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Full text of "Control of the citrophilus mealybug"

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BULLETIN No. 1040 

Contribution from the Bureau of Entomology 
L. O. HOWARD, Chief 

Washington, D. C. PROFESSIONAL PAPER April 12, 1922 


By R. S. Woetum,’ Entomologist, and A. D. Borpen,® Assistant Entomologist, 
Fruit Insect Investigations. 



Page. Page. 
Introduction ==> --=-=~-==~=------- 1 | Relation to Argentine ant -________ 8 
History and distribution__________ 2 | Comprehensive demonstrations of 
Heonomic—importance.— 25 2 = 3 COMER O miss Sea pee A an ee 8 
ERO Shap) anit Gee eek Ae Natal cen eli es a0 esate eee 9 
Description and life history_______ Ail Sima rin enya ee cee ees 20 
Seasonal Mi Stonys == ee 6 


In the fall of 1913 a mealybug infestation was noted on citrus at 
Upland, Calif., over an area of approximately 3 acres. At first it 
was assumed to be the common mealybug (Pseudococcus citri Risso), 
a species highly damaging in some citrus localities but never before 
reported in the Upland district. Growers were considerably alarmed 
over the discovery, knowing the severity of this pest and the inef- 
fectiveness of control in other localities. Considerable damage was 
done to the infested groves in a hasty attempt at eradication by 
fumigation. At a convention held at Ontario, Calif., on January 
30, 1914, the seriousness of the problem was discussed, although no 
real solution was evolved. A specific determination was made at 
this time by Essig* as Baker’s mealybug (Pseudococcus maritimus 
Ehrh.), a species then considered as of minor importance to citrus. 
In September, 1915, Clausen,® after a brief investigation of the insect, 

1 Pseudococcus gahani Green; order Hemiptera, suborder Homoptera, family Coccide. 

2 Resigned September 11, 1920. 

3 Resigned December 5, 1921. 

4Essieé, E. O.. THE MEALY BUGS OF CALIFORNIA. In Calif. Mo. Bul., v. 3, no. 3, 
p. 110-111. 1914. 

®> CLAUSEN, CurTIS P. MEALY BUGS OF CITRUS TREES. Univ. of Calif., Bul. 258, p. 

30-35. 1915. 


considered it a new species and gave it the name P. citrophilus. 

During the first four years various measures of control were tried | 

by ne growers and county and State officials without any marked 
success; in fact, the infested area continued to increase rapidly and 
the infestations became more severe. 

The importance of this pest to the citrus industry and inability to 
control it led, in-the summer of 1917, to a request for the United 
States Department of Agriculture to take up the problem, and the 
investigation was immediately started. Effective control methods 
were worked out in 1917 and 1918 and were generally employed 
throughout the infested area during 1919. 



“e Alhambra] @ 

® Cucamonga 

e Riverside 



Fic. 1.—Present known distribution of the citrophilus mealybug (Pseuwdococcus gahani) 
in Southern California. 


Definite records of the introduction of this mealybug into South- 
ern California are lacking, but a study of its earliest occurrence and 
spread would indicate that it was brought in on some ornamental 
plants imported into Upland during 1910. The infestation of about 
3 acres at the time of the first records (1913) had spread by the fall 
of 1915 to twice that area. By 1917 approximately 600 acres were 
infested, but since that time its spread has been greatly retarded by 
control means, though a few small infestations outside of the control 
area have been noted (fig. 1). 

Shortly after the discovery of the Upland infestation the pest was 

found in Pasadena and has now become distributed over a consider-_ 



able area in the northern part of the city. In 1916 over 100 acres of 
citrus were found to be infested at Riverside, and at the present time 
this infestation covers approximately 250 acres. Smaller infestations 
are recorded at Cucamonga and Alhambra on citrus. It is reported 
at Long Beach and Los Angeles on ornamentals and occurs in the 
northern part of the State in the San Francisco Bay region. 

_ There is little probability of distribution by natural travel as the 
insect remains close to its host. The more important means of dis- 
tribution are the picking boxes, picking sacks, clothing of the pickers 
and pruners, teams, wagons, and ladders; of slightly less importance 
is distribution by wind, birds, and insects. Several new infestations 
have been definitely traced to distribution through picking boxes pre- 
viously used to transport infested fruit. 


