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Full text of "The bulb book; or, Bulbous and tuberous plants for the open air, stove, and greenhouse, containing particulars as to descriptions, culture, propagation, etc., of plants from all parts of the world having bulbs, corms, tubers, or rhizomes (orchids excluded)"

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HState College of Agriculture 

At Cornell University 
Dthaca, N. V. 


ornell University Libra 

The bulb book; or, Bulbous and tuberous 


Cornell University 

The original of this book is in 
the Cornell University Library. 

There are no known copyright restrictions in 
the United States on the use of the text. 












ForREWoRDS F é : : * : 
IntTRODUCTION A i i é ‘ 
Buips, Corms, Tupers, Ra1zomeEs . ‘ : 
Functions or Burps, Corms, TUBERS, AND RHIZOMES 
CoNTRACTILE Roots é . 



Lirtine anp Storine Burss . j : 
Forcine anD Retarpine Buisous Phants . 
Buipous anp TuBERoUS Pants ror Cut FLOWERS. 

Naturauisinc Buitpous PLants IN GRASSLAND AND SHRUBBERIES 
Harpy anp Hatr-Harpy BuLBous AND TuUBEROUS PLaNtTs 

Freaxs or Burpous AND TUBEROUS PLANTS . ‘ 


GLOSSARY . ‘ i i ‘ ; : 
InpEx 2 : . : : 



There was a time when bulbous plants of all kinds received the 
attention of a considerable section of horticulturists. Dean Herbert 
was the high priest of the cult, among the most notable of his disciples 
being Wilson Saunders, Joad, Michael Foster, Peter Barr, Sir Charles 
Strickland, and Max Leichtlin. They collected and cultivated bulbous 
plants in the same spirit as predominates among the leading fanciers 
of orchids to-day, But with this difference, there wasn’t any gambling 
in bulbs. There are, of course, certain kinds of bulbs which rank 
among the most popular garden plants; but there are scarcely any 
collectors of species outside botanical gardens. Bulbous plants of the. 
Lily, Iris, and Amaryllis families are both numerous and varied. 
Many of them are reputedly difficult to cultwate, yet not more so than 
orchids used to be. The worst in this respect are the species which 
grow naturally in intense sunshine and have a definite period of dry 
rest. Such are many of the Crinums, Buphanes, and the Xiphiod 
Irises. Years ago, bulb fanciers would meet and discuss the merits 
and requirements of their favourites in the most enlightening and 
stimulating manner. But how many of the present-day cultivators 
show any inclination to do this? The plants are out of favour, pre- 
sumably because they are not easy to manage, an objection that is 
generally dissipated by a better knowledge of the essential requirements. 
Gardening that is worthy of the name has higher avms than the 
cultivation of the vulyar crowd of plants which anybody can manage. 
The development of orchids as yarden plants may be taken as a proof 
of what can be accomplished by persevering experiment. 

Such genera as Lilium, Gladiolus, Tulipa, Narcissus, Hyacinthus, 
Crocus, Iris, Galanthus, Hippeastrum, and Nerine have been to a large 

extent conquered by the arts of cultivation and breeding; and there 
xi F 


are many more which by the application of the same arts would 
yield equally successful results. For example, there is an almost 
unworked mine of wealth in Crinum, Watsonia, Cyrtanthus, 
Hemanthus, Hymenocallis, Phedranassa, Zephyranthes, Ornitho- 
galum, and Oxalis, genera that are particularly rich in species of 
horticultural merit. They and many others are practically unknown 
only because they have never had their opportunity. It is only recently 
that Freesia, Lachenalia, and Nerine have caught the popular eye ; 
and the oldest of us can remember the advent of Narcissus as the 
glory of the British garden in spring. 

Mr Weathers’ book is, in my opinion, a praiseworthy attempt to 
open up the bulb world to the horticultural explorer. During his 
many years’ service at Kew, Mr Weathers had exceptional opportunities 
to acquire a knowledge of the contents of the large collection there, 
and the notes and drawings then and afterwards made he has now 
turned to useful account. I take the liberty to recommend his book to 
all cultivators who take an intelligent interest in plants that are 
attractive, either in floral characters, habit, or peculiarities of form— 
qualities which are prominent in the majority of the species which he 

has described and figured. 



THE cultivation of all kinds of plants having bulbs, corms, tubers, 
or rhizomes is now so extended that a volume devoted entirely to 
this important phase of Horticulture may be looked upon almost 
as a necessity. Coming as these plants do from all parts of the 
world, it requires no little skill on the part of the gardener— 
professional as well as amateur—to succeed in their cultivation. 
The inclusion of tuberous and rhizomatous plants in this volume 
makes it more comprehensive than if it were confined to bulbous 
plants proper, all of which belong to one of the two great groups 
of flowering plants known as Monocotyledons. As almost any 
plant with a swollen root-stock or thickish creeping roots is called 
“bulbous” in popular parlance, plants with such peculiarities have 
been considered in the present work. In this way about fifty 
different natural orders of flowering plants alone have been 
included; and these fifty orders include over four hundred 
different genera, and some three thousand different species and 
varieties. It will thus be seen that even in this age of specialities, 
the bulbous and tuberous-rooted plants form quite a respectable, if 
not indeed an extensive group by themselves. 

Considering these plants from a geographical point of view, 
it will be noticed by a reference to their native countries that they 
not only come from every part of the globe—from the tropical, 
subtropical, and temperate regions—but also from the highest 
altitudes and the lowest plains. In such a range of bulbous vegeta- 
tion, many temperatures, climatic differences, and soil variations 
naturally exist. The gardener therefore has to make himself more 
or less acquainted with the peculiar requirements of any particular 
plant, if he wishes to achieve anything like success. He must 
recognise that a plant from the tropics is not necessarily a subject 
to be grown in.a hothouse or a greenhouse, unless if comes from 

the plains, or is found only at low elevations. Many mistakes 


have been made in the past because the various altitudes at which 
plants grow naturally were either unknown or were ignored. Thus 
it happened that plants from the tops of the Andes of Ecuador, 
Colombia, or Peru, although within the Tropic of Capricorn and 
beneath an equatorial sun, were found to die with warm house 
treatment, while they flourished under a temperate or almost hardy 
regime. The proper temperature, etc., for a plant in cultivation 
may be therefore more easily gauged if the gardener possesses 
accurate information as to the condition in which it grows in a 
state of nature. Owing to these variations of altitude and 
temperature, it has become necessary to divide bulbous plants 
into four main groups, namely: hardy, half-hardy, greenhouse, and 
hothouse or stove. In the following pages under each genus such 
particulars as to the native habitat of each species are given as 
will enable the gardener to arrive at a decision as to the 
temperature most likely to suit his plants. 

While temperature of course plays an important part in plant 
cultivation, the questions of soils, moisture, drought, etc., have 
also to be considered. Here again a knowledge of the local natural 
surroundings will give one a fairly good idea as to what compost 
should be used, and whether much or little water is to be given. A 
plant that grows naturally in a peaty or marshy soil would be likely 
to flourish in a similar compost, but would in all probability die 
in a very short time if planted in heavy clay or coarse sand, 
although it might do fairly well in a moist loamy soil. On the 
other hand, plants from desert regions where sandy wastes abound 
will probably require a hot, dryish atmosphere, although they may 
enjoy moisture at the root during the period of active growth. 
Others again from the lower elevations of tropical regions can 
scarcely be given too much heat and moisture in conjunction with 
a rich and unctuous soil. To enable the gardener. to judge which 
set of conditions is most likely to suit any particular group of 
bulbous or tuberous plants, this volume has been specially written, 
and the author hopes that it may prove itself worthy of frequent 
reference on the part of the intelligent cultivators in all parts of 
the British Islands. 

A glance at the page of Contents will give the reader a kind of 
bird’s-eye view of the scope of the work. In the descriptive portion 
the various genera and species have been dealt with in alphabetical 
order, as it is probably the most generally convenient. Those plant- 

lovers, however, of a studious or analytical turn of mind, will find 


It is also hoped that the numerous drawings (many of which 
are reproduced from sketches made twenty-three and twenty-four 
years ago) will serve a similar purpose, and help to make clear any 
little obscurities in the text. With a view to encouraging still 
further research, references to coloured plates and good figures in 
standard botanical and horticultural works have also been added 
after the descriptions of many species and varieties. 




OvtsipE the ranks of botanists and skilled gardeners, much 
uncertainty and no little confusion prevail as to what constitutes 
a bulb, a corm, a tuber, or a rhizome. It may be well therefore to 
say a few words about each, with a view to making things plainer in 
regard to these matters. 

BULBS.—A bulb is a special kind of bud bearing a number of 
thickened fleshy or scaly leaves closely packed together and seated 
upon a flattened compressed or disc-like woody stem, from the under- 
surface and edges of which roots are produced during growth.— 
Examples of true bulbs that will fit this description may be seen in the 
Onion, Tulip, Hyacinth, Daffodil, Snowdrop, Squill, the Snowflakes, ’ 
and many others. In most cases the fleshy leaves are rolled round 
each other; the bulbs are then said to be twnicated. In the case of 
the Liliums, however, in which the thickened leaves are overlapping 
each other in a spiral fashion round the main axis, the bulbs are said 
to be scaly or imbricated. The drawings will give a good idea as to 
the difference between “tunicated” and “imbricated” or “scaly 
bulbs.” Figs. 1 to 3 represent the former; Fig. 4 represents the 

CORMS. ae are often described as “solid” bulbs, owing to the 
fact that in many cases they bear a superficial resemblance to bulbs 
proper. In many cases, however (¢.7., the tuberous Begonia and the 
Cyclamen), the term “corm” is very loosely and erroneously used 
when speaking of the tubers of these plants. The one obvious 
difference between a true bulb and a true corm is, that the latter is 
yuite solid, and has neither tunicated, imbricated, nor scaly leaves 
seated on a compressed disc-like stem, a section of which is shown 
in Fig. 1. The corm is a rounded or flattish stem on which traces of 

the leaf-stalks or bases may be seen. Another great difference 
1 A 


between the bulb and the corm consists in different methods of 

growth. Many bulbs will grow for years and produce numerous 
offsets. Corms, however, dwindle 

away and shrivel up each year 
after having yielded up their 
store of nourishment for the pro- 
duction of new flowers and 
leaves; and their place is taken 

Fic. 1.—Galtonia candicans, bulb section 
ofsame. (4.) 

Fic. 2.-Scilla stbtrica, eross and vertical 
sections of bulb. 

Fie. 4.—Imbricated or scaly bulb of Lilium 
Fic. 3.—Nothoscordum, bulb and section. candidum. a 

by quite new corms, which have been developed by the action of 
the leaves in the daylight. Thus, the corms of Crocus (Fig. 5.: 
and Gladiolus (Fig 6), etc. that are put into the soil are not ¢ e 
same as those that are taken up after growth has ceased. Theil; 
are quite new vegetative creations. 

Although corms and bulbs differ from each other in structure an 


vegetation, it is remarkable that both of them are confined to one 
particular class of flowering plants—that known botanically as 
Monocotyledons. These are plants 
that are easily recognised by 
having (1) leaves with parallel or 
curvilinear veins; (2) the parts 
of the flowers (ze, the petals, 

Fic. 5.—Crocus, showing new corm on top Fia. émiiladisies, two new corms over old 
of old one. one, with ‘‘ spawn” at base. 

stamens, and carpels) arranged in three’s or six’s; and (3) when raised 
from seed, by having only one seed-leaf. 

If these characteristics are borne in mind there will be no 
difficulty in distinguishing a true bulb or a true corm. 

TUBERS.—A tuber may be described as a short and more or less 
thickened or swollen shoot or stem furnished with “eyes” or buds. 

Fic. 7.—Ozulis crenata. Fic. 8.—Tropeolum tuberosum. (4.) 


Good examples are seen in the Potato and the Jerusalem Artichoke; 
others are the tuberous Begonia, the Cyclamen, the Anemone, Ranun- 
culus, Aconite, the Arum Lily, Caladium, some Tropeolums, etc. The 
Dahlia and herbaceous Peony are examples in which the true roots 
are swollen and of a tuberous nature, but they contain no vegetative 
buds. These are borne at the base of the old flower-stems, portions 
of which should be always retained when the plants are lifted and 
stored away. Examples of oe shown in Figs. 7, 8, and 9. 


It should be noted that while all true bulbs and corms are 
confined to the Monocotyledons, tuberous plants have a much wider 
range. They are to be found not only amongst Monocotyledons, but 
also amongst the other great group of flowering plants known as 
Dicotyledons. These are generally recognised 
by having (1) net-veined leaves; (2) parts of 
the flower (ze, the sepals, petals, stamens, 
carpels) in four’s or five’s, or multiples of 
them; (3) and when raised from seed, by 
having two seed-leaves. An apparent con- 

Fic. 10.—Seedling Cyclamen, showing aberration 
Fic. 9.—Richardta ethiopica. (}.) from ordinary dicotyledonous type. 
tradiction to this arrangement is seen in the seedlings of Cyclamen, 
as shown in the sketch (Fig. 10). When the seeds first germinate, 
only one seed-leaf is apparent; later, a second one much smaller than 
the first appears, and with advance in age one leaf succeeds another 
rapidly until the top of the tuber is furnished with a good supply. 

RHIZOMES.—A rhizome is a shoot or stem that grows more or 
less horizontally, and usually beneath the surface of the soil. Many 
plants have rhizomes, some thickened and somewhat tuberous, 
others slender. Good examples of plants with thick rhizomes are 
the German and Florentine Irises or “ Flags” (Fig. 11), and Solomon’s 
Seal (Fig. 12); while the Lily of the Valley (see Fig. 99, p. 149) 
may be taken as an example of a plant with slender rhizomes. 

In the Tritonia or Montbretia (Fig. 13) we have an example of 
plant in which both corms and rhizomes are developed. It will be 
seen from the sketch that the corms are not actually placed upon 
each other as in the Crocus and Gladiolus, but are separated by a 
kind of runner-like rhizome, some joints of which swell into a corm 

if sufficient nourishment has heen elaborated by the leaves. 


While it is easy in many cases to distinguish the true bulbs, 
corms, tubers, and rhizomes, there are instances in which the swollen 

Fic. 11.—Rhizomes of German Iris. (4.) 

portion of the plant seems 
to be intermediate between 
one or the other. The root- 
stock of the Tigridias or Tiger 
Flowers, for example, is called 
a “corm,” but a reference to 

Fic. 12.—Rhizomes of Solomon’s Seal. (4.) 

Fig. 14 shows that it is more like an ordinary tunicated bulb. 

Fic. 18.—Corms and rhizomes of Tritonta 
(Montbretia) crocosemiflora. (4.) 

The root-stocks of Erythro- 

nium (Fig. 15), Colchicum (Fig. 

16), and Bulbocodium (Figs. 17 
and 18) are also known as corms. 
It will be seen, however, that 

Fia. 14.—Tigridia, bulb and section 
of same. (%.) 

the vegetation of these plants is not like that of the Crocus or 


Gladiolus. The new corms, instead of developing on top of the old 
ones, are produced at a lower depth from a downward growth. 

Fia. 15.—Corm or bulb of Erythronium, showing Fra. 16.—Corm of Colchicum, showing new 
new lower growth to right. growth to left. 

In this way there is no likelihood of the new corms coming too 
near the surface to be injured by frost, etc. 

Fras. 17, 18.—Corm and section of Bulbocodium, showing new 
lower growths at side. 

This volume is devoted to those plants which have either bulbs, 
corms, tubers or tuberous roots, and rhizomes, and therefore embraces 
many families of flowering plants (both Monocotyledons and 
Dicotyledons) from all parts of the world. Orchids—a large and 
important family requiring a volume to themselves—are excluded. 


Apart from the plants described in this volume being characterised 
by having either bulbs, corms, tubers, or rhizomes, they all agree in 
one important respect—they are all herbaceous plants and they are 
all perennial. That is to say, oe aérial parts (flower-stems and 


leaves) are soft and herb-like in texture, and there is nothing woody 
about them as seen in trees and shrubs, and their underground 
organs may live for several years. The possible exceptions are 
Beschorneria and Testudinaria, which have swollen woody bases. 
It will prevent misunderstanding to state that perennial herbaceous 
plants' may be divided into various groups. Thus they may be 
either (1) hardy, (2) half-hardy, or (3) tender—each group requiring 
different culture, treatment, and temperature. Again, herbaceous 
perennials may be either (1) deciduous, in which the floral stems 
and leaves die down every year, and the root-stock has a period of 
rest (asin Tulips, Daffodils, Hyacinths, Begonias, Ponies, Solomon’s 
Seal, Arum Lilies, etc., etc.); or they may be (2) evergreen, in which 
the plants are always in a state of growth, and have foliage at all 
periods of the year (as with Pancratiums, many Crinums, some 
Irises, etc.). 

It may be well to bear these distinctions in mind, as there is a 
popular and consequently erroneous impression that a// herbaceous 
plants are hardy and die down to the ground each year. 

We may now consider why certain plants are provided with 
bulbs, corms, tubers, or rhizomes. We have already seen that the 
normal stem has been reduced in the case of the bulb to a very 
small compass—a mere disc-like mass with the thick fleshy leaves 
densely arranged upon it. Ifa bulbofa Tulip, Hyacinth, or Daffodil 
is cut through vertically and compared with a ripened bud of a 
Horse-chestnut, Lilac, or Ash, it will be seen that they are all very 
similar in structure. In the centre will be found the miniature 
flower -stem with its incipient blossoms packed away into the 
smallest possible compass, and carefully protected with the envelop- 
ing scales — really leaves specially modified for this particular 
purpose. In the case of bulbs, however, which are detached and 
independent bodies (unlike the buds of the Horse-chestnut, etc.), the 
scale leaves are not only protectors ; they are also storehouses in 
which food and nourishment have been stored away by the green 
aérial leaves before these withered and died. The corm or solid 
“bulb,” and also the tuber and rhizome utilise the stem, and not 
modified leaves, in which to store up their nourishment in the same 
way for the development of future growth. Consequently, season 
after season this work is going on, and as the older storehouses 

1“ Annuals” and “Biennials” of all kinds are necessarily herbaceous in 
character, but are not considered in this volume, as they have neither bulbs, 
corms, tubers, nor rhizomes. ' 


(either as bulbs, corms, tubers, or rhizomes) decay and die, they are 
replaced by new ones. If it were not so, especially in our climate, 
there would be great danger in many cases of the plants dying out 
altogether—especially as many of them are difficult or impossible to 
raise from seeds. When there seems to be any risk ofa plant being 
unable to reproduce itself readily by means of seeds, Nature has 
endowed it with the power of multiplying itself in other ways which 
are considered under the Chapter on “ Propagation.” 

The point to bear in mind, however, at present is that the new 
bulbs, corms, tubers, or rhizomes underground can only be produced 
by the healthy assimilative action of the leaves, and the absorptive 
powers of the roots. 


In connection with the annual reproduction of new corms in 
such plants as Crocus, Gladiolus, etc. it is interesting to notice 
a very extraordinary action of the roots. During the period of 
growth if a corm of a Gladiolus or Tritonia (Fig. 19) be taken out of 
the ground carefully it will be noticed that there are two kinds of 
roots present—(1) the fibrous 
feeding or absorbing roots, and 
(2) thicker ringed roots. The 
latter play a very important 
part in keeping the new corms 
at a proper distance beneath the 
surface of the soil. It is obvious 
that by the superposition of the 
new corms on top of the old ones 
year after year, there would be 
a danger eventually of them 
coming through the surface of 
the ground. They would thus be 
exposed to the dangers of frost, 
etc. It is well known, however, 

Fic. 19.—fritonta Pottst, showing new corms that neither corms nor bulbs no 
and contractile roots. 
matter how many years they 
have been in the soil, ever come through the ground. On the 
contrary, they seem to bury themselves deeper and deeper, thus 
keeping away from the frost, and in surroundings several degrees 
warmer than the soil immediately at the surface. 


Corms and bulbs are kept down in the soil in this way by means 
of special roots called “contractile.” These are the thickish ringed 
roots referred to and shown in the sketches (sce Figs. 3, 6, 14, 19). 
It appears that when the new corms or bulbs have developed fairly 
well, these contractile roots have already pushed their way deeper 
into the soil, lower than the older corms. In due course they begin 
to contract, and in this way they exert sufficient force to pull down 
the new corms to a lower level, perhaps even lower than the parents 
were the previous season. The marvellous. power possessed by these 
contractile roots is one of the most mysterious functions of bulbous 
plants, and it is only another instance showing how carefully and 
beautifully everything was thought of “at the beginning.” 



If this volume were confined to the consideration of hardy plants 
alone, it would be a comparatively simple matter dealing with the 
soil, But as we are dealing not only with hardy plants that may be 
always grown in the open air, but also with those that must be 
sheltered in a greenhouse and hothouse and are often grown in pots, 
it becomes necessary to take a wider view of the subject, treating 
the outdoor cultivation and the indoor separately. 

Generally speaking, most of the hardy bulbous, tuberous, and 
rhizomatous plants (of which a list is given at p. 32) will flourish 
in any well-drained, deeply dug or trenched and well-manured 
garden soil. Indeed, some like the tuberous Sunflowers, the 
Bocconias, the Aconites, Doronicums, Hemerocallis, etc., will grow in 
any but the very worst sour and swampy soil, so vigorous is the 
action of their roots. Advantage may be taken of such coarse or 
free-growing plants to improve soil that is generally regarded as 
poor and infertile. They will find not only nourishment in it, but 
owing to the action of their rapidly spreading roots, they bring 
about a much better condition of the impoverished soil after a 
season or two of growth. 

No one, however, wishes to be saddled with poor and hungry or 
swampy soil if better,can be had. The ideal garden soil is one 
called loam—a fairly well-balanced mixture of clay and sand, with 
a fair amount of humus (or ae organic material), and a certain 


proportion of lime. Such a soil will be easy to dig or trench; will 
retain a sufficient amount of the necessary moisture without 
becoming water-logged with sour and stagnant liquid; and will give 
generally good results. According to the different kinds of plants 
grown, however, it may have to be modified in places to meet certain 
peculiarities, Thus, the addition of more peat or leaf soil may be 
necessary for some plants, while more sand, grit, loam, or clay may 
be required for others. 

For true bulbous plants, anything savouring of wet, heavy, clayey 
soil is unsuitable. It is cold, wet, and stodgy, and very difficult to 
turn over. But if bulbous plants are to be grown in such a soil, 
turned over it must be, and that to a depth of 2 or 3 feet into 
the bargain. To bring a heavy, wet, clayey soil into anything like a 
proper tilth, it should be trenched about 3 feet deep, bringing the 
soaked and soddened bottom soil to the surface, there to be relieved 
of its sour and superfluous moisture, and to have its clods and 
particles sweetened and broken down by exposure to the weather. 
Very few people possess the courage to do this; and the great 
majority—speaking with all the confidence of those who have never 
done such a thing—will at once condemn the operation as being 
unsound both in theory and in practice. Rather than do it once, 
they prefer to be troubled for years with a cold, wet, and hungry 
subsoil that robs the upper layer of all its heat and most of its 
value for growing purposes. Bulbous or other plants on such a 
miserable soil reflect its condition in their own wretched appearance. 

Where, however, a wet or clayey soil has been deeply trenched, 
and has had a good supply of manure, and grit or sand incorporated 
with it, a wonderful improvement takes place even in a few months. 
The superfluous water trickles downwards to the lower regions and 
no longer steals the sun’s heat from the roots of the plants; the 
temperature is consequently raised, and this in turn reacts upon the 
tender living material (the protoplasm in the tips of the roots of the 
plants). The grit will absorb the heat from the sun, and the clayey 
particles and manure will hold it between them and prevent its rapid 
radiation at night-time. The gases of the atmosphere—the oxygen, 
nitrogen, and carbonic acid—will enter more readily into the soil, and 
in conjunction with the rain and moisture will dissolve the mineral 
and metallic food so necessary for the growth of plants. By day and 
by night the temperature of a heavy soil treated in the way mentioned 
will be more equable, being -neither too hot nor too cold, nor too wet 

or too dry. Another advantage is that there will be comparatively 


few weeds, and if the hoe is kept fairly well in use, there will be 
little or no trouble from insect pests. 

An improvement in a wet, heavy soil may be accelerated by the 
addition of quicklime to the surface after trenching and manuring 
About a bushel of quicklime may be spread in small heaps over 
every 30 square yards of ground. Each little heap should be 
covered with some of the wet soil and left for about ten days. 
During this time the moisture from the soil will be absorbed by 
the lime, which thus becomes slaked and powdery. It is then easy 
to spread the heaps of soil and slaked lime evenly over the surface, 
but not dug in. As time goes on the lime gradually dissolves and 
sinks into the soil, and, coming in contact with the buried manure, 
liberates fresh food, and encourages the development of those 
mysterious soil bacteria which are so essential to good cultivation. 

Whenever a new garden is being started, or where it is intended 
to renovate an old one and do things properly, it will be found best 
to adopt the practice of deep cultivation. All surface weeds and 
rubbish can be easily disposed of by burying them in the trenches 
as the work proceeds—the rank, green, and undecayed refuse being 
put at the very bottom, the best-rotted material being retained for 
placing in the last trench near the top. 

Once a garden soil has been treated somewhat in the way indicated, 
there will be no necessity to disturb it so deeply again for some few 
years. Indeed it would be impossible to do so when once it is 
cropped with bulbous and other plants that are to remain for 

In the case of old gardens and old flower-borders, however, that 
have become overgrown with plants, and in which the upper soil has 
become more or less exhausted, the best thing to do is to have all 
plants and bulbs taken out, preferably in early autumn, and then 
have the ground deeply trenched and manured, bringing the under- 
soil to the surface, and placing the top spit beneath to give it a rest 
and time to recuperate its lost strength. 


In the following pages it will be noticed that the usual sizes or 
diameters of most of the bulbous plants are given, and that these 
vary from } inch to 2, 3, 4, or more inches. So far as planting bulbs 
that are to be grown under glass is concerned there is practically no 

question of depth involved, as they are nearly all so placed in the 


soil that the tops are either level with the surface, slightly below 
it, or a little above it. 

In the case of hardy bulbs, however, that are grown in the open 
air and are planted in the autumn, the conditions are not identical. 
There is no protection from frost on the surface of the soil, and rats 
and mice and other marauders would more easily destroy bulbs on or 
near the surface. The main point involved, however, is one of 
protection from frost. As the bulbs vary so much in size, some 
being very small and some very large, it becomes necessary to plant 
them at various depths, according to their size. It would never do 
to plant a Crocus corm or Snowdrop bulb so deeply as the large 
bulb of a Lilium. But how is one to know the proper depth for 
the many kinds of bulbs in cultivation? By the adoption of this 
simple rule:—Plant a bulb, corm, or tuber in the open air at a 
depth about equal to three times its own diameter; or, in other 
words, cover the bulb, corm, or tuber with twice its own depth or 
diameter of soil. 


Although the preparation of the soil for the reception of outdoor 
hardy bulbous and tuberous plants may entail a good deal of time 
and labour at first, it is easy when compared with the trouble and 
expense of cultivating plants in greenhouses and hothouses. Here 
the soil has to be brought from a distance, and the wise gardener 
will make arrangements to have stacks of good turfy loam (the top spit 
from a piece of pasture land), peat, and leaf-mould always at hand; 
in addition to which there should always be a good supply of sharp 
silver or river sand available. Different sizes of pots and pans must 
also be purchased ; and sieves or riddles of 4-inch, 4-inch, and 1-inch 
mesh will also be handy for sifting and mixing the various composts 
that will be required from time to time. 

The operations of growing plants in pots or even in borders or 
beds of soil under glass are much more intricate and detailed than 
those in the open air. The pots or other receptacles used should be 
quite clean to begin with, when any fresh potting is necessary. 
Pots that have been in use for a year or two often become covered 
with a greasy slime on the outside. This makes them not only 
unsightly, but also difficult to handle; besides which the passage of 
air through the pores of the burned clay is rendered difficult 

or impossible, This means a certain amount of harm to the roots 
, 12 


of the plants, which require to have as much fresh air at their 
disposal for breathing purposes as the stems and leaves. Karthen- 
ware pots, etc., therefore, should be kept fairly clean, and this can 
only be done by washing them. In a garden, boys are generally 
utilised for the purposes of “ potwashing,” as well as other multifarious 
duties unsuitable for men. The usual method is to soak the dirty 
pots for a few hours or days in tubs or tanks of water. This loosens 
the slime and dirt, and it is then more easily removed with a fair 
amount of “elbow grease” and a scrubbing brush. In my young 
days in the nursery even a scrubbing brush was not provided, and 
the dirt had .to be removed with a piece of old matting and some 
ashes from the ashpits. To wash 1000 3-in. pots (60’s) or 800 5-in. 
pots was considered a fair day’s work from 9 A.M. to 6 P.M., and stand 
them out to dry into the bargain. Potwashing is just as simple now 
as then, but the same importance is not attached to it—especially in 
market nurseries. In these a “rub round” with a wisp of hay or 
old matting is often sufficient except for some of the choicer crops. 
Potwashing-machines, however, are now in existence, and are used 
in some establishments, private and otherwise. 

Crocking Pots.—This is another more or less essential operation 
when growing plants in pots. It consists in placing a layer of 
broken pieces of pots in the bottom of the pots, over a larger and 
flatter piece known technically as a “stopper.” This stopper 
should be as flat as possible, but many gardeners like to have it 
curved with the convex side uppermost. The object of a flat stopper 
is to make it more difficult for worms to get into soil from the hole 
in the bottom. The presence of worms is most undesirable, owing to 
the runs or channels they make in the soil, and through which the 
water passes freely without wetting the main body of compost. 
Therefore a flat stopper is much more likely to keep them out than 
a curved one; and this is a point worth considering when plants are 
placed on earthen beds or stages, or in the open air for a time. 

The main object of crocking pots is, of course, to secure 
adequate drainage for the soil. Unless the water is allowed to 
pass away freely, it would remain in the soil, and after a few 
more waterings had taken place, the hole in the bottom of the 
pot would become silted up and blocked. The result would be that 
no more fresh air could enter the soil, and this would become 
soured and 1 .isonous to the roots of the plants owing to the fetid 
stagnant moisture and decaying organic material. 

It is an easy matter to see rt the drainage of a pot is 
13 7 


imperfect. The water, instead of passing through the soil 
readily, will remain for hours on the upper surface, waiting to be 
evaporated by the heat of the atmosphere. Unless the bad 
drainage is soon rectified, the plants show signs of suffering, and 
if they could only speak, we should hear constant wailing from 
many badly watered plant-houses in the Kingdom. The lower 
leaves being the oldest, soon begin to assume a yellowish tint, and 
later on they drop off one by one until the youngest leaves and 
buds only are left. These too will soon give up the struggle if 
the drainage is not put right. 

Watering—The question of drainage is naturally bound up 
with that of watering. In the open air, as a rule, plants have to be 
satisfied with the moisture obtained from the clouds, and this may 
vary according to the district from twenty-five hundred tons to 
eighty hundred tons of water per acre in the course of the year, as 
stated at p. 31. 

With indoor plants, however, the case is different. The rain 
cannot fall upon them or upon the soil; moisture must therefore 
be supplied in other ways. Water-tanks are usually built in the 
glass-houses, and the water is either laid on, or pumped from wells 
by windmills, or gas or oil engines. The actual application of water 
to the plants is usually by means of water-pots, although hose- 
pipes are often used in large commercial establishments, and are 
a great saving of time, labour, and money. Watering plants with 
the hose has the drawback that individual plants may be over- 
looked now and again, or if water-logged are apt to get more than 
is good for them. 

When water-pots, however, are used, it takes much longer to 
get through with the work. The careful gardener looks at every 
plant, and his experienced eye will enable him to judge at once 
whether water is required or not. If he is not quite sure, he will 
either feel the surface soil with his fingers, or ring the pot with 
his knuckles. A more or less clear and hollow sound will indicate 
a dry soil, while a dull and less audible sound will denote that 
the soil is already moist enough for the time being. Generally 
speaking, when the soil is inclined to be dry it is given a good 
supply of water right up to the rim of the pot, pan, tub, or other 
receptacle holding the plant. If the gardener judges the soil to 
be wet enough to last until the next time the operation is due, 
no water is given to the plant. Picking out the wet and dry 

plants in this way necessitates care, attention, and keen observation 


on the part of the gardener, and obviously occupies much more 
of his time than watering all over the plants with a hose would. 
The safe rule to follow when watering is—when dry, give a 
plant plenty; when wet enough to last till next time, give 
none. By following this rule, the plants will be kept in good 
health and a steady rate of growth. 

With bulbous and tuberous plants perhaps a little more care 
and knowledge of their individual peculiarities are necessary than 
with fibrous-rooted ones. Many bulbous and tuberous plants require 
a period of rest at some particular period of the year. The 
gardener knowing this period, watches its approach and regulates 
his supplies of water accordingly. As the plants show signs of 
going to rest by the yellowing of the leaves and their gradually 
falling away, watering becomes less frequent, and more air and 
light are given to the plants to hasten the ripening process. 

Again, after the resting period is at an end, and the bulbs or 
tubers show signs of new life, the plants will require more and more 
water until they are in the full vigour of their growth. It is this 
continual and gradual change from the active to the dormant state, 
and vice versd, that requires to be taken into consideration when 
giving water to the plants. 

Syringing.—Besides supplying water properly to the roots of 
plants it is often necessary to apply it also to the stems and foliage, 
more especially perhaps with stove or hothouse plants, and in a 
lesser degree to greenhouse plants. It is well known that the drier 
the atmosphere the greater the amount of moisture evaporated from 
the millions of pores or stomata on the leaves of plants. Conversely, 
the more heavy laden the air is with moisture, the slower will be the 
evaporation from the leaf surfaces. According, therefore, to the 
humidity of the atmosphere surrounding stove and greenhouse 
plants will the operation of syringing be regulated. In hot dry 
weather it may be necessary to syringe three or four times a day, in 
addition to damping down the pathways and stages of the house. 
During the winter months, however, and during cold or dull spells 
of weather, there will not be the same necessity for so much 
syringing. The gardener, therefore, who wishes to grow his plants 
well under glass must be a kind of meteorologist or weather-prophet, 
and vary his work according to circumstances. What he does one 
day, and would be perfectly correct in doing, may be altogether 
wrong the next day, simply because the weather conditions were 

totally different. 


The main object of using the syringe is to counteract the process 
of evaporation that is going on unseen to the naked eye from the 
leaf stomata. “Unseen” is perhaps scarcely accurate, for it becomes 
obvious on a hot day (even when the soil around the root is quite 
moist) that unless the syringe is used to moisten the air, the leaves 
soon begin to droop. Why is this? Simply because the cells are 
being emptied by evaporation of the water that has been supplied 
to them by the roots. It may therefore happen, and frequently 
does happen, that the leaves of a plant will give off moisture much 
more quickly than the roots can absorb it from the soil. In such 
cases, therefore, it becomes not only necessary to syringe the foliage 
freely, but also to lessen the amount of sunshine by shading the 
glass with canvas, or smearing it with whitewash or other mixtures 
used for the purpose. 

There are now many syringes on the market, but it is advisable 
to have those that give a fine mist-like spray, and are provided with 
suitable nozzles and bends. The finer the spray, the more perfect 
is the wetting of the foliage; and if insecticides or fungicides are 
used under other conditions, the more economically and effectively 
will they be distributed with a good syringe. 

A secondary advantage of syringing plants is that the foliage is 
kept clean from dusty or sooty deposits. These if allowed to remain 
too long, block up the breathing pores (stomata) to a great extent, 
and thus interfere with the absorption of carbonic acid gas from the 
atmosphere during the daytime, as well as with the exhalation of 
oxygen from the tissues. Dust, dirt, or any other foreign deposit 
on the leaves and stems of plants, not only render breathing difficult, 
but as the supply of light is also diminished by their presence, the 
work of assimilating the food from the air and the soil is greatly 
impeded. The result sooner or later is a yellowish, sickly, dirty 
appearance of the whole plant. 

Sponging.—This operation is often performed on the leaves and 
stems of plants grown under glass, when they happen to be badly 
affected by insect pests such as scale or mealy bug, or covered with 
dirt that cannot be readily removed by syringing. It consists in 
washing the leaf surfaces often with clean tepid water, but usually 
with a solution of soft soap, quassia chip, or nicotine, or some of the 
well-advertised insecticides and fungicides. The leaves are placed 
on the outstretched fingers and palm of one hand, and carefully 
washed with a sponge saturated in the solution. In this way pests 

and dirt are removed, more light and fresh air are given to the 


tissues, and consequently the whole plant becomes happier and 
healthier because cleaner and freed from its natural enemies, Asa 
rule, there is not much difficulty in removing scaly pests, etc, from 
the leaves or stems of plants; but sometimes in very neglected 
cases if may be necessary to remove them first of all with a piece of 
pointed bamboo stick, afterwards sponging and washing in the 
usual way. 


Although these points are dealt with in special cases in this work, 
it may be as well to touch upon the subject in a general way. Many 
if not most bulbous plants are deciduous; that is, the leaves die away 
each year, and the bulbs, corms, tubers, or rhizomes, as the case may 
be, remain dormant or quiescent for a certain period. Other bulbous 
plants, however, present an evergreen appearance—many of the 
Crinums and Pancratiums, for example—and are consequently in a 
state of growth throughout the year, passing from weak to vigorous 
stages according to their nature and the season. 

So far as deciduous bulbous plants are concerned, if grown in the 
open air, it matters little in many cases whether the bulbs or tubers 
are lifted annually, or whether they are left in the ground undis- 
turbed for a number of years. Some, such as Daffodils, Crocus, 
Snowdrops, Bluebells, Scillas, Chionodoxas, Muscaris, some Liliums 
(eg. L. candidum), Fritillarias, to mention only a few, are decidedly 
best left in the soil for some years when they are doing well, and if 
they have been planted in borders or shrubberies, or in grassland. 
In this way they increase and multiply naturally, and give more 
gorgeous displays of colour year after year, especially if they have 
been fed by placing a layer of some well-decayed manure over them 
after the leaves have died down. 

Other bulbous plants like Hyacinths, Tulips, Gladiolus, and 
Tigridia, and some of the rarer and more tender kinds, are perhaps 
best lifted every year after the flowers are past their best. Unless it 
is desired to save seeds, this is usually the best time to lift bulbous 
plants. The foliage should show signs of yellowing, and this 
indicates that the work of assimilating food is nearly at an end for 
that particular season. When any of these bulbous plants are grown 
in formal beds on the lawn, it is almost essential to get them up and 

stored out of the way to make room for other plants to take their 
17 B 


place, and to admit of the beds being redug and manured if 

Having decided to take the bulbs out of the ground the operation 
is perhaps best performed with a fork. There would be too much 
danger of chopping the bulbs up if a spade were used. The tool 
should be driven down straight, so as to get it well below the bulbs, 
and the soil should be lifted and turned over or thrown forward very 
much in the same way as when digging potatoes. The bulbs should 
be picked out by hand into baskets or shallow boxes, in which they 
can be afterwards taken away and spread out todry. In this way 
the soil can be removed from them easily in due course, and the 
process of grading the bulbs into the different sizes can be performed 
more readily. Bulbs or tubers lifted in the autumn like Gladiolus, 
Montbretias, Tigridias, Watsonias, etc., may be stored in dry soil, 
sand, or fibre, and kept in a frost-proof cellar until the spring. The 
bulbs of such plants as Tulips, Daffodils, Hyacinths, Crocuses, etc., 
that are taken up in spring or early summer, may be spread out in 
layers on shelves made of slating battens, or they may be stored away 
in shallow wooden trays that are now so much in use, and are very 
convenient for storing large numbers of bulbs into a small space. It 
will be necessary to keep bulbs of this character in cool, shady, and 
well-ventilated sheds, and it will be better if only one, or at the most 
two, layers of bulbs—certainly of the best bulbs—should be placed 
on each shelf. 

Bulbous or tuberous plants grown in pots may be allowed to 
remain in the old soil during the dormant period. The pots, however, 
should be placed on their side and stacked away on top of each other 
as shown in the diagram. In this way, if placed under 
the stage of a greenhouse, the dripping water from the soscd 
plants on- the shelves will not touch the bulbs and cause 209°°° 
them to rot. When the period of growth arrives, and this is 
generally indicated by the new green growth appearing at the 
tips of the bulbs, the bulbs may be shaken out of the old soil, and 
repotted into a fresh compost according to the instructions given 
under each genus. 

By treating deciduous bulbous and tuberous plants as described 
above, they can be kept for many years in excellent condition. 




Of the many methods of propagation known to gardeners, all 
except three — budding, grafting, and layering—are practised in 
connection with increasing the stock of bulbous, tuberous, and 
rhizomatous plants. Being all herbaceous in character, such methods 
as budding, grafting, and layering are not generally applicable, being 
reserved for woody plants. Occasionally Dahlias may be grafted on 
to the tuberous roots, and the tuberous roots of herbaceous Peeonies 
are often used as stocks on which the fibrous-rooted Tree or Moutan 
Peonies are grafted. With these exceptions, however, the great 
bulk of bulbous and tuberous plants are increased by other methods. 
The principal of these are:—(1) Offsets; (2) Spawn or Cloves; (3) 
Scales; (4) Bulbils; (5) Division of the root-stock; (6) Cuttings; 
and (7) Seeds. It may be well to say something about each of these 
methods of propagation. 

OFFSETS.—By far the greater number of plants having true 
bulbs and corms, and also most tuberous-rooted plants, are propagated 
by means of “ offsets,’ which are produced in greater or less 
numbers from the old stocks. In such genera as Anemone, Aconitum, 
Chionodoxa, Colchicum, Crocosma, Doronicum, Fritillaria, Galanthus, 
Gladiolus, Hyacinthus, Leucojum, Lilium, Montbretia, Muscari, 
Narcigsus, Qr ithogalum, Oxalis, Scilla, Tritonia, Tulipa, ete, the 
parent bulbs or tubers produce offsets freely. When it becomes 
necessary to increase the stock, the old plants are lifted, usually 
in the dormant season, or just before growth recommences, and the 
offsets are detached from them. In all cases the offsets may be 
looked upon as vegetative growths or children representative of the 
vigour of the parent plant. They arise from the. superabundance of 
nourishment elaborated from the soil and air by the healthy leaf- 
action of their parents. The original bulb, corm, or tuber being 
unable by itself to retain all the food sent down by the leaves, is 
necessarily compelled to build as it were separate annexes to 
accommodate the surplus material. In this way “ offsets” arise, and 
if not interfered with, will in due course carry outthe same 
principles of growth as their parents. This explains the way in 

which a few bulbs, corms, or tubers will in the course of a few years 


give rise to a numerous progeny, and occupy far more space in the 
garden than was originally allotted them. 

As we shall see later on when discussing seeds, the production of 
these offsets are of great value to the gardener. Many bulbous and 
tuberous plants produce very little or no seed, consequently it would 
take many years to raise a large stock of plants of these were it not 
that they lent themselves readily to other methods of reproduction. 

It may be taken as a general rule that bulbous and tuberous 
plants are raised by the readiest means at hand, and this happens in 
most cases to be “offsets.” Every offset, large or small, if taken off 
at the right time and planted properly, has the makings of a new, 
complete, and independent flowering plant in it. As a rule these 
offsets are attached close to the parent bulb corm, or tuber; but 
occasionally, as in Tulips and in Montbretias, and in some Liliums, 
they are produced at the end of a creeping runner-like body, or along 
a rhizome. This accounts for what is known as “dropping” in 
Tulips, in some cases of which the offsets are several inches lower 
down than the parent bulb. 

As all offsets are not of equal size and value, they should be graded, 
the largest and best being planted in beds by themselves, the medium 
and smaller ones (which may take two or three years longer to reach - 
the flowering stage) being also placed in special beds until they are 
large enough to be again transplanted. 

SPAWN or CLOVES.—Some plants, such as the Gladiolus, not 
only produce a few new corms from the older shrivelled ones, but 
also several much smaller bodies around the base. ‘These are 
popularly called “spawn,” or individually “cloves” (see Fig. 6), 
and are akin vegetatively to the bulbils borne in the axils of the 
leaves of some Liliums. These cloves may be stored away till 
spring-time in sandy soil, and then sown in special beds of gritty 
mould and covered with about 1 inch of soil. At the end of two 
or three years they will have attained the size of flowering corms 
and may then be treated like those. 

SCALES.—Apart from the offsets of the bulbs of Liliums, many 
of the fleshy scale-leaves are broken away or detached in the process 
of lifting and replanting; each one of these scales may be utilised to 
produce a new bulb. If stuck more or lesg vertically into rich and 
very gritty soil, a little bud is soon produced at the base. In due 
course this little bud swells into a little bulb, and at the end of three 
or four years it will attain the flowering stage, Very often the 

scales are simply covered with an inch or two of sandy soil in a 


special bed, and left to look after themselves until they throw up 

In the case of the florists’ Hyacinth, although these little bulbs 
are not produced in the same way as on the Lilium scales, they 
can be induced to develop on the base of the old bulb. This is 
cut across in several places, and sometimes even the “disc” or 
woody base plate is cut out altogether. The old bulbs are then 

Fic. 20.—Hyacinth bulb, Fic. 21.—Hyacinth bulb, showing 
back view. cuts. 
spread out to dry, and by and by small buds or bulblets are 
produced on the cut surfaces. When large enough to handle 
easily these baby bulbs are detached and 
planted an inch or two deep in rich 
and very sandy soil. The sketches show 
how the bulbs are cut across the base 
with a sharp knife, and how the young 
bulbs develop in the scars later on. Fig. 
20 shows the base of a Hyacinth bulb 
before cutting. Fig. 21 shows how the 
bulb has four cuts made right across, 
making eight slits altogether. The cut 
surface soon heals up, and in due course Fis. 22.—Hyacinth bulb, showing 
. . buds in cuts. 
a number of vegetative buds appear in 
the slits, as shown in Fig. 22. From these buds new Hyacinth 
bulbs are eventually produced. 

BULBILS.—These are roundish vegetative growths often seen in 
the axils of the leaves on the aérial stems of some Liliums and 
a few other plants. Why these bulbils should be produced is a 
mystery, but it is thought that they appear in cases where the 
conditions for reproduction by seeds or other methods are not 
favourable. By the end of the Sane season these bulbils are 


thoroughly ripe, and separate themselves from the parent plant 
and are blown about and carried away by the wind until they 
settle down in some sheltered crevice—there to grow and bring 
forth new plants in due course. In cultivation when it is con- 
sidered worth while, any bulbils may be sown in spring as if they 
were seeds, covering them with about twice or three times their 
own depth of soil. When taken from bulbous plants, they reach 
the flowering stage much quicker than seeds, but not nearly so 
quickly as offsets. 

DIVISION OF THE ROOT-STOCK.—This is a simple and rapid 
method of increasing many kinds of tuberous and rhizomatous 
plants, as well as many fibrous-rooted herbaceous perennials. Such 
plants as Aconite, Peony, Doronicum, Arum Lily, Caladium, and 
many others, produce numerous offsets or young growths from 
the parent root-stock, and these may be detached just before growth 
recommences, or when the plants are lifted or disturbed in autumn 
or spring, or other dormant period. Each detached portion 
so long as it has at least one bud attached will develop into a 
plant by itself in due course, treating it in the same way as 
recommended for the parent or established plant. Even with 
tufted plants like the Agapanthus, Hemerocallis, Schizostylis- and 
others, if the main shoots are separated carefully so that each has 
a supply of roots, there will be no difficulty in establishing the 
separated | portions. In the case of the German, Florentine, and 
other Irises, and in Solomon’s Seal, the rhizomes may be so hard 
and thick that it may be necessary to cut them through with a 
strong, sharp knife, although as a rule they are easily enough 
broken, In dealing with such plants as Aspidistras, it is better to 
sever the rhizomes with a sharp knife, each. portion having a bud 
or two attached. With Lilies of the Valley the rhizomes are easily 
separated, but it will be noticed that the thicker and fatter the 
buds are the more likelihood there is of having flowering shoots 
(see p. 149). 

CUTTINGS.—With bulbous plants proper, 1.¢., those belonging 
to the Monocotyledonous group, there is no opportunity of raising 
them from cuttings, neither can they be budded or grafted, as diets 
stems possess no cambium layer like the Dicotyledons. Such 
tuberous-rooted plants, however, as Dahlia, Begonia, and Gloxinia 
are readily raised from cuttings of the young stems, or by means of 
the leaves, as described under each of those genera. Indeed, so far 

as this volume is concerned, these are about the only plants which 


can be propagated by stem or leaf cuttings, although they may also 
be increased by division of the roots, by cutting the tubers into 
pieces, or by seeds in the ordinary way. 

SEEDS.—.Most bulbous, tuberous, and rhizomatous plants may 
be raised from seed. There is, however, a wonderful difference in 
the length of time between the sowing of the seeds and the 
development of flowering plants. Thus, such dicotyledons as 
Begonias, Dahlias, Gloxinias, Cyclamen, ete., having tuberous roots 
or stems, may be easily brought to the flowering stage in the first 
year of their growth from seed. Many other plants in this group 
may take a year or two to accomplish their complete cycle of 
growth—that is, from the time the seed is sown until the flowers 
develop and ripen seed again ; but with true bulbous monocotyledonous 
plants it may take from three to seven, eight, or ten years before a 
good flowering bulb or corm can be produced. There are a few 
exceptions to this rule, notably the Freesias and the Gladioli; 
but, generally speaking, it takes several years to raise flowering plants 
of such well-known bulbous plants as Daffodils, Tulips, Hyacinths, 
Liliums, etc., from seeds. However, specialists do it, and wonderful 
creations have rewarded their skill and patience with such plants 
as Daffodils, Narcissi, Gladiolus, Lilium, Freesia, etc. 

The difficulty of raising true bulbous plants from seed being 
thus so great and occupying so much time and attention, it is 
only natural that they should be propagated by the much easier 
and more simple method of offsets. When plants are increased 
by any other method than seed, there is one consolation, and that 
is the fact that any particular species or variety may be kept 
perfectly true and pure. When, however, plants are raised from 
seeds; and especially when they are readily fertilised by insects, 
there is always the chance of variation in colour, habit, and 
constitution in the progeny raised from the seeds of such plants. 

Cross-fertilisation and Hybridising.—This knowledge of course is 
of the greatest value to the hybridist. Knowing how easily one 
species will cross or breed with another, he selects and controls 
the operation in the case of those species or varieties in which 
he is particularly interested. In this way by transferring the 
pollen from the stamens of a certain variety to the stigma of 
another, he effects what is known as crossing or hybridising. When 
the same species or variety is fertilised with the pollen from a 
similar species or variety, the process is simply known as cross- 
fertilisation, and roughly ce to the marriage of people 


of the same race or nationality. When, however, two quite distinct 
species or quite distinct varieties are fertilised with each other's 
pollen (the operation may often be carried out both ways, so that 
a “reverse” cross is produced) the plants are said to be hybridised, 
and if any progeny result they are said to be “hybrids.” Hybridis- 
ing is analogous to marriage between quite distinct races. 


For many years gardeners have been well acquainted with the 
effects of a high or a low temperature upon plant life, and advantage 
has been taken of this knowledge to bring some plants into flower 
before their natural period, or to prevent them from flowering until 
that period is over. The process by which plants are brought into 
early flower is known as “forcing,” while that by which they are kept 
in check or suspended animation is-known as “retarding.” One pro- 
cess is really the antithesis of the other. Thus in the winter months 
when it is desired to have Tulips, Daffodils, Hyacinths, Crocuses, 
Gladiolus, Liliums, etc., in flower, the plants are placed in a high 
temperature and in an atmosphere more or less charged with 
moisture. Before this stage is reached, however, the bulbs have 
been placed in pots or boxes of soil with the tops just showing in 
some cases, or the bulbs are only placed on the soil side by side in 
others. Hardy kinds are then stood outside in a sheltered spot and 
covered with about 6 inches of soil, ashes, or fibre, and left for a few 
or several weeks. This protects them from frost, and root action and 
top growth soon become established beneath the surface. This work is 
generally done during October and November, so that the bulbs shall 
be in different stages of development. When required for forcing 
those first placed in pots or boxes are brought into the hothouses 
first, as they will be most advanced in growth. For a few days but 
very little light is allowed on them, but the temperature may be as 
high as 70° to 80° F., and there will be also abundant moisture in the 
atmosphere. At the end of a few days the yellowish tint of the 
leaves or shoots begins to deepen into green. Then more light may 
be given, and the flower-stems having been drawn up by the absence 
of light now begin to swell the buds rapidly. In due course (accord- 
ing to the kind of plant that is being forced) the flowers begin to 



open, and as soon as they are in fit condition they are either cut and 
stood in water to be “ bunched” for market, or taken into the house; 
or the entire plant or plants are transferred to cooler quarters 
in the conservatory or dwelling-room, or to any place they may be 

Once plants have been forced in a high temperature they are 
generally regarded as of no further use, and are thrown away. 
Certainly they will not be of much value for flowering purposes for 
at least two or three seasons. If, however, they are planted out in 
some vacant piece of ground and left undisturbed for two or three 
seasons, it is astonishing how many bulbs of such plants as Tulips and 
Daffodils will recuperate, and reach the flowering stage in that time. 
Commercially it would scarcely pay to wait for these old forced bulbs 
to flower; and a new stock is purchased each season. 

Retarding Bulbous Plants—-Many plants are now prevented 
from flowering at their natural period simply by placing them in a 
refrigerating chamber, in which the temperature is maintained a 
degree or two lower than freezing point (32° F.). In this way the 
protoplasm in the plant cells is kept in a state of suspended anima- 
tion—or almost like hounds held in leash ; they are anxious to start 
into growth but cannot do so until the temperature reaches the 
normal point. How long it would be possible to keep bulbous or. 
other plants alive or unimpaired in vitality there are no statistics 
available; but it may be stated that many Liliums (chiefly L. longi- 
florum) are kept for eighteen months and two years in a cold 
chamber, and when taken out produce an excellent crop of flowers. 
Some large growers have their own retarding or refrigerating plant, 
while others prefer to pay a reasonable rent for the cold storage of 
their bulbs to some of the refrigerating companies. 

Amongst bulbous and tuberous plants that may be readily 
“forced” or “retarded” are the following :— 

Begonia. Freesia. Ixia. Polianthes tuberosa. 
Convallaria. Gladiolus. Leucojum. Polygonatum multi- 
Crocus. Gloxinia. Lilium. florum. 

Dicentra. Hippeastrum. Montbretia. Richardia. 

Eucharis. Hyacinthus, Narcissus. Tulipa. 




A very large number of bulbous and tuberous plants are cultivated 
for their cut flowers alone, and in many cases an enormous business 
is done in this way. One need only mention the millions of Daffodil 
and Narcissus blossoms that are sent to the markets. every spring 
from the Scilly Islands, and the various market gardens around London 
and in the Provinces, to give an idea of what commerce is done. 
Of course almost any flower of a bulbous or tuberous plant may be 
used in a cut state, but there are many species the blooms of which 
are not adapted for this purpose, or else they are so fleeting in 
character that it is hardly worth while severing them from the 
plant. In this place we are only considering those kinds that are 
specially suitable for decorative purposes in the cut state, either 
privately or commercially. 

There is one feature about cutting the flowers of bulbous plants, 

and that is, the benefit accruing to the plants themselves from the 
operation. If the blossoms are allowed to remain upon the plants 
until they wither, and seeds begin to form, a good deal of reserve 
material is taken out of the bulbs, tubers, corms, or rhizomes to 
enable the plants to ripen their seeds. It is obvious, therefore, 
that by cutting off the blooms when fresh, there will be no extra 
strain upon the plants. Consequently more reserve material will be 
available for the production of fine blooms the following year. It 
may therefore be said that cutting off the flowers really strengthens 
the plant, and enables it to produce for many years a good supply 
of blossom. 
- When bulbous plants are grown for cut flowers, either in market 
gardens or under glass, they are grown in hundreds, and hundreds 
of thousands, so that a supply shall be always available during the 
season. Sometimes the prices are very low, owing to an enormous 
quantity appearing on the market at the same time; but at other 
times fairly high prices are realised. Of late years efforts have 
been made to avoid gluts by keeping back or retarding the blooms 
until they were wanted, because experience shows that a steady 
market at a reasonable figure is better than a jumpy market, in which 
very high prices rule one day and very low ones the next. 

In private gardens, of course, cut flowers are always a feature ; 
and the gardener who is nee see to keep up a good and 


constant supply of blossom for the house, is a man worthy of a 
higher wage than is usually considered sufficient. 

The following is a list of bulbous, tuberous, or rhizomatous plants 
that may be grown largely for the purposes of cut bloom:— 

Alstroemeria. Tris, Spanish. 
Arum Lily (Richardia). Iris, German. 
Amaryllis Belladonna. Iris, Florentine. 
Anemone. Ixia. 
Brodiza. Lilium. 
Brevoortia. Lily of the Valley (Convallaria). 
Convallaria majalis (Lily of the | Montbretia. 
Valley). Narcissus (Daffodils). 
Crinum Moorei. Nerine. 
Dahlia. Ornithogalum. 
Daffodils (Narcissus). Peeonia. 
Doronicum. Polianthes tuberosa. 
Eucharis. Polygonatum multiflorum (Solomon’s 
Freesia. Seal). 
Fritillaria imperialis. Ranunculus. 
Galanthus nivalis (Snowdrop). Richardia zthiopica. 
Galtonia candicans. . Richardia Elliottiana. 
Gladiolus. Snowdrops (Galanthus). 
Gypsophila paniculata. Solomon’s Seal (Polygonatum). 
Hemanthus. Star of Bethlehem (Ornithogalum). 
Hyacinthus. Tritonia. 
Hippeastrum. Tulipa. 

When cutting the flowers of bulbous or other plants, it is always 
well to cut either early in the morning, or late in the afternoon, or 
an hour or so before twilight. The cells in the blossoms will then 
be fairly well charged with moisture, and this will enable the flowers 
to last for a much longer period. If cut in the middle of the day, 
flowers do not retain their freshness nearly so long, the cells being 
‘less turgid, and therefore more flaccid, owing to evaporation. 


There are now hundreds of greenhouses or glass structures with- 
out any heating apparatus, that are left in’ a cheerless condition 
during the winter and early spring months, chiefly through lack of 
knowledge as to how they might be utilised. By means of such 
hardy bulbous plants as Bulbocodiums, Chionodoxas, Scillas, Spring 
Crocuses, Dog’s Tooth Violets ene) Dwarf Fritillarias, 


Hyacinths, Narcissi, Grape Hyacinths (Muscari), Sternbergias, 
Bulbous Irises, Winter Aconites (Eranthis) (all of which the reader 
should refer to in the body of the book), it is a comparatively simple 
matter to have a good supply of blossom at least early in the year. 
To secure this the bulbs of the various genera mentioned should be 
placed in pots or shallow pans in the autumn, say during September, 
October, and November. The pots or pans should be well drained 
and the compost should be of a light, rich, and gritty nature. 
Several bulbs according to size may be placed in each receptacle, and 
should be just covered with soil. For a month or six weeks, or even 
longer, they may be stood outside and covered with about 6 inches of 
soil, ashes, or fibre, just as if they were to be forced. When the 
roots have been well developed, and top growth is well established, 
the plants may be brought into the cold house (after washing and 
cleaning the outsides of the pots) and placed upon the stages. Here 
they will naturally be exposed to the light, and growth will then be 
slower and more sturdy than in the dark. Attention must be given 
to watering, but during the cold winter months this will be a small 
item. On all fine or genial days, the doors and ventilators of the 
greenhouse may be left open, and should only be closed on very cold 
or very windy days. Late in the afternoon the doors may be closed, 
and not opened again till after breakfast; and the ventilators may 
be shut right down on very cold nights, but left slightly open if the 
weather is at all favourable. In the event of very severe frosts 
setting in, it may be advisable to fill in the spaces on the stages 
between the pots with clean moss, dry leaves, or fine wood-wool, to 
prevent the frost getting to the roots; and a mat or two should be 
placed over the glass at night. Even with what are perfectly hardy 
plants when grown in the open air, these little precautions are 
necessary when they are grown in pots or pans in the way indicated. 

The bulbous plants mentioned may also be utilised for the 
decoration of window-boxes during the winter months. They may 
be put into small pots and then plunged or buried in fibre or soil 
in the boxes, or they may be planted in the soil itself just as they 
would be in the open air. And they can be used either by them- 
selves, or in mixtures, or in conjunction with such shrubs as 
Aucubas, Cupressus, Retinosporas, Golden Privet, Euonymus, etc. ; 
or they may be top planted with Polyanthuses, Primroses, Wallflowers, 
Double White Arabis, Yellow Alyssum, Violas, or Silenes, etc.—all of 
which, if planted in September or October, will come into blossom 

the following spring with the bulbous plants. 



Perhaps there is no better or more artistic way of improving the 
appearance of the landscape, especially during the early months of 
the year, than by the judicious planting of certain kinds of bulbs in 
the lawn or on grassland generally. Many kinds are admirably 
adapted for this purpose, inasmuch as they produce their blossoms 
from early January till the end of March, just the season when there 
is little growth of the herbage, and when it will not be necessary to 
use the lawn-mower. To secure an effect, it is necessary to plant 
hundreds and thousands according to the area of the lawn or grass- 
land, and in most cases the work of planting should be done in 
autumn. By copying nature as closely as possible, far finer and more 
picturesque effects will be secured. Anything in the way of planting 
in straight lines or rows, or keeping one kind of bulbs away from 
another, should be avoided. 

Perhaps one of the best methods of securing a natural appear- 
ance would be to mix the bulbs that are to be planted and then strew 
them over the ground. Some will be naturally closer together than 
others, but it is this very irregularity of distance that will produce 
the ultimate charm when the bulbs are in blossom. There will be 
masses of flowers in certain spots, while here and there between them 
will be stray blooms or smaller clusters. The bulbs having been 
strewn over the ground in the way indicated, they may be planted in 
holes made with a dibber. This will take some little time according 
to the number of bulbs used, but once the work is finished it will not 
require doing again perhaps for many a year. The holes made by 
the dibber can be filled in by brushing some fine soil over the grassy 
surface or by dropping a handful in where necessary. 

Where new lawns are being made in the autumn, or when it is 
advisable to lift the turf to drain the soil beneath by deep digging or 
trenching, advantage may be taken of such operations to spread the 
bulbs over the ground before replacing the turf on top of it. In this 
way time and labour will be saved, and the soil beneath the turf will 
be all the better for the turning over it has received. 

When it is intended to plant bulbous plants amongst trees in 
shrubberies, it will be well to remember that some trees and shrubs 
are evergreen whilst others are deciduous. Amongst such evergreen 

plants as Rhododendrons, Kalmias, Ericas, Pernettyas, Cherry 


and Portugal Laurels, the bulbous plants most suitable would be 
the taller-growing Liliums like Awratum, Candidum, Eaxcelsum, Par- 
dalinum, Giganteum, Hansoni, Humboldti, Monadelphum, Spectosum, . 
Superbum, etc., together with Fritidlaria imperialis, Camassia 
esculenta, Galtonia candicans, Solomon’s Seal, etc. In this way the 
bulbous plants will find a foil in the evergreen foliage of the shrubs, 
and the latter when not in blossom will be made to look more cheer- 
ful by the flowers from the bulbs. 

The following bulbous and tuberous plants may be regarded as 
specially suitable for naturalising in grasslands and shrubberies, those 
marked with an asterisk being better in woodlands, shrubberies, and 
banks than on the formal lawn :— 

Autumn Crocus (Colchicum). Milla. 
Bulbocodium. Muscari. 
Chionodoxa. *Narcissus. 
Colchicum. Puschkinia. 
Crocus (Spring and Autumn). Scilla sibirica. 
Eranthis hyemalis (Winter Aconite). Scilla festalis (Bluebell). 
Erythronium (Dog’s Tooth Violet). Snowdrop (Galanthus). 
Fritillaria. Sternbergia. 
Galanthus (Snowdrop). *Tulipa. 
*Leucojum. Winter Aconite (Eranthis). 

With deciduous trees and shrubs, it is generally best to utilise the 
dwarf early-flowering kinds of bulbous plants such as Scillas, Chiono- 
doxas, Snowdrops, Crocuses, Winter Aconite (Hranthis hyemalis), to 
form a carpet of colour beneath them in the spring. They are 
particularly effective in beds or shrubberies beneath such trees and 
shrubs as Forsythias, Almonds and Peaches, Thorns, Azaleas, Witch 
Hazels (Hamamelis), Hazels, Laburnums, Magnolias, Mock Orange 
(Philadelphus), Plums, Cherries, Lilacs, Pyrus, Flowering Currant 
(Ribes), Spireas, Viburnums, Dogwoods (Cornus), and Weigelas (or 
Diervillas). These plants having bare and leafless stems early in 
the year do not interfere to any extent with the light that is 
necessary for the bulbous plants beneath them; and by the time 
many of them are in full leaf and blossom, the bulbous plants will 
have gone to rest till the following season. It is thus seen how 
easy it is to convert a dreary shrubbery into a place of beauty, with 
the aid of bulbous plants that may be in flower almost throughout 

the year if a proper selection is made, 



Under this heading may be grouped all those plants having 
bulbs, corms, tubers, or rhizomes that may be grown in the open air 
in almost any part of the British Islands, that is between the 50th 
and 61st northern parallels of latitude, and from the 2nd degree 
of longitude east of Greenwich to the 11th west of Greenwich. Even 
within this area there will be a good deal of difference in the climate, 
due not only as to whether a place is north or south, but also to 
altitude and other causes, such as that of the Gulf Stream on the 
coast of Ireland and the west of Scotland. The mean annual 
temperature of England is 49°-5 F., that of Scotland 47°-5, and of 
Ireland 50°-0, so that the Emerald Isle is on the whole warmer and 
more equable than either England or Scotland. In Great Britain 
there is a difference of fully 6° between Falmouth in Cornwall and 
the Shetland Islands—chiefly owing to the difference in latitude. 
But in Ireland there is a difference of only 3° between the extreme 
north and south. 

As to the annual rainfall, there is of course also great variation 
in different parts of the Kingdom. Where the country is flattish 
and free from hills the average annual rainfall in England is about 
25 inches, and in similar parts of Scotland about 28 inches. In 
south-western districts, however, as much as 40 inches of rain fall 
annually ; and in certain parts like the Western Highlands, the Isle of 
Skye, the Lake District, and in Wales, there is a rainfall of 80 
inches and more in the course of the year—each inch of rain 
representing rather more than 100 tons of water to the acre. 

In Ireland, as in Great Britain, there is also much variation in the 
annual rainfall. About one-half of the country—the eastern portion 
—has from 30 to 40 inches of rain yearly, the other or western half 
having from 40 to 50 inches. Dublin in the east has an average of 28 
to 48 inches, while Kylemore in Galway has as much as 89-40 

These geographical and meteorological facts are given, so that the 
reader may realise the varying conditions under which plants exist 
in the open air. In one part of the Kingdom plants will flourish, 
while in other parts the same species will be so tender or half-hardy 
that protection may be needed ie the winter season. In the 


following pages it is stated whether plants are hardy, half-hardy, 
tender, or otherwise, so that the cultivator may have something to 
guide him in his operations. 

The following genera are amongst those containing the most 
hardy bulbous and tuberous plants for open-air cultivation. The 
genera marked with an asterisk (*) have species with true bulbs or 
corms, and are all Monocotyledons. The other genera have tubers 
or rhizomes, and are either Monocotyledons or Diocotyledons :— 

Abobra. Caulophyllum. Helianthus. 
*Acis, *Chionodoxa. Helonias. 
Acorus, Chionographis. Heloniopsis. 
Aconitum. *Chiono-Scilla. Hemerocallis. 
Agapanthus. *Chlorogalum. Hesperocallis. 
*Allium. Codonopsis. *Hyacinthus. 
Alstroemeria, *Colchicum. Tncarvillea. 
*Amaryllis. Commelina. *Tris. 
Ampelopsis. Conanthera, *Txia. 
Anemone. Convallaria. *Txiolirion. 
*Anomatheca, *Cooperia. *Lapeyrousia. 
Anthericum. Corydalis. Lathyrus. 
*Antholyza, *Crocosma. Leontice. 
Aphyllanthes. *Crocus. *Leucojum. 
Apios, Cyclamen. Lewisia. 
Arisarum. Dahlia. Liatris. 
Arum. Dicentra. Libertia. 
Asclepias. *Dierama. *Lilium. 
Asphodeline. Disporum. *Lycoris. 
Asphodelus, Doronicum. Lysichitum. 
*Babiana. Dracunculus. Maianthemum. 
Begonia. Eranthis. Medeola. 
*Bessera, Eremostachys. Megarhiza. 
Biarum. Eremurus. Melanthium. 
*Bloomeria. *Erythronium. *Merendera, 
*Bobartia. *Eucomis. *Milla. 
Bocconia. *Ferraria. Mirabilis. 
Bongardia. *Fritillaria. *Montbretia. 
*Brodiza. Funkia. *Moreea, 
*Bravoa. *Gagea. *Muscari. 
*Brevoortia. . *Galanthus. *Narcisgus. 
Bryonia. *Galtonia. ' *Nemastylis. 
*Bulbine. Gentiana. Nothoscordum. 
*Bulbocodium. Geranium. Nuphar. 
Calla. *Gladiolus. Nympheea. 
*Calochortus. Glyphosperma. *Ornithogalum. 
*Camassia. Gypsophila. Ostrowskia. 
Canarina, Hablitzia. Othonna. 
Canna. Oxalis, 



Pachyrhizus. Sanguinaria, Tricyrtis. 
Peeonia. Saxifraga. Trillium. 
Phlomis. Schizostylis. *Tritonia. 
Phytolacea. *Scilla. Tropzolum. 
Podophyllum. Sisyrinchium. *Tulbaghia. 
Polygonatum. *Sparaxis. *Tulipa. 
Polygonum. *Sprekelia. *Urginea. 
Polymnia. *Sternbergia. Uvularia. 

*Puschkinia. Symphytum. *Veltheimia. 
Ranunculus. Tamus. Veratrum. 
Reineckia. *Tecophilea. Wachendorfia. 

*Rigidella. Thalictrum. *Watsonia. 
Roscoéa, Thladiantha. *Zephyranthes. 
Sagittaria. *Tigridia. Zygadenus. 


The plants in this group are such that they cannot be grown in 

the open air, even during the summer months, with any degree of 
“success. They are natives of the tropical and subtropical parts of 
the globe, and are mostly found at low elevations where the heat 
and moisture are often great. It must be borne in mind that plants 
from the same geographical region may be quite different in their 
natures, and would consequently require different cultural treatment. 
Thus, a species from the high mountain tops at altitudes of 10,000 
or 12,000 feet, would be quite hardy in our climate, in comparison 
with other species from the same latitude, but found at the base of 
the mountains or on the plains. This accounts for many plants from 
the mountain ranges of Central America being hardy or almost 
hardy in the British Isles, while others at a lower elevation sega 
to be grown in a stove or greenhouse. 

As the terms “stove” and “greenhouse” are frequently used in 
this work, it may be as well to explain to the amateur what is meant 
by them. <A “stove” house is a very warm greenhouse—one with 
a good supply of hot-water pipes, so that even in severe winters it may 
be possible to maintain a night or minimum temperature of at least 
60°-65°F. This can only be done by proper attention to stoking 
the furnaces. Asa rule a “stove” house is also a moist one, that is, 
the atmosphere is constantly kept in a state of humidity either by 
throwing water on the floors (“damping down” as gardeners call it) 
or by the frequent use of the syringe or hose-pipe. Water-tanks 

are built in the houses, so that a liberal supply of water is always 
33 c 


available. Of course, the amount of moisture in the atmosphere will 
be regulated largely according to the season, and the plants that are 
grown. During the spring and summer months, for example, the 
thermometer will often register over 90° and 100° F. in a stove 
during the daytime, and the humidity of the atmosphere will be 
palpable to anyone entering, especially when spectacles are worn, as 
the vapour immediately condenses on the cooler glasses. 

Notwithstanding the heat and moisture, it is essential to have 
such hothouses properly ventilated, otherwise the air would become 
so foul and stagnant that neither plants nor gardeners would be able 
to live in it. The modern horticultural builder, in conjunction with 
the gardener, knows exactly how to arrange the boilers, pipes, and 
ventilators, so that a maximum amount of heat may be secured at 
the least cost. At the same time, by proper ventilation, the air will 
be purified, and but little heat will be allowed to escape. 

The “greenhouse” is a glass-house also supplied with hot-water 
pipes and boilers; but as plants requiring less heat and moisture are 
grown in it, there is no necessity to maintain such high temperatures. 
During the summer months, say from April till October, no fire-heat 
whatever need be used, as the glass will retain during the night-time 
much of the heat acquired during the day. During the winter montha, 
from October till the end of March, a certain amount of artificial heat 
must be infused so as to maintain a night temperature of 45°-55° F. 
When some plants that are on the border line between hardy and half- 
hardy, or somewhat tender, are grown, very little artificial heat is 
required during the winter season, just sufficient to keep the frost out. 
Plants of this character are often wintered in cold frames and given 
plenty of air and light onall favourable occasions, the only protection 
they require being a mat or two thrown over the glass at night when 
the frost is likely to be severe. 

The following genera embrace bulbous, tuberous, or rhizomatous 
plants that are usually grown under glass either in a “stove” or 
“greenhouse.” The genera marked with an asterisk (*) are all 
monocotyledons, and have true bulbs or corms. The cultural details 
are given under each genus in the body of the work :— 

Achimenes. Androcymbium. *Blandfordia. 
*Albuca. Anigozanthos, Boussingaultia. 
Alocasia. *Anoiganthus. *Bowiea. 
Alpinia. Ariseema. *Brunsvigia. 
*Ammocharis. Aspidistra. *Buphane. 
Amomum. Begonia. Burbidgea. 

Amorphophallus. Beschorneria. Caladium. 


*Calliphruria. *Eurycles. *Melaspherula. 
*Callipsyche. Eustephia. Monochilus. 
*Calostemma. *Freesia. Nelumbium. 
Canna. *Geissorhiza. *Nerine. 
*Chlidanthus. Gesnera. Niphea. 
Clivia. *Gethyllis. Nymphea. 
Colocasia. Globba. Oxalis. 
*Cooperia. Gloriosa. *Pancratium. 
*Crinum. Gloxinera. *Pheedranassa. 
Curculigo. Gloxinia. *Placea, 
Curcuma. Gonioscypha. *Plagiolirion. 
*Cyanella. *Griffinia. *Polianthes. 
Cyclamen. *Hemanthus. Richardia. 
Cypella. Hemodorum. *Rigidella. 
Cyphia. Hedychium Sagittaria. 
*Cyrtanthus. *Herbertia. Sandersonia. 
Datura. *Herreria. Sauromatum. 
Daubenya. Hesperantha. Sinningia. 
Dichopogon. *Hessea. *Sprekelia, 
Dioscorea. *Hippeastrum. *Stenomesson. 
*Dipcadi. *Homeria. *Strumaria. 
Dipladenia. *Hymenocallis, *Syringodea. 
Dracontium. *Hypoxis. Testudinaria. 
*Drimia. Icacina. *Tulbaghia. 
*Drimiopsis. Ipomea. *Urceocharis. 
Eichhornia. *Txiolirion. *Urceolina. 
*Elisena. *Lachenalia. *Urginea. 
Eranthemum. *Littonia. *Vallota. 
Eriospermum. Maranta. Wurmbea. 
*Eucharis. *Marica. Xanthosoma. 
*Eucrosia. *Massonia. Zingiber. 


From time to time growers of bulbous and tuberous plants meet 
with specimens in their collections that exhibit some abnormal 
feature. The science of these departures from the normal has been 
called “teratology,” and scientific men have been frequently puzzled 
as to the causes that give rise to these peculiarities or monstrosities. 
They are much more frequent probably than botanists are aware, 
and there is scarcely a season passes that one may not see some 
unusual development in nurseries and large establishments where 
hundreds and thousands of a particular kind of plant are grown. 
Of course, bulbous and tuberous oe are not the only ones that 


produce freaks. All classes of plants vary in the same way at some 
time or another, and are regarded as commonplace, though curious, 
by those who grow them. Many instances of roots, stems, leaves, 
sepals, petals, stamens, pistils, and ovaries having been distorted in 
some way have been recorded, not only in the late Dr Masters’ work 
on Vegetable Teratology, but also in the pages of the horticultural and 
botanical press and journals. As might be expected, the flowers, 
being usually the most conspicuous and ornamental parts of a plant, 
have been noticed most frequently, but other parts, especially the 
flower-stems, have also been noted from time to time. To give a 
few instances :— 

Flower-Stems.—In some instances, notably in Liliums especially 
L. auratum), the ordinary roundish stem is frequently broadened out 
into a thin, flattish body, an examination of which shows at once that 
several stems have fused or united together, and as each one produces 
its own blossoms, the result is 
an enormous mass of bloom. 
This fusion or union of several 
stems into one is called fasci- 
ation, and is quite a common 
feature in the ordinary garden 

Instances of fasciation have 
also been noted in the flower- 
stems of Agapanthus wmbel- 
latus,Oxalis crenata,and several 
florists’ Tulips. In the case of 
the Tulip, there is usually only 
one flower on one stalk, but by 
fusion or fasciation, examples 
bearing as many as seven 
flowers have been met with— 
the stems being united part of 
the way, and then branching 
towards the top. Fig. 23 
shows a Tulip having three 

Fic. 28.—Tulip with three flowers on one stem. flower - stems, more or less 

fused together. 
In some Liliaceous and Iridaceous plants bulbils (see p. 21) 
form naturally in the axils of the stem leaves. In many, however, 
this character is undeveloped, ou probably only dormant, owing. 


to the necessary conditions or surroundings being absent. Occasion- 
ally, however, we get underground growths like corms being 
reproduced on the aérial stems. Examples of this have been met 
with in some Watsonias, where it has been reported that “corms” 
have been borne in the axils: of the leaves. ' : 

In some orchids (e.g. Phalwnopsis Schilleriana and others), young 
plants develop for some reason on the flower-stems after the blooms 
have withered. Something similar has been recorded in the case of 
the genus Marica, in which numerous small plants had developed on 
the scapes. These plants when detached grew freely, but did not 
come into blossom so quickly as those raised in the ordinary way. 

It has been recorded by Mr. W. Hales, of Chelsea Physic Garden, 
that in the case of Achimenes grandiflora numbers of greenish catkin- 
like tubers were produced in the axils of the leaves. This case is 
probably on all fours with what happens when these plants are 
raised from leaf-cuttings. A reference to the drawing at p. 56 will 
show that these catkin-like tubers develop as a matter of course 
from the base of the leaves of Achimenes, when they are inserted as 
cuttings in a suitable compost and temperature. 

The “doubling” of flowers, it is now well known, is due to the 
suppression or rather modification of the stamens and pistils. These 
are morphologically only modified leaves, and it is therefore not 
unnatural that under certain conditions, chiefly when there is no 
great necessity to develop ripened seeds, some bulbous plants have 
these organs broadened out into coloured petals. The double 
Daffodils and Narcissi, double Tulips, double Liliums, double Snow- 
drops, etc., are well-known examples. Fig. 24 shows a curious 
development in the flower of Narcissus bicolor Horsfieldi, which 
appeared a year or two ago in a market nursery at Isleworth. Not 
only are the usual six segments of the perianth multiplied into 
several narrow segments, but the number of stamens was also 
increased. Another plant of N. Horsfieldi bore two almost perfect 
flowers on one scape, as shown in Fig. 25. 

In the case of the White Arum Lily (Richardia ethiopica) the 
spathes or floral envelopes, which are usually single, become double, 
as shown in the accompanying sketch (Fig. 26). The spathe is only a 
leaf modified for the purpose of protecting the columnar spathe on 
--which the true flowers are seated; and the gradual change from 
green to white, or yellow, or other colour is easily seen during the 
period of growth. Fig. 27 shows how even a green leaf is sometimes 

modified into a pure white spathe. 


Fia. 24.—Nareissus Horsfeldi, with numerous - Fia. 25.—Narctssus Horsfieldi, twin-flowered. 
perianth segments. 

Fic. 26.—Arum Lily (Richardta), with 
double spathe. (4.) Fia. 27.—Arum Lily, with leaf-like spathe. 


Analogous to this case of the Arum Lily is that of a Tulip, shown 
on Fig. 28, in which the leaf, instead of being a flat expansion 
remained tubular, and formed a kind of extinguisher over the flower. 
This case rather looks as if the flower was intended to be self- 
fertilised by being imprisoned in the tubular leaf. 

Fia. 28.—Tulip, showing flower encased in Fig. 29.—Gloxinia, with secondary corolla 
green tubular extinguisher-like leaf. lobes. 

Sometimes, as shown in the sketch of Gloxinia (Fig. 29), besides 
the sepals and petals proper, an extra whorl of organs appear. This 
is a case of proliferation somewhat resembling the duplication of 
corollas seen in the well-known biennial Canterbury Bell (Campanula 
Medium Calycanthema), and the perennial C. persicifolia, forms of the 
Columbine (Aquileyia vulgaris), ete. 

In this connection mention might also be made of the Persian 
Cyclamen (C. latifoliwm), in the flowers of which “doubling” has 
taken place, and also in some forms of which peculiar outgrowths 
or crests have been developed on the surface of the petals. These 
are ornamental in many cases, and the characters have become 

The tuberous Begonias have also exhibited this character during 

recent years. Not only have the flowers become very “double” 


by cultivation and selection, but in many instances “ cresting” has 
become a fixed character, as in the Persian Cyclamen. 

There is one unusual peculiarity about the tuberous Begonias 
worth recording. The. flowers, as is well known, are monccious, 
that is, the male (or staminate) and the female (or pistillate) 
flowers are quite distinct from each other although borne on the 
same plant. The stamens are borne in one flower; the pistils in 
the other. It sometimes happens, 
however, that both organs (sta- 
mens and pistils) appear in the 
same blossom, a8 shown in the 
drawing (Fig. 30). It has also 
been recorded that a staminate 
or male flower has been observed 
to possess an ovary. In the 

Fia. 80.—Begonia flower with stamens and 
pistils (hermaphrodite). 

.-... plank Not. 

Fic. 31.—Lilium, showing two divided and Fic. 32.—Funkia, showing three plants 
one normal style. (3.) germinating from one seed. 

species known as B. umbraculifera (see Bot. Mag. t. 7457), bisexua 
flowers are recorded. 
Coming to the gynecewm or female portion of the flower, aberra: 

tions from the normal also occur. Fig. 31 shows the style anc 


stigma of a Lilium. The left-hand sketch shows the style divided 
into three portions to the base, clearly indicating the usual trimerous 
character of the flowers. The central sketch shows the style 
divided only about half-way down, each branch having a stigma 
at the apex. The drawing to the right shows a normal, undivided 
style and stigma of the same Lilium. 

Still more curious is the state of affairs represented by Fig. 32. 
This represents a Plantain Lily (Funkia) giving birth to three 
young plants from one seed. As a rule, each seed contains but one 
embryo, frorn which one plant only arises on germination. Some 
plants, however, appear to develop seeds in which more than one 
embryo is developed. I have been told that Mangolds are examples 
of this. The sketch clearly shows how three different plants began 
to grow, one after the other, each one springing from the same seed. 




Scientists have divided the Vegetable Kingdom into five main 
groups, viz. :— 

1. The Myxothallophytes.—These are organisms without green 
colouring matter, consisting of naked masses of protoplasm or 
plasmodia. They are reproduced by spores from which arise swarm- 
spores or myxamebe. These again unite into plasmodia. The 
best-known representative of this group is the Slime Fungus 
(Plasmodiophora brassice), which causes so much damage to the 
roots of the Cabbage, Wallflower, and Stock tribes, and other 
members of the natural order Cruciferee, by giving rise to the 
disease known as “Club Root” and “ Fingers and Toes.” 

2. The Thallophytes.—These are plants which show no distinct 
differentiation in tissue between roots, stems, shoots, and leaves. 
They include the Blue-green Algae (Cyanophycee); the Bacteria 
of various kinds; the Diatoms; the Green Alge (Chlorophycee) ; 
the Conferve; the Seaweeds; and the Fungi. The last are im- 
portant because of the numerous diseases which afflict the higher 
plants; amongst them being the Potato disease, the mildew 
of the Vine and Rose, the smut of Wheat, Oats, Barley, Rye, etc. 

The Fungi also include the cultivated Mushroom (Agaricus 
campestris), the various ‘“Toadstools” so-called, the Puff 
Balls, etc., etc. 

A kind of intermediate or hybrid group between the Alge and 
the Fungi is known as “Lichens.” The Alge and Fungi live 
together—the Fungus living upon the organic food which the 
Alga obtains by means of its green colouring matter (chlorophyll); 
and the Fungus in return secures moisture and the food dissolved 
in it for its partner. This state of affairs is called “symbiosis,” 
and it appears that in Lichens the Fungus and the Alga could not 
live without one another. 

3. The Bryophytes.—Here we have a distinct differentiation 
into elementary stems and leaves. The best-known plants in this 
group are the Mosses and Liverworts. 

4, The Pteridophytes.—These show a greater advance in 

development, and roots, stems, leaves, and fructification are clearly 


marked off from each other. In this group are the Ferns, Club 
Mosses, Horsetails. 

5. The Phanerogams.—This group includes all the plants which 
flower and produce seeds, and have also well-defined roots, stems, 
and leaves. This group is divided into two distinct sections, viz. :— 
(a) The Gymnosperms, or naked-seeded plants, in which the ovules 
receive the pollen direct and are not enclosed in an ovary, as in 
the Cycads and Conifers; and (6) The <Angiosperms, or hidden- 
seeded plants, in which the ovules are enclosed in ovaries, and the 
pollen can only reach them by means of a tube growing from 
the pollen-grain through the tissues of the carpel or pistil in 
the flower. 

All the plants described in this work are “ Angiosperms.” They 
fall naturally into two distinct and easily recognised groups :— 

I. Monocotyledons.—These are plants in which the flowers 
have their parts arranged in whorls or circles of three; in which 
the embryo or baby plant in the seed has only one seed-leaf 
or “cotyledon,” and in which the main veins in the leaves are 
usually parallel with each other or curvilinear. There are a few 
exceptions, such as the Aroids and Yams (Dioscorea), which have 
net-veined leaves. 

II. Dicotyledons.—These differ from the Monocotyledons in 
having the parts of the flower arranged in whorls or circles of 
four’s or five’s, the embryos have ¢wo seed-leaves or cotyledons, and 
the leaves are net-veined. 

Another great distinction between Monocotyledons and Dicoty- 
ledons: in the former the perennial woody stems do not increase 
in diameter, owing to what are called the vascular bundles being 
scattered and not being thickened by the growth of a “cambium.” 
In Dicotyledons the perennial woody stems have the vascular bundles 
arranged in a ring, and by means of the circle of cambium layers 
are enabled to increase in thickness year after year. 

It should be pointed out that in this volume no plants with 
woody perennial stems are dealt with. All the bulbous, tuberous 
and rhizomatous plants described are “herbaceous” (7c. non-woody) 
in character, and the aérial stems of a vast number, last only for 
one season of growth—long enough to develop leaves, flowers, 
and seeds—and then they die down naturally, leaving the basal 
portion in a resting condition until the next season of growth. 

The following synopsis of the natural orders will enable the reader 
interested in classification of ore to determine into which group 


any particular plant should be placed. This is the only convenient 
method in cases where the name of a plant is unknown, or in cases 
where a wrong name has been given. When the name of a plant 
is already known, all that is necessary is to turn to the pages 
where each genus is described in alphabetical order. 


Division 1. PETALOIDEZ.—Flowers quite regular (actinomor- 
phic), parts arranged in whorls of 3—i.., 2 whorls making 
the perianth of 6 segments; 2 (or 1) whorls of stamens; and a 
whorl of 3 carpels united together. Ovary 3-celled, superior or 
inferior ; seeds contain endosperm. Diagrammatically this may 
be represented as follows :—Perianth (petals) 3+3; Andreecium 
(stamens) 3+3; Gynecium (pistils or carpels) (3)—the latter 
figure being enclosed in brackets indicating that the carpels are 
united or “syncarpous.” 

Nat. Ord. COMMELINACEAS. Characters.—Leaves linear or 
lance-shaped, usually sheathing at the base. Flowers usually regular, 
hermaphrodite, in spikes or umbels. -Perianth inferior. Stamens 
usually 6, hypogynous, sometimes only 3 perfect. Ovary superior. 

Genera described.—COMMELINA, WELDENIA. 

Nat. Ord. NAIADACEAS. Characters.—Marsh or water plants 
with floating or submerged leaves. Flowers hermaphrodite, dicecious, 
or monecious. Perianth segments 0, or 2-4. Stamens usually 1-4. 

Genus described.—APONOGETON. 

Nat. Ord, ALISMACEA8, Characters.—Marsh or water’ plants 
with simple radical leaves and leafless flower-stems. Flowers 
hermaphrodite or unisexual, with an inferior perianth. Stamens 6, 
or 9, or more. 

Genera described.— ALISMA, ButTomus, LIMNOCHARIS, SAGITTARIA. 

Nat. Ord. LILIACEAR. Characters.—Leaves cauline or radical. 
Inflorescence mostly terminal, solitary, racemose, spiked, umbellate 
or capitate. Flowers usually hermaphrodite and regular. Perianth 
inferior. Segments equal, free, or very rarely united at the very 
base. Stamens usually 6, hypogynous or attached to the perianth 
lobes. Styles usually united at the top. Ovary superior, many- 
seeded. Fruit berry-like. 

1 The meanings of the technical terms used will be found in the Glossary 

at the end of the work. 


Massonia, GALTONIA, LacHENALIA, Drimia, DipcaDI, ALBUCA 
CuHIoNopoxa, Drimiopsis, Eucomis, SCILLA, CAMASSIA, ORNITHO- 

Nat. Ord. PONTEDERIACEAS. Characters—Aquatic herbs. 
Flowers hermaphrodite, regular or irregular. Perianth inferior, 
6-lobed. Stamens 6 or 3. Ovary superior. 

Genus deseribed.—EICHHORNEA. 

Nat. Ord. AMARYLLIDEZ. Characters.—Leaves linear or 
strap-shaped. Flowers hermaphrodite, usually regular. Perianth 
superior. Stamens usually 6, the filaments being sometimes united 
to form acup. Ovary inferior. 

Cuivia, HamantHus, BuPHANE, Evcrosié, CALLipsycHE, KucHARIs, 

Nat. Ord. HA3MODORACEZs. Characters. — Leaves tufted, 
narrow, linear. Flowers hermaphrodite, usually regular in dense 
panicles, clusters, spikes or racemes. Perianth downy, 6-lobed. 
Stamens 6, usually all perfect. pea 3-celled. 



Nat. Ord. IRIDEA. Characters——-Perennial herbs with usually 
smooth, radical, equitant, flat, linear or sword-like leaves in 2 rows, 
those of the stem alternate and sheathing. Flowers hermaphrodite, 
usually regular, borne on terminal bracteate spikes, umbels, corymbs, 
or panicles. Perianth superior; segments sometimes all nearly equal 
and alike, sometimes the 3 inner ones larger or smaller and unlike the 
3 outer ones. Stamens 3, opposite the outer lobes or segments of the 
perianth. Ovary inferior. Stigmas often petal-like. Fruit a 3-lobed 
capsule with few or many seeds. 

Genera described.—IRI8, TIGRIDIA, FERRARIA, Crocus, LIBERTIA, 

Nat. Ord. TACCACEAS. Characters.— Leaves large, radical, 
stalked entire or divided. Flowers regular, 2-sexed, borne in umbels, 
with large, leafy bracts. Perianth 6-lobed. Stamens 6, with very 
short filaments. Ovary inferior. 

Genus described.—T Acca. 

Nat. Ord. DIOSCORHACEAS. Characters.—Stems climbing. 
Leaves alternate, net-veined. Flowers usually 1-sexed in axillary 
panicles or racemes. Perianth often bell-shaped. Stamens 6, free. 

Genera described.—DioscorEA, TAMUS, TESTUDINARIA, TRICHOPUS. 

Nat. Ord. SCITAMINEAl. Characters.— Leaves parallel or 
curvilinear-veined, usually sheathing at the base. Flower usually 
hermaphrodite, irregular, in spikes, racemes, or panicles. Perianth 
superior, the outer portion calyx-like, the inner corolla-like. 
Stamens 6, often only 1 perfect, the others being changed into 
brightly-coloured staminodes. Ovary inferior, 3-celled. 

Genera described.cCostus, AMomMuUM, BuRBIDGEA, CURCUMA, 
GASTROCHILUS, GLOBBA, Kampreria, Lowia, Maranta, Myrosma, 

Division II. SPADICIFLORA.—Flowers small, 1-sexed, crowded 
on spikes or “spadices,” enclosed in one or more conspicuous 

sheaths or “spathes.” Ovaries superior. 


Nat. Ord. AROIDEA. Characters.—Leaves large, radical, 
usually net-veined. Flowers unisexual, borne on a spadix, enclosed 
or protected by a spathe, and often very fetid smelling. Perianth 
none, or composed of 4-8 hypogynous segments. Stamens few or 
many. Fruit a 1- or more celled, and 1- or more seeded berry. 

CaLabium, RicuaRpia, CALLA, DRAcontiumM, Acorus, CYRTOSPERMA, 


Division I. POLYPETALA!.—Flowers with both calyx (sepals) 
and corolla (petals). Petals free or distinct from each other. 

Series 1. THALAMIFLORZ.—Sepals usually free. Petals often 
numerous. Stamens inserted on a. torus or receptacle, hypo- 
gynous, numerous. Carpels free or united. 

Nat. Ord. RANUNCULACEAS, Characters—Flowers regular 
or irregular, with 3-6 hypogynous deciduous sepals, usually imbricate 
in bud. Petals 3-15, hypogynous, in one or more rows, sometimes 
assuming very remarkable forms in Monkshood (Aconitum). Stamens 
usually numerous, hypogynous. Carpels numerous, 1-celled, free, 
or occasionally united into a many-celled pistil. Fruit consists of - 
either dry, indehiscent achenes or follicles. 


Nat. Ord. BERBERIDEZ. Characters.—F lowers solitary, or in 
racemes or panicles. Sepals 2-6, deciduous, in a double row, 
surrounded with petal-like scales. Petals free, hypogynous, either 
equal in number to the sepals and opposite to them, or twice as 
many. Stamens 4-6 (rarely 8), in two whorls opposite the petals, 
hypogynous, free or sometimes monadelphous. Carpel solitary, 
free, 1-celled. Fruit a capsule or berry. 



Nat. Ord. NYMPHASACE4S. Characters——Water plants with 
large, long-stalked, heart-shaped or peltate leaves; and large, 

beautiful, and often sweet-scented flowers. Sepals, usually 4, free, 


or rarely adherent. Petals and stamens numerous, sometimes all 
free and hypogynous, often passing gradually one into another. The 
ovary is many-celled, with radiating stigmas, and numerous ovules, 
and is more or less surrounded by a large fleshy disc. 

Genera described.—NuPHAR, NYMPH2&A, NELUMBIUM. 

Nat. Ord. PAPAVERACEZ. Characters—Leaves alternate, 
entire, or lobed and cut without stipules. Flowers regular, usually 
nodding in bud, and borne singly on long stalks. Sepals 2 or 3, 
rarely 4, free, imbricate, caducous. Petals 4-6, rarely 8-12, hypo- 
gynous, free, in 2 or 3 series, imbricated and often crumpled, 
deciduous. Stamens numerous, hypogynous, with slender filaments 
and erect anthers. Ovary 1-celled, or 2-4-celled by prolonged 
placentas. Stigmas as many as placentas, radiating and sessile. 
Fruit a pod, dehiscing by pores or valves. 

Genera described. BOcconia, SANGUINARIA. 

Nat. Ord. FUMARIACEAS. Characters.—Leaves usually alter- 
nate, much divided, often with tendrils. Flowers irregular, purple, 
white, or yellow. Sepals 2, small, scale-like, deciduous. Petals 4, 
in two usually dissimilar pairs. Stamens 4, distinct, hypogynous, 
in 2 bundles (diadelphous) opposite the 2 outer petals, one of which 
is usually furnished with a spur; rarely all separate. Fruit either 
an indehiscent 1- or 2-seeded nut, or a 2-valved or succulent 
indehiscent many-seeded capsule. 

The irregular flowers chiefly distinguish the Fumitory Order 
from the Poppy Order. 

Genera described.—DICENTRA, CORYDALIS. 

Nat. Ord. CARYOPHYLLEAS. Characters.—Leaves always 
opposite and entire, stipules usually none. Sepals 4-5, persistent,. 
distinct or cohering in a tube. Petals 4-5, hypogynous or slightly 
perigynous, entire, or frequently split into 2 parts. Stamens (8-10) 
usually twice as many as the petals, in two circles, of which the 
inner is often wanting. Fruit a 2-5-valved capsule with numerous 

Genus described.—GYPSOPHILA. 

Nat. Ord. PORTULACEZ. Characters. — Succulent herbs. 
Leaves usually alternate, entire, often fleshy. Stipules scarious, 
sometimes changed into hairs, or absent. Flowers solitary, at the 
ends of the branches, in racemes, cymes, or panicles. Sepals usually 

2, rarely 5, free, or adnate to the base of the ovary. Petals usually 


4-5, hypogynous, free, or united at the very base, imbricate, entire, 
often fleeting. Stamensinserted with the petals, varying in numbers. 
Carpels 3 or more; stigmas several, much divided. 

Genera described.—LEWISIA, CLAYTONIA. 

Nat. Ord. MALVACEAl. Characters.—Leaves alternate, usually 
more or less palmately lobed or divided. Flowers regular, herma- 
phrodite. Sepals usually 5, more or less united at base. Petals 5, 
hypogynous, twisted in bud, free. Stamens numerous, usually with 
filaments more or less united, hypogynous. 

Genus described.—CALLIRHOK. 

Nat. Ord. STHERCULIACEAS. Characters. — Leaves usually 
alternate, often lobed. Flowers regular, 1- or 2-sexed. Calyx 
gamosepalous, 5-lobed. Petals 5. Stamens with filaments often 
united at the base into a cylindrical or urn-shaped tube. 

Genus described.—HERMANNIA. 

Series 2. DIScIFLOREZ.—Flowers regular, with parts, usually 
in 5’s. Calyx usually free from the ovary. Stamens inserted below 
or above or around a disc. Ovary usually superior. Carpels usually 
united (syncarpous). 

Nat. Ord. GERANIACEAS. Characters—Leaves opposite or 
alternate, often 2-stipuled, toothed, lobed, dissected, very rarely 
entire. Peduncles often axillary, 1-flowered or with many- 
flowered umbels, rarely cymose or racemose. Flowers hermaphrodite, 
regular or irregular. Sepals 5, rarely fewer, free or sometimes 
united to the middle, imbricate, rarely valvate, the upper one spurred 
in some genera; persistent or rarely deciduous. Petals 5, or fewer 
by abortion, or absent; hypogynous or somewhat perigynous, vari- 
ously imbricated, rarely twisted. Torus with 5 glands alternate 
with the petals, or glandless. Stamens usually 10, rarely more 
or less. Fruit either a 3-5-lobed capsule, or separating into cocci, 
rarely a berry. 


Nat. Ord. AMPELIDEAs. Characters——Climbing plants with 
alternate, stalked, digitately-lobed leaves. Flowers regular, small, 
in cymes or panicles, usually opposite the leaves. Calyx 4-5-lobed 
or toothed. Petals 4-5, free or united. Stamens +-5, opposite 
the petals. Fruit a berry. 

Genera described.—AMPELOPSIS, CISSUS, 
49 - 


Series. 3. CaLyCIFLOR&.—Flowers regular or irregular, herma- 
phrodite or moneecious. Stamens united or free. 

Nat. Ord. LEGUMINOSAR. Churacters.—Leaves with 2 large 
stipules, simple or often digitately or pinnately compound. 
Flowers irregular, usually hermaphrodite. Sepals usually 5, more 
or less united. Petals 5, unequal; the upper one (known as the 
“standard ”) free, larger than the 2 side ones (known as the “ wings”), 
which latter enclose and sometimes adhere to the 2 more or less 
united and upward curved lower ones (known as the “keel”). The 
keel usually encloses the 10 perigynous stamens, united in a sheath, 
or the upper one only free; rarely all free. Fruit a 1-celled, usually 
dehiscent pod, with one or more seeds. 


Nat. Ord. SAXIFRAGACH4S. Characters.—Leaves very variable. 
Flowers usually 2-sexed. Calyx usually 5-lobed. Petals usually 5. 
Stamens in 4’s or 8’s, 5’s or 10’s, with free filaments. Ovary usually 
of 2 distinct carpels more or less cohering or divergent. 

Genus described.—SAXIFRAGA. 

Nat. Ord. CUCURBITACEAS. Characters.—Mostly climbing 
or prostrate herbs. The leaves alternate, simple, lobed or divided. 
The tendrils, when present, are lateral, solitary, simple or branched, 
and spirally twisted. Flowers moneecious or diccious, white or 
yellow, rarely red or blue. Calyx-tube adnate to the ovary; lobes 5, 
rarely 3 or 6. Petals 5, rarely 3 or 6, free, or rarely gamopetalous, 
often confluent with the calyx. Stamens usually 3 (rarely 5, or 1, 
2, or 4). Fruit inferior, usually fleshy, often large, berry-like, 
variable in form, and sometimes highly coloured. 

Genera described.—THLADIANTHA, Bryonra, ABOBRA, GERRARD- 

Nat. Ord. BEGONIACEAS, Characters——Leaves alternate, . 
more or less unequal-sided, entire or lobed, irregularly toothed. 
Flowers moneecious (%.¢., male and female separate, but on same 
plant). Male flowers with 2 large outer sepaloid, and 2 small inner 
petaloid segments. Stamens numerous, free or united. Female 
flowers with 2-10 segments. Ovary inferior, winged, usually 
3-celled. Styles 2-4, with branched twisted stigmas. 

Genus described.— BEGONIA. 

Division II. GAMOPETALA.—Petals more or less united. 

Series 1. Epicyn.—Ovary inferior. Herbs, often with milky juice. 


Nat. Ord. COMPOSITAl. Characters.—Leaves alternate, or 
sometimes opposite, without stipules. Flowers in heads surrounded 
by a number of more or less leafy bracts forming an involucre, each 
“head” being composed either of all ligulate florets or with ligulate 
and dise florets. Calyx superior, limb none, or feathery, or scaly, 
know as a “pappus.” Corolla tubular or ligulate. Stamens 4-5, 
with anthers united (syngenesious). 

Genera described. — LiaTRis, HELIANTHUS, DAHLIA, BIDENS, 

Nat. Ord. CAMPANULACEHAR. Characters.— Leaves usually 
alternate, without stipules, entire, toothed, or rarely lobed or toothed. 
Flowers gamopetalous, usually regular, tubular or bell-shaped. 
Stamens 5, epigynous or epipetalous. Ovary inferior or half-superior, 


Series 2. Hypocyn©®.—Ovary usually superior. 

Nat. Ord. PRIMULACEAS. Characters. — Leaves often all 
radical. Flowers regular or irregular, axillary or solitary. Calyx 
free, 4-9-lobed. Corolla hypogynous, usually gamopetalous, rotate, 
salver-shaped, or funnel-, or bell-shaped, 4-6-lobed. Stamens as many 
as corolla lobes. Ovary free, 1-celled. 

Genus described.—CYCLAMEN. 

Nat. Ord. OLEACEAS. Characters—Leaves usually opposite 
Flowers regular, usually 2-sexed. Calyx usually 4-toothed or lobed. 
Corolla gamopetalous, usually 4-lobed. Stamens usually 2. Ovary 

Genus described.—ICACINA. 

Nat. Ord. APOCYNACEAS. Characters.—Plants, often climbers, 
with milky juice. Leaves opposite, entire. Stipulesnone. Flowers 
regular, hermaphrodite, solitary or in cymes. Calyx 4-5-lobed. 
Corolla gamopetalous, salver-shaped or funnel-shaped, lobes usually 
oblique, twisted in bud. Stamens 5, rarely 4, anthers free or united 
and adhering to the stigma. Style short, dilated, with a thickened 
entire or 2-cleft stigma often constricted in the middle. Fruit of 2 
many-seeded follicles, a berry, or drupe. 

Genus descr .bed.—DIPLADENIA. 

Nat. Ord. ASCLEPIADEA8. Characters.—Herbs, shrubs - ar 
undershrubs of climbing or creeping habit, often with milky juice. 


Leaves usually opposite, without stipules. Flowers hermaphrodite, 
regular. Calyx inferior, 5-lobed. Corolla gamopetalous, rotate, bell- 
shaped, or funnel- or salver-shaped. Stamens 5, free, or often united 
in a tube round the stigma. Pollen waxy. 


Nat. Ord. GENTIANEAS, Characters.—Leaves usually opposite, 
entire, without stalks or stipules, often strongly 3-5-nerved, and 
sometimes connate. Flowers usually regular, hermaphrodite, or 
very rarely polygamous by abortion, solitary, or in 2-3-forked cymes. 
Calyx inferior, with a bell-shaped or very short tube, and having 4-5 
(rarely 6-10) lobes or segments. Corolla gamopetalous, hypogynous, 
funnel-, salver-, or bell-shaped, or rotate, with 4-5 (rarely 6-12) 
lobes mostly twisted in bud. Stamens equal in number to the corolla 
lobes, and inserted on the tube with free filaments. Ovary superior. 

Genus described.—GENTIANA, 

Nat. Ord. BORAGINEAS. Characters.—Roughly pubescent or 
hairy plants, with leaves usually alternate, entire, toothed, or very 
rarely lobed. Flowers in crozier-like racemes or panicles, usually 
hermaphrodite. Calyx inferior, with a bell-shaped tube, usually with 
5 teeth or lobes. Corolla gamopetalous, funnel-shaped, tubular, 
salver-, or bell-shaped, or somewhat rotate, with 5 lobes. Stamens 
equal in number to the corolla lobes and alternate with them. 

Genus desertbed.—SYMPHYTUM. 

Nat. Ord. CONVOLVULACEAS. Characters—Plants or shrubs - 
with weak, trailing, twining, or high climbing stems. Leaves alternate, 
often heart-shaped, entire, sinuate-toothed, palmately or rarely 
pinnately lobed or dissected. Stipules none. Flowers in axillary 
or terminal racemes, or solitary, regular, usually hermaphrodite. 
Calyx inferior, in 5 divisions. Sepals often free or slightly united at 
the base, much imbricated. Corolla gamopetalous, hypogynous, 
funnel-shaped, tubular, salver-, or bell-shaped, 5-lobed or nearly 
entire, plaited, convolute or twisted in bud. Stamens 5, inserted in 
the base of the corolla tube, and alternate with its segments; fila- 
ments often dilated at the base. Ovary superior. Style 1, usually 
divided at the top. Capsule 1-4-celled, few-seeded. 

Genus described.—IPOMA. 

Nat. Ord. SOLANACEZH. Characters.—Herbs with alternate or 
nearly opposite, undivided, dissected, or lobed leaves. Flowers 
hermaphrodite, usually regular. Calyx inferior, gamosepalous, 



parted or toothed. Corolla gamopetalous, tubular, funnel-, salver-, or 
bell-shaped, or rotate, usually 5-lobed, often plaited. Stamens equal 
in number to the corolla lobes and alternate with them, attached to 
the tube. 

Genus described.— DATURA. 

Nat. Ord. GESNERACEAS. Characters. — Leaves usually 
opposite, fleshy, wrinkled, without stipules. Flowers hermaphrodite, 
usually irregular, showy, in racemes, panicles, or solitary. Calyx 
usually gamosepalous with 5 teeth or lobes. Corolla gamopetalous, 
tubular, or broadly bell-shaped, usually 5-lobed. Stamens 4 or 2. 
Ovary 1-celled. 


Nat. Ord. BIGNONIACEZS, Characters.—Leaves usually opposite, 
without stipules. Flowers hermaphrodite, more or less irregular, in 
terminal panicles. Calyx inferior, gamosepalous, entire, or lobed. 
Corolla gamopetalous, more or less tubular or funnel-shaped, with 5 
spreading lobes. Stamens 5 unequal, 1 always (3 sometimes) sterile. 

Genera described.—INCARVILLEA, BIGNONIA. 

Nat. Ord. ACANTHACEAl. Characters. — Leaves usually 
opposite, entire, without stipules. Flowers in branching spikes, 
usually irregular, hermaphrodite. Calyx usually 5-lobed. Corolla 
gamopetalous, with cylindrical or inflated tube, and 5 spreading lobes. 
Ovary 2-celled. 

Genus described.—ERANTHEMUM. 

Nat. Ord, VERBENACEAS. Characters.—Leaves usually opposite 
or whorled, often toothed. Flowers usually 2-sexed, often irregular, 
usually in corymbs. Calyx tubular, 5-lobed. Corolla gamopetalous, 
4-5 cleft. Fertile stamens usually 4 (2 long, 2 short). Ovary 

Genus described —MoNOCHILUS. 

Nat. Ord. LABIATAs, Characters.—Leaves usually opposite 
or in whorls. Flowers usually irregular, and borne in the leaf-axils. 
Calyx gamosepalous, ribbed. Corolla gamopetalous, 4-5 lobed, 
usually 2-lipped. Perfect stamens 4 (2 long, 2 short). 


Division III. MONOCHLAMYDEZ.—Flowers often without 
sepals or petals (calyx and corolla), usually hermaphrodite. 


Nat. Ord. NYCTAGINEA®. Characters—Stems usually swollen 
at the joints. Leaves opposite or alternate, without stipules. 
Flowers usually hermaphrodite, regular, in panicles, corymbs, or 
cymes. Perianth inferior, tubular, salver-shaped or funnel-shaped, 
3-5-toothed or lobed. Stamens 1 or more, hypogynous. Fruit 1-celled, 

Genus described.—M IRABILIS. 

Nat. Ord. CHENOPODIACEAS. Characters.—Leaves alternate, 
or sometimes opposite, without stipules. Flowers small, herma- 
phrodite, or 1-sexed. Calyx deeply divided, inferior. Stamens 
hypogynous or perigynous. Ovary superior, 1-celled; style simple 
or 2-3-lobed; or styles 2-5. 

Genera described.—HaBLitTzIA, BOUSSINGAULTIA. 

Nat. Ord. PHYTOLACCACHA. Characters.—Leaves alternate, 
entire; stipules none or small. Flowers hermaphrodite or 1-sexed, 
usually in racemes. Perianth inferior, 4-5 parted; petals usually 

absent. Stamens 4-20. Ovary superior, becoming a dry or berry- 
like fruit. 

Genus described.—PHYTOLACCA. 

Nat. Ord. POLYGONACEAR. Characters.—Leaves usually alter- 
nate, variously shaped, lobed, or divided, often dilated at base and 
furnished with ochreate stipules. Perianth inferior, with 4-6 coloured 

lobes or segments. Stamens 6-9. Ovary superior, angled or 

Genera described._ANTIGONON, POLYGONUM. 

Nat. Ord. ARISTOLOCHIACEAS, Charucters—Climbing plants, 
more or less fetid smelling when bruised. Leaves alternate, stalked, 
often heart-shaped or lobed. Stipules none. Perianth 3-lobed. 
Stamens 6-12. Fruit capsular or berry-like. 

Genera described. ASARUM, ARISTOLOCHIA. 

Nat. Ord. URTICACEAl, Characters.—Leaves various. Flowers 
small, usually l-sexed. Perianth 4-9 lobed. Stamens 4-9. 
Genus described.— DORSTENIA. 



Arranged in Alphabetical Order. 

ABOBRA (the native Brazilian 
name), Nat. Ord. Cucurbitaccee.— 
The best-known species is— 

A. viridiflora.—A Brazilian climber 
with fleshy tuberous roots, and dark 
glossy green elegant leaves, sweet- 
scented pale green flowers, the females 
of which are succeeded by oval scarlet 
fruits about the size of a filbert. 

This plant may be grown in the 
open air during the summer months, 
and in the autumn the tuberous 
roots may be lifted and stored in 
dry earth or sand in the same way as 
Dahlias. In warm sheltered spots in 
the south and west, if the roots are 
protected from cold rains, they may 
be allowed to remain in the soil, but 
this should be of a rich and gritty 
nature. The plants grow rapidly 
and soon trail over fences, arbours, 
trellises, etc. To secure a good 
display of the scarlet fruits, it is 
advisable to grow male and female 
plants together. Increased by divi- 
sion, seeds, and cuttings of the young 
shoots in spring. 

ACHIMENES (cheimaino, to suffer 
from cold). Nat. Ord. Gesneracez. 
—A genus of hairy perennial herbs, 
closely related to the Gloxinias, and 
natives of Tropical America, chiefly 
from Brazil to Mexico. There are 


about twenty species, having under- 
ground, scaly, catkin - like rhizomes, 
opposite leaves, a five-lobed corolla 
with a bent cylindrical tube, to the 
base of which four stamens are 

Achimenes were at one time more 
extensively grown than they are at 

Fia, 38.—Achimencs tubiflora. 

present. The varieties in cultivation 
have been raised by crossing and 
inter-crossing a few of the best 


species like A. longiflora, A. multi- 
flora, A, tubiflora, and others. They 
are all easily grown in a stove or 
warm greenhouse, having a fairly 
humid atmosphere. They are chiefly 
valuable for flowering during the 
summer months, but may be had by 
forcing into growth, or by retarding, 
at almost any period of the year. 
The stems die down naturally in the 
autumn, and the catkin-like rhizomes, 
the individual scales of which remind 
one of the granules of a hard-roed 
herring, remain dormant during 
the winter months. In this con- 
dition they are kept dry by plac- 
ing the pots on their sides, or by 
shaking out the rhizomes and storing 
in gritty soil in a cool place, at least 
free from frost until required; but 
about 45° to 50° is the safest tempera- 

When starting them into growth a 
mixture of sandy peat, and a little 
turfy loam, leaf-mould, and well- 
rotted manure is used for potting. 
To keep up a succession of blossom, 
batches of the scaly root-stocks should 
be potted up at intervals of five or 
six weeks, the first batch being 
started about the end of January or 
during February. Pots or pans of 
various sizes may be used according 
to taste. In all cases drainage with 
clean crocks should be given at the 
base ; over these a layer of moss or 
fibre, and then fill up about two- 
thirds with the prepared compost. 
The roots are spaced out on this an 
inch or more apart, and covered with 
an inch of soil, which should be moist 
but not sodden. The pots are then 
placed in a temperature of 60° by 
night, the soil being kept just moist 
until growths appear. Water is then 
given in increased quantities accord- 
ing to the rapidity of growth, and 
plenty of light must be allowed to get 
to the plants to keep them sturdy. 



According to the season, however, 
shade must be given during the 
hottest part of the day. The syringe 
should also be used freely early in the 
morning and late in the afternoons, 
especially during the summer season, 
to keep the foliage fresh and clean 
and free from attacks of red spider 
and mealy bug. The plants usually 
grow from 12 to 18 ins. high, and 
as the soft juicy stems are unable to 
stand up well by themselves, a few - 
thin sticks should be placed to give 
them support. When grown in hang- 
ing baskets lined with moss, the 
shoots may be tied down horizontally 
to sticks, and in this way they look 
very effective. 

Achimenes are easily increased by 
splitting up the scaly rhizomes when 


Fia. 34.—Achimenes, leaf-cutting. 

repotting ; by cuttings of the young 
shoots with two or three joints inserted 
in light sandy peat and kept moist and 
shaded till rooted ; by ripened leaves, 
the stalks of which are inserted up 
to the blade; and from seeds sown 
ona finely prepared surface in spring, 
in a temperature of 65° to 75° F., in 
the same way as Gloxinias. 

There are innumerable varieties 


of Achimenes to many of which 
names were at one time given. The 
flowers exhibit numerous shades of 
colour such as white, crimson, purple, 
mauve, scarlet, rose, carmine, yellow, 
blue, violet, and intermediate shades, 
many being self-coloured, while others 
again are beautifully blotched and 
speckled. ~ 

Apart from the garden varieties, 
the following are a few of the best 
natural species :— 

A. grandifiora.—i} ft. Leaves oval, 
slightly toothed. Flowers violet- 
purple, large. Mexico. (Bot. Mag. t. 

A. hirsuta.—2} ft. Leaves heart- 
shaped, toothed. Flowers rose with 
a yellow centre. Guatemala. (Bot. 
Mag. t. 4144.) 

A. longiflora.—l to 14 ft. Leavesin 
circles of three or four, oval-oblong, 
coarsely toothed. Flowers violet. 
(Bot. Mag. t. 3980.) 

A. multiflora.—12 to 18 ins. Leaves 
opposite or whorled, oval, deeply 
toothed. Flowers pale lilac. Brazil. 
(Bot. Mag. t. 3993.) 

A, tubiflora.—1}ft. Leaves oblong, 
pointed, obscurely toothed. Flowers 
pure white, with a tube about 4 ins. 
long. Buenos Ayres, Once known as 
Gloxinia tubiflora. (Bot. Mag. t. 

ACIDANTHERA (akis, a point; 
anthera, an anther or pollen’ sac; 
referring to the shape), Nat. Ord. 
Tridez.—A genus containing a dozen 
species or more of 8. African plants 
having smoothor fibrous-coated corms, 
usually erect, simple stems, bearing 
a few flat, linear, veined leaves. The 
plants are closely related to the 
Babianas, and may be grown in the 
same way in a cool greenhouse in 
pots of sandy loam and leaf-soil. 
They require a fair amount of water 
during growth, but the soil should 




be kept practically quite dry during 
the resting season. Increased by off- 

A. sequinoctialis—A remarkable 
species from the mountains of Sierra 
Leone. It has stems about 4 ft. 
high, and sword-like leaves 20 ins. 
long. The flowers are white, with 
a triangular crimson blotch at the 
base of each segment, and are about 
3 ins. across, with a tube 6 ins. long. 
(Bot. Mag. t. 7393; Gard. Chron. 
1893, xiv. 682.) 

A. bicolor.—A native of the Abys- 
sinian Mountains and the Zambesi, 
having corms about an inch thick, 

Fia. 35.—Acidanthera bicolor. 

and flower-stems 1 to 14 ft. high, 
bearing white starry flowers, having a 
triangular purple blotch at the base. 
(Fig. 35.) 

A, candida.—A fine species from 
the woodless grassy steppes of the Altai 
Plains in Eastern Tropical Africa. 
It has roundish corms and slender 
stems 1 to 14 ft. high, furnished with 
narrow, pointed, stiffish, green leaves 
with a prominent midrib on both 


sides. The sweet-scented flowers are 
pure white, and have three large 
4mbriated stigmatic arms spreading 
from the mouth of the long cylindrical 
tube. (Bot. Mag. t. 7879.) 

A. Gunnisi—A native of Somali- 
land, having white flowers faintly 
tinged with rose-purple, the perianth- 
tube being 4 to 5 ins. long. 

ACONITUM (from <Acona in 
Bithynia, where it is said to be 

Fic. 36.—Aconitum Napellus, 
tuberous root-stock. 

plentiful). Nat. Ord. Ranuncul- 
acese.—The popular names for this 
genus are Aconite, Monkshood, and 
Wolf’s Bane. There are many species 
and varieties, some having tuberous 
roots, others fibrous. The latter are 
not considered in this work. They 
are easily recognised by their leaves, 
being more or less deeply divided 
into five large lobes, these again being 
irregularly cut into coarse teeth or 
smaller lobes, and by the hooded 



flowers being borne in terminal 
racemes. The sepals form the most 
conspicuous part of the blossoms. 
The upper one is usually shaped like 
a helmet or cowl (hence the name 
of Monkshood), inside which two 
petals with long stalks and small 
hooded heads are enclosed. (See 
Fig. 37.) 

The species mentioned below are 
all quite hardy, and when grown in 
bold clumps are ornamental in the 
flower - border. It must be re 
membered, however, that the roots, 
stems, leaves, etc., possess poisonous 
properties, and notwithstanding their 
beauty, it may be safer to keep them 
out of gardens to which young 
children have free access. A. hetero- 
phyllum, from the Himalayas, how- 
ever, is said to be non-poisonous, and 
is even used as a tonic called “ Atees.” 
(Rot. Mag. t. 6092.) 

Aconites flourish in any ordinary 
garden soil, in sunny or partially 
shaded places ; and also by the sides 
of lakes, ponds, or streams, where 
they can have plenty of sunshine. 
When necessary to increase the stock, 
the roots may be divided in spring ; 
or seeds saved in late summer or 
autumn may be sown at the same 
period in prepared seed-beds in 
sheltered and somewhat shady spots 
in the open. Of the tuberous-rooted 
species the common Monkshood— 
A, Mapellus—is the best known, and 
the most ornamental for gardens. 
It is a virulently poisonous plant, 
3 to 4 ft. high, with blackish, spindle- 
shaped roots, and leaves deeply 
divided into five or seven main lobes. 
The erect racemes of blue, hooded 
flowers, appear in June and July, and 
often in autumn again if the first crop 
has been cut early. There are several 
varieties, of which album, white, 
bicolor, blue and white, and grandi- 
Jjlorum, deep blue, are amongst the 



best. The varicty eminens, from 
Rhenish Prussia, reaches a height of 
9 ft. or more, and has more open 
flowers than the type. (Bot. Mag. t. 



cinal properties). Nat. Ord. Aroi- 
dez.—The only species of importance 
is the Sweet Flag, 4. Calamus, an 
evergreen British marsh or water 
plant with thickish cylindrical sweet- 

Fic. 37.—Aconitum Napellus. 


A. Wilsoni is a tall, erect-growing 
species, 5 to 6 ft. high, with large 
flowers of a pale blue or violet colour. 
It commences to bloom the beginning 
of September, and after the terminal 
raceme is over, others are produced 
from the branches lower down on the 

stem, by which means the season of - 

flowering is extended to the end of 
October. (Bot. Mag. t. 7130, as A. 
Fischeri; Flora and Sylva, Sept. 

There are many other tuberous- 
rooted Aconites, natives of Central 
and Southern Europe, but they are 
of no great garden value. 

ACORUS (a, privative ; kore, pupil 
of the eye; in allusion to the medi- 


Fia, 88.—Acorus Calamus. 

scented rhizomes, from the terminal 
buds of which arise sword-shaped 
leaves 3 to 6 ft. long. The small 
flowers are borne on a pointed club- 
like spadix 3 to 6 ins. long, in June 
and July. There is a variety, having 
yellowish-striped leaves, rather at- 
tractive. A more slender species, 
A. gramineus, from China, has grassy 
leaves, 4 to 6 ins. long; there is also 
a white-striped form. All the plants 
flourish in shallow water, or in 
marshy or muddy places such as the 
edges of ponds, lakes, ditches, etc. 
Propagation is effected by dividing 
the creeping root-stocks in spring. 

anthos, a flower). 

love ; 



Liliaceze—A small genus of half- 
hardy plants from 8. Africa, having 
shortish rhizomes with thick fleshy 
roots, strap-shaped leaves, and um- 
oels of funnel-shaped flowers on top 
of a stoutish scape. Each flower 
aas almost equal segments, and 
six stamens attached to the base 
of the tube. Seed-pods are usually 
oroduced in our climate, but seeds 
ure rarely ripened. 

A. umbellatus.—This fine plant, 
sopularly known as the African Lily, 
S$ an evergreen with fine masses of 
sathery strap-shaped leaves 14 to 2 
‘t. long, and erect stout scapes 2 to 3 
‘t. high, on top of which are borne 
yumerous bright blue flowers during 
che summer and autumn months, 
n umbels 6 to 12 ins. in diameter 
‘Bot. Mag. t. 500). There are several 
varieties, the best being :—albedus 
with white flowers, smaller than 
che type ; Leichtlini, deep hyacinth- 
dlue; maximus, large, bright blue ; 
vureus, with yellow-striped leaves, 
ind fore pleno, a double-flowered 
‘orm, and argenteus, with silvery- 
striped leaves, are rarely seen. Other 
varieties are minor and Mooreanus, 
soth with smaller flowers than the 
sype, but decidedly compact and 
yandsome in growth, and with deep 
olue colour. A plant called inter- 
medtus seems to be one of the larger 
forms, with flower-stems about 5 ft. 
righ, having large heads of bright 
alue flowers. A variety with blue 
wnd white flowers, called bzcolor, is 
also attractive. Sé¢ Paul has pure 
white flowers, and Wedllight has 
lavender flowers, the petals of which 
are centred and edged with indigo. 
Globosus is a deciduous form with 
zlobular heads of flower. 

The plant known as A. insignis is 
ao doubt a variety of A. umbellatus, 
out is distinguished by the creamy 
tint at the base of the leaves in the 




centre, by the longer flower-stems, 
and the more numerous but paler 
flowers, each with longer pedicels 
than in the type (Gard. 1903, Ixiii. 
67, f.). 

A. caulescens is closely related to 
A, umbellatus, but has dark violet-blue 
flowers (Gartenjl. t. 1487). 

A. umbellatus and its varieties are 
easily grown plants, and are very use- 
ful for the decoration of the cool green- 
house or conservatory either as pot 
plants or when planted in borders. 
They are not quite hardy, but in the 
most favoured parts of the Kingdom 
often pass an ordinary winter in the 
open unscathed. In such places they 
are easily protected in severe winters 
by covering the crowns with straw, 
litter, etc., and if grown by the 
margins of lakes, streams, ponds, 
etc., in such localities, make very 
attractive masses of colour during 
the ‘summer months. They flourish 
in any garden soil, but naturally do 
best in a light one, having plenty 
of well-decayed manure. When 
grown in pots or tubs, as is often 
the case, they like a compost of 
sandy loam and leaf-soil made firm 
round the fleshy roots. During 
growth an abundance of water may 
be given, and when danger from 
frost is over the plants may be grown 
in the open air till the approach of 
winter. They may then be taken 
into a cool greenhouse, or failing this 
even into a cellar free from frost 
until the following spring. The 
easiest way to propagate the plants 
is by dividing the clumps in spring 
when repotting. It takes five or 
six years to raise good flowering 
plants from seed. 

ALBUCA (albicans or albus, white). 
Nat. Ord. Liliaceze—A_ genus closely 
related to the Galtonias and Hya- 
cinths, with about thirty species 


natives of Tropical and South Africa. 
They have tunicated bulbs, linear 
leaves, and flowers borne in loose, 
erect racemes. The three outer seg- 
ments of the perianth are more or 
less spreading, the three inner and 
somewhat shorter segments being con- 
nivent, and enclosing the six stamens. 

A. Nelsoni is the best - known 
species. It is a native of Natal, and 
may be easily grown in a cool green- 
house from which frost is excluded in 
winter. The soft green leaves are 4 
to 5 ft. long, and about 2 ins. broad in 
the widest part. The flowers appear 
during the early summer months, and 
are pure white, sweet-scented, tinted 
with red on the outside down the 
centre of each segment. The bulbs 
should be potted in a mixture of 
sandy loam and a little peat, and 
during growth require fair supplies 
of water. In warm, sheltered parts 
of the Kingdom the plants may be 
grown in the open air, but care must 
be taken to protect them during the 
winter months. Fresh plants are 
secured by detaching offsets from the 
older bulbs, and growing them on. 
(Bot Mag. t. 6649.) 

A. Wakefieldi (or A. Elwesi) is a 
native of East Tropical Africa, about 
12 ins. high, with loose racemes of 
pale green flowers. It requires to be 
grown in a warm greenhouse or stove. 
(Bot. Mag. t. 6429.) 

Closely related to this is A. 
Buchanani, from Nyassaland, having 
small ovoid bulbs, linear leaves, and 
long thin scapes bearing racemes of 
yellow flowers (Gard. Chron. 1892, 
xii. 488). 

ALISMA (Celtic als, water). Nat. 
Ord. Alismacez.—A small genus of 
water or marsh plants having parallel- 
veined leaves, and whorls or umbels 
of flowers having three petals and six 



A. Plantago.—This is the common 
British Water Plantain found in 
ditches and on the edges of streams 
in various parts of the Kingdom. It 
is an ornamental plant with stems 
swollen and fleshy at the base, and 
bearing stalked, broadly lance-shaped 
leaves 6 to 8 ins. long, the young ones 
being submerged or floating. The 
pink or rosy flowers are borne from 
June to August on scapes 1 to 3 ft. 
high. The variety lanceolatum is 
distinguished by its narrower lance- 
shaped leaves. 

This plant being indigenous is 
easily grown on the edges of ponds, 
lakes, or streams, and looks orna- 
mental in bold clumps. It is in- 
creased by division, or may be allowed 
to reproduce itself naturally from 

ALLIUM (Celtic al/, hot or burning ; 
in reference to the qualities of the 
Onions). Nat. Ord. Liliaceze—A 
large genus of plants with tunicated 
bulbs, flattish or roundish leaves, and 
dense umbels of flowers on top of a 
stoutish scape. The perianth consists 
of six segments, free or slightly united 
at the base, more or less spreading 
or bell-shaped, each with a stamen 
attached at the base. There are 
about 250 species altogether dis- 
tributed over Europe, N. Africa, 
and Abyssinia, subtropical Asia, N. 
America, and Mexico. Such well- 
known esculents as the Onion, Leek, 
Garlic, Chive, and Shallot belong to 
this genus. Alliums are easily grown 
in ordinary garden soil, and although 
somewhat pungent in odour as a 
rule, they keep this peculiarity to 
themselves if not bruised or handled 
too much. When planting in the 
open, the bulbs should be covered 
with two or three times their own 
diameter of soil, and from 12 to 18 
ins. apart. They are! excellent for 


borders, shrubberies, rock-gardens, or 
fornaturalising in grassland that isnot 
to be cut or mown in summer. Pro- 
pagation of any particular species is 
effected by offsets from the older 
bulbs; or by seeds sown in rich 
gritty soil in spring. 


Fic, 39,—Allium, seedling. 

The following are amongst the 
most ornamental kinds for the hardy 
flower-border, viz.:— 

A. acuminatum,.—12 to 18 ins, high, 
with deep rose flowers in flattish 
heads 3 to 4 ins. across, in July and 
August. There are several forms, 
chiefly differing in the deeper tint of 
the blossoms. N. America. 

A.albo-pilosum.—A fine new species 
from the East, with violet flower- 
heads about 8 ins. across, the in- 
dividual blossoms being about 2 ins. 
in diameter. The leaves, about 18 
ins. long and 1 to 2 ins. broad, have 
white hairs scattered on the margins 



Considered to be 

and under-surface. 
one of the finest species. 
Chron 1908, xxxiv. 34, f.) 

A. cabulicum.—This species from 
Kabul has whitish flowers with red- 
brown keels, borne in dense roundish 
many-flowered umbels (Bot. Mag. t. 
7294; Gard. Chron, 1893, xiii. 546.) 

A. Ellisi—A Persian species related 
to A karataviense, having leaves, 
about 1 ft. long and 2 ins. broad, and 
large umbels of rosy flowers on stems 
about 1 ft. high (Bot. Mag. t. 7875). 

A. Erdeli.—A fine species from 
Palestine, with whitish flowers having 
a rich crimson centre (Lot. Mag. t. 

A. karataviense, 9 to 12 ins. high, 
has broad blue-green leaves, and large 
round heads of whitish or lilac 
flowers. Turkestan. (Bot. Mag. t. 

A. Moly.—A well-known species, 
native of S. Europe, having compact 
umbels of bright yellow starry flowers 
in May, June, andJuly. Anexcellent 
species about 12 to 15 ins. high for 
naturalising in woodland places, and 
also for forcing into early blossom in 
spring in the greenhouse. 

A. neapolitanum.—Another well- 
known species from §. Europe. It 
grows about 18 ins. high, and in 
summer has loose umbels of white 
flowers, the green stamens of which 
are conspicuous. Useful for early 

A. nigrum grows 2 to 3 ft. high, 
having broadly lance-shaped leaves, 
toothed on the margins, and large 
heads of deep violet flowers in 
summer. S. Europe. 

A, ursinum (Fig. 40), popularly 
known as “Ramsons,” is a native of 
the woods and hedgebanks of the 
British Islands, but when cultivated 
its masses of white starry flowers 
make a fine display. Useful for 

naturalising in the grass. 


Other species of Allium worth 
growing are A. ceruleum (or azureum) 
12 ins. high, sky-blue; 4. favum, 1 
ft., yellow; A. Iacnabianum, deep 
magenta ; A. narcissijlorum (or pede- 
montanum), with sweet-scented rosy- 
purple bell-shaped flowers, in droop- 
ing umbels; A. Ostrowskyanum, rose 
or licac-purple; A. Schubertd, with 
large spikes of lilac or rose-coloured 
flowers; A. violacewm, violet; A 
Suworowi, purple ; A orientale, 2 ft., 
creamy-white; A. stipitatum, 2 ft., 
violet-purple, etc. 

Fic. 40 —Allium ursinum. 

ALOCASIA (a, privative ; and colo- 
casia, a closely allied genus). Nat 
Ord. Aroidee.— A genus of orna- 
mental leaved plants chiefly natives of 
Tropical Asia and the Malayan Archi- 
pelago. There are about twenty 
natural species, and several garden 
hybrids, recognised by thickish root- 
stocks, from which arise large sagit- 
tate-cordate leaves on long stalks 



sheathing at the base. The flowers are 
of no particular beauty from a garden 
point of view, and both males and 
femalesare borne together on a shortly 
stalked spadix. 

All the Alocasias require to be 
grown in the stove house, that is in 
a warm and humid atmosphere, 
throughout the year. Their elegant 
foliage, often beautifully veined and 
marked, and their bold habit render 
them attractive subjects. They are 
by no means difficult to grow, provided 
they can be given a winter - night 
temperature of not less than 65° F., 
running up to 70°to 75° by day. 
During the summer months the 
temperature will naturally be from 
5 to 10 degrees higher than this. 

The compost most generally suit- 
able for Alocasias seems to be a 
mixture of sandy loam and fibrous 
peat in about equal proportions, with 

_ a little chopped sphagnum moss, and 


pieces of charcoal added. The pots or 
pans in which they are to be grown 
should ‘be well drained, because 
although the plants require an abun- 
dance of water, they dislike anything 
in the way of stagnant liquid round 
the roots It is generally better to 
repot annually early in the year to 
keep the plants increasing in size 
and beauty, and pots of various sizes 
will be used in accordance with the 
bulk of the plants. The old soil 
should be removed with a pointed 
stick, or the root-stocks may be 
washed clean in tepid water to free 
them from sour material. The com- 
post should be worked in firmly and 
finished off with a dressing of short 
sphagnum. The plants are then 
watered from time to time, and the 
syringe is kept going freely in the 
mornings and afternoons When 
growth is well established, syringing 
indeed is not only a necessity to 
maintain the requisite moisture in 


the atmosphere, but also to keep 
such insect foes as red spider, thrips, 
aphides, and mealy bug from spoiling 
the leaves and young growths, and 
thus destroying the appearance of the 
plants. In addition to intelligent 
watering and syringing, a little weak 
liquid manure may be given about 
twice a week to any specimens in which 
particular interest may be taken. 

Ventilation must be regulated 
according to the season, and the 
climatic conditions prevailing out- 
side ; and although the plants require 
plenty of light to develop their 
colour, care must be taken not to 
allow the sun to scorch the foliage 
through the glass. On very hot 
days, therefore, the blinds must be 
let down for some time, if the glass 
has not been shaded permanently for 
the summer season. 

Alocasias are propagated by means 
of detaching suckers from the root- 
stocks, and also by carefully dividing 
the latter when necessary. This 
work is best done in February or 
March when the old plants are being 
repotted. Each detached portion 
should be placed in a pot by itself 
in the compost used, and is encouraged 
into growth by judicious watering, 
syringing, and shading. 

The following are amongst the 
best species and varieties :— 

A, zquiloba.—A native of New 
Guinea, with pale green sagittate, 
lobed leaves, 2 ft. long, and small 
green spathes. 

A. argyrea.—This species has very 
large, dark green, hastate, lance- 
shaped leaves with a silvery sheen, 
and a prominent midrib. 

A. Augustiana.—A Papuan species 
1 to2 ft. high, with bright green wavy 
leaves, the stout stalks of which 
are coloured rose,and hieroglyphically 
marbled with brown or purple (Zi. 
Hort. 1886, 598). 




A. Chantrieri.—A beautiful hybrid 
between A. cuprea and A. Sanderiana. 
The large, wavy, arrow-shaped leaves 
are broadly toothed, olive green above, 
with a narrow silvery edging to the 
main veins. The under-surface is 
deep wine-red in colour, while the 
leaf-stalks are faintly striped with 
greenish brown. (Rev. Hort. 1887, 
465; Ill. Hort. 1888, t. 64.) 

A. Chelsoni.—A nice hybrid be- 
tween A. cuprea and A. longiloba. 
The large leaves are shining metallic 
green above, and purple beneath. 

A. coriacea has dark green leathery 
leaves with clear green ribs, the 
petioles being rose-coloured when 
young, afterwards rosy white marbled 
with green (Gard. Chron. 1893, xiii. 

A, cuprea (A. metallica ; Xantho- 
soma plumbea)—A tine Bornean 
species, 6 to 7 ft. high, with large, 
oval heart-shaped leaves, metallic or 
coppery green above, and bronzy 
purple beneath (Bot. Mag. t. 5190; 
Ll. Hort. 1861, 283). 

A. Curtisi—A -native of Penang, 
about 2 ft. high, the leaf-blades being 
18 ins, long, 12 ins. broad, with long 
basal lobes, light and dark green 
above, purple beneath. The spathes 
are about 6 ins. long. 

A. Desmetiana,—Leaves elongated, 
heart-shaped, deeply sinuate, with 
spotted petioles. 

A. Dussi—This has large olive 
green leaves with brownish-red nerves 
and petioles (@artenjl. 1892, 412). 

A, eminens.—A native of the East 
Indies, with ovate-sagittate leaves, 
deep green above, purple beneath, 
the medium and main veins being 
paler in colour. 

A. grandis.—A fine species from 
the Indian Archipelago, Leaves ovate- 
sagittate, pale green above, deep 
green beneath, and with blackish 


A. guttata.—A Bornean species with 
elliptic-sagittate leaves, deep green 
above, purple beneath, and regularly 
spotted leaf-stalks. The variety 
imperialis is a finer plant. (Jil. Hort. 
1884, 541.) 

A. hybrida.—A hybrid between A. 
cuprea and A, Lowi. Leaves elliptic, 
pointed, olive green above, edged 
with ivory white, dull purple beneath. 
The young leaves are of a bronzy 
tint when unfolding. 

A. illustris.—Leaves ovate-sagit- 
tate, rich green, spotted with dark 
green. East Indies. 

A. Jenningsi—An East Indian 
species of small growth, with ovate, 
heart-shaped leaves blotched with 
dark brown between the main veins ; 
leaf-stalks spotted. 

A. Lindeni.—Leaves ovate heart- 
shaped, pointed, triangular at the 
base, green above with yellowish- 
white veins ; stalks whitish. Papua. 
(Ill. Hort. 1886, 603.) 

A. longiloba (A. amabilis; A. 
gigantea).—Leaves large, sagittate, 
green with white veins; grows 4 to 
5 ft. high. Java. 

A. Lowi.—Leaves heart-shaped, 
olive green with white veins, purple 
beneath. Borneo. (Bot. Mag. t. 5376.) 

A. Luciani.—A fine hybrid between 
A. Thibautiana and A. Putzeysi. 
Leaves ovate, pointed, deep green 
above with white leaves, purple be- 
neath, the pale green stalks being 
spotted with brown (Jil. Hort. ser. 
v. 27). 

A. macrorhiza.—A noble species 
from Polynesia, 3 to 5 ft. high, with 
large heart-shaped leaves of a pale 
green. The variety variegata, which 
has the leaves marbled and blotched 
with creamy white over nearly half 
the surface, is a far more ornamental 
plant. It comes from Ceyion. 

A. Margarit has large ‘obcordate 
leaves, more or less wrinkled and 



waved on the margins, with brownish- 
purple stalks (1d. Hort. 1886, 64). 

A. marginata.—A Brazilian species 
with broadly ovate, heart-shaped 
leaves about 18 ins. long, slightly 
sinuate on the margins, and with 
irregular, zigzag, blackish - brown 
markings on the stalks. 

A. Marshallii—An Indian species 
somewhat resembling A. Jennings, 
with broadly heart-shaped green 
leaves, darkly blotched between the 
side veins, and with a broad silvery 
band down the centre, the stalks 
being more or less marbled. 

A. odora (Arum and Caladium 
odorum ; Colocasia odorata).—A stem- 
less Peruvian species, with heart- 
shaped, roundish leaves about 3 ft. 
long, with rounded lobes (Bot. Reg. 
viii. t. 641). 

A. plumbea.—This species has 
large dark green crinkled leaves, 
with purplish petioles. 

A. princeps, from the Malayan 
Archipelago, has sagittate leaves with 
narrow, divergent lobes at the base, 
forming a triangular opening; the 
margins are deeply indented, and 
the upper surface has a metallic, 
olive green tint. The under-surface 
is grey-green, veined, and edged 
with dark chocolate brown, the 
leaf-stalks being also marbled with 
the same colour. 

A. Pucciani.—A garden hybrid with 
ovate-sagittate leaves about 18 ins, 
long, green above with pure white 
veins in the middle of a silvery band. 
The under-surface is bright purple, 
while the stalks are irregularly 
blotched with dark rosy-carmine on 
a pale purple ground. 

A, Putzeysi.—A native of Sumatra, 
with leaves like those of A. longiloba, 
deep green in colour except for the 
white bands along the veins and 
margins, the under-surface being deep 
purple (Zi2, Hort. 445). 



A. Reginze.—An elegant species 
from Borneo, with ovate, heart- 
shaped leaves, wavy on the margins, 
the under-surface being of a sombre 
brownish-purple, while the stalks are 
spotted with chestnut-purple (J/. 
Hort. 1885, 544). 

A. reversa, from the Philippine 
Islands, has ovate-sagittate leaves 
of a grey-green colour, relieved by 
deep green bands along the main 
veins. A pretty plant about a foot 
high. (Bot. Mag. t. 7498.) 

A. Sanderiana.—A very ornamental 
species from the Malayan Archi- 
pelago, having drooping sagittate 
leaves, with three lobes on each side. 
The ground colour is soft green with 
a bluish metallic sheen, while the 
main veins and margins are con- 
spicuously banded with ivory white. 
The stalks are brownish-green, 
streaked and mottled with purple. 
(Rev. Hort. Belg. 1884, 181.) The 
variety gandavensts has purplish 


young leaves with vermilion veins.. 

This colouring remains constant on 
the under-surface, but gradually 
changes to green on the upper. (JU. 
Hort. 1896, t. 65.) 

A. seabriuscula.—A_noble-looking 
Bornean plant, 4 to 5 ft. high, with 
spreading sagittate leaves of a deep 
shining green above, pale green 
beneath, and often as much as 2 ft. 
to 24 ft. in length. 

A. Sedeni.—A hybrid between 4. 
cuprea and A. Lowt, and somewhat 
resembling the latter. Leaves oval, 
heart-shaped, deflexed, bronzy green 
above, with distinct ivory-white veins, 
the under-surface being purple. 

A. sinuata.—A species from the 
Philippine Islands with sagittate 
leaves having sinuate margins, and 
of a deep green colour above, and 
whitish or grey-green beneath. 

A. spectabilis.—This is similar to 
A. Putzeysi, having large metallic 



green leaves veined and laced with 
grey, the under-surface being dark 

A. Thibautiana.—A magnificent 
Bornean plant, with ovate, acute, 
deeply heart-shaped leaves, greyish 
olive green above, with whitish midrib 
and grey veinings, the under-surface 
being purple in colour (Rev. Hort. 
Belg. 1884, 37). 

A, Villeneuvei.—A Bornean species 
closely related to A. longiloba, with 
irregularly shaped leaves, the stalks 
of which are heavily spotted with . 
brown (Jil, Hort. 1887, t. 21). 

A. Watsoniana.—A fine Sumatran 4+ 
species with cordately lobed leaves, - 
wavy on the margins, and coloured 
olive green and dark purple on the 
upper surface, dark purple beneath 
(Gard. Chron, 1898, xiii. 442, 569, 
f, 88). 

A. Wavriniana.—An ornamental 
species 3 to 4 ft. high, the stem being 
mottled with light and dark green 
and suffused with bronze. The 
lance-shaped, sinuate leaves are deep 
green, beautifully feathered with 
raised veins, which are still more 
prominent beneath on a purple 

A. zebrina.—A strong - growing 
species 4 to 5 ft. high, from the 
Philippine Islands, having erect, 
broadly sagittate leaves of a rich 
dark green, and pale green stalks 
marbled with zigzag bands of dark 
green (F77. d. Ser. xv, 1541-1542). 

ALPINIA (after Prosper Alpini, an 
Italian botanist), Nat. Ord. Scita- 
minee.—A genus containing about 
forty-five species of graceful peren- 
nials, natives of Tropical and sub- 
tropical Asia, Australia, and the 
islands of the Pacific Ocean. They 
have horizontal or creeping root- 
stocks like the Ginger plant, erect 
ornamental leaves, and flowers 


arranged in raceme - like clusters 
at the end of the leafy stems. The 
corolla has a short tube, the 
outer limb being divided into equal 
lobes, the inner one forming a large 
flat lip, while the lateral segments are 
reduced to small teeth or are absent 

Alpinias flourish in a rich compost 
of fibrous loam, peat, and leaf-mould, 
or old cow-manure, in about equal 
proportions, with the addition of a 
little sharp silver sand to secure 
sufficient porosity. The minimum 
temperature during the winter season 
should not sink below 65° or 60° F., 
even if the plants are at rest and 
quite leafless. During the spring and 
summer months, when growth is 
active, an abundance of water must 
be given, and the syringe should be 
freely used in the mornings and after- 
noons to keep the foliage clean and 

healthy, and free from attacks of red » 

spider or mealy bug. After the 
flowers have passed their best they 
should be cut off, to save the plants 
further exhaustion. Once the leaves 
begin to assume a yellowish tint, 
water should be given in smaller 
quantities, until eventually it is with- 
held almost entirely when the leaves 
drop. Propagation is effected in 
spring by carefully cutting the 
rhizomes with a strong sharp knife 
when the young shoots have fairly 
started into growth. 

The following are the only species 
of garden value :— 

A. albo-lineata.—A native of New 
Guinea, 3 to 4 ft. high, with elliptic, 
lance - shaped, soft green leaves 
obliquely banded with white. 

A. borneensis.—A distinct Bornean 
species 4 to 6 ft. high, with leaves 
2 ft. long, and purple-lipped flowers 
in panicles a foot long. 

A. fimbriata.—A Bornean plant 3 
to 5 ft, high, with lance-shaped leaves 





14 ft. long, and fine spikes of purple 

A. longipetiola.—A strong-growing 
species from West Tropical Africa, 
about 6 ft. high, with elliptic leaves, 
the upper ones becoming narrower, 
the petioles being long, roundish, 
and winged at the top. The white 
or rose flowers spotted with purple 
are borne in terminal panicles, 

A, mutica.—A handsome Bornean 
plant about 6 ft. high, with narrow, 
lance-shaped, almost stalkless leaves, 
and white and yellow flowers veined 

‘with crimson, borne in pairs on a 

spike-like raceme about August (Belg. 
fort. vii. 21; Bot. Mag. t. 6908). 

A. nutans (Globba nutans).—A fine 
Indian species, as much as 13 ft. high, 
with smooth, lance-shaped leaves, 12 
to 18 ins. long, covered with reddish 
hairs. The pinkish, sweetly scented 
flowers appear about May in drooping 
racemes, the large orange-pink lip 
being striped with red. Owing to its 
size this species requires plenty of 
space, and may be grown in bold 
masses in corners of the hothouse, 
where it may be seen to the best 
advantage, either in pots, tubs, or 
planted out in beds ofrich soil. (Bot. 
May. t. 1903.) 

A. pumila.—A native of Eastern 
China, with tufts of elliptic, lance- 
shaped, pointed leaves, having white 
stripes on the green upper surface, 
The pink and rosy flowers are borne 
in short spikes about April, on short 
stalks springing up from the roots. 
(Bot. Mag. t. 6882.) 

A. Sanderz.—A species from New 
Guinea, with erect stems, shortly 
stalked shining green leaves about 
5 ins. long, regularly and closely 
striped with broad white bands 
(Gard. Chron. 1903, xxxiii. 245). 

A. tricolor.—A native of the Solo- 
mon Islands, with oblong pointed 
leaves about 10 ins. long, green, with 


creamy yellow or white stripes 
(Gard, Chron. 1908, xxxiii. 245). 

A vittata.—A graceful species from 
the South Sea Islands, with elliptic, 
lance-shaped, tapering leaves 6 to 8 
ins. long, having broad, oblique bands 
of white on a dark green ground. 

A zingiberina.—A Siamese plant, 
4 to 6 ft. high, having smooth, oblong, 
oblanceolate leaves 10 to 12 ins. long, 
and ending abruptly in a sharp point. 
The pale green flowers with a white, 
pink-veined lip appear about July in 
an almost erect panicle 10 to 12 ins, 
long. (Bot. Mag. t. 6944.) 

Other species not so well known 
are—A. Allughas, 3 ft., red ; A. aurd- 
culata, 10 to 12 ft., reddish-yellow ; A, 
calcarata, 3 to 5 ft., white ; A. cerulea, 
6 ft., reddish-purple; and A. mal- 
accensis, 6 to 8 ft., white. 

ALSTRGMERIA (in honourof Baron 
Alstroemer, a Swedish botanist). Nat. 
Ord. Amaryllidee.—A genus having 
forty or fifty species, natives of tropical 
and subtropical S. America, char- 
acterised by having masses of thickish 
or tuberous roots from which arise 
leafy stems bearing clusters or umbels 
of richly coloured and often spotted 
flowers. The funnel-shaped perianth 
is more or less irregular, with six 
narrow segments in two circles. The 
lower segment of the inner circle is 
usually quite distinct from the others. 

The Peruvian Lilies—as the Alstroe- 
merias are popularly called — are 
practically hardy south of the Thames, 
and in the more favoured parts of the 
United Kingdom. It is well, how- 
ever, to afford the roots protection in 
severe winters with a covering of 
straw or litter. They are becoming 
more popular every year now that 
their culture is better understood 
than formerly, and when planted in 
bold groups or masses they are very 
ornamental plants in the flower- 



border. The soil in which they are 
to be grown should have a southern 
aspect, and should be trenched to a 
depth of about 3 ft., so as to secure 
perfect drainage. Sandy loam and 
leaf-soil with some well-rotted cow- 
manure added makes a good compost, 
in which they flourish. The best time 
for planting is in March or April, 
when the weather is favourable. The 
clumps of roots should be buried 
from 6 to 9 ins, beneath the surface, 
and should be about a foot apart. A 
mulching of well- rotted manure or 
leaf-mould on the surface will keep 
the soil moist even during the hottest 
summer, and when it can be con- 
veniently given it is better than 
watering too often. At the same 
time, it would be fatal to neglect 
giving sufficient moisture during the 
period of active growth, and this 
point must be attended to in hot, dry 
seasons. When the blossoms are 
beginning to appear, watering with 
weak liquid manure two or three 
times a week will be highly beneficial, 
and help the flower-stems to carry 
their blossoms more erect. Faded 
flowers should always be picked off, 
not only because of their unsightli- 
ness, but because the ripening of seeds 
helps to exhaust the reserve materials 
in the plants. Once the plants are 
established and doing well, it is best 
to leave them undisturbed for a few 
years until they become too crowded 
and show a falling-off in their growth. * 
Each season, however, when grown in . 
this way, they will be benefited by a 
good mulching of well-decayed manure 
over the surface about September. » 
It will supply fresh food and also 
protect from frost, at the same time 
preventing the heat absorbed during © 
the summer months from being | 
radiated too rapidly. { 
Alstroemerias are easily increased | 
by carefully separating the fleshy roots 


into as many clumps as there are 
crowns showing. This is best done 
as a rule in spring-time, when growth 
recommences after the winter rest. 
Ripened seeds may also be sown 
either in autumn or in spring, in pots 
or pans of rich gritty soil, and kept 
in a cold frame or greenhouse. The 
seedlings when large enough to handle 
easily should be pricked out into a 
compost of sandy loam, with a little 
peat and leaf-soil, in pots or pans. 
They may be grown on in this way 
for about a year, attention being 
given to watering, etc. They will 
then be large enough to transplant, 
without much danger to the brittle 
roots, to the open air where they are 
to bloom. Instead of sowing the 
seeds in the way described, they may 
be sown when thoroughly ripe in 
patches where it is intended the 
plants are to remain eventually. By 
covering the seeds with 2 or 3 ins. 
of rich gritty mould, they pass the 
winter safely and germinate freely the 
following spring. When this method 
is adopted one must not forget to 
mark the spot where the seeds have 
been sown. 

The following are amongst the 
most useful garden kinds :— 

A. aurantiaca (A. aurea).—A splen- 
did strong-growing species 2 to 4 
ft. high, native of Chili, having thin, 
lance-shaped leaves, and masses of 
large orange flowers, the two upper 
inner petals being brightly streaked 
with red or carmine. One of the 
best kinds for the open border. (Bot. 
Mag. t. 3350.) 

A. brasiliensis.—A Brazilian species 
3 to 4 ft. high, with oblong, lance- 
shaped leaves about 2 ins. long, and 
reddish-yellow flowers, the inner 
segments being spotted with deep 
brown. This species is too tender 
for outdoor cultivation. 

A. caryophyllea, — A Brazilian 




species about 8 or 9 ins. high, with 
narrow, lance-shaped leaves, and 
sweet-scented scarlet flowers pro- 
duced in February. This species was 
erroneously figured as A. Ligtu in the 
Bot. Mag. t. 125. It is not a hardy 
plant, and can only be brought to 

Fic. 41.—Alstremeria aurantiaca., (%.) 

perfection in a stove or warm green- 
house. During the winter season 
the roots are at rest, and consequently 
require no water during that period. 

A. chilensis.—A beautiful Chilian 
species 2 to 8 ft. high, with more or 
less obovate, spoon-shaped, rather 
glaucous, twisted leaves minutely 
fringed at the edges. The blood-red 
or pink flowers appear during the 
summer and autumn months, and 
have the two upper inner segments 
lined with yellow. There are many 
seedling forms of this plant in 
gardens, having a. great variety of 
colour from blush-white to deep 
orange or red. 


A, densifiora.—-A Peruvian species 
with somewhat climbing stems, oval- 
pointed leaves, and dense umbels of 
scarlet flowers spotted with black at 
the base of the segments (Bot. Mag. 
t. 5531). 

Being a tender species, this plant 
should be grown in a greenhouse. 

A. hemantha.—This is a plant 
figured in the Bot. Mag. t. 2354 as 
A, pulchella, and as A. Simsi in Sw. 
Brit, Fl. Gard, t. 267. It is a native 
of Chili and grows 2 to 3 ft. high, 
and has crowded, thin, lance-shaped 
leaves 3 to 4 ins. long, glaucous 
beneath, the upper ones being linear. 
Numerous flowers are borne during 
the summer in compound umbels, and 
have the outer segments of a bright 
red tipped with green, the narrower 
inner ones having red-purple spots 
on an orange ground, The variety 
albida has whitish flowers, while 
one called Barclayana has crimson 

A. Ligtu.—This is according to Mr 
Baker’s Monograph of the Amaryl- 
lideze the correct name for the plant 
more popularly known as A. pulchra. 
It grows 14 to 2 ft. high, and has 
narrow leaves 2 to 8 ins. long. The 
flowers are whitish or pale lilac, or 
red, obliquely streaked with purple. 
The variety pulchra proper, as figured 
in the Bot. Mag. t. 2421, has longer 
and narrower leaves, and flowers of 
various colours. There seems to 
have been much confusion of names 
in connection with this plant, the 
following having been described 
formerly as being distinct: A. 
angustifolia, A. Presliana, A. pallida 
(Bot. Mag. t. 3040), A. Hookeriana 
(A. rosea, A. Hookeri), A. bicolor (Lodd. 
Bot, Cab. t. 1497), and Flos-martini 
(Bot. Reg. t. 731). 

All these forms are natives of 
Chili, and are somewhat tender. 
When grown in the open air, there- 



fore, they should be planted in the 
warmest spots, and protected with 
litter or other material in winter. 

A. pelegrina or peregrina (Lily of 
the Incas)—A beautiful Chilian 
species about 1 ft. high, cultivated 
at Hammersmith as long ago as 1774, 
in Messrs Lee’s nursery. The leaves 
are thin, lance-shaped, and about 2 
ins. long, and the outer segments of 
the lilac flowers are 1 in. broad, 
while the inner ones are heavily 
spotted with reddish-purple. The 
variety alba is a beautiful form with 
white unspotted flowers. It is, how- 
ever, rather tender, and requires the 
protection of a cold frame or cool 
greenhouse, where it makes a fine 
subject in pots. (Bot. Mag. t. 139.) 

A, pulchella (A. Banksiana; A. 
psittacona).—A Brazilian species 2 to 
3 ft. high, with scattered more or less 
lance-shaped leaves and clusters of 
dark red flowers tipped with green, 
all the segments, which are very 
unequal, being spotted inside with 
brown. The variety Hrembowdti has 
white flowers spotted with crimson. 
Rather tender. (Bot. Mag. t. 3033 ; 
Bot, Reg. t. 1540.) 

A. revoluta.—A Chilian species, 
1 to 13 ft. high, with wavy, twisted 
lance-shaped leaves and bright orange 
flowers tipped with purple, the upper 
segments being striped with crimson. 

A. versicolor (4. peruviana).—A 
pretty plant about 1 ft. high, from 
Chili and Peru, with obliquely linear 
leaves, and yellow flowers spotted 
and striped with purple or maroon. 
This is a strong-growing species with 
several beautiful garden forms. 

AMARYLLIs (after Virgil’s Ama- 
ryllis), Belladonna Lily. Nat. Ord.. 
Amaryllidee.—This genus is re- 
stricted to the one species described 
below, although the name Amaryllis 
is generally used in gardens for the 




species and varieties of Hippeastrum 
—which see. 

A. Belladonna (A. pudica ; A.rosea ; 
Coburgia Belladonna). —This is a 
native of Cape Colony, and not of 
the West Indies as stated in some 
works, and was introduced to cultiva- 
tion as long ago as the year 1712, In 
spring the ovoid bulbs, which are 3 
to 4 ins. through, produce seven to nine 
strap-shaped, distichous, dull green 

Fia. 42.—Amaryllis Belladonna. (}.) 

leaves 12 to 18 ins. long and about 
1 in. broad. From six to twelve 
funnel-shaped flowers, consisting of 
six nearly equal, oblong acute, con- 
nivent segments, are borne on the 
top of a solid scape 12 to 18 ins. 
high, about August and September. 
They are of a beautiful soft rose 
colour and sweetly fragrant. (Bot. 
Mag. t. 733; Red. Lil, t. 180.) 
There are several forms of the 




Belladonna Lily, including blanda 
(Coburgia blanda) (Bot. Mag. t. 1450), 
which has longer and broader leaves, 
2 to 3 ft. long, and larger and paler 
coloured flowers ; and pallida, which 
differs from the type only in having 
paler coloured flowers. Other forms 
have been called rosea perfecta, 
speciosa purpurea, and spectabilis 
bicolor or mutabilis in gardens. The 
“Kew” variety, however, is far supe- 
rior to them all. It originated in the 
Royal Gardens, Kew, and is much 
more vigorous and free flowering than 
the type, from which it differs chiefly 
in having a stouter scape twice as 
long, and bearing about four times as 
many flowers of a rich rosy-crimson 
colour. It is said to be the result of 
crossing A. Belladonna with Bruns- 
vigia Josephine. 

The Belladonna Lily and _ its 
varieties flourish in warm sunny 
spots sheltered from bleak cold winds. 
The bulbs should be planted about 
9 ins. deep in a rich compost of sandy 
loam and leaf-mould. Good drainage 
is essential, and may be secured by 
placing a thickish layer of brickbats, 
clinkers, etc., about 3 ft. below the 
surface of the border. If the bulbs 
are planted in autumn, it will be 
wise to cover them with a layer or 
heap of leaves, Jitter, etc.,in bleak 
localities, as a protection against 
frost and also to throw off heavy 
rains. Once planted in a suitable 
position, the bulbs need not be dis- 
turbed for four or five years. Trans- 
planting is best done after the 
withering of the foliage. When 
fresh plants are required the bulbs 
are lifted and all offsets separated 
and replanted, allowing a distance of 
about 1 ft. between each one. During 
the hot summer months copious 
waterings should be given, and an 
annual mulching of  well-rotted 
manure will also be beneficial. 


AMICIA (after J. B. Amici, a 
celebrated French physician). Nat. 
Ord. Leguminose.—There are only 
a few species in this genus, the best 
known being— 

A. Zygomeris.—A Mexican shrubby 
plant 4 to 6 ft. high, having thick, 
fleshy root-stocks, and fleshy, downy 
stems furnished with paripinnate 
leaves divided into two pairs of wedge- 
shaped obcordate or truncate leaflets. 
The pea-like flowers, which appear in 
September, are yellow, streaked with 
purple on the keel, and are enclosed 
before expansion in conspicuous and 
ornamental leafy stipules of a purplish 
colour. (Bot. Mag. t. 4008.) 

This species is perfectly hardy in 
the milder parts of the United King- 
dom, and will grow well in any good 
and well-drained garden soil in warm, 
sunny positions. It may be increased 
by seeds or cuttings of the young 
shoots under glass early in the 

AMMOCHARIS (ammos, sand ; 
charis, loving; in reference to wild 
conditions). Nat. Ord. Amaryllides. 
—This genus contains only the follow- 
ing species— 

A. faleata.-A native of Cape 
Colony and Natal, where it is found 
at an elevation of 5000 feet. It has 
ovoid bulbs, 6 to 9 ins, in diameter, 
covered with numerous brown tunics. 
The narrow, strap-shaped leaves 
appear before the flowers in summer 
or autumn, and attain a length of 
1 to 2 feet. During the winter 
months the sweet-scented bright red 
flowers are borne twenty to forty 
in an umbel on stout two-edged scapes 
6 to 12 ins long, springing up from 
the side of the bulbs. This species 
was formerly known under the 
generic names of Crinum, Amaryllis, 
and Hemanthus. (Bot. Mag. t. 1443.) 

This species is not quite hardy 


except in very favoured spots, and 
is therefore best grown in a cool 
greenhouse in a well-drained com- 
post of sandy loam and peat in 
about equal proportions. It is in- 
creased by offsets from the older 

AMOMUM (a, not; momos, impurity ; 
referring to the quality of counteract- 
ing poison). Nat. Ord. Scitaminez. 
—A genus of deciduous herbaceous 
perennials closely related to the 
Gingers (Zingiber), the Alpinias, 
Curcumas, and Hedychiums, having 
thickish or creeping rhizomes, entire 
lance-shaped leaves  distichously 
arranged, and spikes or clusters of 
bracteate flowers springing up close 
to the ground from the rhizomes. 
Calyx tubular or spreading at the 
mouth, three-lobed. Corolla-tube 
sometimes as long as the calyx, 
sometimes very slender and much 
longer, with three equal spreading 
lobes, or with the posterior one 
broader and more erect. 

There are about fifty species known, 
natives of Tropical Asia and Africa, 
some species being also found in 
Tropical Australia and the Pacific 
Islands. Owing to their aromatic 
flavouring they were formerly used 
in embalming, and the word “mummy” 
is said to be derived from the generic 
name. All the kinds in cultivation 
may be grown in the same way as 
the Alpinias in a stove house with 
plenty of atmospheric moisture dur- 
ing the growing season. They 
flourish in rich sandy loam, with 
a little leaf-soil or old manure added. 
Propagation is effected by dividing 
the rhizomes in the spring, when 
repotting may be necessary. 

Amongst the species met with 
are :— 

A. angustifolium, 8 ft. high, with 
narrow, lance-shaped leaves, and 



chrome-yellow flowers, sometimes 
crimson and yellow, and sometimes 
all crimson, produced in June, July, 
and August. Madagascar. 

A, Cardamomum. — 8 ft, high. 
Flowers brownish. August. East 
Indies. This species yields the 
round Cardamoms of commerce, the 
true Cardamoms being obtained from 
Eletiaria Cardamomum-—which see. 

A. Granum-paradisi. — Popularly 
known as “Grains of Paradise” or 
“Guinea Pepper,” is a native of W. 
Africa. It grows about 3 ft. high; 
has elliptic, lance-shaped leaves, red 
stems, and white flowers tinged with 
yellow and rose, in March or April. 
(Bot. Mag. t. 4603.) 

Otherspecies are—A.Daniellz,24{t., 
red ; A. hemisphericum, 12 ft. high, 
with leaves 14 ft. long, green above, 
claret-red beneath; flowers red and 
yellow, surrounded by large dull red 
bracts (Bot. Mag. +t. 7592); A. 
Melegueta, 1 to 2 ft., pale pink; A. 
platyandrum, 6 to 8 ft., dark red with 
a yellow lip; A. érilobum, 2 to 3 ft., 
deep red and yellow ; and A. sceptrum, 
5 to 6 ft., bright rose-purple—all from 

deformed ; phallos, a mace ; referring 
to the misshapen barren appendix 
of the spadix). Nat Ord. Aroidez. 
—Extraordinary looking herbaceous 
plants, sometimes of great size, with 
large, roundish, flattened tubers, from 
2 to 5 ft. in circumference in some 
species, and natives of Tropical Asia, 
‘Tropical Africa, the Malayan Archi- 
pelago, and the Pacific Islands. 
From each tuber a solitary leaf with 
a stalk from 2 to 10 ft. high usually 
arises, and in some species this is 
large enough to cover an area 465 ft. 
in circumference, or roughly 15 ft. 
across. The leaves are divided into 
three main lobes, the latter being 




again divided and subdivided into 
smaller segments. The inflorescence 
consists of an aggregation of minute 
flowers borne on a thickish, irregular, 
club-like spadix, which sticks up 
boldly to a height of 6 ft, in some 
species (eg., A. Titanum), in the 
centre of a large surrounding cup- 
shaped envelope called a spathe. The 
latter varies from 8 or 9 ins. in 
diameter to as much as 3 ft. 

