 
incised spirals in typical appressa also, but exceedingly minute and 
rather irregular or punctate. Finally, in seulptior the whorls are 
generally narrower and more convex than in either of the other 
forms. In the tray-full examined there was but a single departure 
from the normal, and that was a tr?dentata / 

The types are deposited with the Academy of Natural Sciences, 



The material which formed the basis of Mr. W. Hilles Smith’s in- 
teresting paper in the July Nautilus, is the same covered by my ar- 
ticle in the Nautilus for March, 1898 (Vol. XI., p. 121). The 
undetermined Pisidia there mentioned have been submitted to Dr. 
Sterki, who, with his usual good nature, has determined them as 
follows : | 

1. Pistdiwm pauperculum St. 

2. Pisidium sp. near ‘‘abditum,” Distinct. 

3. Pisidium sp. ‘‘near abditum.” 

4. Pisidium roperi St. 

. Pisidium medianum St. 

. Pisidium sp. “‘ Resembles most vesiculare.”’ 
. Pisidium ventricosum Prime. 

. Pisidium milium Held. 

In this connection it is interesting to note that these forms are 
identical with those from the marl deposits in Tuscola County, which 
were examined by Dr. Sterki at the same time. This not only goes 

=1..65 Ox 


to prove that these shells were contemporaneous with the mastodon, 
but also that the post-pleistocene fauna was substantially the same 
throughout the lower peninsula of Michigan. 




There are in Jamaica three strongly marked specific stocks of 
Lucidella: L. aureola Fér., with the variety undulata; L. depressa 
Gray (placed by Pfeiffer in Helicina), with the aperture like aureola, 
but the shell smaller, more depressed, and weakly sculptured ; and Z. 
lineata C. B. Ad., of which L. nana Pfr., is doubtless a variety or 
synonym. These are quite small, with a strong, squarish tooth on 
the basal lip, and strong, sharp spiral lire. 

Another well marked species of the ineata type was collected by 
Messrs. Wm. J. Fox and C. W. Johnson in a cave at Port Antonio, 
on the northeastern coast of Jamaica. 

L. Foxi, n. sp. 

Shell with the depressed general form, size and color, and the acute 
lire, of L. lineata Ad.; the lire bearing sparse, rather long and equi- 
distant prostrate hairs, easily rubbed off. Whorls 44, the last com- 
pressed but not keeled at the periphery, descending in front, exca- 
vated at the umbilical region, which is covered by a thin callus which 
is sparsely and very minutely asperulate or roughened by minute 
pointed granules. Aperture very oblique, subtriangular, the outer 
and upper margins expanded, scalloped, with four to six projecting 
' points; the basal margin narrowly reflexed ; basal lip bearing a large, 
squarish, projecting tooth, as in Z. lineata; upper margin with a 
tubercular tooth well removed inward from the lip-edge; outer ip 
with a small tubercular tooth, distinctly developed only in fully mature 

Alt. 2, diam. 3.8 mm., or smaller, diam. 3.5 mm. 

Cave at Port Antonio. 

L. trochiformis n. sp. 

Small and distinctly trochoidal, the base flattened, smooth except 
for some radial wrinkles, and one or two spiral threads close to the 
periphery ; upper surface convexly conoidal, radially undulated and 
spirally lirate; periphery acutely carinated and irregular or serrate; 
whorls 44, but slightly convex, the last a little deflexed, somewhat 
impressed in the axial region below. Aperture oblique, triangular, 
the lip narrowly reflexed ; basal lip being a prominently projecting, 
squarish tubercle, upper margin with a small submarginal tubercle, 


and there is another smaller one on the outer lip below the external 

Alt. 2, diam. 2.7 mm. 

Differs from Uineata and Foxit in the trochiform shape, almost 
complete freedom from spiral threads on the base, and in the acute 
periphery. It has a small tubercle on the outer lip, as in 4. Port, a 
larger species with sculptured base, rounded periphery, scalloped 
upper lip and different contour. 

The specimens were found associated with Z. lineata. 


Recently the Chicago Academy of Sciences has received from Dr. 
Howard N. Lyon, of Chicago, a fine lot of the shells of Cayuga Co., 
N. Y., collected for the most part by himself about Owasco Lake and 
River. Dr. Lyon was very precise concerning his data, and for this 
reason a list of the species in the collection may be of value. 

For brevity I have used the following symbols for localities : 

* Near Auburn, in Owasco River. 

** Hayden’s Mills, six miles below Auburn. 

Tt Foot of Owasco Lake. | 

t Cascade. 

Tt Marsh at foot of Owasco Lake. 

{i North end of Owasco Lake. 

1. Alasmodonta rugosa Barnes,*f July, 1893. 

2. Alasmodonta pressa Lea,*f in brook four miles north of Auburn, 
July 1893 and 1882. 

3. Strophitus edentulus Say.t 

4. Unio complanatus Solander,* in South Street Brook, July, 1879. 

5. Anodontopsis subcylindraceus Lea,* in South Street Brook, var- 
ious collections from 1880 to 1885. 

6. Lampsilis luteolus Lam,* July, 1883. 

7. Spherium simile Say,* in South Street Brook, 1882. 

8. Vallonia pulchelia Muller, April, 1882. 

9. Polygyra albolabris Say.} 

10. Polygyra thyroides Say, var. bueculenta Gould. 


11. Polygyra palliata Say.{ 

12. Polygyra tridentata Say.{ 

12a. Polygyra tridentata var. juxtidens Pilsbry.t{ 

126. Polygyra tridentata var. bidentata Baker.}{ 

13. Polygyra monodon Rackett.t 

Nos. 9 to 13 were collected on a well-wooded limestone hill, well 

14. Bifidaria armifera Say.* 

15, Pupa muscorum Linné, Auburn. Common in damp grass 
throughout the city, often found in private grounds. 

16. Vertigo milium Gould,** 1880. 

17. Cochlicopa lubrica Muller,** 1880 and 1876, on driftwood in 
Owasco River at Auburn. 

18. Omphalina fuliginosa Griff. 1883. 

18. Vitrea hammonis Strom,** April, 1882. 

20. Conulus fulvus Mull.,** on roots of grass near edge of river, 
April, 1882. 

21. Zonitoides arboreus Say.t{ 

22. Zonitoides nitidus Miller,** April, 1882. 

23. Gastrodonta ligera Say,** April, 1882. 

24. Agriolimax campestris Binney. 

25. Pyramidula alternata Say,* very abundant in low meadows, 
under bark of trees and the under side of logs where the ground is 
partially shaded. 

26. Helicodiscus lineatus Say.{ 

27. Succinea retusa Lea, tf on logs and trunks of trees near high 
water mark, July, 1880. 

28. Succinea avara Say, tt July, 1880, in company with the above. 

29. Limnea palustris Muller, tf 1884. 

30. Limnea emarginata Say, tf ** also in Owasco River, at foot 
of lake, 1880, and April, 1882. 

31. Limnea desidiosa Say, tt on weeds, 1880. 

33. Planorbis bicarinatus Say, t, 1881, Port Byron, 1883. 

34. Planorbis trivolvis Say,f old and new outlets, 1880, Port 

35. Planorbis campanulatus Say, * 1882, also in brook emptying 
into lake at Cascade. 

36. Planorbis parvus Say, * on big dam. 

37. Physa heterostropha Say,* Port Byron, 1879 to 1882. 


38. Physa ancillaria Say, tf 1879 to 1885. 

39. Aplexa hypnorum Linne, tf 1883. 

40 Valvata tricarinata Say, * found in driftwood at the tail race 
of the * Big Run,” spring of 1881. 

41. Campeloma decisum Say, } Owasco River near Owasco Lake, 
August, 1882, also in Owasco River three miles below lake. 


{Conducted in the interest of the Isaac Lea Conchological Chapter of the 
Agassiz Association, by its General Secretary, Dr. W. 5, Strode.) 

During the last year I have done all the work possible towards 
collecting the Pisidia of the northeast of Maine. About 50,000 
specimens have been obtained and worked over by Dr. V. Sterki of 
New Philadelphia, Ohio. The material has been finely preserved in 
nearly every locality. The cold water of our streams is favorable 
for the development, of this minute clam. In all about twenty 
species and some varieties have been obtained. Many of these 
species have proved new to the State, and a few have been published 
by Dr. Sterki as new species. A part are very difficult to identify 
until a larger amount of material is obtained. It sometimes results 
that among thousands of specimens there will be only one individual 
representing a certain species. Pts¢dium contortum Prime, has 
been found living in a small lake in the northeast of Perham. It 
had heretofore only been found fossil, in Maine and Massachusetts. 

The little Piéstdium milium Held, so common in the north of 
Europe (a straggler like myself), has been found living in the south 
branch of Caribou stream in Woodland. It is curious how this little 
creature came across the ocean. 

Two years ago I found Planorbis crista Lin., var. cristata Drap., a 
species of Northern Europe, in Barren Brook, Caribou. This sum- 
mer IJ have found it fossil in the marl deposit of Lovely Brook in the 
town of Fort Fairfield. I think this is proof that it was not imported 
by any accident or in the outfit of any emigrant coming to this con- 
tinent. In my last report I had about 81 species collected in this 
region. This year I have of land shells 33 species, fresh water gas- 
tropoda 23 species, and of Unio 1, Margaritana 2, and Anodonta 1 
species; Sphzrium 5, and Pisidium 20 species and several varieties. 


Total 85 species. The Prstdia will be published by Dr. Sterki, and 
the results will thus be made known to those interested in these little 
animals, | O.tor O, NYLANDER, 


We regret to record the death on August. 16th of Dr. W. D. Hart- 
man, of West Chester, Pa. Further notice will appear next month. 

POMATIA ASPERSA IN CALiIrorNIA.—I found a fine living speci- 
men of Pomatia aspersa, Miill., this summer at Pacific Grove, Cali- 
fornia. A small colony of this European snail was established many 
years ago at San José, more than fifty miles from the spot where this 
specimen was found. ‘The species is apparently becoming naturalized. 
—Josiah Keep. 

PoLtyGyrRa BiInNeyANA.—Owing to hasty proof reading, several 
errors appear in the article on ‘* New Southwestern Forms of Poly- 
gyra’’ in the July issue. On page 38, sixth line from top, the word 
umbilicus should be inserted between divesta and narrow. Qn p. 39, 
second line, for ‘‘ county” read ‘“* eountry.”—H/. A. P. 

Tue British PLriocens Non-Marixe Morrusca are revised 
by Messrs. A. S. Kennard and B. B. Woodward, in Proce. Malae. 
Soc.,. Lond. IT1.; ‘pt. 4; March, 1899). It is in. the Red ands Mor 
wich Crags that the genesis of our present molluscan fauna is to be 
sought. It is a noteworthy fact that many of our existing spécies 
are met with for the first time in these beds, and are not known "to 
have existed on the continent until a much Jater date. This may 
result from the imperfection of the geological record, or it may indi- 
cate that these forms have been derived from a region to the north- 
ward.” Of 38 species discussed, 6 are extinct. 6 species, Corbicula 
fluminalis, Helix lactea, Hygromia rubiginosa, H. incarnata, Helr- 
codonta lens, and Hulota fruticum are now extinct in England, though 
living on the continent; C. fluminalis and Eulota fruticum having 
existed to the Post-Pliocene. It is interesting to find that Hudota 
extended in the Pliocene so far to the westward. Helix luctea and 
Helicodonta lens, each represented by very scanty but apparently 
authentic material, are now restricted to the circum- Mediterranean 
fauna. One new species, Puludestrina Reever, is described from the 
Norwich Crag. It is allied to the Upper Oligocene and Lower Mio- 
cene P. obtusa (Sandb.) of Germany. 





fate | 




Vou- XL Pratt I. 



VoL. XITI. OCTOBER, 1899. No. 6. 


Dr. William Dell Hartman, whose dealh occurred on August 16th, 
at West Chester, Pennsylvania, was born in East Pikeland township, 
Chester county, Pa., December 24, 1817. He was the eldest son of 
General George Hartman. ‘The founder of the Hartman family in 
Chester county was his great-great-grandfather, John Hartman, a 
native of Schwerin, Hesse Cassel, Germany, who came to Philadel- 
phia in 1753. 

After receiving an education in the schools of the neighborhood, 
William Hartman attended the famous school of Jonathan Gause and 
the academy of Jonathan Strode. He studied medicine with Dr. 
Wilmer Worthington and about that time became profoundly inter- 
ested in the study of botany. Dr. William Darlington, in his ‘‘ Flora 


mentioned him as ‘‘a zealous and promising young botan- 
ist He attended the University of Pennsylvania and graduated 
from the Medical Department in 1839, at the age of twenty-one years. 
After graduation he returned to West Chester and engaged in the 
practice of his profession. His practice soon became very extensive 
and was maintained until the infirmities of advanced years compelled 
him to relinquish it. Even then many patients visited him at his 
office. , : 

Dr. Hartman devoted all the time that could be spared from his 
medical practice to the study of natural ‘science. Besides botany, he 
studied entomology, mineralogy and conchology, and became an 


authority in each of these branches, especially as they related to 
Chester county. The latter science, however, finally engrossed Hart- 
man’s attention; and it is by his work on mollusca that he became 
most widely known. For over forty years he corresponded upon 
conchological topics with the leading authorities in the science in this 
country and abroad. Among his correspondents and co-laborers were 
Isaac Lea, LL. D., of Philadelphia ; Charles Wheatley, of Phoenix- 
ville; George W. Tryon, Jr., J.G. Anthony, Dr. J. C. Cox, Andrew 
Garrett, W. H. Pease, E. L. Layard and many others. 

Through Mr. Garrett he obtained what is perhaps one of the finest 
collections of Polynesian land shells in the world, especially of the 
genus Partula, of which he described 25 species. The critical study 
of the genus Partula particularly engaged his attention during several 
years; and his careful work and extensive writings on the group, 
have given him high rank asan authority thereon. His beautiful col- 
lection of Achatinellide was purchased by the Bremen Museum some 
time before his death. The last conchological work that Dr. Hart- 
man undertook was a revision of the Helicintide. He gathered much 
interesting material, but failing health prevented the carrying out of 
his intentions. His collection of marine shells is rich in Polynesian 
species and contains many varieties. 

One of the best known publications from the pen of Dr. Hartman 


was ‘* Conchologia Cestrica,”’ treating of the mollusca of Chester 
county, Pa. In its preparation he was associated with the late Dr. 
Ezra Michener, of New Garden township, but Dr. Hartman did the 
larger part of the work. It is illustrated with 207 wood-cut figures 
of shells described in the work. This book, published in 1874, was 
formerly used as a text-book in many schools in Chester and Dela- 
ware counties. 

He was also the author of the following papers: 

Opercula of the family Strepomatide. Amer. Jour. Conch. vi, 
316, 1871. 

Description of a Partula supposed to be New, from the Island of 
Moorea. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., 229, 1880. 

A catalogue of the genus Partula Fer. (privately printed in West 
Chester), 1881. 

Observations on the species of the genus Partula Fer., with a 
Bibliographical Catalogue of all the species. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zodl. 
ix, No. 5, pp. 171-190, 1882. 

7 ee . pees amelie ce el 


Observations on the duplicates of the Genus Partula Fer. contained 
in the Museum of Comparative Zodlogy, Cambridge, Mass., formerly 
belonging to the collection of the late Wm. H. Pease, Bull. Mus. 
Comp. Zodl. ix, pp. 91-96, 1882. 

Descriptions of new species of Partula and a synonymic catalogue 
of the genus. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., 208-228, 1885. 

New species of Partula from the New Hebrides and Solomon Is- 
lands. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., 30-35, pl. 11, 1886. 

A bibliographic and synonymic catalogue of the genus Auriculella, 
Pfeiffer. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., 14, 1888. 

A bibliographic and synonymic catalogue of the genus Achatinella. 
Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., 16-56, 1888. 

New species of shells from the New Hebrides and Sandwich Isl- 
ands. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., 250, pl. xiii, 1888. 

New species of shells from New Hebrides. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., 
91-94, pl. v, 1888. 

Descriptions of new species of shells. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., 284— 
288, pl. iii, 1890. 

Catalogue of the genus Partula. Ture NavrTitvus, vi, 73 and 97, 

Melania yokohamensis, new species. THe NavuTiLus, xi, 41, 1897. 

Dr. Hartman was elected a corresponding member of the Academy 
of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia in 1853, and the same year he 
was elected a corresponding member of the Lyceum of Natural His- 
tory of New York city. He was a member of the West Chester His- 
torical Society and one of its organizers ; also a member of the West 
Chester Philosophical Society, the Geological Club of Chester County, 
and an honorary member of the Chester County Medical Society. 
He was a member of the Episcopal Church. 

In 1883 Dr. Hartman went abroad, visiting the British Museum, 
Jardin des Plantes and other museums. 

Personally Dr. Hartman was of a most kindly disposition and social 
so far as his busy life would allow. His kindness professionally and to 
his. scientific friends and co-workers was unlimited. He was ever 
ready to assist young men in their studies in the various branches of 
science, and many owe their first impulse to his encouragement and 
kindly assistance. 

Dr. Hartman married Mary Jane Kabel, a daughter of John Kabel, 
of Jefferson county, West Virginia, on December 3, 1841. Mrs. 
Hartman survives her husband, as do also five children. 




Mr. R. C. McGregor being eugaged during the summer of 1898 
in Fish Commission work which took him over a considerable area 
in northern California, interested himself in the collection of mol- 
lusks, which he sent me for study. 

The region is one which has been very superficially examined 
hitherto, and it is not surprising that a number of very interesting 
species were found. But few land shells were taken, among them 
the extremely rare Polygyra ropert, and a peculiar Cireinaria. 
Pyramidula striatella occurred in many localities, the specimens be- 
ing referable, probably, to the ill-defined variety cronkhitet. 

Among the fresh-water pulmonates, the re-discovery of Ancylus 
patelloides Lea, a species falling into Clessin’s genus Lanz, and A. 
altus Tryon, also a Lanx, are the most important finds. These 
species will be fully treated elsewhere, with illustrations of the 

_ The series of Gondobases collected induced me to attempt a revision 
of the West American species, the results of which are included below. 

Tie list of species is as follows: 

Epiphragmophora mormonum (Pfr.), Redding, Shasta Co. 

Polygyra loricata (Gld.). Battle Creek, s. boundary Shasta Co. 

Polygyra ropert (Pils.). Redding, Shasta Co. One adult specimen. 

Vallonia pulchella (Mull.). Redding, Shasta Co. 

Circinaria sp. undet. Redding. I cannot refer the single fresh 
adult shell collected to any of the described forms. 

Pyramidula striatella (Anth.). Goose Lake, Modoe Co.; Duck 
Lake, 20 miles west of Susanville, and Eagle Lake, Lassen Co.; 
Bartle’s, Siskiyou Co., on McCloud River. 

Vitrea hammonis (Strom). Bartle’s and Duck Lake. 

Vitrina pfeifferi Newe. Bartle’s and Duck Lake. 

Zonitoides arboreus (Say). Goose Lake, Modoc Co. 

Succinea nuttalliana (Lea). Goose Lake, Modoc Co. 

Succinea stretchiana (Bld.). Duck Lake and Bartle’s. 

Limnea stagnalis (L.). Upper waters of Willow Creek, trib. to 
Susan R., Lassen Co. 

Limnea proxima (Lea). South Fork Pitt R., Modoe Co. 


Limnea desidiosa (Say). Redding (reported as L. adeline on p. 
60 of vol. xii.). 

Limnea humilis (Say). Duck Lake, Lassen Co, 

Pompholyx effusa (Lea). Shasta Co. in the Sacramento R. at Red- 
ding, in Battle Creek, and Pitt R. below the falls; Grasshopper 
Lake, Lassen Co.; also Klamath River at Klamathton, Siskiyou Co. 

Carinifex newberryt (Lea). Eagle Lake; Head of Fall River, 
southeastern Siskiyou Co. 

Planorbis trivolvis horniit Tryon. Upper waters of Willow Creek, 
Lassen Co. 

Planorbis parvus Say. Duck Lake, Lasson Co., and a small sink- 
ing creek on Van Loan’s ranch, 20 miles S. of Alturas; also Red- 
ding, Shasta Co. 

Ancylus oregonensis Clessin. Redding. 

Lanz patelloides (ea). Shasta Co., at Redding, Battle Creek, 
and Pitt R. below falls. At the latter two localities a spotless form 
or variety occurs, associated with spotted specimens. 

Lanx altus (Tryon). Klamath River at Klamathton, Siskiyou 
Co. This is probably only a variety of Lea’s Ancylus newberryi, but 
it is rounder and higher, and the young are more conic and not ele- 
vated at the ends as in L. newberryt. 

Physa triticea Lea. Battle Creek, S. border of Shasta Co.; S. Fork 
Pitt R. at South Fork P. O., Modoc Co.; West Fork Feather R., 
-Morgan Spr., Plumas Co.; Duck Lake and Willow Creek, Lassen 
Co.; Dunsmuir, Siskiyou Co. A common species in northern Cali- 
fornia, originally described from young specimens. 

Goniobasis plicifera (Lea). Klamath River at Klamathton, Sis- 
kiyou: Co. A form heavily striate throughout, but folded on the 
earlier whorls only. 

Goniobasis nigrina (Lea). Battle Creek, southern boundary of 
Shasta Co., 10 miles above its mouth; West Fork Feather River, 
Plumas Co.; small spring at Eagle Lake, Lassen Co.; headwaters of 
Fall R., southeastern Siskiyou Co. 

Goniobasis occata (Hinds.). Battle Creek, southern boundary of 
Shasta Co. The upper keels are generally nodose, as in G’. acutifilosa, 
which is evidently a form derived from occata. 

Goniobasis acutifilosa (Stearns). Small creek at Eagle Lake. 
Sculpture less strong than in the typical form. 

Goniobasis acutifilosa siskiyouensis n. v. Excessively variable in 


sculpture, spiral carine wholly absent on the last whorl or two, or 
reduced to two or three low angles ; or when developed, more numer- 
ous and less prominent than in the type form. Contour about as in 
acutifilosa. Based upon a series of 94 shells from the headwaters of 
Fall River, S.-E. Siskiyou Co. There is also a series of the same 
form in the collection labelled ‘‘G. etrcumlineata Tryon, California.” 

The Goniobases of the West Coast are fully as variable as those of 
the East ; and far too many species have been made. The following 
synopsis is believed to be in accordance with the facts. 

a. Earlier (or all) whorls longitudinally costate. plicifera. 

a’. Earlier (or all) whorls spirally keeled. 

6. Last whorl with many spiral keels. occata. 
6’. Last whorl with few spiral keels. acutifilosa. 
b’. Last whorl rounded, not sculptured. rubiginosa. 

a. Earlier whorls convex, without spiral or longitudinal sculpture. 
bulbosa, nigrina, circumlineata. 

G. plicifera Lea includes the following synonyms or slight local 
races: stlicula Gld., 1847, shastaensis Lea, 1856, rudens Reeve, 
1860, bairdiana Lea 1862. Its range extends from the southern end 
of Puget Sound, Washington, to Pitt and Feather Rivers, California. 

G. bulbosa Gld., 1847, described from the Columbia River, and 
before me from the Owyhee River, includes newberry: Lea, 1860, 
from the upper: Des Chutes River, both streams being tributary to 
the Columbia. | 

It is doubtful whether G. nigrina Lea, 1856, should be included 
in bulbosa, but it seems to me very likely. G. ntgrina includes’ 
draytonit Lea, 1862, and Melania californica Clessin, Malak. Blatter 
(n. F.) v, p. 189, pl. 4, f. 9, 9 (1882), as synonyms, and G. evreum- 
lineata Tryon is probably only a variety, distinguished by larger size 
and more or less malleated whorls, which show spiral flat faces like 
some forms of Limnea palustris, or sparse low spiral carine. G, 
nigrina, in its several forms, is distributed over northern California 
from Sonoma and Napa counties notth to Humboldt, and east to 
Lassen and Plumas counties. It is characteristic of the Sacramento, 
as bulbosa is of the Columbia, drainage. 

The fossil G. tayloriana Gabb has the sculpture of occata and 
acutifilosa, and is probably an ancestral form of these species. 

Fluminicola seminalis (Hinds). Small creek at Eagle Lake; 
head of Fall River, Southeastern Siskiyou Co.; S. Fork Pitt R., 
Modoe Co. 


Valvata virens Tryon. Willow Creek, tributary to Susan River, 
Lassen Co. 

Anodonta californiensis Lea. Upper waters of Willow Creek. 

Margaritana margaritifera (L.). Sacramento R. at Redding. 

Pisidium ultramontanum Prime. Duck Lake, Lassen Co.; W. 
Fork Feather R. at Morgan Spr., Plumas Co. Another species of 
Pisidium occurred in Modoc and Siskiyou counties. 


Polygyra caloosaensis, ). Sp. 
Whiorls six, slightly depressed, crossed on the body whorl above 
by about 65 coarse, oblique, subarcuate costae, that end rather ab- 

ruptly at the periphery; toward 

Pratl TMS the apex they become gradually 
MEK smaller or obsolete, apical whorl 
th i, (/ f { ( SS 

smooth; below the periphery 
the costze, become obsolete and 
the surface has an indented or 
malleated appearance. Umbili- 
cus wide, one entire whorl (be- 
side the body whorl) being visible 
below. Aperture sublunate, nar- 
rowed above, lip broad, unevenly 
reflected, slightly thickened on 
the base, giving the appearance 
of an obsolete tooth, callus con- 
tinuous over the parietal wall 
and bearing a prominent oblique 
: process, that is subtruncate 
4 above, but extends narrowly 
toward the base. Alt. 6 mm., 
. greatest diam. 1] mm. 
‘ _ Two specimens, (one immature) from the material collected by the 
; late Dr. H. G. Griffith from the Pliocene beds of the Caloosahatchie 
River, Florida. 


Type No. 9316 Collection of the Wagner Free Institute of Science. 
This species belongs to the typical cereolus section, but has the size 
and form of P. uvulifera. Dr. Dall records P. cereolus microdonta 
from the Caloosahatchie beds (Trans. Wagner Free Inst. iii, pt. 1, 

p. 19), but this species cannot be confounded with that. a 


I have lately made one of the most interesting discoveries that I 
have met with in all my work in the Southern Tertiary, and send 
you below the facts for publication. 

I lately went to Plum Point, a classical spot in Maryland, to try 
to get a fair representation of the fauna there, as the beds and shells 
are so friable that it has been heretofore almost impossible to do so. 
I have a large amount of marl and many hundreds of the larger bi- 
valves, collected to get the small things enclosed in the matrix be- 
tween the valves, also in such gastropods as I could get out without 
breaking. In looking over some sand I came across a small frag- 
ment of Zurritella cumberlandia Con., 21 mm. long and 11 mm. 
wide, and out of this I obtained over two hundred embryonic shells 
that were enclosed in the mother shell. Of all the great number of 
thousands of such shells that I have heretofore collected, I never saw 
anything like this, nor have I read of it. 

These embryonic shells were never born, so to speak. Their 
mother died with them enclosed, and, as the animal decayed, the 
front of the aperture was closed with fine silt, leaving the embryonic 
shells intact, where they have remained for an immense period of 
time, as this is the lowest fossiliferous bed in the Miocene. These 
embryonic shells are about one millimetre in length and 
wide. I have heretofore collected very young Turritellide from fine 
sand where they had died, but never before saw one in the parent 
fossil. A fine point for investigation is whether the recent Turri- 
tellide are oviparous or viviparous. The literature that I have 
access to is a little hazy on the subject. 

Since writing the above I have found another specimen in the 
same condition, but of a different species, Zurritella indenta Con.; 
both from the same bed at Plum Point. 


The last specimen was bored by a mollusk and, of course, died 
before spawning. As soon as I removed a small portion of sand the 
little fellows came pouring out by the hundred, so that I have du- 
plicated the most interesting find of my life. 



Unio unicostatus, sp. nov. 

Shell thin, obovate, somewhat inflated, inequilateral. Smooth, 
with distant and inconspicuous growth lines; epidermis olivaceous 
with numerous, well separated, indistinct, broad green rays through- 
out the entire disk, but which are usually most distinct on the pos- 
terior half: dorsal margin short and straight, anterior margin very 
short and abruptly rounded, base sub-emarginate, posterior margin 
rounded and usually (in the male) biangulated; umbos prominent, 
beaks eroded, umbonal angle obsolete; posterior area with a single 
little rib extending from beak to the superior posterior margin; beak 
cavities well defined; dorsal cicatrices deep and close up under the 
beaks, anterior cicatrices distinct; posterior ones confluent and all 
smooth; lateral teeth slender, straight and prominent; cardinals 
lamellate, oblique and prominent; nacre pale flesh color, pink or 
red. Width 12, length 1, diameter 2 inches. 

Habitat: Spring Creek, Decatur Co., Ga. 

Type in National Museum. 

Remarks: Affinity, U. lenosus. A large lot of these shells has 
been in hand for two years—and some have been distributed to con- 
tributors to the collecting fund under the name of U. nigrinus Lea, 
and JU. lienosus Con. var. Its outline is much more obovate than 
either species and it is smaller and thinner than the latter. The 
female shells of unicostatus show a still further departure from both 
of the above-named species in developing a far greater degree of ex- 
pansion on the base. The little rib on the posterior area is also a 
distinguishing feature, though it is sometimes nearly obsolete. Its 
epidermis is never black like that of U. nigrinus. 



of the present year I spent some days in Amity township, Berks 
Co., Pa. Only a few hours were given to collecting, the following 
species being obtained: 

Polygyra albolabris (Say), P. tridentata (Say), P. hirsuta (Say). 

Vallonia pulchella (Miuill). 

Bifidaria armifera (Say). 

Pyramidula striatclla catskillensis (Pils.). 

Flelicodiscus lineatus (Say). 

Zonitoides arboreus (Say). 

Gastrodonta suppressa (Say). 

Vitrea rhoadsi Pils., V. indentata (Say). 

Agriolimax campestris (Binn.). 

This extends the range of Pyramidula striatella catskillensis, not 
hitherto found in Pennsylvania, and adds another locality for Vitrea 

rhoadsi. The other species are of course common and widely dis- 
tributed.—H. A. Pilsbry. 

PHYSA CUBENSIS IN Froripa.—The small, slender, glossy 
Physa of peninsular Florida often goes under the name P. pomilia 
Conr., in collections. Recognizing that this was incorrect, I gave 
the MS. name “P. heterostropha peninsule”’ to the specimens col- 
lected at Miami by Mr. S. N. Rhoads (this journal, p. 48). On 
comparing with Antillean forms I find that the species is Physa 
cubensis Pfr., described from western Cuba.—H. A. Pilsbry. 

ing a few hours stay, the following species were collected on the 
bluffs along the Emory River. 

Polygyra stenotrema Fér. 

Polygyra exoleta Binn. 2 dead and poor. 

Polygyra wetherbyt Bld. 4 alive and poor. 

Polygyra tridentata Say Var. 4 alive, one dead. 

Polygyra appressa sculptior Chad. Saw many dead ones. 

Polygyra appressa perigrapta Pils. 1 alive—saw a few dead. 

Omphalina laevigata Pfr. 1 young alive—several dead. 

Gastrodonta interna Say. 

Am sending you one of the tridentata. You will note the teeth are 



like var. complanata but the sculpture is like tridentata. My largest 
shell, the dead one, is 204 mm. diam. I thought at first they were 
complanata but on comparing with typical shells from Burnside, Ky., 
collected by Sargent, I saw the difference.—Geo. //. Clapp. 


GuLF, AND GuLF or Oman, mostly dredged by Mr. B, W. Townsend, 
with descriptions of twenty-seven species by Jas. Cosmo Melvill. 
Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. ser. 7, Vol. iv. pp. 81-01 pls. i, ii, 
Aug. 1899. 

First ExprpiTion oF Pror. A. C. Happon To THE TorRREsS 
STRAITS in 1888-89. By Jas. Cosmo Melvill, and Robt. Standen. 
Linn. Soc. Journ. Zodl, Vol. xxvii, pp. 150-206, pls. 10, 11, 1899. 

Review of the work done in that region with a list of the collect- 
ing stations of Prof. Haddon is followed by a catalogue of the species. 
449 species are recorded, including 24 that are new. One new genus 
of Neritide, Magadis, and a new subgenus of Pholadomya Sowb., 
Parilimya, are described. The paper closes with some very interest- 
ing remarks on the few recent species of Pholadomya.—C. W. J. 

West AmerIcAN Eviimip#, By Edw. G. Vanatta. Proc. Acad. 
Nat. Sci. 1899, pp. 254-257, pl. xi. Three new species are described 
and Hulima compacta Cpr., H. micans “ Cpr.” Reeve, and Z. rutilis 
Cpr. are redescribed and figured. 

Vol. III, no. 5, July, 1899. Lieut-Col. H. H. Godwin-Austen deliv- 

livered the Presidential Address on February 10 on the subject of 

Indian malacology, a field which he has made peculiarly his own. 
The address begins with an interesting sketch of the workers on In- 
dian mollusks, and continues with a review of the progress and _ pre- 
sent state of our knowledge of the most prominent and characteristic 
forms of the mollusk life of India. Particularly interesting are the 
paragraphs upon Camptoceras and the Zonitide. The development 
of the latter group in India is enormous in number of genera and 
species, and remarkable in the series of forms leading to slug-like 
genera such as Girasia. And as it is to Godwin-Austen himself that 


we owe a knowledge of the anatomy of these forms, his ideas of the 
succession and relationships of the genera will naturally carry great 
weight. Godwin-Austen is emphatic in opinion that the slug-like 
genera trace their ancestry to forms with well-developed shells, 
Macrochlamys standing in an ancestral relation to Austenta and 
Girasia. This goes to confirm the doctrine that naked forms are 
never primitive pulmonates. The address will well repay careful 
reading by those interested in land ‘snails. 

Messrs Wm. Moss and W. M. Webb give the results of the dis- 
section of Zrachycystis, Dorcasia and Lsomeria. In Dorcasia globulus 
the genital system was found to be simple, as in Polygyra, but the vas 
deferens is bound to the penis distally. Jsomeria subcastanea is the 
first species of its subgenus to be dissected, and the anatomy proves it 
to have been rightly located in the genus Plurodonte. It has aspecial 
feature in having the penis retractor muscle inserted on the epiphallus, 
as in the allied Oriental forms. ‘* The male organs in particular ré- 
semble those of Chlorites portert more nearly than they do Pleuro- 

In his notes on the non-marine molluscan fauna of the Hawaiian 
Is., Mr. Ancey gives descriptions, notes and figures of numerous 
little-known and new forms; a new genus, 7haanumia, is proposed. 
In a succeeding paper, Mr. Sykes figures numerous hitherto unfigured 
Hawaiian land shells described by Ancey and Gulick. This is a 
most valuable and welcome contribution. 

A new Dinoplax, D. fossus, is described by Mr. E. R. Sykes. 
Like the type of the genus, it is from South Africa. 

Mr. Smith describes a large snail from Perak as Hemiplecta 

Mrs. Agnes Kenyon gives the history of the seven specimens of 
Voluta Roadnighte at present known, all being from various localities 
on the coast of Victoria. ‘The largest measures 8 inches in length. 

The number closes with an article by Mr. H. Suter, describing six 
new forms of New Zealand land shells. The soft anatomy of several 
is figured, andin Ylammulina (Pyrrha) virescens a peculiar flat ap- 
pendiculum, inserted opposite the entrance of the spermatheca, was 
found. This is a new structure for the Hndodontide, and the ex- 
amination of allied species will be looked for with interest. 


Vou. XIII. NOVEMBER, 1899. | No. 




On delving into the literature and resurrecting the little known 
work of some good old forgotten author, in pursuance of the law of 
priority, we have to rehabilitate an overlooked name at the expense 
of a better and more appropriate one, that has been in use for nearly 
two-thirds of a century. Of course this results in some confusion, 
and the revision of labels, catalogues, etc., which is no trifling affair. 
An instance of this kind is seen in the case of the well-known 
Cytherea (Tivela) crassatelloides of Conrad (1837), of Californian 
waters, which now, though the specific name is highly appropriate, is 
found to conflict with that of stultorum of Mawe, who figured it in 
1823, from a young example, assigning it to the genus Donar. The 
late Dr. Philip Carpenter, who was inclined to be conservative in 
eases of this kind, while mentioning Mawe’s species in the British 
Association Report, 1863, p. 524, and in the tabulated list of the 
shells of the Vancouver and Californian province, same volume (p. 
640), adheres to Conrad’s name and says, “jun. = stultorum Gray.” 
With over a hundred juniors before me, measuring from three- 
fourths to an ‘inch and a half (19 to 37 mm.) in length, it seems 
strange that this form, even in its adolescent stages, should have 
been regarded as a Donaxr. On page 526, of his report as above, 
Carpenter says ‘‘[the young of this Pachydesma is ‘ Trigona stult- 


orum Gray,’ Desh., MS., in British Museum.]’’ The earlier syn- 
onymy may be arranged thus:! 

1823. Donax stultorum Mawe. The Linn. Syst. Conch., pp. 37, 
40, pl. 9, f. 7 (no description; locality ‘‘ Indian Seas’’). 

1828. Donax stultorum Mawe, Gray. Index Testaceologicus, 
Suppl., pl. 2, Donax, f. 2. Also Hanley’s edit., 1856 (no deserip- 

1837. Cytherea (Trigonella) crassatelloides Conrad. Journ. Acad. - 
Nat. Sei, Phila.,.vii. pt. 2; p. 258, jipeeix tio. are 

1838. Trigona stultorum Gray. The Analyst, viii, p. 8304 (no de- 
scription; refers to ‘* Venus stultorum Gray, Wood, Suppl., t. 2, f. 
2.” This is a false reference for Donax stultorum, loc. cit.). 

1843. Cytherea crassatelloides Con., Hanley. Descript. Catal. 
Rec. Biv. Shells, p. 106. 

1843. Oytherea stultorum Gray, Hanley. Descript. Catal. Rec. 
Biv. Shells, p. 106. (First description of stultorum.) 

1844. Oytherea (Trigonella) crassatelloides Con., Hinds. Zool. 
Voy..H. M.<S)** Sulphur,” Moll. s.greeapepl. 21) ie 

1849. Trigonella crassatelloides Conrad, Journ. A. N. S., Phila., 
Alera r led. 

18— (?). Cytherea crassatelloides Con., Sowerby. Thes. Conch., 
li, p. 612, pl. 127, f. 1-3. (C. stultorum placed in synonymy as the 
young. ) 

1853. Trigona crassatelloides Con., Desh., Catal. Conchif. Coll. 
B. M., pt. 1, p. 46. 

1853. Trigona stultorum Gray, Deshayes. Catal. Conchif. Coll. 
BoM. pti. 26: 

1864. Cytherea crassatelloides Con., Reeve, Conch. Icon. Vol. 
Kv) pl. Ito. 

1898. Cytherea (Tivela) crassatelloides Conrad. Stearns in Proce. 
U. S. Nat. Museum, vol. xxi, pp. 371-378, plates xxiii-xxv. 

Conrad never actually used the combination ‘“ Pachydesma cras- 
satelloides,”’ though it is implied in his brief note of 1854. 

This species exhibits many varietal aspects, as is shown in the 
paper last referred to. 

The generic synonymy is as follows: 

Trigonella Conrad, 1837. Journ. A. N. 8., Phila., vii, pe aaa 

1 Dr. Pilsbry has kindly assisted me in compiling the literary history of this 

253 (proposed as a subgenus of Cytherea; type and sole species 
Cytherea crassatelloides Cour. ). 

Trigonella Conrad, 1849. Journ, A. N.%., Phila., I, 213 (diag- 
nosis of genus). , 

Pachydesma Conrad, 1854. Proc. Acad. N.%., Phila., vii, p. 31 
(‘note on the genus 7>rigonella Con. This name being superseded, 
I propose to substitute that of Pachydesma’’). 

Prior to 1848 no description of Donax stultorum was published— 
not a line except the name and the locality, “ Indian Seas.” The 
specimen figured by Mawe is young, and apparently the color-var. 

The first description was by Hanley in 1843. Gray.merely refers 
to the plate in Index ‘Testac. Suppl., not even to Mawe’s earlier 

Query: Should Mawe’s fi 

without description and with a false locality and erroneous generic 

gure, which is quite recognizable, but 
reference, displace Conrad’s name, which was from a known locality, 
was well defined, and was accompanied by a good figure of the typi- 
eal many-rayed shell ? 



Unio singularis, sp. nov. 

Shell uniformly and mo.erately solid, wide, rather inflated and 
very inequilateral. Surface sulcate, with distant growth lines; 
epidermis dark olive, rayless, finely wrinkled, and towards the base 
becoming fuscous; dorsal margin slightly arched, anterior margin 
abruptly rounded, base straight or subemarginate, posterior margin 
bluntly rounded or biangulated; beaks not prominent, and sur- 
rounded by five or six sharp concentric ridges which gradually 
merge into the sulcations on the umbos; umbonal ridge bluntly 
rounded ; lateral teeth erect, solid, straight, widely separated from 
the cardinals and, in the left valve, from each other, single in the 
right and double (?) in the left valve, the superior division possessing 
scarcely prominence enough to warrant calling it a tooth; cardinal 
teeth solid, double in the left and single in the right valves ; the single 
one being deeply serrated on its summit; beak cavities very slight ; 


anterior cicatrices smooth, well-impressed and distant; posterior 
cicatrices slightly impressed, smooth and confluent ; nacre pale blue, 
white or coppery. Width, 23; length, 13; diameter, 7% inches. 

Habitat: Spring Creek, Decatur Co., Ga. 

Type lot in National Museum. 

Remarks: Affinity, Unio scamnatus Morel. The roughness of the 
surface of this singular shell is the one feature that at once arrests 
attention. We know of no other U.S. species of this class (as to 
outline) that possesses such a surface. It is not, however, so con- 
spicuously furrowed as its affinity. 



Having recently had the privilege of studying a fine series of the 
living species of Strombus, Pterocera and Terebellum, the opportunity 
seemed favorable for a critical examination of the entire group. As 
IT am not aware that any similar attempt has been made to revise the 
Strombi, the results obtained are respectfully submitted to the scien- 
tific world. Lacking anatomical data, I have freely used neglected 
and sometimes indefinable features of the shells as guides to their 
inter-relationships. Forced to recognize some new groups, I have 
left the secondary matter of names to those more skilled in nomen- 
clature, but have indicated the probable application of the titles 
already in use, as to the types of which scarcely any two authors, save 
Tryon and Fischer, agree. 

Of the species and varieties of Strombus recognized in Tryon’s 
monograph,.I have seen all but S. tnteger, taurus, listert, dilatatus, 
labiosus, deformis, septimus, minimus, sibbaldi, erythrinus (true), pul- 
chellus, hellit, scalariformis and bulbulus, although S. goliath, fustfor- 
mis and terebellatus were not now before me. All ten of the Ptero- 
cerz were at hand. 

The grouping of the species which seems to me most in accordance 
with their natural relations, as indicated by shell features and geo- 

graphical distribution, is as follows: 

Group A (Monodactylus). 
Canal lengthened, bent abruptly dorsally; lip with margin straight- 
ened, incurled, truncated at both ends, bearing a posterior digitation 


originating above the shoulder angle; body regularly sculptured with 
spiral striw and rows of nodules ; spire elegant, high, without varices; 
suture suddenly, vertically ascending at aperture ; columellar callus 
thinning rapidly, or with an impressed area, posteriorly; no conspic- 
uous periostracum. 

S. auris-diane, melanostomus, aratrum, australis. 

Distribution: Mauritius to Japan and Polynesia. 

The American forms and ¢tricornis, included by Tryon, differ con- 
siderably (note the italicized passages above) from this very natural 
little Indo-Pacific group, and are grouped elsewhere. 

Group B (nov.). 

Canal bent back, the columellar callus terminating below in a prom- 
ment knob, giving a bilobed appearance ; lip with the antesinual lobe 
directed forward, the outer margin inrolled and thickened, descending 
from the suture and lobed in the posterior sinus; body with spiral 
rows of squarish nodules ; spire moderate. 

S. papilio, lentiginosus. 

Distr.: Zanzibar to Polynesia. 

The wide difference between these two species and the smooth ones 
allied to daciniatus is readily seen from the above definition, while 
many points of resemblance with Group A will be detected, suggest- 
ing community of origin. 

Sub-group B 2. 

Callus prominent below, hardly knobbed ; lip edge sharp, ‘‘hooded”’ 
posteriorly, but not lobed; spire Adgh, nodular. 

S. granulatus. 

Panama and Galapagos. 

This species, which differs utterly from all other American forms, 
agrees too closely in many respects with the dentiginosus group, and 
seems to form a geographically isolated section. 
| Group C (Strombus). 

Shell large and strong; canal not much lengthened, somewhat 
curved or s’nwous; lip widely expanded, especially above, where it is 
sometimes lobed; suture ascending at aperture; body spirally corded ; 
periostracum thick and coarse, sprrally wave-striolate. 

S. gallus, gigas, goliath, costatus, integer, bituberculatus, bubonius, 
galeatus, peruvianus. 

-Distr.; American, South Carolina to Brazil, Mazatlan to Peru; 
West African. 


I can find no reliable feature by which to separate the American 
‘‘monodactyl ” species (the posterior lobe, which is derived from the 
shoulder-angle and is not homologous with the digitation of the 
Oriental forms, being incipient in gigas itself), and I have detected 
the peculiar periostracum in all but gallus. Moreover in the char- 
acters of spire and body gallus agrees with gigas, bituberculatus with 
costatus (and has a variety corresponding with ¢nermis), and peruvi- 
anus with galeatus, and this accords with their geographical range. 

Sub-group CO 2. 

Canai short, straight ; lip scarcely expanded, with margin faintly 
incurled, deeply receding at the, suture, and not surmounting the 
shoulder of the penultimate whorl ; body nearly smooth; periostracum 
finely, densely, vertically lamellose; inner lip spreading. 

S. pugilis, gracilior. 

Antillean and West Mexican. 

The last clause of the definition is needed to distinguish this small 
American group from Conomurex luhwanus, which it strangely par- 
allels. Only a conservative spirit and the occasional presence of 
wave-striolations on the periostracum induce me to give this group 
secondary rank under group C. 

Group D (Euprotomus). 

Canal very short, with the dorsal margin produced beyond the short 
tip of the straightened columella; lip with the antesinual lobe broad, 
rolled upward and inward, the outer margin broadly and abruptly 
inflected ; body with a large node; spire high, whor!s nodulous. 

S. laciniatus, latissimus, ponderosus, taurus. 

Distr.; Japan to Fiji Is. 

iS. tricornis. Red Sea. 

The last species is aberrant in its single posterior lobe and obso- 
lescent inflection of the lip margin, but the resemblance to perurtanus- 
is evidently deceptive. S. tawrus strikingly emphasizes the close al- 
liance of this group to 

Group E (Pterocera). 

This group need not be redefined. It has the peculiar form of 
-antesinual lobe of the preceding group, and differs mainly in the 
elongated canals and numerous lip-claws. 

(To be continued.) 




Professor T. D. A. Cockerell recently sent a small box of fluvia- 
tile debris containing shells, obtained during the past summer by 
Professor J. D. Tinsley at South Spring Creek, near Roswell, N. M. 
The list of species follows: 

Polygyra texasiana ( Moric.) Planorbis exacutus Say. 
Bifidaria pentodon (Say). Ancylus rivularis Say. 
Zonitoides minusculus ( Binn.). Physa virgata Gld. 
Carychium exiguum (Say). Paludestrina seemanni (¥ fld.). 
Limnea humilis Say. Amnicola sp. 

Planorbis bicarinatus Say. Pisidium compressum Prime. 

There was a single dead specimen of the Amnicola, which is prob- 
ably a new species somewhat like A. micrococcus, but more conic. 
With the shells were numerous minute bivalve crustaceans of the 
Oypris type, and some of the Valvata-like larva-cases of Helicupsyche, 
composed of much coarser materials than are chosen by our eastern 
HH. arenifera. 


The Sabine River forms part of the boundary between Texas and 
Louisiana. The Houston, East & West Texas Railroad crosses the 
river at Logansport, a thriving village of about one-half mile in diam- 
eter. This town derives its support from an immense saw-mill, 
one of the largest in the world. It is worthy of a trip to see the 
huge logs pulled about, and in a few minutes turned into finished 
lumber, loaded into cars and ready to go unto the uttermost parts of 
the world. 

But it was not lumber for which I took my trip to the Sabine, but 
to describe the river and its inhabitants. This river flows through 
and over immense sand banks. Its walls are fifty feet high, and 
mainly of pure sand from top to bottom. 

At the time of my visit it was so low that even a flat-bottomed 
skiff could not be paddled up it, except here and there in pools. As 


soon as we were out of sight of the town we waded into the river. 
In the clear water the Unios could be seen and picked up, and in a 
couple of hours we had collected about 1,000 and returned to the 
town, and shipped our catch home. By this time the August sun was 
at a heat of about 92°, and we spent the rest of the day trying to 
keep cool. By the next train we came home, and cleaned up and 
assorted our booty. ‘They were a rich lot. You lovers of Unio, read 
the list: 

Unio multiplicatus Lea. 

Unio trapezoides Lea. 

Unio perplicatus Con. with several ‘‘aliases.”’ 

Unio purpuratus Lam., very numerous and large. 

Unio anodontoides Lea., rather scarce, and very poor. 

Unio cornutus Barnes. Fine. 

Unio sphaericus Lea. 

Unio refulgens Lea. 

Unio hydianus Lea. 

Unio castaneus Lea. 

Unio gracilis Bar., very abundant. 

Unio nigerrimus Lea. A very distinct species, and most certainly 
not subrostratus Say, as has been claimed. 

Unio cerinus Conrad, scarce. 

Unio askewii Marsh, abundant. 

Unio chunii Lea, scarce. 

Unio riddellii Lea. This shell is so rare that Mr. Chas. T. Simp- 
son writes me that these from the Sabine river are the only undoubted 
specimens he has ever seen (excepting the type). 

Unio asper Lea. 

Unio elegans Lea. 

Unio satur Lea. Another “rara avis.”” (Some uniologists think 
this shell to be a variant of U. occidens, but, from the study of 105 
specimens, I believe it a ‘ good”’ species.) 

Unio amphichenus Frierson. This is a remarkable shell, and its 


novelty has now “stood fire’? without loss. 

Anodonta imbecillis Say. 

Anodonta edentula Say. (From a tributary of the Sabine river, 
and by odds the largest specimen [ have ever seen. ) 

Anodonta virens-stewartiana, etc., ete. 

Margaritana confragosa Barnes. 


Besides these, there are a lot of * suspects”? also, which may yield 
the following species : 

Unio cuneus Con, 

Unio hebetatus Con. 


Finally, our box yielded two large univalves, which Mr. Marsh 

New species ; has pink nacre. 

pronounces to be Campeloma geniculum Conrad. 



The continued gathering or ‘ fishing ”’ of Abalones (//aliotis, Ear- 
thells or Ormers, as they are variously called), along the coast of 
California, has recently led to restrictive action by some of the county 
authorities. The supervisors of Monterey, and of other of the sea- 
board counties, have taken the necessary legal steps to regulate the 
fishing, which has been carried on continuously from about 1864 to 
the present time by the Chinese, and of late by the Japanese. The 
well-known species, Haliot’s rufescens and H. eracherodii, so abund- 
ant between tidemarks a few years ago, have, owing to the uninter- 
‘mittent collecting by the Asiatic fishermen, become comparatively 

An ordinance recently passed by the authorities of Monterey 
County, makes it unlawful to “fish”? for Abalones except in deep 
water, and by means of diving apparatus or other deep-sea devices. 
A license of $60 is also to be charged in the future for “ fishing ”’ for 
abalones. (This license fee is presumably for the term of a year.) 
The ordinance is said to be ‘“ the result of a fight’? between the city 
of Monterey, seeking to stop the gathering and shipping out of the 
county (or country ?) of Abalone meats and shells, and the Japanese 
cannery, that has carried on an extensive business at a plant on Car- 
mel Bay, about six miles south of Monterey. Practically, the ordi- 
nance is a compromise between local parties; the fishermen being 
restricted to “ deep water,’ excepting a limited portion of the littoral 


zone, between a line drawn due west from Carmel river and the 
southern boundary of the county. 

Monterey City, with its Del Monte hotel and fine surroundings, 
Pacific Grove with its many attractive features, the beautiful Car- 
mel Valley and the old Mission church, make the region hereabout 
the most popular seaside resort in Central California, and draw 
great numbers of people from all parts of the state. The rambles 
along the shore, collecting the beautiful Abalones and other shells, 
by visitors, who carry them away as souvenirs, has been one of the 
many attractions, and has had no doubt something to do with the 
above action on the part of the authorities, to prevent the extermin- 
ation of one of Nature’s most beautiful forms. Whatever may have 
been the motive that has led to this restrictive regulation, it is amply 
justified on the broad ground of public interest, and the example of 
the Monterey supervisors should be followed by tbe officials in all of 
the coast counties. R. E.sGeas. 


Hono.tutvu, Hawaiian Ips., Sept. 16, 1899. 

* * * My trip to Alaska was most interesting and successful. 
My attention was chiefly given to geology and paleontology, so I had 
little time for collecting shells, still I did something and added a few 
points to our knowledge of geographical distribution. The most in- 
teresting was the discovery at Biorka Island, at the entrance of 
Sitka sound, that a number of the southern species creep up along 
the seaward margin of the archipelago much further north than they 
do among the islands. Thus I found Leptothyra carpentert, Psam- 
mobia californica, Calliostoma filosum, ete., at Biorka, though they 
do not occur in Sitka Sound nor, as far as I know, much north of 
Vancouver Island, in the inner channels. Prof. Ritter, of Cala. 
State University, did the dredging tlfat was done, but the results in 
mollusks were less novel than in other directions. 

After our return to Portland I came down here Aug. 9th per 
steamer, making the passage in six days very comfortably. The sea 
en route was much less supplied than I had expected with pteropods 


and other pelagic life, and there was hardly a trace of plosphores- 
cence, a great contrast to the northern seas, which fairly reek with 
life in a myriad forms. We saw Velella and flying fish (once) and 
a few porpoises, one petrel, and away from land were attended as 
usual by thé black-footed albatross. 

Here I have been revising the catalogue of the shell collection of 
the Bishop Memorial Museum, a surprisingly well developed and 
outfitted museum of Polynesian ethnology and natural history. After 
Mr. Bishop, formerly of Honolulu, a wealthy banker who founded 
the museum in memory of his wife (who belonged to the royal fam- 
ily of Hawaii), the existence and flourishing condition of the museum 
is largely due to Dr. W. T. Brigham, the director, who has been a 
resident here for many years. 

The shell collection is that made by Andrew Garrett, and (apart 
from the great collections like those of the Nat. Museum at Wash- 
ington, the Academy at Philadelphia, the British Museum, etc.) is 
one of the best in Pacific Ocean species that exist. ‘There are 8,000 
or 9,000 species and about 22,000 specimens, mostly in excellent 
condition, neatly mounted on tablets with printed labels. Local col- 
lecting is poor. The land shells are found in the wet region high up 
on the mountains and not near the town, where irrigation alone en- 
ables anything to grow. ‘There is little on the reefs near the town ; 
I noticed a Zectarius and a Melaraphe. Plecotrema striata Phil. was 
the only thing at all common. ‘The animal is much like that of 
Alexia; there is no transverse sulcus to the sole of the foot and the 
eyes are directly over the middle line of the tentacles at their bases. 

There are one or two species of JMelania here, very similar to the 
Oregonian species as regards the shells, but these are true Melanians 
with a fringe on the mantle edge. ‘The muzzle is rather long, flat 
and tapering, the mouth is a vertical slit; the colors gray, dotted 
with opaque yellow and white. A singular fact appeared on trying 
to drown some for dissection ; although there were no eggs on the 
shells, there appeared a lot of young Melanians with about six 
smooth, glassy nepionic, and one subsequent sculptured, whorls. 
There seems to be no escape from the deduction that these species 
are viviparous.. The grown shells are always decollate. I shall try 
and bring some home. ‘The live Achatinellas and Auriculellas look 
like other pulmonates (Helicide). * * * 

Wm. H. Datt. 


ley has just brought me several specimens of P. tridontoides Bland, 

which he collected this year on South Spring Creek, near Roswell, 

in the Pecos Valley. This adds a species to the fauna of New Mex- 
ica, and extends its range considerably to the west.—T, D. A. 


THe Moxuuusca oF Funaruti. By Chas. Hedley. (Memoirs 
of Australian Museum, IIJ., 1899.) 

Several expeditions have recently been made to the Ellice Islands, 
in which is situated the Funafuti Atoll. In his introductory remarks 
Mr. Hedley says: ‘* The poverty of the fauna of the atoll, compared 
with that of any continental area lying under corresponding latitudes, 
such as Queensland, New Guinea, or the Melanesian Plateau, again 
asserts itself. Whole groups, the Brachiopoda and the Poly placophora, 
are missing, giving to the fauna an unsymmetrical aspect. Especi- 
ally significant is the absence of mollusca with large eggs, such as 
Nautilus, Melo or Voluta, from this drifted fauna. In many cases the 
Funafuti shells are smaller than the usual stature of their respective 

‘‘Tt comes as a surprise to a naturalist to find the pelagic fauna 
scarce in this latitude. One Pteropod, one Heteropod, and a frag- 
ment of Janthina were all of this class that came under my notice. 
The quiet waters of the lagoon prove a richer field for a collector than 
the storm-swept ledges of the ocean beach. The sole representative 
of a fluviatile fauna was a species of Melania, which occurred in some 
abundance in the native wells.” 

Part I. contains the Gasteropoda, Part II., the Pelecypoda and 
Brachiopoda, followed by a summary of the entire fauna, and later 
by a supplement. 

Four new genera, Obtortio, Contumax, Thetidos and Mecoliotia, 58 
new species and four new varieties of Gasteropoda; 6 new Pelecy- 
poda, one new Scaphopoda, and one new Brachiopoda are described. 
Upwards of 650 species are recorded from the atoll. 

> ei 


Vou. XITI. DECEMBER, 1899. No. 8, 



Nearly two years ago (NauTiLus, December, 1897, p. 86), I de- 
scribed, from a single specimen obtained in deep water at San Pedro 
by Mrs. Oldroyd, an interesting shell belonging to the Naticidex. 
Although of rather naticoid shape, it showed a well-marked fine 
spiral striation and a flaring umbilicus, recalling S. concavus La- 
marck, but with a much thinner and more delicate shell and larger 
umbilicus. Recently Mr. J. S. Arnheim, of San Francisco, dredged 
in Drake’s Bay, Cal., a larger shell which proves to be the adult 
form of S. oldroydii. In this the Naticoid form has become more 
pronounced, the umbilicus smaller and narrower, and a basal zone of 
paler color than the rest is well marked. The shell continues to be 
very thin, the soft parts in life cover it almost entirely, though the 
thin extension of the mantle over the shell contracts greatly when 
the creature is placed in alcohol. The soft parts and operculum are 
typically Sigaretoid, but the shell when adult might almost be taken 
for a Lunatia. The dimensions of the adult are alt. 50, max. diam. 
55mm. It is almost exactly intermediate, as far as the shell goes, 
between Sigaretus, Eunaticina and Lunatia. 



The cry is, ‘* Still they come.”” In my short note in the February 
number of Tae Nauriius, I suggested the probability that Mytilus 
hamatus Say, would sooner or later be detected in the San Francisco 
Bay region. ‘Though not as yet reported, its near relative, Modiola 
plicatula, is there sure enough, and has been for several years. 

Through the kindness of Dr. J. P. Smith, of the Leland Stanford, 
Jr., University, I have received an example nearly two inches long, 
collected on the eastern shore of the bay by Mr. N. F. Drake, in 
1894, at a point ‘3 miles north of Stanford University.”” Iam fur- 
ther indebted to Dr. Smith for specimens of Urosalpinx cinereus, 
from the oyster beds near Redwood city; these were eollected by Mr. 
E. E. Smith in 1898. 

Some time ago, Mr. Hemphill sent me several examples of Gemma 
purpurea Lea.; these were compared by Mr. Dall with specimens in 
the National Museum; he wrote to me, saying, they ‘‘ were about 
midway between the typical southern form and the large flat north- 
ern var. Zottent Stm.’’ The shells were all dead, and might have 
been brought in mud with the seed oysters, at the time the latter 
were planted on the Alameda flats. 

Los Angeles, Cal., October, 1899. 


In their very valuable work’ on the land-shells of this island, 
Herr P. & F. Sarasin describe (p. 218) two new species of this genus 
—C. bouthainensis and C. menahasse—and list the forms known hith- 
erto. Unfortunately, a little note by the present writer,’ in which 
the species were listed, two new forms described, and the name of 
C. balantensis proposed for C. celebensis, Bttg. non Smith, appears 

1 Wiesbaden, Oct., 1899, 4to. 
4J. Malac. vi, pp. 23-4, pl. iv, pars (Aug. on 



to have escaped their notice. Judging from their descriptions and 
figures, C. bouthainensis appears to be a synonym of O. pyrrha Sykes, 
and ©. minahasse is very close to C. makassarensis; indeed these 
last two may be identical, but their figures indicate a shell in which 
the whorls increase at a more even rate. In both cases the plicz 
palatales seem to be similar in number, size and position. 