In a severe infestation the mealybug not only masses on the twigs 
and foliage but also on the fruit. These masses may even cover from 
one-half to two-thirds of the surface and hang down in cottony fes- 

| toons from the bud end. Such masses are common on severely in- 
| fested lemons and on navel oranges, in the case of the latter particu- 
larly at the navel end. Where two fruits touch, a similar favored area 
of infestation is formed, especially on grapefruit and lemons. On 
| young green fruit the immature forms crowd under the sepals, weak- 
| ening the supporting tissues and influencing premature drop. The 
~~ insects are also found in numbers on the young succulent new growth 
and sucker growth. 
; They secrete a honeydew which falls to the foliage or fruit below 
) and in this medium grows a black fungus commonly known as 
“smut.” The fruit and foliage become so black with this deposit as 
ereatly to retard their development and to necessitate a special wash- 
ing before the fruit can be packed. 
The combination of the attack of the insects uncer the sepals and 
the deposit of “smut” frequently causes a heavy dropping of young, 
green fruit and also of the mature fruit, if held long on the trees. 
| The deposit on the foliage results in a heavy leaf drop, often an 
almost complete defoliation of the tree. The feeding of the insects 
on the fruit destroys its natural gloss and often causes deep brown 
pittings in the rind which seriously affect the grading of the truit. 

) One packing-house manager reported a lowering of the grades from 
one severely infested orchard of from 30 to 40 per cent of the highest 
classed fruit. The lower grades are also seriously affected and fre- 
quently fall to culls, or unmarketable fruit. Severe infestations on 
lemons have been known to result in an almost complete loss of the 
crop, the fruit grading as culls. 


The citrophilus mealybug is of importance commercially prin- 
cipally because of its infestation of citrus plants. The insect does 
occur, however, on a large number of other plants, principally orna- 
mentals, upward of 
30 different species 
being listed as hosts. 
On the citrus fruits 
it possibly shows its 
most rapid develop- 
ment on lemons, fol- 
lowered by grape- 
fruit, navel oranges, 
and Valencia or- 
anges, in the order 
given. It has been 
observed to develcp 
very rapidly on the 
rhubarb, potato, 
erevillea, walnut, grape, and on species of Coleus and Pittosporum. 

Fig. 2—The citrophilus mealybug: Immature stages of 
the female. 


The synonymy of the citrophilus mealybug was first correctly de- 
terminated by G. F. 
Ferris in August of 
1919.° As stated, this 
insect was first con- 
fused with the com- 
mon mealybug and 
later, by Essig, with 
Baker’s mealybug. 
Clausen, in Septem- 
ber, 1915. noted cer- 
tain differences in 
him to describe it as 
characters which led 
a new species (P. cit- 
rophilus) but Ferris 

found that the same F'!6. 3.—The citrophilus mealybug: Mature stages of the 

insect had been de- 
scribed by Mr. E. E. Green during May, 1915, as P. gahani from 
specimens taken from Azbes sanguinea in London, England. Un- 

Jour. Econ. Ent., v. 12, no. 4, p. 292—293. 1919. 


fortunately the scientific name cetrophilus had been adopted as the 
common name long before the correct determination was given. 

The eggs are deposited in a flocculent mass behind the adult female 
and may number up to 1,000, though from 500 to 600 is the average. 
The period of incubation during the warm season is from 7 to 10 days. 

Except in size, the larve are similar to the adult in appearance 
after the first molt and pass through three molts before reaching 
maturity. The characteristic arrangement of the wax is not strik- 
ingly noticeable until after the third molt. The immature stages of 
the female are illustrated in figure 2, the mature stages in figure 3. 

The following description of the adult of Pseudococcus gahani is 

by Mr. E. E. Green: 7 

Adult female thickly coated with greyish-white mealy secretion, which is 
thinner in the folds of the segments and in the depressed areas. These de- 
pressions are in four more or less confluent longitudinal series which are more 
marked on the posterior half of the body. The darker color of the insect show- 
ing through the mealy covering at these spots, produces a distinct symmetrical 
pattern. There is a complete marginal series of 33 short conical waxy processes, 
an anterior and posterior pair being usually larger than the others. On each 
side of the anal orifice is a much longer, broadly laminate process which is 
transversely curved and spirally twisted, and between these is a pair of 
shorter processes, which together form a tube. Antenna, 8-jointed, the 8th 
longest; first joint strongly developed, approximately as long as it is broad; 
antennal formula (excluding Ist), 8 (3,2), (5,4,6,7), the last four being 
only approximately equal and varying slightly in their relative positions in 

