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Number  497 
17  October  2003 




IN  Science 

Taxonomy  and  Life  History  of 
Costa  Rican  Alabagrus 
(Hymenoptera:  Braconidae),  with  a Key 
TO  World  Species 

Jason  W.  Leathers  and  Michael  J.  Sharkey 

Natural  History  Museum 

OF  Los  Angeles  County 




Natural  History 
Museum  ol 
Los  Angeles 




John  ITeyning,  Deputy  Director 
for  Research  and  Collections 
John  M.  Harris,  Committee  Chairman 
Brian  V.  Brown 
Gordon  Hendler 
Ines  Horovitz 
Joel  W.  Martin 
K.  Victoria  Brown,  Managing  Editor 

The  scientific  publications  of  the  Natural  History  Museum 
of  Los  Angeles  County  have  been  issued  at  irregular  in- 
tervals in  three  major  series;  the  issues  in  each  series  are 
numbered  individually,  and  numbers  run  consecutively,  re- 
gardless of  the  subject  matter. 

# Contributions  in  Science,  a miscellaneous  series  of  tech- 
nical papers  describing  original  research  in  the  life  and 
earth  sciences. 

# Science  Bulletin,  a miscellaneous  series  of  monographs 
describing  original  research  in  the  life  and  earth  scienc- 
es. This  series  was  discontinued  in  1978  with  the  issue 
of  Numbers  29  and  30;  monographs  are  now  published 
by  the  Museum  in  Contributions  in  Science. 

# Science  Series,  long  articles  and  collections  of  papers  on 
natural  history  topics. 

Copies  of  the  publications  in  these  series  are  sold  through 
the  Museum  Book  Shop.  A catalog  is  available  on  request. 

Natural  History  Museum 
OF  Los  Angeles  County 
900  Exposition  Boulevard 
Los  Angeles,  Galifornia  90007 

Printed  at  Allen  Press,  Inc.,  Lawrence,  Kansas 
ISSN  0459-8113 

Taxonomy  and  Life  History  of  Costa  Rican 
Alabagrus  (Hymenoptera:  Braconidae), 
WITH  A Key  to  World  Species 

Jason  W.  Leathers^  and  Michael  J.  Sharkey^ 









Key  to  the  Species  of  Alabagrus  of  the  World 6 

Species  Descriptions  of  the  Alabagrus  of  Costa  Rica 19 

Alabagrus  albispina  (Cameron) 19 

Alabagrus  arawak  Sharkey 20 

Alabagrus  arua  Sharkey 21 

Alabagrus  cara  Sharkey 21 

Alabagrus  cocto  Sharkey 22 

Alabagrus  combos  new  species 23 

Alabagrus  cuna  Sharkey 24 

Alabagrus  derailersi  new  species 25 

Alabagrus  donnai  new  species 26 

Alabagrus  englishi  new  species 27 

Alabagrus  imitatus  (Cresson) 28 

Alabagrus  janzeni  Sharkey 29 

Alabagrus  juchuy  Sharkey 30 

Alabagrus  kagaba  Sharkey 31 

Alabagrus  latisoma  Sharkey 32 

Alabagrus  latredlei  (Spinola) 32 

Alabagrus  maculipes  (Cameron) 33 

Alabagrus  masneri  Sharkey 34 

Alabagrus  may  a Sharkey 35 

Alabagrus  miqa  Sharkey 36 

Alabagrus  mo  j os  Sharkey 37 

Alabagrus  nahuatl  Sharkey 37 

Alabagrus  nicoya  Sharkey 38 

Alabagrus  nigritulus  (Szepligeti) 39 

Alabagrus  pachamama  Sharkey 40 

Alabagrus  paruyana  Sharkey 41 

Alabagrus  parvifaciatus  (Cameron) 42 

Alabagrus  pecki  Sharkey 42 

Alabagrus  roibasi  Sharkey 43 

Alabagrus  sarapiqui  new  species 44 

Alabagrus  semialbus  (Szepligeti) 45 

Alabagrus  stigma  (Brulle) 46 

1.  Department  of  Entomology,  Oregon  State  University,  2046  Cordley  Hall,  Corvallis,  Oregon  97331-2907. 

2.  Department  of  Entomology,  University  of  Kentucky,  S-227  Agriculture  Science  Center  North,  Lexington,  Kentucky 

Contributions  in  Science,  Number  497,  pp.  1-82 
Natural  History  Museum  of  Los  Angeles  County,  2003 

2 ■ Contributions  in  Science,  Number  497 

Leathers  and  Sharkey:  A Review  of  Alabragus 

Alabagrus  tricarinatus  (Cameron) 47 

Alabagrus  tripartitus  (Brulle)... 48 

Alabagrus  varius  (Enderlein) 49 

Alabagrus  voto  Sharkey 49 

Alabagrus  warrau  Sharkey 50 

Alabagrus  watsoni  new  species 51 

Alabagrus  yaruro  Sharkey 52 

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS................... 53 


PEATE  I 55 


ABSTRACT.  The  genus  Alabagrus  (Hymenoptera:  Braconidae)  is  revised  to  include  specimens  collected 
throughout  Costa  Rica,  including  those  from  the  Arthropods  of  La  Selva  (ALAS)  project  and  rearings  by 
Janzen  and  Hallwachs  at  Santa  Rosa  National  Park.  Descriptions  are  provided  for  a total  of  39  species 
collected  in  Costa  Rica,  including  17  species  that  are  new  to  Costa  Rica  and  6 species  that  are  new  to 
science.  New  species  are  A.  combos,  A.  derailersi,  A.  donnai,  A.  englishi,  A.  sarapiqui,  and  A.  watsoni. 
Species  of  Alabagrus  are  reported  to  be  primarily  associated  with  successional  habitats,  where  they  para- 
sitize the  larvae  of  Crambidae  (Lepidoptera).  The  treatment  of  each  species  includes  a total  of  75  mor- 
phological and  color  characters  and  host  records.  Graphs  of  the  temporal  distribution  and  color  photo- 
graphs are  presented  for  each  of  the  39  Costa  Rican  species.  An  illustrated  key  to  the  species  of  Alabagrus 
is  provided. 


Parasitic  wasps  belonging  to  the  genus  Alabagrus 
Enderlein  (Braconidae:  Agathidinae)  are  restricted 
to  the  New  World,  and  are  found  from  southeast- 
ern Canada  to  northern  Argentina.  They  are  espe- 
cially diverse  in  wet  tropical  habitats.  Species  oi  Al- 
abagrus are  solitary,  koinobiont  endoparasitoids  of 
concealed  larvae  of  the  family  Crambidae  (Eepi- 
doptera)  (Table  1).  Some  species  of  Alabagrus  are 
important  in  the  control  of  pest  Lepidoptera,  in- 
cluding A.  stigma  (Brulle),  a parasitoid  of  the  sugar 
cane  and  rice  borer  Diatraea  saccharalis  (Fabri- 

Alabagrus  was  proposed  by  Enderlein  (1920)  for 
several  species  of  Neotropical  agathidines.  Muese- 
beck  and  Walkley  (1951)  synonomized  Alabagrus 
under  Agathis  Enderlein,  and  Shenefelt  (1970) 
adopted  this  classification  in  his  catalogue  of  world 
Agathidinae.  Sharkey  (1988)  resurrected  Alabagrus 
and  included  in  the  genus  Astiria,  Craspedoboth- 
rus,  and  Liyptia,  of  Enderlein  (1920).  He  included 
a total  of  104  species  in  his  revision  of  the  genus, 
22  of  which  were  recorded  from  Costa  Rica. 

Since  his  revision,  the  Arthropods  of  La  Selva 
(ALAS)  project  has  extensively  sampled  the  low- 
land Neotropical  rainforest  surrounding  the  Orga- 
nization for  Tropical  Studies  (OTS)  La  Selva  Bio- 
logical Station  at  La  Selva,  Costa  Rica  (Longino, 
1994).  The  project  yielded  a total  of  904  specimens, 
representing  26  species  of  Alabagrus  from  La  Selva, 
of  which  12  are  new  Costa  Rican  records  and  6 are 
new  to  science.  Based  on  the  ALAS  specimens,  es- 
timators of  species  diversity  calculated  by  using 
Estimates  5.0.1  (Colwell,  1994-1997)  predict  that 
there  are  between  29  (Coleman  richness  expecta- 
tion [Coleman,  1981;  Coleman  et  ah,  1982])  and 

33  (second-order  jackknife  richness  estimator 
[Burnham  and  Overton,  1978,  1979;  Smith  and 
van  Belle,  1984;  Palmer,  1991])  species  of  Alaba- 
grus at  La  Selva,  indicating  that  the  area  has  been 
well  sampled  by  Malaise  traps.  Furthermore,  sub- 
sequent Malaise  trap  samples  from  La  Selva,  as 
well  as  canopy  fogging  and  blacklight  samples, 
have  yielded  no  new  species  of  Alabagrus.  We  are 
thus  fairly  confident  that  this  revision  includes  most 
species  of  Alabagrus  found  at  La  Selva.  However, 
a specimen  of  A.  tricarinatus  (Cameron)  was  reared 
by  H.  Hespenheide  (University  of  California,  Los 
Angeles)  in  1986  from  an  unknown  host  on  Bytt- 
neria  aculeata  (Jacquemoud)  (Sterculiaceae)  at  La 
Selva.  This  species  was  not  captured  by  the  ALAS 
sampling,  suggesting  that  a few  additional  species 
of  Alabagrus  could  be  present  there. 

Because  of  their  diversity,  abundance,  and  fre- 
quent role  as  keystone  species  in  the  natural  regu- 
lation of  ecosystems,  parasitic  wasps  are  an  excel- 
lent focal  group  for  systematic  and  conservation 
studies  (Lasalle  and  Gauld,  1991).  Members  of  the 
genus  Alabagrus  are  particularly  abundant  and  di- 
verse in  lowland  Neotropical  rainforests.  They  are 
efficiently  captured  with  Malaise  traps  and,  because 
of  their  large  size  and  colorful  nature,  they  are  com- 
mon in  museum  collections  and  are  relatively  easy 
to  identify.  It  is  our  hope  that  the  biodiversity  in- 
formation obtained  on  the  species  of  Alabagrus  of 
La  Selva  will  be  used  as  a benchmark  bioindicator 
through  which  tropical  sites  may  be  compared. 

This  paper  builds  on  Sharkey’s  (1988)  revision  by 
describing  the  39  species  recorded  from  Costa  Rica. 
Many  of  these  species  were  previously  described 
from  only  a few  specimens,  so  they  have  been  re- 
described to  document  the  range  of  variation  in 

Contributions  in  Science,  Number  497 

Leathers  and  Sharkey:  A Review  of  Alabragus  ■ 3 

Table  1.  List  of  known  hosts  of  species  of  Alabagrus  and  the  plants  from  which  they  have  been  reared.  Blank  spaces 
represent  incomplete  records.  Data  are  from  Janzen  and  Hallwach’s  caterpillar  database,  a specimen  reared  by  Hespen- 
heide,  and  Sharkey  (1988). 


Alabagrus  host 

Host  plant 

A.  albispina 

Bicilia  iarchasalis 

Petiveria  alliacea  (Phytolaccaeae) 

Conchylodes  ovulalis 

Baltimora  recta  (Asteraceae) 

Eulepte  concordalis 

Cydista  heterophylla  (Bignoniaceae) 

Glyphodes  sybillalis 

Trophis  racemosa  (Moraceae) 

Phaedropsis  sp. 

Triplaris  melaenodendron  (Polygonaceae) 

Pilocrocis  ramentalis 

Dyschoriste  valeriana  (Acanthaceae) 

Salbia  cassidalis 

Easiacis  sorghoidea  (Poaceae) 

A.  imitatus 

Diatraea  sp. 

A.  janzeni 

Eulepte  concordalis 

Tabebuia  rosea  (Bignoniaceae) 

E.  concordalis 

T.  impetiginosa 

A.  latreillei 

Phostria  metalobalis 

Genipa  americana  (Rubiaceae) 

A.  maculipes 

Pilocrocis  ramentalis 

Dyschoriste  valeriana  (Acanthaceae) 

Crambidae  sp. 

Maranta  arundinacea  (Marantaceae) 

A.  nahuatl 

Lygropia  tripunctata 

Operculina  pteripes  (Convolvulaceae) 

A.  nicoya 

Dichogama  colotha 

Capparis  indica  (Capparidaceae) 

D.  colotha 

C.  incana 

D.  redtenbacheri 

C.  frondosa 

Lativalva  pseudosmithii 

Morisonia  americana  (Capparidaceae) 

A.  roibasi 

Alatuncusia  sp. 

Capparis  frondosa  (Capparidaceae) 

Aponia  itzalis 

Cornutia  grondifolia  (Verbenaceae) 

Bicilia  iarchasalis 

Petiveria  alliacea  (Phytolaccaceae) 

Phaedropsis  cernalis 

Triplaris  melaenodendron  (Polygonaceae) 

Psara  obscuralis 

P.  alliacea 

A.  stigma 

Diatraea  canella 
D.  impersonatella 
D.  lineolata 
D.  saccharalis 


Byttneria  aculeata  (Sterculiaceae) 

A.  watsoni 

Omiodes  humeralis 

Inga  vera  (Fabaceae) 

morphology  and  color  observed  in  specimens  col- 
lected in  Costa  Rica  since  that  date.  A key  gener- 
ated with  the  DELTA  software  package  (Dallowitz 
et  ah,  1997)  is  provided  to  the  species  oi  Alabagrus 
of  the  world.  To  better  understand  the  phenology 
of  Alabagrus  species,  we  have  provided  graphs  il- 
lustrating the  temporal  distribution  of  each  species 
at  La  Selva  and  throughout  Costa  Rica.  All  species 
were  collected  in  primary  forest,  secondary  growth, 
and  successional  areas  unless  otherwise  mentioned 
in  the  distribution  information  sections  associated 
with  each  species  description.  Maps  illustrating  the 
distribution  of  every  species  aside  from  the  new 
ones  found  only  at  La  Selva  are  available  in  Shar- 
key’s (1988)  revision.  Linally,  color  photographs 
are  provided  for  each  of  the  39  species  found  in 
Costa  Rica. 


The  La  Selva  Biological  Station  is  an  OTS  research  site  of 
1,536  ha  located  at  the  confluence  of  the  Sarapiqui  and 
Puerto  Viejo  rivers  in  northeastern  Costa  Rica.  The  land 
is  composed  of  primary  forest  (55%)  dominated  by  Pen- 

taclethra  macroloba  (Willd.)  (Fabaceae),  selectively  logged 
primary  forest  (7%),  secondary  forest  that  has  been  re- 
generating since  the  early  1970’s  (11%),  successional  pas- 
ture (18%),  abandoned  plantations  (8%),  and  managed 
habitats  including  an  arboretum  and  successional  plots 
(0.5%)  (McDade  and  Hartshorn,  1994). 


The  ALAS  project’s  sampling  regime  was  described  by 
Longino  and  Colwell  (1997).  In  brief,  the  project  involved 
a total  of  18  Malaise  traps  placed  at  La  Selva.  Sixteen  of 
these  were  divided  between  four  habitat  types:  young  al- 
luvial soil  with  secondary  growth  vegetation,  young  allu- 
vial soil  with  primary  forest,  old  residual  soil  with  sec- 
ondary growth  vegetation,  and  old  residual  soil  with  pri- 
mary forest.  Four  traps  were  placed  in  each  of  the  above 
habitat  types  from  March  1993  until  June  1996.  Only  one 
Malaise  trap  was  used  to  sample  all  five  successional  plots. 
These  five  plots  are  all  contiguous  and  the  single  trap  was 
left  in  the  same  location  for  the  duration  of  the  project. 
A single  Malaise  trap  also  was  placed  at  the  border  of  a 
swamp  (referred  to  as  “borde  suampo”  in  the  DISTRI- 
BUTION sections  after  each  of  the  species  descriptions) 
from  August  1997  until  November  1998.  Additionally, 
canopy  fogging,  blacklight  traps,  and  Berlese  funnels  were 
used  to  sample  La  Selva,  but  yielded  only  two  Alabagrus 

4 ■ Contributions  in  Science,  Number  497 

Leathers  and  Sharkey:  A Review  of  Alabragus 

specimens.  One  A.  semialbus  (Szepligeti)  and  one  A.  pa- 
chamama  Sharkey  were  collected  by  canopy  fogging  of 
Pentaclethra  macroloba.  Blacklight  traps  and  Berlese  fun- 
nels yielded  no  specimens. 


We  have  constructed  the  key  to  the  species  of  Alabagrus  of 
the  world  by  using  the  software  package  DELTA  (Dallowitz 
et  ah,  1997),  which  is  available  at 
edu/delta.  The  DELTA  software  constructs  keys  by  using 
two  text  files:  a CEIARS  file  that  contains  a list  of  characters 
and  states,  and  an  ITEMS  file  that  contains  a list  of  taxa 
and  the  character  states  of  each  taxon.  The  keys  were  con- 
structed to  facilitate  identification  rather  than  to  be  as  ef- 
ficient as  possible,  thus,  many  species  will  key  out  in  mul- 
tiple places.  Interactive  versions  of  both  keys  that  allow  the 
user  to  choose  which  characters  to  examine  for  species  de- 
termination are  available  on  M.J.  Sharkey’s  Web  page  at  The  CHARS  and  ITEMS 
files  used  to  produce  the  key  also  are  available  at  this  Web 
site.  The  program  INTKEY  can  be  downloaded  from  this 
site  free  of  charge. 


We  examined  a total  of  1,617  specimens  of  Alabagrus, 
over  half  of  which  were  collected  through  the  ALAS  pro- 
ject. Others  were  collected  through  a recent  Mellon  Eoun- 
dation  grant  to  J.  Pickering  and  M.J.  Sharkey.  Some  reared 
specimens  from  Santa  Rosa  National  Park,  Costa  Rica, 
were  provided  by  D.H.  Janzen.  Almost  all  specimens  in- 
volved in  this  project  are  labeled  with  a unique  bar  code 
or  rearing  number.  The  ALAS  specimens  are  labeled  IN- 
BIOCRI  xxxxxxxxx,  where  the  x’s  represent  a unique 
number.  Numbers  for  specimens  of  new  species  are  in- 
cluded m the  DISTRIBUTION  and  MATERIAL  EXAM- 
INED sections.  Specimens  from  the  Mellon  Eoundation 
grant  are  labeled  UGCA  xxxxxx  and  also  are  included  for 
new  species  in  the  just-mentioned  sections.  Specimens 
from  Santa  Rosa  National  Park  are  labeled  yy-SRNP- 
xxxx,  where  y’s  represent  the  year  of  rearing.  A database 
of  these  records  is  available  at 

All  holotype  specimens  are  deposited  at  the  National 
Institute  of  Biodiversity  (Instituto  Nacional  de  Biodiver- 
sidad  de  Costa  Rica  [INBC])  in  Santo  Domingo  de  He- 
redia, Costa  Rica.  Paratypes  and  other  specimens  are  de- 
posited in  a variety  of  other  museums,  including  American 
Entomological  Institute,  British  Natural  History  Museum, 
Canadian  National  Collection,  Natural  History  Museum 
of  Eos  Angeles  County,  Oregon  State  Arthropod  Collec- 
tion, University  of  Kentucky  Insect  Collection,  and  Na- 
tional Museum  of  Natural  History. 


A description  generated  with  DEETA  (Dallowitz  et  ah, 
1997)  is  provided  for  each  species  of  Alabagrus  from  Cos- 
ta Rica.  In  the  case  of  previously  described  species,  these 
descriptions  refer  to  all  specimens  found  in  Costa  Rica 
rather  than  holotypes,  lectotypes,  or  other  extralimital 
material.  The  description  of  new  species  includes  the  range 
of  information  on  meristic,  measured,  and  discrete  mor- 
phological characters  for  all  known  specimens  of  the  spe- 
cies. When  this  information  is  variable,  holotype  infor- 
mation is  set  apart  in  square  brackets  ([  ]).  Percentages 
included  in  the  descriptions  of  variable  characters  refer  to 
the  approximate  percentage  of  specimens  that  exhibit  the 
characteristic.  The  number  of  specimens  examined  to  de- 

termine percentages  is  reported  with  the  first  percentage 
in  each  description  as  sample  size.  Characters  that  are 
missing  from  some  species  descriptions  represent  charac- 
ters that  are  not  applicable  to  that  taxon;  for  example,  the 
propodeum  of  A.  pachamama  is  smooth,  so  characters  17 
to  19  that  describe  propodeal  sculpture  are  not  included 
in  the  description.  The  integers  in  parentheses  before  each 
character  identify  the  character  in  both  the  species  descrip- 
tion (ITEMS)  and  character  list  (CHARS)  files  of  DEETA. 
Character  numbers  have  been  used  similarly  by  Sharkey 
(1996)  in  his  revision  of  the  Agathidinae  of  Japan.  Char- 
acter numbers  allow  for  easy  comparisons  among  species. 
The  ITEMS  and  CHARS  files  are  available  at  M.J.  Shar- 
key’s Web  site  at  Infor- 
mation on  species  distribution  outside  Costa  Rica  and  pre- 
viously known  host  species  provided  in  the  descriptions 
are  taken  from  Sharkey’s  (1988)  revision. 


Morphological  terminology  follows  Sharkey  and  Wharton 
(1997).  All  specimens  collected  by  the  ALAS  project  were 
examined  for  a total  of  7 continuous,  3 meristic,  22  dis- 
crete morphological  characters,  and  42  color  characters. 


The  acronyms  used  here  are  taken  from  Arnett  et  al. 
(1993),  and  UKIC  is  new. 

AEIC  American  Entomological  Institute,  Townes’s 
Collection,  Cainesville,  Elorida,  USA. 

AMNH  American  Museum  of  Natural  History,  New 
York,  New  York,  USA. 

ANSP  Academy  of  Natural  Sciences,  Philadelphia, 
Pennsylvania,  USA. 

BMNH  The  Natural  History  Museum,  London,  United 

CNCI  Canadian  National  Collection,  Agriculture  Can- 
ada, Ottawa,  Ontario,  Canada. 

HNHM  Hungarian  Natural  History  Museum,  Budapest, 

INBC  Instituto  Nacional  de  Biodiversidad,  Santo  Do- 
mingo de  Heredia,  Costa  Rica. 

LACM  Natural  History  Museum  of  Los  Angeles  Coun- 
ty, Los  Angeles,  California,  USA. 

MIZT  Museo  ed  Istituto  di  Zoologia  Sistematica, 
Universitya  di  Torino,  Torino,  Italy. 

MNHN  Museum  National  d’Histoire  Naturelle,  Paris, 

OSUO  Oregon  State  Arthropod  Collection,  Oregon 

State  University,  Corvallis,  Oregon,  USA. 

SMEC  Snow  Museum  of  Entomology,  University  of 

Kansas,  Lawrence,  Kansas,  USA. 

UKIC  University  of  Kentucky  Insect  Collection,  Lex- 

ington, Kentucky,  USA. 

USNM  National  Museum  of  Natural  History,  Smith- 
sonian Institution,  Washington,  D.C.,  USA. 
ZMPA  Polish  Academy  of  Science,  Warszawa,  Poland. 


Acronyms  are  used  in  the  DISTRIBUTION  AND  MA- 
TERIAL EXAMINED  sections  of  new  species  descriptions 
to  provide  an  approximate  location  of  their  collection  at 
La  Selva. 

CC  Camino  Central 

SCH  Sendero  La  Chanchera 

Contributions  in  Science,  Number  497 


Most  species  of  Alabagrus  have  bright,  distinct  col- 
or patterns  (Figs.  3-8).  Many  of  these  species  be- 
long to  a Neotropical,  presumably  mimetic,  com- 
plex with  thousands  of  other  species  composed  of 
members  of  several  orders  of  winged  insects  (Shar- 
key, pers.  obs.).  Representatives  of  this  complex  in- 
clude approximately  1,300  species  of  Braconidae  in 
such  other  genera  as  Capitonius  Brulle,  Coccygi- 
dium  de  Saussure,  and  Digonogastra  Viereck,  more 
than  1,000  species  of  Ichneumonidae  (e.g.,  Acro- 
taphus  Townes),  at  least  200  species  of  symphyta, 
several  hundred  species  of  Reduviidae  (e.g.,  Hira- 
netis  Stal),  and  unknown  numbers  of  Diptera,  Lep- 
idoptera,  and  Coleoptera.  The  mimicry  is  not  con- 
strained to  color.  Some  of  the  Reduviidae,  the  “bra- 
coniformes”  clade,  have  wing  shape  and  physical 
proportions  very  similar  to  some  braconids  (Fig. 
4d).  Although  members  of  Alabagrus  do  not  have 
a foul  odor  detectable  to  humans  and  are  not 
known  to  sting  (Sharkey,  pers.  obs.),  other  repre- 
sentatives of  the  complex  such  as  many  Braconinae 
(Quicke,  1997)  have  an  odor  (Braconidae)  (Quicke 
1997)  and  the  Reduviidae  are  odiferous  and  can 
bite  painfully  (Sharkey,  pers.  obs.).  The  species  of 
Alabagrus  involved  in  this  complex  possibly  are 
Batesian  mimics  of  other  members  in  the  complex. 
Because  of  our  interest  in  the  mimetic  color  com- 
plex, a great  deal  of  attention  is  paid  to  the  descrip- 
tion of  color  patterns  in  this  revision.  Approxi- 
mately one  half  of  the  characters  included  in  the 
descriptions  are  color  characters,  and  the  lateral 
photographs  will  facilitate  future  analysis  of  color 
patterns  within  Alabagrus  and  with  other  members 
of  the  complex. 


The  seasonality  of  most  tropical  insect  species,  in- 
cluding parasitoids,  is  traditionally  considered  to  be 
correlated  with  the  periods  of  rainfall  (Buskirk  and 
Buskirk,  1976;  Wolda,  1978,  1989;  Janzen,  1981, 
1993;  Smythe,  1985;  Kato  et  ah,  1995;  Coley  and 
Barone,  1996;  Novotny  and  Basset,  1998;  Shapiro 
and  Pickering,  2000),  which  can  vary  considerably 
in  most  moist  tropical  forests.  Like  much  of  the 
Atlantic  side  of  Central  America,  La  Selva  averages 
4 m of  rain  annually,  distributed  relatively  evenly 
throughout  the  year  (Fig.  la).  The  driest  period  typ- 
ically occurs  from  February  through  April,  with  an 
average  of  172  mm  per  month  (Sanford  et  ah, 
1994).  The  wet  season  generally  begins  the  second 
week  of  May  and  has  two  peaks:  June  through  Au- 
gust (450  mm/month)  and  November  through  De- 
cember (404  mm/month). 

The  greatest  number  of  Alabagrus  species  were 
collected  by  Malaise  traps  at  La  Selva  in  April 
through  September.  Seventeen  to  22  species  were  col- 
lected each  month  during  this  period  (Fig.  lb).  This 
precedes  the  onset  of  the  rainy  season  and  the  first 
wet  period  of  June  and  July.  Specimens  also  were 
most  abundant  in  April  through  August  (Fig.  Ic). 

Leathers  and  Sharkey:  A Review  of  Alabragus  ■ 5 

Fewer  species  were  collected  at  La  Selva  from 
October  through  February,  during  the  second  part 
of  the  wet  season  and  the  beginning  of  the  dry  sea- 
son, respectively  (Fig.  lb).  Individuals  were  also 
least  abundant  from  October  through  February 
(Fig.  Ic).  However,  an  anomalous  small  peak  in 
specimen  abundance  occurred  in  January.  Fifty-nine 
specimens  were  collected  in  January  at  La  Selva, 
compared  to  29  in  December.  Two  of  the  four 
abundant  species  in  January  are  A.  pachamama 
(Fig.  4c)  and  A.  cara  Sharkey  (Fig.  5e).  Both  of 
these  have  bright  color  patterns,  whereas  the  other 
species,  A.  masneri  Sharkey  and  A.  arawak  Shar- 
key, do  not.  Specimen  abundance  and  species  rich- 
ness for  Costa  Rica  as  a whole  follow  a similar 
trend  to  La  Selva  (Fig.  2a,  2b),  possibly  because  of 
the  inclusion  of  the  large  number  of  specimens  from 
La  Selva. 



Nearly  one  half  of  the  specimens  (44.4%)  and  most 
of  the  species  (84.6%)  of  Alabagrus  collected  at  La 
Selva  were  collected  in  the  one  Malaise  trap  in  suc- 
cessional  plots  (Table  2).  Four  of  the  species  found 
in  successional  plots  at  La  Selva  were  not  collected 
in  any  of  the  other  habitats  (A.  cocto  Sharkey,  A. 
may  a Sharkey,  A.  sarapiqui  new  species,  and  A. 
stigma).  These  plots  were  begun  in  the  early  1970’s 
to  maintain  patches  of  the  early  successional  stages 
of  vegetation  at  La  Selva  (Hartshorn  and  Hammel, 
1994).  One  of  the  five  0.5-ha  strips  is  cut  each  Feb- 
ruary on  a 5-year  rotation.  These  habitats  are  dom- 
inated by  both  herbaceous  and  woody  plants  that 
sprout  after  cutting,  as  well  as  classic  pioneer  spe- 
cies such  as  Phytolacca  rivmoides  Kunth  and  Lou- 
che (Phytolaccaceae)  and  Erechtites  hieracifolia  (L.) 
(Asteraceae)  (Hartshorn  and  Hammel,  1994). 

Although  the  Malaise  trap  placed  on  the  edge  of 
a swamp  did  not  yield  any  new  species  of  Alaba- 
grus, it  did  yield  many  specimens  of  A.  latisoma 
Sharkey,  which  are  rarely  collected  in  other  habitats 
at  La  Selva.  This  trap  accounted  for  10.6%  of  the 
specimens  of  Alabagrus  and  collected  61.5%  of  the 
species.  The  four  Malaise  traps  in  secondary  forest 
collected  a total  of  27.7%  of  the  specimens  of  Al- 
abagrus and  captured  76.9%  of  the  species.  No 
species  were  found  to  be  restricted  to  secondary 
forest.  The  four  Malaise  traps  in  primary  forest 
caught  a mere  17.3%  of  the  specimens  and  only 
65.4%  of  the  species.  Two  species,  A.  derailersi 
new  species  and  A.  latreillei  (Spinola),  were  found 
to  be  restricted  to  primary  forest.  One  species,  A. 
kagaba  Sharkey,  was  found  to  be  restricted  to  sec- 
ondary and  primary  forest  and  two  species,  A.  cuna 
Sharkey  and  A.  mojos  Sharkey,  were  found  to  be 
restricted  to  successional  plots  and  secondary  for- 
est. Although  members  of  the  genus  are  especially 
diverse  in  lowland  Neotropical  rainforests,  they  ap- 
pear to  be  primarily  associated  with  successional 

6 ■ Contributions  in  Science,  Number  497 

Leathers  and  Sharkey:  A Review  of  Alabragns 

Table  2.  The  habitat  types  in  which  each  species  of  Al- 
abagrus  has  been  collected  at  La  Selva. 


Habitat  type"* 





A.  albispina 





A.  arawak 





A.  cara 





A.  cocto 


A.  combos 




A.  cuna 



A.  derailersi 


A.  donnai 




A.  englishi 




A.  imitatus 





A.  kagaba 



A.  latisoma 





A.  latreillei 


A.  maculipes 





A.  masneri 





A.  may  a 


A.  mojos 



A.  nigritidus 





A.  pachamama 





A.  pecki 





A.  sarapiqui 


A.  semialbus 





A.  stigma 


A.  warrau 





A.  watsoni 




A.  yaruro 




BS  = borde  suampo,  SP  = successional  plots,  SP  = 
secondary  forest,  PF  = primary  forest. 


Of  the  39  species  of  Alabagrus  that  are  known 
from  Costa  Rica,  5 (12.8%)  are  endemic  to  Costa 
Rica,  9 others  (23.1%)  are  restricted  to  Central 
America,  22  (56.4%)  include  South  America  in 
their  distribution,  and  14  (35.9%)  of  these  are 
found  on  both  sides  of  the  Andes.  However,  only 
one  (2.6%)  is  found  in  the  United  States  north  of 
the  extreme  southern  tip  of  Florida,  where  two  are 
found  because  of  the  introduction  of  A.  stigma 
(Sharkey,  1988)  and  only  three  (7.7%)  range  north 
of  the  limits  of  moist  tropical  forests  in  southern 


Alabagrus  Enderlein 

Alabagrus  Enderlein,  1920:203-205. 

Astiria  Enderlein,  1920:207-208;  Sharkey  1988: 

Craspedobothrus  Enderlein,  1920:206-207; 
Sharkey  1988:341. 

Liyptia  Enderlein,  1920:210-211;  Sharkey  1988: 

Diagnosis.  Species  of  Alabagrus  can  be  distin- 

guished from  other  species  of  Agathidinae  using  the 
key  of  Sharkey  (1997),  and  by  the  following  com- 
bination of  character  states  (Sharkey,  1988):  tarsal 
claws  have  a rounded  basal  lobe,  the  first  metaso- 
mal  tergite  is  convex  and  often  has  a median  lon- 
gitudinal Carina  (few  males  have  two  carinae  pre- 
sent), and  the  frons  is  bordered  by  carinae. 


Some  species  of  Alabagrus  are  slightly  sexually  di- 
morphic in  regard  to  sculpture,  and  the  males  of  a 
few  species  have  yet  to  be  collected.  Thus,  females 
may  be  easier  to  identify  with  this  key.  Species 
names  in  square  brackets  ([  1)  have  not  been  col- 
lected in  Costa  Rica. 

1 Propodeum  areolate  (cf.  Fig.  12a)  . . 2 

Propodeum  mostly  smooth  (cf.  Fig.  14a) 

- Propodeum  punctate  in  anterior  half,  are- 
olate posteriorly  (cf.  Fig.  17c)  ....  204 

2(1)  Antenna  black  or  brown 3 

- Antenna  yellowish-orange 148 

Antenna  black  or  brown  except  distal 
third  yellowish-orange 151 

3 (2)  Metasoma  entirely  yellowish-orange  to 

red  (cf.  Figs.  5a,  6a)  4 

- Metasoma  entirely  dark  brown  to  black 

(cf.  Figs.  4f,  5f) 104 

- Metasoma  mostly  yellowish-orange  to 

red  anteriorly,  but  brown  to  black  pos- 
teriorly (cf.  Figs.  4b,  7e)  105 

4 (3)  Hind  femur  smooth  ventrally  (cf.  Fig. 

10b)  5 

- Hind  femur  rugose  ventrally  (cf.  Fig. 

10c)  79 

- Hind  femur  punctate  ventrally  (cf.  Fig. 

10a)  98 

5 (4)  Hind  tarsus  black  (cf.  Figs.  4f,  5f)  . . 6 

- Hind  tarsus  yellowish-orange  ....  76 

- Hind  tarsus  orange  in  basal  tenth,  black 

apically  (cf.  Figs.  6c,  6d) 

A.  voto  Sharkey 

6 (5)  Gena  right-angled  posteroventrally  (cf. 

Fig.  9a) 7 

- Gena  rounded  posteroventrally  (cf.  Fig. 

9b)  24 

- Gena  acute  posteroventrally  (cf.  Fig. 

9d) 59 

- Gena  with  obtuse  angle  posteriorly  (cf. 

Fig.  9c) 74 

7 (6)  Metapleuron  black  (cf.  Fig.  7e)  ....  8 

Metapleuron  yellowish-orange  (cf.  Fig. 
7f)  10 

- Metapleuron  yellowish-orange  in  dorsal 

third,  black  ventrally 

[A.  variegatus  (Brulle)] 

8 (7)  Tergum  8 black  (Fig.  5f);  first  median 
tergite  less  than  1.1  X longer  than  wide 
A.  combos  new  species 

Contributions  in  Science,  Number  497 

Tergum  8 yellowish-orange  (cf.  Figs.  5d, 
5e);  first  median  tergite  more  than  1.3 
X longer  than  wide 9 

9 (8)  Forecoxa  and  midtarsus  black  (Fig.  7f); 

ovipositor  more  than  1.2  X body 
length;  hind  tibia  with  5 to  9 spines  . . 

A.  englishi  new  species 

Forecoxa  and  midtarsus  yellowish-or- 
ange (cf.  Figs.  6b,  6d);  ovipositor  less 
than  0.8  X body  length;  hind  tibia  with 
0 to  3 spines  . . [A.  variegatus  (Brulle)] 

10  (7)  Forewing  banded  from  base:  yellow, 

black,  yellow,  black  (Fig.  4c) 

A.  pachamama  Sharkey 

Forewing  yellow  basally  and  black  api- 
cally  with  a sharp  distinction  (cf.  Figs. 

5a,  5c)  11 

Forewing  clear  basally,  black  apically 
(cf.  Figs.  6f,  7c)  12 

- Forewing  entirely  black  but  darker  api- 
cally (cf.  Figs.  6d,  7d) 13 

Forewing  entirely  and  evenly  black  (cf. 
Figs.  6a,  6c)  14 

- Forewing  black  except  yellow  or  clear 
basally  and  stigma  yellow  (cf.  Fig.  5b) 


11  (10)  Antenna  with  37  to  41  flagellomeres; 

first  median  tergite  1.48-1.83  X longer 
than  wide;  body  length  5.77-6.98  mm; 

(Fig.  3e)  A.  cuna  Sharkey 

Antenna  with  34  to  36  flagellomeres; 
first  median  tergite  1.05-1.35  X longer 
than  wide;  body  length  5.25-5.75  mm; 
(Fig.  5e)  A.  cara  Sharkey 

12  (10)  Mesopleuron  black;  ovipositor  less  than 

1.0  X body  length;  body  length  greater 
than  7 mm;  midtarsus  black  (Fig.  7f) 

A.  englishi  new  species 

Mesopleuron  yellowish-orange;  ovipos- 
itor more  than  1.2  X body  length;  body 
length  less  than  6 mm;  midtarsus  yel- 
lowish-orange (Fig.  6b) 

A.  arawak  Sharkey 

13  (10)  Midcoxa  black  (Fig.  7a);  39  to  47  an- 

tennal flagellomeres 

A.  cocto  Sharkey 

- Midcoxa  entirely  yellowish-orange  or 

yellowish-orange  basally,  black  apically 
(cf  . Figs.  6a,  6b);  33  to  36  antennal  fla- 
gellomeres   A.  arawak  Sharkey 

14  (10)  Mesopleuron  black  (cf.  Fig.  5f)  ...  15 

Mesopleuron  yellowish-orange  (cf.  Fig. 
5e)  22 

15  (14)  Flind  coxa  yellowish-orange  (cf.  Figs. 

7b,  7d)  16 

Hind  coxa  mostly  yellowish-orange  but 
black  laterally  (cf.  Figs.  7a,  7c)  . . . 20 

16  (15)  Median  longitudinal  ridge  of  scutum 

weak  anteriorly  or  absent  (cf.  Figs.  11b, 
11c)  17 

- Median  longitudinal  ridge  of  scutum 

strong  (cf.  Fig.  lid)  18 

Leathers  and  Sharkey:  A Review  of  Alabragns  ■ 7 

17  (16)  Ovipositor  less  than  1.0  X body  length; 

metasomal  syntergite  2-1-3  less  than  1.3 

X longer  than  wide;  (Fig.  8g)  

A.  maya  Sharkey 

Ovipositor  greater  than  1.25  X body 
length;  metasomal  syntergite  2-^3  more 
than  1.35  X longer  than  wide;  (Fig.  7f) 
A.  englishi  new  species 

18  (16)  Midtarsus  black  (Fig.  7f) 

A.  englishi  new  species 

Midtarsus  yellowish-orange  (cf.  Fig.  8c) 

19  (18)  Median  syntergite  2-F3  less  than  1.05  X 

longer  than  wide;  (Fig.  8c)  

A.  donnai  new  species 

Median  syntergite  2-1-3  greater  than  1.3 

X longer  than  wide;  (Fig.  8f)  

A.  nigritulus  (Szepligeti) 

20  (15)  Hind  tibia  mostly  black  (Figs.  7f,  8c) 


- Hind  tibia  mostly  yellowish-orange  (Fig. 

7c)  A.  sarapiqui  new  species 

21  (20)  Midtarsus  yellowish-orange;  ovipositor 

less  than  0.9  X body  length;  (Fig.  8c) 

A.  donnai  new  species 

Midtarsus  black;  ovipositor  greater  than 

1.2  X body  length;  (Fig.  7f)  

A.  englishi  new  species 

22  (14)  Apex  of  scutellum  smooth,  lacking 

transverse  ridge  (cf.  Fig.  12a);  forewing 
veins  IM  and  Icu-a  intersect  (Fig.  13a); 
hind  tibia  with  7 or  more  spines;  (Fig. 
8g)  A.  maya  Sharkey 

- Apex  of  scutellum  with  transverse, 

smooth  ridge  (cf.  Fig.  12d);  forewing 
vein  Icu-a  intersects  Cu  distad  IM  (Fig. 
13b);  hind  tibia  with  4 or  fewer  spines; 
(Fig.  6b)  A.  arawak  Sharkey 

23  (10)  Tergum  8 yellowish-orange  (cf.  Fig.  5e); 

first  median  tergite  evenly  convex,  lack- 
ing distinct  bump  anteromedially  (cf. 
Fig.  19b);  antenna  with  38  or  fewer  fla- 
gellomeres ....  [A.  caingang  Sharkey] 

- Tergum  8 black  (cf.  Fig.  5f);  first  median 

tergite  with  small  longitudinal  bump  an- 
teriorly (cf.  Fig.  19a);  antenna  with  42 
or  more  flagellomeres  

[A.  mocovi  Sharkey] 

24  (6)  Head  entirely  black  (cf.  Fig.  6c)  . . 25 
- Head  entirely  yellowish-orange  (cf.  Fig. 

6d)  58 

- Head  yellowish-orange  except  vertex 

black  or  yellowish-orange  except  black 
anteriorly  ...  A.  maculipes  (Cameron) 

25  (24)  Mesopleuron  black  (cf.  Figs.  5f,  6f)  . . . 


Mesopleuron  yellowish-orange  (cf.  Figs. 

5a,  5c)  41 

Mesopleuron  black  ventrally,  yellowish- 
orange  dorsally  (cf.  Fig.  5b)  57 

26  (25)  Hind  coxa  entirely  yellowish-orange  (cf. 

Figs.  7b,  7d) 27 

8 ■ Contributions  in  Science,  Number  497 

Leathers  and  Sharkey:  A Review  of  Alabragus 

- Hind  coxa  mostly  yellowish-orange  but 

black  laterally  (cf.  Figs.  7a,  7c)  ...  32 
Hind  coxa  mostly  black,  but  yellowish- 
orange  basally  (cf.  Figs.  4c,  6b)  . . . 40 
27  (26)  Metapleuron  mostly  smooth  (cf.  Fig. 

15a)  28 

- Metapleuron  areolate  rugose  in  ventral 

quarter  (cf.  Fig.  15b) 38 

- Metapleuron  areolate  rugose  in  ventral 

half  (cf.  Fig.  16a)  39 

28  (27)  Apex  of  scutellum  rugose,  lacking  trans- 
verse ridge  (cf.  Fig.  11c)  29 

- Apex  of  scutellum  smooth,  lacking 
transverse  ridge  (cf.  Fig.  12a)  ....  30 

- Apex  of  scutellum  rugose  or  smooth, 
with  transverse  ridge  (cf.  Figs.  11a,  12d) 


29  (28)  Median  longitudinal  ridge  of  scutum 

strong  (cf.  Fig.  lid);  hind  tibia  black 
(Fig.  8c)  A.  donnai  new  species 

- Median  longitudinal  ridge  of  scutum 

weak  anteriorly  (cf.  Fig.  11c);  hind  tibia 
mostly  yellowish-orange  but  black  api- 
cally  (cf.  Fig.  8e)  ...  [A.  nio  Sharkey] 

30  (28)  Hind  femur  entirely  black  or  black  with 

a yellowish-orange  area  distolaterally 
(Fig.  8e)  A.  tripartitus  (Brulle) 

- Hind  femur  mostly  to  entirely  yellow- 
ish-orange (cf.  Figs.  5a,  5c) 31 

31  (30,  38)  Ovipositor  longer  than  1.2  X body 

length;  first  median  tergite  1.34-1.49 
X longer  than  wide;  midtarsus  black 
A.  englishi  new  species 

- Ovipositor  shorter  than  1.0  X body 
length;  first  median  tergite  0.86-1.22 
X longer  than  wide;  midtarsus  often 
yellowish-orange  but  sometimes  black 


32  (26,  28)  Ovipositor  shorter  than  1.0  X body 

length;  first  median  tergite  0.82-1.23 
X longer  than  wide;  median  synter- 
gite  2 + 3 0.89-1.27  X longer  than 

wide 33 

Ovipositor  longer  than  1.1  X body 
length;  first  median  tergite  1.34-1.49 
X longer  than  wide;  median  synter- 
gite  2 + 3 1.35-1.60  X longer  than 
wide  37 

33  (32)  Antenna  with  less  than  40  flagello- 

meres  34 

Antenna  with  40  or  more  flagellomeres 


34  (33)  Median  syntergite  2+3  1.12-1.24  X 

longer  than  wide;  antenna  with  36  to 
39  flagellomeres;  body  length  5.48- 

7.81  mm;  (Fig.  7b)  

A.  albispina  (Cameron) 

Median  syntergite  2 + 3 0.89-1.05  X 
longer  than  wide;  antenna  with  32  to 
39  flagellomeres;  body  length  4.93- 

5.76  mm;  (Fig.  8c)  

. A.  donnai  new  species 

35  (33)  Forewing  entirely  and  evenly  black  (cf. 

Figs.  6a,  6c),  or  clear  basally  and  black 
apically  with  a sharp  distinction  (cf. 
Figs.  7b,  7d);  hind  tibia  with  4 to  13 
spines;  scutullar  sulcus  usually  with 
weak  to  strong  median  ridge  (cf.  Figs. 
11b,  lid),  but  occasionally  without 
median  ridge  (cf.  Fig.  11c)  36 

- Forewing  entirely  black  but  darker  in 
apical  quarter  to  tenth  (Fig.  7c);  hind 
tibia  with  2 to  5 spines;  scutellar  sulcus 
without  median  ridge  (cf.  Fig.  11c)  . . 

A.  sarapiqui  new  species 

36  (31,  35)  Propleuron  black  (Fig.  7b);  hind  femur 

rugose  ventrally  (cf.  Fig.  10c);  gena 
rounded  posteroventrally  (cf.  Fig.  9b) 
A.  albispina  (Cameron) 

- Propleuron  dark  brown  or  black  (Fig. 

7d,  but  can  be  browner);  hind  femur 
usually  smooth  ventrally  (except  some 
males)  (cf.  Fig.  10b);  gena  with  obtuse 
angle  posteroventrally  (but  may  ap- 
pear rounded)  (cf.  Fig.  9c)  

A.  roibasi  Sharkey 

37  (32)  Midtarsus  black  (Fig.  7f);  hind  tibia 

with  fewer  than  10  spines 

A.  englishi  new  species 

- Midtarsus  yellowish-orange  (cf.  Figs. 

7a,  7c);  hind  tibia  with  more  than  12 
spines [A.  xolotl  Sharkey] 

38  (27)  Ovipositor  sheath  black;  body  length 

4. 5-8. 5 mm;  antenna  with  32  to  45 
flagellomeres . 31 

- Ovipositor  sheath  mostly  black  but 

yellow  at  apex;  body  length  9.1-11.0 
mm;  antenna  with  45  to  48  flagello- 
meres   A.  nicoya  Sharkey 

39  (27)  Metanotum  black;  anterior  transverse 

Carina  of  propodeum  complete  (cf.  Fig. 
11a,  ATC);  hind  femur  more  than  4.0 

X longer  than  wide  

[A.  texanus  (Cresson)] 

Metanotum  yellowish-orange;  anterior 
transverse  carina  of  propodeum  weak- 
ly defined  or  absent  (cf.  Figs.  11b, 
11c);  hind  femur  less  than  3.0  X lon- 
ger than  wide  ...  A.  nicoya  Sharkey 

40  (26)  Ovipositor  less  than  1.0  X length  of 

body;  first  median  tergite  without  an- 
terolateral converging  carinae;  (Fig. 
7b)  .......  A.  albispina  (Cameron) 

- Ovipositor  longer  than  1.4  X length  of 
body;  first  median  tergite  with  antero- 
lateral converging  carinae;  (Fig.  6e)  . . 
A.  parvifaciatus  (Cameron) 

41  (25)  Forewing  yellow  basally  and  black 

apically  with  a sharp  distinction  (cf. 

Figs.  5a,  5c)  ... 42 

Forewing  dear  basally  and  black  api- 
cally, or  entirely  black  but  darker  api- 
cally (Fig.  6b)  . . A.  araivak  Sharkey 

Contributions  in  Science,  Number  497 

- Forewing  entirely  and  evenly  black  (cf. 

Figs.  6a,  6c)  45 

Forewing  yellow  basally,  gradually  be- 
coming infuscate  apically  

[A.  masoni  Sharkey] 

42  (41)  Median  longitudinal  ridge  of  scutum 

strong  (cf.  Fig.  lid);  hind  tibia  mostly 
yellowish-orange  except  black  apically 

(cf.  Figs.  6b,  6d) 43 

Median  longitudinal  ridge  of  scutum 
weak  anteriorly  (cf.  Fig.  11c)  or  absent 
(cf.  Fig.  11a);  hind  tibia  black  (cf.  Fig. 
6f)  or  mostly  yellowish-orange  except 
black  apically  (cf.  Figs.  6b,  6d)  . . 44 

43  (42)  Antenna  with  37  to  41  flagellomeres; 

first  median  tergite  1.48-1.83  X lon- 
ger than  wide;  body  length  5.77-6.98 
mm;  (Fig.  3e)  ....  A.  cuna  Sharkey 
Antenna  with  34  to  36  flagellomeres; 
first  median  tergite  1.05-1.35  X lon- 
ger than  wide;  body  length  5.25-5.75 
mm;  (Fig.  5e)  A.  cara  Sharkey 

44  (42)  Metapleuron  with  several  crenulae 

along  ventral  margin;  malar  space 
0.45-0.52  X the  distance  from  the  eye 
to  the  maximum  extent  of  the  gena; 

(Fig.  5e)  A.  cara  Sharkey 

Metapleuron  with  no  crenulae  along 
ventral  margin;  malar  space  0.57-0.79 
X the  distance  from  the  eye  to  the 
maximum  extent  of  the  gena;  (Fig.  5a) 
A.  pecki  Sharkey 

45  (41)  Hind  coxa  entirely  yellowish-orange 

(cf.  Figs.  7b,  7d) 46 

Hind  coxa  mostly  yellowish-orange 
but  black  in  apical  fifth  (cf.  Fig  6b,  but 
less  black) 55 

- Hind  coxa  mostly  yellowish-orange 
but  black  laterally  (cf.  Figs.  7a,  7c)  . . 