Further, they place C. celebensis Bttg. (non Smith) as a variety of 
O. moluccensis, following Dr. Boettger,’ who has also proposed Para- 
phedusa as a new section for C. subpolita Smith. 

If these conclusions be correct, then the Celebes list will stand as 

C. alternata Moellendorff. 

C. celebensis Smith. 

C. cumingiana Pfr. 

Var. moluccensis Mts. 
celebensis Bttg. non Smith. 
balantensis Sykes. 

Var. s¢millima Smith. 

C. makassarensis Sykes. 

C. minahassé Sarasin. 

C. pyrrha Sykes. 

bouthainensis Sarasin. 

C. subpolita Smith. 

C. usitata Smith. 

I feel some doubt as to whether C. s¢millima be not a good species, 
distinct from C. cumingiana. 



During the past summer I have collected, mounted and placed in 
my collection in the Union Free School Building in this village the 
shells of the following species of mollusca found in the above men- 
tioned region, which consists of the Lake, its inlet and outlet, and its 
shores, and glens opening toward the lake; most of the species are 
plentiful, while a few are rare : 

1 Nachrbl. deutsch. malak. Ges. 1899 (April), pp. 56-9. 




ley ee) S| ep ey PS Se) 


- Unio complanatus Sol. Outlet. 
. Lampsilis luteolus Lam. Lake. 

Lampsilis iris Lea. Outlet. 
Alasmodonta rugosa Barnes. Outlet and Lake. 

. Alasmodonta pressa Lea. Outlet, rare. 

Alasmodonta marginata. Say. Outlet. 

. Anodonta grandis Say. Outlet. 

. Anodonta excurvata De Kay. Inlet. 

. Anodonta fragilis Lam. Inlet. 

. Anodonta implicata Say. Lake. 

. Anodonta footiana Lea. Outlet, rare. 

. Anodonta salmonia Lea. Outlet. 

. Anodonta simpsoniana Lea. Lake, rare. 

. Anodonta lewisit Lea. Lake. 

. Anodontordes subcylindraceus Lea. Outlet, rare. 
. Anodontoides ferrussacianus Lea. Outlet, rare. 
. Spherium striatinum Lam. Lake. 

. Spherium rhomboideum Say. Lake. 

. Spherium simile Say. Lake. 


Polygyra albolabris Say. Glens. 

20a, Polygyra albolabris var. dentata Walk. Glens, rare. 


Polygyra thyroides Say. Glens. 
Polygyra sayvi Binn. Glens. 
Polygyra palliata Say. Glens. 
Polygyra appressa Say. Glens, rare. 
Polygyra fallax Say. Glens, rare. 
Polygyra tridentata Say. Glens. 
Polygyra monodon Rack. Glens, rare. 
Polygyra hirsuta Say. Glens, rare. 
Pyramidula alternata Say. Glens. 
Omphalina fuliginosa Griff. Glens. 
Omphalina inornata Say. Glens. 
Circinaria concava Say. Glens. 
Succinea obliqua Say. Glens. 
Cochlicopa lubrica Mull. Shores. 
Vallonia pulchella Mull. Shores. 
Limnea stagnalis Linn. Lake. 
Limnea emarginata Say. Lake. 
Limnea palustris Mull. Lake, rare. 


39. Limnea ampla Migh. Lake. 

40. Limnea catascopium Say. Lake. 
41. Physa ancillaria Say. Lake. 

42. Physa sayti Tapp. Lake. 

43. Physa heterostropha Say. Lake. 

44. Planorbis campanulatus Say. Lake. 
45. Planorbis trivolvis Say. Lake. 

46. Planorbis bicarinatus Say. Lake. 
47. Campeloma integer Say. Lake. 



Unio conjugans, sp. nov. 

Shell thick, solid, inflated, inequilateral, quadrate ; dorsal margin 
arched, posterior margin truncate and subemarginate, basal margin 
emarginate, anterior margin uniformly rounded; umbos rounded, 
umbonal ridge prominent, with a marked depression in front; epi- 
dermis dark chestnut; tuberculate throughout, the tuberculations 
being without apparent order of arrangement or uniformity of shape, 
except that they expand downward and each base terminates at a 
growth-line, and near the base of the shell they become joined into 
two broken ridges on the anterior half of the shell; cardinal teeth 
very heavy and deeply serrated, those in the left valve being tripar- 
tite and those in the right valve double; lateral teeth, which extend 
to the abrupt posterior dorsal angle, are solid, depressed, curved and 
comparatively smooth; anterior cicatrices deep, contracted and 
barely distinct ; posterior cicatrices well impressed and widely sepa- 
rated; pallial line deeply impressed and the pallial margin much 
thickened in the anterior portion ; dorsal cicatrices many, small, and 
arranged in a long oblique row under the cardinal teeth ; beak cavity 
deep, wide and bluntly terminated; nacre dead white with large 
umbraceous spots. Width 33, length 23, diam. 2 inches. 

Habitat : Hiawassa river, Polk Co., Tenn. 

Type in National Museum. 

Remarks: Affinity, U. blandianus Lea and U. tuberculatus Barnes. 
This species fills the gap between these species, and removes the 
latter from the isolated position it has heretofore held, uniting the 


members of the group into a continuous chain, one end of which is 
U. cylindricus Say, U. cylindricus Say var. strigillatus Nobis, JU. 
tuberculatus Barnes, U. conjugans Nobis, U. blandianus Lea, 0. 
asperrimus Lea, etc., and at the other extreme U. nodiferus Con. 

Anteriorily the shell reminds one of tuberculatus, except that it is 
much more inflated in that region. Posteriorly it resembles blandi- 
anus Lea — rumphianus Lea. It is wider and more inequilateral, 
however, than that species. 

(70 be Continued.) 



Among a lot of Pisidia from the Lilycash Creek, Joliet, Ill., col- 
lected and sent for examination by Mr. J. H. Handwerk, in 1898, 
there were a few specimens of evidently a new species. Yet it 
needed confirmation by more materials. But all efforts of Mr. 
Handwerk to secure more examples were in vain until a few weeks 
ago, when he sent a lot of several thousand specimens from the same 
creek, containing P. compressum, fallax, cruciatum, punctatum, one 
of the abditum group, and a few dozen of the Pisidium under consid- 
eration, which is now confirmed as a n. sp. and named in honor of its 

Mussel small, rather rounded in outline, rather high, moderately 
inflated; beaks moderately large, somewhat papilliform; superior 
margin strongly, inferior moderately curved; posterior rounded or 
slightly truncated, anterior end rounded or with a slight indication 
of an angle; surface with dense, almost regular and sharp striae, 
and with a silky gloss, tops of beaks smooth and shining, slightly 
flattened; color of epiconch pale to yellowish horn; shell rather 

o, nacre colorless or whitish, hinge stout, strongly curved, plate 


moderately broad, lateral teeth stout, rather high, short; cardinal 
teeth small, fine; the right one angular, with the posterior part 
somewhat thicker, a longitudinal groove on the hinge 
plate, formed by a sharp, tooth-like prominence along the lower edge 
of the plate; posterior cardinal tooth of the left valve rather long, 
longitudinal, nearly straight, its ends sloping ; anterior oblique, quite 
small, or almost obsolete ; ligament rather small. 


Long. 2.4, alt. 2.2, diam. 1.7 mill. 

Hab.: Lilyeash creek, Joliet, Ill. Probably it has been over- 
looked in materials from other places, owing to its resemblance to 
immature specimens of some forms of P. compressum Pr. When 
once known it will always be recognized. It also resembles some 
forms of P. pauperculum Sterki in size and shape, but its compara- 
tively coarse striation will distinguish it at once. Pis. handwerki is 
not a showy Pisidium, with striking features, but nevertheless a 
good species. 

New Philadelphia, O., Nov., 1899. 


The oysters are a proverbially difficult group, owing partly to their 
adherent situs and partly to the fact that they have not hitherto been 
studied with regard to the direct influence of the environment on 
individual specimens. That this is very great I have convinced 
myself from a prolonged study of a multitude of specimens of O. 
virginica of which the provenance was known, and of many hundred 
specimens of our tertiary species, which usually show from the 
character of the scar of attachment something of the circumstances 
in which they grew. The conclusions to which I have been led by 
this study may be regarded as in part provisional, but in the main 
highly probable, and as furnishing a first contribution to the sort of 
study which is essential if we would understand the processes of nature 
through which these animals acquire their most conspicuous external 
characters. They may be regarded as especially applicable to the 
Crassostrea group. 

Leaving out of account the nepionic characters, the characteristics 
of the adult shell may be summarized and derived as follows: The 
most permanent characters of the shell, and the best, if not infallible 
guide to specific recognition among the puzzling mutations a large 
series presents, are the form of the hinge-margin, the minute sculp- 

1This interesting extract by Dr. Wm. H. Dall is taken from his review of the 
Tertiary Osireide in the Transactions of the Wagner Free Institute of, Science, 
Vol. III, Part 1V, p. 675, 1898. As the original paper deals chiefly with ter- 
tiary forms, and is probably not accessible to many interested in recent oysters, 
we reprint it here. 


ture of the superficial layer of the shell (often denuded in otherwise 
perfect fossils), and the sculpture of the valve-margins near the hinge 
and on each side of it. While not invariable in all specimens, these 
characters, taken together, will usually enable one to refer the indi- 
vidual to its proper place. 

The characteristics due to situs may be partially summarized as 
follows: When a specimen grows in still water, it tends to assume a 
more rounded or broader form, like a solitary tree compared with its 
relatives in a crowded grove. When it grows in a tideway or strong 
current, the valves become narrow and elongated, usually also quite 
straight. Specimens which have been removed from one situs to the 
other will immediately alter their mode of growth, so that these facts 
may be taken as established. When specimens are crowded together 
on a reef, the elongated form is necessitated by the struggle for ex- 
istence, but, instead of the shells being straight, they will be irreg- 
ular, and more or less compressed laterally. When the reef is dry 
at low stages of the tide, the lower shell tends to become deeper, 
probably from the need of retaining more water during the dry 
period. Such oysters are the so-called ‘‘raccoon oysters,” a name 
which they get from the visits of that animal at low water to feed 
upon them. The so-called “raccoon oysters” figured in Dr. C. A. 
White’s Review of the Ostreide (Ann. Rep. U.S. Geol. Survey, 
1883, pl. 81-2) are not the reef oysters which first acquired this 
name, but deep-water specimens which had grown in a place where 
they were subjected to current action. When an oyster grows in 
clean water on a pebble or shell, which raises it slightly above the 
bottom level, the lower valve is usually deep and more or less sharply 
radially ribbed, acquiring thus a strength which is not needed when 
the attachment is to a perfectly flat surface which acts as a shield on 
that side of the shell. Perhaps for the same reason oysters which lie 
on a muddy bottom with only part of the valves above the surface of 
the ooze are less commonly ribbed. When the oyster grows to a 
twig, vertical mangrove root or stem of a gorgonian, it manifests a 
tendency to spread laterally near the hinge, to turn in such a way as 
to bring the distal margins of the valves uppermost, and the attached 
valve is usually rather deep, the cavity often extending under and 
beyond the hinge margin; while the same species on a flattish sur- 
face will spread out in oval form with little depth and no cavity un- 
der the hinge. 


The average life of the ordinary O. virginica when “ planted” for 
sale is about four or five years. In prehistoric times, when the reefs 
were undisturbed, the favored individual might attain a much greater 
age; in which case the lower valve especially took on excessive 
thickness, and the cavity of the shell often became considerably 
elongated and somewhat hour-glass-shaped, as in O. contracta Conr., 
whose characters in typical specimens are distinctly senile, while 
younger specimens of the same species have the normal form. 

In the hinge of the oyster the resilium occupies the central ridge, 
while the ligament covers the edge of the depressions on each side 
of that ridge. The form and relative position of the muscular scar 
of the adductor is, within certain limits, a useful character, but its 
depression below the general interior surface of the valve or its occa- 
sional elevation above it, as in Plicatula, is of no systematic value, 
being merely a corollary of the rate of growth from the various 
secreting surfaces. The habit of rapid growth, causing a vesicular 
character of the shell substance, is more pronounced in some species 
than in others, and in some specimens of a species than in others ; it 
is rarely the case that this habit (as in O. percrassa Conr.) has 
attained a constancy entitling it to systematic significance. 



(Pterocera continued.) 
1. Lip armed with closed spines, 
a. Within smooth, orange, 

(Heptadactylus. ) 
Pt. aurantia, lambis, bryonia. 

Distr.: Red Sea and Mauritius to Japan, Australia and Polynesia. 
b. Within wrinkled, violet, 

(Millipes. ) 
Pt. scorpio, pseudoscorpio, millipeda, elongata. 
Distr.: Zanzibar and Mauritius to Japan and New Guinea. 

2. Lip deeply cut into numerous open lobes, within finely, deeply, 
regularly grooved. 


Pt. violacea. Indian O., Zanzibar. 

The last species is certainly quite distinct, but the other two minor 
groups are of slight value, the apertural wrinkles being a dynamical 
feature incipient in dambis itself. 

Group F (Harpago.) 

Here the antesinual lobe gives rise to one of the great claws, a fea- 
ture unique among living Strombs, and sundering it widely from the 
previous group, from which Dr. Gill long ago divorced it. 

HT. chiragra, rugosa. 

Distr.: Zanzibar to Japan and Polynesia. 

The six groups previously considered agree in the strong and heavy 
shells, usually of large size, with spreading callus. Those which fol- 
low are usually rather small and of lighter structure, and have the 
inner lip restricted or defined. 

Grouper G (Gallinula). 

Shell usually light, elegant ; antesinual lobe diminished, lip ex- 
panded medially, descending rapidly from the suture with a broad 
sinuation ; posterior canal narrow, hugging the spire ; body somewhat 
flattened in front of the aperture, usually with four or five sagittate 
color bands; the early whorls with small varicose ribs at intervals. 

Contents as given by Tryon, with the probable addition of JS. pul- 
chellus, which is unknown to me autoptically. 

Distribution: Red Sea and Zanzibar to Japan and Polynesia. 

S. canartum, tsabella. 

Red Sea to Japan and Australia. 

The last two species, erroneously grouped with the American forms 
by Tryon, but correctly placed by Chenu and others, are aberrant in 
their heavier growth, obscure posterior canal and undefined inner lip. 
These differences, however, hardly seem to warrant the institution 
of a sub-group. 

Group H (Conomurex). 

Shell conozd, often distorted ; lip with margin rather straight and 
incurled, posterior sinus deep, anterior sinus distinct, oblique, remote 
from the canal; inner lip narrow, scarcely defined; color bands 

S. luhuanus, mauritianus, fasciatus, gibberulus. 

Distribution: Red Sea and Natal to Japan and Polynesia. 


Forms of fasciatus approach closely to the variety contformis of 
mauritianus, and the aperture of the former species is indifferently 
smooth or finely ridged. It, therefore, becomes necessary to enlarge 
the group. S. duwhwanus has the epidermis thickly lamellose, almost 
velvety. The sagittate bands are more numerous than in the pre- 
ceding group. 

Group J (Canarium). 

Shell small, but solid; posterior sinus absent, posterior canal a 
slight groove in the calloused angle at the suture ; anterior sinus very 
near the canal; aperture finely ridged ; lip margin with an external 
rib, but not expanded. 

S. ustulatus, dentatus, corrugatus and var. elegans, urceus (= flori- 
dus), hemastoma, hellii, scalariformis, maculatus. 

Distribution: Red Sea to Hawaii and Australia. 

In form and sculpture, S. elegans is very suggestive of Rimella, but 
the exaggerated canals of the latter genus sufficiently distinguish it. 

Sub-group J 2. 

Surface smooth or with low vertical folds, polished; lip sinus 
almost merged into the canal; body drawn out, narrowed. S. samar 
(bulbulus, terebellatus). Distr.: Japan to Australia and Polynesia. 

The last two species are not before me, but apparently they are 
allied to samar and indicate close affinity of this group with the fol- 
lowing. The accessory sinuses developed in samar must not be con- 
fused with the true lip-sinus. 

Group K (Seraphs). 

In this group, which need not be redefined, we find the culmina- 
tion of the features incipient in samar. ‘The lip-sinus is broad, basal 
and merged in the canal. The beautiful color-forms of the single 
protean living species of “ Zerebellum”’ inhabit the Indo-Pacific re- 
gion from Mauritius to Japan and the Fijis. 


Groupe L (Rimella). 

Not studied. The living forms inhabit Chinese and Philippine 

Group M (Rostellarta). 

Not studied. Red Sea to China and Moluccas. 
The groups above recognized are probably by no means all of equal 


rank. Nevertheless, each appears to be clearly distinct from all the 
others, and no species occur which cannot be at once referred to one 
or another of them. Whether they may be recognized as genera is 
mainly a question of personal opinion, but it seems evident to me, as 
I have intimated in several places, that the extreme forms, such as 
Pterocera and Terebellum, to which the older authors have unan- 
imously given generic rank, are in nature more closely allied to the 
various types gathered into the old genus Strombus than the latter 
are to each other. One more relationship should be pointed out, 
namely, that apparently existing between groups G, H and J. It 
remains for the paleontologist and anatomist to verify or correct de- 
ductions based on the recent shells alone, and I await their final 


Strombus goliath.—Ponderous and distorted specimens of gigas are 
sometimes mistaken for this species, probably because Tryon remarks: 
‘‘nerhaps a variety of S. gigas.’ Not long since, I had the good 
fortune to find a very fine example of the true goliath lying unknown 
and unhonored in a collection once famous but forgotten. So com- 
pletely does it differ from all its cousins that none need ever mistake 
it. Through the munificence of Pres. Jesup, this king of Strombs is 
now enthroned at last in the American Museum, New York City. 

Strombus costatus inermis.—Mr. Frederick Stearns reports “ 1 live 
mature shell” of this species from the Loo Choo Islands. Can a form 
so commonly reported from the West Indies be also living in oe. 
tal waters? Or has an error crept in? 

Strombus corrugatus.—I have been led to separate this (above) 
from dentatus, and to consider elegans a variety of it, judging by the 
material at hand. A few other forms, usually considered varieties, 
are restored to specific rank, merely as an expression of personal 

Distribution: The Strombine occupy two great areas: An Ameri- 
can, centering in the West Indies and spreading to Senegal, Brazil, 
and West America; and an Oriental, apparently centering in the 
Philippines, reaching to Natal, the Red Sea, Japan, Hawaii and the 
South Seas, and sending a single species (granulatus) into American 
waters. Europe has no living forms, although rich in fossil ones. 


Syvon, XITT. JANUARY, 1900. ; No. 9. 


Having lately received from Mr. A. C. Billups, of Lawrenceburg, 
_Ind., a package of unsorted material from the Falls of the Ohio, I 
have been able to trace out the various stages in the growth of this 
“species, which are quite peculiar, and, I believe, have not been de- 

The difference in shape between the mature shell and the young is 
-yery striking. In the adult, the very large, almost shouldered body, 
- and long, narrow aperture, nearly twice as long as the short, rapidly 

acuminating and generally eroded spire, is characteristic of the 

species, and was well described by Say in his original description 

published in 1829; while the young shell, until it attains the sixth 
whorl, is almost spindle-shaped, and would be taken at first glance 
for a young Goniobasis; the spire is sharply conical, and longer 
than the aperture, which is broadly triangular, the long (columellar) 
side of the triangle being slightly concave. 

‘The manner in which this remarkable change in shape is brought 
about is as follows: 
The first two whorls are smooth and well rounded, and the apex 
rather obtuse. At about the beginning of the third whorl, a sharp 
carina is developed on the periphery of the body whorl, which rapidly 
‘increases in strength for the next four whorls. During this stage the 


junction of the lip with the body whorl is beneath the carina, in some 
eases a short distance below, so that the carina is well marked on the 
upper whorls, but usually the lip starts from just under the edge 
of the carina, so that the side of the spire is almost straight, the edge 
of the carina projecting but very slightly, if at all, beyond the surface 
of the adjoining whorls; the aperture is decidedly triangular, both 
extremities being acutely angled, and the lip itself is sharply bent in 
the centre where the carina appears. 

At about the beginning of the fifth whorl, the lip ascends and 
crosses the carina, and from thence, until it finally disappears alto- 
gether, the carina emerges from the upper part of the aperture. This 
change in the relative position of the lip and carina induces a radical 
change, not only in the shape of the lip, but of the whole shell. The 
lip, in order to clear the carina, becomes broadly rounded above and 
curves in rapidly to meet the body whorl at almost a right angle, 
forming a deep channelled suture, while the body whorl becomes 
more ventricose, more or less shouJdered, and rapidly increases in 

For about a whorl after the change takes place, the carina retains 
its size and position, but after the sixth whorl is reached it gradually 
diminishes and finally disappears entirely, although the body whorl 
at all subsequent stages of growth is more or less flattened in its upper 
part. ‘ 

With the disappearance of the carina, the shell rapidly assumes its 
mature form and, with the usual erosion of the apical whorls, becomes 
the short, stout, heavy specimen customarily seen in collections. 


My attention has been called by Mr. Geo. H. Clapp, of Pittsburg, 
to the fact that some specimens of 7hys. hornit show very fine deli- 
cate cuticular riblets, more or less uneven at their free edges, and 
running much more obliquely than the growth-lines, on the surface 
of the last whorl.’ This is usually obscured by the thin coat of earth 
which encrusts the shell, and which it is evidently the function of 

1This structure has been lucidly described by Dall, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus. 
xix, 1896, p. 336. 


these riblets to collect. Only a good lens reveals this sculpture, and 
in specimens which have been collected dead, or cleaned by ordinary 
methods, it is usually Jost. Still, a sufficiently patient examination 
will generally show some trace of it somewhere on most specimens. 
Thys. conspurcatella, of eastern Mexico, the type of the genus, has 
similar cuticular riblets, but they are more widely spaced and rather 
more persistent. 

In young and half-grown shells, if perfectly preserved, the riblets 
bear rather sparsely scattered and long hairs, very delicate and easily 
rubbed off. I do not know that adults ever retain them ; though in 
several Mexican species such hairs occur on the full-grown shell, and 
many West Indian species bear close bristles. 

The foregoing observations are based upon the entire series of 
specimens in the collection of Mr. E. H. Ashmun, which he most 
liberally sent me for examination, and those in the collection of the 
Academy, including Gabb’s types. 

The pubiished figures and descriptions of this species leave much 
to be desired. Gabb gives quite a good description, though none of 
his specimens show 44 whorls, as he states. The dimensions, 
“height .09, greatest diam. .16, smallest diam. .13 inch” = 24, 4, 
81 mm., are in a rough way accurate. The figures are bad. 

Binney’s figures (Man. Amer. L. Sh., p. 169, fig. 159) are too 
narrowly umbilicated, the spire is too conic, and the terminations of 
the lip do not approach enough. Moreover, they do not indicate the 
surface-sculpture. ‘The whorls are described as “ scarcely convex ”’ 
whereas they are unusually so; the ends of the peristome are said to 


be “hardly approaching” while they actually converge so as to 
nearly meet in adult shells. The dimensions, ‘‘ greater diam. 4, les- 
ser 34, height 1 mm.” are erroneous, the largest in Gabb’s type lot 
measuring 4 mm. in greatest, 3.5 in least diameter, with a height of 
2.6 mm. An adult specimen from Jerome, Arizona, collected by 
Mr. Ashmun, measures: diam. 3.5, alt. 2.3 mm. 

Gabb’s types were from ‘“‘ Fort Grant, at the junction of the Ari- 
vapa and San Pedro rivers,” in Graham Co., southeastern Arizona. 

Mr. Ashmun has collected specimens in the following localities: 
Jerome, Patagonia Mts., Crittenden, Prescott and Nogales, Arizona, 
and Cook’s, New Mexico. The International Boundary Commis- 
sion collected hornzi at the summit of Hachita Grande Mt., Grant Co., 
N. M., and Dall mentions seeing the species from the drift of the 
Yaqui River, Mexico. No other localities are known for the species. 


Mrs. T. S. Oldroyd, of Los Angeles, Cal., recently sent me a 
species of Capulus which appears to be new, and which adds to the 
fauna of California a genus not hitherto known to belong to it. 

Capulus californicus 1. sp. 

Shell only moderately elevated, oval or more or less conformable 
with the object upon which it roosts, the apex small, somewhat later- 
ally compressed, incurved almost symmetrically, nearly concealing 
the smooth, one-whorled nucleus, situated near the posterior margin ; 
surface nearly smooth, somewhat irregular, mesially with small faint 
radial not very close-set ridges, covered with an imbricated dense 
soft glistening periostracum which projects beyond the margins ; in- 
terior polished, white, with faint rosy rays extending from the apex 
to the anterior margin; Alt. 10, lon. before the apex 50, behind it 
5.0, total basal length 86.5, average width 29 mm. 

This fine shell was found on the flat valve of Pecten diegensis 
Dall (floridus Hinds non Gmelin), in 20 to 25 fathoms off San 
Pedro, California. 

Carpenter reported some fragments of Capulus from Mazatlan, but 

these were not really sufficient to establish the presence of the genus. 

The present species is related to O. calyptra Martyn, of Japan, and 
C. hungaricus of the northeast Atlantic. It is less elevated than 
either, the sculpture is much fainter than in CQ, hungaricus and the 
apex is less conspicuous, more posterior and less coiled. 

I have several times received a small shell collected among kelp 
roots and variously mottled or tinted with purple or reddish-brown 
and yellow. A very young specimen of this kind was described by 
Carpenter under the name of Psephts tellimyalis. It is not a Psephis 
but has the characters of Petricola. J have suspected for a long time 
it was the young of P. carditoides, but have not yet seen enough 
material to make this certain, and therefore suggest that Pacific 
coast students should endeavor to solve the problem. 


I have received from Dr. Arthur Mead Edwards, the well-known 
microscopist of Newark, N. J., certain Molluscan forms for deter- 

PEAT Oe tat. 


mination. It will be noticed, they are all common fresh-water 
species. The first lot includes Planorbis parcus, P. campanulatus, 
Limnea humilis, Physa heterostropha, Valvata carinata and V. sin- 
cera; all of the above Say’s species. The foregoing are from the 
‘fossiliferous sands overlying the clays of Essex county,’ Ontario, 
Canada (‘Pleistocene’), and are associated with Mastodon remains. 

They were collected in 1897 by Dr. Henry M. Ami, of the Can- 
adian Geological Survey, and sent to Dr. Edwards by the collector, 
presumably with microscopic material. 

In the second lot, there is only the single species Planorbis parvus 
Say; this was found associated with Mastodon remains at Newburgh, 
N. Y., by F. W. Schaffer (in 1899), who sent the examples to Dr. 
Edwards. Of the species named herein, P. parvus and L. humilis 
exhibit a wide distribution in the past as well as in the present times. 
Both of these are reported as occurring living, and fossil, in the 
Lahontan and Bonneville areas of the Great Basin ; P. heterostropha, 
living in both, but semi-fossil only in Bonneville. V. s¢ncera credited 
to Salt Lake, living, by its collector Henry Hemphill, is represented 
as a semi-fossil in the Bonneville area by Call’s var. Utahensis. The 
occurrence of living examples in either of the areas mentioned, 
is not noted in Call’s list of Great Basin mollusea.t!’ While LZ. hum- 
lis is everywhere, east and west, north, and pretty widely dispersed 
towards the south, P. campanulatus has a much more restricted 
range and has yet to be reported west of the Rocky Mountains. 

_ IJ have to thank Mr. C. W. Johnson of the Wagner Free Institute 
for kind attention connected with the above. 

Rost. E. C. STEARNS. 
Los Angeles, Cal., October, 1899. 



The use of the dredge has afforded me a great deal of pleasure, 
while furnishing me with a goodly amount of wholesome physical 
exercise so much needed by those following sedentary occupations, 
and the specimens thus obtained add largely to my local collection. 

While working in the bay I use a dredge cutting but 14 inches, 

1 Bulletin No. 11., U.S. Geographical Survey. 


operated from a roomy, flat-bottomed skiff propelled by oars, and I 
do most of my work alone, during the early morning hours while the 
water is quiet. The dredgings are carefully worked over while rest- 
ing between ‘* pulls,” and when I am ready to return home the re- 
sults of my day’s work are, so to speak, ‘all in a nutshell.” 

In from 2 to 5 fathoms on mud bottom I find Marginella pyrifor- 
mis, Marginella regularis, Myurella simplex, Drillia hemphilli, Eulima 
micans, Hulima rutila, Thracia curta, Mactra californica (young), 
Ollivella boetica, Angulus modestus, Angulus variegatus, Angulus ob- 
tusus, Dentalium neohexagonum, Lyonsia californica, Mangelia angu- 
lata and Cadulus nitentior. 

As we go toward the channel the depth increases and the bottom 
is a mixture of sand and mud. Here in from 5 to 8 fathoms we find 
Yoldia coopert (young) and Leda taphira. 

The channel proper ranges from 8 to 14 fathoms and the bottom 
generally consists of coarse, yellow sand and decomposed and broken 
shells, among which we find both live and dead specimens of Semele 
pulchra, Oorbula luteola, Isapis fenestrata, Isapis obtusa, Caecum cali- 
fornicum, Caecum crebricostatum, Scala hindsii and Aesopus chrys- 
allovdeus. | | 

Scattered among the above species, we find many stray specimens 
of such shells as Massa perpinguis, Nassa coopert, Nassa mendica, 
Nassa tegula, Calliostoma tricolor, Calliostoma gemmulatum, Callios- 
toma canaliculatum, and many other species which are generally found 
upon the low flats at low tides and which are scarcely worth mention- 
ing as dredge species. I find that for dredging in shallow waters a 
dredge made of galvanized iron without any net but having a screen 
bottom produces as good results as any, and is much more easily 



The following is a list of land and fresh water shells collected in 
the northeastern part of Maine, principally along the Aroostook and 
Fish Rivers. 

Valuable assistance has been received from Prof. H. A. Pilsbry 
and Mr. Bryant Walker. 

All the Pisidia, and nearly all the minute land shells have been 


critically examined by Dr. V. Sterki, without whose generous assist- 
ance it would have been impossible to determine the many small 

There is some additional material in the hands of Dr. Sterki, 
which when straightened out will probably add a number to the list. 
Most of the species are distributed over the whole area, and the 
names of localities are only cited in referring to species that are 
very local in their distribution. 

In this list are included a number of species that have been cited 
as doubtful in Maine, and the new species recently collected by me. 


Acanthinula hurpa Say. One specimen at Fort Kent. 

Vallonia pulchella Mill. Gardens in Caribou and Presque Isle. 

Vallonia excentrica Sterki. Rare, Caribou. 

Polygyra albolabris Say. Not common, 

Polygyra Sagit Binn. Well distributed. 

Polygyra dentifera Binn, Rather common. 

Polygyra monodon Rackett. Common in some localities. 

Strobilops labyrinthica Say. Plentiful in this region. 

Strobilops virgo Pils. Rare (identified by Dr. V. Sterki). 

Bifidaria pentodon Say. ‘ Resemble ecurvidens more than any 
others I have seen ”’ (Sterki). Near Caribou stream, Woodland. 

Vertigo ventricosa Morse. Plentiful in some localities. 

Vertigo ventricosa elatior Sterki. Common along streams, in 
Woodland, Caribou and New Sweden. 

Vertigo bollesitana Morse. Rare; collected in woodland. 

Vertigo Gouldii Binn. Not very abundant. 

Vertigo Gouldii paradoxa Sterki. “ Fine examples with the two 
palatal folds continuous and one angular” ( Sterk?). Woodland, rare. 

Cochicopa lubrica Mill. Houlton, Presque Isle, Caribou, Fort 
Kent and Portage Lake, abundant in these localities. 

Vitrina limpida Gld. Caribou and Presque Isle, found in large 
numbers this summer at Fort Kent. 

Vitrea hammonis Strom. Fairly distributed. 

Vitrea Binneyana Morse. Little Madawaska Lake and along 
Caribou stream in Woodland and Caribou. 

Vitrea ferrea Morse. In company with V. Binneyana. These 
species are rarely found. 

OConulus fulvus Mull. Everywhere. 


Zonitoides arboreus Say. Common everywhere. 

Zonitoides exiguus Stimp. Fairly common. 

Zonitoides milium Morse. Quite rare. Woodland. 

Pyramidula alternata Say. Common. 

Pyramidula alternata alba. One living specimen obtained in the 
north of Woodland. 

Pyramidula striatella Anth. Plentiful. 

Pyramidula striatella? var. Shell greenish-white, animal nearly 
white. Can this be Patula cronkhited Newe.? 1tis about the same 
size as P. striatella. 

Pyramidula asteriscus Morse. Caribou, Woodland and Madawaska 
Lake. Rare. 

Flelicodiscus lineatus Say. Widely distributed, nowhere abundant. 

Punctum pygmeum Drap. Rare. 

Sphyradium edentulum Drap.  Well-distributed. 

Succinea obliqua Say. Common everywhere. 

Succinea ovalis Gld. 

Succinea avara Say. Common in wet places on lake shores and 
river fiats, together with S. ovals. 

Carychium exiguum Say. Very abundant in wet places every- 

Carychium exile Lea. Not common; found with C. extguum. 

Aplexa hypnorum Linne. In ditches along the roads in three dif- 
ferent places in Woodland; specimens abundant. 

Physa heterostropha Say. Common in all streams. 

Physa ancillaria Say. Only seen at Square Lake Inlet. _ 

Lenmea emarginata Say = ampla Mighels and Limnea emarginata 
Mighels, Binn. From Cross Lake, Square Lake, Portage Lake, Fish 
River, Saint John River, at Fort Kent and Aroostook River. 

This is an extremely variable species, Caribou individuals differ 
greatly in every locality. : 

Limnea desidiosa Say. Aroostook River, Caribou stream, Salmon 

Limnea humilis Say. Common in damp places and ditches along 
the roads. 

Planorbis trivolvis Say. Common in Barren Brook, Caribou. In 
Caribou Lake, Washburn, and in nearly every small lake I have 
seen in Aroostook county, fine specimens can be obtained. 

Planorbis campanulatus Say. Cross Lake, Square Lake, Eagle 
Lake and Portage Lake. 

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Planorbis bicarinatus Say. Aroostook River, Fish River and 
Saint John River. 

Planorbis bicarinatus aroostookensis Pils. Kast branch of Salmon 
Brook, Woodland, and Caribou stream, in Caribou. 

Planorbis hirsutus Glad. Common and widely distributed. 

Planorbis deflectus Say. Salmon Brook Woodland, rare ; Portage 

Planorbis parvus Say. Common in brooks and lakes. 

Planorbis exacutus Say. Portage and Square Lakes ; rare. 

Planorbis crista Linné, var. cristata Drap. Barren Brook, Cari- 
bou. This species was recorded in Tur Nauvritus, Vol. X, page 
117, by Mr. Bryant Walker as P. nautileus Linne.: Mr. A. W. 
Hanham, on page 130, and Geo. W. Taylor, on page 139 of the same 
volume use ee name of P. nautileus. Dr. v. Sterki and Prof. H. 
A. Pilsbry say “it is Planorbis erista Linné, var. eristatus Drap. 
It occurs in ate Europe.” 

Ancylus rivularis Say. Caribou stream, Collin’s Millpond, very 
large specimens. 

Ancylus parallelus Hald. Cross Lake and many smaller lakes 
and streams. 

Ancylus ? Madawaska River, New Sweden. 

Ancylus tardus Say. Aroostook River, Caribou. 

Ancylus borealis ? Morse. Saint John River, Fort Kent. Mr. 
Bryant Walker says it is identical with this rare form. 

Valvata tricarinatu Say. Little Madawaska River, New Sweden 
and the Fish River Lakes. 

Valvata sincera Say. Dredged in the Fish River Lakes. 

Campeloma decisum Say. Widely distributed throughout Aroostook 
and Fish Rivers. Four young sinistral shells were taken from a nor- 
mal dextral female from Portage Lake. 

Amnicola limosa Say. Common everywhere, and very variable in 
form. In my former article ‘in THE peter us: Woks serps 10, at is 
called Pomatiopsis. 

A. Cinctnnatiens’s Lea. 

Unio complanatus Sol. Lakes and streams ; common. 

Margaritana margaritifera Linné, Aroostook River. 

Margaritana undulata Say. Lakes and rivers. 

Anodonta fragilis Lam. Generally distributed, some very large 
specimens in the muddy bottom of Salmon Brook Lake. Perham. 


Spherium simile Say. Generally distributed. 

Spherium striatinum Lam. Fish River and Saint John River at 
Fort Kent, 

Spherium rhomboideum Say, Fine specimen in Gelot Lake, New 
Sweden, and all the smaller lakes of the Little Madawoska river 

Calyculina securis Prime. Aroostook River. 

Calyculina securis cardissa Prime. Square Lake and other localities. 

Pisidium abditium Hald. Common. | 

Pisidium adamsi Prime. Cross Lake Inlet. 

Pisidium equilaterale Prime. Portage Lake. Little Madawaska 

Pisidium contortum Prime. Rear Mud Lake, Perham and West- 

Pisidium compressum Prime. Generally abundant. 

Pisidium ferrugineum Prime. Fogelin Lake, New Sweden and 
many other localities. 

Pisidium fallax Sterki. Aroostook River. 

Pisidium fallax boreale Sterki. Aroostook River at Caribou and 
Little Madawaska River, New Sweden. 

Pisidium milium Held. South branch Caribou Stream, Woodland 
and Sawyer’s Brook, Castle Hill. 

Pisidium medianum minutum Sterki. Hacket’s Mill Brook, a 
tributary of Caribou Stream in the northern part of Woodland. 

Pisidium pauperculum Sterki. Little Madawaska River. 

Pisidium pauperculum nylanderi Sterki. Dredged in Portage Lake. 

Pisidium politum Sterki. Portage Lake and Cross Lake. 

Pisidium punctatum Sterki. Portage Lake, Little Madawaska 

Pisidium ropert Sterki. Johnson Brook on the Fort Kent road 
and north of Perham. 

Pisidium splendidulum Sterki. Barren Brook, Caribou and many 
other localities. 

Pisidium ventricosum Prime. Barren Brook, Caribou. 

Pisidium variabile Prime. Common everywhere. 

Pisidium walkert Sterki. Barren Brook, Caribou. 

Pisidium walkeri mainense Sterki. Hacket’s Mill Brook, Wood- 
land and many other localities. 




Some account of shells collected by Mr. J. H. Ferriss in Arkansas 
and Choctaw Nation was published in Tue Nautitus for August 
of this year. <A series of Zonitid@ collected at the same time affords 
some interesting data. Vitrea simpson ( Pils.) was taken at Poteau, 
in the eastern part of the Choctaw nation on Poteau river, near the 
State of Arkansas. It resembleseV. capsella, but differs in the tri- 
angular form of the aperture. 

Gastrodonta demissa, typical, was taken in Arkansas near 'Texar- 
kana, and at Tushkabomma and Poteau in the Choctaw Nation. 

At both Tushkahomma and Poteau a form having the characteris- 
tic lens-shaped contour, brilliant gloss and basal striation of demissa 
occurred, differing from demissa in having a long and strong lamella 
within, like the outer lamella of G. gularis. There is no trace of an 
inner or columellar lamella, such as gularis and suppressa generally 
show, and the general form of the shell is entirely that of demzssa, 
quite unlike suppressa. The umbilicus is a small round puncture, as 
of a pin stuck through a sheet of paper, quite as in typical demissa ; 
and the periphery is subangular. In G. suppressa the periphery is 
well rounded and the umbilicus larger. ‘This variety may be called 
var. lamellata. It is most interesting as connecting the gularis group 
with the dgera group of Gastrodonts. 

The form I described some years ago as Zonttes brittsii, trom Hot 
Springs, Ark., belongs also to demissa, from which it differs in the 
imperforate axis, and very slight excavation of the base in the center. 


Polygyra uvulifera bicornuta n. v. 

Shell differing from the typical P. weulifera (the type locality of 
which is Long Key, above mouth of Sarasota Bay), in being less de- 
pressed, the last whorl strongly grooved within the umbilicus, the 
aperture everywhere more contracted; parietal margin of the peri- 
stome strongly elevated, produced in two erect processes or ‘ horns,”’ 
one at the junction of outer lip and parietal lip, another upon the part- 
etal lip near its inner termination, situated like the corresponding lobe 


of P. auriculata; a conspicuous pit penetrates under the parietal 
fold. Striation fine but regular and equally developed above and 
below. Size about that of typical weulifera. 

Alt. 63, greatest diameter 145 mm. 

Alt. 6, greatest diameter 14 mm. 

Alt. 61, @ greatest diameter 13 mm. 

Aripeka, “Hernando ee Fla. (Mr. Geo. Pine); Hernando Co. and 
Longwood, Fla. (Mr. Van Hyning’s coll.). 

This form resembles P. auricu/ata at first sight, but the deep notch 
in the basal lip near its inner end, and the peculiar, flat, forward- 
running inner end of that lip, as well as the strong semicircular ridge 
on the parietal margin, one end ofewhich enters ; the deep notch men- 
tioned, the other forming the lower border of the main parietal fold 
=—all ally it rather to P. ue ulifera. In P. auriculata there is no such 
notch in the basal lip, and the inner end of the latter is attenuated, 
not flattened and bent forward, It is an interesting intermediate 

P. uvulifera varies a good deal in texture, color, size and striation, 
the largest and most solid shells before me bathe from Long Key, the 
type locality, where they are nearly smooth, the striation obsolete ; 
diam. 13-14 mm. I have seen a great many specimens from both 
sides of the peninsula and the keys, but saw no variation toward the 
variety described above. 

In most localities P. wulifera diverges from thie ‘ historic type,” 
as found on Long Key, i in being less chalky, and decidedly more 
strongly striate, the strie thread-like. The size varies with locality. 
Thus at Miami, where it is numerous about a mile up the river on 
the south side, they measure 9 to 105 mm, diameter. They occur 
here under stones (limestone) in a hot, sparsely-wooded plain exposed 
to the sun, in company with P. cereolus carpenteriana, Urocoptis, 
Macroceramus and Chondropoma with an occasional Vaginulus, and 
moderate numbers of large black scorpions and tarantulas. At Palm 
Beach they are much larger, diam. 125-13 mm., and here the soil is 
sandy, and the forest luxuriant. 

Mr. Pine sent numerous specimens of wenulifera from Hernando 
Co. which differ from the Long Key types in being strongly striate 
and smaller. They are more narrowly umbilicated than P. wulifera 
bicornuta, with the opening rather less contracted, the umbilical 
groove on the last whorl generally less strong, and they want the 
accessony “horn” of the parietal margin. ‘They are also more 
coarsely striate, and may be separated from young or immature bicor- 
nuta by the narrower umbilicus. Ido not know whether these occur 
with the variety or at separate stations. The largest sent measures 
12 mm. diameter. 

P. auriculata extends some distance down the east coast, and over 
to the middle of the State in the lake region. I have never seen it 
from the west coast counties, and would be glad to have data on its 
occurrence there if it has been found. 






Von. XIII. FEBRUARY, 1900. No. 10. 



Plate LI. 

Unio (Pleurobema) Hagleri. 
Shell smooth, elliptical, unequilateral. Length, 2.1. Height, 1.6. 

Diameter, 1 (inches). (Dimensions are of a medium-sized shell ; 
they are sometimes larger.) 

Beaks low ; umbos somewhat inflated; umbonal slope rounded. 
Epidermis dark reddish brown, striate, rayless. Lines of growth 
numerous and well impressed. Nacre white, rarely rose, frequently 
spotted with green, iridescent in posterior. ‘Teeth double in left 
valve, single in the right. The anterior sinistral cardinal tooth is 
wedge-shaped, and nearly squarely cut off on top. Its axis is inclined 
at an angle of about 75° with that of its fellow, which is low, thick 
and triangular. The laterals are stout and slightly curved. Dorsal 
plate rather large. Muscle scars frequently confluent in front. 
Distinct behind and well impressed. Pallial scar well impressed in 
front, fainter behind. 

Cavity of the beaks shallow. Cavity of the shell excavated from 
the region of the beaks toward the posterior margin. The shell var- 
ies in form from an almost perfect ellipse (lower figure) to a form 
swollen in the post-basal region (upper figs.) similar to the females of 
Lampsilis. But there is no good reason to suppose this a sexual 


Habitat, North River, Alabama, near Tynes. Examples may be 
seen in the National Museum and in the cabinet of Mr. W. A, 
Marsh, of Aledo, Illinois, and in my own. ‘Thirty specimens re- 
ceived. The sbell is allied distinctly to ¢nstructus Lea, and also to 
rubellus Conrad, and to troschelianus Lea. Some of them remind 
one of fassinans Lea. 

From rubellus Conrad it may be distinguished by being longer, not 
so stout or inflated, It need not be confounded with the other shells 
“named, as it differs from them entirely, although allied. It is named 

for the collector. Figured specimens are deposited in coll. Acad. Nat. 
Sci., Phila. 


The genus Ohlorostoma is essentially Pacific, being chiefly devel- 
oped upon the Pacific shores of Asia and North and South America. 
The former open strait between the Americas allowed it to spread to 
the Antillean region and eastern shores of the United States, where 
a number of species have existed from the tertiaries to the present 
time. <A few forms also found their way around Cape Horn. The 
species have been generally divided ‘between two genera, Ompha- 
ius, including the umbilicate forms; but this division is purely arti- 
ficial and unnatural, very closely allied species being separated by it. 
It would be better to drop Omphalius into the rubbish-heap of syn- 
onymy. The etymology of Chlorostoma, ‘* green mouth,” is not very 
appropriate to most of the species. . 

There are no species of the genus known from European or Afri- 
can seas. On the eastern coast of South America, south of Brazil, 
the following occur: 

Chlorostoma patagonicum (Orbigny). 

Trochus patagonicus Orb., Voy. dans l’Amér. Mérid., Mollusques, 
p. 408, pl. 55, f. 1-4 (1835-1846). 

Trochus corrugatus Koch in Philippi, Abbild. u. Beschreib, ete., 
I, Trochus, pl. 2, f. 7 (Nov., 1848). 
- This species was found by d’ Orbigny in the Bay of San Blas, 
Patagonia; Philippi gives the locality Brazil. Dr. Wm. H. Rush 
collected a few specimens in Maldonado Bay, Uruguay. ‘The sculp- 


ture is very fine grained, the suture narrow but deeply plowed, and 
the columella armed with two or three small denticles at the base, as 
in the genus generally, The outer lip is weakly grooved within on 
the thick part near the margin. The deep umbilicus readily sepa- 
rates this species from the following form, 

The exact date of d’Orbigny’s publication of this species is not 
known to me. 

Chlorostoma Hidalgoi n. sp. 

Shell very similar to Chlorostoma patagonicum Orb., ( Trochus cor- 
rugatus Koch), but wholly imperforate, the umbilical region covered 
with a white callus. Fleshy-cinereus, with the apex eroded, white. 
Sculpture of crowded spiral series of small, irregular granules, simi- 
lar to those of O. patagonicum. Spire conic, periphery rounded, the 
base flattened. Aperture very oblique, somewhat triangular; colu- 
mella armed with two small teeth at its junction with the basal lip. 

Alt. 15, diam. 17 mm. 

Serio Nearo, Patagonia,” coll. A. N.S. P. 

This form differs conspicuously from C. patagonicum Orb. (corru- 
gatus Koch) in the completely imperforate axis, the other species 
being conspicuously umbilicated at all stages of growth. (C. Hidalgot 
is also more conical. In color, sculpture, and the deeply scored 
suture, the two species are extremely similar. 

It is named in honor of the author of the Moluscos del Viaje al 
Pacifico, a meritorious work on the South American fauna. 

Chlorostoma Orbignyanum, 1). sp. 

Shell imperforate, conic, with flattened base; purplish-gray, with 
blackish spirals above, black below. Surface dull, sculptured with 
numerous low spiral lire, several below the suture obscurely beaded, 
the others nearly smooth; the lire near the suture separated by 
narrow intervals, those toward the periphery more widely spaced, 
with one or several interstitial threads in each interval. ‘There are 
about 10 lire on the penultimate whorl, and 10 below the periphery 
on the base. Whorls 5, very convex, separated by deep sutures, the 
last whorl flattened below the suture, obtusely angular at the peri- 
phery ; the base free from spiral sculpture in the center, eroded and 
brilliantly pearly in front of the aperture. Aperture very oblique, 
pearly within, with a rather wide dull border within the thin outer 
lip, acute; columella short, concave, porcellanous, terminating in a 
small tubercle below, adjacent to which there is a minute denticle ; 


umbilical region somewhat cailoused, the place of the umbilicus 
marked by a moderately sunken pit, surrounded by a weak spiral 
rib which terminates in a faint denticle at the junction of the colu- 
mellar and basal margins of the peristome. Alt. 14, diam. 165 mm. 

Beagle Channel, Patagonia (Dr. H. von Ihering). 

This species (No. 1020 of von Ihering’s register) is obviously 
unlike the forms of eastern Patagonia, and there is nothing like it in 
Mabille and Rochebrune’s work on Cape Horn mollusks. Of the 
Chilian species, it is allied only to C. fuscescens Phil.,* but in C. 
Orbignyanum the whorls are more convex, the prevailing color black, 
and it is imperforate. 


During the month of July, 1899, the writer made a collection of 
marine and fresh-water shells in the state of Rhode Island, and a list 
of the fresh-water species may be of interest. Collections were made 
at the following places : 

1. Nayatt, R. I. A small pond between the railroad depot and 
the bay.. The bottom is made up of soft, black, carbonaceous ae 
and the shores are lined with dead leaves and twigs. 

2. Newport, R. I. Bailey’s Pond, near Bailey’s Beach. A ee 
of good size and considerable depth, bordered by cat-tails. 

3. Providence, R. I. Cat Swamp. A small clear stream, flowing 
through a flag-swamp. The numbers after the species indicate the 
above localities. 

Calyculina partumeia Say. 1, 2.. Common. 

Calyculina truncata Linsley. 1. Common. 

Calyculina securis Prime. 2. Not common. 

Pisidium, near abditum, but possibly P. lens Sterki. 1. Common. 

Pisidium splendidulum Sterki. 1, 2. Not common. 

Limnea palustris Miller. 38. Common. 

Planorbis trivolvis Say. 2, 3. Common. 

Planorbis deflectus Say. 1. Common. 

Planorbis parvus Say. 1, 2,3. Common. 


* Conchylien Cabinet, Zrochus, p.182; Man. of Conch., XI., Zrochide, p. 181. 


Segmentina armigera Say. 1,2. Common. 

Physa heterostropha Say. 1, 2,3. Common. 

Aplexa hypnorum Linné. 2. Common. 

Campeloma decisum Say. 1. Apparently not common. 

My thanks are due to Dr. V. Sterki for determining the Pisidia. 


The subject of this memoir was born in Westport in 1824, and died 
in the city of New Bedford, Mass. (but a few miles from his birth- 
place), July, 1896, aged 71. He had the usual public school and 
academic education of the time. In early life, like so many New 
England coast town boys, he took to the sea, and soon reached the 
post of master. He spent some years in California and South Amer- 
ica, and returning to New Bedford, he settled there for life. He 
developed an early fondness for natural history, and in this, finally 
narrowed down to the science of conchology. He at once became 
fascinated with the subject, and spared no time, pains, or money in 
his enthusiastic determination to master his subject. He was fortu- 
nate at this juncture to fall into the hands of so capable and sympa- 
thetic an instructor as Dr. Augustus A. Gould, to whom he ever felt 
grateful for giving him a fuller and clearer insight into the delicate 
minutiz, so essential in describing many species and varieties of 
shells. By this association he was greatly aided and stimulated in 
his subsequent pursuit and study. He soon became known as a most 
conscientious and reliable student of conchology, and soon made many 
friends ; his correspondents were among the most noted of his time, 
in both hemispheres. He obtained and carefully studied the works 
of the leading conchological authorities, without regard to price, al- 
though he was never a rich man. 

As a collector, his success in securing species from remote parts 
was really phenomenal. He sold his earliest and largest collection, 
during the Franco-Prussian war, to an institution, I think, in Bel- 
gium, but through the misfortunes of war it was in some manner con- 
fiscated, and so the purchaser lost his prize. His later and last col- 
lection is owned hy the writer of this article. Among the many 
societies of which Dr. Thomson was a member, two stand pre- 
eminently conspicuous, The Zodlogical Society of London and the 
Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. I am credibly in- 


formed the degree of Ph. D. was bestowed upon him by Columbia 
College of New York City. 

Among his published articles is a monograph on the Terrestrial 
Mollusca of his native county. He was a most careful and _ pains- 
taking worker in his chosen field, and was an acknowledged authority 
among his peers. The doctor was a most delightful companion, and 
the many hours he spent in my family are remembered and cherished 
with keenest pleasure. ‘To that noble band of pioneers in conchol- 
ogical study and labors in the United States (of whom, alas, so few 
survive) we offer our most grateful thanks, and to the departed 
write, Requiescat in pace. A. B. Kenpie. 

Brookline, Mass., Dec. 19, 1899. 



Pyramidula alternata rarinotata n. v. 

Similar to the typical form in size, form and sculpture, but very 
sparsely marked with comparatively small chestnut spots on a pale 
brownish-corneous or dirty buff ground; streaks on the base nearly 
obsolete. | 

Caldwell, Fayette and Jackson counties, Texas. 

Mr. Bryant Walker called my attention to this form, sending spe- 
cimens from Caldwell and Fayette counties, collected by Mr. J. A. 
Singley ; and I find in the collection of the Academy some speci- 
mens sent me by Hon. J. D. Mitchell, from the Navidad. River bot- 
tom, Jackson Go. 

Zonitoides neomexicanus Cockerell & Pilsbry, n. sp. 

Shell minute, depressed, in form similar to Zonitoides minusculus ; 
whitish corneous, somewhat translucent, fragile, the umbilicus wide, 
its width contained 24 times in the greatest diameter of the shell. 
Surface marked with very fine but rather sharp growth striz, and 
crowded, microscopic spirals throughout, the spirals conspicuous to 
the apex. Whorls 34, quite convex, the last everywhere well 
rounded. Aperture round-lunate, the penultimate whorl excising 
about one fourth the circumference of the peristome; lip thin and 
acute, a little dilated at the columellar margin. | 


Alt. nearly 0.8, greatest diameter 1.7 mm. Another specimen is 

slightly larger, diam. about 2 mm. 

Dripping Spring, Organ Mts., New Mexico, about 5,700 feet alt., 
Sept., 1899, coll. by ‘T. D. A. Cockerell. 

This species differs from all the minuseulus group in being con- 
spicuously though very minutely striate spirally, the strive extending 
to the very apex, as in the southern race of. Zonitotdes milium. It 
differs from medium in wanting the peculiar wrinkle-sculpture so 
characteristic of that form. 72. extguus is evidently a nearer cousin 
of the new form, having a similar system of spirals, likewise extend- 
ing upon the nepionic whorl, but it is larger, with less broad umbil- 
icus, and a conspicuously different coarser sculpture of. oblique lam- 
ine. Zonitoides neomexicanus may well go between exiguus and 
milium in the list of species. 


Mr. Simpson’s entertaining account of Helicina Dysoni under 
difficulties, in the June, 1897, Nauritus, is exceedingly entertain- 
ing; the shower of Helicinas that followed the stirring up with a 
pole was decidedly unique, the first of the kind on record, for though 
‘raining cats and dogs” is an old story, a shower of snails, like 
snailing with a pole, is a new departure. As an humble disciple of 
Izaak Walton, I have in years gone by done considerable in the way 
of fishing with a pole; the man that goes_snailing with a pole will 
bear watching—by the snails. The special habitat or station of ZH. 
Dysoni, roosting in the palms, brought to mind what my friend, the 
late Henry Edwards, well known as a good entomologist, good actor 
and a good fellow, told me about the babits and habitat of the cur- 
ious Helix (Paryphanta) Busbyi collected by him in New Zealand. 
(The specimens he gave to me are now in the U. S. National 
Museum. ) Helix Busby lives in the tops of. the tall Kauri pines, 
hiding in the axils where the birds ‘ go for him.” In order to sepa- 
rate the soft parts, which they want, from the shell, which they do 
not want, they seize the animal when protruded from the shell and 
whack away to the right and left ag: uinst the twig or branch they are 
perching on until their purpose is accomplished, when the shell 
drops to the ground, and is found generally in a battered condition. 
The Maoris have a name for these shells which signifies that they 
come from heaven, which is probably a mistake. 


When in Florida, in 1869, on Long Key, one pleasant morning I 
noticed several specimens of Polygyra septemvolva here and there on 
the sand. ‘All dead,’ I said to myself, lest the snails might hear 
me, ‘‘ there must be fire where there is so much smoke, there must be 
live snails where there are so many dead ones,” so I started in to hunt 
close. After a while I detected them snugly lurking in the axils of 
some very large thistles. I did not gather them in, as Simpson did, 
when on the war path for his Helicinas, by charging on ’em with a 
pole. My legs being well protected by high-cut hunting boots, I 
kicked out vigorously a la mustang in an underthrust way against the 
butt of the thistle plants, and the result was a jerking of numerous 
snails hither and yon in a somewhat promiscuous way ; the success 
of the performance, judged by the result, caused me to second the 
motion, and I gathered in a goodly number, enough for my own col- 
lection and for distribution among my friends. What the snails 
thought of the performance I have never learned, and Simpson, it 
will be noticed, is reticent on this point touching his Helicinas. 

As to my prowess as a collector, it would be unwise to say anything 
as long as my friend Henry Hemphill is on the face of the earth, but 
I dare to say that dear old Doctor Neweomb, of blessed memory, 
was so generally successful in that line as to justify my placing him 
near the head of the class. Well, the good Doctor and myself once 
on a time, away back in June, 1867, went conchologizing up the 
coast of California to Bodega Bay. We found the collecting ground 
very limited in extent, though we got about 90 species; we also 
gathered in nearly 500 dead shells of Helix MNickliniana, grouped 
formerly with Arzonta, but now Doctor Pilsbry, expert, editor, etc., 
comes to the front and unblushingly says these west coasters must 
tumble to the name of Hpiphragmophora, which is hard on the poor 
snails, and a rather long word to write. Well, there were hundreds 
of ’em on the surface of the sand, but not one living one could we find. 
That is what we didn’t get, one live Nickliniana. Where they kept 
themselves we couldn’t discover. We hunted high, we hunted low, 
dug into the sand around the roots of the stunted shrubs that manage 
to live in this cold, windy, exposed locality, and rummaged about 
generally, without success, and when the sun went down we retired 
from the field in good order with our flags at half mast, somewhat 
the worse for the rough day and bad luck in the snail business, 
though we had the pleasure of each other's company, and that counts 


for a good deal as the world goes. Probably the snails had stepped 
out through fear of being called Hpiphragmophora; who knows? per- 
haps, Dr. Pilsbry can tell, Ae ought to know, jee ae Oe 

[ But I don’t.—H. P.] 


In March, 1897, Mr. T. L. Montgomery, Librarian of the Wagner 
Free Institute of Science, brought from Bermuda some live specimens 
of Rumina decollata. Some of these were given to my young friend, 
Mr. H. 8. Viereck, while the others were placed among some plants 
kept in the museum of the Institute. Mr. Viereck placed them in 
his yard in Philadelphia. They flourished and increased greatly in 
numbers during the summer and survived the winter of 1897-98. 
During the summer of 1898 they again thrived, but in the following 
spring only dead shells could be found ; the blizzard of February, 1899, 
was probably too severe for them. 

The specimens kept at the Institute are still vigorous, but produced 
only one brood. ‘Through the kindness of Mr. Viereck, I obtained, 
in September, some live European Helices, including Helicella ertce- 
torum, collected by his sister in Germany. An old aquarium. was 
quickly turned into a snailery ; thinking that the Rumina would en- 
joy new quarters, a few were also placed in the snailery. A day or 
so afterwards, when giving the Helices some cabbage leaves, I noticed 
that the Rumina seemed very close to the Helicella. On picking up 
a specimen, I was greatly surprised to find the former greedily de- 
vouring the poor ertcetorum. I could not blame the carnivorous fel- 
low, for it was probably the first ‘‘square meal” it had had since it 
was taken from its island home. The lesson to be learned is, do not 
put your carnivorous and herbivorous shells in the same quarters, if 
you want to keep both alive. 


Limax coccineus, Gistel.—Through the kindness of Dr. T. S. 
Palmer, I have been able to see the hitherto overlooked description 
of Limax coccineus, Gistel, Naturgeschichte des Thierreichs, 1848, 


p- 168. This slug is said to be 9’ long, bright red (hochroth) in 
front, with blackish stripes behind the head, tentacles red-granular, 
mouth, white. Is it not surely the common red Arion of Central 
Europe, now known as A. rufus (or empiricorum), var. lamarckit, 
Kal., 1851? If so, Gistel’s name coceineus has priority for the 
variety, and must be adopted. 