the series. Limbs well developed; tarsus approximately half the length of the 

tibiae. Eyes prominent. Mentum distinctly biarticulate; longer than broad; 
terminal jo:nt longest, acutely pointed. Dorsal glandular pits present but rather 
inconspicuous. Anal ring large and conspicuous, with six long stout setae. 
Anal lobes broadly rounded; only slightly prominent; more strongly chiti- 
nized than the surrounding parts, the margins of the chitinous area sharply 
defined ; each with two stout conical spines, several fine hairs, some conspicuous 
circular pores, and a terminal seta which -is approximately equal in length to 
those of the anal ring. Margins of segments, each with a small protuberance, 
bearing similar spines, pores and hairs, all of which become smaller and less 
conspicuous as they approach the anterior extremity. Derm with scattered, 
small, and inconspicuous pores. Many longish hairs on under-surface of head. 
Length, 2.50 to3 mm. Breadth, 1.25 to 1.50 mm. 

Adult male similar in appearance to that of Ps. citri. Length, 1.50 mm. 

Though the structural characters agree somewhat closely with those of citri, 
the general appearance of the living insect is strikingly different, and it is of 
a much more active habit. * * * 

Mr. Gahan observes that the insect, when irritated, exudes “a claret col- 
oured liquid in round drops, two close to the head end and two at the tail end.’ - 
Fhe exudation evidently emanates from the glandular pits that are present in 
the positions indicated. He further remarks that the ‘ dark-coloured secre- 
tion soon dries, looking like a small balloon. The liquid hardens into a solid 
substance which resembles lace or something of a similar nature.” 

sprcigs. Jn Ent. Mo. Mag., v. 51, p. 179-180. 1915. 



A most important feature in the biology of this insect was deter- 
mined by observing the habits of the insect during the spring migra- 
tion. The females, which during the winter have developed almost 
to maturity on the twigs, foliage, and fruit, migrate, in the spring, 
down the limbs to the trunk to oviposit. This migration usually 
begins during the early part of April and continues throughout the 
month of May. It is estimated that over 90 per cent of the insects 
take part in this movement, although not all have reached full de- 
velopment at this time. They settle on the rough places in the bark 
of the main limbs and trunk and soon begin ovipositing. On severely 
infested trees these accumulations of females with their cottony egg 
masses appear as large bunches of cotton hanging from the lmbs 
and massed about the trunk and may be collected by handfuls. 
(Fig. 4.) These egg masses begin to hatch the latter part of May or 
early part of June, and the young larve start a migration back up 
the main limbs to the foliage and green fruit. The young settle 
along the midribs of young foliage, on the tenderest twigs, and under 
the sepals of the green fruit. Here they start feeding and their de- 
velopment is comparatively slow. By late fall many have become 
half grown and have settled in the more secure positions on the 
bud end or navel end of the fruit or between the fruit in clusters, and 
their development from then on is very irregular. During the 
winter many may have reached the oviposition stage, but the major- 
ity of the insects are still immature. There is a great reduction of 
numbers throughout the late fall and winter; in fact, on many trees 
it is often difficult to find them, but with the opening of spring the 
matured forms again enter into the migration. There is only one 
main generation a year, although the retarded development of some 
insects and the hastened development of others cause an overlapping 
of generations and consequently the presence of some insects mm 
various stages of development at different times of the year. There 
is a possibility of an offhatch or overlapping of generations in the 
appearance of egg masses during the winter. This occurrence, how- 
ever, is of minor importance in that the numbers of the mealybug are 
at their lowest at this time and most of the damage to the host has 
already occurred. 

The young larve hatching from the egg masses in June are often 
Iilled by hot weather. In the summer of 1917 a very large percent- 
age of the larvee and eggs were destroyed by a short period of hot 
weather when the temperature exceeded 110° F. Again in the sum- 
mer of 1918 the hatching occurred just before a warm spell and many 
larve were killed. That weather conditions and natural enemies 
are powerful factors in the control of this mealybug is very evident, 

ww Ss Bat A 



for only a small percentage of the larve hatching from. the egg 
masses ever reach maturity. Many are washed off and destroyed by 

Fic. 4.—Trunk of lemon tree showing masses of ovipositing females of the citrophilus 
mealybug following the spring migration. 

rain during the winter months and the development of others is 
greatly retarded during this cooler period. 