A.  arawak  Sharkey 

Hind  coxa  mostly  black  but  yellowish- 

orange  in  basal  twelfth 

A.  masneri  Sharkey 

46  (45)  Median  areola  of  metanotum  not  ex- 

cavated, posterior  margin  not  elevated 
(cf.  Fig.  17a)  ....  [A.  carih  Sharkey] 
Median  areola  of  metanotum  deeply 
excavated,  with  well-defined  posterior 
margin  (cf.  Fig.  17c),  or  metanotum 
bisected  by  strong  median  longitudinal 
ridge 47 

47  (46)  Hind  tibia  mostly  yellowish-orange 

(cf.  Figs.  6b,  6d) 48 

- Hind  tibia  mostly  black  (cf.  Figs.  6c, 

6f)  54 

48  (47)  Antenna  with  33  to  45  flagellomeres; 

forefemur,  midfemur,  and  midtibia 
usually  black,  but  sometimes  yellow- 
ish-orange   49 

- Antenna  with  47  or  more  flagello- 
meres; forefemur,  midfemur,  and  mid- 

Leathers  and  Sharkey:  A Review  of  Alabragus  ■ 9 

tibia  yellowish-orange 

...  [A.  marginatifrons  (Muesebeck)] 

49  (48)  Hind  tibia  with  more  than  10  spines; 

midtibia  with  more  than  6 spines  50 

- Hind  tibia  with  fewer  than  8 spines; 
midtibia  with  fewer  than  5 spines  51 

50  (49)  Ovipositor  1.3-1. 6 X body  length; 

hind  tibia  mostly  yellowish-orange  but 

black  in  apical  and  basal  sixth  

A.  imitatus  (Cresson) 

- Ovipositor  1.1  X body  length;  hind 
tibia  mostly  yellowish-orange  with  a 

black  area  laterally 

[A.  xolotl  Sharkey] 

51  (49)  Ovipositor  0. 5-1.0  X longer  than 

body 52 

- Ovipositor  1.1-1. 6 X longer  than 

body 53 

52  (51)  Hind  tibia  mostly  yellowish-orange 

but  black  in  apical  third  to  eighth;  ma- 
lar space  0.50-0.62  X the  distance 
from  the  eye  to  the  maximum  extent 

of  the  gena;  (Fig.  6b)  

A.  arawak  Sharkey 

- Hind  tibia  mostly  yellowish-orange 

but  black  in  basal  and  apical  sixth; 
malar  space  0.73-1.00  X the  distance 
from  the  eye  to  the  maximum  extent 

of  the  gena;  (Fig.  6a)  

A.  derailersi  new  species 

53  (51)  Ovipositor  1.3-1. 6 X body  length 

(Fig.  3f)  A.  imitatus  (Cresson) 

Ovipositor  0.7-1. 3 X body  length; 
(Fig.  6a)  . . A.  derailersi  new  species 

54  (47)  Maxillary  and  labial  palpomeres 

black;  ovipositor  less  than  1.0  X body 

length [A.  varipes  (Cresson)] 

Maxillary  and  labial  palpomeres  yel- 
lowish-orange or  mostly  yellowish-or- 
ange but  black  basally;  ovipositor 

greater  than  1.3  X body  length 

A.  imitatus  (Cresson) 

55  (45)  Hind  femur  black  or  mostly  yellowish- 

orange  but  black  in  basal  and  apical 

twelfth  (cf.  Figs.  6f,  6c) 

A.  ?nas?ieri  Sharkey 

- Hind  femur  entirely  yellowish-orange 

(cf.  Figs.  6b,  6d) 56 

56  (55)  Ovipositor  0.7-1. 3 X body  length; 

(Fig.  6a)  . . A.  derailersi  new  species 
Ovipositor  1.3-1. 6 X body  length; 
(Fig.  3f)  A.  imitatus  (Cresson) 

57  (25)  Foretrochanter  black;  foretrochantellus 

black;  forefemur  black;  foretibia  black; 

midtrochanter  black  (Fig.  3f)  

A.  imitatus  (Cresson) 

- Foretrochanter  yellowish-orange;  fore- 

trochantellus yellowish-orange;  forefe- 
mur yellowish-orange;  foretibia  yel- 
lowish-orange; midtrochanter  yellow- 

...  [A.  marginatifrons  (Muesebeck)] 

10  ■ Contributions  in  Science,  Number  497 

Leathers  and  Sharkey:  A Review  of  Alabragus 

58  (24) 

59  (6) 

60  (59) 

61  (60) 

62  (61) 

63  (62) 

64  (62) 

65  (60) 

66  (59) 

67  (66) 

Hind  tibia  black  (cf.  Figs.  6c,  6f);  max- 
illary and  labial  palpomeres  black  . . . 

[A.  varipes  (Cresson)] 

Hind  tibia  mostly  yellow  but  black  in 
apical  eighth  (cf.  Figs.  6b,  6d);  maxil- 
lary and  labial  palpomeres  yellowish- 
orange  ....  A.  maculipes  (Cameron) 
Mesopleuron  black  (cf.  Figs.  4f,  5f) 


Mesopleuron  yellowish-orange  (cf. 

Figs.  4e,  5e)  66 

Mesopleuron  black  ventrally,  yellow- 
ish-orange dorsally  (cf.  Fig.  5b)  . . . 

A.  yaruro  Sharkey 

Hind  coxa  yellowish-orange  (cf.  Figs. 

7b,  7d) 61 

Hind  coxa  mostly  yellowish-orange  but 
black  laterally  (cf.  Figs.  7a,  7c)  ...  65 
Forewing  banded  from  base:  yellow, 

black,  yellow,  black  (Fig.  4c) 

A.  pachamama  Sharkey 

Forewing  banded  from  base:  clear, 
black,  clear,  black;  or  black  basally, 

clear  apically  (Fig.  8e) 

A.  tripartitus  (Brulle) 

Forewing  entirely  and  evenly  black  (cf. 

Figs.  6a,  6c)  62 

Midtarsus  black  or  brown  (cf.  Figs.  6a, 

6f)  63 

Midtarsus  yellowish-orange  (cf.  Figs. 

6b,  6c)  64  71  (69) 

Gena  usually  acute  (cf.  Fig.  9d);  fore- 
wing often  banded  from  base:  clear, 
black,  clear,  black,  but  may  be  black 
basally  and  clear  apically  or  entirely  72  (71) 

and  evenly  black  (Fig.  8e) 

A.  tripartitus  (Brulle) 

Gena  usually  right-angled  (cf.  Fig.  9a); 
forewing  entirely  and  evenly  black  - 

(Fig.  8g)  A.  maya  Sharkey 

Median  longitudinal  ridge  of  scutum 
weak  to  absent  (cf.  Figs,  lla-llc); 
hind  tibia  with  7 to  11  spines;  (Fig.  8g) 

A.  maya  Sharkey  73  (67) 

Median  longitudinal  ridge  of  scutum 
strong  (cf.  Fig.  lid);  hind  tibia  with  3 

to  5 spines;  (Fig.  8f)  

A.  nigritulus  (Szepligeti) 

Forewing  banded  from  base:  yellow, 
black,  yellow,  black  (Fig.  4c);  maxil- 
lary and  labial  palpomeres  yellowish- 

orange;  tergum  6 black 

A.  pachamama  Sharkey 

Forewing  entirely  black  (Fig.  7c);  max-  74  (6) 
illary  and  labial  palpomeres  mostly 
yellowish-orange  but  black  basally; 

tergum  6 yellowish-orange  

A.  sarapiqui  new  species 

Head  black 67 

Head  yellowish-orange  except  labrum 

black  [A.  caquetio  Sharkey]  75  (74) 

Midcoxa  black  (cf.  Fig.  6f) 68 

Midcoxa  yellowish-orange  (cf.  Fig.  6d) 

- Midcoxa  yellowish-orange  basally, 

black  apically  (cf.  Fig.  6b)  73 

68  (67)  Forewing  yellow  basally  and  black 

apically  with  a sharp  distinction  (Fig. 

5d);  hind  coxa  variable 

A.  yaruro  Sharkey 

- Forewing  entirely  black  but  darker 
apically  (Fig.  7a);  hind  coxa  mostly 
yellowish-orange  but  black  laterally 
A.  cocto  Sharkey 

- Forewing  entirely  and  evenly  black 

(Fig.  8g);  hind  coxa  entirely  yellowish- 

orange  A.  maya  Sharkey 

69  (67)  Apex  of  scutellum  smooth,  lacking 

transverse  ridge  (cf.  Fig.  12a)  ...  70 
Apex  of  scutellum  with  transverse,  ru- 
gose ridge  (cf.  Fig.  11a)  

A.  cuna  Sharkey 

- Apex  of  scutellum  with  transverse, 

smooth  ridge  (cf.  Fig.  12d)  71 

70  (69)  Forewing  yellow  basally  and  black 

apically  with  a sharp  distinction  (Fig. 
5e);  foretrochanter  and  trochantellus 
yellowish-orange;  forefemur  yellow- 
ish-orange   A.  cara  Sharkey 

Forewing  entirely  black  (Fig.  8g);  fore- 
trochanter and  trochantellus  black; 
forefemur  black  . . A.  maya  Sharkey 
Antenna  with  33  to  36  flagellomeres; 

(Figs.  3e,  6b)  72 

Antenna  with  37  to  41  flagellomeres; 

(Fig.  5e)  A.  cara  Sharkey 

Foretrochanter  and  trochantellus 
black;  forefemur  black;  midtrochanter 
black;  midtibia  black  (Fig.  6b)  . . . 

A.  arawak  Sharkey 

Foretrochanter  and  trochantellus  yel- 
lowish-orange; forefemur  yellowish- 
orange;  midtrochanter  yellowish-or- 
ange; midtibia  yellowish-orange  (Fig. 

3e)  A.  cuna  Sharkey 

Apex  of  scutellum  with  transverse,  ru- 
gose ridge  (cf.  Fig.  11a);  body  length 
7. 8-8. 2 mm;  antenna  with  43  to  47 

flagellomeres;  (Fig.  5d)  

A.  yaruro  Sharkey 

Apex  of  scutellum  with  transverse, 
smooth  ridge  (cf.  Fig.  12d);  body 
length  4. 0-6. 5 mm;  antenna  with  33 
to  36  flagellomeres;  (Fig.  6b)  .... 

A.  arawak  Sharkey 

Metapleuron  black  (Fig.  5f)  

A.  combos  new  species 

Metapleuron  yellowish-orange  (cf.  Fig. 

7d) 75 

Metapleuron  yellowish-orange  in  dor- 
sal third,  black  ventrally 

A.  roibasi  Sharkey 

Median  areola  of  metanotum  not  ex- 
cavated, posterior  margin  not  elevated 

Contributions  in  Science,  Number  497 

(cf.  Fig.  17a);  antenna  with  34  to  38 

flagellomeres;  (Fig.  8d)  

A.  arua  Sharkey 

Median  areola  of  metanotum  deeply 
excavated,  with  well-defined  posterior 
margin  (cf.  Fig.  17c),  or  bisected  by 
strong  median  longitudinal  ridge;  an- 
tenna with  40  to  44  flagellomeres; 
(Fig.  7d) A.  roibasi  Sharkey 

76  (5)  Gena  right-angled  posteroventrally  (cf. 

Fig.  9a) 77 

- Gena  rounded  posteroventrally  (cf. 

Fig.  9b)  [A.  guayaki  Sharkey] 

Gena  acute  posteroventrally  (cf.  Fig. 
9d) 78 

77  (76)  Scutellar  sulcus  mostly  smooth  (cf.  Fig. 

12a);  antenna  with  42  flagellomeres; 
median  longitudinal  ridge  of  scutum 
absent  (cf.  Fig.  11a);  tergum  8 black 

[A.  watachupa  Sharkey] 

Scutellar  sulcus  with  median  ridge  (cf. 
Fig.  11b);  antenna  with  37  to  38  fla- 
gellomeres; median  longitudinal  ridge 
of  scutum  strong  (cf.  Fig.  lid);  tergum 

8 yellowish-orange  

[A.  caingang  Sharkey] 

78  (76)  Head  black  (cf.  Fig.  6c);  forewing  yel- 

low basally  and  black  apically  with  a 
sharp  distinction  (cf.  Figs.  5a,  5c);  an- 
terior transverse  carina  of  propodeum 
absent  (cf.  Fig.  17d);  foretrochanter 

and  trochantellus  black 

lA.  sispacara  Sharkey] 

--  Head  yellowish-orange  (cf.  Fig.  6d); 

forewing  black  with  stigma  yellow  (cf. 
Fig.  5b);  anterior  transverse  carina  of 
propodeum  complete  (cf.  Fig.  lid); 
foretrochanter  and  trochantellus  yel- 
lowish-orange . . [A.  oyana  Sharkey] 

79  (4)  Gena  right-angled  posteroventrally  (cf. 

Fig.  9a) 80 

~ Gena  rounded  posteroventrally  (cf. 

Fig.  9b)  85 

•-  Gena  acute  posteroventrally  (cf.  Fig. 

9d) 93 

80  (79)  Mesopleuron  black  (cf.  Figs.  4f,  5f) 


Mesopleuron  yellowish-orange  (cf. 
Figs.  4e,  5e)  82 

- Mesopleuron  black  ventrally,  yellow- 
ish-orange dorsaily  (cf.  Fig.  5b)  . . . 
[A.  calibi  Sharkey] 

81  (80)  Hind  coxa  yellowish-orange  (cf.  Figs. 

7b,  7d);  hind  femur  yellowish-orange 
(cf.  Figs.  5d,  5e);  maxillary  and  labial 
palpomeres  yellowish-orange;  midtar- 
sus yellowish-orange  (cf.  Figs.  6c,  6d) 
A.  nigritulus  (Szepligeti) 

- Hind  coxa  mostly  yellowish-orange 
but  black  laterally  (cf.  Figs.  7a,  7c); 
hind  femur  black  basally  and  yellow- 
ish-orange apically;  maxillary  and  la- 

Leathers  and  Sharkey:  A Review  of  Alabragus  ■ 11 

bial  palpomeres  black;  midtarsus  black 

(cf.  Figs.  6a,  6f)  

[A.  coatlicue  Sharkey] 

82  (80)  Hind  coxa  yellowish-orange  (cf.  Figs. 

7b,  7d) 83 

Hind  coxa  mostly  yellowish-orange  but 
black  laterally  (cf.  Figs.  7a,  7c)  ...  84 

83  (82)  Foretrochanter  and  trochantellus 

black;  forefemur  black;  midtibia  black 

(Fig.  6b) A.  araivak  Sharkey 

Foretrochanter  and  trochantellus  yel- 
lowish-orange; forefemur  yellowish- 
orange;  midtibia  yellowish-orange 
(Fig.  3e)  A.  cuna  Sharkey 

84  (82)  Hind  femur  yellowish-orange;  foretro- 

chanter and  trochantellus  black  (Fig. 

6b) A.  araivak  Sharkey 

Hind  femur  mostly  yellowish-orange  but 
black  in  basal  twelfth;  foretrochanter 
and  trochantellus  yellowish-orange  (Fig. 
5c)  A.  warrau  Sharkey 

85  (79)  Hind  tarsus  black 86 

- Hind  tarsus  yellowish-orange  .... 
[A.  cora  Sharkey] 

- Hind  tarsus  orange  in  basal  tenth, 
black  apically  ....  A.  stigma  (Brulle) 

86  (85)  Mesopleuron  black  (cf.  Figs.  4f,  5f) 


- Mesopleuron  yellowish-orange  (cf. 

Figs.  4e,  5e)  89 

- Mesopleuron  black  ventrally,  yellow- 
ish-orange dorsaily  (Fig.  5b)  

A.  stigma  (Brulle) 

87  (86)  Hind  femur  3.15-4.47  X longer  than 

wide;  maxillary  and  labial  palpomeres 
entirely  yellowish-orange  or  mostly 
yellowish-orange  but  black  basally; 
ovipositor  sheath  black 88 

- Hind  femur  2.5-2. 9 X longer  than 
wide;  maxillary  and  labial  palpomeres 
mostly  black  but  yellowish-orange  api- 
cally; ovipositor  sheath  mostly  black 

but  yellow  at  apex  

A.  nicoya  Sharkey 

88  (87)  Metapleuron  mostly  smooth  (cf.  Fig. 

15a)  or  areolate  rugose  in  ventral 
quarter  (cf.  Fig.  15b);  antenna  with  36 

to  41  flagellomeres  

A.  albispina  (Gameron) 

- Metapleuron  areolate  rugose  in  ventral 
half  (cf.  Fig.  16a);  antenna  with  41  to 

45  flagellomeres  

[A.  texanus  (Cresson)] 

89  (86)  Hind  coxa  yellowish-orange  (cf.  Figs. 

7b,  7d) 90 

Hind  coxa  mostly  yellowish-orange 
but  black  laterally  (cf.  Figs.  7a,  7c)  . . 

90  (89)  Antenna  with  less  than  37  flagellomeres; 

forewing  not  black  to  clear  except  stig- 
ma yellow  (Figs.  3e,  6b) 91 

- Antenna  with  39  to  40  flagellomeres; 

12  ■ Contributions  in  Science,  Number  497 

Leathers  and  Sharkey:  A Review  of  Alabragns 

91  (90) 

92  (89) 

93  (79) 

94  (93) 

95  (94) 

96  (95) 

97  (95) 

98  (4) 

99  (98) 

forewing  black  to  clear  except  stigma 
yellow  (Fig.  5b)  ...  A.  stigma  (Brulle) 
Foretrochanter  and  trochantellus 

black;  forefemur  black;  midtibia  black 

(Fig.  6b) A.  aratvak  Sharkey 

Foretrochanter  and  trochantellus  yel- 
lowish-orange; forefemur  yellowish- 
orange;  midtibia  yellowish-orange 

(Fig.  3e)  A.  cuna  Sharkey 

Hind  femur  yellowish-orange;  foretro- 
chanter and  trochantellus  black  (Fig. 

6b) A.  arawak  Sharkey 

Hind  femur  mostly  yellowish-orange  but 
black  in  basal  twelfth;  foretrochanter 
and  trochantellus  yellowish-orange  (Fig. 

5c)  A.  warrau  Sharkey 

Head  entirely  black 94 

Head  entirely  yellowish-orange  . . . 

[A.  oyana  Sharkey] 

Head  yellowish-orange  except  labrum 

black  [A.  caquetio  Sharkey] 

Head  black  except  apical  part  of  gena 
yellow  ...  [A.  testacens  (Szepligeti)] 
Mesopleuron  black;  mesonotum  black 
(Fig.  8f)  ...  A.  nigritulus  (Szepligeti) 
Mesopleuron  yellowish-orange;  me- 
sonotum yellowish-orange  (cf.  Figs. 

7e,  7f)  95 

Hind  coxa  yellowish-orange  (cf.  Figs. 

7b,  7d) 96 

Hind  coxa  mostly  yellowish-orange 
but  black  laterally  (cf.  Figs.  7a,  7c)  . . 


Foretrochanter  and  trochantellus 
black;  forefemur  black;  midtibia  black 

(Fig.  6b) A.  arawak  Sharkey 

Foretrochanter  and  trochantellus  yel- 
lowish-orange; forefemur  yellowish- 
orange;  midtibia  yellowish-orange 

(Fig.  3e)  A.  cuna  Sharkey 

Hind  femur  yellowish-orange;  foretro- 
chanter and  trochantellus  black  (Fig. 

6b) A.  arawak  Sharkey 

Hind  femur  mostly  yellowish-orange  but 
black  in  basal  twelfth;  foretrochanter 
and  trochantellus  yellowish-orange  (Fig. 

5c)  A.  warrau  Sharkey 

Gena  right-angled  or  with  obtuse  an- 
gle posteroventrally  (cf.  Fig.  9a)  .... 

A.  combos  new  species 

Gena  rounded  posteroventrally  (cf. 

Fig.  9b)  99 

Gena  acute  posteroventrally  (cf.  Fig. 

9d) 103 

Hind  coxa  entirely  yellowish-orange 

(cf.  Figs.  7b,  7d)  . 100 

Hind  coxa  mostly  yellowish-orange 
but  black  in  apical  fifth,  or  black  but 
yellowish-orange  in  basal  twelfth  . . . 

A.  masneri  Sharkey 

Hind  coxa  mostly  yellowish-orange 

100  (99) 

101  (100) 

102  (100) 

103  (98) 

104  (3) 

105  (3) 

106  (105) 

107  (106) 

but  black  laterally  (cf.  Figs.  7a,  7c)  . . 

[A.  intimapa  Sharkey] 

Mesopleuron  black  (cf.  Figs.  4f,  5f) 


Mesopleuron  yellowish-orange  (cf. 

Figs.  4e,  5e)  102 

Mesopleuron  black  ventrally,  yellow- 
ish-orange dorsally  (Fig.  5b)  

A.  stigma  (Brulle) 

Foretarsus  black;  midtibia  with  up  to 
4 spines;  hind  tibia  mostly  yellowish- 
orange  but  black  apically  (cf.  Figs.  5d, 
5e);  maxillary  and  labial  palpomeres 

black  [A.  sanctus  (Say)] 

Foretarsus  yellowish-orange;  midtibia 
with  5 to  9 spines;  hind  tibia  black  (cf. 
Figs.  6c,  6f);  maxillary  and  labial  pal- 
pomeres yellowish-orange 

A.  tripartitus  (Brulle) 

Forewing  yellow  basally  and  black 
apically  with  a sharp  distinction  (Fig. 

5a) A.  pecki  Sharkey 

Forewing  black  with  stigma  yellow 

(Fig.  5b) A.  stigma  (Brulle) 

Pronotum  black;  mesopleuron  black; 
hind  coxa  yellowish-orange;  hind  tibia 
with  4 to  11  spines;  (Fig.  8e)  .... 

A.  tripartitus  (Brulle) 

Pronotum  yellowish-orange;  meso- 
pleuron yellowish-orange  (cf.  Figs.  5c, 
5d);  hind  coxa  mostly  yellowish-or- 
ange but  black  laterally  (cf.  Figs.  7a, 

7c);  hind  tibia  with  3 spines  

[A.  olmec  Sharkey] 

Gena  rounded  posteroventrally  (cf. 
Fig.  9b);  metapleuron  mostly  smooth 
(cf.  Fig.  15a);  antenna  with  50  flagel- 

lomeres [A.  ekchuah  Sharkey] 

Gena  with  obtuse  angle  posteriorly  (cf. 
Fig.  9c);  metapleuron  areolate  rugose 
in  ventral  quarter  (cf.  Fig.  15b);  anten- 
na with  40  flagellomeres 

[A.  ixtilton  Sharkey] 

Hind  femur  smooth  ventrally  (cf.  Fig. 

10b) 106 

Hind  femur  rugose  ventrally  (cf.  Fig. 

10c)  142 

Hind  femur  punctate  ventrally  (cf.  Fig. 

10a)  146 

Gena  right-angled  posteroventrally  (cf. 

Fig.  9a)  .....  107 

Gena  rounded  posteroventrally  (cf. 

Fig.  9b)  117 

Gena  acute  posteroventrally  (cf.  Fig. 

9d)  . . . . 128 

Gena  with  obtuse  angle  posteriorly  (cf. 

Fig.  9c) 138 

Propodeum  black  (cf.  Figs.  4f,  7e)  . . . 


Propodeum  yellowish-orange  (cf.  Figs. 
4e,  7f)  109 

Contributions  in  Science,  Number  497 

Leathers  and  Sharkey:  A Review  of  Alabragus  ■ 13 

108  (107) 

109  (107) 

no  (109) 

111  (109) 

112  (111) 

113  (112) 

114  (109) 

115  (114) 

116  (109) 

Midtarsus  black;  hind  tibia  black  (Fig. 

7e)  A.  tricarinatus  (Cameron) 

Midtarsus  yellowish-orange;  hind  tibia 
mostly  yellowish-orange  but  black  api- 

cally  (cf.  Figs.  7a,  7c)  

[A.  waorani  Sharkey] 

Flind  coxa  entirely  black  (cf.  Fig.  7e) 


Hind  coxa  yellowish-orange  (cf.  Figs. 

7b,  7d) Ill 

Hind  coxa  mostly  yellowish-orange  but 
black  laterally  (cf.  Figs.  7a,  7c)  . . 114 
Hind  coxa  mostly  black  but  yellowish- 

orange  in  basal  twelfth 

A.  mojos  Sharkey 

Hind  coxa  mostly  black  but  yellowish- 

orange  posteriorly 116 

Scutellar  sulcus  mostly  smooth  (cf.  Fig. 
12a);  hind  femur  black;  terga  4 to  6 

black  (Fig.  7e)  

A.  tricarinatus  (Cameron) 

Scutellar  sulcus  with  weak  median 
ridge  (cf.  Fig.  lid);  hind  femur  mostly 
black  with  a yellowish-orange  area  ap- 
icolaterally;  terga  4 to  6 yellowish-or- 
ange (Fig.  5f)  . 

A.  combos  new  species 

Hind  tarsus  black 112 

Hind  tarsus  yellowish-orange  .... 

[A.  watachupa  Sharkey] 

Metapleuron  black  (Fig.  7e)  

A.  tricarinatus  (Cameron) 

Metapleuron  yellowish-orange  (cf. 

Figs.  7d,  7f)  113 

Forewing  banded  from  base:  yellow, 

black,  yellow,  black  (Fig.  4c) 

A.  pachamama  Sharkey 

Forewing  entirely  and  evenly  black 

(Fig.  8g)  A.  maya  Sharkey 

Forewing  black  except  yellow  or  clear 
basally  and  stigma  yellow  (cf.  Fig.  5b) 

[A.  mocovi  Sharkey] 

Forewing  banded  from  base:  yellow, 

black,  yellow,  black  (Fig.  4c) 

A.  pachamama  Sharkey 

Forewing  clear  basally  and  black  api- 
cally,  or  black  except  yellow  or  clear 
basally  and  stigma  yellow  (cf.  Figs.  5b, 

7c)  [A.  fnuisca  Sharkey] 

Forewing  entirely  and  evenly  black  (cf. 

Fip.  6a,  6c)  115 

Hind  tibia  black;  maxillary  and  labial 
palpomeres  yellowish  orange;  midtar- 
sus black  (Fig.  6f) 

A.  watsoni  new  species 

Hind  tibia  mostly  yellowish-orange 
but  black  in  apical  tenth;  maxillary 
and  labial  palpomeres  mostly  yellow- 
ish-orange but  black  basally;  midtar- 
sus yellowish-orange  (Fig.  7c)  .... 

A.  sarapiqui  new  species 

Scutellar  sulcus  with  a strong  median 

ridge  (cf.  Fig.  11b);  maxillary  and  la- 
bial palpomeres  black;  terga  5 and  6 
black  (cf.  Figs.  6f,  7e) 

[A.  wachapu  Sharkey] 

- Scutellar  sulcus  with  weak  median 
ridge  (cf.  Fig.  lid);  maxillary  and  la- 
bial palpomeres  yellowish-orange;  ter- 
ga 5 and  6 yellowish-orange  (Fig.  5f) 

A.  combos  new  species 

117  (106)  Hind  tarsus  black;  midcoxa  and  mid- 

tibia black;  forefemur  and  foretibia 
black  118 

- Hind  tarsus  yellowish-orange;  mid- 

coxa black  anteriorly,  yellowish-or- 
ange posteriorly;  midtibia  yellowish- 
orange;  forefemur  black  in  basal  half, 
yellowish-orange  apically;  foretibia 

[A.  guayaki  Sharkey] 

118  (117)  Metapleuron  black  (Fig.  7e)  

A.  tricarinatus  (Cameron) 

Metapleuron  yellowish-orange  (cf. 
Figs.  7c,  7f)  119 

- Metapleuron  yellowish-orange  in  dor- 
sal third,  black  ventrally 127 

119  (118)  Hind  coxa  yellowish-orange  (cf.  Figs. 

7b,  7d) 120 

- Hind  coxa  mostly  yellowish-orange 
but  black  laterally  (cf.  Figs.  7a,  7c)  . . 


- Hind  coxa  mostly  black  but  yellowish- 

orange  in  basal  twelfth 126 

120  (119)  Scutum  highly  elevated;  maxillary  and 
labial  palpomeres  black;  antenna  with 

32  or  33  flagellomeres  

[A.  elatoscutum  Sharkey] 

- Scutum  not  highly  elevated;  maxillary 
and  labial  palpomeres  yellowish-or- 
ange or  yellowish-orange  but  black  ba- 
sally; antenna  with  36  to  44  flagello- 

meres   121 

121  (120)  Midtarsus  black  (cf.  Figs.  6a,  6f)  122 

- Midtarsus  yellowish-orange  (cf.  Figs. 

6b,  6d) 123 

122  (121)  Hind  femur  entirely  yellowish-orange, 

or  mostly  yellowish-orange  but  black 
in  apical  and  basal  eighth  to  tenth;  me- 
tapleuron with  several  crenulae  along 

ventral  margin;  (Fig.  7b) 

A.  albispina  (Cameron) 

- Hind  femur  entirely  black,  or  mostly 

black  with  a yellowish-orange  area 
distolaterally;  metapleuron  with  no 
crenulae  along  ventral  margin;  (Fig. 
8e)  A.  tripartitus  (Brulle) 

123  (121,  124)  Propleuron  black;  hind  femur  ru- 

gose ventrally  (cf.  Fig.  10c);  gena 
rounded  posteroventrally  (cf.  Fig.  9b); 
(Fig.  7b)  ...  A.  albispina  (Cameron) 

- Propleuron  dark  brown  or  black;  hind 
femur  usually  smooth  ventrally  (ex- 
cept some  males)  (cf.  Fig.  10b);  gena 

14  ■ Contributions  in  Science,  Number  497 

Leathers  and  Sharkey:  A Review  of  Alabragus 

124  (119) 

125  (124) 

126  (119) 

127  (118) 

128  (106) 

129  (128) 

130  (129) 

131  (130) 

132  (131) 

133  (132) 

with  obtuse  angle  posteroventrally 
(but  may  appear  rounded)  (cf.  Fig. 
9c);  (Fig.  7d)  ...  A.  roibasi  Sharkey 
Scutellar  sulcus  with  strong  to  weak  me- 
dian ridge  (cf.  Figs.  11b,  lid)  . . 123 
Scutellar  sulcus  mostly  smooth  (cf. 

Fig.  12a)  125 

Hind  tibia  usually  entirely  black,  but 
sometimes  mostly  yellowish-orange 
but  black  in  apical  half  to  third  (Fig. 

7b) A.  albispina  (Cameron) 

Hind  tibia  mostly  yellowish-orange 
but  black  in  apical  tenth  (Fig.  7c)  . . . 

A.  sarapiqui  new  species 

Ovipositor  1.5  X length  of  body;  first 
median  tergite  with  anterolateral  con- 
verging carinae  (cf.  Fig.  19e);  (Fig.  6e) 

A.  parvifaciatus  (Cameron) 

Ovipositor  0.6-0. 9 X length  of  body; 
first  median  tergite  without  anterolat- 
eral converging  carinae  (cf.  Fig.  19a- 

19d);  (Fig.  7b)  

A.  albispina  (Cameron) 

Scutellar  sulcus  with  strong  median 
ridge  (cf.  Fig.  11b);  forewing  yellow 
basally  and  black  apically  with  a 
sharp  distinction  (cf.  Figs.  5a,  5c)  . . . 

[A.  diegeli  Sharkey] 

Scutellar  sulcus  with  weak  median 
ridge  (cf.  Fig.  lid);  forewing  entirely 
and  evenly  black,  or  clear  basally, 
black  apically  with  a sharp  distinction 

(cf.  Figs.  6a,  7d) 

A.  roibasi  Sharkey 

Propodeum  black  (cf.  Figs.  4f,  7e)  . . 

[A.  puri  Sharkey] 

Propodeum  yellowish-orange  (cf.  Figs. 

4e,  7f)  129 

Hind  tarsus  black 130 

Hind  tarsus  yellowish-orange  ..... 

[A.  shorteri  Sharkey] 

Metapleuron  black  (cf.  Figs.  4f,  5f) 

[A.  mane  Sharkey] 

Metapleuron  yellowish-orange  (cf. 

Figs.  4e,  5e) 131 

Hind  coxa  yellowish-orange  (cf.  Figs. 

7b,  7d) 132 

Hind  coxa  mostly  yellowish-orange 
but  black  laterally  (cf.  Figs.  7a,  7c) 


Apex  of  scutellum  smooth,  lacking 
transverse  ridge  (cf.  Fig.  12a)  ...  133 
Apex  of  scutellum  with  transverse, 
smooth  ridge  or  mostly  smooth  with 

several  weak  punctures 

A.  pachamama  Sharkey 

Apex  of  scutellum  with  transverse,  ru- 
gose ridge  (cf.  Fig.  11a)  

[A.  erythromelas  (Brulle)] 

Tergum  8 yellowish-orange  (cf.  Figs. 

5a,  5e) 134 

Tergum  8 black  (cf.  Figs.  4b,  5f)  135 

134  (133) 

135  (133) 

136  (131) 

137  (136) 

138  (106) 

139  (138) 

140  (138) 

141  (140) 

Gena  usually  acute  (cf.  Fig.  9d);  fore- 
wing often  banded  from  base:  clear, 
black,  clear,  black,  but  may  be  black 
basally  and  clear  apically,  or  entirely 

and  evenly  black;  (Fig.  8e)  

A.  tripart itus  (Brulle) 

Gena  usually  right-angled  (cf.  Fig.  9a); 
forewing  entirely  and  evenly  black 

(Fig.  8g) A.  maya  Sharkey 

Scutellar  sulcus  mostly  smooth  (cf. 
Fig.  12a);  forewing  color  pattern 
banded  from  base:  yellow,  black,  yel- 
low, black  (Fig.  4c)  

A.  pachamama  Sharkey 

Scutellar  sulcus  with  strong  to  weak 
median  ridge  (cf.  Figs.  11b,  lid);  fore- 
wing color  pattern  banded  from  base: 
clear,  black,  clear,  black,  or  entirely 
black,  or  black  basally  and  clear  api- 
cally; (Fig.  8e)  

A.  tripartitus  (Brulle) 

Hind  tibia  black  (Fig.  6f)  

A.  watsoni  new  species 

Hind  tibia  mostly  yellow  but  black 

apically  (cf.  Figs.  6b,  6d)  137 

Forewing  banded  from  base:  yellow, 
black,  yellow,  black;  maxillary  and  la- 
bial palpomeres  yellowish-orange;  ter- 
gum 6 black  (Fig.  4c) 

A.  pachamama  Sharkey 

Forewing  entirely  black;  maxillary 
and  labial  palpomeres  mostly  yellow- 
ish-orange but  black  basally;  tergum  6 

yellowish-orange  (Fig.  7c) 

A.  sarapiqui  new  species 

Scutellar  sulcus  mostly  smooth  (cf. 

Fig.  12a)  A.  jucbuy  Sharkey 

Scutellar  sulcus  with  strong  median 

ridge  (cf.  Fig.  11b) 139 

Scutellar  sulcus  with  weak  median 

ridge  (cf.  Fig.  lid) 140 

Metapleuron  black;  metapleuron  are- 
olate  rugose  in  ventral  quarter  (cf.  Fig. 
15b);  forewing  clear  basally,  black 
apically  (cf.  Figs.  7a,  7c);  midtibia 

with  more  than  7 spines 

. [A.  mixcoatl  Sharkey] 

Metapleuron  yellowish-orange;  meta- 
pleuron mostly  smooth  (cf.  Fig.  15a); 
forewing  pattern  entirely  and  evenly 
black  (cf.  Figs.  6a,  6c);  midtibia  with 

fewer  than  5 spines  

A.  arua  Sharkey 

Metapleuron  black  (Fig.  5f)  

A.  combos  new  species 

Metapleuron  yellowish-orange  (cf. 

Figs.  4e,  5e) 141 

Metapleuron  yellowish-orange  in  dor- 
sal third,  black  ventrally 

A.  roibasi  Sharkey 

Median  areola  of  metanotum  not  ex- 
cavated, posterior  margin  not  elevat- 

Contributions  in  Science,  Number  497 

Leathers  and  Sharkey:  A Review  of  Alabragus  ■ 15 

142  (105) 

143  (142) 

144  (143) 

145  (142) 

146  (105) 

147  (146) 

148  (2) 

ed  (cf.  Fig.  17a);  antenna  with  34  to 

38  flagellomeres;  (Fig.  8d) 

A.  arua  Sharkey 

Median  areola  of  metanotum  deeply 
excavated,  with  well-defined  posterior 
margin  (cf.  Fig.  17c),  or  bisected  by 
strong  median  longitudinal  ridge;  an- 
tenna with  40  to  44  flagellomeres; 

(Fig.  7d) A.  roibasi  Sharkey 

Gena  right-angled  posteroventrally 

(cf.  Fig.  9a)  

A.  semialbus  (Szepligeti) 

Gena  rounded  posteroventrally  (cf. 

Fig.  9b)  143 

Gena  acute  posteroventrally  (cf.  Fig. 

9d)  . 145 

Forewing  black  except  clear  apically 
(Fig.  4f);  propodeum  black;  metapleu- 
ron  black;  tergum  1 yellowish-orange 
but  black  in  posterior  quarter;  tergum 
2 black  dorsally,  yellowish-orange 
elsewhere  . . A.  semialbus  (Szepligeti) 
Forewing  not  black  except  clear  api- 
cally; propodeum  yellowish-orange; 
metapleuron  yellowish-orange;  terga  1 

and  2 yellowish-orange  144 

Metapleuron  mostly  smooth  (cf.  Fig. 
15a)  or  areolate  rugose  in  ventral 
quarter  (cf.  Fig.  15b);  body  length 

5.4-7.9  mm;  (Fig.  7b)  

A.  albispina  (Cameron) 

Metapleuron  areolate  rugose  in  ven- 
tral half  (cf.  Fig.  16a);  body  length 

9.3-10.5  mm;  (Fig.  3g) 

A.  nahuatl  Sharkey 

Scutellar  sulcus  with  one  weak  median 
ridge  (cf.  Fig.  lid);  metapleuron  yel- 
lowish-orange in  dorsal  third,  black 
ventrally;  metapleuron  mostly  smooth 

(cf.  Fig.  15a)  

A.  latisoma  Sharkey 

Scutellar  sulcus  with  two  or  more 
ridges  (cf.  Fig.  17c);  metapleuron  yel- 
lowish-orange; metapleuron  complete- 
ly areolate  rugose 

[A.  alixa  Sharkey] 

Gena  right-angled  posteroventrally 

(cf.  Fig.  9a)  147 

Gena  rounded  or  acute  posteroventrally 

(cf.  Figs.  9b,  9d)  

A.  tripartitus  (Brulle) 

Gena  with  obtuse  angle  posteriorly  (cf. 

Fig.  9c) A.  combos  new  species 

Pronotum  yellowish-orange;  meso- 
pleuron  yellowish-orange;  metapleu- 
ron yellowish-orange;  propleuron  yel- 

[A.  fucistigma  Enderlein] 

Pronotum  black;  mesopleuron  black; 
metapleuron  black;  propleuron  black 

A.  combos  new  species 

Hind  femur  smooth  ventrally  (cf.  Fig. 

149  (148) 

150  (149) 

151  (2) 

152  (151) 

153  (152) 


10b);  hind  coxa  yellowish-orange;  me- 
sonotum  yellowish  orange  (cf.  Figs. 

4e,  5e)  149 

Hind  femur  rugose  ventrally  (cf.  Fig. 
10c);  hind  coxa  black;  mesonotum 

black  (cf.  Figs.  4f,  5f) 

[A.  botocudo  Sharkey] 

Gena  right-angled  posteroventrally 
(cf.  Fig.  9a);  scutellar  sulcus  mostly 
smooth  (cf.  Fig.  12a);  metapleuron 
mostly  yellowish  orange  with  black 
area  laterally;  antenna  with  up  to  36 


[A.  versicolor  (Brethes)] 

Gena  rounded  posteroventrally  (cf. 
Fig.  9b);  scutellar  sulcus  with  median 
ridge  (cf.  Fig.  11b);  metapleuron  yel- 
lowish-orange; antenna  with  46  fla- 
gellomeres or  more 150 

Scutellar  sulcus  with  one  ridge  (cf.  Fig. 
11b);  hind  tarsus  black;  forecoxa  and 
midcoxa  yellowish-orange  (cf.  Figs. 

5a,  5c)  

[A.  marginatifrons  (Muesebeck)] 

Scutellar  sulcus  with  two  or  more 
ridges  (cf.  Fig.  17c);  hind  tarsus  yel- 
lowish-orange; forecoxa  and  midcoxa 

black  (cf.  Figs.  7c,  7d)  

[A.  triangulifer  (Enderlein)] 

Metasoma  entirely  yellowish-orange 
to  red  (cf.  Eigs.  5a,  6a);  scutellar  sul- 
cus with  median  ridge  (cf.  Eig.  11b); 
tergum  8 yellowish-orange  ....  152 
Metasoma  mostly  yellowish-orange  to 
red  anteriorly,  but  brown  to  black 
posteriorly  (cf.  Eigs.  4f,  6f);  scutellar 
sulcus  mostly  smooth  (cf.  Eig.  12a); 

tergum  8 black 

[A.  parunapi  Sharkey] 

Hind  femur  smooth  ventrally  (cf.  Eig. 

10b) 153 

Hind  femur  rugose  ventrally  (cf.  Eig. 

10c) [A.  aa  Sharkey] 

Hind  femur  punctate  ventrally  (cf.  Eig. 

10a) [A.  llampu  Sharkey] 

Gena  right-angled  posteroventrally 
(cf.  Eig.  9a);  head  yellowish-orange 
(cf.  Eig.  6d);  metapleuron  mostly 
smooth  (cf.  Eig.  15a);  hind  tibia  with 
up  to  4 spines  ....  [A.  aa  Sharkey] 
Gena  rounded  posteroventrally  (cf. 
Eig.  9b);  head  black  (cf.  Eig.  6c);  me- 
tapleuron areolate  rugose  in  ventral 
quarter  (cf.  Eig.  15b);  hind  tibia  with 

5 to  9 spines  

[A.  marginatifrons  (Muesebeck)] 

Metasoma  entirely  yellowish-orange 

to  red  (cf.  Eigs.  5a,  6a) 155 

Metasoma  entirely  dark  brown  to 

black  171 

Metasoma  mostly  yellowish-orange  to 

16  ■ Contributions  in  Science,  Number  497 

Leathers  and  Sharkey:  A Review  of  Alabragus 

155  (154) 

156  (155) 

157  (156) 

158  (157) 

159  (157) 

160  (159) 

161  (159) 

162  (161) 

163  (161) 

red  anteriorly,  but  brown  to  black 
posteriorly  (cf.  Figs.  4f,  6f)  . . . . 172 
Metasoma  black  dorsally,  yellowish-or- 
ange ventrally  .....  [A.  uru  Sharkey] 
Hind  femur  smooth  ventrally  (cf.  Fig. 

10b) 156 

Hind  femur  rugose  ventrally  (cf.  Fig. 

10c)  [A.  mataco  Sharkeyl 

Hind  femur  punctate  ventrally  (cf.  Fig. 

10a)  . 169 

Antenna  black  157 

Antenna  yellowish-orange  

[A.  kiska  Sharkey] 

Propodeum  black  (cf.  Figs.  4f,  7e)  . . 

. 158 

Propodeum  yellowish-orange  (cf.  Figs. 

4e,  7f)  159 

Maxillary  and  labial  palpomeres  yel- 
lowish-orange; scutellar  sulcus  mostly 
smooth  (cf.  Fig.  12a)  or  with  weak 
median  ridge  (cf.  Fig.  lid);  antenna 

with  38  to  42  flagellomeres  

A.  englishi  new  species 

Maxillary  and  labial  palpomeres 
black;  scutellar  sulcus  with  strong  me- 
dian ridge  (cf.  Fig.  11b);  antenna  with 

50  to  51  flagellomeres  

[A.  pisipuka  Sharkey] 

Gena  right-angled  posteroventrally 

(cf.  Fig.  9a)  160 

Gena  rounded  posteroventrally  (cf. 

Fig.  9b)  161 

Gena  acute  posteroventrally  (cf.  Fig. 
9d)  ......  A.  pachamama  Sharkey 

Terga  6 to  8 black;  forewing  banded 
from  base:  yellow,  black,  yellow,  black 
(Fig.  4c)  ...  A.  pachamama  Sharkey 
Terga  6 to  8 yellowish-orange;  fore- 
wing entirely  black  or  clear  basally 
and  black  apically;  (Fig.  7f)  .... 

A.  englishi  new  species 

Mesopleuron  black  (cf.  Figs.  4f,  5f) 


Mesopleuron  yellowish-orange  (cf. 

Figs.  4e,  5e) 163 

Mesopleuron  black  ventrally,  yellow- 
ish-orange dorsally  (cf.  Fig.  5b)  .... 

A.  imitatus  (Cresson) 

Hind  coxa  yellowish-orange  or  mostly 
yellowish-orange  but  black  laterally 
(cf.  Figs.  5a,  5d,  7a,  7c);  metanotum 

black  (Fig.  7f)  

A.  englishi  new  species 

Hind  coxa  mostly  black  but  yellow- 
ish-orange in  basal  twelfth;  metano- 
tum yellowish-orange  (Fig.  6e)  . . 

. A.  parvifaciatus  (Cameron) 

Hind  coxa  yellowish-orange  (cf.  Figs. 

5a,  5d) 164 

Hind  coxa  mostly  yellowish-orange 
but  black  in  apical  fifth  (cf.  Figs.  5c, 
5e) 168 

Hind  coxa  mostly  black  but  yellowish- 

orange  in  basal  twelfth  

. A.  masneri  Sharkey 

164  (163)  Forewing  yellow  basally  and  black 

apically  with  a sharp  distinction  (Fig. 

5a)  A.  pecki  Sharkey 

“ Forewing  entirely  and  evenly  black  (cf. 

Figs.  6a,  6c)  ...............  165 

165  (164)  Propleuron  black  (cf.  Figs.  6a,  6b)  . . 

... ...  166 

- Propleuron  yellowish-orange  (cf.  Figs. 

5a,  5c)  167 

166  (165,  168)  Ovipositor  1.3-1. 6 X body  length; 

(Fig.  3f)  A.  imitatus  (Cresson) 

- Ovipositor  0.7-1. 3 X body  length; 
(Fig.  6a)  . . A.  derailersi  new  species 

167  (165)  Hind  femur  yellowish-orange;  foretro- 

chanter and  trochantellus  black;  forefe- 
mur black  (Fig.  3f)  

168  (163) 

169  (155) 

170  (169) 

171  (154) 

172  (154) 

A.  imitatus  (Cresson) 

Hind  femur  mostly  yellowish-orange 
but  black  in  apical  eighth  and  basal 
tenth;  foretrochanter  and  trochantellus 
yellowish-orange;  forefemur  yellowish- 

orange  (cf.  Figs.  4e,  5e)  

[A.  uchuk  Sharkey] 

Hind  femur  black  or  mostly  yellowish- 
orange  but  black  in  basal  and  apical 

twelfth A.  masneri  Sharkey 

Hind  femur  yellowish-orange  ...  166 
Hind  coxa  yellowish-orange  (Fig.  5a) 

A.  pecki  Sharkey 

Hind  coxa  mostly  yellowish-orange 
but  black  in  apical  fifth  (cf.  Figs.  5c, 

5e) 170 

Hind  coxa  mostly  black  but  yellowish- 

orange  in  basal  twelfth  

A.  masneri  Sharkey 

Foretarsus  and  midtarsus  black  (cf. 
Figs.  7e,  7f);  body  length  greater  than 
10  mm;  antenna  with  45  to  49  flagel- 
lomeres  ........  [A.  xipe  Sharkey] 

Foretarsus  and  midtarsus  yellowish- 
orange  (cf.  Figs.  7a,  7c);  body  length 
less  than  8 mm;  antenna  with  32  to  36 
flagellomeres  . . A.  masneri  Sharkey 
Antenna  black;  scutellar  sulcus  with 
median  ridge  (cf.  Fig.  11b);  forecoxa 
and  midcoxa  black  (cf.  Figs.  7c,  7d) 

[A.  pisipuka  Sharkey] 

Antenna  yellowish-orange;  scutellar 
sulcus  mostly  smooth  (cf.  Fig.  12a); 
forecoxa  and  midcoxa  yellowish-or- 
ange (cf.  Figs.  6a,  6d)  ........... 

[A.  paqo  Sharkey] 

Margin  between  metepisternum  and 
metepimeron  crenulate  (cf.  Fig.  16a) 
.................  173 

Margin  between  metepisternum  and 
metepimeron  smooth  (cf.  Fig.  16f) 

Contributions  in  Science,  Number  497 

Leathers  and  Sharkey:  A Review  of  Alabragus  ■ 17 

173  (172) 

174  (173) 

175  (174) 

176  (175) 

177  (176) 

178  (174) 

179  (178) 

180  (179) 

Hind  femur  smooth  ventrally  (cf.  Fig. 

10b) 174 

Hind  femur  rugose  ventrally  (cf.  Fig. 

10c) [A.  caudatus  (Szepligeti)] 

Propodeum  black  (cf.  Figs.  4f,  7e)  . . 


Propodeum  yellowish-orange  (cf.  Figs. 

4e,  7f)  178 

Propodeum  mostly  black  but  yellow- 
ish-orange posteriorly  (Plate  I)  ... 

A.  kagaba  Sharkey 

Gena  rounded  posteroventrally  (cf. 
Fig.  9b);  head  yellowish-orange  ante- 
riorly, black  posteriorly;  maxillary  and 

labial  palpomeres  black  

[A.  plaumanni  Sharkey] 

Gena  acute  posteroventrally  (cf.  Fig. 
9d);  head  black;  maxillary  and  labial 
palpomeres  yellowish-orange  . . 176 
Hind  coxa  entirely  black  (cf.  Figs.  4f, 

5f)  177 

Hind  coxa  entirely  yellowish-orange 

(cf.  Figs.  5a,  5d) 

[A.  waiivai  Sharkey] 

Hind  coxa  mostly  yellowish-orange 
but  black  laterally  (cf.  Figs.  7a,  7c) 

A.  kagaba  Sharkey 

Hind  coxa  mostly  yellowish  orange 
but  black  in  apical  third  (cf.  Figs.  5c, 

5e) [A.  lokono  Sharkey] 

Hind  coxa  mostly  yellowish-orange 

but  black  in  basal  third  

[A.  sispalatreillei  Sharkey] 

Apex  of  scutellum  smooth,  lacking 
transverse  ridge  (cf.  Fig.  12a);  first  me- 
dian tergite  with  well-defined  median 
longitudinal  carina  (cf.  Fig.  19c);  hind 
femur  and  tibia  yellowish-orange  (cf. 

Figs.  5a,  5d) 

[A.  leptosoma  Sharkey] 

Apex  of  scutellum  with  transverse, 
smooth  ridge  (cf.  Fig.  12d);  first  median 
tergite  evenly  convex,  lacking  distinct 
bump  anteromedially  (cf.  Fig.  19b); 
hind  femur  and  tibia  black  (cf.  Figs.  4f, 

6f)  [A.  parusimi  Sharkey] 

Gena  right-angled  posteroventrally 

(cf.  Fig.  9a)  179 

Gena  rounded  posteroventrally  (cf. 

Fig.  9b)  182 

Gena  acute  posteroventrally  (cf.  Fig. 

9d) . 185 

Gena  with  obtuse  angle  posteriorly 

(cf.  Fig.  9c)  

A.  varius  (Enderlein) 

Metapleuron  black  (cf.  Figs.  4f,  5f) 


Metapleuron  yellowish-orange  (cf. 

Figs.  4e,  5e) 181 

Scutellar  sulcus  mostly  smooth  (cf. 
Fig.  12a);  hind  coxa  mostly  yellowish- 
orange  but  black  laterally;  forewing 

181  (179) 

182  (178) 

183  (182) 

184  (182) 

185  (178) 

186  (185) 

187  (186) 

yellow  basally  and  black  apically  with 
a sharp  distinction  (cf.  Figs.  5a,  5c) 

[A.  aymara  Sharkey] 

Scutellar  sulcus  with  weak  median 
ridge  (cf.  Fig.  lid);  hind  coxa  black 
but  yellowish-orange  posteriorly;  fore- 
wing black  with  stigma  yellow  (Fig. 

3b) A.  miqa  Sharkey 

First  median  tergite  with  well-defined 
median  longitudinal  carina  (cf.  Fig. 
19c);  hind  tibia  with  6 to  8 spines; 

(Fig.  4a) A.  janzeni  Sharkey 

First  median  tergite  without  well-de- 
fined median  longitudinal  carina  (cf. 
Figs.  19a,  19b);  hind  tibia  with  4 or  5 

spines;  (Fig.  4c)  

A.  pachamama  Sharkey 

Hind  coxa  mostly  black  (cf.  Figs.  4e, 

4f)  183 

Hind  coxa  mostly  yellowish-orange 

(cf.  Figs.  5a,  5d) 184 

Hind  coxa  mostly  black  but  yellowish- 
orange  in  basal  twelfth  (Fig.  6e)  . . . . 

A.  parvifaciatus  (Cameron) 

Forewing  entirely  black  (Fig.  6e);  an- 
tenna with  40  to  45  flagellomeres  . . 