This work of Gistel’s has in it several other new names for 
mollusca. On p. 173, Hugira is proposed for Jridina, Lam. This 
appears to be needless, but some may hold that it interferes with the 
later Hugyra, Ald., 1870. The following are. supposed new species : 
Helix platychela from Sicily, p. 167; H. erycina from Sicily, p. 167 ;. 
H, jenisoniana from Montenegro, p. 167; Clausilia grossa from 
Croatia, p. 167; Bulimus meridionalis, p. 167; B. pellucidus from 
S. Russia, p. 167; Linneus flavescens from Spain, p. 168. The #. 
platychela and erycina are probably the Sicilian forms already in the 
literature, otherwise credited. Clausilia grossa may be the species 
of Ziegler. The other names seemed to have been overlooked.—T. 
D. A. CocKERELL. | 

Daniels, of La Porte, Indiana, has recently sent me typical speci- 
mens of P. auriculata collected by him in a hammock one mile south 
of Tampa, Florida, thus supplying an authentic gulf coast locality for 
the species. Since they were received, I thought to look in Mr. C. 
T. Simpson’s ‘‘ Contributions to the Mollusca of Florida,’’ Proce. 
Davenport Acad. Nat. Sci., V., 1889, p. 65, where he reports P. 
auriculata as common in Manatee county. There is a possibility 
that some locality records for auriculuta may have been based on 
specimens of P. uvulifera bicornuta.—H. A. P. 

In JANUARY NumBeEr.— Page 108, line 12, for hurpa read harpa. 

Page 103, line 16, for Sagi read Sayit. 

Page 103, line 28, for fine read five. 

Page 104, lines 27, 28, read Limnea emarginata mighelst Binn. 

Page 104, line 30, omit Caribou. 

Page 105, line 33, read Pomatiopsis cincinnatiensis Lea, and line 
34 omit A. cincinnatiensis. 

Page 106, line 13, for rear read rare, and for Westmoreland read 
Westorgulant ilocos O. NYLANDER. | 



AnTILLES. By Wm. H. Dall. (Proc. U. S. Nat. Museum, Vol. 
XXII, pp. 107-112, 1899.)—In monographing the fossil species, Dr. 
Dall has found it necessary to make many changes in nomenclature 
involving many of the recent species. The following is a list of the 
recent species as revised by Dr. Dall: 

East American Species. 

Solen viridis Say. Rhode Island to Georgia. 

Solen (Solena) obliqua Spengler. Cuba, Porto Rico, St. Thomas. 

(S. rudis Sowb. not C. B. Ads. + philippinarum Sowb. not Hanley 
are synonyms. ) . 

Ensis directus Conrad. Labrador to Indian Key, Florida, Pliocene 
to recent. 

(‘“‘H. americana Beck,” of H. & A. Ads., is probably a manuscript 
name. Solen siliqua Chickering, not Linn, is a synonym. ‘This 
species was generally confounded with Solen magnus Schumacker, 
under the name of Soden ens’s Linn., by the earlier American authors, 

In this connection Dr. Dall seems to have overlooked as a synonym 
S. americana Gould. (Invertebrates of Mass., Binney ed., p. 42, 1870), 
a name used by most American conchologists. .Solen directus was 
described by Conrad (Proc. Acad. Nat, Sci., p. 325, 1843) as a fossil, 
from what he considered a miocene deposit fifteen miles below New 
Berne, N.C. This formation is now known as the Croatan beds of 

the Pliocene. 

Ensis minor Dall. Cape May to Florida and Texas, ‘This is 

Solen ensis var, minor of some of the earlier writers, and bears to #. 

directus the same relation the Hns7s ens?s Linn., of Europe, does to 
the North European /. magnus Schum. It differs from the young 
of #. directus in having the valves wider behind than in front and 
relatively narrower as a whole. 

Siliqua squama Blainville, Grand inks of Newfoundland and 
Gulf of St. Lawrence.. 

“This is Machera nitida Gould, and Cultellus medius Sowb. (not 

Siliqua costata Say. Gulf of St. eee south to Cape Hatteras, 

‘<The following are synonymous names: Solecurtoides nahantensis 
Desmoulins; S. sayi Gray; S. radiatus Ravenel (not Linnzus) ; 


Cultellus grayanus Sowb. (not Dunker?); Cultellus subsulcatus Sowb.; 
Cultellus belcheri (as of Gray manuscript) Sowb.; not C. ecostatus 
Middendorf nor Sowerby. 

Psammosolen sancte-marthe (Chemn.) Orbigny. N. Carolina, 
Bermuda, the Antilles and south to Rio Janeiro. 

Psammosolen cumingianus Dunker. N. Carolina to Texas and 
Sao Paulo, Brazil. 

West American Species. 

Solen sicarius Gould. Vancouver Island to San Pedro, California. 

Solen rosaceus Carpenter. Santa Barbara, Cal., south to the Gulf 
of California. . 

Solen mexicanus Dall. West coast of Tehuantepec, Mexico. 

Solen (Solena) rudis C. B. Adams. Panama. 

« Confounded with S. obliquus Spengl. of the Antilles, by Carpenter 
and Sowerby.” 

Ensis californicus Dall. Monterey, Cal., south to the Gulf of 

Siliqua lucida Conrad. Monterey to San Diego, Cal. 

Confounded with the young of S. nuttallii by Carpenter and Gabb. 

Siliqua media Gray. Okhotsk and Bering Seas northward to the 
Arctic Ocean at Cape Lisburne. 

Syn. Machera costata Midd. (not Say); S. borealis Conrad. 

Stiqua patula Dixon. Okhotsk Sea, the southern border of Ber- 
ing Sea and the Gulf of Alaska to Sitka. | 

Syn. Solen maximus Wood (not Gmel.); S. gigas Dillw.; S. gran- 
dis (Hinds’ manuscript, as of Gmelin) Dunker; Carpenter; S. sp/len- 
dens Chenu. 

Siliqua (patula var.) alta Brod. and Sowb. Bering Sea and Strait. 

Syn. Cultellus costatus Sowb. (not Say). 

Stliqua (patula var.) nuttallii Conrad. Lituya Bay, Alaska, south 
to Oregon and Monterey, California. 

Syn. S. californica Conrad, and S. nuttali Sowb. 

The following new species are described : 

Solen mexicanus. Gulf of Tehuantepec. 

Ensis californicus. From 14 fathoms sand, off the Island of San 
Pedro Martir, Gulf of California. 

Tagelus poeyi. Cuba; mouth of Old River, Belize; Greytown, 
Nicaragua, and Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Some scattered notes on 
Tagelus gibbus Spengler, are also given. : 


Vor. XIII. MARCH, 1900. | No. 11. 



The enquiry suggested by me in the Nautitus for January (p. 
100) has been quickly answered. Mrs. Oldroyd has kindly forwarded 
to me three specimens of Petricola from Long Beach, Cal., collected 
by Mrs. Blood, which solve the problem as to the adult form of Car- 
penter’s Psephis tellimyal’s beyond all shadow of a doubt. The little 
brown radiated nepionic shells appear with astonishing distinctness 
against the white shell of the adult Petricola. What is still more 
curious is that these dark-colored tips must fade, as in all the museum 
series extending from San Pedro to Peru not a single one retains the 
color, and one of Mrs. Blood’s specimens has very little. There are 
two species of Petricola, belonging to the section Petr/colar/a Stol- 
iczka, on the coast of California, neither of which goes much north 
of San Pedro. One is the elongate P. cognata C. B. Adams (the 
analogue of the east coast P. pholadiformis), also named gracilis by 
Deshayes. The other has the following synonymy, and very likely 


P. denticulata Shy. P. Z. S., 1834, p. 47. 

P. ventricosa (Deshayes Ms.) Sowerby, Thes. Conch., p. 773, pl. 
166, figs. 6, 7, 1854 (in synonymy ). 

P. nivea Sowerby op. cit., p. 778, pro parte, not of Gmelin, 1792. 

P. tenuis Sowerby 1834, C. B: Adams and others, pro parte. 


Psephis tellimyalis Cpr. B. A. Rep. Moll. Western N. Am., p. 
641, 1864; Journ. de Conchyl. xii, p. 185, 1865 (larval shell). — 

This species belongs to the middle American or Panamic fauna 
and is known to extend as far north as San Pedro and south to the 
Peruvian coast. The P. cognata is somewhat more restricted and 
seems most abundant in the Gulf of California. It has been found 
as far north as San Diego. The P. nivea (Mytilus niveus Chemn.) 
Gmelin, is an Indo-Pacific species, very similar to P. denticulata and 
confounded with it by most of the early writers. 



Epiphragmophora Bowersi, n. sp. 

Shell umbilicated, convex ; epidermis olivaceous; spire slightly 
elevated ; whorls between 4 and 5, convex, gradually increasing ; 
suture well defined ; aperture transverse, nearly circular; peristome 
whitish, thin, very slightly expanded at the basal portion, at the 
columella broadly reflected, yet leaving the umbilicus entirely open, 
showing within the whorls to the apex ; base convex, 

A well-defined, moderately broad, light-chestnut band revolves 
above the centre of the body whorl, and is visible above the suture 
on the whorl preceding the last ; lines of growth close and distinctly 

Greater diameter 13, lesser 10, height 6 mm. 

Location, San Jacinto Mts., Riverside County, California. 


The above is the title of a paper of the greatest importance to all 
collectors of shells, and especially to those having charge of museums 
where the shells are usually glued to cards or tablets. Although no 
corrosion of shells has been noticed in the coilections of this country, 
it is well to be on the lookout, and to guard against all apparent 


1 The Corrosion of Shells in Cabinets. By L. St. G. Byne, M.Sc. With a 
prefatory note by T. Cosmo Melvill, M. A., F. L.S. The Journal of Conchol- 
ogy. Vol. ix., pp. 172-178, and pp. 253-254, 1899, 

Seay Mee CSS ae 


Mr. Melvill says: I first noticed the deterioration of a Mitra 
(Zierliana) ziervogeliana in our National Collection, now many years 
ago, and a year or two afterwards the disease had spread to another 
example on the same tablet. I have never had any specimens in 
my own collection thus attacked, excepting one, and that I fancy 
must have come into my possession diseased, and it was forthwith 
destroyed. But none of these are glued or affixed in any way to 
tablets, as is the case in most museums, but are either placed loose 
on cotton wool, or in glass-topped boxes. I may add that I have 
seen too frequently in the almost hermetically-sealed drawers under 
the cases in the British Museum a dulness first pervading the exter- 
ior of certain smooth species more markedly e. g., Conus; Cypraa, and 
especially Naticide, ‘Then grey acid efflorescence, both tasting and 
smelling strongly of vinegar, covers the whole surface like a powder, 
rising doubtless from the interior, and the specimens are soon almost 
irretrievably ruined. This evil being, therefore, of most serious sig- 
nificance, the sooner one is able to cope with it satisfactorily the 
better, and I am sure our best thanks are due to Mr. Byne for hav- 
ing been the first to take the matter in hand. 

From Mr. Byne’s exhaustive paper we extract the following : 

“ The shells which formed the subject of my experiments were 
from the National Collection at South Kensington, furnished me 
through the courtesy and kindness of Mr. E. A. Smith. ‘These alone 
are referred to unless where otherwise distinctly stated. The shells 
in the cabinet drawers are in many instances either partially or en- 
tirely destroyed, the surface being corroded and covered with a fine 
white powder substance, which can be easily scraped off with a knife. 
This caused them to resemble Eocene mollusca. 

Many species are quite unrecognizable on account of the surface 
being eaten away so deeply. The destruction has traveled from 
shell to shell and drawer to drawer, like a disease, several valuable 
specimens being spoilt. 

The mischief has assumed large proportions, and being still on the 
increase causes the greatest anxicty. 

The most remarkable facts are— 

1. Only marine species are attacked. 

2. Highly polished shells, such as those of Cyprea, are the most 
liable to be affected. 

3. It does not extend to every specimen in a drawer, and of sev- 
eral mounted on the same tablet, perhaps one only is attacked. . 


4. Loose shells are also destroyed, but there are comparatively few _ 
of these compared with the number of those mounted on ecards. 

). The shells affected are from twenty to fifty years old, but the 
corrosion does not appear until after the lapse of about ten years. 
The process is thus an extremely slow one. 

6. It occurs principally amongst the shells kept in drawers in the 
dark, where the air is confined and seldom changed. 

7. If the tongue be placed against one of the shells, an astringent 
alum-like taste will be observed. 

We now come to the consideration of possible causes of corrosion. 
They appear to me to be four in number. 

I. Damp.—lIt the shells were placed in a room or gallery that was 
not properly warmed, a very probable reason would be that a fungus 
had been formed, eating away the surface of the shell. The shell 
gallery of the Natural History Museum is, I am assured, excessively 
dry. This cause is, therefore, excluded. 

Il. The action of sulphuric acid.—It is well known that the atmos- 
phere of cities contains free sulphuric acid (in addition to other 
sulphur compounds) derived from household fires and the burning of 
coal-gas. This acting over a period of years would slowly eat away 
the calcium. carbonate of the shell, forming calcium sulphate. If this 
were the explanation, then the whole of the white powdery substance 
on the surface of the shell would consist of calcium sulphate. Analy- 
sis, however, showed that none was present. 

IlI. Presence of salt.—Shells that had not been soaked in fresh 
water before being placed in the cabinets would contain salt, not 
only in the epidermis, but also held mechanically amongst the parti- 
cles of calcium carbonate. It is highly probable that its presence 
would exert a deleterious influence. 

Chemical tests showed that it was practically absent in the shells 
examined, a fact that occasioned some surprise, 

IV. Action of an acid substance.—After carefully considering all 
the facts in my possession, I have come to the conclusion that the 
corrosion is due to the action of butyric acid, 

Upon opening the box of shells sent me by Mr. EK. A. Smith, I at 
once noticed a pungent vinegar-like odor, which pervaded the fin- 
gers and everything that came in contact with them. ‘This pointed to 
the presence of acids of the acetic series. Analysis showed that every 
shell contained butyric acid, as calcium butyrate. A few contained 


calcium acetate. Butyric acid is a product of the fermentation of 
animal matter, and its original source was found in the following 
manner; A specimen of Strombus tricornis was soaked in ‘distilled 
water for a week. <A piece about the size of a pea, of a grayish gela- 
tinous substance was found at the bottom of the glass vessel. This 
had come from the interior of the shell, and chemical tests showed it 
to beorganic matter. The shell had probably been more than twenty 
years in the Museum. 

This at once furnished the explanation which I now bring forward, 
namely: That the pieces of the animal left in the shell, through in- 
sufficient cleaning or otherwise, ferment, setting free butyric acid. 
This substance is extremely volatile, and pervades the whole of the 
drawers and cabinets. ‘The amount present can only be extremely 
small, but acting as it does for so many years, it slowly eats away 
the surface to a considerable extent, converting the calcium carbon- 
ate into calcium butyrate. 

The reason that land and fresh-water species are not attacked is 
that their epidermis acts, so to speak, as a coat of mail. Hence, 
highly-polished species of Cyprwa, ete., are the most liable to corro- 
sion through lack of such protection. 

The fact that the shells exposed to daily public inspection in the 
top cases are less attacked is explained on the hypothesis that the 
light acts as a deterrent. I have also come to the conclusion that the 
gum used in attaching the shells to the tablets has something to do 
with the corrosion. The majority of the shells affected in the Na- 
tional Collection are gummed to tablets. As far as can be ascer- 
tained, the corrosion has never occurred in private collections where 
the shells are and always have been loose. The gum ferments, 
acetic acid being formed. This eats away the calcium carbonate, 
forming calcium acetate; this latter substance was found in several 
of the shells examined, in addition to the calcium butyrate. 

V. Prevention.—In the case of those shells which are badly 
affected, nothing can be done, and their instant removal is absolutely 
essential, for if left, they only increase the mischief with those just 
beginning to show signs of corrosion. I recommend that they be 
soaked for twenty-four hours in a solution of corrosive sublimate (1 
part in 1,000 water) and then thoroughly dried. 

As an experiment, all shells should be subjected to such treatment, 
in the hope that it may prove effectual. It is quite impossible to say 


beforehand whether this will be an infallible remedy. Time only 
can prove its efficacy. 

On page 235 of the same volume Mr, Byne gives the following 
supplementary notes to his former observations : 

“At the time of writing my former paper I did not possess any 
knowledge of bacteriology, but I had come to the conclusion some 
months before that the corrosion was due originally to the action of 
bacteria. I am now enabled, through the kindness of Dr. Ewart, to 
adduce a considerable amount of evidence in support of this. I still 
adhere to the five items of my previous summary. 

The white powdery substance upon the surface of the shells was 
found to consist of calcium butyrate, in some instances mixed with 
calcium acetate. It was formed by the action of butyric and acetic 
acids upon the calcium carbonate of the shell structure. 

Since butyric acid does not occur in the atmosphere, it can hardly 
have had an external origin. It must, therefore, have been derived 
from fermentative processes occurring in the organic material of the 
shell, or of adhering portions of the molluscan inhabitant. Both 
aérobic and anaérobic bacteria are known which can cause various 
carbohydrates to ferment, producing butyric and acetic acids. It is 
very often the case that a portion of the liver is left attached to the . 
shell, especially to the apex. This might easily undergo butyric 
fermentation, and, moreover, the same might occur with the adhesive 
substance used to fix the specimen to its card. Both aérobic and 
anaérobic butyric bacteria exist, but the common forms are anaéro- 
bic. Hence we should expect to find the danger of spoiling in- 
creased with imperfect aération in closed or hermetically sealed 
cases, in which at the same time there would be no possibility of the 
acid products escaping. A little moisture is required to start the 
fermentation ; hence, dry cases should escape, and even in damp air 
the process can only take place with great slowness, for so soon as 
the products accumulate to a certain extent, fermentation ceases 
until they have been removed. 

That the mischief is of bacterial origin is supported by the follow- 
ing facts : 

1. Butyric acid has been found. 

This could only be produced by the butyric fermentation of carbo- 
hydrates, or even proteid substances. Acetic acid is amongst the 
fermentative products of butyric bacteria, and calcium acetate has 

been found in some of the shells. 


2. The shells in the top cases that are exposed to light are practically 

This points strongly to bacteria. The deadly action of direct 
sunlight on bacteria is well known, and may produce death in from 
five minutes to an hour when they are in the vegetative condition. 
Even strong diffuse daylight suffices to retard or even inhibit the de- 
velopment of many bacteria. 

3. The shells in the drawers kept in the dark are the worst at- 
tacked. | 

This necessarily follows from the above statement. Darkness is 
favorable to the development of these fermentative organisms. 
Within the shell the bacteria would even in the top.cases be pro- 
tected from the inimical effect of light. 

I stated in my former paper that the corrosion had not occurred in 
private collections. Since its publication I have been informed that 
some shells in a large private collection at Birmingham have been 
badly corroded, and have caused anxiety for some time past. 


It must surely be conceded that an infallible remedy cannot be 
given. My critics have either overlooked or paid no attention to 
the fact that the corrosion does not appear until after the lapse of 
about ten years. 

The suggestions received are: 

1. Boiling in oil. | 

2. Rubbing over the surface with such substances as oil of tur- 
pentine oil of cloves, and formalin. 

I am of the opinion that these may be dismissed as ineffectual. 
Now that we know that the corrosion is caused by bacteria, I am more 
than ever convinced that soaking in corrosive sublimate solution, 
combined with previous thorough cleaning, will prove effectual. It 
must be remembered that corrosive sublimate is an extremely potson- 
onous substance. The drawers should be thoroughly aérated at in- 
tervals, to remove accumulated acid vapors, which will never be 
present in more than minute traces. 

The drawers should also be kept well dried. 


In treating of this species both Binney and Stearns have com- 
mented on its variability. In examining the series in our collection 
it appears to me that three well-marked races or subspecies exist, 
which may be readily distinguished. 

Typical mormonum is large and depressed, pale reddish corneous, 
often fading to a paler tint on the base ; the brown girdle is conspic- 
uously darker, and broadly bordered with white above and below. 
Surface glossy, sculptured with growth-wrinkles only, or if spiral 
strie are present they are very faint; apex minutely granulose. 
Diam. 29-31, alt. 14-15 mm., sometimes smaller. Whorls 6. 

Mormon Island, in the American River, Sacramento Co., Cal. 
(type locality); Tuolumne Co. (Hemphil!). 

Binney’s figures represent Pfeiffer’s type. 

Var. cala, nev. Smaller and less depressed ; dark reddish brown, 
the peripheral girdle not conspicuously darker, yellow-bordered ; sur- 
face sculptured with dense minute spiral strive ; whorls 55; diam. 22, 
alt. 14 mm., or diam. 26,alt.15 mm. Types from Big Trees, Cala- 
veras co., Cal.; Fred. L. Button, H. Hemphill. 

Much commoner in collections than the pale, glossy typical form. 

Var. buttont, n. v. Color as in var. cala, but shell more depressed, 
periphery more or less carinated in front, the surface studded with 
minute prominences which bear rather long golden-brown hairs when 
unrubbed ; granulation of the apex more strongly developed. Whorls 
03. Diam. 22-24, alt. 114-12 mm. 

Nassau Valley, Calaveras Co., Button. Redding, Shasta Co.; 
McGregor. Probably some larger shells collected by Hemphill at 
Cave City, Tuolumne Co., belong to this variety, but the specimens 
before me are in poor condition. The largest measures 29 mm. diam. 

This variety forms a transition to 4. hillebrandi, which is only an- 
other term in the variation series, as Stearns has already remarked. 




Calliostoma Veliei n. sp. 
Shell imperforate, high-conic, moderately solid, white, with a series 
of small, reddish macule at the periphery of each whorl. Whorls 


nearly 7, the first one smooth and rounded, the rest lightly concave 
avove and sculptured with four equal beaded spirals (and some inter- 
stitial threads on the last whorl or two), with a much broader, more 
prominent spiral rib at the periphery and projecting above each su- 
ture, where a narrower spiral shows below it; the last whorl quite 
convex just below the prominent rib, the base moderately convex, 
and sculptured with 14 beaded spirals, contiguous toward the periph- 
ery, but more separated and with interstitial threads in the intervals 
on the rest of the base, which is further sculptured by fine, curved, 
radial grooves. Three or four of the spirals are rather sparsely 
dotted with red. Aperture trapezoidal, white and pearly within ; 
columella pearly, white and concave above, ending below in a slight 
tooth. Alt. 104, diam. 93 mm. 

Caxambas Pass, S.-W. Florida, collected in 1898 by Dr. J. W. 
Velie, in whose honor it is named. 


Onty A ONE-TENTH OysTER Crorv.—Thbis has been the poorest 
year in ten in the oyster industry of Maryland. In years past from 
5,000,000 to 10,000,000 bushels of oysters have been taken from the 
bay. This year the yield will be about 1,000,000 bushels. 

The question of legislation for the protection of the oysters has 
agitated the state for years, but in the meantime the bivalve is dis- 
appearing. Notwithstanding the diminishing supply, however, there 
have been sufficient oysters to keep going all the packing houses in 
Baltimore. which employ about 5000 people. Nearly 500 dredging 
boats are sailing out of Baltiniore.— Phila. Record, Dec. 30. 

BivaLvE SuHevi_s Usep in Manita ror Winpow PAnNes.— 
-In Manila, where there is an interesting field open to the naturalist, 
the natives have an odd substitute for glass. It is a bivalve shell of 
about nine inches of surface, so transparent that print can be readily 
seen through it, and admitting a mellow light in a room where it 
is used as window glass. The shell is an attractive object, flat, 
and in appearance resembles isinglass. One could almost imagine 
that it was some skillful invention of the natives, could not the growth 
rings be readily observed. ‘The outer side of the shell is perceptibly 
rough, while the interior is perfectly glazed over and in the light has 
the pearly lustre found in many of the thin-shelled, oyster-like mollusks 


of the tropics. The shell is the Placuna placenta of science, and is 
well known in China, the common name being -the Chinese window 
oyster. It is employed there also for windows and used in lanterns. 
The Chinese grind up the shell and make from it the silver paint so 
common in their water colors. The bivalve is very common in 
the Philippines, and forms a very good and cheap substitute for 
glass.— The Phila. Record. 

Unionip& 1n A TUNNEL.—I am interested in two examples of 
Margaritana margaritifera var. falcata, taken in a water tunnel near 
Santa Cruz, in this state (California), 700 feet from the mouth of the 
tunnel, and 3800 feet underground. They differ from the normal 
specimens in being both unusually large and thin, the nacre being 
very richly colored.—F rep L. Button. 

PURPURA CORONATA Lam. in AMERICA.—This well-known West 
African species has been reported from Demerara and ‘Trinidad by 
the Rev. A. H. Cooke. Living specimens were collected at Liv- 
ingston, Guatemala, in the spring of 1899, by Mr. Silas L. Schumo, 
and are now in the collection of the Academy.—H. A. Pivspry. 

HATCHIE River, FLoripa.—In recently working over (with the 
assistance of Mr. E. G. Vanatta) a lot of fine material, mostly ob- 
tained in cleaning the larger mollusca, collected by the late Dr. H. E. 
Griffith, ten valves of Chitons were found. These were kindly stud- 
ied by Dr. Pilsbry, with the following results : 

Chetopleura apiculata Say. One head and two central valves. 

Ischnochiton papillosus C. B. Ads. Two central valves. 

Ischnochiton striolatus Gray. One head and one central valve. 

Acanthochites pygmaeus Pilsbry. One central valve. 

The two other central valves were too imperfect for determination. 

Isch. striolatus has only been recorded recent from St. Thomas and 

Dr. Dall, in his work on the Tertiary Fauna of Florida” (Trans. 
Wagener Free Inst. Sci., Vol. III, pt. 2, p. 485), records but one 
species, Acanthochites spiculosus Reeve; ‘‘A fragment of a central 
valve,” ‘‘ too imperfect to make the identification certain.””—C. W. 



Nores On VERONICELLA.—lIn Journ. Institute of Jamaica, Vol. 
2, p. 601 (1899), Mr. H. Vendryes publishes without descriptions the 
names of two varieties of V. s/oanii credited to me. I had not in- 
tended to publish these names, as they seem to represent mutations 
only, but since they are published, it may be well to explain that v. 
maculata is F, No. 24, and vy. subpallida is G, No. 20, of CkIl. & 
Larkin’s paper on the Jamaican species of Veronicella in Journ. of 
Malacology, Vol. 3, pt. 2, 1894. Mr. Vendryes lists Limacellus 
lactescens from Jamaica, but it belongs to North America, and has 
not been found in the West Indies. When the locality of it was 
unknown, I guessed that it might possibly have come from Jamaica, 
along with the Veronicella described at the same time by Blainville. 
Dr. Simroth has lately (cf. Zool. Record for 1898, Mollusca, p. 62) 
applied the name decipiens to an African Veronicella. This must be 
changed, as Semper has used the same name for a South American 
species.—T. D. A. CocKERELL. 

My friend, F. W. Kelsey, of San Diego, Cal., recently sent me a 
peculiar Lithophagus, taken near that city, which I at once recog- 
nized as a Myoforceps, and Dr. Dall afterwards kindly determined 
the species as M. aristatus Dillwyn. The finding of this interesting 
species, with its elongate, crossed ends, in shell ground which has 
been well worked for so many years, is worthy of note and to the 
eredit of the enthusiastic collector named. The fact that mature 
specimens are found imbedded in hard rock is proof that it is not of 
very recent introduction.—F rep. L. Burron. 


North AMERICA AND THE West INpvies. By Wm. H. DALtt. 
(Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. xxi., pp. 873-897, plates 87 and. 88, 

“The Leptonacea form a very interesting and puzzling group. 
Their characters combine features characteristic in other Teleo- 
donts of immaturity, with such as are more probably due to environ- 
mental modifications. Without being in themselves prototypes, they 
exhibit features which we may readily suppose might have been 
characteristic of prototypic Teleodonts. Groups which are really 


staiting. points for numerous subsequently developed genera, are 
usually notable for their tendency to vary and interchange charac- 
ters. In the present case, perhaps, the very general habit of com- 
mensalism or parasitism, has produced degeneration, accompanied by 
a revival of atavistic primary characters.”’ 

Other introductory remarks are followed by a list of species from 
the east and west coasts of North America, with synonymy and dis- 
tribution. From the east coast there are recorded 13 genera, 34 
species and one variety ; from the west coast 12 genera, 33 species 
are listed. 

A list of the tertiary species of the United States is also given, 
containing 73 species, divided among 13 genera, followed by ‘ de- 
scriptions of new species and remarks on others imperfectly known.” 
18 new recent species are described, all of the new species are in- 
cluded in preceding lists. On plate 87 is shown a crab (Gebia pu- 
getensis, Dana), with Hrycina rugifera, Carp., attached by its bys- 
sus to the underside of the abdomen of the crab. C. WE 

Tue Mouiusk FAUNA OF, THE: PRIBILOF IsLanps.—By Wm. 
H. Dall. (Extracted from, The Seals and Fur-Seal Islands of the 
North Pacific Ocean, Pt. IIT, pp. 539-546, 1899.) 

A very interesting paper on the geographical distribution of species 
and the physical characteristics of the region. The faunal summary 
gives a total of 86 forms. Only three land shells are known from the 
group: Succinea chrysis, Vitrina exilis and Pupa decora var. A 
fauual summary of the Commander Islands given for comparison, 
shows a total of 74 species from those islands, including six land and 
three fresh-water forms: Limax hyperboreus, V. exilis, H. radiatula, 
Conulus fulvus, Patula ruderata var. pauper, P. decora, Limnea ovata, 
L. humilis and Pisidium e@quilaterale. Fossil mollusks were found 

only on St. Paul Island. 

ON OTHER Mouiusca FrRoM New Soutu Wass. By Charles 
Hedley. (Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. W., pt. 8, pp. 429-434, Dec. 1899.) 
Following Dr. Dall’s classification, Mr. Hedley places this interesting 
genus in the subfamily Sarepting; the type is a new species A. picta. 
A new species, 7einostoma starkeye, is described and figured. Solen 
sluanit Gray, Neritula lucida, Cassis nana 'T. Woods, Cantharus 

waterhousie Braz., are also figured.—C. W. J. 

= 4 




Vou. XIII. APRIL, 1900. No. 12. 



The sound judgment and critical acumen of that great naturalist, 
Thomas Say, has been exemplified not only in the large proportion 
of his species which have withstood the scrutiny of the ‘ higher criti- 
cism ”’ of the modern school of conchologists, but also by the number 
which in recent years have been rescued from the synonymical bone- 
yard, to which they had been relegated by his immediate successors, 
and restored to their original integrity. 

The fine species which he described in 1824 as Planorbis corpulen- 
tus has been one of the most unfortunate of these forgotten species in 
its scientific history. Owing, no doubt, in a large measure to its 
- extreme rarity, it has been constantly misapprehended, not only by 
all the descriptive writers, but by nearly every one who has had oc- 
casion to refer to it. 

The earlier American conchologists were unanimous in referring 
to it unusually large specimens of P. trivolvis, and generally consid- 
ered it a form of that species and doubtful, even, of varietal rank. 

In 1841, Haldeman referred to it a large Planorbis collected by 
Nuttall, in the Lewis river, Oregon, and his example was followed by 
Gould, Chenu, Clessin, Tristram and Sowerby. W. G. Binney 
(1865) was “inclined to believe that Say had before him a form of 
P. trivolvis when he drew his description of P. corpulentus,” and con- 
sidered the west coast species referred to that form by Haldeman, 


Gould and others, to be a distinct species. It is evident from the 
museum register given by Binney, that he had no Canadian exam- 
ples of the species before him, although he remarks that he “had 
seen no specimens from the localities visited by Mr. Say while on 
Long’s expedition that were not forms of P. trivolvis.”’ 

Tryon, in his supplement to Haldeman, affirmed Binney’s opinion, 
referred corpulentus to trivolvis, and described the western form as 
P. binneyt. 

This decision, so far as it differentiates the west coast form from 
Say’s corpulentus, is undoubtedly correct, and all the west coast cita- 
tions of that species must be eliminated. 

Following the lead of eastern naturalists, the species has been 
cited either specifically, or as a variety of trivolv’s in many of the 
eastern local lists, but without description or remarks. Such are 
Anthony, ‘‘ Cincinnati ;’’ Wheatley, ‘‘ New York to Ohio; Hub- 
bard, ‘“‘ Ohio,”’ and Lewis, ‘ Little Lakes, N. Y.” 

Jay is the only one of the eastern cataloguers who appears to have 
had a specimen from near the original locality, and which possibly 
may have been true. He gives the locality of his example as “* Win- 
nepeck river.”’! 

{t follows therefore that all the citations of this species from the 
eastern and central states must also be rejected. 

There thus remain for consideration only the few citations from 
the Manitoba region of Canada and the northern central part of the 
United States. Say’s original description cites the Winnepeck river, 
Winnepeck Lake, Lake of the Woods aud Rainy Lake. Dawson in 
the ‘‘ Report of the British North American Boundary Commission,” 
quotes it from Flag Island, Lake of the Woods, and remarks that 
‘‘the specimens are from Say’s typical locality and agree perfectly 
with his description. If P. corpulentus is a variety of trivolvis, as 
has been suggested, it is a very well marked one, and is character- 
istic of the open reaches of the lake.” 

1 Part of Say’s collection is now in the American Museum of Natural History 
of New York. Mr. R. P. Whitfield, the Curator, writes: ‘‘ We have in the Say 
collection one shell from the Winnepeck river, but it is not the one figured by 
Say in Long’s Expedition, but is smaller, lacking the outer volution as com- 
pared with that figure. We have one quite large specimen from the J. J. Cooke 
collection from Lake Superior, and four specimens from the W. A. Haines’ col- 
lection, which are labelled Winnepeck river. But I can find no evidence as to 
who collected them or where.” 


Grant in the “ Sixteenth (1887) Annual Report of the Geological 
and Natural History Survey of Minnesota,” cites it from ‘* Vermilion 
Lake and all over St. Louis and Lake Counties,” and says: ‘it is 
found clinging to rocky shores and reefs, and seems to seek places 
where the water is quite rough.” 

Hanham in his recent “ List of the Land and Fresh-water Shells 
of Manitoba,” published in Tue Nauritus, quotes simply Dawson’s 
original citation of the Lake of the Woods. 

These references, with Jay’s citation in his Catalogue, which pos- 
sibly may be one of the original lot collected by Long’s expedition, 
are the only ones, which I have been able to find, that can with any 
probability be referred to Say’s species. : 

Having before me four different lots, aggregating sixteen speci- 
mens, of what is undoubtedly the genuine corpulentus of Say, I can 
confidently affirm that the species is entirely distinct from P. trivol- 
vis, and must be accorded specific rank. 

Say’s description is very exact, and when read so as to apply toa 
a sinistral species, as this undoubtedly is, as shown by the young 
shell (fig. 7), leaves but little to be added. 

The characteristic features of the species are the high, narrow, bi- 
carinate, rugosely striate whorls, with widely separated raised growth 
lines and large expanded aperture, which is higher than wide. The 
superior surface is either almost perfectly flat, or more or less con-_ 
cave, sometimes deeply so, varying as the shell is coiled horizontally 
or somewhat obliquely to the axis; the superior carina, until the last 
half of the last whorl is reached, is almost a right angle, the sides of 
the whorl being but little convex, with the greater convexity below 
the middle; the body-whorl enlarges very rapidly during the last 
half of its growth, and become more ventricose, and botk carinz be- 
come less prominent; the superior, however, retains its position and 
sensibly modifies the shape of the aperture, while the lower one 
from the rounding out of the base of the shell, becomes subobsolete 
and does not affect the convexity of the lower part of the lip; the 
umbilicus is large and crateriform, the base of the shell until the 
body-whorl] begins to enlarge towards the mouth being flat, and slopes 
sharply from the carina into the umbilicus, so that the lower carina, 
during that period of growth, is much more acute than the superior 
one; the whorls of the young shell are very narrow and high, and 
‘owing to the rapid increase in height in proportion to width, the col- 


umellar insertion of the lip is on the base of the preceeding whorl 
between the umbilicus and the lower carina (fig. 7), which thus 
forms a strong spirally entering fold slightly below the centre of the 
inner margin. Compared with this species, P. trivolvis is distin- 
guished by its greater width in proportion to its height, wider and 
more convex whorls, finer and closer striz#, wider and more oblique 
aperture, less prominent superior carina, which is nearly central on 
the penultimate whorl, the constantly rounded base of the whorls in 
all stages of growth, never sharply and acutely carinate as in corpu- 
lentus ; and smaller umbilicus, not exhibiting the apical whorls. 

The specimens before me are from the following localities : 

1. Michigan. Coll. University of Michigan (figs. 1, 2 and 3). 

Exact locality and collector unknown. These specimens have 
been in the University museum for many years, and no further infor- 
mation in regard to them is attainable. They are much heavier and 
thicker than those from the other localities represented, but are other- 
wise very similar. In all probability they were part of the material 
turned into the museum from one of the early geological surveys, and 
quite likely are from the western part of the Upper Peninsula, as noth- 
ing like them has been found in the upper part of the Lower Penin- 
sula, or in the eastern portion of the upper. ‘They were originally 
catalogued as P. trivolvis Say. 

2. Rat Portage, Keewatin, Manitoba. 

Coll. Fred’k Stearns. Collected by A. C. Lawson in 1884. 

3. Vermillion Lake, Minn., (fig. 4, 5 and 6). 

Received from H. F. Nachtrieb of the Geol. and Nat. Hist. Sur- 
vey of Minn. 

4, Vermillion Lake, Hudson Bay Territory (fig. 7.) 

From the collection of the late Dr. James Lewis. Collector un- 

Mr. J. F. Whiteaves, of the Geological Survey of Canada, has 
kindly furnished the following data in regard to the material belong- 
ing to the Survey: 

‘¢In the Museum of the Geological Survey of Canada, there are 
five typical examples of Planorbis corpulentus collected by Dr. James 
Fletcher, in 1882, at the Lake of the Woods; by A. C. Lawson in 
1884, at Rat Portage, above the Falls, and by W. McInnes in 1890, 
at Greenwater Lake, Thunder Bay District. There are also speci- 
mens which are at least very similar to P. corpulentus in the same 


museum, collected by J. B. Tyrrell, in 1879, at McLeod Lake and 
by Dr. G. M. Dawson, in 1889, at Nicola Lake, both in British 

«*] have never seen any of the land or fresh water shells referred to 
by Dr. Dawson in his Brit. N. Am. Bound. Report, and believe that 
they went to the British Museum.” 

Rev. George W. Taylor of Nanaimo, B. C., writes that a pair of 
the shells collected by Lawson are the only ones in his collection and 
that “the large Planorbis occurring on this (western) side of the 
Rockies is P. ammon.” 

In conclusion, therefore, it may be said that P. corpulentus Say, is 
a valid species and entirely distinct from either the eastern P. trivol- 
_ vts on the one hand, or the western P. ammon or binneyzi or the other; 
that it is a characteristic form of the Manitoba lake region, and ex- 
tends from there into northern Minnesota and Michigan. Nothing 
is known in regard to the animal. 

1824 Say—Long’s Expedition II. 262, pl. XV, f. 9. 
1837 Beck—lIndex Molluscorum p. 118. 
1840 Whittemore—Am. Jour. Sci. and Arts O. 8S. XXXVIII, 193. 
1848 Anthony—List of L. and F. W. Shells found in vicinity of Cincinnati. 
1844 Haldeman—Mon. F. W. Univ. Moll. 19, pl. III. fig. 7-9. 
1842 Adams—Thompson’s Hist. of Vt. 155, Reprint 5. 
1843 DeKay—dZoology of N. Y.—Mollusca—64, pl. VIII, 185* a. b. 
1845 Wheatley—Cat. Shells of U. S. 21 
1852 Jay—Cat. of Shells 267. 
1852 Gould—U. S. Ex. Ex. Moll. 114, f. 130, 130 a, 130 b: 
1856 Lewis—Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. VIII, 260. 
1856 Carpenter—Rep. Moll. W. Coast of N. ee pp. 210 and 316. 
1858 Say—Binney’s Ed. 128, pl. LXXIV, f. 9. 
1859 Cooper—Rep. Moll. P. R. R. Survey 378. 
1861 Tristram--Cat. Coll. T. and F. Moll. in Guatemala, i: a © 5 aot. 
1864 Carpenter—Sup. Rep. Moll. W. Coast of N. A. pp. 558, 599, 607, 
1865 Binney—L. and F. W. Shells I, 114, f. 190. 
1870 Tryon—Mon. F. W. Univ. Moll. pp. 199 and 202. 
1872 Carpenter—Moll. West N. A. pp. 18, 44, 85, 93, EGE. 
_1876 (?) Sowerby—Conch. Icon. XX. f. 4. 
1886 Clessin—Conch. Cab. Planorbis, 144. pl. 17, f. 4; pl. 22, f. 1. 
1887 Grant—léth An. Rep. Geo. & Nat. Hist. Sur. Minn. 484. 
1893 Walker—Nautilus VI. 136. 
1894 Walker—Rey. Moll. Fauna of Mich. 18. 



1899 Hanham—Nautilus XIII, 1. 

— Anthony—List of L. and F. W. Shells found in vicinity of Cincinnati. 
— Hubbard—Cat. Terr. and Fluv. Shells of Ohio. 

1859 Chenu—Man. de Conch. I, 482, f. 3560. 



Unio Kingii, sp. nov. 

Shell small, moderately thin, plicate behind, inflated, elliptical 
and very inequilateral. Epidermis dark yellow and covered through- 
out with fasciculated rays, which are more or less interrupted, form- 
ing arrow-shaped markings. Sides rounded, and with a slight 
enlargement from umbo to base, causing a slight emargination be- 
hind it. Beaks quite prominent and surrounded by ten or twelve 
fine, irregular, broken concentric folds. Umbonal ridge well defined 
and the terminus of all the knotty plications that thickly cover the 
posterior area. Lateral teeth slender, straight and quite smooth ; 
cardinals erect and well roughened. Anterior cicatrices scarcely 
distinct and often confluent ; a deep extension running well under 
the cardinals. Beak cavity slight; cavity of shell profound and 
uniform, Nacre variable, from greenish gray to rose. Width, 12 
in.; length, 2 in.; diam, 3 in. 

Habitat. A branch of the Flint R. in Baker Co., Ga. 

Type lot in National Museum. 

Remarks: Affinity, Unio Walkert, Wrt. and U. penicillatus Lea. 
From the former they are easily distinguished by their greater infla- 
tion and rounded sides, and more rounded umbonal angle, the finer 
and rougher plications and diminished length; from the latter it 
is also more inflated, darker and coarser, and has a sharper um- 
bonal angle. In some specimens the rays almost disappear, and 
again are so dense as to give a green appearance to the shell. 

Mr. Charles T. Simpson has compared the type lot with the Lea 
types and considers it nearer to U. penicillatus Lea than to Walk- 
eri, but sufficiently distinct from both to warrant the standing we 
here give it. Mr. Simpson also suggests a generic name, by which 
this group will be distinguished in his forthcoming Synopsis of the 
family. ? 

It affords me pleasure to name this species for the discoverers, 

’ * 



Messrs. G. F. and B. H. King, who take great interest in natural 
history, and who are about to engage upon a thorough exploration of 
S. W. Ga. and W. Fla. in the interest of science. Their address is 
Mimsville, Ga. 


A small collection of shells from the state of Tabasco, Mexico, re- 
ceived from Prof. José N. Rovirosa, is interesting as supplying a 
new species of the genus Ohondropoma, a genus common to southern 
Mexico and the West Indies, but far more fully developed in the 
latter region. 

A new Unio of the Lampsilis group also occurred. The following 
is a list of the species ; 

Polygyra Yucatanea Mor. var. helictomphala Pfr. San Juan Bau- 

Thysanophora conspurcatella Morel. San Juan Bautista. 

Oxystyla princeps Brod. 

Subulina trochlea (Pfr.). San Juan Bautista. 

Opeas micra (Orb.). San Juan Bautista. 

Glandina Ghiesbrechti Pfr. 

Succinea Guatemalensis Morel. 

Planorbis tenuis Phil.? (Young.) 

Planorbula obstructa Morel. Margin of the Grijaloa R. 

Aplexa aurantia Cpr. Macajuca. 

Aplexa Tapanensis Cr. & Fisch. San Juan Bautista. 

Chondropoma Martensianum Pilsbry. Montafias de Poana. See 

Helicina lirata Pfr. Garden of the Juarez Institute, San Juan 

Neritina virginea L. Pueblo “ La Ceiba.” 

Pachychilus vulneratus Crosse & Fischer. Upper Puyacatengo R. 
near ‘T’eapa. This is the form referred by Morelet (in coll.) to P. 
Helleri, and made by Crosse & Fischer a variety of P. chrysalis 
Brot., under the above name. The form seems to offer considerable 
differences from P. chrysalis, typical specimens of which were col- 
lected by Sr. Rovirosa at Ixtacomitan, Chiapas, and it may prove 
specifically independent. The specimens are old, more truncated 


than any other Pachychilus I have seen, one with a greatest diam- 
eter of 24 mm., measuring 39 mm, in height, and having less than 
two whorls remaining, the suture describing only one spiral turn. 
The shells from Morelet’s collection before me are much smaller, 
though doubtless this exact form. 

Unio Rovirosai Pilsbry. Laguna de Atasta, near San Juan Bau- 
tista. See below. 

Descriptions of New Species. 
Chondropoma Martensianum n. sp. 

Shell perforate, turreted, truncate, thin, corneous, with many faint 
reddish-brown narrow spiral bands interrupted into dots. 445 to 54 
whorls remaining in adults, very convex, separated by very deeply 
impressed sutures, the last whorl well rounded below. Sculpture of 
numerous very low spiral cords, a median one often larger, giving 
the upper whorls a subangular appearance, crossed by very numer- 
ous vertical lamellae with scalloped edges, about 4 or 5 lamelle in 
the space of a millimeter, on the latter half of the last whorl. Aper- 
ture circular ; peristome broadly and equally reflexed on the outer, 
basal and columellar margins, its face somewhat lamellose, nearly 1 
mm. wide. 

Alt. 18, diam. 6.6, internal diam. of aperture 3.2 mm. (54 
whorls. ) 

Alt. 11.3, diam. 6.5, internal diam. of aperture, 3.3 mm. (44 

Montanas de Poana, Tabasco, Mexico (José N. Rovirosa). 

This species is most nearly allied to OC. radiosum Morelet, but 
differs as follows: It is smaller and more slender; the lamellze are 
not produced into short spines where they cross the spiral cords ; the 
peristome is decidedly narrower, recurved instead of flat or flaring for- 
ward ; finally, the aperture itself is as large as in C. radiosum, though 
the shell is smaller. 

It is named in honor of Dr. E. von Martens, who is now publish- 
ing an extensive work on the non-marine mollusks of Mexico. 

Unio (Lampsilis) Rovirosai n. sp. 

Shell large, ovate, rather thin (about as in U. luteolus), inflated, 
nowhere gaping, covered with a rather thin black cuticle, sculptured 
with coarse and irregular growth-wrinkles, lamellose toward the basal 
margin; beaks rather small, situated a little behind the’ anterior 


fourth of the length; hinge margin slightly curved, anterior end 
narrowly rounded, posterior end much wider. Interior white, faintly 
pink tinted in the cavity, hardly iridescent. Right valve with one 
strong wedge-shaped cardinal tooth standing nearly at a right angle 
to the larger axis of shell, slight rudiments of accessory teeth in front 
of and behind it on the hinge-line; the lateral single, stout and high, 
separated by nearly its own length from the cardinal. Left valve 
with two stout, subequal, oblique, crenulated cardinal teeth and two 
strong laterals. Anterior adductor and pedal scars deep, posterior 
sears very shallow, the adductor and foot retractor completely united. 
Dorsal scars well within the cavity of the beaks, the major row (of 
about 6-8 small deep scars) extending obliquely across the cavity 
from below the cardinal to the lower side of the hinge-plate ; some 
smaller, shallower scars below the main series. Pallial line deep an- 
teriorly and below, shallow posteriorly. Length 111, height 71, 
diam. 43 mm. 

Lacuna de Atasta, near San Juan Bautista, Tabasco, Mexico. 

Type isa 9 specimen. It is allied to U. umbrosus Lea, differing 
in the narrower anterior end and consequently triangularly oblong 
form, the hinge-line and basal margin converging strongly forward ; 
the lateral teeth are also shorter. The female is much more swollen 
posteriorly than in U. umbrosus. 

It is named in honor of Prof. José N. Rovirosa, known for his 
botanical explorations in southern Mexico. 

This species falls into the genus Lampsilis as understood by Simp- 
son. Pending the publication of his classification of the group, it is 
here placed under Unio. 



The following notes on the land mollusca are based on a few ob- 
tained incidentally while collecting fossils in Western Florida during 
the latter half of February and the first week in March. 

These notes give a more southern and western distribution for a 
number of species than has heretofore been recorded. 

The more southern distribution is undoubtedly due to the direct 
southerly course of all the rivers, which during freshets carry down 
great quantities of drift-wood to which a number of the land shells 


usually cling for preservation. A more western range for a number 
of the eastern species would be expected, and more thorough and ex- 
tended researches would probably show a much greater distribution 

In the woods just east of Tallahassee, among the leaves around the 
foot of some large magnolias and oaks, a number of Polygyra pus- 
tula and P. hopetonensis and a few Omphalina levigata and Strobilops 
labyrinthica were found. Near by in an old decayed log were found 
Glandina truncata (young), Vitrea indentata, Zonitoides arboreus, 
Z. milium and Philomycus carolinensis. 

At Jackson’s Bluff on the Ocklocknee river, 24 miles west of Tal- 
lahassee, is a fine exposure of the Chesapeake miocene. Here a few 
favorable logs and stones were hastily turned over; under the lime- 
stone was found Helicina orbiculata and Glandina truncata, while 
from the logs were taken Omphalina levigata, Gastrodonta sup- 
pressa, a form in which the umbilicus is but slightly perforate, 
G. demissa, Vitrea indentata, Helicodiscus lineatus and Polygyra 
inflecta; for the latter species this is a more southern locality than 
has previously been given. 

Two miles below Jackson’s Bluff is Larkin’s Bluff; under some 
boards and wood near the Bluff only Polygyra hopetonensis was found ; 
this is the most western locality from which I obtained this species. 

About half a mile below Bailey’s Ferry, on the west side of the 
Chipola river, 11 miles west of Blountstown, is the farm of Mr. J. P. 
McClellan; here the Chipola bed comes to the surface and the shells 
are ploughed out inthe field. After obtaining a fine lot of the Chipola 
fossils and several boxes of the marl from which the clay and sand 
had been washed through a seive, I turned over an old log, just as 
I was leaving, and found Gastrodonta intertexta, the strongly carin- 
ated form, but with the usual internal callus. G. demissa, the most 
southern locality from which this species has been recorded. Poly- 
gyra appressa var. perigrapta, formerly recorded only from the 
mountainous portions of Tennessee and adjacent States, P. inflecta, 
and P. pustula, which has not before been reported west of Cedar 
Keys. In crossing the field near by I found an immature specimen 
of P. albolabris. 

While waiting for the steamboat at Blountstown a short stroll 
was taken through the woods; a search beneath the oak logs dis- 
closed a number of Polygyra fallax. It seemed strange how these 
were confined exclusively to the oak; numerous pine logs were turned 
over, close by the oak, and all conditions seemed equally favorable, 
but not a single shell was obtained. /. fallax has not to my knowl- 
edge been recorded south of northern Georgia. Under the bark of 
logs, in the drift along the Apalachicola river, was the ever present 
Zonitoides arboreus. 

As the steamboat did not connect with the east-bound train, I was 
obliged to go to Marianna for the night. I had noticed from the car 


window the week before an outcrop of limestone at the railroad 
bridge across the Chipola river, one mile east of town, that I wanted 
very much to examine, so before train time, the next morning, | 
made a grand rush for the river. ‘The nummulitic limestone con- 
tained but one mollusk, Pecten perplanus, but what it lacked paleon- 
tologically, it made up malacologically in furnishing a suitable en- 
vironment for numerous species of snails. A glance showed it to be 
an ideal collecting ground ; limestone, moisture, a varied vegetation, 
a cave and an old quarry with moss-covered rocks in all directions, 
is just what the snails want, and visions of a new species or variety 
formed an active stimulant; for I felt sure that Hemphill, Ferriss or 
Sargent had not been there. But alas, while the snails were thick, 
a nov. sp. was not to be found by ‘dis chile.” Ferriss would no 
doubt have found one, for I stil! believe it’s there.. Pyramidula 
alternata was very abundant, a coarsely sculptured and beautifully 
marked form, among which I found a sinistral specimen. P. per- 
spectiva was also plentiful; neither of these have previously been re- 
corded from Florida. Among the leaves in front of the cave were 
numerous fine specimens of G'astrodonta demissa, the majority of 
which are slightly more depressed than the typical form. Ompha- 
lina laevigata chiefly frequented an old log, while Helicina orbiculata 
were found among the rocks in the drier portions of the quarry. A 
few specimens of the following species were also obtained: Glandina 
truncata, Zonitoides arboreus, Vitreaindentata, Strobilops labyrinthica, 
Bifidaria armifera, Polygyra inflecta, P. appressa var. perigrapta, 
and P. stenotrema. The latter species have not before been recorded 
from Florida. In the river drift near the bridge were numerous 
specimens of Polygyra auriformis and afew Succinea luteola. As this 
drift was not the direct wash of the river, but was formed by the 
water backing up over the low ground along the railroad, I am in- 
clined to think that the two species could be found living among the 
grass and sedge along the high-water mark. 



Shell unbilicate, translucent, white; suture well defined; spire a 
depressed cone composed of five regularly increasing convex whorls, 
the first three smooth, the remainder marked by obscure, closely- 
crowded, oblique lines of growth; base convex; aperture nearly 
circular, oblique; peristome thin, broadly expanded, and reflexed at 
lower third of baso-columellar portion, its extremities joined by an 
elevated ridge, bordering which is a somewhat triangular callus 
bounded on the inner side by a ridge extending from the middle of 
the base of the reflected portion of the peristome obliquely to the 


upper part of the basal whorl; width of umbilicus about one-fifth 
greater diameter of shell. 

Numerous dark microscopical lines extend from the acetone over 
the body whorl nearly perpendicular to the lines of growth. 

Greatest diam. 17, least diam. 14,.alt. 9 mm. 

Locality, San Jacinto Mts., California. 


The species described below was received from Mr. D. Thaanum. 
It is evidently referable to the genus Petterdiella, the synonymy of 
which is as follows: | 

Ampullaria sp., Tenison-Woods, Proc. Roy. Soc. Tasmania 1876, 

; Amnicola sp. of various authors. 

Brazieria Petterd, Proc. Roy. Soc. Tasm. 1888, p. 76. Not 
Brazierta Ancey, 1887 (see Man. Conch. IX, p. 29). 

Petterdiana Brazier, Proc. Roy. Soc. Tasm. 1896, p. 105. 

Pseudampullaria Ancey, Ann. Mus. d’Hist. Nat. Marseille I, 1898, 
p- 148. 

Allof the above names are based upon Ampullaria tasmanica Ten.- 


Petterdiana Thaanumi n. sp. 

Shell small, globose, Ampullaria-shaped, narrowly perforate ; light 
brown ; smooth except for slight growth-lines. Spire short. Whorls 
4, quite convex, the last perceptibly flattened below the suture, 
globose, not angular at the periphery; narrowly excavated around 
the perforation. Aperture oblique, roundly ovate, narrowly rounded 
above; outer lip simple; columella concave, wide .and flattened ; 
parietal callus short and rather heavy, though very much less thick 
than in P. tasmanica. Alt. 3.3, diam. 2.8 mm. 

Near Cairns, Queensland, Australia, 

This species ditfers from P. tasmanica in having the last whorl 
much less dilated towards the aperture, this difference being particu- 
larly noticeable when the shell is viewed in the line of the axis from 
above ; the aperture is consequently less ample, and the outline of 
the shell in a front view is more regular. There is also a fraction of 
a whorl more than in P. tasmanica, the columella is not so wide, and 
the callus across the parietal margin is comparatively thinner, while 
in P. tasmanica the heavy columellar callus continues across the 
parietal wall. 

This is the second species of the genus, and so far as I know the 
first to be recorded from Australia, 





MAY, 1900, to APRIL, 1901. 

Published by H. A. PILSBRY and C. W. JOHNSON. 