In not a single instance has this mealybug become serious except- 
ing where it has been attended by the Argentine ant (Jridomyrmex 
humilis Mayr). One case was noted in 1918 at Cucamonga where 
the mealybug had been observed for several years previous to that 
time, but never considered as doing any commercial damage. During 
the year 1918-19 the area became infested with Argentine ants and 
in the summer of 1919 control work on the mealybugs and ants 
became imperative. In every known locality where this mealybug 
now occurs it is attended by this particular ant. 


The orchard selected for demonstration of control methods at 
Upland in the summer of 1917 was near the center of the mealybug 
infestation (fig. 5) and was considered one of the worst infested 
groves, both as regards mealybugs and ants, in the colony. It con- 
sisted of two distinct plots of 10 acres each. The first 10 acres were 
planted to Valencia (6 acres) and navel (4 acres) oranges and had 
in all 674 trees. The second plot was planted largely to navel oranges 
(S$ acres), with approximately 2 acres of old lemons, making a total 
of 676 trees. The trees were large and the lower limbs rested on the 
ground. A careful inspection of the Valencia fruit in August, 1917, 
showed an average of over 50 per cent of the fruit on each tree 
infested, with from 20 to 35 mealybugs to a fruit, besides the infesta- 
tions on the foliage and sucker growth. Many of the trees carried 
from 90 to 100 per cent of infested fruit, with the foliage and new 
growth as severely infested. Practically every tree had a trail of 
ants and many were attended by two and even three trails. The 
infestation on navel oranges and lemons in the second 10-acre plot 
was as severe but showed only on the small green fruit and new 


Investigations, by the senior writer, of the common mealybug of 
citrus trees resulted in the discovery that this insect was effectively 
controlled by natural enemies, principally predators, in Argentine 
ant-infested territory provided the ants were eliminated. Therefore, 
when a survey showed that the citrophilus mealybug occurred exclu- 
sively in districts frequented by these ants, the first efforts were con- 
fined to a campaign against the ant in the hope that only such activity 
would be necessary, as had proved the case for the common mealybug. 



The first operation undertaken was the trimming up of the 

branches from the 
ground so as_ to 
force the ants to as- 
cend the _ trunks 
where the poison 
was placed. Two 
men trimming aver- 
aged 78 trees per day 
of 8 hours at a cost 
of approximately 8 
cents per tree. The 
orchard was in a 
state of clean culti- 
vation and entirely 
free of weeds be- 
neath the trees. 

Ant control was 
begun on about 1 
acre of the first 10in 
September, and the 
remainder complet- 
ed by October 5, 
1917. The second 10 
was covered by ant 
control in Novem- 
ber, 1917. An ar- 
sirup, known as the 
Barber formula, was 
used for the first 
distribution in this 
orchard, a small 
amount being placed 
in each container, 
one of which was at- 
tached to each tree. 
(Fig. 6.) Complete 
eradication was ef- 
fected the following 
spring at a cost of 
2.6 cents per tree on 
the first 10 acres and 
at a cost of 4.9 cents 



Fic. 5.—Citrophilus m 







LL Ga 


#] NN 

ealybug control areas, Upland dis- 

trict, 1917-1919. 

per tree on the second 10 acres. The control is summarized in Table 1. 

T8472— 22 2, 


Fic. 6.—Tree trunk showing burlap band and ant poisoned-sirup can in position. 


TABLE 1.—Control of the Argentine ant in a citrus orchard at Upland, Colifz 191%. 


Trees with ants. Check area. 
Date of | Poison = x 
Bee acipcied ey | M | 
ion. tributed. le Weny: |= | e- i | Me- 
Clean. | light | tient | dium Heavy Clean. | Very | Light. | dium. | Heavy. 
trail. T -| trail. us | light 
| | | | | | 
| } 
Sephies 4 oe or - 5 | 993) BIO ts irs cae iceman Teese atecl| a een CS) he mec 
Oct -5 OW ereMiReran Cae rerea etd sete eee eS io Ee OS ee |e ene 
Mari DAs cei Sat oe (37/2 [eee Sie | aaa eee aes | eens [ieee i Berea stapes ener | ree ae 
Apr. 9 Only on trees with ants.  ~—|........ ooeecae |recoereeiere Wai] son ladda | orate Shea 
AcpEnO eens | sacs one: 648 | 20 Goleta te See ie a Sees ee el eae ie aan A Ione Pe be 
June 17 Only on trees with ants. 
JUM GH esa ee ce 642 | 17 TH as Seed gue Bea oe 3 eae Ca Oo | Teepe | Fa eek 
EMOI29 See ete ees 672 Pal aaa ass a |b Scless Soe | gi ae rg [Piaaatiete tt vrall gcse fs teal Jes 2 Pas leyee seas 
| | | | 
NODbs23z4 lace wee 2 157 | 266 | 107 | 68a = | 9 | 23 | 20 | 24 
Nov. 5 | On 600 trees. Trap nest under 76 trees. 
Mare 205s 4|cee ce. | 391 | 119 | 61 | 15 | 14 Sales eee | 19 | 23 | 26 
ANS OV 17 Gas GO OKERCES sae toe tires Nees ei on Ea rape eS a (eee ceee We Ce 
ANY Oy isles G5 a fesse © a A an ee aan ae re | NG oy On 76 trees. 
Apr 0s le | 546 39 10 4 1 | 57 13 5 | 1 0 
UMMC BNE |e ee re 577 18 5 0 0 | 75 1 0 | 0 0 
JUNE ORS lees ee 593 7 0 0 0 76 0 0 0 0 
| | 