A.  parvifaciatus  (Cameron) 

Forewing  banded  from  base:  yellow, 
black,  yellow,  black  (Fig.  8b);  antenna 

with  49  to  52  flagellomeres  

A.  varius  (Enderlein) 

Sternaulus  with  several  foveae  poster- 
oventrally and  smooth  groove  (cf.  Eig. 
16f);  hind  tibia  with  up  to  4 spines; 
notaulus  deeply  impressed  (cf.  Eig. 

lid) [A.  suni  Sharkey] 

Sternaulus  long,  distinct  and  com- 
posed of  many  small  foveae  (cf.  Eig. 
15b);  hind  tibia  with  10  spines  or 
more;  notaulus  weakly  impressed  (cf. 
Fig.  12a)  . . [A.  yanamapa  Sharkey] 

Hind  tarsus  black 186 

Hind  tarsus  yellowish-orange 

[A.  tupinamba  Sharkey] 

Hind  coxa  black  (cf.  Figs.  4f,  7e)  ... 


Hind  coxa  yellowish-orange  (cf.  Figs. 

5a,  5d) 188 

Hind  coxa  mostly  black  but  yellowish- 
orange  in  apical  eighth  (Fig.  4a)  .... 

A.  janzeni  Sharkey 

Hind  coxa  mostly  yellowish-orange 
but  black  in  apical  fifth  (cf.  Fig.  5e) 

A.  latreillei  (Spinola) 

Hind  coxa  mostly  yellowish-orange 
but  black  laterally  (cf.  Figs.  7a,  7c) 


Hind  coxa  black  but  yellowish-orange 

posteriorly  (Fig.  3b)  

A.  miqa  Sharkey 

Mesopleuron  black  (Fig.  4a);  apex  of 
scutellum  smooth,  lacking  transverse 

18  1 Contributions  in  Science,  Number  497 

Leathers  and  Sharkey:  A Review  of  Alabragus 

188  (186) 
189  (188) 

190  (186) 

191  (190) 

192  (172) 

193  (192) 

194  (193) 

195  (193) 

196  (195) 

ridge  (cf.  Fig.  12a);  first  median  tergite 
with  well-defined  median  longitudinal 

Carina  (cf.  Fig.  19c)  

A.  janzeni  Sharkey 

Mesopleuron  yellowish-orange  (cf. 
Figs.  4e,  7f);  apex  of  scutellum  with 
transverse,  smooth  ridge  (cf.  Fig.  12d); 
first  median  tergite  evenly  convex, 
lacking  distinct  bump  anteromedially 

(cf.  Fig.  19b)  

lA.  levipodeum  Sharkey] 

Metapleuron  black  (cf.  Figs.  4f,  7e) 

[A.  solox  (Enderlein)] 

Metapleuron  yellowish-orange  (cf. 

Figs.  4e,  7f)  189 

Scutellar  sulcus  mostly  smooth  (cf. 
Fig.  12a);  forewing  banded  from  base: 
yellow,  black,  yellow,  black  (Fig.  4c) 

A.  pachamama  Sharkey 

Scutellar  sulcus  with  median  ridge  (cf. 
Fig.  11b);  forewing  entirely  black  (cf. 

Figs.  6a,  6c) 

lA.  erythromelas  (Brulle)] 

Pronotum  black;  metapleuron  yellow- 
ish-orange; forewing  banded  from 
base:  yellow,  black,  yellow,  black 

(Figs.  4b,  4c)  191 

Pronotum  black  ventrally,  yellowish- 
orange  dorsally;  metapleuron  black  in 
dorsal  third,  yellowish-orange  ventral- 
ly; forewing  yellow  basally  and  black 
apically  with  a sharp  distinction  (cf. 
Figs.  5a,  5c)  ...  [A.  porteri  Sharkey] 
Antenna  with  51  to  54  flagellomeres; 

(Fig.  4b) A.  latreillei  (Spinola) 

Antenna  with  42  to  48  flagellomeres; 
(Fig.  4c)  ...  A.  pachamama  Sharkey 

Antenna  black  193 

Antenna  yellowish-orange  ....  203 
Gena  right-angled  posteroventrally 

(cf.  Fig.  9a)  194 

Gena  rounded  posteroventrally  (cf. 

Fig.  9b)  195 

Gena  acute  posteroventrally  (cf.  Fig. 
9d) 201 

Gena  with  obtuse  angle  posteriorly 
(cf.  Fig.  9c)  . . A.  varius  (Enderlein) 
Metapleuron  black  (cf.  Eigs.  4f,  6f); 
sternaulus  completely  absent  (cf.  Eig. 
16d);  hind  tibia  black  (cf.  Eigs.  4f,  6f) 

A.  paruyana  Sharkey 

Metapleuron  yellowish-orange  (cf. 
Eigs.  4f,  5f);  sternaulus  composed  of 
large  crenulae  posteroventrally  (cf. 
Eig.  16a);  hind  tibia  mostly  yellow  but 
black  in  apical  eighth  (cf.  Eigs.  4e,  5e) 

A.  pachamama  Sharkey 

Hind  tarsus  black 196 

Hind  tarsus  yellowish-orange  . . . 200 
Propodeum  black  (cf.  Pigs.  4f,  7e)  . . 

197  (196) 

198  (196) 

199  (198) 

200  (195) 

201  (193) 

202  (201) 

203  (192) 

Propodeum  yellowish-orange  (cf.  Pigs. 

4e,  7f)  198 

Propleuron  black;  mesopleuron  black 
(cf.  Pigs.  4f,  5f);  metapleuron  black; 
forecoxa  black;  hind  coxa  yellowish- 

orange  (cf.  Figs.  7b,  7d) 

A.  paruyana  Sharkey 

Propleuron  yellowish-orange;  meso- 
pleuron yellowish-orange  (cf.  Figs.  4e, 
5e);  metapleuron  yellowish-orange; 
forecoxa  yellowish-orange;  hind  coxa 

black  (cf.  Figs.  5f,  7e)  

[A.  laevis  (Enderlein)] 

Metapleuron  black;  hind  tibia  black; 

foretrochanter  and  trochantellus  black; 
midtarsus  black  (cf.  Pig.  4f)  ....  199 
Metapleuron  yellowish-orange;  hind 
tibia  mostly  yellowish-orange  but 
black  apically;  foretrochanter  and  tro- 
chantellus yellowish-orange;  midtar- 
sus yellowish-orange  (Pig.  8b)  . . . 

A.  varius  (Enderlein) 

Hind  coxa  black  (cf.  Pigs.  5f , 7e);  me- 
dian areola  of  metanotum  deeply  ex- 
cavated, with  well-defined  posterior 
margin  (cf.  Pig.  17c);  maxillary  and  la- 
bial palpomeres  black 

[A.  jatunqepi  Sharkey] 

Hind  coxa  yellowish-orange  (cf.  Pigs. 
7b,  7d);  median  areola  of  metanotum 
not  excavated,  posterior  margin  not 
elevated  (cf.  Pig.  17a);  maxillary  and 
labial  palpomeres  yellowish-orange  . . 

A.  paruyana  Sharkey 

Pronotum  entirely  black;  forecoxa  and 
midcoxa  entirely  black;  median  areola 

of  hind  femur  black 

[A.  esenbeckii  (Spinola)] 

Pronotum  black  anteriorly,  orange 
posteriorly;  forecoxa  and  midcoxa 
black  anteriorly,  yellowish-orange 
posteriorly;  hind  femur  yellowish-or- 
ange   [A.  festivus  (Enderlein)] 

Propodeum  black;  metapleuron  black 

(cf.  Figs.  4f,  5f)  

[A.  haenschi  (Enderlein)] 

Propodeum  yellowish-orange;  meta- 
pleuron yellowish-orange  (cf.  Figs.  4e, 

5e) 202 

Pronotum  black;  mesopleuron  black; 
hind  tibia  mostly  yellow  but  black  in 
apical  eighth;  mesonotum  black  (Fig. 

4c) A.  pachamama  Sharkey 

Pronotum  black  anteriorly,  orange 
posteriorly  (cf.  Fig.  6b);  mesopleuron 
yellowish-orange  (cf.  Fig.  6b);  hind 
tibia  mostly  yellowish-orange  but 
black  apically  (cf.  Fig.  6b);  mesono- 
tum yellowish-orange  (cf.  Fig.  6b)  . . 

[A.  misa  Sharkey] 

Hind  tarsus  black;  all  coxae  black; 

Contributions  in  Science,  Number  497 

pronotum  black  (cf.  Figs.  4f,  5f)  .... 

[A.  uchukqepi  Sharkey] 

Hind  tarsus  yellowish-orange;  all  cox- 
ae at  least  party  yellowish-orange; 
pronotum  black  anteriorly,  orange 

posteriorly  (cf.  Fig.  6b) 

[A.  festivus  (Enderlein)] 

204  (1)  Propodeum  black;  metapleuron  black; 

hind  coxa  black  (cf.  Figs.  4f,  5f);  fore- 
wing yellow  basally,  gradually  becom- 
ing infuscate  

[A.  chimu  Sharkey] 

Propodeum  yellowish-orange;  meta- 
pleuron yellowish-orange;  hind  coxa 
yellowish-orange;  forewing  black  with 

stigma  yellow  (Fig.  5b) 

A.  stigma  (Brulle) 


Alabagrus  alhispina  (Cameron) 

Figs.  7b,  16a 

Agathis  albispina  Cameron,  1887:399.  Holotype 
A,  Mexico  (BMNH). 

Alabagrus  albispina  Sharkey,  1988:356,  figs.  4a, 

DIAGNOSIS.  Forewing  entirely  and  evenly 
black;  or  clear  basally,  black  in  apical  third  with  a 
sharp  distinction.  Gena  rounded  posteroventrally 
(cf.  Fig.  9b).  Pronotum  black.  Hind  femur  yellow- 
ish-orange; or  mostly  yellowish-orange  but  black  in 
apical  eighth  and  basal  tenth.  Antenna  with  36  to 
41  flagellomeres.  Malar  space  0.46-0.64  X the  dis- 
tance from  the  eye  to  the  maximum  extent  of  the 
gena.  Median  syntergite  2 + 3 1.12-1.24  X longer 
than  wide.  First  median  tergite  0.86-1.13  X longer 
than  wide.  Ovipositor  2.21-3.24  X length  of  hind 
femur.  Tergum  4 yellowish-orange.  Metapleuron 
mostly  smooth  (cf.  Fig.  15a);  or  areolate  rugose  in 
ventral  quarter  (cf.  Fig.  15b). 

LENGTH.  (1)  5.48-7.81  mm. 

HEAD.  (2)  Antenna  with  36  to  41  flagellomeres. 
(3)  Gena  rounded  posteroventrally  (cf.  Pig.  9b).  (4) 
Malar  space  0.46-0.64  X distance  from  eye  to 
maximum  extent  of  gena. 

MESOSOMA.  (5)  Notaulus  weakly  (cf.  Pig.  12a) 
to  deeply  impressed  (cf.  Pig.  lid);  (6)  not  crenulate 
(cf.  Pig.  lid).  (7)  Median  longitudinal  ridge  of  scu- 
tum absent  to  strong  (cf.  Pigs.  11a,  11c,  lid).  (8, 
9)  Scutellar  sulcus  with  strong  (cf.  Pig.  lid)  to 
weak  median  ridge  (cf.  Fig.  11b),  or  mostly  smooth, 
lacking  median  ridge  (cf.  Fig.  12a).  (10)  Apex  of 
scutellum  with  smooth  (cf.  Fig.  12d)  to  rugose  (cf. 
Fig.  11a)  transverse  ridge,  or  smooth,  lacking  trans- 
verse ridge  (cf.  Fig.  12a).  (11)  Sternaulus  composed 
of  large  crenulae  posteroventrally  (Fig.  16a).  (12) 
Margin  between  metepisternum  and  metepimeron 
crenulate  (Fig.  16a).  (13)  Metapleuron  usually 
mostly  smooth  (cf.  Fig.  15a),  sometimes  areolate 

Leathers  and  Sharkey:  A Review  of  Alabragus  ■ 19 

rugose  in  ventral  quarter  (cf.  Fig.  15b);  (14)  with 
several  crenulae  along  ventral  margin  (cf.  Fig.  16b). 
(15)  Median  areola  of  metanotum  deeply  excavat- 
ed, with  well-defined  posterior  margin  (cf.  Fig. 
17c),  or  not  excavated,  posterior  margin  not  ele- 
vated (cf.  Fig.  16a).  (16)  Propodeum  areolate  (cf. 
Fig.  12a);  (17)  anterior  areola  of  propodeum  with 
sharp  ridge  anteriorly  (cf.  Fig.  lid),  or  with  long, 
blunt,  wide  ridge  anteriorly  (cf.  Fig.l7d),  or  weak 
anteriorly  (cf.  Fig.  17a);  (18)  anterior  transverse  Ca- 
rina of  propodeum  absent  (cf.  Fig.  17d),  weakly 
defined  (cf.  Fig.  14f),  or  complete  (cf.  Fig.  lid); 
(19)  consisting  of  only  one  smooth,  straight,  trans- 
verse ridge.  (20)  Midtibia  with  2 to  8 spines;  (21) 
hind  tibia  with  4 to  13  spines.  (22)  Hind  femur 
rugose  (usually)  (cf.  Fig.  10c)  or  smooth  (cf.  Fig. 
10b)  ventrally;  (23)  3.15-4.47  X longer  than  wide. 
(24)  Forewing  veins  IM  and  Icu-a  intersect  (Fig. 
13a),  or  vein  Icu-a  intersects  Cu  distad  IM  (Fig. 

METASOMA.  (25)  Pirst  median  tergite  with 
small  longitudinal  bump  anteriorly  (cf.  Pig.  19a), 
or  with  weak  (cf.  Pig.  19d)  to  strong  (cf.  Pig.  19c) 
longitudinal  median  carina;  (26)  0.86-1.13  X lon- 
ger than  wide;  (27)  lacking  transverse  depression. 
(28)  Median  syntergite  2 + 3 1.12-1.24  X longer 
than  wide.  (29)  Second  median  tergite  with  trans- 
verse depression  ranging  from  distinctly  to  weakly 
indicated.  (30)  Third  median  tergite  lacking  trans- 
verse depression.  (31)  Ovipositor  0.65-0.92  X 
body  length;  (32)  2.21-3.24  X length  of  hind  fe- 

COLOR.  (33)  Summary.  Head  black  except 
maxillary  and  labial  palpomeres  yellowish-orange 
or  mostly  yellowish-orange  but  black  apically.  Me- 
sosoma  mostly  black,  except  metanotum  sometimes 
yellowish-orange,  and  propodeum  and  metapleu- 
ron yellowish-orange.  Poreleg  and  midleg  black  ex- 
cept both  tarsi  sometimes  yellowish-orange.  Hind 
leg  highly  variable  in  coloration.  Porewing  ranging 
from  clear  basally,  black  in  apical  third  with  a 
sharp  distinction  to  entirely  black.  Hind  wing  en- 
tirely clear.  Terga  1 to  4 yellowish-orange.  Terga  5 
to  8 yellowish-orange,  black,  or  partly  black.  Ovi- 
positor sheath  black.  Head.  (34)  Antenna  black. 
(36)  Maxillary  and  labial  palpomeres  yellowish-or- 
ange, or  mostly  yellowish-orange  but  black  basally, 
or  entirely  black  (rarely).  (37)  Head  black.  Meso- 
soma.  (38)  Pronotum  black;  (39)  propleuron  black; 
(40)  mesonotum  black;  (43)  mesopleuron  black; 
(44)  metanotum  black,  or  yellowish-orange;  (45) 
propodeum  yellowish-orange;  (46)  metapleuron 
yellowish-orange;  (47)  forecoxa  black;  (48)  foretro- 
chanter black;  (49)  foretrochantellus  black;  (50) 
forefemur  black;  (51)  foretibia  black;  (52)  foretar- 
sus black,  or  yellowish-orange;  (53)  midcoxa  black; 
(54)  midtrochanter  black;  (55)  midtrochantellus 
black;  (56)  midfemur  black;  (57)  midtibia  black; 
(58)  midtarsus  black,  or  yellowish-orange;  (59) 
hind  coxa  yellowish-orange,  or  mostly  yellowish- 
orange  but  black  laterally,  or  yellowish-orange  in 
basal  twelfth,  black  apically,  or  entirely  black  (rare- 

20  ■ Contributions  in  Science,  Number  497 

Leathers  and  Sharkey:  A Review  of  Alabragus 

ly);  (60)  hind  trochanter  black,  or  yellowish-or- 
ange; (61)  hind  trochantellus  black,  or  yellowish- 
orange;  (62)  hind  femur  yellowish-orange,  or  most- 
ly yellowish-orange  but  black  in  apical  eighth  and 
basal  tenth,  or  entirely  black  (rarely);  (63)  hind  tib- 
ia black,  or  mostly  yellowish-orange  but  black  in 
apical  and  basal  sixth,  or  mostly  yellowish-orange 
but  black  in  apical  third;  (64)  hind  tarsus  black; 
(65)  forewing  clear  basally,  black  in  apical  third 
with  a sharp  distinction,  or  entirely  black;  (66)  hind 
wing  pattern  entirely  clear,  or  entirely  black.  Me- 
tasoma. (67-71)  Terga  1 to  5 yellowish-orange; 
(72)  tergum  6 black,  or  yellowish-orange,  or  black 
posteriorly,  yellowish-orange  otherwise;  (73,  74) 
terga  7 and  8 black,  or  yellowish-orange.  (75)  Ovi- 
positor sheath  black. 

HOSTS.  Leaf-rolling  Crambidae,  including  Gly- 
phodes  sybillalis  Walker  on  Trophis  racemosa 
(Moraceae)  (81-SRNP-770,  81-SRNP-962,  90- 
SRNP-1647),  Phaedropsis  sp.  on  Triplaris  melaen- 
odendron  (Polygonaceae)  (83-SRNP-1290),  Eulep- 
te  concordalis  Hiibner  on  Cydista  heterophyUa 
(Bignoniaceae)  (90-SRNP-1985),  Conchylodes  ovu- 
lalis  (Guenee)  on  Baltimora  recta  (Asteraceae)  (92- 
SRNP-4747,  92-SRNP-4758,  92-SRNP-4791),  Pil- 
ocrocis  ramentalis  Lederer  on  Dyschoriste  Valeri- 
ana (Acanthaceae)  (93-SRNP-3044,  94-SRNP- 
7203),  Bicilia  iarchasalis  Walker  on  Petiveria 
alliacea  (Phytolaccaeae)  (90-SRNP-1256.2a),  and 
Salbia  cassidalis  Guenee  on  Lasiacis  sorghoidea 
(Poaceae)  (95-SRNP-10813). 

DISTRIBUTION.  Widespread  throughout  Mex- 
ico, through  Gentral  America  to  the  Garibbean 
countries  of  South  America.  Collected  mostly  in 
successional  plots  at  La  Selva,  from  March  through 
August  (Fig.  20). 

Alabagrus  arawak  Sharkey 

Figs.  6b,  9d,  12d,  17d,  19a,  19d 

Alabagrus  arawak  Sharkey,  1988:357-358.  Holo- 

type  $,  Ecuador  (CNCI). 

DIAGNOSIS.  Hind  tibia  mostly  yellowish-or- 
ange but  black  in  apical  third  to  eighth.  Antenna 
with  33  to  36  flagellomeres.  Mesonotum  yellowish- 
orange.  Malar  space  0.50-0.62  X the  distance  from 
the  eye  to  the  maximum  extent  of  the  gena.  Ante- 
rior areola  of  propodeum  weak  anteriorly  (cf.  Fig. 
17a);  or  with  long,  blunt,  wide  ridge  anteriorly  (cf. 
Fig.  17d).  Foretibia  black;  or  yellowish-black.  Apex 
of  scutellum  with  transverse,  smooth  ridge  (cf.  Fig. 
12d).  Pronotum  yellowish-orange;  or  mostly  yel- 
lowish-orange with  some  black  spots.  Hind  wing 
pattern  entirely  clear  to  entirely  black. 

LENGTH.  (1)  3.99-6.30  mm. 

HEAD.  (2)  Antenna  with  33  to  36  flagellomeres. 
(3)  Gena  acute  (usually)  (cf.  Fig.  9d),  rounded  (cf. 
Fig.  9b),  or  right-angled  (cf.  Fig.  9a)  posteroven- 
trally.  (4)  Malar  space  0.50-0.62  X distance  from 
eye  to  maximum  extent  of  gena. 

MESOSOMA.  (5)  Notaulus  weakly  (cf.  Fig.  12a) 
to  deeply  (cf.  Fig.  lid)  impressed;  (6)  not  crenulate 

(cf.  Fig.  lid).  (7)  Median  longitudinal  ridge  of  scu- 
tum absent  to  strong  anteriorly  (cf.  Figs.  11a,  11c, 
lid).  (8,  9)  Scutellar  sulcus  with  one  or  more  weak 
(cf.  Fig.  lid)  to  distinct  (cf.  Fig.  11b)  median  ridg- 
es, or  without  any  median  ridges  (cf.  Fig.  12a).  (10) 
Apex  of  scutellum  with  transverse,  smooth  ridge 
(cf.  Fig.  12d).  (11)  Sternaulus  with  several  foveae 
posteroventrally  and  smooth  groove  anteriorly  (cf. 
Fig.  16f),  composed  of  large  crenulae  posteroven- 
trally without  smooth  groove  (cf.  Fig.  16a),  or  com- 
pletely absent  (cf.  Fig.  16d),  or  mostly  absent,  rep- 
resented by  a small,  shallow  depression  (cf.  Fig. 
18d).  (12)  Margin  between  metepisternum  and  me- 
tepimeron  crenulate  (cf.  Fig.  16a).  (13)  Metapleu- 
ron  mostly  smooth  (cf.  Fig.  15a),  or  areolate  rugose 
in  ventral  quarter  (cf.  Fig.  15b);  (14)  with  several 
crenulae  along  ventral  margin  (cf.  Fig.  16b).  (15) 
Median  areola  of  metanotum  deeply  excavated, 
with  well-defined  posterior  margin  (cf.  Fig.  17c). 
(16)  Propodeum  areolate  (cf.  Fig.  12a);  (17)  ante- 
rior areola  of  propodeum  weak  anteriorly  (cf.  Fig. 
17a),  or  with  long,  blunt,  wide  ridge  anteriorly  (Fig. 
17d);  (18)  anterior  transverse  carina  of  propodeum 
absent  to  weakly  defined  (Fig.  17d).  (20)  Midtibia 
with  0 to  4 spines;  (21)  hind  tibia  with  1 to  4 
spines.  (22)  Hind  femur  weakly  to  strongly  rugose 
ventrally  (usually),  or  smooth  ventrally  (cf.  Figs. 
10b,  10c);  (23)  3.29-5.73  X longer  than  wide.  (24) 
Forewing  vein  Icu-a  intersects  Cu  distad  IM  (Fig. 

METASOMA.  (25)  First  median  tergite  with 
small  longitudinal  bump  anteriorly  (Fig.  19a);  (26) 
1.20-1.57  X longer  than  wide;  (27)  lacking  trans- 
verse depression.  (28)  Median  syntergite  2-1-3  0.96- 
1.35  X longer  than  wide.  (29)  Second  median  ter- 
gite lacking  transverse  depression,  or  with  trans- 
verse depression  barely  indicated.  (30)  Third  me- 
dian tergite  lacking  transverse  depression.  (31) 
Ovipositor  0.55-0.98  X body  length;  (32)  1.74- 
3.94  X length  of  hind  femur. 

COLOR.  (33)  Summary.  Head  black  except 
maxillary  and  labial  palpomeres  yellowish-orange. 
Mesosoma  yellowish-orange  except  pronotum 
sometimes  with  black  areas  and  propleuron  some- 
times black  or  dark  yellow.  Foreleg  and  midleg 
black  except  forecoxa  sometimes  yellowish-orange, 
foretibia  sometimes  dark  yellow,  foretarsus  yellow- 
ish-orange, midcoxa  yellowish-orange  or  yellowish- 
orange  basally,  black  apically,  midtarsus  yellowish- 
orange.  Hind  leg  black  except  coxa  yellowish-or- 
ange or  mostly  yellowish-orange  but  black  laterally, 
femur  yellowish-orange,  and  tibia  mostly  yellow- 
ish-orange. Forewing  yellow  to  clear  basally  and 
black  apically  with  a sharp  distinction  and  costal 
vein  black  or  yellow,  or  forewing  entirely  black. 
Hind  wing  entirely  black  to  entirely  clear.  Meta- 
soma yellowish-orange  with  ovipositor  sheath 
black.  Head.  (34)  Antenna  black.  (36)  Maxillary 
and  labial  palpomeres  yellowish-orange.  (37)  Head 
black.  Mesosoma.  (38)  Pronotum  yellowish-or- 
ange, or  mostly  yellowish-orange  with  some  black 
areas;  (39)  propleuron  black,  or  yellowish-orange. 

Contributions  in  Science,  Number  497 

or  black  yellowish-orange;  (40)  mesonotum  yellow- 
ish-orange; (43)  mesopleuron  yellowish-orange; 
(44)  metanotum  yellowish-orange;  (45)  propodeum 
yellowish-orange;  (46)  metapleuron  yellowish-or- 
ange; (47)  forecoxa  black,  or  yellowish-orange; 
(48)  foretrochanter  black;  (49)  foretrochantellus 
black;  (50)  forefemur  black;  (51)  foretibia  black,  or 
yellowish-black;  (52)  foretarsus  yellowish-orange; 
(53)  midcoxa  yellowish-orange,  or  yellowish-or- 
ange basally,  black  apically;  (54)  midtrochanter 
black;  (55)  midtrochantellus  black;  (56)  midfemur 
black;  (57)  midtibia  black;  (58)  midtarsus  yellow- 
ish-orange; (59)  hind  coxa  yellowish-orange,  or 
mostly  yellowish-orange  but  black  laterally;  (60) 
hind  trochanter  black;  (61)  hind  trochantellus 
black;  (62)  hind  femur  yellowish-orange;  (63)  hind 
tibia  mostly  yellow  but  black  in  apical  eighth,  or 
mostly  orange  but  black  in  apical  third;  (64)  hind 
tarsus  black;  (65)  forewing  yellow  basally  and 
black  apically  with  a sharp  distinction,  costal  vein 
black,  or  entirely  black,  or  clear  basally,  black  in 
apical  third  with  a sharp  distinction;  (66)  hind  wing 
pattern  entirely  clear,  or  entirely  black.  Metasoma. 
(67-74)  Terga  1 to  8 yellowish-orange.  (75)  Ovi- 
positor sheath  black. 

DISTRIBUTION.  Widespread,  southern  Mexico 
to  northern  Argentina.  Found  throughout  the  year 
at  La  Selva  (Fig.  20).  Most  abundant  in  succession- 
al  plots  and  at  the  swamp  site. 

Alabagrus  arua  Sharkey 

Fig.  8d 

Alabagrus  arua  Sharkey,  1988:358-359.  Holotype 

9,  Ecuador  (CNCI). 

DIAGNOSIS.  Gena  with  obtuse  angle  posteriorly 
(cf.  Fig.  9c).  Median  areola  of  metanotum  not  ex- 
cavated, posterior  margin  not  elevated  (cf.  Fig. 
17a).  Malar  space  1.00-1.09  X the  distance  from 
the  eye  to  the  maximum  extent  of  the  gena.  Anten- 
na with  34  to  38  flagellomeres.  Pronotum  black. 
LENGTH.  (1)  4.9-7.0  mm. 

HEAD.  (2)  Antenna  with  34  to  38  flagellomeres. 

(3)  Gena  with  obtuse  angle  posteriorly  (cf.  Fig.  9c). 

(4)  Malar  space  1.00-1.09  X the  distance  from  the 
eye  to  the  maximum  extent  of  the  gena. 

MESOSOMA.  (5)  Notaulus  deeply  (cf.  Eig.  lid) 
to  weakly  (cf.  Eig.  12a)  impressed;  (6)  notcrenulate 
(cf.  Fig.  lid).  (7)  Median  longitudinal  ridge  of  scu- 
tum weak  anteriorly  (cf.  Fig.  11c),  or  absent  (cf. 
Fig.  11a).  (8,  9)  Scutellar  sulcus  with  one  strong  (cf. 
Fig.  11b)  to  weak  (cf.  Fig.  lid)  median  ridge.  (10) 
Apex  of  scutellum  rugose  (cf.  Fig.  11c)  or  smooth, 
lacking  (cf.  Fig.  12a)  transverse  ridge,  sometimes 
with  several  weak  punctures.  (11)  Sternaulus  com- 
posed of  large  crenulae  posteroventrally  (cf.  Fig. 
16a),  or  mostly  absent,  represented  by  small,  shal- 
low depression  (cf.  Fig.  18d).  (12)  Margin  between 
metepisternum  and  metepimeron  crenulate  (cf.  Fig. 
16a).  (13)  Metapleuron  mostly  smooth  (cf.  Fig. 
15a);  (14)  with  several  crenulae  along  ventral  mar- 
gin (cf.  Fig.  16b).  (15)  Median  areola  of  metanotum 

Leathers  and  Sharkey:  A Review  of  Alabragus  ■ 21 

not  excavated,  posterior  margin  not  elevated  (cf. 
Fig.  17a).  (16)  Propodeum  areolate  (cf.  Fig.  12a); 
(17)  anterior  areola  of  propodeum  weak  anteriorly 
(cf.  Fig.  17a);  (18)  transverse  carina  of  propodeum 
absent  (cf.  Fig.  17d),  or  weakly  defined  Fig- 
14f).  (20)  Midtibia  with  0 to  3 spines;  (21)  hind 
tibia  with  3 to  6 spines.  (22)  Hind  femur  smooth 
ventrally  (cf.  Fig.  10b);  (23)  3. 8-4.3  X longer  than 
wide.  (24)  Forewing  veins  IM  and  Icu-a  intersect 
(Fig.  13a),  or  vein  Icu-a  intersects  Cu  distad  IM 
(Fig.  13b). 

METASOMA.  (25)  Eirst  median  tergite  with 
small  longitudinal  bump  anteriorly  (cf.  Fig.  19a), 
or  with  weak  longitudinal  median  carina  (cf.  Fig. 
19d);  (26)  1.25-1.90  X longer  than  wide;  (27)  lack- 
ing transverse  depression.  (28)  Median  syntergite 
2-1-3  1.1-1. 4 X longer  than  wide.  (29)  Second  me- 
dian tergite  with  transverse  depression  barely  indi- 
cated. (30)  Third  median  tergite  lacking  transverse 
depression.  (31)  Ovipositor  0.70-0.92  X body 
length;  (32)  2. 5-3. 5 X length  of  hind  femur. 

COLOR.  (33)  Summary.  Head  black  except 
maxillary  and  labial  palpomeres  yellowish-orange. 
Mesosoma  black  except  metanotum,  propodeum, 
and  metapleuron  yellowish-orange.  Foreleg  and 
midleg  entirely  black,  except  tarsi  sometimes  yel- 
lowish-orange. Hind  leg  black  except  coxa  yellow- 
ish-orange and  femur  sometimes  brown  or  orange 
distally.  Metasoma  mostly  yellowish-orange  except 
tergum  8 and  ovipositor  sheath  black.  Forewing 
and  hind  wing  entirely  black.  Head.  (34)  Antenna 
black.  (36)  Maxillary  and  labial  palpomeres  yel- 
lowish-orange. (37)  Head  black.  Mesosoma.  (38) 
Pronotum  black;  (39)  propleuron  black;  (40)  me- 
sonotum black;  (43)  mesopleuron  black;  (44)  me- 
tanotum black,  or  yellowish-orange;  (45)  propo- 
deum yellowish-orange;  (46)  metapleuron  yellow- 
ish-orange; (47)  forecoxa  black;  (48)  foretrochanter 
black;  (49)  foretrochantellus  black;  (50)  forefemur 
black;  (51)  foretibia  black;  (52)  foretarsus  black,  or 
yellowish-orange,  or  yellowish-orange  apically, 
black  basally;  (53)  midcoxa  black;  (54)  midtro- 
chanter black;  (55)  midtrochantellus  black;  (56) 
midfemur  black;  (57)  midtibia  black;  (58)  midtar- 
sus black,  or  yellowish-orange;  (59)  hind  coxa  yel- 
lowish-orange; (60)  hind  trochanter  black;  (61) 
hind  trochantellus  black;  (62)  hind  femur  black,  or 
black  basally  and  yellowish-orange  apically,  or  yel- 
lowish-brown; (63)  hind  tibia  black;  (64)  hind  tar- 
sus black;  (65)  forewing  entirely  black;  (66)  hind 
wing  pattern  entirely  black.  Metasoma.  (67-73) 
Terga  1 to  7 yellowish-orange;  (74)  tergum  8 black. 
(75)  Ovipositor  sheath  black. 

DISTRIBUTION.  Widespread  from  Costa  Rica 
south  to  Bolivia.  Found  in  Costa  Rica  from  January 
through  June  (Fig.  20).  Has  not  been  collected  at 
La  Selva. 

Alabagrus  cara  Sharkey 

Fig.  5e 

Alabagrus  cara  Sharkey,  1988:362.  Holotype  9, 

Ecuador  (CNCI). 

22  ■ Contributions  in  Science,  Number  497 

Leathers  and  Sharkey:  A Review  of  Alabragus 

DIAGNOSIS.  Hind  tibia  mostly  yellow  but  black 
in  apical  eighth.  Forewing  pattern  yellow  basally 
and  black  apically  with  a sharp  distinction,  costal 
vein  black  or  yellow.  First  median  tergite  1.48-1.83 
X longer  than  wide.  Foretrochanter  yellowish-or- 
ange. Hind  wing  pattern  entirely  black;  or  yellow 
basally,  black  in  apical  twentieth. 

LENGTH.  (1)  5.77-6.92  mm. 

HEAD.  (2)  Antenna  with  37  to  41  flagellomeres. 
(3)  Gena  acute  (usually)  (cf.  Fig.  9d),  right-angled 
(cf.  Fig.  9a),  or  rounded  (cf.  Fig.  9b)  posteroven- 
trally.  (4)  Malar  space  0.45-0.52  X distance  from 
eye  to  maximum  extent  of  gena. 

MESOSOMA.  (5)  Notaulus  deeply  (cf.  Fig.  lid) 
to  weakly  (cf.  Fig.  12a)  impressed;  (6)  notcrenulate 
(cf.  Fig.  lid).  (7)  Median  longitudinal  ridge  of  scu- 
tum strong  (cf.  Fig.  lid)  to  absent  (cf.  Fig.  11a). 
(8,  9)  Scutellar  sulcus  with  one  weak  median  ridge 
(cf.  Fig.  lid),  or  mostly  smooth  (cf.  Fig.  12a).  (10) 
Apex  of  scutellum  with  transverse,  smooth  ridge 
(usually)  (cf.  Fig.  12d),  or  smooth,  lacking  trans- 
verse ridge  (cf.  Fig.  12a).  (11)  Sternaulus  composed 
of  large  crenulae  posteroventrally  (cf.  Fig.  16a),  or 
mostly  absent,  represented  by  small,  shallow  de- 
pression (cf.  Fig.  18d).  (12)  Margin  between  mete- 
pisternum  and  metepimeron  crenulate  (cf.  Fig. 
16a).  (13)  Metapleuron  mostly  smooth  (cf.  Fig. 
15a);  (14)  with  several  crenulae  along  ventral  mar- 
gin (cf.  Fig.  16b).  (15)  Median  areola  of  metanotum 
deeply  excavated,  with  well-defined  posterior  mar- 
gin (cf.  Fig.  17c).  (16)  Propodeum  areolate  (cf.  Fig. 
12a);  (17)  anterior  areola  of  propodeum  with  sharp 
ridge  anteriorly  (cf.  Fig.  lid);  (18)  anterior  trans- 
verse Carina  of  propodeum  absent  (cf.  Fig.  17d)  to 
complete  (cf.  Fig.  lid);  (19)  when  present  consist- 
ing of  only  one  smooth,  straight,  transverse  ridge, 
or  with  additional  transverse  carina  present,  defin- 
ing two  extra  areolae.  (20)  Midtibia  with  2 to  5 
spines;  (21)  hind  tibia  with  2 to  4 spines.  (22)  Hind 
femur  smooth  ventrally  (cf.  Fig.  10b);  (23)  3.95- 
5.11  X longer  than  wide.  (24)  Forewing  vein  Icu- 
a intersects  Cu  distad  IM  (Fig.  13b). 

METASOMA.  (25)  First  median  tergite  with 
small  longitudinal  bump  anteriorly  (cf.  Fig.  19a), 
or  evenly  convex,  lacking  distinct  bump  antero- 
medially  (cf.  Fig.  19b);  (26)  1.48-1.83  X longer 
than  wide;  (27)  lacking  transverse  depression.  (28) 
Median  syntergite  2 + 3 1.2-1. 4 X longer  than 
wide.  (29)  Second  median  tergite  lacking  transverse 
depression,  or  with  transverse  depression  barely  in- 
dicated. (30)  Third  median  tergite  lacking  trans- 
verse depression.  (31)  Ovipositor  0.67-0.94  X 
body  length;  (32)  2.32-2.92  X length  of  hind  fe- 

COLOR.  (33)  Summary.  Flead  black  except 
maxillary  and  labial  palpomeres  yellowish-orange. 
Mesosoma  entirely  yellowish-orange,  with  propleu- 
ron  black  in  some  males.  Foreleg  and  midleg  both 
entirely  yellowish-orange,  except  midtrochanter 
and  trochantellus  sometimes  black.  Hind  leg  yel- 
lowish-orange except  coxa  sometimes  black  later- 
ally, trochanter  and  trochantellus  black,  tibia  black 

in  apical  eighth,  and  tarsus  black.  Forewing  yellow 
basally  and  black  apically  with  a sharp  distinction, 
costal  vein  black  or  yellow.  Forewing  of  males  may 
be  entirely  black  or  rarely  banded  from  base:  yel- 
low, black,  yellow,  black.  Hind  wing  entirely  yellow 
but  sometimes  black  in  apical  tenth.  Metasoma  yel- 
lowish-orange with  ovipositor  sheath  black.  Head. 
(34)  Antenna  black.  (36)  Maxillary  and  labial  pal- 
pomeres yellowish-orange.  (37)  Head  black.  Me- 
sosoma. (38)  Pronotum  yellowish-orange;  (39)  pro- 
pleuron  yellowish-orange  (usually),  or  black;  (40) 
mesonotum  yellowish-orange;  (43)  mesopleuron 
yellowish-orange;  (44)  metanotum  yellowish-or- 
ange; (45)  propodeum  yellowish-orange;  (46)  me- 
tapleuron yellowish-orange;  (47)  forecoxa  yellow- 
ish-orange; (48)  foretrochanter  yellowish-orange; 
(49)  foretrochantellus  yellowish-orange;  (50)  fore- 
femur yellowish-orange;  (51)  foretibia  yellowish- 
orange;  (52)  foretarsus  yellowish-orange;  (53)  mid- 
coxa yellowish-orange;  (54)  midtrochanter  yellow- 
ish-orange (usually),  or  black;  (55)  midtrochantel- 
lus  yellowish-orange  (usually),  or  black;  (56) 
midfemur  yellowish-orange;  (57)  midtibia  yellow- 
ish orange;  (58)  midtarsus  yellowish  orange;  (59) 
hind  coxa  yellowish-orange,  or  mostly  yellowish- 
orange  but  black  laterally;  (60)  hind  trochanter 
black;  (61)  hind  trochantellus  black;  (62)  hind  fe- 
mur yellowish-orange;  (63)  hind  tibia  mostly  yel- 
low but  black  in  apical  eighth;  (64)  hind  tarsus 
black;  (65)  forewing  yellow  basally  and  black  api- 
cally with  a sharp  distinction,  costal  vein  black,  or 
yellow  basally  and  black  apically  with  a sharp  dis- 
tinction, costal  vein  yellow,  or  rarely  banded  from 
base:  yellow,  black,  yellow,  black;  apical  yellow 
band  not  complete  posteriorly  and  costal  vein  yel- 
low; (66)  hind  wing  pattern  entirely  yellow,  or  yel- 
low basally,  black  in  apical  tenth.  Metasoma.  (67- 
74)  Terga  1 to  8 yellowish-orange.  (75)  Ovipositor 
sheath  black. 

DISTRIBUTION.  Costa  Rica  and  the  coastal 
lowlands  of  Ecuador.  Found  throughout  the  year  at 
La  Selva  (Fig.  20),  in  all  habitat  types. 

Alabagrus  cocto  Sharkey 
Fig.  7a 

Alabagrus  cocto  Sharkey,  1988:364.  Holotype  $, 

Panama  (USNM). 

DIAGNOSIS.  Forewing  entirely  black  but  darker 
in  apical  tenth  to  twelfth.  Hind  tibia  mostly  yellow 
but  black  in  apical  eighth.  Gena  right-angled  pos- 
teroventrally (cf.  Fig.  9a);  or  acute  posteroventrally 
(cf.  Fig.  9e).  Antenna  with  39  to  47  flagellomeres. 
LENGTH.  (1)  5.49-8.30  mm. 

HEAD.  (2)  Antenna  with  39  to  47  flagellomeres. 
(3)  Gena  right-angled  (cf.  Fig.  9a)  or  acute  (cf.  Fig. 
9d)  posteroventrally  (usually).  (4)  Malar  space 
0.39-0.61  X distance  from  eye  to  maximum  extent 
of  gena. 

MESOSOMA.  (5)  Notaulus  weakly  (cf.  Fig.  12a) 
to  deeply  (cf  . Fig.  lid)  impressed;  (6)  not  crenulate 
(cf.  Fig.  lid).  (7)  Median  longitudinal  ridge  of  scu- 

Contributions  in  Science,  Number  497 

turn  weak  (cf.  Fig.  11c)  to  strong  (cf.  Fig.  lid).  (8, 
9)  Scutellar  sulcus  mostly  smooth  (cf.  Fig.  12a),  or 
with  one  weak  median  ridge  (cf.  Fig.  lid).  (10) 
Apex  of  scutellum  smooth,  lacking  transverse  ridge 
(cf.  Fig.  12a),  or  with  transverse,  smooth  ridge  (cf. 
Fig.  12d).  (11)  Sternaulus  composed  of  large  cren- 
ulae  posteroventrally  (cf.  Fig.  16a),  or  mostly  ab- 
sent, represented  by  small,  shallow  depression  (cf. 
Fig.  18d).  (12)  Margin  between  metepisternum  and 
metepimeron  crenulate  (cf.  Fig.  16a).  (13)  Meta- 
pleuron  mostly  smooth  (cf.  Fig.  15a);  (14)  with  sev- 
eral crenulae  along  ventral  margin  (cf.  Fig.  16b),  or 
with  no  crenulae  along  ventral  margin  (cf.  Fig.  16f). 
(15)  Median  areola  of  metanotum  deeply  excavat- 
ed, with  well-defined  posterior  margin  (cf.  Fig. 
17c).  (16)  Propodeum  areolate  (cf.  Fig.  12a);  (17) 
anterior  areola  of  propodeum  with  sharp  ridge  an- 
teriorly (cf.  Fig.  lid),  or  large  and  five-sided  (cf. 
Fig.  14d);  (18)  anterior  transverse  carina  of  pro- 
podeum complete  to  absent  (cf.  Figs,  lid,  14f, 
17d);  (19)  when  present  consisting  of  only  one 
smooth,  straight,  transverse  ridge.  (20)  Midtibia 
with  0 to  3 spines;  (21)  hind  tibia  with  3 to  9 
spines.  (22)  Hind  femur  smooth  ventrally  (cf.  Fig. 
10b);  (23)  3.20-5.75  X longer  than  wide.  (24) 
Forewing  vein  Icu-a  intersects  Cu  distad  IM  (Fig. 
13b),  or  veins  IM  and  Icu-a  intersect  (rarely)  (Fig. 

METASOMA.  (25)  First  median  tergite  with 
small  longitudinal  bump  anteriorly  (cf.  Fig.  19a), 
or  evenly  convex,  lacking  distinct  bump  antero- 
medially  (cf.  Fig.  19a);  (26)  0.79-1.51  X longer 
than  wide;  (27)  lacking  transverse  depression.  (28) 
Median  syntergite  2-^3  1.07-1.28  X longer  than 
wide.  (29)  Second  median  tergite  with  strong  trans- 
verse depression.  (30)  Third  median  tergite  lacking 
transverse  depression.  (31)  Ovipositor  0.56-0.79  X 
body  length;  (32)  2.07-2.86  X length  of  hind  fe- 

COLOR.  (33)  Summary.  Head  black  except 
maxillary  and  labial  palpomeres  yellowish-orange. 
Mesosoma  yellowish-orange  except  propleuron 
black.  Foreleg  and  midleg  black  except  tarsi  yellow- 
ish-orange, or  both  legs  entirely  yellowish-orange 
(rarely).  Hind  leg  yellowish-orange  with  the  follow- 
ing parts  black:  coxa  laterally,  trochanter,  trochan- 
tellus,  sometimes  basal  part  of  hind  femur,  apical 
part  of  hind  tibia,  and  tarsus.  Forewing  entirely 
black  but  darker  apically.  Hind  wing  entirely  black. 
Metasoma  yellowish-orange,  with  ovipositor 
sheath  black.  Head.  (34)  Antenna  black.  (36)  Max- 
illary and  labial  palpomeres  yellowish-orange.  (37) 
Head  black.  Mesosoma.  (38)  Pronotum  yellowish- 
orange;  (39)  propleuron  black;  (40)  mesonotum 
yellowish-orange;  (43)  mesopleuron  yellowish-or- 
ange; (44)  metanotum  yellowish-orange;  (45)  pro- 
podeum yellowish-orange;  (46)  metapleuron  yel- 
lowish-orange; (47)  forecoxa  black,  or  yellowish- 
orange  (rarely);  (48)  foretrochanter  black,  or  yel- 
lowish-orange (rarely);  (49)  foretrochantellus 
black,  or  yellowish-orange  (rarely);  (50)  forefemur 
black,  or  yellowish-orange  (rarely);  (51)  foretibia 

Leathers  and  Sharkey:  A Review  of  Alabragus  ■ 23 

black,  or  yellowish-orange  (rarely);  (52)  foretarsus 
yellowish-orange;  (53)  midcoxa  black,  or  yellow- 
ish-orange (rarely);  (54)  midtrochanter  black,  or 
yellowish-orange  (rarely);  (55)  midtrochantellus 
black,  or  yellowish-orange  (rarely);  (56)  midfemur 
black,  or  yellowish-orange  (rarely);  (57)  midtibia 
black,  or  yellowish-orange  (rarely);  (58)  midtarsus 
yellowish-orange;  (59)  hind  coxa  mostly  yellowish 
orange  but  black  laterally;  (60)  hind  trochanter 
black;  (61)  hind  trochantellus  black;  (62)  hind  fe- 
mur yellowish-orange,  or  mostly  yellowish-orange 
but  black  in  basal  twelfth;  (63)  hind  tibia  mostly 
yellow  but  black  in  apical  eighth;  (64)  hind  tarsus 
black;  (65)  forewing  entirely  black  but  darker  in 
apical  tenth  or  twelfth;  (66)  hind  wing  pattern  en- 
tirely black.  Metasoma.  (67-74)  Terga  1 to  8 yel- 
lowish-orange. (75)  Ovipositor  sheath  black. 

DISTRIBUTION.  Costa  Rica  and  Panama.  Col- 
lected in  May,  June,  August,  and  September  at  La 
Selva  (Fig.  20),  exclusively  in  successional  plots. 

Alabagrus  combos  new  species 

Fig.  5f 

DIAGNOSIS.  Midtarsus  with  basal  tarsomere 
yellowish-orange  basally,  otherwise  black;  or  most- 
ly yellowish-orange,  but  black  posteriorly.  Body 
length  5.75-6.67  mm.  Hind  femur  mostly  black 
with  a yellowish-orange  area  laterally  and  apically. 
Apex  of  scutellum  rugose,  lacking  transverse  ridge 
(cf.  Fig.  11c);  or  mostly  smooth  with  several  weak 

LENGTH.  (1)  [5.75]-6.67  mm. 

HEAD.  (2)  Antenna  with  [37]  to  39  flagello- 
meres.  (3)  [Gena  right-angled  posteroventrally] 
(usually)  (cf.  Fig.  9a),  or  with  obtuse  angle  poste- 
riorly (cf.  Fig.  9c).  (4)  Malar  space  [0.49]-0.58  X 
distance  from  eye  to  maximum  extent  of  gena. 

MESOSOMA.  (5)  Notaulus  [deeply]  (cf.  Fig. 
lid)  to  weakly  (cf.  Fig.  12a)  impressed;  (6)  not 
crenulate.  (7)  [Median  longitudinal  ridge  of  scutum 
weak  anteriorly]  (cf.  Fig.  11c),  or  absent  (cf.  Fig. 
11a).  (8,  9)  Scutellar  sulcus  with  one  weak  median 
ridge  (cf.  Fig.  lid).  (10)  Apex  of  scutellum  mostly 
smooth  with  several  weak  punctures,  or  rugose, 
lacking  transverse  ridge  (cf.  Fig.  11c).  (11)  Sternau- 
lus composed  of  large  crenulae  posteroventrally  (cf. 
Fig.  16a).  (12)  Margin  between  metepisternum  and 
metepimeron  crenulate  (cf.  Fig.  16a).  (13)  Meta- 
pleuron mostly  smooth  (cf.  Fig.  15a),  or  areolate 
rugose  in  ventral  quarter  (cf.  Fig.  15b);  (14)  with 
several  crenulae  along  ventral  margin  (cf.  Fig.  16b). 
(15)  Median  areola  of  metanotum  deeply  excavat- 
ed, with  well-defined  posterior  margin  (cf.  Fig. 
17c),  or  bisected  by  strong  ridge.  (16)  [Propodeum 
areolate]  (cf.  Fig.  12a),  or  weakly  areolate  (cf.  Fig. 
14b);  (17)  anterior  areola  of  propodeum  weak  an- 
teriorly (cf.  Fig.  17a),  or  with  sharp  ridge  anteriorly 
(cf.  Fig.  lld);U8)  anterior  transverse  carina  of  pro- 
podeum absent  (cf.  Fig.  17d)  to  weakly  defined  (cf. 
Fig.  14f).  (20)  Midtibia  with  2 to  6 [4]  spines,  (21) 
hind  tibia  with  2 to  6 [4]  spines.  (22)  [Hind  femur 

24  ■ Contributions  in  Science,  Number  497 

Leathers  and  Sharkey:  A Review  of  Alabragus 

punctate  ventrally]  (usually)  (cf.  Fig.  10a),  or 
smooth  ventrally  (cf.  Fig.  10b);  (23)  3.28-[4.07]  X 
longer  than  wide.  (24)  Forewing  veins  IM  and  Icu- 
a intersect  (Fig.  13a). 

METASOMA.  (25)  IFirst  median  tergite  with 
small  longitudinal  bump  anteriorly]  (cf.  Fig.  19a), 
or  with  weak  longitudinal  median  carina  (cf.  Fig. 
19d);  (26)  0.82-1.08  [0.95]  X longer  than  wide; 
(27)  lacking  transverse  depression.  (28)  Median 
syntergite  2 + 3 [1.03]-1.12  X longer  than  wide. 
(29)  Second  median  tergite  with  transverse  depres- 
sion barely  indicated.  (30)  Third  median  tergite 
lacking  transverse  depression.  (31)  Ovipositor 
[0.94]-0.97  X body  length;  (32)  [3.35]-3.64  X 
length  of  hind  femur. 