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Alasmodonta marginata Say and A. truncata Wright . . 143 
Alexia myosotis marylandica Pils.,n. var. . : ; a ae 
Amnicola letsoni Walker, n. sp. 113 
Argyrotheca Dall. new name for Cistella Gray 1853, Pak of 

Gistel 1848 : : . 44 
Ariolimax steindachneri ier, a new Pirncrican ales a | 
Ashmunella SO) aah ites on (rufescens and _ alba, 

n. var.) : : , : 12 
Asiatic shells. new Ponies of : : : 49, 83 
Atrina oldroydii Dall.,n.sp. . ; : . 148 
Bathysciadium conicum Dautz . : : 48, 60 
Bifidaria holzingeri Sterki in New Aioaieo nS, 
Bifidaria hordeacella from Cape May, N. J. ; es Ue 
Bonnanius Jouss. ‘ : BeOS 
Browne, Francis C. . . 1382 
Buliminus callistoderma Pils., n. sp. . ; -t33 
Buliminus callistoderma var. opaaseane Pils. meevare-- alas 
Buliminus eucharistus Pils., n. sp. F : 128 
Buliminus extorris var. omiensis Pils.,n. var. . 27! 
Buliminus hirasei Pils.,n. sp. . . : MNASe 
Buliminus luchuanus Pils, Nn. Sp. Bhs pa 
Buliminus (Petroeus) iste y nite Ancey, a new Asiatic 

Species”; 2 >. : By Ae 8) 
Bulimulus (Drymeeus) et atu: Maleon, n. Sp. (Coste Rica) 87 
California, exotic mollusks in ; ei ig 
Cape May, N. J., land shells of . ere: ; a iin 

(iii ) 


Cerion stevensoni Dall.,n. sp. (Bahamas) . ae. OD 
Cheilea Modeer 1793 in place of Mitrularia Schum, 1817 . 45 
Circinaria hemphilli in California .. a 
Cistella Gray 1853 not Gistel 1848.—Argyrotheca Datl, eee 344 
Clausilia euholostoma Pils., n. sp. : . ye ALS 
Clausilia hiraseana Pils., n. sp. ; weber 
Clausilia harimensis Pils. one sp. 1 Ds . sos 
Clausilia hokkaidoensis Pils. sys be ; : ; ae aye) 
Clausilia iotaptyx var. clava Pils.,n. var. . ; . 108 
Clausilia japonica var. interplicata Pils., n. var. . 108 
Clausilia perpallida Pils.,n. sp. . . 108 
Conus consors Sowb. . ; f PUB 
Cyclotus (?) micron Pils.,n. sp. ; ; hd 
Diplommatina uzenensis Pils, ) Dh: Sawa eye, 
Epiphragmophora fidelis in conten Calitacnia ; , 144 
Epiphragmophora traski, aestivation of, . 13 
Euconulus Reinhardt for Conulus Fitz, 1833 mee of Raf, 
1814 ; ‘ , : : » seis tie 
Kuconulus reinhardti Palen 1. Sp eT ae v2 06k 
EKuhadra (?) recnblocaniny laa Ancey, n. sp. ; SD 
Kulota (Euhadra) caliginosa (Ad. and Rve.) , eel 
EKulota callizona dixoni Pils., n. var. , ; , 7 OD 
EKulota callizona maritima G@ulice and Pilsbry, n. var. one: 
Eulota (Plectotropis) elegantissima var. cara Pils., n. var. . 107 
Eulota gainesi Pils., n. sp. . : : : ; 60 
Eulota gudeana Pils., n. sp. . , iit 
EKulota gudeana hakodatensis Pils., n. n. for Helix laeta 
Gould, pre-occupied : . 60 
Kulota Ween Pils. sasp-, i it Hak 
Kulota (eicatoraph) inornata Pils., n. sp. . 129 
Julota (Plectotropis) kiusiuensis Pils., Ns SDig as ; Prthi e: 
Kulota luhuana idzumonis Pilsbry and Gulick, n. var. Wi8R 
Kulota luhuana aomoriensis Gulick and Pilsbry,n. var. . 89 
Kulota (Aegista) martensiana Pils., n. sp. . . 129 
Kulota mesogonia Pils..n. sp... gaan jigs al 
Kulota (Euhadra) mercatoria (Gray, Pfr. te ; 91 BO 
Kulota mercatoria atrata Pilsbry and Gulick, n. var. . 7B 

Euryta A. Adams 1858 not of Gistel 1848.—Mazatlania 
Dall. ; demu: : f eee . 44 

a sill 


Hurytus conturesi 2 he A new land shell from South 

America , ; , . 42 
Ganesella jacobii Bile: Bidn, 4.7 ae 
Ganesella myomphala var. omulislndse Pils., n. var.."'. , Bas 
Ganesella wiegmanniana Pils., n. sp... POERG 
Gastranella tumida Verr. at W oods Holl, Mags, . 93 
Gastranella tumida Verr., the young of Petricola dacty isan . 106 
Gastrodonta intertexta Ciidbin Pils., n. var. (Florida) . 40 
Gastrodonta walkeri Pils. . d ; : . 52 
General Notes. : Paap, #7, 60,71, 98, 118,180 
Glandina (Varicella) deflorescens Vendryes nia, Bs . 134 
Glandina iberingi Pils.,n. sp. ,: ; od 
Glandina (Varicella) taylori Viauaien. Bene .! 133 
Glomus Jeffreys 1876 not of Gistel 1848. Pricwalaina Dall. 44 
Glyptostoma newberrvanum W. G. B. Saag : meee 
Great raft, an hour on the . ; ENT 
Great Smoky Mountains, Collecting in mabe) eS at us 
Helicina hakodadiensis Hartman , : : nb28 
Helicina reinii var. uzenensis Pils., n. var. . . 128 
Helicina osumiensis Pils., n. sp. ; 127 
Helicina sundana fenbey. 1 a for H. exserta aniebe net 

of Gundlach . : : : ; ; , . 84 
Helicina verecunda Gould . : : ALP ELS 
Helicodiscus eigenmanni Pils., n. sp. (Texas) . 41 
Helix albolabris, Growth of : : saat, S 
Helix feralis Hemphill, n. sp. (sub- al fies. 2 - P2) 
Helix kelletti Fbs. : (RSG 
Helix hortensis in Nee toandiand . ceemiy 
Helix sodalis Hemphill, n. sp. (sub-fossil) ae 3 mwi22 
Helix tryoni major Hemphill, n. var. (sub-fossil) figs. . 128 
Helix tryoni maculata Hemphill, n. var. (sub-fossil) figs. . 123 
Helix tryoni minor Hemphill, n. var. (sub-fossii) figs. . 128 
Holospira minima Martens, for H. pfeiffer var. minor Mart., 

preoccupied. KVP ES 
Japanese Mollusks, Matices of some new a 32, Dos To) 8 Senor, 

115, 127 
Kaliella fraterna Pils., n. sp. : UH 
Kaliella symmetrica Pils., n. sp. MSO 
Kennebunkport, Maine, nd Mallgees 1 a  eN63 


Kentucky, Mollusca of southern. ae 4) 
Lampsilis simpsoni Ferris, n. sp. (ieeamianes 2-388 
Land shells from rejactamenta of the Rio Grande at Mesiilal 

N. Mex. and of Gallinas R. at Las Vegas, N. Mex. . aaa 
Lasea rubra Montg. and L. bermudensis Bush, the same 

Species. ' : : ‘ : . 106 
Las Vegas, N. Mee Shells of , . AT 
Lima hamlini. Dall, n. sp. (cretaceous, see page 36) ; nae aD 
Limicolaria oviformis Ancey, A new Asiatic species . ee 
Limneea mighelsi W. G. Binn. Note on the habits of ea, 
Limpet, Note on a new abyssal . ; : : 48, 60 
Los Angeles, Cal., Age of deposit Taidleriaing ; 36 
Mazatlania Dall, praposed for Euryta A. Adams 1858 rue 

of Gistel 1848 5 ; . 44 
Mitrularia Schum, 1817 = GHellee Medeer: 1798 5 . 45 
Mollasks in grass : : : 93 
Murex petra Dall. A new Murex from California —. me af 
Naiades, « review of Simpson’s Synopsis. ; p40 
Names which must be discarded (Dall.) ; Poe 
New Mexican snails, new records of . : : : 82, 85 
Odostomia, variation in ee 
Omphalina levigata latior Pils., n. var. mere 6 
Omphalina levigata perlaevis Pila., n. var. . 5G 
Pecten (Lyropecten) dilleri Dall, n. sp. (fossil) . age 
Phenacolepas, catalogue of species of the genus . et 
Philomycus secretus Cockerell, n. sp. . , . 09 
Phyllaphysia, a genus new to the Pacific Gag : : OF 
Phyllaphysia taylori Dall., n. sp. ; Ree 
Physe of Northeastern Illinois, a revision of the Meet 
Physa ancillaria var. fadgrialnoustten Walker, n. var. . A949 
Physa ancillaria var. crassa Walker, n. var. . 98 
Physa gyrina Say 3 f : : Saunas 
Physa gyrina elliptica Lea . A ee 
Physa heterostropha Say . ; aa 
Physa integra Hald. . NDS 
Physa moussoni Ancey,n. sp. . or: 
Physa sayii Tappan ; ‘is 
Pinna from California,a new . . 148 

Pisidia, some general notes on. ; - . 5,6 


Pisidium imbecille Sterki, n. sp. . , ; nD 
Pisidium monas Sterki, n. sp. , . 100 
Pisidium peraltum Sterki, n. sp. . ; ee. 
Pisidium streatori Sterki, n. sp. . : . . 100 
Pisidium tenuissimum Sterki, n. sp. . : ’ Oe 
Planorbis corpulentus Say, supplementary note on. ds 
Planorbis persicus Ancey, n. sp. : : : . 84 
Planorbis umbilicatellus Cockerell, in New ee ; ee 4, 
Pleurobranchus californicus Dall.,n. sp. . HERZ 
Polygyra albolabris alleni . i : ; : 27, 28 
Polygyra andrewse altivaga Pils. ae 
Polygyra andrewse normalis Pils. . : ; . o4 
Polygyra binneyana . ; . 26, 27, 28 
Polygyra edwardsi Peenifamose Pils. : ne 3) 
Polygyra ferrissi , ; : : . 50, 51, 53 
Polygyra hirsuta pilula Pils. j ; a, tale 
Polygyra pilsbryi Ferriss, n. sp., in needs of ; Ai Wao 
Polygyra stenotrema mithout alip-notch . ; , 135 
Pomatiopsis hirasei Pils., n. sp. ; oy hae 
Pristogloma Dall. fe sposed for Gahus Aearey ai 1876, not 

of Gistel 1848 . : 4 : ; ae 
Publications received . : . B4, 45, 94, 104, 119, 130 
Punctum blandianum Pils. . : cy OS 
Punctum japonicum Pils., n. sp. ; ; 82 
Pyramidula elrodi Pils.,n. sp. . ‘ . 40 
Quintard, J.B. . , : gy NEAR 
Rochester, N. Y., shell plleoue near sieod 

fe tomins of ihe West Coast, notes on the eceachctian of 
the . ; ; | 

Shell patie fing-.c on gia Mesquite Const : SiGe 
Shells of the marl-deposits of Aroostook county, Mesh! » 102 
Sistrum nicocheanum Pils., n. sp. Vie 
Spherium crassum Sterki, n. sp. , ; . Abs 
Spherium walkeri Sterki, n. sp. : . 1 
Spiraculum assamense Hertel n. bap. ( eat) et of 
Subemarginula yatesi Dall, a new species from euittocnin S425 
Succinea campestris vagans Pils.,n. var. . , : s AA 
To a slug (in alcohol). : ; 21a 

Trishoplita cretacea var. bipartita Pils. pie VEE! © ; 4s AO7 


Trishoplita goodwini var. kyotoensis Pils.,n. var. ©. . 90 
Trishoplita goodwini var. suprazonata Pils., Ay Varnes See 
Trishoplita smithiana Pils., n. sp. é : ¥ S Sls 
Trivia paucilirata Sowb.  . . ne . 144 
Truncatella clathrus Lowe at Key West, Fla; | : “Led 
Unionide of Indiana (Review of Dr. Call’s work) : Soo 
Vallonia pulchellag. io." > 130 
Vallonia pulchella, in Los Angeles and elsewhere in Cali- 
fornia, etc. ; ; 7 ' 1 00 
Vertigo hirasei Pils., n. sp. pas . 128 
Vitrea petrophila pentadelphia Pils. : : pale 
Vitrea rhoadsi Pils., Note on .. ' : ANE 
Vitrinizonites latissimus uvidermis Pils. ; £4107 
West Coast conchologists, to. ; cab 
West Coast conchology, a contribution to : . 109s 12d 


Ancey, G2. eee is pean: : 42, 83 

Baker, Frank C. . ae Te, 99,99 
Bruenn, H: H.: . . : a 
Button, Fred L. . ; ae mai. 
Clapp, Geo. H. aay 63, 72, 130 
Cockerell, T. D ‘A. 2, Boy 59, 72, 85 
Dall, Wm. H. ; ‘15, oT, ‘44, 48, GD polis dee 117, 125, 143 
Ferriss. A es & Chae 25, 38, 49 
Binck, War Ho =. ; : : eee 
Frierson, Lorrain 8S. . ; Seg 
Fulton, Hugh . Bo ae ; ; ft OF 
Gifford, Edw. W. ; : ; i ; : ; . 144 
Hemphill, Henry . 109, 121 
Keep, Josiah ; cee . 3 OS 
Morrell, Jennie M. Ee ; «PS eee 9 
Nylander, Olof O. : { 101 
Pilsbry, Henry A. 3, 4, 11, 32, 40, aid) ais 13, 79, 82, 85, 88, Lis 

115, 197, 132 
Price, Sadie F. .. : Ee as Pe ‘yi ae 
Stearns, R. H. C. 1, 65 
Sherkisy Vane : ; ; ; 5, 99, 139 
Vendryes. Henry , : ee . 138 
Walker, Bryant ; . 8,33, 9iyauie 
Wheeler, Chas. Le Roy : ; : ; . 86, 148 
Williamson, Mrs. M. Burton en Nite ; : es 

Winkley, Henry W. jk A Ras USP ae6 


Von. XIV. MAY, 1900. Wo. 1. 



Four species of Saxidomus have been described from the West 
coast of North America and one from Japan. On the American 
shores its distribution extends from the Gulf of Alaska to San Diego, 
a range of about 2500 miles. It is remarkably prolific, being found 
in great abundance in the waters of Puget Sound and in many places 
between the points above named. 

The foregoing applies particularly to the two species S. aratus 
Gould (= 8S. gracilis Gld.), and S. Nuttalhi Conrad. The other 
forms, S. squalidus Desh., and S. brevisiphonatus Cpr., may prove to 
be only varietal. With our present knowledge, the latter appear to 
be quite local, or of infrequent occurrence, apparently restricted to 
Vancouver Island and the shores around the Strait of Juan de Fuca, 
though Carpenter credits sqgualidus to Oregon and the neighborhood 
of San Francisco bay, S. Nuttallit appears to be more generally 
distributed and more abundant throughout the region named than 
S. aratus, though in one instance as many as a hundred bushels of 
the latter were included in a single consignment in 1867 to a San 
Francisco commission merchant. Notwithstanding its superior qual- 
ity from an edible point of view, there was no sale for them; it was 
not a familiar form and the greater part was dumped into the bay. 


These were obtained from some point on the shore of Sor.oma county 
in the neighborhood of Bodega, the exact locality unknown. 

The Indians, Wintuns and Pomos, who formerly inhabited the 
general region bordering this part of the coast, collected and dried 
great quantities of the meats of this species, which formed an im- 
portant part of their food supply, and they also made their disk- 
shaped beads and money, hawock, out of the shells. 

Harford’s' Alaska collection contained examples of S. Nuttallit, 
from Kodiak Island, Sitka, Carter’s Bay, and Port Simpson. Dall’s 
voluminous Alaskan notes when published will, probably, show that 
it is generally distributed throughout the Alaskan region. At San 
Pedro in the south, it occurs in gravelly mud and sand, associated 
with Zapes laciniata, a sharply sculptured species belonging to a 
genus that like Saxtdomus is without a representative on the At- 
lantic coast. S. Nuttallii is ordinarily a much coarser sculptured 
shell than S. aratus, and as would be inferred when its wide distri- 
bution and great abundance are considered, varies greatly in propor- 
tion of length to breadth and both of these to thickness. The sculp- 
ture varies according to the local character of the ground it inhabits. 

There are other features worthy of notice; among these the hinge 
cartilage, ete., and the adductors, the mechanism by which the valves 
are opened and closed, which is exceedingly conspicuous in Sexido- 
mus as compared with Zivela crassatelloides, as will be s en at a glance 
when individuals of the two forms, of the same size, are placed side 
by side. 

Following Dall’s analysis of the so-called cartilage,? which he says 
‘is not a cartilage, and which is frequently spoken of as ‘ligament,’ 
or ‘internal ligament,’ [there is] a great need of a distinctive 
name, and I propose that of ‘ resilium,’ which clearly indicates its 

function ;”’ 

the term ligament being used for the upper or external 
portion or member, which operates by pulling, while the resilium or 
inner portion may be said to operate by causing a rebound when 
pressed, so resisting the closing of the valves when they are open; 
thus these two parts or members act reciprocally, each assisting in 

its special way in opening the valves. The function of the adductor 

1 Shells collected by the U.S. Coast Survey Expedition to Alaska in the year 
1867; Proce. Cal. Acad., Dec. 2, 1867. 

*Trans. Wagner Free Instltute of Science, Vol, 3, Part JIT, March, 1895. 


muscles is, on the contrary, that of closing the valves, and the position 
of these as related to the position of the compound ligament facilitates 
exactness in the inter-locking of the binge teeth. ‘Now these organs 
or devices for opening and closing the shells are of exceeding promi- 
nence in S. Nuttallii, and the opportunity for examining a fine series 
has recently been afforded me, by the gift of a large number for culi- 
nary purposes,’ by Mr. and Mrs. Oldroyd. 

The adductors are exceedingly large for shells of the size and 
weight, and the ligament being in proportionate size to these muscles, 
makes this form particularly desirable for the study of these charac- 
ters. When alive and gaping, the least disturbance will be followed 
by an energetic closing of the shell, with a snap so vigorous as to 
cause a chipping or fracture of the vertical edges of the valves. The 
streneth and tenacity of the grip, when the powerful adductors are 
brought into action, may be easily proven by the insertion of the 
finger-tips into a partially open shell. 

The texture or substance of the shells in the Saxidomi is less com- 
pact or solid than in Z%vela crassatelloides, and the comparative 
weight of examples of the same dimensions is as 10 to 13; while the 
mass of the adductors and ligaments are fully twice as large in Saxi- 
domus as in Tivela, examples of the same size being compared. 

The differences exhibited by these forms, both belonging to the 
Venerida, indicate differences in habits and environmental conditions, 
and no doubt others not readily perceived. 


Sistrum nicocheanum, n. sp. 
Shell imperforate or rimate, fusiform, thick and strong, brownish 

flesh-colored, the spiral lire brown. Sculpture of strong, rounded, 
longitudinal waves equal to their intervals, 8 or 7 in number on the 
last whorl; these waves crossed by rather strong spiral cords, which 
widen into transversely oblong low tubercles upon the summits of 
the waves. Between these cords there are several spiral threads in 
most or all of the intervals. Whorls about 54, convex, the last one 
with concave outlines below, -prodnced in a rather long anterior 

'This “clam” makes an exceedingly delicious soup or broth. 


canal. Aperture oval, flesh-colored within; peristome thick or 
beveled, armed with six subequal teeth within; columellar margin 
angular at the origin of the anterior canal, bearing a single small 
transverse fold above the angle; canal rather straight and long for 
this genus. 

Length 214, diam. 11, length of aperture and canal 12 mm. 

Nicochea, Argentina, Dr. H. von Ihering. Types no. 72640 coll. 
Ay Nid. -P, 

This species is no. 877 of Dr. von Ihering’s register. It has 
much the general appearance of Urosalpinx cinereus (Say), which 
has about the same contour. The common Antillean Sistrum nodu- 
losum is more abbreviated, with far stronger tuberculation and a 
short anterior canal. It extends southward to Rio Janeiro and Cabo 
Frio, Brazil (Cf. Hidalgo, Mol. Viaje al Pacifico, p. 67, as R. tuber- 

culata Blv. var.?). 


Glandina Iheringi n. sp. 

Shell obesely fusiform or biconic, the diameter half the altitude ; 
pale brown, with occasional dark chestnut or purplish-brown variceal 
stripes, inconspicuously bordered on the left side with whitish. 
Surface shining, finely and evenly striated throughout, excepting the 
smooth apical whorls; spire conic, with nearly straight lateral out- 
lines, the apex rather acute. Whorls 74, a little convex, the earlier 
24 smooth, separated by a simple suture, the rest very distinctly mar- 
gined below the suture by an impressed line which defines a narrow 
band of bead-like tubercles, Last whorl obese, its latter half not 
rapidly descending, the last suture being consequently nearly parallel 
with the others, in a dorsal view. Aperture somewhat over half the 
shell’s length, narrow ; outer lip regularly arcuate; columella subver- 
tical, concave above, then sinuous and abruptly truncated and ex- 
cised. Alt. 25, diam. 124; longest axis of aperture 144, greatest 
width 52 mm. i | 

Alta Vera Paz, Guatemala. Type no. 78036 Mus. Acad. Nat. 
Sci. (no. 413 of Dr. H. von Ihering’s register). 

This elegantly marked species is somewhat allied to G. cordovana 


and G. speciosa, both of which, on comparison of specimens, are seen 
to be much more cylindrical. The latter differs in being decidedly 
smoother below, even glabrous, while G. /heringi is striated to the 
base. The body-whorl is strongly swollen and convex, and the nar- 
row moniliferous subsutural border is particularly distinct and ele- 



Pis. IMBECILLE n. sp. Mussel minute, ovoid-oblong in outline, 
rather inflated ; superior and inferior margins moderately curved, 
posterior slightly truncated obliquely outward, rounded below, antero- 
superior slightly curved or almost straight (oblique), anterior end 
rounded ; beaks somewhat posterior, broad and low, slightly raised 
above the hinge margin in the adult; color pale yellowish horn to 
whitish ; surface with very fine striation and a few slightly marked 
lines of growth, and with a slight waxy gloss; shell thin, kinge very 
fine and plate quite narrow; cardinal teeth very small, thin, or al- 
most obsolete, lateral teeth small, the outer ones of the right valve 
scarcely visible ; ligament fine. 

Size: long. 2.3, alt. 1.8, diam. 1.8 mill. 

Habitat: Byer’s Trout Pond, and Button Lake, Kent Co., Mich., 
collected by Dr. R. J. Kirkland. 

This is a well characterized species, not nearly related with any 
other, and can not be mistaken for mature specimens of any one. 
But it has much resemblance with very young examples of Pis. 
variabile Pr., of the same size, and it takes good care to discern 
them.—Our species will doubtless be found in other places ; in Byer’s 
Pond Dr. K. collected over four hundred specimens, and twenty- 
five in Button Lake. The name has been derived from its small 
size, thin shell, low, broad beaks, and some similarity in shape with 
Anodonta imbecillis Say. 

Pis. peraltum, n. sp. Mussel of moderate size, somewhat oblique, 
very high, much inflated, beaks large, full and prominent; hinge 
margin strongly curved ; posterior part, behind the beaks, very short, 
the margin high, slightly to distinctly truncated, passing into the 
well rounded inferior, with a wide, regular curve; antero-superior 


margin slightly curved in a steep slope to the slightly angular, 
rounded anterior end; color light yellowish horn in the young and a 
zone along the margins in older species, in which the upper parts 
usually are grayish ; surface slightly shining, finely and irregularly 
striated, with some deeper lines of ‘growth usually of darker color ; 
shell rather strong, nacre whitish to grayish, muscle insertions 
distinct; hinge stout, strongly curved, plate moderately broad; 
cardinal teeth short, the one in the right valve curved, its posterior 
part thick, and usually grooved; the anterior of the left valve short, 
stout, triangular, abrupt, with a deep groove, posterior short, 
oblique, curved; lateral teeth short, stout, high, pointed, the outer 
ones in the right valve quite small; ligament short, moderately 
Size: long. 3.8 alt. 3.8 diam. 2.8 mill. i 
Habitat: Crystal Lake, Benzie Co., Mich., collected (over 600 
specimens) by Dr. R. J. Kirkland; also in Illinois, Iowa and 
Typical specimens are easily distinguished from all other species 
—except an extreme form of P. compressum Pr., from the same 
place, having rounded beaks without ridges. Yet they are quite 
distinct. P. peraltum is somewhat variable: in some specimens, 
there are small but distinct projecting angles at the scutum, or scu- 
tellum, or both. Others are less high, and the beaks are not so full 
and prominent. 
A few specimens (dead valves) from Havana, Ill., had been re- 
ceived from the Illinois State Laboratory of Nat. Hist. (Mr. Kofoid), 
in 1895; a few. valves from Iowa City, Ia., were sent, in 1896, by 
Mr. Jas. H. Ferriss, and a few good specimens from Bowling Green, 
Ky., by Miss 8. F. Price in 1899. While all these evidently were 
of the same Pisidium, they seemed not sufficient for establishing a 
new species upon them, but now proved identical with the Michigan 
form, and are valuable in showing a wide geographical distribution 
of our species. 

Pisidia are becoming an important factor of our molluscan fauna. 
Owing to the efforts and the kindness of many conchologists in the 
United States and Canada, the writer had chances to examine a 
large number of specimens—over two hundred thousand, during the 
last five or six years, besides ten thousands of Sphaeria and Calycu- 

ie, cel 


line. Yet they still represent only a small part of the country, and 
diligent, careful collecting in many more places and sections is badly 

That among such materials there should be many new forms was 
to be anticipated, but the results were beyond all expectations. This 
is partly proved by the many species already published. It seems 
to be necessary to add that the greatest care has been taken in estab- 
lishing new species. All of them lave been seen in every stage of 
growth; most are represented by hundreds and thousands of speci- 
mens, and, in fact, the geographical range of almost all is a wide 
one. And numerous new forms are in hand, partly have been 
for years, awaiting new materials for their confirmation.. Not only 
the species in themselves are of interest and value, but also the study 
of their geographical distribution and their variations. Some of the 
Pisidia are extremely variable, and the same can be said of some of 
our Sphaeria and Calyculine, and their study is very difficult. 

This is not the place for an account of the work done by all con- 
tributors, a summary of which will be given in a revision to be pub- 
lished. Yet two conchologists have done such work and their suc- 
cess is so unparalleled, the example given by them so suggestive and 
encouraging, that we can not pass them over in silence. 

Mr. Olaf O. Nylander has, since ’95, worked up Aroostook Co., 

Me., and, beside other mollusca, collected and sent for examination 

about 32,000 recent specimens and large numbers of fossil Pisidia. 
His careful collecting, under great difficulties, in many places over 
an extensive area of that northeastern part of our country, has added 
very materially to our knowledge of the molluscan fauna.! 

During the last four years also, Dr. R. J. Kirkland, of Grand 
Rapids, Mich., has collected and sent for examination about 123,000 
Pisidia (over 70,000 in 799), and many thousand Spheria and 
Pisidia, most from Kent and some other counties of Michigan. And 
it is of importance that both these enthusiastic collectors, like some 
others also, have paid special attention to even the smallest speci- 
mens. Thus we became acquainted with some minute species, while 
the study of the young of all was greatly facilitated. On the other 
hand, it is very desirable, or rather indispensable, to have as jarge 
numbers of specimens as possible at disposition, from every locality. 

1 See Mr. Nylander’s list in Tur Navrinus XIU, p. 102. (Jan., 1900.) 


considering the enormous variability of some species, in order to as- 
certain whether certain forms are really species, or varieties, or 
local variations. 


ft is with great regret that we learn of the death of our old cor- 
respondent, Mr. J. B. Quintard, which occurred at his home near 
Silver Lake, Shawnee county, Kansas, on December 17, 1899. 

Born at Norwalk, Connecticut, October 21, 1839, he moved with 
his parents to Knox county, Ohio, in 1847. In December, 1859, he 
married Miss Madeline I. Watkins, and in May, 1860, they moved 
to Kansas, where he selected a site on the open prairie and made a 
home, which he occupied until his death. 

He was a great lover and careful observer of nature, and early 
took up the study of Conchology. By his own labor in collecting 
and exchanging, he got together a large collection of shells, and 
especially of the land and fresh-water species. Mr. Quintard was 
known by correspondence to most western collectors of fresh-water 
shells, especially the Unionide. 


Nore on VITREA RHOADSI Pils.—The distribution of this species 
would seem to be much more extended than was indicated when first 
described (Naut. XII, 101). I have specimens from Traverse City 
and Charlevoix in this State, and Dr. R. J. Kirkland has recently 
discovered it in Ottawa county, which would indicate a general dis- 
tribution through the western part of Michigan. It has not as yet 
been noticed in any of the eastern counties, I have also specimens 
from County Carlton, Ontario ; Amherst, Mass., and Orange county, 
Va., which extend the range much further to the north and east than 
indicated by Mr. Pilsbry.—BryanT WALKER. 

Note on THE Hasits or LIMN#A MIGHELSI W.G. Binn.— 
Extract from a letter of Dr, R. J, Kirkland: “I made a visit to 
Crystal Lake, Benzie county, Mich., in July and again in October. 
Along the shores are thousands of dead Limnea mighelst W. G. Binn., 


and though many hours were spent in July in searching for living 
ones, not one was found, until an improvised dredge brought them to 
view from a depth of about twelve feet. Hiring a couple of men to 
row, about two hundred were taken in half a day’s work. This fall, 
however, I was surprised to see them in shallow water (one to three 
feet), and I collected over a thousand by wading and picking them 
up one by one. They were not in groups at all, but scattered irreg- 
ularly in patches over the bottom. Some of them were half buried 
in the sand and the greater part resting with the head toward the 
shore, and where a track was visible, it was a line from deeper to 
shallower water. During the few days under observation, not a sin- 
gle individual was seen floating on the surface.’—Bryant WALKER. 


Toe GrowTi or LAND SNAILS. 
sent me two Helix albolabris which I put in my wardian case, and 

Two years ago, nearly, I had 

have had some thirty or more young from them in two annual crops; 
the first are about 21 mouths old. One of these perfected the white 
lip last year. Whether from being so often handled and being in 
the room where people are moving has made a difference in their 
habits I cannot say, but this year a portion of their ‘“‘ growing ”’ has 
been done in full view, and they often do not go into their shells 
when I take them up. 

One snail put an addition to his house of a full half inch at once. 
I happened to see him as he was finishing; he had built from the 
umbilicus on one side, then from the farther side which we call the 
top, and was connecting the two sides when I found him. The con- 
nections seemed like tiny crystals thrown from each side, as ice 
forms in a pail of water, then it was covered with a jelly-like sub- 
stance, and in a few days after he had added the first thin gelatine- 
like wall of lip, and now he has the finished hard white lip. 

I have often seen one which has the new addition as wnuch like 
gelatine as possible, then so brittle that the merest touch will break, 
then like the old shell.— Jennie M. H. Morrett, Gardener, Maine. 

Mersityta, New Mexico, AND oF THE GaLLiInas R. at Las 
Veeas, N. M.—Prof. T. D. A. Cockerell sent the following species 
from the localities named. <A previous Mesilla list has been given in 
NavutTiuus X, p. 42. 


Shells from flood-debris of the Rio Grande, Mesilla. 

Vallonia eyclophorella Ane. Pyramidula striatella Anth. 
Pupoides marginatus Say. Helicodiscus lineatus Say. 
" a variety. Zonitoides minusculus Binn. 
Bifidaria procera Gld. et singleyanus Pils. 
%§ hordeacella Pils. Limnea humilis Say. 
se hebes mexicanorum Ckll.Planorbis parvus Say. 
Pupa blandi Morse. z umbilicatellus Ckll. 
Vertigo ovata Say. Physa, undet. Young shell. 

Gallinas River at Las Vegas. 

Vallonia cyclophorella Ane. Vertigo ovata Say. 

Bifidaria armifera Say. Helicodiscus lineatus Say. 
Be procera Gld. Zonitoides minusculus Binn. 
<e hordeacella Pils. 

The species of principal interest is Planorbis umbilicatellus, not 
hitherto known from the Rocky Mountain region south of Montana 
to my knowledge. H. A. Piissry. 


Kind Friends: Nearly thirteen years have passed since I published 
my little book entitled “ West Coast Shells.” It was issued with a 
double purpose; first, to increase the interest of young people in the 
study of conchology; and secondly, to assist collectors in the work of 
identifying their specimens. It is believed that both objects have to 
some extent been realized. 

During these years students of conchology have not been idle. 
Numerous new species have been brought to light, especially on the 
southern coast, while the scores of intelligent collectors all over the 
Pacific Slope have learned much concerning the haunts and habits of 
well-known species. Eastern and foreign investigators and pub- 
lishers have been busy also, and there has been more or less change 
of names and classification. 

Repeated requests have been coming to me for a revised edition 
of “West Coast Shells.”? I have delayed undertaking the work of 
revision, partly from the pressure of other duties, and partly from a 
desire to secure the latest and most complete information concerning 
the shells themselves, and the most approved names by which they 



should be known. While I am strongly opposed to changing otd 
names except for the best of reasons, it is necessary to know whit 
the authorities are doing in these particulars. 

My object in sending out this circular is to invite all who are in- 
terested in this matter to assist in the work of revision. I shall be 
grateful to all who have found difficulties in using ‘ West Coast 
Shells” if they will write to me concerning their difficulties and 
make suggestions as to improvements. 

I wish also to be informed of any errors, either in names or de- 
scriptions, that have been discovered, and shall be thankful to receive 
suggestions that would be helpful in writing new descriptions. —In- 
formation concerning new species is especially desired; also any 
recently discovered facts concerning well-known species. 

I would be especially grateful to those who have specimens of new 
species if they would loan me such as I do not already possess, and 
give me information as to the names, localities, etc., of any species 
which are not already mentioned in ‘* West Coast Shells,” or of any 
unusual varieties that should be noticed. 

Jostan Keep. 

Mills College P. O., Alameda Ov., Calif., March 21, 1900. 



The following specics were mostly sent by Mr. Y. Hirase. They 
will be illustrated in the Proceedings of the Academy of Natural 
Science. | 

Eulota horridan. sp. Shell broadly and perspectively umbilicated, 
depressed, the spire very low conoid, nearly flat, periphery angulated, 
the angle situated high, base convex, inflated. Surface dull, yellow- 
ish-brown, shaggy with epidermal flattened processes and filaments, 
which are arrayed in six or eight concentric series, on the base, and 
at the periphery; the upper surface smoother. Whorls 53. Aper- 
ture oblique, subcircular, a little excised by the preceding whorl; 
peristome thin, slightly expanded on the outer and basal margins, 
Alt. 6, diam. 14, umbilicus 4 mm. Allied to HM. cil/osa Pfr. and 
probably to H. setocinctu A, Ad., but the spire is | wer. 

Eulota (Trishoplita?) mesogonia n. sp. Shell umbilicate, with 


moderately raised, conoidal spire, distinctly angular periphery and 
convex base. Uniform chestnut colored. Striatulate and densely 
though indistinctly granulate, the granules elongated in the direction 
of growth-lines. Whorls 54, slowly increasing, the last angular at 
the periphery, slightly descending in front. Aperture oblique, 
rounded-lunate, the peristome slightly expanded. Alt. 75, diam. 
104mm. Proy. Tonga (Gaines). 

Ganesella Jucobti n. sp. Shell rather narrowly umbilicate, semi- 
globose, thin, pale yellowish corneous : surface striatulate, decussated 
with incised spiral lines; spire convexly conoidal ; whorls 54, slowly 
increasing, the last one very indistinctly angular at the periphery in 
front, becoming rounded on the latter half, convex beneath, exca- 
vated around the narrow umbilicus. Aperture oblique, lunate, the 
peristome narrowly expanded, white, base-columellar margin reflexed. 
Alt. 185, diam. 183 mm.; umbilicus slightly over 1 mm. wide. 

Cyclotus (2?) micron, n.sp. Shell very minute, somewhat discoidal, 
with low conoid spire and widely open umbilicus; composed of 32 
tubular whorls, separated by deep sutures, the last one barely in con- 
tact with the preceding at the aperture ; pale corneous, subtranslu- 
cent, with delicate growth-striz. Aperture circular, vertical, the 
peristome simple and thin, continuous. Operculum lodged at the 
edge, presenting a densely concentrically lamellose external face, the 
center deeply sunken, Alt, 3, diam. 1.6 mm. 

Pomatiops’s Hiraset, n. sp. Shell perforate, turreted, in shape re- 
sembling Pomatiopsis californicus Pils.; general color pale yellowish 
yreen, produced by buff streaks and lines on a light green ground ; 
surface nearly smooth. Whorls remaining 5 (the earlier being 
eroded or decollate), quite convex, separated by deep sutures. The 
last third of the last gyration of the suture does not descend as much 
as the preceding turns, giving the effect of a slightly ascending whorl 
toward the mouth. Aperture ovate, subangular above, the outline a 
little flattened on the parietal margin; peristome simple, continuous, 
black-edged ; the columellar margin arcuate, a little thickened and 
perceptibly dilated. Alt. 9, diam. 4.8, longest axis of aperture 3.6 
mm. Qperculum ovate, brown, the cicatrix oblong, large, occupy- 
ing the inner half of the inside face, its edge raised. 

I at first thought to place this species in the Realiide; but on ex- 
amining the radula, I found it could belong neither to that family 
nor to the Assiminiida, the dentition being far nearer that of Poma- 
tiopsts. The formula of denticles is = , 0, 6, 6. The median den- 
ticle in the central and admedian teeth is larger than its fellows. 
This radula differs from that of the American Pomatiopses in having 
two, instead of one, basal denticles on each side of the central tooth. 
See Nautitus XII, 127; X, 37, for information on the American 


Von. XIV. JUNE, 1900. 

INO: 2. 



When the frost is on the ground and autumn leaves lie scattered 
over orchards and forests, it is no surprise to find that land snails 
(Helices) have begun their period of hibernation, and lie sheltered 
under the layers of dead leaves or hidden in decaying trunks of trees. 
The annual sleep of the snail in winter corresponds well with the 
enforced rest of the vegetable world; but in a tropical or semi- 
tropical climate the atmospheric conditions are different, and in place 
of a winter rest, snails take their annual sleep in summer. The 
hibernation of snails in colder countries is reversed, and in its stead 
estivation of snails is the result. In the eastern states helices take 
their annual siesta in winter, but in southern California snails differ 
from their congeners, presenting an illustration of the power of en- 
vironment in modifying instincts. Instead of going into winter 
quarters in October and remaining from four to six months without 
food and motionless, the greatest activity of the southern California 
Helix is during the winter months. The reason for this is that the 
food supply is plentiful in the winter when the warm rains prevail ; 
and during the summer months the arid condition of the foot-hills, 
the habitat of these quiet creatures, made the estivation of snails a 
necessity, a question of economy, an adjustment of demand and 
supply. In process of time the necessity for estivation rather than 
hibernation became a habit. 

When snails require rest in southern California they attach them- 
selves to the under surface of dead cacti, pieces of wood, stones, or 


burrow in the soil; in every case the aperture of the shell is upward, 
with the apex below. With its mucus the Helix securely glues this 
aperture to the under surface of any substance to which it attaches 
itself. These land snails, being non-operculated pulmonates, their 
apertures are covered by an epiphragm. (In experimenting on a 
number of Helix tudiculata and Helix traski, my experience has been 
that if the epiphragm has been badly punctured, or broken, the snail 
will die unless circulation is started by applying moisture.) This 
covering is composed of several layers of hardened mucus which 
resembles the tough white skin that lines a hen’s egg. 

In experimenting with helices in a snailery, a wooden box covered 
with a wire screen and partly filled with soil, I have found that 
while one species of snail (Hpiphragmophora traskii Newe.) would 
fasten themselves to the strip of wood that braced the lid of the 
snailery, the other species (Glyptostoma newberryanum W. G. B.) 
would burrow in the soil, their black shells almost hidden from sight. 
In order to test them I have repeatedly interrupted their estivation 
by placing their shells in Juke-warm water until the helices could 
crawl about, but they would eventually be found in separate places, 
. traski suspended above and G. newberryanum below in the soil. 

During estivation the snail’s functions are in a state of coma, 
respiration is nearly suspended, and having retired as far as possible 
within the shell the mollusk is the embodiment of rest. Its waking 
is not a voluntary action. Without humidity the snail will estivate 
for months and continue in a state of torpor for years if the at- 
mosphere is dry around it. Conchologists frequently quote the 
example given by Dr. R. E. C. Stearns, of the U. S. National 
Museum, of a Lower Californian Helix that rested, or rather re- 
mained in a state of torpor for six years! Other cases of prolonged 
relaxation of the vital functions of snails are recorded, 

Some years ago, in March, 1890, I collected a few land snails 
(E. traski Newe.) from some of the low foot-hills in Los Angeles, 
and on reaching home, finding them glued to the glass jar, they were 
left on a stand. In the morning two snails had crawled out of the 
jar and up the wall and were snugly ensconced in one corner of the 
ceiling, another one had traveled far in the night and had pre- 
empted his claim in one corner of the hall ceiling. In order to 
study developments they were allowed to remain én situ. One soon 
fell down upon the carpet but the other two remained intact. The 



household orders were that the helices were to be left undisturbed 
by brush or broom. The summer came and went, autumn followed, 
winter came on and still our hermaphrodites ‘held the fort.” No 
sound of mirth nor music aroused ‘them. 

But the rains came on, heavy drenching showers that rushed down 
the mountains, washed the foot-hills, overflowed the ozanjas, and all 
nature was in a dripping condition. During one of these storms in 
January, 1891, the rain came down with such force that it made in- 
vidious incursions into the hall during the night, and the snail was 
found on the floor. In an hour it was as willing as ever to struggle 
for existence. It ate heartily of celery with its little rasping tongue 
(radula) beset with multitudes of tiny siliceous teeth. 

It was not until February 23 that the other Helix had been 
sufficiently overcome by the forces of nature to loosen its epiphragm 
enough to descend to the floor. It was placed in a shallow saucer of 
water, and it assumed its functions as though they had not been 

While these house snails were glued to the ceilings, their relatives 
in the snailery in the garden had been aroused to activity by the first 
rain as it pattered through the screen cover; and on January 2, 
1891, I found a number of tiny pellucid-looking balls carefully 
hidden in the moist earth in the snailery. These were the eggs of 
the snails. In less than three weeks there were young snails. Time 
had been lost by the house snails, their zstivation extending beyond 
the requirements of nature had gained them nothing. 

It was my intention to study all these forms, and while giving a 


rest to the ‘‘ house snails,” compare their longevity with the garden 
helices. But, alas, for the rapacity of the animal kingdom, sowbugs, 
ants and insects from the rose bushes made war upon the whole snail 
colony, adults, babies and eggs, and by summer time the houses 

were empty, the tenants were gone ! 



Recent excavations involved in the construction of a _ tunnel 
through a hill at Los Angeles, California, on the line of Third street, 
have developed the presence of fossils, probably Pliocene, in the blue 
clay through which the tunnel is being cut. 


Several specimens, more or less crushed, of a iarge Lima are 
among the forms collected. This species belongs to the general type 
of Lima excavata Fabr., L. goliath Sby, etc., and reaches to a 
length of four and a half inches. The valves are brilliantly polished, 
and in the middle part unsculptured, the anterior and_ posterior 
thirds are finely radially grooved with shallow grooves of which the 
outer slopes are less steep than the inner; the incremental lines, 
obsolete elsewhere, appear in the channel of the grooves and cross 
striate it here and there, giving the effect of obsolete punctation. I 
may add that close to the impressed area of the shell there are two 
or three coarser, deeper radial grooves. The species differs from 
the South Pacific and all other forms of its group known to me in its 
much finer and more delicate sculpture and brilliant polish. I await 
more perfect specimens before trying to figure it, but would propose 
the name of Lima Hamlini for the-species in honor of Mr. Homer 
Hamlin C. E., Asst. City Engineer of Los Angeles, who is much 
interested in the geology and paleontology of the region, and has 
made valuable studies of the southern California Tertiary. The 
specimen in hand was kindly forwarded for examination by Dr. R. 

EK. C. Stearns. 



While working up the fresh-water mollusks of the Chicago area 
for a report on the Mollusca, the genus Physa came up for considera- 
tion, and the chaotic condition of the group, judging by the conflict- 
ing opinions of conchologists, seemed to warrant a somewhat critical 
revision of the species found in northeastern Illinois, and incidentally 
of northern Illinois. The best-known species, heterostropha, is little 
understood, and seems to be more frequently confounded with gyrina 
than with any other form, excepting, perhaps, integra. 

A large collection of Physide, from different parts of the United 
States as well as from northern Illinois, has been examined, and the 
writer believes that all of the species found within the area have been 
elucidated. It is very probable that there are but ten or fifteen valid 
species of Physa in the United States, six or seven of which are to 
be found in the northern part of this region east of the Rocky 


During a visit to the Philadelphia Academy of Sciences some 
time ago, Mr. Pilsbry called the writer’s attention to the fact that 
heterostropha had a smooth shell, while gyrina and some others had a 
shell with impressed spiral lines. Following up this suggestion a 
large number of Physx have been examined, with the result that in- 
stead of there being two species in northern Illinois, there are at 
least four species and one variety. 

The following notes have been made from fully adult specimens, 
and the figures are outline drawings of photographs, and are there- 
fore accurate. 

Key to Northern Illinois Phys@. 
A. Shell smooth, broad, spire short. heterostropha. 
B. Shell with impressed spiral lines. 

a. Shell rather broad, ovate, spire short, acute ; aperture wide 
and spreading; whorl 43-5 ; shell thinner than b and ¢; 
peristome callus bordered by red. sayvt. 

b. Shell elongated or cylindrical, narrow, spire generally long ; 
apertur every narrow ; whorl 5-6; peristome callus 
bordered by red. | gyrina. 

c. Shell broad, inclining to be shouldered ; spire sharply conic ; 
aperture roundly oval; whorls 45-5; peristome callus 
white without red border. integra. 

Physa heterostropha Say. Fig. 1. 

Limne heterostropha Say, Nich. Encycl., Amer. ed., pl. 1, fig. 
6, 1817. Physa fontana Harpeman, Mon. pt. 2, p. 3 of cover; 
Physa, p. 26, 1841. 

Shell polished, subovate ; whorls 4—44; spire 
moderately elevated, acute, the whorls slightly 
convex; color varying from light horn to 
greenish ; sculpture consisting only of fine 

growth lines; sutures impressed, margined by 
a white line which is frequently bordered by ae 

a dark chestnut line; protoconch consisting of 

one whorl, which is smooth, and varies from porcelain-white to rather 
dark horn color; aperture rather large, oval, occupying from two-thirds 
to three-quarters of the length of the entire shell; peristome thin, 
acute, thickened on the inside by a whitish or bluish callus, which is 
bordered on the inside with red; columella almost straight, with a 
whitish callus which is sometimes lined with red. 


Length 14.00; width 8.50; aperture length 10.00; width 4.00 
mill. (Rochester, N. Y.) 

Length 13.00; width 8.50; aperture leneth 10.00; width 4.50 
mill. (Rochester, N. Y.) 3 

Length 13.50; width 9.00; aperture length 10.50; width 4.50 
mill. (La Porte, Ind.) ? 

Length 9.00; width 6.00; aperture length 6.50; width 3.00 
mill. (Chicago.) 

Animal simiiar to that of gyriva. Jaw and radula in all respects 
like those of gyrina. Distribution: eastern and southern states 
from Maine to Georgia and west to Michigan and Illinois; Southern 
Canada. Geological distribution: Pleistocene ; Loess. Habitat : 
in ponds and streams, adhering to sticks and stones, and crawling 
over the muddy bottom. 

Only a single lot of shells has been found which could be referred 
to this species and that was collected in the drift along the shore of 
Lake Michigan at Miller’s, Indiana. The nearest typical heteros- 
tropha have been found living in Pine Lake, La Porte Co., Indiana. 
It is very probable that this species is not found in any abundance 
west of Indiana, its place being taken by gyrina, sayit and integra. 
Under distribution above, only those states are given from which 
the writer has seen authentic specimens, 

Physa Sayii Tappan. Fig. 2. 

Physa sayit Tappan, Amer. Journ. Sci. (1), vol. xxxv, p. 369, 
pl. iii, fig. 38, 1839. Physa warreniana Lea, Proc. Phil. Acad. 
Dciz, p. Ld, 1364. 

Shell polished, ovate, whorl 5-54; spire elevated, very acute, 
the whorls moderately convex ; color light 
horn to light chestnut; sculpture consisting 
of rather coarse growth lines, crossed by 
numerous fine, impressed spiral lines, giving 
the surface of the shell rather a wavy appear- 
ance, as figured for gyrina; sutures slightly 

res2! impressed, bordered as in_ heterostropha; 
protoconch consisting of one and a_ half 
smooth, glossy whorls of a dark chestnut color; aperture very large, 
long oval, three-fourths to four-fifths the length of the whole shell ; 
peristome thin, generally not much thickened within, whitish some- 
times bordered with reddish ; columella slightly twisted and cov- 


ered with a spreading callus; the lower part of the aperture is 
somewhat produced, 

Length 22.00; width 13.50; aperture length 16.00; width 7.50 
mill. (Chicago. ) 

Length 19.00; width 12.00; aperture length 14.00; width 6.00 
mill. (Chicago. ) | 

Length 16.00 ; width 11.00; aperture length 12.00; width 6.00 
mill. (Chicago.) 

Animal similar in external appearance to all Physide. Jaw and 
radula as in gyrina. Distribution: Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Illi- 
nois, Missouri. Geological distribution: Pleistocene ; Loess. Habi- 
tat: In stations similar to heterostropha and gyrina. 

Remarks: This species was at first identical as ancillaria Say, 
but that species, while having the same surface sculpture as sayiz, is 
more inflated, the outer lip more spreading and the body whorl more 
gibbous, the spire being always much shorter and the whorls more 
convex. The surface sculpture is very beautiful and precisely as de- 
scribed for gyrina. This species is not common, and has been found 
at Joliet, Maywood, Lake Calumet and Lake Michigan near the foot 
of Oak Street. Sayiz is apparently closely related to ampullacea 
Gould, a Pacific coast species. 

Physa gyrina Say. Fig.3. 

Physa gyrina Say, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., vol. 2, p. 171, 
1821. Physa striata Menxe, Syn. Math., ed. 2, p. 32, 1830. 
Physa hildrethiana Lea, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., vol. 2, p. 32, 1841. 
Physa cylindrica Newcoms, in DeKay, N. Y. Moll., p. 77, pl. V, 
fig. 82, 1843. Physa plicata DeKay, |. c., p. 78, pl. V, fig. 85, 
1843. Physa saffordit Lea, Proc. Phil. Acad. Sci., p. 115, 1864. 
Physa hawnit Lea, |. c., p. 115, 1864. Physa parva Lea, |. ¢., 
p- 115, 1864. 

Shell elongated, generally polished, whorls 5-6; spire always very 
long (as compared with the last two species), acute, the whorls in 
some cases almost flat, and at best but slightly convex, color varying 
between light-greenish horn and brick-red; sculpture consisting of 
well-marked growth lines, crossed by numerous fine impressed spiral 
lines, giving the shell a wrinkled appearance (see figure of sculp- 
ture); these lines appear at first to be raised, but when viewed 
through the microscope are seen to be impressed between two wrin- 
kled ridges, as seen in the cut; sutures scarcely impressed, but 


bordered by a porcelain-white line which is rarely edged with chest- 
nut; aperture rather long, long-oval in form, much narrowed at the 
upper part, more than a half and less than two-thirds the length of 

i yy) 


WH ie pit 

the entire shell; peristome thin, thickened within by a callus which 
is either bordered by a dark chestnut band or else is itself of that 
color ; columella thickened with a decided white callus or plait; the 
lower part of the aperture is produced ; the periods of winter hiber- 
nation are frequently marked by a whitish band in the body of the 
shell; protoconch consisting of a trifle more than one smooth, 


rounded, dark chestnut-colored whorl. 

Length 17,00; width 9.00; aperture length 11.00; width 4.50 
mill. (Chicago. ) 

Length 26.00; width 12.00; aperture length 14.00; width 5.50 
mill. (Chicago.) 

Length 24.00; width 11.50; aperture length 13.00; width 5.50 
mill. (Chicago.) 

Length 19.00; width 10.00; aperture length 12.00; width 5.00 
mill. (Chicago.) 

Length 22.00 ; width 10.00; aperture length 12.50; width 5.00 
mill. (Chicago.) 

Animal with a long and rather narrow foot, acutely pointed be- 
hind and rounded before, where it is produced into lateral lobes ; 
the foot does not extend much beyond the edge of the shell; color 
blackish or yellowish gray, dotted or flecked with whitish or yellow- 
ish, the dots being distinctly seen through the transparent shell; the 
front of the head is ornamented by two yellowish spots of good 
size, composed of numerous minute dots; the mantle is brown, 

spotted with yellowish, is reflected over a portion of the shell on the 

right side, and produced into four filiform digitations ; tentacles very 
long and slender, tapering to a point; head distinct, separated from 



the foot by a short neck ; mouth large, in the lower plane of the 
head, showing plainly the jaw and 
radula while the animal is grazing 
alongthe side of an aquarium ; eyes 
placed on swellings at the inner 
base of the tentacles; respiratory 
cavity on left side of the shell at 

Die od. the lower point where the peristome 
meets the body whorl. Length of 
foot 15.00; width 4 mill, extended (Fig. 4). 

Jaw in one piece, arched, striated, provided with a central fibrous 

projection from the superior surface ; ends rounded (Fig..5, J). 

Radula: Formula 2 - ! ae - (190-1-190) ; central 

tooth more or less quadrate, the lower outer corners being very much 
attenuated ; cusp 9-dentate, 5 denticles being long and narrow, and 
two on each side smaller and more blunt; laterals in two alternate ser- 
jes, the primary teeth large, obliquely inclined, comb-like; the cusps are 
very peculiar, and vary to a large degree ; some teeth have five long, 
pointed cusps with six small ones, one between each large one and 
one at each end (Fig. 5); others have but two small denticles, while 
still others have one or more between (Figs. 5, 2, 3, 4). The 
secondary teeth are long and narrow, with a wide, blunt cusp. 
‘These latter, as also the central tooth and small teeth between the 
cusps of the primary teeth, are very difficult to observe (Fig. 5). 
Distribution : Probably inhabits the whole of the northern and 
central parts of the United States and Southern Canada. Geologi- 
cal distribution: Pleistocene; Loess. Habitat: Found very abund- 


antly in ponds and streams of greater or lesser size, adhering to sticks 
or stones, and crawling over the muddy bottom. Inhabits either 
running water or stagnant pools. 

Remarks: This is a very common and handsome species, Its 
habits are active, moving with a rapid, steady, gliding motion. It is 
very interesting to watch a number of Physe in an aquarium; as 
they are crawling along the bottom, one will be seen to rise suddenly 
to the top of the water and move along with the foot applied to the 
surface, the sheil hanging down. Again, they may be seen descend- 

g, suspended by a thin thread of mucus. When the animal rises 

suddenly, the branchial cavity opens with a faint clicking sound, 
probably due to the pressure of air in the lung. This species fre- 
quently inhabits water as cold as the freezing point, and may be ob- 
served in winter gliding along the bottom of a pond when the surface 
is frozen. ‘The eggs are deposited on stones, the under side of sticks, 
etc., and are composed of large, glairy, transparent masses. 

Several Physz kept in captivity laid four egg masses on April 28, 
1897. The egg masses measured 20 by 4 mill., and contained from 
120 to 200 eggs. On April 24, ten additional egg masses were laid. 
The jar contained 15 individuals. On June 3, in the afternoon, the 
writer noticed a number of young in a jar containing egg masses 
deposited probably in the latter part of April. The young were half 
a mill. in length, vitreous in appearance and perfectly transparent. 
They were very lively, crawling about the jar and feeding voraciously 
upon the scum found on the sides of the glass. The heart pulsated 
120 times per minute. On June 15th the young had increased to. 
one mill. in length. About a week later, unfortunately, the whole lot 
died, so that no further notes could be taken. 

Physa gyrina is by far the most common species of the genus (I 
might say of any genus) found in the area, and has been found in all 
parts of northern Illinois. It was at first confused with heterostropha, 
but that species has a smooth shell (see above) and is not found in any: 
numbers in the area; it is very probable that heterostropha is not 
found west of the Mississippi River, and the quotations of this: 
species from western localities were probably founded on gyrina,. 
saytt, gabbi, integra, etc. This species is very variable in this 
region, some forms approaching ampullacea Gould, while others. 
might be taken for gabbi Tryon, or virginea Gould, so far as form 
goes. It is probable that some west coast names will be added to 
the above synonymy, when more study is given to this genus. 



Physa gyrina elliptica Lea. Fig. 6. 

Physa elliptica Lea, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc,, vol. V, p. 1145, pl. 
xix, fig. 83, 1837. Physa aurea Lea, l.c., vol. VI, p. 18, pl. 
xxiii, fig. 106, 1839. Physa troostiana La, Proc. Am. Phil. Soce., 
vol. II, p. 32, 1841. Physa nicklinti Lea, Proc. Phil. Acad. Sci., 
p- 114, 1864. Physa altonensis Lea, 1.c., p. 114. 1864.  Physa 
febigerti Lua, l.c., p. 114, 1864. Physa oleacea Tryon, Amer. 
Journ. Conch., vol. II, p. 6, pl. ii, fig. 6, 1866. 

Shell differing from typical gyrtna in being 
more elliptical, having a shorter, more rounded 
spire, and hence more convex whorls, the 
spire, as described by Tryon, ** with the outline 
not elevated above a continuation of the general 
curve of the body.’? The shell is also more aC, 
solid and the outer lip thicker with a very heavy, Reve 
bluish-white cailus. The surface sculpture is the same as in gyrina. 

Length 15.00; width 7.50; aperture length 9.50; width 3.50 mill. 

Length 11.00; width 6.00; aperture length 7.00 ; width 2.60 mill. 

Length 12.00; width 7.50; aperture length 9.00 ; width 3.75 mill. 

Animal, jaw, and radula, as in gyrina. Distribution: evidently 
the same as gyrina. Geological distribution: Pleistocene ; Loess. 
Habitat : Almost always associated with gyrina. 

Remarks: The typical form of this variety seems at first quite 
distinct from gyrina, but in a multitude of forms (the writer has ex- 
amined several thousand specimens) is seen to fade imperceptibly 
into the typical form. From observations in the present area, gyrina 
would seem to be dimorphic, consisting of the typical gyrina with 
long spire, and the variety e/iptica with short, dome-shaped spire. 
This belief is strengthened by the fact that the two forms are always 
associated together. It is not quite as common as the typical form. 

Physaintegra Haldeman. Fig. 7. 

Physa integra HALDEMAN, Mon. p. 33, pl. IV, fig. 7, 8, 1841. 
Physa niagarensis Lea, Proc. Phil. Acad. Sci., p. 114, 1864. 

Sheil oval, whorls 44-5; spire short, pointed, the whole convex ; 
sutures well marked, sometimes banded by a faint white line; color 
varying from light yellowish horn to pale brown; sculpture as in 
gyrina, the lines being very deep and the wrinkled edges very 
convex ; protoconch consisting of one anda half smooth, rounded, 
wine-colored whorls; aperture oval, rather wide, produced at the 


anterior end, about two-thirds the length of the entire shell; peris- 
tome thin, thickened within the aperture by 
a heavy white or yellowish callus, which 
shows through the shell very plainly; it iS 
never bordered by any color stripe; the 
callus of two or three former peristomes may 
always be seen on the body whorl and some- 
times one or two on the spire; columella 
broad, flat, white, a callus spreading over the parietal wall. 
Length 12.00 ; width 8.00; aperture length 7.50; width 3.00 mill. 
Length 10.50; width 7.50; aperture length 7.50; width 3.50 mill. 
Length 10.00; width 6.00; aperture length 5.50; width 3.00 mill. 
Animal not differing essentially from gyrina. Jaw similar to that 
of gyrina. Radula similar in form to that of gyrina, but differing in 
having six large, nearly equal cusps, instead of five, in the absence, 
generally, of small cusps between the larger ones, and in the reflec- 
tion being wider than in gyrina or heterostropha. The radula of this 
species is remarkably uniform in the form of the teeth and in the 
number of the cusps.. The central tooth and secondary teeth 
appeared to be the same as in the species previously described. 
Distribution: Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River, New York, 
Indiana, Illinois, Tennessee, Michigan, Wisconsin. Found in great 

hives ee 

abundance in Allen’s Creek, near Rochester, New York. Geologi- 
eal distribution: Pleistocene; Loess. Habitat: At stations similar 
to gyrina. 

Remarks: This species has been generally confounded with heter- 
ostropha, but will at once be separated from that species by the spiral 
lines; the general form also is different from any other shell found 
in this area, and the white callus on the lip is peculiar. It is a com- 
mon shell at Hickory Creek, Lockport and Joliet, and has been 
found, though more sparingly, at Calumet Grove, Maywood and at 
Edgewater. It is more common than sayz7, but less so than gyrina. 
The specimens from Hickory Creek are quite typical, resembling 
closely Haldeman’s figures (pl. 4, figs. 7, 8) in his monograph of 
fresh water mollusca. 


Von. XIV. JULY, 1900. No. 3. 



In the month of February, both in 1899 and 1900, I made trips to 
Arkansas for health and shells, and on both occasions stopped at 
Hardy, Sharp county, Ark., on Spring River, which heads at the 
famous Mammoth Springs, in Missouri. This part of America at 
some time was plainly lifted by an enormous upheaval, and the lime- 
stone came down without regard to good order. The highest points 
are probably 1000 feet above the sea. 

Spring river is a beautiful stream. The water so pure and deep is 
of a Nile green in color, but in every half mile or so at this point 
there is a natural dam, covered with fine unios and ‘* periwinkles.” 
When Messrs. Sterki and Simpson have helped me over the hard 
places, a list of these will be given, I found this year one new Unio 

Half of one day this year was given to Little Rock, where good 
collecting is to be found in a rocky bluff near the Iron Mountain 

Upon both trips I jumped to DeKalb, Bowie county, Texas. Last 
year I went with a party of turkey hunters as far as Little River, in 
the Choctaw Nation, all in the low lands, then by rail to Tulskahoma 
and Poteau, on the Frisco road—another blown-up limestone coun- 
try. In this part of the Indian nation the road passes between two 
mountain ranges. It is the prettiest of landscapes, and I am sure in 
the month of May the snails swarm out of the damp corners and fern- 
clothed rocks in great numbers to view the scenery. Judging by the 
government maps of near-by territory, these mountains are about 


1,000 or 1,500 feet above the sea. From Poteau, Sugarloaf, a dozen 
miles away, could be seen, and this knob runs up to 2,000 feet ; but 
a cold wave drove me home before I could make this mountain a 

In three days, at Poteau and Tushkahoma I found Polygyra Bin- 
neyana Pils,, Poly. divesta indianorum Pils., Poly. dorfeuilliana per- 
costata Pils. and Gastrodonta demissa lamellata Pils. These places 
are about 80 and 40 miles east of Limestone Gap, where Simpson 
found Poly. kiowaensis; 50 miles west of Mena, and Mena is: 70 
west of Hot Springs, where Poly. kiowaensis arkansaensis Pils. was 
found. I never saw either, and I hunted hard. 

But in the winter many shells surely could not be found. It was 
next to impossible to find a mature Omphalina friabilis or a Pyramt- 
dula solitaria alive, but their dead shells were common. Perhaps 
many of these species, as in the Tennessee mountains, are clannish 
sticklers for locality. 

The P. dorfeuilliana, monodon and G. demissa colonize under logs, 
a pine log sometimes if charred, but the oaks with a rough bark suit 
them better. The Mesodons were found by digging. In fact nearly 
all of my new shells were found by quarrying. The first was Poly. 
eragint, described by Call. This I found on my old farm at Thayer, 
Kansas, while quarrying sandstone in search of fossil plants. Since 
then I have been a great digger, looking on the well-drained and 
ventilated rock, dampened only by the soil, as the best locality to find 
a new species. High up on the mountains is good ground, I have 
always supposed because it is a poor place for lazy collectors. 

This year a Texas friend, who had a team, wagon and canvas 
cover, went with me from DeKalb, Texas, to Naples, Texas, on one 
trip, and then to Mena, Arkansas. I walked, and rolled over the 
rocks and logs, and he good-naturedly drove the team, and at good 
places stopped the procession and helped gather the shells. In this 
journey of over 200 miles I do not think I rode over 15, and I do 
not think he walked that far, except in our side journeys on foot. At 
night we made a shed of our wagon sheet, and with a roaring pitch- 
pine fire in front and plenty of blankets, got along nicely through 
snow and rain, or when the thermometer dropped to zero a few times. 

The rivers were high after having been very low, but we could 
tell by the remains that it was a very rich region in Unionide for 
the seasonable comer. From Naples to the mountains, P. dorfewill- 


ana, monodon alicia, cragint and thyrotdes were the rule, except on 
a chalky uplift called Rocky Comfort in Arkansas. Here we found 
FHelicina orbiculata tropica, Bulimulus dealbatus and Omphalina 
Friabilis in the uplands, and Poly. texasiana (banded) and Poly. 
monodon friersont in low land. 

Striking the hill country near Horatio, under the first stone out- 
crop we found P. albolabris Allent and the first Poly, Binneyana I 
had seen alive. Wherever we found a shaded hill-top after that, 
with an outcrop of rock, we found these shells; and from the number 
of “bones” scattered about, they must be plentiful on warm spring 
days. Sometime I hope to get enough for all of my friends. We 
occasionally found P. Binneyana traveling, for there were times a 
week together when we walked in our shirt sleeves and the frogs and 
birds were singing. 