From the dimensions of some of the 
species, it is obvious they can only 
be grown in establishments having 
plenty of accommodation under glass. 
On the whole they are scarcely plants 
for the ordinary stove or warm green- 
house, and can only be regarded as 
remarkable vegetable curiosities, 
quite appropriate in such places as 
the National Garden at Kew, where 
even the putrid odour that arises 
from the inflorescence of many can be 
tolerated during the period the plants 
condescend to bloom. 

To grow the plants successfully, 
a stove or warm greenhouse tempera- 
ture (60° to 65° F. minimum in 
winter), is necessary, accompanied 
with plenty of moisture during active 
growth in spring and summer. The 
tubers should be potted in rich turfy 
loam, leaf-soil, and a fair sprinkling 
of coarse silver sand. In addition 
to liberal supplies of water when 
growing, the syringe should be freely 
used in the mornings and late in 
the afternoons. As the leaves die 
down the supply of water should 
be gradually lessened, and when the 
tubers are dormant, they may be 
left in the soil without further 
moisture until growth recommences, 
Propagation is practically out 
of the question with many, if 
not most, species; and the plants 
can only be secured by importing 
the tubers or seeds direct from their 
native habitats. 


The following species may be 
briefly noted :— 

A, Afzeli (Corynophallus Afzelt).— 
A dwarf species, 1 to 2 ft. high, from 
Tropical Africa, having finely divided 
leaf -lobes, and tubular spathes 
marbled and striped with purple. 
The variety elegans has _ the 
leaves cut into finer segments ; 
latifolia has broader lobes; and 
spectabilis has pale-coloured stalks 
with darker blotches. (Gard. Chron. 
1872, 1619.) 

A, campanulatus (Zacca phallifera ; 
‘Arum campanulatum).— A native of 
the East Indies, about 2 ft. high, 
with large tubers, and leaves about 
a yard wide divided into three large 
lobes, each again cut into smaller 
divisions. The spathe appears before 
the leaf, and is about a foot long, 
bell-shaped, greenish - yellow, out- 
side spotted with brown; the inner 
surface being purplish or violet, 
while the large, swollen, irregular 
spadix sticks up in the centre. (Bot. 
Mag. t. 2812; Gard. Chron. 1889, i. 
755, 804.) 

Fic. 43.—Amorphophallus campanulatus. (4.) 

A. SBichlerii—A native of W. 
Tropical Africa, with solitary, green, 
much-divided leaves, and small purple 
and white spathes about 4 ins, across, 




having a brown, club-shaped spadix 
about 6 ins. long in the centre (Bot. 
Mag. t. 7091). 

Fic. 44,—Amorphophallus Eichlert. (4.) 

A. ElliottiitA species from Sierra 
Leone, having fleshy tubers, and leaf- 
stalksabout 1 ft.high with athree-lobed 
pinnatifid blade. The scapes are 
about 1 ft. high, bearing a short, 
broad-hooded spathe, coloured pink 
and green with blotches and zones 
of brown purple. (Bot. Mag. t. 7349.) 

A. glabra, from Queensland, re- 
sembles A. varzabilis, but has shorter 
spathes, and the flowers emit a 
fragrance like pineapples (Gard. 
Chron. 1895, xvii. 484). 

A. grandis.—A Javan species about 
a yard high, with a purple spadix in 
the centre of a spathe which is green 
outside and white within. 

A. Leopoldianus (Hydrosme Leo- 
poldiana).—A native of the Congo, 
2to3 ft. high, with palmate leaves cut 
into fine segments. The reddish- ’ 
violet spathes are ovate, lance-shaped, 
and pointed, enclosing a cylindrical 


spadix 2 to 23 ft. long. (Ill. Hort, 
ser. Vv. 23.) 

A. oncophyllus.—A native of the 
Andaman Islands, with a tuberous 
root-stock about 10 ins. in diameter, 
and a leaf-stalk 3 ft. high, blotched 
with pale green. The leaf-blade is 
about 3% ft. across, divided into 
numerous lance - shaped segments. 
The bell-shaped spathe is nearly a 
foot long, coloured inside deep brown- 
purple with yellow blotches. The 
erect spadix is creamy yellow, and 
the whole inflorescence emits a very 
disagreeable odour. (Bot. Mag. t. 

A. Rivieri (Proteinophallus Rivieri). 
—This is probably the best-known 
species of the genus. It is a native 
of Cochin-China, and has finely 
divided leaves a yard or more across, 
and borne on stalks about 3 ft. high, 
marbled and blotched. The dark 
brown cylindrical spadix is much 
longer than the irregularly bell- 
shaped rosy-green spathe, and is 
generally produced from March to 
May, before the leaves appear. 

A. Teutzi (Hydrosme Teutzi).—A 
native of W. Tropical Africa, with 
solitary three-partite leaves cut into 
branching finely cut segments. The 
trifid spathe is green outside, purple- 
brown inside, enclosing a shorter 
spadix with a greenish cylindrical 
appendix. (Gartenf. t. 1142.) 

A, Titanum (Conophallus Titanum). 
—A gigantic species from Sumatra, 
having huge tubers (said to be 
edible), and enormous leaves which 
cover an area of 45 ft. in circumfer- 
ence when fully developed. The 
blackish- purple or green marbled 
spadix attains a height of 5 ft., stand- 
ing up in the centre of a bell-shaped 
spathe nearly 3 ft. across. This is 
pale green near the base within, but 
otherwise bright blackish-purple ; the 
outer surface being pale green, smooth 




below, but irregularly corrugated 

This extraordinary plant flowered 
for the first time in Europe in the 
Royal Gardens, Kew, in June 1889, 
ten years after it had been received 
as a small seedling from the Botanic 
Gardens at Florence, whither seeds 
were sent by Dr Beccari. The Kew 

Fic. 45.—Amorphophallus Titanum. (qy.) 
plant had a‘ spadix 3 ft. 3 ins. high, 
and 6 ins. in diameter ; the leaf-stalk 
8 ft. high, and 9 ins. in diameter at 
the base ; the spread of the leaf was 
12 ft.; and the tuber weighed in 
March 1889, 57 lbs., and was 18 ins. in 
diameter and 12 ins. deep. To show 
the short duration of the inflorescence, 
it may be mentioned that the spathe 
began to unfold at 5 p.m., was fully 
open by 6.80 P.m., began to shut at 
8 pM., and by 11 p.m. had closed 
entirely. The stench was overpower- 
ing, and was said to resemble that of. 


rotten fish and burnt sugar. (Bot. 
Mag. tt. '7153-4-5.) 

A.wvariabilis (Brachyspatha varia- 
bilis). An East Indian fetid-smelling 
species about 3 ft. high, with solitary, 
much-divided leaves about 18 ins. 
across, borne on spotted stalks. The 
greenish-purple spathe encloses a 
whitish spadix. (Gard. Chron. 1876, 

A. virosus——A Siamese species 
resembling A. campanulatus, but 
smaller. The spathes are pale green 
spotted with white and edged outside 
with purple. The inner surface is 
purple and corrugated at the base, 
creamy white in the centre, and 
purple again towards the top, the 
whole being about 8 ins. long, and 6 
ins. across. The brownish or purple 
spadix is about 7 ins, high, with a 
roundish corrugated top or appendix. 
(Bot, Mag. t. 6978.) 

A, zeylanicus.—This has a whitish 
spathe spotted with green, and a 
yellow spadix ; is also known as Arwin 
sylvaticum, and Synantherias sylva- 
tica, the latter being now the accepted 
name. (Bot. Mag. t. 7190.) 

AMPELOPSIS (Ampelos, a vine; 
opsts, resemblance ; in reference to the 
vine-like appearance). Nat. Ord. Am- 
pelidese.—There are only a couple of 
species of garden note with tuberous 
roots belonging to this genus, namely, 
A, napyformis, with roundish corru- 
gated roots, and five-lobed leaves, and 
A, serjanicefolia (or A. tuberosa), hav- 
ing dahlia-like roots, and palmately 
lobed leaves. Both are climbers, the 
first-named being a native of China, 
the other from Japan. They are both 
hardy, and ornamental in foliage, 
like their relatives the Virginian 
creeper (A. quinquefolia) and the 
well-known A. Vevtcht, They flourish 
in ordinary soil, and may be increased 
by division of the roots, or by cut- 



tings of the ripened wood in autumn. 
They are generally referred to the 
genus Vitis, 

ANCHOMANES (derivation un- 
known). Nat. Ord. Aroidese.—A 
small genus of hothouse tuberous 
perennials closely related to Amorpho- 
phallus, and requiring the same 
cultural treatment. Outside botanical 
collections the plants are practically 

A. dubius.—A fine species, having 
thick, fleshy tubers, from which a 
much-divided elegant leaf is’ thrown 
up. The spathe is very large and 
recurved, about 12 in. long, the outer 
surface being a pale olive purple, the 
interior glossy, cream-coloured. The 
spadix is over 6 in. long, and # in. 
thick, the upper five-sixths being 
densely packed with creamy male 
flowers, while the basal portion having 
the female flowers is a dull purple col- 
our (Gard. Chron., May 1885, 668, f.). 

A. Hookeri (Caladium petiolatum). 
—A remarkable plant from the Island 
of Fernando Po, having poisonous 
potato-like tubers marked with rings 
and scars. The leaf-stalk is 3 ft. high 
rounded, green blotched with purple, 
especially below, where it is muricated. 
The blade is divided into three 
spreading branches, each being again 
divided into smaller segments. The 
flower-stem is about a foot high, and 
bears a boat-shaped tapering spathe, 
6 to 8 in. long, deep velvety purple 
within, but greenish-purple outside 
at the base. (Bot. Mag. t. 3728.) 

The variety pallida is larger, with 
prickly leaf and flower-stems, and a 
wider and paler purple and green 
spathe enclosing a white spadix, 
having a deep purple base (Bot. Mag. 
t. 5394), 

ANDROCYMBIUM (aner or andros, 
aman ; cymbos, a cavity ; in reference 



to the stamens or male organs being 
enclosed in a hollow formed by the 
folding of the petals). Nat. Ord. 
Liliaceze—A genus containing about 
thirteen species of greenhouse bulbs or 
corms, more curious perhaps than 
ornamental, chiefly natives of South 
Africa and the Mediterranean region. 
They like sandy soil, plenty of sun- 
shine, and a dry atmosphere, and 
-when at rest no water. The tufts 
of leaves spread out on the soil, and 
the flowers, more or less stalk- 
less, appear in the centre. The 
species sometimes met with in 
botanical collections are—A. melan- 
thium eucomoides, green (Bot. Mag. 
t. 641) ; A. lewcanthum, white (figured 
in Sw. Brit. Fl. Gard. as A. 
eucomoides) ; A. melanthoides, white ; 
A, punctatum, whitish; and A. 
volutare, white—all natives of South 

ANDROSTEPHIUM (aner, anther ; 
stephanos, a crown; in reference to 
the dilated filaments forming a cor- 
ona). Nat. Ord. Liliacee.—A small 
genus having only two or three species 
of bulbous plants intermediate be- 
tween Brodiza and Bessera, and 
distinguished by having six-lobed 
funnel-shaped flowers in clusters or 
terminal umbels. 

A. violaceum.—A native of Texas, 
grows 6 to 9 ins. high, has few narrow 
leaves, and about April or May pro- 
duces its umbels of bluish - violet 

It is a fairly hardy species in the 
milder parts of the Kingdom, and 
flourishes in a rich sandy loam. In 
severe winters, and especially in 
bleak spots, it is necessary to protect 
the bulbs from frost by covering 
with litter or ashes, or by taking 
them up in autumn and _ storing 
until spring Propagated by offsets 
or seeds. . 




ANEMONE (Windflower ; anemos, 
the wind), Nat. Ord. Ranunculacee. 
—There are about seventy species of 
Windflower, all hardy herbaceous per- 
ennials, with radical leaves more or 
less divided and lobed, some with 
fibrous roots, others with tuberous 
ones. The latter are the only ones 
considered in this work, but the 
reader will find ample information 
regarding the others in the author’s 
Practical Guide to Garden Plants. 

The tuberous - rooted Anemones 
flourish in the ‘open border in rich 
sandy loam that has been deeply dug 
to secure perfect drainage. Indeed 
they succeed in ordinary good garden 
soil that has a good depth and is 
enriched with well-decayed manure 
every year or two. They soon estab- 
lish themselves, and are not only 
valuable for the ordinary flower- 
border, but also for grassy slopes 
and banks, rock-gardens, terraces, 

A.apennina (Apennine Windflower). 
—A tuberous blackish-rooted species 
from 8. Europe, growing about 6 ins. 
high. The stem leaves are in whorls of 
three, with long blunt lobes, all some- 
what pubescent. Flowers about 2 ins. 
across, bright sky blue, appear on 
single stalks in March. There is a 
white (alba) and also a rose-coloured 
(rosea) variety. 

This species prefers sandy loam or 
peat, and thrives under the partial 
shade of trees, It makes a beautiful 
carpet of blue, and should be grown 
for this purpose in large patches, 
beneath deciduous trees and shrubs, 
or mixed with Tulips, Daffodils, ete, 
Easily increased by division. 

A. baldensis.—A rare tuberous- 
rooted Swiss species about 6 ins, high. 
The leaves are twice ternate, with 
many-parted narrow segments. The 
solitary flowers appear in May, and 
have eight to ten oblong oval white 


sepals, hairy outside, and reddish 
tinged with blue. Grows best in 
shady parts of the rockery. 

A. blanda (Blue Winter Wind- 
flower).—A lovely tuberous - rooted 
species from the mountains of Greece. 
It grows about 6 ins. high, and closely 
resembles A. apennina. Leaves three- 
partite or cut with stalked or sessile 
three-partite, cut segments ; those of 
the involucre deeply cut and stalked, 
The deep blue flowers, each nearly 2 
ins. across, appear in winter or early 
spring, having nine to fourteen oblong 
linear sepals. The variety scythinica 

Fic. 46.—Anemone blanda seythinica. 

from N. Kurdistan has pale blue and 
white flowers; and the one known 
as Cypriane is charming. The buds 
are bright blue outside, but when 
they open in the sunlight, they show 
a pure white interior. 

This species likes a rich, light, and 
well-drained loam, and a warm 



sheltered place in rockeries, sunny 
banks, or warm grassy slopes. In- 
creased by seed or division. 

A. coronaria (Poppy Anemone).— 
This important species from S&S. 
Europe has given rise to the many 
single and double florists’ varieties, 
which appear in such abundance in 
the early spring and summer. It 
grows about 6 to 9 ins. high, and has 
ternate deeply cut leaves, with numer- 
ous narrow-pointed segments. The 

» flowers have six to eight oval rounded 
‘sepals varying from red to white, 


purple,and pink. (Bot. Mag. t. 841.) 

Fic, 47.—Anemone Coronaria. 

Several distinct varieties or groups 
of varieties having single and double 
flowers have arisen from this species, 
having a great range of colour, be- 
tween pure white and deep purple, 
passing through salmon-pink, scarlet, 
etc. The single-flowered and double- 
flowered varieties known as the Caen 
Anemones, with which may be 


mentioned the Double Nice, and the 
Cardinal’s Hat varieties, are particu- 
larly fine, having large flowers in 
many exquisite shades. The strain 
known as “St Brigid ” Anemones have 
mostly semi-double blossoms, and are 
great improvements on the ordinary 
single forms, owing to their greater 
vigour and freedom of flower. The 
colours may be white, crimson, cobalt- 
blue, rose, pink, salmon, scarlet, 
lavender, heliotrope, etc. One single- 
flowered variety, called the “ King of 
Scarlets,” has brilliant scarlet flowers 
and forms a fiery picture in the 
spring border or rockery. The 
double - flowered “ Chrysanthemum ” 
Anemones are a fine race, with flowers 
resembling those of small incurved 
Chrysanthemums, or China Asters, 
displaying such colours as violet, 
crimson, rose, carmine, lilac, etc. 
‘Tubers of both single and double 
varieties may now be obtained from 
nurserymen at a very reasonable 
rate, either in separate colours or 
mixed. It is generally better, how- 
ever, to keep the varieties distinct 
from each other. Planting may be 
done either in spring from January 
to March in cold soils, or early in the 
autumn from September to October 
in warm light soils. The soil if 
possible should be a rich, deep, and 
sandy loam, so that the tubers if left 
in the ground during the winter shall 
not be so likely to rot with the com- 
bination of cold and moisture. In- 
stead of planting tubers, seeds of the 
best varieties may be obtained, and 
from these it is possible to raise a 
large number of plants in the course 
of a year. The seeds should be sown 
in June, or when fully ripe in a warm 
sheltered bed in the open. The soil, 
of course, should be broken up first 
of all, and the surface should then be 
trodden down firmly, and properly 
levelled with the rake. Having 




sown the seeds thinly and evenly 
over the surface, cover them with 
about a + in. of rich sandy com- 
post, and tread in with the feet, 
or beat down with the back of the 
spade or piece of board, afterwards 
finishing off with the back of the 
rake, and giving a gentle watering 
from a fine-rosed can, especially if 
the soil is inclined to dryness. Until 
the seeds germinate, which is gener- 
ally about three weeks after sowing, the 
seed-bed should be kept shaded with 
a piece of canvas or mat, and always 
kept in a moist but not sodden con- 
dition. When the young plants 
appear, they must have plenty of . 
sunshine, and should never be allowed 
to get toodry ; otherwise their growth 
is likely to be checked. If necessary 
the young plants may be left to 
flower in the seed-bed, or they may 
be lifted in September and trans- 
planted. In cold bleak localities, 
however, transplanting is best done 
in spring rather than in autumn. 

Enormous quantities of Poppy Ane- 
mones find their way into the English 
markets from the Riviera every 

A. fulgens (A. hortensis; A. 
pavonina ; A, stellata), Scarlet Wind- 
flower.—This is a native of 8. Europe, 
about 1 ft. high, with bright green 
three-lobed cut and toothed leaves. 
The large, solitary flowers appear in 
May,2ins. or more across, of a brilliant 
scarlet-crimson colour, sometimes with 
a paler zone at the base around the jet- 
black bunch of stamens in the centre. 
A, fulgens major is a fine form, and 
A, pavonina (the Peacock Anemone) 
isa double form. If cut early in the 
morning or in the evening, the 
blossoms last well in water for room 

The Scarlet Windflower likes a rich, 
deeply dug, loamy soil with a dash of 
lime in it, and is suitable for the 


partially shaded spots in the rockery 
or flower-border. Stagnant moisture 
at the roots is fatal to it, hence the 
necessity for good drainage. The 
roots may be planted almost at any 
time, but during early autumn is the 
best time, say in August or early 
September. For the decoration of 
the greenhouse early in the year the 

Fia. 48.—Anemone fulgens, var. 


Scarlet Windflower is very useful. 
The tubers may be potted up in 
autumn and kept in a cold frame, 
or under ashes, until after Christmas, 
when they may be brought in from 
time to time to keep up a succession. 
They must not, however, be placed in 
too high a temperature. Increased 
by dividing the roots, or from seeds 
in the same way as the Poppy 

A. nemorosa (Wood Anemone).—A 
charming British plant found in woods 
and copses all over the Kingdom, as 
well as in Europe and N. America, 
It grows from 4 to 8 ins. high, and 
has silky-haired leaves twice or thrice 
divided into narrow segments. The 
white, or sometimes purple, flowers, 




1 to 2 ins. across, having six oval, 
veined sepals, appearin Apriland May. 
The variety Robinsoniana, which 
seems to be identical with one called 
coerulea, has lovely sky-blue flowers ; 
the variety Allent is similar, but 
larger in every way ; the variety flore 
pleno has double white flowers ; rosea, 
rose-coloured ; and cornubiensis, blue, 


Fic. 49.—Anemone nemorosa. 

are other forms. They areall charm- 
ing when grown in bold masses in the 
rock-garden or flower-border in some- 
what shaded positions. Increased 
by division of the root-stocks in 
autumn, or by seeds, 

A. palmata.—A distinct tuberous- 
rooted plant about 6 to 8 ins. high, 
from the Mediterranean region. The 
roundish, heart-shaped leathery leaves 
are bluntly three to five-lobed, slightly 
toothed and hairy. The large, glossy, 
golden-yellow flowers with ten to 
twelve oblong, obtuse sepals appear in 
May and June, and open in the sun- 
shine only. The double variety, flore 
pleno, and the white one, albida, are 
both pretty but very scarce, (Bot. 
Mag. t. 2079.) 

A. palmata grows best in dampish 


places in deep, turfy peat, or loam 
andleaf-soil, into which it roots deeply 
and forms strong clumps. It is 
increased by dividing the root-stocks 
or from seeds. 

A, ranunculoides (Yellow Wood 
Anemone). — A S. European plant, 
growing 4 to 6 ins. high, with three- 
to five-parted leaves having deeply 
toothed trifid segments. The clear, 
golden-yellow flowers, with five or six 
elliptic sepals, appear in March either 
singly orin pairs. Thereisa Pyrenean 
variety with purple flowers, and one 
named pallida with sulphur-coloured 

This charming little plant is occa- 
sionally found naturalised in English 
woods, and likes a rich, sandy soil 
with a little chalk orlime. Increased 
by division or seed, 

ANIGOZANTHOS (anoigo, to open ; 
anthos, flower; in reference to the 
branching expansion of the flower- 
stalks), Nat. Ord. Heemodoracese.— 
A genus having eight species of 
herbaceous plants, natives of S.W. 
Australia, with thickish, horizontal 
rhizomes, radical leaves usually 
narrow and sword-shaped, but some- 
times terete or distichous. Flowers 
large, borne on simple or branched 
dichotomous stalks, with an elongated, 
woolly perianth. 

These plants are not particularly 
well known, and are never likely to 
become popular, except in botanical 
collections. They require to be grown 
in a cool greenhouse with a winter 
temperature about 45° to 50°F. They 
may be potted in a compost of 
three parts peat and one part sandy 
loam. During growth water is given 
when required, but during the 
dormant winter season practically 
no water need be given. The plants 
are easily increased by dividing the 
root-stocks in spring when growth 




begins. The following species may 
be noted :— 

A. bicolor.—3 ft. Scarlet and green. 

A. coccineus.—5 ft. high. Flowers 
crimson in June. 

A. flavidus.—3 ft. Yellowish green. 
May. (Bot. Mag.t. 1151; Red. Lil. t. 
176.) This species has been con- 
fused with cuccinea, grandiflora, and 

A. Manglesi.—3 ft. Green. May, 
(Bot. Mag. t. 3875.) Green and red 
in the variety angustifolia, figured in 
the Bot. Reg. t. 2012. 

A, pulcherrimus.—3 ft. Yellow. 
May. (Bot. Mag. t. 4180.) 
A tyrianthinus.— 3 ft. Purple and 

white. May. (Bot. Mag. t. 4507.) 
All the species mentioned above are 
natives of the Swan River region. 

ANOIGANTHUS (anorgo, to open; 
anthos, a flower). Nat Ord. Amaryl- 
lidese.—There is only one species in 
this genus, namely :— 

A. breviflorus (Cyrtanthus brevi- 

Fic. 50.—Anoiganthus breviflorus. 


florus).—A native of the mountains 
of Natal, the Transvaal, and Cape 


Colony, with short-necked, ovoid bulbs 
about 1 in. in diameter, and three or 
four strap-shaped leaves 1 ft. or more 
long. The bright, yellow flowers 
appear from October to February in 
a wild state, but during the spring 
(April and May) in British gardens. 
From two to ten are borne in an umbel 
on top of the fleshy peduncle 6 to 12 
ins. high. The variety minor is a 
dwarfer plant, with narrow perianth 
segments. (Bot. Mag. t. 7072 ; Gard. 
Chron. 1889, i. 557; Gard. 1891, t. 814.) 

This species flourishes in a mix- 
ture of sandy loam and leaf-mould, 
and may be grown in a cool green- 
house ; or even in the open air with 
protection in winter in the warmest 
parts of the Kingdom. It may be 
increased by offsets from the older 

ANOMATHECA (anomos, singular ; 
theca, a capsule; in reference to the 

Fic. 51.—Anomatheca cruenta. (3.) 

seed-pod), Nat. Ord. Iridez.—This 
genus is now referred to Lapeyrousia 



by botanists; but is still better known 
as Anomatheca. 

A. cruenta.—An attractive South 
African species 6 to 12 ins. high, with 
rather large, roundish corms or bulbs, 
and sword-shaped, linear leaves. The 
flowers, which are of a beautiful deep 
crimson with a deeper coloured blotch 
on the base of each of the three larger 
and lower segments, appear in summer 
and autumn in loose clusters at the 
ends of the slender stems, and are 
very effective when the plants are 
grown in bold masses. This species 
is only hardy on warm soils in the 
mildest parts of the Kindgom. It 
should as a rule be treated in the 
same way as the Ixias (see p. 319), to 
which it is closely related. 

ANTHERICUM (anthos, flower; 
kerkos, a hedge; in reference to the tall 
flower-stems). Nat. Ord. Liliacew.— 
A genus containing about fifty species 
of tufted, herbaceous perennials having 
short root-stocks, more or less fleshy 
roots, and radical, linear leaves. The 
slenderly stalked flowers are borne 
on tall, leafless, simple, or branched 
scapes furnished with linear, scarious 
bracts. The perianth, which is some- 
times slightly twisted, has distinct 
rotate-spreading, almost equal three to 
five-nerved segments, and six stamens 
hypogynous or slightly adnate to the 
base of the segments. Most of the 
Anthericums are natives of 8. Africa, 
but few of them are appreciated as 
garden plants. Those mentioned 
below are hardy and make effective 
border plants, especially A. Liliago. 
They like a compost of rich sandy 
loam and a little leaf-soil, with good 
drainage. To secure the best effects, 
bold groups should be planted instead 
of isolated specimens, and once 
established, need not be disturbed for 
four or five years. The soil, however, 
in such cases should be given a good 



top-dressing of well-rotted manure 
in the autumn to keep sufficient 
nourishment near the roots. The 
plants are easily increased by divid- 
ing the root-stocks in autumn, or 
in spring. Plants may also be raised 
from seeds sown when fully ripe in a 
frame, but it is scarcely worth while. 

A. Bicheti—An elegant species 
from W. Tropical Africa, having 
flexible leaves variegated with white, 
This species is too tender for the 
open air, and should be grown in a 
warm greenhouse. 

A. echeandioides. —A somewhat 
tender species, supposed to be a native 
of Mexico, having lance-shaped leaves 
about 1 ft. long, and orange-yellow 
flowers borne in pairs about November 
(Bot. Mag. t. 6809). This species is 
scarcely known, and is probably not 
hardy. It should therefore be grown 
in a greenhouse. 

A. Hoffmanni.—An East African 
free-flowering species, with shining 
green leaves about a foot long and 
nearly 2 ins. broad. The longer 
flower-stems bear dense panicles of 
delicate white star-shaped flowers. 

A. Hookeri (Bulbinella and Chryso- 
bactron Hookeri).—A beautiful New 
Zealand plant 1 to 3 ft. high, with 
linear sheathing leaves 9 to 12 ins. 
long, and bright yellow flowers about 
4 in. across, freely produced in erect 
racemes in early summer. This 
species likes a rich, deep, moist soil. 
A. Rossi, probably not in cultivation, 
is a much finer plant and remarkable 
for having yellow unisexual flowers. 

A. Liliago (Phalangium and Wat- 
sonia Liliago), St Bernard’s Lily.— 
A very free-flowering species from 8, 
Europe cultivated for more than three 
hundred years. It has tufts of narrow 
channelled leaves 12 to 18 ins, long, 
gracefully recurving, and erect loose 
spikes of pure white flowers 1 to 1} 




ins. across, borne well above the 
foliage from May to August. The 
variety major is a more robust form 
with larger flowers, A. Liliastrum, 
known as St Bruno’s Lily, is now 
referred to the genus Paradisea 
(which see). 

Fia. 52.—Anthericum Liliago, root-stock. (4.) 

A, ramosum (A. graminifolium).— 
AS. European plant of rapid growth, 
with flat, narrow grass-like leaves, 
and trusses of white starry flowers 
borne from June to August on stout 
erect stems about 2 ft. high (Bot. Mag. 
t. 1055, as Phalangiuwm ramosum). 

A. yedoénsis, now called Alectorurus 
yedoénsis, is an interesting species 
from Japan, 1 to 2 ft. high, with 
branching, pyramidal panicles of 
pale rose-purple flowers with protrud- 
ing stamens. The flowers are remark- 
able for being dicecious. 

ANTHOLYZA (anthos, flower ; lyssa, 
rage; in reference to theopening flower 
resembling the mouth of an enraged 
animal), Nat. Ord. Iridee.—A genus 
of §. African plants with Gladiolus- 
like corms and leaves, and spikes of 
bright-coloured flowers overtopping 
the foliage. Perianth tubular, with six 


unequal segments, the upper arching 
ones being much longer than the others. 

Antholyzas are rarely met with 
except in botanical collections. They 
flourish in warm sunny spots out of 
doors in stiffish, well-drained loamy 
soil with a little peat and leaf-mould. 
They may be treated the same as 
Gladiolus, and increased in the same 
way by offsets from the older corms, 
or by seeds. 

In cold localities it is better to 
grow the plants in a cool greenhouse. 
The best kinds for gardens are :— 

A, xthiopica (A. floribunda; A. 
prealta), which grows about 3 ft. 
high, and produces spikes of scarlet 
and green flowers in June. The 
variety ringens (A. vittigera) has 
orange-red flowers, smaller than those 
of the type, borne on plum-purple 
stems with a “bloom” (Bot. Mag. 
tt. 561, 1172). 

A. caffra (Anisanthus splendens).— 
A showy species about 2 ft. high, 
with spikes of rich scarlet flowers 
appearing in June. 

A. carolina, bright’ orange; A. 
fulgens, rich coppery rose; and A. 
paniculata, with panicles of red, 
brown, and yellow flowers, and its 
variety major, are other members of 
the genus, 

A. Cunonia (A. bicolor ; Anisanthus 
Cunonia), with scarlet and black 
flowers (Bot. Mag. t. 348; Red. Lil. 
t. 12), 

A. Schweinfurthi, from Abyssinia, 
has bright red and yellow flowers 



borne on loose simple spikes (Bot. 
Mag. t. 7709). ; 

ANTIGONON (anti, against, 
opposite; gonia, an angle). Nat. 
Ord. Polygonacese.—A genus contain- 
ing a few species of decorative 
hothouse climbing plants bearing 
their flowers in clusters at the 
ends of the young shoots or in 
the axils of the upper leaves. The 
flowers have five segments, of which 
the three outer are broadly heart- 
shaped and most conspicuous, the two 
inneronesbeing oblong. They remind 
one forcibly of the Bougainvilleas, 

The species mentioned below have 
a reputation for being very difficult 
to flower. One, however, sees one or 
other of them occasionally in the 
finest perfection. They require to 
be planted out in a well-drained 
border in a warm house, the compost 
being rich sandy loam and leaf-soil. 
The shoots should be trained up wire 
trellises near the glass, but not too 
close, so that the leaves may obtain 
as much light as possible. Plenty of 
water should be given during active 
growth, but the roots should be kept 
almost dry during the resting period 
in winter. The best way to increase 
the stock is by cuttings of the shoots 
in spring in a hotbed or in a close 
frame in the greenhouse. 

A. amabile—A Mexican plant 
with tuberous roots, angular climbing 
stems, bearing oval heart-shaped 
leaves, and clusters of bright pink 
flowers from August to October. 

A. insigne, from Colombia, has 
broadly oval oblong leaves with 
cordate rounded lobes, and bright 
rosy pink flowers (Gard. Chron. 1877, 
vii. 789). 

A. leptopus.—This is the best- 
known and perhaps the most orna- 
mental species. It is a native of 
Mexico, and has stalked, heart-shaped 



leaves, and about August and 
September produces its bright rose- 
purple blossoms in great abundance. 
(Bot. Mag. t. 5816.) There is a 
white-flowered variety called addi- 


Fic, 54.—Antigonon leptopus. (4.) 

APHYLLANTHES (aphyjllos, leaf- 
less ; anthos, a flower). Nat. Ord. 
Liliacee.—This genus contains only 
the following species :— 

A. monspeliensis.— A beautiful 
hardy herbaceous perennial with 
short rush-like branches springing 
up from a short thickish root-stock, 
It is remarkable for having no leaves, 
as indicated by the generic name. 
The small heads of deep blue funnel- 
shaped flowers appear in June and 
July, and are borne on slender leaf- 

like scapes having membranous 
sheaths at the base. (Bot. Mag. t. 

This plant comes from the south of 
France. It flourishes in rich sandy 




peat in warm, sunny parts of the 
rock - garden, and is hardy in the 
mildest parts of the Kingdom. It 
requires protection of a hand-light or 
a heap of litter in cold localities, and 
may be increased by division of the 
root-stocks in spring. Seeds may also 
be sown when fully ripe, the young 
plants being grown in pots in cold 
frames for the first year to establish 

APIOS (apion, a pea ; in reference to 
the shape of the roots), Grounp Nut. 
Nat. Ord. Leguminose.— A small 
genus of climbing perennials, having 
pinnate three- to seven-foliolate leaves, 
and pea-shaped flowers in panicles or 
clusters at the ends of the shoots. 
Standard petal reflexed, ovate, or 
roundish, longer than the obliquely 
ovate wings ; keel elongated, much in- 
curved, involute, or spirally twisted. 
Stamens ten, upper one free. Pod 
linear, more or less sickle-shaped, 

A. tuberosa (Glycine Apios).—An 
elegant light and graceful twining 
perennial, native of Pennsylvania, 
with eatable floury tubers, and pin- 
nate leaves composed of five oblong 
lance-shaped leaflets. Flowers from 
July to September, deep orange, dull 
brownish - purple or pink, sweet- 
scented, in dense axillary racemes 
(Bot. Mag. t. 1198). 

An effective twiner for warm, 
sheltered spots. It likes rich sandy 
soil, and may be increased by dividing 
the tuberous roots in spring; but this 
must be done with great care, other- 
wise the roots may die after separa- 
tion. To avoid this, seeds may be 
sown when fully ripe in rich sandy 
soil in cold frames, the seedlings after- 
wards being planted out the following 
spring if large enough. The tuberous 
roots are eaten by the N. American 
Indians. It was once thought they 


would make a good substitute for the 
potato in Europe. 

APONOGETON (Celtic apon, water ; 
gevton, neighbour; in reference to place 
of growth). Nat. Ord. Naiadaceze.—A 
genus containing about twentyspecies, 
of which the best known are :— 

A. Bernieriana is closely related to 
A, fenestrale. It has pinkish flowers, 
but narrower and longer leaves, with 
closer netted veins. 

A. capensis (or A. angustifolium) 
is like a small A. distachyon, having 
small long-stalked leaves and small 
white flowers (Gard. Chron. 1906, 
XXxlx, 306; xl. 341). 

A. distachyon, the Cape Pondweed 
or Winter Hawthorn.—A very orna- 
mental 8. African water plant, having 
flattish brown tuberous root-stocks, 

Fic. 55.—Aponogeton distachyon. (4.) 

from which arise masses of stalked 
oblong lance-shaped distinctly veined 
leaves, which float on the surface of 
the water. The forked spikes of 
white sweet-scented flowers appear 
from September to Christmas, each 
blossom having six stamens with 
conspicuous brown anthers, and many 
carpels. (Bot. Mag. t. 1293.) 

The “Winter Hawthorn” is quite 
hardy in the milder parts of the 
Kingdom, and may be grown in 
ponds, lakes, or streams of fresh 
water. The plants are best placed 



in pots or pans, and these are sunk 
about a foot below the surface of the 
water. In this way they will be safely 
secured from frost. To increase the 
plants, the root-stocks should be 
carefully divided in spring, after 
the leaves and flowers have withered. 
Seeds may also be sown when ripe 
in sandy soil in pots that can be 
submerged in water. This plant can 
also be grown easily in large bell- 
glasses or water-tanks in cool rooms, 
or in cold greenhouses. 

A. fenestrale.—This is the wonder- 
ful Lace-leaf or Lattice-leaf plant of 
Madagascar, for years well known as 
Ouvirandra. It is a singular aquatic 
plant with tuberous rhizomes, and 
broadly elliptic lance-shaped leaves 
6 to 18 ins. long, floating horizontally 
beneath the water surface, and being 
remarkable for having no soft tissue 
between the nerves or veins, the 
latter forming a beautiful netted 
lacework. The flowers are greenish- 
white, borne on forked spikes. (Bot. 
Mag. t. 4894.) 

A. fenestrale and its relatives 
require to be grown in hothouses, 
in water-tanks or tubs, the tempera- 
ture most suitable being about 75° 
to 80° F. The rhizomes should be 
planted in a compost of turfy loam, 
and well-matured cow-manure and 
leaf-mould in about equal proportions, 
and should not be deeper than 6 to 
9 ins. from the surface of the water. 
The plants may be grown in an 
ordinary washing-tub beneath the 
stages, in a stove house, or tropical 
fernery. Propagation is effected 
chiefly by dividing the root-stocks, 
but new plants may also be obtained 
from seeds. 

A. Henkelianum differs from A. 
Jenestrale in having a larger rhizome, 
erect instead of creeping, and the 
leaves are a paler green (Gard. Chron. 
1906, x1. 270, ff. 108, 109). 



ARISZEMA (aron, Arum; sana, 
type ; in reference to resembling the 
Arums). Nat. Ord. Aroideze.—A genus 
containing about fifty species of tuber- 
ous-rooted Arum-like herbaceous 
plants, chiefly natives of temperate and 
subtropical Asia, a few being natives 
of N. America, and one in Abyssinia. 
The leaves are usually cut into three 
main lobes, but in some cases more, 
The oblong or inflated spathe, often 
beautifully striped and marked, is 
rolled round the lower portion of the 
spadix. The latter usually bears 
either male or female flowers, and is 
often produced a great length beyond 
the spathe, and in some species 
furnished with long hairs. 

Ariseemas are not difficult plants 
to grow. They require greenhouse 
treatment; that is to say, if the 
temperature does not sink below 45° 
to 50° at night during the winter 
months, the plants will then require 
only proper treatment as to soil, 
water, and cleanliness. A mixture of 
loam and a little peat or leaf-soil, 
with good drainage, suits them 
perfectly. During active growth 
attention must be given to watering, 
increasing or decreasing the supply 
according to circumstances. When 
dormant in winter the tubers may be 
left in the old soil till growth re- 
commences in spring. Then they 
should be repotted, and if necessary 
to increase the stock, the offsets may 
be detached and potted up separately. 
The following species are worth 
growing in large collections of plants. 
Most of them flower between May, 
June, and July :— 

A. concinnum.—A native of the 
Sikkim Himalayas, about 2 ft. high, 
with solitary leaves composed of ten to 
twelve lance-shaped entire pale green 
leaflets radiating from the top of the 
stalk. Spathe of the female plant 
longitudinally striped with green and 




white, and white and purple in the 
male. (Bot. Mag. t. 5914.) 

A. curvatum (A. helleborifolium).— 
A Himalayan plant 2 to 4 ft. high, with 
pedately divided leaves, and large 
basal bracts beautifully marbled with 
dark olive green, light green, and red. 
Spathe green, with a cylindrical tube 
obscurely striped with white, the 
elliptic blade arching forward being 
green on the inner surface and 
brownish-red on the outer. The 
spadix is about 1 ft. long, produced 
into a purplish tail. (Bot. Mag. t. 

A. Dracontium (Arum Dracontium), 
Dragon Root.—A hardy N. American 
species about 2 ft. high, with leaves 
pedately divided into nine to four- 
teen oblong lance-shaped segments. 
Spathes green, oblong, erect, with a 
much longer awl-shaped spadix. 
(Bot. Reg. t. 668.) 

A. fimbriatum.—A native of the 
Philippine Islands, about 18 ins. high, 
having two leaves each deeply divided 
into three smooth oval-pointed seg- 
ments, and having stalks of a pale 
purple rose spotted with purple. The 
spathe is tubularat the base, spreading 
into a broad ovate-pointed limb, 
beautifully striped and veined with 
white on a brownish-purple ground 
colour. The long slender cylindrical 
spadix is furnished with numerous 
purple hairs. (Bot. Mag. t. 7150; 
Gard. Chron. 1884, xxii. 680; 
Gartenfl. 1886, t. 357.) Fig. 56. 

A. flavum.—A dwarf Arabian 
species, having the leaves divided into 
five to seven leaflets. The spathe is 
yellow-hooded, and encloses a short 
club-like spadix. (Gartenjl. 1891, 
578, f. 103, as A. enneaphyllum ; Bot. 
May. t. 7700.) 

A. galeatum.—A native of the 
Sikkim Himalayas, about 1 ft. high, 
with solitary trilobed leaves,green and 
purple-tinted spathes longitudinally 


striped with white outside, and 
purple within. 

A. Griffithi (A. Hookertanum).—A 
handsome species from Sikkim, 1 to 
13 ft. high, with leaves divided into 
large roundish leaflets. Spathe large, 
hooded, brownish-violet, veined with 
green. The spadix is also brownish- 
violet, with a disc-like projection at 
the base, the free end being produced 
into a long thread-like appendage. 
This species is probably quite hardy 
in the mildest parts of the United 

Fia. 5¢,—Arisema fimbriatum. (4.) 

A, japonicum.—A dicecious species 
from China and Japan, having a 
roundish tuber, and two-leaved stems 
lto 2 ft. high. The leaves are long 
stalked and deeply lobed. The 
spathe is green, striped with white. 
(Bot, Mag. t. 7910.) 

A. Lacknerl.—_A Burmese species 




related to A. speciosum, but differing 
in having long-tailed spathes. 

A. nepenthoides.—A Himalayan 
species, 2 ft. high, with leaves ped- 
ately divided into five more or less 
lance-shaped leaflets. Spathe ochre- 
brown and green, with two auricles 
above the tubular portion; spadix 
yellow. (Bot. Mag. t. 6446.) 

A. Murrayi—A native of Bombay, 
about 14 ft. high (Bot. Mag. t. 4388). 

A. ringens(A. pracox ; A. Steboldt), 
—A remarkable hardy Japanese 
species about 6 ins. high, with leaves 
divided into three ovate-oblong long- 
pointed segments. Spathe striped 
with green and white, cylindrical 
below, suddenly arching over, and 
then contracting into a rather small 
deep purple orifice with broad re- 
flexed margins. (Bot. Mag. t. 5267.) 

A. speciosum.—A native of the 
moist forests of the temperate Hima- 

Fic. 57.—Arisceema speciosum. (%.) 

layas, about 2 ft. high, with solitary 
leaves divided into three dark green 


leaflets, conspicuously edged with 
red, and having stalks mottled with 
white. Spadix deep glossy purple, 
greenish and white, with a flexuose 
appendage or tail about 20 ins. long. 
The spathe is deep purple, broadly 
striped with creamy yellow. (Gard 
Chron. 1879, xii. 585; Gard. 1890, 

A. triphyllum (Arum triphyllum ; 
A. zebrinum).—A North American 
species 9 to 12 ins. high, with leaves cut 
into three equal, oblong, lance-shaped 
pointed segments. Spathe 4 to 6 ins. 
long, striped with broad lines of 
purple brown, with about 1 in. of 
green in the middle. Spadix 3 ins. 

long, spotted brown. (Bot. Mag. t. 

A. utile.—A Sikkim species 12 to 18 
ins. high, with pairs of three-foliolate 
leaves. The flowers appear in May 
and June, having brownish-red 
spathes veined with green, and a 
purple spadix. (Bot. Mag. t. 6474.) 

A. Wrayi—A native of Perak, 


Fic. 58.—Arisema Wrayt. (%.) 

about 18 ins. high, with green leaf- 
stalks marbled with reddish-brown. 




The spathes are white and green, 
and somewhat resemble those of 
A. nepenthoides in shape. (Bot. Mag. 
t. 7105.) 

This species should be grown in 
the stove or a warm greenhouse. 

ARISARUM (aris, and aron, Greek 
names for Arum), Nat. Ord. Aroi- 
dew.—A small genus of curious, 
hardy, herbaceous perennials with 
tuberous root-stocks and long-stalked 
rounded hastate or sagittate leaves. 
The only species of any note are 
A. proboscideum (Bot. Mag. t. 6634), 
which is a native of 8. Italy, and has 
greenish spathes; and A. vulgare 
(Arum Arisarum) from 8. Europe, 
with livid-purple spathes (Bot. Mag. 
t. 6023). They both grow in well- 
drained peaty soil, and may be in- 

creased by division or seeds: Only 
fit for botanical collections. 
ARISTOLOCHIA (aristos, best; 

locheia, parturition; in reference to 
its supposed medicinal characters) 
Brrtuwort, Nat. Ord. Aristoloch- 
jacee.— This genus consists of 
several species, some of which have 
tuberous root-stocks, The flowers 
are remarkable for their peculiar, 
more or less triangular cup-shaped 
forms and strange colourings—some 
blossoms being a foot and more 
across, and 18 to 24 ins. long, while 
others like those in the Dutchman’s 
Pipe (A. Stpho) are comparatively 
very small. Some species like the 
British A. Clematitis, and the N. 
American A. Sipho, and A. tomentosa 
are quite hardy; but most of them 
require the protection of a warm 
greenhouse or stove. The stems 
are climbing, and in some kinds 
attain great lengths. The leaves 
are usually heart-shaped or lobed. 
Most of them flourish in a compost 
of sandy loam and peat, and may be 


increased by cuttings of the half- 
ripened shoots, or by layering the 
ripened stems. The species figured 
here, A. Goldieana, is a remarkable 
native of old Calabar, West Africa. 
It has a swollen woody root-stock, 
from which the stems shoot up 
annually, The large leaves are 
heart - shaped, and the enormous 
flowers (over a foot across) are of 
brownish - red colour, mottled with 
yellow, while the distended throat 
is streaked with red and creamy 
white. (Bot. Mag. t. 5672.) 

Fig. 59.—Aristolochia Goldieana. 


This plant rarely flowers, but when 
it does it excites attention. It must 
be kept dry when in a dormant 
condition, but water must be given 
freely as growth commences and 
increases, The atmosphere also 
should be humid, and the night 
temperature should not fall below 
65° to 70° F. 

ARODENDRON (aron, arum; den- 
dron, a tree). Nat. Ord. Aroider, 



A. Engleri, — This is a handsom 
plant about 6 ft. high, native 
Zanzibar. It grows partly submergec 
and has stems about 2 in. thick a 
the base. The leaf-stalks are abou 
2 ft. long, with sheaths copious! 
striped with black. The leaf-blad 
is 13 ft. long and about 74 in. broad 
while the spathe is 2 ft. long and | 
in. broad. The fruit-bearing spadi: 
becomes as large as a child’s head 
(Rev, Hort. 1904, 350.) 

ARTHROPODIUM (arthron, a joint 
pous, a foot; the flower-stems bein; 
joimted). Nat. Ord. Liliaceze.—é 
genus containing about a dozer 
species of plants with thickenec 
rhizomes or bulbous  root-stocks 
and resembling the Anthertcums it 
appearance. They are easily gtowr 
in a cool greenhouse in a compost o/ 
sandy loam and peat or leaf -soil 
and may be increased by division 
offsets, and seeds. 

In the following species the leaves 
are all radical, narrow or linear, and 
the flowers, mostly white, are borne 
in loose spikes during the summe1 
months. They are nearly all natives 
of Australia or New Zealand, viz. :— 
A. cirrhatum (Bot. Mag. t. 2350); 
A, fimbriatum ; A. neo-caledonicum , 
A. paniculatum (Bot. Mag. t. 1421); 
and A. pendulum (Red. Lil. t. 360). 

ARUM (aron, the Greek name for 
the common species) Nat. Ord. 
Aroides.—A genus of herbaceous 
perennials with thick or tuberous 
root-stocks, and pedate or hastate 
leaves. Flowers moncecious, female 
ones below, and separated from the 
males by barren or rudimentary ones 
on the more or less club-shaped 
spadix. Berries fleshy. 

The Arums are a curious race of 
plants, often with unpleasant odours 
when in blossom, but nevertheless or- 



namental in appearance, and worthy 
of a place in gardens. The hardy 
species flourish in moist, shady, or 
sunny spots, and may be grown in 
rougher parts of the garden. The 
common British Arum—A. maculatum 
—grows under these conditions, and 
is by no means a plant to be despised 

Fic. 60.—Aruwm maculatum, 
tuberous root-stock. (4.) 

when planted in bold groups. The 
more tender species flourish in sandy 
loam, with a little peat or leaf-soil, 
but few of them are grown outside 
botanical collections. In all cases 
the plants are propagated by detaching 
the offsets or suckers from the older 
tubers, or from seeds sown in light 
, sandy soil, after they have been freed 
from the sticky pulp in which they 
are enclosed. As the name Arum 
has been loosely employed for many 
plants, the reader will find it mixed 
up with such genera as Arisema, 



Colocasia, TRichardia, etc. The 
following kinds are worth growing :— 

Fic. 61.—Arum, showing spadix (s), with 
male flowers (m), neutral flowers (n), 
and female flowers (f). 

A. crinitum (Helicodiceros crint- 
tus).—A highly curious plant from 

Fia. 62.—Arum crinitum. (4.) 

Corsica, commonly called the 
“Dragon’s Mouth,” owing to the 


large open ovate brownish spathe 
heavily blotched with purple, and 
covered with hairs. The drooping 
dark purple spadix is also covered 
with long blackish hairs. The plant 
grows 12 to 18 ins. high, has lobed 
leaves, and when in blossom emits 
a strong stench. It requires to be 
grown in sheltered sunny spots in 
rich sandy soil. (Bot. Reg. t. 831.) 
A. Dracunculus (Dracunculus 
vulgaris), Dragon Plant.—A native 
of §. Europe, 2 to 3 ft. high, with 

Fic, 68.—Arum Dracunculus. 


large blackish tubers, pedately lobed 
leaves, and fleshy stalks and stems, 
mottled with black. The flowers 
appear in June and July on an erect 
brownish-red tapering spadix, issuing 
from a large ovate lance-shaped 
spathe contracted at the base, and of 
a rich deep purple or claret colour 
on the inner surface, 

This plant also has a very disagree- 
able odour when in bloom. 




A. Eggeri.—This is closely relate: 
to A. spectabile, and is probably onl, 
a form of it. 

A. italicum—A native of th 
Channel Islands, 8. England, and £ 
Europe. It grows 9 to 24 ins. high 
with triangular-hastate leaves ap 
pearing before winter. The flower 
appear in spring on a creamy whit 
or yellowish spadix, enclosed in : 
hooded greenish-yellow or whitisl 
spathe. In autumn when the leave 
have withered, the clusters of scarle 
berries on the stems are ver} 
beautiful and attractive. Thi: 
species may be naturalised i 
grassy places or shrubberies, anc 
increased by seeds or offsets. Thi 
variety marmoratum has thi 
leaves blotched or marbled witl 
yellow. (Bot. Mag. t. 2432.) 

A. maculatum. —This is ow 
common “Lords and Ladies” o: 
“Cuckoo Pint” found in woods 
hedges, and dry ditches in mos 
parts of the country. It hai 
hastate-cordate leaves often spot 
ted with black, and yellowish 
green spathes, edged and ofter 
spotted with purple, enclosing ¢ 
dull purple or rarely yellow 
club-shaped spathe. In autumr 
the bright scarlet berries lool 
very handsome. Useful fo: 
naturalising in waste places. 

A, Magdalenz.—This is closel} 
related to A. palestinum, bu 
has a yellow spathe marbled anc 
spotted with purple. 

A. palestinum (A. sanctwm).—tL 
very attractive species, native o 
Palestine, resembling the well-know) 
Arum Lily in foliage and appearance 
The large bright shining green leave 
are hastate in shape, and the flower 
stems are thrown well above th 
foliage in early summer. The spath 
is 6 to 8 ins. long, greenish-yelloy 
washed with red outside, but dee 


almost blackish velvety purple on 
the inner surface. From the centre 
springs a blackish spadix about 6 to 
8 ins. long. There is a form with 
variegated leaves. 

A. pictum (A. corsicum).—A native 
of the Balearic Isles. It grows about 
2 ft. high, and has long-stalked heart- 
shaped lobed leaves, and deep dull 
purple spathes. 

Fic. 64.—Arum maculatum, var. 


A. spectabile—A native of Asia 
Minor, about 1 ft. high, having 
broadly hastate sagittate leaves, and 
deep purple oval oblong spathes. 

A. spirale—A somewhat tender 
species from China, about 1 ft. high, 
having linear lance-shaped leaves and 
brown spathes in May and June. 

ASARUM (asaron, the Greek name), 
Nat. Ord. Aristolochiacee.—-A genus 
containing over a dozen species of 
peculiar-looking plants, having creep- 




ing, more or less knotty rhizomes, 
solitary hermaphrodite, bell-shaped, 
or urn-shaped flowers with three lobes; 
stamens twelve, of which six are 
longer than the others, ‘he style 
has six stigmatic lobes. 

A. canadense (A. carolinianum ; 
A. latifolium),— A curious look- 
ing N. American plant known as 
the Canadian Asarabacca or Wild 

Fic. 65.—Arum palestinum. (4.) 

Ginger, and also Snake Root. It has 
roundish, more or less fleshy, creeping 
root-stocks, from which spring round- 
ish heart-shaped, hairy-stalked leaves. 
The purple, three-lobed, tubular 
flowers with stalks a little over 1 in. 
long appear in April and May. (Bot. 
Mag. t. 2769.) This peculiar little 
plant is perfectly hardy. 

A. caudigerum.—A pretty little 
species from 8. China, having heart- 
shaped hairy leaves and brownish-red 
speckled flowers, the three triangular 


lobes of which are produced into tails 
(Bot. Mag. t. 7126). 

A. europeeum (Asarabacca).—This 
is a British and European plant 
with a stoutish root-stock, evergreen 
kidney-shaped leaves 2 to 3 ins. long, 
and greenish-purple flowers in May. 

A, geophilum,— A native of S. 
China, having red-brown creeping and 
branching rhizomes about as thick as 
a lead pencil ; softly hairy, roundish, 
heart-shaped leaves 3 to 4 ins. long, and 
purple three-lobed flowers margined 
with yellow and dotted with white, 
which appear in November (Bot. Mag. 
t. 7168). This species should be 
grown in a cool greenhouse. 

A. japonicum (Heterotropa asa- 
roides)—A smooth Japanese species 
with knotty rhizomes, oval, heart- 
shaped spotted leaves, and dark 
greenish-purple flowers (Bot. Mag. t. 

A. macranthum, — A remarkable 
species from the Island of Formosa, 
having long-stalked deltoid ovate, 
acute leaves, 4 to 5 ins. long and 
broad, and numerous short-stemmed 
flowers having three wavy, triangular, 
purple and speckled lobes spreading 
from a deep purple cup-like centre 
rimmed with white (Bot. Mag. t. 
7022). Requires a warm greenhouse. 

A. maximum,—A Chinese plant 
with creeping rhizomes, heart-shaped 
leaves about 18 ins. high, 8 ins. broad, 
dark green, mottled with grey as 
in Cyclamen. The fleshy three-lobed 
flowers are borne on short stalks, and 
are of a maroon-purple colour with 
a conspicuous white eye-like blotch. 
(Bot. Mag. t. 7456.) 

A. parviflorum, — This Japanese 
species grows 3 to 4 ins. high, and 
has heart-shaped white spotted leaves, 
with deep basal lobes, and green and 
purple flowers about April (Bot. Mag. 
t. 5380). 

A. virginicum.— A native of 




Virginia, about 9 ins. high, havin, 
bluntly, heart-shaped, leathery leave 
mottled with white above. The dar] 
purple-brown flowers appear in Apri 
and May. (Bot. Mag. t. 3746.) 

These curious plants being native 
of moist and somewhat shady place 
will flourish in such spots in th 
garden or rockery if hardy, or ma; 
be grown in pots in a cold frame o 
greenhouse when tender. They ar 
interesting perhaps more from : 
botanical than a garden standpoint 
They flourish in a moist, sandy, anc 
peaty soil,and may be increased by 
dividing the roots early in autumr 
or in spring. 

ASCLEPIAS (Greek name 0 
Aisculapius, the god of medicine) 
Nat. Ord. Asclepiadee.—A genu: 
containing about sixty species o: 
perennial herbs few of which are o: 
garden value. The only one wortl 
noting with tuberous roots is A 
tuberosa, known as the “ Butterfly 
Weed,” or “Pleurisy Root.” It is ¢ 
handsome N. American plant, 1 
2 ft. high, having purplish hairy 
stems, and oval or oblong lance 
shaped leaves 2 to 8 ins. long 
narrowed at each end, and arrangec 
oppositely, alternately, or in whorl: 
of three. The bright orange showy 
flowers appear from July to Sep 
tember, and are borne in dense umbel: 
at the tips of the shoots and in thi 
axils of the leaves. 

It flourishes in rich sandy soil, t 
which peat or leaf-mould should bi 
added, and may be grown in border 
or shrubberies, where they may b 
left for a few years without disturb 
ance. Increased by division of th 
tuberous roots, or may be raised fron 
seeds when they ripen. 

ASPARAGUS (a,intensive; sparassc 
to tear; in reference to the stron, 


prickles of some species), Nat. Ord. 
Liliacez.—A genus containing over 
100 species of plants, some of which 
have tuberous root-stocks. The stems 
are climbing or decumbent, and 
furnished with narrow leaf-like bodies 
called “cladodes.” The flowers are 
small, and are succeeded by berry-like 

All kinds of Asparagus, including 
A, officinalis of the kitchen garden, 
are ornamental foliage plants, and 
are much used in floral decorations. 
Although the roots are in most cases 
fleshy or fibrous, few have anything 
of a tuberous nature except those 
mentioned here. 

A. Balansee.—A native of Palestine, 
with stiffish, more or less erect leaves, 
and white flowers borne on naked 
stems (Gard. Chron. 1898, xxiii. 111, 
f, 43). 

A. isthmocarpa.— This species, 
from Palestine, is closely related to 
A. Balansz, but has larger flowers. 
It grows about 5 ft. high. 

A. medeoloides (Myrsiphyllum 
asparagoides). — This is the well- 
known “Smilax” of florists. It is a 

Fia. 66.— Asparagus medeoloides, root-stock. (}.) 

S. African plant, with tufts of narrow, 
spindle-shaped, tuberous roots radiat- 
ing from a common centre. The 
slender, thread-like stalks attain a 
length of 10 to 15 ft., and are furnished 
with glossy green, ovate, pointed 
leaves (“cladodes”). The small 




white flowers appear in summer. 
(Bot. Mag. t. 5584.) The variety 
myrtifolius is recognised by its smaller 
‘myrtle-like “leaves.” (Gard. Chron 
1904, xxxvi. 323, f. 146.) 

This species is also grown in 
thousands in market nurseries in a 
warm greenhouse. The plants are 
generally grown in pots, and strong 
but slender twine is stretched 
upwards to wires to enable the 
shoots to climb, and to prevent them 
from becoming entangled. When 
long enough the shoots and twine 
together are cut, and in this way are 
sent to market to be sold for 
decorative purposes, and_ several 
cuttings may be made from one 
plant. The compost most frequently 
used is a mixture of sandy loam and 
leaf-soil, or a little peat, and pots of 
various sizes from 5 ins. to 8 ins. 
are used, according to the object 
in view. During growth, plenty of 
water is essential, and frequent 
syringing also, to keep the foliage - 
bright and glossy. From time to 
time the slender stems must be 
placed round the vertical strings, to 
give them a start in twining round 
them upwards. 

Fia. 67.— Asparagus Sprengert. tuberous roots. 

A. Sprengeri.— An ornamental 
species from Natal, having ovoid or 


spindle-shaped tuberous and fibrous 
roots as shown in the sketch. The 
stems are more or less decumbent, 3 
to 4 ft. long, and furnished with 

clusters of narrow sickle-shaped 
bright glossy green leaves or 
“ cladodes.” 

This species is now extensively 
grown in hanging pots or baskets, for 
its ornamental appearance. It is 
scarcely hardy even in the mildest 
parts of the Kingdom, and yet will 
stand much rough usage. To secure 
nice plants the temperature of a 
greenhouse is necessary, and a com- 
post of sandy loam and leaf-soil will 
give good results. The stems are cut 
in large quantities for floral decora- 
tions. Propagation is effected by 
dividing the root-stocks, or by raising 
the plants from seeds. 

ASPHODELINE (from Asphodelus). 
Nat. Ord. Liliaceze.—A genus closely 
related to Asphodelus, with fourteen 
species of herbaceous plants, having 
short rhizomes or clusters of fleshy 

A. lutea (Asphodelus luteus) is the 
best-known and most ornamental 
species. It is a native of S. Europe, 
and grows 3 to 4 ft. high, its erect 
stems being covered with deep green, 
awl-shaped, three-sided, furrowed 
leaves, with distinct paler veins. The 
beautiful, sweet-scented, yellow 
flowers are borne in summer ina long, 
dense, straight raceme, each blossom 
springing from the axils of a buff- 
coloured bract. The double-flowered 
variety (flore pleno) is a pretty plant, 
like the type in habit, but having 
double flowers. (Bot. Mag. t. 778; 
Red. Lil. t. 223; Bot. Reg. t. 1507.) 
It flourishes in ordinary good garden 
soil, and is easily increased by divid- 
ing the root-stocks in spring. 

ASPHODELUS (a, not; sphello, 
to supplant; in allusion to the 




beauty of the flowers), ASPHODEI 
Nat. Ord. Liliaceee.—A small genu 
of herbaceous plants, natives of th 
Mediterranean region, E. Indies, an 
Mascarene Islands. They have smal 
rhizomes or clusters of thick, fleshy 
subtuberous roots, and narrow, strap 
shaped leaves, more or less three 
sided, or roundish-hollow. 

The species mentioned belov 
flourish in sandy soil that has beer 
deeply dug and well manured. Growr 
in bold clumps they are fairly effec 
tive as border plants, and may be 
increased by division of the roots ir 
spring. It is scarcely worth while 
trying to raise plants from seeds 
as it takes a few years to do so. 

A. ramosus.—This seems to be the 
best of the Asphodels, It is a native 
of S. Europe, and grows from 4 te 
5 ft. high, having stiffish sword- 
shaped leaves, channelled above and 
strongly keeled beneath. The large 
white flowers, with a reddish-brown 
line down the centre of each petal, 
appear during the summer on long, 
dense racemes. The variety albus is 
pure white. Closely related to itis A. 
comosus, a Himalayan species, 1 to 24 
ft. high, the white flowers of which 
have greenish keels to the petals. 
A. fistulosus is another white-flowered 
species from §. Europe, recognised 
by its hollow, awl-shaped leaves ; and 
A. creticus, from Crete, has yellow 
blossoms on stalks about 2 ft. high. 

ASPIDISTRA (aspidiseon, a little 
round shield ; in allusion probably to 
the stigma), Partour Pazm. Nat. 
Ord. Liliaceee—A genus with three 
species of herbaceous plants, natives 
of India, China, and Japan; having 
short, thickish, creeping rhizomes, 
large ornamental leaves, and dull 
purple or greenish-yellow, bell-shaped 
tlowers springing up from the root- 
stocks just above the surface of the 


ground. Theperianth has eightspread- 
ing lobes, and eight stamens—rather 
unusual characters in the Liliacez. 

The best-known species is ~ un- 
doubtedly A. lurida (Bot. Mag. t. 
2499) and its variety variegata. The 
first-named has beautiful, glossy 
green, perfectly smooth leaves, 1 to 2 
ft. long, broadly oblong lance-shaped, 
with long stalks. The variety is 
similar in every way, except that 
broad streaks of silver run from base 
to apex of the leaves, and render 
them effective in appearance. 

Notwithstanding their Eastern 
origin, Aspidistras are so easily 
grown that a specimen or two is 
often to be found in the most 
humble cottage, very often in the 
best of health. Indeed, there is no 
plant to equal the Aspidistra for 
room decoration, and this has 
probably given rise to the popular 
name of Parlour Palm—although the 
plants are in no way related to the 
Palms proper. They appear to thrive 
in darkish places, and amidst dry 
and dusty surroundings—provided 
they are kept judiciously moist at 
the root, and are not placed too near 
the fire, or gas. Indeed, during all 
but the coldest weather, Aspidistras 
may be grown in the open air; and 
so long as the temperature does not 
sink much below 35°F. in winter, 
the plants will live and increase in 
bulk for many years. 

To secure handsome specimens, the 
thickened root-stocks and fleshy roots 
should be arranged first of all so as 
to bring the leaves springing from 
them into a regular position—and 
not too widely or irregularly separated 
from each other. They should then 
be placed into well-drained pots. 
These should not be too large, as the 
plants appear to thrive best when 
the roots are fairly well confined. 
The most suitable compost is a 




mixture of sandy loam, to which a 
a little leaf-mould, peat, or old 
manure should be added. This 
should be worked in well between 
the rhizomes and roots with the 
fingers, using a flat potting-stick to 
get the compost down at the sides of 
the pot, and to make it sufficiently 
firm. A good soaking should then 
be given, and the plants stood in the 
shade for a few days until thoroughly 
recovered from the disturbance. As 
a rule the best time to pot Aspidistras 
is in the spring, when the new leaves 
are spearing up from the roots. In 
the case of old or well-established 
plants that have become too large, 
and show signs of deterioration 
owing to an impoverished soil, they 
should be taken out of the pots, and 
these have to be broken sometimes 
to avoid injury to the roots. The 
old soil should then be pricked out 
with a pointed stick, and the root- 
stocks should be thoroughly rinsed 
in tepid water until every particle 
of the old soil has been washed away. 
This will prevent injury to the root- 
stocks. If it is desired to increase 
the plants, the rhizomes may then 
be cut with a sharp, strong-bladed 
knife into suitable portions containing 
a few leaves and new growths. One 
or more portions may then be put 
into a pot of convenient size in the 
way described above, and in due 
course the portions will become 
established into fine specimens. 
Amateurs frequently fail with 
Aspidistras. The leaves turn yellow 
and shrivel at the tips and gradually 
waste away, and a few weak growths 
try to develop. This state of affairs 
is generally the result of keeping the 
plants in a room too hot and too dry, 
and very often too dusty, and also 
through over-watering—especially in 
winter, The natural remedy is: 
alter these conditions, taking care to 


give water only when the soil is 
getting dry. This should be particu- 
larly noted in the winter season, 
when the plants absorb water very 
slowly. At this period of the year 
also, only tepid or lukewarm water 
should be given, and not ice-cold 
water from the tap. Should the 
leaves become infested with scale, 
thrips, or red spider, they should be 
sponged with soapy water or some 
well-known insecticide, taking care 
first of all to scrape the scale insects 
off with a piece of pointed stick. 

When grown in cool greenhouses 
in shade, Aspidistras naturally grow 
much more quickly than in ordinary 
dwelling-rooms ; and gardeners who 
make a speciality of them can produce 
some magnificent specimens in a year 
or two. During active growth, weak 
liquid manure is given once or twice 
a week, and copious supplies of water 
are given according to the state of 
the weather and the rapidity of 
growth. A nice syringing early in 
the morning, and late in the after- 
noon, is highly beneficial to the 
plants, especially during the warmer 
months of the year. To secure the 
finest long-leaved specimens, Aspidis- 
tras are grown in a high temperature, 
in deep shade, and in a very humid 
atmosphere. They are afterwards 
hardened off in cooler and less humid 
houses for sale. 

Besides A. /urzda, the other species 
are A. punctata (or A. elatior), from 
Japan, 2 to 3 ft. high (Bot. Mag. t. 
5386), and its variegated forms, 
with white or yellow bands or 

BABIANA (babianer, the Dutch for 
baboon ; in reference to the bulbs being 
eaten by baboons). Nat. Ord. Iridee. 
—A genus of herbaceous plants with 
fibrous-coated’corms or bulbs, stiffish, 
plaited, narrow, hairy leaves, and 


funnel - shaped flowers in dense 

With one exception, viz., 2B. soco- 
trana, all the species are natives of 
8. Africa, They are all similar in 
appearance so far as height and 
foliage are concerned, and they rarely 
exceed a foot in height. They are 
usually grown in pots in a compost 
of sandy loam and leaf-soil, for the 
decoration of the cool greenhouse 
during the summer months, from 
May to September. During this 
period of growth and development, 
water must be given freely when 
needed; but in winter, when the 
bulbs are at rest, they may be kept 
almost quite dry in the old soil. 

Where a warm or even hot sunny 
border is available, Babianas may be 
grown out of doors fairly well, especi- 
ally in the most favoured parts of the 
Kingdom. The soil should be deeply 
dug, well manured, and should con- 
sist of loam with plenty of coarse 
sand or grit in it. The bulbs should 
be planted in spring when starting 
into growth, and after growth in the 
autumn should be protected from 
cold rains with a sloping roof of litter, 
Indeed, they may be treated exactly 
like their relatives the Ixias (which 
see). They are propagated by offsets 
from the older bulbs in spring. 

The following are some of the best 
kinds, remarkable for their colours, 
and often for their fragrance :— 

B, disticha,—6 ins, Blue. June. 
(Bot. Mag. t. 626.) 

B. plicata.—6 ins. Purple. May. 
(Bot. Mag. t. 576.) 

B. ringens.—3 to 6 ins. Scarlet. 
May. (Lot. Mag. t. 6667.) 

B. sambucina,—6 ins. Purple. 
April. (Bot. Mag. t. 1019.) 

B. socotrana.—4 to 6 ins. Violet, 

blue. Sept. (Bot. Mag. t. 6585.) 
B. spathacea.—6 ins. Light blue, 
June. (Bot. Mag. t. 638.) 



B. stricta.—1% ins. Blue, white. 
May. (Bot. Jag. tt. 621, 638.) The 
variety angustifolia has bright blue 
flowers tinged with pink at the 
base ; rubro-cyanea (Bot. Mag. t. 410) 
has blossoms 2 ins. or more across, 
brilliant blue with a deep crimson 
zone at the base; sulphwurea (Bot. 
fag. t. 1053), creamy or pale yellow ; 
and wllosa (Bot. Mag. t. 588), bril- 
liant crimson. 

B, tenuiflora.—6 ins. Purple. May. 

B. Thunbergi.—12ins. White and 
B. tubifiora.—6 ins. Deep red. 

(Bot. Mag. tt. 847, 1019.) 

BEGONTIA (after J/, Begon, a French 
patron of botany). Nat. Ord. Be- 
goniacee,—A genus containing up- 
wards of 350 species of juicy herbs or 
undershrubs, many having perennial, 
tuberous root-stocks, Leaves more or 
less unequal-sided, entire, lobed or 
parted, irregularly toothed. Flowers 
often showy, monecious. Male 
flowers consisting of two large outer 
(sepaloid), and two small inner (petal- 
oid), segments. Stamens numerous, 
free, or united in one bundle. Peri- 
anth of the female flowers has two 
to ten segments, of which the two 
outer ones are larger and sepaloid. 
Ovary inferior, often three-, rarely 
two-, or four- to five-celled. Styles 
two to four, free, or united at the 
base, with branched, twisted stigmas. 
Fruit a capsule, usually three-angled 
and unequally three-winged. Seeds 
numerous, minute. 

The fibrous-rooted Begonias, which 
constitute an important group by 
themselves, are not considered in this 
volume dealing with bulbous and 
tuberous plants. 

The tuberous Begonia may now be 
looked upon as one of the most 
popular of garden flowers, both for 
the decoration of the conservatory or 




greenhouse and for the flower-border 
during the summer months. Indeed, 
many prefer them for bedding-out 
purposes to the Zonal Pelargoniums, 
considering them more ornamental in 
foliage, more durable in blossom, 
more pleasing incolour,and moreeasily 
preserved during the winter months, 
With the exception perhaps of the 
Cactus Dahlia, the tuberous Begonia 
has responded more readily than any 
other plant in cultivation to the art 
of the hybridist. Thirty years ago 
the plants were just beginning to 
attract popular attention, as a certain 
number of hybrid forms had been put 
into commerce ; and since that time 
marvellous strides have been made in 
the evolution and development of 
varieties with blossoms of great size 
and substance, and as double as the 
finest hollyhock or rose. 

These results have not been 
achieved from one species only, but 
from about half a dozen. The first 
natural species concerned in the 
parentage of the florists’ Begonia was 
introduced from Bolivia in 1857, and 
was named B. boliviensis (Bot. Mug. t. 
5657). It had scarlet flowers. Eight 
years later, in 1865, a yellow-flowered 
species (B. Pearcet) came from the 
same country, and was followed in 
1867 with the introduction of B. rose- 

flora (Bot. Mag. t. 5680), with bright 

rose-coloured flowers, from the Andes 
of Peru. The fourth parent, B. Clarke: 
(Bot. Mag. t. 5675), also with rose 
blossoms, came from the Bolivian 
Andes in 1867. In the same year 2. 
Veitcht (Bot. Mag. t. 5663), with scarlet 
or orange flowers, arrived from the 
Peruvian highlands ; while the sixth 
and last parent, B. Davisi (Bot. Mag. 
t. 6252), with crimson-scarlet blossoms, 
was not introduced to cultivation till 
1876, nearly twenty years after the 
first parent, B. boliviensis. In their 
native habitats the species mentioned 


grow at an altitude of 11,000 to 
13,000 feet, so that they may be 
regarded almost as hardy plants, 
well adapted for cultivation in our 
temperate and fickle climate. It will 
be noticed that with the exception of 
the yellow-flowered B. Pearce?, the 
other species have red, scarlet, or 
crimson flowers; and yet the result 
of hybridising, crossing, or inter- 
marrying one species with another 
has been the production of progeny 
showing many other shades of colour 
such as pure white, crimson, scarlet, 
pink, rose, yellow, orange, and in- 
numerable intermediate shades. The 
one colour lacking is blue, and it is 
doubtful if ever such a colour will be 
seen on a tuberous Begonia until 
some purple- or blue-flowered parent 
is discovered. Of the species men- 
tioned, B. bolzviensis (scarlet), B. 
Pearcet (yellow), and B. Vettche 
(orange - scarlet) have been more 
frequently used as parents than the 
others, and it is obvious that the 
beautiful yellow - flowered varieties 
now in cultivation all show the 
influence of the B. Pearcet blood. in 
their veins. When one compares the 
small, drooping, four-petalled flowers 
of the original parents with the huge 
blossoms (both single and double) 
now so well known, it seems scarcely 
credible that such magnificent results 
could have been achieved by the 
gardener in a little over thirty years. 

CuLturE.—Tuberous Begonias are 
plants that almost anyone can grow 
to perfection, either in the open air or 
under glass. Indeed, for the decora- 
tion of the outdoor garden the tuber- 
ous Begonia is in many places ousting 
the ever-popular Zonal Pelargonium 
from the flower-beds, and it is now to 
be found during the summer months 
in many cottage gardens. It is not 
particular as to soil so long as this 
has been deeply dug and liberally 



dressed with well-rotted manure. 
For pot plants a compost of well- , 
matured loam, leaf-soil, and a little 
silver sand will be found to give 
excellent results — especially if a 
little basic slag or some of the 
proprietary manures have been 
mixed with it. 

during February or March these 
may be taken from their winter 
quarters and placed in shallow boxes 
on the surface of either coco-nut fibre, 
leaf-soil, or indeed any good garden 
compost, in a temperature of 60° to 
65° F. The tubers should not be 
placed too closely together, otherwise 
when the fibrous roots develop they 
are likely to become matted together. 
It is then difficult to separate one 
tuber from the other without great 
injury to 'the delicate roots. There 
is no necessity to cover up the tubers 
when starting them into growth, but 
care should be taken to keep the 
rounded surface underneath, as it 
is from the hollow surface that the 
new shoots sprout. Each day the 
tubers and compost in which they 
are placed should be sprinkled with 
tepid water, to encourage growth; 
and on no account should they be 
allowed to dry up or shrivel. 

Pottinc.—As soon as the new 
shoots are about 2 ins. long, the 
plants are ready to be potted. The 
size of the pots will depend upon the 
size of the tubers. A safe general 
rule to follow is to allow about 14 ins. 
all round between the outside of the 
tuber and the inside of the pot. It 
may therefore happen that pots 5, 6, 
or 8 ins. in diameter may be used. 
If they should become full of roots 
in a short time, owing to vigorous 
growth, it may be necessary to pot a 
second time, using slightly larger pots. 
The compost may consist of well- 
matured loam, leaf-mould, and silver 



sand, as stated above, with a sprink- 
ling of fine bone-meal or basic slag. 

SHapinc.—This is only necessary 

for a short time after the plants have 
been disturbed, merely to check 
evaporation from the fleshy leaves, 
and to enable the injured roots to 
heal, and throw out new fibres, 
When well established again, plenty 
of light and air should be given, 
taking care in the early part of the 
season not to allow the temperature 
in the greenhouse to fall below 60° F. 
by means of cold draughts from the 
ventilators or open doors. 
_ WatERInG.—This should always be 
done early in the morning or late in 
the afternoon, so as to avoid wetting 
the foliage in the middle of the day 
when the sun-heat is likely to be 
powerful, and cause brown blotches 
where drops of water have rested. If 
the soil contains a fair amount of 
humus in the form of leaf-soil—say 
about one-third of the whole compost 
—the soi] will keep moist and cool 
for a much longer period than if only 
a small quantity be present. At each 
time of watering any plants that are 
actually dry, or nearly dry, should 
have a thorough soaking. If, how- 
ever, the soil is sufficiently moist to 
go from one period to another, it is 
better to wait, rather than to give 
water to a soil already fairly wet. 
The amount of water supplied will 
vary according to the weather and 
the growth of the plants. Thus, 
during warm weather, when the 
plants are growing freely, more water 
will be required than later on in the 
season, when growth is ceasing, the 
flowers withering, and the stems and 
leaves begin to turn yellow and drop 
off one by one. 

Pivcoinc and Dissuppine.—To 
make fine bushy plants, any early 
flower-buds that appear after the 
plants have been finally potted 



should be pinched out, so that the 
plants may first of all develop greater 
strength. The leading shoots may 
also have just the points nipped out, 
to encourage side shoots from lower 
down the stems. In this way, strong, 
sturdy, bushy plants may be formed 
that will throw large quantities of 
blossom during the summer season. 

Manvrine.—Once the plants are 
really well-established, and more than 
ordinary results are required, it will 
be found necessary to give weak 
liquid-manure water two or three 
times a week. This may be made by 
placing a little guano, soot, and well- 
rotted cow-manure into a bag, and 
dropping it into a tank or tub of 
water. The liquid should be stirred 
up well with a stout stick before use. 
About half a pint toa pint of liquid 
manure—according to its strength— 
will be sufficient to dilute a gallon of 
clear water. Whenever rain-water is 
available it is always to be preferred 
to tap-water. 

PLanting out. — Tuberous Be- 
gonias are not grown in the open air 
nearly so much as they ought to be. 
The single - flowered varieties are 
particularly useful, and need staking 
but little to keep the blossoms off the 
ground. The beds in which Begonias 
are to be planted out for summer 
decoration should be deeply dug, and 
as the plants are gross and rapid 
feeders, plenty of well - decayed 
manure should be incorporated with 
the soil, as well as some leaf-mould 
and grit, if the land is inclined to be 
at all heavy. The plants may be 
started in a greenhouse, as advised 
above, but excellent results may be 
obtained without the aid of any heat 
whatever. Tubers may be started in 
coco-nut fibre in a cold frame in 
March, and by the first week in June 
will have growths 2 or 3 ins. 
high. They may be then planted 



out, and although naturally more 
backward than plants raised in heat, 
they last much better during the 
season. Indeed, they continue to 
bloom well into October until they 
are cut down by the frost. 

Lirtine anp Storrne.—Once the 
plants begin to turn yellow, or are 
cut down by the early frosts, the 
tubers should be taken up, cleaned 
after the growths are decayed, and 
stored in dry soil or sand in an airy, 
frost-proof cellar with a temperature 
of 45° to 50° F. until the following 
spring. They may then be started 
into growth again in the way 

PropaGation.—Tuberous Begonias 
are easily raised from seeds, division 

of large tubers, or from cuttings of © 

the side shoots. Unless one has the 
convenience for propagating, it will 
be found much more satisfactory to 
purchase tubers from areliable source. 
When plants are to be raised from 
seeds, the latter should be sown in 
January or February on the prepared 
surface of arich gritty soil. Pots or 
shallow pans may be used, and should 
be well drained for about half their 
depth with clean “crocks.” A layer 
of rough fibre or moss should be 
placed over these, and then the 
rougher particles of soil. The 
surface may be flat or slightly 
domed, but should be pressed fairly 
firm with a piece of flat board, so as 
to prevent the tiny brown seeds from 
dropping down too far. It is safer to 
dip the pots or pans in water rather 
than use the water-pot. In this way 
the soil will be moistened without 
running any risk of washing the seeds 
into patches, as is likely to be done 
with the water-pot. The temperature 
at which seeds should be sown should 
be about 70° to 75° F., and the tender 
seedlings should be protected from 
cold draughts and chills. 



Prickinc out.—When the youn; 
plants are about j-in. high, eacl 
one may be lifted up with a pointec 
stick cleft at the apex, and trans 
ferred to other pots or pans in a ric] 
gritty compost, about an inch or tw 
apart. In due course, after shadin; 
and sprinkling, the young plants be 
gin to grow vigorously, and may bi 
transferred singly to small pots anc 
grown on. Young plants raised is 
this way will flower freely during th 
summer months, either in the green 
house or in partially shaded places in 
the openair. Where large numbers o 
plants are required, seeds may also bi 
sown about July or August, and wil 
produce plants that will continue t 
grow during the winter season anc 
blossom the following spring anc 

Currines.—If there is a desire ti 
retain and increase the stock of any 
specially fine variety, this may bi 
done by taking cuttings of the shoot: 
about 2 to 3 ins. long during th 
summer months, and inserting then 
in a compost of sandy loam and leaf 
soil, or in leaf-soil or even coco-nu 
fibre alone, in a temperature of 60° t 
65° F. The cuttings should be kep 
close and shaded for some days, anc 
should also be sprinkled overhea 
two or three times a day to keep th 
surrounding atmosphere and compos 
sufficiently humid. Cuttings soo 
root in this way, and may be the! 
potted up and grown on. 

Another method of increasing th 
stock of any desired variety is to cu 
large tubers into two or more parts 
each with a sprouting bud, in th 
spring, dipping the cut surface 1 
charcoal, soot, or slaked lime to hea 
it over quickly. 

Pzsts.—Tuberous Begonias are a! 
most immune from insect pest 
Thrips, however, occasionally infes 
them when grown in an atmospher 



too hotand arid. They are easily kept 
at bay by syringing the plants freely 
when not in blossom, and afterwards 
keeping the stages sufficiently damped 
with water each day. 

It is needless to give alist of names, 
as these are only of fleeting interest, 
and the very finest forms may be 
obtained from a packet of good seeds 
saved from choice strains. The 
main groups into which tuberous 
Begonias may be divided are (1) 
single-flowered and (2) double- 
flowered. In both sections the petals 
are broad,of good shape and substance, 
and in many varieties the edges are 
beautifully denticulate; in others 
they are beautifully frilled and 
serrated. What are called “ Butter- 
fly” Begonias have the flowers with 
a lighter shade in the centre, the 
petals being splashed and marbled 
with adeeper colour. The “crested” 
Begonias have excrescences or crested 
outgrowths raised on the centre of 
the petals, which present a peculiarly 
distinct appearance in consequence. 


There are now many charming 
varieties of florists’ Begonias that 
flower during the winter months— 
from October till the end of January. 
These have been raised by crossing 
some of the best tuberous varieties 
with Begonia socotrana, This is a 
fibrous-rooted species from the Island 
of Socotra, having roundish peltate 
leaves and bright pink flowers in 
winter. (Bot. Mag. t. 6555.) In using 
this fibrous-rooted species with the 
tuberous-rooted varieties, the object 
aimed at was to secure a sturdy 
winter-flowering race. 
has been accomplished in this respect 
by Mr John Heal, and varieties with 
single, semi-double, and double 
flowers have been produced. The 
plants have mostly sterile flowers, and 


A good deal, 


consequently have to be raised by 
means of cuttings, and they are semi- 
tuberous in character. They must 
be grown in warm greenhouses to be 
brought to perfection. Some of the 
best forms at present are: Jdeala, 
Adonis, John Heal, Mrs Heal, Ensign, 
Winter Cheer, Julius, Venus, and 
Winter Perfection. The flowers vary 
in colour from bright pink to deep 
purple pink, rose, and cerise. Besides 
the parents of the modern tuberous 
Begonia there are several other 
tuberous-rooted species, but they are 
chiefly of botanical interest at present. 

(The Malabar name of the plant.) 
Nat. Ord. Iridez,—The only species 
of the genus is— 

B. chinensis, formerly known as 
Ixia and Pardanthus chinensis, intro- 
duced from China and Japan in 
1759. It has a short stolon-bearing 
rhizome, and loose tufts of sword-like 
leaves, 1 to 14 ft. long and an inch 
broad. From three to twelve shortly 
tubular flowers are borne in a loose 
cluster, the fleeting segments being 
red and spotted with purple brown. 
(Red, Lnl, t. 121; Bot. Mag. t. 171; 
Ll. d. Serr. t. 1632.) 

This species being only half hardy, 
requires to be grown like the Ixias 
in sheltered spots, or in frames or 
greenhouses. It likes a rich sandy 
soil, and may be increased by division. 
of the root-stocks, or by means of its 
black pea-like seeds. 

BESCHORNERIA (after H. Besch- 
orner,a German botanist), Nat. Ord. 
Amaryllidez.—A small genus of ever- 
green Yucca-like plants, all natives 
of Mexico, having short, thickened 
rhizomes or tuberous root-stocks, tufts 
of fleshy, lance-shaped leaves, and 
clusters of drooping, funnel-shaped 
flowers deeply cut into narrow seg- 



ments, and borne in simple or 
panicled racemes on stalks 2 to 8 ft. 
high, springing out of the centre of 
the plants. 

The Beschornerias are not well- 
known outside botanic gardens. 
They require to be grown in a warm 
greenhouse, and flourish in a compost 
of rich sandy loam and leaf-soil or 
a little peat, and may be grown in 
pots or tubs, or planted in beds or 
borders, where the evergreen appear- 
ance of the ornamental foliage would 
be more likely appreciated. The 
best-known species are :— 

B. bracteata, with leaves 14 to 2 ft. 
long. Flowers reddish, on stalks 4 
to 5 ft. high. (Bot. Mag. t. 6641.) 

B. Decosteriana has leaves 2 to 24 
ft. long, and green flowers tinged with 
red, on stems 7 to 8 ft. high (Bot. 
Mag. t. 6768.) 

B. Toneliana.—Leaves 14 to 2 ft. 
long. Flowers greenish, on stems 
about 4 ft. high. (Bot. Mag. t. 6091.) 

B. tubiflora.—Leaves about 1 ft. 
long, and 4 to 1 in. broad. Flowers 
reddish-green, on stems 2 to 8 ft. 
high. (Bot. Mag. t. 4642.) 

B. Wrighti.— This species has 
masses of spreading recurved sword- 
like leaves 4 to 5 ft. long and about 
2 in. wide in the middle. The green, 
downy flowers are borne on pyra- 
midal panicles about 8 ft. high. 
(Bot. Mag. t. 7779.) 

B. yuccoides.—Leaves 13 to 2 ft. 
long. Flowers entirely green, on 
reddish stems 4 to 6 ft. high, with 
rosy red bracts. 

This species flourishes in the open 
air in warm sheltered spots, but must 
be protected in winter. (Bot. Mag. 
t. 5208.) 

BESSERA (after Dr Besser, pro- 
fessor of botany). Nat. Ord. 
Liliaceee.—The only representative 
of this genus is— 



B. elegans,.a charming littl 
Mexican plant about 2 ft. high, havin; 
tunicated corms, narrow, channelle 
leaves, and umbels of beautifu 
drooping bell-shaped blossoms fron 

Fic. 68.—Bessera elegans, corm and section. 

July to September. These ari 
scarlet in the type, but there is s 
much variation in the colour tha 

Fia. 69.—Bessera elegans. (4.) 

specific names have been given t 
forms, such as istwosa, purple 
Herberti, purple and white; an 
miniata, scarlet and white. (Boi 
Reg. tt. 34, 1546 ; Fl. d. Serr. t. 424.) 



The bulbs are best planted in a 
compost of sandy peat and loam in 
about equal proportions, and may be 
grown in a greenhouse in the coldest 
parts of the Kingdom, or in the 
warmest places in sunny spots against 
a south wall. During the growing 
season—that is, during the spring and 
summer months—the soil should be 
kept fairly moist when grown in 
pots, afterwards withholding water 
as the plants show signs of going to 
rest. Propagation is effected by 
means of offsets from the older bulbs 
in spring. 

BIARUM (bis, twice ; Arwm, Arum), 
Nat. Ord. Aroidez.—A small genus 
of tuberous-rooted herbaceous plants 
closely related to the Arums, and 
having linear oblong, or lance-shaped 
leaves with long slender stalks, all 
natives of Palestine and the Medi- 
terranean region. The flower-stalks 
are short or almost absent: the 
spathes soon wither. The plants are 
all hardy, but like warm, sunny spots 
in any good and well-drained garden 
soil, They are more curious than 
beautiful, and consequently more 
appropriate in botanical collections 
than in the ordinary flower-border. 
They are increased by separation of 
the offsets from the older tubers in 
spring. The best-known species is 
B. tenuifolium (also known as B. 
gramineum, B. constrictum, and Arum 
tenutfolium), with dark brownish- 
purple spathes (Bot. Keg. t. 512). 
Other kinds, all with blackish-purple 
spathes, are B. angustatum, B. car- 
duchorum, B. crispulum, B. Kotschyt, 
and B. Pyramt. 

B. eximium, is a native of W. 
Cilicia, with broad, simple leaves, and 
spathes dark purple on the upper 
side, and green spotted with red on 
the under side (Gard. Chron. 1898, 
XXili, 126, f. 49, as Ischarum). 



BIDENS (dvs, twice ; dens, a tooth ; 
in allusion to the seeds). Nat. Ord. 
Composite.—This is a large genus, 
having over one hundred species of 
more or less weedy plants with 
opposite leaves, once, twice, or thrice 
pinnately cut, and solitary flower- 

B, dahlioides is a native of Mexico, 
where it is found at an elevation of 
over 8000 ft. It is a perennial about 
2 ft. high, with Dahlia-like, tuberous 
roots, pinnate leaves having three to 
seven leaflets, and solitary flower- 
heads about 3 ins. across, the ray 
florets varying in colour from white to 
pink, purple, and rose. 

This little-known plant flourishes 
in milder parts of the Kingdom in 
ordinary good garden soil, and may 
be easily propagated by division of 
the tuberous roots and by means of 
seeds, which are freely ripened in 
favourable parts. In cold or bleak 
places the plants may be treated 
exactly like Dahlias, the tubers 
being lifted and stored in frost-proof 
places in winter. 

BIGNONIA (after the Abbé Bignon, 
librarian of Louis XIV.). Nat. Ord. 
Bignoniaceee.—This genus contains 
about 120 species of shrubby plants 
with more or less climbing stems. 
The one mentioned here is remark- 
able for its long, irregularly shaped, 
tuberous roots, viz. :— 

B. equinoctialis (B. Unguis)—A 
native of Guiana, with climbing stems, 
smooth, opposite leaves in pairs, and 
during the summer months bearing 
clusters of irregularly bell-shaped 
yellow flowers on the ends of the 
young shoots. 

This species requires stove or warm 
greenhouse treatment, and flourishes 
in rich, light soil, and plenty of 
moisture during active growth. Its 
shoots may be trained up pillars or 



trellises. It may be increased by 
cuttings of the young shoots in 
spring in sandy soil under a bell- 
glass, but care must be taken not to 
keep the cuttings too wet. 

BLANDFORDIA (after George, 
Marquis of Blandford), CHRISTMAS 
Betts. Nat. Ord. Liliaceze. — A 
genus of Australian plants closely 
related botanically to the Day Lilies 
(Hemerocallis), Funkias, and Kni- 
phofias. They have very short, 
thickened root-stocks, not bulbs, with 
masses of thickish, fleshy roots, and 
tufts of long, narrow, stiffish, and 
prominently veined leaves sheathing 
at the base. The beautiful tubular or 
bell-shaped flowers droop from an 
erect stem. 

Blandfordias are charming plants 
for the greenhouse, which they render 
brilliant from May to July with their 
showy flowers. In Australia they 
are known as “Christmas Bells,” the 
flowers appearing in the depth of 
the Antipodean winter. The plants 
flourish in a compost of turfy loam, 
peat, and coarse silver sand in 
about equal proportions. The pots 
should be well drained, and not too 
large for the plants. During the 
winter season a temperature of 45° 
to 50° F. will be sufficient for the 
plants, and during the summer 
months it will be unnecessary to 
place them in artificial heat. The 
easiest way to increase a stock is by 
means of suckers. These are produced 
fairly freely by strong plants. Each 
sucker should be detached carefully 
and placed in a small pot by itself 
in spring, when the older plants are 
to be repotted. The young sucker 
plants should be kept close and 
moist for a few weeks until well 
established. Afterwards plenty of 
air and light may be given, combined 
with judicious watering. Care must 



be taken to shade during very stron 
sunshine, otherwise the leaves begi 
to turn yellowish. 

Blandfordias may also be raise 
from seeds. These should be sow. 
when fully ripe in well-drained pot 
or pans on a compost of loam, peat 
and sand, the upper surface of whic! 
has been made fine for the receptio: 
of the seeds. Germination is ofte: 
slow and irregular, but there will b 
a good many young plants by th 
following spring. These should b 
pricked out about 2 ins. apart in ; 
similar compost, and placed ina warn 
corner of the greenhouse where the: 
can be kept moist, and shaded fron 
strong sunshine. The followin: 
spring the young plants will requir 
more space, and may be moved int 
3-in. or 4-in. pots according to thei 
size. They are grown on thus fo. 
another season, and the following 
spring will be large enough for 5-in 
or 6-in. pots, using the composi 
already mentioned, and making i 
firm round the roots. 

Plants once established need noi 
be repotted every year, unless the 
soil has become sour or exhausted 
In addition to the ordinary waterings 
a little weak liquid manure shoulc 
be given once or twice a week wher 
the flower-stems begin to show. 

Insects are not very troublesome. 
greenfly perhaps being the most 
common pest. This is easily checked 
by syringing with quassia and tobacec 
solutions, or by vaporising the green- 
house. The following are the species 
and varieties known :— 

B. flammea.—A fine species 2 to 3 
ft. high, with grass-like leaves and 
flowers about 14 ins. long, broad at 
the throat, narrower towards the 
base. The colour is rich brownish- 
red at the base, shading upwards into 
orange and yellow. There are several 
varieties, which have been considered 



as species by some, the best being 
splendens, with larger and brighter 
coloured flowers than the type; 
elegans, with large crimson flowers 
edged with yellow; and aurea, a 
pure golden-yellow flowered form. 
Figures to be found in Bot. Mag. t. 
5809; Bot. Reg. t. 924; Fl. d. Serr. 
6585 ; Gard. 1883, t. 411. 

B. grandiflora (B. Cunninghamt).— 
Another fine plant 2 to 3 ft. high, 
with sheathing, distichous leaves 
about a foot long and a } in. broad, 
and ending in a needle-like point. 
The flower-stem is topped with a 
cluster of about half a dozen drooping 
flowers, each about 2 ins. long, and 
of a glowing red and yellow colour. 
(Bot. Mag. t. 5734; Bot. Reg. t. 924.) 

B. marginata.—This is a Tasmanian 
species about 2 ft. high, with rough- 
edged leaves, and rich dark red 
flowers about 14 ins. long, margined 
with yellow, and borne on a deep 


Fia. 70.—Blandfordia princeps. 

purple-coloured stalk. The variety 
intermedia has yellow flowers. 
B. nobilis.—A noble species about 



2 ft. high, with grassy leaves, and 
drooping clusters of orange or 
brownish-red and yellow flowers, each 
about 14 ins. long (Bot. Mag. t. 2003). 

B. princeps.—This is a fine species, 
or, as it has been called, a variety of 
jlammea. It has longer and larger 
flowers, 24 to3 ins. long, of a beautiful 
orange-red passing into soft golden- 
yellow, and borne on stalks about a 
foot high. (Bot. Mag. t. 6209.) 

The Blandfordias, or “ Australian 
Christmas Bells” as they might be 
called popularly, deserve greater 
attention than they receive at present. 
They are easy to grow, and are unique 
as ornamental flowering plants during 
the summer. There is no necessity 
to grow them in pots. They would 
do well planted out in a peaty border 
in a cool greenhouse. All the species 
mentioned above, except B. mar- 
ginata, are natives of New South 

BLOOMERIA (after H. G. Bloomer, 
Curator of the Academy of Nat. 
Science, California, 1863). Nat. Ord. 
Liliacezee. — A small genus closely 
related to Brodiwa, Bessera, and 
Nothoscordum, having fibrous-coated 
corms, long linear radical leaves, and 
simple scapes ending in an umbel of 
many rotate flowers, with six distinct 
spreading segments. Stamens six, 
hypogynous, or very slightly adhering 
to the base of the segments. 

B. aurea (Allium croceum ; Nothos- 
cordum aureum),—A handsome Cali- 
fornian plant, with dense umbels of 
bright yellow flowers on stems about 
1 ft. high. B. Clevelandi is another 
yellow-flowered species, but smaller. 
Both kinds flourish in rich sandy 
loam, and should be placed in warm, 
sunny corners in the rock-garden or 
border. Increased by offsets. 

BOBARTIA (after Jacob Bobart,. 
a professor of botany at Oxford in 



the seventeenth century). Nat. Ord. 
Trideee.—This genus contains about 
a dozen species, all natives of South 
Africa, and of little garden value. 
They have a short rhizome, which 
becomes thickened into a corm in 
R. filuformis. The flowers are borne 
in clusters, and are usually yellow in 
colour, The species have been con- 
fused a good deal with members of 
such genera as Ixta, Manica, Monza, 
and SisyRINcHium, to all of which 
they are closely related, and require 
the same cultural treatments. The 
plants grow from 1 to 3 ft. high, and 
have stiff, roundish, or narrow sword- 
shaped leaves. &B. anceps, B. aphiylla, 
B. Burchellt, B. filyformis, B. gladiata, 
B. macrospatha, B. robusta, and B. 
spathacea are the species known. 
B. aurantiaca is Mow known as 

BOCCONIA (after Paolo Bocconi, 
a Sicilian botanist), Nat. Ord. 
Papaveracee.—A genus containing 
three species of bold and ornamental 
plants with thickish, creeping root- 
stocks, large, deeply lobed leaves, and 
erect panicles of numerous small 

They are all easily grown in any 
good garden soil, and flourish in shade 
or sunshine, but make much finer 
plants in the latter. They seed freely, 
and each year hundreds of young 
self-sown plants may be found 
around the old ones. They are also 
easily increased by division of the 
thickish yellow rhizomes. Indeed, 
once they are in a garden, the chief 
difficulty will consist in preventing 
them from crowding out other plants 
of less vigorous growth. 

B. cordata (B. japonica ; Macleaya 
yedoénsts), — A stately Chinese per- 
ennial, 6 to 10 ft. or more high, with 
large, deeply lobed, fig-like leaves, 
soft green above, whitish beneath. 



Flowers small, creamy buff, produced 
in large feathery or plume-like 
panicles during the summer months, 
(Bot. Mag. t. 1905.) 

Fia. 71.—LBocconta cordata, root-stock 
and buds. (4.) 

B, frutescens.—A Mexican species 
3 to 6 ft. high, with large sea-green 
lobed leaves and feathery panicles of 
greenish flowers. This is not quite 
hardy, and therefore not often seen. 

B, microcarpa.—This species from 
N. China is very similar in appearance 
to B. cordata, but does not grow so 
tall. Its leaves are also somewhat 
smaller and more deeply lobed and 
ornamental, and the flowers are of a 
more bronzy brown tint. 

BOMAREA (after Valmont de 
Bomare). Nat. Ord. Amaryllideze.— 
This genus contains about eighty 
species of plants with slender roots, 
often thickened towards the tip into 
large tubers ; more or less climbing or 
creeping stems; leaves sometimes 
linear, but usually oblong, pointed, 



and tubular or funnel-shaped flowers 
in drooping umbels. 

Notwithstanding their habit, the 
Bomareas are closely related to the 
Alstroemerias, and may be grown 
quite as easily, but not in the open 
air. They require the protection of 
a cool or slightly warm greenhouse, 
and flourish in a well-drained com- 
post of sandy loam, to which a little 
peat or leaf-mould may be added, 
and also a few nodules of charcoal. 
Young plants are best grown in pots 
until they are well established. They 
may then be planted out in the green- 
house in a nice border, whence the 
stems can be trained up the rafters 
near the glass or at the ends of the 
house, where they will have still more 
light, and at the same time the 
requisite warmth. During growth, 
from spring till autumn a certain 
amount of moisture is needed at 
the roots, and on warm genial days, 
especially during vigorous growth, 
the plants will benefit by occasional 
syringings in the morning and after- 
noon; but these should cease when 
the plants are bearing their large 
clusters of beautiful flowers. The 
winter temperature for Bomareas 
should not be lower than 50° F. at 
night, with a rise of 5° during the 

To increase the stock, the roots 
may be separated in spring as growth 
is commencing, each portion being 
placed in a small pot, according to 
size, and grown on in genial warmth 
and moisture. Seeds may also be 
sown when thoroughly ripe, in a 
mixture of fine sandy loam and peat 
or leaf-soil in equal proportions, and 
kept in a temperature of 60° to 65° F. 
When large enough to handle easily, 
the seedlings should be transferred 
singly to small pots in a similar com- 
post, and kept in a warm, fairly close 
and moist atmosphere until they 



become established. Then a place 
slightly cooler and more airy will 
suit them very well. Syringing and 
watering must be attended to with 
regularity ; and as the plants increase 
in size, they will require moving into 
larger pots, when the same treatment 
will be required. When the new 
growths appear, a little soot or slaked 
lime should be sprinkled round 
them to protect them from slugs, if 

The following are some of the best- 
known Bomareas in cultivation :— 

B. acutifolia Ehrenbergiana. — A 
Mexican species with deep orange- 
yellow flowers, the inner segments 
being paler and spotted (Bot. Mag. 
t. 6444). 

B.Caldasiana(Alstrameria Caldast). 
—This species grows at an elevation 
of 8000 to 11,000 ft., on the Andes of 
Ecuador and New Granada. The 
leaves are distinctly stalked, 3 to 6 
ins. long, and from six to thirty 
reddish-brown and bright yellow 
flowers are borne in an umbel. (Bot. 
Mag. t. 5442.) 

B. Carderi.—A fine species from the 
Andes of Colombia, with leaves 4 to 
6 ins. long, and compound umbels of 
large pale pink flowers, spotted with 
claret-brown towards the tip, the 
inner segments being greenish-white 
and much spotted (Jl. Mag. ns. t. 
239; Gard. Chron. 1876, i. 795, f.). 
Fig. 72. 

B. edulis (A. Salsilla).—This is a 
very variable species, and is found 
wild throughout Tropical America 
from Cuba and Mexico to Peru and 
8. Brazil. It has edible, tuberous 
roots. The leaves are 3 to 4 ins. 
long, and the flowers are pink, tipped 
with green, the inner segments being 
greenish and heavily spotted with 
claret-brown. (Bot. Mag. t. 1613.) 
The variety Hlwest has pink outer 
segments, the inner ones being 



pencilled with red (Gard. Chron. 1905, 
XXXVIl. 350). 

There are several varieties, such as 
chontalensis, with pale yellowish- 
green inner segments (Bot. Mag. t. 
5927) ; ovata, with broader leaves and 
larger flowers (Bot. Mag. t. 2846); 
and ecornuta, which has the outer 

Fic. 72.—Bomarea Cardert. (4.) 

floral segments furnished with a 
distinct spur at the apex. There are 
many other forms which Mr Baker in 
his Handbook of the Amaryllidece says 
he cannot distinguish specifically.. 

B. frondea.—This is closely related 
to B. Caldasiana, and is found at 
altitudes of 8000 to 10,000 ft. on the 
Andes of Colombia. The leaves are 
4 to 5 ins. long, and the flowers, borne 
in dense umbels, are reddish-brown, 
with bright yellow, heavily spotted 
inner segments. (Gard. Chron. xvii. 
n.s. 699, f.) 

B. Kalbreyeri.— This also comes 
from the Andes of Colombia (9000 to 
10,000 ft.), and is close to B. Calda- 
siana. The flowers are reddish- 
brown outside, the inner segments 



being bright yellow, spotted with 
claret-brown. (Rev. Hort. 1883, 516, f.) 

B. oligantha. — A native of the 
Peruvian Andes, having flowers dull 
red outside, the inner segments bright 
yellow, spotted with claret-brown. 
(Gard. Chron. 1877, ii. 648). 

B. patacocensis (LB. conferta).—A 
native of the Andes of Ecuador and 
Colombia, with huge clusters of bright 
red flowers, the inner segments having 
a yellow keel and a few spots (Bot. 
Mag., t. 6692; Gard. Chron. 1882, 
186, f. 31). 

Fis. 73.—Bomarea patococensts. (4.) 

B, Shuttleworthi—A fine species 
from the Andes of Colombia, with 
oblong acute leaves 5 to 6 ins. long, 
and flowers red outside, yellow tinged 
with green within, and copiously 
spotted with red brown (Gard. Chron. 
1882, i. 76, 77, 85). 

B. vitellina.—A Colombian species 
with ovate oblong leaves 3 to 4 ins. 
long, and bright orange-yellow flowers. 

BONGARDIA (after Heinrich Gustav 
Bongard, a German botanist). Nat. 
Ord. Berberidew.—The only species, 



. B. Rauwolfi (or Leontice altaica, or L. 
chrysogonum, as it used to be called), 
is a pretty little tuberous - rooted 
perennial about 6 ins. high, having 
pinnately cut, glaucous leaves, with 
thickish segments again twice or 
thrice divided or toothed, and having 
a purple blotch at the base of each 
leaflet. The golden-yellow flowers 
appear in May on branched pyramidal 
panicles, each blossom being about 1 
in. across, and drooping from aslender 
stalklet or pedicel. Sepals three to 
six, petaloid. Petals six, almost 
similar. Stamens six, free. It is a 
native of Syria and Persia, where it 
is used as a pot herb. (Bot. Jlag. t. 

This plant flourishes in light sandy 
soil with a little peat or leaf-mould 
in warm, open positions in the rock- 
garden or border. In winter the 
plants should be protected from cold, 
heavy rains by a flower-pot, bell-glass, 
etc., otherwise the tuberous root- 
stocks are apt to perish. The plants 
may be increased by seeds sown in 
cold frames when ripe, or by offsets in 
spring, or in early autumn and 
wintered in a cold frame. 

BOUSSINGAULTIA (after a cele- 
brated French chemist, Boussingauwt). 
Nat. Ord. Chenopodiacee.—A small 
and little-known genus belonging to 
the Beetroot and Spinach family, 
containing about ten species of herb- 
aceous plants having fleshy rhizomes 
emitting climbing stems furnished 
with smooth, thickish leaves, and 
having the small flowers in branching 
sprays. The best-known species is— 

B. baselloides.— A native of 8. 
America. Itisa quick-growing plant 
with reddish twining stems, on which 
arise tubercules (Fig. 74). The wavy 
leaves are heart-shaped, fleshy, and 
shining green, and the small, white, 
sweet -scented flowers appear in 



branched sprays about September 
and October. 

This plant is not quite hardy, but 
might grow fairly well with winter 
protection in the warmest parts of 
the Kingdom. In other places it 
should be grown in a greenhouse, and 
as the stems often attain a length of 

Fic. 74.—Boussingaullia baselloides, showing 
tubers on stem. (.) 

about 20 ft. in the course of a year, 
the plants should be either trained 
over walls, trellises, pillars, or rafters, 
or on wire balloo grown in pots. 
They flourish in a compost of sandy 
peat and loam, and may be increased 
by seeds, division of the tuberous 
roots, and by the tubercules pro- 
duced on the stems. (Bot. Mag. t. 



B. cordata, from Peru, is a nearly 
allied species, 

BOWIEA (after J. Bowie, a Kew 
collector), Nat. Ord. Liliacez.—The 
only species is— 

B. volubilis, a native of S. Africa. 
It has large, globular, greenish bulbs, 
and is remarkable for its slender 
climbing stems, which branch into 
slender, staghorn-like segments, and 
bear greenish, fleeting flowers with 
reflexed segments. The true leaves 
are grass-like, but they soon wither. 

This plant is simply a vegetable 
curiosity. It grows freely in a cool 
greenhouse, and has been known to 
flourish in the open air in very warm, 
sheltered spots in ordinary light 
garden soil. (Bot. Mag. t. 5619.) 

BRACHYSTELMA (brachys, short ; 
stelma, a crown; referring to the 
coronal processes of the flowers). 
Nat. Ord. Asclepiadee.—A small 
genus of tuberous-rooted perennials 
with climbing stems, opposite leaves ; 
fleshy, bell-shaped or starry flowers. 

The plants of this genus are very 
little known. They. are all natives of 
S. Africa, and require to be grown in 
a greenhouse. A compost of sandy 
loam and leaf-soil suits them best, and 
they may be increased by basal 
cuttings in spring. The species best 
known are B, Arnoti (Ref. Bot. t. 9); 
B. Barbere (Bot. Mag. t. 5607); 
B. Caffrum (Gard. Chron. 1894, xvi. 
62); B. ovatum (Ref. Bot. t. 226); 
B. spatulatum (Bot. Reg. t. 1118); 
and B. tuberosum (Bot. Mag. t. 2343). 
The flowers of these are greenish, 
yellowish, or purple. 

BRAVOA (after Bravo, a Mexican 
botanist), Nat. Ord. Amaryllideze.-— 
A small genus of Mexican plants 
having tuberous root-stocks, narrow 
leaves, and red or whitish flowers, 



usually in distant pairs. The perianth 
has a long, subcylindrical tube, and 
short, ovate oblong, almost equal 

The Bravoas are pretty little plants, 
almost hardy in the mildest parts of 
the Kingdom, with protection in 
winter; otherwise best treated as 
greenhouse plants. They like a com- 
post of rich sandy loam and leaf-soil, 
and several should be grown together 
in well-drained pots to make a display. 
They may be increased by offsets, or 
more slowly from seeds. 

B. Bulliana has ovoid tubers about 
1 in. through, the outer tunics split 
into fibres at the top. The bright 
leaves are about 6 ins. long, and 1 to 
1$ ins. broad. From five to six pairs 
of whitish and almost stalkless flowers 
are borne on a flexuose stem 2 to 3 ft. 
long. This species and the next have 
produced a hybrid called B. kewensis. 
(Gard. Chron, 1899, xxvi. 112.) 

B. geminifiora (The Twin Flower). 
—This is the best-known member of 
the genus, having been introduced 
from Mexico in 1838. The globose 
tubers are 1 to 1} ins. through, with 
fibrous tunics. The leaves are 12 to 
18 ins. long, $ to $ in. broad, and the 
bright coral-red tubular blossoms, 
twenty to thirty in number, hang in 
pairs on a stalk 12 to 18 ins. high. 

This species grows wild at an 
altitude of 7000 ft. on the mountains 
of Central Mexico, and is practically 
hardy in warm and sheltered spots 
facing south in the neighbourhood of 
London. (Bot. Mag. t. 4741; Fl. d. 
Serr. v. 520.) 

B. sessilifiora.—This species grows 
at an altitude of 6000 to 8000 ft. in 
Mexico, and is probably as hardy as 
B. geminiflora. It has an oblong 
tuber, narrow, pointed leaves, and 
stalkless, whitish flowers in distant 
pairs, on stems 14 to 2 ft. high. 

B, singulifiora.—The tubers of this 



species are about 13 ins, through, and 
the leaves are about a foot long, and 
not more than 4-in. broad. The 
greenish-white flowers are usually 
or nearly always solitary, instead of 
being in pairs, and have the tube 
tinged with purple. 

BREVOORTIA (after Brevoort). 
Nat. Ord. Liliacee.—The only 
species is— 

B. Ida-maia, much better known 
still under the name of Brodica 
coccinea in catalogues. Popularly it 
is called the “Crimson Satin Flower,” 
and the “Californian Fire Cracker.” 
It is a pretty Californian plant with 
tunicated corms, narrow leaves, and 
during June and July bears loose 
umbels of bright red or scarlet flowers 
tipped with green, and drooping from 
the top of a scape 2 to 3 ft. high. 

Fie. 75.—Brevoortia Ida-Mata, corm and 
section. (3.) 

It flourishes under identical con- 
ditions with the Brodizeas in rich and 
well-drained, deeply-dug, sandy soil 
in the border or rock-garden. When 
it grows freely in warm, sheltered 
spots, it is decidedly handsome. 

The genus Brevoortia differs from 
Brodiza botanically in having three 
stamens only instead of six, and a 
slightly stalked instead of a sessile 

BRODIa@&A (after J. J. Brodie, a 
Scottish cryptogamist). Nat. Ord. 
Liliaceze.—A genus closely related to 
BREVOORTIA, consisting of a pretty 
and interesting number of herbaceous 
plants, having tunicated corms or 
bulbs, narrow leaves, and flowers 



borne in umbels on top of a simple 
scape. The perianth is funnel-shaped 
or bell-shaped, narrowed at the base, 
dilated above, and having six more 
or less equal lobes. Stamens six, 
perfect, or with three alternate ones 
reduced to staminodia, 

CORDUM, and CaLLIPRORA are now 
merged in this. 

The Brodizas are nearly all natives 
of California, but a few exist in 
Brazil and Argentina. Consequently 
they require to be grown in warm, 
sunny borders in sheltered positions 
in British gardens. They are not 
difficult to cultivate, provided the 
soil is well drained by deep cultiva- 
tion, and well enriched with decayed 
manure. A fair quantity of sand or 
grit should also be incorporated not 
only to keep the soil open, but to 
absorb the heat from the sun and 
thus keep the soil warm. The best 
time to plant the corms or bulbs is 
either early in September, or about 
February or March when the weather 
is mild and open. Once planted 
properly, the plants may be left to 
take care of themselves, and should 
not be disturbed for a few years, until 
they become so thick that separation 
and replanting become absolutely 
necessary. The surface should be 
kept free from weeds, and in the 
autumn a top-dressing of well-rotted 
manure will be beneficial, Increase 
is easily effected by separating 
the offsets from the older corms, 
Seeds may also be sown when 
ripe, but will not produce flowering 
bulbs for three or four years or 

There are many species known, but 
the following is a selection of the 
best garden plants. They nearly all 
flower during the summer months, 
some being earlier than others, ex- 
tending the flowering period from 

113 H 


March and April, and from May to 
July :— 

B. Bridgesi (Triteleia Bridgesi).—A 
species closely related to B. laxa, but 
easily distinguished by its longer 
and broader blue flowers, with a 
decided red tinge, as many as ten 
to twenty blossoms being in an 

B. californica (B. Austinw).—A very 
fine species, 15 to 18 ins. high, bear- 
ing loose umbels of ten to twenty-five 
flowers of a beautiful rose-purple, 
each spreading funnel-shaped blossom 
being 13 to 2 ins. long, and the same 
in width. Perfect stamens three. 

B. candida.—This is like B. laxa, 
but is finer, with large heads of white 
flowers tinted with pale blue, or in 
some cases pink, on stout stems. 

B. capitata (Milla capitata)—A 
beautiful species, with narrow linear 
leaves and fragile stalks 1 to 2 ft. 
high, bearing umbels of numerous 
bright lilac or deep violet blooms 
about April. The variety alba has 
white flowers. 

B. congesta.— A  free-flowering 
species, with roundish slender leaves 
and deep violet flowers, six to twelve 
in an umbel, borne in summer on 
flexuous scapes 3 to5 ft. long. There 
are three fertile stamens alternating 
with three purple cleft staminodia in 
the throat of the tube. There is a 
rare white-flowered form. 

B, crocea,—A small species with 
very narrow leaves and umbels of 
yellow flowers borne on slender leaf- 
less stalks a foot high (Gard. Chron. 
1901, 126, f. 39). 

B. Douglasi (A/dla and Triteleta 
grandiflora).—This fine species seems 
to be intermediate between B. Howell: 
and B.laxa. It has narrow leaves, and 
dense umbels of six to twenty beauti- 
ful bright blue flowers about 1 in. 
long on the top of a scape 14 to 2 ft. 
high. Perfect stamens six, three of 



which are seated on the throat of 
the tube, the other three reaching 
nearly half-way up the segments, 
(Bot. Mag. t. 6907.) 

B. gracilis (Triteleia gractlis).—A 
rare and pretty species, with slender 
leaves, and about a dozen bright 
yellow flowers, about 4 in. long, in an 
umbel on the top of a scape less than 
6 ins. high. The oblong segments ' 
are keeled with brown, and there are 
six perfect stamens. 

B. grandiflora (Hookera coronaria), 
—This is the original species upon 
which the genus Brodiza was founded 
by Smith in 1808. It has linear leaves 
and bright violet-blue flowers, three 
to ten in an umbel, on top of a scape 
about 18 ins. long. The perianth 
tube is over 1 in. long, with rather 
longer, oblong, spreading segments 
and three fertile stamens. B. minor 
comes near this species, but has fewer 
flowers and shorter scapes. The 
variety Ware has lilac-rose flowers 
about 3 ins. long on stems 2 to 24 
ft. high. (Bot. Reg. t. 1183.) 

B. Hendersoni.—This very rare 
species comes near B. Bridgest and 
B. laxa. The flowers, however, are 
salmon-yellow striped with purple, 
and are 3 to 1 in. long, with bluish 
anthers to the stamens in the centre. 

B. Howelli (Triteleita Howellt).— 
This is closely related to B. Douglasi. , 
It has, however, smaller flowers of a 
beautiful porcelain-white, delicately 
streaked with blue. The variety 
lilacina is a far superior plant, having 
twenty or more funnel-shaped flowers 
each 1 in, across in an umbel, and of 
a soft lavender-blue with white seg- 
ments. (Bot. Mag. t. 6989.) 

B, hyacinthina (Hesperocordum 
hyacinthinum ; H, Lewist).—A pretty 
species having linear leaves and ten 
to thirty purple flowers in an umbel 
on top of a scape 1 to 2 ft. long. 
The variety lactea (better known in 

114 ; 


gardens as Hesperocordum lacteum), 
has umbels of white flowers striped 
with green behind. The form known 
as dilacina has larger white flowers 
than lactea, suffused with lilac. 

Fic. 76.—Brodiea Howelli lilacina. (4.) 

B. ixioides (Ornithogalum txioides ; 
Calliprora lutea).—A beautiful and 
distinct species popularly called 
“ Pretty Face,” having narrow, linear, 
fleshy leaves, and scapes 1 to 2 ft. 
long, bearing umbels of ten to twenty 
bright yellow flowers. The variety 
erecta is a fine form with large clear 
yellow flowers of great substance. 
Splendens is another fine variety, 
rather earlier in blossoming. 

B. laxa (Milla and Triteleia laxa). 
—A pretty and showy species with 
narrow linear leaves, and scapes 1 to 
2 ft. long, having umbels of twenty to 
fifty or more pale or dark violet flowers 
about 14 ins. long, with segments 
shorter than the funnel-shaped tube. 
The variety splendens is an improve- 
ment on the type, with stouter scapes 
and larger heads of blossom of a soft 



pale blue or pinkish-purple. Other 
forms have deep purple-blue flowers. 
B. Leichtlini (A/tlla Letchtlint),—A 
pretty species from the Chilian Andes, 
It has narrow linear leaves, and in 

Fic. 77.—Brodiaa laxa. (}.) 

March produces its: large, slightly 
scented, pure white flowers with a 
greenish band down the centre of the 
segments. Only afew large blossoms 
are borne on each umbel. 

B. multiflora (B. parviflora).—A 
pretty species with six to twenty 
rather small pale blue flowers in 
umbels on long scapes. There are 
three perfect stamens and three 
staminodia. (Bot. Mag. t. 5989.) 

B. Orcutti.—This distinct species 
has linear flattish leaves and stout 
scapes 1 ft. or more in length, and 
umbels of five to fifteen or more 
bright lilac flowers, each over 1 in. 
in diameter, with three fertile stamens 
and three staminodia (Gard. Chron. 
1896, xx. 214, f. 40). 

B, Palmeri.—A species not yet well 
known, with narrow lance-shaped 
leaves, and bright purple flowers on 
stems 1 to 2 ft. high (Gartenji. 1889, 
f. 107). 

115 i 


B. peduncularis (Milla and 
Triteleia peduncularis).—This is simi- 
lar to B. laxa, but has finer long- 
stalked flowers of a beautiful porce- 
lain-white varying to rosy-purple, in 
large loose umbels. This is a very 
free and vigorous species, and makes 
a fine show when grown in large 

B. Purdyi.—This is a very distinct 
dwarf species, having beautiful rosy- 
purple or lilac flowers, with spreading 
and recurved segments, each of 
which has a central line of violet. 

B. rosea.—A pretty dwarf species 
with roundish leaves and scapes 3 to 
6 ins. long, carrying five to eight rosy- 
red or pinkish-purple flowers, less 
than 1 in. long, in an umbel. Fertile 
stamens three, with dilated filaments ; 
staminodia three, white, strap-shaped. 

B.Sellowiana,—A handsome species 

Fic. 78.—Brodiea Sellowtana. (3.) 

about 6 ins. high, native of Uruguay. 
It has narrow, deeply channelled, 



grass-like, tapering leaves, very 
much recurving. The solitary sweet- 
scented flowers are about 1} ins, 
across, of a uniform bright golden 
yellow, with the exception of a more 
or less distinct green central keel on 
the outer surface of the ovate acute 

This species does not appear to 
have become very common, owing 
probably to being rather more tender 
in character. It grows well in an 
ordinary greenhouse, and flowers in 
January and February. (Fig. 78.) 

B. stellaris.—A fine but rather rare 
species, having roundish leaves and 
reddish-purple flowers, varying to 
deep blue, in an umbel, borne on 
scapes 2 to 6 ins. high, 

B. uniflora (Spring Starflower).— 
This plant is still much better known 

Fic. 79.—Brodta@a uniflora. (4.) 

either as Milla uniflora or Triteleia 

uniflora. It is one of the most 
charming of spring or early summer 
flowers, the pale lilac-blue starry 
flowers, each about 2 ins. across, 
being borne on purple-tinted scapes 
about 6 ins. high in April and May, 



and nestling amongst the narrow 
leaves. There is a beautiful white- 
flowered variety, alba, and another 
called violacea, with poreelain-blue 

Although a native of Buenos Ayres, 
it is quite hardy in the British 
Islands, and is an excellent plant 
for massing boldly along the edges of 
grass walks or borders, in the grass 
itself, or for planting beneath trees 
and shrubs. 

B. volubilis (Stropholirion cali- 
fornicum).—A remarkable species, 
with slender twining stems 6 to 12 
ft. long, bearing umbels of beautiful 
rose-coloured blossoms (Bot. Mag. t. 

BRUNSVIGIA (after the House of 
Brunswick). Nat. Ord. Amaryllidez. 
—A genus containing about ten 
species of 8. African plants, having 
large tunicated bulbs, strap-shaped 
leaves (produced after the flowers), 
and umbels of funnel-shaped flowers 
on stout scapes, and usually red or 
rose-red in colour. Botanically the 
Brunsvigias are closely related to 
Amaryllis, Nerine, Lycoris, Crinum, 
Vallota, and Cyrtanthus. 

From a garden point of view these 
bulbous plants are not well known, 
at least not so well as some of them 
deserve to be. They cannot be 
called hardy, except perhaps in the 
most favoured and hottest parts of 
the Kingdom, and are therefore 
generally treated as half-hardy plants 
in a cool greenhouse. They flourish 
in a mixture of rich sandy loam and 
fibrous peat, and may be grown in 
well-drained pots, or planted in the 
greenhouse beds or borders. If 
grown in the open air, the warmest 
and sunniest spots should be chosen 
for them, and the large bulbs should 
be planted deeply so that the crowns 
may be 6 ins. or more beneath the 



surface. In this way they will be 
secure from frost, and may be still 
further protected from cold winter 
rains by covering by heaps of litter, 
bracken, etc., or by placing a hand- 
light or bell-glass over them. It 
should be noted that the leaves and 
flowers do not appear together: the 
latter appear during the summer 
months, generally during July; and 
after withering, the leaves develop 
and carry on the work of assimilation 
till the winter. When they wither, 
water is withheld until growth starts 
again, The simplest method of in- 
creasing the stock is by means of 
offsets from the older bulbs. Seeds 
may take from ten to sixteen years 
before they produce a flowering bulb. 

The species known include— 

B. Cooperi.—Bulbs ovoid, 3 to 4 ins, 
through ; leaves 3 to 4 ins. broad; 
flowers bright red, 2 to 23 ins. long, 
twelve to sixteen in an umbel (Ref. 
Bot. t. 380). 

B. gigantea (B. multiflora; Am- 
aryllis ortentalis.)—Bulbs very large ; 
leaves 3 to 5 ins. broad, about a foot 
long; flowers bright red, 2 to 24 ins. 
long, twenty to thirty in an umbel on 
top of a red or green stalk 8 to 12 
ins. long, and as thick as a man’s finger 
(Bot. Mag. t. 1619). 

B. grandiflora.—Bulbs large, ovoid ; 
leaves strap-shaped ; flowers pale red, 
2 ins. long, about thirty in an umbel, 
on a compressed scape about 14 ft. 
high (Bot. Reg. t. 1335). 

B. Josephine (Amaryllis Josephine; 
A. Grifiniana).— This is the best 
known and perhaps finest species. It 
has bulbs 5 to 6 ins, in diameter ; grey- 
green strap-shaped leaves 2 to 3 ft. 
long, and 14 to 2 ins. broad. The 
bright red flowers, 24 to 3 ins. long, 
are borne in large umbels of twenty 
to thirty, and sometimes as many as 
fifty to sixty, on top of a scape about 
1 in. thick and 18 ins, high. 



It was at one time thought that the 
Kew variety of Amaryllis Belladonna 
(see p. 71) was a hybrid between that 
species and Brunsvigia Josephine, 
Mr C. G. van Tubergen, of Haarlem, 
however, is of another opinion. 
Writing in the Gard. Chron. in 
January 1909, p. 57, he says :— 
“Principally with a view of ascertain- 
ing the parentage of the Kew variety 
of Amaryllis Belladonna (see Gard., 
November 19, 1898, and notes in the 
Gard. Chron., February 9, 1901, etc.), 
in the autumn of 1892, I artificially 
impregnated Brunsvigia Josephine 
with pollen of Amaryllis Belladonna. 
Seeds formed freely, as the two 
genera, Brunsvigia and Amaryllis, 
are very nearly related. As could be 
foreseen, with the slow-growing B. 
Josephine as the female plant, a long 
time had to elapse before the seedling 
plants would be strong enough to 
reach flowering size. After sixteen 
years of patient waiting, two of the 
strongest bulbs produced flower-spikes 
in September of last year (1908). 
When the hybrid plants had been 
growing for a few seasons it became 
evident that they differed in habit 
fromthe Kewvariety of Amaryllis Bel- 
ladonna, which produces a leaf-stem 
about 4 ins. high, whereas my hybrids 
all bear the character of Brunsvigia 
Josephine in the foliage, leaves being 
formed directly above the neck of the 
bulbs. The infusion of the Belladonna 
blood is clearly shown in the bulbs, as 
these resemble those of the Bella- 
donna and produce offsets freely, 
whilst Brunsvigia never produces 
offsets. A comparison of the supple- 
mentary illustration in the Gard. 
Chron., January 23, 1909, with that 
of The Garden, November 1898, leads 
to the conclusion that the Kew plant 
can no longer be regarded as a hybrid 
between these species, unless it was a 
cross effected in the reverse way, 



taking Amaryllis Belladonna as the 
female parent. In that case the 
variety blanda must have been used, 
it being the only variety of A. Bella- 
donna known which produces a leaf- 
stem. The colour of the flowers of 
my hybrid was a clear deep rose, 
suffused with carmine. A single spike 
produced twenty-two flowers.” The 
parentage of the Kew variety of A. 
Belladonna is therefore still in doubt. 
It is a pity Mr van Tubergen did not 
make the reverse cross eighteen years 
ago, making A. Belladonna the seed 

B. minor (B. humilis).—Bulbs ovoid, 
2 to 3 ins. through; leaves strap- 
shaped, 6 ins. long, 1 in. broad; 
flowers pale red, 1 to 1$ ins, long, 
twelve to forty in an umbel, on stout 
scapes 6 to 9 ins. high (Bot. Reg. t. 

B. Radula (Amaryllis Radula ; Co- 
burgia Radula).—Bulb globose, larger 
than a hazel-nut; leaves 2 to 3 ins, 
long, 1 to 1} ins. broad, covered all 
over with rough papille; flowers 
red, three to five in an umbel, on 
scapes 2 to 3 ins. high. 

B. Slateriana (Ammocharis Slater- 
tana; Amaryllis Banksiana).—Bulb 
globose, 4 to 5 ins. through ; leaves 
grey-green ; flowers bright rose-red, 
14 ins. long, fifteen to twenty in an 
umbel, on stout compressed stalks 6 
ins. high. 

BRYONIA (bryo, to sprout; in 
allusion to the annual shoots from 
the tubers). Nat. Ord. Cucurbitacee. 
—A. genus of slender climbing herbs 
with three- to five-lobed leaves ; small 
whitish or yellow-green flowers, the 
males and females of which are 
usually borne on separate plants. 

B, dioica,—This is a native peren- 
nial plant having large, fleshy, tuber- 
ous roots, often 2 to 3 ft. long, five- 
lobed leaves, and clusters.of greenish 



flowers from May to September, The 
female blossoms are succeeded by red 
berries, about } in. in diameter, in 

This species flourishes in any garden 
soil, and may be used in rough places 
for covering trellises, arches, old 
hedges, etc, up which it climbs by 
means of slender. stems and spiral 
tendrils. There is no need to pro- 
pagate, especially as it looks after 
itself once in a garden. Indeed it 
may be desirable to get rid of it very 

This plant must not be confused 
with the Black Bryony (Zamus com- 
munis), (which see). 

BULBINE (bolbos, a bulb), 
Nat. Ord. Liliacee.—A genus 
containing about twenty-three 
species, mostly natives of S, 
Africa, with two in W. Aus- 
tralia. Notwithstanding the 
generic name indicating « bul- 
bous nature, many of the species 
are really fibrous or fleshy 
rooted plants, and have been 
much confused with the An- 
thericums. The leaves are 
lance -shaped or linear, and 
often fleshy ; and the small sweet- 
scented yellow, or rarely white, flowers 
are borne in dense racemes, 

The plants are easily cultivated 
in any ordinary rich and sandy 
garden soil, but require warm and 
sheltered spots. All kinds are 
increased by offsets in autumn or 
in spring. 

B. Mackeni.—A handsome plant 
from Natal, 9 to 12 ins. high, having 
fleshy, fibrous root-stocks, ovate- 
oblong, rather fleshy leaves, and erect 
spikes of golden-yellow starry llowers 
in summer (Dot, Mag. t. 5955). 
Other species are :—B. australis from 
New South Wales (Bot. Mag. t. 
3017); B. caulescens (Bot, Mag. t. 



816); and B. semibarbata from Tas- 
mania (Bot, Mag, t. 3129), all formerly 
known as Anthericums, 

BULBOCODIUM (bolbos, a bulb; 
kodion, wool; in reference to the 
woolly coatings of the bulbs). Nat. 
Ord. Liliaceaw.—This genus consists 
of one species, resembling a Crocus in 
habit and appearance, but differing 
in having a superior instead of 
inferior ovary, and six stamens in- 
stead of three. It is closely related 
to Merendera (which see). 

B. vernum.—aA pretty plant 4 to 6 
ins, high, with a black corm, from the 
European Alps. The violet or rosy- 

Fria. 80.—Bulbocodium vernum, corm; and section 
showing new shoot, with miniature flower-spike. (3.) 

purple, funnel-shaped flowers, nearly 
4 ins. long, are produced often as 
early as January in mild seasons, 
and before the broad, strap-shaped, 
channelled leaves appear. (Bot. 
Mag. t. 153 ; Red. Lil. iv. t. 197; Fl. 
d. Serr, xi. 1149.) There is a form 
with variegated leaves, and also one 
from the Caucasus called versicolor 
(Bot. Reg. t. 571). 

This species is suitable for growing 
with Snowdrops, Leucojums, Winter 
Aconites, and some of the Colchicums, 
etc., in the rockery or warm parts of 
the flower-border. A light, rich, sandy 
loam suits it well, and the bulbs are 
best left alone for three or four years 
after planting. To increase the stock, 



the bulbs may be lifted from July to 
September, and the offsets detached 
and replanted at once 4 to 6 ins. apart 
and 8 to 4 ins. deep. 

BUPHANE (bous, an ox; hone, 
slaughter ; the bulbs are said to be 
fatal to cattle), Nat. Ord. Amaryl- 
lidee.—A small genus of no great 
garden value, closely related to 
Hemanthus, having large tunicated 
bulbs, leathery leaves, and numerous 
red funnel-shaped flowers in umbels. 
There are only two species, both 
natives of Cape Colony. They are 
not quite hardy enough for open-air 
culture, but grow easily in a !green- 
house in a compost of sandy loam 
and peat, in the same way as the 

B, ciliaris (Amaryllis ciliaris ; He- 
manthus ciliaris; Brunsvigia ciliaris; 
Coburgia ciliaris ; Crossyne ciliare). 
—This species has roundish bulbs 3 
to 4 ins. in diameter, stiff leathery 
leaves, 6 to 12 ins. long, thickly 
ciliated with brown or straw-coloured 
bristles. From fifty to one hundred 
dull purple flowers are borne in a 
dense umbel on a stout scape 4 to 6 
ins. high. The variety guttata has 
narrower leaves and longer bristles. 
(Bot. Reg. t. 1153.) 

B, disticha (B. toxicaria ; Haeman- 
thus toxicaria; Amaryllis disticha ; 
Brunsvigia toxtcaria), The Bush- 
men’s Poison Plant.—A species with 
huge roundish bulbs 6 to 9 ins. in 
diameter, with many hundreds of thin 
brown tunics. Leaves 1 to 14 ft. 
long, distichous, not ciliated, but 
often wavy. The deep scarlet sweet- 
scented flowers are borne in dense 
umbels 6 to 12 ins. across, on stout 
compressed stalks 6 to 12 ins. high. 
(Bot. Mag. t. 1217; Bot. Reg. t. 

From the bulbs of this species the 
Bushmen of 8. Africa express a 



poisonous juice, in which they dip 
their arrows when bent on killing- 

BURBIDGEA (after F. W. Bur- 
bedge, late curator of Trinity College 
Botanic Gardens, Dublin). Nat. Ord. 
Scitaminee.—The only representive 
of this genus is— 

B. nitida.—An ornamental-looking 
plant, closely related to Alpinia, 3 to 
4 ft. high, with tufts of erect, roundish 
stems, furnished with elliptic, lance- 
shaped pointed leaves 4 to 6 in. long. 
The bright orange-scarlet flowers are 
borne in terminal racemes, sometimes 
as often as three times in one year. 
(Bot. Mag. t. 6403.) 

Fic. 81.—Burbidgea nitida. (3.) 

This plant is rarely seen outside 
botanic gardens. Being a native of 
N.W. Borneo, it naturally requires 
plenty of heat and moisture. It must 
therefore be grown in the stove, with 
a mininum winter temperature of 65° 
F., and may be treated as a pot plant 
or placed in a border. It flourishes 
in loamy soil enriched with a little 
old cow-manure, and during the 



period of growth in the spring and 
summer months likes plenty of water 
and free syringings. Grown in bold 
masses, B. nitida is effective when 
in blossom. It requires a rest in 
winter, and may be increased by 
division of the creeping root-stocks in 

BUTOMUS (bous, an ox; temno, to 
cut; in reference to the acrid juice 
causing the mouth to bleed). Nat. 
Ord. Alismacese.—This genus is re- 
presented by— 

B. umbellatus, the “Flowering 
Rush.”—A beautiful marsh plant, 
having creeping root-stocks and 
three-sided leaves 3 to 4 ft. long, 
sheathing at the base. The um- 
bels of rosy-lilac blossoms about 
1 in. across appear in June and 
July, and consist of six oblong 
segments, nine stamens, and six 
beaked reddish carpels in the 

The Flowering Rush flourishes 
on the margins of lakes, streams, 
or rivers in muddy soil, but re- 
quires open, sunny places to come 
to perfection. It may be increased 
by division of the root-stocks in 
spring; or may be raised from 

CALADIUM (perhaps from kala- 
dion, a cup, in reference to the 
spathes ; or halos, beautiful, referring 
to the leaves). Nat. Ord. Aroidez.— 
A genus of popular garden plants, all 
natives of Tropical America north 
of the Equator. Gustav Wallis, the 
great plant collector, has reported that 
the forests along the lower Amazon 
are covered for miles and miles with 
Caladiums during the rainy season. 
They have tuberous root-stocks, and 
long-stalked, peltate, oblong, or sagit- 
tate or arrow-shaped leaves of a 
more or less membranous texture, 



and often beautifully coloured and 
veined, The flowers are borne on 
spadices within spathes, but are of 
no particular beauty. 

Caladiums are still highly valued 
as decorative plants wherever an 
interest is taken in hothouse subjects. 
There is a general resemblance in 
the appearance and shape of the 
leaves of the numerous varieties in 
cultivation (said to be about two 
thousand), but there is great varia- 
tion in size and colouring. The 
leaf-blades of some varieties are only 
a few inches long, but in others they 

Fia. 82.—Caladium, root-stock and roots. 

are as much as 18 ins. or more, The 
colouring also ranges from almost a 
pure white and pellucid tissue to 
deep crimson, purple, bronze, etc., 
while many forms are beautifully 
mottled, or blotched with colours 
quite distinct from the ground 

Provided plenty of heat and 
moisture are available, there is no 
great difficulty in growing Caladiums ; 
and yet to produce really fine speci- 
mens is an act that can only be 
acquired by experience and intelligent 



attention to cultural details. The 
plants are mostly grown in pots, the 
sizes of which vary according to 
the size of the tubers. The drainage 
must be perfect in all cases. An 
excellent compost is made by mixing 
turfy loam, leaf-mould or turfy peat, 
old cow-manure, and coarse silver 
sand in equal proportions, the whole 
being turned over three times to 
secure an equable distribution of the 
various ingredients. 

The tubers are started into growth 
at intervals between January and 
March. They are shaken out of the 
old soil in which they have rested 
during the winter, and any dead 
or decaying portions are carefully 
scraped away. After potting up 
in the compost above mentioned, 
the tubers are placed in a temperature 
of not less than 65° to 70° F., the 
pots being often plunged in a coco-nut 
fibre bed with a moist bottom heat, 
to encourage more rapid growth. 
Gentle sprinklings are at first given 
to keep the surroundings moist, but 
as the growths push up with increasing 
vigour, so must the supply of water 
be increased accordingly. Once the 
leaves are fully expanded, and the 
pots have become full, a somewhat 
cooler atmosphere may be provided 
if it is intended to keep the plants a 
long time in leaf, or if they are required 
for exhibition. As a rule, however, 
the heat and moisture are kept up 
during active growth when plants are 
not required for other situations, 
and weak liquid manure is given 
three or four times a week, or even 
oftener, to bring out all the gorgeous 
beauty of the leaf coloration, The 
plants are kept clean by frequent 
syringings ; and owing to the delicate 
tissues of the leaves, they must not 
be subjected to strong sunshine at 
any time. 

Towards the autumn the leaves 



begin to lose their beauty, and flop 
over the sides of the pots. This 
indicates the approach of the resting 
period ; consequently water is given 
less frequently, until at length the 
withered leaves drop off and the 
tubers are once more allowed to rest 
in a dryish state until early spring in 
a temperature not below 60° F. during 
the winter. 

Caladiums are easily increased by 
detaching the suckers which spring 
from the fleshy tubers in spring, or 
by carefully cutting tubers with 
several crowns into pieces. When 
the sucker-like shoots have grown 
5or 6 ins. long, they should be cut 
off at the base with as many fibrous 
roots attached as possible. They are 
then put into small pots in the 
compost recommended, and plunged 
in bottom heat 65° to 75° F. in a 
propagating frame. They are kept 
close and moist for a time until they 
recover, after which they may be 
taken out and placed in a more light- 
some and airy position. When fully 
established they may be placed in 
larger pots, either singly or several 
together, to make large specimens. 
Very few of the natural species are 
grown, having been displaced by the 
more beautiful garden varieties that 
have been raised principally from C. 
bicolor. The following, however, may 
be mentioned :— 

Cc. adamantinum.—An ornamental 
plant with deflexed, sagittate leaves, 
dark green veined with white, and 
covered with numerous white dots 
along the borders of the veins (Jil. 
fort, xxxviii. t. 132). 

Cc. argyrites.—This is one of the 
smallest and at the same time one of 
the most popular members of the 
genus, being frequently used for the 
decoration of tables, edges of stages 
in the greenhouse, and even in dry 
and draughty exhibition places, The 




small sagittate leaves have a light 
green ground colour, irregularly 
blotched with white, the borders and 
main veins being also white. (JJ. d. 
Serr. xiii. 1345 ; Ill, Hort. 1858, 158.) 
C. lilliputianum seems to be merely 
a variety of this (Zid. Hort. 1892, 186). 

C. Baraquini.—Leaves 20 to 30 ins. 
long, with deep red centre and dark 
green margins (JiJ. Hort. 1850, 257 ; 
Fl. d. Serr. xiii. 1377). 

C. bicolor (Arum bicolor).—Leaves 
peltate cordate, sagittate, coloured 
bright red in the centre. Grows 
about 1 ft. high. (Bot. Mag. tt. 820, 
2543.) As already stated, many forms 

Fic. 83.—Caladium bicolor. (4.) 

have arisen from this species, and in 
past days many names were given to 
the most striking. The ginger-like 
roots of this species are eaten by the 
natives in the Tropics. 

©. Cannartii—Leaves green, with 
paler blotches and deep red veins. 



C, Chantini.—Leaves bright crimson 
irregularly blotched with white, and 
bordered with dark green. 

C. Devosianum.—Leaves angular, 
blotched with white and pink. 

C. Hardyi.—Leaves reddish, slightly 
spotted with white. 

C. Kochi.—Leaves green, spotted 
with white. 

Cc. Lemaireanum.—Leaves green, 
veined with white (J//. Hort. 1862, 
t. 311). 

C. Leopoldi,—Leaves green, marbled 
with red and blotched with pink. 

C. macrophyllum.—Leaves large, 
pale green, blotched greenish-white. 

C. maculatum.—Leaves oblong, 
pointed, cordate at the base, clearly 
spotted with white. 

C. marmoratum (Alocasia Roezli).— 
Leaves broad, peltate, over 1 ft. long, 
sagittate-ovate acute, dark bottle- 
green dotted and blotched with 
white. The variety costata is dis- 
tinguished by having the midrib 
marked out with a tapering band of 
silvery grey. 

Cc. medioradiatum.—An orna- 
mental species with peltate, ovate- 
acute leaves notched at the base, 
dark green, with midrib and branches 
silvery white, the stalk being mottled 
with brown (Jil. Hort, xxxviii. t. 

C. Rougieri.—Leaves green, spotted 
white ; centre paler green, veined red. 

C. rubescens.—This species has a 
leaf-blade 6 ins, long by 2 ins. wide, 
ovate lance-shaped, wavy, with short 
basal lobes, crimson, edged with 
white. The spathe is 3} ins, long, 
green with a blackish stripe. (Gard. 
Chron. 1893, xiv. 86.) 

C. sagittatum.—A distinct species, 
having narrow sagittate leaves, deeply 
bilobed behind, dark green in colour, 
the midrib and main veins being 
feathered with red (lll. Hort, 
XXxviii. t, 138). 



C. sanguinolentum.—Leaves green, 
with a white midrib blotched with red. 

C. Schomburgki (C. Scheellert ; Alo- 
casia argyroneura). — Leaves green, 
veined with white (Jil. Hort. t. 
997, fig. 2). The variety Schmite 
(Alocasia erythrea) has leaves with a 
whitish centre, the midrib and main 
veins being red and surrounded 
with a green network. 

C. sub-rotundum.—Leaves round- 
ish, spotted with red and white. 

C. venosum.—The leaves of this 
species are about 10 ins. long by 
4 ins. broad, green, veined with yellow 
and margined with red, The green 
spathe is about 3 ins. long. (Gard. 
Chron. 1893, xiv. 87.) 

C. VerschaffeltiLeaves some- 
what heart-shaped, bright green, 
irregularly spotted with vivid red 
(Bot. Mag. t. 5263). 

C. Wallisi—Leaves dark olive 
green, irregularly spotted and blotched 
with pure white, and veined with 
yellowish-white. é 

The genus Caladium has been much 
confused with other genera like 
Alocasia, Colocasia, etc., to which 
the reader is referred. For garden 
varieties it is better to consult the 
current catalogues of specialists, 

CALLA (hallos, beautiful). Nat. 
Ord. Aroideze.—The only species of 
the genus—C. palustris—is a pretty 
little water plant found wild in parts 
of Central and Northern Europe and 
North America. It is popularly 
known as the “ Bog Arum.” It grows 
about 6 ins. high, and has smooth, 
deep green, heart-shaped leaves 
springing up above the water surface 
from creeping root-stocks. The male 
and female flowers on the same 
spadix appear in May and June, and 
are protected by a pure white spathe, 
the outer surface of which is tinged 
with yellow. (Bot. Mag. t. 1831.) 



This pretty little plant is natural- 
ised in parts of Britain. It grows 
freely on the sides of rivers, lakes, 
ponds, etc, or in marshy places, and 
is easily increased by division of the 

Several other plants, popularly 
known as “Catza,” belong to the 
genus Richardia (which see). 

CALLIPHRURIA (kallos, beauti- 
ful ; phroura, prison ; in reference to 
the beauty of the spathe enveloping 
the flowers), Nat.Ord. Amaryllidez. 
—A small genus closely related to 
Eucharis, and containing only the two 
species here mentioned. 

C. Hartwegiana.—A pretty bulbous 
plant from the Andes of Bogota, 
The ovoid bulbs, with brown mem- 
branous tunics, are about an inch in 
diameter, and produce stolons freely. 
The bright green oblong-acute leaves 
are about 4 to 5 ins. long, and about 
2 ins. broad. The white funnel- 
shaped flowers are borne in umbels 
of six to eight on slender peduncles 
about a foot long, about May and 
June. (Bot. Mag. t. 6259.) 

C. tenera,—A native of the Andes 
of New Granada, with round bulbs 
about 3 in. through. The white 
flowers are smaller than those of B. 
Hartwegiana, and are borne on shorter 
peduncles. This species is not in 

CALLIPSYCHE (hallos, beautiful ; 
psyche, a butterfly), Nat. Ord. 
Amaryllidee. — A genus closely 
related to Eucharis and Eucrosia, 
having only three species of bulbous 
perennials, natives of the Andes of 
Ecuador and Peru. The bulbs are 
tunicated, and furnished with oblong- 
stalked leaves which appear after the 
blossoms. These are funnel-shaped, 
with a short tube, and the stamens 
are remarkable for the great length 
of their filaments. 



These little-known bulbous plants 
are not difficult to grow in an 
ordinary greenhouse or conservatory. 
They like a compost of sandy loam 
and leaf-mould, and may be grown 
in well-drained pots or planted out 
in the greenhouse border. They 
require proper attention in regard to 
watering when growing and flowering, 
the periods of which are erratic. 
Propagation by offsets from older 

C. aurantiaca.—Bulbs ovoid, about 
1 in. through. Leaves oblong, heart- 
shaped, about 6 ins. long and 4 ins. 
broad. Flowers bright yellow, with 
a short green tube, six to eight in an 
umbel on top of a stalk 14 to 2 ft. 

Fic. 84.—Callipsyche mirabilis. (4.) 

long, and having the stamens” pro- 
truding 23 to 3 ins. beyond the 
perianth segments. Recorded as 
flowering in February. (Ref. Bot. t. 
167; Bot, Mag. t. 6841.) 

C. eucrosioides, — Bulbs round, 2 
ins. in diameter. Leaves oblong, 
about a foot long and 4 ins. broad. 
Flowers greenish-yellow, eight to 
ten in an umbel on top of a 



slender scape about 2 ft. high, and 
having the stamens protruding about 
3 ins. beyond the tip of the perianth 
segments. Recorded as flowering in 
May. (Bot, Reg. 1845, t. 45.) 

C. mirabilis (Fig. 84)—A very 
remarkable plant, with oblong brown- 
coated bulbs 2 ins, in diameter, and 
thin oblong-acute leaves about 1 ft. 
long, and 6 ins. or more across in 
the widest part, The greenish-yellow 
flowers, often thirty in number, form 
a dense umbel 8 to 9 ins. across, 
on top of a grey-green peduncle about 
3 ft. high, and are remarkable for 
having the white filaments of the 
stamens protruding about 4 or 5 ins. 
beyond the tips of the perianth 
segments. (Ref. Bot. t. 168; Gard. 
Chron. March 31, 1900, 202, f.) Re- 
corded as flowering in July, August, 
and December. 

CALLIRHOB (the name of the 
daughter of the river-god Achelous). 
Nat. Ord, Malvaceee.—A small genus 
of N. American herbs, similar in 
appearance to the Mallows. The fol- 
lowing have tuberous root-stocks :— 

C. involucrata.—A_hairy-stemmed 
perennial with whitish, turnip-shaped 
roots, and climbing stems 2 to 3 ft. 
long, furnished with three- to five- 
lobed leaves. The flowers, about 2 
ins. across, appear in summer, and 
are crimson, shading to white at the 
base, with a cluster of yellow stamens 
in the centre. 

Cc. macrorhiza.—This species has 
purple-carmine flowers; but there 
are forms with pale rose and white 

These plants are easily grown in 
the open air in ordinary garden soil, 
but like warm, sunny positions. The 
stems may be allowed to ramble over 
the ground, or be trained up stakes 
or trellises. Seeds are produced 
freely, and fresh plants may be 



obtained from them in spring; or 
the roots may be divided. In bleak 
spots it would be advisable to pro- 
tect the root-stocks in winter. 

CALOCHORTUS (kallos, beautiful ; 
chortus, grass; in reference to the 
slender leaves). Nat. Ord. Liliaceze 
(Mariposa Lily; Star Tulip) —A 
genus containing twenty to thirty 
species of beautiful plants, with tuni- 
cated bulbs, narrow leaves, and 
somewhat branched, few-flowered 
stems, bearing long-stalked, showy, 
erect or drooping flowers, yellow, 
bluish-purple, or white in colour. 
The perianth consists of six distinct 
segments, the three outer ones of 
which are sepal-like, and much 
narrower than the three larger and 
broader inner ones, which are bearded 
on the inside. In the Cyclobothras, 
or “Star Tulips,” which are now 
included with this genus, all the 
perianth segments are bearded within 
and furnished with a honey-pit in 
the centre. Stamens six, hypogynous, 
or slightly adhering to the base of 
the segments. 

Quoting mainly from the Practical 
Guide to Garden Plants, the Mariposa 
Lilies and Star Tulips should be 
planted not later than from September 
to the end of November, 3 ins. deep 
and about 3 ins. apart, in a raised 
sunny border with a slight slope to 
the south, in a soil composed of sharp 
sand, leaf-soil, and road grit. Great 
importance is attached to having the 
bed in which they are planted raised 
above the surrounding soil, as 
thorough drainage is thus secured, 
and it is essential to keep the bulbs 
as dry as possible in winter. It is 
safer, especially in unfavourable parts 
of the Kingdom, to cover the beds 
with reeds, bracken, straw, etc., so as 
to keep off heavy rains, and at the 
same time afford protection from 



frost. This covering, whatever it is, 
should be removed in February and 
March, according to the season and 
the growth of the plants. After 
flowering, and when the stems have 
withered, the bulbs may either be 
lifted and carefully stored until 
planting time, or a light may be 
placed over them to keep them dry, 
and allow them to thoroughly ripen. 
The latter is the better plan if it can 
be adopted, and there is no necessity 
to lift the bulbs for about three years, 
unless for the purposes of increasing 
the plants by means of the offsets 
from them. — 

The main points to remember in 
growing Mariposa Lilies are—early 
planting, a light porous soil, sunny 
position, thorough drainage, protec- 
tion from winter rains, plenty of 
water during active growth, and 
thorough ripening of the bulbs by 
lifting, or placing lights over them. 

Mariposa Lilies may also be 
increased by seeds, or the small 
bulbils often produced on the upper 
portion of the stems, as in the case 
of some Liliums. The seeds may be 
sown as soon as ripe, or early in 
spring in cold frames, or under glass, 
but so thinly as to allow the seedlings 
plenty of space to develop without 
disturbing for one or two years. 
They may then be planted in light 
soil either in frames or singly in pots, 
and grown on until they reach the 
flowering stage, which is in three to 
six years after the seed is sown. 

The following are some of the best 
species in cultivation. They are 
mostly natives of California, but one 
or two, as noted, come from Oregon, 
Arizona, and other parts of the 
States. A reference to the general 
hairiness of all the species is omitted 
from the following short descriptions. 

Cc. albus (Cyclobothra alba)—A 
vigorous species 12 to 18 ins. high, 



bearing eight to twelve roundish, 
drooping flowers of pearly white, 
having a deep blotch at the base of 
the segments. The variety known as 
the “ Pearl” is larger, taller, and later 
than the type. 

C. amabilis.—This is the name now 
given to the plant usually known as 
C. pulchellus (Gard. Chron. 1903, 
xxxiv. 133), 

C. apiculatus.— A vigorous Star 
Tulip, with stout stems 9 to 18 ins. 
high, bearing pale lemon-yellow 
flowers, which become more creamy 
in colour in the smaller flowered form 
known as minor. 

C. Bentharai (C’. elegans lutea).—A 
beautiful species 4 to 8 ins. high, with 
long linear leaves, and bright canary 
yellow flowers in July and August 
(Bot. Mag. t. 6475). 

C. clavatus.—A fine vigorous Mari- 

Fia. 85.—Calochortus clavatus. 

posa Lily, having a much-branched 
stem bearing large wide-open flowers 



of a brilliant golden yellow during 
June and July (Bot. Mag. t. 7606). 

C. ceruleus.—A dwarf Star Tulip 
from Sierra Nevada, growing 3 to 6 
ins. high. The pretty flowers appear 
in July, three to five in an umbel, and 
are of a bright lilac or creamy white, 
densely bearded with bluish hairs, 
the outer segments being lined and 
dotted with dark blue. The variety 
major is a very large-flowered form, 
and roseus has a distinct rosy hue. 

C. collinus.—A very rare species, 
with clear pale lilac flowers. 

C. elegans. — An elegant species 
about 8 ins. high, producing in June 
three to five greenish-white flowers 
tinged with purple at the base. The 
variety amonus is a beautiful free- 
flowering form with nodding flowers 
of a rich pink colour, the three broad 
inner segments having a deep zone 
near the base, the whole surface being 
covered with silky hairs. (Lot. Mag. 
t. 5976.) 

C. flavus.—A Mexican species, hav- 
ing lance-shaped leaves and drooping 
yellow flowers, the three inner seg- 
ments of which curve outwards and 
are covered with hairs except near 
the tips. 

C. Goldyi.—A pretty species, inter- 
mediate between the two main sec- 
tions of the genus, and having brown- 
ish-yellow flowers. 

C. Greeni.— A vigorous species 
1 ft. or more high, having broad 
glaucous-green leaves, and three clear 
lilac flowers in June, the inner seg- 
ments being zoned with yellow and 
purple at the base, and often covered 
with long curly hairs. 

C. Gunnisoni.— A native of the 
Rocky Mountains, with large bright 
lilac flowers 2 to 3 ins. across, tinged 
with yellowish-green below the 
middle of the segments, at the base 
of which is a deep purple zone. 

C. Howelli—A  strong-growing 



species 9 to 18 ins, high, with a long 
glossy leaf, and large creamy-white 

Cc. Kennedyi—tThis is a striking 
and beautiful species about 18 ins. 
high, freely producing in early summer 
its large bright orange-red or 
scarlet flowers, the black spots near 
the base being surrounded with 
bristles (Bot. Mag. t. 7264). 

C. lilacinus (C. umbellatus ; C. uni- 
florus).—A fine species with four to 
ten flowers of a pale pink, purple, or 
lilac, borne on a stem 6 to 8 ins. high. 
One bulb often ‘throws up a dozen 
spikes of blossom. (Bot. Mag. t. 

C. longibarbatus.—A native of 
Oregon and Washington Territory ; 
about 1 ft. high, with pale purple-lilac 
flowers, having a darker purple band 
across the base of each inner seg- 

C. luteus.—A fine species 1 to 2 ft. 
high, having cup-shaped flowers about 
3 ins. across, appearing in July, and 
varying in colour from light to deep 
yellow and orange; the inner seg- 
ments being usually bordered with 
purple hairs, and tinged with reddish- 
brown at the base (Bot. Reg. t. 
1567). The variety oculatus has 
bright yellow flowers with a con- 
spicuous dark purple eye-like blotch 
at the base of the inner segments ; 
concolor, clear, buttercup - yellow, 
tinged with brown at the base 
(Gard. 1895, t. 1043). 

C. Lyoni.—Flowers in June, pure 
white to rose, with a blackish spot 
at the base of the inner segments 
(Gard, 1895, xvii. 426). 

C. macrocarpus.—Flowers in July, 
about 4 ins. across, usually one on 
a stem about 18 ins. high, and deli- 
cately tinted with purple-lilac, with 
a greenish line down the centre of 
the segments (Bot. Reg. t. 1152). 

C. madrensis.—A Mexican plant 



12 to 18 ins. high, having bright 
orange-yellow flowers as late as 
August and September. 

Fic. 87.—Calochortus nitidus. (4.) 

C. Maweanus.—Flowers in June 
and July, on stems 6 to 10 ins. high; 



the outer segments purplish in colour, 
the inner ones pure white with a 
purple base (Bot. Mag. t. 5976). 

Cc. nitidus.—A strong - growing 
species, the stems of which bear five 
to ten large white flowers in an 
umbel in August. The three inner 
segments have a large indigo blotch 
in the centre. (Gard. 1896, ii.) 

C. Nuttalli (C. Letchtlint)—The 
large flowers, about 3 ins. across, ap- 
pear in June, two to three on a stem ; 
the narrow outer segments are green 
striped with red, the larger inner 
segments being pure or creamy- 
white blotched with blackish purple 
at the base (Bot. Mag. t. 5862). 

C. obispoénsis.—A rare and distinct 
species with branched stems 1 to 2 ft. 
high, having orange and purple outer 
segments, and lemon-yellow inner 
ones tipped with reddish-brown. 

C. Plummerz,—aA fine species with 
broad leaves nearly 2 ft. long, and 
branching spikes of soft lilac flowers 
about 4 ins. across, in July ; the lower 
half of the broader, inner segments 
being covered with golden - yellow 
hairs, and blotched with purple 
(Gard. Feb. 2, 1895). 

Cc. pulchellus (Cyclobothra pul- 
chella).—_A. charming species 9 to 
12 ins. high, with glaucous stems and 
leaves, producing in June and July 
much-branched stems, each one end- 
ing in a cluster of three to four 
sweet-scented, bright orange-yellow, 
drooping flowers (Bot. Reg. t. 1662; 
Bot. Mag. t. 6527). 

This is one of the hardiest species, 
the proper name of which appears 
to be C. amabilis, 

C. Purdyi.—A graceful species 9 to 
18 ins, high, bearing in June white 
flowers 14 to 2 ins. across. The 
narrow-pointed outer segments are 
spotted with purple, the much larger 
and roundish inner segments being 
densely covered with long white hairs, 



and blotched and spotted with purple 
near the base. (Gard. Chron. 1898, 
xxiii, 394, f. 147.) 

Fic. 88.—Calochortus Purdyi. (4.) 

C. splendens.—A very old garden 
plant, and still one of the best, It 
produces its large pale lilac flowers 
‘in August, the inner segments being 
blotched with deep purple at the 
base. The variety atroviolacea has 
smaller purple flowers with a dark 
red blotch at the base of each inner 
segment; rubra is a fine new form. 
(Bot. Reg. 1676; Fl. de Serr. ii. 104, 
f.2; Gard. 1884, 137.) 

Cc. venustus.—A beautiful plant 
about 18 ins. high, with large, white, 
cup-shaped flowers nearly 3 ins. 
across. The three outer segments 
are small, narrow and _ tapering, 
and reflexed, the three large inner 
ones being yellow at the hairy base, 
deeply stained with crimson, and 
having a blotch of the same colour 
near the centre. 



This is a very variable species, with 
numerous varieties such as albus, pure 
white ; brachysepalus, having shorter 
outer segments or sepals than the 
type; Leichtlini, white with a purple 
blotch near base (Bot. Mag. t. 5862) ; 
lilacinus, deep lilac; purpurascens, 
deep lilac-purple ; roseus, rosy purple 

Fic. 89.—Calochortus venustus. (%.) 

with deep purple spots; Emperor, 
flowers suffused with rose, white, 
maroon, and purple on a yellow 
ground ; cztrinus, lemon-yellow (Bot. 
Mag. t. 6200) ; oculatus, with brilliant 
purple-rose buds expanding into 
white, with a deep blackish-purple 
centre surrounded with yellow; 
pictus, flowers white, with rosy spots 
at the base, and a brown blotch 
on each segment (Gard. 1895, xlvii. 
465); sanguineus, flowers varying 
from light to deep red; vesta, with 
flowers 4 ins. across, white flushed 
with rose, marked with brown and 
yellow at the base. This variety will 
grow in any soil, from heavy wet 



clay to light loam, and_ increases 
rapidly. The varieties belonging to 
the Eldorado group have large flowers 
of great substance, and vary from 
pure white to pink, salmon, and deep 

C. Weedi.—A beautiful and re- 
markable species, with large, flattish, 
rich yellow flowers 3 ins. across, in 
July. The three outer segments of 
the perianth are narrow, lance-shaped, 
and tapering, while the three broad 
inner wedge-shaped segments are 
spotted with purple in the central 
portion and covered with long hairs. 
The short filaments, with long anthers, 
are a striking feature of the centre 
of the flowers. 

CALOSTEMMA (kallos, beautiful ; 
stemma,a crown). Nat. Ord. Amaryl- 
lidese—A small genus of Australian 
plants with tunicated bulbs and 
funnel-shaped flowers in umbels. 
Closely related to Eurycles. 

These plants are easily grown in 
a greenhouse, and may be even fairly 
hardy in the warmest parts of the 
Kingdom. A compost of sandy loam 
and leaf-soil in well-drained pots 
suits them well. 

C, album.—A pretty species from 
the Gulf of Carpentaria, frequently 
confused with Eurycles Cunning- 
hamt. It has long-stalked oblong- 
acute leaves, and white flowers 4 in. 
long, borne in umbels of. twelve to 
twenty on top of a slender peduncle 
1 to 14 ft. high. 

C. luteum (C. candidum), Similar 
to C. purpureum, except that the 
flower is larger and bright yellow in 
colour. Native of Queensland and 
N.S. Wales. (Bot. Mag. t. 2101; 
Bot. Reg. t. 421; Bot. Reg. 1840, 
t.19; £. d. Serr. t. 1135.) 

Cc. purpureum.—A native of S. 
Australia and N.S. Wales, having 
round bulbs about 2 ins. in diameter. 



Leaves linear, produced after the 
flowers. These are dark purple, about 
3 in. long, as many as ten to twenty 
in an umbel on top of a slender com- 
pressed stalk 1 to 2 ft. long. The 
variety carneum (Bot. Reg. 1840, 
t. 26) has rather larger flowers, pale 
purple or white in colour. (Bot. 
Mag. t. 2100; Bot. Reg. t. 422; 
Fil. d. Serr. t. 1135.) 


Fic. 90.—Calostemma album. 

CAMASSIA (from Quamash, the 
name given by the N. American 
Indians, who eat the bulbs). Nat. 
Ord. Liliacee.—A small genus of 
N. American plants closely related 
botanically to the Scillas and Ornitho- 
galums, having tunicated bulbs, linear 
or strap-shaped leaves, and blue, 
purplish, or whitish flowers in loose 
racemes. The perianth consists of 
six nearly equal, distinct, spreading 
segments, finely veined. 