COLOR.  (33)  Summary.  Head  black  except 
maxillary  and  labial  palpomeres  yellowish-orange. 
Mesosoma  black  except  propodeum  yellowish-or- 
ange. Foreleg  and  midleg  black  except  entire  fore- 
tarsus and  basal  portion  of  midtarsus  yellowish-or- 
ange. Hind  leg  black  except  sometimes  posterior 
portion  of  coxa  and/or  lateral  portion  of  tibia  yel- 
lowish-orange. Forewing  and  hind  wing  both  en- 
tirely black.  Terga  1 to  7 yellowish-orange.  Median 
tergum  8 black.  Ovipositor  sheath  [black]  except 
sometimes  yellowish  at  apex.  Head.  (34)  Antenna 
black.  (36)  Maxillary  and  labial  palpomeres  yel- 
lowish-orange. (37)  Head  black.  Mesosoma.  (38) 
Pronotum  black;  (39)  propleuron  black;  (40)  me- 
sonotum  black;  (43)  mesopleuron  black;  (44)  me- 
tanotum  black;  (45)  propodeum  yellowish-orange; 
(46)  metapleuron  black;  (47)  forecoxa  [black],  or 
yellowish-orange;  (48)  foretrochanter  black;  (49) 
foretrochantellus  black;  (50)  forefemur  black;  (51) 
foretibia  black;  (52)  foretarsus  yellowish-orange; 
(53)  midcoxa  [black],  or  yellowish-orange;  (54) 
midtrochanter  black;  (55)  midtrochantellus  black; 
(56)  midfemur  black;  (57)  midtibia  black;  (58)  mid- 
tarsus with  basal  tarsomere  yellowish-orange  ba- 
sally,  otherwise  black,  or  mostly  yellowish-orange, 
but  black  posteriorly;  (59)  hind  coxa  black,  or 
black  but  yellowish-orange  posteriorly;  (60)  hind 
trochanter  black;  (61)  hind  trochantellus  black; 
(62)  hind  femur  mostly  black  with  a yellowish-or- 
ange area  laterally  and  apically;  (63)  hind  tibia 
black,  or  mostly  yellow  but  black  in  apical  and  bas- 
al third;  (64)  hind  tarsus  black;  (65)  forewing  en- 
tirely black;  (66)  hind  wing  pattern  entirely  black. 
Metasoma.  (67-73)  Terga  1 to  7 [yellowish-or- 
ange], except  terga  2 and  3 sometimes  black  dor- 
sally,  yellowish-orange  laterally;  (74)  tergum  8 
black.  (75)  [Ovipositor  sheath  black],  or  mostly 
black  but  yellow  at  apex. 

EXAMINED.  Known  from  La  Selva  and  Manuel 
Antonio  National  Park  (Parque  Nacional  [P.N.] 
Manuel  Antonio),  Costa  Rica.  Collected  in  May 
and  June  at  La  Selva,  and  in  September  through 
November  at  Manuel  Antonio  National  Park  (Fig. 

Holotype  9.  COSTA  RICA:  Heredia:  La  Selva: 
10°26'N,  84°0UW:  50-150  m:  Malaise  trap  in  pri- 

mary forest,  CC:,  (INBIOCRI) 

002277040  (INBC). 

Allotype  6 . COSTA  RICA:  Puntarenas;  P.N.  Ma- 
nuel Antonio:  80  m:  ix.l991,  (G.Varela),  (INBIO) 
000494263  (INBC). 

Paratypes.  COSTA  RICA:  Heredia:  La  Selva: 
10°26'N,  84°0rW:  50-150  m:  Malaise  trap  in  suc- 
cessional  plots:  1$,  18.V.1993,  (INBIO) 

002261305  (UKIC).  Malaise  trap  in  second-growth 
forest,  SCH:  1$,  19.V.1993,  002271696  (CNCI). 
Puntarenas:  P.N.  Manuel  Antonio:  80  m:  1$, 
X.1991,  (G.  Varela),  000501775  (BMNH);  19, 
xi.l991,  (G.  Varela),  000348712  (AEIC). 

Alabagrus  cuna  Sharkey 
Fig.  3e 

Alabagrus  cuna  Sharkey,  1988:365.  Holotype  9, 

Panama  (AMNH). 

DIAGNOSIS.  Forewing  yellow  basally  and  black 
apically  with  a sharp  distinction,  costal  vein  yellow. 
Body  length  5.25-5.75  mm.  Hind  tibia  mostly  yel- 
lowish-orange but  black  apically. 

LENGTH.  (1)  5.25-5.75  mm. 

HEAD.  (2)  Antenna  with  34  to  36  flagellomeres. 
(3)  Gena  right-angled  posteroventrally  (cf.  Fig.  9a), 
or  rounded  posteroventrally  (cf.  Fig.  9b),  or  acute 
posteroventrally  (cf.  Fig.  9d).  (4)  Malar  space  0.51- 
0.75  X the  distance  from  the  eye  to  the  maximum 
extent  of  the  gena. 

MESOSOMA.  (5)  Notaulus  deeply  impressed  (cf. 
Fig.  lid);  (6)  not  crenulate  (cf.  Fig.  lid).  (7)  Me- 
dian longitudinal  ridge  of  scutum  strong  (cf.  Fig. 
lid).  (8)  Scutellar  sulcus  mostly  smooth  (cf.  Fig. 
12a).  (10)  Apex  of  scutellum  with  transverse,  ru- 
gose ridge  (cf.  Fig.  11a),  or  with  transverse,  smooth 
ridge  (cf.  Fig.  12d).  (11)  Sternaulus  with  several  fo- 
veae  posteroventrally  and  smooth  groove  (cf.  Fig. 
16f),  or  completely  absent  (cf.  Fig.  16d),  or  mostly 
absent,  represented  by  small,  shallow  depression 
(cf.  Fig.  18d).  (12)  Margin  between  metepisternum 
and  metepimeron  crenulate  (cf.  Fig.  16a).  (13)  Me- 
tapleuron mostly  smooth  (cf.  Fig.  15a);  (14)  with 
several  crenulae  along  ventral  margin  (cf.  Fig.  16b), 
or  with  no  crenulae  along  ventral  margin  (cf.  Fig. 
16f).  (15)  Median  areola  of  metanotum  deeply  ex- 
cavated, with  well-defined  posterior  margin  (cf.  Fig. 
17c),  or  bisected  by  strong  ridge.  (16)  Propodeum 
areolate  (cf.  Fig.  12a);  (17)  anterior  areola  of  pro- 
podeum with  long,  blunt,  wide  ridge  anteriorly  (cf. 
Fig.  17d);  (18)  transverse  carina  of  propodeum  ab- 
sent (cf.  Fig.  17d),  or  weakly  defined  (cf.  Fig.  14f). 
(20)  Midtibia  with  1 to  5 spines;  (21)  hind  tibia 
with  1 to  3 spines.  (22)  Hind  femur  smooth  ven- 
trally (cf.  Fig.  10b),  or  rugose  ventrally  (cf.  Fig. 
10c);  (23)  4. 0-4. 5 X longer  than  wide.  (24)  Fore- 
wing vein  Icu-a  intersects  Cu  distad  IM  (Fig.  13b). 

METASOMA.  (25)  First  median  tergite  with 
small  longitudinal  bump  anteriorly  (cf.  Fig.  19a); 
(26)  1.05-1.35  X longer  than  wide;  (27)  lacking 
transverse  depression.  (28)  Median  syntergite  2 + 3 
0.88-1.25  X longer  than  wide.  (29)  Second  median 

Contributions  in  Science,  Number  497 

tergite  lacking  transverse  depression.  (30)  Third 
median  tergite  lacking  transverse  depression.  (31) 
Ovipositor  0.50-0.79  X body  length;  (32)  1.88- 
3.40  X length  of  hind  femur. 

COLOR.  (33)  Summary.  Head  black  except 
maxillary  and  labial  palpomeres  yellow.  Mesosoma 
entirely  yellowish-orange.  All  legs  entirely  yellow 
except  hind  trochanter  and  trochantellus  sometimes 
black  and  apical  part  of  hind  tibia  and  entire  hind 
tarsus  usually  black.  Metasoma  entirely  yellow 
with  ovipositor  sheath  black.  Forewing  yellow  ba- 
sally  and  black  in  apical  third  with  a sharp  distinc- 
tion. Hind  wing  yellow  basally  but  black  in  apical 
twelfth.  Head.  (34)  Antenna  black.  (36)  Maxillary 
and  labial  palpomeres  yellowish-orange.  (37)  Head 
black.  Mesosoma.  (38)  Pronotum  yellowish-or- 
ange; (39)  propleuron  yellowish-orange;  (40)  me- 
sonotum  yellowish-orange;  (43)  mesopleuron  yel- 
lowish-orange; (44)  metanotum  yellowish-orange; 
(45)  propodeum  yellowish-orange;  (46)  metapleu- 
ron  yellowish-orange;  (47)  forecoxa  yellowish-or- 
ange; (48)  foretrochanter  yellowish-orange;  (49) 
foretrochantellus  yellowish-orange;  (50)  forefemur 
yellowish-orange;  (51)  foretibia  yellowish-orange; 
(52)  foretarsus  yellowish-orange;  (53)  midcoxa  yel- 
lowish-orange; (54)  midtrochanter  yellowish-or- 
ange; (55)  midtrochantellus  yellowish-orange;  (56) 
midfemur  yellowish-orange;  (57)  midtibia  yellow- 
ish-orange; (58)  midtarsus  yellowish-orange;  (59) 
hind  coxa  yellowish-orange;  (60)  trochanter  black, 
or  yellowish-orange;  (61)  trochantellus  black,  or 
yellowish-orange;  (62)  femur  yellowish-orange; 
(63)  tibia  mostly  yellowish-orange  but  black  api- 
cally;  (64)  tarsus  black;  (65)  forewing  yellow  ba- 
sally and  black  apically  with  a sharp  distinction, 
costal  vein  yellow;  (66)  hind  wing  pattern  yellow 
basally,  black  in  apical  twelfth.  Metasoma.  (67-74) 
Terga  1 to  8 yellowish-orange.  (75)  Ovipositor 
sheath  black. 

DISTRIBUTION.  Barro  Colorado  Island  in  Pan- 
ama and  La  Selva,  Penas  Blancas,  and  Limon,  Cos- 
ta Rica.  Found  most  often  in  secondary  forest  and 
sometimes  in  successional  plots  at  La  Selva.  Has 
been  collected  at  La  Selva  in  February,  April,  Au- 
gust, September,  October,  and  December  (Fig.  20). 

Alabagrus  derailersi  new  species 

Fig.  6a 

DIAGNOSIS.  Hind  tibia  mostly  yellow  but  black 
in  apical  and  basal  sixth.  Sternaulus  completely  ab- 
sent (cf.  Fig.  16d).  Ovipositor  0.78-1.28  X body 
length,  2.82-4.61  X length  of  hind  femur.  Forewing 
entirely  and  evenly  black.  Hind  femur  yellowish- 
orange.  Malar  space  0.73-1.00  X the  distance  from 
the  eye  to  the  maximum  extent  of  the  gena. 

LENGTH.  (1)  5.2-[7.0]  mm. 

HEAD.  (2)  Antenna  with  35  to  42  flagellomeres. 
(3)  Gena  rounded  posteroventrally  (cf.  Fig.  9b).  (4) 
Malar  space  [0.73J-1.00  X the  distance  from  the 
eye  to  the  maximum  extent  of  the  gena. 

MESOSOMA.  (5)  Notaulus  deeply  impressed  (cf. 

Leathers  and  Sharkey:  A Review  of  Alabragus  ■ 25 

Fig.  lid),  or  weakly  impressed  (cf.  Fig.  12a),  or 
absent  (cf.  Fig.  12c);  (6)  not  crenulate  (cf.  Fig.  lid). 
(7)  Median  longitudinal  ridge  of  scutum  strong  (cf. 
Fig.  lid),  or  weak  anteriorly  (cf.  Fig.  11c),  or  ab- 
sent (usually)  (cf.  Fig.  11a).  (8)  Scutellar  sulcus 
mostly  smooth  (cf.  Fig.  12a),  or  with  weak  median 
ridge  (rarely)  (cf.  Fig.  lid);  (9)  with  no  ridges  (cf. 
Fig.  12a),  or  one  ridge  (rarely)  (cf.  Fig.  11b).  (10) 
Apex  of  scutellum  rugose,  lacking  transverse  ridge 
(cf.  Fig.  11c),  or  smooth,  lacking  transverse  ridge 
(usually)  (cf.  Fig.  12a),  or  with  transverse,  rugose 
ridge  (cf.  Fig.  11a).  (11)  Sternaulus  completely  ab- 
sent (cf.  Fig.  16d).  (12)  Margin  between  metepis- 
ternum  and  metepimeron  crenulate  (cf.  Fig.  16a). 

(13)  Metapleuron  mostly  smooth  (cf.  Fig.  15a); 

(14)  with  several  crenulae  along  ventral  margin  (cf. 
Fig.  16b),  or  with  no  crenulae  along  ventral  margin 
(cf.  Fig.  16f).  (15)  Median  areola  of  metanotum 
deeply  excavated,  with  well-defined  posterior  mar- 
gin (cf.  Fig.  17c),  or  bisected  by  strong  ridge.  (16) 
Propodeum  areolate  (cf.  Fig.  12a),  or  mostly 
smooth  (cf.  Fig.  14a);  (17)  anterior  areola  of  pro- 
podeum weak  anteriorly  (cf.  Fig.  17a),  or  with 
sharp  ridge  anteriorly  (cf.  Fig.  lid);  (18)  transverse 
Carina  of  propodeum  absent  (cf.  Fig.  17d),  or  weak- 
ly defined  (cf.  Fig.  14f),  or  complete  (cf.  Fig.  lid); 
(19)  consisting  of  only  one  smooth,  straight,  trans- 
verse ridge.  (20)  Midtibia  with  0 to  2 spines;  (21) 
hind  tibia  with  2 to  6 spines.  (22)  Hind  femur 
smooth  ventrally  (cf.  Fig.  10b);  (23)  3. 8-4. 8 X lon- 
ger than  wide.  (24)  Forewing  veins  IM  and  Icu-a 
intersect  (rarely)  (Fig.  13a),  or  vein  Icu-a  intersects 
Cu  distad  IM  (Fig.  13b). 

METASOMA.  (25)  First  median  tergite  with 
small  longitudinal  bump  anteriorly  (cf.  Fig.  19a), 
or  with  weak  longitudinal  median  carina  (cf.  Fig. 
19d),  or  with  well-defined  median  longitudinal  ca- 
rina (cf.  Fig.  19c);  (26)  1.28-1.54  [1.47]  X longer 
than  wide;  (27)  lacking  transverse  depression.  (28) 
Median  syntergite  2-i-3  1.09-1.23  [1.16]  X [onger 
than  wide.  (29)  Second  median  tergite  lacking 
transverse  depression,  or  with  transverse  depression 
barely  indicated.  (30)  Third  median  tergite  lacking 
transverse  depression  (usually),  or  with  shallow 
transverse  depression.  (31)  Ovipositor  0.78-1.28 
[0.85]  X body  length;  (32)  [2.60]-4.61  X length  of 
hind  femur. 

COLOR.  (33)  Summary.  Head  black  except  max- 
illary and  labial  palpomeres  entirely  yellowish-or- 
ange. Mesosoma  yellowish-orange  except  entire  pro- 
pleuron, anterior  part  of  pronotum,  and  parts  of  me- 
sonotum  sometimes  black.  Fore  and  midlegs  both 
entirely  black  except  both  coxae  and  tarsi  sometimes 
yellowish-orange.  Hind  leg  black  except  basal  three- 
quarters  of  coxa  and  femur  yellowish-orange  and 
trochanter,  trochantellus,  and  central  part  of  hind 
tibia  sometimes  orange.  Entire  metasoma  yellowish- 
orange  except  ovipositor  sheath  black.  Forewing  and 
hind  wing  black.  Head.  (34)  Antenna  black.  (36) 
Maxillary  and  labial  palpomeres  yellowish  orange. 
(37)  Head  black.  Mesosoma.  (38)  Pronotum  yellow- 
ish-orange, or  black  anteriorly,  orange  posteriorly; 

26  ■ Contributions  in  Science,  Number  497 

Leathers  and  Sharkey:  A Review  of  Alabragus 

(39)  propleuron  black;  (40)  mesonotum  black,  or 
yellowish-orange;  (43)  mesopleuron  yellowish-or- 
ange; (44)  metanotum  yellowish-orange;  (45)  pro- 
podeum  yellowish-orange;  (46)  metapleuron  yellow- 
ish-orange; (47)  forecoxa  black,  or  yellowish-orange; 
(48)  foretrochanter  black;  (49)  foretrochantellus 
black;  (50)  forefemur  black;  (51)  foretibia  black; 
(52)  foretarsus  yellowish-orange;  (53)  midcoxa 
black,  or  yellowish-orange;  (54)  midtrochanter 
black;  (55)  midtrochantellus  black;  (56)  midfemur 
black;  (57)  midtibia  black;  (58)  midtarsus  yellowish- 
orange;  (59)  hind  coxa  yellowish-orange,  or  mostly 
yellowish-orange  but  black  in  apical  fifth;  (60)  tro- 
chanter black,  or  yellowish-orange;  (61)  trochantel- 
lus  black,  or  yellowish-orange;  (62)  femur  yellowish- 
orange;  (63)  tibia  mostly  yellow  but  black  in  apical 
and  basal  sixth;  (64)  tarsus  black;  (65)  forewing  en- 
tirely black;  (66)  hind  wing  pattern  entirely  black. 
Metasoma.  (67-74)  Terga  1-8  yellowish  orange, 
(75)  Ovipositor  sheath  black. 

EXAMINED.  Costa  Rica.  Collected  exclusively  in 
primary  forest  at  La  Selva,  in  all  months  except 
April  and  October  (Fig.  20). 

Holotype  $ . COSTA  RICA:  Heredia:  La  Selva: 
10°26'N,  84°01'W:  50-150  m:  Malaise  trap  in  pri- 
mary forest:,  (INBIO)  002302045 

Paratypes.  COSTA  RICA:  Heredia:  La  Selva: 
10°26'N,  84°0rW:  50-150  m:  Malaise  trap  in  pri- 
mary forest:  1$,  2.iii.l993,  (INBIOCRI) 

002285573  (CNCI);  19,  l.vii.l993,  002277297 
(CNCI);  1 9 , 15.vii.l993,  002277347  (INBC);  1 9 , 
Id,  3.viii.l993,  002292094  (INBC),  002277483 
(BMNH);  29,  14.viii.l993,  002292478  (LACM), 
002292475  (OSUO);  19,  l.ix.l993,  002293306 
(UKIC);  Id,  16.ix.l993,  002292942  (UKIC);  19, 
15.xii.l993,  002302115  (USNM);  19,  3.1.1994, 
002293417  (USNM);  19,  6.i.l994,  002302111 
(AEIC);  19,  l.ii.l994,  002302112  (AEIC);  19, 
3.ii.l994,  002302046  (CNCI);  49,, 
002302113  (CNCI),  002302114  (INBC), 
002302110  (INBC);  19,  17.vii.l995,  002302048 
(BMNH);  2d,  l.viii.l995,  002301662  (BMNH), 
002301661  (LACM);  19,  14.ix.l995,  002300765 
(LACM);  Id,  14.ix.l995,  002300648  (UKIC);  19, 
29.ix.1995,  002300798  (UKIC);  19,  l.xi.l995, 
002290033  (USNM);  29,  15.xi.l995,  002291742 
(USNM),  002291740  (AEIC);  19,  14.xii.l995, 
002291915  (AEIC);  19,  31.V.1996,  002270953 
(CNCI);  19,  2.i.l996,  002292015  (CNCI);  19, 
l.iii.l996,  002304176  (UKIC);  19,  15.iii.l996, 
002304329  (UKIC);  19,,  002304986 
(UKIC).  Limon:  Sector  Cerro  Cocori:  150  m:  19, 
vii.1993  (E.  Rojas),  001699530  (INBC);  19, 
1.1994  (E.  Rojas),  001855496  (UKIC).  Guanacaste: 
Est.  Pitilla:  19,  22.viii.1993,  001639618  (INBC). 
Alajuela:  Penas  Blancas:  Malaise  trap:  700  m:  19, 
iv.l987  (E.  Cruz)  (INBC),  29,  (E.  Cruz) 
(INBC);  19,  l.viii.l987  (E.  Cruz)  (INBC). 

Alabagrus  donnai  new  species 
Fig.  8c 

DIAGNOSIS.  Median  longitudinal  ridge  of  scu- 
tum strong  (cf.  Fig.  lid).  Metanotum  black.  Body 
length  4.93-5.76  mm.  Median  syntergite  2-1-3 
0.89-1.05  X longer  than  wide.  Hind  tibia  black. 
Midtarsus  yellowish-orange.  Antenna  with  32  to 
37  flagellomeres. 

LENGTH.  (1)  [4.931-5.76  mm. 

HEAD.  (2)  Antenna  with  32  to  37  [34]  flagello- 
meres. (3)  Gena  [rounded]  (cf.  Fig.  9b)  or  right- 
angled  (cf.  Fig.  9a)  posteroventrally.  (4)  Malar 
space  0.47-0.72  [0.6]  X distance  from  eye  to  max- 
imum extent  of  gena. 

MESOSOMA.  (5)  Notaulus  weakly  (cf.  Fig.  12a) 
to  [deeply]  (cf.  Fig.  lid)  impressed;  (6)  not  crenu- 
late  (cf.  Fig.  lid).  (7)  Median  longitudinal  ridge  of 
scutum  strong  (cf.  Fig.  lid).  (8,  9)  Scutellar  sulcus 
with  one  weak  to  [strong  median  ridge]  or  mostly 
smooth  (cf.  Figs.  11b,  lid,  12a).  (10)  Apex  of  scu- 
tellum  [with  transverse,  rugose  ridge]  (cf.  Fig.  11a), 
or  rugose,  lacking  transverse  ridge  (cf.  Fig.  11c). 
(11)  [Sternaulus  composed  of  large  crenulae  pos- 
teroventrally] (cf.  Fig.  16a)  or  mostly  absent,  rep- 
resented by  a shallow  depression  (cf.  Fig.  18d).  (12) 
Margin  between  metepisternum  and  metepimeron 
crenulate  (cf.  Fig.  16a).  (13)  Metapleuron  mostly 
smooth  (cf.  Fig.  15a);  (14)  [with]  (cf.  Fig.  16b)  or 
without  (cf.  Fig.  16f)  several  crenulae  along  ventral 
margin.  (15)  Median  areola  of  metanotum  deeply 
excavated,  with  well-defined  posterior  margin  (cf. 
Fig.  17c).  (16)  Propodeum  areolate  (cf.  Fig.  12a); 
(17)  anterior  areola  of  propodeum  with  long,  blunt, 
wide  ridge  anteriorly  (cf.  Fig.  17d),  or  with  sharp 
ridge  anteriorly  (cf.  Fig.  lid);  (18)  anterior  trans- 
verse Carina  of  propodeum  strongly  defined  to  [ab- 
sent] (cf.  Figs,  lid,  14f,  17d).  (20).  Midtibia  with 
0 to  3 spines;  (21)  Hind  tibia  with  1 to  7 [4]  spines. 

(22)  Hind  femur  smooth  ventrally  (cf.  Fig.  10b); 

(23)  3.64-4.78  [4.17]  X longer  than  wide.  (24) 
Forewing  vein  [Icu-a  intersects  Cu  distad  IM]  (Fig. 
13b),  or  vein  IM  and  Icu-a  intersect  (Fig.  13a). 

METASOMA.  (25)  First  median  tergite  [with 
small  longitudinal  bump  anteriorly]  (cf.  Fig.  19a), 
or  with  well-defined  median  longitudinal  carina  (cf. 
Fig.  19c);  (26)  0.90-[1.23]  X longer  than  wide; 
(27)  lacking  transverse  depression.  (28)  Median 
syntergite  2-F3  0.89-1.05  [0.98]  X longer  than 
wide.  (29)  Second  median  tergite  lacking  transverse 
depression,  or  [with  transverse  depression  barely 
indicated].  (30)  Third  median  tergite  lacking  trans- 
verse depression.  (31)  Ovipositor  0.66-[0.88]  X 
body  length;  (32)  2.17-[2.81]  X length  of  hind  fe- 

COLOR.  (33)  Summary.  Head  black  except 
maxillary  and  labial  palpomeres  [yellowish-orange 
apically]  or  entirely  yellowish-orange.  Mesosoma 
black  except  propodeum  and  metapleuron  yellow- 
ish-orange. Foreleg  and  midleg  black  except  both 
tarsi  yellowish-orange.  Hind  leg  black  except  coxa 
[entirely  yellowish-orange]  or  yellowish-orange  ex- 

Contributions  in  Science,  Number  497 

cept  black  laterally  and  femur  yellowish-orange. 
Forewing  and  hind  wing  black.  Metasoma  yellow- 
ish-orange except  ovipositor  sheath  black.  Head. 
(34)  Antenna  black.  (36)  Maxillary  and  labial  pal- 
pomeres  mostly  yellowish-orange  but  black  basally. 
(37)  Head  black.  Mesosoma.  (38)  Pronotum  black; 
(39)  propleuron  black;  (40)  mesonotum  black;  (43) 
mesopleuron  black;  (44)  metanotum  black;  (45) 
propodeum  yellowish-orange;  (46)  metapleuron 
yellowish-orange;  (47)  forecoxa  black;  (48)  foretro- 
chanter black;  (49)  foretrochantellus  black;  (50) 
forefemur  black;  (51)  foretibia  black;  (52)  foretar- 
sus yellowish-orange;  (53)  midcoxa  black;  (54) 
midtrochanter  black;  (55)  midtrochantellus  black; 
(56)  midfemur  black;  (57)  midtibia  black;  (58)  mid- 
tarsus yellowish-orange;  (59)  hind  coxa  [yellowish- 
orange],  or  mostly  yellowish-orange  except  black 
laterally;  (60)  hind  trochanter  black;  (61)  hind  tro- 
chantellus  black;  (62)  hind  femur  yellowish-orange; 
(63)  hind  tibia  black;  (64)  hind  tarsus  black;  (65) 
forewing  entirely  black;  (66)  hind  wing  pattern  en- 
tirely black.  Metasoma.  (67-74)  Terga  1 to  8 yel- 
lowish-orange. (75)  Ovipositor  sheath  black. 

EXAMINED.  Alajuela,  Cartago,  Guanacaste,  and 
Heredia  provinces  of  Costa  Rica  and  the  Uxmal 
Ruins  on  the  Yucatan  Peninsula  of  Mexico.  Found 
in  January,  May,  and  July  through  September  at  La 
Selva  (Fig.  20). 

Holotype  9.  COSTA  RICA:  Heredia:  La  Selva: 
10°26'N,  84°0rW:  50-150  m:  Malaise  trap  in  sec- 
ond-growth forest:  26.xii. 1997-8.1. 1998,  (Brenes 
and  Vargas),  (UGCA)  326876,  (INBC). 

Allotype  S.  COSTA  RICA:  Heredia:  La  Selva: 
10°26'N,  84°01'W:  50-150  m:  Malaise  trap  in  sec- 
ond-growth forest:  10-24. vii. 1997  (Blasier), 

(UGCA)  326862  (INBC). 

Paratypes.  COSTA  RICA:  Heredia:  La  Selva: 
10°26'N,  84°01'W:  50-150  m:  Malaise  trap  at  the 
swamp  site:  19,  14.ix.l995,  (INBIO)  002300718 
(CNCI);  19,  15-29.V.1997  (Ness),  (UGCA) 
326688  (CNCI).  19,  9.iii.l998,  (INBIO) 

002283791  (INBC);  19,  14.V.1998,  002282358 
(INBC);  19,  31.V.1998,  002304894  (BMNH). 
Malaise  trap  in  successional  plots:  1(3, 

01.viii.l995,  002289278  (LACIVI).  Heredia:  Est. 
Magsasay:  200  m:  lc3,  i.l991  (M.  Barrelier), 
000298508  (UKIC).  Alajuela:  Penas  Blancas:  700 
m:  Malaise  trap:  99,  ix-x.l986  (E.  Cruz)  (INBC, 
UKIC);  2 9 , X.1986  (E.  Cruz)  (INBC);  1 9 , xi.l986 
(E.  Cruz)  (INBC);  19,  xii.1986  (E.  Cruz)  (INBC, 
UKIC);  6 9 , ii.l987  (E.  Cruz)  (INBC,  USNM);  2 9 , 
iv.l987  (E.  Cruz)  (INBC);  16,  (E.  Cruz); 
5 9,  7.vii.l987  (E.  Cruz)  (INBC,  AEIC);  29, 
l.viii.l987  (E.  Cruz)  (UKIC);  29,  l-12.xii.1987 
(E.  Cruz)  (INBC).  Guanacaste:  Est.  Pitilla:  700  m: 
19,  4-25.xi.l991  (P.  Rios),  (INBIO)  000389982 
(INBC);  19, 1V.1995  (P.  Rios),  002335500  (CNCI). 
Cartago:  Grano  de  Oro:  1,120  m:  19,  13- 
15.iv.l993  (P.  Campos),  001307300  (INBC).  MEX- 
ICO: Yucatan:  Uxmal  Ruins:  5 m:  19,  2.viii.l983 
(R.S.  Anderson)  (LACM). 

Leathers  and  Sharkey:  A Review  of  Alabragus  ■ 27 

Alabagrus  englishi  new  species 

Fig.  7f 

DIAGNOSIS.  Ovipositor  5.70-5.75  X length  of 
hind  femur,  1.26-1.33  X body  length.  Mesonotum 
black;  or  bicolorous,  black  and  yellowish-orange. 
Scutellar  sulcus  mostly  smooth,  with  (cf.  Fig.  lid) 
or  without  (cf.  Fig.  12a)  one  weak  median  ridge. 
Pronotum  black.  Mesopleuron  black. 

LENGTH.  (1)  7.00-9.50  [7.61]  mm. 

HEAD.  (2)  Antenna  with  38  to  [42]  flagello- 
meres.  (3)  Gena  [rounded  posteroventraUy]  (cf.  Fig. 
9b),  or  right-ang[ed  posteroventra[[y  (rarely)  (cf. 
Fig.  9a).  (4)  Malar  space  [0.59]-0.64  X distance 
from  eye  to  maximum  extent  of  gena. 

MESOSOMA.  (5)  Notaulus  Ideeply  impressed] 
to  absent  (cf.  Figs,  lid,  12a,  12c);  (6)  notcrenulate 
(cf.  Fig.  lid).  (7)  Median  longitudinal  ridge  of  scu- 
tum absent  to  [strongly  defined]  (cf.  Figs.  11a,  11c, 
lid).  (8,  9)  Scutellar  sulcus  [mostly  smooth]  (usu- 
ally) (cf.  Fig.  12a),  or  with  one  weak  (cf.  Fig.  lid) 
median  ridge.  (10)  Apex  of  scutellum  [with  trans- 
verse smooth]  (cf.  Fig.  12d)  or  rugose  ridge  (cf.  Fig. 
11a),  or  most[y  smooth  lacking  (cf.  Fig.  12a)  trans- 
verse ridge.  (11)  Sternaulus  [mostly  absent,  repre- 
sented by  small,  shallow  depression]  (cf.  Fig.  18d), 
or  long,  distinct,  and  composed  of  many  small  cren- 
ulae  (cf.  Fig.  15b),  or  composed  of  large  crenulae 
(cf.  Fig.  16a)  posteroventraUy.  (12)  Margin  between 
metepisternum  and  metepimeron  crenulate  (cf.  Fig. 
16a).  (13)  Metapleuron  [mostly  smooth]  (cf.  Fig. 
15a),  or  areolate  rugose  (cf.  Fig.  15b)  in  ventral 
quarter;  (14)  with  (cf.  Fig.  16b)  or  [without]  (cf. 
Fig.  16f)  crenuiae  along  ventral  margin.  (15)  Me- 
dian areola  of  metanotum  deeply  excavated,  with 
well-defined  posterior  margin  (cf.  Fig.  17c).  (16) 
Propodeum  [mostly  smooth]  (cf.  Fig.  14a)  to  weak- 
ly areolate  (cf.  Fig.  12a).  (20)  Midtibia  with  [2]  to 
6 spines;  (21)  hind  tibia  with  5 to  9 [7]  spines.  (22) 
Hind  femur  smooth  ventrally  (cf.  Fig.  10b);  (23) 
[3.33]-3.90  X longer  than  wide.  (24)  Forewing 
vein  Icu-a  intersects  Cu  distad  IM  (usually)  (Fig. 
13b),  or  vein  IM  and  Icu-a  intersect  (Fig.  13a). 

METASOMA.  (25)  First  median  tergite  [with 
small  longitudinal  bump  anteriorly]  (cf.  Fig.  19a), 
or  with  weak  (cf.  Fig.  19d)  to  well-defined  (cf.  Fig. 
19c)  median  longitudinal  carina;  (26)  1.34-[1.49] 
X longer  than  wide;  (27)  lacking  transverse  de- 
pression. (28)  Median  syntergite  2 + 3 [1.35]-1.37 
X longer  than  wide.  (29)  Second  median  tergite 
with  [weak]  to  strong  transverse  depression.  (30) 
Third  median  tergite  lacking  transverse  depression. 
(31)  Ovipositor  1.26-[1.33]  X body  length;  (32) 
[5.70]-5.75  X length  of  hind  femur. 

COLOR.  (33)  Summary.  Head  black  except 
maxillary  and  labial  palpomeres  yellowish-orange. 
Mesosoma  entirely  black  or  [black  except  propo- 
deum and  metapleuron-yellowish  orange].  Areas  of 
mesopleuron  rarely  yellowish-orange.  Foreleg  and 
midleg  black  except  foretarsus  always  yellowish-or- 
ange and  foretibia  sometimes  yellowish-orange. 
Hind  leg  mostly  black  except  yellowish-orange  as 

28  ■ Contributions  in  Science,  Number  497 

Leathers  and  Sharkey:  A Review  of  Alabragus 

follows:  coxa,  femur,  and  tibia  laterally.  Hind  tibia 
sometimes  entirely  black  and  hind  coxa  sometimes 
yellowish-orange  with  black  area  laterally.  Fore- 
wing [clear  basally  and  black  in  apical  third],  or 
entirely  and  evenly  black.  Hind  wing  black  to  clear. 
Metasoma  yellowish-orange  with  ovipositor  sheath 
black.  One  male  specimen  has  terga  1 to  4 black 
dorsally.  Head.  (34)  Antenna  black.  (36)  Maxillary 
and  labial  palpomeres  yellowish-orange.  (37)  Head 
black.  Mesosoma.  (38)  Pronotum  black;  (39)  pro- 
pleuron  black;  (40)  mesonotum  [black],  or  bicolo- 
rous,  black  and  yellowish-orange;  (43)  mesopleu- 
ron  black;  (44)  metanotum  black;  (45)  propodeum 
[yellowish-orange]  (usually),  or  black;  (46)  meta- 
pleuron  [yellowish-orange]  (usually),  or  black;  (47) 
forecoxa  black;  (48)  foretrochanter  black;  (49)  for- 
etrochantellus  black;  (50)  forefemur  black;  (51)  for- 
etibia [black],  or  yellowish-black;  (52)  foretarsus 
yellowish-orange;  (53)  midcoxa  black;  (54)  midtro- 
chanter black;  (55)  midtrochantellus  black;  (56) 
midfemur  black;  (57)  midtibia  black;  (58)  midtar- 
sus black;  (59)  hind  coxa  yellowish-orange,  or 
mostly  yellowish-orange  but  black  laterally;  (60) 
hind  trochanter  black;  (61)  hind  trochantellus 
black;  (62)  hind  femur  yellowish-orange,  or  mostly 
yellowish-orange  but  black  in  basal  twelfth,  or 
mostly  yellowish-orange  but  black  in  basal  and  api- 
cal twelfth;  (63)  hind  tibia  [mostly  black  with  an 
yellowish-orange  area  laterally],  or  black;  (64)  hind 
tarsus  black;  (65)  forewing  [clear  basally,  black  in 
apical  third],  or  entirely  and  evenly  black;  (66)  hind 
wing  pattern  entirely  clear,  or  entirely  black.  Me- 
tasoma. (67-70)  Terga  1 to  4 [yellowish-orange], 
or  yellowish-orange  but  black  dorsally  (71-74);  ter- 
ga 4 to  8 yellowish-orange.  (75)  Ovipositor  sheath 

EXAMINED.  Heredia,  Cartago,  Guanacaste,  Ala- 
juela,  and  Puntarenas  provinces  of  Costa  Rica. 
Found  in  January  and  April  through  July  at  La  Sel- 
va (Fig.  20). 

Holotype  9.  COSTA  RICA:  Heredia:  La  Selva: 
10°26'N,  84°0rW:  50-150  m:  Malaise  trap  in  suc- 
cessional  plots:  17.vii.l995,  (INBIOCRI) 

002302108  (INBC). 

Paratypes.  COSTA  RICA:  Heredia:  La  Selva: 
10°26'N,  84°01'W:  50-150  m:  Malaise  trap  in  horde 
suampo:  19,  9.L1998,  (INBIOCRI)  002305305 
(CNCI);  Malaise  trap  in  successional  plots:  19, 
2.V.1993,  002271982  (CNCI);  19,  18.V.1993, 
002261316  (INBC);  19,,  002261442 
(INBC);  Id,  17.vii.l995,  002302272  (BMNH); Mal- 
aise trap  in  secondary  forest:  Id,, 
002302098  (BMNH);  Id,  31.V.1996,  002304894 
(LACM);  Malaise  trap:  2d,  iv-v.l993  (P.  Hanson) 
(INBC).  Cartago:  P.N.  Tapanti:  29,  iii.1994  (G. 
Mora),  001733452  (INBC),  001733486  (UKIC).  Car- 
tago: P.N.  Tapanti:  Quebrada  Segunda:  1,250  m:  1 9, 
iv.l992  (R.  Vargas),  000699858  (INBC);  1 9,  vi.l992 
(G.  Mora),  000433473  (UKIC);  19,  xii.1992  (G. 
Mora),  001209401  (USNM);  1,300  m:  19,  x.l993 
(G.  Mora),  001128696  (AEIC);  1,250  m:  ld,xi.l993 

(G.  Mora),  001825836  (OSUO);  1,150  m:  19,  3d, 
vii.1994  (G.  Mora),  001885420  (CNCI),  001885417 
(CNCI),  001885419  (INBC),  001885418  (BMNH). 
Cartago:  Turrialba:  Malaise  Trap:  (M. 
Wasbauer)  (INBC).  Cartago:  Grano  de  Oro:  1,120  m: 
19,  ix.l992  (P.  Campos),  000935859  (INBC).  Guan- 
acaste: Est.  Pitilla:  700  m:  19,  viii.1988,  000124394 
(INBC);  19,  ix.l989,  000035738  (UKIC);  2d,  1- 
ll.ix.l992  (C.  Moraga),  000849118  (CNCI), 
000849126  (AEIC);  29,  xi.l992  (P.  Rios), 
000972147  (LACM),  000972172  (UKIC);  1 9, 22.x- 
2.xi.l992  (C.  Moraga),  000916540  (INBC);  4d,  (C.  Moraga),  001342847  (INBC), 
001342718  (CNCI),  001342775  (UKIC),  001342916 
(UKIC);  Id,  viii.1993  (C.  Moraga),  001639620 
(INBC);  Id,  6-17.ix.l993  (C.  Moraga),  001614970 
(CNCI);  2d,  V.1994  (P.  Rios),  001877958  (BMNH), 
001877964  (UKIC);  2d,  19,  viii.1994  (P.  Rios), 
002052133  (AEIC),  002052131  (UKIC),  002052132 
(CNCI);  Id,  ix.l994  (C.  Moraga),  002017961 
(INBC);  Id,  V.1995  (P.  Rios),  002203214  (CNCI). 
Guanacaste:  Rio  San  Lorenzo:  1,050  m:  1 9,  viii.1992 
(G.  Rodriguez),  000378221  (INBC).  Guanacaste:  Fin- 
ca  YAFA:  320  m:  29,  8-26.i.l993  (E.  Lopez), 
001192406  (INBC),  001192405  (INBC).  Guanacaste: 
Los  Almendros:  300  m:  Id,  28.vii-14.viii. 1992  (E. 
Lopez),  000874226  (INBC);  39,  3d,  3-22.viii.1993 
(E.  Lopez),  001850504  (INBC),  001850508  (INBC), 
001850503  (CNCI),  001850509  (CNCI),  001850527 
(UKIC),  001850272  (UKIC);  3d,  8-20.xi.l993  (E. 
Lopez),  001633535  (INBC),  001633609  (CNCI), 
001633629  (UKIC).  Guanacaste:  scrub  forest:  Id, 
13.vii-3.viii.l985  (Gauld  & Janzen)  (INBC).  Alajuela: 
Penas  Blancas:  Malaise  trap:  700  m:  19,  iv.l987  (E. 
Cruz)  (INBC);  2d,  23.V.1987  (E.  Cruz)  (INBC);  19, 
7.vii.l987  (E.  Cruz)  (INBC).  Alajuela:  R.  San  Loren- 
cito:  900  m:  19,,  001365499  (INBC). 
Puntarenas:  San  Luis:  1,000-1,350  m:  ii.l995  (Z.  Pu- 
entes), 002165616  (INBC).  San  Jose:  Zurqui  de  Mo- 
ravia: 1,600  m:  29,  4d,  v.1995  (P.  Hanson), 
002302116  (INBC),  002302117  (INBC),  002302120 
(CNCI),  002302118  (CNCI),  002302109  (UKIC), 
002302119  (BMNH). 

Alabagrus  imitatus  (Cresson) 

Fig.  3f,  16b 

Microdus  imitatus  Cresson,  1873:51.  Holotype  9, 

Microdus  nigrotrochantericus  Viereck,  1905:275. 

Holotype  9,  USA  (SMEC). 

Bassus  floridanus  Muesebeck,  1927:31.  Holotype 
d,  USA  (USNM). 

Alabagrus  imitatus  Sharkey,  1988:370-371,  figs. 
4b,  7b,  13c. 

DIAGNOSIS.  Ovipositor  length  5. 6-6. 4 X 
length  of  hind  femur;  1.3-1. 6 X length  of  body. 
Forewing  entirely  and  evenly  black;  or  entirely 
black  but  darker  in  apical  tenth  to  twelfth.  Prono- 
tum yellowish-orange;  or  black  ventrally,  yellow- 
ish-orange dorsally.  Foretrochanter  black.  Hind  fe- 
mur smooth  ventrally  (cf.  Fig.  10b).  Mesopleuron 

Contributions  in  Science,  Number  497 

yellowish-orange;  or  black  ventrally,  yellowish-or- 
ange dorsally. 

LENGTH.  (1)  5.50-9.40  mm. 

HEAD.  (2)  Antenna  with  35  to  45  flagellomeres. 
(3)  Gena  rounded  posteroventrally  (cf.  Fig.  9b).  (4) 
Malar  space  0.62-0.90  X distance  from  eye  to 
maximum  extent  of  gena. 

MESOSOMA.  (5)  Notaulus  deeply  impressed 
(usually)  (cf.  Fig.  lid),  or  weakly  impressed  (cf. 
Fig.  12a)  to  absent  (cf.  Fig.  12c);  (6)  not  crenulate 
(cf.  Fig.  lid).  (7)  Median  longitudinal  ridge  of  scu- 
tum absent  to  strongly  defined  (cf.  Figs.  11a,  11c, 
lid).  (8,  9)  Scutellar  sulcus  mostly  smooth  (usual- 
ly) (cf.  Fig.  12a),  or  with  one  weak  (cf.  Fig.  lid) 
to  strong  (cf.  Fig.  11b)  median  ridge.  (10)  Apex  of 
scutellum  mostly  smooth  with  several  weak  punc- 
tures (cf.  Fig.  11c),  or  rugose  or  smooth,  lacking 
transverse  ridge  (cf.  Fig.  12a),  or  with  transverse, 
rugose  ridge  (cf.  Fig.  11a);  (11)  Sternaulus  com- 
pletely absent  (cf.  Fig.  16d),  or  mostly  absent,  rep- 
resented by  small,  shallow  depression  (cf.  Fig.  18d), 
or  long,  distinct  and  composed  of  many  small  cren- 
ulae  (rarely)  (cf.  Fig.  15b),  or  composed  of  several 
large  crenulae  posteroventrally  (cf.  Fig.  16a).  (12) 
Margin  between  metepisternum  and  metepimeron 
crenulate  (usually)  (cf.  Fig.  16a)  or  smooth  (cf.  Fig. 
16f).  (13)  Metapleuron  mostly  smooth  (cf.  Fig. 
15a)  or  areolate  rugose  (cf.  Fig.  15b)  in  ventral 
quarter  (rarely);  (14)  with  several  crenulae  along 
ventral  margin  (usually)  (cf.  Fig.  16b),  or  with  no 
crenulae  along  ventral  margin  (cf.  Fig.  16f),  or  with 
rugae  on  ventral  third  and  on  margin  (cf.  Fig.  16a). 
(15)  Median  areola  of  metanotum  deeply  excavat- 
ed, with  well-defined  posterior  margin  (usually)  (cf. 
Fig.  17c),  or  bisected  by  strong  ridge,  or  deeply  ex- 
cavated, with  a hooklike  projection  from  the  pos- 
terior margin.  (16)  Propodeum  distinctly  areolate 
(cf.  Fig.  12a),  or  weakly  areolate  (Fig.  11b),  or 
mostly  smooth  (cf.  Fig.  14a);  (17)  anterior  areola 
of  propodeum  with  weak  (cf.  Fig.  17a)  to  sharp  (cf. 
Fig.  lid)  ridge  anteriorly;  (18)  anterior  transverse 
Carina  of  propodeum  absent  (cf.  Fig.  17d),  or  weak- 
ly defined  (cf.  Fig.  14f),  or  complete  (cf.  Fig.  lid). 
(20)  Midtibia  with  0 to  8 spines;  (21)  hind  tibia 
with  2 to  15  spines.  (22)  Hind  femur  smooth  ven- 
trally (cf.  Fig.  10b);  (23)  3.65-4.53  X longer  than 
wide.  (24)  Forewing  vein  Icu-a  intersects  Cu  distad 
IM  (usually)  (Fig.  13b),  or  veins  IM  and  Icu-a  in- 
tersect (Fig.  13a). 

METASOMA.  (25)  First  median  tergite  with 
small  longitudinal  bump  anteriorly  (usually)  (cf. 
Fig.  19a),  or  evenly  convex,  lacking  distinct  bump 
anteromedially  (cf.  Fig.  19b),  or  with  weak  (cf.  Fig. 
19d)  to  strong  (cf.  Fig.  19c)  longitudinal  median 
Carina;  (26)  1.09-1.60  X longer  than  wide;  (27) 
lacking  transverse  depression.  (28)  Median  synter- 
gite  2 + 3 1.15-1.84  X longer  than  wide.  (29)  Sec- 
ond median  tergite  with  transverse  depression  bare- 
ly indicated,  or  lacking  transverse  depression.  (30) 
Third  median  tergite  lacking  transverse  depression. 
(31)  Ovipositor  1.3-1. 6 X body  length;  (32)  5.60- 
6.40  X length  of  hind  femur. 

Leathers  and  Sharkey:  A Review  of  Alabragus  ■ 29 

COLOR.  (33)  Summary.  Head  black  except 
maxillary  and  labial  palpomeres  entirely  or  apically 
yellowish-orange.  Mesosoma  entirely  yellowish-or- 
ange except  propleuron,  ventral  parts  of  pronotum, 
mesonotum,  and/or  ventral  part  of  mesopleuron 
sometimes  black.  Foreleg  and  midleg  black  except 
both  coxae  and  tarsi  sometimes  yellowish-orange. 
Hind  coxa,  femur,  sometimes  trochanter  and  tro- 
chantellus,  and  lateral  part  of  tibia  yellowish-or- 
ange. Hind  leg  otherwise  black.  Forewing  and  hind 
wing  entirely  black.  Metasoma  yellowish-orange 
with  ovipositor  sheath  black.  Head.  (34)  Antenna 
black.  (36)  Maxillary  and  labial  palpomeres  yel- 
lowish-orange, or  mostly  yellowish-orange  but 
black  basally.  (37)  Head  black.  Mesosoma.  (38) 
Pronotum  yellowish-orange,  or  yellowish-orange 
and  black  ventrally;  (39)  propleuron  black,  or  yel- 
lowish-orange; (40)  mesonotum  yellowish-orange, 
or  black;  (43)  mesopleuron  yellowish-orange,  or 
black  ventrally,  yellowish-orange  dorsally;  (44)  me- 
tanotum yellowish-orange;  (45)  propodeum  yel- 
lowish-orange; (46)  metapleuron  yellowish-orange; 
(47)  forecoxa  yellowish-orange,  or  black;  (48)  fore- 
trochanter black;  (49)  foretrochantellus  black;  (50) 
forefemur  black;  (51)  foretibia  black;  (52)  foretar- 
sus yellowish-orange,  or  black;  (53)  midcoxa  yel- 
lowish-orange, or  black;  (54)  midtrochanter  black; 
(55)  midtrochantellus  black;  (56)  midfemur  black; 
(57)  midtibia  black;  (58)  midtarsus  yellowish-or- 
ange; (59)  hind  coxa  yellowish-orange,  or  mostly 
yellowish-orange  but  black  in  apical  fifth;  (60)  hind 
trochanter  black,  or  yellowish-orange;  (61)  hind 
trochantellus  black,  or  yellowish-orange;  (62)  hind 
femur  yellowish-orange;  (63)  hind  tibia  black,  or 
mostly  yellow  but  black  in  apical  and  basal  sixth, 
or  mostly  black  with  an  yellowish  orange  area  lat- 
erally; (64)  hind  tarsus  black;  (65)  forewing  entirely 
and  evenly  black,  or  entirely  black  but  darker  in 
apical  tenth  to  twelfth;  (66)  hind  wing  pattern  en- 
tirely black.  Metasoma.  (67-74)  Terga  1 to  8 yel- 
lowish-orange. (75)  Ovipositor  sheath  black. 

HOSTS.  Diatraea  sp. 

DISTRIBUTION.  Widespread  in  Mexico,  Cen- 
tral America,  and  the  southeastern  USA,  as  far 
north  as  Kentucky.  Commonly  collected  at  La  Selva 
throughout  the  year  except  for  April,  May,  Octo- 
ber, and  November  (Fig.  21).  Nearly  all  specimens 
were  collected  in  primary  forest  at  La  Selva. 

Alabagrus  janzeni  Sharkey 
Fig.  4a 

Alabagrus  janzeni  Sharkey,  1988:373.  Holotype  9, 

Costa  Rica  (AEIC). 

DIAGNOSIS.  Terga  3 and  4 black  dorsally,  yel- 
lowish-orange laterally.  Median  longitudinal  ridge 
of  scutum  weak  anteriorly  (cf.  Fig.  11c).  Body 
length  8.9-10.1  mm.  Forewing  banded  from  base: 
yellow,  black,  yellow,  black. 

LENGTH.  (1)  8.9-10.1  mm. 

HEAD.  (2)  Antenna  with  45  to  48  flagellomeres. 
(3)  Gena  right-angled  posteroventrally  (cf.  Fig.  9a), 

30  ■ Contributions  in  Science,  Number  497 

Leathers  and  Sharkey:  A Review  of  Alabragus 

or  acute  posteroventrally  (usually)  (cf.  Fig.  9d).  (4) 
Malar  space  0.42-0.67  X the  distance  from  the  eye 
to  the  maximum  extent  of  the  gena. 

MESOSOMA.  (5)  Notaulus  weakly  (cf.  Fig.  12a) 
to  deeply  (cf.  Fig.  lid)  impressed;  (6)  not  crenulate 
(cf.  Fig.  lid).  (7)  Median  longitudinal  ridge  of  scu- 
tum weak  anteriorly  (cf.  Fig.  11c).  (8)  Scutellar  sul- 
cus mostly  smooth  (cf.  Fig.  12a),  or  with  median 
ridge  (cf.  Fig.  11b),  or  with  weak  median  ridge  (cf. 
Fig.  lid);  (9)  with  no  ridges  (cf.  Fig.  12a),  or  one 
ridge  (cf.  Fig.  11b).  (10)  Apex  of  scutellum  smooth, 
lacking  transverse  ridge  (cf.  Fig.  12a).  (11)  Sternau- 
lus  composed  of  large  crenulae  posteroventrally  (cf. 
Fig.  16a).  (12)  Margin  between  metepisternum  and 
metepimeron  crenulate  (cf.  Fig.  16a).  (13)  Meta- 
pleuron  mostly  smooth  (cf.  Fig.  15a);  (14)  with  sev- 
eral crenulae  along  ventral  margin  (cf.  Fig.  16b),  or 
with  no  crenulae  along  ventral  margin  (cf.  Fig.  16f). 
(15)  Median  areola  of  metanotum  deeply  excavat- 
ed, with  well-defined  posterior  margin  (cf.  Fig. 
17c).  (16)  Propodeum  mostly  smooth  (cf.  Fig.  14a). 
(20)  Midtibia  with  5 to  8 spines;  (21)  hind  tibia 
with  6 to  8 spines.  (22)  Hind  femur  smooth  ven- 
trally  (cf.  Fig.  10b);  (23)  3. 9-4.0  X longer  than 
wide.  (24)  Forewing  veins  IM  and  Icu-a  intersect 
(Fig.  13a),  or  vein  Icu-a  intersects  Cu  distad  IM 
(Fig.  13b). 