P. albolabris was found more frequently under logs, but I found 
only one binneyana in that situation. Two P. albolabris alleni here 
usually hibernate together, just under the soil, face upwards. At 
Hardy I found as many as eight under one log, but the Hardy shell 
seems to me another variety, or a subdivision of a variety. It is the 
same as I have found in Kansas, smaller than the Mena adleni, more 
solid and compact, and more perfectly opaque. 

From Horatio to Mena it is a clay hill country, and the shells were 
much the same. At Mena we seemed to strike a truly snail territory. 
Here the Rich Mountain range is 2,750 feet above sea level, the 
Fourche and Black Fork ranges were about as high, the Chastats 
about 2,000 feet, and it was but a little distance to the Magazine 
Mountain and the Petit Jean range, as high as the Rich Mountains. 
I found deep, mossy, ferny coves that in the Tennessee mountains 
would be jeweled with snails. Gastrodonta demissa brittsi here was 
large as acerra, and the species were more numerous. It looked 
altogether more promising. Some day, with an industrious collector, 
I should like to start from Hardy and never stop until we had gone 
into the panhandle of Texas. Limestone bluffs and coves are on 
every hand. There could be new shells every day. With the ex- 
ception of Simpson’s visit to Kiowa, in the Indian nation, and my 
own trips, the rocks were probably never scratched. 

The following is my catch, named with much assistance from Mr. 
Pilsbry, numbered after the Pilsbry check list : 

9a. Helicina orbiculata tropica Say. DeKalb, Lanesport, Rocky 
Comfort, Gilham, Mena. 


48. Vallonia pulchella (Miill.). Lanesport, one specimen in 1899. 

68. Polygyra leporina (Gld.). From Mt. Pleasant to Horatio, the 
animal black as Z. nitidus (Mull.), in damp situations, under logs and 
stones, or feeding about near by; active in winter. 

70. Poly. Dorfeuilliana Lea. Naples to Mena, sometimes over one 
hundred in little pockets under logs and stones in well-drained soil. 
Every lot seemed a little different in color or size, and upon this last 
trip I collected 1,281, It is abundant in my travels from Arkansas 
City, Kansas, to Hardy, North Arkansas, to Waco, Texas, and all 
in between. 

70a. Poly. Dorf. Sampsoni Weth. Tushkahoma, Ind. Ter., 1899. 
Fairly plentiful in the rocks. 

70b. Poly. Dorf. percostata Pils. Poteau, Ind. Ter., 1899. Fairly 
plentiful on dry mountain side under slabs of sandstone and small 

72. Poly. Jacksoni Bld. At Poteau in ’99. One large specimen 
found at Mena this year ‘“‘of the variety with wholly closed axial 
perforation not uncommon at Fort Gibson.”’ 

79. Poly. Texasiana (Moric.) Opposite Lanesport in Texas, at 
Rocky Comfort and Chapel Hill, Ark., next to the water under 
drift. At Rocky Comfort, banded. 

95e. Poly. Cragini (Call). Naples, to Mena, under logs in low 
land, usually. The animal is black and the shell more robust and 
about one mm. larger than the Kansas type, which is 84 and 9. 
The types are a bright, cherry red, these of Ark. nearer the flat 
corneous brown color of the usual P. thyroides. 

97. Poly. inflecta (Say). Rocky Comfort to Mena. 

(109a. Poly. albolabris Alleni (Wetherby). Horatio to Rich 
Mountain Station, and at Tushkahoma, I. T. This variety has a 
thin shell and the color same as divesta, glossy. Measures from 28 
mm. to 32, and in some cases the umbilicus is partly open. 

110. Poly. exoleta (Binn.) Mena. 

112. Poly. divesta (Gld.) A few dead specimens in ’99 at 

112a. Poly. divesta indianorum (Pils.) a few dead specimens and 
young (now alive in my snailery), at Tushkahoma and Poteau in 

112-1. Poly. Binneyana (Pils.) a few dead shells and young at 
Tushkahoma and Poteau in 1899, and one dead at Hardy in drift. 




I found it this year from Horatio to Rich Mountain most plentiful in 
the rocks scattered over the creek bottoms near the city of Mena, in 
company with Gastro. demissa Brittsii and Poly. hirsuta uncifera. 
The measurements were from 23 diam. 11 alt., to 28 mm. diam., 13 
alt.; all 54 whorls. In the Chastat Mountains four miles south I 
found a smaller variety and got a few alive by digging down a couple 
of feet. These ran from 16 diam., 8 alt., to 20 diam., 9 alt., with 
not quite 5 whorls. 

124. Poly. thyroides (Say). DeKalb to Mena, occasionally, under 
logs in damp situations. Pilsbry will have much to say on this 
species, I think, as they run from the clausa size to the largest thy- 
rotdes, and were so without regard to locality. The large size were 
usually found in situations suitable for maltilineata, while the smaller 
were about the rocks and under logs upon higher ground. 

134-1. Polygyra Pilsbryi, n. sp. Shell imperforate, lens shaped, 
about equally convex above and below, corneous-brown, the surface 
rather glossy, sculptured above with strong, slightly curved, uneven 
riblets, running with the growth lines; the riblets on the base very 
uneven or interrupted as though composed of compressed radial lam- 
inz, arranged in several concentric circles. Whorls fully 5, slowly 
increasing, the last carinated at the periphery, abruptly and shortly 
deflexed in front. Aperture basal, hook-shaped or like the letter 
“¢ J’ reversed; contracted by a long, arcuate parietal lamella, which 
extends to the axis and is decidedly curved in, or entering, at its 
outer end, and is connected with the end of the outer lip by a slight 
callous ridge. Basal lip reflexed and prostrate, with a rather shal- 
low median notch, much more conspicuous in a front than in a basal 
view. Alt. 5, diam. 10mm. Rich Mountain Station (Mt. Mena), 
Polk Co., Arkansas, on mountain, by roadside leading from R. R. 
station to the hotel, two specimens (one dead). 

Allied to P. labrosa, from which it differs in the remarkable scup- 
ture and the form of the basal lip and notch. This shell was picked 
up by my partner, Mr. Jolly. 

At the suggestion of Bryant Walker it is named in honor of Dr. 
Henry A. Pilsbry, the very one who of late years has given con- 
chologists the most delight, by his enormous zeal and industry, and 
his untiring exactness. I was instructed by Mr. Walker to find 
something for the occasion as large as tndianorum or Ferrisst, but 
this shell has unusual features to make up for the disappointment in 


size. It is the best novelty in American shells found, I believe, for 
some time. 

138. Poly. stenotrema (Fer.). Found a few on the slope of the 
Chastat Mountains south of Mena. 

139c. Poly. hirsuta uncifera (Pils.) n. var. In both the Chastat and 
Rich Mts. at Mena. From its silvery, clean appearance and un- 
usually prominent basal lip, 1 believed this to be a new variety, and 
gathered all I could find. When one is out in the woods, by the 
way, he cannot always tell what is what. 

14la. Poly. monodon fraterna (Say). Rocky Comfort on the 
bank of a creek in company with friersont and aliciae. 

141b. Poly. monodon aliciae (Pils.). Mt. Pleasant and Naples, 
Texas, to Horatio and Ultima Thule, Ark. 

141d. Poly. monodon friersont (Pils.). DeKalb, Texas; Rocky 
Comfort.and Cove, Ark. 

141le. Poly. monodon imperforata (Pils.),n. var. Rocky Comfort, 
Mena and Cove. Mr. Pilsbry has thrown a bomb into the monodon- 
Leai camp, and I merely list these, leaving the description for the 
article he promises the readers of the NAUTILUS. 

153. Bulimulus dealbatus (Say). DeKalb, Rocky Comfort, Gil- 
ham, Mena. 

180. Strobilops labyrinthica (Say). Cove, one specimen. 

184. Pupotdes marginatus (Say) [Leucocheila fallax of authors |. 
At Cove under rails in an abandoned field, and at Cerro Gordo un- » 
der logs; plentiful in company with small red Poly. thyroides and 
hifidaria contracta. 

186. Bifidaria armifera (Say). DeKalb, Lanesport and Mena. 

187. Bifidaria contracta (Say). Cove. 

247. Omphalina friabilis (W. G. B.). DeKalb to Mena, most 
plentiful at Rocky Comfort. 

263. Vitrea petrophila (Bld.). Mena. This is the first time this 
species has been found west of the Mississippi. Three others were 
also found in this catch that may turn out to be a variety of V. 
wheatleyi (Bld.). 

270. Vitrea indentata (Say). From Morris’ Ferry to Mena. 

285. Vitrea Simpsoni (Pils.). Morris’ Ferry to Mena, both under 
logs and in the rocks, active. 

278-1b. Conulus chersinus trochulus Reinh. Cerro Gordo, Hat- 
ton’s Gap and Chastat Mts., rocks and under logs, rare. 


283. Zonitoides arboreus (Say). Mt. Pleasant, Texas, to Mena, 

291. Zon. laeviusculus (Sterki). One in the Red River bottoms in 

297. Gastrodonta demissa (Binn.). Morris Ferry to Mena. 

297a. G. demissa Hrittsi (Pils.). Ultima Thule and Mena. At 
the latter place in stone piles in the creek bottoms I found a large 
form. ‘The largest measured 10 mm., and I supposed at the time I 
had run upon acerra. 

297b. G. dem. lamellata (Pils). From Morris Ferry to Mena. 
‘This was generally found under the logs and very often in company 
with demissa. The largest of both measured about the same, 8 and 
9 mm. diameter. 

3338. Pyramidula alternata (Say). From Rocky Comfort to Mena. 
All rather strongly ribbed and dark in color. 

367. Succineaavara Say. At Mt. Pleasant, Texas,and Cove, Ark. 

As space is valuable in this journal, and my search at these points 
was far from thorough, I will merely give a list of species found at 
Hardy and Little Rock, Ark., and Dennison, Texas, not included in 
the above. Hardy is a particularly good locality, as there is a wide 
range of species. I found Vitrea s¢mpsoni here on my last trip, the 
most northern and eastern limit so far recorded. 

119¢. Polygyra appressa (Say). At Hardy a highly sculptured 
variety with small denticle upon the upper lip. This variety is known 
as Say’s ‘variety A.”’ It measures from 18 to 20 mm. diameter. 

119d. Poly. appressa perigrapta (Pils.), typical. Little Rock. I 
also have this from extreme northwestern Arkansas. 

120. Poly. elevata (Say). Hardy. 

125. Poly. clausa (Say). Hardy. 

134. Poly. labrosa (Bld.). Little Rock. 

190. Bifidaria procera (Gld.), At Hardy in 799. 

198. Bi. curvidens (Gld.). At Hardy in ’99. 

199. Bi. pentodon (Say). At Hardy in 799. 

278-la. Conulus fulvus dentatus (Sterki). At Hardy in 799. 

338c. Pyramidulaalternatararinotata (Pils.). At Dennison, Texas. 

239. Circinaria concava (Say). Hardy and Little Rock. 

340. Pyramidula solitaria (Say). Hardy. 

342. Pyr. perspectiva (Say). Hardy. 

346. Helicodiscus lineatus (Say). Hardy. 



[ Continued from May No., p. 12.] 
Buliminus Hirasei n. sp. 

Shell rimate, cylindric-conic, rather solid, whitish-corneous or pale 
reddish corneous, with opaque white streaks and lines. Surface ir- 
regularly striatulate and very finely though rather irregularly spirally 
striate. Spire with quite convex outlines, a trifle attenuated near 
the obtuse apex. Whorls 8, the first slightly convex, following 
whorls almost flat, the last one more convex. Aperture but slightly 
oblique, pale reddish-brown within, ovate; peristome white, ex- 
panded, thickened within; columella simply concave, without a fold; 
parietal callus very thin in the middle, thickened toward the ends, 
having a low tubercle near the posterior angle. 

Length 19, diam. 9, of last whorl above aperture 8; length of 
aperture 83 mm. 

Length 19, diam. 8, of last whorl above aperture 7.5; length of 
aperture 7.6 mm. 

Kikai, Prov. Osumi, Japan (Y. Hirase). 

This species differs from 3B. reintanus Kob. and andersonianus 
Mlldff., in the obese form and especially the light coloration. It is 
much smaller and especially shorter than B. japonicus Mildff., which 
was described from a single beached specimen. 4. japonicus while 
decidedly larger, alt. 28, diam. 11 mm., the aperture 11 mm. long, 
has a half whorl less (74), and no mention is made by Dr. v. Mol- 
lendorff of a tubercle near the posterior angle of the peristome, such 
as occurs in B, Hiraset. 

It is named in honor of Mr, Y. Hirase, of Kyoto. 

Buliminus extorris var. omiensis n. 

Shell rimate, resembling B. cantor? in general form, large, solid 
and dark chestnut brown; irregularly striate, the striz more or less 
cut into granules by very irregular spirals. Spire with convex out- 
lines below, straight above, the last two whorls of about equal diam 
eter; apex obtuse. Whorls 83, convex, the last rather compressed. 
White, somewhat thickened within, the ends connected by a white 
cord across the parietal wall, thickened into a slight tubercle near 
the posterior angle. Columella concave below, having a short strong 
fold above. 


Length 29, diam, 10, length of aperture 10.3, width 8.3 mm. 
Length 29.5, diam. 10, length of aperture 11, width 7.8 mm. 
Ibuki, prov. Omi, Japan (Y. Hirase). 

I refer this form with some doubt to /. extorr’s Branesik (Jahr- 
esheft Nat. Ver. Trencsiner Comitates, 1891, p. 81, pl. 7, f. 3), de- 
scribed as probably from Japan; but that species has a narrower 
aperture very like that of &. cantort, and is a more slender shell 
than this one, with the aperture and diameter less than one-third the 
length of the shell, while in var. omdensis these measarements ex- 
ceed one-third. B. e. omiensis is a narrower shell than 2. japonicus, 
with an additional whorl and folded columella. The peristome and 
parietal callus are more developed than in Lb. reinianus. 

Buliminus callistoderma, n. sp. 

Shell rimate, thin, conte, somewhat translucent, of a brownish 
olive color; somewhat glossy, densely granulose in spiral series. 
Spire rather straightly conic; apex obtuse, Whorls 53, convex, the 
last a little ascending in front, swollen, convex beneath. Aperture 
irregularly ovate ; pertstome thin, expanded ; columellar margin di- 
lated, reflexed above; parietal callus a mere translucent film, not 
tuberculate or thickened near the posterior angle. 

Length 10, diam. 5.5, length of aperture 4.9 mm. 

Ogasawara Shima (Bonin I.), Japan (Y. Hirase). 

Quite unlike other Japanese or Loo Choo species in its short, conic 
form, the small number of whorls, thin shell, and densely granulose 

(To be continued.) 



Dr. E. W. Hubbard, of Elyria, Ohio, whose catalogue of shells of 
that State was published at an early date, and who there cites P. cor- 
pulentus as one of the species represented in his collection, was a 
grandfather of Mr. George H. Clapp, of Pittsburg, Pa. Mr. Clapp 
has kindly sent to me for examination two sets of Planorbis from Dr. 
Hubbard’s collection, labeled P. corpulentus, one from Elyria, the 
other without locality. Both are P. trivolvis and do not differ from 
that species as usually found. This unexpected verification of the 


misconception of Say’s species, entertained by the early collectors, is 
both interesting and valuable. | 

My attention has been also recently cailed to the fact that Tryon 
first formally differentiated the west coast form from P. corpulentus 
as P. binneyi, in his review of Binney’s “Land and Fresh-Water 
Shells,’ Part II, in the Am. Jour. of Conch., III, p. 197 (1867). 
This citation should, therefore, be added to the bibliography appended 
to my article in the April NavuTiLus. 

The following typographical errors in that article should also be 
corrected : 

In foot-note on page 134 delete the words “ part of.’’ Also for 
“¢ Say,’”’ in lines one and three, read “ Jay.” 

On page 136, in the quotation from Mr. Whiteaves’ letter, for 
chive “rea “nine. — 


DONTIDZ. By W.H. Dall (Extracted from the Jour. of Conch. 
Vol. IX. pp. 244-246, Oct. 1899). Dr. Dall says: ‘ The family 
Diplodontidz comprises the genera Felania, Diplodonta, Ungulina 
and Joannisiella. ‘The Cryptodontide which have been by some au- 
thors united with this group, possess very remarkable anatomical 
characters, and should be kept separate. Joannisiella has long been 
confounded with Cyrenotdes, from which much misconception has 
arisen. The former is a brackish water Diplodonta with a flattened 
foot, the latter belongs to a distinct group. The typical Jelania is 
close to Diplodonta, but many Lucinoid shells have been mistakenly 
referred to Felania. 

East American Species, 

Diplodonta punctata Say (Amphidesma). Syn. D. venezuelensis 
Dkr. D. janeirensis Rve., D. subglobosa C. B. Ads. D. braziliensis 
Mittre, D. orbella Gabb, Mysia pellucida Heilp. Cape Hatteras to 
South Brazil. 

Diplodonta nucleiformis Wagner. Syn. D. elevata Conr., D. car- 
olinense Conr. Coast of the Carolinas, 15-52 fathoms ; fossil in 
the Miocene of Virginia and N. Carolina. 

Section Lelaniella Dall, 1899. 
Diplodonta candeana Orb. Marco, Florida, to Brazil. 
Diplodonta vilardiboana Orb. Brazil and Argentine coasts. 
Section Phyctiderma Dall, 1899. 
Diplodonta soror C. B. Ads. Jamaica, north to the Florida Keys 
and Texas; fossil in the Miocene of Virginia and N. Carolina. 

i = - a 



Diplodonta semiaspera Phil. Syn. D. granulosa C. B. Ads., L. 
semireticulata Orb. Cape Hatteras to Rio Janeiro, Brazil; fossil in 
the Pliocene of Florida. 

Diplodonta puncturella Dall, n. sp. Jamaica; fossil in the Oli- 
gocene, Bowden, Jamaica. 

Diplodonta platensis Dall n. sp. In 11 fathoms off Rio de la 

Section Spherella Conrad. 

Diplodonta verrilli Dall, = D. turgida V. & §., 1881, not Conr. 
1848. Martha’s Vineyard, Mass., to N. Carolina, in 15-69 fathoms. 
West American Species. 

Diplodonta orbellu Gould. (Sphaerella tumida Cour. Ms.) Brit- 
ish Columbia to Lower California. 

Diplodonta tellinoides Reeve. Panama to Guayaquil. 

Diplodonta discrepans Cpr. Mazatlan. 

Diplodonta subquadrata Cpr. Not D. subquadrata Gabb, but 
perhaps D. undata Cpr. Cape St. Lucas to Acapulco and Maz- 

Section Felaniella Dall. 

Diplodonta obliqua Phil. (Lucina calculus Reeve). Cape St. 
Lucas, Mazatlan. 

Diplodonta cornea Reeve. Gulf of Nicoya. 

Diplodonta sericata Reeve. Felania sericata Cpr. Gulf of Cal- 

Diplodonta nitens Reeve. Gulf of Guayaquil. 

Section Ph/lyctiderma Dall. 

Diplodonta celata Reeve. Bay of Guayaquil. 

Diplodonta semirugosa Dall, n. n. = D. semiaspera Cpr. not 
Philippi. Gulf of California. 

von Ihering. (Neues Jahrbuch tur Mineralogie, Geol. und Palxon. 
Bd. II, pp. 1-46, taf. 1, 11, 1899.) There are recorded from this for- 
mation 69 species. 9 new species are described, followed by general 
observations on the formation and fauna. 

LAND AND FRESHWATER Mottusca OF INp1A, Vol. II., pt. 9. 
By Lieut.-Col. H. H. Godwin-Austen. The part now before us 
continues the account of the Zonttid@, a large part of both text and 
plates relating to the soft anatomy of the various forms. The groups 
Macrochlamys, Eurychlamys (n. s.-g.), Ratnadvtpia (n. s.-¢), Hu- 
plecta, Girasia, Austenia, Microcystina, Microcystis, Mariella, Ben- 
sonia, Haughtonia (n. s.-g.), Nilgira, Ariophanta, Khasiella (n. s.-g) 
are treated in more or less detail. 

In so large an amount of new and interesting information, only a 
few points can be specially mentioned. 

In Macrochlamys pedina the spermatheca was found to contain 
not less than seven spermatophores ; and the morphology of the 


spermatophore in various Indian genera is discussed at some length. 
The value of this organ in classification is stated to be not inconsid- 
erable, as it is subject to modification probably generic in constancy. 
In Huplecta semidecussata the vagina (or free oviduct) is swollen 
above its union with the spermatheca duct, the author interpreting 
this structure as a provision for retaining the ova, and terming it the 
‘ovitheca.””' In treating of Mariella, Godwin-Austen adopts 
Cockerell’s suggestion that the J/. dussumiert was from Mahé on the 
southwest coast of Peninsular India, not Mahé, one of the Seychelles. 
The genus is shown to be closely allied to Girasia. 

By restricting several parts of his work to Zonitid anatomy, a 
quantity of data invaluable to other workers in this difficult group 
has been amassed, although, as Godwin-Austen modestly points out, 
the time for definite classification of the whole group has not yet 
arrived.—H. A. P. 


covery of the remains of a species of Radiolites, R. Hamlini Stearns, 
in the Third Street Tunnel clays in the city of Los Angeles, of which 
we have been informed, is of exceeding interest through its bearing 

on the question of the geologic age of the region, which has been” 

in doubt (Cf. Navtitus, June, 1900, pe! 15). The Radiolites is a 
Cretaceous form and not heretofore reported from the west coast. 

Errata.—For “vertical”? in the sixth line of the second para- 
graph, page 3 of the May number, read “ ventral.” In the next 
paragraph, fourth line, after the word ligaments, read ‘“‘is”’ instead 
Oe are.” 

Lists of Recent Mortrtusca.—Messrs Sowerby & Fulton have 
issued a series of iists of recent mollusks, enumerating a large num- 
ber (11,300) of the known species of most of the genera, classified 
according to late authorities. They are well and accurately printed, 
and collectors will find them useful and interesting. 

Hail, Limax!—clammy, slimy thing, 
Poor houseless wretch, of thee I sing! 
Though ended is thy earthly run, 
Thy glory is but yet begun. 

For Science, with obtrusive pride, 
Will keep intact thy mortal hide 
And suffer thee, for future gain, 
In best of spirits to remain. 

Oakland, Cal., Apr. 15, 1900. H. H. BRueEnn. 

1 Perhaps ‘‘ o6theca” would be better, ovitheca being a hybrid word. 

ee ete Te Se ee 

Pees hae) eee 


Von. XIV. AUGUST, 1900. No. 4. 


Murex petri Dall, n. sp. 

Shell solid, when perfect with an acute produced apex of four or 
five whorls, followed by four ordinary whorls; nepionic shell with 
convex shouldered whorls with up to six rounded varices, spirally 
sculptured with rather prominent threads ; color of the shell purplish- 
brown more or less minutely mottled or articulated with paler spots; 
surface with obsolete flattish spiral threads stronger on the backs of 
the varices, and, when perfect, also showing very minute spiral stria- 
tion; whorls between the varices with a single not very prominent 
knob; varices flattish, with five or six projecting points or digita- 
tions separated by shallow emarginations and slightly excavated on 
the forward face ; these projections are not recurved ; anterior face of 
the varices covered with profuse crinkled imbricating lamelle; a 
marked sulcus between the anterior digitation and the canal; aper- 
rure ovate, thickened with a projecting yellowish margin without 
any dentiform process; tle interior shows about six nodular denticles 
on the anterior two-thirds of the outer lip; canal closed, rather long, 
sharply curved to the right; lon. of shell 65, lat. 32; of aperture lon. 
£0; tate 11.5 mim. 

Habitat, San Pedro, in rather deep water. Mr. and Mrs. Old- 
royd. | 

This shell belongs to a group of Murices which is exceptionally 
developed on the Pacific coast; having three varices and sometimes 
a basal tooth projecting from the margin of the aperture. Those 


with the tooth belong to the genus Pterorhyt’s Conrad (long called 
Cerostoma) and those without a tooth have had various names applied 
to them from Ocinebra to Pteropurpura. Of the allied species IZ 
californicus has scaly spirals of three sizes, ending in sharply pointed 
channelled recurved varical digitations; JZ. trialatus Sowerby has 
dark brown and white color bands. the shoulder of the whorls ex- 
cavated, the large posterior digitation of the varices curved toward 
the apex of the shell, and the varix has no anterior sulcus next the 
canal. M. carpentert Dall, is nearly smooth, thinner than the others, 
and with no knobs between the varices on the whorls. All have 

similar opercula of muricoid type. 



Lampsilis Simpsoni. 
Shell sub-solid, elongated, slightly obovate, narrowed in front, and 

rather evenly rounded at both ends, somewhat inflated, having the 
greatest diameter at the middle and gradually tapering each way to 
the ends, feebly gaping at the anterior base and behind, beaks rather 
low but distinct, their sculpture consisting of ill defined, irregular 

subnodulous corrugations; epidermis well developed, in the young 

specimens projecting beyond the shell all around, slightly concentri- 
eally wrinkled, and showing the rough trregular growth lines; tawny 
with green rays and coppery beaks in the young, brownish or black- 
ish in the old state ; posterior ridge well marked in the earlier stages 
of growth. Hinge line evenly curved; pseudo cardinals reduced to 
mere stumpy vestiges; there are two feeble, remote laterals in the 
left valve and one in the right ; epidermal matter folded in along the 
hinge line; anterior cicatrices rather deep, irregular; posterior cica- 
trices shallow; nacre shaded violet, bluish and coppery, iridescent 
behind. Length 95, height 50, diameter 32 millimeters, Spring 
River, Hardy, Arkansas. 

This specimen seems to stand between Lampsilis tenuissimus and 
L. gracilis. The former is more compressed, has a stronger posterior 
ridge, ig, pointed behind, and is inflated at or just behind the center 
of the base, and gaps more decidedly behind. It has something the 
form of certain specimens of ZL. gracilis, but is more elongated and 


straighter on the basal line. Three specimens were obtained, one 
adult, which is probably a male, and two young shells. The latter 
are very different from young gracilis, having the epidermis well 
projected around the border of the shell, and the outlines of the 
adult state. 

To help commemorate the memory of one who has given nearly 
a life work towards perfecting the history of the humble clam, I 

name this in honor of Chas. T. Simpson of the National Museum. 
Types in my own collection. 



Gastrodonta intertexta volusia, n. var. 

Shell small, thin and fragile, subtranslucent, pale brown, somewhat 
glossy, the surface decussated by impressed spirals cutting fine but 
sharp strize above, smoother but still decussate below ; rather widely 
perforate. Whorls 53, the earlier 15 smooth, last whorl slightly 
angular at the periphery, quite convex beneath. Aperture without 
the slightest trace of callus within. Alt. 5, diam. 8 mm. 

Near ‘* Mount Taylor,” an aboriginal mound on the St, John’s 
River, south of Volusia, Volusia Co., Florida; coll. by Pilsbry & 
Johnson. Types no 75,769 coll. A. N.S. P. 

This sheli differs from intertexta in the very small size, fragile 
texture, and total lack of an internal callus within the last whorl 
near the aperture. Some 56 specimens collected agree in these 
characters; and as I have seen no intermediate specimens, the form 
may prove be specific. However, the St. John’s valley is 
deficient in lime; the land shells are in some other cases quite thin 
for their species, a fact which has its weight. But in the Tanners- 
ville valley of the Catskills, a sandstone region where snails are rare 
and actually eat each other’s shells for lime, the ¢ntertexta I found 
still had the characteristic callus within the mouth. 

Alexia myosotis marylandica, n. var. 

Inner lip triplicate; outer lip with a conical tooth at its upper 
third, below which it is thickened by a callous rib. 

Mouth of St. Leonard’s Creek, Patuxent River, Maryland, col- 
lected by Charles W. Johnson. 

Pyramidula Elrodi, 0. sp. 

Shell openly umbilicate, much depressed and acutely keeled, 
moderately solid. Spire but slightly convex; whorls 5, the first. 
smooth, the next 14 rather convex, finely and regularly ribbed, the 
following whorls flattened, impressed above an acute keel which fills 
the suture, the last two whorle very strongly, irregularly ribbed, the 
ribs running with growth-lines, wrinkle-like; last whorl with an 
acute peripheral keel, pinched and concave above aud below tt, the 
keel of the preceding whorl projecting more or less above the 
suture ; base convex, heavily ribbed, the umbilicus large and funnel- 
shaped. Aperture oblique, irregularly oval, angular at position of 


the keel; peristome simple, the margins converging ; parietal callus 
short and rather thin. 

Alt. 9, diam. 21-22 mm, 

Mission Mountains, Montana (Prof. M. J. Elrod). 

This species holds toward /. strigosa a relationship like that of 
P. cumberlandiana toward P. alternata. Except in being more 
widely umbilicated and with a wider last whorl, it would be well 
resresented by the published figures of Hpiphragmophora cireum- 
eartnata (Stearns). The ribs are less regular than in the typical 
form of P. ¢dahoensis, but are equally strong. None of the wonder- 
ful series of strigosa varieties discovered by Hemphill approach this 
form; which could not, with present information, be considered a 
sub-species of strigosa. It is, like ¢dahoensis and haydeni, doubtless 
the terminal member in a differentiation-series from the strigosa 
stock, but the connecting links are wanting tn the recent fauna, so 
far as present collections show. 

It is named in honor of Prof. M. J. Elrod, of the University of 

Helicodiscus Eigenmanni n. sp. 

Shell similar to H. lineatus, but attaining a much greater size, the 
umbilicus much smaller in comparison with the diameter of the 
shell. Whorls 4? to 5, strongly lirate spirally. Aperture more 
lunate, embracing more of the preceding whorl, usually armed with a 
pair of small teeth within, as in A. lineatus. Umbilicus rather deep 
and cup-shaped. Alt. 1.9, diam. 4.8 mm., umbilicus 2 mm. wide. 

Beaver Cave, near San Marcos, Hays Co., Texas. 

This species was collected by Dr. C. H. Eigenmann, the well- 
known writer on fish morphology. 

The specimens are very uniform in character, differing markedly 
from the common and wide-spread H. lineatus. ‘The latter shows 
but little variation throughout its enormous range, and so far as I 
can see from a very large series, there is nowhere a tendency to be- 
come more narrowly umbiiicated. The present form has been found 
only in the cave mentioned above, and may possibly be a modifica- 
tion induced by underground life, although until the immediate sur- 
roundings of the cave are searched, it would be unsafe to more than 
suggest this. I find only the ordinary Z. lineatus from other Texan 
localities. Nothing like H. Ligenmanni occurred to me at San 
Antonio, New Braunfels, or Austin. 




Eurytus Couturesi. Anc. , 

Testa ovata, tenuiuscula, subimperforata, nitidula, sub epidermide 
tenui virenti vel luteo-fusca, plus minusve decidua, sordide purpurea. 
Spira brevis, obtusa, apice fusco-purpurea, ad summum rotundate sub- 
conoidea. Anfractus 4, celeriter crescentes, convexiusculi, sutura 
impressa, striis incrementi notati et minute granulati; penultimus 
ad dextram tumidulus ; ultimus post mediam partem longe deflexus, 
malleatus et minutissime granulosus, striis ad suturam_ pliculosis. 
Apertura fere verticalis, irregulariter ovalis, superne angulosa, plica 
columellari callosa preedita, intus livide purpurea. | Peristoma 
undique revolutum et incrassatum, roseo-purpureum, marginibus 
callo nitido junctis, columellari ad insertionem paululum dilatato. 

Long. 38, diam. 22, alt. apert. cum peristomate 22 mill. 

Hab. Bolivia (teste G. Coutures). 

This is more egg-shaped than either Z. pulicarius or EL. catheartia, 
Reeve, which seem to be its immediate allies. In form it resembles 
E. cardinalis Pfr., from Quito, but is a smaller and much thinner 
shell. I have seen two specimens precisely alike, differing only in 
size ; the larger one, the type, is in my collection. 


1. Limicolaria oviformis, Anc. 

Testa obtecte minuteque rimata, obtuso-oblonga, solida, opacula, 
nitida, sub epidermide decidua pallide stramineo-lutescente, griseo- 
lactea strigisque pallide fuscis exilibusque in medianis aufractibus 
variegata vel flammulata, Spira oblonga, relative parum attenuata, 
apice valde obtusa. Anfractus 7 convexi, regulariter et lente cres- 
centes, sutura satis impressa, subirregulari; striis incrementi aliisque 
spiralibus paulo inter se distantioribus regulariter decussata; ultimus 



oblongus, rotundatus, post medium levigatus (striis spiralibus 
evanidis). Apertura subobliqua, oblongo-angustata, albida. Col- 
umella reflexa, incrassata, fere recta. Peristoma rectum, acutum, 
margine extero antrorsum haud arcuato, 

Long. 44, lat. 21, alt. apert. 18} mill. 

Hab. Mountains above Aden, Arabia (Jousseaume). 

This is a Limicolaria of the typical African group and bears no 
relation to the species hitherto known from the opposite coast of the 
Somalis, like Z. Revotli, Bourg., Armand, Bourg., etc. It is re- 
markable in being very obtuse and of an oblong shape. The mark- 
ings are but faint, at least as far as the original specimen is con- 
cerned. | 
2. Buliminus (Petrceus) Pilsbryanus Anc. 

Bulimus Jousseaumei, Bourg., in coll.; mot Buliminus Jouss- 
eaumei, HE. A. Smith, Proc. Malac. Soc., Vol. I., part 4, p. 142 

Testa oblonga, clause rimata (rima obliqua, basi arcuata), candida, 
statu omnino recenti verisimiliter pallide iuteotincta, solidiuscula, 
nitida. Spira conideo-oblonga, apice minuto, obtusiusculo, levigato. 
Anfractus 74 convexiusculi, regulariter crescentes, sutura parum 
profunda discreti, superiores confertim oblique costulati, sculptura in 
sequentibus debiliore, in inferioribus obsolescenti et proeterea lineis 
spiralibus numerosis indistinctis sub valida lenti passim impressa ; 
ultimus postice convexus, ad dextram excentricus, versus aperturam 
breviter ascendens, circa rimam impressus et obtuse subangulatus. 
Apertura fere recta, superne oblique lunata, irregulariter subovata, 
ad dextram excentrica, ad marginem columellarum leviter oblique 
rectiuscula, extus valde convexa. fPeristoma crassum, callosum, 
continuum, valide labiatum, planiusculum, latum, undique reflexum. 
Columella oblique recta, subs:nuosa, intus plica valida in dentum 
acutum desinenti munita. Margines approximati, callo crasso 

Long. 21, lat 104, long. apert. (perist. incluso) 10; long. ejusd. 
(peristom. excluso 64); diam. ejusd. (peristom. incluso) 8; diam. 
ejusd. (sine peristomate) 43 mill. 

Mountains of Yemen, above Aden, Southern Arabia (Dr. Jous- 


In January, 1853, Gray (Brit. Mus. Cat. Brach., p. 114) insti- 
tuted the genus Cistella for Terebratula cuneata of Risso and allied 
forms. This name has been generally adopted and, in the last re- 
vision of the Brachiopods by Schuchert, is not credited with any 
synonyms. But in 1848, Gistel, in his Naturgeschichte des Thier- 
reichs, p. xi, proposed the name Cisted/a for a group of Insects. For 
the Brachiopod, therefore, I propose the name Argyrotheca, with the 
same type. 

The name Huryta was proposed for a subgenus of Terebra, by H. 
and A. Adams in 1858, and is in general use, but Huryta had already 
been used for an acaleph by Gistel, in 1848, and must therefore be 
rejected. In its place I would propose Mazatlania. In 1876 Jef- 
freys proposed Glomus for a remarkable bivalve allied to Leda, but 
he had also been preceded by Gistel, who had proposed the name 
Glomus for a beetle (Naturg. p. xi, 1848). The genus may take 
the name of Pristigloma. 

The dismemberment of the heterogeneous Linnean genus Patella 
was one of the first tasks of naturalists after the publication of the 
Systema Nature. The first author to undertake this necessary work 
has been generally overlooked. This was Modeer, who in 17938 
(K. vetensk. Akad. nya Handl. xiv, pp. 110-111) divided the true 
limpets from those with internal septa or processes and gave to the 
latter group, with a proper diagnosis, the name of Chezlea. This 
group was subsequently divided by authors who, however, omitted 
to reserve any portion of the original genus Chevlea to preserve the 
name, as required by the rules of nomenclature. On the five species 
cited as examples by Modeer, four genera were instituted by Hum- 
phrey (after Hwass) in 1797, two belonging to his genus Orypta, 
more generally known as Orepidula. In 1799 Lamarck made two 
subdivisions with new names for three of the species, and added a 
third in 1809. Ferussac added a synonym to one of Humphrey’s 
names in 1807, and Schumacher did the same in 1817, while a 
subgeneric name was proposed by Moérch, for one of the two 
Crepidulas, in 1852. What name must we now reject, to reinstate 


Cheilea in its rights? There was no diagnosis given with Hum- 
phrey’s names, only lists of species. Passing them over, we find 
Lamarck eliminated Crepidula and Oalyptrea with proper diag- 
noses, though his Calyptrea comprised species of two genéra. THe 
left behind a single species, which, if Lamarck had been the first 
to divide the genus, would have kept the name Cheilea. On the 
other hand, he included in his genus Calyptrea, a species he should 
have omitted. The first was named Septarta by Ferussac in 1807, 
and this left only one genus included in the original Ohedlea un- 
named. This was called Mitrularia by Schumacher in 1817, but 
in our opinion this name must be rejected for that of Modeer, 
which should be adopted for the group represented by the Patella 
equestris of Linnaeus. 


Mo.Luvusca OF THE GREAT SMOKY Mountains. By Henry A. 
Pilsbry. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., 1900, pp. 110-150. This 
is the most interesting faunal list the writer has seen in a long while. 
It results from the explorations of Messrs. Pilsbry, Ferriss, Bryant 
Walker, Clapp and Sargent in July and August, 1899, along the 
Tennessee-North Carolina boundary, among the valleys and on the 
peaks of the Great Smoky Mountains. In all, fifty-six species of 
terrestrial mollusca were obtained, among which Gastrodonta walker, 
Punctum blandianum, and several varieties of different species are 
described as new. ‘Two things are especially noticeable, one the 
abundance of endemic species and varieties, the other the absence of 
many species which one is accustomed to regard as universally dis- 
tributed in the mountains of this continent. Of course more of the 
latter may yet be found, but it cannot be purely accidental that the 
party came upon no Vitrina, no Pupa, only one Vertigo, and that 
very rare, only one bifidaria, also rare, and no Vallonia! In some 
cases widely-distributed species are represented by segregates which 
have attained specific rank; thus in place of Vitrea indentata there 
is an abundance of V. carolinensis of a small type (var. wetherby?, 
Ckll. ined.) intermediate between indentata and carolinensis proper, 
the exact locality of which is unfortunately unknown. In the case 


of Polygyra tridentata the differentiation has not gone so far, so that 
while Dr. Pilsbry describes a mountain race with a more or less 
double basal tooth, he hesitates to give it a name. Throughout the 
paper the author, while naming a number of local races, shows a 
natural reluctance to recognize in the nomenclature all the incipient 
species which his studies have brought to light. As with the mam- 
mals in the hands of Merriam, Allen, Rhoads and others, abundant 
specimens with exact data have proved what the older authors did 
not expect; that everywhere segregation is going on, and that the 
recognizable species and subspecies are far more numerous than we 
had been led to suppose. Lord Salisbury’s statement of a few years 
ago, that nobody had seen evolution actually going on in nature, ap- 
pears absurd to the modern zodlog|st or botanist. Even the attitude 
of those who do not believe in varietal nomenclature or the recogni- 
tion of subspecies has changed. Thus Dr. Skinner, who from 
sundry published opinions might be regarded as a ‘lumper,” is. 
familiar with and has represented in his:splendid collection of butter- 
flies more geographical races than entomologists dream of; and I 
believe he will admit that if be were converted to the policy of 
splitting, he might produce a work which would astonish us all. 

The writer of this notice believes that detailed studies like those 
of Dr. Pilsbry are of the highest importance from a philosophical 
point of view, and that until zodlogists are prepared to recognize the 
wonderful complexity and variety of living forms, they cannot hope 
to understand the larger problems of biology. And it seems to him, 
furthermore, that we should be rational enough to weigh and con- 
sider all characters, not merely those which strike the eye. We 
think of the Sandwich Island Achatinellide as being wonderfully 
diverse, because their diversity is largely that of bright colors and 
pretty patterns. Why may not the less conspicuous diversity of our 
simply-colored snails be just as real, and just as worthy of recog- 
nition by students of molluscan life ? 


Tue ARMATURE OF Hexricorp Lanp SHELLS, by G. K. Gude 
(Science Gossip). Mr. Gude has now brought to completion his 
long series of articles on the genera Plectopylis and Corilla, giving a 
synopsis and key to the former group, a discussion of its geographic 


range, and a much-needed index, as the papers extend over a period 
of several years. <A classification into seven sections is offered. 
These seem in all cases to be excellently founded groups, and de- 
cidedly useful in classifying some 75 species which now compose 
the genus. Few if any groups of Helices of similar extent have 
been so well monographed. ‘The workman-like manner of the per- 
formance shows Mr. Gude to be an acute observer and clear expositor. 
He is a welcome recruit to the first rank of Helicologists. 

List OF SWELLS collected by Vernon Bailey in Heron and KHagle 
Lakes, Minnesota, with notes. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. XXII, p. 135- 
FORNIA, with faunal and geographical notes. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 
Paeteepwtee—i4e. By R. KE. C. Stearns, Ph. D. . The first. list 
enumerates some 18 species, all aquatic except Succinea ovalis Gld., 
reported from the shore of Heron Lake. A number of noteworthy 
variations of Limm@ea emarginata from Eagle Lake are discussed, 
shouldered, lirate, patulous and variously distorted forms occurring. 
The second paper describes Haliotis fulgens walallensis (Nautilus, 
XII, no. 9). 


SHELLS oF Las Veacas, N. M.—We have received from Prof. 
T. D. A. Cockerell another small lot from this locality, collected by 
Miss Mary Cooper, and including the following species: Vitrina 
pfeiffert Newe. Pupoides hordaceus (Gabb). Bifidaria armifera 
(Say). Bifidaria procera (Gld.). Pupa blandi (Morse). Planor- 
bis deflectus Say. Pisidium compressum Pme, 

Dr. Rudolph Bergh discusses the anatomy of various Tecti- 
branches in the part of the Malacologische Untersuchungen, Vol. 
VII., just issued. He adopts the erroneous spelling Haminza for 
Haminea, and retains it in the Bullideg, where it does not belong. 
An excellent account of the anatomy of H. cornea Lam. follows. 
Oryptophthalmus follows, also referred to the Bullid@, and the 
anatomy is now first described. ‘The genus Chelidonura is described 
anatomically, and referred for the first time to the family Doridiida, 
doubtless correctly. This is a most interesting discovery. The 


genera Lobiger and Lophocercus are then discussed. The anatomy 
of Akera bullata and of a new Pacific species of Phyllaplysia is also 

Notre on a New Asyssat Limpert. Under the name of 
Bathysciadium conicum Dautzenberg and H. Fischer have described* 
a new deep-water limpet which combines some curious characters. 
The specimens are simply conical with radiating riblets and an al- 
most membraneous shell, and have a diameter of 1.5 mm. and a 
height of 0.9 mm. Some anatomical details are given by Dr. 
‘Pelseneer in a note appended to the description. The animal was 
obtained from the beak of a cuttlefish dredged by the Prince of 
Monaco off the Azores in 845 fathoms. 

Like Lepeta it is without eyes or ctenidia, the ee being 
carried on by the surface of the mantle. The muzzle appears to be 
without lappets, the right tentacle has an appendix like that of 
Cocculina (supposed to be a degenerate verge), there are no posterior 
filaments ; an unpaired mandible and long radula are present, the 
nervous system is that of the Docoglossa, and the otoliths are 
single. | 
Dr. Pelseneer regards the genital gland (otherwise strictly deco- 
glossate) as hermaphrodite, a condition so exceptional, and, consider- 
ing the minute size of the animal, so difficult to determine, that 
judgment may fairly be suspended pending further confirmation of 
it. The radula as figured leads to the belief that except in the 
absence of the rhachidian tooth (often degenerate in abyssal lim- 
pets) the teeth are like those of Lepetella; the major lateral being 
broken into three pieces which have been taken for three separate 
teeth by the author cited. If this suspicion be correct, the formula 
is 1-+2.0.2+ 1, for a transverse series of the radula. The creature 
will be the first true limpet (Docoglossa) to show any trace of a 
verge, and if really hermaphrodite, the first to exhibit this charac- 
ter. The single otolith is very likely correlated with the small size 
of the animal. The genus will stand next to Lepetella among the 
Abranchiate Docoglossa.— Wm. H. Datu, (Sczence, June 8). 

* Bull. Soc. Zodi. de France, xxiv., p. 207. 


SEPTEMBER, 1900. No. 5. 

Von. XIV. 


There was a general round-up of the snails in the Smokies last 
summer. When the roll of diggers was called at Cades Cove, Dr. 
H. A. Pilsbry answered to his name, and so did Geo. H. Clapp, of 
Pittsburg, Bryant Walker, of Detroit, Prof. H. A. Sargent, of Ann 
Arbor, and I did too. Prof. A. G. Wetherby and Mrs. M. L. An- 
drews intended to be with our party until the very last moment. 
The year before, I made the trip as far as Mirey Ridge with Mr. 
Clapp. With this exception it was my first excursion in company 
with up-to-date scientists. I have made four trips to the Smoky 
Mountains and expect to go again this year. On two occasions short 
stops were made at Burnside, Kentucky, on the Cumberland; at 
Oakdale, Tennessee, on the Emery; Lookout Mountain, at Chatta- 
nooga, and a side trip to the Little Tennessee, at Caringer post-office, 
or Talassee Ford, and one trip was made into the Unaka range. 
The Smoky Mountains on the north of the Little Tennessee and the 
Unaka range on the south (not the Unakas near Roan Mountain), 
form the boundary between Tennessee and North Carolina. 

The readers of the Nauritus, I am sure, will be pleased to know 
something of this party. Briefly in ages, its members ran from 35 
to 50; at least I am that high, but they are boys still, and can climb 
more trees and wade streams worse than ever. Mr. Walker, an at- 
torney, and Mr. Clapp, a business man, I think the handsomest 
members of the party ; and their dispositions, their patience, their 
interest in the comfort of others really approach the domain of the 


angels, and when Mr. Blair, our mountain host, was with the party 
it made three of them. Mr. Clapp can suffer more and complain 
less than any entirely earthly being. When lame enough to put an 
ordinary man in a hospital he will sprinkle on a little talcum pow- 
der, keep up with the procession and never say a word. Mr. Walker 
did not sleep the night after our party separated because Sargent and 
I were out on the mountains without blankets, and the heathen, the 
two of us, at that very time were as near the happy hunting grounds, 
both in altitude and spirit, as we may ever be; with a bed of dry 
moss and a roaring fire at our feet, we slept sweetly as doves, under 
a massive balsam in the prettiest park I ever saw in the mountains. 
The next morning we got over 80 Polygyra Ferrissi each, and three 
were albinos. 

For industry, zeal and business (shell business), Sargent and 
Pilsbry are not to be excelled. Sargent always hunts longer and 
gets more than any other, and Pilsbry, after a hard day’s digging, 
was ready to clean up my catch any time I would bake biscuit. Not 
one was a believer in ghosts. It was the most sensible, kindly, 
lovable collection possible. A sad day came when the company sep- 
parated. Dr. Pilsbry then borrowed soda of a herder and attempted 
to bake his own biscuit. He did not have any sour milk, and I think 
that yellow spot remains in the camp site to-day, a wonder to pass- 
ing herders and a puzzle to those practical mountain scientists who 
condense their bulky corn crop into convenient form for transporta- 
tion in jugs. 

Cade’s Cove, in Blount county, Tennessee, lying at the base of the 
Smokies, is 1,700 feet above the sea. It is six miles long, in some 
places two in width, and out of this valley are many other deep 
coves running up to the top of Boat and Rich mountains, 3,500 feet 
above the sea. This valley has been searched more than any we 
have visited. But last year we found four more kinds, and one of 
those a new variety. The soil is so fertile in shells, like the sea 
coast of Florida it will be good ground for many years. 

With mountain friends, camp dunnage and mules, we left the set- 
tlement soon as possible. ‘There was much rain, and the puncheons 
in the herder’s cabin where we slept the first two nights were very 
hard, but it was a light-hearted company. There were plenty of 
snails, and school children were never more delighted or delightful. 
The pleasant days we climbed the mountain sides, when Mr. Pilsbry 



and company talked snails, geology, botany and fungi, is a memory 
will long live pleasantly with your humble author. 

Thunderhead is 5,500 feet according to the government maps, and 
it rains there every week in my experience and it is more storm- 
swept than many of the higher peaks. The beech trees and buck- 
eyes are mere scrubs. Blockhouse mountain, of the same height, 
Coontown, Russell’s field and other good coves were hunted over 
from the first camp. Then we moved along the backbone of the 
range to Clingman’s Dome, some 15 miles farther, passing Briar 
Knob, the Derricks, Mirey Ridge, Siler’s Bald and the Balsam, all 
over a mile high, and good collecting ground. 

Clingman’s Dome is 6,600 feet high, covered with balsam fir, and 
the sphagnum is so deep walking is like tramping on a spring mat- 
tress, and very tiresome. When away from a well-beaten trail it is 
difficult to walk a mile in less than an hour or an hour and a half. 
Many of the rocks were large as houses, and when we went under 
for rare shells we carried candles. These feed on the microscopic 
fungi, I suspect, growing upon the roof, and they seemed to select a 
roof nearly level. One of the P. ferriss? at a time is the rule, but on 
Andrews Bald, afterwards, we sometimes found as many as eight on 
one roof. Occasionally P. clarkit, andrewse@ altivaga, depilata, or a 
Gastrodonta lamillidens or clappii, would be found on the same roof, 
but not often. 

Bidding the remainder of our party and the mules farewell, as our 
vacation was longer, Prof. Sargent and I, with a couple of mountain 
friends, carrying our camp outfit upon our backs, parted company 
from Pilsbry, Walker and Clapp, and made a trip to Andrews Bald 
(5,900 feet) from Clingman, though we really started out for Mt. 
Collins, some 600 feet higher. On Andrews, besides ferr7ss?, we 
found our finest red andrewse altivaga, banded with a still darker 

The next day we retraced our steps over Clingman and the Bal- 
sam to Siler’s Bald, where we took the Welsh Bald trail and con- 
tinued in a southwesterly direction in North Carolina for the next 
three weeks, with the exception of the two last days. Sometimes we 
were on the trail all day, while on other days we went only a mile 
or two. Sometimes we stayed several days in one place. The weather 
man furnished his best, and only twice were we compeiled to build 
bark shelters to keep us dry. 


On Welsh Bald, at an altitude of 5,000 feet, we first found the new 
variety of Polygyra edwardsii, and from a little spring that oozed out 
from near the top, we found Pisidium ropert Sterki. Sargent found 
this in Minnesota and I had found it in a small pool near Joliet, but 
the shell is still rare. 

We descended to Chambers’ Creek one bot afternoon, where it was 
only 1,500 above the sea. - It was a tough slide and both of our 
mountain friends were sick before starting. From there Sargent 
made a side trip by rail to Hayesville, N. C., and I first found Poly. 
monodon cincta. And then and afterwards they were mostly dead 
and found around the basswood and buckeye trees. After a few 
days’ rest, we crossed over to Tuskegee Creek, and in Ramp Cove, 
on the Tuskeegee side of the Yellow Creek Mountains, we first found 
Gastrodonta Walkeri Pilsbry, a new species. It was in company with 
significans. These mountains run up about 4,000 feet, with soil on 
the slopes rich as a garden. . 

Passing down Yellow Creek, between the Cheowah and Yellow 
Creek Mountains, we loaded up with green corn, sweet potatoes and 
other good things, as the valley is settled. Here we discovered that 
Poly. christyt has a great fondness for the shrub called poison hem- 
lock. The streams were swift and rocky. We found no clams and 
very few univalves. 

At Cheowah river we were down to 1,500 feet again. Hangover 
and Mount Hayo, in the Unaka range, 5,200 feet, overlook the ford, 
and the trail we took to these peaks was up a dry pine ridge, steep 
as the roof of a house, and for the first time in our trip, good drinking 
water was a little scarce. It took us until 3 o’clock in the afternoon 
to get up, and all were sore and some were cross. 

Every day brought new delights, One afternoon, on Bob Strat- 
ton’s Bald, 5,400 feet (there is another peak a few miles away called 
John Stratton’s Bald), near Hayo, we found over 200 G. lamellidens. 
We found these in company with Helicodiscus lineatus, and Vitrea 
carolinensis, by turning over slabs of stone that lay on top of the 
ground, and there were sometimes a half a dozen under one stone. 
The general rule /amellidens to a dozen or two rocks. The next 
day, at Glen Cove, a couple of miles lower down the range, we found 
130 Poly. chilhoweensis. Back on the Little Tennessee river again 
at Talassee ford, we again found Gastro. walkeri at a point less than 
1,000 feet above the sea—the lowest point in our trip. One of the 


mules and a good walker came to our rescue at ‘Talassee ford and 
we returned to Cade’s Cove, 25 miles in a day. In all we traveled 
about 150 miles, as measured in a straight line, besides our side trips. 

There is much land for the snail hunter here. From the highest 
peaks we could see mountains 125 miles distant, and it was all moun- 
tains as far as we could see in three directions, and over much of 
this roughness no specimen hunter has traveled. 

In the proceedings of the Academy of Sciences of Philadelphia, 
Dr. Pilsbry has given one of his best reports on the shells of this 
region. I will, therefore, give merely the list with little more than 
locality. A number of varieties have been added by Mr. Pilsbry, but 
not enough, 3 

10. Helicina occulta (Say). Rowan Creek in Cade’s Cove, 54 
mm., farthest record south. 

67. Poly. pustuloides (Bld.). Talassee Ford, 2 first trip. 

90. Poly. tridentata (Say). A double-toothed variety. Rose flats 
in Cade’s Cove, Welsh Bald, Talassee Ford. 

91. Poly. fraudulenta (Pils.). One only, 13 mm. Welsh Bald, 
Swain Co., N. C. 

96. Poly. rugeli (Shuttl.). Everywhere 9 to 15 mm. (Two kinds 
here sure, the big one is a dirty fellow.) 

97. Poly. inflecta (Say). Tuckaleeche Cove. 

105. Poly. profunda (Say). One on Slick Rock Creek in the 
Unakas in 1898. | 

106a. Poly. chilhoweensis (Lewis). Cade’s Cove, Block House, 
Mirey Ridge, Clingman’s Dome, Yellow Creek Mountains, Unakas, 
Talassee Ford, 274 to 40 mm. 

109. Poly. albolabris Say). Rose Flats in Cade’s Cove, Yellow 
Creek, Cheowah Mountain, 3,400 ft., Cheowah River, Slick Rock 
Creek (Monroe County, Tenn.). Found in dry situations, dry 
mountain tops, 32 to 55 mm. 

110. Poly. exoleta (Binn.). Cade’s Cove, Thunderhead, Glen Cove, 
Talassee Ford. 

116. Poly. ferrissi (Pils.). Mirey Ridge, Clingman, Andrew’s 
Bald, Welsh Bald. We found only three in two days on Welsh Bald, 
but got 160 in half a day on Andrew’s. I offered to exchange a 
dozen of these shells with a dealer at the rate of $6 per dozen. After 
we had been in Ferrissi territory a couple of days my expert brethren 
held a council of war and called me down. They said the price 


should certainly be high as a dollar each. The next day they raised 
it to $3 and before we parted they said, taking the rarity and beauty 
of the shell and the difficulties of finding it all into consideration, the 
price should be $5 and railroad fare paid to the spot. Our experi- 
ence at Andrews would tend to lower this price, but Andrews is 25 
miles from civilization, the miles are wild ones, and whoever starts 
out to hunt ferrisse on speculation, [ still believe will earn his 

118. Poly. palliata (Say). Cade’s Cove, Russell Field, Chamber’s 
Creek, Tuskeegee Creek, Slick Rock Creek, Talassee Ford. 

119d. Poly. appressa perigrapta (Pils.) all along the route. 

121. Poly. clarki (Lea). General in deep coves but sparingly, 

123a. Poly. andrewse normals n. var. (Pils.). Mr. Pilsbry has 
added two varieties to andrews@ and some day there may be others. 
Those on Thunderhead (altivaga) approached the small, thin, green- 
ish, smoky type, but many are banded. They measure 22 to 24 
diameter. The types I have from Roan Mountain are 20 to 28. 
Normalis finds its way to the lower altitudes, 1,000 ft., and appar- 
ently thrives as well as upon Mirey Ridge or Bobs Bald, and it is 
quite generally distributed—Cade’s, Welsh Bald, Chamber’s Creek, 
Tuskeegee, Yellow Creek, Slick Rock, Citico Creek and Talassee 

Ford. It has been white or russet colored so far, and the largest 

with the highest spires were found on Mirey Ridge at an elevation 
of 4,500 and on Citico Creek at 3,000. The largest measures 40 
mm. diameter, 25 altitude (Citico), 385. diameter, 24 altitude 
(Mirey). Usually 31 to 385 diameter, occasionally with a small tooth 
on parietal wall. Sociable and active. The best traveler in the 

123b. Poly. andrews@ altivaga (Pils.). n. var. Thunderhead, 
Mirey Ridge, Clingman’s Dome, Andrew’s Bald. We did not find 
this after leaving this range, and it was always at the mountain top 
or the nearest basswood and buckeye belt, under stones or moss. On 
Mirey Ridge only, it occupies the same territory with normalis, but 
not often found in the grass or in the open. Unless further divided 
its colors are white, greenish or smoky white, cherry red, and both 
colors sometimes banded with a darker red band as in profunda. 
Sometimes there is an additional line at the suture and some are half 
and half, dark above and light below. (Mirey, N.C. side.) 22 to 

ee a a A) 


25 diam. Largest red colored forms were found on Andrews but our 
stay was short and we found but few. This variety is more often 
toothed than normalis. In some localities 483 per cent. had teeth on 
the parietal wall. About 5 are banded. On one slope of Mirey 
Ridge all were white, upon another all half and half, and upon 
another a fourth were red, the others white and banded. Upon 


Clingman and Andrews the choice ‘rediis ”? were the most common. 
This variety furnishes the most entertainment and has caused more 
shouting and singing and expressions of joy and perplexity of any in 
the Smokies. 

124. Poly. thyroides (Say). Welsh Bald, Chamber’s Creek, Tal- 
assee Ford. 

125. Poly. clausa (Say). Talassee Ford. 

126. Poly. wheatleyi (Bld). All along the route in very damp 

This is the most variable shell of this region. At Cade’s the meas- 
urements were 16to18 mm.diam. All dentate, all hirsute, large flar- 
ing lip and a few were albinos. ‘The same measurements prevailed 
at Block House. On Clingman they dropped back to 13 and 14 
diam. and some were not toothed or hirsute and quite globose, with 
narrow lip. At Welsh Bald we found part of both. At Tuskeegee 
and Cheowah all were small and only partially dentate or hirsute. 
Ascending Mt. Hayo, we again found the 18 mm. variety up the 
sides and at the top. Two miles further we found on Bobs Bald a 
large variety I first supposed to be ferrissiz. It was not hirsute but 
deeply sculptured and 2 or 3 were dentate. 23 mm. On our return 
to Cade’s in Brannon’s Cove, we again found the small globose form, 
the smallest being only 12 mm. 

127. Poly. christyi (Bld.). Cade’s Cove, Tuskeegee Creek, Cheo- 
wah river, in flat ground near streams. 

136a. Poly. edvardst magnifumosa (Pils.). n. var. Welsh Bald, 
Chambers’ Creek, Tuskeegee Creek, Mt. Hayo, Glen Cove. Mr. 
Sargent also found this at Hayesville, N. C. 

138. Poly. stenotrema (Fer.). Cade’s, Welsh Creek and south of 
Little Tennessee. At Chambers’ Creek south side of Little Tennes- 
see and at Talassee Ford we found it measuring 138 mm. 

138b. Poly. depilata (Pils.). Cade’s, Thunderhead, Mirey Ridge, 
Clingman, Andrew’s Bald aud Bobs Bald. Under moss and stones. 

139a. Poly. hirsuta pilula (Pils.). n. var. Cade’s Cove and 


Thunderhead only. Do not remember of ever finding the typical 
hirsuta in these mountains. 

141e. Poly. monodon cincta (Lewis). Tuskeegee Creek, Yellow 
Creek, Mt. Hayo, Glen Cove, Talassee Ford. 

180a. Strobilops labyrinthica strebeli (Ptr.). Cade’s Cove, Yel- 
low Creek Mountains. 