Although by winter the ants were controlled and early the follow- 
ing spring were almost completely eradicated, the mealybugs con- 
tinued in severe infestations and during the latter part of March were 
noted to begin descending the tree trunks. The descent continued to 
increase in April and no large number of natural enemies appeared 
as Was anticipated. It soon appeared that elimination of the ant was 
not alone sufficient to bring about control of the citrophilus mealy- 
bug, as had proved the case for the common mealybug. The citro- 
philus mealybug species was not attacked by either numerous or 
effective natural enemies. The necessity of artificial means of con- 
trol to supplement ant eradication was thus at once apparent. 

A study of the habits of this mealybug showed a spring migration 
to the trunk and rough places on the main branches where egg 
masses for the succeeding generation are deposited. The accumula- 
tion of insects and egg masses in cases of severe infestations, as pre- 
viously pointed out, became so great as frequently to present the ap- 
pearance of large tufts of cotton. This massing on the trunk and 
lower branches presented a favorable point of attack and the spray- 
ing of these masses with an effective insecticide promised a great re- 
duction of the total insects present. It was noted, in the case of 
some trees which had been banded with cotton bands by an orchardist 
at Upland in 1915, that these acted to attract the ovipositing females 
beneath them in great masses. Since cotton bands were scattered 
by the winds and birds, it was decided to substitute burlap and ac- 


5s cighied ey 

EE Oe aoe ee 


Fie. 7.—Trunk of lemon tree with burlap band removed showing masses of ovipositing : 
females of the citrophilus mealybug collected under band. 

cordingly in the spring of 1918 the trees in the demonstration orchard 
were thus banded. (Fig. 6.) A band of burlap about 6 inches wide 
was wound around the trunk just below the main branches and ) 
caught at each end with a finishing nail. The migrating females 

= Tr.” = 



readily collected under the bands preparatory to oviposition. 
(Fig-7.) | 

The success of burlap bands as used on the demonstration plot led 
the growers throughout the infested area to adopt the practice. This 
necessitated a large supply of burlap bands and the problem was 
solved by buying the burlap of 30-inch width in bolts of about 100 

yards. The bolts were cut at a printing office undera large paper 

knife into six rolls, 5 inches in width, which could readily be carried 
into the orchard and cut in appropriate lengths for individual trees. 
The ends of each band were fastened over a 4d finishing nail driven 
into the trunk of the tree. The average orchard of 900 trees was 
banded with one full bolt of burlap. The average cost in 1919 was 
as follows: 

i ror purtap: lOO yards) = = Se Peper iea sty ta oe SADE GG 
Gating 22s es Sao So Sas S ee SS 1. 00 
Ioan iGen Ss Sere ee Se eee Se ae 15 
Linpes Sie) Goal VERS 0036 Chases C56 3 ee Rabe eRe es Sea pea es ge eee 3. 00 

16. 75 

Cost per tree, approximately $0.02. 

During April and May insects continued to descend in great 
numbers, the burlap bands proving a center of attraction. In cases 
of light infestation the majority of the descending insects would set- 
tle beneath the band, and this was particularly true on smooth- 

barked orange trees. (Fig. 8.) Lemon trees with the more irregu- 

lar trunks and depressions where the main branches join the trunks 
offered favored places for the mealybugs to settle, although even 
these seemed less favored by them than the bands. By the latter 
part of May hatching started, following which the larve migrated 
back to the foliage and fruit on the tree. Before this happened the 
bands were removed and dipped in an effective insecticide, usually 
pure petroleum distillate, and the trunks were then sprayed. 