Camassias. are excellent plants for 
massing in the ordinary flower-border, 



which they embellish from May to 
July with their slender erect spikes 
of graceful blossoms. They flourish 
in any well-drained garden soil, but 
prefer a good sandy loam and leaf- 
soil in warm and sheltered spots. 
Heavy soil saturated with water is 
fatal to the bulbs during the winter. 
Increase in the stock is effected by 
detaching the offsets from the older 
bulbs late in the summer or early 
autumn, when the plants have finished 
their growth. The offsets and old 
bulbs should be replanted immedi- 
ately, or stored in sand or dry soil 
till September. In any case they 
should be replanted not later than 
October, to secure a good display the 
following season. It is generally un- 
necessary to put stakes to the flower 
stems, although this may be necessary 
in very windy localities. 

C. Cusicki.—A native of the Blue 
Mountains of Oregon and California, 
having large rosettes of broad grey- 
green leaves and stems 8 to 4 ft. high, 
with racemes of large delicate blue 

C. Engelmanni, from the Rocky 
Mountains, has very much larger 
bulbs. The leaves are 9 to 12 ins. 
long, and about 14 ins. broad, and 
grey-green above, while the bright 
blue flowers are borne in _ loose 
racemes. This fine plant is not yet 
well known. 

C. esculenta (Quamash).—A native 
of British Columbia, with white ovoid 
or roundish brown-coated bulbs. 
The linear, channelled leaves are 
about 1 ft. long. The scapes, 14 to 
3 ft. high, appear from May to July, 
bearing ten to twenty blue flowers 
about 2 ins. across in loose racemes. 
The sixth segment is separated 
distinctly from the other five, and 
each one has about five distinct 
deeper blue nerves. There is a white- 
flowered variety, flore-albo (formerly 



known as Scilla); and also one with 
deeper blue flowers than the type, 
known in gardens as atrocerulea ; 
atroviolacea is similar, and preecox is 
an early-flowering form. (Bot. Reg. 
t. 1486; Bot. Mag. t. 2774.) 

In its native country the inhabit- 
ants eat the bulbs of this species, 
which are floury and of a good flavour 
when baked or roasted like potatoes. 

Cc. Fraseri (Scilla esculenta).—A 
native of the eastern United States, 
with sharp - pointed, narrow leaves, 
and flower-stems about 14 ft. high, 
bearing ten to thirty pale blue flowers, 
each about 1 in. across, in loose 
racemes in summer, often later than 
C. esculenta (Bot. Mag. t. 1574). 

C. Leichtlini (Chlorogalum Leicht- 
lint).—This is a handsome species 
from British Columbia and Cali- 
fornia, and is a taller and more 
vigorous grower than C. esculenta, of 
which it is considered by some to be 
only a variety. The flower-stems are 
3 to 4 ft. high, and bear large racemes 
of beautiful creamy -white flowers. 
(Bot. Mag. t. 6287.) The variety 
atroviolacea has long spikes of deep 
purple flowers. 

CANARINA (from the Canary 
Islands, its native habitat). Nat. Ord. 
Campanulacee.—There is only one 
species in this genus, viz.— 

C. Campanula (Campanula canar- 
zensts) (Fig. 91).—A very old but still 
practically unknown garden plant 
closely related to Codonopsis, having 
been introduced from the Canary 
Islands in 1696. It is a perennial 
herb, having milky tuberculous roots 
or rhizomes from which arise juicy, 
succulent stems, 3 to 4 ft. high, on 
which are borne opposite, triangularly 
heart - shaped leaves, irregularly 
toothed on the margins. The large 
and beautiful bell-shaped blossoms 
appear during the autumn and winter 



season, sometimes as early as October, 
and sometimes as late as February 
and March, They are drooping or 
horizontal, fleshy in texture, red, 
yellowish-purple, or orange in colour, 
conspicuously veined with purple or 
deep red. The calyx and the corolla 
are both remarkable for having six 
divisions, thus differing from most of 
the Campanulaceze, which have five 
divisions as a rule. There are also 
six stamens free from the corolla, a 
stigma with six linear lobes, and an 
inferior ovary having six cells and 
numerous ovules ; the fruit eventually 
being a large, fleshy, roundish berry. 
(Bot. Mag. t. 444 ; Fl. d. Serr. t. 1094.) 

Fic. 91.—Canarina Campanula. (}.) 

This charming plant is rarely 
seen outside botanical collections, 
the reason probably being that its 
cultural requirements are not yet 
quite understood. It is treated as 
a greenhouse plant, but being de- 
ciduous in character, is somewhat 



difficult to manage. Growth usually 
appears in spring, and from then 
onwards should be encouraged with 
a fair amount of water, according to 
the rapidity or otherwise of vegeta- 
tion. A mixture of loam, a little 
leaf-soil, and a fair sprinkling of 
coarse silver sand seems to be the 
most suitable compost, and quite 
nice bushy specimens may be ob- 
tained in pots 5 ins. to 8 ins. in 
diameter. When the shoots and 
leaves begin to turn yellow, less 
water should be given, and eventu- 
ally withheld altogether during the 
time the tuberous root-stocks are 
resting. The plant may be propa- 
gated by division when repotting in 
spring, and also by taking short, 
half-ripened cuttings of the non- 
flowering side-shoots during the 
summer and inserting them in a 
very sandy soil in a close and shaded 
frame. This plant deserves to be 
more widely known and grown. 

CANNA (cane, a reed), INDIAN SHOT. 
Nat. Ord. Scitaminee.—A genus 
of erect and often tall-growing peren- 
nial herbs with thickish root-stocks, 
ornamental leaves, and often gorgeous 
flowers in erect simple or branched 
racemes. Sepals and petals three. 
Stamens petal-like, shortly tubular 
at the base, with narrow or wedge- 
shaped, oblong lobes, the outer ones 
nearly equal, imbricate, sometimes 
two more or less united, the third 
one free, sometimes all absent; the 
two inner ones narrower, one being 
sterile, the other bearing a linear one- 
celled anther with a petal-like lobe, 
adnate at the side. Fruit a spiny, 
three-celled capsule with numerous 
hard, roundish, shot-likeseeds, whence 
the popular name “Indian Shot.” 

In regard to this genus one cannot 
do better than repeat the Practical 
Guide to Garden Plants, p. 885 :— 



“Although nearly one hundred 
species shave been described, Mr. J. 
G. Baker, who has studied these 
plants closely, is of opinion that they 
can all be reduced to about a dozen 
distinct species. These are of little 

-use from an ornamental point of 

view, and are confined chiefly to 
botanical collections; but the mag- 
nificent hybrids which have been 
taised from them, and for which we 
are indebted in the first place to 
continental nurserymen, ‘are among 
the most showy and ornamental of 
plants for the summer garden. One 
of the first to obtain Canna hybrids 
was a M. Année of Paris, who in 1848 
raised C. Annai from seeds of C. 
nepalensts, which had probably been 
fertilised with the pollen of some 
other unknown sort. This strain 
became so popular that in 1861 over 
20,000 tufts of it were raised for the 
parks and squares of Paris, and from 
it has been derived a large number of 
the tall garden forms, having hand- 
some foliage varying in colour from 
soft green to reddish-purple. 

“Tn 1863 another fine strain was 
raised from the Peruvian C’. tridiflora, 
and the Costa Rican C’. Warscewitczt, 
and although believed to have been 
obtained first in Paris, was distributed 
by M. Kolb, inspector of the Botanic 
Gardens, Munich, being called at first 
twridifora hybrida, but afterwards 

“Within the last quarter of a 
century several other species have 
been taken in hand by such French 
nurserymen as Crozy, Sisley, Vil- 
morin, and Lemoine, and now we 
have beautiful forms which are 
variously known as ‘Gladiolus - 
flowered,’ ‘Orchid-flowered,’ besides 
numerous others simply called ‘large- 
flowered’ varieties. Besides the 
species mentioned above, descolor, 
flaccida, glauca, liliifora, and zebrina 



have played a part, and as the 
original types are no longer used, 
their progeny has become thoroughly 
mixed and blended in garden forms. 
The result has been a new race with 
flowers of every shade of colour, 
among them being red, scarlet, 
yellow, orange, bronze, and inter- 
mediate shades, many of them 
distinctly washed and blotched with 
other colours.” 

Fia. 92.—Canna, hybrid. (}.) 

The Cannas—that is, the natural 
species — are chiefly natives of 
Tropical and subtropical America 
as well as the East Indies. Notwith- 
standing this fact, there are probably 
no other plants from the same regions 
that can be grown so easily in our 
climate as the numerous forms that 
have been raised by the gardener 
during the past sixty years. 

Cannas are highly ornamental, 
whether grown as pot plants in the 
greenhouse or conservatory, or for 
massing in beds and borders in the 
open air during the summer months. 



Indeed, they are as easily grown as 
Dahlias ; and they possess the great 
advantage of having fine leaves, not 
only graceful and decorative in them- 
selves, but also in having curiously 
shaped blossoms that are brilliantly 
coloured and marked, and somewhat 
puzzling in structure to the amateur 

Although so free and vigorous in 
growth, Cannas will not stand the 
frost. Consequently they can only 
be grown in the open air in the 
British Islands from the early 
summer till about the end of autumn, 
during just that period of the year 
when we may hope to be fairly free 
from frost. 

There are many ways in which 
Cannas can be made effective in the 
open garden. It must be remembered 
first of all that there are tall, dwarf, 
and medium growing kinds. These 
groups may be again divided into 
two classes according to the colour of 
the foliage—some varieties having 
soft green leaves, others having 
beautiful bronzy and purple shades. 
The point to bear in mind, therefore, 
when planting Cannas for effect is to 
make a judicious selection of varieties 
that will harmonise with each other 
either in height, colour of the foliage, 
or blossoms. Certainly tall-growing 
and dwarf-growing varieties should 
not be mixed up indiscriminately in 
what are known as “formal” beds. 
Whether the shape of these be 
circular, rectangular, elliptic, or 
square, it is generally advisable to 
keep the taller-growing varieties in 
the centre, and the dwarfer ones 
nearer the margins. The distance 
apart is largely a matter of taste, 
the main thing to bear in mind being 
not to overcrowd the plants too much 
on the one hand, or to plant them so 
far apart that great unfurnished gaps 
appear between them. The taller and 



stronger growing plants that are likely 
to produce much foliage during the 
season should be about 2 to 3 ft. 
apart in the centre of the beds, while 
the shorter varieties may be “angled ” 
with these in the rows, and placed 
from 1$ to 2 ft. apart, according to 
size and vigour. It is an excellent 
plan to fill in the larger spaces 
between the plants with corms of 
such showy things as Gladiolus 
brenchleyensis, G.  Lemoinet, G. 
Chaldst, etc., the foliage and blooms 
of which harmonise so well with the 
Cannas in the early autumn. 

The soil in which Cannas are to be 
grown in the open air should be 
deeply dug and well manured some- 
time previous to planting, say in 
April or May, so as to be thoroughly 
sweet, and well drained. A rich 
sandy loam is considered best, but any 
good garden soil will give excellent 
results with cultivation. 

The positions for Cannas should 
always be open and sunny, and 
sheltered from strong winds as much 
as possible. The sunshine brings out 
all the beautiful colour of the foliage 
and flowers, while the shelter from 
winds prevents the leaves from being 
torn into shreds. 

For indoor decoration Cannas may 
be grown in pots or ornamental tubs, 
or planted out in bold beds, using a 
compost of sandy loam, leaf-mould, 
or a little old cow-manure. The 
plants may be started into growth in 
January or February, keeping the 
soil fairly moist, and syringe freely 
as growth increases in vigour. A 
temperature of 65° to 70° F. early in 
the year will bring the plants along 
rapidly, and if any are required for 
the open air, care should be taken to 
harden them off in cooler and more 
airy quarters about April and May. 
By this means they will be fit for 
the open air at the end of May 



or early in June, according to the 
state of the weather. 

Whether grown in the open air or 
in pots, Cannas like plenty of moisture 
during the summer months. In ad- 
dition to the ordinary waterings, 
liquid manure may be given two or 
three times a week when particularly 
good results are desired. In the 
autumn when the foliage begins to 
die down, the stout root-stocks should 
be lifted from the open, and if stored 
in dry, airy cellars or lofts free from 
frost, they will be perfectly safe till 
wanted again in spring. The root- 
stocks should be stored in sand or dry 
soil, to prevent shrivelling too much, 

The propagation of Cannas is 
effected either by dividing the root- 
stocks in spring when starting them 
into growth, or by means of seeds. 
Each shoot of the root-stock, if severed 
with a strong, sharp knife, will pro- 
duce a good plant in the course of 
the season, and this method of increase 
is the one adopted to keep special 
varieties quite true. 

When seeds are used, the outer 
coats being exceedingly hard and 
horny, are often carefully filed to 
allow the enclosed radicle to emerge 
more quickly, It is perhaps a better 
and safer plan to soak the hard seeds 
(which are about the size of those of 
Sweet Peas) in water having a 
temperature of 80° to 85° F. for about 
twenty-four hours, the only difficulty 
in this being to maintain the water 
at the temperature mentioned. The 
seeds should be sown in rich sandy 
soil about half an inch deep, and 
placed in a temperature of 70° F. 
The soil must be kept moist, as any- 
thing like dryness is fatal to the 
“sprouting” seeds. When the seed- 
lings are 2 or 3 ins. high, they will be 
well established, and may be then 
transferred carefully to little pots by 



The following are some of the most 
distinct natural species, with heights, 
colours, country, etc., added :— 

C. Achiras.—5ft. Darkred. Men- 

C. aurantiaca.—4 to 6 ft. 

C. discolor.—6 to 10 ft. Scarlet. 
Trinidad. (Bot. Reg. t. 1231.) 

C, edulis—3 to 6 ft. Red. Peru. 
(Bot. Reg. t. 775; Bot. Mag. t. 2498.) 

C. flaccida.—3 to 5 ft. Red. S. 
America. (Lodd. Bot. Cab. t. 562.) 

C. gigantea.—4 to5ft. Red, yellow. 
Brazil. (Bot. Reg. t. 206; Bot. Mag. 
t. 2316; Red. Lil. vi. 331.) 

Cc. glauca.—2 ft. Yellow. S. 
America. The variety rufa (Bot. 
Mag. t. 2802), from Mexico, has 
reddish-brown flowers. 

C. indica.—Indian Reed. 2 to 3 ft. 
Scarlet. India. (Bot. Reg. t. 776; 
Bot. Mag. t. 454.) 

C. iridiflora.—é to8ft. Red. Peru. 
(Bot. Reg. t. 609; Fl. d. Serr. 1360; 
Belg. Hort. vii. 31; Rev. Hort. 1860, 
iii.; Bot. Mag. t. 1968.) 

C. liliiflora.—8 to 10 ft. Yellow, 
rose. Veraguas. (fev. Hort. 1884, 
1382; Fl. d. Serr. 1055-6.) 

C. limbata.—2 ft. Red. Brazil. 
(Bot. Reg. t. 771.) 

C. lutea.—2ft. Yellow. E. Indies. 
(Bot. Mag. t. 2085.) 

C. occidentalis—3 ft. Reddish- 
yellow. W. Indies. (Bot. Reg. t. 

C. speciosa.—3 ft. Red. Nepaul. 
(Bot. Mag. t. 2317.) 

C. Warscewiczi.—3 to4ft. Scarlet. 
Costa Rica. (Bot. Mag. t. 4854; 
Belg. Hort. ii. 48.) There are many 
forms of this fine species. 

Many other species or so-called 
species besides those given above have 
been described from time to time, 
but no interest is now taken in them 
except from a purely botanical stand- 
point. So far as the magnificent 




garden varieties are concerned it 
would be useless to occupy a space in 
a work of this kind with a mere list 
of names, as these would probably be 
out of date in a very short time, 
owing to the appearance of newer and 
perhaps greatly improved forms. The 
reader is therefore advised to consult 
the current catalogues of various 
growers, if a modern collection of 
garden Cannas is desired. 

CAULOPHYLLUM (kawilon, a stem; 
phyllon, a leaf; in reference to the 
stem appearing to be the leaf-stalk), 
Nat. Ord. Berberideze.—This genus 
contains only one species—C. thalic- 
troides —an attractive, tuberous- 
rooted N. American perennial, about 1 
ft. high, resembling the allied genera 
Bongardia and Leontice (which see). 
The fern-like leaves are twice or thrice 
pinnately cut into narrow - pointed 
segments. The yellow flowers appear 
in loose racemes or clusters in April, 
and are succeeded by roundish, deep 
blue berries, contracted at the base 
toalong stalk. Sepals (or bracteoles) 
nine, the outer ones much smaller, 
the inner ones petaloid. Petals six, 
much smaller, nectary-bearing, dil- 
ated, and hooded. Stamens six, free. 

This species prefers a compost of 
peat or leaf-mould with the light 
sandy soil, and also a partially shaded 
place in the rockery or garden. It 
may be increased by separating the 
offsets from the tubers in early autumn 
and winter in a cold frame; or in 
spring ; and also by sowing seeds in 
cold frames when ripe. The root- 
stocks should be protected from heavy 
rains in winter with a sheet of glass 
or a hand-light. 

CEPHALANDRA (kephale, a head ; 
andra, a man), Nat. Ord. Cucur- 
bitaceze.—A genus containing a dozen 
or more species of smooth or scabrous 



climbing herbs, often having thick or 
tuberous roots, deltoid-angled leaves, 
and dicecious, bell-shaped flowers. 
Stamens three, in the male flowers, 

C. palmata.—This seems to be the 
only species of any note. It is a 
native of §. Africa, and has a very 
large tuberous root-stock ; climbing 
stems with ivy-like leaves ; the female 
plants bearing small scarlet fruits 
marbled with white. 

The species is no doubt easily raised 
from seeds, and may be grown in a 
greenhouse or in the open air during 
the summer months, in sunny, shel- 
tered spots, 

CEROPEGIA (keros, wax; pege, a 
fountain ; in allusion to the form and 
waxy appearance of the peculiar 
flowers). Nat. Ord. Asclepiadese.— 
A large genus of tuberous plants, 
mostly with twining stems, opposite 
leaves, and flowers with a funnel- 
shaped corolla more or less dilated at 
the base and often conspicuously 
streaked or blotched, and with the 
segments often cohering at the apex. 
The corona is fixed to the staminal 
tube, and is composed of five to ten 

The Ceropegias or Wax Fountain 
Flowers are found largely in the East 
Indies and Tropical Asia generally, 
and also in South Africa, and are 
also indigenous to Tropical Africa 
and Madagascar. While capable of 
affording amusement and interest to 
botanists for quite a long time, but 
very few species attract even passing 
attention from the gardener. The 
plants although highly interesting are 
by no means conspicuous for form or 
colour, and are looked upon purely as 
floral curiosities fit only for botanical 
collections. Some of the species (e.g., 
C. nana, C. pusilla, C. spiralis, C. 
attenuata, C.esculenta,and C.pygmcea) 
are dwarf erect-growing plants vary- 



ing from 3 to 6 ins. high, having 
narrow linear leaves and small flowers, 
but comparatively large tubers. 
Other species like C. Thwaitesi, C. 
Sandersoni, C. hirsuta (or C. vinew- 
folia, C’. Decatsneana), have slender 
twining stems, and large ovate or 
lance-shaped leaves. Perhaps the 
species best known are C. Barklyi 
(Bot. Mag. t. 6315), C. Bowkert (Bot. 
Mag. t. 5407), C. elegans (Bot. Mag. 
t. 8015); C. Gardneri (Bot. Mag. t. 
5306), C. Monteiroe (Bot. Mag. t. 
6927), and C. Thwaitest (Bot. Mag. 
t. 4758). To these must be added C. 
Wood, an interesting species from 

Fia, 93.—Ceropegia Woodi. (4.) 

Natal, having slender drooping stems 
opposite broadly heart-shaped leaves 
marbled with pale green and silver, 
and small flowers. The stems fre- 
quently bear roundish tubers with a 
spiny surface, as shown in sketch 
(Fig. 93). This species is frequently 
grown in hanging pots or baskets for 
its curious appearance (Gard. Chron. 



1897, xxii. 357, f.). C. gemmifera is 
another extremely interesting little 
species. C. hybrida is a natural 
hybrid between C’. Sandersoni (Bot. 
Mag. t. 5792) fertilised with the pollen 
of C. similis, and is interesting owing 
to the fact that there is considerable 
difficulty in placing the waxy pollen 
masses of one flower on to the stigmas 
in another (see Gard. Chron. 1906, 
xl. 383, ff.). 

In a natural state it would appear 
that the tubers of these plants are 
eaten by the natives and wild animals, 
and it is certainly so recorded of one 
species, C’. esculenta, from the Indian 

These plants, if grown at all, require 
the warmth and protection of a stove 
or greenhouse, and may be suspended 
in pots or baskets from the roof. A 
compost of gritty loam and leaf-mould 
suits them well, and they may be 
increased by cuttings of the young 
shoots placed in sandy soil, and by 

means of the tubercules that are’ 

borne on stems of some species like 
C. Woodi. It would probably be 
worth while to make garden plants 
of C. Thwaitesi, C. Gardner, C. 
Decaisneana, C. pygmea, and C. 
elegans, all of which have rather large 
and ornamental flowers, more or less 
beautifully striped and blotched with 
distinct colours. , 

CHAMASLIRIUM (chamaz, dwarf ; 
lirion, a lily; in reference to the 
height), Nat. Ord. Liliacew,—The 
only species is C. Carolinianum, an 
attractive N. American herb, 9 to 12 
ins, high, having thickish knotty 
rhizomes and tufts of bright green 
oblong - elliptic leaves. The small 
pure white flowers are borne in dense 
cylindrical racemes in June—the 
females being borne on one plant, 
the males on another. 

This charming little plant flourishes 



in cool moist spots in the rock- 
garden in sandy peat, and may be 
raised from seeds sown in frames, 
or by division of the root-stocks 
in early autumn or spring. 

CHIONODOXA (chion, snow ; doxa, 
glory; in their native habitats the 
flowers appear amidst the melting 
snow). Nat. Ord. Liliaceze.—A small 
genus of charming bulbous plants 
closely related to the Squills (Scilla) 
and Hyacinths. They are natives of 
the mountains of Crete and Asia 
Minor, where in the early spring the 
beautiful starry blossoms appear in 
profusion as the snows begins to melt. 
This fact so impressed the French 
botanist Boissier, who discovered C. 
Luctlie at an elevation of 7000 ft. in 
1842 in Asia Minor, that he coined 
the above generic name, the literal 
translation of which—Glory of the 
Snow—has now become so well known 
in British gardens. 

Chionodoxas are perfectly hardy in 
our climate, and as they are amongst 
the earliest and loveliest of early 
spring flowers, the bulbs should be 
planted in the autumn in hundreds 
and thousands if possible. They are 
suitable for almost any part of the 
flower - garden, but are particularly 
charming when used for naturalising 
in the grass, for massing in the 
rockery, and for planting beneath 
such early flowering deciduous shrubs 
as the Golden Bells (Yorsythias), 
the Witch Hazels (Hamamelis), the 
Almonds, the Magnolias, Ghent 
Azaleas, Cherries, Plums, etc., etc, 
that are now such a feature of every 
large garden. With other suitable 
bulbous plants, such as Warcissus 
minimus and the various Snowdrops, 
the Chionodoxas form an excellent 
contrast, and produce a delightful 
effect during the dullest season of the 
year. They are not difficult to grow, 



and only require the soil to be well 
drained, and of a rich and somewhat 
gritty nature. When planted in the 
autumn, say in September or October, 
the bulbs may be left to take care of 
themselves, and they will rapidly 
increase and, multiply by offsets in 
the course of a few years. To keep 
them in good condition a mulching or 
top-dressing of old, short, and well- 
rotted manure should be given every 
autumn. This will help to keep up 
the vigour and beauty of the flower- 
spikes year after year. 

Apart from open air-cultivation, 
Chionodoxas are also excellent plants 
for forcing into early blossom during 
the winter months. ‘By potting up 
in September and October, and keep- 
ing the plants covered with a fow 
inches of goil or coco-nut fibre, or in a 
cold frame, until the end of November 
or December, they may then be 
brought into the greenhouse or con- 
servatory in a well-rooted condition. 
~~JIn this way the blossoms can be had 
early in January. The following are 
the best-known kinds :— 

C. cretica.—A pretty species from 
the mountains of Crete, having slender 
scapes 6 to 10 ins. high, which bear as 
a rule only one or two white or pale 
blue blossoms over 3 in. across. The 
variety albiflora has white flowers. 

C. Luciliz (C. Forbest).—A beauti- 
ful species having small white pear- 
shaped bulbs, and beautiful flowers 
about 2 in. across, of a brilliant blue, 
shading to a zone of pure white in the 

There are several fine forms of C. 
Lucilie. That known as giyantea or 
grandiflora is particularly fine and 
free, having flowers about twice as 
large as those of the type. The 
variety sardensis derives its name 
from the ancient town of Sardis, near 
which it grows at an elevation of 
4000 to 5000 ft. It has Gentian-blue 



flowers, borne on nodding scapes, 
without a distinct white zone at the 
base of the segments. The variety 
Tmolusi has flowers of a deeper blue 
and with a larger white zone than in 
Lucilice, and is valuable on account of 
its later flowering. The variety alba 
has flowers wholly white ; Bovsseré, 
flowers large, soft lavender - blue, 
snowy white in centre; and Allens 
is a large-flowered form with blue, 
white, and pink flowers. A hybrid 
between this species (C’. Luciliw) and 
Scilla bifolia has received the name 
of Chiono-Scilla. 

Fic. 94.—Chionodoxa Luctlie. (3.) 

Cc. nana.—A pretty little Cretan 
species with linear leaves 2 to 4 ins. 
long, and umbels of white- or lilac- 
tinted ‘blossoms about 4 in, across, 
produced in March and April on stems 
3 or 4 ins. high. 

The plant known as C. amabilis 

- Leichtlint produces its large creamy- 

white flowers shaded with rose-purple 
a fortnight or so earlier than others. 



CHIONOGRAPHIS (chion, snow ; 
graphis, a pencil ; in reference to the 
slender flower-spikes), Nat. Ord. 
Liliacez. — The only species — c. 
japonica—is a remarkable and pretty 
herbaceous perennial 6 to 12 ins. high, 
native of Japan. It has a short thick 
root-stock and tufts of narrow lance- 
shaped leaves, which are smaller on 
the stem. The small pure white 
flowers are borne in spring in a 
spiked raceme 4 to 5 ins. long, and 
consist of two rows of two, three, and 
four, or six, linear segments, the lower 
ones being very small or absent alto- 

This plant is very little known, but 
is cultivated at Kew. It succeeds in 
a compost of sandy loam and peat, 
and is effective when planted in bold 
masses in warm corners of the rock- 
garden. It may be increased in 
September by dividing the root- 
stocks, or sowing the seeds in cold 
frames as soon as ripe. 

CHLIDANTHUS (clideios, delicate ; 
anthos, a flower). Nat. Ord. Amaryl- 
lide. —A genus closely related to 
the Sternbergias, Hippeastrums, 
Sprekelias, and Zephyranthes. 

C. Ehrenbergi.— This Mexican 
species differs from C. fragrans in 
being taller, in having horizontal 
flowers, each with a distinct stalklet, 
and in having the three outer seg- 
ments distinctly wider than the 
inner ones (Gard. Chron, 1901, xxix. 

C. fragrans (Pancratium luteum). 
—This is a native of the Andes of 
Peru, and is recognised by its large 
ovoid bulbs, grey-green linear leaves, 
which are contemporary with the 
bright yellow, erect, funnel-shaped 
flowers. These appear in May and 
June, one to four in an umbel on top 
of a stoutish two-edged peduncle, and 
are from 3 to 5 ins. long, with a 



fragrant odour. (Bot. Mag. t. 640; 
Fi. d. Serr. t. 326.) 

These species are not quite hardy, 
but might be grown in the open air 
with a fair degree of success in the 
mildest parts of the Kingdom. If 
grown in the open, the soil should be 
a rich sandy loam with a little peat 
or leaf-mould, and the warmest and 
most sheltered spots in the border or 
rockery should be chosen for them. In 
the autumn the bulbs may be either 
taken up and stored in sand or dry 
soil until the spring ; or they may be 
covered with a dome of sand or ashes 
to keep the wet and frost from injur- 
ing them during the winter. Late in 
March or early in April the bulbs 
start into growth again, and at that 
time the offsets should be detached 
from the parent bulbs to increase the 

CHLOROGALUM (chiloros, green ; 
gala, milk ; in reference to the green 
sap). Nat. Ord. Liliacese.—A small 
genus of Californian bulbous plants 
not of great garden value, 

Cc. divaricatum (Ornithogalum 
divaricatum), known as the “Strag- 
gling Star of Bethlehem,” is very 
similar, but has white flowers veined 
with green (Bot. Reg. 1842, t. 28). 

C. pomeridianum (Anthericum and 
Phalangium pomeridianum).—This, 
the best-known species, is known as 
the ‘Soap plant ” of California, owing 
to the soapy matter contained in the 
bulbs. It is a distinct-looking plant 
with flaccid grey-green leaves having 
roughish margins. The white flowers 
veined with purple are borne in June 
and July on loosely branched stems, 
about 2 ft. high, but they expand 
only in the afternoon, a fact alluded 
to in the specific name. (Bot. Reg. 
t. 564.) 

These bulbs are easily grown in 
ordinary good garden soil that has 



been deeply dug and is well-drained 
in consequence. They are quite 
hardy in most places, and are easily 
increased by offsets from the older 

CHLOROSPATHA (chloros, green ; 
spathe, spathe; in reference to the 
colour of the spathe). Nat. Ord. 
Aroidee.—A genus with only one 

C. Kolbi.—A native of Colombia, 
having a tuberous root-stock, large 
green leaves with spotted stalks, and 
cylindrical greenish spathes (Gartenji. 
t. 933). 

This species requires to be grown 
in plenty of heat and moisture in the 
same way as Alocasias and other 
tropical Aroids. It is not of much 
ornamental value, however. 

CISSUS (issos, Greek name for the 
Ivy, in reference to the habit). Nat. 
Ord. Ampelidee.—A genus closely 
related to Ampelopsis, and containing 
several ornamental-leaved plants, the 
best known being the fibrous-rooted 
C.. discolor. A little-known species 
with tuberous roots is— 

C. adenopodus, a native of Uganda, 
with climbing stems and tendrils, and 
leaves consisting of three ovate, 
pointed and coarsely toothed leaflets 
of a bright red, like the young shoots. 
The small flowers are borne in flat 
panicles. (Kew Bulletin, 1906, 247.) 
This species may be grown in a stove 
house in the same way as C’. discolor, 
in a mixture of turfy loam, with a 
little peat or leaf-soil, and some coarse 
sand added. 

CLAYTONIA (after John Clayton, 
who collected plants in Virginia). 
Nat. Ord. Portulacez.—A genus con- 
taining about twenty species of plants, 
some of which referred to below have 
tuberous root-stocks. 



C. sibirica.—A Siberian perennial 
with spindle-shaped root-stocks, ovate 
leaves, and rosy flowers with lobed 
petals (Bot. Mag. t. 2248). 

C. virginica (C’. grandiflora).—A 
dwarf-growing native of N. America, 
with linear lance-shaped leaves, and 
white flowers with notched petals 
(Bot. Mag. t. 941). 

These species flower early in the 
year, and should be grown in warm 
sunny spots in the rockery or border. 
They are quite hardy, and may be 
increased by division of the root- 
stocks in early autumn, or from seeds. 

CLIVIA (after a member of the 
Clivefamily). Nat.Ord. Amaryllidex. 
—A small genus of herbaceous plants 
having imperfect bulbs consisting 
only of leaf-bases, but having very 
stout root fibres. The strap-shaped 
leaves are arranged in two rows 
(distichously), and are deep green 
and ornamental in appearance, and 
leathery in texture. The scentless, 
more or less erect, funnel-shaped 
flowers are borne in umbels on top 
of a stout peduncle. The following 
are the only kinds known, often under 
the name of IMANTOPHYLLUM :— 

Cc. eyrtanthiflora. — This is con- 
sidered to be a hybrid between C. 
nobilis and C. miniata. The droop- 
ing tubular flowers of a beautiful 
salmon-red are borne in large clusters 
during the winter and early spring 
months (J. d. Serr. t. 1877). 

C. Gardeni.—This species from the 
Transvaal and Natal is often called 
C. Gardnert. It was named after 
Capt. Garden, who introduced it in 
1855. The bright green leaves are 
14 to 2 ft. long, and the orange-red 
or yellow flowers with green tips are 
borne in umbels of twelve to twenty 
on stalks as long as the leaves, during 
the winter months from December to 
February. (Bot. Mag. t. 4895.) 



C. miniata.—A fine species from 
Natal with bright green leaves, and 
stout two-edged stalks 1 to 14 ft. high, 
bearing an umbel of twelve to twenty 
bright scarlet funnel-shaped flowers 
with a yellow throat, in spring and 
early summer. There are many 
lovely forms of this species in cultiva- 
tion, among them being atrosangucnea, 
aurantiaca, cruenta, Coopert, grandt- 
fora, Lindeni, splendens, sulphurea, 
ete. (see Gartenjl. 1864, t. 484; Bot. 
Mag. t. 4783; Rev. Hort. 1859, tt. 
29, 30; Fl. d. Serr. tt. 949-950, 
2373-2374 ; Ill. Hort. n.s. t. 343). The 

Fic. 96.—Clivia miniata. (4.) 

variety striata has the. leaves freely 
striped ; and cztrina has pale creamy 
flowers tinged with orange at the 
base (Gard, 1899, t. 1246). 

C. nobilis (Imantophyllum Aittonz). 
—The genus Clivia and the genus 
Imantophyllum were both founded at 
the same time and on the same plant, 
but by two different authorities. 



Lindley called the plant Clivia nobilis 
—in the Bot. Reg. t. 1182; and Hooker 
called it Imantophyllum Attond, in 
the Bot. Mag. t. 2856. Curiously, 
the longer name Imantophyllum— 
which is derived from mas, a leather 
thong, and phylion, a leaf, in allusion 
to the shape and texture of the 
leaves—is even now more popular 
amongst gardeners than the shorter 
name of Clivia; and some use both 
names indiscriminately. The species 
under notice, C. nobilis, is a native 
of Cape Colony whence it was intro- 
duced by Bowie in 1828. It has 
tufts of bright green strap-shaped 
leaves 1 to 14 ft. long, with roughish 
margins. The bright red and yellow 
funnel-shaped flowers, tipped with 
green, are borne in umbels of forty 
to sixty on top of a stalk about a foot 
long, between May and July. 
Amongst greenhouse plants the 
Clivias have always held a high rank 
as decorative objects, not only on 
account of their beautiful foliage, 
but also for their trusses of brilliant 
blossoms. They are easily grown in 
a winter temperature of 50° to 60° F., 
and during the summer months might 
almost be grown in the open air, if 
well supplied with water and syringed 
regularly every day. The plants 
may be grown much in the same 
way as the Agapanthuses, in ordinary 
pots or ornamental tubs, and are 
effective in the greenhouse, conserva- 
tory, or. dwelling-house when in 
blossom. They flourish in a compost 
of rich sandy loam and leaf-soil, and 
although the roots are thick and 
fleshy, and absorb food freely, the 
plants should not be over-potted, 
that is, put into receptacles much too 
large for the accommodation of the 
roots. There is no necessity to repot 
the plants every year. Indeed, when 
left undisturbed for a few years, 
after properly potting in the first 



place, they seem to thrive and flower 
better year after year; and it is 
possible to develop specimen plants 
in the course of time to a diameter of 
5 or 6 ft. in pots not more than 15 
or 16° ins, in diameter. During 
growth in spring and summer 
plenty of water must be supplied, but 
when resting only sufficient should be 
given to keep the plants from shrivel- 
ling. Clivias may be forced into 
early blossom by placing them in a 
temperature of 65° to 70°, about 
January, but when in flower it is 
well to remove to a cooler place so 
as to keep the blossoms fresh for a 
longer period. 

Clivias are easily propagated by 
carefully dividing the tufts in spring 
just as the plants are about to start 
into growth. The plants should be 
taken out of the pots, and have all 
the old soil shaken away, or washed 
away in a bucket of tepid water. 
One can then see more easily where 
it is possible to divide the root-stocks 
with a strong, sharp knife. Each 
portion—large or small according to 
requirements—should be potted up 
singly in pots varying in size accord- 
ing to the portions, using good loamy 
soil and a little sharp sand and leaf- 
mould. If placed in a temperature 
of 65°F., the divided portions soon 
become established, if kept nicely 
syringed or sprinkled, and with a 
fairly humid atmosphere surrounding 
them. Clivias may be also raised 
from seeds. These are large, round, 
and white, and produced in bright 
red berry-like fruits. They should be 
sown in sandy loam and _ leaf-soil 
when thoroughly ripe, and should 
be kept warm and moist. When 
the seedlings are a few inches high, 
they should be potted up singly in 
small pots, and grown on until large 
enough to be moved into a larger 
size. Unless one is engaged com- 



mercially in the production of new 
varieties, it is scarcely worth while 
raising Clivias from secds. 

CODONOPSIS (kodon, a bell ; opsis, 
like ; in reference to the shape of the 
flowers). Nat. Ord. Campanulacese.— 
A genus containing about a dozen 
species of annual or perennial herbs, 
the latter having tuberous root-stocks, 
climbing, erect, or decumbent stems, 
and alternate or irregularly opposite- 
stalked leaves. Calyx tube adnate, 
hemispherical, five - parted, leafy ; 
corolla broadly tubular or bell-shaped, 
five-cleft. Stamens free. Ovary 
inferior, or half superior, three- to 
five-celled. The genus Glossocomia 
is now included in Codonopsis. 

These plants are not very well 
known, although they are well worth a 
place in the flower-border. They 
thrive in ordinary good garden soil 
of a gritty nature, and are probably 
better raised from seeds than by 
dividing the roots. They are not 
quite hardy except in the most 
favoured parts of the Kingdom, 
hence it becomes necessary either to 
protect the root-stocks in winter with 
hand-lights, bell-glasses, or a covering 
of litter, etc. Grown in pots, they 
are handsome for the decoration of 
the cool greenhouse. The following 
kinds may be grown :— 

Cc. clematidea.—A Himalayan 
perennial 2 to 3 ft. high, with ovate- 
pointed leaves, and white bell-shaped 
flowers tinged with blue. 

Cc. ovata.—Another Himalayan 
species, 12 to 18 ins. high, having 
opposite and alternate ovate leaves, 
and pretty, drooping, bell-shaped 
flowers about 14 ins. long, borne in 
June and July. They are pale blue 
with deeper coloured veins, a purple 
basal zone outside, and two zones of 
yellow and one of black inside. 
(Gard. Chron, 1886, 468.) Fig. 96. 



C. Tangshen.—A native of Central 
China, having long thickened roots 
much used by the natives as a tonic 
medicine. The slender stems are 
2 ft. or more long, with ovate or 
ovate lance-shaped leaves 1} to 24 ins. 
long, slightly toothed on the margins. 
The greenish bell-shaped flowers are 
spotted with purple, and striped 
inside. (Bot. Mag. t. 8090.) 

Fo. 96.—Codonopsis ovata. (3.) 

COLCHICUM (after Colchis, one 
native habitat in Asia Minor), 
Mrapow.Sarrron. Nat. Ord. Lilia- 
ceze.—A genus containing about thirty 
species of beautiful herbs, closely 
related to the Bulbocodiums and 
Merenderas, and recognised by having 
tunicated corms, oblong strap-shaped 
or linear leaves, and short scapes 
bearing from one to three or more 
showy flowers, usually lilac in colour, 
but sometimes yellow. The blossoms 
are funnel-shaped, with a long slender 
tube, and six oblong segments, erect 



or somewhat spreading, and with six 
stamens attached at the base. The 
ovary or seed-pod is unstalked, and 
three-celled, three-ribbed, and many 
seeded, and although at first under- 
ground is eventually pushed above 
the surface. 

The Colchicums are often popularly 
described as Autumn Crocuses, owing 
to the fact that they bloom in autumn, 
They have nothing, however, to do 
with the Crocuses proper — either 
spring- or autumn-flowering varieties 
—as it will be seen that the true 
Crocuses belong to the same natural 
family as the Iris and Gladiolus, to the 
Irideze and not to the Liliacex. It 
is therefore better when using popular 
names to apply the accepted term 
“ Meadow Saffron ” to the Colchicums, 
to avoid confusion with the Autumn 
Crocuses proper. 

Colchicums flourish in any rich 
and well-drained garden soil, contain- 
ing, however, a certain amount of 
natural moisture. The corms should 
be planted not later than August, if an 
effect is desired the following autumn, 
and also to avoid loss of vitality by 
being kept out of ground. When 
planted in bold masses in the flower- 
border, the margins of shrubberies 
in the rock-garden, or in grassland, 
lawns, banks, etc. Colchicums are 
wonderfully effective in the autumn, 
when they carpet the ground devoid 
of any foliage. The leaves appear 
after the flowers have died away, and 
during the spring and summer months 
are elaborating food from the air for 
the benefit of the corms in the soil. 
Once planted, Colchicums may be 
left to themselves to increase and 
multiply, and to encourage this a 
top-dressing of short, well-rotted 
manure should be given after the 
flowers have vanished. When the 
plants have become overcrowded at 
the end of a few years, they should 



be lifted when the leaves have died 
down in summer—about July—and 
replanted, separating the smaller 
corms from the larger. 

Colchicums may also be raised 
from seed, but it takes from three to 
four years to produce flowering corms 
in this way. The seeds should be 
sown when ripe in a specially pre- 
pared bed, and covered with about 
3 in. of fine gritty mould. Each year 
after the leaves have withered, a 
little more soil should be placed on 
top of the young plants, and at the 
end of the third or fourth year the 
corms may be lifted and transplanted. 

The following are amongst the best 
Colchicums grown. 

C. agrippinum (C’. tessellatum).— 
A very old species or variety of C. 
variegatum, native of S. Europe, 
having purple flowers in August. 

Cc. alpinum (C’. montanum).—This 
Apennine species produces its purple 
or deep rose flowers in September 
and October. 

C. autumnale.—This is a common 
Meadow Saffron often met with ina 
wild state in various parts of the 
Kingdom. It has large egg-shaped 
corms and lance-shaped leaves, 6 to 
10 ins. long, produced in spring. The 
bright purple cup-shaped flowers 
appear from August to October and 
November. There are many varieties, 
such as album, white; album flore 
pleno, white, double; crociflorum 
(Bot. Mag. +. 2673) maximum, 
purple; purpureum, purple - rose ; 
striatum, striped red or lilac on 
white ; there is also a double form, 
roseum plenum, with rose-coloured 
flowers ; amabile, rose-coloured, some- 
times faintly chequered. 

C. Bivonez—A _ strong-growing 
native of S. Europe, with linear 
grooved leaves produced in spring, 
and flowers in autumn prettily 
chequered with white and purple. 



C. Bornmilleri—A fine species 
from Eastern Europe, closely related 
to C. speciosum, having beautiful, 
cup-shaped, long-tubed flowers of 

Fic. 97.—Colchicum autumnale. (4.) 

C. byzantium.—A vigorous species 
from the Levant, having large, round- 
ish, depressed corms, often producing 
in autumn clusters of twelve to fifteen 
pale rose flowers larger than those of 
C. autumnale. The leaves appear in 
spring, and are broad, wavy, and 
plaited. The variety cilecicum has 
flowers as large as those of C. 
speciosum. There is a form with 
finely variegated foliage, and another 
one called veratrifoliwm, having 
longer floral segments and leaves. 

145 K 


(See Gartenfl. t. 755; Red. Lil. 
t. 468.) 

C. Decaisnei.—A fine species from 
Mount Lebanon, with a profusion of 
handsome pale rose blossoms in 
September and October, sometimes 
striped with white ; the lance-shaped 
leaves appearing in spring like other 

C. fascicularis.—A native of Greece, 
remarkable for producing its leaves 
and flowers at the same time, the 
blossoms being pink and white in 

C. giganteum.—A fine species of the 
speciosum group from the Zigana 
Dagh, or Gipsy Mountain, bearing 
very large and handsome blossoms 
of a delicate soft rose shading to 
white at the base (Mora and Sylva, 
June 1905). 

C. Hausknechti—A rare species, 
with short leaves and pretty globular 
flowers of a pink or bright rose 
colour, sometimes striped with white. 

C. hydrophyllum.—A native of the 
Taurus Mountains, producing clear 
bright rose flowers in early spring 
(Gard. Chron. 1901, xxix. 102, f. 43). 

C. libanoticum.—F rom the Lebanon 

Fic. 98.—Colchicum libanoticum. 

Mountains ; resembles C’. montanum, 
but has broader and shorter leaves, 
and flowers ranging from white to 
pale rose during the winter season. 

C. luteum.—A_ rare species, with 
large corms, from Kashmir and 



Afghanistan, at an elevation of 
7000 ft., is remarkable for being the 
only yellow-flowered species in culti- 
vation. The blooms are 3 to 4 ins, 
high, appear in spring, and are 
attended by two narrow strap-shaped 
leaves. (Bot. Mag. t. 6153.) 

C. montanum (C’. bulbocodioides),— 
A native of the Mediterranean region, 
with short, narrow, lance-shaped or 
linear sickle-like leaves appearing 
almost with the lilac-purple or whitish 
flowers in February and March. 
This species must not be confounded 
with another, sometimes called mon- 
tanum but properly alpinum, which 
flowers in autumn. Closely related 
to the true montanum is C. brachy- 

Cc. neapolitanum.— A _ variable 
species, with rosy bright purple or 
bright rose blossoms late in the 

C. Parkinsoni.—A_ strikingly dis- 
tinct plant from Asia Minor and 
the Greek Archipelago, having ovate, 
iance-shaped, wavy leaves in spring, 
and large white starry flowers in 
autumn, chequered with violet-purple. 
(Bot. Mag. t. 6090). 

C. Sibthorpi (C’. /atifoliwm).—A fine 
form of the C. vartegatum type, native. 
of the Levant. The beautiful lilac 
flowers, more or less clearly chequered 
with deep purple, appear in Sep- 
tember and October, standing erect 
on stout tubes about 8 ins. high. 

C. Sieheanum,— From Mersina ; re- 
sembles C. arenarium, but produces 
its reddish-purple flowers and leaves 
together about the end of November. 
C. arenarium flowers in autumn, but 
does not produce its leaves till 
spring. (Gard. 1903, lxiv. 408.) 

C. speciosum.—A very distinct and 
handsome Caucasian species remark- 
able for its broad, elliptic, sheathing 
leaves about a foot long and 2 to 4 
ins. broad. These appear in spring, 



throwing the seed-capsule nearly a 
foot above the ground. The flowers 
appear in September and October, 
and vary from a clear red or rosy- 
purple to deep crimson-purple with 
a white throat, at the top of a very 
long tube. (Bot. Jag. t. 6078.) The 
variety album is a very rare white- 
flowered form, and maximum has deep 
rosy-mauve flowers with a white base. 

Cc. Steveni—A beautiful species 
from Syria and Arabia, with linear 
leaves appearing at the same time as 
the clusters of pale rosy-lilac flowers 
(Bot. Mag. t. 8025). 

C. Troodi.—A rare species from 

Cyprus, with white flowers in autumn. 

Not yet well known. 

C. umbrosum,—A Crimean species, 
with fleshy, lance-shaped leaves in 
spring, and rather small, violet-purple, 
long-tubed flowers in autumn (Bot. 
Reg. t. 541.) C. arenarium and C. 
tauricum are closely related. This 
group is best for the rockery. 

C. variegatum (C’. chionense).—A 
fine species from Eastern Europe and 
Asia Minor, having large egg-shaped 
corms and long, narrow, wavy leaves 
in spring. From August to October 
the rose-coloured blossoms,beautifully 
chequered with- purple-violet, appear 
in great profusion. (Bot. Jag. t. 
1028; Red. Lil. 238.) 

(Bot. Mag. t. 

COLOCASIA (kolokasia, the Greek 
name for the root of an Egyptian 
plant), Nat. Ord. Aroideze.—A small 
genus closely related to Alocasia, 
having five or six species of tall- 
growing, tuberous-rooted, milky herbs, 
mostly natives of Tropical Asia. 
They have long-stalked, peltate- 
ovate, heart-shaped or sagittate leaves, 
which constitute the chief feature of 
the plants from a garden point of 

The Colocasias require almost pre- 



cisely the same cultural treatment as 
the Alocasias and Caladiums, that 
is, plenty of heat and moisture during 
growth, and sufficient shade from the 
scorching rays of the sun, although 
some, like C. antiguorum, require 
less warmth. Considerable space is 
required to enable one to produce 
fine specimens, and for this reason the 
culture of this class of plants is some- 
what restricted. They are easily 
propagated by separating the offsets 
from the older tubers. 

C. antiquorum.—An East Indian 
plant about 2 ft. high, with more or 
less oval, heart-shaped leaves, about a 
foot long, and about as wide in the. 

This species and C’. esculenta are 
cultivated in the Tropics for the pro- 
duction of ‘‘Taro,” a nourishing food 
obtained by roasting or boiling the 
tuberous root-stocks. From an orna- 
mental point of view, this species is 
also much used on parts of the 
Continent for giving subtropical 
effects to the outdoor garden during 
the summer months. The tubers are 
started into growth early in spring 
in a hot-bed, and are hardened off by 
the end of May or early in June. 
They are then planted in warm 
sheltered spots in light rich sandy 
soil and leaf-mould. To secure the 
finest foliage effects, the side-shoots 
are suppressed at an early stage, and 
during growth plenty of water is 
given, with occasional doses of liquid 
manure. In autumn the old leaves 
are cut down within a couple of inches 
of the soil, the tubers are lifted, 
cleaned, and stored away in sand or 
dry soil, in a place safe from frost, 
for the winter. 

C. Devansayana.—A native of New 
Guinea, with large, erect, oval 
peltate leaves, very smooth and 
green, and with a large triangular 
notch at the base. The brownish 



main veins are very prominent on the 
under-surface, and the long sheathing 
stalks are of a coppery brown. (ZIl. 
Hort. 1886, 601.) 

C. esculenta (Arum and Caladium 
esculentum).—A native of the Sand- 
wich Islands, with peltate heart- 
shaped leaves, about 2 ft. long, and 
18 ins. broad, borne on stalks a yard 
or more in length. 

C. indica (Arum indicum).—Also a 
native of the Sandwich Islands, about 
6 ft. high, with oval heart-shaped 
leaves, divided at the base into two 
roundish lobes, and ending in a sharp 
point at the apex. ; 

C. neo-guineensis, — This comes 
from New Guinea, and is remarkable 
for having the leaves blotched with 
white (Z1. Hort. t. 380). 

C. nymphzefolia —An East Indian 
species about 4 ft. high, with peltate 
heart-shaped sagittate leaves, remind- 
ing one of those of the Water-lily. 

COMMELINA (named after J. and G. 
Commelin, Dutch botanists), SPIDER- 
wort. Nat. Ord. Commelinacez.— 
Although there are ninety species of 
herbaceous plants, annuals, deciduous 
perennials, and evergreen climbers 
belonging to this genus, the only one 
worthy of note in this work is— 

C. tuberosa (C’. undulata).—This is 
a tuberous-rooted perennial plant, 
about 18 ins. high, from Mexico. It 
has oblong lance-shaped, pointed 
leaves, sheathing at the base, and 
there fringed with hairs. The bright 
blue flowers, borne on downy stalks 
issuing from heart-shaped, pointed 
spathes, appear in June and July. 
There is a fine white-flowered form 
called alba, and another blue one 
called elegans. The tuberous roots 
of this species are edible when 
cooked. (And. Bot. Rep. t. 399; 
Lodd, Bot. Cab. t. 1553.) 



This species flourishes in warm 
sheltered spots in the open air in the 
milder parts of the Kingdom, but 
in severe winters it is wise to cover 
the roots with litter, etc. Propaga- 
tion is effected by division of the 
tuberous roots in spring, and by 
sowing seeds. 

CONANTHERA (konos, a cone; 
anthera, an anther; in reference to 
the six anthers forming a cone in the 
early stage of blossom). Nat. Ord. 
Hemodoracee.—A small genus of 
plants closely related to Tecophilea, 
They have corms with netted fibrous 
coats, narrow leaves, and _ loose 
panicles of blue flowers. They are not 
well-known plants, and are probably 
only to be found occasionally in 
botanical collections. Being natives 
of Chili, they are regarded as only 
half-hardy, and somewhat difficult 
to grow successfully. They appear 
to prefer a rich and very sandy soil 
that is well drained, and they should 
be planted in the hottest and most 
sheltered part of the garden. If 
treated in the same way as recom- 
mended for the Mariposa Lilies 
(Calochortus), or for some of the rarer 
Bulbous Irises(see p.294), it is possible 
they would be able to go through the 
winter. It is, however, safer to lift 
the bulbs in autumn, and store them 
in dry soil in a frost-proof place 
during the winter. When replanting, 
the offsets, if any, may be detached 
from the older bulbs to increase the 

c. bifolia (C’. Simsz).—This species 
with grassy leaves grows 6 to 18 ins. 
high, and produces its blue flowers in 

C. campanulata (Cumingia cam- 
panulata) is very similar, and pro- 
duces its blue flowers at the same 
period (Bot. Reg. t. 1193; Bot. Mag. 
t. 2496). 



CONVALLARIA (convallis, a 
valley ; rica, a mantle; in allusion 
to the dense covering of leaves). Nat. 
Ord. Liliaceze.—In a book devoted to 
bulbous and tuberous plants it is 
rather difficult to squeeze in a plant 
like Lily of the Valley, which really 
has neither bulbs nor tubers. It is, 
however, so generally associated with 
plants of this character, and it also 
has creeping root-stocks and fleshy 
crowns,. that it may appropriately 
find a place in this volume. 

C. majalis (Lily of the Valley).— 
Notwithstanding the fact that the 

Fic. 99.—Convallaria majalis. (4.) 

Lily of the Valley is a native— 
although a rare one—of England, it 
is one of the most popular of garden 
plants. It has a creeping under- 
ground rhizome, from which arise 



shoots usually bearing two, but 
sometimes three, ovate lance-shaped 
leaves, 6 to 8 ins. long, deep green, 
smooth, and leathery in texture. In 
the open air the beautiful, drooping, 
broad, and flatly bell-shaped blossoms 
are borne in May or June on angular 
stalks 6 to 12 ins. high, springing up 
at the side of the leaves. The flowers 
are pure white, with six short recurved 
lobes, and from ten to twenty are 
borne on each stalk, emitting a 
delightful perfume. If allowed to 
wither, they are succeeded by round, 
fleshy, red berries containing the 
seeds in autumn. 

There are now many varieties of 
Lily of the Valley in cultivation, 
differing chiefly in the size, purity of 
colour, and number of the blossoms 
or “bells” borne on the stalks, There 
are Dutch and German varieties, the 
latter being considered best for forc- 
ing purposes. Such varieties as 
Fortin’s, Giant-flowered, and Victoria 
are perhaps the most popular; but 
others such as prolificans (which has 
large white flowers flushed with pink), 
rosea (rose-tinted), and flore pleno (a 
poor fori with “double” flowers) are 
also known. 

OPEN - AIR CULTURE. — Provided 
Lilies of the Valley are planted in 
a rich loamy soil, well drained and 
containing a certain amount of sand 
or grit, and in a moist, partially 
shaded position, there is practically 
no difficulty in growing them to 
perfection. A position facing north 
or west is generally a good one. The 
best time for planting the “crowns” 
or growths from the creeping root- 
stocks is in September or October. 
The fattest and plumpest crewns are 
those most likely to flower the follow- 
ing year, as they have already been 
in existence for a couple of seasons. 
The thin-pointed crowns, although 
perfectly sound and healthy, represent 



the first year’s growth only, and 
therefore require at least another 
year’s nourishment before they reach 
the flowering stage. 

When planting, the crowns should 
be placed from 3 to 4 ins. apart, and 
it is best to put them in in straight 
rows. Fine rich sandy loam and 
leaf- mould, if possible, should be 
worked in between the crowns, the 
tops of which should be about 2 ins. 
beneath the surface. Once properly 
planted, a Lily of the Valley bed may 
be left undisturbed for several years 
—until the plants are so obviously 
overcrowded that replanting becomes 
a necessity. To secure a good display 
of blossom, it is advisable to give a 
good mulching or top-dressing of 
well-decayed manure every autumn— 
about September or October, when 
the foliage has died down and is ina 
rotting condition. When the plants 
are coming into flower, a great 
improvement in the purity of the 
blossoms may be easily secured by 
placing an old light or two over the 
plants, to ward off the rains and 
wind. <A piece of thin canvas 
stretched over them will answer the 
same purpose. 

Many amateurs completely ruin 
their stocks of Lily of the Valley by 
the injudicious way they pick the 
flowers. When picking these, the 
stalks should be given a sharp up- 
ward jerk. If leaves are also wanted, 
it should be borne in mind that as 
each plant usually has only two 
leaves, at least one of these should 
be left to carry on the work of assimi- 
lation from the atmosphere. If both 
leaves are cut from each plant, it is 
impossible for a fresh store of atmo- 
spheric food (carbonic acid gas) to 
be secured—hence the root-stocks 
languish for nourishment, and are 
unable to throw up any flower-stems 
the following season. 



Forcinc.—Millions of crowns of 
Lily of the Valley are forced into 
early growth during the winter 
months, to supply the constant 
demands of the florist in the big 
markets. The “crowns” are planted 
almost side by side in boxes, pots, or 
pans, in a finely sifted sandy compost, 
the points being about level with the 
top of the soil. They are plunged in 
coco-nut fibre, ashes, or soil for a few 
weeks until root action begins. They 
are then brought into a'dark chamber » 
with a moist atmosphere, and a 
temperature of 80° to 100° F. during 
the day and night. Abundance of 
water is given, and in a short time 
the leaves shoot up thin in texture 
and yellowy in colour, and after them 
the flower-stems. The plants are then 
given a little more light each day to 
develop the beautiful soft green eau 
de Nil colour in the leaves, and in 
from fourteen to twenty-five days 
the pure white blossoms will be 
developed under these conditions. 
Both flower-stems and leaves, which 
are much longer grown in this way, 
are cut, and the forced and exhausted 
root-stocks are thrown away, being 
of no further value. This work of 
forcing is carried on from November 
till March and April, batches of 
plants being placed in the forcing 
chambers at different intervals, to 
secure a proper succession. 

RETARDING.—Just as great heat 
and moisture start Lilies of the 
Valley into premature growth in 
winter, so the converse conditions— 
cold and dryness—prevent the plants 
from starting into growth. By means 
of refrigerating apparatus, millions of 
crowns of Lily of the Valley are kept 
by trade growers at a temperature of 
about 30° F. for as long as necessary 
during the summer months, The 
plants that would thus have natur- 
ally bloomed in May and June are 



prevented from doing so by the low 
temperature. This process is known 
as “retarding” the crowns. When, 
however, the plants are taken from 
the refrigerator and placed in fine 
gritty mould, and given a good water- 
ing, their pent-up energies soon start 
into growth during the summer 
months, even in an ordinary well- 
lighted dwelling-room. Water is 
given as often as necessary, and in 
this way “retarded” Lilies of the 
Valley can be had in bloom from 
the time those in the open air 
fade until the “forced” crowns in 
November and December again come 
into season. 

COOPERIA (after Mr Cooper, 
formerly gardener at Wentworth 
House, Yorks). Nat. Ord. Amaryl- 
lidee.—A small genus of bulbous 
plants closely related to Anoiganthus 
and Sternbergia, and with the habit 
of the Zephyranthes, from which it 
may be distinguished by its stamens 
and long, cylindrical tube. Flowers 
solitary, funnel-shaped, with spreading 
segments. Leaves linear, appearing 
at same time as flowers. 

Cc. Drummondi.—A pretty species 
about 1 ft. high, native of Mexico and 
Texas. It has roundish, short-necked 
bulbs about 1 in. through, and narrow 
linear leaves about 1 ft. long. The 
white, sweet-scented, starry flowers, 
tinged with red on the outside, appear 
during the summer months on slender 
stalks 6 to 12 ins. high, but only 
expand fully in the cool of the evening. 
(Bot. Reg. t. 1835.) The variety 
chlorosolen has stouter flower-stems, 
flowers tinged with green, and having 
less spreading segments (Bot. Mag. t. 

C. pedunculata (Sceptranthus and 
Zephyranthes Drummond). — A 
stronger-growing plant than C. Drum- 
mondi, with long-necked bulbs, and 



leaves about 1 ft. long and 3 in. broad. 
The flowers are about 14 ins. long, 
white tinged with red or orange out- 
side. (Herb. Amaryll. 179, t. 42; 
Bot. Mag. t. 3727.) 

Being natives of Mexico and Texas, 
the Cooperias are probably only hardy 
in the mildest parts of the Kingdom. 
In other places it is safer to treat 
them as cool greenhouse plants. 
They may be grown in the open air 
during the summer months if the 
bulbs are planted in rich gritty soil 
under a south or west wall about 
March or April. To secure a fine 
effect during the summer months 
several bulbs should be planted within 
a couple of inches of each other, and 
about 3 ins. deep. In the autumn 
they may be taken up and stored in 
dry soil or sand in a frost-proof place 
during the winter. Increased by 
offsets from the older bulbs. 

CORYDALIS (korydalos, a lark ; the 
spur of the flowers resembling that of 
a lark), Fumitory. Nat. Ord. Fuma- 
riaceew,— A genus containing about 
seventy species of smooth grey-green 
herbs with tuberous or tufted root- 
stocks, slender stems, much-divided 
leaves, and irregular flowers in 
terminal or leaf-opposed racemes. 
Sepals two, often scale-like. Petals 
four, the two outer ones larger than 
the others. Stamens six, in two 
bundles opposite the outer petals. 

C. Alleni—This appears to be a 
hybrid between C. cava and another 
species. It produces its yellowish- 
white flowers tinged with purple early 
in the year. (Gard. 1908, 294, f.) 

C. angustifolia,— A tuberous-rooted 
Fumitory from the Caucasus and 
Persia, about 8 ins. high, with leaves 
twice ternately divided into long 
linear segments. The flowers are 
flesh or cream-coloured, and are borne 
in loose racemes, (Gard. Chron, 1904, 



xxxv. 306, f. 181; Gard. 1904, lxv. 
110.) Quite hardy. 

C. bracteata.—-A Siberian perennial 
about 9 ins. high, with twice ternate 
leaves cut into linear-lobed segments. 
The sulphur-yellow flowers appear in 
May and June. 

C. cava (C. tuberosa).—A European 
perennial about 6 ins. high, with 
twice ternate leaves cut into wedge- 
shaped segments. The purple flowers 
appear from February to May, in 
loose racemes at the ends of the shoots. 
The variety albzflora has white flowers. 
(Bot. Mag. tt. 232, 2340.) 

C. cheilanthifolia.— A Chinese 
species, with elegant fern-like leaves 
and erect racemes of yellow flowers. 
Hardy in favoured spots. 

C.Gortschakowi.—A glaucous green - 

perennial 1 to 14 ft. high, native of 
Turkestan. The leaves are twice 
pinnately divided or cut, the lower 
ones being 5 to 6 ins. long. The 
golden - yellow flowers appear in 
summer in close racemes. (Cartenfl. 
t. 1183.) 

C. Kolpakowskiana.—A._ tuberous- 
rooted perennial from Turkestan, 6 
ins. high, with smooth deeply divided 
leaves, and long-spurred pink or 
purple flowers borne in summer in 
loose racemes (Garten/i. t. 948). 

C. Ledebouriana.—A pretty herba- 
ceous perennial about 1 ft. high, 
native of the Altai Mountains. It 
has tuberous root-stocks and leaves 
twice ternately cut into obovate 
glaucous segments. The purple 
flowers appear in summer, and have 
rather a thick pale purple spur. 

C. Marschalliana. — A perennial 
about 9 ins. high, native of Tauria. 
Leaves twice ternate, with oval entire 
or bifid lobes, and sulphur - yellow 
flowers produced in April and May. 
(Gartenjl. t. 501.) 

C. nobilis (Fumaria nobilis).—A 
lovely Siberian perennial about 9 ins. 



high. Leaves twice pinnate, with 
wedge-shaped segments cut at apex. 
Flowers in May, pale yellow, tipped 
with green, and having a long blunt 
spur. (Bot. Reg. t. 395; Bot. Mag. 
t. 1983.) 

C. pallida.—A juicy herb 1 to 14 ft. 
high, native of China and Japan. 
The pale green leaves are thrice 
pinnately cut or divided, and the 
bright yellow flowers tipped with 
brown appearinsummer. (Bot. Mag. 
t. 6826.) 

C. Seworowii.—A pretty species 12 
to 18 ins. high, native of Turkestan, 
with finely divided grey-green leaves, 
and deep yellow flowers in April and 
May. Spur short, saccate. (Gartenjl. 
t. 1077.) 

C. solida (C. bulbosa).—A tuberous 
perennial, 6 ins. high, native of Europe, 
and naturalised in woods and dampish 
places in Britain. The twice ternate 
leaves are cut into oblong or wedge- 
shaped segments, and the large 
purplish flowers about 1 in. long are 
produced in April and May. (Bot. 
Mag. t. 231.) 

The above Fumitories are amongst 
the best of the tuberous-rooted kinds 
for garden purposes. They are easily 
grown in ordinary well-drained garden 
soil, and prefer partial shade and 
moist places either in the ordinary 
border or in nooks in the rock-garden. 
They are easily increased in spring or 
early autumn by separating the offsets 
from the older tuberous roots. Seeds 
may also be sown, but some species 
do not ripen them freely. 

COSTUS (ancient name of an Indian 
perfume). Nat. Ord. Scitaminez.— 
A genus containing about thirty 
species of hothouse plants, from 
America, Africa, Asia, and Australia. 
They have tuberous root-stocks, fleshy 
leaves, and flowers borne in spikes 
furnished with imbricating bracts. 



The calyx is tubular and three-lobed, 
the corolla having a funnel-shaped 
tube, the spreading limb being com- 
posed of three equal divisions. 

These plants flourish in a rich sandy 
loam and leaf-soil or a little peat, and 
like plenty of heat and moisture 
during the period of active growth. 
They may be grown in pots or pans, 
or planted out in rockeries in the 
stovehouse. Propagation is effected 
easily by dividing the root-stocks or 

Cc. Afer.—A native of Sierra Leone, 
about 2 ft. high, with oval-elliptic 
pointed leaves, and white flowers 
tinted with yellow. 

C. cylindricus.—This species from 
the Trinity Islands grows about 6 ft. 
high, and has oboval pointed leaves 
and yellow flowers with red bracts. 

C. discolor.—A Brazilian species 
about 3 ft. high, with broadly lance- 
shaped pointed leaves, green above, 
purple beneath. The large white 
flowers appear in spring and summer 
in pairs, and have red bracts at the 

C. Englerianus (C. wnifolius).—A 
dwarf plant from Tropical Africa, 
having bluntly elliptic, fleshy; deep 
green leaves, and small white and 
yellow flowers. 

C. Friedrichseni.—This species, long 
cultivated as C. comosus, is 6 ft. or 
more high, and has stalkless lance- 
shaped pointed leaves 9 to 18 ins. 
long, and 2 to 5 ins. broad, and large 
bright yellow flowers in thick ellipsoid 
or ovoid spikes (Gartenjl. 1903, t. 

C. igneus.—A fine Costa Rican 
plant 1 to 3 ft. high, having smooth 
elliptic, pointed leaves, and bright 
orange-scarlet flowers (Bot. Mag. t. 
6821). ; 

C. Lucanusianus.—A fine species 
from the Cameroons,with lance-shaped 
pointed leaves, white on the under- 



surface. Flowers purple witha yellow 

C. Malortieanus.—A native of Costa 
Rica, 1 to 3 ft. high, having large 
oboval pointed leaves with short 
stalks. Flowers golden - yellow, ir- 
regularly streaked with orange-red. 

C. micranthus.—This species, sup- 
posed to be a native of Martinique, 
grows 5 to 6 ft. high, the lance-shaped 
leaves being spirally arranged on the 
stems, and the orange-red and yellow 
flowers being in cone-like spikes. The 
narrow tubular lip is purple. 

C. musaicus.—A distinct and pretty 
species from the Congo. The leaves 
are obliquely lance-shaped, 3 to 5 ins. 
long, deep green in the centre, the 
remaining portion of the surface being 
beautifully chequered or barred with 
silvery grey lines. 

C. pictus.—A Mexican species about 
134 ft. high, having lance-shaped, 
pointed, shortly stalked leaves, downy 
above, smooth beneath. Flowers in 
summer and autumn, yellow, with a 
golden-yellow and purple, oblong, 
wedge-shaped lip. (Bot. Reg. t. 1594.) 

C. speciosus.—A fine East Indian 
species, 14 to 3 ft. high, with cylindri- 
cal stems, lance-shaped pointed leaves, 
velvety on the under-surface. Flowers 
large white, pink on the outer seg- 
ments, and having red bracts. (Bot. 
Reg. t. 665 B.) 

C. spiralis.—A Brazilian plant 2 to 
3 ft. high, with fleshy, oblong elliptic, 
lance-shaped leaves, smooth and glossy 
green on both surfaces, but with a 
downy midrib. Flowers in summer 
and autumn, pink, with deep scarlet 

CRINUM (krinon, the Greek name 
for Lily). Nat. Ord. Amaryllidez.— 
A genus containing about eighty 
species of evergreen herbaceous plants, 
having large short or long - necked 
bulbs, broad or narrow strap-shaped 



leaves, more or less funnel-shaped 
flowers in umbels on a stout, fleshy 
stalk or peduncle. They are found in 
widely different parts of the world, 
being distributed over Tropical Asia, 
Tropical America, Tropical Africa, 
Australia, Polynesia, and South 

CuLturE.— With few exceptions, 
most of the Crinums require to be 
grown in warmth and moisture 
throughout the year. They are all 
noble plants. Even when not in 
blossom the foliage alone is orna- 
mental, and wherever space is avail- 
able, it is worth while to mass a few 
plants in borders in the stove or warm 
greenhouse. Coming from all parts 
of the tropical and subtropical world, 
and from various altitudes and situa- 
tions, a little judgment must be 
exercised in regard to the cultural 
treatment given to the different 
species. Generally speaking, all 
Crinums like to grow in a mixture of 
rich loam, peat, and leaf-soil, and a 
fair sprinkling of coarse sand or grit. 
During rapid growth, readily recog- 
nised by the appearance of new leaves, 
they like plenty of water at the roots, 
and a syringing with tepid water two 
or three times a day during the 
summer months is also highly bene- 
ficial. It freshens up the foliage, and 
at the same time keeps it free from 
disease and dirt. Although the great 
majority are evergreen, there is a 
period of rest when no growth is 
made. Then the plants require but 
little water at the root, and it will 
generally be sufficient to syringe 
the plants occasionally, the water 
thus running down the channelled 
faces of the leaves to the bulbs and 

The plants may be grown either in 

pots or planted out in borders under. 

glass. The pots should never be much 
larger than the bulbs, and they should 



be well-drained in all cases by putting 
plenty of broken ‘“‘crocks” or pot- 
sherds in the bottom, afterwards 
covering these with a layer of moss 
or fibre before filling in with soil. 
Crinums are easily propagated, 
either by detaching the offsets, which 
in some species are produced freely 
around the old bulbs, or by means of 
the large, irregular, fleshy fruit or seed 
that often follows the flowers. The 
offsets are simply potted up or planted 

Fia. 100.—Crinum, seedling. 


out and grown on until they reach 
the flowering stage, after which they 
in turn produce other offsets and 
seeds. When seeds are sown, the 
large fleshy fruits are placed on the 
moist sandy soil, or slightly buried. 
A short fleshy radicle is soon thrown 
out, and then ceases to grow, as in 
other monocotyledons. Fleshy roots 
soon develop into the soil, and the 
first leafy growth shoots upwards— 
as shown in the sketch. The second 
or third season the plants are quite 



large, and have reached the flowering 
stage. By pollinating the stigmas 
there is an excellent chance of pro- 
ducing seeds in due course, and from 
these it would be possible to raise an 
acclimatised race of ‘Crinums in a 
comparatively short time. 

The following is a fairly good list 
of Crinums to be met with in 
cultivation :— 

C. abyssinicum.—A native of the 
Abyssinian mountains, with ovoid 
short-necked bulbs 8 ins. in diameter ; 
leaves about 1 ft. long, } to 1 in. 
broad, and rough on the edges. From 
four to six flowers in an umbel on a 
stoutish stalk 1 to 2 ft. high. The 
perianth-tube is short, slender, and 
curved, 14 to 2 ins. long, while the 
limb is 2 to 3 ins. long, with oblong 
acute segments. 

Cc. amabile (C’. superbum).—This 
species is a native of Sumatra. It 
has small bulbs with necks a foot or 
more long, and clusters of bright 
green, strap-shaped, tapering leaves, 
3 to 4 ft. long and 8 to 4 ins. broad. 
The two-edged peduncle, 2 to 3 ft. 
long, bears from twenty to thirty 
sweetly scented flowers during the 
winter months, The erect cylindrical 
perianth-tube is bright red, 3 to 4 ins. 
long, and the segments are 4 to 5 ins. 
long. (Bot. Mag. t. 1605.) 

C, americanum.—A native of the 
S. United States, having short-necked 
ovoid bulbs 2 to 4 ins. in diameter, 
and strap-shaped arching leaves 2 to 
3 ft. long, 14 to 2 ins. broad. The 
stoutish peduncles carry three to six 
flowers, having straight tubes 4 to 5 
ins. long, and narrow pure white 
segments 3 to 4 ins. long. (Bot. Mag. 
t. 1034.) 

C. amcenum.—This species grows 
wild in the Eastern Himalayas and 
the Khasia hills, and is found at an 
elevation of 6000 ft. in Sikkim. The 
short-necked roundish bulbs are 2 to 



3 ins. in diameter, the bright green 
rough-edged leaves being 14 to 2 ft. 
long and 1 to 2 ins. broad. From 
six to twelve flowers are borne on a 
roundish peduncle 1 to 2 ft. high. 
The greenish perianth-tube is 3 to 4 
ins. long, the lance-shaped spreading 
segments being 2 to 3 ins. long. The 
variety caudiceum from Ceylon has a 
bulb with a cylindrical neck ; and the 
variety verecundum has blunter, more 
spreading and lacunose leaves than 
the type. The variety Mearsi, from 
Upper Burma, has white  salver- 
shaped flowers smaller than the type 
(Gard, Chron. 1907, xlii. 62, f.). 

C. angustifolium (C’. australasicum ; 
C. arenarium).— A native of N. 
Australia, with roundish short-necked 
bulbs 3 ins. in diameter, and rough- 
edged leaves 14 to 2 ft. long, 1 to 14 
ins. broad. The peduncle is about a 
foot long, with few flowers, having 
slender tubes 3 to 4 ins. long, and 
lance-shaped segments 2% to 3 ins. 
long and 4 in. broad (Bot. May. t. 
2355). The variety confertum (Bot. 
Mag. t. 2522) is distinguished by its 
stalkless flowers and longer perianth 
segments ; while the variety blandum 
(Bot. Mag. t. 2531) has broader leaves 
and perianth segments than in the 
type, the filaments also being whitish 
instead of bright red. 

C. asiaticum (C’. toxicarium).—This 
is known as the “Asiatic Poison 
Bulb.” It is widely distributed 
throughout Tropical Asia, and was 
introduced nearly 180 years ago. 
The bulbs are 4 to 5 ins. through, 
with necks 6 to 9 ins. long, bearing 
masses of thin, bright green, tapering 
leaves 3 to 4 ft. long and 8 to 4 ins. 
broad. The thick two-edged peduncle, 
13 to 2 ft. high, carries from twenty 
to fifty flowers, the tube of which is 
tinted green, and 3 to 4 ins. long, the 
linear segments being 24 to 3 ins. 
long. (Bot. Mag. t. 1073.) 



There are several geographical 
varieties of this species, the most 
distinct being :—declinatum, from 
Silhet, having a longer perianth-tube 
and limb, the latter tinted with red 
(Bot. Mag. t. 2231). C. sinicum, 
from China, with wavy leaves about 
5 ins. broad, peduncles 3 ft. long, and 
longer tube and segments. C’. pro- 
cerum, from Rangoon, has leaves 5 
ft. long and 6 ins. broad, the perianth- 
tube and limb each 5 ins. long, the 
latter tinted with red (Bot. Mag. t. 
2684). C. anomalum (C. plicatum), 
from China, has the “leaves expanded 
suddenly at some distance above the 
base into a broad, membranous, pli- 
cate, variegated wing” (Bot. Mag. 
t. 2908). C. japonicum, from Japan, 
has leaves firmer in texture, 2 to 24 
ins. broad, with longer pedicels, and 
perianth-tube 2 to 24 ins. long. 

Cc. augustum.— This species in- 
habits the marshes and stream-sides 
in Mauritius and the Seychelles, and 
was once considered to be a variety 
of C. amabile. It has a regular 
conical bulb 6 ins. in diameter, and 
sometimes a foot long. The numerous 
bright green strap-shaped leaves are 
2 to 3 ft. long and 38 to 4 ins. broad, 
The lateral and much compressed ped- 
uncle is 2 to 3 ft. high, of a deep 
claret red upwards, and bears an 
umbel of twelve to thirty flowers. 
The stout perianth-tube is bright 
red, 3 to 4 ins. long, while the lance- 
shaped segments are 4 to 5 ins. long, 
% to 2 in. broad, and bright red out- 
side. (Bot. Mag. t. 2397; Bot. Reg. 
t. 679.) 

C. Balfouri.—This species from the 
Island of Socotra is named after its 
discoverer, Prof. Isaac Bayley Balfour, 
of Edinburgh. It has round short- 
necked bulbs 3 ins. in diameter; 
strap-shaped leaves under a foot 
long and 2 to 24 ins. broad; and 
about a dozen sweet-scented flowers 



on top of a compressed peduncle a, 
foot or more high. The greenish 
perianth-tube is about 2 ins. long, 
and the pure white segments as long 
as the tube, about $in. broad. (Bot. 
Mag. t. 6570.) 

C. brachynema,—A native of Bom- 
bay, with ovoid, practically neckless 
bulbs 24 to 3 ins. in diameter, and 
bright green strap-shaped leaves 14 
to 2 ft. long, 3 to 3} ins. broad, 
developed after the flowers. The 
roundish peduncle bears fifteen to 
twenty flowers, of which the greenish 
perianth-tube is 14 to 2 ins. long, the 
pure white segments being 2 ins. long 
and about ? in. broad. This species 
is readily distinguished by its short 
stamens and style. (Bot. Mag. t. 
5937; Fl. d. Serr. t. 2303.) 

C. bracteatum (C’. brevifoliwm).—A 
native of the Seychelles, with short- 
necked ovoid bulbs 3 to 4 ins. in 
diameter, bluntish — strap - shaped 
leaves 1 to 14 ft. long, 3 to 4 ins. 
broad, and crisped on the margins, 
The stoutish, much compressed ped- 
uncle is about a foot long, bearing 
ten to twenty flowers. The slender, 
erect tube is 24 to 3 ins. long, and 
greenish-white ; the linear segments 
are pure white. (Bot. Reg. t. 179.) 

C. campanulatum (C. aquaticum ; 
C.cafrum ; Hemanthus hydrophilus). 
—A very distinct species, native of 
the ponds and marshes of S. Africa. 
It has small ovoid bulbs, deeply 
channelled linear leaves 3 to 4 ft. 
long, $ to 1 in. broad ; and slender 
peduncles a foot or more high, carry- 
ing six to eight bell-shaped flowers, 
the cylindrical perianth-tube of which 
is 1} to 2 ins. long, while the bluntly 
oblong connivent segments are rose- 
red or purple. (Bot. Mag. t. 2352.) 

C. Careyanum.—A native of the 
marshy places in Mauritius and the 
Seychelles, and considered by Mr 
Baker to be scarcely more than a 



variety of C. latifolium. It has 
short-necked roundish bulbs 3 to 4 
ins. through, with reddish - brown 
tunics. The thin, bright green, wavy 
leaves are 1 to 2 ft. long and 2 to 3 
ins. broad. The roundish peduncle 
is about a foot high, and bears about 
half a dozen flowers about November. 
The curved greenish perianth-tube is 
3 to 4 ins. long, the oblong acute 
segments, about 1 in. broad, being 
washed with rose-red near the centre. 
(Bot. Mag. t. 2466.) 

A hybrid between this species and 
C. capense has been called C. grand:- 

Cc. Commelyni (C. atienuatum ; C. 
Lindleyanum; C. revolutum; C. 
veridifolium).— A native of the 
Amazon Valley closely related to 
C. erubescens. The short-necked 
ovoid bulbs, 14 to 2 ins. thick, are 
remarkable for producing copious 
stolons. The leaves are 2 to 3 ft. 
long and about an inch broad. The 
slender compressed peduncle, 1 to 2 
ft. high, bears about half a dozen 
flowers in summer. The slender 
perianth-tube is 4 to 6 ins. long, the 
reflexed lance-shaped segments being 
2 to 3 ins. long. 

C. crassipes.—Probably a native of 
Tropical Africa. It has very large 
conical bulbs, dark green strap-shaped 
leaves about 4 ins. broad, and stout 
compressed peduncles under a foot 
high, with fifteen to twenty flowers 
in summer. The nearly straight 
green perianth-tube is about 3 ins. 
long, the lance - shaped segments 
being white with a red centre. 

C. cruentum,—A Mexican species 
with large, short-necked, stolon-bear- 
ing bulbs, and dark glossy green leaves 
3 to 4 ft. long and 2 to 3 ins. broad. 
The stout compressed peduncle, about 
3 ft. high, bears six to eight almost 
stalkless flowers in summer. The 
erect perianth-tube is 7 to 8 ins. long, 



the bright pink linear segments being 
about 3 ins. long. The variety Loddi- 
gestanum has dark purple segments. 
(Bot. Reg. t. 171; Lodd. Bot. Cab. 
t. 346.) 

C. defixum (C’. Roxburght ; Amar- 
yllis vivipara).—A species found wild 
in the muddy and swampy banks of 
rivers about Calcutta and throughout 
India. The long, cylindrical-necked, 
ovoid bulbs are 2 to 3 ins, through, 
bearing deeply channelled leaves 2 
to 3 ft. long and about 1 in. broad, 
tapering to a point. The stoutish 
peduncle, 14 to 2 ft. high, carries from 
six to fifteen flowersin autumn. The 
slender perianth-tube is 24 to 3 ins. 
long, with linear segments (Bot. Mag. 
t. 2208). The variety ensifolium has 
a longer perianth-tube, and leaves 
more acute. (Bot. Mag. t. 2301.) 

C. distichum (Amaryllis ornata).— 
A species from Sierra Leone, closely 
related to C. yucceeflorum, from which 
it may be distinguished by its linear, 
channelled leaves, being arranged 
distichously from the small round 
bulbs. The white stalkless flowers, 
keeled with bright red, are usually 
borne singly on a scape about a foot 
high, during the summer months. 
(Bot. Mag. t. 1253.) 

C. Doriz.—An Abyssinian species 
with broad wavy leaves and short 
scapes, surmounted by a many- 
flowered umbel of scented white, 
red-striped flowers. 

C. erubescens.— This variable 
species is widely distributed over 
Tropical America, and has been in 
cultivation since about 1784. The 
short-necked ovoid bulbs are 3 to 4 
ins. in diameter, and give rise to 
numerous thin, strap-shaped, arching 
leaves 2 to 3 ft. long and 2 to 3 ins. 
broad. From four to twelve flowers 
are borne on top of a peduncle 2 ft. 
or more in height. The erect peri- 
anth-tube is 5 to 6 ins. long, the 



whitish lance-shaped segments being 
reflexed and washed with claret- 
purple on the outside, while the 
filaments are bright red and about 
2 ins. long. There is a smaller- 

flowered form called minus or 
Roozenianum. (Red. Lil. t. 27; 
Lodd. Bot. Cab. t. 31; Bot. Mag. 
t. 1232.) 

C. fimbriatulum.—This species 
grows wild in the low-lying marshy 
meadows of Angola, in the province 
of Loanda, where it flowers in March. 
The thin, strap-shaped, grey-green 
leaves are 2 to 8 ft. long, and about 
3 ins. broad, gradually tapering to 
a point. From three to seven flowers 
are borne on a peduncle about 2 ft. 
long, having a greenish perianth- 
tube 4 to 5 ins. long, and whitish, 
oblong lance-shaped segments 
streaked with red down the centre. 

C. flaccidum (Amaryllis austra- 
lasica ; C. Weinmann ?).—A native of 
New South Wales and Southern 
Australia, having very short-necked 
ovoid bulbs, 3 to 4 ins. in diameter. 
The rough-edged leaves are 13 to 2 
ft. long and 1 to 1} ins. broad, and 
umbels of six to eight pure white 
flowers are borne on a much com- 
pressed peduncle 13 to 2 ft. high. 
The perianth-tube is usually curved, 
3 to 4 ins. long, the segments being 
oblong lance-shaped. (Bot. Mag. t. 
2133: Bot. Reg. t. 426.) 

C.Forbesianum (Amaryllis Forbest). 
—A native of Delagoa Bay, with 
large roundish bulbs 6 to 8 ins. in 
diameter, and grey-green, strap- 
shaped leaves 3 to 4 ft. long and 3 
to 4 ins. broad, the edges being 
conspicuously fringed with hairs. 
From thirty to forty funnel-shaped 
flowers are borne on a stout com- 

pressed peduncle about 1 ft. high, . 

the spathe-valves being tinted with 
red. The white oblong-acute seg- 
ments, over 4 ins. long, are distinctly 



keeled with red, while the bright 
red filaments are almost as long as 
the segments. (Bot. Mag. t. 6545.) 

C. giganteum (C’. vanillodorum ; 
C. nobile; Amaryllis gigantea; A. 
latifolia ; A. ornata; A. candida).— 
A native of Central and Western 
Tropical Africa, whence it was intro- 
duced to cultivation about 1780. 
The short-necked bulbs are 5 to 6 
ins. in diameter, and are furnished 
with thin green leaves 2 to 3 ft. long, 
3 to 4 ins. broad about the middle, 
but much narrower towards the base, 
and distinctly cross-veined. The 
stout, green, compressed peduncle is 
2 to 3 ft. high, and bears from four 
to twelve flowers, almost or quite 
stalkless. The pure white bell-shaped 
flowers, 7 to 8 ins. deep, have oblong 
obtuse segments and a slender curved 
perianth-tube. The filaments are 
pure white, and about an inch shorter 
than the segments. 

C. Hildebrandti—A native of 
Johanna Island (Comoro Islands), 
where it grows on the mountains 
at an altitude of 3000 ft. 
The ovoid bulbs are 2 to 3 ins, 
in diameter, with a neck 4 to 5 ins, 
long. The strap-shaped leaves are 
bright green, 14 to 2 ft. long and 1} 
to 2 ins. broad, while the slender 
compressed peduncle, about 1 ft. high, 
carries four to eight or more flowers 
8 to 12 ins. deep, and pure white. 
(Bot. Mag. t. 6709; Jil. Hort. 1886, 
t. 615.) 

C. humile.—This species was intro- 
duced. about 1826 from Tropical Asia, 
but appears to have disappeared 
from cultivation. The small roundish 
aud greenish bulbs have very short 
necks, and the linear leaves are about 
afoot long. The white flowers, about 
5 ins. deep, are borne in umbels of 
six to nine on a slender roundish 
peduncle, and have bright red fila- 
ments. (Bot. Mag. t. 2636.) 


a ae 


C. Johnstoni.i—A native of British 
Central Africa, having large white 
flowers tinted with pink, like those 
of C’, latefolcum, and leaves 5 to 6 ft. 
long, and 2 to 24 ins. broad in the 
middle (Bot. fag. t. 7812), This fine 
species has proved to be quite hardy 
in Sir Trevor Lawrence’s garden at 
Dorking, Surrey. It is therefore a 
great acquisition to the hardy flower- 
border, and ought to become very 

Cc. Kirki—A native of Zanzibar, 
with roundish bulbs 6 to 8 ins. in 
diameter, and neck about 6 ins. long. 
The bright green strap-shaped leaves 
are 3} to 4 ft. long, 4 ins. or more 
broad, and with roughish edges. The 
stout compressed peduncles are 1 to 
1% ft. high, two or three sometimes 
springing from one bulb, and bearing 
a dozen or more white flowers, broadly 
keeled with bright red. (Bot. Mag. 
t. 6512.) Brunsvigia Massaiana, 
figured in the Jilustration Horticole, 
1887, t. 55, seems to be identical with 
C. Kirki, but has a longer flower- 

Cc. Lasti.—A native of the Kongone 
Mountains, about 100 miles inland 
from Zanzibar, whence it was intro- 
duced in 1887, The short-necked 
bulbs are 4 to 5 ins. in diameter, the 
distichous, sword-shaped leaves being 
about 1 ft. long. Several pinkish 
flowers, 4 to 6 ins deep, and with 
narrow segments, are borne on the 
stout and much compressed peduncle. 

C. latifolium (C. Linnei).—A 
species widely distributed in Tropical 
Asia, having short-necked, roundish 
bulbs 6 to 8 ins. in diameter, and 
numerous thin, bright-green, strap- 
shaped leaves 2 to 3 ft. long, 3 to 4 
ins. broad, and somewhat roughish 
on the margins. From ten to twenty 
flowers are borne on a peduncle 1 to 
2 ft. high. The curved perianth- 
tube is greenish, 3 to 4 ins. long, 



while the oblong lance-shaped seg- 
ments are washed with pink. (Bot. 
Reg. t. 1297; Wight, Ic. tt. 2019- 

Forms of C. latifoliwm are C. 
longistylum, C. moluccanum (Bot. 
Mag. t. 2292), C. speciosum, (Bot. 
Mag. t. 2217), and C. insigne or 
Amaryllis insignis (Bot. Reg. t. 597), 
according to Mr Baker. 

C. leucophyllum.—A native of 
Damaraland, with ovoid bulbs 5 to 6 
ins. in diameter, and thick, fleshy, 
whitish-green, strap-shaped leaves 
1% to 2 ft. long, 5 to 6 ins. broad, 
arranged in two rows, and with 
denticulate margins. From thirty 
to forty pale pink flowers about 6 ins. 
deep, and with linear spreading 
segments, are produced in a dense 
umbel on a stout, much compressed 
peduncle a foot high. (Bot. Mag. t. 

Cc. lineare (C. revolutum; C. 
algoense ; Amaryllis revoluta; A. 7. 
gracilior).—This species was culti- 
vated at Kew in 1779, having been 
introduced from 8. Africa. It has 
small ovoid bulbs, and grey-green 
leaves 1$ to 2 ft. long, about 4 in. 
broad, and channelled down the face. 
About half a dozen flowers are borne 
on a slender roundish scape about 1 ft. 
high. The white oblanceolate-acute 
segments are tinted with red on the 
outside, the filaments being bright 
red. (Bot. Mag. tt. 623, 915.) 

C. longifolium (C. capense; C. 
riparium ; Amaryllis longifolia; A. 
capensis ; A. bullisperma),—This fine 
species is spread throughout the 
whole of 8. Africa, and has been in 
cultivation since 1752. It has ovoid 
bulbs 3 to 4 ins, in diameter, and 
gradually narrowed into a long 
cylindrical neck. The grey-green 
strap-shaped leaves are 2 to 3 ft. 
long, 2 to 3 ins. broad, and roughish 
on the margins; from six to twelve 



large white flowers, usually flushed 
with red down the back, are borne 
on a roundish peduncle about 1 ft. 
high. (Bot. Mag. t. 661; Red. Lvl. 
t. 347.) 

There are several forms of this 
species, including albwm, with pure 
white flowers ; striatum, white striped 
with pink; and Farintanum, from 
the Kalahari Desert, with narrow, 
funnel-shaped, pink flowers, very long 
leaves, and a very long-necked bulb. 

CULTURE AND Propacation.—C. 
longifolium is quite hardy in the 
most favoured parts of the British 
Islands, and often flowers well during 
the summer months in the open air. 
Even in some of the less favoured 
spots it may be grown in the open 
air, but it is then essential to protect 
it with straw, litter, bracken, etc., 
during the winter months, It 
flourishes in a deep rich loamy soil, 
and enjoys an abundance of moisture 
during the summer season. When 
planted boldly in clumps, C. longz- 
folium produces a luxuriant effect 
rarely seen in British gardens. New 
plants are readily obtained by 
detaching the offsets from the base 
of the old bulbs about April and 
May, or in the early autumn. If 
placed in pots in rich loamy soil, and 
grown on in a greenhouse or cold 
frame, with proper attention to 
watering, and sprinkling overhead 
occasionally, the young plants soon 
become established. Another method 
of propagation is by means of the 
large fleshy and peculiar bulb-like 
seeds, which are often freely produced 
in irregular, roundish capsules. When 
ripe, these fleshy seeds should be 
placed on the surface of moist soil 
in a greenhouse, and they will soon 

C. longifolium, in conjunction with 
C. Mooret, has produced the charming 
hybrid named C’. Powellé—which see. 



The variety album, crossed with C, 
yemense, has produced a hybrid called 
Alexandre. A form called riparium, 
crossed with C’. pratense, has produced 
C. Belladonna. C. longifolium itself 
and C. lineare has produced a hybrid 
known as Vectorie. Many other 
garden hybrids have been raised from 
C. longifolium and others. 

Cc. Lugardze.—A distinct species 
from the Kwebe Hills, 8. Central 
Africa, having small bulbs, long, 
narrow, rough-edged leaves, and white 
flowers with a light pink median 
stripe, borne on scapes 4 to 12 ins. 
high (Gard. Chron. 1903, xxxiv. 49). 

Fic. 101.—Crinum Mooret. (qy-) 

C. Macowani.—A species from 
Natal, closely related to C’. latifoliwm, 
with large, roundish bulbs 9 to 10 ins. 
in diameter, and a neck 6 to 9 ins. 
long. The leaves are thin, bright 
green, strap-shaped, 2 to 3 ft. long 
and 3 to 4 ins. broad, while from ten 
to fifteen funnel - shaped, pinkish 
flowers are borne on a stout green 
peduncle 2 to 3 ft. high. (Bot. Mag. 
t. 6381.) 

C. Moorei (C. Makoyanum; C. 



Colensoi ; C. Mackenz ; C. natalense). 
—A fine species, native of Natal and 
Kaffraria, with very large ovoid and 
long-necked bulbs, remarkable for 
producing stolons or runners. The 
thin, bright green, strap-shaped 
leaves are 2 to 3 ft. long and 
3 to 4 ins. broad, with entire 
margins. The large bell-shaped 
flowers, 6 ins. or more across, 
are soft pink in colour, from six 
to ten being borne on a green, 
stoutish peduncle 2 to 3 ft. high. 
(Bot. Mag.t. 6113; Gard. Chron. 
1887, ii. fig. 101.) 

There is a good deal of varia- 
tion in this species, and there 
is one form called album (or 
Schmidtt), with pure white 
flowers (Gartenjl. t. 1072); and 
another called variegatum, having 
the leaves striped with yellow. 
C. Worsleyt is a hybrid between 
C. scabrum and C'. Mooret. 

CULTURE, ETC.—This is prac- 
tically the same as recommended 
for C. longtfolium, the only dif- 
ference being that C. Moorei is 
somewhat more tender in its 
nature. The bulbs should there- 
fore be planted in rich, well-drained 
loamy soil in warm, sunny and 
sheltered borders, and only in the 
most favoured part of the British 
Islands. Plenty of water is necessary 
in hot summers, and protection must 
be given in winter if necessary. 

C. natans,—An aquatic species from 
Guinea, having submerged strap- 
shaped leaves 4 to 5 ft. long and 14 to 2 
ins. broad, and strongly waved. The 
 gtalkless flowers are borne on top of 
a scape about 1 ft. high, and are white, 
with a pale green cylindric tube 6 ins. 
long. (Bot. Mag. t. 7862.) 

C. nobile.—A fine species, having 
stout short-necked bulbs, wavy olive- 
green leaves, and flowers measuring 
about 7 ins. across. They are creamy 



white suffused with purple-rose on 
the outer halves of the petals, the 
same colour being more conspicuous 
on the outer surface of the seg- 

Fia. 102.—Crinum nobile. (}.) 

C. pedunculatum (C’. taztense; C. 
canaliculatum ; C. australe; C. ex- 
altatum).—A fine Australian species, 
having long-necked bulbs 4 ins. in 
diameter, and thin, bright green, 
strap-shaped leaves 3 to 4 ft. long 
and 4 to 5 ins. broad. From twenty 
to thirty greenish-white flowers are 
borne on a two-edged peduncle 2 to 
3 ft. high, the segments being linear 
and spreading, and the filaments 
bright red. This is a somewhat 
variable and apparently widely 
distributed species, which would 
account for its several synonyms. 
(Bot. Reg. t. 52; Red. Lil. t. 408.) 
Fig. 108. 

C. podophyllum.—A native of Old 
Calabar, closely related to C’. gigan- 

161 L 


tewm, having roundish bulbs 14 to 
2 ins. in diameter, and thinnish, 
oblanceolate-acute leaves about 1 ft. 
long, and 14 ‘to 2 ins. broad at the 
middle. The green, slender, com- 
pressed peduncle is usually about 
1 ft. high, but is occasionally absent 
or much shorter, and only carries 
two or three pure white flowers 
having a slender curved tube and 
oblong spoon-shaped segments (Bot. 
Mag. t. 6483). There is a finer 
form called magnijficum. 

Fig. 103.—Crinum pendunculatum. (4.) 

C. Powelli (C. Lesemanni).—This 
isa fine hybrid between C’.longifoliwm 
and C. Moorei, both natives of 8. 
Africa. It has roundish, short-necked 
bulbs, and bright green, pointed, 
sword-shaped leaves 3 to 4 ft. long 
and 3 to 4 ins. broad. About eight 
large flowers are borne on a flattened 
grey-green peduncle about 2 ft. high, 
the oblong, lance-shaped, acute seg- 
ments being tinted with red down 



the centre. There is a pure white 
flowered variety called album, and a 
deeper coloured red one called 

C. Powelli and its varieties require 
the same treatment as C’. longifoliwm. 

C. pratense.—A native of the East 
Indian plains, with ovoid bulbs 4 to 
5 ins. through, and narrow leaves 1} 
to 2 ft, long. Flowers white, with 
greenish tube 3 to 4 ins. long, and 
bright red filaments. The variety 
lorifoliwm has weak decumbent leaves 
4 to 5 ft. long; elegans has long- 
necked bulbs (Bot. Mag. t. 2592); 
and venustum has as many as thirty 
flowers in an umbel. 

Cc. purpurascens.—An aquatic 
species from the lakes and streams 
of Guinea and Fernando Po (west 
Tropical Africa). The short-necked, 
ovoid bulbs, about 2 ins. in diameter, 
produce numerous runners or stolons, 
and are furnished with very wavy 
leaves 1 to 3 ft. long, about 1 in. 
broad, and thin in texture. The 
slender peduncle is a foot or less 
high, with five to nine flowers, white 
tinged with red on the outside, and 
having bright red filaments. (Bot. 
Mag. t. 6525.) 

C. rhodanthum—A native of 
Bechuanaland, with  strap-shaped 
leaves a foot long and 14 to 2 ins, 
wide, and several red flowers on the 
scape (Gard. Chron. 1900, xxviii. 

C.Samueli.—A species from Central 
Africa, with bulbs about 3 ins. through, 
leaves 4 ft. long and 23 ins. broad, 
rough on the edges, and odourless 
white flowers faintly flushed with 
pink (Gard. Chron. 1902, xxxii. 304). 

C. Sanderianum (C. ornatum, 
Bury).—A native of Sierra Leone, 
nearly allied to C. scalbrum. The 
roundish bulbs are 2 to 3 ins. in 
diameter, with necks 2 1o 3 ins. long, 
and thin sword-like leaves, 14 to 2 ft. 



long, 1 to 14 ins. broad, tapering to a 
long point, and much crisped at the 
denticulate margin. From three to 
six stalkless flowers are borne on a 
peduncle 1 ft, high, the white seg- 
ments being keeled with bright red. 

Fic. 104.—Crinum Sanderianum. (3). 

C. seabrum.—This species is widely 
spread in Tropical Africa from Guinea 
across to Abyssinia and Kordofan. 
It has large, ovoid, purple-brown, 
short-necked bulbs, and bright green 
strap-shaped leaves 2 to 3 ft. long, 14 
to 2 ins. broad, and rough on the edges. 
The stout peduncles are 1 to 2 ft. 
high, and carry an umbel of four to 
eight flowers, the oblong-acute seg- 
ments of which are keeled with bright 
red. C’. Ruppelianum seems to be a 
variety. (Bot. Mag. t. 2180.) 

C. Schimperi.— An Abyssinian 
species with elongated bulbs, and 
strap - shaped grey-green leaves 
slightly roughish on the edges. 
About half a dozen white stalkless 



flowers are borne on the peduncle. 
(Bot. Mag. t.'7417; Gartenfl. 1889, t. 

GC, Van Tubergeni—Under this 
name a stately Crinum has been 
described by Mr R. J. Lynch, and 
figured in the Gardeners’ Chronicle 
for August 12, 1899, p. 133. It is a 
very distinct-looking plant about 3 
ft. high, having leaves about 5 ft. 
long and 5 to 6 ins. wide. The white 
bell-shaped flowers are borne in a 
dense truss a foot or more in diameter, 
This plant has been grown for many 

* years in Holland, but its history has 

been lost. It is thought to be a form 
of C. longifolium, but is quite distinct 
from that species horticulturally 

C. Vassei, from Mozambique, has 
ovoid bulbs 4 ins thick, narrow strap- 
shaped leaves up to 2 ft. long, and 
white flowers, having a red stripe 
down the centre of the narrow seg- 
ments (Rev. Hort. 1908, 132, f.). 

C. Winbushi.—This is closely re- 
lated to C. Samuelz, but has smooth- 
edged leaves and slightly fragrant but 
more fleeting flowers (Gard. Chron. 
1902, xxxli. 303). © 

C. yemense,—A species closely re- 
lated to C. abyssinicum, from which 
it is distinguished by its larger 
and more numerous flowers, having 
broader segments. Many plants 
called yemense are only forms of 
C. latifolium. 

C. yucezeflorum (C. yuccwoides ; C. 
Broussoneti ; Amaryllis Broussonett ; 
A spectabilis ; A. ornata, Aiton).—A 
native of Sierra Leone, whence it 
appears to have been introduced by 
Lord Petre in 1740, and was grown at 
Kew in 1785. It has small, round, 
purplish bulbs without any distinct 
neck, and linear leaves 1 to 14 ft. 
long and about an inch broad. The 
slender peduncle about 1 ft. high 
bears one or two white flowers, with 
a greenish, curved perianth-tube, 



the oblong-acute segments being 
banded with red on the back. (Bot. 
Mag. t. 2121; Lodd. Bot. Cab. t. 
668 ; Red. Lil. t. 62; And. Bot. Rep. 
t. 390.) 

C. zeylanicum (C’. Herbertianum ; C. 
Wallichianum ; Amaryllis zeylanica). 
—This species is widely distributed 
in Tropical Africa and Tropical Asia, 
and seems to have been known since 
1697. It has short-necked bulbs 5 to 
6 ins. in diameter, and bright green 
strap-shaped leaves 2 to 3 ft. long, 3 
to 4 ins. broad, and slightly scabrous 
on the edges. The stout, reddish 
peduncle, 2 to 3 ft. high, bears ten to 
twenty large sweet-scented flowers, 
the segments of which are broadly 
banded with bright red outside. The 
variety reductum, from Zanzibar, has 
leaves only 1 to 14 ft. long, and about 
2 ins. broad. (Bot. Mag. t. 1171, as 
Amaryllis ornata.) 

CROCOSMA (crocus, safiron ; osme, 
smell ; in allusion to the odour when 
the dried flowers are immersed in 
warm water). Nat. Ord. Iridez. 

C. aurea (Tritonia aurea).—The 
only species in the genus is a beauti- 
ful garden plant from 8. Africa, with 
fibrous-coated corms and narrow 
sword-like leaves about 1 ft. long. 
The bright orange-red blossoms are 
borne during the summer and autumn 
months on winged stems about 2 ft. 
high. The perianth has a cylindrical 
incurved, slender tube, and oblong 
segments. The variety ¢mperialis 
has numerous beautiful fiery orange- 
red blossoms almost twice as large as 
those of the type, and borne on taller 
stems. The variety maculata has 
also large orange-red flowers, the 
three inner segments of the perianth 
having a red-brown blotch near the 
base. (Bot. Mag. tt. 61, 4335 ; Fl. d. 
Serr. t. 702; Gard. Chron, 1888, v. 4, 
fig. 80.) 



CULTURE AND Propacation.—This 
plant, better known in gardens as 
Tritonia aurea, is often cultivated in 
greenhouses. In the more favourable 
parts of the Kingdom, however, it 
can be grown in the open air, and 
makes a charming border flower, 
useful for cutting. A light, rich 
loamy soil with the addition of peat 
and leaf-mould suits it very well, and 
in favourable spots it spreads rapidly 
by means of creeping rhizomes. The 
plants may remain undisturbed for 
two or three seasons, merely covering 
them with a layer of leaves or litter 
during hard frosts. In colder 
localities, however, it is safer to lift 
the corms when the leaves have 
begun to wither — say about the 
middle of November—and store them 
in sand ; or better still, pot them up, 
as they do not like being “ dried off” 
too much. They may be replanted 
in the spring. The young offsets 
may be detached and grown by them- 
selves until large enough for making 
clumps in the border. Seeds may be 
sown when ripe in cold frames, and 
grown for a year before putting 

CROocUS (a Chaldean name for 
saffron, used by Theophrastus about 
370 B.c.). Nat. Ord. Jridexw.—This 
genus contains about 100 species of 
plants having fibrous-coated, fleshy 
corms, from which arise narrow, 
channelled leaves and erect, funnel- 
shaped flowers wrapped in one or 
two semi-transparent spathes, and 
remarkable for a long slender tube; 
for the three stamens inserted at the 
throat, and for the stigma being 
divided into three branches or 

Generally speaking, the greater 
number of species of Crocuses are 
unknown outside botanic gardens 
or some private collections where 

164 ‘ 


special attention is paid to them. 
The numerous varieties of garden 
Crocus have all been derived from 
C. vernus, and most people are satis- 
fied with the gorgeous display made 
by these in the early spring. There 
are, however, many other species 
worth cultivating, and as they are 

Fic. 105.—Crocus, showing A, flower; 
B, long style and stigmas; C, stamen; 
D, section of leaf; EZ, section of ovary. 

mostly hardy, may be grown in 
the open air in the same way as 
the varieties of C’. vernus. The fact 
that many of them flower in autumn 
instead of in the spring, is another 
reason why they should be more 
generally known, as these later 



species prolong the flowering period 
of the Crocuses proper from Septem- 
ber till the following March and April. 
In the depth of winter the more 
tender kinds may be cultivated in 
pots or pans, and by placing them in 
the genial warmth of a greenhouse 
or conservatory, or even protected in 
a cold frame, they will brighten the 
dull days with their colour. To 
give some idea of the wealth of the 
genus Crocus, they may be con- 
veniently divided into two groups, 
(1) Spring-flowering and (2) Autumn- 
flowering, as follows :— 


C. aérius. C. hyemalis. 

C. alatavicus. C’. Imperati. 

C. ancyrensis. C. Korolkowt. 

C. aureus. C. Maly. 

C. Balanse. C. minimus. 

C. banaticus. C. montenegrinus. 
C. biflorus. C. nevadensis. 

C. Biliotti. C. Olivieri. 

C. Botssiert. C. reticulatus. 

C. candidus. C. Siebert. 

C. carpetanus. C. stellaris. 

C. chrysanthus. — C’. suaveolens. 

C: corsicus. C. Susianus. 

C. Crewe. C. Suterianus. 

C. cyprius. C. Taure. 

C. dalmaticus. C. Tommasinianus. 
C. Danfordie. —C’. veluchensis. 

C. etruscus. C. vernus. 

C. Fleischert. C. versicolor. 

C. Gaillardoti. —C’. vitellinus. 

C. gargaricus. 

The species mentioned above may 
be planted in the open air from 
August to the end of October. The 
corms should be planted from 3 to 
5 ins. deep, and about the same 
distance apart, and in hundreds or 
thousands instead of half-dozens— 
except, of course, in the case of very 
rare species. These would be safer 
grown in pots or pans, or in sheltered 



‘and safe parts of the rock-garden 
where they can be watched and 
looked after easily. The commoner 
species may be planted in the formal 
flower-beds, in the borders and 
shrubberies beneath deciduous flower- 
ing trees and shrubs, in grassland, 
on lawns, or in the rockery, in all 
of which places they will make a 
charming and brilliant display early 
in the year. 


C. asturicus. C. marathonisius. 
C. cancellatus. C. medius. 
C. Boryt. C. nudiflorus. 

C. ochroleucus. 
C. pulchellus. 
C. Salzmanni. 
C. sativus. 

C. Scharojani. 
C. serotinus. 
C. spectosus. 

C. Tourneforte. 

C. byzantinus. 

C. Cambessedest. 
C.. caspius. 

C. Clusi. 

C. hadriaticus. 
C. hermoneus. 

C. tridiflorus. 

C. Karduchorum. 

C. levigatus. C. zonatus. 
C. lazicus. C. vallicola. 
C. longrflorus. C. Veneris. 

The Crocuses that flower in the 
autumn must not be confused with 
Colchicum autumnale (see p. 145), 
which is popularly known as the 
“Autumn Crocus”—although it has 
nothing whatever to do with the 
genus Crocus, and even belongs to a 
quite different family—the Liliacez. 

The species of true Crocus men- 
tioned above are in most cases quite 
hardy, and when procurable in 
quantity should be planted in bold 
masses in the same way as the spring- 
flowering kinds. The period of 
planting, however, is much earlier, 
and the corms should be in the ground 
not later than the end of June or 
July, as some of the earlier kinds— 
e.g. C. Scharojani—come into blossom 
in August. 

Once Crocuses of all kinds are 



established, it is a good plan to leave 
them undisturbed for some years if 
possible. They will then produce 
a more gorgeous effect year after year, 
After the flowering period is over, 
and the dead foliage is cleared away, 
the ground may be covered with 
fibrous-rooted plants to fill up the re- 
maining portion of the year. 
PropaGatTion.—Crocuses as a rule 
are easily increased by separating 

Fie. 106.—Crocus, corms with seed-pods. (}.) 

the young corms from each other and 
planting each one singly. These 
young corms are the result of the 
season’s growth, and are developed on 
top of the original corm, which yields 
up its store of nourishment for the 
production of flowers and _ leaves. 
This process goes on year after year, 
and if the plants are not lifted the 
new corms are always kept at a 
proper depth beneath the surface of 
the soil by means of the force exerted 
by the contractile roots (see p. 8). 
When it is desired to raise Crocuses 
from seed, one should wait until the 
capsules are thoroughly ripe, and, 
with few exceptions, most Crocuses 
produce seed. In the early stages 
the seed-vessel is hidden beneath the 
soil, and it is not until after the 



flowers wither that it is pushed above 
ground, to ripen in the sun and air 
by the lengthening stalk. When 
thoroughly ripe, the seeds should be 
sown in well-drained pots or pans in 
rich gritty soil. The seeds will 
sprout the following spring, and 
should not be disturbed for a couple 
of years. At the end of this period 
the young corms will be about as 
large as peas, and may be planted 
out in rows in an open but sheltered 
and sunny part of the garden. Here 
many will flower the third season, 
some in the fourth year, and others 
again in the fifth or even the sixth. 

Lirtine Crocusss.—If it is neces- 
sary to lift the plants from beds or 
borders, the best time to do so is 
when the leaves have withered. If 
the leaves are slow in ripening, the 
process may be accelerated by twist- 
ing them and tying ina bunch. The 
corms should then be carefully lifted 
with a fork, and cleaned and stored 
away in a cool, airy place until the 
planting season. 

The following are some of the best 
Crocuses in cultivation :— 

C. aérius.—A native of Asia Minor, 
with bright lilac flowers having a 
yellow throat, and appearing in spring 
when the leaves are only slightly 
developed (Bot. Mag. t. 6852, B. ; 
‘Maw, Crocus, t. 58). The variety 
major is a fine form. 

C. alatavieus—This comes from 
the mountains of Siberia, and has 
grassy leaves a foot long, and in 
February small white flowers with 
a yellow throat, and freckled and 
feathered with purple on the outside 
(Gartenfl. t. 906; Maw, Crocus, t. 

whe variety porphyreus has the 
three outer segments bright claret- 
purple, and three white inner seg- 
ments, Thereis alsoa white-flowered 
form, coloured buff on the outside. 



C. ancyrensis,—A_ spring-flowering 
species from Asia Minor, with fine 
orange-red flowers, having an orange 
or purple tube, some seedling forms 
being feathered and washed with 
brown (Maw, Crocus, t. 38). 

C. asturicus.—A pretty Spanish 
autumnal Crocus with leaves about 
1 ft. long, produced after the violet 
or purple flowers. These appear 
from September to November, and 
are 4 to 5 ins. long, with a violet- 
bearded throat. (Bot. Mag. sub t. 
3998 ; Maw, Crocus, t. 7.) There are 
several pretty forms, the best being 
azureus, blue; atropurpureus, dark 
purple ; /zlacinus, lilac ; pallidus, pale 
mauve ; and purpureus, bright purple. 

Cc. aureus (C’. lageneflorus; C. 
meesiacus; etc.).—A beautiful old 
Crocus, native of S.E. Europe, with 
rich golden-yellow flowers, usually 
produced in February (Bot. Mag. 
tt. 652, 938, 1111, 1384, 2655, 2685, 
2986 ; Red. Lil. t. 196; Maw, Crocus, 
t. 55). 

From this species the infertile 
common or “Dutch Yellow” Crocus 
of gardens has descended, and also 
numerous varieties like Auchert, deep 
orange ; lacteus and lacticolor, milky 
white; sulphureus and suphureus 
pallidus, sulphur or fine primrose- 
yellow ; /uteus striatus, with three 
distinct black stripes on the back 
of the outer segments; etc. Most 
of the forms of C. aureus never ripen 

Cc. Balanse.—A rare and pretty 
little Crocus, native of Western Asia 
Minor, and remarkable for its pear- 
shaped corms about 1 in. broad and 
leaves about 10 ins. long. Flowers 
in March, 2 to 24% ins. long, orange- 
yellow, the outer surface feathered or 
tinted with brown or bronze. (Maw, 
Crocus, t. 51.) 

C. banaticus (C’. veluchensis).—A 
native of South Hungary, with leaves 



about 15 ins. long. The beautiful 
flowers appear in February and 
_March, the inner segments being 
rich bright purple, with deeper 
coloured markings near the apex and 
a white throat, and are paler than 
the outer ones, varying to white or 
variegated with purple and white. 
(Maw, Crocus, t. 24; Bot. Mag. t. 
6197.) There are several good forms 
of this species, such as albiflorus, 
concolor, niveus, victus, and versicolor. 

C. biflorus (C. anniulatus)—This 
handsome species, known as the 
Scotch or Cloth of Silver Crocus, is 
found wild in many parts of Italy, 
and extending eastwards to the 
Caucasus. It has short, erect, narrow 
leaves with a distinct white midrib. 
The flowers appear in February and 
March, and vary in colour from white 
to a pale lavender, the outer segments 
being distinctly feathered with purple 
and yellow within. (Bot. Mag. t. 
845; Red, Lil. t. 294; Maw, Crocus, 
t. 59.) 

There are many forms :—Argenteus, 
snowy white, feathered with black, 
has conspicuous bright orange 
stigmas ; estreatus, rosy-lilac washed 
with buff ; Adamz, from the Caucasus, 
pale purple, or feathered outside with 
deeper veins (Bot. Mag. t. 3868); 
minor is a free-flowering form with 
lilac inner segments, the outer ones 
being striped-with purple ; Pestalozee 
is a charming variety with small 
white and yellow flowers, and is 
a form of nubigenus from Asia Minor, 
the flowers of which are suffused and 
speckled with brown; pusillus is 
excellent for edgings and masses, and 
has‘ an orange throat and white 
feathered outer segments; and the 
Hungarian Weldent varies from pure 
white to mauve stained with blue (Bog. 
Mag. t. 6211). The variety Leichtlint 
is recognised by its white or pale 
purple sweet-scented flowers with 



narrow lance-shaped segments. The 
variety Alexandri has the outer 
segments suffused or striped with 
purple on the outside, the inside 
being white (Bot. Mag. t. 7740). 

Cc. BiliottiiA charming Crocus 
from Trebizond, having dark rich 
purple flowers with a deeper coloured 
blotch near the throat, from January 
to March (Afaw, Crocus, t. 86, B.) 

C. Boissieri—A rare species from 
the Cilician Mts., having pure white 
flowers with ovate lance-shaped seg- 
ments about 1} ins. long (Maw, 
Crocus, t. 20). 

C. Boryi.—A late autumn-flowering 
Crocus from the Grecian Archipelago, 
3 to 4 ins. high, with creamy-white 
flowers about November, having an 
orange-yellow throat, and pale purple 
veins on the base of the petals (Bot. 
Reg. 1847, t. 16). The variety mara- 
thomsius has very large pure white 
flowers with less-branching stigmas 
level with the anthers (A/aw, Crocus, 
t. 47). 

C. byzantinus (C. zridiflorus).—A 
fine autumnal Crocus from the Banat 
and Transylvania, flowering in Sep- 
tember and October. The three outer 
reflexed segments are a clear rich 
purple, in contrast to the three much 
smaller pale Jilac inner segments. 
The stamens have lilac filaments and 
orange anthers, while the stigmata are 
purple. (Bot. Mag.t. 6141; Bot, Reg. 
1847, t. 4; Maw, Crocus, t. 1.) The 
variety albus has white flowers. 

C. Cambessedesi.—A native of the 
Balearic Isles, Majorca and Minorca, 
having pretty little whitish or wine- 
purple flowers, buff or pale yellow 
outside and striped with purple, and 
produced from late September to 
March (Maw, Crocus, t. 13 ; Bot. Reg. 
1845, t. 37). 

C. cancellatus.— A handsome: | 

autumnal Crocus, native of Asia 
Minor, with leaves about a foot 



long. The flowers appear from 
September to December, and are 
4 to 5 ins. long, with a yellow 
unbearded throat, and vary from 
white to pale purple, sometimes 
feathered with purple. (Bot. Mag. 
sub t. 3864; Bot. Reg. 1847, t. 16; 
Maw, Crocus, t. 31.) 

The variety czlicicus has lilac 
flowers veined with purple. A form 
of it, called lzlactnus, has larger soft 
lilac-striped blossoms. The variety 
mazziaricus is white, with a bright 
golden-orange throat. The corms of 
C. cancellatus are sold for food in the 
markets of Damascus. 

C. candidus.—This spring-flowering 
species has globular white flowers, 
having the outer segments more or 
less conspicuously veined with purple- 
lilac (Maw, Crocus, t. 54). The 
variety luteus has deep yellow flowers 
veined and mottled with purple 

C. carpetanus.—A distinct species 
from Spain and Portugal, having 
cylindrical leaves about 8 ins. long. 
Flowers from February to April, with 
a white unbearded throat, and seg- 
ments varying from delicate vinous 
lilac to white, darker on the margins, 
the outer surface suffused with bluish 
veins towards the base. (Maw, C'ro- 
cus, t. 41.) 

C. caspius.—A native of the 
Caspian shores, with beautiful 
flowers in the autumn, varying from 
white to rosy-pink and pale rosy- 
lilacin the variety zlacina. Stigmata 
not lobed. Rather tender, and is best 
grown in pots in frames or cool 
houses. (Gard. Chron. 1903, XXxiv. 
443, £.173; Maw, Crocus, t. 46.) 

C. chrysanthus.—A native of S.E. 
Europe, with rich orange - yellow 
flowers from January to March, with 
yellow or rich scarlet stigmata (Bot. 
Reg. 1847, t. 4; Maw, Crocus, t. 62). 
There are several forms, including 



albidus, white with a blue base; 
Canary Bird, rich canary - yellow, 
sweetly-scented ; fusco-lineatus, clear 
yellow, striped with crimson-brown ; 
ceerulescens, bluish-tinted ; and fusco- 
tinctus, clear yellow suffused with 
brown. Seedling forms show great 
variation in colour, and it is by no 
means difficult to confuse them with 
forms of C’. biflorus. 

Cc. ClusiiAn autumnal Crocus, 
native of Spain and _ Portugal. 
Flowers from September to Decem- 
ber, 3 to 4 ins. long, with a white 
bearded throat, and pale purple 

unfeathered segments deeper in 
colour near the base. There is also a 
white - flowered form. (Bot. Feg. 

1845, t. 47; Maw, Crocus, t. 10.) 

C. corsicus (C’. inswlaris).—A. rare 
Corsican species. Flowers in April, 
2 to 3 ins. long, with a white or lilac 
unbearded throat, and pale purple 
segments, feathered and striped with 
purple outside and tinged with buff. 
Stigmata bright scarlet. (Maw, Cro- 
cus, t. 21; Bot. Reg. xxix. t. 21.) 

C. Crewei.—A distinct species from 
Asia Minor, closely related to C. 
biflorus, and distinguished by its 
almost black anthers and rich orange 
centre. The flowers appear in Feb- 
ruary, and are whitish, tinged outside 
with buff and lined with purple. 
(Gard. Chron. 1893, xliii. 278; Maw, 
Crocus, t. 60.) 

C. cyprius, from the Cyprian 
Olympus (alt. 5000 ft.), produces its 
bright lilac flowers with a rich purple 
blotch at base, early in April (Maw, 
Crocus, t. 57.) 

Cc. dalmaticus.— A Dalmatian 
Crocus, with pear-shaped corms and 
leaves 8 to 9 ins. long. Flowers in 
February and March (and often in 
the month of January), with a yellow 
unbearded throat and lilac segments, 
the outer ones shaded fawn, with a 
few purple veins at the base, or 



delicately feathered with purple. 
(Maw, Crocus, t. 34.) A pretty 
form called violaceus has violet and 
blue flowers. 

C. Danfordiz.—A native of Asia 
Minor, having ciliated leaves a foot 
or more long, and pale sulphur-yellow 
flowers in February and March, the 
outer segments often being washed 
with brown (Maw, Crocus, t. 63). 

Cc. etruscus.—An Italian Crocus 
with narrow linear leaves having a 
central white band. Flowers in 
March, 2 to 3 ins. long, the tube 
striped with lilac and the throat 
yellow. Segments bright lilac-purple 
inside, the three outer ones with five 
lilac or purple stripes down the back. 
(Bot. Mag. t. 6362 ; Maw, Crocus, t. 

C. Fleischeri.—A handsome Crocus 
from Asia Minor, with a beautifully 
netted yellow corm and leaves about 
1 ft. long. Flowers in early spring, 
with a pale yellow unbearded throat, 
and white linear lance-shaped seg- 
ments, the outer ones being veined 
with rich purple. (Maw, Crocus, t. 

C. Gaillardoti.— A little - known 
spring - flowering Crocus from N. 
Palestine and Syria, having pretty 
little white flowers washed outside 
with lilac in December and January 
(Maw, Crocus, t. 40). 

C. gargaricus.—A native of Bithy- 
nia (Mt. Gargarus), having  self- 
coloured yellow-orange flowers in 
early spring (Bot. Reg. 1847, t. 16, 1; 
Maw, Crocus, t. 39). 

C. hadriaticus.—A distinct autum- 
nal Crocus from the Grecian Archi- 
pelago, with leaves over 1 ft. long, 
ciliated on the margins and keel. 
Flowers about October, 3 to 4 ins. 
long, with a white or purple bearded 
throat, and ovate lance-shaped seg- 
ments pure white or purple towards 
the base. (Bot. Reg. 1847, t. 16, 7- 



9; Maw, Crocus, t. 30.) The variety 
chrysobelenicus has white flowers with 
a yellow throat feathered at the base 
with reddish lines (Maw, Crocus, t. 
30, f. 3); and the variety Sauwnders- 
tanus has beautiful white flowers 
with a richly coloured violet base. 

C. hermoneus.—This species grows 
wild on Mt. Hermon, at an altitude 
of 9000 ft. It has white flowers 
shaded and veined with pale 
lavender, a contrast to the yellow 
anthers and deep orange stigmata. 
(Maw, Crocus, t. 44.) 

C. hyemalis.—A native of Palestine 
and Syria, and remarkable for pro- 
ducing its blossoms from November 
to January. The perianth is white 
veined with purple towards the base 
and washed with yellow in the throat. 

The tender variety Yoav has the. 

outer segments of its fragrant flowers 
streaked and suffused with purple. 
(Maw, Crocus, t. 48, ff. 7, 8.) 

C. Imperati.—A very fine Italian 
Crocus, having sweet-scented flowers 
from January to March, lilac-purple 
inside, the outer segments being 
marked with three more or less 
feathered, deep purple lines (Bot. 
Reg. t. 1993; Maw, Crocus, t. 14.) 
The variety albidus has white, faintly 
striped flowers, and yellow stigmata ; 
roseus has flowers of a clear rose; 
and purpureus, white outside, purple 
inside (Garten/l. t. 1280). 

Cc. Karduchorum.—An Armenian 
Crocus, with slender grassy leaves 1 
to 2 ins. long, those of the previous 
year persisting until the flowering 
period next autumn. The flowers 
have a long unbearded perianth-tube 
and vinous-lilac segments veined with 
delicate purple, the anthers and stig- 
mata being creamy white. (Maw, 
Crocus, t. 5.) 

C. Korolkowi.—<A native of Central 
Asia, having large flattish corms, and 
bright yellow flowers tinged outside 


ace ae 


with brown or purple, and borne in 
February and March (Bot. Mag. t. 
6852, a. ; Maw, Crocus, t. 56.) 

C. levigatus.—The flowers of this 
variable species from the Cyclades 
appear from October to spring, and 
vary from white to lilac, the outer 
segments being fawn coloured, veined 
and washed with purple (Maw, 
Crocus, t. 49.) 

C. lazicus.—This species from the 
mountains of Laziston, in Asia Minor 
(8000 ft. alt.), has very small corms, 
and produces its orange-yellow flowers 
in August (Maw, Crocus, t. 12). 

C. longiflorus (C’. odorus).— A 
beautiful autumnal Crocus from S. 
Europe. The sweet-scented flowers 
appear in October and November, 
and are of a pale rosy-lilac, yellow 
towards the base, and veined with 
purple. (Bot. Reg. xxx. t. 3; Maw, 
Crocus, t. 28.) The variety melitensis 
_is freely feathered with purple (Bot. 
Reg. 1844, t. 3, f.5); and Wilhelmz is 
a less robust form, with paler flowers. 

C. Malyi—A pretty species from 
Mt. Vermaz, in Dalmatia. It has 
white flowers in March, the tube 
being yellow, and the orange throat 
suffused with vinous purple outside. 
(Maw, Crocus, t. 18.) 

C. marathonisius, This is con- 
sidered to be a variety of C. Boryt 
—which see. 

C. medius.—-A handsome autumnal 
Crocus from the Riviera region. The 
bright purple flowers appear in 
October and November, and are 
veined with deeper purple, the 
stigmata being bright scarlet. (Bot. 
Reg. 1843, t. 21; ibid. 1845, t. 37; 
Maw, Crocus, t. 27.) The variety 
pallidus has rosy - lilac blossoms 
There is also a rare white-flowered 

C. minimus.—A pretty little Corsi- 
can Crocus which produces its deep 
rich purple flowers in March and 





April, the outer surface being suffused 
with buff and veined with purple 
(Red. Lnl. t. 81; Bot. Mag. t. 6716 ; 
Maw, Crocus, t. 19). 

C. mesiacus.—This is the name 
given by Mr Baker in his Handbook 
of the Iridee to the Crocus much 
better known as C. awreus—which 
see, ; 

C. montenegrinus.— A spring- 
flowering Crocus from Montenegro, 
with creamy-white unstriped blos- 
soms, remarkable for having a stigma- 
like appendage at the tip of the 
filaments — probably a monstrosity 
(Maw, Crocus, t. 23). 

Cc. nevadensis (C. algeriensis; C. 
atlanticus).—This species from Spain 
and Algeria blooms in January, the 
segments being pale lilac or white, 
veined and feathered with purple 
(Maw, Crocus, t. 42). 

C. nudiflorus (C. pyrencus).—A 
handsome autumnal Crocus, native 
of S.W. Europe, and at one time 
naturalised in some parts of England. 
The clear purple or violet flowers 
appear from September to October 
without the leaves,which do not appear 
till spring. There is a rare white- 
flowered form called albus. A pecul- 
iarity of this species is that the corms 
emit creeping shoots which develop 
independent corms. (Maw, Crocus, 
t. 6.) 

C. ochroleucus.—This species from 
Asia Minor produces its creamy-white 
flowers tinged with orange at the base, 
from October to December (Bot. Mag. 
t.5297 ; Maw, Crocus, t. 11). 

C. Olivierii—A native of Greece, 
with bright orange flowers in March 
(Bot Mag. t. 6031; Maw, Crocus, t. 

C. pulchellus.— This pretty Turkish 
Crocus produces its large lavender- 
blue flowers freely from September to 
December, the petals being deeply 

veined, and the throat washed or 


spotted with orange-yellow (Bot. Reg. 
xxx. t. 3). 

There is a lovely white-flowered 
form, with white anthers. 

C. reticulatus (C’. variegatus).—A 
pretty Crocus from Central and §S.E. 
Europe. The flowers appear in March, 
and vary from white to deep lilac, the 
outer segments being feathered with 
purple, while the anthers are orange 
and the stigmata scarlet. (Lodd. 
Bot. Cab. t. 1822; Maw, Crocus, t. 

C.Salzmanni.—A vigorous autumnal 
Crocus from the S. of Spain and 
N. Africa, having flowers with a 
bearded yellow throat, and pale lilac or 
sometimes white segments, feathered 
with purple outside (Bot. Mag. t. 
6000; Maw, Crocus, t. 9; Bot. Reg. 
1847, t. 4). 

C. sativus.—This is the “Saffron 
Crocus,” once grown extensively 
at Saffron-Walden, in Essex. 
Its many forms are found from 
Italy eastwards to Kurdistan, 
and may be distinguished by 
the rather large, globular, de- 
pressed corms, and narrow, 
keeled and ciliated leaves. The 
flowers appear from October to 
December, and have a white 
or purple bearded throat and 
bright lilac segments, purple 
towards the throat and suffused 
throughout with purple veins. 
The scarlet drooping stigmata 
are occasionally fringed, and 
about 2 ins. long. The cul- 
tivated forms furnish the 
saffron of commerce, but they 
never produce seed. (Bot. Mag. 
t. 274; Red. Lil. t.173; Maw, 
Crocus, t. 29.) Of the many 
forms, those most often seen 
are Cartwrightianus, lilac, and 
its white form albus; Elwesz, rosy- 
lilac ; Haussknechti, white with yellow 
base, very free- flowering; Pallas:, 



lilac, delicately veined, with a white- 
flowered sub-variety from Patras; 
Taitia, deep lilac ; some of these seed 

C. Scharojani.—A handsome Crocus 
from the Western Caucasus, where it 
grows wild at an elevation of 7000 ft. 
Theflowers appear in July and August, 
and are of a bright deep orange-yellow. 
The leaves appear after the flowers, 
and persist until the flowering period 
the following year. (Garten/l. t.578 ; 
Maw, Crocus, t. 3.) 

C. serotinus.—A rare and rather 
difficult Crocus to grow. It is 
supposed to be a native of Spain, and 
produces its bright lilac or purple 
flowers about November. It requires 
protection in a cold frame or under a 
hand - glass. (Salisb. Parad. t. 30; 
Bot. Mag. t. 1267.) 

C. Sieberi (C’. nivalis ; C’. sublimis). 

Fic. 107.—Crocus Siebert versicolor. 


—This species, from the Greek moun- 
tains and Archipelago, flowers in 
February and March. The roundish 



perianth is bright lilac with a rich 
golden base, and a beardless orange 
throat, in the centre of which are the 
orange stamens and orange-scarlet 
stigmata. (Bot. Mag. tt. 1043, 6036 ; 
Maw, Crocus, t. 33.) The variety 
versicolor varies in colour from white 
to purple, with white and purple veins 
and feathering, and always a rich 
golden-yellow base. Purpureus has 
deep purple flowers; and there are 
several other variations. 

C. speciosus (C. multifidus).—This 
handsome autumnal Crocus extends 
from Central Europe eastwards 
through the Crimea and Caucasus to 
Persia, and is perhaps the finest of 
all the autumnal species. The large 
flowers appear at the end of September 
and in October, and are of a beautiful 
bright lilac or bluish-purple, striped 
inside with deeper purple, and having 
bright orange conspicuously fringed 
stigmatain the centre. (Bot. Mag. t. 
3861; Bot. Reg. xxv. t. 40; Maw, 
Crocus, t. 64.) The variety transyl- 
vanicus has flowers of a deeper purple- 
lilac than the type; albus is a rare 
white-flowered form; and Aztchisonz 
has larger and deeper coloured flowers 
than the type. 

C. stellaris.—This Crocus of obscure 
origin has long been in cultivation, 
and has been considered a hybrid 
between C’. aureus and C’. Susianus, as 
it combines the characters of these 
species. The orange flowers are dis- 
tinctly feathered with bronze outside. 
They appear in early March, and 
have never been known to mature 
seeds, (Maw, Crocus, t. 37.) 

C. suaveolens. — This fine Italian 
species flowers in March. It has a 
perianth-tube 3 to 4 ins. long with a 
bright orange beardless throat, and 
narrow, lance-shaped, lilac segments, 
the outer surface being suffused with 
buff and lined with purple. (Bot. 
Mag. t. 3864; Maw, Crocus, t. 15.) 



C. Susianus (C. revolutus). — A 
charming species known as the “Cloth 
of Gold Crocus.” It comes from the 
Crimea and Caucasus, and: produces 
its deep orange-yellow flowers in 
February, variously feathered with 
deep brown, occasionally entirely 
orange - yellow, or evenly suffused 
with brown. It has orange anthers 
and filaments, and orange - scarlet 
stigmata. (Bot. Mag. t. 652; Red. 
Lnl. t. 293 ; Maw, Crocus, t. 36.) 

C. Suterianus.— A little - known 
species from Asia Minor, with clear 
orange-yellow flowers about March ; 
considered to be a variety of C. 
Oliviert (Bot. Reg. 1847, t. 7; Maw, 
Crocus, t. 57). 

C. Tauri, from Cilicia, has pale 
unstriped purple flowers over an inch 
long (Maw, Crocus, t. 61). 

C. Tommasinianus.—A pretty and 
prolific Crocus from Dalmatia and 
Servia, having pale sapphire lavender 
flowers in March, the segments being 
sometimes darker coloured at the 
tips (Maw, Crocus, t.25). The variety 
atropurpureus has clear lilac flowers, 
and pallidus has soft lilacones. There 
are also white and amethyst forms. 

C. Tourneforti (C’. Orphanidis)—A 
charming autumn -flowering Crocus 
from the Greek Archipelago, remark- 
able for its large corms, and clear 
lavender or rosy-lilac blossoms, with 
spreading petals veined with purple, 
and white anthers (Maw, Crocus, t. 
47; Bot. Mag. t. 5776). Considered 
to be a variety of C. Boryt by Mr 

C. vallicola,—A distinct Caucasian 
Crocus which ‘produces its creamy- 
white or pale yellow flowers, veined 
with purple and blotched with yellow 
in the throat, in August and Sep- 
tember (Bot. Reg. xxxiii. t. 16; Maw, 
Crocus, t. 2). The variety lacinus 
has smaller and more heavily veined 
flowers than the type. 



C. veluchensis.—A rare Grecian 
Crocus, near C. vernus and C. bana- 
ticus, from which it differs in having 
a diphyllous proper spathe and no 
basal spathe (Bot. Reg. 1847, t. 4; 
Maw, Crocus, t. 32). 

C. Veneris.— An autumnal Crocus 
from Cretan and Cyprian mountains, 
closely related to C. Boryt. The 
white flowers sometimes feathered 
outside with purple, and having a 
yellow throat, appear in November 
(Maw, Crocus, t. 8). 

c. vernus.—This is the well-known 
spring Crocus. It grows wild in the 
Pyrenees, Alps, and Carpathian 
mountains, where its blossoms appear 
as late as June and July. In the 
British Islands, however, they peep 
through the ground as early as 
February and March, and are various 
shades of lilac, violet, and white (but 
never or very rarely yellow), variously 
veined and striped with other colours. 
(Red. Lil. t..266 ; Maw, Crocus, t. 26.) 

Fig. 108 —Crocus vernus obovatus. (3.) 

The garden forms which have arisen 
from this species within the past 
three hundred years or so vary in 
colour from pure white to grey, lilac, 
violet, and purple, many being beauti- 
fully veined and streaked with other 
colours. Some distinct forms are 
albiflorus, white; George Maw, pure 
white with a bright orange tip to the 
three outer segments ; leucorhynchus 
(know as Pheasant’s Feather), pale 
purple or soft lavender, with purple 



veins and a dark purple blotch at the 
base; siculus, creamy white with a 
few purple veins; obovatus, with 
beautifully feathered veins (Fig. 108) ; 
and leucostigma, rich purple with 
white stigmata. For the varieties 
with fancy names, the reader is 
advised to consult a current bulb 

C. versicolor (C’. fragrans).—This 
beautiful species from the Maritime 
Alps flowers in February and March, 
and varies from purple to white, 
more or less feathered and veined 
with purple on the outer surface of 
the inner as well as the outer seg- 
ments (Bot. Mag. t. 1110). The 
variety obscwratus has deep lilac 
blossoms shaded and feathered with 
deep purple; reflexus is soft lilac 
with deeper veins; and picturatus, 
pure white, veined with rich crimson. 

Cc. vitelliuus (C’. syriacus). —A 
handsome Syrian Crocus, having 
bright orange-yellow flowers with 
orange-scarlet stigmata, which appear 
from November to March (Bot. Mag. 
t. 6416; Maw, Crocus, t. 50). The 
variety graveolens has smaller orange- 
coloured flowers, flushed or striped 
with black, and remarkable for their 
strong and somewhat disagreeable 

C. zonatus.—A beautiful autumnal 
Crocus found wild on the mountains 
of §. Europe to Asia Minor. The 
flowers appear in September and 
October, and are rosy-lilac veined 
with purple, the bearded throat being 
bright yellow and the tube pale buff. 
(Maw, Crocus, t. 4.) 

CURCULIGO (curculio, a weevil ; in 
reference to the point or beak on 
the seeds). Nat. Ord. Amaryllidex. 
—A genus containing about a 
dozen species of stove, perennial, 
herbaceous. plants having short 
rhizomes, or thickish and more or less 



tuberous or corm-like root-stocks 
from which arise lance-shaped, plaited 
leaves. The flowers are borne in 
spikes or racemes. The perianth is 
six-lobed, with almost equal spreading 
segments. Stamens six, attached to 
the base of the segments by short 
filaments. Ovary three-celled, often 
produced into a long beak-like point. 
Fruit more or less succulent, in- 

CuLturE. — Being natives of the 
Tropics of Asia, Africa, America, and 
Australia, the Curculigos or Weevil 

Plants must be treated as hothouse’ 

subjects, requiring plenty of heat and 
moisture. They are chiefly valuable 
for their ornamental foliage, resem- 
bling some Palms or Aspidistras, and 
are not difficult to grow. The pots 
should not be too large, and should 
be well drained, so that the soil shall 
not become sour with repeated water- 
ings. A compost of turfy peat and 
loam in equal proportions, with a 
good sprinkling of silver sand, suits 
the plants best. When established 
and in vigorous growth, plenty of 
water must be given, and copious 
syringing will also keep the foliage 
bright and clean. 

The simplest way to increase the 
plants is by dividing the root-stocks 
or detaching the suckers and potting 
them up separately. 

C. recurvata.—This East Indian 
plant is the best known in the genus. 
It has tuberous rhizomes from which 
arise masses of dark green, lance- 
shaped, plaited leaves on long stalks, 
and dense heads of yellow flowers on 
scapes shorter than the leaf-stalks. 
The variety striata has a central 
white band down the leaves, while 
the variety variegata is a handsome 
plant with stripes of clear white 
running down the recurved, plaited 
leaves, which are often 23 ft. long. 
(Bot. Reg. t. 770.) 



CURCUMA (Kurkum, the Arabic 
form), TurMERIC, Nat. Ord. Scita- 
minesz.—A genus containing thirty or 
more species of hothouse herbaceous 
deciduous plants, natives of the 
Tropics of Asia, Africa, Australia, 
and the Pacific Isles. They have 
thickish rhizomes, rich in arrowroot, 
from which arise annual stems 1 to 
10 ft. high, furnished with two rows of 
large, alternate, oval or lance-shaped 
leaves, with sheathing stalks. The 
flowers are borne in dense cone-like 
spikes with concave bracts. The 
calyx is tubular and three-toothed. 
The tube of the corolla is dilated 
above, five lobes being equal, the 
sixth, known as the “lip,” being 
larger and spreading. 

Curcumas are grown in the Tropics 
for the arrowroot some species 
yield from the root-stocks, and for 
the yellow colouring material called 
turmeric yielded by others, notably 
C. longa. They are easily grown in 
hothouses in a compost of two-thirds 
turfy peat to one-third turfy loam, 
and a sprinkling of coarse silver sand. 
Plenty of water must be given during 
active growth, but the root-stocks 
must be kept fairly dry during the 
dormant season. Propagation is 
easily effected by dividing the root- 
stocks when growth commences in 

As most of the species are similar 
in appearance, differing chiefly in 
height and colour of the flowers, it 
is unnecegsary to describe each one 
in detail, especially as the plants are 
only likely to be found in botanical 
collections. The following species 
are best known :— 

C. albiflora.—2 ft. Flowers white 
and yellow. Ceylon. (Bot. Mag. t. 

Cc. Amada.—1 to 2 ft. Flowers 
pale yellow. Bengal. Cultivated in 
India for arrowroot. 



C. angustifolia—3 ft. Flowers 
yellow. Himalayas. 

C. australasica.—Flowers yellow. 
N.E. Australia. (Bot. Mag. t. 5620.) 

Cc. Bakeriana,—Flowers large, 
orange-yellow. New Guinea. 

C. cesia.—1 ft. Flowers yellow. 


Cc. elata—3 to 6 ft. Flowers 
crimson. Burmah. 
Cc. ferruginea.—1 ft. Flowers 

yellow. Bengal. A very fine species 
with voluminous tubercules. 

C. latifolia.—12 ft. Flowers white 
outside, yellow within. Leaves over 
a yard long and a foot broad. E. 

C. leucorhiza.—1 ft. Flowers red 
and yellow. E. Indies. 

C. longa.—2 ft. Flowers yellowish. 
A handsome plant. The pointed 
cylindrical root-stocks or tubers are 
yellowish externally; they yield a deep 
yellow resinous powder called tur- 
meric, at one time much used in the 
E. Indies in medicine, and also as a 
yellow dye. Mustard is said to be 
frequently adulterated with it, owing 
probably to its taste and ginger-like 
odour. (Bot. Mag. t. 269; Bot. Reg. 
t. 886; Red. Lil. t. 473.) 

C. petiolata (C. cordata).—1 to 2 
ft. Flowers yellow, white. Leaves 
heart-shaped at the base. Burmah. 
(Bot. Mag. tt. 4435, 5821.) 

Cc. Roscoéana—l1 ft. Flowers 
scarlet, A fine species. E. Indies. 
(Bot. Mag. t. 4667.) 

C. Zedoaria (C. Zerumbet)—s ft. 
Flowers red, yellow. E. Indies. 
(Bot. Mag. t. 1546.) 

CYANELLA (‘yanos, blue), Nat. 
Ord. Hemodoracez.—A genus con- 
taining four or five species of S. 
African plants having small fibrous- 
coated corms, radical, or rarely 
cauline, lance-shaped or linear leaves. 
Flowers in loose racemes or solitary. 



Perianth with six lobes, the three 
outer ones drooping. Stamens six, 
attached to the base of the lobes, 
Capsule ovoid, triquetrous, and three- 

These are pretty little plants, rather 
too tender for most parts of the 
Kingdom for growing in the open 
air. The little bulbs, however, may 
be planted in favoured parts in 
warm, sunny, and sheltered positions, 
in a light, rich, and very sandy soil. 
In bleaker localities a cool green- 
house or cold frame will be essential. 
To prevent the bulbs in the open 
getting lost or destroyed, it may be 
advisable to grow them in pots, to 
be plunged or buried in the soil. 
When offsets are produced, they may 
be utilised to increase the stock. 

Cc. capensis (C. corwea)—A 
charming little plant about 1 ft. high, 
introduced to cultivation as long ago 
as 1768. The lance-shaped wavy 
leaves are smooth above, but hairy 
underneath on the main veins. 
About July and August, the violet- 
purple flowers are produced in forked 
spikes on the branching stems. (Bot. 
Mag. t. 568; Red. Lil. t. 373.) 

C. lutea.—This species has yellow 
flowers borne on stems having one or 
two upright branches, and _lance- 
shaped non-wavy leaves (Bot. Mag. 
t. 1252). 

C. odoratissima.—This is probably 
only a form of C. lutea, but has 
deep rosy sweet-scented blossoms 
(Bot. Reg. t. 1111.) 

Other species known, but rarely 
seen in cultivation, are C’. alba, with 
white flowers, and C. orchidiformis, 
with blue flowers. 

CYCLAMEN (kyclos, circular; 
referring either to the spirally twisted 
flower-stalk, or to the round tubers 
or leaves), SowsprEaD. Nat. Ord. 
Primulacee.—A genus of distinct 



and beautiful dwarf scapigerous 
herbs with large roundish, depressed, 
fleshy, corm-like tubers (Fig. 109). 
Leaves long-stalked, ovate heart- 
shaped or kidney-shaped, entire or 
sinuate-dentate. Scapes slender, one- 
flowered. Flowers nodding, white, 
rose, or purple, with the scape often 
spirally twisted after flowering, and 
pressing the seed-capsule into the 
ground, Calyx five-parted, with per- 

Fic. 109.—Cyclamen, tuber. 

sistent ovate or ovate lance-shaped 
segments. Corolla hypogynous, with 
a small roundish tube thickened at 
the throat; lobes five, twisted, re- 
flexed. Stamens five, attached to 
the corolla at the base of the tube. 
Ovary superior, ovoid. Capsule 
globose or ovoid, many-seeded. 

With the exception of the beautiful 
C. latifolium (the culture of which is 
treated separately), all species of 
Cyclamen mentioned below are almost 
perfectly hardy in the British Islands. 
As may be seen from the synonyms, 
there is a good deal of confusion with 
the names, but those given in the 
author’s Practical Guide to Garden 
Plants are retained here as being 
the most correct and accepted at 
the present time. 

Hardy Cyclamen are particularly 
suitable for growing in rock-gardens, 
and on sloping banks where they 
will be sheltered from the sun by 
the shade of overhanging trees in 
summer, and from severe frosts in 
winter, by the boughs and leaves 
that have fallen from them in the 



autumn. Positions resembling these 
should be chosen if possible ; other- 
wise, an aspect between the north- 
east and north-west should be 
selected, and if trees are absent, the 
tubers should be protected during 
the winter season with a covering 
of dry leaves, litter, or bracken. 

As the plants in a state of nature 
are generally found growing on sandy 
or chalky porous soil, with the tubers 
well out of the ground, it is essential 
in gardens to have a well-drained 
loamy soil to which leaf-mould, peat, 
and some limestone rubble or mortar 
rubbish may be added. 

Generally speaking, the best time 
to plant hardy Cyclamen is from the 
end of June till November, according 
as to whether the plants flower in the 
spring or early summer, or in the 
autumn. A handful of sand may be 
placed beneath the tubers when plant- 
ing, to secure perfect drainage ; and 
the tops of the tubers should be 
slightly above the surface of the soil, 
so that water shall not settle in the 
crown. In early winter it is advis- 
able to spread old leaves or old 
manure over and around the plants, 
not only as a protection against frosts, 
but also as a mulching to the soil, to 
replenish food for the roots, 

Hardy Cyclamen ripen seed freely 
in many instances. In such cases 
they may be reproduced by sowing 
the seeds when thoroughly ripe in rich 
sandy soil in pots in a cold frame or 
warm greenhouse. In some vigorous 
cases seedlings appear naturally from 
self-sown seed near to the parent 
plants. Seedlings raised under glass 
are best grown on in small pots for a 
season or two until well established, 
before transferring them to the open 

Another method of increasing 
hardy Cyclamen is by cutting the old 
tubers into pieces, each piece having 

177 M 


at least one “eye” or bud to it. The 
leaves with a small portion of the 
tuber attached may also be inserted 
(if worth while) in sandy loam and 
leaf-soil or peat, under bell-glasses, 
and kept moist and close until 
rooted. ‘ 

Notwithstanding their acrid juices, 
Cyclamen tubers are greedily de- 
voured by the wild boars in Sicily 
and the Mediterranean region—hence 
the name of “ Sowbread.” 

The following hardy Cyclamen are 
most generally grown :— 

C. africanum (C. autumnale; C. 
robustum).—A native of the sandy 
oak woods of Algeria and Tunis, and 
closely related to C. neapolitanum. 
Tubers 4 to 8 ins. through, blackish, 
flat, and irregular in shape. Leaves 
6 to 8 ins. broad, long-stalked, ovate 
or sinuate, toothed on the margins, 
and beautifully marbled with white 
above and purple beneath. The 
sweet-scented flowers appear in 
October and November, and are of a 
pale rose or deep rose colour (rarely 
white), with a purple spot at the base 
of each auricled petal. The tubers 
should be planted not later than June. 
(Bot. Mag. t. 5758; Ll. d. Serr. viii. 
t. 841; Gard. 1886, t. 569.) 

C. alpinum.—A dwarf plant closely 
related to C. Coum, and native of 
Mount Taurus in Asia Minor. The 
leaves are faintly marbled, and the 
flowers in the type are pink; but 
white-flowered forms exist. 

Cc. Atkinsi (C. hybridum). — A 
hybrid between C. Couwm and C. 
tbertcum, and closely resembling the 
latter. The leaves, however, are 
larger and sometimes slightly marbled 
with white on the upper surface. 
The flowers appear in spring, and are 
of various shades, such as white, rose, 
lilac, red, and purple. (Lem. Jard. 
Fi. iii. t. 297 ; Gard. 1886, t. 569.) 

G. eilicicum. — This pretty little 



species, from the Cilician mountains 
and the pine forests of Asia Minor, 
grows about 4 ins. high. It has 
roundish entire leaves, purple be- 
neath, and strongly-scented pale 
rose or white flowers blotched with 
purple at the base, from September 
to November. 

Cc. Coum (C. caucasicum; OC. 
elegans; C. hyemale; C. vernale ; 
etc.).—A very variable species found 
in the Caucasus, Asia Minor, Greece, 
Turkey, etc., and cultivated for over 
three hundred years. It grows only 
about 3 ins. high, and has roundish and 
flattened tubers 1 to 2 ins. in diameter. 
The dark green leaves are never 
marbled, but are purple beneath, and 
are either slightly serrate or quite 
entire on the margins. The small, 
deep purple, rose-red, or white scent- 
less flowers appear from December to 
March, at the same time as the leaves. 
(Bot. Mag. t. 4; Lodd. Bot. Cab. t. 
108; Gartenjl. 1862, t. 370.) There 
is a form called multipetalum, having 
seven to eight petals instead of the 
normal five. 

C. cyprium (C. cyprinum).—A 
native of Cyprus closely related to C. 
neapolitanum, from which it differs 
chiefly in having unlobed leaves, and 
longer and narrower petals. 
usually round. Flowers white, with 
a purple spot at the base of each 
auricled segment, appearing in 

C. europeum (C. cestivum; C. 
cordifolium; C. odoratum; ete), 
Common European Sowbread. — A 
native of the mountains of Central 
and §. Europe, with regular, roundish, 
depressed tubers and masses of dense, 
green, compact leaves, produced at 
the same time as the flowers, and 
ovate:roundish in shape, deeply heart- 
shaped at the base, marbled with 

white above, deep purple beneath. | 

Flowers from June to October, 


Tuber . 


purple-red, darker at the base, 
fragrant. Thcre are several varieties, 
such as album, Clust, littorale, Peaki- 
anum, and colchicum ; the last from 
Asia Minor has large tubers, more 
regularly serrate leaves, and wider and 
blunter petals. C. tauricum, having 
large leaves marbled with silver grey, 

is probably only another form of this. 

species. (Bot. Reg. t. 1013; zbid. 
1846, t. 56.) 
Cc. grecum. — A native of SE. 

Europe and N. Persia, with large red 
tubers, often irregular in shape. 
Leaves usually not developed till 
after the flowers, roundish, heart- 
shaped, slightly and _ irregularly 
toothed, obscurely marbled above, 
green, or faintly tinged with purple 
beneath. Flowers in September and 
October, light or deep lilac, rarely 
white, with a purple blotch at the 
base of each petal, variable in size, 
and faintly scented. (ev. Hort. 
1856, t. 24.) 

C. ibericum.— A native of the 
Caucasus, about 3 ins. high, with 
roundish tubers. Leaves contempo- 
rary with the flowers, roundish ovate, 
blunt, entire, or slightly waved on 
the margin, distinctly zoned with 
white. Flowers in February and 
March, bright red or purple in the 
type, varying from white to pale and 
deep rose, scentless, sometimes with 
a purple blotch at the base of the 
petals. (Sw. #U. Gard. t. 9.) 

C. latifolium (C. persicum).—The 
type of this fine species is found 
growing wild in Greece and Asia 
Minor, being very common in 
Palestine. From the gardener’s point 
of view it is by far the finest member 
of the genus, and for nearly two hun- 
dred years he has been “improving” 
it under the name of C. persicum. 
The wild natural species has a round- 
‘ish flattened tuber regular in outline. 
The leaves are ovate, irregularly 



crenate or roundly toothed on the 
margins, the upper surface being 
distinctly marbled with white. The 
scentless flowers appear in March 
and April, the petals being white 
with a bright purple blotch at the 

In cultivation innumerable varia- 
tions have been evolved, and plants 
with larger tubers, more fleshy and 
luxuriant foliage, and very large 
flowers are now quite common. 
Particularly fine forms have special 
names given to them for the time 
being, but these are soon superseded 
by others of a superior type. The 
prevailing colours are pure white, 
rose, carmine, pink, crimson, purple, 
and salmon—all very charming. 

Curture.—Although naturally a 
perennial, half-hardy and herbaceous 
in its nature, the Persian Cyclamen 
is usually raised from seeds annually. 
It is possible, however, to cultivate 
the same tubers for several years in 
succession, when as many as two 
hundred to three hundred fine. 
blossoms can be secured from the 
crown of each. For the decoration of 
the greenhouse or conservatory during 
the winter and spring months, the 
Persian Cyclamen is a favourite 
plant. Not only are its blossoms, 
with half-twisted reflexed petals, 
charming in themselves, and last a 
long time in perfection, but the 
graceful tufts of beautifully-marbled 
leaves are highly ornamental, 

At one time from fifteen to eighteen 
months elapsed from the sowing of 
the seed until the plants come into 
blossom. With improved strains it 
is now possible to obtain plants in 
flower within twelve months of sowing 
the seed, and most growers prefer this 
system to retaining the old tubers from 
year to year. Of course, those who 
grow for market have no alternative 
but to raise plants each year from 



seed, and hundreds of thousands are 
so produced annually to supply the 
regular demand in all the big 
markets; and at Christmas-time 
especially a wonderful trade is done 
in the plants. 

As a rule, two distinct sowings of 
seed are made —the first during 
October or early in November, to 
secure a display of blossom about 
twelve months later; and the other 
during January or February, to keep 
up a supply early the following year. 
Many growers, however, prefer to 
sow in July and August, and keep 
up a succession from the later 
germinating varieties. Pots or pans 
are used, care being taken to secure 
perfect drainage by placing some 
clean “crocks” over the base, and 
covering it with a thin layer of moss 
or fibre extracted from the turfy loam 
that should be used. The best com- 
post to use consists of about equal 
proportions of rich turfy loam and 
well-rotted leaf-mould, to which 
sufficient coarse silver sand is added 
to secure perfect ventilation and 
drainage. The pots or pans are filled 
to within three-quarters of an inch 
of the rim, the soil being pressed 
in firmly and made level on top. 
The hard grain-like seeds are then 
sown carefully about an inch apart 
over the surface, and are covered 
with a quarter of an inch of the same 
gritty compost that has been passed 
through a sieve. Some growers 
dibble the seeds in about a quarter 
of an inch deep after levelling the 
surface. When sowing is completed, 
the pots or pans should be gently 
watered with a fine-rosed can, after 
which they may be covered with a 
pane of glass, a sheet of paper, or 
have some sifted coco-nut fibre spread 
over the surface. Either operation is 
to check evaporation of moisture 
from the surface, which would other- 



wise perhaps be inclined to develop 
a growth of fine moss. This, 
however, often depends on the water 
available for use. 

TEMPERATURE.—The October and 
November sowings may be placed in 
a cool close frame with a minimum 
temperature of about 45° F. This 
will be sufficient to soften the seeds, 
and start them into germination. At 
the end of two or three weeks, the 
seed - pots should be transferred to 
the more genial warmth of a green- 
house with a temperature of about 
55° F. 

The sowings in January and 
February should be placed in a 
temperature of about 60° F. at once, 
covering the pots with glass, paper, 
or fibre, to check the escape of 

The seeds of the Persian Cyclamen 
are notoriously erratic in their 
germination, some being much more 
sensitive to the surrounding heat 
and moisture than others, probably 
owing to having somewhat thinner 
coats than the others. However, if 
the seeds are sound, they all ger- 
minate in time, several weeks perhaps 
intervening between the appearance 
of the first and last seedling in the 
same pot or pan. When the young 
leaves push through the soil, the 
glass or paper coverings are removed. 
The seed-pots are then placed close 
up to the glass, so that the maximum 
amount of light may be secured, to 
keep the seedlings sturdy and “un- 
drawn.” Careful attention must be 
given to the watering, never allowing 
the soil to become too dry, or the 
atmosphere to be lacking in some 
humidity. A sprinkling or syringing 
early in the afternoon, generally 
keeps the aérial conditions in proper 
condition, Ventilation also must be 
regulated, especially on all mild 
days, taking care, however, that 



cold and cutting draughts are to be 

Pricktwne-out.— When the young 
plants are large enough to handle 
easily and the young tubers are 
beginning to swell, they may be 
transferred to small pots, called 
thimbles, an inch or two inches in 
diameter; or ten or twelve little 
plants may be pricked out into a 
5-in. pot. The compost used should 
be similar to that for seed-sowing, 
namely, rich loam and leaf-mould in 
equal proportions with a fair sprink- 
ling of coarse silver sand. The 

Fic. 110.—Cyclamen, seedlings. 

seedlings must not be buried too 
deeply in the soil, the base of the 
leaf-stalks being flush with the 
surface. With careful attention to 
watering, ventilating, and shading 
from strong sunshine, the little 
plants grow freely, and when the 
pots are fairly well filled with 
the tender fleshy roots, it will be 
necessary to move the plants into 
3-in, or 34-in. pots, When these in 
due course are filled with roots and 
the plants are much larger, the last 
potting may take place. Most of 
the plants may be accommodated 
in 5-in. pots (or 48’s), but several 
of the larger and more vigorous 
specimens may well be transferred 
to 6-in. pots (32’s). For this final 



potting, which will take place about 
the end of June, or in July, August, 
and even September, according to 
the state of the plants, rich loam and 
leaf-soil may be again used, with, 
however, not quite so much sand as 
in the earlier stages; and if a little 
well-decayed dry cow-manure can be 
mixed with the soil, so much the 
better. A little basic slag, a mere 
sprinkling over the heap of compost, 
and well mixed with it, will also be 
highly beneficial, owing to the lime 
and phosphates contained in it, 

After each potting it will be 
necessary to shade the plants from 
strong sunshine until they have 
recovered from the effects of moving. 
When thoroughly recovered, more 
light and air are admissible, and 
coupled with judicious syringings 
and careful watering, the plants 
continue to thrive during the summer 
and autumn months. All this time 
the plants should be near to the 
glass, and the pots should stand on 
stages covered with moist pebbles, or 
finely powdered coke called “breeze.” 
Strong sunshine is not desirable, 
therefore a position facing north or 
north-east or north-west is the most 
desirable during the summer months. 
As each plant will occupy a space of 
at least a square foot or even 15 ins. 
to 18 ins. square, the necessary space 
must be allotted to each, as over- 
crowding would tend to interfere 
with assimilation by the foliage, and 
prevent the free and necessary 
circulation of fresh air. From six 
to eight weeks before the blossoms 
are expected, the plants may be 
watered two or three times weekly 
with weak liquid manure made from 
soot, old cow-manure, and a little 
guano steeped in a tank or tub. In 
late autumn it may also be necessary 

to place the plants on inverted pots 

on the stages, thus bringing them 




Fia. 111.—Persian Cyclamen, modern forms. (3) 



nearer to the glass for more light, 
and keeping the leaf-stalks stout 
and sturdy. (Fig. 111.) 

When the plants are in blossom, 
during the winter season, they will 
continue for weeks if the temperature 
is not too high—say from 45° F, at 
night to 55° during the day. 

TREATMENT oF OLD Prants.—If it 
is desired to grow the same plants on 
for several seasons, the foliage is 
gradually allowed to die away after 
flowering, and the tubers are then 
rested in the old soil. The pots con- 
taining them are kept in a cold frame 
free from frost, or under a north wall 
covered up to the rims with ashes or 
coco-nut fibre. During the summer 
months very little growth is made, 
and the soil is kept just moist enough 
to prevent the plants from shrivelling. 
When new growths begin to appear 
on the crowns of the old tubers, it is 
then time to shake the plants out of 
the old soil and repot them into the 
compost of loam, leaf-soil, sand and 
cow-manure, as advised above. It is 
scarcely necessary to repot the second 
year, but in that case a top-dressing 
of fresh soil should be given. Pots 
a little larger may be used, and all 
the old soil should be removed. The 
watering, syringing, ventilating, and 
liquid manuring are then attended to 
in the same way as recommended 
for the plants raised from seeds 

Prsts.—The Persian Cyclamen, if 
grown in too dry an atmosphere, not 
only does not flourish, but is also 
subject to attacks of red spider on 
its foliage. A certain amount of 
moisture in the surrounding air is 
therefore the best natural antidote 
to this pest. Should greenfly or 
thrips attack the under-surface of 
the leaves, the plants should be 
“dipped” head downwards in a solu- 
tion of soft-soapy water, quassia 



chips, and tobacco juice. One pound 

of quassia chips boiled for an hour or 
two will be sufficient for ten gallons 
of water, to which about one pound of 
soft soap and a little tobacco juice 
may be added. The best insecticides, 
like XL All, abol, etc., may be used 
for the same purpose. The houses 
or frames in which the plants are 
grown may also be vaporised occasion- 
ally to kill these pests if they have 
become troublesome. Indeed, this is 
a better method than dipping, when 
the glass is in good condition. 

C. libanoticum.—A species found 
growing with C. latifolium and C. 
ibericum near Mt. Lebanon, at an 
altitude of 2000 to 3000 ft. Tubers 
often rough and scaly. Leaves heart- 
shaped, entire, slightly wavy on the 
margin, with a silvery white zone 
above, dark violet beneath. Flowers 
in April, large, sweetly-scented, bright 
or pale rose with deep carmine blotch 
at the base of each petal. 

C. maritimum, from Asia Minor, 
has brownish-green leaves varying 
much in form and marking. The 
small pale rose flowers, with a deep 
carmine blotch at the base, appear 
about September. (Gartenjl. 1908, 

The plant known as C’. pseudo- 
maritimum differs from C. maritimum 
proper in having lance-shaped and 
acuminate calyx lobes instead of 
ovate rounded ones, 

C. neapolitanum (C’. ficaritfoliwm ; 
C. hedercefolium ; etc.).—A native of 
Southern Europe, with large flattened, 
depressed, and irregular tubers. 
Leaves heart-shaped ovate, 3 to 4 ins. 
broad, beautifully marbled with 
white above, purplish beneath. 
Flowers from August to October, 
rosy in the type, varying from red to 
white, slightly fragrant, spotted with 
purple at the base. There is a white- 
flowered form called album. (Bot. 



Reg. tt. 24, 49; Lodd. Bot. Cab. t. 
992; Rev. Hort. 1855, t. 2.) 

C. pseud-ibericum has obcordate 
dark green leaves mottled with 
silver above and deep violet beneath, 
The flowers are violet-red above and 
pure white with a blackish violet 
blotch below. 

C. pseudo-grecum,—This Cretan 
species has been confused with C. 
grecum, from which, however, it 
differs in having longer stamen 
filaments, and three-angled elongated 
pointed anthers.’ The flowers are 
pale rose, almost white. (Gartenji. 
1906,, 629.) 

Cc, punicum,—This comes near C. 
latifoliwm, but the leaves have a more 
opensinus. The sweet-scented flowers 
are white or pale rose-red at the base, 
the petals being narrow and acute. 
(Rev, Hort. 1907, 328, f.) 

C. repandum (C. balearicum ; C. 
hedercefolium ; C. immaculatum ; C. 
romanum; etc.).—A native of S. 
Europe, plentiful in Central Italy 
and the Corsican mountains at eleva- 
tions between 4000 to 6000 ft. Tuber 
small, roundish at first, depressed 
when old. Leaves  ovate-deltoid, 
heart-shaped at the base with an open 
sinus, beautifully marbled with white 
above, purple beneath. Flowers from 
March to May, fragrant, rosy-white, 
spotted with purple at the base. 