187. Bifidaria contracta (Say). Cade’s Cove. 

194. Bifidaria corticaria (Say). Cade’s Cove. 

225. Vertigo gouldit (Bid.). Cade’s Cove. 

226. Vertigo bollesiana (Morse). Cade’s Cove, These four species 
very rare. 

235. Cochlicopa lubrica (Mull). Sugar Cove in Cade’s. One 
specimen by Sargent. 

239. Circinaria coneava (Say). General. Largest 234 diam. 

246a. Omphalina fuliginosa polita (Pils.). Cade’s Cove, Coon- 
town, Chambers’ Creek, Talassee Ford, At the two last named 
places on the Little Tennessee the shells were as light colored as the 
typical fuligimosa, but polished. There were no black forms at these 

248. Omphalina levigata (Pfr.). Cade’s Cove, Cheowah river. 
Only a few found at the latter place and these were dark colored 
and as well polished nearly as Omp. Andrewse. Largest 20 mm. 
diam., 12 altitude. 

248a. Omp. levigata perlevis (Pils.). n. var. Talassee Ford. 

248b. Omphalina levigata latior (Pils.). n. var. This variety 
has given me trouble since I saw it on my first trip to Tennessee. 
It is much larger than type, much depressed and a light ‘¢ Melantho” 
blue in color. As I read shell music by ear, it has very little re- 
semblance to the typical form. ‘The largest from Talassee Ford 
measured 28 diam., 10 altitude. Also found at Chambers’ Creek. 

250, Omphalina subplana (Binn). All along the route in damp 
moss. On the Unakes the shells were very fragile, sometimes the 
shell was a mere membrane but large and healthy otherwise. It is 
as much of a cannibal as concava. Largest (Mt. Hayo) 24 diam., 
10 altitude. 

252. Omphalina andrewse (Pils.). All along the route. In 
Cade’s Cove there is a light colored form, faintly banded with darker 
color. Largest 18 mm. in diam. 16 is large. 

252a. Omp. Andrewse montivaga (Pils.). Cade’s Cove, Mirey 

Ridge, Welsh Bald, Mt. Hayo. Largest 205 greatest diam., 16 
smallest diam. 

253. Vitrinizonites latissimus (Lewis), Cade’s Cove, Block House, 
Thunderhead, Mirey Ridge, Siler’s Bald, Balsam, Clingman, An- 
drew’s Bald, Welsh Bald, Mt. Ilayo, moss and stones. 

253a. Vitrinizonites latissimus uvidermis (Pils.). mn. var. ‘Thun- 
derhead, Mirey Ridge, Clingman’s Dome. These two often asso- 
ciate with the above, but not always. It is more active in its habits. 
The elastic shell is so thin our specimens collapsed, and in fact the 
shell is worn indented and crushed in by its rightful owner. It is 
darker and larger than the type. The largest are 19 greatest diam. 

263a. Vitrea petrophila pentadelphia (Pils.). n. var. Named 
after the five of us. At Cade’s Cove, Cheowah River and Bob’s 
Bald; found by mining. 

270. Vitrea indentata (Say). Cade’s Cove. Greatest diam. 5 mm. 

271. Vit. seulptilis (Bld.). At nearly all points high or low, but 
never abundant. It is one of the most beautiful of mountain shells, 
being a warm pink in color, but from improper handling, perhaps, 
this beautiful tint fades away. Largest 10 diam. Binney reports 

272. Vit. carolinensis (Ckll.). Generally distributed along the 
route, under rocks; a brigadier indentatus. Largest 84, found by 
Mr. Clapp on Mirey Ridge. 

274. Vit. capsella (Gld). Cade’s Cove, Chambers’ Creek. 

276. Vit. capsella placentula (Shuttl.). Cade’s Cove. 

278. Conulus chersinus (Say). Cade’s Cove, 3 in 1898. 

283. Zonitoides arboreus (Say). As far as Tuskeegee river and 
again at Talassee Ford. 

287. Z. patulordes (Pils.). Cade’s Cove, very sparingly. 

295. Gastrodenta intertexta (Binn,). Cade’s Cove, Mirey Ridge, 
Welsh Bald, Chambers’ Creek, Yellow Creek Mts., Tallassee Ford. 
Largest 17 diam. Never plentiful, fond of poison hemlock ; some- 
times albino as all these mountain shells seem to be. 

296. Gastro. acerra (Lewis). One of the common kind all along 
the road. It shows much variation without change of locality. My 
largest is 18 diam., 104 alt. Another of only 17 diam. is 134 in 
alt. | 

297. Gastro. demissa (Binn.). Cade’s Cove. 

301. Gastro. gularis (Say). Common on the route. 


302. Gastro. suppressa (Say). Brannan’s Cove and Chestnut 
Flats in Cade’s Cove, Chambers’ Creek. | 

305. Gastro. elliotti (Redf.). General but not plentiful. 

306. Gastro. interna (Say). Welsh Bald and south of Little 
Tennessee, plentiful. 

807. Gastro. significans (Bld). Cade’s Cove, Yellow Creek Mts. 

309. Gastro. multidentata (Binn.). Talassee Ford, found one first 

810. Gastro, lamellidens (Pils.). Thunderhead Block House, 
Coontown, Mirey Ridge, Clingman, Cheowah River, Bobs Bald. 


310-1. Gastro. Clappi (Pils.) Thunderhead, Block House, Mirey — 

Ridge, Clingman. ; 

310-2. Gastro. Walkeri (Pils.). n. sp. Cheowah river, Yellow 
Creek Mts., Talassee Ford. Diam. 29, altitude 1.45. 

The last five belong to the Taxeodonta group; the other member, 
andrews, is found at Roan Mt., about 75 miles east of Clingman. 

338. Pyramidula alternata (Say). Andrew’s Bald, Chambers’ 
Creek, Yellow Cr. Mts., Yellow Creek and Unaka range; depressed 
and small, 18 mm. At Cade’s two were found of the Knoxville 
type, large, whorls round and epidermis crinkled. 25 mm. 

338b. Pyr. alternata costata (Lewis). Cade’s Cove and Thunder- 
head only. 20 mm. 

342. Pyr. perspectiva (Say). Common, large and toothed. 10 mm. 

346. Helicodiscus lineotus, Cade’s Cove, Mirey Ridge, Tuskeegee 
Mts., Bob’s Bald. 

347. Helicodiscus fimbriatus (Weth.). Talassee ford, two first 

348. Punctum Blandianum (Pils.). n. sp. Found by Mr. 
Clapp, in 1898, on a tulip tree stump at Brannon’s in Cade’s Cove. 
These stumps beginning to decay, make fine feeding ground for little 

362. Suecinea obliiqua (Say). On the very top of Thunderhead, 
Mirey Ridge and Clingman. 

Gontobasis saffordi (Lea). Chambers’ Creek. 

Goniobasis proxima (Say). Welsh Bald branch. Tuskeegee 

Pleurocera trivittatum (Lea). Talassee Ford. 


Pisidium roperi (Sterki). Welsh Bald. 

Between Knoxville and Cade’s Cove, 35 miles, the following are 
found, Poly, elevata, form cincta, Taylor; Poly. spinosa (Lea) ; 
Omphalina kopnodes (W. G. Bin.); Gastrodonta macilenta (Shuttl. ) 
and Pyr. Bryant (Harper). 


Philomycus secretus Nn. sp. 

Length (in alcohol) 12 mm Mantle very dark grey, with numer- 
ous small black spots, best seen at the sides. Body pallid, sole whit- 
ish with an ochreous tint. 

Jaw light yellow, arched, with five strong ribs in the middle, 
nearly the outer thirds being ribless. Teeth 9-11—13-—1—13_-11 _9. 
The side cusps on both centrals and laterals are very small. Penis- 
sac as Binney describes for P. hemphilli. 

Hab.—Roan Mtn., Mitchell Co., North Carolina. (A. G. Weth- 


_ Mr. Wetherby sent me two specimens with these remarks: ‘“‘A 
small slug found here which [ am quite sure has never been de- 
scribed. It is never larger than these specimens; lives deep down 
in drifts of damp leaves, and never comes to the surface so far as my 
careful observation of it for the last ten years goes to show. It is 
‘sluggish’ in its habits; about all it will do when brought to the 
light is to cautiously protrude its very short tentacles.”” (Litt., March 
22, 1899.) 

By its jaw characters, this resembles only P. hemphilli. From 
that, as described by Binney, it differs mainly in being only half the 
size. Mr. Wetherby knows both species, and states that the present 
animal is uniformly small ; further, although I was not able to make 
a satisfactory examination of the anatomy, the genital organs appear 
to be fully developed. 



In a former paper on Japanese snails, I identified a species of 
Hiulota from Ushika, proy. ‘Veshio, with the Helix leta of Gould, but 


that name being pre-occupied, I gave the new name Lulota gainesi 
to my specimens. Further study of the group with more material, 
and notes on the type specimen of deta, kindly supplied by Prof. 
Dall, shows that 4. gainesi is perfectly distinct from deta. 

I propose now to designate as #. gudeana n. sp., a large greenish 
species, also from Ushika, 'Teshio prov., Hokkaido, which has some- 
what the aspect of Natalina caffra, and which differs from Z. gainest 
in the broader form, less plicate surface, and the peristome, which 
is barely everted outwardly, becoming expanded below and reflexed 
at the columella, whorls 5. 

Alt. 273, diam. 37 mm. 

IT regard Helix leta Gld. (not Pfr.) as a less-developed race of this 
species ; and the name being pre-vecupied, I propose to call this 
Hakodate form Hulota gudeana hakodatensis. It is more fragile than 
gudeana, smaller, diam. about 26 mm., and yellowish-brown, with 
two brown bands above. Types of #. gainesi, H. gudeana and E. q. 
hakodatensis are in the collection of the Academy. 

Figures-of these several species and races will appear in the Pro- 
ceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences. 

Eulota callizona dixoni n. var. 

Shell rather narrowly umbilicate, globose-pyramidal with high- 
conic spire, rather thin and smooth ; greenish-corneous, usually with 
a black brown peripheral band, a narrower subsutural band, and a 
large basal patch formed of the united basal band and umbilical 
patch. Aperture rounded-lunate, oblique, the lip broadly expanded, 
thickened within, reflexed below, purplish flesh colored, and at the 
terminations of the bands purple-black. Alt. 825, diam. 33 mm. 

Inga, prov. Hoki, in southwestern Hondo. Type no. 76268 coll. 
A.N. S. Phila. 

This form has hitherto been erroneously united to #. callizona 
Crosse, or #. amalig Kobelt. The latter is probably nearest, its area 
of distribution lying chiefly northeast of that of dixoni, while LE. cal- 
lizona is undoubtedly the northern fringe, so to speak, of the amalie 
stock, and came in all probability from. the Hakone region. 

A small form before me from Hagi, Nagato Province, is clearly 
related genetically to d’ronz, and not referable to callizona. 


Apropos of the note on Bathysciadium in the last number (p. 48), 
it might be well to state that Prof. Wilcox found Aemea fragilis of 
New Zealand to be hermaphrodite, and exceptional specimens of 
another species have also been stated to have both male and female 
reproductive organs. These facts render the case of bathysctadium 
less exceptional. It is noteworthy that the deep-water limpets, like 
the Chitons, belong to the lowest groups in their respective orders. 


VoL. XIV. OCTOBER, 1900. No. 6. 



Some years ago I compiled a list of the species of this genus with 
a view to writing a more complete monograph than that in the Man- 
ual of Conchology. Other work preventing this undertaking, I think 
it may prove useful to publish the mere list of species described up 
to 1900, with appropriate references, and the original localities. 
Most of the species were originally described as Scutellina, a pre- 
-occupied name which I changed as above (NautTitus V, p. 88, Dec., 
1891). The arrangement of species in this list is chronological, and 
each is given under its original generic name. 

1819. Patella galathea Lamarck, Anim. s. Vert., vi, pt. 1, p. 334; 
Delessert, Rec. de Cogq., pl. 23, f. 10. 

1834. Scutella crenulata Broderip, P. Z. 8., 1834, p. 48. Chain 
Island, S. Pacific. See also P: Z. S., 1865, p. 197 (Formosa). 

1846. Patella cinnamomea Gould, Proc. Bost. Soc. N. H., ii, 151; 
U. S. Expl. Exped. Moll., p. 345. f. 449. New South Wales. 

1852. Crepidula osculans C. B. Adams, Catal. Shells Panama, p. 
234. Panama. . 

1854. Scutellina arabica Riippell, H. & A. Adams, Gen. Ree. 
Moll., i, p. 461 (nude name), iii, pl. 52, f. 66. 

(1854. Scutellina ferruginea A. Adams, Genera i, 461 ; iii, pl. 52, 
f. 6, 6a = P. cinnamomea Gld., teste Angas, Smith and Brazier. 

1854. Scutellina asperulata A. Ad., Genera i, 461 (nude name). 
= P. galathea (Lam.), teste E. A. Smith. 


1854. Scutellina costata A. Ad., Genera i, 461 (nude name) = P. 
galathea (Lam.), teste E. A. Smith. 

1854. Scutellina elongata A. Ad., Genera i, 461 (nude name). 

1854. Scutellina granulosa A. Ad., Genera i, 461 (nude name). 

1854. Seutellina levicostalis A. Ad., Genera i, 461 (nude name). 

1855. Scutellina navicelloides Carpenter, Mazat. Catal., p. 211: 
Mazatlan. = P. oseulans (C. B. Ad.), teste Carpenter, P. Z. S., 
1863, p. 361. 

1857. Acmea hamillet Fischer, Journ. de Conchyl., v, 1857, p. 
277; 1872, p. 145, pl. 5, f. 6. Guadelupe, French West Indies. 

1859. Scutellina unguiformis Gould, Proc. Bost. Soc. N. H., vii, 
162. Kagosima, Japan. 

1859. Sceutellina scobinata Gould, t.¢., p. 162. Oosima, Japan. 

1860. Scutellina cancellata Pease, P. Z. S., 1860, p. 487. Sand- 
wich Is. Mr. D. Thaanum has found this species at Hilo, Hawaii. 

1868. Scutellina compressa Pease, Amer. Journ. of Conch., iv, 99. 

1868. Scutellina granocostata Pease, t. ¢., p. 100. Hawaii. 

1868. Seutellina aculeata Pease, t. c¢., p. 100. Hawaii. 

1871. Scutellina pulchella Lischke, Mal. Blatter xviii, p. 41; Jap. 
Meeres-Conchy]l. ii, p. 100, pl. 6, f. 20-28. Nagasaki, Japan. 

1877. Scutellina squamosa Garrett in Catal. Mus. Godeffroy, vi, 
p- 91, no. 11030, Viti Is., no description, probably = P. galathea - 

1882. Scutellina fischeri Rochebrune, Bull. Soc. Philomathique, 
L881, p. 295 Nouv. Arch. du Mus: @V, 1881, p.269, plete 
Santiago, Cape Verde Is. 

1890. Scutellina antillarum Shuttlw. in Dall, Blake Gastrop., p. 
342, pl. 31, f. 10, 11. Key West, Fla. = Phenacolepas hamillei 
(Fischer), see Man. Conch. xiii, p. 36. 

1899. Phenacolepas senta Hedley, Mem. Australian Museum, iii, 
pl. 7, p. 4038, fig. 1 (March 9, 1899). Funafuti. 

1899. Phenacolepas linguaviverre Melvill & Standen, Linn. Soc, 
Journ. Zool., xxvii, 179, pl. 10, f. 11. Torres Straits. 

Mr. E. A. Smith kindly examined the specimens in the British 
Museum, where the types of Adams’ undescribed species are pre- 
served, and writes that he regards S. elongata, granulosa and levi- 
costalis as well as arabica Riipp., as distinct species, but asperulata 
‘and costata are identical with galathea. 


There seem to be about 15 valid species, not counting Adams’ 
undescribed forms. The largest is Phenacolepas galathea Lam., of 
the South Pacific. 


The collection was made during the months of July and August of 
this year. Most of the shells were found in the woods back of the 
‘‘Casino”’ and extending from there to the ocean. The timber is 
principally pine and spruce, with a few deciduous trees around the 
edge of the woods and in swampy places. The best collecting 
ground was in a small group of oaks and beeches at one corner of 
the woods, and it was here that Polygyra sayii and most of the 
Pupide were found. ‘The only species found everywhere through the 
woods were Zonitoides arboreus and Pyramidula striatella. In no 
place were shells plentiful; it was a case of collecting one at a time, 
rarely two or three under the same stick or piece of bark. 

As the country rock is granite the molluscs probably get their 
lime from the marine shells and “ carapaces’”’ of crabs (the common 
shore-crab, Cancer irroratus (?)) which are scattered all through the 
woods. I noted the following species: Mytilus edulis L., Modiola 
modiolus L., Mya arenaria L., Lunatia heros Say, Buccinum wun- 
datum L. 

Qn wet days one or more mollusks would be found “ feeding” on 

nearly every dead shell. Polygyra albolabris appears to be particu- 
larly fond of the crab shells. The scarcity of some of the Pupide 
and other moisture-loving species may be accounted for by the fact 
that the season was very dry. The shellsof P. albolabris were some- 
what darker than those found inland and are rather fragile, they 
range from 24 to 28 mm. greater diameter, altitude 144+ to 19 mm. 

Polygyra sayw is also dark-colored and very thin; they range from 
1934 to 22 mm., greater diameter, altitude 11 to 14 mm- 

I am indebted to Dr. Pilsbry for identification of some of the 
minute species. 

106. Polygyra say (Binn.), 7. 




Polygyra albolabris (Say), 17. 

Polygyra monodon (Rack.), 10. 

Strobilops virgo (Pils.), 124 (17 albino, the others reddish). 
Bifidaria pentodon (Say), 9. 

Vertigo gouldit (Binn.), 16. 

Vitrea hammonis (Strom), 9. 

Vitrea binneyana (Mse.), 13, 

Vitrea ferrea (Mse.), 20. 

Conulus fulvus (Mill.), 10. 

2786. Conulus chersinus polygyratus (Pils.), 88. 


Zomitoides orboreus (Say), 64. 
Zomitoides exiguus (Stimp.), 80. 
Zonitoides malium (Mse.), 6. 
Agriolimax agrestis (L.), 2. 
Philomycus carolinensis ( Bosc.), 2. 
Philomycus dorsalis (Binn.), 7. 
Pyramidula striatella (Anth.), 40. 
Helicodiscus lineatus (Say), 37. 
Punctum pygmeum (Drap.), 4. 
Succinea obliqua (Say), 7. 
Succinea avara (Say), 1. 

Carychium exiguum (Say), 17. 

The following species occurred in the mud in placcs that would be 
swamps under favorable conditions. | 

Pisidvum abditum Hald., 30. 
LTimnea caperata Say, 11. 

While out driving one day, I stopped on Mt. Agamenticus, Me., 
for about twenty minutes, and got the following on the eastern side 

near the base: 

Strobilops virgo Pils., 4. 

Pupa pentodon Say, 1. 

Vertigo bollesiana Mse., 1. 
Conulus fulvus Mull., 2. 
Zonitoides arboreus Say, 1. 
Philomycus carolinensis (Bosc.), 1. 
Pittsburgh, Pa., Sept. 9, 1900. 



Mr. J. A. Stevenson, of Palm Beach, Florida, recently collected 
a number of land shells in the Bahamas, adding several species 
already known from other localities but not from Nassau, to the 
Bahaman fauna. Among those obtained from Long or Berry Island, 
was a form of Cerion which appears to be undescribed and is related 
to the group of ©. scalarinum Pfr., called Umbonis by Maynard. 
Cerion Stevensoni n. sp. 

Shell very variable in general form, but in general roughly cylin- 
drical, with the nuclear whorls as it were jammed down into the 
blunt summit of the cylinder, with the base carinate at the periphery, 
where the ribs cease, and below that constricted; whorls 8-10, 
nuclear ones nearly smooth, gradually developing fine transverse 
ribbing with subequal interspaces; these become stronger, with a 
strong revolving thread behind the suture; at the third whorl then 
the diameter of the shell suddenly increases the sides develop strong 
transverse rather irregular ribbing with wider interspaces, the ribs 
extending from the suture to the basal keel, beyond which they 
rarely extend ; the base beyond the keel is constricted, rudely trans- 
versely wrinkled, inside the verge of the umbilicus centrifugally im- 
pressed and axially deeply perforate; aperture very variable in shape, 
with a broad, flattish, rather thin reflected margin ; there is a parietal 
short lamina centrally situated and strong, but no trace of an axial 
fold; color light brownish or ashy to white, the whole surface sharply 
spirally striated, the striz sometimes crowded, sometimes distant. 
Alt. of two specimens, A, 27; B, 21; diam. A, 12; B, 14.5 mm. 

Types, U. S. Nat. Museum; specimens in Stearns’ collection, De- 
troit, Mich,, and Mr. Stevenson’s collection. 

The entire absence of the axial fold is notable. 



For several months past, I have been making a careful search for 
slugs, in the interest of Dr. Pilsbry, with poor results, as these ani- 


mals, for some reason, are of rare occurrence on my grounds; neither 
my own nor those of my immediate neighbors containing any. About 
the middle of last August, I made my regular examination of certain 
bricks, bats and pieces of wood, that have been turned over for the 
hundredth time, with the usual experience in the way of slugs, but 
had my reward by finding, to my great surprise, a large number, 
over a hundred, of Vallonia pulchella. This species has not before 
been reported as occurring in Los Angeles or elsewhere in this re- 
gion. Many species and some varieties of the general Vallonia form 
have been made by Dr. Sterki and others, based on the American 
aspects of this genus. Dr. Pilsbry, referring to the examples sent to 
him from my premises, says it is our “old friend pure and simple,” 
and further remarks that ‘ Curiously we did not find it in the Great 
Smokies, but Ashmun gets some costate forms (not pulchella) in 


Arizona and New Mexico.”’ Raymond obtained one specimen of the 
var. costata in Bloody Canyon, east side of Mono Pass, at an altitude 
of about 8000 feet, in 1889. Mr. R. C. McGregor,’ collected JV. 

pulchella “in a‘yard at base of rose bushes,”’ at Redding, in Shasta 


In Dr. Cooper’s catalogue of West North American shells, he 
gives the distribution as ‘‘ circumboreal,”’ south to Mono county, Cal., 
and subsequently, ‘* Donner Lake, and near Truckee,” in the Cali- 
fornia Sierras. Mr. Button informs me that he found it plentiful 
some years ago in Mountain View Cemetery, near Oakland; that 
specimens from that locality “are light-colored, living on white mar- 
ble copings.”” Mr. Hemphill states that he has ‘‘ found V. pulchella 
at Julian City, San Diego Co., and at several other places in Cali- 
fornia, Oregon and Washington.”? The late A. W. Crawford, ac- 
cording to Mr. Raymond, collected it at “San Jose,” in Santa Clara 

It will be seen by the above that this pretty little snail is quite 
widely dispersed in California, as well as elsewhere in the Pacific 
States. In Pilsbry and Johnson’s list? of American Land Shells, 
etc., it is credited to ‘* Montana eastward, from Canada to, or nearly 
to, the Gulf of Mexico. Europe.” 

1See Nautitus, XII, Sept., 1898, p. 60, and Mrs. Williamson in same for 
Oct., 1898, pp. 71-2. 

2 Philadelphia, April, 1889, p. 7. 

——— a 


The wsthetic taste exhibited by Vallonia pulchella is noteworthy ; 
from under the Roses of Shasta county in the north, to the Verbena 
beds of Los Angeles in the south, and among the marbles of Moun- 
tain View, in Alameda county, suggests a refinement of discrimina- 
tion in this “ mere atom of humble life,” that would furnish a good 
text forasermon. _ 

Mr. Button, in his note to me referring to the cemetery habitat, 
writes, ‘Query—Brought from the East in plants?” As to the 
occurrence of V. pulchella in my grounds, I am wholly at sea, for no 
plant forms, from the neighborhood or elsewhere, have been intro- 
duced by me for a long time, and these little snails have appeared in 
numbers, within six weeks. ; 

In considering the hypsometric distribution, the altitude of Donner 
Lake is, according to Gannett,’ from whom these various elevations 
are quoted, 6095 feet; Truckee 5820 and Redding 555 feet; Julian 
4500 and Los Angeles about 300 feet, while the Mountain View 
Cemetery grounds are probably slightly less than the Los Angeles 

Los Angeles, California, Sept. 12, 1900. ' 



While the readers of NAuTILUS are waiting to hear of the results 
of the exploration of the Great Smokies by Ferriss, Walker & Co., 
perhaps they would like to hear about a trip to the Great Raft of the 
Red River. 

This raft of logs was at one time 150 miles long, but it has long 
since been removed from the main river. ‘There still remains in an 
arm of the river about five miles of the oid raft. This raft is not 
continuous, but consists of separate pieces from a mile long down to 
fifty yards. These logs are in some places only one log deep, 7. e., 
the surface of the water is covered by a single layer of logs. 

In other places, however, the river is completely filled with a solid 
mass of logs from ten to fifteen feet deep. These logs are covered 

1Dict. of Altitudes in the U. S., 3d Ed., U.S. Geol. Survey, 1899. 


with a mass of vegetation consisting of smart-weed, various species 
of sedges, grasses and bushes. Near the water, on a zone of about 
two inches wide, which is permanently wet, may be found two minute 
snails: Vertigo rugosula Sterki and V. ovata Say. On the tops of 
old and large logs there is frequently a deposit of earth, which sup- 
ports a colony of land shells. Among these may be found Polygyra 

thyroides and its variety bueculenta, Polygyra monodon var. friersoni. 

Pilsbry. Rarely may be obtained Polygyra carolinensis Lea. 

Roaming about on the logs may be found colonies of Succinea of 
a black color. That is to say, the animal itself is black, covered 
with small golden-colored spots, making a handsome animal. These 
Sucsineas would be found here in untold numbers, probably, were it 
not for two enemies who derive a considerable part of their living 
from them. One of these enemies is the whole Heron family, and 
the other is the frog family. Between the heron and frogs the Suc- 
cineas have a poor chance. 

As before remarked, bunches of various sedges grow on these logs. 
These sedges grow in bunches about two feet high and about one 
foot in diameter. Hidden in these bunches, down near the roots, 
may be found another species of Succinea. These are of a straw- 
yellow color. Between these and the blacks are several points of 
difference. The blacks live on the logs, the yellow ones live on the 
tussocks of sedges. Here is a nut for the evolutionist. Is the straw- 
colored snail colored like straw because it lives on straw? or does it 
live on straw because it is straw-colored? Another point is that the 
straw-colored snail (who is nearly always hidden in the bunches of 
erass) is sweet tasted, or at any rate 1s not nauseous; while the 
blacks who roam about considerably have quite a pronounced bitter 
taste. Both of these snails have been called S. salleana, but being 
sure that there were two species, they were submitted to Dr. H. A. 
Pilsbry, with the result that the blacks are Succinea luteola Gid., 
while the yellow fellows are Succinea salleana Pfr. 

Out in the water, among the floating roots of the duck weeds, etc., 
may be found Planorbis trivolvis Say, and a minute Limnea. This 
Limnea is the only representative of its tribe thus farseen in North- 
ern La. No specimen over one fourth of an inch long has ever been 
secured. It is labelled DL. caperata Say, but with a good deal of 

More about this raft and its inhabitants could be written, but hot / 


Gracious, how the perspiration rolls off a fellow! Down between the 
banks, with an August sun overhead, and the steam arising from the 
rank vegetation, and the sun’s rays reflected from the water, we 
thought of Ferriss digging snails on the mountain tops, and we quit, 
but we had at least 100 Succineas. 



For the past five years the writer has made annual pilgrimages to 
Rochester, New York, partly to spend his summer vacation, and partly 
to get better acquainted with the mollusks which flourish about the 
“ Flower City.”” The vicinity of Rochester is peculiarly adapted for 
mollusean life, owing to the fact that the Niagara limestone out-crops 
in various places, affording an abundance of lime for the secretion 
of their shells, which are, therefore, large and fine. 

The Eskers known as the Pinnacle and Cobb’s Hill, are my 
favorite localities, and many fine species have been collected. The 
former locality is a rounded, dome-shaped hill some 200 feet in 
height, the slope being from 10 to 30 degrees, well wooded on its 
summit, with a little ravine between the main hill and a small knoll, 
and littered by fallen, rotting logs and dead leaves. Helices are here 
very abundant, such forms as Vitrea arborea, V. indentata, Omphalina 
Juliginosa, Gastrodonta intertexta, Pyramidula alternata, P. striatella, 
Polygyra albolabris, P. sayvi (rare), P. monodon, P. tridentata (many 
varieties), and Cochlicopa lubrica being readily collected. Cobb’s 
Hill, just across Monroe avenue, yields about the same fauna. 

At a point in the Erie Canal where the waters widen to form a 
pond, hence called ‘ wide-waters,” the fresh water mollusks are 
numerous, and such species as Limnea stagnalis (large and fine), L. 
palustris, L. catascopium, L. desidiosa, Planorbis trivolvis, Physa 
heterostropha, Pleurocera subulare, Goniobasis livescens, Bythinia 
tentaculata, Valvata sincera, and V. tricarinata are common. Between 
Rochester and Pittsford, in the canal, a colony of Vivipara contec. 
toides has established itself, and a large number of fine specimens 
may be gathered at any time. When the water is drained from the 


canal in the spring, it is a fine place for unios, such species as 
Anodonta salmonia, A. benedictii, Alasmodonta marginata, A. del- 
tovdea, Unio gibbosus, Anodontopsis ferussacianus, Quadrula plicata, 
Q. undulata, Lampsilis gracilis, iris, nasutus, liteolus,. ventricosus, 
rectus, alatus, and cariosus being found in great abundance and 
beauty ; the bottom is covered knee-deep with black mud, affording 
a fine retreat for the mussels. 

The Genessee River, both above and below the falls, affords good 
collecting, the unios being abundant above and the gastropods below 
the falls. The characteristic species above the falls are Alasmodonta 
marginata, A. rugosa, A. pressa, Quadrula rubiginosa, Lampsilis 
iris, L. luteolus, L. alatus, Spherium simile, S. stamineum, S. trans- 
versum, Limnea palustris, Planorbis trivolvis, Physa heterostropha, 
Goniobasis livescens and Campeloma decisum, while those below are 
Spherium transversum, Limnea catascopium, Planorbis trivolvis, 
Physa heterostropha, and Bythinia tentaculata. 

Both the east and west banks of the Genessee River below the falls 
are good localities for mollusks, about the same species being found 
as on the Pinnacle, with the addition of Pupa muscorum, Circinaria 
concava, Vallonia pulchella, V. costata, Polygyra thyroides, P. hirsuta 
and P. palliata. 'The wooded banks of Seneca Park afford good 
retreats for mollusks, and they may be found here in great abundance. 

One of the pleasantest trips near Rochester is to Irondequoit Bay, 
an inlet from Lake Ontario, five miles long and about one in breadth. 
The hills about are from 100 to 200 feet high, and the water has a 
maximum depth of 80 feet. Mollusks are correspondingly numerous : 
Spharium simile, S. transversum, Succinea ovalis, Limnea palustris, 
L. desidiosa, Planorbis campanulatus, P. trirolvis, P. bicarinatus, P. 
deflectus, P. parvus, Segmentina armigera, Ancylus tardus, Physa 
heterostropha, Pleurocera subulare, Goniobasis semicarinata, bythinia 
tentaculata, Amnicola lustrica, Valvata sincera and V. tricarinata 
are found in great abundance along the shore or living on the lily 
pads. The wooded banks yield the common helices in great 

The best fresh-water beach collecting which the writer has ever 
experienced is to be found at Charlotte and Summerville, on Lake 
Ontario, the former on the west and the latter on the east side of the 
mouth of the Genessee River. ‘There is always a line of ‘ sea- 
wrack ” which is alive with fresh-water mollusks. Here we have 


always collected Lampsilis luteolus, Spharium simile, S. stamineum, 
S. fabale, Pisidium abditium, P. bukert (= P. amnicum Mull., teste 
Sterki), Limnea palustris, L. desidiosa, Planorbis campanulatus, P. 
trivolvis, P. bicarinatus, P. deflectus, P. parvus, Ancylus parallelus, 
Physa heterostropha, Pleurocera subulare, Bythinia tentaculata, Amnt, 
cola limosa, A. lustrica, A. obtusa, A. cincinnatiensis, Gillia altil’s, 
Somatogyrus subglobosus, Valvata sincera, V. tricarinata and VY. 
obtusa. Pisidium bakeri Pilsbry has been found in great abundance 
at Summerville, where specimens nearly a quarter of an inch in 
length have been collected. Valvata obtusa Drap. was found at both 
Charlotte and Summerville in 1899 fully as abundant as V. sincera! 
This species was reported from this country for the first time in 1897, 
when but a few specimens were obtained. In the interval between 
that time and August, 1899, it had increased a hundred fold. It is 
probable that many introduced species will be found in our Great 
Lakes if the shore debris be carefully searched. 

The localities mentioned above have yielded altogether 150 species, 
many of which may be found here in as great abundance and perfec- 
tion as at any locality in the northern part of the United States. 


A New American Stuc.—Dr. J. F. Babor has described an in- 
teresting new form, Ariolimax ste‘ndachnert, from a specimen col- 
lected by F. Steindachner on Puget Sound, in 1874.’ It is large, 
length 80 mm., breadth 19, height 21 mm., about the size of Ario- 
limax columbianus, and differs externally from that species in having 
the well developed tail pore an open slit, as in Hesperarion, not 
plugged as in the other Ariolimaces. The teeth are as in A. califor 
nicus. ‘The genitalia lie free, the ovotestis anterior, at the stomach. 
The penis contains a large papilla but is otherwise hollow, much as 
in Hesperarion. ‘‘here is no appendiculum, and no ‘retensor”’ 
muscle, but a vaginal retractor is developed. 

~The species is clearly intermediate to some extent ‘between Hes- 
perarton and Artolimax, and may indicate that the former group 

1 Annaien des K. K. Naturhist. Hofmuseums, xv, 1900, p. 95. 


should be reduced to the rank of a subgenus. Zodlogists who have 
opportunity to collect in the Puget Sound region should be on the 
lookout for this slug, for it is important that its anatomical characters 
be confirmed by additional specimens, as only one was examined 
by Dr. Babor. It can probably be recognized externally by the dif- 
ferent tail pore. It has not been figured. 

Notr on ASHMUNELLA HyporRHySSA (Ckll.).—I have recently 
visited Cloudcroft, in the Sacramento Mts., N. M., and found hypo- 
rhyssa excessively abundant, under pine logs and pieces of pine bark 
upon the ground. The Cloudcroft form differs from the type of 
hyporhyssa (rhyssa var.) in uniformly lacking the parietal tooth, but 
otherwise the shell seems quite the same. It may be called var. 
edentata. There are three color-mutations, as follows: 

(1) Edentata proper; shell horn-color or pale greyish-brown. The 
commonest form. 

(2) Rufescens, n. mut.; shell deep ferruginous or chestnut color, lip 
tinged with pink. Quite common. Analogous to the mut. rubens of 
Hygromia rufescens. 

(3) Alba, n. mut.; shell creamy white. Rare, only three or four 
found. The first albino reported in Ashmunella.—T. D. A. Cock- 

Circinaria hemphilli from Central California, as follows : 

1. Mission Peak, near eastern shore of San Francisco Bay. 

2. Forest Hill, Placer Co., in Sierra Nevada Mts., west slope, 
3,700 ft, alt. I think this species has not heretofore been reported 
from further south than Oregon.—F rep L. Burron. 

brought me a living example of H. hortensis (12345) from the 
‘‘ headwaters of Robinson’s River,’’ west coast of Newfoundland, and 
promises a lot of them next year. Isn’t this a new locality ?—G, H. 


NOVEMBER, 1900. No. 

WOR. aol. 




The littoral of Southern New Jersey is perhaps as unpromising 
collecting ground for the land shell hunter as can be found in the 
Eastern States. The general physical features of the region are well 
known, now that the whole coast has become a great summer play- 
ground; but it may be said that the land snails are nearly or entirely 
confined to the occasional patches and strips of cedar scrub on the 
islands and along the shore, usually within a couple of hundred yards 
of the beach, and often separated from it by a narrow strip of shifting 
sand dunes. Between these littoral cedar groves and the mainland 
proper, wide stretches of salt marsh intervene, intersected by inlets, 
and inhabited by myriads of Melampus lineatus, Litorina trrorata and 
Modiola plicatula. 

Such situations occur at frequent intervals from Atlantic City to 
Cape May. At the latter place the salt marshes are reduced to a 
minimum; but in common with the more northern localities, the 
shore strip is insulated, so far as the land snail fauna is concerned, 
by the pine belt of the interior. There are, however, many deciduous 
trees and a rich soil at Cape May, while at the more northern locali- 
ties the deciduous trees are wanting, except where imported, and the 
dark soil is a mere film over nearly pure sand. 

The snails are everywhere, so far as my own experience goes, con- 
fined to the cedar groves. At Cape May Point there is a dense 
growth of cedar, oak, dwarf plum, bay, with more or less holly and 
prickly pears. It need not be mentioned to a New Jersey naturalist 


that in these choice retreats mosquitoes are abundant. The New 
Jersey mosquito, like Napoleon’s famous Old Guard, dies, but never 
surrenders. You wipe him off, and the gore flows freely. Here were 
found Polygyra albolabris maritima, Bifidaria hordeacella, B. pento- 
don, Vertigo milium, Zonitoides arboreus, Agriolimax campestris and 
Succinea campestris vagans. Only one specimen each of the Zont- 
toides and Agriolimax were found. An additional species, Zonitoddes 
minusculus, occurred a few miles further northwest. 

In Cape May city, on mounds around the tanks at the gas works 
at 703 Lafayette street, I found Vallonia pulchella and Pupoides mar- 
ginatus quite abundant. ‘These may possibly be imported species, as 
nothing of them was seen except in the old and long settled part of 

The most remarkable records are Lifidaria hordeacella, a species 
of the Gulf States, hitherto not known north of the Georgia Sea 
Islands, and the very distinct variety of Swecinea, which may be de- 
fined thus: | 

Succinea campestris vagans, n. v. 

Shell similar to S. campestris in the wrinkled surface and very 
convex last whorl, but smaller, with only 22 whorls in fully mature 
specimens, the aperture shorter and less ovate, and the color a rather 
pale olive-green, translucent, with scarcely any whitish layer within ; 
surface rather dull. 

Length 9, diam. 6.5, longest axis of aperture 6.2 mm. 

Length 7.6, diam. 5.6, longest axis of aperture 5.4 mm. 

Cape May Point, N. J. (H. A. P., August, 1898.) Types No. 
Tosoe2, coll: A. NaS. 

I cannot refer the specimens to any Northern species. They are 
nearer S. campestris, which extends from the Georgia coast, through- 
out Florida, and west to the mouth of the Mississippi, the western 
specimens being the thin, smooth and glossy variety unicolor of Tryon. 

Some years ago, Mr. W. B. Marshall reported Suecinea avara 
from Cape May. ‘* The exact locality was on the ocean front at 8th 
avenue, Mt. Vernon, between Cape May City and Cape May Point, 

Il Some 

and was not more than 200 f. et from the line of high tide. 
of these specimens are now before me, and seem referable to S. aurea 

Lea rather than to avara; though it must be acknowledged that the 

1Nautitus, VI, p. 19, June, 1892. 

determination of Suecineas is often far from certain. Similar shells 
were sent by Mr. C. Le Roy Wheeler, also from Cape May, exact 
locality not given. 

My collection was made in August, 1898. 


While engaged in botanical work, I have collected the following 
land and fresh-water shells, most of them in Warren county : 

Polygyra plicata Say. 

Polygyra divesta Gld. Scarce. Probably the first time this spe- 
cies has been listed so far east or north. Bowling Green. 

Polygyra troostiana Lea. 

Polygyra monodon Rack. 

Polygyra palliata Say. Warren, Barren and Edmonson counties, 
and East Kentucky at Burnside. 

Polygyra appressa Say. Common, Warren and Edmonson coun- 

Polygyra inflecta Say. Common, Warren, Barren and Edmonson 


Polygyra rugeli Shuttl. Bowling Green, 

Polygyra tridentata Say. Common, Warren, Edmonson and Bar- 
ren counties. 

Polygyra obstricta Say. Not common. Under rotten logs. War- 
ren and Barren counties. 

Polygyra albolabris Say. Warren, Barren and Edmonson counties. 

Polygyra elevata Say. Common throughout South Kentucky. 

Polygyra exoleta Binn. Very common. 

Polygyra clausa Say. 

Polygyra thyroides Say. Very abundant. 

Polygyra thyroides bucculentus Gld. Bowling Green, 

Polygyra downieana Bld. Rare. Warren and Edmonsen counties. 

Polygyra profunda Say. Scarce. Edmonson county. 

Polygyra stenotrema Feér. 

1T am indebted to Mr. C. T. Simpson, National Museum, for naming doubtful 


Vallonia pulchella Mull. Rather common. Bowling Green. 

Pyramidula perepectiva Say. Rather common throughout South- 
ern Kentucky. Also found at Torrent, East Kentucky Mountain. 

Pyramidula bryanti Harper. Only one specimen found. This 

Mr. Simpson says is considerably out of its usual range. 

Pyramidula alternata Say. Barren, Edmonson and Warren coun- 

ties, East Kentucky in the mountains. 

Pyramidula alternata carinata Pils. Rather common. 


Pyramidula alternata mordax Binney. Not common. 

Strobila labyrinthica Say. Bowling Green. 
Pupoides marginatus Say. , 
Bifidaria contracta Say. 
Bifidaria armifera Say. 
Bifidaria procera Gould. 

Circinaria concava Say. Bowling Green, Brownsville. 

Vitrea indentata Say. Warren county. 
Zonitoides arboreus Say. Warren county. 

Vitrea sculptilis Bld. 



Omphalina levigata Pfr. Warren and Edmonson counties. 

Gastrodonta ligera Say. Throughout southern Kentucky. 

Gastrodonta acerra Lewis. Barren county. 
Gastrodonta demissa Binn. Common. 

Gastrodonta interna Say. Southern Kentucky and in the moun- 

tains of Kast Kentucky. 

Bulimulus dealbatus Say. Common on rocky hillsides. 

Succtnea avara Say. 

Succinea ovalis Gld. 

Succinea totteniana Lea (?). On ferns in sink-hole. 

FHeliodiscus lineatus Say. Bowling Green. 

Helicina orbiculata Say. 



Limnea humilis Say. Near Green and Barren rivers, under damp 

Planorbis bicarinatus Say. Rather common. 
Planorbis trivolvis Say. In ponds. Common. 
Planorbis parvus Say. On rocks in pounds. 


Ancylus rivularis Say. In ponds and rivers. 

Physa gyrina Say. In springs and creeks throughout southern 
Kentucky and at Lexington. 

Physa pomilia Con. In ponds. Not uncommon. 

Physa heterostropha Say. Barren River. 

Physa heterostropha, var. Creeks. 

Campeloma obesum Lewis (?). Barren River. 

Campeloma integrum Say. Barren River. 

Campeloma ponderosum Say. Common. 

Lioplax subcarinata Say. 

Pomatiopsis lapidaria Say. Bank of Barren River. 

Pleurocera filum Lea. Very common. 

Pleurocera sycamorense Lea. 

Pleurocera undulatum Say. 

Lithasia planispira Anthony. 

Lithasia nuclea Lea. 

Lithasia undosa Anth. 

Lithasia obovata Say. 

Goniobasis curvilabris Auth. 

Goniobasis curvilabris, var. Rather common. 

Goniobasis abreviata Lea. 

Goniobasis curreyana Lea. Common. 

Goniobasis costifera Hald. Green and Barren Rivers. 

Gontobasis costifera, var. 

Goniobasis vicina Anth. Warren county. 

Goniobasis athleta Anth. Barren county. 

Goniobasis depygis Say. 

Goniobasis nassula Con. var. Indian Creek. 

Goniobasis infantulum Lea. 

Goniobasis saffordii Lea. Indian Creek. 

Goniobasis edgariana Lea. Creeks. 

Goniobasis elegantula Anth. Barren River. 

Gonvobasis paupercula Lea. 


Quadrula undulata Barnes. Common in all streams. 
Quadrula trigona Lea. Common. 

Quadrula rubiginosa Lea. 

Quadrula pyramidata Lea. 


Quadrula coccinea Con. 

Quadrula pustulosa Lea. Very common. 
Quadrula obliqua Lam. 

Quadrula verrucosa Barnes. 

Quadrula globata Lea. 

Quadrula lachrymosa Lea. 

Quadrula plicata Say. 

Quadrula cooperiana Lea. 

Quadrula heros Say. Barren county. 
Quadrula metanerva Raf. 

Quadrula cylindrica Say, 

Quadrula solida Lea. 

Plagiola elegans Lea. 

Plagiola securis Lea. 

Plagiola donaciformis Lea. 

Lampsilis ventricasus Bar. Barren River. 
Lampsilis multiradiatus Lea. 

Lampsilis ligamentinus Lam. Very common. 
Lampsilis ligamentinus Lam. var. 
Lampsilis gracilis Barnes. 

Lampsilis anodontoides Lea. Ohio, Green and Barren Rivers. 
Lampsilis rectus Lam. 

Lampsilis cumberlandicus Lea. 

Lampsilis luteolus Lam. L. lienosus Con. 
Lampsilis texasensis Lea. 

Lampsilis ovatus Say. L. obscurus Lea. 
Lampsilis regularis Lea. 

Lampsilis alatus Lea. Common. 
Lampsilis iris Lea. Lampsilis perdix Lea. 


Lampsilis subrostratus Say. 

Lampsilis planicostatus Lea. 

Lampsilis parvus Barnes. 

Lampsilis caliginosus Con. 

Lampsilis vanuxumensis Lea. 

Lampsilis nigerrimus Lea. 

Lampsilis fatuus Lea. 

Unio grandiferus Lea. Rather common. 

Unio gibbosus Barnes. .Both the purple and salmon-colored forms 

are found in all streams. 


Obliquaria refleca Raf. Common, 
Obliquaria lens Lea. 

Ptychobranchus phaseolus Wild. 

Strophitus edentulus Say. 

Truncilla perplexa Lea. 

Truncilla perplexa rangiana Lea. 

Truncilla triquetra Raf. 

Pleurobema clara Lam. 

Pleurobema esopus Green. 

Pleurobema edgariana Lea. 

Obovaria circulus Lea. 

Tritigonia verrucosa Raf. U. tuberculatus Barnes. 
Cyprogenia trrorata Lea. Common. 
Micromya lapillus Lea. 

Alasmodonta rugosa Barnes. Common. 
Alasmodonta deltoidea Lea. 

Alasmodonta minor Lea. Gasper River. 
Alasmodonta truncata (Say) Wright. 
Anadontoides ferussacianus Lea, 

Anodonta imbecilis Say. Rivers and ponds near rivers. 
Anodonta grandis Lea. 

Anodonta grandis gigantea Lea. 

Spherium suleatum Lam. 

Spherium fabale Prime. River and creeks. 
Calyculina partumeia Say. 

Calyculina transversa Say. 

Pisidium virginicum Gm. Rivers and ponds. 
Pisidium peraltum Sterki. Ponds. 



Eulota (Plectotropis) kiusiuensis n. sp. 

Shell openly umbilicate, depressed, acutely carinate, light yellow- 
ish brown, slightly shining. Surface densely but lightly striate 
spirally, under a thin cuticle which bears rather wide-spaced, irregu- 
larly developed lamellz ending in short shreds at the periphery, the 


lamelle frequently interrupted on the base. Spire very low-conic ; 
whorls barely 6, slightly convex, slowly increasing, the last a little 
pinched above and below the peripheral keel. Base much more 
convex than the spire, flattened and sloping below the keel, swollen 
towards the middle, obtusely angular around the conic umbilicus. 
Aperture oblique, irregularly squarish, the peristome white, some- 
what thickened within, angular at the terminations of the peripheral 
and umbilical carine, the upper margin hardly expanded, basal 
margin expanded, somewhat reflxed, columellar margin a little 
dilated. . 

Alt. 8.5, diam. 17.5 mm. 

Alt. 8.5, diam. 17 mm: 

Kikai, Osumi, in southern Kiusiu (Mr. Y. Hirase). 

This species is closely related to E. trochula (A. Ad.), known 
only from Tsusima, differing from that species in the much more 
angular aperture, far flatter spire and more convex base. 

Trishoplita goodwini var. suprazonata n. var. 

Shell similar in form to 7. goodwini, but with apex obtuse; thin, 
somewhat translucent, corneous-brown, paler around the umbilicus, 
and with a wide white zone bordering the suture, ascending the 
spire. Whorls 54. Alt. 9.5, diam. 13.5 mm. 

Ushirokawa, Tosa, Shikoku Island (Mr. Y. Hirase). 

A smaller form, alt. 8.5, diam. 11.5 mm., occurs at Kagoshima, - 

Satsuma, in southern Kiusiu. This variety is more conic than the 
variety fusca of Gude, which is moreover smaller and without the 
whitish band above. 

Kaliella symmetrica n. sp. 
Shell minutely perforate, turreted-pyramidal, the spire with convex 

lateral outlines and blunt, rounded apex; yellowish-corneous ; 

sharply striated above with excessively fine, densely crowded longi- 
tudinal strie, which give it the luster of silk, the base glossy, show- 
ing faint, spaced spiral lines under a high magnification. Whorls 

54, very convex, the last obsoletely subangular at the periphery, 

moderately convex beneath, impressed around the perforation. Aper- 

ture basal, rather narrow, curved, shaped like the middle third of a. 

crescent with the ends cut off; outer and basal margins of the peri- 

stome acute and simple, the columella vertical, its edge triangularly 

reflexed, Alt. 2.1, diam. 2 mm. 
Kashima, Harima (Mr. Y. Hirase). 

— .~ 


This species somewhat resembles Hyalina pustulina Reinhardt, but 
it is proportionately higher, smaller, the last whorl less enlarged, the 
spire being more prominent ; consequently the aperture issmaller. I 
would consider this shell an Huconulus were it not so closely allied 
to the following species, which I do not doubt is a Kaliella. Walf- 
grown specimens are still only obtusely angular at the periphery. 

Kaliella fraterna n. sp. 

Shell similar to K. symmetrica, except that it has an acute, pro- 
jecting, thread-like peripheral keel, like that of KX. labilis (Gld.), ex- 
tending undiminished to the aperture. 

Kashima, Harima, with K. symmetrica (Mr. Y. Hirase). 

Euconulus Reinhardti n. sp. 

Shell globose-conic, perforate, fragile, pale corneous yellow; 
glossy, with sparse rather conspicuous oblique growth-wrinkles and 
extremely fine subobsolete, crowded spiral stria. Spire elevated, 
the apex rather acute. Whorls 54, quite convex, separated by 
deeply impressed sutures, the last whorl large, subglobose, rounded 
at the periphery, but showing the almost obsolete trace of a peri- 
pheral angle; base strongly convex, slightly impressed around the 
narrowly perforate axis. Aperture somewhat oblique, roundly 
lunate, the peristome thin, very fragile, simple, the columellar margin 
rather broadly dilated above. Alt. 3.9, diam. 3.7 mm. 

Kashima, Harima (Mr. Y. Hirase). 

A globose-conic species which I first thought to identify with H. 
pupula Gould; but it differs from that insufficiently defined species 
in the rounded last whorl and various other characters. 

It has been shown that the name Conulus is preoccupied in Mol- 
lusca by Rafinesque, who proposed that name for the genus Conus. 
This will prevent its use for the common Helix fulva of Miiller, and 
various European authors have now abandoned Conulus in favor of 
Arnouldia of Bourguignat. It has apparently escaped the notice of 
these gentlemen that Huconulus of Reinhardt was proposed for the 
fulvus group some seven years before Bourguignat’s publication. 
The genus will therefore stand thus: 

Evconutus Reinh. 
Conulus Fitz., 1833, not of Rafinesque, 1814. 
Euconulus Reinhardt, Sitzungs-berichte Ges. naturforsch. Freunde 
zu Berlin, 1888, p. 86 (E. fulvus and praticola). 


Arnouldia Bgt., Bull. Soc. Mal. France, VII, 1890, p. 828. 

It is doubtful whether any Japanese species really belong to 
Euconulus. Most of them have all the shell characters of Kadliella, 
a genus abundantly developed in India, China and indeed the whole 
Orient. Reinhardt’s Japanese ‘* Trochoconulus”’ I refer to Kaliella. 
His ** Discoconulus,”’ judging from sinapidium, the only species I 
have seen, might belong to Vitrea. Arnouldia nahaénsis of Gude is 

a Kaliella. 

Punctum japonicum n. sp. 

Shell minute, openly and rather widely umbilicate, depressed, thin. 
light brown. Spire convex, low ; whorls 34, quite convex, separated 
by deeply impressed sutures, regularly and rather slowly increasing ; 
last whorl tubular, rounded at the periphery. Sculpture of delicate 
spaced, irregular lamellar riblets, the intervals sharply finely striated, 
and with close spiral striz. Width of the umbilicus is contained 
about 33 times in the diameter of the shell, all the whorls readily 
visible within it. Aperture rounded-lunate, oblique, the peristome 
simple and acute. 

Alt. 0.7, diam. 1.25, width of umbilicus 0.387 mm. 

Kashima, Harima (Mr. Y. Hirase). 

The only other known Japanese species of Punctum is ** Helix 
(Patula) lepta’”’ of Westerlund, described from Nagasaki. It has a 
much narrower umbilicus than P. japonicum, the last whorl is sub- 
angular above, and it is described as with dense riblets. 



August 25th last, Professor T. D. A. Cockerell collected a few 
snails *¢in Chicorico Canon, near Raton, New Mexico, ‘This is in 
the region of Quercus gambeli and Robinia neomexicana, at an eleva- 
tion of about 7000 ft. There are no previous records of mollusca 
from this region. It is quite in the northern part of the State, only 
a few miles from the Colorado boundary.’ The species are : 

Vallonia gracilicosta Reinh. 

Vitrina pfeifferi Newe. 

Euconulus fulvus (Mull.). 


Zonitoides arboreus (Say). 

Bifidaria pilsbryana Sterki. A form with the crest more devel- 
oped than in the type, and the palatal folds standing upon a callous 

In this connection I may mention that a specimen of Dbifidaria 
hulaingert (Sterki) has been found among minutiz collected by Prot. 
Cockerell at Mesilla, N. M., in drift of the Rio Grande. So far as 
I know, this species has not been reported before from west or south- 
west of Wichita, Kansas, 

Ashmunella chiricahuana (Dall) has been collected by Prof. E. O. 
Wooton in a pine region on the west fork of Gila River, near 

Mogollon Peak, N. M. 



Euhadra (?) pseudocampyleza Ane. 

Testa convexo-depressiuscula, omnino tecte perforata, nitidiuscula, 
parim solidula, sub epidermide tenui fusco lutea sordide albescens 
vel pallide brunnea, lineolis incrementi subtus magis conspicuis obso- 
lete notata. Spira convexa, parum elevata, obtusissima. Anfractus 
54+ convexi. sutura impressa separati, sat lente et regulariter cres- 
centes, ultimus supra prope aperturam leviter malleatus, antice leniter 
descendens, dein ad peristoma paululum ascendens, supra convexus, 
ad peripheriam rotundatus, basi convexo-depressus, in umbilici loco 
profunde impressus pone aperturam breviter constrictus. Apertura 
transverse suboblonga, lunata, obliqua, marginibus distantibus, callo 
tenui junctis, extero regulariter arcuato, basali subdeclivi. Peristoma 
album, incrassatum, breviter expansum, ad basin et columellam 
precipue reflexum, angustum, supra perforationem prorsus clausam 

Diam. max. 30, min. 254, alt. 17 mill. 

Hab.: Tatsién-lof, ad limites Thibeti et provinciz sinensis Sse- 
tchuen (Comm. Cl. Abbé Méze). 

This is a very distinct species, and at once recalls to mind a large 
and more globose Helicigona pyrenaica with a closed umbilicus. It 
is provisionally referred to Huhadra, but the generic position is diffi- 
cult to ascertain. <A single dead example was obtained, and is in 
my collection. With this I received a fine example of the very rare 
Helicarion Bottgeri, Hilber, of which the Austrian expedition of 


Szechenyi obtained a single specimen. These shells were detected 
by French missionaries, and the locality, although furnishing several 
species of mollusca, is not a rich one as far as shells are concerned. 
Planorbis persicus Anc. 

Testa compressa, non carinata, olivaceo vel subgriseo-cornea, oblique 
confertim striata, nitidula, pro genere relative solidiuscula, utrinque 
lateumbilicata et concava, discoidea. Spira apice minute immerso. 
Anfractus 5, convexi, sutura impressa, sat lente crescentes; ultimus 
supra convexo-declivis, post medium rotundato-subangulatus, infra 
depressus. Aperture obliqua, transverse oblonga, sublunata, intus 
obscure albo-labiata (in peradultis), marginibus callo appresso junctis. 
Diam. mag. 9, min. 74, alt. 22 mill. 

Hab.—Téhéran, prov. Trak-ajemi, Persia; Salmas, north of Lake 
Urmiah, Persia (Comm. G. Negele). 

This is allied to, but different from, Pl. subangulatus Phil., from 
which it is easily distinguished in being much less distinctly angled 
below the periphery. The above description is drawn from the largest 
specimen sent me by Herr G. Nzgele; some also probably mature 
are much smaller and more rounded. 

Ph ysa Moussoni Ancey. 

Physa lirata, Mousson in Journ Conch., 1874, p. 48, non Tristram 
(1863), nec Craven (1880). 

The name Physa lirata having been used several times, I should 
call attention to the fact that Dr. Rudolf Sturany (Catalog der Suda- 
frik. Land- und Stisswasser-Moll., 1898, p. 76), not being aware that 
several years ago I proposed to substitute Physa Craveni for lirata 
Craven (not of Tristram), calls the latter Cravent Sturany, while I 
should claim for the priority of Cravent, Ancey ; but this induces me 
also to change lirata Mousson to Moussoni Ancey, as the specific 
name lirata must be retained for the species originally described from 

Ph. Moussoni Ancey was discovered in Mesopotamia by Dr. 

Helicina Sundana Ancey, nom, nov. 
The above name I suggest for Helicina exserta Martens, a species 

occurring in the islands of Saleyer, Kalao and Jampea, between Cel- 
ebes and Flores, as another Helicina from Cuba has long ago been 
described under the same name of exerta, ‘‘ Gundlach, MSS.,” by 
L. Pfeiffer (see Malak ae v, 1858, p. 194). 


DECEMBER, 1900. 

Von. XIV. 


The Mollusca of the Sandia Mts., New Mexico. 

Nothing has hitherto been reported concerning the mollusca of the 
Sandia Mountains, near Albuquerque, so it may be well to enum- 

erate a small collection made there by Miss Maud Ellis, and submit- 

ted to us for determination. ‘The precise locality is Las Huartus 
Cafion, alt. 8-9000 ft. The species are similar to those of the Colo- 
rado mountains, and the Sandias, so far as our present knowledge 
goes, marks the southern limit of this fauna as a whole, though 
certain of its members extend much further south. 

Vitrina pfeifferi Newc. Pyramidula cockerelli Pils, 
Euconulus fulvus (Drap.). P. cockerelli mut. viridula (Ckll.).’ 
Zonitoides arboreus (Say). Vallonia cyclophorella Ancey. 

Z. minusculus (Binney). Pupa blandi Morse. 

Thysanophora ingersolli (Bland). Bifidaria pilsbryana Sterki. 
Pyramidula strigosa (?) Young. 

Miss Ellis also collected Helicodiscus lineatus (Say) in the Sandia 
Mts., but the exact locality is forgotten. The young Pyramidula 
doubtfully listed as strigosa may be a form of P. hemphilli.. No 
Ashmunella was found. 

It is somewhat surprising that the Huconulus of New Mexico is not 
the Texan race, but the Northern fulvus. 

1Nautiius, 1890, p. 102, the pale greenish form. T.D. A.C. 


Shells from recent flood debris of Arroya Pecos, Las Veyas, N. M. 

A series of shells lately collected by one of us gives the following 
species. The source of the shells is unknown, until the Arroya is 
followed up and their station found. In wanting Ashmumnella, and in 

the abundance of Bifidaria, the assemblage is unlike that of the ad- 
jacent mountains. 

Vallonia cyclophorella Anc. Bifidaria pilsbryana Sterki. 
Cochlicopa lubrica (Miull.). Vertigo ovata Say. 
Pupoides marginatus (Say). Zonitoides arboreus (Say). 
Pupoides hordaceus (Gabb). Euconulus fulvus (Drap.). 
Pupa blandi (Morse). Helicodiscus lineatus (Say). 
Bifidaria armifera (Say). Limnea humilis Say. 
Bifidaria holzingeri (Sterki). Planorbis parvus Say. 

Bifidaria hordeacella (Pils. ). Physa sp., broken. 
Bifidaria procera (Gld.). 

The specimens of Difidarta armifera vary in length from a trifle 
over 3 mm, with 55 whorls, to fully 4 mm. with 64 whorls. 