METASOMA.  (25)  First  median  tergite  with 
well-defined  median  longitudinal  carina  (cf.  Fig. 
19c);  (26)  1.38-1.43  X longer  than  wide;  (27)  lack- 
ing transverse  depression.  (28)  Median  syntergite 
l + ?>  1.2-1. 5 X longer  than  wide.  (29)  Second  me- 
dian tergite  with  transverse  depression  barely  indi- 
cated. (30)  Third  median  tergite  lacking  transverse 
depression,  or  with  shallow  transverse  depression. 
(31)  Ovipositor  0.89-1.00  X body  length;  (32) 
3.75-4.13  X length  of  hind  femur. 

COLOR.  (33)  Summary.  Head  black  except 
maxillary  and  labial  palpomeres  yellowish-orange. 
Mesosoma  black  except  metanotum,  propodeum, 
and  metapleuron  yellowish-orange.  Foreleg  and 
midleg  vary  from  entirely  yellowish-orange  to  en- 
tirely black  with  both  tarsi  yellow.  Hind  leg  entirely 
yellow  except  coxa  mostly  black,  apical  eighth  of 
hind  tibia  black,  and  hind  tarsus  black.  Metasomal 
terga  1 and  2 entirely  yellowish-orange,  3 and  4 
mostly  yellowish-orange  except  black  dorsally,  and 
terga  5 to  8 and  ovipositor  sheath  entirely  black. 
Forewing  banded  from  base:  yellow,  black,  yellow, 
black.  Hind  wing  yellow  basally,  black  apically. 
Head.  (34)  Antenna  black.  (36)  Maxillary  and  la- 
bial palpomeres  yellowish-orange.  (37)  Head  black. 
Mesosoma.  (38)  Pronotum  black;  (39)  propleuron 
black;  (40)  mesonotum  black;  (43)  mesopleuron 
black;  (44)  metanotum  yellowish-orange;  (45)  pro- 
podeum yellowish-orange;  (46)  metapleuron  yel- 
lowish-orange; (47)  forecoxa  black,  or  yellowish- 
orange;  (48)  foretrochanter  black,  or  yellowish-or- 
ange; (49)  foretrochantellus  black,  or  yellowish-or- 
ange; (50)  forefemur  black,  or  yellowish-orange; 
(51)  foretibia  black,  or  yellowish-orange;  (52)  fore- 
tarsus yellowish-orange;  (53)  midcoxa  black,  or 

black  basally,  yellowish-orange  apically;  (54)  mid- 
trochanter black,  or  yellowish-orange;  (55)  midtro- 
chantellus  black,  or  yellowish-orange;  (56)  midfe- 
mur black,  or  yellowish-orange;  (57)  midtibia 
black,  or  yellowish-orange;  (58)  midtarsus  yellow- 
ish-orange; (59)  hind  coxa  black,  or  mostly  black 
but  yellowish-orange  in  apical  eighth;  (60)  trochan- 
ter yellowish-orange;  (61)  trochantellus  yellowish- 
orange;  (62)  femur  yellowish-orange;  (63)  tibia 
mostly  yellowish-orange  but  black  apically;  (64) 
tarsus  black;  (65)  forewing  banded  from  base:  yel- 
low, black,  yellow,  black;  all  bands  complete  and 
costal  vein  black,  or  banded  from  base:  yellow, 
black,  yellow,  black:  all  bands  complete  and  costal 
vein  yellow;  (66)  hind  wing  pattern  yellow  basally, 
black  in  apical  eighth.  Metasoma.  (67,  68)  Terga  1 
and  2 yellowish-orange;  (69,  70)  terga  3 and  4 
black  dorsally,  yellowish-orange  laterally  else- 
where; (71-74)  terga  5 to  8 black.  (75)  Ovipositor 
sheath  black. 

HOSTS.  Eulepte  concordalis  on  Tabehnia  rosea 
and  T.  impetiginosa  (Bignoniaceae)  (82-SRNP-670, 
94-SRNP-5867,  94-SRNP-6353,  94-SRNP-6362, 
94-SRNP-6364,  94-SRNP-6367,  94-SRNP-6369, 
94-SRNP-6371,  94-SRNP-6385,  94-SRNP-6388, 
94-SRNP-6389,  94-SRNP-6390).  94-SRNP-6367 
and  94-SRNP-6388  were  attacked  by  hyperparasi- 
toids  (Hymenoptera:  Perilampidae). 

DISTRIBUTION.  Costa  Rica  south  to  Venezue- 
la. Has  been  collected  in  Guanacaste  and  Puntar- 
enas  provinces  of  Costa  Rica  from  June  through 
September  (Fig.  21). 

Alabagrus  juchuy  Sharkey 
Figs.  3a,  9c 

Alabagrus  juchuy  Sharkey,  1988:374-375.  Holo- 

type  ?,  Trinidad  (BMNH). 

DIAGNOSIS.  Gena  with  obtuse  angle  posteriorly 
(cf.  Fig.  9c).  Body  length  5. 2-5. 5 mm.  Malar  space 
0.5  X the  distance  from  the  eye  to  the  maximum 
extent  of  the  gena.  Maxillary  and  labial  palpomeres 
black.  Antenna  with  36  flagellomeres. 

LENGTH.  (1)  5.20-5.50  mm. 

HEAD.  (2)  Antenna  with  36  flagellomeres.  (3) 
Gena  with  obtuse  angle  posteriorly  (cf.  Fig.  9c).  (4) 
Malar  space  0.5  X the  distance  from  the  eye  to  the 
maximum  extent  of  the  gena. 

MESOSOMA.  (5)  Notaulus  weakly  (cf.  Fig.  12a) 
to  deeply  (cf.  Fig.  lid)  impressed;  (6)  not  crenulate 
(cf.  Fig.  lid).  (7)  Median  longitudinal  ridge  of  scu- 
tum weak  anteriorly  (cf.  Fig.  11c),  or  absent  (cf. 
Fig.  11a).  (8)  Scutellar  sulcus  mostly  smooth  (cf. 
Fig.  12a).  (10)  Apex  of  scutellum  smooth,  lacking 
transverse  ridge  (cf.  Fig.  12a).  (11)  Sternaulus  com- 
posed of  large  crenulae  posteroventrally  (cf.  Fig. 
16a).  (12)  Margin  between  metepisternum  and  me- 
tepimeron crenulate  (cf.  Fig.  16a).  (13)  Metapleu- 
ron mostly  smooth  (cf.  Fig.  15a);  (14)  with  several 
crenulae  along  ventral  margin  (cf.  Fig.  16b).  (15) 
Median  areola  of  metanotum  not  excavated,  pos- 
terior margin  not  elevated  (cf.  Fig.  17a),  or  deeply 

Contributions  in  Science,  Number  497 

excavated,  with  well-defined  posterior  margin  (cf. 
Fig.  17c).  (16)  Propodeum  areolate  (cf.  Fig.  12a); 

(17)  anterior  areola  of  propodeum  weak  anteriorly 
(cf.  Fig.  17a),  or  large  and  five-sided  (cf.  Fig.  14d); 

(18)  transverse  carina  of  propodeum  weakly  de- 
fined (cf.  Fig.  14f),  or  complete  (cf.  Fig.  lid);  (19) 
consisting  of  only  one  smooth,  straight,  transverse 
ridge.  (20)  Midtibia  with  1 spine;  (21)  hind  tibia 
with  2 or  3 spines.  (22)  Hind  femur  smooth  ven- 
trally  (cf.  Fig.  10b);  (23)  3.2-4. 7 X longer  than 
wide.  (24)  Forewing  vein  Icu-a  intersects  Cu  distad 
IM  (Fig.  13b). 

METASOMA.  (25)  First  median  tergite  with 
small  longitudinal  bump  anteriorly  (cf.  Fig.  19a), 
or  with  well-defined  median  longitudinal  carina  (cf. 
Fig.  19c);  (26)  1.3-1. 6 X longer  than  wide;  (27) 
lacking  transverse  depression.  (28)  Median  synter- 
gite  2 + 3 1.125-1.30  X longer  than  wide.  (29)  Sec- 
ond median  tergite  with  transverse  depression  bare- 
ly indicated.  (30)  Third  median  tergite  lacking 
transverse  depression.  (31)  Ovipositor  0.8  X body 
length;  (32)  2.8  X length  of  hind  femur. 

COLOR.  (33)  Summary.  Head  black  except 
maxillary  and  labial  palpomeres  yellowish-orange. 
Mesosoma  black  except  propodeum  and  metapleu- 
ron  yellowish-orange  and  pronotum,  mesonotum, 
and  metanotum  sometimes  yellowish-orange.  Fore- 
leg and  midleg  entirely  black  except  both  fore-  and 
midtarsus  yellowish-orange.  Hind  leg  black  except 
coxa  yellowish-orange  and  femur  rarely  orange. 
Metasoma  yellowish-orange  except  tergum  8 black 
and  terga  5 to  7 sometimes  black.  Forewing  black 
with  stigma  sometimes  yellow  and  base  of  wing 
sometimes  clear.  Hind  wing  entirely  black.  Head. 
(34)  Antenna  black;  (35)  flagellum  paler  than 
scape.  (36)  Maxillary  and  labial  palpomeres  black. 
(37)  Head  black.  Mesosoma.  (38)  Pronotum  yel- 
lowish-orange; (39)  propleuron  black;  (40)  meson- 
otum black,  or  yellowish-orange;  (43)  mesopleuron 
black;  (44)  metanotum  black,  or  yellowish-orange; 
(45)  propodeum  yellowish-orange;  (46)  metapleu- 
ron  yellowish-orange;  (47)  forecoxa  black;  (48) 
foretrochanter  black;  (49)  foretrochantellus  black; 
(50)  forefemur  black;  (51)  foretibia  black;  (52) 
foretarsus  yellowish-orange;  (53)  midcoxa  black; 
(54)  midtrochanter  black;  (55)  midtrochantellus 
black;  (56)  midfemur  black;  (57)  midtibia  black; 
(58)  midtarsus  yellowish-orange;  (59)  hind  coxa 
yellowish-orange;  (60)  trochanter  black;  (61)  tro- 
chantellus  black;  (62)  femur  black,  or  yellowish- 
orange;  (63)  tibia  black;  (64)  tarsus  black;  (65) 
forewing  entirely  black,  or  black  with  stigma  yel- 
low, or  black  with  stigma  yellow  and  base  of  wing 
clear;  (66)  hind  wing  pattern  entirely  black.  Meta- 
soma. (67-70)  Terga  1 to  4 yellowish-orange;  (71- 
73)  terga  5 to  7 black,  or  yellowish-orange;  (74) 
terga  8 black.  (75)  Ovipositor  sheath  black. 

DISTRIBUTION.  Costa  Rica  south  to  Argenti- 
na. Has  been  collected  at  Turrialba  and  Peninsula 
de  Osa  in  Costa  Rica,  in  August  and  September, 
respectively  (Fig.  21). 

Leathers  and  Sharkey:  A Review  of  Alabragus  ■ 31 

Alabagrus  kagaba  Sharkey 

Plate  I 

Alabagrus  kagaba  Sharkey,  1988:375.  Holotype  9, 

Colombia  (BMNH). 

DIAGNOSIS.  Forewing  banded  from  base:  clear, 
black,  clear,  black.  Metapleuron  with  several  cren- 
ulae  along  ventral  margin  (cf.  Fig.  16b).  Hind  fe- 
mur mostly  yellowish-orange  but  black  in  apical 
eighth  and  basal  tenth.  Gena  acute  posteroventrally 
(cf.  Fig.  9d). 

LENGTH.  (1)  7.95-10.80  mm. 

HEAD.  (2)  Antenna  with  46-52  flagellomeres. 
(3)  Gena  acute  posteroventrally  (cf.  Fig.  9d).  (4) 
Malar  space  0.42-0.54  X distance  from  eye  to 
maximum  extent  of  gena. 

MESOSOMA.  (5)  Notaulus  weakly  impressed 
(cf.  Fig.  12a),  or  absent  (cf.  Fig.  12c);  (6)  not  cren- 
ulate  (cf.  Fig.  lid).  (7)  Median  longitudinal  ridge 
of  scutum  weak  (cf.  Fig.  11c)  to  strong  (cf.  Fig. 
lid)  anteriorly.  (8)  Scutellar  sulcus  mostly  smooth 
(cf.  Fig.  12a).  (10)  Apex  of  scutellum  smooth,  lack- 
ing transverse  ridge  (cf.  Fig.  12a),  or  mostly  smooth 
with  several  weak  punctures.  (11)  Sternaulus  com- 
posed of  large  crenulae  posteroventrally  (cf.  Fig. 
16a).  (12)  Margin  between  metepisternum  and  me- 
tepimeron  crenulate  (cf.  Fig.  16a).  (13)  Metapleu- 
ron mostly  smooth  (cf.  Fig.  15a);  (14)  with  several 
crenulae  along  ventral  margin  (cf.  Fig.  16b).  (15) 
Median  areola  of  metanotum  deeply  excavated, 
with  well-defined  posterior  margin  (cf.  Fig.  17c),  or 
weakly  excavated,  with  posterior  margin  not  ele- 
vated. (16)  Propodeum  mostly  smooth  (cf.  Fig. 
14a).  (20)  Midtibia  with  3 to  6 spines;  (21)  hind 
tibia  with  5 to  9 spines.  (22)  Hind  femur  smooth 
ventrally  (cf.  Fig.  10b);  (23)  2.53-4.43  X longer 
than  wide.  (24)  Forewing  veins  IM  and  Icu-a  in- 
tersect (Fig.  13a). 

METASOMA.  (25)  First  median  tergite  with 
small  longitudinal  bump  anteriorly  (cf.  Fig.  19a); 
(26)  0.84-1.05  X longer  than  wide;  (27)  lacking 
transverse  depression.  (28)  Median  syntergite  2 + 3 
1.10-1.24  X longer  than  wide.  (29)  Second  median 
tergite  with  transverse  depression.  (30)  Third  me- 
dian tergite  lacking  transverse  depression.  (31)  Ovi- 
positor 0.76-0.90  X body  length;  (32)  2.88-3.47 
X length  of  hind  femur. 

COLOR.  (33)  Summary.  Head  black  except 
maxillary  and  labial  palpomeres  yellowish-orange. 
Mesosoma  black  except  propodeum  sometimes  yel- 
lowish-orange posteriorly.  Foreleg  and  midleg  en- 
tirely black  except  foretarsus  yellowish-orange. 
Hind  leg  mostly  black,  coxa  yellowish-orange  but 
black  laterally,  femur  yellowish-orange  centrally. 
Forewing  banded  from  base:  clear,  black,  clear, 
black.  Hind  wing  entirely  infuscate.  Terga  1 to  4 
yellowish-orange.  Terga  5 to  8 and  ovipositor 
sheath  black.  Head.  (34)  Antenna  black.  (36)  Max- 
illary and  labial  palpomeres  yellowish-orange.  (37) 
Head  black.  Mesosoma.  (38)  Pronotum  black;  (39) 
propleuron  black;  (40)  mesonotum  black;  (43)  me- 
sopleuron  black;  (44)  metanotum  black;  (45)  pro- 

32  ■ Contributions  in  Science,  Number  497 

Leathers  and  Sharkey:  A Review  of  Alabragus 

podeum  black,  or  mostly  black  but  yellowish-or- 
ange posteriorly;  (46)  metapleuron  black;  (47)  fore- 
coxa black;  (48)  foretrochanter  black;  (49)  foretro- 
chantellus  black;  (50)  forefemur  black;  (51) 
foretibia  black;  (52)  foretarsus  yellowish-orange; 
(53)  midcoxa  black;  (54)  midtrochanter  black;  (55) 
midtrochantellus  black;  (56)  midfemur  black;  (57) 
midtibia  black;  (58)  midtarsus  black;  (59)  hind 
coxa  mostly  yellowish-orange  but  black  laterally; 
(60)  hind  trochanter  black;  (61)  hind  trochantellus 
black;  (62)  hind  femur  mostly  yellowish-orange  but 
black  in  apical  eighth  and  basal  tenth;  (63)  hind 
tibia  black;  (64)  hind  tarsus  black;  (65)  forewing 
banded  from  base:  clear,  black,  clear,  black;  (66) 
hind  wing  pattern  entirely  clear.  Metasoma.  (67- 
70)  Terga  1 to  4 yellowish-orange;  (71-74)  terga  5 
to  8 black.  (75)  Ovipositor  sheath  black. 

DISTRIBUTION.  Veracruz,  Mexico,  south 
through  Central  America  and  the  Caribbean  coun- 
tries of  South  America.  Collected  at  La  Selva 
throughout  the  year,  except  August  and  September 
(Fig.  21).  Collected  only  in  primary  and  secondary 

Alabagrus  latisoma  Sharkey 

Figs.  8a,  11a 

Alabagrus  latisoma  Sharkey,  1988:377.  Holotype 

9,  Argentina  (AEIC). 

DIAGNOSIS.  Metapleuron  yellowish-orange  in 
dorsal  third,  black  ventrally.  Gena  acute  postero- 
ventrally  (cf.  Fig.  9d).  Hind  coxa  mostly  yellowish- 
orange  but  black  in  apical  fifth.  Antenna  with  40 
to  41  flagellomeres. 

LENGTH.  (1)  6.8-9.9  mm. 

HEAD.  (2)  Antenna  with  40  to  41  flagellomeres. 
(3)  Gena  acute  posteroventrally  (cf.  Fig.  9d).  (4) 
Malar  space  0.46-0.59  X distance  from  eye  to 
maximum  extent  of  gena. 

MESOSOMA.  (5)  Notaulus  weakly  (cf.  Fig.  12a) 
to  deeply  (cf.  Fig.  lid)  impressed;  (6)  not  crenulate 
(cf.  Fig.  lid).  (7)  Median  longitudinal  ridge  of  scu- 
tum absent  (Fig.  11a).  (8,  9)  Scutellar  sulcus  with 
one  weak  median  ridge  (cf.  Fig.  lid).  (10)  Apex  of 
scutellum  with  transverse,  smooth  ridge  (cf.  Fig. 
12d).  (11)  Sternaulus  composed  of  large  crenulae 
posteroventrally  (cf.  Fig.  16a).  (12)  Margin  be- 
tween metepisternum  and  metepimeron  crenulate 
(cf.  Fig.  16a).  (13)  Metapleuron  mostly  smooth  (cf. 
Fig.  15a);  (14)  with  several  crenulae  along  ventral 
margin  (cf.  Fig.  16b).  (15)  Median  areola  of  me- 
tanotum  deeply  excavated,  with  well-defined  pos- 
terior margin  (cf.  Fig.  17c).  (16)  Propodeum  areo- 
late  (cf.  Fig.  12a);  (17)  anterior  areola  of  propo- 
deum with  sharp  ridge  anteriorly  (cf.  Fig.  lid);  (18) 
anterior  transverse  carina  of  propodeum  complete 
(cf.  Fig.  lid);  (19)  consisting  of  only  one  smooth, 
straight,  transverse  ridge.  (20)  Midtibia  with  3 to  9 
spines;  (21)  hind  tibia  with  10  or  11  spines.  (22) 
Hind  femur  rugose  ventrally  (cf.  Fig.  10c);  (23) 
3.10-4.72  X longer  than  wide.  (24)  Forewing  vein 
Icu-a  intersects  Cu  distad  IM  (Fig.  13b). 

METASOMA.  (25)  First  median  tergite  with 
small  longitudinal  bump  anteriorly  (cf.  Fig.  19a), 
or  with  well-defined  median  longitudinal  ridge  (Fig. 
19c);  (26)  1. 0-1.1  X longer  than  wide;  (27)  lacking 
transverse  depression.  (28)  Median  syntergite  2-^3 
0.85-1.10  X longer  than  wide.  (29)  Second  median 
tergite  with  transverse  depression.  (30)  Third  me- 
dian tergite  with  transverse  depression.  (31)  Ovi- 
positor 0.60-0.71  X body  length;  (32)  2.60-3.34 
X length  of  hind  femur. 

COLOR.  (33)  Summary.  Head  black  except 
maxillary  and  labial  palpomeres  yellowish-orange. 
Mesosoma  black  except  propodeum  and  dorsal 
third  of  metapleuron  yellowish-orange.  Foreleg  and 
midleg  black  except  both  tarsi  yellowish-orange. 
Hind  leg  mostly  black  except  coxa  yellowish-or- 
ange in  basal  four  fifths,  femur  yellowish-orange, 
and  tibia  sometimes  yellowish-orange  centrally. 
Forewing  and  hind  wing  black.  Terga  1 to  6 yel- 
lowish-orange. Terga  7 and  8 and  ovipositor  sheath 
black.  Head.  (34)  Antenna  black.  (36)  Maxillary 
and  labial  palpomeres  yellowish-orange.  (37)  Head 
black.  Mesosoma.  (38)  Pronotum  black;  (39)  pro- 
pleuron  black;  (40)  mesonotum  black;  (43)  meso- 
pleuron  black;  (44)  metanotum  black;  (45)  propo- 
deum yellowish-orange;  (46)  metapleuron  yellow- 
ish-orange in  dorsal  third,  black  ventrally;  (47) 
forecoxa  black;  (48)  foretrochanter  black;  (49) 
foretrochantellus  black;  (50)  forefemur  black;  (51) 
foretibia  black;  (52)  foretarsus  yellowish-orange; 
(53)  midcoxa  black;  (54)  midtrochanter  black;  (55) 
midtrochantellus  black;  (56)  midfemur  black;  (57) 
midtibia  black;  (58)  midtarsus  yellowish-orange; 
(59)  hind  coxa  mostly  yellowish-orange  but  black 
in  apical  fifth;  (60)  hind  trochanter  black;  (61)  hind 
trochantellus  black;  (62)  hind  femur  yellowish-or- 
ange; (63)  hind  tibia  black,  or  mostly  yellow  but 
black  in  apical  and  basal  third;  (64)  hind  tarsus 
black;  (65)  forewing  entirely  black;  (66)  hind  wing 
pattern  entirely  black.  Metasoma.  (67-72)  Terga  1 
to  6 yellowish-orange;  (73-74)  terga  7 and  8 black. 
(75)  Ovipositor  sheath  black. 

DISTRIBUTION.  Widespread  from  Costa  Rica 
to  northern  Argentina  and  east  to  Para,  Brazil,  ap- 
parently absent  from  the  Brazilian  Highlands.  Col- 
lected at  La  Selva  from  March  through  July  and 
September  and  October  (Fig.  21).  Commonly  col- 
lected in  the  swamp  site  at  La  Selva,  rarely  else- 

Alabagrus  latreillei  (Spinola) 

Figs.  4b,  9a 

Agathis  latreillei  Spinola,  1840:191-192.  Holotype 
9,  French  Guiana  (MIZT). 

Agathis  lepida  Brulle,  1846:497.  Holotype  9,  Cen- 
tral America  (MNHN). 

Craspedobothrus  fuscovittatus  Enderlein,  1920: 
206.  Holotype  9,  Suriname  (ZMPA). 

Alabagrus  latreillei  Sharkey,  1988:377-378,  figs. 
2a,  20a. 

DIAGNOSIS.  Forewing  banded  from  base:  yel- 

Contributions  in  Science,  Number  497 

low,  black,  yellow,  black;  all  bands  complete  and 
costal  vein  yellow.  First  median  tergite  0.83-1.20 
X longer  than  wide.  Ovipositor  0.75-1.00  X body 
length.  Antenna  with  51  to  54  flagellomeres.  Hind 
tibia  mostly  yellowish-orange  but  black  apically. 
Gena  acute  posteroventrally  (cf.  Fig.  9d). 

LENGTH.  (1)  8.7-10.5  mm. 

HEAD.  (2)  Antenna  with  51  to  54  flagellomeres. 
(3)  Gena  acute  (usually)  (cf.  Fig.  9d)  to  right-angled 
(cf.  Fig.  9a)  posteroventrally. 

MESOSOMA.  (5)  Notaulus  deeply  impressed  to 
absent  (cf.  Figs,  lid,  12a,  12c);  (6)  not  crenulate. 
(7)  Median  longitudinal  ridge  of  scutum  absent  to 
strong  anteriorly  (cf.  Figs.  11a,  11c,  lid).  (8)  Scu- 
tellar  sulcus  mostly  smooth  (cf.  Fig.  12a),  or  with 
one  median  ridge  (cf.  Fig.  11b).  (10)  Apex  of  scu- 
tellum  smooth,  sometimes  with  transverse,  ridge 
(cf.  Figs.  12a,  12d).  (11)  Sternaulus  composed  of 
large  crenulae  posteroventrally  (cf.  Fig.  16a),  or 
long,  distinct,  and  composed  of  many  small  cren- 
ulae (cf.  Fig.  15b).  (12)  Margin  between  metepister- 
num  and  metepimeron  crenulate  (cf.  Fig.  16a).  (13) 
Metapleuron  mostly  smooth  (cf.  Fig.  15a);  (14) 
with  or  without  several  crenulae  along  ventral  mar- 
gin (cf.  Figs.  16b,  16f).  (16)  Propodeum  mostly 
smooth  (cf.  Fig.  14a).  (20)  Midtibia  with  3 to  6 
spines;  (21)  hind  tibia  with  4 to  6 spines.  (22)  Hind 
femur  smooth  ventrally  (cf.  Fig.  10b);  (23)  3. 7-4. 7 
X longer  than  wide. 

METASOMA.  (25)  First  median  tergite  with 
weak  (cf.  Fig.  19d)  to  well-defined  (cf.  Fig.  19c) 
median  longitudinal  carina,  or  with  small  longitu- 
dinal bump  anteriorly  (cf.  Fig.  19a),  or  evenly  con- 
vex, lacking  distinct  bump  anteromedially  (cf.  Fig. 
19b);  (26)  1.1  X longer  than  wide.  (28)  Median 
syntergite  2-^3  1.1-1. 3 X longer  than  wide.  (29) 
Second  median  tergite  with  or  without  weak  to 
strong  transverse  depression.  (30)  Third  median 
tergite  lacking  transverse  depression.  (31)  Ovipos- 
itor 0.75-1.00  X body  length;  (32)  2. 7-3. 5 X 
length  of  hind  femur. 

COLOR.  (33)  Summary.  Head  black  except 
maxillary  and  labial  palpomeres  yellowish-orange. 
Mesosoma  black  except  propodeum,  metapleuron, 
and  occasionally  mesonotum  and/or  posterior  area 
of  mesopleuron  yellowish-orange.  Foreleg  and  mid- 
leg both  usually  black  except  tarsi  and  sometimes 
tibiae  yellowish-orange,  but  both  legs  may  be  en- 
tirely yellowish-orange.  Hind  leg  yellowish-orange 
except  tarsus  and  apical  part  of  tibia  always  black, 
and  trochanter,  trochantellus,  and  lateral  part  of 
coxa  sometimes  black.  Forewing  banded  from  base: 
yellow,  black,  yellow,  black.  Hind  wing  yellow  ex- 
cept black  apically.  Metasoma  yellowish-orange  an- 
teriorly, black  posteriorly.  Ovipositor  sheath  black. 
Head.  (34)  Antenna  black.  (36)  Maxillary  and  la- 
bial palpomeres  yellowish  orange.  (37)  Head  black. 
Mesosoma.  (38)  Pronotum  black;  (39)  propleuron 
black;  (40)  mesonotum  black,  or  yellowish-orange; 
(43)  mesopleuron  black,  or  mostly  black  except  yel- 
lowish-orange posteriorly;  (44)  metanotum  black, 
or  yellowish-orange;  (45)  propodeum  yellowish-or- 

Leathers  and  Sharkey:  A Review  of  Alabragus  ■ 33 

ange;  (46)  metapleuron  yellowish-orange;  (47)  fore- 
coxa black,  or  yellowish-orange;  (48)  foretrochan- 
ter black,  or  yellowish-orange;  (49)  foretrochantel- 
lus  black,  or  yellowish-orange;  (50)  forefemur 
black,  or  yellowish-orange;  (51)  foretibia  black,  or 
yellowish-orange;  (52)  foretarsus  yellowish-orange; 
(53)  midcoxa  black,  or  yellowish-orange;  (54)  mid- 
trochanter black,  or  yellowish-orange;  (55)  midtro- 
chantellus  black,  or  yellowish-orange;  (56)  midfe- 
mur black,  or  yellowish-orange;  (57)  midtibia  yel- 
lowish-orange; (58)  midtarsus  yellowish-orange; 
(59)  hind  coxa  mostly  yellowish-orange  but  black 
laterally,  or  mostly  yellowish-orange  but  black  in 
apical  fifth;  (60)  hind  trochanter  black,  or  yellow- 
ish-orange; (61)  hind  trochantellus  black,  or  yel- 
lowish-orange; (62)  hind  femur  yellowish-orange; 
(63)  hind  tibia  mostly  yellowish-orange  but  black 
apically;  (64)  hind  tarsus  black;  (65)  forewing 
banded  from  base:  yellow,  black,  yellow,  black:  all 
bands  complete  from  foremargin  to  hind  margin  of 
wing  and  costal  vein  yellow.  (66)  Hind  wing  yellow 
basally,  black  in  apical  eighth,  or  yellow  basally, 
slightly  black  in  apical  quarter.  Metasoma.  (67-70) 
Terga  1 to  4 yellowish-orange;  (71)  tergum  5 yel- 
lowish-orange, or  black;  (72-74)  terga  6 to  8 black. 
(75)  Ovipositor  sheath  black. 

HOSTS.  Phostria  metalobalis  (Hampson)  on 
Genipa  americana  (Rubiaceae)  (80-SRNP-244.1, 
80-SRNP-244.2,  81-SRNP-436). 

DISTRIBUTION.  Widespread  but  rare  from 
Costa  Rica  east  to  Suriname  and  through  the  Am- 
azon Basin  south  to  Brasilia  and  southern  Bahia  in 
Brazil.  Collected  only  once  in  April  at  La  Selva  (Fig. 
21),  in  primary  forest. 

Alabagrus  maculipes  (Cameron) 

Fig.  6d 

Microdus  maculipes  Cameron,  1887:404.  Holotype 
<5,  Guatemala  (BMNH). 

Microdus  trochanteratus  Cameron,  1905:50.  Ho- 
lotype 9,  Nicaragua  (BMNH). 

Alabagrus  maculipes  Sharkey,  1988:380,  fig.  17c. 

DIAGNOSIS.  Head  yellowish-orange;  or  yellow- 
ish-orange except  vertex  black;  or  yellowish-orange 
except  black  anteriorly.  Midtibia  black;  or  mostly 
yellowish-orange,  black  in  apical  fifth.  Antenna 
with  34  to  37  flagellomeres.  Hind  tibia  mostly  yel- 
low but  black  in  apical  eighth.  Gena  rounded  pos- 
teroventrally (cf.  Fig.  9b).  Malar  space  0.62-0.94 
X the  distance  from  the  eye  to  the  maximum  extent 
of  the  gena.  Anterior  areola  of  propodeum  with 
sharp  ridge  anteriorly  (cf.  Fig.  lid). 

LENGTH.  (1)  4.40-6.90  mm. 

HEAD.  (2)  Antenna  with  34  to  37  flagellomeres. 
(3)  Gena  rounded  posteroventrally  (cf.  Fig.  9b).  (4) 
Malar  space  0.62-0.94  X distance  from  eye  to 
maximum  extent  of  gena. 

MESOSOMA.  (5)  Notaulus  weakly  (cf.  Fig.  12a) 
to  deeply  (cf.  Fig.  lid)  impressed;  (6)  not  crenulate. 
(7)  Median  longitudinal  ridge  of  scutum  weak  (cf. 
Fig.  11c)  to  absent  (cf.  Fig.  11a).  (8,  9)  Scutellar 

34  ■ Contributions  in  Science,  Number  497 

Leathers  and  Sharkey:  A Review  of  Alabragus 

sulcus  with  one  weak  (cf.  Fig.  lid)  to  strong  (cf. 
Fig.  11b)  median  ridge.  (10)  Apex  of  scutellum  with 
transverse,  rugose  ridge  (cf.  Fig.  11a),  with  trans- 
verse, smooth  ridge  (cf.  Fig.  12d),  or  smooth,  lack- 
ing transverse  ridge  (cf.  Fig.  12a).  (11)  Sternaulus 
mostly  absent,  represented  by  small,  shallow  de- 
pression (cf.  Fig.  18d),  or  composed  of  large  cren- 
ulae  posteroventrally  (cf.  Fig.  16a).  (12)  Margin  be- 
tween metepisternum  and  metepimeron  crenulate 
(cf.  Fig.  16a).  (13)  Metapleuron  mostly  smooth  (cf. 
Fig.  15a),  or  areolate  rugose  in  ventral  quarter  (cf. 
Fig.  15b);  (14)  with  several  crenulae  along  ventral 
margin  (cf.  Fig.  16b).  (15)  Median  areola  of  me- 
tanotum  deeply  excavated,  with  well-defined  pos- 
terior margin  (cf.  Fig.  17c),  or  bisected  by  a strong 
ridge  (some  males).  (16)  Propodeum  areolate  (cf. 
Fig.  12a);  (17)  anterior  areola  of  propodeum  with 
sharp  ridge  anteriorly  (cf.  Fig.  lid);  (18)  anterior 
transverse  carina  of  propodeum  complete  to  absent 
(cf.  Figs,  lid,  14f,  17d);  (19)  consisting  of  only  one 
smooth,  straight,  transverse  ridge.  (20)  Midtibia 
with  2 to  6 spines;  (21)  hind  tibia  with  3 to  5 
spines.  (22)  Flind  femur  smooth  ventrally  (cf.  Fig. 
10b);  (23)  2.91-4.34  X longer  than  wide.  (24) 
Forewing  veins  IM  and  Icu-a  intersect  (Fig.  13a), 
or  vein  Icu-a  intersects  Cu  distad  IM  (Fig.  13b). 

METASOMA.  (25)  First  median  tergite  evenly 
convex,  lacking  distinct  bump  anteromedially  (usu- 
ally) (cf.  Fig.  19b),  or  with  small  longitudinal  bump 
anteriorly  (cf.  Fig.  19a);  (26)  1.21-1.55  X longer 
than  wide;  (27)  lacking  transverse  depression.  (28) 
Median  syntergite  2 + 3 1.02-1.24  X longer  than 
wide.  (29)  Second  median  tergite  with  transverse 
depression  barely  indicated  (usually),  or  lacking 
transverse  depression.  (30)  Third  median  tergite 
lacking  transverse  depression.  (31)  Ovipositor 
0.60-0.78  X body  length;  (32)  1.96-2.91  X length 
of  hind  femur. 

COLOR.  (33)  Summary.  Head  yellowish-orange 
except  antenna  and  rarely  vertex  or  anterior  part 
of  head  black.  Mesosoma  entirely  yellowish-or- 
ange. Foreleg  mostly  yellowish-orange,  femur 
sometimes  partly  to  entirely  black,  tibia  sometimes 
black  apically.  Midleg  mostly  yellowish-orange,  fe- 
mur sometimes  black  in  apical  third,  tibia  black  in 
apical  fifth;  trochanter,  trochantellus,  and  entire  fe- 
mur and  tibia  rarely  black.  Hind  leg  black  except 
trochanter  and  trochantellus  sometimes  black,  tibia 
black  in  apical  eighth,  and  tarsus  black  to  yellow- 
ish-black. Forewing  and  hind  wing  black.  Metaso- 
ma yellowish-orange  with  ovipositor  sheath  black; 
one  male  has  the  dorsal  surface  of  terga  1 to  8 
black.  Head.  (34)  Antenna  black.  (36)  Maxillary 
and  labial  palpomeres  yellowish-orange.  (37)  Head 
yellowish-orange  (99%,  sample  size  = 190),  or  yel- 
lowish-orange except  vertex  black,  or  yellowish-or- 
ange except  black  anteriorly.  Mesosoma.  (38)  Pron- 
otum  yellowish-orange;  (39)  propleuron  yellowish- 
orange;  (40)  mesonotum  yellowish-orange;  (43) 
mesopleuron  yellowish-orange;  (44)  metanotum 
yellowish-orange;  (45)  propodeum  yellowish-or- 
ange; (46)  metapleuron  yellowish-orange;  (47)  fore- 

coxa yellowish-orange;  (48)  foretrochanter  yellow- 
ish-orange, or  black;  (49)  foretrochantellus  yellow- 
ish-orange, or  black;  (50)  forefemur  yellowish-or- 
ange, or  yellowish-orange  in  apical  and  basal  third, 
black  centrally;  (51)  foretibia  yellowish-orange,  or 
mostly  yellowish-orange  but  black  apically;  (52) 
foretarsus  yellowish-orange;  (53)  midcoxa  yellow- 
ish-orange; (54)  midtrochanter  yellowish-orange, 
or  black;  (55)  midtrochantellus  yellowish-orange; 

(56)  midfemur  yellowish-orange,  or  yellowish-or- 
ange basally,  black  in  apical  third,  or  entirely  black; 

(57)  midtibia  mostly  yellowish-orange,  black  in 
apical  fifth,  or  entirely  black;  (58)  midtarsus  yel- 
lowish-orange; (59)  hind  coxa  yellowish-orange; 

(60)  hind  trochanter  black,  or  yellowish-orange; 

(61)  hind  trochantellus  black,  or  yellowish-orange; 

(62)  hind  femur  yellowish-orange,  or  black  (rare); 

(63)  hind  tibia  mostly  yellow  but  black  in  apical 
eighth;  (64)  hind  tarsus  black;  (65)  forewing  entire- 
ly black;  (66)  hind  wing  pattern  entirely  black.  Me- 
tasoma. (67-74)  Terga  1 to  8 yellowish-orange 
(99%),  or  yellowish-orange  but  black  dorsally.  (75) 
Ovipositor  sheath  black. 

HOSTS.  Pilocrocis  ramentalis  Lederer  on  Dys- 
choriste  valeriana  (Acanthaceae)  (94-SRNP-7176, 
94-SRNP-7194)  and  an  unknown  crambid  on  Ma- 
ranta  arundinacea  (Marantaceae)  (90-SRNP-1513). 

DISTRIBUTION.  From  the  midlatitudes  of 
Mexico  south  through  Central  America  and  Cuba 
to  the  Caribbean  countries  of  South  America.  Col- 
lected throughout  the  year  at  La  Selva,  except  for 
November  (Fig.  21),  mostly  in  successional  plots. 

Alabagrus  masneri  Sharkey 

Figs.  6c,  11c,  16e 

Alabagrus  masneri  Sharkey,  1988:381-382.  Holo- 
type  9,  Panama  (AEIC). 

DIAGNOSIS.  Hind  coxa  mostly  yellowish-or- 
ange but  black  in  apical  fifth;  or  yellowish-orange 
in  basal  twelfth,  black  apically.  Hind  femur  black; 
or  mostly  yellowish-orange  but  black  in  basal  and 
apical  twelfth.  Body  length  3. 8-6.0  mm.  Sternaulus 
with  several  foveae  posteroventrally  and  smooth 
groove  (cf.  Fig.  16f);  or  completely  absent  (cf.  Fig. 
16d);  or  mostly  absent,  represented  by  a small  shal- 
low depression  (cf.  Fig.  18d).  Gena  rounded  pos- 
teroventrally (cf.  Fig.  9b).  Ovipositor  0.71-1.13  X 
body  length.  Hind  tibia  black. 

LENGTH.  (1)  3. 8-6.0  mm. 

HEAD.  (2)  Antenna  with  32  to  36  flagellomeres. 
(3)  Gena  rounded  posteroventrally  (cf.  Fig.  9b).  (4) 
Malar  space  0.63-0.80  X distance  from  eye  to 
maximum  extent  of  gena. 

MESOSOMA.  (5)  Notaulus  deeply  impressed  to 
absent  (cf.  Figs,  lid,  12a,  12c);  (6)  not  crenulate 
(cf.  Fig.  lid).  (7)  Median  longitudinal  ridge  of  scu- 
tum absent  (cf.  Fig.  11a)  to  weak  anteriorly  (cf.  Fig. 
11c).  (8,  9)  Scutellar  sulcus  mostly  smooth  (cf.  Fig. 
12a),  or  with  one  weak  median  ridge  (cf.  Fig.  lid). 
(10)  Apex  of  scutellum  smooth,  lacking  transverse 
ridge  (cf.  Fig.  12a),  or  mostly  smooth  with  several 

Contributions  in  Science,  Number  497 

weak  punctures,  or  with  transverse,  rugose  or 
smooth  ridge  (cf.  Figs.  11a,  12d).  (11)  Sternaulus 
with  several  foveae  posteroventrally  and  smooth 
groove  (cf.  Fig.  16f),  or  mostly  absent,  represented 
by  small,  shallow  depression  (cf.  Fig.  18d),  or  com- 
pletely absent  (cf.  Fig.  16d).  (12)  Margin  between 
metepisternum  and  metepimeron  crenulate  (cf.  Fig. 
16a).  (13)  Metapleuron  mostly  smooth  (cf.  Fig. 
15a);  (14)  with  several  crenulae  along  ventral  mar- 
gin (cf.  Fig.  16b),  or  with  no  crenulae  along  ventral 
margin  (cf.  Fig.  16f).  (15)  Median  areola  of  metan- 
otum  deeply  excavated,  with  well-defined  posterior 
margin  (cf.  Fig.  17c).  (16)  Propodeum  weakly  are- 
olate  (cf.  Fig.  12a)  to  mostly  smooth  (cf.  Fig.  14a); 
(17)  anterior  areola  of  propodeum  weak  anteriorly 
(cf.  Fig.  17a),  or  with  sharp  ridge  anteriorly  (cf.  Fig. 
lid),  or  large  and  five-sided  (cf.  Fig.  14d);  (18)  an- 
terior transverse  carina  of  propodeum  complete  to 
absent  (cf.  Figs,  lid,  14f,  17d).  (20)  Midtibia  with 
0 to  4 spines;  (21)  hind  tibia  with  3 to  5 spines. 
(22)  Flind  femur  smooth  ventrally  (usually)  (cf.  Fig. 
10b),  or  punctate  ventrally  (cf.  Fig.  10a);  (23)  3.48-- 
4.93  X longer  than  wide.  (24)  Forewing  vein  Icu- 
a intersects  Cu  distad  IM  (Fig.  13b),  or  veins  IM 
and  Icu-a  intersect  (Fig.  13a). 

METASOMA.  (25)  First  median  tergite  with 
small  longitudinal  bump  anteriorly  (cf.  Fig.  19a), 
or  evenly  convex,  lacking  distinct  bump  antero- 
medially  (cf.  Fig.  19b),  or  with  well-defined  median 
longitudinal  carina  (cf.  Fig.  19c);  (26)  1.07-1.64  X 
longer  than  wide;  (27)  lacking  transverse  depres- 
sion. (28)  Median  syntergite  2 + 3 1.10-1.38  X lon- 
ger than  wide.  (29)  Second  median  tergite  lacking 
transverse  depression,  or  with  transverse  depression 
barely  indicated.  (30)  Third  median  tergite  lacking 
transverse  depression.  (31)  Ovipositor  0.71-1.13  X 
body  length;  (32)  2.69-3.72  X length  of  hind  fe- 

COLOR.  (33)  Summary.  Flead  black  except 
maxillary  and  labial  palpomeres  yellowish-orange. 
Mesosoma  yellowish-orange  except  propleuron 
sometimes  black.  Foreleg  and  midleg  mostly  black 
but  both  tibia  and  mid  coxa  sometimes  yellowish- 
orange  apically  and  both  tarsi  always  yellowish-or- 
ange. Hind  leg  black  except  coxa  yellowish-orange 
in  basal  four  fifths  and  femur  sometimes  yellowish- 
orange  centrally.  Forewing  and  hind  wing  black. 
Metasoma  almost  always  yellowish-orange  but 
rarely  brown.  Ovipositor  sheath  black.  Head.  (34) 
Antenna  black.  (36)  Maxillary  and  labial  palpom- 
eres yellowish-orange.  (37)  Head  black.  Mesosoma. 
(38)  Pronotum  yellowish-orange;  (39)  propleuron 
black,  or  yellowish-orange;  (40)  mesonotum  yel- 
lowish-orange; (43)  mesopleuron  yellowish-orange; 
(44)  metanotum  yellowish-orange;  (45)  propodeum 
yellowish-orange;  (46)  metapleuron  yellowish-or- 
ange; (47)  forecoxa  black;  (48)  foretrochanter 
black;  (49)  foretrochantellus  black;  (50)  forefemur 
black;  (51)  foretibia  black,  or  black  in  basal  half, 
yellow  apically;  (52)  foretarsus  yellowish-orange; 
(53)  midcoxa  black,  or  yellowish-orange;  (54)  mid- 
trochanter black;  (55)  midtrochantellus  black;  (56) 

Leathers  and  Sharkey:  A Review  of  Alabragus  ■ 35 

midfemur  black;  (57)  midtibia  black,  or  yellowish- 
orange  in  apical  fifth,  black  basally;  (58)  midtarsus 
yellowish-orange;  (59)  hind  coxa  mostly  yellowish- 
orange  but  black  in  apical  fifth,  or  yellowish-orange 
in  basal  twelfth,  black  apically;  (60)  hind  trochan- 
ter black;  (61)  hind  trochantellus  black;  (62)  hind 
femur  black,  or  mostly  yellowish-orange  but  black 
in  basal  and  apical  twelfth;  (63)  hind  tibia  black; 
(64)  hind  tarsus  black;  (65)  forewing  entirely  black; 
(66)  hind  wing  pattern  entirely  black.  Metasoma. 
(67-74)  Terga  1 to  8 yellowish-orange.  (75)  Ovi- 
positor sheath  black. 

DISTRIBUTION.  Widespread  from  Belize  south 
to  Peru  and  east  to  Suriname.  Collected  throughout 
the  year  at  La  Selva  (Fig.  21).  Collected  mostly  in 
successional  plots  and  at  the  swamp  site. 

Alabagrus  maya  Sharkey 

Fig.  8g 

Alabagrus  maya  Sharkey,  1988:384.  Holotype  7, 

Mexico  (USNM). 

DIAGNOSIS.  Hind  tibia  with  7 to  11  spines. 
Gena  right-angled  (cf.  Fig.  9a)  or  acute  (cf.  Fig.  9d) 
posteroventrally.  Tergum  8 yellowish-orange.  Apex 
of  scutellum  smooth,  lacking  transverse  ridge  (cf. 
Fig.  12a).  Malar  space  0.45-0.55  X the  distance 
from  the  eye  to  the  maximum  extent  of  the  gena. 
Hind  coxa  yellowish-orange.  Forewing  entirely  and 
evenly  black.  Median  syntergite  2-f  3 1.09-1.27  X 
longer  than  wide.  First  median  tergite  1.17-1.52  X 
longer  than  wide.  Metapleuron  yellowish-orange. 

LENGTH.  (1)  5. 6-8.9  mm. 

HEAD.  (2)  Antenna  with  34  to  42  flagellomeres. 
(3)  Gena  right-angled  (usually)  (cf.  Fig.  9a),  or 
acute  posteroventrally  (cf.  Fig.  9d).  (4)  Malar  space 
0.45-0.55  X distance  from  eye  to  maximum  extent 
of  gena. 

MESOSOMA.  (5)  Notaulus  weakly  (cf.  Fig.  12a) 
to  deeply  (cf.  Fig.  lid)  impressed;  (6)  not  crenulate. 
(7)  Median  longitudinal  ridge  of  scutum  weak  (cf. 
Fig.  11c)  to  absent  (cf.  Fig.  11a).  (8,  9)  Scutellar 
sulcus  mostly  smooth  (cf.  Fig.  12a),  sometimes  with 
one  weak  median  ridge  (cf.  Fig.  lid).  (10)  Apex  of 
scutellum  smooth,  lacking  transverse  ridge  (cf.  Fig. 
12a).  (11)  Sternaulus  composed  of  large  crenulae 
posteroventrally  (cf.  Fig.  16a),  or  mostly  absent, 
represented  by  small,  shallow  depression  (cf.  Fig. 
18d).  (12)  Margin  between  metepisternum  and  me- 
tepimeron crenulate  (cf.  Fig.  16a).  (13)  Metapleu- 
ron mostly  smooth  (cf.  Fig.  15a);  (14)  with  several 
(cf.  Fig.  16b)  or  no  (cf.  Fig.  16f)  crenulae  along 
ventral  margin.  (15)  Median  areola  of  metanotum 
deeply  excavated,  with  well-defined  posterior  mar- 
gin (cf.  Fig.  17c),  or  bisected  by  strong  ridge.  (16) 
Propodeum  areolate  (cf.  Fig.  12a);  (17)  anterior 
areola  of  propodeum  weak  (cf.  Fig.  17a)  or  with 
blunt  (cf.  Fig.  17d)  to  sharp  (cf.  Fig.  lid)  ridge 
anteriorly;  (18)  anterior  transverse  carina  of  pro- 
podeum complete  to  absent  (cf.  Figs,  lid,  14f, 
17d).  (20)  Midtibia  with  2 to  6 spines;  (21)  hind 
tibia  with  7 to  11  spines.  (22)  Hind  femur  smooth 

36  ■ Contributions  in  Science,  Number  497 

Leathers  and  Sharkey:  A Review  of  Alabragus 

ventrally  (cf.  Fig.  10b);  (23)  3.76-5.03  X longer 
than  wide.  (24)  Forewing  veins  IM  and  Icu-a  in- 
tersect (Fig.  13a). 

METASOMA.  (25)  First  median  tergite  with 
small  longitudinal  bump  anteriorly  (cf.  Fig.  19a), 
or  with  well-defined  median  longitudinal  carina  (cf. 
Fig.  19c);  (26)  1.17-1.52  X longer  than  wide;  (27) 
lacking  transverse  depression.  (28)  Median  synter- 
gite  2-^3  1.09-1.27  X longer  than  wide.  (29)  Sec- 
ond median  tergite  with  transverse  depression.  (30) 
Third  median  tergite  with  transverse  depression  ab- 
sent to  strong.  (31)  Ovipositor  0.58-0.93  X body 
length;  (32)  2.18-3.20  X length  of  hind  femur. 

COLOR.  (33)  Summary.  Head  black  except  max- 
illary and  labial  palpomeres  yellowish-orange.  Meso- 
soma  usually  black  except  propodeum  and  metapleu- 
ron  yellowish-orange,  but  some  specimens  from  out- 
side Costa  Rica  have  been  recorded  with  entirely  yel- 
lowish-orange mesosomas.  Foreleg  black  except 
foretarsus  yellowish-orange.  Midleg  highly  variable  in 
coloration:  usually  entirely  black  but  ranges  to  entire- 
ly yellowish-orange.  Hind  leg  usually  black  except 
yellowish-orange  coxa  and  lateral  portion  of  femur, 
but  can  be  entirely  yellowish-orange  except  tarsus 
black.  Metasoma  yellowish-orange  except  tergite  of 
median  tergite  7 sometimes  black.  Ovipositor  sheath 
black.  Head.  (34)  Antenna  black.  (36)  Maxillary  and 
labial  palpomeres  yellowish  orange.  (37)  Head  black. 
Mesosoma.  (38)  Pronotum  black,  or  yellowish-or- 
ange; (39)  propleuron  black,  or  yellowish-orange;  (40) 
mesonotum  black,  or  yellowish-orange;  (43)  meso- 
pleuron  black,  or  yellowish-orange;  (44)  metanotum 
black,  or  yellowish-orange;  (45)  propodeum  yellow- 
ish-orange; (46)  metapleuron  yellowish-orange;  (47) 
forecoxa  black,  or  yellowish-orange;  (48)  foretro- 
chanter black;  (49)  foretrochantellus  black;  (50)  fore- 
femur black;  (51)  foretibia  black;  (52)  foretarsus  yel- 
lowish-orange; (53)  midcoxa  black,  or  yellowish-or- 
ange; (54)  midtrochanter  black,  or  yellowish-orange; 
(55)  midtrochantellus  black,  or  yellowish-orange;  (56) 
midfemur  black,  or  yellowish-orange;  (57)  midtibia 
black;  (58)  midtarsus  black;  (59)  hind  coxa  yellowish- 
orange;  (60)  hind  trochanter  black,  or  yellowish-or- 
ange; (61)  hind  trochantellus  black,  or  yellowish-or- 
ange; (62)  hind  femur  mostly  black  with  a yellowish- 
orange  area  laterally  and  apically,  or  entirely  black, 
or  entirely  yellowish-orange;  (63)  hind  tibia  black,  or 
yellowish-orange;  (64)  hind  tarsus  black;  (65)  fore- 
wing entirely  black;  (66)  hind  wing  pattern  entirely 
black.  Metasoma.  (67-72)  Terga  1 to  6 yellowish- 
orange;  (73)  tergum  7 yellowish-orange,  or  black;  (74) 
tergum  8 yellowish-orange.  Metasoma  of  males 
brown  to  black.  (75)  Ovipositor  sheath  black. 