On good healthy tubers in rich soil 
and ideal situations a large number 
of flowers will be produced — two 
hundred to three hundred has been 

CYPELLA (kypellon, a goblet; in 
allusion to the form of the flowers). 
Nat. Ord. Irideze.—A genus closely 
related to Marica and Tigridia, con- 
taining eight species of small but 
pretty herbaceous plants, natives of 
Tropical and subtropical 8. America, 
with tunicated bulbs and few linear, 



plaited leaves. 
of six free segments, the three outer 
ones obovate and spreading, the 
three inner ones much narrower, 
erect, and recurved at the apex. 
The flowers in most cases are very 
fleeting, lasting only a few hours. 

The Cypellas must be treated as 
half-hardy plants even in the most 
favoured parts of the Kingdom. If 
grown in the open air, the bulbs 
should be planted in warm, sunny, 
and sheltered borders in a soil com- 
posed of rich sandy loam and peat 
Asimilar compost may be used when 
the plants are grown in well-drained 
pots in the greenhouse. During the 
winter season the plants are at rest, 
and require no water. The bulbs 
must be protected in the open air 
from frost by means of bracken, 
litter, etc., but it is generally safer 
to lift them and replant in spring. 
Propagation is effected by means of 

C. Herberti (Tigridia Herbert:).— 
A native of Buenos Ayres, about a 
foot high, with lance-shaped, tapering 
leaves, and flowers varying from 
light to deep chrome-yellow or 
vermilion, in July and August (Bot. 

Mag. t. 2599; Lodd. Bot. Cab. 
t. 1810). 
Cc. peruviana.—This handsome 

species comes from the Andes of 
Peru, and has thin, papery, plaited 
leaves, and bright yellow flowers 
spotted with reddish-brown at the 
base. The two-lobed stigma is bright 
yellow, and petal-like in appearance. 
(Bot. Mag. t. 6213.) 

C. plumbea (Phalocallis plumbea).— 
A remarkable Mexican plant, 3 ft. 
or more high, with sword-like, plaited 
leaves, and dull blue flowers tinged 
with yellow in the centre (Bot. Mag. 
t. 3710; FU. d. Serr. tt. 395, 1466). 

Other species are—C. gracilis, bright 
yellow tinged lilac ; C. gigantea, blue 


The perianth consists 


with a yellow base ; paludosa, yellow 
spotted with purple-black ; linearis, 
blue with a yellow spot ; and pusilla, 
pale yellow. 

CYPHIA (kyphos, arched ; referring 
to the style and stigma). Nat. Ord. 
Campanulaceew. — A little - known 
genus, containing about twenty 
species of annual or perennial her- 
baceous plants with tuberous roots, 
and alternate, entire, toothed or 
pinnatifid leaves. 

C. volubilis (Lobelia volubilis).—A. 
native of §. Africa, with large 
tuberous roots, slender climbing 
stems, turning to the left, like the 
Hop, and bearing entire leaves. The 
pale blue, irregular, two-lipped 
flowers, like those of the Lobelia, 
appear in July and August. 

This species may be grown in a 
cool greenhouse, in a mixture of loam, 
leaf-soil, and sand in equal propor- 
tions. When at rest in winter, 
watering is suspended ; and propaga- 
tion is effected by making cuttings 
of the young shoots in the same way 
as from Dahlias in spring (see p. 193). 

CYRTANTHUS (fyrtos, curved; 
anthos, a flower). Nat. Ord. 
Amaryllideze.—This genus is closely 
related to Vallota, and contains 
about twenty species of herbaceous 
plants, natives chiefly of S. Africa, 

having tunicated bulbs, narrow 
strap-shaped leaves, and funnel- 
shaped flowers borne on hollow 

scapes or peduncles. 

These pretty bulbous plants are 
best grown in the cool or slightly 
heated greenhouse. They flourish 
in a compost of fibrous loam and 
leaf-soil in about equal proportions, 
with a good sprinkling of coarse 
silver sand. If grown several in a 
pot, they make a better display than 
if grown separately. During growth, 



water must be given frecly as 
required ; but when the leaves are 
dying down in the deciduous kinds, 
less moisture is required. The ever- 
green species, like C. obliquus and 
C. carneus, require water all the 
year round, in accordance with the 
state of the soil. During the summer 
months the plants may be grown 
without the aid of artificial heat, but 
in winter a little genial warmth will 
be beneficial to the growing kinds, 
Propagation is effected by detaching 
the offsets from the old bulbs at 
the time of repotting. 

C. angustifolius (Crinum angusti- 
folium ; Amaryllis cylindracea ; Mon- 
ella angustifolia; Husipho anguste- 
folius).—This species was introduced 
from 8. Africa in 1774. It has 
ovoid bulbs, 1 to 2 ins. in diameter, 
bearing two to three linear leaves, 
1 to 1$ ft. long. The bright red 
unscented flowers appear in late 
summer or autumn, from four to ten 
being borne in an umbel on top of a 
peduncle about1ft. high. (Bot. Mag. 
t. 271; Lodd. Bot. Cab. t. 368 ; Red. 
Lil. t. 288.) 

There are several varieties, the 
best known being grandiflorus, with 
larger flowers (24 to 3 ins. long) 
than the type; ventricosus, the 
flowers of which are dilated at the 
middle and contracted at the base ; 
and striatus, with bright red flowers 
having yellow ribs (Bot. Mag. t. 

C. carneus.—An evergreen species 
with ovoid bulbs, 2 to 3 ins. in 

diameter, and strap-shaped, blue-grey, 

twisted leaves, about 14 ft. long. 
The bright red drooping flowers 
appear in autumn, being borne in 
umbels of eight to ten on a roundish 
scape a foot or more high (Bot. Reg. 
t. 1462). 

C. collinus (Monella glauca; M. 
collina).—Bulbs ovoid, 14 ins. in 



diameter, with two or three linear 
leaves, 6 to 9 ins. long. Flowers 
bright red, 14 to 2 ins. long, six to 
ten in an umbel on a slender scape 
a foot high. (Bot. Reg. t. 162.) 

C. helictus.—Closely related to C. 
uniflorus, having round bulbs about 
1 in. in diameter, spirally twisted 
leaves about 6 ins. long, and small 
umbels of white tubular flowers, 15 
to 2 ins. long, having a crimson stripe 
on each segment (Gard. Chron, July 
1898, 69, f.). 

C, Huttoni,—This species has ovoid 
bulbs, and strap-shaped leaves } to 2 
in. broad, and about a foot long. 
From six to eight pale red, narrowly 

Fic. 112.—Cyrtanthus Huttoni. (4.) 

funnel-shaped flowers are borne in an 
umbel, on top of a stoutish scape 
about 1 ft. high. (Bot. Mag. t. 

C. hybridus.—A_ bigeneric garden 
hybrid between Cyrtanthus san- 
guineus and Vallota purpurea, and 
most resembling the latter in general 
appearance. The flowers are clear 
orange-scarlet or bright carmine, the 



tube being curved in front and 
almost sharply dilated at the throat. 
(Gard. Chron. 1885, xxiv. 391.) 

C. inequalis.— This species has 
narrow leaves 1 ft. or more long, 
and is remarkable for the erect habit 
of the coral-red flowers, which are 
borne in umbels on top of scapes 1 
ft. high, and for the overhanging 
upper segments of the perianth (Gard. 
Chron. 1905, xxxvii. f, 261). 

C. lutescens (Monella ochroleuca).— 
A charming species with round bulbs 
1 in. in diameter, having two to four 
green linear leaves about 1 ft. long. 
From two to three pale yellow 
flowers, about 2 ins. long, appear on 
a slender scape about 1 ft. high, the 
tube being slightly curved and very 
slender in the lower half. The variety 
Coopert (Bot. Mag. t. 5374) is a finer 
plant with several flowers on a scape. 

C. Mackeni—-A popular species 
with ovoid bulbs 14 ins. in diameter, 
and two to six linear leaves about 1 
ft. long. The narrow funnel-shaped 
white flowers, about 2 ins. long, are 
borne in umbels of six to ten on a 
slender scape a foot long, during the 
winter and spring months. (Gard. 
Chron. 1869, 641, fig. ; Saund. Ref. 
Bot. t. 355 ; Gartenjl. 1280, 3.) 

C. Macowani.—This species grows 
wild at an elevation of 5000 ft. in the 
eastern provinces of Cape Colony. 
It has ovoid bulbs about 1 in. in 
diameter, and one to three linear 
leaves 6 to 12 ins. long. From six to 
eight bright scarlet, narrowly funnel- 
shaped flowers, about 14 ins. long, are 
borne on a scape about 1 ft. high. 
(Gard. Chron. 1875, 95; Garten. t. 

C. obliquus (Crinum obliquum ; 
Agapanthus Umbrella).—This species 
has also been in cultivation since 
1774, like C. angustifolius. It has 
large ovoid bulbs 3 to 4 ins. in 
diameter, and about a dozen strap- 



shaped leaves 1$ to 2 ft. long, 
arranged in two rows, and produced 
after the flowers. From ten to twelve 
bright red drooping flowers with a 
yellowish base, and 2 to 3 ins. long, 
are borne on a stoutish scape 1 to 2 
ft. high, during May and June. (And. 
Bot. Rep. t. 265; Bot. Reg. t. 1183 ; 
Red. Lil. t. 381.) 

Fic. 113.—Cyrtanthus obliquus. 


Cc. O’Brieni.—A species inter- 
mediate between C. angustifolius 
and C. Macowani. The linear 
leaves appear with the flowers, which 
are bright scarlet in colour, 1} ins. 
long, about eight being borne in an 
umbel. (Gard. Chron. 1894, xv. 

C. odorus.—A fine species with 
ovoid bulbs 14 to 2 ins. in diameter, 
two to three linear leaves about 1 
ft. long, and somewhat cylindrical, 
bright red, scented flowers, 2 ins. 
long, in July and August (Bot. Reg. 
t. 503). 

C. pallidus,— Bulb 14 ins. in 
diameter, with four to five linear 



leaves, purplish scapes about 6 ins. 
high, and pale red, narrowly funnel- 
shaped flowers about 14 ins. long. 
(Bot. Mag. t. 2471.) 

C. sanguineus (Gastronema san- 
guineum). — A very distinct and 
attractive species, with ovoid bulbs 
2 ins. in diameter, bearing three to 
four bright green lance-shaped leaves 
about 1 ft. long, and remarkable for 
having stalks. The slender scape is 
6 to 9 ins. high, and carries one to 
three bright red flowers 3 to 4% ins. 
long, somewhat cylindrical in shape 
in the lower half and openly funnel- 
shaped in the upper. (Bot. Mag. t. 
5218.) The variety glaucophyllus has 
grey-green leaves and orange - red 

C. spiralis.—A distinct species with 
ovoid bulbs 14 ins. in diameter, two 

Fic. 114,-- Cyrianthus spiralis (4.) 

to three linear blue-green leaves 6 to 
9 ins. long, and spirally twisted. The 
blue-green slender scape, about 1 ft. 
long, carries from four to six bright 



red scentless flowers 14 to 2 ins. long, 
about October and November. (Bot. 
Reg. t. 167.) 

Cc. Tucki.—This grows wild with 
C. Macowant in 8. Africa at an 
altitude of 5000 ft. It has ovoid 
bulbs 14 ins. through, and narrow 
leaves 1 to 14 ft. long. The bright 

Fic. 115.—Cyrtanthus Tuckt. (4.) 

orange-scarlet flowers, ten to twelve 
in an umbel, droop from the summit 
of the fleshy blue-green scape, which 
is 12 to 18 ins. high, during July and 
August. (Gard. Chron. 1892, xii. 
155, fig. 28.) 

C. uniflorus (Amaryliis clavata ; A. 
humilis; Gastronema clavatum ).— 
This species has roundish bulbs about 
1 in. in diameter, one to two linear 
leaves about 6 ins. long, and a slender 
scape 6 to 9 ins. high, bearing one to 
three more or less erect, funnel- 
shaped, white flowers 14 to 2 ins. 
long, with green or reddish-brown 
stripes (Bot. Reg. t. 168; Bot. Mag. 
t. 2291). 

CYRTOSPERMA (hyrtos, curved ; 
sperma, seed). Nat. Ord. Aroidese.— 



A genus containing about twenty 
species of tuberous-rooted herbs from 
the Tropics of Asia, Africa, and 
America. The leaves are more ot 
less arrow-shaped, with long. stalks 
sheathing at the base. The spathes 
are ovate lance-shaped or oblong, 
enclosing a shorter cylindrical or 
globose spadix containing the flowers, 

C; ferox.—A remarkable-looking 
species from Borneo, having arrow- 
shaped leaves with prickly stalks, 
and greenish-white spathes, also borne 
on prickly stalks (21/1. Hort. xxxix. 
t. 153). 

C. Johnsoni (Alocasia Johnstont).— 
A native of the Solomon Islands, 
having semi - erect, arrow - shaped 
peltate leaves, with terminal lobes 
about a foot long, the two basal 
ones somewhat longer; the entire 
blade being olive green, elegantly 
marked with deep pink veins. The 
stalks are furnished with whorls of 
stiffish prickles, and the deep green 
mottled stems are banded with pink. 

The Cyrtospermas require the same 
cultural treatment as the Alocasias 
—which see. 

DAHLIA (named after André Dahl, 
a Swedish botanist, and student of 
Linneus). Nat. Ord. Composite.— 
This genus contains about a dozen 
species of rather coarse-growing herb- 
aceous plants, having spindle-shaped 
tuberous roots, thick hollow stems, 
opposite’ leaves divided once, twice, 
or thrice, and large flower - heads 
borne on long stalks at the ends of 
the shoots and from the axils of the 
leaves. The natural species are all 
natives of Mexico, and are generally 
regarded as being only half-hardy in 
the British Islands. 

The first Dahlia in Europe—appar- 
ently D. variabilis—seems to have 
been introduced to Spain, whence it 
found its way into England in 1789 

' 188 


through the then Marchioness of Bute; 

and afterwards by Lady Holland in 
1804. The plants, however, were lost, 

and it was not till 1815 that ‘the Dahlia 
was again brought to England from 

Fic. 116.—Dahlia, tuberous roots. (}.) 

Before referring to the Garden 
Dahlias, it may be as well to give 
brief descriptions of the various 

D.arborea (D.anemonefiora).—This 
species grows 9 to 15 ft. high, and 
has large long-stalked leaves divided 
twice-pinnately into oblong-elliptic, 
pointed leaflets, the leaf-stalks form- 
ing a kind of cushion at the base 
round the stem. The soft lilac 
flower-heads are about 4 ins. across, 
having lilac or yellow tubular florets 
in the centre. (Maund. Bot. 11, 88; 
Gard. Chron. 1883, xix. 80, f. 60.) 

This species is too tender for the 
open air, except, perhaps, in the very 
mildest parts of the Kingdom. It 



should therefore be grown in a cc 

D. coccinea (D. bidentifolia ; Geor 
ina Cervantesiz).—A species 3 to 4 
high, with roughish, pinnately divid 
leaves, and flower-heads having scar 
ray-florets, and yellow disc ones (B 
Mag. t. 762). 

This is one of the species’ frc 
which the modern Garden Dahli 
have been derived. 

D. excelsa.— A tree-like speci 
growing 15 ft. high and upwar 
having very thick stems, more or k 
woody towards the base, and furnish 
with twice-pinnately divided leav 
about 2% ft. long and about 2 
broad. The pale lilac-purple flow: 
heads are only about 4 ins. acro 
(Gartenfi. t. 861.) 

This species is best grown in a cc 

D, gracilis.—This species grows 4 
5 ft. high, and is graceful and distir 
in habit, the smooth leaves bei 
twice-pinnately divided into ov 
leaflets coarsely toothed on t 
margins. The flower-heads are brig 
orange-scarlet, appearing in summ 
and autumn, and producing see 
freely in the British Islands. The 
are many varieties, varying in colo 
from pale chrome-yellow to de 
crimson scarlet. 

D. imperialis. — This remarkak 
species attains a height of 10 to 
ft., being furnished with large han 
some leaves. The drooping be 
shaped flower-heads appear about tl 
end of September and October 
large panicles, the ray-florets bei 
white tinted with lilac and streak 
with blood-red at the base. Owit 
to the lateness of blossoming, tl 
flowers can only come to perfection 
a greenhouse, where they will oft« 
ripen seeds freely. (Bot. Mag. 

D. Juarezi.—This species grows 



ft. and more high and has brilliant 
scarlet flower-heads, the florets of 
which overlap and vary in length. 
It was introduced from Mexico in 
1872, and when exhibited in London 
in September 1879 attracted little or 
no attention. As the parent of the 
renowned “Cactus” Dahlias, it has 
since that time made rapid strides in 
public favour, and has given rise to 
innumerable beautiful varieties. 

D. Mercki (D. glabrata).—A beauti- 
ful species 2 to 4 ft. high, having 
pinnate or twice-pinnate leaves with 
toothed margins, and rather small 
white and yellow or lilac and yellow 
flower-heads. The variety Decazs- 
neana has purple flower-heads with 
yellow centres. (Bot. Mag. t. 3878 ; 
fev. Hort. 1864, p. 31.) 

This species has given rise to many 
garden forms. 

D, variabilis (D. crocata ; D. super- 
Jflua).—The typical wild species has 
branching stems, pinnately divided 
leaves with more or less ‘‘ winged” 
leaf-stalks, and flower-heads varying 
in colour; the ray-florets, however, 
being generally scarlet, the disc ones 

This species is regarded as the first 
one introduced from Mexico, not so 
much for its beauty as a decorative 
garden plant, but for its tuberous 
roots, which it was thought would 
rival the potato as an article of 

D. viridifiora.—This is a curiosity 
evolved by cultural selection. Its 
peculiarity consists in having the 
green bracts of the involucre increas- 
ing at the expense of the coloured 
ray-florets, the whole flower - head 
resembling a small green pompon 

D. Zimapani (Cosmos diversifolius). 
—This is commonly known as the 
“Black Dahlia.” It grows 12 to 18 
ins. high, its deep green leaves being 



cut into five to seven entire or slightly 
toothed segments. The flower-heads 
are deep violet or almost blackish- 
purple in colour, and appear from 
July to October. The variety atro- 
purpurea is even deeper in colour. 

Garpen Dauttas. 

During the past century wonderful 
changes have been wrought in the 
Dahlia. It adapted itself so readily 
to our climate and displayed such an 
early tendency to variation, that 
gardeners were not slow to take ad- 
vantage of its peculiarities. Of the 
species enumerated above, only D. 
coccinea, D. Mercki, D. variabilis, and 
D. Juarezt appear to be involved in 
the creation of the modern Dahlia. 
Crossing and intercrossing has been 
carried on unceasingly for many years, 
with the result that there are now 
innumerable varieties suitable for 
garden decoration. These are divided 
into several more or less distinctive 
groups, amongst which may be men- 
tioned :— 

1, Single Dahlias. — Although at 
one time greatly neglected, owing to 
the development of “double” forms, 
the single Dahlias now find many 
admirers, owing to their graceful habit, 
quantity and beauty of blossom, and 
easiness of culture. Special varieties 
can always be kept pure and distinct 
by propagation of the shoots or 
division of the tuberous roots; or 
large numbers of new forms may be 
raised easily from seeds each year. 

Closely related to these are what 
are known as “Tom Thumb” Dablias, 
so called owing to their dwarf stature. 
They have not gained in popularity, 
and are rarely grown. 

2. Pompon, Bouquet, or Bedding 
Dahlias.— This is a free-flowering 
class, having perfectly shaped and 
symmetrical “double” flower-heads, 
usually borne well above the foliage, 



the plants having a compact habit of 

3, Show Dahlias.-—These include 
(i.) all self-coloured ; (ii.) all shaded 
flowers ; and (iii.) all Howers having 
petals of a pale ground colour, edged 
with deeper pink, rose, mauve, purple, 
crimson, maroon, etc. The flower- 
heads are usually very large and 
double, and symmetrical in outline. 

4. Fancy Dahlias.— These are 
simply large, rounded, Show Dahlias 
having two or more colours, the 
colour at the tip of the petal being 
much paler than the ground colour. 
Striped flowers, no matter what the 
ground colour may be, are always 
regarded as Fancy Dahlias. Ama- 
teurs frequently confuse “Fancy ” 
Dahlias with “Show” Dablias. 

5. Cactus Dahlias. — Springing 
originally from D. Juarezt (see above), 
these varieties have simply taken 
plant-lovers by storm of late years, 
owing to their beautiful forms, mag- 
nificent colours, and the shape, varia- 
tion, and regularity of their radiating 
petals, which are more or less pointed 
and twisted. The range of colour 
is probably greater in the Cactus 
Dahlias than in any other section, 
almost every shade being represented 
except blue. Whites, reds, scarlets, 
crimsons, purples, yellows, pinks, 
mauves, orange, salmon, rose, apricot, 
etc., etc., are to be found almost pure, 
or in conjunction with innumerable 
intermediate shades. 

6. Pessony-flowered Dahlias.—This 
is a modern section, remarkable for the 
great size of the flower-heads, these 
often being as much as 9 ins. across. 
They are semi-double in character, 
the individual florets being broad and 
wavy, the centre being composed 
largely of yellow tubular florets. The 
flower-stalks are long and strong, and 
carry the blooms well above the 
foliage. At first there was a tendency 



amongst these Peony  flowere 
Dahlias to become rather “floppy 
looking and drooping, but the mo 
recent creations incline one to tl 
opinion that this undesirable tenden 
will be overcome in the course 

7, Giant-flowered Dahlias.—This 
another modern group remarkable fi 
the great size of their double flowe 
heads, the florets of which are wid 
flattish, or reflexed. There are n 
many forms of a fixed character . 
present, perhaps one of the best bei: 
Souvenir de G. Douzon, which h 
an immense reddish -scarlet blooi 
Others are Jeanne Charmet, lilac-piu 
shading to pure white in the centr 
Le Colosse, huge, red; Mdlle . 
Charvet, pure white; Madame u 
den Dael, silvery pink; Perle de 
Téte dor, large, white ; Yellow Colos 
bright yellow ; etc. 

As hundreds of new forms a 
raised by specialists every year, ai 
as many of the older favourites dr 
out of cultivation owing to the inti 
duction of new ones, it would be me 
waste of space giving a list of variet: 
in each of the sections here, as th 
would soon be out-of-date. The be 
and simplest plan for the Dahl 
lover is to consult the lists of nurse 
men every spring, and make a sek 
tion from them. Another good pl 
is to visit the Dahlia - growers 
August and September to see t 
plants growing naturally. In tl 
way it will be easy to note the varieti 
that throw their flowers well abo 
the foliage, and thus give a mo 
brilliant aspect to the garden th: 
those shy-blooming varieties that hi 
their blossoms amongst the leaves. 

CuturE. -— Perhaps there is 1 
exotic so easily grown as the Dahlia 
that is, leaving out such species as . 
arborea, D. excelsa, D. imperial 
which can only be brought to perfe 



tion as a rule in a greenhouse ; even 
then such species will never be more 
than interesting relatives of the more 
popular garden varieties. 

The chief value of the garden Dahlia 
consists in its bold appearance, and 
the great showiness of its blossoms 
during the late summer and autumn 
months in the open air. Dahlias will 
grow well in any good garden soil that 
has been deeply dug and enriched 
with plenty of well-decayed manure. 
The best results, however, are secured 
in a heavy loamy soil that has been 
treated in the same way. As it is 
generally unsafe to put the plants out 
till the end of May or early in June, 
according to the season and locality, 
the soil may be prepared a few weeks 
in advance for their reception. The 
distance apart should be regulated by 
the natural size of the different 
varieties. Generally speaking, from 
4 to 6 ft. should be allowed every way 
between plant and plant when Dahlias 
are grown in formal beds, and even 
more space may be given with advan- 
tage. Indeed, nothing is gained by 
overcrowding—except weak, “leggy” 
plants, which, owing to the lack of air 
and light, are unable to produce 
blossoms of average size and substance. 
Almost any aspect will do for Dahlias 
so long as it is open and free from the 
shade of overhanging trees; but an 
aspect facing between the south-east 
and south-west is generally warmer, 
brighter, and more sheltered, and 
gives the best results. 

Staking. — Prior to planting, it is 
advisable to drive a stout stake into 
the hole, the stake being long enough 
to allow 5 or 6 ft. to stand out of the 
ground. The young plants, if raised 
from seeds or cuttings, or the old 
tubers and shoots, are then placed in 
position, the fine crumbled soil being 
carefully worked in around the roots, 
and trodden down firmly but gently. 



Tying. —As growth advances, the 
main stem is tied to the stake from 
time to time. The best branches or 
side-shoots are retained, and, being 
brittle, should be looped up to the 
central stake when necessary, to 
prevent the wind from breaking them 
down. In addition to the central 
stake, it is also a good plan to place 
four smaller ones on the outside so 
that main stems may be tied to them 
to render the whole plant stead 
against the wind. All other weak 
shoots likely to overcrowd the centre 
should be pinched out at an early 
stage of their growth. In this way 
the plants will have an abundance 
of air and light—the two things so 
essential to enable the leaves to 
assimilate the carbonic acid gas from 
the atmosphere. 

Mulching and Feeding.—As Dahlias 
are gross feeders and great evaporators 
of water, they require an abundance of 
moisture at the root. A soil that is 
naturally heavy, but well-worked and 
manured, will not require so much 
watering as one that is light and 
sandy in its nature. The grower 
must take these points into considera- 
tion if he requires to secure exception- 
ally fine blossoms, It will always be 
advantageous, especially in hot dry 
summers, to keep the surface soil well 
stirred frequently with the hoe. This 
will check the evaporation of moisture 
from the root region, and will con- 
sequently save a good deal of watering. 
Further benefit may be secured by 
placing a thin layer of old manure or 
even a layer of lawn-grass clippings 
over the stirred soil. 

Exagipition Brooms.—As almost 
every amateur who takes an interest 
in Dahlias likes to test his cultural 
skill, he pays special attention to the 
following details. In addition to 
planting in good rich soil, properly pre- 
pared and manured, plenty of space, 



1ing out the superfluous shoots, 
frequent use of the hoe, and 
thing with manure, he also feeds 
lants when coming into blossom 
weak liquid manure two or 
2 times a week, especially in hot 
seasons. Then he does not allow 
mt to develop all its buds. Only 
best of these are retained, the 
rs being pinched out so as not 
bsorb food that will then be 
lable for the others. When the 
ers are opening they may possibly 
oo early for a particular exhibi- 
It will then be necessary to 
e them in some way, to retard 
opening of the florets. This is 
> either by erecting a canvas 
an over the plants, or individual 
er-heads may be protected by 
ing over them some of the 
me” canvas shaders that are 
able up and down a stake to 
required height. They not only 
le the blooms from the sun, but 
also protect them from wind 
heavy rains. 
lowers for exhibition should never 
ut at midday—but always either 
- early in the morning, or, better 
, about an hour before twilight 
day before they are required. 
> far as artificial or chemical 
ures are concerned, one of the 
to use is basic slag. A sprink- 
of this slow-acting manure over 
soil at the time of planting will 
1 up its phosphates just about 
time the buds begin to appear, 
when a little stimulant is 
ROPAGATION.—Dahlias are easily 
eased in three ways—(1) from 
ls, (2) from cuttings, and (3) by 
ding the rvot-stocks. 
xeds should be saved, when 
oughly ripe, only from the very 
varieties in any particular 
ion. They should be sown 



thinly about February or March, in 
pots, pans, or boxes of light, sandy, 
rich soil, in a greenhouse with a 
temperature of 60° to 70° F. They 
soon germinate, and when the seed- 

Fic, 117.—Dahlia, seedlings. 

lings are about 2 ins. high, each one 
should be placed in a 3-in. pot in 
a similar compost. If grown on 
close to the glass, and with plenty 
of air and light and a much lower 
temperature, they will be ready for 
planting in the open air about the 
end of May or early in June, as 
already stated. It may be as well 
to mention that special varieties can- 
not be expected to come true tc 
character if raised from seed. Such 
must be propagated by means of 
cuttings or division. ; 

To secure a supply of good cuttings. 
the old tuberous roots with pieces of 
old stems attached should be taken 
from their winter quarters about 
February or March, and placed in 
a temperature of 60° to 70° F. 
They should be slightly covered with 
rich gritty soil, or placed in coco-nut 
fibre or leaf- mould close to glass, 
and sprinkled every day. In this 
way stout, sturdy shoots soon appeal 
from the base of the old stems just 
about their junction with the old 
tubers. When the shoots are about 
3 ins. long they should be severed 
with a sharp knife just beneath a 

193 N 


joint, and inserted in a compost of 
rich gritty soil, They root in a few 
days, and when well established are 
placed singly into 3-in. pots, and 
grown on with plenty of air and 
light until. planting-out time. If 
necessary, cuttings of the side-shoots 
may be taken from the plants in 
summer and rooted in the same way. 

Fic. 118.—Dahlia, cutting. 

Perhaps the simplest method of 
propagating Dahlias is to take the 
bunch of old tuberous roots and 
divide one from the other with a 
sharp knife so that each shall have 
a piece of the old stem attached. 
This may be done in March and 
April, protecting the divided portions 
from frost in a cold frame, but giving 
as much light and air as possible on 
all mild days. Or the divided pieces 
may be potted up separately, and 
placed in warmth in a greenhouse. 

Dahlias may be grafted under 
glass in winter by inserting a shoot 



in a slit of a tuberous root, but it is 
very rarely this method is adopted. 

Lifting and Storing in Wenter— 
When the first frosts appear in 
autumn, the tender shoots of the 
Dahlia are cut down. The tuberous 
roots should then be lifted, cleaned, 
and dried, and about 6 ins. of the old 
stalks should be left attached, as 
it is from the base of these that 
shoots will sprout the following 
spring. Special varieties should be 
carefully labelled, and when all is 
clean and tidy the roots may be stored 
away in a dry, cool, airy but frost- 
proof cellar, buried in dry sand, soil, 
or coco-nut fibre until wanted in 
spring. In a humid atmosphere the 
dormant tubers are liable to rot, and 
should therefore be overhauled 

Insect Pests.—In gardens that are 
not deeply cultivated or otherwise 
neglected, slugs are almost sure to be 
present, and do much mischief to the 
young shoots of all plants, including 
Dahlias. Their depredations are best 
kept under by frequent use of the 
hoe, and by strewing freshly slaked 
lime or soot around the plants two 
or three mornings in succession, - 
When Dahlias are in blossom, ear- 
wigs often play havoc with them. 
These pests are also best kept down 
and destroyed by frequently stirring 
the soil, otherwise traps must be set 
to catch them. Small pots with a 
little hay, moss, or paper may be 
placed upside down on the stakes, 
and should be examined every 
morning for the earwigs that will 
nest in them. Hollow stems of 
Elder, Broad Bean, Hemlock, o 
Knot Weed (Polygonwm) may also 
be used as traps hung on the shoots. ° 

DATURA (from its Arabic name, 
Tatorali), THorn AppLe. Nat. Ord. 
Solanaceze.—There are many species 



of Thorn Apple, all more or less 
remarkable for their narcotic juices. 
Some are annuals and some peren- 
nials in character. 

D. meteloides (or D. Wrightz), the 
only one we need mention in this 
work, although frequently treated as 
an annual from seeds, is really a 
perennial plant, with blackish tuber- 
culous roots, grey-green leaves, and 
sweet-scented, long-tubed flowers of 
a bluish-violet or whitish colour. It 
is a native of California, and makes a 
handsome bushy plant 2 to 3 ft. high. 
When grown in a greenhouse, it is 
evergreen in character. If grown in 
the open air, it requires the same 
treatment as the Dahlias, the roots 
being taken up and stored in dry 
sand and soil. A rich loamy soil, 
either in pots or in the open air, is 
the most suitable compost for the 

DAUBENYA (named after Dr 
Daubeny, late professor of botany at 
Oxford University). Nat. Ord. 
Liliacee.—This genus is unknown 
outside botanic gardens. It is closely 
related to Massonia, and contains 
only three species of South African 
bulbous plants, bearing dense and 
compressed umbels of yellow, orange, 
or scarlet tubular blossoms, having 
six irregular segments. The only 
species that have been in cultivation, 
but now appear to be lost, are D. 
aurea, with yellow flowers (Bot. Reg. 
t. 1813); and D. fulva, with dull 
reddish-yellow flowers (Bot. Reg. 
1839, t. 53). They require rich sandy 
loam, and may be grown in pots or 
pans in a greenhouse or frame, or 
on a warm, sheltered south border 
in the open air. 

DELPHINIUM (delphin, a dolphin ; 
supposed resemblance of the spur 
to a dolphin’s head), Larkspur. 
Nat. Ord. Ranunculaceee.—There ars 



about forty species of Larkspur, the 
following having tuberous or Heshy 
root-stocks :— 

D. cardinale——This Californian 
plant, 3 to 4 ft. high, has long fleshy 
roots, smooth and somewhat fleshy 
deeply-lobed leaves, and spikes of 
bright scarlet flowers with yellow 
petals produced in August (Bot. Mag. 
t. 4887). 

D. nudicaule.—This is also a native 
of California. It has fleshy tuberous 
roots, fleshy three- to five-lobed leaves 
on stems 1 to 2 ft. high, and erect 
spikes of orange-scarlet flowers from 
May to August. (Bot. Mag. t. 5819.) 

These two bright-flowered Lark- 
spurs are practically hardy in most 
parts of the Kingdom, although it 
would be’ wise to protect the root- 
stocks in severe winters. They flourish 
in good garden soil in sunny situa- 
tions, and are easily increased by 
division and from seeds. 

DICENTRA (dis, twice ; centron, a 
spur; referring to the shape of the 
flower). Nat. Ord, Fumariaceze.—A 
genus having several species of 
ornamental hardy herbaceous plants, 
some with thickened or tuberous 
root-stocks. They are easily distin- 
guished by their more or less arching 
racemes of lyre-shaped flowers, having 
two scale-like sepals, four connivent 
saccate or spurred petals, and six 
stamens in two distinct bundles. 
The plants are also well known under 
the old name of DiEtytRa, and also 
popularly as the “Lyre Flower,” 
“Bleeding Heart,” “ Ladies’ Locket,” 
“Chinaman’s Breeches,” etc. 

D. spectabilis.—This is the finest 
member of the genus, native of 
Siberia and Japan, 1 to 2 ft, high, 
with gracefully cut leaves, and droop- 
ing rosy-crimson flowers arranged in 
horizontal racemes, There is also a 
white-flowered variety, 



This species is perfectly hardy, and 
makes beautifully bold and gorgeous 
clumps in a rich soil during the early 
summer months, It is also frequently 
put into pots in autumn and gently 
forced into flower in February and 
March in a warm greenhouse, in the 
same way as Solomon’s Seal, etc. 
Plants may be increased by dividing 
the thickish fleshy root-stocks with a 
strong knife. 

Other species of Dicentra are—D. 
canadensis, white (Bot. Mag. t. 3031) ; 
D. chrysantha, yellow ; D. Cucullaria, 
white and yellow ; D. formosa, bright 
red (Bot. Mag. t. 1335); D. eximia, 
reddish-purple (Bot. Reg. t. 50); D. 
thalictrifolia, yellow and red. 

DICHOPOGON (dicha, double; 
pogon, a beard; in reference to 
the two appendices of the anthers). 
Nat. Ord. Liliaceee.—A genus con- 
taining two species of Australian 
plants having short rhizomes, often 
producing tubercles on the fibrous 
roots. The only species of note is 
D. strictus, from E. Australia and 
Tasmania, the radical, linear, grass- 
like, sheathing leaves of which are 
about 18 ins. long. The flowers are 
purplish in colour, about 2 ins. across, 
with six spreading segments, and are 
borne about November in clusters, 
(Bot. Mag. t. 6746.) D. undulatus, 
figured in Gartenjf. ii. t. 37, is the 
same as D. strictus. This plant 
requires to be grown in rich gritty 
soil in a cool greenhouse. 

DIFRAMA (the Greek name for 
Sunnel, in reference to the shape of 
the flowers), Nat. Ord. Iridee.—A 
genus with two or three species of 
plants with fibrous - coated bulbs, 
long, narrow, sword-shaped leaves, 
and flowers in terminal panicles, 
Perianth funnel-shaped, with six 
nearly equal erect or spreading 



lobes. Stamens attached at the 
base of the tube. Ovary three- 
celled, becoming a membranous, 
many-seeded capsule when ripe. 

D. pendula is very similar to D, 
pulcherrima, but produces soft rosy- 
white flowers, with deeper coloured 
veins (Bot. Reg. t. 1360). 

D. pulcherrima (Sparaxis pulcher- 
rima).—A beautiful South African 
perennial 2 to 6 ft. high, with sword- 


Fic, 119.—Dverama pulcherrima, (}.) 

shaped leaves, and tough slender 
flower-stems which bear numerous 
funnel - shaped flowers gracefully 
drooping from thread -like stalks. 
The blossoms are usually blood-red 
in colour, but there are forms with 
white and pale red tints, some 
being prettily striped. The flowering 
period is usually from August to 
September and October, so that the 
blooms are sometimes injured by 
frost. (Bot. Mag. t. 5555.) 



This species flourishes in warm 
sandy loam, and should be planted 
in sheltered positions, as it is not 
hardy in the bleaker parts of the 
Kingdom. When grown in bold 
masses, the blood-red blossoms con- 
spicuously swaying in the breeze look 
particularly bright. The bulbs should 
be planted about 3 ins. deep on 
raised beds of well-drained soil 
between November and January, 
after the leaves have withered. 
During severe weather, the roots 
should be protected with a covering 
of straw, litter, or bracken; but in 
spring, when growth commences, as 
much light and air as possible should 
be given. 

DIOSCOREA (after Dvioscorides, 
whose book on medicinal herbs “ was 
the foundation of almost all botanical 
knowledge”), Yam. Nat. Ord. Dios- 
coreaceze.—This genus consists of hot- 
house plants, having large tuberous 
roots, climbing or trailing stems, and 
large heart-shaped or angular leaves, 
which in most species are ornamental 
in character. Unlike most members 
of the monocotyledonous group, the 
leaves also are reticulately instead of 
parallelly veined. The small whitish 
or yellow flowers are of no garden 
beauty, the perianth consisting of six 
small distinct segments. From an 
economic point of view, the West 
Indian Yam (D. sativa) is perhaps 
the best known and the most useful. 
It has alternate, heart - shaped, 
roundish leaves ending in a point, 
and borne on smooth, round, slender 
stems, D. Batatas, the Chinese Yam, 
has heart-shaped, pointed, deep glossy 
green leaves on green or purplish 
stems 6 to 9 ft. long. The long 
club-like roots are used like potatoes, 
after being boiled, roasted, or other- 
wise cooked. D. Decaisneana, another 
Chinese Yam, is a variety of D. 



Batatas, having pale green, heart- 
shaped leaves, deeply lobed at the 
base, and regularly narrowed to the 
apex. The tuberous roots, however, 
are much smaller than those of D. 
Batatas, and do not penetrate so 
deeply into the soil. 

Amongst species of Yam with 
beautiful foliage, mention may be 
made of the following :— 

D. Ancectochilus, from 8S. America, 
has deep olive-green leaves beautifully 
marbled with gold, with a central 
band of the same colour. 

D. argyrea, from Colombia, has 
green heart-shaped leaves about 5 
ins. across, with seven main veins 
bordered with conspicuous irregular 
patches of silvery grey. 

D. bulbifera, introduced from the 
East Indies in 1692, was at one time 
strongly recommended asa substitute 
for the potato, The leaves are large 
and heart-shaped, and the small 
greenish blossoms are borne in grace- 
fully drooping racemes. 

D. caucasica.—A graceful Caucasian 
climber, having the lower leaves in 
whorls of three to five, the upper 
ones being almost opposite. It is 
very like the Black Bryony (Zamus 
communis) in appearance. (Gard. 
Chron. 1894, xv. 778.) 

D. crinita, {from Natal, has long- 
stalked leaves, divided into five 
elliptic lance -shaped leaflets, each 
ending in a long thread-like point 
(Bot. Mag. t. 6804). 

D. discolor.—A native of Tropical 
America, having large heart-shaped 
leaves, elegantly marbled with two 
or three shades of green on the upper 
surface, the under-surface being rich 

D. Fargesi, from W. China, has 
edible tubers (Rev. Hort. 1896, 540). 

D. hybrida.—This plant is supposed 
to be a hybrid between the Chinese 
Yam (D. Batatas) and the British 



Black Bryony (Tamus communis). It 
is half-hardy and climbing in char- 
acter, has large flattish roots, and 
narrow heart-shaped leaves. (Rev. 
Hort, 1882, p. 379.) 

D. illustrata.—A Brazilian species 
with satiny green leaves about 6 ins. 
long, and having two bluntish lobes 
at the base. The under-surface is 
purple, while the upper is trans- 
versely marked by distinct white 
parallel lines between the nerves, 
and an irregular band of silvery-grey 
runs down the midrib, irregular 
patches of silver-grey being also near 
the main veins. (Gard. Chron. 1873, 
p. 1730.) 

D. multicolor.—A native of the 
Rio Negro, in Brazil, with heart- 
shaped leaves 3 to 5 ins. long. The 
under-surface is pale lurid purple, 
the upper surface being rich green, 
beautifully spotted and blotched with 
grey, especially near the principal 
veins, (Jll. Hort. 1871, 53.) There 
are several varieties of this species, 
the most noteworthy being—chryso- 
phylla, with olive - brown leaves 
variegated with yellow; Eldorado, 
leaves satiny-green, with silver-grey 
band and irregular blotches ; melano- 
leuca, leaves ornamental, deep 
green, with a central silver band, 
and silver blotches along the veins ; 
metallica, leaves bronzy, with a 
coppery central band. 

D. nobilis.— A Brazilian species, 
with velvety bronzy leaves variegated 
with yellow. 

D. pyrenaica.-—A smooth herbace- 
ous plant from the Pyrenees, growing 
only 3 or 4 ins. high, and having 
tuberous roots about as large as a 
nut. The leaves oval, heart-shaped, 
deeply lobed at the base, and with 
sharp - pointed tips, are borne on 
slender, flexuose, branching stems, 
This plant is probably quite hardy. 

D. racemosa.—A native of Central 




America, about 8 ft. high, with oval 
heart-shaped leaves. 

D. retusa.—A native of 8. Africa, 
with alternate digitate leaves divided 
into five- to seven-stalked leaflets. 

D. vittata is an ornamental plant 
with large heart-shaped leaves flushed 
with claret-purple beneath, or varie- 
gated with red and white on both 
sides (Bot. Mag. t. 6409). 

Most of the species mentioned 
above, except D. pyrenaica, flourish 
in a rich loamy soil, with plenty of 
well-decayed manure. The American 
species require warmth and moisture, 
especially during active growth in 
the spring and summer months. In 
autumn and winter the plants require 
a cooler atmosphere, and practically 
no water when dormant. Propaga- 
tion is usually effected by dividing 
the tuberous roots after growth has 
ceased in autumn, or before it com- 
mences in spring. 

DIPCADI, Nat Ord. Liliacee.—A 
genus containing about twenty species 
of bulbous plants, closely related to 

-Galtonia, having tunicated bulbs, 

radical, more or less linear thickish 
leaves, and loose racemes of 
cylindrical, shortly - stalked flowers. 
There are only a few species in 
cultivation, confined for the most 
part to botanical collections. They 
are not hardy, except perhaps in the 
very mildest parts of the Kingdom, 
consequently they require the pro- 
tection of a greenhouse or frame in 
winter in most places. The blossoms 
appear during the summer months 
from July to August and September, 
and are mostly greenish in colour. A 
rich sandy and well-drained soil suits 
them best, and propagation is effected 
by detaching the offsets from the 
older bulbs in spring. 
The following species may be — 

noted :—D. Balfouri, from Socotra, | 


has greenish-yellow flowers in Sep- 
tember, on scapes 2 to 3 ft. high; 
D. glaucum, from the Cape, has 
greenish flowers on scapes 2 to 3 ft. 
high (Bot. Reg. t. 156); D. longi- 
folium, from Mozambique, has purple 
and blue flowers in August, on scapes 
about 2 ft. high (Bot. Reg. t. 974); 
D. serotinum (formerly known as 
Scita and URopreraton), from 
Spain, has greenish-brown Howers in 
July, on scapes 9 ins. high, and is one 
of the hardiest species (Bot. Mag. t. 
859) ; D. uinbonatum, from 8. Africa, 
has yellowish flowers (Ref. Bot. t. 
17); D. Welwitschi, from Angola 
(Bot. Reg. t. 16), and D. viride, from 
S. Africa, both have green flowers 
(Red. Lil. t. 203). 

DIPLADENIA (diploos, a double ; 
aden, a gland; referring to the two 
gland-like processes on the ovary). 
Nat. Ord. Apocynacee.—This genus 
contains several species of ornamental 
stove climbing plants, those men- 
tioned below being the only ones 
with thickened roots. 

D. illustris,—A handsome Brazilian 
plant, having woody root-stocks, 
annual climbing stems, leathery, 
ovate leaves, and large rosy-red 
flowers. There is a variety called 
glabra (Bot. Mag. t.' 7156). 

D, nobilis (Echites nobilis), — A 
beautiful Brazilian climber, with 
fleshy tuberous roots and small, oval, 
opposite, leathery, deep green leaves. 
The large tubular or bell-shaped 
flowers, 2 to 3 ins. across, usually 
appear from July to October, in 
clusters at the ends of the young 
shoots, and are of a beautiful rosy- 
purple changing to orange - red. 
(Paxt. Mag. xvi. p. 4.) 

These plants require hothouse 
treatment. They like a compost of 
turfy peat and fibrous loam with a 
good sprinkling of silver sand, and 



may be grown in well-drained pots, 
or planted in a border. Plenty of 
water should be given during growth, 
and the foliage should be kept clean 
apd fresh by syringing two or three 
times a day. When the flowers are 
over, the stems may be cut back, and 
a lower temperature and less water 
will then suit the plants better. 
Indeed, very little water is required 
in winter months when the tuberous 
roots are at rest. In spring, about 
March, the plants may be repotted. 
If it is desired to increase the stock, 
this is best done by taking cuttings 
about 2 to 3 ins. long with a thin 
piece of the tubers attached, and 
inserting them in pots of sandy soil 
in spring. 

DISPORUM (dis, double; poros, a 
pore). Nat. Ord. Liliacezee.—A genus 
containing about a dozen species of 
hardy or half-hardy herbaceous plants 
having creeping, spreading, or erect 
stems from underground rhizomes. 
Leaves alternate, ovate or lance- 
shaped, sessile or shortly stalked. 
Flowers narrowly bell-shaped, soli- 
tary, or in clusters at the ends of the 

These plants require a rich peaty 
and well-drained soil with a little 
loam, in warm, sheltered, and some- 
what shaded positions. They may 
be raised from seeds sown in spring 
under glass, or by dividing the roots. 
The plants are not very well-known 
outside botanical collections. 

The following may be noted :— 

D. Hookeri.—1 to 2 ft. high, from 
California, has greenish flowers about 
4 in, long, and ovate or deeply heart- 
shaped leaves with roughish margins 
and nerves. 

D. lanuginosum (Uvilaria lanugi- 
nosa), from 8. Carolina, grows about 
1 ft. high; has yellow-green flowers 
in May and June, and ovate, lance- 



shaped, net-veined leaves, downy on 
the under-surface but smooth above 
(Bot. Mag. t. 1490). 

D, Leschenaultianum.—A native 
of the mountains of 8. India and 
Ceylon, grows 1 to 2 ft. high, and 
produces white bell-shaped flowers in 
spring. The leaves vary from elliptic 
lance-shaped to roundish and pointed. 
(Bot. Mag. t. 6935.) 

This species requires greenhouse 

D. Menziesi.—A native of California, 
1 to 3 ft. high, with greenish flowers 
and oval lance-shaped leaves rounded 
at the base, pointed at the apex, and 
and more or less woolly or pubescent. 

D. pullum (D, fulvum ; Uvularia 
chinensis). — A singular looking 
Chinese and Indian plant about 14 
ft. high, with angular zigzag stems, 
ovate lance-shaped pointed leaves, 
and brownish flowers in September 
and October (Bot. Mag. t. 916). 
There is a smaller yellow-flowered 
variety called parviflorum. 

DOLICHOS (dolikos, long ; referring 
to the long shoots). Nat. Ord. 
Leguminose. — This genus contains 
over twenty species of more or less 
climbing plants, with three foliolate 
leaves, and clusters of pea-like 

D. simplicifolius.— This species 
from Tropical Africa differs from 
most of its tribe in having a woody, 
tuberous root-stock, from which arise 
annually herbaceous, erect stems 
about 1 ft. long, bearing simple lance- 
shaped leaves about 6 ins, long, in 
the axils of which clusters of pink 
pea-shaped flowers are produced 
(Bot. Mag. t. 7318). 

This species is of botanical interest. 
It should be grown in sandy loam in 
a warm greenhouse or stove. The 
same may be said of another species, 
pseudopachyrrhizus, which has a large 



tuberous root-stock, climbing stems, 
three-foliolate leaves, and violet-blue 
flowers in racemes 6 to 18 ins, long, 

DORONICUM (from doronigi, the 
Arabian name), LEoparp’s Bane, 
Nat. Ord. Composite.—A genus con- 
taining about a dozen species of hardy 
plants, some of which have swollen, 
tuber-like stems produced at the 
ends of creeping roots. All the 
species are more or less hairy, and the 
flower-heads are borne on tall erect 

Fia. 120.—Doronicum, root-stock. (4) 

D. pardalianches.—A British and 
European plant 1} to 3 ft. high, with 
heart-shaped, toothed leaves, the 
upper ones gradually becoming stalk- 
less and stem-clasping. The yellow 
flower-heads appear in May and 
June, often several on a branching 

D. plantagineum.—This is a native 
of S. Europe, and has a tuberous and 
creeping root-stock; grows 1} to 
3 ft. high, the lower leaves being 
ovate, stalked, and unevenly toothed, 
the upper ones more or less lance- 
shaped, entire, and stalkless. The 
large solitary flower-heads are bright 
golden-yellow, and appear in great 
profusion in April and May. The 
variety excelsum (or Harpur Crewe) 
is a splendid border plant, often 



about 5 ft. high, and with flower- 
heads 3 to 4 ins. across. 

The Doronicums make splendid 
border plants if given plenty of space 
to develop. As a rule, however, they 
are planted too closely together, or 
become choked with other vegetation. 
As they produce creeping and tuber- 
ous root-stocks freely, they spread 
with great freedom and will cover a 
large area in a few years if allowed 
to do so. It is better to give each 
plant at least a square yard or so to 
itself, and then it will display its 
beauty to the best advantage. Any 
ordinary garden soil will suit the 
plants, which are easily increased in 
autumn by dividing the root-stocks. 

DORSTENIA (after 7. Dorsten, a 
German botanist). Nat. Ord. Urti- 
cace.— A genus containing about 
fifty species of hothouse plants, 
remarkable for the very curious 
inflorescence. The small greenish 
flowers are seated on a flattish 
receptacle, somewhat resembling the 
fruit of a fig cut open. 

The Dorstenias are chiefly of 
botanical interest, and are easily 
grown in a house with plenty of heat 
and moisture in a rich sandy loam. 
They may be increased by seeds or 
division. The following species have 
more or less tuberous root-stocks :— 

D. Manni,—A native of W. Tropical 
Africa, with elliptic or cboval leaves 
lobed at the base, obscurely lobed, 
and deep green above (Bot. Mag. t. 

D, tubicina.— A very rare and 
curious species from the Trinity 
Islands, about 3 ins. high, having 
spindle-shaped, aromatic root-stocks, 
oblong heart - shaped leaves, veined 
and toothed on the margins (Bot. 
Mag. t. 2804). 

D. Walleri.—A species from Nyassa- 
land, closely related to D. Manni. It 



has a tuberous root-stock, perennial 
stems about a foot high, and ovate 
fleshy leaves 2 to 5 ins, long. The 
green star-shaped inflorescence is 
nearly 1 in. across, with five tails 
about 2 ins. long. (Gard. Chron. 
1893, xiv. 128.) 

DRACONTIUM (dracon, a dragon ; 
referring to the serpent-like spots 
and streaks). Nat. Ord. Aroides.— 
This genus contains about a dozen 
species, all natives of Tropical 
America, of large-growing, tuberous- 
rooted herbs remarkable for produc- 
ing large, solitary, long-stalked leaves, 
the blade of which is deeply divided 
into numerous lobes and segments. 

The genus EcHIpNIUM (echidnion, a 
young viper) is now merged in 
Dracontium, the best-known species 
of which is #. Regelianum, which 
comes from Brazil, and grows 14 to 3 
ft. high. Theleaves are three-parted, 
bright green, and the spathes are 
purple-brown, (Garten/i. t. 503.) 

The Dracontiums are similar in 
appearance to the Amorphophalli, 
and require the same cultural treat- 
ment, namely, plenty of heat and 
moisture during growth, and a com- 
post of fibrous loam, well-decayed 
manure, and leaf-mould. When at 
rest practically no water is given, for 
fear of rotting the thick fleshy root- 
stocks. These are divided in spring 
if it is desired to increase the plants. 
It is very rarely these curious but 
interesting plants are grown outside 
botanical collections. The following 
species may be noted :— 

D. albostipes.—This grows about 3 
ft. high, the solitary leaf being 
divided into three main parts, the 
divisions of which are winged and 
bear ‘rregularly forked leaflets of a 
bright green colour. The stout leaf- 
stalk is roughish at the base, and 
tapers upwards, It is greyish-white 



distinctly marked with irregular 
blotches and bands of dark brown. 
D, annulatum,—This grows about 

3 ft. high, the three-parted leaf 

having bright green leaflets. The 
stalk is of a dull brown colour, 
marked with pale brown and whitish- 
brown irregular rings. 

D. asperum (D. elatum; Amor- 
phophallus nivosus; Sauromatum 
asperum).—A. Brazilian species 5 to 6 
ft. high, the leaf-stalk being about an 
inch thick at the base, gradually 
tapering upwards, and marked with 
wavy bands or blotches of purple, 
mottled with white. The leaf-blade 
is divided into three or five main 
portions, often spreading horizontally 
for3to4ft. The flowers consist of an 
erect, purple-brown, boat - shaped 
spathe enclosing a cylindrical spadix 
about 2 ins. long. (Gard. Chron. 
1870, 344; Ill. Hort. 1865, t. 424; 
Ref. Bot, 282.) 

D. Carderi.—A Colombian species, 
about 3 ft. high, with flesh-coloured 
leaf - stalks freely banded with 
irregular blotchy rings of umber 
brown. The leaf-blade is  three- 
parted, the divisions being often 
twice forked, with oblong segments 
and an irregularly-winged rachis. 
(Bot. Mag. t. 6523.) 

D. foecundum,—A native of British 
Guiana, about 6 ft. high, the roundish 
tubers bearing a profusion of pointed 
bulbils above the surface of the soil. 
The three-parted leaf appears after 
the flower, and has a diameter of 
about 4 ft, each division bearing 
several pairs of drooping leaflets. 
The erect spathes appear in spring, 
and are about 5 ins. long, dull brown 
outside, wine-purple within. 

D. gigas (Godwinia gigas).—This 
remarkable plant was introduced 
from Nicaragua in 1869, and has 
often attracted considerable attention 
at Kew. It grows about 10 ft. high, 



the roughish fleshy leaf-stalk, as thick 
as a man’s wrist, being pale or creamy 
yellow, elegantly and _ irregularly 
barred and striped with dark purple, 
The large leaf-blade is trichotomously 
divided and again much subdivided 

Fia. 121.—Dracontium gigas. (y4.) 

into smaller, confluent, and deeply 
cut leaflets. The spathe varies from 
2 to 4 ft. long, and is usually of a 
deep plum purple passing into pale 
yellow at the base, while strong 
nerves traverse the surface from base 
to apex. (Bot. Mag. t. 6048.) 

DRACUNCULUS (diminutive of 
draco, from dracon, a dragon; the 
leaf-stalks being marked like the 
skin of a snake). Nat. Ord. Aroidez. 
—The best-known species of this 
genus is D. vulgaris, the Dragon 
Plant. This is still more generally 
known in gardens under the name of 
Arum Dracunculus,and is so described 
in this work (see p. 92). 



DRIMIA (drimys, acrid ; referring 
to the inflammatory juice of the 
bulbs). Nat. Ord. Liliaceze.—A genus 
containing about a score of species 
of bulbous, Scilla-like plants, natives 
of Southern and Tropical Africa. 
The bell-shaped flowers are borne on 
simple scapes in racemes well above 
the narrow lance-shaped or strap- 
shaped leaves. 

These little plants are not well 
known outside botanic gardens. They 
are best grown in pots or pans in a 
greenhouse, and like a mixture of 
sandy loam and leaf-mould or peat. 
When in growth, water must be given 
when necessary ; but in winter when 
the bulbs are dormant no water is 
required. Propagation is effected by 
detaching the offsets from the old 
bulbs when repotting in spring. 

The following are the best-known 
species :—D. ciliaris, 14 ft. purple, 
white; D. anomala (Ref. Bot. t. 
178); D. elata, 2 ft., green, red (Bot. 
Mag. t. 822); D. haworthioides, 6 
ins., white, green ; D. longipeduncu- 
lata, green, purple ; D. media, white ; 
D. purpurascens, purple ; D. pusilla, 
green; D. robusta, 2 ft., green; and 
villosa, green (Bot. Reg. t. 1346). 

DRIMIOPSIS (from Drimia, and 
opsis, resemblance, owing to likeness 
to that genus). Nat. Ord. Liliacez. 
—A genus closely related to Scilla, 
Eucomis, Hyacinth, and Chionodoxa, 
containing half a dozen species, 
natives of Southern and Tropical 
Africa. They have rather small 
tunicated bulbs, usually with two 
or rarely three to four oblong leaves, 
sometimes distinctly stalked and often 
spotted. The small flowers are borne 
in spikes or dense racemes. The 
following are the only species of any 
note :— 

D. Kirkii—A curious-looking plant 
from Zanzibar. It has white-coated, 



round bulbs, about 14 ins, in diameter, 
and lance-shaped leaves about 1 ft. 
long, the pale green upper surface 
being irregularly blotched with dark 
green. The white flowers, each about 
+ in. long, appear in July and 
August, on a scape 9 to 12 ins, high, 
the upper blossoms being crowded. 
(Bot. Mag. t. 6276.) 

D. maculata.—Introduced from 
Natal in 1851—twenty years before 
D, Kirkit. This is a more ornamental 
plant, with heart-shaped, ovate-acute, 
fleshy leaves, the bright green upper 
surface being blotched with deeper 
green, The flowers, at first milky 
white, but changing to greenish- 
white with age, are borne on scapes 
9 to12 ins. high. (Ref. Bot. iii. 191.) 

These plants may be grown easily 
in a warm and well-ventilated green- 
house in the same way as_ the 

Other species occasionally met with 
in botanic gardens are D, botryoides 
and D. perfoliata, both natives of 
Zanzibar, with greenish-white flowers 
on scapes about 6 ins. high; and 
D. minor, a native of Natal, with 
pink blossoms (Ref. Bot. t. 192). 

BICHHORNIA (after J. A. SF. 
Eichhorn, a learned Prussian). Nat. 
Ord. Pontederiacee.—A genus of 
curious -looking and interesting 
aquatic herbs closely related to 
PoNTEDERIA, natives of S. America 
and Tropical Africa, The thickish 
stems or rhizomes float on the water, 
chiefly through the agency of the 
short leaf-stalks, which are more or 
less inflated and full of air. They 
are not difficult to grow, provided 
they are placed in pots or tubs of 
rich soil and immersed in water with 
a temperature of 75° to 85° F. They 
are easily propagated by cutting the 
root-stocks into pieces each contain- 
ing a bud. 



E. azurea.—A Brazilian aquatic, 
with thickish green, smooth and 
flexuose stems about an inch thick. 
The leaves are from 3 to 8 ins. across, 
roundish, heart-shaped, or rhomboidal, 

NI 2 

Fic. 122.—LEichhornia azurea. (4.) 

the blade being more or less twisted. 
The clear, pale blue, funnel-shaped 
blossoms appear during the summer 
months, and are scattered or in pairs 
along a stout hairy rachis or main 
stem. (Bot. Mag. t. 6487.) 

E. speciosa (Pontederia crassipes) is 
similar, but has no thickish root- 
stocks, and produces fine spikes of 
blue flowers (Bot. Mag. t. 2932), 

ELISENA (after Princess Elise, 
sister of Napoleon the Great). Nat. 
Ord. Amaryllideze.—A genus closely 
related to HYMENOCALLIs, containing 
three species of Peruvian plants with 
tunicated bulbs, strap-shaped leaves, 



and broadly funnel-shaped flowers 
having long linear segments. 

The species mentioned below are 
all natives of the Andes of Peru and 
Ecuador, and require to be grown in 
a warm greenhouse. They flourish in 
a compost of loam and sand in about 
equal proportions, with a little well- 
decayed cow-manureor leaf-soil added. 
The simplest method of increase is by 
offsets from the old bulbs. Seeds, 
however, if obtainable, may be sown 
in sandy loam and peat, or a little 

E. longipetala.—This is the best- 
known species, having being intro- 
duced about 1837. It grows at an 
altitude of 6000 to 8000 ft. on the 
Andes of Peru and Ecuador, and has 
long-necked bulbs 1$ to 2 ins. in 
diameter, from which arise about six 
strap-shaped, pale green leaves about 
14 ft. long and 1$ ins. broad. About 
May and June, from five to ten white 
flowers, each with a funnel-shaped 
staminal cup and linear segments 
about 4 ins, long, are borne in a 
nearly sessile umbel on top of a two- 
edged scape 2 to 3 ft. high. (Bot. 
Mag. t. 3873; Ref. Bot. t. 264.) 
This species crossed with Hymeno- 
callis (Ismene) calathina has produced 
a bigeneric hybrid (Gard. Chron. 1905, 
XXXVii, 344; xxxvill. 322), 

E. ringens.—This species has round 
bulbs about 14 ins. through, narrow 
strap-shaped leaves about 14 ft. long, 
and about half a dozen flowers on a 
two-edged scape. The flowers are 
much smaller than in F. longipetala. 
(FI. Peru. iii. 58, t. 283.) 

E. sublimis,—This is closely related 
to H. ringens, but has a_ longer 
staminal cup and longer segments. 

ERANTHEMUM (eran, eras, tolove ; 
anthemon, a flower ; referring to the 
beautiful flowers). Nat Ord, Acan- 
thacee.—There are many beautiful 



stove and greenhouse perennials be- 
longing to this genus, but the only 
one having tuberculous roots is— 

H. tuberculatum.—tThis species 
was introduced from New Caledonia 
about 1863. It is a beautiful bushy 
plant with slender stems, small, oval, 
opposite leaves, and pure white 
flowers about 3 ins. across, The 
corolla is five-lobed, with a long tube. 
(Bot. Mag. t. 5405.) 

This species flourishes in a stove 
house in a compost of sandy loam:and 
leaf-soil. It likes plenty of water 
when in full growth, and frequent 
syringings or sprinklings overhead 
before the flowers appear in summer. 
It is easily propagated by cuttings of 
the young half-ripened shoots a 
couple of inches long, inserted in 
sandy soil in a close frame or under 
a bell-glass, and kept shaded from 
strong sunshine till established. 

ERANTHIS (er, spring; anthos, a 
flower ; referring to its early flower- 
ing), Winter Aconire. Nat. Ord. 
Ranunculacee.—A small genus of 
dwarf - growing perennials having 
tuberous roots, palmately cut leaves, 
and solitary yellow flowers, composed 
of five to eight petal-like sepals. 
The real petals are small, each with a 
claw. The stamens and carpels are 

E. hyemalis.—This is the best 
known of the Winter Aconites. It 

Fic. 123.—Eranthis hyemalis, tubers. 

is a native of W. Europe, and grows 
only a few inches high, The blackish 



irregular tubers, about the size of a 
small filbert, send up roundish leaves 

Fia. 125.—Eranthis cilictca. 

which are deeply and_ irregularly 
lobed. The bright glistening yellow 



flowers, seated on bright green divided 
involucres, appear in great profusion 
early in the New Year, and continue 
well into March. 

E. cilicica is closely related, but 
has more finely divided leaves ; 
and , sibirica is distinguished by 
having only five oval sepals. 

CuLtuRE.—The Winter Aconites 
flourish in any good and well-drained 
garden soil, #. hyemalis being practi- 
cally naturalised. To secure a fine 
effect the tubers should be planted 
thickly—about 3 or 4 ins. apart in 
early autumn, and about 3 or 4 ins, 
deep. The most suitable positions 
are beneath early-flowering deciduous 
trees and shrubs, such as Forsythias, 
Almonds, Plums, Spireas, Lilacs, 
Flowering Currants, etc., or on banks 
or borders, where their bright colour 
will be appreciated early in the year. 
Indeed, the Winter Aconites might 
be used with greater freedom in 
shrubberies of all kinds with such 
early-flowering bulbs as Snowdrops, 
Scillas, Chionodoxas, Crocuses, etc. 
About April and May the plants die 
down, and rest during the summer 
months, growth recommencing in 
early autumn. The plants may then 
be increased if necessary by dividing 
the tuberous roots and replanting. 
When the seeds in the follicles are 
thoroughly ripe they may be sown 
in rich sandy soil, but they usually 
remain dormant until the following 
spring. Even then growth only lasts 
for a few weeks, the resulting 
tubercle being only about the size 
of a pin’s head. At the end of three 
or four years it becomes large enough 
to flower. 

EREMOSTACHYS (eremos, deserted, 
solitary ; stachys, a spike; referring 
to the flowers being sparsely arranged 
on the spikes). Nat. Ord. Labiatee.— 



The only species worth noting 
here is— 

E. laciniata (PAlomis laciniata).— 
A pretty hardy perennial 4 to 6 ft. 
high, with thick fleshy roots and 
tufts of thick. downy leaves each 
6 ins. or more long, pinnately cut into 
oblong lance-shaped or linear seg- 
ments, with deeply jagged margins, 
The rosy- or bronzy-purple flowers 
appear from June to August, the 
upper lobe being yellow and hairy. 
From eight to twelve whorls, each hav- 
ing from ten to twenty flowers, are 
borne on each spike. The variety 
known as zberica or flava has less hairy 
yellow flowers. 

This plant flourishes in light rich 
soil, but being a native of SE. 
Europe, it should have a warm, sunny, 
and sheltered position. It looks 
well in bold masses in the border, or 
in beds on the grass, planted about 
3 ft. apart. Propagation is effected 
by sowing seeds when ripe, or in 
spring, or by cuttings of the young 
shoots in spring. It takes from two 
to three years for seedlings to arrive 
at the flowering stage. 

EREMURUS  (eremos, _ solitary; 
oura, a tail; referring to the long, 
tail-like spike of flowers), Nat. Ord. 
Liliacee.—A genus of noble and 
ornamental herbaceous plants having 
short rhizomes and clusters of slender 
or thick Heshy roots. The long linear 
leaves spring from the root-stocks, 
and the white, reddish, or yellow 
bell-shaped or rotate flowers are 
borne on tall, sometimes very high, 
simple leafless scapes, each blossom 
being solitary in the axil of the often 
scarious bracts. The segments are 
free, or very slightly united at the 
base, one- to five-nerved. Stamens six, 
hypogynous, often longer than the 
segments, and usually protandrous. 

The Eremuri are among the finest 



and most stately plants for the choice 
herbaceous border. They are mostly 
natives of Central and 8. Asia, being 
found in the MHimalayas, Persia, 
Turkestan, and parts of Siberia. It 
is questionable whether they are 
perfectly hardy in the bleaker parts 
of the United Kingdom. In such 
localities it would be wise in severe 
winters to give them some protection 
with a little straw, leaves, or litter, 
to keep their roots free from cold, 
wet, drenching rains. 

They flourish in warm, sunny situa- 
tions facing south, and make splendid 
masses in deep rich sandy loam, well- 
drained and manured. Thesoil should 
be trenched to a depth of two or 
three feet, and if inclined to be heavy, 
some mortar rubble and grit should 
be mixed with it. About September 
or early in October is the best 
time for planting. Great care should 
be exercised in filling the soil in 
among the roots, as these are very 
brittle and easily injured. The plants 
should have ample space to develop 
fully, and once planted are best left 
alone for a few years without being 
disturbed. The soil should receive 
annual dressings or mulchings of well- 
decayed cow or stable manure, and 
during active growth, especially in 
hot summers, copious waterings will be 
beneficial. In the early spring the 
plants shoot up often through the 
frosty soil, and the young and tender 
tips are then apt to become injured. 
A little sprinkling of clean straw, or 
better still a hand-light placed over 
the crowns at night, will give the 
necessary protection. Asslugs devour 
the young growths, they should be 
kept in check by strewing slaked 
lime or soot around the plants 

Tn hot summers Eremuri ripen seeds 
freely. The seeds should be sown in 
pots or pans under glass as soon as 



thoroughly ripe. The young seedlings 
should be pricked out into nice fine 
sandy loam and leaf-mould, and for 
the first year or two until they have 
attained a good size, they are best 
grown in cold frames during the 
winter months; after this they may 
be planted in the open border. The 
plants may also be increased by care- 
fully dividing the root-stocks, but as 
some kinds do not flower for two or 
three seasons after planting, it is not 
wise to disturb the plants too often. 

The following kinds are grown :— 

BE. Aitchisoni.—A fine species from 
the hills of Afghanistan, where it 
flourishes at an altitude of about 
12,000 ft. It has rosettes of broad 
leaves 2 to 3 ft. long, and produces 
dense spikes of pale red flowers in 
June and July, on stout stems 3 to 5 
ft. high. 

HB, aurantiacus.—This fine species 
is closely related to &. Bunger, and 
also comes from Afghanistan, where 
it is found growing in rough, stony 
soil at an elevation of 7000 to 9000 
ft. It has narrow linear leaves about 
1 ft. long and in. broad. The bright 
orange-yellow blossoms with reflexed 
segments are borne in April and May 
on stalks 2 to 3 ft. high. (Garten/i. 
t. 1168, fig. 6; Bot. Mag. t. 7113.) 

BH. bucharicus.—This species from 
Bokhara is not yet well known. It 
has triangular grey-green leaves, 
the margins of which are furnished 
with downward-pointing teeth. The 
flower-stem is about 3 ft. high, and 
bears a long and rather loose 
raceme of white flowers, each about 
an inch across, the segments having 
a brownish-red line down the centre. 
(Gartenji, t. 1315, fig. 1.) 

E. Bungei.—A beautiful Persian 
species with smooth grey-green leaves 
about 1 ft. long and } in. broad, 
slightly ciliated on the edges. The 
stoutish flower-stems appear in June 



and July, and are 1 to 6 ft, high, the 
upper portion being covered with 
bright yellow flowers each about 1 in. 
across, the reflexed segments being 
distinctly keeled with green behind. 
There are several seedling variations 
of this species now in cultivation. 
(Gartenfl. t. 1168, fig. a.) The variety 
precox, from Baluchistan, produces 
its looser spikes of smaller flowers 
earlier than the type; and c7trinus 
has larger citron-yellow flowers (Rev. 
Hort. 1907, 366). 

E, chinensis.—This species, prob- 
ably not yet in cultivation, is closely 
related to #. Olga, but is a native of 
China, having been found at W. 
Szechuan and the Tibetan frontier. 
It has stout, fleshy, spindle-shaped 
roots and very narrow and thin flaccid 
keeled leaves. The whole plant is 
about 2 ft. high, and the flowers are 
about the size of those of £, Olge 
with narrower segments. The colour 
isnot mentioned. (Gard. Chron. 30th 
March 1907, 199.) 

BE, himalaicus,—This is a charming 
and most imposing, and at the same 
time one of the hardiest species from 
the Himalayas, where it grows at an 
elevation of 7000 to 10,000 ft. It 
has smooth, strap-shaped, acute 
leaves about 1 ft. long, and produces 
its erect spikes of beautiful white 
flowers, each well over an inch across, 
in May and June, on the upper portion 
of a stout stem, which sometimes 
attains a height of about 8 ft. (Gard. 
Chron. 1881, xvi. p. 49; Bot. Mag. 
t. 7076.) 

BH, himrob.—This is a grand hybrid 

between #. himalaicus and &.- 

robustus, and differs from the latter 
parent chiefly in its silvery rose 

E, isbellinus is a hybrid between 
the yellow-flowered #, Bungei and the 
pinkish- or lilac-purple #. Olga. 

E. Kaufmannianus,—This species 



from Turkestan is a fine addition to 
the: yellow-flowered kinds, and has 
moreover the additional charm of 
being fragrant. 

EH. Korolkowi,—This rare and hand- 
some species, from Central Asia, 
grows from 3 to 4 ft. high, and has 
large spikes of bright rose flowers. 

E. Michelianus is the name given 
to a supposed hybrid between 2. 
Bunget and FE. Waret (Gard. Chron, 
1906, xl. 83). 

EH. Olge.—A pretty and distinct 
species from Turkestan, resembling 
E. Bunge in appearance, with 
narrow leaves 1 to 2 ft. long, and 
flower-stems about 8 ft. high, the 
upper half being densely covered with 
pinkish-white or pale lilac-purple 
sweet-scented flowers over 1 in. across, 
opening in May and June (Garten. 
t. 1048). 

E. robustus—A vigorous free- 
growing and deep-rooting species, 

Fic. 126.—Eremurus robustus, root-stock. (4) 

native of Turkestan, at an elevation 
of about 10,000 ft. The leaves often 
measure 3 ft. long and 3 ins. broad, 
while the flower-stem reaches a height 
of 6 to 10 ft., the upper 3 or 4 feet 
being a tapering spike of pale pink or 
rosy flowers, each about 2 ins. across. 
and expanding in May ard June. 
(Bot. Mag. t. 6726; Gartenjl. t. 769.) 
The variety Elwesianus is a much 
stronger and finer plant than the 
type, and bears immense spikes of 



rosy-pink flowers at the same season, 
but the blossoms last longer. There 
is a beautiful white-flowered form, 
quite as vigorous and free-flowering 
as the others. 

BE. spectabilis (2. caucasicus).—This 
variable species from Siberia, the 
Caucasus, etc., has been in cultivation 
since about the year 1800. It has 
tufts of narrow, grey-green, strap- 
shaped leaves, and its pale sulphur- 
yellow flowers tinted with orange, 
appear in May and June on stout 
stalks 2 to 4 ft. high. (Bot. Jag. 
t.4870.) A hybrid called vedrariensis 
has been raised between LF. spectabilis 
and #. robustus (Rev. Hort. 1907, 
229 f.). 

E. Tubergeni.—Another grand hy- 
brid between the yellow &. Bungei and 
the white #. himalaicus, and inter- 
mediate in appearance between the 
two. The flowers are pale yellow. 

E. turkestanicus.—A native of 
Turkestan, 2 to 4 ft. high, with broadly 
linear pointed leaves and _ reddish- 
brown flowers, the segments of which 
are edged with white (Gartenjf.. t. 

E. Warei—This is probably a 
natural hybrid between £. Bungei 
and #. Olge. It has very tall spikes 
(8 ft.), the actual inflorescence being 
a yard long, and studded with 
hundreds of coppery-red blossoms 
tinted with bronze. It comes from 
Central Asia. (Gard. Chron. 1900, 
XXVli. 409.) 

ERIOSPERMUM (erion, wool; 
spermos, a seed; in reference to the 
woolly seeds). Nat. Ord. Liliaceze.—A 
genus containing over two dozen 
species of plants, natives of Tropical 
and Southern Africa, and closely 
related to Eremurus, and formerly con- 
fused with Bulbine. They are bulb- 
ous plants requiring the protection 
of a warm greenhouse during the 



winter months, but would probably 
flourish in the open air from June to 
September. They are easily grown 
in a compost of sandy loam and peat 
or leaf-soil, and may be increased by 

The following species are met with 
in botanic gardens :— 

E. Bellendeni (Z. latifoliwm).—This 
has roundish pointed leaves, cucullate 
at the base, and produces its light 
blue starry blossoms from June to 
August, on stalks about 1 ft. high 
(Bot. Mag. t. 1382). 

H. brevipes, from Algoa Bay, 
grows about 14 ft. high, and has 
white flowers tinted with green. 

H. folioliferum has green and yel- 
low flowers (Bot. Rep. t. 521). 

EH. Mackeni (Bulbine Mackenz), 
from Natal, has rather fleshy, ovate- 
oblong, bluntish leaves, and bright 
golden-yellow flowers in July (Bot. 
Mag. t. 5955). EH. latifolium has 
light blue flowers (Bot. Mag. t. 1382 ; 
Jacg. Ic. t. 420); HE. parvifolium, 
dark blue flowers (Jacg. Ic. t. 422); 
and E, pubescens, white and green 
flowers (Bot. Mag. t. 578). 

ERYTHRONIUM (erythros, red; 
referring to the colour of the leaves 
and flower of first species), Doc’s- 
tootH VIoLET. Nat. Ord. Liliacese.— 
A genus of pretty plants with tuni- 
cated bulbs which produce new ones 
each year either at the base within 
the old coats or at the end of long 
offshoots, or along a rhizome, some- 
times in succession for several years. 
The leaves on the stems are unequal, 
one being usually narrower and more 
tapering than the other. The mott- 
ling varies greatly even in the same 
species, and may sometimes be absent 
altogether. The flowers are nodding 
or drooping, solitary, or two or more 
in a loose raceme. 

For three hundred years and more 

209 o 


the common European and Asiatic 
Dog’s-tooth Violet (#. dens-canis) has 
been cultivated in British gardens, and 
it still ranks as one of the best for early 
spring-flowering purposes. Of late 
years several other species have been 
introduced from the United States, 
and have proved excellent additions to 
our spring-flowering bulbous plants, 
being suitable either for the ordinary 
flower border, for nooks in the 
rockery, for grassland, or for natural- 
ising amongst shrubberies, etc. 

Like bulbous plants in general, 
most of the Erythroniums like a gritty 
soil well enriched with leaf-mould or 
old manure, and detest heavy cold 
ground charged with too much 
moisture, although they like damp 
situations. The best time for planting 
is between September and the end of 
November, the cylindrical or oblong 
bulbs being covered with about twice 
their own depth of soil. Once planted 
they may be allowed to remain for 
several years in the same place, where 
in many cases they will increase and 
multiply without trouble. An annual 
mulching or top-dressing of well- 
rotted manure in autumn or winter 
will supply fresh food to the roots, 
and keep the plants in good flowering 
condition. Apart from open - air 
culture, the Dog’s-tooth Violets are 
charming plants for pot cultivation, 
and may be grown with ease in a 
cold greenhouse during the winter and 
early spring months with other plants 
like Crocuses, Scillas, Chionodoxas, 
etc., etc. 

The following species are now 
grown :— 

fH, albidum,—A native of damp 
places in the states of New York, 
Pennsylvania, etc., having oblong 
lance-shaped leaves, slightly mottled 
with silvery green. The white flowers, 
with lance-shaped reflexed segments, 
appear in April and May, one on each 



stalk. The variety bracteatum has 
somewhat larger leaves, and differs, 
moreover, in having yellow flowers, 
It inhabits the mountain regions 
instead of the pastures. The variety 
coloratum has deeper coloured flowers 
than the type. 

HE, americanum, — This species 
grows in the damp open woodland of 
the Eastern United States and 
Canada, It has stolon-bearing corms 
like #. albidwm, and larger leaves 
mottled with greenish-purple. The 
solitary flowers appear in April and 
May, and are of a bright golden- 
yellow often tinged with purple, and 
finely dotted within at the base, 
(Bot. Mag. t. 1113; Red. Lil. t. 194.) 

BE. californicum.—This is the name 
given in Flora and Sylva, November 
1905, p. 254, to the plant hitherto 
known as &#. gigantewm, from which 
it differs chiefly in having more than 
one flower on a stalk, and in having 
larger and more prominent filaments, 
auricles, and seed-pods. It is found 
at an elevation of 6000 to 10,000 ft. in 
California, and is one of the finest 
and most showy species. The leaves 
are mottled with dull purple, and the 
large creamy-white flowers 3 ins. 
across are suffused with orange or 
yellow at the base, and from one to 
six are borne on a tall scape. (Bot. 
Mag. t. 5714.) 

B, citrinum.—A native of the Deer 
Creek Mountain in S. Oregon, having 
obovate lance - shaped leaves richly 
mottled in brown. The stems usually 
bear three lemon - yellow flowers, 
but often more, the broadly lance- 
shaped segments about 1 in. long 
being strongly recurved, orange at the 
base above the auricles, and some- 
times suffused with pink at the tips. 

B. dens-canis.—This is the common 
Dog’s-tooth Violet, found wild chiefly 
in Central and §. Europe, although 
forms of it extend across Asia to 



Japan. It has ovoid-cylindrical corms 
resembling a dog’s tooth, and ovate or 
oblong, lance-shaped, glaucous green 
leaves marbled with dull purple. The 
peduncles appear in February and 
March, each from 4 to 6 ins. high, 
bearing a solitary flower of a beautiful 
rose or violet-purple (rarely white), 
with brown dots at the base of the 
recurved segments. Besides the rare 
white forms there are others, called 
purpureum, roseum, and violaceum, 
according to the shades of colour. 
The Siberian form, s¢bcrica, has purple 



Columbia, growing in heavy lands 
along streams and damp spots in 
woods.” It has obovate lance-shaped 
leaves mottled in light brown and 
white. The tall stout scape rarely 
carries more than one flower, which 
has pure white petals tinted with 
green, and with or without a reddish 
band above the auricled base. The 
variety precox has creamy - white 
flowers and richly mottled leaves. 

E, grandiflorum,—A pretty species 
6 ins. or more high, native of the 
mountains of Idaho, Washington, etc., 

Fia. 127.—Erythrontwm dens-canis. (4-) 

flowers, and is a more vigorous plant 
than the type, while the Japanese 
form, japonicum, has violet - purple 
flowers. (Bot. Mag. t.5; Red. Lil. 
t. 194; Gard. 1896, t. 573.) 

HE. giganteum.—The species hither- 
to known under this name is now 
called E. californicum. The true ZF. 
giganteum is a native of “Oregon, 
Washington, and Southern British 

Fia, 128.—Erythronium grandiflorum. (4.) 

with erect oblanceolate unmottled 
leaves, and bright golden - yellow 
flowers about 3 ins. across, with 
crimson stamens, borne in March and 
April, usually two on a stem (Bot. 
Reg. t. 1786). 

The variety albiflorum has white 
flowers tinged with green. The 
variety parviflorum is the same as the 
plant grown as Vuttallianum, and 
being more common than the type 



has usually been called grandiflorum. 
It is a native of the Blue Mountains 
of Oregon, and the Cascade Mountains 
of Washington, besides Colorado, 
Utah, etc. It first flowered in England 
about 1835 or 1836. The form called 
Murrayt seems to be rare, and is 
said to have mottled leaves. 

E. Hartwegi—A fine Californian 
species with small corms and obovate 
lance-shaped green leaves distinctly 

Fia. 129.—Erythroniwm Hartwegi. (3.) 

marbled with dull purple. The large 
creamy-white or pale yellow flowers, 
tinted with orange at base, are from 
2} to 3 ins. across, and appear in 
March and April, on stalks 4 to 8 ins. 

E. Hendersoni,— A handsome species 
from the Oregon Mountains, having 
dull green oblong lance-shaped leaves 
faintly mottled with purple brown. 
The light purple-rose flowers with 
reflexed segments appear in March 
and April, from one to three or more 



drooping on a scape 4 to 6 ins. high, 
the centre being darker coloured with 
a yellow ring. (Bot, Mag. t. 7017.) 

Fig. 130.—Erythrontum Hendersont. (3) 

E. Howelli.—A rare Oregon species 
with obovate lance-shaped leaves 
mottled with purple, and pale yellow 
flowers having an orange - coloured 
base which turns pink or rose with 
age. There are no auricles at the 
base of the inner petals. 

HE. Johnsoni.— A sturdy - growing 
species from the Columbia River, 
with large, clear rosy-pink flowers, 
having a rich yellow zone ai the base. 
It is considered to be a geographical 
form of EF. revolutum by Mr Carl 
Purdy (Garden, 1896). 

E. mesochoreum.—aA native of the 
grassy prairies and wooded slopes 
from Iowa to Kansas, It resembles 
E. albidum, but has unmottled and 
narrower leaves, and the segments of 
the whitish flowers are not recurved. 

E. montanum,—A native of the 
Oregon and Washington mountains, 



having faintly mottled leaves cordate 
at the base, and one to two large 
creamy or pure white flowers on a 
stalk, the base of the segments being 
orange often fading to pink. This 
flowers later than the other species, 
from July to September. 

Fic. 131.—Erythronium Johnsont. (3) 

EB. Nuttallianum.— This is often 
confused with forms of F. grandi- 
forum. The true type has golden- 
yellow flowers, and the stamens have 
bright scarlet anthers. 

B. propullans.—A native of Minne- 
sota, having small ovoid corms, and 
oblong lance-shaped slightly mottled 
leaves 2 to 4 ins. long. The peduncle 
is only 2 to 3 ins. high, bearing a 
solitary rose-purple flower with a 
yellow centre. 

E purpurascens.— A Californian 
species from an altitude of 4000 ft., 
with corms 1 to 2 ins. long, and 
narrow, lance-shaped, obovate, wavy 
leaves tinted with brown. This 
species sometimes bears as many as 



eight flowers on a single stem. They 
are pale yellow tinged with purple, 
and deep orange-yellow at the base 
of the segments, A variety called 
multiflorum is said to bear as many 
as fifteen bright lilac flowers with a 
yellow centre on a single stem. 

Fia. 132.—Erythrontum Smithi, corm and 
section. (3.) 

EB, revolutum,— A distinct and 
beautiful Californian species, having 

Fic. 138.—Erythroniwm robustum. (3.) 

large deep green leaves mottled with 
brown and white. From one to two 



flowers, each about 2 ins. across, and 
varying in colour from pink to deep 
rosy-purple, are borne on stout stems 
well above the leaves. The variety 
Watsont (or albiflorum) has large, 
somewhat bell-shaped, creamy-white 
flowers with an orange centre; while 
there is another form with pure white 
flowers on stems about 18 ins. high. 
The variety Bolandert (or Smithz) 
differs from the type in seldom turning 
purple. A garden form called “ Pink 
Beauty” has flowers of a delicate 
shade of pink. 

EH. robustum,— An ornamental 
species 6 to 8 ins. high, having 
wavy leaves varying from lance- 
shaped to ovate, and not marbled, 
and having bright yellow flowers with 
reflexed petals, the protruding cinna- 
bar anthers being attached to white 
filaments. The blossoms appear in 
April. Fig. 133. 

EUCHARIS (eucharis, agreeable ; 
referring to the scent of the flowers). 
Nat. Ord, Amaryllidee.—.A genus 
containing about a dozen species of 
noble - looking bulbous plants, all 
natives of Colombia (New Grenada). 
They are characterised by having 
tunicated bulbs, oblong bright green 
stalked leaves, and large pure white 
flowers borne in irregular umbels on 
top of a stout fleshy scape. The 
perianth-tube is cylindrical, with a 
dilated throat more or less curved, 
while the six segments are more or 
less spreading, the three inner ones 
being somewhat wider than the three 
outer, There are six stamens, remark- 
able for having the lower half of the 
filaments dilated into a flat appendage, 
and united to each other to form a 
kind of short corona or “trumpet,” 
as in Narcissus. 

Eucharises flourish in a stove or 
warm greenhouse temperature, say 
from 65° to 70° F. in winter to 80° or 



more in summer. The bulbs vary 
in size according to the species, from 
14 ins. to 3 ins. in diameter, and may 
be grown in pots or planted in borders 
under glass. Several bulbs may be 
placed in one pot, allowing 2 or 3 ins, 
between each, or a single bulb may be 
allotted to one pot having a diameter 
of 2 or 8 ins, more than the bulb, 
I have found a compost of heavy 
loam, with a good sprinkling of leaf- 
mould, old cow-manure, and silver 
sand excellent, the pots in every case 
being well-drained with a good layer 
of crocks at the bottom. The best 
time for potting is in early spring, 
when the bulbs begin to send forth 
fresh growths. This is also a good 
time to increase the stock by separat- 
ing the offsets from the older bulbs 
and potting them up singly into 5-in, 
or 6-in. pots according to size. In 
potting, the top or crown of the bulbs 
should be an inch or so beneath the 
top of the soil, this being pressed 
down firmly all round. 

When growth commences, watering 
must be given as required, larger 
supplies being necessary during vigor- 
ous growth than when the plants are 
in blossom or going to rest. To 
secure particularly good results weak 
liquid manure may be given two or 
three times a week when the flower- 
stems are pushing up from the bulbs. 
Cow-manuure, soot, and a little guano 
mixed up in a bag and sunk in a tub 
or tank will yield an excellent stimu- 
lant. I have also used sheep drop- 
pings in the same way and have been 
satisfied with the results ; and doubt- 
less any other natural manure would 
be equally efficacious if used judici- 
ously, and not too strong or too fresh. 

A moist atmosphere is one of the 
essentials for successful Eucharis cul- 
ture, especially during rapid growth. 
The syringe should be used in the 
morning and afternoon, and the stages 



and floors should be “damped down” 
regularly to maintain the humidity. 
Great light in summer is not essential 
—indeed it is likely to give the 
leaves a yellowish tint. The blinds 
should therefore be pulled down 
during the hottest part of the day, 
unless the plants are growing where 
they are naturally in a somewhat 
shaded position, such as beneath 
stages, or when grown beneath tall 
Palms or other plants. 

Of the species mentioned below, 
the finest and most valuable un- 
doubtedly is #. grandiflora (almost as 
well known under the name of £. 
amazonica). It is a great favourite 
with growers for market, and its 
beautiful flowers always realise good 
prices for florists’ work. When grown 
for market several bulbs are planted 
in large pots 12 to 18 ins. in diameter, 
in which they remain for several 
years. They are top-dressed annually 
with rich compost, and are given 
liquid manure when necessary. The 
fact that the blooms are cut when 
properly developed for market induees 
the plants to flower more frequently 
than when the flowers are allowed to 
fade and absorb more nourishment 
from the bulbs in the effort to develop 
seeds. Once the flowering period is 
over less water is required, and a 
lower temperature and a drier atmos- 
phere will be appreciated until growth 
commences again. It is a mistake to 
dry the bulbs off—that is, to with- 
hold water to such an extent as to 
cause the leaves to wither and fall. 
The plants are best kept in an ever- 
green condition if possible, arrang- 
ing the temperature, watering, etc., 
according to the season and activity 
of growth. 

The following species are known :— 

BH. Bakeriana.—This species may 
be described as a small edition of #. 
grandiflora, It was introduced in 



1890 from Colombia, and has broadly 
oval leaves, and pure white flowers, 
the corona of which is like that of 
E. candida, (Bot. Mag. t. 7144; 
Gard. Chron. 1890, i. fig. 61.) 

EH. burfordiensis.—An interesting 
hybrid between #. Stevens? or £. 
Sandert and H. Masterst. The bell- 
shaped flowers are pure white, tinted 
with green at the base, and are about 
3 ins. across. (Gard. Chron. 1899, 

Fic. 134.—Eucharts burfordiensis. (3.) 

xxvi, 232, 247, f. 84; Gard. Mag. 
Sept. 1899.) 

E, candida,— This has been in 
cultivation since 1851. It has stolon- 
bearing bulbs about 2 ins, in diameter, 
and long-stalked, bright green, broadly 
elliptic leaves. From six to ten droop- 
ing pure white flowers, each about 
3 ins. across, are borne on a scape 1 
to 2 ft. high. (Fl. d. Serr. t. 788.) 
Fig. 135. 

, Gortoni,—The sketch represents 
a flower and bud of a plant shown with 
this name in London in August 1895, 
The blossoms were pure white, and 
remarkable for the large cup. The 



plant seems to have dropped out of 
cultivation. The flowers somewhat 

resemble those of Pancratium tri- 
anthum in shape. 

E. grandiflora (LZ. amazonica).— 

Introduced from Andes of 


Fia. 1385.—Eucharis candida. (4.) 

Colombia in 1854, this species has 
ever since been a great favourite. 
It has roundish bulbs 2 to 3 ins, in 
diameter, and broadly ovate, pointed 
leaves, somewhat wavy and plaited. 
About half a dozen pure white flowers, 
each 4 to 5 ins. across, droop from the 
top of a scape 13 to 2 ft. high. The 
corona or “ staminal cup” is composed 
of the six squarely dilated stamens 
or filaments. (/7. d. Serr. tt. 957, 
1216, 1217; Bot. Mag. t. 4971; 
Garden, 1888, ii. 691.) 

The variety Moore: has somewhat 
smaller flowers than the type, and is 
recognised by the bright yellow lines 
on the outside of the corona extend- 
ing downwards from the filaments. 



Under the name of Cliveucharis 
pulchra, a supposed bigeneric hybrid 
between this species and a Clivia is 
described in the Gard. Chron. 1891, 
ix. 708. 

BE, Lehmanni, — A little - known 
species from Popayan, Colom- 
bia, having oblong elliptic leaves 
and small white flowers about 
1$ ins. across, and having a 
corona with twelve deeply cut 
teeth or divisions. It produces 
seeds freely. (Gartenfl. 1889, 
1300, fig. 1.) 

E. Lowi.—This is supposed 
to be a natural hybrid between 
£, Sanderi and £. grandiflora, 
and is a native of the U.S. of 
Colombia. The flowers are large 
pure white, with somewhat 

incurved segments. (Gard. 
Chron. 1893, xiii, 455, 588, 
f, 78.) 

EB. Mastersi.— A _ distinct 
species with bulbs 14 to 2 ins. 
in diameter, bright green oblong 
leaves, rounded at the base, and 
a couple of almost stalkless 
white flowers about 2 to 3 ins. 
across, on a scape about 1 ft. 
high (Bot. Mag. t. 6831; Gard. 
Chron. Sept. 1899, 241, f.). 

HE. Sanderi—A charming species 
with ovoid bulbs 14 to 2 ins. in 
diameter, and bright green oblong 
leaves cordate at the base. Less 
than half a dozen pure white flowers, 
3 ins. across, with broadly ovate 
segments, are borne on scapes over 
afoot high. (Bot. Mag. t. 6676.) 

The variety multiflora (Bot. Mag. 
t. 6831) has smaller white flowers 
striped with green. 

EH. Stevensi—A hybrid between 
E. Sanderi and EF. candida (Gard. 
Chron, Sept. 1899, 243 f.) Another 
between ZL. Sandert and grandiflora 
has been called Elmetana (Gard. 
Chron. Nov. 1899, 344, f. 115). 



Fia, 139.—Eucharis Sanderi. (4.) 



HE. subedentata (Calliphruria sub- 
edentata).—A distinct plant with ovoid 
bulbs 13 ins. in diameter, and bright 
green oblong acute leaves deltoid at 
the base. Flowers white, six to eight 
on a slender scape a foot or more high. 
The stamen filaments are lance- 
shaped and occasionally toothed at 
the base. (Bot. Mag, t. 6829; Lil, 
Hort. 0.8. 415.) 

EUCOMIS (eucomis, beautiful - 
haired, referring to the tufted crown 
of flower-spike). Nat. Ord. Liliaceze. 
—A small genus of 8S. African plants 
often with large tunicated bulbs, 
oblong wavy leaves, and stoutish 
erect scapes, bearing a dense raceme 
of waxy-looking flowers surmounted 
by a tuft or rosette of leaf-like bracts. 
Segments of perianth, six, spreading, 
nearly equal, each with a stamen 
attached at base. Ovary sessile, 
tapering into a columnar or conical 

Although not well-known outside 
botanic gardens, these bulbs are 
worthy of more general cultivation. 
Except in the northern parts of 
England perhaps, and most parts of 
Scotland, they may be regarded as 
fairly hardy, and quite so in the 
southern counties. Grown several 
together, they look effective in foliage 
and blossom. They like a rich, 
gritty, and well-drained soil of a 
loamy nature, and the bulbs should 
be planted deeply so as to leave about 
6 ins. of soil above the tops. Warm, 
sunny situations are best in the 
border or rockery. The growths 
appear later in spring than most 
other bulbous plants, and this is an 
advantage, as the spring frosts are 
likely to be evaded. When doing 
well, the plants should not be dis- 
turbed for some years, but it will be 
necessary to give a good top-dressing 
of well-rotted manure each year, 



preferably in spring, when the shoots 
have appeared above the soil. The 
plants are easily increased by offsets 
from the old bulbs in spring. 

If seeds ripen, they may be sown in 
rich gritty soil in pots under glass. 
The seedlings will require careful 
attention for the first two or three 
years, and when about five years old 
the bulbs may reach flowering size. 

E. amaryllidifolia,— A distinct 
species, having ovoid bulbs, fleshy, 
suberect, strap-like leaves, channelled 
on the upper surface towards the base, 
and devoid of spots on both surfaces. 
The green blossoms are borne in dense 
cylindrical spikes on stems about 
1 ft. high. 

E. bicolor.—A handsome vigorous 
species from Natal, with round fleshy- 
rooted bulbs, and oblong, unspotted, 
deep green leaves, somewhat wavy on 
the margins. The pale greenish-yellow 
flowers appear in August in dense 
racemes, and are rendered conspicuous 
and even handsome by means of the 
distinct purple edge to the oblong 
segments. (Bot. Mag. t. 6816.) 

HE, Jacquini—This name has been 
given to the plant figured as EF. nana 
in Jacquin’s Hort. Schénbrunn, i. t. 
92. It differs from the true &. nana 
in having shorter and broader leaves, 
and in the absence of purple from the 
flower - spikes (Gard. Chron. 1908, 

BE, nana.—This grows about 9 ins. 
high, having broadly lance -shaped 
acute leaves, and rather club-shaped 
scapes of brownish-green flowers (Bot. 
Mag. t. 1495). The variety purpureo- 
caults has purple flower-stems. 

EH. punctata.—A fine species with 
large oblong lance-shaped, channelled 
leaves, gracefully spreading and re- 
curved, of a bright shining green, 
densely spotted with purple beneath. 
The creamy-white or yellowish, star- 
shaped, sweet-scented flowers appear 



from July to September in dense 
cylindrical trusses, on stout scapes 
13 to 2 ft. high, heavily spotted with 
purple, and having a tuft of red-edged 
bracts on top. The yellow-anthered 
stamens are opposite the segments, 
and the deep violet ovary in the 
centre of the flowers is very conspicu- 
ous and distinctly attractive. In the 
variety striata (Bot. Mag. t. 1539) 
the purple blotches on the leaves and 
flower-stems partake more of the 
character of stripes. (Bot. Mag. t. 
913; Red. Lil, t. 208.) 

Fic. 140.—Eucomis punctata. (4-) 

E. robusta.—This strong - growing 
species has narrow pointed leaves 
about 2 ft. long, and green bell-shaped 
flowers, tinged with brown, borne in 
dense racemes on sturdy scapes (Gard. 
Chron. 1894, xvi. 562). 

EH, undulata (Bot. Mag. t. 1083), 
with ovate oblong wavy green 
leaves and greenish-yellow flowers ; 
E. regia (Red, Lil. t. 175), with 



white or rose-tinted fragrant flowers ; 
E. pallidiflora, with leaves over 
2 ft. long and 4 to 5 ims. broad, 
and greenish - white flowers 1 in. 
across ; and E. zambesiaca, from E. 
Tropical Africa, requiring greenhouse 
treatment, are other species not so 
well known. 

EUCROSIA (eu, beautiful ; Lrossos, 
a fringe; in allusion to the elegant 
fringe forming the stamens). Nat. 
Ord. Amaryllidese.—This genus con- 
tains one species— 

E. bicolor.—A native of the Andes 
of Ecuador, whence it was introduced 
in 1817. It has ovoid brown-coated 
bulbs about 1 in. through, and thin, 
lance - shaped, stalked leaves, the 
blades being about 6 ins. long and 1 
to 2 ins. broad. The funnel-shaped 
flowers, about an inch long, are 
orange-yellow, the segments being 
veined or keeled with green. The 
stamens are much longer than the 
perianth-tube, and protrude conspicu- 
ously ; and the style is much longer. 
(Bot. Reg. t. 207; Bot. Mag. t. 2490 ; 
Hook, Exot. Fl. t. 209.) 

This species may be regarded as a 
curious and somewhat ornamental 
greenhouse plant. It will grow 
freely in a compost of rich sandy 
peat, and requires fair supplies of 
water during active growth. The 
blossoms appear in loose umbels on 
a stalk about a foot high about April 
and May. ‘The plants rest in winter, 
and may be increased by offsets in 
spring when growth is commencing. 

EURYCLES (eurys, broad ; Alas, a 
branch ; referring to the broad leaves 
or branch-like foot-stalks), Nat. Ord. 
Amaryllidez.—This genus contains 
two species of pretty plants with 
tunicated bulbs, broad stalked leaves 
with curving veins, and white flowers 
produced in ‘umbels. Perianth-tube 



cylindrical ; segments subequal,oblong 
lance-shaped. Stamens six, with 
filaments bordered in the lower half, 
and more or less united into. a 
distinct cup. 

These bulbs require to be grown in 
a warm greenhouse or stove with a 
temperature of 65° to 75° F., or even 
a few degrees more; but they will 
stand a lower temperature in winter 
when at rest. They are best grown 
in pots or pans in a compost of sandy 
loam, leaf-mould, and a little well- 
rotted cow-manure. During active 
growth they require plenty of water, 
and may be treated generally in the 
same way as the Eucharises. The 
simplest method of propagation is by 
offsets from the older bulbs. 

Fic, 141.—Eurycles sylvestris. 


HE. Cunninghami.—A native of 
Queensland and New South Wales, 
whence it was introduced in 1824. 
The bulbs are about 13 ins. through, 
and the thin leaves are oblong-acute, 
the blade being from 4 to 9 ins. long. 
From ten to fifteen funnel-shaped 
white flowers are borne on a slender 



scape about a foot high. (Bot. Reg. 
t. 1506; Bot. Mag. t. 3999.) 

EB. sylvestris (H. australis; LE. 
amboinensis; Pancratium amboinense; 
P. australasicum; P. nervifolium ; 
Crinum nervosumn; Amaryllis rotundi- 
folia). — This remarkable plant is 
found wild in the Malayan Peninsula 
and the Philippines to N. Australia, 
and judging by its synonyms, appears 
to have given the botanists much 
trouble. The bulbs are 3 to 4 ins. 
through, and the leaves with roundish 
heart-shaped pointed blades are from 
6 to 12 ins. broad, with twelve to 
fifteen strong veins on each side of 
the midrib, and furnished with a 
long stalk dilated at the base. From 
twenty to thirty white flowers are 
borne in a dense umbel on the top of 
around scape 1 to 14 ft. high. The 
filaments are remarkable for their 
appendages, } to 4 in. long, united 
only at the very base. (Bot. Mag. 
t. 1419; Red. Lil. t. 384; Bot. Reg. t. 

EUSTEPHIA (ew, beautiful ; stephos, 
a crown; referring to the arrange- 
ment of the stamens), Nat. Ord. 
Amaryllidex.— The only species 
known is— 

E. coccinea (H#. Macleanica; 
Phedranassa rubro - viridis). — A 
native of the Andes of Peru with 
ovoid bulbs about 1 in. through. The 
bright green linear leaves, a foot or 
more long, appear after the blossoms. 
These appear in spring, six to eight 
more or less drooping from the top of 
a slender two-edged scape about a 
foothigh. The perianth-tube is short 
and bell-shaped, the bluntish oblan- 
ceolate segments being bright red 
tipped with green. 

This plant is rarely seen, but it 
has been in cultivation several times. 
It requires to be grown in a green- 
house, in a compost of rich sandy 



loam. Increased by offsets before 
growth starts in spring. 

FERRARIA (after Ferrara, an 
Italian botanist). Nat. Ord. Irides. 
—A genus containing about half a 
dozen species of interesting dwarf- 
growing herbs with irregular corms, 
narrow sword-like leaves, and cup- 
shaped flowers with six spreading seg- 
ments, which have wavy edges and are 
often narrowed at the base. The three 
filaments of the stamens are united 
into a tube, and the three petal-like, 
fringed stigmas surmount the narrow 

These little plants are closely 
related to the Tigridias or Tiger 
Flowers, and are natives of 8. Africa. 
They require greenhouse treatment 
in most parts of the Kingdom, and 
should be grown in pots of rich sandy 
loam and peat or leaf-soil. They 
generally flower about April indoors, 
but later outside. In autumn the 
leaves wither, a sign that the bulbs 
are going to rest, and require to be 
kept dry until growth starts again in 
spring. In milder parts of the King- 
dom Ferrarias may be grown on a 
warm border, the bulbs being planted 
from 4 to 6 ins. deep as a protection 
against frost. The bulbs should be 
protected from cold winter rains with 
old lights, as they possibly rot in the 
wet soil; otherwise it is safer to lift 
them in autumn and store until the 
weather is mild enough for planting 
the following spring. 

FP, antherosa (/. Ferrariola; F. 
wridiflora).—This species, introduced 
from the Cape in 1800, has linear, 
equitant, ensiform leaves, and solitary 
flowers, greenish outside, and varie- 
gated with yellow and green with 
lines and dots of violet (Bot. Mag. 
t. 751; Bot. Rep. t. 285; Red. Lil. t. 

F. undulata (If. punctata ; Morea 



undulata).—This is the best-known 
species, and has been in cultivation 
since 1775. It has equitant sword- 
like leaves, and branching flower- 
stems, sometimes about 1 ft. high. 
The flowers are of a peculiar greenish- 
brown or dull plum colour, the 
spreading segments being very wavy 
and crisped on the margins, while 
the surface is spotted and blotched 
with purple. (Bot, Mag. t. 144; Red. 
Lnt, t. 28.) 

Other species that have been in 
cultivation at one time or another, 
but now appear to be very rare, are— 
F. atrata, dark purple (Bot. Cab. t. 
1356); F. divaricata, purple-brown 
(Sw. Brit. Fl, Gard. t. 192); F. 
obtusifolia, purple-brown (Sw. Brit. 
Fl. Gard. t. 148); F. Welwitschi, 
bright yellow; and F. uncinata, 
greenish-brown (Sw. Brit. Fl. Gard. 
t. 161.) 

FOCKEA. Nat. Ord. Asclepiadezx. 
—A small genus of South African 
perennials, having large fleshy root- 
stocks, thin, twining stems, opposite 
leaves, and axillary cymes of small 
flowers. The root-stocks are said to 
be boiled and eaten by the natives. 

F, capensis has irregular, brown, 
warty - skinned tubers, sometimes 
weighing 50 lbs. or more. A plant 
has been cultivated in the Imperial 
Gardens at Schénbrunn, near Vienna, 
over one hundred years. (Gard. 
Chron. 1910, ii. 387, f.) 

Other species are F. angustifolia, 
F, undulata, and F. glabra. All the 
species are mere vegetable curiosities 
of exceedingly slow growth. 

FPREESIA (derivation unknown ; 
probably after some botanist named 
Frees). Nat. Ord. Irideze.—A genus 
containing one or two species of 
South African plants closely related 
to the Ixias and Lapeyrousias, having 



bulbs or corms with fibrous coats, 
flat, narrow, rigid leaves, and tubular 
bell-shaped flowers borne on slender 
wiry stems, often 2 ft. high in well- 
cultivated specimens. 

F, refracta (Gladiolus refractus ; 
Tritonia refracta). — Introduced in 
1815 from S. Africa, this species and 
its varieties are greater favourites in 

Fic. 142.—Freesia refracta. (3.) 

gardens than ever. The typical 
species has ovoid corms, having 
thickish fibrous or netted coats, and 
produce five to six narrow leaves. 
The roundish, slender, flexuose stems, 
1to 14 ft. high, bear several yellowish- 
white, tubular, sweet-scented flowers, 
sometimes striped or tinted with pale 
violet, and usually spotted with 
orange at the base of the segments, 



(Red. Lil. t. 415; Bot. Reg. t. 135; 
Jacq. Ic. t. 241.) 

There are several varieties, the best 
known being alba, having fine white 
flowers without the yellow blotches 
seen in the type; Armstrongt, intro- 
duced to Kew in 1898 from Port 
Elizabeth by Mr W. Armstrong, after 
whom it was named by Mr W. 
Watson, in the Gardeners’ Chronicle. 
It has branching scapes, about 20 ins. 
high, and white flowers splashed with 
orange at the base and _ heavily 
bordered with rich rose; Letchélins, 
with large pale citron-yellow flowers 
blotched with yellow ochre (Garten/i. 
t. 808); odorata (formerly called 
Tritonia odorata), with bright yellow 
flowers (Bot. Cab. t. 1820) ; Tubergenz, 
soft carmine rose, a large-flowered 
hybrid between JL. refracta alba and 
F. Armstrongt. 

In addition to these, which may be 
regarded as natural varieties, many 
charming forms have been raised 
from seed during recent years. 
Judging by the range of colour 
indicated above, it is not surprising 
that some remarkably fine white, 
yellow, orange, and apricot-coloured 
forms have been raised. Mr F. 
Herbert Chapman, of Rye, Sussex, 
has done excellent work in this direc- 
tion. His variety, called Chapmanmi, 
is a handsome yellow hybrid blotched 
with rich orange on the lower seg- 
ment of the perianth, and at the back 
of the tube. Another of his hybrids, 
albo-cttrina, is a fine seedling from 
refracta alba, quite distinct, with a 
shade of green in the sweet-scented 
bell-shaped blossoms. 

In America also great work has 
been done of late years amongst the 
Freesias, and one variety in particular, 
called Purity, is grown in hundreds 
of thousands by uurserymen, or 
“florists” as they are called in the 
United States. 



Cuxtivation.—Freesias, owing to 
their gracefulness, beauty, and fra- 
grance, are popular not only with 
amateurs, but are also extensively 
grown in the Channel Islands and in 
America by market- gardeners for 
their blossoms. In private gardens 
it is easier to cultivate the plants in 
pots, the 5-in. or 6-in. sizes being 
chiefly used. The bulbs should be 
obtained as early in August as possible, 
and the pots in which they are to be 
placed should be well drained with a 
layer of crocks over the bottom. 
Although Freesias will grow in any 
light rich soil, that which appears to 
- suit them best is a compost of two or 
three parts fibrous loam, one part 
leaf-soil, and one part peat, with a 
little silver sand or grit. Some 
growers add a little well-decayed cow- 
manure, but sometimes the plants are 
a failure when this is the case. 
Others use no manure from the cow 
or horse, and obtain excellent results 
from loam, peat, leaf-soil, and 
sand. The bulbs should be placed 
about 14 to 3 ins. from each other 
in the pots (three to five bulbs to a 
5-in. pot), and should be covered with 
about an inch ofcompost. This should 
be pressed down fairly firm with the 
fingers, and afterwards gently watered 
to settle it. The bulbs thus potted 
should be placed in a cold frame on 
a moist bed of ashes or cinders, or 
even out of doors in a sheltered corner, 
and covered with coco-nut fibre or fine 
ashes, When growth has well started 
and the leaves are 3 to 4 ins. above 
the soil, a few slender twigs or 
sticks should be inserted round the 
rims of the pots to keep the foliage 
from toppling over. Suckers should 
be carefully pulled out, so that all the 
energy may be thrown into the main 
growths. Some judgment is required 
in watering, care being taken not to 
give too much on the one hand, or 



too little on the other. The quantity 
given will depend largely upon the 
activity or otherwise of the growth. 
On the approach of frost, say about 
the end of September or early October, 
the plants must be taken from the 
cold frame in which they were started 
and transferred to a greenhouse with 
a temperature of 50° to 60° F. All 
the bulbs need not be brought in at 
once, and where a succession of 
blossom is required in winter and 
spring, it will be necessary to have 
batches in several stages of develop- 
ment. As the flowers wither they 
should be cut off (unless seed is re- 
quired), and by gradually lessening 
the supply of water to the roots the 
leaves begin to fade and the bulbs 
may be left resting in the pots until 
the following August or September. 
If placed on a shelf in bright sunshine, 
giving water as required, the bulbs 
ripen slowly, but will be fit for grow- 
ing another season. 

is one of the few bulbous plants that 
is not only easily raised from seed 
but comes into blossom well within 
a year after the seeds are sown. 
Seedling varieties are now becoming 
popular. It must, however, be 
remembered, that one cannot guaran- 
tee any particular variety coming 
“true” from seed, and many inferior 
forms may also be anticipated. 
Where any special variety is required 
it can only be kept true by propagat- 
ing it from offsets from the older 

To raise Freesias from seed, a rich 
sandy compost should be prepared by 
passing some fibrous loam, leaf-mould 
and sand in about equal proportions 
throughasieve. This compost should 
be placed in well-drained 5-in. or 6-in. 
pots, up to within about 14 ins. of 
therim. From five to six seeds should 
be placed on the surface in each pot, 



and afterwards covered with about 
in, of gritty mould; or several seeds 
may be sown in the same way, after- 
wards thinning the seedlings out, to 
leave only five or six plants in each 
pot according to size. 

The best times for sowing Freesia 
seeds is from January to March and 
April and again in August ; but they 
may be sown at other seasons if more 
convenient. It is safer to place the 
seed-pots in a greenhouse, and in a 
temperature of 60° to 65° or even 70° 
F. germination takes place in five or 
six weeks. Watering is attended to 
carefully, and plenty of air and light 
are given, although the tender seed- 
lings must be shaded from strong 
sunshine. If it becomes necessary to 
repot Freesia seedlings, care should 
be taken to handle the roots gently, 
as they are extremely brittle and 
easily injured. During the summer 
months the seedlings may be stood 
out of doors in an open, partially 
shaded and sheltered spot. On the 
approach of frost, however, they must 
be transferred to the greenhouse with 
a temperature of 55° to 65° F. and 
placed on a shelf near the glass. 

FRITILLARIA (friizlas, a chess- 
board; referring to the chequered 
flowers of some species), FRITILLARY. 
Nat. Ord. Liliacee.—A large genus 
of bulbous plants having simple 
leafy stems topped with nodding or 
drooping tubular or bell-shaped 
flowers. Perianth with six segments 
nearly equal, each with a nectar- 
bearing cavity at the base inside. 
Stamens six, either hypogynous or 
adhering slightly to base of the seg- 

All the Fritillarias are natives of 
the north temperate zone, and may 
therefore be regarded as mostly hardy 
in the British Islands, Many species 
are not particularly showy or con- 



Ispicuous in blossom, but they are all 

very interesting from the botanical 
standpoint. Some are rather dwarf 
(not more than 6 or 9 ins. high), most 
are between 1 and 2 ft. high, while 
the Common Crown Imperial is the 
tallest of all, often attaining a height 
of 4 ft. They all flourish in ordinary 
good garden soil, especially if it has 
been deeply dug, enriched with well- 
decayed manure, and of a sandy 
nature. The commoner kinds of 
Fritillary may be grown in bold 
clumps in the flower-border or rock- 
garden, while others are more suitable 
for the rock-garden or for naturalis- 
ing in the grass, like the Snake’s Head 
Fritillary (Ff. Meleagris). 

Fritillarias are most easily increased 
by means of offsets early in autumn 
when the bulbs are being disturbed 
for replanting. When seeds ripen 
they may be sown ina rich and gritty 
compost of loam, leaf-soil, and sand ; 
and after the first year they may be 
moved annually to give a little more 
space, and at the end of four, five, or 
six years they will attain the flower- 
ing size. 

The following species are worthy 
of note :— 

F.acmopetala.—] ft, high. Flowers 
bell-shaped, purple and_ greenish. 
Spring. Asia Minor. (Bot. Mag. t. 

F. alba.—1 ft. high. Flowers 
white. May. N. America. 

F, armena.—A pretty species, 6 ins. 
high. Flowers bell-shaped, softish 
yellow or dull purple. Armenia. 
The variety fusco-lutea has coppery 
brown blossoms with a bright yellow 
interior. (Bot. Mag. t. 6365.) 

F, askabadensis.—A_ noble-looking 
Fritillary 3 to 4 ft. high, with whorls 
of glossy green, lance-shaped, pointed 
leaves 6 ins. long by 2 ins. broad, and 
trusses of soft greenish-yellow bell- 
shaped flowers drooping from the 



tops of the stems in March and 
April. Grows freely in ordinary soil, 
and should be planted in bold groups. 
Native of Central Asia. (Bot. Mag. 
t. 7850 ; Flora and Sylva, July 1902.) 

Fic. 143.—Fritillaria askabadensis. (4) 

F, aurea,—A Cilician species with 
rather glaucous stems about 6 ins. 
high, and linear fleshy, somewhat 
glaucous leaves 2 to 3 ins. long. The 
bright yellow, solitary, drooping, bell- 
shaped flowers about 1 in. deep 
appear in spring, and are sometimes 
spotted or chequered with brown. 
(Gartenfl. t. 840; Gard. 1892, t. 
867; Bot. Mag. t. 7374.) 

F. Bornmiilleri.—A species related 
to F. aurea, having yellow flowers 
(Gard, 1896, xlix. 282). 

F’, bucharica,—A native of Buchara, 
1 to 14 ft. high, with flexuose stems, 
oval or lance-shaped leaves, and 
white flowers tinted with green or 
purple at the base (Gartenfl. t. 
1171; Bot. Mag. t. 7080), 



F. camtschatensis (Lilium nig- 
rum), Brack Liry.—A distinct species 

225 P 


from Kamtschatca, Siberia, etc., about 
9 ins. high, with lance-shaped leaves, 
the lower ones being whorled, the 
upper ones opposite or solitary. The 
bell-shaped drooping flowers appear in 
May and June, and are deep blackish- 
red, becoming paler towards the 
base, the segments being spotted 
with deep purple. 

This grows best in moist peat and 
sandy loam, and requires sheltered 
nooks in the rockery. The bulbs are 
eaten by the natives in a wild state. 
(Gartenji. t. 178.) 

F. chitralensis—A rare species 
from the Chitral, 6 to 18 ins, high, 
with lance-shaped greyish leaves and 
yellow-green bell-shaped flowers dis- 
tinctly veined with a deeper green. 

F. citrina,—A pretty species with 
drooping bell-shaped fowers borne 
in pairs in April and May ; greenish- 
yellow with a glaucous bloom on the 

Fic. 146.—Fritillaria citrina. (3.) 

F, contorta.—A species with a bulb 
like that of /. Meleagrts, and with 
stalkless fleshy narrow leaves about 
6 ins. long. Flowers white, drooping, 
about 2 ins. long, tinged with green 
at the base. The perianth is remark- 
able for having the segments united 
except in the upper third, in that 
respect resembling the perianth of 


the genus Sandersonia, (Gard. 
Chron. 1886, xxv. 681.) 

F, dasyphylla—A native of Asia 
Minor, about 6 ins. high, having 
thickish fleshy leaves, and drooping 
open funnel-shaped purpleflowerswith 
a yellow interior (Bot. Mag. t. 6321), 

F, delphinensis.—A pretty species 
from the Alps of Dauphiny, 6 to 12 
ins, high, having linear or oblanceolate 
leaves, and solitary, vinous-purple, 
yellow spotted, drooping flowers. The 
variety Burnett has plum-coloured 
flowers about 2 ins, deep, chequered 
with greenish-yellow ; Moggridgevisa 
very handsome variety from the 
Maritime Alps, where it flourishes 
at an elevation of 5000 to 7000 ft. 
It has large cylindrical yellow flowers, 
drooping like bells, and chequered 
or tessellated inside with brownish- 

Fia. 147.—Fritillaria discolor. (4.) 

F. discolor—This plant grows 
about a foot high, and has broad lance- 



shaped fleshy leaves and_ several 
bright yellow flowers tinted with 
green on top of the stems. It-is a 
native of Turkestan, and is figured in 
Hlora and Sylva, Nov. 1905. 

F. Elwesi.— A _ distinct-looking 
species having drooping bell-shaped 
flowers in April and May, green 
washed with purple at the base and 
margins of the inner segments. The 
interior is green striped with purple. 

Fic. 148.—Fritillaria Elwest. (3.) 

F. greeca.—A species closely related 
to F. tulipifolia, native of Greece, 
about 6 ins. high, having lance-shaped 
or elliptic leaves, and drooping bell- 
shaped flowers of a pale brown or 
fawn colour slightly chequered, and 
with a green stripe down the keel of 
the segments (Bot. Mag. t. 5052). 

F. hericaulis.—This species from 
Asia Minor is closely related to /’. 
armena, and grows from 4 to 6 ins. 
high. The more or less lance-shaped 
leaves are sessile, and the solitary 
flowers are deep purple. 

F, imperialis (Crown Imperial).— 
A vigorous and well-known plant 
2 to 4 ft. high, native of Persia, with 
broad, bright, shining green wavy 
leaves, and a dense cluster of large 
drooping bell-shaped flowers at the 



top of the stem which is surmounted 
by a tuft of leaves. The flowers 
appear in April, and are about the 
size of ordinary Tulips, and vary in 
colour from bright yellow to crimson. 
This variation has given rise to many 
names of forms; hence we find 
Aurora, bronzy orange; /utea, yellow ; 
rubra and rubra maxima, red; 
aureo-marginata, having the leaves 
edged with yellow; Orange Crown, 
orange-red; swyphurine, orange ; 
Slagzwaard, large deep red flowers 
on flattened or fasciated stems ; 

Fic. 149.—Fritillaria imperialis. (}.) 

sulphurina, large sulphur yellow. 
There is also a form with double red 
flowers. (Bot. Mag. tt. 194, 1215; 
Red. Lil. t. 131.) , 

The Crown Imperials like a deep 
rich loamy soil, and are suitable for 
the margins of shrubberies, flower- 
borders, etc. They look very hand- 
some in bloom, but emit such a 
strong odour when cut that they are 
known in some parts by the appro- 
priate but uncomplimentary name 



of “Stink Lilies.” They are easily 
increased by means of offsets. 

Vic. 150.—Fritillaria imperialis, seed-pods. (4.) 

F, involucrata.—A species from 
the Maritime Alps about 1 ft. high, 
having whorls of narrow lance-shaped 
leaves and wine- purple flowers 
slightly tessellated. 

F, Karelini (Rhinopetalum Kare- 
lint).—An Asiatic species about 6 ins. 
high, with broad stem - clasping 
leaves, and terminal racemes of 
nodding bell-shaped flowers about 
1 in. deep, produced late in autumn 
or in spring according to the time of 
planting. The blossoms are pale 
purple with deeper purple spots and 
veins, and a greenish-yellow nectary- 
hollow at the base of each segment. 
(Bot. Mag. t. 6406.) 

F, lanceolata.—A native of N.W. 
America, 1 to 14 ft. high, with lance- 
shaped leaves in whorls, and sombre 
wine-purple coloured flowers. 

F, latifolia.—A variable Caucasian 
Fritillary about 1 ft. high, with 
drooping flowers varying in colour 
through various shades of purple, 
black, lilac, and yellow. There are 



several garden varieties with fancy 

Fia. 151.—Fritillaria lanceolata, 

The best known is F. lutea, 6 to 
12 ins. high, with alternate linear — 
lance-shaped leaves, and solitary | 
drooping yellow flowers more or : 
less tinged with purple, produced in 
April and May (Bot. Mag. tt. 1207, 
1538; Belg. Hort. i. 49; Red. Lil, 
1. 57). 

F, macrandra.—A native of the 
Island of Syra, with oblong lance- 
shaped fleshy leaves, and purple 
flowers covered with a glaucous 
bloom outside, but yellow and 
blotched with green within. 

F, Meleagris (Snake’s Head).—This 
distinct and pretty ‘species grows 
wild in parts of England in moist 
meadows. It is 12 to 18 ins, high, | 
with flat linear leaves 6 to 8 ins. 
long, and usually solitary drooping | 
flowers 13 ins. deep in April and May, 



and beautifully chequered with light 
or dark purple on a yellowish-white 
ground. There are white, rosy, and 
purplish forms, and also one with 
double flowers. Nigra, major, pallida, 
Jflavida, are other names relating to 
colour or size. 

‘Fic. 152.—Fritillaria Meleagris alba. (4.) 

The Snake’s Head Fritillary is 
excellent for naturalising in grass— 
its natural place. In the garden it 
should be planted in places that do 
not require moving until the leaves 
begin to fade. The plants may also 
be grown in the rockery and flower- 
border. In Christchurch meadows 
at Oxford, which are often flooded 
by the overflowing of the Cherwell, 
some thousands of Snake’s Head 
Fritillaries appear year after year, 
and have a wonderful effect when in 
blossom. (Practical Guide to Garden 

F, meleagroides (I, minor).—From 
the Altai Mountains, grows about 
6 to 9 ins. high, and produces its 
deep purple flowers in April (Bot. 
Mag. t. 3280). 



F, nobilis (F, Kotschyana affinis).— 
This pretty dwarf species from 
America resembles aurea in size and 
shape, but the flowers are dark 
crimson outside, and lighter with 
yellow. markings inside (Bot. Mag. t. 

F, obliqua.—A_ little-known 
Caucasian species about 1 ft. high, 
with top-shaped flowers of a purple 
and brownish tint (Bot. Mag. t. 857). 

F. oranensis (f. Munbyi).—A 
distinct Algerian species, having 

Fic. 153.—Fritillaria oranensts. (4.) 

broadly bell-shaped flowers, purple- 
brown or yellowish-green, drooping 
in pairs, in March and April. 

F.. pallidiflora.—A beautiful and 
distinct Siberian species about 9 ins. 
high, having large blue - green 
leaves and two to three yellow Tulip- 
shaped flowers nodding from the 
end of the stem, and beautifully 
chequered with rose or purple within 
(Gartenfl. t. 209). 

F. Perryi—A pretty hybrid, 



between J’, recurva and F. lanceolata, 
with flowers more or less resembling 
those of F. recurva. 

F, persica.—A distinct and curious 
Persian species about 3 ft. high, with 
slightly scented deep violet - blue 

flowers. The variety minor has 
smaller flowers and _ protruding 
stamens. (Bot. Mag. tt. 962, 1537.) 



F. pyrenaica.—A Pyrenean species 
about 14 ft. high, with spreading bell- 
shaped flowers, green washed with 
purple, and chequered with deep 
purple-brown on a yellowish ground 
(Bot. Mag. t. 664). LF. canaliculata, 
from Kurdistan, with linear glaucous 
leaves and purple flowers, is closely 
related to this species, 

Fic. 154.—Fritillaria persica. (%.) 

F, plurifiora,—A_ distinct - looking 
species 6 to 12 ins. high, having 
narrow lance-shaped leaves and rosy- 
lilac bell-shaped flowers washed with 
purple inside. 

F. pudica—_A handsome _ little 
species, 4 to 6 ins, high, native of the 
Rocky Mountains. It has erect 
linear glaucous leaves, and produces 
one or two bright yellow drooping 
flowers about 1 in. deep in April and 
May. In the variety lutescens, the 
outer segments of the perianth are 
striped with yellowish-green; and 
the variety nigra has very deep 
coloured flowers. 

Fie. 155.—Fritillaria plurifiora. (3-) 

F, recurva.—A distinct Californian 
species with slender purplish stems 
about 2 ft, high, remarkable for its 
bright. orange-scarlet flowers with 
reflexed segments, the inner surface 
being yellow and blotched with 
purple. The flowers appear in April 
and May, sometimes as many as nine 
on one stem. (Bot. Mag. t. 6264.) 

This species is rather tender, and 
requires protection with leaves, straw, 
etc., in winter. Warm sunny spots 
and rich sandy loam appear to suit 
it best. 

F, Sewerowi (Korothowia Sewo- 
rowt).—A curious species about 8 



Fic. 157.—Fritillaria pyrenatca. (4.) 

ins. high, native of Turkestan. It 
has round stems and oblong glaucous 
leaves. The drooping Howers are 
borne in March and April, and are of 
a lurid or plum-purple outside, with 
a glaucous hue, and greenish-yellow 
within, veined with deeper veins. The 
variety bicolor has pale olive-green 
flowers having a brownish crescent- 

Fic, 158,—Frittllarta recurva. 

shaped blotch at the base of each 
segment (Bot. Mag. t. 6871 ; Gartenfl. 
t. 760). The variety discolor is a fine 
one, figured in Flora and Sylva, 
November 1905. 

F. tenella (I, montana).—A. native 
of the Maritime Alps, having narrow 
oblong leaves and yellowish flowers 
distinctly chequered with purple (Bot. 
Mag. t. 952). IF. Orsiniana, figured 
in the Wiener TIllustrirte Garten 
Zeitung, 1901, 127, t.1, is very closely 
allied to this, if not actually identical. 



F, Thunbergi.— A Chinese and 
Japanese species closely related to 
L, verticillata. It has narrow lance- 
shaped leaves ending in a tendril or 
curl. The drooping broadly bell- 
shaped flowers are produced in the 
axils of the leaves, and are creamy- 
’ yellow striped with green. 

Fic. 159.—Fritillaria Thunbergt. (4.) 

F, tulipifolia.—An elegant little 
Caucasian Fritillary with more or 
less elliptic concave leaves, and violet- 
blue flowers, with a glaucous bloom 
on the outer surface (Bot. Mag. t. 

F, Tuntasia.—A species 8 to 10 ins. 
high, with grey-green leaves and 
intensely dark maroon bell-shaped 
flowers about 1 in. across, Native 
of Greece. 

F. verticillata (I, leucantha).—A 
distinct-looking species from the Altai 
Mountains, with pale green or slightly 
glaucous leaves arranged so close on 
the stem as to give the appearance 



of being in whorls or circles. The 
flowers appear in May, and are white, 
tinged with green at the base, and 
spotted with purple on the inner sur- 
face. (Bot. Mag. t. 3083.) 

F, Walujewi.—A native of Turke- 
stan, about 1 ft. high, with linear 
leaves tapering into a tendril, and 
large solitary silvery -grey flowers 
washed with purple-brown, blood-red 
within and spotted with white: 
(Gartenfl. t. 993). 

Fic. 160.—Fritillaria Walujewi. (4.) 

F, Whittalli—This is a distinct 
species, having blue-green leaves and 
large tubular flowers drooping in 
pairs, green in colour, and more or 
less distinctly chequered with purple 
(Gard. Chron, 1893, xiii. 506). _ 

F, zagrica.—A species from the 
Kashand Mountains in Persia, closely 
related to F. armena and F, tulipi- 
folia. Flowers dark purple, un- 
chequered, with a thick “bloom” 




(Gard. Chron. 1893, xiii. 

Fic. 161.—Fritillaria Whittalli. (3.) 

FUNEIA (after H. Funk, a German 
botanist), PLanrarn Liny. Nat. Ord. 
Liliacee.—A genus of ornamental 
hardy plants with a short thick 
tuberous root-stock and clusters of 
thickish roots. Leaves large, radical, 
stalked, oblong lance-shaped, ovate 
or cordate, with distinct parallel 
curved veins and resembling those 
of the Common Plantain. Flowers 
funnel-shaped, showy, white or blue, 
more or less drooping, on tall naked 
scapes, each one with a large bract 
at the base. 

All the Plantain Lilies—as the 
Funkias are called—owing to the 
general resemblance of the leayes to 
those of the larger common British 
Plantain weed, are natives of Japan. 
Apart from the blossoms, the leaves 
themselves are very ornamental, and 
are borne in such luxuriant tufty 
masses that they never fail to attract. 
The species are hardy in practically 
most parts of the Kingdom, and 
flourish in any good garden soil that 
has been deeply dug, well-manured, 
and of a somewhat gritty nature. 
The plants are useful for the ordinary 
flower-border, for the rock-garden, 



and for planting in bold masses by 
the sides of lakes, pools, or streams. 
They are excellent plants for shady 
or semi-shady places, and look well 
amongst hardy Ferns. 

The plants are best moved in 
spring, but once established should 
not be disturbed for several years. 
They can be kept in good flowering 
condition by an annual mulching of 
well-rotted manure over the crowns 
in early spring or late autumn. New 
stock is easily obtained by dividing 

Fic. 162.—Funkia, seedling. 

the root-stocks in spring, leaving a 
few buds to each portion. Funkias 
are also easily raised from seeds sown 
in gritty soil in spring. The sketch 
(Fig. 162) shows a seedling, but a 
reference to p. 41 indicates a curious 
case when more than one plant may 
arise from one seed. 

Slugs are very fond of the young 
growths in spring, and a watchful eye 
should be kept on them. Lime or 
soot should be freely used to check 

F. Fortunei—A beautiful Japanese 
species about 18 ins, high, with heart- 
shaped ovate, pale blue-green leaves, 
having ten to twelve curved veins on 
each side of the midrib. The pale 
lilac funnel-shaped flowers, about 14 
ins. long, appear in July. There is 



a rare form in which the leaves are 
ornamented with a thin yellow mid- 
rib, and another called robusta, re- 
markable for its greater height and 

F, grandiflora (I. japonica).—A 
handsome species 12 to 18 ins. high, 
with long-stalked ovate heart-shaped 
leaves 8 to 9 ins. long, and trusses 
of pure white sweet-scented flowers 
from July to September, each one 
being about 4 ins. long (FU. d. Serr. 
t. 158; Gard. Chron. ns. x. 629). 

F. lancifolia—A distinct plant 
having tufts of green lance-shaped 
wavy leaves 4 to 5 ins. long, narrowed 
gradually towards each end. The 
white or lilac-tinted flowers, 1 to 14 
ins. long, appear in August on slender 
scapes 8 to 9 ins. high, scarcely over- 

topping the foliage. (Bot. Mag. t. 
The variety albo-marginata is 

distinguished by the silvery-white 
edges of the leaves (Bot. Mag. t. 
3657) ; and undulata by its irregularly 
frilled and wavy leaves; its varie- 
gated form has foliage heavily streaked 
and blotched with white. 

F. longipes.—This is closely related 
to £. lanctfolia, but has broader 
leaves with the blade decurrent along 
the petiole (Gard. 1903, lxiv. 297). 

F. ovata (Hemerocallis ccerulea).— 
A fine free-growing species with long- 
stalked ovate leaves 5 to 9 ins. long, 
and racemes of bluish-lilac or white 
flowers, produced from May to July, 
on scapes 12 to 18 ins. high, over- 
topping the foliage (Bot. Rep. t. 6; 
Bot. Mag. t. 894; Red. Lil. t. 106). 
The variety albo-marginata has the 
leaves broadly edged with creamy- 
white; while awreo-marginata has 
large golden-coloured leaves in spring 
and summer only, changing gradually 
to green in autumn 

F. Sieboldiana.—An elegant Plan- 
tain Lily with long-stalked, broadly 



heart-shaped ovate leaves, 10 to 12 
ins. long and 7 to 8 ins. broad, readily 
recognised by their beautiful blue- 
green tint. The white flowers 2 to 
2% ins. long, more or less suffused 
with pale lilac, appear in summer in 
one-sided racemes well above the 
foliage. (Bot. Mag. t.3663 ; Bot. Reg. 
1839, t. 50; Lodd. Bot. Cab. t. 1869.) 

The variegated forms cucwlata 
variegata, and medio-picta with a 
white midrib, are both charming 
plants, but somewhat less hardy than 
the type, and therefore require more 
sheltered spots or cold frames in 

F. subcordata (Hemerocallis alba; 
H. japonica; H.  plantaginea).— 
A fine species with heart-shaped 
ovate pale green leaves 6 to 9 ins. 
long, 3 to 5 ins. broad, on stalks 6 to 
8 ins. long. The pure white flowers, 
about 4 ins. long, appear in August 
on scapes 14 to2ft. high. (And. Bot. 
Rep. t. 194; Bot. Mag. t. 1433; Red. 
Lil. t. 3.) 

Other forms are—sinensis, spathu- 
lata, univittata, and viridis. 

GAGEA (after Ser Thos. Gage, 
botanist). Nat. Ord. Liliacee.—A 
genus containing about twenty-five 
species of small hardy bulbous plants, 
having narrow leaves and yellow 
flowers in racemes or clusters, the six 
perianth segments more or less spread- 
ing. The Gageas are of no great 
garden value, the only one being 
G. lutea, a native of British copses 
and pastures. It is called the 
“Yellow Star of Bethlehem,” owing 
to its yellow flowers, which are striped, 
with green behind, and are borne 
from March to May onascape scarcely 
6 ins. high. The bulbs are small and 
round, and the leaves very narrow. 

This species flourishes in any good 
garden soil in semi-shady places, and 
is easily increased by means of offsets. » 



GALANTHUS (gala, milk ; anthos, 
a flower), SNowprop. Nat. Ord. 
Amaryllidee—aA genus containing 
several species of well-known hardy 
bulbous plants, with small strap- 
shaped leaves and drooping flowers, 
the three outer segments of which are 
larger, oblong, spoon-shaped, and quite 
distinct in shape from the three 
smaller inner ones ; these are obovate, 
notched in the centre, and usually 
with a green crescent-shaped blotch. 

Snowdrops are universal favourites, 
but many people are astonished to 
learn that there are several species 
besides our common British one, 
G. nivalis. Coming into blossom 
from October to Christmas-time in 
mild winters and continuing well into 
March, Snowdrops naturally attract 
attention, as they look so chaste and 
charming in the midst of general 
desolation. The tunicated bulbs are 
comparatively small, rarely exceeding 
an inch in length, and should be 
planted as early in the autumn as 
possible, say early in September, and 
should be covered with about two or 
three times their own depth of soil. 
To secure fine effects it is useless 
planting two or three bulbs. Hun- 
dreds, or at least dozens, even in 
small gardens, should be planted 
either in the ordinary flower-border 
or in the rock-garden, the shrubbery, 
grassy banks, slopes, or lawns, either 
by themselves or in conjunction with 
Crocuses, Scillas, Chionodoxas, Christ- 
mas Roses, or Winter Aconites (Zran- 
this). Beneath deciduous trees and 
shrubs they look charming, and also 
when planted in thousands in well- 
mown grassland. 

Most Snowdrops flourish in good 
and well-drained garden soil, and 
once planted may be left to look 
after themselves for years. Anannual 
top-dressing of well-decayed manure 
in autumn will be of great benefit 



in keeping the soil in a fertile 

Some kinds, however, especially 
those that flower before Christmas, 
in October, and November, and often 
G. Elwesit and G. latifolius, are apt 
to die out, being probably overcome 
by the attacks of the Snowdrop 
fungus (Botrytis galanthina). 

The following kinds of Snowdrops 
are known and cultivated :— 

G. Alleni—A native of Asia 
Minor, and probably a natural hybrid 
between G. latifolius and G'. cauca- 
stcus, which are from the same region. 
The flowers, however, are about twice 
as large as those of G. latifolcus, and 
the broad, arching, blue-green leaves 
are also larger. 

G. byzantinus has rather large 
bulbs and broad leaves, somewhat 
like those of G. plicatus, The flowers 
have green inner segments, as in G’. 
Elwesi, and often appear in January. 
(Gard. Chron. 1893, xiii. 226.) 

G. caucasicus.—This is a Caucasian 
form of our Common Snowdrop, from 
which it differs in having broader 
leaves, finally 8 to 9 ins. long and 
$ in. broad, and flowers much later. 
The form known as virescens has the 
outer segments of the flower flushed 
with green. This form includes 
Redoutet, major, caspius, and grandis. 

G. cilicieus resembles G. Yoster?, 
but flowers rather earlier and has 
taller flower-stems. It is a somewhat 
difficult plant to keep. 

G. Elwesi.—A native of Asia Minor, 
from an altitude of 2000 to 5000 ft., 
with very glaucous channelled leaves 
and oblong roundish flowers in Feb- 
ruary ; the three inner segments are 
dark green on the lower half and also 
around the sinus (Bot. Mag. t. 6166). 

The variety globosus has fine 
roundish flowers, with very broad 
outer segments, and robustus has a 
large bulb and thick glaucous leaves, 



The variety Cassaba often grows a 
foot high, and is a fine form; and 
Whittallc is a still finer form, with 
broad blue-green leaves and large 
globular flowers. 

Fic, 168.—Galanthus Elwest. (2.) 

G. Fosteri—Herr Max Leichtlin 
has called this the “King of Snow- 
drops.” The markings on the inner 
segments are like those of G. Elwes, 

but the leaves are broaderand blunter / 
than in that species. Thereareforms CH 

called “Spot” and “Leopard.” 

G. greecus.—This comes very near 
G. Elwesi, but the flowers are smaller, 
with narrower outer segments, and the 
apical lobes of the inner segments not 
spreading or crisped. It blooms in 

G. Ikarie,—This distinct Snowdrop 
from the Island of Ikaria, off the 
coast of Asia Minor, has broad glossy 
green recurving leaves, and snow- 
white blossoms, the inner segments 
of which are heavily tipped with 



G. Imperati (G. Clusz).—A distinct 
Italian form of G. nivalis, but the 

Fic. 164.—Galanthus Fosteri. (3.) 

Pia. 165.—Galanthus Ikaria. (%-) 



leaves are broader and the flowers 
larger. The forms called Atkinsi and 
Melvillei are improvements in size 
and vigour. There is also a double- 
flowered form worth growing. 

G. latifolius.—A distinct Caucasian 
Snowdrop flowering in its native home 
in May, but in British gardens in 
February and March. The bright 
green strap-shaped leaves are ? to 1 
in. broad, and the small white flowers 
have a delicate beauty, the three 
inner segments having a green blotch 
round the sinus both inside and out. 
(Gartenjl. 1863, t. 578; Gard. Chron. 
1879, fig. 32; 1881, 404, fig. 80.) 

G. Perryt is the name given to a 
form intermediate between this 
species and G'. caucasicus. 

G. nivalis.—This is the well-known 
Common Snowdrop found in various 
parts of the British Islands and 
throughout Europe. It has a small 
roundish or ovoid bulb, 4 to 1 in. 
thick, from which spring two linear 
blue-green leaves 6 to 9 ins. long 
when fully developed. The white 
solitary drooping flowers appear from 
January to March on a flattened 
scape 3 to 12 ins. long, the three 
inner segments having a green patch 
round the notch or sinus. 

There are many forms, among 
which may be mentioned corcyrensis 
(or preecox) from Corfu, which flowers 
in December; jformosus, gracilis, 
maculatus ; lutescens, which has a 
yellowish ovary and the inner seg- 
ments tipped with yellow instead of 
green ; octobrensis from the Albanian 
mountains, a rather delicate variety 
flowering in October; G. Rachele is 
similar but has slightly larger flowers 
and broader leaves, and flowers later ; 
grandiflorus (or maximus) is a large 
form, the leaves of which are recurved. 
at the edges and very glaucous be- 
neath ; poculiformis is remarkable for 
having the inner segments plain white 



without green blotches, snd almost 
as long as the outer ones; reflexus, 
with much smaller flowers than the 
type, the inner segments being re- 
flexed at the apex; and Scharloki, 
which has two long spathe valves and 
sometimes two flowers on a stalk, and 
a green spot at the tip of each outer 
segment. There is also a double- 
flowered form of the Common Snow- 

G. Olge.—A very rare Grecian 
Snowdrop, having channelled glau- 
cous leaves 6 to 8 ins. long and 7 in. 
broad when fully developed. It 
flowers in September and October, 
and is therefore earlier than the 
octobrensis form of G. nivalis, The 
inner perianth segments are fre- 
quently without the green blotches 
usual in Snowdrops. 

G. plicatus.—This has large bulbs 
and very glaucous leaves, quite 1 ft. 
long and 1 in. broad when fully 
developed. They are channelled 
down the face and reflexed at the 
edges. The flowers appear rather 
later than the other forms, and are 
2% to 1 in. long, the inner segments 
being green in the upper half with a 
white edge. There are several forms, 
including maximus, precor, and 
Omega, all from the Caucasus region. 
(Bot. Mag. t. 2162; Bot. Reg. t. 

GALAXIA (gala, galaktos, galak- 
tido, abounding in milk; referring 
to the milky juice). Nat. Ord. Iridez. 
—A small genus of pretty plants with 
tunicated corms, natives of 8S. Africa. 
The funnel-shaped flowers are small, 
lilac or yellow in colour, and fleeting in 

The species mentioned below should 
be grown in a cool greenhouse, but 
may possibly be fairly hardy in the 
most favoured parts of the Kingdom, 
at least during the summer months. 





Grown in pots, the bulbs should be’ Although closely related to the 

planted in a mixture of sandy peat 
and fibrous loam in equal proportions. 
They usually flower in summer about 
July and August, and during the 
winter season the bulbs remain 
dormant. Propagation is effected by 
offsets in spring. 

G. graminea.—Introduced from the 
Cape in 1799. Almost a stemless 
plant with oblong or linear convolute 
leaves 1 to 2 ins. long, often bearing 
bulblets in the axils. The flowers are 
deep yellow or tinted with lilac, borne 
singly on very short stems. (Bot. 
Mag. t. 1292.) 

G. ovata,—A somewhat similar 
species, introduced in 1795, having 
linear thread-like leaves, dilated at 
base, distinctly channelled, and with 
cartilaginous margins. Flowers 
bright yellow, about 1 in. across. 
The variety grandiflora has larger 
flowers (Bot. Mag. t. 1208; And. 
Bot. Rep. tt. 94, 164); and versicolor 
has purple blossoms. 

GALTONIA (after Francis Galton, 
author of “ A Narrative of an Explorer 
in 8. Africa”). Nat. Ord. Liliacesze.— 
This genus contains two species of 
graceful South African herbaceous 

Fic. 166.- Gatlonia cundicans. bulb aud section 
ofsame. (4.) 

plants with roundish tunicated bulbs, 
long strap-shaped pointed leaves, and 
tall leafless scapes from which droop 
numerous bell-shaped flowers. 

Hyacinths proper, and indeed are 
often known as such, the Galtonias 
are much larger-growing and more 
conspicuous plants. They flourish in 
good garden soil of a rich and gritty 
nature, and become quite luxuriant 
in a really rich mould. To secure a 
bold effect several bulbs should be 
planted about 12 to 18 ins. apart and 
5 to 6 ins. deep; in the first case in 
spring at the same time as the 
Gladioli, in warm sunny borders or 
beds, as the plants delight in plenty of 
sunshine. Once well established the 
plants are best left undisturbed for 
a few years, in which case they should 
receive a thin mulching of well- 
decayed manure in autumn. 

Propagation is effected by detach- 
ing the offsets from the older bulbs 
and replanting in spring. Galtonias 
may also be raised from seeds sown 
under glass in spring in rich gritty 
soil. It takes two or three seasons 
for the young bulbs to reach the 
flowering stage, the young plants in 
the meantime being cultivated in pots 
in a cool greenhouse or cold frame. 

G. candicans (Hyacinthus candt- 
cans).— A splendid bulbous plant, 
having large round bulbs and strap- 
shaped lanceolate leaves about 2% ft. 
long. It produces stout, erect, glau- 
cous scapes shooting up for 4 ft. or 
more from the centre of the foliage in 
summer, and bearing at the top a 
raceme of twenty or more large, 
sweet-scented, drooping, pure white 
flowers like white bells. (Ref. Bot. 
t. 174; Rev. Hort. 1882, 32.) 

G. clavata is similar in appear- 
ance, but is not so showy. It differs 
in having smaller greenish - white 
flowers with shorter segments, and 
lance-shaped filaments to the stamens. 
It is not quite so hardy as G. candi- 
cans, and requires protection in severe 
winters. (Bot. Mag. t. 6885.) 



G. princeps is very similar to G. 
candicans, but is scarcely so attractive. 
It has shorter and broader racemes of 

a \ \\ 
Fic. 167.—Galtonia candicans. (4.) 

smaller greenish-white flowers with 
spreading segments. (Ref. Bot. t.175.) 

GASTROCHILUS (gaster, belly; 
cheilos, lip; in reference to the 
inflated lip). Nat. Ord. Scitamineze.— 
A small genus intermediate between 
Kampreria and Hepycutom, having 
clusters of thickish rhizomes or tuber- 
cules, broad leaves, and long-tubed 
flowers borne in leafy one - sided 

Being natives of the East Indies, 
Burma, etc., these plants require hot- 
house treatment, and flourish in a 
compost of sandy loam, peat and 
leaf-soil in about equal proportions. 
When growing, plenty of water and 
frequent syringings are needed, as 
well as a temperature of 65° to 75° F. 
When at rest, however, a lower 
temperature, and little or no water 



are advisable. The plants may be in- 
creased by division of the root-stocks 
in spring as growth is commencing. 

G. albo-luteus.—A native of the 
Andamans, with oblong green leaves 
about 9 ins. long, and spikes of 
flowers having a white lip lined with 
bright yellow (Gard. Chron. 1894, 
xvi. 34), 

G. Curtisi—A Malayan species, 
having stalked, oblong, lance-shaped 
leaves about 2 ft. long, with a hairy 
under-surface. The white flowers 
with a red-edged yellow lip, are 
about an inch across, and are borne 
in clusters in the sheathing bases of 
the leaves. (Bot. Mag. t. 7363.) 

Other species are—G. Jenkinsoni, 
orange and crimson; G. longiflorus, 
yellow and red ; and G. pulcherrimus, 
yellow and pink—all from the East 

GEISSORHIZA (geisson, a tile; rhiza, 
root ; referring to the dry coats which 
cover the fleshy roots like tiles on a 
roof). Nat. Ord. Iridee.—A genus 
containing about thirty species of 
little-known South African bulbs that 
have been in cultivation for many 
years. They are worth growing in 
botanical collections. The flowers 
are funnel-shaped, with six almost 
equal perianth segments. The leaves 
are narrow or sword-shaped, and the 
bulbs are covered with the old imbri- 
cating scale leaves at the base. The 
plants should be grown in a cool 
greenhouse or cold frame in most 
parts of the Kingdom, but are 
sufficiently hardy to be grown in 
the open air in the most favoured 
spots with protection in winter. A 
compost of sandy peat and a little 
loam suits them best. The simplest 
method of propagation is by means 
of offsets in spring. The following 
species may be noted :— 

G. excisa (Ixia excisa). — This 



species grows about 6 ins. high, and 
has oval-oblong, more or less pointed 
leaves distinctly spotted with black. 
The white flowers appear in April 
and May, in a loose spike on a 
flexuose stem. (Bot. Mag. t. 584.) 

G. grandis.—This species grows 
about 1 ft. high, and has narrow 
sword - shaped leaves, deeply chan- 
nelled at the base. The pale yellow 
flowers, with a blood-red vein down 
the centre of the segments, appear in 
May, drooping from a strong leafy 
stem, (Bot. Mag. t. 5877.) 

G. humilis.—This species has corms 
about 4 in. in diameter, stiffish awl- 
shaped leaves, and loose spikes of 
bright yellow flowers. There are 
several forms of it. (Bot. Mag. t. 

G. inflexa (G. vaginata).—This is 
perhaps the most ornamental species, 
about 18 ins. high, with curved 
sword-shaped leaves and large bright 
yellow flowers with a velvety heart- 
shaped purple blotch at the base of 
each segment (Sw. Brit. Fl. Gard. 

G. obtusata, — This species has 
linear sword-like leaves and yellow 
flowers suffused with rose on the 
outer segments, borne on _ stems 
about a foot high (Bot. Mag. t. 672). 

G. rochensis (Ixia rochensis).—A. 
handsome species with narrow 
pointed leaves and indigo blue 
flowers having bands of white and 
purple crimson in the centre (Bot. 
Mag. t. 598). 

G. setacea,—This species has linear 
setaceous leaves, and produces in June 
and July its whitish or sulphur- 
yellow flowers striped externally with 
red, The plant figured under this 
name in the Bot. Mag. t. 1255 is G. 

GENTIANA (after Gentius, king 
of Illyria, who first experienced the 



virtue of Gentian). Nat. Ord. Gen- 
tianese.—There are nearly 200 species 
of Gentians, but that here mentioned 
is the only one worth noting as 
having a swollen root-stock. For the 
fibrous -rooted species the reader is 
referred to the author’s Practical 
Guide to Garden Plants, pp. 652 to 

G. lutea.—This vigorous European 
perennial has large spindle-shaped or 
turnip -like roots, blackish outside, 
yellowish and spongy within, from 
which the true Gentian root of the 
druggists is obtained. Like all the 
Gentians, this species has opposite 
leaves, broadly ovate or oblong, and 
strongly and deeply veined, gradually 
becoming smaller as they pass up the 
stems, which reach a height of from 4 
to 6 ft. In June and July the yellow 
flowers appear in dense whorls, each 
subtended by a pair of boat-shaped 

This species flourishes in rich loamy 
soil in sunny or partially shaded 
situations, and is effective in bold 
groups. Increased by dividing the 
roots in spring. 

GERANIUM (geranos, a crane; 
referring to the beak-like projection 
beyond the seeds), CRANE’S-BILL. 
Nat. Ord. Geraniaceee.—The true 
Geraniums differ from the Zonal 
Pelargoniums (which are popularly 
known as Geraniums) in having 
regular flowers without a spur, and 
ten stamens, while the Pelargoniums 
have mostly irregular flowers with a 
spurred posterior sepal, and_ five 
stamens or less, There are about a 
hundred species (the most ornamental 
of which are described in the author's 
Practical Guide to Garden Plants, 
pp. 285, 286), but the only one with 
a swollen root-stock is— : 

G. tuberosum. — A native of S. 
Europe, with tuberous root-stock, 



knotted, forked stems, and leaves 
divided into several linear lobes each 
again deeply cut into serrated lobes. 
The large purple flowers with deeper 
coloured veins appear in summer, the 
petals being deeply notched. The 
variety Charles, from Afghanistan, 
has several roundish superimposed 
tubers, and leaves less deeply lobed 
and divided than those of the type. 

This species is hardy in the most 
favoured parts of the Kingdom, but 
requires protection in cold localities. 
It likes rich gritty soil, and warm 
sunny positions, and may be increased 
by division of the tuberous roots, or 
from seeds sown in gentle heat in 

Gerrard, a botanical collector of 
Natal). Nat. Ord. Cucurbitacesee.—A 
small genus of climbing plants, the 
best known being— 

G. tomentosus.—A remarkable but 
not particularly pretty climbing plant 
from Natal. It has enormous root- 
stocks, often 6 ft. in circumference 
and 2 ft. in diameter. The stems, 
which are about ? in. thick, are 
covered with small round tubercles 
near the base, and in a wild state 
ascend without a leaf to the top of 
trees 50 ft. high. The Cucumber-like 
leaves are 3 to 4 ins. across, roundish, 
five to seven-lobed, strongly nerved 
and hairy. The small yellow flowers 
appear about August, the males being 
in clusters, the females in pairs. 
(Bot. Mag. t. 6694.) 

This plant might be grown as a 
curiosity in a warm greenhouse, and 
may be raised from seeds. As it 
grows naturally in poor rocky soil, 
and has very few roots, it is not 

GESNERA (after Conrad Gesner (b. 
1516, d. 1565), a celebrated botanist 



of Zurich), Nat. Ord. Gesneracese.— 
This genus contains about sixty 
species of pretty, softly hairy, herb- 
aceous plants, mostly having tuberous 
root-stocks, simple opposite leaves, 
and flowers in terminal cymes or 
trusses. The irregular two-lipped 
corolla tube is often elongated, some- 
times distinctly inflated or ventricose, 
and often arched and gibbous at the 

Most of the Gesneras are natives 
of Brazil, but some species are also 
found in Guiana, Colombia, and Peru, 
and one species is also found as far 
north as Mexico, Coming from these 
parts of America, the plants naturally 
require the protection of a stove or 
warm greenhouse in our climate. 
They are best grown in well-drained 
pots of various sizes, and a compost 
of turfy loam, peat, leaf-mould, and 
silver sand, which should be pressed 
firmly round the tubers. The best 
time for potting is in spring when the 
new growths begin to appear, and one 
or more tubers may be placed in 
a pot or pan according to individual 
taste and circumstances. The tops of 
the tubers should be about level or 
just above the surface of the soil, 
and the pots should be placed on 
shelves near the glass, so that the 
extra light will keep the developing 
growths short and sturdy. Care, 
however, must be taken to shade 
from strong sunshine. Watering 
must be attended to regularly, 
regulating the supply according to 
the rapidity of growth and the actual 
condition of the soil. Until the 
leaves are fully developed the syringe 
may be used daily to keep the young 
growths fresh-looking and clean, and 
afterwards late in the afternoon when 
the ventilators have been closed. As 
soon as the flower-spikes appear, 
however, syringing should be prac- 
tised carefully, and care must be 

241 Q 


taken not to wet the expanded 
blossoms. According to the warmth 
of the house, the plants may be 
expected to come into bloom in April, 
May, or June, when a night tempera- 
ture of 60° to 65° or even a few 
degrees lower may be maintained. 

After the flowering period is over 
the plants gradually ripen off their 
growth and tubers, and the amount of 
water is gradually reduced until 
finally in autumn the leaves have 
withered and the bulbs remain dor- 
mant in the soil. The pots should 
now be transferred to some cooler 
and more airy position with a night 
temperature of 50° to 55° F., where 
they will be free from heavy drip. 
If placed under the stages the pots 
should be turned on their sides, 
otherwise there is a danger of the 
dormant tubers either rotting with 
excessive moisture, or starting into 

‘premature growth. 

Propagation of the tuberous 
Gesneras is effected by means of 
division of the tubers; or more 
easily by cuttings of the young 
shoots. To secure these, the old 
tubers should be started into growth 
early in the year, in a temperature of 
60° F. at night and 70° F. by day, 
the soil being just moistened. When 
the shoots are about 2 ins. long they 
should be severed with a sharp. knife 
beneath a joint, and dibbled into pots 
or boxes containing rich and very 
gritty mould, about 2 to 3 ins. apart. 
If put into a close frame or under a 
hand -light and kept shaded and 
moist for a few days, they soon root. 
In due course each little plant may 
be transferred to a 3-in. pot, in a 
compost of loam, leaf-mould and 
sand, again keeping shaded ina moist 
atmosphere until established. A few 
weeks later the plants will be large 
enough for 5-in. or 6-in. pots, for 
which a similar compost is prepared. 



Once plants are established they will 
live for years, and the tubers increase 
in size from year to year like those of 
Gloxinias and Tuberous Begonias, 
When massed in bold groups in the 
conservatory or stove, the Gesneras 
with their brilliant scarlet or orange- 
scarlet blossoms are very effective, 

The following are some of the best 
species, with short descriptions, They 
all come from Brazil, unless otherwise 
stated :— 

G. aggregata. — Leaves oblong- 
ovate, crenate. Flowers scarlet, club- 
shaped cylindrical, on stems about 2 
ft. high in summer. (Bot. Mag. t. 
2725 ; Bot. Reg. t. 329.) 

G. Blassi.— Leaves oval heart- 
shaped, pointed, crenulate, with 
reddish veins on the under-surface, 
Flowers cinnabar-red, in drooping 

G. bulbosa.—Leaves broadly ovate, 
heart shaped, serrate. Flowers 

scarlet. (Bot. Mag. t. 3041.) 

G. caracasana, — Leaves elliptic, 
crenulate, wrinkled. Flowers red 
outside, yellowish within, the corolla 
tube having five small bosses near 
the base. 

G. cardinalis (G. macrantha).-—A 
striking species with a tuber as big 
as a man’s fist. Leaves large oval 
heart-shaped, toothed. Flowers large 
bright red, with a long .tube, and 
borne in a many-flowered terminal 
cluster. (Garden, 1892, ii. t. 874.) 

G. Clausseniana.—A species with 
very large tubers and oval heart- 
shaped wrinkled leaves with crenulate 
margins. Flowers orange-red, droop- 
ing, long-stalked. 

G. Cooperi. — Leaves oval heart- 
shaped pointed. Flowers bright 
scarlet, drooping, conspicuously dot- 
ted inside. 

G. Donkelaari. -— Leaves almost 
heart-shaped, green, tinted with 
purple and red. Flowers bright 


vermilion; very numerous. (Bot. 
Mag. t. 5070.) 

G. Douglasi (G. maculata ; G. verti- 
cillata).—-Leaves in whorls of four, 
ovate, toothed, the lower ones stalked, 
the upper sessile. Flowers bright 
red, drooping, and borne in clusters 
_ in the axils of the upper leaves. (Bot. 

Reg. t. 1110; Lodd. Bot. Cad. t. 
G, _ elliptica. — Leaves elliptic, 

wrinkled, serrate. Flowers orange- 
scarlet, but yellow in the variety 
lutea. (Bot. Mag. t. 4242.) 

G, exoniensis—A garden hybrid 
with deep green velvety leaves 
covered with reddish hairs. Flowers 
deep orange-scarlet, with a yellow 
throat ; very numerous. 

G. Lindleyi.— Leaves broadly ovate, 
crenulate, deep velvety green, tinted 
with red underneath. Flowers 
numerous, bright rose, pink-yellow at 
the base, and spotted with red. (Bot. 
Mag. t. 3602.) 

G. nzegelioides.—A beautiful garden 
hybrid with deep green, ovate heart- 
shaped, coarsely toothed leaves. 
Flowers large, tubular, bright rose- 
pink, having a yellow throat dotted 
with red. There are many variations 
of this hybrid, differing from each 
other chiefly in the colour of the 
flowers, such shades as deep violet, 
deep red, lilac, pure white, bright 
pink, rosy-lilac, etc., being repre- 
sented, the blossoms in all cases 
being variegated with yellow in the 
throat or speckled with a distinct 

G. pendulina (G. Marcht).—This is 
the only species from Mexico. It 
grows about a yard high, and has 
ovate crenulate leaves in whorls of 
three. Flowers numerous, scarlet, 
cylindrical, club-shaped, drooping, 
with bosses at the base. (Bot. Mag. 
t. 3744.) 

G. polyantha. —A square-stemmed 



species having broadly ovate heart- 
shaped leaves pointed at the apex 
and toothed on the margins. Flowers 
scarlet, with a yellow throat, arranged 
in leafless panicled cymes. 

G. Sceptrum.—Leaves in whorls of 
three, heart-shaped, bluntly toothed. 
Flowers with long tubes, white, borne 
in elongated clusters, The variety 
ignea has reddish-yellow flowers. 

G. tuberosa (G. rupestris). — A 
species with horizontal rhizomes 
from the joints of which the stems 
arise, Leaves broadly ovate heart- 
shaped, toothed. Flowers numerous, 
bright scarlet, covered with fine hairs 
outside. (Bot. Mag. t. 3664.) 

GETHYLLIS (gethreon, a leek ; or 
getheo, to rejoice; referring to the 
fragrance of the flowers). Nat. Ord. 
Amaryllidee.— A small genus of 
South African crocus-like plants 
having tunicated bulbs, and thread- 
like, narrow, or lance-shaped leaves, 
usually produced after the flowers 
have withered. The short flower- 
stem is underground (hypogzous), 
and the whitish, sweet-scented, fleet- 
ing flowers have a salver-shaped 
perianth with a long cylindrical tube. 
Stamens six, or many in six clusters, 
inserted in a single row at the throat 
of the tube. 

These plants are not of great 
garden value, and are chiefly met 
with in botanical collections. They 
require the protection of a green- 
house, and appear to grow best in 
a mixture of sandy peat and loam. 
During the winter months the bulbs 
are dormant and require no waiter. 
The plants are all of small stature, 
rarely exceeding 6 ins. in height, and 
the flowers in all cases appear about 
July and August. The following 
kinds are met with :— 

G. afra.—Bulbs round, 14 to 2 ins. 
through. Leaves linear, twisted, 



smooth, strongly ribbed. Flowers 
white, flushed with red on the out- 
side. (Bot. Reg. t. 1016.) G. Brit- 
teniana, with pure white flowers, may 
be an extreme form of this species. 

G. ciliaris.—Bulbs 14 ins. through, 
with cylindrical necks sometimes 4 
to 5 ins. long. Leaves linear, spir- 
ally twisted, conspicuously. ciliated. 
Flowers whitish. (Jacg. Hort. Schoen. 
i. 41, t. 79.) 

G. lanceolata.— This has been 
referred to Apodolirion lanceolatum, 
by Mr J. G. Baker. It has small 
round bulbs, with necks 1 to 13 ins. 
long, and solitary lance-shaped leaves 
borne at the same time as the whitish 

G. spiralis—The round bulbs are 
1 to 1} ins, in diameter, with necks 
1 to 2ins. long. Leaves more or less 
oval-shaped, spirally twisted, smooth. 
Flowers appear in December, white, 
tinged with red outside. G. rosea is 
a red-tinted form with smaller 
flowers. (Bot. Mag. t. 1088.) 

G. villosa.—Bulbs small, ovoid, 
with necks 1 to 14 ins. long. 
Leaves linear, densely covered with 
stiff hairs. Flowers with hairy tube, 
white, tinged with pink outside. 

GLADIOLUS (gladius, a sword ; 
referring to the shape of the leaves), 
Corn Frac, Nat. Ord. Irideze.—A 
genus containing about 140 species 
of beautiful herbaceous plants having 
fibrous - coated corms, sword - like 
plaited leaves, and tall spikes of 
incurved or obliquely funnel-shaped 
flowers, all turned one way. The 
three upper segments of the perianth 
are usually larger than the three 
lower ones, but the latter are often 
beautifully spotted and blotched with 
distinct colours. Stamens three, 
with free filaments. 

With the exception of the European 
G. byzantinus and G. communis, most 



of the species described below are 
natives of 8. Africa, extending from 
Cape Colony to the Transvaal, Natal, 
and the Zanzibar region. In point 
of beauty the natural species cannot 
compare with such fine garden races 
of Gladioli as brenchleyensis, Childsi, 
Colviller, gandavensis, Lemoinei, Nan- 
cetanus, and nanus, but it must be 
remembered that their blood has 
been utilised by the hybridist to 
develop such fine plants. The follow- 
ing are the most important natural 
species and hybrid groups of Gladioli 
to be met with in cultivation. 