My attention has been attracted to the above species while identi- 
fying a mixed lot of cones from Zanzibar, embracing about four thou- 
sand specimens, from the fact that many collectors, and some mus- 
eums, have in their collections specimens labeled ‘ Conus consors 
Sowb.”’ that are far from what Sowerby evidently figured under that 
name. But Tryon’s description appears to authorize the errors in 
identification. I, therefore, offer the following description : 

Conus consors Sowb., Thes. Conch., f. 492. 

Spire concavely elevated, with shallow channel and revolving 
striz, delicately tessellated with orange, apex acute and of pinkish 
tint; body-whorl slightly depressed in centre and inflated above, 
grooved toward the base; ivory white, with an orange band below 
the center, and one above sometimes reaching to the shoulder, the 
upper part of this band more or less broken ; aperture white ; epider- 
mis velvety, light brown, tough and very adherent. 


The entire absence of dotted revolving lines and the constant 
orange color are characteristic features. 

Dimensions: height 60, diameter 82 mm.; of others 59x32, 58x31, 
96x31, 50x32, and 50x27. 

The illustration in Tryon’s Manual, Vol. VI, plate 15, fig. 96, is 
a good representation ; but the list of synonyms should probably be 
either placed under C. magus Linn. or recognized as veritable species. 



Bulimulus (Drymzus) inusitatus, n. sp. 

Shell sinistral, elongate, narrowly perforate, thin, translucent, am- 
ber yellow throughout ; whorls 74, engraved with faint spiral lines ; 
nucleus with minute close-set crossed striz ; aperture ovate; peri- 
stome thin, lower portion slightly expanded; columella reflexed at 
point of insertion nearly covering the umbilicus. 

Alt. 294, diam. maj. 13, length of aperture 124 mill. Hab.: Costa 
Rica (Underwood). 

Compared with tropicalis Morelet, the only other known reversed 
Drymeus. The present species is thinner, has half a whorl more and 
is easily separated by its different ground color and the absence of 

Spiraculum assamense n. sp. 

Shell discoidal, flat above, very broadly umbilicated, dark brown 
with a few oblique stripes of a lighter color, encircled by four rows 
of hairs arranged in tufts, one being at the periphery, one above, and 
two below, the latter two are often worn off in older specimens ; 
whorls 44, slightly convex above, last rounded ; tube erect, short, in- 
clined towards the apex, situated 2 mm. from the margin of the aper- 
ture ; peristome white, somewhat thickened, bordered by a narrow 
flange ; aperture oblique, circular; operculum shelly, whorls 5. 

Diam. maj. 14 mm., min. 12 mm., alt. 5 mm. 

Hab.: Khasi Hills, Assam. 

In most respects this species is very like nagaensis Aust. & Bedd., 
but can be easily separated by the position of the breathing tube, 


which in assamense is much nearer the aperture. The operculum of 
nagaense does not appear to have so many whorls as our species, a 
large part of the central portion being quite flat and smooth. These 
characters appear to be constant in the numerous specimens I have 
examined of both forms. 



Diplommatina uzenensis Pilsbry, n. sp. 

Shell dextral, cylindric-oblong, pale brown or nearly white, finely, 
delicately and evenly costulate. Whorls 6, very convex, the upper 
3 forming a short cone, the last whorl contracted, a little distorted, 
ascending in front. Aperture subcircular, nearly vertical, the peri- 
stome continuous, flatly reflexed, duplicate, having a thin lamina or 
second peristome close behind the lip in quite mature specimens. 
Columella concave, ending in a tooth, as usual. Palatal fold less 
deeply immersed than usual, lying to the left of rather than above 
the aperture. 

‘Alt. 2.6, diam. 1.4, alt. and diam. of aperture 1 mm. 

Nishigo, Uzen (Mr. .Y. Hirase). ‘Types no. coll) aes 
from no. 510 of Mr. Hirase’s collection. ; 

This species is the most northern yet known, I believe. It is de- 
cidedly larger than D. pusilla Martens, somewhat smaller than D. 
nipponensis MOolldff., which is its nearest ally. The sculpture is about 

the same as in nipponensis, but the cone of the spire is not nearly so _ 

long, the later three whorls being large, while in nepponensis the last 
two are wide, the four or five earlier strongly tapering. The palatal 
fold is further to the left in D. wzenensis than in D. nipponensis, and 
the aperture is comparatively larger. 

Eulota callizona var. maritima Gulick and Pilsbry, n. var. 

This name is proposed for the race inhabiting Awaji Island and 
other districts mentioned below, specimens from Fukura, Awaji, being 
the types. These differ from H. peliomphala and its varieties brandtit, 
herklotst and nimbosa in the more conoidal form of the spire; from #. 
callizona and its varieties chiefly in pattern of coloration. These are 
as follows : 

(a) Purple-brown, with light buff streaks. 

a i i i gs 


(6) Corneous and buff with red-brown streaks, a narrow band 
above the periphery or none, often a dark umbilical patch. 

(c) Banded (bands 02345, 00345 or 003805) with deep brown on a 
pale ground, and generally streaked with opaque buff, or without 
such streaks. 

(d) Corneous, with some opaque, buff streaks above, no bands. 

Pattern (a) resembles that of H. peliomphala nimbosa; (b) that of 
E. callizona congenita; (c) that of H, peliomphala or peliomphala 
brandtii ; and pattern (d) that of 2. eallizona hickonis. 

Alt. 20-22, diam. 30 mm. 

Alt. 19, diam. 25, 

We regard the var. maritima as very near the original, stock which 
gave rise to /. callizona and its varieties, and as a connecting link 
between these and LH. peliomphala. 

It inhabits Awaji Island, the adjacent shores of the Kii channel 
on the east, all of Shikoku Island, some parts of the east coast of 
Kiusiu, and the west end of Hondo, and intergrades on the shore of 
the Inland Sea with congenita, hickonis and amale. 

Eulota luhuana idzumonis Pilsbry and Gulick. 

Shell large and solid, with the color-patterns of £. quesita or 
perry?, dull, roughly sculptured with irregular growth-wrinkles, and 
differing from Juhwana in the more capacious, less depressed form, 
and the umbilicus, which is decidedly wider and much more open 
inside than in duhuana. Alt. 30, diam. 43 mm. 

Types from Takeya, Idzumo. It has affinities with senckenbergiana 
and the following variety. 

Eulota luhuana var. aomoriensis Gulick & Pilsbry, n. var. 

Shell smooth and glossy, pale buff with deep chestnut bands 00305 
(or sometimes 00000, or with wide pale, diffuse bands in place of 2 
and 4, asin #. peliomphala herklotsi or H. quesita perryt), the spire 
moderately conoidal, whorls 5, the last capacious; umbilicus deep 
and more open within than in /whuana or senckenbergiana. Aperture 
oblique, the peristome white or reddish, nearly in a plane, but a little 
advanced sometimes at the termination of band 3. 

Alt. 25, diam. 40 mm. (Chojamura.) 

Alt. 20, diam. 32 mm. (Asanai.) 

Chojamura and Gonohe, Mutsu; Asanai, Ugo (Mr. Y. Hirase). 

A more globose and smoother form than #. luhwana, and more 
northern in distribution, inhabiting the northern extremity of Hondo, 
in Aomori Ken or prefecture. 


It may be noticed in this connection that towards the north, /’. 
quesita becomes smoother and more glossy than toward the southern 
limit of its range in middle Hondo. 

Trishoplita goodwini var. kyotoensis Pilsbry, n. v. 

Shell rather narrowly umbilicate, thin, somewhat translucent, pale 
brown throughout, glossy, striatulate, but without spiral lines. Spire 
low-conic ; whorls 5, convex, the last rounded at the periphery, 
hardly descending in front. Aperture oblique, rounded, about one- 
fourth of its circumference excised at the parietal margin; peristome 
narrowly but distinctly expanded, thin, pale. Alt. 54, diam. 84 mm. 

Kyoto (Mr. Y. Hirase). 

This form resembles 7. goodwint var. fusca, but the umbilicus is 
smaller, there is a half whorl less, and no spiral striz, which in fusca 
are visible on the base. It is decidedly less conical than Trishoplita 
conospira Pfr. as defined by von Martens, and has a whorl less. 


These species were treated as distinct in the Manual of Conchology, 
Vol. VI, but in dealing with them in the Catalogue of Marine Mol- 
lusks of Japan issued by Mr. F. Stearns and myself, I seem to have 
lost sight of the real differences between them, the intergradation I 
saw being a matter of color and size rather than of the details of form. 

The receipt of a large series of specimens gives opportunity to cor- 
rect the error I committed of lumping these really distinct species. 

Eulota (Euhadra) mereatoria (‘ Gray’ Pfr.). 

This species varies in size from 26 to 38 mm, diam., and in color 
from a pale yellowish-brown to red-chestnut and blackish-chestnut, 
always with a narrow dark peripheral band bordered with yellowish 
on each side. In some light forms there is a dark umbilical patch. 
The pattern therefore varies from that of the H. swecincta group to 
the perryi or herklotsi pattern. The periphery is more or less 

angular ; the base is evenly rounded, and the lower lip in conse- 
quence is regularly curved. 

Pfeiffer’s figure of his type is excellent EConeten Cab. Helix, pl. 
132, figs. 1, 2, copied in Man. Conch. VI, pl. 31, f. 26,27). I have 
figured a smaller specimen in Catal. Mar. Moll. Japan, pl. 10, fig. 5 
(by error said to be 174 mm. diam. in the text, p. 162). #. merea- 
torta occurs on Okinawa. 

—— = 


‘E. mereatoria atrata n. var. 

Much larger than mercatoria, very dark colored, and strongly 
ribbed or costulate; periphery subangular in front. Whorls 65 to 
6#, the last shortly deflexed in front; lip purple-brown, evenly 
arcuate, not sinuous. Alt. 35, diam. 50 mm.; alt. 32, diam. 46 mim. 

Received from Mr. Hirase as from the Loo Choo Is.; from Mr. 
Stearns as from Okinawa. It is represented in the Cat. Mar. Moll. 
Jap., pl. 10, f. 4. 

Eulota (Euhadra) caliginosa (Ad. & Rve.). 

This species differs from . mercatoria in the narrower, more 
slowly increasing whorls, the last one more swollen below the suture ; 
the flattened base, producing a straighter basal lip; in the different 
shape of the aperture, and especially in the narrower lip, which ¢s 
stnuous below, being curved forward at the middle of the basal 
margin. It is not so solid a shell as /. mercatoria, is rounded at the 
periphery, and has much the coloring of the lighter specimens of 
mercatoria, though the ground is generally yellower. The pale 
border above the peripheral band is often not well developed, and 
sometimes it is yellow throughout except the peripheral band. 

In the Catal. Mar. Moll. Jap., this species is excellently repre- 
sented in figures 1, 2, 3 and 6 of plate 10. 

It was supposed by Adams and Reeve to be from Mindanao, but 
there can be no doubt that it is a species of the Loo Choo (Okinawa) 


The Rev. Dr. Geo. W. Taylor, of Wellington, British Columbia, 
has recently forwarded to me some marine slugs which were found 
on floating sea-grass near Nanaimo, Vancouver Island. An exam- 
ination shows that these animals represent a genus, Phyllaplysia, 
not hitherto known except in Southwestern Europe, and an unde- 
scribed species. 

The animal in most respects differs very little from P. lafonti 
Fischer, the type of the genus. It is subtranslucent, smooth, of a 
uniform pale lemon-yellow color, very much flattened, resembling 
some of the Planarian worms. The specimens sent by Dr. Taylor 
are presumably somewhat contracted by alcohol, which may account 


for the form of the rhinophores and tentacles, which are short, con- 
ical, and strongly transversely wrinkled, but without tuberculation 
or color pattern, being of the same pale yellow as the rest of the body. 
The ‘“‘rainure” extending from the right tentacle to the branchial 
opening is a plain line barely perceptible; the branchial pit with two 
minute lobes is short and in about the same relative position as in 
P. lafonti. The body is much depressed and the margins thin, sharp 
and even. ‘The eyes appear as conspicuous small black spots in front 
of the bases of the posterior tentacles. The general form is elongate 
oval, the ends of the rhinophores, unlike the tentacles, are blunt, and 
these organs are sulcate inferiorly as usual. The length of the larg- 
est specimen, as contracted in alcohol, is about 20 mm., and the 
breadth about 9 mm. I propose for it the name of Phyllaplysia 
taylort in honor of its discoverer. 

Of the three other species known, P. lafonti is pale green, with 
darker bands and numerous violet spots; P. depressa is green-buff, 
variegated with black; and P. imacina is of a dusky green. All 
of these are from western and southern Europe. 



Some time since Mrs. Oldroyd sent me two specimens of Plewro- 
branchus, from San Pedro, which I could not spare time to examine 
microscopically at the moment. I can now specify their chief 
diagnostic characters as follows: 

Pleurobranchus californicus, n. sp. 
Animal when fresh of a waxen white, with a surface apparently 

smooth, or rather like the skin of an orange, not tuberculate, but, 
under a glass, showing obsolete distant pustules hardly raised above 
the general surface; body elongate-oval, the foot longer than the 
mantle behind. The gill short, its stem finely granular, not tuber- 
culate, with ten or eleven alternate short vanes, the whole adnate 
nearly to the tip, medially situated, with the contiguous genital 
orifices just in front of its anterior insertion and the anus just over 
the posterior insertion between the gill and the mantle. Eyes, 
rhinophores, muzzle, jaws and teeth, as described by Pilsbry, for the 
Gulf of California species collected by Fischer (Man. Conch., xvi, 
pp. 201-2). Shell rather long and narrow, subrectangular, longi- 

, an ee | 

so Sw 



tudinally obsoletely striate on the left side, obscurely obsoletely 
punctate near the anterior edge, and covered with a very thin peri- 
ostracum which reflects nacreous tinges of color. The shell itself is 
white and thin, with a small spiral nucleus; the left margin some- 
what recurved, the central part moderately convex ; the whole ex- 
tends more than half the length of the body and measures 12 by 
6.5 mm. 

This species differs from /. d/gueti Rochebrune in color, in the 
proportional size and number of pinnules of the gill, in having a 
larger and differently shaped shell, and in the position of the anal 
orifice. These remarks apply to the form described by Pilsbry 
anatomically ; Rochebrune states that his species was scarlet above 
and whitish below, but gives no anatomical data. 


Dr. Jousseaume publishes a monograph of the Clausilioid group 
Nenia in the current number of the Bull. Soc. Philomathique de 
Paris (1900), Among other novelties introduced in the same paper 
is a supposed new genus Bonnanius, which seems to be the same as 
Passamaella, a curious Buliminoid group of Socotra. 

Mo.uusks 1n Grass.—Mr. Virginius H. Chase recently sent me 
from Valley township, Stark Co., Illinois, a piece of sod thickly cov- 
ered with growing grass, and which was fairly alive with living pul- 
monates. The piece of sod was eight by four inches in size, and 
from it I picked the following specimens and species : 

1. Polygyra monodon Rackett. 

2. Pyramidula striatella Anthony. 

136. Bifidaria armifera Say. 

5. Bipidaria contracta Say. 

1. Bifidaria pentodon Say. 

The locality from which the sample came was a moist prairie. 
If this number was collected in a piece of ground less than a foot 
square, what must the whole prairie have contained!—FRANK C. 

In the early seventies Prof. Verrill dredged a minute bivalve off 
New Haven and gave the name Gastranella tumida Verrill to it., 
Since then it has been unknown until some of my minute materials 


revealed one specimen from Summerside, P. E. I., and two speci- 
meus from Woods Holl, Mass, This indicates a wide distribution. 
—Henry W. WINKLEY. 

SHELL COLLECTING ON THE Mosquito Coast.—The following 
extract is from a letter to Mr. 8. Raymond Roberts, from a former 
Ohio collector. Wounta Haulover, Nicaragua, Sept. 27, 1900. This 
coast, for twenty miles back from the sea, is a net-work of lagoons, 
rivers, creeks, channels. The ‘“‘dry” land is mostly swampy, inun- 
dated, or partly so, during the wet season. In fact, this Mosquito 
Coast, which upon the map is so firm and solid-looking, is in reality 
a Dismal Swamp, multiplied by about five. Hence, so far as I am 
able to judge, it is not a good locality for Buli’mulide and other land 
shells. Back from the sea, say twenty miles, and also south and 
west of Bluefields, where the land is more elevated, I believe there is 
better collecting. Right down here on the very coast I have found 
but four species, one of which I afterwards lost. Bylimulus corneus 
Sowb. I found plentiful at Bluefields. Also another lot, which I 
take for Stenogyra octona Linne, I found in abundance. Another 
shell, presumably a Pupa, was collected sparingly. These last two 
also in Bluefields. Here, Wounto Haulover, is a good locality for 
Littorina columellaris D’Orb., and Principulka, just twenty miles 
south of here, is an ideal place for superfine Donax cayennensis Lam. 
—Wiiiam H. Fruck. | 


or InpiANnA, by R. E. Call, Ph. D. (24th Annual Rep. of the State 
Geologist for 1899, Indianapolis, 1900). ‘* This catalogue is intended 
to be complete and to fully exhibit the present state of knowledge 
concerning the group of which it treats, as presented in the fauna of 
Indiana.”’ It is accompanied by a bibliography, and illustrations of 
the species. The latter are reproduced from the Smithsonian series 
‘‘ Land and Fresh-water Shells of N. A.,’”’ except the Unionide, most 
of which were drawn by the author. The figures only rarely repre- 
sent Indiana specimens, and are rather rough. 

Fifty species of land shells are enumerated, 55 aquatic gastropods, 
and 110 bivalves. The table of distrfbution shows the Ohio and 


Wabash basins to be by far the richest in species, the Lake Michigan 
basin poorest, though with a good representation of Limnaida. 

The catalogue is interesting and useful, though it would be better, 
we think, if Dr. Call had followed modern classification, and had 
adopted the rectifications regarding many species which have been 
made in the last decade. He apparently thinks that progress in the 
anatomical and systematic study of Mollusks abruptly stopped fifteen 
or twenty years ago, as no innovations of later date are adopted, ex- 
cept a few, mostly wrong, made by himself. Aside from these matters, 
there are but few errors, and these not of grave consequence ; a fig- 
ure of Strobilops is given for Zonites fulvus (p. 876); Tebennophorus 
dorsalis is said to be “ the most common slug in Indiana,” though we 
think what he had was dark Agriolimax campestris. We note also 
that the descriptions of Tamarck’s Unios are quoted not from the 
original but from the Deshayes edition, and the accents of the French 
remarks are badly ‘+ balled up.”—H. A. P. 

Unionip# or Inpiana.—In Mr. Call’s Descriptive Catalogue of 
the Mollusca of Indiana, the author repudiates the attempt at a 
natural classification of the Unionidz made in Mr. Baker’s Mollusca 
of the Chicago Area, and cannot realize that such a system is pro- 
posed seriously. He cannot understand why, for instance, such a 
form as Unio trigonus is placed in the same subgenus as Unio plicatus. 

Now it is a fact that has been repeatedly demonstrated by Dr. 
Lea’s, Dr. Sterki’s and my own observations of the anatomy of these 
mollusks that Unio trigonus and the allied forms, the different species 
of the Plicatus group, Unio pustulosus and its allies,. Unio coccineus, 
U. subrotundus, U. kleinianus, and the forms belonging to the Chicka- 
sawhensis group which have been placed in the genus Quadrula, all 
have the embryos contained in all four of the gills, and when they 
are thus filled they form thick, smooth pods. And there are certain 
conchological characters which hold good in all these species. Their 
shells are all solid, short, more or less inflated; they generally have 
a wide, flat hinge plate and almost invariably deep beak cavities. 
Many specimens occur among species belonging to the Pl’catus group 
in which the plications are nearly or even wholly wanting, and the 
epidermis varies from greenish to brown and black. Such specimens 
are not far removed conchologically from the smoother forms of the 
Pustulosus group or from U. subrotundus and U. kirtlandianus. 


The true Untos, which in the United States are well represented 
by such forms as U. complanatus, U. buckley, U. crassidens and U. 
gibbosus, have longer shells than the Quadrules, they are generally 
less solid, and as far as I have seen, the beak cavities are compara- 
tively shallow, while the hinge plate is never wide and flat as in 
Unio pustulosus. In these the embryos are found in the outer gills 

Mr. Call uses the time honored names Unio, Margaritana and 
Anodonta for the Indiana Unionide. These names are applied in a 
subgeneric sense, but he neglects to tell us what genus he places them 
under, whether it is Unto of Retzius or the Margaron of Lea. In 
his artificial key to the groups of Unio, excluding Anodonta and 
Margaritana, he places the species in groups, typified by U. luteolus, 
U. ligamentinus, U. crassidens, U. tuberculatus, U. personatus, ete. 
These groups have been recognized as natural assemblages by Lea, 
Lewis, Marsh, Wetherby, and most of the other American students 
of the Unionidae. I consider them as natural and reasonable as any 
that can be made among large assemblages of nearly related species, 
and every amateur who gets together a collection of naiades begins 
to perceive them after a little study. Yet Mr. Call seems to con- 
sider them as mere artificial or laboratory devices of little value. 

The Anodonta edentula of Say is placed by Mr. Call in the genus 
Anodonta. In this remarkable species there are more fully devel- 

oped vestigeal hinge teeth than in any of the true anodontas, and the 

hinge plate is incurved in front of the beaks, while in Anodonta 
proper it is evenly curved throughout. This species carries the 
young in the outer gills in short, distinct ovisacs running directly 
across the gill, instead of in long ovisacs running vertically, as in the 
true anodontas. These contain from 8 or 10 to 20 or more embryos 
and finally break out through the outer walls of the outer gills and 
are discharged entire, with their contents, into the water. After this 
the gills assume the ordinary unionoid form. It is probable that a 
few other species from the southern states which have been placed in 
Margaritana have similar marsupia, I have examined gravid speci- 
mens of most of our American anodontas and of the A. woodiana 
Lea of China, and in all of them the marsupia are radically different 
from that of A. edentula. 

Mr. Call’s synonymy of Unio elavus Lamarck is certainly aston- 
ishing, and includes species as different in shell characters as can be 


found among the North American unios.—C. T. $ 

—_—-: * 

zx: "= 


Von. XIV. JANUARY, 1901. No. 0. 


Physa ancillaria var. magnalacustris. 

Shell subglobose, thick, solid, semi-opaque ; incremental striz fine, 
stronger toward the suture and somewhat irregular; transverse striz 
very minute or subobsolete ; purplish-horn color, darker toward the 
apex, which is dark brown or black ; body whorl with one or more 
broad white varicose bands, more or less suffused with white toward 
the lip and at the base; whorls 5, regularly and rapidly increas- 
ing, the first minute, the last very large, regularly rounded, not 
shouldered, the greatest width being in the centre; spire slightly 
elevated, acute; suture but slightly impressed, margined below with 
white; aperture large, expanded below so that the greatest width is 
below the centre’; outer lip thin, sharp, more or less expanded and 
broadly rounded below ; thickened within by deep yellowish-brown 
or liver-colored callus, which appears externally as a broad white 
band, extremities connected by a thin callus, which is broadly re- 
flected over the body whorl: columella white, straight, scarcely 

Alt. 122, diam. 11, length of aperture 114 mm. 

Alt. 174, diam. 124, length of aperture, 145 mm. 

Alt. 134, diam. 104, length of aperture 105 mm. 

Types from Frankfort, Benzie County, Michigan. It has also been 
found at Charlevoix, Beaver Islands, Mackinac Island, Mackinaw 
City and Port Austin, Huron County, Michigan. These localities 
indicate distribution along the coast-line of the upper part of the lower 


peninsula from Saginaw Bay on the Lake Huron shore to nearly as 
far south on the Lake Michigan coast. This form is the character- 
istic Physa of the lake shore, and is commonly found clinging to the 
large stones along the rocky or stony beaches. Its thick wine-col- 
ored or purplish shell with prominent white varicose bands, basally 
expanded aperture, and the regularly curved outline from the apex 
to the columella, give it an aspect peculiarly its own, and render it 
easily distinguishable from the typical form or any of the allied 
species. Specimens from the Beaver Islands, Lake Michigan and 
Mackinaw City on the mainland, while retaining the peculiar form, 
are thinner, more inclined to be horn-colored and have a narrower 
marginal band, which internally is red rather than brown, and in 
these respects seem to connect the variety with the typical form. 
Were it not for these intermediate examples, there would be good 
ground for considering the form worthy of specific rank, 

Physa ancillaria var. crassa. 

Shell oval or obovate, thick, solid, opaque, smooth, shining, longi- 
tudinal striz very fine, transverse stria minute or subobsolete ; white, 
more or less tinged with vinous or pale purple; darker toward the 
apex, Which is dark brown; whorls 4-5; regularly and rapidly in- 
creasing, the first minute, the last very large, roundly shouldered and 
frequently flattened laterally ; spire short, scarcely elevated above 
the general contour of the shell; suture but slightly impressed, bor- 
dered below with white; aperture large, but slightly shorter than 
the shell; widest in the centre, somewhat narrowed below and 
slightly effuse at the junction of the basal lip with the columella ; 
outer lip broadly rounded, thin, acute, thickened within by a strong 
callus which is yellowish-brown within and white externally ; inter- 
ior of body whorl light yellowish-brown or liver color; extremities 
of lip connected by a thin callus which is broadly reflected over the 
body whorl; columella strong, white, nearly straight, but slightly 

Alt. 174, diam. 124, length of aperture 14 mm. 

Alt. 16, diam. 124, length of aperture 135 mm. 

Alt. 15, diam. 11, length of aperture 135 mm. 

Higgins Lake, Roscommon County, Michigan. 

This form, while related to the variety magnalacustris in its tex- 
ture, differs entirely in its shape, which is quite similar to the typical 
form in the roundly-shouldered body whorl, and more elongated and 


less expanded aperture. The lip joins the body-whorl at a more 
obtuse angle and lacks the basal expansion characteristic of the lake 
form. ‘The spire is also less produced. Compared with the typical 
form, this variety is easily distinguished by its heavy, solid, opaque 



Pisidium tenuissimum, n. 

Rather small, little to strongly oblique, moderately to rather well 
inflated, with the edges usually acutish, elongated or rather short, 
rhomboid to oblong-ovoid in outline, hinge margin little, inferior mod- 
erately curved, posterior end rounded or subtruncate obliquely in a 
postero-anterior direction with a rounded angle above ; anterior more 
or less curved, truncate obliquely with the rounded-angular end 
inferiorly, or the whole anterior part rather regularly parabolic, with 
the end in the longitudinal median line; beaks slightly posterior, 
somewhat broad, moderately elevated over the hinge line, somewhat 
mammillar ; surface very finely, almost regularly striated, highly 
polished ; color horn to smoky, or to greenish, or to light grayish ; 
shell very thin, translucent; hinge very fine, plate very narrow, 
cardinal teeth very small, short, thin, scarcely or slightly curved ; 
those of the left valve very close together, longitudinal-parallel, the 
upper little posterior; lateral teeth rather long, markedly straight, 
slender, thin, with short cusps ; also the outer ones in the right valve 
quite distinct ; ligament fine. 

Long: 3.4, alt. 2.8, diam. 2.1 mill. 

Habitat : Straits and Orchard lakes, in Oakland Co., Michigan,’ 
collected by Messrs. Walker and Sargent; Pine Lake, Marquette 
Co., Mich. (Upper Peninsula), and other waters in the same state ; 
also seen fossil. 

As pointed out in the description, the species is very variable in 
shape, and extreme forms, if found separate, might well be taken for 
different species. Thies one from ;fine’ Lake (collected by Mr. 
Walker) is especially notable: the beaks are narrower and more 

1 Close together, but at the heads of different river systems. 


elevated ; the anterior part of the mussel is more rapidly and directly 
tapering to a rounded point, the color is light grayish with concen- 
tric, irregular, narrow zones of a darker shade. Some forms have 
resemblance with P. splendidulum, the more rhombic ones, with a 
corresponding form of P. pauperculum, but in case of doubt, the thin 
shell and very fine hinge with the markedly straight, slender lateral 
teeth will distinguish our species. 

Specimens have occasionally been seen for several years, from 
different places, both recent and fossil, yet it seemed not safe to 
establish an. sp. upon them. The recent finds of Messrs. Walker 
and Sargent have put an end to all doubts. 

Pisidium monas, n. 

Minute, rather well inflated, oval in outline, without any project- 
ing angles, except a very slight one at the scutum, and the slightly 
pointed, rather inferior, anterior end; beaks little posterior, broad, 
rounded, little elevated; surface with comparatively coarse, micro- 
scopic, rather regular striz, tops of beaks smooth and shining; shell 
thin, hinge fine, cardinal teeth very small, almost straight, longi- 
tudinal, the posterior (upper) of the left valve sometimes almost 
obsolete ; ligament small. 

Long. 1.7, alt. 1.4, diam. 0.9 mill. 

Habitat: Mountain Lake, Marquette county, Michigan, collected 
by Mr. Bryant Walker. 

Among the specimens seen (some twenty), little variation was 
noticed ; the species may be recognized by its minute size and its 
shape, the low, comparatively broad beaks, and the somewhat coarse 
striation. The latter is about as in Pis. punctatum, small forms of 
which are also of about the same size; but the latter Pisidium is 
more inflated, more angular in outline, its beaks are narrower and 
-more elevated. P. monas is also smaller than zmbecille, and less 
elongated, its striation is coarser. 

Being known from but one locality, the species has been estab- 
lished only after a most careful examination and comparison with 
P. punctatum, imbecille, harfordianum, handwerkii, as well as with 
the young of the other species occurring in the same lot. 

Pisidium streatori, n. 

Of medium size, almost equipartite, short oval-rounded to almost 
circular, without any projecting angles, or with a slight, rounded one 
t the scutum, moderately inflated, lentiform; beaks slightly pos- 


terior, low, rounded, scarcely or little elevated over the hinge margin, 
approximate; surface with moderate to rather coarse, irregular 
striae, and usually a few coarser lines of growth, shining ; color light 
yellowish horn, to straw or slightly reddish ; shell rather thin, some- 
what translucent; hinge rather fine, plate narrow ; cardinal teeth 
well formed, the right one strongly curved, or angular, its posterior 
part thickened, simple, or grooved, or split in two diverging parts ; 
the left anterior is angular, the posterior is oblique, slightly curved, 
short to rather long; lateral teeth rather small, little projecting into 
the cavity of the mussel, but well formed, the cusps short, pointed ; 
ligament moderate. . 

Long. 5, alt, 4.4, diam. 2.6 (New York and some Ohio exs.). 

Long. 5.5, alt. 4.8, diam. 3.4 (large Ohio ex.). 

Habitat: Canaseraga river, N. Y.; Garrettsville, Ohio, in a swamp. 

A lot of good specimens, from the former place, were kindly sent 
by Mr. Hy. Prime, in 1894, and then regarded as new, yet retained, 
as it might have proved to be a local form of some other species. 
Last fall Mr. Streator and the writer collected some specimens of 
exactly the same Pisidium, in a dried up swamp near Garrettsville, 
Ohio, the mussels living and propagating in the damp muck, under 
dead leaves, etc. Later on we found that Mr. Streator had collected 
quite a number during several years previous. 

Our species is well characterized, and can not be mistaken for any 
other Pisidium. PP. roperi, with nearly the same color and surface 
appearance, is larger, more elongate, much more inflated, its beaks 
are higher and more voluminous in the adult. I take pleasure in 
naming the present species after Mr. Geo. J. Streator, an enthusi- 
astic conchologist, who has, for many years, collected and studied the 
mollusca of northeastern Ohio. 



In the part of Aroostook county underlaid by the Aroostook lime- 
stone of Niagara age, there are many deposits of shell marl. I have 
only examined two localities: Barren Brook Bog, in Caribou, and 
Lovely Brook Bog, in Fort Fairfield. 



Barren Brook Bog, in Caribou, is covered by vegetation ; but the 
Lovely Brook Bog is wet, dangerous and difficult to approach, ex- 
cepting in one place. 

I have just received from Mr. Bryant Walker a paper upon the 
‘Shells of the Marls of Huron County,” reprinted from the Geo- 
logical Survey of Michigan, Vol. VII, part II, pp. 247-252, in 
which comparisons are made with specimens from Aroostook county, 
Maine. To my knowledge there has been no extensive list pub- 
lished of the shells found in the marl deposits of Maine, and no 
comparison made with the living species in the same localities. 

Samples of marls have been sent to me from Presque Isle, Lime- 
stone, California Town, in New Brunswick, Canada, and other 
places. The most abundant species are Limnea desidiosa, Planorbis 
pareus and Pisidium contortum,} in all the localities. 

Fossils in the Marl of Barren Brook Bog. 

Vertigo sp. Fragments only. 

Succinea obliqua Say. Rare. 

Succinea ovalis Gld. Rare. 

Physa heterostropha Say. Rare. 

Limnea desidiosa Say. Abundant. 

Planorbis trivolvis Say. Common. 

Planorbis companulatus Say. Rare. 

Planorbis bicarinatus Say. Rare. 

Planorbis parvus Say. Abundant. 

Planorbis (?). One specimen related to P. erista Lin., probably 
a new species. 

Ancylus parallelus Hald. Two specimens only. 

Valvata sincera Say (?). Not common. 

Anodonta fragilis Lam. Rare. 

Spherium simile Say. Rare. 

Spherium rhomboidium Say. Rare. 

Calyculina securis Prime (?). Rare. 

Pisidium adamsi Prime. Few. 

Pisidium compressum Prime. Few. 

1 Dr. V. Sterki has kindly examined all the Pisidia in my collection. Some 
of the specimens are still held by him, pending the receipt of more material 
for comparison with specimens from other parts of America and Europe. I 
am under the greatest obligations to him, and also to Mr. Bryant Walker, for 
valuable information, 


Pisidium contortum Prime. Abundant. 

Pisidium pauperculum Sterki. Rare. 

Pisidium rotundatum Prime. Not common. 

Pisidium scutellatum Sterki(?). Rare. 

Pisidium variabile Pme. Rare. 

Pisidium ventricosum Pme. Common. 

Pisidium walkeri var. mainense Sterki, Rare. 

Living shells in Barren Brook, one quarter of a mile below the 
marl deposit, in a small pond on the brook, the land shells obtained 
at the water’s edge. 

Succinea obliqua Say. Rare. 

Succinea ovalis Gld. Common. 

Succinea avara Say. Rare. 

Strobilops labyrinthica Say. 

Bifidaria pentodon Say. 

Vertigo ventricosa Morse. 

Conulus fulvus Mull. 

Zonitoides arboreus Say. 

Zonitoides exiguus Stimp. Common. 

Carychium exile Lea. Common. 

Physa heterostropha Say. Rare and small. 

Limnea desidiosa Say. Small compared with the fossils. 

Planorbis trivolvis Say. Abundant. 

Planorbis parvus Say. Common. 

Planorbis crista Linné, var. cristata Drap. Common. 

Anodonta fragilis Lam. Rare. 

Spherium simile Say. Common in the brook below the pond. 

Sphzrium rhomboideum Say. One small living specimen. 

Pisidium abditium Hald. Rare. 

Pisidium compressum Prime. Few where the road crosses the 

Pisidium rotundatum Prime. Rare. 

Pisidium splendidulum Sterki. Abundant; type locality. 

Pisidium variabile Prime. Abundant. 

Pisidium seminulum Sterki?. Few specimens referred to this 

Pisidium ventricosum Prime. Common. 

Pisidium walkeri var. mainense. Common. 


Fossils in the Marl Deposit in Lovely Brook Bog, 
Fort Fairfield, Aroostook County, Maine. 
Physa heterostropha Say. Large, specimens rare. 
Limneea desidiosa Say. 
Planorbis parvus Say. 
Planorbis hirsutus Gld. Rare. 
Planorbis crista Linné, var. cristata Drap. One good specimen. 
Pisidium variabile Prime. 
Pisidium abditum Hald. 
Pisidium splendidulum Sterki. 
Pisdium ventricosum Prime. 
Pisidium contortum Prime. 

Living Shells in the Lovely Brook Bog. 

Physa heterostropha Say. Rare. 

Limnzea desidiosa Say. Rare. 

Pisidiam variabile Prime. Common. 

Pisidium ventricosum Prime. Small but abundant, especially on 
the marl deposit. 

Pisidium splendidulum Sterki. Common and very variable. 

Pisidium medianum var. minutum Sterki. The type locality ; 
small but very fine specimens. 

Pisidium contortum Prime, so abundant among the fossils, is one 

of the rarest living Pisidia. Only a few specimens have been col- - 

lected in Mud Lake, in the northeast corner of Perham, Aroostook 
County, Maine. It is dangerous to go near the water’s edge, as the 
boggy shores break through and one sinks in the mud. 


especial reference to the Silex beds of Tampa and the Pliocene bed 
of the Caloosahatchie River; including in many cases a complete 
revision of the generic groups treated of and their American tertiary 
species. By Witiiam Hearry Dari, A. M. Transactions of. the 
Free Institute of Science, Philadelphia, Vol. III, Part V, Dece., 

This part contains about 270 pages, and 12 plates, treating of the 
families Solenide, Donacide, Psammobiide, Semelide, Tellinide, 

— ee 


Petricolide, Cooperellide, Isocardiide, Cardiide, Diplodontide and 
the Leptonacea; in all 145 new tertiary species are described. 

This interesting work on the tertiary fauna contains so many 
changes in nomenclature that also affect the recent fauna, that it is 
looked forward to with as much, if not more, interest by the Con- 
chologist than by the Paleontologist — the numerous generic and 
specific references, distribution of species, and synopses of genera, 
forming a very valuable feature to the student. 

The first family discussed is the Solenidz, which follows closely 
the synopsis of the recent species, published by Dr. Dall, in the 
Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXII, 107, which was reviewed in the 
Navtitus for Feb., 1900. In the Donacide the synonomy of the 
two common Californian species is given as follows : 

1. Donax Californica Conrad, not of Carpenter and the majority 
of Californian authors, nor Deshayes. Donax navicula Hanley. 

2. Donax levigata Deshayes. Donax Californica Carpenter and 
several Californian authors, not of Conrad or Deshayes. Donax 
obesa Gould, not Orbigny. 

The generic standing of the various genera constituting the family 
Psammobiide are fully discussed; the following genera being repre- 
sented: Psammobia, Lam. (Gari of some authors), Sanguinolaria, 
Amphichena, Heterodonax, Asaphis, and Tagelus; regarding the 
latter Dr. Dall says: ‘* The genus Zagelus is distinguished from any 
of the Solenide by its long and distinct siphons.” 

A number of changes of familiar specific names have been made 
in the Semelide. For the Semele reticulata L. of authors (S. orbicu- 
lata Say) the name of S. proficua Pulteney, 1799, is adopted, the 
reticulata of Linné being based on an oriental species. S. purpur- 
ascens Gmel. has priority over both obhqua Wood and variegata 
Lam. S. bellastriata Conrad, 1837, is substituted for cancellata 
Orb., 1853. Cumingia coarctata Sowb. is recorded from Florida, 
the synonomy being given as follows: Lavignon antillarum and 
petitiana Orb.; C. fragilis and sinuous A. Ads., and C. tenuis H. and 
A. Ads. 

An extensive discussion of the Tellinide is followed by descrip- 
tions of 51 new species.’ 

Of the family Petricolide, four species are recorded from the 

1This family will be more fully discussed in a review of Dr. Dall’s synopsis 
of the recent North American species, 


Atlantic coast : Petricola lapicida Gml., P. typica Jonas, P. pholadi- 
Sormis Say, and P. dactylus, Sowb. In referring to the latter Dr. 
Dall gives the following interesting note: ‘The curious little shell 
named in 1872 by Verrill Gastranella tumida, is certainly a Petrt- 
cola, and I suspect it to be the young of P. dactylus, which has 
when very young and fresh a purplish tinge on the umbones in some 
individuals. The tinge is precisely the same in both. Carpenter 
similarly took the nepionic young of P. denticulata Sowerby for a 
Psephis and described it under the specific name of tellimyalis. This 
was the more excusable, since the fry are brightly colored with 
orange and purple, while the adult and adolescent stages of the 
Petricolaria are pure white. I have a series showing the latter with 
its purple umbones strongly contrasting with the white valves, but 
this condition lasts only a short time, the color fading entirely out in 
most specimens before they attain full growth.” 

A most excellent synopsis of the Cardiidz is followed by a review 
of the species, of which 28 are new. Cardium floridanum Heilp, is 
a syn. of C. emmonsi Conr.; for OC. magnum Born (not Linné), C. 
robustum Solander is adopted. Cardium bullatum of authors as of 
Linné not of Morch, becomes C. spinoswm Meuschen; C. semt- 
sulcatum Gray, has priority over O. ringiculum Sowb., and C. Pettti- 
anum Orb., C. (Levicardium) serratum L., and C. levigatum Lam., 
are considered synonymous. 

A provisional table of the families and genera constituting the 
Leptonacea’* is adopted. Montacuta bidentata Montg., and Kellia 
planulata Stimp., are both placed in the genus Rochefortia Vélain. 
Lasea rubra (Montg.) is thoroughly discussed. Dr. Dall finds no 
permanent specific character to separate ZL. bermudensis Bush. 
“Small shells like Zasea which attach themselves by a byssus to 
algz, may be widely distributed by ocean currents. Differences of 
temperature and food cannot fail to make their mark upon the differ- 
ent colonies. When, in addition, we have a normal crudity and 
want of definition in the hinge characters throughout the genus, it 
would seem -inadvisable to subdivide the type too minutely.” 
Montacuta elevata Stimp, is placed in the genus Aligena H. C. Lea. 

The work closes with the Diplodontidz; a synopsis of the recent 

1 A synopsis of the Recent and Tertiary Leptonaccea of North America and 
the West Indies, was published by Dr. Dall in the Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., xxi, 
pp. 873-897, 1899. 

Clik NAUTILUS. 107 

species inthe Jour. of Conch., ix, pp. 244-246, Oct., 1899, was re- 
viewed in the NauTitus, xiv, p. 84. Dr. Dall states that this part 
carries the text so far that it seems certain that another part will 
conclude the work. 



A recent sending from Mr. Y. Hirase, of Kyoto, Japan, contained 
a number of novelties, some of which are briefly diagnosed below, 
Illustrations will follow later. . 

Eulota (Aegista) mimula n. sp. Shell thin, openly umbilicate, de- 
pressed, with low-conic spire; brown, lustreless, rather weakly 
striate, and bearing sparse cuticular processes, like short, prostrate 
and adnate hairs. Whorls 54, convex, the last a trifle angulated in 
front, slightly descending to the aperture, rounded beneath. Aper- 
ture oblique, subcircular, the peristome whitish, narrowly expanded, 
subreflexed below, scarcely thickened, the margins approaching. 
Alt. 5.5, diam. 9mm. Kyoto. 

Much like a miniature 4. aperta, but the spire is somewhat 
higher, the umbilicus rather less open, the striation less strong, and 
the peristome not thickened within. 

Trishoplita cretacea var. bipartita n. v. Somewhat smaller than 
T. ecretacea, with conic spire, whitish above, brown or copiously 
streaked with brown below, a brown line ascending the spire border- 
ing the suture above ; surface striate and rather indistinctly eranu- 
late by the decussation of fine spirals. Aperture very oblique, 
toned oval. Alt. 9 d:am. 14.5 mm.; alt. 9.5 diam. 12.5 mm, 
Toyonishikami, Nagato. 

In T. cretacea the minute granules are irregularly scattered, not 
produced by decussation as in this variety. In specimens from 
Ushirogawa, Tosa, Shikoku Island, which I refer to T. eretacea as a 
variety, the sculpture is also decussate, though very indistinctly so. 
T. cretacea v. bipartita reminds one somewhat of Heltcella pyranidata, 
from the form of the spire. 

Eulota (Pl.ctotropis) elegantissima var. cara n.v. Larger than 
LE. elegantissima, more depressed, with wider umbilicus and more 
rapidly widening last whorl. Alt. 10, diam. 29; alt. 7, diam. 
204 mm. Loochioo Is. 


Clausilia euholostoma n. sp. An exceedingly peculiar Huphedusa. 
The shell is very small, alt. 7.6, diam, 2.4 mm., with broadly oval 
(not in the least pyriform) aperture, continuous white peristome, and 
only a single lamella, the inferior, developed. This lamella is shaped 
as in Cl. monelasmus Pils. The principal plica and the lamella 
spiralis are extremely short and lateral in position; short upper and 
lower palatal plice are developed. There are about 75 whorls, the 
surface densely striated. The clausilium is Euphedusoid. Hab., 
Mikuriya, prov. Suruga (No. 563 of Mr. Hirase’s register). 

Clausilia japonica var. interplicata n. v. A dark colored, glossy 
variety, with several palatal plicae developed between the usual 
upper and lower palatals of typical C. japonica. Nishigo. Uzen 
(No. 403 of Mr. Hirase’s register). Other specimens from Takeya, 
Izumo, are less glossy, and irregular in the development of the 
‘‘interpalatal ”’ folds. 

The following species belong to the section Hemiphedusa : 

Clausilia perpallida n. sp. General form of C. aurantiaca var. 
erbert; pale corneous, finely striate. Superior lamella moderate, in- 
ferior receding, subcolumellar deeply immersed; closing apparatus 
lateral, the principal plica long, upper palatal well developed, a low, 
broad, nodule-like lunella below but not joining it; no lower palatal 
fold. Length 11.5, diam. 2.6 mm. Nishigo, Uzen (460 b of Mr. 
Hirase’s register). 

Clausilia harimensts n. sp. Similar to C. aurantiaca or a little 
more slender, but with the weakly developed peristome of C. awaji- 
ensis, the lunella and closing apparatus generally being similar to 
that species, and lateral, not ventral as in C. aurantiaca. Whorls 
about 10; color greenish-brown, when unworn. Length 11.5, diam. 
2.7 mm. Kashima, Harima. Types no. 79133 coll. A. N.S. 
(306 a of Mr. Hirase’s register). 

Clausilia hokkaidoensis n. sp. About the size and general form of 
C. monelasmus, with which it occurred. Whorls about 10, the last 
two striate. ‘General characters of the aperture as in C. subaurantiaca, 
the subcolumellar lamella deeply immersed, closing apparatus lateral, 
the upper palatal fold well developed, not connected with the straight 
low lunella; no lower palatal fold. Much smaller than the allied 
O. subaurantiaca. Length 11, diam. 2.6 mm. Kayabe, Ojima, 
Hokkaido I. Types no. 79321 coll. A. N. S. (546b of Hirase’s 
register ). 

Olausilia totaptyx var. clava n. v. General form of Cl. cotaptyx, 
the spire being abnormally thick above, though attenuated for half 
the length of the shell. Whorls 12, the Jast with a crest or ridge be- 
hind the peristome. Superior lamella moderate, inferior receding, 
not visible in a front view, subcolumellar emerging. Principal plica 
long, upper and lower palatal plice developed, a rudimentary lunella 
between them, not connected with the upper plica. Length 12.5, 
diam. 2.8 mm. Senzan, Awaji Island. 


Von. XIV. FEBRUARY, 1901. No. 10. 


Between San Diego and Point Conception, a distance of about two 
hundred miles, there lies off the coast of Southern California (not 
Lower California) a number of islands generally called the Santa 
Barbara group. In all, there are eight of these islands, varying in 
length from one to thirty miles and from one to six or eight miles in 
width, the nearest being about twenty-five, and the most distant 
about seventy-five miles from the mainland. 

All of them bear the name of some saint whom tradition, supersti- 
tion and religion have invested with supernatural power for good or 
evil toward men. Beginning with the most northerly island of the 
croup and ending with the most southerly one, their names run as 
follows: San Miguel, Santa Rosa, Santa Cruz, Anacapa, San 
Nicolas, Santa Barbara, Santa Catalina, and San Clemente. 

Here is an array of saintly names that should satisfy the most de- 
vout, and, if there is any virtue in a name, it should bring peace 
hope and quiet rest to those whose lot might be cast upon these rock- 
ribbed and storm-beaten islands. But this does not seem to have 
been the case, for when they were first discovered by the old Spanish 
or Portuguese navigators, colonies of peaceful and, perhaps, happy 
Indians inhabited them, whose time and occupation in life was prin- 
cipally devoted to securing something to eat and very little to wear. 
Soon after the advent of the white man these poor creatures began to 
disappear, decreased in numbers, and finally became extinct. There 
still remain evidences of their home life, the shell heaps on their old 


camping-grounds, an occasional broken stone-implement, and a few 
shell ornaments that have been over-looked by the white man in his 
search for curios or prehistoric relics. 

Several theories have been advanced by scientists and others in 
regard to the origin and age of these islands, but I can add very little 
to these flights of the imagination. How often, if more than once, 
all or some of them have been submerged and raised above the sea 
level, or whether those of the group which are composed principally 
of metamorphic rocks are the remains of the highest peaks of a range 
of mouutains that once formed or ribbed the most western part of the 
continent, it is quite impossible to say. 

San Nicolas Island, however, is of sand-stone formation, and con- 
tains beds of marine fossils, the forms being similar to those now 
living all along the coast of the mainland, and I think we are safe in 
suggesting that this island was thrown up at or about the time tle 
general elevation of the coast line and adjacent mesa-lands took place. 

There are always some curious expectations associated in the 
human mind with thoughts of the islands of the sea. To the con- 
chologist these expectations are often greatly multiplied, and these 
little isolated patches of land become intensely interesting, and espec- 
ially so to the student of terrestrial mollusks, for the islands of the 
sea the world over are noted for their richness in land shells. 

In this respect, our Californian islands are no exception to the gen- 
eral rule, While the number of so-called species fouiid upon them, 
so far as we know them at present, is not very numerous, several 
are peculiar to these islands and not found elsewhere, while their 
coloring, varied through closely related forms, adds unusual interest 
and makes them very desirable for study, especially by those who are 
interested in problems of evolution. 

The origin of the land shells of these islands and of the west coast 
generally has been the subject of speculation by various writers on 
the distribution of animal life for some years. In their attempts to 
account for the affinities and resemblances, in a few instances, between 
our land shells and some forms found in Asia, they have bridged over 
Bering Strait, or “ Behring Straits,” several times had bands of 
snails, or perhaps single ones ‘‘in pairs,’’ as Pat would express it, 
cross this bridge into America, travel southward to Cape Horn, 
establish colonies all along this long line of travel, and subsequently 
spread eastward over the continent, and finally cross another imagin- 


ary bridge into the West Indies; and the present shell fauna of this 
whole region is supposed to be the descendants of those Asiatic emi- 

We are also to infer from these theorists and their writings, I sup- 

> of Asiatic snails took 

pose, that during the time this “ dispersion’ 
place there was not a native terrestrial mollusk in all this land, no 
matter what other kind of organisms may have originated and 
existed here at that time. 

In order to have a clear and comprehensive conception of life, the 

rigin and development of the material forms of organisms, and their 
distribution over our planet, we must study them all from a funda- 
mental standpoint, and I will here briefly allude to the fundamental 
as I understand it. 

Time and space are infinite. Existing within the infinite there 
are elements that possess the properties of attraction and repulsion 
(energy—life), which, by their combinations, form two great factors 
that enter into and produce all the phenomena we see around us. 
These we know as energy and matter. Their relations to each other 
may be more clearly understood by stating that without energy 
matter could not be formed, and without matter energy could not 
demonstrate its presence, as it would have nothing to act upon, 
hence both are necessary to a demonstration of any kind, and must 
be regarded as equals in every respect. Development is a principle 
inherent in the elements—the hand-maid of life itself. Evolution, 
diversity and variation are natural processes belonging to develop- 
ment. ‘These constitute the fundamental; they are coexistent and 
immortal, eternal, without beginning and without end. The funda- 
mental alone is immortal; all the phenomena arising from the 
fundamental, the superficial and complex, are evanescent, fleeting and 
constantly passing away, even as the grass of the meadows and the 
forests of the plains, and are replaced by other similar phenomena, 
though varied in form. Development is the regular order of nature, 
and the regular order of development is from the simple to the 
complex and vice versa (disintegration). Wherever matter, heat, 
moisture and air exist together, there life (omnipresent energy, 
Howison), with her hand-maid development, will be found industri- 
ously refining and preparing inorganic matter, from which they will 
evolve organic forms in due course of time. 

As the form and structure of terrestrial mollusks are not of a very 


high or complicated nature, we may suppose that not many centuries 
would pass, after the Rocky, Sierra Nevada Mts. and the adjacent 
territory rose above the ‘‘ Mesozoic Sea,’’ before these creatures 
would originate, perhaps in many places at or about the same time; 
and as they multiply in numbers quite rapidly, under favorable con- 
ditions, there would have been a large native population of terrestrial 
mollusks existing here long before those Asiatic stragglers could have 
reached Cape Horn and the West Indies via Bering Straits bridge. 
If the present land shells of America are the descendants of Asiatic 
emigrants, what has become of tlie land shells that have originated 

“ Westward the course of empire takes its way ”’ is as true as it is 
poetical, and if animals obey the same general laws that human be- 
ings do in this respect, then the snail emigration must have been the 
other way. Wecanas readily imagine bands of snails from America 
crossing this bridge at Bering Strait and establishing colonies on 
the other side as vice versa, and thus we could account for these re- 
semblances and affinities by a westward movement as well as by an 
eastward emigration of these slow-moving creatures, if there were no 
causes or conditions in the environment in both countries to produce 
similar results in the organic structure of the same class of animals, 
which I believe is the case. 

Without having investigated the matter very closely, I am under 
the impression that the resemblances and affinities of the West Coast 
shells, as well as those of America generally, are as close to those 
of Europe as they are to the shells of Asia. Compare the following 
American and European shells : 

American. Huropean. 
Helix nickliniana Lea. Helix arbustorum Linn. 
Helix kelletti Fbs. Helix aspersa Mull. 
Helix levis Pfr. Helix pisana Mull. 
Helix inflecta Say. Helix personata Drap. 
Patula striatella Anth. Patula ruderata Stud. 

Compare the entire Zonitidz of both continents. Many of Limne- 
idx, Physidee and Planorbidz on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean 
are identical, or so near alike that they could hardly be separated if 
mixed together. 

I think, then, we may reasonably conclude that if the emigration 


of animals is generally toward the setting sun, it would be more 
reasonable and more in harmony with this general law to base the 
distribution of animal life on a westward movement across each con- 
tinent, spreading north and south as food and climatic: conditions 
were found to be favorable to the existence of each class of creatures, 
rather than upon a haphazard exodus of animals from Asia via 
Bering Strait bridge. 

Undoubtedly a few shells have been introduced into America from 
other continents, but, after two centuries of close commercial inter- 
course between America and Europe, we can count all the known 
introduced land shells on the fingers. I venture to suggest that the 
distribution of animal life is determined by the laws of attraction and 
repulsion as much as the revolutions of the earth in its orbit around 
the sun. There are life centres on each continent around which 
animals revolve, and from which they radiate and to which they re- 
turn, with possibly a westward tendency of these life centres. In 
obedience to this law of attraction birds return each spring to their 
old nesting places; some fish, like the salmon, return each season to 
the rivers and creeks in which they were hatched to deposit their 
spawn, and many other circumstances of a similar kind might be 
cited in support of such a theory. 

I have visited all of the islands off the coast of Southern Cali- 
fornia, except San Miguel and Anacapa, for the purpose of collecting 
shells, but before presenting a complete list of the land shells, I will 
offer descriptions of some forms that seem to be undescribed. 

In referring to the Helices I use the general term “ Helix,’’ under 
which genus they have been described, and which, it seems to me, is 
quite as suggestive, and certainly as useful, as the long cumbersome 
names that have been recently adopted ; leaving to others the choice 
of half a dozen or more genera and subgenera to which they have 
been referred from time to time by several distinguished eastern and 
foreign conchologists. 

[ Zo be concluded. | 



Amnicola letsoni. 

Shell small, elevated, solid, thick, white ; subimperforate, whorls 


44, more or less flattened laterally and inclined to be shouldered ; 
smooth ; suture deep; spire short, less than one-third of the entire 
length, apex obtuse; aperture small, ovate, angled above, rounded 
below, flattened on the parietal margin, which is quite oblique to the 
axis. Peristome thick, continuous, entirely free from contact with 
the body-whorl in fully mature specimens. 

Alt. 34, diam. 24, length of aperture 14 mill. 

Alt. 8, diam. 2, length of aperture 14 mill. 

Habitat: Goat Island, Niagara River, N. Y. 

Amnicola sheldoni Pils. is the only species with which this can be 
compared. The present species, however, is to be distinguished by 
its flattened, shouldered whorls, deeper suture and more acuminate 
spire. Six mature examples were found which, though differing 
somewhat in the relative proportions of length and width, are, asa 
whole, quite uniform. In four of them, the peristome is distinctly 
separated from the body-whorl; in one, while continuous, it is so 
close as to be almost adnate, while in the remaining specimen, the 
parietal margin, although somewhat broken, seems to have been 
appressed to the body-whorl for a short distance. Associated with 
these specimens were two other examples quite similar, but much 
more cylindrical in outline, less solid, and with the aperture less 
angled posteriorly. Neither is quite mature, judging from the thin- 
ness of the lip. In view of the considerable variation in these par- 
ticulars in other well-known species of the genus, such as Amnicola 
lustrica Pils. and of the few specimens now at hand, it is not deemed 
advisable at the present time to do more than call attention to the 
fact. Dr. Pilsbry, to whom some of the specimens were submitted, 
suggests that, like Pyrgulopsis mississippiensis Pils., it is probably 
an extinct species, and will be found in some quarternary bed along 
the Niagara or some tributary creek. 

The type specimens were collected by Miss E. Jennie Letson, 
of Buffalo, N. Y., and the species is named in her honor. 


In a recent pamphlet, Mr. R. E. C. Stearns speaks of twelve 
exotic species of mollusks that have been found in California. Sev- 


eral of these are increasing rapidly. Recently two bright lads of our 
** Tsaac Lea Chapter,’’ Masters Doe and Gifford, brought me fine 
specimens of Modiola plicatula Lam. which they had found on the 
southwestern shore of San Francisco Bay. ‘They also guided me to 
numerous colonies of Uvrosalpinx cinereus Say. on the Alameda 
shore, which they had naturally mistaken for the native Ocinebra 
eircumtexta Stearns. ‘They showed me several dead valves of Venus 
mercenaria Linn. which they had picked up on the same shore, but 
of which they had not been able to find living specimens. We can- 
not, therefore, certainly add this species to Mr. Stearns’ list, but it 
is quite probable that living forms of the same will soon be found in 
deeper water. 

Of the land species included with the twelve, two at least are be- 
coming quite common. Zonites cellarius Mull. appeared abundantly 
the past season in the college garden, and Helix aspersa Mull. I have 
artificially propagated with much success, using a frame like a board- 
covered hot-bed, and feeding with cabbage leaves and similar vege- 
tables. I have now introduced several native species into the frame 
and am awaiting the spring-time with much interest. Helix califor- 
miensis Lea does not thrive, as it evidently sighs for the sands of 
Monterey and the toothsome rattle-weed; but its near neighbor, 
Helix dupetithouarsii Desh., from Cypress Point, seems quite at 
home, and is as happy as if it were shaded by the venerable trees on 
that rocky promontory. Possibly it is because the frame is sheltered 
by a hedge of tall cypresses, lineal descendants from the trees on 
Cypress Point. I have often wished that the long and cumbrous 
name of this species could be changed to the short and highly- 
suggestive one, Helix cupressa, the cypress snail. But I suppose 
that the law of priority is like the law of the Medes and Persians, 
*‘which altereth not.” 

Mills College, Cal. 



Clausilia Hiraseana n. sp. A Megalophedusa with the size and 
general form of Cl. japonica, but strongly sculptured with rib-strie, 
far coarser than in any other known Japanese species. The sub- 


columellar lamella is immersed and there are four strong palatal 
plice. Length 29, diam. 6 mm. Okinoshima, prov. Tosa (Y. 

Trishoplita Smithiana n. sp. Shell about the size and color of 7. 
goodwint (Smith), but much more depressed, the spire low, convexly 
conic, whorls 54, the last angular at the periphery, descending in 
front; sculpture of slight growth-wrinkles and extremely fine, 
crowded spiral striz. Aperture transversely oval, oblique; peris- 
tome thin, expanded, reflexed below, the margins approaching, 
parted by a parietal wall in length about one-fifth the circumference 
of the peristome. Umbilicus open. Alt. 8, diam. 18, width of um- 
bilicus 2 mm. Arakura, prov. Tosa (Mr. Hirase). Much mere 
depressed than 7. goodwint, with lower spire and wider umbilicus. 
named for Mr. E. A. SmrtH, who has given us several valuable 
papers upon Japanese mollusks. 