DISTRIBUTION.  Southern  Mexico  south  to  Co- 
lombia. Collected  at  La  Selva  in  April,  May,  July, 
August,  and  October  (Fig.  21),  exclusively  in  suc- 
cessional  plots. 

Alabagrus  miqa  Sharkey 

Fig.  3b 

Alabagrus  miqa  Sharkey,  1988:384-385.  Holotype 

9,  Mexico  (BMNH). 

DIAGNOSIS.  Hind  coxa  black  but  yellowish-or- 
ange posteriorly.  Notaulus  absent  (cf.  Fig.  12c). 
Median  syntergite  2 + 3 0.88-1.00  X longer  than 

LENGTH.  (1)  7.0-7.3  mm. 

HEAD.  (2)  Antenna  with  37  to  41  flagellomeres. 
(3)  Gena  right-angled  posteroventrally  (cf.  Fig.  9a), 
or  acute  posteroventrally  (cf.  Fig.  9d).  (4)  Malar 
space  0.9  X the  distance  from  the  eye  to  the  max- 
imum extent  of  the  gena. 

MESOSOMA.  (5)  Notaulus  absent  (cf.  Fig.  12c). 
(7)  Median  longitudinal  ridge  of  scutum  weak  an- 
teriorly (cf.  Fig.  11c).  (8)  Scutellar  sulcus  with  weak 
median  ridge  (cf.  Fig.  lid);  (9)  with  one  ridge  (cf. 
Fig.  11b).  (10)  Apex  of  scutellum  smooth,  lacking 
transverse  ridge  (cf.  Fig.  12a).  (11)  Sternaulus  com- 
posed of  large  crenulae  posteroventrally  (cf.  Fig. 
16a),  or  mostly  absent,  represented  by  small,  shal- 
low depression  (cf.  Fig.  18d).  (12)  Margin  between 
metepisternum  and  metepimeron  crenulate  (cf.  Fig. 
16a).  (13)  Metapleuron  mostly  smooth  (cf.  Fig. 
15a);  (14)  with  several  crenulae  along  ventral  mar- 
gin (cf.  Fig.  16b),  or  with  no  crenulae  along  ventral 
margin  (cf.  Fig.  16f).  (15)  Median  areola  of  metan- 
otum deeply  excavated,  with  well-defined  posterior 
margin  (cf.  Fig.  17c).  (16)  Propodeum  mostly 
smooth  (cf.  Fig.  14a).  (20)  Midtibia  with  0 to  3 
spines;  (21)  hind  tibia  with  3 to  5 spines.  (22)  Hind 
femur  smooth  ventrally  (cf.  Fig.  10b);  (23)  3. 8-4.0 
X longer  than  wide.  (24)  Forewing  veins  IM  and 
Icu-a  intersect  (Fig.  13a). 

METASOMA.  (25)  First  median  tergite  with 
well-defined  median  longitudinal  carina  (cf.  Fig. 
19c);  (26)  0.72-1.30  X longer  than  wide;  (27)  lack- 
ing transverse  depression.  (28)  Median  syntergite 
2 + 3 0.88-1.00  X longer  than  wide.  (29)  Second 
median  tergite  with  strong  transverse  depression. 
(30)  Third  median  tergite  with  strong  transverse  de- 
pression. (31)  Ovipositor  0.4-1. 0 X body  length; 
(32)  1.5-2. 3 X length  of  hind  femur. 

COLOR.  (33)  Summary.  Head  black  except  palpi 
yellow;  mesosoma  brownish-black  except  metano- 
tum, tegula,  propodeum,  hind  trochanter  and  hind 
coxa  posteriorly  orange;  legs  all  brownish-black  ex- 
cept fore-  and  midtarsi  yellow;  metasoma  orange 
except  black  distad  segment  5;  forewing  infuscate 
except  stigma  yellow  distally.  Head.  (34)  Antenna 
black.  (36)  Maxillary  and  labial  palpomeres  yel- 
lowish-orange. (37)  Head  black.  Mesosoma.  (38) 
Pronotum  black;  (39)  propleuron  black;  (40)  me- 
sonotum black;  (43)  mesopleuron  black;  (44)  me- 
tanotum black,  or  yellowish-orange;  (45)  propo- 
deum yellowish-orange;  (46)  metapleuron  black; 
(47)  forecoxa  black;  (48)  foretrochanter  black;  (49) 
foretrochantellus  black;  (50)  forefemur  black;  (51) 
foretibia  black;  (52)  foretarsus  yellowish-orange; 
(53)  midcoxa  black;  (54)  midtrochanter  black;  (55) 
midtrochantellus  black;  (56)  midfemur  black;  (57) 
midtibia  black;  (58)  midtarsus  yellowish-orange; 
(59)  hind  coxa  black  but  yellowish-orange  poste- 
riorly; (60)  trochanter  black;  (61)  trochantellus 
black;  (62)  femur  black;  (63)  tibia  black;  (64)  tarsus 

Contributions  in  Science,  Number  497 

black;  (65)  forewing  entirely  black,  or  black  with 
stigma  yellow;  (66)  hind  wing  pattern  entirely 
black.  Metasoma.  (67-71)  Terga  1 to  5 yellowish- 
orange;  (72,  73)  terga  6 and  7 black,  or  yellowish- 
orange;  (74)  tergum  8 black.  (75)  Ovipositor  sheath 

DISTRIBUTION.  Southern  Mexico  south  to 
Costa  Rica.  Collected  only  once  in  January  in  Li- 
mon  Province  of  Costa  Rica  (Fig.  21). 

Alabagrus  mojos  Sharkey 

Fig.  4e 

Alabagrus  mojos  Sharkey,  1988:386-387.  Holo- 
type  ?,  Ecuador  (CNCI). 

DIAGNOSIS.  Hind  coxa  yellowish-orange  in  basal 
twelfth,  black  apically.  Gena  right-angled  poster- 
oventrally  (cf.  Fig.  9a).  Tergum  4 mostly  yellowish- 
orange  but  black  posteriorly. 

LENGTH.  (1)  5.3-7.7mm. 

HEAD.  (2)  Antenna  with  34  to  37  flagellomeres. 

(3)  Gena  right-angled  posteroventrally  (cf.  Eig.  9a). 

(4)  Malar  space  0.58  X distance  from  eye  to  max- 
imum extent  of  gena. 

MESOSOMA.  (5)  Notaulus  deeply  impressed  (cf. 
Eig.  lid);  (6)  not  crenulate  (cf.  Fig.  lid).  (7)  Me- 
dian longitudinal  ridge  of  scutum  absent  (cf.  Fig. 
11a).  (8)  Scutellar  sulcus  mostly  smooth  (cf.  Fig. 
12a),  sometimes  with  one  weak  median  ridge  (cf. 
Fig.  lid).  (10)  Apex  of  scutellum  with  transverse 
smooth  (cf.  Fig.  12d)  or  rugose  ridge  (cf.  Fig.  11a). 
(11)  Sternaulus  mostly  absent,  represented  by 
small,  shallow  depression  (cf.  Fig.  18d).  (12)  Mar- 
gin between  metepisternum  and  metepimeron  cren- 
ulate (usually)  (cf.  Fig.  16a)  or  smooth  (cf.  Fig.  16f). 

(13)  Metapleuron  mostly  smooth  (cf.  Fig.  15a); 

(14)  with  no  crenulae  along  ventral  margin  (cf.  Fig. 
16f).  (15)  Median  areola  of  metanotum  deeply  ex- 
cavated, with  well-defined  posterior  margin  (cf.  Fig. 
17c).  (16)  Propodeum  areolate  (cf.  Fig.  12a);  (17) 
anterior  areola  of  propodeum  with  long,  blunt, 
wide  ridge  anteriorly  (cf.  Fig.  17d);  (18)  anterior 
transverse  carina  of  propodeum  absent  (cf.  Fig. 
17d)  to  weakly  defined  (cf.  Fig.  14f).  (20)  Midtibia 
with  0 to  4 spines;  (21)  hind  tibia  with  2 to  4 
spines.  (22)  Hind  femur  smooth  ventrally  (cf.  Fig. 
10b);  (23)  4. 5-4. 7 X longer  than  wide.  (24)  Fore- 
wing vein  Icu-a  intersects  Cu  distad  IM  (Fig.  13b). 

METASOMA.  (25)  Eirst  median  tergite  with 
small  longitudinal  bump  anteriorly  (cf.  Fig.  19a); 
(26)  1.36-1.80  X longer  than  wide;  (27)  lacking 
transverse  depression.  (28)  Median  syntergite  1 + 3 
1.06-1.80  X longer  than  wide.  (29)  Second  median 
tergite  lacking  transverse  depression,  or  with  trans- 
verse depression  barely  indicated.  (30)  Third  me- 
dian tergite  lacking  transverse  depression.  (31)  Ovi- 
positor 0.66-0.70  X body  length;  (32)  2.47-2.80 
X length  of  hind  femur. 

COLOR.  (33)  Summary.  Head  usually  black  except 
maxillary  and  labial  palpomeres  yellowish-orange, 
but  sometimes  orange  except  vertex  black.  Mesosoma 
yellowish-orange  except  mesoscutum  black.  Foreleg 

Leathers  and  Sharkey:  A Review  of  Alabragus  ■ 37 

and  midleg  both  entirely  yellowish-orange.  Hind  leg 
black  except  coxa  in  basal  twelfth,  femur,  and  tibia 
in  basal  seven  eighths  yellowish-orange.  Forewing  and 
hind  wing  usually  banded  from  base:  yellow,  black, 
yellow,  black,  but  forewing  can  be  entirely  black  or 
black  with  one  clear  band  in  apical  third  quarter.  Ter- 
ga 1 to  3 yellowish-orange.  Median  tergum  4 yellow- 
ish-orange but  black  posteriorly.  Terga  5 to  8 and  ovi- 
positor sheath  black.  Head.  (34)  Antenna  black.  (36) 
Maxillary  and  labial  palpomeres  yellowish-orange. 
(37)  Head  black  (98%,  sample  size  = 41),  or  yellow- 
ish-orange except  vertex  black.  Mesosoma.  (38)  Pron- 
otum  yellowish-orange;  (39)  propleuron  yellowish-or- 
ange; (40)  mesonotum  bicolorous,  black  and  yellow- 
ish-orange; (41)  mesoscutum  black;  (42)  scutellum 
yellowish-orange;  (43)  mesopleuron  yellowish-orange; 
(44)  metanotum  yellowish-orange;  (45)  propodeum 
yellowish-orange;  (46)  metapleuron  yellowish-orange; 
(47)  forecoxa  yellowish-orange;  (48)  foretrochanter 
yellowish-orange;  (49)  foretrochantellus  yellowish-or- 
ange; (50)  forefemur  yellowish-orange;  (51)  foretibia 
yellowish-orange;  (52)  foretarsus  yellowish-orange; 
(53)  midcoxa  yellowish-orange;  (54)  midtrochanter 
yellowish-orange;  (55)  midtrochantellus  yellowish-or- 
ange; (56)  midfemur  yellowish-orange;  (57)  midtibia 
yellowish-orange;  (58)  midtarsus  yellowish-orange; 
(59)  hind  coxa  yellowish-orange  in  basal  twelfth, 
black  apically;  (60)  hind  trochanter  black;  (61)  hind 
trochantellus  black;  (62)  hind  femur  yellowish-orange, 
or  mostly  yellowish-orange  but  black  in  apical  eighth 
and  basal  tenth;  (63)  hind  tibia  mostly  yellow  but 
black  in  apical  eighth,  or  mostly  yellow  but  black  in 
apical  and  basal  sixth;  (64)  hind  tarsus  black;  (65) 
forewing  banded  from  base:  yellow,  black,  yellow, 
black;  all  bands  complete  from  foremargin  to  hind 
margin  of  wing  and  costal  vein  yellow,  or  entirely  and 
evenly  black,  or  black  with  one  clear  band  in  apical 
third  quarter;  (66)  hind  wing  pattern  banded  from 
base:  yellow,  black,  yellow,  black.  Metasoma.  (67-69) 
Terga  1 to  3 yellowish-orange;  (70)  tergum  4 mostly 
yellowish-orange  but  black  posteriorly;  (71-74)  terga 
5 to  8 black.  (75)  Ovipositor  sheath  black. 

DISTRIBUTION.  Widespread  from  Guatemala 
south  to  northern  Argentina.  Collected  at  La  Selva 
from  March  through  August,  and  in  November  and 
December  (Fig.  22),  in  successional  plots  and  sec- 
ond-growth forest. 

Alabagrus  nahuatl  Sharkey 

Fig-  3g 

Alabagrus  nahuatl  Sharkey,  1988:388.  Holotype  9, 

Mexico  (CNCI). 

DIAGNOSIS.  Forewing  clear  in  basal  half,  black 
apically.  Gena  rounded  posteroventrally  (cf.  Fig. 
9b).  Metapleuron  areolate  rugose  in  ventral  half 
(cf.  Fig.  16a).  First  median  tergite  1.0  X longer  than 

LENGTH.  (1)  9.3-10.5  mm. 

HEAD.  (2)  Antenna  with  40  to  46  flagellomeres. 
(3)  Gena  rounded  posteroventrally  (cf.  Eig.  9b).  (4) 

38  ■ Contributions  in  Science,  Number  497 

Leathers  and  Sharkey:  A Review  of  Alabragus 

Malar  space  0.5  X the  distance  from  the  eye  to  the 
maximum  extent  of  the  gena. 

MESOSOMA.  (5)  Notaulus  deeply  impressed  (cf. 
Fig.  lid);  (6)  not  crenulate  (cf.  Fig.  lid).  (7)  Me- 
dian longitudinal  ridge  of  scutum  strong  (cf.  Fig. 
lid).  (8)  Scutellar  sulcus  mostly  smooth  (cf.  Fig. 
12a),  or  with  median  ridge  (cf.  Fig.  11b),  or  with 
weak  median  ridge  (cf.  Fig.  lid);  (9)  with  no  ridges 
(cf.  Fig.  12a),  or  one  ridge  (cf.  Fig.  11b).  (10)  Apex 
of  scutellum  with  transverse,  rugose  ridge  (cf.  Fig. 
11a),  or  with  transverse,  smooth  ridge  (cf.  Fig. 
12d).  (11)  Sternaulus  long,  distinct,  and  composed 
of  many  small  foveae  (cf.  Fig.  15b),  or  composed 
of  large  crenulae  posteroventrally  (cf.  Fig.  16a). 
(12)  Margin  between  metepisternum  and  metepi- 
meron  crenulate  (cf.  Fig.  16a).  (13)  Metapleuron 
areolate  rugose  in  ventral  half  (cf.  Fig.  16a).  (15) 
Median  areola  of  metanotum  deeply  excavated, 
with  well-defined  posterior  margin  (cf.  Fig.  17c). 
(16)  Propodeum  areolate  (cf.  Fig.  12a);  (17)  ante- 
rior areola  of  propodeum  weak  anteriorly  (cf.  Fig. 
17a);  (18)  transverse  carina  of  propodeum  absent 
(cf.  Fig.  17d),  or  weakly  defined  (cf.  Fig.  14f).  (20) 
Midtibia  with  3 to  10  spines;  (21)  hind  tibia  with 
8 to  20  spines.  (22)  Hind  femur  rugose  ventrally 
(cf.  Fig.  10c);  (23)  2. 9-3. 2 X longer  than  wide.  (24) 
Forewing  veins  IM  and  Icu-a  intersect  (Fig.  13a). 

METASOMA.  (25)  First  median  tergite  with 
small  longitudinal  bump  anteriorly  (cf.  Fig.  19a); 
(26)  1.0  X longer  than  wide;  (27)  lacking  trans- 
verse depression.  (28)  Median  syntergite  2 + 3 1.1- 
1.2  X longer  than  wide.  (29)  Second  median  tergite 
with  strong  transverse  depression.  (30)  Third  me- 
dian tergite  lacking  transverse  depression.  (31)  Ovi- 
positor 0.8  X body  length;  (32)  3.4  X length  of 
hind  femur. 

COLOR.  (33)  Summary.  Black,  reddish  orange, 
and  brown;  palpi,  fore-,  and  midtarsus  brown;  red- 
dish orange  as  follows:  metanotum,  metapleuron, 
propodeum,  hind  femur,  and  metasoma  except  ter- 
minally and  along  ventral  midline  black;  forewing 
clear  basally,  infuscate  distad  IRS  cell.  Head.  (34) 
Antenna  black.  (36)  Maxillary  and  labial  palpom- 
eres  black.  (37)  Head  black.  Mesosoma.  (38)  Pron- 
otum  black;  (39)  propleuron  black;  (40)  mesono- 
tum  black;  (43)  mesopleuron  black;  (44)  metano- 
tum yellowish-orange;  (45)  propodeum  yellowish- 
orange;  (46)  metapleuron  yellowish-orange;  (47) 
forecoxa  black;  (48)  foretrochanter  black;  (49) 
foretrochantellus  black;  (50)  forefemur  black;  (51) 
foretibia  black;  (52)  foretarsus  yellowish-orange; 
(53)  midcoxa  black;  (54)  midtrochanter  black;  (55) 
midtrochantellus  black;  (56)  midfemur  black;  (57) 
midtibia  black;  (58)  midtarsus  yellowish-orange; 
(59)  hind  coxa  black;  (60)  trochanter  black;  (61) 
trochantellus  black;  (62)  femur  yellowish-orange; 
(63)  tibia  black;  (64)  tarsus  black;  (65)  forewing 
clear  in  basal  half,  black  apically;  (66)  hind  wing 
pattern  entirely  black.  Metasoma.  (67-69)  Terga  1 
to  3 yellowish-orange;  (70)  terga  4 to  8 black.  (75) 
Ovipositor  sheath  black. 

HOSTS.  Lygropia  tripunctata  (Fabricius)  feeding 

on  Operculina  pteripes  (Convolvulaceae)  (94- 

DISTRIBUTION.  Mexico  south  to  Costa  Rica. 
One  specimen  reared  in  July  in  Guanacaste  Prov- 
ince of  Costa  Rica  (Fig.  22). 

Alabagrus  nicoya  Sharkey 

Fig.  3c 

Alabagrus  nicoya  Sharkey,  1988:388-389.  Holo- 

type  9,  Costa  Rica  (AEIC). 

DIAGNOSIS.  First  median  tergite  0.58-0.70  X 
longer  than  wide.  Gena  rounded  posteroventrally 
(cf.  Fig.  9b).  Maxillary  and  labial  palpomeres  most- 
ly black,  but  yellowish-orange  apically.  Hind  femur 
2. 5-2. 9 X longer  than  wide. 

LENGTH.  (1)  9.1-11.0  mm. 

HEAD.  (2)  Antenna  with  45  to  48  flagellomeres. 
(3)  Gena  rounded  posteroventrally  (cf.  Fig.  9b).  (4) 
Malar  space  0.63-0.77  X the  distance  from  the  eye 
to  the  maximum  extent  of  the  gena. 

MESOSOMA.  (5)  Notaulus  deeply  impressed  (cf. 
Fig.  lid),  or  weakly  impressed  (cf.  Fig.  12a);  (6) 
not  crenulate  (cf.  Fig.  lid).  (7)  Median  longitudinal 
ridge  of  scutum  strong  (cf.  Fig.  lid),  or  weak  an- 
teriorly (cf.  Fig.  11c).  (8)  Scutellar  sulcus  mostly 
smooth  (cf.  Fig.  12a),  or  with  median  ridge  (cf.  Fig. 
11b),  or  with  weak  median  ridge  (cf.  Fig.  lid);  (9) 
with  no  ridges  (cf.  Fig.  12a),  or  two  or  more  ridges 
(cf.  Fig.  17c).  (10)  Apex  of  scutellum  with  trans- 
verse, rugose  ridge  (cf.  Fig.  11a),  or  with  transverse, 
smooth  ridge  (cf.  Fig.  12d).  (11)  Sternaulus  long, 
distinct,  and  composed  of  many  small  foveae  (cf. 
Fig.  15b),  or  composed  of  large  crenulae  poster- 
oventrally (cf.  Fig.  16a)  (almost  always).  (12)  Mar- 
gin between  metepisternum  and  metepimeron  cren- 
ulate (cf.  Fig.  16a).  (13)  Metapleuron  areolate  ru- 
gose in  ventral  quarter  (cf.  Fig.  15b),  or  areolate 
rugose  in  ventral  half  (cf.  Fig.  16a).  (15)  Median 
areola  of  metanotum  deeply  excavated,  with  well- 
defined  posterior  margin  (cf.  Fig.  17c).  (16)  Pro- 
podeum areolate  (cf.  Fig.  12a);  (17)  anterior  areola 
of  propodeum  weak  anteriorly  (cf.  Fig.  17a),  or 
with  sharp  ridge  anteriorly  (cf.  Fig.  lid);  (18) 
transverse  carina  of  propodeum  absent  (cf.  Fig. 
17d),  or  weakly  defined  (cf.  Fig.  14f).  (20)  Midtibia 
with  5 or  6 spines;  (21)  hind  tibia  with  5 to  12 
spines.  (22)  Hind  femur  smooth  ventrally  (cf.  Fig. 
10b),  or  rugose  ventrally  (cf.  Fig.  10c)  (almost  al- 
ways); (23)  2. 5-2. 9 X longer  than  wide.  (24)  Fore- 
wing veins  IM  and  Icu-a  intersect  (Fig.  13a). 

METASOMA.  (25)  First  median  tergite  evenly 
convex,  lacking  distinct  bump  anteromedially  (cf. 
Fig.  19b);  (26)  0.58-0.70  X longer  than  wide;  (27) 
lacking  transverse  depression.  (28)  Median  synter- 
gite 2 + 3 0.88-1.00  X longer  than  wide.  (29)  Sec- 
ond median  tergite  with  strong  transverse  depres- 
sion, or  with  transverse  depression  barely  indicated. 

(30)  Third  median  tergite  lacking  transverse  de- 
pression, or  with  shallow  transverse  depression. 

(31)  Ovipositor  0.75-0.80  X body  length;  (32)  3.4- 
3.7  X length  of  hind  femur. 

Contributions  in  Science,  Number  497 

COLOR.  (33)  Summary.  Head  black  except  api- 
cal tips  of  maxillary  and  labial  palpomeres  yellow- 
ish-orange. Mesosoma  black  except  metanotum, 
propodeum,  and  metapleuron  yellowish-orange. 
Foreleg  and  midleg  both  entirely  black,  but  tarsi  are 
sometimes  yellowish-orange.  Hind  leg  black  except 
coxa  and  femur  yellowish-orange.  Forewing  entire- 
ly black  but  darker  apically,  or  yellow  basally  and 
black  apically  with  a sharp  or  gradual  distinction. 
Hind  wing  entirely  black.  Metasoma  mostly  yel- 
lowish-orange, with  some  black  along  venter  and 
rarely  terga  2 to  4.  Ovipositor  sheath  black.  Head. 
(34)  Antenna  black.  (36)  Maxillary  and  labial  pal- 
pomeres mostly  black,  but  yellowish-orange  api- 
cally. (37)  Head  black.  Mesosoma.  (38)  Pronotum 
black;  (39)  propleuron  black;  (40)  mesonotum 
black;  (43)  mesopleuron  black;  (44)  metanotum 
yellowish-orange;  (45)  propodeum  yellowish-or- 
ange; (46)  metapleuron  yellowish-orange;  (47)  fore- 
coxa black;  (48)  foretrochanter  black;  (49)  foretro- 
chantellus  black;  (50)  forefemur  black;  (51)  fore- 
tibia black;  (52)  foretarsus  black,  or  yellowish-or- 
ange; (53)  midcoxa  black;  (54)  midtrochanter 
black;  (55)  midtrochantellus  black;  (56)  midfemur 
black;  (57)  midtibia  black;  (58)  midtarsus  black,  or 
yellowish-orange;  (59)  hind  coxa  yellowish-orange; 
(60)  trochanter  black;  (61)  trochantellus  black;  (62) 
femur  yellowish-orange;  (63)  tibia  black;  (64)  tar- 
sus black;  (65)  forewing  yellow  basally  and  black 
apically  with  a weak  distinction,  costal  vein  black, 
or  yellow  basally  and  black  apically  with  a weak 
distinction,  costal  vein  yellow,  or  entirely  black  but 
darker  in  apical  tenth;  (66)  hind  wing  pattern  en- 
tirely black.  Metasoma.  (67-74)  Terga  1 to  8 yel- 
lowish-orange. (75)  Ovipositor  sheath  mostly  black 
but  yellow  at  apex. 

HOSTS.  Dichogama  colotha  Dyar  on  Capparis 
indica  or  C.  incana  (Capparidaceae)  (79-SRNP-211, 
89-SRNP-204,  90-SRNP-1194,  92-SRNP-665,  92- 
SRNP-4177,  92-SRNP-4220,  92-SRNP-4222,  92- 
SRNP-4228,  92-SRNP-4230,  92-SRNP-4232,  92- 
SRNP-4242,  92-SRNP-4254,  92-SRNP-4261,  92- 
SRNP-4532,  93-SRNP-831,  93-SRNP-833,  93- 
SRNP-4953,  93-SRNP-4958,  93-SRNP-4964.1, 
96-SRNP-1278,  96-SRNP-4969),  Dichogamma  red- 
tenbacheri  Lederer  on  Capparis  frondosa  (90-SRNP- 
1242.1,  90-SRNP-1407.1,  90-SRNP-1407.2,  90- 
SRNP-1407.3,  90-SRNP-1955,  93-SRNP-4734),  and 
Lativalva  pseudosmithii  Amsel  on  Morisonia  ameri- 
cana  (Capparidaceae)  (93-SRNP-4715).  93-SRNP- 
4964.1  was  attacked  by  a hyperparasitoid  (Hyme- 
noptera:  Perilampidae). 

DISTRIBUTION.  Known  only  from  Santa  Rosa 
National  Park  in  Guanacaste,  Costa  Rica.  Has  been 
reared  from  larvae  collected  in  May  through  Au- 
gust (Fig.  22). 

Alabagrus  nigritulus  (Szepligeti) 

Figs.  8f,  lid,  18c,  19b 

Microdus  nigritulus  Szepligeti,  1902:76.  Holotype 

9,  Brazil  (HNHM). 

Leathers  and  Sharkey:  A Review  of  Alabragus  ■ 39 

Cremnops  punctipennis  Cameron,  1911:322.  Ho- 
lotype d,  Guyana  (BMNH). 

Alabagrus  nigritulus  Sharkey,  1988:389,  figs.  7d, 


DIAGNOSIS.  Forewing  entirely  black.  Gena 
right-angled  (cf.  Fig.  9a)  or  acute  (cf.  Fig.  9e)  pos- 
teroventrally.  Median  syntergite  2-^3  1.30-1.52  X 
longer  than  wide.  Midtarsus  yellowish-orange. 
Pronotum  black.  Tergum  8 yellowish-orange.  Ovi- 
positor 2.67-3.80  X length  of  hind  femur.  Median 
longitudinal  ridge  of  scutum  strong  (cf.  Fig.  lid). 
Scutellar  sulcus  mostly  smooth  (cf.  Fig.  12a);  or 
with  weak  median  ridge  (cf.  Fig.  lid).  Mesonotum 

LENGTH.  (1)  4.9-8.0  mm. 

HEAD.  (2)  Antenna  with  33  to  40  flagellomeres. 
(3)  Gena  acute  posteroventrally  (usually)  (cf.  Fig. 
9d),  or  right-angled  (cf.  Fig.  9a).  (4)  Malar  space 
0.52-0.76  X distance  from  eye  to  maximum  extent 
of  gena. 

MESOSOMA.  (5)  Notaulus  deeply  impressed; 
(6)  not  crenulate.  (7)  Median  longitudinal  ridge  of 
scutum  strong  (cf.  Fig.  lid).  (8,  9)  Scutellar  sulcus 
with  one  weak  median  ridge  (cf.  Fig.  lid),  or  most- 
ly smooth  (cf.  Fig.  12a).  (10)  Apex  of  scutellum 
smooth,  lacking  transverse  ridge  (cf.  Fig.  12a),  or 
mostly  smooth  with  several  weak  punctures,  or 
with  transverse  smooth  (cf.  Fig.  12d)  or  rugose 
ridge  (rarely)  (cf.  Fig.  11a).  (11)  Sternaulus  com- 
posed of  large  crenulae  posteroventrally  (cf.  Fig. 
16a),  or  with  several  crenulae  posteroventrally  and 
a smooth  groove  (cf.  Fig.  16f),  or  long,  distinct,  and 
composed  of  many  small  crenulae  (cf.  Fig.  15b). 
(12)  Margin  between  metepisternum  and  metepi- 
meron  crenulate  (cf.  Fig.  16a).  (13)  Metapleuron 
mostly  smooth  (usually)  (cf.  Fig.  15a),  or  areolate 
rugose  in  ventral  quarter  (cf.  Fig.  15b);  (14)  with 
several  crenulae  along  ventral  margin  (usually)  (cf. 
Fig.  16b),  or  with  no  crenulae  along  ventral  margin 
(cf.  Fig.  16f).  (15)  Median  areola  of  metanotum 
deeply  excavated,  with  well-defined  posterior  mar- 
gin (cf.  Fig.  17c).  (16)  Propodeum  areolate  (cf.  Fig. 
12a);  (17)  anterior  areola  of  propodeum  with  blunt 
(cf.  Fig.  17d)  to  sharp  (cf.  Fig.  lid)  ridge  anteriorly, 
or  large  and  five-sided  (cf.  Fig.  14d);  (18)  anterior 
transverse  carina  of  propodeum  strongly  defined  to 
absent  (cf.  Figs,  lid,  14f,  17d).  (20)  Midtibia  with 
0 to  6 spines;  (21)  hind  tibia  with  3 to  5 spines. 
(22)  Hind  femur  smooth  (usually)  (cf.  Fig.  10b)  or 
rugose  ventrally  (cf.  Fig.  10c);  (23)  3.17-4.37  X 
longer  than  wide.  (24)  Forewing  vein  Icu-a  inter- 
sects Cu  distad  IM  (usually)  (Fig.  13b),  or  veins 
IM  and  Icu-a  intersect  (Fig.  13a). 

METASOMA.  (25)  First  median  tergite  with 
small  longitudinal  bump  anteriorly  (cf.  Fig.  19a), 
or  evenly  convex,  lacking  small  longitudinal  bump 
anteriorly  (Fig.  19b);  (26)  1.00-1.59  X longer  than 
wide;  (27)  lacking  transverse  depression.  (28)  Me- 
dian syntergite  2-^3  1.30-1.52  X longer  than  wide. 
(29)  Second  median  tergite  with  transverse  depres- 
sion barely  indicated.  (30)  Third  median  tergite 

40  ■ Contributions  in  Science,  Number  497 

Leathers  and  Sharkey:  A Review  of  Alabragus 

lacking  transverse  depression.  (31)  Ovipositor 
0.64-0.93  X body  length;  (32)  2.67-3.80  X length 
of  hind  femur. 

COLOR.  (33)  Summary.  Head  black  except  max- 
illary and  labial  palpomeres  yellowish-orange.  Me- 
sosoma  black  except  metanotum,  propodeum,  and 
metapleuron  yellowish-orange.  Foreleg  and  midleg 
black  except  both  tarsi  yellowish-orange.  Hind  leg 
black  except  coxa  and  femur  yellowish-orange,  and 
tibia  sometimes  mostly  yellowish-orange  or  with  an 
yellowish-orange  area  distolaterally.  Forewing  and 
hind  wing  entirely  black.  Metasoma  almost  always 
yellowish-orange  with  ovipositor  sheath  black,  but 
some  males  have  more  black  posteriorly.  Outside 
Costa  Rica  some  specimens  have  yellowish-orange 
fore-  and  midcoxae  and  can  even  be  entirely  black. 
Head.  (34)  Antenna  black.  (36)  Maxillary  and  labial 
palpomeres  yellowish-orange.  (37)  Head  black.  Me- 
sosoma.  (38)  Pronotum  black;  (39)  propleuron 
black;  (40)  mesonotum  black;  (43)  mesopleuron 
black;  (44)  metanotum  black,  or  yellowish-orange; 
(45)  propodeum  yellowish-orange;  (46)  metapleuron 
yellowish-orange;  (47)  forecoxa  black,  or  yellowish- 
orange;  (48)  foretrochanter  black;  (49)  foretrochan- 
tellus  black;  (50)  forefemur  black;  (51)  foretibia 
black;  (52)  foretarsus  yellowish-orange;  (53)  mid- 
coxa black,  or  yellowish-orange;  (54)  midtrochanter 
black;  (55)  midtrochantellus  black;  (56)  midfemur 
black;  (57)  midtibia  black;  (58)  midtarsus  yellowish- 
orange;  (59)  hind  coxa  yellowish-orange;  (60)  hind 
trochanter  black;  (61)  hind  trochantellus  black;  (62) 
hind  femur  yellowish-orange;  (63)  hind  tibia  black, 
or  mostly  yellow  but  black  in  apical  eighth,  or  most- 
ly black  with  a yellowish-orange  area  laterally;  (64) 
hind  tarsus  black;  (65)  forewing  entirely  black;  (66) 
hind  wing  pattern  entirely  black.  Metasoma.  (67-74) 
Terga  1 to  8 yellowish-orange.  (75)  Ovipositor 
sheath  black. 

DISTRIBUTION.  Widespread  in  the  Neotropics 
from  San  Luis  Potosi,  Mexico,  to  northern  Argen- 
tina. Collected  throughout  the  year  at  La  Selva,  ex- 
cept February  and  November  (Fig.  22).  Commonly 
collected  in  successional  plots  at  La  Selva;  occa- 
sionally collected  in  other  habitats. 

Alabagrus  pachamama  Sharkey 

Figs.  4c,  14c 

Alabagrus  pachamama  Sharkey,  1988:391-392. 

Holotype  $,  Ecuador  (CNCI). 

DIAGNOSIS.  Hind  tibia  mostly  yellow  but  black 
in  apical  eighth.  Forewing  banded  from  base:  yel- 
low, black,  yellow,  black.  Antenna  with  42  to  48 
flagellomeres.  Median  syntergite  2 + 3 1.21-1.56  X 
longer  than  wide.  Sternaulus  composed  of  large 
crenulae  posteroventrally  (cf.  Fig.  16a).  Hind  tibia 
with  4 or  5 spines.  Second  median  tergite  lacking 
transverse  depression;  or  with  transverse  depression 
barely  indicated. 

LENGTH.  (1)  5.68-10.00  mm. 

HEAD.  (2)  Antenna  with  42  to  48  flagellomeres. 
(3)  Gena  acute  posteroventrally  (usually)  (cf.  Eig. 

9d),  or  right-angled  posteroventrally  (cf.  Eig.  9a). 
(4)  Malar  space  0.34-0.62  X distance  from  eye  to 
maximum  extent  of  gena. 

MESOSOMA.  (5)  Notaulus  deeply  (cf.  Eig.  lid) 
or  weakly  impressed  (cf.  Eig.  12a);  (6)  not  crenulate 
(cf.  Eig.  lid).  (7)  Median  longitudinal  ridge  of  scu- 
tum strong  (90%,  sample  size  — 129)  (cf.  Eig.  lid), 
or  weak  (10%)  (cf.  Eig.  11c).  (8)  Scutellar  sulcus 
mostly  smooth  (cf.  Eig.  12a).  (10)  Apex  of  scutel- 
lum  smooth,  lacking  transverse  ridge  (cf.  Eig.  12a), 
or  mostly  smooth  with  several  weak  punctures,  or 
with  transverse,  smooth  ridge  (cf.  Fig.  12d).  (11) 
Sternaulus  composed  of  large  crenulae  posterov- 
entrally (cf.  Fig.  16a).  (12)  Margin  between  mete- 
pisternum  and  metepimeron  smooth  (95%)  (cf.  Fig. 
16f),  or  crenulate  (5%)  (cf.  Fig.  16a).  (13)  Meta- 
pleuron mostly  smooth  (cf.  Fig.  15a);  (14)  with  sev- 
eral (cf.  Fig.  16b)  or  no  crenulae  along  ventral  mar- 
gin (cf.  Fig.  16f).  (15)  Median  areola  of  metanotum 
deeply  excavated,  with  well-defined  posterior  mar- 
gin (cf.  Fig.  17c),  or  rarely  not  excavated  (<1%) 
(cf.  Fig.  17a).  (16)  Propodeum  mostly  smooth  (cf. 
Fig.  14a),  or  areolate  (cf.  Fig.  12a).  (20)  Midtibia 
with  0 to  5 spines;  (21)  hind  tibia  with  4 or  5 
spines.  (22)  Hind  femur  smooth  ventrally  (cf.  Fig. 
10b);  (23)  3.75-5.66  X longer  than  wide.  (24) 
Forewing  veins  IM  and  Icu-a  intersect  (Fig.  13a), 
or  vein  Icu-a  intersects  Cu  distad  IM  (Fig.  13b). 

METASOMA.  (25)  Eirst  median  tergite  evenly 
convex,  lacking  distinct  bump  anteromedially  (cf. 
Eig.  19b),  or  with  small  longitudinal  bump  anteri- 
orly (cf.  Eig.  19a);  (26)  0.98-1.50  X longer  than 
wide;  (27)  lacking  transverse  depression.  (28)  Me- 
dian syntergite  2 + 3 1.21-1.56  X longer  than  wide. 
(29)  Second  median  tergite  with  transverse  depres- 
sion barely  indicated  or  lacking.  (30)  Third  median 
tergite  lacking  transverse  depression.  (31)  Ovipos- 
itor 0.51-0.93  X body  length;  (32)  1.95-3.26  X 
length  of  hind  femur. 

COLOR.  (33)  Summary.  Head  black  except  clyp- 
eus  and  maxillary  and  labial  palpomeres  yellowish- 
orange.  Mesosoma  black  except  propodeum,  me- 
tapleuron, and  sometimes  metanotum  yellowish-or- 
ange. Eoreleg  entirely  yellowish-orange  to  entirely 
black  except  tarsus  yellowish-orange.  Midleg  yel- 
lowish-orange except  femur  sometimes  black  in 
part  to  entirely  black  except  basal  part  of  midtibia 
yellowish-orange.  Hind  leg  yellowish-orange  except 
coxa  distolaterally,  parts  of  tibia,  and  tarsus  some- 
times black.  Eorewing  banded  from  base:  yellow, 
black,  yellow,  black.  Hind  wing  yellow  except 
black  in  apical  quarter,  or  yellowish-orange  with 
black  band  in  apical  third  quarter.  Metasoma  most- 
ly to  entirely  black,  terga  1 to  4 often  yellowish- 
orange.  Ovipositor  sheath  black  with  yellowish-or- 
ange area  at  apex.  Head.  (34)  Antenna  black.  (36) 
Maxillary  and  labial  palpomeres  yellowish-orange. 
(37)  Head  black.  Mesosoma.  (38)  Pronotum  black; 
(39)  propleuron  black;  (40)  mesonotum  black;  (43) 
mesopleuron  black;  (44)  metanotum  black,  or  yel- 
lowish-orange; (45)  propodeum  yellowish-orange; 
(46)  metapleuron  yellowish-orange;  (47)  forecoxa 

Contributions  in  Science,  Number  497 

yellowish-orange,  or  black,  or  black  in  anterior 
half,  yellow  posteriorly;  (48)  foretrochanter  yellow- 
ish-orange, or  black,  or  black  in  anterior  half,  yel- 
low posteriorly;  (49)  foretrochantellus  yellowish- 
orange,  or  black,  or  black  anteriorly,  yellow  pos- 
teriorly; (50)  forefemur  yellowish-orange,  or  black, 
or  black  in  basal  half,  yellowish-orange  apically; 
(51)  foretibia  yellowish-orange,  or  black;  (52)  for- 
etarsus yellowish-orange;  (53)  midcoxa  yellowish- 
orange,  or  black;  (54)  midtrochanter  yellowish-or- 
ange, or  black;  (55)  midtrochantellus  yellowish-or- 
ange, or  black;  (56)  midfemur  yellowish-orange,  or 
black,  or  yellowish-orange  in  basal  and  apical 
sixth,  black  elsewhere;  (57)  midtibia  yellowish-or- 
ange, or  yellowish-orange  in  basal  tenth,  black  api- 
cally; (58)  midtarsus  yellowish-orange,  or  black,  or 
mostly  yellowish-orange,  but  apical  tarsomere 
black;  (59)  hind  coxa  yellowish-orange,  or  mostly 
yellowish-orange  but  black  laterally;  (60)  hind  tro- 
chanter black,  or  yellowish-orange;  (61)  hind  tro- 
chantellus  black,  or  yellowish-orange;  (62)  hind  fe- 
mur yellowish-orange;  (63)  hind  tibia  mostly  yel- 
low but  black  in  apical  eighth;  (64)  hind  tarsus 
black;  (65)  forewing  banded  from  base:  yellow, 
black,  yellow,  black:  all  bands  complete  from  fore- 
margin to  hind  margin  of  wing  and  costal  vein  yel- 
low; (66)  hind  wing  pattern  yellow  with  one  black 
band  in  apical  third  quarter,  or  yellow  basally, 
black  in  apical  quarter  to  eighth.  Metasoma.  (67- 
70)  Terga  1 to  4 yellowish-orange  (usually),  or 
black;  (71-74)  terga  5 to  8 black.  (75)  Ovipositor 
sheath  black,  or  mostly  black  but  yellow  at  apex. 

DISTRIBUTION.  Widespread  from  Costa  Rica 
south  to  Bolivia,  east  to  Trinidad  and  through  the 
Amazon  Basin.  Collected  throughout  the  year  at  La 
Selva  (Fig.  22)  in  all  habitat  types. 

Alabagrus  paruyana  Sharkey 

Figs.  3d,  18b 

Alabagrus  paruyana  Sharkey,  1988:393-394.  Ho- 

lotype  $,  Ecuador  (AEIC). 

DIAGNOSIS.  Sternaulus  completely  absent  (cf. 
Fig.  16d).  Median  areola  of  metanotum  not  exca- 
vated, posterior  margin  not  elevated  (cf.  Fig.  17a). 
Body  length  7.0-10.8  mm.  Third  median  tergite 
with  shallow  transverse  depression;  or  with  strong 
transverse  depression.  Antenna  with  44  to  50  fla- 

LENGTH.  (1)  7.0-10.8  mm. 

HEAD.  (2)  Antenna  with  44  to  50  flagellomeres. 
(3)  Gena  rounded  posteroventrally  (cf.  Fig.  9b) 
(usually),  or  right-angled  posteroventrally  (cf.  Fig. 
9a).  (4)  Malar  space  0.63-0.67  X the  distance  from 
the  eye  to  the  maximum  extent  of  the  gena. 

MESOSOMA.  (5)  Notaulus  deeply  impressed  (cf. 
Fig.  lid),  or  weakly  impressed  (cf.  Fig.  12a);  (6) 
not  crenulate  (cf.  Fig.  lid).  (7)  Median  longitudinal 
ridge  of  scutum  weak  anteriorly  (cf.  Fig.  11c),  or 
absent  (cf.  Fig.  11a).  (8)  Scutellar  sulcus  mostly 
smooth  (cf.  Fig.  12a).  (10)  Apex  of  scutellum 
smooth,  lacking  transverse  ridge  (cf.  Fig.  12a).  (11) 

Leathers  and  Sharkey:  A Review  of  Alabragus  ■ 41 

Sternaulus  completely  absent  (cf.  Fig.  16d).  (12) 
Margin  between  metepisternum  and  metepimeron 
smooth  (cf.  Fig.  16f).  (13)  Metapleuron  mostly 
smooth  (cf.  Fig.  15a);  (14)  with  no  crenulae  along 
ventral  margin  (cf.  Fig.  16f).  (15)  Median  areola  of 
metanotum  not  excavated,  posterior  margin  not  el- 
evated (cf.  Fig.  17a).  (16)  Propodeum  mostly 
smooth  (cf.  Fig.  14a).  (20)  Midtibia  with  1 or  2 
spines;  (21)  hind  tibia  with  1 to  7 spines.  (22)  Hind 
femur  smooth  ventrally  (cf.  Fig.  10b);  (23)  3.7-4. 1 
X longer  than  wide.  (24)  Forewing  veins  IM  and 
Icu-a  intersect  (Fig.  13a),  or  vein  Icu-a  intersects 
Cu  distad  IM  (Fig.  13b). 

METASOMA.  (25)  Eirst  median  tergite  with 
small  longitudinal  bump  anteriorly  (cf.  Fig.  19a), 
or  evenly  convex,  lacking  distinct  bump  antero- 
medially  (cf.  Fig.  19b);  (26)  1.0-1. 4 X longer  than 
wide;  (27)  lacking  transverse  depression.  (28)  Me- 
dian syntergite  2-f3  1.05-1.20  X longer  than  wide. 
(29)  Second  median  tergite  with  strong  transverse 
depression.  (30)  Third  median  tergite  with  strong 
transverse  depression,  or  with  shallow  transverse 
depression.  (31)  Ovipositor  1.09-1.15  X body 
length;  (32)  4.37-5.16  X length  of  hind  femur. 

COLOR.  (33)  Summary.  Head  black  except 
maxillary  and  labial  palpomeres  yellowish-orange. 
Mesosoma  entirely  black  except  propodeum  and 
metanotum  sometimes  yellowish-orange.  Foreleg 
and  midleg  entirely  black  except  foretarsus  yellow- 
ish-orange and  both  tibia  and  femur  sometimes  yel- 
lowish-orange. Hind  leg  black  except  coxa  and  fe- 
mur yellowish-orange.  Forewing  banded  from  base: 
yellow,  black,  yellow,  black  with  costal  vein  black. 
Hindwing  entirely  yellow  except  apical  tip  some- 
times black.  Metapleuron  yellowish-orange  except 
terga  6 to  8 and  ovipositor  sheath  black.  Head.  (34) 
Antenna  black.  (36)  Maxillary  and  labial  palpom- 
eres yellowish  orange.  (37)  Head  black.  Mesosoma. 
(38)  Pronotum  black;  (39)  propleuron  black;  (40) 
mesonotum  black;  (43)  mesopleuron  black;  (44) 
metanotum  black,  or  yellowish-orange;  (45)  pro- 
podeum black,  or  yellowish-orange;  (46)  metapleu- 
ron black;  (47)  forecoxa  black;  (48)  foretrochanter 
black;  (49)  foretrochantellus  black;  (50)  forefemur 
black,  or  yellowish-orange;  (51)  foretibia  black,  or 
yellowish-orange;  (52)  foretarsus  yellowish-orange; 
(53)  midcoxa  black;  (54)  midtrochanter  black;  (55) 
midtrochantellus  black;  (56)  midfemur  black,  or 
yellowish-orange;  (57)  midtibia  black,  or  yellowish- 
orange;  (58)  midtarsus  black;  (59)  hind  coxa  yel- 
lowish-orange; (60)  trochanter  black;  (61)  trochan- 
tellus  black;  (62)  femur  yellowish-orange;  (63)  tibia 
black;  (64)  tarsus  black;  (65)  forewing  banded  from 
base:  yellow,  black,  yellow,  black;  all  bands  com- 
plete and  costal  vein  black;  (66)  hind  wing  pattern 
yellow  basally,  black  in  apical  twentieth,  or  yellow 
basally,  slightly  black  in  apical  quarter.  Metasoma. 
(67-71)  Terga  1 to  5 yellowish-orange;  (72-74)  ter- 
ga 6 to  8 black.  (75)  Ovipositor  sheath  black. 

DISTRIBUTION.  Costa  Rica  south  to  Ecuador. 
Has  been  collected  in  March  and  June  in  Guana- 

42  ■ Contributions  in  Science,  Number  497 

Leathers  and  Sharkey:  A Review  of  Alabragus 

caste  and  Puntarenas  provinces  of  Costa  Rica  (Fig. 


Alabagrus  parvifaciatus  (Cameron) 

Figs.  6e,  16d,  19e 

Cremnops  parvifaciatus  Cameron,  1911:323.  Ho- 
lotype  (3,  Guyana  (BMNH). 

Cremnops  maculipes  Cameron,  1911:322.  Holo- 
type  $,  Guyana  (BMNH). 

Liyptia  rufiventris  Enderlein,  1920:211.  Holotype 
$,  Ecuador  (ZMPA). 

Alabagrus  parvifaciatus  Sharkey,  1988:394-395, 
figs,  le,  4d,  12b,  12d. 

DIAGNOSIS.  First  median  tergite  with  antero- 
lateral converging  carinae  (cf.  Fig.  19e).  Hind  fe- 
mur smooth  ventrally  (cf.  Fig.  10b).  Hind  coxa  yel- 
lowish-orange in  basal  twelfth,  black  apically.  Ovi- 
positor 1.5  X body  length. 

LENGTH.  (1)  4.6-10.2  mm. 

HEAD.  (2)  Antenna  with  40  to  45  flagellomeres. 
(3)  Gena  rounded  posteroventrally  (cf.  Eig.  9b).  (4) 
Malar  space  0. 8-1.0  X the  distance  from  the  eye 
to  the  maximum  extent  of  the  gena. 

MESOSOMA.  (5)  Notaulus  deeply  impressed  (cf. 
Eig.  lid),  or  weakly  impressed  (cf.  Eig.  12a);  (6) 
not  crenulate  (cf.  Eig.  lid).  (7)  Median  longitudinal 
ridge  of  scutum  strong  (cf.  Eig.  lid),  or  weak  an- 
teriorly (cf.  Eig.  11c),  or  absent  (cf.  Eig.  11a).  (8) 
Scutellar  sulcus  mostly  smooth  (cf.  Eig.  12a),  or 
with  weak  median  ridge  (cf.  Eig.  lid).  (10)  Apex 
of  scutellum  rugose,  lacking  transverse  ridge  (cf. 
Eig.  11c),  or  with  transverse,  rugose  ridge  (cf.  Eig. 
11a),  or  with  transverse,  smooth  ridge  (cf.  Eig. 
12d).  (11)  Sternaulus  with  several  foveae  poster- 
oventrally and  smooth  groove  (cf.  Eig.  16f),  or 
long,  distinct  and  composed  of  many  small  foveae 
(cf.  Eig.  15b),  or  composed  of  large  crenulae  pos- 
teroventrally (cf.  Eig.  16a),  or  mostly  absent,  rep- 
resented by  small,  shallow  depression  (cf.  Eig.  18d). 
(12)  Margin  between  metepisternum  and  metepi- 
meron  crenulate  (cf.  Eig.  16a).  (13)  Metapleuron 
mostly  smooth  (cf.  Eig.  15a);  (14)  with  several  cren- 
ulae along  ventral  margin  (cf.  Eig.  16b).  (15)  Me- 
dian areola  of  metanotum  deeply  excavated,  with 
well-defined  posterior  margin  (cf.  Eig.  17c),  or 
weakly  excavated,  with  posterior  margin  not  ele- 
vated. (16)  Propodeum  areolate  (cf.  Pig.  12a),  or 
mostly  smooth  (cf.  Pig.  14a);  (17)  anterior  areola 
of  propodeum  with  sharp  ridge  anteriorly  (cf.  Pig. 
lid),  or  large  and  five-sided  (cf.  Pig.  14d);  (18) 
transverse  carina  of  propodeum  complete  (cf.  Pig. 
lid),  or  weakly  defined  (cf.  Pig.  14f);  (19)  consist- 
ing of  only  one  smooth,  straight,  transverse  ridge. 
(20)  Midtibia  with  0 to  2 spines;  (21)  hind  tibia 
with  4 to  6 spines.  (22)  Hind  femur  smooth  ven- 
trally (cf.  Pig.  10b);  (23)  3-4  X longer  than  wide. 
(24)  Porewing  vein  Icu-a  intersects  Cu  distad  IM 
(Fig.  13b). 