G, Adlami.—This species from the 
Transvaal grows 14 to 3 ft. high, and 
has greenish-yellow flowers, finely 
dotted with red, about half a dozen 
blossoms to each spike (Gard. Chron, 
1889, i. 233). 

G. alatus.—A dwarf species with 
crowded linear leaves 6 to 12 ins, 
long, and bright red flowers (Bot. 
Mag. t. 586). 

G. angustus.—This species grows 
from 1 to 14 ft. high, having narrow 
leaves, and bearing white narrowly 
funnel-shaped flowers having a purple 
blotch on the lower segments (Bot. 
Mag. t. 602; Jacq. Ic. t. 252). 

G. armeniacus.— A handsome 
dwarf - growing Armenian species, , 
with numerous small deep purplish 
flowers in July. 

G. blandus.—A fine species 14 to 
2 ft. high, with large white flowers 
in June, having red markings and a 
yellow tube. There is a white form 
called albidus, and another pale 
purple, campanulatus. (Bot. Mag. tt. 
625, 648, 1665.) The variety Mor- 
tonius has suberect white flowers 
streaked with pink (Bot. Mag. t. 

G. brachyandrus,—A native of 
Tropical Africa, about 2 ft. high, 
which flowers in July. The blooms 
are bright clear scarlet, about a 



dozen being borne on a spike a foot 
long. (Bot. Mag. t. 6463.) 

G. brenchleyensis.—This brilliant 
scarlet Gladiolus was raised about 
the year 1848, at Brenchley, by Mr 
Hooker, and is practically a form of 
G. gandavensis. It, however, retains 
its character so well and is so unlike 
the usual types of G. gandavensis, 
which have the blood of more than 
two species in them, that it may well 
receive separate mention. The 
flower-spikes, which appear before 
those of G. gandavensis, are not 
nearly so heavy, and support \them- 
selves naturally very well without 

G. byzantinus.—A native of Turkey 
and Asia Minor, about 2 ft. high. 
The beautiful red flowers are freely 
produced in June and July, and are 
often shaded with a tinge of purple 
or reddish-violet. It flourishes in 
any well-drained garden soil. (Bot. 
Mag. t. 874.) 

G. cardinalis——A fine but rather 
tender species, 3 to 4 ft. high, with 
large scarlet blooms in July and 
August, the three lower segments 
having a large white blotch in the 
centre (Bot. Mag. t. 185; Red. Lil. 
t. 122 ; Garden, 1885, ii. 520). 

‘G. carmineus.— This somewhat 
tender species grows about 13 ft. 
high, and has narrow tapering leaves 
about 8 ins. long. The funnel-shaped 
flowers are about 3 ins. across, 
carmine, two of the inner perianth 
lobes having a paler blotch at the 
base with a darker border. (Bot. 
Mag. t. 8068.) ; 

G. Childsi—A vigorous - growing 
hybrid, raised in 1882 by Herr Max 
Leichtlin of Baden-Baden, by crossing 
the best forms of another hybrid, G. 
gandavensis, with G. Saunderst. A 
similar hybrid was raised in Zurich 
by Herr Froebel, under the name of 
turicensis, which has never become 



established. Max Leichtlin’s hybrid 
(at first called Letchtline after him- 
self), found its way to America, and 
in due course came into the hands of 
John Lewis Childs, who rechristened 
it under the now accepted name 
of Childsi. The plants attain a 
height of 4 to 5 ft., and produce 
branching flower-stems often over 2 
ft. long. The individual blossoms 
are 6 to 9 ins. across, the petals 
being of great substance, and shaded 
with various colours such as purple, 
scarlet, blue-grey, salmon, crimson, 
blush, rose, pink, yellow, etc., often 
beautifully blotched, speckled, and 
mottled in the throat. As there are 
almost innumerable variations, it is 
unnecessary to give a list of names, 
and the reader is advised to consult 
current catalogues. 

G. Colvillei.—A popular hybrid 
between G. cardinalis and G. tristis. 

Fia. 168.—Gladiolus Colviliet. (4.) 

It grows about 2 ft. ‘high, and has 
showy crimson-purple flowers flaked 
with white. There are two fine 



white forms, one called albus, having 
white segments and red stamens; 
the other, called The Bride, being 
distinguished by having white instead 
of red stamens. 

Gladiolus Colvillet, and especially 
its white varieties, are cultivated in 
thousands to supply blossom to the 
London and provincial markets, The 
corms are planted in the open air, in 
warm sheltered spots in light, rich, 
and deeply-dug soil in the autumn, 
about 4 or 5 ins. deep. A slight 
covering with litter or old manure 
is given as protection against frost, 
and also to keep the warmth of the 
soil round the roots for as long as 
possible. The flowers appear usually 
from May to July and look handsome 
in bold masses. When grown in pots, 
G. Colvillet and its varieties may be 
forced into early blossom during the 
earliest months of the year in the 
greenhouse or conservatory. 

G. communis.—This is a native of 
8. Europe, and grows 14 to 2 ft. high, 
having narrow, lance-shaped, ribbed 
leaves, and bright rosy flowers about 
June and July. There are several 
forms in existence, differing chiefly 
in the colour of the blossom, which 
vary from white to rose and purple. 
(Bot. Mag. tt. 86, 1575; Red. Ln. t. 

G, cruentus.—This is a fine species 
from the slopes of the Drakenburg, 
Natal. It grows 2 to 8 ft. high, and 
has linear leaves 12 to 18 ins. long. 
The flowers appear about September, 
and are borne in dense spikes about 
a foot long. Each blossom is about 
4 ins. across, brilliant scarlet in 
colour, yellowish-white at the base, 
speckled with red, the two side petals 
being blotched with white. (Bot. 
Mag. t. 6810.) 

G. cuspidatus.— This is another 
fine species, with flower-stems 2 to 
3 ft. high, and whitish flowers usually 



marked with purple and red on the 
lower segments (Jacg. Ic. t. 257; 
Bot. Mag. t. 582). 

G. decoratus. — A native of E. 
Africa, 2 to 3 ft. high, with sword- 
shaped leaves about 1 ft. long. From 
six to twelve bright scarlet flowers 
are borne on a loose spike, the three 
lower segments being blotched with 

G. dracocephalus.—A beautiful and 
distinct species from Natal,'with pale 
green leaves 6 to 12 ins, long, and 
soft yellow flowers in July and 
August, striped with dull purple, the 
lower segments being greenish and 
spotted with purple (Bot. Mag. t. 

G. Eckloni.—This has corms 1} in. 
thick, and very stiff thick-ribbed 
leaves not more than a foot long. 
The whitish flowers copiously spotted 
with minute red dots are borne on 
stems 14 to2 ft. high. (Bot. Mag. t. 

G. floribundus (G@. grandiflorus).— 
This grows about 3 ft. high, and is 
very free-flowering. The blossoms 
appear about May and June, and vary 
in colour from white, with a broad 
purplish stripe, to bright flesh colour 
striped with deep red. (Bot. Mag. 
t. 610; And. Bot. Rep. t. 118.) 

There are many forms of this 
species now in cultivation, and the 
fact of their blooming early makes 
them popular at exhibitions, where 
they are shown in great masses. 
Amongst these forms mention may 
be made of formosissimus, with clear 
orange-red flowers blotched with 
white, washed with crimson-lake and 
edged with crimson, insignis, ver- 
milion blotched with carmine; 
magnificus, carmine-rose and ver- 
milion-red blotched with white; 
Queen Victoria, bright velvety red, 
blotched with white and edged with 
carmine; and trimacuatus, bright 




G. gandavensis.— What is popularly 
known as the Ghent Gladiolus origi- 
nated in 1837 with M. Beddinghaus, 
gardener to the Duc d’Aremberg, at 
Enghien, by crossing G. pstttacienus and 
G. cardinalis. There can, however, 
be little doubt that before the ganda- 
vensis type had become fairly fixed, 
the services of other species were 
brought into force, and the most 
likely of these were G@. oppositiflorus 
(which shows in the white forms), G. 
blandus, and G. ramosus. Other 
species may also have been used, but 
in any case the gandavensis Gladiolus 
as we now know it, is the result 
of much crossing and intercrossing 
between the best forms as they 
were developed. M. Souchet of 
Fontainebleau, was one of the earliest 
to take to the serious business of 
producing gandavensis hybrids. He 
used the hybrids obtained from G. 
cardinalis and G. psittacinus, and 
crossed them with G. blandus and 
G. ramosus, and in 1852 many of 
them bloomed for the first time in 
his garden, and were a vast improve- 
ment on the original type. The 
prevailing colours of the gandavensis 
Gladioli are exquisite and delicate, 
and consist of various shades and 
mixtures of white, cream, violet, 
crimson, lilac, purple, maroon, 
salmon -red, rose, scarlet, yellow, 
orange, pink, amaranth, etc., variously 
striped and blotched. (See the 
author’s Practical Guide to Garden 
Plants, p. 950.) 

G. glaucus,—A_ half-hardy Grecian 
species not exceeding 1 ft. high, 
having stiffish erect leaves, and 
numerous bluish-red flowers striped 
with red and white at the base (Rev. 
Hort. 1906, 318). 

G. gracilis—A distinct - looking 
species 1 to 3 ft. high, having thick, 

spotted with carmine and 



stiffish, and roundish leaves 6 to 12 
ins, long, and a deep squarish channel 
on each surface. The flowers appear 
in March and April, and are usually 
white, but vary somewhat in colour, 
and are similar to those of G. recurvus. 
(Bot. Mag. t. 562; Red. Lil. t. 425 ; 
Jacq. Ic. t. 246.) 

G. grandis (G. versicolor). — This 
species grows about 18 ins. high, and 
has strong, roundish, deeply chan- 
nelled leaves, The flowers appear in 
May and June, about half a dozen in 
a loose spike, and vary in colour from 
reddish-brown to brown. (Bot. Mag. 
t. 1042; And. Bot. Reg. 19.) 

G. hastatus.—This is closely related 
to G. blandus. It has roundish 
deeply channelled leaves, and in April 
and May appear the blush-white or 
flesh-coloured flowers, tinted outside 
with red. (Bot. Mag. t. 1564.) 

G. Kirki,—This species from Zanzi- 
bar has linear grass-like leaves 6 to 8 
ins. long, and bright rose-pink flowers 
in a loose flexuose spike, 

G. Kotschyanus.— A native of 
Afghanistan and Persia, with linear 
leaves 6 to 8 ins. long. The clear 
violet flowers appear about May and 
June, the lower segments being some- 
what paler in colour than the upper 
ones, and having a darker band down 
the centre. (Bot. Mag. t. 6897.) 

G. Leichtlini—A Transvaal species 
about 2 ft. high, having bright red 
flowers, the lower segments of which 
are yellow speckled with red. 

G. Lemoinei—This beautiful sec- 
tion was raised by M. Lemoine of 
Nancy, France, by fertilising flowers 
of G. purpureo-auratus with pollen 
from the most beautiful forms of G. 
gandavensis, As the latter has the 
blood of four or five species in its 
veins, it follows that the Lemoinet 
hybrids contain the blood of at least 
one more species. During the past 
thirty years many choice varieties 



have been raised in England and on 
the Continent. The Lemoine: hybrids 
are distinguished by a large, beauti- 
ful, golden-yellow blotch with borders 
of purple, scarlet, maroon, etc., on the 
lower segments. There are many 
shades of colour, including carmine, 
rosy-purple, sulphur, salmon, yellow, 
creamy-white, blood-red, etc., more or 
less beautifully blended. 

G. Mackinderi—A species from 
Mt. Kenia, British E. Africa, with 
slender stems about 2 ft, high, and 
very narrow leaves about 1 ft. long, 
Flowers scarlet with a yellow tube, 
on spikes about 6 ins. long. (Bot. 
Mag. t. 7860.) 

G. Nanceianus.—These hybrids 
were also raised by M. Lemoine of 
Nancy, and distributed in 1889, 
The plants surpass in size and 
beauty all other kinds except the 
Childsi race. They are the result 
of crossing G. Sawnderst with the 
best forms of G. Lemoiner. They 
are as hardy as the gandavensis 
section, and much more free- 
flowering. The colours are of 
the most brilliant and varied hues, 
and heavily spotted. Among the 
shades of colour may be mentioned 
purple, claret, orange, red, maroon, 
orange-scarlet, violet, carmine,vari- 
ously striped and blotched with 
distinct and harmonising colours. 

G. nanus,— Under this name 
there are now in cultivation several 
varieties of hybrid Gladioli that 
have been evolved from successive 
crossings of several species, such 
as G. blandus, G. cardinalis, G. 
tristis, G. trimaculatus, and no 
doubt others. These hybrid off- 
spring are characterised by having 
slender and somewhat fexuous stems, 
two or three of which often spring 
from one corm, and by their rather 
small flowers resembling those of C. 
Colvillei and its varieties, having 



pointed segments, the three lower 
ones being usually conspicuously 
blotched with a distinct colour, 

The cultural treatment of these is 
precisely the same as for the Colvillei 
section, the plants being grown either 
in the open air or under glass accord- 
ing to circumstances, 

G. oppositifiorus. — A native of 
Kaffraria, with large corms and leaves 
1to2ft.long. The flowers are white 

Fic. 169.—Gladiolus oppositiflorus. (4.) 

with a small red band, and from 
thirty to forty are borne on a stalk 
about 2 ft. high in autumn. This is 
supposed to be one of the parents of 
the “Gandavensis” hybrids. (Bot. 
Mag. t. 7292; Gard. Chron. 1893, i. 
f. 41; Garden, 1894, i. 163.) 

G. Papilio.— This species grows 
from 1} to 2 ft, high, and has broadly 
tubular blossoms of a very pale purple 
colour, splashed and variegated with . 
deep purple and golden-yellow (Bot. 



Mag. t. 5565). The variety atratus is 
distinguished by the absence of yellow 
in the flowers. 

G. platyphyllus.—This species from 
Natal resembles G. dracocephalus in 
appearance, but has broader, shorter, 
opposite leaves, and a long spike of 
deep yellow flowers veined with red 
(Gard. Chron. 1898, xiv. 456). 

G. primulinus.—A native of S.E. 
Africa, having somewhat leathery 
strongly ribbed leaves, 2 to 23 ft. long 

Fic. 170.—Gladiolus primulinus. (}.) 

and about 1 in. wide, and soft yet 
clear primrose-yellow flowers, two to 
four on a stem about a foot above the 
leaves. This species was shown in 
London for the first time on 23rd 
August 1904, by Mr F. Fox, Alyn 
Bank, Wimbledon, when it was stated 
that the plant was a native of the 
Rain Forest, Victoria Falls, River 
Zambesi, and grows in the spray of 
the Falls. The petals act as an 
umbrella for protecting the pistils 
and stamens from the spray. This 



species has been named “ Maid of the 
Mist” on this account. The sketch 
was taken from the plant exhibited 
in 1904. (Gard. Chron, 1890, ii, 122.) 

G. princeps. — This magnificent 
hybrid was raised in America by Dr 
Van Fleet, who fertilised the stigmas 
of G. cruentus with pollen from the 
flowers of G. Childsi. As the latter 
hybrid itself is a cross between G. 
gandavensis (psittacinus x cardinalis) 
and @. Sawnderst, it is obvious that 
G. princeps has the blood of at least 
four distinct species in its veins, and 
possibly five if we consider that G. 
oppositiflorus has probably played 
a part in the origin of the ganda- 
vensis breed. Dr Van Fleet’s G. 
princeps has crimson-scarlet flowers 
of great richness and intensity, 
relieved by touches of white, or fre- 
quently by a white stripe across the 
centre of the lower petals, which are 
very full and rounded. The flowers 
appear late in August and September, 
when other kinds are already fading, 
and although only a few flowers are 
open at one time, this defect is atoned 
for by their great size and lasting 

G. psittacinus (G. natalensis).—A 
beautiful species with sword-like 
leaves a foot or more long, and stout 
erect flower-stems about 3 ft. high, 
The large bell-shaped flowers, ten to 
twelve on a spike, are rich scarlet, 
lined and spotted with yellow. This 
is one of the original parents of the 
gandavensis hybrids (Bot. Mag. t. 
3032; Bot. Reg. t. 1442; Sw. Brit. 
Fil. Gard. ii. t. 281; Lodd. Bot, Cab. 
t. 1756.) The variety Coopert has 
yellow flowers strongly lined with 
reddish-purple (Bot. Mag. t. 6002). 

G. pudibundus.—A pretty garden 
hybrid between G. blandus and G. 
cardinalis, It grows from 2 to 8 ft. 
high, having broad, ribbed, pointed 
leaves, and about a dozen large bright 



rose flowers on a stem. (Sw. Brit. 
Fl. Gard. ii. 176; Paxt. Mag. Bot. 
ii, 197.) 

G. punctatus. — A little-known 
species about 14 ft, high, with narrow 
leaves and large flowers greenish- 
yellow within, the three upper 
segments being striped in the centre 
with purple. 

G. purpureo-auratus.— A fine 
species from Natal, with broad grey- 
green leaves about 18 ins. long. The 
pale sulphur-yellow flowers have a 
large purple blotch on each of the 
two lower segments; and over a 
dozen blossoms appear in August on 
stems 3 to 4 ft, high. This species is 
remarkable for its small corms, only 
about 1 in. through, sending out 
runners 2 to 3 ins. long, at the end of 
which new corms are developed, 
instead of on the summit of the old 
corms as in other species. It may be 
noted that this species crossed with 
the pollen of G@. gandavensis produced 
the first of the beautiful Lemoinei 
hybrids. (Bot. Mag. t. 5944.) 

G. Quartinianus. — A native of 
Tropical Africa, having narrow, 
stiffish, strongly-veined leaves, 1 ft. 
or more long, and yellow flowers 
suffused and spotted with scarlet, 
borne in August on stems about 2 ft. 
high (Bot. Mag. t. 6739). 

G. ramosus.— A pretty hybrid 
between G. cardinalus and G. flori- 
bundus, with pointed leaves and 
flowers varying in colour from deep 
rose to red, and more or less flaked 
and feathered with white, and borne 
about July and August on slender 
flexuose and often branched spikes 
(Paxt. Mag. Bot. vi. 99). 

G. recurvus (G. ringens). — This 
species grows from 14 to 3 ft. high, 
and has roundish, strongly-veined 
leaves. The sweetly violet-scented 
yellow flowers spotted with blue 
appear in April and May, about half 




a dozen in a loose raceme. (Bot. 
Mag. t. 578; And. Bot, Rep. tt. 27, 
927; Red, Lil. t. 123.) 

G. Saundersi.—A beautiful species 
with strongly nerved  sword-like 
leaves, 2 to 3 ft. long, and flower- 
stems about the same height, bearing 
in autumn spikes of six to twelve 
flowers, each over 3 ins, across, and of 
a beautiful crimson or pale scarlet 
spotted with pink and white (Bot, 
Mag. t. 5873 ; Garden, July 1877). 

G. segetum.—This species extends 
from the Canary Islands along the 
Mediterranean region to Persia and 
Turkestan. Its corms are about 1 
in. thick, the leaves are 1 to 14 ft, 
long, and the bright purple flowers 
are borne in loose clusters. (Bot. 
Mag. t. 719.) 

G. trichonemifolias,—This species 
has stiff, roundish leaves, and stems 
6 to 18 ins. high, bearing yellow 
flowers with a purple blotch on the 
three lower segments (Bot. Mag. t. 

G. tristis.—A native of Natal, about 
1 ft. high, bearing in July funnel- 
shaped flowers 2 to 3 ins. deep, with 
a yellow ground colour, the three 
upper segments of the perianth being 
minutely spotted with reddish-brown 
on both surfaces, the three lower ones 
spotted only on the outer half (Bot. 
Mag. tt. 272, 1098; Ref. Bot. 23; 
Red. Lil. t. 35). 

The plant known as sulphureus is 
a pale yellow self-coloured form of 
the type, with a graceful habit. The 
variety concolor has pale yellow or 

pure white flowers. (Bot. Mag. t. 
G. villosus.—This species has 

stiffsh linear leaves, with a long 
hairy sheath, and bright-red lilac 
flowers (Bot. Mag. t. 823.) 

G. watsonioides.—A native of Kil- 
manjaro, 2 to 3 ft. high, with stiffish, 
erect, narrow leaves, and loose spikes 



of brilliant scarlet flowers about 14 
ins. long (Bot. Mag. t. 6919). The 
variety minor is smaller in every 

G, Watsonius.—This species grows 
1 to 2 ft. high, and has flat linear 
lance-shaped leaves and bright red 
cylindrical flowers with a curved 
tube, the lower segments being re- 
curved (Bot. Mag. t. 450; Red. Lil. 
t.369). A variety having the perianth 
segments variegated with yellow from 
base to centre is figured in the Bot, 
Mag. t. 569. 

THE GLADIOLUS.—With the excep- 
tion of a few of the more tender 
species such as G. Kirki, G. 
primulinus, and G. Quartinianus, 
most of the Gladioli mentioned above 
may be grown in the open air in 
most parts of the British Islands. 
The natural species, although not so 
brilliant in hue or so luxurious in habit 
as the more modern garden varieties 
are nevertheless worthy of cultivation 
where space can be afforded. And 
who knows, considering the success 
that has been secured in raising such 
groups as the Childst, gandavensis, 
Nanceianus, and Lemoine, that there 
may be still a possibility of raising 
other fine races of Gladioli. Indeed 
evidence is not wanting that many 
nurserymen and several amateurs 
are paying great attention to this 
problem, and we may expect in the 
near future great developments in 
the way of new and vigorous hybrids. 

Generally speaking, all the Gladioli 
like a rather stiff loamy soil which 
should, however, be deeply cultivated, 
and contain a certain amount of grit 
to secure greater warmth, aération, 
and thorough drainage. Well-rotted 
stable manure within a foot or so 
of the surface should always be 
incorporated with the soil, as it is 
particularly valuable in retaining 



moisture round the roots during hot 
and rainlesssummers. In light sandy 
soils it is necessary to dig in much 
larger quantities of well-decayed 
manure, and perhaps cow-manure is 
better than any other for a soil of 
this nature. 

A very heavy, cold, and wet soil 
is about the worst for growing 
Gladioli. If, however, such a soil is 
trenched about 3 ft. deep, in 
September or October, at the same 
time working in layers of manure 
between each layer of soil, a wonder- 
ful improvement towards warmth, 
fertility, and friability will take place 
before the planting season for the 
summer- and autumn - flowering 

Prantinc.— The summer- and 
autumn-flowering Gladioli, including 
all forms of Childsi, Lemoinet, Nance- 
tanus, gandavensis, and brenchleyensis, 
are best planted about the end of 
March or early in April, taking into 
consideration the state of the 
weather and the locality. The 
corms may be planted in drills 
drawn a foot or 15 ins. apart and 
4 or 5 ins. deep, or they may be 
planted with a trowel in groups in 
the flower-border. Nothing is lost, 
however, by turning the soil up 
in ridges, as it becomes still more 
friable and valuable. As the corms 
of the various species and sections 
differ a good deal in size, it may be 
stated as a general rule that they 
should be planted about three times 
their own depth—in other words, 
they should be covered with a layer 
of soil equal to twice their own 

Warm, open, sunny situations 
should be chosen, and Gladioli may 
be grouped in the ordinary herbaceous 
flower-border where space permits, 
or in special beds by themselves. 
It is also an excellent plan to utilise 



them with such plants as dwarf- 
growing Cannas, and such subjects 
as Galtonia (Hyacinthus) candicans, 
the Eremuri, or the Torch Lilies 

During the summer months the 
hoe should be used frequently to stir 
the surface of the soil to a depth of 
an inch or two, thus checking 
evaporation of moisture from the 
root region, and keeping the plants 
in a more actively growing condition. 
When particularly fine results are 
required the soil may receive a light 
dressing of basic slag (2 ozs. to a 
square yard) when the corms are 
being planted, and afterwards when 
the Hower-spikes are showing, an occa- 
sional watering with weak liquid 
manure will be highly beneficial. 

Lirtinc THE Corms.—As soon as 
the flowers have withered and the 
leaves begin to turn yellow, the tops 
may be cut down to the ground, and 
the corms lifted and dried preparatory 
to storing away for the winter. Any 
cool, airy, but frost-proof place will 
be suitable for storing purposes. 
When cleansing the corms it is 
advisable to grade them into sizes 
and to separate the small bulblets or 
“spawn” from the fully developed 
corms, and keep them apart ready 
for sowing in spring as if they were 

PropaGATIon.—Gladioli are easily 
increased (i.) by means of offsets from 
the old corms; (ii.) by the “spawn” 
or small bulblets, which are often 
produced freely ; and (iii.) by seeds. 
The larger offsets should be separated 
from the smaller ones and from the 
“spawn,” each group being planted 
in March or April in the case of 
the summer- and autumn-flowering 
varieties, or about the end of August 
or early September with the early- 
flowering ones. The latter require 
the soil to be well drained and in a 



sheltered sunny situation, as they 
have to pass through the winter 
months, The rows may be from 6 to9 
ins. apart, according to the size of 
the corms—the larger ones of course 
having more space. 

When it is desired to raise Gladioli 
from seed, it is as well to select the 
seed-parents carefully in advance. 
During the flowering period the finest 
flowers of any particular section 
should be noted, and the plants 
should be marked in some way, such 
as by tying a piece of coloured string 
or a label to them. On hot bright 
days the pollen from another choice 
variety, possessing desirable char- 
acteristics that are lacking probably 
in the destined seed-parent, should 
be taken and placed on the pistils of 
the latter. It is advisable in the 
early stages of the flowers that are 
to bear the seed that the stamens 
should be detached, and a muslin or 
fine gauze bag placed over the 
blossoms to prevent any but the 
desired pollen from falling on the 
stigmas. An hour or two before 
midday is generally the best time for 
fertilising purposes, and the ripe 
pollen should therefore be available 
for the sticky surfaces of the stigmas. — 

After fertilisation, the petals . 
wither, and the seed-pod begins to 
swell, until eventually it becomes 
fully ripe. The seed should be 
carefully preserved in a dry airy 
place until about the first week in 
April. It may then be sown in 
pots or boxes of rich gritty soil; or 
even in the open in a nicely prepared 
and sheltered piece of ground. The 
seeds should be covered with about 
$ in. of soil, and if sown in the open, 
should be in drills about 6 ins. apart. 
The soil should be pressed down 
evenly and firmly on the seeds, and 
care must afterwards be taken- to 
keep it moist and free from weeds. 



The seedlings soon appear like blades 
of grass, and about September the 
young corms may be lifted and stored 
until the following April, when they 
may be planted in rows about 
6 ins. apart every way. Many flower 
the second season, but the great 
majority will require another period 
of growth to acquire sufficient reserve 

DIsEASES AND Prsts.—Where the 
ground is infested with wireworm, 
as it often is in the case of newly 
broken pasture-land, the corms are 
likely to be badly injured. Land of 
this description should be trenched 
about 3 ft. deep in autumn, burying 
the top spit containing the wireworm 
and perhaps other grubs at the 
bottom of the trench. In this way 
they are completely stifled and 
deprived of their vegetable diet. 
The subsoil brought up will be 
perfectly free from the pest, and if 
well manured and exposed to the 
weather will be in a good fertile 
condition in spring. Where the 
ground is not trenched, money must 
be spent in some of the strong- 
smelling powders that are advertised 
as cures. Mice are sometimes mis- 
chievous, and must be trapped. When 
deep cultivation is not practised, traps 
of carrots or potatoes must be used 
to catch the grubs in the soil. 

During hot dry summers “red 
spider” is troublesome and causes the 
leaves to assume a rusty appearance. 
Frequent use of the hoe, and a good 
syringing every morning and late 
in the afternoon are the best remedies 
against this pest. 

The Gladiolus fungus (Jfyriococcus 
fusan) sometimes gains a footing, and 
is best checked by burning the 
diseased plants, and giving a heavy 
dressing of flowers of sulphur to the 
soil; afterwards trenching it 3 ft. 
deep in autumn, and burning the 



top spit. Dipping the corms for 
about two minutes in a solution of 
one part of formaldehyde to five 
parts of water has proved a check 
to the disease. 

Other solutions recommended are : 
(a) 1 oz. of sulphate of copper to 10 
gallons of water; and (b) 4 ozs. 
commercial formalin to 15 gallons 
of water. The corms to be soaked 
for about twelve minutes in either 
solution before planting, 

GLOBBA (native Molucca name), 
Nat. Ord. Scitaminee.—A genus 
containing about two dozen species 
of ornamental - looking herbaceous 
plants, having thickish root-stocks 
or rhizomes, more or less broadly 
lance-shaped leaves, and resembling 
the Cannas in appearance. The 
curious -looking yellow or reddish 
flowers are borne on the ends of the 
shoots in simple or branched clusters. 
The corolla-tube is slender, with three 
ovate lobes, and springs from the 
three-cleft tubular calyx. The lateral 
stamens are petal-like, the lower one 
only being fertile. 

The Globbas are not well known 
outside botanical collections. They 
are, however, easily grown in a stove 
house with plenty of heat and 
moisture, in accordance with the 
conditions prevailing in Borneo, 
Sumatra, Siam, etc., whence they 
come—+.e., between the Equator and 
the 20° north latitude. They like a 
rich loamy soil, and may be increased 
by dividing the rhizomes in spring. 
The following species are best 
known :— 

G. albo-bracteata (G. alba).—A 
Sumatran species, about 2 ft. high, 
with brownish-purple stems, green, 
oval lance-shaped leaves, and droop- 
ing clusters of flowers having a white 
calyx and a yellow corolla (Belg. 
Hort. 1885, t. 20). 



G. atrosanguinea (G’, coccinea).— An 
elegant Bornean plant about 1 to 14 
ft. high, with clusters of gracefully 
arching stems and deep glossy green, 
ovate lance - shaped leaves. The 
flowers, with scarlet bracts, are 
borne in dense racemes, and appear 
at all seasons of the year. (Bot. 
Mag. t. 6626.) 

G. Schomburgki, — A native of 
Siam, 6 to 12 ins. high, with elliptic 
ovate or lance-shaped leaves pointed 
at the tips. The golden - yellow 
flowers with a bright orange-red base 
to the lower segment, appear in 
August in drooping panicles. (Bot. 
Mag. t. 6298.) 

G. sessiliflora.—This is the oldest 
species in cultivation, having been 
introduced from the East Indies 
(Pegu) in 1807. It grows about 18 
ins. high, and has lance - shaped 
pointed leaves, and yellow flowers 
produced in August in whorled 
spikes. (Bot. Mag. t. 1428.) 

GLORIOSA (gloriosus, glorious ; re- 
ferring to the beauty of the flowers), 
Nat. Ord. Liliacesze.—A genus con- 
taining about half a dozen species 
of tuberous-rooted herbaceous plants 
having climbing or tufted stems 
sparingly furnished with alternate, 
opposite, or ternately verticillate, 
sessile leaves, oblong lance-shaped, 
and remarkable for having the tips 
produced into a spirally twisted 
tendril. The flowers are borne 
singly in the axils of the upper 
leaves. The perianth consists of six 
similar narrow, oblong, lance-shaped, 
wavy segments, at first spreading, 
but afterwards sharply bent back, 
and leaving the six hypogynous 
stamens, and the green superior 
ovary with its long-styled, three-cleft 
stigma bent at right angles, well 
exposed to view. 

These remarkable-looking plants 



are well worth growing in a warm 
greenhouse or at the cool end of a 
stove house. They flourish in a 
compost of turfy loam and fibrous 
peat to which a little well-decayed 
cow-manure, or a little basic slag or 
fine bone-meal has been added. The 
long, fleshy, tuberous roots are best 
potted up in spring, about March, 
when the new growths begin to 
appear, and may be covered with 
about 2 ins. of soil. Well-drained 
pots of course should be used, and a 
few tubers may be placed in a large 
pot, to secure a finer effect than when 
one is grown ina small pot. During 
growth water should be given copi- 
ously, and the syringe should be used 
in the morning and afternoon. When 
the flexuous stems are about a foot 
long, it will be necessary to put sticks 
to them, or to fasten them to a wire 
trellis over which they may be trained, 
Gloriosas are also useful plants for 
furnishing the sides and rafters of a 
warm greenhouse or stove house, and 
make an ornamental display, usually 
during July and August, or perhaps 
somewhat earlier. As the stems and 
leaves die down naturally in the 
autumn—a fact which should be 
carefully noted—water is gradually — 
withheld, and ultimately the tubers 
alone are left mature and dormant 
during the winter months. In this 
state they require no water, and the 
pots should be turned over on the 
sides to avoid the dripping or drain- 
ing from the benches ; or they should 
be placed on shelves near the glass. 
In spring, the old tubers after show- 
ing signs of growth should be shaken 
out of the old soil, and repotted into 
fresh compost and treated as above 
advised. The best temperature at 
this period is about 55° to 65° F. 
at night, and 5° or 10° more by 

Gloriosas are easily propagated in 



spring by carefully dividing the 
tubers with a sharp strong knife, 
taking care to cut between the young 
sprouts. Each portion should have 
the cut surface dipped in slaked lime 
or soot before potting up. 

When seeds are ripened they should 
be kept till March, and may then be 
sown in a rich gritty compost in a 
warm house having a night temper- 
ature of about 70°F. The soil must 
be kept fairly moist, and when the 
seedlings are large enough to handle 
easily, they should be transferred 
singly to 3-in. pots. When these 
are fairly well filled with roots, the 
young plants should be moved into 
4-in. or 5-in. pots, keeping them 
moist and syringed to encourage 
quick growth, and shading them 
from very hot sunshine. No flowers 
should be allowed to develop the 
first year, as they would only 
weaken the plants. The second 
season —after the winter rest — the 
plants are grown on in the ordinary 

G. abyssinica (Clinostylis speciosa). 
—A showy dwarf-growing species 
from Abyssinia, having large red and 
yellow flowers. 

G. Carsoni.—A native of East 
Central Africa, from the shores of 
Lake Tanganyika, being dwarf and 
sturdy in growth. It has showy 
heads of flowers, the broad petals of 
which are yellow towards the centre, 
shading to deep-red towards the 
base. The tubers are small, and the 
stems are 8 ft. or more long. The 
plant is also found in abundance in 
Rhodesia. (Gard. Chron. 1904, xxxvi. 

G. grandiflora (Methonica grandi- 
flora).—This is closely related to G. 
superba, and is considered by some 
to be merely a variety of it. It is a 
native of Tropical Africa, and has 
the more or less wavy flowers often 



entirely yellow in colour, but assum- 
ing a reddish tint with age. 

Fic. 171.—Gloriosa grandiflora. (4.) 

G. minor. — This peculiar little 
species is unknown in gardens, It is 
a native of N.E, Equatorial Africa, 
having been found along the Shebeli 
River, and apparently grows only 3 
or 4 ins. high. 

G. Rothschildiana,--A native of 
Uganda and Mombosa, with climb- 

Fig. 172.—Glortosa Rothschildiana. 

ing stems ‘and tendril-tipped leaves. 
The flowers, with broad somewhat 
wavy segments are of a bright ruby- 
red when fully open, but are tinted 



with yellow at the base at first. 
(Gard. Chron. 1903, xxxiii, 322, f. 
125; Flora and Sylva, Aug. 1904.) 
The beautiful variety citrina has 
yellow flowers and leaves somewhat 
narrower than the type. The centre 
and tip of each petal is marked with 
a claret-coloured band, which spreads 
over the whole surface in time. 
(Gard. Chron. 1905, xxxviii. 67, 
211, f.) 

G. superba (Methonica superba).— 
A native of India, Malacca, and 
Tropical Africa. This is the best- 
known species of the genus, and was 
first introduced to cultivation in 1690 

Fic. 173,—Gloriosa superba. 

from the East Indies. It has climb- 
ing stems, 5 to 6 ft. long, tendril- 
tipped leaves, and fHowers with very 
wavy sharply reflexed segments, the 
lower portion of which is yellow, the 
upper portion being bright red mar- 
gined with yellow. (And. Bot, Rep. 
t. 129; Bot. Reg. t. 77; Garden, 



1890, ii. 784.) The variety lutea, 
which is abundant in Rhodesia, has 
flowers of pure buff-yellow without a 
trace of red. 

G. virescens (G. simplex; G. 
Planti)—A native of Mozambique, 
with stems 3 to 4 ft. long, leaves 
like those of G. superba, and greenish- 
yellow flowers, bordered with yellow 
and tinted with red outside (Bot. 
Mag. tt. 2539, 4938). The variety 
grandiflora from Natal has yellow 

GLOXINERA,—This is the name 
given to a bigeneric hybrid between 
a Gloxinia and Gesnera pyramidalis, 
the latter being the pollen parent. 

Fic. 174.—Gloxinera ‘' Brilliant.” (4.) 

It was shown by Messrs Veitch, 
Chelsea, in 1894, and the following 
description with a tigure appeared in 
the Gard. Chron. 2nd Feb, 1885, p. 
144, f. 22 :—The flowers are of a fair 
size, and of a brilliant scarlet colour 
tinged with magenta in the shadows. 
The foliage is more nearly that of a 



Gloxinia than a Gesnera in appear- 
ance, being very succulent and 
covered with fine hairs, 

GLOXINIA (after B. P. Gloxin, a 
botanist of Colmar). Nat. Ord. Ges- 
neracee. — The Gloxinia of the 
botanist and the Gloxinia of the 
gardener are quite distinct genera, 
although they both belong to the 
same section of the same family. 
The garden Gloxinia would be 
more correctly known under the 
name of SINNINGIA, as most of 
the forms in cultivation have been 
evolved by plant-breeders from 
Sinningia speciosa. This species 
was introduced from Brazil in 
1815, Waterloo year, and to show 
what changes have taken place 
since, these garden forms may be 
compared with the following de- 
scription of S. speciosa :—Plant 
short-stemmed, more or less hairy, 
with blunt or slightly pointed 
oblong leaves, more or less con- 
vex, usually narrowed towards the 
base, crenulate on the margins, 
velvety in texture, and sparsely 
clothed with hairs. Flowers with 
ovate lance-shaped, velvety, calyx 
segments; corolla tubular, bell- 
shaped, irregular, drooping, five-lobed, 
and usually violet in colour. 

It would be difficult to recognise in 
this plant the parent of the garden 
Gloxinia of the present day, with its 
innumerable shades and spottings of 
colour, and its large and more or 
less erect and regular blossoms so 
distinct from the drooping, irregular, 
violet ones of the wild type. In the 
modern florists’ Gloxinia all shades 
of colour exist except yellow and 
true blue, shades that may never 
appear. The colours now range from 
the purest white to the deepest 
crimson and the brightest of fiery 
reds, passing through purple, pale and 



deep violet, rose, pink in numerous 
shades. In addition to “self” or 
uniformly coloured varieties there 
are many exquisite forms beautifully 
speckled with colours quite distinct 
from the groundwork ; and the fact 
that by raising seedlings, still more 
charming combinations of colour are 
possible, makes Gloxinia-growing at 
the present day one of the most 

Fic. 175.—Gloxinia, various. (4.) 

interesting of cultural operations. 
Although chiefly grown for decorative 
effect as pot plants, the flowers of 
Gloxinias are useful in a cut state, 
and will last several days in water. 
Indeed I have used the blossoms 
from plants grown in a cold house 
without any heat, for such mourning 
emblems as wreaths, crosses, anchors, 
etc., and was astonished to find that 
they last several days longer in the 
open air than the flowers of much 
hardier plants. 

CutturE.—The Gloxinia having a 
tuberous root-stock like the tuberous 
Begonia, may be grown in much the 
samme way and under almost identical 

257 R 


conditions. The tubers vary in size 
according to age, and therefore require 
to be grown in pots of different size. 
Broadly speaking, the pots should be 
about twice the diameter of the 
tubers. Each one should be well- 
drained with a stopper and crocks, 
with a thin layer of moss or fibre on 
top. The compost most generally 
suitable to Gloxinias is one-half 
fibrous loam with a little peat, leaf- 
mould, and silver sand, making up 
the other half in equal proportions. 
To secure a succession of flowers 
during the summer months, the first 
batch of tubers should be potted in 
February, and another batch in 
March. The tops of the tubers 
should be about level with the sur- 
face of the soil, and to secure 
rapid growth the pots should be 
plunged in a bed of coco-nut fibre or 
leaf-mould, with a temperature of 
about 80° F. It is probably better, 
however, to have a lower temperature, 
say 60° to 65° F. by night, and about 
five to ten degrees warmer by day for 
the first batch of plants. The soil 
should be kept moist by gentle over- 
head sprinklings, and a humid atmo- 
sphere is always advisable during the 
early growing period. Once growth 
has fairly started the plants should 
be placed on a shelf near the glass, 
and the average temperature should 
be about 70° F. At the end of seven 
or eight weeks from the time growth 
has commenced, the plants may be 
moved to larger pots if necessary, 
using the same compost as recom- 
mended above, with the addition of 
a little old cow-manure and a sprink- 
ling of bone-meal or basicslag. After 
repotting, the plants should be kept 
close, moist, and shaded from strong 
sunshine for a few days, afterwards 
giving as much diffused light and 
air as possible in a fairly humid 
atmosphere. A little weak liquid 



manure two or three times a week 
will be beneficial, but its application 
is best discontinued once the blossoms 
appear. Then a somewhat cooler 
part of the greenhouse should be 
selected, and no watering or syringing 
overhead should be given, as it would 
tarnish the blooms. 

In autumn the flowers wither and 
the fleshy leaves begin to turn yellow, 
shrivel, and decay. These conditions 
mean less and less water to the tubers, 
and more air and light if possible 
to ripen the plants off gradually for 
their winter sleep. Once the leaves 
have dropped, the tubers may be 
stored away in the pots on a dry 
airy shelf; or they may be placed in 
coco-nut fibre and dry leaf -mould 
until the following spring, in a tem- 
perature about 50° F, 

Propacation.—Gloxinias are easily 
raised from seeds, cuttings of the 
leaves, or by division of the old 
tubers. The latter are best divided 
between the young growths in spring, 
each portion being potted separately, 
and treated as above advised for 
established plants. 

By means of seed it is now possible 
to raise large numbers of Gloxinias 
annually. It must, however, be re- 
membered that any special variety 
can only be kept pure by raising from 
cuttings, or division of the tubers, as 
there is no guarantee whatever that 
seedlings will produce blossoms similar 
to those of the plant that bore them. 
And herein lies the charm of raising 
new varieties each year; one never 
knows what may turn up; some may 
be far superior to their progenitors, 
others and perhaps the majority at 
least as good, while a few may be 
inferior. The best results are likely 
to be obtained when careful selection 
and hybridisation have been practised 
on scientific or Mendelian lines. 

To secure a succession, Gloxinia 



seeds may be sown in January, 
February, and March, and again in 
June and July if necessary. Clean, 
well-drained pots or pans may be 
used, They should be filled to within 
half an inch of the rim with a com- 
post of fibrous loam, with a little leaf- 
mould, peat, and silver sand well 
mixed together, and made fairly firm. 
The surface must be made quite fine, 
and may be either flat or slightly 
arched or raised in the centre. Water 
with a fine-rosed can, and afterwards 
carefully and thinly sow the brownish 
dust-like seeds over the moistened sur- 
face. The faintest sprinkling of sifted 
compost may be strewn over the seeds, 
and the pots or pans may then be 
placed in a temperature of about 
65° to 70° in a moist position, where 
they can be easily shaded from the 
sun, Daily sprinklings will be 
necessary to keep the soil properly 
moist. When the seedlings appear 
more light may be given, but not 
strong sunshine, to make them sturdy. 
When the young leaves are about 
half an inch or so long, the little 
plants should be carefully lifted with 
a pointed stick and transferred either 
singly to 3-in. pots, or several in a 
large pot or pan in which the surface 
of the soil has been made convex. 
In due course the young plants will 
become large enough by May, June, 
or July, according to the period of 
sowing, for moving into 4-in. or 5-in. 
pots according to size. The compost 
and general treatment onward is 
then the same as described above for 
old-established plants. One point to 
observe when potting on is to keep 
the leaves on the surface of the soil, 
taking care at the same time not to 
cover up the crowns of the plants. 
Gloxinias from leaf-cuttings are 
easily secured, Any leaves taken off 
during the summer may have the 
stalk inserted up to the base of the 



blade in a gritty compost of loam and 
leaf-soil, and covered with half an 
inch of silver sand. If placed in 
bottom heat about 70° to 75° F., 
roots soon develop from the base of 
the leaf-stalk and fairly large tubers 
will form by the autumn. 

Leaves may also be placed flat on 
the surface of the soil or in a bed of 
coco-nut fibre or leaf-mould, and if 
the midrib is cut through in several 
places underneath, roots and tubers 
will form in due course. It is neces- 
sary, however, to keep the leaf-blade 
in close contact with the soil, and 
this may be done by placing a 
pebble or piece of broken pot over 
the midrib at the cut places. 

Insect Prests.—Greenfly (aphides) 
and thrips are sometimes troublesome, 
the latter chiefly if the air is too dry. 
Both pests are kept in check by 
vaporising or fumigating, and by 
syringing or washing’ the leaves with 
nicotine and soft-soap washes. 

Amongst Gloxinias proper, mention 
may be made of the following :— 

G. glabra (G. fimbriata).—A species 
about 9 ins. high, having white 
flowers with a yellow throat spotted 
with purple (Bot. Mag. t. 4430). 

G. maculata.—About 1 ft. high, 
with purple-blue downy blossoms 
(Bot. Mag. t. 1191). 

G. pallidifiora.—F lowers ae blue 
(Bot, Mag. t. 4213). 

GLYPHOSPERMA (glyphe, carving ; 
sperma, a seed; in allusion to the 
markings on the seeds). Nat. Ord. 
Liliacee.—The only species known is 
G. Palmeri, a remarkable hardy plant, 
closely related to the Anthericums. 
It is a native of N. Mexico, and has 
clusters of fleshy and fibrous roots, 
and slender soft, bright green grass- 
like leaves channelled on the upper 
surface, and from 12 to 18 ins, long. 
The white starry flowers, each about 



1 in, across, are borne in panicled 
racemes (Bot. Mag. t. 6717). 

This plant flourishes in a well- 
drained sandy soil in sheltered sunny 
spots. During the winter months 
the root-stocks should be protected 
from excessive rains and severe frosts 
by a heap of litter or ashes. 

GONIOSCYPHA (gonoia, an angle ; 
scyphos, a cup ; referring to the bracts 
at the apex of the inflorescence), Nat. 
Ord. Liliacce.—The only species 
known is— 

G. eucomoides, a native of the 
Bhotan Himalayas, with broad oval- 
oblong pointed leaves distinctly 
veined, The pale or dull green bell- 
shaped flowers with a cylindrical 
tube are borne in dense terminal 
spikes, the six lobes being roundish, 
blunt, and crenulate (Gard. Chron. 
1886, xxvi. 744), This species, which 
is only of botanical interest, should 
be grown in a warm greenhouse in 
sandy soil. 

GRIFFINIA (after W. Griffin, a 
patron of botany). Nat. Ord. Amaryl- 
lidez.—This genus contains seven or 
eight species of ornamental bulbous 
plants, all natives of Brazil. They 
are recognised by having broad and 
usually stalked leaves distinctly 
veined and traversed obliquely by 
other veins. The flowers are funnel- 
shaped, bent or horizontal, with a 
very short tube, and are borne in 
umbels on top of a stout scape. 
Perianth segments six, acute, the 
three lower narrower than the three 

Being natives chiefly of Central 
and Southern Brazil, the Griffinias 
require to be grown in a warm green- 
house in winter, and almost without 
artificial heat in the height of 
summer. The winter temperature 
should not drop below 55° F. at night, 



while in summer a night temperature 
of 60° to 65° F. will be sufficient. 
When large specimens of Griffinias 
are obtained, they form handsome 
and unusual objects of decoration for 
the greenhouse and conservatory. 
They flourish in a compost of rich 
yellow loam to which a little leaf- 
mould and silver sand may be added. 
The pots should be well drained, 
and in no case should they be too 
large for the bulbs—about twice the 
diameter being sufficient. The plants 
are somewhat slow - growing, and 
consequently require more regular 
attention in regard to watering than 
other bulbous plants that growquickly 
and soon finish their growth. When 
growth is active, usually after flower- 
ing is over, a little more heat and 
moisture are necessary. It is generally 
a good plan to repot after flowering, 
using pots a little larger than before, 
until large specimens are developed. 
Annual potting is then unnecessary, 
but it is well to give a top-dressing 
of some special fertiliser or weak 
liquid manure during active growth. 
Griffinias are propagated by offsets 
detached and grown on; and by 
means of seeds. These should be 

-thoroughly ripened, and when sown 

should not be covered with soil 
beyond a mere sprinkling of sand or 
gritty mould. The best temperature 
for raising plants from seed is about 
60° to 65° F. The seedlings are best 
left in the seed-pots for a whole 
season before disturbing them, and 
then placed singly in well-drained 
pots of a rich loamy soil with a little 
sand and leaf-mould. The after- 
treatment is as described above. If 
thrips, aphides, scale, or mealy bug 
appear, they may be checked by 
syringiug and sponging the leaves 
with solutions of nicotine and soft 
soap; and the houses should be 
fumigated or vaporised occasionally. 

260 ‘ 


The following species are known :— 

G. Blumenavia.—This species has 
ovoid bulbs about 2 ins. through, 
oblong-acute leaves 4 to 5 ins. long 
and over 2 ins. broad, and six to eight 
pale lilac-flowers on a slender stalk 
about 9 ins. high, from February to 
April (Bot. Mag. t. 5666). 

G. dryades (Amaryllis dryades).— 
This has bulbs as large as a cricket 
ball, and bright green leaves over a 
foot long and 5 to G ins. broad. The 
pale lilac-blue flowers appear in 
August and September, ten to twelve 
on top of a stout stalk 14 to 2 ft. 
high. (Bot. Jag. t. 5786.) 

G. hyacinthina (Amaryllis hya- 
cinthina).—Bulbs short-necked, 2 to 3 

Fic. 176.—Grifinia hyacinthina. (4.) 

ins. through. Leaves oblong-acute, 
6 to 9 ins. long, 2 to 3 ins, broad, 
developed after the flowers, and 
rounded at the base into a channelled 
stalk about as long as the blade. 
About a dozen large bright lilac 
flowers are borne in the autumn or 
winter months on a stalk 1 to 2 ft. 
high. (Bot, Reg. t. 163.) 



G. intermedia.—Bulb ovoid, longer 
than in G. hyacinthina. Leaves 
oblong-acute, narrowed into a long 
stalk. Flowers pale lilac, on slender 
stalks about 1 ft. high, in April. 
(Bot. Reg. t. 990.) 

G. Liboniana.—This has bulbs only 
about 1 in. through, and stalkless 
oblong-acute leaves 3 to 4 ins. long. 
About six to eight pale lilac flowers 
are borne in March or April on a 
two-edged stalk a foot long, and are 
noticeable for having the upper 
stamen suppressed. (Lem. Jard. 
leur. t. 290.) 

G. ornata.—Bulbs 3 to 4 ins. 
through, with deep green oblong 
leaves over a foot long, 4 to 5 ins. 


ay itr? 4 
" Fon V6}, 

Fic. 177.—Grifinta ornata, (4.) 

broad, narrowed to ashort channelled 
stalk with a broad clasping base. 
About January and Februayy nearly 
a dozen pale lilac flowers are borne 
on a thick stem a foot high. (Bot. 
Mag. t. 6367; Gard. Chron. 1876, i. 
266, figs. 47, 48.) 

G. parviflora.—Bulbs ovoid, 2 to 3 
ins. through, with oblong - acute 



leaves about 6 ins. long and about 
3 ins. broad, narrowed into a stalk 
about 6 ins. long. Over a dozen 
pale lilac flowers appear in February 
or March on slender stems about a 
foot high. (Bot. Reg. t. 511.) 

GYPSOPHILA (gypsos, chalk ; 
phileo, to love ; in reference to their 
natural love of a chalky soil), Nat, 
Ord. Caryophyllee.— This genus 
contains about fifty species of annual 
and perennial herbaceous plants 
having swollen joints, opposite leaves, 
and large panicles of small tubular 
or bell-shaped flowers, having five 
narrow-clawed petals, ten stamens, 
and two (or rarely three) styles, The 
tuberous - rooted species worthy of 
note are :— 

G. Mangini.—A Siberian species 
with thick fleshy roots, blue-green 
leaves, and small panicles of rather 
light rose-coloured. flowers. 

G. paniculata.—A light and graceful 
S. European perennial, with thick 
parsnip-like roots. It forms a dense 
compact bush 2 to 3 ft. high. Stems 
much branched, knotty, smooth and 
glistening, very slender and fragile. 
Leaves linear, lance-shaped, opposite, 
without stalks. Flowers during the 
summer, small, white, very numerous, 
borne on stiffish thread-like stalks. 

This species may be increased by 
dividing the thickish roots in spring, 
or seeds may be sown thinly out of 
doors in April and May in a warm 
and not too sunny border with finely 
prepared soil. As soon as_ the 
seedlings are large enough to handle 
easily they may be pricked out into 
another bed, afterwards keeping them 
well watered and shaded until 
established. By the end of Sep- 
tember, or in mild weather in spring, 
the young plants may be moved 
to their flowering positions in the 
flower-border. Once established they 



produce immense clouds of blossom 
annually, and are valuable for cutting 

Fia. 178.—Gypsophila paniculata, 
root-stock. (4.) 

for bouquets, room decoration, etc., 
either in masses by themselves or 
mixed with other flowers. 

HABLITZIA (after C. von Hablitz, 
a distinguished Prussian author and 
traveller), Nat. Ord. Chenopodiacez. 
—This genus contains but one species 
—H. tamnoides. A Caucasian plant 
with tuberous, turnip-shaped roots, 
climbing, ribbed deciduous stems 
several feet long, and broad, entire, 
triangular heart-shaped, membranous, 
pointed leaves on long stalks. The 
small greenish-yellow flowers appear 
from July to October in drooping 

This plant flourishes in ordinary 
garden soil, and may be used in the 
same way as the Hop, etc, for 
covering arches, trellises, etc. It is 



easily increased by seeds or division 
of the tuberous root-stocks, 

HAMANTHUS (haima, blood ; 
anthos, a flower; referring to the 
colour of the spathe and stamen 
filaments of some species), BLoop 
Fiower. Nat. Ord. Amaryllidese.— 
This genus contains about forty 
species of remarkable bulbous plants 
having broad, blunt, more or less 
fleshy leaves, stout and often speckled 
peduncles, on top of which are borne 
numerous red or white Howers in 
dense umbels or heads surrounded 
by several erect or spreading mem- 
branous bracts or spathe-valves. 
Perianth erect, with a sub-cylindrical 
tube; segments equal, linear, or 
lance - shaped. Stamen filaments 
often longer than the  perianth 

The “Blood Flowers” — as these 
plants are often called—are easily 
cultivated in the greenhouse, or even 
in the open air during the summer 
months in some cases. They flourish 
in a compost of sandy loam to which 
a little fibrous peat, leaf-mould, or 
old cow-manure may be added, The 
pots should be well drained and not 
too large for the bulbs — although 
several of the latter may be placed 
in a large pot or pan when particu- 
larly gorgeous effects are desired. 
During active growth, which is best 
secured in a temperature of about 
60° F., the plants require fair supplies 
of water, and a little weak liquid 
manure occasionally will tend to 
greater vigour and freedom of Hower- 
ing. When in bloom the plants 
should be moved to cooler and less 
humid parts of the greenhouse, as 
the flowers thus last longer. When 
the plants are neither in leaf or 
flower, very little water is necessary, 
and the bulbs are benefited by a 
period of rest and dryness. The 



stock may be increased by offsets 
that may be taken off when repotting 
just as growth is commencing, each 
offset being placed in a pot by itself in 
the compost mentioned above. Some 
of the more showy species, such as 
Katherine, Linden, mirabilis, multi- 
florus, magnificus, natalensis, etc., are 
worthy of more general cultivation, 
although some are more of botanical 
than horticultural interest. 

All the species mentioned below 
are natives of Cape Colony, except 
where otherwise noted. 

H. albifios (JJ. intermedius ; Diacles 
ciliaris).—Bulbs compressed, 2 to 3 
ins. thick. Leaves tongue-shaped, 6 
to 8 ins.. long, about 3 ins. broad, 
and fringed with hairs ; contemporary 
with the flowers. These are pure 
white, and borne in June in dense 
roundish heads about 2 ins, across, on 
peduncles 6 to9 ins. high. (Red. Lil. 
t. 398; Bot. JMJag. t. 1239; Lodd. 
Bot. Cat. t. 602.) 

This species has several varieties 
such as brachyphyllus, in which the 
leaves and flower-stalks are shorter 
and narrower than in the type. 
Burchelli, the leaves of which are 
‘hairy on the surface as well as densely 
fringed with hairs; the peduncle also 
is hairy instead of glabrous ; pubescens 
(Bot. Reg. t. 382; Lodd, Bot. Cat, 
t. 702) has the leaves covered with 
soft downy hairs. 

H. albo-maculatus.—A native of 
Natal, with bulbs about 2 ins. thick, 
bearing two strap-shaped leaves, con- 
temporary with the flowers, about 
a foot long, 2 to 3 ins. broad, spotted 
with white on the smooth surface, 
but obscurely fringed with hairs when 
young. Flowers all white, appearing 
in November in dense roundish um- 
bels about 2 ins. across, on smooth, 
stout, green scapes about 6 ins. high. 
(Gard. Chron. 1878, i. 202.) 

H. amarylloides.—Bulbs ovoid, 



about 2 ins. thick, bearing two tongue- 
shaped, bright green, fleshy, smooth 
leaves after the flowers have withered. 
Flowers pinkish or white, borne in 
dense round umbels 2 to 8 ins. across, 
on slender stems 6 to 12 ins. high in 
summer. (Jacg. Hort. Schoen. iv. t. 

H. angolensis.—A native of Angola, 
with elongated bulbs having three 
to four oblong leaves 6 to 12 ins. 
long, rounded at the base to a 
channelled stalk 6 to 9 ins. long. 
Flowers bright crimson, in dense 
umbels 4 to 5 ins. across, on stout 
scapes a foot high in February. 

H. Arnotti—Bulbs roundish, 3 ins. 
thick. Leaves two, roundish oblong, 
4 to 5 ins, long, 3 to 4 ins. broad, 
hairy towards margin, which is fringed 
with long soft whitish hairs. Flowers 
white, in dense umbels about 2 ins. 
across, borne on purple-red scapes 
4 to 5 ins. high in summer or autumn. 

H. Bauri.—Native of Kaffraria. 
‘Bulbs oblong, compressed, 3 to 4 ins. 
thick. Leaves two, roundish, thick, 
green, fleshy, 6 ins. long and 7 to 8 
ins. broad, with a truncate apex, 
smooth on surface, but heavily fringed 
with hairs. Flowers pure white, in 
dense umbels 2 ins. across, on stout, 
green, smooth scapes under 2 ins. 
high in November. (Bot. Mag. t. 

H. callosus.—Bulbs compressed, 3 
to4 ins. thick. Leaves two, roundish, 
oblong, smooth, 9 to 10 ins. long, 6 to 
7 ins. broad, not fringed with hairs. 
Flowers pink, borne in dense umbels 
about 2 ins. across, with bright red 
bracts on a stout scape about 3 ins. 

H. candidus.—This species re- 
sembles H. coccineus in appearance, 
but has large heads of pure white 
flowers ‘on scapes 9 ins. high. 

H. carneus (77. brevifolius).—A 
native of the moyntains of Kaffraria. 



Bulbs compressed, 2 to 3 ins. thick. 
Leaves two, developed after flowers 
fade, oblong or obovate, 4 to 6 ins. 
long, 2 to 5 ins. broad, softly hairy, 
especially on margins. Flowers pink, 
rarely white, in dense round umbels 
2 to 3 ins. across, on slender scapes 
6 to 12 ins, high. The variety 
strigosus has leaves quite hairless 
when mature. (Bot, Reg. t. 509; 
Bot. Mag. t. 3373.) 

H. cinnabarinus.—This species is 
found wild from the Gold Coast to 
the Cameroon Mountains. It has 
roundish bulbs about 1 in. thick, 
bearing copious, fleshy, cylindrical 
root fibres. Leaves direct from root- 
stock, contemporary with flowers, 
with an oblong acute, membranous 
blade 6 to 9 ins. long, gradually 
narrowed into a channelled stalk 
about the same length. Flowers 
bright crimson, in umbels 3 to 4 ins. 
across, on a slender scape about 1 ft. 
high, springing from the centre of 
the leaves. (J. d. Serr. t. 1195; 
Bot. Mag. t. 5314.) 

H. Clarkei—This is a hybrid 
between H. albiflos and H. coccineus. 

H, coccineus.—Bulb 3 to 4 ins. 
thick, compressed. Leaves two, 
green, unspotted, smooth, tongue- 
shaped, developed in winter, 14 to 2 
ft. long, 6 to 8 ins. broad, narrowed 
towards the base. Flowers bright 
red with linear segments, in umbels 
2 to 3 ins. across, with bright red 
oblong imbricating spathes or bracts, 
on peduncles 6 to 9 ins. high, minutely 
speckled with reddish-brown. (Bot. 
Mag. t. 1075; Red. Lal. t. 139; 
Lodd. Bot. Cat. t. 240.) 

The variety coarctatus has shorter 
spathe-valves, and leaves about 1 ft. 
long and 3 to 4 ins. broad (Jacq. 
Hort. Schoen, i. 30, t. 57; Bot. Reg. 
t. 181). 

The variety carinatus has leaves 
about 1 ft. long, much narrower and 



more channelled down the face than 
in the type. 

H. concolor.—Bulbs oblong, com- 
pressed, with two strap-shaped leaves 
about 1 ft. long and 14 to 2 ins. 
broad, smooth, and not fringed with 
hairs. Flower-stalk about 1 ft. high, 
slender, bearing round umbels of 
bright red flowers and bright red 
bracts. (Herb. Amaryll. t. 31, fig. 2.) 

H. Cooperi.—Bulbs 
about 4 ins. thick, having two 
roundish leaves 4 to 5 ins. long, 
produced in October, with short hairs 
on the margin. Peduncle much com- 
pressed, smooth, bright red, about 6 
ins. high, bearing dense round umbels 
of blood-red flowers and bracts in 

H. crassipes.—Bulbs ovoid, 1} ins. 
thick, with two strap-shaped leaves 
about 6 ins. long, 14 to 2 ins. broad, 
smooth above, fringed with soft 
hairs, mottled with red on the back 
towards the base, and produced after 
the pale red flowers. These are 
borne on red mottled stalks about 
3 ins. high. (Jacg. Hort. Schoen. 
iv. 7, t. 412.) 

H. deformis.—Native of Natal. 
Bulb 3 to 4 ins. thick, with spreading 
roundish leaves, 3 to 4 ins. broad, 
contemporary with the flowers, hairy 
on the surface. Peduncle very short, 
with umbels of white flowers in 
March. (Bot. Mag. t. 5903.) 

H. hirsutus.—Native of Natal and 
the Transvaal. Bulbs 3 ins, thick, 
having two roundish, oblong, deep 
green leaves 5 to 6 ins. long, 3 to 
4 ins. broad, contemporary with the 
flowers, hairy all over especially at 
the edges. Peduncle 5 to 6 ins. high, 
densely hairy, with round dense 
umbels, 2 to 4 ins. across, of white 
or pinkish flowers surrounded by 
bright red bracts in April. 

H. imperialis—A native of the 
Congo, having large roundish umbels 




of orange- and _ salmon- coloured 
flowers in which the segments are 
unusually broad (Gard. Chron. 1902, 
XXxi. 85, 98, f. 33). 

H. incarnatus.—Bulbs 2 to 3 ins. 
thick, with two smooth oblong leaves 
6 to 8 ins. long, roughish on the 
margins. Peduncle reddish, smooth, 
3 to 4 ins. high, bearing umbels of 
pale red flowers and bracts. (Herd. 
Amaryll. 237, t. 31, f. 1.) 

H. Katherinz.—A fine species from 
Natal. Bulbs round, 2 to 3 ins. 
thick, with a leafy stem about 6 ins. 
high. Leaves four to five, oblong, 
membranous, 9 to 12 ins. long, 
narrowed into a short spotted sheath- 
ing stalk, and with eight to ten veins 
on each side of the distinct midrib. 
Peduncle about 1 ft. high, spotted at 
the base, bearing an umbel 6 to 9 
ins. across of bright red flowers, each 
with a stalk 1 to 2 ins. long. (Bot. 
Mag. t. 6778.) 

H, Laurenti—This species from 
the Congo has rather dense umbels 
about 7 ins. across of salmon-coloured 
flowers, each with a perianth-tube 
about 5 ins, long. 

H, Lescrauwaeti— This species 
from the Congo Free State is remark- 
able for having a creeping root-stock 
instead of a bulb. The leaves are 
from 6 to 7 ins. long and about 2 ins. 
broad, with a stalk about 2 ins, 
long. The scape is 6 to 10 ins. high, 
bearing a dense umbel of rosy flowers 
with linear segments. (Gard, Chron. 
1904, xxxv. 274; Rev, Hort. 1904, 

H. Lindeni.—A fine species from 
the Congo, having stalked oblong 
leaves, and large globular heads of 
rosy - salmon flowers tinted with 
scarlet, Each blossom is nearly 2 
ins. across, having narrow pointed 
segments and stamens conspicuously 
protruding. (lil, Hort, xxxvii. t.112; 
Gard, Chron. April 1893, 474, f, 73.) 



H. Mackeni.—Native of Natal. 
Bulbs compressed, 3 to 4 ins. thick. 
Leaves two, contemporary with 
flowers in November, roundish 
oblong, 6 to 8 ins. long, 4 to 5 ins. 
broad, smooth above, but covered 
with soft whitish hairs on the edges 
and under-surface. Peduncle very 
short, with a few-flowered umbel of 
white flowers. : 

H. magnificus (/[. Roupert).— 
-Native of Natal and Delagoa Bay. 
Bulbs round, 3 to 4 ins. thick, with 
a leafy stem 1 to 2 ft. high, not 
developed till after the flower-stem, 
and spotted with red-brown. Leaves 
six to eight, oblong, membranous, 
bright green, wavy, a foot or more 
long, narrowed to a short sheathing 
stalk, and having eight to ten main 
veins on each side of a distinct mid- 
rib, The very stout peduncle about 
a foot high springs from the side of 
the bulb, and bears large umbels of 
bright red or pale scarlet flowers 
with bright-green imbricating bracts. 
(Floral Mag. 1875, t. 148.) 

The variety ¢ensignis has bracts 5 
to 6 ins. long, overtopping the flowers 
(Bot. Mag. t. 4745); the variety 
Gumbletont has roundish leaves 5 
to 6 ins. long and broad, with twelve 
to fifteen main veins on each side 
of midrib, very stout peduncles 6 to 
8 ins, high, very dense umbels, and 
red-brown bracts; the variety 
superbus has no leafy stem, and the 
leaves are narrower than in the type 
and produced directly from the bulb 
at the same time as the flowers in 

H. Manni,—Native of W. Tropical 
Africa, Bulbs small, round, with five 
to six oblong, acute, membranous 
leaves about 6 ins. long, at the top 
of a short special stem narrowed to 
a short channelled stalk, and having 
about ten main veins on each side of 
the midrib. Peduncle 8 to 12 ins. 



high, bearing umbels 3 to 4 ins, across 
of bright red flowers having lance- 
shaped segments, (Bot. Mag. t, 

H. mirabilis.—A fine species from 
the Belgian Congo, where it grows in 
the constant shade of the equatorial 
forest in a soil composed of sand and 
vegetable debris, and in a temperature 
ranging from 60° to 70° F. The 
‘leaves are large and strap-shaped, 
and the salmon-coloured flowers are 
borne in dense globular trusses 6 to 
8ins. through. The six obovate petals 
spreading, and the stamens being con- 
spicuously exserted. (Gard. Chron, 
25th May 1901, fig ) 

H. multiflorus (H. abyssinicus ; H, 
arabicus ; H, delagoénsis; H, tenui- 
JAlorus ; H, Kalbreyert).—A very vari- 
able species found growing through- 
out Tropical Africa, from Sierra 
Leone to Kordofan, Abyssinia, and 
Delagoa Bay. This accounts for the 
numerous synonyms. Bulb 1$ to 3 
ins. thick. Leaves three to four, on 
a short special stem, with an oblong 
blade 6 to 12 ins, long, narrowed into 
short sheathing stalks. Peduncle 
distinct from leafy stem, green or 
spotted with red, and bearing dense 
umbels 3 to 6 ins. across of blood- 
red flowers with linear segments and 
green reflexed bracts. (Bot. Mag. 
tt. 961, 1995, 3870; Andr. Bot. Rep. 
t. 318; Red, Lil. t. 204; Lodd, Bot. 
Cab. tt. 912, 1948; FI, d. Serr. tt. 
52, 2377; Ill. Hort. ns, t. 354.) 

H. natalensis.—A native of Natal, 
with round oblique bulbs 2 to 3 ins. 
thick, and having a leafy stem 1 ft. 
high, bearing eight to nine bright 
green, membranous, oblong leaves 
over 1 ft. long, narrowed to a short 
sheathing stalk, the lower tipped and 
spotted on the back with red-brown. 
The compressed furrowed peduncle 
arises from the axis of one of the 
scale-leaves, and is about 1 ft. high, 



bearing a very dense round umbel, 3 
to 4 ins. across, of greenish flowers 
with red-brown bracts and orange- 
coloured stamens, (Bot. Mag. t. 

H. Nelsoni—A native of the 
Transvaal, with oblong, compressed, 
reddish bulbs 2 ins. through, and 
stalkless oblong leaves about 1 ft. 
long and 4 in, broad, downy above, 
smooth beneath. Flowers red, borne 
in heads about 3 ins. across, and 
borne on hairy scapes about 1 ft. 

H. pubescens (H, guadrivalvis).— 
Bulbs 2 ins, thick, with two strap- 
shaped leaves, 6 to 9 ins. long, 13 to 2 
ins. broad, produced after the flowers, 
fringed with fine hairs, smooth or 
hairy on both surfaces, and blotched 
with red on the back near the base. 
Peduncle dark red, 3 to 4 ins. high, 
with dense umbels, 1 to 14 ins. across, 
of bright red flowers having linear 
segments. (Jacg. Hort. Schoen. i. 30, 
t. 58; Bot. Vag. t. 1523.) 

H. puniceus (H, Redouteanus).— 
This species was introduced from 
Cape Colony about the end of the 
seventeenth century. It has roundish 
bulbs, 2 to 3 ins. thick, with a short 
leafy stem, and two to four bright 
green, oblong, membranous leaves, 6 
to 9 ins, long, with about six veins on 
each side of the distinct midrib. The 
peduncle, a foot or more long, springs 
from the side of the bulb, and bears 
a dense umbel, 3 to 4 ins. across, of 
pale scarlet or rarely white flowers. 
(Red, Lnl. t. 320; Bot. Mag. t. 1315.) 

H, rotundifolius (H, orbicularis),— 
Bulbs 3 to 4 ins. thick, with two 
smooth roundish leaves, 5 to 6 ins. 
long and broad, roughish on the 
margin. Peduncle bright red, about 
6 ins, high, bearing in May a dense 
compressed umbel, 14 to 2 ins. across, 
of pale red flowers with bright red 
ovate bracts. (Bot, Mag. t. 1618.) 



H, tigrinus.—Bulbs roundish com- 
pressed, 3 to 4 ins, thick. Leaves two, 
tongue-shaped, curved, produced after 
the flowers, 9 to 12 ins. long, 3 to 4 
ins. broad, smooth on both surfaces 
but slightly fringed with hairs on the 
margins, and much spotted with 
reddish-brown towards the base on the 
under-surface. Peduncle, 2 to 4 ft. 
high, green spotted with reddish- 
brown, bearing pale red flowers in 
dense round umbels, 1} to 2 ins. 
across, and having very bright red 
spathe-valves. (Jacg. Hort. Schoen. 
i, 29, t. 56; Bot. Mag. t. 1705.) 

HAZSMODORUM §$(haima, blood; 
doron, a gift ; probably in reference to 
the roots serving as food for the 
Australian natives), BLoop Root. 
Nat. Ord. Heemodoracez.—A_little- 
known genus, closely . related to 
WACHENDORFIA, containing about 
twenty species of smooth erect herbs, 
having masses of thick fleshy roots, 
sheathing equitant, flat, or roundish 
leaves. Flowers usually small, in 
clustered heads or cymes, or inter- 
rupted spikes at the ends of the 
shoots. Perianth-tube none. Stamens 
three, attached to the base of the 
inner segments of the perianth. 

The species here mentioned grow 
well in a mixture of peat and loam 
in a greenhouse, and may be increased 
by dividing the roots in spring. 

H. planifolium.—This grows 2 to 
3 ft. high, and has flattish grass-like 
leaves at the base. The dull purple 
or greenish flowers appear about 
August, and are borne in short, 
forked racemes collected in a compact 
panicle. (Bot. J/ag. t. 1610.) 

H. teretifolium is somewhat similar, 
but may be distinguished by the very 
long, slender, and roundish leaves. 

HAYLOCKIA (after Mr Haylock, 
gardener to Dr Herbert). Nat. Ord. 



Amaryllidee.— This genus contains 
only one species, viz.— 

H. pusilla (Sternbergia americana ; 
Zephyranthes pusilla).—A rare little 
plant from Buenos Ayres and Monte 
Video, having roundish long-necked 
bulbs about 1 in. thick, and narrow 
linear leaves developed in winter. 
The short» hypogeous peduncle 
appears about March, bearing a soli- 
tary, erect, whitish flower having a 
very slender perianth-tube, 1 to 2 ins. 
long, tinged with green. (Gard. 
Chron. 1899, xxvi. 112.) 

Sandy loam, with a little peat and 
leaf-mould, seems to be the best 
compost for this plant, which should 
be grown either in a cold frame or 
planted 3 to 4 ins. deep in a sheltered 
border. Increased by offsets. 

HEDYCHIUM (hedys, sweet ; chion, 
snow ; in allusion to the snow-white 
sweet-scented flowers of some species), 
Nat. Ord. Scitaminee.—A genus, 
closely related to Kamprrrra and 
Curcuma, having horizontal tuberous 
root-stocks from which arise tall stems 
furnished with large Canna-like 
leaves, and bearing terminal spikes 
of white, scarlet, or yellow flowers. 
Calyx-tube three-toothed ; corolla- 
tube elongated with narrow, equal, 
spreading lobes. The staminodes re- 
semble petals, being oboval-oblong, 
spoon-shaped, or broadly ovate ; the 
lip is also petaloid, large, notched, 
or deeply cleft. Stamen one, with a 
very long filament. 

With the exception of JI. pere- 
grinum, from Madagascar, the Hedy- 
chiums, or “Garland Flowers” as 
they are called, are all natives of 
Tropical Asia, the species in cultiva- 
tion coming chiefly from India, the 
Himalayas, Silhet, Khasia, Java, 
Malaya, etc. They are ornamental in 
foliage and blossom, and may be 
grown easily in a warm greenhouse or 



stove either in pots or tubs, or plantec 
in borders in a compost of rich loan 
with some old cow-manure and shary 
sand added. They like plenty oj 
water at the root when growing, and 
also a humid atmosphere. This is 
secured by frequent syringings, and 
by damping down the floors or stages. 
Indeed, the plants may be grown in 
marshy beds or borders wherever 
tender aquatics are grown, or the pots 
or tubs may be stood 2 or 3 ins. deep 
in the water. 

During the summer months such 
species as H. coronartum, H. flavum, 
and H. Gardnerianum may be utilised 
for giving subtropical effects in the 
open air if treated in the same way as 
advised for Cannas (see p. 134). In 
the autumn the plants should be 
taken up, and the roots stored away 
in cool dry places. When the flowers 
have withered the stems should be 
cut down, allowing the foliage to 
wither gradually. During the winter 
period of rest little or no water need 
be given, and the plants require no 
further attention until spring arrives. 
They should then be repotted, and if 
necessary the stock may be increased 
by dividing the crowns just before the 
young buds begin to sprout. A night 
temperature of 60° F. will induce 
good growth, and with attention to 
watering and syringing very little 
danger need be apprehended from 
attacks of red spider or scale. Some 
species bear seeds freely, and plants 
can be raised by sowing in sandy 
loam and peat in spring, in a 
temperature of 70° F. The seedlings 
when large enough to handle should 
be transferred singly to small pots, 
and grown on as advised for the older 

H. acuminatum.—This grows 3 to 
5 ft. high, and has broadly lance- 
shaped leaves ending in a thread-like 
point, the upper surface being smooth, 



the under slightly silky. The hand- 
some sweet-scented flowers appear in 
autumn, being pale yellow and pure 
white with red filaments. (Bot. 
Mag. t. 2969.) 

H. angustifolium. — This is now 
considered to be a variety of HZ. 
coccineum. It grows 3 to 6 ft. high, 
and has smooth, narrow, lance- 
shaped leaves, a foot or more long 
and 1 to 2 ins. broad. The small red 
or scarlet flowers appear from about 
June to August (Boé. Wag. t. 2078). 
This species has been crossed with ZZ. 
Gardnerianum, and has produced a 
good garden hybrid. 

H. carneum.—A plant 3 to 4 ft. 
high, with slender pointed leaves over 
1 ft. long, and flesh-coloured scentless 
flowers about July and August (Bot. 
Mag. t. 2637). 

H. chrysoleucum.—A pretty species 
about 5 ft. high, having sweet-scented 
pure white flowers blotched with 
orange on the lip and having deep 
orange filaments (Bot. Mag. t. 4516). 

H. coronarium.—This was the first 
species of the genus introduced from 
the East Indies in 1791. It grows 
about 5 ft. high, and has lance-shaped 
sheathing leaves, smooth above, 
downy beneath. The large pure 
white sweet-scented flowers appear 
from May to August, and are remark- 
able for the great size of the lip. 
(Bot. Mag. t. 708; Lodd. Bot. Cab. 
t. 507; Red. Lil. viii. t. 436.) 

The variety flavum is a dwarfer 
plant with bright orange flowers (Bot. 
Mag. t. 2039). 

H. ellipticum.—A Nepalese species, 
3 to 5 ft. high, having broadly lance- 
shaped almost elliptic leaves. The 
flowers appear about August and 
September, the outer segments being 
yellow, the inner ones pure white 
with a deeply cleft lip. (Lodd. Bot. 
Cab. t. 1881; Gartenfl. t. 1201; 
Roscoe, Scit. t» 55.) 



H. Elwesi.—A Himalayan species 
closely related to H. coronarium, but 
distinguished from that species by 
having larger bracts and rich golden- 
yellow flowers (Gard. Chron. 1894, 
Xvi. 152). 

H. Gardnerianum.—This magnifi- 
cent species has been in cultivation 
since 1819. It grows 3 to 6 ft. high, 
and has smooth, broadly lance- 
shaped, stem-clasping leaves in two 
rows. The large sweet-scented lemon- 
yellow flowers appear during the 
summer months in erect cylindrical 
spikes, 12 to 18 ins. long (Bot. Reg. 
t. 774; Bot. Jag. t. 6913). Garden 
hybrids have been obtained by cross- 
ing H. Gardnertanum with H. coron- 
arium, one called HW. Wilkeanwm 
being described in the Gard. Chron. 
1894, xvi. 276. Another called Moores 
is described in 1900, xxviii. 142. 

H. gracile.—This species comes 
from the Sikkim Himalayas and 
Khasia mountains, and grows 2 to 3 
ft. high. The sharp-pointed leaves 
are 6 to 9 ins. long and 2 to 3 ins. 
broad, narrowed into a stalk at the 
base, and the white flowers with red 
filaments appear during the summer 
and autumn. (Bot. Mag. t. 6638.) 
There is a variety called glaucum. 

H. peregrinum.—A native of 
Madagascar, 3 to 5 ft. high, with 
elliptic-pointed leaves rounded at the 
base, and clear yellowish-green flowers 
with a white lip and pale brown bracts. 

H. speciosum.—A native of Sylhet, 
having oblong lance-shaped leaves, 
and pale sulphur - yellow flowers 
borne on spikes 6 to 12 ins, long 
(Plant, As. Rar. iii. t. 285), 

H. spicatum.—This species grows 
about 3 ft. high, and has linear lance- 
shaped leaves, smooth above, downy 
beneath, and clusters of white sweet- 
scented flowers washed with rose, the 
broad lip being deeply cleft. (Bot. 
Mag. t. 2300). 



HELIANTHUS (helios, the sun; 
anthos, flower), SuNFLOowER. Nat. 
Ord. Composite.—Of the fifty species 
of Sunflower, the Jerusalem Arti- 
choke (A. tuberosus) and H. rigidus 
are the best known for their tuberous 
roots. The tubers of the former are 
too well known to need any descrip- 
tion beyond saying that they are 
something like elliptic-shaped ir- 
regular potatoes with white or 
purple skins. They are planted 
largely by some market-gardeners, in 
rows about 2 ft. apart, in the same 
way as potatoes, and the thick 
hollow stems attain a height of 8 
to 12 ft., being furnished with large 
coarse heart-shaped leaves. Although 
grown as a vegetable the Jerusalem 
Artichoke is ornamental in appear- 
ance, and would be an excellent 
plant ‘for growing in poor or heavy 
soil, which becomes enriched by the 
action and devay of the roots. 

H. rigidus (formerly known as 
Ilarpalium) has long thick roots 
ending in a slender spindle-shaped 


Fic. 179.—Rhizome of Helianthus, 
“Miss Mellish.” (3.) 

tuber, from the end of which the new 
stem arises and attains a height of 
3 to 5 ft., and produces bright yellow 
flowers with a purplish centre, from 
July to September. The variety 



known as Miss Mellish is much more 
vigorous than the type, often attain- 
ing a height of 8 or 9 ft., and having 
flowers 4' to 5 ins. or more across. 
Both the Jerusalem Artichoke and 
H. rigidus are easily increased by 
the underground tubers in autumn 
or spring. 

HELONIAS (helos, a marsh ; refer- 
ring to natural soil), Nat. Ord. 
Liliaceze.—The only species is.— 

H. bullata.—A beautiful North 
American perennial 1 to 14 ft. high, 
with a short tuberous root-stock, and 
oblong lance-shaped, radical leaves 
contracted into a short stalk. The 
small purple-rose flowers with six 
spreading segments appear from 
May to July, in dense cylindrical 
racemes. The variety latifolia has 

‘leaves broader than in the type. 

(Bot. Mag. t. 747; Lodd. Bot. Cab. 
t. 961; And. Bot. Rep. t. 352.) 

This plant may be grown in boggy 
soil or wet ground near ponds or 
lakes, but will also succeed in sandy 
loam, peat, and leaf-soil in a moist, 
shaded part of the garden. It may 
be increased by seeds, or by carefully 
dividing the root-stocks. It is safer, 
however, not to disturb the plants 
until they have made good strong 

HELONIOPSIS (from Helonias, the 

\ preceding genus; and opsis, like). 

Nat. Ord. Liliaceee.—There are about 
four species in this genus, the best 
known being— 

H. japonica (H. umbellata).—A 
curious little Japanese plant with 
short thickish root-stocks, tufts of 
lance-shaped, abruptly pointed leaves, 
and a few deep rosy flowers on a 
stalk about March and April, having 
deep blue stamens. 

This species very much resembles 
Helonias bullata in appearance, and 



requires the same cultural treat- 

HEMEROCALLIS (hemero, a day ; 
kallos, beauty; in reference to the 
flowers being fresh for only a day 
or so), Day Lity. Nat. Ord. Liliaceze. 
—A genus of ornamental herbaceous 
plants, having a very short rhizome, 
with numerous more or less thick 
and fleshy roots, and tufts of long 
narrow leaves. Flowers in short 
irregular panicles or clustered heads. 
Perianth funnel-shaped, with a 
cylindrical, short, or longish tube, 
with six much longer, oblong, spoon- 
shaped, erect, spreading, many-nerved 
lobes or segments, 

The Day Lilies are easily grown 
plants, and flourish in any ordinary 
garden-soil, either in the sun or 
shade. They are effective when 
boldly massed either in borders, or 
on the margins of lakes, streams, 
etc. They are easily increased by 
division in the autumn or spring. 
Besides the kinds mentioned below 
there are now several garden hybrids 
in existence, such as—/. x Baroni, 
H. x emensis, H. x hippeastroides, 
Hx Meelleri, H.xochroleuca, H.x 
vomerensis, etc. 

H. aurantiaca.—A fine Japanese 
plant growing 2 to 3 ft. high, having 
tufts of deep green sword - shaped 
leaves and orange-red flowers. The 
variety major is a great improvement 
on the type, having large apricot- 
coloured flowers, and longer and 
broader leaves. Several fine garden 
forms have been raised by crossing 
H. aurantiaca with H. flava and H, 
Thunbergi, the flowers being rich 

H, Dumortieri (H. rutidans; H. 
Sieboldi). —A fine native of Japan 
and Eastern Siberia, having long, 
narrow, tapering leaves and large 
orange-yellow flowers, tinged with 



brown outside, borne in early summer 
on erect scapes about 2 ft. high. 
(Ref. Bot. t. 218; Garden, 1887, t. 

H. flava —This very old garden 
plant is widely distributed from 
Central and 8. Europe eastwards to 
Siberia and Japan. It grows 2 to 
3 ft. high, having .strong tufts of 
narrow deep green leaves, keeled 
behind, and over 2 ft. long. The 
sweet-scented orange-yellow fiowers, 
with flat veinless segments, are pro- 
duced in June and July in large 
clusters, and have a showy and 
distinct appearance. (Bot. Jay. t. 
19; Red. Lil. t. 15.) 

H. fulva.—This species also extends 
across Europe to Japan, like 1. flava, 

| | 
Fia. 180.—Hemerocallis fulva. 

and grows 2 to 4 ft. high, having 
large tufts of long, broad, keeled 
leaves. The large tawny - yellow 
flowers with bluntish segments, each 
about 4 ins, across, appear in June 


and July in loose clusters. (Bot. 
Mag. t. 64; Red. Lil. t. 16.) 

There are several forms of this 
species—angustifolia (or longituba), 
with narrow leaves; crocea, with 
yellow flowers; disticha, once con- 
sidered a distinct species, having 
flower-stems branched near the top, 
and bearing trusses of yellow flowers 
suffused with red within (Bot. Mag. 
t. 1433). Kwanso is a variety with 
large, double, bronzy, orange-coloured 
flowers; there is also a form of it 
with handsome variegated foliage. 
The variety flore pleno has double 
orange and crimson flowers. Cypriant 
is a distinct, dwarfer, and more 
free-flowering form with coppery-red 
blossoms having a golden centre, and 
a golden band down the centre of the 
segments. The variety hupehensis 
has very bright coppery-red flowers 
with a yellow throat, the petals being 
very reflexed and wavy (Gard. 
Chron. 1906, xl. 159). 

H. Middendorfi,— This native of 
Siberia and Japan resembles JZ. 
Dumortieri, but has broader leaves 
and paler golden - yellow funnel- 
shaped flowers (Gartenjl. t. 522). 

H, minor (H. graminea).—This is 
a distinct - looking species from 
Siberia, N. China, and Japan. It 
grows from 6 to 9 ins. high, and is 
easily recognised by its very narrow, 
keeled, and grass-like leaves. The 
sweet-scented yellow flowers tinged 
with green appear in June and July, 
the three inner segments being wavy. 

H. Thunbergi.—A pretty Japanese 
plant about 2 ft. high, with soft 
yellow or orange flowers in July. 

HERBERTIA (after the late Dean 
Herbert, of Manchester, 1778-1847). 
Nat. Ord. Irideze.-—A small genus of 
half-hardy plants with small tuni- 
cated bulbs, narrow linear leaves, and 
short-tubed six-parted flowers, borne 



on top of a short scape, the three 
inner segments being short-clawed. 

These pretty little plants are not 
quite hardy, and should be grown 
either in pots or pans in a cold frame 
or greenhouse, or in warm borders in 
the mildest parts of the Kingdom, 
They like a mixture of sandy loam 
and peat, and may be increased by 
seeds and offsets. 

H, Amatorum.— A native of 
Uruguay, with brown-coated corms, 
lance-shaped, tapering leaves 8 ins, 
or more long, and violet flowers 
about 2 ins, across (Kew Bull. 1907, 

H, Drummondiana (//, ceerulea),— 
Also from Texas, but with broad 
plaited leaves and violet flowers 
spotted with white on the claws (Bot. 
Mag. t. 3862, f. 3). 

H. pulchella.— This is the best- 
known species, native of Chili and 
S. Brazil. It grows about 9 ins. 
high, and has narrow plaited leaves 
and blue or purple flowers, the seg- 
ments of which are bearded at the 
base. (Bot. Mag. t. 3862, figs. 1, 2.) 
H. ameena seems to be very closely 

Other species of Herbertia are, H. 
brasiliensis, with blue outer segments, 
and yellow inner ones spotted with 
violet ; H. stricta, violet; H, ungui- 
eulata, lilac ; and H. Watsoni, purple. 

HERMANNIA (after Paul Her- 
mann, a German botanist), Nat. Ord. 
Sterculiacee.—A genus containing 
about eighty species, herbs or under- 
shrubs, distributed over Mexico or 
Texas, Tropical Africa and Arabia, 
but mostly natives of S. Africa. The 
leaves are toothed or deeply cut, 
and the stipules often foliaceous. 
The flowers have the sepals, petals, 
stamens, and styles in fives, and 
the sessile or slightly stalked ovary 
also has five cells. 



H. cristata.—A native of the Trans- 
vaal, having a short woody root- 
stock with thin wiry stems, lance- 
shaped toothed leaves, and orange- 
red flowers, drooping from the axils 
of the leaves (Bot. Vag. t. 7173). 

This plant flourishes in a green- 
house in a compost of sandy loam, 
peat, or leaf-soil, and may be 
propagated from cuttings in spring. 

HERRERIA (after Gabriel A. de 
Herrera, a Spanish agriculturist, 
1470-1539). Nat. Ord. Liliacesze.—A 
genus with two or three tuberous- 
rooted plants, having climbing stems, 
narrow lance-shaped leaves or clad- 
odes, in whorls, and small scented 
flowers in axillary racemes. 

H. Sarsaparilla (7. parviflora)—A 
little-known Brazilian plant, with 
stems about 8 ft. long, bearing lance- 
shaped leaves and green and yellow 
flowers (Bot. Reg. t. 1042). 

This plant should be grown in peat, 
loam, and sand in equal proportions 
in a warm greenhouse. Increased 
by seeds or cuttings, 

HESPERANTHA (hesperos, evening ; 
anthos, a flower), EVENING FLOWER. 
Nat. Ord. Iridee.—A genus con- 
taining about thirty species of dwarf- 
growing plants with tunicated corms, 
narrow linear leaves, and loose spikes 
of sweetly scented flowers which open 
in the evening—hence the name. 
Perianth with six equal narrow 
spreading segments. 

‘These plants being natives of 
Southern or Tropical Africa are not 
hardy, and require the protection of 
a frame or greenhouse, or may be 
grown in warm well-drained and 
sheltered borders in the mildest 
parts of the country. They like a 
mixture of loam and peat, and may 
be increased by offsets. The best- 
known species are H, augusta, white ; 



H. cinnamomea, whitish (Bot. Mag. 
t. 1054); H. falcata, outer segments 
brown, inner pure white (Bot. Mag. 
t. 566, as Jvia); H. graminifolia, 
greenish-white (Bot. Mag. t. 1254, as 
H. pilosa nuda); HW. pilosa, inner 
segments white, outer speckled with 
red (Bot. A/aq. t. 1475); H. radiata, 
white striped with brown outside, 
leaves fistular (Bot. M/ag. t. 573, as 

HESPEROCALLIS (hesperos, even- 
ing ; kallos, beauty). Nat. Ord. Lili- 
acez.—The only species of this genus 

H. undulata.—A Californian plant 
with large, roundish, edible bulbs, 
which bury themselves in the sand in 
their native place at a depth of 6 to 
18 ins. The narrow wavy leaves are 
bordered with white, and the sweet- 
scented, whitish, tubular flowers 
appear in April and May. 

This plant seems to be unknown 
in cultivation, but might be tried 
in warm sheltered borders in well- 
drained sandy loam. 

HESSEA (after Paul Hesse, a 
botanical traveller), Nat. Ord. 
Amaryllidee.— A genus containing 
about eight species of South African 
plants, with roundish tunicated bulbs 
4 to 1 in, thick, thread-like, linear, or 
strap-shaped leaves, and small flowers 
borne in umbels. Perianth segments 
almost equal, more or less oblong, 
spreading, three-nerved down the 

The Hesseas are only,from 3 to 6 or 
12 ins, high, and require to be grown 
in a mixture of sandy loam and leaf- 
soil or peat, and are perhaps most 
satisfactory in a greenhouse or cold 
frame. In warm parts of the King- 
dom the little bulbs might be planted 
in open, sunny, and sheltered borders. 
The flowers are usually produced 

273 s 


during the summer months, and after 
fading the leaves begin to appear. 
Increase is effected mainly by offsets. 

H. crispa (formerly known also as 
Amaryllis, Strumaria, Imhofia crispa, 
and Amaryllis cinnamomea).—Closely 
related to ZH. stellarts. The pinkish 
flowers with wavy segments are borne 
in umbels from April to August. 
(Jacq. Hort. Schoen. t.72; Bot. Reg. 
t. 1383.) 

H,. Dregeana. — Flowers reddish- 
white, twenty to thirty in an umbel. 

H.. filifolia (Jmhofia and Stru- 
maria filrfolia ; Leucojum strumosum ; 
Crinum tenellum),— Leaves thread- 
like, produced same time as the white 
flowers in autumn (Bot. Reg. t. 440). 

H. gemmata (Strumaria and 
Imhofia gemmata; Imhofia Burchel- 
liana ; I. Bergiana).—Leaves strap- 
shaped, about 6 ins. long, fringed 
with long fine hairs. Flowers 
purplish-white with wavy segments, 
on stalks 6 to 12 ins. high, ten to 
twenty in an umbel. (Bot. Mag. 
t. 1620.) 

H. Rehmanni, — Leaves roundish. 
Flowers eight to twelve in an umbel, 
with much-crisped segments. 

H. spiralis, closely related to Z, 
filvfolia, from which it differs in 
having a spirally twisted stem. 

H, stellaris (Amaryllis and Stru- 
marta  stellaris), — Leaves  strap- 
shaped. Flowers pink or red, with 
oblong crisped segments, on stalks 
3 to 9 ins, high (Jacg. Hort. Schoen. 

H. Zeyheri.—Leaves linear, about 
1 ft. long. Flowers purplish-white, 
with slightly wavy oblanceolate 

HEXAGLOTTIS (hex, six ; glotta, a 
tongue; in reference to the six 
spreading lobes of the style). Nat. 
Ord. Iridee.— A small genus of 
South African bulbous plants, closely 



related to the Homerias, The only 
species of note is— 

H. longifolia (Homeria and Morea 
Jlexuosa).—A plant about 18 ins, high, 
with narrow linear leaves and yellow 
flowers in May and June (Bot. Mag. 
t. 695). This species requires the 
same cultural treatment as the 
Ixias. H. virgata is similar but has 
slender roundish leaves, 

HIPPEASTRUM (hippeus, a knight : 
astron, a star ; referring to the flowers 
of H. equestre), EQuESTRIAN STar, 
Nat. Ord. Amaryllidee.—A genus 
containing about forty species of 
herbaceous plants with large tunicated. 
bulbs, more or less strap - shaped 
leaves, and hollow fleshy peduncles, 
bearing two or more large funnel- 
shaped flowers. 

The Hippeastrums are still much 
better known under the name of 
Amaryllis, especially the beautiful 
hybrids that have been raised during 
the past hundred years, and which 
are now probably more popular than 
ever. The cultural notes here given 
refer more particularly to the garden 
hybrids, but they will also serve for 
the natural species mentioned below. 

Garden Hippeastrums may be kept 
in astate of growth all the year round ; 
in other words, they remain ever- 
green. Some of the most successful 
growers, however, prefer to give the 
plants a short period of rest. When 
approaching this stage the supply of 
water is reduced gradually, and when 
the foliage has withered no water at 
all is given to the bulbs, When 
growth recommences the young 
shoots appear from the tops of the 
bulbs. Then is the proper period 
for fresh potting, and it may be at 
different periods of the year, accord- 
ing to the time the plants went to 
rest. The bulbs should have the old 
soil shaken away from the roots, and 

, 274 


all easily detached offsets should be 
taken from the older bulbs. The 
latter vary in size from 3 ins. to 5 
ins, in diameter, consequently pots of 
different sizes should be used. A 5- 
in. or 6-in. pot will be quite large 
enough for a 3-in. bulb, and an 8-in. 
or 10-in. pot for a 5-in. bulb; the 
point to bear in mind being not to 
have pots too large for the bulbs, 
The diameter of the pot should not 
be more than twice that of the bulb. 
The soil for Hippeastrums cannot be 
too rich. Leaf-mould and old cow- 
manure in about equal proportions, 
with a good sprinkling of silver sand 
makes an excellent compost, but most 
growers also favour the addition of 
some well-matured, fibrous, yellow 
loam. The whole should be 
thoroughly well mixed, by turning 
over three times with the spade, and 
the pots to be used should be well 
drained. The bulbs should be placed 
in the pots, so that when the soil has 
been worked in firmly round them 
with the fingers about one-half stands 
above the surface. To secure good 
steady growth the plants should be 
plunged in a tan or coco-nut fibre 
bed, or even in one of well-decayed 
leaf-mould, up to the rims, and the 
bottom heat should range from 75° to 
80°F. The plants should have plenty 
of light, but a little shading must be 
given when the sun is very strong. 
The syringe should be used freely 
with tepid water to keep the sur- 
rounding atmosphere moist and genial, 
and the foliage clean and fresh. As 
growth progresses water is given in 
increasing abundance, as it is being 
absorbed in larger quantities by the 
roots. When first potted the tempera- 
ture of the house should range from 55° 
to 60° at night, but may be increased 
two or three weeks later to 60° to 65°. 
As the fat fleshy flower-stems appear 
from the sides of the bulbs and leaves 



a little weak liquid manure may be 
supplied two or three times a week 
as a stimulant. 

Under such conditions of heat and 
moisture, with a good compost, Hip- 
peastrums will often develop leaves 
3 to 5 ft. long and 3 to 4 ins. broad, 
while one, two, or three flower-stems 
2 to 4 ft. high will be thrown up from 
each bulb, and carry from four to 
eight magnificent flowers, each 6 ins., 

Fia. 181.—Hippeastrum. (4.) 

sometimes as much as 9 or 10 ins. or 
more across. 

The colours vary from the deepest 
scarlet almost to pure white, the 
broad petals being distinctly veined, 
and usually with a lighter coloured 
band—white tinted green—down the 

Hippeastrums are easily raised from 
seeds, and are just as easily cross- 
fertilised. The hybrids in cultivation 
owe their origin to a Lancashire 
watchmaker named Johnson, who in 
the year 1799 raised the first hybrid 



by crossing H. vittatum with Z. 
Regine. This hybrid was called 
Johnsoni, after its raiser. In 1830 
Mr de Graaf of Leiden began to raise 
hybrids, using such forms as JH. 
Johnsont, H. crocatum, H. fulgidum, 
and #H. vittatum in the process. 
Later on when H. pardinum was 
introduced in 1861, and A. Leopoldi in 
1869, fresh blood was introduced into 
the already existing hybrids, and a 
more vigorous and floriferous race was 
produced, chiefly owing to these two 
species from the Andes of Peru. 
When it is intended to cross any 
two particular forms of Hippeastrum, 
the versatile anthers should be re- 
moved from the tips of the long, 
fleshy, up-curved stamens as soon 
as ever the flower is sufficiently open 
to permit of the operation; two or 
three days later the three - parted 
stigma may have ripe pollen from 
another desirable variety placed upon 
it, the process being repeated two or 
three days in succession to secure 
perfect fertilisation. The seed-pod 
at the base of the flower continues to 
enlarge, and in due course the blackish 
shining seeds are perfectly ripe. They 
should then be sown about 4 in. apart, 
either in well-drained pots or pans of 
rich gritty loam, covering them with 
about + in. of soil. The seed-pots 
should be plunged in a hotbed, and 
the night temperature of the house 
should not fall below 60° F. Germi- 
nation takes place in a week or s0, 
and three or four weeks from the 
date of sowing the little plants should 
be carefully lifted and transferred 
either singly in very small pots or 
“thimbles,” or about a dozen into a 
6-in. pot, using a compost of rich and 
gritty loam. The little bulbs then 
begin to swell, and all the plants 
require is attention to watering, 
giving plenty of light and air, but 
at the same time maintaining a humid 



atmosphere. In winter, the young 
plants, although evergreen, will 
require less water, and a lower 
temperature, about 55° F. at night. 
Soon after Christmas they should be 
potted up singly into small pots, or 
three into a 5-in. pot. They are then 
grown in the same way as advised 
above for older-established bulbs for 
another year, when they should be 
repotted, using pots in accordance 
with the size of the bulbs. In this 
way fine flowering specimens will be 
produced by the end of two years, or 
three years at the outside. 

Hippeastrums are subject to attacks 
from aphides, red spider, thrips, scale, 
and mealy bug, all of which can be 
kept at bay by judicious syringings 
with quassia and tobacco solutions, 
and by vaporising the houses 
occasionally, Sometimes the bulbs 
rot at the base, owing to irregular 
watering, too much or too little. 
Consequently, to avoid this, water 
should be given when necessary, and 
the drainage should always be perfect. 
Sometimes the bulbs are attacked 
by the Eucharis mite (Rhizoglyphus 
Robint), minute pests like tiny grains 
of white sand, accompanied by red 
patches on the roots, or other parts of 
the bulbs. If the bulbs are not too 
far destroyed, the injured roots and 
scales should be cleared off and 
burned. The bulbs should then be 
washed well with either sulphur and 
water, paraffin emulsion, carbolic acid, 
lysol, cyllin, or liver of sulphur. When 
the surface is dry the bulbs should be 
firmly potted in fresh soil, and started 
into growth in a warm moist atmo- 

Although fancy names are given 
to pet seedlings, they are of short 
duration, being replaced by newer 
favourites in due course. It is better 
to consult a current catalogue for a 
list of the latest varieties. 



Amongst the natural species and 
distinct hybrids of Hippeastrum, the 
following are worthy of note :— 

H. Ackermanni,—Crimson. The 
variety pulcherrima is figured in 
Moore, Mag. 1850, ii. 5; Chelsonz, 
in Floral Mag. t. 545; and other 
forms in same publication, n.s. tt. 77, 
167, 347, and 359. 

H. advenum.—A native of Chili, 
with narrow blue-green leaves about 
1 ft. long, and yellow or red flowers 
(Bot. Reg. t. 849; Bot. Mag, t. 1125). 
The variety pallidus has pale yellow 
flowers (Lodd. Bot. Cab. t. 1760). 

H. Alberti.—A double - flowered 
form of H. equestre or H. Regine, 
the blossoms being orange-red, yellow 
at the base (17. Hort. 1866, t. 498). 

H. Andreanum.—This is a native 
of the Colombian Cordilleras, where 
it was found in 1876 by Mr André. 
It has large bulbs and pale red flowers 
with streaks of brighter red. 

H. Archavaletz. — This species, 
from Monte Video is closely related 
to H. vittatum, differing only in 
having the margins of the floral 
segments plain. The scape is about 
2 ft, high, bearing an umbel of white 
flowers banded with crimson, 

H. aulicum.—Flowers large, with 
oboval petals striped with bright 
crimson within, shading to green at 
the base. Introduced from Central 
Brazil in 1819. (Bot. Mag. t. 3311; 
Bot. Reg. tt. 444, 1038.) 

H. Bagnoldi (Habranthus).—Native 
of Chili. Leaves linear, about 1 ft, 
long. Flowers yellow tinged with 
red. (Bot. Reg. t. 1396.) The variety 
punctatus has small reddish dots on 
the petals. 

H, bicolor—A native of Chili, 
where it flowers in October. Leaves 
linear, 13 to 2 ft. long. Flowers bright 
red, fading into yellow-green towards 
the base. (Bot. Mag. t. 2399; Bot. 
Reg. tt. 809, 1943.) 



H. bifidum (Habranthus bifidus)— 
Native of Buenos Ayres and Monte 
Video. Introduced about 1825 by 
Lord Carnarvon. Leaves linear, pro- 
duced after the bright red flowers. 
(Bot. Mag. t. 2599.) 

H. brachyandrum.—F lowers bright 
red (Bot. Mag. t. 7344). 

H, breviflorum,—A native of 
Buenos Ayres. First flowered at 
Glasgow in 1836, but seems to have 
dropped out of cultivation. Leaves 
13 ft. long, about 14 ins. broad. 
Flowers white keeled with red, five 
to six on a roundish blue-green 
peduncle 2 to 3 ft. high. (Herb. 
Amaryll. 137, t. 21, fig. 4; Bot. Mag. 
t. 3549.) 

H, calyptratum.—Introduced from 
Brazil in 1816. Flowers pale yellow, 
netted on the face with green. (Bot. 
Reg. t. 164; Lodd. Bot. Cab. t. 864.) 

H. Cybister (Sprekelia Cybister),— 
This species was introduced from the 
Bolivian Andes, and forms the con- 
necting link between Sprekelia and 
Hippeastrum. It is, however, lost to 
cultivation. Flowers bright crimson 
tinged with green towards the tip, 
(Bot. Reg. t. 33; Bot. Mag. t. 3872; 
Fi. d. Serr. tt. 455-6.) 

H. equestre (Barbados Lily),—This 
is the oldest species, and “was first 
noticed by Hermann in 1698,” It 
grows in Tropical America from 
Mexico and the West Indies to Chili 
and Brazil. It has stoloniferous bulbs 
and bright green strap-shaped leaves, 
14 ft. long, about 2 ins. broad. Flowers 
4 to 5 ins, deep, bright red shading to 

yellowish-green at the base. (Jacg. 
Hort. Schoen. t. 63; Bot. Mag. t. 

305; Red. Lil. t. 32). The variety 
splendens has larger flowers with 
broader petals (Rev. Hort. 1895, 577). 

H. iguapense, from S8. Brazil, has 
small ovoid bulbs, Jance-shaped leaves 
6 to 9 ins. long and over 2 ins. broad, 
and white flowers, the upper segments 



of which are striped with red or lilac 
(Wien. Ill. G. Z. 1903, 281, t. 3). 

H. Jamesoni. — Native of the 
Argentine, where it flowers in January. 
Flowers red. Not in cultivation. 

H. Leopoldi.—Native of the Peru- 
vian Andes, whence it was introduced 
in 1869, Leaves strap-shaped, 13 to 
2 ft. long. Flowers regular, 5 ins. 
long, greenish-white in the throat, 
bright red in the centre, with a bifid 
keel of white in the lower half of the 
red portion. (floral Mag. tt. 475, 
476 ; Gard. Chron. 1870, f. 140.) 

H, Muesserianum.—This is closely 
related to H. awicum, and has salmon- 
coloured segments tinted with rose 
(ll. Hort. 1896, t. 72). 

H. pardinum. — Also native of 
Peruvian Andes. Introduced 1867. 
Leaves 2 ft. long, 2 ins. broad. 
Flowers greenish, more or less flushed, 
copiously and minutely spotted with 
red. (Floral Mag. t. 344; Bot. Mag. 
t. 5645.) 

H. pratense 

(Habranthus). — A 

native of the hills and plains of Chili.’ 

Bulbs about 14 ins. thick. Leaves 
1 to 1} ft. long, about 4 in. broad, 
produced with the bright red bell- 
shaped flowers in spring and early 
summer. A brilliant plant for grow- 
ing in masses. (Bot. Reg. 1842, t. 35.) 

H. procerum (Amaryllis Rayner?). 
—A distinct species from S. Brazil. 
Leaves in two rows, curved, 2 to 3 ft. 
long, 14 to 2 ins. broad, cartilaginous 
on margin. Flowers 5 to 6 ins. long, 
lilac, not starred in the throat. (JU. 
Hort. xi. 408; Fl. d. Serr. tt. 2077, 
2078 ; Bot. Mag. t. 5883.) 

H, psittacinum.—Introduced from 
S. Brazil 1814. Peduncle 2 to 8 ft. 
high, stout. Flowers 4 to 5 ins, 
long, with wavy segments crimson 
on the edges, with a green keel from 

which crimson stripes radiate. (Bot. 
Reg. t. 199; Lodd, Bot. Cab. t. 



H, Regine, — Widely distributed 
from Mexico and W. Indies to Brazil 
and Peru, First flowered at Hoxton 
in 1728, on the birthday of Queen 
Caroline. Leaves 2 ft. long, de- 
veloped after the large bright red 
flowers, which have a large greenish- 
white star in the throat. (Jfiller, Ie, 
t. 24; Bot. Mag. t. 453; Red. Lil. 
t. 9.) 

H, reticulatum (Coburgia reticu- 
lata).—Introduced in 1777 from 8. 
Brazil. Flowers about 4 ins. long, 
bright mauve-red, cross-veined with 
a deeper tint. (Bot. Mag. t. 657; 
And, Bot. Rep, t. 179; Red. Lil. 
t. 424.) 

The variety. striatifolium has 
broader leaves with a distinct white 
keel (Bot. Mag. t. 2513; Rot. Reg. t. 

H, roseum (Habranthus).—A native 
of Monte Video, having dark brown 
ovoid bulbs 1 in. long, and dark green 
leaves 9 ins. long, followed with a 
scape about 6 ins, high bearing two 
funnel-shaped flowers of a rich rosy- 
crimson colour with a yellowish base 
(Gard, Chron, 1900, xxviii. 287). 

H, rutilum.—Introduced from Rio 
de Janeiro about 1810. Bulbs 
stoloniferous, 2 to 3 ins. thick. Leaves 
about 1 ft. long, over 1 in. broad. 
Flowers 3 to 4 ins. long, bright 
crimson with a green cylindrical tube 
(Bot. Reg. t. 28; Lodd. Bot. Cab. t. 
1449), There are several varieties, 
such as acuminatum, with very acute 
pale pink segments (Bot. Reg. tt. 534, 
1188 ; Bot. Mag. t. 2278); citrinum, 
flowers bright yellow; crocatum, 
flowers with wavy saffron - coloured 
segments ; and fulgidum, with broader 
leaves than the type, and _ larger 
bright scarlet flowers having a green 
base and keel on the lower half of 
the segments. 

H. solandriflorum, — Introduced 
from Tropical S. America in 1820, 



Flowers 7 to 10 ins, long, with a 
greenish cylindrical tube 4 to 5 ins, 
long, and greenish-white or pale 
sulphur - coloured segments. (Zot. 
fag. tt. 2573, 3771 ; Lodd. Bot. Cab. 
t. 1200.) 

H. stylosum (Amaryillis mara- 
nensis).—Introduced from Guiana and 
N. Brazil in 1821. Flowers 4 ins, long, 
bright flesh-red. (Bot. Afag. t. 2278 ‘ 
Bot. Reg. t. 719.) In the variety 
nudum the filaments are remarkably 
exserted and the stamens spread out 
as in H. calyptratum. 

H, teretifolium (Habranthus).— 
This species from Monte Video is re- 
markable for having roundish leaves, 
The rosy-pink flowers about 2 ins, 
long are bell-shaped rather than 
tubular, (Gard, Chron. 1900, xxviii. 

H, vittatum.—Introduced from the 
Andes of Peru in 1769. A variable 
species with flower-stems 2 to 3 ft. 
high, bearing from two to six flowers 
4 to 6 ins. long, white towards the 
margin and distinctly keeled with 
white, striped with bright mauve- 
red between the keel and margin. 
(Bot, Mag. t. 129; Red. Lil. t. 10.) 
There is a white-flowered variety 
called album. 

As most of the species mentioned 
above were at one time called 
Amaryllis, that name will be fre- 
quently found in the works cited 
instead of Hippeastrum. 

HOMERIA (homereo, to meet; in 
reference to the filaments meeting in 
a tube round the style). Nat. Ord. 
Tridee.—A small genus of South 
African bulbous plants closely related 
to Ferraria and Tigridia ; recognised 
by their few long narrow leaves and 
numerous long-stalked, bell-shaped 
flowers having six subequal erect 
or spreading entire segments and 
filaments uniting in a tube. 




These little plants require the 
protection of a greenhouse, but may 
be tried in the open air in the mildest 

Fic. 182.—Homenia, corm and section. 

parts in warm sheltered spots in rich 
and very gritty soil, The best-known 
kinds are :— 

H. collina, with bright red un- 
spotted flowers (Bot. Mug. t. 1033). 
The variety aurantiaca has orange- 
red flowers with a yellow centre 
(Bot. Mag. t. 1612), and ochroleuca 
has pale yellow flowers (Bot, Mag. t. 

H. elegans.—F lowers bright yellow, 
the outer segments having an orange- 
brown or purplish spot in the centre 
(Bot. Mag. t. 1983). 

H. lineata.—Flowers coppery-red 
with a small yellow blotch on. the 
claw (Sw. Br, Fl, Gard. t. 178). 

H, maculata, yellow with a greenish 
blotch at base. 

H. miniata.—F lowers brownish-red 
with a yellow centre (Sw. Br. Fl, 
Gard. t. 152; And. Bot. Rep, t. 

H., pallida, pale yellow, unspotted. 
HYACINTHUS (ancient Greek 

name applied by Homer to the Iris, 
in honour of the youth Hyacinth, the 
favourite of Apollo), Taz Hyactnra, 
Nat. Ord. Liliaceze.—A genus of well- 
known plants with roundish tunicated 
bulbs, linear or strap-shaped leaves, 
and erect spreading or drooping 
flowers in loose or dense racemes on 
a leafless scape. Perianth bell-shaped 
or funnel - shaped, with six erect, 
spreading, or recurved lobes. 


All the popular garden Hyacinths 
are descended from HH. orientalis, a 
native of Syria, Asia Minor, etc., 
with roundish bulbs, lance-shaped 
channelled leaves, and blue flowers 
(Bot. Mag. t. 937; Bot. Reg. t. 995 ; 
Red. Lil. t. 465). 

Holland is the great centre of pro- 
duction—the sandy soil well enriched 
with old cow-manure being particu- 
larly well-suited to the plants. About 
six rows, 9 ins. apart, are grown in 
narrow beds, and hurdles are placed 
on the windward side to shelter the 
plants in spring from the sand storms. 
Hundreds of thousands of bulbs are 
exported every autumn to the United 
Kingdom, the United States, France, 
Germany, etc.; and although many 
people are under the impression that 
Hyacinths could be raised as well 
and as easily in parts of the British 
Islands as in Holland, the fact 
remains that they are not—at least 
not on commercial lines. 

Hyacinths are easily grown in the 
open air in most parts of the British 
Islands, and are to be found in the 
large gardens of the rich as well as 
in the backyards of the poor; while 
public parks and gardens vie with 
each other to secure a thrilling dis- 
play of colour in spring. 

To secure the best results the soil 
should be of a sandy or gritty nature, 
well enriched with old cow-manure 
or well-rotted stable manure, or fail- 
ing these plenty of leaf-mould. A 
wet, heavy soil is not desirable, but 
can be improved in drainage and 
temperature by trenching, and the 
addition of plenty of sand and 

The best time for planting the 
bulbs is from the end of September 
till early November. They should 
be placed from 4 to 6 ins, deep in the 
soil, and from 6 to 8 ins. apart, and 
if a handful of coarse silver sand is 



placed beneath each so much the 
better, especially in heavy soils. As 
there are many varieties, it is better 
when planting formal beds—whether 
round, square, rectangular, or elliptic 
—to keep each variety separate; 
mixing them up would lead to a 
disorderly appearance at the flowering 

In severe winters the beds may be: 
covered lightly with fine leaf-mould | 
or coco-nut fibre as a protection 
against frost. When the flowers 
have passed their best the stems 
should be cut off, and when the leaves 
show signs of yellowing (some time 
in June) the bulbs may be lifted, 
dried and cleaned, and stored away 
in cool, airy places until the following 
October. Any offsets may be de- 
tached and planted in a special place 
by themselves, covering them with 
about twice their own diameter of soil, 

If seeds are desired, of course 
the pods must be allowed to 
thoroughly ripen. The seeds may 
then be sown in fine sandy soil in 
shallow boxes or pans, in which they 
soon sprout. The young plants are 
grown on from season to season until 
the bulbs reach the flowering stage, 
perhaps at the end of from four to 
six or seven years. 

By slitting the mature old bulbs of 
Hyacinths from the base upwards 
small bulb-like growths soon begin 
to develop in the slits when the coagu- 
lated sap has formed a callus. These 
bulblets are removed and planted 
in beds by themselves, and at the end 
of the first year’s growth they form 
small bulbs. They are cultivated in 
this way in rich sandy soil for three 
or four years, at the end of which time 
they will have reached the flowering 
size and become a marketable article. 
See Figs. 20, 21, 22, p. 21. Fig. 183 
shows a Hyacinth bulb giving rise to 
offsets from the base. 



In selecting Hyacinths for plant- 
ing, attention should be given to the 
weight rather than the size of the 
bulbs. Very often a large bulb 
throws a comparatively small truss 

Fic. 183.—Hyacinth, bulb and offsets. (2.) 

of blossom, while a smaller but more 
compact and heavier bulb will throw 
quite a fine truss of flowers. 
Pot-cuLTuRE. — A great revival 
seems to be taking place in the 
culture of Hyacinths in pots, and 
large prizes are now offered at the 
spring shows for the best examples. 
To attain the best results, especially 
if prize-winning is one of the objects 
in view, the very best and soundest, 
and therefore dearest bulbs must be 
secured. Each one according to size 
should be put into a well-drained 
5-in. or 6-in. pot not later than the 
middle or end of September. A good 
compost consists of two parts rich 
loam, one part old cow-manure, one 
part leaf-mould, and one part coarse 
silver or river sand. This should be 
prepared three or four weeks before 
required, and the various ingredients 
should be thoroughly mixed together. 
In the potting the crown of each bulb 
should be left just above the surface 
of the soil, and a little sand may be 
placed under and over each. The 
pots should then be placed in a cold 
frame having a hard dry bottom of 
ashes, and leaf-mould or coco-nut 
fibre may be spread over and around 



the pots so that the rims of the latter 
are buried about 4 ins. deep. Coal 
ashes or even friable gritty soil may 
be used instead of leaf-mould or 
coco-nut fibre; and some growers 
take the precaution to invert a 3-in. 
pot over the crowns of the bulbs 
before covering them over, for the 
sake of cleanliness. If early blossoms 
are required the plants may be 
taken into the greenhouse when the 
pots are fairly full of roots, but too 
much light should not be given until 
the etiolated leaves assume a greenish 
tint. Other batches of plants may 
be brought in from time to time as re- 
quired, so that the flowers may be had 
from Christmas to the end of March 
and April, when those planted in the 
open ground will be coming well into 
bloom. For forcing purposes a night 
temperature of 60° to 65° F, is quite 

Fia. 184,—Florists’ Hyacinth. (4.) 

Pot plants require attention to 
watering and should not be given 



too much, just like any other plant 
grown ina restricted space. A little 
weak liquid manure may be given once 
or twice a week when the growth 
is vigorous. The flower - spikes, 
if strong and sturdy, will not re- 
quire staking. Sometimes, however, 
the trusses are rather heavy and in- 
clined to bend down, In such cases 
thin neutral-tinted twigs or wires 
may be used as supports that are not 
too conspicuous. 

Hyacintus In Guasses.—For room 
decoration Hyacinths are particularly 
useful when grown in ornamental 
bowls or glasses containing water. 
Some designs are shown in the 
illustrations. The receptacles are 
filled with water just to the base of 
the bulb. This sits on a ledge all 
round so that it shall not be im- 
mersed. To secure good results the 
glasses with the bulbs and water 
should be placed in a dark place with 
a temperature of about 50° F. until 
the roots have grown well into the 
water. The bulbs may be started 
in advance in moist soil or coco-nut 
fibre before placing them in the 
glasses. Light and more warmth 
may then be given to the plants and 
growth will proceed steadily, the 
flower-truss pushing its way up from 
the crown through the leaves. The 
main point is to get the roots to 
grow before the leaves or flower- 
spike, and this cannot be accom- 
plished if the bulbs are placed in too 
much heat and light at first. As the 
water vanishes by root absorption 
and evaporation, it must be renewed 
occasionally, and a few lumps of 
charcoal may be added to counteract 
any tendency to an offensive odour. 
Hyacinths may also be grown in 
Turnips, Beets, Swedes, or Mangels 
that have been scooped out and hung 
up and kept moistened from time 
to time. 



“Roman” Hyacinths.—These are 
a French form of /. orientalis known 
as albulus, The flowers are pure 
white, and borne in graceful spikes 
on slender stems. Large numbers are 
forced in heat annually for the big 
markets, from Christmas to February 
and March, and they are often grown 
for early decoration in private gar- 
dens. There is a blue Roman Hya- 
cinth also that flowers somewhat 
later than the white form. The 
White Jtalian Roman Hyacinth 
Hl. romanus (Bot. Mag. t. 989) has 
pure white flowers, and blooms later 
than the ordinary Roman type; and 
there is also a double-flowered Italian 
form with rose-coloured blossoms, 

The following are some standard 
varieties of Hyacinths worthy of 
notice :— 


Baroness van La Grandesse, 
Thuyll. Leviathan. 

Duke of Clarence. L’Innocence, 
Grand Blanche. Madame van der 

Grandeur & Mer- Hoop. 
veille, Mina. 
King of Whites. Mr Plimsoll. 
Lady Derby. Paix de l'Europe. 
La Belle Blanchis- Pavilion Blanc. 
seuse. Simplicity. 
La Franchise. Voltaire, 

Sincre Buivug. 
Those marked thus * are very dark, 

*Baron van Thuyll, Electra, 

*Bleu Mourant. Galatea. 
Blondin, Grand Lilas. 
Charles Dickens, Grand Maitre. 
Claret Cup. *King Cole. 
Count Andrassy. *King of the 
Czar Peter, Blues. 
Distinction. La Peyrouse. 

*Duke of Con- Lord Balfour. 
naught. *Mary. 



Mauve Queen. Sir William 

Priestley. Mansfield. 
Queen of the Blues. *William the 
Regulus. First. 

SrncLE Rep, Rose, PrInx, ETC. 

Baron van Thuyll, flesh colour, 

Cardinal Wiseman, light rosy pink. 

Charles Dickens, rose. 

Duke of Avondale, bright red, striped. 

Etna, brilliant rose, carmine striped. 

Fabiola, pink and carmine. 

General Pelissier, deep crimson, 

Gertrude, rosy pink. 

Gigantea, blush red. 

King of Roses, rosy red. 

Lady Derby, rosy pink. 

Madame Hodgson, pink, striped car- 

Moreno, waxy pink. 

Mr Stanley, deep red. 

Norma, pale waxy pink. 

Ornament Rose, pale rose. 

Pink Perfection, fine rose. 

Prince Albert Victor, very dark red. 

Princess of Wales, delicate rose. 

Robert Steiger, crimson. 

Roi des Belges, deep red. 

Rosea Maxima, rosy blush. 

Rosy Gem, rose, striped red. 


Adelaide Restori. Macmahon. 
City of Haarlem. Marchioness of 
Daylight. Lorne. 

Ida. ‘ Primrose  Per- 
King of the Yellows. _ fection. 

There are also many varieties hav- 
ing deep violet flowers, and others 
having double flowers coloured red, 
white, blue, yellow, and orange. It 
is better to consult a modern catalogue 
for these. 

H, amethystinus.—This is known 
as the Spanish Hyacinth. It comes 
from §.W. Europe, and has narrow 
linear leaves and loose spikes of 



bright blue drooping flowers about 
May and June. The variety albus 
has white flowers. 

H, azureus.—An_ early-flowering 
Hyacinth from Asia Minor, having 
whitish bulbs about 1 in. in diameter, 
strap-shaped leaves 4 to 6 ins. long, 
and sky-blue bell-shaped flowers pro- 
duced in dense conical spikes in 
February, somewhat resembling the 
Grape Hyacinths (Muscari), The 
variety giganteus, from N. Cilicia, 

Fic, 185.—Hyacinthus azureus. (3.) 

has larger flowers (Gard. Chron, 
1898, xxiv. 190, f. 52); robustus is 
even larger ; andamphibolis has spikes 
about 8 ins, high, with about fifty 
flowers paler in colour than the type. 

This species flourishes in ordinary 
good gritty soil, but owing to its 
early flowering is often injured by 
frosts in the open air. The plants 
should therefore be protected if 
necessary with a hand-light or canvas 

HYMENOCALLIS (hymen, a mem- 
brane ; Aallos, beautiful ; referring to 



the membranous cup or corona in 
centre of the flower), Nat. Ord. 
Amaryllides,.—A genus containing 
over thirty species of tunicated 
bulbous plants having strap-shaped 
leaves and (in most cases) umbels 
of pure white sweet-scented flowers 
borne on top of a solid compressed 
scape or peduncle. Perianth more or 
less funnel-shaped, with a cylindrical 
tube and six narrow or lance-shaped 
segments. Stamens six, with long 
protruding filaments bearing linear 
versatile anthers. Style slender, 
long, with a capitate stigma. 

The Hymenocallis are closely re- 
lated to the Pancratiums, and are 
easily grown in a compost of rich 
sandy loam and leaf-mould. Most 
of the species require to be cultivated 
in a warm greenhouse or even in 
a stove, as they are natives of Tropi- 
cal and subtropical 8. America and 
Mexico. H. littoralis and H. Aman- 
caes, however, are often grown out 
of doors in the warmest parts of the 
British Islands, but they must be 
protected from the frost in winter, 
and the bulbs should be covered with 
about three times their own diameter 
ofsoil. Propagation is effected by sow- 
ing the large green-coated seeds when 
fully ripe; or by means of offsets when 
repotting the plants. If grown in 
pots the bulbs should be buried up 
to the top in the soil, and sizes too 
large should be avoided. The plants 
may also be grown in beds or borders 
in the greenhouse or stove, and should 
be well supplied with water when 
growing freely. 

H. Amancaes (Narcissus, Pan- 
cratium, and Ismene Amancaes),— 
A beautiful species from the Hill of 
Amancaes, near Lima in Peru, with 
bulbs 13 to 2 ins, through, having 
a cylindrical neck about 6 ins. long. 
Leaves bright green, about 18 ins. 
long and 14 to 2 ins, broad. Flowers 



greenish-yellow with bright yellow 
narrow segments, borne in summer 
on a two-edged scape 1 to 2 ft. high, 
The staminal cup is also bright yellow 
striped with green. (Bot. Mag. t. 
1224; Bot, Reg. t. 660.) 

Fia. 186.—Hymenocallis Amancaes. (}.) 

H. Andreana (Jsmene Andreana).— 
This grows wild on the Andes of 
Ecuador at an altitude of 8000 ft. 
The bulbs are “as large as an apple,” 
and the narrow pale green leaves are 
from 12 to 15 ins, long. One flower 
only is borne on the slendér scape. 
It has a green perianth-tube, white 
linear segments 3} to 4 ins. long, and 
a white funnel-shaped cup 3 to 4 ins. 
broad, striped with green. (Rev. 
Hort. 1884, t. 468; Garden, May, 
1884.) Cool greenhouse or half- 

H. calathina (Jsmene and Pan- 
cratium calathinum; P.calathiforme). 
—Introduced from the Andes of Peru 
and Bolivia in 1794. Bulbs roundish, 
with a cylindrical neck, Leaves al- 
most in two rows, 14 to 2 ft. long. 
Flowers two to five in an umbel, 



greenish with white lance-shaped seg- 
ments, and funnel-shaped cup striped 
with green. (Bot. Reg: t. 215; Bot. 
Mag. t. 2685; Red. Lil. t. 353.) 
In the variety grandiflora the corona 
is larger than in the type. Cool 
greenhouse or half-hardy. 

Fic. 186a.—Hymenocallis calathina. (4.) 

H. caribezea (Pancratium caribeum ; 
P. declinatum; P. amenum; P. 
angustum),—A. West Indian species 
with bulbs 3 to 4 ins. through, and 
leaves 2 to 3 ft. long and 3 to 4 ins. 
broad. Flowers pure white, six to 
twelve in an umbel, with linear seg- 
ments 3 to 33 ins. long, and a regular 
funnel-shaped cup. (Bot. Mag. t. 
826; Fed. Lil. t. 414; Lodd. Bot. 
Cab, t. 558; Bot. Reg. +. 221.) 
The variety patens has a larger tube 
and longer segments. 

Mr Baker considers H. caymanensis 
to be “doubtfully distinct specifically 
from H. cartbea,” but it has a much 
longer perianth-tube. 

‘H. concinna, from Mexico, re- 
sembles H. caribaea. It has strap- 
shaped lanceolate leaves over 1 ft. 
long, deeply channelled down the 
face, The slender scape, 9 to 12 ins. 
high, bears a couple of pure white 
flowers in June, the petals being 2 to 
8 ins. long and + in. broad, with a 
shallow cup-shaped corona in the 
centre. (Gard. Chron. 18938, xiv. 150.) 

Fi, cordifolia.— A species from 
Veinezuela, remarkable for its broad 



Eucharis-like leaves 23 ft. long. 
Flowers white, about twenty in an 
umbel, each with a tube 4 ins. or 
more long. (fev. Hort. 1899, 445, 
f. 191.) 

H. crassifolia, from the 8. United 
States, also comes very near H, 
caribea, but has a greenish peri- 
anth-tube and somewhat shorter 
segments (Saund. Ref. Bot. t. 

H, eucharidifolia.—A Tropical 
American species with ovoid bulbs 
2 to 3 ins, through, oblong acute 
leaves about 1 ft. long and 3 to 4 
ins, broad, and large green-tubed 
flowers with narrow segments 3 
to 3$ ins. long and a narrow 
funnel-shaped cup in the centre. 

H, expansa (Pancratiwm expan- 
sunv),—A native of the West Indies, 
intermediate between HW. caribcea and 
HT, littoralis, The leaves are longer 
and narrower, and the perianth-tube 
more slender than in ZH. caribea. 
(Bot. Mag. t. 1941.) 

H. glauca,— A Mexican species 
with oblong, acute, blue-green leaves 
13 ft. long, 3 to 4 ins. broad, narrowed 
to a short deeply channelled petiole. 
Flowers with a greenish perianth- 
tube 2 to 3 ins. long, and a spreading 
cup about 1 in. deep. 

H. Harrisiana.—A Mexican species 
with oblanceolate leaves about 1 ft. 
long and 2 ins. broad above the 
middle, Flowers in May, with peri- 
anth-tube 3 to 4 ins. long, and narrow 
segments 23 to 3 ins. long, with a 
narrow plaited cup in the centre. 
(Bot. Mag. t. 6562.) 

H, lacera (/, rotata ; Pancratium 
rotatum).—A native of S. United 
States, with ovoid bulbs, 14 to 2 ins. 
through, having a long neck, and pro- 
duces numerous stolons. Leaves 12 to 
18 ins. long, about 1in.broad. Flowers 
with greenish perianth-tube 3 to 4 
ins. long, and linear segments same 



length. The cup in centre is very 
flat and shallow, 14 to 2 ins. across. 
(Bot, Mag. t. 827; Lodd. Bot. Cab. 
t. 19; Saund. Ref. Bot. t. 357.) 

H. littoralis (7. adnata; Pan- 
cratium littorale ; P. americanum),— 
A very old and variable species, 
native of Tropical America, where it 
is widely distributed. The bulbs are 
3 to 4 ins. through, and bear several 
bright green leaves 2 to 24 ft. long 
and 14ins. broad. From four to eight 
flowers are borne on top of a two- 
edged scape 1} to 2 ft. high, the 
perianth-tube being 6 to 7 ins. long, 
tinged with green, and the long 
narrow segments being recurved and 
attached to the base of the broadly 
funnel-shaped cup. (Zrans. Linn. 
Soc. ii. 74, t. 13; Jacg. Hort. Vind. 
iii, t. 750; Journ. Hort. Feb. 1909, 

H. Macleana (Jsmene Macleana).— 
Introduced by Maclean in 1834 from 
the Andes of Peru. It has very pro- 
liferous ovoid bulbs about 2 ins. 
through, and bright green narrow 
leaves a foot or more long. Flowers 
with a greenish tube and linear sub- 
erect segments surrounding a white 
funnel-shaped cup striped with green. 
(Bot. Mag. t. 3675.) 

H, macrostephana,—This is prob- 
ably a hybrid between H. calathina 
and H, speciosa, as it is not recorded 
as having been introduced from any 
part of America. It is a strong- 
growing plant with ovoid bulbs about 
2 ins. through, and bright green 
oblanceolate leaves 24 to 3 ft. long. 
From six to ten large pure white 
flowers are borne in March and April, 
having a greenish tube 3 ins, long, and 
linear segments surrounding a broadly 
funnel-shaped cup about 2 ins. across. 
(Bot. Mag. t. 6436.) 

H, ovata (Pancratium ovatum; P. 
Sragrans; P. amenum, Ker). — A 
West Indian species closely related 



to H. speciosa. Bulbs 3 to 4 ins, 
through. Leaves oblong acute, 1 ft. 
or more long, 4 to 6 ins. broad: 
From six to ten pure white fragrant 
flowers are borne on a scape, the 
linear segments surrounding a regu- 
larly funnel-shaped cup about a inch 
deep. (Bot. Reg. t. 48; Bot. Mag. 

H. quitoénsis (Ismene tenutfolia),— 
A native of the mountains of Ecuador, 
with tufts of thin narrow bright 
green leaves a foot long. Flowers 
solitary, with greenish slender tube, 
and suberect lance-shaped segments 
24 to 3 ins. long. The funnel-shaped 
cup about 2 ins, long and 14 ins, across 
is pure white ribbed with green. 
(Bot. Mag. t. 6397.) ; 

H. schizostephana.— A Brazilian 
species similar to H. cartbea in 
appearance, but the filaments are 
very stout and winged at the base, 
forming an irregular cup as if torn 
(Gard. Chron, 1899, xxv. 386). 

H. senegambica,—This is remark- 
able as being the only Old World 
species, being a native of the sandy 
shores of the Congo. It comes close 
to H. littoralis, and has arching strap- 
shaped leaves about 2 ft. long, and 
large trusses of flowers on scapes 
about 2 ft, high,  Perianth-tube 
slender, 5 to 6 ins. long. Segments 
very narrow, about 4 ins. long, round 
the funnel-shaped cup over 1 in. 

H. speciosa (Pancratium  specio- 
sum).—One of the best-known species 
in cultivation. Itis a native of the 
West Indies, and has bulbs 3 to 4 ins. 
through, and numerous oblanceolate, 
oblong, bright green leaves, 14 toj2 
ft. long. The sweet-scented pure 
white flowers have a greenish tube 
about 3 ins, long, and shorter seg- 
ments and funnel-shaped cup. (Bot. 
Mag. t. 1458; Red. Lil, t, 412.) The 
variety angustifolia has very stiff 



narrow leaves (Gard. Chron. 19038, 
__ xxxili, 116). 

H. tubiflora (H. guianensis; H. 
petiolata ; Pancratium guianense ; P. 
tubtflorum ; P. pettolatum).—This is 
a native of Guiana, Trinidad, and the 
Amazon Valley, and, according to Mr 
Baker, it was “introduced into culti- 
vation at Kew about 1803 from bulbs 
taken in a captured French vessel from 
Cayenne, and again by Lambert in 
1818.” The ovoid bulbs are 3 to 4 
ins. through, and have thin oblong 
acute leaves 8 to 12 ins. long, 4 to 5 
ins. broad in the middle. Flowers 
numerous, with an erect slender tube 
6 to 8 ins, long, and linear segments 
4 ins. long, the narrow funnel- 
shaped central cup being about 1 in. 
deep. (Bot. Reg. t. 265.) 

H, undulata (Pancratium undida- 
tum). — A Venezuelan plant with 
large ovoid bulbs and thin oblong 
acute leaves about 1 ft, long and 5 
to 6 ins. broad in the middle, nar- 
rowed gradually into a long stalk. 
About a dozen flowers are borne on 
top of a scape 2 ft. high, the peri- 
anth-tube being 6 to 7 ins. long, with 
linear, drooping, wavy segments 3 to 
33 ins. long, and a funnel-shaped cup 
about 1 in. deep. 

HYPOXIS (hypo, beneath; oxys, 
sharp; referring to the base of the 
seed-pod). Nat. Ord. Amaryllidexe.— 
A genus containing over fifty species 

of pretty little bulbous plants dis-, 

tributed over Tropical Asia, Australia, 
the Mascarene Islands, Tropical and 
South Africa, and Tropical and North 
America. They have narrow leaves, 
often covered with soft hairs or down, 
and starry’ six-parted flowers borne 
either singly or in clusters. They 
are practically unknown outside 
botanical collections. A compost of 
sandy peat and loam suits them very 
well, and some of the species may be 



grown in a cool greenhouse, although 
most of them prefer a more genial 
atmosphere. Increased by division. 
The best-known species, all with 
yellow flowers, unless otherwise 
mentioned, are :—H. angustifolia, H. 
colchicifolia, H. erecta (Bot. Mag. t. 
710), H. hemerocallidea (Bot. Mag. 
t. 5690), H. latifolia (Bot. Mag. t. 
4817), H. longifolia (Bot. Mag. t. 
6035), H. multiceps, H. obtusa (Bot. 
fteg. t. 159), H. regia, H, Rooperi 

Fic. 187.—Hypoxis stellata. (4.) 

(Lem. Jard, Fleur. t. 303), H. serrata 
(Bot. Mag. tt. 709, 917); H. stellata, 
and its variety elegans (Bot. Mag. t. 
1223), having white and blue flowers ; 
and H, villosa (Bot. Mag. t. 711). 

All the above are natives of 5S. 
Africa except H. erecta, which comes 
from N. America. 

ICACINA (name given on account 
of the resemblance of the branches 



to a tree called Jcaco). Nat. Ord. 
Oleacew.—The only species that has 
been introduced, and is still practi- 
cally unknown, is I. Manni, a native 
of the Gulf of Guinea, It is a hot- 
house perennial with a large smooth, 
roundish, tuberous root-stock 6 to 12 
ins. in diameter, from which arise 
slender climbing stems, bearing 
opposite, elliptic, truncated leaves of 
membranous texture. The small 
silky yellow blossoms with protrud- 
ing stamens appear about October, in 
short cymes from the axils of the 
leaves. (Bot. Mag. t. 6260.) 

This species will grow in sandy 
loam and leaf-mould, and requires 
plenty of heat and moisture. In- 
creased by cuttings of the young 
shoots in spring, inserted in bottom 
heat under a bell-glass or frame, 

INCARVILLEA (in honour of Pére 
@Incarville, a Chinese Jesuit mission- 
ary, and correspondent of Bernard de 
Jussieu). Nat. Ord. Bignoniaceze.— 
There are several species of Incar- 
villea, some annuals and biennials, 
but the only perennials of a tuberous 
character are those here mentioned. 

I. Delavayi,— A charming hardy 
herbaceous perennial, native of China, 
with large fleshy, spindle-shaped 
roots, and large leaves pinnately cut 
into numerous elliptic, crenulate 
segments, The large rosy-carmine 
tubular flowers, spotted with yellow 
and brown at the base, are borne in 
loose trusses during the summer 
months, on stems 14 to 2 ft, high. 
(Rev. Hort. 1893, t. 544.) 

This species flourishes in ordinary 
good garden soil of a gritty character, 
and should be grown in sunny situa- 
tions to secure the depth of colour in 
the flowers. It may be easily raised 
from seeds. sown in spring in gentle 
heat, or by means of cuttings detached 
from the tubers in spring, and inserted 



in sandy soil under a bell-glass or 

I, grandiflora, also from China, is 
like £, Deavayi, but has shorter 
leaves and leaflets, also a shorter 
flower-stem bearing a few rosy-red 
flowers (Gard. Chron, 1898, xxiv. 8). 
It is somewhat more tender than J, 
Delavayt, but is on the whole a finer 
flowering plant. 

I, variabilis,—A native of W. China, 
1 to 14 ft. high, with pinnate leaves, 
and loose erect racemes of small rose- 
purple tubular flowers (Bot. Mag. 
t. 7651). 

IPOMASA (tps, Bindweed ; omoios, 
similar), Nat. Ord, Convolvulaceze.— 
This genus contains some 300 to 400 
species according to various authori- 
ties. They are divided into annuals 
and perennials, some being hardy, 
others requiring the protection of a 
greenhouse or hothouse, but all alike 
in having climbing and twining stems 
like our Common Bearbind (Convol- 
vulus), and beautiful funnel-shaped 
flowers, Representatives of the genus 
are found in almost every part of the 
subtropical and tropical world, conse- 
quently cultural conditions vary. 
There are comparatively few species 
having tuberous root-stocks, those 
mentioned here being amongst the 
best known. They nearly all lose 
their leaves and stems in winter, so 
that they enjoy a period of repose 
during that season. Very little or no 
water is then required. In spring, 
however, when growth recommences 
plenty of moisture is necessary. A 
compost of fibrous loam with a little 
leaf-mould andsand suits most of them 
perfectly. Propagation of the tuber- 
ous species is effected by division of 
the roots, or by cuttings from them in 
spring, inserted*in sandy soil under a 

I, Batatas.—The “Sweet Potato” 



Fic. 188.—Incarvillea Delavayi, tuberous 
root-stock. (4.) 


Fic. 190.—Incarvillea Delavayi, seedling. Fic. 191.—Incarvillea grandiflora. (4.) 

289 T 


of the East Indies, with potato-like 
tubers, heart-shaped angular leaves, 
and flowers white within, purple out- 
side. A plant of great economic 
value in the Tropics, 

I, bignonioides—A native of 
Cayenne, with deep purple flowers 
and trilobed leaves (Bot. Mag. t. 

I, bonariensis (J, jicifolia).—A fine 
species from Buenos Ayres, with 
heart-shaped leaves cut into three to 
five lobes, and more or less tubular 
lilac-purple flowers (Bot. Mag. t. 
3665 ; Bot. Reg. 1841, t. 13). 

I, Jalapa (Convolvulus Jalapa), 
Fatse Jaap.—a native of 8. United 
States, with large tuberous roots, 
membranous, heart-shaped, pointed 
leaves, and inflated tubular flowers of 
red, white, or clear bright pink 
colour (Bot. Mag. t. 1572). 

I, pandurata (Convolvulus pandur- 
atus ; C’. candicans).—The large fleshy 
roots of this United States species 
often weigh from 2 to 16 lbs, The 
heart-shaped pointed leaves are some- 
what downy beneath, and the white 
flowers are tinted with purple in the 
throat. (Bot. Mag. tt. 1603, 1939.) 

I, paniculata, — An East Indian 
species, having leaves palmately 
divided into five to seven ovate lance- 
shaped or elliptic lobes, and large 
purple flowers in June. 

I. Purga (Lxogomum Purga).— 
This species from Xalapa, Mexico, 
yields the true purgative jalap of 
commerce. It has blackish tuberous 
roots about the size of an orange, and 
the climbing stems, 10 to 20 ft. long, 
are furnished with heart-shaped 
pointed leaves lobed at the base. 
The long-tubed, rose-purple, funnel- 
shaped flowers appear in late summer 
or autumn, and are only of short 
duration ; others appear in quick suc- 
cession. (Bot. Reg. 33, t. 49.) 

The Jalap plant may be grown in a 



cool greenhouse with ease. If the 
roots are protected with a heap of 
ashes in winter, it will flourish in the 
open air. 

I. Woodi.— A _ tuberous - rooted 
species from Zululand, having woody 
stems, heart-shaped, purple - tinted 
leaves, and short-stalked clusters of 
large bell-shaped, rosy-purple flowers. 

IRIS (from iris, the eye; referring 
to the variety and beauty of the 
flowers), Nat. Ord. Iridee.—A genus 
containing nearly 200 species of 
ornamental herbaceous plants with 
woody or fleshy root -stocks or 
spindle-shaped bulbs, and sword-like, 
linear, or angular leaves, The flowers 
emerge from sheathing scales, some- 
times singly, but often scattered on 
an erect scape. Perianth-tube short, 
with the three outer segments (or 
“falls ”) reflexed and often “bearded ” 

at the base ; the three inner segments~,,,.. 

(or “standards ”) erect, often smaller 
than the falls. Stamens three, 
inserted at the base of the falls, and 
sheltered beneath the three winged 
and overarching petal-like stigmas, 

The species belonging to the genus 
being so varied in character and 
appearance, were at one time placed 
in several distinct genera by various 
authors, The introduction of new 
species and a closer examination of 
the plants, however, show that the 
various sections are all built on much 
the same lines, 

For garden purposes it may be 
convenient to divide Irises roughly 
into four main groups, as follows :— 
1. “Bearded” Irises; 2. “ Beard- 
less” Irises; 3, “Oncocyclus,” or 
“Cushion ” Irises, with which may be 
associated those known as “ Regelia” 
Trises; and 4. “Bulbous” or “Xi- 
phion” and “Juno” Irises, 

Of these groups, the first three 
agree in the main in having rhizo- 



matous root-stocks of a woody or 
fleshy character; the fourth group 
comprises species the great majority 
of which have a distinctly bulbous 
root-stock, and are also much dwarfer 
in habit, with narrow angular leaves, 
and small flowers remarkable for 
their brilliant and varied colouring. 
The following classification will give 
a clearer view of the principal species 
belonging to the various groups :— 


I. Alberti. *I, kumaonensis. 
I, balkana, *TI, lacustris, 
I. Barton. I. lutescens. 
I, benacensis, I. Meda. 
I, biflora. *J, Milest. 
I. Biliotte. I, neglecta, 
I. Chameiris, I. pallida, 
I, Ciengialti. I. plicata. 
*T, cristata, I, pumila. 
*I, Duthiet, I. rubro-margi- 
I, Eulefeldi. nata. 
T. flavescens, I, sambucina. 
I, florentina, I squalens. 
I. germanica, L, Swertt. 

*T, tectorum. 
I, variegata, 

*I, gractlipes. 
*I. Hookeriana. 
I. hybrida. 

There are two distinct sections of 
the Bearded Irises, the most showy 
of which has been called “ Pogoniris ” 
by Mr Baker in his Handbook of the 
Iridee. The other group, distin- 
guished by an asterisk (*), are known 
as “Evansia” and “ Pseudevansia.” 

The Bearded Irises, of which the 
Common Flag (J. germanica) may be 
taken as the best-known type, are 
recognised by having stout creeping 
root-stocks, sword-like leaves, and 
an erect stalk with several flowers. 
They are a charming group of garden 
plants, and most of them being 
perfectly hardy and vigorous, and free 
in blossom, are easily grown in 
almost any good garden soil. Before 



planting, this should be trenched, 
and have some old or well-rotted 
manure dug into it. The best time 
for planting this group is in early 
autumn, at which season the stock 
may also be increased if necessary 
by dividing the rhizomes. As a rule, 
a somewhat shaded position will suit 
the plants better than a very sunny 
one, as the flowers, which are natur- 
ally of a fleeting character, thus 
last longer, 

JI.—Bearpiess Irises. 

I. missouriensis. 
I. Monniert. 
I, nepalensis, 

I, aurea. 
I, bracteata. 
T, cretensis. 

I, Douglasiana. 

I. orientalis. 

I. foetidissima. I, Pseudacorus. 

T, fulva. I. ruthenica. 

I. graminea. I. setosa. 

I. Grant Dufi. I. sibirica, 

I. Guldensted- ‘J. spuria. 
tiana. I, tenax. 

I. hexagona. I. trojana. 

I, levigata. I. unguicularis, 

I, longipetala. I. versicolor. 

CutturE.— The chief difference 
between this group and the preceding 
one is the absence of hairs or “ beard ” 
on the falls, and in their somewhat 
more varied character. The same 
cultural conditions will not suit all 
alike, and while some grow quite 
easily in ordinary garden soil, others 
are somewhat fastidious and require 
special attention. These points will 
be noted under the different species 
as required, 

TII.—Oncocycius or “CusHIon” 

I, acutiloba. I, Hayne. 

I. atrofusea. I. Helene. 

L. atropurpurea, I. Heylandiana. 
*I, Barnume. TL. tberica, 

I. Bismarckiana.*I. Korolkowt. 

I. Gatesi. *I, Lewchtline, 


I. Lorteti. I, Sofarana. 
L. lupina. *I, Suworowt, 
LI, Marie. I. Susiana, 
I, paradoxa. *TI, vaga. 
I, Sart. 

The “Oncocyclus” or “Cushion” 
Irises as they are called, are remark- 
able for their large and showy 
blossoms, the outer segments of which 
are diffusely hairy down the claw and 
the lower part of the blade or “fall.” 
The “Regelia” group, distinguished 
above by an asterisk (*), are some- 
what similar in appearance, and form 
the connecting link between the 
large and showy Bearded Irises of 
the Pogoniris group. As mentioned 
below, the Oncocyclus and Regelia 
Irises are readily intercrossed, and 
several fine hybrids have been raised 
between them. In the near future 
we may expect other hybrids between 
these and the most ornamental of the 
Bearded Irises like I. florentina, I. 
germanica, ete. 

CuttuRE.—In regard to this group 
of Irises, I cannot do better than 
quote from the Practical Guide to 
Garden Plants as follows :— 

These are usually the largest, most 
charming, and most beautifully 
coloured of all the Irises; but 
unfortunately they are also the most 
difficult to grow thoroughly well. 
According to the late Sir Michael 
Foster, F.R.S8., who had devoted 
many years to the cultivation and 
study of these Irises, the character- 
istics of the group are as follows, 
In the rhizome the young bud, instead 
of being attached to the stock by a 
broad flattened base, and projecting 
slightly, stands out in the form of a 
nipple, the base of which is often 
constricted. In many forms the 
attachment is lengthened into a cord, 
often a very narrow one, so that the 
bud is at the end of a stolon. 


their flowers 


According to the narrowness and 
length (or the reverse) of the connec- 
tion of the bud with the stock, the 
rhizome may be spoken of as more or 
less spreading or creeping, or more or 
less compact. 

The foliage as compared with other 
Irises is scanty, and the leaves 
narrow, and mostly’ sickle - shaped. 
The flower-stem or scape usually 
bears only a single flower, which is 
conspicuous by its size, colour, and 
marking. The “falls” are usually 
more or less bearded at the base, and 
occasionally there are also a few 
hairs on the claw of the standards. 
There is another group of Irises 
closely allied to the Oncocyclus, but 
as the flowers are somewhat different 
in shape, and more than one on a 
stem, they have been distinguished 
by Sir Michael Foster under the 
name of “Regelia.” J. Korolkowi 
represents this section. 

Notwithstanding the fact that 
Oncocyclus Irises are somewhat 
difficult to grow successfully, the 
great beauty and variety of form of 
will be an ample 
recompense for any special trouble 
taken with them. The main points 
in their cultivation are (1) shallow 
planting, (2) gritty, well - drained 
soil, (3) non-disturbance in autumn, 
and (4) absence of wet overhead and 
at the root from the time the leaves 
wither until growth starts again 

The Rev. Mr Ewbank, of Ryde, 
LW., who, as well as Sir Michael 
Foster and Herr Max Leichtlin of 
Baden-Baden, has devoted much 
attention to the cultivation of this 
group of Irises, has placed on record 
in The Garden the method by which 
he has succeeded in growing them 
almost to perfection. He makes a 
raised bed some 6 ins. or so above 
the surrounding soil, and uses road 




scrapings pure and simple in which 
to plant his Irises. This soil is light, 
rich, gritty, and easily penetrated, 
Moreover it cakes at the top, and 
even in hot weather does not become 
dead dry if no glass be put over it. 
When the plants have finished 
flowering in early summer a light is 
placed over them, in such a way that 
there is free circulation of air. This 
protects the ripening plants from 
rain, and they can dry off in the 
soil without being disturbed. To 
ensure a dry bottom, Mr Ewbank 
placed about 1 ft. beneath the surface 
of the soil some paving-stones, and 
thus prevented the ascent of moisture 
from the subsoil. 

The best time to plant Oncocyclus 
Irises is the first week in June, and 
if the methods of Mr Ewbank are 
adopted (or a modification of them, 
so long as the principle remains the 
same), there is every chance of 
securing success, With a dry well- 



forms of such Oncocyclus Irises as 
Susiana, Marie, Lorteti, siberica, 
Gatesi, etc. 

The new hybrid Irises, however, to 
which the name of “ Regelio-Cyclus ” 
has been given, not only flower freely 
but increase rapidly. They delight 
in a good sandy loam, to which may 
be added a liberal quantity of well- 
decomposed cow-manure, The soil 
must be dug to a depth of 2 or 3 

drained bottom, the bedsonly require \d) 

to be covered with a layer of straw 
or litter from the time of planting— 
say 1st November till about Ist 
February — simply to keep off 
excessive rains. 

cycLus” anp “REGELIA” IRISEs. 

For some years past attempts have 
been made to secure a new race of 
hardy Irises by combining the best 
qualities of the Oncocyclus and 
Regelia groups. Such a race is now 
an established fact, thanks to the 
enterprise of Mr C. G. Van Tubergen, 
jun., of Haarlem. During the past 
eight or nine years he has been 
fertilising the finest and most perfect 
forms of the Regelia group—such as 
Korolkowt, vaga, Leichtlini, and 
Suworowi—with pollen from the best 

Fia. 192.—Iris, Regelio-Cyclus forms. (4.) 

ft., so as to secure perfect drainage. 
This is a most important condition, 
as anything like stagnant water in 
the soil is likely to cause the rhizomes 
to decay during the winter months, 
Stiff, heavy soils must be made 
lighter and more porous by the 
addition of plenty of sand or grit, and 
it is wise to surround the rhizomes 
with a good layer of sand at the 
time of planting. Besides the sand 
and cow-dung, it is also an advantage 
to add a little mortar rubble, as these 



Trises enjoy a certain amount of 
chalk or lime in the soil. 

The rhizomes should not be planted 
too deeply, otherwise the growths 
are apt to come up weakly, and the 
flower-spikes may fail to develop. 
In heavy soils, the rhizomes may be 
covered with about 2 ins. of soil, 
while another } in, or so may be added 
in light or friable soils. The roots, 
when present on the rhizomes, should 
be carefully spread out and not 
huddled together, so as to encourage 
the development of thread-like fibres 
before the winter sets in. 

The best time to plant the rhizomes 
is from the beginning to the end of 
October. There is no real necessity 
to plant before the middle of Sep- 
tember ; but on the other hand, it is 
very detrimental —if not fatal—to 
keep the plants out of the ground 
until November. 

Although the Regelio-Cyclus Irises 
are hardy, it is advisable to plant 
them in the warmest and most 
sheltered part of the garden if the 
best results are to be secured. They 
like plenty of sunshine to enable 
them to come to early maturity. 
The best position, therefore, for them 
would be on a sheltered border 
facing due south, and one in which 
the soil has been dug and manured as 
recommended above. 

During the summer months the 
leaves begin to fade. This indicates 
the approach of maturity and the 
gradual cessation of growth, and 
brings the season to about the middle 
of July. At this time the rhizomes 
should be carefully lifted and allowed 
to dry in a shady spot for a few days, 
after which the leaves may be cut 
down, the roots trimmed a little, 
and the rhizomes stored away in dry 
sand or earth until the time for 
planting again comes round, 



IV.—“ Burpous” on “ XIPHION” AND 
“Juno” (J). IRnIszs, 

I, Aitchisoni (J.). I. persica (J.), 

I. alata (J.) I. reticulata. 
I. Bakeriana. I, Rosenbachiana 
I, Boissiert. (S.). 

TI, cawcasica (J.). I. serotina. 
I. Danfordie (J.). I. sindjarensis (J). 

I, filifolia. I, Sisyrinchium. 

I. Fosteriana(J.). I. stenophylla, 

I, fumosa (J.). I. tingttana. 

I, juncea. I. tuberosa. 

I, Kolpakowshi- I. Vartani. 
ana. I, xiphioides, 

I, orchioides (J.). I. Xiphium. 

CuLturE, ETc.— The “Bulbous” 
Trises are a charming group, and are 
gradually winning their way into 
many gardens. Many, however, are 
merely of botanical interest. The 
best-known examples are the Spanish 
Trises (7, Xiphium), and the English 
Irises (2. wxiphioides), which have 
been grown for many years, the 
Spanish Irises being especial 
favourites, not only in _ private 
gardens, but in market gardens. 
Most of the plants in this section 
have a roundish or spindle-shaped 
bulb or root-stock, from which arise 
narrow, ribbed, furrowed, or grass- 
like leaves, and flowers of beautiful 

With some of the rarer kinds 
attention must be given to cultural 
details, A warm sunny position 
should be chosen, and the soil should 
be deeply dug and of a rich and 
gritty nature. Once planted, they 
are best left undisturbed for three 
or four years, until they become well 
established and perhaps too close 
together. The best and safest time 
for lifting the bulbs is when the 
leaves have withered. The large and 
small bulbs should be separated from 
each other and replanted in different 
places, When the stock of any par- 



ticular species or variety is limited, it 
is better to grow the plants in pots or 
pans. In this way they can be looked 
after more easily, but must be properly 
supplied with moisture during the 
growing period. 

When seeds are ripened, they should 
be sown in rich gritty soil in well- 
drained pots or pans, and kept in cold 
frames. For two or three seasons the 
young plants should be grown singly 
in small pots, or several in a large one, 
until sturdy enough for the flower- 


The following is a short descriptive 
list of the best Irises met with in 
gardens, and arranged in alphabetical 
order. The word “fall” means the 
three outer segments, and the word 
“standard” means the three inner 
segments of the flowers. The three 
petal-like stigmas, each one usually 
sheltering a single stamen in the 
centre, must not be confused with the 
falls and standards. 

I. acutiloba.—A rare and distinct 
Caucasian Oncocyclus Iris, with 
slender creeping root-stocks and 
narrow slender leaves curved into a 
semicircle. Falls almost strap-shaped, 
with a sharply reflexed lance-shaped 
blade, pale lilac and dark purple with 
darker distinct veins, and a ridge of 
dense, short, dark purple or blackish 
hairs at the base; standards pale 
lilac. (Gartenjl. t. 812, f. 1.) 

I, Aitchisoni—A species from the 
Punjab, with purplish flowers. The 
claw of the fall has radiating purple 
veins on a creamy-yellow ground, the 
blade being rich deep purple with an 
orange crest. (Gard. 1898, t. 1182.) 

This is a bulbous Iris of the Juno 
group. The variety chrysantha has 
bright yellow flowers. 

I. alata (J. scorpioides ; I. transta- 
gana; I. trialata; I. microptera ; 



Xiphion alatum), — A handsome 
bulbous Iris, native of 8. Europe and 
N, Africa, with lance-shaped, pointed, 
pale green, distichous leaves about 1 
ft. long. Flowers from October to 
December, with a bright lilac-purple 
limb about 3 ins. deep; falls oblong, 
with bright yellow ridge at the base ; 
standards somewhat spoon-shaped, 1 
in, long, spreading horizontally. (Bot. 
Reg. t. 1876.) 

This species varies a good deal, and 
several forms have received special 
names like lilacina, speciosa, cinerea, 
mgrescens, cupreata, magna, Leicht- 
lint, pallida, alba, etc. 

I, Alberti.—A native of Turkestan, 
with a stout root-stock and sword-like 
slightly glaucous leaves 14 to 2 ft. 
long. The large bright lilac flowers 
appear in May and June, having 
densely bearded falls veined with 
dull brown and lilac on a white 
ground. (Bot. Mag. t. 7020.) 

I, albopurpurea. — A Japanese 
species closely related to J. hexagona. 
It has white flowers spotted with 
purple, the inner segments being 
erect. (Bot. Mag. t. 7511.) 

I, aphylla (J. furcata).—A Central 
European and Caucasian Iris, with 
leaves 6 to 12 ins. long and less than 
1 in. broad. The dark lilac flowers 
are about 23 ins. long, having a white 
beard, (Bot. Mag. t. 2861; Bot. Reg. 
t. 801.) 

I, Aschersoni.—This species from 
Asia Minor is closely related to J. 
Grant Dugi, but has much narrower 
leaves, and the flowers are greenish- 
yellow with purple lines (Gard. 1902, 
lxi. 288, ff.). 

I, asiatica.—This is closely related 
to I. germanica, but has larger 
flowers. It has grey-blue standards, 
with falls of a rich bluish-purple, and 
yellow and brown veins. Native of 
Asia Minor, 

I, atrofusca.—A beautiful Oncocy- 



clus Iris from Palestine. It has weak 
pale green or slightly glaucous leaves 
about a foot long. The large solitary 
flowers are of a deep violet-purple 
colour. The wedge-shaped falls are 
about 3 ins. long, 14 ins. broad, and 
of a deep almost blackish velvety- 
purple, bearded at the base with 
brownish black and yellow hairs, 
The roundish standards are much 
larger, and of a deep violet-purple 
distinctly veined with radiating lines 
and dots of a deeper colour. 

I, atropurpurea,—aA Syrian species 
related to J. iberica. Flowers with 

Fia. 193.—Iris atropurpurea. (4.) 

narrow ovate falls blotched and 
bearded with yellow at the base and 
tipped with dark purple or black ; 
standards larger and roundish, deep 
black-purple, with veins of a deeper 
colour. Style reddish purple-brown 
with smallish quadrate crest. There 
js an improved Italian form called 



“Odysseus.” (lil. Hort. +. 1889; 
Gartenjl. t. 136.) 

I, atroviolacea,—This is probably a 
hybrid between J. Chameeiris and J, 
pallida, It has sword-shaped, very 
glaucous leaves about 1 ft. long and 
linch broad. The large dark violet 
flowers are very fragrant and gener- 
ally appear about May, the falls 
having a white beard tipped with 

I, aurea,—A handsome beardless 
Himalayan Iris, 3 to 4 ft. high, with 
stout stems and sword-like leaves 
about 2 ft. long. Flowers in June, 
bright golden-yellow; falls oblong, 
crisped at the edges; standards ob- 
lanceolate, shorter than the falls, 
(Bot. Reg. t. 59; Garden, 1887, t. 
579.) The variety intermedia re- 
sembles the type in colour, but has 
the narrow standards of J. orientalis, 

I, Bakeriana,—A pretty Armenian 


Fia. 194.—Iris Bake tana. (4.) 

Iris with ovoid bulbs and cylindrical, 
eight-ribbed, horny - pointed leaves 



about 1 ft. long. Flowers from 
January to March, very fragrant, 
having narrow oblanceolate standards 
of a sky-blue colour, and broader, 
oblong, spoon-shaped more or less 
erect “falls,” white, blotched with 
deep blue or violet, and edged with 
deep violet. The flowers vary a good 
deal in colour, and include a beautiful 
white form. (Bot. Mag. t. '7084.) 

I, balkana,—A tufted species about 
1 ft. high, native of the Balkan 
mountains, with sharp-pointed sword- 
like leaves. Flowers dark purple- 
lilac, the fall having a dense white 
beard tipped with lilac. 

I, Barnume.—A Regelia Iris from 
the hills of Kurdistan, with slender 


Fig. 195.—Iris Barnume. 

root-stock and stems only a few inches 
high. -It comes near J, zberica, but 
has narrower and less sickle-shaped 
leaves, and smaller and less attractive 
dull wine-purple flowers, marked with 
deeper coloured veins, and a brownish- 
yellow style blotched and spotted with 



reddish- purple. Falls smaller and 
narrower than the roundish standards, 
and having a beard of yellow hairs 
tipped with purple. There is a 
charming yellow - flowered variety. 
(Bot. Mag. t. 7050.) 

I, Bartoni—A handsome Afghan 
species, with pale green sword-like 
leaves about 18 ins. long and 14 to 2 
ins. broad, strongly ribbed. Flowers 
in June, strongly scented, having 
creamy - white falls veined with 
greenish-yellow, violet-purple on the 
claw, and a white and orange beard ; 
standards creamy-white veined with 
purple, (Bot. Mag. t. 6869.) 

I, benacensis,—A native of the 
Southern Tyrol, 12 to 15 ins. high, 
with sword-like leaves. The flowers 
have long obovate deep violet falls, 
with still deeper veins, and end in a 
whitish claw veined with coppery 
violet, while the beard is white at 
the base and ‘yellow above. The 
broad oblong standards are violet, as 
are also the triangular crests of the 

I, biflora (J. fragrans; I. nudi- 
caulis; I, subbiflora).—A beautiful 
8. European Iris 9 to 18 ins, high, 
with a stout short creeping root-stock 
and blue-green sword-like leaves. 
Flowers in April, bright violet-purple ; 
the obovate falls having a yellow 
beard. (Bot. Mag. t. 5806.) 

I, Biliotti—A handsome Iris of the 
germanica group, 24 to 3 ft. high. 
native of Asia Minor. The flowers 
are very fragrant. The wedge-shaded 
falls are about 33 ins. long, reddish- 
purple with dark, almost black, veins, 
and a white beard tipped with yellow. 
The standards are about 33 ins. long 
and 2 ins. broad, bluish-purple with 
fine delicate deep blue veins. 

I, Bismarckiana, — A handsome 
Cushion Iris from Mount Lebanon, 
having creeping root-stocks and leaves 
like J. Susiana, and flowers veined 



with dark reddish purple-brown on a 
pale yellow ground, and bearded at 
the base with dark purple or blackish 
hairs; standards veined with blue 
on a creamy-white ground. 