Spraying operations on the first 10 acres were conducted on May 
23 and 24, and on June 6 and 7 on the second 10 acres. Only the 
main limbs and trunks were sprayed and for this a petroleum dis- 
tillate-soap emulsion apphed with a power sprayer at 150 pounds 
pressure proved most satisfactory. Two leads of hose with angled 
Bordeaux nozzles were used. The burlap bands were removed and 
thoroughly sprayed as the trunks were being sprayed. The formula 
used was as follows: 

Hiscutater s' = [On SOs 5 be ee ee ee See a panes gallons__ 10 
SEO ea} ONY Cle ene ee ee Lge ete ee eae en ee pounds__ 20 
NRCC TE Ge INAK Cx Secses: Seb a ee gallons__ 200 

If a lighter oil, as stove distillate, is used, the amount should be increased to 
15 gallons. A good agitator is necessary in mixing the spray. After a few 


inches of water are in the bottom of the tank, the soap powder is sifted in 
as the tank is beng filled and the agitator is running. The oil is added last 
before the tank is full. 


Fic. 8.—Three burlap bands from the trunks of orange trees following spring migration x. 
of the citrophilus mealybug. 

It was felt that the spraying of the bands was not entirely satis- . 

factory unless the greatest care was used, so in subsequent work it 

« . ¢ 

was decided to dip them just before spraying. The application, to 


be effective, must be thorough and to accomplish this it is necessary 
to go beneath the tree. The most satisfactory work was done when 
the nozzle was connected directly to the hose, allowing free manipu- 
lation in any direction. A long rod should never be used as it does 
not allow the ready manipulation necessary on heavily branched 
trees to spray from any direction. 

The trees on the demonstration plot were of an open type with 
smooth trunks and high headed, so they could be entered with ease 
and quickly and thoroughly covered with spray. It required only 
34 tanks of spray to cover each of the 10 acres. The cost (1918) is 
summarized herewith: 

Socallons-distilates at $0.05 per gallon === se  E 
70 pounds. soap powder, at $0.05 per pound... >. 3. 50 
WenmeangsteaMister-tOr 14 Gays = tS ee 9700 
Two men spraying for 14 days_ apes: s ee whe eho a OO 
Gasolme-and oil-- = == Ss ee for le AWE IE a ee) 

Re fal S25 = rycen oe state OEMS Sy SO ss 24.50 

Cost per tree, $0.036. 

The time, 14 days, included considerable engine trouble. Fifty- 
two trees were sprayed in 30 minutes. A tank of spray (200 gallons) 
covered approximately 200 trees. 

Several days after the spraying the burlap bands, now dry, were 
replaced on the tree trunks and left for a year. At no time were 
insects noted under the bands except an occasional one, which the 
natural enemies destroyed before oviposition was completed. 

Throughout the following fall and winter (1918-19) it was very 
difficult to find even individual mealybugs, and the packing house 
handling the fruit reported it to be cleaner than any that had been 
turned in during the five preceding years, with an increase of grade 
amounting to from 30 to 40 per cent. 

During the spring of 1919 an inspection was made of the demon- 
stration plot and very few mealybugs and no ants were found. 
Under the old bands not more than 10 to 12 insects were found on 
any one tree. The grove was sprayed again by the owner in June 
of 1919, as outlined above. An inspection in May, 1920, showed a 
practically clean grove, not more than 5 insects being found under 
the bands of any tree, and most of the trees were entirely free of 

In the summer of 1919 a second demonstration plot was employed 

which consisted of 10 acres of heavily infested oranges. Ant control 
and banding had been carried on the previous spring, and the ants 

were greatly reduced at the time of spraying. In this grove, as in 

the former, a power sprayer with two leads of hose and Bordeaux 


nozzles were used. Distillate-soap powder emulsion, soap powder, 
and water were used, as shown in Table 2, and data were see 
on the efficiency of the different solutions. 

Before the spraying started a man was sent through to remove 
the heavily infested bands, dip them in pure distillate, wring them 
out, and place them to one side to dry. 

TABLE 2.—Summary of spray operations against the citrophilus mealybug. 

Average | 
Average | Average = 
EOL number spray nee Effective- 
Spray. * | oftrees | time ness of 
of trees per |soper gallons spray 
sprayed. : az per 
tank. | tank. te 
| Min. 
5 per cent distillate-soap powder emulsion......... 777 59 | 58 | 3.4 Excellent 
SW ied Ore Se Ow sea wie Era te ae ne 69 34 | 85 5.7 | Poor. 
40 pounds soap to 200 gallons water..........-..-- 42 42 45 | 4.8 Do. 