Ganesella myomphala var. omphalodes n. v. Similar to G. myom- 
phala in color and texture, but much depressed and openly umbili- 
cate, the columellar lip but slightly overhanging the umbilicus. 
Alt. 19, diam. 32, width of umbilicus 8 mm. Omikado, prov. Inaba 
(Mr. Y. Hirase). Specimens in the collection of Mr. Addison 
Gulick show that in true myomphala the umbilicus is not always 
wholly closed, but, unlike this variety, the columellar lip is flattened 
and spreading. : 

Ganesella Wiegmanniana n. sp. Shell deeply and (for the genus) — 
openly umbilicate, much depressed, thick lens-shaped, angular at the 
periphery, encircled by a faint reddish-brown band above the 
periphery, surface somewhat glossy, sculptured with oblique growth- 
wrinkles, but without spiral striz other than a few rather coarse, 
irregularly-developed spirals sometimes visible on the base. Spire 
low, convexly conoid; whorls 54, moderately convex, the last angular 
at the periphery, somewhat convex beneath, but slightly descending 
in front, more or less constricted behind the lip. Aperture oblique, 
irregularly lunate-oval, the peristome white, narrowly expanded, 
thickened within, the basal margin straightened, thickened or obso- 
letely toothed in the middle; columellar end dilated, slightly over- 
hanging the umbilicus. 

Alt. 11, diam. 184 to 205 mm.; width of umbilicus 2 mm. 

Kochi, prov. Tosa (Y. Hirase). 

This species is clearly distinct from the strongly carinated form of 


G'. japonica called patruelis or tabuensis by some authors, but which 
is probably not really that species. The much depressed form like 
a thick lens, the open umbilicus and want of spiral striae are its more 
prominent features. It is named in honor of FrRiepRicn W1£G- 
MANN, of Jena, author of numerous and valuable works on the 
anatomy of land snails. 

BY W. H. DanLo 

The group of Pectinide named by Conrad Lyropecten, of which 
P. Heermanni Conrad is the type, is known to have its precursors in 
the Oligocene, to be in its developed form characteristic of the 
Miocene of the Northern Hemisphere on both sides of the Atlantic, 
and to be represented in succeeding horizons only by degenerate 
types which can hardly be referred to the same section of the genus, 
though apparently descended from it. 

The Pacific coast species hitherto known are P. Heermanni Con- 
rad, 1855 (+ P. estrellanum Conrad, 1856, not 1857); P. magnolia 
Conrad, 1857 (+ P. crassicardo Conrad, 1862). The first men- 
tioned is a species of moderate size with no analogue in the Atlantic 
Miocene; its exact horizon is still doubtful. The second, which cor- 
responds in the West American fanna to P. Jeffersonius Say is 
found in the upper or San Pablo horizon of California. From the 
still newer (?) horizon of Rio Dell on the Eel River, California, Mr. 
J. S. Diller of the U. S. Geological Survey has obtained a new form 
of which this preliminary notice is given, not only as a new species 
of interest but as one of the largest species of Pecten yet known, It 
will be illustrated later in the Survey publications. It is the ana- 
logue of P. Madisonius Say. 

Pecten (Lyropecten) Dilleri n. sp. 

Shell large, rather compressed, nearly orbicular with a relatively 
short, straight hinge-line, dorsally rectangular, nearly smooth, sub- 
equal ears, the posterior with three small riblets; a well marked 
though shallow byssal fold; and moderately thick valves. The 
right valve is somewhat more convex and strongly sculptured, bear- 

1 By permission of the Director of the U.S. Geological Survey. 


ing 29-80 high, narrow, T-rail-shaped ribs, flattened above, over- 
hanging narrower, deep, nearly smooth channels; and with marked 
concentric imbrication, fecble on top of the ribs but articularly scaly 
at their sides. The sculpture of the left valve is less pronounced, 
hidden in the matrix, but apparently similar. Alt. 192, lat. 175, 
diam. about 85 mm. The lateral edges are slightly defective, the 
submargins very narrow. 


HoLosprra MINIMA v. Martens.—In my opinion the northwest 
Mexican forms referred to Holospira pfeiffert by Crosse and Fischer 
and von Martens, are distinct from that central Mexican species ; 
and as the varietal name minor is preoccupied (7. teres v. minor), 
the name minima of von Martens may be used. 

Dr. von Martens describes var. minima as ‘‘dense tenuiter 
lamelloso-costata, length 115 mm. only, 4 in the largest diameter ; 
aperture 24 mm.; whorls 11, distinctly convex; color reddish- 
yellow, the costa white.’”? The locality was not known, but the 
figure shows the angular early whorls of the N. W. Mexican form 
described as a variety of pfeifferc by Fischer and Crosse, and I do 
not doubt that the type came from that region. 

The shells collected at Hermosillo, Sonora, by Reéemond, are 
larger, alt. 124 to 134, diam. of penult. whorl 4 mm. The riblets 
are rather stout and crowded, though not quite as wide as their 
intervals, and number 32 to 34 0n the penultimate whorl. ‘These 
ribs, or many of them, have the peculiarity so strongly developed in 
Urocoptis elliotti and some other species, of being hollow, and there- 
fore easily broken down, showing only the edges of the two lateral 
lamine. There are 124 whorls, and the color is nearly uniform. 
The internal column is perfectly simple and the lumen of the whorls 
is free from folds or lamelle of any sort. 

Specimens sent by Mr. Fred L. Button, exact locality not given, 
are a little smaller, alt, 115 diam. above aperture 4 mm., have 11 to 
114 whorls, and decidedly coarser ribs, 23 to 26 on the penultimate 

Evidently the species is a variable one, and the varieties are 
probably local. 

Tryon’s figure of 1. pfeifferi (Amer. Journ. of Conch. iii, pl. 15, 


fig. 34) is a bad copy of Pfeiffer’s figure of typical //. pferffert in 
the Conchylien Cabiuet, pl. 6, f. 31; but the specimens before him 
were the N. W. Mexican form from near Hermosillo, collected by 


AMERICAN SpEciEs. By WittiaAm Heatey Datu. Proc. U.S. 
Nat. Mus. vol. xxiii, pp. 285-326, 1900, 

Some interesting notes on distribution and a list of the works re- 
ferred to by dates in the text, is followed by a synopsis of the genera, 
subgenera and sections, an annotated list of the species, and descrip- 
tion of new species, illustrated by three plates. 

From the eastern coast are recorded: Tellina interrupta Wood, 7. 
laevigata L. T. lineata Turt. (7. brasiliana Lam.), 7. radiata L., 
T. erystallina Wood, also on the Pacific coast. 7. intea Con., T. 
aequistriata Say, T. americana Dall (n. sp.), 7. fausta Donov., 7. 
alternata Say, T. angulosa Gmel. (7. punicea Orb.), separated from 
pink var. of alternata by the pallial sinus reaching the anterior 
adductor scar. TZ. georgiana Dall (n. sp.). 7. squamifera Desh., 
T. Gouldit Hanley, erroneously referred to the Pacific coast by author. 
T. martinicensis Orb., T. magna Spengl., 7. tenera Say, 7. tenella 
Verr., 7. texana Dall (n. sp.), 7. versicolor Cozzens, 7. sybaritica 
Dall, 7. polita Say,' T. pauperata Orb., 7. tampaensis Conr., 7’, 
mera Say, T. promera Dall (n. sp.), T. semplex Orb., 7. flagellum 
Dall (n. sp.), 7. similis Sowb. (7. decora Say), T. tris Say, T. 
extlis Lam., T. candeana Orb.; Strigilla carnaria L., S. rombergii 
Morch, almost identical externally with the preceding, but the 
pallial sinus does not reach the anterior adductor scar. It seems to 
be more plentiful than carnaria on the Florida coast. S. flexuosa 
Say, and pisiformis L.; Tellidora cristata Recl. The left valve is 
the flatter; in 7. burnett? Sowb. from the Pacific coast the reverse is 
the case. Metis intastriata Say; Macoma constricta Brug., M. 
krauset Dall. (n. sp.) M. balthica Linn., circumboreal, JZ. calcarea 
Gmel., also on the Pacific coast, M. inflata Stimp., MW. cerina 
C. B. Ad. M. leptonoidea Dall, also on the Pacific. MM. mitehell/ 

1This name being preoccupied, Dr. Dall has adopted the MSS. name of Sayit, 
proposed by Deshayes, see Trans. Wagner Inst., Vol. ili, pt. 5, p. 1034. 


Dall, /. phenax Dall (n. sp.), M. tenta Say, W. orientalis Dall, WM. 
Ri gokmevnis Dall (n. sp.), J. oe Say, WM. limulu Dall, ©. 
extenuata Dall (n. sp.). 

The species of the western coast are: Tellina cumingti Hanley, 
T. ide Dall, 7. lyra Hanl., 7. lamellata Cpr., T. reclusa, Dall. 
(n. sp.), 7. declivis Sowb., T. pacifica Dall (n. sp.), T. pristiphora 
Dall (n. sp.), 7. rubescens Hanl., 7. viridotincta Cpr., T. ochracea 
Cpr., 7. broderipii Desh., 7. cognata C. B. Ads., T. salmonea Cpr., 
T. merophis. ‘This is the T. gouldii Cpr. 1865, not of Hanley 
1846.” 7. pazina Dall (n. sp.), T. amianta Dall (n. sp.), T. 
macnetlii Dall (n. sp.), 7. suffusus Dall (n. sp.), T. carpenteri Dall, 
* This is the vartegatus Cpr. 1864, not variegata Gmel. 1792,” T. 
cerrosiana Dall (n.sp.), 7. reeurva Dall (n. sp.), 7. modesta Cpr., 
T. virgo Hanley, T. buttoni Dall, “This is the var. obtusus Cyr. 
1864, not T. obtusa Sowb. 1818.” TT. lutea Gray, T. bodegensis 
Hinds, 7. santarose Dall (n. sp.), Strigilla fucata Gld., S. sincera 
Hanl., S. ctcercula Phil.,'S. lenticilé Phil., Met's alta Conr. * This 
is the Scrobicularia biangulata Cpr., and is also the Lutricola alta 
of the same author.” Macoma middendorffii Dall, this is M, 
edentula Midd. 1851, not of Brod. & Sowb. 1839. MW. incongrua v. 
Mart., WM. Krause Dall. This is Tellina lutea Krause, 1885, not of 
Gray, 1828. M. edentula B. & S., M. sitkhana Dall (n. sp.), WZ in- 
flatula Dall, M. nasuta Con., M. carlottensis Whiteaves, M. l“iotricha 
Dall, M. expansa Cpr., M. yoldiformis Cpr., MM. alaskana Dall 
(n. sp.), WZ. undulata Hanl., M. secta Conr., MW. indentata Cpr., and 
var. tennirostris Dall (n. v.), MM. elongata Hanl., M. panamensis Dall 
(n. sp.), J. aurora Hanl. 

Two NEw Cyrpra#ipa. By Mrs. Acnes F. Kenyron.—Proc. 
Mal. Soe. of London, vi, 68, Aug., 1900. Cyprea kanilawi is a new 
species from the Hawaiian Islands. The description and figure 
seem very close to a large sized (28 mill.) C. helvola L.; specimens 
of this species from Hawaii differ considerably from those of the 
Indo-Pacific region. Trtvie acutisulcata is described without habitat, 

GENUS TRIvIA. By JAMES Cosmo MELVILL. ee and Maga- 
zine of Nat. Hist., Aug., 1900, p. 207. Both species were received 
from Mr. Fred L. Button. C. (Trivia) galapagensis from Albe- 
marle Isl., Galapagos, is a new peculiar form having a ‘shining 
enameled callosity aver the whole centre of the dorsal region, com- 
pletely obliterating the sulcus if any exists.”” C. (Trivia) Buttoni is 
a small globular straw-colored species with few, continuous ribs. Its 
habitat is unknown. 





Figs. 1, Hela tryonii, vars. major and minor Hemph. Figs. 2, Helix feralis Hemph. Figs. 3, Helix 
sodalis Hemph. Figs. 4 a, Succinea avara Say.; b, S. a. vermeta Say.; c, S. a. guadalupensis Dall. 


MARCH, 1901. 

Von <1LV. 




Helix var. feralis Hemphill. 

Shell imperforate, smooth, compact, globose, white (faded), con- 
sisting of five convex whorls, the last with an obscure band at the 
periphery, and slightly descending at the aperture; spire elevated, 
somewhat pointed; sutures well impressed; aperture oblique, 
cramped, not effuse, about as wide as high; peristome reflected, 
thickened, its face rounded, the basal portion in some of the speci- 
mens slightly appressed to the body, its terminations very little 
approached. Subfossil. 

Diam. 18, alt. 13 mm.; diam. 16, alt. 11 mm.;- diam. 15, alt. 
11 mm.; diam. 10, alt. 8 mm. 

Habitat: San Nicolas and Santa Barbara Islands. 

The Santa Barbara Island specimens measure as follows: Diam. 
15, alt. 10 mm.; diam. 14, alt. 9 mm.; diam. 124, alt. 74 mm. 

This shell appears to be somewhat rare. Thirty-five specimens 
all told—good, bad and indifferent—were all I found in the week I 
had on San Nicolas Island, and about:ten occurred on Santa Bar- 
bara Island.. 

The lot shows considerable variation in the elevation or depres- 
sion of the spire, as well as in size, as will be seen by the measure- 
ments. : 

I regard it as a variety of the very variable H. rujicincta Newe., 
but perhaps the species-makers would be better pleased to call it 
distinct. . ; 


Helix var. sodalis Hemphill. 

Shell umbilicated, very variable in size, white (faded), globosely 
depressed ; whorls 5, the last flatly convex above and beneath, 
smooth, under a good pocket lens appearing very minutely granu- 
lated, falling slightly at the aperture ; spire a little elevated, obtusely 
pointed; sutures distinct and moderately impressed; peristome 
roundly thickened and reflected, its terminations approached and 
joined by a thin callus, the basal one crowding the umbilicus ; aper- 
ture subcircular, about as broad as high; umbilicus quite variable in 
width, showing a portion of the penultimate whorl in some of the 
specimens. Subfossil. 

Diam. 14, alt. 8 mm.; diam. 12, alt. 6 mm.; diam. 10, alt. 5 mm.: 
diam. 84, alt. 4 mm.; diam. 7, alt. 4 mm. 

Habitat: San Nicolas Island, California. 

If this interesting little shell was found in Colorado, New Mexico, 
or along the eastern line of Arizona, it would very probably be called 
an Ashmunella; if it had been collected in the Ohio Valley it cer- 
tainly would be called a Polygyra; but as it is found away out here 
on the western limits of the continent, conchologists will be highly 
delighted to call it Hpiphragmophora (Micrartonta) ruficincta sodalis 
Hemph. Sometimes there is certainly a great deal (of length) ina 

Besides the extreme variations in size, as shown by the measure- 
ments, the larger forms show about the same extremes in the width 
of the umbilicus. In the living state it must have been of about the 
same color as H. ruficincta Newc., as a few specimens retain the 
rufus-colored lip and a very faint trace of a peripheral revolving band. 

At my request, Dr, Dall compared a series of this shell with his 
types of H. guadalupiana, and has kindly sent me the: following 
notes on the differences of the two forms: 

‘‘The fossil helices are interesting. They are nearly related to 
the recent cataline, and yet not quite the same. The large ‘speci- 
mens of No. 3 from San Nicolas are nearest, but have a different 
shaped mouth, are more rounded at the periphery and rather more 
elevated. The small form of No. 3 seems to be the same as your 
No. 2, which are labeled guadalupiana var. sodalis. No. 1 is very 
near guadalupiuna Dall, but more solid, more rounded and with the 
upper and lower lips on the body further apart than in the guada- 
lupiana proper.” “I regard Gabbi as distinct, as the umbilicus is 


closed and the shell more compact; it is very close to facta.” 
** Doubtless all are branches of one stem.” 

It will be seen by Dr. Dall’s remarks that our shell stands closely 
related to his cataline and guadalupiana, with very great differences 
in size, besides those he has pointed out, which entitle our shell to a 
name as a variety. As they are ‘‘doubtless all branches of one 
stem,’ and as we have the stem in Helix ruficincta Newe., let us be 
consistent, follow nature, and call all of them branches (varieties) 
and not distinct stems. 

Helix Tryonti major Hempb. 

This variety is very much larger than any of the very many 
specimens that I have collected. One of the specimens is globosely 
depressed, with an effuse subcircular aperture and a prominent 
tubercle on the basal portion of the peristome near the termination 
of the columella. The peristome is thickened, not reflected, the 
ends not approaching, but they are joined by a heavy callus. The 
other specimen is narrower, with a conical elevated spire; the aper- 
ture is very oblique, laterally expanded, and wider than it is high; 
the peristome is greatly thickened near the columella, but without a 
tubercle, not reflected ; the ends are very much approached, no per- 
ceptible callus joining them. 

Diam. 30, alt. 28 mm.; diam. 27, alt. 26 mm. 

Habitat : San Nicolas Island, Cal.; subfossil. 

Helix Tryonit minor Hemph. 

The shell is very much smaller than the types, and shows about 
the same differences in the elevation and depression of the spire and 
in the form of the aperture as var. major. ‘There is no tubercle on 
the basal lip, which is very little thickened. 

Diam. 17, alt. 13 mm.; diam. 164, alt. 134 mm. 

Habitat: San Nicolas Island, Cal.; subfossil. 

This small form is very close to Helix var. feralts. 

Felix Tryontt maculata n. color-var. 

Ground color ashy white, lighter beneath than above; the body 
whorl and spire speckled with darker spots, banded or bandless at 
the periphery, form variable in size; spire elevated or depressed. 

Diam. 25, alt. 19 mm.; diam. 20, alt. 165 mm.; diam. 22, alt. 
15 mm. 

Habitat: Santa Barbara Island, Cal. 


I now offer a complete list of the land shells, their varieties, and 
their range over these islands, as far as I know or have collected 
them myself, with the single exception of Helix ayresiana, from San 
Miguel Island: : 

Selenites Duranti Newe. Santa Barbara, San Clemente Islands. 

Selenites Duranti catalinensis Hemph. Santa Catalina Island. 

Zonites Shepardi Hemph. Santa Catalina Island. 

Ariolimax columbianus stramineus Hemph. Santa Cruz Island. 

Binneya notabilis J. G. Cooper, Santa Barbara Island, recent and 

Helix ayresiana Newc. San Miguel, Santa Rosa, Santa Cruz 

Felix intercisa W. G. Binn., with varieties minor Hemph., elegans 
Hemph., xepos Hemph., albida Hemph. San Clemente Island. 

Helix Tryonit Newe. Varieties var’us Hemph., nebulosa Hempb., 
fasciata Hemph., californica Hemph., albida Hemph., maculata 
Hemph. Santa Barbara Island. | 

Felix Tryonii var. major Hemph., minor Hemph. San Nicolas 

Felix Tryonti var. subcarinata Hemph. Santa Barbara Island. 

x * * * ** *k * 

Helix ruficincta Newe. Santa Catalina Island. 

Helix ruficincta feralis Hemph. San Nicolas, Santa Barbara 

Helix ruficincta Gabbi Newc. Santa Catalina, San Clemente 

Helix ruficincta facta Newc. Santa Barbara Island. 

Helix ruficineta cataline Dall. Santa Catalina, Santa Barbara 

Helix ruficineta sodalis Hemph. 

* aye ers * * * * 

Felix kelletti Fbs. Varieties (a), castaneus Hemph., nitidus 
Hemph., multilineata Hemph., frater Hemph., californica Hemph., 
Forbesti Hemph., bicolor Hemph. Santa Catalina Island. 

Helix kelletti var. redimita W. G. Binn., hybrida Hemph., (0) 
castaneus Hemph., ‘clementing Dall, San Clemente Island. * | 

Pupa clementina Sterki. San Clemente Island. | 

Pupa californica catalinaria Sterki. Santa Catalina Island. 

Pupa californica elongata Sterki. San Clemente Island. 


* * S k * * * 

Suecinea avara Say. 

Succinea avara vermeta Say. 

Succinea avara guadalupensis Dall. 

Succinea avara oregonensis Lea. 

Succinea avara rusticana Gld. 

This completes the list of the land shells of these islands so far as 
I know them. | 

The above arrangement of the Succineas may not. meet the 
approval of some conchologists, but these subfossils, as well as the 
recent forms, go through those successive changes in the develop- 

ment of the shell. 
[ To be concluded. | 



Subemarginula Yatesii n. sp. 

Shell large, coarse, strong, whitish gray, or pale olive green on 
the fresher portions, especially a very narrow margin about the base; 
sculptured with strong, not dichotomous, radial ribs, of which about 
20 are primary, between each two of which lie from one to four 
secondary riblets, most numerous at the sides of the shell; besides 
these there is a very strong anal fasciole, higher and stronger ex- 
ternally than any of the ribs, extending from the apex, and ending in 
front at a notch about 3.5 mm. deep and rounded above and behind ; 
the radiating sculpture is sharply and irregularly imbricated by the 
rude and profuse incremental sculpture, which is too close and irre- 
gular to form reticulation; apex small, pointed, not much elevated, 
situated three-fifths of the way from the front to the posterior margin; 
the fasciole descending from it swerves a little to the right of the 
median line of the shell; interior white, the extreme margin pale 
olive green but almost linear; anal furrow deep, extending nearly to 
the apex, where it is lost in a very pale olive deposit of shelly 
matter ; margins crenulated by the sculpture ; muscular impressions 
strong, the two recurved scars unequal, the right one larger. Lon. 
of shell 51, lat. 36, alt. 13 mm. , 

This shell was received from Dr. L. G. Yates, of Santa Barbara, 


who obtained it from a dealer at Monterey, Cala., who asserted it to 
have been obtained alive from the bay of Monterey. Two specimens 
were obtained, which the possessor would neither lend nor sell; but 
finally Dr. Yates succeeded in obtaining one of them, which he 
courteously forwarded to the National Museum for examination. 

It can only be compared with S. gigas von Martens, of Japan, in 
which the furrow is obsolete, and there are no secondary ribs, and 
the primary ribs are feeble, low, wide, and obsolete on the anterior 
part of the shell. If the locality is confirmed, the species is a notable 
addition to the Californian fauna. 


The question is frequently asked, why do we not have an up to 
date work on New England shells? The answer can be made, but 
only by one who is in the work. New England shells are fascinating 
to study, very difficult to obtain and presenting curious resemblances. 
Much work has been done, but there remains considerable more 
before the small forms can be determined in such a way as to give a 
true list of species. Such generaas Bela, Turbonilla and Odostomia 
represent some of the problems of the New England fauna. During | 
the past two years the writer has been located at Branford, Conn., 
and opportunity is thus afforded for consultation with Prof. Verrill 
and his assistant Miss Bush. These two have handled the great 
mass of materials dredged by the Fish Commission, and one would 
suppose all the fauna of New England would be exhausted. On 
careful examination of the writer’s cabinet some half dozen new 
species have been detected—several of these are Odostomias. One 
is from Woods Holl, another from an isolated colony in Maine, one 
from Prince Edward’s Island, ete. As these species will be described 
in due time by Prof. Verrill we will not anticipate his work. Other 
changes in the genus Odostomia will be noted by him, among them 
some based on the following facts which the writer has been led to 
observe. ‘“ Binney’s Gould ” gives the species O. ampressa, bisuturalis 
and ¢trifida as distinct species. Let us study the three. O.¢mpressa 
from Florida is a thick, deeply grooved shell, and at first sight 


appears as a very good species. Side by side with New England 
specimens there is practically no difference except in the thickness of 
the shell. That counts for iiothing in determining a species. For 
example take New England Purpura lapillus and see the thin paper 
shell from one region and the heavy robust one from another locality. 
Add now O, bisuturalis and trifida. What determines the species ? 
Revolving lines are interesting marks, but we have no standard, 
variety iseverywhere. I take afew examples from my own cabinet ; 
for convenience I will number the grooves from suture to the 
shoulder on the last whorl 1, 2, 3, 4. Here are some results : 

Branford specimens vary thus: 1000—1004—1200-1204-1234. 

Woods Holl: 1000-1004—1200-1204. 

Sheepscote River, Maine: 0000—1000-1200-1234-+. 

Prince Edwards Island: 1000-1234-+. 

The plus sign means that additional lines appear, usually less con- 
spicuous, between the more usual grooves. Perhaps this list may be 
altered, but I let it stand. There is so much difference, some 
deeply grooved while others are faintly marked. The above is the 
result of using a good lens and strong light across the lines. It looks 
as if these three species would have to shake hands and be one. I 
may add that the specimens from Maine and Prince Edward’s Island 
are more deeply marked than the shells from southern New England. 


Helicina osumiensis n. sp. 

Shell depressed, convex above and below, bluntly angular at the 
periphery, rather thin, red; striatulate, and under a strong lens 
showing fine spiral striz. Spire low-conic, the apex obtuse ; whorls 
4, scarcely convex, the last somewhat flattened above the peripheral 
angle. Aperture oblique, irregularly semicircular, the peristome 
very slightly expanded, upper margin nearly straight; a moderately 
thick, smooth callus on the base. Alt. 24, diam. 4 mm. 

Kikai, province Osumi, southern Kiusiu (Mr. Y. Hirase). 

Closely related to H. verecunda Gould (Otia Conchologia, p. 105) 
from the Loo Choo Islands, but much smaller, with the basal callus 
smooth, not roughened or pitted as in that species. 


Hf. verecunda is cream-white with reddish streaks, or red with or 
without whitish streaks; the color ‘‘luteo-virens’”’ described by Gould 
being due to the dried animal which shows through in places with a 
dark green tint. The half dozen specimens of 1. osumiensis before 
me are uniform red.. 

Mr. Y. Hirase has distributed H, verecunda as No. 470, from Loo 
Choo (Riu Kiu, or Ryu Kyu). The specimens agree with one of 
Gould’s original lot, in the collection of the Academy. I suppose 
they are from Okinawa Island. So far, we know scarcely anything 
of the snail fauna of the other islands of the group. Recent sub- 
sidence and breaking up into islands, of a ridge running from 
Okinawa to Kiusiu is suggested by the close alliance of the southern 
Kiusiu and Loo Choo faunas, 

The Helicina hakodadiensis of Hartman (1890) has been rediscov- 
ered by Mr. Hirase at Kayabe, Ojima, Hokkaido Id. (No. 595). It 
is quite a distinct species, more angular at the periphery than other 
Japanese forms, and with the ruddy color of H. osumiéensis and the 
American /Z. occulta. H. hakodadiensis is, next to the last-named 
species, the northernmost of its genus, its locality lying in about 42° 
N. Lat., while occulta extends to about 44° N. 

Flelicina Reinwi var. uzenensis n. var. Shell differing from 1. reini 
Kobelt in being larger, pink or whitish-pink under a yellowish 
chestnut-colored cuticle, which remains in shreds and streaks only, 
and in the closely and deeply striated surface. Alt. 12, diam. 15 to 
16mm. Nishigo, Uzen. 

Vertigo Hirasei n. sp. A minute, ovate, glossy-brown species 
with 435 whorls, the aperture having a parietal and a columellar 
lamella, and two palatal folds, the lower larger, elongate, the upper 
tuberculiform, sometimes obsolete. Alt. 1.5, diam. 1 mm. Yana- 
gawa, prov. Chikugo, Kiusiu Id. (Mr. Hirase, No. 570). 

Buliminus callistoderma var. ogasaware n. v. Similar to callisto- 
derma in texture, sculpture and color, but distinctly longer, with 7 
whorls, the spire perceptibly attenuated below the thick, obtuse 
apex. Length 13, diam. 54, length of aperture 5 mm.; length 123, 
diam. 54, aperture 53 mill. Ogasawara or Bonin Is. (Mr. Y. 
Hirase, No. 602). 

Buliminus eucharistus n. sp. Shell rimate, high-conic, solid, 
purplish-brown, closely streaked with whitish or yellow. Spire 
straightly conic, the apex obtuse ; whorls 84-9, moderately convex, 


sculptured with growth-wrinkles and in places faint spiral stria, 
Aperture slightly oblique, ovate, purplish-black within, the peristome 
white or flesh-colored, reflexed; parietal callus transparent; colu- 
mella not perceptibly folded, oblique above, brown within, Length 
26.5, diam. 11, length of aperture 10.38 mm.; 25.5, 11, 11 mm. 
Loo Choo Is. (Mr. Y. Hirase, No. 597). This is by all odds the 
handsomest Japanese Buliminus, being remarkably rich in color for 
the genus. 

Buliminus luchuanus n. sp. Shell dextral, rimate, oblong-fusiform, 
rather thin, dark brown, copiously streaked with ragged cream- 
white stripes; obliquely wrinkle-striate and very minutely striated 
spirally. Outlines of the spire a little convex, apex. obtuse, whorls 
8, moderately convex. Aperture ovate, slightly oblique, orange- 
brown within, the peristome white, reflexed ; columella oblique, the 
margin dilated; parietal callus transparent and thin. Length 21, 
diam. 7.5, length of aperture 8 mm. Loo Choo Is. (Mr. Y. Hirase, 
No. 598). Streaked like the sinistral Chinese B. Pultoni S$. & B., or 
like B. fasciolatus Oliv., of Rhodes. 

Eulota (Aigista) Martensiana n. sp. Somewhat similar to £. 
Friedeltiana, but more elevated, the whorls larger in calibre, more 
slowly increasing, color darker, and sculpture stronger and more 
dense. Spire low-conic, whorls almost 7, convex, the last slightly 
carinate, shortly descending in front; sculpture rasp-like, consisting 
of densely crowded, short, erect scales, which are not shaggy. 
Umbilicus open, its width contained 84 times in that of the shell. 
Aperture oblique, subcircular, one-fourth excised by the parietal 
margin, lip narrowly reflexed, white. Alt. 105, diam. 175 mm. 
Sedake, Osumi, Kiusiu Id. (Mr. Y. Hirase). Named in honor 
of Prof. E. von Martens, of Berlin, whose wide-spread labors in- 
clude several valuable papers upon the mollusks of Japan. 

Hulota (Plectotropis) tnornata n. sp. Shell umbilicate, the diam. 
of umbilicus contained about 6 times in that of the shell, low conoid 
with convex base, thin, somewhat translucent, pale corneous, sculp- 
tured with slight growth-wrinkles and fine, close spiral striz. 
Whorls 52, somewhat convex, the last with an acute, submarginate, 
smooth, peripheral carina; hardly descending in front. . Aperture 
oblique, angular, the peristome thin, very narrowly expanded and 
subreflexed below, dilated at the columellar insertion. Alt. 6.3, 
diam, 12.5 mm. Loo Choo Is. (Mr. Y. Hirase). 


VALLONIA PULCHELLA.—You may remember that in ’97 I sent 
you a note concerning the sudden appearance of Vallonia pulchella 
in immense numbers in Pittsburg, Pa. A similar case has just been 
brought to my attention by a friend who lives about 6 miles out of 
town. Sometime in September he found his front walk (stone) cov- 
ered with “thousands of small shells,’? and about two weeks later 
they appeared again. He saved a few for me and they prove to be 
Vallonia pulchella. Are such occurrences common?—G. H. Cuiapp. 

AN AppITION TO THE U.S. Lanp Snait Fauna.—For the past 
three years I have had three adult and three young examples of a 
Truncatella from Key West, Fla., collected by Hemphill, which I 
had labeled, provisionally, 7. belabiata (they were sent as “ 7. pul- 
chella var.’’), but which I was satisfied, from the very coarse and 
widely-spaced ribs, were something else. Your Bermuda paper has 
put me on the right track, as they agree perfectly with the “ key” 
to and figure of Zruncatella clathrus Lowe, so we must add this 
species to the U. S. faunia.—G. H. Capp. 


SELS. By Charles Torrey Simpson. viii+ 544 pp. (Proc. U.S. 
Nat. Mus. xxii, 1900.) This work presents an epitome of the 
author’s studies during many years upon the classification of the 
fresh-water mussels, the synonymy of the species, and their geographic 
distribution. It is, in fact, a continuation of the famous series of 
synopses issued by Isaac LEA; an arrangement of the mussels, not 
a work for the determination of species. 

The classification of the family Unionide is almost completely 
original with Mr. Simpson, and it need not be said, must appear 
strange to those acquainted with the old arrangement of the group. 
The treatment of Mutelidg is less revolutionary. The fundamental 
division of the Unionide rests upon the nodifications of the ovisacs, 
or modified gill pouches of the female carrying the embryos; the 
sculpture of the beaks of the shell also affording characters of great 
value, being shown to be correlated with features of the soft anatomy. 


Some 63 genera are recognized in the Unionidae, over two-thirds of 
them being formed from the old genus Unio of authors, while 
Margaritana has also been dismenbered. Anodonta is retained in 
nearly its old limits, except that the South American forms have 
been transferred to the genus Glabaris of the Mutelida, a change 
made by Dr. von Ihering some years ago. While a large portion of 
the genera are based upon the peculiarities of the ovisacs or other 
internal organs, Mr. Simpson finds that ’*when these are once dis- 
covered and understood, it will be found on careful examination that 
there are minor shell characters that correspond with those of the 
marsupia’’ so that a vast number of species unknown anatomically 
can be correctly grouped generically by the shells alone, although in 
some cases the record is not thus easily to be read. This is about 
the way the case stands in the Helictd@; and in fact tallies with con- 
clusions reached by workers on widely diverse groups of mollusks. 
The people who decry “mere shell characters” as valueless, are 
those who know little about them; but the fact remains that without 
knowledge of the internal anatomy, the real significance and compara- 
tive value of the shell characters could never have been discovered. 
Practical conchologists should give Mr. Simpson’s system the test of 
rearranging their species by it. We hazard little in saying that 
once this is done, the naturalness of his generic groups will win gen- 
eral acceptance for the new classification. In many cases one cannot 
but be struck by the happy grouping of species which uever before 
seemed to fit in anywhere. 

Regarding the synonymy, Mr. Simpson seems to have exercised 
fair and temperate judgment. He is no species-splitter, but on the 
other hand, he has steered clear of an equally dangerous reef, which 
has wrecked several promising investigators. In other words, he has 
never allowed tle reaction toward extreme “ lumping” of species, 
which followed the era of Lea, to warp his judgment. As it is, the 
list of synonyms under some species, such as Unio complanatus, 
tuomeyt, obesus, etc., is appalling. The treatment of the Lampsil’s 
parrus group is particularly commendable. 

In the geographic relationships of the genera, a close affinity 
between the groups of southeastern Asia and tropical Africa is stated 
to obtain. This accords with the distribution of Ampullariide, 
Viviparide, and many land shells such as Zonitide and Streptaxide. 
The faunal ‘relation between the mollusks of eastern Asia and 


America, s0 conspicuous in land snails, also seems to hold in 
Unionide. 'The discussion of the dispersal and migration of the 
Unionidae is one of the most interesting chapters, Mr. Simpson be- 
lieves that the earliest Uniones had radial beak sculpture and carried 
the embryos in the inner gills; but these characters now persist 
chiefly in austral species, such as the South American genera 
(Hyriane) which have been replaced in the north by forms with ex- 
ternal ovisacs and concentric beak sculpture (Unioning). The 
genus Truncilla (‘Unio triangularis,” etc.) marks the highest differ- 
entiation of Naiad life. Space denies further discussion of this topic, 
which, though highly theoretical, is handled with firm grasp of the 
facts and probabilities in the case. 

Mr. Simpson’s synopsis is destined to work a revolution in the 
study of fresh-water mussels, though there will naturally be opposi- 
tion to the new ideas and methods among some reactionists. It is to 
be hoped that a sufficient edition has been prepared to enable all in- 
terested in the subject to obtain copies, and that a way will be 
opened for Mr. Simpson to continue his work to its logical end in a 
fully illustrated monograph of the ‘‘ naiades.”’ 


It was only recently that the editors of Tur Navurixus learned 
with regret of the death of one of their old correspondents, Francis 
C. Browne, which occurred at his home in Framingham, Mass., 
Jan. 9, 1900, in the 70th year of his age. 

He graduated from Harvard College in 1851, and the same year 
went to Florida, where he joined Prof. Agassiz’s party at Key West. 
He camped in the Everglades and upon the Miami River, and 
secured many rare and valuable specimens. Later he visited Labra- 
dor and obtained many rare specimens of birds. For several years 
Mr. Browne would frequently send us boxes of shells for verification 
or determination, and his enthusiasm and appreciation made the 
work always a pleasure. He was also a devoted lover of -birds, 
being an associate member of the American Ornithologists’ Union 
and an occasional contributor to “The Auk” and “ Nuttall Bul- 
letin.” } 

He leaves a daughter, to whom we are indebted for the facts 
of this brief sketch. 


Von. XIV. APRIL, 1901. 

Nox 12% 


Glandina (Varicella) Taylori, n. sp. Fig. 1. 

Shell much elongated, oblong-fusiform. Not very shining, often 
semi-pellucid, of a brown color, deeply-tinted with rose orange; with 
narrow dark, reddish-hued or chestnut transverse streaks, crossing 
completely over all the whorls but not always extending 
to the base of the last whorl, but always coincident with 16: !: 
and bordering the varices, of which there are four to five 
upon each whorl. Shell sculptured with fine transverse 
striz, which become more apparent on the upper shoulder 
of the body whorl, next to the suture. Whorls 7, slightly 
convex, but in most cases perceptibly flattened or con- 
stricted at the periphery; the last whorl more than one- 
half the entire length of the shell. Suture impressed, {\\\ 
the edge somewhat crenulated at one margin by the in- \\ A 
trusion of the transverse strix. Spire with the outlines 

somewhat curvilinear, rather pointed at the summit, 
Aperture not large, semi-ovate; labrum sharp, slightly 
produced towards the middle and below that point, grad- 
ually retreating, expanding and rounding off to meet the twisted, 
arcuated and obliquely truncate columella. Length 23 to 25, greatest 
diam. 7, or slightly less. Length of aperture 9, largest diam. 4 mill. 

Habitat: Half Way Tree Pen, Parish of St. Catherine, Jamaica, 

This shell resembles G. nemorensis in form but is considerably 
larger. In the outline of the spire it comes between G. nemorensis 
and G. similis, but it is larger than either of these species, The 


strige are slightly broader than in nemorensis and not nearly so broad 
as in s¢milis. In color it differs from both. | 
The shell is named in honor of Mr. C. B. Taylor, well known for 
his work on the birds and for his attainments in the general natural 
history of Jamaica, and by whom the species was first collected. 

Glandina (Varicella) deflorescens, n. sp. Fig. 2. 

Shell elongated, sub-fusiform, turreted, shining; color rather pale 
brown, generally with dark chestnut-brown, somewhat arcuated 
streaks, a set of which run coincidently with the varices completely 
across each whorl. The painting of the shell is singularly varied ; 
each successive whorl presents at the start a semi-trans- 
lucent, sharply-defined and pure white stripe, which grad- 
ually passes into pale brown, then slowly deepens in color 
as the whorl progresses, into a warmer tint and finally 
merges into an intensely dark-brown stripe, covering the 
varix forward, which varix marks the termination of a 
stage of growth, This gradually changing color scheme 
is always repeated between the several varices, but it is 
less noticeable upon the upper part of the spire, although 
actually traceable almost to the apex. Shell regularly 
sculptured with not very crowded rib-like striz. Whorls 
8, very slightly convex and obsoletely angular just below 
the upper margin, which is crenulated by the passing ~ 
over of the striz. Suture moderately impressed. Last whorl a little 
more than one-third the entire length. Outline of spire slightly 
curvilinear; apex pointed. Aperture ovate, oblong, considerably 
dilated at right side of base; labrum not sharp. Columella white, 
straight, well truncated with a strong callosity deeply impressed and 
folded by the entering striz and varices which pass to and over it 
from the shell. . 

Total length, 17 to 184 mill., diam. 5. Length of aperture 6, diam. 
2 mill. 

This remarkable species is named in allusion to the singular char- 
acter of its painting. JI am indebted for examples to Mr. P. W. 
Jarvis, who received them from Mr. Geo. Nutt, by whom they were 
for the first time collected at Moore-Town in the Parish of Portland, 

The peculiarities of the columellar callus, impressed with the 


marks of the sculpture of the shell, and of the dilation of part of the 
labrum on the right side of the base of the aperture, allies this species 
with Glandina leucozonias and domrnicensis, both of which occur in 
the Parish of Portland in the extreme eastern part of the island. 


Mr. Bryant Walker has sent me for examination a specimen agree- 
ing with Polygyra stenotrema in the main, except that the basal lip 
is without the usual median nick or notch. ‘The parietal lamella is 
strong and high, as usual in the species. Form rather elevated. 
Alt. slightly over 6, diam. 8.7 mm. It was taken by Mr. Walker at 
Dalton, Georgia ; being the only stenotrema collected at that place. 

In the collection of Mr. Geo. H. Clapp are two specimens, formerly 
in the James Lewis collection, labeled ‘‘ Kast Tennessee,’ which 
agree with Mr. Walker’s Georgia shell in lacking the lip-notch, 
although in one a slight wide sinuation of the lip in place of it, is 
perceptible. They measure 8 and 8.5 mm. diam., one with high, the 
other moderately low spire. All of the specimens show hairs or their 
traces, as in P. stenotrema, though not very conspicuously. 

The lip-notch in the stenotrema species corresponds of course to 
the space between the lip-teeth in 7rzodopsis, the thickened ledges on 
each side of the notch being homologous with the basal and outer 
teeth in such species as P. tridentata. These notchless shells there- 
fore represent cases of confluence or concrescence of teeth, a some- 
what rare occurrence in Helices. 

The question arises, are these she!ls merely abnormal forms pro- 
duced by some mantle injury cr other abnormal condition, or do they 
represent a rare race of which the notchless lip is characteristic ? 
The former alternative seems most probable, except that the shell 
and lip seem quite without trace of any evidence of a diseased con- 
dition of the mantle, which is usually manifested by some roughness 
in the deposition of lime at the lip, or irregularity in the cuticle be- 
hind it. 3 

However, the question is not one to be decided off-hand, but by 
the examination of more material; and I would ask collectors to go 
over their specimens of P. stenotrema and allied species, and report 


full results to Toe Nauritus. Locality of specimens and number 
examined from each locality should be given, as well as the occur- 
rence of specimens without the notch. Any other notable variation 
might also be noticed; and negative results, so far as regards the 
matter of the notch, will be useful. The entire results can then be 
collated and published in THE NavtTILus. 


As the original locality, ‘‘ Santa Barbara,” given for Helix kellettt, 
Fbs., is undoubtedly a mistake, some writers on our land shells have 
referred that shell to Santa Barbara island, which is equally as erro- 
neous. Santa Barbara island is about one or one and one-half miles 
long and perhaps one mile wide, and quite easy of exploration. On 
my first visit to it, 25 years ago, I was left there alone for seven 
days, while the vessel went to San Pedro to be cleaned and repaired. 
During that time I explored every part of the island, collecting the 
land shells, which was the especial object of my visit. Last August 
I made another visit to that island for the same purpose, and gave 
four days more to collecting the land shells, and during these eleven 
days not a single specimen of Helix kellettt was found, and as dead 
Helix tryonit may be picked up by the thousands, and as no shell of © 
that description was mentioned in Forbes’ report of the ‘‘ Herald and 
Pandora” surveying expedition or voyage, during which time the 
original kedlett: was collected, we may reasonably suppose that the 
vessels of that expedition did not even visit Santa Barbara island. 

It is quite interesting and instructive to note the various opinions 
that have been expressed from time to time by distinguished con- 
chologists on this matter. In the Am. Jour. of Conch., vol. 4, pl. 4, 
p. 214, 1868, Dr. J. G. Cooper writes: ‘ Kellett’s specimens were 
probably from one of the small islands off the coast of the peninsula 
(Lower Cal., H. H.), though credited to “Central America,” and 
were a dwarfed form, the species attaining its highest development 
on Catalina island, within this state (Cal., H. H.), not Santa Bar- 
bara island, as stated by Newcomb, where ¢ryonii replaces it.” 

«‘ Prof. A. Wood found specimens on the summit of a mountain 
twelve miles east of San Diego, and at one or two thousand feet ele- 


vation, which although much smaller were finely colored, more like 
the original type, or like Mr. Gabb’s stearnsiana.”’ 

In his Manual of American Land Shells, p. 150, Mr. W. G. Bin- 
ney credits A, kelletti Fbs. to San Diego, Santa Catalina Island, 
San Nicolas Island in the California region ; ‘also 12 miles east of 
San Diego at 2000 feet elevation,” and remarks, “ The specimen 
figured is from Catalina Island. Iam positive it is correctly referred 
to kellett’.”” ‘ Forbes’ original figure is copied in Terr. Moll., V.” 
On turning to Terr. Moll. v., I find the figure identical with the one 
in his Manual, on page 149, which is undoubtedly the Catalina 
Island form. I may add here that I found no specimens of ZH. kel- , 
letti on San Nicolas Island, but my time and operations were lim- 
ited while there to the south end of that island. 

Ina paper published in the Proceedings of the Academy Nat. Sci- 
ences of Philadelphia, 1900, entitled, ‘‘ Additions to the Insular 
Land-Shell Faunas of the Pacific Coast,” ete. Dr. Dall writes of 
H7. kelletti, “ the typical LH. kellettt is that found in the vicinity of San 
Diego. It has six whorls and they are well rounded. It differs 
from the Catalina Island form, in its less flattened and more inflated 
whorls, more dome-like spire, smaller size and browner aspect, the 
contrast between the upper and lower sides of the last whorl being 
less marked. Specimens from Coronado Islands are like those from 
San Diego. The National Museum has this species only from the 
above-mentioned three localities authentically. “Santa Barbara,” 
frequently mentioned as a locality, should read ‘Santa Barbara 
Islands,” as it is improbable that the shell occurs at the town of 
Santa Barbara on the mainland. A lot in the National Museum are 
labelled, ‘*‘ Oregon City,” Shumard, which is, of course, an error, 

If the San Diego and Coronada Islands forms are accepted as the 
typical H. kellett? Fbs., as suggested by Dr. Dall, then HZ. stearnsiana 
Gabb. must fall into the synonymy of that species, notwithstanding 
the former is said to have six, and the latter five whorls ; and then 
the Catalina Island form would be undescribed or rather unnamed. 
Some of the Catalina specimens are an exact imitation of San Diego 
and Coronado Island examples in coloring, as well asin size. £4. 
stearnsiana, at Santo Tomas, and on Todas Santos Islands, lower 
California, attains a greater size than any specimens of JH. kelletiz 
that I have ever seen, and associated with them individuals occur as 
small as the San Diego or Coronado Island forms. 


Mr. R. E. C. Stearns, in his usual thorough manner, ventilates 
this matter of the locality of H, kelletti in a paper published in the 
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, May, 1881, entitled, 
‘‘ Helix aspersa in California.” He quotes the following from Dr, Car- 
penter’s Report on the Mollusks of the West Coast of North Amer- 
ica. ‘Among the wasted opportunities of obtaining very valuable 
information on geographical distribution must unfortunately be re- 
corded the surveying voyage of the Herald and Pandora, Capt. 
Kellett, R. N. C. B., and Lieut. Wood, R. N.” 

‘¢ Flere was an exploration in competent hands on the very incog- 
nita itself; and yet, alas! Prof. E. Forbes further states that unfor- 
tunately the precise locality of many of the individual specimens had 
not been noticed at the time, and a quantity of Polynesian shells 
mingled with them have tended to render the value of the collection, 
as illustrative of distribution, less exact than it might have been.” 

The following also from Dr. Carpenter’s report refers to the local- 
ity of some of the land shells: 

‘Helix pandore Forbes. Santa Barbara, as per box-label. San 
Juan del Fuaco, teste Forbes. 

¢_______ elletti Fbs. Allied to A. californiensis Lea, same 
ese aspersa. Marked Santa Barbara, probably imported.” 

To the above Dr. Stearns pertinantly remarks: ‘‘ The closing line 
of Dr. Carpenter hardly justifies the previous remark, ‘ an explora- 
tion in competent hands.’ ” 

Dr. Stearns further remarks: ‘+ Binney, in the volume quoted, 
properly credits H. pandore to ‘ Margarita Bay, Lower California.’ 
Forbes’ habitat of this species is only seventeen hundred miles too 
far north, and of kedlett?, eleven hundred.”’ 

‘«‘Another distinguished author has placed the Lower Californian 
Felix levis on the Columbia River—about fifteen hundred miles too 
near the north pole.” 

As Helix stearnsiana Gabb is so closely related to H. kelletti Fbs., 
I will add the following: 

Mr. Binney, in the Manual Am. Land Shells, says of Hl. stearnsi- 
ana: It has 5 whorls, the measurements are given as, greater diam. 
22, lesser 17 mm., height 12 mm. Tryon, in his Manual Conchology, 
writes, whorls 5, diam. 22 mm. 

Mr. Gabb describes the shell in the Am. Jour. Conch. as having 


54 whorls, gives no measurements, and remarks: ‘ As compared 
with //. kelletti Fbs., this shell has not the peculiar flat sloping top to 
the whorls so characteristic of Forbes’ species, the mouth is much 
less oblique, the umbilicus is not covered, nor are the ends of the lip 
connected by either callus or plate over the body whorl. I have 
made minute comparisons of a large series of the present species, with 
specimens in the collection of Dr. Newcomb labeled Kellettd I'bs., and 
sent to him by Hugh Cuming.” 

“Another point of difference is the locality. Forbes’ species has 
never been found farther south than San Diego, and its true habitat 
is probably on one of the islands of the coast, while our species is 
essentially a Lower Californian, being found under stumps of Maguey 
from St. Tomas to a little beyond Rosario.” 

I may add here that the form we call stearnsiana is very variable 
in size, though quite constant in general coloring. ‘To show these 
variations in size I add the measurements of two specimens I col- 
locted myself at Santo Tomas, in Lower California, Gabb’s original 
locality. ‘The largest measures, great diam. 31, alt. 23 mm.; small- 
est specimen, great diam. 22, alt. 16 mm. 

I have quoted from these eminent conchologists not only to show 
how much they differ in their opinions about the locality and form 
of H. kelletti, Fbs., and Helix stearnsiana, Gabb, but because their 
writings have become a part of the history of this shell (4. kedlettc) 
*¢ without a country.” 

One fact is sure, the exact locality of H. kedlett’, Fis., is lost, and 
suppositions, probabilities and surmises count for nothing in this case. 

As Catalina Island is the nearest point to Santa Barbara, one of 
Forbes’ localities for hellett?, where that shell is known to exist, and 
as it has been largely distributed as the typical form, I think it will 
be wise to let it remain so, and not attempt any change. If we make 
the San Diego shell the typical kelletti, then stearnsiana must fall 
into the synonymy of that species, for no one with a good series of 
these shells to study from can by any character whatever separate 
them. Even some of the Catalina Island shells are an exact imita- 
tion in general coloring of the San Diego and Coronada Island 
stearnstana, and with the same number of whorls. 

While upon this chapter of errors, blunders and mistakes, I will 
call attention to such expressions as the following that occasionally 
appear in print: “ Californian conchologists call such a shell ‘so and 



so. ‘‘ West Coast conchologists are in error,” etc., ete. One 
esteemed correspondent quite recently wrote me, “ Some West Coast 
conchologists are a little mixed.’’ When we understand that most 
all West Coast conchologists have depended on the ‘“‘ Wise men of 
the East’ for the names and all that pertains to the study of con- 
chology, and that many of their mistakes are simply a reflection back 
to the East of the blunders that have been sent out to the West by 
Easterners, we can see just where the smile comes in. My own 
experience of thirty-five years “on these lines”? has two sides to it, 
one very pleasant and the other very exasperating. I fear there 
have gone out of my shell den some expressions for which I cannot 
be held responsible, for in my way of thinking the provocation has 
been very great. 7: 

The fact is we all make blunders and mistakes, and West Coast 
conchologists do their share; but when we follow monographs pub- 
lished by Eastern conchologists that contain mistakes, and when we 
depend on Eastern conchologists for the names, and many of these 
names prove to be erroneous, it seems hardly fair to refer to West 
Coasters in such a way that those who do not know all the facts 
would think that West Coast conchologists were nothing but a lot of 
blunderers. ‘ Wise men of the Kast,’ please take a rest, and pick 
the beam out of your own eye! 


During the last seven years I had chances to examine tens of 
thousands of Spheria and Calyculine, alongside with the Pisidia, 
owing to the efforts and the kindness of many conchologists and 
partly to my own collecting. Yet I refrained from publishing any- 
thing on the subject before I should have acquired some knowledge 
about the range of variation of the several species, almost endless in 
some instances. There are some new forms, however, so very differ- 
ent from those published that they must be named and described. 

Spherium crassum, n. sp. Mussel large, strongly inflated, almost 
equipartite, somewhat rhomboidal in perpendicular outline; beaks a 
little anterior, large and full, slightly flattened on top, prominent 
over the hinge line; superior margin rather strongly, inferior mod- 


erately curved; scutum and scutellum distinct with slight projecting, 
rounded angles at their terminations, the one at the scutum being 
less marked in full-grown specimens; anterior and posterior ends 
almost equally, obliquely truncated, especially in specimens not quite 
mature, while in the adult the posterior end forms more a regular 
curve from the beaks down to the rather low-situated rounded end; 
surface with rather sharp, fine and crowded sulcations, usually some- 
what coarser on the beaks, dull or with a slight gloss; a few strongly 
marked lines of growth; color grayish or whitish-brown in the young, 
and the same in slightly marked marginal zones of older specimens 
plumbeous in half grown, and reddish or brownish, or smoky-brown, 
in the adult, with narrow, darker zones on the lines of growth; shell 
thick, muscle insertions distinct, nacre white, almost porcellaneous, 
with bluish zones corresponding with the lines of growth; hinge 
strong, plate rather broad, cardinal teeth comparatively large, the 
right strongly curved, emarginate at the free edge, its posterior part 
thick, slightly to deeply grooved; the inferior in the left valve short, 
curved, the superior shorter to longer than the inferior, moderately 
posterior, oblique, little curved; lateral teeth strong, those of the left 
valve with very high pointed cusps, ligament rather large, covered. 
Size: long. 15, alt. 11.5, diam. 9.5 mill. 
Long. 14, alt. 11.5, diam. 9 mill. 

Habitat: Carp Lake, near Mackinaw City, Michigan, collected 
by Mr. Bryant Walker. 

This is aremarkable Sphaerium. It stands near some large forms 
of stamineum, yet by its shape, large diameter and very large beaks, 
is different ; S. solidulum is more rounded in its outlines, less inflated, 
its beaks are smaller, and the sulcation is coarser. In its surface 
appearance, sulcation and color, our species resembles S. simile, but 
is much shorter, comparatively, its beaks are higher, the hinge mar- 
gin is more curved and the hinge very much stronger. 

Spherium walkert n. sp. Mussel small, well inflated, almost equi- 
partite; beaks little anterior, rather broad, rounded, not high, some- 
what projecting over the hinge margin; the latter rather short, little 
curved ; scutum and scutellum scarcely marked, with slight, project- 
ing rounded angles; inferior margin slightly curved; anterior end 
well rounded, passing into the inferior without any indication of an 
angle; posterior slightly truncated obliquely, passing into the inferior 
with a low: situated, rounded angle; surface with very fine, some- 


what irregular striation, also on top of the beaks, shining ; color yel- 
lowish to brownish horn; shell thin; translucent; muscle insertions 
slightly marked; hinge rather short, slightly curved, fine, plate nar- 
row ; the right cardinal tooth little curved or almost straight, thin ; 
the left inferior, short, slightly curved, the superior longer, rather 
posterior and curved down at the posterior end; lateral teeth fine, 
the outer ones in the right valve quite small, those in the left valve 
with short sharp cusps; ligament small. 

Size: long. 5.3, alt. 4.5, diam. 3.4 mill. (largest specimen, long. 
4.6, alt. 4, diam. 3.2 mill. and probably full grown.) 

Habitat: Lake Michigan, off New York Point, in deep water, 
dredged by Mr. Bryant Walker, at 24 meters. 

The present Spherium ranges under the group Corneola, with 
Sph. rhomboideum Say and occidentale Pr., but is quite distinct from 
both, not only by its small size ; from the former it is distinguished 
by its well-rounded anterior part, from the latter, by its broader, less 
prominent beaks and the oblique posterior end. It has some resem- 
blance, in shape, with some forms of Sph. corneum Lin. of Europe, 
but is very much smaller, its beaks are somewhat different and so is 
the surface appearance. 

The specimens were first seen in November, 1894, and then re- 
garded as representing a new species, and named in honor of Mr. 
Bryant Walker, the indefatigable scientist and collector to whom we 
owe so much conchological knowledge. 



No species of the Pinnide has hitherto neen known from Cali- 
fornia, or reported from any point more northerly than the Gulf of 
California on the Pacific coast. It was therefore a surprise when I 
received from Mr. and Mrs. Oldroyd a specimen taken alive by fish- 
ermen in 25 fathoms, San Pedro Bay. This is rather an excep- 
tional depth for a species of its solid and heavy character, the deep 
water Pinnidg usually belonging to the small, delicate and spinose 
forms, and the coarse imbricate species being more commonly found 
gregariously, at no great distance below low water mark, where their 
sharp edges have often been referred to as injurious to small boats 
landing in the shallow water. The present form belongs to the genus 


Atrina, characterized by the absence of any slit in the umbonal part 
of the shell, such as is found in all the typical Pinnas. 

Atrina oldroydii n. sp. 

Shell solid, heavy, blackish-gray, subtriangular, rather inflated ; 
umbonal end slender (somewhat defective in the specimen); hinge 
margin straight ; ventral margin contracted in front, convexly arcuate 
behind; posterior margin arched; exterior smooth, except for more 
or less concentric wrinkling on the ventral side and numerous rather 
fine imbricate elevated ridges (about 38) radiating from near the 
umbo on the dorsal and middle portions of the valve, not extending 
to the ventral surface and obsolete over the distal fourth of the valve ; 
the scales or spines are worn off, but appear to have been numerous 
and small; interior of a livid dark olive gray, with a lurid iridescence 
over the visceral area, the ventral edge of which extends in a zigzag 
line almost directly anterior from the ventral edge of the rather 
small adductor sear, leaving more than a third of the ventral surface 
of the inside of the valve exterior to the visceral area. Length of 
ventral margin 238 ; of dorsal margin 175; of the distal margin 156; 
maximum diameter of the valves 63 mm. J.ength of the visceral 
area from the umbo 172 mm. ‘The byssus is quite small and of a’ 
dark blackish-brown color. 

The form of the visceral area, which in these shells is generally 
regarded as a pretty constant character, is entirely different from that 
of any of the other described Pacific coast species. In the form 
which, as described, comes nearest to A. oldroydii (A. tuberculosa), 
has the posterior margin of the visceral area forming a straight line 
from the dorsal nearly to the ventral margin of the valves. 

The present species appears to be an analogue of our Atlantic 
coast A. serrata Sowerby, but as regards the exterior characters prob- 
ably submits to a variation which only the study of a larger number 
of specimens wil! enable us to determine. 

Though not a particularly handsome shell, this is one of the most 
notable among the many additions made to the mollusk fauna of Cal- 
ifornia in recent years. 

—In his “ Synopsis of the Naiades,”’ Mr. Simpson says the former is 
from ‘‘ Lower St. Lawrence, southward in streams draining into the 


Atlantic to South Carolina;” the latter, ‘‘ Upper Mississippi drain- 
age, Ohio, Cumberland and Tennessee systems; Michigan, Upper 
St. Lawrence drainage.”’ 

In his description (Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., I., p. 459) Mr. Say 
gives the Scioto river as the locality of the types of ‘‘Alasmodonta 
marginata,”’ and states that the types are in the Academy collection. 
There is one good specimen in the collection of the Academy, of the 
truncata species, labeled A. marginata, Say, from the Scioto river. 
Mr. Say must have been familiar with the eastern form. Did he 
decide to change the name of the western truncate form to “ trun- 
cata’’ and let ‘‘ marginata”’ cover the eastern form? Probably no 
one living can answer this question, but we can imagine it answered 
in the affirmative, and label the Atlantic slope shell ‘‘ marginata, 
Say,” and the Ohio shell ‘ truncata, Wright, 


in accord with Mr. 
Simpson’s magnificent synopsis CHARLES LERoy WHEELER. 


TRIVIA. PAUCILIRATA Sowb.—Some months ago, upon looking 


which have been 
for many years in my collection, unidentified and collector unknown, 

over some small shells labeled “ Sarasota Bay,’ 

I noticed a very small 7rivia which seemed to correspond to Sower- 
by’s description of 7. paucilirata, a well-marked species. Upon 
sending it to Mr. Melvill, he has confirmed my opinion and pro- 
nounces it an undoubted representative of that species, the habitat 
of which seems to have been hitherto unknown, at least so far as the 
monographs would indicate.—F rep L. Burron. 

—During a short yachting cruise south, on San Francisco Bay, we 
anchored during the night of Feb. 16, 1901, at Point San Mateo, 
San Mateo Co. As it rained quite heavily during the night I an- 
ticipated that snails would be out in foree on the heavily wooded 
slope of the point, so-landed for a hunt inthe morning. I saw under 
the eucalyptus and pine trees hundreds of specimens of Hpiphrag- 
mophora arrosa Gld., Epiphragmophora californiensis nickliniana 
Lea, and Otrcinaria vancouverensis Lea, of which I secured numerous 
fine specimens. I also found, to my great surprise, two fine speci- 
mens of Hpiphragmophora fidelis Gray, hitherto recorded as being 
found from Humboldt and Shasta Cos., Cal. to Vancouver Island.— 
Epwarp W. GIFFORD. 




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