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Full text of "Correspondence, 1911-1913, folder 3: 1913"

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Details of Dr. Guy Love’s 
Death at Last Reach 
> Coshocton 

Mother of Coshocton Boy 
Gets Letters From 


Lying in an unconscious state with 
the thought of mother uppermost in 
his mind, Dr. Guy H. I>ove died five 
weeks ago in far away Abyssinia with 
the belief that his mother was hover¬ 
ing over him and caring for him. 

He lay in this state for three days 
and talked incessantly to his mother. 

This was the first consolement 
brought to the aching heart of the 
parent, Mrs. Florence J. Love of 
Chestnut street, and it was contained 
in two letters received from the Brit¬ 
ish Consul and Vice Consul of Abys¬ 

The letters received Tuesday were 
written the day following Dr. Love’s 
death, it taking five weeks for them 
to reach their destination. 

The letters explained in detail the 
sickness lindt death oft Dr. Love, whq 
was the American vice consul by ap¬ 
pointment but who was serving as 
consul at the time of his death. Ac¬ 
cording to Consul Wilfred G. The¬ 
siger, Vice Consul Love had been suf¬ 
fering from rheumatism for some¬ 
time and because of the high altitude 
the disease affected the heart to such 
an extent that heart disease was the 
ultimate cause of his death. 

King Menllck who rules over Abys¬ 
sinia sent his private physician to the 
bedside of Dr. Uive and the physician 
accompanying the British Legation 
was also sent to attend the sick man. 
They remained at his bedside until 
death overtook him. 

He dropped off into unconsciousness 
on the night of Jan. 7 and died at 
9-45 o’clock on the night of the ninth. 

Dr. Love was a great lover of play¬ 
ing polo on horseback and had a stable 
of fine ponies which he used in the 
sport. Just a few days before his 
death he joined in a game with the 
consuls from the other countries. 

The day he fell ill and had to tako 
to his bed he was to have left for a 
short xacation and rest the guest of 
the Governor of the Banks of Abys¬ 
sinia, Mr. Backhoun. He also in¬ 
tended to spend some time on a trip 
with the British Consul and the lat¬ 
ter’s wife. 

The body was buried in the new 
European cemetery in the edge of the 
city the day following death.. A 
Swedish medical missionary, Mr. 
Cedarquist, read the burial service. 
The funeral was attended by all the 
diplomatic corps, the Abyssinian min¬ 
isters and the Patriarchs of the Abys¬ 
sinian church as well as his retinue 
of slaves and hundreds of the towns- 

|)C -1 ^ V - _ TO. Love iiitd 

an escort which accompanied him on 
all trips and rides both of business and 
pleasure. It was composed of six 
slaves on horseback. 

Mrs. Love , has received many let¬ 
ters of sympathy and consolement 
from her many friends scattered 
throughout the country and she is 
filled with gratitude because of their 
thoughtfulness in this, her invaluable 
loss. Her life, was in a way, center¬ 
ed in this son and it is a blow which 
she is finding hard to recover from. 
Had he lived he would have been with 
his mother in less than a year to live 
with her and try to make her happy. 



In Charge of American Affairs 
in Abyssinia After Minister 
Phillips’ Departure. 

ADDIS ABfuBA, Abyssinia, January 11. 
—Guy Robert Love# United States vice 
and deputy consul general here since 1908, 
died* yesterday. He was a native of Co¬ 
shocton, Ohio. 

The State Department was notified of 
the death of Vice Consul Love In a cable 
message received by the British ambas¬ 
sador here from the British foreign of¬ 
fice. Mr. Love had been in charge of 
United States affairs in Abyssinia since 
the departure several months ago of Hoff¬ 
man Phillips, former American minister 
resident and consul general, and was the 
only American official in Abyssinia at the 
time of his death. 

In case his mother, his next of kin, 
who lives at Coshocton, Ohio, desires to 
have the body brought to the United 
States for burial, the State Department 
will endeavor to have It done. Owing to 
the absence of embalming facilities and 
the lack of modern transportation In that 
part of .Africa, it is realized that such 
action would be attended by many dif¬ 

Vice Consul Love w’as born In Coshoc¬ 
ton, Ohio, thirty-seven years ago, and 
was a graduate of the Baltimore College 
of Dental Surgery. He was appointed 
vice and deputy consul general to Abys¬ 
sinia in December, 1908, and served faith¬ 
fully in that capacity to the date of his 

Strike at Callao Ended. 

CALLAO, Peru, January 11.— 1 The strik¬ 
ing dock laborers returned to work today, 
having been granted their demands for a 
10 per cent Increase in wages and an 
eighj-hoqr day. 


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