Both the water and soap-powder treatments were discontinued, as 
it was found to be impractical in application to get a thorough clean- 
up of the egg masses. The distillate-soap emulsion was quicker in 
application and more effective. 

The bands were replaced shortly after the completion of the spray 
work, and field observations made from time to time throughout the 
following year. Though some mealybugs appeared under the bands 
ieniae the spraying, they were completely controlled by natural 
enemies anf required no further treatment. Throughout the fall and 
winter no mealybugs were apparent, and in the spring of 1920 so few 
mealybugs appeared under the bands that hand treatment was all that 
was required. The grove is now commercially clean, and there has 
been a marked increase in the grade of the fruit. 

The data obtained in this experiment not only demonstrated the 
practicability and efficiency of the distillate-soap emulsion but also 
demonstrated the advisability of proper pruning before spraying. 
The trees on this grove were low on the ground and it was difficult 
to treat the trunks owing to low branching and inside growth. In 
consequence of this condition it took much more material and a longer 
time to make the application. The cost of spraying was as follows: 

Removing and dipping bands, 1 man, 1 day_1_____________- $3. 00 
164 tanks spray: 
330 pounds soap powder, at $0.07 per pound____________ 23.10 
165 gallons distillate, at $0.07 per gallon______________ 11. 55 
Two men: at $4 per day, 2 days-2 244 ee ee eee eS ia B43 ¢3 16. 00 
Feam;-at $4 per. day; 2. days22: . eee ee ae 8. 00 
Gasoline.and pil, -2 Ga ysecc ao a ee eee 2 50 
Wotalss. fo 6 2 sled Te Bat BS See ee ee eee eee 64.15 

Cost of $0.072 per tree. 



In a 5-acre citrus orchard, comparatively lightly infested with 
mealybugs and banded early in the spring of 1919, the hand-treat- 
ment method was effectively employed. This consisted of removing 
the bands and dipping them in a bucket of 25 per cent distillate- 
soap emulsion, wringing the bands out dry, scrubbing the trunks with 
a suitable brush, and replacing the bands. 

Different strengths of the emulsion were tried with results as 
shown in Table 3. 

TABLE 3.—Results of hand-treatment method against the citrophilus mealybug. 


Strength of solution. 

| On adults. On egg masses. 
BERCISCOH teeter ae ees eee ee Pee a Poomkitlin pees 45 5 ees | No effect. 
LOS CTIGEM ies eae Sse ee Se ee ee | 50 per cent killing........_.. | Poor. 
DERE: COM Geese es er ee Re 100 per cent killing..........| Excellent. 

The 25 per cent solution is prepared as follows: 

Place 6 quarts of water in a bucket and thoroughly dissolve 4 pound of soap 
powder. To this slowly add 2 quarts (30° Baumé) distillate while constantly 
stirring. Attach the bucket pump and pump the solution back into the bucket 
through a mist nozzle until a perfect emulsion, free of oil globules, is obtained. 
The emulsion should be used soon after preparation. 

Fic. 9.— Adult of Chrysopa californica. Much enlarged. 

Several growers have used this method successfully on hght in- 
festations, where followed up at intervals of about every two weeks 
from the middle of May to the latter part of June, at a cost of 2 cents 
per tree for each treatment. It is as important to effect ant eradi- 
cation when this method is employed as it is with the regular trunk- 
spray method. 


The great success of the demonstration work of 1917 and 1918 led 
to the general adoption of the control methods by the growers 
throughout the infested area. (Fig. 5.) Up to and including 1919 
ant control was practiced on 630 acres. The entire mealybug-infested 


acreage was banded with burlap in the spring of 1919. Of the area 7 

infested with the mealybug in that section all but 10 acres were 
sprayed according to the methods outlined, with excellent results 
throughout. The 10-acre orchard was left as a check for control by 
natural enemies. 