Fia. 196.—Irts Bismarckiana. -(4.) 

I, Boissieri.—A dwarf bulbous Iris 
about 1 ft. high, native of the Gerez 
Mountains in Spain, with linear 
leaves. Flowers in June, 2 to 3 ins. 
across, with fiddle-shaped spreading 
falls of rich red-purple, and a distinct 
golden-yellow bearded ridge; stand- 
ards purple. above; reddish below ; 
styles reddish-purple with darker 
veins. (Bot. Mag. t. '7097.) 

I. Bolleana.—A native of Asia 
Minor, with tufts of limp and 
strangely curled leaves, and clear 
yellow flowers with or without bright 
violet blotches on the tips of the 
inner segments, 

I, bosniaca.—A Bosnian Iris 1 to 
13 ft. high, having clear yellow flowers 
(Gard. 1898, 441). 



I. bracteata.—A distinct Iris from 
Oregon. It has solitary rigid leaves 
1 to 2 ft. long and about $ in. broad. 
The large almost pure yellow flowers 
have falls veined with bluish-purple, 
As a rule, the body colour changes to 
white and the veins to deep rose with. 

I, bucharica.—A pretty Iris in the 
way of J. orchiotdes, but having 

Fic. 197.—Ivris bucharica. 

broader leaves. The white and yellow 
flowers appear in April on stems about 
1 to 14 ft. high. Native of Bokhara. 
(Gard. Chron. 1902, xxxi. 385, f. 135 ; 
Lora and Sylva, December 1905.) 

I, Caroliniana,—This is closely 
related to J. versicolor, from which 
it differs by its erect, glaucous, much 
shorter leaves. 

I, caucasica,—A_ bulbous Iris, native 
of the Caucasus to Persia, about 6 ins. 
high, with four to six lance-shaped 
sickle-like leaves. Flowers in Febru- 
ary and March, 2 to 3 ins. across, pale 
yellow. The variety major is larger, 



the ridge of the falls being of a deeper 
or orange-yellow, toothed or even 
fringed with hair-like processes ; the 
variety Kharput has flowers greenish- 
yellow, except the central orange 
ridge of the falls. J. assyriaca, with 
white flowers, closely resembles J. 

Fia. 198.—Iris eaucasica. (4.) 

I, Chameiris.— A pretty S., 
European species 4 to 6 ins. high, 
with tufts of pale green leaves about 
in. broad. Flowers in April, bright 
yellow tinged and veined with brown, 
and having a bright orange-yellow 
beard. (Red. Lil. t. 263.) The 
variety balkana has bright lilac- 
purple flowers ; oldvensis has the falls 
white at the base, veined with purple, 
bearded with white and tipped with 
yellow. (Bot. Mag. t. 6110.) 

I, chrysantha,—A bearded Iris with 
narrow leaves, long peduncles, and 
pale yellow flowers (Bot. Mag. t.'7784), 

I, Ciengialti—A pretty Iris from 
Mount Ciengialto, having yellow-green 
leaves 6 to 9 ins. long and about 3 in. 
broad. Flowers in May and June, 
sky-blue flushed with violet, the falls 
having a thick stunted white beard 
tipped with orange. The variety 
Loppio has blue-green leaves, and 
rich deep blue flowers. (See Gard. 
Chron, 1886, 554, 586.) 

I. Collettii—This is the name of 



the plant hitherto known as J. 
nepalensis letha, It is a native of 
Upper Burmah, and has deliciously 
fragrant flowers of a delicate lavender 
colour. (Bot. Mag. t. 7889.) 

I, Cosnize.—A dwarf species, with 
large flowers, the standards being 
clear yellow with dark purple mark- 

ings, the falls being similar, but 

pencilled with purple (Gard. xlvii. 


I, cretensis.—A native of S.E. 
Europe, with dense tufts of erect, 
stiffish, narrow, linear, ribbed 
leaves, in the centre of which the 
deep lilac flowers veined with 
bright yellow nestle in April and 
May (Bot. Mag. t. 6343), 

I. cristata.—A handsome species 
4 to 6 ins, high, native of the 
Eastern United States, with ro- 
settes of linear leaves. Flowers 
in April and May, rich amethyst- 

blue, with blunt obovate falls having 
a yellow beardless crest and beauti- 
fully fringed edges. (Bot. Mag. t. 412 ; 
Red. Inl, t. 76.) 

I. Cypriana.—A native of Cyprus, 
closely related to I, pallida. It has 
bright lilac sweet-scented flowers 6 
to 7 ins. across when open, late in 
June. (Gard. Chron. 1888, ii, 182.) 

I. Danfordie (J. Bornmiillert)—A 
charming little bulbous Iris about 3 
ins. high, with four-sided horny- 
pointed leaves, Flowers in February 
or earlier, bright golden - yellow 
spotted with brown; falls oblong, 
spoon-shaped ; standards reduced to 
a mere bristle. (Bot. Mag. t. 7140; 
Garden, 1890, 753.) It belongs to the 
Juno group, and is a native of the 
Cilician Taurus. 

I, Delavayi.— A tall - growing 
Chinese species nearly related to J. 
stbirica. The flowers are of a 
beautiful violet colour, blotched with 
white. (Rev. Hort. 1895, 398, ff. 128-9.) 

I, demavendica,— A _ distinct 



Cushion Iris about 6 ins. high, 
from Mt. Demavend in Persia. The 
stems bear two large rich claret-red 
flowers, the standards of which are 
paler, and the falls richly veined. 
(Gard. Chron. 1906, xxxix. 364.) 

I, Douglasiana,—A slender Cali- 
fornian species 6 to 12 ins, high, with 
tufts of thick, stiffish, strongly-ribbed, 
linear leaves, Flowers in June, soft 
yellow, 14 to 2 ins, deep ; falls hand- 
somely veined with bright lilac-purple. 
(Bot. Mag. t. 6083 ; Gartenft. t. 1222.) 

I, Duthiei,—A native of N. India, 
with knotty rhizomes and yellowish- 
green leaves about 2 ft. long and 4 in, 
broad. The solitary sessile flowers 
appear in May. The lance - shaped 

falls are reddish-lilac above, with: 

darker veins and blotches, and a 
white beard tipped with yellow at 
the base; greenish-yellow beneath, 
with the veins and blotches showing 
through. The oblong ovate standards 
are pale reddish-lilac with darker veins. 

I, Eulefeldi.—A native of Eastern 
Turkestan, about 1 ft. high, with 
blue-green sickle-shaped leaves 1 ft. 
or more long. Flowers in May and 
June, reddish-purple; falls purple, 
with a long white and bluish-purple 
beard ; standards purple and reddish- 
purple, with a yellowish claw. (Bot. 
Mag. t. 6902.) 

I, Ewbankiana,—A Persian Cushion 
Tris near J, acutiloba and I, Meda, 
having creamy-white flowers veined 
with brown purple, and distinguished 
by having its lance-shaped outer 
segments spreading horizontally 
(Gard. Chron. 1901, xxix. 397, f. 
152; Rev, Hort. 1901, ff. 172, 178). 

I, filifolia (X¢phion filofolium).—A 
native of §. Spain and N, Africa, 
resembling £ X¢tphium in bulb and 
foliage, and having slender roundish 
stems 12 to 18 ins. high, with six or 
more filiform leaves over a foot long, 
the outer ones mottled with purple. 



Flowers about the end of June, bright 
deep purple, spotted with black, and 
having a patch of orange on the blade 
of the large oblong, fiddle-shaped fall, 
(Bot. Mag. t. 5928.) 

I, flavescens,— A native of E, 
Europe and W. Asia, 2 to 3 ft. high, 
with the habit and foliage of J. ger- 
manica. Flowers in May, lemon- 
yellow; falls bearded with orange- 
yellow and veined at the base with 
purple-brown, (Bot, Reg. 1845, t. 35.) 

I, flavissima.—A native of Asia 
Minor, 4 to 6 ins. high, with sword- 
shaped leaves, and rich lemon-yellow 
flowers about 14 ins. across, The 
large roundish falls have an orange- 
yellow hairy ridge, while the erect 
spoon-shaped standards are much 
smaller. (Gard. Chron, 25th May 
1901, 326, f.) 

I, florentina (Jorentine Iris),—A 
fine fragrant 8. European species, 
with thick, fleshy, creeping root- 
stocks, tufts of blue-green sword-like 
leaves, and flower-stems 2 to 3 ft. 

‘high. Flowers in May and June, 3 

to 6 ins, deep, whitish, tinged with 
pale lavender, and having a bright 
yellow beard on ‘the falls. The 
flowers in the variety albicans are 
almost pure white. (Bot. Mag. tt. 
273, 671.) 

I, feetidissima (etid Gladwin ; 
Roast Beef Plant).— A beautiful 
British Flag, with flower-stems 2 to 
3 ft. high, and deep green sword- 
shaped leaves, Flowers from May to 
July, usually purple or bluish-lilac, 
2 to 3 ins. deep, There is a variety 
with pretty variegated foliage, striped 
with ivory-white lines, which looks 
particularly handsome in spring.. 

The Gladwin flourishes in moist 
and partially shaded places in 
ordinary garden soil, and is rendered 
conspicuous in the autumn by its 
bursted pods of orange-scarlet seeds. 

I, Fosteriana.—A pretty bulbous 



Iris, about 1 ft. high, native of 
Afghanistan, with slender elongated 
bulbs, having fleshy roots and linear 
leaves, not unlike those of the Spanish 
Iris (J. Xtphium), but much striped 
on the outside. Flowers in March, 
about 2 ins. across, with yellow falls 
and styles, but reddish-purple stand- 
ards. (Bot. Mag. t. 7215.) 

This species is very difficult to 
grow; according to the late Sir M. 
Foster a moderately stiff soil suits it 
best. It should be kept as dry as 
possible in winter, and hot in summer, 
It should be sheltered from winds and 
kept free from the roots of trees and 

I. fulva.—A United States beard- 
less Flag, 2 to 3 ft. high, with bright 
green, narrow, sword-shaped leaves. 

Fic. 199.—Iris fulva. (4.) 

Flowers in June, bright coppery 
brown, 2 to 3 ins. deep, the oblong 
clawed falls having a reddish-brown 
down on the keel. (Bot. Mag. t. 
1496.) Also known as J, cuprea. 

I, fumosa (Xiphion Auchert).—A 



Syrian species related to J. send- 
jarensis, from which it differs in 
having shorter and broader leaves, 
and in the stem bearing eight to ten 
greenish-yellow smoky tinted flowers 
in April, 

I. galatica.— A native of Asia 
Minor related to J. persica. The 
colour of the flowers varies from 
greenish-yellow to silver-grey suffused 
with purple, and with deeper purple 
falls. (Gard. 1905, Ixvii. 203.) 

I, Gatesii—A large and handsome 
Cushion Iris from Armenia, resembling 
I, Susiana, but having a more com- 
pact rhizome, and shorter, narrower, 
and deeper green leaves. The blooms 
appear in June, and are of a soft 
delicate grey—the result of very thin 
clear veins and minute purple dots on 
a creamy-white ground. The hairs 
on the claw beneath the grey or 
brownish style flecked with dark 
purple are crowded into a diffuse 
beard. The ripe capsule is often 5 
ins. long. The plants should be 
sheltered as much as possible from 
wind. (Gard. Chron. 1890, ii. 18, f. ; 
Garden, 1893, t. 897.) 

I, germanica (Common or Ger- 
man Flag).—This well-known Iris 
from Central and 8. Europe has 
a thick, fleshy, creeping root-stock, 
tufts of glaucous sword-like leaves, 
and flower-stems 2 to 3 ft. high, 
bearing many large fragrant and 
elegant purple and lilac blossoms in 
May and June; the falls have a 
conspicuous yellow beard on a whitish 
ground veined with brown. (Bot. 
Mag. t. 670.) 

There are many forms, all beautiful 
and easily grown, the best being alba, 
white ; atropurpurea, deep reddish- 
purple; grisea, white veined and 
netted with lilac; major, large, blue 
and purple ; Agnes, pale lavender and 
blue; Arleguin, brown and black ; 
Argus, violet; Calypso, white streaked 



with purple ; Canary Bird, yellow; 
Laura, pale yellow and deep purple ; 
Lucretia, porcelain, striped purple ; 
Othello, yellow and violet ; Sappho, 
golden-yellow and bright blue ; etc. 

Fic. 200.—Iris germanica. (}.) 

I. gracilipes.—A somewhat tender 
Japanese species 6 to 12 ins, high, 
with a slender branching root-stock, 
narrow pointed leaves 6 to 12 ins, 
long, and with purple or lilac flowers 
about 2 ins, across, with yellow crests 
(Bot. Mag. t. 7926). 

I, graminea.—A pretty beardless 
Iris from Central and Southern 
Europe, with tufts of linear grassy 
leaves 12 to 18 ins. long. Flowers 
slightly fragrant, produced in May 
and June, bright lilac- purple in 
colour, 14 to 2 ins, deep, the roundish 
falls being veined with bluish-purple 
on a white ground. (Bot. Mag. t. 

I, Grant Duffi,—A pretty species, 
native of the Holy Land, recognised 



by its bluish glaucous green leaves 
and sulphur-yellow flowers veined 
with lilac. 

Fic, 201.—Iris Grant Duff. (4.) 

I, Guldensteedtiana (J. halophila ; 
I. stenogyne).—A beardless Siberian 
Tris with stout flower-stems about 
2 ft. high, and firm, sharp-pointed, 
sword-like leaves. Flowers in June, 
2 ins, deep; falls white with an 
orange base; standards pure white 
with a yellow keel and margin. 
There is an almost pure white variety, 
alba, and a blue one called caerulea, 

I, Haynei,—A native of Palestine, 
closely related to LZ, Sart. It has 
weak linear leaves 6 to 9 ins. long 
and about 4 in. broad. The huge 
flowers are soft lavender-purple 
beautifully veined and dotted with 
deep purple. The falls are deeper 
in colour than the standards, having 
a blackish blotch and numerous 
blackish-purple hairs on the basal 



portion. The plant grows 14 to 2 ft. 
high, and flowers in April. 

Fic. 202.—Iris Haynei. (4.) 

I, Heldreichi (J, stenophylla).— 
A beautiful bulbous Iris, native of the 
Cilician Taurus. It grows 3 to 5 ins, 
high, and has tufts of grass-like 
channelled leaves which are only 
2 to 3 ins. high when the flowers 
appear in February and March. The 
blooms are 3 to 4 ins. across, soft 
mauvy purple, the falls having a 
large triangular blotch of black 
velvety purple in front of the raised 
yellow crest, on each side of which 
are purplish spots or blotches. Gard. 
Chron. 1900, xxviii. 170, f. 55; Bot. 
Mag. t. 7743.) 

I, Helenze.—A lovely Iris, native of 
Egypt and Palestine, closely related 
to I, iberica and I. Marie, with large 
flowers having bright lilac standards 
and purple falls veined with black, 
and having a velvety-black blotch at 
the base. 

I, hexagona.— A native of the 



South United States, 3 to 4 ft high, 
with sword-shaped leaves 2 to 3 ft. 
long and over an inch wide, Flowers 
in April and May, pale or deep lilac, 
with spoon-shaped standards and 
obovate clawed falls. Closely related 
to this species is the Japanese J, 
albopurpurea, which has white flowers 
spotted with purple. (Bot. Mag. t. 

I. Heylandiana.—A rare Cushion 
Iris from Mesopotamia. It is near 
I. Sari, but the leaves are somewhat 
narrower. Both falls and standards 
are marked with brown- violet or 
black-purple veins, on a dingy white 
ground. The beard on the fall is 
white, more or less tinged with 

I, Hookeri (J. étripetala).— 
Canadian Iris, with narrow sword- 
shaped leaves 1 to 14 ft. long, and 
bright lilac flowers over 2 ins. Jong, 
the falls having a roundish blade. 
This species is like L. versicolor, but 
has small wedge-shaped pointed 
standards. (Bot. Mag. t. 2886.) 

I, Hookeriana.—A Bengalese Iris 
with rather fleshy rhizomes and 
yellowish-green leaves about a foot 
long. Falls obovate lance-shaped, 
densely bearded, with white hairs 
tipped with orange and bluish-purple 
with darker blotches. The narrow 
obovate standards are bluish-purple. 
(Bot. Mag. t. 7246.) 

1, hybrida (J. amoena).— Under this 
name comes a large number of garden 
Irises, derived probably by hybridis- 
ing and cross-breeding J. germanica, 
I, variegata, I. squalens, and other 
species. The sword-like leaves are 
a foot or more long. The large 
flowers appear in June, and usually 
have whitish, pale lilac, violet, yellow, 
brown, and generally pale coloured 
standards, and deeper coloured falls 
(lilac, purple, etc.), with a bright 
yellow beard on a white ground, and 



variously blotched and striped. (Red. 
Lil. t. 336.) 

I. iberica.—A strikingly handsome 
Cushion Iris from the Caucasus, with 
a compact rhizome, and sickle-shaped 
leaves 4 to 6 ins. long. Flowers in 
May, pale lilac, distinctly lined and 
speckled with purple ; falls roundish, 
creamy - white with black - purple 

Fic. 203.—Irts therica. (4.) 

blotches and a conspicuous deep 
velvety blackish-purple blotch at 
the base. (Bot. Mag. t. 5847.) The 
variety ochracea has rich orange falls 
tinged with brown, and standards 
nearly pure white. Bellz has dark 
lilac standards. Van Houtte: is a 
natural hybrid between J. cberica and 
I. Sustana, 

I, juncea (J. imberbis ; I. mauri- 
tanica). — A graceful bulbous Iris, 
native of 8. Italy and Spain, and N. 
Africa, with roundish bulbs and 
slender rush-like leaves about 1 ft. 
long, appearing late in autumn. 



Flowers in June and July, very 
fragrant, rich golden-yellow; the 
falls are broadly fiddle-shaped, and 
much larger than the oblanceolate 
notched standards, The variety 
pallida is a soft canary-yellow, and 
numidica is lemon-coloured. (Bot. 
Mag. t. 5890.) 

I, Kashmiriana,— A native of 
Kashmir closely related to J. 
florentina, with leaves 18 ins, long 
and 1 in. broad. The large pure 
white flowers with yellow- tipped 
beards are borne in clusters late in 
May on stems about 3 ft, high, 
(Gard. Chron. 1877, ii. 744.) 

I, Kolpakowskiana,—A. pretty Iris 
from Turkestan, with round netted 
bulbs and linear leaves, Flowers in 
March, fragrant; the oblong lance- 
shaped falls of rich red-purple and 
bright golden-yellow with broken 
purple veins, the oblong standards 
being pale lilac or purple. (Gard. t. 
658, f. 4; Garten. t. 939.) 

This is a very difficult Iris to grow, 
as the imported bulbs mostly die 
after the first year. 

I, Korolkowi.—A native of Turke- 
stan, 1 to 14 ft. high, with linear 
glaucous leaves and large whitish 
flowers tinged with brown and copi- 
ously veined with a deeper colour ; 
falls oblong, bearded; standards 
rather broader, erect (Bot. Mag. t. 
7025). The variety concolor has 
bright lilac-purple flowers; Leicht- 
lintana has creamy - white flowers 
marked with a blackish-purple blotch 
at the base of the falls; venosa has 
greyish-lilac flowers distinctly veined 
with purple; and violacea violet or 
puce- coloured flowers with darker 

I, kumaonensis ([. Kingiana; I. 
longifolia ; I. tigrina).—-A. native of 
the Western Himalayas, at an eleva- 
tion of about 11,500 ft. It has 
stout, short, creeping root-stocks, and 



narrow leaves 6 to 9 ins. long. 
Flowers in May ; with dark lilac falls, 
mottled with paler lilac and having 
a white and yellow beard ; standards 
paler in colour. (Bot. Mag. t. 6957.) 
The variety caulescens has stems 
about 6 ins. high and mauve-lilac 
standards, and deep purple-lilac falls 
with deeper coloured motilings. 

Fic. 204.—Iris Korotkowt. (4.) 

I. lacustris.—A free-growing North 
American Iris, with creeping root- 
stocks and charming sky-blue flowers 
with a yellow crest produced in early 
spring, and often again in autumn. 

I, levigata (1, Kempferi), Jap- 
anese Iris—This remarkable species, 
native of Siberia and Japan, has 
the largest flowers in the genus, 
and is better known under the name 
of I. Kempfert. It grows about 2 
ft. high, and has pale green, weakish, 
sword -shaped leaves, The blooms, 
which appear in June and July, are 
very variable in size and colour, 
sometimes measuring 8 to 10 ins. 



across, In the wild type the large 
roundish falls are violet-blue, with 
a bright yellow blotch at the base, 
and the much smaller oblong-obovate 
standards are usually of a much 
paler blue. There are, however, a 
great number of varieties with pure 

Fic. 205.—Iris levigata. (4.) 

white, lilac, magenta, purple, and 
other shades of colour, all more or 
less constant in the yellow blotch 
at the base of the falls. There are 
varieties in which the colour becomes 
streaked or blotched ; and also double- 
flowered forms. (Bot. Mag. t. 6132.) 

I. levgata and its varieties 
flourish in a moist, peaty loam, and 
in warm, sunny, or not too shady 
positions by the banks of streams, 
lakes, ponds, etc. The plants may 
be increased by careful division of 
the root-stocks in autumn. Seeds 
may also be saved and sown in early 
spring, in pots or pans in cold frames, 
Every spring a large number of root- 

305 U 


stocks of this species are imported 
direct from Japan. 

I. Leichtlini (J. vaga).—A pretty 
species from Turkestan, with creep- 
ing root-stocks and erect, slender, 
sharp - pointed, sword -like leaves, 
Flowers yellowish, purple and brown- 
ish-red, with broadly lance-shaped 
standards, and obovate spoon-shaped 
falls, having a bluish-white beard. 
(Gartenfl. t. 1244, f. 7.) 

I. longipetala.—A Californian Iris, 
2 to 3 ft, high, with narrow sword-like 
leaves 12 to 18 ins, long. Flowers 
in June and July, 2 to 3 ins. deep, 
bright.lilac, with obovate falls, having 
a bright yellow keel and violet veins 
on a white ground. (Bot. Mag. t. 
5298.) The variety montana (figured 
in Bot. Mag. t. 6579 as I. missouri- 
ensis) is much dwarfer, with narrower 
leaves and smaller flowers. 

Fic. 206.—Iris Lorteti. (4.) 

I. Lortetii.— A very attractive 
Cushion Iris, native of S. Lebanon, 


Re ae Rene ee, ee 


resembling J, Sart, I. Gatesi, and 
I, Susiana, with sword-shaped leaves 
and very large flowers, very variable 
in colour. The standards are pale 
pink or delicate rose veined with 
purple, the falls being pale blue or 
lavender covered with crimson spots, 
and a deep crimson or blackish- 
purple blotch at the base. Other 
forms have creamy - yellow falls 
heavily spotted with purple, and 
almost pure white or pale violet 
standards distinctly but very thinly 
veined with violet. (Bot. Mag. t. 
7291.) The variety alba has pure 
white flowers. 

I, lupina (Wolf's Ear Jris).—A 
distinct and handsome Cushion Iris, 
native of Armenia and Central Asia 
Minor, and intermediate between J. 
iberica and I. Susiana. It has com- 
pact rhizomes and sickle-like leaves 
about 9 ins. long. Flowers in May 
and June, borne singly on stems 2 
to 6 ins. high, with brownish-red 
veins on a creamy-yellow or greenish- 
yellow ground, the red of the veins 
often merging into deep dark purple, 
the broad lance-shaped falls having 
a triangular blotch of very dark, 
almost blackish purple in front of 
a diffuse yellow beard at the base. 
(Garden, 1893, t. 897.) The variety 
robusta has silver grey standards 
veined with brown. 

I. lurida.—An old garden plant, 
native of S. Europe, closely related 
to J. variegata. It has, however, 
narrower leaves and flowers earlier 
in the year (April), the upper half 
of the falls and standards being of 
a dead purple colour with bright 
yellow beards. (Bot. Mag. t. 986.) 

I, lutescens.—A South European 
Iris with slightly glaucous sword-, 
like leaves, and large handsome 
flowers in May, with pale yellow falls 
tinged and veined with purple-brown, 
and having a bright yellow beard; 



standards broader, primrose-yellow, 
suddenly narrowed to a claw (Bot. 
Mag. t. 2861). 

The variety Statelle is a handsome 
plant about 1 ft. high, with pale 
yellowish flowers veined with green, 
and bearded with bright yellow (Bot. 
Mag. t. 6894). 

I, Marie,—A pretty Cushion Iris 
about 6 ins. high, from Egypt and 
Palestine, having rather slender com- 
pact rhizomes, and foliage like that 
of J. zberica, but narrower and less 
distinctly sickle-shaped. The flowers 

_are of a uniform lilac colour, marked 
with deeper coloured veins and 
having a deep dark purple blotch 

t the base of the fall, the claw of 

hich is studded with deep purple 

I, Masizw.—This resembles I. Grant 
Discfi, but has deep purple flowers. 

I\ Meda.—A handsome Persian Iris 
of {he Oncocyclus group with very 
narrdow erect leaves, The flowers 
have ‘ pale lilac, narrow, pointed falls 
witha dense yellow beard and a deep 
purple blotch at the base, while the 
standards are of a paler lilac colour. 
The qolour varies somewhat, some 
flowerrs having a greenish - yellow 
ground ., the falls having thick purple 
veins, (Bot. Mag. t. 7040.) 

I, nuelanosticta.—A beardless Iris 
from! Syria, similar in habit and 
foliage to 1. Grant Duff but differing 
in the colour of the flowers, the outer 
segments of which are yellow with 
dark’ violet veins at the base, and 
four or five large dark violet blotches 
on the limb (Gartenji. 1907, 495). 

I, Milesi—A Himalayan Iris about 
3 ft. high, with pale green, tapering, 
sword-shaped leaves 14 to 2 ft. long, 
and clusters of large bright lilac 
flowers in May and June, on stems 
about 3 ft. high, the falls having 
deeper lilac veins radiating from the 
yellow base (Bot. Mag. t. 6889). 



I, minuta.—A Japanese species, 
with slender rhizomes, linear leaves 
5 to 6 ins. long, and small bright 
yellow flowers. 

I. missouriensis (J, Tolmieana).— 
An attractive Iris from the Rocky 
Mountains, with tufts of linear 

Fic. 207.—Iris inissouriensis. (4.) 

tapering leaves about 1 ft. long. 
Flowers in May, large, pale bluish- 
lilac veined with purple, the falls 
being faintly stained with yellow 
towards the base. The plant figured 
in Bot. Mag. t. 6579 is a form of 
I, longipetala. 

I, Monnieri.—A- large and hand- 
some beardless Iris, native of Crete, 
with erect lance-shaped leaves about 
2 ft. long. Flowers in June and July, 
on stout roundish stems 3 to 4 ft. 
high, bright lemon-yellow in colour, 
the roundish falls being sometimes 
edged with white. (Red. Lil. t. 

I, neglecta.—A handsome Iris of 
the germanica group. The flowers 
appear in June, and have bright lilac 



or deep blue falls veined with purple- 
red on a whitish ground, and bearded 
with bright yellow, the standards 
being pale lilac. There are many fine 
garden forms having various shades 
of lavender, violet, blue, and white. 
(Bot, Mag. t. 2435.) 

I, nepalensis (J. decora).—A dis- 
tinct Iris, 6 to 12 ins. high, native 
of Nepaul, Rhizomes small, covered 
by a net of fibres, and having white 
fleshy, thong-like roots, and linear 
sword - shaped, tapering, striped 
leaves. Flowers of a delicate pale 
lavender, the lanceolate spoon-shaped 
falls having a median ridge of yellow 
hairs towards the base. The flowers 
are very fleeting, opening in the 
morning and fading before evening. 

The variety Letha, from the Chin 
Hills in Upper Burmah, is a better 
garden plant. It has deliciously 
fragrant flowers of a delicate lavender 
colour. Itis now knownas J. Collette, 
and is figured in the Bot. Mag. t. 
7889, (Bot. Reg. t. 878.) Itis better 
to treat this Iris as recommended for 
the Oncocyclus group (see p. 292). 

I, obtusifolia.—A Persian species, 
with short oblong, bluntish leaves, 
and yellow flowers with striped falls 
and a bearded crest (Bot. Mag. t. 

I, ochro-aurea,—This seems to be a 
hybrid between J. ochrolewca and I. 
aurea. The rich yellow beardless 
falls are edged with creamy-white, 
and the standards are erect and 
bilobed. (Gard. Chron. 1900, xxviii. 

I. orchioides (Orchid Iris).—A dis- 
tinct bulbous Iris found wild in 
Western Turkestan and Bokhara, 
remarkable for having bulbs some- 
times as large as a goose’s egg. The 
flowers, 2 to 3 ins, across, are borne 
in March and April all along the 
stems, 14 to 2 ft. high. They are 
of a rich yellow, with or without a 



greenish tint or spot, the oblong 
reflexed falls being variously spotted, 
blotched, and veined with violet, 
(Bot. Mag. t. 7111.) 

The variety cwrulea has pale blue 
or lavender flowers, the ridge of the 
fall being yellow with lavender 
blotches, the whole blade being some- 
times creamy-yellow. In ocwata the 
yellow flowers have blue blotches on 
the fall, and linifolia has yellow 

‘flowers and extremely narrow leaves. 

I. orientalis (I. ochroleuca ; I. gig- 
antea).—A splendid beardless Iris of 
unknown origin. It has slender sword- 

Fic. 208.—Iris orientalis. (}.) 

like leaves about 4 ft. long, and flower- 
stems often 6 ft. high, bearing clusters 
of large ivory-white flowers in June, 
the roundish-obovate falls having a 
large yellow blotch at the base. 
(Bot. Mag. t. 61; Red. Ll, t. 350.) 

There are several forms, some with 
larger flowers than others. 

I. palestina.—A pretty bulbous 





Iris of the Juno group, from the 
mountains of Palestine. It hag 
sickle-shaped pointed leaves 3 to 6 
ins. long, and produces its pale 
yellow flowers tinged with lilac during 
the winter months. The variety 
cerulea has blue flowers. 

I, pallida.—A splendid Iris of the 
germanica type, native of the Medi- 
terranean region, having tufts of 
sword-shaped leaves 12 to 18 ins. 
long. Flowers in June, on stems 2 
to 3 ft. high, scented like orange- 
blossom, and varying in colour from 
bright slaty lilac to deep lilac-purple, 
the falls having a bright yellow beard 
towards the base, which is veined 
with bright lilac on a white ground. 
There are several forms of this species, 
among the best being australis, 
ceclestis, Cypriana, dalmatica, and 
Queen of May. (Bot. Mag. t. 685; 
Red, Int, t. 366.) 

I, paradoxa.—A singular Cushion 
Iris from Western Persia and the 
Caucasus, having slender, compact 
rhizomes and few narrow, short, 
more or less sickle-shaped leaves. 
The name paradoxa alludes to the 
great disproportion between the 
small strap-shaped, stout, and almost 
leathery fall, half an inch or less 
wide, spreading horizontally and end- 
ing in a rounded apex, while the 
standard is large, roundish, and erect, 
and delicate and flimsy in texture. 
In the typical species the standard 
is veined with deep violet or bluish- 
violet, the intervening spaces being 
of a paler tint. Over the claw of 
the standard and along a median 
streak the colour is creamy-white, 
densely dotted with violet. The 
style is brownish-yellow with lines 
of dark purple spots. Some varieties 
have white or red-purple standards, 
(Bot. Mag. t. 7081.) This species 
and J, sambucina have produced a 
hybrid called ZL. paracina or J. 



parsamb (Flora and Sylva, March 

I. persica (J. bulbosa persica ; 
Aiphium persicum).—A charming 
little bulbous Iris, native of Persia 

and the more southern parts of 

Eastern and Central Asia Minor, 
sometimes with ovoid bulbs as large 
as a hen’s egg, and linear lance- 
shaped, tapering, sickle - shaped 
leaves. Flowers in February and 
March, 2 to 3 ins. across, violet- 
scented, usually borne singly on the 
scarcely visible stem. The wavy 
falls are of a pale bluish-green or 
whitish colour with a conspicuous 
and beardless bright-yellow keel, in 
front of which are blotches and spots 
of deep almost black violet. (Bot. 
Mag. t.1; Red, Lil. t. 189.) 

The variety purpurea is almost 
entirely of a dark reddish - purple 
colour with an orange ridge on the 
fall, and a deeper tint in front, 
Other varieties are light purple, 



almost lavender, yellowish-lilac, sea- 
green, etc., but all have a conspicuous 
patch of deep purple-violet or even 
black in front of the orange or yellow 
keel. In the variety Jsaacsoni the 
fall is creamy-white in front, tinged 
with green and broken by thick 
violet veins which, running parallel 
to the median, violet-dotted, yellow 
streak on the claw, form a conspicu- 
ous violet zone around the ridge on 
the blade. There is no patch of deep 
colour in front as in the other forms. 

I, plicata.—A plant of unknown 
origin 2 to 3 ft. high, with sword- 
like leaves 12 to 18 ins. long, and 
clusters of large fragrant flowers 
produced in June and July; falls 
pure white in the centre, veined with 
bright lilac at the edges, and having 
a yellow -tipped beard; standards 
pure white edged with lilac (Bot. 
Mag. t. 810; Red, Lit. t. 356). 

I, Pseudacorus (Yellow TIlag or 
Water Flag).—A well-known British 
Iris found near river banks, ditches, 
etc.,, having a stout creeping root- 
stock, and glaucous sword - shaped 
leaves 2 to 4 ft. long. Flowers from 
May to August, large, almost scent- 
less, 3 to 4 ins. across, bright yellow 
with a deeper spot at the base of the 
falls, which are veined with brown or 
purple, The variety acoroides from 
N. America has small sulphur-yellow 
flowers. There is a beautiful variety 
in which the leaves are striped with 
ivory-white, as in a form of J, foctidis- 
sima, and another with golden-yellow 
stripes, but these are much clearer 
and finer looking in spring than in 
summer and autumn. 

I, pseudo-variegata.—This belongs 
to the germanica section, and has 
bright yellow flowers with brown- 
yellow veined falls (Gard. 1899, t. 418). 

I, pumila.—A charming little Iris 
4 to 5 ins, high, from 8S. Europe and 
Asia Minor, with sword-shaped leaves. 



Flowers in April, bright lilac-purple 
or deep violet colour, the reflexed 
falls having a dense white beard at 
the base, the standards being usually 
paler in colour, (Bot. Mag. tt. 9, 
1209, 1261; Red. Lil. t. 261.) 

Fic. 210.—Iris pumila. (4.) 

There are several forms, among 
which may be mentioned albida—the 
Crimean Iris—greyish-white ; atro- 
cerulea, deep purple ; attica, yellow 
veined with brownish-lilac ; cerwea, 
bright blue with yellow beards; 
coclestis, sky-blue ; graczlzs, pure white 
with bronze falls; and Jutescens, 
bright yellow. 

I. Reichenbachiana is closely related 
to I. lutescens, It has bright pale 
yellow flowers. 

I. reticulata (Netted Iris),—A 
charming Caucasian Iris having ovoid 
bulbs and four-sided, horny-pointed, 
narrow leaves about 1 ft. long. 
Flowers from January to March, 
deep violet and ‘sweetly scented, 



the long narrow falls having a bright 
golden or orange patch at the base. 
(Bot. Mag. t. 5577; Gartenfl. tt. 
452,779; Lodd. Bot. Cat. t. 1829.) 

There are many beautiful forms, 
the most distinct being :-— 

(1) Cyanea, with flower - stems 
scarcely raised above the surface of 
the soil, and bright blue flowers, 

(2) Histrio.—The flowers open from 
December to March ; they are bright 
blue blotched with golden-yellow and 
having deep purple blotches on the 
blade of the falls (Bot. Mag. t. 6033). 

(3) Histrioides opens its flowers 
before the leaves appear, and these 
are eventually stouter and longer 
than in any other form of J. reti- 
culata. The flowers are 4 to 5 ins, 
across, usually of a bright blue, 
sometimes assuming a light violet 
tint ; the ridge of the fall is golden- 
yellow with a white or creamy zone 
outside veined and blotched with 

(4) Humilis.—Flowers of a rich 
red-purple colour, the fall having a 
bright orange or yellow ridge sur- 
rounded by a zone of dense creamy- 
white, broken up by dots and veins 
of deep purple. 

(5) Krelaget.—This flowers rather 
earlier than the type, of a more or 
less deep claret-purple colour with 
golden-yellow ridges to the falls. 

(6) Purpurea.—Flowers of a fine 
deep reddish-purple, the blade of the 
falls being particularly dark and the 
ridge yellow. 

(7) Sophenensis.—The flowers vary 
in colour from a dark red-purple to 
a blue-purple, or to a lilac or lavender, 
the whole having a peculiar metallic 
sheen, and the orange ridge on the 
falls is continued unevenly along the 
entire length. 

There is also a form called major 
or cerulea, having various shades of 
pale blue. 



I, Rosenbachiana,—A_ lovely little 
bulbous Iris from the mountains of 
Eastern Buchara and Turkestan, at 
an elevation of 6000 to 9000 ft. The 
bulbs have numerous fleshy and often 
ovoid roots, and tufts of lance-shaped 
bluntish leaves about 8 ins. long and 
2 ins. broad. The sessile solitary 
flowers usually appear from February 
to April. The prevailing colour is 
a combination of purple, yellow, and 
white, but is very variable, and some 
forms are of a rich crimson or purple- 
blue, passing into a dull or dingy 
lavender, while others are nearly 
pure yellow with a few purple or 
violet markings, There is also a 
form with pure white flowers, with 
a blotch of deep violet on the fall, 
(Gartenfl. t. 1227; Gard, t. 653; Bot. 
Mag. t. 7135.) 

I, rubro-marginata.—A pretty Iris 
about 4 ins. high, native of Scutari, 
having red - edged sickle - shaped 
leaves 3 to 4 ins. long, and large 
yellow or lilac and purple-bearded 
flowers in spring (Gard. Chron. 1875, 
i, 524), 

I. ruthenica—A beardless species, 
native of E, Europe and Asia, with 
linear ribbed leaves and fragrant 
flowers in March and April, on 
slender stems 1 to 4 ins. high. The 
prevailing colour is lilac-purple, the 
falls being veined with white. The 
variety violacea has violet-coloured 
blooms. (Bot. Mag. tt. 1123, 1393.) 

I. sambucina.—A, native of Central 
Europe, Asia Minor, etc., with tufts 
of glaucous leaves 15 to 18 ins. long, 
and clusters of large Elder-scented 
flowers produced in May, on branch- 
ing stems about 2 ft. high; falls 
claret-purple with a yellow beard ; 
standards dull yellow, suffused with 
dull claret - purple (Bot. Mag. t. 
187) ; very near J. sgualens, but not so 
vigorous in growth. 

I, Sari—A fine Cushion Iris from 



the banks of the river Sar in Cilicia. 
The typical plant, which has bright 
lilac flowers, does not appear to be 
in cultivation, but is represented 
by the variety Jurida, which has 
narrow sword-shaped falcate leaves 
about 6 ins. long. The flowers 
appear in May, and resemble those 
of ZL. Sustana, but are somewhat 
smaller, and of a soft violet-purple 
with deeper spots and veins, the 
falls being darker in colour than the 
- roundish standards, and having a 
diffuse brownish-black beard. (Bot. 
Mag. t. 6960.) 

The variety Nazarene from Pales- 
tine has the falls heavily veined with 
rows of brownish-purple spots on a 
pale or straw-yellow ground, and a 
large maroon blotch in the centre, 
while the standards are creamy- 
white beautifully veined with blue. 

I, serotina.—A native of the cal- 
careous mountains near Jaen, in 
Spain. It resembles the Spanish Iris 
(I. Xiphium), but differs in its 
very late flowering in August or Sep- 
tember, and in being less vigorous, 
with the upper leaves very thin and 
awl-like, in having reddish spathe- 
valves, and especially in the fall hav- 
ing an oblong-lanceolate blade and 
a narrow linear claw. 

I. setosa (J, brachycuspis).—A hand- 
some Iris, native of Eastern Siberia. 
Japan, and North America, somewhat 
resembling J. stberica. The thin 
leaves are 1 to 1} ft. long, and the 
large bright lilac flowers are produced 
in May and June, on stoutish branched 
stems 2 to 3 ft.high. (Bot. Reg. 1847, 
t. 10; Bot. Mag. t. 2326.) The 
variety atro-cerulea has darker blue 
flowers than the type. 

I. sibirica.—A beautiful beardless 
Iris, native of Central and South 
Europe to Siberia, with linear ribbed 
leaves 1 to2ft.long. Flowers in May 
and June, borne on hollow stems 1 to 



2% ft. high, bright lilac-blue, the falls 
being veined with deep violet on a 
paler ground. (Bot. Mag. tt. 50, 
1163, 1604.) There are many beauti- 
ful garden forms including double- 
flowered ones, the white one, alba, 
being one of the most distinct, having 

Fia, 211.—Iris sibirica. (4.) 

white flowers mottled with purple. 
Orientalis differs from the type by 
the redness of its young leaves, 
shorter flower-stems, and deeper 
coloured but less lasting flowers. 

I, Sieheana.—This is closely related 
to J. persica purpurea, differing 
chiefly in having the wings of the 
fall more blunt, and the lip less 
rounded. The flowers vary from 
silver-grey to pale reddish-purple 
blotched with white and yellow and 

spotted with deep brown. (Gard. 
Chron. 1904, xxxv. 282.) 
I, sindjarensis—An interesting 

bulbous Iris, native of Mesopotamia, 
having very large elongated bulbs. 
Leaves long and narrowing gradually 



to asharp point, bent into a double 
channel, much striped on the out- 
side, glossy green on the inside. The 
vanilla-scented flowers, 2 to 4 ins, 
across, appear in March and April, 
and are of a somewhat slaty blue, 
broken by the yellow ridge of the 
fall and by greenish-blue veins and 
dots. (Bot. Mag. t. '7145.) J. x send- 
pers is a hybrid between this species 
and JI. persica (Gard. Chron. 1901, 
xxix, 105, f. 46.) 

I, Sisyrinchium ([. fugazx; I. 
egyptia; I, samaritana; I. junci- 
folta ; etc., etc.)—This distinct little 
bulbous Iris about 6 ins. high, with 
shaggy-coated roundish bulbs and 
arched linear pointed leaves, is the 
“Spanish” or “Barbary Nut” of 
Parkinson. It is widely distributed 

on both sides of the Mediterranean - 

shores, and is also found from Asia 
Minor to Afghanistan and the Pun- 
jab. The fragrant flowers appear 
in May and June, but only last a few 
hours. They vary in colour from 
light blue to reddish-purple, with 
variable spots and veins on the blade 
of the fall, which bears a broad white 
patch and a median yellow streak, 
often spotted. (Bot. Mag. tt. 1407, 
6096). There is a white-flowered 
form ; monophylla has one leaf only, 
and small dull-coloured flowers ; and 
maricoides has much-spotted flowers. 

I, Sofarana.—This species from 
Lebanon comes nearest J. Sari. It 
has leaves 10 ins. long and about an 
inch broad. The large solitary flowers 
are borne on scapes about 10 ins. 
high. The elliptic falls have a creamy- 
white ground, but this is almost 
obscured, and they appear to be 
blackish-purple owing to thick-set 
blotched and netted veins of deep 
purple, with a beard of scattered 
dark purple hairs on the claw, in 
front of which is a deep black blotch. 
The roundish standards are much 



lighter in colour than the falls. The 
white groundwork is covered with 
thin purple forking veins and numer- 
ous purple spots, while the broad 
horizontal styles are almost blackish- 
purple. The variety magnzyica is a 
large-flowered form with red-brown 
falls shaded with purple, and having 
a purple crest. (Gard. Chron. 1899, 
xxvi, 389, 391, f. 125.) 

I. Sprengeri.—This is the smallest 
of the Cushion or Oncocyclus Irises, 
being only 4 ins. high, with a stolon- 
bearing root-stock. The grey-green 
leaves are about 4 ins. long. The 
outer segments of the flowers are 
yellow with bright purple-red spots 
and veins; the inner segments are 
silvery-white veined with purple-red 
and black, and the beard is golden- 
yellow. (Gard. Chron. 1904, xxxvi. 
50, f. 21.) 

I. spuria.—An elegant beardless 
Tris 1 to 2 ft. high, native of Europe, 
Asia, Algeria, etc., with erect or 
spreading sword-shaped leaves about 
1 ft. long. Flowers in June and 
July, large, and of a bright lilac 
colour, the falls having a bright 
yellow keel running down the claw 
which is faintly streaked with purple 
on a white ground. (Bot. Mag. 
tt. 58, 1131, 1514.) 

The variety Monspur is really a 
hybrid between this species and J. 
Monnieri, the first syllable of each 
parent forming the name. The 
variety Notha is larger than the type, 
and is said to be found wild in the 
salt marshes of Siberia. 

I. squalens.—A very old garden 
plant, native of Europe and Asia, 
with tufts of glaucous sword-like 
leaves and clusters of faintly Elder- 
scented large flowers borne in May 
and June, on branched stems 2 to 3 
ft. high. The obovate wedge-shaped 
falls are bright lilac-purple, with a 
conspicuous yellow beard, while the 



erect and rather crisped standards 
are dullish lilac and yellow or 
brownish-yellow. (Bot. Mag. t. 787.) 

There are many forms with a vast 
range of colour among shades of 
lavender, blue, violet, bronze-yellow, 
mauve, primrose, golden-yellow, 
crimson, etc., as in the germanica, 
neglecta, and pallida sections, which 
they somewhat resemble. 

I, Straussi.— A dwarf bearded 
Persian Iris, about 3 ins. high, with 
narrow leaves and _ brown-violet 
coloured flowers (Gard. 1899, lvi. 149). 

I, Susiana (Mourning Iris) —A 

Fig. 212.—Iris Susiana. (4.) 

remarkably handsome and singular 
Cushion Iris, native of the Levant 
and Asia Minor. It is 12 to 18 ins, 
high, with pale or yellowish-green, 
stem-clasping, sword-like leaves about 
lin. broad. The large flowers appear 
in April, having a dark silver-grey 
appearance, produced by numerous 



veins and dots of blackish-brown or 
purple with a flush of purple or lilac 
on a creamy-white ground ; the falls 
have a broad cushion of brownish- 
black hairs near the base. (Bot. 
Mag. t. 91.) Muhlendorfiana is a 
dwarf form with yellow flowers. 

I, Suworowi (J. /ineata).—A curious 
Iris of the Regelia group, native of 
Turkestan, with narrow sword-shaped 
leaves, and greenish flowers veined 
with bluish-green; both falls and 
standards are elliptic lance-shaped 
ending in a sharp point, the falls 
being furnished with a blue beard 
from the base to centre (Bot. Mag. 
t. '7029). 

I. Swerti—A handsome Iris of un- 
known origin, with glaucous sword- 

Fig. 213.—Iris Tawrt. (4.) 

shaped leaves, and clusters of fragrant 
flowers in May and June on stems 
1 to 14 ft. high. Colour pure white 
slightly veined with lilac, and edged 
with purple, the obovate cuneate 
falls being decorated with a yellow 
beard, while the much-crisped pure 
white standards are keeled and edged 
with purple. (Red. Lil, t. 306.) 

I. Tauri.—A bulbous species, native 



of Asia Minor, having bright green 
leaves, and dark violet long-tubed 
flowers streaked with white, and 
having orange-yellow crests edged 
with white (Bot. Jag. t. 7793). 

I. tectorum (J. tomiolopha)—A 
beautiful beardless Iris about 1 ft. 

Fic. 214.—Irts tectorum. (#.) 

high, native of Japan, with thin pale 
green sword-like leaves about 1 ft. 
long. Flowers in May and June, 14 
to 2 ins, deep, usually bright lilac ; 
the blunt crisped falls are veined 
with dark lilac, the claw having a 
deeply laciniated white and lilac crest. 
(Bot. Mag. t. 6118.) There is a white- 
flowered variety, candida, and a dark 
blue one, atrocerulea. 

I, tenax,—A handsome Californian 
species 6 to 12 ins. high, with two 
linear leaves and bright lilac-purple 
flowers 2 to 3 ins, deep, borne on 
slender stems in May and June (Bot. 
Mag. t. 3343 ; Bot. Reg. t. 1218). 

I. tenuis.—A beardless Iris, native 
of Oregon, with tufts of thin and 



narrow green leaves 12 to 15 ins. 
long, and white flowers faintly veined 
with yellow and lilac (Gard. 1888, 
t. 1). 

Fic. 215.—Iris tenaz. (}.) 

I, tingitana.—A beautiful bulbous 
Tris, native of Tangiers, with large 
ovoid pointed bulbs and deeply 
channelled leaves, which are broad 
like those of LZ. xiphioides, but very 
glaucous and _ striated _ outside. 
Flowers in March and April, 5 to 6 
ins. across, on stems about 2 ft. high. 
Falls light or deep blue, or bluish- 
purple, with deeper veins, and a 
yellow keel spreading into a broad 
patch behind. (Bot. fag. t. 6775.) 

The most suitable place for J. 
tingitana is at the base of a south 
wall, Fig. 216. 

I. trojana.—A native of Troy, about 
3 ft. high, with glaucous green 
sword-shaped leaves and _ sweet- 
scented flowers of a bright purplish- 
violet, the base being white with 



yellow margins veined with coppery 
purple. The broadly elliptic stand- 
ards are violet, and the styles are 
bluish-violet with broad-toothed 

Fic. 216.—Iris tingitana. (}.) 

I, Tubergeniana,—This is related 
to I. orchioides and I. caucasica. The 
falls are bright yellow while the 
standards are minute and _ three- 
toothed. (Gard. Chron. 1899, xxv. 

I, tuberosa (Hermodactylus tuber- 
osus), Snake’s Head Iris A. distinct 
and interesting species, native of the 
Mediterranean shores. It has a 
tuberous branched root-stock like a 
small hard, deformed Potato. The 
leaves are often very long, four-sided, 
with a horny point. The flowers, 
about 2 ins. across, appear in March 
and April on slender hollow stems 
about 1 ft. long, and are of a peculiar 
olive-green colour, with dark almost 
black velvety purple falls, occasionally 



streaked with yellow or bright green, 
(Bot. Mag. t. 531.) 

Fic. 217.—Iris tuberosa. (3-) 

I, unguicularis (J. stylosa)—A 
lovely beardless Algerian Iris with 
a rhizome as thick as a man’s finger 
and tufts of distichous linear bright 
green leaves equalling or overtopping 
the large fragrant bright lilac or sky- 
blue flowers, which are produced from 
October to April (Bot. Mag. t. 5778). 

There are several forms of this 
species, including alba, with large 
white flowers, and speciosa, with deep 
rich blue flowers veined with white. 
There are also forms known as 
angustifolia, Elisabeth, grandiflora, 
Lilacina, marginata, pavonia, and 

They are all best grown in spots 
sheltered from rain and wind. 

I. urmiensis.—A Cushion Iris from 
Persia, about 7 ins. high, and having 
yellow flowers (Gard. Chron. 1900, 
XXviii. 373, f. 116). 



I, vaga.—A Regelia Iris, native of 
Turkestan, with stolon-bearing root- 
stocks, erect curving leaves, and 
yellowish, purple, and brown - red 
flowers (Gartenjl. 1244, f. 7). 

Fic, 218.—Iris unguicularis. (4.) 

I. variegata.—A very handsome 
Austrian Iris of the germanica group, 
with tufts of sword-like leaves 12 to 
18 ins. long, purple at the base. 
Flowers in May and June; falls ob- 
long, narrowed at the base, deep 
claret-brown, with a bright yellow 
beard and brown veins on a yellow 
ground; standards erect, oblong, 
bright lemon-yellow. (Bot. Mag. t. 
16; Red. Lnl. t. 292.) 

There are many beautiful forms 
having various shades of yellow, 
bronze, and purple predominating ; 
although alba, with white flowers, is 
an exception. 

I, Vartani.—A curious little bulb- 
ous Iris from the neighbourhood of 
Nazareth, with ovoid netted bulbs, 



and four-sided horny-tipped leaves 
4 to 6 ins, long at the time of flower- 
ing. Flowers 3 to 4 ins. across, 
appearing about October. The pre- 
dominating colour is slaty blue or 
dull lavender; the falls having a 
yellow or white blade with black dots 
on the claw. (Bot. Mag. t. 6942.) 

I. verna.—A_ beardless Iris from 
the S. United States, about 14 ft. 
high, with narrow  finely-veined 
leaves and deep violet flowers, having 
an orange keel to the falls, The 
leaves persist during the winter. 

I. versicolor.—A beautiful beard- 
less Iris from N, America, with 
rather glaucous sword-shaped leaves 
and clusters of large claret-purple 
flowers, borne in May and June, on 
stems 1 to 2 ft. high. The standards 
are paler in colour than the much 
larger falls, which are beautifully 
veined with deep purple. (Bot. 
Mag. t. 21.) There is a good deal 
of variation in the colour, and several 
forms exist, that known as kermesina 
having lilac standards and reddish- 
lilac falls net-veined with white. 

Iris virginica is considered to be 
a form of this, having bright lilac 
flowers (Bot. Mag. t. 703). 

I, Warleyensis.—A native of E. 
Bokhara, related to JL. orchioides 
coerulea, from which it differs chiefly 
in the colour of the flowers, in which 
shades of violet predominate. The 
falls are deep violet with a bright 
orange crest. (Gard. Chron. 1902, 
xxxi. 386, f. 134; Flora and Sylva, 
December 1905.) 

I, Willmottiana.—A native of E. 
Turkestan closely related to J. 
caucasica, but with lavender (not 
yellow) or pale purple flowers blotched 
with white (Gard. Chron. 1901, xxix. 
261, f. 100). 

I. xiphioides (J. anglica ; I. pyren- 
aica; Xiphion latifolium), English 
Lris—A beautiful Pyrenean Iris hav- 



ing bulbs with brown more or less 
shaggy coats. The leaves are stouter 
and broader than those of the Spanish 
Iris. Flowers in July, of a rich deep 
blue in the wild type, with a con- 
spicuous golden keel on the rounded 
fiddle-shaped fall. (Bot. Mag. t. 687 ; 
Red. Lil, t. 212.) 

There are now a large number of 
cultivated forms of the English Iris, 
varying in colour from blue and 
through various hues of purple to red 
and pure white. In catalogues many 
distinctive names will be found, some 
of the best forms being Blanche 
Fleur, La Sincérité, Oriental, and 
Mont Blanc, among the whites, the 
latter being a particularly fine form ; 
Ama Maria, Bleu Mourant, Clio, 
Conquerant, Charles Dickens, Ceres, 
VObscurité and Nimrod, among the 
lilac, blue, and purple and violet 
shades; Masterpiece and Nimrod, 
blackish-purple ; Duke of Portland, 
La Triomphante, and Penelope, 
among the white and rose, or 
purple-spotted and striped shades. 
There are many other names, all 
differing according to the particular 

I. Xiphium (J. hispanica ; Xiphion 
vulgare), Spanish Iris—A charm- 
ing bulbous Iris, native of S. Europe, 
with smooth, brownish, ovoid bulbs, 
and linear, glaucous, awl-shaped 
leaves 12 to 18 ins. long. Flowers in 
May and June, 3 to 4 ins. across, 
variously coloured with shades of 
purple, bronze, and yellow, and having 
a large number of garden varieties, 
including white ones. (Bot. Mag. 
t. 686.) 

A distinct natural form from 
Portugal, known as lusttanica, has 
pure yellow flowers with an orange 
blotch on the fall, and is doubtless 
the progenitor of the various yellow 
garden varieties (Bot. Mag. t. 679). 
The form known as “Thunderbolt” 



is a strong free-growing plant 2 ft. or 
more high, having large flowers of a 
peculiar bronzy or smoky hue, pro- 
duced by the fusion of purple and 
yellow with brown. The variety 
Battandiert, from Algiers, is like the 
type, but has very glaucous foliage 
and dead white flowers with an 
orange ridge on the fall. 

As a cut flower the Spanish Iris is 
excellent. Long before the flowers 

Fic. 219.—Iris xiphium. (4-.) 

in the British Islands open out of 
doors, tons of “spears,” or unopened 
blossoms, are sent to the London 
markets from the south of France, 
the Riviera, and the Channel Islands. 
These are placed in water and stood 
in the genial temperature of a hot- 
house, where they open beautifully 
bright and clear in a few days, and 
are then fit for sale, 

The following are a few of the 



finest garden forms .of the Spanish 
Iris, and all are worth growing :— 

Adelina Patti, deep bronze; 
Sappho, splendid bronze; Agnes, 
blue, very fine; Alexander V. Hum- 
boldt, deep blue; Formosa, dark 
blue; Leonidas, dark violet-blue ; 
Louise, lilac-blue, very large, extra 
fine; Athalia, pure white; Blanche 
Superbe, pure white, dwarf; British 
Queen, pure white ; La Dame Blanche, 
pure white, dwarf; Za Metge, pure 
white, large; Jfont Blanc, pure 
white, dwarf; Belle Chinoise, very 
fine yellow; Chrysolora, very fine 
bright yellow ; Leander, deep yellow, 
very large, scented; Ovidius, clear 
pale yellow; Princess May, yellow 
with bluish centre; Weliam the 
First, golden-yellow. 

ISOLOMA (isos, equal; loma, a 
border ; the corolla lobes being equal). 
Nat. Ord. Gesneracee.—This genus 
contains about sixty species of warm- 
house herbaceous plants closely related 
to the Achimenes and Gesnera, and 
resembling the first-named in having 
scaly jor catkin-like rhizomes. The 
leaves are opposite, and usually 
densely clothed with soft velvety 
hairs} The flowers are tubular, 
resembling the Achimenes in form 
and size. The plants formerly known 
under the name of Typ#a now belong 
to this genus. For cultural details 

The following species may be noted. 
They are all natives of Tropical 
America, ranging from Bolivia and 
Peru to Mexico :— 

I, amabile.—This grows about 1 ft. 
high, has greenish-purple stems, and 
large deep rose flowers (Bot. Mag. t. 

I, bogotense (Achimenes picta).— 
This grows 1 to 2 ft. high, and has 
drooping yellow flowers, red above 



and striped and dotted with red 
inside (Bot. Mag. t. 4126). 

I. Deppeanum (Gesnera elongata).— 
Height 2 to 3 ft. with orange-red 
flowers in velvety umbels (Bot. Mag. 
t. 3725). 

I, erianthum,—A_ handsome erect 
plant from Colombia, 2 to 4 ft. high, 
with underground scaly rhizomes, and 
thick stems and leaves covered with 
soft brownish hairs. Leaves ovate 
lance-shaped, with stalks 4 to 6 ins. 
long. Flowers orange-red or cinnabar, 
velvety, drooping, borne in clusters 
in the axils of the upper leaves. 
(Bot. Mag. t. 7907.) 

I, hondense, — A free - flowering 
species about 1 ft. high, with yellow 
flowers (Bot. Mag. t. 4217). 

Other species equally beautiful and 
interesting, and mostly having red or 
yellow flowers, are—I. longifolium, 
orange-red ; I. molle, red (Bot. Mag. 
t. 3815); I, ocellatum, bright red 
(Bot. Mag. t. 4359) ; I. pictum, scarlet 
(Bot. Mag. tt. 4126, 4431); I. Schie- 
deanum, scarlet (Bot. Mag. t. 4152) ; I. 
Seemanni, bright brick-red (Bot. Mag. 
t. 4504); I. triflorum, yellow (Bot. 
Mag. t. 4842); and I, tubifiora, 
yellow, tinted with red. 

I, hypocyrtiflorum, formerly known 
as Gloxinia. This species has orange- 
red almost globular flowers. (Bot. 
Mag. t. 5655.) 

IXIA (ixia, bird-lime ; in reference 
to the sticky juice). Nat. Ord. Iridez. 
—A genus of South African herbs 
with smooth or fibrous-coated bulbs 
or corms, and erect, strongly-veined, 
sword-shaped leaves. Flowers with 
a funnel-shaped or salver-shaped 
perianth, borne on slender spikes. 

Ixias are closely related to Spar- 
axis, Babiana, and Tritonia, but differ 
structurally in details, They are 
elegant plants of fairly easy growth, 
but unfortunately are not hardy 



except in the very mildest parts of 
the British Islands. If given protec- 
tion, however, in severe winters with 
a little straw, bracken, or litter, the 
bulbs may be planted on warm, 
sunny, and sheltered borders in many 
parts, any time between October or 
November and January, the bulbs 
being buried about 3 ins. below the 
surface of the soil. This should con- 
sist of loam, peat or leaf-soil, and 
coarse sand in about equal propor- 
tions, and the drainage should be 
perfect, as anything like wet heavy 
soil is almost sure to be fatal to the 
plants. During growth in spring, the 
soil may be freshened up with a 
hand-fork, to prevent it getting caked, 
and also cause the moisture to rise to 
the roots. After the flowers are over, 
and the leaves have withered, the 
bulbs should be kept dry and in a 
resting condition until growth starts 
again. In bleak localities it will be 
found safer to grow the bulbs in pots 
or pans, protecting them in a cold 
frame, and when root action and 
growth are established, the plants 
may be gently forced into blossom in 
a greenhouse, early in the year. Ina 
cut state with long stems, there are 
few spring flowers to rival the peculiar 
charm and elegance of the Ixias, of 
which there are now many garden 

Ixias are best increased by offsets, 
which are detached at the time of re- 
planting, and these will flower the 
second year; or by seeds sown in 
sandy soil in spring in a warm green- 
house. The seedlings should be 
grown on for a year or two before 
planting out, or distributing too much, 

There are about two dozen species 
known, but the following is a good 
selection. They grow 12 to 18 ins. 
high :— 

I, aristata.— Whitish, pink (Bot. 
Mag. t. 589). 



I, capillaris.—Fleshy or lilac (Bot. 
Mag. tt. 570, 617, 1013). 

I, flexuosa.—Pink or lilac (Bot. 
Mag. t. 624). 

I, hybrida.—White, tinted pink 
(Bot. Mag. t. 128). 

I, linearis.—Lilac (Bot. Mag. t. 
570). ; 

I. lutea.—Bright yellow (Bot. Mag. 
t. 646). 

I. maculata. — Orange yellow, 
blotched in the throat (Bot. Mag. t. 
539; Red. Lil. t. 138). The variety 
ochroleuca has creamy-yellow flowers 
with a broad brown band in the 
centre (Bot. Mag. t. 1285) ; and nigro- 
albida has pure white flowers with a 
blackish centre. 

Fic. 220.—Inia viridiflora. (4.) 

I, monadelpha.—A variable species, 
having lilac flowers with a blue or 
greenish centre, and having the fila- 
ments of the stamens united into a 
tube (Bot. Mag. t. 607). 

I, odorata.—Yellow, sweet-scented 
(Bot. Mag. t. 1178). 



I. paniculata (J. longiflora; Tri- 
tonia longiflora). — Creamy - white, 

often tinted with pink and with a. 

blackish centre (Bot. Mag. tt. 256, 
1502 ; Red. Lil. t. 34). 

I. patens (I. filiformis).—Pale pink, 
bell-shaped (Bot. Mag. t. 522; Red. 
Lil. tt. 30, 140). 

I. polystachya ([. erecta).—White 
(Bot. Mag. t. 623). 

I. speciosa (J. crateroides).—Deep 
red or crimson ; one of the best (Bot. 
Mag. t. 594). 

I. viridifiora.—Soft sea-green, with 
a blackish shining blotch in the 
centre; very attractive and curious 
(Bot. Mag. tt. 549, 579; Red. Lil. t. 

IXIOLIRION (from izxia, and lecrion, 
a lily ; ze, an Ixia-like Lily). Nat. 
Ord. Amaryllideze.—A small genus of 
bulbous plants with linear leaves and 
umbels of funnel-shaped flowers on 
top of a slender erect stem. Peri- 
anth segments six, more or less erect, 
oblanceolate, acute. 

The two species here mentioned 
are the only ones in the genus. They 
should be grown in warm, sunny, and 
sheltered positions in the open air in 
rich and well-drained sandy soil. 
When the bulbs are dormant from 
autumn onwards, they should be kept 
dry, and if left in the open border, 
the winter rains should be warded off 
with a sloping covering of straw or 
litter, or with an old light. Propaga- 
tion is effected by offsets in spring ; 
and also by sowing any ripened seeds 
in gentle warmth at the same period. 

I, Kolpakowskianum.—This grows 
wild in Turkestan, at an elevation of 
3000 to 6000 ft. It has tufts of grass- 
like leaves, and produces its whitish 
or bluish flowers about April and 
May (Gartenji. t. 953). 

I, montanum.—A beautiful species 
from W. Asia, having long-necked 



ovoid bulbs about 1 in. through, and 
grassy leaves. The bright lilac 
flowers in graceful umbels appear in 
early summer (June), and have the 
segments distinctly three to five 
ribbed. (Bot. Reg. 1844, t. 66.) 

Fic. 221.—Iwiolirion tataricwm. (}.) 

The variety tataricum or Lede- 
bourt has narrower leaves and smaller 
flowers; macranthum has much 
larger flowers than the type, deep 
blue shaded with purple ; and brachy- 
antherum (or Pallast) has beautiful 
violet-blue flowers tinged with rose, 
and with a darker coloured band down 
the centre of each segment, 

KAiMPFERIA (after Kempfer, a 
German naturalist). Nat. Ord. Scita- 
minez.—A genus containing about 
twenty species of hothouse plants 
closely related to Roscoéa, Hedy- 
chium, and Curcuma. They have 
thickened, tuberous-like root-stocks, 
and leafy spikes of flowers. The 

321 x 


corolla has an elongated tube and 
spreading or reflexed lobes, the lip 
being bilobed. The side staminodes 
are broad and petal-like. 

These plants flourish in sandy peat 
and loam and leaf-mould, and require 
a temperature of 65° to 75° F. when 
in full growth, but 15° or 20° less 
when dormant. They are best pro- 
pagated by dividing the roots as 
growth is commencing, and are, 
perhaps, more valuable for the decora- 
tive character of their leaves than 
anything else. The best-known kinds 
are :— 

K. angustifolia. — From Bengal. 
About 1 ft. high, with lance-shaped 
wavy leaves, and pure white and 
purple flowers. (Red. Lit, t. 389.) 

K. atrovirens.—A Bornean species 
about 9 ins. high, with sharp-pointed, 
elliptic, oblong leaves, deep-green 
above, purplish beneath, and violet- 
purple flowers (Zid. Hort, 1886, 610). 

K. Ethele.—A native of Natal, 
about 1 to 2 ft. high, having oblong 
lance-shaped leaves a foot long, and 
solitary rose-purple flowers with a 
yellow blotch on the lower lip-like 
segments (Gard. Chron, 1898, xxiii. 
94, f. 34). 

K. Galanga.—This is ‘a well-known 
economic plant in the East Indies, 
being cultivated for its clusters of 
ovoid tubercules, which are employed 
medicinally and fer perfumes. It 
grows about a foot high, and has oval 
roundish leaves, green and smooth 
above, grey-green and downy beneath. 

The flowers are pure white and 
appear in summer. (Bot. Mag. t. 

K, Gilberti—One of the most orna- 
mental species from Moulmein. It 
has tufts of recurving oblong, lance- 
shaped, wavy, deep green leaves con- 
spicuously but irregularly bordered 
with white. The flowers are white 
and purple, 



K, Kirki—A beautiful stove her- 
baceous plant, having green plantain- 
like leaves, and stout erect flower- 
stalks 1 ft. or more high, bearing 
numerous large flowers which expand 
in pairs from the bottom upwards, 
lasting for several weeks, Each 
flower is about 3 ins. across, flattish, 
and of a soft rosy-mauve with a 
yellow blotch in the centre, having 
radiating lines of white. (Gard, 
November 1881, 504.) 

The variety elatior differs from the 
type in being taller, and the large 
rose-coloured flowers having a golden- 
yellow blotch at the base of the lip, 
the sides being marked with purple 
(Bot. Mag. t. 8188). 

K. lutea,—A stemless plant, native 
of Penang, having leaves about 9 ins, 
long, 4 ins. broad, smooth above, 
hairy beneath. The yellow flowers 
with orange lip are borne on scapes 
3 to 4 ins, high, (Kew Bull. 1907, 

K. macrosiphon.— A native of 
German E, Africa, with tufts of green 
lance-shaped leaves a foot long, and 
numerous blue flowers (Gard. Chron. 
1898, xxiv. 195). 

K. ornata,—A fine foliage plant 
from Borneo, having long-stalked, 
sharply-pointed, lance-shaped leaves, 
glossy green above with a broad 
white central band, and _ purple 
beneath, The yellow flowers with an 
orange lip appear in summer. (JU, 
Hort, 1884, 159.) 

K, pandurata,—A Sumatran species 
with spindle-shaped root-stocks, short 
reddish stems, smooth, oval lance- 
shaped leaves, and red and purple 
flowers (Lodd. Bot. Cat. t. 587; Bot. 
Reg. t. 173). 

K. Parishi.—An ornamental species 
from Moulmein. It grows about 1 ft. 
high, and has pale green, erect, lance- 
shaped leaves, and white and bright 
violet flowers. (Bot. Mag. t. 5763.) 



K. Roscoeana.—A Burmese stem- 
less species about 6 ins. high, with 
roundish pointed leaves variegated on 
the upper surface. The white flowers 
appear about October. (Bot. Mag. 
t. 5600.) 

K. rosea.—A native of British 
Central Africa, having a short fleshy 
root-stock and thickish string-like 
roots. The leaves, including the 
stalk, are about 18 ins. long and 4 
ins. broad, with a bright green plaited 
blade. The bright rose-red flowers, 
with a blotch of orange in the throat, 
are over 2 ins. across, and are borne 
on scapes 18 ins. high. (Gard. Chron. 
1904, xxxv. 20.) 

K, rotunda (KX. longa).— A very old 
East Indian species about a foot high, 
having numerous irregularly shaped 
aromatic root-stocks; long - stalked, 
oblong, lance-shaped leaves, smooth 
and green above, downy and purple 
beneath. The sweet-scented white 
flowers, striped with red on the 
Margins, appear in summer. (Bot. 
Mag. tt. 920, 6054; Garden, 1888, 
t. 662.) 

K. secunda.— A native of the 
Khasia Hills, Assam, etc., with leaves 
3 to 4 ins, long, membranous, obliquely 
lance-shaped, pointed. Flowers in 
August and September, reddish with 
a white centre. (Bot. Mag. t. 6999.) 

LACHENALIA (after Mons. de la 
Chenal (b. 1736, d. 1800), a Swiss 
botanical author). Nat. Ord. Liliacee. 
—A genus containing about forty 
species of South African bulbous 
plants closely related to the Hyacinths 
and Scillas, having tunicated egg- 
shaped bulbs, fleshy strap - shaped 
leaves sometimes mottled or spotted, 
and erect scapes bearing numerous 
drooping tubular flowers, in which 
the three inner segments are often 
longer than the three outer ones. 

Comparatively few species are 



cultivated, and these chiefly in 
botanical collections. A few hybrids 
have been raised, and are an improve- 
ment on the natural species from a 
garden point of view. Grown in pots 
or pans and massed close together, 
Lachenalias are elegant plants when 
in blossom during the winter and 
early spring months (from January to 

Fic. 222.—Lachenalia. (4.) 

April and May). The best time to 
pot the bulbs is about the end of July 
or early in August, using a compost 
of two parts fibrous loam, one part’ 
leaf-mould, and one part well-rotted 
cow-manure ; to this may be added a 
good sprinkling of coarse silver sand, 
the whole being thoroughly mixed. 
From six to ten bulbs, according to 
size, may be placed in a 5-in. pot, 
covering them with about } in: of 
soil. The bulbs may also be planted 
in flattish pans or in wire hanging- 
baskets. In the latter case the baskets 
must be lined with moss to prevent 



the soil dropping out. After potting 
or basketing, the soil may receive a 
good watering to settle it, and the 
plants should be placed in a cold 
frame or in the greenhouse. Until 
growth has fairly started the soil 
should be kept just moist, the supply 
of water increasing or decreasing 
afterwards, ‘according to growth and 
the state of the weather. As the 
plants are tender they must be 
sheltered in a greenhouse in winter, 
and should have a minimum tempera- 
ture of about 45° F. When the 
flower-stems are showing, a little weak 
liquid manure two or three times a 
week will be beneficial When 
flowering is quite over and the leaves 
begin to wither, the plants may be 
transferred to the frame again, and 
kept dry until the period for repotting 
comes round. Then the stock may be 
increased by separating the offsets, 
and growing them on separately from 
the mother bulbs. The blackish 
shining seeds may also be sown, when 
thoroughly ripe in rich gritty soil in 
pots or pans, and in a temperature of 
60° to 65° F. When large enough to 
handle easily, the seedlings should be 
pricked out into other pots, pans, or 
boxes, and grown on in a sunny place 
near the glass when established. In 
about three years flowering bulbs are 
produced from seeds. The following 
are a few of the best Lachenalias :— 

L, aurea. — Leaves broad, fleshy, 
channelled, spotted with dark purple. 
Flowers golden - yellow fading to 
purple, borne on purple spotted scapes 
a foot or more high. The variety 
gigantea is a much finer plant than 
the type. (Bot. Mag. t. 5992.) 

L, aureo-reflexa, — As the name 
indicates, this is a hybrid between LZ. 
aurea and L. refleca. It has bright 
yellow flowers, the outer segments 
being tipped with green, and fading 
to reddish-brown. The fleshy lance- 



shaped recurved leaves are not 

L, Cami,— A fine seedling form, 
having shining green leaves about 9 
ins. long mottled with dull brown. 
From twelve to twenty flowers are 
borne on a heavily blotched scape 
about 1 ft. high, the colour being 
orange-yellow tinted with green, 
with bright red buds. 

L. contaminata.— Leaves roundish 
spotted. Flowers white, often tinted 
with pink. (Bot. Mag. t. 1401.) 

L, convallaricides.—This species 
has solitary tapering leaves 6 to 12 
ins. long and 1 in. broad, and bell- 
shaped flowers purple-pink in bud, 
but afterwards white with a heather- 
like scent. The colour and shape 
remind one of Lily of the Valley. 
(Gard. 1904, lxv. 213, 264.) 

L. fistulosa,— This species is 
distinct in growth, the two fleshy 
leaves being nearly as broad as long. 
The sweet-scented flowers are tinged 
with pale blue at the base and tipped 
with purple. 

L. glaucina,—Leaves, usually two, 
lance-shaped, spotted, about 1 ft. long. 
Flowers white, more or less tinted 
with yellow and red. (Bot. Mag. t. 

L, isopetala.—A rare species 4 to 
8 ins, high, with two long pointed 
leaves, and pale flowers tinged with 
pale rose or red. 

L. lilacina,—A rare species, having 
short and very narrow leaves, and 
pretty flowers of bright lilac shaded 
blue, borne on stems densely mottled 
with reddish-brown. 

L. Nelsoni.—A fine hybrid between 
L. aurea and L. tricolor, and named 
after the Rev. John Nelson, who raised 
the first hybrid Lachenalia, It is a 
free grower, and has stout scapes over 
a foot high of rich yellow flowers. A 
fine plant for growing in bold masses. 

L. orchioides. — Closely related to 



LI. glaucina, and very variable in 
colour. Leaves deep green spotted, 
and spikes of yellowish or whitish 
flowers more or less tinted with red 
or blue. 

L. pallida.—A rare species with 
long fleshy erect leaves, purple on 
the under-surface. The small erect 
flowers are borne in dense spikes and 
are pure white tipped with green. 

L. pendula.—A fine species, remark- 
able for its large bulbs, deep green 
lance-shaped leaves sometimes faintly 
mottled with brown. Flowers 1} to 
2 ins. long, orange-red tipped with 
emerald green and purple, and borne 
on scapes 12 to 18 ins. high. (Bot. 
Mag. t. 590.) The variety Aureliana 
has finer flowers, and somewhat 
glaucous leaves. It is said to be 
naturalised in Provence. (Rev. Hort. 
1890, t. 396.) 

L. pustulata.—Leaves fleshy, lance- 
shaped, 6 to 9 ins. long, wrinkled. 
Flowers whitish. (Bot. Mag. t. 817.) 

L. racemosa.— Leaves lance-shaped, 
much wrinkled. Flowers whitish 
tinted with red. (Bot. Mag. t. 

L. reflexa.—A species with pairs of 
dark green, deeply-channelled and 
recurved leaves thickened into a 
horny tip. The long yellow flowers 
are swollen in the middle and almost 
closed at the mouth. 

L, Regeliana.—A hybrid between 
L. reflexa and L. tricolor aurea, 
having unspotted leaves and pure 
yellow flowers. 

L. rosea,—A very rare species 
distinguished by its unspotted leaves, 
6 to 9 ins. long, and bright red 

L, rubida.— Leaves slightly mottled 
with brown. Flowers ruby-red, borne 
on heavily spotted scapes. (Bot. 
Mag. t.993.) In the varieties tigrina 
and punctata the flowers are heavily 
spotted with deep red. 



L. tricolor.—A well-known species 
with broad fleshy green leaves about 
12 ins. long, mottled with dull purple. 
From twelve to twenty tubular 
flowers, red, yellow, and green, are 
borne on scapes about 1 ft. high. 
(Bot. Mag. t. 82.) There are many 
varieties, the best-known being /uteola, 
with quite yellowish flowers; aurea, 
bright yellow; quwadricolor, with 
several shades; superba, a fine form 
with large flowers ; and Waret, bright 
yellow tipped with green. 

L. unifolia is remarkable for having 
only one narrow leaf with blood-red 
blotches, and dense trusses of white 

L. versicolor.—A variable species, 
having blister-like blotches on the 
leaves, and bearing small bell-shaped 
flowers varying from green and yellow 
to pink and purple. 

L. violacea.— A  strong-growing 
species with spotted leaves and white 
inflated flowers tinged with violet 
and green. 

LAPEYROUSIA (after P. Picot de 
la Peyrouse, a Toulouse botanist, 
1744-1818). Nat. Ord. Iridex,—This 
genus contains over thirty species of 
plants having corms with matted 
tunics, roundish, linear, or narrow 
sword-shaped leaves arranged dis- 
tichously, and starry six-petalled 
flowers. The best-known member 
of the genus is still called Anomatheca 
cruenta—a name that has been re- 
tained for the present in this work 
(see p. 82). The plants which are 
all natives of South and Tropical 
Africa are generally confined to 
botanical collections, and are of little 
garden value. The following species 
may be noted :—. anceps, bluish- 
purple; L. corymbosa, bright blue 
with a white band at base (Bot. Mag. 
t. 595); L. fissifolia, white or rose, 
sweet-scented (Bot. Mag. t. 1246); 



and L. grandiflora, bright scarlet 
(Bot. Mag. t. 6924). 

LATHYRUS (Lathuros, ancient 
Greek name of the Pea). Nat. Ord. 
Leguminose. — This genus contains 
about a hundred and seventy species 
of hardy annuals and perennials, and 
includes the Sweet Pea and the Ever- 
lasting Pea. Most of the species 
have fibrous roots, remarkable, like all 
the Leguminosz, for the numerous 
warty nodules containing bacteria 
that are borne on the roots. The 
most noted tuberous-rooted kind 

L, tuberosus, — A species widely 
distributed throughout Europe, 
Western Asia, and Northern Africa, 
and naturalised even in parts of the 
British Islands. It has tuberous 
root-stocks, from which arise four- 
angled climbing stems 2 to 3 ft long. 
The leaves are composed of two 
oblong elliptic more or less pointed 
leaflets, at the base of which are 
narrow semi-sagittate stipules. The 
large sweet-scented bright pink or 
rose flowers appear from May to 
July, three to six on a long stalk. 

This species will grow luxuriantly 
in any good garden soil, and may be 
increased by division of the root- 
stocks or by seeds sown in the open 
air when ripe or in spring. 

LEONTICE (leon, a lion; in refer- 
ence to the supposed resemblance of 
the leaf to the point of a lion’s foot). 
Nat. Ord. Berberidese, — A small 
genus of tuberous-rooted herbs having 
leaves twice- or thrice-pinnately cut, 
and yellow flowers in racemes or 
panicles. Sepals six to nine, petal- 
like; petals six; much shorter than 
the sepals. Stamens six. 

These plants flourish in light sandy 
soil in warm positions in the rockery 
or border, but the tuberous root- 



stocks should be protected with 
litter or bracken, etc, in severe 
winters. The plants may be increased 
by seeds sown in cold frames when 
ripe, or by division of the root-stocks 
in spring. 

L. Alberti, from Turkestan, grows 
about 1 ft. high, and has five-parted 
digitate leaves with bluntly elliptic 
lobes. The golden-yellow flowers, 
striped outside with red, appear in 
April in conical clusters. 

L, altaica (Bongardia Rauwolfi).— 
From the Altai Mountains, has three- 
parted leaves divided into five elliptic 
blue-green leaflets, and produces its 
terminal clusters of yellow flowers 
in April (Bot. Mag. t. 3245). 

L, darwasica, from Bokhara, is 
somewhat similar, as is also 

L, Leontopetalum, from the Levant, 
which has large tuberous roots, 
known as Lion Turnips, much-divided 
leaves, and yellow flowers. 

L, triphylla, from N. America, 
grows from 2 to 8 ft, high, and pro- 
duces its white flowers in May. The 
leaves when dried are very fragrant- 

LEUCOCORYNE (leukos, white; 
koryne, a club; referring to the 
sterile anthers). Nat. Ord. Liliacee., 
—A small genus of Chilian plants hav- 
ing tunicated bulbs or corms, narrow 
leaves, and few-flowered umbels of 
salver - shaped flowers with a cylin-_ 
drical tube. There are three per- 
fect stamens, and three staminodes. 

These plants can only be regarded 
as half-hardy except in the more 
favoured parts of the Kingdom, and 
are not very well-known. They 
require the same cultural treatment 
as the Ixias—which see (p. 319). 

The species best known are 
L. alliacea, white; L. purpurea, 
lavender and crimson maroon (Gard. 
Chron, 1894, xlvi. 144). 



LEUCOJUM (leukos, white; ton, a 
violet; referring to the colour and 
fragrance of the flowers), SNOWFLAKE. 
Nat. Ord. Amaryllidee. — A genus 
containing nine species of ornamental 
herbs having tunicated bulbs, narrow 
strap-shaped leaves, and large broadly 
bell-shaped, snowdrop-like blossoms. 

The SnowHakes flourish in ordinary 
garden soil of a rich and sandy nature, 
and once planted may be left to look 
after themselves. To be effective they 
should be massed in bold clumps in 
the rockery, or border, or between 
deciduous shrubs. They are readily 
increased by offsets, which should be 
detached after the leaves have 
withered. The following species are 
good garden plants :— 

L, estivum.—This free - growing 
species, popularly known as _ the 
“Summer Snowflake,” is widely dis- 

Fic. 223.—Leucojum estivum, bulb. (4.) 

tributed over Central and 8S. Europe 
from Britain and France to the 
Crimea, being found in wet meadows 
and osier beds in the south-eastern 
parts of England. The egg-shaped 
bulbs are 1 to 14 ins. through, and 
give rise to bluntly strap-shaped 
leaves 12 to 18 ins. long. The droop- 
ing pure white flowers, about 1 in. 
long, are tipped with green, and 
appear from the end of April to the 



end of May. (Bot. Mag. t. 1210; 
Red. Lil. t. 135.) 

L. autumnale (Acis autwmnalis).— 
This species is found wild from 
Portugal and Morocco to the Ionian 
Islands. The roundish bulbs are 
only about $ in. thick, and the slender 
thread-like leaves are usually pro- 
duced after the flowers have withered 
in August and September. The 
blossoms are white tinted with pink, 
the segments being five- to seven- 
veined. (Bot. Mag. t. 960.) The 
variety cephalonica has a two-valved 
spathe instead of a single linear one; 
and the variety pulchellum produces 
its white pendulous flowers at the 
same time as the leaves. Tender. 

L. hyemale (Acis hiemalis).— A : 
native of 8. France, with small round 
bulbs and narrow leaves about 1 ft. 
long at the same time as the flowers, 
These are white tinged with green 
outside, and appear in April, and not 
in winter as the name hyemale would 
indicate, (Bot. Mag. t. 6711.) 

L, longifolium (Acis longifolia).— 
This grows wild at an altitude of 
4500 to 6000 ft., on the Corsican 
Mountains. It has small brown- 
coated bulbs, very slender, flaccid 
thread-like leaves 6 to 12 ins. long, 
and small white flowers ¢ to 4 in. 
long in April and May. 

L. pulehellum (LZ, Hernandezt).— 
A native of Sardinia and the Balearic 
Isles, closely related to LZ. cestivum, 
from which it differs chiefly in having 
narrower leaves and smaller flowers 
somewhat later in the season. Fig, 

L, roseum (Acis rosea).— A small- 
bulbed Corsican plant with thread- 
like leaves after the flowers, and rosy- 
red blossoms } in. long, in September 
and October (Sw. Brit. Il. Gard. 
t. 297). 

L. trichophyllum (Acis_ tricho- 
phylla).—A pretty little plant from 



8S. Europe and W. Africa, with 
thread-like leaves, and white flowers 
in April (Bot. Reg. t. 544), The 
variety grandifiorum has somewhat 
larger flowers (Red, Lvl. t. 217). 

L, vernum,—The best of the genus, 
native of Central and Southern 
Europe, and now naturalised in parts 
of Dorset. It has round green- 
skinned bulbs about 1 in, through, 
and strap-shaped leaves 6 to 9 ins, 
long and about 4 in. broad, The 
sweet-scented flowers, pure white 
tipped with green, appear in March 
and April. (Bot. Mag. t. 46.) The 
variety biforum or Vagnert, has 
more than one flower on a scape, and 
often produces its blossoms as early 
as January and February. (Gard, 
Chron. 1908, xliii, 131.) In the 
variety carpaticum the white seg- 
ments are tipped with yellow instead 
of green. (Bot. Mag. t. 1993.) 

LEWISIA (after Capt. Lewis, the 
traveller). Nat. Ord. Portulacez. 
L. rediviva (Spatlum).—A pretty 

\ WS 
AK \ if 
KY Wo Mh 
LOE \ lh Gis i 

Fia. 226.—Lewisia rediviva. 

North American plant 1 to 3 ins. 
Fic. 225.—Leucojum vernum carpaticum. (}.) high, with edible, tapering, fleshy, 


red-skinned roots, white within. 
Leaves densely tufted, linear, fleshy, 
withering on the appearance of the 
flowers. The latter, 3 to 4 ins. across, 
appear in summer on one-flowered 
scapes, jointed above the middle, 
pink, with a nearly white centre. 
Sepals six to eight, broadly ovate, 
contorted, imbricate, finely veined 
with red, persistent. 

L. Tweediei.—A pretty little plant 
forming tufts of bright green fleshy 
spoon-shaped leaves with rather long 
stoutish stalks, The individual 
flowers are about an inch across, and 
of a pale salmon-pink colour with 
yellow anthers varying to pale yellow 
when fully expanded. They appear 
in June and July, one to each stem. 
(Bot. Mag. t. 7633.) 

The Lewisias should be planted in 
a sunny nook or crevice in the 
rockery, where the fleshy roots will 
obtain plenty of moisture, and 
because the flowers will not readily 
develop in shady spots. After bloom- 
ing, LZ. rediviva shrivels up into a 
withered, string-like mass. In very 
hot seasons the plants should be 
watered every day. Propagation is 
effected by seeds, or by dividing the 
roots in spring. 

LIATRIS (derivation unknown), 
SnakeERoot. Nat. Ord. Composite.— 
A genus containing about twenty 
species of North American perennials 
having tuberous root-stocks and 
erect slender stems furnished with 
narrow leaves and purplish or white 
heads of flowers in spikes, racemes, 
or panicles, 

The plants are nearly all perfectly 
hardy, and when grown in bold masses 
are effective in the flower-border, 
owing to the dense masses of blossom 
which are usually produced in August 
and September and open from the 
top downwards. Any ordinary good 



garden soil will suit the Liatrises, and 
the stock may be increased in autumn 
or spring by division of the tuberous 
root-stocks, or by seeds sown in 
autumn or spring. 

L. Chapmanni grows ‘about 3 ft. 
high, and produces violet - purple 
spikes of bloom. Being a native of 
Florida, it is safer to protect the 
tubers in winter with bracken, litter, 
etc., or to have them taken up and 
stored in a frost-proof place until 
spring, in the same way as Dablias. 

L. elegans.—This purple-flowered 
species grows from 2 to 4 ft. high, 
the lower leaves being spoon-shaped, 
the upper ones narrow and sometimes 
spiny-tipped (Bot. Reg. t. 267). 

L, graminifolia—This species has 
narrow grass-like leaves on stems 
about 3 ft. high, and loose spikes of 
violet-purple flowers. The variety 
pilosa has narrow hair-like bracts 
to the flower-heads. (Bot. Mag. 
t. 3829.) The variety dubia grows 
about 6 ft. high, 23 ft. of which are 
bright deep shining lilac flowers. 
(Gard. 1899, lvi. 212.) 

L. odoratissima (Trilisa odora- 
tissima).—A pretty species 2 to 4 ft. 
high, with bright purple flower-heads, 
and leaves which emit a vanilla-like 
odour when dried, or cut, or bruised. 

L, punctata.—This species has large 
tuberous root - stocks, and __leaf- 
stems dotted with brown, the violet- 
purple flowers being borne on the 
tops of stems 2 to 3 ft, high. 

L. pyenostachya grows from 3 to 
5 ft. high, and is known by its stiffish 
leaves and pale purple flower-heads, 
borne in dense spikes 12 to 18 ins. 

This species is often treated as a 
biennial, the seeds being sown one 
year in cold frames in autumn, to 
produce flowering plants the next. 

L. scariosa grows about 3 ft. high, 
and has very long and narrow leaves 



and purple flower-heads, each about 
2 ins. across (Lot. Jag. t. 1709; Bot. 
Reg. t. 1654). 

L. spicata.—A handsome and well- 
known species 2 to 3 ft. high, having 
lance-shaped pointed leaves fringed 
at the base, and bright purple flower- 
heads in spikes 6 to 15 ins. long (Bot, 
Mag. t. 1411). 

L. squarrosa,—A fine species 2 to 3 
ft. high, with stiffish leaves and 
bright purple tower - heads, the 
involucre of which is composed of 
elongated leafy bracts. 

LIBERTIA (after Marie & Libert, 
a Belgian lady botanist). Nat. Ord. 
Trideze.—There are several species in 
the genus, but the best is— 

L. formosa.—A beautiful Chilian 
perennial with a creeping root-stock, 
from whlch arise deep green, narrow, 
sword-shaped and more or less 
recurving leaves about 1 ft. long. 
The pure white flowers appear in 
May and June, and open from. the 
bottom upwards on the spikes about 
2ft. high. (Bot. Reg. t. 1630; Bot. 
Mag. t. 3294.) 

Other species of Libertia, all with 
white flowers, are L. grandiflora, L. 
ixioides, L. paniculata (Lot. Mag. 
t, 6263), and L. pulchella. 

Libertias are fairly hardy in the 
milder parts of the Kingdom, and 
should be planted in bold masses in 
the border or rock-garden in warm, 
sheltered nooks. They prefer a 
compost of rich sandy peat, and 
might therefore be associated with 
such Ericaceous plants as Rhodo- 
dendrons, Azaleas, Kalmias, and 
Heaths. The plants are most easily 
propagated by severing the root- 
stocks with a sharp knife in spring 
just as growth is about to commence. 

LILIUM (from leirion, the Greek 
name of Lily ; or from the Celtic dz, 



white), Linry. Nat, Ord. Liliaces.— 
A large genus of ornamental Howering 
plants, usually having large * scaly 
bulbs and erect stems bearing lance- 
shaped leaves, and one or more showy, 
more or less drooping or horizontal 
flowers. The funnel-shaped or bell- 
shaped perianth has six distinct, 
erect, spreading or recurving seg- 
ments or petals, the three inner ones 
being usually larger and broader than 
the three outer ones. Stamens six, 
with large brown, red, or orange 
versatile anthers at the end of long 
slender filaments. 

The Liliums are natives of the 
northern hemisphere, and are found. 
in a wild state in the New World in 
Canada, California, and other parts 
of the United States, and in the Old 
World in Central and Southern 
Europe, Siberia, the Caucasus, Asia 
Minor, extending eastwards to Nepal, 
the Himalayas, Burma, China, the 
Philippine Islands, and Japan. With 
such a wide range of distribution, it 
is natural that Liliums should be 
found growing under different condi- 
tions as to soil, climate, temperature, 
and elevation. To show at a glance 
various habitats of the species, 
Liliums may be classed into Old- 
World species and New-World species 
as follows : — 

(i.) OLp-Wortp Liuiums. 

* LT. Alexandre. Japan. 
+ L. auratum. Japan. 

L Bakerianum. Burma. 
* LT, Batemannie. Japan. 
t+ Z. Brownt. Japan. 

. bulbiferum. Europe. 

. callosum. Japan. 
.candidum. Europe. 
.carniolicum, Carniola. 
. chalcedonicum. Europe. 
. concolor. China. 
.cordefolium, Japan. 
.croceum, Europe. 



Oxp-Wortp Lintums—continued. 

* LT. davuricum. Siberia. 
+L. Delavayt. China. 

+ Z Duchartret. Tibet. 
+ L. elegans. Japan. 

+ L. Fargesit. China. 

+ L. formosum. China. 

+ L. giganteum. Himalayas, 
+ L. Hanson. Japan. 

* L. Heldreicht. Greece. 
*L. Henry. Japan. 

* L. Janke. Europe. 

+ L. japonicum, Japan. 
+ LZ, Kramert. Japan. 

+ L.lankongense. China. 
+ L. Leichtlint. Japan. 
t L.lewcanthum. China. 
+ LZ. longiflorum, Japan, 

L, Lowi. Burma. 

+ LZ, Martagon. Europe. 

+ L. Maximowicz. Japan. 

+ L. mirabile. China. 

+ L. monadelphum. Caucasus. 
+ ZL. myriophyllum. China. 

L. neilgherense. India. 

L. nepalense. Nepal. 
+t L. ochraceum. China. 

+ L. oxypetalum. Himalayas. 
t L. papilliferum, China. 

L. philippinense. 
+t L. polyphyllum, Himalayas. 
* L. pomponium. Europe. 

L. primulinum. Burma. 

* L. pyrenaicum. Europe. 
t L. roseum. Himalayas. 
+ L. Rosthernt. China. 

* LT. rubellum, Japan. 

+ L. speciosum, Japan. 

L. sulphureum. Himalayas. 

+ L. sutchuenense. China. 

t L. taliense. China. 

+ L. tenusfolium. Siberia. 

* ZL. testaceum, Europe. : 
* L. tigrinum. Japan, China. 
* TL. umbellatum. Europe. 

+ L. Wallacer. Japan. 

+ L. Yoshidat. Japan. 

+ DL. yunnanense. China. 




(ii.) NEw-Wortp Liuiums. 

mM L. Bakeri. N. America. 
+ L. Bolanderi. Oregon. 
Mm L. canadense. Canada. 
M L. Catesbei. N.W. America, 
+ LZ. Columbianum, Oregon, ete. 
ML. Grayi. N. Carolina. 

+ L. Humboldti. California. 

+t L. Kelloggt. California. 

M L. lucidum. Oregon. 

ML. maritimum. California. 

+ L. nitidum. California. 

+ L. occidentule. California. 

+t LZ. pardalinum. California. 
ML. Parryt. California. 

+ L. parvum. California. 

+ L. purpureum. Oregon. 

+ L. philadelphicum. U.S.A. 

+ DL. Roealt, California. 
* TL rubescens. U.S.A. 
mM L. superbum. U.S.A. 
* LZ. Washingtonianum. 


From the cultivator’s point of view 
all the Liliums mentioned above may 
be divided into three main groups so 
far as the soil is concerned, Those 
marked with an asterisk (*) may be 
looked upon as perfectly hardy in 
most parts of the United Kingdom, 
and as plants that will flourish in 
any good garden soil so long as it 
has been deeply dug or trenched, and 
enriched with a fair amount of well- 
rotted manure. If the soil should be 
naturally of rich loamy character 
with a certain amount of grit in it, 
so much the better. 

The kinds marked with a dagger 
(+) are somewhat more fastidious, and 
yet they are excellent plants for the 
open air. The soil in which they are 
most likely to grow well should 
consist of sandy loam, peat, and 
leaf-soil in about equal proportions, 
and should be of course well drained. 

The Liliums marked m are also 
fine garden plants but require special 
situations, either prepared or natural, 



if they are to yield good results, 
The soil should be of sandy loam, 
peat, and leaf-soil in about equal 
proportions, as for the second group ; 
but in addition there must be an 
abundance of moisture, but nothing 
in the way of stagnant water. 

The border of a running stream, or 
brook, or on the edge of a lake or 
pond where the water is constantly 
being freshened, would therefore suit 
this particular group of American 
Liliums admirably. 

With the exception of such kinds 
as DL. Lowi, L. nepalense, L. 
neilgherense, L. Wallichianum, L. 
Bakerianum, L. primulinum, and 
L. philippinense — which are too 
tender for most parts of the United 
Kingdom, all the other kinds may be 
grown in the open air. Special 
cultural hints are given below in 
certain cases. 

TimE To Prant.—Lilies may be 
planted in the open air in early 
autumn or in spring. Autumn, 
however, is the better season, as the 
roots from the base of bulbs become 
established in their action before the 
winter, and thus keep the bulbs well 
supplied with nourishment. When 
planted in spring—and bulbs imported 
then must necessarily be planted at 
that period—the bulb itself is already 
anxious to send up its leafy stem 
before basal roots have formed, and 
more or less at the expense of the 
reserve material in the fleshy scale- 
leaves. At this period, however, the 
autumn-planted bulbs are already 
well established, and in addition to 
basal roots from the bulbs a fresh 
supply of roots is being developed 
from the joints of the stems in 
many cases. This action is so well 
known to growers of Liliums in pots, 
that the bulbs are not at first covered 
with soil, but left exposed. In 
due course roots emerge from the 



aérial stems, and handfuls of soil 
are added from time to time for 
them to work in, The two sets of 
roots thus absorb large quantities of 
food from the soil, and enable the 
plants to flower well in due course. 
Some kinds develop stem roots more 
readily than others. 

DeprH to Pranr.—The bulbs of 
Liliums are not all of the same size— 
some being larger than others. In 
the case of autumn planting, a good 
rule to follow is to plant the bulbs in 
holes about three times deeper than 
their own diameter. This means that 
some bulbs will be from 6 ins. to 10 
ins. deep, having from 4 ins. to 6 ins. 
of soil over the crowns. This deep 
planting is necessary, mainly as a 
protection against winter frosts, 
depredations of mice, etc., and also 
because the soil is several degrees 
warmer a few inches down than it is 
on the surface. 

When planting bulbs in spring, the 
same methods may be adopted, if the 
bulbs are to remain in the soil during 
the winter, but it is not essential to 
bury the bulbs so deeply, if it is 
intended to lift them in autumn, as 
the weather gradually becomes more 

Position. — As a rule, Liliums 
should be planted in spots sheltered 
from cold biting winds, and where 
they may receive a little shade, cast 
from trees, during the hottest portion 
of the day. It is useless to plant 
them beneath trees with branches 
almost sweeping the ground; but 

between deciduous or evergreen 
shrubs, not too close together, 
Liliums often flourish and are 

protected at the base by the stems 
and leaves of their neighbours. 
Pot-cuLTURE.—Many Liliums are 
cultivated in pots for the decoration 
of the greenhouse or conservatory, 
and also in thousands by market- 



growers, the latter being particularly 
partial to such kinds as LZ. longi- 
forum, L. speciosum (or lancifolium), 
L. tigrinum, and L. candidum. The 
bulbs are placed in pots about twice 
their own diameter, the compost used 
being chiefly good turfy loam with a 
little peat or leaf-mould, and sand. 
Root action is established before 
much heat is applied, but afterwards 
the temperature is raised to hasten 
growth. When the plants have ceased 
to flower, they should be plunged 
outside in ashes or soil, and kept 
dryish, and when quite withered 
should be stored in a cool airy place 
till spring. The bulbs should then 
be shaken out of the old soil, and 
repotted in fresh compost. At the 
same time all offsets should be placed 
apart for increasing the stock if 

There is now a very large trade 
done in imported bulbs by market- 
growers, and they never worry about 
propagation. The bulbs, however, 
are not all grown at one time. Some- 
times they are forced into early 
growth by heat, if wanted during the 
winter months. At other times they 
are kept in check or “retarded” in 
refrigerators, and taken out in 
batches as required; while still 
another section may be grown on 
under what may be called natural 

Propagation. — Liliums may be 
propagated by (i.) offsets from the 
older bulbs ; (ii.) by bulb scales ; (iii.) 
by bulbils or vegetative seed-like 
bodies in the axils of the leaves of 
some species, eg., L. bulbiferum and 
L. tigrinum ; and (iv.) by seeds. The 
first three methods are easy enough. 
The offsets, scales, or bulbils should 
be placed in beds of rich sandy and 
well-drained soil, or in pots or pans 
if there are only small quantities. 
It will take the scales and bulbils 



from two to three years to reach the 
flowering stage, but good offsets may 
develop more quickly. 

As many species of Lilium deterior- 
ate in our climate and are apt to die 
out altogether in time, it is a good 
practice to save seeds when possible, 
and raise plantsfrom them. In this 
way a new and acclimatised race 
may be produced that would be 
likely to last longer than their 
progenitors, The seeds, when 
thoroughly ripe should be sown in 
pots or pans of rich gritty loam and 
leaf-soil,and covered with about 4 in. 
of mould. They should be placed in 
a cold frame or greenhouse, and in 
due course, when the seedlings are 
large enough to handle easily, they 
may be carefully pricked out into 
similar pots or pans, or even into 
gritty soil in a cold frame. The soil 
must always be kept moist when the 
seedlings are growing, otherwise the 
newly forming bulblets may suffer 
beyond recall. It will take from five 
to ten or eleven years to obtain 
flowering bulbs from seed. 

There are a few hybrid Liliums 
(noted below), but not so many as 
there might be. No doubt as time 
goes on, greater attention will be 
devoted to developing a new race. 

Imported bulbs often arrive in a 
more or less injured or diseased 
condition. These should be over- 
hauled immediately, separating the 
sound bulbs from the diseased or 
injured ones. All good bulbs may 
be planted immediately; shrivelled 
ones are best stored in dampish coco- 
nut fibre for some time, until they 
“plump up” ; butall diseased portions 
should be burned. 

The following is a list of Liliums in 
cultivation at present :— , 

L, Alexandre (L. Uke-Urt).—Sup- 
posed to be a natural hybrid between 
L. longiflorum or L. japonicum and 



L. auratum. Flowers 6 to 8 ins. 
across, pure white, in June and July. 

Fic. 227.—Liliwm Alexandre. (4.) 

L. auratum.—This is the “Golden 
Lily of Japan.” It grows 2 to 6 ft. 
high, and has ivory-white: flowers 9 
to 12 ins. across, each petal having a 
broad bright yellow band down the 
centre, and numerous deep purple 
blotches on the inner surface, the 
basal portion being covered with 
stiffish purple hairs or papilla. (Bot. 
Mag. t. 53838; Fl. d. Serr. 1528, 31; 
Elwes, Lil. t. 15.) 

There are many forms of L. aura- 
tum, the best known being platy- 
phyllum, with richly-spotted broad- 
petalled flowers about 1 ft. across ; 
virginale, very similar but spotless ; 
rubro-vittatum, with a red band down 
the centre of the petals; Wetter, pure 
white, without spots, but banded with 
yellow, and sometimes tipped with 
reddish-brown ; pictwm, finely spotted 
crimson-tipped petals; Parkmann, 
something like rwubro-vittatum, but 



being more or less spotted with 
crimson ; trecolor, very robust habit 
and large flowers without any brown 
dots, but with copious spots and 

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ty 7 


Fic. 228.—Lilium auwratum. (4.) 

L. Bakeri.—A native of the sandy 
woods of Washington Territory and 
8. British Columbia. It has ovoid 
bulbs exactly like those of Z. cana- 
dense, about 5 ins. in circumference. 
The rather stout roundish stems are 
2 to 6 ft. high, and the bright green 
lanceolate leaves are mostly in whorls. 
The orange-red flowers, about 14 ins. 
long, are thickly spotted with maroon 
in the lower half. 

L. Bakerianum.—This species is 
found at an elevation of 4000 ft. on 
the Shan Hills in Upper Burma, and 
at 6000 ft. in Yunnan, China. It 
grows 2 to 4 ft, high, and has narrow 
stalkless leaves, densely pubescent 
beneath. The broadly funnel-shaped 
flowers about 4 ins, long, are creamy- 
white, copiously spotted with brown 
inside towards the base. Best grown 
in a greenhouse. 

L, Batemannie.— This is now 



classed as a variety of ZL. elegans. 
It grows 3 to 5 ft. high, and has 
unspotted flowers 4 to 5 ins. across, 
of a glowing reddish-apricot tint. 

Fic. 229,—Lilium Bakerianum. (}.) 

L. Bolanderi.— A Californian 
species, 14 to 3 ft. high, with ob- 
lanceolate leaves mainly in four 
whorls of twelve to fifteen, and 
bearing deep crimson, dark spotted, 
funnel-shaped flowers, something like 
L. Grayt (Garden, Oct. 1890). 

L. Browni.—A magnificent Japanese 
Lilium, 2 to 4 ft. high, with purple- 
spotted stems, and horizontal, tubular 
bell-shaped flowers 6 to 9 ins. long, 

Fic. 230.—Lilium Browni, (4.) 

pure white with a purple line down 
the centre of the three inner petals, 
the whole being suffused with purple 
outside (Zl. d. Serr. t. 47). There 



are a few forms such as chloraster, 
odorum, platyphyllum, and viridu- 

L. bulbiferum.— A well - known 
species 2 to 4 ft. high, with erect 
crimson flowers spotted with brown, 
and shading off to orange-red. Shiny 
black bulbils are borne freely in the 
axils of the leaves. Europe. (Bot. 
Mag. tt. 36, 1018 ; Elwes, Lil. t. 23.) 

L. Burbanki—A hybrid between 
L. pardalinum and L. Washingtoni- 
anum, with orange-yellow flowers 
spotted with purple. 

L. callosum.—A native of China 
and Japan. Flowers drooping, orange- 
scarlet, 14 ins. long, borne in clustered 
racemes on stems 2 to 3 ft. high. 
(£1. d. Serr. t, 230; Elwes, Lil, t. 41.) 

L. canadense (L. penduliflorum).— 
Flowers, drooping, funnel - shaped, 
varying in colour from bright orange- 
yellow to pale bright red, the upper 
half being heavily spotted with purple 
brown (Bot. Mag. t. 800). There are 
varieties known as rubrum, parvum, 
and flavum. Canada. (Bot. Mag. 
tt. 800, 6146; Hlwes, Lil. t. 27.) L. 
canadense is often confused with 
LL. superbum, but is quite distinct 
from it. 

L. candidum.—This is the well- 
known pure white Madonna Lily of 
S. Europe, Asia Minor, etc. There are 
a few varieties not of much conse- 
quence. (Bot. Mag. t. 278.) This is 
best grown in soil not too rich, and it 
is also better to leave it undisturbed 
when well established. Otherwise 
the Lily disease may play havoc with 
the plants in a short time. (Bot. 
Mag. t. 278; Elwes, Lil. t. 9.) A 
good Lily for forcing. Fig. 231. 

L, carniolicum,—F lowers drooping, 
recurved, 14 to 2 ins, deep, varying 
from bright orange-yellow to scarlet. 
S. Europe. (lwes, Lil. t. 45.) 

L, Catesbeei.—Flowers of a bright 
orange-red, heavily spotted with 



purple, petals slightly recurved. An 
elegant species, N.W. America. 
(Bot. Mag. t. 259.) 

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Fic. 231.—Liliwm candidum. (4.) 

L. chalcedonicum.—A_ well-known 
“Turk’s Cap” Lily, 2 to 3 ft. high, 

with bright scarlet flowers having the . 

petals rolled back (Bot. Mag. t. 30; 
Elwes, Lil. t. 43). 

This species has been crossed with 
L. excelsum, and produced a hybrid 
called Beerenst (Gard. 1895, 11). 

L. columbianum (L. nitidum).— 
This resembles a small Z. Humboldt. 
Flowers drooping, reddish-orange or 
yellow, with reflexed petals spotted 
with red purple. Oregon and British 
Columbia. (Zlwes, Lil. t. 31.) 

L. concolor (ZL. sintcum),—F lowers 
bright scarlet spotted with deep 
brown purple at the base. China 
and Japan. (Bot. Mag. t. 1165; 
Elwes, Lit. t. 185.) 

There are several varieties, such as 
Buschianum, bright scarlet spotted 
with black; Coridion, bright yellow 
spotted with brown; Partheneion, 



orange-yellow with faint spots; pul- 
chellum, scarlet crimson, spotted 
black ; Zutewm, yellow spotted purple- 

L, cordifolium,—Flowers tubular, 
white spotted with purple brown at 
the base, and borne on stems 3 to 4 
ft. high. Leaves broadly heart-shaped, 
ovate, with long stalks. This Japanese 
species is like a dwarf form of the 
Himalayan L. giganteum. (Bot, Mag. 
t. 6637; Hlwes, Lil. t.1.) L. Glehni, 
from the Island of Sachalin, is similar 
to L. cordifoliwm, but has more 
numerous and smaller flowers. 

L. croceum,—This is the well- 
known orange or Saffron Lily of the 

Fic. 232.—Liliwm crocewm. 

European Alps. It has cobwebby 
stems 3 to 6 ft. high, golden orange 
funnel-shaped flowers, sometimes 
tinted with scarlet and spotted with 
purple at the base. (Bot. Mag. t. 
36, as L. bulbiferum.) 

L, Dalhansoni—A hybrid between 
the European LZ. dalmaticum and the 



Japanese LZ, Hansont. Flowers dark 
brownish-purple, on stems 5 ft. high. 
(Garden, 1893, ii. 927.) 

L. dauricum or davuricum (JL, 
pennsylvanicum).—This is often con- 
fused with Z. wmbellatum. It has 
orange-scarlet flowers flushed with 
red and spotted with black. Siberia. 
(Bot. Mag. tt. 872, 1210; Elwes, 
Lil. t. 21.) 

L. Delavayi.—A native of Yunnan, 
Western China, distinguished by its 
long slender rhizomes, slender downy 
stems 1 to 2 ft. high, rather narrow 
leaves 1} to 3 ins. long, and wine-red 
openly funnel-shaped flowers heavily 
dotted with brown inside. 

L. Duchartrei.—A native of Eastern 
Tibet and the mountains of W. 
China. It has small bulbs borne at 
the end of a long slender root- 
stock. The very slender stems are 
2 to 3 ft. high, sparsely furnished 
with thin lance-shaped leaves 2 to 23 
ins. long. The flowers, 14 to 2 ins. 
long, are white, spotted inside with 
reddish-brown, especially near the 
edges of the segments. (Bot. Mag. t. 

L. elegans (L. aurantiacum; L. 
Thunbergianum).—Stems 1 to 2 ft. 
high, with scarlet-orange cup-shaped 
flowers 4 to 6 ins. across, slightly 
spotted with purple near the base. 
(Bot. Reg. 1839, t. 38.) 

There are many fine varieties of 
L. elegans, all excellent for planting 
amongst low-growing shrubs or for 
pot-culture. Amongst the best are 
—Alice Wilson, clear lemon-yellow ; 
alutaceum, bright apricot, spotted 
black; atrosanguineum, deep red, 
spotted black ; awrantiacum, orange- 
yellow; Batemannie, clear apricot- 
red, unspotted; Horsmanni, rich 
crimson; Wallacez, rosy - apricot, 
heavily spotted; and many others, 
including fore pleno, a double-flowered 
form with deep red blossoms. 



L. Fazxgesi.—This species was 
collected with many others in W. 
China by Father Farges, after whom 
it isnamed. It hassmall ovoid bulbs, 
slender stems about 1 ft. high, having 
linear leaves 6 to 7 ins. long, and 
yellow purple-spotted flowers with 
much-reflexed segments, 

L. formosum.—A native of the 
mountains of Western China, It 
grows about 3 ft. high, and has lance- 
shaped leaves about 6 ins. long. The 
white flowers are broadly funnel- 
shaped, 6 to 7 ins, long, and the seg- 
ments spreading only towards the 

L. giganteum.—A magnificent Lily 
from the high mountain forests of 
Hupeh and Yunnan, China, It has 

Fic. 233.—Liliwm gigantewm, seed-pod. 

large bulbs, and stems from 6 to 14 ft. 
high, with heart-shaped ovate leaves, 
gradually becoming smaller as they 
ascend the stems. Flowers 5 to 6 
ins. long, tubular, white, washed with 
violet-purple in the throat, and 
sweetly scented. (Dot. Mag. t. 4673 ; 
Elwes, Lil, t. 21.) The variety yun- 
nanense is very hardy, and has larger 

337 Y 


and better-coloured flowers than the 
type (Gard. 1904, lxv. 406). 

The best time to plant the bulbs 
of L. giganteum is about the end of 
April or early in May, leaving the 
upper half uncovered with soil. It 
is safer to lift the bulbs in autumn 
and store them in frost-proof places 
during the winter, as they are not 
hardy except in the very mildest 
parts of the Kingdom, where the large 
seed-pods are also freely produced. 

L. Grayi—A native of the Alle- 
ghanies of Virginia and North 
Carolina, related to Z. canadense, It 
has small roundish bulbs arising 
annually from a creeping root-stock. 
Stems 2 to 3 ft. high. Flowers 
drooping, rich crimson, funnel-shaped, 
heavily blotched with purple at the 
yellowish base of the reflexed petals. 
(Bot. Mag. t. 7234.) 

L. Hansoni.—A fine Japanese Lily 
3 to 4 ft, high, having bright orange- 
yellow flowers with reflexed petals, 
heavily spotted with blackish or 
brownish purple (Elwes, Lil. t. 34). 
A good Lily for forcing. 

L, Heldreichi.—This species in- 
habits the mountains of Greece at 
an altitude of 6000 to 8000 ft. and is 
intermediate between L. carniolicum 
and L. chalcedonicum. It has ovoid 
bulbs, stoutish green stems spotted 
with purple, and 2 to 3 ft, high, each 
bearing a solitary bright reddish- 
yellow flower about 2 ins. long. 

L. Henryi.—A strong and free- 
flowering species from the limestone 
_gorges of Central China, Stems 3 to 
6 ft. high, furnished with lance- 
shaped leaves 6 to 8 ins. long, and 
having rich orange-red flowers 3 to 4 
ins. across, spotted with black, and 
having numerous raised papille 
near the base. (Bot. Mag. t. 7177; 
Garden, 1891, 830; Gard. Chron. 
1890, viii. 380, fig. 75.) 

L, Humboldti,—A graceful Cali- 



fornian Lily 4 to 8 ft. high, with 
oval lance-shaped leaves in whorls of 
ten to twenty. Flowers drooping, 
rich orange yellow, heavily spotted 
with purple on the lower half of the 
reflexed petals, (Hlwes, Lit. t. 32.) 

Fic. 234.—Lilium Henryi. 

The variety Bloomertanum has 
golden-yellow flowers tipped with 
purple, and having large spots (/. 
d, Serr, tt.1973-4) ; ocellatum, yellow, 
heavily blotched with purple; also 
magnificum, orange, spotted maroon, 
each spot oculated with crimson. 

L, Janke.—A native of the 
Transylvanian mountains, with bulbs 
about 2 ins, in diameter, and stout 
closely leafy stems 2 to 3 ft. high, 
bearing pale yellow unspotted flowers — 
about 2 ins. long, the segments 
reflexing from below the middle. 

L, japonicum (LZ. odorum).—A fine 
Japanese species 1 to 3 ft. high, with 
broadly funnel-shaped, sweet-scented 
flowers of a pure ivory-white, some- 



times tinged with purple outside, 6 to 
9 ins. across when fully open (Bot. 
Mag. t. 1591 ; Elwes, Lil, t. 14). 

Fic. 235.—Lilium japonicum. (4.) 

A somewhat delicate species requir- 
ing protection in winter in unfavour- 
able localities. Itisa good greenhouse 

L, Kelloggi—-A pretty Californian 
Lily, 3 to 5 ft. high, resembling LZ. 
Columbianum. Flowers delicate, 
pinkish purple, becoming deeper with 
age, banded with yellow and finely 
dotted with maroon on the reflexed 
petals. From eight to twenty flowers 
are borne in a truss. (Gard. Chron. 
1903, xxxili. 422; Garden, 1901, i. f. 

L. Kewense.—This is a hybrid 
between L. Henry: and L. Browns 
chloraster (Gard. 1900, lviii. 99, f.). 

L. Krameri (L. Elisabethe).—A 
distinct and free-flowering Japanese 
Lilium 3 to 4 ft. high, bearing sweet- 
scented pink flowers (Bot. Mag. t. 
6058 ; Elwes, Lil, t. 14). 

L, lankongense.—A species from 
Yunnan, West China (altitude 8000 to 
9000 ft.), closely related to L. poly- 
phyllum, The slender downy stems 
are 1 to 2 ft. high, with narrow 
leaves about 24 ins. long, and droop- 
ing long-stalked flowers white or 



purple, spotted with black, the seg- 
ments being reflexed from low down. 

L, Leichtlini—A fine Japanese 
species 3 to 4 ft. high, with drooping 
citron-yellow flowers heavily spotted 

- with purple, the petals being rolled 

back, as in the Turk’s Cap forms 
(Bot. Mag. t. 5673 ; Elwes, Lil. t. 39). 

There are a few forms, such as 
majus, like the type but larger; 
platypetalum, with broad petals ; and 
tigrinum, heavily spotted. 

L, leucanthum,—A fine West 
Chinese Lilium (altitude 4000 to 5000 
ft.), closely related to ZL. Brownt, 
and at one time considered to be 
a variety of it (see Bot. Mag. t. 
6722). It has large roundish bulbs 
and sturdy stems 3 to 4 ft. high, 
clothed with numerous lance-shaped 
leaves about 3 ins. long. The funnel- 
shaped perianth about 6 ins, long, is 
milky-white, slightly tinged with 
green near the base outside, unspotted, 
and tinged with pale yellow towards 
the base inside, 

Fic. 236.—Liliwm longiflorum. (3.) 

L. longiflorum,— A charming 
Japanese Lilium, 1 to 3 ft. high, 



with pure white tubular sweetly 

scented flowers (Bot. Reg. t. 560). 
This fine species is cultivated by 

hundreds of thousands in a forced, 

retarded, and natural state by 
market growers, and is always 
popular. There are several forms of 

it, some much better than others. 
Some of the best are Harrist, eximium 
or Wilsont, Takesima grandiflorum. 

L. Lowi—A native of Burma, 
2 to 4 ft. high, with white bell-shaped 
flowers more or less heavily spotted 
with violet or crimson-purple (Bot, 
Mag. t. 7232 ; Garden, 1894, 953). 

Dr A. Henry says this species is 
also very common on the bare grassy 
mountains near Mengtse, China, at 
elevations of 5000 to 7000 ft., and has 
pink or purple-pink flowers. 

This is too tender for most parts of 
the Kingdom, and is best grown in 
pots in the greenhouse. 

L, Marhan,—A hybrid between the 
white LZ. Martagon album and the 
golden-yellow Z. Hanson. It has 
stems 5 to 7 ft. high, and thick 
petalled orange-yellow flowersstreaked 
with brownish-red. 

L. maritimum,—A native of Cali- 
fornia, seldom growing more than 
three miles from the ocean. It has 
rhizomatous bulbs and stems 3 to 5 
ft. high, wiih deep red bell-shaped 
flowers spotted with dark purple. 
It flourishes in a well-drained, cool, 
moist soil. (Alwes, Lil, t. 12.) 

L. Martagon.—The well-known 
Turk’s Cap Lily of South Europe. 
It grows 2 to 3 ft. high, and has 
drooping flowers in chandelier-like 
tiers, and with gracefully recurved 
petals of a dull purple-red or violet- 
rose, heavily spotted with carmine at 
the base. (Bot. Mag. tt. 893, 1634; 
Red. Lit. t. 146; Elwes, Lil, t. 33.) 

There are several varieties, the 
best known being album, pure waxy 
white; dalmaticum, pale to deep 



purple ; and Cutanz, with very deep 
velvety crimson flowers, 

L. Maximowiczi.— A Japanese 
Lilium closely related to LZ. Lezcht- 
lint, but resembling LZ. tegrinum in 
its small bulbs and flowers. The 
latter are drooping, orange-red fading 
to yellow at the tips, and heavily 
blotched with deep purple. The 
variety Bakeri has narrower leaves 
with ciliated margins, and smaller 
but more highly coloured flowers. 
Regelt is similar to Bakert, but has 
large blotches on the flowers, and the 
leaves are not ciliated on the margins, 
(Elwes, Ll, t. 40.) 

L. mirabile.—A fine Lily, native 
of Western China, growing about 4 
ft. high, the thin slender stems being 
furnished with papery, heart-shaped 
ovate leaves. The funnel-shaped 
flowers, each 5 to 7 ins. long, are in 
clusters of seven to fifteen, spreading 

Fic. 237.—Lilium myriophyllum. (4.) 

horizontally, and are white, tinted 
with violet towards the margin. 

L, monadelphum (L. Loddigesi- 
anum).—A_ vigorous Caucasian Lily, 
3 to 5 ft. high, with drooping, clear 
pale yellow flowers borne in pyra- 
midal clusters. The variety Szovitsi- 
anum (also well-known as colchicum) 
has beautiful citron-yellow flowers 



spotted with blackish-purple, as many 
as thirty often hanging like bells 
from the tops of the stems. (Bot. 
Mag. t. 1405 ; Elwes, Lil. t. 36.) 

L. myriophyllum,—A fine Western 
Chinese Lily, 2} to 5 ft. high, with 
numerous narrow, lance - shaped, 
closely-arranged leaves, and trumpet- 
shaped blossoms of great substance, 
with petals reflexed at the tips. The 
colour is white washed with brown or 
chocolate. (Bot. Jag. t. 8102; Flora 
and Sylva, December 1905.) 

L. neilgherense (Z. tubiflorum).— 
A fine Indian species too tender for 
open-air culture in the British 
Islands. It grows from 2 to 3 ft. 
high, and has sweet-scented, pale 
sulphur - yellow, tubular flowers. 
(Garden, 1885, ii. 488; Elwes, Lil. t. 
65; Bot. Mag. t. 6332.) 

L. nepalense.—A native of India, 
Burma, and China, being common at 
elevations of 5000 to 9000 ft. in the 
latter country. Stems 1 to 3 ft. high 
with nodding bell-shaped flowers of a 
beautiful soft yellow, the lower half 

Fic. 238.—Lilium netlgherense. 


of the recurved petals being washed 
and blotched with rich purple-brown 
(Elwes, Lil. t.5; Bot. Mag. t. 7043). 
It is safer to grow this species in a 

L. nitidum,—A Californian Lily 
with oblong bulbs, and green and 
purplish stems about 14 ft. high, 



bearing lance-shaped leaves in whorls 
of twenty, more or less, and bright 

Fic. 239.—Liliwm nepalense. 


yellow flowers copiously spotted with 
reddish-brown on the upper half of 
the segments, 

L. occidentale. — A Californian 
Lilium with a short rhizomatous 
root-stock and stems 2 to 6 ft. high, 
having leaves in whorls of five to 
twelve or more. Flowers 14 to 23 ins. 
long, crimson towards the tips, orange- 
red with copious black spots lower 
down the segments. 

L, ochraceum.—This Lily is closely 
allied to ZL. monadelphum (Szovitst- 
anum), and comes from the mountains 
of Western China, at an altitude of 
9000 to 10,000 ft. The smooth shin- 
ing stems are 8 to 4 ft. high, furnished 
with scattered lance - shaped leaves 
about 2 ins. long, and bearing droop- 
ing, yellow, unspotted flowers with 
reflexed segments, 

L. oxypetalum,—A pretty little 
species from the Himalayas (altitude 



8000 to 12,500 ft.), having narrow elon- 
gated bulbs, slender stems 1 to 14 ft. 
high, linear lance-shaped leaves, and 
one to three flowers about 2 ins. across 
in June, soft mauve-purple in colour, 
spotted at the base of the segments 
with deep purple. (Bot. Mag. t. 4731 ; 
Elwes, Lil, t. 5.) 

L. papilliferum (LZ. PBiondi),—An- 
other Yunnan Lilium (altitude 5000 
to 6000 ft.), related to ZL. Maximowiezt. 
It has small roundish bulbs, and 
slender stems about 1 ft. high, bear- 
ing linear leaves. The drooping bell- 
shaped flowers, with reflexed segments, 
are bright red. 

L. pardalinum.—This is the Cali- 
fornian “Leopard Lily.” It has hori- 
zontal creeping root-stocks, on which 
the bulbs are developed. The stems 
are 3 to 8 ft. high, and the drooping 
flowers are bright orange-red heavily 

Fira. 240.—Litium pardalinum, bulb and 
rhizome. (3.) 

spotted with dark purple at the 
base. There are many varieties, such 
as Bourgaet, with crimson - orange 
heavily-blotched flowers; cal¢forni- 
cum, deep orange-yellow spotted with 
maroon and tipped with bright 
scarlet ; Zutewm, soft yellow suffused 
with orange and brown; Johnsont, a 
highly coloured variety; Michauzi, 
like the type, but later; minor, an 
early-flowering form with rather small 
orange black-spotted flowers ; pallidi- 
forum, pale in colour, but large; 
Robinsoni, a strong grower, with bright 
vermilion flowers fading to yellow, 
and densely spotted with purple- 


brown; and Warei, with sweet- 
scented, clear yellow, unspotted 

A fine Lily for massing and group- 
ing in moist beds amongst shrubs, 
etc. Mr Carl Purdy says :—“ There 
seems to be a misconception gener- 
ally as to the habitat of LZ. parda- 
linum, the idea being that it is a bog 
Lily. This is by no means the case, 
Moisture it loves, and it sometimes 
grows in very wet places, but in bogs 
never, and the finest developed plants 
are not in wet places. 

“Go with me in the Coast Range 
Mountains to where high in their 
bosom some living stream has formed 
a little vale deep with sandy loam 
and wash from the surrounding 
slopes, and there overtopping the tall 
grasses and weeds, which are stimu- 
lated to a luxurious growth, I will 
show you this beautiful Lily higher 
than a man, and glorious in its orange 
and red bloom, its bulb in a sharp 
well-drained soil, its roots ruxsning 
down to abundant moisture. In such 
spots it grew by acres before civilisa- 
tion with its plough and hog came. 
[ have often seen masses containing 
200 to 300 bulbs solidly matted to- 
gether. If it is on the bank of the 
stream in deep sandy loam, where the 
roots can run down to the water, it is 
still happier. It glories in air and 
sunshine, and where the stream banks 
are shaded never equals its stature in 
more exposed places. In cultivation, 
land that will grow good potatoes 
will suit it.” 

A noble Lily from the mountains of 
S. California and Arizona (altitude 
6000 to 10,000 ft.). 

L. Parryi.—Stems 2 to 6 ft. high, 
bearing sweet-scented citron-yellow 
flowers, usually spotted with pale 
chocolate or purple-brown (ill, Hort. 
1886, 595; Elwes, Lil. t. 12). It likes 
sharp, cool, moist, peaty soil, 



L, parvum.—A pretty Lily from 
the subalpine regions of the Sierra 
Nevadas of California (altitude 5000 
ft.), where it grows “in a soil of 
granitic sand and leaf-mould, on the 
margins of lakes and on the banks of 
cold streams.” It varies from 1 to 6 
ft. high, has ovate lance - shaped 
leaves, some in whorls, and broadly 
funnel-shaped flowers with recurving 
tips, rich orange in the centre, the red 
tops being finely dotted. 

L. philadelphicum. — A North 
American species, 1 to 3 ft. high, with 
cup-shaped flowers having the base 
of the petals yellow spotted with 
maroon and the tips bright scarlet 
(Bot, Mag, t. 519; Red. Int. +. 104; 
Bot. Reg. t. 594; Hlwes, Lil. t. 17). 
The variety andinum has narrower 
and fewer leaves, 

L. philippinense.—A native of the 
Philippine Islands, 15 to 2 ft. high, 
with large pure white, sweet-scented, 
tubular flowers (Bot. Mag. t. 6250; 
Elwes, Lil, t. 3). This species should 
be grown in a greenhouse. 

L. polyphyllum.—A delicate but 
charming Himalayan species, 2 to 3 
ft. high, with waxy-white drooping 
flowers 5 to 6 ins. long, heavily spotted 
and lined with purple (ill. Hort. 
1885, t. 565; Elwes, Lil. t. 48). 
Should be grown in a greenhouse. 
The bulbs are long and narrow. 

L. pomponium,—A fine “Turk’s 
Cap” Lily from Siberia. Stems 2 to 
3 ft. high, bearing drooping bright 
red fiowers tinted with orange, earlier 
in the season than L,. chalcedonicum 
and LZ. pyrenaicum, There is much 
variation in the colour and odour of 
the blossoms. (Bot. Mag. t. 971; 
Elwes, Lil, t. 46.) 

L. primulinum (LZ. claptoniense).— 
A species from Upper Burmah closely 
related to ZL, neilgherense. It has 
large roundish bulbs, and smooth 
erect stems 3 to 4 ft. high, clothed 



with glossy green, narrow, stalkless 
leaves 4 to 5 ins. long. The funnel- 
shaped flowers, 5 to 6 ins. long, are 
pale yellow and unspotted, the seg- 
ments beginning to reflex nearly half 
way. (Bot. Mag. t 7227.) 

L. purpureum.—This has hitherto 
been regarded as a form of LZ. Wash- 
ingtontanum. Mr Carl Purdy, how- 
ever, is of opinion that it deserves 
specificrank. Itis widely distributed 
in California and Oregon, and grows 
not only at high altitudes but also as 
low as 600 ft. above sea-level, and at 
various places in the open valleys and 
half-wooded uplands. It has large 
bulbs, and the stems are furnished 
with broadly obovate leaves 3 to 4 
ins, long, mostly in whorls of ten to 
fourteen. The flowers are in terminal 
umbels or racemes, and resemble 
those of the Madonna Lily (Z. candt- 
dum) in outline, being broadly funnel- 
shaped, white dotted with purple. 

L. pyrenaicum, — A Pyrenean 
species closely related to L. pom- 
pontum, and often confused with it, 
It grows from 2 to 4 ft. high, and has 
drooping bright yellow flowers, the 
interior of the fez-like base of the 
perianth-tube being spotted with red 
or deep purple. (Elwes, Lil. t. 47.) 

L, Roezli.—The true species is a 
native of S. Oregon, California, etc., 
and has rhizomatous root-stocks, It 
grows 2 to 3 ft. high, has lance- 
shaped linear leaves partly scattered 
and in whorls, and drooping deep 
orange-red flowers 2 to 3 ins, across, 
more or less densely blotched with 
black towards the base. (Gartenft. 
t. 667.) Fig. 241. 

L. roseum (L. Thomsonianum ; 
Fritillaria’ macrophylla), — A rare 
Himalayan species, 14 to 2 ft. high, 
with tufts of narrow lance-shaped 
leaves, the lower ones being 12 to 18 
ins. long. Flowers bell-shaped, rosy- 
lilac or flesh colour, often as many as 



forty on a stem, and appearing in 
April and May. (Bot. Mag. t. 4725 ; 
Bot. Reg. 1845.) Should be grown 
in warm sheltered spots outside, or 
in the greenhouse. 

Fia, 241.—Liliwum Roezli. (4.) 

L. Rostherni,—-A’‘ native of W. 
China, 1 to 14 ft, high, with linear 
oblong leaves 3 to 4 ins, long, and 
yellowish, heavily spotted flowers 
about 2 ins. long, the segments being 
reflexed and crisped. 

L. rubellum,— A distinct and 
attractive Japanese Lily, 1 to 2 ft. 
high. Flowers rosy-pink, tubular 
bell-shaped, quite unspotted, and 
sweet scented. (Sot, Mag. t. 7634.) 
A good Lily for forcing. 

L, rubescens.—This has hitherto 
been regarded as a form of LZ, Wash- 
ingtonianum, but Mr Carl Purdy 
considers it to be quite distinct. It 
has smaller, more compact, and more 
ovate bulbs than JZ. Washing- 
tonianum. The leaves are narrowly 



lance-shaped, and nearly all in 
distinct whorls on slender stems 6 to 

Fia. 242.—Lilium rubellum. 

8 ft. high. In good specimens from 
twenty-five to thirty-five flowers are 
borne in umbels or racemes, and are 
deliciously fragrant. 

L, speciosum,—One of the most 

Fia, 243.—Liliwm speciosum album, (}.) 

popular Japanese Liliums in cultiva- 
tion (often known as LZ, lancifoliwm, 



which is really synonymous with Z. 
elegans). Stems 1 to 3 ft. high, bear- 
ing large open white flowers suffused 
with rose, the lower portion being 
blotched with rose or carmine-purple, 
and covered with irregular out- 
growths. (Bot. dfag. t. 3785; Bot, 
Reg. t. 2000 ; Elwes, Lil, t. 12.) 

There are many fine varieties, the 
best known being—album, pure white, 
with red outside; gloriosoides has 
much narrower leaves, much-reflexed 
crisped perianth segments, and 
scarlet rather than crimson spots and 
papille ; Xreetzert has pure white 
flowers with a water-green centre ; 
macranthum, deep rose ; Melnomene, 
crimson-purple heavily spotted and 
edged with white ; cruentum, a dwarf 
form of Melpomene, with highly 
coloured flowers ; punctatum, white, 
spotted and shaded pink; rosewm, 
white washed with rose; and several 
others not so well known. 

L, sulphureum (LZ, Wallichianum 
superbum).—A fine Burmese Lily, 4 to 
7 ft. high, with narrow leaves 6 to 9 
ins, long, and large white funnel- 
shaped flowers 6 to 7 ins. long, tinted 
with yellow inside and rose outside. 
(Bot. Mag. t. 7275). 

This species grows well in a green- 
house. It produces offsets at the 
base, and bulbils in the axils of the 
upper leaves freely. 

L, superbum,—This is the “Swamp 
Lily” of N. America. It has creep- 
ing root-stocks, from which the older 
bulbs disappear after the develop- 
ment of the new ones. The stems 
are from 4 to 10 ft, high, with whorls 
of lance-shaped pointed leaves. 
From twenty to forty drooping 
orange-red flowers heavily spotted 
with purple are borne, the petals 
being reflexed as in the Turk’s Cap 
Lilies, (Bot. Mag. t. 396; Elwes, 
Lil, t. 26.) 

The variety carolintanum (also 



known as ZL. autumnale and LL. 

AMichaurianum) is a dwarf form, 

Fic. 244.—Liliwm superbum. (4.) 

L., sutchuenense, — A Chinese 
species, 2 to 3 ft. high, having flexible 
speckled stems and bright scarlet or 
orange-red flowers dotted inside with 
brown, JL. papilliferum (or Biondi) 
and ZL. chinense, both with scarlet 
flowers, are closely related. (Bot. 
Mag. t. 7715; Flora and Sylva, 
December 1905.) 

This species is still very rare, but 
may be easily raised from seeds. It 
is perhaps safer to grow it in a green- 
house, but would probably prove more 
vigorous in the open air in the mildest 

L, taliense.—This is intermediate 
between LZ. Martagon and L. poly- 
phyllum, and comes from the moun- 
tains of Yunnan, W. China. The 
slender roughish stems are about 6 ft. 
high, and are furnished with lance- 
shaped leaves about 2 ins, long, the 
upper ones being more or less in 
circles, The flowers are whitish, 
about 2 ins, long, and are sometimes 

L, tenuifolium,—A Siberian Lily, 



1 to 1$ ft, high, with narrow grass- 
like leaves about 2 ins. long, and 
brilliant scarlet drooping flowers 
(Elwes, Lil, t. 42). A good Lily for 
early forcing. 

L, testaceum (JZ, excelsum).—A fine 
Lily, supposed to be a hybrid between 
L, chalcedonicum and L.candidum. 


Fic, 245.—Liliwm testaceum. (}.) 

has stems 5 to 6 ft. high, and beauti- 
ful nankeen-yellow or apricot-coloured 
flowers, the reflexed segments of which 
are dotted with orange-red. (Bot. 
Reg. 1848, t.11; Llwes, Lil. t.44.) A 
good Lily for forcing in early spring. 

L. tigrinum.—This is the well- 
known “ Tiger Lily,” a native of China 
and Japan. It grows 2 to 4 ft. high, 
and has deep orange - red flowers 
heavily blotched with blackish- 
purple. (Bot, Mag. t. 1237; Elwes, 
Lit, t. 38.) 

The variety splendens often grows 7 
ft. high, and bears numerous more 
highly coloured and heavier blotched 
flowers ; Yortunet is somewhat simi- 
lar ; while fore pleno has from four to 
six circles of petals coloured and 

Fia. 247.—Lilium umbellatum, bulb and 
spotted. offgets, 



L, umbellatum,—A Siberian species 
with large heads of erect orange-red 
flowers. Many lilies of garden origin 
are grouped under this, being prob- 
ably hybrids between ZL. croceum, L. 
elegans, and LZ. davuricum. The 
colours vary from orange to orange- 
red, apricot and almost scarlet, special 
names being given to some forms, 
such as aurantiacum, grandiflorum, 
punctatum, Cloth of Gold, ete. 

L, Wallacei—A Japanese Lily in- 
termediate between LZ. elegans and L. 
Mazximowiczt, It has roundish bulbs, 
14 to 2 ins. in diameter; densely 
leafy green stems about 13 ft. high, 
mottled with brown ; and clear pale 
scarlet flowers about 3 ins. long, 
spotted with brown inside towards 
the base. (Garden, 1897, f. 1103.) 

L. Washingtonianum,— A fine 
Californian Lily, 3 to 6 feet high, with 
long and narrow bulbs composed of 
loose scales, often measuring 7 to 15 
ins. in circumference, but in a native 
state sometimes as much as 28 ins. 
The drooping funnel-shaped flowers 
are 3 to 4 ins. long, pure white, tinged 
with purple or lilac, and sweetly 
scented, (27. d. Serr. tt. 1975-6; 
Gartenjl. t. 170; Elwes, Lil. t. 10.) 

Mr Carl Purdy mentions a variety 
called minor, from the base of Shasta 
Mountain. It has ovate compact 
bulbs, slender stems, rather narrow 
lance-shaped wavy leaves five to eight 
in a whorl. 

L. Yoshidai.—This is said to be a 
new species, with sweet-scented 
flowers like those of LZ. Browns (Gard. 
1905, Ixviii. 238, f.). 

L, yunnanense.—A native of the 
mountains of Yunnan, W. China, at 
an elevation of 6000 ft. It has 
roundish bulbs about 14 ins, in 
diameter, smooth stems 1' to 2 ft. 
high, and narrow leaves 13 to 2 ins. 
long. The drooping pink and un- 
spotted flowers are widely expanding, 



and from 13 to 2 ins. long. It is a 
very distinct and pretty little species. 

Lit1um Diszaszs, — Sometimes a 
fungus known as Botrytis cinerea 
attacks the plants, forming orange- 
brown specks on the stems and leaves, 
etc., ultimately becoming covered with 
a delicate grey mould. Other fungoid 
diseases also attack the plants. In- 
fected portions should be burned, the 
plants then being sprayed with a 
solution of liver of sulphur (2 oz, to 3 
gals, of water), or heavily dusted over 
with flowers of sulphur after syring- 
ing or a heavy rain. When grown in 
greenhouses, the worst pest probably 
is the green-fly, which attacks and 
cripples the tips of the flowering 
shoots. By syringing the plants regu- 
larly with nicotine and quassia solu- 
tions, or by vaporising the houses 
from time to time, these pests can be 
kept in check, 

LIMNOCHARIS (limne, a marsh ; 
chairo, to delight in; in reference to 
its habitat), Nat. Ord. Alismacez,—- 
The best-known members of the 
genus are described below :— 

L, Humboldti (Hydrocleis Commer- 
sont)—A charming aquatic from 
Buenos Ayres, having whitish cylin- 
drical root-stocks, broadly oval or 
roundish leaves which float on the 
surface of the water, and bright 
yellow flowers from July to Septem- 
ber. Each bloom is over 2 ins, 
across, and consists of three roundish 
inner segments, three smaller green 
outer ones, and numerous orange- 
yellow stamens in the centre, (Bot, 
Reg. t. 1640.) 
~ To keep this plant alive during the 
winter months outside, the rhizomes 
should be planted at least a foot 
below the water-level. They may, 
however, be grown in pots or tubs, 
and sunk in the water in June, and 
taken up again in October or Novem- 



ber and placed in a greenhouse. The 
root-stocks may be divided in spring, 
when it is desired to increase the 
number of plants. 

L, Plumieri, from Brazil, has oblong 
bluntish leaves with three - sided 
stalks, and from June to October 
the yellow flowers are borne in 
umbels on stems about 18 ins, high 
(Bot. Mag. t. 2525). 

This species is more tender than 
L, Humboldti, and should therefore 
be grown in a greenhouse to secure 
the best results, 

LITTONIA (after Dr S, Litton,a pro- 
fessor of Botany in Dublin), Nat. Ord. 
Liliacez.—A genus containing only 
two species, the best known being— 

L, modesta.— A South African 

Fia, 248.—Littonia modesta. (4.) 

tuberous-rooted plant with climbing 
stems 2 to 4 ft. long, furnished with 
lanceolate bright green  stalkless 
leaves, ending in a tendril like 
Gloriosa, Flowers tulip-shaped, of 



a clear orange-yellow. (Bot. Mag. t. 
4723.) The variety Ae¢tht is more 
vigorous and free-flowering than the 
type (Gartenfl. t. 1237). 

This plant may be grown in the same 
way as Gloriosa, in a greenhouse in a 
compost of rich and well-drained 
sandy soil. 

LLOYDIA (after Mr Lloyd, a 
botanist). Nat. Ord. Liliaceae.—A 
genus with one species closely related 
to Calochortus. 

L. alpina (L. serotina).—A pretty 
little native bulbous plant from the 
Snowdon range, and also found on 
the Alps. It has scaly bulbs and 
half-roundish leaves 6 to 10 ins. long, 
and about June produces its white 
or yellowish flowers, the segments of 
which are veined outside with green 
or purple. It flourishes in nooks in 
the rockery in cool and partially 
shaded spots in ordinary garden soil, 
and may be increased by offsets in 

LOWIA. Nat. Ord. Scitamineze.— 
The only species known is — 

L. maxillarioides.--A ginger-like 
plant from the Malay Peninsula, 
having tufts of two-ranked lance- 
shaped leaves about 9 ins. long, and 
loose short panicles of flowers in 
which the three large purple sepals 
and the odd green lip-like petal are 
suggestive of an orchid (Aaaillaria). 

This plant may be grown in the 
same way as the Keempferias—which 

LYCORIS (the name of a woman in 
Roman history), Nat. Ord. Amaryl- 
lidew,—A. genus with about half a 
dozen species of tunicated bulbous 
plants having linear or strap-shaped 
leaves, and numerous funnel-shaped 
flowers with wavy segments, borne on 
top of a stout scape. 



The species mentioned below are 
not quite hardy, except in the very 
mildest parts of the Kingdom. JL. 
squamigera is the hardiest, and will 
flourish in the open air south of the 
Thames in warm, sheltered borders in 

well-drained gritty soil. The other 
“species may be tried in similar 
situations, but they are on the whole 
safer grown in pots in the greenhouse. 
They like a sandy loam and a fair 
supply of moisture during the growth 
of the leaves; these, in most cases, 
wither before the appearance of the 
flower-stalks, The plants may be 
divided after flowering if necessary, 
the offsets being useful for increasing 
the stock. When established in the 
open air, it is better to leave the 
plants alone for a few years, so as 
to allow them to grow into bold and 
effective masses, 

L. aurea (Amaryllis and Nerine 
aurea).—A pretty Chinese species 
with bright yellow scentless flowers 
about 3 ins. across, borne on scapes 
1 to 2 ft, high in August (Bot. Mag. 
t. 409; Bot. Reg. t. 611; Red, Ll. 
t. 61). 

L. incarnata.—A native of Central 
China, about 2 ft. high, the scape 
bearing six to twelve large open, pale 
flesh-coloured or rosy flowers, sweetly 
scented. The segments are only 
slightly wavy and not so reflexed 
as in L. sguamigera. 

L, radiata (Amaryllis radiata ; 
Nerine japonica),—A native of China 
and Japan, whence it was introduced 
to English gardens in 1750, The 
bright red scentless flowers appear in 
summer or autumn on stems 1 to 14 
ft. high, and the leaves are developed 
during the winter months, (And. Bot. 
Rep. t. 25; Bot. Reg. t. 596.) 

There is a form called variegata or 
Terraciant, with large crimson flowers 
the segments of which become 
margined with white when fading. 



The variety pumila is much dwarfer 
than the type. 

L. sanguinea.—A Japanese species 
with bright red flowers, having seg- 
ments that are neither crisped nor 

L. Sprengeri—A_ distinct species, 
presumably from Japan, having short 
ovate spathe valves, and long-stalked 
rose-pink or purple-rose flowers with- 
out any distinct tube above the ovary 
(Gard. Chron. 1902, xxxii. 469). 

L, squamigera,—-A striking Japan- 
ese species with large sweet-scented 
rosy-lilac flowers on scapes 2 to 3 ft. 
high in August, after the narrow 
strap-shaped leaves have withered 
and vanished. This species may be 
grown outside in the same way as the 
Belladonna Lily (Amaryllis Bellu- 

L, straminea,—This Chinese plant 
is closely related to LZ. aurea, but has 
pale yellow or straw-coloured flowers, 
with a pink keel and a few scattered 
red dots, 

LYSICHITUM (lysis, loosing ; chiton, 
a coat). Nat. Ord. Aroidese.—This 
genus contains only one _ species, 

L. camtschatense.—A remarkable 
and noble-looking Aroid, widely- 
distributed over North-eastern Asia 
and North-western America. It is 
a stemless plant with a thick root- 
stock, and tufts of large oblong lance- 
shaped acute leaves 12 to 30 ins. long, 
and from 5 to 10 ins. wide, the surface 
being more or less conspicuously 
spotted or mottled. The stout 
cylindrical flower-stalk is from 6 to 
12 ins. high, and bears a pointed boat- 
shaped bright yellow spathe 4 to 6 
ins. long and 3 to 5 ins. across, 
sheltering a dark green spadix 3 to 6 
ins. long, bearing numerous flowers 
which emit a very disagreeable odour 
when mature about April or May. 



This rare plant is only likely to 
assume its proper proportions out of 
doors in the most genial parts of the 
Kingdom. For a few years it was 
grown in the rock-garden at Kew in 
boggy soil, but failed to thrive. 
When transferred to the Himalayan 
House, however, and planted in 

Fic. 249.—Lysichitwm camtschatense. (4.) 

swampy soil, it soon began to 
flourish. The best way to increase 
the plant is by division of the root- 
stocks; but it may be also raised 
from seeds. 

MAIANTHEMUM (maios, May ; 
anthemon, a flower). Nat. Ord. Lili- 
acee.—A genus with one species, 

M, Convallaria (A. bifoliwm ; Con- 
vallaria bifolia ; Smilacina brfolia ; 
S. canadensis). —A charming little 
plant, native of the North temperate 
regions, including Britain. It has 
slender creeping root - stocks and 
flexuous stems furnished with two 



broadly ovate heart-shaped leaves, 2 
to 3 ins. long, deeply lobed at the 
base. The small white sweet-scented 
flowers appear in May and June on 
dense erect racemes. They are re- 
markable for having only four seg- 
ments and four stamens. (Bot. Mag. 
t. 510.) 

This isa good plant for the rock- 
garden. It flourishes in ordinary 
garden soil in semi-shaded places, 
and may be increased by division in 
early autumn. 

MARANTA (after B. Marantt, an 
Italian botanist) Nat. Ord. Scita- 
minee.—A genus containing about 
a dozen species of ornamental herba- 
ceous plants, having more or less 
tuberous or creeping root-stocks and 
broad ornamental leaves on zigzag 
stems. The flowers are small and of 
no great beauty. 

Being mostly natives of Tropical 
America, the Marantas like plenty of 
heat and moisture, and should there- 
fore be grown in a stove in which the 
night temperature in winter does not 
sink below 65° or 60° F. During the 
summer months the plants should be 
placed in shaded spots. They flourish 
in rich sandy soil (loam and peat), and 
may be grown either in pots or 
planted in borders or stove rockeries. 
Plenty of water is required during 
growth, and the plants should be 
frequently syringed to keep the 
foliage clean and bright. The best 
time to divide the plants is in 

M. argentea has large oblong, 
pointed, silvery grey leaves marked 
with narrow curved lines of deep 
green, Brazil. 

M. arundinacea.—This is the plant 
that supplies the Indian Arrowroot. 
It grows 5 to 6 ft. high, and has large 
oval, lance-shaped leaves, slightly 
hairy beneath. (Lot. Mag. t. 2307.) 



The variegated form (variegata) is 
probably better known in gardens as 
Phrynium variegatum. It is an 
ornamental plani, with leaves 
elegantly variegated with oblique 
bands of green and yellow. 

M, bicolor.—A pretty species, with 
roundish leaves of a pale blue-green 
with irregular blotches of deep and 
shining green about half-way between 
the midrib and edges, the under- 
surface being rose-purple. (Bot. Reg. 
t. 786 ; Lodd, Bot. Cat. t. 921.) 

There are several varieties of this, 
the best being Devosiana, Kerchov- 
eana, Makoyana, and Alossangeana. 

M. musaica,— A very distinct 
species, with obliquely heart-shaped 
leaves of a deep and shining green, 
decorated with numerous whitish 
transverse lines, which give a mosaic 

M. Sagoreana has very pale green 
oblong leaves marked on each side of 
the midrib with deep green, oblong, 
oblique stripes. 

M. speciosa, — Leaves obliquely 
elliptic, oblong, pointed, bright green 
decorated with greenish-white bands. 

M. striata——A dwarf kind about 
6 ins. high, having pale green leaves 
conspicuously striped and marked 
with white and pale yellow. 

Severalother plants called Marantas 
are really Calatheas. M. major now 
belongs to the genus IscHNosIPHoN. 
It has pretty, erect, green leaves. 

MARICA (maraino, to flag or wilt ; 
referring to the fleeting nature of the 
flowers), Nat, Ord. Irideze.—A genus 
with about a dozen species of herba- 
ceous plants having short thickish 
root-stocks, sword - shaped leathery 
leaves arising fan-like in two rows, 
and fleeting flowers of white, blue, or 
yellow, somewhat resembling those of 
some species of Iris in appearance. 

The Maricas (which now include 



the plants formerly known as 
CYPELLA) are best grown in a green- 
house, and flourish in a compost of 
sandy loam, peat, and leaf-mould in 
equal proportions. They are easily 
increased by division of the root- 
stocks, but seeds may ‘also be sown 
in gentle heat in spring. 

M, brachypus.—A_ beautiful West 
Indian species having yellow flowers 
transversely striped with reddish- 
brown at the base. (Bot. Mag. t. 

M. cceerulea.— A Brazilian plant 
about 3 ft. high, having blue or lilac 
flowers striped with brown, yellow, 
and white at the base, and produced 
in May and June. (Bot. Mag. t. 5612.) 

M,. gracilis, — This species from 
Central America grows about 2 ft. 
high, and has white flowers striped 
with yellow and brown at the base, 
the inner segments being reflexed 
and blue in colour. (Bot. Mag. t. 

M. Helene.—A Brazilian species 
near M. ceerulea, with blue and white 
flowers nearly 5 ins. across. 

M, humilis, — A Brazilian plant, 
1 to 2 ft. high, with whitish flowers 
having four reddish-brown stripes on 
the claw. (Lodd. Bot, Cab. t. 1801.) 

M, longifolia.—A native of Rio de 
Janeiro, with yellow flowers striped 
with brown. 

M. lutea.—A native of Brazil, 
resembling df, humilis, but with 
bright yellow flowers having five 
deep red stripes on the claw. (Bot. 
Mag, t. 3809.) 

M. Northiana (Morwa Northiana). 
—A fine Brazilian plant over a yard 
high, with large pure white flowers 
variegated with yellow and brown on 
the claw. (Bot. Mag. t. 654; Flora 
and Sylva, February 1905.) 

M. occidentalis, — A Peruvian 
species, having fan-shaped tufts of 
leaves, and white flowers, the inner 



segments of which are mottled with 
brown and tipped with violet. 

Fic. 250.—Martca Northiana. 

M, paludosa (Cipura paludosa).—A 
native of Tropical America, having 
roundish corms, narrow plaited leaves 
1 to 14 ft. long, and lilac flowers, the 
inner segments of which have one or 
two yellow blotches near the base. 
(Bot. Mag. t. 646.) 

MASSONIA (after F, Masson (1741- 
1805), a botanical traveller in 8S. 
Africa). Nat. Ord. Liliaceze.—This 
genus contains about twenty-five 
species of small bulbous plants all 
natives of 8. Africa, The numerous 
white or greenish and almost stalk- 
less flowers are borne in umbel-like 
clusters between the two almost 
opposite leaves, the flower-stem being 
either very short or altogether absent. 

Like most of the Cape bulbous 
plants the Massonias flourish in a 
gritty compost of loam with a little 



peat and leaf-soil, and may be grown 
in a greenhouse, or frame, or in the 
open border in sheltered situations 
during the summer, They are of no 
great beauty or value as garden plants, 
and are confined chielly to botanical 
collections. Some of the best-known 
kinds are :— 

M. amygdalina, with oval leaves 
and almond-scented flowers. 

M, angustifolia, with lance-shaped 
pointed leaves, (Bot, Mag. t. 736.) 

M,. candida, with round smooth 
fleshy leaves. (Lot. Reg. t. 694.) 

M, jasminifiora, — Leaves two, 
spreading on the ground, and umbels 
of white green-tipped flowers, (Bot. 
Mag. t. '7465.) 

M. muricata, with roundish heart- 
shaped, fleshy leaves. (Bot. Mug. t. 

M. pustulata, having smooth, oval, 
rounded, fleshy leaves, sometimes three 
instead of the usual two, heavily 
covered with whitish pustules. (Bot. 
Mag. t. 642.) 

M, sanguinea, with roundish, heart- 
shaped, pointed leaves, and flowers 
having reddish filaments to the ‘ 
stamens. (Bot. dag. t. 848.) 

MEDEOLA (named after the 
sorceress Medea). Nat. Ord. Liliacee. 
—The only species in this genus is-— 

M. virginica,— A native of N. 
America with thickish white rhizomes 
having a cucumber-like smell, and 
whorls of stalkless obovate lance- 
shaped leaves on the erect stems, 
which grow about 9 ins, high. The 
small ‘yellowish flowers appear in 
June in sessile umbels, (Bot. Mag. 
t. 1316.) 

This plant is quite hardy, and 
flourishes in ordinary light garden 
soil. Itis easily increased by division 
of the root-stocks. 

The plant known either as Jedeola 
asparagovdes or Myrsiphyllum aspara- 



gotdes is described in this work as 
Asparagus medeoloides. 

MEGARHIZA (megas, large ; rhiza, 
a root ; referring to the large tuberous 
root-stock), Nat. Ord. Cucurbi- 

M, californica.—This is a curious 
Californian plant with large tuberous 
roots often weighing 20 to 40 lbs., 
and annual trailing stems 18 to 20 ft. 
long, bearing shining silvery, palmately 
lobed leaves. The staminate (male) 
and pistillate (female) flowers are 
borne separately, the latter being 
solitary at the base of the male 
clusters, and in due course giving 
rise to a roundish or oblong spiny 
fruit resembling a sweet chestnut. 

This curiosity will grow in warm 
sunny spots in good garden soil, and 
may be increased from seed sown in 
gentle heat in spring. 

MELANTHIUM (melas, black; 
anthos, a flower; referring to the 
dark blossoms). Nat. Ord. Liliacez., 
—A small genus of North American 
herbs with very short thickened or 
bulbous root-stocks, from which arise 
smooth and membranous, narrow or 
lance-shaped leaves, and panicles of 
yellowish or greenish-white poly- 
gamous flowers. 

M. virginicum (Helonias virginica). 
—The “Bunch Flower” of Virginia, 
It grows from 3 to 5 ft. high, having 
narrow grass-like leaves larger at the 
base, and creamy-yellow flowers in 
July, fading to dark brown. (Bot. 
Mag. t. 985.) 

This plant grows well in ordinary 
garden soil or in a mixture of loam 
and peat, in somewhat shaded posi- 
tions, and may be increased in 
autumn or spring by division. 

MELASPHZERULA (melas, black ; 
spheerula, a little ball or sphere ; in 



allusion to the form and colour of the 
small blackish bulbs), Nat. Ord. 
Trideze.—The only species is— 

M. graminea (J. parviflora; 
Gladiolus gramineus).—A pretty little 
bulbous plant from 8. Africa, having 
bright green grass-like leaves 6 to 12 
ins. long, and whitish flowers in April 
striped with purple, and borne in a 
large branching and flexuose panicle. 
(Bot. Mag. t. 615.) 

This species is only hardy in the 
very mildest parts of the Kingdom, 
and is generally grown in green- 
houses or frames ; or in well-sheltered 
borders facing south, in rich and 
gritty soil, much in the same way as 
recommended for the Ixias. Increased 
by offsets or seeds. 

MERENDERA (the Spanish name 
for Colchicum). Nat. Ord. Liliacese,— 
A small genus of bulbous plants 
closely related to Bulbocodium and 
Colchicum, having tunicated bulbs or 
corms, narrow leaves, and funnel- 
shaped flowers. 

The species mentioned flourish in 
a light rich sandy soil in rather 
moist situations, and are rather hand- 
some grown in large batches. They 
may be increased by offsets and 

M. Bulbocodium (Bulbocodium au- 
tumnale).—A pretty Pyrenean plant 
resembling Bulbocodiwm vernum in 
appearance, but produces its rosy- 
lilac flowers in autumn on stems 3 to 
4ins. high, The narrow sickle-shaped 
leaves appear after the flowers have 
faded, and remain fresh and green 
throughout the winter. 

M, caucasica (Dulbocodium trigy- 
num).—A native of the Caucasus, 3 to 
4 ins, high, with delicate rosy flowers 
in April and May (Bot. Mag. t. 

M. persica (Bulbocodium Attchi- 
sont),—From Persia and India ; has 

353 vA 


pale lilac sweet-scented flowers keeled 
with red, in October and November 
(Bot, Mag. t. 6012). 

M. sobolifera (Coichicum pro- 
currens) is a curious little plant from 
Smyrna, with irregular bulbs mottled 
with purple and yellow, and bearing 
white flowers tinted with pale pink 
in autumn, 

MILLA (after J. Milla, a gardener 
at the Court of Madrid), Nat. Ord. 
Liliaceze,—The only species at present 
in the genus is-— 

M, biflora,—A pretty little Mexican 
plant with small bulbs, narrow blue- 
green grassy leaves, and pure white 
salver-shaped flowers borne on stems 
about 6 ins, high about August (Bot. 
Reg. t. 1555). 

This plant may be considered as 
only half-hardy in most parts of the 
Kingdom, but hardy in favoured 
spots. It likes rich sandy loam, and 
should be grown in quantity either 
in the open air or greenhouse for 
effect. It is chiefly increased by 
offsets detached when the bulbs are 
dormant, or just before starting into 
growth Many other plants formerly 
called Milla are now known under 
the name of Brop1#a—which see, 

MIRABILIS (mirabilis, wonderful ; 
as everything was so considered when 
first introduced from America). Nat. 
Ord. Nyctaginee, — This genus con- 
tains about ten species of tuberous- 
rooted herbs, having two to three- 
forked branches bearing opposite 
leaves and long tubular flowers with 
salver-shaped lobes. 

The best-known species are men- 
tioned below. If grown in the open 
air, the simplest way to treat them is 
as if they were Dahlias, They flour- 
ish in any good well-drained garden 
soil, and make fine bushy plants if 
given plenty of space. They may be 



raised in the first place from a packet 
of seeds sown in gentle heat about 
February or March, the young plants 
being pricked out and grown on till 
about the end of May under glass, If 
given plenty of air and light and not 
too much heat, they will be well 
hardened off for the open air by that 
time. In autumn the tuberous roots 
may be lifted, cleaned, and stored 
away in a frost-proof cellar until the 
following year. 

M, Jalapa.—This is the “ Marvel of 
Peru,” a beautiful Peruvian bushy 
plant 2 to 4 ft. high, having tuberous 
roots; large entire, oval, pointed 
leaves, rounded at the base; and 
terminal clusters of sweet - scented 
funnel-shaped flowers about 2 ins, 
long, and variously coloured with 
red, white, or yellow, or striped and 
blotched with two or more colours 
(Dot. Mag. t. 371). 

There are numerous seedling forms, 
some being only 12 to 18 ins, high, 

M, longiflora,—A clammy Mexican 
species, 2 to 3 ft. high, with black 
turnip - shaped roots, and_ broadly 
heart-shaped tapering leaves. The 
fragrant long-tubed Howers appear in 
July and August, varying in colour 
from white and pink to violet. 

M. multifiora—A downy species 
1 to 2 ft. high, found wild between 
Mexico and California. The bright 
purple flowers, about 2 ins. long, 
appear in late summer, borne in 
terminal clusters having a cup-like 
involucre. ~ 

Hybrid forms in which the three 
species mentioned above have played 
a part are now in cultivation, and 
will probably produce finer garden 
forms as time goes on. 

MONOCHILUS (monos, one ; chetlos, 
a lip; in reference to the form of the 
flowers), Nat. Ord. Verbenacese.— 
The only species in the genus is— 



M. gloxinizfolius—A pretty her- 
baceous plant from Brazil, having 
tuberous root-stocks, slightly stalked 
rather broad coarsely toothed leaves, 
and white flowers in clusters at the 
ends of the shoots, and singly in the 
axils of the leaves or bracts lower 
down the stems. The corolla has a 
cylindrical tube, oblique on the upper 
side, split down the centre, and with 
a very oblique limb. 

This little-known plant requires 
the heat and moisture of a stove 
house, and may be grown in sandy 
loam, leaf-mould, and peat in equal 
proportions, It may be propagated 
by cuttings of the half-ripened non- 
flowering shoots inserted in very 
sandy soil under a hand-light or bell- 
glass. The tubers may also be divided 
just as growth is commencing. 

MOREA (after &. Moore, a British 
botanist). Nat. Ord. Irideze.—This 
genus (which now includes Dretzs, 
Hewixyra, and VIEUSSEUXIA) con- 
tains about sixty species of plants 
with roundish corms, narrow sword- 
like leaves, and somewhat fleeting 
lilac, yellow, or red flowers, having 
three outer segments larger than the 
three inner ones. 

Most of the Moreas are natives of 
S. Africa, and may be grown in the 
British Islands under almost identical 
conditions with the x1as—whichsee— 
and other South African bulbs. They 
like rich gritty soil, warm, sunny, 
and sheltered spots, and protection 
from cold, miserable rains in winter. 
In bleak localities it is safer to grow 
the plants in pots or pans in cold 
frames or greenhouses. Propagation 
is effected by offsets, division, or more 
slowly by seeds. Amongst the many 
species the following may be noted :— 

M. angusta.—A plant about 9 ins. 
high with lilac-coloured flowers (Bot. 
Mag. t. 1276). 



M. bicolor.—This was formerly 
known as Iris and Dietes. It has 
citron-yellow blossoms, (Bot. Reg. 
t. 1404.) 

M. bituminosa.—Grows about 1 ft. 
high, and has yellow flowers (Bot. 
Mag. t. 1045), 

M, catenulata, from Mauritius, has 
white and blue flowers (Bot. Reg. 
t. 1074.) Considered to be a form of 
M. tridoides. 

M, ciliata.—A very dwarf species 
with ciliated leaves and yellow 
flowers (Bot, Mag. t. 1061), 

M, crispa.—F lowers lilac-blue with 
yellow blotches (Bot. Mag. tt. 759, 

M. edulis.—This grows 3 to 4 ft. 
high, and has sweet-scented lilac 
flowers blotched with yellow at the 
base (Got. Mag. t. 613). 

M, glaucopis.—Flowers white with 
a blue-black blotch at the base of 
the outer segments (Bot. Mag. t. 
168 ; Hed. Lil. t. 42). ; 

M, iridoides.— One of the best- 
known species, having a short creeping 
root-stock, clusters of narrow sword- 
like leaves, and white flowers having 
a yellow blotch at the base, and a 
hairy or downy claw (Bot. Mag. tt. 
693, 1407). The variety Johnsoni 
differs from the type in having 
longer leaves, 2} ft. long, erect, and 
flowers 4 ins. across (Gard. Chron. 
1907, xli. 296, f.). 

M. papilionacea.—Flowers bright 
lilac or red spotted with yellow (Bot. 
Mag. t. 750). 

M. pavonia.—-A variable species 
having red, purple, or yellow flowers, 
usually blotched with blue - black 
(Bot. Mag. t. 1247; and vars. villosa 
and lutea at tt. 571, 772). Fig. 251, 

M. ramosa (J, bulbifera).—F lowers 
bright golden yellow blotched with 
brown (Bot, Mag. tt. 771, 5785). 

M. Robinsoniana (/ris Robinsont- 
ana). — Popularly known as the 



“Wedding Flower,” It is a native 
of Australia and Lord Howe's 
Island, and resembles a large German 
Tris or Green New Zealand Flax 
Plant (Phormium tenax) in appear- 

Fic. 251.—Morea pavonia. 

ance, It grows 4 to 6 ft. high, and 
produces large pure white flattish 
flowers, (Bot. Mag. t. 7212.) 