METASOMA.  (25)  Pirst  median  tergite  with  an- 
terolateral converging  carinae  (cd.  Pig.  19e);  (26) 
0.95-1.70  X longer  than  wide;  (27)  lacking  trans- 

verse depression.  (28)  Median  syntergite  l + ?>  1.1- 
1.5  X longer  than  wide.  (29)  Second  median  tergite 
with  strong  transverse  depression,  or  with  trans- 
verse depression  barely  indicated.  (30)  Third  me- 
dian tergite  lacking  transverse  depression.  (31)  Ovi- 
positor 1.5  X body  length;  (32)  5.90-6.25  X length 
of  hind  femur. 

COLOR.  (33)  Summary.  Black,  orange,  and  yel- 
low; palpi,  foretarsus,  and  portions  of  midtarsus 
yellow;  orange  as  follows:  metapleuron,  propo- 
deum, hind  coxa  except  laterally  slightly  darker, 
hind  femur  except  apical  fifth,  and  metasoma  ex- 
cept apical  third;  forewing  infuscate;  stigma  con- 
colorous  with  remainder  of  wing.  Head.  (34)  An- 
tenna black.  (36)  Maxillary  and  labial  palpomeres 
yellowish-orange.  (37)  Head  black.  Mesosoma. 
(38)  Pronotum  black;  (39)  propleuron  black;  (40) 
mesonotum  black,  or  bicolorous,  black  and  yellow- 
ish-orange; (41)  mesoscutum  black,  or  yellowish- 
orange;  (42)  scutellum  black,  or  yellowish-orange; 
(43)  mesopleuron  black;  (44)  metanotum  yellow- 
ish-orange; (45)  propodeum  yellowish-orange;  (46) 
metapleuron  yellowish-orange;  (47)  forecoxa 
black;  (48)  foretrochanter  black;  (49)  foretrochan- 
tellus  black;  (50)  forefemur  black;  (51)  foretibia 
black;  (52)  foretarsus  black,  or  yellowish-orange; 
(53)  midcoxa  black;  (54)  midtrochanter  black;  (55) 
midtrochantellus  black;  (56)  midfemur  black;  (57) 
midtibia  black;  (58)  midtarsus  black,  or  yellowish- 
orange;  (59)  hind  coxa  yellowish  orange  in  basal 
twelfth,  black  apically;  (60)  trochanter  black;  (61) 
trochantellus  black;  (62)  femur  yellowish-orange; 
(63)  tibia  black;  (64)  tarsus  black;  (65)  forewing 
entirely  black;  (66)  hind  wing  pattern  entirely 
black.  Metasoma.  (67-72)  Terga  1 to  6 yellowish- 
orange;  (73)  terga  7 and  8 black,  or  yellowish-or- 
ange. (75)  Ovipositor  sheath  black. 

DISTRIBUTION.  Honduras  south  to  Ecuador 
and  east  to  Brazil.  Has  been  collected  in  Guana- 
caste  Province  of  Costa  Rica  in  August  and  Septem- 
ber (Pig.  22). 

Alabagrus  pecki  Sharkey 

Pigs.  5a 

Alabagrus  pecki  Sharkey,  1988:395.  Holotype  $, 

Mexico  (CNCI). 

DIAGNOSIS.  Porewing  yellow  basally  and  black 
apically  with  a sharp  distinction,  costal  vein  black. 
Gena  rounded  posteroventrally  (cf.  Pig.  9b).  Hind 
wing  yellow  basally,  black  in  apical  eighth.  Ster- 
naulus with  several  foveae  posteroventrally  and 
smooth  groove  (cf.  Pig.  16f);  or  completely  absent 
(cf.  Pig.  16d);  or  mostly  absent,  represented  by  a 
small,  shallow  depression  (cf.  Pig.  18d).  Malar 
space  0.57-0.79  X the  distance  from  the  eye  to  the 
maximum  extent  of  the  gena. 

LENGTH.  (1)  6.75-9.70  mm. 

HEAD.  (2)  Antenna  with  40  to  46  flagellomeres. 
(3)  Gena  rounded  posteroventrally  (cf.  Pig.  9b).  (4) 
Malar  space  0.57-0.79  X distance  from  eye  to 
maximum  extent  of  gena. 

Contributions  in  Science,  Number  497 

MESOSOMA.  (5)  Notaulus  deeply  impressed  to 
absent  (cf.  Figs,  lid,  12a,  12c);  (6)  not  crenulate 
(cf.  Fig.  lid).  (7)  Median  longitudinal  ridge  of  scu- 
tum weak  anteriorly  (cf.  Fig.  11c),  or  absent  (cf. 
Fig.  11a).  (8)  Scutellar  sulcus  mostly  smooth  (cf. 
Fig.  12a),  or  with  one  weak  median  ridge  (cf.  Fig. 
lid).  (10)  Apex  of  scutellum  smooth,  with  (cf.  Fig. 
12d)  or  without  (cf.  Fig.  12a)  transverse  ridge.  (11) 
Sternaulus  with  several  foveae  posteroventrally  and 
a smooth  groove  (cf.  Fig.  16f),  or  mostly  absent, 
represented  by  small,  shallow  depression  (cf.  Fig. 
18d),  or  completely  absent  (cf.  Fig.  16d).  (12)  Mar- 
gin between  metepisternum  and  metepimeron 
smooth  (usually)  (cf.  Fig.  16f),  or  crenulate  (cf.  Fig. 
16a).  (13)  Metapleuron  mostly  smooth  (cf.  Fig. 
15a);  (14)  with  no  crenulae  along  ventral  margin 
(cf.  Fig.  16f).  (15)  Median  areola  of  metanotum 
deeply  excavated,  with  well-defined  posterior  mar- 
gin (cf.  Fig.  17c).  (16)  Propodeum  weakly  areolate 
(cf.  Fig.  12a)  to  mostly  smooth  (usually)  (cf.  Fig. 
14a).  (20)  Midtibia  with  1 to  6 spines;  (21)  hind 
tibia  with  3 to  9 spines.  (22)  Hind  femur  smooth 
ventrally  (usually)  (cf.  Fig.  10b),  or  punctate  ven- 
trally  (cf.  Fig.  10a);  (23)  2.66-5.14  X longer  than 
wide.  (24)  Forewing  veins  IM  and  Icu-a  intersect 
(Fig.  13a),  or  vein  Icu-a  intersects  Cu  distad  IM 
(usually)  (Fig.  13b). 

METASOMA.  (25)  First  median  tergite  with 
small  longitudinal  bump  anteriorly  (cf.  Fig.  19a); 
(26)  1.01-1.47  X longer  than  wide;  (27)  lacking 
transverse  depression.  (28)  Median  syntergite  2 + 3 
1.19-1.48  X longer  than  wide.  (29)  Second  median 
tergite  with  transverse  depression  lacking  to  strong. 
(30)  Third  median  tergite  lacking  transverse  de- 
pression. (31)  Ovipositor  0.79-1.26  X body  length; 
(32)  2.78-5.35  X length  of  hind  femur. 

COLOR.  (33)  Summary.  Head  black  except 
maxillary  and  labial  palpomeres  yellowish-orange. 
Mesosoma  yellowish-orange  except  propleuron 
and  ventral  half  of  pronotum  sometimes  black  and 
mesonotum  sometimes  with  black  areas.  Foreleg 
and  midleg  highly  variable  in  coloration,  from  en- 
tirely yellowish-orange  to  entirely  black.  Hind  leg 
black  except  yellowish-orange  coxa,  femur,  and 
sometimes  tibia  except  apical  eighth.  Forewing  yel- 
low basally  and  black  apically  with  a sharp  dis- 
tinction, costal  vein  black.  Hind  wing  yellow  ba- 
sally, black  in  apical  eighth.  Metasoma  yellowish- 
orange.  Ovipositor  sheath  black,  sometimes  yellow- 
ish at  apex.  Head.  (34)  Antenna  black.  (36) 
Maxillary  and  labial  palpomeres  yellowish-orange. 
(37)  Head  black.  Mesosoma.  (38)  Pronotum  yel- 
lowish-orange, or  black  ventrally,  yellowish-orange 
dorsally;  (39)  propleuron  yellowish-orange,  or 
black;  (40)  mesonotum  yellowish-orange,  or  yel- 
lowish-orange with  black  areas;  (43)  mesopleuron 
yellowish-orange,  or  yellowish-orange  with  black 
spots;  (44)  metanotum  yellowish-orange;  (45)  pro- 
podeum yellowish-orange;  (46)  metapleuron  yel- 
lowish-orange; (47)  forecoxa  yellowish-orange,  or 
black;  (48)  foretrochanter  yellowish  orange,  or 
black;  (49)  foretrochantellus  yellowish  orange,  or 

Leathers  and  Sharkey:  A Review  of  Alabragus  ■ 43 

black;  (50)  forefemur  black,  or  yellowish-orange, 
or  mostly  yellowish-orange,  black  laterally;  (51) 
foretibia  black,  or  yellowish-orange,  or  mostly 
black  but  yellowish-orange  apically;  (52)  foretarsus 
yellowish-orange,  or  black;  (53)  midcoxa  yellow- 
ish-orange, or  black;  (54)  midtrochanter  yellowish- 
orange,  or  black;  (55)  midtrochantellus  yellowish- 
orange,  or  black;  (56)  midfemur  black,  or  yellow- 
ish-orange, or  yellowish-orange  in  basal  and  apical 
sixth,  black  elsewhere,  or  black  basally,  yellowish 
orange  in  apical  tenth;  (57)  midtibia  black,  or  yel- 
lowish-orange, or  mostly  yellowish-orange,  black 
in  apical  fifth,  or  mostly  yellowish-orange,  black  in 
basal  and  apical  fifths;  (58)  midtarsus  black,  or  yel- 
lowish-orange; (59)  hind  coxa  yellowish-orange; 
(60)  hind  trochanter  black;  (61)  hind  trochantellus 
black;  (62)  hind  femur  yellowish-orange;  (63)  hind 
tibia  black,  or  mostly  yellow  but  black  in  apical 
eighth,  or  mostly  yellowish-orange  but  black  in  api- 
cal tenth;  (64)  hind  tarsus  black;  (65)  forewing  yel- 
low basally  and  black  apically  with  a sharp  dis- 
tinction, costal  vein  black;  (66)  hind  wing  pattern 
yellow  basally,  black  in  apical  eighth.  Metasoma. 
(67-74)  Terga  1 to  8 yellowish-orange.  (75)  Ovi- 
positor sheath  black,  or  mostly  black  but  yellow  at 

DISTRIBUTION.  Costa  Rica,  Belize,  Guatema- 
la, and  southern  Mexico.  Collected  throughout  the 
year  at  La  Selva,  except  for  December  (Fig.  22). 
Most  commonly  collected  in  primary  forest. 

Alabagrus  roibasi  Sharkey 

Fig.  7d 

Alabagrus  roibasi  Sharkey,  1988:397-398.  Holo- 

type  9,  Costa  Rica  (AEIC). 

DIAGNOSIS.  Scutellar  sulcus  with  weak  median 
ridge  (cf.  Fig.  lid).  Hind  tibia  with  7 to  11  spines. 
Forewing  entirely  and  evenly  black;  or  clear  basally, 
black  in  apical  third  with  a sharp  distinction.  Gena 
rounded  (cf.  Fig.  9b)  or  with  obtuse  angle  posteri- 
orly (cf.  Fig.  9c).  Ovipositor  0.70-0.86  X body 
length.  Antenna  with  40  to  44  flagellomeres.  An- 
terior areola  of  propodeum  with  sharp  ridge  ante- 
riorly (cf.  Fig.  lid).  Ovipositor  2. 8-4.0  X length 
of  hind  femur.  Midtarsus  yellowish  orange.  Median 
longitudinal  ridge  of  scutum  weak  anteriorly  (cf. 
Fig.  11c);  or  absent  (cf.  Fig.  11a).  Sternaulus  com- 
posed of  large  crenulae  posteroventrally  and  a 
smooth  groove  (cf.  Fig.  16f).  Anterior  transverse 
Carina  of  propodeum  absent  (cf.  Fig.  17d)  to  weak- 
ly defined  (cf.  Fig.  14f). 

LENGTH.  (1)  5.6-8.5  mm. 

HEAD.  (2)  Antenna  with  40  to  44  flagellomeres. 
(3)  Gena  rounded  posteroventrally  (usually)  (cf. 
Fig.  9b),  or  with  obtuse  angle  posteroventrally  (cf. 
Fig.  9c).  (4)  Malar  space  0.55-0.80  X the  distance 
from  eye  to  maximum  extent  of  gena. 

MESOSOMA.  (5)  Notaulus  weakly  (cf.  Fig.  12a) 
to  deeply  (cf.  Fig.  lid)  impressed;  (6)  not  crenulate 
(cf.  Fig.  lid).  (7)  Median  longitudinal  ridge  of  scu- 
tum weak  (cf.  Fig.  11c)  to  absent  (cf.  Fig.  11a).  (8, 

44  ■ Contributions  in  Science,  Number  497 

Leathers  and  Sharkey:  A Review  of  Alabragus 

9)  Scutellar  sulcus  with  one  weak  median  ridge  (cf. 
Figs.  lid).  (10)  Apex  of  scutellum  smooth,  lacking 
transverse  ridge  (cf.  Fig.  12a).  (11)  Sternaulus  com- 
posed of  large  crenulae  posteroventrally  and  a 
smooth  groove  (cf.  Fig.  16f).  (12)  Margin  between 
metepisternum  and  metepimeron  crenulate  (cf.  Fig. 
16a).  (13)  Metapleuron  mostly  smooth  (cf.  Fig. 
15a),  or  areolate  rugose  in  ventral  quarter  (cf.  Fig. 
15b);  (14)  with  several  crenulae  along  ventral  mar- 
gin (cf.  Fig.  16b).  (15)  Median  areola  of  metanotum 
deeply  excavated,  with  well-defined  posterior  mar- 
gin (cf.  Fig.  17c),  or  bisected  by  strong  ridge.  (16) 
Propodeum  areolate  (cf.  Fig.  12a);  (17)  anterior 
areola  of  propodeum  with  sharp  ridge  anteriorly 
(cf.  Fig.  lid);  (18)  anterior  transverse  carina  of  pro- 
podeum absent  (cf.  Fig.  17d)  to  weakly  defined  (cf. 
Fig.  14f).  (20)  Midtibia  with  2 to  5 spines;  (21) 
hind  tibia  with  7 to  11  spines.  (22)  Hind  femur 
smooth  ventrally  (cf.  Fig.  10b);  (23)  2.70-4.17  X 
longer  than  wide.  (24)  Forewing  veins  IM  and  Icu- 
a intersect  (Fig.  13a),  or  vein  Icu-a  intersects  Cu 
distad  IM  (Fig.  13b). 

METASOMA.  (25)  First  median  tergite  with 
small  longitudinal  bump  anteriorly  (cf.  Fig.  19a), 
or  evenly  convex,  lacking  distinct  bump  antero- 
medially  (cf.  Fig.  19b);  (26)  0.89-1.22  X longer 
than  wide;  (27)  lacking  transverse  depression.  (28) 
Median  syntergite  2 + 3 1.0-1. 2 X longer  than 
wide.  (29)  Second  median  tergite  with  transverse 
depression  barely  indicated.  (30)  Third  median  ter- 
gite lacking  transverse  depression.  (31)  Ovipositor 
0.70-0.86  X body  length;  (32)  2. 8-4.0  X length  of 
hind  femur. 

COLOR.  (33)  Summary.  Head  black  except 
maxillary  and  labial  palpomeres  yellowish-orange. 
Mesosoma  black  except  propleuron  sometimes 
dark  yellow,  metanotum  sometimes  yellowish-or- 
ange, and  propodeum  and  metapleuron  yellowish- 
orange.  Foreleg  and  midleg  black  except  foretarsus 
yellowish-orange  and  midtarsus  sometimes  yellow- 
ish-orange. Hind  leg  mostly  yellowish-orange  ex- 
cept tarsus  and  apical  part  of  tibia  always  black 
and  remainder  of  tibia  and  lateral  part  of  coxa 
sometimes  black.  Forewing  clear  basally,  black  in 
apical  third  with  a sharp  distinction  to  entirely 
black.  Hind  wing  entirely  clear  to  black.  Metasoma 
yellowish-orange  with  terga  7 and  8 rarely  black 
and  ovipositor  sheath  black.  Head.  (34)  Antenna 
black.  (36)  Maxillary  and  labial  palpomeres  yel- 
lowish orange.  (37)  Head  black.  Mesosoma.  (38) 
Pronotum  black;  (39)  propleuron  black,  or  yellow- 
ish-orange; (40)  mesonotum  black;  (43)  mesopleu- 
ron  black;  (44)  metanotum  black,  or  yellowish-or- 
ange; (45)  propodeum  yellowish-orange;  (46)  me- 
tapleuron yellowish-orange,  or  yellowish-orange  in 
dorsal  third,  black  ventrally;  (47)  forecoxa  black; 
(48)  foretrochanter  black;  (49)  foretrochantellus 
black;  (50)  forefemur  black;  (51)  foretibia  black; 
(52)  foretarsus  yellowish-orange;  (53)  midcoxa 
black;  (54)  midtrochanter  black;  (55)  midtrochan- 
tellus  black;  (56)  midfemur  black;  (57)  midtibia 
black;  (58)  midtarsus  yellowish-orange;  (59)  hind 

coxa  yellowish-orange,  or  mostly  yellowish-orange 
but  black  laterally;  (60)  hind  trochanter  black,  or 
yellowish-orange;  (61)  hind  trochantellus  black,  or 
yellowish-orange;  (62)  hind  femur  yellowish-or- 
ange; (63)  hind  tibia  mostly  yellowish-orange  but 
black  in  apical  eighth;  (64)  hind  tarsus  black;  (65) 
forewing  clear  basally,  black  in  apical  third  with  a 
sharp  distinction,  or  entirely  and  evenly  black;  (66) 
hind  wing  pattern  entirely  clear,  or  entirely  black. 
Metasoma.  (67-72)  Median  terga  1 to  6 yellowish- 
orange;  (73,  74)  terga  7 and  8 yellowish-orange 
(usually),  or  black.  (75)  Ovipositor  sheath  black. 

HOSTS.  Leaf-rolling  Crambidae  including  Apo- 
nia  itzalis  Munroe  on  Cornutia  grandi folia  (Ver- 
benaceae)  (89-SRNP-442b),  Bicilia  iarchasalis 
Walker  on  Petiveria  alliacea  (Phytolaccaceae)  (90- 
SRNP-1216,  90-SRNP-1256.1,  90-SRNP-1256.2a, 
90-SRNP-1256.2b),  Phaedropsis  cernalis  (Guenee) 
on  Triplaris  melaenodendron  (Polygonaceae)  (90- 
SRNP-1247A,  90-SRNP-1397A),  Psara  obscuralis 
Lederer  on  Petiveria  alliacea  (90-SRNP-1435),  and 
Alatuncusia  sp.  on  Capparis  frondosa  (Capparida- 
ceae)  (90-SRNP-1418.2). 

DISTRIBUTION.  Widespread  in  Mexico  south 
to  northern  Costa  Rica.  Has  been  collected  in  Costa 
Rica  from  May  through  September  (Fig.  22).  Has 
not  been  collected  at  La  Selva. 

Alabagrus  sarapiqui  new  species 

Fig.  7c 

DIAGNOSIS.  Hind  tibia  mostly  yellowish-or- 
ange but  black  in  apical  tenth.  Maxillary  and  labial 
palpomeres  mostly  yellowish-orange  but  black  ba- 
sally. Hind  femur  mostly  yellowish-orange  but 
black  in  basal  twelfth;  or  mostly  yellowish-orange 
but  black  in  basal  eighth  and  apical  twelfth.  Body 
length  5.47-7.55  mm. 

LENGTH.  (1)  5.47-7.55  [5.69]  mm. 

HEAD.  (2)  Antenna  with  39  to  46  [42]  flagello- 
meres.  (3)  Gena  acute  posteroventrally  (usually)  (cf. 
Fig.  9d),  or  right-angled  posteroventrally  (cf.  Fig. 
9a),  or  rounded  posteroventrally  (cf.  Fig.  9b).  (4) 
Malar  space  0.49-0.62  [0.50]  X distance  from  eye 
to  maximum  extent  of  gena. 

MESOSOMA.  (5)  Notaulus  weakly  impressed 
(cf.  Fig.  12a);  (6)  not  crenulate  (cf.  Fig.  lid).  (7) 
Median  longitudinal  ridge  of  scutum  weak  (cf.  Fig. 
11c)  to  strong  (cf.  Fig.  lid).  (8)  Scutellar  sulcus 
mostly  smooth  (cf.  Fig.  12a).  (10)  Apex  of  scutel- 
lum smooth,  lacking  transverse  ridge  (cf.  Fig.  12a), 
or  with  transverse,  rugose  ridge  (cf.  Fig.  11a).  (11) 
Sternaulus  composed  of  large  crenulae  posterov- 
entrally (cf.  Fig.  16a).  (12)  Margin  between  mete- 
pisternum and  metepimeron  crenulate  (cf.  Fig. 
16a).  (13)  Metapleuron  mostly  smooth  (cf.  Fig. 
15a);  (14)  with  (cf.  Fig.  16b)  or  without  (cf.  Fig. 
16f)  crenulae  along  ventral  margin.  (15)  Median 
areola  of  metanotum  deeply  excavated,  with  well- 
defined  posterior  margin  (cf.  Fig.  17c),  or  bisected 
by  strong  ridge.  (16)  Propodeum  areolate  (cf.  Fig. 
12a);  (17)  anterior  areola  of  propodeum  with  weak 

Contributions  in  Science,  Number  497 

(cf.  Fig.  17a)  to  sharp  (cf.  Fig.  lid)  ridge  anteriorly; 
(18)  anterior  transverse  carina  of  propodeum  com- 
plete to  absent  (cf.  Figs,  lid,  14f,  17d);  (19)  con- 
sisting of  only  one  smooth,  straight,  transverse 
ridge.  (20)  Midtibia  with  0 to  4 [1]  spines;  (21) 
hind  tibia  with  2 to  [6]  spines.  (22)  blind  femur 
smooth  ventrally  (cf.  Fig.  10b);  (23)  2.10-4.66 
[3.56]  X longer  than  wide.  (24)  [Forewing  vein 
Icu-a  intersects  Cu  distad  IM]  (usually)  (Fig.  13b), 
or  veins  IM  and  Icu-a  intersect  (Fig.  13a). 

METASOMA.  (25)  First  median  tergite  with 
small  longitudinal  bump  anteriorly  (cf.  Fig.  19a); 
(26)  [0.82]-1.16  X longer  than  wide;  (27)  lacking 
transverse  depression.  (28)  Median  syntergite  2 + 3 
1.01-[1.32]  X longer  than  wide.  (29)  Second  me- 
dian tergite  lacking  transverse  depression.  (30) 
Third  median  tergite  lacking  transverse  depression, 
or  with  shallow  transverse  depression  barely  indi- 
cated. (31)  Ovipositor  0.64-[1.00]  X body  length; 
(32)  2.33-3.88  [3.35]  X length  of  hind  femur. 

COLOR.  (33)  Summary.  Head  black  except 
maxillary  and  labial  palpomeres  yellowish-orange 
apically.  Mesosoma  black  except  metanotum,  pro- 
podeum, and  metapleuron  yellowish-orange.  Fore- 
leg and  midleg  black  except  both  tarsi  yellowish- 
orange.  Hind  leg  mostly  yellowish-orange  with  the 
following  parts  black:  coxa  laterally,  trochanter, 
trochantellus,  femur  basally  and  sometimes  apical- 
ly, tibia  apically,  and  tarsus.  Forewing  black  but 
darker  apically.  Hind  wing  entirely  black.  Metaso- 
ma entirely  yellowish-orange  except  terga  7 and  8 
sometimes  black.  Ovipositor  sheath  black.  Head. 
(34)  Antenna  black.  (36)  Maxillary  and  labial  pal- 
pomeres mostly  yellowish  orange  but  black  basally. 
(37)  Head  black.  Mesosoma.  (38)  Pronotum  black; 
(39)  propleuron  black;  (40)  mesonotum  black;  (43) 
mesopleuron  black;  (44)  metanotum  yellowish-or- 
ange; (45)  propodeum  yellowish-orange;  (46)  me- 
tapleuron yellowish-orange;  (47)  forecoxa  black; 
(48)  foretrochanter  black;  (49)  foretrochantellus 
black;  (50)  forefemur  black;  (51)  foretibia  black; 
(52)  foretarsus  yellowish-orange;  (53)  midcoxa 
black;  (54)  midtrochanter  black;  (55)  midtrochan- 
tellus  black;  (56)  midfemur  black;  (57)  midtibia 
black;  (58)  midtarsus  yellowish-orange;  (59)  hind 
coxa  mostly  yellowish-orange  but  black  laterally; 
(60)  hind  trochanter  black;  (61)  hind  trochantellus 
black;  (62)  [hind  femur  mostly  yellowish-orange 
but  black  in  basal  twelfth],  or  mostly  yellowish- 
orange  but  black  in  basal  eighth  and  apical  twelfth; 
(63)  hind  tibia  mostly  yellowish-orange  but  black 
in  apical  tenth;  (64)  hind  tarsus  black;  (65)  fore- 
wing entirely  black  but  darker  in  apical  tenth;  (66) 
hind  wing  pattern  entirely  black.  Metasoma.  (67- 
72)  Terga  1 to  6 yellowish-orange;  (73,  74)  terga  7 
and  8 [yellowish-orange]  (usually),  or  black.  (75) 
Ovipositor  sheath  black. 

EXAMINED.  La  Selva,  Limon  province,  and  the 
Guanacaste  Conservation  Area  in  Costa  Rica. 
Found  exclusively  in  successional  plots  at  La  Selva, 

Leathers  and  Sharkey:  A Review  of  Alabragus  ■ 45 

from  March  through  October  and  December  (Fig. 


Holotype  $.  COSTA  RICA:  Heredia:  La  Selva: 
10°26'N,  84°01'W:  50-150  m:  Malaise  trap  in  suc- 
cessional plots,  14.viii.l993,  (INBIOCRI) 
002277561  (INBC). 

Paratypes.  COSTA  RICA:  Heredia:  La  Selva: 
10°26'N,  84°0rW:  50-150  m:  Malaise  trap  in  suc- 
cessional plots:  19,  15.iii.l993,  (INBIOCRI) 
002276468  (INBC);  19,  15.iv.l993,  002276503 
(CNCI),  Id,  002276504  (CNCI);  3d,  iv-v.l993  (P. 
Hanson),  002302280  (INBC),  002302282 
(BMNH),  002302281  (LACM);  Id,  2.V.1993, 
002271979  (OSUO);  19,,  002261429 
(UKIC);  Id,  3.viii.l993,  002261762  (UKIC);  Id, 

14. viii.l993,  002277559  (USNM);  2d,  l.ix.l993, 
002277428  (AEIC),  002277425  (UKIC);  19, 

15. X.1993,  002285445  (AEIC),  Id,  002285438 
(UKIC);  Id,  1.X11.1993,  002302061  (INBC);  19, 
17.vii.l995,  002302089  (CNCI);  Id,  16.X.1995, 
002300549  (CNCI).  Limon:  Est.  Hitoy  Cerere:  100 
m:  19,  X.1992  (G.  Carballo),  000906881  (INBC). 
Guanacaste:  Est.  Pitilla:  700  m:  1 9 , ix.l993, 
001932278  (INBC). 

Alabagrus  semialbus  (Szepligeti) 

Fig.  4f 

Microdus  semialbus  Szepligeti,  1902:76.  Holotype 
d,  Brazil  (HNHM). 

Alabagrus  semialbus  Sharkey,  1988:399-400. 

DIAGNOSIS.  Forewing  black  basally,  clear  api- 
cally. Tergum  1 yellowish-orange  but  black  in  pos- 
terior quarter.  Metapleuron  areolate  rugose  in  ven- 
tral quarter  (cf.  Fig.  15b). 

LENGTH.  (1)  8.11-8.35  mm. 

HEAD.  (2)  Antenna  with  42  to  47  flagellomeres. 
(3)  Gena  rounded  posteroventrally  (cf.  Fig.  9b),  or 
right-angled  posteroventrally  (cf.  Fig.  9a).  (4)  Ma- 
lar space  0.49-0.55  X distance  from  eye  to  maxi- 
mum extent  of  gena. 

MESOSOMA.  (5)  Notaulus  weakly  impressed 
(cf.  Fig.  12a);  (6)  not  crenulate  (cf.  Fig.  lid).  (7) 
Median  longitudinal  ridge  of  scutum  strong  (cf.  Fig. 
lid).  (8,  9)  Scutellar  sulcus  mostly  smooth  (cf.  Fig. 
12a),  or  with  one  distinct  (cf.  Fig.  11b)  to  weak  (cf. 
Fig.  lid)  median  ridge.  (10)  Apex  of  scutellum 
smooth,  lacking  transverse  ridge  (cf.  Fig.  12a),  or 
with  transverse,  rugose  (cf.  Fig.  11a)  or  smooth 
ridge  (cf.  Fig.  12d).  (11)  Sternaulus  composed  of 
large  crenulae  posteroventrally  (cf.  Fig.  16a).  (12) 
Margin  between  metepisternum  and  metepimeron 
crenulate  (cf.  Fig.  16a).  (13)  Metapleuron  areolate 
rugose  in  ventral  quarter  (cf.  Fig.  15b).  (15)  Median 
areola  of  metanotum  deeply  excavated,  with  well- 
defined  posterior  margin  (cf.  Fig.  17c).  (16)  Pro- 
podeum areolate  (cf.  Fig.  12a);  (17)  anterior  areola 
of  propodeum  with  sharp  ridge  anteriorly  (cf.  Fig. 
lid);  (18)  anterior  transverse  carina  of  propodeum 
absent  (cf.  Fig.  17d)  to  complete  (cf.  Fig.  lid);  (19) 
consisting  of  only  one  smooth,  straight,  transverse 
ridge,  or  with  additional  transverse  carina  present. 

46  ■ Contributions  in  Science,  Number  497 

Leathers  and  Sharkey:  A Review  of  Alabragus 

defining  two  extra  areolae,  or  with  one  carina  on 
either  side  anterad  opposite  carina.  (20)  Midtibia 
with  0 to  7 spines;  (21)  hind  tibia  with  5 or  6 
spines.  (22)  Hind  femur  rugose  ventrally  (cf.  Fig. 
10c);  (23)  3.86-4.46  X longer  than  wide.  (24) 
Forewing  veins  IM  and  Icu-a  intersect  (usually) 
(Fig.  13a),  or  vein  Icu-a  intersects  Cu  distad  IM 
(Fig.  13b). 

METASOMA.  (25)  First  median  tergite  with 
small  longitudinal  bump  anteriorly  (cf.  Fig.  19a); 
(26)  0.83-0.92  X longer  than  wide;  (27)  lacking 
transverse  depression.  (28)  Median  syntergite  2 + 3 
1.03-1.11  X longer  than  wide.  (29)  Second  median 
tergite  with  transverse  depression,  or  with  trans- 
verse depression  barely  indicated.  (30)  Third  me- 
dian tergite  lacking  transverse  depression.  (31)  Ovi- 
positor 0.50-0.91  X body  length;  (32)  1.69-3.48 
X length  of  hind  femur. 

COLOR.  (33)  Summary.  Head  black  except 
maxillary  and  labial  palpomeres  yellowish-orange 
apically.  Mesosoma  black.  All  legs  black,  except 
foretarsus,  hind  femur,  and  sometimes  midtarsus 
yellowish-orange  apically.  Forewing  and  hind  wing 
both  black  basally,  clear  apically.  Median  tergite  1 
yellowish-orange  to  red  but  median  tergite  black  in 
posterior  quarter.  Median  tergite  2 black  dorsally, 
yellowish-orange  to  red  elsewhere.  Median  tergite 

3 black,  but  sometimes  anterior  half  yellowish-or- 
ange to  red.  Terga  4 to  8 and  ovipositor  sheath 
black.  Head.  (34)  Antenna  black.  (36)  Maxillary 
and  labial  palpomeres  mostly  black,  but  yellowish- 
orange  apically.  (37)  Head  black.  Mesosoma.  (38) 
Pronotum  black;  (39)  propleuron  black;  (40)  me- 
sonotum  black;  (43)  mesopleuron  black;  (44)  me- 
tanotum  black;  (45)  propodeum  black;  (46)  meta- 
pleuron  black;  (47)  forecoxa  black;  (48)  foretro- 
chanter black;  (49)  foretrochantellus  black;  (50) 
forefemur  black;  (51)  foretibia  black;  (52)  foretar- 
sus yellowish-orange  apically,  black  basally;  (53) 
midcoxa  black;  (54)  midtrochanter  black;  (55)  mid- 
trochantellus  black;  (56)  midfemur  black;  (57)  mid- 
tibia black;  (58)  midtarsus  black,  or  black  basally, 
yellowish-orange  apically;  (59)  hind  coxa  black; 
(60)  hind  trochanter  black;  (61)  hind  trochantellus 
black;  (62)  hind  femur  black,  or  yellowish-orange; 
(63)  hind  tibia  black;  (64)  hind  tarsus  black;  (65) 
forewing  black  basally,  clear  apically;  (66)  hind 
wing  pattern  black  basally,  clear  apically.  Metaso- 
ma. (67)  Median  tergite  1 yellowish-orange  to  red 
but  median  tergite  black  in  posterior  quarter;  (68) 
tergum  2 black  dorsally,  yellowish-orange  to  red 
laterally;  (69)  tergum  3 black,  or  mostly  black  but 
anterior  half  yellowish-orange  to  red;  (70-74)  terga 

4 to  8 black.  (75)  Ovipositor  sheath  black. 

DISTRIBUTION.  Costa  Rica,  Trinidad,  Vene- 
zuela, and  Sao  Paulo,  Brazil.  Collected  throughout 
the  year  at  La  Selva  except  for  January,  April,  and 
December  (Fig.  23),  mostly  in  secondary  forest. 

Alabagrus  stigma  (Brulle) 

Figs.  5b,  10a,  12b,  15b,  17c 

Agathis  stigma  Brulle,  1846:501.  Holotype  9,  Bra- 
zil (MNHN). 

Microdus  stigmaterus  Cresson,  1865:65.  Holotype 
9,  Cuba  (ANSP). 

Microdus  diatraeae  Turner,  1918:82.  Holotype  9, 
Guyana  (BMNH). 

Alabagrus  citreistigma  Enderlein,  1920:203.  Holo- 
type 9,  Brazil  (ZMPA). 

Microdus  crossi  Brethes,  1927:163.  Holotype  9, 
Argentina  (?). 

Microdus  sacchari  Myers,  1931:274.  Holotype  9, 
Guyana  (BMNH). 

Alabagrus  stigma  Sharkey,  1988:401-402,  figs.  3a, 
3g,  6b,  8b,  9c,  12a,  20f. 

DIAGNOSIS.  Forewing  black  with  stigma  yel- 
low. First  median  tergite  with  well-defined  median 
longitudinal  carina  (cf.  Fig.  19c),  or  with  antero- 
lateral converging  carinae  (cf.  Fig.  19e).  Gena 
rounded  posteroventrally  (cf.  Fig.  9b).  Ovipositor 
5. 0-6. 8 X length  of  hind  femur.  Hind  femur  rugose 
ventrally  (cf.  Fig.  10c);  or  punctate  ventrally  (cf. 
Fig.  10a).  Antenna  with  39  to  40  flagellomeres. 
LENGTH.  (1)  6.8-11.6  mm. 

HEAD.  (2)  Antenna  with  39  to  40  flagellomeres. 
(3)  Gena  rounded  posteroventrally  (cf.  Fig.  9b).  (4) 
Malar  space  0.7-0. 8 X the  distance  from  the  eye 
to  the  maximum  extent  of  the  gena. 

MESOSOMA.  (5)  Notaulus  weakly  (cf.  Fig.  12a) 
to  deeply  impressed  (cf.  Fig.  lid);  (6)  not  crenulate 
(cf.  Fig.  lid).  (7)  Median  longitudinal  ridge  of  scu- 
tum weak  anteriorly  (cf.  Fig.  11c).  (8,  9)  Scutellar 
sulcus  mostly  smooth  (cf.  Fig.  12a),  or  with  one  or 
more  strong  (cf.  Fig.  11b)  to  weak  (cf.  Fig.  lid) 
median  ridges.  (10)  Apex  of  scutellum  mostly 
smooth  with  or  without  several  weak  punctures  (cf. 
Fig.  12a),  or  with  transverse  smooth  (cf.  Fig.  12d) 
or  rugose  ridge  (cf.  Fig.  11a).  (11)  Sternaulus  long, 
distinct  and  foveolate  (cf.  Fig.  15b),  or  composed 
of  large  crenulae  posteroventrally  (cf.  Fig.  16a). 
(12)  Margin  between  metepisternum  and  metepi- 
meron  crenulate  (cf.  Fig.  16a).  (13)  Metapleuron 
mostly  smooth  (cf.  Fig.  15a),  or  areolate  rugose  in 
ventral  quarter  (cf.  Fig.  15b);  (14)  with  several 
crenulae  along  ventral  margin  (cf.  Fig.  16b).  (15) 
Median  areola  of  metanotum  deeply  excavated, 
with  well-defined  posterior  margin  (cf.  Fig.  17c). 
(16)  Propodeum  punctate  in  anterior  half,  areolate 
posteriorly  (cf.  Fig.  17c),  or  entirely  areolate  (cf. 
Fig.  12a);  (17)  anterior  areolae  of  propodeum  weak 
anteriorly  (cf.  Fig.  17a);  (18)  anterior  transverse  ca- 
rina of  propodeum  absent  (cf.  Fig.  17a).  (20)  Mid- 
tibia with  1 to  4 spines;  (21)  hind  tibia  with  6 to 
13  spines.  (22)  Hind  femur  rugose  (cf.  Fig.  10c)  to 
punctate  (cf.  Fig.  10a)  ventrally;  (23)  3. 0-3. 5 X 
longer  than  wide.  (24)  Forewing  veins  IM  and  Icu- 
a intersect  (usually)  (Fig.  13a),  or  vein  Icu-a  inter- 
sects Cu  distad  IM  (Fig.  13b). 

METASOMA.  (25)  First  median  tergite  with 
well-defined  median  longitudinal  carina  (cf.  Fig. 
19c),  or  with  anterolateral  converging  carinae  (cf. 
Fig.  19e);  (26)  0.9-1. 5 X longer  than  wide.  (28) 
Median  syntergite  2 + 3 1.2-1. 4 X longer  than 
wide.  (29)  Second  median  tergite  with  transverse 

Contributions  in  Science,  Number  497 

depression  deeply  to  barely  indicated.  (30)  Third 
median  tergite  with  transverse  depression  lacking  to 
barely  present.  (31)  Ovipositor  1.1-1. 5 X body 
length;  (32)  5.0-6. 8 X length  of  hind  femur. 

COLOR.  (33)  Summary.  Head  black  except 
maxillary  and  labial  palpomeres  yellowish-orange 
basally.  Mesosoma  yellowish-orange  except  some- 
times propodeum,  propleuron,  and  ventral  part  of 
mesopleuron  black.  Foreleg  and  midleg  black  ex- 
cept both  coxae,  foretibia,  and  foretarsus  can  be 
yellowish-orange.  Hind  leg  mostly  yellowish-or- 
ange except  apical  part  of  tibia  and  tarsus  black, 
and  trochanters  and  remainder  of  tibia  can  be 
black.  Forewing  black  with  stigma  and  sometimes 
base  yellow.  Hind  wing  entirely  black.  Metasoma 
yellowish-orange  with  ovipositor  sheath  black. 
Head.  (34)  Antenna  black;  (35)  flagellum  some- 
times paler  than  scape.  (36)  Maxillary  and  labial 
palpomeres  mostly  yellowish-orange  but  black  ba- 
sally, or  entirely  yellowish-orange.  (37)  Head  black. 
Mesosoma.  (38)  Pronotum  yellowish-orange,  or 
black  ventrally,  yellowish-orange  dorsally;  (39) 
propleuron  black,  or  yellowish-orange;  (40)  meson- 
otum  yellowish-orange;  (43)  mesopleuron  yellow- 
ish-orange, or  black  ventrally,  yellowish-orange 
dorsally;  (44)  metanotum  yellowish-orange;  (45) 
propodeum  yellowish-orange;  (46)  metapleuron 
yellowish-orange;  (47)  forecoxa  black,  or  yellow- 
ish-orange; (48)  foretrochanter  black;  (49)  foretro- 
chantellus  black;  (50)  forefemur  black;  (51)  foreti- 
bia black,  or  yellowish-orange,  or  mostly  black  but 
yellowish-orange  basally;  (52)  foretarsus  black,  or 
yellowish-orange,  or  yellowish-orange  apically, 
black  basally;  (53)  midcoxa  black,  or  yellowish-or- 
ange; (54)  midtrochanter  black;  (55)  midtrochan- 
tellus  black;  (56)  midfemur  black;  (57)  midtibia 
black,  or  yellow  in  basal  tenth,  black  apically;  (58) 
midtarsus  black,  or  yellowish-black;  (59)  hind  coxa 
yellowish-orange;  (60)  hind  trochanter  black,  or 
yellowish-orange;  (61)  hind  trochantellus  black,  or 
yellowish-orange;  (62)  hind  femur  yellowish-or- 
ange, or  black;  (63)  hind  tibia  yellowish-orange,  or 
black,  or  mostly  yellowish-orange  but  black  api- 
cally; (64)  hind  tarsus  black,  or  orange  in  basal 
tenth,  black  apically;  (65)  forewing  pattern  black 
with  stigma  yellow,  or  black  with  stigma  and  some- 
times base  yellow;  (66)  hind  wing  pattern  entirely 
black.  Metasoma.  (67-74)  Terga  1 to  8 yellowish- 
orange.  (75)  Ovipositor  sheath  black. 

HOSTS.  Diatraea  canella  Hudson,  Diatraea  im- 
personatella  (Walker),  Diatraea  lineolata  (Walker), 
and  Diatraea  saccharalis  (Fabricius). 

DISTRIBUTION.  Widespread  south  from  Flor- 
ida to  Uruguay  and  northern  Argentina.  Known  at 
La  Selva  from  only  one  specimen  collected  in  May 
(Fig.  23)  in  successional  plots. 

Alabagrus  tricarinatus  (Cameron) 

Figs.  7e,  10b 

Agathis  tricarinata  Cameron,  1905:385.  Holotype 

?,  Brazil  (BMHN). 

Leathers  and  Sharkey:  A Review  of  Alabragus  ■ 47 

Alabagrus  tricarinatus  Sharkey,  1988:405,  figs.  3b, 


DIAGNOSIS.  Forewing  entirely  and  evenly 
black;  or  black  with  one  clear  band  in  apical  third 
quarter.  Sternaulus  composed  of  large  crenulae  pos- 
teroventrally.  Tergum  2 yellowish-orange  anterior- 
ly, black  posteriorly.  Tergum  3 black. 

LENGTH.  (1)  6.0-8.2  mm. 

HEAD.  (2)  Antenna  with  37  to  44  flagellomeres. 

(3)  Gena  right-angled  posteroventrally  (usually)  (cf. 
Fig.  9a),  or  rounded  posteroventrally  (cf.  Fig.  9b). 

(4)  Malar  space  0.55-0.70  X the  distance  from  the 
eye  to  the  maximum  extent  of  the  gena. 

MESOSOMA.  (5)  Notaulus  weakly  (cf.  Fig.  12a) 
to  deeply  (cf.  Fig.  lid)  impressed;  (6)  not  crenulate 
(cf.  Fig.  lid).  (7)  Median  longitudinal  ridge  of  scu- 
tum weak  (cf.  Fig.  11c)  to  strong  (cf.  Fig.  lid)  an- 
teriorly. (8)  Scutellar  sulcus  mostly  smooth  (cf.  Fig. 
12a).  (10)  Apex  of  scutellum  smooth,  lacking  trans- 
verse ridge  (cf.  Fig.  12a),  or  with  transverse  rugose 
ridge  (cf.  Fig.  11a).  (11)  Sternaulus  composed  of 
large  crenulae  posteroventrally  (cf.  Fig.  16a).  (12) 
Margin  between  metepisternum  and  metepimeron 
crenulate  (cf.  Fig.  16a).  (13)  Metapleuron  mostly 
smooth  (cf.  Fig.  15a),  or  areolate  rugose  in  ventral 
quarter  (cf.  Fig.  15b);  (14)  with  several  crenulae 
along  ventral  margin  (cf.  Fig.  16b).  (15)  Median 
areola  of  metanotum  deeply  excavated,  with  well- 
defined  posterior  margin  (cf.  Fig.  17c),  or  bisected 
by  strong  ridge.  (16)  Propodeum  areolate  (cf.  Fig. 
12a);  (17)  anterior  areola  of  propodeum  with  long, 
blunt,  wide  ridge  anteriorly  (cf.  Fig.  17d);  (18)  an- 
terior transverse  carina  of  propodeum  absent  (cf. 
Fig.  17d).  (20)  Midtibia  with  0 to  4 spines;  (21) 
hind  tibia  with  1 to  7 spines.  (22)  Hind  femur 
smooth  ventrally  (Fig.  10b);  (23)  3. 3-4. 6 X longer 
than  wide.  (24)  Forewing  veins  IM  and  Icu-a  in- 
tersect (Fig.  13a),  or  vein  Icu-a  intersects  Cu  distad 
IM  (Fig.  13b). 

METASOMA.  (25)  First  median  tergite  with 
small  longitudinal  bump  anteriorly  (cf.  Fig.  19a)  or 
evenly  convex,  lacking  distinct  bump  anteromedi- 
ally  (cf.  Fig.  19b);  (26)  0. 8-1.4  X longer  than  wide; 
(27)  lacking  transverse  depression.  (28)  Median 
syntergite  2 + 3 0.9-1. 3 X longer  than  wide.  (29) 
Second  median  tergite  with  transverse  depression 
absent  to  strong.  (30)  Third  median  tergite  trans- 
verse depression  absent  to  strong.  (31)  Ovipositor 
0. 8-1.1  X body  length;  (32)  3.20-3.42  X length  of 
hind  femur. 

COLOR.  (33)  Summary.  Head  black  except 
maxillary  and  labial  palpomeres  sometimes  yellow- 
ish-orange. Mesosoma  black  except  propodeum 
can  be  yellowish-orange.  All  legs  entirely  black  ex- 
cept posteroventral  part  of  hind  coxa  yellowish-or- 
ange and  foretarsus,  forecoxa,  and  hind  coxa  some- 
times yellowish-orange.  Forewing  and  hindwing  en- 
tirely black  (usually)  to  black  with  one  clear  band 
in  apical  third  quarter.  Terga  1 and  2 entirely  yel- 
lowish-orange to  red.  Terga  3 to  5 black  dorsally 
and  yellowish-orange  to  red  ventrally.  Terga  6 to  8 

48  ■ Contributions  in  Science,  Number  497 

Leathers  and  Sharkey:  A Review  of  Alabragus 

and  ovipositor  sheath  black.  Head.  (34)  Antenna 
black.  (36)  Maxillary  and  labial  palpomeres  yel- 
lowish-orange, or  black.  (37)  Head  black.  Meso- 
soma.  (38)  Pronotum  black;  (39)  propleuron  black; 
(40)  mesonotum  black;  (43)  mesopleuron  black; 
(44)  metanotum  black;  (45)  propodeum  black,  or 
yellowish-orange;  (46)  metapleuron  black;  (47) 
forecoxa  black,  or  yellowish-orange;  (48)  foretro- 
chanter black;  (49)  foretrochantellus  black;  (50) 
forefemur  black;  (51)  foretibia  black;  (52)  foretar- 
sus yellowish-orange,  or  black;  (53)  midcoxa  black; 
(54)  midtrochanter  black;  (55)  midtrochantellus 
black;  (56)  midfemur  black;  (57)  midtibia  black; 
(58)  midtarsus  black;  (59)  hind  coxa  black,  or  yel- 
lowish-orange; (60)  hind  trochanter  black;  (61) 
hind  trochantellus  black;  (62)  hind  femur  black; 
(63)  hind  tibia  black;  (64)  hind  tarsus  black;  (65) 
forewing  entirely  black,  or  black  with  a clear  band 
in  apical  third  quarter  (rarely);  (66)  hind  wing  pat- 
tern entirely  black.  Metasoma.  (67)  Tergum  1 yel- 
lowish-orange; (68-70)  terga  2 and  3 yellowish-or- 
ange in  anterior  half,  black  posteriorly;  (71-74)  ter- 
ga 4 to  8 black;  (75)  Ovipositor  sheath  black. 

HOSTS.  Unknown,  but  a specimen  was  reared 
from  an  unknown  host  feeding  on  Byttneria  acu- 
leata  (Sterculiaceae). 

DISTRIBUTION:  Widespread,  from  northern 
Costa  Rica  south  to  northern  Argentina.  Reared 
once  by  Henry  Hespenheide  in  January  at  La  Selva 
(Fig.  23). 

Alabagrus  tripartitus  (Brulle) 

Figs.  8e,  15a,  19c 

Agathis  tripartita  Brulle,  1846:496.  Holotype  ?, 

Guyana  (MIZT). 

Alabagrus  tripartitus  Sharkey,  1988:406,  figs,  la, 

6d,  6e,  11b,  18a,  18b. 

DIAGNOSIS.  Hind  femur  black;  or  mostly  black 
with  a yellowish-orange  area  distolaterally.  Midti- 
bia with  5 spines.  Gena  acute  posteroventrally  (cf. 
Fig.  9d).  First  median  tergite  with  well-defined  me- 
dian longitudinal  carina  (cf.  Fig.  19c).  Body  length 
6. 5-9. 2 mm.  Hind  coxa  yellowish-orange.  Ovipos- 
itor 0.67-0.80  X body  length.  Antenna  with  39  to 
44  flagellomeres. 

LENGTH.  (1)  6.5-9.2  mm. 

HEAD.  (2)  Antenna  with  39  to  44  flagellomeres. 
(3)  Gena  rounded  posteroventrally  (usually)  (cf. 
Fig.  9b),  or  acute  posteroventrally  (cf.  Fig.  9d).  (4) 
Malar  space  0.50-0.75  X the  distance  from  the  eye 
to  the  maximum  extent  of  the  gena. 

MESOSOMA.  (5)  Notaulus  weakly  (usually)  (cf. 
Fig.  12a)  to  deeply  (cf.  Fig.  lid)  impressed;  (6)  not 
crenulate  (cf.  Fig.  lid).  (7)  Median  longitudinal 
ridge  of  scutum  weak  (cf.  Fig.  11c)  to  strong  (cf. 
Fig.  lid).  (8,  9)  Scutellar  sulcus  with  one  weak  (cf. 
Fig.  lid)  to  strong  (cf.  Fig.  11b)  median  ridge.  (10) 
Apex  of  scutellum  smooth,  lacking  transverse  ridge 
(cf.  Fig.  12a).  (11)  Sternaulus  composed  of  large 
crenulae  posteroventrally  (cf.  Fig.  16a),  or  mostly 
absent,  represented  by  small,  shallow  depression 

(cf.  Fig.  18d).  (12)  Margin  between  metepisternum 
and  metepimeron  crenulate  (usually)  (cf.  Fig.  16a), 
or  smooth  (cf.  Fig.  16f).  (13)  Metapleuron  mostly 
smooth  (cf.  Fig.  15a);  (14)  with  no  crenulae  along 
ventral  margin  (cf.  Fig.  16f).  (15)  Median  areola  of 
metanotum  weakly  excavated,  with  posterior  mar- 
gin not  elevated,  or  deeply  excavated,  with  well- 
defined  posterior  margin  (cf.  Fig.  17c),  or  bisected 
by  strong  ridge.  (16)  Propodeum  areolate  (cf.  Fig. 
12a);  (17)  anterior  areola  of  propodeum  weak  an- 
teriorly (cf.  Fig.  17a);  (18)  transverse  carina  of  pro- 
podeum absent  (cf.  Fig.  17d),  or  weakly  defined  (cf. 
Fig.  14f).  (20)  Midtibia  with  3 to  5 spines;  (21) 
hind  tibia  with  4 to  11  spines.  (22)  Hind  femur 
smooth  ventrally  (cf.  Fig.  10b),  or  punctate  ven- 
trally  (cf.  Fig.  10a);  (23)  3.2-4. 7 X longer  than 
wide.  (24)  Forewing  veins  IM  and  Icu-a  intersect 
(Fig.  13a). 