The ant control was handled partly by the growers themselves, 
partly by the citrus associations of which the orchardists were mem- 
bers, and partly by 
contract operators. 
The sirup was for the 
most part prepared 
by the citrus associ- 
ations, or purchased 
from druggists at a 
cost of $1.50 to $2 a 
gallon. The spice 
tin was the _ pre- 
ferred container. 
The average cost to 
the grower for ant 
control, including 
refilling where nec- 
essary, was 4 to 6 
cents per tree. The 

cost of burlap band- 
Fig. 10.—Adult of Leucopis bella. Greatly enlarged. ing averaged 2 cents 

per tree. The cost of trunk spraying varied. On dense, unpruned 
lemon trees, headed low, spraying proved somewhat difficult and 
slow. The amount of material used on such trees was also greatest. 
High-headed orange trees with smooth trunks were most easily 
and effectively sprayed. 

These spray operations were conducted by the growers and com- 
mercial outfits and an average of 10 acres a day was covered at a cost 
approximating the figures given for the two demonstration plots, the 
cost being more or less proportional to whether the trees were well 
pruned and open or unpruned and difficult to spray. Work carried 
out by the owners themselves was for the most part thoroughly done. 
A few orchards were trunk-treated by hand. 

The general results of the control campaign of 1919 at Upland 

were very gratifying. Orchards which had shown severe infesta- 
tions in the spring of 1919 were commercially clean in the spring 
of 1920. The reduction in grade or total loss of fruit from mealy- 
bugs had been reduced to a neglhgible factor. Packing-house man- 
agers and growers were convinced that the citrophilus mealybug 
was no longer a menace to their orchards and that the control of 



a a 


this insect was'on such an effective commercial basis that timely 
future attention would effectively hold it in check. 


Though the ant control, banding, and trunk spraying have given 
excelleat contro] of the citrophilus mealybug, the importance of its 
natural enemies in conjunction 
with this artificial means of con- 
trol needs emphasis. The nat- 
ural enemies are very effective 
against light infestations, if the 
ants are not present, and even in 
heavier infestations are impor- 
tant in assisting to destroy the 
insects on the foliage and trunks 
following spray treatment. The 
most effective natural enemies 
present in the groves are all 
predators and appear to rank 
in order of importance as fol- 
lows: Chrysopa spp. (fig. 9), 
Leucopis bella Loew (fig. 10), Fue. ar eas te ee sordidus. 
and Scymnus sordidus Horn 
(fig. 11). They breed freely in the cottony mass of ovipositing fe- 
males on the trunks, although by no means noticeably reducing the 
mealybug on heavily infested trees. It is, 
however, following the migration of the 
mealybug larve to the tender fruit and 
fohage that the effectiveness of these nat- 
ural predators is most felt. Here they 
search out and destroy the young mealy- 
bugs, and in the case of hight infestations 
frequently prevent the development in- 
creasing to severe proportions. Chrysopa 
and Leucopis are usually most numerous 
during the late spring and summer, while 
Scymnus is most effective during the early 

The natural predators of primary im- 
portance in controlling the common mealy- 

Fic. 12—Larva of Cryptolae. bug, namely, Sympherobius spp. and 

mus montrouzieri. Much en- 

sta ae Hyperaspis lateralis Muls., are of very 
arged. 4 

secondary value against the citrophilus 
mealybug. Cryptolaemus montrouzieri Muls. (figs. 12, 13), however, 
is very effective against either species. This predator was first tried 
against the citrophilus species by the writers at Alhambra during 


1916 and proved so effective that several hundred were distributed 

beneath a tented citrus tree at Upland during the autumn of 1917. 
Some specimens successfully passed the winter and started breeding 
freely the following spring. The Insectary Branch of the California 
State Commission of Horticulture followed the writers’ lead and has 
since distributed many thousands over the Upland district, with such 
successful returns that the work should be supported and continued. 


(1) Ant control. This is most effectively accomplished by the use 
of a special arsenical poisoned sirup in small contamers, one to each 
tree. Best results follow dis- 
tribution during the autumn or 

(2) Trunk banding. Strips of 
burlap about 5 inches wide 
should be placed around each 
tree trunk, from February to 
April, to attract ovipositing fe- 
male mealybugs. 

(8) Removal and dipping of 
burlap bands in distillate. This 
should precede the trunk spray- 
ing. The bands should be dry 
when replaced after the trunk 

(4) Trunk treatment. Spray 
thoroughly with distillate-soap 
powder emulsion after the mealybugs have massed on the trunks 
and just before the eggs begin to hatch. This is usually during the 
latter part of May. 

(5) The propagation and distribution of Cryptolaemus montrou- 
ziert, Leucopis bella, Chrysopa spp., and Seymnus sordidus are to 
be recommended. 

Fig. 13.—Adult of Cryptolaemus mon- 
trouziert. Much enlarged. 



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