This species is best. grown in a cool 
greenhouse planted out in a border 
of gritty soil, and well exposed to 
the sunshine, 

M. spathacea (Dietes Huttont).— 
A rhizomatous species with bright 
yellow sweet-scented flowers with 
purple lines on the claws (Bot. Mag. 
tt. 1103, 6174; Garden, 1889, t. 715). 

M. sulphurea.—This species has 
small round cornis, slender erect 
stems, with linear leaves 4 ins. long, 
and a single terminal cluster of 
sulphur-yellow flowers 1 in. across, 
with orange and brown markings 
(Bot. Mag. t. 765). 



M. Thomsoni—A native of E. 
Tropical Africa, about 1 ft. high, 
with stiffish rush-like habit, -the 
round leaves being furrowed, and 
about 7 ins. long. The flowers, about 

Fic. 252.—Morea Robinsoniana. 

2 ins. across, appear in spiked clusters 
and are pale lilac, yellow at the base, 
and spotted with brown. (Bot. Mag. 
t. 7976.) Tender. 

M. tricuspis.—Flowers pale lilac 
blotched with purple (Bot. Mag. t. 

M. tripetala.—F lowers usually lilac, 
but sometimes lilac or reddish (Bot. 
Mag. t. 702). 

M. tristis——Flowers dull purple, 
blotched with yellow at the base of 
the segments (Bot. Mag. t. 577). 

M. unguiculata,—Flowers white, 
the outer segments spotted with red 
along the claw (Bot. Mag. t. 598). 

MUSCARI (moschos, musk; in 
reference to the scent of the flowers). 



Nat. Ord. Liliacee.—A genus of 
distinct and pretty bulbous plants, 
popularly known as “Grape Hya- 
cinths” or “ Tassel Hyacinths,” easily 
recognised by the dense racemes of 
urn-shaped globular, or oblong flowers 
borne on the upright scapes. 

The Grape Hyacinths, which are 
mostly natives of S. Europe, Asia 
Minor, and N, Africa, flourish in any 
good and deeply dug garden soil of 
a gritty nature that is enriched with 
well-decayed manure. The bulbs 
being small should be planted in 
September, October, or November, 
about 3 ins. deep, and 3 or 4 ins, 
apart, in hundreds and thousands, to 
secure a bold display of blossom in 
spring. Being dwarf in growth— 
from 6 to 12 ims, high — they 
look particularly charming beneath 
deciduous early-flowering trees, and 
are also useful for edgings to borders, 
nooks in the rockery, or on the edges 
of ponds or streams. The plants 
increase naturally by offsets, which 
may be detached at planting time. 
Seeds are also produced freely in 
most cases, and may be sown in 
spring in a light gritty compost 
in a cold frame. Flowering plants 
are produced in three or four years 

from seeds. Most of the Grape Hya- 
cinths bloom between March and 

For early flowering in a cold green- 
house, the Muscaris may be grown 
in pots or pans, and are valuable for 
this kind of decoration. 

M, estivale—A native of Asia 
Minor, 6 to 9 ins, high, with oblong 
tubular yellow flowers ribbed with 
green, the upper ones being tinted 
with purple (Bot. Mag. t. 6269). 

M, botryoides.—A charming Italian 
species, with dense roundish clusters 
of deep sky-blue blossoms having 
six small white toothed segments. 
There are forms known as album, a 



charming white variety, and pal- 
lidum, pale blue. 

M. comosum (Hyacinthus comosus). 
—A native of 8. Europe, with narrow 
strap-shaped leaves 12 to 18 ins, 
long, and loose clusters of blue 
flowers (Bot. Mag. t. 188). 

The variety monstrosum is much 
better known than the species. It 
is the well-known “Feather Hya- 
cinth,” in which all the flowers are 
sterile, and of a soft bluish-violet, 
the individual blossoms having been 
transformed into a mass of slender, 
twisted, and wavy thread-like fila- 
ments, the whole giving a “ fluffy” or 
feathery appearance. 

M. conicum,—A fine species from 
Trebizond, having sweet - scented 

Fia. 253.—Muscart contewm. 

bright blue fertile and pale blue sterile 
blossoms on scapes about 9 ins, high 
from March to May. There are 
several fine varieties. 

M,. Heldreichi,—A native of 



Greece, with clusters of blue flowers 
like AL, botryoides, only being much 
larger, and appearing rather later in 
spring (Re. Bot. t. 172; Gartenjl. t. 
1199, A.). 

M, Maweanum,— An Armenian 
Grape Hyacinth, with dense clusters 
of clear light blue flowers on stalks 
less than 6 ins. high. 

M, moschatum (Jf, swaveolens).— 
This pretty little species from Asia 
Minor is known as the “Musk Hya- 
cinth.” It has large roundish clusters 
of sweet-scented flowers, changing 
from purple to greenish-yellow tinted 
with violet. (Bot. Mag. t. 734.) 

The variety favum (or M. macro- 
carpum) is recognised by its larger 
and looser clusters of yellowish 
flowers with purple-tipped segments 
(Bot, Mag. t. 1565). 

M, neglectum.—A species with 
rather large bulbs, native of S. 
Europe, and bearing dense clusters 
of deep blue sweet-scented flowers 
(Garden, August 1884), 

M, racemosum (Hyacinthus race- 
mosus),—A native of England as well 
as Europe and Asia Minor. It has 
small bulbs, slender channelled leaves 
6 to 9 ins. long, and short cylindrical 
spikes of deep blue plum - scented 
flowers. (Bot. Mag. t. 122.) 

M, Szovitsianum.,—A rather large- 
bulbed Caucasian species, having 
dense clusters of faintly scented 
bright blue fertile and pale blue 
sterile blossoms (Bot. Mag. t. 6855). 

MYROSMA (myron, fragrant ; osme, 
smell), Nat. Ord. Scitaminese—A 
small genus of tuberous-rooted hot- 
house plants, natives chiefly of 
Tropical America, and closely related 
to the Marantas and Calatheas. and 
may be treated like those plants. 
M. nana is remarkable for its dwarf 
habit and very hairy leaves, with a 
yellowish band down the midribs. 



The small white flowers are borne in 
dense distichous spikes. (Gard. 
Chron, 1894, xv. 652.) 

NASGELIA (after Karl Neegeli, an 
eminent German botanist). Nat. 
Ord. Gesneracee.—A small genus 
closely related to Achimenes and 
Isoloma, and like them having 
rhizomes with scaly catkin-like tubers, 
softly hairy leaves, and tubular 
flowers borne in large trusses. 

The Negelias have been crossed 
and intercrossed with the Isolomas 
(including the Tydzas) and Achi- 
menes, so much so that it has become 
impossible to say to which genus the 
garden forms belong. They are very 
ornamental when in blossom, and are 
useful for pot or basket culture. 
The treatment is precisely the same 
as described for Achimenes—which 
see. Apart from the hybrid forms, 
the following have been described 
and figured as distinct species. They 
are all natives of Central America, 
Brazil, and Mexico. 

N. achimenoides.—F lowers yellow- 
ish-rose spotted with red. 

N. cinnabarina (Gesnera).—F lowers 
scarlet (Bot. Mag. t. 5036). 

N. multifiora.—Flowers white or 
creamy-yellow (Bot. Mag. t. 5088). 

N, zebrina.—F lowers bright orange- 
scarlet (Bot. Mag. t. 3940). 

NARCISSUS (named by Linnezus 
after a Greek youth, who was changed 
into the flower) Nat. Ord. Amaryl- 
lidez.—The plants popularly known 
as “ Daffodils” belong to this genus, 
but the name seems to be confined 
generally to the large trumpet- 
flowered varieties, while the small- 
cupped forms like the Poet’s Narciss 
(N. poeticus) are usually called 

The plants belonging to the genus 
are recognised by their tunicated 



bulbs of varying sizes, by their long 
narrow strap-shaped, or pipe-like 
(fistular) leaves, and by the white or 
yellow flowers having six spreading 
segments, with a central corona or 
trumpet, varying in size from a 
shallow saucer-like organ to a large 
tubular bell-shaped or cylindrical 

From a botanical point of view 
the genus Narcissus has been brought 
into a state of hopeless confusion by 
the hybridising operations of the 
gardener. Formerly there were 
fairly well-marked sections, and the 
veteran botanist, Mr J. G. Baker, in 
his Hundbook on the Amaryllidee, 
endeavoured to bring order out of 
chaos by dividing the members of 
the genus into three main groups as 
follows :— 

1. Macnt-coronatl, in which the 
corona was funnel-shaped or 
cylindrical, and as long as the 
perianth segments. 

2. MEDIOo-coroNATI, in which the 
corona was cup-shaped, and 
about half as long as the 
perianth segments. 

3. Parvi-coronati, in which the 
corona was small, obconic, or 

With the innumerable hybrids and 
garden forms that have been evolved 
during the past twenty years, the 
above classification no longer holds 
good except for the species and 
varieties which gave rise toit. One 
may, however, take the Mogador 
Narciss (V. Broussoneti) as repre- 
senting one extreme of the “Parvi- 
coronati” group, and the best 
varieties of the Ajax or Pseudo- 
narcissus group as the extreme on 
the side of the ‘“ Magni-coronati” 
section. Between these two extremes 
there are countless variations, not 
only in the size and shape of the 
corona, but also in the flowers them- 



selves, At one time it was possible 
to divide the Narcissi into two more 
or less natural groups, namely—(i.) 
those having only one flower on a 
stem, and (ii.) those having two or 
more flowers on a stem, But even 
this division has been broken down 
by the hybridist, and the two sec- 
tions have been successfully crossed 
and intercrossed. Indeed, one of the 
most charming and distinct groups 
raised in this way is the one to which 
the name “Poetaz” has been given. 
The name is most appropriate, as it 
conveys information in regard to the 
origin of these plants which have 
arisen by crossing forms of the Poet’s 
Narciss (Narcissus poeticus) with 
forms of the Bunch or Polyanthus 
Narciss (WV. Yazetta), More is said 
of this group farther on. 

Another new and charming group 
is that which is now known under 
the name of “‘ Englehearti” Daffodils. 
This commemorates the careful work 
and breeding on scientific lines that 
have been carried on for quite a 
quarter of a century by Mr G. H. 
Engleheart. He has paid special 
attention to the improvement of the 
forms of WV. poeticus, and as stated 
in my Practical Guide to Garden 
Plants ten years ago, “his labours 
have been rewarded with some of 
the finest, purest, and most charming 

The annexed diagrams of five 
distinct types of Narcissus will show 
at a glance the differences between 
the size and shape of the corona (C), 
the length and width of the perianth- 
tube, and the way in which the 
stamens are attached. In the Poet’s 
Narcissus it will be noticed that the 
corona is very small and shallow, 
while the tube is long and cylindrical. 
The nearest approach to this type is 
to be found in the Bunch or Poly- 
anthus Narcissus, V. Tazetta, of which 



the diagram of the variety “Grand 
Monarque” is given. In the other 
diagrams the corona (shaded in all 
diagrams) is shown to be getting 
gradually larger, while the “tube” 
varies from narrowly funnel-shaped 
in the WV. incomparabilis Stella to 
broadly obconic in WV. bicolor Hors- 
fieldi—the latter being representative 

Fic. 254.—Narcissus Tazetta Grand Monarque, 

Fic, 256.—Narcissus incomparabilis Stella, 



wise similar to JV. poeticus, In 
“Stella” the filaments are present, 
but are united to the tube for the 
greater part of their length, the 
anthers just peeping beyond the end 
of the tube. In “Sir Watkin” the 
filaments are also attached to the 
tube for about one-third of their 
length, the upper two-thirds being 
free, and having the anthers further 

Fic. 257.—Narecissus incomparabilis 
Sir Watkin, section. 

Fic. 258.—Narcissus bicolor Horsfieldi, section. 

Figs. 254 to 258 show the relative sizes of five different sections of the genus Narcissus, 
and the variation in the parts. 

ExpLanation.—C, corona; P, perianth; An, anthers; Fil, filament; St, style; Ov, ovary; 
Ped, pedicel; Sp, spathe. 

of all the large trumpet forms. In 
regard to the stamens, it will be 
noticed that there are no filaments 
in WV. poeticus, and the anthers are 
therefore sessile at the mouth of the 
cylindrical tube. In “Grand Mon- 
arque” there is the vestige of a 
filament about 1 mm. long, but other- 

out from the top of the tube. In 
“ Horsfieldi” and the other varieties 
with large coronas, the filaments are 
quite free for their entire length, and 
the anthers are pushed well beyond 
the mouth of the tube. The style 
(St) is just the same length as the 
tube in WV. poeticus, and a little longer 



in “Grand Monarque,” but is much 
longer than the tube in the other 
cases, being longest of all in the large 
trumpet section. The diagrams being 
drawn to a similar scale will give the 
reader an accurate idea as to the 



proportions between one organ and 
another in the different groups. The 
following measurements (in milli- 
metres) taken from actual but 
ordinary specimens may also be 
interesting for comparison :— 

Corona. TUzE. Ovary. |PEDIcEL.| STYLE. | FILAMENTS. 
: ’ 5 aN se te a 7 ob 

Width across. 3 Width. 4 4 FI 4 4 a as 
a | 2| sc] 2] zs | Length. s z 
Mouth.} Base. | A | Top.| Base. | 3) )F | 4 | - | i 

mm. mm. mm| mm, mm. mm.| mm.| mm.) mm./ mm. mm. mm, mm. 
Grand Monarque 10 _ 4) 4 4 16} 8] 4] 20|2 18 _— 1 
N. Poeticus 12 _— 3 | 35 35 29)10) 5| 29/38 30 — — 
N. Stella a a 20 12 15 | 12 3 29 | 18 5 | 20 | 2:5 40 10 20 
N. Sir Watkin . 30 14 23 | 14 5 20,10) 5| 15/8 35 20 10 
N. Horsfieldi 30 20 | 40 | 20 8 1410] 8] 14/4 45 — | 85 

Between these five types there are 
innumerable gradations, so that any- 
thing like a scientific classification 
of Narcissi is practically out of the 
question. Artificial groupings will, 
however, be made by specialists from 
time to time to meet temporary 
emergencies ; but such groupings are 
likely to succeed each other pretty 

Cuttivation.— Amongst bulbous 
plants perhaps there are none so 
popular as the Daffodils and Narcissi 
for cultivation in the open air, or 
for forcing into early blossom in 
greenhouses during the first months 
of the year. With few exceptions 
they are all very hardy, and once 
planted are able to look after them- 
selves. Some species and varieties 
of course are much scarcer, and 
therefore more valuable than others. 
Special attention is given to these 
until the stock becomes large enough 
to plant out in quantity. This 
applies perhaps more especially to 
the large trumpet-flowered varieties, 
both’ single and double, but many 
of the smaller-flowered kinds are also 
delightful if grown in the same way. 

The soil most suitable for Daffodils 

and Narcissi should be, if possible, 
a rich and rather heavy loam with 
a fair amount of grit and: well- 

Fic. 259,—Narcissus, 1-year seedling. 

decayed manure in it. It should 
be deeply dug or trenched in the 
first case, to ensure perfect drainage 
and increased warmth during the 



winter months when the bulbs are 

So far as position is concerned the 
the bulbs may be planted almost 
anywhere, so long as the soil, is 
reasonably good—either in the open 
fully exposed, or beneath deciduous 
trees through which sufficient sun- 
light finds its way before the leaves 
appear. In the market gardens a 
few kinds are planted in narrow beds 
between the rows of fruit-trees, and 
are left for several years to their 
own devices. From an ornamental 
point of view, however, Daffodils and 
Narcissi may be utilised effectually 
as spring flowers in the borders, 
shrubberies, grassland, and also on the 
banks of lakes, streams, ponds, etc. ; 
or, as the poet Wordsworth has 
expressed it, Daffodils may be 

*¢ Beside the lake, beneath the trees, 
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.” 

Time To PLANT.—This is best done 
at any time between the end of 
August and the end of November. 
The bulbs differ greatly in size 
according to the variety, some being 
less than an inch in diameter and 
not more than an inch or inch and 
a half in length, while others are two 
or three times larger. For open-air 
planting the safest rule to follow 
is to cover each bulb with twice its 
own depth of soil. The depth of 
planting will therefore vary from 
3 to 6 ins. or more, according to the 
size of the bulbs. 

When grown in pots or boxes for 
the decoration of the greenhouse, or 
for market purposes, the tops of the 
bulbs are left about level with the 
surface of the soil. When it is 
intended to force certain varieties 
into early blossom, they are left in 
the open air for a few weeks covered 
over with a few inches of soil, ashes, 
or fibre, until root action has become 



well established. They may then 
be taken indoors as required. By 
this means even a greenhouse without 
any heat may be embellished in the 
early spring. 

Lirtine tHe Butps.—In the formal 
garden this is generally necessary in 
early summer, to make room for the 
Zonal Pelargoniums, Marguerites, 
Fuchsias, Calceolarias,  Lobelias, 
Echeverias, Cannas, Begonias, and 
numerous other plants used for 
“bedding out.” This work is gener- 
ally done about the end of May or 
early in June. By that time most 
of the Daffodils and Narcissi with 
the exception perhaps of the double- 
flowered WV. poeticus, will be over, 
although the foliage may still be 
green. By lifting the plants and 
placing out in semi-shady spots, the 
leaves soon shrivel and die without 
injury to the bulbs. The latter 
should then be cleaned and stored 
away in single layers on shelves, in 
a cool and well-ventilated shed or 
cellar, until the planting season 
again arrives. 

Propacation.—In most cases this 
is simplicity itself, and in many parts 
of England and Ireland a great 
trade has developed in raising quanti- 
ties of Daffodils. Offsets are pro- 
duced freely, one old bulb often pro- 
ducing two others. These offsets 
should always be planted by them- 
selves, as most of them require the 
growth of another season before they 

Hybrid Narcissi. 

These of course can only be pro- 
duced by fertilising the pistils in 
one flower with the pollen from 
another, and afterwards sowing the 
seeds in rich gritty soil as soon 
as perfectly ripe. As already 
stated, many fine forms have been 
raised in this way by specialists, and 



some very fine prices are recorded for 
varieties of exceptional merit. 

The following is a selection of the 
best kinds of Narcissi and Daffodils. 
The principal kinds or sections are 
arranged in alphabetical order, but 
under them will be found some of 
the best forms or sub-varieties, also 
arranged alphabetically. 

N. Backhousei (P. Pseudo-narcissus 
x P. incomparabilis).—F lowers soli- 
tary, with long lemon-yellow corona 
and sulphur-yellow petals. The best 
forms are Woolley Dod, deep yellow 
and primrose; W. Wilks, orange- 
yellow and primrose; and Joseph 
Lakin, deep yellow and primrose. 

N. Barri (V. incomparabilis x N. 
poeticus).— A distinct hybrid with 

Fia. 260.—Narcissus Barri conspicwus. (§.) 

sulphur-yellow petals and an obconic 
corona, lemon-yellow at the base 
passing into orange-yellow. 

There are many varieties of the 
“Barri” Daffodils, amongst the best 



being :—Cicely Hill, primrose, corona 
flushed cinnabar - red; conspicwus, 
orange-yellow cup deeply stained 
with orange-scarlet; Crown Prince, 
white, large cup stained scarlet ; 
Dorothy EH. Weymss, petals white, 
corona canary -yellow edged with 
scarlet; Dr Fell, white, with orange- 
scarlet corona; Flora Wilson, pure 
white, with lemon cup edged orange- 
scarlet ; Golden Mary, bright golden- 
yellow; Maurice Vilmorin, pale 
sulphur; large cup of deep orange 
or orange-scarlet; Miriam Barton, 
delicate primrose- yellow; Mrs C. 
Bowley, white, with orange-red cup ; 
Mrs Dyer, yellow, orange cup; 
Orphee, primrose-coloured, cup scar- 
let margined ; Sensation, pure white, 
with bright yellow corona margined 
with orange-scarlet; Siddington, 
yellow, with open corona broadly 
edged with orange-red. 

N. Bernardi.—This is probably a 
natural hybrid between WV. poeticus 
and WV. muticus, and has been found 
growing wild in the Pyrenees. It 
has white petals and an orange or 
lemon-yellow corona. H. #. Buxton 
is a form with white petals and a 
bright orange-scarlet corona. 

N. bicolor.—A charming variety of 
the Ajax or Common Trumpet 
Daffodil or Lent Lily (¥. Pseudo- 
narcissus). The broad _ spreading 
segments or petals are white, while 
the large trumpet or corona is of a 
bright lemon-yellow. There are 
numerous forms, amongst the best 
being :—Ada Brooke, white, trumpet 
rich orange-yellow; Cygnet, broad 
white elegant petals, and canary- 
yellow trumpet; Chloe (raised from 
Emperor and triandrus albus), broad 
creamy-white petals, and soft canary- 
yellow cup ; Dean Herbert, full prim- 
rose changing to sulphur, large rich 
yellow trumpet; Dorothy Kingsmill 
(a cross between Grandee and cala- 



thinus), pure white, with long straight 
lemon - yellow drooping trumpet; 
Duke of Bedford, pure white, with 
clear soft yellow trumpet, like Hors- 
jieldi, but much larger and better ; 

Fic. 261.—Narcissus bicolor Ellen Willmott. (4.) 

Ellen Willmott, creamy-white, trum- 
pet lemon-yellow; Hmpress, flowers 
similar in colour to Horsfieldz, but 
of greater substance; Glory of 
Noordwijk, similar to Empress, but 
much larger and finer; Grandee 
(maximus), pure white, trumpet large, 
lemon colour; Horsfieldi, white, 
trumpet rich golden-yellow; James 
Walker (albidus), sulphury white, 
golden trumpet; John Davidson, 
creamy-white, trumpet clear yellow ; 
Judge Bird, a magnificent form with 
pure white petals, and bright yellow 
trumpet; Madame Plemp, broad 
white segments, large golden-yellow 
trumpet; Michael Foster (sulphures- 
cens), sulphur, large yellow trumpet ; 
Mrs J. B. M. Camm, pure white, Fic. 263.—Narcissus bicolor Victoria. (3.) 


creamy-white trumpet ; Urs Morland 
Crossfield, pure white, clear yellow 
trumpet; Mrs Walter T. Ware, 
white golden trumpet ; Portia, soft 
primrose, with yellow trumpet; 
Prince Colibri, creamy-white, broad 
thick-set yellow trumpet; Princeps 
Trish Giant), immense pale sulphur 
trumpet, and sulphur or creamy- 
white segments; Princess Ena, 
creamy white, with sulphur perianth ; 
Sentinel, pure white petals, trumpet 
yellow ; 7. A. Dorrien-Smith, sulphur- 
white, rich yellow trumpet ; Victoria, 
pure white, trumpet clear yellow; 
Weardale Perfection, large white seg- 
ments, bold pale primrose trumpet. 

Fic. 264.—Narcissus Bulbocodium. (4.) 

N. biflorus (WV. poeticus x MV. 
Tazetta).—A natural hybrid between 
the two species named, often having 
two, rarely one or three, flowers on 
a scape. Petals pure white; corona 
obconic, pale yellow, with crisped 
margin, (Bot. Mag. t. 197.) 

N. Broussoneti,—A distinct Moroc- 



can species, having narrow twisted 
leaves 14 to 2 ft. long, and from six 
to nine pure white sweetly scented 
flowers on the scapes, each bloom 
being about 1 in. across, and remark- 
able for having a very small or 
rudimentary corona, 

This species is a shy bloomer,and also 
flowers at the end of the year. It is 
best grown under glass in most places. 

N. Bulbocodium (JV, turgidus ; Cor- 
bularia Bulbocodium ; C. serotina).— 
This is popularly known as the 
“Hooped Petticoat” or “Medusa 
Trumpet” Daffodil. It is a distinct 
and pretty species from S. Europe 

Fic. 265.—Narcissus Bulbocodium mono- 
phyllus. (4) 

and N. Africa, having bulbs about ? 
in, through, from which arise three to 
four roundish leaves, channelled on 
the upper surface, and from 3 to 12 
ins. long. The solitary bright yellow 
flowers have narrow lance -shaped 
segments, and.a very large broadly 
funnel-shaped corona in the centre, 
(Bot. Mag. t. 88.) 



There are several varieties, amongst 
the best being cztrinus, pale lemon- 
yellow; conspicwus, rich golden- 
yellow ; Graedisz, sulphur or primrose 
yellow (Bot. Mag. t. 6473, B.); hedra- 
antha, remarkable for having a 
solitary leaf and small yellow flower ; 
monophyllus (or Clust), usually with 
a solitary leaf and snow-white flowers, 
produced quite early in the year; 
mivalis, from the snowy Spanish 
mountains, orange-yellow ; and tenut- 
folius, with long rush-like leaves and 
golden-yellow flowers, having a corona 
more or less six-lobed, 

The Hooped Petticoat Narcissi are 
charming in nooks in the rockery, or 
for pot-culture. 

N. Burbidgei (V. incomparabilis x 
NV. poeticus). —A beautiful Star 
‘Daffodil, having pure white spreading 
petals and a yellow bell - shaped 
corona edged with deep cinnabar-red. 
The following are variations :— 

Agnes Barr, creamy-white; cup 
yellow, stained orange. Baroness 
Heath, yellow; cup suffused with 
orange -scarlet. Beatrice Heseltine, 
creamy - white; cup edged. with 
orange-scarlet. Constance, sulphury- 
white ; cup beautifully edged orange- 
scarlet. Crown Princess, pure white ; 
cup yellow, margined orange. Ellen 
Barr, snow-white ; citron cup stained 
orange-scarlet. alstaf, pure white ; 
lemon cup, margined orange. John 
Bain, white; citron cup. Little 
Dirk, pale yellow, with orange cup. 
Mary, white; citron cup stained 
orange. Mercy Foster, white ; canary- 
yellow cup beautifully frilled. Model, 
pure white, cup stained orange, 
beautifully frilled. Ossian, white ; 
cup orange-scarlet. Princess Lowse, 
very large, pure white; cup much 
expanded, orange-scarlet changing to 
apricot. Robin Hood, creamy-white ; 
cup stained orange. St John’s 
Beauty, swphur - yellow, with cup 



edged orange-scarlet. Seguin, snowy- 
white, with large, broad, flattened, 
golden-yellow corona, 

N. cyclamineus.—A distinct and 
charming little Portuguese Daffodil, 
6 to 8 ins. high, with lemon-yellow, 
abruptly reflexed segments, and an 
orange-yellow cylindrical corona with 
a serrated edge (Bot. Mag. t. 6950). 

Fic. 266.—Narcissus cyclamineus. 

There is a larger-Nowered variety 
called major. Hybrids have been 
raised between WV, Horssieldi and Ny. 

N. Englehearti,—This name _ 
been more or less generally accepted 
for the beautiful and distinct varieties 
that have been raised by the Rev. G. 
H. Engleheart. The flowers may be 
said to show distinct traces of J. 
poeticus blood, and are remarkable 
for a regular circular outline, filled 
in by broad rounded petals of great 
substance, with a large flattish 
circular and disc-like corona in the 
centre. The following are some of 
the choicest varieties in this group; 
many of them are very costly, a 



single bulb costing anything from 
Qs. 6d. to £8. 

Amyas Leigh, pure white, nearly 3 
ins: across ; corona rich orange edged 
with deep crimson. Armeline, creamy- 
sulphur, of great substance; corona 
bright yellow edged with orange. 
Armorel, white, with overlapping 
petals; corona crinkled, edged with 
apricot. Astrardente, pure white; 
corona salmon with a darker edge. 
Astrophel, pure white; corona 


Fic. 267.—Narcissus Engleheartt, ‘‘Circlet.” (3.) 

crinkled, pale canary-yellow. Curclet, 
a magnificent flower with. broad, 
pure white, rounded petals ; corona 
yellowish with orange -scarlet rim. 
Concord, a beautiful and perfectly 
circular white flower tinted with 
buff, and having a saffron-buff or 
dark coppery corona. Coreen, 
creamy -white, 3 ins, across; rich 
yellow corona suffused with deep 
orange. Derwent, sulphur - yellow ; 
corona suffused with orange. Dorothy 
Pearson, creamy-white, with bright 
orange corona. Harold Finn, pure 
white, with flat scarlet corona, Jn- 


_ apricot corona. 


cognita, white, with distinct orange- 
Inga, glistening 
white, with deep orange - apricot 
corona ; a kind of improved Jncognita. 
Mariette, pure clear white, 2 ins. 
across; deep orange corona, edged 
brilliant scarlet. Pole Star, white, 
with fluted corona of a soft pale 
canary - yellow. Salamander, soft 
sulphur - yellow, with broad ovate 
petals, and a shallow bright yellow 
corona 1} ins. across, banded with 
brilliant orange. Semiramis, white, 
with large yellow corona edged bright 

N, gracilis.—A native of Bordeaux, 
bearing from three to five pure yellow 
sweet-scented flowers on a scape, the 
corona being shallow and obconic. 
Probably a cross between WV. junci- 
folius and N. Tazetta. (Bot. Reg. t. 

N. Humei (NV. poculiformis x N. 
Pseudo-narcissus ). — Raised by Dr 
Leeds of Manchester. Flowers 
sulphur - yellow, drooping, with a 
lemon - yellow corona. The best- 
known forms are albidus, milk-white, 
with a lemon-yellow corona ; concolor, 
of a uniform yellow; and Hume’s 
Giant, yellow changing to primrose. 

N, incomparabilis——This is known 
as the “Star” or “Chalice - cupped 
Daffodil,” owing to the spreading 
starry segments of the perianth, and 
the cup-shaped corona, It is a native 
of Central and 8.W. Europe, and is 
now naturalised in parts of the 
United Kingdom. The bulbs are 
about 14 ins. thick, and the star- 
shaped solitary flowers are 2 to 3 ins. 
across, pale yellow in colour, with an 
obconic lemon-yellow corona. (Bot. 
Mag. t. 121.) 

In the variety albus the petals are 
white, and the corona lemon-yellow. 
The variety known as Orange Phenix, 
with double flowers, has arisen from 
this. In the variety awrantius the 



flowers are pale yellow, but the 
corona is suffused with orange. The 
double-flowered form known as Butter 
and Eggs comes from this. 

As may be seen from the chief 
kinds mentioned, W. incomparabtlis 
has been largely used by the hybridist 
in the production of new varieties. 
Thus :— 

N. incomparabilis x N. Pseudo - 
narcissus = P, BACKHOUSEI. 

NV. incomparabilis x N. poeticus = 
N. Barri, 

NV. incomparabilis x N. poeticus = 
N. BurBipcezt. 

N. inecomparabilis x NM.  pocult- 
formis = N, LEEDSI. 

NV. incomparabilis x N. Tazetta = 

Owing to its robust habit and 
freedom, WV. incomparabdilis and its 
derivatives are all useful garden 
plants,‘and thousands of them are 
used for naturalising in the grass in 
large parks and gardens. There are 
many excellent forms, such as :— 

Albert Victor, sulphur-white, with ° 

a deep .yellow cup. Annie Baden, 
pale sulphur- white, with a white 
orange-stained corona. Autocrat, full 
self - yellow, with expanded yellow 
corona, Beauty, sulphur-yellow, with 
yellow bar; corona large, and mar- 
gined orange-scarlet Bertie, creamy] 
white; cup yellow, edged orange‘ 
C.J. Backhouse, yellow ; cupjlong, and 
of a rich orange-red colour. Com- 
mander, pale sulphur; large yellow 
cup stained orange-red. C'ynosure, 
primrose changing to white; cup 
stained orange-scarlet. Dr Gorman, 
pure white ; pale yellow cup. Hdward 
Hart, perianth and cup deep yellow. 
Figaro, yellow; cup edged with 
soft clear 

orange. Frank Miles, 
yellow. George Nicholson, pure 
white; cup clear yellow. Gloria 

Mundi, clear rich yellow perianth ; 
large cup much expanded. and very 



heavily stained orange-scarlet. Go- 
liath, large white perianth barred 
yellow ; large yellow corona, Gwyther, 
yellow ; cup suffused orange. Hogarth, 
full yellow goffered cup, very large 
and expanded; perianth twisted. 
James Bateman, pure white; clear 
yellow cup. King of the Netherlands, 
sulphur - yellow; cup, very large, 
stained orange. Jeedsz, yellow; cup 
stained rich orange-scarlet. Lorenzo, 
soft primrose, changing to white ; cup 
yellow. Lulworth, pure white ; cup 
bright orange-red. Mabel Cowan, 
white ; cup broadly margined orange- 
scarlet. Magog, sulphur ; large yellow 
cup. Mary Anderson, pure white; 
cup bright orange-scarlet. Poteau, 
white; cup yellow. Prince of Wales, 
sulphur-yellow ; cup stained orange- 
scarlet. Prince Teck, creamy-white ; 
cup yellow, large and expanded. 
Princess Mary, creamy-white peri- 
anth; large cup, suffused orange. 
Queen Bess, pure white, with large 
light yellow much-expanded cup. 
Queen Sophia, sulphur-yellow ; frilled 
cup, heavily stained orange-scarlet. 
Red Coat, orange-yellow, with orange- 
red corona frilled on the margin. Med 
Star, creamy-white; corona stained 
red. Semi-partitus, soft pale prim- 
rose; cup primrose, deeply lobed. 
Sir Watkin (probably a hybrid 
between a form of Pseudo-nar- 
cissus and joeticus), rich sulphur ; 
cup yellow, slightly tinged with 
orange. Stella, white, with yellow 
crown; the form known as Stella 
superba, being a great improvement 
in size, Splendens, sulphur-yellow ; 
corona edged orange-scarlet. 

These are seyeral double-flowered 
forms of WV. incomparabilis, the best 
being Butter and Eggs, large yellow, 
with deep orange centre; Codlins 
and Cream (or Sulphur Phoenix), pure 
white, with a sulphur-yellow centre ; 
Eggs and Bacon (or Orange Phenix), 



white, with a rich orange centre ; 
Primrose Queen, primrose - yellow, 
shading to orange in centre; and 
White Queen, like Sulphur Phoenix, 
but of a purer white. 

Fic. 268.—Narcissus incomparabilis Sir 
Watkin. (3.) 

N. intermedius.—This is considered 
to be a natural hybrid between J. 
Tazetta and N. Jonquilla. From four 
to ten flowers are borne on a scape, 
the segments being bright lemon- 
yellow, and the cup-shaped corona 
orange-yellow. It is a native of the 
Pyrenees, (Red. Lil. t, 427.) 

N. Johnstoni.—A_ beautiful Portu- 
guese Daffodil, considered to be a 
natural hybrid between WV. bicolor 
Horsfieldi and N. triandrus. The 
typical form has clear, soft, sulphur- 
yellow flowers. There are several 
forms, amongst them the Queen of 
Spain, soft clear yellow, with grace- 
fully reflexed petals; King of Spain, 
similar, but with shorter, broader 
corona ; Mrs Geo. Cammell, soft clear 




yellow ; and Snowdrop, pale sulphur- 
yellow or white, two flowers usually 
drooping from the stem. 

Fic. 269.—Narcissus Johnstoni Queen of 
Spain. (4.) 

N. Jonquilla.—This is the sweet- 
scented Jonquil of S. Europe and 
Algeria, with roundish leaves 8 to 12 
ins. long, deeply channelled down 
the face. From two to six rich yellow 
and highly fragrant flowers, with a 
cup-shaped corona, are borne on the 
scapes. (Bot. Mag. t. 15.) 

Amongst the varieties are /lore 
pleno, a rich golden-yellow, double- 
flowered form known as “Queen 
Anne’s Jonquil”; jongutlloides, a 
more robust form than the type; and 
minor, a dwarf form, with flowers 
much smaller than in the type. 

N, juncifolius,—The Rush-leaved 
Jonquil, as this is called, is a native of 
the Pyrenees, having small bulbs, 
slender roundish leaves 4 to 6 ins. 
long, and small umbels of bright 


yellow flowers with ovate segments 
about % in. long, and a cup-shaped 
corona, There are several varieties, 
among them being rupicola (or N. 
apodanthus), which has a corona dis- 
tinctly six-lobed (Bot. Mag. t. 
6473, c.). WV. scaberulus is closely re- 
lated to this. 

N. Leedsi (WV, poculiformis x N. in- 
comparabilis),— A beautiful hybrid, 
having rather drooping milk-white 
flowers, with a sulphur-yellow cup- 
shaped corona about 4 in. deep and 
wide, the oblong acute petals being 
over 1 in. long. Amongst the forms 
of the Leedst Daffodils may be 
noted :—Acis, large, white, with 
orange-stained cup, Albion, large, 
white, with sulphur cup. <Amabdilis, 
white divisions, large and spreading ; 
cup long and conspicuous, changing 
from primrose to white. eatrice, 
flowers pure white, elegantly shaped 
cup. Duchess of Brabant, white ; cup 
canary -yellow, changing to white. 
Duchess of Connaught, large expanded 
cup, pearly-white. Duchess of West- 

minster, pure white; long canary- ' 

yellow cup tinted orange. Llegans, 
drooping white perianth; corona 
sometimes stained apricot. anny 
Mason, white, canary - yellow cup. 
Gem, white. Grand Duchess, white ; 
cup stained orange. Hon. Mrs 
Barton, glistening white; cup 
changing from primrose to white. 
Janthe, sulphur changing to white ; 
cup canary-yellow. Katherine Spur- 
rell, white of a beautiful lustre ; cup 
bright yellow. Madame Magdalene 
de Graaf, usually two - flowered, 
creamy-white ; crown orange. Madge 
Matthew, large white; well-formed 
cup. Maggie May (Edmond’s White), 
flowers very large, white; cup pale 
citron-yellow, frilled. Minnie Hume, 
pure white ; cup large, canary-yellow, 
changing to white. Mrs Langtry, 
pure white; cup margined with 



golden-yellow. Modesty, silver-white 
segments drooping over and much 
longer than the white corona. Pal- 
merston, sweet-scented white flowers 
with a canary-yellow corona, Prin- 
cess of Wales, pure white; large, 
expanded, beautifully frilled cup. 
Superbus, divisions large and droop- 
ing, pure white; cup changing from 
primrose to white. Una, large, 
creamy - white; cup citron - yellow, 
tinged apricot. 

N, Macleayi.—A charming little 
Daffodil, with scentless flowers, hav- 
ing ovate oblong milk-white seg- 
ments, and a bright yellow corona 
about $ in. long and broad (Bot. Reg. 
t. 987). NW. Sabine is similar, but a 
more vigorous plant with larger 
flowers (Bot. Reg. t. '762). 

N, major (V. hispanicus).—This, the 
great Spanish Daffodil, is a form of 

Fie. 270.—Narcissus major obvallaris. (4.) 

NV. Pseudo-narcissus. It has bright 
lemon-yellow flowers, the corona being 



deeply lobed and much crisped on the 

Distinct forms of WV. major (often 
placed under WV. Psewdo-narcissus) are 
obvallaris, well known as the “Tenby 
Daffodil,” a distinct early form 
with uniform yellow flowers ; spurius, 
with broad imbricating petals and 
expanded corona, fine self-yellow; 
spurtus coronatus has pale yellow 
petals; Zelamonius (or Single Van 
Sion), sulphur-yellow, with a deeper 
yellow trumpet; Zelamonius plenus 
(perhaps better known as the Double 
Van Sion), a fine double golden-yellow 
flower grown almost everywhere. 

N, minor,—A distinct little Spanish 
Daffodil, resembling MW. Pseudo- 
narcissus in appearance, but very 
much smaller in every way. The 
leaves are only 3 to 4 ins. long and 
about 7 in. broad, and the flowers are 
1 to 1} in. long, with gracefully 
twisted sulphur-yellow segments, and 

-a deeper yellow trumpet or corona. 
The variety minimus is the smallest 
of the “trumpet” Daffodils, and has 
flowers much smaller and of a deeper 
yellow than the typical minor. The 
variety manus has bright yellow 
flowers, and a corona not so deeply 
lobed. There is also a double form, 
called plenus or Rip Van Winkle, with 
deep yellow fiowers, 

N. moschatus (V. candidissimus),— 
A Pyrenean Daffodil with pure white 
flowers when fully open, having 
twisted petals 1 to Jj ins. long, and a 
plaited corona about 1 in. across (Bot. 
Mag. t. 1300). 

The variety albicans has larger 
flowers, with a more recurved rim to 
the corona ; cernuus has silvery white 
drooping flowers; while cernuus 
puicher has a larger and more spread- 
ing corona, passing from primrose- 
yellow to white with age. The variety 
tortuosus (also known as Leda and 
Sarnian Belle) has pure white twisted 



petals, at first sulphur-yellow but 
afterwards white. 

N. muticus (MV. abscissus).— A 
Pyrenean Daffodil with sulphur- 
yellow flowers, having a deep yellow 
corona about 3 ins. across, There are 
several forms. (Floral Mag. t. 224.) 

N. Nelsoni.— A pretty Daffodil 
closely related to WV. Macleay, having 
creamy-white flowers and a lemon- 
yellow corona about ? in. long. 
Amongst the best forms are :— 
Aurantius (Nelson’s Orange), white, 
with broad, straight, bright yellow 
corona, edged with orange-scarlet. 
Border Maid, pure white ; clear yellow 
trumpet. Major, white; bright 
yellow trumpet tinged with orange. 
Minor, pure white; yellow corona. 
Mrs C. J. Backhouse, pure white ; 
corona broad yellow, spreading. Mrs 
E. @, Knights, white ; cup stiff bright 
yellow. Pulchellus, drooping, white ; 
cup yellow. Wm. Backhouse, broad 
white petals ; corona clear yellow. 

Fic. 271.—Narcissus odorus. 

N. odorus (The Campernelle Jon- 
quil)—A native of S. Europe, and 



probably a hybrid between WV. Jon- 
quilla and WN. Pseudo-narcissus. It 
has bulbs over an inch through, and 
narrow, bright green, rush-like leaves 
deeply channelled down the face. 
From two to four sweetly scented 
bright yellow flowers with a shallow 
cup-shaped corona are borne on the 
scapes. (Red, Ln, t. 157.) 

The variety heminalzs has smaller 
golden-yellow flowers ; rugulosus has 
deep yellow flowers with a crinkled 
corona; plenus is a sweet-scented 
double-flowered form of deep yellow, 
often known as “Queen Anne’s Jon- 
quil.” The variety minor has flowers 
about 1 in, across, and is smaller in 
every way than the type. 

N. orientalis,—This is considered to 
be a hybrid between WV. incompara- 
bilis and WV. Tazetta, and bears three 
to four sulphur-yellow flowers with a 
cup-shaped orange-yellow corona on a 

N. poculiformis (V. montanus)—A 
native of the Pyrenees, and con- 
sidered to be a natural hybrid between 
the Paper-white Narcissus (WV. Tazetta 
papyracea) and WV. moschatus, The 
stems bear one or two fragrant pure 
white flowers with spreading petals 
about 1 in long, and a cup-shaped 
corona, (Bot. Reg. t. 123.) 

N, Poetaz.—This name—a felicitous 
combination of the two parent 
names—has been given and is now 
generally accepted for the hybrids 
obtained by crossing JV. poeticus 
ornatus with the finest varieties of 
NV. Tazetta. The individual blossoms 
resemble the poeticus parents strongly 
in appearance, but several (instead 
of one) are borne on a stem, and in 
addition they have inherited the 
fragrance of the Tazetta parents. 
They are also quite hardy, and may 
be grown in the open border as well 
asin pots. Some good forms are :— 
Alsace, pure white, with yellow cup 



edged with red when opening. 
Aspasia, pure white, with yellow cup ; 
true poeticus type, three to four 
flowers on stem 2 ft. high. Hlvira, 
large white flowers with yellow eye, 
Ideal, white with dark orange eye ; 
large truss. rene, pale primrose, 
with prettily fluted orange cup ; eight 
to nine flowers in truss. Jawne @ 
Merveille, exquisite soft yellow, with 

Fic. 272.—Narcissus Poetaz. (§-) 

deep golden cup. Klondyke, yellow, 
with deep goldencup. Lucia, yellow, 
with golden-yellow cup. Scarlet 
Gem, flowers 2 ins, across, rich 
apricot yellow ; cup flat and crinkled, 
bright brick-red. Sunset, soft yellow, 
with rich orange cup. 

There are now many growers of 
Daffodils and Narcissi, and the 
reader would do well to consult 
current catalogues for the newer 

N. poeticus,—This is the well- 
known Poet’s or Pheasant’s Eye Nar- 
cissus. It is a native of S. Europe, 



and has bulbs about 1 in, through, 
and narrow blue-green leaves about 1 
ft.long. The beautiful white solitary 
flowers, 14 to 2 ins. across, have 
spreading petals, and a very shallow 
saucer-shaped corona distinctly edged 
with red or orange, (Red, Lil. 
t. 160.) 

Fia. 273.—Narcissus poeticus. 

There are several varieties, amongst 
the best known being :—Albatross, 
white; citron- yellow cup edged 
orange-red. Almira (or King Edward 
VIL), snow-white, with canary- 
yellow cup rimmed with red. Su- 
florus, creamy-white ; pale yellow cup. 
Grandifiora precox, white; cup 
edged crimson. Ornatus, broad pure 
white petals; cup edged scarlet; 
sweet-scented. A fine early variety 
grown in thousands by market 
gardeners. Poetarum, an improved 
early form like the type. Recurvus, a 
late - flowering variety with petals 
somewhat reflexed. 

In addition to these single-flowered 



varieties mention must be made of 
the pure double-white form, called 
alba plena odorata, or the “ Gardenia- 
flowered Narcissus,” as the rosettes of 
pure white overlapping petals suggest 
this flower. This variety is the last . 
of all the poeticus to flower—often well 
into June. It has been developed 
from a variety called patellaris, and 
when it flowers freely is one of the 
best varieties for selling. Unfortun- 
ately it often comes “blind,” that is 
to say, the flower-stems appear, but 
the blossom never emerges from the 
papery spathe at the top. The 
only cure for this defect seems to be 
to move the bulbs every year to a 
fresh place, selecting well - drained 
soil of a rich loamy nature. The 
ways in which WV. poeticus and varie- 
ties may be used are numerous— 
borders, rockeries, grassland, wood- 
lands, by the sides of lakes, ponds, or 
streams, and as pot plants, are a few. 

N. Pseudo-narcissus.—This is the 
Common Trumpet, Ajax, or Lent 
Lily, a native of the copses and pas- 
tures in partsof England. The bulbs 
are 1 to 14 ins. through, and the 
narrow blue-green leaves are about 
1 ft. long. The solitary flowers 
appear in March and April on stems 
over a foot high, the oblong petals 
being pale sulphur-yellow and over 
1 in. long, while the plaited corona 
or trumpet is lemon-yellow and about 
1 in. across the irregularly crenated 

There are several wild varieties of 
the Lent Lily, such as cambricus, 
sulphur-white, with a yellow trumpet ; 
lobularis, a uniform lemon-yellow, 
with a six-lobed trumpet; pallidus 
precox, an early Pyrenean form, with 
flowers varying from pale lemon- 
yellow to white ; rugilobus, primrose- 
yellow, with large yellow trumpet ; 
scoticus, known as the “Garland 
Lily,” similar to the type, but earlier ; 



variformis (or nobilis), a Pyrenean 
form intermediate between WV. mos- 
chatus and the type, white, with 
canary-yellow trumpet. 

There are also many choice hybrid 
or garden forms, which may be 
divided into two colour groups as 
follows :— 


Ard Righ (Yellow King), golden- 
yellow self. Countess of . Annesley, 

sulphur ; trumpet rich yellow. Eliza 

Fic. 274.—Narcissus Pseudo-narcissus Golden 
Spur. (3.) 

Turck, dwarf, beautiful lemon-yellow. 
Emperor, primrose; long and wide 
yellow trumpet. J’red Moore, prim- 
rose; large golden trumpet. Glory 
of Leiden, dark yellow trumpet; 
perianth of a slightly lighter shade. 
Golden Spur, yellow; trumpet rich 
golden yellow, large and distinctly 
lobed. Henry Irving, golden yellow. 
King Alfred, a giant golden Daffodil. 

deep yellow. Willes, prim- 




rose - yellow; bold yellow trumpet. 
M. J. Berkeley, rich yellow ; large 
expanded trumpet. Maximus, rich 
golden yellow; trumpet large and 
spreading, P. R. Barr, primrose ; 
trumpet rich yellow. Princeps, sul- 
phur; trumpet yellow. Rugilobus, 
trumpet yellow, segments paler. 
Shirley Hibberd, light yellow ; trumpet 
deep yellow. Spurtus, distinct, large 
expanded trumpet; early, and forces 
well. Van Waveren’s Giant, a 
gigantic primrose flower, with bright 

Fia. 275.—Narcissus Pseudo-narcissus King 
Alfred. (4.) 

yellow bell-shaped trumpet.. Willy 
Barr, clear soft yellow ; trumpet rich 
deep yellow. And many others. 


C. W. Cowan, white; trumpet 
canary colour. Corrie Plemp, white ; 
trumpet light primrose passing to 
white. Duchess of Connaught, peri- 
anth and trum imrose and white. 
Madame de Graaf, fine white trumpet. 

Mrs J. B. M, Camm, white ; trumpet 
King’s Norton, a very large rich { 

sulphur-white. Mrs Thomson, pure 
white. Princess Ida, white ; trumpet 


white, edged golden. Rowena, large 
trumpet, silvery white.flushed peach. 
Snowflake, white; trumpet tinged 

The forms of NV. Pseudo-nercissus 
are much confused, and many of 
them are placed under various ‘head- 
ings by different growers. The 
reader will find those not mentioned 

above under such headings as /”. , 

bicolor, N. major, NV. moschatus, anc 
N. muticus. 

To the above single-flowered forms 
must be added the following double- 
flowered ones :— 

Capazx (or eystettensis), soft lemon- 
yellow, with numerous starry petals ; 
grandiplenus, deep yellow; plenissi- 
mus, the old double ; scoticus plenus, 
the double-flowered “Garland Lily” ; 
and plenus, the Double Lent Lily, or 
Gerarde’s White and Double Yellow 
Daffodil. ° 

N. Tazetta.—This is the “Poly- 
anthus” or “Bunch” Narcissus, and 
is the species referred to by the 
ancient Greek and Roman poets, not 
NV. poeticus, as many imagine. It is 
a widely distributed species, and 
although largely existing in Italy and 
Southern France, it is also found in the 
Canary Islands and Portugal, and from 
Syria to Cashmere, China, and Japan. 
Its geographical distribution would 
therefore account largely for its great 
variation. The typical WV. Tazetta 
has bulbs 14 to 2 ins. in diameter. 
four to six narrow and somewhat 
grey-green leaves 12 to 18 ins. long, 
3 to # in, broad, and the somewhat 
flattened scape bears an umbel of four_ 
to eight. flowers 1 to 17 ins, across. 
The obovate petals_are pure white, 
and the shallow cup-shaped corona 
is lemon-yellow, and from } to 4 in, 

‘The Polyanthus Narcissus is per- 
haps better grown in pots under 
glass, but it may be grown quite 



well in the open in the mildest parts 
of the Kingdom; and also in less 
favoured spots if protected with a 
little bracken or litter in severe 
winters. Enormous numbers of some 
varieties such as the “Scilly White” 
(ochroleucus), “Grand Soleil d’or” 

Fia. 276.—Narcissus Tazetta Grand 
Monarque. (%.) 

(aureus), “Grand Monarque,” and 
“Paper White,” are grown in 
the Scilly Islands, off Cornwall, as 
marketable crops, and tons of flowers 
are sent to the London and provincial 
markets every spring. 

There are three distinct groups of 
NV. Tazetta, viz. :— 

1. Flowers white, with a yellow 
or orange corona, represented by 
Bazelman Major, Couronne Bianche, 
Gloriosa, Grand Monarque, Grand 
Primo, Her Majesty, Laura, Maestro, . 
Mont Cenis, Queen of the Nether- 
lands, Scilly White, Staaten General, 
and White Perfection. 

2. Flowers all white, represented 



by Early Snowflake, Paper White 
(papyraceus), White Pearl, 

3. Flowers all yellow, represented 
by Apollo, aureus, Bertolim, Bath- 
urst, Charles Dickens, cupularis, Jaune 
Supréme, Lord Canning, Soleil dor, 

The variety known as Bazelman 
minor is a natural hybrid between 
N. Tazetta and N. poeticus, and is 
something like WV. biflorus, but smaller 

and with more flowers on the stem. ; 

The Double Roman Narcissus 
(Tazetta romanus) has white flov,ers 
with a little yellow in the cup. It 
fluwers freely and forces well. — 



Narcissus from the Peninsula (Spain 
and Portugal) is known as “Gany- 
mede’s Cup.” The bulbs are less 
than 1} in. in diameter, and the very 
slend¢r roundish leaves are channelled 
on the upper surface. The drooping 
flowers are pure white, up to nine in 
a cluster, and are remarkable for the 
petals being sharply bent backwards 
is in WV. cyclamineus, N. Johnston, 
‘Queen of Spain, There are several 
varieties, such as :— 

Albus, a charming white form 
known as “Angel’s Tears.” Cala- 
thinus, snowy white to pale sulphur- 
yellow. Concolor, pale soft yellow ; 

Fia. 277.—Narcissus Tazetta, variety (Chinese 
Sacred Lily). (4.) 

What is known as the “Chinese 
Sacred Lily” or “Joss Flower” is an 
Eastern form of WV. Tazetia, with 
large bulbs, and five to nine sweet- 
scented white flowers with a yellow 
cup on a stem. Well-ripened bulbs 
may be grown easily in pots, pans, 
or bowls filled with pebbles and 
water, in a sunny window in a 

N.  triandrus.—This beautiful 

Fia. 278.—Narcissus triandrus. 

rare. Pallidulus, primrose-yellow. 
Pulchellus, primrose-yellow, with a 
white cup. 

NV. triandrus and its charming 
forms are safer grown in pots or pans, 
or in sheltered nooks in the rockery 
where they will not be likely to dis- 
appear. The stock may be increased 



by offsets, and also by sowing as 
‘many seeds as possible when ripe. 

N. triandrus has been largely used 
by the hybridist, and some very fine 
forms have been raised by its means. 

N. tridymus.—Under this name 
several fine hybrids from the large 
and single-flowered trumpet, JV. 
Pseudo-narcissus, and the many- 
flowered small V. Tazetta are known, 
most of them having more than one 
flower on a stem. Some good ones 
are :— 

A. Rawson, large, bold, yellow. 
Duchess of Albany, sulphur-yellow, 
with yellow cup. Duke of Albany, 
sulphur; cuporange. 8, A. de Graaf, 
large, uniform yellow. Miss White, 
silvery white; three to four flowers 
on stem. 

N. viridiflorus—An interesting 
species from Morocco and Gibraltar ; 
remarkable for producing its flowers 
usually in November and December 
instead of in spring. The bulbs are 
roundish, about 1 in. through, and the 
roundish leaves are not produced 
with the flowers. These are borne 
two to four on a slender stalk 1 to 14 
ft. high, and are of a green colour, 
the lance-shaped acute segments 
being reflexed. (Bot. Mag. t. 1687.) 

Diszases.—It often happens that 
Narcissus bulbs are attacked with 
the grub of the Narcissus Fly 
(Merodon equestris), an insect like a 
small and slender bumble-bee. The 
grub eats its way into the bulbs 
during the summer and autumn 
months and destroys the tissues by 
the end of Noyember, when it be- 
comes a chrysalis and buries itself in 
the soil. They may be recognised 
by their dull brown colour, egg-like 
shape, and rough and wrinkled skin. 
All badly injured bulbs should be 
burned, and in July and August the 
stock should be examined, and any 
bulbs affected should be steeped in 



water for about a week, to drown the 
maggots. The insects themselves 
when on the wing in summer should 
be enticed to drown themselves in 
saucers of sugary solutions, 

NELUMBIUM (from nelumbo, the 
Indian name), WatER Brean. Nat. 
Ord. Nympheacee.— This genus 
contains only the two species 
mentioned below. They are both 
aquatic plants, having thick fleshy 
root-stocks, from which arise long 
stalks surmounted by a huge circular 
peltate leaf depressed in the centre. 
The large solitary flowers are thrown 
up well above the leaves, and are 
composed of numerous petals and 
numerous stamens surrounding an 
obconical or flat top-shaped ovary in 
the centre. When ripe the ovary is 
pierced with holes, and very much 
resembles the coarse rose of a water- 
ing can. 

N. luteum.—This is the “Yellow 
Lotus” of the S. United States and 
Jamaica. It has blue-green leaves 
1 to 14 ft. across, and pale yellow 
sweet-scented flowers about a foot 
across when fully expanded. (Bot. 
Mag. t. 3753.) 

This species may be grown in rich 
loam and well-rotted manure in tanks 
of water, or in tubs or pots sunk in 
water. Although hardier than J. 
speciosum, it nevertheless requires 
some attention to flower it success- 
fully in the open air, and even under 

N. speciosum (the Sacred Bean 
of India)—A charmingly beautiful 
water plant, 6 to 8 ft. high, with 
blue-green leaves often nearly 2 ft. 
across, and large sweet-scented rose 
and white blossoms 6 to 12 ins. 
across (Bot. Mag. tt. 903, 3916, 3917 ; 
Garden, 1893, i. 912). 

There are several varieties of JV. 
speciosum, not unnatural considering 



it exists in a wild state from India 
and Ceylon to China and Japan. 
In the last-named country several 
forms have been raised, such as album 
Ji. pl., with pure white double flowers ; 
album striatum, flowers white, edged 
and streaked with crimson ; grandi- 
Slorum album, flowers pure white, 
very large; Kermesinum, deep rosy 
carmine; Osiris, rosy crimson; 
pekinense rubrum, rich  reddish- 
purple ; rosewm ji. pl., pale rose, very 
double; Shiroman, fine double, 
creamy white to pure white. 

Fic. 279.—Nelumbium spectoswm. (}.) 

Although in Southern France /. 
speciosum and its varieties may be 
grown in the open air in lakes, etc., 
they are too tender for that purpose 
in the British Islands. It is better to 
grow them in warm and moist houses 
the rhizomes being embedded in rich 
loam and manure, A peculiarity of 
the Nelumbiums is the fact that it 
is impossible in the ordinary way to 
wet the huge leaves. Water when 
applied immediately forms large 
globules which roll off the surface like 
big drops of quicksilver. 



NEMASTYLIS (nema, a thread ; 
stylos, a column ; in reference to the 
slender style), Nat. Ord. Iridex,— 
A small genus of bulbous plants with 
narrow or roundish sword - like 
sheathing leaves and small flowers. 
They are natives chiefly of Mexico 
and N. America, and are fairly hardy 
in the milder parts of the Kingdom. 
If grown in a well-drained gritty soil 
enriched with well-decayed manure, 
they will do well. The only species 
of any note appear to beN, ceelestina, 
with bright blue flowers on stems 
about 2 ft. high in May and June 
(Gartenfl. t. 1081, fig. 1); and N. 
geminifiora (or V. acuta), which some- 
what resembles a Tigridia. It has 
narrow leaves, grows about 2 ft. 
high, and in May and June produces 
its rather fleeting purplish - blue 
flowers from twin spathes (Bot. 
Mag. t. 6666), N. Pringlei grows 
only about 8 or 9 ins. high, and has 
sky-blue flowers. 

NERINE (after Merine, a water- 
nymph), Nat. Ord. Amaryllidex.— 
A genus of ornamental bulbous plants 
with long narrow leaves often pro- 
duced after the flowers have faded. 
The flowers are borne in umbels on 
top of erect slender scapes, and are 
funnel - shaped with more or less 
spreading oblong lance-shaped, more 
or less wavy segments, which are 
often recurved. 

The Nerines are all natives of 8. 
Africa, and are generally grown in 
pots in cool greenhouses, They like 
a compost of sandy loam with a little 
peat or leaf-mould, and flower better 
if not given too much space. Indeed, 
several bulbs may be placed close 
together, and in this way, according 
to the size of the pot, a better floral 
display will be produced. A pecul- 
iarity about Nerines is that they 
vegetate during the winter months; 



that is, the leaves are in a growing 
and assimilating condition, and finish 
their work about April or May. 
During this period of activity the 
plants should be kept on shelves in 
the greenhouse close to the glass, to 
secure as much light as possible; 
and the temperature at night should 
not fall below 50° F., certainly not 
below 45° F. Plenty of fresh air 
should be given on all favourable 
occasions to avoid a “stuffy” atmo- 
sphere. When the leaves have 

withered, the bulbs should be given: 

a period of rest. This is one of 
the most important features in the 
cultivation of Nerines. It will 
benefit the plants during this resting 
period to place them in a dry, sunny 
position, and no water whatever 
should be given. The flower-spikes 
begin to appear in June, and from 
then onwards till “October and 
November, and in some cases even 
till January, a supply of blossom 
may be expected during the dullest 
months of the year. 

Propacation.—Nerines are easily 
propagated by offsets from the older 
bulbs, detached after the flowers 
have faded. Seeds may be ripened 
in most cases, and if sown in gentle 
heat in spring will germinate readily 
in rich gritty soil. In about three 
years they will make flowering bulbs. 
The ease with which Nerines may be 
raised from seeds has naturally 
attracted the hybridist, and some 
very fine forms have been evolved. 

The species most used at present 
are, curvifolia, flexuosa, pudica, and 

The following are some of the best 
Nerines grown :— 

N. amabilis (VV. pudica x V. hum- 
iis), bright pink on stems 12 ins. 

N. appendiculata.—This species is 
remarkable for having a strap-shaped 



process with two to four long apical 
teeth at the base of each filament. 
Flowers pale pink. (Gard. Chron. 
1894, xvi. 336.) 

N. atrosanguinea (WV. Plant: x N. 
flexuosa), deep salmon rose, 2 ins, 
wide, wavy petals ; stem 12 to 18 ins, 

N. Bowdeni.—This is closely related 
to WV. flexuosa. It has glossy green 

thickish leaves over 1 ft. long and 
% in. broad. From six to twelve 
flowers are borne in an umbel on 
scapes about 18 ins. high. They are 
very large, and of a pale pink colour 
with a darker line down the centre of 
each of the recurved segments, which 
are 24 to 3 ins. long. (Gard Chron. 
1904, xxxvi. 365, f. 164; Mora and 
Sylva, May 1905.) 

N, Cami (MV. curvifolia x N. undu- 
lata), rosy scarlet, stems 12 ins, high. 

N, curvifolia,—aA fine species with 
large umbels of glistening scarlet 
flowers, each 1$ ins, across, with 
broad reflexed segments, and borne 
on stems 18 ins. high (Bot. Mag. t. 
725; Red. Lil. t. 274). 

The variety othergilli is stronger 



than the type and has more flowers 
in the umbels (And. Bot. Rep. t. 
163). It is undoubtedly one of the 
finest and most free-flowering Nerines 
in cultivation, and should prove to be 
a valuable plant for market work if 
grown in large numbers. 

N. elegans (JV. flexuosa x JV. rosea). 
—A fine hybrid with crimson flowers. 
The variety coerulea has crimson 
flowers tinted with blue, while alba 
has pure white blossoms. 

N, filifolia.—Flowers eight to ten in 
an umbel, on scapes 1 ft. high. 
Petals deflexed, bright red, 1 in. long. 
(Bot. Mag. t. 6547.) 

N. flexuosa.—In this species the 
bright green leaves about 1 ft. long, 
and sometimes roughened with 
pustules on the face, appear at the 
same time as the flowers, about Sep- 
tember. The flexuose scape is 
sometimes 2 to 3 ft. high, and bears 
an umbel of ten to twenty pale pink 
flowers with wavy petals 1} ins. long. 
(Bot. Reg. t. 172.) 

There are several varieties, such as 
angustifolia, having very narrow leaves 
(Ref. Bot. t. 329); pulchella, leaves 
firmer in texture than in the type, 
scape not flexuose,i and flowers pale 
pink with a rose-red keel to the 
segments (Bot. Mag. t. 2407); alba, 
with white flowers; and Sandersoni, 
with broader leaves and less wavy 
petals. : 

N. humilis.—This comes near J. 
flexuosa, but is dwarfer in growth and 
has narrower and more deeply 
channelled leaves. About ten to 
twenty pink or rose-red flowers with 
deflexed petals are borne on slender 
scapes 6 to 18 ins. high. (Bot. Mag. 
t. 726; Fed. Lvl, t. 449.) 

N. Manselli (NV. flexuosa x N. 
Fothergilli)—This fine hybrid com- 
memorates Mr Mansell, a hybridist 
of Guernsey. It has. broader: leaves 
than other kinds, produced at the same 



time as the bright rosy flowers, in 
November and JDecember. The 
scapes are about 2 ft. high, and the 
umbels 6 ins, through, having from 
twelve to eighteen blossoms with 
recurved segments. (Gard., November 

N, Meadowbanki (JV. sarniensis x 
N. Fothergilli).—This seems to be 
merely a form of V, Fothergilli. 

N. Moorei.—Closely related to WV. 
curvifolia, but distinguished by its 
bright green (not blue-green), slightly 
twisted leaves, 9 to 12 ins. long and 
4% to 2 in. broad. Flowers bright 
scarlet with wavy segments, and 
borne six to nine in an umbel on 
flattened scapes about 9 ins, high, 

N. pancratioides.—This species has 
long narrow leaves, roundish in the 
lower half. The scapes are about 
2 ft. high, and bear umbels of 
twelve to twenty white flowers, which 
have small square bifid scales between 
each of the filaments, as in Pancratium. 
(Gard, Chron, 1891, x. 576.) 

N. pudica,—This species has narrow 
blue-green leaves 8 to 9 ins. long, and 
slender scapes 1 to 14 ft. high, 
bearing umbels of ivory-white flowers 
sometimes keeled with pink, the 
petals being very slightly wavy (Bot. 
Mag. t. 5901). The variety Elwes 
has broader jleaves, more compact 
umbels, and pale rose flowers of a 
more substantial texture, and alba 
has snow-white blossoms. WV. Strick- 
landi is a hybrid between WV. pudica 
and JV. curvifolia. 

N. sarniensis,—This is the 
“Guernsey Lily” which has been 
cultivated in the Channel Islands for 
two hundred years. It has ovoid 
bulbs 14 to 2 ins. in diameter, and 
bright green narrow leaves developed 
after the flowers. From ten to 
twenty of these are borne in an 
umbel on slender scapes 1 to 14 ft. 
high in September. They are bright 



crimson in colour, about 14 ins. 
across, the sickle-shaped segments 
being scarcely crisped; filaments 
bright red. (Bot. Mag. t. 294; Red. 
Inl, t. 35.) 

The variety corusca has broader 
leaves and large bright scarlet flowers 
(Bot. Mag. +. 1089) ; Plante has longer 
scapes and flowers of a _ duller 
crimson; profusa, bright scarlet 
flowers produced late in August; 
rosea, rose-red (Bot. Mag. t. 2124) ; 
and venusta, with pale green leaves 
and bright scarlet flowers with rather 
wavy petals (Bot. Mag. t. 1090). 
NV. Alleni is a cross between corusca 
major and N. sarniensis, 

N. undulata (WV. crispa)—Flowers 
pale pink with very wavy segments, 
eight to twelve in an umbel, on 
slender scapes 1 to 14 ft. high (Bot. 
Mag. t. 369; Red. Lil, t. 115). 

NIPHAVA (niphos, snow ; in refer- 
ence to the white flowers). Nat. 
Ord. Gesneracee.—A genus contain- 
ing three species of softly hairy 
herbaceous hothouse plants, from 
Mexico to Cuba, having creeping 
root-stocks, oval, toothed leaves, and 
clusters of white flowers in the axils 
of the leaves. Corolla rotate, with a 
very short tube and five broad lobes. 
The best-known species is N. oblonga, 
a native of Guatemala, about 1 ft. 
high, having oblong heart-shaped, 
toothed, and wrinkled leaves, and 
drooping white flowers in winter. 
(Bot. Reg. 1842, t. 5.) 

This plant flourishes in rich sandy 
loam and peat or leaf -soil, and 
requires a night temperature of 60° 
to 65° F, during active growth, but 
45° to 50° when at rest. It may be 
propagated by division of the root- 
stocks in spring in the same way as 

NOTHOSCORDUM (nothes, spur- 
ious; scordon, garlic; in allusion to 



its affinity with Garlic), Nat. Ord. 
Liliaceze.—A genus related to Alliwm, 
containing about ten species of hardy 
or half-hardy bulbous plants, having 
flat narrow leaves, and flowers in 
umbels on top of erect scapes. They 
are not particularly fine garden 
plants, and are only fit for botanical 
collections, They grow in ordinary 
good garden soil in warm sheltered 
spots, or in bleak localities may be 
sheltered in a frame. They are pro- 
pagated by offsets or seeds, 

N, fragrans is a strong-growing 
and hardy North American species 1 
to 2 ft. high, with umbels of white 
sweet-scented flowers keeled with 
lilac (Bot. Reg. t. 898; Red, Lil. 
t. 68). 

N. inodorum has whitish flowers 
keeled with brownish - purple, and 
grows about 18 ins, high (Bot. Mag. 
t. 1129, as Allewm). 

N. neriniflorum produces its pink 
flowers in June and July (Bot. Reg. 
1847, t. 5). 

N, striatellum has _ greenish- 
yellow flowers (Bot. Mag. t. 2419, as 
Ornithogalum gramineum). 

N, striatum has white flowers in 

Fic. 281.—Nothoscordum striatum. (4.) 

May (Bot. Mag. tt. 1085, 1524, as 



NUPHAR (from naufar, the Arabic 
for Water Lily). Nat. Ord. Nymphe- 
acee.—A small genus of aquatic 
plants closely related to the Water 
Lilies proper (Vymphea), having 
thick fleshy root-stocks, roundish 
heart-shaped leaves deeply lobed at 
the base, and large yellow flowers 
with numerous petals and stamens 
surrounding a peltate rayed stigma in 
the centre. The culture is exactly 
the same as described below for 

N. advenum, —A native of the 
lakes, ponds, and ditches of N. 
America, having large yellow flowers 
with red anthers to the stamens (Bot. 
Mag. t. 684, as Nymphea). 

N. luteam,—This is the Yellow 
Water Lily or “Brandy Bottle” of 
Britain. It has roundish deeply 

Fic. 282.—Nuphar luteum. 

lobed leaves 8 to 12 ins. across, and 
produces its sweet-scented yellow 
flowers from June to August slightly 
above the surface of the water. 



N, pumilum (Vymphea Kalmiana). 
—This species is found wild not only 
in Britain, but also over Arctic and 
Central Europe and Asia. It is like 
NV. luteum, but is smaller in all parts, 
and has eight to ten rays to the 
stigma instead of ten to thirty. (Bot. 
Mag. t. 1243.) 

NYMPHZ@A (from nymphe, a water- 
nymph), Water Lity. Nat. Ord. 
Nympheacee.— A genus containing 
between forty and fifty species of 
water - plants, with thickish fleshy 
roots, roundish leaves lobed at the 
base, and solitary flowers on fleshy 
stalks, on, or some little distance 
above, the surface of the water. The 
Howers have four sepals, numerous 
petals gradually becoming smaller , 
from the outside inwards and passing 
into stamens. Carpels numerous, 
sunk in a fleshy disc forming a many- 
celled ovary surmounted by radiating 
stigmas, and ultimately ripening into 
a spongy berry under water. 

The Water Lilies must be divided 
into hardy, half-hardy, and tender 
kinds, but they all require water and 
a rich muddy soil to flourish. Loam 
and old cow-manure make a good 
compost. The hardy kinds grow in 
the open air in lakes, ponds, or 
streams, the best-known representa- 
tive being the common white-flowered 
British Water Lily (W. alba), The 
half-hardy ones— generally hybrids 
between the hardy and tender kinds 
—grow well enough in the open air 
during the summer months, but they 
are usually placed in tanks of water 
in which arrangements have been 
made to supply artificial heat if 
necessary by hot-water pipes. The 
root-stocks for open-air work are 
usually placed in wicker baskets, 
embedded in the stiffish loam and 
manure, and carefully dropped into 
the bottom of the lake, pond, or 



stream, either near the margin or 
from a boat or punt in deep water. 
Very often, however, the rhizomes are 
just tied to a big stone and sunk into 
the mud at the bottom. In some 
cases, as at Mr Robinson’s place at 
Gravetye Manor, in Sussex, they will 
flourish in water from 16 to 20 ft. 
deep, and send up their leaves and 
flowers from that great depth. The 
tender or hothouse kinds are easily 
managed in warm-water tanks, and 
may be sunk in pots or baskets a foot 
or two beneath the surface of the 



known kinds of Water Lilies, the 
words hardy, half-hardy, or tender 
being added to give an idea as to 
whether the plants are best grown 
without heat in the open air, or in open 
air with heated water, or under glass 
altogether in heat in a temperature 
of 70° to 90° when in full growth :— 
N. alba. — The common white 
British Water Lily. There are several 
varieties, such as candidissima, one 

PropaGatTion.—Water Lilies (in- “= 

cluding the NupHars) are easily 
increased by dividing the root-stocks 
with a strong knife in spring, and re- 
planting. They may either be left 
in the mud during the winter, or 
taken up and stored in sand in a cool 
but frost- proof place during the 
winter. Seeds may also be sown 
either when ripe or in spring, but it 
will be necessary to pay some atten- 
tion to saving them, as the pods ripen 
under water, and run the risk of being 
lost or destroyed by waterfowl in 
the open air. The seeds should be 
sown in flattish pots or pans in rich, 
gritty soil, and sunk in water. When 
the small round seed-leaves are seen 
floating on the water, each plantlet 
may be given a little pot to itself in 
the usual rich compost, and again 
placed under water. 

Apart from the decoration of lakes, 
ponds, streams, water-tanks, etc., the 
flowers of Water Lilies—now of all 
shades of colour, embracing red, white, 
blue, yellow, rose, crimson, and 
salmon—are excellent when cut, and 
last quite a long time in a bowl of 
water in rooms, By cutting off half 
an inch or two of the stalks every 
third or fourth day, the period of 
freshness may be prolonged. 

The following are some of the best- 

Fic. 288.—Nymphea alba. (}) 

of the best, and broad-petalled ; rosea 
(also known as WV. Caspary), a beauti- 

‘ful pink form; and plenissima, in 
which there are an extra number of 
petals filling up the centre. All quite 
hardy. There are several other forms 
to which distinctive names like 
maxima, minor, rubra, delicata, etc., 
have been given. 

N. amazonum.—Flowers yellowish- 
white, sweet-scented, 3 to 4 ins. 
across. Native of Jamaica. Tender. 
(Bot. Mag. t. 4823.) This species 
and WV. ampla appear to be the same. 

N. ampla_ speciosa, — Flowers 
yellowish-white. Native of Jamaica, 
Tender. (Bot Mag. t. 4469.) The 

variety Gerardiana has leaves 2 ft. 
across, red-brown above, blue-red and 
strongly veined beneath; and very 
large white or cream flowers. 

N. aurora,—-Pale rose, with golden 
stamens. Half-hardy. See JW. 

N. Baumi,—This species from 8.W. 
Tropical Africa is the smallest 



known. It has roundish heart- 
shaped leaves about 1 in. across, and 
slightly scented white flowers scarcely 
lin. wide. Tender. 

N. blanda. — White. 
Trinidad. Tender. 

N. candida (WV. semiaptera).—A 
Bohemian species like WV. alba, but 
with much smaller snowy - white 
flowers, Hardy. 

N. Casparyi.—This is the name 
now adopted for the plant grown 
for many years under the name of 
NV. gigantea. It differs from the 
true WV. gigantea in having smaller 
and paler blue flowers with less 
deeply cup-shaped petals. The 
thinnish leaves are blue - violet 
beneath, deeply indented and toothed 
on the margins. Tender. 

N. Daubenyana.—This has large 
sweetly -scented pale blue flowers, 
remaining open all day but closing 
at night. The leaves are remark- 
able for producing little plants in the 
basal sinus. Tender. 

N. devoniensis.—A beautiful hybrid 
between WV. Lotus and WN. rubra, 
with bright rose or red flowers, often 
over 6 ins. across, from March till 

Native of 

November. Tender. (Bot. Mag. t. 

N. edulis (Castalia edults),—White. 
E, Indies. Tender. 

N. elegans,—A native of New 
Mexico, Flowers fragrant, yellowish- 
white tinged with lilac or purplish- 
blue. Tender. (Bot. Mag. t. 4604.) 

N. fennica.—A native of E. Finland, 
with small white flowers having ten 
to fifteen narrow lance-shaped petals. 
The stigmas are five to nine, pointed 
with yellow or violet-tipped lobes. 
(Gard. Chron. 1899, xxv. 139.) 

N. flava.—A native of 8. United 
States, with canary - yellow flowers. 
Half-hardy. (Bot. Mag. t. 6917.) 

N. Froebeli.—A hybrid with sweet- 




scented deep crimson-purple flowers, 
Quite hardy. 

N. gigantea.—Flowers 6 to 8 ins, 
across, blue with golden stamens, 
Native of Australia, Tender. (Bot. 
Mag. t. 4647.) 

N. Gladstoneii—An American seed- 
ling with highly fragrant flowers 8 
ins. across, and pure white. Hardy. 

N. Henkeliana.— This is closely 
related to WV. stellata, but “differs in 
having the leaves sinuate on the 
margin, and in the colour of the 
small flowers, which are white or 
pale rose.” Tender, 

N. Holtzeii—An Australian species 
readily recognised by its flat flowers, 
which are pale blue, 4 to 5 ins, 
across, and violet-scented. The thin 
leaves are oval or roundish, without 
teeth, and about 10 ins. long and 8 
ins. broad. The variety Hleonore or 
albiflora, from Melville Island, has 
pure white flowers. Tender. 

N, James Gurney.— Another Ameri- 
can seedling, with flowers 6 ins, across, 
opening pink, but becoming deeper 
with age. Hardy. 

N. Kewensis,—A Kew hybrid be- 
tween WV. devoniensis and WV. Lotus, 
with rosy-carmine flowers (Bot. Mag. 
t. 6988). Tender. 

N. Laydekeri,—This name is given 
to a group of hybrids (probably be- 
tween WV. pygmea and some other 
species) raised by M. Mazrliac, of 
Temple-sur-Lot, France. The flowers 
are pale rose, becoming deeper tinted 
with age. There are many variations 
to which names have been given. 
Amongst them may be noted :— 
Andreana, brick-red, shaded with 
yellow ochre ; stamens orange, leaf- 
stalks spotted with chestnut and 
streaked with red-brown on the back. 
Aurora may be called the Chameleon 
Water Lily, as its exquisite flowers 
change in colour from day to day, 
being at first rose-yellow, then orange- 



red; ultimately becoming deep red. 
Blanda, pure white, 4 to 6 ins. across. 
Carolinians nivea, flowers pure white, 
very large and double, very fragrant ; 
stamens rich yellow. C. perfecta has 
salmon-red flowers, very double; 
petals blunt and perfectly regular. 
Ellisiana, brilliant carmine - purple. 
Fulgens, with dark green outer sepals 
and crimson-magenta petals. Fulva 
has creamy-yellow flowers tinted and 
lined with bright red, the stamens 
being golden-yellow, and the leaves 
blotched with brown above and 
spotted with red beneath. Gloriosa, 
a lovely scented flower 7 ins. across, 
very double, bright red, rosy white at 
the tips of the lower; petals ; stamens 
rich red. Jlacea, has lilac - rose 
flowers scented like Tea Roses. 
LIncida, soft vermilion, with orange 
stamens, and large chestnut-spotted 
leaves, Purpurata, deep rosy crimson 
and vivid orange-red stamens, ob- 
insont, deep rose-coloured flowers, 
deeper towards the centre, dotted 
with white, and with orange-red 
stamens. osea, flowers medium- 
sized, tender pink to carmine; 
stamens orange-red, Sanguinea, rich 
carmine-amaranth or clear carmine ; 
stamens orange-red. Sezgnoureti, 
delicate creamy-yellow tinted with 
pale rose and carmine. 

N. Lotus (JV. rubra).—This is the 
“Sacred Lotus” of the ancient 
Egyptians. The rhizomes and fruits 
used to be eaten. It is a beautiful 
aquatic with large red or white 
flowers, the sepals being edged with 
red, (Bot, Mag. tt. 1280, 1364.) 

The variety dentata, from Sierra 
Leone, has white flowers 6 to 15 ins. 
across (Bot, Mag. t. 4257). The 
variety Krumbiegeli has large bright 
red flowers with dark red stamens ; 
leaves green above, red beneath. 

N. Marliacea.— This represents 




another group of lovely hybrid 
Water Lilies raised by M. Marliac, 
and the following forms may be 
noted :—alba, perhaps the largest and 
best white Water Lily, the flowers 
being fragrant and freely produced ; 
carnea, flesh tinted, with a delicate 
blush, and scented like vanilla; 
chromatella, with brown mottled 
leaves when young, and large fragrant 
flowers of clear yellow, produced 
from early spring till late autumn ; 
flammea, white and reddish-purple, 
the outer petals pink, deepening in 
colour towards the centre ; zgnea has 
flowers about 5 ins. across, of a deep 
bright rosy crimson surrounding the 
vivid orange-red stamens; rosea is 
the choicest of the hardy pink Water 
Lilies, with large cup-shaped flowers 
of an exquisite soft rose tint much 
deeper than the variety carnea ; 
rubro-punctata has flowers 4 ins. 
across, deep mauve-purple delicately 
dotted with carmine. 

N. micrantha—A West African 
Water Lily, having roundish elliptic 
leaves, purple-brown beneath, and 
white or creamy flowers, smaller 

than those of WV. alba. Tender. 
(Bot. Mag. t. 4535.) 
N. Moorianum.— An Australian 

species with yellow flowers. Tender. 
(Gard. 1903, Ixiv. 90.) 

N, nitida,—A Siberian species with 
white scentless flowers 3 to 4 ins. 
across. Hardy. (Bot. Mag. t. 1359.) 

N. odorata.— A beautiful North 
American Water Lily like J. alba, 
with white sweet-scented flowers, but 
smaller, from June to September. 
They are sometimes tinted with rose, 
and are open in the morning, but 
closed in the afternoon, Hardy. 
(Bot. Mag. t. 819.) 

There are several varieties, the best 
being exquisita, deep rosy-carmine ; 
gigantea, very large flowers ; grandt- 
flora, yellow, sweet-scented, leaves 


mottled with brown above and 
spotted red beneath; rosea, clear 
soft pink; rubra, dark rose; sul- 
phurea, sulphur-yellow, 8 ins. across, 
leaves marbled. 

N. Parkeriana, from British Guiana, 
resembles WV. odorata, and has large 
pure white fragrant flowers with 
yellow stamens. 

N. pygmea.—This beautiful North 
Asiatic species is, next to V. Baumi, 
the smallest of the Water Lilies— 
hardy or tender. Its heart-shaped 
leaves are 3 to 4 ins, broad, and the 
sweet-scented white flowers are about 
2 ins, across. Quite hardy. (Lot. 
Mag. t. 1525.) 

N. scutifoliaa—A South African 
species resembling WV. stellata, but 
having broader and blunter petals 
to its sweet-scented bright blue 
flowers. Tender. (7. d. Serr. vi. 
t. 645.) 

N. stellata (V7. cw#rulea).—A_ native 
of Tropical Africa, with unspotted 
leaves and delicately scented sky- 
blue flowers during the summer 
months (Bot, Mag. t. 552). 

The variety cyanca is a pale blue 
Indian form (Bot. Mag. t. 2058) ; 
versicolor has white flowers flushed 
with red (Bot. Mag. t. 1189); and 
zanzibarensis has rich purple - blue 
flowers about 7 ins, across (Bot. Mag. 
t. 6843). 

NV. stellata and its varieties may 
be grown in open sunny tanks during 
the summer months; but they are 
usually regarded as tender. 

N. Sturtevanti is a seedling from 
NV. devoniensis, with large flowers of 
a clear pale rosy-red. 

N. tetragona.—A native of N. 
Asia and parts of N. America, 
having leaves 4 to 5 ins. across, 
green above, red beneath. The 
flowers are pure white with yellow 
stamens, and measure only 14 to 2 
ins. across. This little Water Lily 



does not increase freely from root- 
stocks, but may be easily raised from 
seeds. The variety Helvola has pale 
yellow flowers 2 ins. across, while 
himalayensis has white flowers only 
1 in. across. 

N. thermalis,— The Hungarian 
Lotus, found in Hungary in the 
warm river named Pecze. It has 
sharply toothed leaves, and pure 
white flowers with a wine-like odour. 
(Bot. Mag. t. 797, as NV. Lotus.) 

N. tuberosa,—A fine free-growing 
North American species remarkable 
for its creeping root-stock bearing 
oblong tubers. The faintly scented 
white flowers appear in July and 
August, and are from 4 to 7 ins. 
across. Hardy. (Bot. Mag. t. 

The variety rosea has deliciously 
fragrant pink flowers ; and Richard- 
sont has pure white double flowers. 

N. Wm. Doogue.—An American 
seedling with broad-petalled flowers 
of a clear shell-pink colour. Hardy. 

N. Wm. Falconer, — Another 
American seedling intermediate 
between WV. Laydekert and WM. 
Marliacea. The leaves are reddish 
when young, but turn to olive-green 
with red veins, and the ruby-crimson 
flowers with orange-yellow anthers 
are about 6 ins. across. Hardy. 

N. Zenkeri.— A native of the 
Cameroons, with small conical rhiz- 
omes, long-stalked, deep heart-shaped, 
lobed and toothed leaves, and white 
flowers tinged with red, 2 to 3 ins. 
across (Gartenjl. 1906, 519). Tender. 

ORNITHOGALUM (ornis, a bird; 
gala, milk; application mysterious), 
Srar or Brtuurnem. Nat, Ord. 
Liliaceze.—A large genus of plants 
with tunicated bulbs, radical leaves. 
and leafless scapes ending in clusters 
of starry six-petalled flowers. 

The hardy species flourish in any 



good and well-drained garden soil, 
and should be planted in bold masses 
for effect, They are easily increased 
by offsets. The more tender kinds 
are grown in sheltered spots or in 
greenhouses ; or they may be grown 
in the open air during the summer 
months, after which the bulbs may 
be lifted and stored in sand or soil 
until the following spring. 

Amongst the most useful kinds 
for garden purposes mention may be 
made of the following :— 

O. arabicum.—A fine species from 
S. Europe and N, Africa, having 
large white pear-shaped bulbs, 
thickish narrow leaves 12 to 18 

Fic. 284.—Ornithogalum arabicum, (3.) 

ins. long, and clusters of large 
creamy-white flowers on stems 1 to 
2 ft. high in June and July. The 
bright yellow anthers and the shining 
black ovary are conspicuous features 
(Bot. Mag. t. 728.) As this is rather 
tender, it is safer to lift the bulbs in 
winter in bleak localities. It is an 
effective plant when grown for con- 
servatory decoration. 

The species called 0. corymbosum, 



having white flowers keeled with 
green, is very closely related (Bot. 
Mag. t. 3179 ; Bot, Reg. t. 906). . 

O, aureum, from the Cape of Good 
Hope, has yellow flowers, often 
orange-tinted, in summer (Bot. Mag. 
t. 190; Red, Lil, t. 489), 0. flavis- 
simum is very similar (Jucg. Jc. t. 
436). Rather tender. 

QO. capitatum,— Another South 
African species with large trusses of 
white flowers (Bot. Mag. t. 5388). 

0. lacteum.—A very old South 
African species, having from twenty 
to fifty white flowers in dense clusters 
(Bot, Mag, t. 1134; Bot, Reg. t. 274 ; 
Red. Lil. t. 418). 

The variety contcwm has narrower 
leaves and petals, and the flowers 
are borne in looser clusters (Lot. 
Mag. t. 3538). Tender. 

O. nutans,—This is a free-growing 

Fic, 285.—Ornithogalum nutans. (4-) 

and perfectly hardy species, which 
produces its loose racemes of droop- 



ing white flowers, veined outside with 
green, about April and May (Bot. 
Mag. t. 269). The variety Sou- 
cheanwm has larger and finer flowers 
than the type. 

O. pyramidale.—A pretty species 
from S.W. Europe, having bright 
green Jance-shaped leaves, and pyra- 
midal trusses of pure white flowers 
striped outside with green (Jacg. Jc. 
t. 425; Red, Lil. t, 422), Flourishes 
almost anywhere. 

O. pyrenaicum,— A Pyrenean 
species now naturalised in parts of 
Britain. Its flowers vary in colour 
from yellowish-green to greenish- 
white, and are borne on stalks 2 ft. 
or more high. (Red, Lil. t, 234.) 
Like O. pyramidale, this species 
flourishes anywhere in shade or sun- 

O, Saundersiz.—A native of the 
Transvaal, related to O. arabicum. 
The scapes are about 3 ft. high, bear- 
ing umbels of about twenty flowers, 
each an inch across, white tinged 
outside with green. (Gard. Chron. 
1891, x. 452.) 

O. umbellatum,— This is the 
common “Star of Bethlehem,” native 
of S. Europe, but now naturalised in 
parts of Britain, in copses and 
meadows, The narrow leaves, 6 to 
12 ins, long, have a white stripe down 
the centre, and the umbel-like or 
corymbose clusters of white ‘flowers 
striped behind with green appear in 
May and June. (Red. Lil, t. 143.) 
Flourishes anywhere, but the flowers 
are remarkable for opening an hour before midday and closing about 
4 P.M. 

OSTROWSKIA (after Ostrowsk?, a 
Russian botanist), Nat. Ord. Cam- 
panulaceze.—The only representative 
of the genus at present is—- 

0. magnifica.—A splendid hardy 
herbaceous perennial 4 to 5 ft. high, 



from the mountains of Eastern Bok- 
hara, in Central Asia. It has large 
tuberous roots about 2 ft. long when 
fully grown, and the lance-shaped 
acute leaves with toothed margins 
are borne in whorls or circles on the 
stems. The charming bell - shaped 

Fic, 286.—Ostrowskia magnifica. (3.) 

flowers, 4 to 6 ins. across, and with 
five to nine rounded lobes, appear 
about July, and are ivory-white in 
colour, washed and veined with lilac- 
purple, but some come pure white. 
In the centre of the flowers the club- 
like stigma is very conspicuous. The 
seed-pods are remarkable in appear- 
ance: they are top-shaped, with six 
to eight stiffish radiating projections 
(the dried calyx teeth), 1 to 14 ins. 

This magnificent and gigantic Bell- 
flower is quite hardy, and flourishes 
in any good garden soil that is well 
and deeply dug and enriched with a 
little manure. It is obvious that 



shallow cultivation is useless to a 
plant that has such large tuberous 
roots ; therefore trenching 3 ‘ft. deep 
will not be too much, if the best 
results are desired, Perfect drainage 
—a most important item considering 
our ‘cold winter rains—is also thus 
assured. The simplest way to in- 
crease the Ostrowskia is from seed. 
These are ripened freely, and should 
be sown in cold frames in autumn or 
spring. The young plants when 
about 6 ins, high are large enough to 
place in the open air, but they will 
not reach the flowering stage 
for three or four seasons. 

OTHONNA (othone, linen ; 
in reference to the soft 
downy clothing of the leaves). 
Nat. Ord. Compositz, — 
There are two or three 
tuberous-rooted species in 
this genus, the best-known 
probably being— 

O. tuberosa,—A tuberous- 
rooted Ragwort from S. 
Africa, having broadly oval 
stalked leaves, gradually becoming 
smaller up the stems. The yellow 
flower-heads appear about August at 
the ends of the shoots. (Bot. Mag. 
t. 4038.) 

This species requires the protection 
of a greenhouse in winter, although it 
may be grown in the open air during 
the summer months. It may be 
increased by division of the roots, or 
by cuttings arising from them. 

OXALIS (oxys, acid ; referring to 
the taste of the leaves), Woop - 
Sorret, Nat. Ord Geraniacez.—A 
genus containing over twa hundred 
species, mostly herbaceous plants, 
many of which have fleshy, bulb-like, 
or tuberous root-stocks, usually three- 
lobed clover-like leaves (O. ennea- 
phylla has nine to twenty leaflets), 



and regular tubular or bell-shaped 
flowers, which are twisted in bud, 
and only open well in the sunshine, 
closing in the evening. Stamens ten, 
five short and five long. Stigmas 
usually papillose. 

The genus Oxalis is remarkable, 
and interesting botanically for having 
styles and stamens of three different 
lengths—what have been termed 
long-styled, short-styled, and mid- 
styled forms existing. Darwin called 
attention to this feature in his 
volume on The Diferent Forms of 

Fic. 287.—Oxalis flowers with petals removed, showing long- 
styled, mid-styled, and short-styled forms. 
lines with arrows show the stamens that should supply 
pollen to the stigmas (S) to ensure legitimate fertilisation. 

The dotted 

Flowers on Plants of the Same Species, 
from which the accompanying figure 
(Fig. 287) is taken. The dotted lines 
with arrows show from which stamens 
the pollen should be taken to properly 
fertilise the stigmas (S) of other 
flowers. Styles and stamens of 
different lengths may and do occur 
in the various species of Oxalis, but 
individual plants of the same species 
may have either all long-, short-, or 
mid-styled blossoms. This peculiarity 
of the genus has been known for over 
a century, and numerous examples 
are to be found in Nicholas Joseph 
Jacquin’s Monograph of the Oxalis, 
a quarto volume with eighty-one 
plates (mostly coloured), published 
at Vienna in 1794, 

Very few of the Wood - Sorrels, 
tuberous or otherwise, are really 



hardy, although nearly so. Most of 
them, however, are easily grown in a 
sunny frame or greenhouse, and when 
at rest require no attention beyond 
protection from frost. Some kinds, 
perhaps more especially the fibrous- 
rooted ones, which are not dealt with 
in this volume, increase with great 
freedom, and often become trouble- 
some, as they encroach upon space 
required by other plants. In most 
cases, it is easy to propagate the 
plants either by dividing the tuberous 
root-stocks and detaching the offsets, 
or by sowing seeds. They are 
effective grown as edgings to plant 
stages in the greenhouse, or, when 
hardy, in nooks in the rock-garden, 
or as an edging. Light rich sandy 
soil is suitable in most cases, The 
following are some of the best tuber- 
ous-rooted kinds :— 

O. adenophylla.—This species, with 
bulb-like root-stocks covered with 
matted fibres, resembles O. ennea- 
phylla, but is larger in every way, 
and the flowers are pink or rose- 
purple with a darker zone at the 
base (Bot. Mag. t. 8054 ; Gard. Chron. 
1906, xl. 14). 

This is a very rare species, and one 
that seems to be difficult to grow— 
possibly because it is coddled too 
much. Treated like O. enneaphylla 
it would probably flourish. 

0. arenaria.— A Chilian species 
about 4 ins. high, having scaly 
rhizomes forming an ovoid tuber as 
large as a hazel nut, and leaves with 
three to four deeply heart - shaped 
leaflets, and bright violet - purple 
flowers over 1 in. across, three to ten 
on a stalk, produced in March. 
Almost quite hardy. (Bot. Mag. t. 

O, articulata,—A distinct Brazilian 
Wood - Sorrel, with bulb-like root- 
stocks, grey - green three - foliolate 
leaves, and umbels of sweet-scented 



pale lilac flowers in June and July 
(Bot. Mag. t. 6748), Greenhouse or 

O. Bowiei—-A fine bulbous-rooted 
perennial from §. Africa, having the 
leaves divided into three bluntly 
heart-shaped leaflets, slightly downy 
beneath. About a dozen rich rosy-red 
flowers, each 14 ins. across, with a 
yellowish base, are produced during 
July and August. (Lodd. Bot. Cab. 
t. 1782; Bot, Reg. t. 1585; Garden, 
1890, i. 755.) This species is often 
used for bedding-out during the 
summer months, 

O. brasiliensis—A fine Brazilian 
species, with brilliant crimson-purple 
flowers, on stems 6 to 9 ins. high in 
May and June (Lodd. Bot. Cab. t. 
1962), Frame or greenhouse. 

0. cernua.—A South African 
species with bulb-like root-stocks, 
three-lobed leaves, and umbels of 
yellow flowers about 1} ins. across 
(Lodd. Bot. Cab. t. 1154), The 
variety flore pleno has double flowers, 

O. crenata.—A Peruvian plant 
with top-like tuberous and_ scaly 

Fic, 288,—Oaalis crenata, bulb. 

root-stocks, three-lobed leaves, and 
large yellow flowers striped with 
purple, the petals being crenulate. 

O. Deppeit.—A Mexican plant hav- 
ing scaly tuberous root-stocks, four- 
lobed leaves blotched with purple at 
the base of the leaflets, and umbels 
having ten to twenty coppery-red 
flowers yellowish at the base (Lodd. 
Bot. Cab, t. 1500), Frame, The 
root-stocks of this plant are cultivated 
as an article of diet abroad. 



O. elegans.—A pretty Peruvian 
species about 6 ins, high, with broad 
three-lobed leaves, purple or violet 
underneath, and large purple flowers 
in summer (Lot, Mag. t. 4490). 

O. enneaphylla.—A distinct Wood- 
Sorrel from the Falkland Islands, 
with top-shaped tuberous root-stocks 
sometimes 2 ins. long, and leaves 
divided into from nine to twenty 
grey-green leaflets. The white or 
pale rose flowers, nearly 14 ins. 
across, appear in June (but often 
earlier and later in the year), and 
are sometimes faintly veined with 
purple. (Bot. Mag. t. 6256.) 

This is an excellent plant for moist 
and shady nooks in the rock-garden. 
It grows well in rich and well-drained 
sandy loam. 

0. imbricata.—A South African 
species with three-lobed velvety 
leaves and rosy flowers. The double- 
flowered variety (flore pleno)is pretty. 

O. incarnata.—A South African 
plant about 6 ins. high, with spindle- 
shaped root-stocks, and pale rosy 
flowers. Quite hardy. 

O. lasiopetala,—A native of Buenos 
Ayres, with knotted tuberous root- 
stocks, and many-flowered clusters 
of deep rosy flowers (Bot. Mag. 
t. 3932). Frame or greenhouse. 

0. lobata,—A_ tuberous - rooted 
species from Chili. Leaves grey- 
green, and flowers yellow spotted 
with red, produced at various times 
(Bot. Mag. t. 2386). Hardy. 

0. luteola—A Scuth African 
species with bulb-like root-stocks and 
yellow flowers nearly all the year 
round, Hardy. 

O. monophylla,—Root-stocks tuber- 
ous, Leaves entire lance-shaped and 
not divided into leaflets. Flowers 
pale purple with a yellowish base, 
borne singly on the stems. 

O. tetraphylla,—_A Mexican species 
with top-shaped root-stocks, Leaves 



composed of four leaflets, and clear 
violet or lilac-purple Howers, (Lodd. 
Lot. Cab. t. 790.) Hardy. O. 
Deppei is closely related, and is 
probably only a variety. 

O. variabilis——This South African 
plant has large bulbous root-stocks, 
three-lobed dark green hairy leaves, 
and cup-like flowers 2 ins. across, 
varying in colour from purple to rosy- 
lilac, white, and yellow—hence the 
specific name (Bot. Reg. t. 1505; 
Bot. Mag. t. 1683, as O. grandiflora ; 
td. t. 1712, var. rubra), Hardy. 

©. violacea,—A North American 
species about 3 ins. high, having 
blackish, spindle-shaped root-stocks, 
three-lobed leaves reddish beneath, 
and three to nine pink or rose 
flowers on a stem (Bot. Mag. t. 
2215), Hardy. 

PACHYRHIZUS (pachys, thick; 
rhiza, a root). Nat. Ord. Legum- 
inose.—The only species of note is 
P, angulatus, a native of the West 
Indies, with long fleshy tuberous 
roots, climbing stems 3 to 6 ft. long, 
furnished with three-lobed sharp- 
toothed leaves, and bearing spikes 
of violet pea-like flowers in July and 
August. P. tuberosus, with white 
flowers, appears to be a variety. 

This plant may be grown in the 
open air in summer, but requires the 
protection of a greenhouse in winter. 
It may be increased by seeds, cuttings, 
or division of the root-stocks, In 
the West Indies the green seed-pods 
and the fleshy roots are eaten by 
the natives, 

PAZONIA (after Poon, a physician, 
who, according to legend, was the 
first to employ the plant medicinally), 
Pzony, Prony, or Prony. Nat. Ord. 
Ranunculacee.—A genus consisting 
chiefly of herbaceous plants, having | 
spindle-shaped, Dahlia-like roots, 



much-divided ornamental leaves, and 
large beautiful flowers, which in the 
natural single varieties have five 
sepals, five to ten petals, and two 
to five carpels, seated on a fleshy 

Fia. 229.—Pony, showing tuberous roots. 
stems, and buds. (3.) 

With the exception of the woody 
or shrubby Tree Peony (P. Moutan), 
and perhaps the yellow-flowered 
P., lutea, all other kinds of Ponies 
are herbaceous in character; that is 
to say, the flower-stems are not woody 
and persistent, but soft or herbaceous, 
and die down each winter, 

There are several natural species 
of Ponia referred to below, but they 
are quite eclipsed by the numerous 
gorgeous garden varieties that have 
been raised by crossing and inter- 
crossing forms of P. albiflora and 
P. officinalis, P. peregrina, and P. 
tenuifolia, by British and continental 
growers. Herbaceous Peeonies are 
excellent plants for the borders, beds, 



shrubberies, rockeries, and are not 
only prized for their magnificent 
blossoms but also for their foliage, 
which early in the year assumes 
brilliant coppery-crimson and purple 
hues. Some of the commoner 
varieties are grown extensively in 
the market-gardens round London 
beneath the fruit-trees, and the cut 
flowers sometimes realise good prices, 
Herbaceous Pzeonies are easily grown. 
They like a rich and rather heavy 
soil that has been deeply dug or 
trenched and well enriched with 
decayed manure. The ground should 
be kept free from weeds’ by hoeing, 
and every autumn a top-dressing of 
well-rotted manure will be beneficial. 

The best time to plant or trans- 
plant herbaceous Pzeonies is in early 
autumn—September or October. As 
growth takes place early in the year, 
that is a bad time to move the plants 
unless they are lifted carefully and 
with a ball of soil round the roots. 
To secure fine clumps, 3 or 4 feet 
should separate one plant from 
another. Freshly moved plants are 
benefited by having any flower-buds 
removed the first year. Besides 
dividing the roots, Pzeonies may also 
be increased from seeds. These 
should be sown in rich light 
soil, and if grown on from year to 
year will eventually produce flowers 
at the end of five, six, or seven years. 

So far as varieties are concerned, 
the reader is recommended to consult 
current catalogues for the names. 
These are always changing with the 
development of new forms, and it 
would be therefore a needless waste 
of space to give a list here, It may, 
however, be mentioned that all shades 
of colour are to be found amongst 
the Pzeonies except blue. Yellow is 
practically confined to P. lutea, P. 
Wittmanniana, P. macrophylla, P. 
Mlokosewitschi, and P. Delavayi, the 



latter being a woody species like 
Moutan and lutea. It is possible, 
however, in the course of time that 
these varieties will come under the 
sway of ‘the ubiquitous hybridist, 
and new shades of colour may be 

Amongst natural or wild species of 
Peeonia the following may be noted :— 

P, albiflora (P. edulis),—A Siberian 
species, 2 to 3 ft. high, with fragrant 
white or pinkish flowers in May and 

There are numerous varieties, 
amongst the best being fragrans, 
sinensis, or Humei, and atarica, 
uniflora, vestalis, Whitleyi, etc. (Bot. 
Reg. tt. 42, 485, 630; Lot. Mag. 
tt. 1768, 1756). 

P, anomala (P. Fischeri).—A native 
of N. Europe, Siberia, etc, 2 to 
3 ft. high, the leaves being cut into 
thirty to forty segments. The bright 
crimson flowers are about 4 ins, 
across. (Bot. Mag. t. 1754.) 

P. arietina, from South Europe, 
grows 2 to 3 ft. high, and has deep 
red fiowers about 4 ins. across, the 
leaves being downy beneath (Bot. 
Reg. t. 819). 

P, Bakeri.—A distinct species 
about 2 ft. high, with red flexuose 
stems, twice-ternate leaves, and deep 
rose flowers over 4 ins, across. 

P, Barri.—A species described by 
Mr Lynch of Cambridge as having 
leaflets about five times as long as 
broad, and brilliant red flowers. It 
is figured in the Bot, Mag. t. 2664, 
and erroneously called P. Russ¢. 

P Broteri,—A native of Spain and 
Portugal, about 2 ft: high, having 
reddish stems, smooth ovate leaflets, 
and rosy-red or whitish flowers. 

P, Browni,—A rare North American 
species, having ternately divided 
leaves and dull red flowers, paler on 
the margins and about 1 in, across 
(Bot. Reg. 1839, t. 30). 



P. Cambessedesi.—A native of the 
Balearic Isles and Corsica, with 
ternate leaves deeply cut into oblong 
acute segments, purple beneath. The 
flowers are solitary, deep rosy-pink, 
and about 34 ins. across. (Bot. Mag. 
t. 8061.) 

P, corallina.—A native of South 
Europe to Asia Minor, 2 to 8 ft. 
high, with red-veined, smooth, deep- 
green leaves, and crimson or rose-red 
flowers, having six to eight rounded 
petals 2 to 3 ins. long. 

P, coriacea,—This species, with 
large bright crimson flowers, comes 
from 8. Spain and N, Africa, and has 
somewhat leathery leaves cut into 
broadly ovate segments. 

P, decora,—A Servian species, with 
much-divided leaves and crimson 
flowers with six to eight petals. The 
variety Palasst has narrow oblong 
leaves and purple flowers ; elator has 
broader leaves, and alba has satin 
white flowers flushed with pink. 

P. Emodi—A fine Himalayan 
species, 2 to 3 ft. high, with white 
flowers 3 to 4 ins. across (Bot. Mag. 
t. 5719; Garden, 1894, i, 946). This 
is best grown in warm sheltered 

P, humilis.—A French and Spanish 
species, 14 to 2 ft. high, with finely 
divided leaves and bright red flowers 
(Bot. Mag. t. 1422), P. microcarpa 
is closely related. 

P, macrophylla,—A rare Caucasian 
species of the corallina group, and 
closly related to P. Wittmanniana. 
It has large, biternate, shining, green 
leaves and very large yellowish-white 

P. Mlokosewitschi.—A Caucasian 
Peony of vigorous habit, having 
biternate leaves cut into broadly 
oblong segments with reddish veins 
and edges. The flowers are yellow, 
4 to 5 ins. across, with deeper yellow 
stamens and purple stigmas. (Bot. 



Mag. t. 8173; Gard. Chron. 1908, 
xliv. 70, f.) 

P, mollis.—This grows about 1 ft. 
high, and has hairy stems and leaves 
and purple red flowers (Bot. Reg. 
t. 474), 

P, officinalis—This is the Peony 
most commonly met with in gardens. 
It is a native of S. Europe, and grows 
2 to 3 ft. high, the smooth deep- 
green leaves being cut into numerous 
lance-shaped segments. The flowers 
are usually red or crimson, but in 
many cases shade away to white with 
age. (Bot. Mag. t. 1784.) 

There are numerous varieties such 
as purpurea (also known as 
fulgens and splendens), incarnata, 
alba, and one called anemoncefiora 
plena, in which the centre petals are 
‘united and elevated into a tuft. 

' P, paradoxa,—A native of Central 
and §. Europe, 1 to 14 ft. high, 
with dense tufts of red-edged leaves 
and purple-red flowers. 

P. peregrina.—A well-known South 
European plant, 15 to 2 ft. high, 
having dull green leaves smooth 
above, hairy beneath, and bright 
crimson flowers with five to ten 
petals (Bot. Mag. t. 1050). P. pubens 
is a hairy-stemmed variety (Bot. Mag. 
t. 2664). 

P, Russii—A native of N. Africa, 
Corsica, etc, 1 to 14 ft. high, with 
thinnish leaves and bright crimson 
flowers (Bot. Mag. t. 3431). 

P, tenuifolia—A very distinct 
Peony from S.E. Europe, 1 to 13 ft. 
high, with creeping root-stocks, and 
leaves cut into narrow thread-like 
segments, The flowers are deep 
crimson, with golden stamens in the 
centre. (Bot. Mag. t. 226.) There 
are several handsome.double-flowered 

P, triternata.—Native of S.E. 
Europe and Asia Minor, 14 to 2 ft. 
high, with smooth leaves pale green 



above, grey beneath, and rose-red 
flowers (Bot. Mag. t. 1441). 

P, Veitchi—A Chinese species, 
closely related to P. anomala, but 
has branching stems with several 
purplish-crimson flowers borne on 
slightly drooping or arching stems, 
The plant emits a peculiar odour. 

P, Wittmanniana.—A distinct 
species from the Caucasus and Persia, 
about 2 ft. high, having twice-ternate 
leaves, downy beneath, and pale 
yellow flowers borne on short stalks 
(Bot. May. t. 6645; Garden, 1890, 

ii. 201). 

PANCRATIUM (pan, all; kratys, 
powerful; in reference to the 
supposed medicinal virtues). Nat, 
Ord. Amaryllideze.—A genus contain- 

‘ing about a dozen species of bulbous 

plants with tufts of ornamental 
strap - like leaves, and umbels of 
funnel - shaped flowers, remarkable 
for having a central cup - shaped 
corona something like in the Narcissi, 
but formed from the dilated bases 
of the stamen filaments, 

The Pancratiums are very closely 
related to the Hymenocallis, and 
have been much confused with them. 
With the exception of P. dlyricum 
and P. maritimum (which are practi- 
cally hardy south of the Thames), 
most of the Pancratiums require 
stove or at least warm greenhouse 
treatment. They flourish in a 
compost of sandy loam, fibrous peat, 
or leaf-mould, and well-rotted cow- 
manure in about equal proportions, 
and may be grown in pots, pans, or 
tubs, or planted in borders in the 
stove or greenhouse. During growth 
plenty of moisture is necessary, and 
the night temperature should not 
fall below 60° to 65° F. Propagation 
is chiefly managed by detaching the 
offsets and growing them on, 

Except where otherwise noted, the 



flowers of the species mentioned 
below are all white. 

P, canariense.— Bulbs round, 2 ins. 
through, leaves 14 to 2 ft. long, 1 to 
1} ins. broad, grey-green. Flower- 
stalk 14 to 2 ft. high, with six to ten 
flowers in an umbel. (Bot. Reg. t. \: 
174.) AS 

P. guianense.— This plant is now 
referred to Hymenocallis tubéflora— 
which see, 

Fic. 290.—Pancratiwm guianense, (3.) 

P, illyricum.—A native of §S. 
Europe, with large pear - shaped 
tapering bulbs, grey-green leaves, and 
six to twelve sweet-scented flowers in 
an umbel in June, on a stem 1 to 2 ft. 
high (Red. Lil. t. 153; Bot. Mag. t. 

This handsome plant flourishes in 
warm sheltered spots in the open 
air. It should be grown in bold 
masses to be effective in June. 

P, maritimum,—A native of the 
Mediterranean region, with round 
bulbs 2 to 3 ins, through, narrow Fia.-292.—Pancratiumymaritimum. (4.) 



grey-green leaves 2 to 23 ft. long, and 
four to eight sweet-scented flowers 
from July to September, on stalks 
about 1 ft. high (Red. Int. t.8; Bot. 
Reg. t. 161). May be grown like 
P, illyricum, 

P, trianthum,— A species from 
Tropical Africa, having a roundish 
bulb 1 to 2 ins. through, and a long 
neck with six to eight straight narrow 
leaves about a foot long. From one 
to three white flowers are borne on 
a short slender scape. 

P, verecundum, — A warm-house 
species from N. India, with bulbs 
about 2 ins, through, and a long 
cylindrical neck, Leaves 1 to 1% 
ft. long, and from two to six flowers 
on a scape about 1 ft. high. (Lot, 
Reg. t. 413; Wight, Ic. t. 2023.) 

P, zeylanicum,—A native of 
Tropical Asia, with round bulbs 14 
to 2 ins, in diameter, and thin lance- 
shaped glossy green leaves less than 
1 ft. long. A single white flower is 
borne on the slender scapes about 
1 ft. high. (Bot. Reg. t. 479; Bot. 
Mag, t. 2548.) 

PHAIDRANASSA (phaidros, gay ; 
anassa, & queen). Nat, Ord, Amaryl- 
lidee. — A genus containing five 
species of bulbous plants with stalked, 
oblong, or lance -shaped leaves 
produced after the blossoms, The 
more or less cylindrical flowers are 
usually bright red or scarlet, the 
segments being often tipped with 

Being natives of the Andes of 
Ecuador and Columbia, and one from 
Costa Rica, the Phedranassas are 
almost hardy enough for growing in 
the open air in the warmest parts of 
the Kingdom. They are, however, 
generally treated as cool greenhouse 
plants, and grown in pots in a 
compost of rich yellow loam to 
which a little coarse sand and leaf- 



soil may be added, The bulbs go 
to rest in winter, during which 
period of course practically no water 
is required. 

P. Carmiolii—A native of Costa 
Rica, with round brown-coated bulbs 
2 to 3 ins. through, and _ bright 
green oblong lance-shaped leaves 
about 3 ins. broad in the middle, and 
a foot, in length without the stalk. 
Flowers bright red, edged with pale 
green, about a dozen being borne on 
a round scape about 2 ft.high. (Ref. 
Bot. t. 46.) 

This species is more tender than 
the others, and should be grown in 
the stove or warm greenhouse, 

P. chloracea.—This grows wild at 
an altitude of 12,000 ft. on the Andes 
of Ecuador. It has bulbs 2 to 3 ins, 
thick, oblong lance - shaped leaves 
8 to 12 ins. long without the stalk, 
and six to twelve drooping scarlet 
flowers tipped with green, borne on 
top of a scape 2 to 3 ft. high during 
the summer months. (Bot. Reg. 
1845, t. 17.) 

P, Lehmanni,—This comes from 
the western slopes of the Columbian 
Andes, at an altitude of 7000 ft. 
The ovoid bulbs are about 2 ins, 
thick, and the bright green oblong 
lance-shaped leaves are 6 to 6 ins. 
long without the stalk. Flowers 
bell-shaped, with a green tube, and 
bright segments not tipped with 
green. (Gartenfi. t. 1188.) 

P, schizantha.—A native of the 
Andes of Ecuador, at an altitude of 
10,000 ft. Bulbs ovoid, 1 in, thick. 
Leaves bright green, 6 to 8 ins. long, 
appearing at same time (October) as 
the bright red bell-shaped flowers, 
which are tipped with salmon colour. 

P. viridifiora.—According to Mr 
Baker this may be only a colour 
variety of P. chloracea. It has, 
however, smaller bulbs, narrower 
leaves, shorter flower scapes, and 



fewer flowers in an umbel. The 
blooms are greenish-yellow, becoming 
a deeper green towards the tips, but 
without any trace of red. 

PHLOMIS (phlomos, woolly). Nat. 
Ord. Labiatee.— There are several 
more or less ornamental plants 
belonging to this genus, all remark- 
able for their woolly or hairy appear- 
ance and somewhat wrinkled foliage. 
The only tuberous:- rooted species 
worth notice is— 

P, tuberosa, a native of Eastern 
Europe, 3 to 5 ft. high, having 
purplish stems, broadly oval coarsely 
toothed leaves deeply lobed at the 
base, and bearing erect spikes, having 
woolly whorls of rose-purple flowers 
in June (Bot. Mag. t. 1556). 

This species will flourish in any 
good garden soil, and may be grown 
in borders or shrubberies where 
there is plenty of space for develop- 
ment, Easily increased by division 
in autumn or spring; by seeds, or 
by cuttings of the young non-flowering 
shoots about July. 

PHYTOLACCA (phyton, a plant; 
lacca, lac ; in allusion to the crimson 
juice of the fruits). Nat. Ord. 
Phytolaccacee.—There are about a 
dozen species in this genus, but the 
only one with large, thick, fleshy, 
turnip-like roots is— 

P, decandra,—This is variously 
known as the “ Red Ink Plant,” the 
“Virginian Poke Weed,” the “ Pigeon 
Berry,” etc. It is a beautiful-looking 
but rather unpleasant smelling North 
American perennial, 3 to 10 ft. high, 
with fleshy poisonous roots, erect 
purplish stems, and ovate leaves 
about 6 ins. long, at first green, but 
changing to beautiful purple tints in 
autumn, The white flowers, each 
with ten stamens, appear in erect 
spikes in summer, and are succeeded 



in autumn with spikes of deep purple 
berries filled with crimson juice, 
which has been likened to red ink. 
(Bot. Mag. t. 931.) 

There is a beautiful variegated 
form having the leaves striped with 
white; and another called luteol, 
in which the leaves are heavily striped 
and mottled with yellow, almost 
obliterating the green. 

Flourishes in any good garden soil, 
and may be increased by division of 
the root-stocks or from seeds. 

PLACEA (said to be the native 
Chilian name). Nat. Ord. Amaryl- 
lideze.—A genus containing about half 
a dozen species of tunicated bulbous 
plants, having few narrow leaves, ‘and 
somewhat irregular funnel - shaped 
flowers, having a funnel - shaped 
membranous cup or corona seated at 
the base of the oblong segments. 

The Placeas are too tender for the 
open air, except perhaps in the very 
mildest parts, and even then they 
would require protection in winter. 
They do not like being confined in 
pots, and should therefore be planted 
in cool greenhouse borders, or in 
frames from which frost can be 
excluded. They generally go to 
rest about August, and commence 
to grow again in December, and 
flower about May. The most suitable 
compost appears to be very sandy 
loam with plenty of old cow-manure. 
The plants may be increased by 
offsets from the old bulbs. They are 
all natives of Chili. 

P, Arze.—-This has bulbs about 
24 ins, through, and two narrow 
grey-green leaves under a foot long. 
The pale yellow flowers tinged and 
conspicuously striped with claret- 
purple are borne on scapes about 
14 ft. high. 

P. grandiflora.—A fine species with 
bulbs 1 in. thick, three very pointed 



linear leaves 13 ft. long, and white 
flowers striped with bright red (ZU, 
Hort. t. 574). 

P, ornata.—This has ovoid bulbs 
about 1 in. thick, two narrow leaves, 
and peduncles about 6 to 9 ins. high, 
bearing four to six white flowers 
conspicuously striped with reddish- 
purple, the segments being distinctly 
clawed (Bot. Reg. 27, t. 50). 

PLAGIOLIRION (plagios, oblique ; 
leirion, a lily; the flowers being 
oblique). Nat. Ord. Amaryllideze.— 
A genus containing only one species— 

P, Horsmanni.—A native of the 
Columbian Andes whence it was 
introduced by the iate F. Horsman, 
of Colchester, in 1883. The brown- 
coated roundish bulbs are about 14 
ins. thick, and the oblong acute 
leaves (which are developed after the 
flowers) are 8 to 9 ins. long, and 3 to 
4 ins. broad, having a stalk 6 ins. 
or more long. The white oblique 
flowers are borne in umbels on stalks 
from 6 to 12 ins, high in the summer 

This is still a rare bulbous plant. 
It may be grown without difficulty in 
pots or borders, in the stove or warm 
greenhouse, in a compost of rich 
sandy loam with a little leaf-mould 
or old cow-manure. Increased by 

PODOPHYLLUM (yodos, foot; 
phyllon, leaf; in allusion to the 
imagined resemblance of the leaves 
to the feet of certain animals), Ducx’s 
Foot, May Apriz. Nat. Ord. Berberi- 
dee.— A small genus of hardy 
perennial herbs with creeping root- 
stocks and thickish roots. The 
peltate leaves are palmately nerved 
and lobed, one or two on a stem, 
The flowers are white and drooping, 
have six petal-like sepals; six to 
nine larger petals, and free stamens 



as many or twice as many as the 

The species mentioned below all 
flourish in moist peaty soil in warm 
sheltered spots, slightly shaded from 
the sun during the hottest part of 
the day. They are easily increased 
by dividing the root-stocks in autumn 
or in spring; or seeds may be sown 
when ripe in pots or pans, and 
sheltered in a cold frame. 

P, Emodi—A Himalayan plant 
6 to 12 ins, high, with three to five- 
lobed leaves 6 to 10 ins. across, the 
lobes being wedge-shaped, sharply 
toothed, the whole surface being 
heavily spotted or washed with 
purple. Flowers in May white, about 
2 ins. across, succeeded in due course 
by elliptic edible berries 1 to 2 ins. 

P, peltatum.—-Known as the N. 
American Mandrake, this species 
grows 6 to 12 ins. high, and has 
poisonous root-stocks and leaves— 
the latter being glossy green, wrinkled 
and divided into five to nine sharply- 
toothed lobes. The wavy white 
flowers 2 ins, or more across appear 
in May, and are succeeded by green 
crab-like edible fruits 1 to 2 ins. long, 
assuming a yellowish tint when ripe. 
(Bot. Mag. t. 1819.) 

P, pleianthum,—A distinct Chinese 
species 1 to 2 ft. high, with roundish 
peltate leaves divided into six to 
eight toothed lobes. The ‘purple 
flowers are drooping and are suc- 
ceeded by blue-green berries which 
are purple when ripe. 

POLIANTHES (polis, a city ; anthos, 
a flower), TupErosE. Nat, Ord. 
Amaryllidee.— There is only one 
species in this genus, namely :— 

P, tuberosa,—A beautiful Mexican 
plant, having a bulb-like tuberous 
root-stock covered with the broadened 
bases of the old leaves. These are 



12 to 18 ins, long, deeply channelled 
in the lower half and more or less 
spotted with reddish-brown on the 
back. The flowering-stems grow 2 
to 38 ft. high, and bear numerous 
funnel-shaped waxy-white flowers 
emitting (according to many) a 
delicious fragrance. (Fed. Lil. t.147 ; 
Bot. Mag. t. 1817; Bot. Reg. t. 63.) 

Fic. 293.—Polianthes tuberosa, bulb. 

The variety gracilis has narrower 
leaves, and longer tubed flowers with 
narrower segments, The double- 
flowered variety (flore pleno) is the 
one most generally favoured by 
gardeners, and hundreds of thousands 
of plants are cultivated every year to 
supply the white blossoms to the 
florists, The double-flowered varieties 
are divided into African, American, 
Italian, and Pearl Tuberoses, the last 
named being the favourite with 
market - growers, the flowers being 
very double and much larger than 
the others, 



Tuberoses flourish in rich sandy 
loam, to which a little leaf-mould or 
old cow-manure may be added. The 
bulbs are generally grown in pots, 
singly or severally, according to 
circumstances, and may be placed in 
a cold or warm greenhouse, or even in 
a stove temperature when root action 
is established, to secure the quicker 

Fic. 294.—Polianthas tuberosa flore pleno. (4.) 

development of the blossoms. A fair 
amount of moisture at the root and 
in the atmosphere is necessary during 
growth, which starts in spring, and 
continues during the summer months, 
By keeping the bulbs cool, however, 
in spring and summer, growth will be 
retarded, and the flowers will not 
appear till a later period of the year 
as may be desired. 

Tuberoses may also be grown in 
the open air during the summer 
months, The bulbs should be planted 
out about the end of May or early in 
June, leaving the upper half un- 
covered with soil. In the autumn 



such bulbs may be taken up and 
stored in sand in a frost-proof place, 
until the following year, when they 
may be replanted if sufficiently 
sound, Although Tuberoses may be 
increased by the offsets from the base 
of the old bulbs, it is on the whole 
better to purchase newly imported 
bulbs each year, as they are riper, 
and more likely to give good results 
than the bulbs harvested in our fickle 

POLYGONATUM (poly, many ; 
gonu, a knee, a joint; in reference 
to the numerous joints in the stems), 
Sotomon’s Seat. Nat. Ord. Lili- 
acee,— This genus contains more 
than twenty species of pretty herba- 
ceous plants, with creeping fleshy 
root-stocks ending in a stalk which 
bears the strongly - veined leaves. 
The tubular or bell-shaped flowers 
droop from the axils of the leaves as 
a rule, The popular name of “ Solo- 
mon’s Seal” is derived from the 
circular sunken scar left on the root- 
stock after the annual leaf -stalks 
have died away. 

The species mentioned below are 
all easily grown in the open air. 
They like rich, very moist, and yet 
well-drained soil, and somewhat dark 
and sombre situations, to make them 
luxuriant in foliage and blossom. 
When grown in hot, dry, sunny places, 
the Polygonatums do not grow so tall, 
or flower so profusely, and their 
beauty is over much sooner than if 
they were grown in cool, moist, shady 
spots. Apart from open-air culture, 
the plants, especially the common 
Solomon’s Seal (P. multiflorum), may 
be forced into early blossom in the 
greenhouse or conservatory during 
the first months of the year. The 
root-stocks are potted up in the 
autumn, and kept covered up with 
soil, ashes, sand, or coco-nut fibre 



until about Christmas-time. Root 
action will then be well established, 
and the plants may be brought into 
heat as required. Ina cut state the 
sprays last a long time in water. 

Propagation is easily effected in 
early autumn, simply by dividing the 
root-stocks, taking care to retain a 
good terminal bud to each severed 
portion, Seeds may also be sown 
when ripe, but it is a tedious process 
raising plants in this way. 

P, biflorum.—A pretty Canadian 
species 1 to 3 ft. high, having ovate 
or lance-shaped leaves, and greenish- 
white flowers drooping in pairs from 
the leaf axils. 

P, japonicum.—A Japanese species, 
1 to 2 ft. high, with oblong leaves 2 
to 3 ins. long, and drooping white 
flowers tinged with purple in April. 

P, latifolium,—aA native of Central 
Europe, 2 to 4 ft. high, having broad 
bright green leaves and greenish-white 
flowers drooping in clusters of from 
two to five in July. The variety 
commutatum from N. America is said 
to reach a height of 6 to 7 ft., and 
produces from six to ten white flowers 
in a cluster. 

P, multifiorum (Convallaria multi- 
jlora).—This is the Common “Solo- 
mon’s Seal,” also known as “ David's 
Harp” and the “Lady’s Seal.” It is 
a native of temperate Europe, and 
is also found wild occasionally in 
British and Irish woods. The arch- 
ing stems grow 2 to 3 ft. high, and 
are furnished with oblong stem-clasp- 
ing leaves 3 to 5 ins. long. The white 
flowers appear in May and June, and 
are more or less deeply edged with 
green, and later on give place to 
bluish-black berries. 

There are several varieties, such as 
flore pleno, a rare double-flowered 
one; striatum, leaves striped with 
white; and roseum, flowers rosy 



P, officinale (P. vulgare ; Conval- 
laria Polygonatum).—A pretty species 
found wild sometimes on wooded 
limestone cliffs in the British Islands, 
It grows 6 to 12 ins. high, and has 
oblong stem-clasping leaves 3 to 4 ins. 
long. The greenish-white flowers 
appear in May and June, and are 
succeeded by bluish - black berries. 
The variety macranthum from Japan 
has larger flowers and grows taller. 

Fic. 295.—Polygonatum multiflorum. (4.) 

P. oppositifolium ( Convallaria 
oppositifolia), — A fine Himalayan 
plant, 2 to 4 ft. high, having opposite 
oblong pointed leaves, and corymbs 
of greenish-white flowers ribbed with 
red, drooping from the stems in April 
and May (Bot. Mag. t. 3529). 

The variety alto - vittatum has 
reddish stems, and leaves striped 
with ivory or yellowish-white. Scarlet 
berries succeed the blossom .in due 

This species is practically hardy, 
but may require a little covering of 
litter or bracken in severe winters. 




P, punctatum,—This is found wild 
on the Himalayas at an altitude of 
7000 to 11,000 ft. It has angular, 
furrowed stems 1 to 2 ft high, oblong 
lance-shaped leaves 2 to 3 ins. long, 
and greenish-white flowers dotted 
with lilac in May and June. (Bot. 
Mag. t. 5061.) 

P, roseum,—A variable species from 
Central Siberia, with furrowed stems 
2 to 3 ft. high, narrow lance-shaped 
leaves 3 to 5 ins. long, opposite or in 
whorls, and pairs of rosy cylindrical 
flowers in May and June (Bot. Mag. 
t. 5049). 

P, verticillatum (Convallaria ver- 
tictllata).—A rare British plant, 2 to 
3 ft. high, with whorls of narrow 
lance - shaped leaves fringed with 
hairs on the margins, The greenish 
flowers appear in June and July, and 
are followed by red berries later on. 
(Lodd, Bot. Cab, t. 1108.) 

POLYGONUM (poly, many; gonu, 
a knee, a joint; in reference to the 
numerous joints in the stems), Knor 
Grass, Knot WreED. Nat. Ord. Poly- 
gonacee.—A large genus of coarse- 
growing but ornamental plants, some 
species of which have fibrous, others 
—those mentioned below—tuberous 
or rhizomatous root-stocks, They 
flourish in ordinary garden soil, some- 
times so freely that they are apt to 
invade the space desired for choicer 
plants. Propagation is easily managed 
by division of the root-stocks, if 

P, amplexicaule.—A fine Hima- 
layan species, 2 to 3 ft. high, having 
fleshy rhizomes, heart-shaped, pointed, 
stem-clasping leaves, and racemes of 
bright rose-red or white blossoms 
during the summer months (Bot. 
Reg. 1839, t. 46; Bot. Mag. t. 6500). 

P. Bistorta.—This is the “Bistort” 
or “Snake - root” of our British 
meadows and pastures, It has 


creeping, twisted, and somewhat 
tuberous root-stocks, and stems 1 to 
2 ft. high, with oblong wavy leaves 
3 to 6 ins. long, having winged stalks, 
The white or pink flowers appear in 
dense cylindrical spikes from June to 
September, and are very attractive. 
A good plant for the border or 
rockery. The variety latifolia is a 
finer plant in every way. 

P, multiflorum.—A_ pretty Chinese 
and Japanese plant, with tuberous 
roots, slender, climbing, reddish 
stems, and smooth, shining, thickish, 
heart-shaped leaves about 4 ins, long, 
with bright red stalks and a truncated 
stipule or ocrea at the base. The 
small whitish flowers are produced in 
loose aud graceful panicles during 
the summer months. 

POLYMNIA (the name of one of 
the Muses). Nat. Ord. Composite.— 
This genus contains about a dozen 
species of no particular garden value. 
The only one worth mention here 

P, edulis.—A native of the Andes, 
having thick Dahlia-like roots, which 
are cultivated in that region as an 
article of diet. It has heads of 
yellow flowers, and is quite hardy. 

PUSCHKINIA (after M. Pouschkin, 
a Russian botanist). Nat. Ord. Lili- 
acee.—A small genus of herbs with 
tunicated bulbs, the best being— 

P. scilloides (P. libanotica; P. 
sicula)—A charming little bulbous 
plant from the Caucasus, Asia Minor, 
etc., having dark green, lance-shaped, 
channelled leaves 4 to 6 ins. long, and 
whitish or very pale blue flowers in 
April, borne on stems 4 to 8 ins. high. 
Each Hower is about 1 in. across, the 
segments being distinctly striped 
with deep blue down the centre. 
(Bot. Mag, t. 2244.) The variety 
compacta has the flowers in denser 



and more compact trusses, and looks 
more effective when planted in bold 

The “Striped Squill,” as this species 
is called, likes a deep rich soil of sandy 
loam and peat or leaf-soil, and should 
be planted 3 to 4 ins, deep about - 
September or October, in warm 
sheltered spots in the rock-garden 
or flower-border. After three or four 
years, the plants may be lifted, and 
offsets detached from the old bulbs 
for purposes of increase. 

RANUNCULUS (rana, a frog; in 
reference to the aquatic species grow- 
ing in places inhabited by frogs). Nat. 
Ord. Ranunculacee.—A large genus 
consisting of annuals and perennials, 

Fic. 296.—Ranunculus, fanged roots. 

some of which are aquatic, others 
terrestrial ; others again with fibrous 
roots, and a few with tuberous roots. 
Amongst the latier the best-known 
species is— 

R. asiaticus. —A native of S. 
Europe and Asia, about 9 ins. high, 
with tuberous fanged roots, ternate 
or biternate leaves divided into 
toothed or deeply trifid segments. 
The flowers are variable in colour, 

being white, red, scarlet, variegated, 

From this species what is known 
as the “Garden Ranunculus” has 
been evolved by generations of 
gardeners carefully selecting, hybrid- 
ising, and intercrossing the best 



varieties. The main types are (1) 
sanguineus, from which the “Turkey 
Ranunculus” has arisen. It has 
double flowers of orange, yellow, 
or purple, or variegations of the 
same, white and blue colours being 
excluded ; (2) superbus, in which the 
flowers are large, single, semi-double, 
or double, of brilliant shades of 
colour; (3) tenwilobus, with finely 
divided leaves and flowers usually 
white or yellow, rarely purple; and 
(4) vulgaris, from which the “ Persian 
Ranunculus” has been evolved, and 
in which the double and single 
flowers are almost of every shade of 
colour except blue. 

As stated in the author's Practical 
Guide to Garden Plants, the above 
represent the main divisions into 
which the Asiatic Ranunculus natur- 
ally falls. But owing to the careful 
selection, hybridisation and inter- 
crossing by British and Continental 
gardeners, extending over many 
generations, the wild forms have 
practically disappeared, and there are 
now an infinite number of varieties 
cultivated, being divided into groups 
known as Scotch, Dutch, French, 
Italian, Persian, and Turban or 
Turkish, The Scotch and Dutch 
varieties are usually the finest forms 
of the Persian, and are dwarfer in 
habit, with double flowers edged and 
spotted. ‘The French and Italian 
varieties are modifications of the 
Turkish, and are remarkable for their 
vigour and size, The Turkish forms 
are less variegated in colour than the 
others, and have a large proportion of 
scarlet, white, yellow, and orange 
self-coloured flowers somewhat resem- 
bling Peonies. 

CuLrurEe.—The roots of the Garden 
Ranunculus are best planted about 
the end of February or early in 
March, but in mild parts of the King- 
dom they may also be planted in 



October. A loamy soil deeply dug 
and enriched with well decayed 
manure or leaf-mould will generally 
give good results. An open and 
fairly sunny situation should be 
chosen, and when ready for planting, 
drills about 2 to 3 ins, deep, and 6 to 
9 ins, apart should be drawn with a 
hoe. The “claws” or fangs of the 
roots should be placed downwards, 
leaving from 4 to 6 ins. between one 
plant and another in the rows. The 
loose soil is then gently raked over 
the “crowns,” prior to which some 
gardeners place a handful of sand 
over each plant. The soil should be 
made fairly firm, either by gently 
patting down with the spade or care- 
fully treading with the feet. When 
the leaves appear, the soil should be 
carefully hoed if necessary to keep 
down weeds and freshen it up; and 
later on when growth is in full swing, 
an occasional watering with weak 
liquid manure will benefit the plants. 
In dry seasons attention should be 
paid to watering, but the surface soil 
should not be allowed to cake owing 
to lack of hoeing. Where the ground 
has been trenched and well manured 
in advance, and the hoe is used from 
time to time, there will not be so 
much necessity for artificial watering, 
as such a soil usually contains 
abundant supplies, which arise to the 
root region by capillary attraction. 
After the flowers have withered, 
and the leaves begin to turn yellow, 
the time for lifting the tubers is at 
hand. They should be taken up care- 
fully, and allowed to dry after the 
soil has been shaken off. Afterwards 
they may be stored away in a cool, 
airy, frost-proof place until the plant- 
ing season again comes round, 
Propagation is effected by separat- 
ing offsets from the older tubers, and 
also by means of seeds, These should 
be allowed to ripen thoroughly in the 



flower-heads, and should then be 
sown in cold frames in light, rich, 
sandy soil ; or in the open ground the 
following April and May. Seedling 
plants come into blossom when about 
three or four years old, 

Amongst other bulbous - rooted 
Buttercups, mention may be made of 
R. bulbosus flore pleno, which has 
beautiful double-yellow flowers; R. 
bullatus, from N. Africa, has a 
knotty root-stock and sweet-scented 
yellow flowers; R. cherophyllus, a 
tuberous-rooted speciesfrom Portugal, 
has glistening yellow flowers; R. 
Ficaria, the Lesser Celandine or 


Fic. 297.—Ranunculus Ficaria. (%.) 

Pilewort, has clusters of club-like 
roots, and bright yellow flowers from 
March till May. Though pretty, it is 
a weed in many gardens, and is very 
difficult to eradicate; R. gramineus, 
6 to 12 ins. high, with clusters of 
thickish roots and yellow flowers, 

which are “doubled” in the variety 



flore pleno; RB. pedatus, from E, 
Europe, grows about 1 ft. high, and 
has bright yellow flowers in May and 
June (Bot. Mag. t. 2229); and a 
few others not so well known. 

R. carpathicus is a showy species 
with creeping root-stocks. It grows 
about a foot high, and has roundish 
lobed leaves and golden-yellow 
flowers in May. It is a native of 
Hungary. (Bot. Mag, t. 7266.) 

REINECKIA (after J. Reinech, a 
clever German gardener). Nat. Ord. 
Liliacee.—-The only species known 

R. carnea,—A pretty perennial 
from China and Japan, having creep- 
ing root-stocks, tufts of narrow, 
lance-shaped, pointed leaves 6 to 12 
ins. long, and spikes of sweet-scented 
flesh-coloured flowers in April and 
May ; the perianth being tubular, with 
six oblong acute segments (And. Bot 
Rep. t. 361; Bot. Mag. t. 939). In 
the variety variegata, the leaves are 
beautifully striped with green and 
yellowish-white (77. Hort. t. 323). 

This species and its variety flourish 
in good garden soil in warm sheltered 
spots in the border or rock-garden, 
and may be increased by division of 
the root-stocks in early autumn. 

RICHARDIA (after L. C. Richard, a 
French botanist). Nat. Ord. Aroidex. 
—A genus containing about a dozen 
species of perennial herbaceous plants, 
having thick, fleshy, and more or less 
tuberous root-stocks, large sagittate 
leaves, and male and female flowers 
borne on an erect cylindrical or club- 
like spadix enclosed by a large and 
ornamental funnel - shaped spathe. 
They are all natives of S. Africa. 
The name ZANTEDESCHIA is being 
adopted by continental botanists for 

The Richardias or Arum Lilies are’ 


still popularly known amongst 
gardeners as CatLas or ARUMS— 
genera very closely related but differ- 
ing in certain botanical characters. 
Generally speaking, the Richardias 
mentioned below require to be grown 
in a warm greenhouse, although some 
of them are almost hardy in the most 
favoured parts of the Kingdom, if the 
crowns of the tubers can be kept free 
from frost. They all like a rich 
loamy soil and plenty of moisture at 
the root when in full growth, A little 
well-decayed cow-manure, and a 
handful of sand with the loam will 
be an advantage. One great point 
to keep in mind in growing Richardias 
is, when once growth commences the 
temperature should not be allowed 
to jump up and down erratically. 
Nothing checks growth quicker than 
a sudden drop in the temperature at 
night - time, especially when the 
spathes or “flowers” are showing. 
The plants then remain almost 
stationary in growth, and unless care- 
fully handled soon become a prey to 
green-fly and other troubles. Perhaps 
this applies more particularly to 
plants that are being forced into 
early bloom for Christmas, Easter, or 
Whitsuntide, than when the plants 
are grown cooler and under more 
natural conditions, 

Arum Lilies are most easily propa- 
gated by the offsets from the old 
tubers, Of late years, however, such 
kinds as R, Elliottiana, R, hastata, 
and R, Pentlandi have been raised 
from well-ripened seeds. These 
should be sown when ripe, or in early 
spring in well-drained pots or pans in 
rich sandy loam The temperature 
at night should not fall below 50° F., 
and the air should be fairly moist. 
During the daytime the temperature 
may be 5° or 10° higher, but the 
young plants should be shaded from 
strong sunshine, Owing to the 



brittleness of the roots it is better not 
to disturb the seedlings for at least 
twelve months after germination. 
The seeds should therefore be sown a 
couple of inches apart at first, so as to 
allow sufficient space afterwards for 

The kinds mentioned below are all 
noteworthy :— 

R, Adlami,—This is rather a fine 
species, having green hastate leaves, 

Fic. 298.—Richardia Adlamt. (}.) 

and large creamy-yellow spathes with 
a deep purple blotch at the base. It 
flowers during the summer months. 
R. africana (R. ethiopica; Calla 
cethiopica).—This is commonly known 
as the Arum Lily, the Trumpet Lily, 
and the Lily of the Nile. It is a 
native of S. Africa, and grows from 2 
to 3 ft. high, having tuberous root- 
stocks, large green sagittate leaves, 
and beautiful white trumpets or 
spathes enclosing a cylindrical yellow 



Fia. 800.—Richardia africana. (?s.) 

spadix in the centre. The plants 
may be had in flower at almost any 
period of the year according as they 
are grown in warm or cool surround- 
ings. (Bot. Mag. t. 832; Garden, 
1888, i. 654.) 

There are variations from the type, 
but the most distinct form is that 
known as “Little Gem,” which is 
about half the size of the ordinary 
variety in foliage and flowers, and 
“Childsi,” another dwarf but very 
free-flowering form (Gard. Chron. 
1903, xxxii. 173, 188, 195). The 
variety Vicolaz is a remarkably strong 
grower, with scapes 44 to 5 ft. high, 
and spathes 1 ft. or more across 
(Gartenjl. 1908, 201). 

When Arum Lilies have finished 
their growth for the season, they 
should be allowed to die down gradu- 
ally, giving but little water. Many 
growers plant them out during the 
summer months, and lift and repot 
them again about September. Others 
leave them to dry off in the pots, 
these being placed on their sides and 
stacked up on each other, facing 
south. When growth recommences, 
the tubers are shaken out of the old 
soil, and repotted into fresh rich 

R, albo-maculata,—A species about 
2 ft. high, having rather narrow 
arrow-headed pointed leaves decor- 
ated with white oblique and trans- 
lucent stripes. The flowers are like 
those of FR. africana, but smaller, 
and tinged with green. (Bot. Mag. 
t. 5140; Fl. d. Serr. t, 22958; 
Gartenfl. t.462.) This species crossed 
with &. Liliotttana has produced a 
hybrid called R. x Lathamiana (Gard. 
1903, lxiii. 419 ; lxiv. 2); and crossed 
with 2. Hlliottiana Rosst has pro- 
duced a hybrid known as R, x 

R, aurata, with spotted leaves and 
large yellow spathes, is considered to 



be a hybrid between &. hastata and 
R. albo-maculata, Crossed with R. 
Elliottiana it has produced a hybrid 
called R. Taylort (Gard. Chron. 1904, 
Xxxv, 226). 

R, cantabrigiensis—A hybrid 
between fF. Rehmannt and AR. 
melanoleuca, showing a deeper pink 
spathe than in FR. Rehmanni—the 
seed-bearing parent. 

R, Elliottiana,—A splendid species 
about 2 ft. high, having dark green 
leaves heavily blotched with white, 

’ Fic. 801.—Richardia Elliottiana, 1-year-old 
seedling. (4.) 

and pure yellow spathes of good 
size, but not so large generally as 
those of R. africana (Garden, 1894, 
ii, 989). Easily raised from sceds 
and by offsets. The seeds should be 
sown as soon as ripe in summer in 
rich sandy soil, and kept warm and 
moist. They germinate freely, and 
if not sown too thickly (about a 
couple of inches apart) the young 
plants may be left in the seed-pan 



for about a year. They will then be 
fine and sturdy, and if potted up 

Fic, 803.—Richardia Elliottiana, 
twin spathes. (4.) 

singly into pots and grown on they 
will make fine flowering-plants the 
third year from seed. Like AR, 


* we lg 


africana, this species frequently 
throws double spathes, as shown in 
the sketch. There is a stocky variety 
known as Rossi, and another called 
“Mrs Roosevelt,” having pale lemon- 
yellow spathes, 

R. hastata.—This species grows 
about 2 ft, high, and has oval 
hastate pointed leaves, green and 
unspotted. The spathes are of a 
greenish-yellow and of good size. 
(Bot. Mag. t. 5176.) 

R. intermedia.—A_ strong-growing, 
compact, and free-flowering plant 
with broadly heart-shaped leaves dot- 
ted with white, and stalks marbled 
white and rose. Spathe very dark 
yellow, with small black blotch at 

R, Lutwychei.—A_ species closely 
related to &. hastata and A. Pent- 
landi, having triangular, sagittate, 
pointed, green unspotted leaves with 
heavily spotted stalks. The spathes 
are bright yellow with a large deep 
purple blotch at the base. Now 
considered to be identical with 
R. hastata. (Rev. Hort. 1896, t. 
60; Gard. Chron. 1893, xiii, 568.) 

R. macrocarpa.—This is recognised 
by its very large fruits and medium- 
sized spathes, pale green outside, 
white within. 

R. melanoleuca,—This species 
grows about 2 ft. high, and has 
oblong or oval sagittate-hastate leaves 
covered with white translucent 
blotches. The spathes are yellow, 
enclosing a white spadix and having 
a purple blotch at the base. (ot. 
Mag. t. 5765.) 

R, Pentlandi.—A fine species in 
the way of A. Elliottana, but with 
larger, thicker, and unspotted green 
leaves, and large bright golden- 
yellow flowers (Lot. Mag. t. 7397; 
Garden, 1896, ii. 1033). 

R, Rehmanni,—A little-known but 
distinct species, having lance-shaped 



leaves, and rather small tubular 
spathes tinted with dull rose-purple 
(Bot. Mag. t. 7436). The variety 

speciosa is dwarfer and_stronger- 
growing than the type, and the 
spathe is bright red; in the variety 
spathe is 

coccinea the scarlet 

Fig. 304.—Richardia Rehmanni. (3.) 

(Gartenji. 1906, t. 1552). This species 
crossed with &. melanolewa has 
produced a hybrid known as R&, 

R. Sprengeri.—This species from 
the Transvaal is remarkable in having 
leaves truncated (not hastate or 
cordate) at the base, and the yellow 
spathes are broader than in other 
species (Gard. Chron. 1902, xxxii. 

RIGIDHLLA (rigidus, stiff; in 
reference to the flower-stalk). Nat, 
Ord. Iridew.—A genus containing 
only a few species of half-hardy 
bulbous plants, closely related to the 



Tigridias, They may be grown in 
a greenhouse or in the open air in 
the milder parts of the Kingdom, 
but must be protected from frost. 
They like a compost of rich sandy 
loam and peat, and may be increased 
by offsets in spring; and also by 
seeds sown when ripe, or in spring 
in gentle heat. The following species 
are worth notice :— 

R, flammea.—A Mexican plant 3 
to 5 ft. high, with broad equitant 
strongly plaited leaves, dilated and 
sheathing at the base, and 18 to 24 
ins. long. The drooping. flowers are 
borne in dense umbels and appear 
about May and June, and are of a 
bright red, the outer segments being 
distinctly striped with deep purple 
at the base. (Bot. Reg. 1840, t. 16; 
Paxt. Mag. Bot. vii. 247.) 

The variety orthantha (once re- 
garded as a distinct species) grows 
about 2 ft. high, and has bright 
scarlet flowers having a triangular 
blotch at the base of each perianth 
segment (77. d, Serr. t. 46). 

R. immaculata.—This Guatemalan 
species is close to &. flammea, from 
which, however, it differs in being 
only about 2 ft. high, having a more 
slender habit, and in the scarlet 
flowers being unspotted and having 
a wash of yellow on the inner seg- 
ments (Lot. Reg. 1841, t. 1; FU. 
d. Serr, tt, 502, 2215). 

ROMULEA (after Romulus, the 
reputed founder of Rome). Nat. 
Ord. Iridee.—This genus contains 
over thirty species of plants with 
tunicated corms, bristle-like leaves, 
and solitary flowers having a regular 
six-parted perianth. 

About a dozen species are natives 
of the Mediterranean region, the 
others being found in Southern and 
Tropical Africa. As garden plants 
they are little known, and are con- 



fined almost entirely to botanical 
collections. Most of the species are 
tender and require the protection of 
a greenhouse or cold frame. The 
cultural requirements are the same 
as for their relatives the Ix1as— 
which see. 

The following kinds (at one time 
mostly known under the generic 
name of TRICHONEMA) may be 
mentioned as worthy of note :— 
k. bulbocodioides, flowers bright 
yellow tinged with green outside 
(Bot. Mag. t. 1892); R. Bulbocodium, 
flowers lilac with a yellow throat 
(Bot. Mag. t. 265); 2B. citrina, yellow, 
unstriped; &. Columne, pale lilac 
with deeper lilac veins, tinged outside 
with green; &. rosea, reddish - lilac 
with a yellow throat, faintly striped 
purple outside (Bot. Mag. t. 1225). 
The variety pudica has a white 
throat (Bot. Mag. t. 1244); and 
speciosa has larger flowers with outer 
segments distinctly striped with black 
(Bot. Mag. t. 1476). 

R. Macowani, one of the finest 
species, with funnel-shaped flowers, 
bright yellow at the base, unstriped, 
but tinged with green outside (Gard. 
Chron. 1887, i. 180, f.). 

ROSCOEA (after Wm. Roscoe, the 
founder of the Liverpool Botanic 
Gardens). Nat. Ord. Scitamineze.— 
This genus contains about half a 
dozen species of ornamental-leaved 
herbaceous plants with thick fleshy 
roots, and terminal spikes or clusters 
of purple, blue, or yellow flowers, 
having an elongated tubular calyx 
and corolla, the latter having an 
erect incurved and concave upper 
segment and spreading side seg- 

R, gracilis, with yellow Howers, is 
now known as Cautleya lutea (Bot. 
Mag. t. 6991). 

R, purpurea,—This is the best- 



known species. It comes from the 
Himalayas, and has clusters of 
spindle-shaped tuberous roots, from 
which arise leafy striated stems less 
than a foot high, the leaves being 
stalkless, lance-shaped, wavy and 
pointed, and 6 to 8 ins, long, while 
the flowers are pale ‘purple or lilac 
(Bot. Mag. t. 4630; Bot, Reg. 1840, 
t. 61), The variety sckkimensis is 
a mere colour variety. 

Fic. 805.—Roscoéa purpurea. (%.) 

This species flourishes in a compost 
of rich fibrous loam and well-decayed 
manure or leaf-soil. It appears to be 
perfectly hardy in the milder parts of 
the Kingdom, and is easily increased 
by division of the root-stocks in 

SAGITTARIA (sagitia, an arrow; 
in allusion to the characteristic shape 
of the leaves), ARROWHEAD. Nat. 
Ord, Alismacese.—-A genus of orna- 
mental aquatic or marsh plants, 
some of which have tuberous, or 
stolon-bearing root-stocks, 



S. montevidensis is a beautiful 
aquatic from Buenos Ayres. It has 
large fleshy, tuberous root-stocks, 
emitting stolons from which other 
tubers arise, somewhat in the same 
way as potatoes. The large sagittate 
leaves have stalks 3 to 6 ft. long, 
and the pure white flowers with a 
crimson blotch at the base of the 
three segments are borne in whorls 
on stems 3 to 5 ft. high during the 





Fia. 306.—Sagitiaria montevidensis. 

summer months. (Bot. 

This majestic plant is best grown 
in a warm greenhouse in rich muddy 
soil, and the leaves should be 
syringed frequently to keep them 
bright and clean, Easily increased 
by division of the root-stocks, 

S. sagitteefolia,—A beautiful 
British and European aquatic, with 
stolons which produce tubers about 
the size of an olive. The bright 
green arrow-shaped leaves have three- 
sided stalks 1 to 14 ft. long, and the 
white flowers with purple claws are 

Mag. t. 



borne from July to September in 
distant whorls, on scapes 1 to 2 ft. 

The double-flowered variety, some- 
times known as japonica flore pleno, 
is a handsome plant with roundish 
heads of white flowers. 

This species and its variety are 
quite hardy, and may be grown on the 
margins of lakes, streams, ponds, etc., 
where they will be more or less 
submerged. The double-flowered 
variety can only be propagated by 
division, The single-flowered kinds 
in the same way, and also by seeds. 

S. sinensis (S. gigantea ; S. lanci- 
folia), from China, is a beautiful 
plant about 3 to 5 ft. high, with lance- 
shaped leaves and white flowers, 
having the greenish outer segments 
flushed with rose (Bot, Jag. t. 1631). 
May be grown like S. sagzttefolia. 

SALVIA (salvo, to save ; in allusion 
to the medicinal virtues), SacE. 
Nat. Ord. Labiatee.—A large genus 
containing some 450 species, many 
ornamental and easily grown. The 
only tuberous-rooted species worthy 
of note is— 

S. patens (S, spectabilis ; S. mac- 
rantha).—A. beautiful hairy Mexican 
perennial, about 24 ft. high, having 
ovate-triangular leaves with rounded 
teeth and lobed at the base. The 
deep blue flowers, over 2 ins. long, are 
borne in whorls on erect spikes 
during the summer and autumn 
months. (Bot. Mag. t. 3808.) 

This species may be grown in the 
open air during the summer months, 
and in the milder parts of the 
Kingdom may be left in the open 
ground so long as the blackish 
spindle-shaped roots are protected 
from frost in the same way as 
Dahlias. It may be increased from 
seeds sown in gentle heat in spring ; 
from cuttings in the same way as 



Dahlias ; and also by division of the 

SANDERSONIA (after J. Sander- 
son, a secretary of the Natal Horti- 
cultural Society). Nat. Ord. Liliaceze. 
The only species is— 

S. aurantiaca, a native of Natal, 
having a tuberous root-stock from 
which arise climbing herbaceous 
stems 3 to 6 ft long, furnished with 
alternate, stalkless, lance-shaped 
leaves, The bell-shaped or inflated 
flowers, with six shallow lobes, are 
of a beautiful orange colour, droop- 
ing from the axils of the leaves in 
July and August. (Bot. Mag. t. 

This pretty plant is best grown in 
a warm greenhouse in a compost of 
rich sandy loam with a little leaf- 
soil or well-decayed manure, and 
may be trained up pillars, or on 
trellises in the same way as the 
Gloriosas or Littonias, to which it 
is closely related. In autumn the 
stems die down, after which the root- 
stocks should be kept dry until the 
following spring. In the milder 
parts of the Kingdom this plant 
may be grown in the open air, the 
roots being taken up and stored for 
the winter. 

SANGUINARIA (sanguis, blood ; 
in reference to the red juice). Nat. 
Ord. Papaveracee.—The only species 

8. canadensis, popularly known 
as the “Blood Root” or “Red 
Puccoon.” It is a native of N. 
America, and grows 3 to 6 ins. high, 
having a thickish creeping root- 
stock and solitary, rounded, palm- 
ately veined leaves with dentate 
margins, The beautiful white 
flowers appear in April and May, 
and consist of two sepals and eight 
to twelve petals arranged in two or 



three circles. (Bot. Mag. t. 162.) 
The variety grandiflora has larger 

Fic. 807.—Sanguinaria canadensis. (%.) 

The Blood Root flourishes in a 
moist loamy soil in somewhat shaded 
places in the rock-garden or border, 
and may be increased by division 
of the root-stocks in early autumn 
or spring. Seeds may also be sown 
in pots or pans when fully ripe, or 
in spring in a cold frame, and should 
be left for a year before transplant- 
ing, as the roots are so brittle. 

SAUROMATUM (saura, a lizard ; 
in allusion to the speckled interior 
of the spathe). Nat. Ord. Aroideze.— 
A genus containing about half a dozen 
species of herbaceous perennials 
having tuberous root-stocks, solitary, 
deeply divided leaves with long 
stalks, and somewhat evanescent 
spathes in the centre of which is the 
spadix bearing the male and female 



The species mentioned below 
flourish in a warm greenhouse in a 
compost of light rich sandy loam and 
peat or leaf-soil, and like plenty of 
moisture when in growth. They 
may be increased by offsets from the 
older tubers, 

S. guttatum (Arum. venosum).— 
A Himalayan species about 2 ft. high 

Fig. 308.—Sauromatum guttatum, 
sprouting tuber. (}.) 

Fic. 809.—Sauromatum guttatum. (4.) 

with round flattish tubers, and leaves 
deeply divided into pointed oblong 
lance-shaped segments, The greenish 
spathes, washed with yellow inside 



and irregularly blotched with deep 
purple, appear about May and June, 
(Bot. Mag. t. 1017.) 

This is the plant to which the 
name “Monarch of the East” has 
been applied. The tubers, instead of 
being grown in a greenhouse as 
recommended, are often placed in 
fancy bowls, or even on the mantel- 
shelf, without any water whatever, 
If the temperature is high enough, 
65° to 70° F. growth commences, and 
the nourishment stored up in the 
tuber is sufficient to produce the 
flower spathes without further 

Other species are S. brevipes, from 
the Sikkim Himalayas, with purple- 
tinted spathes (Gard. Chron. 1903, 
xxxiv. 93; Bot. Mag. t. 7940); s. 
pedatum, with dark purple and 
yellowish spathes (Gartenjl. t. 495); 
S. punctatum, green and purple ; and 
8. nervosum, purple and yellow (Bot. 
Mag. t, 4465), 

SAXIFRAGA (saxum, a_ stone; 
frangere, to break; in reference to 
the roots entering the crevices of 
rocks which are thus split). Nat. Ord. 
Saxifragaceze—Out of some 160 
species, perhaps the only ones to 
mention in this work are— 

S. granulata fi. pl. is a charming 
Saxifrage 6 to 12 ins. high, with 
beautiful white double flowers in 
April and May. It has small white 
bulb-like bodies forming at the base 
of the stems. The single-flowered 
species is a native of Britain, and is 
popularly known as “Fair Maids of 
France,” “First of May,” and the 
“Meadow Saxifrage.” 

8. peltata, popularly known as the 
“Umbrella Plant.” It is found wild 
on the borders of lakes and streams 
in California, and has a large fleshy 
creeping root-stock, from which arise 
roundish shield - like lobed leaves 



12 to 18 ins, across, and borne on 
downy stalks 1 to 2 ft long, the 
lobes being cut and sharply toothed. 
The white or pale pink flowers appear 
in April and May. (Bot, Mag. t. 
6074; Fl. d. Serr. t. 2441; Gartenyi. 
t. 735.) 

This is by far the largest and 
most noble looking of the Saxifrages, 
It is quite hardy, and will flourish 
in good soil near the edges of ponds 
or streams, etc., and also in moist 
parts of the flower-border. The 
circular leaves, being deeply depressed 
in the centre where the stalk beneath 
joins the blade, hold a good deal of 
water after rain, and in the autumn 
they assume attractive tints of red 
and brown. This Saxifrage may be 
increased by seeds and ‘division of 
the root-stocks, 

SCHIZOSTYLIS (schizo, to cut; 
stylos, a column or style ; in reference 
to the divided thread-like styles). 
Nat. Ord. Iridez.—The best-known 
species is— 

S. coccinea, a handsome 8. African 
plant, 2 to 3 ft. high, with fleshy 
and slightly swollen root - stocks, 
sheathing sword - like leaves, and 
spikes of crimson-scarlet flowers from 
September to December, each about 
2 ins. across (Bot. Mag. t. 5422). 

This pretty plant flourishes in rich, 
moist loam, peat, leaf-mould, and 
silver sand in about equal proportions, 
It is not hardy, except in the very 
mildest parts of the Kingdom, and 
even then it must be protected from 
frost. Grown in pots or pans in the 
greenhouse, it is very effective during 
the later months of the year. The 
stock is best increased by dividing 
the leek-like tufts, and the stolons 
which arise from their bases. Fig. 310. 

SCILLA (skilla, squilla, a squill), 
Squity, BLUEBELL. Nat.Ord. Liliacew. 



—A large genus of herbaceous plants, 
with tunicated bulbs, more or less 
strap-shaped leaves, and six-petalled 
borne on 

flowers simple leafless 


ey A 


Fia. 810.—Schizostylis coccinea. (4.) 

Most of the Scillas are perfectly 
hardy, but there are several which 
require the protection of a cold frame 
or greenhouse. All kinds are easily 
grown in rich sandy soil, or in any 
good garden mould, the hardy ones 
being particularly valuable for plant- 
ing in thousands in the grass, or 
beneath deciduous and early-flowering 
trees and shrubs, or on the margins 
of borders, or nooks in the rock- 
garden ; and in all these places may 


be associated with their close 
relatives the Chionodoxas. The best 

time for planting is usually at the 
end of September and during October, 
and as most of the species flower 
from February and March till May 
and June, they may be looked upon 
as excellent spring-flowering plants. 
When grown in pots or pans, the 
Scillas are useful for the decoration 
of the cool greenhouse early in the 
year, the blossoms being much 
cleaner and brighter looking than 
those that are tarnished by exposure . 
to the weather. All Scillas are 
readily increased by offsets from 
the older bulbs, 

The following are some of the 
best species, the tender ones being 
indicated, all others being hardy ;— 

S. Adlami.—A native of Natal, with 
small mauve-purple flowers (Gard, 
Chron. 1891, ix. 521). 

S. amena (Hyacinthus stellaris),— 
This pretty species, known as the 
“Star Hyacinth,” is a native of 
Central Europe, and has roundish 
violet - coated bulbs, lance - shaped 
channelled leaves 6 to 9 ins, long, 
and racemes of bright indigo starry 
flowers, borne from March to May 
on stems 4 to 6 ins. high (Bot. Mag. 
t. 341). 

S. autumnalis, a British and 
European species, with rosy - lilac 
starry flowers produced in August, 
The white-flowered variety albus is 
a somewhat choicer garden plant. 

S. axillaris—A strong - growing 
species with leaves a foot long and 24 
ins. broad, spotted with brownish- 
purple near the base beneath. Flowers 
whitish outside, with a green keel and 
bright violet edges with white inside. 
(Gard. Chron. 1903, xxxiii. 386.) 

S. Bertholeti.—A rare species from 
Tropical Africa, with strap - shaped 
leaves 6 to 12 ins. long, and bell- 
shaped pale lilac flowers, from ten 



to twelve in a truss (Bot. Mag. t. 
5308). Greenhouse. 

S. bifolia—A Central European 
species, with narrow lance - shaped 
leaves 4 to 8 ins, long, and deep blue 
somewhat starry or bell - shaped 
flowers in February and March (Bot. 
Mag. t. '746). 

There is a white-flowered variety 
(alba); a rose-coloured one with a 
tint of violet (rosea); splendens has 
intense cobalt - blue flowers; and 
taurica, of a rich violet colour, from 
the mountains of Asia Minor. One 
‘of the earliest - flowering forms is 
ruberrima, the flowers of which are 
much brighter in bud than those of 
the type; they also open reddish 
rather than blue (Gard. Chron. 1906, 
xxxix. 165). 

S. Buchanani,— A species from 
Nyassaland, with small bulbs, lance- 
shaped green leaves a foot long, anda 
flexuose scape 8 ins. high, bearing a 
dense raceme of green flowers with 
purple filaments (Gard. Chron. 1893, 
xiii, 568). Must be grown in a 

8. chinensis (Barnardia sctlloides). 
—A pretty but little-known Chinese 
Squill about 9 ins. high, with spikes 
of rosy-pink flowers produced from 
June to August (Bot. Reg. t. 1029; 
Bot. Mag. t. 3788). This species 
should be grown in a frame or 
greenhouse, or in a warm sheltered 
spot if in the open air. 

8. cilicica,— This is like S. s¢birica, 
but has longer and broader leaves, 
and the flowers are more intensely 
blue, but smaller (Gard. Chron. 1908, 
xliv, 194, f.), S, Hohenbackeri seems 
to be intermediate between this and 
S, stbirica, 

8. concinna,— A South African 
species with narrow leaves 8 to 12 
ins, long, heavily spotted with purple 
behind. The flowers are oblong, 
bell-shaped, rosy - purple, produced 



in spring twenty to thirty on a scape. 
(Bot. Reg. t. 235). Greenhouse or 

S. Cooperi,— Another S, African 
Squill, with leaves 9 to 12 ins. long, 
striped and spotted with purple. 
The drooping bell-shaped bright 
purple flowers appear in spring, thirty 
to fifty in a truss (Bot. Mag. t. 5580). 
Greenhouse or frame, 

8, Cupani,—A hardy Sicilian plant, 
with strap-shaped leaves 3 to 4 ins. 
long, finely ciliated on the edges. 
The blue flowers are borne in loose 
racemes in May and June. (Bot, 
Reg. t. 1878.) 

S. festalis (S. nutans; Hyacinthus 
non-scriptus).—This is the Common 


Fic. 811.—Scilla festalis. (4.) 
Bluebell or Wild Hyacinth of British 

woods and copses. It has whitish 
pear-shaped bulbs, deep shining green 
leaves:9 to 18 ins, long, and racemes 



of drooping bell-shaped blossoms from 
April to June, and varying in colour 
from bluish-purple to white or pink. 

There are several varieties of the 
Common Bluebell, such as alba, 
white; rosea, rose-red; rubra, deep 
red; bracteata, with long bracts 
at base of pedicels ; and cernua, with 
broader leaves and larger bright blue 

The Bluebell is an excellent plant 
for naturalising purposes, and the 
bulbs should be planted from 4 to 6 
ins. deep early in autumn, and in 
thousands for this purpose. 

S. hispanica (S. campanulata).— 
This is the beautiful'Spanish Bluebell 

Fic. 312.—Seilla hispanica. (4.) 

from the Iberian Peninsula, having 
narrow strap-shaped leaves, and 
blue bell - shaped flowers, borne in 
May on slender scapes 12 to 18 ins, 
high (Bot. Mag. t. 127). 