METASOMA.  (25)  First  median  tergite  with 
well-defined  median  longitudinal  carina  (cf.  Fig. 
19c);  (26)  1.00-1.29  X longer  than  wide;  (27)  lack- 
ing transverse  depression.  (28)  Median  syntergite 
2 + 3 1.10-1.23  X longer  than  wide.  (29)  Second 
median  tergite  with  weak  to  strong  transverse  de- 
pression. (30)  Third  median  tergite  with  transverse 
depression  absent  to  strong.  (31)  Ovipositor  0.67- 
0.80  X body  length;  (32)  2. 7-3. 9 X length  of  hind 

COLOR.  (33)  Summary.  Head  entirely  black  ex- 
cept maxillary  and  labial  palpomeres  yellowish-or- 
ange. Mesosoma  black  except  propodeum  and  me- 
tapleuron yellowish-orange.  Foreleg  and  midleg  en- 
tirely black  except  foretarsus  yellowish-orange. 
Hind  leg  mostly  black  except  coxa  yellowish-or- 
ange and  sometimes  lateral  parts  of  femur  yellow- 
ish-orange. Forewing  entirely  black,  black  but  clear 
distally,  or  banded  from  base:  clear,  black,  clear, 
black.  Hind  wing  entirely  black.  Metasoma  yellow- 
ish-orange except  terga  7 and  8 sometimes  black. 
Head.  (34)  Antenna  black.  (36)  Maxillary  and  la- 
bial palpomeres  yellowish-orange.  (37)  Head  black. 
Mesosoma.  (38)  Pronotum  black;  (39)  propleuron 
black;  (40)  mesonotum  black;  (43)  mesopleuron 
black;  (44)  metanotum  yellowish-orange;  (45)  pro- 
podeum yellowish-orange;  (46)  metapleuron  yel- 
lowish-orange; (47)  forecoxa  black;  (48)  foretro- 
chanter black;  (49)  foretrochantellus  black;  (50) 
forefemur  black;  (51)  foretibia  black;  (52)  foretar- 
sus yellowish-orange;  (53)  midcoxa  black;  (54) 
midtrochanter  black;  (55)  midtrochantellus  black; 
(56)  midfemur  black;  (57)  midtibia  black;  (58)  mid- 
tarsus black;  (59)  hind  coxa  yellowish-orange;  (60) 
trochanter  black;  (61)  trochantellus  black;  (62)  fe- 
mur black,  or  mostly  black  with  a yellowish-orange 
area  distolaterally;  (63)  tibia  black;  (64)  tarsus 
black;  (65)  forewing  entirely  black,  or  black  basal- 
ly,  clear  apically,  or  banded  from  base:  clear,  black, 
clear,  black;  (66)  hind  wing  pattern  entirely  black. 
Metasoma.  (67-72)  Terga  1 to  6 yellowish-orange; 
(73,  74)  terga  7 and  8 black,  or  yellowish-orange. 
(75)  Ovipositor  sheath  black. 

DISTRIBUTION.  Mexico  south  to  Peru  and 

Contributions  in  Science,  Number  497 

Para,  Brazil.  Collected  in  Puntarenas  and  Limon 
provinces  of  Costa  Rica,  in  January,  March 
through  May,  and  November  (Fig.  23). 

Alabagrus  varius  (Enderlein) 

Fig.  8b 

Astitia  varia  Enderlein,  1920:207.  Holotype  9, 

Mexico  (ZMPA). 

Alabagrus  varius  Sharkey,  1988:410. 

DIAGNOSIS.  Midfemur  black  in  basal  half,  yel- 
lowish-orange apically.  Body  length  10.0-11.6  mm. 
Midcoxa  yellowish-orange  basally,  black  apically. 
Antenna  with  49  to  52  flagellomeres. 

LENGTH.  (1)  10.0-11.6  mm. 

HEAD.  (2)  Antenna  with  49  to  52  flagellomeres. 
(3)  Gena  rounded  posteroventrally  (cf.  Fig.  9b),  or 
with  obtuse  angle  posteriorly  (cf.  Fig.  9c).  (4)  Malar 
space  0.64  X the  distance  from  the  eye  to  the  max- 
imum extent  of  the  gena.  Occiput  deeply  excavated 
medially;  occipital  excavation  right-angled. 

MESOSOMA.  (5)  Notaulus  weakly  impressed 
(cf.  Fig.  12a);  (6)  not  crenulate  (cf.  Fig.  lid).  (7) 
Median  longitudinal  ridge  of  scutum  absent  to 
strong  (cf.  Figs.  11a,  11c,  lid).  (8,  9)  Scutellar  sul- 
cus mostly  smooth,  lacking  median  ridge  (cf.  Fig. 
12a),  or  with  one  weak  median  ridge  (cf.  Fig.  lid). 
(10)  Apex  of  scutellum  smooth,  lacking  transverse 
ridge  (cf.  Fig.  12a).  (11)  Sternaulus  composed  of 
large  crenulae  posteroventrally  (cf.  Fig.  16a),  or 
completely  absent  (cf.  Fig.  16d).  (12)  Margin  be- 
tween metepisternum  and  metepimeron  crenulate 
(cf.  Fig.  16a),  or  smooth  (cf.  Fig.  16f).  (13)  Meta- 
pleuron  mostly  smooth  (cf.  Fig.  15a);  (14)  with  sev- 
eral crenulae  along  ventral  margin  (cf.  Fig.  16b),  or 
with  no  crenulae  along  ventral  margin  (cf.  Fig.  16f). 
(15)  Median  areola  of  metanotum  deeply  excavat- 
ed, with  well-defined  posterior  margin  (cf.  Fig. 
17c).  (16)  Propodeum  mostly  smooth  (cf.  Fig.  14a). 
(20)  Midtibia  with  0 to  4 spines;  (21)  hind  tibia 
with  5 or  6 spines.  (22)  Hind  femur  smooth  ven- 
trally  (cf.  Fig.  10b);  (23)  3. 5-4.0  X longer  than 
wide.  (24)  Forewing  vein  Icu-a  intersects  Cu  distad 
IM  (Fig.  13b). 

METASOMA.  (25)  First  median  tergite  with 
small  longitudinal  bump  anteriorly  (cf.  Fig.  19a), 
or  evenly  convex,  lacking  distinct  bump  antero- 
medially  (cf.  Fig.  19b);  (26)  1.15-1.20  X longer 
than  wide;  (27)  lacking  transverse  depression.  (28) 
Median  syntergite  2-1-3  1.30-1.44  X longer  than 
wide.  (29)  Second  median  tergite  with  strong  trans- 
verse depression,  or  with  transverse  depression 
barely  indicated.  (30)  Third  median  tergite  lacking 
transverse  depression.  (31)  Ovipositor  1.25-1.30  X 
body  length;  (32)  5. 0-5. 9 X length  of  hind  femur. 

COLOR.  (33)  Summary.  Head  black  except 
maxillary  and  labial  palpomeres  yellowish-orange. 
Mesosoma  black  except  propleuron,  part  or  all  of 
pronotum,  scutum,  propodeum,  and  metapleuron 
yellowish-orange.  Foreleg  yellow  except  middle 
part  of  femur  black.  Midleg  yellow  except  dorsal 
half  of  coxa,  basal  half  of  femur,  and  sometimes 

Leathers  and  Sharkey:  A Review  of  Alabragus  ■ 49 

trochanter  and  trochantellus  black.  Hind  leg  black 
except  apical  third  of  femur  and  basal  half  of  tibia 
yellowish-orange.  Forewing  banded  from  base:  yel- 
low, black,  yellow,  black;  costal  vein  yellow.  Hind 
wing  entirely  yellow.  Terga  1 and  2 yellowish-or- 
ange, terga  3 to  6 yellowish-orange  or  black,  terga 
7 and  8 and  ovipositor  sheath  black.  Head.  (34) 
Antenna  black.  (36)  Maxillary  and  labial  palpom- 
eres yellowish-orange.  (37)  Head  black.  Mesosoma. 
(38)  Pronotum  yellowish-orange,  or  black  ventrally, 
yellowish-orange  dorsally;  (39)  propleuron  yellow- 
ish-orange; (40)  mesonotum  yellowish-orange;  (43) 
mesopleuron  black;  (44)  metanotum  black;  (45) 
propodeum  yellowish-orange;  (46)  metapleuron 
yellowish-orange;  (47)  forecoxa  yellowish-orange; 
(48)  foretrochanter  yellowish-orange;  (49)  foretro- 
chantellus  yellowish-orange;  (50)  forefemur  black 
in  basal  half,  yellowish-orange  apically;  (51)  fore- 
tibia yellowish-orange;  (52)  foretarsus  yellowish- 
orange;  (53)  midcoxa  yellowish-orange  basally, 
black  apically;  (54)  midtrochanter  black,  or  yellow- 
ish-orange; (55)  midtrochantellus  black,  or  yellow- 
ish-orange; (56)  midfemur  black  in  basal  half,  yel- 
lowish-orange apically;  (57)  midtibia  yellowish-or- 
ange; (58)  midtarsus  yellowish-orange;  (59)  hind 
coxa  black;  (60)  trochanter  black;  (61)  trochantel- 
lus black;  (62)  femur  black  basally  and  yellowish- 
orange  apically;  (63)  tibia  mostly  yellowish-orange 
but  black  apically;  (64)  tarsus  black;  (65)  forewing 
banded  from  base:  yellow,  black,  yellow,  black:  all 
bands  complete  and  costal  vein  yellow;  (66)  hind 
wing  pattern  yellow.  Metasoma.  (67,  68)  Terga  1 
and  2 yellowish-orange;  (69-72)  terga  3 to  6 black, 
or  yellowish-orange;  (73,  74)  terga  7 and  8 black. 
(75)  Ovipositor  sheath  black. 

DISTRIBUTION.  Known  from  Chiapas,  Mexi- 
co, and  Los  Almendros  National  Park,  Guanacaste, 
Costa  Rica.  Collected  once  at  Los  Almendros  in 
October  (Fig.  23). 

Alabagrus  voto  Sharkey 

Fig-  5g 

Alabagrus  voto  Sharkey,  1988:411.  Holotype  $, 

Costa  Rica  (AEIC). 

DIAGNOSIS.  Hind  tarsus  orange  in  basal  tenth, 
black  apically.  Hind  femur  3.7  X longer  than  wide. 
Head  yellowish-orange.  Antenna  with  38  to  40  fla- 

LENGTH.  (1)  6.0-7.3  mm. 

HEAD.  (2)  Antenna  with  38  to  40  flagellomeres. 
(3)  Gena  rounded  posteroventrally  (cf.  Fig.  9b),  or 
acute  posteroventrally  (usually)  (cf.  Fig.  9d). 

MESOSOMA.  (5)  Notaulus  weakly  (cf.  Fig.  12a) 
to  deeply  (cf.  Fig.  lid)  impressed;  (6)  not  crenulate 
(cf.  Fig.  lid).  (7)  Median  longitudinal  ridge  of  scu- 
tum strong  (cf.  Fig.  lid),  or  weak  anteriorly  (cf. 
Fig.  11c),  or  absent  (cf.  Fig.  11a).  (8)  Scutellar  sul- 
cus mostly  smooth  (cf.  Fig.  12a),  or  with  median 
ridge  (cf.  Fig.  11b),  or  with  weak  median  ridge  (cf. 
Fig.  lid);  (9)  with  no  ridges  (cf.  Fig.  12a),  or  one 
ridge  (cf.  Fig.  11b).  (10)  Apex  of  scutellum  rugose. 

50  ■ Contributions  in  Science,  Number  497 

Leathers  and  Sharkey:  A Review  of  Alabragus 

lacking  transverse  ridge  (cf.  Fig.  11c),  or  with  trans- 
verse, rugose  ridge  (cf.  Fig.  11a),  or  with  transverse, 
smooth  ridge  (cf.  Fig.  12d).  (11)  Sternaulus  mostly 
absent,  represented  by  small,  shallow  depression 
(cf.  Fig.  18d)  (usually),  or  composed  of  large  cren- 
ulae  posteroventrally  (cf.  Fig.  16a).  (12)  Margin  be- 
tween metepisternum  and  metepimeron  crenulate 
(cf.  Fig.  16a).  (13)  Metapleuron  mostly  smooth  (cf. 
Fig.  15a);  (14)  with  several  crenulae  along  ventral 
margin  (cf.  Fig.  16b),  or  with  no  crenulae  along 
ventral  margin  (cf.  Fig.  16f).  (15)  Median  areola  of 
metanotum  deeply  excavated,  with  well-defined 
posterior  margin  (cf.  Fig.  17c),  or  bisected  by 
strong  ridge  (some  males).  (16)  Propodeum  areolate 
(cf.  Fig.  12a);  (17)  anterior  areola  of  propodeum 
weak  anteriorly  (cf.  Fig.  17a),  or  with  sharp  ridge 
anteriorly  (cf.  Fig.  lid);  (18)  transverse  carina  of 
propodeum  absent  (cf.  Fig.  17d),  or  weakly  defined 
(cf.  Fig.  14f).  (20)  Midtibia  with  2 to  8 spines;  (21) 
hind  tibia  with  4 to  8 spines.  (22)  Hind  femur 
smooth  ventrally  (cf.  Fig.  10b);  (23)  3.7  X longer 
than  wide.  (24)  Forewing  veins  IM  and  Icu-a  in- 
tersect (Fig.  13a). 

METASOMA.  (25)  First  median  tergite  with 
small  longitudinal  bump  anteriorly  (cf.  Fig.  19a), 
or  evenly  convex,  lacking  distinct  bump  antero- 
medially  (cf.  Fig.  19b),  or  with  weak  longitudinal 
median  carina  (cf.  Fig.  19d),  or  with  well-defined 
median  longitudinal  carina  (cf.  Fig.  19c);  (26)  1.1 
X longer  than  wide;  (27)  lacking  transverse  de- 
pression. (28)  Median  syntergite  2-F3  1.1  X longer 
than  wide.  (29)  Second  median  tergite  lacking 
transverse  depression,  or  with  strong  transverse  de- 
pression, or  with  transverse  depression  barely  in- 
dicated (most  often).  (30)  Third  median  tergite 
lacking  transverse  depression.  (31)  Ovipositor  0.6 
X body  length;  (32)  2.1  X length  of  hind  femur. 

COLOR.  (33)  Summary.  Head  yellowish-orange 
except  antenna  black.  Mesosoma  entirely  yellow- 
ish-orange. All  legs  yellowish-orange  except  apical 
part  of  hind  tibia  and  most  of  hind  tarsus  black. 
Forewing  banded  from  base:  yellow,  black,  yellow, 
black.  Hind  wing  black  with  one  yellow  band  in 
apical  third  quarter.  Metasoma  entirely  yellowish- 
orange,  except  dorsally  black  in  some  males.  Head. 
(34)  Antenna  black.  (36)  Maxillary  and  labial  pal- 
pomeres  yellowish-orange.  (37)  Head  yellowish-or- 
ange. Mesosoma.  (38)  Pronotum  yellowish-orange; 
(39)  propleuron  yellowish-orange;  (40)  mesonotum 
yellowish-orange;  (43)  mesopleuron  yellowish-or- 
ange; (44)  metanotum  yellowish-orange;  (45)  pro- 
podeum yellowish-orange;  (46)  metapleuron  yel- 
lowish-orange; (47)  forecoxa  yellowish-orange; 
(48)  foretrochanter  yellowish-orange;  (49)  foretro- 
chantellus  yellowish-orange;  (50)  fore  femur  yellow- 
ish-orange; (51)  foretibia  yellowish-orange;  (52) 
foretarsus  yellowish-orange;  (53)  midcoxa  yellow- 
ish-orange; (54)  midtrochanter  yellowish-orange; 
(55)  midtrochantellus  yellowish-orange;  (56)  mid- 
femur yellowish-orange;  (57)  midtibia  yellowish-or- 
ange; (58)  midtarsus  yellowish-orange;  (59)  hind 
coxa  yellowish-orange;  (60)  trochanter  yellowish- 

orange;  (61)  trochantellus  yellowish-orange;  (62) 
femur  yellowish-orange;  (63)  tibia  mostly  yellow- 
ish-orange but  black  apically;  (64)  tarsus  orange  in 
basal  tenth,  black  apically;  (65)  forewing  banded 
from  base:  yellow,  black,  yellow,  black:  all  bands 
complete  and  costal  vein  black;  (66)  hind  wing  pat- 
tern yellow  with  one  black  band  in  apical  third 
quarter.  Metasoma.  (6 7-74)  Terga  1 to  8 yellowish- 
orange  to  red.  (75)  Ovipositor  sheath  black. 

DISTRIBUTION.  Known  only  from  Guanacaste 
Province  of  Costa  Rica.  Collected  there  from  May 
through  August,  and  October  (Fig.  23). 

Alabagrus  warrau  Sharkey 
Fig.  5c 

Alabagrus  warrau  Sharkey,  1988:413.  Holotype  $, 

Trinidad  (AEIC). 

DIAGNOSIS.  Hind  femur  mostly  yellowish-or- 
ange but  black  in  basal  twelfth.  Hind  femur  rugose 
ventrally  (cf.  Fig.  10c).  Malar  space  0.44-0.46  X 
the  distance  from  the  eye  to  the  maximum  extent 
of  the  gena.  Forewing  yellow  basally  and  black  api- 
cally with  a sharp  distinction,  costal  vein  black;  or 
banded  from  base:  yellow,  black,  yellow,  black; 
basal  black  band  not  complete  posteriorly  and  cos- 
tal vein  yellow. 

LENGTH.  (1)  5.0-6. 1 mm. 

HEAD.  (2)  Antenna  with  34  to  38  flagellomeres. 

(3)  Gena  right-angled  posteroventrally  (usually)  (cf. 
Fig.  9a),  or  rounded  posteroventrally  (cf.  Fig.  9b). 

(4)  Malar  space  0.44-0.46  X distance  from  eye  to 
maximum  extent  of  gena. 

MESOSOMA.  (5)  Notaulus  weakly  (cf.  Fig.  12a) 
to  deeply  (cf.  Fig.  lid)  impressed;  (6)  not  crenulate 
(cf.  Fig.  lid).  (7)  Median  longitudinal  ridge  of  scu- 
tum absent  to  strong  anteriorly  (cf.  Figs.  11a,  11c, 
lid).  (8)  Scutellar  sulcus  mostly  smooth  (cf.  Fig. 
12a).  (10)  Apex  of  scutellum  smooth  (cf.  Fig.  12a), 
sometimes  with  transverse  ridge  (cf.  Fig.  12d).  (11) 
Sternaulus  composed  of  large  crenulae  posterov- 
entrally (cf.  Fig.  16a),  or  mostly  absent,  represented 
by  a small,  shallow  depression  (cf.  Fig.  18d).  (12) 
Margin  between  metepisternum  and  metepimeron 
crenulate  (cf.  Fig.  16a).  (13)  Metapleuron  mostly 
smooth  (cf.  Fig.  15a);  (14)  with  several  crenulae 
along  ventral  margin  (cf.  Fig.  16b),  or  with  no  cren- 
ulae along  ventral  margin  (cf.  Fig.  16f).  (15)  Me- 
dian areola  of  metanotum  deeply  excavated,  with 
well-defined  posterior  margin  (cf.  Fig.  17c).  (16) 
Propodeum  weakly  areolate  (cf.  Fig.  14b);  (17)  an- 
terior areola  of  propodeum  weak  anteriorly  (cf.  Fig. 
17a),  or  with  sharp  ridge  anteriorly  (cf.  Fig.  lid); 
(18)  anterior  transverse  carina  of  propodeum  weak- 
ly defined  (cf.  Fig.  14f),  or  complete  (cf.  Fig.  lid). 
(20)  Midtibia  with  3 or  4 spines;  (21)  hind  tibia 
with  2 to  4 spines.  (22)  Hind  femur  rugose  ven- 
trally (cf.  Fig.  10c);  (23)  3.38-4.53  X longer  than 
wide.  (24)  Forewing  vein  Icu-a  intersects  Cu  distad 
IM  (usually)  (Fig.  13b),  or  IM  and  Icu-a  intersect 
(Fig.  13a). 

METASOMA.  (25)  First  median  tergite  with 

Contributions  in  Science,  Number  497 

small  longitudinal  bump  anteriorly  (cf.  Fig.  19a), 
or  evenly  convex,  lacking  distinct  bump  antero- 
medially  (cf.  Fig.  19b);  (26)  1.05-1.20  X longer 
than  wide;  (27)  lacking  transverse  depression.  (28) 
Median  syntergite  2 + 3 0.89-1.08  X longer  than 
wide.  (29)  Second  median  tergite  with  transverse 
depression  barely  indicated  to  absent.  (30)  Third 
median  tergite  lacking  transverse  depression.  (31) 
Ovipositor  0.79-0.80  X body  length;  (32)  2.62- 
3.03  X length  of  hind  femur. 

COLOR.  (33)  Summary.  Head  black  except 
maxillary  and  labial  palpomeres  yellowish-orange. 
Mesosoma  yellowish-orange  except  propleuron 
sometimes  black.  Foreleg  yellowish-orange  except 
femur  black  or  black  centrally,  foretibia  sometimes 
dark  yellow.  Midleg  black  except  coxa  yellowish- 
orange  or  yellowish-orange  basally,  midtarsus  yel- 
lowish-orange. Hind  leg  black  except  coxa  mostly 
yellowish-orange  but  black  laterally,  femur  mostly 
yellowish-orange  but  black  in  basal  twelfth,  and 
tibia  mostly  yellow  but  black  in  apical  eighth.  Fore- 
wing yellow  basally  and  black  apically  with  a sharp 
distinction  and  costal  vein  black,  or  banded:  yellow, 
black,  yellow,  black,  basal  black  band  sometimes 
not  complete  posteriorly.  Hind  wing  yellow  basally, 
slightly  black  in  apical  quarter.  Metasoma  yellow- 
ish-orange with  ovipositor  sheath  black.  Head.  (34) 
Antenna  black.  (36)  Maxillary  and  labial  palpom- 
eres yellowish-orange.  (37)  Head  black.  Mesosoma. 
(38)  Pronotum  yellowish-orange;  (39)  propleuron 
yellowish-orange,  or  mostly  black,  yellowish-or- 
ange posteriorly;  (40)  mesonotum  yellowish-or- 
ange; (43)  mesopleuron  yellowish-orange;  (44)  me- 
tanotum  yellowish-orange;  (45)  propodeum  yel- 
lowish-orange; (46)  metapleuron  yellowish-orange; 
(47)  forecoxa  yellowish-orange;  (48)  foretrochanter 
yellowish-orange;  (49)  foretrochantellus  yellowish- 
orange;  (50)  forefemur  black,  or  yellowish-orange 
in  apical  and  basal  eighths,  black  centrally;  (51) 
foretibia  yellowish  orange,  or  yellowish  black;  (52) 
foretarsus  yellowish  orange;  (53)  midcoxa  yellow- 
ish-orange, or  yellowish-orange  basally,  black  api- 
cally; (54)  midtrochanter  black;  (55)  midtrochan- 
tellus  black;  (56)  midfemur  black;  (57)  midtibia 
black;  (58)  midtarsus  yellowish-orange;  (59)  hind 
coxa  mostly  yellowish-orange  but  black  laterally; 
(60)  hind  trochanter  black;  (61)  hind  trochantellus 
black;  (62)  hind  femur  mostly  yellowish-orange  but 
black  in  basal  twelfth;  (63)  hind  tibia  mostly  yellow 
but  black  in  apical  eighth;  (64)  hind  tarsus  black; 
(65)  forewing  yellow  basally  and  black  apically 
with  a sharp  distinction,  costal  vein  black,  or  band- 
ed from  base:  yellow,  black,  yellow,  black:  basal 
black  band  not  complete  posteriorly  and  costal  vein 
yellow;  (66)  hind  wing  pattern  yellow  basally, 
slightly  black  in  apical  quarter.  Metasoma.  (67) 
Terga  1 to  8 yellowish-orange.  (75)  Ovipositor 
sheath  black. 

DISTRIBUTION.  Scattered  from  San  Luis  Po- 
tosi,  Mexico,  south  through  Central  America  to 
Colombia,  and  east  to  Trinidad.  Collected  in  April 

Leathers  and  Sharkey:  A Review  of  Alabragus  ■51 

through  November  at  La  Selva  (Fig.  23),  in  all  hab- 
itat types. 

Alabagrus  watsoni  new  species 

Fig.  6f 

DIAGNOSIS.  Hind  femur  mostly  yellowish-or- 
ange but  black  apically  and  basally  with  a black 
area  laterally.  Body  length  6.64-7.27  mm.  Hind 
coxa  mostly  yellowish-orange  but  black  laterally. 
Midtarsus  black.  Gena  right-angled  posteroventral- 
ly  (cf.  Fig.  9a);  or  acute  posteroventrally  (cf.  Fig. 
9d).  Midtibia  black. 

LENGTH.  (1)  6.64-[7.27]  mm. 

HEAD.  (2)  Antenna  with  38  to  48  [41]  flagello- 
meres.  (3)  Gena  [acute  posteroventraUy]  (usua[ly) 
(cf.  Fig.  9d),  or  right-angled  posteroventrally.  (4) 
Malar  space  0.37-0.55  [0.47]  X distance  from  eye 
to  maximum  extent  of  gena. 

MESOSOMA.  (5)  Notaulus  [weakly]  (cf.  Fig. 
12a)  to  deeply  (cf.  Fig.  lid)  impressed;  (6)  not 
crenulate  (cf.  Fig.  lid).  (7)  Median  longitudinal 
ridge  of  scutum  weak  (cf.  Fig.  11c)  to  strong  (cf. 
Fig.  lid)  anteriorly.  (8,  9)  Scutellar  sulcus  [mostly 
smooth]  (cf.  Fig.  12a),  sometimes  with  one  weak 
median  ridge  (cf.  Fig.  lid).  (10)  Apex  of  scutellum 
smooth,  lacking  transverse  ridge  (cf.  Fig.  12a).  (11) 
Sternaulus  composed  of  large  crenulae  posteroven- 
trally (cf.  Fig.  16a).  (12)  Margin  between  metepis- 
ternum  and  metepimeron  crenulate  (cf.  Fig.  16a). 
(13)  Metapleuron  [areolate  rugose  in  ventral  quar- 
ter] (cf.  Fig.  15b),  or  mostly  smooth  (cf.  Fig.  15a). 
(15)  Median  areola  of  metanotum  [deeply  excavat- 
ed, with  well-defined  posterior  margin]  (cf.  Fig. 
17c),  or  bisected  by  strong  ridge.  (16)  Propodeum 
areolate  (cf.  Fig.  12a);  (17)  anterior  areola  of  pro- 
podeum with  weak  (cf.  Fig.  17a)  to  [sharp]  ridge 
(cf.  Fig.  lid)  anteriorly;  (18)  anterior  transverse  Ca- 
rina of  propodeum  complete  [weakly  defined]  to 
absent  (cf.  Figs,  lid,  14f,  17d);  (19)  consisting  of 
only  one  smooth,  straight,  transverse  ridge,  or 
[with  Carina  branching  into  two  carina  before 
reaching  edge  of  propodeum].  (20)  Midtibia  with  2 
to  6 [3]  spines;  (21)  hind  tibia  with  3 to  [9]  spines. 

(22)  Hind  femur  smooth  ventrally  (cf.  Fig.  10b); 

(23)  3.65-4.58  [4.16]  X [onger  than  wide.  (24) 
Forewing  veins  IM  and  Icu-a  intersect  (Fig.  13a). 

METASOMA.  (25)  First  median  tergite  [with 
sma[[  longitudinai  bump  anterioriy]  (cf.  Fig.  19a), 
or  with  well-defined  median  longitudinal  carina 
(some  males)  (cf.  Fig.  19c);  (26)  0.70-1.09  [1.00] 
X [onger  than  wide;  (27)  lacking  transverse  de- 
pression. (28)  Median  syntergite  2 + 3 [0.88]-1.32 
X longer  than  wide.  (29)  Second  median  tergite 
with  weak  to  [strong]  transverse  depression.  (30) 
Third  median  tergite  [lacking  transverse  depres- 
sion], or  with  weak  transverse  depression.  (31)  Ovi- 
positor 0.75-[0.93]  X body  length;  (32)  2.57- 
[3.46]  X [ength  of  hind  femur. 

COLOR.  (33)  Summary.  Head  black  except 
maxillary  and  labial  palpomeres  yellowish-orange. 
Mesosoma  black  except  metanotum,  propodeum. 

52  ■ Contributions  in  Science,  Number  497 

Leathers  and  Sharkey:  A Review  of  Alabragus 

and  metapleuron  yellowish-orange.  Foreleg  and 
midleg  entirely  black  except  foretarsus  yellowish- 
orange.  Hind  leg  mostly  black  except  coxa  mostly 
yellowish-orange  but  black  laterally,  hind  femur 
mostly  yellowish-orange  but  black  apically  and  ba- 
sally  with  a black  area  distolaterally.  Forewing  and 
hind  wing  entirely  and  evenly  black.  Terga  1 to  4 
yellowish-orange,  terga  5 and  6 yellowish-orange 
or  black,  terga  7 and  8 black.  Ovipositor  sheath 
black.  Head.  (34)  Antenna  black.  (36)  Maxillary 
and  labial  palpomeres  yellowish  orange.  (37)  Head 
black.  Mesosoma.  (38)  Pronotum  black;  (39)  pro- 
pleuron  black;  (40)  mesonotum  black;  (43)  meso- 
pleuron  black;  (44)  metanotum  yellowish-orange; 
(45)  propodeum  yellowish-orange;  (46)  metapleu- 
ron yellowish-orange;  (47)  forecoxa  black;  (48) 
foretrochanter  black;  (49)  foretrochantellus  black; 
(50)  forefemur  black;  (51)  foretibia  black;  (52) 
foretarsus  yellowish-orange;  (53)  midcoxa  black; 
(54)  midtrochanter  black;  (55)  midtrochantellus 
black;  (56)  midfemur  black;  (57)  midtibia  black; 
(58)  midtarsus  black;  (59)  hind  coxa  mostly  yellow- 
ish-orange but  black  laterally;  (60)  hind  trochanter 
black;  (61)  hind  trochantellus  black;  (62)  hind  fe- 
mur mostly  yellowish-orange  but  black  apically 
and  basally  with  a black  area  distolaterally;  (63) 
hind  tibia  black;  (64)  hind  tarsus  black;  (65)  fore- 
wing entirely  black;  (66)  hind  wing  pattern  entirely 
black.  Metasoma.  (67-70)  Terga  1 to  4 yellowish- 
orange;  (71,  72)  terga  5 and  6 yellowish-orange,  or 
black;  (73,  74)  terga  7 and  8 black.  (75)  Ovipositor 
sheath  black. 

HOSTS.  Omiodes  humeralis  Guenee  on  Inga 
vera  (Fabaceae)  (93-SRNP-2814). 

EXAMINED.  La  Selva  and  Guanacaste  Province  of 
Costa  Rica.  Collected  in  April  through  August  and 
November  at  La  Selva  (Fig.  23). 

Holotype  $ . COSTA  RICA:  Heredia:  La  Selva: 
10°26'N,  84°0rW,  50-150  m,  Malaise  trap  in  suc- 
cessional  plots,,  (INBIOCRI)  002261453 

Paratypes.  COSTA  RICA;  Heredia:  La  Selva: 
10°26'N,  84°01'W:  50-150  m:  Malaise  trap  in  suc- 
cessional  plots:  19,  l.iv.l993,  (INBIOCRI) 
002275405  (INBC);  19,  15.iv.l993,  002276505 
(CNCI);  19,  15.vii.l993,  002276237  (CNCI). 
Malaise  trap  in  second-growth  forest,  SCH:  IT, 
16.iv.l993,  002264032  (INBC);  Id,, 
002292362  (CNCI);  3d,  15.vii.l993,  002261999 
(BMNH),  002262003  (LACM),  002262007 
(UKIC);  4d,  3.viii.l993,  002292480  (CNCI), 
002292481  (UKIC),  002292483  (CNCI), 
002292484  (UKIC);  Id,  14.viii.l993,  002292129 
(AEIC);  Id,  2.V.1996,  002303253  (AEIC).  Malaise 
trap  in  horde  suampo:  19,  2.iv.l998,  002283670 
(INBC).  Guanacaste:  Guanacaste  Conservation 
Area:  1 9, 93-SRNP-2814  (INBC).  Guanacaste:  Est. 
Pitilla:  700  m:  19,  (C.  Moraga), 
(INBIOCRI)  001342828  (INBC).  Alajuela:  Cano 
Negro:  20  m:  2d,  22.viii.1993,  001931971 
(INBC),  001931972  (UKIC). 

Alabagrus  yaruro  Sharkey 
Fig.  5d 

Alabagrus  yaruro  Sharkey,  1988:416.  Holotype  9, 

Venezuela  (USNM). 

DIAGNOSIS.  Midtibia  yellowish-orange  in  basal 
twentieth,  otherwise  black.  Body  length  7. 8-8. 6 
mm.  Hind  tibia  mostly  yellowish-orange  but  black 
in  basal  eighth.  Forewing  yellow  basally  and  black 
apically  with  a sharp  distinction. 

LENGTH.  (1)  7.8-8.6  mm. 

HEAD.  (2)  Antenna  with  43  to  47  flagellomeres. 
(3)  Gena  acute  posteroventrally  (cf.  Fig.  9d).  (4) 
Malar  space  0.71  X distance  from  eye  to  maximum 
extent  of  gena. 

MESOSOMA.  (5)  Notaulus  deeply  impressed  (cf. 
Fig.  lid);  (6)  not  crenulate  (cf.  Fig.  lid).  (7)  Me- 
dian longitudinal  ridge  of  scutum  strong  (cf.  Fig. 
lid).  (8)  Scutellar  sulcus  mostly  smooth  (cf.  Fig. 
12a).  (10)  Apex  of  scutellum  with  transverse,  ru- 
gose ridge  (cf.  Fig.  11a).  (11)  Sternaulus  composed 
of  large  crenulae  posteroventrally  (cf.  Fig.  16a). 
(12)  Margin  between  metepisternum  and  metepi- 
meron  crenulate  (cf.  Fig.  16a).  (13)  Metapleuron 
mostly  smooth  (cf.  Fig.  15a);  (14)  with  several  cren- 
ulae along  ventral  margin  (cf.  Fig.  16b).  (15)  Me- 
dian areola  of  metanotum  deeply  excavated,  with 
well-defined  posterior  margin  (cf.  Fig.  17c).  (16) 
Propodeum  areolate  (cf.  Fig.  12a);  (17)  anterior 
areola  of  propodeum  large  and  five-sided  (cf.  Fig. 
14d);  (18)  anterior  transverse  carina  of  propodeum 
weakly  defined  (cf.  Fig.  14f).  (20)  Midtibia  with  3 
spines;  (21)  hind  tibia  with  4 spines.  (22)  Hind  fe- 
mur smooth  ventrally  (cf.  Fig.  10b);  (23)  3.86-4.27 
X longer  than  wide.  (24)  Forewing  veins  IM  and 
Icu-a  intersect  (Fig.  13a),  or  Icu-a  intersects  Cu 
distad  IM  (Fig.  13b). 

METASOMA.  (25)  First  median  tergite  with 
small  longitudinal  bump  anteriorly  (cf.  Fig.  19a); 
(26)  1.00-1.01  X longer  than  wide;  (27)  lacking 
transverse  depression.  (28)  Median  syntergite  2-1-3 
1.14-1.30  X longer  than  wide.  (29)  Second  median 
tergite  with  transverse  depression  barely  indicated. 
(30)  Third  median  tergite  lacking  transverse  de- 
pression. (31)  Ovipositor  0.73-0.86  X body  length; 
(32)  2.71-3.17  X length  of  hind  femur. 

COLOR:  (33)  Summary.  Head  black  except 
maxillary  and  labial  palpomeres  yellowish-orange. 
Mesosoma  yellowish-orange  except  pronotum 
sometimes  black  ventrally,  propleuron  sometimes 
black  or  dark  yellowish-orange,  and  mesopleuron 
sometimes  black  ventrally.  Foreleg  and  midleg 
black  except  forecoxa  sometimes  yellowish-orange, 
midcoxa  and  midtibia  sometimes  yellowish-orange 
basally,  and  both  tarsi  yellowish-orange.  Hind  leg 
black  except  coxa  yellowish-orange  and  sometimes 
black  laterally,  femur  yellowish-orange,  and  tibia 
yellowish-orange  in  apical  seven  eighths.  Forewing 
yellow  basally,  black  apically  with  a sharp  distinc- 
tion and  costal  vein  black.  Hind  wing  yellow  ba- 
sally, black  in  apical  twelfth.  Metasoma  yellowish- 
orange  with  ovipositor  sheath  black.  Head.  (34) 

Contributions  in  Science,  Number  497 

Antenna  black.  (36)  Maxillary  and  labial  palpom- 
eres  yellowish-orange.  (37)  Head  black.  Mesosoma. 
(38)  Pronotum  yellowish-orange,  or  black  ventrally, 
yellowish-orange  dorsally;  (39)  propleuron  black, 
or  dark  yellowish-orange;  (40)  mesonotum  yellow- 
ish-orange; (43)  mesopleuron  yellowish-orange,  or 
black  ventrally,  yellowish-orange  dorsally;  (44)  me- 
tanotum  yellowish-orange;  (45)  propodeum  yel- 
lowish-orange; (46)  metapleuron  yellowish-orange; 
(47)  forecoxa  black,  or  yellowish-orange;  (48)  fore- 
trochanter black;  (49)  foretrochantellus  black;  (50) 
forefemur  black;  (51)  foretibia  black;  (52)  foretar- 
sus yellowish-orange;  (53)  midcoxa  black,  or  yel- 
lowish-orange basally,  black  apically;  (54)  midtro- 
chanter black;  (55)  midtrochantellus  black;  (56) 
midfemur  black;  (57)  midtibia  yellowish-orange  in 
basal  twentieth,  otherwise  black;  (58)  midtarsus 
yellowish-orange;  (59)  hind  coxa  yellowish-orange, 
or  mostly  yellowish-orange  but  black  laterally;  (60) 
hind  trochanter  black;  (61)  hind  trochantellus 
black;  (62)  hind  femur  yellowish-orange;  (63)  hind 
tibia  mostly  orange  but  black  in  basal  eighth;  (64) 
hind  tarsus  black;  (65)  forewing  yellow  basally  and 
black  apically  with  a sharp  distinction,  costal  vein 
black;  (66)  hind  wing  pattern  yellow  basally,  black 
in  apical  twelfth.  Metasoma.  (67-74)  Terga  1 to  8 
yellowish-orange.  (75)  Ovipositor  sheath  black. 

DISTRIBUTION.  Las  Quiguas,  Venezuela,  and 
La  Selva,  Costa  Rica.  Collected  in  August,  Septem- 
ber, and  November  at  La  Selva  (Fig.  23),  in  all  hab- 
itats except  successional  plots. 


We  thank  the  following  people  and  institutions:  Jack  Lon- 
gino  and  the  ALAS  staff  at  La  Selva,  Danilo  Brenes,  Ron- 
ald Vargas,  Maylin  Paniagua,  and  Nelci  Oconitrillo,  for 
their  time  and  expertise  in  collecting,  mounting,  and  sort- 
ing specimens  to  morphospecies.  We  also  thank  Martha 
Potts  who  assisted  in  the  measurement  of  continuous  char- 
acters; John  Pickering  and  Ryan  Bartlett  at  the  University 
of  Georgia  for  laboratory  space  and  help  sorting  speci- 
mens, respectively;  Darlene  Judd  and  Andy  Brower  at 
Oregon  State  University  for  laboratory  space  and  the  use 
of  laboratory  equipment;  Dan  Janzen  and  Winnie  Hall- 
wachs  at  the  University  of  Pennsylvania  for  supplying 
reared  material  and  host  records;  Jane  Phillips  in  the  Clas- 
sics Department  at  the  University  of  Kentucky  for  help 
with  Greek  names;  Anuj  Patel  for  help  with  DELTA;  Hen- 
ry Hespenheide  for  supplying  reared  material;  Robert  Col- 
well for  help  with  species  estimates;  Alma  Solis  for  help 
with  author  names  of  Crambidae;  Thomas  Henry  for  help 
identifying  some  reduviid  mimics;  David  Wahl  for  help 
identifying  additional  mimics  as  well  as  comments  on  a 
draft;  and  Robert  Wharton  and  three  anonymous  review- 
ers for  also  providing  comments.  Kentucky  Agricultural 
Experiment  Station  Project  99-08-95  and  NSE  grants 
DEB-9706976  and  9972024  to  Mike  Sharkey  supported 
this  research.  A Mellon  Foundation  grant  to  John  Pick- 
ering and  Mike  Sharkey  supported  some  of  the  collecting 
in  Costa  Rica. 


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Received  17  September  1999;  accepted  10  September  2002. 

Contributions  in  Science,  Number  497 

Leathers  and  Sharkey:  A Review  of  Alabragus  ■ 55 

Plate  I Lateral  photograph  of  Alabagrus  kagaba 

56  ■ Contributions  in  Science,  Number  497 

Leathers  and  Sharkey:  A Review  of  Alabragus 

Average  Monthly  Rainfall  at  La  Selva 



Species  Richness  of  La  Selva 

25  I 


Total  Number  of  Specimens  Collected  at  La  Selva 

140  I 

Figure  1 a,  The  total  number  of  specimens  of  Alabagrus  collected  in  each  month  by  the  ALAS  project,  b,  The  total 
number  of  species  of  Alabagrus  collected  in  each  month  by  the  ALAS  project,  c,  The  average  monthly  rainfall  in  mm  at 
La  Selva  from  1963  to  1991  (Sanford  et  al.,  1994) 

Contributions  in  Science,  Number  497 

Leathers  and  Sharkey:  A Review  of  Alabragiis  ■ 57 






1 100 

^ 50 


Number  of  Specimens  Collected  in  Costa  Rica 




Species  Richness  of  Costa  Rica 

30  I 

® Month 

Figure  2 a,  The  total  number  of  specimens  of  Alabagrus  known  to  have  been  collected  in  each  month  in  Costa  Rica,  b, 
The  total  number  of  species  of  Alabagrus  known  to  have  been  collected  in  each  month  in  Costa  Rica 

58  ■ Contributions  in  Science,  Number  497 

Leathers  and  Sharkey:  A Review  of  Alabragus 

Figure  3 Lateral  photographs  of  species  of  Alabagrus.  a,  juchuy  (8.4X  magnification);  b,  miqa  (7.0X);  c,  nicoya  (4.7X); 
d,  paruyana  (4.5x);  e,  cuna  (4.5x);  f,  imitatus  (4.7X);  g,  nahuatl  (4.8 X) 

Contributions  in  Science,  Number  497 

Leathers  and  Sharkey:  A Review  of  Alabragus  ■ 59 

Figure  4 Lateral  photographs  of  species  of  Alabagrus  and  a mimic,  a,  janzeni  (5.0X);  b,  latreillei  (3.6X);  c,  pachamama 
(4.7X);  d,  Hiranetis  nr.  braconiformis  (Burmeister)  (Reduviidae:  Harpactorinae)  (5.7X);  e,  mojos  (7.1  X);  f,  semialbus 

60  ■ Contributions  in  Science,  Number  497 

Leathers  and  Sharkey:  A Review  of  Alabragus 

Figure  5 Lateral  photographs  of  species  of  Alabagrus.  a,  pecki  (4.5 X);  b,  stigma  (4.2 X);  c,  warrau  (5.6x);  d,  yaruro 
(7. Ox);  e,  cara  (6.6X);  f,  combos  (4.8X);  g,  voto  (5.0  X) 

Contributions  in  Science,  Number  497 

Leathers  and  Sharkey:  A Review  of  Alabragus  ■ 61 

Figure  6 Lateral  photographs  of  species  of  Alabagrus.  a,  derailersi  {5.7X)-,  b,  arawak  (7.9X);  c,  masneri  {9.2X);  d, 
maculipes  (7.3 X);  e,  parvifaciatus  (4.0 X);  f,  watsoni  (4.7X) 

62  ■ Contributions  in  Science,  Number  497 

Leathers  and  Sharkey:  A Review  of  Alabragus 

Figure  7 Lateral  photographs  of  species  oi  Alabagrus.  a,  cocto  (5.4X);  b,  albispina  (6. Ox);  c,  sarapiqui  (5.8X);  d,  roibasi 
(4.8 X);  e,  tricarinatus  (4.5 X);  f,  englishi  (4.2x) 

Contributions  in  Science,  Number  497 

Leathers  and  Sharkey:  A Review  of  Alabragus  ■ 63 

Figure  8 Lateral  photographs  of  species  of  Alabagrus.  a,  latisoma  (5.0X);  b,  varius  (3.0x);  c,  donnai  (5.8 X);  d,  arua 
(5. Ox);  e,  tripartitus  (3.1  X);  f,  nigritulus  (4.4X);  g,  maya  (3.4X) 

64  ■ Contributions  in  Science,  Number  497 

Leathers  and  Sharkey:  A Review  of  Alabragus 

Figure  9 Lateral  heads  of  species  of  Alabagrus.  a,  latreillei;  b,  texanus;  c,  juchuy;  d,  araivak.  Arrows  point  to  the  gena 
of  each  species 

Contributions  in  Science,  Number  497 

Leathers  and  Sharkey:  A Review  of  Alabragus  ■ 65 

Figure  10  Hind  femurs  of  species  of  Alabagrus.  a,  stigma;  b,  tricarinatus;  c,  texanus 

66  ■ Contributions  in  Science,  Number  497 

Leathers  and  Sharkey:  A Review  of  Alabragus 

Figure  11  Dorsal  mesosoma  of  species  of  Alabagrus.  a,  latisoma:  MLC  = median  longitudinal  carina,  ATC  = anterior 
transverse  carina,  AMA  = anterior  median  areola,  LLC  = lateral  longitudinal  carina,  PMA  = posterior  median  areola, 
PTC  = posterior  transverse  carina;  b,  imitatus-,  c,  masneri;  d,  nigritulus 

Contributions  in  Science,  Number  497 

Leathers  and  Sharkey:  A Review  of  Alabragus  ■ 67 

Figure  12  Dorsal  mesosoma  of  species  of  Alabagrus.  a,  iichuk;  b,  stigma-,  c,  versicolor-,  d,  arawak 

68  ■ Contributions  in  Science,  Number  497 

Leathers  and  Sharkey:  A Review  of  Alabragus 


Figure  13  Wings  of  Digonogastra  sp.  a,  forewing  veins  IM  and  Icu-a  intersect;  b,  forewing  vein  Icu-a  intersects  Cu 
distad  IM 



Contributions  in  Science,  Number  497 

Leathers  and  Sharkey:  A Review  of  Alabragiis  ■ 69 

Figure  14  Propodeum  of  species  of  Alabagrus.  a,  kiska;  b,  wachupa;  c,  pachamama;  d,  triangitlifer;  e,  uchuk;  f,  sanctits 

70  ■ Contributions  in  Science,  Number  497 

Leathers  and  Sharkey:  A Review  of  Alabragus 

Figure  15  Lateral  mesosoma  of  species  of  Alabagrus.  a,  tripartitus;  b,  stigma-,  c,  iichuk 

Contributions  in  Science,  Number  497 

Leathers  and  Sharkey:  A Review  of  Alabragus  ■ 71 

Figure  16  Lateral  mesosoma  of  species  of  Alabagms.  a,  albispina;  b,  imitatus-,  c,  texanus;  d,  paruifaciatus;  e,  masneri;  f, 

72  ■ Contributions  in  Science,  Number  497 

Leathers  and  Sharkey:  A Review  of  Alabragus 

Figure  17  Dorsal  mesosoma  of  species  of  Alabagrus.  a,  versicolor,  b,  elatoscutunr,  c,  stigma-,  d,  araivak 

Contributions  in  Science,  Number  497 

Leathers  and  Sharkey:  A Review  of  Alabragus  ■ 73 

Figure  18  Species  of  Alabagrus.  a,  varipes,  lateral  mesosoma;  b,  paruyana,  dorsal  metanotum;  c,  nigritulus,  lateral 
mesosoma;  d,  kiska,  lateral  mesosoma;  e,  versicolor,  lateral  mesosoma;  f,  elatoscutum,  lateral  mesosoma 

74  ■ Contributions  in  Science,  Number  497 

Leathers  and  Sharkey:  A Review  of  Alabragus 

Figure  19  Dorsal  metasoma  of  species  of  Alahagnis.  a,  arawak;  b,  nigritulus;  c,  tripartitus\  d,  arawak;  e,  parvifaciatus 

Contributions  in  Science,  Number  497 

Leathers  and  Sharkey:  A Review  of  Alabragus  ■ 75 

A.  arawak 


A.  arua 


A.  cocto 


A.  car a 


A.  combos 



A.  cuna  A.  derailersi 


Month  Month 

A.  donnai  A.  englishi 


Month  Month 

Figure  20  Temporal  distribution  of  species  of  Alabagrus  at  La  Selva.  Solid  black  bars  represent  specimens  collected  at 
La  Selva.  Gray  bars  represent  specimens  collected  in  Costa  Rica,  outside  of  La  Selva.  White  bars  represent  specimen  data 
from  Sharkey  (1988) 

Number  collected  Number  collected  Number  collected  Number  collected  Number  collected 

76  ■ Contributions  in  Science,  Number  497 

Leathers  and  Sharkey:  A Review  of  Alabragus 

A.  imitatus 

A. janzeni 




A.  juchuy 

A.  k a gab a 


A.  latisoma 


A.  latreillei 


A.  maculipes 


A.  masneri 


A.  may  a 




A.  miqa 


1 1 — I r — I 1 — I 1 1 r 



Figure  21  Temporal  distribution  of  species  of  Alabagrus  at  La  Selva.  Solid  black  bars  represent  specimens  collected  at 
La  Selva.  Gray  bars  represent  specimens  collected  in  Costa  Rica,  outside  of  La  Selva.  White  bars  represent  specimen  data 
from  Sharkey  (1988) 

Contributions  in  Science,  Number  497 

Leathers  and  Sharkey:  A Review  of  Alabragus  ■ 77 

A.  mojos 


A.  nicoya 



A.  nahuatl 


A.  parity  ana 


A.  parvifasciatus 


A.  pecki 



Month  Month 

Figure  22  Temporal  distribution  of  species  of  Alabagrus  at  La  Selva.  Solid  black  bars  represent  specimens  collected  at 
La  Selva.  Gray  bars  represent  specimens  collected  in  Costa  Rica,  outside  of  La  Selva.  White  bars  represent  specimen  data 
from  Sharkey  (1988) 

78  ■ Contributions  in  Science,  Number  497 

Leathers  and  Sharkey:  A Review  of  Alabragus 

A.  semialbus 

A.  stigma 



A.  tricarinatus 


A.  varius 


— r~i — I — I — I — \ — I — I — — — I — 


A.  warrau 




A.  tripartitus 


A.  voto 















1 - 


— I — I — r 


A.  watsoni 

A.  yaruro 


Figure  23  Temporal  distribution  of  species  of  Alabagrus  at  La  Selva.  Solid  black  bars  represent  specimens  collected  at 
La  Selva  Gray  bars  represent  specimens  collected  in  Costa  Rica,  outside  of  La  Selva.  White  bars  represent  specimen  data 
from  Sharkey  (1988) 

y '■ 

.-  t 

. ■'  f 

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’ 900  Exposition  Boulevard 
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