There are several varieties, such as 
alba, with beautiful white flowers, 
and one of the best; aperta, blue 



striped with white ; and others such as 
Blue Queen, porcelain blue ; Hacelstor, 
azure blue; cwrulea major, pale 
blue, late flowering ; Rosalind, pink ; 
rosea major, rose pink, large; 
Riverslea, pale blue, early ; Sky Blue, 
tall, self-blue, late ; etc. 

S. hyacinthoides.—A pretty Squill 
from 8.W. Europe, with leaves 12 to 
18 ins. long, minutely ciliated on the 
margins, The scapes are 1 to 2 ft, 
high, and in April and May bear 
from fifty to one hundred bluish-lilac 
or gentian-blue, bell-shaped flowers, 
(Bot. Mag. t. 1140.) 

S. italica. — A charming Italian 
bluebell with flaccid, strap - shaped 
leaves 4 to 8 ins. long, and dense 
racemes of blue flowers in April and 
May (Bot. Mug. t. 663). 

The variety purpurea has deeper 
coloured flowers. 

S. lancezefolia (Lachenalia lancee- 
folia).-A 8. African species, with 
leaves 4 to 6 ins. long, spotted on 
the upper surface. The roundish 
bell-shaped flowers, purple inside and 
greenish outside, are borne in dense 
clusters about April and May (Bot. 
Mag. t. 643). Greenhouse, 

S. laxifiora.—A 8. African species 
with lance-shaped leaves, and green 
flowers with purple filaments (Gard. 
Chron. 1891, ix. 668). 

S. leucophylla.—A very distinct 
species from Persia, having bright 
purple flowers tipped with green 
(Gard. Chron. 1893, xiii. 506). 

8. lilio-hyacinthus, — This fine 
Pyrenean Squill has been known for 
generations, but it is still rare in 
gardens. It is easily recognised by 
its rather large scaly bulbs, broad 
bright green leaves, and its blue 
starry flowers appearing in April 
and May on stems about a foot high. 
There is a still scarcer white-flowered 
variety, albus. 

S. messeniaca, from Greece, has 



leaves 4 to 9 ins. long, $ to 1 in, 
broad, and dense racemes of small 
blue flowers with spreading segments 
(Bot. Mag. t. 8035). 

S. monophylla (S. pumila). — A 
pretty Spanish Bluebell, having soli- 
tary leaves 6 to 9 ins. long, and blne 
or violet flowers in April and May, 
borne in rather loose clusters (Bot. 
Mag. t. 3023), 

S, natalensis,—A rare species from 
Natal, having strap-shaped lanceolate 
leaves 8 to 12 ins. long, and spreading 
conical trusses of pale yellow or 
creamy flowers in April (Bot. Mag. t. 
5379; Fl, d. Serr. t. 1043), Green- 

S. peruviana, the Cusan Lity.— 
A native of the Mediterranean region, 
and not of Cuba or Peru as might be 
imagined from the names. It has 
large whitish pear-shaped bulbs, and 
rosettes of strap-shaped leaves 6 to 12 
ins. long, fringed with white hairs. 
The beautiful blue starry flowers are 
borne in May and June, in dense, 
broadly conical clusters often 6 ins. 
across. (Bot. Mag. t. 749.) 

The variety glabra has lilac flowers 
and leaves without hairy margins ; 
and alba has white flowers. 

The bulbs of this species should be 
planted from 4 to 6 ins. deep in 
warm and sheltered spots. In severe 
winters they should be protected with 
some litter or bracken. 

S. pratensis.—A Dalmatian species 
with narrow leaves 6 to 12 ins. long, 
and clusters of blue bell-shaped 
flowers in April and May (Bot. Reg. 
1839, t. 63). 

S. puschkinioides.—A pretty little 
Squill from Turkestan, having narrow 
leaves and trusses of erect starry pale 
blue flowers in April and May 
(Gartenfl. 1051, f. 1). 

8. sibirica (S. ameena sibirica; S. 
amoenula),—A well-known and popu- 
lar Siberian Squill, having ovoid 




bulbs, lance-shaped channelled leaves 
4 to 6 ins, long, and loose racemes of 
drooping starry bell-shaped flowers, 
varying from light porcelain blue to 
deep blue, with a deeper coloured 
central line (Bot, Afag. tt. 1025, 2408). 

Fic. 313.—Scilla sibirica. 


There are a few varieties of which 
alba is pure white and charming ; 
amenua is dwarfer than the type, 
and produces its brighter blue flowers 
earlier in the year; the variety mute- 
flora has more flowers than in the 
type ; and /zlacina has lavender-tinted 

The Siberian Squill flowers as early 
as February, and is particularly valu- 
able for planting beneath early- 
flowering deciduous trees and shrubs ; 
as well as for the rockery and flower- 
border or greenhouse decoration, 

S. socialis,— A very rare species 
from Natal, flowering about Novem- 
ber in a state of cultivation. 

S. villosa,—A rare Moroccan species, 
with leaves 3 to 6 ins. long, ciliated 


on the edges, and sparsely hairy on 
the under-surface. The blue starry 
flowers appear in corymb like 
clusters in spring (Bot, Mag. t. 3211). 

SINNINGIA (after Wm. Sinning, 
gardener at the University of Bonn). 
Nat. Ord. Gesneracez.—This genus 
has already been referred to as hav- 
ing been confused with the genus 
Guoxinta, Although closely related, 
the two genera are kept distinct 
botanically. The Sinningzus proper 
are all natives of Brazil, and are 
herbaceous plants with tuberous root- 
stocks, large opposite long-stalked, 
softly hairy leaves, and flowers borne 
singly or in clusters from the leaf- 
axils. The corolla is tubular, bell- 
shaped, inflated at the base, and 
obliquely five-lobed. 

There are about sixteen species 
altogether, requiring precisely the 
same cultural treatment as described 
for the Gloxinias at p. 257. Among 
the best-known kinds are :— 

S. Caroline (Zapeinotes Caroline). 
—With oblong lance - shaped leaves 
and white flowers marked inside with 
red (Bot, Mag. t. 5623). 

S. concinna (Stenogastra concinna). 
—A charming little species, having 
small tubers and roundish oval deeply 
crenulate leaves, and drooping tubular 
inflated flowers purplish above, yellow 
beneath, and spotted with purple 
within (Bot. Mag. t. 5258). 

S. Helleri (S. velutina).—A species 
with oval oblong velvety leaves 4 to 6 
ins. long, and white flowers having 
red spots on a greenish throat (Bot. 
Mag. 4212; Bot. Reg. t. 997). 

S. hirsuta (Gloxima hirsuta).— 
This species has broadly oval heart- 
shaped leaves, deeply crenated on 
the margins and purplish beneath. 
Corolla bluish - lilac, spotted with 
purple within. (Bot. Mag. t. 2690; 
Bot, Reg, t. 1004.) 



8. speciosa.—The typical species 
has already been described and com- 
mented upon under GLoxINIA at 
p. 257. It has been figured in the 
Bot. Mag. t. 1987; Bot. Reg. iii. t. 
213; xxx. t. 48; and its variety 
albiflora, with white flowers, in Bot, 
Mag. t. 3206; the variety caulescens, 
with large leaves, in Bot. Reg. t. 1127 ; 
and the large-leaved variety macro- 
phylla, with white veins, in the Bot, 
Mag. t. 3934; in both publications 
as Gloxinia, Under this name the 
innumerable garden forms are still 
known, and probably will continue to 
be so for several generations. 

The variety Menziestcana has a 
large calyx with long hairy segments, 
and a large violet corolla heavily 
spotted with red (Bot. May. t. 

8. velutina has oval roundish 
crenulate leaves with purplish veins ; 
funnel- or bell-shaped corolla, and 
pale greenish flowers (Lodd, Bot, 
Cab, t. 1898). 

S, villosa has oblong oval, pointed, 
crenulate leaves, and greenish-yellow 
flowers (Bot. Reg. t. 1134), 

S. Youngeana, said to be a hybrid 
between S. spectosa and 8. velutina, 
has violet or purple flowers, yellowish- 
white at the base, spotted in the 
throat (Bot. Mag. t. 3954). 

SISYRINCHIUM (sys, a pig; 
rynchos, a snout ; in reference to pigs 
grubbing out the root-stocks), Nat. 
Ord. Irideze.—There are about sixty 
species known, but comparatively few 
are of a garden value. Many of them 
are quite hardy, but a few are tender. 
They all flourish in a light rich soil of 
peat, loam, and sand in about equal 
proportions, and may be increased by 
division of the root-stocks in autumn, 
Although usually classed with bulbous 
plants, there are practically neither 
rhizomes, tubers, or bulbs in the genus, 



although the plants have a Leek-like 

The following are some of the best- 
known kinds :— 

S. angustifolium (S. gramineum), 
—This native of the United States 
and Mexico is now naturalised in 
boggy parts of Western Ireland and 
in New Zealand. It has winged 
stems, narrow leaves, and violet 
flowers yellow at the base of the 
oboval and distinctly mucronulate 

segments. (Bot, Mag. t. 464; Fed. 
Lil, t, 282.) 
S. Bermudiana, — A native of 

Bermuda, 6 to 12 ins. high, with 
flattened broadly winged stems, 
narrow leaves, and sky-blue flowers 
in June and July (Bot. Mag. t. 94). 
This species requires to be grown in a 
greenhouse or frame. 

S. californicum (Marica califor- 
nica). — A half-hardy Californian 
plant with uniform yellow flowers 
(Bot. Mag. t. 983), Greenhouse or 

8, chilense.—A native of Brazil, 9 
to 18 ins. high, with narrow sword- 
shaped leaves, and lilac flowers, 
yellow at the base of the segments 
(Bot. Mag. t. 2786). Greenhouse. 

S. filifolium.—A rush-like species 
from the Falkland Islands, 6 to 12 
ins, high, the roundish leafless stems 
bearing clusters of pure white bell- 
shaped flowers at the top (Bot. dag. 
t. 6829), Greenhouse. 

S. graminifolium, — A  Chilian 
species, 12 to 18 ins. high, with 
winged stems, narrow grass - like 
leaves and yellow flowers (/ot. Reg. 
t. 1067). The variety maculatum has 
the base of the floral segments 
spotted with blood red (Bot. Mag. t. 
3197). Greenhouse. 

8. grandiflorum,—This is the best- 
known species of all, and is popularly 
known as the “Spring Satan Flower.” 
It isa native of N. America, and is 



a beautiful hardy perennial with a 
somewhat creeping root-stock, erect 
narrow pointed leaves 6 to 8 ins, long, 
and drooping, dark purple, bell- 
shaped flowers in May and June (Bot. 
Mag. t. 3509; Bot. Reg. t. 1364). 
The variety album has white flowers, 

This species is quite hardy, and 
should be planted in bold masses in 
the border or rockery for effect. 

S. iridifolium (S. laxum). — This 
species grows wild from Brazil to 
Chili, and is 12 to 18 ins, high, 
having narrow sword-like leaves cili- 
ated on the margins, and yellowish- 
white flowers veined with brown (Bot. 
Mag. t. 2319; Bot. Reg. t. 646, 
as Marica). Greenhouse. 

8S. micranthum, —- This Tropical 
American plant is now naturalised in 
parts of Australia. It has flexuose 
stems, bract-like leaves, and small 
pale yellow flowers (Bot. Mag. t. 
2116). Greenhouse. 

S. striatum (Marica striata),—A 
Chilian species, 1 to 2 ft. high, having 
narrow distichous leaves, and pale 
yellow flowers striped with brown 
(Bot. Mag. t. 701). Greenhouse or 

S. tenuifolium.—A Mexican plant 
having two-edged stems, narrow 
pointed leaves with roughish margins, 
and pale yellow flowers (Bot. Mag. 
tt. 2117, 2318). 

SPARAXIS (sparasso, to tear; in 
allusion to the torn spathes). Nat. 
Ord. Iridez.—This genus contains 
about half a dozen species of graceful 
bulbous plants, having bell-shaped 
flowers cut into six more or less equal 

The species are all natives of 8. 
Africa, and may be regarded as fairly 
hardy in the milder parts of the 
Kingdom. In other localities they 
are best grown in a frame or green- 
house, and generally speaking may be 



treated like the Ixras, They like 
warm, sheltered spots, well-drained 
sandy soil, and should be planted in 
large clumps to secure an effect. The 
best way to increase them is by off- 
sets from the older bulbs when the 
leaves have died down. 

S. bulbifera (Lata bulbifera)-—A 
pretty species 6 to 12 ins. high, with 
two-ranked lance-shaped leaves, and 
yellow bell-shaped flowers, having 
the spathes striped with purple -at 
the tips (Bot. Mag. t. 545; Red. 
Lil. t. 128). Best grown in frame or 

8. grandiflora,—aA fine species 1 to 
2 ft. high, with lance-shaped pointed 
leaves, and deep violet-purple flowers 
in April and May, the wedged-shaped 
segments often having a deeper 
coloured blotch at the base (Bot. 
Mag. tt. 779, 541, Lata.) 

There are several varieties of this 
species, one called Jil/ago, having 
white flowers; another /ineata, with 
yellow flowers lined and washed with 
rose ; and stellaris, a fine purple. 

S. pulcherrima is now known as 
DreramMa—which see. 

S. tricolor.—This species resembles 
S. grandiflora in appearance, but has 
rich orange-red flowers with a yellow 
centre, and a purple-brown blotch at 
the base of the segments (Bot. Mag. 
tt. 381 (Ixia), 1482). 

There are several varieties, such as 
blanda, white, suffused with red and 
yellow; Griffini, yellow tipped with 
violet-purple ; and versicolor, bright 
purple with a yellow blotch at the 

SPREKELIA (after Dr Sprekel, a 
German botanist). Nat. Ord.Amaryl- 
lider. — The only species in this 
genus is— 

8. formosissima (Amaryllis formo- 
sissima), JACoBHA Lity.—A distinct 
and beautiful plant from Guatemala 



and Mexico, having bulbs about 2 
ins, thick, narrow strap-shaped leaves 
12 to 18 ins. long, and bright crimson 
irregular wavy flowers, each about 
6 ins. across, borne on stems 6 to 12 
ins. high. The three upper segments 
of the perianth are distinctly clawed, 
the middle one being broader than 
the others, while the three other seg- 
ments droop (Bot. Mag. t. 47). 

There are varieties such as glauca, 
with glaucous leaves and _ paler 
flowers; Karwinskt, in which the 
petals are keeled and edged with 
white; and ringens, in which the 
upper petal is striped at the base and 
centre with yellow. 

The Jacobeea Lily if planted in the 
outside border about May will flower 
in the open air during the summer 
months, The bulbs, however, should 
be taken up in the autumn and stored 
till the following spring. Generally 
speaking, it is too tender for open-air 
treatment altogether except in the 
very mildest parts of the Kingdom. 
It may, however, be easily grown in 
a greenhouse in a compost of rich 
sandy loam, with a little peat or leaf- 
soil, and some old cow-manure. The 
plants are increased by offsets from 
the old bulbs. 

STENOMESSON (stenos, narrow; 
messon, the middle ; the fiowers being 
contracted in the middle). Nat. Ord. 
Amaryllidese.—A genus containing 
about a dozen species of pretty 
bulbous planis, all natives of the 
Andes of Peru and Ecuador, at an 
altitude of 8000 to 13,000 ft, The 
leaves are narrow, strap-shaped, or 
lance-shaped, and the flowers (few or 
many) are borne in an umbel on top 
of a scape. The perianth is funnel- 
shaped, often somewhat contracted 
from the base to the middle. 

These bulbous plants, if not alto- 
gether hardy, except in the most 



favoured parts of the United 
Kingdom, are easily grown in frames 
or greenhouses. The bulbs should 
be planted or potted up in February 
or March in a well-mixed compost of 
sandy loam, leaf-mould, and a little 
cow-manure, any offsets from the old 
bulbs being detached at the time to 
increase the stock. During growth a 
fair amount of water will be necessary, 
and the plants when in blossom should 
be shaded from the burning rays of 
thesun. During the winter period the 
bulbs require a rest, and may be kept 
quite dry in the old soil, When 
growth recommences they should be 
shaken out of the old mould and 
potted up afresh, 

S. aurantiacum (S. Hartwegi).— 
The roundish bulbs of this species 
are about 1 in. through, and the 
bright orange funnel-shaped flowers 
appear in summer on scapes 1 to 14 
ft. high, before the narrow leaves 
appear (Bot. Reg. 1844, t. 42; Rev. 
Hort, 1883, t. 396). 

S. coccineum (Coburgia coccinea).— 
The ovoid bulbs are about 13 ins. in 
diameter, and the bright green leaves 
about a foot long are developed after 
the bright red flowers (Ref. Bot. t. 
309 ; Bot. Mag. t. 3865). 

The variety breviforum has paler 
red flowers, and lance-shaped leaves. 

S. croceum,—The bulbs and leaves 
as in the other species, Flowers four 
to six in an umbel, pale yellow, cylin- 
drical, suddenly dilated at the middle. 
(Red, Lil, t. 187, as Pancratium). 

S. flavum (Chrysiphiala flava).— 
This species has oblanceolate leaves a 
foot long and an inch broad, and the 
flowers are bright yellow 1} to 2 ins. 
long (Bot. Mag. t. 2641; Bot. Reg. t. 

The variety latifolium (or S. vitel- 
linum) has orange-yellow flowers, with 
an entire tooth between each stamen 
filament (Bot. Mag. t. 3803; Hot. 



Reg. 1843, t. 2). The variety curvi- 
dentatum has golden-yellow flowers 
greenish at the base, with a bifid 
tooth between each stamen filament 
(Bot, May. +. 2640). 

S. humile (Coburgia humilis),— 
This species has erect orange-red 
flowers 2} ins. long, borne singly on 
a very short scape about March and 
April (Ref. Bot. sub t. 308; Pot. 
Reg, 1842, t. 46). 

S. incarnatum.—The long-necked 
roundish bulbs are 2 to 3 ins, in 
diameter, and the strap-shaped leaves 
1 to 14 ft. long and an inch broad, 

Fia. 814.—Stenomesson incarnatum. 

appear at the same time as the pale 
or bright red flowers, which are 2 to 
3 ins. long, and borne on top of a 
scape 14 to 2 ft. high (Ref. Bot. sub 
t. 308; Gartenfl. t. 1147; Ill. Hort. 
1891, 123; Garden, 1896, i. t. 1076 ; 
Sw. Brit. Fl. Gard, ser, ii, t. 17). 
There are several varieties, such as 
fulvum (or Coburgia fulva), brownish- 
yellow (Bot, Mag. t. 3221; Bot. Reg 
t. 1497); trichkromum (Coburgia), 



scarlet with distinct green stripes on 
the segments (Bot. Mag. tt. 3867, 
5686 ; Rev, Hort, 1890, t. 108) ; verse- 
color, varying from scarlet to pale 
brown (Bot, Reg, xxviii. t. 66). 

Fic. 815.—Stenomesson incarnatum trichromum. 

8. luteo-viride.—This species has 
round bulbs 3 ins, through, leaves a 
foot long and 1 to 1} ins. broad, de- 
veloped in April and May at the 
same time as the flowers, the latter 
being primrose-yellow tipped with 
green, and 2 to 23 ins; long (ot. 
Mag. t. 6508). 

S. Pearcei—Bulbs ovoid, 2 ins. 
through, long-necked. Leaves lance- 
shaped, a foot long, developed after 
the pale yellow funnel-shaped flowers, 
which are borne on scapes 2 to 3 ft. 
high. (Ref, Bot. t. 308.) 

S. recurvatum.—The bulbs are 1 
to 14 ins. in diameter, the narrow 
leaves are about 1 ft. long, and the 
reddish-yellow flowers, 2 to 2% ins, 



long, are borne on scapes 1 to 14 ft. 
high (Ref, Bot, sub t. 308). 

S. suspensum,—Bulbs ovoid 1 to 
14 ins. through ; leaves narrow lance- 
shaped about 1 ft. long. Flowers 
drooping, 1 to 14 ins. long, bright 
scarlet. (Ref. Bot, t, 22.) 

S. viridiflorum (Callithawuma viridt- 
florum). — The cylindrical - necked, 
ovoid bulbs are 1} to 2 ins, in diameter, 
and the leaves are about 1 in. broad. 
The flowers with a curved tube 2 ins, 
long, are entirely green, and are borne 
on scapes 13 to 2 ft. high (Bot. Mag. 
t. 3866, 2), The variety angustifolium 
has narrower leaves (Bot. Mag. t. 
3866, b); and the variety ZLlwest has 
the staminal cup deeply six-cleft, its 
lobes quadrate and emarginate. 

STERNBERGIA (after Count Stern- 
berg, a German botanist), Nat, Ord. 
Amaryllidew.—The Sternbergias are 
charming little plants with long- 
necked bulbs, strap-shaped leaves, 
and bright yellow, erect, funnel - 
shaped flowers. They are perfectly 
hardy, and will flourish in any good 
garden soil that has been deeply dug, 
and is of a more or less gritty nature. 
When grown in bold masses in the 
rock-garden, shrubbery, grassland, or 
flower-border, they are wonderfully 
effective, the bright golden-yellow of 
the blossoms being in striking con- 
trast to the foliage. They are easily 
increased by offsets, but the bulbs 
should never be disturbed until the 
leaves have completely withered. 
The bulbs vary from } to 1 in, in 
diameter in S. colchiciflora, to 2 ins. 
in S. lutea, and should therefore be 
planted from 3 or 4 to 6 ins. deep. 

S. colchiciflora,—A very old garden 
plant, native of S. Europe and Asia 
Minor, having narrow leaves 3 to 4 
ins. long in spring, at the same 
time as the seed-pods are ripening, 
The pale yellow sweet-scented flowers 



over 1} ins, long, appear in autumn. 
(Bot, Reg. t. 2008.) 

8, Fischeriana,— This is a fine 
Caucasian species, remarkable for 
its large yellow Crocus-like flowers 
being produced in spring instead of 
autumn. In other respects it closely 
resembles S. Jutea. (Bot. Mag. t. 
7331; Garten/i. t. 576.) 

S. lutea (Amaryllis lutea).—This 
species extends on both sides of the 
Mediterranean to Syria and Persia, 
and is popularly known as _ the 
“Winter Daffodil” and the “ Yellow 
Star Flower.” It is also supposed to 
be the “Lily of the Field” alluded to 

Fic. 316.—Sternbergia macrantha. (3.) 

in the Scriptures, and has been 
cultivated for at least three hundred 
years in Britain. The large bright 
yellow flowers, over 2 ins, long, appear 
in September and October, nestling 
amongst the leaves, which are about 
1 ft. long and 4 in. broad. (Bot, 



Mag. t. 290; Red, Lil, t. 418; 
Garden, 1887, i. t. 602.) 

There are several varieties, such as 
angustifolia, with narrower leaves 
and smaller flowers; major, with 
broader leaves and larger flowers ; 
greca, with very short leaves and 
flower-stems ; and sicula, with large 
flowers, having narrower and more 
pointed petals, 

S, macrantha,—A fine species from 
the mountains of Asia Minor, having 
grey-green leaves fully developed in 
June, while the bright yellow flowers, 
larger than those of S. lutea, are 
not produced until September and 
October (Bot. May. t. 7459). 

STRICKLANDIA (after Sir Chas. 
Strickland, a keen amateur grower of 

Fic. $17.—Stricklandia eucrosioides, 

bulbous and other plants, born 1819, 
died 1909).—A genus with only one 

S. eucrosioides (Leperiza eucro- 
stoides ; Stenomesson Stricklandi).—A 



native of the Andes of Ecuador, 
having ovoid bulbs 2 ins. in diameter, 
bearing two thin oblong leaves 6 to 9 
ins. long, with a petiole shorter than 
the blade. The pure white funnel- 
shaped flowers are borne on a slender 
roundish scape about 1 ft. high, The 
sketch was made from a plant that 
flowered in the collection of Mr A. 
Worsley, an ardent bulb-grower, at 
Mandeville House, Isleworth, about 
ten years ago. This plant flourishes 
in a greenhouse in sandy loam and 
leaf-mould. (Gard. Chron. 1878, i. 
170; 1882, ii, 102.) 

STRUMARIA (struma, a tubercle ; 
the style being enlarged at the base), 
Nat. Ord, Amaryllidee.—A small 
genus of South African bulbous 
plants, having narrow strap-shaped 
leaves, and funnel-shaped flowers 
divided into oblanceolate segments, 
borne in umbels. 

These little-known bulbs may be 
grown in cold frames or greenhouses, 
or in the open air in the very mildest 
parts of the Kingdom, The tunicated 
bulbs vary from 4% in. to 13 ins. in 
diameter, and the flowers are usually 
borne in April, May, and June. The 
best-known kinds are S. angustifolia, 
S. rubella, S. truncata, and S, wundu- 
lata, all with pinkish flowers, the 
last - named species having wavy 
lance-shaped segments (Jacq. Ic. ii. 
t. 360). The species were formerly 
mixed up with the HEsszas. 

SYMPHYTUM (sumphuo, to make 
unite; in reference to the healing 
qualities). Nat Ord. Boraginese.— 
This genus contains about sixteen 
species, including the well - known 
“Comfrey” (S. officinale), but the 
only species with a tuberous root- 
stock is— 

S. tuberosum,—A British plant, 1 
to 2 ft. high, also native of Central 
Europe, having short, thickish, hori- 



zontal rhizomes, hairy stems and 
leaves, and yellowish, drooping, 
tubular flowers in June and July, 
This plant flourishes in any damp 
garden soil, and may be grown in 
rough places unsuitable for choicer 

SYMPLOCARPUS (symploke,  re- 
union ; karpos, a fruit; in reference 
to the cohesion of the ovaries into 
a compound fruit) Nat. Ord. 
Aroideze.—The following is the only 
species :— 

S. fotidus (Pothos foetidus).—This 
is the Meadow or Skunk Cabbage of 
N. America, N.E. Asia, and Japan. 
It is a vigorous - growing bog or 
marsh plant with thickish root-stocks, 
and grows 1 ft. or more high, having 
large, thickish, oval heart-shaped 
leaves 1 to 2 ft. long. The flowers 
are borne on a violet spadix, which 
is enclosed by an arching spathe 
striped and spotted with purple and 
yellowish-green. (Bot. Mag. t. 836.) 

This plant is perfectly hardy in the 
milder parts of the Kingdom, and 
may be grown in the same way as 
Lysichitum, to which it is closely 
related. It is easily increased by 
division of the root-stocks. 

SYNANDROSPADIX (syn, together; 
aner, anther; spadix, a club). Nat. 
Ord. Aroidez. 

S. vermitoxicus.—A rare aroid from 
Tucuman, having a tuberous root- 
stock with large annual leaves which 
are hastate, green, and very fleshy. 
The scape is about a foot high, and 
bears an open ovate spathe 6 ins. 
long and 4 ins. wide, grey - green 
outside, flesh-coloured inside, The 
spadix, about 6 ins. long, is covered 
with flowers. (Bot. Mag. t. 7242.) 

This plant may be grown in the 
same way as recommended for Amor- 



SYRINGODEA (syringodes, fistular ; 
in allusion to the slender perianth- 
tube). Nat. Ord. Irideze.—Out of the 
seven species in this genus the only 
one worth notice is— 

S, pulchella,—A pretty little South 
African plant with roundish bulbs 
about 3 in. thick, sickle - shaped 
bristle-like leaves, 3 to 4 ins, long, 
and pale purple cylindrical flowers in 
autumn, with deeply lobed wedge- 
shaped segments (Bot. Mag. t. 6072 ; 
Fl, d. Serr. t. 2096). 

This species may be grown in a 
frame or cool greenhouse in a compost 
of rich sandy soil, and to secure an 
effect several little bulbs should be 
planted together in a pot or pan. 
The plants may be increased by 

TACCA (the Malayan name). Nat. 
Ord. Taccacee.—This genus, known 
formerly as ATaccrIA, comprises about 
nine species of stove plants with 
tuberous root-stocks, leaves simple 
or much divided, flowers regular, 
borne in umbels with several large, 
more or less ornamental leafy bracts, 
and numerous drooping, thread-like, 
sterile blossoms. 

T. artocarpifolia.— A remarkable 
tuberous-rooted plant from Mada- 
gascar. It bears about three leaves 
with brown stalks, 2 ft. long, stout, 
cylindric, the blade being 2 to 3 ft. 
across, and cut into three main lobes, 
which are again much divided. 
Numerous flowers are borne on 
thickish brown scapes 5 to 6 ft. 
high, the sterile ones being drooping 
and thread-like, the fertile ones being 
globular, greenish with a brown base. 
(Bot. Mag. t. 6124.) 

T. Chantrieri.—This resembles 7. 
eristata, but differs in being much 
larger in every way, and in having 
more numerous long-stalked flowers. 

T. cristata (7. Raflesiana).—A fine 



species from the Malayan Archipelago, 
having conical tuberous root-stocks, 
oblong pointed leaves purplish at the 
base, and numerous deep purple 
flowers, the sterile ones being droop- 
ing and cord-like, the fertile ones 
with six lobes in two pairs with a 
greenish centre (Bot. Mag. t. 4589), 

Fia. 318.—Tuace acristata. (4.) 

T, integrifolia—A native of the 
East Indies, with a tuberous root- 
stock, ovate, lance -shaped, entire 
leaves with brown stalks, and six- 
lobed greenish-purple flowers, sub- 
tended by large leafy purple-veined 
spathes (Bot. Mag. t. 1488). 

T, oceanica (7. pinnatifida)—A 
Polynesian species, having turnip- 
like root-stocks, three-lobed leaves 
with segments deeply divided and 
cut, and clusters of green flowers with 
leafy bracts on top of a stoutish 
scape (Bot. Mag. tt. 7299, 7300). 

These wonderful and curious look- 
ing plants are easily grown in a 
compost of sandy loam and leaf-soil, 
and require abundance of heat and 
moisture, especially during active 
growth. The plants may be syringed 



freely, and thus kept clean until the 
flowers begin to appear. They are 
increased by offsets which are 
produced sparingly from the sides 
of the thickish root-stock. The 
offsets should be placed singly in 4- 
or 5-in. pots, These should be well 
drained with plenty of crocks at the 
bottom, and a compost of fibrous 
loam, peat, and coarse sand in about 
equal proportions should be used, 
The offsets should be placed in a 
propagating frame, and a bottom heat 
of 70° F. should be maintained. The 
atmosphere should be kept fairly 
moist, but not too much go, as the 
offsets are liable to rot away. Ina 
few weeks they will be well rooted, 
and may then be exposed to more 
light and air. During the summer 
months, the plants, young or old, 
should be shaded from very strong 
sunshine, As the plants increase in 
size, they may be potted on each year 
into slightly larger pots than before. 

TAMUS (name obscure, used by 
Pliny). Nat. Ord. Dioscoreacea.—The 
only species worthy of note is— 

T, communis, popularly known as 
“Black Bryony,” “Lady Seal,” and 
“Murrain Berry.” It grows wild in 
the copses and hedges in parts of 
England, and has black pear-shaped 
fleshy root-stocks, from which arise 
slender, climbing, angular stems 
several feet in length. The beautiful 
ovate, heart-shaped, tapering leaves 
are 3 to 6 ins. long, and are remark- 
able for having netted veins —an 
unusual feature amongst Monocotyle- 
donous plants. The small greenish- 
white flowers appear in May and 
June, and are succeeded by oblong 
red berries, $ in. long in autumn. 

This is really an excellent plant for 
trailing over arches, trellises, old 
hedges, etc., and will flourish in any 
garden soil in partially shaded spots. 



It may be increased by careful 
division of the root-stocks, or from 

This plant, although known as the 
“Black Bryony,” must not be confused 
with the Common Bryony (Bryonia 
dioica), described at p. 118. 

TECOPHILAIA (after Tecophilo, a 
daughter of Bertero). Nat. Ord. 
Hemodoracesee. — The best - known 
member of this genus is— 

T, eyanocrocus. — A charming 
Chilian perennial 6 to 9 ins. high, 
having fibrous - coated corms, and 
linear, channelled, wavy leaves, The 
sweet - scented, six - parted flowers 

Fic. 319.—Tecophilea cyanocrocus. 

appear in March and April in loose 
trusses, and are of a bright gentian- 
blue colour with a white centre. The 
variety Letchtlint has deeper blue 
flowers without a white centre; and 
the variety Regeld has narrower leaves 
and petals than the type. (Gartenj. 
t. 718.) 

This pretty plant, unfortunately, is 
only fairly hardy in the milder parts 
of the Kingdom. At the base of a 
south wall, the corms may be planted 



from 6 to 9 ins, deep in a compost of 
well-drained sandy peat and leaf- 
mould. In very wet or severe 
winters, the dormant corms should 
be protected with a little litter or 
bracken, or old lights. When grown 
in pots, the plants are charming for 
cool greenhouse decoration, but the 
corms need not be buried more than 
2 or 3 ins. in the soil. During 
vigorous growth plenty of water may 
be given, but the supply should be 
gradually diminished as the autumn 
approaches, and the plants show signs 
of resting. The plants are increased 
by offsets at planting time, or by 
seeds sown in pots under glass when 
thoroughly ripe. 

TESTUDINARIA (testudo, a tor- 
toise, the markings on the hard 
tuber resembling those on the shell 
of a tortoise). Nat. Ord. Dios- 
coreacee.—The best known of the 
two species in this genus is— 

T, elephantipes (Jamus elephan- 
tipes)—A  singular-looking South 
African plant popularly known as 
“Elephant’s Foot,” Hottentot Bread,” 
and “Tortoise Plant.” It has a large 
woody tuberous root-stock, sometimes 
as much as a yard in diameter, 
marked very much like a tortoise’s 
body, and giving rise to slender 
climbing branching stems, sometimes 
30 to 40 ft. long, and furnished with 
broadly heart-shaped or kidney- 
shaped leaves with netted veins. 
The greenish-yellow flowers are 
small and bell-shaped, the staminate 
(male), and pistillate (female), being 
borne on separate plants. (Dot. 
Reg. t. 921; Bot, Mag. t. 1347.) 

This extraordinary plant is more 
of a vegetable curiosity than any- 
thing else in greenhouses. It may 
be seen growing in the Succulent 
House at Kew, flourishing in a com- 
post of sandy loam and mortar 



rubble, requiring just enough heat 
in winter to keep the frost away 
from it, When seeds can be pro- 
cured, plants may be easily raised 
from them, by sowing in sandy loam 
and leaf-soil in a temperature of 
60° to 65° F, When the young 
plants are well established, with 
stems 6 to 9 ins, high, they may be 
potted up separately in small pots 
in a similar compost, and grown on 
from year to year, 

THALICTRUM (thallo, to grow 
green ; in reference to the colour of 
the young shoots) Mrapow RUvE. 
Nat. Ord. Ranunculacee.—Of the 
fifty species in this genus, there are 
a few with tuberous root-stocks. 

T, anemonoides (Anemone thalic- 
trotdes).—A pretty North American 
hardy perennial about 6 ins. high, 
with clusters of thickened tuberous 
roots and twice- or thrice-ternate 
leaves, having long-stalked three- 
lobed leaflets. The white flowers, 
with protruding yellow stamens, 
appear in April and May. (Bot. 
Mag. t. 866.) The variety flore pleno 
has small double flowers. 

T. tuberosum,—A Spanish Meadow 
Rue, about 12 ins, high, with knotty 
root-stocks, twice- or thrice-pinnate 
leaves, and corymbs of white flowers 
in June. 

These two species flourish in 
partial shade in a nook in the rock- 
garden, and like a moist peaty soil. | 
They may be increased by careful 
division of the root-stocks in early 
autumn, or by seeds. The latter 
method is often considered best, as 
the root-stocks, if divided roughly, 
often take a long time to recover. 

THLADIANTHA (thladias, com- 
pressed ; anthos, 1 Hower—the first 
description of the plant is said to 
have been from a dried specimen). 



Nat. Ord. Cucurbitacese.—The best 
known member of the genus is— 

T, dubia.—A native of India and 
China, having swollen tuberous 
roots and climbing stems 12 to 20 
ft. long, furnished with pretty heart- 
shaped hairy leaves, The yellow 
flowers are freely produced during 
the summer months, and in the case 
of the female plants are succeeded 
in autumn by bright red downy 
fruits about the size and shape of 
a hen’s egg. (Bot. Mag. t. 5469.) 


Fia. 320.—Thladiantha dubia, seedlings. 

This species will grow well in the 
open air if planted against a south 
wall in the Midlands, or in any 
position in the mildest parts of the 
Kingdom. To secure a good supply 
of the bright red fruits, it must be 
remembered that the plant is dic- 
cious—that is, the male and female 
flowers are borne on distinct and 
separate plants. Of course both 
kinds should be grown, as it is 
essential to have the pollen from the 
stamens of one plant to fertilise the 
pistils of the other. The plants may 
be increased by division of the root- 
stocks in spring, and from seeds 
sown under glass, 

T, Oliveri.—This is a much finer 
and more vigorous plant than 7’. 
dubia, but has no tubers. The 
stems are 30 ft. long, the leaves are 
larger, and the flowers more numerous. 
(Rev. Hort. 1903, 472, f. 194.) 


THOMSONIA (after Dr A. JT. 
Thomson, 1778-1849). Nat. Ord, 

Aroides.—A genus containing only 
two or three species of tuberous- 
rooted stove plants, closely related to 
Amorphophallus and requiring the 
same treatment, The species known 
are T, Hookeri, and T. nepalensis, 
the latter from the Himalayas, hav- 
ing a large tuberous root-stock, an 
annual leaf 2 ft. high, with a trisected 
pinnatifid blade 2 ft. across, and an 
erect scape 4 ft. high, bearing a 
greenish-yellow boat-shaped spathe 
nearly a foot long, and an erect 
yellow spadix nearly as long as the 
spathe, (Dot. Mag. t. 7342.) 

TIGRIDIA (tigris, a tiger; evdos, 
like; in reference to the spotted 
flowers), TicER Firowrer. Nat. Ord. 

Fic. 321.—Tigridia, bulb and section. 

Tridee.—A genus containing about 
ten species of herbaceous plants, 
with ovoid bulb-like corms covered 
with brown and membranous coats, 
and having plaited leaves, and more 
or less heavily spotted cup-like Howers, 
with three broad outer petals and 
three much smaller inner ones, Fila- 
ments united to the top in a long 
cylindrical column. 

The Tiger Howers, being mostly 



natives of Mexico and Peru, are not 
strictly hardy in the British Islands. 
They may, however, be grown with 
considerable success south of the 
Thames, and in all favoured localities 
in the open air; and the bulbs may 
be even left in the ground during 
the winter months if protected from 
severe frosts and cold drenching 
rains, They may be planted out in 
April or May, 3 to 6 ins, deep, on 
a south border made up of rich 
sandy loam, and leaf-mould or well- 
rotted manure. The plants like 

Fic. 322.—Tigridia Povonia, var. (3.) 

plenty of moisture during the 
summer months when in full growth, 
and enjoy a good mulching or top- 
dressing of old cow-manure which 
keeps the soil damp during hot 
seasons, Occasional waterings with 
liquid manure, especially when the 
plants are coming into blossom, will 
impart vigour to the trusses and 
brilliancy to the flowers. The 



simplest way to increase the stock 
is to detach offsets when lifting the 
bulbs in autumn, or when replanting 
in spring. When the bulbs are taken 
up at the end of the flowering season, 
they should be stored in sand, dry 
soil, or coco-nut fibre, and kept in a 
frost-proof place. 

Notwithstanding the somewhat 
fleeting character of the individual 
blossoms, the Tiger flowers if planted 
in bold masses make a brilliant and 
rather unique display of colour, and 
the quaint structure and markings 
of the {lowers always attract attention. 
Each day sees a fresh supply of 
blossoms taking the place of those 
that have already faded. Some of 
the species mentioned below are 
best grown in frames or greenhouses, 
and these are specially noted, as well 
as those species natives of Peru. 

T. atrata.—A Mexican species 
about 2 ft. high, with lance-shaped 
plaited leaves, and purple-brown 
flowers with green claws. 

T, buccifera.—This species grows 
about a foot high, and has yellowish- 
green flowers, spotted with purple at 
the base, the three outer oboval seg- 
ments being also purple (Gard. and 
For, 1889, f. 125). Frame or green- 

T, curvata.—A little-known species, 
about a foot high, with yellowish 
flowers spotted with purple, the 
narrower inner segments being 
reddish-brown, the claw being dotted 
with blackish purple. Frame or 

T, lutea.—A Peruvian species, 
under a foot high, having sweet- 
scented pale yellow flowers obscurely 
spotted (Bot. Mag. t. 6295). 

T Meleagris (Hydrotenia Mele- 
agris).—A distinct-looking species, 
1 to 14 ft. high, remarkable for hav- 
ing a cluster of several flowers 
emerging from the spathe. These 



are drooping, broadly bell-shaped, 
purplish edged with yellow, and 
spotted with purple. (Bot. Reg. 
XXviii. t. 39.) 

T, Pavonia (Ferraria Pavonia; F. 
Tigridia)—This is the well-known 
“Peacock Tiger Flower” of Mexico. 
It has forked leafy stems 1 to 2 
ft, high, plaited leaves 12 to 18 ins, 
long, and flowers about 6 ins. across, 
the outer segments being violet at 
the base, scarlet at the tips, and with 
zones of yellow blotched with purple. 
(Bot. Mag. t. 5382; Red. Lil. t. 6; 
And, Bot, Rep, t. 178.) 

There are several varieties, the 
best being alba, pure white spotted 
with purple; aurea, yellow ; conchi- 
Jlora, yellow blotched with purple ; 
grandiflora, a fine large - Howered 
form; and several others differing 
merely in shades of colour. 

T. Pringlei.—This grows 1 to 2 ft. 
high, and has winged, plaited leaves, 
and shallow cup-like flowers of a 
brilliant scarlet blotched with 
crimson (Bot. Mag. t. 7089). Frame 
or greenhouse. 

T, Van Houttei.—This grows 2 to 
3 ft, high, and produces bell-shaped 
yellow flowers, having a large purple 
blotch at the base of the outer seg- 
segments (Jl, d. Serr. t. 2174). 

T, violacea.—This has forked 
branches about a foot high, and 
narrow leaves about a foot long. 
The drooping flowers are violet, the 
outer petals being rosy-purple, with 
a white claw spotted with purple. 
(Bot. Mag. t. 7356; £1, d. Serr. 
t. 998.) 

TRICHOPUS (érichos, a hair; pus, 
a foot ; in reference to slender stems). 
Nat. Ord. Dioscoreaceze—The only 
species: is—- 

T, zeylanicus, a native of India 
and Ceylon, being a dwarf plant with 
a woody root-stock from which arise 



numerous short wiry three-angled 
stems, each bearing a heart-shaped 
lanceolate leaf 2% ins. long, and 
several star-shaped purple flowers on 
slender stalks, The fruits are three- 
angled, winged. (/ot. Mag. t. 7350.) 
This plant may be grown in rich 
loamy soil in the stove house. 

TRICYRTIS (trevs, three; hyrtos, 
convex, gibbous; alluding to the 
three outer segments of the perianth 
having sac-like bases). Nat. Ord. 
Liliaceze.—A small genus of perennial ' 
plants with short creeping root-stocks, 
and tall stems furnished with ovate or 
oblong, nearly stalkless and stem- 
clasping leaves. The bell-shaped 
flowers have six lance-shaped seg- 
ments, the three outer ones of which 
are saccate at the base. The fila- 
ments of the six stamens unite into 
a tube around the ovary. 

The members of this genus are 
distinct and ornamental plants, but 
not very well known in gardens 

generally. They are quite hardy, but 

unfortunately often flower so late in 
the season that the early frosts play 
havoc with the blossoms. To avoid 
this, especially in northern localities, 
the plants may be grown in cold 
frames or greenhouses. Propagation 
is effected by careful division of the 
root-stocks in spring. Seeds may 
also be sown when obtainable. 

T, hirta.—This handsome plant is 
known as the “Japanese Toad Lily.” 
It has softly hairy stems 1 to 3 ft. 
high, and alternate lance - shaped 
stem-clasping leaves 4 to 6 ins. long, 
arranged in two almost opposite 
rows. The beautiful white flowers, 
heavily spotted with violet or purple, 
appear from August to October at 
the ends of the shoots and in the 
axils of the upper leaves. (Bot. 
Mag. t. 5355.) 

The variety migra has velvety 



blackish blotches on the flowers, and 
these generally appear earlier than 
those of the type. 

T, macropoda,—A native of China 
and Japan, 2 to 8 ft. high, having 
oblong, pointed leaves 4 to 5 ins. 
long, smooth above, downy beneath, 
and pale purple flowers in autumn 
spotted with blackish - purple (Bot. 
Mag. t. 6544; Gartenfl. t. 313), The 
variety known as albostriata has 
variegated leaves. 

T. pilosa, — A hairy Himalayan 
species 2 to 4 ft. high, with stem- 
clasping leaves 4 to 6 ins. long. The 
whitish flowers, with large deep 
purple spots appear somewhat earlier 
than those of the other species. 
(Bot. Mag. t. 4955; Fl. d. Serr. t. 

TRILLIUM (ériliz, triple; the 
leaves and parts of the flower being 
in threes), Nat. Ord. Liliaceze.—A 
genus of herbaceous perennials, 
having short thick root-stocks, and 
being remarkable for having the 
leaves and flowers arranged in threes, 
Such popular names as “American 
Wood Lily,” “Indian Shamrock,” and 
“Three -leaved Nightshade” have 
been applied to different species. 

The Wood Lilies—as the Trilliums 
are generally called in England—are 
excellent plants for partially shaded 
spots in the rock-garden, or in the 
flower-border. They flourish in a 
deep well - drained peaty soil that 
holds sufficient moisture for their 
roots during the summer months. 
To obtain fresh plants, the root-stocks 
may be carefully divided in autumn 
or early spring, but it is better to 
leave the plants undisturbed when 
once nicely established. They are 
all natives of N, America. 

T, cernuum,—This species grows 
about 18 ins. high, and has broadly 
rhomboidal leaves 2 to 6 ins, long. 



The drooping white flowers appear 
in April and May. (Bot, Mag. t. 

T, erectum (7’. fotidum). — This 
grows about a foot high, and is 
remarkable for its dark purple nasty- 
smelling flowers which appear in May 
(Bot, Mag. t. 470). In the variety 
album, the flowers are white ; and in 
ochroleucum, yellowish - white (Bot. 
Mag. t. 3250, as viridiflorum). The 
variety declinatum has white or 
pinkish flowers, and atropurpureum 
is a strong grower with deep reddish- 
crimson or plum-coloured flowers. 

T, erythrocarpum.—This is popu- 
larly known as the “ Painted Wood 
Lily,” owing to the white flowers, 
which appear in April and May 
being striped with purple at the 
base (Bot. Mag. t. 3002). It is best 
to plant this rather shy species in 
damp peaty soil in semi-shaded spots. 

T, grandiflorum.— The Wake 
Robin. A fine free-growing species 

Fic. 823.—Trillium grandiflorum. (%.) 
1 to 14 ft. high, having leaves 3 to 5 
ins. long, and pure white flowers about 
3 ins. across in May (Bot. Mag. t. 855, 
431 ; 


as T. erythrocarpum ; Garden, 1891, t. 
821; Gartenfl. t. 575; Fl. d. Serr. 
t. 991). This is the very best species 
from a garden point of view. There 
are several forms, one being flushed 
with rose or pink, called rosewm. 

T, nivale, — This charming little 
species grows 3 to 4 ins. high, and 
has oblong almost stalkless leaves, 

Fic. 824.—Trillium nivale. 

and pure white flowers about 2 ins. 
across, in April and May (Bot. May. 
t. 6449). 

T, obovatum.—This is apparently 
a form of 7’. erectum, having white 
flowers fading to pink. 

T, recurvatum,—Somewhat similar 
to J. sessile, having dusky purple- 
brown flowers. 

T, sessile.—This species grows from 
6 to 12 ins. high, has stalkless, 
broadly oval leaves mottled with 
light and dark green, and deep purple 
flowers (Bot. Mag. t. 40; Fl. d. Serr. 
t. 2311). 

The variety californicum is more 
robust and has larger flowers. 7’. 
discolor with deep purple flowers 
(Bot. Mag. t. 3097) is considered by 



Sereno Watson to be identical with 
T. sessile Wrayr. 

Fic. 325.~Trillium sessile californicum. 


Fic. 326.—Trillium stylosum. 

T, stylosum (7. Catesbei; T. 
nervosum).—Lhis species, 1 to 14 ft, 



high, with oval or oblong pointed 
leaves, produces its pink tinted 
flowers in April and May, and is 
remarkable for having the three 
styles united from the base to the 

TRITELEIA (treis, three; teleios, 
complete ; in allusion to the perfect 
ternary arrangement of the flowers 
and seed-pods). Nat. Ord. Liliaceze.— 
The species formerly known, and 
still known in gardens under this 
name, are now referred to the genus 
Brop1r#a—which see, p. 113. 

TRITONIA (triton, a weathercock ; 
in allusion to the variable direction 

Fic. 327.—Tritonia, showing corms and 
rhizomes. (4.) 

of the stamens). Nat. Ord. Irideze.— 
A genus of 8, African plants, having 
fibrous-coated corms, narrow sword- 
like leaves, and flowers in gracefully 
arching spikes. The plants so well 
known in gardens under the name of 
MonrsrEetia are now referred to 
this genus, 




Being natives of S. Africa, these 
plants are not considered sufficiently 
hardy for open-air culture, except in 
the very mildest parts of the Kingdom. 
They are, however, easily grown in 
cold frames and greenhouses, and in 
all except the bleakest spots, they 
may be grown with fair success in 
open sunny borders during the 
summer months. They like a com- 
post of rich loam, leaf-soil, or peat in 
about equal proportions, and during 
growth plenty of moisture at the 
roots. In the autumn the corms 
should be lifted when the leaves 
have turned yellow, and stored in a 
frost - proof place till the end of 
March or April. The best method 
of increasing the stock is by offsets. 
Seeds, however, may be sown when 
thoroughly ripe, or in spring, by those 
who have patience enough to wait 
a few years for flowering-size corms 
to develop. 

T, Clusiana.—This is a species about 
1 ft. high, which seems to form a link 
between Tritonia and Antholyza, the 
flowers being hooded as in those of 
the last-named genus (Guard. Chron. 
1905, xxviii. 269). 

T. crocata (Ixia crocata).—A fine 
species about 2 ft. high, having a 
two-ranked spike of saffron or orange- 
yellow bell-shaped flowers in June 
and July. In some forms the flowers 
are spotted with red, yellow, or 
brown (Bot, Mag. tt. 185, 184). The 
variety miniata has scarlet flowers 
(Bot. Mag. t. 609). T. deusta differs 
only in having a purple-black blotch 
on the claw of the three outer 
segments (Bot. Mag. t. 622), 

T, crocosmizefiora (Montbretia 
aureo-Potisi)—This is a fine garden 
hybrid between 7. Pottst and 
Crocosma aurea (see p. 164). It 
resembles a Gladiolus in growth, 
being 2 to 24 ft. high, About July 
it produces masses of bright orange- 


scarlet funnel - shaped flowers on 
branched leafy stems, which are very 
useful for cutting. There are now 

Fic. 328.—Tritonia crocosmicflora. (4.) 

many splendid garden varieties all 
worthy of a place in the outdoor 
garden. Amongst the best are— 

Cresus, large yellow; Dzadem, 
rich dark orange petals zoned with 
a broad maroon ring around the 
clear yellow eye; Htowle de Feu, deep 
orange-red ; Gerbe d'or, rich golden 
yellow; Germania, rich orange 
flowers ; Le Pactole, large deep yellow 
flowers 3 ins. across ; Lutetva, elegant 
flowers of a ruddy tint; Martagon, 
deep orange reflexed flowers with 
orange-red throat; Messidor, soft 
yellow flowers on tall much-branched 
stems ; Prometheus, large flowers 3 
ins, in diameter, deep orange, touched 
with orange - red around the eye; 
Solfaterre, chrome yellow; Sunbeam, 
clear yellow, rayed with deep orange- 



T, flava,—F lowers yellow, cylindri- 
cal (Bot. Reg. t. 747). 

T, hyalina (7. fenestrata).—A rather 
tender species with pinkish flowers 
(Bot, Mag. t. 704). 

T, lineata (Gladiolus lineatus).— 
This species has white-edged leaves 
and straw-yellow flowers veined and 
washed with orange (Bot. Mag. t. 
487; Fed. Lil, tt. 55, 400). 

T, Pottsi (Montbretia Pottst)—A 
fine species 3 to 4 ft. high, with sword- 

Fia. 829.—Tritonia Potisi. (§.) 

like leaves 14 to 2 ft. long, and 
gracefully nodding spikes of bright 
yellow funnel-shaped flowers suffused 
with red (Bot. Mag. t. 6722). There 
are several fine forms, amongst the 
best being grandiflora, with orange- 
red flowers; Goldmine, reddish- 
scarlet. Indeed the forms of JZ. 
Pottsi and J, crocosmicfiora are now 
becoming confused, and are apparently 
referred to under either name. 

Other species of Tritonia, chiefly of 
botanical interest only, are T. rosea, 
pink (Bot. Mag. t. 7280) ; T. scillaris, 
reddish, fading to white (Bot. Mag. 
t. 629) ; T. securigera, brownish (Red. 
Inl, t. 53; Bot, Mag. t. 888); T. 



squalida, brownish (Bot, Mag. t. 581) ; 
and T. undulata, red, varying to white 
and blue (Bot. Mag. t. 599). 

TROPAZOLUM (tropaion, a trophy ; 
the leaves resemble a buckler, and 
the flowers a helmet). Nat. Ord. 
Geraniaceze.—Out of the thirty-five 
species in this genus there are several 
with tuberous root-stocks, the best- 
known being mentioned below. The 
stems of most species are more or 
less climbing or rambling, and bear 
leaves more or less lobed and not so 
round as in‘such well-known kinds 
as the large and small Indian Cress 
(7. majus and T. minus), They are 
all easily recognised, not only by the 
lobed or unlobed peliate leaves, but 
also by the irregular flowers composed 
of five petals, often hairy at the base, 
by the eight free stamens, and the 
three-lobed capsule. Some of the 
species described below are more 
tender than others, and can only be 
regarded as hardy in the mildest 
parts of the Kingdom. They may, 
however, be grown in warm sheltered 
spots, and in well-drained sandy soil 
into which some leaf-mould or well- 
decayed manure has been dug. In 
bleak localities the tuberous roots 

should be covered with a layer of. 

litter or bracken in winter as a 
protection against severe frosts. 

T, azureum.— A beautiful but 
rather tender Chilian species with 
roundish tubers, slender stems 3 to 
6 ft. long, small irregularly five-lobed 
leaves,-and blue flowers with five 
bilobed petals (Bot. Reg, xxviii. t. 65). 

T, Beuthi—A native of Bolivia, 
with tuberous root-stocks, roundish 
leaves divided into five to six oboval 
lobes, and yellow flowers in June and 
July. Rather tender. 

T, brachyceras,—This Chilian plant 
has the leaves divided into six to 
seven lobes, and yellow flowers with 



a short spur (Bot, Mag. t. 3851; Bot, 
Reg. t. 1926; Fl. d. Serr. t. 368). A 
tender plant best grown in a green- 

T, edule.—A Chilian species closely 
related to 7. polyphyllum, having 
leaves divided into six oblong, lance- 
shaped lobes, and orange - yellow 
flowers with a tapering spur (Maund. 
Bot. t. 248; Paxt. Mag. Bot. ix. t. 

T. Leichtlini,—This is a fine hybrid 
between 7. polyphyllum and T. edule. 
It has tubers about the size of a small 
potato, grey-green leaves deeply cut 
into narrow lobes, and producing in 
May and June numerous bright 
orange-yellow {lowers spotted with: 
red. (Rev, Hort. 1897, t. 400.) 

T, Moritzianum.—A beautiful plant 
from Caracas, having large tuberous 
roots, long-stalked peltate leaves 4 to 
6 ins. across, and bright yellow and 
orange flowers in July, the upper 
ciliated petals being veined with 
deep red (Bot. Mag. t. 3844; Past, 
Mag. Bot. viii. t. 199). It is safer 
to grow this in a frame or greenhouse 
in most places. 

T, pentaphyllum,—A native of 
Buenos Ayres, having roundish 
brown - skinned tubers, slightly 
twisted and branched purplish stems, 
and leaves palmately cut into five 
oblong lobes, The flowers appear in 
June and July, and are bright ver- 
milion, the sepals being purple. (Bot. 
Mag. t. 3190.) 

T, polyphyllum.—A free-growing 
Chilian species, with trailing stems 
3 to 4 ft. long, well furnished with 
grey-green leaves cut into about eight 
obovate lance-shaped lobes. The 
bright yellow flowers appear in June 
and July, the two broader petals 
being spotted with red. The tubers 
are oblong, with dark red skin, (Bot. 
Mag. t. 4042; Fl. d. Serr. t. 2066 ; 
Past, Mag, Bot, x, t, 175.) 



T, speciosum,—This fine Chilian 
climber, popularly known as the 
“Flame Nasturtium,” has pear- 
shaped tubers, hairy stems, and six- 
lobed almost peltate leaves. The 
bright scarlet flowers are borne in 
great profusion from June to October 
in localities where the plants flourish, 
the upper petals being heart- or 
wedge-shaped, the lower ones rounded 
and the spur long. (Bot. Mag. t. 
4323 ; Il. d. Serr. t, 281.) 


Fia. 330.—Tropeolum speciosum. 

This species does not grow equally 
well in all places—chiefly perhaps 
because it is coddled too much. It 
likes a deep soil composed of loam, 
leaf-soil, and sand, to which a little 
well-rotted manure may be added. 
Very hot scorching positions should 
be avoided. Cool shady spots facing 
between north-east and north-west, 
and under walls, bushes, or hedges 
are best. The tubers should be 
planted in April or May, 4 to 6 ins. 
deep, and left to look after them- 

jT, tricolorum, — Another pretty 
Chilian species with small, roundish, 
brown-skinned tubers, trailing stems 
with leaves cut into five to six 
oblong lobes, and flowers having 
small orange-yellow petals, and a 
fiery scarlet calyx (Bot. Mag. t. 
3169; J7. d. Serr. tt. 369, 1881). 
There is a fine variety called grandt- 
florum, with larger flowers and a 
more vigorous habit, Greenhouse or 




T, tuberosum,—A Peruvian species 
with yellowish tubers tinged with 
carmine, from which arise stems 3 to 
6 ft. long, bearing leaves divided into 
five lobes. The flowers appear from 
July to September, the calyx being 
deep red, and the petals golden-yellow 
with dark-coloured veins. (Bot. Mag. 
t. 3714; Fl. d. Serr. t, 452.) 

T, umbellatum,—This Peruvian 
species is remarkable for its large 
tubers, which in a native condition 
often weigh from 2% to 5 lbs. The 
zigzag climbing stems bear palmately 
five-lobed leaves, and the red and 
orange flowers are borne in umbels 
at the ends of the shoots, (Bot. 
Mag. t. 4887; Fl. d. Serr. t. 302.) 
Frame or greenhouse. 

T, violzflorum,—A distinct and 
handsome Chilian species, having 
leaves deeply cut into five more or 
less bluntly lance-shaped lobes, and 
flowers of sky-blue becoming paler 
with age (Bot. Mag. t. 3985, as 7. 
azureum), Frame or greenhouse. 

TULBAGHIA (after Governor 7ul- 
bagh (d. 1771) of S, Africa), Nat. Ord. 
Liliaceze.—A_ genus containing about 
a dozen species of garlic-smelling 
herbaceous plants with rhizomatous 
root - stocks, narrow strap - shaped 
leaves, and more or less urn-shaped 
flowers in umbels, 

The Tulbaghias are easily grown in 
a cold frame or ‘greenhouse, and if 
massed in pots or pans are fairly 
attractive when in flower. They 
like a well-drained compost of 
sandy loam and peat or leaf-soil in 
equal proportions, and may be 
increased by offsets or seeds, 

All the species are natives of 8. 
Africa, the following being best 
known :— 

T. alliacea.— Flowers greenish- 
purple with a reddish corona, four to 
five in an umbel on stems 9 to 18 ins, 



high (Ref. Bot. t. 349; Bot, Mag. t. 

T. capensis, — Flowers greenish - 
purple, with an obscure purplish 
deeply-cleft corona, borne in umbels 
of six to eight on stems 14 to 2 ft. 
high in June (Bot, Mag. t. 806, as 7’. 

T, natalensis, — This is closely 
related to TZ. alliacea, but has 
greenish-white fragrant flowers. 

T, Simmleri,—This has ovoid bulbs, 
strap-shaped bluntish leaves, and 
small rosy flowers. 

T, violacea,—F lowers violet-purple, 
with a ligulate corona, From eight 
to twenty flowers are borne in an 
umbel about March and April on 
stems 1 to 2 ft. high (Bot. Mag. t. 

TULIPA (said to be from the 
Turkish word tulbend, a turban; in 
reference to the shape of the flowers ; 
or derived from the Persian name, 
thoulyban). Nat. Ord. Liliaceze,—A 
genus of beautiful herbaceous plants, 
having tunicated brown - skinned 
bulbs, broadish grey-green leaves, 
and erect scapes usually ending in 
one, but sometimes two or three to 
seven bell-shaped or cup-like flowers, 
having six distinct and _ highly 
coloured petals. 

With the possible exception of the 
Daffodil, there is no bulbous plant 
grown in so many hundreds of 
thousands as the Tulip. It has been 
cultivated for generations, and at the 
present day is probably more popular 
than ever. This is the case not only 
in the British Islands, and on the 
Continent, but also in America, 
whither hundreds of thousands of 
bulbs are now exported annually 
from Europe. The kinds grown so 
largely are all seedling generations of 
the progeny of 7’. Gesneriana, which 
was introduced from the Levant in 



1577, and two years later was brought 
from Constantinople to Augsburg by 
Conrad Gesner. Some years previous 
(in 1554) Busbecq, the Flemish 
diplomatist, admired the Tulips in 
the Turkish gardens, and it was no 
doubt through his agency they first 
became known in Western Europe. 

The garden varieties are almost 
innumerable, and many square miles 
are devoted to their culture in 
Holland. There is no reason, how- 
ever, why Tulips should not be 
grown commercially in parts of 
England and Ireland in hundreds 
of thousands, and experience has 
proved that excellent bulbs can be 
secured by attention to cultural 

The soil of Guernsey, and probably 
that of Jersey also, is specially 
adapted for the cultivation of Tulips, 
Daffodils, Gladiolus, etc., in enormous 
quantities, and many growers are 
already aware of this fact. 

It must be a poor soil indeed, in 
which Tulips will not grow. Any 
garden soil that has been deeply 
dug, and contains a fair amount of 
humus (well-decayed manure or leaf- 
mould), will yield good results. The 
great point is to avoid stagnant 
moisture, and this can easily be done 
by deep cultivation, On the whole 
a rich sandy loam may be looked 
upon as the ideal one for Tulips. 

For open-air culture, the best time 
to plant the bulbs is at the end of 
August or September and during 
October and November, each bulb 
being placed about 6 ins, deep in the 
soil, and about the same distance 
apart. To secure a uniform ‘depth 
of planting a bluntish dibber may 
be used, the proper depth at which it 
is to be pushed into the soil being 
marked on it. 

As there are early, mid-season, and 
late-flowering varieties, and as each 



group differs a good deal in height 
and colour, better effects, as a rule, 
are obtained by planting one or at 
most two varieties in the same bed. 
If all kinds are mixed together, the 
result will be disappointing in formal 
‘ beds. In the mixed flower-border, 
however, there is no reason why 
mixtures should not be planted in 
vacant spaces, and thus avoid the 
formality of geometrical beds. 

As a rule, warm, open situations 
sheltered from bleak winds are best 
for outdoor Tulips. They do not like 
being under low-growing evergreen 
trees or bushes, or under walls, or in 
deep shade. They are children of the 
vernal sun, and will display their 
brilliant colours under its rays to the 
best advantage. 

In conjunction with Tulips, such 
spring - flowering plants as Poly- 
anthuses, Forget-me-Nots, Wall- 
flowers, Pansies, and Violas, Prim- 
roses, Mossy Saxifrages, Silene 
compacta, Double White Arabis, 
Yellow Alyssum, and Aubrietias— 
commonly known as Purple Rock 
Cress—may be planted in autumn 
over the Tulips and between the 
rows. Jn this way a beautiful effect 
of colour with one combination or 
another may be secured in spring. 
The only thing to bear in mind is not 
to have two nearly similar colours in 
the same bed. Thus Yellow Alyssum 
would not look so well under yellow 
Tulips as it would under red, white, 
or purple ones, and so on with the 
other plants mentioned. 

In the early summer, when the 
Tulip leaves have withered, the 
bulbs may be lifted, cleaned, and 
stored in a cool, open, airy place until 
planting -time again comes round. 
The best or first size bulbs should be 
kept separate from the offsets of 
second size ones, and the still smaller 
offsets or spawn should be kept also 



distinct from the others. It is not 
essential to lift Tulips in this way, 
but it is generally better to do so. 


Fic. 331.—Tulip, section of bulk showing (a) 
flower-stem which has absorbed old bulb; 
and (b) the new bulbs forming as a result 
of the aérial leaf-action. 

It may perhaps be well to mention 
that the bulbs taken out of the 
ground in spring or early summer, 
are not the ones that were planted 
the previous autumn, They are 
quite new, and the fact that they 
develop so well in British gardens, 
notwithstanding our peculiar winters, 
is another argument in favour of 
their cultivation. The sketch (Fig. 
331) shows how the flower-stem 
absorbs the bulb that is planted, 
while new bulbs for the following 
season are developed during the 
growing season. 

Garden Tulips may be divided into 
groups as follows :— 

I.—Earty anp Beppine TULIPS. 
This popular group has _ been 
derived chiefly from T, suaveolens, 



a sweet-scented species from S. 
Russia. The varieties have been 
grouped according to their predomin- 
ating colour, after the system:adopted 
by the author in his Practical Guide 
to Garden Plants. 

(a) Single - Flowering Early Tulips. 
Scarlet, Rose, Crimson, and Pink 
shades. — Adelaine, Artus, Bacchus, 
Belle Alliance, Couleur de Cardinal, 
Crimson King (Rot Cramoist), De 
Keyzer, Duc van Thol (scarlet, rose, and 
crimson shades), Dusart, Jules Janin, 
La Riante, Le Matelas, Maas, Mir- 
anda, Pottebakker (scarlet), Princess 
Wilhelmina, Proserpine, Rachel 
Ruisch, Rembrandt, Rosamunds Huyk- 
man, Rose Aplatie, Rose Brillante, 
Rose Luisante, Rose de Provence, Rose 
Gris de lin, Rose Queen, Rose Tendre, 
Samson, Scarlet Beauty, Stanley 
(Cramoisie pourpre), Van Berghem, 
Vermilion Brilliant, Vesuvius, 

Orange, Brownish, and Terra Cotta 
shades.—Cardinal’s Hat, Command- 
ant, Duc van Thol (orange), Leonardo 
da Vinci, Prince of Austria, Thomas 

Yellow shades. — Bouton dOr, 
California, Canary Bird, Chrysolora, 
Due POrange, Gold Finch, Golden 
Crown, King of the Yellows, Mon 
Trésor, Ophir dWOr, Pottebakker, 
Prince de Ligny, Yellow Prince. ~ 

White, or Blush.—Albion (White 
Hawk), Alba regalis, Comte de Mura- 
beau, Grootmerster van Maltha, Jacht 
van Delft, Jacoba van Beyeren (White 
Swan), Jan Steen, Joost van Vondel, 
La Laitiére, La Reine, L’Immaculée, 
Nelly, Pax alba, Pigeon, Pottebakker, 
Princess Marianne, White Swan. 

Purple and Violet shades.—H/eo- 
nora, Moliére, Paul Moreelse, Potter, 
Purple Crown, Vander Neer, Wouver- 
man, Queen of the Violets (President 

Shades of Red, Rose, Pink, or 



Violet, and White.—Admiral Reinier, 
Alida Maria, Belle Lisette, Bride of 
Haarlem, Cerise Gris de lin, Cameleon, 
Cottage Mad, Couleur ponceau, 
Donna Maria, Globe de Rigaut, Joost 
van Vondel, Roi Pepin, Spaandonk, 
Standard Royal (silver), Wapen van 
Leiden, Zomerschoon. 

Red and Yellow.—Brutus, Duc de 
Berlin, Duchesse de Parma, Due 
Major, Keizerskroon (Grand Duc), 
Standard Royal (golden), 

(b) Double-Flowering Tulips, 

(Those marked with an asterisk (*) 
are late-flowering.) 

Scarlet and Crimson shades,— 
Agnes, Imperator Rubrorum, Lady 
Grandisson, Le Matador, *Paony Red, 
Rea Rubrorum, Rose Crown, Rubra 

Pink and Rose shades.—Arabella, 
Couronne des Roses, Le Blason, 
Lucretia, Murillo, Raphael, Rose 
@ Amour, Salvator Rosa. 

White.—* Alba maxima, Blanche 
hdtive, Grand Vainqueur, La Can- 
deur, Rose Blanche, Murillo. 

Red and Yellow.—Duc de Bor- 
deaux, Duc van Thol, Gloria Solis, 
Helianthus, *Peony Gold, Regina 
Rubrorum, Titian, Tournesol, Velvet 
Gem, Princess Alewandra, 

Orange or Yellow shades,— 
Couronne @Or, Tournesol, Leonardo 
du Viner, *Yellow Rose. 

Various shades.— Bakker or Brown 
Tournesol (brown and_ yellow ), 
Cousine and Turban Violet (violet), 
Duke of York (carmine and white), 
Gris de lin pale (violet and white), 
Purple Crown (deep purple), Queen 
Victoria (purple-red), Rosine (semi- 
double pink), Welhelm ILI. (orange- 
scarlet), Blue Flag (violet-blue), *Za 
Belle Alliance (blue and white), 
* Rhinoceros (rosy-violet). 

White, with Red, Crimson, etc., 



shades.—*Couronne impériale, Glori- 
osa, Hercules, Mariage de ma fille. 

II.—Darwin Tuuirs. 

This name was first given to an 
apparently new race of Tulips in the 
year 1889—just eighty years after 
the birth of the famous naturalist, 
and no doubt in compliment to him, 
as showing the mysterious powers of 
the laws of evolution. These Darwin 
Tulips are really self-coloured forms 
of 7. Gesneriana, and may be placed 
in the same category as the “ Breeder ” 
or “Mother” Tulips from which the 
“Florists’” Tulips eventually break or 
rectify. The flowers are large and 
deeply cup-shaped, and are borne on 
stout and sturdy stems 1} to 2 ft. or 
more high. The blossoms appear in 
May and last into June, and when- 
the bulbs have been planted in bold 
masses, there is nothing so effective 
in the garden in the early summer 
than the Darwin Tulips. As cut 
flowers they are also excellent, lasting 
several days fresh in water. As to 
colours, all shades except real blue 
and yellow are represented, from 
creamy-white through shades of pink, 
rose, cerise, scarlet, vermilion, maroon, 
mauve, apricot, to deep purple and 
violet, and almost glossy purple-black. 
The predominating colour is usually 
toned down or up with shades of 
another, the edges of the petals being 
often paler incolour. There are many 
varieties with names of more or less 
fleeting popularity, but the older 
ones are constantly dropping out, 
being replaced by new ones. To 
secure a collection of modern varieties, 
the reader is therefore advised to 
consult a current bulb catalogue. 

What are now known as “Rem- 
brandt” Tulips are broken or 
rectified Darwin Tulips, somewhat 
resembling the Bybloemens. The 
petals, however, are not so feathered 



and finely striped, but the combination 
of colours is very charming. Names, 
of course, have been given to some 
of the best, but they are likely to 
be of only fleeting interest. The 
reader should therefore consult a 
current bulb catalogue for the latest 

Forcrne Tuiies.—During the win- 
ter months several varieties of Tulip 
are forced into early blossom in hot- 
houses and warm greenhouses. The 
bulbs are potted up in the autumn, 
or placed in boxes, and covered with 
a few inches of soil, About the end 
of November some of the earlier 
kinds, like the Scarlet Duc Van Thol, 
are first brought in to the heated 
houses, but after Christmas until the 
end of February and March, other 
varieties are also used. Besides the 
Due Van Thol, other sorts for forcing 
are:—Canary Bird, Chrysolora, 
Duchess of Parma, Golden Prince, 
Joost van Vondel, La Reine, Potte- 
bakker, Rose Gris de Lin, amongst 
the singles, and La Candeur, Murillo, 
Rea Rubrorum, etc, amongst the 

TII.—Ftorists’ on Enciise Tuuips, 

What are technically known as 
“Florists’” Tulips are quite distinct 
in a way from the other groups, such 
as the Bedding, the Darwin, and the 
Parrot Tulips, The bulbs are much 
dearer, and are grown only by a small 
but enthusiastic band composing the 
National Tulip Society. Many years 
ago the Florists’ Tulip was very 
popular in England, “and almost 
every village had its Tulip Society. 
Now, however, there are very few 
who retain the old love for producing 
this particular class of Tulip, and 
they are mostly confined to Lan- 
cashire, Yorkshire, and Notts,” 

The late Rev. F. D. Horner, a 
successful and enthusiastic cultivator, 



has defined a good Florists’ Tulip as 
one having a round cup-shaped flower, 
with a good shoulder, and petals level 
at the top, neither reflexing outwards, 
nor curving inwards at their upper 
edges. The base of the cup inside 
must be white or yellow, according 
to the class, and free from any stain ; 
and the filaments, upon which six 
bold black anthers stand, must be 
pure as the ground colour. The 
petals should be smooth on the edge 
and of good substance, that their 
colours may appear dense, and the 
flower keep its shape. Breadth of 
petal is a most valuable property, 
otherwise the flower, as it expands 
and grows, would show strips of 
daylight through the base of the 
cup, a deadly fault known technically 
as “quartering.” (Practical Guide to 
Garden Plants.) 

These Florists’ Tulips are originally 
raised from seed, and at the end of 
from four to seven years the first 
flowers appear. These are always of 
one colour, although the seeds from 
which they were raised may have 
been ripened in flowers beautifully 
“flamed” and “feathered,” and with 
two or three distinct colours, Such 
seedling Tulips are called “Breeder” 
or “Mother” Tulips, and are similar 
to what are now called “Darwin” 
Tulips. In the course of time the 
uniform colour becomes split up into 
two or more colours. The flowers are 
then said to “break” or “rectify.” 
These “rectified” Tulips are divided 
into two groups. (i.) those having a 
pure white centre, base, or ground, 
the purer the white the better; and 
(ii.) those having a pure yellow one. 
The “white grounds ” are also divided 
into two sections ; (a) Roses, in which 
the flowers may be of delicate pink, 
rose, scarlet, cerise, crimson, and 
intermediate shades ; and (b) Bybla- 
mens, in which the flowers may be 



shades of pale lilac, lavender, violet, 
brown, and black, and the deeper and 
blacker the colours the better. 

The “yellow ground ” Tulips consist 
of one class only, called Bizarres, in 
which the flowers may be orange, 
scarlet, crimson, black, brown, etc. 

All- rectified Tulips, whether Roses, 
Bybloemens, or Bizarres, have the 
petals either “feathered ” or “ flamed.” 

As stated in the Practical Guide to 
Garden Plants, a “feathered” Tulip 
is one in which the colour is beauti- 
fully pencilled and feathered round 
the edges only of each petal, thus 
producing a light and graceful effect. 
When the feathering is broken, 
splashed, or confused, it is a defect, 

A “flamed” Tulip is beautifully 
pencilled like the feathered group, 
but is distinguished from it by 
having strong and brilliant streaks, 
bands, or flames of a distinct colour 
shooting up the centre from near the 
base, and forking out towards each 
feathered edge. The “flaming” and 
“feathering” should be well blended, 
but always leaving the ground colour 
pure and clear between them. 

In each group there are several 
varieties, particulars of which, as to 
shades of colour, may be obtained 
from current catalogues. 

IV.—Parrot oR Dracon TuLirs. 

These curious-looking and remark- 
able Tulips are believed to be derived 
from J. viridiflora, a curious green 
and yellow striped form of Z. Ges- 
nertana. The garden forms have 
brilliant shades of scarlet, and yellow 
mixed with green, slashed and cut 
into all kinds of curious shapes. 
Unfortunately the stalks are rather 
weak, and in windy seasons the 
flowers are much blown about if not 
supported by slender stakes, 

The following are the principal 
varieties: Admiraal van Constante- 



nopel, glossy red, shaded and tipped 
with orange; Aurantiacum, fine 
orange; Café Brulée, dark brown ; 
Couleur de Café (Coffee Colour ), 
brown and deep yellow; Crimson 
Beauty, deep crimson, with black 
markings; Fire King, dark scarlet, 
striped gold; Lutea Major, yellow, 
fine; Perfecta, yellow and scarlet ; 
Rubra et Lutea, red and yellow; 
Rubra Major, scarlet, extra fine, 

V.—NatuRAL Species oF TULIps. 

Besides the garden forms mentioned 
above, some attention has been given 
of late years to the cultivation of 
natural species of Tulips. Some 
kinds like 7. Gesneriana, T. Greigt, 
T. Oculis-Solis, T. macrospeila, T. 
suaveolens, etc., are fairly common, 
but the others are not so well known. 
The short descriptions below will 
serve to identify them. 

T, acuminata (7. cornuta).—A 
curious species of unknown origin, 
easily recognised by its long, narrow- 
pointed segments, the flowers being 
red, yellow, and speckled (Red. Lvl. 
t. 445; Bot. Reg. t. 127). 

T, Alberti.—A native of Turkestan 
about 2 ft. high, with grey-green 
wavy leaves, and orange - scarlet 
flowers 2 ins, deep, faintly blotched 
with reddish-brown (Bot. Mag. t. 
6761; Gartenfi. t. 912). ; 

T, altaica.—A native of the Altai 
Mountains at an elevation of 1000 
to 6000 ft., usually having three 
lance-shaped leaves and carmine-red 
flowers with a yellow centre, borne in 
April on downy stalks 3 to 4 ins. high 
(Gartenfl. t. 942). 

T. australis (7. Breyniana; T. 
Celstana).—A native of’8.W. Europe, 
closely related to our Wild Tulip 7’. 
sylvestris, but readily distinguished 
by its dwarf habit, star-shaped yellow 
flowers flushed with red, and broad 



and somewhat rellexed leaves (Bot. 
Mag. t. 717; Red. Lil, t. 38). 7. 
triphylla, from Turkestan, with 
greenish - yellow flowers, is closely 
related, as is also 7. humilis, from 
Persia, with pale yellow flowers tinged 
with red outside. 

T, Batalini—A dwarf species from 
Buchara, 4 to 8 ins. high, with 
prostrate leaves and creamy-yellow, 

Fic. 382.—Tulipa Batalini. (4.) 

flowers about 3 ins. deep, having a 
thin line of red or crimson on the 
extreme edge of the petals (Gartenft. 
t. 1807; Gard. Chron. June 1896, 
759, f.). 

T, biflora,—A Caucasian Tulip, 
chiefly remarkable for producing 
clusters of two to five creamy-white 
flowers with a yellow centre and 
tinged with green outside, on a stalk 
3 to 6 ins. long (Bot. Mag. t. 6518; . 
Bot. Reg. t. 535; Gartenfl, t. 239). 

T, Billietiana.—A native of the 
Swiss Alps, with oval lance-shaped 



wavy leaves and bright yellow 
flowers tinged with orange-red (Bot. 
Mag. t. 7253). 

T, Borszezowi (pronounced “ Bor- 
shovi”).—A native of Central Asia, 
about 1 ft. high, with handsome 
flowers remarkable for having the 
three inner petals of a bright golden- 
yellow on both sides, while the three 
outer petals are yellow inside, but 
bright red outside with a distinct 
yellow edging (Bot. Mag. t. 6635; 
Gartenjl, t. 1175). There is a yellow 
form without any blotches at the 

T,. brachystemon.—This species 
from Turkestan is close to 7’. Kessel- 
ring, but has smaller yellow flowers 
with more pointed petals (Gartenji. 
t. 1099, f. 2). 

T chrysantha.—A distinct species 
from Persia and Western Asia. It 
has small yellow flowers, and wavy 
leaves with cartilaginous margins. 

T, Clusiana.—This fine species 
from §. France is known as the 
“Lady” Tulip. It has rosy flowers, 
white inside, with a deep purple or 
violet centre. (Bot. Mag. t. 1390.) 

T, Dammanniana.—A native of 
Mount Lebanon, having narrow 
lance-shaped leaves with hairy edges, 
and scarlet or purple-red flowers 
with a blackish base (Gartenjl. t. 
1300, f. 1). 

T, dasystemon.—A dwarf species 
with shining leaves, several white 
and yellow flowers being produced 
in succession from a single stem 
(Gard. Chron. 1905, xxxvii. 268). 

T Didier, —A pretty South 
European species, having crimson 
flowers with a blue-black centre 
and yellowish-white margins (Bot. 
Mag. t. 6639). There are several 
forms, including a yellow and white 
flowered one. 

T, Hichlerii—A beautiful species 
from the Caucasus, having broad 



leaves and large bright scarlet 
flowers having a black centre, and 
sometimes edged with yellow (Bot. 
Mag. t. 6191 ; Garten. t. 799). 

T. elegans.—This is considered a 
probable hybrid between 7. acum- 
inata and T. suaveolens. It has 
bright red or carmine flowers with 
a yellow centre, the segments being 
reflexed and tapering. (Garden, 
1887, ii. t. 626.) 

T, Elwesi.—A Persian species 6 to 
9 ins, high, having bright scarlet 
flowers edged with yellow, and hav- 
ing a small black blotch at the base 
(Gartenfl. t. 1147). 

T. Fosteriana.—This species has 
flowers of a brilliant crimson blotched 
at the base (Gard. Chron. 1905, 
Xxxvii, 268). 

TY. galatica.—A fine Tulip with 
broad wavy leaves, and large lemon- 

Fig. 383.—Tulipa galatica. (}.) 

or straw-yellow flowers about 2 ins. 

deep, and of the shape shown in 

sketch. The flowers appear in May. 
T  Gesneriana.—This fine but 



variable species is widely distributed 
from Italy to Asia Minor. It has 
broad ovate lance-shaped leaves, and 
sweet-scented bright scarlet flowers 
with a blackish centre. (Bot. Reg. 
tt. 46, 380.) This is the parent of 
most of the Garden Tulips. The 
variety fulgens has a yellow instead 
of a blackish centre ; spathulata has 
brilliant red flowers with a purple- 
black base ; and wolacea has reddish- 
violet flowers with a blue-black base. 
T. Schrenckt, from Turkestan, with 
bright crimson flowers, having a 
black blotch at the base is a distinct 
variety,considered by some authorities 
to be the parent of the Scarlet Duc 
Van Thol Tulips. (See 7’. suaveolens.) 

T. Greigi—A fine species from 
Turkestan, easily recognised by its 
pale or grey green leaves, being 
heavily blotched with purple-brown. 
The large fiery red _ bell-shaped 
flowers have a blackish base with 
a yellow zone. (Bot, Mag. t. 6177; 
Gartenf. t. 773; Fl. d. Serr. t. 
2261.) There are several forms, one 
called aurea, having yellow flowers 
with a reddish centre, and aiba, hav- 
ing white margins, 

T. Haageri—A native of Asia 
Minor about 9 ins, high, with cherry- 
red flowers often tinged with yellow 
outside, and a blue-black centre 
bordered with yellow within (Bot. 
Mag. t. 6242; Gartenf. t. 790; 
Belg. Hort, 1877, t.2). The variety 
nitens 1s much finer than the type, 
having flowers 3 ins. across, bright 
orange-red, black at the base, and 
flushed with grey and bronze outside 
(Gard. Chron. 1908, xxxiii. 305; 
Gard, 1903, Ixiii, 293, 325, 372, f.). 

T. iliensis,—A native of Turkestan 
about 6 ins. high, with narrow leaves 
and citron-yellow flowers (Bot. Mag. 
t. 6518, B. ; Gartenfl. tt. 975, 982). 

T. ingens,—A native of Bokhara, 
having bright scarlet - vermilion 



flowers with a conspicuous black blotch 
at the base, the outer segments 
having a broad yellowish band outside 
(Gard. Chron, 1902, xxxii, 14, f. 7). 

T, Kaufmanniana,—A_ beautiful 
Tulip, 8 to 12 ins, high, from Turkes- 
tan, with grey-green leaves developed 
after the large bright carmine flowers 
edged with white are produced. The 
inner surface of the perianth seg- 
ments is pearly white, with a bright 
yellow base bordered with crimson. 
(Bot. Mag. t. 6887; Gartenfl. t. 906, 
f. 6-10.) There are a few forms or 
variations of this species sometimes 
seen, that known as pulcherrima 
being probably a hybrid between it 
and 7. Greigi. The variety aurea 
has yellow margins ; and coccinea has 
vivid scarlet flowers with a clear 
yellow base. 

T, Kesselringi,—A native of Turke- 
stan with narrow channelled grey- 
green leaves and bright yellow 
flowers about 2 ins, deep, the three 
outer segments being suffused with 
reddish-brown outside (Bot. Mag. 
t. 6754; Gartenfl. t. 964). 

T, Kolpakowskyana,—A pretty 
species also from Turkestan, with 
deeply channelled lance-shaped leaves 
about 1 ft. long, having minutely 
ciliated margins. The scapes are 
1 to 2 ft, high, each bearing a large 
handsome flower 2 to 3 ins, deep, 
variable in colour, being sometimes 
bright red with a black centre and 
purple-black stamens, sometimes 
yellow flushed with red outside, and 
sometimes pure yellow with a 
blackish centre and yellow anthers 
and filaments. (Bot. Mag. t. 6710; 
Gartenfl. t. 951; Garden, 1891, t. 

T, Korolkowi.—This is a native of 
the deserts between Khiva and Tash- 
kend, and is related to 7. Hichleri, 
but has smaller flowers of a dazzling 
red, with a black blotch at the base. 



T, lanata,—A native of Asia Minor, 
about 8 to 12 ins. high, having 
brilliant crimson flowers, the seg- 
ments of which are furnished with 
a woolly tip—hence the specific 

T Leichtlinii—A distinct and 
pretty species from Kashmir, about 
18 ins. high, the three inner segments 
of the perianth being yellowish-white 
and much shorter and blunter than 
the outer ones, which are of a bright 
purple or coral-red, edged with white 
(Garden, 1891, t. 819). 

T, linifolia.—A species from 
Central Asia, recognised by its 
narrow grey-green very wavy leaves 
and glowing scarlet flowers with a 
black centre, borne on scapes 6 to 8 
ins, high. 

T. Lownei.—A Syrian Tulip with 
yellow-green leaves and bright lilac 
flowers, the segments of which are 
marked at the base with a broad 
bright yellow stain (Gard, 1899, lvi. 

T, macrospeila.—A fine Tulip, 
probably a hybrid between 7. Ges- 
neriana, and some other species. It 
is like Gesneriana in habit, and has 
large fragrant crimson flowers 3 to4 
ins. deep, the broad bluntish segments 
each having a blackish wedge-shaped 
blotch bordered with yellowish-white 
at the base. 

T, maculata.—Another kind of 
garden origin, resembling 7. Gesnert- 
ana, and having bright crimson-red 
flowers with a black centre, borne 
on downy stalks, 

T, maleolens, from Italy, is similar, 
but has unpleasant-smelling flowers. 

T, Maximowiczi.—A rare species 
from Bokhara, related to 7. linifolia, 
and having the stems furnished with 
alternate linear leaves, the margins 
of which are red and minutely hairy. 
The fine purple-red or bright crimson 
flowers have a dark blotch bordered 


with white at the base. (Garten/i. t. 
1307; Gard. Chron. June 1896, 
757, £.) 

T. Micheliana.—A Persian Tulip 
with leaves like those of 7. Greigi, 
and large red flowers with a black 
basal blotch broadly edged with 

T, montana,—This species is distri- 
buted from Armenia to Afghanistan, 
and is remarkable for the dense 
wool which covers the interior of the 
bulb coats, It flowers as late as July, 
the blooms being of a bright carmine- 
red with a blackish centre. (Bot, 
Reg. t. 1106.) 

T. nitida—A dwarf species from 
Bokhara resembling 7. Korolkowt. 
Flowers about 2 ins. deep, bright 
vermilion-scarlet, with a black base. 
(Gard, Chron, 1902, xxxi. 350, f. 119; 
Gard. 1903, Ixiv. 40.) 

T. Oculis-solis—A fine Tulip from 
S. France, with bright red flowers 2 
to 3 ins. deep, having a large black 
blotch bordered with yellow at the base 
(Red. Lil, t. 219; Bot. Reg, tt. 204, 
1143, 1419 (the variety precozx)). 

T, Orphanidea.—A native of 
Greece, with stalks 1 to 2 ft. high, 
bearing bright yellow flowers with 
pointed petals flushed outside with 
red (Bot. Mag. t. 6310; Gartenji. t. 

T, Ostrowskyana,—This species 
from Turkestan is closely related 
to 7. Oculis-solis, It has narrow 
lance-shaped leaves and bright red 
flowers with a blackish base. (Bot. 
Mag. t. 6895; Gartenfl. t. 1144, f. 
1-2; Garden, 1894, ii. t. 965.) Fig. 

T, patens (7. tricolor).—A Siberian 
Tulip, having oblong funnel-shaped 
whitish flowers with a yellow base 
(Gartenfl. t. 827; Bot, Mag. t. 3887). 

T, persica,—A Persian Tulip with 
deep green narrow leaves edged with 
red, and scapes 6 to 9 ins, high, often 



bearing more than one sweet-scented 
flower, the interior of which is bright 
yellow, the outside being golden 

Fic. 834.—Tulipa Ostrowskyana. (4.) 


T, preecox,—A native of Central 
Europe, having strong stems 1 to 14 
ft. high, and conical flowers of a 
bright red inside, greenish yellow at 
the base with a blackish-violet blotch 
(Bot, Reg. t. 880, as 7’, Gesneriana). 

T, prestans.— An early-flowering 
Tulip from Bokhara, close to 7’. 
Kaufmanniana and T. suaveolens. 
The roundish bulbs have a very thick 
parchment-like skin, The leaves and 
flower-stems are covered with minute 
white hairs. Flowers light scarlet- 
vermilion with a yellow base. The 
flowers are borne singly or in clusters 
of six to ten on a single scape. (Bot. 
Mag. t. 7920; Gard, Chron. 1903, 
Xxxii, 239, 324, 364, f. 126.) 

T. primulina,—A native of Eastern 
Algeria, somewhat like 7. sylvestris. 
It hasnarrow leaves and sweet-scented 
bell-shaped primrose - yellow flowers 
about an inch deep, the outer seg- 
ments being tinged with red outside, 
while the stamens are densely hairy 
atthe base, (Bot, Mag. t. 6785.) 



T, pulchella,—A pretty dwarf 
Tulip from the Cilician Taurus, with 
narrow channelled leaves about 3 ins, 
long, and slender scapes only an inch’ 
or two high. The funnel-shaped 
flowers are rose, mauve, or lilac, with 
a yellow base, and very hairy whitish 
filaments. (Bot. Mag. t. 6304.) 

T, retroflexa,— This attractive 
Tulip is thought to be a hybrid 
between 7 acuminata and 7’. Gesneri- 
ana. The stems are 14 to 2 ft. high, 
bearing a bright yellow flower about 
3 ins. deep. (Garden, 1887, ii. t. 626.) 

T, saxatilis—A native of Crete, 
having bright shining green leaves, 
unlike those of most Tulips, The 
scapes are 9 to 12 ins. high, with 
a pale magenta flower having a deep 
yellow base. (Bot. Mag. t. 6374.) 

T, Sintenesi—A curious Armenian 
species, having flattish leaves and 
red or scarlet flowers covered with 
a “bloom,” and having a black blotch 
at the base (Bot. Mag. t. 7198). 

T, Sprengeri.—Another Armenian 
species, closely related to 7. Haageri. 
It has fine glowing scarlet flowers 
without a blotch at the base, borne 
on scapes about 18 ins, high, from 
the middle to the end of June. 

T, stellata, from the N.W. Hima- 
layas, is closely related to 7, Clusiana. 
It has whitish or pale yellow flowers 
without a blotch at the base. (Bot. 
Mag. t. 2672.) 

T, suaveolens,—This fine species is 
a native of S. Russia, and is con- 
sidered to be the parent of the early 
red and orange Duc Van Thol 
Tulips. It has broad leaves, and the 
sweet-scented bright scarlet, yellow- 
edged flowers are borne on scapes 
about 6 ins. high. (Bot. Mag. t. 839; 
Fl. d. Serr, t. 1223.) The variety 
plurtfiora has two flowers on a stem. . 

T, sylvestris.—This species is ad- 
mitted as a doubtful native of 
Britain, and is found in chalk-pits 

446 / 



and waste ground in various parts 
of England. It has narrow grey- 
green leavts 6 to 10 ins. long, and 
bright yellow sweet-scented flowers 
on stems 1 to 2 ft. high. (Bot. Mag. 
t, 1202; Rev. Hort. t. 165.) T. 
Bieberstemiana, T. fragrans, and 
T. strangulata are considered to be 
forms or geographical variations of 
T. sylvestris, 

T, triphylla.—A native of Central 
Asia, having three to four narrow 
sickle-shaped leaves, and _ bright 
citron-yellow flowers tinted with 
green on the outside (Bot. Mag. t. 
6459 ; Gartenjl. t. 942). The variety 
Hoeltzert has the three outer petals 
yellow and purple. (Gartenjf. t. 
1144, f. 3-4, A. B.). 

T. Tubergeniana.—A native of 
Bokhara, having large rich orange- 
crimson flowers with a dark blotch 
at the base of the very broad and 
somewhat sharply-pointed segments 
(Gard, Chron, 1904, xxxv. 258, f.; 

' Flora and Sylva, April 1905). 

T, turkestanica,—A native of 
Turkestan, closely related to 7. 
biflora, having lance-shaped curved 
leaves and often two white flowers 
about 14 ins. across, with a yellow 
centre (Gartenjl. t. 1050, f. 2). 

T, undulatifolia.—A handsome 
Tulip from Asia Minor, having grey- 
green narrow lance-shaped wavy 
leaves, and scapes 6 to 9 ins, high, 
with a bright crimson bell-shaped 
flower washed with green outside, 
and having a black centre with a 
yellow ring. Some forms have 
yellow centres and flatter, less wavy 
leaves, (Bot, Mag. t. 6308.) 

T, unifiora,—A Tulip from the 
Altai Mountains, having pale yellow 
flowers borne on slender scapes, about 
the middle of which are a pair of 
lance-shaped leaves (Gartenfl. t. 906, 
f. 25; Sw. Br. Fl. Gard. Serr. ii. 
t, 336), 



T, violacea,—A Persian species 
near 7’, Clusiana, but with narrower 
leaves and smaller flowers of a 
brilliant deep carmine with a black 
base, and borne on stems about 6 
ins. high. It is one of the first 
Tulips to flower in the open. (Bot. 
Mag. t. 7440.) 

T, viridifiora.—A curious form of 
T. Gesneriana, having large greenish 
or greenish-yellow flowers striped 
and banded with yellow. It is 
supposed to be the parent of the 
Parrot or Dragon Tulips. 

T, vitellina.—This is considered 
to be a hybrid between 7’. Gesneriana 
and J. suaveolens, It has large 
flowers of a delicate whitish or 
butter-like yellow. (Garden, 1889, 
li. t. 730.) 

T. Wilsoniana,—A Persian species 
with wavy red-edged leaves, very 
bright red flowers without a basal 
blotch or only a very small one, and 
red filaments with golden anthers. 
The bulbs bear a mass of protruding 
woolly hairs. (Gard. Chron. 1901, 
xxix, 327, f. 121.) 

DisEases. — Tulips are sometimes 
afflicted with a fungus (Sclerotenia 
parasitica) which forms olive brown 
velvety patches on the stems, leaves, 
and flowers. Diseased plants should 
be taken up and burned at once, and 
the soil should be well dressed with 
slaked lime and flowers of sulphur 
to prevent the spread of the fungus. 

TUPISTRA (tupis, a mallet; in 
reference to the form of the stigma). 
Nat. Ord. Liliacee.—A small genus’ 
closely related to Aspidistra, consist- 
ing of hothouse herbaceous perennials, 
having thickish or tuberous root- 
stocks, large leaves, and stalkless 
flowers in dense cylindrical spikes, 
All the species grow in rich loamy 
soil, and require plenty of heat, and 
moisture during growth. The winter 



temperature should not go below 55° 
to 60° F. : 

T, Clarkei.—A native of Sikkim, 
with thick creeping rhizomes, 
oblanceolate glossy leaves 4 ft, 
long and over 4 ins. broad on stiffish 
erect stalks. Flowers dull reddish- 
purple inside, at first green outside 
with purple margins, but entirely 
buff later on. (Bot, Mag. t. 7957.) 

Other species are T. macrostigma, 
dark purple (Bot. Mag. t. 6280); and 
T, squalida, dull violet (Bot. Mag. 
tt. 1655, 3054). 

TYPHONIUM (after Typhon, a 
monster with 100 snakes’ heads, The 
plants are used to cure snake-bites 
in the East). Nat. Ord. Aroidee. 
—A genus containing over a dozen 
species of tuberous-rooted herbs 
having long-stalked Arum-like leaves 
cut into three to five lobes in some 

T, giganteum Giraldi—A native 
of the moist places in the light woods 
of N. China, where it was discovered 
by Fr. Giraldi. It has large roundish 
tubers and broad, bright green, wavy, 
thick -ribbed leaves with speckled 
stalks. The peduncle, which is also 
speckled, bears a large, more or less 
constricted spathe 8 to 10 ins. long, 
and of a deep purple colour tinged 
with olive. The cylindrical blackish 
spadix in the centre is very con- 
spicuous. (Gard. Chron. 30th August 
1902, 150, f.) 

This species having been proved 
hardy in Sweden, should prove an 
acquisition to the hardy Aroids in 
the British Islands. Other species, 
however, require a warm greenhouse 
or stove temperature. Father Gir- 
aldi’s variety of 7. giganteum might 
be grown in well-drained gritty soil, 
and is apparently easily increased 
from seeds, or by offsets from the 



URCEOCHARIS (made up from 
Urceolina and Hucharis). Nat. Ord. 
Amaryllides.—This title represents 
an interesting bi- generic hybrid 
between Urceolina pendula and 
Eucharis grandiflora, known under 
the name of U. Chobrani. It is 
intermediate between its parents in 
almost every particular, and has 
white-stalked flowers in trusses on 
top of the stem. (Gard. Chron. 1892, 
ii. £.36 ; Journ. Hort. 1893, xxvi. f. 38). 

This plant is still very rare. It 
will flourish in a warm greenhouse, 
in a compost of rich sandy loam and 
leaf-soil, with a little well-decayed 

URCHOLINA (urceolus, a little urn 
or pitcher ; in reference to the shape 
of the flowers). Nat. Ord. Amaryl- 
lidese.—This genus consists of the 
three species mentioned below. They 
are herbaceous plants with tunicated 
bulbs 1 to 2 ins. in diameter, thin 
stalked oblong or lance-shaped leaves, 
and umbels of urn-shaped flowers 
drooping from the top of a fleshy 
leafless scape. 

The Urceolinas are natives of the 
Andes of Peru and Bolivia, one 
species, U. miniata, being found at an 
altitude of 10,000 ft. They are easily 
grown in a cool or slightly warm 
greenhouse, and may be potted in a 
compost of rich sandy loam and leaf- 
soil, Growth commences in spring, 
and a fair amount of moisture is 
necessary at the root, until the plants 
show signs of going to rest in the 
autumn and winter. Then the bulbs 
are kept dry and cool until they 
show signs of life again in spring. 
They may be shaken out of the old 
soil and repotted, or some of the old 
soil may be removed from the top, 
and replaced with fresh compost. 
Offsets are the simplest method of 



U. latifolia (Leperiza latifolia).— 
This species has leaves about 9 ins. 
long, and 4 to 5 ins. broad without 
the stalks, and six to eight bright 
yellow flowers tipped with green 
during the summer months (Bot. 
Mag. t. 4592). 

U. miniata (Pentlandia miniata).— 
The leaves about 1 ft. long, and 1 to 
13 ins, broad, are produced after the 
flowers. These are bright scarlet, 
not tipped with green, two to six 
drooping from a scape 1 to 14 ft. 
high. (Bot. Reg. 1839, t. 68.) 

U. pendula (U. aurea), the 
Drooping Urn Flower.—This is the 
best-known species. It has oblong 
pointed leaves a foot or more long 

Fic. 335.—Urceolina pendula. (4.) 

and 4 or 5 ins, broad, and bright 
yellow flowers tipped with green, 
drooping from a scape a foot or more 
high (Bot. Mag. +t. 5464). The 
variety fulva has shorter leaves, 
more rounded at the base, and much 
smaller flowers than the type. 

449 : 



URGINEA (from Ben Urgin, the 
name of an Arab tribe). Nat. Ord. 
Liliaceee—A genus containing about 
twenty-five species of bulbous plants, 
having strap-shaped or narrow leaves, 
and starry or bell-shaped six-parted 
flowers borne in erect trusses. 

The species mentioned below are 
all natives of 8. Africa, except when 
otherwise stated, and although not 
strictly hardy, may be grown during 
the summer months in the open air 
in the milder parts of the country. 
They are, however, chiefly grown in 
pots in greenhouses, and are only of 
botanical or economic interest. A 
sandy loam suits them, and stock is 
increased by offsets. 

U. altissima (Drimia altissima).— 
A species having roundish bulbs 4 to 6 
ins, through, broadly lance - shaped 
leaves 12 to 18 ins, long, and whitish 
flowers, keeled with purple in dense 
trusses on stems 2 to 3 ft. high (Bot. 
Mag. t. 1074). 

U. exuviata.—A plant with bulbs 
about 1 to 2 ins. through, roundish 
flexuose leaves, 1 to 2 ins. long, and 
trusses of whitish flowers veined with 
purple (Bot. Mag. t. 871). _ 

U. filifolia (Albuca filifolia).—This 
species has bulbs about 1 in. in 
diameter, thread -like wavy leaves, 
and whitish flowers’ keeled with 
purple on slender stems 6 to 12 
ins. high (Bot. Reg. t. 557). 

U. maritima (UV. Scilla), S—a ONION 
Squmt.—A native of the Mediter- 
ranean region, having large ovoid 
bulbs 4 to 6 ins. in diameter, and 
grey-green lance-shaped fleshy leaves. 
Flowers whitish keeled with greenish- 
purple, borne in dense trusses a foot 
long, on reddish stems 3 to 5 ft. high. 
(Bot. Mag. t. 918 ; Red. Lt. t. 116.) 

The bulbs of this species supply 
the Squills of commerce. They 
contain a very acrid juice which will 
blister the fingers, whilst the vapour 


arising from it often irritates the eyes 
and nose. 

UVULARIA (uvula, from wa, a 
small bunch of grapes ; in reference 
to the arrangements of the fruits or 
seed-pods), BreLLwort. Nat. Ord. 
Liliaceze.—A small genus of hardy 
herbaceous perennials with thickish 
creeping root - stocks, stalkless or 
perfoliate leaves, and bell - shaped 
flowers drooping from the tips of 
the shoots. , 

The Uvularias or Bellworts are 
natives of N. America, and are 
perfectly hardy. They flourish in 
sandy peaty soil, and may be 
increased by division of the root- 
stocks in autumn, but may also be 
raised from seeds. When grown in 
bold masses in the rockery or garden 
they look very graceful. 

‘U. grandifiora. — A pretty plant 
1 to 2 ft. high, having smooth 
perfoliate leaves 2 to 4 ins. long, and 
pale yellow flowers about May and 
June (Bot. Mag. t. 1112). 

U. perfoliata.—_This is similar in 
appearance to U. grandiflora, but 
has rather longer leaves and smaller 
flowers( Bot. Mag. t. 955). 

U. puberula.—This species has 
oblong pointed stalkless leaves 2 to 3 
ins. long, fringed with hairs on the 
margins, and yellowish flowers from 
the ends of the shoots and the axils 
of the upper leaves (Lodd. Bot. Cab. 
t. 1260). 

U. sessilifolia is somewhat similar 
to the others, but has oblong pointed 
stalkless leaves of a membranous 
texture (Bot. Mag. t. 1402). 

VALLOTA (after P. Vallot, a 
French botanist), Nat. Ord. Amaryl- 
lidez.—The only member of the 
genus is— 

V. purpurea (Amaryllis purpurea ; 
A, specitosa).—A charming S. African 
plant well known under the popular 



name of “Scarborough Lily.” It 
has large ovoid bulbs, strap-shaped 
bright green leaves 18 to 24 ins. long, 
and six to nine bright scarlet funnel- 
shaped flowers on the top of a hollow 
fleshy scape 2 to 3 ft. high. (Bot. 
Mag. t. 14380). 

+ MANY, 
ae a 

( Wy 
Ny y sl (( Y y 

Fic. 836.—Valotta purpurea, (4.) 

There are several varieties, the best 
being eximia, with white-centred 
flowers 4 ins. across; and magnijica, 
very similar, but more vigorous. 

The Scarborough Lily may be 
grown out of doors during the 
summer months in the milder parts 
of the Kingdom. It is, however, 
generally grown in pots in the 
greenhouse, and flourishes in rich 
sandy loam and leaf-mould. When 
the bulbs are well established, they 
throw up their brilliant flowers every 
year, and if the plants have not had 
too much heat, they will last quite a 
long time in blossom in a_ cool 
drawing-room. Increased by offsets. 

Hybrids are said to have been 
raised by crossing Vallota with Hip- 
peastrum—a very likely proceeding. 



VELTHEIMIA (after Count Aug. 
Ferd. Veltheim (1741 to 1801), a 
patron of botany). Nat. Ord. Liliacez. 
—A small genus of 8. African bulbous 
plants having fleshy wavy leaves, 
and erect oblong-conical trusses of 
drooping, cylindrical flowers. 

They are almost hardy in the 
mildest parts of the Kingdom, and 
may be grown in the open air at any 
rate during the summer months. 
They flourish in rich light sandy soil 
with a little leaf-mould or well- 
decayed manure, and may be easily 
increased by offsets, or by well- 
ripened leaves inserted in sandy soil 
to produce new bulbs at the base. 

V. glauca.—A pretty plant with 
grey-green wavy leaves, and trusses 
of red or yellow spotted flowers borne 
on scapes a foot or more high (Bot. 
Mag. tt. 1091, 3456). 

Fic. 337.—Veltheimia viridifiora. (4.) 

V. viridifiora (V. capensis).—This 
is the best-known species. It has 



tufts or rosettes of strap-shaped wavy 
leaves 9 to 12 ins. long, and scapes 
1 to 14 ft. high, bearing from forty to 
sixty reddish-yellow spotted flowers 
in summer. (Bot. Mag. t.501; Red. 
Lil. t. 186.) 

VERATRUM (vere, truly; ater, 
atrum, black; in reference to the 
colour of the roots), Fase or WHITE 
HELLEBORE. Nat. Ord. Liliacese.—A 
genus of distinct herbaceous peren- 
nials having thickish poisonous root- 
stocks, strongly veined or plaited 
leaves, and branched trusses of starry 
six-parted flowers, 

The Veratrums are bold and orna- 
mental-looking plants in the border 
or rockery, They like a rich and 
well-manured loamy soil, and more 
or less shaded positions, and may 
be increased by division of the root- 
stocks in autumn or spring. They 
may also be raised from seeds, but 
this is a slow process, several years 
often elapsing before flowering plants 
are obtained. 

V. album (White Hellebore).—A 
noble-looking perennial 3 to 5 ft. 
high, from the Caucasus and Altai 
Mountains, It has large stalkless, 
broadly oval, plaited leaves a foot or 
more long, and whitish flowers 
tinged with green outside, borne in 
dense trusses on stems 1 to 2 ft. high 
in July. (Red. In, t. 447.) The 
variety Lobelianum has wholly 
greenish flowers; and the variety 
viride (or Helontas viride), from 
N. America, also has greenish 
flowers with lance-shaped petals (Bot. 
Mag. t. 1096). 

V. californicum.—A Californian 
species 5 to 6 ft. high, having branched 
panicles of greenish- white flowers 
(Gard. Chron. 1900, xxviii. 22). 

V. Maacki—A Siberian species 
about 2 ft. high, having lance-shaped 
leaves about 6 ins. long, and dark 



purple flowers with a blackish base 
borne in loose panicles in July 
(Gartenji. t. 1070). 

V. nigram,—An ornamental plant 
2to 3 ft, high, somewhat swollen at 
the base, and having oblong plaited 
leaves about 1 ft. long, and 6 to 8 ins. 
broad. The blackish-purple flowers 
are borne in June in dense racemes 
1to3ft. high. (Bot. Mag. t. 963.) 

V. Wiedemannianum.—A native 
of Kurdistan, having flowers of indigo- 
blue, fading to purple-lilac. 

Wachendorf, a Dutch botanist). Nat. 
Ord. Hemodoracee.—A genus with 
seven species of tuberous-rooted 
perennials having sword-shaped or 
rarely linear leaves, sometimes large 
and more or less plaited. Flowers 
yellow, in terminal and often hairy 
panicles or trusses, All natives of 

-§. Africa, 

The Wachendorfias flourish in 
sandy peat, loam, and leaf-soil, but 
can be regarded as hardy only in the 
mildest parts of the Kingdom. In 
severe winters they should be pro- 
tected from frost and cold rains by 
means of hand-lights, bracken, etc. 
They may be increased by division 
of the tuberous roots in spring as 
growth is commencing, or by seeds 
sown in cold frames or gentle heat 
when ripe. 

W. brevifolia grows about 1 ft. 
high, has lance-shaped plaited leaves, 
and crimson flowers tinged with 
yellow and softly hairy outside (Bot. 
Mag. t. 1116). 

W. hirsuta,—A downy plant about 
18 ins. high, with three-nerved 
narrow sword-shaped leaves, and 
reddish flowers becoming golden- 
yellow when fully open (Bot. Mag. 
t. 614), 

W. paniculata.—This grows about 
18 ins, high, and has three-nerved 



sword-like leaves and golden-yellow 
flowers in panicles (Bot. Mag. tt. 
616, 1060 (padlida) ). 

W. thyrsiflora,—A species about 
2 ft. high with broad sword-shaped 
plaited leaves. The yellow flowers, 
with six lance-shaped acute seg- 
ments, appear in early summer, in 
loose erect racemes, (Bot. Mag. t. 

WATSONIA (after W. Watson, a 
London apothecary), Bucte Lity. 
Nat. Ord. Irideze.—A genus of beauti- 
ful §. African herbaceous plants, 
having fibrous-coated corms, sword- 
shaped leaves, and tall spikes of 
tubular bell-shaped flowers. 

The Watsonias may be grown in 
the open air during the summer 
months from the Midlands south- 
wards, and should be planted in 
warm, sunny, and sheltered. spots. 
In other localities it is safer to grow 
them in frames or greenhouses, In- 
deed this is how they are often 
cultivated. They like a rich sandy 

‘loam with a little leaf-soil, peat, or 

well-decayed manure, whether grown 
in pots or in the border. During 
growth the roots should have plenty 

“of moisture, but when at rest no 

water should be given. In the 
autumn the corms of outdoor plants 
should be lifted before severe frosts 
set in, and may be stored in frost- 
proof places until April and May. 
The plants may be increased by off- 
sets and by seeds. 

W. aletroides(Antholyzualetrotdes). 
—A pretty species 2 to 3 ft. high, 
having thickish, narrow, sword-like 
leaves, and spikes of scarlet flowers 
in June and July (Bot. Mag. tt. 441, 

Ww. angusta (W. iridifolia).—This 
species has narrow lance-shaped 
leaves in two rows, and from eight 
to twenty-four scarlet flowers in a 



spike (Bot. Mag. t. 600; Fl. d. Serr. 
t. 107). 

Fic. 338.—Watsonia angusta. 

W. brevifolia has narrow, pointed, 
distichous leaves, those on the stems 
being spathe-like. The scarlet flowers 
appear about May and June in one 
or two rows on the spikes. (Bot. 
Mag. t. 601.) 

W. coccinea,—A fine plant 1 to 2 
ft. high, closely related to W. Meri- 
ana, and having spikes of scarlet 
flowers (Bot. Mag. t. 1194). 

W. densifiora,—A fine species, 
with narrow stiffish leaves 14 to 2 ft. 
long, and spikes of soft rosy flowers 
in June (Bot. Mag. t. 6400). 

W. humilis,—A pretty plant 2 to 
24 ft. high, with two rows of narrow 
sword-shaped leaves 1 to 14 ft. long, 
and deep rose-coloured flowers in 
July and August (Bot. Mag. tt. 63, 

W. marginata,—This species grows 
3 ft, or more high, and has somewhat 
leathery lance-shaped leaves 2 to 2} 



ft. long, and bright pink drooping 
flowers (Bot. Mag. t. 608). There 
is a smaller-flowered variety called 
minor (Bot, Mag. t. 1530). 

W. Meriana (Antholyza Meriana).— 
This fine species, 1 to 2 ft, high, has 
thickish lance-shaped, strongly-nerved 

Fic, 839.—Watsonia Meriana. (4.) 

leaves, and spikes of purple or scarlet 
flowers in May or June (Bot. Mag. 
t, 418). 

The variety iridifolia grows 
about 3 ft, high, and has white 
flowers (Bot. Mag. t. 600); rosea- 
alba has white and rose blossoms 
(Bot, Mag. tt. 537, 1198); and 
Ardernet or O’Brient is perhaps the 
finest member of the genus, It 
grows 4 ft, high, and has branched 
stems bearing pure white funnel- 
shaped ‘flowers 2 ins. across (Fig. 

‘W. punctata,—This dwarf-growing 
species, with narrow, flattish, or 
rounded leaves has scarlet or violet 
flowers in June (And, Bot. Rep. t. 
177, as Ixia). 

W. rosea (Gladiolus iridifolius).— 
This fine species grows 3 to 4 ft, 



high, and has leathery leaves 2 to 23 
ft. long, and spikes of funnel-shaped 
bright rosy flowers from July to 
October (Bot. Mag. t. 1072; Jacg. 
Ie, t. 235). 

W. strictiflora,—A_ little-known 
species with narrow leaves about 6 to 
12 ins, long, and spikes of erect scent- 
less cherry-red flowers: marked with 
violet-purple in the throat (Bot. Mag. 
t. 1416). 

Fia. 840.—Watsonia Meriana 
Ardernet. (3.) 

WELDENIA, Nat. Ord. Commelin- 
acee.—A genus containing only one 

W. candida.—A native of Mexico 
and Guatemala, having fleshy tuberous 
root-stocks, from which arise annually 
six to eight strap-shaped leaves with 
folding bases. The snow-white 
flowers, about an inch across, are 
borne on erect scapes in a cluster in 
the centre of the leaves (Bot. Mag. 
t. 7405). 



WILBRANDIA (after Joh. Bernh, 
Willbrand, a German botanist, born 
1789, died 1846), Nat. Ord. Cucur- 
bitaceze.—A_ little-known genus, the 
only known species of which is— 

W. drastica (Rhynchocarpa glom- 
erata),—A. tuberous-rooted perennial 
from Brazil, closely related to the 
Bryony, and having digitately five- 
lobed leaves and climbing stems 9 to 
12 ft. long. The small whitish 
flowers (males and females being 
separate on each plant) are borne 
in panicles, and are succeeded in 
autumn by small egg-like fruits. 

This plant—if worth growing at 
all—may be raised from seeds sown 
in heat annually, the young plants 
being placed in warm sunny spots 
about May or June. 

WURMBBA (after F'. Van Wurmbe, 
a Dutch Naturalist), Nat. Ord. 
Liliacee.—§ little-known genus of 
bulbous plants, having narrow leaves, 
and short spikes of bell-shaped 
flowers. They are natives of 8. 
Africa, and may be grown in a cool 
greenhouse or frame, or in the open 
air in the milder parts during the 
summer months in sandy loam and 
leaf-soil, and may be increased by 

W. capensis (W. campanulata ; 
Melanthium monopetalum).—This is 
the best-known species. It grows 
from 6 to 12 ins, high, and has the 
upper leaves linear, the lower ones 
being lance-shaped, dilated, and 
sheathing at the base, The white 
flowers appear in May and June, and 
if several plants are grown together 
they look very pretty. (Bot. Mag. 
t. 1291.) 

‘W. purpurea is very similar, but 
has purplish flowers (Bot. Mag. t. 

XANTHOSOMA (zanthos, yellow ; 
soma, a body; in reference to the 



large yellow stigma), Nat. Ord. 
Aroidee.—A genus containing about 
twenty species of hothouse herbaceous 
plants, closely related to the Cala- 
diums, and having milky juice, tuber- 
ous or thickened root-stocks, and 
large hastate or sagittate leaves 
with long stalks. The Howers are 
moncecious, and borne on a spadix 
which stands in the centre of a 
convolute spathe. 

These plants being natives of 
Tropical America (W. Indies, Brazil, 
Venezuela, Guiana, etc.), flourish in 
a hot moist atmosphere, with a 
minimum winter temperature of 60° 
to 65° F. During growth the foliage 
should be syringed two or three times 
a day, generally in the morning and 
late afternoon, and plenty of water 
should be given to the roots, The 
most suitable compost seems to be 
a rich sandy loam, to which leaf- 
mould and well-rotted manure may 
be added. Suckers are produced 
from the base of the plants, especially 
if the main stem has been cut or 
injured in any way, and by this 
means the stock may be increased. 
The suckers should be inserted in a 
hot-bed in a close case or under a 
bell-glass, and will soon root. The 
plants are valued chiefly for the 
ommamental appearance of the 

X. auriculatum,— Leaves three- 
lobed, heart-shaped, suddenly taper- 
ing at the tip, having reddish or 
green stalks, striped with brown 
(Gartenjl. 1869, t. 603). 

X. Barilletii_A handsome plant 
with bright green leaf-stalks a yard 
long, the blades being deeply cut 
into three to five large strongly- 
veined lobes (Rev. Hort. 1882, p. 

X. cordatum.—This species has 
heart-shaped leaves 1? ft. long and 
over 1 ft. broad, with stems 2 ft. or 



more long. The yellow-green spathe, 
over 6 ins. long, is rose-tinted at the 
base and whitish inside. (Kew Bull. 
1906, 7.) 

X. Hoffmanni,—A Mexican plant, 
having leaves deeply cut into five to 
seven lobes, dark green with a bluish 
metallic sheen, the stalks being 
whitish blotched with dark purple. 
The spathe has a green tube, purple 
within, the limb being white. 

X., Lindeni.—A pretty plant, is well 
known under the name of Phyllote- 
nium Lindent. It has oblong-hastate 
leaves about 1 ft. long, deep green, 
with the midrib and side veins of 
ivory white. (Jil, Hort. 1872, t. 88.) 
The variety magnificum has larger 
and finer leaves than the type. 

X, mirabile.—This distinct species 
has green leaves about 1 ft. long, 
spotted with yellow and divided into 
three oval, lance-shaped, pointed 
segments, the leaf-stalks being about 
a yard long. The flower-spathe is of 
a primrose-yellow colour. (Gard. 
Chron. 1874, ii. p. 258.) 

X, sagittifolium,—Leaves 12 to 18 
ins. long, broadly oval, sagittate, 
pointed, borne on stalks a yard or 
more high, Flower-spathe greenish 
and white. (Bot. Mag. t. 4989.) 

X, violaceum,—A very ornamental 
species with sagittate, oval oblong 
blades 9 to 18 ins. long, on brownish- 
violet stalks 2 to 3 ft. long. Spathe 
pale violet outside, yellowish-white 
within, enclosing a violet and white 

ZEPHYRANTHES (zephyros, west 
wind ; anthos, a flower; reference to 
the New World—the West), ZEPHYR 
Frower. Nat. Ord. Amaryllidez.— 
A genus containing about three dozen 
species of herbaceous plants with 
tunicated bulbs, narrow strap-shaped 
leaves, and more or less erect funnel- 
shaped flowers borne on slender hollow 



stems. The genus HaBRantHus is 
now merged in this. 

Only a few species of Zephyr 
Flower can be regarded as hardy 
enough for out-door cultivation, and 
these are specially mentioned below. 
In most cases, especially in the less 
favoured parts of the Kingdom, it is 
safer to grow the bulbs in pots or 
pans in a frame, or slightly heated 
greenhouse, All species like a rich 
and fairly sandy loam, with a little 
leaf-mould or well-decayed cow- 
manure added, The bulbs vary from 
% in. to 14 ins, in diameter, so that 
when planted in the open border or 
rockery they should. be buried about 
three or four times their own 
diameter. When grown in pots it 
will be sufficient if the tops of the 
bulbs are just beneath the surface of 
the soil, To secure a display several 
bulbs should be planted together, as 
an odd one here and there is 
practically lost to view, and gives 
one a poor impression as to the real 
beauty of the plants when in blossom. 
The simplest way to increase the 
plants is by offsets from the old 

The following are some of the best- 
known species :— 

Zz, Andersoni (Habranthus Ander- 
soni).—This pretty little species from 
Monte Video is fairly hardy in the 
milder parts of the country. It has 
pale green leaves 5 to 6 ins, long, and 
yellow flowers, tinged with coppery- 
red outside, borne on slender scapes 
3 to 6 ins. long during the summer 
months. (Bot. Reg. t. 1345.) 

Z, andicola,— A native of the 
Chilian Andes, with grey-green linear 
leaves and bright violet flowers 2 ins, 
long, borne on scapes 6 ins. or more 
high, in January or February. 
Greenhouse or frame. 

Z, Atamasco (Amuaryllis Atamasco). 
—A fine species from the damp 



woods and fields- of Virginia, with 
bright green leaves, and pure white 
scentless flowers, 3 ins. long, borne 
from April to May on stalks 6 to 

Fia. 341.—Zephyranthes Atamasco. 

12 ins. high, and tinted with pink or 
purple in the bud state (Bot. Mag. 
t. 289; Red. Lil. t. 31; Lodd. Bot. 
Cab, t. 1899). 

zZ. aurea.—A Peruvian species, 
having narrow acute leaves about 1 
ft. long, and erect, funnel-shaped, 
orange-yellow flowers nearly 3 ins, 
across (Rev. Hort. 1904, 166, f. 67; 
Gard. Chron, 1908, xliii. 390; Gard, 
1908, 325, f.). 

Z, candida (Amaryllis candida ; A. 
nivea), Swamp Lily.—This pretty 
Zephyr Flower is abundant on the 
marshes of La Plata, and has bright 
green roundish leaves about 1 ft. 
long, and scentless flowers pure white, 
or slightly tinged with rose outside, 
borne on slender stalks 6 to 9 ins. 
long, in September (Bot. Mag. t. 
2607 ; Bot. Reg. t. 724). The variety 


Fie. 842.—Zephyranthes candida, 

Z carinata (Z. grandifora ; 
Amaryllis carinata).—A beautiful 
species, native of Central America 
and the West Indies, with linear 
leaves 6 to 12 ins. long. The 
beautiful deep rosy-pink flowers, 2 
to 3 ins. long, appear about June on 
stems 6 to 9 ins. long, and last in 
perfect condition a long time. There 
is a certain amount of variation in 
the colour, and the form called 
lilacina is chiefly distinguished by 
lilac-tinted blossoms. (Bot. Reg. tt. 
902, 2594.) 

Z. citrina.—This is supposed to be 
a native of Demerara. It has 
roundish stolon-bearing bulbs 14 ins. 
in diameter, very narrow bright 
green leaves about 1 ft. long, and 
bright yellow flowers 14 to 2 ins. long, 
in August and September, borne on 
two-edged scapes about 6 ins. high 
(Bot. Mag. t. 6605). Greenhouse. 

V1de0 Witn linear leaves, thin Hower 
scapes 6 ins. high, and pale re 
flowers 3 ins. long, with lance-shape 
spreading segments. 

Z, mesochloa.—A native of Bueno 
Ayres, with whitish flowers, gree! 
at the base, and tinged with re 
outside, borne in May or June o1 
stems about 9 ins. high (Bot. Reg. | 
1361). Fairly hardy in mild parts. 

Z. robusta. — Also a native 9 
Buenos Ayres, with narrow grey-gree! 
leaves which appear after the flower: 
These are rose-red 23 to 3 ins. long 
and are borne on slender scapes 6 t 
9 ins. high, about July and August 
(Lodd. Bot. Cab. t. 1761.) 

Z. rosea (Amaryllis rosea; A 
carnea).—A pretty Zephyr Flowe 
from the Cuban mountains, wit! 
linear bright green leaves and brigh 
rose-red flowers 1 in. long, abou 
September and October (Bot. Reg. 1 
821; Bot. Mag. t. 2587). Fairl 

Z. Taubertiana,— A _ Brazilia: 
species, with narrow linear leaves an: 
large pink-tinted flowers (Garten; 
1896, t. 1427). Requires greenhous 

Z. texana.—A native of Texas, wit: 
bright yellow flowers tinted wit! 
coppery - yellow outside, borne o1 
stalks 4 to 8 ins. high. Frame o 
greenhouse. (Bot. Mag. t. 3596.) 

Z. Treatie.—A handsome species 
native of the damp swampy parts o 
Florida, having grass- green leave 
about 4 in. broad, and white flower 
about 3 ins. long keeled with red, i: 
early summer, borne on more or les 
purplish stalks 6 to 12 ins, higt 
Fairly hardy. 



Z. tubispatha (Z. nervosa ; Amaryl- 
lis tubispatha).—A native of the 
West Indies and Central American 
mountains, with narrow linear flaccid 
leaves over 1 ft. long, and white, 
slightly fragrant flowers 14 to 2 ins, 
long, in early summer (Bot. Mag. 
t. 1586). Fairly hardy. 

Z. verecunda (Z. sessilis; Z. 
striata).—A. native of the highlands 
of Central Mexico, with narrow green 
leaves 6 to 12 ins. long, and white 
flowers 14 to 2 ins. long, keeled 
with red, and borne on stems 3 to 9 
ins. high, in the spring and early 
summer months (Bot. Mag. tt. 2583, 
2593 ; Ref. Bot. tt. 212,356). Green- 
house or frame. 

%, versicolor,—A South American 
species, with leaves a foot long, 
produced after the flowers, which 
appear in January or February, and 
are white, 2 to 2} ins. long, Aushed 
outside with red and green (Bot. 
Mag. t. 2485). 

ZINGIBER (the Indian name), Nat, 
Ord. Scitamineer.—This genus con- 
tains about twenty species of 
herbaceous perennials, having tuber- 
ous rhizomes, large more or less 
oblong or lance-shaped, leaves, and 
flowers borne in dense spike - like 

These plants are more of botanical 
and economic interest, although they 
are by no means unornamental. The 
root-stocks of the East Indian z. 
officinale supply the Ginger roots of 
commerce; Z. Cassumunar supplies 
Bengal Root (Bot. Mag. t. 1426); Z. 
Parishi, from Moulmein, has creeping 
root - stocks about 3 ft. long, and 
produces stems about 3 ft. high, 
having elliptic lance-shaped leaves, 
and pale yellow flowers veined with 
purple (Bot. Mag. t. 6019); 2. 
spectabile, from the Malay Peninsula, 



is about 8 ft. high, with oblong 
lance-shaped tapering leaves and pale 
yellow flowers with a red-brown lip 
spotted with yellow (Bot. Mag. t. 
7967); Z. Zerumbet, from the East 
Indies and Malaya, grows 3 to 4 ft. 
high, with broadly lance-shaped wavy 
leaves and pale sulphur-yellow flowers 
(Bot. Mag. t. 2000). There is a 
variety with variegated leaves, 

ZYGADENUS (zygos, a yoke ; aden, 
a gland; in reference to the double 
glands on the perianth). Nat. Ord. 
Liliaceee.—A little-known genus of 
herbaceous plants with rhizomes or 
bulbous root - stocks, clusters of 
narrow leaves, and branched racemes 
of more or less bell-shaped flowers, 

These plants are chiefly of botani- 
cal interest. They like a deep, moist 
peaty soil in somewhat shaded places, 
and may be increased by division 
of the root-stocks or offsets. The 
following species are met with, 
They are all natives of N. America. 

Z angustifolius,—aA slender- 

-stemmed plant 12 to 18 ins. high, 

with reduced leaves, and racemes of 
small white flowers, turning purple 
with age (Bot. Mag. t. 1540). 

Z, glaberrimus (Helonias bracteata). 
—tThis species grows 2 to 3 ft, high, 
and has narrow grassy leaves 12 to 
18 ins. long, and small white flowers 
in June (Bot. Mag. t. 1708). 

Z. glaucus (Z. elegans).—A plant 
1 to 2 ft. high, with grey-green leaves 
1 to 2 ft. long, and loose racemes of 
whitish - green flowers in summer 
(Bot. Mag. t. 1680, as glaberri- 

Z. Musezetoxicum (Helonias leeta), 
Fly Poison Plant.—This grows 1 to 
2 ft. high, has the leaves much 
reduced, and bears greenish - white 
flowers in summer (Bot. Mag. t. 
803 ; Lodd, Bot. Cab. t. 998). 



In the preparation of this volume the author, in addition to his 
own practical knowledge and experience, has consulted or quoted 
from the following horticultural and botanical works and publica- 

tions. In the text the titles of many are abbreviated on account 
of space. 

And, Bot, Rep.= Andrews (H. C.), Botanical Repository ; London, 1799-1811 ; 
10 vols. 4to ; 664 col. plates, 

Baker, J. G. Handbook of the Amaryllidece ; London, 1888. 

Baker, J. G. Handbook of the Iridee ; London, 1892. 

Bot. Mag.=Botanical Magazine ; London, 1787 (still published monthly) ; 
col. plates, 

Bot. Reg.= Botanical Register ; London, 1815-1847 ; 33 vols. 8vo; col. plates. 

Dictionary of Gardening, Geo. Nicholson, A.L.S. ; London, 1885-1888. 

Elwes, Iil.=Elwes (H. J.), Monograph of the Genus Lalium ; London, 1880 ; 
fol. ; col. plates. ; 

Fl. d. Serr.= Flore des Serres et des Jardins de l'Europe ; Ghent, 1845-1883 ; 
col. plates. 

Flor. Mag.= Floral Magazine ; London, 1861-1871 ; 8vo. 

Gard. Chron.= The Gardeners’ Chronicle ; London, 1841 to date (weekly) 

Gard =The Garden ; London, 1871 to date (weekly). 

Gartenfl.—Gartenflora, founded by E. Regel, 1852 to date (monthly); col. 

ll. Hort =L’ Illustration Horticole ; Ghent, 1850 to date; col plates. 

Jacq. Ic, =Jacquin (N.), [cones Plantarum ; Vienna, 1781-1793 ; 3 vols. 

Lem. Jard. Fleur.=Lemaire (C.), Le Jardin Fleuriste ; 4 vols. 8vo ; Ghent, 
1851-1854 ; col. plates. 

Lodd. Bot. Cab.=Loddiges (C.), Botanical Cabinet ; London, 1812-1833 ; col. 

Maw, Cag Noe (Geo.), Monograph of the Genus Crocus ; London, 1886 ; 
; 4to ; col. plates. 
Paxt. Mag. Bot.=Paxton’s Magazine of Botany ; London, 1841-1849 ; 16 vols, 

8vo ; col, plates, 


Red, [1l.=Redouté (P.), Les Lilacées; Paris, 1802-1816; 8 vols. fol. ; col, 

Ref. Bot.=Saunders (W. W.), Refugium Botanicum ; London, 1869-1872 ; 8vo. 

Rev. Hort.= Revue Horticole ; Paris, 1828 to date. 

Sw. Brit. Fl. Gard.=Sweet’s (R.) British Flower Garden; London, 1823- 
1838 ; 8vo. 

Weathers, J. Practical Guide to Garden Plants ; London, 1901. 

Reference has also been made to the pages of the Journal of Horticulture ; 
The Gardeners’ Magazine ; The American Florist ; Gardening Illustrated ; 
The Gardeners’ Assistant (W. Watson); Kew Bulletin ; and W. Robinson’s 
English Flower Garden, etc., etc. 




Achene, a dry, non-bursting, one-seeded 

Achlamydeous, flowers without sepals 
or petals. 

Actinomorphic, when regular flowers 
can be cut into two equal halves in 
more than one plane. 

Acuminate, taper-pointed. 

Adnate, one organ united to another. 

Alternate, when leaves are arranged 
on a stem one after another. 

Amplexicaul, stem-clasping. 

Andreecium, the stamens (or male 
organs) of a flower. 

Angiosperms, flowering-plants with 
ovules enclosed in an ovary. 

Anther, the sac-like part of the stamen 
containing the pollen essential for 

Apocarpous, when several pistils or 
carpels in the same flower are separate. 

Auricled, with leaf-like appendages, as 
in Cyclamen. 

Bipartite, when leaves are divided into 
two parts nearly to the base. 

Bipinnate, when the pinne or divisions 
of a pinnate leaf are themselves again 

Biternate, when the divisions of a 
ternate leaf are themselves ternate. 

Bracteate, furnished with bracts. 

Bracts, small leaves at the base of the 

Bulb. See p. 1, and Figs. 1, 2, 3, 4, 

Calyx, the outer and usually greenish 
whorl of leaf-like organs (sepals) out- 
side the corolla (petals). 

Carpel, another name for the pistil 
—which see. 


Connate, when two similar bodies are 
slightly united at the base. 

Convolute, when one part is rolled up 
within another lengthwise, 

Corolla, the more or less highly- 
coloured whorl of floral leaves (petals) 
between the calyx and stamens. 

Corm. See p. 1, and Figs. 5, 6, 13, 16, 
17, 18, 19, 53. 

Corona, the central conspicuous growth 
in Narcissi flowers. 

Corymb, a raceme having flowers at 
one level owing to the lower ones 
having longer stalks than the upper 

Crenate, when the teeth on the margins 
of leaves are rounded. 

Cuneate, wedge-shaped. 

Cyme, an inflorescence formed of a 
terminal flower beneath which are 
two opposite side-shoots, each ending 
in a blossom and again having side- 

Diadelphous, when stamens are in two 
distinct bundles. 

Dichlamydeous, flowers having both 
sepals and petals. 

Dichotomous, forked in pairs. 

Dicotyledons, with two seed-leaves. See 

. 43. 

eae see having two long and two 
short stamens. 

Dicecious, when the stamens are on one 
plant and the pistils or carpels on 

Distichous, arranged in two opposite 

Ensiform, sword-shaped. 

leaf-like bodies, as in 



Epigynous, when the sepals, petals, 
and stamens are seated apparently on 
the ovary. 

Epipetalous, when the stamens are 
seated on the corolla. 

Equitant, overlapping each other like 
the leaves of many Irises. 

Fasciated, applied to stems which 
become fused and flattened. 

Fascicle, a cyme or crowded cluster of 
flowers each on short stalks or 

Filament, the stalk of a stamen. 

Fistular, hollow-stemmed or hollow- 

Flexuose, flexuous, zigzag, changing 
direction at each joint; wavy. 

Follicle, a swollen one-celled carpel with 
several seeds, as in Pasony, Aconitum, 

Gamopetalous, when the petals are 
united, not free. 

Gamosepalous, when the sepals are 
united, not free. 

Glaucous, grey- or blue-green. 

Gynecium, the carpels or pistils 
(female organs) of a flower. 

Hastate, arrow-shaped, with the lobes 
pointing outwards, not downwards, as 
in sagittate—which see. 

Hermaphrodite, when stamens and 
pistils are in the same flower. 

Hypogeous, hypogeal, remaining 

Hypogynous, seated beneath the ovary. 

Indehiscent, said of non-bursting seed 

Inflorescence, the flowers and the way 
they are arranged on the stems. 

Involucre, the circles of leafy bracts at 
the base of a flower-head. 

Irregular, when the parts of a flower 
are unequal in size. See Figs. 37, 41. 

Laciniate, cut deeply into narrow, 
irregular segments. 

Monadelphous, one brotherhood—said 
of stamens when united into one 

Monochlamydeous, when flowers have 
only sepals or petals, but not both. 
Monocotyledons, with one seed-leaf. 

See p. 43. 

Moncecious, when the stamens and 
pistils are in separate flowers but on 
the same plant, as in Begonia. 

Ob, inverted or reversed, as in obovate, 
oblanceolate, obcordate, obovoid, etc. 

Ocrea, a tubular membranous stipule 
surrounding the stem. 

Ovary, the unripened seed-vessel. 

Ovule, the young seed before it has 
been fertilised by the contents of the 

Panicle, a raceme with branching 

Pedicel, the stalklet of a single flower 
on a raceme, panicle, or corymb, ete. 
See Figs. 87, 40, 41, 50, 99, ete. 

Peduncle, flower-stalk. 

Peltate, roundish, with the stalk in the 

Perfoliate, when a stem apparently 
passes through a leaf. 

Perianth, the name given (especially in 
Monocotyledons) to the floral leaves 

Perigynous, growing above and round 
the ovary. 

Petals, the parts of the corolla. 

Petiole, leaf-stalk. 

Phanerogams, flowering-plants. See 
p. 43. 

Pinnate, when leaflets are arranged on 
opposite sides of a common stalk. 

Pistil, the ovary, style, and stigma 
taken together. 

Pollen, the dust-like granules from the 
anthers which serve to fertilise the 

Polygamous, when male, female, and 
hermaphrodite flowers are intermixed 
on same plant. 

Polypetalous, when the petals are 
quite free and distinct from each 

Protandrous, when the anthers in a 
flower ripen before the stigmas. 

Protogynous, when the stigmas in a 
flower ripen before the anthers. 

Raceme, a main flower-stem with 
several shortly-stalked flowers, as in 
Lily of the Valley. See Fig. 99. 

Rachis, the main or central stem of an 


Abobra, .55 
Acanthacee, 53 
Achimenes, 55 
picta, 319 
Acidanthera, 57 
Acts, 327 
Aconitum, 58 
Acorus, 59 
Agapanthus, 59 
Umbrella, 186 
Albuca, 60 
filifolia, 449 
Alectorurus yedoénsis, 83 
Alisma, 61 
Alismacez, 44 
Auium, 61 
eroceum, 107 
Alocasia, 63, 
amabilis, 65 
argyroneura, 124 
gigantea, 65 
Johnstoni, 188 
Roeztli, 1238 
Alpinia, 66 
Alstreemeria, 68 
Banksiana, 70 
Caldast, 109 
perwviana, 70 
psittacina, 70 
Salsilla, 109 
Amaryllidez, 45 
Amaryllis, 70 
Atamasco, 456 
australasica, 158 
Banksiana, 118 
Broussoneti, 163 
bullisperma, 159 
candida, 158, 456 
capensis, 159 
carinata, 457 
carne, 457 
ciliaris, 120 


Synonyms in Italics 

cinnamomea, 274 
clavata, 188 
crispa, 274 
cylindracea, 185 
disticha, 120 
dryades, 261 
Forbest, 158 
gigantea, 158 
Grifiniana, 117 
humilis, 188 
hyacinthina, 261 
Josephine, 117 
latifolia, 158 
longifolia, 159 
lutea, 423 
nivea, 456 
orientalis, 117 
ornata, 157, 158 
ornata, Ait., 163 
purpurea, 450 
radiata, 349 
Radula, 118 
revoluta, 159 
rosea, 457 
rotundifolia, 220 
speciosa, 456 
spectabilis, 163 
stellaris, 274 
tubispatha, 458 
vivipara, 157 
zeylanica, 164 

Amicia, 72 

Ammocharis, 72 
Slateriana, 118 

Amomum, 72 

Amorphophallus, 73 
nivosus, 202 

Ampelidez, 49 

Ampelopsis, 76 

Anchomanes, 76 

Androcymbium, 76 

Androstephium, 77 

Anemone, 77 
hortensis, 79 


pavonina, 79 
Peacock, 79 
Poppy, 78 
St Brigid, 79 
stellata, 79 
thalictroides, 427 
wood, 80 

Augiosperms, 43 

Anigozanthos, 81 

Anisanthus Cunonia, 84 
splendens, 84 

Anoiganthus, 81 

Anomatheca, 82 

Anthericum, $2 
pomeridianwm, 140 

Antholyza, 83 
aletroides, 452 
Meriana, 453 

Antigonon, 84 

Aphyllanthes, 85 

Apios, 85 

Apocynacee, 51 

Apodolirion lanceolatum, 244 

Aponogeton, 86 
Arisema, 87 
enneaphyllum, S7 
helleborifolium, 87 
Hookerianum, 88 
preecon, 88 
Steboldi, 88 
Arisarum, 89 
Aristolochia, 89 
Aristolochiacee, 54 
Arodendron, 90 
Aroidee, 47 
Arrowhead, 410 
Arthropodium, 90 
Arum, 90 
Arisarum, 89 
bicolor, 123 
campanulatum, 74 
corsicum, 93 
Dracontiwm, 87 
esculentum, 148 


indicum, 148 
sanctwm, 92 
sylvaticum, 76 
triphyllum, 89 
venosum, 412 
zebrinum, 89 

Asarabacca, 94 
Canadian, 93 © 

Asarum, 93 

Asclepiadez, 51 

Asclepias, 94 

Asparagus, 94 

Asphodeline, 96 

Asphodelus, 96 

Aspidistra, 96 

Babiana, 98 
Barnardia scilloides, 415 
Bean, Sacred, 377 
Begonia, 99 
winter-flowering, 103 
Begoniacez, 50 
Belamcanda, 103 
Belemcanda, 103 
Belladonna Lily, 70 
Berberidex, 47 
Beschorneria, 103 
Bessera, 104 
Biarum, 105 
Bidens, 105 
Bignonia, 105 
Bignoniacez, 53 
Birthwort, 89 
Bistort, 401 
Black Bryony, 426 
Black Lily, 225 
Blandfordia, 106 
Bleeding Heart, 195 
Blood Root, 411 
Bloomeria, 107 
Bluebell, 413 
Common, 415 
Spanish, 416 
Bobartia, 107 
Bocconia, 108 
Bomarea, 108 
conferta, 110 
Bongardia, 110 
Boraginex, 52 
Botrytis galanthina, 235 
Boussingaultia, 111 
Bowiea, 112 
Brachyspatha variabilis, 76 
Brachystelma, 112 
Brandy Bottle, 382 
Bravoa, 112 
Brevoortia, 113 
Brodieza, 113 
Brunsvigia, 117 
ciliaris, 120 
Massaiana, 159 
toxicaria, 120 


Bryonia, 118 
Bryony Black, 426 
Common, 118 
Bryophytes, 42 
Bulbils, 21 
Bulbine, 119 
Mackeni, 209 
Bulbinella Hookeri, $3 
Bulbocodium, 119 
Aitchisont, 353 
autumnale, 353 
trigynum, 353 
Bulbs, 1 
classification of, 42 
forcing, 24 
freaks of, 35 
functions of, 6 
hardy and half-hardy, 31 
imbricated, 1 
lifting and storing, 17 
retarding, 25 
scaly, 1 
tender, 33 
tunicated, 1 
Buphane, 120 
Burbidgea, 120 
Bushmen’s Poison Plant, 120 
Butomus, 121 

Caladium, 121 
esculentum, 148 
odorum, 65 
petiolatum, 76 

Calla, 124 
eethioptca, 405 

Calliphruria, 124 
subedentata, 218 

Calliprora lutea, 115 

Callipsyche, 124 

Callirhoe, 125 

Callithauwma viridiflorwm, 422 

Calochortus, 126 
Leichtlini, 129 
umbellatus, 128 
uniflorus, 128 

Calostemma, 130 

Calyciflore, 50 

Camassia, 131 

Campanula canariensis, 182 

Campanulaces, 51 

Canarina, 132 

Canna, 133 

Caryophyllez, 48 

Castalia edulis, 384 

Caulophyllum, 136 

Cautleya lutea, 409 

Celandine, Lesser, 404 

Cephalandra, 136 

Ceropegia, 137 

Chamelirium, 138 

Chenopodiacez, 54 


Chinaman's Breeches, 195 ' 
Chionodoxa, 188 é 
Chionographis, 140 
Chlidanthus, 140 
Chlorogalum, 140 

Leichtlini, 132 
Chlorospatha, 141 
Christmas Bells, 106 
Chrysiphiala flava, 421 
Chrysobactron Hookeri, 88 
Cipura paludosa, 352 
Cissus, 141 
Classification of bulbous )lants, 

Claytonia, 141 
Clinostylis speciosa, 255 
Cliveucharis, 216 
Clivia, 141 
Cloves, 20 
Coburgia blanda, 71 

ciliaris, 120 

coccinea, 421 

Sulva, 421 

humilis, 421 

Radula, 118 

trichromum, 421 
Codonopsis, 143 
Colchicum, 144 

bulbocodioides, 146 

chionense, 147 

latifolium, 146 

procurrens, 354 
Colocasia, 147 

odorata, 65 
Commelina, 148 
Commelinacee, 144 
Composite, 51 
Conanthera, 148 
Conophallus Titanum, 75 
Contractile roots, 8 
Convallaria, 149 

bifolia, 350 

multifiora, 400 

opposttifolia, 401 

Polygonatum, 401 

verticillata, 401 
Convolvulacez, 52 
Convolvulus candicans, 290 

Jalapa, 290 

pandurata, 290 
Cooperia, 151 
Corms, 1 

functions of, 6 
Corydalis, 151 

bulbosa, 152 

tuberosa, 152 
Corynophallus Afzeli, T4 
Cosmos diversifolius, 190 
Costus, 152 
Crane’s-bill, 240 
Crinum, 158 

Algoénse, 159 

Angustifolium, 185 

aquaticum, 156 

\ Crinum—contin ued 
arenariwm, 155 
attenuatwm, 157 
australasium, 155 
australe, 161 
brevifolium, 156 
Broussoneti, 163 
caffrum, 156 
canaliculatum, 161 
capense, 159 
Colensot, 160 
exaltatum, 161 
Herbertianum, 164 
Lesemanni, 162 
Lindleyanum, 157 
Linnei, 159 
Makoyanum, 160 
natalense, 160 
nervosum, 220 
obliguum, 186 
ornatum, 162 
revolutum, 157, 159 
riparium, 159 
Roxburght, 157 
Ruppelianum, 163 
speciosum, 159 
superbum, 155 
taitense, 161 
tenellum, 274 
toxicarium, 155 
vanillodorum, 158 
Wallichianum, 164 
Weinmanni, 158 
Worsleyi, 160 

Crocosma, 164 
Crocus, 164 
algeriensis, 171 
annulatus, 168 
atlanticus, 171 
chrysobelenicus, 170 
Cloth of Silver, 168 
Sragrans, 174 
irvidiflorus, 168 
lageneflorus, 167 
mesiacus, 167 
multifidus, 173 
nivalis, 172 
odorus, 171 
Orphanidis, 173 
pyreneus, 171 
revolutus, 173 
Saffrou, 172 
Scotch, 168 
sublimus, 172 
syriacus, 174 
voriegatus, 172 
veluchensis, 167 
Cross-fertilisation, 23 
Crossyne ciliaris, 120 
Crown Imperial, 227 
Cuban Lily, 417 
Cuckoo Pint, 92 
Cucurbitacee, 50 
Cultivation under glass, 12 


Cumingia campanilata, 148 

Curculigo, 174 
Cureuma, 175 
cordata, 176 

Cut flowers, bulbs for, 26 

Cuttings, 22 
Cyanella, 176 
Cyclamen, 176 
estivum, 178 
autumnale, 178’ 
balearicum, 184 
caucasicum, 178 
cordifolium, 178 
cyprinum, 178 
elegans, 178 
Jicaritfolium, 183 
hederefoliwm, 188 
hybridum, 178 
hyemale, 178 
immaculatum, 184 
odoratum, 178 
persicum, 179 
robustum, 178 
romanum, 184 
vernale, 178 
Cyclobothra alba, 126 
Cypella, 184 
Cyphia, 185 
Cyrtanthus, 185 
breviflorus, 81 
Cyrtosperma, 188 


Dahlia, 188 
anemonesjlora, 189 
bidentifolia, 189 
erocata, 190 
glabrata, 190 
superflua, 190 

Datura, 194 

Daubenya, 195 

Delphinium, 195 

Diacles ciliaris, 263 

Dicentra, 195 

Dichopogon, 196 

Dicotyledons, 43 

Dielytra, 195 

Dierama, 196 

Dietes, 855 
Huttont, 356 

Dioscorea, 197 

Dioscoreacez, 46 

Dipcadi, 198 

Dipladenia, 199 

Disciflore, 49 

Disporum, 199 

Dolichos, 200 

Doronicum, 200 

Dorstenia, 201 

Dracontium, 201 

Dracunculus, 202 
vulgaris, 92 


Dragon's Mouth, 91 
Dragon Plant, 92 
Dragon Root, 87 
Drimia, 203 
altissima, 449 
Drimiopsis, 203 
Duck's Foot, 398 


Echidnium Regelianum, 201 
Echites nobilis, 199 
Eichhornia, 203 
Elephant's Foot, 427 
Elisena, 204 
Equestrian Star, 274 
Eranthemum, 204 
Eranthis, 205 
Eremostachys, 206 
Eremurus, 206 
caucasicus, 209 
Elwesianus, 208 
vedrariensis, 209 
Eriospermum, 209 
Erythronium, 209 
Eucharis, 214 
Eucomis, 218 
Eucrosia, 219 
Eurycles, 219 
Eusipho angustifolius, 185 
Eustephia, 220 
Evening Flower, 273 
Exogonium Purga, 290 


Ferraria, 221 
Flag, Common, 301 
water, 310 
yellow, 310 
Fockea, 221 
Forcing bulbs, 24 
Freaks of bulbous plants, 35 
Freesia, 221°” 
Fritillaria, 224 
canaliculata, 230 
Kotschyana affints, 229 
leucantha, 232 
macrophylla, 343 
minor, 229 
montana, 231 
Orsiniana, 231 
Fumaria nobilis, 152 
Fumariacee, 48 
Funkia, 233 

Gagea, 234 
Galanthus, 235 
Galaxia, 237 
Galtonia, 238 

Gamopetale, 50 
Gastrochilus, 239 
Gastronema clavatum, 188 

sanguinewm, 187 
Geissorhiza, 239 
Gentiana, 240 
Gentianee, 52 
Georgina Cervantesi, 189 
Geraniaces, 49 — 
Geranium, 240 
Gerrardanthus, 241 
Gesnera, 241 

elongata, 819 
Gesneracee, 53 
Gethyllis, 243 
Ginger, 458 

Wild, 93 
Gladiolus, 244 

gramineus, 353 

grandiflorus, 246 

tridifolius, 453 

natalensis, 249 

refractus, 222 

ringens, 250 

versicolor, 247 
Gladwin, Fetid, 300 
Glass, cultivation under, 12 
Globba, 253 

nutans, 67 
Gloriosa, 254 

Planti, 256 

simplex, 256 
Gloxinera, 256 
Gloxinia, 257 

hirsuta, 418 

tubiflora, 57 
Glycine Apios, 85 
Glyphosperma, 259 
Godwinia gigas, 202 
Gonioscypha, 260 
Grains of Paradise, 73 
Grassland, bulbs for, 29 
Greenhouses, bulbs for, 27 
Griffinia, 260 ' 
Ground Nut, 85 
Guernsey Lily, 380 
Guinea Pepper, 73 
Gymnosperms, 43 
Gypsophila, 262 


Hablitzia, 262 

Habranthus Andersoni, 456 

Hemanthus, 263 
abyssinicus, 266 
arabicus, 266 
brevifolius, 264 
ciliaris, 120 
delagoénsis, 266 
hydrophilus, 156 
intermedius, 263 
Kalbreyert, 266 


orbicularis, 267 
quadrivalvis, 267 
Redouteanus, 267 
Roupert, 266 
tenuiflorus, 266 
toxicaria, 120 

Hemodoracez, 45 

Hemodorum, 267 

Hardy and half-hardy bulbs, 31 

Haylockia, 267 
Hedychium, 268 
Helianthus, 270 
ITelicodiceros crinitus, 91 
Heliayra, 355 
Hellebore, False, 451 
Helonias, 270 

bracteata, 458 

leta, 458 

virginica, 358 

viride, 451 
Heloniopsis, 270 
Hemerocallis, 271 

alba, 234 

ceerulea, 234 

japonica, 234 

plantaginea, 234 
Herbertia, 272 
Hermannia, 272 
Hermodactylus tuberosus, 316 
Herreria, 273 
Hesperantha, 273 
Hesperocallis, 273 
Hesperocordum, 113 
Hessea, 278 
Heterotropa asarotdes, 94 
Hexaglottis, 274 
Hippeastrum, 274 

‘Homeria, 279 

flewuosa, 274 
Hookera coronaria, 114 
Hottentot Bread, 427 
Hyacinth, 279 

Roman, 282 
Hyacinthus, 279 

candicans, 238 

comosus, 357 

non-seriptus, 415 

racemosus, 353 

stellaris, 414 
Hybridisation, 23 
Hydrocleis Commersoni, 847 
Hydrosme Teutzi, 75 
Hydrotenia Meleagris, 429 
Hymenocallis, 283 
Hypoxis, 287 

Icacina, 287 

Imantophyllum, 141 

Imhofia Bergiana, 274 
Burchelliana, 274 


erispa, 274 
Siltfolia, 274 
gemmata, 274 

Incarvillea, 288 

Ipomea, 288 

Tridez, 46 

Tris, 290 
egyptia, 313 
amend, 303 
anglica, 317 
Bearded, 291 
Bornmiillert, 299 
brachycuspis, 312 
Cushion, 292 
decora, 808 
English, 317 4 
Florentine, 300 
fragrans, 297 
Sugax, 313 
furcata, 295 
German, 301 
gigantea, 308 
halophila, 302 
hispantea, 318 
imberbis, 304 
Japanese, 305 
Keempferi, 305. 
Kingiana, 304 
lineata, 314 
longifolia, 304 
mauritanica, 304 
microptera, 295 
Mourning, 314 
nudicaulis, 297 
ochroleuca, 305 
Oncocyclus, 292 
pyrenaica, 317 
Regelio-Cyclus, 293 
Robinsoniana, 355 
scorptoides, 295 
Snake’s Head, 316 
Spanish, 318 
stenogyne, 302 
stenophylla, 303 
stylosa, 316 
subbiflora, 297 
tigrina, 304 
Tolmieana, 807 
tomiolopha, 315 
transtagana, 295 
trialata, 295 
tripetala, 303 
vagc, 306 

Tscharum, 105 

Ismene Amancees, 284 
Andreant, 284 
calathina, 284 
Macleana, 286° 
tenwifolia, 286 

Isoloma, 319 

Ixia, 319 
bulbifera, 420 
chinensis, 103 

erocata, 483 
excisa, 239 
rochensis, 240 

Ixiolirion, 321 


Jalap, False, 290 
True, 290 

Jonquil, Queen Anne's, 309, 372 
Campernelle, 371 
Rush-leaved, 369 

Joss Flower, 376 


Kempferia, 321 
Knotgrass, 401 
Korolkowia Suworowi, 230 


Labiate, 53 

Lachenalia, 323 
lanceefolia, 416 

Lady Seal, 426 

Lady’s Locket, 195 

Lapeyrousia, 325 

Larkspur, 195 

Lathyrus, 326 

Leguminose, 50 

Lent Lily, 373 

Leontice, 326 

Leperiza ewerosioides, 423 
latifolia, 449 

Leucocoryne, 326 

Leucojum, 327 

Lewisia, 328 

Liatris, 329 

Libertia, 330 

Lifting and Storing bulbs, 17 

Liliacez, 44 

Lilium, 330 
aurantiacum, 337 
autumnale, 345 
Biondi, 342 
Carolinianum, 345 
claptoniense, 343 
colchicum, 340 
diseases, 347 
excelsum, 346 
Loddigesianum, 340 
Michaucianum, 345 
nigrum, 225 
nitidum, 336 
odorum, 388 
penduliflorum, 335 
pennsylvanicum, 337 
sinicum, 836 

zovitsianum, 340 


Thomsonianwm, 843 
Thunbergianum, 837 
tubiflorum, 841 
Uke-Uri, 883 
Wallichianum, 345 

Lily, Chinese Sacred, 376 
Cuban, 417 
Garland, 373 
Lent, 373 
Scarborough, 450 
Swamp, 457 
Tiger, 346 
Turk's Cap, 340 

Lily of the Incas, 70 

Limnocharis, 847 

Littonia, 348 

Lloydia, 348 

Lobelia volubilis, 185 

Lords and Ladies, 92 

Lotus, Sacred, 385 

Lowia, 348 

Lycoris, 348 

Lyre Flower, 195 

Lysichitum, 349 


Macleaya yedoénsis, 10S 
Maianthemum, 330 
Malvacem, 49 
Maranta, 350 
Marica, 351 
californica, 419 
Mariposa Lily, 126 
Marvel of Peru, 354 
Massonia, 352 
May Apple, 398 
Meadow Rue, 427 
Meadow Saffron, 144 
Medeola, 352 
asparagoides, 95 
Megarhiza, 353 
Melanthium, 353 
monopetalwm, 454 
Melaspherula, 353 
Merendera, 353 
Methonica grandiflora, 255 
superba, 256 
Milla, 354 
capitata, 114 
Douglasi, 114 
laxa, 115 
peduncularis, 116 
umiflora, 116 
Mirabilis, 354 
Monella angustifolia, 185 
collina, 185 
glauca, 185 
ochroleuca, 186 
Monkshood, 58 
Monochilus, 354 
Monochlamydew, £3 


Monocotyledons, 48 
Montbretia Pottsi, 434 
aureo-Pottst, 483 

Morea, 355 
flexuosa, 274 
Northiana, 851 
undulata, 221 
Murrain Berry, 426 
Muscari, 356 
Myrosma, 358 
Myrsiphyllum asparagoides, 05 
Myxothallophytes, 42 

Negelia, 358 
Naiadacee, 44 
Narcissus, 355 
abscissus, 371 
Ajax, 373 
Angel's Tears, 376 
Bunch, 375 
Butter and Eggs, 371 
candidissimus, 871 
Codlins and Cream, 368 
Eggs and Bacon, 368 
Gardenia-flowered, 373 
hispanicus, 370 
Mogador, 359 
montanus, 372 
Paper White, 372, 375 
patellaris, 373 
Pheasant’s Eye, 372 
Poet's, 872 
Polyanthus, 375 
Van Sion, 371 
Naturalising bulbs, 29 
Nelumbium, 377 
Nemastylis, 378 
Nerine, 373 
aurea, 349 
japonica, 349 
Nipha, 381 
Nothoscordum, 381 
aurewm, 107 
Nuphar, 382 
Nyctaginex, 54 
Nymphwza, 382 
cerulea, 886 
Kalmiana, 382 
rubra, 385 
semiaptera, 384 
Nympheacee, 47 

Offsets, 19 

Oleacee, 51 

Open-air cultivation, 9 

Ornithogalum, 386 
divaricatum, 140 
gramineum, 381 
ixioides, 115 

Ostrowskia, 388 
Othonna, 889 
Oxalis, 389 


Pachyrhizus, 391 
Peonia, 391 
Pancratium, 894 
Amancaes, 284 
amboinense, 220 
americanum, 286 
amenum, 285, 286 
angustum, 285 
australasicum, 220 
calathiforme, 284 
calathinum, 284 
caribeeum, 285 
caymanensis, 285 
declinatum, 285 
expansum, 285 
Sragrans, 286 
guianense, 287, 395 
littorale, 286 
lutewm, 140 
nervifoliwm, 220 
ovatum, 286 
petiolatum, 287 
rotatwm, 285 
speciosum, 286 
tubiflorum, 287 
undulatwm, 287 
Papaveracez, 48 
Pardanthus chinensis, 103 
Parlour Palm, 96 
Peacock Anemone, 79 
Pentlandia miniata, 449 
Phedranassa, 396 
rubro-viridis, 220 
Phalangiwm Liliago, 83 
pomeridianum, 140 
ramosum, 83 
Phalocallis plumbea, 184 
Phanerogams, 43 
Phlomis, 397 
laciniata, 200 
Phrynium variegatum, 351 
Phytolacca, 397 
Phytolaccacee, 54 
Pigeon Berry, 397 
Pilewort, 404 
Placea, 397 
Plagiolirion, 398 
Plantain Lily, 233 
Planting bulbs, depth for, 11 
Podophyllum, 398 
Poison Plant, Bushmen’s, 120 
Poke Weed, Virginian, 397 
Polianthes, 398 
Polygonacez, 54 
Polygonatum, 400 
Polygonum, 401 
Polymnia, 402 


Polypetale, 47 
Pontederia crassipes, 204 
Pontederiacez, 45 
Poppy Anemone, 78 
Portulacez, 48 

Pothos fetidus, 424 
Primulacez, 51 
Propagation, 19 
Proteinophallus Riviert, 75 
Pteridophytes, 42 
Puschkinia, 402 

Quamash, 131 


Ramsons, 62 
Ranunculacee, 47 
Ranunculus, 402 
Red Ink Plant, 397 
Red Puccoon, 411 
Reineckia, 404 
Retarding bulbs, 24 
Rhinopetalum Karelini, 228 
Rhizomes, 4 

functions of, 6 
Rhynchocarpa glomerata, 454 
Richardia, 404 
Rigidella, 408 
Roast Beef Plant, 300 
Romulea, 409 
Roots, contractile, 8 
Root-stock, division of, 22 
Roscoéa, 409 


Sacred Bean, 377 
Sagittaria, 410 
St Bernard's Lily, 88 
St Bruno’s Lily, 83 
Salvia, 411 
Sandersonia, 411 
Sanguinaria, 411 
Sauromatuim, 412 
asperum, 202 
Saxifraga, 418 
Saxifragacess, 50 
Scales, 20 

' Scaly bulbs, 1 

Scarborough Lily, 450 
Sceptranthus Drummondi, 151 
Schizostylis, 413 
Scilla, 418 
campanulata, 416 
esculenta, 182 
nutans, 415 
pumila, 417 
Scitaminee, 46 
Sclerotinia parasitica, 447 

. 470 

Sea Onion Squill, 449 
Seeds, 23 
Shamrock, Indian, 431 
Shrubberies, bulbs for, 29 
Sinningia, 418 
Sisyrinchium, 418 
Smilacina bifolza, 350 
canadensis, 350 
Snake Root, 98, 329, 401 
Soils and composts, 9 
Solanacez, 52 
Sowbread, 176 
Spadiciflore, 46 
Spanish Iris, 318 
Sparaxis, 419 
pulcherrima, 196 
Spatlum, 328 
Spawn, 20 
Sprekelia, 420 

| Squill, 413 

Sea Onion, 449 

Striped, 402 
Star of Bethlehem, 388 

yellow, 234 

Star Hyacinth, 414 
Star Tulip, 126 
Stenogastra concinna, 418 
Stenomesson, 420 

Stricklandi, 421 
Sterculiaces, 49 
Sternbergia, 422 

americana, 268 
Stink Lilies, 228 
Stricklandia, 423 
Stropholirion californicum, 117 
Strumaria, 424, 

crispa, 274 

Silifolia, 274 

stellaris, 274 
Symphytum, 424 
Symplocarpus, 424 
Synandrospadix, 424 
Synantherias sylvatica, 76 
Syringodea, 425 

Tacca, 425 
phallifera, 74 
Taccacee, 46 
Tamus, 426 
elephantipes, 427 
Tapeinotes Caroline, 418 
Tecophilea, 426 
Testudinaria, 427 
Thalamiflore, 47 
Thalictrum, 427 
Thallophytes, 42 
Thladiantha, 427 
Thomsonia, 428 
Tiger Flower, 428 
Tigridia, 428 
Herberti, 184 

Trilisa odoratissime, 329 

Tortoise Plant, 427 
Trichonema, 409 
Trichopus, 430 
Tricyrtis, 430 
Trillium, 431 
Catesbeit, 482 
nervosum, 432 
fetidum, 431 
Triteleia, 433 
grandiflora, 114 
Tritonia, 433 
aurea, 164 
odorata, 222 
refracta, 222 
Tropzolum, 435 
Tuberose, 398 
" Tubers, 3 
Tulbaghia, 436 
Tulip, Florists’, 440 
Darwin, 440 
Parrot, 441 
Tulipa, 437 
Breyniana, 442 
Celsiana, 442 
cornuta, 442 
tricolor, 445 
Tupistra, 447 
Twin Flower, 112 
Typhonium, 448 


Ureeocharis, 448 
Urceolina, 448 
Urginea, 449 
Urticacez, 54 
Uvularia, 450 
chinensis, 200 
lanuginosa, 199 

Vallota, 450 
Veltheimia, 451 
Veratrum, 451 
Verbenacez, 53 
Vieusseunta, 355 


Wachendorfia, 452 
Water Bean, 377 
Watsonia, 452 
Liliago, 83 
Wax Fountain Flowers, 137 
Wedding Flower, 356 




Weldenia, 454 

Wilbrandia, 454 
Windflower, 77 

Window boxes, bulbs for, 27 
Wolf's Bane, 58 

Wood Lily, 431 

Wurmbea, 454 


Xanthosoma, 454 
vulgare, 318 
Xiphion latifolium, 317 


Zantedeschia, 404 
Zephyranthes, 455 
grandiflora, 457 

nervosa, 458 

sessilis, 458 

striata, 458 
Zephyr Flower, 455 
Zingiber, 458 
Zygadenus, 458 




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